i IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION USING START SIMPLE STORIES EXTENSIVE READING METHOD AT SMPN 3 SUNGGUMINASA (A Classroom Action Research study on second grade of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department NUR IDAWANA 105351109516 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2021






(A Classroom Action Research study on second grade of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department

















Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

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Judul Skripsi : Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Start

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Makassar, 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Nur Idawana





Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Nur Idawana

NIM : 105351109516

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataa

Nur Idawana



The Best of Journey, When You Believe Miracle

From Allah SWT



NUR IDAWANA, 2021. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Start

Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method (A Classroom Action Research). English

Education Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Supervised by Hasnawati Latief and Ardiana.

This research purpose to find out improvement of the students‟ reading

comprehension using start simple stories extensive reading method at the second

grade students‟ of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa. The design of this research used a

classroom action research which consisted of two cycles. Each cycles consisted of

eight meetings. The procedure of the research in every cycle consisted of four stages.

The were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subject of the research

were the students of class VIII which consisted of 20 students. The instrument used

reading test.

The result of the students reading comprehension in D-Test, cycle I and cycle

II had improved in different scores. The research showed that there was a significant

improvement of rthe students‟ reading comprehension using start simple stories

extensive reading method. This statement could prove by the students‟ mean score of

diagnostic test was 34.43, but it had increased to 36.48. in cycle I and 81.06 in cycle

II. It mean that the students‟ reading comprehension from cycle I to cycle II was

classified successful. Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method could improved

the students‟ reading comprehension.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method,

Narrative Text.



NUR IDAWANA, 2021. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Start

Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method (A Classroom Action Research).

Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Hasnawati Latief dan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman membaca

siswa menggunakan metode membaca permulaan cerita sederhana ekstensif pada

siswa kelas dua SMPN 3 Sungguminasa. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan

penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari delapan

pertemuan. Prosedur penelitian dalam setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap. Yaitu

perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa

kelas VIII yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes membaca.

Hasil belajar pemahaman membaca siswa pada Tes-D, siklus I dan siklus II

mengalami peningkatan dalam nilai yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam pemahaman membaca siswa

menggunakan metode membaca permulaan cerita sederhana ekstensif. Pernyataan ini

dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata tes diagnostik siswa adalah 34.43, tetapi

meningkat menjadi 36,48. pada siklus I dan 81,06 pada siklus II. Artinya kemampuan

membaca pemahaman siswa dari siklus I sampai siklus II tergolong berhasil. Metode

Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca


Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method,

Narrative Text.



Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, should be expressed for the blessing of Allah

SWT for guidance and mercy, so that I could finally finish this thesis. Shalawat and

Salam are addressed to the final and the chosen, relegious messenger the prophet

Muhammad SAW (peace be upon Him).

In writing this thesis the reseacher found difficulties, so the researcher realized

that the thesis has a lot of mistakes and weakness. The reseacher realized that in

carrying out the research and writing the thesis, many people have contributed their

valuable suggestions, guidances, assistances, and advices for the completion of this

thesis. The researcher want to say thanks and her special appreciate to her parents

Hadirman and Sahida, for their never ending love support prayer, care, and all of may

family for their attention, support and love. Therefore, the researcher would like to

acknowledge them.

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University

of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D as the Dean of Muhammadiyah University of


3. Dr. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, the the Head of English Education

Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

4. The researcher high appreciation and deepest thankfull are due to consultants

Dra. Hasnawati Latief, M.Pd. and Ardian, S.Pd., M.Pd. for their guidance,

motivation, their patience from the beginning until the end of writing this



5. The researcher‟s deep appreciation for Fajar Ma‟ruf, S.Pd., M.M as a

headmaster of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa and the English teacher Maryam

Yunus, S.Pd. and all the students, especially for the VIII H who have spared

their time and activities for being subject of this research.

6. Thanks to my beloved sisters and brothers: Nurpaida, Nur Idayani, Muh.

Riskang, and Muh. Raifal for their support, guidance, financial and education

to finishing this thesis.

7. For my classmate of English Department in class BIG.C, who have given

advice and critic and have given motivation.

8. For her beloved friends, Rahmasiah, Fitha Resky Andaresta A, Ummul

Hijrah sari, Nurul Tuti Alwiyah, Andi Risnawati for their critics, support and

spritual in completed this thesis.

9. For her beloved friends Anhy, Iraa, Ratih, and my cousin Zulfikar for their

support both materials and gave motivation in every part of her life.

Finally, by reciting Alhamdulillahi Robbi Alamin, the researcher could finish

this thesis successfully, and can be useful, Aamiin!

Makassar, August 2021


Nur Idawana





LEMBAR PENGESAHAN.........................................................................................ii

APPROVAL SHEET.................................................................................................iii

COUNSELLING SHEET..........................................................................................iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN.............................................................................................v




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. .......ix

LIST OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ ........x

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. .......xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ ......xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... .....xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ ........1

A. Background ............................................................................................... ........1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................................... ........4

C. Research Objective.................................................................................... ........5

D. Significance of the Study .......................................................................... ........5

E. Scope of the Study .................................................................................... ........6


CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................... ........7

A. Previous of Related Findings .................................................................... ........7

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ................................................................................. ........9

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. ......22

D. Action Hypothesis...........................................................................................23

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... ......24

A. Research Design ........................................................................................ ......24

B. Research Variable and Indicators.............................................................. ......26

C. Research Subject ....................................................................................... ......27

D. Procedure of Collecting Data...........................................................................27

E. Research Instrument .................................................................................. ......30

F. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................... ......31

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .............................................. ......35

A. Findings ..................................................................................................... ......35

B. Discussion ................................................................................................. ......42

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... ......46

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ ......46

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. ......47








Table 3.1 Rubric for main idea ........................................................................ .....31

Table 3.2 Rubric for supporting idea .................................................................... 31

Table 4.1 Students‟ mean score in main idea ........................................................ 36

Table 4.2 Students‟ mean score in summarize ...................................................... 37

Table 4.3 Rate Percentage and frequency ............................................................. 39

Table 4.4 Improvement the students‟ reading comprehension ............................. 41




Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework......................................................................... 22

Figure 4.1 Students‟ mean score of main idea ...................................................... 36

Figure 4.2 Students‟ mean score of summarize .................................................... 38

Figure 4.3 Rate Percentage and frequency ............................................................ 40



APPENDICES A : Lesson Plan

APPENDICES B : Attendace List of Students‟

APPENDICES C : Instrument Test

APPENDICES D : The Result of students‟ score in identify main idea D-Test,

Cycle I and Cycle II

APPENDICES E : The Students‟ score in sumarize D-test, Cycle I and Cyle II

APPENDICES F : Classification of students score

APPENDICES G : The Percentage of Students‟ Reading Comprehension in D-

Test, Cycle I and Cycle II

APPENDICES H : The Students‟ Improvement Reading Comprehension in

identify main idea and summarize in D-test, Cycle I and

Cycle II

APPENDICES I : The Improvement of Students in Reading Comprehension




A. Background of the Study

Reading comprehension is the capacity of the process to read words and graph

the text meaning. Understanding reading comprehension hepls the students to read

and learn effectively (Marlina, 2014: 16). Reading comprehension is often an active

intentional method in which a reader intentionally creates meaning by interpretation

of the text. Reading comprehension also a dialogue between the speaker and the

reader. The task involves the ability to relate to the writer, it is a complex process

through which readers receive eritten material from them using their intellectual


Reading comprehension was very important for students. The interpretation

will not be learned from the text by students. If they understand the text substance,

instead of interpreting the implied meaning. It may better for the reader to understand

the context. Therefore, the value of comprehension was to grasp written of unwritten

information. The process od understanding a text is a process in which students link

the meaning of paragraph by paragraph into a single meaning that can unite the

meanings of each paragraph in the text. To develop their understanding, the interest

od students in reading was very significant, as they want be able to learn if the

students had no interested for reading in it.


Students had reading difficulties, such as difficulty interpreting the text, poor

vocabulary mastery, low reading speed and low reading habits. Such issues may arise

from several variables. They could result from the teaching approach, the academic

competence of the students themselves, or the socio-economic status of the students,

which forces them to neglect school facilities and ultimately causes low interest in

studying and low English scores.

The researcher was able to know the character of students and the problems

students face in the reading learning process, particularly reading comprehension,

based on the researcher's experience in doing apprenticeship 3 at SMPN 3

Sungguminasa. In teaching reading, the researcher found several problems; first the

student had a lack of vocabulary because the importance of foreign words is difficult

to spot. Secondly, it appeared like the educational reading process was dull The

teacher asks the students to read some paragraphs in a textbook, and pushed students

to do exercises to look at their understanding without telling them a way to

comprehend the text. Lastly, the issue faced by students in reading learning is that

they can not translate the contextual phrases supported afterwards. The interpretation

of the text usually is poor, since they do not had enough knowledge to interpret

correctly. For this purpose, the researcher is interested in using the approach to

enhance the reading comprehension of students in the classroom to make it easier for

students to learn to read and to be able to solve current problems.

In view of the problems, the researcher suggests that Start Simple Stories

Extensive Reading is a technique that can be used to teach it (SSS ER). Akio (2006)


says that Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading is a special, simple, and fun method

of language learning that makes students enjoy learning the English language. Start

Simple Stories Extensive Reading does not concentrate on the students reacting to the

question, but on correctly interpreting the text. Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading (SSS ER) want build fun and enjoy the classroom reading activity, so it not

only increases the achievement of students in reading comprehension by used the

Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) process, but also makes reading a

habit for students. The goal of this strategy was to ensure that students become active

readers from the beginning, not fluent (Nerlianti, 2015: 17). In other words, it is

feasible to read a basic book without a dictionary. Don't attempt to grasp the content

and move on to another book if it seems more important to students.

To made teaching and learning reading work well, the teacher and students

can use start simple stories extensive reading (SSS ER). However, teacher must

selected technique that can be adapted to the skills, tools, and students context, such

as recognize a difficult word, opened the dictionary, search for meaning of the words,

write the meaning in the text, and stopped their reading habits. The SSS ER method

didn‟t not rely on the students answer to the question, but on interpreting the text

correctly. In the classroom, SSS ER approach created fun reading activities and

relaxes them. The students want read the text without focused on answer the question

because they liked the stories. Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER)

method want help students understand the text and made reading an enjoyable

experienced and practice.


Used the SSS ER approach to enhance the reading understanding of students

used story media, where students can choosed to read their own stories, but if the

students found it hard or feel bored with the story, the teacher can choose another

story and students can be more interested in reading. In the classroom, this approach

should be extended so it can support students in the reading process. This approach

used to see how successful or essential learners can be affected by reading

comprehension. The researcher considered that Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading Method can be applied to increase the ability in finding main ideas and

summarize. In this research the aim was to solve this problem until the students had a

good score, while the standard curriculum is 7.5. The researcher want to achieved the

score at 7,0 target in learning reading comprehension. Based on the explanation

above the researcher interested in conducted research on: “Improving Students‟

Reading Comprehension using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method at

SMPN 3 Sungguminasa.”

