Preseented as Parrtial Fulfillmment of the Requiremeents to Obtain tthe Sarjanaa Pendidikann Degree

in Ennglish Languuage Educattion

Byy Dera Estuarso

Studdent Numbeer: 0312141147








“. . .pay attention to how you listen. . .” Luke 8:18

For Jehovah God, Lord Jesus and my beloved Family, who make me learn Luke 8:18




I honestly declare that this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works or part of

the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and references, as a

scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, June 29, 2007 The Writer

Dera Estuarso




My biggest appreciation goes to my major sponsor, C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

for her time and incessant support to the completion of this thesis. I am also indebted

to my co-sponsor, Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd, M.Pd., for sharing with me his critical

thoughts, helpful suggestions and encouraging advice.

I am very much grateful to Ajeng, Ella, and Rayyan who have volunteered

themselves participating in this study. My earnest gratitude also belongs to, as

always, my family for their persistent effort to sweep the worries and weariness in

the bumpy journey towards the completion of the thesis.

My thankfulness goes also to my PBI mates, who have supported me

unwaveringly, Bunga, Candra, Nicko, Vendi, Febri, Tika, Timur, Debby, Titik, Dono,

Joe, Non’ and for those whose names are not listed here.

Lastly, my great thankfulness is for those who have directly or indirectly

helped and supported me in writing this thesis.

Dera Estuarso





TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................................... i PAGE OF APPROVAL .......................................................................................... ii PAGE OF ACCEPTANCE ..................................................................................... iii PAGE OF DEDICATION ...................................................................................... iv STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY .......................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... vii LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................. xi ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xii ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ....................................................................................... 1 B. Problem Identification .......................................................................................... 3 C. Limitation of the study .......................................................................................... 3 D. Problem Formulation ............................................................................................. 4 E. Objectives of the Study ......................................................................................... 4 F. Benefits of the Study ............................................................................................. 5 G. Definition of terms ................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Description ......................................................................................... 8

1. The Nature of Listening .................................................................................... 8 2. The teaching of listening and Curriculum of English Language in

High schools in Indonesia ............................................................................... 10 3. Metacognition and Learning Autonomy ......................................................... 12

B. The Theoretical Framework ................................................................................ 14 1. Listening Journal and Self-awareness ............................................................ 14 2. The listening journal in Classroom Listening activity .................................... 15

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Method ................................................................................................................. 16



B. Research Participants .......................................................................................... 17 C. Setting .................................................................................................................. 18 D. Research Instruments .......................................................................................... 18

1. Listening journal ............................................................................................. 19 2. Field Notes ...................................................................................................... 19 3. Interview Guidelines ....................................................................................... 20 4. Comprehension Test ....................................................................................... 20

E. Data Gathering Technique ................................................................................... 20 F. Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 22

1. Data Reduction ............................................................................................... 22 2. Data Display ................................................................................................... 24 3. Data Summary ................................................................................................ 24

G. Research Procedure ............................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Research Findings ............................................................................................... 28

1. The Effect of Writing Listening Journal on Participants’ Listening Comprehension Skills ..................................................................................... 28 a. Participants’ Listening Strategies .............................................................. 29 b. Listening Strategies reported in Listening Journal .................................... 33

1) Unspecific Strategies ............................................................................. 33 2) Specific Strategies ................................................................................. 34

c. The Depth of the Listening Journal ........................................................... 35 d. Listening Comprehension Skills and Depth of Listening Journal ............. 36

2. The Effect of Writing Listening Journal on Participants’ Learning Autonomy ....................................................................................................... 39 a. Self-Awareness .......................................................................................... 40 b. Self-Direction ............................................................................................. 40 c. Self-Regulation’s Self Monitor .................................................................. 42

B. Other Findings ..................................................................................................... 46 1. Listening Journal Limitation .......................................................................... 46

a. The difficulty level of text and task ........................................................... 46 b. Participants’ Learning Style ....................................................................... 47

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 48 B. Implications for Teaching ................................................................................... 48 C. Suggestions for Future Research ......................................................................... 49



REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 50

APPENDICES A. Data Summary ..................................................................................................... 53

a. Summary of Listening Journals ...................................................................... 53 b. Summary of Listening Comprehension Test Score ........................................ 59

B. Listening Comprehension Test ............................................................................ 61 C. Listening Comprehension Test’s Text Transcript ............................................... 76 D. Listening Journals ................................................................................................ 87

a. Participant No1 ............................................................................................... 87 b. Participant No2 ............................................................................................... 94 c. Participant No3 ............................................................................................. 102

E. Field Notes ........................................................................................................ 110 F. Interview Transcript .......................................................................................... 124





Table 4.1 Evidence of Clarification ....................................................................... 32

Table 4.3 Summary of Comprehension Test Score ............................................... 37

Table 4.6 Evidence of Self Direction .................................................................... 42 Table 4.7 Evidence of Self Regulation .................................................................. 43

Table 4.2 Evidence of Evaluation .......................................................................... 33

Table 4.4 Summary of Summary of Effect of Listening Journal ........................... 48 Table 4.5 Evidence of Self Direction ..................................................................... 41





Figure 2.1 Learning Autonomy Continuum ........................................................... 13 Figure 3.1 Flow Chart of Research Procedure ....................................................... 26 Figure 4.1 Summary of the Effect of Listening Journal ......................................... 45




Estuarso, Dera. 2007. The Contribution of Listening Journal towards Learners’ Listening Comprehension Skills and Learning Autonomy. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

The rationale that language learning does not only involve reading and writing could be seen from the fact that most of the instructions of language teaching are done orally, thus opening the responsibility for the ability to perceive what one utters. Listening comprehension skills become important. However, it is understood that lack of understanding of listening processes has been thought as impediment to one’s listening capacity. It calls for an approach for students to understand the process necessary. Metacognition is one alternative. Means to raise metacognition is needed and have brought teachers and researchers to examine the use of written reflection. Therefore, an attempt to verify previous researches and investigate the issue of written reflection is worthwhile.

This current study investigated the use of listening journal for young English Learners in local context. This study involves three participants in ten listening comprehension tests accompanied by regular listening journals. Document Analysis and Observational Study are the method best utilized to treat the data. Supported mainly by qualitative data, this study attempts to figure out the effect of Writing Listening Journal on Learners Listening Comprehension Skills and on Learner’s Learning Autonomy.

From the study, it was understood (1) that Listening Journal does not necessarily contribute improving effects to Participants’ Listening Comprehension Skill, which may be due to limitation of the listening journal, and (2) that Listening Journal contributes beneficial effects to Participants’ Learning Autonomy, fostering it up to an initial phase of Self-Regulation. As other findings are factors which affect the depth of a Listening Journal. They were (1) participants’ learning style and (2) difficulty level of task and text.

It is suggested that teachers who are interested in incorporating listening journal notice that explicit learning strategy practice and maintaining challenge and impressions in the listening activity may be necessary. Future research is directed to validation on relationship between the variables. Quantitative approach to validate the effectiveness of the use of Listening Journal and to investigate the correlation between the extent of learning autonomy of a learner and learner’s comprehension skills improvement is highly recommended.




Estuarso, Dera. 2007. The Contribution of Listening Journal towards Learners’ Listening Comprehension Skills and Learning Autonomy. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Rasional pembelajaran bahasa yang tidak hanya melibatkan membaca dan menulis jelas terlihat dari kenyataan bahwa instruksi dalam pengajaran bahasa diberikan secara verbal. Hal ini memberi tanggung jawab akan adanya kemampuan untuk memahami apa yang disampaikan. Kecakapan dalam menyimak menjadi penting. Telah dipahami bersama bahwa kurangnya pemahaman akan proses menyimak mengganggu kemampuan menyimak seseorang. Maka, diperlukan sebuah pendekatan agar pelajar dapat memahami proses yang diperlukan. Sarana untuk meningkatkan metakognisi dibutuhkan dan kenyataan ini telah mendorong para guru dan peneliti untuk menguji penggunaan refleksi tertulis. Oleh karena itu pasti berharga untuk mencoba meneguhkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan untuk menyelidiki lebih lanjut masalah yang berkenaan dengan refleksi tertulis ini.

Studi ini meneliti penggunaan jurnal menyimak untuk pelajar bahasa Inggris dalam konteks local. Studi ini melibatkan tiga peserta yang diminta mengerjakan sepuluh ujian menyimak dan menulis jurnal menyimak secara rutin setelahnya. Dengan dukungan data kualitatif, serta Analisa Dokumen dan Observasi, studi ini mencoba mencari tahu dampak dari kegiatan menulis jurnal menyimak pada kecakapan menyimak dan pada kemandirian belajar sang peserta.

Dari studi ini didapati bahwa (1) penggunaan jurnal menyimak tidak selalu memberikan dampak yang meningkatkan kecakapan menyimak para peserta, yang sangat mungkin disebabkan oleh keterbatasan jurnal menyimak, dan bahwa (2) jurnal menyimak memberikan manfaat pada peningkatan kemandirian belajar, yakini berupa dorongan hingga tahap regulasi-diri. Temuan lain adalah berupa faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam tidaknya jurnal menyimak. Faktor tersebut adalah (1) gaya belajar para peserta dan (2) kesulitan teks serta tugas menyimak yang diberikan.

Disarankan untuk para guru yang berminat untuk memasukkan jurnal menyimak dalam kelas mereka agar latihan strategi belajar yang eksplisit diberikan dan kesan serta tantangan dalam kegiatan menyimak dipertahankan. Studi di masa mendatang disarankan untuk validasi hubungan antar variabel yang ada dalam studi ini. Pendekatan kuantitatif untuk validasi keefektifan penggunaan jurnal menyimak dan untuk meneliti hubungan antara taraf kemandirian belajar dan kecakapan menyimak sangat disarankan.






A. Background of the Study

The trend a few decades ago had been that productive skills in language

learning were more preferable to teach than the receptive ones –reading and writing

skills. Many had emphasized that, based on product-oriented framework, one could

be judged capable of communicating in a language if one is able to use it in terms of


The face of teaching and learning has changed with the emergence of firstly

behaviorism and then later cognitivism. Both have contributed insights of how one

should perceive learning process, in this case language learning process. Of

important contribution is that to be able to communicate in the target language

means to be able to produce and receive information in and from the target language.

Emphasis began to move from productive to receptive skills in 1960’s. Since then,

there have been many ways to achieve both types of skills. Furthermore, the

emergence of the well-known communicative language teaching and learning also

encourages that language learners’ ability to communicate in the target language

should extend to all the four skills.

The rationale that language does not only involve reading and writing could

be seen from the fact that most of the instructions of language teaching are done

orally. Therefore, it is logical to put also oral skill -speaking- into the framework of

Language Teaching and Learning. Next, to be able to produce sounds or expressions,

sometimes responses, in the target language, the ability to perceive what one utters




also matters; if not the most important. For this reason, this study attempts to look

for more in-depth insights concerning with listening skill.

Even with the light shed from such modern view, listening skill is often

treated under the product-oriented framework. Efforts have been made to emphasize

the process of listening. It is no longer about whether students could perceive the

texts but how students could perceive them. The attempts to understand the process

have been supported by findings in many Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

researches. With the understanding from the field of SLA, many new views of

listening as a process have been implemented into practice with the emphasis on

how to make students understand the process and therefore able to improve their

process of perceiving the listening texts. Such, most teachers and teaching

practitioners believe, is the way to make students listen in the target language better.

To sum up, the fact is that, because the view of language competence as

products, most of students do not listen well. The cause, presumably, is students’

lack of understanding on listening processes. In effect, there is a need for a way so

that students could understand the process.

Some teachers have tried to implement the use of written reflection; some

reported its success, some otherwise. As Myers (2001) put it when he investigated

the stream of thought through journal writing, “Students were able to trace their

strengths and weaknesses and describe their own learning patterns and needs in

regard to learning how to write in English for both personal expression and

academic writing.” Some unpublished work of learning autonomy researcher also

confirms positive result, such as “enhancement of learners’ critical thinking”.

Certainly, such positive result could be anticipated from implementing the journal



not for writing skill as in Myers’ case, hence, Listening Journal. Therefore, this

research attempts to figure out the nature of this implementation.

B. Problem Identification

How to make students understand the process and be able to improve their

process of perceiving the listening texts demands further investigation. First, inquiry

should be taken into account concerning the nature of listening process. Once the

processes are identified, the skill could be analyzed and treated by its micro skills

derived from the processes later agreed as the complex which constitutes the listener

comprehension of a listening text.

How to make language learners understand the process have been more

intriguing and of interest for some teachers. The researcher is among them who feel

the urge to inquire the issue. Reflection sheets have been used to seek explanation of

what actually happens in learners’ mind while they are listening, or more precisely

what the learners’ think of as actually happening in their learning. The nature of the

use of such reflection sheets, a listening journal in this case, is the main problem the

researcher would want to investigate. To see how it works and what further valuable

information found from the research which would add to our knowledge, about

whether or not, to what extent and why listening journals affects learners’ listening

comprehension skills, are the main concerns of this research.

C. Limitation of the study

Problems are abundant and most of them are more theoretical than practical.

However, theories underlie most practices. Therefore, the theoretical grounds from



findings by SLA researches such as the nature of listening process is highly related.

In order to provide reinforcement to such theory, be it negative or positive, problems

which would be investigated being discussed in this study would be that which is

related to the use of listening journal for English Learners.

It would be about whether and how listening journal raises learners’ self-

awareness of the listening process involved, as well as their learning autonomy and

listening comprehension skills. It would not, however, seek to cover understanding

on how the three notions are related to each other.

D. Problem Formulation

Considering the background, this study attempts to answer these major


1. How does listening journal affect learners’ listening comprehension skill?

2. How far in the autonomy-continuum does listening journal affect learner’s

learning autonomy?

E. Objectives of the Study

This study attempts to look for insight of the nature of reflection in language

learning, particularly in listening comprehension skill. Consequently, it would

inform whether or not “listening journal” affects participants’ listening skills.

Further, it would seek ways to understand whether the effect is improving or not. It

would also find out whether “listening journal” affects participants’ learning

autonomy. More importantly, it would also cover to what extent, in their relationship

to the learning autonomy continuum, “listening journal” manages to affect.



F. Benefits of the Study

Teachers are hoped to be benefited by the study as they may practice

employing listening journal in their classes. Teachers could be encouraged to

improve the form and the manner of the reflection. It is also the hope of the

researcher that this study be a guideline to do typical research or activities in class.

G. Definition of terms

Below are some terms used in and closely related to this study. Common

understanding of which is important for the direction of the study. More clarification

would be found in the Literature Review.

1. Listening Comprehension

Listening is aural, real-time, receptive skill. Listening comprehension means

the ability to receive real-time, oral message accurately (Helgesen, 2003). In this

study, listening comprehension is perceived from how accurate a participant answers

the comprehension questions in each test which they did.

2. Listening Process

Listening process is the approach in human mind to encode the received, oral,

real-time message. It could be syntactical, semantical or, normally, both (Clark &

Clark, 1977). This term, particularly in this study, refers also to the process of

understanding the listening passage that the participants are aware of, represented by

the strategies they use. Those strategies are predicting, inferring, monitoring,

clarifying and evaluating which are related to syntactic and semantic approach.



3. Listening Journal

Listening journal is a written journal which expresses learner’s feeling or

strategy towards and for listening speeches, everything which the learners might

think as related or necessary to write. It is a compilation of regularly distributed

reflection sheets throughout the study.

4. Metacognition

Metacognition is thinking about the way oneself thinks. It involves

metacognitive knowledge which is brought from unconsciousness to consciousness.

Metacognitive knowledge is the belief a learner holds which controls his or her self-

regulation in learning (Vermunt (1993) as cited in Ajisuksmo (1996)). In this study

this term is helpful to a fuller understanding to the other two important terms below.

5. Learner’s self-awareness

Being self-aware is the state in the self of a learner when he or she could bring

his metacognitive knowledge into consciousness (Wenden, (1999); Rivers (2001);

Littlewood (1996)). Self-awareness, in this study, is visible through comparison

between learners’ actual utilized strategies and the strategies learners think they did

or did not utilize.

6. Learning Autonomy

Learning autonomy is not dichotomous. It is a continuum; starting from self-

direction to self-regulation with various extents. To be able to self-direct and then

self-regulate, a learner should be self-aware; to be self-aware learners need to bring



his or her metacognitive knowledge to consciousness (Littlewood, 1996). In this

study, learning autonomy is investigated stage by stage, that means exact points

within the continuum is not searched but, rather, taking approximates near the three

main ordered points: self-awareness, self-direction and self-regulation (See Figure






This chapter describes the theories adopted in this research to seek common

ground in order to prolong the research. Principally essential is the understanding on

listening; its nature and how it is taught in common schools. Not less important is

the term learning autonomy, its components and their shares in improving learning

autonomy. Listening journal and self-awareness would also be elaborated in to seek

way to elicit learners’ learning autonomy, as well as how it works.

A. Theoretical Description

This section presents related theories which support this study. Presented in

this section are three interrelated areas of inquiries which solidify the ground for this

research. They are the nature of listening, its teaching practice in schools, and more

important is metacognition and learning autonomy, discussed together to show their

close relationship.

1. The Nature of Listening

Categorized distinctively from the other language skills, listening is in short a

real-time, aural receptive skill (Clark and Clark, 1977; Helgesen, 2003). This skill is

built up to acquire meaning from sounds which listeners perceive in a language. It is

the most basic skill human beings have ever acquired to communicate with each

other. Normally, humans listen to each other to get the meaning of the spoken

utterance and to do something with the meaning; i.e. to utilize the acquired meaning.




This means that most of the time, listeners are supposed to, verbally or non-verbally,

respond the message they hear.

It seems evident that listening is a complicated process. Listening is indeed a

complex mental process. Listening requires more than just capturing the sounds

through ears and matches the strings of sounds with listeners’ mental lexical items

stored in their brain to build the meaning. It also requires adequate world knowledge

on the part of the listeners to both comprehend and utilize meaning out of the sounds

they hear. It is this relation to the brain, reminding us of cognition, that listening is

said as a mental process. (Helgesen, 2003)

To most psycholinguist this is called comprehension and utilization. To

comprehend something, without yet utilizing it or simply speaking –responding to it,

a listener should break down the sounds into pieces. Some possible approaches are

proposed. They are syntactic approach and semantic approach. Syntactic approach

would be that which uses to its most the face structure of an utterance and relies

heavily on the use of the function words. While semantic approach is one that relies

on the content words and refers to reality what the relationships between those

content words, which would be thus forming the meaning. Psycholinguists do not

agree about whether one approach dominates another. They agree, however, that

most listeners use both approaches to get the meaning out of sounds. It means that

listeners, in an attempt to understand or get the meaning of an utterance and in turn

respond to it, use function words, content words and their knowledge of the world in

which they live (Clark & Clark, 1977).

