SPIRIT AND TIMES THE NEWSLETTER OF ST. PETER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, DEL MAR December 2016 God Incognito ~ Fr. Frank Munoz The season of Advent and Christmas is upon us once again. It is the story about God, the divine mystery, taking on a human body in Jesus. It is a story that rejects dualism that sees the spiritual realm as the superior order and the world and flesh as the lower order. Third century theologian Origen saw the soul as stained because it was clothed in the body. Thus the body was always impure and that tradition is what St. Augustine inherited and developed in the 4th century with devastating effects on humanity. The Incarnation of God in Jesus ties the spiritual and the material inseparably together. The sacred, the holy, in all its naked glory, always eludes us. We don’t see God face-to-face until eternity. Here on earth, we see the holy in the common place; we see the Creator in the glory and the anguish of the creation. Elizabeth Barrett Browning said the “Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.” The complexity, the confusion, and the messiness that occurred in the lives of Joseph and Mary looks like the stuff of just about every other family doesn’t it? There is nothing exceptional about this couple or birth … except that God took the opportunity to break into their lives and through this drama came to save the world and draw us near to His love, grace, and salvation. God is hidden in plain sight. Every moment is a moment of Christ if we are present to it. It can be an experience of the EMMANUEL, the God-who-is-with-us. God is looking to break into the lives of people whose hearts are broken by the world and forces that would separate us from God’s loving acceptance of us. This is a God that “strengthens us when we stand, comforts us when discouraged or sorrowful, and raises us up if we fall,” who can transform defeats into victories, hope in our despair, and life amidst death. God showers us with mercy and remembers the promise that God would do great things for us from generation to generation. The central promise found in the Bible is “I will be with you.” We need to claim the theological truth that we human creatures are the sanctuary of God. We need to make things and see people and nature as holy sacred vessels. When you touch the face of a human being, “you touch the face of God.” Teilhard de Chardin said, “God dwells incognito at the heart of all things.” To see this is a true spiritual awakening. Our calling this season is to be a sign of “God with us” to reach out to the world with the love of God, realizing that when we do so in the name of Christ, we are the hands of Christ in the world. Ordination to the Priesthood God willing and the people consenting, The Right Reverend James R. Mathes , Bishop of San Diego, will ordain Richard Stanley Lee to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, December 17, at 4:00 pm at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, 4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121. Come celebrate with Richard on this momentous occasion!

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God Incognito ~ Fr. Frank Munoz

The season of Advent and Christmas is upon us once again. It is the story about God, the divine mystery, taking on a human body in Jesus. It is a story that rejects dualism that sees the spiritual realm as the superior order and the world and flesh as the lower order. Third century theologian Origen saw the soul as stained because it was clothed in the body. Thus the body was always impure and that tradition is what St. Augustine inherited and developed in the 4th century with devastating effects on humanity. The Incarnation of God in Jesus ties the spiritual and the material inseparably together. The sacred, the holy, in all its naked glory, always eludes us. We don’t see God face-to-face

until eternity. Here on earth, we see the holy in the common place; we see the Creator in the glory and the anguish of the creation. Elizabeth Barrett Browning said the “Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”

The complexity, the confusion, and the messiness that occurred in the lives of Joseph and Mary looks like the stuff of just about every other family doesn’t it? There is nothing exceptional about this couple or birth … except that God took the opportunity to break into their lives and through this drama came to save the world and draw us near to His love, grace, and salvation.

God is hidden in plain sight. Every moment is a moment of Christ if we are present to it. It can be an experience of the EMMANUEL, the God-who-is-with-us. God is looking to break into the lives of people whose hearts are broken by the world and forces that would separate us from God’s loving acceptance of us. This is a God that “strengthens us when we stand, comforts us when discouraged or sorrowful, and raises us up if we fall,” who can transform defeats into victories, hope in our despair, and life amidst death. God showers us with mercy and remembers the promise that God would do great things for us from generation to generation. The central promise found in the Bible is “I will be with you.” We need to claim the theological truth that we human creatures are the sanctuary of God. We need to make things and see people and nature as holy sacred vessels. When you touch the face of a human being, “you touch the face of God.” Teilhard de Chardin said, “God dwells incognito at the heart of all things.” To see this is a true spiritual awakening.

Our calling this season is to be a sign of “God with us” to reach out to the world with the love of God, realizing that when we do so in the name of Christ, we are the hands of Christ in the world.

