Romeo and Juliet Act 1

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 The Prologue *Set the scene for the audience. *Introduce the characters. *Brief summary of the plot. *Elizabethan/Shakespearean Sonnet, three quatrains, rhyming couplet. Act 1 Scene 4 *Romeo and his friends are on their way to the Capulet party. *We are introduced to Mercutio. He is Romeo’s friend and a member of the Prince’s family. *Romeo feels uneasy about the future. Act 1 Scene 3 *It is a happy scene. *We meet the nurse who’s chatter is in contrast with Juliet’s innocence. *Lady Capulet is trying to persuade Juliet to consider Paris’s offer of marriage. Act 1 Scene 2 *Audience is introduced that Paris wishes to marry Juliet. *Juliet is only 13 years old. *Capulet is planning a party. *Benvolio and Romeo learns of the party. *Benvolio hopes that the sight of another woman will cure Romeo of his infatuation Act 1 Scene 1 *Introduces the feud between the Capulets and Montagues *Fight occurs between the servants of the two houses. *Benvolio tries to make peace but Tybalt refuses. *The prince of Verona stops the fight and decrees that anyone who fights in the streets again will be executed. *Romeo is lovesick for young woman who does not feel the same. Act 1 Scene 5 *Servants are setting up for the party. *Tybalt recognises Romeo’s voice and picks a fight. *Capulet scolds Tybalt for picking a fight. *The lovers meet for the first time. *The meeting is honest and innocent as they touch hands and kiss.

Transcript of Romeo and Juliet Act 1

Romeo and


Act 1

The Prologue

*Set the scene for the audience.

*Introduce the characters.

*Brief summary of the plot.


Sonnet, three quatrains, rhyming


Act 1 Scene 4

*Romeo and his friends are on their

way to the Capulet party.

*We are introduced to Mercutio.

He is Romeo’s friend and a member

of the Prince’s family.

*Romeo feels uneasy about the


Act 1 Scene 3

*It is a happy scene.

*We meet the nurse who’s chatter is in

contrast with Juliet’s innocence.

*Lady Capulet is trying to persuade Juliet to

consider Paris’s offer of marriage.

Act 1 Scene 2

*Audience is introduced that Paris wishes to

marry Juliet.

*Juliet is only 13 years old.

*Capulet is planning a party.

*Benvolio and Romeo learns of the party.

*Benvolio hopes that the sight of another

woman will cure Romeo of his infatuation

with Rosaline.

Act 1 Scene 1

*Introduces the feud between the Capulets and Montagues

*Fight occurs between the servants of the two houses.

*Benvolio tries to make peace but Tybalt refuses.

*The prince of Verona stops the fight and decrees that anyone who

fights in the streets again will be executed.

*Romeo is lovesick for young woman who does not feel the same.

Act 1 Scene 5

*Servants are setting up for the party.

*Tybalt recognises Romeo’s voice and picks a


*Capulet scolds Tybalt for picking a fight.

*The lovers meet for the first time.

*The meeting is honest and innocent as they

touch hands and kiss.

Romeo and


Act 2

Act 2 Scene 1

*Chorus reminds the audience that

Romeo’s infatuation with Rosaline

has ended.

*Romeo now loves Juliet, who

returns his love.

*Dangers are ahead for the young


*Mercutio has a sense of humour.

Love is a target for his sexual jokes.

Act 2 Scene 4

*Mercutio and Benvolio is waiting

for Romeo

*They do not know about Juliet yet

*The nurse arrives to find out about

the wedding arrangements

*They will get married at Friar

Lawrence’s cell

Act 2 Scene 3

*Friar Lawrence is Romeo’s priest and advisor

*Romeo tells Friar about Juliet

*He first scolds Romeo for forgetting about

Rosaline so easily

*He says Romeo falls in love too easily but he

agrees to marry him and Juliet

with Rosaline.

Act 2 Scene 2

*Iconic balcony scene.