These processes, however, could be simplified. Most experts in language

teaching and applied linguistics refer to those approaches with slight modification as



top-down, bottom-up and interactive processing. Top-down process in listening is a

process of getting the meaning out of sounds by making the most of content, that is

general knowledge or life experience, and textual schema, their situational routines.

On the other hand, bottom-up process in listening is a process that makes use of

vocabulary, grammar, and sounds’ features. As it is disputed between

Psycholinguists, these experts also find it more logical to believe that it is easier to

comprehend the meaning if a listener operates within these two processes combined

together; constituting what is then known as “interactive process” (Brown, 2001).

If these processes, despite the researcher’s attempt to simplify, are found to be

intricate, it is the nature of listening. It is a very complex mental process. This

mental process is there to always serve a purpose; to enable listener to respond both

in verbal or non-verbal replies. It could, however, be broken down into top-down,

bottom-up and interactive process of listening. They respectively related to semantic

approach, syntactic approach and combination of the two. It is now clear to state that

listening is a real-time, aural receptive skill (Helgesen, 2003).

2. The teaching of listening and Curriculum of English Language in High

schools in Indonesia

For being its receptive nature, listening has to do with information processing.

Nowadays, information in general could be acquired via various sources. Basically,

one could acquire information of any kind in two forms; written and spoken. To

understand the former is beyond this essay scope. The latter, however, could be

understood by listening. The information, when processed, could add to the

listener’s knowledge. It could also affect the listeners in various way; changes in



viewpoint for instance. In its basic purpose, then, listening plays a great role to

process oral information.

It has also become the concern of curriculum designers. The Latest Indonesian

School Curriculum known as School-based Curriculum has put listening alongside

the other receptive skill, as a means to prepare students for greater opportunities to

find more information for their higher study in the future. Television, Internet, CDs

and any other advancement of our civilization have brought more ease to obtain

information, and not least of them are in the form of recording or even video, and

are in English. If students have the ability to process this information using their

listening skills, they would find it easier to find materials to support their study. The

Curriculum is trying to prepare students to be able to process such materials

especially to help them survive in higher education.

In order for students to acquire the skills and be able to meet the challenge of

their future study, School-based Curriculum has equipped teachers to help students

do so. It could be seen from the fact, and some are real results from The Latest

Indonesian School Curriculum pilot project, that the Curriculum has been focusing

students to be able to locate and identify certain information from oral monolog

( Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Hasil Belajar – Rumpun Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.,

2002). With some activities to listen to conversation or explanation, students are

expected to be able to turn their vocabulary into use to listen to some short listening

passages. Being flexible in terms of material, School-based Curriculum provides

more opportunity for teachers to explore students’ potential and experiment with

some more sophisticated materials and activities depending on students need. This

way, The Curriculum may be used to teach students in such a way that the teaching



of English Language in Indonesia could achieve the targeted role it is endeavoring to


3. Metacognition and Learning Autonomy

In general, it could be said that metacognition is the protocol to think about

one’s own thinking process. Metacognition has as its components, distinctive from

each other, “metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive strategy” (Wenden, 1999).

Metacognitive knowledge deals with the information of the thinking process while

metacognitive strategy deals with the skills which are involved to manage, direct,

regulate or guide the learning process.

Metacognitive knowledge is not yet unique to one learner. It is not value

related (Wenden, 1999). What is distinctive from one learner to another is what

experts call learner’s belief. Learner’s belief may take into account learning

orientation, models of learning, regulation strategy and processing strategy

(Vermunt (1993) as cited in (Ajisuksmo, 1996)). It is such beliefs which control

each learner’s self-regulation in learning. Self-regulation in learning requires a

learner to be first self-directed. A self-directed learner is one who possesses qualities

such as ones that Skager (1984) has elaborated. They are self-acceptance,

planfulness, intrinsic motivation, internalized evaluation, openness to experience,

flexibility and autonomy.

It could be seen from Rivers’ (2001) and Wenden’s (1999) discussions on self-

regulation that after one has been self-directed to continue learning, he or she could

then self-regulate his or her learning. Rivers (2001) argues that Self-regulation

involves self-monitor and executive controls. The control of the executive functions,



which are self-assessment and self-management, is required before one could

analyze the task of learning. Wenden (1999) implies that the cycle is continued by

self-monitor only to be followed up by another self-management. It would continue

to go this way so that students could reach various levels of autonomy, as

Littlewood (1996) have listed.

Related to the main concern of the research, the concept of autonomy should

be clarified. The researcher followed Littlewood (1996) in describing what

autonomy involves. It requires on the part of the students knowledge, skills,

motivation and confidence. The first two constitute ability and the others constitute

willingness. These concept, ability and willingness, is what Littlewood (1996) refers

to as the ones that would help students to become more autonomous in their

communications, learning and personality. In the list Littlewood (1996) puts self-

direction in learning somewhere in the middle of the hierarchical levels of autonomy.

Self-direction is, therefore, a stage where a learner starts to choose and shape his or

her own learning contexts.

To summarize, self-direction as one of the start to foster autonomous learning

and self-regulation, which keeps up the autonomy, could not be brought up to reality

before the knowledge to do so, the metacognitive knowledge is acquired. Therefore,






Figure 2. 1 Learning Autonomy Continuum



to bring metacognitive knowledge into awareness, that is self-awareness, would help

learners to self-regulate his or her learning. Figure 2.1 describes the continuum of

learning autonomy.

One’s autonomy is then fostered by this awareness since metacognitive

knowledge may be brought in and out consciously and unconsciously. However, to

have the awareness, learner should bring the metacognitive knowledge to

consciousness. In sum, the idea of figuring out and digging out the metacognitive

knowledge into the surface of consciousness in one’s own learning process is the

core idea of metacognition.

B. The Theoretical Framework

This section presents framework adopted and adapted for this research based

on theories in the field. Presented in this section are two pairs of interrelated areas of

inquiries which make this research possible and applicable. The first is the

relationship between listening journal and self awareness and the other is between

listening journal and its use in classrooms.

1. Listening Journal and Self-awareness

Listening is a real-time, aural receptive skill. In line with School-based

Curriculum, listening skill in high school is taught to prepare students to listen to

process information in their future higher study. That means the purpose of teaching

listening skill in high school is listening to learn. However, Vandergrift (2004)

argues that in order for students to be able to “listen to learn”, they should first learn

how to listen. In the framework of autonomous learning, as it has been elaborated,



learner should bring the metacognitive knowledge into awareness, they should be

self-aware; that is possessing self-awareness.

In his understanding of learning autonomy in language learning, Benson (2003)

suggests that for a learner to be autonomous, he or she should be given the

opportunities to reflect on his or her learning. Much in the same tone, Block (1997)

maintains that there are many benefits to get what learners think of their cognition

by listening to them.

Such views encourage the researcher to get students knowledge of their

metacognition, their metacognitive knowledge and especially their beliefs in their

learning, by giving them the opportunities to rise into consciousness, to be self-

aware, through a reflection journal. The researcher calls this a listening journal

because the journal would be about the listening skills the learner is learning.

2. The listening journal in Classroom Listening activity

Listening activity in classroom should aim at learner’s comprehension on the

listening text and their awareness of the process. In order to do so, they (Brown,

2001; Helgesen, 2003; Rost, 2002) suggest that a listening activity should expose

students to all the process approach in listening; bottom-up, top-down and

interactive approach. To provide opportunities to reflect on their learning, at the

final stage of his model of listening instruction, Vandergrift (2004), Goh and Taib

(2006) provides a model of listening activity which is related to metacognitive

strategies learners use in each stages of the instructional design. The researcher

agrees with these experts and thus adopts and adapts the listening instruction they






This chapter presents the methodology employed in this research. The

discussion would be about the research method, research participants, research

instruments, setting, research procedure, process of analyzing the data and the like

which constitutes this chapter.

A. Method

The research was Qualitative in nature. The reason for using this method was

that the Effect of Writing Listening Journal on Learners Listening Comprehension

Skills and on Learners’ Learning Autonomy could be well understood not by

numerical data, but through descriptive data. It means that this research was not

meant to verify or interfere with existing body of theories not is it to generate new

theories. Qualitative approach is used because this research attempts to describe

particular phenomena occurring in reality from which qualitative data could be


The main data to consider was the listening journal itself. As such, the

researcher used Document Analysis. Document Analysis would allow the researcher

to “focus on analyzing and interpreting recorded materials within its own context”

(Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh, 2002). In addition, observation during the activity was

proven to be important. Observation also added to more comprehensive knowledge

on the issue. Such is the case because recorded observation could function as quick,

complete and objective reference whenever more details needed.




The other techniques used in this study functions mostly to counter arguments

that say mere unstructured observational methods diminish the reliability of the

findings. Techniques such as interview would lend more credibility to the findings

of the study.

Qualitative method is, therefore, best for such nature of the data. It also allows

interpretative treatment which may bring us to different perspective important in

understanding the nature of the data generated from the observation. Apart from all

that, it could provide for further research detail descriptions future investigators may

want to clarify and verify such as that is for their action research (Ary et al, 2002).

B. Research Participants

Method of sampling used in the research is Purposive Sampling. Three

students were selected to be studied. Each of the students was distinct from one

another in their capacity of English proficiency. Respectively, the first student

represents high-level students, the second for intermediate-level and the last for low-

level students. The selection and judgment of the participants’ relative capacity was

given participants’ teacher in their high school upon intense discussion with the

corresponding teacher.

To clarify their teacher judgment, confirmation on their position relative to

each other was conducted through a pre-test. Helgesen (2003) has provided a

continuum of authenticity. The researcher took the highest standard of authenticity.

It would mean that the listening pre-test would be at normal speed, at adequate

length and appropriate level of vocabulary. The listening transcripts of all listening

materials, as well as the tasks involved, are attached herein (See Appendix C). The



standard of high-intermediate-low was of norm-referenced. That is the standard of

high-intermediate-low is set by first figuring out the highest score reached by all

participants and ordering afterwards.

C. Setting

The study took place in the classrooms and the researcher’s residence. The

form was similar to a student of a private course. The study was conducted from

February 2007-May 2007.

The setting was as natural as possible. Participants might be well aware that

they were being observed, but the researcher did not tell them that they were being

observed. Instead, the researcher told them the activities they do from different

perspective. The researcher did tell them that they were being helped and offered a

chance to try a new method of learning how to listen. The researcher hope was that

by this design their anxiety could be reduced to its most, as opposed to let them

know that the activity is for research’s sake, which would raise pretense and

unnatural behaviour.

The researcher did not participate during the observation. Therefore, the

researcher watched very carefully interference to their ideas in the reflection. The

researcher did not participate as a teacher, or as a facilitator to their learning; letting

them to all extent drive their own learning.

D. Research Instruments

Listening Comprehension Test, Listening Journal, Field notes and Interview

Guideline devises this research.



1. Listening journal

Listening Journal is collected from regularly distributed reflection sheet (See

Appendix D). It is student’s personal pieces of writing which are written down to

answer some questions posed by the researcher. The nature of the questions was

reflective and of various type. Every student had got same questions to answer under

the same period. That means each student got the same sets of questions every time

they fill their listening journal. The questions varied especially over the genres and

difficulties of the text.

Since it was necessary for the students to really reflect on their listening, the

reflection in the listening journal was in the native language of the students, that was

Bahasa Indonesia. By this design the students could be more confident and free to

express their ideas without any language barriers.

2. Field Notes

Observation was done for the researcher to objectively take notes on the events

that happened during learning process. The observation, supported by tape recording,

was then field-noted. The field notes consist of two major parts inseparable from one

another. They are Objective and Subjective notes. Objective notes are that of rich

description of the situations, objects, place, time and happenings during the study.

Subjective notes are that of reflective notes that the researcher infer or conclude

from, or simply comment on the situation, objects, place, time and happenings

during the study. There were also themes of found strategies or pieces of

information about participants’ autonomy. All notes, which constitute the

researcher’s field notes, were very helpful in reviewing and crosschecking what



happens during the study in the activity. Field Notes are attached herein (See

Appendix E).

The observation which was done directly on site may not be complete and may

lose some details depending on how much distracted the researcher on the meeting

hours. To avoid lost of significant events which may occur during the observational

note taking, all meetings were tape-recorded. With this support, the researcher was

able to complete the details by interpreting the sounds and voice in the recording and

add them to the existing notes.

3. Interview Guidelines

Open-ended interview helps the researcher to view more details which would

function as data triangulation to the analyzed listening journal and the field notes.

The interview questions were generated on course, i.e. emergent, also to triangulate

the data. Interview Transcript is attached herein (See Appendix F).

4. Comprehension Test

There were ten sets of test and of progressive difficulty levels. The progress

found in the tests’ results determines the states of participants’ listening capacity

relative to each other and to his or her previous state. Comprehension Test is

attached herein (See Appendix B).

E. Data Gathering Technique

Participants were facilitated with listening material for practice at home. At

home, each participant could work on different materials at different pace. At the



research site, participants were assigned the listening activity and asked to write in

the listening journal every time the Participants finish working on a listening text.

The listening journal was submitted in the end of the corresponding day’s listening

activity. The researcher wrote in the observation sheets at any opportunity during

learning process.

In each meeting, the activity included the listening activity itself apart from the

pre-, and post-activity. In pre-activity, participants were told the title of the listening

text. Then, participants were given some time to brainstorm on the title or topic.

After they were ready, participants were to listen to listening text; this was the

whilst-activity. In the whilst-activity, participants also answered some

comprehension questions. After some time, depending on how many times the

listening passages were informed to be played. They were to listen to the text again

and, afterwards, to finish answering the comprehension questions. This

comprehension activity resulted in the numerical data representing their skill in

understanding the text. Later, as the post-activity, participants were given the

opportunity to check together with the teacher the answers to the questions. Only

upon requests, the researcher let participants know their mistakes. Then, participants

were to fill their listening journal. Enough time was given to participants to reflect

on the activity on that occasion, that was 30 to 45 minutes. This reflection sheets

produced the listening journal with the thoughts of the participants. Researcher

encoded the listening journal, and compared it to the comprehension test result done

previously in the comprehension activity. This was to see whether better reflection

means better comprehension or not, or any other significance necessary for the

inquiry as to know the nature of the listening journal to participants’ learning



autonomy and comprehension skill. This sequence was adapted from Goh’s

Metacognition Instruction in Listening for Young Learners (Goh & Taib, 2006).

Every three to four reflection sheets were submitted, or every time significance

was found, the researcher had the Participants interviewed. The result of the

interview, the transcription, helped to clarify information in Listening Journal and

information concerning the participants, whenever necessary. Therefore, the

interview questions were generated periodically depending on the contents of the

coded listening journals which were triangulated using the interview. Last interview

had no distinct manner over other previously done interviews as its goals were


F. Data Analysis

This section presents the process of analyzing the data which includes Data

Reduction, Data Display and Data Summary.

1. Data Reduction

This subsection presents the process of reducing the raw data from the field in

order to make the data ready for further analysis. Not all data were reduced and not

all data were reduced in the same manner. Presented in this section is the process of

data reduction by instruments which underwent process of reduction.

a. Data Reduction for Listening Journals

First of all, all entries in the reflection sheets were translated into English

Language. After the translation was done, search for significance was made for each



entry in the journal. Expected significances were the presence of Aspective

Reflection and Strategic Reflection. Their natures are explained as follows:

1) Affective Data

Anytime the listening journals showed the feelings and attitude of the

Participants towards what happened during their learning to listen sessions, marks

were given on the data. This could mean any expressions started with “Menurut saya,

saya pikir, bagi saya, (I feel, I think, I believe…)” and the like.

2) Learning Strategy

Anytime the Participants recall how they could understand the text and

organize the information of the listening texts, marks were given on the data to

signal that Participants were aware of their listening strategies. It would mean how

they recall semantic, syntactic and other approach in understanding the text.

b. Data Reduction for Field Notes

At this point, the field notes were ready to be coded. The researcher was

carefully searching for themes in the field notes. However, such themes were closely

related to important terms in this study. Such is the search for the existence of self-

awareness, self-direction, self-monitor, self-assessment and self-management. The

finding of those qualities from events, activity and the like would help the researcher

to conclude at which point a participant succeed to position his or herself in the

continuum of learning autonomy.



c. Data Reduction for Interview Transcript

The recording of the interview was fully transcribed. The transcriptions also

help the search for existence of self-awareness, self-direction and self-regulation on

the part of the participants. The reduced data was then used to triangulate findings

from the listening journal and the field notes. As it has been explained earlier, the

importance of the interview was to seek confirmation and verification of the content

of listening journals, whether or not the Participants understood what they had

written and elaborated in the journals.

2. Data Display

The Data are displayed under their instrument and significance and discussed

individually, when matters, in the Data Analysis. Narrative field notes were

displayed with labels to point out the significance. In the discussion however, only

sample of significant excerpts from the interview were extracted.

3. Data Summary

In order for readers to easily review the data relevant to the study, a summary

would be provided by instrument. This section explains how data was summarized

in this research.

1) Summary of Listening Journal

After being coded, significant entries in the listening journal were put in a

table whose columns of categories and rows of meetings collide with the data entries

under the two categories: affective and strategic reflection. (See Appendix A.a). This



summary serves as quick reference to improvements in the depth of listening journal

of each participant.

2) Summary of Comprehension Test Score

The researcher scores the comprehension test by percentage of item correctly

answered. These scores are presented in table whose columns of participants and

rows of meetings collide with the corresponding scores (See Appendix A.b).

3) Summary of Interview Transcript and Field Notes

Interview transcripts were not summarized individually and neither were the

field notes. The summary of the interview, as it mainly functions in data

triangulation, was displayed directly in the discussion in Data Analysis to support

arguments. Therefore, attached herein are full transcriptions of the interview.

Field notes summary take the same form of full notes for the purpose of not

losing the context of the events that happened. Therefore, as were the interviews,

there are no particular summary for this instrument (See Appendix E). However,

coded field notes should be sufficient to help readers find the significance in the


G. Research Procedure

The procedure of the research should have been visible at this point. However,

to make it concise and yet comprehensible, the procedure is as follows. The first step

would be to have the participant. They would be positioned as high-, -intermediate-,

and low- proficiency learners. This was not to seek generalization but to see how the



treatment differs from one case to another and instead seek inquiry for the accounted

differences. Participants joined listening comprehension activity. The activity was

field noted. The activity produced also participants’ comprehension test result from

time to time. The activity also allowed participants to fill in the listening journal.

This journal was coded from time to time during the period of the activity.

As the next step, periodically, the numerical data (the comprehension test

result; See Appendix A.b) were compared to the listening journal to see whether or

not there was significance. After the activity, from time to time during the program

and in the final session of the program, participants were interviewed. The open-

ended interview was, then, transcribed. The transcription functions as data

triangulation to clarify the findings from the comprehension test result and the

listening journal, and significance inquired from the comparison between the two.

For following interview, questions were generated from previous interview

functioning as guide. Figure 3.1 reviews the research procedure.