Ordination to the Priesthood

God willing and the people consenting,

The Right Reverend James R. Mathes , Bishop of San Diego,

will ordain Richard Stanley Lee to the Sacred Order of Priests

on Saturday, December 17, at 4:00 pm

at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church,

4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121.

Come celebrate with Richard on this momentous occasion!


Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Tuesday and Thursday Women’s Bible Study Groups


Usher Opportunity!

Have you ever contemplated joining the usher ministry? “The heart of an usher is the heart of a servant, and he does his work for his Lord Jesus” (Colossians 3:24). Saint Peter’s ushers are also the “face” of the church every Sunday morning and during East-er and Christmas celebrations. When a parishioner arrives they are met with a smile, bulletin and assistance as needed. During the service, ushers collect the offering, and direct the Eucharist. Afterwards, it takes five minutes to clean up the pews, and depos-

it the collection plate before leaving for their post-service activity. Emergencies are also addressed through the ushers. An usher typically works one Sunday, one service, every 4-6 weeks. Are you friendly, and willing to serve? It is an honorable position in the church, requiring integrity, cordiality, and wisdom helping the respective service operate with dignity and reverence. If you are interested, please contact Kurt Tetzlaff, 858-342-2659 or [email protected] for more information.

75th Anniversary Seniors-Sponsored Lunch

Tuesday, December 13 Noon in the Parish Hall

Christmas Carol Sing and Holiday Card Signing

Please join us for our special 75th Anniversary Seniors-sponsored Lunch at noon in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, December 13. We will enjoy a delicious lunch, Christmas Carol sing, and holiday card signing for

our shut-in friends. We offer a special invitation to all of our seniors who may not drive at night and cannot attend the 75th Anniversary (nighttime) Christmas Party on December 3. We will be providing

everyone at lunch a copy of our final 75th Anniversary Memory Book, shared at the earlier event. Sign up at the back of the church on Saturday, on the patio on Sunday, or call the church office at 858-755-1616.

75th Anniversary Christmas Parties

Saturday, December 3 6:00—9:00 pm

Please join us for the 75th Anniversary Christmas Party Finale Event on Saturday, December 3, 6:00-9:00 pm for heavy appetizers, desserts, and holiday cheer.

Adults: $25. Sign up on the patio on Sunday.

There will be a separate (simultaneous) children’s parties for various age groups. Please contact Lisa Scott Jones ([email protected])

or Leigh Konkle ([email protected]) for details and to rsvp for these events.

To arrange for babysitting, please contact Lisa Scott Jones.

Wrapping up our 75th Anniversary Events...


Sunday Forums in Advent

Beyond the Dirty Pages

December 4 and 11

The season of Advent is a time to prepare joyfully for Christ’s return and his reign. In Advent the liturgy

deals with contrasts: light and dark; joy and sorrow; beginning and end; and, especially, chronological time

and God’s time. Our Sunday Forum Series in Advent is called Beyond the Dirty Pages. We will look at the

Book of Common Prayer, specifically the theology of the Advent Collects, the Preface for Advent, and the

Eucharistic Prayers. Rev. Martha and Fr. Munoz will lead these forums.

Wednesday Evening Advent Series

An Introduction to Christian Spirituality and Prayer

December 7, 14 and 21

Join us as we explore more deeply what a life of prayer and spirituality looks like for Christians. We will look

at types of Christian Spirituality, its Biblical, and theological foundations, and Anglican Spirituality. We will

look at the many forms of prayer: Contemplative, Healing, Liturgical, Petitionary, and Intercessory. We

begin at 6:30 pm with a simple soup supper and our program begins at 7:00 pm. Fr. Munoz, Rev. Martha,

and other guest speakers will facilitate the evening with group discussion at our tables.

It’s official! The blessings are flowing! Your church home took the initiative and brought together four

churches in the area: St. Peter’s Del Mar, St. Andrew’s Encinitas, the San Dieguito United Methodist Church

and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that are supplying volunteers to operate the EDSD

mobile showers for people who are homeless in our region. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 890 Balour

Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024, will welcome the mobile showers on their campus on the following Saturdays:

December 17 (1 pm to 4 pm)

January 7 (10 am to 1 pm)

January 21 (10 am to 1 pm)

February 4 (1 pm to 4 pm)

February 18 (10 am to 1 pm)

February 25 (10 am to 1 pm).