*Romeo sees Juliet in an upstairs window and hides himself.

*Not seeing him, Juliet expresses the love she has for him.

*Romeo finally comes out of his hiding place and Juliet warns him that if her family finds

him they will kill him.

*They declare their love and Juliet promises to marry Romeo the next day if she receives

confirmation of time and place.

*They do not want to part from that moment with each other.

Act 2 Scene 5

*Juliet waits for the nurse

*The nurse takes her time to tell Juliet the news

*The audience as well as Juliet are kept in


Act 2 Scene 6

*Friar Lawrence prepare to marry the


*Romeo and Juliet are led off at the

scene to be married












The Balcony Scene in Romeo and Juliet

What Is the Balcony Scene in Romeo and Juliet?

The famous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet occurs in act two, scene two of Shakespeare's well-known play. Within the balcony scene there are several very important events that take place. Each one builds the intensity of the passionate attraction between these two iconic lovers.

What Happens in the Balcony Scene?

Romeo climbs the Capulet family's garden wall and sees Juliet alone on her balcony. Unaware that Romeo is nearby, Juliet sighs and speaks her feelings of love out loud. Romeo declares himself to Juliet, and she warns him of the danger of being there. Romeo and Juliet swear their true love to each other, plan a secret marriage, and finally say good night.

To recap, the key events in order are:

• Romeo sees Juliet

• Juliet thinks she is alone

• Romeo declares himself

• Juliet warns of danger

• Romeo and Juliet swear their love

• Romeo and Juliet plan their secret marriage

• Romeo and Juliet finally say good night

Why Is the Balcony Scene so Important?

In Romeo and Juliet, the balcony scene solidifies the bond of love for both characters. In the scene, Romeo and Juliet are completely alone for the first time. There is tension because of the danger that they may be discovered, but that simply adds to the excitement of the scene.

The balcony scene is critically important to the development of the plot of the play because it is during this scene that the lovers' secret marriage is decided. Juliet will not give up her honor. Sher insists on marriage, or no relationship at all. Romeo is happy to pursue a wedding and intends to enlist the help of Friar Laurence.

This development puts a central plot point in place. The marriage of Romeo and Juliet creates complications that drive the intensity of the conflicts in the rest of the play.

As has often been noted, Romeo and Juliet marry only one day after they meet and fall in love. But they are young and impetuous and don't want to wait. The scene (2, v) in which they marry starts out with Juliet impatient that it's taking even half an hour for the nurse to return from her visit to Romeo. Juliet wishes that lovers could communicate with the speed of thought, which she describes as ten times faster than the sun's beams:

Love’s heralds should be thoughts, Which ten times faster glide than the sun’s beams

Juliet is finally rewarded with the news that Romeo awaits her at Friar Laurence's cell, so that they can marry then and there. Both Romeo and Juliet are over the top with joy when Juliet arrives. The friar moves quickly to marry them as they are so attracted to one another he is afraid to leave them alone together unwed. And so they marry. The scene contains hints that the lovers are over hasty, too passionately in love, a hint especially strong in the friar's warning that such violent love will come to a violent end.


• The Chorus tells us the plot of the play, and what kind of play it is.

• We learn that two youths from opposing families will fall in love and die.

• Their deaths will mend the quarrel between the houses

• Prologue takes the form of a 14-line sonnet Act I, scene i

• Sampson and Gregory, servants of the Capulet Household, go out looking for trouble.

• They try to pick a fight with Abram and Balthasar, servants of the Montague Household.

• Benvolio tries to stop the fight, but Tybalt enters and attacks Benvolio.

• The citizens of Verona attack both the Capulets and the Montagues.

• Capulet and Montague try to join the fight but are restrained by their wives.

• Prince Escalus stops the riot, threatens everyone with death, takes Capulet with him and leaves.

• Lady Montague asks where Romeo is and Benvolio answers that he is wandering the woods.

• Benvolio offers to speak to Romeo to find out what is bothering him.