Figure 3 1 Flow Chart of Research Procedure



To summarize, the recurrent cycle, up until the program was over, is as


a. Observing Listening activity: brainstorming, listening comprehension test,

listening while completing the test, checking answers (upon request), and finally,

reflection by writing the listening journal.

b. Field noting: the result of the activity was then analyzed; coding the listening

journal and matrix the comprehension test result; and compared.

c. Triangulation: Participants were interviewed individually to clarify the field

notes and the listening journal.

This cycle continues until the program was over (10 meetings). The combination of

these instruments sequenced in the procedure would help the researcher obtain the

answers to the research questions.





This section presents the findings from the study. It also discusses the findings.

Each formulated problem is systematically answered by providing the background

reasons and arguments to in the end reach conclusions which answer the problem

questioned. Other findings which were not purposefully questioned are also

presented and receive same treatment.

A. Research Findings

1. The Effect of Writing Listening Journal on Participants’ Listening

Comprehension Skills

It is firstly necessary to know the previous state of Listener’s comprehension

skills prior to the regulation of writing the listening journal. With an understanding

that skills first take shape in the form of strategies, knowing the strategies that

learners use could suggest the eventually shaping skills. Therefore, participants’

listening comprehension skills could be inquired through the utilized strategies.

These strategies were inquired through interview and observation.

Listening strategies, as Helgesen (2003) cites from Rost (2002), cover

predicting, inferring, monitoring, clarifying, responding and evaluating, that

successful listeners apply in their process of understanding the listening text, as the

test assesses participants’ comprehension on the text. While all strategies seem

valuable to seek responding is excluded from this search. The reason of which is that

the task did not give space for participants to respond to the text.




a. Participants’ Listening Strategies

The aforementioned notions, with the exclusion of responding, serve as

standard from which the researcher compares the strategies used by the participants

to the ones revealed in the Listening Journal. The result of such comparison would

function as means to seek whether participants develop or constantly use their

already possessed strategies before they started writing the journal. As it were, this

point on, reports on the strategies which participants use in their attempt to

comprehend the listening text are presented.

1) Predicting

It is clearly visible that Participant No.1 uses a lot of predictions in his

attempt to comprehend the listening text. He reported that he made selection on

which part of the listening text he should pay more attention. He did this by taking

into account the questions in the comprehension test. By selecting which parts he

should listen to with more attention, he was actually looking for in the text

information he expected to hear. Such anticipation indicates prediction, because by

knowing what was expected to be understood he was making prediction for what

would probably be spoken out in the listening text.

Participant No.1 also reported that he constantly attempted to make predictions

not only in the initial phase of the listening process but also throughout his listening.

He thought that prediction was crucial to understand the listening text. In making his

prediction, he used context to guess what would come next in the passage.

Participant No. 2 reported that she made a lot of predictions before listening to

the text. When asked how important a question to guiding her understanding of the



text, she reported that such a question did ease her in making guesses. In her opinion,

reflection of the topic from the questions in the comprehension test helped her make

better predictions. Rarely did Participant No.2 listen to a text without making

prediction. She admitted that she almost always made predictions.

Although it was more slightly difficult to see any strategy at all, it was still

apparent in Participant No.3 that she also makes predictions. Such could be inferred

from her opinion on the importance of knowing a title or heading of the listening

text. In her opinion, the big picture of a topic would be seen from the title. Such

belief was a proof that Participant No.3 made few predictions. However, it was also

evident that there was no indication of intensive use of prediction in the case of

Participant No.3.

2) Inferring

Throughout the study, there was no indication that Participant No.1 inferred

from between the words he listened to. The case may be due to his ability to

accurately recognize sounds and adequate collection of vocabulary necessary to

understand the text. Often Participant No.1 transcribed most of the text in his

personal sheets, and all information needed to answer the comprehension questions

were transcribed well enough to fulfill the demand of the task. It was therefore not

always necessary for him to infer.

Listening ‘between the lines’ did not always work for Participant No.2. The

researcher was lead to such conclusion as the Participant herself admitted. She

admitted that the only way she could understand a listening text in English was by

mentally translating the words from English to Bahasa Indonesia. Comprehension



broke down every time a word was not recognized in her collection of lexical items

and their equivalents in Bahasa Indonesia. The fact that Participant No.2 always use

mental translation brings to conclusion that she did not infer.

The case for Participant No.3 on Inferring was that, more often than not, she

could not understand most of the words being said. It was of course difficult to infer

if there was no source to infer from at all. In three of the tasks, when she was asked

to list all words she managed to list not more than half of the words contained in the

passage. Inferring was not one of the strategies Participant No.3 used.

3) Monitoring

Participant No.1 seems to be quite confident on knowing when he understands

and when he does not. That would mean a successful self-monitor. Although it was

never evident from his reflection sheets, the reason of which would be discussed

later on, from interviews it was certain that participant No.1 monitored his learning.

He often reported his disappointment whenever he understood his mistakes in

answering the test’s questions or his misunderstanding of the passage.

There was a great tendency on the part of Participant No.2 in monitoring her

understanding. She used the listening journal as a medium to share her monitoring.

She always seek grounds to conclude for herself whether or not she was good

enough in doing the listening test and in improving her listening capacity. She also

wrote in her listening journal her disappointment when she found out that her guess

was inaccurate. It was sure an evidence of Participant No.2’s monitoring since she

could tell when she made mistakes or not, when she understood and when she did




Much similar to Participant No.1 who left as soon as the listening program

was over, Participant No.3 showed no interest of clarifying her understanding. It is

inferred that the lack of motivation to monitor, clarify and evaluate may be caused

by lack of confidence and fear of being assumed incapable of completing the task.

4) Clarifying

Throughout the study, not once did Participant No. 1 ask to clarify his score or

to clarify his understanding on the text despite the fact that he was actually missing

some points in the task or text, as later the researcher checked the result of his

comprehension test. Whether it is a matter of the absence of intention to clarify or a

matter of not utilizing the strategy intentionally, it is not too soon to conclude that

Participant No. 1 utilized no clarification in his attempt to understand the text.

Participant No.2 almost always clarified what she thought she listened to and

evaluated how many mistakes she might have made. She monitored and evaluated

his listening capacity. Table 4.1 provides supports for such conclusion.

Events Source

Participant No.2 asked for Field Notes for Meeting 8 sentence-per-sentence discussion

Participant No.2 asked for an Field Notes for Meeting 9 explanation on the topic’s gist

Table 4.1 Evidence of Clarification

5) Evaluating

As the intention to clarify was not visible, it is difficult to see further

motivation for an evaluation. What happened every time the listening was over,



altogether with the task and writing the listening journal, was that Participant No. 1

immediately asked permission to leave. Furthermore, there exists no statements or

the like indicating any evaluation made in the listening journal. It is, therefore, not

misleading to conclude that Participant No.1 did not evaluate his listening


As further step of clarification, Participant No.2 managed to regularly check

her results on the task (See Appendix E).

Events Source Participant No.2 asked to check her Field Notes for Meeting 7 answers, to see if she incorrectly answered the items

Table 4.2 Evidence of Evaluation

Table 4.2 shows that Participant No.2 made an evaluation on her comprehension.

Sometimes she even wrote in her listening journal the reason of her failure to

understand the text or in doing the task.

b. Listening Strategies reported in the Listening Journal

1) Unspecific Strategies

The listening journals reveal much about participants’ adapted strategies.

However, the participants do not write specifically what such strategies mean to

them much the same way they do not specify them procedurally. Below are some

examples of answers to the question in the journal asking what they thought they

should do if they want to improve their listening,

Konsentrasi Concentrate



Belajar lebih giat studying more Lebih sering mendengarkan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris listen to stuff in English more often

Such responses were not occasional. Almost in every journal, same unspecific

strategies were written down and there seemed to be no urge to write the strategies

in details.

2) Specific Strategies

Other strategies revealed, interestingly, were quite specific. From the listening

journal entries, there were found strategies of syntactic and semantic nature.

Syntactic in nature are surface sounds and structure approach. Semantic in nature is

context approach, which involves guessing by context.

a) Syntactic Approach

Participant No.1 wrote about how he could identify a noun. He managed to see

the distinct property of a noun. It shows that he was aware that he could use

syntactic approach in understanding text.

Participant No.2 reflected on her strategies on approaching the text using

prosodic importance. The surface sounds and the way they are pronounced were of

great importance for this participant. She also wrote that it was imperative for her to

know the meaning of the word.

The word “meaning” was later clarified through interview and referred to the

equivalents of the word in her native language. That means that she always



translated the text into her native language in order to comprehend the text. On the

other hand, Participant No.3 wrote similar points, but only appeared in her listening

journal entries once for prosodic approach and once for word meaning approach,

although it was a good evidence of Participant No.3’s prediction.

b) Semantic Approach

Participant No.1 reported that he could often make wrong guesses. Clarified

through interview, he was actually talking about guessing through context.

Participant No.2 was also aware of the importance of the ‘meaning’, clarified

through interview as “context”.

They were also aware of the necessity to guess the gist of the text. It was not a

wild guess. As clarified in the interview, she explained the guess went mainly

around predicting the context, the speakers and the content; building relationship

from the words spoken; thus, semantic approach.

c. The depth of Listening Journal

Compared to his possessed strategies discussed in the previous section,

Participant No.1’s listening journal was not deep. It was so because, although he

made predictions and reflected on his prediction, he failed to write in details the

strategies he utilized in finally understanding the text, which was how he monitored

his learning. Therefore, it could be concluded that Participant No.1 did not reflect


Participant No.2’s listening journal was deep. It was so because she made

predictions and reflected on her prediction, she also monitored and reflected on her



monitoring. Therefore, it could be concluded that Participant No.2 did reflect deeply.

Participant No.3’s listening journal was not deep. It was due to the fact that she

predicted but never reflected on her prediction. It is probably due to lack or no other

repertoire of strategies out of which she should have been able to write more.

Therefore, it is not misguiding to say that Participant No.3 did not reflect deeply.

To summarize at this point, the Listening Journal could reveal both syntactic,

as in sound and word meaning, and semantic approaches, as in context and gist

listening, which are adapted as strategies. It shows that listening journal has made

the participants able to be aware of some of the strategies they used. However,

listening journal could not be a space for them to write more details about the

strategies more procedurally. As for the quality of their listening journal, Participant

No.2’s Listening Journal is the deepest, Participant No.1’s is the second deepest, and

Participant No.3’s is the shallowest.

d. Listening Comprehension Skills and Depth of Listening Journal

Learners Comprehension Test Score serves as a means to observe participants’

progress in their listening comprehension capacity. The better the score means the

better a participant listens, in turn, it also means the more strategies a participant

utilizes in his or her attempt to comprehend a listening text. With rising level of

difficulty, relatively stable scores with no significant decrease or increase indicate

increase in his or her listening capacity, more so to constantly increasing score.

While relatively lowering scores indicate decrease in his or her listening capacity.

Table 4.3 displays the scores of the participant in ten tests. The average result

of the tests varies among all three participants. The highest is the average score of



Participant No.1, the second highest is that of Participant No.2 and that of

Participant No.3 is the lowest.

Test Reflection Score Participant Participant Participant

No.1 No.2 No.3 PreTest 1 Not scored Not scored Not scored

1 2 100% 85% 77% 2 3 65% 55% 40% 3 4 79% 43% 25% 4 5 71% 71% 57% 5 6 63% 52% 44% 6 7 90% 88% 63% 7 8 67% 50% 44% 8 9 70% 64% 73% 9 10 80% 50% 30%

10 No Reflection 60% 33% 45% Mean 77% 59% 50%

Table 4.3 Summary of Comprehension Test Score

The development in the scores shows similar progress. When a participant

scored lower than previous test, all other participants also scored lower. Likewise,

when a participant scored higher than previous test, all other participants did so.

Rarely, if ever, did an overlap of scores happen. This pattern indicates that all

participants were able to maintain their relative position towards other participants,

indicating no significant increase in each participant’s listening capacity.

The intermediate scorer proved to reflect on her listening progress and process

more deeply than the low scorer. At this point it seems that the better, or the more

deeply, she reflects on her learning, the better the score would be, which could mean

the more developed her listening comprehension skills should be. Interestingly,

however, the best scorer did not seem to reflect deeply in the listening journal. Most

of his reflection was a mere ‘yes’ or ‘no’, or ‘yes there is’ or ‘no there isn’t any’



(See the Appendix D). Nevertheless, he still managed to score higher than both the

intermediate scorer and the low scorer.

It would be inappropriate to conclude the case of the low reflection as the

cause of low score any more than deep reflection as the cause of high score, seeing

that on one of the participant, low reflection does not make him suffer low scores.

Therefore, the answer to the first formulated problem has appeared to be a negative

one; it is that writing the listening journal does not necessarily improve participants’

comprehension skill. Table 4.4 summarizes the discussion up to this point.



NO 2





NO 3


50 % LOW




1‐ /)




Table 4.4 Summary of Effect of Listening Journal

The finding seems to oppose the results of previous research by Goh (1997)

and Goh and Taib (2006). Goh reports that listening journal functions to add and

sharpen listening strategies (Goh (1997) as cited in Rost (2002)). When reporting

findings from the use of metacognitive instruction in listening with listening journal

incorporated Goh and Taib (2006) reports that “there was strong indication that

metacognitive instruction had contributed to the pupils’ improvement in two sets of

listening scores”. Instead of viewing the finding as invalid, the researcher still

follows his conclusion. The validity of the finding was bound by space and time in

which the research was done. The researcher seeks no generalization of the findings.



Instead, it was a description of the effect to the corresponding participants being

studied, which as noted, limited in number and scope.

One possible cause of the neutral effect is at the listening journal. It may be the

form or manner. Either case may cause the lack of strength in the instrument to elicit

participants’ metacognitive knowledge. However, this possibility is not counted in

this study because previous research (Fujiwara (1990) as cited in Rost (2002); Goh

and Taib (2006)) reported positive results of the strength of reflection journal to

elicit participants’ metacognitive knowledge. Moreover, the form and manner of the

listening journal adapted in this study follows those of previous research.

Another possible cause is at the participants’ part. Chances are that

participants were not honest. Honesty in this case refers to full willingness of the

participant to exert their best effort to deeply reflect on their learning. It may be due

to mere reluctance in doing the act of writing or to different learning styles which

affect dislike to writing. This latter cause is discussed as other findings which may

limit the use of listening journal in the next section.

2. The Effect of Writing Listening Journal on Participants’ Learning


As reviewed in Chapter 2, autonomy is a continuum. Its starting point is

Learner’s Self Awareness. The second checkpoint is Self Direction. The third, and

the only one with its own cycle, is Self Regulation. Self Regulation is maintained

through Self Monitor, Self Assessment and Self Management. This section reports

the points on which listening journal had succeed in positioning each participant in

the learning autonomy continuum.



a. Self-Awareness

Despite various depths of the Listening Journal and its neutral effect to

participants’ listening comprehension skills, it is obvious that participants were

aware of the processing strategy they were using. Although not all strategies they

possessed were written in details and procedurally in their Listening Journal, the fact

that some of the strategies were actually poured into their reflection is unmistakably

factual. The researcher, for this reason, concludes that Listening Journal has made

the participant self-aware of the listening process which they experienced.

b. Self-Direction

Willingness is important to enhance Self-Direction in learning. If there was

willingness on the side of the participants, it was almost clear that those participants

were self directed. Willingness constitutes motivation and confidence, which may be

visible from participants’ self-acceptance and planfulness. Therefore, finding these

traits in the participants would help determine their position in the Self Direction.

Through observation it is true that, among others, Participant No.1 was the

most reluctant in writing the Listening Journal. There were no clear-cut expressions

in his Listening Journal which indicate willingness to improve his listening skills.

Indeed, he was the most confident in believing that he would succeed understanding

the text fully and doing the task perfectly.

There was, therefore, no sign that he was Self Directed. This does not mean,

however, that he was nowhere near that point. For the mean time, the researcher

does not conclude that the participant was not self directed, the reason of which

would be discussed later on.



From the Listening Journal, it is evident that Participant No.2 was willing to

improve her listening skills. Such evidences were found through her writing

expressing her disappointment about her progress and how she did on the task. From

the Journal, she seemed to have the intention to improve herself, showing the

willingness to learn. Repeatedly did she write on the need of more practice on her


Participant No.2, therefore, possessed the necessary trait to be regarded as

being in the point of Self Direction. Listening Journal has helped her to motivate

herself, which eventually directed her to make progress and improvement in her

listening capacity. The motivation to change for the better had driven her to act


Through observation, it could be seen that Participant No.2 did direct herself

to practice listening at home. She had started to practice listening using the CD of

compiled listening materials. Table 4.5 confirms the fact that Participant No.2 did

not start listening to the CD until at least the fifth meeting of the program, which

may positively mean that the activity has arouse self direction in herself. (See

Appendix E).

Events Source Participant No.2 has started listening to Field Note Meeting 6 the CD of listening practice from the researcher

Table 4.5 Evidence of Self Direction

Participant No.3 often expressed her confidence by expressing her

feelings towards English. She also wrote on her satisfaction. This way, the reflection



tells her confidence about her ability in listening, factor crucial to enduring the

process of listening.

When asked her opinion about Listening Journal, her comments revealed that

Listening Journal has encouraged her to improve. She basically stated that she would

rise from her disappointment to learn more not only to avoid future disappointment

but also to measure her improvement.

Through observation it is also clear that Participant No.3 was indeed Self-

Directed (See Appendix E). Table 4.6 summarize an event during the researcher

preparation of the listening activity shows this, that was when the researcher was

adjusting volume, trying it with a passage from a CD Participant No.3 received from

the researcher. Participant No.3 was thus Self-Directed.

Events Source Field Note Meeting 5

to practice on her own using the CD from Participant No.3 shows that she has decided

the researcher

Table 4.6 Evidence of Self Direction 2

Listening Journal directs participants to improve their capacity in listening. In

fact, participants did show indications of their being directed, that means self-

direction. It is now clear that Listening journal affects participants to the point of

self-direction in the autonomy continuum.

c. Self-Regulation’s Self Monitor

Self-Regulation starts with Self-Monitor. This section clarifies Participants’

position on this checkpoint.



Participant No.1’s Listening Journal has put him further even to the stage of

Self Monitoring. Despite the fact that his state of learning autonomy was not

observable through observation, from an interview, it was revealed that he

sometimes monitored his listening capacity.

In previous section, it has not been concluded that Participant No.1 was self

directed. However, seeing that now proofs found that support the assumption that he

was Self-Monitored, although only occasionally visible, his self direction was not

debatable. Debatable, however, is the extent of his self-direction towards self-


Events Source Participant No.2 asked to check her

sentence discussion

on the topic’s gist

Field Notes on meeting 7 answers, to see if she incorrectly answered the items

Participant No.2 asked for sentence-per- Field Notes on meeting 8

Participant No.2 asked for an explanation Field Notes on meeting 9

Table 4.7 Evidence of Self Regulation

It is agreed previously that he maintains the cycle of being Self Aware.