B. Research Question

Based on the background above, the researcher study improved students

reading comprehension used start simple stories extensive reading. The problem of

this can be formulated in the question below: “How can the improvement of Start

Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method improve students‟ reading comprehension

includes of literal reading comprehension and interpretative comprehension?”


C. Objective of the Research

Based on the research question that was mentioned above the objective

reserach is “To find out whether the implementation of Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading Method can improve students‟ reading comprehension includes of literal

reading comprehension and interpretative comprehension.”

D. Significance of the Research

It can be expected that the conclusion of this analysis will be useful for:

1. Theoretically

The outcome of the study was expected to be helpful in exoanding education

theory and teaching education to add data, especially in school English subjects,

and can be used as guides for those who want to study reading teaching.

a. Reserach findings can be useful in the language learning process, particularly

for reading comprehension using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS

ER) method.

b. The princple of the reserach paper can be used as a reference for those who

want to study teaching-learning approach.

2. Practically

a. English Teacher

The outcome of this research was to provide English teacher with valuable

knowledge to used this methodology in their classroom. it may be to instructed the

teacher to teach English more creatively.


b. Students

The reserach was supposed to enchance the capacity of students to understand

reading. Therefore, in reading achievement they can got stronger, then it can also

axtend the awareness of students about Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS

ER) Method.

c. Researcher

Using start simple stories extensive reading (SSS ER) method, the study want

gain new understanding of the other reading strategy and new experience in reading


E. Scope of the Research

The reserach was limited to improve the students reading comprehension

using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading method focused on literal reading

comprehension (the main idea) and interpretative comprehension focused on

(summarizing) at the Eight-Grade Students of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa.




A. Previous Related Findings

Some researchers have been conducted related to teaching reading. Some of

the findings of related research were presented in the following section. Firstly, Fitri

(2018) found that used this method was very effective in learning reading

comprehension. The score obtained after applying this method can increase. The

students can enjoy their reading more, so the students can more easily understand

what they are reading. She conducted experimental quantitative research. The subject

of research was 40 students for two classes as an instrument for experimental groups

and control groups to describe students' understanding abilities after being given

treatment through multiple-choice tests to collect the final results whether the method

is effective for students or not.

Secondly, Nurjamaliah (2018) explores the used SSS method helps students in

reading capacity. It is seen by the improvement of reading students. The average post-

tes is better than pre-test score. She concluded that students are improving their

reading comprehension. In teaching reading, students have a positive response to the

use of SSS method. They said it was interesting for this method to use the SSS

process, through using SSS method they find no difficulties in interpreting English

text. The students accepted that they get a lot of experience from using SSS method

as a method of reading. She use two instruments was test and questionnaire. She


concludes that students are interested using SSS method in teaching reading

comprehension in the classroom.

The next research, Oktela (2018) it focused on the students‟ reading

comprehension taught by using the start simple stories (SSS) method had a better

score than those without being taught by using the start simple stories (SSS) method,

and to find out whether there is any significant effect who are taught and without

being taught using start simple stories (SSS) method at State Senior High School 1

Topoya Bintan Regency. She was experimental research, the design was quasi-

experimental research. The object of her research started simple stories (SSS) method

on reading comprehension was used two classes as a sample; IX IS 3 consisted of 28

students as an experimental class, and IX IS 1 consisted of 28 students as control

class. From the result, it can be concluded that teaching reading by using the start

simple stories (SSS) method gave a small effect on reading comprehension of the

students at State Senior High School 1 Topoya Bintan Regency.

Furthermore, Marlina (2014) also conducted the application of Start Simple

Stories (SSS) Extensive Reading method was significant in improving the students‟

reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension and interpretative

comprehension. She was using a classroom research action (CAR) conducted in two

cycles in which every cycle consisted of four meetings. The location of her research

was taken at the XI of Office Administration Class of SMK YPKK Limbung with a

number of the subject were 27 students.


The last research, Nerlianti (2015) the result showed using the SSS ER

method to identify the main idea of the paragraph at the seventh-grade students of

MTs. Aisiyah Sungguminasa Gowa. In this research, she conducted the effectiveness

of using the SSS Extensive Reading method in improving the English reading

learning in the school. The difference in teaching reading comprehension between

using SSS ER and using conventional teaching is achieve better attainment compared

to the students who where taught by using conventional teaching. There was a

significant effect of short stories on the students' redaing comprehension.

There were some similarities and differenced between researchers an other

researchers based on the researchers above. The equation uses the same medium,

namely SSS ER (Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading) process which improved

understanding of reading comprehension. The differenced between researchers and

other researchers used different subjects and used different research design, namely

pre-experimental design.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of Reading comprehension

a. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Clarke (2014) states that reading comprehension is situated within the text

itself, a developed understanding comes from the interaction between the text and

the reader‟s response to the text. He states reading is central to teaching and

learning and it is vital to consider the circumstance in which the developing

students is required to extract and apply meaning derived from text. He also states


reading comprehension skill become more important as children progress through

the educational system. However, reading comprehension has focused on the

knowledge that the reader brings to the process of understanding. Understanding is

important to recognize that reading can be a transformative experience influencing

the thinking and learning of the reader. New words, concept and perspective can

be encountered that challenge and enhance existing knowledge.

Leon (2015) states reading comprehension involves a reader developed a

mental representation of a text through the establishment of casual relation based

on the ideas and events in the text. On other hands Hock et al (2015) define

reading comprehension as a process in which the reader constructs meaning from

text-based information. During this process, the reader creates a mental

representation of meaning of the text by using features of the text and the reader‟s

knowledge of the world. When the reader integrates text-based knowledge with

prior knowledge, deep comprehension occurs.

Reading comprehension is the ability of students to understand the text part

and interpret the text in their way (Houda, 2015: 7). Comprehension is a bridge for

passive reader students to active readers. Someone will be able to understand every

word. Lack of reading skills can affect the success rate of students. Some students get

difficulties because peacocks find it difficult to know the meaning of the whole text

even though they know one by one the words of the text (Houda, 2015: 9).

Reading comprehension is an understanding of the text or the process of

constructing meaning from text. Comprehension is a construction process because it


involves all of the elements of the reading process, working together as a text is read

to create a representation of the text in the reader‟s mind.

Furthermore, reading comprehension can be concluded as the ability, process

for understand the information that has been read and developing of text using the

reader‟s knowledge. In reading text, there were process that the readers passed. The

process of reading comprehension, the readers want integrated two of kind; that is

text-based knowledge with prior knowledge.

b. Levels of Reading Comprehension

There are several levels of comprehension. A higher level of comprehension

can include a higher level of thinking. Burns (2011: 16-18) divides levels of reading

comprehension into four levels of skill; they are literal comprehension, interpretative

reading, critical reading, and creative reading.

1) Literal Comprehension

Literal reading refers to ideas and facts directly state on the print pages.

Literal reading is the skill of getting the primary direct literal meaning of words,

ideas, or sentences in context the basics of literal comprehension are recognizing

stated main idea, details, effect, and sequences.

2) Interpretive Comprehension

Interpretative reading involves reading between the lines of making

inferences. This level demands higher levels of thinking ability because the question

in the category or interpretation is concerned with an answer that is not directly stated


in the text but is suggest or imply. The interpretation reader read between the lines,

make a connection among individuals state ideas, make inferences or imply meaning

from the text.

Higher of level comprehension involves reading beyond or the lines. The

reader brings knowledge and experience to the act of reading and draws inferences.

Interpretive of referential comprehension includes thinking process such as drawing

conclusion, making generalization out comes or making summarize from the text.

3) Critical Reading

Critical reading was evaluated written material comparing the ideas

discovered in the material with a known standard and concluding their accuracy,

appropriateness, and timelines. The critical reading compares the previous experience

to elements in the new material such as content styles, expression, information, and

ideas or values of the author.

4) Creative Reading

Creative reading involves going beyond the material present by the author,

creative reading requires the readers to think as they read just as critical reading and it

also requires the reader to use their imagination, in a creative solution to that by the


c. The Purpose of Reading Comprehension

There are numerous uses for reading written words. If they read the data as

they need, the reader will know and satisfy themselves. It implies that until they


actually do so, the reader will expect what they are going to read. According to

Ngabut (2015: 20), the aims of reading comprehension are:

1) Effective Reading

Effective reading means being able to read accurately and efficiently to

understand as much of the passage as the students need to achieve the

students' purpose.

2) Survey Reading

The survey reading was specialized technique, forgetting the top view

of an article, chapter, or entire book. If the students catch aboard the overall

picture of essentials

3) Skimming

Skimming was kind of reading that makes our eyes more quickly to get

the main ideas from the reading materials. In skimming reading a read this to

find out the topic and detail of the paragraph. Skimming enables people to

select the content that they want to read and to discard that is inconsequential

for their purpose skimming permits people to gain a general idea about the

material when that is their purpose, rather than to read all material in detail.

4) Scanning

Scanning is to serve two functions. They uncover relevant information

and accelerates your reading speed flexibility or the reader work out for a

particular item belief in the text.


5) Intensive Reading

The intensive reading strategy is study reading, this involves a close study

of the text. As the amount of comprehension can be high, the speed of reading

is correspondently slower.

d. Kinds of Reading Comprehension

According to Sari (2015: 17-19) classification reading into three kinds,

namely: reading alud, silent reading and speed reading.

1. Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is important and the statements can be though to read

aloud. Reading aloud is a kind of reading where a reader express orally every

word in the text. The purpose of reading aloud is to improve the students‟

ability in pronouncing the words, stressing the words, and have a good

intonation about every sentences in the passage.

A further classification of reading aloud is the devotion into unison

reading and individual reading. reading in unison is done with whole group

reading aloud together. The purpose of reading individually is to cheking

pronounciation reading individually stimulate the students‟ ability to read.

Moreover, reading individually can help the teacher to find out when among

her/him students has difficulty in reading.

2. Silent Reading

Silent reading terms to reinforce the readers to find out the meaning of

words. This kind of reading leads the readers to better comprehension. Silent


reading is a skill to criticize what is written to discusses something, written it

means to draw inferences and conclusion as well as to express new ideas on the

basic of what is read. To develop the students understanding in the silent

reading, we give them short reading passage ath the beginning and ask question

after words.