• Benvolio figures out that Romeo’s problem has to do with unrequited love – Romeo won’t say who the lady is.

Act I, scene ii

• Paris asks Capulet for Juliet’s hand in marriage.

• Capulet thinks she is too young but tells Paris to woo her.

• Capulet invites Paris to a feast to be held at Capulet Mansion that night.

• Capulet sends a servant out to invite everybody else to the feast.

• Benvolio and Romeo are still discussing Romeo’s problem when they are interrupted by the servant asking Romeo to read the invite for him – it is the list of invitees to the feast.

• Romeo discovers that Rosaline (the object of his unrequited affection) will be at the feast.

• Benvolio challenges Romeo to go to the feast to see other beauties. Romeo agrees, but only to see Rosaline.

Act I, scene iii

• Lady Capulet wants to have a serious conversation with Juliet, but the Nurse keeps interrupting with reminiscing about Juliet’s weaning.

• Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris wants to marry Juliet and urges her to look upon him favourably.

• Servants come to call everyone to the feast. Act I, scene iv

• Mercutio tries to persuade Romeo to dance at the Capulet’s feast, but Romeo says he is too sadly love-lorn to do anything but hold a torch.

• Romeo says it will not be wise to go to the feast, as he had a dream…

• Mercutio mocks Romeo and goes on about Queen Mab.

• Romeo is sure that some terrible fate awaits him, but he goes to the feast with his friends. Act I, scene v

• Romeo and his friends enter the Capulet Feast.

• Capulet enters, greets the masked guests and invites them to dance.

• Romeo spots Juliet and admits to himself it is the first time he has seen true beauty.

• Tybalt recognises Romeo and sends for his sword, but Capulet orders Tybalt to do nothing.

• Tybalt swears to make Romeo pay, and then leaves.

• Romeo holds Juliet’s hand and begs for a kiss, she gives him a few!

• As everyone is leaving, they learn that they are from opposing households and they exclaim upon their fates for making them fall in love with their enemies.

Act II: Prologue:

• The Chorus tells us that Romeo and Juliet are suffering because they can’t meet, but that passion gives them power to find a way to see each other.

Act II, scene i

• On his way home from Capulet’s feast, Romeo turns back and jumps over the wall of Capulet’s garden.

• Benvolio calls for Romeo and Mercutio bawdily calls Romeo, but he doesn’t appear, and they leave.

Act II, scene ii

• The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet is one of the best-known scenes in Shakespeare’s plays.

• Juliet’s line “O Romeo, Romeo!—wherefore art thou Romeo?” is perhaps as well-known as Hamlet’s famous question, “To be or not to be…?”, but is often misunderstood.

• Romeo, having fallen for Juliet at a party he gate-crashed, has made his way to her window to woo her.

• There he overhears her talking aloud of her own love for him, and her concern about the fact that he is a Montague, born of a family that are enemies to her own household: “wherefore”, or “why”, she asks herself, could he not have been born with any other name?

• Romeo is surprised by her offering to take another name for her love.

• The celestial imagery that Romeo uses to describe Juliet and her use of beautiful images from nature—a rose, the sea—develop a richly romantic atmosphere.

• However, at the same time, Juliet’s concern for the danger facing Romeo should he be found, and the interruptions of the nurse, who almost discovers their secret meeting, builds up dramatic tension, foreshadowing the tragedy that will eventually engulf these “star-crossed lovers”.

• They pledge their love for each other and Juliet is called away by her Nurse.

• She tells Romeo that she will send a messenger the next day to find out where and when they will be married. Romeo says he will go visit Friar Lawrence to get help.

Act II, scene iii

• At dawn Friar Lawrence gathers herbs and comments on how – in both plants and people – everything has some good, but that every good can be abused and turn to evil.

• Romeo appears and tells the Friar that he has fallen in love with Juliet and wants him to marry them.

• The Friar criticises Romeo for jumping so quickly from loving Rosaline to loving Juliet and wanting to marry so soon.