Although not reflected from his Listening Journal, when verbally asked the way he

comprehended the text, he could elaborate it quite clearly. However, he never

mentions, asked or not, about the CD the researcher gave as a means of Self Access


It indicates that he was not quite Self Directed, which was necessary to his

autonomous state. There are indications that Participant No.1 was Self-Directed and



Self-Monitored but there are also indications telling otherwise. It would be

misguiding to conclude with absolute confidence that Participant No.1 was indeed

Self Monitored. At this point, the researcher concluded that Participant No.1 was

entering Self-Monitor while once in a while, struggling backward with his Self


Table 4.7 shows that Participant No.2 had even further stepped in the

autonomy continuum (See Appendix E). She had been monitoring her learning, on

purpose and without force. Throughout three final meetings of the test, Participant

No.2 regularly monitored her progress. It indicates that Participant No.2 has reached

initial phase of Self Regulation.

When discussing Participant No.3’s strategies on Monitoring, Clarifying and

Evaluating, it has been agreed that she showed no interest in monitoring her

listening process and progress. More to the point, there was nowhere to be found in

her Listening Journal indications of Self Monitor. The researcher is left with a

conclusion that Participant No.3 was not Self Monitored.

To this point it is clear that Participant No.3 stopped at Self-Direction,

Participant No.1 started to Self Monitor yet not quite Regulated and Participant No.2

just started Self Regulating her learning. In other words, Participant No.2 was the

most autonomous, Participant No.1 was the second most autonomous and

Participant No.3 was the least autonomous.

If seen more thoroughly, the act of self-direction and self monitor on some

participants, started after meeting 5. That means after half of the program had been

done, participants started to seek ways to use the media provided and other means to

improve their listening. It is clearly visible that they were motivated by their



willingness to avoid embarrassing reflection and to reach personal victory in the


One might think that there were chances in which participants were already

autonomous before undergoing the treatment, that was writing listening journals. To

conclude that a participant had involved his or herself in the autonomy continuum,

there should be indication that the participants are self- aware and self-directed,

which enabled them to self-regulate their learning.

While participants were found to be self-aware, referring to the initial listening

journal and interview, there was no indication that participants were already self-

directed. As concluded, therefore, self-direction was developed during and after the

use of listening journal. Figure 4.1 summarizes the discussion in this section.

The Listening Journal gives the way to that motivation to arise. Therefore, the

researcher concludes Listening Journal affects beneficially to participants’ position

in the learning autonomy continuum; that, despite the fact that Listening Journal









Figure 4. 1 Summary of the effect of Listening Journal



failed to position participants to constant Self Regulation, Listening Journal could

encourage participants to Self Monitor as an initial phase in Self Regulation.

B. Other Findings

1. Listening Journal Limitation

a. The difficulty level of text and task

There seem to exist a tendency that the more difficult a text, the more pieces of

writing a participant made. In this research, the difficulty of the text and task was

designed to be steadily increasing. However, to different participants, certain tasks

were easier and others were more difficult to manage. More often than not, the

factor which revealed the strategies, affective aspects and any other aspect poured in

the reflection sheets was the difficulty of the task and text. Each time a listener felt

that the text or task was easy, the less he or she wrote about whether and why the

listening activity was important.

When asked whether or not writing the journal was a monotonous activity, all

participants answered ‘yes’. The reasons were usually the lack of variation of the

questions in the listening journal. Other reasons were related to the presence of

special impressions or challenge experienced on the corresponding test day.

It then affects their reflection about what disappoints them, because if there

was little or no disappointment in the activity, that is if participants felt nothing

wrong about his or her performance in accomplishing the task, there would be very

little to be revealed about what important things required from them to improve their

listening capacity.



b. Participants’ Learning Style

The reason that a Listening Journal might not work to elicit participants’ self

awareness often lies on participants’ mood. Sometimes when participants were not

in the mood for listening and suffered from loss of focus due to abundance of school

homework, they reported that points of writing could disappear.

Mood is not the only factor to blame. Personality also matters. On the case of

Participant No.1, the preference of oral explanation over written one drove him to

avoid writing explicit and comprehensive details of what he actually thought of

happening in his mind. Often, it is the way a participant perceives the Listening

Journal and the way he or she perceives his or her own Learning. Therefore,

attention needs to be paid when implementing Listening Journal to certain types of






A. Conclusions

From the study, it was understood that Listening Journal does not necessarily

contribute improving effects to Participants’ Listening Comprehension Skill. It was

also discovered that Listening Journal is able to encourage participants to improve

their listening capacity. However, the encouragement from the use of Listening

Journal, in this study, did not increase Participants’ Listening Comprehension Skills.

It was also understood from the study that Listening Journal does contribute

beneficial effects to Participants’ Learning Autonomy. Listening Journal had driven

participants to possess Self Awareness and Self Direction. Furthermore, it even

fosters participant’s learning autonomy up to an initial phase of Self-Regulation. The

initial phase is Self-Monitor. However, there was no evidence of Self-Assessment

and Self-Management.

Some other findings related to the use of Listening Journal were also

discovered. It was discovered that participants found writing Listening Journal

monotonous and that that the more challenging a text or task was, the more

participants wrote in the Listening Journal. In addition, participants’ learning style

also affected the depth of a Listening Journal.

B. Implications for Teaching

Teachers interested in using the Listening Journal as part of classroom routines

should consider the variety of questions in the reflection sheets to avoid overly




monotonous journal writing. In order for students to keep useful journal, it is also

necessary to pay attention to progressively increasing difficulty level of task and text

to maintain challenge and impressions in the listening activity. Additionally, not less

important is an investigation of learner’s style of their preferred way of expressing


As it was found that Listening Journal did not necessarily improve

participant’s listening comprehension skills, the use of Listening Journal should

serve as an accompaniment to a Listening Class which provides opportunities for

learners to learn and practice listening processing strategies. Teachers who are

willing to foster learning autonomy, further than initial Self-Regulation, should be

cautious that the use of Listening Journal may not fulfill the demand to maintain the

cycle of Self-Regulation to further maintain Learning Autonomy. More learning

activity focusing on metacognitive strategies may be a good company for the use of

Listening Journal.

C. Suggestions for Future Research

As this study does not attempt to validate the effectiveness of the use of

Listening Journal, further research in finding out the effectiveness of the use of

Listening Journal is highly recommended. Also, as this study does not seek the

correlation between the extent of learning autonomy of a learner and learner’s

comprehension skills improvement, quantitative research addressing these variables

is recommended. As a final point, the use of Listening Journal, particularly in

bigger classroom, remains an issue to be further investigated.




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A. Data Summary

a. Summary of Listening Journals



Participant No.1


PreTest guess



choosing instead of listening) concentrate

Ref3 concentrate


thinking about the nouns it is a noun. Ref5 It (noun) contains no

practice.. additions

Ref6 - -Ref7 -Ref8 - -Ref9 - -Ref10 - -

Affective Reflection Strategic Reflection

we can often make a wrong

to remember things I have learned

I would never underestimate anything anymore

I can do the test even before the recording is played. (that’s why I say it is more like

I underestimated the test that I missed one blank I don’t really understand what ? What is the easy way to makes a noun distinguish Noun from others? I am not really satisfied Practice more because I did not manage to I distinguish it from the use of follow the story especially additional elements, usually if while at the same time there is no additional element

I am disappointed! Lack of

It (verb) contains additions

Studying more



Participant No.2

n Sheet No. PreTest

Ref1 practice too

Why not choose just the standard one often

I was a bit shocked,



with clear pronunciation Spelling

Ref4 really satisfied today,

Of course I am quickly decide if it is adjective or noun.

Ref5 Listening to English Songs. about Noun and Verbs Usually, when I like a song, I’d

Reflectio Affective Reflection Strategic Reflection

I felt that I need more seems that the meaning is deep

listen to stuff in English more

though; even down for a moment

I’m very happy because I Concentrating in Listening can complete the listening

the difference the way people pronounce “past” from “passed”.

It make(s) me disappointed studying more

Distinguishing easy sentence

Ref3 I’ll open up my dictionary more ask some other people

Umm, actually I am not ? Those words which I listen, Will I correctly pronounce

because I don’t feel like I them myself? made it.. I have to know the meaning of

disappointed because I the word first. After that, I could

couldn’t do it perfectly..

Umm, I am a bit confused

work hard to get the meaning

cause I think I can manage to enjoy and do it relax




Well, I don’t think I am

found an easy way to distinguish those three entity.


nature, [ADJECTIVE] Ref7 Yup, Listening is evidently

not too difficult Ref8

listening, so the result is

Listening because listening is not as easy as I thought

It’s better to choose doing one

answer the question. Because

we choose to listen while doing

It was difficult because there

Ref9 So far, I still think that English Listening is not easy

because) I could not do the second part of the

of a part

I could not do the second part of the questions well because I did

Ref10 My guess about the

My view has not changed,

My guess


Woa, seems that I have to listen to THAT CD…

satisfied. Because I haven’t

Is ‘worried’ an adjective? How can we distinguish noun,

verb and adjective easily? Its meaning is related to things NOUN], Its meaning is related

to activity [VERB], Its meaning is related to characteristics/

Concentrate on listening

I am disappointed because I chose to do the task while

not optimum.

I cannot underestimate

thing at a time, listen first then

concentration will be disturbed if

the task.

were two types of items

(I am disappointed

questions well because I did not know the meaning

not know the meaning of a part

embarrassing thing was inaccurate. Besides, I incorrectly answer some of the questions

for me listening is still difficult.

about the embarrassing thing was inaccurate. Besides, I incorrectly answer some of the



Participant No.3

n Sheet No. PreTest , I was rather, you know, .. hopefully I could concentrate Ref1

them Ref2

I can just pick one Carefulness

seventeen and seventy, sorry, I

fifty). Because I could recall that seventeen (17) from the


Ref4 ?

Countable and not-countable Ref5

than yesterday Dera, just for kicks, although it is 50-50. Listening to songs in

Noun = things (anything and )

Reflectio Affective Reflection Strategic Reflection

Feeling rather low I supposed better in the next meeting..

I am just too shy I have known about some of

? how to really understand the topic of the text that we listen ? how be able to comfortably memorize

careful and concentrate more Distinguishing between

mean 15 and 50 (fifteen and

phrase “sweet seventeen”; that means “teen” for teens and “ty” for

Ref3 Vocabulary collection and

probably just “more practice” How can I make myself more

sensitive to those words spoken when I listen? Practice would be nice, but HOW?

I collect (lexical items) more More practice, of course! Listening to the CD from mas

English language.

they are simply things



Verb = kata kerja (anything that you do, work.,etc)

Ref6 Not so bad (satisfied enough),

junior high.

? of verbs, noun and adjective

NOUN: things (countable and non-countable), VERBs can be followed by _ing,

be followed by _ing Ref7 Ref8 English is fun! Concentration Ref9 No. Didn’t I tell you English Concentration. (always

is fun? ‘concentration’, eh?) Ref10

‘cause I did not concentrate Once again, English is fun!

‘cause I did not concentrate

I had been taught that in my How can I tell the differences

from each other?

ADJECTIVE has no additional elements, ADJECTIVE cannot

Nope. This is English Concentrate on listening

Yes [I am dissappointed]. Yes [I am dissappointed].

More concentration, yup!



b. Summary of Listening Comprehension Test Score



Test Score

No.1 No.2 No.3 Pre

1 Not scored Not scored Not scored

1 2 100% 85% 77% 2 3 65% 55% 40% 3 4 79% 43% 25% 4 5 71% 71% 57% 5 6 63% 52% 44% 6 7 90% 88% 63% 7 8 67% 50% 44% 8 9 70% 64% 73% 9 10 80% 50% 30%

10 No

Reflection 60% 33% 45% Mean 77% 59% 50%

Reflection Participant Participant Participant




B. Listening Comprehension Test


_______________ _______________ _______________

62 Pre Assessment

the recording! The recording will be played twice.


You will listen to a short passage explaining about bicycle.

Put below each picture a label according to what you listen in

Cyclist Hand Signs

Do not turn the page before the teacher ask you



63 Pre Assessment

them! The recording will be played twice.


Below is a transcript of the recording you are about to listen

to. There are 20 mistakes in the text.

As you listen to the recording, locate them by underlining

I think there are two way you can see the world

Either you see the sadness that's behind everything

or you choose to keep it all out

your heart can break

if you don't let the world touch it

I wasn't lying when I said I didn’t blame her

what happened wasn't her fall

it was a couple of days after all the stuff with Becky

that I got the plain ticket to new York from my dead

I was excited to be back in the city

I found mrs. Colderon too

I was kind of hoping it would be like the last time

Like when I would step back and be that same kid


As soon I saw her I can tell something was different

She was deforced

It turns out Mr. Colderon chatted on her for almost the

whole time they were merried

Mrs. Colderon said I could call her Angela now

that night I told her about what happened with Becky

I remember exactly what she said right down to the

kiddo part

it happens at different times and to different people

but it happens to everybody

it's the worse part about growing up

heart break

realizing that bad thing happen to good people like

you too

it's a part of life

it seems like, uhh, pretty big part

that's why you have to believe that

life is more than some of the part kiddo

I started to sea at everywhere

the faces were difference but they were the same

I saw the sadness in every twinkle one

I fell my heart break over and over

and each time's like the first time

I couldn't slept. I haven't slept since new York

And I felt it’s tide in my chest

I felt like I was drawn in

it's always sadness and there's nothing you can do

about it

and all you want is for it to go away

Do not turn the page before the teacher ask you When you finish with this section, please submit the sheets for page 2 and 3 to your teacher



_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

64 Pre Assessment

When you reach this page you should have submitted the previous pages to your teacher

Each passage will be played once.


You are about to listen to 5 listening passages.

Listen to the recording carefully. Answer these questions based

on the what you listen! [there would be pauses between texts]


1. what is a pharaoh?

2. What is the other name for The Valley of The Kings?

3. What covers the walls of the Tomb?

4. On whose honor does the largest temple built?

5. During 1200 BCs, what did Ramses II complete building?


1. Is there only one sphinx in Egypt?

2. What does a sphinx look like?

3. What does historians believe about the face of the great sphinx?

4. What is the difference between sphinx’s head and body from its paws and legs?

5. What is the main material for building the sphinx?



_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

65 Pre Assessment


1. How can it be said that Cairo is the largest city in Africa?

2. Where is the location of Cairo in reference with the Nile River?

3. What is an old quarter?

4. Mention some examples of Islamic Architecture in Egypt!

5. What mosque built around 970?



66 66

Instruction: Choose [circle] which word in the bracket matches the word you listen in the recording!

American people are living longer and

longer. One of the reasons may be that they are

(beating/eating) healthier (food/foot). They are

smoking (last/less) and exercising more. In (audition/addition) to (adopting/adapting) healthier habits, older

people are doing things that they didn't do in the (past/passed). Retired people are staying alert by continuing

an active lifestyle. More and more retired people are volunteering for jobs. They are also (assuming/resuming)

their studies.

Research (sows/shows) that people can successfully continue to learn (event/even) after the age of

(19/90), and university classes often include several students who have already left the workforce, but who are

continuing their education. Retired people are also taking advantage of the (leisure/pleasure) activities that

have developed over the last (50/15) years. They are travelling more, as travelling has become much easier.

Even if they cannot travel, they are able to enjoy the benefits of television. In the future, the (live/life) of re­

tired people will probably be even richer.



Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the word you hear from the recording!

Have you ever seen a person nagging a parrot to say something silly like "Polly wants a (1)________?"

Have you ever stopped to think how that parrot (2)________? What about when people (3)________ of each other using the example of a parrot?

I'm sure you wouldn't like being (4)________ in a (5)________ while people (6)________ and (7)________ at you or even (8)________ to (9)________ you.

We here at "A Prayer for Parrots" feel that the discrimination (10)________ parrots must come to (11)________. We believe that parrots (12)________ to be treated with respect. We know that parrots (13)________ in our society!

Parrots around the country are crying to be set free to go back to their natural habitats. They deserve to live (14)________ with their brothers in the jungle! Please join us in (15)________ to set the parrots free.

Let them go back to their (16)________ in South America where they (17)________. To-gether, we can make (18)________.

*Donations can be (19)________ to: A Prayer for Parrots, PO Box (20)________, Swinton, CA.



Instruction: The title of the passage is HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Write down any NOUN you hear!




Instruction: The title of the passage is DEAR JENNIFER Write down any NOUN and VERB that you hear!




Instruction: The title of the passage is WORRIED IN THE WORKPLACE Write down any NOUN , VERB and ADJECTIVES that you hear!




Instruction: The title of the passage is LOVE LETTERS Choose T if the statement is True, or F if it is false!

T / F 1. The recipient’s name is Jimmy.

T / F 2. The sender’s name is Barb.

T / F 3. The recipient never listens to the sender when she talks.

T / F 4. The recipients says there are 5 (five) problems.

T / F 5. The sender thinks that the recipient only cares about money.

T / F 6. The sender thinks that the recipient is better than her friends.

T / F 7. The sender thinks that the recipient knows her favourite food.

T / F 8. The sender thinks that the recipient doesn’t know her birthday.



Instruction: The title of the passage is ARE YOU BLUE OR PINK?

A. Choose T if the statement is True, or F if it is false!


Are you BLUE or PINK?


T / F : Sea and Heaven Roses : T / F

T / F : the most powerful colour the weakest colour : T / F

T / F : symbol of evil spirit symbol of good spirit : T / F

B. Answer these questions based on what you listen!

1. Who chose those colours? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

2. Why were they chosen? Because _________________________ Because ____________________________

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________



Instruction: The title of the passage is HOW ABOUT YOGHURT

Write down facts about Yoghurt that you hear from the recording by completing these sentences!

1. Yoghurt balances __________________________________.

2. Yoghurt is a good source of __________________________.

3. Yoghurt improves __________________________________.

4. Yoghurt heals _____________________________________.

5. Yoghurt is a main ________________ in many cultures.

6. Yoghurt may be the daily food of ______________ who was famous in the Bible.

7. Yoghurt was also enjoyed by King ______________.

8. Yoghurt is made of milk of ______, ________, and even _______.

NOW, write down the steps of making Yoghurt!

1. First, put _______________________________________________

2. Then, ___________________________________________________

3. Finally, add ______________________________________________





Instruction: The title of the passage is ARE YOU TRACY?

Listen to the recording and answer the following questions based on the information in the recording!