We need towels, washcloths, men’s and women’s underwear

and socks, but mostly we need the gift of your time to help staff

the showers for three hours on a Saturday. Return on your

investment guaranteed in gratitude many times over!

Contact Allan Dorsey at 310-600-2305 or [email protected] to donate or volunteer.


Outreach Opportunities...

Alternative Christmas Market December 4, 11 and 18

The Outreach Committee invites you to shop in honor of your friends and family

by supporting three organizations which improve the lives of children:

Joy to the World Kindergarten (Namibia), La Vida Joven (Tijuana),

The Victoria Blended School (San Ysidro).

Bring your checkbook---we will be on the patio Sundays through December 18

with order forms. Questions? Contact Annie Clopine at 858-775-7556.

Tip: A great way to honor your colleagues at work, your employees and your clients.

Diocesan Advent Baby Shower

Weekends through December 11

We’re now collecting for the annual Diocesan Advent Baby

Shower. Through December 11, there’ll be a bassinet in the

church nave where you can place your unwrapped gifts of

badly-needed disposable diapers of all sizes, new (or very,

very gently used) layette items, clothing, books, toys, and

other gifts for infants, toddlers, and children through size

6X. Volunteers will collect and sort the gifts and give them

to refugees served through the Episcopal Refugee Network (RefugeeNet). The refugees arrive from war-torn

countries such as Syria, Sudan, and Myanmar. For many years our parish has been one of the greatest

contributors to this Advent event. Let’s once again fill our bassinet to overflowing every weekend we’re

collecting! For more information, call Joan Bond at 858-279-5458.

Help Pack Community Resource Center (CRC)

Holiday Food Baskets! Sunday, December 13

Help brighten the winter holidays for 1,000 low-income

working families! St. Peter’s Outreach ministry supports

the Community Resource Center’s programs throughout

the year. Come and help sort and package food on Sunday,

December 11, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm at the Del Mar


Sign up on the patio on Sunday or call Nancy Atherton at 858-755-4306.


St. Peter’s ended October with a negative variance to budget of $11,970.

Operating Fund revenues and expenses were below plan for the month of October:

Major REVENUE variations to the plan for October were:

Pledges were $6,877 below plan.

Gifts of Record were $5,438 below plan.

Loose Plate was $585 below plan.

Facilities Use rental income was $2,937 below plan due to the Registrar of Voters decreasing the

number of polling place trainings held at St. Peter’s.

Thrift Shop receipts were $970 below plan.

St. Peter’s Senior Services Q4 grant of $29,844 was not made until November (should have been

made in October).

Major EXPENSE variations to the plan for October were:

Lay Health and Dental was $1,140 below plan due a decrease in the number of insured employees.

Electricity was $513 below plan.

TOTAL Capital Campaign Fund Activity (Inception through 9/30/16): Incoming:

Bequest $10,000

Gifts $528,942

Total Incoming $538,942


James D. Klote and Assoc. ($121,000)

Architecture & Plans ($4,718)

Supplies and Kickoff ($4,083)

Total Outgoing ($129,801)

Net Fund Balance 10/31/16 $409,141

Total pledged to Gifts for Growth as of November 6, 2016 is $1,189,033 .


actuals plan difference

Revenues $59,109 $74,044 ($14,935)

Expenses $88,675 $91,640 ($2,965)

Totals for 2016: actuals plan difference

Pledges $335,317 $346,330 ($11,013)

Gifts of Record $159,698 $151,604 + $8,094

Revenues $895,982 $915,496 ($19,514)

Expenses $923,820 $938,438 ($14,618)

Did you know...you can donate your IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) to St. Peter's?

Please contact your broker, tax professional, or Heather Vadun, Comptroller, at 858-755-1616 x115.


My View from the Belfry ~ K.C. Thompson, Chancellor

Since I was recovering from bronchitis, I did not attend either the November 8th Vestry meeting or the November 9th Parish Meeting, so I am writing this month’s article with an open mind!

I am sorry that I missed Cynthia Farwell and Fleming Ray, who attended the Vestry meeting. I trust that each of them had a good experience, observing the Vestry carrying out the business of St. Peter’s.