• Nevertheless, he agrees to marry them – he thinks that the marriage might solve the problems between the Montagues and the Capulets.

Act II, scene iv

• Mercutio wonders where Romeo is.

• Benvolio says that Tybalt has sent a challenge to Romeo.

• Mercutio describes Tybalt as a conceited killer.

• Romeo arrives and joins in the bawdy repartee.

• Nurse arrives and is mocked by Mercutio.

• She wants a word with Romeo – gets times and place for his marriage to Juliet. Act II, scene v

• Juliet impatiently awaits the return of the Nurse with news from Romeo.

• The Nurse teases Juliet by finding all kinds of ways NOT to deliver the news.

• Finally tells her to go to Friar Lawrence’s cell to be married. Act II, scene vi

• Just before the wedding, Friar Lawrence advises Romeo to love moderately.

• Romeo and Juliet tell each other how much they love each another and Friar Lawrence leads them off to be married.

Act III, scene i

• On the streets of Verona, Benvolio tries to persuade Mercutio that it’s best to avoid the quarrel with the Capulets.

• Tybalt is looking for Romeo, is challenged by Mercutio, but them Romeo arrives.

• Romeo refuses to fight (they are now family) but Mercutio steps in and fight Tybalt.

• As Romeo is trying to stop the fight, Tybalt stabs Mercutio, and then runs away.

• Mercutio dies.

• Romeo is ashamed of himself for letting Mercutio do the fighting and when Tybalt returns, he kills him.

• Benvolio persuades Romeo to leave the scene.

• Benvolio tells the Prince what happened.

• Lady Capulet wants Romeo’s life – he must die to pay for killing Tybalt.

• The Prince levies fines and exiles Romeo from Verona. Act III, scene ii

• Juliet longs for the coming of the night and Romeo.

• The Nurse appears- she has seen Tybalt’s corpse and heard that Romeo has been banished.

• The Nurse is so overwrought that she makes Juliet believe that Romeo is dead.

• When the Nurse makes it clear that it is Tybalt who is dead, AND that Romeo killed him, Juliet is first angry and then defends Romeo.

• She is very sad that Romeo has been banished.

• The Nurse promises to make arrangements that Romeo can come visit Juliet that night to say good bye.

Act III, scene iii

• Romeo learns that he has been banished from Verona and weeps and moans on the floor of Friar Lawrence’s cell.

• The Nurse arrives and tells Romeo that Juliet is also in a very bad shape.

• Romeo is wild with guilt for making Juliet sad and tries to stab himself.

• Friar Lawrence stops him, tells him to go to Juliet, then off to Mantua until the Prince can be persuaded to pardon Romeo.

• The Nurse gives Romeo a ring from Juliet.

• Romeo leaves in a better mood to go see Juliet.

Act III, scene iv

• On a sudden impulse, Capulet promises Paris that Juliet will marry him the day after tomorrow. Act III, scene v

• Romeo has spent to night with Juliet, he prepares to leave.

• Romeo offers to stay and die, but Juliet urges him to leave.

• The Nurse hurries in with the news that Juliet’s mother is coming.

• Romeo kisses Juliet and leaps out the window.

• Juliet asks Romeo if they will ever see each other again.

• Lady Capulet assumes Juliet is crying for Tybalt.

• Lady Capulet expresses her hatred of Romeo

• She tells Juliet that she is to marry Paris.

• Juliet declares that she will not marry Paris.

• Her father is so enraged that he threatens to throw her (Juliet) out of the house.

• Juliet pleads with her mother to intervene, but Lady Capulet refuses.

• Juliet asks the Nurse for advice – Nurse says she should marry Paris, as Romeo will not return and Paris is more handsome.

• To her parents, she says that she will marry Paris, but secretly she will go to Friar Lawrence’s cell and get advice.

• Otherwise she will kill herself. Act IV, scene i

• As Paris is making arrangements with Friar Lawrence to perform the wedding, Juliet appears.