1. Whose birthday it was? ______________________

2. Who is Martin? _____________________________

3. Where was Sarah and Martin supposed to meet? ____________________

4. What time did Martin arrive at the Pub? _________________________

5. What did Martin order? ____________________________________________

6. Who is Tracy? _____________________________________________________

7. How does Tracy look like? _______________________________________

8. Who is Joanne? ____________________________________________________

9. Who is Bob? _______________________________________________________

10. Why was it embarrassing?


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C. Listening Comprehension Test’s Text Transcript



1. Pre.Assessment

Part.I Bicycle riders should follow certain safety rules. Cyclists should wear helmets to help prevent head injuries. They should obey all traffic signs and signals that motorists do, and ride in the same direction as automobile traffic, staying as close to the edge of the road as possible. When in groups, cyclists should ride in single file. Cyclists can increase their safety by signaling before turning or stopping. In many countries, standard hand signals are used. For a left turn, the left arm is held straight out. When turning right, cyclists should position the left hand up. An alternate right turn signal consists of extending the right arm straight out. For a stop, the left arm is extended, slanting downward. In the United Kingdom, where motorists drive on the left side of the road, the cyclist's stop signal is made with the right arm.

Part.II I think there are two ways you can see the world Either you see the sadness that's behind everything or you choose to keep it all out your heart can’t break if you don't let the world touch it I wasn't lying when I said I don't blame her what happened wasn't her fault it was a couple of days after all that stuff with Becky that I got the plane ticket to new York from my dad

I was excited to be back in the city I found mrs. Colderon too I was kind of hoping it would be like the last time

Like when I could step back and be that same kid again As soon I saw her I can tell something was different She was divorced It turns out Mr. Colderon cheated on her for almost the whole time they were married Mrs. Colderon said I should call her Angela now that night I told her about what happened with Becky I remember exactly what she said right down to the kiddo part it happens at different times and to different people but it happens to everybody it's the worst part about growing up heart break



realizing that bad thing happens I felt my heart break over and over to good people like you too and each time's like the first time it's a part of life it seems like, uhh, pretty big part I couldn't sleep. I haven't slept that's why you have to believe that since new York life is more than some of its part And I felt it’s tight in my chest kiddo I felt like I was drowning

it's always sadness and there's I started to see at everywhere nothing you can do about it the faces were different but they and all you want is for it to go were the same away I saw the sadness in every single one


Text I: The Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings is a rocky, narrow gorge, which was used as a cemetery by the pharaohs--or kings--of ancient Egypt between 1550 and 1100 B.C. The valley, sometimes called the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings, lies on the west bank of the Nile River across from Luxor and Karnak. The tombs are in the form of corridors and chambers cut into the rock walls of the valley. Carved and painted religious scenes and hieroglyphic texts cover the walls. The tombs include those of Seti I, Tutankhamun, Thutmose III, Ramses II, and Ramses III. Across the Nile, a huge temple built in honor of the sun-god Amun-Re stands at Karnak. This temple was the largest temple in ancient Egypt. Its columned Great Hall was completed by Pharaoh Ramses II during the 1200's B.C. The walls and columns of the temple feature carvings and hieroglyphics.World

Text II: The Great Sphinx The Great Sphinx is the largest and oldest representation of a sphinx from ancient Egypt. A sphinx was an imaginary creature of ancient myths. Like the Great Sphinx at Giza, most Egyptian sphinxes had the head of a man and the body, feet, and tail of a lion. The Great Sphinx, built by the Egyptians about 4,500 years ago, wears a royal headdress and lies near the pyramid of King Khafre. Historians believe that the sphinx's face is a portrait of Khafre, who probably had the monument built. The Sphinx is 240 feet, or 73 meters, long and stands about 66



feet, or 20 meters, high. The width of its face measures 13 feet 8 inches, or 4.17 meters. Its head and body were carved directly out of a giant rock in a limestone formation, and stone blocks were cut to form the paws and legs. This same limestone formation supplied much of the stone used to build several of the great pyramids.

Text III: Cairo Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city, in terms of population, in Africa. It lies on the east bank of the Nile River, with suburbs along the west bank. The newer areas of Cairo have modern buildings in the style of present-day European and American architecture. Cairo's older areas are famous for their old quarters--areas of narrow winding streets and buildings that are hundreds of years old. They feature bazaars, shops, and mosques with tall minarets. Many of the mosques are outstanding examples of Islamic architecture. They include Ahmed Ibn Tulun, built in the 800's, and al-Azhar, built about 970. .



2. Test 1 Living Longer and Better

Living Longer and Better American people are living longer and longer. One of the reasons may be that they are eating healthier food. They are smoking less and exercising more. In addition to adopting healthier habits, older people are doing things that they didn't do in the past. Retired people are staying alert by continuing an active lifestyle. More and more retired people are volunteering for jobs. They are also resuming their studies.

Research shows that people can successfully continue to learn even after the age of 90, and university classes often include several students who have already left the workforce, but who are continuing their education. Retired people are also taking advantage of the leisure activities that have developed over the last 50 years. They are travelling more, as travelling has become much easier. Even if they cannot travel, they are able to enjoy the benefits of television. In the future, the life of retired people will probably be even richer.

3. Test 2 Save the Parrots

Have you ever seen a person nagging a parrot to say something silly like "Polly wants a cracker?" Have you ever stopped to think how that parrot feels? What about when people make fun of each other using the example of a parrot? I'm sure you wouldn't like being locked in a cage while people stare and point at you or even try to buy you. We here at "A Prayer for Parrots" feel that the discrimination against parrots must come to an end. We believe that parrots deserve to be treated with respect. We know that parrots are suffering in our society! Parrots around the country are crying to be set free to go back to their natural habitats. They deserve to live in peace with their brothers in the jungle! Please join us in our march to set the parrots free. Let them go back to their homes in South America where they belong. Together, we can make a difference.

*Donations can be sent to: A Prayer for Parrots, PO Box 23453, Swinton, CA.



4. Test 3 Health and Happiness

A ten-year-old pupil who was disappointed in her grades responded to her report card by saying, "I'm so sad, I bet I'll get the flu." The teacher's reply was, "Don't be silly. Sadness won't make you sick." It may be that the teacher knew less about the complex human body than her pupil. Recent research has shown that there could be a direct link between people's emotional state and their physical well-being. Research that was conducted at a University in Ohio showed that anxiety caused before a final exam of medical students affected their immune system. The degree of activity of the cells that fight disease (white blood cells) was much lower on the day of the exam. Another research project showed that college students who felt lonely or upset had three times less activity of the white blood cells. It seems that certain chemicals from the brain can lower the power of the immune system. These chemicals may be released when one is suffering from anxiety. If this explanation is supported by further research, our teacher will be proven wrong. An upset pupil would certainly be more likely to get the flu!

5. Test 4 Dear Jennifer

Sept. 15, 1997 Dear Jennifer,

I'm writing to tell you that I'm coming to Switzerland to visit you! I've decided that it's just too long to wait until winter vacation, to see you. I already told my boss that I'm taking two weeks off of work for vacation and she said that it was OK with her. I'm arriving in Zurich on the 25 th , but first I'm stopping in England to visit my uncle. I already spoke to my cousin, Wendy, and she's picking me up from the airport. I know it's hard for you to get there without a car, so don't worry about meeting me. I'll send you the flight details when I get them. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you live and meeting your friends! See you soon!

Thinking of you, George



6. Test 5 Worried in the Workplace

Dear Alice, There's this guy who is working at my office who I find very attractive. I don't know if he has a girlfriend or not, but I have no way of showing him I'm interested.

My friends tell me that I should ask him out for coffee, and worst comes to worst, he'll refuse. However, I can't bring myself to do it. I just couldn't bear the thought of his refusing my offer.

I can't stop thinking about him, and it's affecting my work. What should I do?

Worried in the Workplace


Dear Worried, I understand that you may feel uncomfortable about asking a strange man out for coffee. I would too! Maybe you should try talking to him a bit first. You might want to get friendly with him through small talk before you ask him out.

He may let out an "us" or "we" when talking about what he did on the weekend -- a sign that he's probably seeing someone. You could also ask the secretary if she thinks he has a girlfriend. Secretaries often know things about the private lives of people in the office.

Then, if you find out he's single, and he's being friendly in the small talk, go for it! Sometimes we must take risks to get what we want.

And if he says "no," smile, and walk away. It probably means that he wasn't meant for you anyway.



7. Test 6 Love Letters

Dear Jim,

Every time I see you, I try to talk to you, but you don't listen. You always change the subject. That's the biggest problem we have. You never listen to me when I talk. Instead, you run away from problems. Please read this letter and think about it. These are some of the problems we have:

1) You don't believe the same things that I do. You don't really believe in anything. All you care about is money. You don't understand what really matters in life. 2) We don't like the same people. I know that you don't like my friends. You don't even remember their names. You think that you are better than they are. You never want to go anywhere with them. I hate the way you make fun of them. 3) When you enjoy something, you assume that I enjoy it too. We always do what you like. You don't even know that I hate football. Do you know what my favourite food is? 4) You don't remember things that are important to me. You didn't even know it was my birthday last week. I am waiting for your answer. I hope that you read this letter carefully. If we can't talk, at least we can write.


8. Test 7 Are You Blue or Pink?

Have you ever wondered why the colour blue is used for baby boys and the colour pink for baby girls? Who chose these colours? Why were they chosen?

It seems that a long long time ago, people believed that evil spirits visited nurseries to do harm. They also believed that certain colours could act as a protection from these evil spirits.



Blue was the most powerful because it was associated with the sky and heaven, where spirits came from. Since mothers didn't want any evil spirits to go near their treasured baby boys, they dressed baby boys in blue.

Girls were less "important," so no particular colour was used for them. Baby girls only got a colour of their own centuries later. The association began from a European legend that said that baby girls are born out of pink roses.

9. Test 8 How about Yoghurt?

You may notice that these days supermarkets are flooded with different kinds of yoghurts in different flavours. Yoghurt helps balance the healthy bacteria in the body, and it is also a good source of calcium. Women's magazines claim that it even has qualities that improve the skin. When it is applied directly on the skin, it can also heal burns. But yoghurt is not a new fad.

It has been around for thousands and thousands of years, although no one really knows where it originated. Yoghurt is a main food in many cultures that are known for people who live long lives.

Legend has it that Methuselah, who was famous in the Bible for living over 900 years, ate yoghurt. It is also said that King Solomon, the biblical character known for his wisdom, also enjoyed it.

Yoghurt is not only made from cow's milk. Supposedly, goat's milk yoghurt was eaten by the biblical patriarch Abraham. It is also believed that Genghis Kahn, the great Mongol warrior, ate a lot of yak's milk yoghurt. You don't have to be Ghengis Kahn to eat yoghurt. It can easily be made at home.

This is how: Yoghurt is fermented from milk and from live cultures. To make it, a spoonful of existing yoghurt is put into a cup of milk. The culture in the existing yoghurt reacts with the milk and in a few days yoghurt is made. Flavours are then added to improve the taste.



10. Test 9 Are You Tracy?

It was Sarah's birthday. Martin was supposed to meet her and some of her close friends at a popular pub in Soho. Martin and Sarah had just started dating a few weeks ago, so this was the first time Martin was going to meet Sarah's friends. He was a little nervous. Martin walked into the pub at exactly ten o'clock. He didn't see Sarah, so he sat down to wait at the bar and ordered a beer. As he was thinking of what to get her, he saw a young woman come into the pub. She had brown hair and blue eyes, just like the picture of Sarah's best friend, Tracy. She looked like she was trying to find someone in the crowd. Martin thought she was looking for him and Sarah, so he smiled and motioned her to come over. The young woman smiled and came over. "Hi!" She said. " I wasn't sure how I would recognise you in this crowd." "Yah. Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." Martin answered.

Martin and the young woman chatted for a while. Finally, the young woman picked up her coat and said, "I'm just going to the ladies' room. I'll meet you outside." Martin was a little confused. In the meantime, Sarah walked in with a different girl with brown hair and blue eyes. Sarah walked over to Martin and gave him a kiss. "Hi, Martin! This is my friend, Tracy." She said. "Hi...uh.. Nice to meet you, Tracy." Martin said. He was very confused.

At the same time, the young woman he was talking to before came out of the ladies' room. "Do you know that girl, Sarah?" He asked. "No, why?" Sarah answered.

The young woman saw Martin with his arm around Sarah, and looked very upset. Just then, a young man who looked very much like Martin walked into the pub! He looked around and spotted the young woman. "Are you Joanne?" he asked her. "Um, yes." She said, "Are you Bob?" "Yes. It's great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you!" He said. Martin and the young woman, Joanne, looked at each other across the room and laughed. It was a pretty embarrassing mix-up.



11. Test 10

You are standing at the Wilson Avenue and 6th street

1. Now you have to go straight ahead here and turn left to that bar, the crazy bar. I see down here and turn left to the crazy bar. That’s right and keeps walking and you’ll come to the main street, ok? And then what do I do? Now you turn right on the main street go down Main Street and cross the bridge. Yes. Then you’ll see the street on your left its called market street. Go down Market Street and you’ll find then you’re looking for on the left. It’s on the corner. Oh I see it is ion the corner of Market Street on the left. Thank you.

2. Let me see. Now go down on the 6th street. That’s the one just over there. Oh I see…Go down 6th and cross main street. Ok. And keep going down 6th street. There’s a little street on your right. Don’t go down there. Keep going and take the second street on your right. All right, the place that you’re looking for is on your right and the end of the street. Oh, on my right at the end. Ok, thank a lot….

3. Let see…o yes..I know where that’s. Now take turn left so the Crazy Road and walk up t Main Street. Up to Main Street. Ok.. And than do I turn left or right at Main Street. Then right go down Main Street until you come to the bridge. Just before you come to the bridge, there is a street on your left. That’s Harrison…Harrison…Go down Harrison for two blocks, you’ll find it on your right. Ok, I understand. Thank you…Hey…you’re going to the wrong way. hey



D. Listening Journals

a. Participant No.1























b. Participant No.2























c. Participant No.3























E. Field Notes



Meeting ‘Pre.Assessment’ 12 February 2007

02.00 PM – 03.00 PM All Participants

It was the first meeting. Before this meeting I already had the chance to meet all

three participants to set the first meeting date. They agreed to do it today. The three

participants were Participant No.1 (male), Participant No.2 (female) and Participant

No.3 (female). I asked if they were ready, they approved and while the tools were

being set, they were talking to each other, wondering what will come up as the

activity; the discussion went around the speed and length, and principally the

difficulty level. They seemed enthusiastic about the activity, and looked impatient

waiting for the listening activity to begin.

They looked shocked, and since early in the beginning and some point in the

middle of PART I, they seemed lost not knowing where the current point of the

recording corresponded to which part of the questions. After the text was finished

being played for the first time, they still looked confused and had not managed to

finish answering the total three items of PART I. They asked for the recording to be

played one more time; request granted because it does not violate the plan.

Apparently, they looked more serious and concentrating on the text better than the

previous occasion.

Continuing to PART II, everyone prepare it. I asked them to read the

incomplete transcription first, and also the instruction. I made sure they understood



what to do; some asked questions. Some questions were answered, some were not.

The questions which were not answered were related to the text, which might give

them clues if answered, and not the instruction; so no answers could be

given. Participant No.2 looked fascinated about the text. It could be seen from the

way she let the text unfilled for a moment and a moment after looked realized that she

had to fill in the passage. Participant No.1 was concentrating on the text. Participant

No.3 looked quite confused, lost somewhere, and seemed unable to locate quickly

where in the passage the point of the recording which was being played. Nothing

changed significantly until the recording ended.

Before going to the next repetition of PART II, Participant No.2 and Participant

No.1 asked the meaning of particular word; I did not give the answer because they

asked the Indonesian equivalent of a particular English word found in the text. They

also commented that the text sounded meaningful. This assertion was approved

before continuing.

2nd repetion, Participant No.1 looked as if he has getting new clues. Participant

No.2 did not seem to have major problems; Participant No.3 looked confused,

murmuring about how difficult the text was. After PART II was over, Participant

No.2 also commented that it was too quick and Participant No.1 added that apart from

the speed, the similar pronunciation among the words might be the trick.

Students were told that the text would be related to Egypt. Participant No.1

looked excited, he said that was impossible for him not to know things about Egypt,

particularly the history of its Gods and Kings, due to the fact that he was a player of a



card-game related to the history of Egypt. Participant No.3 looked disturbed by

Participant No.1's vulgar assertion. Participant No.2 approves Participant No.3's

attitude by asking to immediately play the recording.

They were given time to read the instruction and the written questions. After a

few minutes, they said they are ready. Each of them looks calmer. I think it was not

because they can manage all of them, but rather because they were confused. Maybe

they did not really comprehend the questions when they were given the time to read it


After PART III was over, everyone submitted their worksheet.

Everyone, in turns, asked to verify their understanding about the journal's

guiding questions. I answered that they could answer all questions based on their

understanding of the questions. It took 30 minutes for them to finish writing the

journal. During this period no one seemed to be interested to talk too many things to

each other; each of them was focusing on the writing the journal.



Meeting: Test_1 17 February 2007

02.00 PM 03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

Participant No.1 could not come. Participant No.3 and Participant No.2 were

ready in the classroom just after the school was over. I then distributed the the

worksheets. I gave them given sufficient time (15 minutes) to read the worksheet,

instructions and questions, just to give time to brainstorm. Before ten minutes they

said they were ready, so the recording was played once. Different from previous

meeting, both of them seemed to manage it relatively easier.

I asked their comments about today's passage; they say it was easier than the

previous one. It was quite shocking to hear that because I have carefully ordered the

difficulty level of the text; I assumed that the task provided the ease.

They then submitted their worksheet. I offered them to check the answer, and

upon agreement, we checked the correct answers, and they reported that they found

their mistakes and realize the problem (such as leaving the item unanswered, mishear

initial sounds, .etc)

After finishing verifying on the mistakes they might have made, we continued

to write to journal. They seemed to understand what to do because there was no more

question asked. They wrote the journal silently, while drinking softdrinks. They did

not share answers. In no more than 20 minutes they have finished writing the journal.



I recall that in the previous meeting it took no less than 20 minutes for them to

finish writing the journal. However, I suspected that they underestimate today's

listening text and their feeling of success may hinder some factual problems they

might think they face.



Meeting: Test_2 20 February 2007

11.00 AM-12.00 AM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

Due to some problems in the schools we then decided to do the listening

activity in my home. Participant No.3 and Participant No.2 managed to come on time.

As usual, I had to distribute the worksheets early before going to the main activity.

They listened to the passage twice. It was filling in the blanks. First time played,

they still had some blanks, after the second repetition, after I asked, Participant No.3

said she still had 5 blanks; and Participant No.2 said she still had two.

Then we continued to writing the journal.

They started writing the journal by asking the first question to me, that was

about last listening activity. But before I managed to give an answer, they had shared

their opinion, and approved that it was about American lifestyle. While they were

writing they also talked about their personal things, things not related to this listening

activity. I let them talk for a while. And I saw they are really relaxed. It was really

relaxing doing this activity in my home. Actually this relaxed state I was looking for.