3. Speed Reading

This kind of reading is used to improve speed and comprehension in

reading. this skill is very important for students. The speed reading must on the

side comprehension. The role of reading speed, however depends on the kind of

reading material. The rate of speed is a reading scientific material.

e. Factors that Influence Reading Comprehension

According to Hamid ( 2011 : 19 ) There are many factors that might affect

comprehension of printed materials.

a. Background Knowledge

Familiarity with concept of a reading material being read, both through

experience of knowledge can make a reader easy to comprehend. The low

achievement of standing in reading caused by insufficient of basic knowledge

had more effect on understanding of implied that an explicit information.

b. Vocabulary

One of the important factors influencing a readers comprehension is the

familiarity with the vocabulary, where the successful in associating between

the printed words with their meaning and their referents depends on the


familiarity with the words. Successful reading comprehension is possible

when most of the vocabularies in a reading selection are familiar to the


c. Teacher Influence

The teacher may give retention of information contained in printed

material and this help students cope successful with reading assignment.

There are some teacher‟s role to the students. That are encourage the students

to apply what they have read have them constantly evaluated the material that

they have read, encourage the student‟s to tell something about a book to

other students, and encourage students to think of their own ways or reporting

on books or stories.

2. Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) Method

a. Defenition of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) Method

Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method is a form of

teaching for reading to introduce students reading text in English language using a

variety of short picture stories. The students begins on a page learning picture story

with a few words. Then with many words on the page, it will be improved their

reading comprehension (Aiko, 2006).

In the classroom, Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method

has three features:

1. This technique begins with basic stories and increases the level gradually.


2. The students will not only read book or stories at home but in the classroom as


3. The titles read must be registered by teachers. This implies that the total number of

books or stories read by students be registered.

Firstly, this method is used in Japan. In the English dictonary, most teachers

placed too much focus on looking of difficult words and ask the students to translate

any term into Indonesian language. The use of dictionaries places too much burden

on learners and hinders from learning English. The three rules of Start Simple Stories

Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method are advocated by Aiko (2006) namely: a) No

dictionaries while reading, b) Skip over complicated words, c) Avoid reading when it

is boring or too difficult, d) Reading a simple books or stories (grade readers).

It is important to point out the students that is easier to understand 10 simple

book than not to read one that is challenging. There is an opportunity for students not

to use dictionaries. For any of their language lessons, this does not mean that they

don‟t use dictionaries. Hovewer, the content will be at a low enough level when

reading in (SSS ER) method that a dictionary is not required.

The material are esay with only 10 or 15 unknown words per page. In

addition, the students can gain the ability to infer the meaning when reading a book.

As fresh words are promoted after a few occasions, this will result in the acquisition

of vocabulary, and the narrative text used is a tale fiction. Skipping words enables

students to continue reading and when a words is encountered many times,

Automatically the students learn new vocabulary. If a students considers a text boring


or too difficult, the students are encovaraged to find more relevant content. The

students are required to understand the text well.

b. The Princples of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method

According to Baity (2013: 26), adding a fun demension to the analysis of

English. Surprisingly, Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method

easyly outstrips readers and and has been a factor in improving reading

comprehension in English as a consequence. There are top SSS ER method process

principles, namely:

1. Easy to reading material.

2. The choice of reading material must be accessible on various topics.

3. Learners decide why they want to read.

4. As fast as possible students read the text.

5. The object of reading is generally related to enjoyment, awareness, and general


6. Reading is of their own accord.

7. The speed of reading is usually quicker rather than slower.

8. It is individual and quiet to read of the text.

9. The teacher orients and guides its students and the teacher is the role model of



c. The Procedures of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method

According to Yustika (2013: 30), there are steps to incorporate Start Simple

Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method as the method for teaching narrative

text espicially fairytales in reading comprehension. The procedure of SSS ER

method are as follows:

1. Based on interest of students, the teacher provides suggestions on reading


2. The teacher guides students, starting with simple text to select suitable levels of


3. The teacher directs students to select a selection of materials that are of interest

to them. For students who choose a similiral form ove and over, this may

particularly be important.

4. The students reads without the dictionary being used.

5. If students are not conscious of the exact context of each word, the teacher

overlooks it. The teacher will explain about it.

6. Students can miss difficult words, so interpreting the word can take a longer


7. The teacher allows students to alter the text if they are not interested in it.

8. If it is boring or difficult, students can stop reading. If it gets dull, readers

though to avoid reading. If they force themselves to continue reading, their

interpretation of the text will be lost.


9. Once all students complete their reading, the teacher provides them with


SSS ER method directs the students‟ interest in understanding the text. They

Will try to interpret the text well because they like the plot. They interest in the tale

can become the key to the texts understanding. The plot on the other hand, was a

straightforward one not a complicate the story.

d. The Advantages and disadvantages of Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading Method

The advantages of using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER)

method, according to Han (2010, p. 32) are:

1) Improve and clarify the awareness of the higher frequency lexical and syntactic

center of students.

2) When reading multiple text, students may learn unplanned vocabulary.

3) Encouraging reading fluency for students.

4) Make students have a positive reading and motivation.

According to Aiko (2006, p. 1-8) the disadvantages of Start Simple Stories

Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method are:

1) Growth in vocabulary is not high. The simple story consisting of 10-15 difficult

words, is used by the start simple stories extensive reading (SSS ER) method.

2) The number of total words is only 50-100 words. Usually students will not read

long text.


3. The Implementation of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER)


Teaching reading by Start Simple stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method

is one of the techniques used in this study by the researcher. The reseracher will

use the systematic reading of start simple stories extensive reading (SSS ER)

method as the teaching reading comprehension. In teaching reading, the researcher

takes the reading material narrative text especially fairytales. According to

(Mithag, 2015: 22) Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) is a special,

allowing students concentrate on reading text without thingking about dictionary,

complicated words, and just stop reading when students feel boring and very hard

for them. In addition SSS ER it is a simple method implies that it is not difficult to

apply this method in the classroom. after that, SSS ER also enjoy 20 detailed

method of reading that the students start with picture that describe the text to

understand the reading text point.

The researcher addressed one type of thext in this case which is a narrative

text. Narrative text that focuses on telling stoties in one genre, etheir fiction or

nonfiction. Second, the expanded narrative text is a shorter episode that

demonstrates or supports the argument of article. The short narrative is the second

one, it is a shorter often used in paragraph of the body. A tale with difficulties or

problematic incidents may be narrative text and it seek to find the way to fix the

problem. The narrative text mode, the collection of methods used to convey the

narrative through a narrative process, it a important part of the narrative text.


C. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

For students to got information, reading was an essential process. Students

should be able to understand the text well in order to got the best and the correct

details. But actually, when understanding the text they had many problems. The

difficulties arised from factors such as the level of text the vocabulary interest of

students and the method of teaching.

Reading Comprehension

Classroom Action Research

Cycle 1




Cycle II

Revised Planning



Reflection Reflection

Improving Students‟ Reading Comprehension

Literal Comprehension Interpretative Comprehension

Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading



Teachers should be used appropriate methods to solve problems level was too

high, it should be recuded by the teacher. If there is a lot of difficult vocabulary in

the text. The teacher can provide another text that only has a limited number of

vocabulary, and if the teaching this method is not suitable for teaching reading. The

teacher can also changed the method in the class. SSS ER method was an effecient

teaching reading method that should be used in the process of teaching and learning.

This method will give the level of the appropriated for the students level. The text

only consists of 10-15 difficult words, and the technique is really considered

fasciniting to ready by students.

Based on described above that in teaching reading material, the researcher

focus on fairly tales (kind of narrative text) by using start simple stories extensive

reading (SSS ER) as a teaching approach which will be used in the classroom action

research divided into two cycles that consist of four stages; they are: planning, action,

observation, and reflection. The aimed of this research is to improve the students‟

reading comprehension that focuses on the improvement in literal comprehension and

interpretative reading comprehension.

D. Action Hypothesis

Based on the theories and conceptual framework, the researcher forward an

action hypothesis as follows: using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER)

method can improve students, reading comprehension in English lesson in VIII.2 in

the academic year of 2020/2021 at SMPN 3 Sungguminasa.




A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research (CAR)

design. According Burns (2010: 2) stated that the main idea of action research is to

identify a problematic situation or issue that the students, who may include teachers,

managers, administrators, or even parents-consider worth looking into more deeply

and systematically. According to Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns (2010: 8) action

reserach typically involves four broad phases in a cycle od reserach, as follows:

a. Planned

In this step, the researcher identified a problem or issue and developed a plan

of action in order to brought about improvement in a spesific area of the research

context. This is a forward-looking phase where the reseracher consideres: what kind

of investigation is possible within tha realitied and constrainted in teaching situation,

and what potential improvement the researcher thinks were possible.

b. Action

In this step, the plan was a carefully consider on which involved some

deliberated interventions into the teach situation that the reseacher puts into action

over and agree periode of time. It means that the reseacher used Start Simple Stories

Extensive Reading (SSS ER) as a method in teaching learning process as long as this

research is done.


c. Observation

This step involved the reseacher in observed systematically the effects of the

action and documenting the context, actions, and opinion of those involved. It is a

data collection phase where the researcher used „open-eyed‟ and „open-minded‟ tools

to collect information about what is happening. The reseacher will also be help by her

collaboration to observed the teaching-learning process. The functioned of

collaboration here is to observed, evaluated, and gave suggestion about the

implementation of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) Method in the


d. Reflection

At the point, the reseacher reflected on, evaluated, and described the effects of

the action in order to make sense of what had happened and to understand the

researcher had explore more clearly. The researcher may decide to do further cycles

of action research to improve the situation even more.

From the explanationed above, the four fundamental steps in running action

research were planned, action, observation, and reflection. The cycles in action

research consist of them that will be done until the problem can be solved. In order to

made it clear, classroom action research can illustrated based on the Kemmis and Mc

Taggart in Burns (2010: 16)). It consist of four steps, namely: Planned, Action,

Observation, and Reflection.


Figure 3.1 Action Research Spiral, Model by Kemmis and Mc Taggart

(source: Burns, 2010: 16)

The four steps above were applied to each cycle because action research is a

cyclical process/ if the result of the first cycle fails, it can continue to the next cycle.

If there is any alteration significantly or it means that the students‟ reading

comprehension is increasing the cycle has been stopped.

B. Research Variables and Indicators

The followed were the variables of the research:

1. The research consists of two variables, namely dependent and independent variabel


a. The dependent variable was the students' implementation of reading

comprehension in fairy tales includes literal reading comprehension and

interpretative reading.

b. The independent of the research was the of Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading (SSS ER) in understanding reading comprehension. Start Simple

Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) method is a series of steps a student.

c. follow to generate, think about, foresee, examine, and address the question

that satisfies curiosity about what is being read.

2. Related to the two variables above, the research also included one indicator in this

research: The indicators of literal reading comprehension is the main ideas and

interpretative reading is summarizing from the text.

C. Research Subject

This subject of the research used cluster random sampling technique of class

VIII.2 of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa in consists of 20 students. The researcher had a

two-months experience in the school during the intership program (Magang 3).