• Paris reminds her that they are to be married on Thursday.

• Juliet says that she will rather kill herself than marry Paris.

• The Friar comes up with the plan – Juliet is to take a potion that will make her appear dead for 24 hours, so that the wedding can be called off and Romeo can come back and take her to Mantua.

Act IV, scene ii

• Capulet is making arrangements when Juliet appears, begs her father’s pardon and tells him she will marry Paris.

• This makes Capulet so happy that he moves the wedding up to the next day, Wednesday. Act IV, scene iii

• Juliet persuades her mother and the Nurse to leave her alone.

• She agonises over everything that could go wrong, is terrified of visions of the grave and drinks to Romeo.

Act IV, scene iv

• The Capulets and their servants are preparing for the wedding feast.

• Paris’ musicians are heard, and the Nurse is sent to wake up Juliet. Act IV, scene v

• The Nurse tries to wake Juliet but finds her (apparently) dead.

• The Capulets come running, all mourn Juliet’s death.

• Friar Lawrence (knowing the plan) tells everyone that Juliet is in a better place and they should proceed with her funeral.

Act V, scene i

• Romeo expects good news form Verona, but hears that Juliet is dead.

• He buys poison from an apothecary and says he is returning to Verona to join Juliet in death. Act V, scene ii

• Friar John explains to Friar Lawrence why he was unable to deliver the letter to Romeo.

• Friar Lawrence sends Friar John to get a crowbar and makes plans to be there when Juliet awakes, write to Romeo again in Mantua, and hide Juliet in his cell until Romeo arrives.

Act V, scene iii

• Paris comes to Juliet’s grave and weeps.

• He sends his Page to act as a look-out.

• Paris promises to visit her grave every night.

• The Page warns him that someone is coming. Paris hides in the bushes.

• Romeo sends Balthasar away with a letter for Romeo’s father and starts to open the tomb.

• Paris comes forward and tries to arrest Romeo.

• They fight, Paris is killed. As he is dying, Paris asks to be laid next to Juliet.

• Romeo sees Juliet’s body, weeps, takes the poison and dies.

• Juliet awakes; Friar Lawrence tries to persuade her to come out of the grave. He is afraid of being caught there and runs away.

• Juliet kills herself with Romeo’s dagger.

• The Prince and everyone else arrive.

• Montague promises to build a statue of Juliet and the Capulets will build one of Romeo.


1. Prince Escalus, ruler of Verona: He is a stern and strict ruler. He is able to take charge and stop the street fighting between the Montagues and Capulets. He is also merciful, for example, even though he says the next person caught fighting will be executed, when Romeo kills Tybalt he only exiles him, as he understands that Tybalt killed Mercutio.

The Montagues

1. Lord Montague, Romeo’s father: He is a nobleman in a feud with the Capulet family. He is stubborn and not willing to forgive.

2. Lady Montague, Romeo’s mother: She does not like violence. She does not seem close to Romeo, but she dies of grief after Romeo’s death.

3. Romeo Montague: He thinks he is in love with Rosaline at the beginning of the play, and appears to be very immature. His love for Juliet seems to make him more mature. Although he is sensitive and romantic, he can be over-dramatic about his feelings. He has a good reputation in Verona (even Lord Capulet thinks he is virtuous and well disciplined). However, he makes decisions too quickly and can be aggressive and quick to fight. It is because of this that he kills Tybalt and Paris.

4. Mercutio, Romeo’s friend: He is clever with words and is very energetic and lively. He often makes fun of Romeo’s romantic passions. He loves an argument and is quick to get angry and fight. He is also cynical and melancholic.

5. Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin: He always tries to keep the peace and often tries to keep Romeo’s thoughts away from Rosaline, even after Romeo is in love with Juliet. He is kind and gentle.

6. Friar Lawrence: He is a secret advisor to both Romeo and Juliet. He is a kind man who preaches self-control. He tries to help the couple, but his plans fail and end in tragedy. He is not only a victim of fate; the lies he tells are partly the cause of the tragic fate of the lovers.

7. The apothecary: This is a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs. The apothecary in the play lives in Mantua, where Romeo was exiled. He is a poor man, and eager to sell poison to Romeo for money, despite the consequences. Commoners on Montague side: These include Balthasar (Romeo’s servant) and Abram.

The Capulets

1. Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father: He is a nobleman whose family hates the Montague family. Juliet is his only child. He is a controlling father.

2. Lady Capulet, Juliet’s mother: She is only about 28 years’ old! She has not been very involved with her daughter and shows little understanding of Juliet.

3. Juliet Capulet: She is a privileged, sheltered young woman. Although she is only 13, she shows bravery, determination and more maturity than Romeo. She is practical and reasonable and often recognises the challenges of their situation.

4. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin: He is arrogant and a troublemaker. He picks a fight with Mercutio and Romeo. Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo’s friend. Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge, and because of that Romeo is exiled from Verona.

5. Juliet’s nurse: She is over-talkative and often uses coarse language. She has looked after Juliet since she was born and is closer to her than Juliet’s mother. She is a faithful friend and confidante to Juliet but doesn’t understand Juliet’s love of Romeo.

6. Count Paris, relative of Prince Escalus: He is a very polite nobleman and does seem to love Juliet. Paris’s role in the play helps to create conflict in vocab Cynical: Distrustful of human kindness. vocab Hypocritical: Behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. Juliet’s parents want him to marry her, but Juliet marries Romeo.



4) Climax – Tybalt kills Mercutio,

then Romeo kills Tybalt. The prince

arrives and banishes Romeo from


3) Rising Action – Romeo needs to

secretly marry Juliet fearing that a

Capulet and Montague are not

allowed to marry.

1) Exposition – Romeo shows his lust for

Rosaline. The Capulets and Montagues

are in a feud of hatred. Rosaline does

not show affection towards Romeo, she

has no intent to marry.

2) Exciting force – Romeo meets

Juliet at the Capulet ball and

completely forgets about Rosaline.

7) Catastrophe – Romeo drinks the

poison and dies. Juliet wakes up,

finds Romeo dead, and kills herse3lf

with his dagger when the Friar is not


6) Moment of Final Suspense – Romeo is

informed that Juliet is dead when she is

really asleep from the potion. Romeo

arrives at the Capulet burial vault ready to

drink the poison the Apothecary gave him.

5) Falling Action – Paris will soon be

married to Juliet, and the Capulets do not

know about Juliet’s secret marriage to

Romeo. Juliet decides to fake her death

with a potion the Friar gives her.

8) Resolution – Both the families

agreed to stop their hatred after the

tragedy and the feud ended.


The Prologue

1. In which northern Italian is the play set?

2. What is the purpose of the prologue?

3. Describe how the mood is conveyed through specific phrases and words?

4. The prologue is written in the form of a sonnet.

4.1 Briefly discuss the structure of the sonnet and explain what type of sonnet this is.

4.2 Suggest why the use of this poetic form is appropriate for Romeo and Juliet.

Act 1

Scene 1

1. Romeo and Juliet is essentially a love story. Why do you think Shakespeare begins with a

violent street fight?

2. For which family do Gregory and Sampson work?

3. A pun is a play on words. It is a form of joking, using words which sound the same but have

different meanings.

3.1 Write down the words in the first four lines which create the pun.

3.2 What does Sampson mean when he says ‘we’ll not carry coals’ in line 1?

3.3 What does the word ‘choler’ mean?

4. There are a number of bawdy jokes made in this scene.

4.1 What is the purpose of these?

4.2 Explain the bawdy pun which Sampson makes when he says ‘Ay, the heads of maids, or

their maidenheads – take it in what sense thou wilt.’

4.3 Gregory continues with ‘Draw thy tool, here comes of the house of Montagues’. Explain

this pun.

5. Benvolio’s name means ‘well-wishing’. How does out first encounter with him help to

establish him as a ‘well-wishing’ character?

6. What impression do you have of Tybalt and his attitude to his feud? Refer to the text to

substantiate your answer.

7. Prince Escalus scolds Capulet and Montague. What punishment will they suffer if their

followers fight in the street again?

8. Romeo is introduced as a typical romantic lover. Describe his behaviour, with specific

reference to the text and what he says to illustrate his point.

9. What advice does Benvolio give to his lovesick cousin?

Scene 2

1. Count Paris asks Lord Capulet if he may marry Juliet.

1.1 Who is Count Paris?

1.2 How old is Juliet?

1.3 What condition does Lord Capulet make on Juliet’s behalf concerning the proposal?

2. Why does Romeo decide to “gatecrash” the Capulet’ feast?

3. How are Benvolio’s words, “And she shall scant show well that now seems best”

prophetic(predicting what will happen in the future)?

Scene 3

1. What do we learn of the Nurse’s character in this scene?

2. Lady Capulet, the Nurse and Juliet reveal different attitudes to love and marriage. Write a

detailed description of each’s view of love and marriage. Making close reference to the text.

Scene 4

1. Romeo is still depressed and lovesick. Quote one of his lines which shows his state of mind.

2. Write a paragraph in which you give your impression of Mercutio.

3. What hint is given in this scene that something tragic will happen?

Scene 5

1. Romeo see Juliet for the first time. How are his words “Beauty too rich for use, for earth to

dear!” both ironic and ominous(giving the impression that something bad is going to


2. Discuss the metaphor that Romeo uses in ‘so shows a snowy dove trooping with crows’

when he describes Juliet.

3. How does Tybalt react when he recognises Romeo and what is Lord Capulet’s reaction?

4. Romeo approaches Juliet and their first words from a perfect sonnet.

4.1 Why is the poetic structure so appropriate here?

4.2 The language and the images they use are associated with holiness. Quote three

examples which illustrate this statement and explain what the ‘holy’ images reflect.

5. ‘My only love, sprung from my only hate!/Too early seen unknown, and known too late!’

5.1 What does Juliet mean in these lines?

5.2 In what tone would she say them and why?

Romeo & Juliet

Act 2

Scene 1

1. What do Benvolio and Mercutio not know about Romeo in this scene?

Scene 2

1. Light and darkness are often used in this play contrasting symbols.

1.1 What qualities does Romeo give to Juliet by using light as a symbol for her?

1.2 Quote two examples of images which refer to light in lines 1 to 22.

2. What does Juliet’s famous line ‘O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore are thou Romeo?’ mean?

3. Why does Juliet say that Romeo must not swear by the moon?

4. Juliet is more practical than Romeo in this scene. Give evidence to support this statement.

5. What arrangements do the two lovers make at the end of the meeting?

Scene 3

1. How do we know that Romeo and Friar Lawrence have a close relationship?

2. How does Friar react when Romeo asks him to marry him and Juliet that very day?

3. In one respect I’ll thy assistant be/For this alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your

households’ rancour to pure love.

Refer to these lines and explain why Friar agrees to marry the lovers.

Scene 4

1. Mercutio and Benvolio are concerned because Tybalt has challenged Romeo to a dual.

Mercutio then makes a joke and says that Romeo is already dead. How has Romeo

‘died’ according to him?

2. When Romeo enters, how does he show that his depressed mood has changed?

3. What is the message which the Nurse must give to Juliet?

Scene 5

1. How do we know that Juliet is impatient and agitated at the beginning of the scene.

2. In what ways does the Nurse tantalise and tease Juliet?

Scene 6

1. What warning does Friar give Romeo concerning strong emotions?

Chapter 10

1. Kitty tries to prevent Ettie being part of the game at the hotel.

a) Briefly sum up the excuses Kitty makes to accomplish this goal.

b) What further tactics does she use at the hotel to try and protect Ettie?

2. Suggest how Nicolas knows where to find Ettie.

3. What are Ettie’s possible motives for tearing up her precious books?

4. Describe how Bulbring creates atmosphere in the last paragraph of Part One.

Chapter 11

1. By carefully examining the first six paragraphs of the chapter, describe Ettie’s attitude to


2. Explain the ambiguity (more than one interpretation) in Ettie’s reply to Dora’s comment:

“Adorable. I could just squeeze the breath out of them,” Dora says. “I tell her I have had the

same thoughts on occasion.” (p.152)

3. In page 157, Ettie refers to the tree that is still alive.

a) Why is it unwise for Ettie to mention this tree?

b) What significance can you see in the use of “my” by both Mistress and Ettie when

referring to the trees?

4. What indications are there that Dora will be an enemy to Ettie?

5. Evaluate the relationship between Master and Mistress as introduced in this chapter.

Chapter 12

1. By referring to at least one extract from this chapter, describe Ettie’s conflict with:

a) Dora

b) Nicolas

c) Little Miss

d) Herself

2. Account for Master’s treatment of the drudges.

3. Summarise the main points of the conversation amongst the Mangerians at the party.

Chapter 13

1. How does Madam Merriem try to comfort Mistress?

2. Do you agree that Ettie is “not really lying”? (p.170) Justify your answer.

3. Describe Kitty’s appearance when she enters the courtroom.

4. Describe the tone of, “I am back in the game. But this time, I play alone.” (p.179) Justify

your answer.

5. Considering the chapter as a whole, discuss to what extent corruption can be seen at all

levels in this society.

Chapter 14

1. Describe and account for Ettie’s mood at the beginning of the chapter.

2. How does she deliberately sabotage the porridge?

3. With whom do your sympathies lie in this chapter? Motivate your answer.

Chapter 15

1. Discuss the examples of conflict between Master and Mistress in this chapter.

2. Why does Ettie “taste power”? (p.193)

3. Briefly summarise the main events of the visit to the Laboratory.

Chapter 16

1. Outline the characters that have secrets from one another and what those secrets are.

2. Why does Little Miss never leave the house?

3. Conflict is a key feature of a literary text. Carefully read the following lines: We will do the

procedure next month.” (p.208) And: “Well, she won’t have her seat in parliament for much

longer,” Master says, smirking. (p.210) Explain how Bulbring creates conflict in this extract.

4. Which major themes are developed in the following extract? Nicolas sighs. “Because I am

not a Locust. And I can never be a Locust. I’m not sure who I am yet, but I don’t want to be

what The Machine tells me I am.” (p.214)

5. How does Ettie react to Nicolas’s invitation? What answer does she give? Why?

Chapter 17

1. Describe Mistress’s unsettled response to Handler Xavier.

2. From the narrative in this chapter, describe Mistress’s past relationship with Handler Xavier.

3. Account for Ettie’s response to the information about her parents.

4. How does the story prepare the reader for further interaction between Ettie and Reader.

Chapter 18

1. The structure of this chapter follows the pattern of the structure of a novel as a whole:

exposition, rising action with conflict, climax and falling action. Discuss.

Chapter 19

1. In this chapter, the story has a number of ironic twists. Explain.

2. Discuss the appropriateness of the chapter’s title. (Golden Goose)

Chapter 20

1. Why does Ettie agree to remove all the names on Handler Xavier’s list when she promised, in

the last chapter, to throw the list away?

2. Describe how Ettie keeps calm in a crisis. What tactics does she use to avoid detection?

3. How does this chapter fulfil the words of the epigraph (beginning paragraph)?

Chapter 21

1. What significance does Ettie see in Nicolas’s comment: “It’s the way they control us? (p.257)

2. Do you think Larissa is right to blind Princess Fanny? Justify your answer.

3. To what extent do you agree with Ettie when she says that she sees her mother “clearly”?

4. What future storyline in a sequel is hinted at in the final section of the novel?