After some time, I asked if they had finished. Suddenly they said, ‘NOT YET!’ and

returned to writing their reflection.

Sometimes in the middle Participant No.2 ask: "ini soalnya yang bikin masnya

sendiri (Did you make all the task yourself?)” I answered that the text were used as is,



and the task I designed. And then they continue writing. After a few moments, they

finished writing their reflection.



Meeting: Test_1 21 February 2007

02.00 PM 03.00 PM Participant No.1

From this meeting on, there was a great chance for Participant No.1 to have the

listening activity individually due to different daily routine’s schedule. I decided to

have the second meeting with Participant No.1 today.

Seeing that Participant No.1 had been ready waiting for me in the classroom, I

immediately distributed the worksheets. Participant No.1 was given time to read the

questions first. It was choosing the right words in the recording. While reading he

was choosing the answer he thoughts to be correct.

The recording was played only once; and he seemed to be able to manage to fix

some items he had answered previously which he thinks to be incorrect and leave the

answers that he thinks to be correct.

It was inspiring to know that this type of comprehension test for listening did

not always show test taker’s listening capability. It tended to turn from aural test to

mere cognitive knowledge in his cognitive banks of syntactic knowledge without

having to decode any aural message.

It was not more than 15 minutes for him to finish writing the journal. It

bothered me once in a while to see how Participant No.1 seemed to be very reluctant

in expressing his reflection in the Listening Journal. The nature of this would be

investigated more deeply in the coming meetings.



Meeting: Test_2 22 February 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

Like usual I prepared all the audio set and had the worksheet ready on

Participant No.1’s desk in the classroom. When Participant No.1 arrived, everything

was ready and he asked to directly start the activity. He was, then, given time to read

the questions first. He did not fill in anything in the blanks; and he waited for the

moments the recording to be played. Moments afterwards he was asking to play the


The recording was played twice with long pause in between. The first time it

was played, he could manage to do more than half of the items. The second chance,

he managed to fill more blanks but still did not manage to fill all the blanks.

He murmured of his underestimation of the difficulty of the test. AM

Presumably, it was due to the nature of the blanks. It did make the look easier.

Now, came the time to write the journal. It was not more than 10 minutes. And

there was no question in between.

Presumably because he was in a hurry of something; it was annoying for me to AM

know that the reflection did not reflect as profound as possible the metacognitive

knowledge one might have just because of irrelevant rushes.

AM: Affective Aspect / Motivation



Meeting: Test_3 23 February 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

Doing the routine, I set in advance all the audio set and had the worksheet ready

on the desks in the classroom. Participant No.2 and Participant No.3 had been in the

classroom from before I came. Once the worksheet were ready on the desk, without

being asked, they were reading them.

The task was to identify nouns in the listening passage. Being played 3 times,

both students were still unable to write down all nouns contained in the text. Probably

even native speakers may not be able to do the test and finish it by just playing it once,

so, I expect 75 % of all nouns contained written down.

Once, the recording was finished being played and the task was done,

Participant No.2 asked for the reflection sheets. I gave it to her, and also Participant

No.3 and they started to write in the journal.

It seemed that they could not resist the temptation to share their daily routines

to each other. Today the talk went over Participant No.2 offering Participant No.3 to

join an English course she had been joining in. It was apparent that Participant No.2

was likely to be moved to help Participant No.3 improve her English. I still did not

know the impact of this action. They continued writing the journal after Participant

No.3’s implying that she might join the course.

They asked to play the recording once again before going home. SM

SM: Self Monitor



Meeting: Test_3 03 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

Participant No.1 was in the classroom. Once the worksheets were ready on the

desk, without being asked, he was reading them. As usual, I had to prepare the audio


The task is to identify nouns in the listening passage. I informed that it would

be played three times. I expected 75 % of all nouns contained written down. Once,

the recording was finished being played and the task was done, Participant No.1

asked for the reflection sheets. Recently, I had to admit, I thought that Participant

No.1 was not really challenged and the routines he was doing in the listening activity

was empty routines. Starting from this meeting, I thought I had the clue that

Participant No.1 was not serious in writing his Listening Journal.

As he continued writing the journal, I tried to break the ice, because most of the

time, meeting with Participant No.1 was quite cold. We did talk about our hobbies

before the listening activity started but when it came to the activity he was silent, up

to the end of the activity. I also had the feeling that he was always in a rush in doing

the activity.

After no more than 20 minutes, Participant No.1 submitted the reflection sheet

and asked permission to go home. That was all for today.



Meeting: Test_4 26 February 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

Today, we were doing the listening activity in the school hall because the

electricity in the classrooms was down. As I anticipated, the noise from students who

were leaving the schools would bother our listening activity. For that reason, I used

the time to interview them. After the interview, the electricity had not been fixed. To

wait for the electricity to be back on, I distributed the worksheet. The instruction was

easy because the task was not far different from previous one. Not long, they

understood what to do. Not long either did the electricity came back on. So we

directly began the listening activity, because I have previously set the audio

equipment during the blackout.

Both participants did not show any difficulty in completing the task. They did,

however, frown during the main listening session. With pauses between replays, as I

played it three times, they managed to list as many words as possible. After they felt

it was time to write the reflection, they asked for the reflection sheets.

Once they received the sheets, they wasted no time to finish the activity today.

In 30 minutes they managed to finish writing the journal. It was not without talk,

though, their completing the journal. They submitted the journal and we called it a




Meeting: Test_4 10 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

As usual, I had to prepare the audio sets. Participant No.1 had not come when I

was busy arranging the worksheet and reflection sheets for him. When everything

was ready Participant No.1 had not been there yet. To fill the time, I prepared the

interview questions I had designed at home, so when he came I could offer him for an

interview before doing the listening test. Not long afterwards Participant No.1 came

and asserted that he was ready, despite the sweat all over his clothes.

I was thinking that it would be better for him doing the task in a relaxed manner.

For this reason, I offer him an interview first. He agreed. After the interview was over,

he grab the worksheet in front of him on his desk. It seemed to me that he knew what

to do. He asked the scoring system and asked how many points the other participants

earned. I did not answer the second questions. I did not want to raise motivation in

any way, fearing that competition against other participant would push him instead of

the Listening Journal. After finishing the task, he asked for the reflection sheets.

As he continued writing the journal, I still had the feeling that he was in a rush

doing the activity. I assumed that from this meeting on, there would be great

possibility that Participant No.1’s listening journal would not be improving in terms

of its depth. Later, after no more than 15 minutes, Participant No.1 submitted the

reflection sheet and went home with me. That was how the day ended.


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Meeting: Test_5 02 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

I was getting into the classroom after the school was over; Participant No.2 and

Participant No.3 appeared to be ready and waiting for me finishing the preparation for

today's listening. In order to prepare without revealing today's material, I adjust the

volume and other settings by playing one of the recording which was also in the CD I

gave them to practice at home.

SD When I played this recording, Participant No.3 commented that she knows the

title of the recording. She says it was "women's day"; and it was true. I figure that

Participant No.3 had listened to some of the audio files in the CD.

A moment before we started, that was a moment after I stopped the trial

recording. They were still talking. After I distributed the worksheet they directly read

the instructions, and they asked each other the way to differentiate one speech part

from another. They also asked me, but I refused to answer and persuaded them to do

the task their best.

I then told them that we were going to play the recording three times. They still

bargain to have the recording played more than three times, but I did not grant their

request. They discussed one particular word "worried", asking whether it was a verb


- 125 ­

or adjective. I did not give the answer on this one either; they agreed to have their

question answered after the listening was over. After discussing about someone, I

asked if they were ready.

When a few minutes later they agreed to start the listening activity, I played the


They seem to have no problem with the type of the test, I saw that both of them

were still using the strategy of writing what they heard and classified them one by

one, instead of doing one category for each time the recording was being played.

After the recording was played twice, pause were given to provide them with

to monitor their current work. After a minute or two, the last replay was given. They

added no more than 30 percent to their current work.

It seemed to me that the effective search was on the first two opportunities. I

assumed that, they could not catch the words because they simply could not recognize

the sounds.

After the listening activity was done, I distributed the reflection journal. While

Participant No.3 was out for a while ordering lunch for all of us. After the order was

made, Participant No.3 returned to her seat and did the reflection side by side to

Participant No.2. While talking and listening to music, they wrote the reflection.

SD While writing the reflection journal, Participant No.2 was saying that she

should really listen to the CD she got from me. All for the rest of the time in between,

while they were writing the reflection, we were also talking about comics, hobbies

and else. The details of which were irrelevant to the activity; I wondered if this would


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affect their listening reflection. It was not, however, like any other reflection session

before this one, that every time we had reflection, we talked all the time.

Only when things get too silent, one of them would ignite a small conversation.

In one of such occasions, I asked them if this type of test, listing part of speech,

would hinder them from getting the gist of the text. Their answers were that it might

hinder the understanding of the global line of story of the text.

They continued writing the reflection. It was relatively longer than the last

session; probably because they thought that the test was not really easy. I wonder if

the more difficult the test, the deeper their reflection would be. Participant No.3

suddenly murmured that English was difficult; asking why learning foreign language

could be so difficult. So the talked goes around learning other foreign language; not

strategically, but just hobby talk.

After another silence, Participant No.2 asked what if she did not know how to

distinguish one part of speech from another; I told her to write the strategy she used

to do the test just now. She replies that it was the Indonesian equivalents; so I

suggested writing that and, if any, other strategies she used.

Suddenly, Participant No.3 shouted "selesai" (finish). And she gave the sheets

to me and ran out of the class heading for lunch. Participant No.2 followed a few

seconds later. I set up the utilities and that was for today's activity.

SD: Self Direction



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Meeting: Test_5 17 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

Participant No.1 had been waiting for me outside the classroom. I had decided

to see if Participant No.1 had also listened to the CD I gave him. I did the same thing

I did on meeting 05 with the other participants. I pretended to prepare today's material,

I adjusted the volume and by playing one of the recording which was in the CD.

When I played this recording, Participant No.1 gave no comments. It seemed to

me that Participant No.1 had not decided to check the CD at home. After I distributed

the worksheet he quickly read the instructions.

Eventually, I told them that we were going to play the recording three times.

He asked how many times I and the other participants listened to the text previously. I

told him that the number of repetition was the same and that no special treatment was

given to him.

When a few minutes later we agreed to start the listening activity, I played the


There seemed to be no problem, despite the fact that Participant No.1 often

repeated the same words in different columns. Overall, I really thought he could

manage the test.

The rest of the time was used for writing in the Listening Journal. It was not

different from previous meeting where Participant No.1 did the reflection quite


- 128 ­

quickly. It also seemed to me that his reflections did not really reflect what he



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Meeting: Test_6 08 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

After I waited for the school to be over, Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

were now ready as usual. However, much the same way they would normally talk to

each other while I was preparing the audio-equipment.

When the volume adjustment was almost over, I distributed the worksheet. Just

as the equipments were ready, they read the instruction. Participant No.2 commented

on the title. It was "love letter"; expressing surprise to the title; I assumed this was

because "love letter" was really related to their daily life as teenagers.

After I gave them time to read the true or false statement; I asked if they were

ready for the listening. When they agree to start, I played the recording. They seemed

to have little problem circling the options; I wondered if their answers reflected the

little problem they had when circling them. Anyway, the situation outside the

classroom in which we were doing the listening activity was not really favourable. It

was quite noisy outside.

However, they agreed that the listening today was easy in term of the speed

and the type of test really allured them thinking the items were easy to do. For that

reason I played the recording only once, compensating the type of the test.

While writing the reflection journal, they were talking about the way they

could improve their listening comprehension skill. They were talking about


- 130 -

Participant No.2 was quite confident she could do the test pretty well, so she



"concentration". When discussing this, I raised the issue of what "concentration"

would mean to them. Their response showed that "concentration" tended to indicate

"more inclination to the text; the ability to neglect unimportant noise and ability to

mentally translate the English text"

told me and Participant No.3 she would have no questions for today's listening. In the

middle of the reflection, I asked if they had practice on the CD. Participant No.2

answered that she had; Participant No.3 did not comment because she had already

told me that she also has had one previously.

After another silence over, they were talking about the activity their school was

having this weekend. At this point, they have written more than 75 % of the reflection

sheet. At the same time, we were also discussing when we should have another

meeting sometimes next week.

They agreed to have it next Tuesday. Participant No.3 finished first and asked

permission to leave earlier. A moment later, Participant No.2 submitted her reflection

sheet. That was all for today.


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Meeting: Test_6 31 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

Participant No.1 was ready, as always, in the classroom right after the school

was over. I decided to start informal conversation before we begun. Like usual, we

talked a lot about things irrelevant to listening. When I directed the conversation to

matters in listening, he was revealing that he rarely practice listening English at home

AM because he was currently focusing himself in learning another foreign language. He

said the reason above all was because he was confident enough with his English.

Then I decided to distribute the worksheet. Unlike meeting 06 with the rest of

the participants, ‘love letters’ did not really excite Participant No.1. I gave him the

chance to read the true or false statement. Then, after he indicated that he was ready, I

played the recording.

He was really serious in doing the test. His concentration seemed unbreakable.

He could manage to do the test quite easily. After checking it for the last time, he

directly asked the reflection sheets. With much lower level of seriousness, he did the

reflection. It rarely happened that Participant No.1 wrote the reflection more than 20


After that 20 minutes, we usually ended the session. Today was no different.


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Meeting: Test_7 13 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

Getting into the classroom, I decided to talk about their activity last week. They

seemed to be in a hurry. They asked to have the tools set. Without hesitation I set the

audio-equipment, adjusting the volume while distributing the worksheet.

I asked them to read the instruction while explaining what they should do to

make sure they understood what to do because today's listening activity worksheet

contained two types of items; true or false and semi open-ended questions.

After I made sure that they understand; I prompted them that I was going to

play the recording. Then I played the recording. After the recording finished,

Participant No.2 suddenly asked if that was all. She was surprised that the text was

not as long as he expected. I suspected she had not answered all of the items, and I

was right; much the same way with Participant No.3 on the other corner.

After the first replay, that was the last play, they still struggled to do the task. I

suspected they decided to guess the questions whose answer they were not sure. Just

as I thought about it, Participant No.2 asked what to do if she really did not know the

answer. So, I let her decide what she wanted to do.

After that, Participant No.3 and Participant No.2 submitted the worksheet and

asked for the reflection sheet.


- 133 ­

Starting to write the reflection, they told me they forgot what last meeting was

about. It was only this first time they completely forget the topic of the previous

meeting. They still felt the rush. Probably because today was one of Participant AM

No.3's busy day, it affected Participant No.2 too, making Participant No.2 not really

relax about doing the reflection. I also thought that it would affected Participant

No.3's own reflection. She did not write a lot, that was for sure. So, I suggest them to

be relaxed and loosen the rush in themselves. Trying to do that, I offered myself to

order beverages for them. Much to my surprise, they refused.

A few minutes later, Participant No.3 finished first and asked permission to

leave early.

It was common for Participant No.3 to leave early, leaving her reflection sheet

with more blanks rather than a full one. This time, Participant No.3 said to Participant

No.2 that it was a full reflection Participant No.2 had. Participant No.2 responded

humbly, telling that it was the font size of her handwriting; indicating the

insubstantiality of her full reflection. While in fact, inm y opinion, it was really full of

thought, at least visibly deeper than Participant No.3's short reflection.

A few minutes later, Participant No.2 complained that she did not really

understand the whole story, so she asked if she leaves the summary part blank. I

persuaded her to fill just as far she could understand. She did it quite well.

A few minutes later, Participant No.2 submitted the reflection sheet and she

asked me to play the recording to be played once again just for her to check her SM


- 134 ­

SD understanding. We listen to the recording together and stop every one sentence and

discuss the meaning. It shows her willingness to monitor her understanding.

When she found that her answer was wrong, she sounded disappointed; but it

was right, she looked just fine. It really was revealing. I could tell that she still find it

hard to digest some pronunciation. When we argued on some facts from the recording,

to get the truth, she asked to have the recording played once more. So, I played it. She

finally agreed that she was wrong. She told how she stumbled on one word because

she misinterpreted one word for another equivalents. That was all for today, it ends

as I set down the equipments.


- 135 -

Meeting: Test_7 14 April 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

Participant No.1 was in the classroom. As usual, I had to prepare the audio sets.

I was a little late today, so I did not manage to have the tools ready in advance.

Anticipating the rush, I directly handed the worksheet for Participant No.1 to read

over. Unlike usual, today Participant No.1 asked what to do. I assume it was because

there were two types of tasks in the test. My assumption proved to be true.

After I made sure that he understood, the recording was played.

He was pretty confident. He said all things were managed well that day. Then,

he asked the reflection sheets. Starting to write the reflection, I noticed he kept

writing the same answer for different questions in the reflection sheets. Well, that was

really unreflective, but that was all he wrote. Once the reflection was over, we went



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Meeting: Test_8 15 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.30 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

When everyone was ready; I set all the equipments necessary. As I tried to

finish adjusting the volume, I distributed the worksheet. I asked them to read the

instruction and the statements. Participant No.2 requested to have a pause between

replays and that request was granted. I then made sure if they were ready, and when

they were ready I played the recording.

As the recording was being played, they seemed to answer the questions just

well. At most, each of them would leave just two to three items blank. On the first

pause, they were surprised, the same look as previous meeting, related to the

suddenness of the recording that suddenly finish.

After a minute or two, I asked if they were ready for the replay. Participant

No.2 was asking about one word she hesitated to answer. Surely, I did not provide

any answer. On the replay, they were still trying to do the first part, and struggling on

the second part. It was not much a progress really. After they felt it was all the best

they could, they submitted the worksheet; Participant No.2 was the first, followed by

Participant No.3 only in a matter of seconds.

Then, I gave them the reflection sheet, in which they write the reflection in no



- 137 ­

They were not talking to each other for the first 15 minutes. Perhaps it was true

that the difficult the task, the deeper they think on what to write in the reflection sheet;

only temporary assumption though.

They did in more relax manner this time compared to last time, it was not so

noisy outside the classroom, maybe three to seven people were clearly talking to each

other, and one person once in a while shouted as to no purpose.

After 20 minutes, they started to talk to each other. They do not talk about their

reflection though. It seems quite clear that they are talking about boys and cellphones.

For the next 15 minutes, they were still doing the reflection while talking about the

advantages of their cellphone and credit efficiency.

After 10 minutes, when she almost reached the last question, she asked some

words in the recording; I gave the answer. And confirm that she was right. Participant

No.2 said things which imply that for the last two meetings she has been really

discussion. Request granted.

SM serious on writing the reflection sheet. After that, she asked for sentence per sentence

Participant No.2 checked her answer by memory, because the worksheet was

with me. Participant No.3, with great confident, asserted that she might have many

mistakes in the previous meeting. After 10 minutes, they felt it was enough, so they

submitted their reflection sheet and asked when the next meeting shall be. We

decided on one day everyone available for the activity. That was all for today.