Therefore the reseacher know the condition of this class quite well, and the

reseracher can identified the problems faced by the students in learning reading


D. Procedure of Collecting Data

The procedured of this research was performed by administrated two

cycles. Each cycle contained four steps which are planning, action, observation, and


reflection. Before the cycle I begin, the diagnostic test given to students to know the

students reading comprehension in English lesson.

1. Cycle I

a. Planned

1) The reseacher prepared appropriated material and topic.

2) The reseacher designed lesson plan for teaching reading.

3) The reseacher prepared format for reading test and observation sheet for


b. Action

1) The researcher introduced herself to the students

2) The researcher applyed the lesson plan in the classroom

3) The reseracher explained the start simple stories extensive reading and

show a stories example to make a sure the reseracher explanation.

4) The researcher suggeted interested material for students.

5) The students‟ should be choosed an interested story for them to read,

started with easy text.

6) The reseracher want the students to achieved their reading goals.

7) The students reading a story without dictionary.

8) The researcher gave explanined for students if they can‟not

understanding a text.

9) The students‟ should be skip a reading if they found a difficulty to

read a text.


10) The researcher gave a changed with the students if the students were

not interested in the story.

11) The students‟ should be stop read if they feel bored for that story and

they can to choosed the another story.

12) After finished, the researcher gave a test for students as evaluationed.

c. Observation

In this cased, the research will observe the student‟s achievement. The

researcher can determined anything needed to be improved soon. In this step,

the researcher used form of observation to observer teaching and learning


d. Reflection

1) Analyzing the data form the observation.

2) The researcher and the teacher discussed about the result of the


3) Making the conclusion of cycle I.

2. Cycle II

There were several aims of cycle II such as to handle the weakness in

cycle I, to gave more opportunities for students to improved student‟s reading

comprhension by used start simple stories extensive reading (SSS ER).

1. Re-Planned

a) The reseacher identified the problem from the cycle I.


b) The reseacher designed lesson plan of cycle II.

c) The reseacher designed form of observation of cycle II.

2. Action

a) The researcher applyed the lesson plan of cycle II.

b) The researcher guides the students in teaching learning process based on

the lesson plan.

2. Observation

In this cased, the researcher observed the process of teaching and

learning by used form of observation to collect the data in cycle II.

3. Reflection

a) Analyzing the data form the observation of cycle II.

b) The researcher and the teacher discussed about the result of the

observation of cycle II.

c) Making a conclusion from cycle II.

E. Research Instrument

The instrument of this research was reading test. In this research, a reading

test used to measure students‟ reading comprehension. Test should be a series of

question or exerices as well as other equipment used to measure the skills,

knowledge, intellegence, ability or talents of individual or groups (Arikunto, 2006:

150). The test used in the form od diagnostic test in the began of the cycle and post-

test in the end of each cycle. The researcher used a short story follows five questions

that must be answered by the students. The questions used to find out whether


students are able to find main ideas and make a summary like the goals the researcher

wants to achieve.

F. Data Analysis

The data from cycle I and cycle II can be analysed the following steps: The

researcher classified the data based on the research. After the data collected from the

test, the researcher should be analysed the data in the following rubric assess reading

comprehension as follows:

1. Scoring Rubric Reading Comprehension

a) Main Idea

Tabel 3.1 : Scoring Students‟ in Literal Comprehension (Main Idea)

Score Main Idea

4 Clearly indetify the main idea by providing strong evidence, details

relating to the main idea

3 Identify the main idea and provide adequate evidence, details realting

to the main idea

2 Limited main idea identification and limited evidence, details relating

to the main idea

1 Did not identify the main idea of the story or provide any evidence,

details relating to the main idea

(Burns in Lutfiah, 2008: 29)

b) Summarizing

Table 3.2 : Scoring Rubric in Interpretative Comprehension (Summarize)

Score Summarizing

4 Summarize other main idea and details succinctly. Uses text


elements, ideas and key vocabulary in a concise, thoughfull manner.

Reflect on a moral, lesson or “something I learn”

3 Summarize other main idea and some details succinctly. Uses text

elements, ideas and key vocabulary may include author‟s purpose.

Summarize the main idea concisely

2 Retells the text and alludes to the main idea. Have a sense of order

may include some inaccuracies. Retells the text with some inaccuracy

may be out sequence (details, ect)

1 Retells giving a minimal amount of information may include

information that is off-topic

(Sari, 2015: 29)

2. To score the students‟ answer the researcher use the following formula:


(Depdikbud in Musliani 2017: 36)

3. Calculating the mean score of students‟ reading comprehension test by formula:


X : The mean score

∑x : Total Score

N : The number of students

(Pratiwi, 2019: 45)


4. The researcher analysed the data of cycle I and II by applying percentage

technique as follows:


P : The class percentage

F : Total percentage score

N : Number of Students

5. The clasification of the students score

a) 90-100 classified as excellent

b) 86-95 classified as very good

c) 76-85 classified as good

d) 66-75 classified as fairly good

e) 56-65 classified as fair

f) 36-55 classified as poor

g) 0-35 classified as very poor

(Pourkalhor, 2013: 40)


6. To know the percentage of the students‟ development in reading comprehension

this formula:


P : Percentage of the students improvement score

X1 : mean score of cycle 1

X2: mean score of cycle 2

(Sudjana in Musliani 2017: 40)




A. Findings

The goal of this research was to seen if the students‟ reading comprehension

improved after they were taught the start simple stories extensive reading method.

This research involved 20 student‟s from SMPN 3 Sungguminasa in the 8th grade.

Based on the current findings of the reseacher used Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading Method to teach reading comprehension can improved students‟ reading

comprehension in terms of the main idea and summarize the text. As could be

observed, the data analysis resulted in the following:

1. The results of improvement of students’ Literal Comprehension (Main Idea)

and Interpretative Comprehension (Summarize)

The reseacher used three types of tests to guide the study in the previous

chapter, such as a diagnostic test that was provided before treatment. Cycle I and

Cycle II of the test were given after the students had received treatment. The table

below showed the result of the students‟ improved reading comprehension as result of

used narrative text:


Table 4.1 Students’ mean score in main idea

Non Method Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method (SSS ER)

D-TEST Cycle Mean Score

Cycle I 50..62

40.62 Cycle II 81.87

The table above showed the mean score of the students‟ main idea. In the

students‟ reading D-test, the means score was 40.62. Then in the cycle I showed that

the means score of students‟ reading was 50.62, in the cycle II showed that the means

score of students‟ reading was 81.87. The research findings from the table above,

indicated that there was the improvement of the students‟ mean score from cycle I to

cycle II, where in cycle I the students‟ mean score 50.62, but after evaluationed in

cycle II the students reading becomes 81.87.

The data above can also be seen in form diagram below:

Figure 1. Students’ Mean Score in Main Idea







D-Test Cycle I Cycle II



The graphic above indicated that mean score of D-test was 40.62, while in

cycle I was 50.62, it showed the students‟ mean score in the main increased by about

10% or 10 point. And then, in cycle II the main score of students‟ was 81.87, it

indicated that the students increased about 31% from cycle I. It means that the

implementation of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method was significant in

improve the students reading comprehension at the second grade of SMPN 3


Table 4.2 Students’ Mean Score in Summarizing

Non Method Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method (SSS ER)

D-TEST Cycle Mean Score

Cycle I 58.75

32.25 Cycle II 80.25

The table 2 above showed the means score of the students‟ reading

comprehension. In the students‟ reading D-test, the means score was 32.25. then in

the cycle I showed that the means score of students‟ reading was 58.75. in the cycle II

showed that means score of students‟ reading was 80.25. The research finding from

the table above, indicated that there was the improvement of the students mean score

from cycle I to cycle II, where in cycle I the students mean score was 58.75, but after

the evaluation in cycle II the students‟ reading becomes 80.25.


The data above can also be seen in from of diagram below:

Figure 2. Students’ mean score in summarizing

The graphic above indicated that mean score of D-test was 32.25, while in

cycle I was 58.75, it showed the students‟ mean score in makes summarize increased

by about 26% or 26 point. And then in cycle II the main score of students‟ was 80.25,

it indicated that the students increased about 21% from cycle I. It means that the

implementation of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method was significant in

improve the students reading comprehension at the second grade of SMPN 3


2. Scoring Classification the Main Idea and Summarize in Reading


As stated in the previous chapter, after tabulating and analyzing the

students' scores the main idea and summarize in percentage, they were classified into







D-Test Cycle I Cycle II



seven levels based on Depdikbud classification: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fairly

Good, Fair, Poor, and Very Poor, as shown in the tables below:

It has been mentioned in the previous chapter that after tabulated and analysis

the students‟ scores into percentage, then they were classified into seven levels based

on Depdikbud classification namely: Excellent, Very Good, Good, fairly Good, Fair,

Poor, and Very Poor as can be seen in the following tables:

Table 4.3 Rate Percentage and Frequency of the students’ reading

comprehension to find out main idea and make a summarize



Range Non Method Start Simple Stories Extensive

Reading Method (SSS ER)

D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

Freq % Freq % Freq %

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0 0 0 2 10%

2 Very Good 86-95 0 0 0 0 4 20%

3 Good 76-85 0 0 0 0 5 25%

4 Fairly Good 66-75 0 0 0 0 9 45%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0 5 25% 0 0

6 Poor 36-55 15 75% 10 50% 0 0

7 Very Poor 0-35 5 25% 5 25% 0 0

Total 20 100% 20 100% 20 100%


The data above can also be shown from the diagram below:

Figure 3. Rate Percentage and Frequency

From the table and graphic 3 above, it can showed that in cycle II the students‟

got heigher scores which is 20% in categorized exellent, 20% in very good

categorized, 25% (good categorized), and 45% categorized fairly good.. It means that

the students‟ reading comprehension was improved in terms the main idea and make

a summary. However, in cycle I there were who obtained students got low score: 5

students‟ in very poor category, 10 student‟s in poor category, and 5 in fair category.

Furthmore, 9 students‟ who got score (fair category), and 11 student‟s score achieved

the KKM standard (7.5). At the some time, in diagnostic test the students got score

lower than cycle I, which is about 75% of student‟s is in the position of the poor

category, and 25% in very poor category.

0% 0%


0% 0%


0% 0%


0% 0%








25% 25%

0% 0%









D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

Excellent Very good Good Fairly good Fair Poor Very Poor


3. The Improvement of the Students Reading Comprehension

In this case, the ultimated improvement of the students reading comprehension

was calculated through the combination of the students‟ improvement in literal

compehension (Main idea) and interptative comprehension (Summarizing). From the

whole result of the students‟ literal comprehension (main idea) and interpretative

comprehension (summarizing) which are presented in the table the improvement of

the students reading comprehension.

