students' experiences of concept-based learning in an

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Transcript of students' experiences of concept-based learning in an


Course Design Steps

Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model

Concept Map

Meaning-Making Influences

Hannah’s Concept Map

Concept Map Program Template

Study Concept Map Example

Georgia’s Concept Map

Georgia’s Improved Concept Map

Patty’s Concept Map

Elaine’s First Concept Map

Hannah’s Improved Concept Map

Elaine’s Final Concept Map

Patty’s Final Concept Map

Patty’s Reflective Journal Entry

Georgia’s Final Concept Map

Sandy’s Improved Concept Map

Design Steps with Concepts

Teaching Moment for Angela

English as a Second Language

Concept Organization

Modules, Titles, and Categories of Learning

Module Organization

Initials and Pseudonyms

Concept Map Analysis Tool

Pharmacology Clear & Simple: A Guide to Drug Classifications and

Dosage Calculations

Streptococcus pyogenes

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology

Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses

Course Design Steps

Health and

Illness Concepts

Health Care Recipient Category Concepts

Health and Illness Category Concepts

Professional Nursing and Health Care Category Concepts



Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model

this patient this medication

Concept Organization

How do students make meaning of pharmacology

in an asynchronous online course?

process chang experience

process, change experience

research self facilitator self

Modules, Titles, and Categories of Learning

Module Organization

Initials and Pseudonyms

Concept Map

Concept Map Analysis Tool




4 6 6 6 5 8 9

Meaning-Making Influences

Hannah’s Concept Map

six steps

Concept Map Program Template

Study Concept Map Example

Georgia’s Concept Map

Georgia’s Improved Concept Map

Patty’s Concept Map

Elaine’s First Concept Map

Hannah’s Improved Concept Map

Elaine’s critical thinking can be seen in grouping of data with the use of color. Her understanding

of the effects of each body system maintaining homeostasis is evident. She also added words such

as affect, includes, increase, and decreasing, adding to her understanding of how pathophysiology

leads to a decision of medications based on drug action (see Figure 13 Elaine’s Final Concept


Elaine’s Final Concept Map

Patty’s Final Concept Map

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Patty’s Reflective Journal Entry

Georgia’s Final Concept Map

what they thought they knew

Sandy’s Improved Concept Map

the process of regulating

extracellular fluid volume, body fluid osmolality, and plasma concentrations of electrolytes

knew thought they knew did not know

Design Steps with Concepts

you think you know what you know

Teaching Moment for Angela

gas exchange

English as a Second Language

Theme: Homeostasis and Regulation Description (Emphasizing student learning needs)

Please provide a response for each question.

Exploring Students’ Experiences of Concept-Based Learning in an Asynchronous

Online Pharmacology Course

no anticipated risks

Journal of

Advanced Nursing, 74

Pharmacology for nurses: A pathophysiological


Nurse Education Today



learning works

What is nursing?

The psychology of meaningful verbal learning

The acquisition and retention of knowledge: A cognitive view.

School learning: An introduction to educational


Pharmacy 2019 7

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 3


Open Nursing Journal 11

Lange pharmacology flashcards


Reclaiming reality: A critical introduction to contemporary philosophy

Rethinking clinical and classroom teaching and learning

Educating nurses: A call for radical


Journal of Education and Practice 7

The online teaching survival guide: Simple and

practical pedagogical tips

Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 44

Pharmacology flash cards

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 8

Understanding and developing student engagement

Teaching nursing

the art and science

Teaching nursing the art and science


nursing: The art and science

Journal of Pakistan

Medical Association, 65

2014 national survey on drug use

and health: DSM-5 changes: Implications for child serious emotional disturbance

(unpublished internal documentation).