- 138 -

Meeting: Test_8 04 May 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

As I noticed what happened today in the listening activity with Participant No.1,

there was really nothing new in his behaviour. I was expecting some changes in his

reflection, but it seemed to me that if he was confident with the result, he might not

think the urge to write much in his Listening Journal.

Today, the listening text seemed to be quite easy for him. He smiled every time

he felt he found the answer for the questions in the test. After the recording was

played twice, we continued to reflection session. I still noticed he kept writing the

same answer for different questions in the reflection sheets.

The submission of the Listening Journal concluded today’s activity.


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Meeting: Test_9 17 March 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

First thing to do in this meeting, when everybody was in the classroom, I set the

tables and the audio-equipments. As usual, I adjusted the volume while preparing

them the worksheet. I explained that it was going to be played twice, and I told them

what to do, that was answering in short specific answer. Participant No.3 asserted that

she could not help to wait any longer, so after making sure that Participant No.2 was

also ready, I played the recording.

On the first occasion, they seemed confused, unable to get the specific

information the questions were asking. They ended up filling 70 percent of the items.

When the first play was over, Participant No.2 complained that she could not

understand the text because it was too quick and she was struggling hard to answer

one specific question, a question that asked the global idea of the story, it could be

clearly seen that Participant No.2 was pretty confused about the many characters in

the text.

Participant No.3 was not different; she looked no better in understanding than

Participant No.2. Although she commented nothing, it was visible from the look of

her face. So the replay was done under Participant No.3's request. It was certain that

she was in a hurry; I wonder why she seemed not enjoy the listening but still

struggling very hard to do the listening task. Motivation. It was the issue when I saw


- 140 ­

their face. After the replay was over, they still needed more time to write and think of

the answers. Only after about 5 minutes, they asked for the reflection sheet.

. I SM


But before that, Participant No.2 asked confirmation about the listening gist

explained the big picture, and she looked disappointed because she could not

understand the text that clearly. After another 20 minutes, Participant No.3 asked for

permission to leave early. Permisson granted; Leaving Participant No.2 writing the

reflection alone. It was quite curious-raising that today both of them did not talk as

much as usual.

After 10 minutes of silence, Participant No.2 suddenly shouted "sulit!"

(meaning: difficult). I was quite sure it referred to the listening task, not the reflection.

I was sure because there was a question in the reflection asking whether or not the

task was difficult. Seconds after Participant No.2 submitted the reflection, Participant

No.3 comes in again, confirming about next meeting schedule. We had not decided

what day, but I promised to have called them before the meeting day.


- 141 -

Meeting: Test_9 05 May 2007

02.00 PM-03.00 PM Participant No.1

“Ayo mulai! (Let’s start!)” was the words Participant No.1 uttered as soon as I

arrived in the classroom. With nobody else in the classroom, I directly set the audio

equipments. I soon adjusted the volume and any other things necessary for the

listening activity to begun. I also immediately handed him the worksheet. Without

struggling to read the instruction to understand what was expected from him,

Participant No.1 lazily asked me what to do. I indicated that he should read the

instruction, but he still asked me for confirmation. So I explained what was expected

from him to score.

Once the tools were ready, he urged me to start the listening activity. Upon

seeing that he could manage to fill in all the items in the first opportunity, I was quite

sure he could do the test well enough. He looked focused. After the final reply, that

was the second occasion as I decided to play the recording only twice, he looked

pretty satisfied. Without hesitation he asked for the reflection journal.

When I saw that he still wrote the reflection without any apparent in depth

thoughts, merely Yes or No in the journal, I was quite sure he was bored with the

listening journal. After few minutes, not more than 15 minutes, he submitted the

listening journal and packed his stationary to go home. That was all for today.


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Meeting: Test_10 23 March 2007

04.00 PM-05.30 PM Participant No.2 and Participant No.3

Today was the last meeting for me and Participant No.2 and Participant No.3 to

meet each other for listening activity. Although this was the last test, supposing that

the test score was to be influenced by the most recent reflection, I still have them

reflect on the last test. However, today’s listening journal would not be taken into

account later in the data analysis as there would be no more test being influenced by

today’s listening journal. The reason of having the reflection session was merely for

the sake of the participant so as to implant the concept of regular reflection in their


Today’s listening activity was conducted in my home. This week was school

holiday, and thus causing the unavailability of the school classrooms. Similar to the

one conducted in my home previously, the atmosphere really made them, in my

opinion, relaxed. I had prepared in advance, before both participants arrived, the

audio sets for today’s listening activity. So, as soon as they arrived and were ready

for the activity, I handed them with today’s worksheet. After I explained what they

should do, I gave them some time to be familiar with the questions, and maps

contained in the worksheet. Approximately 5 minutes later, we agreed to start

listening to the passage.

While listening, they drew arrows in the map to point the direction the speaker

in the passage was delivering. After first occasion playing the recording, none of


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them filled in the blanks to answer the final destination as directed from the passage.

They did, however, manage to fill the blanks after the replay. However, I sensed that

the way the filled in the blanks indicated desperate guesses. Seen from the arrows

they draw, it seemed that confusion had drawn their concentration.

They complained about the difficulty level of the task upon submitting the

worksheet. Without waiting any longer, I handed them the reflection sheets. They

were writing the listening journal as serious as usual. Although, there existed many

short answers. After several minutes, 15-20 minutes, they finished writing the journal.

After the activity, we talked to each other talking about the progress. From this

talked I found things necessary to be asked in the next last interview. I took notes on

these and hoped to ask them another day. After the informal conversation ended, we

called it a day.



F. Interview Transcript



Interview.1 Participant No.2 26 February 2007

Researcher: Waktu itu Anda jawab, saya merasa latihan saya kurang, biasanya, latihannya gimana? (In your reflection, you wrote that you feel you need more practice, usually, how do you practice)

Participant Latihan? No.2: (practice?)

Researcher: Ya (Yes)

Participant Ya, Dengerin lagu No.2: (I listen to songs)

Researcher: Mm, lagu.. Terus dengerin aja? (Mm, songs.. so, do you just listen to them)

Participant Y a iya, jelas,tapi kan pakai yang ini (earphone), jadi lebih fokus, terus No.2: kadang-kadang kalau suka sama satu lagu tak catet teksnya, tapi

bolong-bolong, pasti bolong-bolong; (That’s right, but I wear this [earphone], so I am more focused, and sometimes If I like a song, I write the text, but usually thre are still some blanks in the notes I take.. )

Researcher: Kalau film..? (what about movies?)

Participant Kalau film, mungkin Cuma lihat aja, tapi kalau ada yang suka, kayak No.2: Harry Potter itu, biasanya, kalau ada kalimat yang bagus pasti keingat

terus (Movies.. usually I just watch them, but if I like it a lot, such as Harry Potter, I will remember particularly nice sentences)

Researcher: Kalau Frekuensinya? (what about the frequency)



Participant Frekuensi apa? No.2: (what do you mean?)

Researcher: Misalnya, ngeteks lagu itu pas pingin tok, atau memang biasanya ada rutin, tiap harus nyari teks sini. (for instance, writing a lyric of a song, do you do that when you want it, or is it a routine, like today you have to write this and..).

Participant Kalau misalnya lagi seneng, biasanya tiap hari tak dengerin, kalau No.2: udah bosen ya udah. Nggak tak dengerin lagi

(only when I do like it, I can listen to it every day, if I start to get bored, I leave it)

Researcher: Nggak nyari yang baru lagi (so you don’t search for another song?)

Participant Mmm, nggak No.2: (no)

Researcher: Pernah nggak bikin teks film lengkap (have ever write a complete transcript of a movie)

Participant Nggak No.2: (No)

Researcher: Kalau lagu? (what about songs?)

Participant Kalau lagu pernah, Iya, sama kakak tapi. No.2: (I have, but, I did it with my brother)

Researcher Waktu itu mengusulkan kalau teksnya yang standar aja, yang standar aja itu yang gimana? (You suggested that the text be just standard. What does standard mean to you?)

Participant Yang standar itu yang.. Yang gimana ya ? Yang temanya kita juga No.2 tahu, Yang pasti yang nggak susah-susah banget, ya kayak yang hari

ini.. Kalau menurut aku ya.. (Standard means, well, the one whose topic we are familiar with, definitely not the difficult ones, like today’s material, that’s what I




Researcher Waktu itu bilang, keliatannya teks itu maknanya dalam, kok tahu? (you said that it seemed that the text was meaningful, how can you tell that?)

Participant Ya kan dilihat dari teks itu, gimana cara mengucapkannya, ada cara No.2 mengucapannya dengan lirih, ya. Gitulah! dari suasananya..

(When seen from the text, from the way it is pronounced, sometimes the low volume, something like that.. and from the atmosphere)

Researcher Anda menulis kemaren sempat down, downnya yang gimana? (You wrote that you felt down, how was it?)

Participant Downnya soalnya "nggak dong". Saat itu bener-bener nggak dong, No.2 bener-bener blank, tak kira soalnya nggak sesusah itu..

(I was down because I could not understand the text. At times I really did not understand, completely blank, I thought it was not going to be that difficult)

Researcher Swaktu menulis katanya writing journalnya itu bisa mengeluarkan uneg2, apa yang Anda harapkan dari menumpahkan uneg-uneg yang kayak gitu? (you wrote in your journal that by writing in the journal you can have the space to pour out your feelings, what do you expect from pouring them out?)

Participant Lega, soalnya kalau nggak bisa kan kecewa, kalau udah di limpahin No.2 ke.. Kan gitu ya, jadi kalau ada yang nggak bisa katakan ke orang, kita

tulis (Relieved, because when I can’t do the test well, I am disappointed and I can just pour my feelings into the.. isn’t that nice, so when there’s no one to talk to, we write them)



Interview.2 Participant No.3 26 February 2007

Researcher Anda menulis sebenarnya banyak pertanyaan tapi malu kenapa malu? (You wrote that actually you had many questions, but you are too shy to ask, why is that?)

Participant Soalnya jadi ngerasa bego aja.. No.3 (because I would feel stupid)

Researcher Tapi kan, banyak bertanya nggak sesat di jalan (but, wouldn’t it be good to ask?)

Participant Tapi kan, tapi kan tetep bego.. Ih bego banget nih cewek oo; soalnya No.3 aku ini orangnya ngeyelan, jadinya kalau tanya tuh tetep kekeh sama

pendapatku sendiri (But still, I would be too stupid. ‘what a stupid girl’ you might comment, because I don’t always agree on what people say, so if I asked I might stick to my own opinion anyway..)



Interview.3 Participant No.2 13 March 2007

Researcher Kan Anda nulis konsentrasi kadang-kadang kuncinya kalau pingin bener, Konsentrasi yang Anda maksud itu konsentrasi pada listeningnya itu, Diem gitu?

(You wrote that concentration was often the key to answer correctly, does it mean when you concentrate you remain as silent as possible?)

Participant harus tenang, bener-bener ndengerin apa sih yang diomongin, yang No.2 harus kita dengerin, kayak gitu..

(true, I have to keep silent, carefully listening to what is being spoken, parts we should listen to, things like that)

Researcher Terus yang diperhatikan apa biasanya?

(What do you usually pay attention to..)

Participant Yang diperhatiin? Kata-katanya.. Pengucapannya, aksen sama kata-No.2 katanya itu

(what is it? The expressions. The pronunciation, accents and, yeah, the words)

Researcher Jadi nanti pas nangkep itu, dipotong-potong per kalimat atau per kata?

(so, when you catch that, will you parse them by sentence or by word?)

Participant Biasanya sih per kalimat, tapi kalau misalnya cepet banget kayak gitu No.2 biasanya per kata, asal nangkep dikit aja nanti kan bisa tahu


(usually, by sentence, but if it is too quick, I will do it by word, as long as I can catch a bit, I will be able to grab the whole)

Researcher Anda menulis seringkali belajar lebih adalah kuncinya, belajar lebih yang gimana?



(You wrote that studying more, is also the key, what kind of studying?)

Participant Tentu, ya itu dia, listening terus menerus itu, makanya mas dera rajin No.2 ke sekolah untuk membuat kita belajar, kalau mas dera nggak ada kita

nggak bakalan belajar

(of course, that one, constant listening, that is why you goes to school to make us study, if you didn’t come here, we would hardly study)

Researcher Waktu menulis, waktu nyari noun itu, harus tau artinya dulu baru menentukan itu Noun atau bukan..

(when you wrote, concerning looking for nouns, that you have to know the meaning before you can decide whether it is noun or not..)

Participant Iya , bener banget No.2 (Yup, exactly)

Researcher Itu artinya, arti dalam bahasa Indonesia?

(does that mean the equivalents in Bahasa Indonesia?)

Participant Iya arti dalam bahasa Indonesia No.2 (Yes, the Indonesian Word)

Researcher Terus kalau nggak ngerti sama sekali nggak ngerti dong artinya?

(So when you don’t know the Indonesian Word, would it mean you won’t understand the meaning?)

Participant iYa, blank. Jelas lah.. No.2 (Yes, blank! That is for sure)

Researcher Pernah terpikir untuk nggak menerjemahkan?

(have you ever thought not to translate?)

Participant Tentu saja tidak No.2 (Of course not)

Researcher Jadi harus nerjemahin



(So, you have to translate, OK)

Researcher Anda bertanya, kata-kata yang didengar itu kalau saya ucapkan sendiri apa benar pengucapannya? Pernah nyoba..

(You questioned if you would correctly pronounce the word you listened to? Have you ever tried before?)

Participant Iya, maksudnya gini loh, yang kemarin itu, kan aku denger ini.. No.2 (yes, I mean, for instance I heard it..)

Researcher Otok-otok-otok gitu misalnya,

(“Otok-otok-otok”, for instance..)

Participant Otok-otok-otok .. Nah gitu, la aku kan mikir, ini bukan sih, Otok-otok-No.2 otok bukan sih, yang tak dengar sama yang tak pikirin itu sama nggak


(that’s for instance, I would think, is that really it, is the one I am thinking the same as the one I am listening?)

Researcher Biasanya bener nggak?

(usually, do you guess right?)

Participant Biasanya bener No.2 (yes, right!)



Interview.4 Participant No.1 10 March 2007

Researcher Anda menulis bahwa kegiatan listening yang lalu penting untuk menguji seberapa baik kita dalam listening. Lalu, menurut Anda seberapa baik hasilnya? (You wrote that previous listening activity was important to test how good you were in listening. Then, what is the result? )

Participant No.1 Kalau saya sendiri, kalau dibandingkan dengan mendengarkan langsung seperti radio ya moderate, tapi kalau dengan native secara langsung juga beda, karena native kan bicaranya juga relatif, kalau misalnya negro itu ya.. kan cepet sama pakai logat kan, jadi ya lumayan.. tapi kalau aku sendiri dari 1 sampai 10 ya masih 7 (I myself think that if it is compared to listening to the radio, well I would say moderate, but to native speaker, in face to face conversation, it is different, because native speakers speak in different ways, like afro-americans, they speak fast plus the accent, so for me, it is moderate, from 1 to ten, I am 7)

Researcher Anda menulis bahwa karena kebiasaan berbicara penutur asli berbeda dengan kita, kadang-kadang kita jadi salah menerka. Apakah Anda sering menerka sewaktu listening? Apa manfaatnya bagi Anda? (You wrote that because native speakers’ way of speaking is different from us, we often make wrong guesses. Do you guess when you listen? What are the benefits?)

Participant No.2 maksud saya menerka disitu itu, misalnya kita dapat dua kata yang hampir sama, kita berpikir mana yang kira-kira benar itu, ya saya bilang menerka, sebetulnya lebih memilih… jadi sewaktu mendengarkan itu muncul beberapa kata.. tinggal pilih yang cocok.. sebelum mendengar juga muncul kata-kata, itu juga sudah reflex. (I mean, guessing means like when I listen to two similar words, I think which one may be the one, so I call it guess, actually it more to choosing between options.. so when I listen, words are appearing in my mind, I only have to pick whinc one.. it also happens even before I start to listen, it’s a reflex )



Interview.5 Participant No.3 13 March 2007

Researcher Anda menulis bahwa seringkai konsentrasi dan ketelitian adalah kuncinya, maksudnya apa itu, kosentrasi yang gimana, ketelitian yang gimana? (You wrote that concentration and carefulness are often they key, what do you mean by the word concentration, and carefulness?)

Participant Konsen itu kita kan fokus sama listeningnya, jadi kalau kita konsen No.3 kan kata yang ada di situ kita kan jadi ngerti, kita paham, kita tahu,

jadi kalau ada kata-kata baru kan bisa dicatat juga.. Nanti ditanyain (Concentration means focusing on the listening text, so when we concentrate, we can understand the words in the text, we comprehend, we know, so if there are new words, they can be noted to be asked later on too..)

Researcher Biasanya yang didengerin itu bagian apanya? (usually, what parts do you listen to the most?)

Participant Ya listeningnya, materinya No.3 (the whole listening, the materials.)

Researcher Kalau teliti? (what about carefulness?)

Participant yang namanya teliti kan apapun tidak terlewatkan Nggak teliti, kan ya, No.3 tiba-tiba ngalamun, Jadi kalau teliti tuh setiap bunyi diperhatikan

bener-bener.. yang menyebabkan nggak teliti, kalau nggak konsen kan nggak teliti. (careful means nothing is missed, not careful means, well, sudden daydreaming.. so if we are careful, we listened to every sound.. the relation is that when we do not concentrate we are not careful)

Researcher Anda menulis bahwa seringkali latihan lebih adalah solusinya, emang latihan lebih yang gimana? (You wrote that practice was often the solution, what kind of practice?)

Participant Misalnya dengerin lagu-lau, terus kita terjemahin, kalau kita No.3 terjemahin kan berarti kita kantahu kata-katanya, kan ada CD nya to

yang dari mas dera tuh didengerin.. (say, for example, listening to songs, and then we translate them, if we



can translate it means that we know the words..)

Researcher Terus, pertanyaan-pertanyaan tadi bagaimana rencananya, mau cari tahu jawabannya.. (You asked many questions in your last reflection, have you got the answers?)

Participant Ya, kan nanti kalau udah selesai di kasih tau mas dera No.3 (You did tell us you will teach us when the program is over, didn’t


Researcher Anda menulis bahwa vocab juga kunci keberhasilan memahami listening, menurut Anda berapa jumlah yang diperlukan untuk memahami listening? Berapa jumlah vocabnya? (you also wrote that vocabulary is the key of success in listening, in your opinion, how much is needed to understand the listening?)

Participant Sebanyak-banyaknya, No.3 (as much as possible?)

Researcher Ada pilihannya, 1000, 2000, 3000? (we have choices here, 1000, 2000, 3000?)