Table 4.4 Improvement of the students reading comprehension to find out the

main idea and summarize

Indicator Scores Improvement (%)

D-Test Cycle I Cycle II DT->CI CI->CII DT->CII

Main Idea 40.62 50.62 81.87 24.61 61.73 101.5

Summarizing 32.25 58.75 80.25 82.17 36.59 148.8

∑ 72.87 109.37 162.12 106.7 98.35 250.3

36.43 54.68 81.06 53.35 49.16 125.1

Table 4.4 showed the students‟ reading comprehension improved from D-test to

cycle I and cycle II. In which, cycle II was the greatest of all. The mean score of

students‟ reading comprehension in cycle II was 81.06. Then, the mean score of

students in cycle I was 54.68, and the students got 36.43 in D-test. It indicated the

improvement of the reading comprehension D-test to cycle I was 53.35%. The


improvement from cycle I to cycle II was 49.16%, and the improvement from D-test

to cycle II was 125.1%. it was conducted the students reading comprehension

improved significantly by using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method.

B. Discussion

This section discussed the result of data collected and analysis to depict

students‟ reading comprehension in teaching and learning by using start simple

stories extensive reading mrthod. The description of data collected from reading of

the text as explanation in the previous section showed that the students‟ reading

comprehension was improved. It was supported by mean score and percentage of the

students‟ D-test, cycle I and cycle II result. Based on the findings above, the used of

start simple stories extensive reading method in reading comprehension.

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Reading Comprehension dealing with of

the Main Idea

The implementation of start simple stoies extensive reading method in

improving the students literal reading comprehension in terms of main idea can be

see the difference by considering the result of the students‟ diagnostic test and the

students‟ achievement after taking action in cycle I and cycle II using start simple

stories extensive reading method in teaching and learning process.

Before implementing the method, the researcher found that the successful

minimal criteria (KKM) were 7.5 but the diagnostic test score result, the students

mean score in finding the main idea was 40.62. The students score in cycle I after

the treatment got the higher than the score in the diagnostic test, but still lower


than the successful minimal criteria. Where in determining the main idea the

students got 50.62. The researcher teach about narrative text in cycle I through

implemetation of start simple stories extensive reading method in the classroom.

After gave the test in cycle II, the students‟ mean score was getting higher than in

cycle I. Where in determining of main idea the students got 81.87 score.

The result shows of the students‟ literal reading comprehension in terms

main idea, after applying the start simple stories extensive reading in cycle I and

cycle II, the result of students‟ main ideas achievement improves significantly

where cycle II is higher than D-Test and cycle I. Based on the findings, the start

simple stories extensive reading method helps the students in finding the main


2. The Improvement of the Students’ Interpretative Comprehension dealing

with making a summarize

The application of Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method in

improving the students‟ reading comprehension in terms of making summarize can

be see the difference clearly by considering the result of students‟ diagnostic test

and result of the students‟ test in cycle I and cycle II after using narrative text.

The result shows the mean score of diagnostic test indicates 32.25. The

students‟ score in cycle I after applying start simple stories extensive reading

method shows 58.75. After gave the test in cycle II the students mean score of

making a summarize was getting higher than cycle I, it indicates 80.25 score.


The result shows of the students‟ literal reading comprehension in terms

main idea, after applying the start simple stories extensive reading in cycle I and

cycle II, the result of students‟ main ideas achievement improves significantly

where cycle II is higher than D-Test and cycle I. Based on the findings, the start

simple stories extensive reading method helps the students of making a


Start simple stories extensive reading is a good method in teaching-

learning reading comprehension and the method can help the students‟ to

increased their reading comprehension (Fitri, 2018). Start simple stories extensive

reading method affected for students‟ reading comprehension achievement in

narrative very well. It could seen from their heigher scores when was treated by

using SSS ER method rathet that lecturing method.

It was supported by (Deniyanti, 2017) stating that applying start simple

stories extensive reading method on the students‟ comprehension in narrative text

was more significant. In this research was the researcher used start simple stories

extensive reading method to improve reading comprehension. After the researcher

did the treatment and test, the research result showed that Start Simple Stories

Extensive Reading Method improved students‟ reading comprehension. The

students fell more esay to understand to reading text.

Based on the result from cycles the students‟ improved in determining of

main idea in D-test, cycle I and II, the students‟ mean score in reading

comprehension used start simple stories extensive reading method (SSS ER) in D-


test was 36.25, cycle I was 58.64 and 81.06 in cycle II. It means that there was

significant improvement in students‟ reading comprehension in dentified of main

idea and made summarize used start simple stories extensive reading method.

Based on the findings, the start simple stories extensive reading method helps the

students in finding the main idea and make a summarize in reading





A. Conclusion

1. Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading is effective to increase the students‟

literal reading comprehension in term of main idea, it is proven by the mean

score of the students where the D-test score was 40.62, cycle I was 50.62 and

cycle II was 81.87. from the findings in the previous chapter, it can be see that

the result of literal reading comprehension is great. It means that there is a

significant difference of students‟ literal reading comprehension between before

and after using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method.

2. Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading is effective to increase the students‟

literal reading comprehension in term of making a summarize, it is proven by

the mean score of the students where the D-test score was 32.25, cycle I was

58.75 and cycle II was 80.25. from the findings in the previous chapter, it can

be see that the result of literal reading comprehension is great. It means that

there is a significant difference of students‟ interpretative comprehension

between before and after using Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method.


B. Suggestion

Based on the fingdings, the researcher stated some suggestion to improve the

students‟ reading comprehension through Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading

Method as follows:

1. For English Teacher

It is suggested the teacher should apply various kinds of suitable technique

in teaching reading to make students more interested in reading English text and

to increasing the quality of studying and teaching. It suggested to the English

teacher to apply Start Simple Stories Extensive Reading Method as an effective

way to improve the students‟ reading comprehension.

2. For the Students

Students need practiced and learn more not only in the imformal education,

but also the formal education to improvement their reading comprehension.

3. For the Next Researcher

There were various examples that must be improved students‟ reading

comprehension in general, including literal reading comprehension, interpretative

comprehension, Start Simple Stories Extenive Reading Method, and other

techniques, strategies, and methods. However, in this research, the researcher

concentrated on improving the students‟ reading comprehension. So the next

researcher can look at another situation of reading that needs to be improved,

whether they employed this method or not. However, it is preferable to employ


this strategy in order to learn how to improved students‟ reading comprehension

through various discussions.



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Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Edisi

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Baity, Yasmina S. (2013). The Implementation of Start Simple Stories (SSS) Method

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in the Eleventh Grade Students of MAN Tengaran in the Academic Year

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Burns. A. (2010). Action Research: some questions fom Thailand. Thai TESOLL

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Burns, Christine. (2011). Selected Features and Their Impact on Students’

Comprehension. Orlando: Harcourt.

Burns in Lutfiah. (2008). Teaching Reading of Main Idea (3rdEd). Boston: Houghton


Clarke, Paula J, Emma Truelove, Charles Hulme and Margaret J. Snowling. (2014).

Developing Reading Comprehnsion. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Deniyanti.(2017). The Effectiveness of Start with Simple Stories Toward the Students’

Reading Comprehension of Thenth Grade at SMAN 1 Ogodeide. Journal of

English Language [Offline] JME Volume 5. No. 7 December 2017, p.479-


Fitri Dwi, A.A. (2018). The Effect of Start with Simple Stories Extensive Reading

(SSS ER) on Students Reading Comprehension. State Islamic University of

North Sumatera Medan.

Hamid, W. (2011). Teaching Reading Comprehension and Extensive Reading.

Alauudin University Press.

Han, E. J. 2010. The Effect of SSS ER Method on Student’ Writing and Language

Abilities. British Journal Education, [Offline] Volume 3 (2) 75-91.


Houda, G. (2015). Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Extensive

Reading. Retrieved from


J.A. Leon and I Escudero. (2015). Improving Reading Comprehension of Middle and

High School Students. Understanding Casuality in Science Discourse for

Middle and High School Students. Summary Task as a Strategy for Improving

Comprehnsion. Spain: Department of Fundamental Psychology, Universidad

Autonom of Mad.

Marlina. (2014). The Use of Strat Simple Stories (SSS) Extensive Reading Method

to Improve the Students Reading Comprehension. Thesis, Makassar : English

Department of Faculty Teacher Training and Education of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University.

Miftah, M. (2015). Implementation of Intensive-Extensive Reading Strategy to

Improve Reading Comprehension. Jurnal of English as a Foreign Language,

[offline] Volume 3(1), p. 22.

Muslaini. (2017). Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension. English

Education Journal (EEJ), p. 67-78.

Nerlianti. (2015). The Use of Start Simple Stories (SSS) Extensive Reading Method

to Make English Reading Learning Effective. Thesis, Makassar : English

Department of Faculty Teacher Training and Education of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University.

Ngabut, M. N. ( 2015, March). Reading Theories and Reading Comprehension.

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, 5, 1.

Nurjamaliah. (2018). The Implementation of Simple Stories (SSS) Method to Improve

Students' Reading Comprehension. Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Ranry

Darussalam-Banda Aceh.

Oktela Kurnia, C. (2018). The Effect of Using Start Simple Stories (SSS) Method on

Students’ Reading Comprehension. State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif

Kasim Riau Pekan Baru.

Pourkalhor, Kohan. (2013). Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Short Stories

In Advance Clasess. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Islamic

Azad. University, Tonekabon Branch, IRAN.


Pratiwi, W. (2019). Improving the Students Reading Comprehension Skill through

Start Simple Stories (SSS). Thesis, Makassar : English Department of Faculty

Teacher Training and Education of Makassar Muhammadiyah University.

Sari, D. P. (2015). An Analysis of Students' Reading Comprehension Based on the

Four Levels Comprehension Skill. Indonesia: University of Bengkulu.

Yustika. (2013). Start Simple stories (SSS) Method to Improve students’ Reading

Comprehension. English Education Journal (EEJ), p. 33.














Nama Sekolah : SMP Negeri 3 Sungguminasa

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil

Materi Pokok : Text Narrative

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 180 menit @8 pertemuan

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 :Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI-2 :Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli,

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI-3 :Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (factual, konseptual, dan

procedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI-4 :Mengolah, menyaji dan menatar dalam ranah konkrit (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)

sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama

dalam sudut pan dang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.7 membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

3.7.1 mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif terkait fairytales dengan baik dan benar

2. Siswa dapat menggunakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif terkait fairytales dengan baik dan benar

3. Siswa dapat membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif terkait fairytales dengan baik dan benar.

4. Siswa dapat menyimpulkan informasi dari teks naratif terkait fairytales

dengan baik dan benar.

kebahasaan beberapa teks

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait fairytales,

pendek dan sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif

terkait fairytales

3.7.2 menggunakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif

terkait fairytales

3.7.4 membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif

terkait fairytales

4.7 menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

naratif, lisan dan tulis, sangat

pendek dan sederhana, terkait


4.7.1 menceritakan makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks sangat pendek dan

sederhana terkait fairytales

berjudul „Snow White‟

5. Siswa menceritakan makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsis

osial,struktur teks sangat pendek dan sederhana terkait fairytales berjudul

„Snow White‟ dengan baik dan benar

D. Materi Pembelajaran

What is Narrative Text?