Your Vestry has reconstituted the Property Committee and appointed Pat McCardle as its chair. The Vestry appointed members are: Rev. Martha Anderson, Molly Stone, Sandi Lanzarotta Chan, Linda Thompson, John Seitman, and Dave Clemons. Ken Briggs is the Vestry liaison to the Committee. The intent is that Committee will take direction from, report to, and advise the Vestry on matters relating to the St. Peter’s physical campus. Much has been said the last few months about fire suppression sprinklers, HVAC, land-scaping, electric wiring, deferred maintenance, and solar panels. I anticipate that these are some of the many issues that the Property Committee will be asked to address, review and advise.

For those Parishioners who, like me, were not at the November 9th Parish Meeting, I understand that the Vestry heard from a number of parishioners, expressing a number of different ideas and visions for the use of the approximately $401,000 on hand from the Capital Campaign. I look forward to the Vestry’s distilla-tion of those ideas and its vision for how the Parish will proceed.

As I am writing this article, Thanksgiving is around the corner . . . what a great day! Wherever Thanksgiving Day found you this year, I hope that you were able to pause, even for a moment, to give thanks for that which we have, whether a little or a lot. I remind us ALL, it is never too late to give thanks for St. Peter’s, for the blessings, literally and figuratively, that each of us receives and for the opportunities that St. Peter’s provides. It need not be Thanksgiving Day to give thanks for the generosity and blessings of the St. Peter’s Parish and its parishioners.

The next Vestry meeting will be at 7:00 pm on December 13th in the Hayes Library. Please stop by and join me. You are welcome to stay for the entire meeting or for a portion of the meeting. You are always welcome.

Your Vestry:

2017 Class: Cheryl Anderson (Sr. Warden), Barbara McCardle, Michael Mehringer, John Saenz

2018 Class: Charles Brinton, Jennifer Cotton, Deborah Farrell, Michelle McGraw

2019 Class: Ken Briggs, Richard Carr, Geoff Carson (Jr. Warden), Staci Dixon

Now Accepting Nominations for Vestry and Delegates to 2017 Diocesan Convention

Deadline is December 25

Nomination forms for next year’s Vestry class and for 2016 Diocesan

Convention Delegates are located at the entrances to the church. Nominees

must be communicants in good standing, participating regularly in worship,

and supporting the mission and ministry of St. Peter’s by a pledge of Time,

Talent and Treasure. Because Vestry and Delegates are also spiritual leaders, we suggest that

candidates would also be demonstrably committed to their spiritual growth and development.

Please speak with your nominee before submitting their nomination. You may also

make nominations by emailing Geoff Carson at [email protected] or by calling the

Rector at 858-755-1616 and she will pass your nomination on to the committee.




Holy Eucharist Rite I 7:45 am

Family Eucharist Rite II 9:00 am

Choral Eucharist Rite II 11:00 am


Holy Eucharist Rite II 7:00 am


Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:30 am

(A Public Service of Healing)


Holy Eucharist Rite II 5:00 pm



The Reverend Paige Blair-Hubert, ext. 101

[email protected]


The Reverend Martha Anderson, ext. 116

[email protected]


The Reverend Frank Muñoz, ext. 114

[email protected]


858-755-1616 x101 (Mtr. Paige Blair-Hubert),

619-246-6727 (Rev. Martha Anderson),

858-395-0203 (Fr. Frank Muñoz).


Reception Secretaries Mary Murrell, ext. 100

Vicki Harney, ext. 100

Children & Young Families Lisa Scott Jones, ext. 107

Communications Pat and Geoff Carson, ext. 118

Comptroller Heather Vadun, ext. 115

Facilities Molly Stone, ext. 102

Music Director Keith Sattely, ext. 106

Sunday Sexton Chris Braden, ext. 100

Thrift Shop Chris Miller, ext. 109

Youth Program Coordinator Leigh Konkle, ext. 105

Office Volunteers:

Ann Austin, Ann Clopine, Ronni Bassett, Sue Blacker,

Fran Friesen, Bob Gavuzzi, Venesse Koll, Carol Lewis,

Nancy McMahon, Nancy Merrill, John Seitman,

Jan Shields, Holly Teetzel


Send submissions to [email protected]

or bring to the office during business hours.

Deadline for submissions is the

15th of the month.