Data & statistics

Journal of Professional Nursing 29

Theory and nursing: Integrated knowledge development

Integrated theory and knowledge development in nursing

Nurs Educ

Perspect 27

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 13

Journal of Community

Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives 6

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 12

). Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials

Nurse Education

Today 31

Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 10

British Journal of Nursing 21

. Journal of

Studies in Science Education 24

Know more, be sure

Journal of Nursing Education 54

BSN curriculum

The effects of a concept-based curriculum on nursing students’ NCLEX-

RN exam scores

Studying organizations using critical

realism: A practical guide

Quest 58

Concept-based curriculum and instruction

Stirring the head, heart, and soul: Redefining curriculum, instruction, and

concept-based learning

Hospitals 66


Medicine 73

2015–2016 enrollment and

graduations in baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing

Journal of Advanced Nursing 72

International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 6

Open Journal

of Nursing 7

Journal of Nursing Education 41

How many drugs has the FDA approve n its entire history

Journal of Nursing Education 54

Concepts for nursing practice

Journal of Nursing Education, 46

Mastering concept-based teaching: A guide for

nurse educators.

Mastering concept-based teaching e-book: A

guide for nurse educators

Journal of Nursing Education 51

Nurse Education Today 74

Writing the new ethnography

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 12

Journal of Nursing Education 51

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 13

Doing qualitative research in the education setting

Journal of

Nursing Regulation 5

The registered nurse

population: Findings from the 2008 national sample survey of registered nurses.

Nurse Education in Practice 13

The Permanente Journal 12

Nurse Educator 42

Teaching and learning in a concept-based nursing curriculum

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 11

The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health

Guidelines for optimizing safe

subcutaneous insulin use in adults.

New recommendations to improve drug

allergy capture and clinical decision support

Nursing and Health Care Perspectives 20

Computers & Education 95

Journal of Nursing Education


Journal of Problem-Based Learning 12


Forum 53

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 12

Focus on nursing pharmacology

Medical Education 50

Nursing Education

Perspectives 38

Required courses

Journal of

Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 j

New research on how the brain learns

Medical Education 51

Journal of Nursing Education 48

Education in Medicine Journal 8

Journal of Research in Science Teaching 25

Journal of Clinical Nursing 25

English Teaching 71

Patho phlash!: Pathophysiology flash cards


Education in Practice 36

Critical thinking to achieve positive health outcomes: Nursing case studies

and analyses.

The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 68


Overview of generic drugs and drug naming

The Research Journal for Engineering Education 97

Nurse Education Today


Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis dictionary dictionary dictionary

Iran J Nurs Midwifery


Advances in Nursing Science 17



medication errors.

2016 NCLEX-RN detailed test plan:

Educator version

NLN center for excellence in the care of vulnerable


Unfolding cases

Journal of Professional Nursing 25

ELT Journal 69

Journal of Nursing Education 55

Concept clarification in nursing

Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on

Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics

Meaningful learning: The essential factor for conceptual change in limited

or inappropriate propositional hierarchies leading to empowerment of learners

The theory underlying concept maps and how to construct

and use them.

Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 6

Ohio revised code: Chapter 4723.01B

Pre-nursing admissions

International Journal of Caring


Nurse Education Today 77

Nurse Education Today 74

QSEN competencies

Course design rubric standards

Journal of Advanced Nursing 14

Nursing Education Perspectives 39

Concept development in nursing: Foundations, techniques, and applications

Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data

U. S. National Research Center for the

Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS

Learning theories: An educational perspective

Teaching and Learning in Nursing 3

Nursing Education Perspectives, 31

. BMC Medical Education 15


Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education 3

Journal of Nursing Education 45

Medication Errors

Fundamentals of nursing: The art and science of person-centered nursing


Why critical thinking

Nurse Education in Practice 38

Medical Teacher 38

). What is concept mapping and mind mapping

Journal of Nursing Education 57

Journal of Research in Science 25

U.S. and world population clock

Curriculum: Class of 2016

Medication error reports

Davis’s drug guide for nurses

The Modern Language

Journal 100


Teaching Research 19

Journal of American Medical Informatics

Association 25

Nurse Education in Practice 28

Thought and language

Strategies for theory construction in nursing

Pharmacology clear & simple: A guide to drug classifications and dosage


BMC Health Serv Res

Nursing Education Perspectives



Journal of Nursing Education, 49

Educational psychology


of Advanced Nursing. 4

Nurse Education Today 52

Mosby’s pharmacology memory notecards

). Journal of Research in Science Teaching 27