A narrrative text is a text that tells a story. Stories belong to narratives.

They can be imaginary, factual, or combination of both. In this chapter, we are

going to analyze fairy tales. A fairy tale is a simple story about magical

creatures. A fairy tale is a kind of folktale or fable. In these stories, there are

witches and queens, giants and elves, prince and princess, dragons, talking

animal, and fairies. In other words, marvelous and magical things happen to

characters in fairy tales. Fairy tales were told and retold for generation.

Structure of Fairy Tales

Narratives are conveyed in three steps. First, you have to introduce the

characters and the setting. This part is called orientation. Then, you present

the problem or the conflict in the story. It is called complication. The last part

is the solution of the problem or the ending of the story. It is called resolution.

Those three steps are usually called the general structure of a narrative text.

In conclusion, orientation contains about who were involved in the

story, when, and where introduces specific participants and setting.

Complication contains a problem which arises followed by other problems.

Complication explores the conflict in the story. It shows the crisis, rising

crisis, and climax of the story.

Resolution shows the situation which the problem have been resolved.

The social function of fairy tales is to entertain the readers, but they also tell

important truths about state the lesson or the moral at the end of the story.

Language features

The following are the language features of narrative text.

a. Focus on specific or individualized

b. Use simple past tense

c. Use temporal conjuction

d. Use direct and direct speech

e. Use saying verbs, thinking verbs, and action verbs.

Example :

The Ant and the Dove

One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around

for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a

blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally

into the water.

She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.

Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree

and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the

ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to

dry ground.

Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his

net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way. Guessing what he should do,

the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net

and the dove flew away quickly from this net. The morality “One good turn

deserves another.”

Materi Cycle I

Fox and A Cat

One day, a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who

was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. “Why, I know at least a

hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,” she said.“I

know only one trick to get away from dogs,” said the cat. “You should teach

me some of yours!”. “Well, maybe someday, when I have the time, I may

teach you a few of the simpler ones”, replied the fox airily.

Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The

barking grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At

once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of

reach of any dog. “This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know”,

said the cat. “Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?”.

The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should

use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the

fox and tore her to pieces. Moral “A single plan that works is better than a

hundred doubtful plans.”

Materi Cycle II

The Foolish Donkey

A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day.

On the way they had to cross a stream. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down

the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and

hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.

Then the donkey started to play the same trick every day. The salt seller came

to understand the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it. The next day he loaded a

cotton bag on the donkey. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag

would be still become lighter.

But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and it suffered much. It

learnt a lesson. Afterwards it did not play the trick and the seller was happy.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific approach

Model Pembelajaran : Discovery Learning

Metode : Discussion and Presentasion

F. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media : Gambar, Google Classroom, Whatsapp

2. Alat/Bahan : Laptop, Handphone, Papan Tulis

3. Sumber Belajar :



Link Youtube

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke 1

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS



a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih dahulu

untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

seperti, membaca al-qur‟an, mengecek

kehadiran siswa dan menyiapkan buku

mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text terkait

fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai;

dan disampaikan tentang cakupan

materi dan penjelasan kegiatan uraian

sesuai kegiatan silabus.

c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara





10 menit

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan


Kerja Keras






Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Dengan Scientific Approach

a. Mengamati

- Diperlihatkan beberapa text narrative


- Peserta didik menirukan guru

membaca text narrative fairytales

- Peserta didik mengamati text narrative

fairytales, pendek dan sederhana

sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

- Peserta didik mengamati contoh text

narrative fairytales yang berjudul „The

Ant and the Dove‟

b. Menanya

- Peserta didik didorong untuk

bertanya jawab tentang language

features dari text narrative fairytales

The following are the

language features of

narrative text.

a. Focus on specific or


b. Use simple past tense

c. Use temporal






45 Menit

Data collection

(pengumpulan data)



d. Use direct and direct


e. Use saying verbs,

thinking verbs, and

action verbs.

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Peserta didik diminta membentuk

kelompok beranggotakanan 4 orang

- Secara berkelompok, peserta didik

mencari informasi tambahan (teori)

tentang struktur text narrative


- Secara berkelompok, peserta didik

menganalisa teks narrative fairytales

yang diberikan oleh guru

- Secara berkelompok, peserta didik

mendiskusikan persamaan dan

perbedaan sturktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan text narrative fairytales

d. Mengasosiasi

- Secara berkelompok, peserta didik

mendiskusikan hal-hal apa yang

diuraiankan pada setiap sturktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan teks narrative


- Secara berkelompok, peserta didik

mendiskusikan penggunaan text

narrative fairytales











e. Mengomunikasikan

- Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil

kerja kelompok di depan kelas dan

peserta dari kelompok lain memberi


- Guru memberi penegasan terhadap hasil

pembelajaran peserta didik

Percaya Diri

Penutup Guru memberikan umpan balik terhadap

proses pembelajaran.

Peserta didik bersama guru membuat

rangkuman tentang pengertian, struktur

dan kaidah text narrative fairytales.

Guru memberikan tugas individu dan

selanjutnya menyampaikan rencana

materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan



Thinking dan

Kerja Keras

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 2

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS



a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan


10 Menit

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan


c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan





Kerja Keras






Dengan Scientific Approach

a. Mengamati

- Siswa mengindetifikasi sebuah

cerita yang diberikan.

- Guru menjelaskan tujuan dari


Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Data collection

(pengumpulan data)

cerita tersebut.

- Guru menjelaskan tentang main

idea yang akan siswa temukan

dalam cerita tersebut.

b. Menanya

- Siswa dapat menanyakan

bagaiman cara menemukan main

idea/ide pokok dalam sebuah

cerita pendek.

- Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk

menanyakan jika mereka tidak

dapat memahami isi dari teks

cerite tersebut.

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Siswa diberikan beberapa contoh

cerita mengenai materi narrative

text fairytales.

- Siswa memperhatikan beberapa

maksud/arti yang berisi dalam

cerita tersebut. Seperti (ide pokok,

tokoh cerita, pesan yang

disampaikan ataupun kesimpulan

dari keselurahan cerita).

- Siswa menentukan main idea/ide

pokok dari setiap paragrap dalam

cerita dengan ungkapan yang tepat

secara lisan maupun tulisan.









45 Menit






- Siswa membacakan hasil yang

ditemukan dari cerita yang telah

diberikan dengan ucapan, intonasi,

tekanan kata, dengan benar dan


d. Mengasosiasi

- Membiasakan menerapkan materi

yang sedang dipelajari dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari terutama

pesan ataupun moral yang

disampaiakn penulis dalam cerita


- Peserta didik memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan teman

tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan terkait dengan materi.

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Melakukan refleksi tentang proses

dan hasil belajar siswa.

- Menanyakan kembali atau

mengulang kembali materi jika

masih ada siswa yang belum paham

atau belum mengerti mengenai

narrative text fairytales.

Percaya Diri




Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat


Thinking dan

Kerja Keras

5 Menit

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.

Pertemuan ke 3

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS



a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan






10 Menit

c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan


Kerja Keras






Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Dengan Scientific Approach

a. Mengamati

- Siswa mengamati dan

mendengarkan penjelasan guru

mengenai penjelasan metode yang

akan digabungkan dengan materi

narrative text fairytales.

- Siswa diberikan salah satu contoh

cerita pendek terkait dengan

metode serta materi yang akan


b. Menanya

- Guru menanyakan kepada siswa

tentang text cerita yang telah

diberikan sebelumnya dan

mengaitkannya pada materi


- Guru memberikan penjelaskan

kepada siswa tentang tujuan dari





Data collection

(pengumpulan data)



penggunaan atau penggabungan

metode dengan materi dan tujuan

yang akan dicapai.

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Guru memberikan materi yang

menarik kepada siswa berupa text

cerita yang pendek.

- Guru memberikan beberapa

pertanyaan terkait dengan text

cerita yang telah diberikan.

- Guru dan siswa membahas secara

bersama bagaimana cara

menemukan atau menjawab

pertanyaan terkait isi cerita seperti

(menemukan main idea/ide pokok

cerita, membuat rangkuman atapun

pertanyaan lainnya).

d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa dibagi menjadi berpsangan

dan diberikan satu contoh cerita

kemudian mereka akan menjawab

5 pertanyaan yang telah disediakan

pada lembar kerja siswa.

- Siswa di minta membacakan hasil

hasil kerja kelompok mereka di

depan kelas.

e. Mengkomunikasikan







45 Menit




- Jika seluruh siswa telah selesai

mengerjakan tugas, guru dan

siswa secara bersama membahas

tugas yang telah diberikan

sekaligus mengidentifikasi

jawaban yang terdapat cerita.

- Guru memberikan evaluasi atau

memberikan ujian terkait dengan

materi yang telah diajarkan pada

pertemuan sebelumnya.

- Guru melakukan ujian untuk

mendapatkan data pada tahap

siklus I.


Percaya Diri




Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.


Thinking dan

Kerja Keras

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 4

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS



a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan


c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan





10 Menit


Kerja Keras






Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Dengan Scientific Approach

a. Mengamati

- Siswa mengamati penjelasan guru

mengenai materi yang telah

diajarkan pada pertemuan


- Guru meriview kembali materi

pembelajaran untuk mengentahui

apakah siswa telah memahami

materi dengan baik.

b. Menanya

- Siswa dapat menayakan mengenai

pembelajaran atau materi yang

tidak dimenegerti.

- Siwa dapat menanyakan kembali

bagaimna cara menemukan main

idea/ide pokok dan membuat

rangkuman atau (summarize).

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Siswa diberikan kembali text

cerita yang berbeda untuk

menghindari kebosanan dalam









Data collection

(pengumpulan data)






- Siswa membaca cerita tanpa

bantuan kamus.

- Siswa dapat meminta penjelasan

dari guru jika mereka tidak dapat

memahami isi cerita yang mereka


c. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa diberikan 5 pertanyaan

sesuai dengan isi cerita tersebut.

- Siwa mencoba menemukan main

idea/ide pokok dalam cerita

tersebut dan menjawab

pertanyaan lainnya.

- Siswa mendapatkan feedback dari

guru dan teman didalam kelas.