SPIRIT AND TIMES can be viewed at:



Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm

Main office phone: 858.755.1616

Fax: 858.755.1552


3 75th Anniversary Christmas Party/Youth

Party/Children’s Party—6:00p in Parish Hall/

Youth Room/Upstairs Classroom

4 Forum: Beyond the Dirty Pages—10:00a in

Parish Hall (Rev. Martha & Fr. Munoz)

Advent Lessons & Carols—5:00p in Church

7 Advent Evening Program: An Introduction to

Christian Spirituality and Prayer

6:00p Soup Supper in Parish Hall

11 Forum: Beyond the Dirty Pages—10:00a in

Parish Hall (Rev. Martha & Fr. Munoz)

13 75th Anniversary Seniors-Sponsored Lunch—

Caroling & Card Signing—Noon in Parish Hall

Vestry Meeting—7:00p in Library

14 Advent Evening Program: An Introduction to

Christian Spirituality and Prayer

6:00p Soup Supper in Parish Hall

18 Carols, Cookies and Cocoa

10:00a in Parish Hall Ceremony of Carols & Christmas Pageant

4:00p in Church

24 Christmas Eve Services—In Church

3:00p Family Service

5:00p Family Service

7:00p Lessons & Carols

10:30 Carol Sing

11:00p Choral Service

25 Christmas Day Service—10:00a in Church


Church Office reopens Tuesday, January 3rd.


Christmas Pageant and St. Nicholas Choristers Concert Sunday, December 18

This year’s Christmas Pageant and St. Nicholas

Choristers Concert will be Sunday, December 18

(please note change—-not on Christmas Eve)

at 4:00 pm in the church, with a family reception

to follow in the Parish Hall.

This year on Christmas Eve, we will hold Family Services in the church at 3:00 and 5:00 pm.


Saturday, January 14, 2017, 6:00 pm

Supper Club 2017—Kickoff Night

Supper Club Kickoff Night will be held Saturday, January 14, 6:00-8:00 pm in the Parish Hall.

Supper Club groups will meet January through June in groups of 8 to 10. Sign-ups will begin in

December on the patio or by email to Fran Friesen at [email protected].


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Christmas Greenery Pick-up

and Thank You! Greenery available beginning December 3

THANK YOU to all who supported the next pilgrim class by ordering your

Christmas greens on the patio this past month! The youth appreciate your

continued generosity and support. The greenery will be available for pick up

starting December 4th on the patio after all Sunday services.

Carols, Cookies & Cocoa Sunday, December 18—10:00 am in Parish Hall

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” - Buddy the Elf

On Sunday, December 18, join us in the Parish Hall after the 9:00 am service for a holiday music event

for “all ages” with cookies, hot cocoa, and your favorite Christmas carols.

All ages are welcome, so bring your holiday spirit!

Christmas Pageant Rehearsals—December 4, 11 & 18!

Christmas Pageant rehearsals will run Sunday mornings through December 18.

Grab a donut after the 9:00 am service and hustle back to the Church, 10:05—10:45 am.

The Christmas Pageant will take place Sunday, December 18, immediately following the St. Nicholas Choristers concert at 4:00 pm. Refreshments will follow in the Parish Hall.

Questions? Contact Lisa at [email protected] or find her on the patio on Sunday.

St. Nicholas Cookies Who doesn't love a good Christmas cookie? To help raise funds for their

pilgrimage, the youth will be selling delicious St. Nicholas cookies on the

patio in December. What are St. Nicholas cookies, you ask? Stop by to check

them out! Many thanks to Richard & Sue Widney for baking these delicious

cookies for us!


In This Issue . . .

Christmas Pageant Page 9

75th Anniversary Finale Events Page 3

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 334 Fourteenth St. (Street Address) PO Box 336 (Mailing Address) Del Mar CA 92014 TEL. 858 755.1616 FAX 858 755.1552 WEBSITE: www.stpetersdelmar.net

Usher Opportunities Page 3

God Incognito—A Message from Fr. Munoz Page 1

Advent Lessons & Carols

December 4, 5:00 pm

Would you like to sponsor an Evensong in memory of a loved one? Email Keith Sattely

at [email protected].

Christmas Service Times:

December 18 4:00 pm Ceremony of Carols and Christmas Pageant December 24th 3:00 pm Family Service 5:00 pm Family Service 7:00 pm Lessons & Carols 10:30 pm Carol Sing 11:00 pm Choral Service (with incense) December 25th 10:00 am Christmas Day Service