Participant Ya, sebanyak-banyaknya, kalau misalnya 1000, tapi ada satu yang No.3 nggakyang ada di listening itu kan sama tetap kosong satu

(Well, as many items as possible, say if I have 1000, but there is one item in the listening not in that thousand, still I would miss it right?)

Researcher Kalau yang Anda miliki sendiri kira-kira berapa jumlahya (What about your own vocabulary, how many words do you think you have?)

Participant Sedikit No.3 (a little)

Researcher 1000, 500? 500?

Participant Ya, sedikit lah.. No.3 (just a little)

Researcher` Kurang dari seribu? (less than a thousand)

Participant Iya.. No.3 (yes)



Interview.6 Participant No.2

11 April 2007

Researcher Seberapa penting suara background untuk memahami isi listening? (How important is background to understand the listening text?)

Participant Kalau buat aku nggak penting penting amat, karena menurut aku, No.2 suara background kadang-kadang mengganggu. Dalam apa, dalam

pekerjaanku memahami listening. Jadinya kan blawur-blawur gimana. Tapi kadang juga bisa membantu sih. Jadinya, relatif aja kalau menurut aku suara background itu. (For me, it is not so important, because, in my opinion, background noise often disturbs, in my work to understand the listening. So it really blurs. But sometimes it does help. So, for me, it is relative)

Researcher Seberapa penting mengetahui judul sebuah teks listening dalam memahami isi listening?

(How important is it to know the title of a listening text in helping understand the listening?)

Participant Penting banget, karena tercermin, apa, apa yang akan dibicarakan, No.2 kayak independent itu kan, dia harus, ya.. Aku penting wae lah,

soalnya kan kita nggak perlu menebak-nebak, ntar kayak apa ceritanya... (It’s very important, because, mm, what will be talked is reflected, like the text ‘independent’, she has to.. because, we don’t have to guess too hard, what the story will be like..)

Researcher Seberapa penting pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam menuntun pada pemahaman yang lebih sepenuhnya? (How important is the questions posed in guiding you to understand the listening more fully?)

Participant Membantu. No.2 (It’s helpful)

Researcher Mengapa. (Why?)

Participant Tapi nggak juga sih, soalnya kadang-kadang malah buyar kan? Kalau No.2 nggak dibaca dulu, terus tahu-tahu itu kan, jadi masalah. Soalnya



nanti kan jadinya rancu, aku baca sambil dengerin gitu, malah nggak fokus. Jadi biasanya baca dulu baru dengerin . Jadi kayak judulnya tadi, kita kan jadi tahu topik listeningnya kayak apa nanti. (Well, actually not reallu, because sometimes it distracts? If I do not read it first, then suddenly it comes out, that would be a problem, because it will become ambiguous, if I read while listening, I would lose my focus. So, usually I read the question first and then listen afterwards, just like in the case of the title, we could know what the topic will be about)

Researcher Mana yang lebih penting, detail atau garis besar? Mengapa? (which one is more important, details or gist? Why?)

Participant Kalau pada awalnya garis besar, tapi pada akhirnya detailnya. No.2 (at first the big picture, but then the details)

Researcher Mengapa (Why?)

Participant Wah, itu kepuasan sendiri. No.2 (Well, it is a personal satisfaction)

Kalau garis besarnya sudah cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaannya, ya fine-fine aja. (But, if big picture is enough to answer the questions, that would as well be fine)

Researcher Seberapa penting prediksi/ tebakan/ guessing dalam memahami isi listening? Seberapa sering? (How important is prediction/ gueesing in understanding a listening text? How often)

Participant Sering, hampir selalu. No.2 (Often, almost always)

Researcher Pernah nggak, dengerin dengerin aja, santai gitu. (Have you ever listened to it, just listened, relax?)

Participant Pernah.. No.2 (I have)



Researcher Lebih bagus mana? (Which one is better?)

Participant tapi kalau santainya, santai dengerin aja. Kalau lebih bagus sih, bagus No.2 yang prediksi, .

(Talking about relax, just listening is OK. But, for better result, prediction is the one)

Researcher Mana yang lebih penting, function words atau content words? Mengapa? (which one is more important, function words or content words? Why?)

Participant Yang kayak Noun gitu kalau aku, soalnya aku lebih susahmengerti No.2 dimana peletakan peletakan

(Those one sort to Noun, because I find it hard to see how function words are located)

Researcher Apakah Anda 'percaya diri' dengan kemampuan listening Anda? Mengapa? Jelaskan! (Are you confident with your listening capacity? Please explain why?)

Participant Not yet. No.2

Researcher Mengapa? (Why)

Participant Kalau misalnya ndengerin itu, habis itu, nggak bisa diisi ok, karena No.2 soalnya.

(Because when I listen, after that I was still unable to fill in the blanks, because of the questions)

Researcher Kalau pemahaman sendiri? (What about confidence in your comprehension?)

Participant Dalam pemahaman sih sudah cukup confident, tapi kalau british atau No.2 agak cepet, ya kadang pas ngerjain langsung down.

(I am quite confident in understanding the text, but if it is British or if it is quick, when I get to do it, I would normally get down)

Researcher Apakah Anda pada dasarnya tidak suka menulis? Apakah Anda



menulis buku harian? (Do you basically hate to write? Do you keep a diary?)

Participant Tergantung mood. No.2 (It depends on the mood)

Researcher Sehari-harinya (What about daily?)

Participant Sehari-harinya rajin nulis. Tapi kalau nulis diary juga kadang-kadang, No.2 kalau pas mau curhat aja.

(Daily, I love writing. But, diary, only sometimes when I have something in heart or mind)

Researcher Mengapa, menurut Anda, jurnal refleksi ini terasa monoton? (Why do you think writing the journal is monotonous)

Participant Ya, pertanyaannya itu-itu aja ok, ya yang kurasakan setiap hari ya No.2 kira-kira itu-itu juga.

(Well, those questions do not change, so what I felt everyday well, only around those things)

Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Memahami diri sendiri? Dalam segi apa? (How does writing the journal help you understand yourself? In what way?)

Participant Dalam hal memahami listening, dalam hal kemampuanku, apakah No.2 aku sudah cukup bagus atau gimana.

(in terms of listening, in terms of my capacity, whether or not I am good)

Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Mendorong diri Anda untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening Anda? (How does writing the journal encourage you to improve your listening capacity?)

Participant Memotivasi. Soalnya kan kadang-kadang, aku juga pingin berubah No.2 gitu lo, aku pingin jawab, kayak pertanyaan apakah listening hari ini

sulit, aku pingin jawab wah gampang banget, jadi memotivasi yang kayak gitu. (Motivating. Because sometimes I want to change, I want to answer, like when asked whether today’s listening is difficult, I want to write “aah, it’s so easy”, so that kind of motivation.)



Researcher Apakah Anda sadar bahwa sebenarnya banyak strategi yang Anda miliki sewaktu mencoba memahami isi sebuah listening text, tetapi tidak semuanya Anda tuliskan pada reflection-journal Anda? Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang hal ini? (Do you realize that actually there are many strategies that you use to understand a listening text, but not all of them are written in the listening journal? What would you say about this?)

Participant Sadar. Oh, sejujurnya. Aku bingung mau nulis apa gitu lo. No.2 (I do. But, honestly, I am just confused what to write)

Participant Kadang-kadang aja, tapi kalau moodnya lagi baik di listeningnya No.2 everything is gonna be alright, dapat ilham gitu, pasti langsung waaa..

Gitu. Jadi kadang-kadang kepikiran karena tugas banyak. Kadang-kadang nggak fokus aku. Aduh, PR ku tadi gimana. Pada saat konsentrasi tuh tiba-tiba mak sliwer gitu. Terus ilang. (Sometimes when I was in the mood for listening, ‘everything is gonna be alright’, I am inspired, and suddenly.. wow. So, sometimes because my mind went on my abundant homework, I lost my focus. ‘What about my homework?’ came when I was concentrating, all of a sudden, and then the points were gone.)



Interview.7 Participant No.3

11 April 2007

Researcher Seberapa penting suara background untuk memahami isi listening? (How important is background to understand the listening text?)

Participant Nggak penting ah, menyebabkan kebingungan. Tapi ya tergantung No.3 ding, kalau misalnya , itu memang dibutuhkan, soalnya

menanyakan, yang bukan background, kan membingungkan to? Nanti jadi sliwer-sliwer, trus konsentrasinya buyar. Tapi backgroundnya tuh kadang-kadang mendukung listeningnya, jadi temanya tuh dapet gitu lo.

(It is not important, it causes confusion. But, really, it depends on, for instance, if it is really needed, like when the questions demand the answer which is not the background, wouldn’t it be confusing?

It will lose the focus, and distract the concentration. But sometimes, background does help me catch the topic)

Researcher Seberapa penting mengetahui judul sebuah teks listening dalam memahami isi listening?

(How important is it to know the title of a listening text in helping understand the listening?)

Participant Kalau ada judulnya kan, kita jadi tau gambarannya gitu toh. No.3 (I we know the title, we can have a picture about it right?)

Researcher Seberapa penting pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam menuntun pada pemahaman yang lebih sepenuhnya? (How important is the questions posed in guiding you to understand the listening more fully?)

Participant Ada pengaruhnya, misalnya kalau ada kata-kata yang nggak dong, No.3 terus tiba-tiba di pertanyaan itu ada, terus didengar ternyata

kosakatanya itu.. Jadi kan lumayan.. Hehe..

(It does affect something, for example, there is a word I do not know, but the word is in the question, and I listen to it once again and find that it was the item, quite helping eh?)

Kalau ada pertanyaan kan kita berusaha mencari jawabannya. Jadi kalau ada poin-poin pentingnya kan kita bisa ngambil. Jadi nanti



kalau nggak ada hubungan sama pertanyaan nggak usah didengerin, kalau aku gitu..

(If there are questions, we will try to look for the answer. So, if there are important points, we can catch them. And if the information has nothing to do with the questions, I don’t have to listen to them)

Researcher Mana yang lebih penting, detail atau garis besar? Mengapa? (which one is more important, details or gist? Why?)

Participant Garis besar. Tidak membutuhkan banyak energi, dan nggak mikir, No.3 males e.

(Gist. It doesn’t take much energy, no brain, because I am lazy for that )

Researcher Mana yang lebih penting, function words atau content words? Mengapa? (which one is more important, function words or content words? Why?)

Participant Penting semua. Yang lebih kedengeran yang is am are, kadang-No.3 kadang ada yang tersembunyi to, jadi semuanya fifty-fifty

(Both are important, the most audible are usually is, am, are, sometimes some of them are hidden though, so fifty-fifty)

Researcher Apakah Anda 'percaya diri' dengan kemampuan listening Anda? Mengapa? Jelaskan! (Are you confident with your listening capacity? Please explain why?)

Participant Nggak soalnya masih amatiran. No.3 (No, because I am still an amateur)

Researcher Apakah Anda pada dasarnya tidak suka menulis? Apakah Anda menulis buku harian? (Do you basically hate to write? Do you keep a diary?)

Participant Tergantung situasi dan kondisi



No.3 (It depends on the situation and condition)

Researcher Sehari-harinya, suka nyatet, nulis diary nggak?

(In daily basis, do you keep a diary?)

Participant Iya, tapi tergantung, yang berkesan tok. Tergantung mood sih, kalau No.3 misalnya lagi nggak males ya nulis.

(I do, but only if there is special impression. It depends on the mood actually, if I happened to be not lazy, I write)

Researcher Mengapa, menurut Anda, jurnal refleksi ini terasa monoton? (Why do you think writing the journal is monotonous)

Participant Soalnya soalnya itu itu terus, nggak ada variasinya. Pertanyaannya No.3 sama terus jadi masa jawabannya beda.

(Because the questions remain the same; no variation. How can I answer differently on same-old questions?)

Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Memahami diri sendiri? Dalam segi apa? (How does writing the journal help you understand yourself? In what way?)

Participant Namanya juga refleksi kan. Kan kita bisa mengukur sampai dimana No.3 kita, dari yang memuaskan, dari yang mengecewakan, kalau sempet

kan nanti jadi belajar gitu.

(It is a reflection, so we can measure how far are we, from my satisfaction, from my disappointment, and if I have time sure I will learn more right?)

Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Mendorong diri Anda untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening Anda? (How does writing the journal encourage you to improve your listening capacity?)

Participant Kalau misalnya jawabannya mengecewakannya banyak terus kan, nanti jadi malu kan, jadi pinginnya suatu waktu nanti nggak



No.3 mengecewakan lagi

(Say, for instance, my answer on what I am disappointed for are always abundant, I will be ashamed myself right? That way I can hope not to be disappointed anymore)



Interview.8 Participant No.1

05 May 2007

Researcher Seberapa penting suara background untuk memahami isi listening? (How important is background to understand the listening text?)

Participant Tergantung. Listeningnya yang bagaimana, kalau peranan background No.1 itu cuma buat listening itu membosankan atau tidak, tapi kalau

konsentrasinya lebih baik backgroundnya tidak terlalu ditonjolkan. (It depends. What kind of listening, the role of background is just to make the listening boring or not, but for better concentration, it is better if background is not emphasized)

Researcher Seberapa penting mengetahui judul sebuah teks listening dalam memahami isi listening?

(How important is it to know the title of a listening text in helping understand the listening?)

Participant Setidaknya kan kita punya bayangan, kalau judulnya beda sama yang No.1 kita dengarkan kan aneh nanti.

(At least we have a big picture, if the title is different from what we listen to later, it sure will be weird, won’t it?)

Researcher Seberapa penting pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam menuntun pada pemahaman yang lebih sepenuhnya? (How important is the questions posed in guiding you to understand the listening more fully?)

Participant Ya kan kita kalau tau pertanyaannya dahulu kan jadi kita tau poin mana No.1 yang kita perlu dengarkan. Jadi kalau nggak ditanyakan nggak usah

didengar. (Well, if we already know the questions in advance, we would know which points we need to listen to. So if it is not questioned, it is not important to listen to.)

Researcher Kalau nggak ada pertanyaannya gimana? (What if there is no question?)

Participant Ya berarti kita harus kerja ekstra, semuanya harus didengerin. Kalau No.1 ada pilihannya, kita tetap bisa membayangkan, jadi ada clue juga.



(it would mean we have extra work to do, we should listen to everything in the passage. If we have the options, we still can picture it, so still it is a clue)

Researcher Mana yang lebih penting, detail atau garis besar? Mengapa? (which one is more important, details or gist? Why?)

Participant Tergantung, nanti pertanyaanya mau, kalau pertanyaanya gimana, No.1 kalau pertanyaannya pendek-pendek saja, kalau pertanyaannya nggak

membutuhkan yang detail ya gimana lagi. Kalau fill in the blanks, ya garis besarnya aja. Kadang kronologi juga penting. (it depends, if the questions are short ones, if the questions requires details, than inescapably I have to listen to the details. If it is filling in the blanks, gist is enough. Sometimes chronology is also important)

Researcher Seberapa penting prediksi/ tebakan/ guessing dalam memahami isi listening? (How important is prediction/ gueesing in understanding a listening text?)

Participant Kalau udah dikasih judulnya, kan dari pengalaman kita dah punya No.1 topik bayangan di kepala. Kalau ditengah-tengah listening, pikiran

selantjutnya pasti begini, pastinya kan ke lingkup itu aja, nggak bakalan keluar kan, jadi akhir ceritanya gimana ya udah tahu. (If the title is known, from experience we would have the picture in our head. In the middle of the listening, our mind would tell what comes next, surely around the context, so the end of the story would be figured out this way)

Researcher Mana yang lebih penting, function words atau content words? Mengapa? (which one is more important, function words or content words? Why?)

Participant Semua penting, kalau nggak dengerin salah satunya kan artinya juga No.1 nggak maksud. Jadi seimbang.

(Both are important, if we fail to listen to one of them, the meaning would be awkward. So, balanced)

Researcher Apakah Anda 'percaya diri' dengan kemampuan listening Anda?



Mengapa? Jelaskan! (Are you confident with your listening capacity? Please explain why?)

Participant Ya setidaknya kita tidak boleh meremehkan lah, pokoknya siaplah, No.1 yang penting nggak boleh minder, berusahalah kalau sudah dihadapi.

(Well at least we should not underestimare, just be ready, we should not think low, make the effort when you face it)

Researcher Apakah Anda dapat mengetahui bagian mana saja yang Anda mengerti dan bagian mana yang tidak mengerti? (Can you tell when you understand the text and when you don’t?)

Participant Mengerti, kalau nanti ketahuan mana yang nggak ngerti kan kecewa No.1 banget.

(I can. And if I find out which one I do not, I would be really dissapointed)

Researcher Apakah Anda pada dasarnya tidak suka menulis? Apakah Anda menulis buku harian? (Do you basically hate to write? Do you keep a diary?)

Participant Emang sedikit nulis, eksak eksak, sedikit aja.. No.1 (I do write a little, majoring exact science, just little writing)

Researcher Mengapa, menurut Anda, jurnal refleksi ini terasa monoton? (Why do you think writing the journal is monotonous)

Participant Tentu, soale pertanyaannya sama aja. Tapi pada dasarnya kalau pada No.1 hari itu ada yang spesial nggak, kalau suasananya sama saja ya sama

aja. (Sure, because the questions were just the same. But, basically it depends on whether there is something special that day or not, if the atmosphere is just the same then sure it is monotonous)

Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Memahami diri sendiri? Dalam segi apa? (How does writing the journal help you understand yourself? In what way?)

Participant Kalau soalnya susah, kalau yang mudah sama aja, kalau soalnya susah No.1 pasti banyak nulisnya.

(when the items are difficult, if they are easy, there would be no difference, if the items are difficult I will write a lot)



Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Meningkatkan kemampuan listening? Mengapa demikian? (How does writing the journal help you improve your listening?)

Participant Ya, nggak ngefek lah No.1 (I don’t think there is any relationship)

Researcher Bagaimana refleksi-jurnal membantu Anda Mendorong diri Anda untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening Anda? (How does writing the journal encourage you to improve your listening capacity?)

Participant Kalau soalnya susah ya, jadi besoknya pasti ada motivasi tambahan No.1 untuk lebih baik lagi.

(Only when the questions are difficult, so there is motivation to be better the next day)

Researcher Apakah Anda sadar bahwa sebenarnya banyak strategi yang Anda miliki sewaktu mencoba memahami isi sebuah listening text, tetapi tidak semuanya Anda tuliskan pada reflection-journal Anda? Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang hal ini? (Do you realize that actually there are many strategies that you use to understand a listening text, but not all of them are written in the listening journal? What would you say about this?)

Participant Ya iya, karena personality saya membentuk saya sebagai orang yang No.1 menulis pendek-pendek, enak mengutarakan daripada menulis, toh

nanti walaupun ditulis penyampaiannya kurang gitu loh, daripada yang diutarakan. (Well, since my personality shapes me to someone who write short points, I prefer saying to writing my thoughts. Even if I work on writing them, the delivery of ideas will lack of something, it is better to say it.)