- Guru menilai setiap hasil kerja

siswa siswa dengan

memperhatikan bebrapa hal yang

penting (cara penulisan, main idea

yang tepat dan lai-lain) terkait

dengan rubrik penilaian yang

telah disediakan.

d. Mengkomunikasikan

- Melakukan refleksi tentang proses

dan hasil belajarnya.

- Guru melakukan pre-tes sebelum

melakukan ujian pada tahap siklus










45 Menit

- Melakukan remedial jika siswa

masih belum mampu memecahkan

masalah dengan baik.

Percaya Diri

Kerja Keras

Kegiatan Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.


Thinking dan

Kerja Keras

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 5

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS


Pendahuluan a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text


10 Menit

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan


c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan





Kerja Keras






Dengan pendekatan saintific

a. Mengamati

- Siswa diberikan hasil pre-tes dan

remedial terkait tugas yang telah

dikerjakan pada pertemuan


- Siswa kembali di berikan cerita

berbeda untuk lebih menambah

pengethauan mereka mengenai

materi tersebut.

- Guru akan merievew kembali

materi yang telah diajarkan untuk




Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Data collection

(pengumpulan data)


mencapai hasil yang lebih baik

pada evaluasi selanjutnya.

b. Menanya

- Siswa dapat mempertanyakan

kembali tentang materi yang telah

diberikan jika mereka tidak


- Siswa dapat mencoba

mempertanyakan jika ada kata

atau maksud dari ceita yang

mereka tidak ketahui.

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Siswa di minta untuk

mengerjakan kembali tugas yang

sama pada tahap siklus I.

- Siswa berlatih menjawab semua

pertanyaan dengan baik secara


d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa secara terpisah

menganalisis dan menjawab

kelima pertanyan yang telah

disediakan pada instrument yang

akan diberikan.

- Siswa diberikan cukup waktu

dalam proses pengerjaan tugas

tersebut sebelum dilakukannya








45 Menit





ujian pada tahap siklus II.

- Siswa dapat membacakan (share)

hasil kerjanya pada teman atau

guru yang bersangkutan.

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa melakukan ujian untuk

tahap siklus II untuk mendapatkan


- Guru akan menlai hasil kerja

siswa dengan membandingkan

dengan scoring criteria yang telah


- Pada tahap siklus II guru menarik

kesimpulan apakah metode ini

berhasil dalam meningkatkan

(reading comprehension) siswa

atau tidak.

- Guru akan melakukan ujian pada

tahap siklus ke 3 jika kedua tahap

sebelumnya tidak berhasil dan

akan terus berlanjut hingga

mencapai tujuan yang akan


Kerja Keras

Percaya Diri






Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

5 Menit

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.

Pertemuan ke 6

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS


Pendahuluan a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan






10 Menit

c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan


Kerja Keras






Problem statement

Dengan pendekatan saintific

b. Mengamati

- Siswa diberikan hasil pre-tes dan

remedial terkait tugas yang telah

dikerjakan pada pertemuan


- Siswa kembali di berikan cerita

berbeda untuk lebih menambah

pengethauan mereka mengenai

materi tersebut.

- Guru akan merievew kembali

materi yang telah diajarkan untuk

mencapai hasil yang lebih baik

pada evaluasi selanjutnya.

b. Menanya

- Siswa dapat mempertanyakan

kembali tentang materi yang telah






identifikasi masalah)

Data collection

(pengumpulan data)



diberikan jika mereka tidak


- Siswa dapat mencoba

mempertanyakan jika ada kata

atau maksud dari ceita yang

mereka tidak ketahui.

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Siswa di minta untuk

mengerjakan kembali tugas yang

sama pada tahap siklus I.

- Siswa berlatih menjawab semua

pertanyaan dengan baik secara


d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa secara terpisah

menganalisis dan menjawab

kelima pertanyan yang telah

disediakan pada instrument yang

akan diberikan.

- Siswa diberikan cukup waktu

dalam proses pengerjaan tugas

tersebut sebelum dilakukannya

ujian pada tahap siklus II.

- Siswa dapat membacakan (share)

hasil kerjanya pada teman atau

guru yang bersangkutan.

e. Mengkomunikasikan







Kerja Keras

45 Menit




- Siswa melakukan ujian untuk

tahap siklus II untuk mendapatkan


- Guru akan menlai hasil kerja

siswa dengan membandingkan

dengan scoring criteria yang telah


- Pada tahap siklus II guru menarik

kesimpulan apakah metode ini

berhasil dalam meningkatkan

(reading comprehension) siswa

atau tidak.

- Guru akan melakukan ujian pada

tahap siklus ke 3 jika kedua tahap

sebelumnya tidak berhasil dan

akan terus berlanjut hingga

mencapai tujuan yang akan


Percaya Diri






Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 7

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS


Pendahuluan a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan


c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan





10 Menit


Kerja Keras






Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Dengan pendekatan saintific

c. Mengamati

- Siswa diberikan hasil pre-tes dan

remedial terkait tugas yang telah

dikerjakan pada pertemuan


- Siswa kembali di berikan cerita

berbeda untuk lebih menambah

pengethauan mereka mengenai

materi tersebut.

- Guru akan merievew kembali

materi yang telah diajarkan untuk

mencapai hasil yang lebih baik

pada evaluasi selanjutnya.

b. Menanya

- Siswa dapat mempertanyakan

kembali tentang materi yang telah

diberikan jika mereka tidak


- Siswa dapat mencoba

mempertanyakan jika ada kata

atau maksud dari ceita yang

mereka tidak ketahui.





45 Menit

Data collection

(pengumpulan data)



c. Mengeksplorasi

- Siswa di minta untuk

mengerjakan kembali tugas yang

sama pada tahap siklus I.

- Siswa berlatih menjawab semua

pertanyaan dengan baik secara


d. Mengasosiasi

- Siswa secara terpisah

menganalisis dan menjawab

kelima pertanyan yang telah

disediakan pada instrument yang

akan diberikan.

- Siswa diberikan cukup waktu

dalam proses pengerjaan tugas

tersebut sebelum dilakukannya

ujian pada tahap siklus II.

- Siswa dapat membacakan (share)

hasil kerjanya pada teman atau

guru yang bersangkutan.

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa melakukan ujian untuk

tahap siklus II untuk mendapatkan


- Guru akan menlai hasil kerja

siswa dengan membandingkan

dengan scoring criteria yang telah







Kerja Keras

Percaya Diri





- Pada tahap siklus II guru menarik

kesimpulan apakah metode ini

berhasil dalam meningkatkan

(reading comprehension) siswa

atau tidak.

- Guru akan melakukan ujian pada

tahap siklus ke 3 jika kedua tahap

sebelumnya tidak berhasil dan

akan terus berlanjut hingga

mencapai tujuan yang akan







Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 8

Syntax Deskripsi Kegiatan Pembelajaran PPK, 4C,

Literasi, HOTS


Pendahuluan a. Orientasi

Guru menyiapkan siswa terlebih


10 Menit

dahulu untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti, membaca al-

qur‟an, mengecek kehadiran siswa dan

menyiapkan buku mata pelajaran.

b. Apresiasi

Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan

mengenai materi narrative text

terkait fairytales yang akan dicapai

Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan

terkait tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan disampaikan tentang

cakupan materi dan penjelasan

kegiatan uraian sesuai kegiatan


c. Motivasi

Peserta didik diberikan motivasi secara

kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran terkait dengan materi

narrative text terkait fairytales serta

dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan





Kerja Keras






Dengan pendekatan saintific

d. Mengamati

- Siswa diberikan hasil pre-tes dan

remedial terkait tugas yang telah


Problem statement


identifikasi masalah)

Data collection

(pengumpulan data)

dikerjakan pada pertemuan


- Siswa kembali di berikan cerita

berbeda untuk lebih menambah

pengethauan mereka mengenai

materi tersebut.

- Guru akan merievew kembali

materi yang telah diajarkan untuk

mencapai hasil yang lebih baik

pada evaluasi selanjutnya.

b. Menanya

- Siswa dapat mempertanyakan

kembali tentang materi yang telah

diberikan jika mereka tidak


- Siswa dapat mencoba

mempertanyakan jika ada kata

atau maksud dari ceita yang

mereka tidak ketahui.

c. Mengeksplorasi

- Siswa di minta untuk

mengerjakan kembali tugas yang

sama pada tahap siklus I.

- Siswa berlatih menjawab semua

pertanyaan dengan baik secara


d. Mengasosiasi







45 Menit






- Siswa secara terpisah

menganalisis dan menjawab

kelima pertanyan yang telah

disediakan pada instrument yang

akan diberikan.

- Siswa diberikan cukup waktu

dalam proses pengerjaan tugas

tersebut sebelum dilakukannya

ujian pada tahap siklus II.

- Siswa dapat membacakan (share)

hasil kerjanya pada teman atau

guru yang bersangkutan.

e. Mengkomunikasikan

- Siswa melakukan ujian untuk

tahap siklus II untuk mendapatkan


- Guru akan menlai hasil kerja

siswa dengan membandingkan

dengan scoring criteria yang telah


- Pada tahap siklus II guru menarik

kesimpulan apakah metode ini

berhasil dalam meningkatkan

(reading comprehension) siswa

atau tidak.

- Guru akan melakukan ujian pada

tahap siklus ke 3 jika kedua tahap

sebelumnya tidak berhasil dan




Kerja Keras

Percaya Diri






akan terus berlanjut hingga

mencapai tujuan yang akan


Penutup Peserta didik diberikan penilaian dan

apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja mereka.

Peserta didik dan guru membuat

kesimpulan mengenai materi yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru mengadakan evaluasi kepada

peserta didik mengenai materi yang

telah di ajarkan pada akhir pelajaran.

5 Menit

F. Penilaian

1. Penilaian Afektif

a. Teknik penilaian: Observasi/Pengamatan

b. Bentuk penilaian : Observation Sheet

2. Penilaian Kognitif

a. Teknik penilaian: Penilaian tertulis & Penilaian lisan

b. Bentuk penilaian


3. Penialain psikomotorik

Teknik penilaian : penilaian tulis dan lisan

I. Rencana Tindak Lanjut

1. Remedial

Jika ada beberapa peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran “Narrative

Text” tidak memenuhi pencapaian nilai KKM (75), maka akan diberikan

remedial tentang IPK yang tidak tercapai dan guru memberi bimbingan dan

semangat kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM.

2. Pengayaan

Pemberian beberapa latihan soal untuk memperkuat pengetahuan peserta didik

dan menambah wawasan peserta didik.

Makassar, 2021

Mahasiswa Peneliti

Nur Idawana

NIM. 105351109516






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Nur Itasari √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

2 Rachel Esra √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

3 Nuranengsih √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

4 Chintia Arnelia √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

5 Annisa Resky √ √ a √ √ √ √ √

6 Muh. Agung √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

7 Indri Anti √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

8 Muh. Zacky √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

9 Elva Muchtar √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

10 Muh. Putra Fahmi √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

11 Nur Aprilia √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

12 Nur Auliani √ √ √ √ √ s √ √

13 Muh. Wahyu √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

14 Adelia Ainul √ s √ √ √ √ √ √

15 Riski Saputra √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

16 Muh. Rifki √ √ S √ √ √ √ √

17 Chairil Qadri √ √ √ √ a √ √ √

18 Muh. Ichsan Qadafi a √ √ √ √ √ √ √

19 Nur Fadillah √ √ S √ √ √ √ √

20 Aliyah Valisha √ a √ √ √ √ s √




Name :

Class :

Read the following text carefully, then answer the question that follows !

The Ant and the Dove

One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment,

she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making

her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was

in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the

water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there.

Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards

the dove, hoping to trap it in this way. Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on

the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from

this net. The morality “One good turn deserves another.”

The Question

1. What do you know about the ant and the dove ?

2. What main idea of the first paragraph?

3. How many character in the story?

4. What main idea of the second paragraph?

5. Make summarizing about the story.


Name :

Class :

Read the following text carefully, then answer the question that follows !

Fox and A Cat

One day, a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a

conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. “Why, I know at least a hundred

tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,” she said.“I know only one

trick to get away from dogs,” said the cat. “You should teach me some of yours!”.

“Well, maybe someday, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler

ones”, replied the fox airily.

Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking

grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran

to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. “This is

the trick I told you about, the only one I know”, said the cat. “Which one of your

hundred tricks are you going to use?”.

The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use.

Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore

her to pieces. Moral “A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful


The Question

1. What do you know about fox and a cat story?

2. What main idea of the second paragraph?

3. How many character in the story?

4. What main idea of the third paragraph?

5. Make summarizing about the story.


Name :

Class :

Read the following text carefully, then answer the question that follows !

The Foolish Donkey

A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day.

On the way they had to cross a stream. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down

the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and

hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.

Then the donkey started to play the same trick every day. The salt seller came

to understand the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it. The next day he loaded a

cotton bag on the donkey. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag

would be still become lighter.

But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and it suffered much. It

learnt a lesson. Afterwards it did not play the trick and the seller was happy.

The Question

1. What do you know about the foolish donkey?

2. What main idea of the first paragraph?

3. How many character in the story?

4. What main idea of thesecond paragraph?

5. Make summarizing about the story.






Main Idea Summarizing

1 Nur Itasari 50 37.5

2 Rachel Esra 37.5 37.5

3 Nuranengsih 50 32.5

4 Chintia Arnelia 37.5 50

5 Annisa Resky 37.5 25

6 Muh. Agung 50 25

7 Indri Anti 37.5 25

8 Muh. Zacky 37.5 50

9 Elva Muchtar 37.5 30

10 Muh. Putra Fahmi 25 32.5

11 Nur Aprilia 37.5 25

12 Nur Auliani 37.5 25

13 Muh. Wahyu 50 32.5

14 Adelia Ainul 50 37.5

15 Riski Saputra 50 25

16 Muh. Rifki 37.5 30

17 Chairil Qadri 37.5 32.5

18 Muh. Ichsan Qadafi 37.5 37.5

19 Nur Fadillah 37.5 25

20 Riski Saputra 37.5 25

Total 812.5 645

Mean Score 40.62 32.25





Cycle I

Main Idea Summarizing

1 Nur Itasari 62.5 62.5

2 Rachel Esra 62.5 50

3 Nuranengsih 50 67.5

4 Chintia Arnelia 62.5 75

5 Annisa Resky 50 57.5

6 Muh. Agung 50 50

7 Indri Anti 50 62.5

8 Muh. Zacky 37.5 62.5

9 Elva Muchtar 62.5 75

10 Muh. Putra Fahmi 50 50

11 Nur Aprilia 50 57.5

12 Nur Auliani 62.5 57.5

13 Muh. Wahyu 62.5 50

14 Adelia Ainul 50 50

15 Riski Saputra 37.5 52.5

16 Muh. Rifki 37.5 75

17 Chairil Qadri 37.5 50

18 Muh. Ichsan Qadafi 50 50

19 Nur Fadillah 37.5 62.5

20 Aliyah Valisha 50 57.5

Total 1.0125 1.175

Mean Score 50.62 58.75





Cycle II

Main Idea Summarizing

1 Nur Itasari 75 77.5

2 Rachel Esra 75 80

3 Nuranengsih 75 75

4 Chintia Arnelia 100 75

5 Annisa Resky 75 75

6 Muh. Agung 100 75

7 Indri Anti 87.5 100

8 Muh. Zacky 87.5 77.5

9 Elva Muchtar 87.5 77.5

10 Muh. Putra Fahmi 75 77.5

11 Nur Aprilia 75 80

12 Nur Auliani 87.5 80

13 Muh. Wahyu 75 100

14 Adelia Ainul 75 87.5

15 Riski Saputra 75 75

16 Muh. Rifki 87.5 75

17 Chairil Qadri 87.5 75

18 Muh. Ichsan Qadafi 75 75

19 Nur Fadillah 75 77.5

20 Aliyah Valisha 87.5 77.5

Total 1.6375 1.605

Mean Score 81.87 80.06


The Students’ Classification in Diagnostic Test, Cycle I, and Cycle II to

determining the Main Idea and Summarizing of the text using Start Simple

Stories Extensive Reading Method

Sample D-Test Classification Cycle I Classification Cycle II Classification

Nur Itasari 37.5 Poor 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

Rachel Esra 50 Poor 25 Very Poor 87.5 Very Good

Nuranengsih 37.5 Poor 57.5 Poor 75 Fairly Good

Chintia Arnelia 50 Poor 62.5 Fair 80 Good

Annisa Resky 37.5 Poor 37.5 Poor 87.5 Very Good

Muh. Agung 50 Poor 62.5 Fair 75 Fairly Good

Indri Anti 37.5 Poor 35 Very Poor 75 Fairly Good

Muh. Zacky 37..5 Poor 55 poor 80 Good

Elva Muchtar 37.5 Poor 55 Poor 100 Excellent

Muh. Putra Fahmi 25 Very Poor 62.5 Fair 100 Exellent

Nur Aprilia 25 Very Poor 62.5 Fair 75 Fairly Good

Nur Auliani 37.5 Poor 55 Poor 87.5 Very Good

Muh. Wahyu 50 Poor 25 Very Poor 77.5 Good

Adelia Ainul 37.5 Poor 37.5 Very Poor 75 Fairly Good

Riski Saputra 37.5 Poor 50 Poor 85 Good

Muh. Rifki 25 Very Poor 62.5 Fair 75 Fairly Good

Chairil Qadri 50 Poor 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

Muh. Ichsan Qadafi 37.5 Poor 50 Poor 77.5 Good

Nur Fadillah 25 Very Poor 50 Poor 87.5 Very Good

Aliyah Valisha 25 Very Poor 37.5 Very Poor 75 Fairly Good

The Percentage of students’ reading comprehension in Diagnostic test

a. Poor

P =

P = 75%

b. Very Poor

P =

P = 25%

The Percentage of students’ reading comprehension in cycle I

a. Fair

P =

P = 25%

b. Poor

P =

P = 50%

c. Very Poor

P =

P = 25%

The Percentage of students’ reading comprehension in cycle II

a. Excellent

P =

P = 10%

b. Very Good

P =

P = 20%

c. Good

P =

P = 25%

d. Fairly Good

P =

P = 45%


The Students Improvement Reading Comprehension in Determining of Main

Idea of in Diagnostic Test, Cycle I and Cycle II

Sample D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

Nur Itasari 50 62.5 75

Rachel Esra 37.5 62.5 75

Nuranengsih 50 50 75

Chintia Arnelia 37.5 62.5 100

Annisa Resky 37.5 50 75

Muh. Agung 50 50 100

Indri Anti 37.5 50 87.5

Muh. Zacky 37.5 37.5 87.5

Elva Muchtar 37.5 62.5 87.5

Muh. Putra Fahmi 25 50 75

Nur Aprilia 37.5 50 75

Nur Auliani 37.5 62.5 87.5

Muh. Wahyu 50 62.5 75

Adelia Ainul 50 50 75

Riski Saputra 50 37.5 75

Muh. Rifki 37.5 37.5 87.5

Chairil Qadri 37.5 37.5 87.5

Muh. Ichsan Qadafi 37.5 50 75

Nur Fadillah 37.5 37.5 75

Aliyah Valisha 37.5 50 87.5

SUM 812.5 1.0125 1.6375

AVERAGE 440.62 50.62 81.87


The Students Improvement Reading Comprehension in Identify of Summarize

of the Text of in Diagnostic Test, Cycle I and Cycle II

Sample D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

Nur Itasari 37.5 62.5 77.5

Rachel Esra 37.5 50 80

Nuranengsih 32.5 67.5 75

Chintia Arnelia 50 75 75

Annisa Resky 25 57.5 75

Muh. Agung 25 50 75

Indri Anti 25 62.5 100

Muh. Zacky 50 62.5 77.5

Elva Muchtar 30 75 77.5

Muh. Putra Fahmi 32.5 50 77.5

Nur Aprilia 25 57.5 80

Nur Auliani 25 57.5 80

Muh. Wahyu 32.5 50 100

Adelia Ainul 37.5 50 87.5

Riski Saputra 25 52.5 75

Muh. Rifki 30 75 75

Chairil Qadri 32.5 50 75

Muh. Ichsan Qadafi 37.5 50 75

Nur Fadillah 25 62.5 77.5

Aliyah Valisha 25 57.5 77.5

SUM 645 1.175 1.605

AVERAGE 32.5 58.75 80.25

The Improvement of Students in Reading Comprehension


a. Improvement DT CI

The students‟ improvement= 24.61%

b. Improvement CI CII

The students‟ improvement= 61.73%

c. Improvement DT CII

The students‟ improvement= 101.5%


a) Improvement DT CI

The students‟ improvement= 82.17%

b) Improvement CI CII

The students‟ improvement= 15.66%

c) Improvement DT CII

The students‟ improvement = 148.8%











The researcher, Nur Idawana was born on December 30th

1998 in Rantelimbong, Southeast Sulawesi. She is the second

daughter from one older sister, one younger sister, and two

brothers from the marriage of Hadirman, and Sahida. She

began her study at SD Mis Muhammadiyah Kolaka Utara and

graduated in 2010. Then she continued her education at MTs Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara

and graduated in 2013. Afterwards, she continued her study at SMA Negeri 1

Lasusua and graduated in 2016. In the same year, she was registered as a student of

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. At the end of her study, she could finish her

thesis by the title Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Sttart Simple

Stories Extensive Reading Method (A Classroom Action Research at Eight Grade

Students of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa).