PIMrK TWO ( FATS. - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of PIMrK TWO ( FATS. - DigiFind-It

J ^ o j j a r k

X U M l l K U oir». N K W A I J K , J . , W K D N E S D A V . A K U S T i s , I S S d . P I M r K T W O ( F A T S .

t J F i r s t E d i t i o n . TOO M W n M OK'^U IH C.




BuU]vftn-Ef;ftn Faction l.osei llie FentufU'Aul*

4 hai^ft that tbe rour«^ntton It Tai^keft by Ilia ** OyiiamlUir#**'

Bj Avf-xitUd rr.-« tu iliu .\KW».CiiriAdtJ, Au>[. I '. U was nltfr mld-

Dlgbt when tin* exc^utivE’ Dflif-rB of the IriRh Nttioiial ronvouhoit iliM ulrd to pEiit*jMinp tiu' n}K>nin fruni in A. M. until 2 i1. ViifHiut rpafioUiE an* aKHipiu'd fur thti action. Tho mi'mU'ft of the €tjmm!ttee a y it war rmloredBu ; ‘ ary hy ilo ab -npe yr lui-i. y of Fuller O’BemFv, of 1> frolt who halh ’PT ti-tjur d t j i e . j i y f i l!u' flij..iu‘ 'a’ . o 1 fltandMijzof till' U.j iclit ri‘]»rr cm .1 hy Ihr jhior 11 iH’kol' of a'l iil-don

On tl'P i>lh> ' h,.'id !''<■“ lliiu i‘ C !‘rur.i p ant‘ -Ctr.ii

vM fhhi^ a‘ l albii^Fi (jU"''tior» ta an ai.cicciv i» p.r-k I’ -f io.ivcn:i*j.* hy u«nrp'«;< i ‘*h iJi «■ iiuiis of the o*ual 1 on fiedon- t ’ala.arc loud); dt<-t;uitf' th-T the pii i- IMiiiPinout it. due lu Itu fari timt ihe fc ir'’-« of the ! dii'-nifcti.uio'i |ti,r*y are i i h 1 ve- pair and DM’d »ou>o iintiio<li,it(' pali'fiiiiK up, which could not hed'Mt*- if the pro* cpc<]iii|ta WE-rc opeicil al the hour

How vc'tbW may 1m», it ia certain that thioAB have wot *!lu;rekher the way Ihe F an p?o]de would have liked for the ppst twelve hour". They placed xieat hopc upon the Lulld nopport of the IVnU' ■ylvania delei^ation, numhi-ring 170, but at A late hour the caui uaof the Peunnylva' ti'ani ended In the overwliehiiln^ defeat of the ExanlteB, M. J. Uyan, the Philadelphia lawyer, being elected chairman.

Later on, when it waa annouuccd that the MaasacbQBL'lte and New York deloca* lions bad solidly whockHi into line fur MoCalTrey, and that he was eosurcnl a giad support from the South and West, there was joy at the Palmer House, and comMipondtng gloum at the Oruiid PaciiSc, So many delegates, how­ever, have ao far dcclint^ to get down off the fence that it would be simply roman­cing to atU'mpt to Sku'*} out the probable atrengLh of the two factions when they meet,

PENNfiTLVANIA'fl BELKQATIOX.Much spi'L'ulaiion ii cxpre^rcd as to

the number of dch'uales that will be pre.S'nt at t!ic opiiiltig of the Irish jSafiiiDid I.,e^guc ConTcntion to^ay, I'ndtir (be coiistiiutlon as many as 2,500 ZDuy come, but it is <iuestionable whether more than 1.200 will form the deliberative iMKly. (Jf the--*c Now York will come in willi aliout 200, PfDDsylvaoia with about 17R, MasMU'huBftts with perhaps 100. Among tbe lesser delegations Louisiana, Blinnci'Ota and Nebraska Agure with thirty each, uud Iowa nith about forty. It is eipectcd that one of the first measures to be intTodueed in the convention will be the enforcement o f the unit rule, heuce the reprt lenfatiou of the three first-named States U of the greutc^t im[>ortance.

Thu iVuii^ylvaiilu delegation caucus last night instructed the rhairiiiati to cast the whole vote of the delegation in favor of Hugh MfCaffcry for president and ('harlirts KcClave, of PhiUidelpbia, for accretory of tbeNslioual League.

The tra n on the Weal Shore road bear­ing Mrn. PflrncH, tin- New Jersey and part ol the Ki'W A'urk dclcgHtion, arrived at 3:06 this morning. The party were met at the depot hy a committ^. Mrs. Pamoll wan Bccompunied by Joseph Atkinson, of the Newark Preu, president of the New Jersey Slate League Union; the H«‘V. P. C orri^ . o f Hoboken ; ex-Mayor McGav- Jbk. James Gibcon and Conoty Clerk Me- JiOUghlin, of Hoboken.

AHXIOUB EYXe ABKHAD.LojrooN, Aug, iM.^Tho TYiurt says:It is somewhat curious, if Hr. ParnoU

inc;.'ni business, that sevoral of the lead­ing rainollitee are cither already a*reut, ©rare antnging for an early departure from the scene o f Parliiiroent. Probably Hr. Pamdl la waiting to see how the cat jurups in America. It is no matbor for eurprise that while the Chicago conven­tion is p(nding, many of the separatist party aie restless and uneasy.”

The Daily A>tri aaya: Should theIrish delegatee at Chicago fail to silence or expel the advocates o f dynamite the whole vrorid will regard the convention with indignant contempt. The dynamitora can beet be dealt with with a rope. If Bossa was hung the world would be ridded of a cowardly knave. The chief Intcrcat in the Clucuro convention, however,, centres lo the luct that the Irish delegates have rcsoluk^ly act their faces not only against dynamite, but against violence in any BhrtpE-." llt'ferring to the probable Tory policy the A rres says there was Dover leas

to procl.iiiu the Kaliuual League than now.


ArauwJr Sertlmitii DIhs Wr.Tln'*to liis bnaelhewrt*

PA^Ftir, Au*. IH.—Wi’ '\ 1 II. Uoom* iamp awu’ l- i lo Ifo'L der. 'we ye..r.i o ' 8 e, (T* Vd at 1‘ ‘* Iro i\ o » PaS-"‘.'C avenue. ye>»crlay f otn an o. e doao of morphine. Boumkamp came t ) lb ’s r mnt y ievtrjl yeau avo. Having a t ''0iuu';i kTcur'edje oft* e . d and b »*b biisinoj’, he found eniployo (*nt rea lily. Two ye-rj a"o be d the. fli.n o f l)eVPoomks'np, '»i Ne.v ' 'o to import ihinie ■rilcics f uni III)' I'ld ind wet with mark(d im i'‘ s. A tl ’ e NewO»leans E t- iKj'it'ou he I'f'd a'l 'nr jv iu ((ritlun in churgeo't’ e . I I'l,' , « e 't . . 'even or eight moDthi a o he \\'- l l> Hull. 'd (o v ‘vU bis i«"d b '• wfl’ «necd bride.He r tU'D-d U e Om- o", a*>d was one

o fH e la ‘ 1 l:t ’ ve P'U li'-rnl d Fur a con<idt '4b'e t >ne Ihionika'uti lias h CD ti iu')' i! w' h In omnU and ui • ■ h'o’i,.' fit*. '*'o ■■ I N .« I IhOie ai'd ul>- tuUi I 'p le r I ’ t . V< ..'Tdaymur»i»ig he hiuit uvt j'l .eiuus(•a t'lo h d He d 1 ;ii i oi> i. On the t hie was a p ' y w it ’ j !«■.€• •i:>h '< saVtitH .It in Ho'l. u], in which he says:

1 I 1-1 III) - i’ ' ■ iv * hr ivy .a onbiHirJ, at 'r I. mi|, b i .i’ ic* v .riuly,

iniw fT et i J <■" .V-'V-. 18< .he vj-, , A > * * 1; n

llii*n :h I nnivt k.,y ,h.il I,.' ore I'l*'' lime il luwie 11> he ■ Hi hep .li'y

Hoiniikiinip'-p finer w ill amnge the fa­re .•! wl e I I e 1 , t jin-if ,(*-d with the I’t d n :'n ’H.r' . v e'' u ' wl oni I've in Holin' d, Jl >) lA,aiiH' w..s v«-iy pupuhir in Pu ■ . __________ ____________

>»• ^ * « l t


A Tuuiif Servant tilrl Gel'iliit'i lL*d Ciiui- paay al the It ' a i r enle—Ovrironie

Alter A 1 r..*Ta Resistance—Her 3'rsuate i.'i»4up...atuu UimIu;;*

Th( CaUiinet 3rvij tVurkA tiaJn a Victory D ver ItH M en.

CTiic.tan, Aug. 13.—A inccHng wm held by llic Mrikiag nailers at Cumminga last night, and tho long strike which has bocn In pruprefis there for the lust fourteen mouths wua brought to an end. The old men will bo ac<ouittiudiiied by the com> pany BO fur as pAis ible, and every depart- nent of the Calumet Iron and Steel Com* paijy’B will atari up with a full force, JJone of tho non-union men, with whom the company has contrjicts, will be - Is- charged to zauko ptiieeB for the old bands, but M many o f them have secu red positions elbcwhcre thuic an* plenty ol plac.' lo ac­commodate sevc’ ul hundred of tho idle men at satisfactory wn''cs.TlicacKon of tho men It approved by the offlduls of tho Knights o f Labor.

Tho packing house employes of Roliert Warren A Co., at the stock ya«ds, who went out some days ago because the firm persisted In loading Lake Shore cars, have returned to work. The huperlntcniient of the establishmout said that when tlio men vent out some work was loft uii finished, and rather than have the meat spoil the vld hands were taken hack. The men claim the basis of aetllHtnent was the Agrcemeol of the firm not to ship auy more beef over the I*ake Shore toad.

Defaulter Gray Dmwus HLniiieir.Boston, Ang. ! « .—!t has tiwn dffin-

Holy learned thet Gray, the defaulting treos* nrerof the AUautlc and Indian orchard Mills, has cemmiUM suicide. UW t>ody wiis found ^ia nuiming at Blue HfHa p

AgcLt Guoflwlii, (jt the Indian Orchird Milla, inorTilng ordcroil the concern to abut dOYTti

[110. the atouk has mu out, and to remain >ibtii,^rthef liutlce. All hands desiring

to find worlr^Row hcre. will be paid aionce. The apent doc)f>je-~ to express any opinion as to whedkei' the ^m pjuy will ibort the milt ajalD. _' Boasewivea, attend Haiue't 7o. fiai«,-idtt

^ Griiiilue CaUIn, ]Pabanac J-akk, N. V., Aug, is.— |

rri Aideut Cleveland and his wifr, aciliiu- paniid by Mrs. !-’ol<H)tii and Dr. S. li. ! Wird, of Albany, arrivi-d at tho Saranac Inn yesterday arterniKni. The tnipular l>e* lief that the pruHidunt comes to the Adirundacks for a ramping trip ji an er­roneous one. He docA no tuuru raiD(jiug than guests usually du from this and other hotels in the regiuii. He makes a two or three days' excursion to some socludod pund fur hunting and fi.ihiug out of his three weeks' stay. The presi­dent has oumc regularly to the Saranac ioD, formerly csHhI the i'rospect llouwi for several seasons, it being his choice of hotels in the wiUlumm, With the prefii- dent and his wife will be Mrs, Folsom and Dr, Ward, who is always the prceidcut's companion on liia vacation iu the wilder- ijiws. The pri'jtariitiunB at the Inn for en­tertaining these guest* aru complete. W. K. Dutton, of rhiludelphiu, bos tendered the use of his log eubin near the hotel aud the offer ha* bL-eii iieceptoLl. llc.u tbo pteaideiit can obtain pe rfect rest. It is his custom to mix uuosteiititioualy with all the guest* at the hotel. There arouo iti- trodiielions and no distinctions. Thepresident drops in a group like one faiiiil- iiir with the placi', unil any one talks to him who dcKircs to do so. The term “ Mr. F'resident " U wverely dropjuMi and plain

Mr. Cleveland" subr tituted. The ■prtsident aud hi* wife and her mother ux* pei-t to rema'D here uuiii September 10.

JKR3EY aOVBUNMKNT CLERKS*Proinotlona and DJunifiAala In the Dlf-

ferent Nailonal liepuercueots,S|>eclfil to Gie i vsMNo Nkwb.

WasRIKUToN. Aug, 13.—Thu appoint- Dieut iifilcurs of the several department*, and the L'lvil Herviire eommi'vsioiiers are >till quite hufy making clerical reductions uJid proniotions. The New.feriieyuttinala, as a rule, have furpil well, only one having Uen diDmiaaed iu the pa.H three weeks, Dotwilhstaudingover five hundrud change* were miwlc during that period. Tlio ehangfis, however, included the promotion of five Jersey officials, three of whom were announced in the News at tho time. The other two, Rol^ert ? , Ilains and Otto C, Oaantner, were made happy at Ihn close of office hours yesterday aftcrnouii by receiv­ing from Commissioucr Montgomery thotr promotions from third aai istiot patent cz- RQiinors at |1,40U per annum to second assUtauts, at $1,GUU, with much more pleasant duties.

Appointment Clerk Hassler said to the News eorrespondent referring to the clerks in bis department who are credited to New Jersey:

“ I have always found them roliahle and apt, but above all they do not make U3 any trouble. There arc quite a number of Jeneymen in this department, and I ran- nut remember of oiiu of them who ha* ever been reported to my office for mis­conduct or any other charge,”

A OBILAT MA30N1C CONCLAVE.Thirty Thousand Knights Templar Going

to Ht. Louis With Their Families,3t . Louia. Aug. 13,—The preparations

for the great triennial conclave of the Knights Templar which is to be held here next month are rapidly spproaching com­pletion, and will be as complete and satis­factory as It is poshible to make them. Tho vice chuinnan of the general committee reports that ho already has positive advices that 30,000 Knights, neconipanied hy 20,000 mem­bers families will be here and that fully 100,000 other persons will he proaont to witTH’M aud ah-iru in the great demon- btratiun. Good quarters will be provided lor everybody who desires to comEi. The ni’i'i^mniodaliens already at tho comuiatid of (be committee are more than ample to meet the preaent demauds and they can be greatly cxteudcil.

Thu order of tho EA.<itcrn 3tar, which holds tho 8ame iclation to the Masonic falu'Dky Ih iMbe DunliHira of itebece.i do the Olid Fellow?, wid hold it* annual eouvi-niion dmiug the conclave week.

A Burring OH Train.Epeclal Diipiitch to the News.

Hot ND LiirriK, Au^. IR.—An oil train bioke down near Wtltc on (heCerLTLl RkiLltoflf*, at 1 o’clock thlv ni'» rtix. and ore of (be eum cau.tht tire. Thowikon th s cor 8O0I1 exploded and the tiatiei Bp uad to icvrn Oilier cais beroro the itwt of the train could be t.'-iken awa;-. The tlsrae* burned the uU'grsph poles ft'ul b.okc telegraphic com- inunic..;ton. While reprdrin? the wire* Chsilc* i>enTi, a lineman, was ne.:rly biinod to death by the explosion of an oil tank. Tne (racks were «U’stt(iy<Hl for icvc.’al huudr jd fret and traffic was siojqied fur about (wulve houn. The accident will csu..e a loss to therahroid comii..ny of Leverui thuuiand iluJlaix

Reducing Elevated Fares*New Youk, Aug. 18.—The directors

oMhceleruted triads decided yesterday tu ro- dure the faro on (he I bird aveime line, after (HlolAt 1. to Hvo eetiU" tor ail hoursof the rlay. That the fare now on (he Kecond aii 1 Nhub avenue llpc*. 1 he FIxth avenue fare (r to re- ijiain al ten cenu* cx«T|tl during eommMon hour*. I'lThnp* the reduction will bring Hie horse-ciT fate down lo chrcc cent*.

JVtective Jaegrrs aud ('«iptain Ait are actively Higtigtil iu a hunt fur uti un­known ninii who outrageoiHly MYMiulttMl a young wuJiisD nuniod Maggie lliilmc* at a late hour Monday iiiiiht In an atlcyaay on Norfolk striM't. U'tWi«cii Riiwx nv4‘tiui‘ Hitd ti'iitral avenuo. Tho oi}ly jierson who run furnish clur (•> tho identity uf tho riiffi;iii la a woman ti:»ma«i Lizzie Wiltiatns, n'shliiig un Nsvv;i.u Ktn-et, who il kei-piiig under euver hI pTe<H'nt.

II appears that Mitggio Holmes, udoinea- (Ic in the 4‘iuploy of Frederiek H, Friee, of III Norfnlk Hret"t. mu iutiNl tlie lUitinH phnir a( ('Alidoiihin I'ark on M«ndiy n'':hl itMuo)p:,'iy wi(h I.ireir W‘Hl..ni.*. TJie taiier WUN on iiit'uiaU> |4"'nis with a nnnJMT of Kali:ins.

SI e inir(Mlnc(’4l a young nitn, nol an l(-.lhn\ t ■ lavgM au<l r I r t ‘-104 ih r ot' f h<* 4'veti 'p,? t r.-d ifrn'dwith (he g'ft dai ng « «l di' iMii'. Shtiillj U uire llu* “i" . \ W - Inuke up tlie fcMow indue d II e *• I to aei-o n,v;iny him Ml a 1C »iiK ’ . ei ihui 4i't t* p.. h. w* cio he aiteiipt.il I ► a* :m't he . Sbe dhloadv and ii * ;u>.'.illy th ew he- to I'le gjoi’ iid. S'lc RY-4I !■ amt lurri"-d h.i '’: to wh( T the etoWiK W4- e a e »h' d iind re-

tu L|S2.h; WllliiTU*.he

diflimfiy, and at thi** juoeieie (be youhjii tnuti apjiCLri d riKiuthc :r4'nc rut a|x,il<i- gizid OTt the gruuud that he K l Ix-eii dtiiik'Y’g.

Lime Wi]li..T*’a hu.diu''d led the park atiout midnight and lojk his child n'ong, l4Aving br:> wifo tu do the be:»t she eould fur herself audDXSEBTEX) BV lIKH FEUALE (OMP.iN'JON

Jiftwevii 1 H'ul 2 o'c'uck the lwt> wo'«-n aud the yojng tran *U<rLcd Tor ho oc, uud on rcaeh'UT a point near Hie huiiM! wiier>* liixilc Williams rvcillhc woiuan rcruMn] to awoTipany Majg'o any futthe-. The girl fK.i’ng to ho left alone wiih I’ e fitrange" a*«"r h> conduci at tho p'cnlc p1r:i(];<l With Ltr'^ieti acj oiutkiny 1 er lo bo/ boTV. The woman ws* inrtorable however, and Maggie wa* fore d tJ accept her picnic acqualutaoce a* an 4;sCoii. Tho Lwo had arrived near the girl's home wbeu the follow fauddeuly ooi&d t iog id aid clsspiug a baud over her mouth tu prevent an out.Ty, carried her into hd alleyway. The girl eucccedLHj in rrnioving the hruie’s hand from her Douth aud btruggl d fram<rilly to gain her frccOoui. S'lo "orglit with bet coward­ly s rai^nnl. o br.4vc^y IPc.t ho resuiu-d to pmrmding his v’Ct'in. He struck her a Hirific blow in the face, catting her tip ami r. asin ; o^r: t.‘de of her face to swell imoicdi.itcly. He ihou clutched her by the throat aid choked her lxi hard that the marks of his fingers c..n still l>e seen. The better to guard ags'?*t her glvi"ig the alarni, he 6«.uffcd a handkerchief in her tnoulh, after wh'ch be fiaccccdcd m hU dn»igns.

Two musicians paasod the spot later and •topped to invcatlgHte the caii e of a woman's die''. The (la"u.rdly brut# real* iaed bis da iger hnt wa* cqiia to the emergency. Ntnrding In front of Ids help-

vlri.im he t»id lo ul enough for the othciB to hear, “ D— a you, give mo that dollar, that i* all 1 want of you.”

KMAI'E OF TilK XI^’BEANT.The men wevo thrown off the tr-ck by

the luificifs rubC, «nd were al>ouil to on. tinuklDg it was an ordinary quariol ah<iut some money. Another <'ry from thu girl, however, c-.u.edthem to approach the rouple in the al'ey, wIen they saw that tho g'ri was b'cedlrg fioely, and that her co ilin g war toin ard d'bo de'rd. Tho fellow .ccing t!mt bi'cr'm e mtut surely bo discovered, dartinl post the luasicians and before pursuit was thou'dit of, had niado good hi* c icape. The men heard tbo gir''s&to y ard a *ib '.d her hooce. They t’icn 1 crewed f:e 'r hoireivard jojrney aud in ai o..ber par. of the city met Officer IzoD, to whom they report>ed the affair.

Y<sterday the unforlouate g»rl made an affidavit before JtsJco Widgian and Cap* (*tn Axt dct’iiled Officer Hen:.d to work up tho cafe. Llzsic Williams's husband aud two ItuUans were taken in tow, bu,. were unable to fiirnisb any clue that could possibly lead to the dotecHou of the girl’s as'*aHHni.

Liazic Williams, who is of uoto”iously b..d reputatiou, is not to be fouud, having taken lo flight ou IcRiiiing of the outrage, and as she Ktbe only oiio that can give any inroTiuatioD a* (lo the identity of tie man, uuut;uai efforts arebeing made to arrest her. DelcctivoJaegers was put on the case thi* niominiF. and ionriH'd that the wom;.n had fiirsukuD her child and was soL'n on HiVcr *(r'?Rt h*t night, 'the wlicr4'uliuut*of the child'* known, and it is oxpccL d to secure tho woman by this kuuw-oftcc.

Not Ho Aluch Fun AfKT All.Mahon, Neb*, Au«v IH. - Enoch Young

waRsimt anrt kp'cit by « man uamvl V! ''’'Oi, in lto i•n Valley, ye lerd^y. A dlupuw hrd c lc n b<-{w< 'll Vtij.aii anda.utJer at ml a phcc Yit bno. Too . Jlcr aUeuiptel to icrvo a r-ummuiiRun bho In a le ,al pioccvdlng tu Atop Llin lrY>m cniJvs I live Lnd, siui VinioQ ran inn) off HithHhh'it ^jn, sod suld he would kill anyone who altenipied to nerve IhCRum- motjH. Young, who w4ir un good term* with Viui<(»n. Ihi-n voluiitecTi'd to M>/ve H, and was aecompfliik-d h) M'Y’cra) neighbors, who hid in Ihc cornfield lo the ’■ fun," os they terund il. WJien Yonng announce<i to Vin'-on his er­rand Vtuwm flrt'Yl ttl him, klUliighlmtusidiitly, twenty live buckshot entering his IkHty. Vln- fon fipYl to ihe hill?, buiaflerwaniM)Trciidcro<i, and he wtui plBce<l lit Jail at Uroken fiu»' under A alioog guant lo prevem mobvlolonco.

IIII-: lU iiT (K o r .A Sti-all Vlt-M ol A|i,tt(«ii--*V«cl • auil

IVari a Failure*N KiNY.riFi.P Miu"*.. .iug. 1“ With the

aid of hIniuI l.-Vkl K,iiH-i;il i'i'rres[((iudellt'i ihe S //M/N'-ibitd ^ l.th U week,Iw 4'tiabl{ d (0 pT4 a vei\v t oiufdete furo-

t as to (he yii Id of l;»rge iHiiH ti e bar- vc?l uf which has U'cn nmimeiiol. Il 1* the even or iM-nriiig yea' fur spploa in New ]‘j)i laud but altliodgh tliere is a la go yield of fa'I fruit the rejMitl* inp-.,ic that 1 he crop ef wiii.i-r will t>e aboutN'Viiit.V |HT a-lit. of the Uiiwl even year yield m U)c six L;4-ieru Sune*. The fHltlug off ill Ni 1*' Kiigtaiiit, hum'Ver. will Ih< partly n'-ide ii[i by the great erop iu (be spjdt U-iriiig M'l lviip- of Nova He itlo. .\niis]H>l)H ai d Kill?; I’-oiiit ye.;“ c :-pYirted only IO'Kmi hHrrel- b ii lliia wetiun will liSM. K Nurjilii- I '!» ‘i ki b.' iv' .

The great ai>i>le eounlies of Wertom New Yotk prom e .lie li 'lUe ! crop in 1H- 'i y year*', lUid llu' wor'-. feature i* that llo'qiislily iiroini- (o be rinipir 1. ive'v ]MMf. In KiiMl Tii N' « Vink llicic Is a ieli *■ pHi jMit 1-iU l* e R\erage for the wloile - 4iKlri f**o,. ■<■ollly fijiydwo JHT ei lit.

pi L'li' ylvants el-rlily-five percent.4>f a .1'.*) ' ,; id t ! f e ’eJtqi I.. OFi'. -■r' ih'Mi ul. It—M‘fMiilsare H'-imiiT.i.. iij,. :u’d the Nurlli* w< aid S’ -ml -vv. . h ,i . . ) 'i a •nail ?ii)ijly HN to 11 le a r- i iirie''ii ve mark 'l ,o-'t*-e •■iirolus o' ( ' e M.dd'e s(;it - mueh n wi 'eh W;i'- hi-l \i 'iT iivailuldc furesport.

('l.b'r Ti . I . 'Vid f'llTUeMbiV from varinu*: iHiinl.- in Fnj'fo <1 and on (he eon- tii-4'iit eoiiliriii the e-.i»liiT preilh-t'oi s o" i.dlier N slmrt ajijile 4«rop (here. )‘‘alJyo ? v — ^

y r'JM.CfNl iiiirri If wi n eijMift4'<i theii .Anerii-HU orHii;;e pipiiiiKSolditiLlvrr-

I>onl at TfbO JK'T leirreh*n Muvdny. This wa<i the tliHt ?;<V of the seoaon, and the pr'ce ’H euiv ’enl to aLmi f n e t un th'* aide, w luih i* u slight ads'atice on eur- !Cot vah'cs.

l'e :.c wHI he eonsbhT.ddv lg*h)W the 0 oal y-ent. .ind |K-ar'ies lor tho third l-it'C H--e p'..r*w: I'v a f-.ilu/e north of the ti>iiyfir I p..r >'el. The'i- is a fiiir cpip of plums and 1‘ iey wi>l Ih- cheap, while grnpeH In New Jer ey n-p I'uhl niid a good iTop in Roulhcin New Kn laod should bring fair prle


SM I X I A U II- r'.A ( h(4'N,«o liiikh.. til I’arli with His It4't-

(cr Mt 'r .or sruu.f.IlL A( i*. Vu ’ 1- M. F. r Ki-'d U

the |> upi ) .1 - .t' a laundi v it Ihe ■ «.rner of 11 ii4' D 's 'd HM"iue Mi'd I'ldk str>4'l. rii',K ty Sj»- 1 *i-; iw* ii,.‘iu'I • Mr*'. liroM KKn.k. !•> I' . t A*i» Y*> ill ' I'le'i in I'c- ;ffli'Y'lilh y» r, w.,1 loe'rhd to Frn<t KliHik. It mi" n *o ■■ X n'a'r- • ••• The gri,Knn woa j,. „ ,t T ’ cvbYid .iir liie yi •. h d ii*i»rfii'd.<»i W4,f 1.1,1 t> l ‘ ■■ll. in l'T '‘ Frnnl lelt hi-* iit.ii- f.4Miily Nuibb dv. 'nrn( lo the <'4 iitroi*i..’ j)» I'jii-li-'nli ■' a-'d wi not hearii i>l iiHid ( t b,y. \... . livi-yearn tlu wib gHVi bdii up for )o-t. Atlast a yolili'.; mull 11.le >1 Klini. liiiile her | an nflV 4>riiMiri'.t- s'u- g..vi be- eiii- ► enl in I an i‘ 'he 11 1 m. ' i - c i.om latRlcrii ]i \» ' poi| >r u"' ( > -'■('■w ibal Kinsi had im b'sdi-dli at the hi'ids of 1*4-higli Vii’ b V leinrr-. I'ld lhii-> saCistl I that she Wii leb .‘ til and finding lifernlher luir»l, o :i i \> i d liio liund ufyoung Kind |] t \ m-re imirriiNt and their joint ■vdi'.- wi <• luvev.-il In (ti-au) bniml v.

All went w.i '1 lint 1 to-dkJi Vh nliMiiger enl< I I I ’ t I'lo*

(ARIUER OTIS'S I'AI'E. tti.kiHLt.* Ai.yiNsT I 'o i i( K*irs'.


Ih r rnsuore * ol 1' uc« • (' .nlldatt* lor ('tiuil lloH*e ,1ar>*(or lU^eliarwcil Iry

I'osuuui't ' I U'lMrr- The ChArgCM Agxln^i titin aed Ilia Heply*

- . • .Wa-J

J. r • . - .*-rt'4 fo u-4 .n- ubllU ii», 'Ml'' - , ’ ♦0 e- d' II lit d l-i >cothe piopidif He girl cilhil Mr«. Kind. Win M (lie la*.-■ lady e‘il •‘.1 t''fl room and < h; I bt of Cie m in vhi-fell liaek iu a »«■' AVUe’l ‘‘ l-e t oveied. ihoman asktd why she went un-di r un Old. d nil (lolugto Iht room -*!■• rc'.,i|,Kd w ih niriarrja,geinaltvr to Vtvi uroxlowing bill of *..'e w j. (hci^ and thcK agn-<'d iiiMiu 'n\a i ’i Un- luo. (he - ■■•.uid hueliami and Mu.e Il\.iu, a s Juuu koejw, acting na wiim

I’liM 4M), .^u' IT le Ill euiiil ieTftliun ofiJflOlMid 11 II 1. . r Km.1. 1 •••' otogive up hH c'I 'e'-O 'i'<i- e i iq-eiy *'el per uUof Unt. KrriiU Ki<>-ik io ihr ly Aunt Vming.

l»ii,inill K iTKlonit-Iii exi haute for this noviI receipt tho

*4‘<'nnd bu.li.iiid Immbdtho flnii hual):ind f2(KK KliHik's I liibtreii railisl to reeoviiixa him. llek i- ;'d thciii shook hanils with the man whu liN't Siipplunl d him in the affiN-lious of h"! w' e. ami uodd‘‘<l an h Heu to the oiiH\s and le To - J*oqis.

M aking t1i» FrpRfcleiitlal Manplon M4)ir« A ttrartlva—W ar on Hats.

gpccul to the EVKNINli Nkw.*.Wasiiinuton, Aug. IH.^A largo force

of workmen iH'gan, yosU-rtlny, U» give the White House a thorough overhauling and rcDovatiiig during the aliscuco of ttm prcsi4lput. The conik'rvatory will tx' re- iiitMjeJled, iind tlie t^xkrlur of thoeniiro DiBiiKioti given Bi'veral euata of white paint. A detail of Tiffany's men from New York will take a pari the mammoth i-ryttal aud silver ehumiLlicrsaiid clean them piece by piece* Tlio feature of the presidential house-cleaning. huweV4‘r,will he the efforts of the *’ kitchen jmlife" to rid the lower fiooTS of live niaiiMion of rnts ami roachev. 'llils work was performed during the Arthur's admiinhtration by one of tho negro servants, a big idaek TinmcMi Tom who employed a corpx of eats, and once s<'vcnii wcoir-ls to di-struy the rat*. Ho WHDU-d to UAC |Hii-0D, but ubjoctiou was Qisdo,

I( ii related in AVhito House loro that a huge rst aAt'ciide l the stairs from tho kitchen during Oeneral Jaekion’s adminis­tration, and finally made bis appearance in *' Old Iliekury's" IxdchamlK'r. The old warrior WAB arouhed iiy the animal m'am- periiig atTOHs the Ix-d, and aUcmpU*d to drive it away by throwing his liout* at it. The racket aiuuiu'il the vrnb'hniaii, who roshcit up to the presidential elmuitwr only to receive a severe lecture for notatUmd- ing to his duty (irojM rly. On the follow­ing day ft verbid Executive order was issut^ commuiiding all the servants in the house to proceexJ (mmiptly and vigorously against ** the d -— rats iu ibo collar.”


^w elt Ttorklng for Re-election*Special to the Kvk.sino New.i.

AVAblliNCiTON, Aug. 18.—SeuatorScwi 11 bt expected here Friday to atlctid a DieelJng of the Kepublbain Congrusdnnal Cara- psigu ComtulMoe. Ill* re-elcctipn will no duublheoueof the leading mattcia discussed.

Riilgaria and Si rvta.Constantinople, Aug. 18.—Tho

rurte, answering an Inquiry, hasioAurod I'rinre Alexander that Turkey would aje lst Bulgaria ifaUftcked by Bervla. The BrIllRh and Aus­trian i-mba>-fticK have been infurrn4‘Yi of Turkey's reply, und II 1* not believed in diplomatic clriies that the ouibreiik of anoUicr couillct is im i)U n ________

A Child Bl'.lcn By a Do> Fredrick Opp:l, Ibe clcvti-ycrr-old

Kon0?('• orpjrOpiKjJ. wxx bi-Lon by ad<»gb*- lop'lng lo Paul Bnehauan, ihe cn l <1ca.'e hI ('•eeo IK •• of Sprinftfleid a id M-jrrii aveiocfi IfiM The 4to'{ ha* biitcn oihcrchildrcfi,und tho uwjcr bo.% coiueuted-Ihftl It uliull bj killed. _____________________

A » g T o Brute** Heavy Sonto.ice*E|KN'|al bfipaieh io !he Nkws,

Kt:tV lUil'NHWHiK, Aug, 13.—William TarHlIs, Ibe sovviiiecu year old iKgru, wliuuii- K.iittc'fl Kn.ie Kline on Liic ro.id I j Pi c (iway, pl<-ade<l gnihy, lo dey, and wh • writ need lu lidevn yearh* impiLumai til a id 11, *00 line.

An AiiiiScla Mewapaper In Tmublc*V ienna, Ang in. The whole edit! m

(fllie iMUttchr y.fitang was Conflseutcil t<»-diiy by ib>' ambniiibh on nceoui.t in' an aniele drawing a panillel b*twren Frilerick the Ouut and JrMU'pii H, of AUlirU, u> llto advtuib age of Ihc funner. _____

llu- yu4-irii'a S|H>eeh.|.<jNIhin\ Ang. IH. — riie qaccn';i

h 1111 be (niply of nr.y Htatemcnt of|HiUcyi;r U'iHlet Icftilii i; lo coulrOVer*}’. AUltuUfh (be (jpri<’iiH;i5 rd llic 'lovcmniDiil in^f rd*e adbCU'e-loi. overiiiiiUii i in>‘, !hi uu* will be able to cjmllei gif a bIiikIc pm|aiKiili)n conialned In the I*?**'*rh. Mr I’ftrm-ll may. howevof, owi* the rent iiiicRtiim in order tu keep hH .Amcrluan ftlJk* In good hniDor.__ - . -. ^ •

01*0 , Tin, WoodWixe, 7e. Bead Utlwc’t Jc. »dT,, 1th pn«g, I i)C. Jiv. arUclca 7c. this week. UtUjue'a.d*i

Mfc ' nUc JaeLkou No. U'tfsrrd 11 T.«aveMcr ior Koilgwlok*

El Paso, Tes„ Am;. 18,—The rumor that Wln‘Hi,jf Jii''hbO’i hs* b cn onlvrvil oui; oT Mei'eo by the authoril 'os o f that count'y Is cuLrelj Kilhuut fuunduliun. On tho ccml'". ry, il 1? iHTior^d that dur­ing Oe ier«* W. ]' wich’s t >uf of InspoCkluii the Afcr^cun (iovOiiineit intand* Id u .q sH ibe nnK'nitie* of i ’lt: lu.d'oual comity.

Everytbirg f* qidet at Pa«o del Nort«. Cousul lliughaiit i* awaitin<( tho comlog of General Nedgwick, and I* prepared to give him all needed a ■dfttul1ce in making the KDoat thorongh investigatioD* Hr* Culling ways he will be able to prove to Mr. Sedgwick's entirt'satiEfaction that he never cimilut<‘d copies of the El Paso i/erald eaiit-iining the rcfoml alleged libel it) Pa«o del Norte. Upon thi* jM'rwual cireulntii'ii iiingCH at pri M'iil tho Mexican claim to tlie hgiil ly of .Mr. t'uuUj^'4 iniprtMitiiuent.

Cowboy i{f*t‘rcatIonH.Al.uryt Kiiqi'K, N, M., Airr. IH.— \

d^il >)o tr;»>{''i1y li occo I in (he 1 jwn of Mag'lHU'OH* ruMiltiii '' 1 1 liie deulli uf Ju'ni Lynch and JoHi'pii VAiiwItikIc, bulb of whom were eowtHiya. 1h«y iKS-atue luvulvcl In a dtffli’uny while uii'Iit ili- jniliK jie- of JPnior, aud it iK tnred ihiii Viii'vlnkle. whuwa- com* pamtlvely a Rirniiger In (Idk TC'glun, wu die fir^ to lake out iib revolver, lie wbk at unco f-hoi 4I0WI1 by Lynch, wlio iheii pr >ceeili'Ni to rtddk'ihc IjHxly will) biilli'i lioIcN. Lyneh wan sliTiUt to momn hi* liorHi- rikI eKciL|>e, when ho warFhi.'tdimn by frieftiK uf Vanwinkle. A nranoBTned Hniwn. who h KUiq>oHi.*d to have kit1(Hl Lynch, hns e‘-('a[H'il. The affair has crcttied iDtemc excUemeDi In Magdalena aud lia vicinity. ______ ___________

Trohable Murder in Fatarson*pATEitKijN, Aug. 18.—Avoroner'H jury

dec’dcil ye tenlay that Michael Sinllh wu killed by !-onie }>cr*un or t•erso l unknown, fmltb was iuLtid dead hcRide the Husque'iaima Ittiilrond tnu'k ai Riverside iOKt Aundsy mom- iDg, huviiig altm.ded a dyerh' picnic the iu.i(ht Ulore. Ihc-phyilelaiis io»Uhid that the lu- Jurloa Oil hlK head, wLlcIi eauk'd dexfh, vera not such ss would pruhtbly lie Infllci >d hy a train, Slid lhal It looked as if lie had been •truck with wnne In tfumeni., Thera weie rumor* thut 8oii(ii bad had 0 fight with an Italluii. He had bent reni In company with four rm-u ihe nlghi of tlie plnile, bntnimc of tlii-wc i>crH>iifi could bn fuiinil. Binlth wai a dyer imd a widower, lie leave* two children.

A NavalI.oNiHiN, All:!?. IH.—The rbannel ffeet

crg'K I din e HiJitii iiUiK'ti on r'je ri.*^4iuMib fiU4l ll.iveti la LtiiKhl. Adudrui Mi'ivlii wu<i In eoliiliiUhn ol liie 7-'jiiu<Luji. TIk- ll'LilU i/ lor- ] edu boats ttic Inci- .n| llriiiif and I'tc m' i. cx I f Ltrciric liehi’*eoiob1'i'\i to form n b iiiunt h| ct«ele, The liaibor wax Hiii<|-t“d With ynrht'’. Kir TlK-ma* Brawy. Baron Wolver- (OK. Hk' Litrl of Keuinare, mul oiher dlstin* •-ijuiicd iw/i-uu.-i \Yl(iKu>e>i the )>aUle.

# liiiHl tH'i aux* Uii'L KiCiii, H tiun niiio > I- I cr of llic iiiiion ' - immUr, diii •! iqA'n alter ttie llx -d I.' wan lltiul H it |> ’ i ifiliv-d t'l po'’ rii-

bnuK d liiiiUve - r Hiid a (nriiier mem'

i.i)- Kli'lii, when a Ihc ruh"- bv keeping

I K-. '] iH> 1lr-l time lie rfn‘ f< '-Mill Inn- he

Kllill '.T:l' l-XJH ill i| i.u’iiinc union, fm M.-nd .y loehl he niii-lied (o reih- liiid. Il-- M.i 'i' .uoj, vv.u-ci4nit>-d on ihe P y.oeutof f 11 l.i-■ ___

A l*wmlly l.lei'liun In rvniieRaee*Speelai in the Kvr.MKO Ntws,

WAKiilNdToN. Aug. H. —A eotiimiini- cBtion ri'felvi'd ai iln- licmocrnlh' (’■iiigrt-x. •loiiBi hoadijiiari-r* bi-l *-venliiR Hiy?i: ‘ The TerPeAll e Hepubllraii* hitvhu; m'lnhiMleil Al­fred Taylor for (hDve. iinr, mid IIk' HemiH-fHt havtug iiominaP-d hN (iruihcr, Knb r; Tay­lor* are iryiiig pHnduee the i'rulLiliJliOiii'U to nominate the r thi r of Ihc tHylnri, wh-iii u fctsuncli lenijx-ramw inan.iu* their eamlldaP- for (iovertiu(* Jf we mici.-iw-d in Mil.-* It la our InUdiUon to go lip In Maury'I'ounly and trui out the old man'* brnlhcr, Tmu Taylor, and nmhlin on the (.Jn-cnlmek ljck«-l The [K>ya are dead wt on ki-i-jdiig (liH Hidfcrnaiorial msttcrlntho Taylor (AtiiUy. and it look* now aslhoagh (hey will nKcccd. " h-ttcr In the ssm- cottituil.ee from linn, (icor « I), Wl-c, TL-pre.-eniftiivc of the Hl'-l.m'iud, Va., di«triet in lilt HfiUH*, B-iuouMfiN h i dcchiiaiiuii ip be a caudldute for r<}-clcc1on.

Riuoiiiih'hl Ifema*Plicorix HiMiC Coinpany No. !, Active

nose (.'t>D)i»any No. i and K.vf-ehlnr No. 3, with FJUkX H4M-k ami Ladder 1nir;k Company Nu I, Of the ltlo(»mflcld lire I><-|iurlinent, w4-nt lo lH.'lk‘vl]Jp, hj« ovemoK. h) aln-nd the |denie being iu Id by Vaiu y llu!»i; fonipatiy, at W..md •Idi-i'ftrk.

Tlip Ulrjotnfiri-i Tnwn hip ri>nniiltk*o met IflPt cvi Mtig In tbetr r'linti-. ntt Blnomli 'Id .tvi*- iinc, und tii-ei';unil ihe lax IM profio^l hy (he a»-M-t’«)r of lie tu wi-hip, S-imu-l A. l-ax (or, A few chni vvi re innde f''«ini hi“t y4 ar.

Cionc Wcht lo Hlay IiMlIaim.Lust night (hrn* unJiuid Giiorgo

Mulker. WlliUm. ho'i"'lds and T hoiuan SiM- n r. a ed iljlrtcfc lific.-u ur d fjxtfN-n jvar4 n-Kj eilvi ly, rai. H>va> fn«ni (heir homes in |ri»M-lh-. fl-ey ai r*- u ii'ler- of dl-ne n ifid«. It in tjolievi«l lle-IrlJ have ijone Wont 10 uliiyrhe ndskiiix, .

Mra. Maeknel K«HiiewJ»ftt llrtlfir.Mm. TlKocUirc MwkiH-t, wliii li;w

boon til at her . in/'m'-i bume iieiir MndiRO). wsn ftorm-vlmt h-tU-r lo-day. The compNlrH BhroiichitLs, ^ChiiaT Lsev 1 rliiuJtU Hru «*(;« 7c. llahuy's,A ds

A TltOl HI E'UMK PRtSONKK.Ihrce -Mon Ni-pilt'd t4» Taka Him lo

His Cell,All exceed in ply lively ]iriHuiif-r wns nr-

Tftigiu d lu-for* .Iusli4-e Widmun In the Hiv 011(1 L'rceiix t Uiii uioriiiug* charged with twlug unable (0 take L ru of liimsi'lL He |gave bln ipmir a>i'rhomiLR lA-i-.ftiul laid thftthe was a re.-ident of 'I'liird street this city. Hi U-eaine suddenly viuioiit while replying (ulln- i]ue?*liiins pr'jpijund- ed by the ju?»tice. iiiid i( w;w only by hard work that three nffieera siied-eiied in get- ting him under contnd. Keiiiguinu«-ular 6fH-( ijiit-n of liurnanity be waa able to make ft gLimI light, iiut WH* finally relnoved to ft cell. Ucijjftiiiin Myen, captniu of liic CKiial boat John 1). downing, of Alhiiny, stated that I i'i* liftd made the vnya' c from All auy with hici, und h nl iK'hiived him­self proiiM'riv until the Imsl reaehud this city* when he obluimHl whiskey etiou ;h to drive blm cr^^y.

Thu cupl'iio hccmie abrmul at the Di:*D'a 1 ondnet la t n' 1)1, ft’:d oceing Offi­cer Wood (Ilk Hrujd htn-ei lie asktd hhn tu | tJuko lvi;o iiilu custody. Lei'kiep-' iisiu- mcriiig awiiy at bis cell door, lau.'Hiing cuntinnaHy Hiui dmymglhnt he is re«zy.

\Nheii Stig'A 'til Her;.ea r ked him Iflu! tarHl to 4‘ftt nriyLliIri*. the jn'-one^r VepliiHl tliat ha WUH on l/t-;.aaf, und 4-ould ubt..li| all the fuud Ik- tvij,uir< d fiuin IrU bi'o.hei'. i'aptaiii Myem hikI (Imt l / e s ’s brother kept ft griieerv Ktore in Aili.uiy.

" Ihm’t bring u duelur to me, fnr he will say Fm a Ummi<. 1/-1 me j-,e* h ,ck 11 thu bo;;t in Newaik" his rhief e le*.Wheu told he wie in Newark he iKN-ume airily, and d dur d iJiat bn kiiuw boiior, asNewai'kwB in Jersey City.

((range N4>t«a.Adolph Ih-nhi-lnien. a (ferjnau liiHer

llviitg ftionm'.e, ilVd ye>.'-d iy il thu UrangeMcraoibil il(&[i't..l •■urn Lie eliec s of iJiink. Twoneekhahii lieiikelnnin wa« broii'iht (u thu Orangu i’ulict-.eu'i >urii-uii<' mim delLi.i'U iM-ruuriK. ' Jielliivln ' Hint I' In- was piCVeiiiti.sl frotn gulHlig any u (re li p'iic a khui* Iona he would reei*V4 I'o 'ei le-if']invb*eiilhlin lo Jail for ten l i '« l 'in expJ»ssl Uisi ^Thursday Im. in-wh" .n lek il-Rt he runhl not leave ihc Jh'L ili- v.« ...... . tor uuill Munday*Slid tiicii (alien i>> ihr Mciiiori.A lloc>iiUal. liftgrew wo-se a'ld d. d je on-By,

Hob-It K. Burki*. (he lu-l of the gang of Orange “ gri-wb'- io-in-r>," wiUf arrei'Ust by Officer Mci-ker la t rni.dii. ihirkt' was drlnk'fi ’ at a bar tu New t wl.vn M etir huw him H 1(1 w lit ill. 111.-k* lntiiid HiPuiigh a rcRrd.Kir of thciahain ln(- Ini’ p.Lip.luor’* upjrlioeiiUi. Meekf-r folloivi-d end (-apiured him. I'ullcc Jubticc Havii-gfi\c Iilm bia i-liulcu of paying (10 nr he) > liJK III! Ki; ><.

tijt t’n le.-iju I uliin nf OTauicarc

I’n-inKiitcr Fiislb't made bis (hit di •» IlM- (I (HI the ;rnund nf nffeii-iXi- p.ir(l-s4ii- 1-bip iiestfuLiy afieriuHih. t'ln< m 411 whu li'-it ill* iK'-iiinti w.is Willi.im K (His, a le((cr earriiT, w Im hiia Ih-i tk kii (!ie • m]doy uf tlie depirtiii* III (nr Imn i< n- Mr. ihii n I«mly r* leivi-d tile I mien- mmiinutien uf till- KipuMiiiin I'n-rliid.li'T- lor (!u ,nulor» ship of (he t'mirl ll<iii e lu -in . i-d Vun Mi-e. Mr. lin liir -• nl :l l<tliT (u the tHkoftiift-li't geinral ;i( W.Hhuk’.'tuh e. r»'W dnys ftgn infnrmmy thul o(11> 1 ! till in­tent In di*.|i, V. ‘i’lu- diiu)ii--H vvftppruvni, Hiean-wer Ihiiu r«>>i\nl it lew uiiuuttK tiefnri' tin i.irrier w in (old thvl his Sf'rvie* s uirelin Ini.LK i im di--l. I'Ue charpt - rigiiiKl ihis wi !>■ expl liin I Ihi-auirn«tm.bv Ml ,K!i'dli r

nouiirc I ly|w l i lk;ii« 'Uj)y I- i ii u few wi-eks Kliii'e I'ri'^nii nl I iew'Iiiiktl i.-'-n -i Ili* i'i li‘i>iul<’d unh r inrhiddiiig every em- ]dny4." of 4'Veri di-pirlini lit tinm 1.iking a Imtid in [ otities. Thai elder |>tr« u.e-I 1114- from hiiiii't .t hnnl in any w i> l »uid iny own p.tkly. und I w.n ili-ti riulm i) Hi 4t norinjdoyc uf mine slnmU viot.jle riih'S Tk.liirb I AH* cumjM'IU'd to nh.-y. 0 !i- n -

' Us iiomimiliuu

Rkn ]iri-ptirtd (o prove thut be M-en resfltl after a great deal work, dnriikg w bleli fn-i-huldvrs were hnttnu hol'd .-md strong politii'a) inffut-iieo wa* brouglit tu liear U|Min the COM'. The iiumiiiHtinii w.ui nut };ivn i; it was foiiglit fur. It is true that hi' WM* defeaUsl Ihroiigh the iHdting of mine uf till' Uepuhlicau fTL-i-luilder*, liul that luftkcN uu ditfereiiee. The other charge against him wm fur luiihying hi the t'ommnn (iMiiicU rhatiih-r. OH* liHkked upon liltiiMdf AM Miuietliing fo f ft leader, 1 heticvc, in the f^ej'tiblii an ])ftT(y, and he wam ill tlie habit uf irri^uentiiig tho flour uf the rtiamln'T. Theft* are a num- lH*r uf eahi'i 111 wtij( h he t<H>k active |mrt ill lIiefMirly work there which I can prove (ly aflidftvil*, but at iho laat meeting of the aldenneii* he mmle liiimwdf |Hirtii'iilftr* ly offensive. Afler u DeiuuiTftlle jnduo of clirtiuh liftd Imh'Ii elected iu tbo Ti'titii Ward, be rurtlHsl torward, aud succcedisl in having the umtter reroniideriMl afterwanN aceomplisJiiug Iho do- feat of tbo MjiniutM', lie uperily bo>-t d, ns 1 can prove Ity ftfilduvIts, that ho would def'eut u ei-rUiiiJ Di-muenaie ean- dldiile fur re-fleelluli in the T'eiktli VV.ird ihm fall. 1 du not iir*ipo-.e, as a Homo- erutie 4>fficcli(ddeT, tu have iny employkw work ii niiiht the udinini-'tr.itiun and cx- creiNC; pi-ivlk'ges whieli n« ilhcr tliey nur iiiyN-lf Imve liny righf to enjoy.

{»M.Y lllUEK L AftillKKN |i|N>UWSan|" When I eatne Into ibe uliiic," eoiktlii-

ued Mr. Fiedler, "lln-re were furly-two 4-arrlefH and six nuti.-tKiKes at wurk. Hmce I tiave Imm'u here uiily two enrrier'f iiiidml- Iiig Oils, (uid uiie Kulihlilute* havti been dii-inWciL'’

“ Huw about the dismidsal 7" a reporter asked Mr. OH*.

Tho diNrnisi.(s] carrier wo* indiunaut at hia direbarve. He Mi.irl tli it he hiul known fur imiie time iti-.L I>eim>nots had Irocn fighting Iu Seen e in* disiui>e*al. Ho had Ik'I'M very c..(ttni hi* conu-c.imiwith the 1'iiiit-oiUie tuolj*i‘j vt' iiH lti4! rules and reguiaOuH*, and be was hure that no HeL ol oCensivi' p .u' ';ms>ii|> cudking with* in the iiifiiiiiiiig uf the Civil Hervlco law could 1m> charged itgainal lilnt. At- leuiptH had Ims-u made lo idis-i him tu (be |)o*ltiork nf Janitor of thi' ("ourt IIoum, but bo was ul tbat tiiim duiug his rogular duliiw.

“ Once iu Couucil," he aald. " I mado a n-imiik to two ahU-rmen, that they hiuJ been defeated hi their i liuicu o f a Judgo uf ciceiluTi, and suiniu'iim'nlly thu voto which they hiid Ukeu was retuiiaideriML There w*as Do net eommiUmi making me ami'na- bln to tho Civil Bervico ( ’onimis-* sioti fur viidution of iU Uwh ijor wftH there anything to compare with Hie ojod jmrtmi) iulIm of iLMiiOeratiu Federftl eniploycs in Ibis city."

TO MAKE AN APPEAL.Mr. Otis said ftlHo that his Intended to

appeal his c.im;. Hu intended to know who 1)1* aiTu.ser* wi-re, and to asccrlaia what other diarges, if any, hiul ixiou uiftdo agaiDHt him.

It is understood that almost all of tho evidence agbiiist Otl* wort turnUhtd by Uepubliren*, whu felt sure over cerluiii tbreats made iigHinut tlu-m for mTum- plisiiiiig Otla's delent for (he Court Jlumie janitorHbip, Mr. Fudler, lioWeVer, would Buy ilutliilig u)i this *ulije<'t. It is said loo tbiit some uf tJiii iilIbLivits u li red by ffidi'rriie , tu pMVi; Hint Otiu luhhieil In Ckiuncii, Were hi eun*e from Iti'iiuldicitn nionilnTH uf tbiit body.

Blr, I'i4‘dler(]UoLe- frurn the*t itemeTibiof F. C. F'bcltni. |if(-'<idi III of the Civil viM ( UII misriidii. li« jiruv-- lli it lu hiul a fiVl ( (u dlJl:lli ■. (Hi*, ev-‘ I Ik id nu rhiirges been nude ;*giiin-<l liim, pruvii!«*d he ap- piiint'd bix sik'ne—or fr*»ii) ftEikiOigst those will! I:nd duly pus'-d the Civil SiTvicc ex- (iiiiii iiliun. Hesjiy* tlcU lieuloih*, ;imkrd- i)ig to liiw, 1* lb |ud>:e uf L:ii' uffeiiHivelle A rif tie |iini-<-iik ir h uf iii* rmiHkrdiiiateii, Jfttiic.L M kdibii, ruiiii«r!y :i Nuluilililte, ha* l#:U) pioreoli-d (■> fill the vue-mry cui*(sl (,y Olj 'H diMJiirUinl.

l i e Jiinl I Iftiu llftke.At the im-el ilkg Ol the .laid I'.irker Aft-

KueMulnii liul ii);4ht ilii- liiiHl iiinkiigeineikbi uen imide 1i*t ibe • u'li li.iki .n iiioiru.v. iln* rej-orlR recclve»i i»huui*d (nil TO me. b-fi-Hill aiui.d fo.v*‘iie»i \l.W‘ii..lu in e I’ai k'r M yor Jlay lleh hiul edier HliUe mid luoMi ipil 1 at (• I C’li 111' lied, hu- i’Xri|is| will I’lVi* A (fOlti ("1 Nm VorK jU 7;:ft u'chfCl: hi (be iiiiifiilnfl. Hies wl!l Ri) lo SiDidy IhmkhyiJie kie(j]r*T Jobti,iiiid sslll Lhi-n Uike ii train for i'U-HHire llwy Tin- 4'b,iu bak»- uilltik:- phicekl Bross'i.'K ir<del. ai-d (he party wlN *1 irt fur huii)(*Ht fi (dr-hx’k J.iltii-- lf;iyiji-s. m.irlei Ailn rhuii. I'eler.lvi- Ha ■L.-T.y, Jn'lns Liiide- inuji HhU llnri) .S'l'i k .»(■ Ih* tl*eriiuHlie- I uiiiiijUK •• uf iur.jn I'lr'f’eiki, anil bulum-1 liaiu illuij will act fti> ihc uiar'luil.

« -- --Arrcitlcd fur IkUurd* riv Coiiiliu-t«

(Ulcer Ti.iey* who liw’s un J'lum Mfi el, ail" (idleduwil uf b.’d In miuk iielKhliufH ni 11 late liuur l.x . i.tnlii. m him anuiu a.id w I uiHri, will' Mi n- u ung hi ft dl ur b rly niiin lUT on the oi'p' In-Rid'-uf ilie -i’ -- •(. l f-iey u uk rl t fiinide tu I'lill' T lli ii'l'|iiit'» r*. lie: wuiiiin gavi IjirpHi'C iis Mr-. Vi i-l- .bfin!-, Aiidlier ri'“h(-jiri- lit S*sv i.io f. 'Uf svfvi well dri-i-1'1, resj«ecti»bl>- li: iipiM-ifB'-ee aiul V4'ry piKHl-lookliitf. Th - II.Hi R rii-Iiiel Afji-r, uf r»| Mi-RXiCi rif It. Hi a hi irri- I mnn AndA Hi'chaMC. As Jllilhlll'! r Ill'd hi p''fVe|lfifcfftlTiH the prsii-le, JiMlee Iti der di?v-lirtr;redibt-TT) ihie Dkornhig. ___

Mitk49H Brawu Oet «»' r*iH Jl jsb. About biiM an a'jrc o f hi.Hhwnid in

(her nr of I'ht o<ut av-uuu, Aiiiu .(Mi, w<w tbe nJirr diy, u'ld s.ure Ihftt liino

many m .ko* h ivc b en -hui the v.llai •

FuJiC} Wid UuUM.*li,l'‘g 'jWMla 3C, fUbut'ih.i'fs

] Ii4* rukiiudsHliiiki m llritr C -nipLiiiils <>( LllOe linpurlMiiee.

’flu 1 iishii-.s iN-fore the I '.d l-C -iis;id---'h l;t»l iiighl w I .tiifiiud (.1 On he «r ’

*'i mliior I l-ar;*,i ivjaiiknt (MiroliL-i. 1 11- *-i T CiiriN'nler w.i.s ■luiri.nt ly S rgi-ftiit Mkddui With tiff his iM4l mi .lal>

1'he M-rgeuht -iid that he f..p,i; d Inr (weiity fiv*' mhiuli-s and etitdd i ei u,j Riuwir. The "flieiT’s dk-feiue wrta lli.it h.'tiud hee<i W.i[ihlllg ft -.ihpu-ui|'-|ui<». i,, eidurnl iiKki'f wLu w.i h.tu,;iikg uiiuiu.t uvaeAiil b li-i ()ii Ih-h k(r- l II. cmid not under I md I.mw Ihe -• r niif euiiM }ri*e p.i— i| bis |m-.t wdlioiit seeuig hiiU. The I lOiinii-sluu d- Med tl1.1l Cirpeiim .sheiitd lu«i'ulki-d.is'n |Sky.

A ehsr e :i - iiii*l 1 Hhei-r IL 1:: • uf hi-dig 4.iriii- j'.id Ui- di ‘ — d S’ iE.1 oil I'p- b Ilia Niid lb d H.- l,.ol ,u 1.) iur Hu- '*dl >■» fir fdiy-Hm-e ndniiii'i b inri- iu- lomiu him. but Cnl I lie ulll M . I- vl w.ii ten Id.-k -.-i-nr*-.

( uii lomr Sl irr . (.rerrin. 1.* 1..1' 1) ,d *d r.diie'Mdi Cl II tl |h. 1 I-.I 111. , ill . ‘•uid Ibal III- b 1 I tint Inlriuh d lu r • lb ei 'd L V. '■liJliliknMilipl.d In lieu' aM I i-t-nu.il." -t'ld ihe emji

.Ue--li'iM*r. “ Ihe tw\ m,.„|

t .a k i m ; i t a l l r a c k .MR. BAIl EY MAKES A RETRACTION.

ir;.- AftAinKt Mr. Tuylor Ex-pkiiigeAl Irtkkii I lift Mluutwa o f tb«

Kiiutik Orfttigr Truateea—Pntpoaod l.lbil Nulla to ho Bruppsd.

lili i'f MiHr c Cl Mill I (h.'it (h -re no ik*e tu Tikihe up Ci> iii i.

1 f e IK. ' Ut (It (be iim < ttnie lie Wi-iid-ay (l)i( if L hid he1i's< I that I '0 1!'! -leiu-r It- IV, bii-Llirie jiii.I 1 In idIb 'Ts lu* wutild n 1. li iv - fe'd liiiii -M pid dclv. I',iiiimi . III! k M T '1 ltd 1b d wbi ii V’crdiel- wcri (o (h* niii'idereil |heluu]il fdmiild hold secret M-;NimkH, is till-*<..(iiiiUsiuiieni Were md np|HMiili >1 (4J>i • rimi iniu'-H eluinel ‘r*. C ''Vr*«,.>ran».«4 Okftt Om- s. :*sinl|S nIuiuLI K'op.’lk 'ii.i I'luller w'h»t whs Iln' tiftluio of (hu bmdruMto Ift' cuttkidered.

W1m-ii Ihe South Orange Hoard of Trilt* tei'S iiM'l imd niyht the CiniikL'il tixmi* ware eruwihd by cilkKeiit eager to hti\t wbat umdd Ik- the (kiilenme uf the ehirgsa■ r ’ llb i- nude lit the Iftu regnlirIieuih;'. H b( n 'b r k Wiidey, ill rc..ht- ji: .III i.iinuii uf Hint meedtig.4'Aine toK.'t ■ linn niiitiiiiiiiig the reiiiarkt mado 's 'I'lit'Hi I.Niliy refli eling (Ml tho con- dl. I id l.uiii 1'. Jiivb'T. Mr. Riilr-y aroAci itiui I I'llinK A slu't I Hi |Ki,*er frurn hU cuaCi . it, n .u| frmii il l)ie fidtuwing :

I . .p-d hy IJie Keiideuieii Inlerrslisl ■‘1 d I I i ■■ I -*1 till- iiH-iiidrig uf (he iftii-

M*. MU'Ml lie iii«L(i-r of the apiNkiiit'i> * • ' ......... n, : ' Ilf Mie lilfcliftH}*. (diicoil-'11 e Ud-. It Tl Id ui'ly liH' Jii*.t m nil [‘oncAriicsl■ m il the iviKHtk-' i i ’Hde dy rue i4t the Uni lMk.iri| i-iii..iiKlrt ii- Ls H ff>iu; ilu'mk.iiunand I do.

Mile atTT tinu d ir i TvTflptffdK "The mutl.m WiiN e.irTii d. nud Ml. Il.illev'* pi hlierelric- tinii will '•li'p the prupiised le;’al prue'ist- ir y against him fur Hind,

*ni !K s'lUNUEH IN THK’I h( re were Ollier elan*eo in Ihe mimitAsa

wl il I) ('uikl}il!H*d hnrsik remark* reg.'irdlng T iipIk - Miirri-:-'!)*- nmth-al uf di--barging the dudi-R uf hi* utnee, ftiid nut tO Ini

lim 3'Lrdiunjiuu i>u’ wai

AOINH (illilJ* NKNT TO J.4M.,A llridlirr Aska Thai III* Nlatar hr Kept

Oft Ihp Ntrert,Twii girl*. Ui(h under Ibe age* uftwenty,

sTtftiiiig hig wtdekiwakp InitH mihI fiiinby Jewelry, were hmugbi lM’r,iri-,luntlce HiKlor I bin muriiliig ut) a ebargouf lieliig dlMir* ihriy 1 IkHracler*. Kli/-kU lh CAUiiiur* aaid i)i:it she w.ui eeVi iklii'n years u)d. Her hrulher, Mielifti-I Cuniiurri, uf 47 Sxith TuiHi slnet, wa* the main widki’A* ftgiiinsb her. Tlie uthcr girl, .li-imie Williams, wur(' an cliilKimic wffite veil, nr-tnuiliiig adlar imd ft gorgeous watch ebuin. ( oiinure puiid that hi* aisler left burne several muutbs ago andlu vir reluMud, ex* k-pt lu &ti-.4l somii artielu ill' value frum the limisi-. Hhe paraded Ihu tilreils with (be William* girl, and Iasi liiglit er(-ate*.l a rliniim* in a wilAMm lic- i-MiHi-lhc liarteiider w'liulii nut sell tlu'nt iH'-r. lie felt siiTi* that »lm was guiug friilii hiid tu wiinu!, and a-ked tbe eoiirt to do mmiHlking with her lo keep her off Ihn k-tieel. Jii-tiee lt4H)er elum ly (piesliuiiuil (ht-girl* and furuNt them lo admit that they did iiuLbiTig fur ft living. They Itoth Mtid tl'Ht Ihi-y h;iil hi-eik living fur the pa.*t few week* in th<* Hutid ^ 'illd*4l . Tim emirt I iiruiiiittiAl llieii) Ihi(1) to Jail fur nim-(y dHy*.

TJtlCOUN l'NDI>.R THE DOCK.Ifnw a riH‘liel-lHM»a was Kuuud ami Uia

Thief CftilKht.l>cl. eHve Mlu..; and I llJi cr I#-win *ur-

eiiibd hivl iii'ihl in finding the uiiiii wlm ruhb d .VakiIi raiihii-..(. ye*tenl..y uf $( L 'i'be.v r-u-p <(((1 A IK '1 u.-in (1 .liuites AcL- ley, and hli.-iduw d (dm nil doy ye ..eid:iy. They fuiiml mil hum une<jrhlNro|]i|i;uthnil late in ihodiiy iliul Aekb'y imd iirnm .. nu tliruWiiiK - unieihing In the WMlur Under Rijdey'h dm k. They ^ut 0 imiu lu under till'du h und In- found iherc tlio mWiii>{ )iucL(' -l ouL. It inuJ nu inom-y in ji, Imwi v(-r, 'Miic (h % ellveft took ll|o {HHk(-l-liuok tu Ackley and forced him (.0 eulife*.-* Ihiit h li: d the muney. Ils pru- du(-i d it all except 1,0 11 u du et in lljn Ce..iim>lft Hutei. AeliU'y w'ft* rninniiUed till* tnoMilug for (riiil hi (ho <b>iirt of KfN-elal .’uni. His hutiii'is at 1>1 Fer«£;U10U bUed.

UiaR}ng|]l* WlfeAVKh a IMsIi LMiiT 'fiiil Mtd’ licwney ami OfficerH Me-

I'nrlliy and Jfulfman were ulUliig In ihe Oraiigo Puller KUtluii ul I) o'ebH-k ycRterday afleniuun, fthetJ Mth. Albert Htiildi, eoluteil, living un Kallniad aveiiiie, near Ccutn Nlns't eamn nm- Diiig 111 all oul uf tiiD-alh* and lik a sIhU' uf gniiil sxriU-Tiivnt. hill- iMdd that her hii"hiiiid w>i* piirKUiiig her wiih it li>nde<| revulvcr, fiod im-am U* kill iicr. Miindiftl M( hK-*m-y jilAii'd her hi a Hide ruuin, and Hnillh came rei'llng lu, )b- HiR m-IzikI by the (wn ullleenp itml Reftrehe*), bill no wi-A]>oii wa-i fiund u|hjii (iiin. TIkS nib- cer* llicn went <nit>iti|e, and in a pile nf brlek<«, B hliurt dhiaiiee niYiiy. they round Hmlih'H re­volver OunlaUihig (lireu ehti'gv*. After ftrnlih liikd hieik locked 111*, Mr*. hiiilHi wil>l ilm |,K n>riL tnmLIe l>eKHii uii hiiMiliiy nUlil, wheit ill r Liebaiid mul her un tlje htreel its Hhe w t* (.-ujug huriie rniiii ■ liiin-h, and ikbU'C'l hr,. H III Jl llu-y arriT* d liiiine, lu-dti-w it n-v'dvi-r, nr d ill I land In- would hIi<n*V her. Vi'i-fi-iday Hlieriioim, ihe -iii'l, ■'jullli Chimu Li nie‘Iriin]!, und il'-{,|i> T'liely JUlJj>d h'* |»l*- iiil al (ii-r lu II I ill' \i re-e'-l It Inun him, uid Ihn vt il «iH iiML" M|H II diRir '-lie ihun rri 1< the fNillce -1 iH'ili Hiiillh gut IiIn weupuil II (MbHi ■ liirl> d lilii-r her. Hr wiis liiNt mgliL luiuai (. Juil to iLiv.tU hi.H m ileliuilt uf f.. 0 l.dJ ------------ .-■#

hpurla uf IVlcrry Kureati-rN.The picnic und giiiikiH of the Foicaleis

nnlMu. y ilri'v, u Itirgi croud 10 1'ut''i]iMdn(i link, 'fl.u gftuit* iK'i’iiii At 3 uVlui'kvviili Ihc 111.1I h«-ii* lor iLe 1 1 ynid* rm-e. 'I here vnri* ilxtec.n enlrii-h. TimLtinen* \u:i N, -c .iimt. P. I'.rudy, J. iLiniiuu lud 1' K-rrd Inthe llinal heat E'ffld} vtoii TLilh I-r 'ei iiuil, llamioiiiLIrd Al-1 1 luiii.: loii.'iii. Mir ,v|.iiicr'h lime wimlui ‘ i-i 1.* rr u. r ‘ Im ' i m (cprl.-Hm ......... I. in ' c, 'Jl' ' .fi s-.-ui- li/itlng-Uiji-i Irom I V 1 ]'i > r l rjoJji.iirJcr-l yM y .'i '- >-kui -!iK, Will)

iliera'vlii s. ■ .. t, ihr<c 0-. Mii.ls 1.p. jiMtj, I II ' ! . , ■ I !.,• I,ladle rev,ulii -U He !!.!i u-i- -..o'l '.1 f. J Hlr.r ri. wllJi

H.Hv, ul llic '• .. V k Aii.b-.ic f I'Jh,,pr.I,.|, III J I >Jl-. UnjllK, 'jf

|1iirri-uU| [ij* ’ !■' i‘ ' -../i-rtMl Mr-. I. >iili \Vii‘dii"i' 1 I b- CMU-Indii«l(b II L'flUK I'f I ul f ' ■ M .'." u Ibi- \!-Il l 11 d. . N II V. . •• M ; u . li' Uir taUcr byn • i. >.ilr-.- i|[--r an '•'Yi ituiu'coiiicNl,

Am Oni'ife l‘ k-fin 4 Dniknii.Mi; ■ Miniiii ICiiip , ihinuhtcrnl lide

lhi7i|--. uf , will -ill far ib-rm'i'iv beln.irj-..sv. Hang' luU- '»"i.-n (VuiifiU-Uriv h'Trnn-Kul idneffium ill HcDiiUky ftiul M'etMiLly n (nrr III liuine lu vi'li Im [-.iretu.s rdie iiuW '14 - bm k ai d M ill jipsH ir a.- Hu- Imi H i { lui.u.i

duijiiu ut Oil' OjiTB HoU’C 'll S(.-tliii.

A CS4>hl Mfdal fur a flrwv«* 1)(ky.ADthnnj Ciiniey, Hm tilleen yeur-uld

M.[| uf MH-hticl rnnicy, ut IlftrrlsMiu. Wit* yi'iter day pH’M-ii(ed Nilh M g-dd by 'Ir hd'IMr*, y. NieholLuf Keafi'v, wImw: jming wu J,e i BVfd frum dinwiitiiH a few WtiVka W'-

Another Te. Rsrtiidp Salt »( HuJiue’s.—*Wy.

itml (he remarks cniieernlng Idiuaotr lnlntl! Miffi r a bile *laii]ar to Ihesi' nffiN’t-

in,: Mr. I'liylur. Oiin* mure d!d the dls- nph Ilf guild feeling, Tru*t<t* YnUllg, lend IiIk inllui-!icr, mid Mr. M irrlsnn wa* fcgiilHrly u<-i|uiUeAl of iMring irregular tu sIhdrH pcritiiiiing lo liN'al tmpruvemeDta, tludi Me-,.-r*, MuirlAuii and Taylor wera iiilirviiwid lali-r, and h4iih Nluti'i) that liny were BRti'fii'd With (he enntrnls uf Mr. Ihiili-y'i letter* aud would lot the mat­ter drop.

Fur ft lung time (he mcndien) of the Luiinl punnl over diK’iimenta uf every de* -riplieii. and the elerk wiu ftlmn.sttr- vnulih* iH-hind a *tnek of psp4*r*. AfU r Bulling the diK'iirncnift Mr. Wildey areio and rt-jid a nkiuiiinnieaiiun frum K. h*. Fmm‘t cftlling (he altentiun of the tmard (othe ['act that mime {H*r*iinhad nmvprtvd 1 bd lit (he corner of Third and Acailemy ftm le inin II dninjdng ground furrefUiH'. Till iikulti r was referred to thu ikjard of Health,

Tin- euudiliuik uf the hidewftik* On Cot- tfii;e street wiis Hie Mitij(*ct treated of In a riiiimmnii'uUun Hlgned by the mldenta of Hint Kirn (, and tlu.* prop4>r eonittilttoe was rrqiM-HtiHl to ace that the trouhlos woi'oIrwM’ttcfi.

ti\% ITIIIIT ANU KI.Ri’THri'lTV,Ihi re in n fiill 4'onipl(>mc»t of gas Iftinpl

tliiTiugliuul (he villugeut present, ftiid nu Huh- iiinuH-meikt wan tlii-ieforn ereiPil fit the reitding Ufa fetter from llio sveretory of (he HIoIh* (hkn Light CiMitjN.ny nf Ji-rsoy City, In wLieji Ibc writer dejdored thu un- hathliiel'iry hyk>(em uf street lighting in UM* in (ho villuge, and ugruNl to aupply iH'tter li|.litiug Hppiiratus al (MtUom prlrca. (HIbi rl )L Iluvren. reprewiiting tho Jenuey Lhetrie Light (^unp iny, addrosaod tbo mn (iug, sncl rravnl the boon of iM>ing aL Jowid (tie riglit (« erect (Niles for wires llirungliuut Ibe vIlluKe, in order lo (Miabb) the rum|iHrjy lo rnqiply tlie iucuuduscout light tu j*rivalu rommmerN,

Mr. Viiuiig, elmirumi of thu rotnuii(t«*0 H]qiiiinti d to rotifer with the Conire street syndicHle. ri'|>ort4'd tImt no dofinitacjo- 4:luMoii liud1i(-4>n reached hythncQ.uaiitteCf 11*1 the iiiM-'-tiun uf a pure w’at4*r supply for Hie villugo wie* enlithd to more than a (iftHsing iiivesLiga.ion. A large sum of mciiiey would tie Involved, and jircciiition- ary jjieaMircft mu*! bo takeu to preicet tbo town. Mr. Young read Iho luw liearing cm Itiis sulijec, uAer which hu Informed ihe buiinl (Imt it IihiI the power to pro* eeiKl wiiii any rimvement t4‘ip|lng to sup­ply wuler fur (i.ihlie UKe. Tfie eitizens of Wyoming have uvcijire* to tfioHmngc Water hoDnl u;.;;) I'in'j tu lay mafiis III tin ir own ex(*eiuM' 11 nd |iay a reamjuahU) sum fiiT Hu* Mho uf Lho wnCer from tlio ri-iervuir, hut rceeived word that It would be lih]iu><hil)le (u 4 uniply with tlieir k*nn*.A-SXHirs fou A NEW WATKI', SUPJ'LV.'I'lu |>r uple of South Orange are aliuoat

nnunin.oiis ill rei|ureting that utiu-r iiieaii* (if a w'lili-r supply Hi:in the Orange Wftt>.-r lV(jrk* 1n! aihijiteili. 'J’liu ( ’eiitre streetsyn- dioilu will tjol file a cl rtifit ib! of ii'ror;>.»- rsMuii unlc'M |c*(ri*r:.rj la'niado with tho viliHgi* ut SiiuMi Orange. Tninti'n Met- eiilfe Kftid lL:it he w.li iu>ke4t tu JiftVU thu Luurd lake humc* seCun /''garillng bley-' 1 - u aK p, previ III Uu-ir riding at will ou (hi- bii-wu'k-. Kveiylnidy 1)li 1 ;.uiuo com- pluiikt tu ul.er, uud the |iuM<e oilln'ets weroiiu( '(u il lu iria'.e wii*' U|miJi bkveUvLs t V*-puhfiiig lu Hull way. .luhii Miirjiliy wai reeui).mended ( ► llie ( url. u C-jmmmt Fleas. BIO puitier per.uu to keep a hotel, iLhd Falilek Ki lly and M'chuol Ki-rnau wen- griijiii il ohio.i lieunm *. Thu rogiiLir iM cling ni,;LL of Hie hu.,rd w;u cbu'igL'd I'lum Hie third Tue day (0 (lie fir t Fridjiy uf the muiith.

rMiiiiM' Mcfi lliive f» (Jiilel Hare, A W Miller ami hi* fiieud,

Jl> Jl } Mill hie M'e w iiUli> h- id'-iit'i ul .-Huijlh iKj C'K' HoHi lice b'i!i| uMii''. Ji'»’ i’k. ir i1 luf u.ii r iifjic i.vsliy L.l- «xi •'f'lK.lftcca'hum hi i'--»rd lu Hu- Ml t I ii. Hi'-IrljuL Tu 74 .in', rfic ir Ul f d i|iu- u'l tln*y JTj. .iri-'l (II Die. Uiiw.-.y Ir.'"i y I '1 'uilueipueliiiiden- euii'dP-a KII '•■L- Vr. .Mdlc’-* lu r e wt.u ilm tiM liy I-npii.riiiK mu *'lrciuhi IiujI'l. No liinu Vmu laker', iL- I' l y I ,<l (ai( liiiu,j<i <]n<|jir'l I at.y ut llu Ir ' eh'.1!''. A f How (cwii' iiiin

'lo li I d n* t)ic r>e I- luiwi-T**r.

NunmiU rtvsnin.The SniiiMiit liiihse Jhili Clnh playa id

Ni LlUiJi l)it,i ftriiTiKiua w(H) Hu. Iilii49of Ibal piiir*-. 7'lit jiujiilium uf HiO club win duu Hm ir l ew iiidkiMii* (urtlic tlrm Umu to lay.

.il( Aiimb r W hliiiiitu and a wiiiiiiiii, employes ( I Ihc Ijiuidn, vteiU UN a spruu while Mr, JhiM' i , III' {iruprli tur. ivasaway from homei III i'cly. guim! in(o the laundry lu

(li/Aviidix, Hi y ' 'm l her and (hrejitemNl ii U ii rii.'Mi iiii'K her .<lu that kHi.'went li In 'll . ii<!i;i(i)i HI '1 the vvuukiin IjiiiaedifttH- J> left (uuh

Jill Mill )iui. Iftwtk TemiH I'liih will hold aluijri uiiu • I Ul. 1 ly. Mi-iik' i.’ri froin Ihi*Orjj-ci-. M .111. .i.j uti l iI' Tri>lowJi riubs will lak ; .r(.

lLiMgr> of Ti'nipemtiira.Till-Minge of the* tcniperuture for tlift

lii'l ivLi'lve liueK, nei unlltig to riH’unli kcpl by cl nr1<" Handigeii A «'u, of Brood (-Ireeh Is (t A. M..r.t lie 0 A. M., 01 (leg., a A. U.. D* ij‘ g,, IJ lurfiii, 7 ' chg.: 'i J'. M.. 7J deg.

Jn.nj-"f»»rr,.u-,ti^r ifr tfher IturoiHj rnUet/tj‘iir ■ u'.'i-' .

C IT V M :\ V H N O T K a .

11 ('ip:d make I .' 1 m1 .n l 'orr il I'liiun,r , I .1- 'LiL, d I I I . • M'cli.i I’-s Hi>'=|UCiL

T hi ;l ivifl he ti tm-eting o f Hn* John ! '.Ml lie,.- p... ■ y Av .. .1 myrioir

Avuh'i'ine In IHanehurd, pre*i-id Hu W .-:iii' ciitKHau TeuljKTatKU

( 'dull. uHPiC ' il r I It lue {.-'■•ifiii ■( iiK'U'il ?M(Uue. Ill I ■' MiiH".'-•. • tu nlghi.

'I he !-]w-eiii] tmin tor tho (fXCUMiuQ of K I'd.i ■■ I u'i'eii I—I*'. (•'!5iyrli!Uf Luke,

l‘ii: i.nJtuii rtvelJI'e wWHun, Wood-Aide, at 7;-v rV M . tu morrow, iuste4idof M1,1 ri iKui c J'lniumu -d.

'ihe y.tk- h'uilway Company bej^n Tuiimuc lu liny ti of tranaFor carrla<i>slilHeen their Chn'iiberi sleret depot, Novr Yoil, Hudilie Bt.xjklyn entrance of the bridis fill iLr n* euinOKHjsUun of |»atWD8 of lho load.

.- -^ 1

Uieut Uk barbauis for 7c, at UAhZke'i,--Adlk


j r in v j


pjaadsj* ' '=1 *'r.-4;,- i t THt

m e m s m m im fo FA y,At No. 844 BROAD STREET.

Newark, N. J(4 >>Aer«l at (b or »-■■.-■«' ..'i.- Mi. ">‘ 1

Del'verad by ejrrrier tn my part of city, sad Eiit NewarS-, s-id inlowrti of Be'len.ie, Monti‘ itr, fi\ii.mfn'j, and alt points in Esses Cojnty.

Mail lubftfiptiorl five doilsn t ym-. or fifty cants a month, postsg* fi-e Singl# copies two certs Dr vcred t carriarl in Newsrii, ten cents a witr-k

Ordinary adveitisamanta on third and fourth pages ten cents a line. Spc-.ml rales for the first tnd second psgr4, cured positions and standing disp ' uids

Chingai in Yearly Adsertisomi nts tu be made on Situidiy, must be handed m un Friday aftimoon.

O R A N ^ N. J.William H. Lorlan and Hiirison A A nn,

agents.Rates given and Ad*er1 i-ements for |l i

NEWS received by either of the agents. Also orders for carrier deli>ery taken.

WliliMi'diAV, -triil'r 't' I-. I - i

^ 7 4 , 7 r > < ) .Tb* daily «‘ir n'atH'n of Itn-N .w-n Ter

lb* k Fi]f)iU| Haturduy, Au|{ual t i,WMt

Bunt of Ks>ie l.ffOO tdtilin,: wiii'arri' rs. All ll*’ onr tii'siJ tiM

bi' n i-rattif illy iliRfccin* stfflwvtf»l utlif ir f*t! MPi tiMkr.illy. id..i,^:nmn.s uf:*' i" ! rnuilud*'ii'-mIh I t>f

tliiiic It j>«ABO liu hut >lir>

fiiiiMi' |nt*-iMr* nIsIj

!? tiuii tlivht dirt 11 ■J, Slid tlTt-ffiAy Truth r M Ukf tin ir }>U<v-a in

ft r crituin.il d»> k t>» sit'*n'T tur lli*111 l-ullIlL- risiiflih r»fs ________

If thlTipn go on 7i.w tin y h ivi'l> nc tt. ii Im- long hiinri- Trfiitnn is kioiwn-i*’

iboilt^py =r,l.uryi gf Chttn-o. raharf/.

Tti-"' pmiidt^t of III" BriLisli M-difsl A 'ualu.liutl. oiii' Ur. WiLbiT*! «MtlUif auhan uT Turkey, tu tmtUiug of till- t-lflt ra of 111! Iliiriuou niiirrh. nmn u> W ntiftiiKely in nrriyrd oit thu: (-ubj*>T of rducfttion of womr-n. 'Him pulUKii, It la true, waya mitliiuj; oei llii-puliji < I nrnl hia mkl« UahoiiM lfeo >iiIm> • * • imitali ivim in Ilia \v.4ry ntis'tj*‘o hut ueV« rllu l t t h f y farifuHi ktiji nitii»liiiu »»»a> h-'m tfo if wmion for It.ir of iiujmiiniK Unir phyii- fallif ullli. I >.> MoruiniiN Iinferlo kerp tlii'ir won.t u In UiiiorMnn >t»d •niAt'i’Kliliuii fur a like n ><4i. Fi li do i4t|< *1 jus . uiivo that lliif if the Hdiy ruiMiii hy whirli Aiiim-n, in h fi> • ■ iintty, ( in pr letiiftlly lie ji >'!f It I. 4»!!irwlial “'irprliiiu;.liUAt'ki-f, (m dill ifii inlighleitid, uid |.|t .liUiaUv ti/or.il Itrih**’! -•"iiti*.t il- * naiiiHiiiK llie liiirher edu( itioii Ilf Woiiu ii ind i|>|Hiiiiiiif hi the <>ips rieui > uf (liiarmiulry l.o pnivr thul tlj> mon t Afiui ui kBuwtthf worM* Iot 1h :iUh i*< liki-ly to Im-. Till rr> i» HIM ieu«e for ••II li s foil vy, for

W^»H’"day,‘Xh. ii ; V T>iara<l«ys AiiKti«t U . V iid s je Aurn*i 1 |»tarda|i AuRiot 11.....




I 11.110IT.4«lo

. 11.1)10 NEWS'' OTHtrt


WOltAC, AMJ) MOKETke jartbrr ludH^nent uf Hl{Wlr« lud

Flynn hytb? f>rand e%irjln H^w York Appears dmijniNl to nn^t auil roTcr aoinc Iniportant |K)lnta not Unii-hHl on fully in Ihe flrat one, and U will pin re Hrjuire, at Imty Id Every awkward ]iredie,tmi4it, hir it ia partly baaul uu Lb owu tUloinenb at Ot)- k« Attng btsfure Mayor t*ra«', and then*- fure, unle-u he wdnu’ta Lia al-»ry, and thmliy ronfcaaca guilt aa U> p<.r]ury In making bis deffnre to the msyor^arhargoa, be will lUnd eontlcUil fnit of hU own tDOUth of having ploltm] with TLompaoM to deceive Mayor Kdann, nnd to Jmvo lAOiin fDgaged in a ctinapiracy ‘ “ l uro a uorui- natloD, U U a pretty bad bur for Siinirc to be iity anyway.

Theio ia, bowercr, In the presonlinent which accompanlea tlio indlctiuent, some itrong iudlcationi that tho Gmud Jury did not foci aatUfled that all Ibo big Q«h in the pool of nmnli-liml corrupt'on h:ul U-en luhmitted to their nolle)'. Tlu' fonowlng ezotfpla arc worth caroful peruaal: “ I'ho oouiac of the invehtlgation aconn to iuili< cate compliHty and panic lp(ition in iimiUr bargaining, with a vU-w ttj Hinillur corrup­tion on the part )>f othora, agaiiut whom no poaitira evidrure haa hnon prirduriHl anfllcient to mrrant Imlirtionnt. 1 )1 hllo minor baa oren dared to poiiiUo tlioae who adminiatar tLa Uwa as having been approached by kwd>roakcrs for a)lvii‘e, and haTlng eounMll4<d oonriwlment nr do- atraetioB of the evidence of crime."'

Tliifi ia a abarp amignment of aomo per* aoni whose uaiueB hivo U'Cu proininout Lu ihia acandalouB alTuir, but there U a more aerere rebuke, evidontly UlendtHl for Mayor Grace and Chamltcrlain Iviua in tb)i following: ‘*ln tbo opinion of theGr.iinl lory, whirl) will doubltoM commend itaetf to the Judgment of all right minded men, it is wholly incompatible with any Ju'it leBM of private honor In public ofTlt'c to share and keep the wicreta of erimnula witVi view to ludlvidual or pulUical ad- TanUge. Keltber personal frlcndHhip nor party obligation cauJupTify any lu in for such failure in hif duly aa a aervant of the public."

It is dear that this Grand Jury woa com­posed of men who took uu partiiMii view of th)3 matter, Imt fdt it their duly lit dt-al impartially with revealed and iiulicuU-d acnndils aff)x'tlnx tlio gcueral wtilfurc. Their portinent ami severe enrnnieut-i will iloultliu rommand geuetul uUeiitiou.

T lir AAMK <n.U RTOItY.Ito toii huajuat add<d to t)ji.' hmg li’<t of

bhauu'ful abuK'fi of truit the )uiae uf Will* iam l.iray, Jr., treasurer uf tlo' Atlantir Mllli, and of anolbt-T Ruuller cor(iorHtiiMi, tho ludiiU Oirhard UilD. who h.-is hIuU'U and tnado away will) fuuds to thoi xU'tLt ofat least half a million dollar.), and it xoay be that bln dufaleatlous and furgerieq will reach double thut amount.

As in too many {ircvinus instances tltin man baa Im u absolutely uuw.iteh))il uud tbe auditing ))f Ills aceounU han Inrii j^r* forint)! in a nud pcrfuurlnr.v iimnner, although he w.u« wi-ll known to in- li‘ ul5ng an cilravagiuit life and imlurgthg in luxu- riea and pleamiria ibui n.uUl .mly W h gir- iniiilely wiihin tin- reiieh 'ifuiuim <rtiih un almoBt txliau-lli K privatA- furluin'.

It is nu eieuM'for (bi.s ru.xal to U'sserl that be was tempteil hy the unlKKin liHl confldenoe repofn-d in him by the direi iom and Ffoekholders o f ttu'(’.'n < ru tint Iki has probably ruined, for the fael Ibat tbh pulioundid confidence was )lisplayed forms iHil only au uddilioiial indletment agaiiiNt him, lui it ii]«i coinditutea a Horioiid arraiguiiuiil of the dlreeton) who negll- gently or nilfiilly shut tii)*ir eyes to the iupvitaiiki eiuj>.etjucnees yf liia enty^ous cxiH-nditiiTca. Thai llie sitirklioMerH m-n- crally dill not insist upon wumj invi-Htiga* tlon a&d ciplttimlion euuonly iK^nn-imnicd foT.on the theory the direeturs iniak-d them as lu tiie auiouul of sijjiervi’iiuti e*i * crdBfd over the lrjii7.aetj.Aini of iluir employe,

Thai no sii]u«r\ l»liin wim in Te:dvty ev* miaed, U shown ty tli faet thalalth.iujih be has liceo IroftMirer since January, H7!i, he contrived to keep hlsderateiitiouKKecnt until the UiUer part of lust WAi-k, when the presidcut of the ImlUiti On hard MilD, the etualh-f of Du-two convi-nj) of wh-' li he was r11owi')I to liave ‘‘ ii]ireine )'oiit'‘ i|. elicited n pariia) eeiii. + NUin timt be 1,; l h't'U ut-iug Buuie of llie eorporaliun'-motuy for his own pi-r-otul jjarp....a,Even Ihi'l voufeh-eni d... : in.| n, liuve ?A)‘( ii arled Mfion iu any el!i- n-ot in iU‘ ner, for iuj;ttud of cauhinu tiie air«--t ul tl’i- er iubi':!. tbi: dln toi- i/f l.mii r. . i- panU)i. yielded til his reiiue.-it for lime to U;bkcgood hia shortage. Ofcuiirao he Li'i taken odvantHge of this croduloun eon* li)l< ncc, and do impc)!.

Jt appears to bcintimat(>)l Giat wbilo the loiis of ILu Iiidhtn Orchard corporation will he Btvere, it may not result in erip- pliug tlicir busiiieafl, but, in the case of tbo Atlantic Mills the effect of tho thefts will proljahly be the ibutting dtjwn of tbo Workaifidthe throwing out o f employ^

wl>d« U luuy 1h- trill- tluil n>mu n of w< .ihbWj*sBrr'"A; uU . v*.--

iBT i'Vvri-w. «|t* #iu irroii', Prs..)'unh1 U' )iJoi.' !m iltbfiill> nuphiyi'd. in frlwiluUN HUiiiM um w(*, yi-t, it i- uiiiiiL fail ly hi- tbiit thi' t'ilu'.it>-d , 1 l'r1. :mwuiniii, <ir. tnih'Ml th" tburuliKhly *slu* f.vlol worimn ■nywlit-ri'. will runttiiU HUi-h a grii v'dU) crr.ir.

The Hlur Ui-nN ( hlr-kiuiH dnuT acorn to be iHjfiiig Buy


Thr )'tnphatic pr>itc«t of tlie Siilinnal EncHinpmunt )if the (iriiid Army of the Iti'fiublk, lu'ld At S.1U 1'raur.iM‘ir, ■Lnuhl givi* the final )|ult.lua to Ibi* Luvrtijig ruDlun hill, will) h priipove t)» grant life iwTihiuns of right ilnllHr) p.-r annum Im all huiiorahly dir.itmrgcd auhlii-r) nml hi-uj- t)irHuftli)‘ Unluu who wrvid Hlxtydayi or uiurp ill the civil wsr, irrmikctlvi' gf woiimU DH'oivcd oi dl-uhilitlcs irnum"! in aurh«ervtce, The vote un thbi qui' liun was In Hi, rcndchtig It ap]Kiri'nt that alligitalion in favor of the bill has Imcn on the part )if utlu-M than those legiti- matolj IntcrcsU'd, in f>lh)‘r wu^i•, that it has been the work of penshm ):lulm agents and. liiujlar UM'iditn, who, having no rlainis oil the country tbciuscdvea, proimso bo faitru un to and hh*) ! thuae who may p«H'(n t)i havr loiiu' HUr-lt rights. The vote aljHan l-'nuiriM’owi nii luilivndlt, t« oimie cxltiil, the pi'lithiiis frnm various |h>sIs which Mr liiivcriiig h->:v from time to titiiL pi(7)-ijl«'d ih Um ilouNT, favoring Lis nicasurr. Ji would lx* well in eaw* of uiiy ri'pctUion of -ui h tactica to ssi'crtain whcllrcr )jr m>t tluH* »|]t<gfd iH-titiuris are o-lflcisl post doi'iiuicnlH, fur it rwmiis incon­sistent tlml Mi Uigu an inlvcrsevute should he cast by rf]^r)scnlativr« at the Nalionid Encunipmcnt, if any largo niirnb)^rof the post# repD^nU'd buhl totally itifferout views.

rutting appears to have jolin d Higgins in that liouriie of forgclfulm • s whence no Bound coriM-s.___________ _

Certain rViiuKTiitlc Hi-niit«ira from the West and .South lirtvc Is-i n IntiTvinving Presideut Cleveland in or ler toHHcerlaiu wlu'lher or not bis {Kist (Hjlicy in rvgunl to appointuu'iiU is to bo luaiiiLiliuHi. They arc gTit'V)-d to And that tiemavi no n-amm for )'iiuTi):iiig his couno' and arc now crisl- it)-d will) Intlnialiiig a l>t'l)vr tiuit lui U setting up a suldle Hchi-nm for ubtaluing the leadership of a third party basisl on Civil Service reform. There is id) legil]* mute foundation fur any nui-h the4iry, an<l these lueii tiiuht know It, hut id tbuir din- gust nt their inahllity tu Jimk)? a li'trtj ha)-k )if him they arc appatenUj disjatsol to roh him of ail credit fur nUciiiytoULi iuiniguniltun pl)<)ig)'(i. Mr. (Icvcluiid uny not have mm-h of t rhancti fur a siwmil It rni.und he may uo| de-»ire to have U, but h)! doubllcsH pTu|KiHea lo u-k.' bis ul- itiual i-udcuvonito h-avc tlicWhiti' llmMe as bni)i‘«t and ns e!v:iU'hAiubil as be was when hi: enteriMl it. TiiU umy not Ik- tbo highcKt style of “ t»rH)-tieal poliliisi.'' Imt it is Mr. rievt'luiid’s style, iumI like the late Mr. Miiyes. he run Iw very "amiaMy iihslinatc " about it.

NEWS OP THE MORNING.ItONton All Urnkrii I p liv tiray's |N'r4b-%-

tloii**A ItuiMureiJ HuJclds.1 li«-ibfali itiMij (■!■ Wilt :'.in Uriv Ir

ri 4t< d sn un >]ii .«Mi ti i| i n ni. - it tti ^t'.n I I ' l l « f ' y •(. f'Ui Mtiiv 1'

VI h»- ).-■•< . ..iii-ivitliNl -u!< id’ . I'h‘ n-ra*!" Wll|i It OI ' Ilila Hl-'ifV.

■| ! • I- ;.mI l.in.; l-i , 1 .. . it. lli \f I.' . ,jr-• i wii it t. Ill iidV ..... - drr <Mi fMsr<

tl' h m| 111-- pliiiidi r. f t ryfl* n : l*-u'N to *h«'H tii«f 1 h' /I d u ti* l-i-liii' iiHi I/ 1 in • il-itiii-i ll “ koM Ate ti. vt \ 1 r un U •;r| b- % , lit, Aln n he

.'ImI >»'!• r l lY iMfiriKiiC: h . w i’< [i .uni lli- rindy iimiuj .At'- r l,i-> ilyiiig u-it (•> liu }iii;iir t: r-!.i <. ui-sf'uijir, h> dr iM ii'l' III II I'Ui .-v willi nm -if hi- fist Ijiiir'' k]iii|' 111' WMiri! nltjiii St 7 i' M,Till-Jii, fnn riYi ivid iofonicilujn

!3(i hi*t iii^ht that Mr. Gray's t)4iii lud i>(i II fniiiid |j(d loatr><- ill Lite wtiiNlNai Ui4 find nf lt-u<- Hill, ill { '.iiilon, twelve

ih fuiiit Ito'si.iu I ll. r.' w«s no tr.u-f uf the owuer. Uid it IH ls-lii'V'-»l that he hv- dn>vrin-<l hie .■Mi'ialHrjn |mn«l iiiarhy

-Mr. Gdv h.u for m.uiy \ i irs been a ihHii Ilf linbl*i< s. Siiui- twenty yc.irs i;"* he III .Ilk I'itI iig up thi- iioiiK HI which Lis fmii'v imw ti «idi . Tnr iwu yi-Et- In l.sd iiiorlv iiM I) -iT. wi»;k (Itlhigiip (III [‘\m-i-. II. b){4 ti'dliiure•«, fruit, ;uid Ml ry H4'i‘tiii»iu)ilim III III II fliM' n id' ijir I Ilf s W* V«TV gn-*[. IllH JH'Stlinlsiiv w:c- tinrii-iilliir*, iiml lie r*i til suiiu ■flhi Hiu-ol ri<*4 i iii>&! pl.uiU ill ILlspirt

oftbe rouotry. Twu or tliM- yi-mUler be int<ri-.lid hi h> ns, with bittuuiii I'Stro^/y.uin Ii*'iiod )'Very brissl of fowl known, d bi. vrutun- co'il lum iiiAuy timii'iimK of dollitr-*. Hi>. iii-xt lujhhy wa- ifurM . itrni i jrrlngt' . Ih im'i lit eight ni ten fine hoi-'-v and iMf*

8 !• s

W.l-: *rll

14wiiM ll



olty l.uki Ehr '>N *.: Ill Kh T.!, V d. rlc Ir in.' w.i

V- I .usy. wad will It-- >\. end p:s b-I I !. T^'- t .i■ ..u t' '• . W rlu k it ‘ Is-- f -Si

lb-- liior MC ,1 w Ii • h. p-d I. , -.ii TI-. T-' . i't W.M 5. i IsE iV 1 • ' d Tin I i d'lf.

I )i A'l iii >• w i- phi' d 'm till s dnik -I l'n f'"' Ti? n. r- t vcnl'i :■ --.Ulh Uj.h.L'* I. >• . il.iv ll•lir|r d '< •• In liiT U-fl wr r .n -d i.v ; i :i.bmiit t<. -hip Imt irnrncfr.- ceiilr. bunlm :i fo tV y ‘ «a off Hay ftid're je>.t Urm.- -b* rIjJ it I'M till I »‘»|* c of ,\rw V..;L V "!il ( iuh. will Ite piildl-jd' d ImjI'i lalnw and the Wat T lino,

'I'lie Gilali a will !«' rody liv go mt«» Iho Wat) r tliU mortiin'', HJir has a m w i ini «if white p't nt, n;')d is oriu'uenlr-Nl wiih \ pohb-ii sLreak jn.i nI.iiive' (be fuiirduili ItSiid Ilf ri-d f-m Uctnig her about a foot Uii- ■Iff her 'J 1.

Duert .llifiilbiii Kroiii Ire luMil * I ih«' Tar Kaat.

Tli Ibil h f 'Or-iii .-ioii for ilo: (Irlosiii Bl-iitiiff hl' .Afgli')ii fruiilier wa i - . '«d lo Imtia I nl )\. Thi- i- a **!nPp Titv ri'iiiimlir )li:il tlien- .iFi- hi<r i|vi*-tl limi- pr<-wiiij.' foi -••liitloii liiit-iiib Irid.mii. rin- rii..jon a -.iEii-d by Govi i iiinent origin- for tin- !• -ill 5f llfut tin- «juin.ii.>fi rlmf li uriM 0 t ’HiiMri Im i-sfh-'fni 11V < till'll on til) •■[Md. L)imI 's.iUsbory ih siroa tu*ou- -ult 4 otonel inidin wriy un the mipi «t|.| strib'riftil imjH.itaru'C o'* th< di-in.t 1 iHiincil by l!ii >.). The sitiiallon j d'di iHtf nllil IDSy ei,-ily )r:,'l l4k wsr IkehV '. n Iiuv*’iK and Al^ii.iiii‘>ts))». involving Kog- lond.

^ -TM' Hi' tdenr dUpUys afresh the fully of ^ T d Idde«h iY!h


pnwiiilid fur )w<i or tlin-i* \ i 'id , and IIm-he wnil iiiln v;wiHa, -hiiI frum y.ichl.i hiiurailioad hliM

III ,-n


In Tk’lsware Mr. Hayard appear.s to bo '■gelling left " iml )*f (lolilh'i.

Ev)'U the liOUihiti iutikcD have fulh'n in with the Halnrday htilf-holidiLy M'hfme and have d)-ci<lcil tu cluw’ »t L'J\ M-, in- ).ti ad id II ii'cloek, after (K (o1ht 1. The hprpiKi uf Ihi'l iiioM-uu-i)t bus been (he more ri-iinrk:itiU' lH‘r;ui*M‘ i( has bom piittliul ini itunlily vfillioiil any extniordi- li;ir.V di HM.ii-ir:it;un*. ThiTe e:m he litlte iViu) I thut ihe Siiiiirduy liall-holidEty will iDcuni)’ a |ll■. m!Ull■n inMitntiim, iiml if reii!-'m;:Mv J'liiployi 'l will have a li-ndcney to imp!i.\e lint Hilly tin' lie.illli, hut Mu* ii)oriil>‘ of emmmuiilie .fnr iniu h )if the cx- niM- fur Suiidii> vieiirsioiiH will he re­moved if the Working clashes have A clear half d:iy at the eml uf the week for rii' timial recrealum.

Th)'. <h'fca( uf Sr) retury ISayanl in tlu‘ ncnDHTstic State ( ’onvention in Ih'lawire. has 11 significance not Lu he overlookui. It uic'una nut only the triumph of ilic Sunlshury faction ut the niiniient. hut the ultimate di>iutcgr.ilu>n of the Ihmiorintic pally uf llie Slate, iiud ill)' iKii-ihlo KUhse- )|in'iil cai'ture oftlial (•tronglmhl hy tlic 1b piihliciins. Mr. Hayaid lias struck a btieak gnil-iuck just recently.

T il) ' Ou‘t wa." Ic'jtifie il tu. In fore t l i " I’ c ' l i ie Cnn iiu i'i- iuu last u ic h l, Ihu l a il ollb'i>r I "V. n d im ig h t po-t te ll l ilm k n oi|ii.ire. T lu it post vliiMild 1h‘ i'ut )lown. )ir the piitToi d imhied. r n d lT M ie l i p ro lr i 't io ii (,?) the b iirgh ir i; iii iliu l uuipli* tim eIn do a big Joli tu -jlly ,

If iloTe i-anyth.ing in f) name, Soinet- c-i i will mh u 111' a|i].lyiiig fill- a ehaiige of till( to Si.eiiT- oilt Cmitity. TIo I'r-dii. hiliunblK tl.ere liiiVe nomliudeil Deium C.lll fur fibeiill'iiiiili :;w-mMyinan,

No, Anxinns Ueaib-r,—The inuiuc<-r o f the M ulerbu-ry Ba-t Unli Chili Id iu>i un inmate nf the t uimeeiicut li;ihy firm over w hich Ibe Huinunu BoE-iety is mukiug a fow juHt miw. ________

In all eeriousDces k looks a£ if the Al­bright boom were Bqa)«)'xtng Lho E'isex County Democratic Ictulcrs into doso ^uaiUTB,

Itnjiir)!'* CwndtiUie tor t^overnor liriit)'U In th^ MMti* Coiiventlun.

The rh'miMnitlr parly of Delaware, in jjttvrMHuu-^Mlovrr. V)-atrrda.v nonikialed

- •-.v-tr.nyiaruiet fiearh grower, for Gnvernur, iihd John 11 rennfngt)d). a lawyer, for t inigre-'-*. Tin- fight for )leb’gHb'a to the cunvriition will the hitter<*flt pnllliral nm- tmi ever oei’u In this Stale, and it eiilml- imird yr«t) rdvy In a di ;:r.M'efijl oc -nr uf roufiihiim. TIte fight was aimply a Mnig- gle U-twerii the onta )ir Hiinishiiry fiu liuM and tlir Inna ur |h)' llayaDl-Gray faedun. 'Ihe SwuUlillrTS were lieoJliHl by Maier Higgs, with Cuiign‘*isiim)i I.urc us thief worker. Kdwm It. Cm hrsirj. ):!rrk )if the IM'firt'uf Ncwcuillu Couuty, wan iLc Ihy- nrd I'antlhlatu.

The liiggN unm, who bad a majority of the d)-legat)'fi, serur>*d thc'ti'niporury uud pemmiient offifers. The Cuebran and Cuiu'h men, atving :iM hope guiic, juiuud fofed wUh UetlK-'/t, a Ihijurd man, who liiid L’dO Wilmington roughs in the riHini, who yi'llrd ami hijM-d for half an Lour at R tiuie, Loping tu eurry with tln'iiv a mim- U-r of uuplt dgeil )U iegat< from the lower euunlii’x. Hut tin- ~' lu-iue noulil not work, and Ike iimw rvalivr farmem of the lower ind, dUgiiM)'d with llerlH-rt'i mob, viit)Hi fur lligg - Iiml Tiuminab'd him on Lho first hallot Hll votes uf iHl.

The )U'feat nf Cnehrari mearn that Mr. llaynrd liau hef n )lcfeuted in llie fimi i;on* b'Bt idtice Clevelaml took hii D'-at, and by hit owu parly. It may aloe meiin that Senator Gray will m«t Im- returiuMl next winter, although much of Ibu Utggi ele­ment may favor Gray.

The platform adopted twogniTirw in Pr)'ii.ldeut rievidam! in hoiieit and pntri- )»tlc rhkftimgl-lmte, anxhms to w'ruro prujier admiuialTatIun of the piihiic iitfuirs, ami entitled t)> the omfidciicc imd HUpjHirt uf the ptHjple.

AN AVAI.ANCIIB OF PRAT,A Peat lt)>g Overwhetma a Town In tha

FMlklfiiui iHlantla.^retiiry itayur)! hiiH reu'ivuil a dl -

imtcli from rnit)')l Btat<‘8 cuuaul at I'urt Htanley, h'alkhiml Ulanda. giving an iic- (■uuiit of an avalanche o f pt at which w- curn-d on the night ol June 2, cauHiug Iuda uf Ufe and great dt'atrix'itm) of pru]K'Tty, ExteiiJing the entire length of ihtY suuUi shore uf the barUir and at a light tdeva- tiun U a peat hug from which the iHlJoriug |M«puliitiun cut their fuel. There are sio clianiicis which drain the Img, and largo ipiantUk uf wjit<T collect them during the lung raiiH, which at icriitlu iwihoiis last fur day.>) at u time. Fortliieo days prevhma to the diaiMora rainstorm had pr^vaihsl, Alxmt S oVliK-k iu the evening the lK>g layNu tu )|uake, and dually, with a nubn like thumierrk broke lo4)ae, rubliiDg)lmvuupon lh<? town, earrying away everything In lu cuuri)', hUH'kkig up the htrewLa and piling np the p)‘al iu places l)> tho height of six i«r eiglit f) i'l. rkdld dune walk a'uro icut HHiiuh-r, h'uciJ). |Hireh)’?), iron Innippoats 1)irn Hwuy, turned up Imals, houaoi—all were swept away Iwfore its march, Thu lHwlhl)Tid imd terrified iKipulatluu 1h> lleved their town w»i« Iwing dEslruytsl by an eiirtiiqunke, and udiUHl tluiit piercing 3’i'llft and )Tle« fur In-Iplo the liuluerihalilo hiirnira of l)ie night. The avalanche lu'Utd )iti1y Jill hour, hut its |iuih was one uTgreat (livaflalion, A Uiuos )if wHU<'r)sJ jn'ut iiluuiinlilig tu no letu) than rgl.OiKI tuusliy iiV)-r tin ()iwii. A hoy uf A)'Veh iirul an uld iimnnaiii))l rutri)k Keating were h>.d. The hmiy of the latter ha* nut yet lu'cn ex- huiiud.

A N.UtUl>VV FNtWI'li;.Ui('tiiencn SirtkerR No^rty Nueeord

Urei’tiliiK H l'!iAHrit;c)'r Train.A daslunll.v Hllempl Ui wreeka cfowded

tiio-H-nger tr.dn wiiitnad)' 4111 the Like Shore Hud bui'k l>]aiiil {jiu ka iu Cliicagu liiHl ukiit.and a whohsile ]LlUghle of pu^enger’i was nwrled hy the meraU Hci'id)lit. The Rtlrmpt was apjiarently tho Wink efilic Lake Shore -tTiki'rn and tludr h) aiji:ulii/.i rit. The urilii tiniii Umnd for tlmuha Mid t'EHjuri] HluUs, hud five nnu'hes ami two slei pers IlHtal wiih pafl- M'ligi’D. The train s|arti d iilf on time and lup]led at ilie Hlm U yards eruasiiig, at l\iltieih Htrti l. When it nlarled np tho cylituh-r lu-ad was lihcvn uffwitha luml re]iuM, disiddiiig the E'naine. Some nils- ereanl bud ]ilaefd an ob--tri,|eti(Yn, in tho hbupe uf a Ihree-pniiuil iron weitgc, on tho guide, uear Ihe cylinder head.

M liile the tiaiij was waiting fur RnolboT bicumuHvc, the Omaha train Hlarltd orf on IhflfSine tr.ick. SurmdMuly had bii.inJul the rear uf the the,ire uuin «s it p «vd 'i‘hirly-.evetJlU str cl, mid h: -1 liMt d tliy red Uidenis -o the ligtil ' uuM iiul lie t n f ’'um heldud the tudn, the iatetilhci eh'urly Ih ih't to Ji ,vc the Oin hu iiiiu, which w:i) hi'hind. d-.' h into ilu» <-iE)Wih'd caisiu^ruTd. 'Hn'bi.'ke!n:pi of the uain jn wdunee lia{»p ii d 1,1 1 d li dll^hiiiin” into 1 he n indow, and kohig uai OeI the re.r jdalbom, d’ ‘-e<ivi'>cd Uic iji-k. He min d tiie tin- light w ly aa i!i.itieoic'*!'! I'lihi wi s w iihill tl.iy yanls.

GETTING lilMtiV TO flM i;.

s apjfuinljU'^ii tu Ihe Jmu • J|e D Mtidffy" tneunip*'l« nf t •

arry )»n neg)iliati)UH on alTr*(M uf first cluNH impurtaru4* |a»Hs|ldy leiwling to war. Ill)' this. Lon! H.jli.sliury IniR Imtii euni- ]ie]!ed Ui i.kk4-charge uf thaniutlur him- M'lr. The I trei I o f i1i« aeiiuati-oi bi f/> <liv4 rt attention to a certain exient frnm Inline to furcign matter', and to phe>‘ the Ullpr In the Imnt rank. This new Tory muve hm> alRrmed tho Lil>prai orimn). ft WIN pn hA dy nriglnatnd hylnk, ' who nt naturally auxiuui to maau a repu­tation while 4ipp4irtnmlici offer. ll-' wa­in Til I'lit In India with the idRAorcrii.diing bui-ida in the great Asiali)! sbyugglr uf lb'? two I'owcpR. It nuty hIm ho meant as a hluw at kuRrix iu niiAWiT tu Hus i.j's bixp in the Cue) to Euglund lu tho Uatouin af­fair. _______________________

WAltMEH N1 .HttKIiH*florw ftpntR i>n lh« Hiin wnal Hotter

tVrietlirr Coiuliig T)>getli«r.I-rum the t'lucagu Ncrn.

he'IrntlHtA liRVC about concladeil that th)‘ illsn AM' of K{H)tM on the nun, or aolnr inve- tivlty, pnaluo'S a currcajiunding ihTreist* in the atiiouiJt of hoat rm dv^ by tlm cHTth frutn the sun. AH iuvealigators aro nut Agmal uu this point, it is true, tmt tbciM who du mamtaiu tho theury have tbc force of logic nii (heir side, it is rea- •onablr to iup|Mair that the mure tha sun buhllcs around In that hciitod cllmato the warn;)'r it grt , aud the hotter it grows the mere rlfort it rnnkes t)i expel the incon- veiiicnl rcHiilU uf )'alnrlc. The greaterlhe volume of heal thrown offthn larger istho pcrconUgu of that which finds its way to UI,

rnrtbew very cogent rwiRoti* wn must accept the opinion that, owing to a reap- IiearatiD' ofaun-'-iiotH and uther indication! that Sul ll pn-paring for lm''itiuRS, tbc next few yean will be warmer. ThcRc pcrimla )d incrcHW and d4HTeah' uf Rtd.ai ceceii' tricky rover alwnit six yearu. The summer of l»o-l* is, tb)'refurr, likely to he diitrow- tngly Imt, although tbc fiill pro'i'ding may be looked forwarrl to with nmsiileraldu anxiety by fleshy peraonR, owing to local dialiirbaiJ4'<‘{i lu area* of politjcnl Uirridity.

A MwgTilttrenL Pwrlulan Hath*Max O’UrU'n londim l.dtor.

The Krpn)‘h, the Eariniftna )*ai>eciaHy, wboBDi exci'Ucnt «wiiumen, will lie ubte to cn)uy life in Paris iliis inimmer. Tluf gn>ui I'miue hu Iks'Il trauMornusi into a swimming bnlh. The I'RrulHiis generally Lavu gn-Xl rnilh 111 Uudrrutnpalrluls’ abllltJea, hut when ttiuy Ui-ard ol the H'heme (hey tiH>k it for a Joico.anJ till' fvw who beUeved in JI were laughed a(. Itul Inst l ueiiluy they wum, ihey l aw, and were roii(|Uen d—thal b, ronvine^, IVium to >uun>cir&u Imiiieuhe ba'dii of niotlier-uf- (Atri, fiUol with wak’i m) IlmpM tbatanetHHc in'Uld have teen '•cen the boU-,MU. M. Oiler, Ihe 4'nf,Jiii'4‘r, wentji Vienna, saw there the ' iMaiii hjuh,*’ vrhleh in a ball-nxtm In winter

and hathiu ibe sumirer. anil ibe light ofit Irwplretl him wJiti iliu' Idea of provjdmg Parh uiUi til)'-iiiiu-Nmri. Aud thorGAUkLin hAih Hml a unlit have dcUghted high Ufu uiidvi lUiisgr I araeaila.

PolsnikQllS llushroOIDI*Ft'in the London iilulic,

Ktpiy year heair ad^ rea<1 ft 1)>t of nonM'e-e ulinut jgiiwuous mushrooms. PoAsants on the riiiitineiit are aiTusiumcdto U- leh (heir (hlldn n Imw to rccngnlxe unerrtugly the half

i cn nr dE-rx-n siD-clen of toidftool they are in tlie hal>U of 1arg)'ly caliiigi and we KU[ipoo iliiit )iuh limited po]inlar kiiovrlcdip* iiiikIiI tie (•R'‘l1yRttRincil by Ku'Hsh people. The Kafi* and iiinrv cuimneiidablc c^etilcnt fuuki Of our wiKxUniid field) mny lie Indlvidiiflllj' reeug. iilw'd iiiid lUstijigiibh i1 1’rura all ewll sorts with

• imieli i FiM' Hs a <H>ws]iptnay budlffTonttnied ff.iui « nettle, without any rceourte to what ix tcrliiiliRl and nHentiflc. VegeUrUn) '■hoiill IcHik Into the manor, Klnco we arc albu Iti- fuiiiicd iIlai futigi arc among tbo iudaI mi- UUloUA of UFi Uk'iil plants.

A Il'Ukv un GladtlAJitv*Fri'iu till' Plijltidelphla J'nswi.

Mr. UlujDtmie w:iH recently nnulo the parttal vli'llm uf II huflx. Outbt duy he K-Ft id' iilticlal rrsUli'iiee n «eiif*allmi wok cained l.j- Itie arrtvul ui a numU'r of carts UdojiKlng lu ■IcHlerN wliu liHd D'celved |>OAt cards on whl'-h wcu’ Ihe fidbmliig words: “ Cume wldii.iaf fall m clear away M'Veral doxens of "Id rulkrs 111 giHMl ei>iiilUi"u. "Id 4i1fi4'C-coatn, dust co.it>i, oMl'iNiis luid jEh'A'S and uM hau, all in gxij rEimHili'M. fur wlileh llier*'JMio fiirther lee'' A:<rarlyiv fi in ttiu uioriiiug oiiu nitu ar- rlvedttnha van ami a« lho day wure un 4-lhi'm fulUuvcd, only lodhCever that they 1- ■ l Ia’i'Ii made tbc vieiimuf silly pfRe. , 1:Joker. _

A Hr«Ms l.llile MuUM,II in printed in the ol Kim;-

ftiiLi, (hat .liMiiL Krmn. nf M<'tlH'’atMmH p-;,i*-r i‘i«mdy, N. V.. ha" a eat. 'I'hL cHt, sick iiml niiafuitHliU', was hmgnldly eating uaMluiri»r. when ll mouse. Hpi>.in'iilly iKiru and iFrisl In r 4 Imreh, su lean Wiis it. timidly snesk.-d (»i ih,* iluti.Hiid iilovate. Thisoheek nf (Lem iij)!' >n ilbn)ii4 'rte)l Ihe eat that It )tld uotbiiig |ni( ►lure ai the little fellow, who, havliijj got las fill, wem In fiQEiee.

P lO t S O V A L .

Tiie lllg 8bi<ip» til l'*ichtiug Trim (or halMrduv'A i'oiitrat.

All the liig >lr«pi iir4‘ in New Yu'-k Ihy prcfuiring »yr ihe r.ieesi. the (iDt o'" which, uvet lln> New Yiirk Yacht ttuh'a emnse. fanimis fur erutir wi'nlhcr, will be uh 'iiliirdii)'. The J’lirit.in wav towol duan (ho L at Elver to Ikty Ridgu on Monday evening, and the AUyfiuwcr ar­rived yeatenlay morning and waa towud iutn Diiwntng & Dawreuc)>'a «blp-yard at the t'uol of Court etrvuti tiouth Hrooklyu.

'' Ki’nnJor Tloai^l ia i.did to ho gind to bn"111 oD'on^ii's icall' '113 that be wai uutaiiii.d to the pi iiiuji.

IVl'C riiiH IX. ftlwovtikept ii|lirmd 4imp fl’Hi [..fn'ily ■' d n'.! 10 on □ bi lii-.siudv w heiu v.T 1.' t tt ‘ t dr U visit lilm.

Ali; . GciuT.d Fjcnumt, who ieodcr d b .r In i'l 'iid u < > - - . i- c wUh lu -U K Jk .lu -\Mil - U one t<. wuL'b i-- to be p ndl'sheJ in Hu-lun.

The p.TsidiMit doif^on *' D.in IT-*, "iu 1kv»vi-,- P Ji'ii Manllb’ ‘ hi-k u lj l> 1Ml, one. ivklle l.i-! J• tu w. m ).nin|' . D 1> I I. imini.

Chiiih'H L. Ihisi-i. i'blci e l 'ik o f the r< *<-n Hi -4 c»r Ht.ilih otmmi‘c<'• I t‘ > in ; 11 lUfiE 'c Mineii 27, Gi'*- vc2r, and up to Fiifiny Inul 11 iccOtd )'f 2, it' nill>".

LniiHunr Willinm’ fl lal illn ';-) wiv* CDUu'd hy dilnliliiu a rleh eonp ipfldc UiCiny Ibli, l'!e*h ji'lUcs igi tj sw>:l htuI srvoiy, loe sUoii., ’sU,'vf I f ftii4i (ofiw and i'in*l»)va e tbi.' “pick-mi' up ' iilth which he lOcruU; Lioi'

-tcir.Oitbricl Dummit, thi? figbtimf lioufMi’

am ut lA)ula Util, WDS4 prcw.itotl by W(l Fnmch ( ‘■uadUu!i atJS'iniblM at WogdiveM, B. l.,on Buiiday, with a handiiome gold wauih In eom- nicmuraiiou of bis Lravery durlug UutV rebU* liw*

Mltl* rtrrr^ of I'DiH-r Thal are AVurth n t."i tif Moni>y.

Lf( I" 11m r'fiu >1*111 lMii« f ill • k'-tJ ij» m niiafor stnuip ci»lb' ii-'n=

tu i it vi\i'iL A f n.I' -dni-'-ii Mr. F')is(''ii> t!i. (hi' owner of l!i- fii,i-( ■ulhiliiiij iu th ' city al liu h iice 'iti Hulti r Atrcul, and tliat _! ri!l) ic-Jin luiirtcou^ly agpti il to "X- kililr fu* iulh t tion, III :)i5=wi r ti» - - ‘.'i r jl i|Ui iiul'- U'gadiiig htnujp KatlH-riiig !i- r» }■ n<l :

■’ Tin- vtliu fif ;i .slHinp 4liH':4 lint ilepcml it|-un ll" -i/c Uf importHfu/- of the cuuiilry |.) which it V. L-IS'>o''4l. (mf Oil the <ini:iil iitimJ*»T i -rn ll and Hw Lrfae l»emmiing -;'A III" I. Smne nf (h) rurn)<t an? tliosii. f liiiintrii : wbii'h are hur'lly known to the uverir.** ri Mil) r. Hiun- the aduptiuU uf ;"lkcsive RUmph - Ji)i4- furly-pix jtFari ago, lliiTi hnve la fii I xoi'tly 4’).lKJi) dirtereiit kirul.s, Vskill'll hy Ihe ditferent cuautfica ill till wotid. M:i)i> uf ihc-:^-are lust flud i-iEi f » v» i Ih uiil.tiiuil. No colli' linn iu the V irid b -•rii{>'(<, illuongb s-iujc in tier* iii.iiiv Mid I’l'iire iiAvi l.>r<mghtaR much :i. i.-i'.li >4. .> • t untT I uriipriM d alniiit to,OH) I.r 2II.INAI Uidi I nt ihhU4-H,"

Mr. Fi-l'iifivtli iheti l p ||4wi several '.It'- iriiiili-' :iiul t»"'k "lit iiumU'D of well In-UIld UtukN. which had ll'l'll n|SOCi,il- Iv mannl •«'unil lor the pur|Nm‘. The f |C< Mill MiimLi'ie*. Win ill pr<jvidi)l witli u|i(<rupri d< |d." • ■> in tin iltOermt vulunir , "lid !i 1 stiiii'j' w-n -■.Dl'ully tnd sva- M|,4!i>.lly niMiigi-iI, ruiumi-in-ing with l-t'i. wln-u wi-re fii't IrhiikL lb'fur. ili.it t:m- h-tt< r- w- r. Hunt foMod airl ;al.tl with WAX, Ih" pu-i'i . In-iiig nitlior

|.n|M'd IT eulle. led nn delivery. The i(»Pnt"r (ir-t i.peiieil tki-vuluine printed ■ ( iiili d St ii‘ Hud :*liowi'i| HltJnlp cum- iiii-ui ii'g frioii b-'-ir the )l lie of 111" flr-tli-suc to' the fif»’‘ )‘tit J.Ujhv'jiliUi - there Wi re particular miiDiLl.ilt the cidir I'uii 1. uliim-t''iiiiipli'li', lutil) cidli'eliun theie arc alio ill tin' curiuui slMiiipH i--«u''d liy the Confirieriite Guvern- mctit friiiu l^id to 1*4 ;!, wliJib itre dark in rulurund oruanienti'il with the picture nf JiJl rMiu Duvi). The iHoe New York Srnie of IM'-ii Is very rare. The oollerticm also containa one uf tbu fiiuoui Uratlli)' buru kVt.) stauiiM*

** 8Uie« ^i-: that 0* *»to*K/orD ing coDipIcte np to the prewut time, Hehules the genemi i«» uu of Ibn (iuveru- tiicnt there' are iiiunl^ra of local itctiniis issued hy (Id: towns and provincea. The Mnuip'* 4 liiiiig" fioiiieully in sii)i, color aiul orriHinent.'iiloii, on a4'eoiint of (he many ri vuiutums cliaoging lu (he Govern­ment. The rarc' t ••UmiiH arc tLofto of (rHUiia)ajara.

'J’fic third volume eonlaiii.': the Engliib 4itiim|'44. cuiiinieiirihg 1 4 . The fiDt itamp iu ihii enlirrtion ia tho famous V K stamp, l»'iiig Hie ulilesit ill existence. Next rnmoa tlw <4H--|H'])iiy L'taue, and following this ia every insue np to the presout time com­plete.

The fonrtli volume ia devoted to Ocr* uiau Rtanipa, and ia tbc most completo la the act. Ail the amitll, pi'tty Goman HtaO'S before the wjnfederatWn are repre- M uU'il with aelectionaln this book—Olden­burg, Jlanover, llaiuburg, SchleAwig-llol- Hlein. Afler thciie come the first lasues of the impenal atanipa, the new (K'niutiiy utUr tbe coufoleration.

TliP next volume la devotol to RumIiu at.tinp), whoae w^wndtj hiu) canwd many a bcHrUche to tliecolhH'tor. There in a grtut variety oflontl aUmpi issued by the differ­ent pTuvincec

The [Lallan col1ertl4)n is complete, com- meueing during the reign of Victor Em­manuel and reaebing to the present time. In this rulU'trtion art' BOtne of the rare

I Tiiaran atampa iaeued In somo of j which are valued ill the way from $.)0 to ITS apiece.

The Switzerland eollertlnn in n1.)4) almost cnmpietc, including the liMuc-d uf Geneva, Zurich aD)I BuacI, niuny of which are rare and valuable.

Following those aro tho tLampa of France, which are without a fl;»w or iutev- ruption, and these an* buccwdcd by vol- nmrs ilcvotcd to the stualler Kuiopein couutrlca. Id one of these volumes Is tho rarest stump in tho coHection, issued lu Muidsii, apliuT in Runiuunhi, in and valued at IKK). Jt i.a a I ir^o and cuiimia hHiinp. U'iug ilevutnf to a reprejentuiioD of the heud of a stag.

Alter tho Fiinipcvn collection com 'i sutuc rare sp cluieD.! of Asiatic sl.*m*i3. The IVTslim co'h ciioD comprises many inn* iiauE'.i. FuHuw ing theju U a Taro BOt of stamp ' of thb is uud of Ceylon, ibaa<.Hl in Js", ond vafu d ul ■ 0 aidccc. Some of tl'cnj siu ibe luu&t bi!.ujkl j 1 Wilie>o1l • t<un. Japan. E'<.ypb, Morocco, Liberia, Al'.iu) Capo of Good Done andoLho'’: — iu i’:u 1. ibe^c is not a cuuDik-y iu Ibe wo -M whii'h ever ia.iied slu.tDT>s but is I'Cp 1::-j. ciii.d in pjjTt, 'n Mr. I'a^tenr.tu'B vul- UhlC.4.

The last Tolnmos of the colliv'llon are filled with Lm m of South America, The ii'4-iica of tbo United ytatea of Colombia are viiUidhle, The stump known us the Jotemn sianip is iu this volume, and la valued at $ri. I'lirogLiay, Pata^onift, Chili, Peru, Li;i/il iiud Uolivia are idl reprcMUtod, and in oiaiiy coses Uie issacs being com- pL'l)'.

Hcbldcs bis Btamp collection, Mr. Fosteo- raib Las a large (ollocUon of portal cirds, frum tbi'ir Unit L'lauc in AuiLrla till their lulopt’Ciii hy the U-diug eivtli? d tuuutrle4 i f the wutld, and the l.%sui'S up (0 lUu ]>ii'-riLt iiiao. iiis piisUt-i-ard coil.rtiun cuiil;.iii<t 4)viT 4,00U pusLi] caids,

rLU.MCIOrH ClIKWINO GL:.>1.lidurlmiN ERect of Gin Ifnlilt—Soi'e

Tlirimta Hnd Dyapepala.Niu- York {'or. ( luduuHlI Kinjuirer.

Th)' physician who hipt c.hargn of tho tluuEit diiipi'tiwiry iu one of tbo largest bus- piiiilH in Ntw York Bald yest'-rday ; “ D.ty iilti r d jy paJient.>*. ueiirly all girli between i-ii:lit and ci^hU'en years of ago, cotiiu in li«n Dihl omiphin that it hurts them will'll Ihi'y mvaHow, or clae' their months hlitig when they drink anything warm. Gti cxaiiiiuhig their tbruaUi, I tiiul tlie

; 'It lieati- tiiueuUH iiuiiihrHUO marked here and tlii'te VI it!) little infiAined patrhi's, tn nine f-ascAout of ten it is cuiiaed hy chow- iiiu uimi,"

" Why id the gum hurtful T"“ Tlie riiivuring is nsunlly pnisonous,'’

ri'UiiiTkid Ihe doctor, "and hy its eunstaiit preHi’uc)', iti howi'ver Btuoll a c|uantity, it set) up ill! intiluimatiun. Hut the habitus iilIii'TwiM' jieriiiehiua. The untiring uio- ti"H tif a gmii ehevver's jaws provukus a supi-Tllu-'U- fl ‘W of saliva—just jw If there was iitivays a jiijich of suit uu tbc Uitjguo— :nid wiiirs out the salivary glnnda. Gum chewing relanla digesliou. If a woman llH-i her j«touiRcb with water or s;iUv:vhIic iIm-wtik the goBtric .juires; also the inter- niiiiiilde irttritioii wuais imt the teeth, uivl kirei*:n tliivor hy ileprees nildeTS the hri'iiHi mure Iiud more disflgrL'E‘ahlc. Thu pL-.Uiie is b.id m tvery way."

WBium^s of Ihia deostipUua* and inliin tlni iLhl the w rU ir o f tbu iaiU-r ho<l iM U r T h t - r a c l f again in the rov.il pi* • 4-neu, Hire waa a hluw indtwl. Wbunlhc priix'e End princesi nf Wilt's with- <ll«W the lijHit of tlieir rntiht' u »u. i - fr.-i.i a irrtain [K r-^u In ucii-l t, th.iL p..i u I uh'-i ijc'il to [M'rdilion, Lunl uml f.idy Hundolph fiiund thccui cIvTH cult]- abouldi rr-d on all side-. What wi t*> le-duu) : Tli'-n Linl Ifiiudulpli to»ik iDholutiuD. Tbicre wii* nutbiug fur ii "U( lu Hbaiidun biv ilrvoma of p-iK'ia! vtiiii" ii « uod plunge into |sdiLii4 in right iMnii'-L llj>‘ 'Jory favrtj at thut time was kidly in iiei'l uf a figbting man. and I.TThl Ukn- ilolpb pmvi'd himself a regular bruiwr. In nn ineruiHtahly short time bis pulitii-vl reputatiiin was madi', and then oni'- a mure pri^loui iv>eaoU(iiiti. Bir Henry JojiM si undertook t<» ri'cimrilc the prints and tbe puiuUut uuhleioan, ami au they met at - ir Ui nry JameVs bouw and Liwly Itandulph'- indi»trelkm w) n‘tricvi.Hi, and liuw itii {air Bhinc mure hrilluuiily tiiui i-otr in the mk ial (Irmament as-ulellit*- of tbe royal huu and mm n.


CIIINF>K mVOKCKS*^iruundann U titrli ■ Wtf» ran Get lUd of

itvr Jlualjoml.Fr.tin (he SiauU iilL).kmtu/y.

'i'hv i bkniiM) have <k linn le luT in mar- b ing inailc in bi-aven. A i-urhdn

deity, wlium they o i l " IJii Ui'i M m of till Mui'U," Hub*, uith a -’illii'ii cird, thuy B!iv, all ]iii ilcbthn d cuupli-:-. Harly mar­riage l‘« eHriu-ily iiu-uh'al4 4l, and unn of their mai'ii-i- -t.dC’ Unit tlier.i arc ihr- i' cardinal s n" :'hI (Lm IcmIh' witliuiit uff- spring \’' th* i hiuf. .\ iu nlhi'r cimiiiries, spring is the when yuuu'r iHgph'NinimU turn (o (he thtmghl) of- Invn. and

Aniutig (he iirirrijtgc pn-wiil) are live g)*«- c, vrliich are Riip[HjM;d to he cnihL'm- atieal nf thi- cunnird and hiipjinii i i>t' the married Ktiitu, A t'liinainau may divoree hia wife fur seven ditfrreut damoiu, and in tbe list are ill-U'rnper and a talkativv* dis- pnaitioi). Tho birtli of a bud U the urciMluu of much ri'inieiDg. fur withunl sous, a man livi'S without honor and diet un­happy* with ttA;One to woinliip fd grsv e uuil uotm bKCuutumu tbi* iW n j

n t l lK l l l l .L ’it NTAUT.

rm lt« and fliamkn* of Wanton.yrom the Clnpinnatl Eii'iuIpit.

A hflitdsomfi woumn is dangsrona.A woman has neither love nor ri’*pcct for the

man aho can nitc.Gnc bail woumii can keep ■ whole iitlghhor-

Liasl in hot Wal)*r.A uumau ahuisnut Jc-sloasof hcrUiivbsnd

L^mAln luvcvrilL him.this worliJ is lull of bcautlfiil women, tinl a

truly gO)Hl woman is a raUty.Two ibhigK always trsliiU'l fur acUuu—a

wuTuan'B tongue and a mule's liceU.Nine coKrs out of ton when a woman sayi' she

haUii a man she la In lore with him.Woman 1« lho sweetest ami bKicast gift of

God to man.A woman will confefs to almost anyihtug but

to the fact (luU she is growing old and ugly.The iWvlii.) never as black as he Is painted,

and a woman U never as Inoucent as )hc ap- pears.

If yon want to keep a wornan'i love keep np a ilighl but steaily fiirtatluu with her moot baud rival,

When a woman gives you her loveilon’t lay ll away nn icu fur "afu k'TpIng. IkilU-r keep It In the WKrtai'"t mmer nf your hoiiil, )W if she calD for ll at any lime you can rvtum it In the coniHtIuli Shu gave It U) you.

A Brook of INirt Wine.From the San KraDcDro Argonaiil,

Tb)) fttUmtioh of a policeman of liCitb WKSaUrscied cue night recently by a slaeable brouh of port wine, which liowo) from tbe gate of a largo warchcniKC Imo a neighboring aewer. Making nire that it was gixid wine and worth saving, the iKilleeiman amused the warahouse manager, and It wai* found that a large vat had hnixt iU iuMips, porrulUltjg t.JHO gallons of wine to nm "Ul npHiii ihn ttoor. which was flooded to the <leplb orKYvnil luehc.), AwiAiauce was called In, and fcorao 200 gallons were ladled up and saved, but 1,000 galtoni ran away. It did not all get into (he oewer. however. A great crowd gatiicrod at tho brook; some kueli down and drank of it, and others brought pitclmn and toklls. in which they carrlei ijnantUleR away for more delibt rate coniuraptlcn. Tbu influi nce uf the Unwlc was such finally (hat the crowd grew uproarbia , and the police were obliged to drive (hecn back and restrain them unlit the rivulet had uipcnfieii Itself.

HisThe I ngHsI) Cuiis«r\uilV4' <Gv]ug SiK'1'i-ss (o illn Wir«>'w Hltimb-r.

1 oiidon J uUiT tu ( ’hlcago Ne' w).TIi(T4‘ is a i iirinUH »(iiry of the (mnu'‘r

ill which ( hnrchili lu'gan to taku nn inter- e t In tHiliiivU. l\ir soimi yuari bu sat in I'lirliiTucnt withuut opening hU mouth. He was a nmn about town, aud rugapli*)! public life iLS a Imre. He eared a giKoI deni iijurc fur the bnUul than for the ballot. Ihit one fine day Lady Randulph Clmrcbill took a great resolution. Sbe wasacandal- isi'd hy the fnvora which the prince of ^ 'all b bcstowiHl on a certain dame, and abu thought tt her duty to warn the piiucesB* But the prutcead ol(jocta tu

A (rtilUan Hrnora Who Uwn«V)sat rialil) o f Cool amt Itiins a jHuiiopolv*

Vaiparann Latter lu Pamnaa t tar.Ibotirriu Lnturt'-tlDg p .ragraph Ln ill

KngUaii journal, wbk-h informs u;i that a Lt Itli firm liu lust conipluU'd a hiindwmfe

fleam launch, whu'h lia* Urn ImiU to the Older of Mm. Om-«'Rrt, a rhilliu lady, who h ri'jiorUM to Iw the iichi"*l woman in the world. Her wealth G cmU- njaU-d at Urtwcrii |.V}.U)K).fkI) and Gal. Thu lauDih, whi> h ii built uf aUcl, is iwcnly-five feut In tengvb, and U to U*) Diployed aa a tanilur to her Urge yacht.It is daloirati'ly fitted up in poliahed lui- lioganv, and Is to 1m> disiiatrhtNl forthiritb Ly oiii of iLc mail etuamcn from Liver- |K)4)l fur i’)inVfy»ti''S to t'hili.

Iksidsi Uing the rubest woman in the world siiu aUi uujuys the aingalar privi- -ge. uf lieiDK emprtMfl over a Ud 'L of Urri-

tory tallfl I>'U, whiih lii- ■omoinOor .'uHiiiiiiti til til" south of the i»ort. and from wLu'li :thii" [ Hu* lUtire supply of coal for Sluiih Aimri'.i U mined. I>. Luty u] jHiiT '-ir.kiigi' tu i!puak of an ocn* pri Hf in till* ill irl of a In-u republic ; hut )ie iTt|:i']r-<i. Ih*‘ I'Xiiti-, ai))l so abou- lulc are hut iri-iji ty's iiowvrs that there arc few id her hiiLji-i who would hv nwo- lutt' iuid t'uunigiMfUs cruiuglt Ul claim the IKisM-a-kiun of tbi-ir iiw ti immortal ihiuD, or who Would nut U- pri paroil tu deny that un thi Ml (king of tio' |iho'i' a ii*‘dal ar- | rani;i nil'll I w.11 nmdi:' with n-firiinc to coul di]M»-ilH iHdwtrn 111” Divinity and th*;n lgiiinp iLon.'in-h.

Ihiring Ik t «l«*cnc: flu- G iivn iin u n t i- I'nri'ic'l on iiiiich :d it la in Ireland, hy jitt-aiiM u f a )iri-roy, with ibin exrcpiinti, that whit)' tlio Iriah ar<‘ not un fm ^u rn lly reU-lliuns and trEiuhlr^nic and ai'tu.'illy

iImJsuAx -*• W 'oUghf,h div;- "''*.**. 01. i rrWTffi trt(9 Wj/rid

or in that whirii ia to com e, snrh a )ii|icr- nalitral eflurt iiew r enti d the simple and unrouiplaiiiing uiIihIs u f the pnpulatiun o f (his reimirkahic purtion o f GudV foutatool.

B t i p l iB M l* * ,POT1()lS*—'All adverUsamaBta oeselng

iiiidar sb» keaUa of •■Uelp Wautosl,* "MtuaUniia YVauiodf*' * ffur Bant,'* "Fat

lUmritliiv*** mIaisL" *• Poond/ ufVjrMiitMl,’' etc.* will be ptibUshad wlUn r»t« of Uue erut a laurd fi>r each tsiaar- tluB fiurit mailer, tu tie proparly elaiot- fled, should be handeo In bofore B P.

A n'lGKLGTAlU.K tVAlTLR W,\Sil-DU 1*1? HK'iAl) fir.

t.wrniKGNEn FOIL AGK4..SolidTwo Huts Taken Alive from

fllork i>f Coal*From ihe Haltlniore Hun.

p 0/ mitltnore* hasfta .n» pIV'vM'vCdin alcohol w.Kirh hs«^^. •- ws history. They were fonnu oboie sru </ imliodded lu hituiuiiiuiui coal at SwanUm mine, ItarUix). Atregbany County. Md.. by Antkuuy Bb«s. who says th(‘y wore Ukeii by biai from a solid lump of ix>al alive,and that they lived niue days after (bey were D b'aBed. He also says that tbe impreaoion

tbe bats was clearly fonuod in the coal. Theao staC'inenta were made by the miner In writing to Mr. Hoopmau. Mr* Keeaatatea also that be Is wiHiug to make affidavit to the same, lie (uforuia Mr, Uoupumn that there was no c*%vire by wbioli the baU could have crept into tbe eoal-bed, and that plasUT casts of the Jmpresaion were tnaile at the time the bats were released. These casta Mr. Hoopman is trying to ob­tain. The subject will be brought before tbc Maryland Academy of SeieDcos* of which Hr. Hoopman was formerly a mem­ber. Cases have been from timo to time reported of toads being found iu ooal-bods, where it is Bupposc'd tbey have been im­prisoned, fur ages. Tbit ia the first tlmo Mi . Hoopman baa ever heard o f bats under tbr same circumstances. A son of 8tephon 8 . Lee, one of the owners of tbe mine* is said to be conversant with tbe foots in this case as stated above, and ti? have seen the bate alive aud their impress in tbe coal, which was nufurlunately permitted to'be broken or diaintegrate in the open air*

C^fiArllMAN, I’HKrirt. MAN ON OBNTN piirr, Mhi'e '-r H'l'fTiil; man an'l wift'.

Appl) G)jMl>nr AOKNi 'Y, licalb Uoikl g :^

( xAKIflFK-A Y'lrNO I.ADV n'tN'TEDA9 .'’tiblur and tu enpv orJi'R. Ad trow

t*ig GhlXxR, of this pap»*r.

C^JRL FOJt HEliOlORK, ABSlslT^mrH Ihouarmtfk lP2 . fan-imld AuhtV »K tX MKHTIf Ai»KN)'Vj Heath BulMIng

I JI.AfKS AGVLLll.sKtl IN LAST ftVEN- tijs's News fllll TB**ant. Alt gtr!) wlslung

uomedlhb- eiiii'loyineiit, scashoh', oity and ewuntry, apply iHiMlwTi).'AGE.NCY, 777 Bruoti klruvU MgOKVFHAL gl'AUFIRIl LAUY Te TcHKRH k^Of a.i l rflrf,:"n-, wanted at tba uew H(. Wiudk’i .'rh<4'l, NUgafa. eur. Kuiuor i atirot, Weifcark, N J. LukILJi h|*cakuig 0*mmn CaibuUci iitifurrcd. Iu*jaire-at iLc adioluiag rectory. ______________________ Mg\ V A N 7 KI'-A 0 0 ' OIHL. Ml HT llE A Tt gi Ii'l C< ok and U4ii]ur»tai"l washing aud

Iroiiii g B'«] t'oiue nell ri i'i'iniucud'.'d. Ai'piv E. 8, HUAVV)iKH, Cur. Ora-'g*' aiid fliMeviHa ave._________ _____________« g\ 1 T AMK[» 1*111*4? r|..(K.-< llRlTiTLAYKHa TV at hiiiidlrig .Mim iiiit( p,irk sUi'eUi,

(‘rsMBf. N. J. i wagt!-, H.7.’ii»tr day, Apply tu furunaii III I'iirirgi'. vig\ 1 TAKTKI' • A KTKuNfi. .Ci'llV’H, IM,N- fV c"! yimiiK tuiiii lu .jrivi* a Luiullliif Utssl

ntgen. 1 nil I \\\, ijuvi irk,____________ _______________ 72g

\lfA N rM i - >-U.K.-MAN.TT Kill il,Mir Wiirlr. esi.-ilL'Inlf hut iiui

Cm lllltiAl) hT., .**«'. filgI nr»-< T ill- Ti» J.'i'HK

T> I'll 'II-'OII! «' ll -lliip ^ ,MMAKKLI .it,, lt|.Ltlni. ,i|lg\VA,VTK|)-KKSI'K(Tllt[.K~iIllI, P()R TT hoiL*' Murl ; huruiaji prefcn'r'l.

J,1 Jin.llhUllV I'LAC K. 77g

KroploTni.nt Itureu.*

ME.N ANII BOV8 WANTKI); ALKO •'bOO Kifli, TV.I7 d.y. of *11 n*Uuii*llllcii,

<'iK)i», ch.nihomi.lil. w.ltiTi, firUii in need bi'liMon Ih* siHuitle'l at Hhnrt notir«; the

.,'ry bert diy refen'iire. Also hotcla and ica sbuffiplacesmpplliilaUPGhKEN KTKKKT. p:»t

Smplagmtnt WunttA.A fhiiY,; S; '"i'n'.'u™"' 7

Situation ; bo» thr In-at urrt!tew.aW“ -ifapaid H-rurUy, If renulted. Ad«Jrea« BAh- k LKrkM, Newi office. jUg^rOVNO M\N WISHEflTHTTr vflOK AS

1 clerk ; i|>caki r ermno and Engitab : la Bu^r and plroMuit; baa the lieoi of relerencea, Addnift A, U. MADTEH, L7U Cheiiluut it. Mg

PresldenUal VetoeiTFrom the Roc,liesU?r IN«i-Express.

Tbo following (able* which we have jjnT>arcdwUh (rrsflt care ftotn many sourr’c). Bhfiws the namb4T uf (iiuw tbe veto |wwor hoB boon used by the twenty-two men who have filled the prcsideoUal ebair;Wwhln'.lun........... 2 Trtvlor,. ..........Adams.....................0 Flli'nure....... .Jefre json................ fl Pierce................MaiUxin................ . JtjBuchiioau......... .Adams.................. 0 JuLutmn.... ........Jftckfun.................. tl CirsQl.............. .Van nilrfiil..............OjUtyca..... ...........lIu rr iB o ii....................... OjOartelil....... ............Tyler......................U,Arthur......... .......I’ulk............. 3 Cleveland..........

Twi'tity two prwiflenU vtiowl iCi bills In nliK'ty-flveyears; Iie:4(itiit Cleveland vetoed 111 In olgbi months.

A Campaign of Ameulty*From the Nurri lowit IKrald.

Two Jirothera have been nominated by the opposing iurtie!' In Tennes-D'O fur the gov­ernorship nf tho State. It Is not likely that the omaiis of either party will derUn* that tlia fatherof the opporillon cKndldoUs was hung fur puiBuiiLig 1 grauilmuUicr.

.. 0

... 0

... 10

... 1

... 1

... 21


... 12 0

... I...IU

When Baby wu ilck, we gave her CA STO RI A { When she wasaChlkhshecriod forCAHToaiA; When shrbecaiDc Ml»,ibcclimgtoCAHl\JlUAt When she Lad uLUdrwr she gave them


D E A T H S .RontRTON.-Ou August 17, Oeorge Roberton,

son of Helen and Kooeri Robertuu, aged L year, H nil 'ntbs, 11 days. Hclatlvi-a and trluuds of the fHinily ore rvf-i .'ctfullv iuvileu tu altunil the j'nnvrHl from the rt'sLicoce of LIk parents. No. Ithficartne avenue, on Thurstlay, August IK at 2 I'. M. Inh'rment In Foiriaount Cetuetciy.

IIofiaHAK.—On Auaost 18, Jamev »on of Thomas and Julia Ilolahan, Aged 4 month) and 21 days. lleUtlves and rriemla nf the (aniLlv are rusiiecLfUllr luvUM to attend tbe funeril from the resilience of bit parents, No, 191 Con- tral avenue, mi Thuradsy, Ammst If, at p. 51. Intermcnl in the Cemetery of Ihe Holy Beput- chre.

Bsiliy.-O d Auguat 18, ISAK, Maggie, daugh­ter of Ten'nce aud Ma’,’3le Ih'lily, a^wl '2 yoarj;, fl niimths, 2-1 days. KeiaNves and frfenda of the family are rctuect.ully iuvitud so altmid the AioerPl from her Daienls' n' idencu, So. fiji Wanen street on Timrsd .y. Au'Uirt 1 at S P. N. IntrriDeat In the Ccinetery uf the Holy Si'puluhro.

MrAviDxy.—On August 17. James F. Me- Aviney, aged a.1 years. ItoUtiTca arid friends of the rfi'ce i.eil aru reiip''Cttuliy Invite*! (o at* tend the fbncral ftom the residence of hJs molhcr. Mni. Julin Baggan, No. 16 Crow Blreet, UK Thutiday, Augnst rg. at 8 A. .M.. to the Cathedral, where a High Moasof fl '■uulnm will be offared fur the reiKisu of Lis auul. Interincoi 111 Ht. JuLii’s Cemetery.

TUKEE SCIENTIFIC CIIIPS,Sinoo tbo recent death of rrofeBjjsor

K. I.Uiueinami, of Prague a dencrlpUouof a new iiioiallic eU-uicm Imu Imth found antoDg liK papers. The metal was (ibiulniHl from tho orihitc of Aft-nilaL and ii namMl " AuHnum." It limy throw new HglU on the coiisdtuUon of the j>im. as one onUi rpertrul Hues at'iiears to Ih> IdeiUlPul wltJj one of the (hrceu&ideutJhc<l lines In Angstrom's map uf tbu uomioi solar

truiiv.On Ihe Tnin.)ca.9piiui Rjiilroad* in

XiwjA, now nppr>ia)'hlng Mm* U i.) eitdmixl lliat about fiiOO pur mile being saved by the

of OEotorlte, or mineral wax, (or ties. tVlien puritU'd, int'IIcsl und iiuxihI with litne- slunc and grovel, the OMkcrllc, whieh la abniDiiint in the ytcInUy uf tlie railroad, pro- ilucea n very guild gHphall. Thia la preawH! In)u alinpe in Uixup, mu1 glV'OS IL'h which re­tain (heir form and hjirduc'fis wuit lu the bol- test ivciillu’T.

Hy ft new proc.«i3 of manipnlaiion balH luufp w-rvicert ble and finer ihau anything now oil the market uic niA<h‘ of wood pulp. They are lin[»ervlmis lo wah'r, and un( want­ing In IluxiLiiUy. ll i) cUlmeil that felt haLs Mil] have lo lake n back (>eat or snon as the new hat». cau be t>1ared In the market in Kutll- (dent numhi-rs lo tupply tlie di-maml. They QT)' rertiiln to revulutiouisi' the liaipT'a (radu* as Uiey ran be molded into any shape uratylede- sm'd, and colured to meet the U Ia' nf the pub­lic. 1 hey can lo: made lo represent a g1o)«7 or nappy upKarancc.

Mixed Memories.A wilhered ilower. worn',yeart ago.

J>ry-hrown and breaking at a touch—(t ought to value It, I know,

But, then, 1 havu m> many such!)Hear memory of days divine,When I HQs licrs and uhe wiw mine.Toot Uoivcr. du yon rcmemljer now

The summer moadon'S and the win,The green leaves on (lie dancing bmigb,

The ‘pilot word? when day was done,The hour you lAy- ( 0 hleosiHl tlowcrlj Held In her hand—one long, xtvect hour? Flop, thouirh ?—I don’t rememlx'r ipilto

' Wlilelj girl It M'Aa lliul gave it inc—. T can't ]>c sur( (t mhs Hid( night,

It might have been—iiom', let me fiCO—1( was that girl 1 met last June At Mrs. JoniKi’Balternoun I

p went to gel soidb cisrct-eiip,(Uf course, found tennis mueb too hot),

And then—no. stay—I've mixed (hem up— It WM Iier Gslcrl So,'twos notl

J Pnu't remember—so, here goes,1 he (lames may have my precious roae I

______ —loodon HotUty,

(nJl'tgMl Chnada Pruhyferion, under Mg- lUtureofC. Blackett Bobluaun, Propr.t **lwai ounHl of ofL-recuntog bilious LeadacLoaby Bur­dock Blood BUten.**—Ade,

V Ju & »i;tfik »i’* .


F (OR 8Al£T"^'IIoii'*, Bam and Ifi apres. near NoMoik, oil line of D. L. ^ W R. R. Gnlyfl.yio.

Houop oiid lot OD FuUon at llouN? and lot on tomb


______ Til Broad street.

I pO k B A U S - "! FlfU‘)‘n acre i of silt meadow rrias. Alsoyoung uow. With (iut calfhy her tide. Also i|uaulity of old roiien manure., , JAMES McCABK,Mf Ac.idcmy at. East Orange.nOR 8ALE-A BU)ODUOrND rlJl*. NINE

X ' mofiihb old, weight H Um - a gi.o:t waieh dug inr taeiurv. i»aru ur jai L lu^niw of L M. BhKKY,M Frellnghuyscn sv. 83g

For 8ale- a well paying pkovis^ton ivmie wKh two horaos and wagon. lu-

qulrc RH HGLLANIi Bltect. 2


T ^E W A R K PROBERTV TOR guL E — OH X t LbT ujt-t re*n>D*ble term., spleQilRI tiiiT « t « , wRh raJltuad, river fcini, c*u*l fadU lles; 111 ■T .il.b le: two mile* Oom eom u ot Broid and Market muei aod mUoi rton JeiaeT Clt; ferriei. Applv to

. . „ . (ffARLEg P, ROSa,No, 7W Broad ktreel, Newark. N. J.

1JRINTINO OFFICE FOE 8\ L E -W E L L storked with i jp c and presksi; doing a gfKid

I uilna-ii, dddrOM A. W., Newi olBoe. Mg

t a t B e n i .

A besirable "pt’ fiTisnED'lRooH let i all tinpoovenienl*, oentrally loe

Addnaa I'RIVAT^_ A le i; all tinptovenienl*, oentrally located : private ramlly, AddrcM rRlVAT6 New* otlice___________________ Kg

EATLY n-RMBUED ROOJt, fOR ONE - I or Iwo gents, or man and wife; also a hall tiedfooni. atMABKKrBT. Mg

10 LET—nVE ROMMS, ONE FLOOR, IN a new building; Ulh Ward, near Hlgb at;

line nelghborlHioil; rent llii, AnniT toL. M ERSFELOEE, is Morton It,



To I.KT-FOrR Dorsi E AND ONE SIN.gle room to I*t with board, all fronting on

Broad street, cor. BROAD and fXlURT 8TB. 3lg0 LET- 3 NICE ROOMS, FIRST FLOOR; rimt IB J cars novs the door. Cot. of BBC IN

and BPHlNQEllll) AY., Irvlng.on, N. J. 74gr p o LET-SKCONO PtXlOB, CONTAIMINO X. 0 rooms, In a corner home, cheap to a re*

ipeeiable family, fnqtilte Ml COURT BT. 6gTO LET.-BMALL STORE, 144 WALNOl

jm. strei't: haa been used by a barber. DR. UOWE,a5 tlal»eT itrwi. J y tt.1*)() LKT- 2 I’Nri’ RNISJfED ROOMB TO J

, or 2 adults, ll., CQ9 lUlaey « . 75g

i l o f i t n * IB on ttD *

W AMED-TW'O Nll.'K R(H>MS* ABOUT ten mtuiiU's fruiu the Market at. )lopot, Ly a couple withom ohllilren, newly goine

buiiscket plajf. Addms HUMS, Evening News crfHec. aig

l>Mth ClAimi Pal)} In Newark To-ilay by Uetro|>olltaD Life lue. Co.

Prem, Am'LWlUlnm H. irrln, T6 Boane tvc... .10 IH2 oo8arah J. fmnitel]y, 176 Bank m....... 10 UO ; 3Ju^pb Johnson, Bceuiid at..............10 ftj on>S'IBllam Mtxmer, I'niun ive.,........ .10 HO 13Laura WHsoti, HeotlAud ave ..........05 28 30JULLAN L. BABBBTT', Buple,

Cor. Broad ind Market Sts.

E9 9 «v fttst9 »

o a r b - larcb front and backru4>iDJ also iliigle room; with flrsl-elaM

" “ " ’ ''lOADBT. ?ng'(Ud. No. 1070 BROAD BT.

B EAl'TIFLL ROOM, FURNIBHKD, ur wUhciut board. 112 STONE ST.


Cl INTI.EMAN AND WIFE (IAN OBTAIN rpleailuc room, with I«aril,l7, In btb ward, Addrcsi Dome, News oltlce, 7Sg


No. la BRIDliK STBEICT. Near Broad street. H'e were the fin»t to n'dune lltu nwt o( finierais

Ly loverine prices tu uvory depurlmcnt.Call ami ico oui duw Slate OuuMe Box fur

coBketB. ___________Te]ppbonc No. 15V.


No. S21 BROAD STREET, opposltd Washing. ton Part,

PERSONAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIUHT. QOlcc an<l residence connoctetl.


Office and Rertdence; 81fl BROAD STREET.(next door twiour Evening News office.)

TKISONAL attendance day AaSD NIUUT Telcpbune No. 22H,

0 t i * ln M * M a t l r a * . f r r _yATENTB.-HRAKK J) t’O.,

_ BoUcItops of Americiui and Furelgu PatcniAAlt'ys In patent mu*^ befuro the.r. 8. fourtii. Mcctifliilcal and electrical engineer) and cx- Lertis r<ititul(Atiuu free. 777 ami 77H ilKO \0 Rf. (Heath Rnlldlng). Tahc elovator. The olilwfi cHtahlLhiKl hmiw In (he Staiu. Twenty- five yeam’ experience. Oertuan spoken.

PIANOS OR ORGANH TCNER ifoo!AddrcM fl. B„ KViT,. ihti office.

P IANOS OR ORoaNS TUNEoTri Oa AD- ilaiftB. B.yHUPr., Lhlsoffleu. 87a

OnORTIlANli-PRIVATR INSTHTmoNS y j by prii'Ucal slenugrapher. 721 BROAD SlRhE'i, roumlL Newark, N. J. i i t

U'^aWrlTTJtYmMTTiON.-BTOVEa andrnngijs of every dcscrlntlnn Ixiught, sold,

fxchwigvfl and repaired. PETER iTEARY, u Mulberry street, near Centre st. depot* «8h

AN TED -nW WORTH Olf LAOliffl aud gents' cast-off clothing. HigbMl

prices psDS. Orders promptly oltended to, P.B.—PartleH will please mark well numtiei

and name, lu order to get Ihe benefit o/ my S4iuai« dealings lo oil, m 1 have 00 oonnoction with any otbur houses,A. S, DAU8, remove)!! lo 89 Ckimmerce straeti Flirt clothlig store ftom Brood streeU

G OOD board ; PLEASANT ROOM.»g M» ^BllISdTON 8T.

Larue room, good board, for twogtnU. IIP EI..M bT, H.OO._________ ‘Og


Y Of CAN OBTAIN NICELY FORNIflUED ruoms, and gotal boatcl, by calUug at 48 FAIR STREET. Reference. Wf

A u c t i o n V a le * .j^UCTIOS BALE,


M. J. O’tXJNNOR, - Auctioneer.

will sell at salesroom, 1S5 Market street, on

To morrow (TIIL'KaDAY') morning,

at 10 o'clock,

Parlor Suits In Damask, Flush and other coTCrings, Wal. M. T. Chamber Suits, Cottage Eults, M. T, Tables, Bootcanes, Wardrobe!, Pntegt Rockers, itallnonds, ITor Mirror, Ex­tension Table* Desks, Bureaus, Wal, and other B^stcedi, Lounges, Chali), Rockerw Bruaelg tnd Ingrain Carpets, Oilcloth, Matting, Hair and otlier Mattromes, F. Beds, Bpringa, Mirrors, Flo- turea, Stoyc!, Bbow cases, and a yarietjr of com­mon (umitnio and honsc fltmbhing goodA Itg

w*.- e-jaw- y w-

A BTHOIXWY. - DESTINY REVEALED liom birth to death by the plaricla and stars. PROF. C. HATPIltLD, i!trologor, 79

South Orange .Tonne, Newark. asr

jO lU c e U a n c o t t * ." FCRS WATER

MS UNLIMITED QDAtmTIBB, For Houietiold, Factory and Stock putpuaea. All kinds of anti-freaa tngpumps on hand and pni up.

Weui olaanod and rgpaliiiig ti general.

CHARLES R ica, 9M Bruoa Bereel,nMtiOhlAttaEiB and IMt* Wall Biakat.


)pn>lE *9 to ik iil C a t &*>flRTOEBloK'f-'jo'llNliON,

Oonnacllae-at-Law,TM BRO.U) STREET,

Master In ChanewT. Wr Notary Publlo;

V tnA M C t*!.OMALL AUOI'NTB LOANED n a b le persons on lumlture RMvllle and Orangca ' " this office.

N E W A J I K E ’V^EKTN-G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y , A U G U S T IH, 188(1


A h ir i:iU T iT tO L ']j A N A R T ir t ir .

S«liUlJii|r Fxpl«l»i Nnn« <lild Th»«krl«« AUtiut Larkjr swt I’ulu^-kf NuuiU«r»»

Frutii Ui#« Uivsu-j MhIV ** lly ht*vt n \ it w nthi'T strtmKo that

th<i« are alt rtiM Mki lKciiiUiuF. lln* Swialist ugltaUkf, ibe uthor< iy, alluding to thf Urni number o f the ADan liiht ( d*r. U!C», |K»t«J on a c « d m live c'ourt room wh*J>re the trial was goiug on, “ H it a foarflilly unlu<ky numl>«‘r. 1 would not fur anything mov* on th * niulh day o f the muiitb, or ha?o just uiiio even dullan in nay jM^krla. 1 would give A dollar away first. Gartlrld w u the ninr- tet'Oth pitwidenti be died on the uiur- Ueiitb day of the ululh oionUi, and iu the forty*iiinlb yoar ufUis age,

“ H it not s<) had, tbiiiigh, after ail, fur there u tlie outtiiH‘r eleveD, and it, 1 1k*< lieve, ii nsnally reganled uh a iueky num­ber, 4ape«ntlly by negroes. Then again. If you cast out tbe uiuea you will base ■even left, whieh is also regarded as a lurky number. In the ItiliU' we nwd o f tbo ■even lean niid tin- !H< ven fit kind, the •even vliui< III -, ihe •vVi-n Kpirit , m.'iven ■tars, st'Vi ii , \ti) l:.ui]i!«, sevengiddi ti e i t i i l h ' >1 .0 btigelfl, leveu TialK and <‘ t v> n [<' >• r .

“ l!y u t'ureliil riludy of (ho number it will t>e oU-i n < il Mi i <t t- ralln r iMid. Tbe turn o f (!.• iI k'I- ‘ I H i uiiiuber sub* traded frM:. il :..v l,j» :^ tbe sum uf wli'-'-e ilii'i' • i‘ • ,' ; I r Jwo tlitiei nine. The Knii e f lb: ill i i 'iitiTn hi alwknine. ,\iiM iM i'..;.! Mum l,17y b*avcd l,S7n. tie- 'U!ii <>l \v! h-. [% nine.Bubtru^iiii/ iiiM n 1,170, nud adding Uigrlher Ii-*' .n i> , i-' nine fitdl rmuuliiH. Thin oin'KifiKi liiu l»»* P'lh at4 d with the Cver-fiuei'ul luui- i- tbe le•iu)l through a EduUitudr o f eh i- Th. were alno ’ ‘ r .^ ii. . . y.n- X^yuiarkot

not. Ti e fl’ iht I’ -r ou? h,i-i ju-itnine M te n in .1, e. ’ ■ ‘ ,>1' * full namebaa eleven i>.-U"r| in it. I.iotm IJiigg's,

- Hieliae] ;;tid S.inund Elelden’Muaniit ft have' (:ic!i tl<irlii':i 1 Tfer-<. which certainty is not h pfea .Mit refleelinii lu tbir uwherw, >h Ihev 'in* all very BUju'r- •tUitiouft. I>iiii4 IJnag's name Iirm ten letten in it, which rnight typify a hole to the ground with a Intiely tomljwtomi,”

C u tI c u r A

A tJaefol WM**^Tlic Three Eeathenff^Coatenla o f a

boarding'boQse pillow.“ Spra'i .lsiyj; Test’’ - le t t in g him see hor

■'wA n up.■’ Tbo Loiiely Ilcir” —The oixe on tbe dude’s

bp.“ Picked Up Adrift The SHOW in the snow

■boTd."IJoyond the Breakers "-Omamcnti out of

the children’s rei'^h.“ What lie Cost ller"-Kat half ai much as

she COM him.“ Comtih Up as a Flower”—The milliner’s

hill.“ LadyAudley’i S ecrcf'-n cr age,

A Bailor*! U fa ,A sailor has no K £ tUae

When on the D P sails ;Jt> H 1> finds aloft to cUmb

Exposed to 1 C gales.And then In K C makes a slip,

Or if he D 2 grows,A tumble from tbe 1 N ship

l i bU last N D knows.When overbotud lor A I> cries

With N E 0 and vim,And though of tilMe U C trlua

A vnlii H A to iwlm. l ut whtn no L I’ finds b near.

Nor N K » ay (o'-avc. lb- ilu’n i-».nii X uftear

Mu’-! ri, wn't'ry ■irHVe,Old A J Piil'.Mp F. ■dimi tr.ows,

hut if old A ' - ^ li; .U V t.r “ Ij irt y ■ cur. s his woc*.

Aim1h'o;^L.s )jL> pains.W> N V no F'l r Vnllur’s lif«»;

III {) Ua< uo fun,And, lecliiig P T fur bin wife,(niT XI T talk Is dune.____________ ___________ - TTd Bit*.

Keep the IjIchaI eoul bjr ukLug Kent's Bur* dock and l Lniiipanllu. Dy lu acUon on tho kldiH‘ys il ndirvfs eaccfstve fireaiiiiit, prickly heat, hcndticlM', gidflliiCNi, and all <^rr com- plainla due t<i over-bcated blood. Try It.

Women with pule. coiorUas ta-i'es, who feel weak end dLoiurnjed, will rweivehoth muD* HI and lioltiy v!u«v by uoiig ('artePs Inm FUIh. wlijch aio uukdefurliiti blood, uerrcaand complexion.—Ad i ' . ___________

fTt'nr FOR Uitoup.—Uw Dr, Ihoma’i’s Fclectric (Ml Bccordlng to lUnn'tlous, U la the boat rem­edy for all mnldcti attacks of <x>hls, luda and (nfiammatloTi. and Inuirlev.—Adr.

ooirsuxFTios oas sa ovass.

% H A L L ’ S

BALSAMniOWM Congh(,OolditJ*ntamonl(kpoii- pnmpHnn.HrollolllalDlffloultleftBroa-

■oothes and heals the M embrane of the X.imga Inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night sw eats and the tightness aorosa ths chest .w hich accom pany It. OON- B U M PTIO N is not an inonrable mal­ad y . H A L L ’S BALSAM w ill onre f o o , even though professional aid B l la F or salebyall D ragglsta

JOHN F. EEN2T S 00., Rev York9 -W d te for ninmlnsted Book. ''

T-vB, T o s s o f l a u c n i i c a k i-J J bOBPENBOSY BSI.TB.-C11I. nervous debilUy, lou of man hood.waaknasiof txMly aodminu.

QpuTSlTrilitvyoutafQl «rnn^ weak baclM * 0 n t N ^ U i l t T wrtte for btok on tfaniy ^igor

OH yotTNO. m Hvi isoia ll., amw twnaJT_______ New York.

p o i^ v r tl^ »irrh ou «c* ia

B L O T T IN G .Thu Biottuig, by lu peculiar make, is tap^

lior u an nlMirbent lo any ulpulng now iu use:.ForO)TiirnorrlBl pvujxiiies U Is '"the tbln«,’'

an It will not "mb ui>” by use, and will aol ■tick in the point uf the M'U.

j^nil aud get a sample for trial.

HARRISON & HOAQ,Paper and Twine Dealers,

169 and 171 H a lsey S t.

f f l f f lA E L WALSH,PXALER m


H io Laloai Colon and Dulnii In HollonS, iod Window ahodM, Comkoi, Coitoin Foiei, Shaile fu to rc* . etc. Fopet EEu^lags. FreKO PoiuUns.

009 BROAD HT. 009

s m , SCALP, BLOODt iraniKrtl, rtArifltM} and (jinmUilail^ y tha

( u ljrurat ii ttiiMm* tht‘ fciii aiitl rV'aliMif ii*Vur-

jtig l]ii!ii:-f'. tof niu^liig [U'hiiur, uftnimi; ar:d liitlHiiinunton. fi r t-urhiji (he n rf svmi»- turn-* id livt'iiu. l^nnHsih, Milk I’mw, Pt'ald lli-h‘ i. hrtiiiuU. .iii’ l oiht r lriht‘rll"<l .-Vln and Ihiri -l I'm as > l\ ru ( ra. tlu- STvhI Skt\ Mijn*, Hill 11 Til I ris -.lip . Mil "kin V>'uil-(IfT. i Xlwriiii'h , mill i I'Tli I B A Ktwi! VFIlia IL'.hkI I’tiiiiK'r, InUmaily, arv lufalhbTTr

A r o M i* i> rr E u n i E .] liuvi' M.flVn'il all niy life with okin dlveaaea

of il.fit r«-ii1 kiiiiL'*, ami liave fiHiml |n'r-mui.riil rt-hi'f until, the hIvIi-u of a laily frii’ iiil, I iiml yuBT valuable nT i' i Rx RaMK- DiEA. 1 MW iht'tn a UumMiglt irlal. uMng I i-alfA of tlU'UlTliT a A KhJMiU'K.UT, tui. Junta of llic I’VTU I R\mi l I'aki* of Uitutra fbiip. ami Um- pwilt w a.^rt what I h!<l ifeeit LuM iiuouM be—a couii>ia*U' I'lm'.

BELLK WAOB.Hit iiaosn. V a.Hi'fcrviice. t}. W UtlnwT. DnigglAl, W

Miirvhttli £*t., hK'biiiumt, Vu.HALT H in ;u w C I'ltE D .

1 wkiL thmbK'd with M(t Hht'imifi'ranum- b(*rof n-ariHuibat the »k!n entiivly camtM»ft line T<f my hamlH fn>m thi* linger llpakJtbe wrlrt. 1 irbfl remf<liT'ii ami din’tors’ oDurrlp- tbms U> imjiur|KM'unlll I (ximmeuvAHt taking iTTut'kA KtHkDJits. uid now [ am emlrely niml. K. T. P.vKKKH.

HV Niirtli*m]>lon HtwH’l, IkiKtuu, Mti*.ITCHING, NS'ALV, C lM C l.Y .

For the laM year I luive lia>] a iiecU-? uf itch­ing. Kcaly, and iilninly huiimrv on iny finx’ to ahu'ltl Imvi' u]i|illitl a g^'!l many nu'thi«lKof trrutim’ iil Aiilliniii ,sr, iiji-i which wtw•laTthly mid enlin ly ninii hv ri iin m.

Kavciiim. G. Jin iS.t.Vf niKLH'*.CTTHtiia fU:NrD(it». an* f-M i*v<’n’wh<'rc.

I’rtCT' : Ul TM H.A, 'A- : Hl>itl.VFNT, fl 1X1; luJAP, t ‘K‘. Wt i’iircd by ih ' |Vvm;h lihru A?«rH'riKx- Ic:a1, Co.. Ikahin, ila.- ', Ik'tid fur " Ilow lo Cua* ^klii CIm S'M’k”fiP T T D Q Plmiilcs^kln lUcmhhi.'Ai. ami BabyU l b U JJUjIlinuHito.-..... ft ’b T l’LTH THA Si -aP.

CRYIIVU WOMEN.“ I muBi give ui-. 1 cannottx’ur

the«**n nius; I m-he ai) ova*/, ami M'tlimg I try ilm-s me any g'snl,’ ' Barkarhi', nterluc i'alnK.llii* and Hilc raiiiii, Luiuuicm,

s • Mi'ahrit'h:: and Intlanimitiliiii, reUi'Vi'ii ill one mliniti’ hjr Ihal new, urUiimUdo- gant ami iufalUNc anl1di>ii' Ui italn and tiifiain- TiiaiSon, thi> n-Tiri'RA AwTi Pain Pr larra. At druRgit'l'*. 2V'. r o U e r D ra g and Cbaioiosvl C<K| TWiatoB,

■ r n | w • « ! W e t l c t M u , W m g « MM* n « * t c t » e * »


Ti)uKLA.<mo m o t i o n ■lid other Hnt.cloa

Sew ing M acliiafts,AT


Hold on TCaav Tarma

find work The a«ent d « 5l»l lo whtAbei.' the ajalD.

WALSH’S ICE CBEAl.U1 M ABK R m U U R .<bitit bases tOo.; pint boxM, Ue.i

> n « s u s ; p « lsi|t piste, U a: loii| M pit l llMa'

I mNI tried* t^pU ed BB«.

W ritesA Letter

T H E N E W Q U IN IN E .2t l Fifth Avixrr. New Yonk.

KW'klno Co.—l>vaT »Itb: Although alwaya opiAiK’d to having my name uac*J iuibltcly, 1 waive ruy reluctance In this case. Noouecau ftoe thwart good done to the huftering thal 1 have seen aiToToidUhcd by yum wonderful medicine and remain ailent.

I deem U my pleasant duty, my dear stn, to exprem my cordial thauk8 for the great cureilhaiiaccomtiliahcdlD my tamUyaswoll as for the many curcR it 1 X1 cflected amimg the siifTcriiig [XKir tu whom 1 have taken It, My wn wae the grratcat suffirer for yearn from what WA.S t)T>t termed by oiir phrsli iau to be dyK|iei>Hlaaml general debility, winch was. fol­lowed by the teverw form of cblll>i and fever, ami fitialW pronounced hy scvonil of the moat eminent nny'iifianii lobe malaria, with all its different forms of sufTeiing andorganlr divaiva, tncludingUvcr and kidney iroublcB and nerv­ous prcotraUim, You will aee that 1 owe an esponil debt of gratllude to yiai, fbr my aon’i hcalih soemt*!! ImpcUfsly lost, as ho tferlved no benefit Ikom medical treatment, aUhnugh receiving ihe twet that tbo highest tneilkal talent In America could affimi, combined at Uinea with Ihe benefit of travel. Ills conaiitu- tlon also hail been almon* undermined and hu htarlng Im Nitred by the use of quinine. We were Influcnri’d to try Kaaklne by hearing of ila great suceeaa from reliable sources, and my son has ta en completely rosioKKl to health by Its life. If my teaitlniuiiy of these facu will htlplo i«ve huTpan life and restore the suffer' fug U> hcaUli, I shouhl Ixj gtiiltv Indee«l to re­main slleiil, [ am, ray ilear sirs, yours mcHl gratchidjT. Un, J. DeWitt Bce» s,

t h e h o m fitals mat.Bellfvue IlorplUl, N. T., " UnlvereaUj- suo

CeBFful."BL F/ancU's ITotplUl, N. Y. “ Every natieut

treated with Kaskinc hai been di^narged cored."

Rev. Jos. Derrlbea, rhaplafn of Charily lloe* pital. writes; " I will l» surely, on cvety ofca- iloD, through convleUou a moat devoted pro­moter of Katskitie."

St, lofteph's Hospital, N. Y.r “ Itl nuelscon- lldcrcd indis]«Dsable. It acU perfeelly."

Bend for the great Nmk of te&timoulals nu*Kralleled In the history of Tnedletue. 11 a

tile. Bold byCIURLESUOLZHAUER. 7s7 Bfoad street. Newark, N. J,. or sent oy mall <m receipt of price. THE KABKINE 00 ., 51 War* renHt/ect,Ncw York,

Eoiuewirc*, atta&d ITi WAMWOBTH

GUAY’S SPECIFIC MEDICINE...................T H I UaiAT English ...... ......... ................. RgiiEDY. Anunfall-„....................... ...........ing cure for Semiaal ............................ ..... . Weakncai, Rperma-..................... ............. torrhea, impotcncy, ................................ and all Diseases that....... ............................... follow M a aequence...................... ................ of Belf-Abuae, as Loss........... .......................... of Memory,Universal.....................................„La8fliiiide, Palu In...................................... Back J^lranejaofVw- ........ ............. ................ hm, Premature Old ...... .................. ......... . Age, and many other................ ..

^diHeasei that lead lo Insanity or Con* fumptlon and a Fre< inaiuro Grave,41 full particulara in our pamphlet, which

we desire to send free by mail to eveiy one. ^ T h e fipeciflo Medicine li loldby aUdnig- gIMa at 11 i^r package, or six packages for 15. or wilt be sent free by mail on the receipt of the money, by addressing TU £ DJIAY HKDtCLME CO., Buffkio. N. Y.

On account of oounterfelW we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine.

Bold in Kewarb byCHARLEtTHOlJUlADKB, Dor. Market aud Broad itraeti.

ELY’S C A T A R RCREAM 8ALMCtvcB relief at once

and cutca

Cold in Hoad,CATARRH,'

HAY FEVER.Not a l.iqnld, Snuff or Povsilcf, Free rrom In jurious Dnige and Ofiku- live Odors.

A particle la applied Into each aostrll, and 1j agreeahle. PrU'v 50 cents at DnigglsU; by mail, registered, 60 cenla. Circulars free.

^ ELY UROS., DruffiilaLs, OWOgO.lN. Y

GRAPOUNEulcii is aMild ud mpU« uUua e^nwvf^, fhrra* liveuKl TONic, W

Is tnoM cMafDlii pr»> t psTid Id tha, of

a mum wbita powder,aM (Ac m<nN. *qI iiro»*rnM ai the (ASAPR ud otbM fnina It will pmmM]/ ('are Dyspama, Cue- Uv neas, InaiwaNtiiA. llearttmm.Hlck Uwad-AirlHl.ftluJ all /ngvinrtis. tarir rrHntifdiap* wbarw a arntir, cowMuwewtiiHrfirlf mtolnia Oita tbli rwnailr on* trlnl. ard tt will r/mvinc* 70a M Uiaabove tacL<. BIT' Hold by aJt DrugalMw*


A P 0 S I T I V E I Sihe most obeUnata csm is four days or less,

miafl'sSoItiiibledicaied Boygies.Honasowms diwss of rol»eb*,«r’>palba or oil of Mndslwourl thel oarosrUln to I '^ n o e dyspop*

the ctwtaon of tbe sltimBcfa.la by deatrorlnir tr Pnagl All. ftMby Wpl of piioe., Porfu “ ' ' Tsssad f<

, sUdTmnnaUc____ urUiM J!orcArouiar.

BttimBi ..rUoTmMjodco ra>t(^iws«D<f forcArouiar. ' fsM lM ! k1

C re s c e n t S a r s a p a rilla !


CRESCENT S A R S A P A R H UIs not a Secret Medicine. The Ingredients are plainly printed on each bottle label. We guarantee Crescent Sarsaparilla to be a better preparation than Hood’s or Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.

If Crescent Sarsaparilla does not benefit you we will refund your money.




^ ;-wwer Prices than any other Druggists In N _ •- ,nty.

W E H A V E T W O S T O B E S DT H B W A E K i

Up Tow n-380 Broad St., cor. 8th Ave. Down Tow n-631 Broad St.,1 door above New.



Dr. Wm. R, WlUmau, Na 22 C'iiutua Ntroot, DCtr Braibdp Newark,

Dear I>xdor W lU m a n I want yon to have thin testlmoQta) of my faith and gratuiide for tbe beoL-fii I iiavc dcu’lvedfrom yourtreatm'^nt. Wlien 1 went 10 you 1 was hoUfiess as an lufaal from i^sralyida It came after 1 hM) had a leverv U lum , and mv mrength was pxhau>^tcd. 1 was gmwlng steadily worse, aQ<l 1 feared that I should never be any butter. But In two raoulha from Ihe time 1 was find taken to your oflic’i' 1 rccoverod the use of ray haml* and fwl. and lo-day cau walk as well s i I evci did, ami am chnatantly gaining An-'o^b. I shall ever remcf&ber you an my fHend and bunefacior, and subjoining my aadren. I dudara my will- Ingnesa to i e « ^ pci>oDil)y to the correctnoM o f Ihe above. 1 am, graU*ruUy, youn.

LEWIS F. DUNN.Ko. 11 Colugc street, Newark.

C »| ga[ J R a tlcca *


L I V E Rand Digestive OrgansF ifteen years o f saceessfa l p ra c t ic e la Mewarlc aatl Vicinity baa m ade the narae o f

D R .W a.R .W ILL«A Na h ou seh o ld w ord,

Irnintnerable tesUmonlala lo hit aninfp«.<»ed skill in thPir tresiQient prove the supenoriiy of his curative syAem. Bvury abnormal fuactioa of tbe great purifivi ot the blo*Mi—the Liver— dbturbe and derangei ihe normal economy of Dfe, and suldeeta other vital i>fjrans to dUseas v whcee symptoiQi require oarenil diagnosis and u t ia o ^ V T k U n . Theiymptoiiuare:


Dyfpenda, Costed Tongu^ L o* o f Appetite, Hearthorn, WalerbrsAh, Flatulunce, Nausea, OccHHlunal Vouilling and Dlarrhua, lledilaclie, DluliiuMi, VerllKO, Uryucesof the Tbroul, Qffuii- slve Breath, Catarrh, Hlllimsuesa, J«uiiiUce, Oonsilpalluu, CufcliveueM, Flies, Firtula, Hein- oirUagc o f the BowsIh, Hbortuem of Bh'Rih, Monung Oough, Faliis lu Uie Sldufl, Dm‘k, Islomacii and Abdoraeii, General DelnlUy, Loi« o f Nerve Power. Fkimlnal Weakue*. Lai^e of Memory, Neuralgia, £|itlepsy, Melancholia, Paralysis, Scrorul^ Olanduiar BwelUitg, Can­cerous Am'fllotis, Tumnn, Klieiiinatism, Qotil, DlBCiwes o f the Hkin, Impurliy o f tho Rlotfl, Imriuie f'omrilexloii. Turbid I'rlue. Gravel, In- comliieiiee orTrine, DUbeteSf Swelling uf tbe ^ w m iU e s , Dropsy, Ao.

IX TIIE FE3IALE SEX*Dlspl accinenta of the Uterus, Congestion, TT!Scer« atiou. [.cuenrrhuia, BterilHy, T/rluble vaglui, Fainml Periixii!. Pw Iuhc Perioils, Palcnew. Ner- vrmiuiese, ^teejilenue*, \/om ^plriia, l^asslVide, HyKteria, St. v IIui’b Dance, aud othera.

By reMortiig tho Liver ami the whole dlgoi* Uvu aptjaratus to th(dT proper fijnetmiis lbe»a Byinptoms of disease will not only disappear, but the Dusc.les will bocome firm, the enm- plexlon clear, ihe eye hrlahL the apnellle strong, sleep nndjAurbed, and bU meQlfi facul* ties v^roT ii and bright.

o m c B i

22 CLINTON ST., near Broad,

NfiWABK, N. J,

C on toltatlon K oad»jr« and TuMdaySi (rom 0,90 Bf» h> 9 P . M.



the great Medical Work the age on Maiiliood, Ner­

vous aud Phyirical Debility.Premature IX^clinc, Erruisoi Youth, and the untold mis­eries consequent thereon.800 pages 8 vo. I2S prei-rrfp-Hour rnr all dlwafOR. Uloin,All) giUi raalijiscaled. Illustrative Rample fH'« k> all young ■nd mlddle-ni^'d men for the next vO daya, gendnow. Addrca Dr. W. n . PARKKK,

i DiiUfinch 8i.t Boston, Maes



I h e Original and O nly O en oln e.Safe and always reliable. Beware worthier JraltailouR. IndlbpeosabU to LADIES. Aik your DruCTlfit fbr ‘ Chichester's English,"and take no oUier, or inclose 4c, (aUupsi to ur for pAJttculaie in Utter by return msU. NAME p AF£B. Chichester Ch em leal C o „

8318 MadlMQ Square, PbtladA, Pa. At Druggtota Trade aupuU^ by C< N. UKJT-


" V u l l C E TO AHMSNT DEKENDANia.lu rhaiuvry of New Jorsov, Ta.Iohni

1„ Htera, iiarririrnrcoTHii. t’harb'ii t’orcoran, her hu btuid ; Bmlly Hoyle, Aukuhi Boyle, her hURtaml; Patrick it. MM>Meu. late guardian nf t'harluUe A. Curcuran, deouatiuil; Joseph L. Nor^ugor, adminUdratMr of rharluLle A. I'or- coran, deceased; L>.lwai\t Cotly, and Julm U«fiey. admlul>>Uatorof Ubarloe C. I’titon, <le- teaHHl.

By virtue of an order of the Court of Chan­cery of New Jersey, made f>n tho day uf ihu dale hereof, lu a cruh.- wheretu CllnUm G. KcytiolilJi IS compiainimt an<l ywi are deftndaiits, you are rviiulhd to aiip''B»', plcail, answer or demur to tu(> bill of raitf coih- piaiuaiit no 0/ bufo/u the lliUtieUi dsy of ht'|)> tenibrr next, or the ftald bill wlU bu takuu as conrcNsed agaimd ymL

The said hill U file«l lo compel tho hcir -Bt< law. next of kin, and (M'rnoiial rp[>ri‘ 'ntstlve<i of OharioUc A. I^reoran. dcccMNiMi, or somu of them, to iisy to the babl coiupiiutiHnt lUo atiiounl of prlnci|>*l aiiil intcront duo (i[k>ii s certain morigugo given by John L. I'ctun to Harriet UorcorsR. dsteil the first <hiy of May, efRhtern hundred and eighty, on IsndR iu the cliy of Orange, 111 Hie Uuuity of Esa'i ami Slate of New Jersey; and also the ammuit ot prliicjlpal and luturest due qrKm a cenaiji other nioTlgago given by the >ald John L. iTierK to DllViT iMfvm, Cfiarli* H. Dltsmi and John 0. Haymv. partnerK, gie„ dated tho eighth day of r'ebruary, eighteen huudftd and elghty- one, upon tho rnnie lauds; the xatil ponfpialu- anl having bt^n FUbrugatod to the n sjiooUve rights of the bald If nniet Corcoran, anduf thu fall! Oliver Plteoii. Charfc* H. Ditaon and John C Haynos In Hic said mongages; or In the event o1 their failuro to pay the said principal and lit- terust, thvii to fori'Cloae the said liuln ai law, next of klu, aud peraunal rcprc^'niatlvcs of said Charlotte A. Ooronran, deceafed, of aud from all esialu. right, title and equity of ru- dempti'iu In tho eald lands.

A ud you, John Cuffey, are made a defendant, tiecauhu you are the aomlnlbtrator o f Cba/ios C. Peiurtrdeuiased, who wasouc o f the heirs at- law aud next of ktu o f the Mid Cliurloltu A. (.'orcoran, iU^'cased ; and you, the said Kdvranl C'oclyavu irv made a parly defendant bucatiwi you are one of tbe hoira-st-ltw uud uext o f k in of the said Charles c . Petero. deccaReil \ and you, John L. PeteiR, Harrlel f ’orciiran and Emily BoyU are raade dcfciulanis tiuCRUiic you are heirsa(-l«w ami next o f kin of said Charlotte A, Ckirr'oran, ducuaied, and also Ufau.^ vou arc hrloral-Iaw aiul next o f kin of ('narlcR C. lYjlers, di‘ceflse<l; anfi you, Patrick H. Madden, are uiArle a do- feudujit Uvauae you were the ariardlan ofiho |)cn<on and catate o f the said t 'narlotlu A. Cur- ooran, dM'uasr r], diirtug bar lifetime ; and you, Jnneph L. Noftdngtr, arc made adefeadaiit Ire- cauK.' YOU are the admluirirau>r of tiie Mid CharlfUe A. ( ’(ircorRii, deceaaetl: and you, CiiarlCfiCoreorATi, art> made a drfendaul be- caiihu you ate the liuohtuid or Uie said lUrrlot Cori'orsn ; and yon, AuguRl IGj)-1c, are niado a (left'iulam beoHiuu you d/u the husband oi the said flmlly Ibiyle. %

Dated July 2«. IHM.KJ;KN a GUMMKItE,

111.63 PoHritor*- urcomiiljiiuatit,fiCi Hroml slrttel. Ncwiirli, N. J.

No t ic e t o citK otToitH . n o t ic e is hereby given that. l»y virtue of sii ordftr of the CiiurlorChaiiPtTy o f New Jeiw.>y marie oti

the bevemh day of July, Ui«arit, In acaiiw Ihereln [^riding, wherein l»avld W. Cnuie, Muvlvliigtuiniivrof ihu late jiartumhlp llrui uf IJ. . Crutie Ai Com|wiiiy. U' nmipluliiaiil, and Harali FraiKHM t,'riine niiil oihemarede- fl'li'lutili-, lliu K'veru! eridil/»rh of the ►aid labj partiiurxhlr' firm of D. W. Crane A CiHnpHiiy jire rpi|Ulnd to preauiit thclc Ruvcral flulmn agalc Kt Ibe Niid late iMirtuerfthlji, lu Uicqum fli'hUT. n*<’cher i;f tbe nroKrty. rights credite and things imuetimi or aald mio (laftiicrMhlp, duly proved by nathur afilrrnatlon, oil or (>«' fnn,-the nevenlh day of November next, nr they w ill be exeludeti from tlie iKiqclltufsiieh dividend as may theruafterbe inHic and do* c)ared by the Court o f Chanecry inmni the firo ceedsnfthe pmjaTty o f ihe Kaid Ulcpurliicr- shl|i firm of IK w Crane A Company.

Duted July 7,tv 11.IT AM IT. LEE.

Receiver nf D. W. Craiio A Company, filfl IlRMitl Mrect. .Newark, N J.

Jlt.u<.v AtriuwT, j^liuibirii.___________ 379


S omyO W otlct*.

A n OUDI.NANrK KWICI.ATINU TJtE MauKhti-riiig of ariimaia.

Be 11 ordalni il by the Itoiinl o f Health of iha Clly uf Newark, aa rdlowR ;

seetiou 1. No aniiiia] ^hall be kllle<l whtio la an uverheute'd, (everl.'il), nr dlseaM-d eondilloii uorRhall auyealf.rdK, or Eninblie kilietl, whieti d tleg a enlfj h lew- than four wceknold.or {beliig H plglbi Ums than five woeka old.or (bni;g a lamb; Is b-t.- thuii < IghUveukiold : and 11 >'hall be the duty o f trie pr ipiT oflbicm 01 Ihl)-l.K>ard when *Mbl iitilmHiHHP' loiind in (in DVerlioaUsl, fi'T-ePHli, or disj-Hw-u condition, or when any calf j.jg i>r lamb h found wh<rfe ago If leu* than «R neri1iil>cfore meuhoniMl, u> bn luediaiuly allix Uj any fa-ii or atall in which Mid aiiimalH are r(mfim.‘d u J.ibcl 01 wliieti shall be wrilh'ii OF prlnled t)io WopU; "Qitgr- anllDL'd LyoMer id iliu l lo ird o f Hralili, NViv- ark, N. .1.’ 'an d he rcfain IheMinu m iJm ulHcuul ifie l)C»srd Unit the pmjHU osli-rtiuy la! made relative thurelo, or for iho romoval iherofif from rnld dry. -

te<Tltitj A. No loin-ou or fn’rariiih shall doKroy, deface, lionceal. Interfere with, or rumovGauy )a1x>l sfiixtd by any officer o f this boanlaa aforsMid, aud do animal qiiAranilned asaixjive shall be removed exee]d. ou ]airiuU of this l>oard.

R, Any person or corjmratloii vloUt- Ing the pTDvlaionB o f tbLv onilnanco shall on convicuDn thereof pay a penalty o f fifty dotlan for the fir t nffenc^ ana lor the soound a»4 every lahbequeut ofleiiee the lum of one hun­dred dolUn. pRMed Augvit 2.18Rfi.



Bfltrill • 94|U«*

Sill K i l l s -\1 F ■ IN CHAN' KUY «iKNiVi U r'.;, | 1. • H i 'H iir-| s n t itr*

Il ‘ UI'ii <1 . Itrtli* ' ’*1 ' u . I I Sj.’ -J .l| UWUU d

i i I 1 iliT aS wrii "I d» '1.-. . •• I I . M-.'.' 1.T h>

: ■ I' T- • .. i-( ll..'i-« u\ s,-« SI k- -I.. C iuiN i i : - l -U* Ul . \ i ig 'r l

I . . . .. k 1’ M hU ( l'« l Ir.H i -T! .,1 pn Uii--' •‘lIWUi'. I>! .« rt'id

li . i . ! >• «» l.*HX Couulj, New

’ ' .1. 1! . , ,i‘ i. riy '!ne •»! M uPr.-ry1 I d M'.d'1 » |r ;.nn j'-^'l’iftlMuTtV

. (I: t • V r-ilMiiUg l|.rrl[«i‘l ■» !(. 1 T M I h i I !*' Ibf iiu-

t:\ . ‘H i w ! P' I»si.‘ -s ,>1 'll. 111. i .J ’ :• Uin cigbly iiii’ f»r( h*

I. I r,i. r . II,. ,,i .• ii.>rllit ily '■uU i I p . - fe,‘i Hirh.'i-« a-ti rl> <tl

-. I - ’UMilBris -Ihs t -l.Vt) ifVe fis t •• ..( Wtlha'.. rtn^ni .

•• M • \ ,il. ..i! ill. 'Sill, IUIf<) rik-M> ws-i- tty at riiflii aUKHH» » Nful-

; I.t titH"iri.-<t Hil l llfty iKIi' fis-l l>> I U ..li.i.uu’ 111 ih g ’ .il Nil u:id I • i V o'l u !u.i|i ‘ 'f lui*- l.ritn r ! \ ih,'. ft \h <a y i iih 'j, r,aive!H''1 b-Saiah i, 1 V iiiTii' rwip'i'li.d ill 1.', I'agi.'

fit d Ji 1.!, |k,l-- diii.Ufoiu iiUU

Nvw.t! k. N J., .Im i‘WM, H- hlh'WN rdi. rifl.

.l.iHl- » \|. 11,.N M r. ^ ____ |-v l|

SH: Kll I -AI K IN r iU N rH ty UF \ , I. — s_ (i,.|WM-n John I '•nmlt. an-l

n1 , . sud J fh u lbink< mid al .>Wrni'lmili*. Kl. la. lor stli-1>1 pn 10

I5> sirinu llu- nfn fa4 irt' i. o.-- !| . I. <1 IIHil'is \i .|.H , ,H 111! I • •

.ni, i.ii' is i. -Ik V M . .![ 11. ,i I1-0 -. •ii. -'I I lil.l. !l

\i’ ‘■laud

I i«Olid IUiw ::m-


,ru i.f fl«'riidlf\ ;'”=.' h.r-,!- loI il-‘ isi , III Ni u-Ok. ■1,1. I'f A-.j;-!’ ! !i- M :il

' -I |< u ■ I ot Irttel : ..Ll i Ill th,'

• ■t I oulUy, Ni-w J' r-

.1’ !i ib> vivri'tly ‘ -de of '•hanm lit a i-.i It i]|'>iMni oni*. lmii<lr<it nn l

■iirts audihn'i* li»i4rUi'‘ lii> lits ll.u l•'(lu-l III till' -:i: n‘ Ull 1

K pim r'. |.i -oi inii s - i l n - ; i r o la td on io i a riiMt. ’ h .f Ml k H-k pro|M>riy •oirvevvil by It J I' 1 ,'i:i il. ■ ■^ui'sejon Ijn ioo nimuiu hniill,!' K II I f i: siiari-URTi'ime fifty rea(, lUvuer

) Ht ruhi miyU-i hi e'luroh avfiiiio oue huiiilt A : Mori\ loe P-im and h)ur iuHie--‘'id lUe iiBi Ii.1 ' '•( Ini'fee. ' *ln|i‘t| .tvfMin-- ii.ir.i', - " i:ii, iiiMiaRAttrutu*linedn> f-s’ i , Ou 1- « . ‘ i U ll'. rlgtir siisIfS lluii'it ns•line nil. iM i.lhd H'ol Tuny Mur fivl l iulitli.rli, - s.. I hi, I I.l G-viimllUT. MullJf lot'S ‘I.. ■•. Mr,.i u- ::ii (In iif>‘ri*hal‘ l mvp.

H.M H imiAVN, riht-rifl.Svw'iTk, V. t,. .iiiiif JM, I'V..Moaai >•. iV M. [ h.s SU'.-vilni. 1* 71

SlIFUIKl - IN“"< HANCKRy“7»FN. a J, r-!.r. Iii'toii-u .1. AdriiUHf Hudi,

(nlii]diilj:.i:,l. HM‘ i Miiiiiiid i.ini'tiWiHvI Smilll, et st.. di fHi‘lHiiL». 1**. fii., lor sale of uiorl-gHtfid po--. .MS.

Ry sirtueof Ihe almve stated writ of fieri fsris-. (0 . u rl,UV-vmt.J -ImlM’IlNi'^u^tlo byTail iV'i iv»IU At, Uko .. ’(s,d of frftfrr « ,n situate. I jliig Kial

cits Afta«nt»*mcnt*.X’<'TIl K.___ Noili.e P ber<-hy given to nil panI'H in-ten Hfd, Ibid till' MTillM-Hie ul R' 'otimMil uf the wluih- iiiiiuurit nnlu' cuftls and ox]AUikuaof widening and u|t TtiriK

hl'.l.LKVIl.LK .AVENCK, ha-slK-eil lb lui'tod to im arrordlng lo taw.

hnld A-o "'iifid eoinprlM-Ji all Ihn |nl« iriM‘l«Qtid ]iKri'> Ift' I land uud n a l estate) lying ou bulh hidr- •*(

r.Kl l.KVin E .AVKKCF, from Giiuv, rm ur‘■tre'd lu Abliigtuii a\'4'una ; on both I'l' - ot

I.IN4 'H N .tVKXCK,frtdii A!,|i r'uli ftVtiiuo tolbei-lrr rtVelillO ; DUIXjlU kl'lt - ' I

W l.'lli--- iT<iN AVKSCK, fmm KiS'' as'UPiv hM.’hi,>UT awiiite : I'U till- iiorili -I'll "I

Kt \ KNV muKKT.fmtn B- rt vllle Jisi-mii' bm fNimt Jho (cid we-t uf NUD* , "II lb'' ii"rib Mdi' uf

‘JaVI.'»H .STllEET.from Ib'lb vlllr as< mii Lia^flNl JtlJ/cfl sve-ttif MJiiu-; uii I " lb ’■Idi J' of

■JllIIlH AVKNI K,from null' vHli- ttVeliilf! tei.i prdlil IJ# fi-f-t W'“M of Ihe sun I-. '>n (be imrlh ‘ id' "f

>K' riNli AVKSn:.from IkdhMile ns'einia to Wuk^inan iiveiiue; (m the ►r-i"ii Hde of

M 'k .-l IlY STUKKr,from BelkvllLv avenue lo a 1«7 fcvl svi"-! o f VRirieThe owner*4'f land aiul (vul fsi.iiu fe-m in Mid I’l rtJlii iilc uf a'-wt'-iueul an- hfi.-by irulilnal (o jifty Ihe ammnd *n fl'HU-«ci| u;hiu Ihfm, Hiel <*ifh of Ibem r*-s[h‘ellvely, \v. iie: ,ii iny oillee. N"- Cdy Hull, on nr l■<■f<»re I'm

NI.STll DAV (jl'UCrDHKIi. M .K. C IlCN'C'lN'.Aeliiig r.'mii|iLrulh-r.

Kftwnrh. N. J., AugiU‘t7. Ihv __________ idXTDTIC K OK intention . i . 1 IfijUb iiullot-n* Ik-roby given ihat His the InleiiUoii uf Ibe Common <'uiiii<ilnf ib<‘ clly of N, «urk. iiii'h r uinl by vitlin: uf pruvl.- lormunlv ii' t L'litlllid''An AH lu Heylxeand AmcTiillhi: t'imrteT ut Hu: City uf Newark, ' Hlipmvid Mari'Ji II, imd lhi« kiiiipb-- mvJiW flu U to. aiul the lawa uf the Htnl4' f'-g'i- isling hU‘ Il IniiiroveiiieMu pi.ir li-r and euuso

PA dl'lC .4THEET,on both il’lreuf iho fiursc enr lra*'k . from Elm Birecl l4i . Miuli svUh tlie exfenuuri of aiq»B(-e ofoii. f"'>( iu width rm oseij ddeuEtle' Raid iruckR, t.i be pdvs.s.l 'With oblong graidLo blui'kR.

tueli a> may objtrt Ihercdu arere-qiiuhterl Ul pu ' 111 tfieir ubJeetlrniR In wrlilug at tiie MP i I t'-'ij'riii"loii'"r H ulll' -e, rm nr I* -fijn* the cxplriiii'n of ten ilaya fnjm tlivdalc ut tliLs noib r‘.

Uy direetiuii i>( ilu' Cuicmun f^moen,Jims: IH S’ KKl.E,

Niu-el i ’unaiiiKsJjiier, Newark N. J • Vugu-t Ui. )’ s6. J7t

X ftH l'K .A>| Niili'-e o ]i«-'fby given In all pArlle In- |ere ted tuid lie' l‘l•rtlll'’llle"^)trf-‘ ' .l,lt■lll of ilie wiiiile utii-'Uiis <il i/u'C"0.- uudex|jiuibeA uf um- stmellng II H-wer llifuimh nil s.N'jKfrom lifmtb FuiirteH'nlli sln*i*i 'l i Hy t Cf■ , lus bef n di Mvi n ■! tei me ar euniliig M 1 iw.

Bald tt’*M- ni> nt < uuipri-ua ud the lupr, tr v-H and pare?!-rif land au<l real enlale lying oil Txjth kidCb of

OilASGK tiTItEET,from South Fnurti'cnili Mrwl Lo a r»oinL al;ia'it sixty five fi' i (Jjt'-t of (iray «itru 'l.

IntMiwiienrof loud aur] jval eatate! avic acd in >aJ(J cfrtifieafe of aRK'rumeut, aro beroby n>-autreri to priy the amount ho aNscaaorl urKiii

lem, and each t»f tbem. rekpecUvely, tej me, at n>y oBlce, Nr>. S Ciiy Mall, un nr before tha


Acting OompCruller.Newark, N- J., Auguiit 7, 18»6. 4Uf


1>KNN-Yl VAM S RAll Ri'An, THKHMF AT Iriuii I me and ( iiib'i -late* Mail Huiih'

(•UStid alter Jiuie iraiu« will IvJSl->Mrlrl Mill 1 -lull.ei .15 •

* A'A M Fm-s I III,. «liii > i.tr lUrr.plnir«. I III-L lit*: aiuMl.e M i'U,v\]|U Ihii’ cetU I'a «> e 1 Cl* UiU iicU Shlirf*. ., r'es.*Mti‘ l dOd SU I'Uil* ’ !J P M \\i--ure .Usiy ft,rllarruf'MPv, l'i!!>l>u!s and (he Mi -t. wuh PullDiaiil'HUie S'aiv. till..ugh alllu'iit 1 liang>i te>i hu ai:u Hiid -r 1 .

t .y P M . ’Uily, 1 iii.aes an<! lAiu umall Fnpi»‘-«, mill lilt..tiKh piilUiu.i earn l.t i lui-i 'uai.d I ''iieliinaU

> P M Pa. ifii' Fxpn-jw dailT. with Pii'P liiHii I'H.Mi'i- Cary, thniiitfh st nbiiut ehtmge so PuUl'Ulg. Cb Si laUil and Cbli

F ur ItaUIm.iti', a>!iiiii:t'-u and Ihe 1 .' r. i". t. e*. .7 A M. . I si'UUhI K spn-,P'j»A M l ij. 4 **1 and 9..il p M suidas, 1J.V> t. *y A M.*.>*and '.i.AI P. M L.-r p.n‘'ii{i. i'lilv 7 ;is p M daPy.

I 'r I'l il«*blidiU. F.apreiw iJ.Vi, fi 4’', 7,'*n.'*.''7. ■> ll'l jy I niil*.>'*l K\pnw''. II .N k.

M , l.-i.'. If IV, 4 'h 7, : t.' «ml » .H P. M. smi-dKs ifBliu.M 1/.. HM, y:N. b' H A. M,. < J1, 4 .M, 7. IJ. : :1J. H c and •» « P M.

.tiruiMiiUHlalii'U II iS kl,. ;i.07 and 1' M. Hmula) '.y' P M.

h ' t lr i ' h f r n . i l \ y flW . 7«>J. 7.V1 CJA, a \ : , '» ju. 1C .V I lU liU ll I \ p u - - . U V aud I I (« A M I..L V .. .. 17 . ,'7 '■ » •, ‘ . l - aud V '\' “ .. '■ IV* .-'..IU 11" U A Mi

. I; ai 'M‘ ‘ 5 P M : \\ M ilall) , i'll ej't »iai11 *v A M . 1 <■-' Riid ■ *1 ■uli'Uy. ll.rnitgU t ju uu

T"M, lliiiiu tin's,- Maua-‘|iian, P.'UU Ml, \, sv York and I o A 'I an-1 I" I’, M -l.tiis , V 7 K. I \ an I at 'I'ury Park uii

U jiig m Uh: eiiy id Nvaack, ISemit Couuiy,New Jk V :

llt ».iiiniiiK in Hie ((vlerly Hiieol Peuu«ylTa ntAavei.ueHt h k.IiiI diHuiil Iweuty-llve hrl tiurtherl) I'lem Ih - nurHierly Hue uf Kuuiiett riren . 111. Ill, nuiiilt.g along 1'etm*<ylvaiiLii aseiii:, (loiili lueiit) iiiru* degrL*ca Hilrly lUiu- Mte mM issmi) Km- fiet; Ihenre anmh aitty degit-i-Mlurl)'itilmliet, ejtel imralK'l Wlttl Km- turn lrl I ,fi. hiunlrvil feel, ihenee s,*iufi Iwnis ulTii- 'l greea tlilrtjr mlnub'a wi*at anil pHralkl lu I'l iiii'ylvniiia awntie twenty livo M-s*; III, 11.1 fiMilh 'isiy degrta-a Llilrly inliinle* Wed a*el I aotllel wlHi FfimieU afreef inie Imii- drtil flit lu Petnikylvuiila aveuiu ami (he place ul lagitiiiiiig ; la-itig (he hanie pn'iniaea euiivi V'l i"*Rid Samuel Grceiiwuol.*<1111111 by r urth n«tu«lwari1 Week* and R'>Ta*rt F. We<'‘ka, Ik r hiv-haud, by «Uh j| ilateftl Iiecemla r A la7V ami riTuuli'd iu lliK>k 0 . 1ft, |ame« i.'iJ iuJ, aud IIM t»f deed*, furxoiil euuiilv,

Newark, N. J., Jmie'il. K'iftWM. H. URO\YN. Sbwiff.

CoHTr.sNPT A R. WaYNI- Paukku. MoI'h. IVHS im!iF|-M ,iA i> :-is riiiiSr-EiiT^F

New JifH-y.—ih-lweeii Jue*-uh B. Stii- fiird, eeniula^naui, mikI John J Kum* et ala., deft-udautet. h'1. fa., for stUu of uiortefagvd ph luU-v -

Hy vHlUi' uf Hie nlasvo otalod writ o f fieri fwiaa, 1-- me dirty u-d, 1 Hfiiill eX|H»M; f,n hab' by pubhe \i i;d<ii . at (he Pultrt liouM'In .Newark, un Tue-'bis, llie fuiirfeemh <liy rif SkfirtA'iulaT next, 91 issiHi'i liM-k i ‘. M., :dHhaUriietur|uui el of land Hiul (*n inlwat >-Uusie, lying and being iu tile Lily of Newark, h>ex Cuuuly, Nysv Jefvev.

heglniHug III the nnnhfrly lino of Kim atroot at a {g.]iit tlienun dNUiiil two huiulnyl and live feel K'Ven u id utio half inehm wt'«te‘rly from tliv weWcrly Hue o f luiiig atreo* ; Iheuco tunning sluiig raid Klin KtO'vl north sixty tssu dcgreck and two mimjh'v we*)! Ilftr feel; theii<-e north Ivsenty-wveii degrees fifty eight lulmite'!’ esj>f one hmulriftl U-rt : llieiiee «aith >*lxly tvvu degreer slid two riiinulc^ caftl fifty fiH'l; ihcnee Fuuth tttciUy-H'SLU slegrefw and fifty eight tnlnu(e« wett uue lii]n<ire«l fixd to *‘Ald Kliu Iteeet aud placvuflK>gllining.

licuig lots uumb«‘rv«1 tweuly-elght ami fwvnfy nine on a uiap nf j./i.ia riv m>Mle Mr KrsDula Macklu by IlHrrlHoii vtui iJiiyne, aur- VI yor, In January, A. D.. I-fttW, |[ar:u|, hifiog (he aunir I'rciulM'.'* devlN-d lu krI>i J'iUu J, Ku' i I'V ss III ,-it ills fatiicr, Juhu .1. Uimr, Hr,

Newark, N. J..,Iiily W, isw;.W ILLIAM H. UUOWN, Sheriff.

CiiAime T. tji k'.y. Hol'r fl.a7

S'* HKmKK'S''K.VlkT^IN (Tl.rN''KKV OF Nesv Jerney. Hi'iwmi Klixa HuJlcnlH*eli.

cuinplaluam. iiml AitgiiMiiH V. l.iiugiT, ef. si. idi'li-tiduiiL9. i 1. ia., fur Milvuf inurtgugixl prciiiiH-.

Hy virtue o f Hic altove rtuhal writ nf fierifacias, to me ilin-i b*<l. t »-liftll exiMMe furHule fiy piiidic sueliie, at Ibr-Cunn Hiiitoi', In Nesviirk, rm Tnmday. tbe twenty fiiunli day uf AnguM m-xt, Ht tsv" u'cba k I' M . all tlial (nu t or laiTfcl of land and proinlarMHlluale, lying and w ing lu the d iy uf Newark, Iumcx County, Ness- Jiwy.

lU-ginnlng un the iNUit vide nf Rrnad atroclln the mirib waol uf the rlty uf Newark at the nurthsTttl ^vimer o f David Brown's lot Mil XruH'l alruet; theiire along said aln'cl north imcviJ di-greea vast thlny-fivo foH lo the co/m-r of a lut runnerly owna<1 by Tiioinaa JatiM;*, liitedy hy l*svld c. Hruwn : tlieiicu along the Kaiiir hmuIi Mxiy uiiio ilegroas snd llilrty miiAttertJul one inindred and fifty A*ct Ui land iaU'of H' i'heii coi»[ior, now uf Alifaham W, K iii'ey; thitiee along the akihu hniih fifteen rttgref, ihlrty-five lii-lltj Havld i\ Itrown's land ; ilo-ie e wlHi blR Uuo nirtihalxly.mnadt*- (m-esand ildny tnliiiUeft wert uiie lumdrcflarid fifty feel 10 Mrimt! nirwf. tho iivglmilng conuT.

Newark, N. J., Jinu’''Jl. lAfifi.WM. \i imOWN, Sheriff.

I’mi FMCN WfKii.nnT, HulielUir. |l,7i

1 MI 7

F"> t ai ' M IV 1.daj

F,.r \i1auli> I iiy P M dtil \ > V‘ t I ( l. J P M ITBlU

hi r |.i,>' Prnlt'Mi. F l*l-j|ug I eke, Il lilrl,Pu .i.Hiil. at.il i*>tni' uu I‘ "g P .st.ih liallt'.r,.)IV :i- S'*. A 'A :> ’7.I 'p t ' umUy. nil ^ l|Illtav ■ '■ I’ M Ift- 11,'1 -b'!'Hsitidtt) I.

M 'lt NKtt YultK.I I'svi-Msik.l MU', I iiii'.i ,! P '» 17. 6

(llJ, • •' . 7 17 7 Ul 7 l'>.AI, Mft ft. rl. ' li\•VU', u -AJ". y lu-XI. pi. Ul. pi -H, 111 l .n II 17 A M , I.' \l . IJ ',1. 1 IV l . ! ‘, J P>.J.IJ. J.l', J -7 ^e’..s,i.i I 11. 'll. , lui, •> lu S ■> \a." . IVJl. I' I I, e si’, e '.S. 7 Ift 7 ' i-i•* JI. > AJJ. m m . in e 11 JIaed 11 .e. p M Miinlay iraiii- '.P*. ■'17, '‘ >1, 'Hm 1 : le UVAv, fii ja, Jl.'K II Pi L M . IJ P h ‘" ii . I '

AI*. T J .T T .\ . I,+. . TT , . 'f»11.| il ,.)1' St.

l4*flVi lentro ftlrcet KtesHun—k fth e.b’*, f C. 7 " V 7 M V»i, ft V, ft ■ ’ ‘I 17 I 1 11, I'l :II 'M A M ; IJ"< 1.' ‘ V I IL J-H J I*. I 'ri iJ, ii,l, M l , v t , i‘. .‘p U(ft. TJl. 7 |ft, ft.lJ, \Kii. Ii'.uThi.iI lu.'ii 1* .M ssei k iImja

I rase ( [uhlniit ftlrei'l J-liiMuii, 1,1J, fi Jts 7 IL 7 IJ, T'-*-, '-.’7 ft.lT, Al*. i'.i;. lu/7. lu'ftl, U V.. A M . fJ l.'P. J'"V J I...3. V.. I j . * -s, •!,"* r. 17, h b . I. 11. • . '.iL 7.11, ftfilS. l:i. If'tNi. |i 1-.. II .’ 1, ititd U.M P M Sunday, ft CV u y J". >1 ■ji, (-s js. 1.i ,r. 11,41, A. M.. IJ.V-, L.'il,\M J I'V {>'1. I.” ;, f jn.

,4.1, A ll, e,ifs 7,li\, T.JJ, y.-JO, 10,AV aiidll.LHP M.

laase himnelt SiKHdUfatlun. AM. fl.fiH. fi.51 ;.*I), ;.M, ftj - Ml. •!.i". y..'d. in.M, and

■ J.4I4, Vd. 4 Jft, I ’iJ.M tel and

I*T. etni .Wk.f,i. I'Yjl,U I 'A .M ; I.-JI. iJ'** iHKrti-. i l l . LH, J,*l.a. 'j:i, .HAi. i j i , * M, j,.*t, fi.oft, ft..',I, 7.i;i, h.j.:. (f.&;Ht1ld II .M P. M.

KLDM M VUKKT STIIKKT sTATltlN.Fi'r Kliist'Hh aud Rnliwav, nighL fl Tt,

7.0J. 7 E-J. 7 NI. Rifti. ft.R7, ftXA, ft,| H lil. || l*i A. M,: I.CJ. L'JJ*, LS.*, .1 OH. ;i,j7, .V’lO. 4 «i.■A'J7.5.4J. \W.C.0l, f».0Lri.l7,<'‘ il.fUA. ft.V.*. 7 Ift,K. IJ. a.VJ y.n.'. 11 Jft. 10 5 P. M.. and l.MJ iilghl,Hunilsy. I2.:IV f 4 a IW, '> O, lO.fti, m ll, H U A, M.; U 7A, l,A\ i AW, i.«4. R.si7,7.nfi. 7.3,%«.ls, 9.00, u.il, IG.W, 10,JI, and 11.37P. M. ’ ' ■

For New Brwnfwlrk. 1 nlglH, fl,4ff. 7.W. 7.NI, g.^7. n.'ifi ajel IPi'iA- M., I,:ij. A *.', PJ7,4. :fii, fi.fi?. .M J.ft.fJ, M l, 7.rj, 71ft ‘I.W i’ M ,and 1 J.4YJ night, Himilay, lJ.3.'i niflit. ft c.*, PH)n, and lakl A U. iJ.A\ 1 i\ 7.J-J, 7,35.P.:W. Aim. and ''.ai V.\\.

Fur Wiaallin'-lgr and pprih Amhny. fi .Tl, and 10.4.1 A. M .; 1 J.'jf. j. »7, E.ne, a,;-?, fi.ijl, r. .vi, 7.1fL. ajid la .u P. M Oil Huudays, T.<7, v.3b A.

and MU’. M.For Fiml MUMune, 7.W, 1P «, A. M.; .I.L’T.aud

b. yi P. .M., dally expi-pt himdsy.Fur Kiiigfttun iud iLh ky Hill. S.57, A, M. and

f».07 J'. Sf.. daihr. excel,* Snndsy.Fur PhlUijiRtatrH ami Kelvldero, 7.ftd, 11. A.

M aud il.47, '• -'‘J P. &L, 'liUly, exe' L't Sunday Fur I RmlH‘rtv!lle, 7 Ni. U.* > 4 M, uiid ! sj,

and 3.47, .V;ij, P. M., dally, I'stt'ig Sunday.)-ur FleiiiUiglon, 7..'i*)ai)d 11 t i A. Si., cud J 17

P. M,. daily, rxeepi Sniuluy.For Prlnreliin. 7.02. ft.r,7, H C> A. M. ; LU

IH 'M iM n ca ,

l i e Mutual BenefitU rE JNSUflANCe COMPAMY,

NXWABI£, N. J,A M K l D O l k f ) , - - rn « ld * 4 lkAAsmiMarkrt ValuMlJau. L'H.ttf»,ft3fi.AjR J9 I^ A U im tiG par OiuU. resurvcK... Sft.’iTLli MHlRl'Mft...................................... . L7Ai,4-kI liM a n i-" (New Yurk Hfaurtardi.... 6.4'ft',ftdJ 11POUt lFS AH.ft4li.riFl V SON-F«>k7IJTA-

lll.E A m ib SKCOND YKAK IB L!a.ftv ol ls|i#a tbif tftdh'jr U couHtinful in

ffifevas kmf asiU ^shia wilt pay fin, iw, Ifprw- RMrtftt. a paid up policy Cue lit fuU vaiua It 1» •ui d iQ excliangv.

Aflrrihe wtund year pulIrlMi aft 1nc«lte«ahlft axift'lA as agoiiMt Inbuihoual fraud ; sml si* BtrietUmi ai lu rsalUauce, m val or occupaUoaare nt inuvtftl.

4 ash Kami art msdt to ths rtteni ot OAy p«i rvm. uf the rv-wn e value, wbrrc valid aMilfa» ■V nta of Um puikbM oaa b« ciada sa oollaiaralUS'iirlty.

fawwa paid immadtately upon «aapletlo« u d approval of pmtfa

ovKiitide iftMh .

■AW, ft.TJ, biinda' RJ, and 7.41 iL M., dally, exi'iid

IV.Fur IlordeuUisvn, Iturlhigtun, and I'ain-tiTi.

.W!, I'.Jli. and 11 I'lA. M ; I-iJ. J At. i.l7, «. tJ, and 7 Aft P. M . dnilv. exift |*tHii»iliiy. Uu Sun diy. m.:^dand7.A^ IV M.

Fur Freeliuid. Kiirmliigilab*. aud MnnAft-jUun,via Moiimuntli .liiuetlun, 7 Vi ind ll.l'i M , ‘J.8;i auil I.W p, M. Ull ftanirdavs mily. ■>. IJ I'. M. Fnft]i'ild.:< Vi p M weekibiyft

i'ur Ifimun. svithoul t tiRrige, ft >J l‘ . M daltv Pur Hruuklyn, N. V.—All thrmigii traiu* e iti

nri't al Jersey City ulih liiah ul " llruoklyii Annex,''aftor'llng dln-ii (rrtu'ferte) and rr‘ i:n Fiillun Niri'ei, NViiidiiig iloubig firrEogi. and Juurney aen-"- Ifie cify.

NKW VimK TO NFW'AKK.Fur Newark, \ d. fi H <UU, 7U(\ 7 ■’J'l, 7 ll.

A. A). H 3ii, 'A.m, y.Jfl. tO.1'1. II I'M . M . IJ'Kl aiul ]J,.i0 mH>n : l.ifl 'in l.m), J.-fti. :i Vi,4.(n. i.ifi. 4.3i>, I m. -VO). Pin. \ ft. 'i. n. '1 iu.

d.UH r.,r.w..Ai. li. 1.1 7.U>. 7.4'l. 7 >i>. ft-U,ID, and 11'Kl 1' M.,tuu1 IJ ircl'hUgln. Siimiiiy train", f>.n. m.oi, ft.p., b.ihi, sm ). Id, pi. i i, 1 1 . ll.HdA. M.; I juuuri. IJ :i0, I, Ll'i. J. I. H td. |,4,.ft), 5. .M*i. .1 I't, ii.:kj, 7. 7 U, H, h. ki, n. I ), JI I’. M-. and iJnilduH-ht____________________

IJlIILADLLPillA A KK.llHNiiUAlUtU.UP. New Jersey Ci-nteal HIvluuij.

Cmuiiu iietiJg liiiiH JS, I'eviNKWAUK an d KI.I/.AUKTH IIUANCH.

Leave Hhmd SlhfU.JO, 7,0'J, 7.4'i, ta j'i Kllr.a Udfijtiirtuiilyl, K-Vi,'.i,liA,'t.i\ Id.iii, m.L-i 11,Ol A. M.. L'.n'i LfFi, L'N), iJ.nu, i fil. t iH I.IKJ, 1 it*. ft.Qfi. ft.dO. ft.io. fl.id, 7.IW, TA1. H.r>, M, »7 'UU. 10,.'ilh P. M.: rJ.."), uight. hiimUy«, 11.'g| A. M.. 1-A4ft. i.W. AW,4.H, 'Pk 7.li), 9.1. , lO.IA P. Mq, funKIlEabeUi aud K<>k -11u.

ft./(A . M. furH*>»nervill«.TQh A. M. (or Main Line N. J. C. Dtv.. Flctn-

Ifittrm, Wllkediarre, MiUHiilun, etc.uffi A. M., ExpreiSi fur Plaluneld oji-l Jluund

Bnvik.h.:Ci A. M- fur ILfaln Line N. .1 C. Die., I-'l. -n-

Ingtun, lllgli liri'lgi! iiniiich, Aljeiiiidvu, Suntiu *un. W llllaiii'jvirl, T.oinifina, Siuifmry, clc.

U.-C) A. M., bir Plabifieid and itmnd Brook, in.A’-* A. M.. Way fur K.niimllle. ll.i’O A. M , Kiprcs, fur I'laliiilcM and Ihmml

)lr<Kik ami Wniiiervillc,l.flfi 1’, M. fur Main Linn N. 1. c . iHv,, Flom-

lliieUin. Maiii'h Chnitk, Wjlkustntrn*, e(>‘. m I.Hm '. M. KxjiU'v fur I'lainfleld liinl ItmiU'l ■*iifr>uii, Fleinliigtoii, a id imiiullijij N. J. 1 '. Inv.

i.\() I'. M., fm ^umervillc.8.a P. M .-Fur Muin l.lne N. J. lUv.,

Mam-li rtninlc. Kcmulun, Wllliainftf»‘ iri, i-lr'.4 fill 1' M. "W ay lor .Mabi I.liie N. ). C hi v.,

High ilrldge Hrsiirh, Uudd'<Uki',ljakoHu|><U‘ (ur.g Htnl Fkuitngtoiu eU'.

P. M.—W'ay («»r FlHiilnfl[loti and Eii*b>n. 5,lift l M.—Way. HumiTVlIle and Fli-TninKMU. 6.3y P. Nf.—For ^imervitle aiul Fl«-niin^nm. ft M P, M .-F or Main I.iric N .1. r Hiv .Flcin-

Iniriuti, Allrnlnwn, MaiichChunk, VVIIkC;barn.', i.'JO P. M. —Way fur Kume/vllle,7,'ftp, M.-W'ayforKu«lou.7.AS p. M.-Fur EaftUm.h.V7 P. M.—Way fur rvimcrvlllo.D.lOP. M.' Way 4<ir Ifijiiclk'ii.Id .’'•U P. M,—SV»y IPr Hiiiiii.TVlllc. iJ.Jlf .Night V uy f'.ir Ivximl lluiuk.hnndiisH, x.'^) \. M -VS ny inr ......... . Itr.KH ;

IJ.-jfi P. Si., Way (ur huiU'lmu ; I P. M . Way fur 8<mii'rvlMe ; I Id I'. M , 1\ ay fur '-tuuiiTvIlle and Kb'iiiitjgluu ; p M.. fiir 'f 'll 'i Line.Alb-iituwn, Mam.h I'Inink, Li.l* P. .M-, VV-iy fur .Suim-rvhU'.

All tnilu+lujiiil Ferry nr>'H and at Kliza- La thiiiirt, arm «l Ku-1 FiTTyMre.*! uii Mgnal.


Al I.IO, 5 JU, .i.fifi, fi. J*.. il.’fl. 7.IU. 7.C>. 7.U. ft.n, S |fi, luin. n. t.. l|,m. H.*‘l A.M.,IJ.A I.O', I i \ i**\ J.V, ;l 11. : ,J> 4 JO I -i,

■ • '<. 0 |n. (i. r.. 7 Jfi, 7.'» I. ft il. MLi II",’.'I, li.jf>, JJ'IU p, .\|. Junilay-*, ft.f i. IMIl, in.fi‘1. 11 uu A. .M,, I'i.nil M, : l.fiO, J in. .4.01. 1. 11, sfif', i j»i. 7.UU. ft.on.'urj. ifum, n m m

|u r 7 remb-y aud 1 rtrierfl, ft jTi, in.:r> A, M : l.im, .'i.a'i. l,.•J■| p. M. fuimUy-H. fi.iO A. M. ; *.L> IV M.

I urS -SYiir<'ll, rtt Kj'i, m I'l A. M. : LAO, 4^1. Vi f.ju P. M. SinuhryN. ft.V) .1. M . U U ' M.

pur i'l rsh AliiUiy Vj'i, I U ■, tI.fi*J A. AL ; i.Afi. i.nu, i fip !S,ni, l:i:i. fi/JO, P. M. Humluy^ H'rflA. M, ; I I'il'. M.

Fur Frcchobl, R.J.'i, ll.O-l .1. M. ; L-AO.P. M.

Fur I.ong llTsiiieh, Ocean Urove, etc., ft.J'. ll.flOA.M i L: n, I.IKI, 4,.P./|.:V). n JO I’. M Hun ■ laj-R o-xei-td Ueean (/ruvi, A. M.; Ufi

^ 'ni'.w a r k anh philahkj.p ih a .For M rlh aud tin^-n *ln ei*. 7.I ' . '* I '. ILO'’

A. M-: L*». 4JJ<i. I,Vi. .S.HU, 7 H'*, I’. M.. l.’.JO u)glil. Snuduift, ft..'<fi M. , Ti p. M.

r i \ KT'i A M ; I.t'.. l.fiO P. M, for -unbury, I.ewi'-faira and Wl5llHiii*:|K)rt.

Lrawing-rourn curM uii all <l>ty lialu* u"dRlcei.lug euri iiU iijghl tranjil*ulvvc' ji N.uv V uk and Phlhulelnhln

NFWAkK AND TftKNTi'N.I.eftvr Nesvafk al 7.4A. '' AV ll m A. M : 1 ‘W

4.0U, i.A'i, 7.:Vi i ' M ., IJ J''uiglil. SniMJai',D.50A. M. -5..A'i l‘. M.

' l k a v k n k w vukk .FROM FUUTOF l.ri'Klt n'ft'l HFKT urAOil.

B.4.\ 0.1A, 0.1.0, 7.11. 7,:w.ft.'l ». M M '/M i , U .. 9.4‘' IQd'i, 10 *■•, lUV t. M,; IJ. M M.:1J I «. 1.1 ■, U.fgi, J..W. J.Di, a.sn, lull. l.-l-V V m, ■',! ., ft.no, 0 IV fi ;io. 7"u, 7.0. -.tv uoi. 'U '., i 'U ) , 11 ]H, tJ."ii i'- M- H'ind.iy'. “ .'tl, I ’ " , l l (» A. M . M.; J.'i:), J.'ri, O.'ii, i.fii,6?f0 ftUO '*.&>. Pl.'lu. Il.tiU, IJ'U 1*. M.J. K. WUHTES, C. (i. H\N(;OCK,

(itn'l Maugr. Uen'l &T‘k l Virt. Phlla.


'Jlie uimb-rHlgricd )i> r"liy e<T4lfy tliat urdl- lianct h svi're rcHu iMi'<a-4'umi nme tiM o.ninuu CuuneJl, Frisluj'. Augn^ •i.mft'I.auddoly it l‘*fv 1 tel H tliiM reoiniig, pros Itliiig iurtliii lullowlng Inipruvcnieul-. vn;: Thu <.v)n“irin.Li'ju uf atdlK* htwvt thrungh* ' U ILKP. STllKKT,Kfum Sixth avenm- tu Fiftli 11 venue.

The coiiftrncliuu uf a pip** u-wer ihron^'h SHEKFIKJ.D S’lKEK,!',

from Orange atruel lu Jumuti Ktr»vt.Kald M'H'eni to have all culveria and Iravltis

n<aft*JNir3r lo eumjilete; th'* hairie an>lter beu f such "hape and dlmenRinri" an ihn Cumndttuu ou t^wen aud Draluaa<' ihaU dina-L

K R ^ K U N MCltl'HY, pTOildunt on'ornirmn CiHmcIL

H. H. PEMliBHTOff,City Clerk.

Newark N. J., Au*;. 9,


Dk l a w a h k , La c k a w a n n a AsNDWkht- KRN RAlJ.RiiAli.

fVOSSIB and RW>gl mVIBfOff.}Nfiw York, bad uf Kondsy Rud Chrtiitophsr

fttift ia. 4 uiinueiu lug Moiiuay .tune J-*. lAVvlease Ni wurk at 7.Vl A. M , (Thrimgh Mall

Train CiTniei ting «( lK>ns'|]le ftw Jluuiitem . si Ift'Scr ha-MM a-uiiua slid *'!>e.<ter- st Water hs», fur Aiidnvcr. Nculun. Mrom'livlllo and hiHtikUu;Ni Wa-hingt'g) with eiprs«atralu sluawrtug ILui'iii lam allaiheil, fur Maimiika 4 liiiiik, 1ft ilia ire, purlbnid* Slhmd*-burg. •Sfruuiuts, Hn.ghHiiipteiii, Piles, Owi Bu. sv

IluflH..' -erh y. Klmlra, Clrvi lan-l, luTeihi,Inui, Cliit sgu,- 1. Lmla Olid }iuiiil)i W« !*i, aWi fiv Itliaca, lluim r, I 'nrllshd, ftyriu iioe n«svegi*, aiui iiulmn uu the IjtckassKUiiw aiul hUHvmft- I'urg am) UlaUMre smi Hud-m Rallr'iKd'., sUt'Rl |-iul<»u Hilb Udilgh Valley iUllriNUl and l^ddgli and Sii4*{iu-hannn Kailritad fur IWlliieheuJ, ftlauLhi lmuk, Heading aud Uar- r*»hnnr.

I'HJ-ftsuiirrr" fer ihiffalo ami pomi* W -u ean lake Hu* ft 4> A M tiain to IliliMkeii wnlumi t xlm charge and tberv lake fiiv H.LA A. M. l/aUifiiT lliO WiU.

in 4.1 A. M Ihivvf ai Cumm<Ml*ll»Mi,Ing at Iftivi-r ntih Irsiii fur lo>ri Oram. M> - Callus Uk', Hm'i'a>uiilia and ( 'Inufcr.

I J ’ll P, M. I H‘>luii Kx|in'fti for MunirQlt, lOialhnni. KlieliHvu, Miirrlofowu and all "ta- tluUftwe't tel KtiMuii, cisiniellng at Walertno with ‘-uft.-ex ItHtlrtHul ftT AuduyiT, Newteui, Kram-bvlllc snd Franklin; nt Wsoldnglun with Fipri'fts Iniln iDnming Ktft'iii 1 an) at- laidieiP. fut Maiumka Umuk, Walt'/ irSf>, Siruii'lftiiiirg, Striuituii, PIUhuii, Rkugftluii, Wllkivtliarriv PiiigliHiuton, iiwcgis, Waverley,amt Kliuirs; Ht phiihiMiiiirg Mlili Use Ltdilgh ami Siu*iueliaima Uallri Sil, acel at KfUitein with lehlgh Valley Kifilmivl fur BvUilehi-19. AJJ.91, luMii, Maurhchinirk, Kcnding

4 Ul P, M. - Koateiii eii'ivw, umneetnig st ; iNuer with Iraliib fur Hueesaimusaudl'h><«ler at \Sn4erlun wUIi 'Siismx Ratirusd fur Andover, Niwteai and Kramdiville . at W<u>hingtiMi with Irnlii lurOxfen], Mamitika Chsmk, IH'laWBra, Purtlniel Water 4is|i. KroudMiurs. HiTHiiteHi Hiul lt>li‘ inis‘<haie »>tflllon". amt at rinlUiiaburtf wlih Ivhlgh Valiev Kallrusil and Gdiljcn auii Hu'^nUidiaiiiia Uallruail. fur Ifidhleheni, Allen- temii. Ite rtdlng and Hiinteiiurg U- ar far fur Silrllug. Mllihigluii. Hiwklng H majda* vllle. and all Mailuiii uu P. A D. llraiirh

ft ul p. M —Iftiver Piuriwi lor suinmii, n ia t ' him, Vftdlwm. M.inlHluwu. Miifrlx Plaliift.lK;n- vllle, IteK'kHWRy and Duvar. runiuviing at Jh'mille with tndu (ur Houutuu. Ik'ar cars f Haakliig Iridgn. el<‘,

ft.M P M —ilarkrlWown Rjprrwi. stopping at MiUium, Siiiiiniit, Chatliain, MNdlwui. Mur- rlMuHi) nud ail rtafiuiiN Wiiat nf llai keltateovn, Ci'itniftllng a* Waterloow1lhSii.HM X Kailmott fur Ainkiver amt Kewtuu. Rear can fur Hacking- ridgs', Ifi'rnNnlnrilU' and all liathHiiua Uia Pas- Riile and iKlaware Itallruial.

Piu*cngerR r<T SiTantem, Blngharnion. Ttlca, Rh hfiel«l Spiliijt", Klmlra. Huffnlu ami }Hfinlri We«t and >urUi eali tAku tliv tklU P. M train te) Hulriiken wlttiuiu Mitrs rhargiMud Hit ru ukfl Hie 7 l'« p M. tridu fur llie W'l-al.

NEWARK 1(1 NKW MH4K AlD.R-fl. T.fW. THO. 7.:i;, 7 17, A97, All. a p*. H.r.a,

b.iii. ivo-j, 10.JT, i(i.n,ti..ti,u.:*0 A.M. IJ '>1, I'j Tih. I iM, i.Sft, j.ja, Aftd, H,:i'j, ft. 17, l.'ri,4 Ift. l.Vi, ,'ius, vio, S ill, ft *0, 7.1+1, n.u\ a i7. t.m. UMi'.i, Ifi.iift.M.JJ P M SKiurdsyftuulv.’i .n ,

NFW \iH(K Tti NFW.MlK'-ft.«i, 7.0n, i.Ai, 7 SO, fton. H 111 inu, v.ao 10 in, m tn, n.in, ti *d A M., iJ INI M., I'J ID. li.io, I lln. JM. i *0, :l Ifi, *.«(, kill, 4 flu, 1 jn, 4.;a>, I ’Hi, .ViNhft.'jn,a,lu, ft.in, ft.Mu, r pi, ft.jo.ft.gi, 7.fin. H'n, kuk JO.oo. 11 n". ij.im p. M. KamriUya mily, I JO afU rnuuii

m ,fdiM l‘lKLn ANDMnNTCL.tlH-fi Jl.ft *0, 7 V' 7 .vt. M:<. timv li.fyi, it •d A. M . i .n . j u. 4 l;i, ft.j*, ft.ii.i ri..vt, 7.111, teo;i. UUft, lJ.f)K 1'. M. HMlurilay )'. M.

ORA.'sriK A.M» SiltTJl (HU.Vi.)*-n v*,701, 7.'iL7M , KM, ft.tS, ‘I 1:1. bU'i. ILH. A.M.. 1J.4«. '/oa .'t ftt, 3.*. 4 ,k I..IV ,s,or. fi .w, vvi. n. 1 1, ft,13 ti.ia,7.0:1, iBft,H.ai, iii.:ii, u.m, u .u I’ M.

h if Ih-rtinr-lHvine, Ila**klngrldm‘, l.vnna, Illlltugluu, Mlrhtlg. Dlllellr, llrrkeiey t|>dghteL and hH flHlIiTiMiiii Piuotiile and D*duw«te Rid*- niad iN. J. Wi i; J.lm' UnUrooili -N.(M and lO.M A. M.. 4,n;c ft.fu aiid;.,ft:4p. m .

MlUlCKN- ii.;{i), l.fgv M.m, i*n. |f)i1, It It A, M J 3.0.1, 4,;LV M », 6.53, &.M, fl.;i.T 7 dT A W,

(• M.SCMMir ^ fin, «.03, 9 ll, 10.41, ll G A.

M.jlj. d, 3.ui, t.u'i, 4 r<, :>.oi, "'.ov *'Vi. ■. . ft, ft. ai, 7.lVi. ft.iKV In u P, .M. IViftlueialHy aud Hat- iinbiy nlglUft, IL3V

C H A T H A M 7.53 H.W, 9.11. lfl.43, iL tlA M., p.ui. 1 (fl. .|.ai, -vw, r».o’i, .vw, nM, 7.0.1,

in.ai I' M.MAIdSUN AND M<1UU!ST4)WN-7A1, 9 11,

10.4 V l l .U A M , pj..;4, ;i.fi|, 4,0:i, .Ml, *>'-I. 7.03. Ufi.. Ki :M p, H. >ialiihl-iynlifhf. U 11.

M okltlS I'LAINS liKNVll,LK ASO KOCR AW AT-7.W ,y.l3, lO.tlA. M.. iL il, 4,ai, 5.U1, 6.MI. « .:« P. M

DOVKH-7.M. 9.43, 10.41 A. M., fJ.81, 4.01,n.ft], h.M. V. M.

DjtAKKSVIl.l K AND HTANHi )I1 :-7 .'j3 A, M , IJ ;il. 40:1, P. M.

WATKRIXJU-7.f)a A. M., I'-ML 4.01, 5 . «r. M.

HACKETTiTOWN^T.'+J A. Nf, IM L 101,D.M i', M.


WASHlN'.Tf+N 7M A M., 17.11,4.fH p, M.PHH.I ll'M intri AM* -7f>.P A. M.,

IJ.31, 4.01 )'. M. A. ilLASUNKlL SiU't.

r r Tf) ADVKKTI^K ' IN THEI I I J1 1 0 Nvwi Want Cuiumii-H, HuuH'cmiil i»Lye.


Uelianot Avsniie*BKbA Voi(»T Pn-prleior.

nniMint llluinliiaitoii by 4uu Klwirtr UgbU,E V E R Y E V E N I N G T H IS W E E K .

Api***aranoeuf thero'.nio|M)1i1un lituly Orfhestr* fA AllUvi'ii M K'r. <m.. Miihlti»a..r.lHr,Ti«.,

Al». »|.iK«rinuT ol' llif Uim|.,iio. IIESHY IIA.S.Sf>; Jill-.' IlKHTilA KIK'IKt Rtllixt f'limir, mi.l NHH HKKTIIA MAKJ|[, Srrto- ('.■im.. thi. wMuhrr |.r\ivu Murmy, Ui«cuiKo.rt will uk .. |ilki... ill ihe Skit.

APOLLO HALL,nsn IIK O AD IT .» irawBTk* j .

May Tiiiw la>cntM«<l fur the Fall and WlB(«r Nju-i.ii for liaiupieia. Fair*. Hoi-lahlw, BalLl* and "(her finfi-olaja ruUrUlmueuU.

For terms apply te>J. W , TAtlGttN.

.’ 11 KW Mnvad atre»d. R«imn ‘2, SecdOil FVoor.f t x c t t r v ia u * .


Pennsylvania R .R .

r i U l K MOF. K A iLW A Y (N liW K M iW S Ad 1 N LW ^ O U K , I.AKK KKIK AND W l.dT.

F I;N K. Kd bliuTt Line l«'Uve+’U Ni wnik .ni l New Vui'k and *Jic murt rft'iuiorlablu aud J lr w l ruUPJ t" a ll uiirtN i-f (be Wi-xt.

I in u -in l. i^ In cfleei jC f.Y 11. iw .I.eiivc NeUarJe, dally exCeipf Hnridiiy, ftir Ni'W

Y'urk (frcjiii Miaiiuri eurlier Papule andF 'litrth iivH iiK ). jiiii.Ofi fl lft. 7 lifi, 7111, 7 ft'*, y\'iauii |u,:iftA.M- hu I Ijfi'i, L jJ, a.07, b.'Hi, M.fiftaiid ifi J* P. M.

lli'lim m ig , leim i Niuv i'. r li, da lly c ic e f il humlws il'^'i " f ( luuifij- n Mrceli, ui+PVi, ftcn,A 111. P><iu uid 11 :'/■ A M , 'tel l J uu, i.jii, .V.'u. fi.Jn. 7. lu. ''.ml mid inofi P. .M

A Ih i. iiu ' Jralu Irniu Ni-sv ^urk im .v lays,'Ihut dii« - Kiifurdiiyc IJ nddnIgl+L

l iN - r i'^va J.<‘uvft Newiuir at X.M A. M.,1 (■> im I lu JI P M. Relitriihig, leas+i N'.sf1 'Hk 111 pi M . XM, fi.lO und +.O1 P. M.W l.'-'rW AUD KItOM NKIVAUK via I'.VTKlt'^nN

Ft Piil^T-uu, dully • reepi hfiiid.iy, ".i'.i, ft Ci, 9-fifi and JfidJ A. M., 1J.fi7. J,.<7, I.V:. .. ei,0 i ’t, f' '.'J, ftfift. ‘.' ll'. I 'U l P M. Tm-Mliy, i im rv duy and HHtiudiiy inghlM uiily, l > :i<i, Huiidav^x, V.S7 A. M., H.f«3.i,Uaiid;te4> P. M.

llu 'fi.O ftA . M. im in (ci+'t pi NiTidaynb from Newark, ruijnectM jti pat* tni»ij svIiIl day eipn-ss fur lh<-WV-ftl Hii i lur Cornwall, Ni-whiirv, P luc D liiud ruid Ssitli N. V. (mio/li,i A SVimUt u it.It. at Slain Mirert. Mld'lh-ltiiviu

(•oN N K fT inN d FD k NKW ARK.Knun Pid* fxun, dAlly I'xeeid MUiday, .Vl,

J.Ofi, 7.J7, Hfi.'i, y.jA, in.fif arnl iL-ii* A, M. 1 'I'K ‘J.Jfi, H,J7. M l, .VM, 1.V>, 9 l.*» y. M. mm loyK 7:1\ A. M., 1.10, 5.1.7, W.45 P. M.

ThuV A. MuftiJiiiliiyj|7;l7j and |.:WP, \|. iT'diift leiivc I'id+Tvun ill euiimefi'iii with 4-xi'i>-i< train* nrris lug at tlm l iKilnl fruiu the SV. ->

The :i.C* P. M, Trulri u rn iiiebiy l ‘<nerftun In ruinii-elii'ji stirii eX|'ri«<+ uinJI fumi I'url Jervift tiri'1 Ijilenm •IJnte "tHlI 'iift.

F;X|‘RK ;-i IRAlS 'f? H t'iM .NKW UM4K. a A-M- Duy 1a }>'+ft*. Fnuri Uin+iifn‘rft+

dally, ix u filfttiijitHy-i Dnuvmg uftwucom-h. -k Ul Hini'luiifireu. Lliiurn. ilurnelhville. Itiid-ilu, J|u.-[.iugerhiudic- lu JluriH>v|lJe, riniduUisU iiiu l cirpagu. Lvavv Newark :*.u7 A. Sf.. viuI'.tU-nHrTj,

ftp M. fr/iHy. 'CJiic agoiind f l. f.niii* Llir*It' d" KJti'n‘-\Ji ftoll'l I’lillmun truiri of d ly >-!i-< [dr'g iirid li'ite I eiwicli'-a. .Nu exlni eiiargO Inr fii-l llif" '. \rrjv»N MearM'Ei- V I'l A. \1 ,1 lest iiuid lu'fO A, \| , c inc iin i.n l '.IJ I’. M .1 iiu-jiuii Li.i'i I' M., iirnl d1, I/i'iNT. j'i tho aectin'l riiuriibig. h 'lisc N- tshrk. dally, ox(ft‘ pt ‘ du- diiv, III V;1 P. .' L, vlu Jiifftey City. Huudny at 5, (ft I'. M.

7 1’ M Dally. "D iifiam and Niagara Kulla I.n i.Ii"V ' -MtIu . Duefe-i-b rfLJO a . M . im ffalo 7.lgi.A. .M , !-ii'*|K-i’ d.iiJ HndgeS..l'i A. M. I.eaven S'-ssuiK iLtily. exe. |.t .‘■iimliiyft, sf P. M,, s in PNlfir^uii, huruluyit a l -Vh P. M., via Jufftey f Uy.

7 c P M. I.iiiij’ru iil im ln lur riu- W.'.i. iJi'. .M. iM dy Orum chu iiiU ’rh ittnviL '"hl-

CKgu K x i‘ri->. fuillman 'lay and "l s|>ing euaidie> to D ingb iiiiit 'iii, KIttJira. llu lt i l" . M t.!- iim fallH. Cliieinu>i|| lUid ciii'n^o, l.'-au ' Nf-siiTk d a lly , ‘MiJ P, M., ssillii.iijt oliangu ,,f r ars.

J i, 'T ic te t .s In uL prliK Iplil Mdutft VV ftt and lyH'nI. Kxi ind 'U, C"niiniitnil>iu au'l Paek.rg.,!7 m kelK, a l gn-atiy reduced riitex, ran Ih' pr<r- turi'd Hi tie- c<ii i[>Hiiy'auillee or at ilu- ^riniou.

);[rf<eiNi| alte-nlluii given t4j arranging f-ir loi-iu lluuft i l l Pullman Coaches l i i O'!vaiito i.-f ih ed .i/ o f departuri'.

Haggftgu calh-d ft>r end fhccked from re«l- di'iice to destlualli'U, aud dehvk red rruiiisLa(l"ii tu nnl»te‘ncc, (■aim fiirnbilieil for iJio iraiiHfer rjf iiwwugem tu or frum siallufi.. ,

Partu+fi liiuvliig 10 tlifi Wert w ill fiii-i It to tlu;lr advantage tu raU lU thU +)lheo aud ubteiluUis* i‘Kt rate’s, majift, tlin+‘ b illies Edc,

OOico ur»rn from 7 o'tiock A- M, GU lO.-W i . M. e v e r y , . j | y y j n , t Agunt, Teipplione No. W. IMi Marki'l !tt„ New «k, N.J,

Detmt cor. i l i i svuuite and PaHfcfilfi KtrsjuL N ew uk , N. L N- AUIWTT,


IHOB) STEAMBOAT CO.Transfer ftiearacr h avi-x Adam* RtprcM Dock*, JefN J i »ly. wi-ck lUyN, y.iV, |0 LV and 11.15 A« M., pj 1. I IS. J. J *1 Slid 1 P. M. tJumJara, '.*1\ li», b'Ift. 11.30 .t. M.. l, LiL ij® , 3 I’l. 4, 4 C , 5:1*1 and l.lA I'- M,. omnwllltf it IVr N>*. L Nt*rtU Hiver. with Iron r!teiUAbu4kt 4'unipill)'a Ate<«mef fur tVuify Laliuul.

Itednruhii iran^fer rteinn-r will eonuftOl At PU r Nu, 1 aub ftivauierv of Iho truu Hu+imboit Cm, leaving nm ey Ixisnd wt^g dtjn^ 10:40, 11 10 A. M.. IJ Ifi, 1 .40. J.lfi, 3;JN, 4.19. 5, ft *0, 7.4<V H;10 and 9:40 P, M, Of) aumliyi, H 10. ll.J.’i A. M . IJ lU. U:.’*.''. l-40.3’Jft,«:t0,aA4, 4.Ill, .'i.JA. *1 11), ft.'vl. 7;40, H;1V !l:10, 10;|Q P,

( IIAM. E. Ptdill, J K, Wood ,9I?» iteul, MiUiger, Ocni. Pu i, Agent

eilAN U H o t ’ T I^ B . 'Stephens & Condit Trans. Co,

- — m eew ,.,- ___ _

N tw m ii.s i ik h : a u . w a t I m « o u f £S T E A M E R M A Q E N T A .

l«avc* Sewirk, cunmiiervlai Wharf, 1:45 A. He aud J P. at. lU duriiingteivelruulloriliBr. J|«

Sea Beach Palabe, via Bay Ridge.S T E A M E R T H O S . P . W A V ,

I.CAMy,Ni-Mark at 9;3fi A. M. and 1 P. U. LOATM tica lU-aidi Pslot u at 4:1ft and K.AV p. M.

VAmr., uoDMD Tiku*. 00 CBim*II11 Rslu Dt) I Wild Weu fUiow. le*vn Newark

si 1, 'J and 7 p, M. IaTavo Krofttina At 5:iY and lfi;:kip. M. Fan', nanid irli), lucluding idinlt* slon,7rie, JL F. AYHKh, !4u|aTtuu<uiletlL ;



roniiU4»iH'liitif H untlnyi A u^« 8 *Tlif Mtgnilleent Nesy Iron ifteamur,

FBED’ K BE BAHY(ufllu DvlUr)' R^ya Mcrchantei' Uue),

will U sse lii'T wluuf, FIIOT OF f'KNTKK B?.,D A I L Y at 8:45 A . M. and 2 P , M*

ItelurMiug wiU iCATC llic iron I'lerst'U '. M. J aitt |i»r l-inllr*- Kia'unilmi, AO O u ts ,

III! Indiirg adnilMiiufi lu the l''uu Pu-r.

Fishing Banks.STEAMEfl JOANNA

WlU niakc rL‘gulsrtrl|is to lUc FLiklog BAUkl4>tt

T U E S D A Y S , W E D N E S D A Y S ,

THURSDAYS ind SUNDAYS,Frum Ripley's Dui k, bear Aforkst Rlrcct Dopoti I'chutiyDunla Kai)ru»i, and Furry tttraot lh'|H<(, Newark •and Now York HaUknwL dWuniiT will leave atJ9 A. M.

FAllK;-*hmile(iien, 75r.. I AaMos, Mo,Fur Uiarier un Mondays, FrUlAyi and liattH- Ua^L Addrew________t A Kl VlN M. KKONK, 17lRiwT«L

lUli Annual KxciirNioit-O P—

S T. L U K E 'S G U I L D ,o f tlid IlcMOiti ol PrAyor^

T o E U R E K A S P R IN G S O R O V E^oil the HipLiun,

Py -r.rtmer JOA.NNA and Marge KEPrOLIC,M i i m i a y , A u g . I H H U .

T IL h K T s , 7At.', D IIILnitK M , 3SoaMl 7‘JC UY PROF. VUSS.

• a lhMi leaves fool of DivbfUm Ntraot at H;15 A.|M , rtiarp. Hlf


A (tidlghtfnl Mill o f l > ndu-ft Slid identy onanre liiimt'hHi k M H buii'.’-. nii'iiiner J. B. blU lU V lii^ t v ri 'IhurivUy. FMturday and i iiiidajr.

Will iiiHke dHdv trliiH tu the KxhSiig liankf, f i l l pt alHive, K'uvtug FiuuklLu iUmNew YurV, K-3fi A. M,

'I IckeiN, Ineliidliig Hull Ffiro, fl af penrt- r-ylvsiilH, Newark an<l Flew York, and Krio KHilruiul di piit^

j-nnrhiy'i lake iViififtylvaulu d:*fi .4. M. trateL HunI ri tiirtift .S J', M-FnJdn^ luckle, bait and refre^buicnte OQ

Ihat 4.AL. FriHTKil. ^fati/igor.

OCFAN f.llOVK KXrl'KSloN. BY TIIU \ Uin g .Ml li ft I lirUtion AiMK'Ulioi), W«d-

lU-.-dBy. .tngurt J.‘>th.____________________ 4tb



O P P O S I T E M A R K E T S T R E E T D E P O TDANIKL M. jrS 'K , Pruprititur,

A FlrsUCUHR Ut-AlMiirant and lU r, ottd«r a Cniiipeterit fifaimgoiuent,


Ctcati Ruudu and Gumfortable fiedi,A(jr., 7Ac- or 91 par Eluj,

Jel»|ifiutie 111. ________________________


Americiin and European Plan44S tu 464 UUOAU HT.

o m w ile D. L. & W. K. R. depot, Newark, N, J

I f . C . W H lT T y , FmnrtfitoT,

I T 1) 1 A!)VFHTlj*K IN TUBI I J I O ^vHa Woiit Coluiuua.iK‘eui:d potii.'.

lu M t r u c t lo fU

m :yv jKasEYState Normal and Model SclioolS)


Full Term will commence

M O N D AY, SE PTE M B E R 13th,Tuinl lust for hoard. Tuitmn, Bookii.&c.. at tht N'lrfiiiul Selii'.Hil. 9*41 fur louheft, and 9100 for Oriitlcniub : SI the Mu«1ut Ht'lio-il. 9 '400 pot yi'or. lluddingN ihumugliiy hedtcil by uteam. Tim MihU I Si IkhiI uQ'un to bnlti youug Lruhua aud iii-iittemeu i-iiperlor lulvamogeft lu all ila deuarliDcnl^ ylr .: MatbeiimtlcaL CloiMicalr CuinniervlHl, Mndcal, Drawing aud la Bollea* U'UreH. i-ur uLreuUmcouUliUng full paiUou*

W .U A 8BROTOK,Ptlueipal,

07a Tfeutem, ^ew Jefaey,




r«tiidh i( Plt<rb«r (mnior« H«nl-A lUd Yhf«w hf Burn* Akon* l’ r#T»nlB th*

Gkbi* from B«lu|p a BoUi m m Hauj I&»H Plaids.

n v t f o r d did nol d «r» to trn«t Henry In tbo box tCAisxl tbr SVwBrk jt-K- irrdxy, u d GUjnor** |Ht<’ lirtd with Ibn f l - poctaUoQ o f dapUoothiK thr rirtory the proriow dxy. About 1,SHW people went to ■h Uie |uno in tho nune ftato o f liopjfu I •

Bat tb« ^'Little OJajiU '' fa*d on thrir boCUnf elotboo, nod ibey pouudoti tbe front OilBMn oxActly M tfa«y would boro BniDBfrod n loM oelobtntod man. The oQt>floider» wor« kept un tbv ruo, knulluf down loTtf drlTOO or looking for ibo ipUrro In Uio gnw during tho irvnicr port of the gftkuo. Ureenwood did oome hard aliif- fin f, ond Doly aent tho ImU whiitlInK through tho in-5eldfr*i Icgi ilt auHi a rab< o f opecd that thry did not try to itop It. Good flfldiog, bowover, and soiuri iplendiU eatchot of tong fllea prrTontod the piiiiig ip of a big iton^ agaiiiRt Jl«rtf(»rd.

P ylo pitched for Newark, iltljiMitfh Bmltb WM very inxioUB to n'dt eui hltn- ■rlf. He un«i a drop U ll whh b w u vi-ry puaiiing to the ItArlfoni baUuinn. Hul be bfOD iUp{>orted aa th(' " LiUK' Gi<iMtA " u u a lly Aup]K>rt a pUrher. I‘yle wnuld Imve placad another aliut-out to tho rrnlH o f the Kowark team.

AH CBROB TH4T CONI TWn RDNK.In the larCcr half <if the eiu;li^ luuin^.

after twd a e n ^bit WU'u v i» . .ttuWMt nil..'ba«w with a amgle and Meuiter came to the bat. l ie drove a alow lu ll t t Ill]rl1^ fiv ijig the third tiaecTuan a 4'hiun‘ U»re> t il* tho aide. Hut Hurui threw ih<‘ hp!ii>r< over Taektr'a head, two riiiiHlniiiifT b «n Leo Smith let a gri*undrr hniwi-fij hia leg* and M>'iater atNinMi. while Kroi^ w ent to aerood. In attempting to •t(ml third be waa run dow n and tou* hinl out.

Paly made tJie first run for Newark In Ibe third inning, going to first on a Riiigln, ia d ■rorlug o n Uroc^nwood’i bit aftor B6IB* dever have ninning. GriAduybuNf' poorod in tb * a iith a ft«r be Inul re^tchod ieoond on a long drive, coming home on Ooofao'a lacriAre, Or^uiwiMKl imule au- atbet two bagger in the cigiuh and acorfHl on Bnma'a alugle. H um s went to third on Tucker’ s single ami scon'd white tho Bartford men were rbsam g Tucker W tween firvt and MK'/md. During the game X r d g bad hia tingera bailly iu ju iod by au McikieDt. Duma, white ruauing him dow n, fttepped tipoa b it baud.

T h e loora :

1IIK H i l l . llltO D K HKtVEK.

Niw a a i .* 1

IB T.B. f.o. a. a.

Oreeniruod, i b ........ 3 1 .1 It 0Ceeey. Ci.................. 0 1 1 I , 1 0 0C c » ^ . rf........... b P ' 1 D 1B a m i,lb ....... .1Tufikrf. Ib.e,^^.........

10 J


JIM 0 i


A dilI,, 11................... 0 ! 0 a 1 0 g

o l■i0 Si

4 [fi


pyto.'.p-................. u 0 0 1 , 0

T o U t i_ . . „ ...... 4 ' « i t ! i l \ RHakTPoaD. a. la. T.». r.o. A. k

Bboch, If................... 1 1 1 2 0 0Ilchrtrr, 2h.... ........ 1 0 0 2 3 1Kridtelh-..-.............. 0 1 1 7 0 0Henry, c f .............. 0 0 , 0 4 0 0Sulllreii, rf............... 0 2 1 » 0Haek. c ..................... b 0 0 U 0 ()Lufbprry, w< .. 0 0 0 0 1 0OHmor*. p ................ 0 0 1 0 0 ■ [hojie , a , ................... 1 1 1 i 0

Totali..,...,......... 1 i A •je n 7*Tucker out for running nut of the iloa

acoai ST iitNiMiw,Newark....M........... n o i o o i o 3 n - 4Hartford....0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * 3

Earned runiK*Ne\rarki 3. Hsan on error*— Kcwark.l ; ilartforO, a. Ra«e on balls-lla it ford, 1. 1.0ft on baiwB—Newark, fi; liartfonl, 1 IIU by plicher—iianfhrd, 1 . Struck ou l^ Newark, 0 ; KarUonl. S. Wiki ]iUriie>-Nuue. Fawfd balla*-D*ly, I. poiihle h1sy*--i'ror'U> wood and Tt»cker Stolen haiK»-*Ba)r, x Hacrl- flee hit*—Ckiojan and Gaw>jr. Twohaso Oroenwuod 3. Time of hour andItk'tj'fjve ju TOlea rm plre—WjrckolT.

vu rr ra oH m a n y diam on d s .Games yesterday—National I/eague, at

TPashIngion, WaabingtoD S, New York 10; ki Petrolt, Detroit S, Ht. Louis 2 ; at Chicago, Chicago IR, Kansas City I ; at Fhlladeiphia, Philadelphia 8, noatou 2. American Association—At I’ittaburg, Hut* gopoHtan 7, PitU-hurg 6.

Ward, of the New York Club, mile five bits, on* for every time th.;t he t..me to tb* bat, in tbe game at Washington jre"< lordly.

At Jersey City ytel'^rday the home club beat the Wsterbury eiue by a i.f- iid n f 7 t o 2 .


Blrtklng the Hanu.'Or o f tbe W ater.)unr Clob, who Inaolted Hlni,

Arirtnut Ma’is''er Me'.cU of the NeW' aik Club, wcot to Jer ey Cily ye-in.-ilny aflemoou with ptlchcT L'owiUii to wu- nee* the game beiw.-. u Jc ey Cil.v ami Wa’ bury, Attcr tho gutite Mdscl, £nowlton and Umpire Hi.'uly were ktanding to;;elher ta’hin« when Min* sger BftnmoD'', o f the W'*..rbj:y CTuh, ap* prourbt d.

“ Brady, yoo area blaobed tVe',” slid BIeddiodk, *'yod robh;d u*; o ' lb-;, '’ime. Jf you eve’- show your f,*< e ou (ho W;r.Ji-bu»7 grounds a.^ainruL'ch ytijr — -------be-d off.”

“ W'dl, If 1 we»-e you I wo.'i'l pn wher­ever BJlu'd lent im?,” HJiid M'-isol to Bi;.dv.

*‘ B. ll:.rd! who the----- is hoV” RskisIBinmions exritt-dly.

“ Well, he's the progidt-nt of iho lesiiue,” tuiiwer**d Mcisei,

“ lie’s a ------------------- said Siinujonsprofanely, “ nrid ho wont be prtwideut much longer." Then ho added, with morenallis, “ Mciwt, yoiTrc a ------------ .” J‘ vygut B notion to biv.;k your Jaw.”

‘■I Udiive you to be u #;?0U tliiuf,” au- Bwered Meiw*), turi'in^ r d.

Thun Bimmons sho. L s HU out At Mt'ir,el. utui the lai.er p ru.d thu blow, and Ik:fore Knowliou losiUl inlTTfcre ho bad plautui hi ftsl eiiusi(-\T uu Sluimoris's moulh, Kiumiuuh wos h'd away d.u-d. and Meiwl wa nrfied to linivt' Hik RniuudH Immwliuuiy, whh-h be ilid. KnowUmi Esys that Simmou- wa - uirlmlly itilosica- tcd.

Hi* Saji It Waa Auollictr GaUaot.Tothr htiinrofUir Sea* ■

P in — ’W ill you pleiiHe correet i^ p n l)- licly a* |Hi«Rlble >iiur *cT4iuiil ij Oie Kltr.iiU‘ Ji affair, for the imsiivorj- ruiiUDe« mnyhare bLK!U inl4'n:htiiiK leading lo vimr lari,-’ ciicLlago, It puls toe morally in u very uupU>u.H> ■ntligbt, and n'la'ats only (he Kuylu rsuf sljiy nelghlxjrh lii our rural lown, while thupUhof lluj whole (Trtiiwliuij li left uiiru- vealwl. The farts urc that I waMiot ai all hi Ihe place, nor luul any ulliur bunli.t s- reliilioiis with tliofi- parties, but know!'.;^ ( Ii>id h n.><*iHin' Sibie and advenluroiiB i«viplc lu ileal wuh. 1 SWit my wife to attend to Uk- timui'f.an'l while she was there some ollnr pallaiit ulm in.iy baTelx eu jnrolved wlih iIk-.-h- |>eopk , w»i'< ini- ples^ntJy, for hftn, exfHst^d. Tlii“>e ar--) n'l" which can t>L‘ proven here byliUlilyre-Hfivcta- blc «iUK‘t'>cs, aiid us 1 Ijum' 1Ivi->| Iti vs>-||*j t foiirtL 'O tvllh a lres'<ure of u lillli' u'if,> ithobiiiilo.<j at (lie ihuuKhm bf my ItiL k Ihy, iLCOT.rtaiuy, or w en jmiiiofdlUy ; n lill- , per CODira, nn^l evertiine km/iv'« uiy fumily ]•; mj eiirthly liai-j.lnew*, jeu n ill do iin- Ike fnvi.. to m aic iier the aim r' 1- o f luihlDhUiv Ih te fetv Unci'1ji ynur^ ew>y m'W.'|ni|K'f.

HesKCtluUy, J i'U Ih U. Kirn tN, Newark, N. J., AtigniU 17. issn.

Teeth comc Miiiile.st'ly if Or. llaud'H Teolhtiur LciUoo be b«lhe>l on tbe Kumi. t;ure» ToiAh- sebe. Price. 25 ciA

l)r. Uand s Diarrbiua Miztiro for ('hUdren yrill oo; cure every case, but U will cure more than u y modlclue ever put lu on* houle. price, an o ia -A d*.

lllHtiepalr* Nrnled-Huw DMioagr aaBlhio**.

All Ilf llir lillli rmi'O w 1 > ;ir<* lin iu'-T^ of the s< »i r ronmiitler I" A nir'iftL*!-' ili-'City Hall yfftrnliy aft< rn-Kio, «iid rtdlwl away till a tiiur of iiiBfHH'tion to tlie Mill H r-'A '« « • ? . 1 li'- itM enm n found tUfdr»iii ill very kitl I 'lndiliim U wilt n '' iviluh llo • i{H n<liUir>-of fnMU it,n<i<l to

to maki* (he m---<l<>d r»*juirs. fh** from a |»oiul v n frit wi-it of

Kii ttiry Mnit to <'li;itli;iiii Rtr 'el ba*- Naiiviy :my hri<k lH»Uoitt left In it.

Tin- Mill lirotjk SI wer is a >M‘ttl«n o f Uh* Clay alrt-4>t sewer, and it wsa biiiil luinv yrsrs SRo under tb* dlro^liott o f Mr. Hibaefier. It was tlm ughl at the Drae that no rngtiKH^riiig skill would ever m ake It a auiTew, ( 'ity Counsel (* mil, in fart, provM in rm irt at the liini . lo liis own aattsfsrtlou, that it would never be o f any aecuutit. Nevertheh -A, it did gnod wTviiv', carrying «>ff the heavy stream o f water unlil the canal broke two Je.»r4 ago. The o j i s n l y o f the dr.iin was so great that it ev<-n rsrrieil off all o f the waU'f in the (l^c-niili levefTif H o-i.inal. The hi^vy Moih‘* and rm’kB ro ’tliiiiK thrmigh the •o-wer hroko Die fir-t nnirar o f brii ki, and the Iwllonj MHiii het;nii Ui go to pi‘ '< < .'4utne“ iif tbe slimes nfti rw.inl found in (he w wer were w» lsr;*e ib iil they rould im tl- ' taken out o f tho loao 'holes until after tin y l« d leM'O broken iiibi pii'CS. The nnoroiltf'^- foil mi uIm» th.it theii> was a bn -ik in tlie m wer alwfut tw en ly 'tlvo leet in biiy th where tbe h tier had wsBbrdHWuy (he fiiuml ttioii 4-oniplelely. Atthe Ill'll mcedhg 4if the c4ijiiruitli'e it is prob>ahl4' Ihnt (be re|Hilr>< advised hy tlm ilris't I'liiiinipwloiier will be orderwl.

-eurl hen v

|HiM'4!.Sui ' «|m o llv a tm > Dnp HM>' held nl thn

City Hull, and CoiiiriHtor Hullivaii WHS ii^ 'en il (41 iiheiid ami lidililibe sdditiornil (Wi'iitv feet u f ma- ‘ t'liry where th-* mtoimI bre;tk 4U'* eurred. Ki»r this work he will he |iii<| a fiNit, ur $1,740 in aiMiDfm to fd.fmo, tlm atimu lit o f Ills original rniitraet. A te lie r was rerriTwi fr4im Watts t'amplieU A Co, riU lag t)>eatlentluti (»r the c^nniuiltBu ^

iww'T loailing VI(he pufnpmpi Jtartnn tit Interocpting tt’ Wer. ThustriK^t com missionor aald h* roiili] l4Wi lip reason w hy iho firm could ii4it c’jirt Its pumping intch inery over Ih* r(4kd,ssthe Hhanley HrotUuri w*r* 4laily taking h i'svy loads oi ston* over the rsihh route. T b * C4mmiiUAM' d«ciib«11<» do noth­ing in the matter until after the ni-st niM ting o f ('ouordl.

T b * report w hich Kugiuecr Hehai'ffor preRi'nbal r4datlV4' lo th e n iit o f 4'oiistrih't> lug the interi-cptiiig sewrr was not rnml for tb* rrasoi) that Alderm an Connolly was ■liscnt. Mr. Hchscffi'r still coutlnuM to (KTupy his ro4ims in the Heath building at the rspvns* uf tho ri. y although ordsh'd f o vacat* them hy the Newer Cnniinittce, It IS said thst that 4*4iiatnit(eehas no |Hiwer to order him to give up the spartuiouti, sml I bat it has no conlrfjl over him.

A l.in i.K rATAJ. K.4M„


ltn|trovllig lit Hodlly IleaKh, but HlUl Having Id Insanity.

J4«S4' J. Ciillin, (ho yanlmaster o f tlwi Tennsylvstiia HHlIroad ('nm pauy who bravely, though v-tinly. alteinp(.is| to t<*h- cue MisH Annie W yekolf from su ap|iToarh> Ing eitiress irsin four weeks ago at llm SuuDi KliaalM'Di dc|H»(. still continnos to In* a raving maiiiitc at Ills ro*idence ou Tuy avciitir, Etisabeth. Hy day and night li* Is wat4'b4'4f hy lw » jueii, whuv4' sorvlr-os sre l«aid fur by the c4m)puny. The jiatient's haiiilBaud fret are kept tie<1. Er(M|ueiitly s Mrs. Ititteiihou'^e is his wat4-her. Her nursing often (jiii* ts Di* sh-k timu, Drs, riuiH 'oand Mmvlag rimk4i tw ov iiitsa day, hut give UUi4: bo(Kw uf his n aovery . Th* rase is said to Im s nmni pts uUar one, it iK'iiig iK'lieveil tiiat (ho sbiN'k, when the train (brew (he hravo man to one aid* w beb h* hnd th* young girl in his ftrens slm4jat out 4)f harm's way, is what hiis de- rang4*fl his mind. No M'ara or wounds ean lie found on his bead or laaly. T li9 |>s- tient 4'otiHtAnlly talks locuhercntly of railroail inaUers and frwiurntlya-iks "w hy the man wanted to kill him V' His biother Is a couHtant walrUer st his IhmIsI(J*, T^rgo quantities o f morphine arc used to qui<it him. H U hfroisn i and consequent great suffering have idicitod prufouu4l sympathy Ibrougliout ih* city,

A fund has beuu stArtid for prosenUtioa to him, the subs4'riptiunB lieing hcad4Ml by ('•omptrollpr A. lb ( ’arlion, Th© suiTuror has ati iulem sling faiuily, w b o .it Is said, plead to keep the phyainaiis from giving an order for the jiatient's removal to the •syluin. All that miMlicAl M.'iuiieo ean du is iH-ing don© to cure the heruic man. His weight bus greally increased and his phyhieai heallh is HUiiouneed as Iwlng c i - eelliuit, and bis luMrl's action ail that that could Ih* desired.

liei.EAMKI) t)N BAIL.A lderiim o llew sun tlw# Owen U lover

Net at L lberly .Owen (Hover, the young Imy who was

arreeti'ii yesterday by Odieer ( ’srpenter on a charge o f slcaUng a watch from an Italian, was bniitHl Itud iiigbt by Ahleruiau Hewson. Mr. llewMm told Justie© Uoiler thiit it was very palpable (bat great ii^us- tire bad been dune te the young man by lock in g him up, htmI tba l it was very clear Dial Die Ud was not a Udef. G lover is a har4l working ym ing man with a bright Cao*) and he looketl the |H)tlce :ui<l JiisDco Ibider fiqnnn ly ui the eyi'fi whilo denying that he had rohlH-d (he ](aliuii.

Ih’tccDve ('wTriill wa* ill (b e sum© crowd when the watch wnsHluleti.

" The Uatiaiis were w rangling," s:iid he laat nighl, " and G lover wim I'binding uu Die 4'urh (rying (o see what tbetroahl© was. The erowd gifrbercd aruund him, Hiulthe fifhl thing 1 knew an Italian grali- iK'd hidd o f the Ihit, and accUHM the lad o f stealing Die watefi. I would not arrest G lover, for I knew the iNjy was immcwit, but Gilieer Carpenter run up uud took th© tniy away. 1 said nothing, for 1 w is afr.’iid Mihie Ilf tbe It.ili tiiR, in tbidr 4'xeiU'ni*nt, wioild knife the lad. I h2ol nu idea that Carjictiti r would arrest h im ,''

.lu«tie<‘ liiMler, altbongU urged to do so, rH'uKed to d1hniis'> (H over, niid bis case w.is sent lu the d r iiid Jury for iuvu*»tigation.

OnniKe's Nt*Wf Llt-uiis* OrHIiiaitr*.T h e rejMirt I'tiiieemiiig the tillegod

P 4 iruiba'li.) of urarcc bill'll.4Ufi men ct'iicem lug un ’ 'nhiiaficc reeCiiMv pa-LHeil to l(i'i*ii«y

is wuhnui fmitoldUini. TheoriJlimneo I'rMvnie'i (hai ««ui-of it,wn ]K*'|.lk r'shall piy a UiviiN- fre of A'O. iiml local peddlerh 91. I( liHt U'l n sUiie-l that nut of- linni pclibunt ItUemletl U ailj K ilif orrlliinm e Ify roimliig say niimlier of WHemn nti (hu‘ llcesis,-., ThU is iTU|M-i-ible, Mio'c Ihi uriliti-uicu provi)':^; Hut a ii'*.* uf ?•>' >hnll U'I'ai'l fiif eaeh Mail every wsyoti, HiHl ilifli the llenisi' timnU r t'lisll iK-seeutely fasleiuHt to i-aeh a aguii. t u ,* tmiinatifi* '#44 \i‘ry cHrefulIv drswii. aifi n\\ ,',vi.Ini»,'encii'?'. ll h«- not yet l>‘4 'vu' alH.Tln'- euuK Mayor llartfor'l ha- iuH ,i;tpr«)Vf,l It.

Ih IIchDi l^ahilo*4'fA PliilKdvlphia <bvi..r, ait. r ycar4of (Mn-ful

("Ucrvinnai, "ny* that -mr d'-mi-<" tr, <i< |. i|tiU"-s «•' nur ndvi'Ul to the vvorM. I'hln is<'tTiaiulv rvnHMirifig; yci, iio>vi iih' Lin lmg ih-"'r vr -ii liulneeineiiG, u c ‘ lilMii nul i .jiir: lii-alh. loni shall (f-nlluue lo us»‘ Ur. I’i\-r iiiu lUb 'e remedy, (he '•lin ldcti M vilica l [li'C ivt re. ’ i .r consuinpiinn, Fjatting of bhai'l. Nli>ir(nis< of breath, weak lure.rs, ro ii'l i 'i. Imiie-liiiM, ainl k lm lrcdhfrocHonsof the throat sm l cJu'i'i. it Ih unequalJed. by dn.iggist’i.

A Woman who Is weslt, neta'otjs sui] Ktuep- ICHF. sTKi whu ha.'' cold hiuidn am] fiTi, simot feel atid act like a well iHTvon. Carter''Iron PIlif! tiiualize Hi© etreuUtion, remov* iiuivouh DUBS sJid give slrvugtb suid rest—AJii,

Ifrojiplnt; l'‘rnm d Third Klonr tViiidow au4t krMriiirlttg llerN kiill.

A *. 1 i i '• d. Hi «« I tr. d V n| ly Hit T- iifHin at liluoii.fli hi, I Muti'ig (lie di ,Di o f

Mi |n>ii> HI tb> four y>Hr-ohl d iu;.{h ter o f AHh-. t Mf 4if (he firm o fM<I>oii^hM A' Cunipheli, uijd* rtak< r-. onllliHiihflr hi avenne. The family oi ii^iy (Mil fiiMim alNtV! the furiiUliiiig rooiii''in till' bri< k row o f dwHIiiigt and ^tori '. Al-i>nl 'J^lb ir'elock ill (he anen i'cm Dio IjiiiDier and ' hild were In the h.o k rooui uf (he third l iu* little oiis left thefainnt knd tri]ip*H ibrtiugh (he fooiiiR <0 th* front wiiiib»w, aiel with iHith b am i' puHi' d j b e M ind- n;« n.

As im y ff*'w apart th* chiM lu i In-r liaUiiie a'ld fell ( i (he stoop, I liirty fetdIk-IuW. A I 'jh id i eo.eldiMli WS'R silking4iii bis Ihfx Ml .ro 'u uf Di* s t o p and Juiiipd (o K.Te I he eh I hi, hut was t>»4i hito. Mr. McDou;;*H hi ..id the faM and rau to (he door iriil fi e^ <] op Die b|e diU'' IcMty. I T e d i iM w . ' .iri I iiilo IhiCboune end D i-W hite li i. iioiiimI. ID -( ,:M(iiiiMd tho hi ,i 1 Hid ,oMnd a laige lairHiXi o f t!x- Hknl] ovv* the h .i (i ;np)e lo 1h i '--"iishril llid th* hrjin luoi ikIIi i '. J'Ii* little girl \yy in eoiiviil'io ii" iluring the afteiiiouii aud iMil'l I d e a t iii"ii1, when isliedi(d.

HTlllCK BV A HwAtON.A Bnmhrii Man I |»pr4l <111 (U« El*ad

44 (Ml a Buekfl.T W. Dnrh o. wlm is t.cjtm 4if Ht,

T-.u!'" K pienp.il ( Inireh, and who lives in Hli-rling ■<.n C[, |i:i h on held hy .Iti'MieeIhalr to sni-W'fl'i* 4‘Sar;;e 4if a .ocionsMS suit iM'd fi . " -y . I'ho hijiii rl m ll is Krnnk Ibillne'-, m hi;, on, Ih o ig at 111 PtIio4 - H t T l - i - ; itiiidi' (K''iirrril on

UJirtT tn* oi,«j* r»' r o it'iiow,] > ^froiitoi Iluilmiii'i bon '.and when Dnr- hiMii oiiii'Till him w..v U-i .0141 viuh-ut. Dltrimm had a bte-ke, in li's iiand at the time, iiiid tlnring (he qii el Niri|>'k Hotf- tier on the he.4d with b. Ibiffm-r miui- gifi d to IH..4 h booie and has sinei* b-*n 4-imfiiMd to bis b d. HoDiofliis *y4'~ ar* ldnek«ne<l ami b* is iKinsIdfrnhlj briH:i >! alHint til* InnIj , Kuralim* h© wss un- ronseious. loist night Dr. Lehloiaeber, who altendisl him, raid that t bore was no dingrt of nerlous resulta. Dtirhim 4-lalEii4-4l wlien ■rrenli.'d that be only threw water ©vir lloirner,

A (Altl^ENTMt KII.I.KB.Tw.»f wJhng » l..••keIl Wrallotil

llih er .Sir tj liiiured,A j - .« a- ‘ '■* O' < iirred ut I"

4t'i JO'k this iiior,. at the ei>riu?r ut* o c h Grs*i ! avi no. ;md A*hl.;nd s iu '- l,■|hur I - »fN iiteri W' 4c workin-' on ah> Mold on tl'4‘ f r c i ! o f a ne.w hoii-e Ih ing biiiil for a man nnm ilAduili- wbiO the ' 'IJipoils In th© slrurture ^ jh4- I 'o iio o |< . to tb - giiiiindand Wire ahoi .1 i>iir.*d l y th© fillin g IllriHi A b i lf ilo ' II men rjultL- ly u t (o ',si/ik lo r e iu e them. T b e t r-l in.iU t J eti uiit wai.lieeoh Ih ie ln " , He w i -n o r >11 4''ui4s snd laidly itiiiim l. T ie. ' i ioid m m r*Koed hud a liMik* 41 h '. and Do: u.her e.*rpen,i -r, w ith the e ie jp i 'o n o f a few briH* clip; d iti)uiy. Hue! f t ItvH on ly a frw dtHira away at 5 Aslil.ind street. He wasenr- j i d IiuiiM'llod a diK'tur iiimmoned, but h* d iiil alsmt l l oVIoek. The luaii w ith the broken l4-g wk ai -o taken homu in one o f (be wagoiin lH‘i(>ngMig to the Hiiiith (fringe H ors* Car (^im pioy Hiieln-r w o* mar- riixl. alHMit DHrly yeur .oM and ha<l t « o ebibireii. ('m iiily I'U .H eiui H i’WlKi. aft er m aking an iiiv« (i: itiiiii, grs 'itn d a burial jK-rmi(.

A rU K 'A <2E OK 4VAR.

THE HEAUCIfKa TO BE MADE.Conipirnller 4Ja(nu a*itl City €oa i«el

C.'iMill 111 Ccmswll .lion.Comptroller idniuo and City Counsel

(oult held a cotiHuluiiou Dtia niuruing ndmivc b» the protHKW'd work of thi'He. ■iBiistment ('oiiimiaaitm. To-iiinrrow Com- misaioncr Van Duyne, Mr. Coiilt and Mr. (.jiiinn will meet nt tb* ('ity Hall, nnd it will be then 4l*«-id4'd whether (t will Im> n4sTMmry lo employ an additional ck-rk to make Di* TTiJMIU Se«reb4!i which the rum- ijiissloh has iu(k4Hl for.

“ Ther* will tw no ftirtber delay,” Mr. Quinn mid this morning. ” riie Heiuljuat- rneui ('4iiiimimlun will Im> able to ccmtliiue ils work in a few days. Wu 4I0 not know yet huw many s*arcli*« th* curDtuimioniira win need this year. Cpon tint will de- |H'iid Dm* Tiereeeily lur tidditiurmi help In my ofrue. 1( itiuv b* thnt the pro-*Qt roTi 4'fan furnish Die seHTcInw as fiuit an tli4-T ar4- iiu'di'd HUil an item of *i|>*nst* call U' 4HVi d the elty. At any rate, all of ilieae imitters will iMn-areiiilly lalltu<t over ami our joint wot k initllu>-<l lo.itorrow.”

Bll.BKRT JAIIN A KCGlTlVE.IXb AKrnipl (o Drown a Workman and

Crurltj l4i Aiiliuttls.AMiut six wiek- Hg<i Gilircrt Jabn, of

ViiiHhitrg, was fenreii by all his ueigblNirH on weoiint of JiU fit-n e t4‘rii|e-r and hri|. tHiity. He is now in oDo'r pir(a, and his aliei'iir* is regrelt4sl only by (h4i oilleiTs of (he law, who are nnxioix to land him hc- fore tii* Mir 4>r Jusli4'e. Jiilm qinrridbHi with n wurknmn smm- tinu- ago. luid would have drowuul Ihu 1 ider in a trough hut for Die interferenc* of several other men. Jahii was arr4>«t(Mt nii a charge preferrtvl bv the w'orknian. but Biu'reeHfrd in eluding (lUMiHliinent. He beat his wife severi'ly, and so cruelly nbuHed u row (hat it wiDi finly HMvt-d friuu deetU by gocHl Ireatment. On another occ:uiluii h* drove a fork through a ctiw'a iiwk and niiarly eanired her deulb. Again he struck a cow w ith a cluh and brok* off b©r horns. His fattier- in-lBW took mrasnres against him and the plui'D was sold, and Jahn was furceil to flee, to avoid tlie wrath of tb© Society for tho rrt'Veulfon o f Cru4jlty to AniamU.

44hat tlia iiiereas* In Ih# Numbaa al |lny.lni1il4«H May Mnan«

ifroVuDuM Icvetaiid Humluy 4im.T h e ladies ure rmw iiegintilng

lo Is'll UB that war is au ItievitaUo fa©' o f (b o near future. Muw do they k u o w f HiiiJply Weanse mu-Dy nil o f the babbia Mini tbls year aru Ljys. Jbai la an un- U ilin^ presage o f w tr, as every aeniildo

Mu*>- • I.. - •^ v-rf •Y- rfrfc frhplo Dm© (o

(rim our ssIIh. Ks»T>llijiig w ill go up-- that is, evtryih iiig < iitaht© an I rMc, and we niiiH M'gin to itor© iiw aj aud garner up at iumt:. T )ie ahotidy rhithing maimlaei iinT-. inid the ingoiiions ]i*ntuiis w ho make enllee U' 4lf poas Slid iisnl tufk irut o f piue bliK-ks, ran now go to work al getting ready suppliiw for th© arm y. T<rJiaps there may In a gener.H I'SthIus lo Cflinda wbi-n Diia fual* surplus in (be iMiby Un* tieiiiiut - kuiiwa Lii* wobaVO IohI Ul-iti'y 7nuM,fi«.irVtbe uulurCuuale Diuniniun that w e nr© grii'f-hurdT'iuHL I ho|H‘ ih,Hit th© iKij-hahy sign do4«n 't iiieKii a civil w a r ; we have bH4l njoiigh uf Dmi, ibit whui) llie girl- balm-H outnumber the iKiya it will be plainly utid4TNliMid that another aurt ol war 1H surely forebdd th© d4>(Jieatlc war. T h is life is uD« unem iiiu strife.

S i f E t l A l n o t IC W E *Jullllh| rlH) Banraliis In Nho*g at

II4 anek'a. TUu llr4iM4lti-ij t I . ti I . • • -J -4 Ki'lOpera T'lt,

K.M l-'l; I ' .! i- • . W , 1 >■Oj.ijr i ■ • . 1 urs Kit, l'.iieiit

lii-ull;' r Iriu-t- . 1_> I '.| 5 J • . ir.li |l i >,( Ir,lj II I * r J ,t :j ri'i' f liri Kl-J H jUou

llo i’J " , ' f ..... . •' 1 u '.-tii?. O4(i 1', ‘ 'I. fi t ( i.iMn u - rAU\ i» Uiiitoii -fi'}-js,

cN mIii t< D- »i.Only f:'«tMiJkT I'n i. ! ' : t (>]■ 'j 41 t'j h'f r. )>



•I ’• HoU'i'l, b*eH| or !l, I { ,ip lU(,

' -!rn I. ri ilhiepi'U')j. • > x> «-pU.'*l,

Vrry 4Vrll I’ut.IVhy 'M'T Uil U iHorruw whst we

»boiiM 'b' ! i>- ■ 'Vh| >1, we iieglerl s n.oghmi ll ihr 'H.- MS iiJl>* t-.ui-um|at>n, and e.iu JojiiipU'iji iiriiig' im V) im- g^su : J»f. Wto. Rnll * Jinl-wm in sun: tu 4 ure If taken in -ea-ei, it Itsh III ver U'R'ri kmiwii (o r il. ('■«* Utbor* fmghly. IM o'i'ljiig lo din*4'i|i'iii. D rn-wre MU ttii >U-oa-( ]• u ‘iepien‘<1, as U i s l o eien If it should r*-|ulr«' adoKD Isailiw. Tlicn* ta uu U tur lui-iUi'Luv fur puha'>uary dlnurduni.

44'hy th© Hhue JPInefaes*Itiarr-s itttKc tui Ilf g'lUs, and ymiths'

Rh<e-'>o bhlal Ihst ) am iiuw uff'iiiig at ad ii' eomit"Mii |<'i etui, This olOr liiclti h '-m y Wsnkeiifnu''t HlitH *. aii4l this offer holds jpxsl rortwi wei-k« Call atnl exaiiilup mjr giN*1s tia- frrv |Miti-hasing el Mlnre. <'u-toiii w /k a

SHeialty. i>. PoMliU, Khok -trout, uriu diMWfrou r<gKl. _______ ^

Montfouu'ry's 4-cue Hyriip.Vi Brrsni'sl to l ur'* fev- r *1011 sguH. Chllb

MnpiH-l alHiln huurv. A e.unplete aiiti-l'iic In rU mslarlal tiolS'.n] ft ’<() |e«r Inntle, - .dd hy all iIiiu’kI*( Moiiigomury, Jf>i S,Nuithhio<t. Philaiiflplils, Pa

l'*ar* an4l muihret for tandiar f**t>(.a'lbHwUb hiiiili'iui. coins, ur Invalided fL<*l file] niMaiil and |N-nnaTi nt relief with PeslUDu's «]H-( isl •ih's-s, in*<le ex|irewil} fur such 4'aJM»>i, |j and iX, They uoiuLno© at sight. 471 Broadilrw-U __________

Ku|Mur* ('urari only by tho Iropravad E Miie 1 rii - >4orii wliii can© j)klht aud dag.

............... ... '\lSlcs, i4«p-rnar. Tium Cm.. ^ ^^4 sklT.

BwM««y,'*<»r Twelfth )4reet. New York, lo llA tVeak Back, wllh a w*ary arhlna

laiiu-iii i'S iiNt r the bi|*», Ih a sfifU of dl'K-a'HM kidijiy 1'-' Ih'-b'Kt kblney curative known, whh'li I- Hntilis-I Ul.Htd imiera_______________

B a k i n g p a m t i t v .

W o o t a s *

KOlt EtONOMIl'A), 1IUIINI£W1VK4.Chnlu# Kutay aitd flnuK*k«#|ilnE Goods

That ar© tirtng Siiap|M«rl up Wlili 14Ulo Crreuinuy hy Jfrndeiil Ifouarkeopen..tSeliave b4\aneimlil4s1iMMK'ur©, ata siw'iificr,

from iK'Verol Danufm-LtirvrK and }ublKr« an en- ormoiiH slock 4>f gls'w, iTiM'liery. tin, wocKlen, aiuhaher uran-s, ■tuuruwii pnts-a. and believe tliHl till' most (lOpular way to itliishe uf liicio is to pine* tlMsa*, with thiMis4ii>b uf oilier artli'ii*'', utaful in uvtry liuuM'huld, on several ome vetiieiii ciHiiiiters ami ulU'i tiwoi al th© uniform prn eul reveti |7j cents eai'li, Hllhougli bumlrifU iif itie Hnlek-H have cofet many liituw the pm-e. A large |•orlmn of lIm I'urgaiTix sie new a>i<i de >tishii la •«'> JfijiHls I'll ia<l|i-» Iitul I'lilldren Make 'nu ms" imui Ihb parlUt oi artleU-R mol 4'ome Hi om e lur tmiii. IliuMe who eomu iti Die iimniliiK m>t tthly nt-eiire a eft >P'o of Mie lull tuui'lerv. I>iit sM>id the thnnig always pn-wni in <he ifteri.oon. laeUes' fatiey niftUsl iiiMitleini-n'4 r'.<Aiin>i|

tjilntr Apruits wU© Border 11'.IT-, axi'iiiHS'SeU, , A,0d'JZ. IMT ji'jtliiil Uupe

I,a4lii-H' faiiry iiiIIIhI hulI K-<iie t:-,I41WI1 Aprons wiib lisi iiiu. Kreiieh China |KM-ktt>. I l>reakt.ixl I'lnti-p,

lgidu*s' >VhHe Uwn HW <1.«. Dm'otatc'd A]>n>tis, lloab.

Cliiidren'H laec Tilm Bmiud ghHil ake Plat©, noil luitwerh. ’• hlri-s, Oval Ki«fi4 Cake plate,

l.jolUft' lihe . fl|ll lb'.', Mlasn Hrt'gd Plate,‘i Ml) jsnUi BucliniK, uh'Il ib>ep .Napj.i*'*, l^ailies'pure bineii (Nd-barge Butter J>lsh.

lar--, eovor*<l,LailU'** Fmiey SirijKHl lairee Wiigar Bi,}wl,

(VitlsmamiCnifK - t-over«il,Ladb'u' Jiiie 4'inbndder ,(ilo-« lire un Pllefier,

ed Initial Rd'TR. barge ConijHirw, 8‘lnch l.atlUa' line While on tiag,

llern'l’d Il'dTii, barge Dval [ii-nh,(,allies' line Colored b iree <|iiaie DGfi,

m t H M i

Border ll d >iu.Turkij: i\il HMTf l.lneu 1I'‘IT> Tlemnvf.1, laidiei’ >nairnliig heoi

MUtl bhiiTi IlM 'fV bailies' I'oloTed ixir'li'i luni ll'dT'-uule !u-iii

l.S4li4i>i' solid colunHlaim hlrliHil IIom;'

Men's halt regu'ar llul: lio c.

Men's atl-HiicnCulltni. Umivs' I'eix'alc Sailor


Iliidson Kivar Eieuralons.Tbr regular witfkly exniraion, vin the

I'eiinsylvatils KHilruai.1 and tbosleamiif (.’ygnus, to Newhnrgh, will U' mu onThurniUy. Tho tall trip to JrrtH'y city fr made py 1 fart train, nndUielKmt ride up tbe Hudson offers a da- lightlul exeurslon by wafrr. P'nun frtiN*y (?ity (o Newbiirfh the distance Is sixty miles, *in- brai'liig the imisl pleturesipip |girtloii cif the river HJ icb'bralHl for Its seenle ta’ttuly. The phUsades, the belglits aniund New Vurk.and ihi' Ihgidsiiith <>f (hu Hmisi)n arc al) to ta* hoou (mm tho decdM of th© steainer. Tiielinnbof (rciieial UrHid. al hivi-riUc Park. Is plainly vbitd*, and all the |HilnlN of liiteresl am marked mil on a paiioraiaie map of the rout© obUinabl* at the lli ket otllrel or on board the sleaiuer. Train eoiimn'ilng wilh the boat lesves Market “ireel sraMon sGt .Ml A. M Fare for the roui)4l Hip llfty rents, cblUlren half price.

A Bollrduiiaii I'reveiits a Kir*.Ah otti4'4*r Joim.'wn, uf the HtTuud Pro-

i'liiel, VIS" ptt.-Kjng (lie lu e ol .vrimld .4eker' irSli,C.'i Uhs»mtU-M iiveliue. nlmiil 11 o'ei g'lt hist iilghi, lie iii«i'iivi'red ilisi a luinpwlij4Th liad iHi'u left biirnbig whs in danger iif ex- idiHliug. ]|( aronv-d the pruprl tlir. and by (In' Mini' an mioanee m a-etleeUM4liie lamp bud expliMbil and Ml** tmridiU' ml wan •‘cattered oV4T ili4' IbHir. The otlirt-rv i to woik pruiiiplly, imd in a short Mine iiail tlie Haines ciliio giiished

A U . O V K K t h t : s t a t e .

MIhh ,leniiic lbii(4in, ot (’a1«r-4on, hml a narrow eRcspe from drowning id spring Lake )i'HteT(tny.

The r ird Kegiinni , / vvhieh Cum-lisiiy h. uf New Bmt.vwi.'k, b a p.». .gm'Sinto Slimmer enenmpineiil at S-a liiri oil August '.ni.

A Iniud 4il New York ppiriluiDiHla un­der Ibe guldiiiice of lir. l,eul« A. P-'finp are ram]>ing on the lilslorU' Balius U>p11 MounliUn, neur Miituiru

A TUijawuy en iine ereided a patno on ibc N*n Jer'-ey K<'Utbi ru Biiilrosd between mnidy lUmk and Uu'k Itruneli )0H(4'rday. ll wall overtaken uMit u e\r Mog eliiu><*.

(M(o (ircs>ick. a tiHji(4'en >ear old Imy, killeil on the .Si.Klii rJi P.jhIioA'1 yy-tor-lay

n|ub> JUM'pii'g from a intiu ill Ibeiu-Hto.ul btuMoti. Cormier iO'«i'bwlnil wiu uoLined, aud inilii'iuest will |Mi>Albly U‘ held,

Jui-nli Amler!4t)n, o f Spring MilN, n*.ir Milford, Is Mifl'eniig W’dli a dbea-'* known lo Die ninMeuI fraUTUiiy a.<i " Hhliigle ." HIm ile ti riiiM (1 up like a di|k' from iii.-> hlpalmoM HiDiniil his iHvIy and beesme very s ire nud nmgli, biivjT w ihe n|i|H.‘aranee of Khlngles uu a nxjl : lit i.ce tin- name. The oldesc phyleiaiii SHJ-,Mull vuy h'W 4'H‘es have evi.TlK'<m kuowu lu lluiilenloii t'niiniy.

Vesterdny SlieriiV Il4'int/4' pbicml un atlsmiieiu on Mu* Mtirbrn vviueh Kuei iry id Mu'liihlutu-4'itf Wild 111) Keenly, n nlr i-lor, V'lie hri'iighl -nil to reciiver #l.7i ) l -r iKiddl ig hiuietliil iigiiiii'-t Ml''Ne>i 'I'ork Kniiiliig Com- psiiy, Mie ]in'S4'tii owner". I hv eo-op lUV "ilk’gi' Dull H>iih- of lu* ]iiemlH'r< (uiviiig (dl"d iu Mib'eilHng doi k i:i>'y were ii-'.ihlef.i piy toi* (■onlrHeiiir'H bids- Tin* iMiiei-rn iitobe reMr-guiiizi d. —— - • ♦ •

be liiipoNHtl 4hi,hire iiHlivt wim"' 7'*t'. io tl fi'l p i g-Mi-m'.;

fflnskies, 11,40 loSl.en. •iinreli. rcv, pritno-. and hpiili'k If . pel |»»imd. Allg.in 1« u rtrriinie.l. VaUidlile mid tM*fut prt'x'm.f given t.i pir- :lia‘>erv uf tea.*; and (Siffeev Tierney A |Jro . Cid 7l Market slreui.

In Mie drflwlng of lii'InUr i" A PUno (‘lull, t lass A. held yiw(» r<iay, Mio piano w;n ilitwp by A. H, Umljji', Muui'liesU'r, N. U,

liigh-fiNUed Howl, iiekel Jar, with

cover,< hieb colored I)i!4b.

s-piare or«-val,I,unto L'iil'd Ic© Cream

prai4'.I- dox. Pant. Fludons, '<do2. Pearl DroM lint'

(011s.hut* bineii Nankins. Fringed Dmsk Diiylle*. Turkey Ked Do/Ues, [Ciira large Washfags,

11 Fandty Ruitllng, Fxtra large DlHhclfiLlt.i, l i vdo. irlKliPoint Lace, Fine eolurud (roblet,

7i dlll’ercni fftyb*, Kiigraveri UoUlei,Hubber Drew shield, ('ulun?tl Berry DIm ,44'liit* or Hublier Ihlis, PuJored Kfiaker Balls, (.miles ai>il M 1 s » e n' l xirH large (iralon, bl-

iH.ublC liOSCSOp|K>rt ; lUCll,tTH, t.argi'Mrtt Rroilci,

Linen Towel, warrant-stuneChlua Soap Dish.id, Dx'iTi, lou-ge whiU< Itowl,

TurkIDi Towel 17x81, jlH**. <hip and Saii4i©r, StUiux. la-coCt'd Cteaoi Majollea iMat©,

I'lti'lu rs, T rge Pu>l4ling DUh,'fil bbls. Kynip Dtohers, French China Floiw.I arge while Plu her, iSione China oval DUh, Datnank Tfiwcl, Kiln.,cbild'y Hubloir Apron, Stone China Meat Dbh, Tooth Bru'.b, Jive Town 11 In,,

hilhtles, iKiMie l(ux,Ex-wlrcilWhl-k Broom,h|inuH Halauc©,Id kinds extra f]Uali() I'otChain,

lidlel Kiaip, ]cht>]ipliijr Biiwl,Heavy Huljiiv'r Fine Targ* Duih Mop,

I t'Uib, |Aiiy h1s« Coal Sieve,li-ln. Uiit'lK'r |ii>a»iug .Any siso Flour Sieve,

Comb, beav) bai l, I.emoii SiimTaeT,Kx. six© ('audio stick, Aswirt. colored Oispi-I dorcs,1 qi. sLampo«l Oipper..1 ’tH;*oa sliajKKl Imipcr, 1 enaim'lied bsuidlt% ll.arge Tin Bc»x)p,Ig. handioft Skimmer,

L. . ...

lidaiilh’ Ivory Coioh,Fiddliig PiH-ki i Cuuih,Ci'lluUdil i'unih,4\all Spla- her,Hair lini''h,Stus' lUinlM'rand Ilru-ih I aru* Svmlj Brusli,Until Biudi,Null Bnuh,1 arge HmsJ) hninb,] urge Slmvnig linisli,. love llnch,] atge PhIu( Brt«h.-In. ItosuiUMd BuUon llimk, Large full Du* Hammer,

1‘neVrtiieTcuM piiper, l.Miig- handled Fire UK'king lilaM, Ktiovel,

frame, Lsige rutlnned WiuhLarge Towel Uiilkr, Busin.SliMw l fUrui*, 11 jdiil Tea or CoITi'h,’ Put.Bu t . lot Play-iiR Card'- d.nrgu Colander.Kxiru )>l7e or'l.iirge Maehl ie Utl Can.

UbA ii' ................

B Ueel Fgg lieatar, UVh*4,'l Flour Sluvo,Wire Ti-a[K)t Stand,'i iptart Pall,'i.?i or lO-.il Htami l'an, SUlum Hat Hjn'k,

Milb'T'i> HJb A KIg. Hniwii'slH'MsJ.ioe iirfss

iny.Kx. size Ik>\ MiiellsKe. Box large Um lterf, Box PniiMUswa,Luncli Basket,Ijirge I'lilnt Box, rom|i l.iiige Box ( rayons.

^L'U lle sieve l.iirge lirlp

Pun lO xU S ,Umg Urt'iid i‘an, wired,

MuxC),Hnteh (.tiafran, wired, Urge h'l. Sane© Pan, i >p. Cov'd. SU*w Pan, l-ip. eovensl Huoket.

Box }‘ti]K-r<aiid Fiivel-Be.il ipial. Pin,4i|>os, ,lJkrge HolaU) MasAur,iMig* Blank Rojk,'Melt. plat. Can tnoner,

Yx-A.., |(JfsMl PlakMlTeal3|K) m.Fine (Mass Vaae, jNlek. plat. TabloHiHKm,pu ki t Mvkie MaU-b.NU'icI plated Fotk.

Kate.N iiK-b Bheara,PiH'kel Knives,Ijsrge VS aHlilffiaril, Extra sire Bnek Ixraf

Pan. >iK*d.rai doz Piifblmg jibhe-' U-nl le Miefllig Knife Liirgi <d. Ml u I'an. Howl sindner, wllh


plil. Bmtur:Kiiife, 'liver plated blulAln

King,Extra Kiiiwlan Iron

c Lite I inner,(e* llatehei.Ite't sieel knlvc.s and

rork«i, iKiiu* vUiU) hniidfr,

-li'el Breu l KiMfe, -IfU'Jlluleh'rKnlfe

iu -bles llioURindsor fiMiet nrl1eU*s at seven 4'4 idh 4at'h. S'* o|l( r jun Jtii ImmeiiK* Irt of ex irmtrt1lnrtr>- ImrgniiU' p, 1 aney U h-hIs in the n guhiT depiminenl. There are also ilii-' u^ualtnl valuei In "hiV's and hahy cuA*>u'.s and eviT) reed fur (riLVi'lhng may Ik* found here at piliei^ ynn wiU Ik- gbel to pay We flo-e at 7 (j'eliM-l; , Siitii dnv« gi 1l o'l'li" k. iLdillr A Co.':i 7 CenUiiU , Bti W'l, Ualsey And New -ireets

For tla.v l>v*r.■' niu* FTy'i Crumi ItiLtin a iriid. Thi''Jn' tl •'

11'Ubri.litl ti iiu'd) lor Mil'cure of eicirrh. hi. tevi r cold in Mie hejii), i h-.. eiin Ik' .douliu'il ■ ©i.j reptiiiiliie drnL:;|}i|. and nen Ik' reP- d up < \ u- II sjife iitid pliiLsaiil remi'ilv fu Uienb li'iepl.diil nnd « ill i:iv" iminedi il ■ relU'l'. ll I- Mol a b'|Uld, '•imtr or isiwder, ti 1- no "iV'-i

tsii rmid > aii fie at any iloic ivilhn-i'd h'-iiH''. o> Mii'ii-iUids ran U'R ify, .mio i.; Iheit* sniiu- iif the siUebi-j of tbi- olhte.''-

(In '/.wee, May !rv,Hevni Cents Kitrhl ll Cays lo LoukIlliiuddul (iia s, examine, ami Iota of uther

bargslie hi China, 4Muas, etc; IVinuerSels, f'.i (o tlW; Ten K4-U, •-'.UMnl.'O, Tolfrt iM-t-, 11.77. tn t *0 : (•ohU'D. Mh.'. to tis ; TumljlerH, I'ic. to l>V

lee Cream, Berry Hii'1 WaieriM'Ut 4:S'. to 910, hmt rlai' aosth: FruU Jars, Jeliy M1a-o<. 4-|r. IxiweM price's At Lawnuico's China Htoru. fd1 I'l-I Brvaul htreei,

Tlier* Ih nuttiing Ilk* Hr. Thnmaft'sFT'ltK'lrle Ukl U) <>uickry eur* a cold or ndluvu hoar>s'iie«i. VVriik'n by Mrs. M. J. Fellows Burr Dak, Juaeph (Jo.. Uiclu

H P III u|ur

^ a k i h >*POWDERA b s o l u t e l y P u r e .

Thu powder Deser variea- A marvel at purity, strength and w Uoleaoinenoss. Mure (M'oiioiiiieal than th© onilnary IdndH, (mil cau- DOt Im-Mild In cuintKlIinm with the muldtiid© of low test, Hhort wuigbt, atumorph uphats powdera. Mid *niy in caiM. KoVAl fiaAlsa fowi.ia Co., ine Wall rtr»**'i. N. Y,

U t i i r t n A U

A ? :

BITTERSOottkinlAf tRON with PBRI TBGETlBLt T0?iU , kolrklj iad (Mipl*t*]y CLKAKBSS sod ETiRlCim TU B BLOOD. OtlckeBi ths artloB of Ih* Liver aid Kldnsys. Cfearv the nwplrxloa, nakeatheikliniioolh. lid(»HS©t UJnrs tb© frsi bf ©aas© hB44laeb©, ©r prods©© cat- iUpottoi-il.L UTUEB IBOK lEUlCIinH IML ?b^iaas uid Draatfiita •vacywhare raooaUBBod ikDa. ff. 8. RrnuLit, ^ IfaHovi, U««.. mth: "1 FacufoinsTtil Rn>Aii’s [futi BtiianMavaluablatiaii* fur ©tirlehitic Uu« bbsid. and rvmtFvinf oU dyapapUo iTTBpiuBiu. It diM iuj| hurt tba toatH.''Da. K. M. Ifri.rxUiw RpiDolda, lad,, laja: “ 1 kav© nreenrtbed Bnnrn*© Irun BtUan ta mmB « koa mia tod lliKid di.t«ai«a, alsu wheo a (oaii© ww Da*<l*(1. and It ba pn>Tw1 tjwxwflhlr aatlalaeUiry.'*Hu Ww Brima. aSHl.Marjr1lt..MBwOrtoaiis, Ia .

kars: “ Br>i«rn'» irop Bituirs r«l)evtM m* ■© a ©aaa ai lihmd i-i*untng. aad I boaiUfr otmmand It tolhoa*BH#Kiiiit*bb>"d purtflM. . . . .Hu W W HowABAN.Tiiacniobia, Ala.. MX«: ILets bwn Lroablod fruni cLUdhuod with Impiin eio^ ud or^Uoo m my (aga t*» bottlea of Bniwn'a Iron a ,P*r^t mrm. Ilanflut v|)^ too highly of bhisvaiuaUoiMdloua,’*Qenuina baa xir* Trad© Mart sad CKibi 11o«|'HiwrEupw Tmk* 00 athiTi Hada utklji by RHOWN C'URHIDAL VO.. II ALTlKOUk, Mtt.

V a i i c g a a g a * .

L a rg e it F a n cy O o o d i H o u i« in t h . S t i t t

DRIVESAtHandkerchiefDep't.LOTI - .’Vidor, Lalli.<.' I'rinnd H mm dCiui

bile liumUerehiels, ul ' . > aelt. nur eloCi Hiiil f«-| ool.-r-,

u n : --C idiit. I,a'lie*' Fin* l.1iii>n U* u-Mteb Hsndkerehjcf-. at l* eo' li. In wulu airl f olured bigibT*-.

LcT » lOOdoz. tj. nt..’ Whlti amt NV.i.fii JVir- del l.ijii 11 l!• Hllke l:h!e . at ! ' • ■ ,< h. SjaT iai Bargain.

UjT 1 -lUi dux. l,a*liea' Fxiu Fine lol'rr.lBorder lleiii’'iit> 1i llxii'lkt reliiet'.. ac l i ‘ ,e.('bell. All imtv (Hilteni'-

Olir l.adies' I iiieii Cnllnr*, n( t'lo ©iieh : uiir ianlle-' 1 it,en CuffV, al i*"r f-alr, ar wUhiHil exri'ptian the bed valU'" Inilu'.'slal©.

R U C H I N O S .’■*0niKix4‘.-< While Itni'hliig. 'tnly iK*r L)xlin Ik.xi •. Wlill© I.Hi 0 Kdge lnnrld Biiehing

extra .|iialliy, only •,J'*i‘ p*'ffrix worUjla'.fk* ’•nil* t'l l"»i« i'l (Uir rt'«"rt'iie.J of Cr--|>e

l.n*''Pnehlfiy lit .•|e. j« r yard. L. 'ryihing

(f(jon VAU Ks i\ enusf.TS,Oiip STANDAKD niJlsKT', m.idc of fin* .|n,dHy

jean, hi'ttUty bom'I, gijiii] ■'liujji- Pni e he, *aeJi.

Our B(iN TON COU^KT. made o f fine .|ualily jean. I |(*wlv eurdeil, and i'IhhUc Idp g A very 4liirnhie a ,<l eoinfortable euf>ot. Prie nnly (Hr. rneh.

OnrNFW IMPKOVKD POI’ LKV.VRD WnVKV (XiRsKT, light and diiTiible, .luit theeur.'s.'l ftrr v arm w eaiher. Prh i* (ki' ,

im reelclirtlidC O rTlL MOn.IlKD n)R*»KT, well niiuie Olid lieavlly toiiiKl, for r>ie, Ihet lu the tfcal eutact (or the money wl* hav© ever ofTcreti .

Ash toner our mf* BKLF.ADJf.Hi4-e.# fOK- HKT. price fl.On, mail© uf very bttsi raalerUI. (hie ('111 and ©IdM'ly eurib-il . utlJusU llwlf to ajiy tigum ; Hillmy novel metfuKl uf laciOR.

We fiavedeelduiUoduhieoui si'veral styDi of eorsetiorwiilrh Wl-have ln<‘4)rnpb'te assort- ment Dfslaea. Tlirselrits will bo fuumt 4tj our cminfrni at pnew avemging about lifiy (rents on llic dollar. Cail early aud m ike your tcB'CMouA

BARGAINS IN LACE GOODS.( hlldfen'a nnoly Cordial l„awu l aps, with full

niche frutit, at 50c, each ; redueea frura 7fk'-to ClOH©,

Our Fhieil (Juallty Children's Conled (!a|«i, wllh roiiipidtgir and ftill ruche fnmt, at ©sell: ivdurwl from II.' 't.

ChlMreii'a Finest QimIUy Corded and Kinhml- den-d NuTBiandi* (rsp-t at 7oe. each ; rvdueoil from 11.

Two-niw Fine Oriental Laeo Collais, at oitly tOe, eaeh.

Finely pkated loawn ChemlKdtcs, at only 1*-.'. earn.

Flee [Jiwn and Embroidery ('homlsftUts. al '£lii eiaeh ; gooil val 1* at ILL-.

Tueki-4l Linen cherrKtU's, at lit", rich.(Jiir lUo'i cjuallly T<ang, i'biln and Tucked

(,'htmixi'itet, at Jie. each ; are worth 3>c.

L. S. PLftUT & CO.715,-17,7111 lUEOADST,

NEWAKK, N. J.€Ioh© at 0 ]*. .>t., except Saturdiaya.

V u m i l u r * . C a r t > T i * . X i c . V u m l t t t r . ^ C « r p . t « , e t c .

p.rrti XIani*'* ftaln SCtIUr.

'. 1 oi\)ovct <X4 swee. To *omt exs S u v w m e t U . iX toimts d-ivAf ' t K j\ x t W ATtU YIO

i ]i(lX\0e,V0US^often

'!.!}c Y o u P fim R £ Dfortft comin^^

\ c Tvy ot your ««.aac(ud..^PROMPT aftioK aW m o y Sfl.v4,V>fs. .Tor j L V r j f f i C OHtwditw»lia» r O T t n n d n i K A Y s t u n A



'^ A O i ' . i - 'c a n t a V . e i t W i t K

' ‘H v i s m c d i n n e I S

"'(AinKiUev.'v. c 6T\T\e 4oSe eiAe

;■ . \i - . V a - v A J ^ v ^ t 6VI K<x a 4 .f' r i< ll : py dM D ra^^ijfk,

ifDtfJAVtsVS fri.' 1. '


Both 8i'xei. NuieUTiith Year. A fu'linol keenlv alive tu Ihe eU'iuands of tho limes. All brnnenet taught DymnaJlum, military train- Irifl, exc4-IU‘ni saniiailon, baih-roocas—overy- tlniig h’nding 10 tbe mural, mental and nhyii- ral d*Te1o|iineht of the studeut, with the Channa of a homelike Uf*.

For Oeocriplive ('alalugue apply to REV. J(IHN ORKENE, Iligbtttown, N.

or HON. T. B, FEDDIE, Nowark, N. J. 91g

f n n i l S O h lm lc e i ] .


WHISKEY!The wonderful virtue ot this

popular tonic is not owing, as many suppose, to its stimu­lating qualities alone.

It possesses such a vast amountof nutritive properties that an invalid could live upon it for days without touching food of any other kind.

MALT EXTRACTSin various forms are now ad­ministered by all the promi­nent medical men in the world in cases of low nervous pros­tration and weak and debili tated condition of the system.

No preparation excels the

K e y s t o n e

M a l t W h is k e y

For Sale by all Druggists.OFFICB;

464 Broad St, Newark, N. J.

0(1 n A r y ’KAI'I'E. AT I'KAST, read tue tY U jU u U N ew »*m yd «y .

VDatca** atiA X.ta.Irg.

Sltiiii Salesroom in New JerseyLOB

American W atchestilXTKNSH'B VAKIKIY UK

Wall Papers and Window ShadtMSRich Designs, Low Prioet, ti

MOBBIS COHN’S,Oor« Broad and Fair SUeetkiTAlNED MLASS 8DB8T1TCIT£, tor onsSMOli

lot wisAowi, IKxn mil T noiom Brloji Hie of glia.

rADiTijia AHS KAuoimnjia,

BUY NOW! SAVE MONEY!I'liitlC H i i l iu b i i j l i i j r C a rp e ts a n d r u n i i -t i ir c Aiiil M ile iiie iiey by o r d c r ln t ; th e ir t;tMids n o w .


M ill t a k e o n l e m fo r kihmIh fr o m $ .7 0 t o $I,O O U lit t b e p r u .c i it l o u prlecH , i i l l l i H .sm all d e p o s i t o n t lie ii i , a n d utoru tb e iu

fr o m o n e to i>iv i i i o u t l i . w it h o u t e x t r a ehiir|;i>.

CAIfFETS. ( ’AJU’ KTS.lliiviti^ Is'lljilit luipriy OiirinR thf (lull wiisoij, I van uiid.rfell any huav in

tliirliinie (iiMsI liiii-'ils 1'nrjnt, (iiilj l)0c. [wryard.

I’AUnilt M n s . I’AIltOIl Sl ITS.JIavilijt run iny Imtinj iliiriiiK tlir doll wuiwni, ami li«jil all my tn™ at work,

1 oiler ilie luijieft slink anil lnwiit pnees ot'aiiy hnuw in iliecity. liissi SlufTail Ikiek I'arlnr Hiiit, Walnut Frame, 7 pieeea, curered willi Haireluth, Ikiw Hilk ot liep, only 4 iT.ritl.

WALM T HKI)UO0.X St ITS.Hpvmp 1 iiii>:lit 4>ti1 a Idr^f CMlabliahnient that u bti-tiiipHg, I

Yifiuf (4m 1u> 'tOO 4Valmit Ih-iliuoiii SuiU, Marble Top, pi4T*H, al jnst ilIkiiiI the TO*I (if pianiDBrtiinnK. Walnut Hetlrooio iSuite, Maible I'op, H |ti<H.rts4, re|jiiUr jiTici' ifdiui'il 14J i IT.rfO.

'n U M AH lilADS AMI BEDIGMtw XHT.-iJu t 1144Ht*l. lYAii li r hiiu!i Ash H«4]r(gt(n Suit* o f Ki^rati"4t mIa'Im , l>»HB[Vit it

d Iitw Uluk (III :u '-tiiinl nl 1^g4' and I am going to Htll tlK'ni ut a lowligUK*. ('< i'(i A'-li J:4(!:iiM)i Suit, ulily |1. 3.75,

M .'-I'llI IS AM> SFASONAHLK OOUIKS AT (OST.I f 1 h'-* ( liel' rigrmtura, l*ia>!/a f'hairfl. Wire S.ifoB, Ac.

1 v\ill M ll Dit b lloAaiiig n:iiuc4l gruulfl at rt-ducwl prices until Sfpt4*m1wr 1 : MattrcKsc.s siDtl Hcdtling 4>t all kindK, [lounges, Mantel mul iN*r 01a.*As*s, Extension Tables. Diniiig-rofiiii (Chairs, Mjrble T4»p Tables, (SpringH, Slosca, Ac., Ac.

;i j^KuHy Tcitna o f untilfsepletiibcr 1. " > f ^

(.b*>da iHliuTcd Fr4'C of Cliarge <o any Turl of the RUte.


FOR “ WANTS,:i M ‘■SALKS." " I 'K i w n N . i i A " « t « „ 1 i i r a i j nSee SKCOMD FAUK. IV. A U U a U ,

C u r t a i n * .

CURTAINS!mill, non tteo.

KIKNT n - y o u e s OP

New Fall CurtainsNOW ON VIEW.

E le fta n t IF csIjfng In In ilia N et,

F re n c h C a n v a s , A n th in e O liin y ,

B ru sse ls , S la d r a s ,u u d N ullin g '*

hu m C u r ta in s .


Vienna PortieresA T LE<tS T U 4 N VALCEv

ISA A C N. D O TY & CO .,159, 161 MARKET ST.^tauo* anh 9r0an*.

T ian o s .S. D. lAUTER GO.,

657-659 BROAD ST.


Piano and OrganHouseIN THE STATE.



PARLOR ORGANS!At the mc*t d4?cnlL*<l bnr|?a1n$ ©yer seen In Newark for Caih or ou t*aym*iit of Sff lo •JO Mouihly I'utll Paid for* l-prighi and B(tiiar(> lianu* to Let and Kent applied 4n yinreliapf'. Also a largo number of Second* Hand IpalniTncntw at Pi|iially great hargahiB.

f l * a l S * t a l * a n * t n n u r a n c * ,

J.W ARD’s l l T i rU

I N S U R A N C E .

Forplf;u SifiUl Drafls Direct.Europeat] aud (frlcntal steamship agent.

800 Broad Street Rflom 11.

I . f t t c l a a l .

CURECIck BsalheEs u>d Rllar* SU tbatrcmUNkMl.dont to • lillloiii clmKot tiM ST*!™, sndi H US’ ■lacw, N.iura, D ionbim , DIrtrai sftw m Uu* Famlath.Bids, Ac. Whit, theiriiwitnBsaii >blg*iia»M ihub«BStKnnitncaitiig ^

SICKBeadachA pH Carters little Liver PTfla are aqaally valuahl* la ConaUpxUon, caring andpmeaUna Ihlf annoying cospUiati vrhUa (n«y aioo correef tlldlMrdcraof tfa« itOiBach, aOmolat* tha ttrei tod rcgolau Um bowek. maUlhajonlynmfi

HEADAcb» they wtMild be ahnflet priealeii to Iheae wfcfl eulirr from (hli 4lUtn*alDg complaint; bot fori» nalciy tbair goodneaa d4>ea not eod heref and thoal who once try tbm will fluff thaae ItUte plUa Talii» aUe In to tnasy waya that they will not be wUUnfl lodowUUKauesk, ButaCtKiHeickheiid

ACHEle the bane of no many Utm that hereto where wa nuke oar great hOteL Oar pUto core it wbili Otkera do not.

Cartorl Llttlo U m FlQe an very inudlanff very eoay to take. One or two pUle make a doeia They ara etrietty vegetable aud do Pot gripe (x purge, butt^lMr gentlo actitra pleaae all whtf nMlfaem. ui vlkli at 28 oe&ta; fire for SL Boir hj dro^tota everywhere, or ae&t hy maU,


Scotch <tooh*.A ' tho Way frao I lame.

Fmh Arrival of

GRAY’S MARMALADE,lu Two pound Jam at 30c. each.


SCOTCH OAT MEAL,£tc., Etc,, £tc.

praftB and l'(Ui$age Tickele per Anchor tine sieamcn at lowest raltw, at


n * n t l « t r g .

DURING AUGUSTDrs. PuUin & Merritt,


Oo ta 8au FnanclscOf OaU1 owii* i ratf to i an Francloco anff all Faclfio

rodrt ixiima. Alw) to Denver, Omaha, Bt Paul. ( liicego, l^nclnnall and Rt. Looli, and low iitee loall Far Wifterii colndL at

PKAltEY’0 TICKOT OPFICRm Market lireet, Newark.

Will maUitaiu POPri.Atl PRICES ou all their wurk.


$ 5 . $ 7 , AND $10.

esas glveTi, Tei th ExlrA4*tcd Poalllvely W*Ub« out Pain.

Cor,Broad Stand Central Av.

DR. r o M s ;Dentist,


Vpry Low Price, (hr (he Beet Worhmenehlp, Bet* of Teeth 17.00.Bitverend Oold Alloy, M cent*. ,c m a 8p« u i (t .

OFFICE HOrilS-l.8 .SO A .ll.toS ,^ '“ llt lM L IlLugun oleeed r i aDiuIdI July end Augun oleeed r

X U M B K K 0 1 r>.

S e c o n d E d i t i o n .

N K W A K K , X . J . , W i : i ) N i : s | ) A V . A l ' c a s T I S , IS.SO. i M a C K T W O ( K N T H .

« O X L O C E .

f :


T h e H u U lii 'i iiA > l‘' R a i i F n r l l o n t h eDeleifiAlluii DfViiy

tliuryeN thwt IhK i'i»nvrKitlt>ji li r M 4 -k **« l Ity t h e ‘ * U ] i L m u i U « r i . ^ ‘

Ily A'r.f iiitirj I’n- - 111 thr Nrwf,( iir< \(.i), Anj . 1 . il Mil'aftiT m!*!'

i1ji‘ I'xi '-iiliv« <if theIti-h Niainii'il i uiivi iiti<m iln-uKii to {mmO |h.ru- th*' invlihi;; fruiii 10 A. M. until 'i !*• W. V iiii'iii reuMriut .ir*- u-nipiiol f-itlliiM 'I ht' niMiilM rri uT thetx iutiiiUiT siy th (I il wuh ri'nderLHl iiv(''' - i F r I y iln' hf'L‘ yi'sippdrtj of 5’ jilhi r o ’ IIi-iHt . i»f Oi iruit. who Imto ri‘i|iU'nti.4l to nrlil'v lo du' f)n!\ri' iitl iioihI

uf Ihe Urilirhi-* reI»rfaenU*il l.ythi'tlf = jirior to tu k« ts o f iwlrnk-iion l^<ilig I'siu-il. (hi the (OL*r hiilil, tin- 1*^HKT l.'oniiJiUut^ or :iMthK'4 inhtfr

1 ilIJ nlotiK rtAnioim''-.a Ahy -* 1 .'«li?f>tMFn M kn »ltoiij»l )>Hi k llu* i iniveniicm by unurpiiig tlu' fom - litms ol the ii'>U4l t'oiMitiilt o oil I'ro loi'

HH' loudly dt'i'iariiii;* that tho pint' Iioiii’l!iii Uk k due to tro' krt that liu* feon'H oftlo-:iilnilhiKlM!loii party are in h il ri‘* {liiir and □cod eumo inmiodiatc pa'rfiiiiK U|>, wbirh roiiUI not he Omth' if lKopru> cutlinpR Wi re opentsl up ut tho hour origi- iially (lelenninrd upon.

BAD FOR FhAN.However Ihi-i luuy l»c, il k cerlain that

. / ^ 4-Wf?r.tliQ|iUht twelve hoiirw. l(fi?y pUeod ^reat lio|»e§ upon tbc ludid auppoit of the Veini' aylvAnla dcleculion, uumberiui; ITih but at » liile hour the eaurue of the Tcnuiylva' uiani cuded in the overwheliuiusdebut of the Kfcanilea, M. J. Ky in, the Philadelphia Ifiwyer, bcin^ elrctod chiirman.

i^ater on, wheu it was announced that the UaMoebuiM.'Ua and New York dele^ni' thmfl had aoHdIy wheeled into line fur )l<Ta6'rey, and that ho waa rnimreil a gwid mjp]M)rt from the South and West, there waa jo y at the Palmer House, and rorn‘«|>otuiinp Rlouni at the Crrand Pacific. So many deleualcs how­ever, have «J far deciiuod tfi gel down off ilio b'nee that U would be simply rorusn- ciug to attempt to figure out the probdde strength o f the two factions when they imtct.

rENNKYLVANlA'B DEI.KGATION.Muvb Kpi-iiiUtLon is cTprC‘ i»ed m to

the nuQjtH r oi dehgates that will l>e prcjint ut the oiH-nlng of the Irl.ih ^uliiiitKil I.Oigue <.’ODV4‘ntion to*day, llmler the constitution as mtoy as 2,500 may coin*', but it is questionable whether more thnn 1,:^ ) will forni the dclibentivo iHKly. Of the«c New York will come iu with abriut 200, PemjHyiraui'i with about 17T>r MuNsu-husetts wilh perhaps lOO. Amoni; the h'soer delegations Louisiana, ^liimOMitu and Nebraaka figure with Ihirly each, and Iowa with aiiout forty. It is eipected that one o f the first measures to be iuttoduced in the couveiuion will be tbo enforeetnent o f the ubit rule, beaco tbc rcprescntalloD o f the three UrtiL-uamod Btutes is of tbo greutC'st importance.

The P(TiDi'ylvmiu delegation caucus lu t □igbt instriK'tid the chairman to cast, tlio wliolc vote o f the deicgaiicm in favor of Hugh MK’affery for pivnident and Churlea McC'lave, o f Philadelphia, fur sycreUiry of the N'uUuiiul League.

Tho Ira n on the West Shorn mad bear­ing Mtf. i'arnell, the New Jersey and pari of the New A'ork dclegiAioti, arrived at l;n5 Ibis morning. The party were mot at tho depot by a rommittw. Mrs. Parnell was aruippanie<l by Joseph Atkinson, o f tho N e ^ rk Prf»», president of tho New Jersey State League Union; tbc Rev. P. Coirigao, o f Hoboken ; ex-HIayor Medav- Isk, James UibaoD and County Uork He Xioughlin, o f llobokcu.

ANXIQl'B EYCS AllBOAD, London , Aug. is ,—The Titufi says

la Romewbat curious, if M r Parnell Encana busincaa,. that several of the l<?ad- ing r&rncllitco are either already absent, or are arranging for an early departure from the scene o f Parliament. Probably Mr. I^m ell Is waiting to Jtco how the cat jumps in America. It Is no matter for aurprise that while the Chicago couven- tion Is pending, many o f tho separatist |Kirty aie restless and uneasy.'^

Thu V u ily .Vetrs says: ^'Khould theIrish delegates at (.'blcago fail to aileune or

'expel the advocates o f dynamite the whole world will Tcganl the coiivcntluu with Indignant conteropt. Tho dynamiters can best be dealt with with a ropo. I f Uossa was hung the world would be riddwl of a cowardly knave. The chief interest in the Chicago cuiivention, however, centres in the fact that the Irish delegates have resolutely a«'t their face'* not only against dynamite, but against violence in any ebjipe." Ucferrlug to the prolwble Tory policy the Aru’s says there was nover loss reason to prod.tim tho National League thim now, ____________


TO O >H 'H I M O U rillN K .

Thfc CalUDiet Iruii Wurka Gain a Victory O ver Its M en.

(-HiCAno, Aug. IP,—A mocHngwasheld by the striking nailers at (.'jmmings last night, and the long strike which has been in progress Ihcro for the lad fourteen inouths was brought to an end. Tho old Hicn tilll be ac;‘ommoduted by the com­pany BO far JLS pos?iblo, and every depart­ment of the Calumet Iron and Steel Com­pany’s will etart up with a full force, None of ibo non-union men, with whom the company bai contracts, will be dis­charged to make places for the old hands, but ns many oftbem have secured posiUoni elsewhere there are plenty of plod’ s to ac­commodate several hundred of the Idle men at satisfactory wages.The action of tbs men is approved by the ofBclids o f the Knight* o f Labor.

The packing house employes of Ko1»ert Warren A Co., at the stock yards, who went out Bomo days ago because the firm Iioniited iu loading Lake Shore cars, have returned to work. The superiutcadeat o f the cistahlishincnt said that when the men went out some work was loft uoAnished, und rather than have the moat spoil the old hands were taken hack. The men clglm the basts o f settlement was the sgreement o f the firm not to ship any more beef over the Lake Sliore road.

D eteu lter 0 » y D row ns Blm self,B oeroN , A u g . 18 .— Ith a a b e e n defin­

itely lear JJ Ihut Gray, the dvfiiultlng Ucas- U ttrof > Atlantic and Indian Orchard Mills, lias committed suicide. Ills body w m found this m om ieg at Blue Hills.

A g e n t O o o d w l D , o t t h e I n d i a n O r c h a r d M ills , t h l i r o o m i n g o rd o rc< l th e c o n c e r n t o j h u t d o w n H so o n as t h e s to c k h a s r u n o u t , a n a to re m a in clo s e d U i . i U I h n h e r n o t ic e . A 11 banrls d e e m u g t o fin d w o r k e l w w b e r o w i l l b o paid a t o n c e .

a g e n t d e c U n e a t o a z p r e t * a n y o p ln lo a as t o w h e th e r t h e c o m p a u y w i l l start th e m i l l A g a in . ____________ ___________

K o u a e w l r e a , a t t e n d H a h n e 'i 7 c . a a i e . - i d v .

A r a s a w l c H e e d U L » n I M r i i t V h l l a W r l l l w gId Itis HwrethF*art.

I’ .v- .vi». Aug. IH.-William If. Boom- kamp, Li wcli-lo-d(^ Hollander, twcuty-dx y, its o f age, dii'd at hii home, on I’as-iair avumr, y»ntcrdny. fro^i an overdoao of niorphiiK'. Bounikunip rameto this country frcviral years ago. Having a thorough knowb-dgo of tbo seed and hulh iFUsiiioa , ho found omploynicnt readily. TwoyoirH ago lit5 orguiiijU'd tho Ariii of Ib A r jr tfi il- 4-mlau.p, ill Svw York, to iiui»or4 Uo‘<e artu'les from Holland, and mol with II arko4l HUv.. At tbi N'* w Urloaiis Ki- (volition hi held un iinportaiil |tOftttli>u iu (Inirge o f the seed dcparliuent. Seven or |■1ght iiHinlhi Ago he went to H olliU dto viall his relutivea imd hi!> sifiiiUt'oil brltle, IU reluriHtl la the nreto^h H«d ’W"**

o f the la«t to leave that ill-lal*«l ves^td. I'Tir a coiisiih ruhle tiui<‘ IhHjmkamp bl■ b en iroiildeil with Iti-oiunla Hud occu- ^Unia} Ah . T o couut<-raet thcHe and oh- lain rt lief hi' ii-mI nHirphnic. Yesierdiy itiKUiiiig lie n;i?«fuaiid hing uncun^ciu'ii uti till Ind Me diid at noon. On Ilie lalde Uiis a fnrily writleii letu r to hia bweitbeart in Holland, in tvhii-h he aay i:

1 lu I -IS If ihvn- b a le'ivy Rnifiii on1' A‘ t ni> b»i> i luV. of

lO.d tiiiit It« T< it' ( 'n«>t ! j '} ’ ro «THull ii* the.‘ ftinti u Oil . Uieti J IrO iN'trn.

U"‘ 1 1) I nui- t ..ly that k-l-iri' thl* m'llcTt mailc jii) in he (I Ftilily.

liiHiiok;nii(i'>piirini r will arrange tbi' fii- i.en l wljtti In 1.U.1 eoinmuiileateil wilh the I'eMtl n ari'H rehttivr'', nil o f whom live in liellund. Iktoiukanj]) MAS Very popular iu



HER Esroirrs v h t l m .A S S A U L T E D O N H E R W A Y H O M E .

T h e F rrs id en i and Ills tVlfe L lv isg in a *>viiuUi« Log Cabin.

Ha b an a c J.akr . N. Y „ Aug. IH, - Urraident (levcland and Lm wife, accom­panied by Mr*. Pnl.'Hini and !>r. S. Ji. Ward, o f Albauy, arrived si the Saranac Inn ycHtcrday aftermion. The popular be­lief that the preHident comes to the Adirondmks for a camping trip is an cr- ruueoU)« one. He does no more ( imping than guests ususlly do from this and other huteNjn the region. He m«kc4 a I wo or three days' exnirsiun to wiino sct'ludi'il pond for iiuuliiig and fishing out o f hia thrt'c weekn’ Atay, The preii- dent baa cutuo regularly to IbeSarauoe Inn, furiiieTly cant'd the I'ruepn't House, for several AC'asouB, it iFidng his choice of hotels in the wilderness. With the presi­dent and his wife will be Mrs. Kotsom and Hr, Ward, who U always the president's rouipaoion on bis vacation in the wildcr- new. The pr4 parations at the inn fureu- ti rtiiiniug tliere guests are cumpletA*. W, H. Dutton, o f Pbiiadelphia, baa IcudertMt tbc use o f his lug euhiu near the hotel and ilie offer has Ix-eii acccj»twl. Here the pDHident tan ublnin perfect rent. U U hU eu.siom to mix unuj^lcntatiouaty with all the gucAtR at the hotel. There are uo in- I r(Mluetic<ns and no distinctions. The president droiw in a group like one faudl- iur with the place, and any oue talks to him w ho dC3>ires to do so. The term Mr. Hrci iUeitt *' Is severely dropped aud plain "'M r, Cleveland” BulnlituUd. The (.rehideut aud his wife and her mulher 1 1 - pect to remain here until September 10.

J L R H K Y U O V I . R N M K . N T U L E R M H .

l"ronioilonN and Iflunilinali In Hie D lf-f r r r n t N a i l o i i a l

F|*eelal b ith e KvKNino News.t’Ai'iMNd'iON, Ang. IS.—Tho appuint-

mritl officers of tho several di-partments, and the Civil Service exunmi-sioners arc i-till quite bu-y making clerical rodocliuDS uiul promuliuns. The New .lerscy oiHeiils, as u rule, have furc<l well, only oue having been dli missL'd in the past three weeks, notwilhfelandiugover five hundred changes were made during that |>ertod. Tlio ebangoA, however, iticludcd the promotion of five Jersey officials, three of whom wore announced in the Nkwa at the time. Tho other two, Robert T. Hains and Otto C. UtanUicr, were made happy al the close of office boors yesterday afteruonii by receiv­ing from Uomnilsaioiier Montgomery their promotions from third aasiMtant patent ox- aminera at $ 1 ,^ per annum to second aKsihtuntA, at $1,0U0, wilh much more pleasant duties,

Appointment Clerk Ha.sslcr said to tbc Nkws corrwpoijdent referring to the clerks in his department who are credited to New Jersey:

” 1 have always found them ndhblo and apt, but above all they do not make us any trouble. There are quitn a number of Jtrseynien in this dcjiartiiicnt, and I cm- not remember of one of them who has ever beon reporU'd to my office fur rais- conduct or uuy other charge.”


T h irty TliDUsaud K nights Teni|itar G olog to Nt. E.onlh TYIlh T h eir Fwtnlllee.

St , L ouis, AdK- 1H.—The propamtiuu* for the great triennial couclave o f the Knights Tetnjdar which Is to be held here next UJo&ili are rapidly approaching com­pletion, and will l)o as compiete and aatia- factory as U Is posiublo to make them. Tlie vice chaiiman o f tho general committee reports that lie already Ims jFOFilive advices that 30,000 Knights, a(Companied by 20,000 mam- iters' families wUl bo here and that Piilty 1€0,000 other per^ns will be prf^nt to witness and hhitro in the great demon- Nlrallon. (loud quarters will be provided lur cv( rybody who desires to come. The sccnmRjodalioDS already at the command o f tbc committee Arc more than ample to meet the present detnandH and they be greatly extended.

The order of Iho Flastcru Star, which bolds the Fame iclation to the Masonic fratcinlly tlint tbu DmgbterA ofHchoocs do the Olid Fellows will bold its annual cunvcntlun during tbc conclave week.

P irates tn Graveaend Bay*C o n e y I h i . a n o , N . Y . , A u g . ] 0 . —

Fdw«rd Jane*, of the Hubert,o f F i t o h n a u f i ; VvU t UilliT, O f the Puamaught, o f C am anM : John W. tkilen, of the (icorge rm nun, o f Ntatcn island: Jnuios Bailoy, of the b u rtlle .' ,«Tawtid ; Jsra<!!i Dixon, o f tbo At Die Kuland. o f t'amanlr, and T. Lyman, o f the Vt>ll Nprhig of New York, were arrensd thb morning by Chief of Fulloo UcKane, of ('•otiey Island, atid a posse o f |xjiice, /or dredg­ing clam* and oysierh in OrtveM'nd Bay, and bronghl here on board tho Fteam-tug Ciovemor Hill, o f the fihoro iDApocllon !>epartinent, WUhDtn It. Morrb, an oyHicrmaii and resident o f Uath Beach, is the complainant. The (iravefcnd Bay ojFtcrmeti claim that the sloop o f oyricmicn from Shiten DIand, New Jersey Olid other places, who ore ffirbldden to dredge In ibctr own waters, come to Gravesend to dredge, to U»c detriment and exclusion o f the native fiKhermeu. The prisoners were held under bondn to appear for trial to morrow Mdler aud hl« crew of the Fearnaughl Kbowed fight, tbc captain (hrcaicnlug to shout the offi­cer?. He was oTcri>owtrcd and « murderous shotgun taken Idjui him.

H«weU W ork in g for R e-olecU oii.8pGClsl to the Evxmino News.

WAflMiNGTOir, A u g, 18 .—SenatorSewell li expected hero Friday to attend a meeUng of the Bupublioan Clougresdoaal Caia* paign Committee. Hit le-elecUon wtU no doubt be 01M tff the leading matten diicuued.

A Y n t i n f S e r v a n t G i r l G « > U I n t i r l U d ( o m - panjr al Ilia ItallMiL ririilr.*0*eriMmM'

A fter a U rave U4*alnUSitrv--lli'r F cu ia lc CDiupanlon Ml*t1iig.

IVtCitiv»= Jai’grni aud ( ‘jtplaini Ant sire actively (iignged in a hunt l»r an <ni-kiiiivrn rii:in wltn imtnq > uiisly iuIIinI ay o u n g w ii ii iu u n a m « d .M a .g .i I L i I n n ' at a l i iit liuiir .M > i n ,U y n .^ b t in a u s l ' e v w i i y t*n N - d f u l k s tre e t, lv t w c » - n

t iiVL l a u - a n d ( ' i i l r . i l menu.'. T l n ‘ o n l y jH 'T M iti w i l l ! i‘ :m f u r n i h l i a i-In i' tu H i e n h i i t i l y o f ih < ’ n i i l L ’ n in a w o m a n l u m c . l L i w i i ' W iil j a iM H . - i d h i i ; cm N .c —- n i - c t r e e l , w li u i& k< i- p in g u n d e r n i v i - r - i t p r " 4 c n l ,

I t iip p e U E ^ t h a t M a g g ie l l u l i m - . a t l m i n - - li i- in t i l l i i i i p l o y <>r I ' n d i r i c k H . I 'r n - e . u f

.Nuilnlk Mr>4-t. iUtc'UilMl the II ill ill at ( '(h dou im I'.irk un M<>mhy

nielli ill I'lmipany with I.ir.zie Willi,lcii'i T h e I t t U i T w i i s n i i i i i t u m U L tc riu:^ w i t h a niimlMT Ilf 11 ili Ills,

.s l .f i h i t i M l i i t i d H y o u n g m i n , t m i im l l i i l ’ 6 , ( u , J i j l d u r i n g I he r« - m a i i n W Y ’ c d '[I I I ! V t 'c A f h g il n - m -in r e i - i u n : '^ i r r t l r ' t h e g i r l d a r n i n g a n d d i i n k i n g . S l m l t l y b e f o r e t h e f i M i v i t i i - b r o k e ll|> t l o ‘f e ll o w i i i i l u u ' d t b e g i r l t o .................. h i nto « n iiintf •■u liun o f the park, u here In- attin.ptcil til a.-<i-«uu]t Jut. She re<i«tn) >tuntly imd hi angrily tbnw her to the griiuml. She arn-e and luirric-d b i k t > wlierr tlierriiwds were a4w-mbtu<l and r«‘ - latcd be r L i}H’rienee In WilUitui.The Utt< r aiieinpled to suiMutb over the dillietilty, and at tbisjuiuture llu yiMing imill Bppeiirc d upnTl the seem- iiipl a[mln- gixtd on the

■'Atinklnif, ' . .I.iHjc' Williams's husband left the puk

uliout mlduiglit and took his riiibt iilimg, Icavnig bis wife to du the bust H.hc i-uubl for lun<eirand .Maggie.DEfKRTKD IIV lIKtt rFM.U.F rUMI'AN)‘ tS.

Lk'tWLCU t and 2 o'ib>ek tlie two wuiu -n ami the young man sUirUd fur home, and on rLHchilig a point near the boiMe wliere Li?./.ie Wiliiams lived the wom^n refa>‘.-d tu ummipany Maggie any further. TJic girl fearing to he b-ff alone with the stninger after his condiicl at the pieiiii’ pleaded with Lizzie to accompAiiy lu r tn her home. The woman was Inexorable, however, arid Maggie was forced tu accept her picnic aL'c uainULiu e as an escort. The two had arrived iic'ur tho girl's home when the fellow suddenly seized the girl, aud cltHping a hand over her lumith to preveut an ouU-ry. carried her into au alhywfly. The girl siu reeded ia ri-moving tbo brute's hand fruiit her n outli and struggh-d frantiesHy to gain her fretdom. She fought wUb her coward­ly assailanl fo bravely llmt lie lOHurled to puti’ meling bU victim. H« struck her a t*-rrilic blow iu the face, euUiugburlip nnd Ciiuslng one side uf her fa4X‘ to swell imuudiately. He then clutched ber by Lliti Ibruat and choked her so hard that tlio marka o f bi» fiugers can still be seen, The Ix-ttcr to guard against her giving the alarm, be stuffed a hamlkiTcliief in In-r mouth, afte r which he succuedeJ in his designs,

'J'wo musiduiia pa^oed tbc spot later and slopped to inveRtigHtc the ca iw of a wutnnii's cries. The dastardly brute real­ized bis danger hut was equal to tho (■niergrncy. Htaiidiiig in frontof his Indp- lc:>N victim he said loud cnuiicli for the cilbcia to h e a r ,I > —n you, give cue (but dullHT. that is all 1 want of you,”

EKfAl’K OF TUK NT,The meu wore thrown off the trick hy

tbc runion's ruse, and were bIkuU to pass on, thinking it wa-s an ordinary quanci alioiit some money. Another cry from the girl, )ioweV(T, ouuimdtheTD tn approach ibo rouple in tho alley, when they saw that the girl was bleed leg freely, and that her clothing was tom aud disordered. Tim fellow seeing that his crime must surely Ih‘ discovered, darted past the umsh-i-iiw and before pursuit was thought of, made good his escape. The men heard the girFri story and assisted her hotiie, Tiicy then renewed their homeward journey and in anulhcr part o f tbc city nmt (HUeer IzOD. to whom they rejKirte.d tho affair,

Yesterday the imfortuuato girl made an affidavit before Justice Widman, and t'ap- tain A rt detailed Officer llra ‘;cl to work up the case. Lizzie Williams's hii(b;md aud two Italians were taken iu tuw, im: were unable to furnish any clue that could possibly lead to the detection of thcgirl'H assailant.

Lizzie Willjams, who is o f milorioudy bad reputatiun, ia uut tu Ih' found, having taken to Right on leirning of the outrage, snd as she is the oitiy oue that can give any Information as to tlie identity o f tbc n.an, unusual cffurtA amlaiing mado to arrest her. HetoidivoJaegurs was put on the case this morning, and b'Drned that tho wiMUHii had iurHukcTi her child and was seen mi ItiviT htrei't I ist night. 1 he wbereabouts of the child is known, ami it U expcctinl to .secim-Dio wonmu by this knowloitge.

Olaaa, Tin, Woodwa»t ttOu Sohne'i*—

THE n t r iT tT urr.A S i u a l l Y t i> | il d I A p p l i ‘ 4 - l * e a c l i e « a u d

I 'e a v i i • F a l l u n ^ ,>*1’ K I M . F J H n M .. • . A u p - t~ W i l h t h e

a i d o f a tii« u i l.-'iiiO s j v . il i ' o r r ' ’ Nj‘ ‘ m d c u l > , D - - N r * . ’ . i l w i l l , t h i ' w e e k , U f u a M j d p rc M i i i a v e r y c u n ip b - t * * f o n - c .» .t .1 t o t i ll ' > i i l l *»r la r g i- f r u i t s , ( b o h i r - M s l o f u l o i li t i s ’i tn-tMi c t i m n n - i i i ! 1 . I t Is t h i e v t h o r !>: i r i i i g y * a r f o r a j i p U w i n N e w l l n g l a n d , b u t . a l l l i u u g h t h e n . U » la r g r - j i i - l d u l f u i l I r u i i , il n - r o | * u r l i i u d i c a l * - t h a t ( h i t r ip I l f w n u t - r a f i p h • w i l l i n - a b m UM S ( I l l y |H r M i l t . I ll t h e m i l i l r v ^ u s i H r j ' i i l i l Ml li t- 11 | . * - . l : r i i S l a t ' I ' l i o

o il in N i w K 'l ' l .j i i i l l i o w - i 'V i T . w i l l b o f m r i l v i i u it ir u p b y D i e g r ' i i t c r o p i u t h e H p p h . In-. ‘‘ •-I D u ll-* o l S u v a S i » t i .i . .\ u n i|>ii'- u i d K m ; , r m i u l i ’ l .i 'it y i ' i i r c i • P<t ( m 1 .- .n ly )<i.iMKl i i .u r i - 1 ' , b u t i h i a s «'o i.io u w i l l b .i M - a M i r | i i u ' o f l i H i ,i n n ' b ^ r n - U .

' I ' l l x r « - i l a p p le e i H i n l i i - i o f W v r U T i i \ i Vf Vuik p m n r i '■ t b * h g h t * - ' t e r o p In (VM I l l y iih il t l u w u r - l f r a l i i r o U t b . i tD l l q i i i i l i t y p io m iM 'h in b - l■‘ n l l p ^ r A ^ '^ 'o l yt i ' o f . I l l K ' . - l i T i i N i IV Y i n k t h e r e i - a 1 ' i ( t * r pro>’ pi I 'l , b u t D o * n v i T i i g e f o r ( h e w h o l i S l . i l i I 'H I n |> iir ti l■ ^o l|]y t l B y I w u pi r M i l t .

I 'l i . i t t - j l v i i n i * 1 ..L - e i g l i l V 'f i v ^ p o r c o i i t . o f a l u l l i i 'p l e C h ip , m id i> a g o o dc r o p i n b i l l f r o f n t h « 'r c J i u r t - u T i ' Lriir.u .o ii :m d ( b e N o r t h - w « > t n i :d S t i i i l l i v v i - 1 lir tv e M io li - m i l l M i | p ! \ . - t o u l b ' f li r e m u T u - i M i i v m a r k e t fu r D > ' u r p ! u s ( i | D .e M > < b lh -S t i U - h , m u c h I l f w h i c h w .is lA f t v i a r l u s i l . i l d u f u r e n p o T l .

( 'a h h r c | o i t i - I l Cl i y r d i - t i ' I u c m L i v r i o i u V i ii i iO M p o in ts h i I 'n g b u i d in d o n t h e 4 ‘ o n - l i u i i . t M i n l i i m t h e c i i D i c r p r e i h e D o i i s u f r u t b e r a ^ b M tt a p p le i T u p D i e t e , e s p e c i a l l y o f g m n l f i u i t in L u g l u n d . I . i s i y e . i r n e - ir - ] y l A A i . i i s M i i i r n Is w i r e i - x i m r U s l D n r o .

.^ r i t i r i c M i o r .m g e p ip j o i M ^ . .b l iu L i v e r - • V ■-■’klHsirel oh MuivJay. Tbi.i

W s < iiTS .........^ Alt' w f t h e 'i w o .i . 'u r i i t t h ep t i ' f i.i e i [ u i v : i l ( l i t t o li liu u t t J . J ' i n e t o n t h i s s id e , w i i i e h is 'a - l u h l a i lv a m - i o n c u r - i c L i t v a l u i s .

Ibar-' wifi be eoiiiidrribly I k -Io w t h e iiMiai yield, and piMihcH fur th«‘ third (iriie hTl pne ticdly a failure north of tin' iur(y*lir-<( pHnillt-l. 'niere la a fair crop uf plums and tlu-y will Is* rhi-a{i. while grapis ill New ,1ctjwy arc liglit and a goo 1 crop in Southern New i-TigluuJ ahutild biing fair prices.


M a h h i g l h c I 'c v - s l d c i i d a t > 1 a n s .{ u n H f o r uA K ra clH c—W'ur un Halii.

f^pocial b i t l o - K v E S i.s ii N k u 'S.W a s h i n u h i n , A u g . I ? '.— A l a r g e f u f ' c

o f v 'u r k i n e i i Iw -g a n , y o l e r d a y , t o g i v e t h e W h i t e 11 u u s o a t h o r o u g h o v e r h a u l i n g a n d r e n o v a t i n g d u r i n g t h e a h s e n n * o f t h e p i c - i i l e i i t . T J i c r o u s e r v a t u r y w i l l h o r e - m o d i I h d , :i m l t h e e i t c r i o r o f D i e e n t i r e t m iii s io n g i v e n s e v e r a l c o a ls o l w h i l e p a i n t . A d i t a i l o f T i l l a i i y ' s m e n f r o m N e w Y o i k w i l l t a k e a p a r t t h e i n a i u m o t l i c r y s l u l a n d s i l v e r c b u n d e l l c r i a n il i l e a u t h e m p ii 'e c b y p ie c e . T l i e f i-n ln r e o f ( b e p r e s i d e n t i a l i i o u s c - c l e a n j u g , h o w e v e r .w i l l b e t h e i- ffo r ts u f t h e ' ' k i t c h - n |k >Hc c ” t o r i d t h e lo w e r flo i.li5 o f l i l t ' m a m d o n o f r a l A a n d r ik o - lu 's . ’ lb i*< w o r k wa.K ] h r f o r t n e d d u r i n g t h e A r t h u r ' s a d i n i n i - t r i l i o i i b y o n e o f t b c n e g r o Fi r v a n t - i , a h i g b t a c k n a n u - d T o m w h o i n i p l o y c d a c o r p s o f c-ats, a n d o n e o M V i - r .l l w ( ‘:LM -].i to d i 'K t r o } ' the r a t s . Ho w a n t e d ( o u se j i u j - b n , b u t o h j e c i i u u w a .i m a d e .

1 ( is r c l s t i i l in A V h i t e H u u n e lo r e t h a t a b il g e r a t a .-c crn 1e d ( b e s t a ir s f n i m t h e k i t c h e n d u r i n g D i-r n r a l .l a e k M F u ’a a d m i n i s - t r u t i o n . a n d f i n a l l y m a d e h i a u p p c a r iin e e in " O l d H i c k o r y ' s ” l i i - d c h a ii ih e r . T h e o ld u s r r i o r w a s n r u iis e d h y t h o a n i m a l s c A in - p e r i u g a i-r u !H t h e h e d , A U d a U e i u p l i ! r l t o d r i v e i t a w u y i i y t h r o w i n g b i s I m o l i a t i t . T b c r a c k e t a to iifie d i h e w a i c h n i a n , w h o r u s h e d u p t u t b c p r o i d c i i t i a l c h a t u b o r o n l y t o r e c e iv e a s e v e r e te c t iir c f o r n u t a t t e n d - t u g t o liih d u t y p r o p e r l y . t ) i i t h o f o l l o w - tr ig d a y a v c r l» a l E x e c u t i v e o r d e r w a s Is s tie d c o m m s u d i i i g a l l t b c s e r v a n t s in t h e h o u s e (0 p r o c e e d p r o m p t l y a n d v i g o r o u .d y a g a U ia V “ t h e d ------- r a t a i u t h e c e l l a r ."

' I I M M . t U lM -:.

t l l K C T T riN G CASK.

N ot Ko Buefa Fun After AILM a siin , N ch.» Aug. H . Enoch Y oung

w A K s lo t a n d k ille d l>y u m a n nainiKjj V i i i i o u , tn l l o l l i 'i i V a l l e y , y o ^ t ir d a y . A ili.q tiu c h a il aris e n b« tw e e n V 'in > o ii a n d a i i h l t h T a n n u l a jiU e e o f la n d . T h e st-liler a K e m p tu d to se rve a i-n n iin o n s o n h i m in s le gal p n g e e ilitiK lo stoji li ltii rruin r i i l i l v i u l n x (h e la n d , im d V ln a o n ra n h im o f f w it h a Jih o t g u n , a n il nald h e w o u ld k i l l a n y o n e w h o u lle n ip te d lo r t v s th e s u m - tn o n s . Y o u n g , w h o ^vu^ u n g o o d t e n n ^ w U h Y l m o n . ih e n v o li m le c it v l lo s e iv c II , a n d w a t K c o i n p a i .l e d h y M .v e m l n e lg h b o M , w iio h id In t h c c n n i f ie t d to n -c (h e ■' f u n . ' ' as (h o y I c r m i J I t W h e n Y o u n g a n n o u n c iH l U i y in s o n b h e r­r a n d V t u s o n fire d s ( h i m , k il l i n g h f n ^ i n s t a n i l y , iv r e n i y -li v c b u c k h in d c titc ritiK h ls l> iyly, V l n - srjii tie d to th e b i l l s , b ii lR n c r w a r d i« u rrc n d c rc d , a n d h e w a s p la c tn l in J a il a t H ru k e ii B o w u n d e r a s tro n s g u a r d lo pre-verit m o b v io le n c e .

SKiilhler Jackson Not O nlprad to Leave .Hekiro—WaKIhg lur K4*ilKWlck,

I ' . i , I ’ .v - o , ' I ' l l . , .\ u g . H . — T h e r u m o r I h u t M i i i i s U T .I n c k H i n h a i Iw’ i-n o r d e r e d o u t u f M ( x i c o h y t h e u u t h n r i t i e s o f i h t t c u u n t r y is e n t i r e l y w i l i m u t f c i u ii d a t io n . O n t l i e c o i i t r u r y , i t is r e p o r t e d t h a t d u r ­i n g ( l e i i e r a l H e d g w i c k 's t o u r o f i n s p e c t iu t j t h e i l c x i c a n ( i o v e r n m e n t ir i t c n d a t u u s o a l l ( l it * a i m -n it i c s u f i n t e r n a t i o n a l e u r i i i t y .

E v c r y l h i i ' g U q n i - t a t I ’ a s o d c l N u r U ! . ( 'o n s u i B i n g h u i n is a w .L i t i i i g t h e c o m i n g u f G e n e r a l S c d g i v i c k , u n il is p r e j i a r e d t o g i v e h i m a ll n e e d e d f L s s i- U n c u I n m a k i n g t h e m u D t h o r o u g h i n v e s t i g a t i o n . M r , ( . ' i i t t i n g s a y s h e w i l l Iw u b i e t o p r o v o t o M r . S 4 'd g w i ( - k '« c u t i r > 's a t i s f a c t i o n t h a t h e i i c v ( r c i r c u l a t e d c o jiie s o f t h e K l P .is o UernJtl i - j ii it i ii n in g t i n * M -c o n d a l le g e d li b e l i n F x ' U d d N u i t c . f p o n t h i s p e r s o n a l e i n n l u U i n b i t i g i s a t | r N c n t t h e i-la itiii t o D m - b - g e l l y «>f M r . C u t l i o g ' . i i m p r i M m i i i e i i t -

A lliirhliig o n rriiiii.K]>ct'liil f il '- p .il ' h In (lie N h \r> .

I b i V M i l i iK -M iK , A u g , i s . ^ A n o i li r a i n b u A e d n w ii near W h i(i- H <11-;* uii l)w: 1 c u tr ii l K iiilrriR il, ut ] (i ‘ i'l>H-k t h l ' . m o r o n i c , a n d o n e u f ( In rar<< e m ic lit lire . T i i e t a n k o n itiifi e s r 50011 ex]>Ioih'i1 a m i th e (iH in y s s p re a d tu PI v e il n t b e f c a l 'b c l o r e (h e re st o f t h u i r a lu c o u M I m- liik c ii aW R)-, J i m lla m c H b u n i u d Urn tiJ c g r a p h ]HiJe.s n n d b m k o te le g r a p h ic Cu m - in u m c a t i u ii . W h ile r c i-n lr ln g ( h e wlrc^t C h a rK -i* Ih -n ii , a lin e m a n , u:as n e a r l y b iir m h l to d e a t h b y ( h e e x iilo s h in o f a n o U t a n k , T h u tm e k -* w e re d e s tro ye d fo r s e v e ra l h u n d r e d fe ci a n d [r a ffle wium K o fitn 'd fu r a l s m i (w i^ lv c liu u r s . ' t b c a c c id e n t w illc ^ u iie R I o n t o t h e r a ilr o a d r o m p a n y o f se ve ral Ltio n ^ a n d d o s la js .

BquJra UarooTed*A i j i a s y , A i i g . I M .— M a y o r G r a r u ' n

o r d e r h ir ( h o r e m o v a l o f r u m n n s s io n e r K r|U iro , w ilh o r c o n ip a n y ir ig p A ii c n , a a i a M 'e i v e d o t th e r x c t A i l i v e c h a m b e r b y (io v o rtio r H i l t a t H 0'ch K ‘ k t o -d a y , fr o m th e h a n d s u / t h e 'm a y o r ’ a N jc re ta r v - l i m n e d la te ly u ijn ii th e ir r e a u p l G o T i m o r r u n lAf^ued a n o rd e r f ix in g T u o 'i b i y n e x t a t * o 'c lo c k in (h e a ltc r u o u n , a l A l b a n y , an (h e t i m e a n d p la c e , w h e n a n d w h e re h e w o u l d h e a r a n y n rg iitiie iiL lh a t tn b jh i )»c d e ­sire d Iu b o jircHuTUcHl fu r a n d a g a liM t h ix aj>« p r o v a l o f th e c c r tllic a le o f re m o v a l.

F rohable M urder iu r a le n o r i .T a t k i l s o n , A u g . I H , — A c o r o n e r ’ s j u r y

doO M U -d y c F lc rd H y t h a t U le h a o l K io i t h w an t l l k d b y ^uriie ikorsmi o r p e m u u s u n k i m w u . P m K h WHS f o u - d d e a d l< n jd e t h e H n s iju c lia n n a ila ilr u ftd tr o c k a l I t L v r n i d u lu-st M u u d a y m u m - i j i g , h a v i n g a iio h d c d « d y e r s ' p lc n li : t h e n i g h t iH -lu rc . 1 he p h y D c ia iif itih ilficil t h a t t h e iii>

J u r ie s o n Ills hea<l. w h i c h ca u s e d d e a t h , w e re n o l F u c h as w o u ld p r o b a b l y b e I n J l l c l e l t y a t r a i n , a u d ll m l U 1ix.iked o h i f b o h a d bei-u M t u c k w i t h w )nm I n r i r u m o i i t . T h e r e w e re r i J i % r ? th a t iin jU h b a d h u d a fig h t w U h an K a l i a n . H e Im d b e e n F<een In c o m p a n y w it h f o u r n u l l th e n ig h t o f th e p ic n ic , h u t n o n e o f Ih e rt* jH'raou s c o u ld If*’ f o u n d . M m lih w a s a d y e r a n d a w id o w e r , l i e lo aviu* t w o c l il ld r u n .

A N e g r o B r u t e ' s H e a v y f to n le iiic o . i?peclnl fd ? fia u -h to th a N e w s .

N k w B i i l ' N b W f C K , A u g . 1 8 . — W i l l i u m P a m d l? , (h e s e T p n tc c n y e a r o ld n e g ro , w lm n%- la u lt c d K a t i e K l b i e o n th e ro a d h> i q v a i n w a y , p le o d tv l g u lU y ,/ t o - d a y , s tu l w as se nt 'n e e d to fific c n y e a r s ' Itn p r ls o u L a e tit n m l 9 L'A I0 H u e .

A n A n a l r l a N e w i p a p e r I n T r o i i h t o . V i e n n a A u g . 1 8 . T b c w l i o l e o d i D o n

G f l h e JA -u ftrA c Ztituug w as em iflseaied to -d a y b y i h c a u l h u r i l h s (>□ a c c o u n t o f a n a rtic le d r a w in g a p a r a iU d U l w c n i i F r e ile r l c k th e G r e a t a n d J o s e p h i l , o f A u a l r ia , to t h o o r j r a n b age o f (h e f o r m e r .

JapwnaM K ill log C hln*i«.N a g a s a k i , Japan, Aug, 18.— SerioM

rio ts h a v e u c c u ir e d he re b e iw M D C h in e s e a n d J e p a n e e o . F i v e C b u K V O w e re k il le d , t a d 103 wero wooDded.

A Bbam Naval Battle.L o n d o n , A ug, | H ,_T h c vhntificl Meet

crgsgHi in a shuin BtlHck on the firts at Mil­ford Hawn Ijgit nigbt. Admiral Hewitt W211 In coTumsnd of the 5<tuadron. Tlic flutilla o f tor- ji«dn boatt , the ijH'uasHnt firing and tbc icores Ilf fiiTirlc lights coniblncd to form a brilliant Hltuflnclo. The harbor wai stuUded with yacJiti. Blr ThuruoA 11fuwH-y, Ilarun Wulver- ton, Ihi' earl o f Keuinnru, and other ilihlin- gnbtud ja rsoBS wIKiofhiJ the buUlo.

The tjueen'a H|>eeeh.L onifon , A ug. IH.— The q u een ’

speoch will be emj>ty 0/ aiLy slatcmcnt nfpohey or matter Icadb-g to comroversy. Although Ihe upponents of the Oovemment may r,vise a dbeuariun overoDunlEriuiis, no oue will be able to ehailecgti a single proposllioti contained In the speech. Ur. Fametl may, however, awe the rent queition in order to keep his Amcrlcau aUlea lu good humor.

.% i hliUKu llll•*hMl<(1 I'rtru will* IDs iL<(- ic r Hull Itir BKHL

Cm;' ■' -r ‘I'l . I' V i - t'. ('_ Kind Dii p -<| [ ;* U ' Hi ,l llii iu l t V ;tl DiC : . if l'. ' uf IP :r |".l.iud ;II||| I'lilk oliM-t.rr..j.- K ., .. ...j, ;. Ml 1K'i'h' . Ihl-=ri V n viiY "'* ' , D‘.i u 111 II r llfti- 'h \ .ir . wai In . -d (o I rustKh 'ok . It Wi ;i l u i . ' i l hM im m c. rii«;:roi'iii .» D. rv. Iw.i y .\t < >.:>I. I hi v lucil (■ . i I I I.'I live i r i r - , .lild tn>. liiM < i. « i - . ih in III Ili. I I. Iu I'-i'- l i i i 'h l i l . !i|ii r>'Mi:y iuldi-iilv, w«nt hi (h : I I nh nmn) iit I'iiil h1- I pin 1 nnd ii 1 *

h i \I'l r 11 .Liling hvi up llll Um(.

t; d I\ lliil. III idt b- ; ’^'n- _ li <* lii-l c 'll

- i . ti x i r li :-a f r i i 'i i .'i .iv , til Ll

I III' h iliiln (it .Lfid Ihi, - jiulii'li'-d

:-d. illi I limilllg llh-: - r I lb. h.lll I tJl

I I y vi 1 1 1 - III ii ri'-d and wi i>' inv< -t' >1 in a

lint In iTii niii lI Ih \car»- ill'- W'h :Iu >( .1 ) ■•ni'L.' rn. ii M . 1;.[ an nrti t id I....... ..Milt 1.1. . . }. IKiIFiIcNI P 'pl-r' pM I |*"l I :|!'L n i - : I ' M M ill I , d , . Ill 1.1 b n i V i M 1 nlicit ht- W . ftr.din I ' td, 1 1 ji'Ui. K ml tin ir.,t ii.i .-V !•>1 lU I ' I III il

A l t u i I [hti ;* D . “ r I 'lj i- r M r - b knew - b u n M . T ' D m - i m : - - . K i n diiH -tn .u<! I lun-k il l . .. in iiii ii- (b Itn l u T inurn 'i c n i iu t i r i<

w i 11 m i l 1 ti d I V . ' n a I- ' D n l . i i i K i l i v :i m l u.>*kii]

‘ 1‘ , - r ' " ■ ■ U i r - i U y■h iMhi • iiiVf Thi'T.n-il

!i- i l. I r lit in in I ’ d t ' lb . - i r l c a l b . l M l',

tb> l.itM r I id> i-nti r. >1 Dm^1 • h i l l ’ thi- m I'l ' In- ftdl

•i;: - n ln ii-i tivcn-il. tb>-‘ lu - v i - | j ( u u

' iiM .i ii i n m c . ( i n i i t i :-> 'll -bi’ r r ln iiu d with 11:-!li!i tic. Shi- i-iphiini'd (In'bit li.1'1 iiuib.khil. anil tb> fni-


|('Wi]i> biU ttf • lie 11 D i c i i and lht-r>' aj n « tl lijH 11 ) '«1 U ! c ii I In- ( M i l . ( I n - '-i iu id l.tnbuiid al;d«MiKi Uy.Llh Kalirii])-ki--p ‘ i ,Rctiin' ;is 11 uiii .

\« ■ 17, b-i In r.n; : I tkIIiHI <l(' I I i. • I 1 l.t

• . -i-i !:i :h>- 1 'tiiini'ii and iKTiuTi; Kli---. h■rlln.rl1 A-nu Vuiinv.-h I I' - ' I K - ' . :K .n*c h-r Ib i- uuvi-1 receipt Dn* ii.tiid hiinilcil the lir-t lujiliaiid

---■.HI. Kli nk') I bildrcn fnib-d to rci ugm/.H bun. J|i'i.i-'cd ihcin, iliunk b.im li with Dm- niHii wbn h iti ^nppla1Ucll liini in Dtc allVi (ii-ir (d hi-i wifr. himI nodded All adii't) hi the etlu I ' uitd left f u r S(. Louis.

i IIP •i - - 'p ' 1,• :li u p Iel » ! ' . I I!

C -UI.I l l t il.

>u m i l d h i * '

\ T l K I l l U I s O ! ( l K I ' U I N O . N L U .

H i r e r M r i i N e i - i l n l t o T a k i ^ H i m to I D * ( i l l .

.\ n i s n i d i i q - l y l i v e l y p r iv n n e r w a s u r Tiiipiih<l l'« I’n rc .l i n t i c i - W i d iu M U in t i n - S . o n d I ' l i i i m t i h i * i n o r i i l n ; : , c liH r ^ i-d u i l b lK.'iii(! iin ilib (n l a k e c a r e o f l i i n i t c i i . H e ^ i i V c b i - I I u in O ' I 'l i im i 11 ! .c c . a i u l siii I D i a l b n w^-^ u n - n i r - i i l n f T h i r d s t r c H , t i l l s c i t y . H e b c c iiiitc s m l i l c r j l y v i i d o n t w I l H c r i ] d y i i i L : t<> D i e i i U o i i i u i u ; ] i T u p o u n d - L-d h y D h - ju < -lic c , n n d i l W an o n l y t>y h a r d w o i k t h il l t b i - .c n l i l c i r s h ili-*c e d m l I n g c h t m p b ih i u n d e r c o h l r u L I h - i n g a m U 'M iD H r hpccim a n u f b n i m m i t y w a s a M c t o m a k e a giH>d fl> ;b 1 . h i l l w a s f i n a l l y r e m o v e d to a c e lt. lU - iv ia i n in M y e r s , c i ip t a ii i n f t h e c n n a l iHnut J o h n U . K o w n t n g , o f A H m i l v , j s U le d l l m t L c i ' b a d m a d e H i e v u y a g e f r o m A l l a n y w i t h l i i i i i . a m i i n d lu d ia v e d l i i n i - s c ll p m p i - D v n t j i i l t h e I m a l rc s i Ih m J t h i s c i t y , w h e n h e u b U k it ic d w h l;s k i-V c i m u ^ b tu d r i v e h i m c r i z y .

T bc 4'apUiiii bee line iiliiriii-d at the man's romJuct lunt nighl, an.t :.cejnK 1 >ili-cer WiHjil un lironi .street he ,iike<l liiin t i (uke ].,ec iiilo ui-tuiJy. I.<i:k< e[>'i ii lui- iiieting anay at bis i i l l dunr. iall:iljing fiiiiliiiiiaDj and driiyiiiji Di.it he inera/v.

W lit n S t r^ 'c n n t l i i r ; : e n a s k e d J ii in i f In- t u n <] (i m m I .m y i l i j i j ^ ' , t h e j i r i u m i - r r e p li e d t l m l lie w a s n o J ie ^ ’ g 'i r , a n d c u iild u h l u t i a ll Ilie InniJ In ' r e q u i r e d J'ru iii ) i i « h r u t l i e r .( Hpluin Myeih sunl that Lia.-f'-l hrutber ki'pt it>:n)eirv st<ire in .\lliany.

“ I K 'U 'I b r i n g a ilm t o r Lu icn-, f u r h e w i l l & ay I 'm a h m a t i c . L e t m e g e t b a e k ( o t l i u b o H l in N e w a r k , '* a r » * h ta r -l i ic f eric*-!, t V h u i (n b l lie iv:k-i i n N e w a r k In- U 'e a m u nnp’ r y , a n d i J t r l a r u l D i iit lie k n e w b r U c i , Ub N i Mark vvii.“ i u .F i-r s e y ( ‘i t y .

(Al{llli;b OTIS'.' KATE.r O R O f F E N S I V E P A R T I S A N S H I P .

TO 111: ii.tMFFn AS A wirni.

Eetff UabAta'i 7c* idv., sth page, V H la/.-A ffv . JAc. to 75c- unlclei 7Cvthjj week. JlabQc'gAdv.

t h e M e i l c u i i A u K x v H i l c H t o I n i l l a l e I h r .S a lc M i I ' l i r i i N n n .

f l i x i e o . A u g . H . \ w n m a n l i i i n g a t M c v L c C iU i. w h o is a s iM u - n a i p b u l i - t , b a d b ir i n e il t h e l i a b i t o f t a k i n g l u T y u iiiig i ^1 « l i i l d 111 D i e .HEiisll l i u u r s <rf D i e i i i g i . t [ 1 D i e e d g e o f a p r e c if^ c e in t b o n iu iin ta iiiH , w in re .iln - w n i i l d d u r id b - I t .

l .D B l u ii .] it it s lip p e d f r o m h e r g r a s p u tid w a s ila>lu d lu p ii M s o n t b o r u c k s b o b i w . T i n - a t i D i 'i r i i n s h a d lu -r iir r i 'r ilm l a s a w i t c h , S lid i f I d u n d g u i l t y a t b u r ( r i n i , w h i c h la k e s p la c e n e x t w e e k , h b o w i l l b e h u iig r d .

N e a r i 'e t n le y c h l e r d u y .l<-«ns M n r r i e t t a , a n b b r a le d 1 a u d i t , \v;iK o v e r t a k e n b y - » l x r u r a l g u a i d s . I n s t e u d u f s u r r e n d e r i n g A l u i r i t till - h o w e d l i g h t , k i l l i n g a n d d r i v ­i n g t i l l o i l ie r l i v e n : l ,

O r H U g u N o t e s .A d n i f d i H c n g c l r n a u , a t l c r m .v n b a i l e r

111 jiig at ( 'riii'g c . d ie d y e 't f f il n y a t tlm O r n ii K '' M i t n n j b i U l n p ih il f r o m t l .e ci1eer.R n f d r i n k .'I iirt w i-ek^ Hi'M Deii^'i Ih m i) Wds h r M ig lil to Ib e 1 u iin g u I 'l A m - M H i io i i 'U l 1 e r b i | { K m u ilr illr lu in i n n i N i A , l ,i - lie iliig H u ll H lie w a s p r e v e n le * ! fr«>iii g i'tllN K m > iiMire b p i'ir fu r a i-b o rt lim n llt'W C ju l'l r e .'r iM f , I 'o iie i .J l ! - t li‘c D a vl-s s e iil h liij (0 Ju il fn r o n l U y - . H i " te rm r x p J r n i i la-^t 'i ii t ir M h ii. b in lie iva.' su ‘-I ’ k (b u i b u c n iiM n o t li-uve I h c J III. I l l H ii" e a ti'd fu r i i ii lU M '> n .|tiy . H iu l th e e tn lie u I " th e M e m r» fl,il Itie ip h u l. II<- g re w wors- a n d ‘ U i I i u ' i e f i a c .

K n U r i K . l i iir k e , ( h » lu -l n(; ih e g a n g id O ru rig e - gri v l e r r u '- l n r H " m m arM -^led b y (ifl!c « r M ei k e r IB 1 i i lg id . lln r k i- w i w d r l n k i u . 'u l n b ar In N e w rlr e e i iv tie ii M i'e k e r sn^r Jilu ia n d Wi n l In iU ir k i hntU.sl I h r n iig h a re a r d-e^f u f th e lu K s iii In to Mm: p r n p r ti to r's a p iir tn ic n ls . M i s L e r f u llu w id hIpI-e u p lu re d liin i. Pu d n e Ju K lle c b a v i:< g u v e id m bni e h nlue o f p a y in g tJ O f-r M T v iiig I* 11 d a ; ' .

1 lie Ih.d M r?,' I ’ n -te e iiv i- I u in n o ! n T ftiii[e areD u H d la e riim ' th e y h a v e b r n i g M 'r u s la v e K -c in , a i.o ii UTI I 'll' [►arlH-r a n d a li>riiier ro c m - l e r o f U m - u n io n , le n a - '. K h i r u iv liu ti a im iiitie r , Ihrl- - iu .iim Ih e r u l',s h y k e t p h igo|a-n nffe r tb c liv e d i . i u r . . I h u H r .1 ( l io c h ewn." Ihiefi 111 i pul l '' '■ f Jie M m u liere fii-s fl lu piiy II- lln « -a n d w n ' (- x i ie li id I fo tu Ihe o m u l . I'n i M - i . ' l ly rdght he I ’ -p fi-'-! lo («• r u i n - t i l K l . IN '- J ip p d e .itiu ji iv .ir g r u M c d u n th ep a y u ii III •'( ’ I ' f i n c .

A r a n i l l y P . l e c l i o n t o T e n n e s s e e .S p e c ia l to il .i y v K M N u N r .w s .

A V a h j i i N ' - t m ’ i A u g . H . — A c o m n i i i n i - e s llo n M ■ ■♦1 d Ml tb *: Iic iiih e fO lie M .,n g r= -e rto iis l .......... .. jn-st e v e n in g s iiy s : ■ T h *7 c i T:ea« e ll■'pllMI< riTis li n v in g n o i n t n a le d A l -(red T n y l u r f i f 'JM V u rn n T , a n d Ih e D t n i m ’ TM U h a v in g n u n d n a l 'd l i b lir o lh e r , H nl> e rl I . . T s ) '* lu r, m - f l i L - I r y i n g U» In d iie e th e iT o h il il M o a l Is ti> n o m in a te lb " liiM i'.T o r th e T a y l o r s , w h o In n v ra uiicli i<Tii[H in n e e m a n , as I h i d r o o n flb la ti' fu r M o v e ri'i.r . I f w e suects-*! I n th is i l Is <njr Jn lc ii 'lu n l»i n p In M a u r y b o u n t y a n d iro i u u l l l i c o ld m a n 's b r o th e r . T o m ' l a y l u r , a n d n m b i m u u th e (ire i'iib a -d r t | r i i ,- t . T h e Iwq-n a r t <lcftd se( <m k e e p in g i b K G n b o r n a t u r i * ! in s d e r In I h " T a y b ^ r f s in lly , m id U b n k s n o w a r t liu iip h H a y w lil M ie e w id ." A li-K e r to ih u m ie e r u m n u lte e fro in H o n . r}ec»rge D . W i w , re p re n n t a llv e " f th e IK e ij im m d , V a . , d is t r ic t 111 th e H o u s e , am io nn e cM liM d u c lin a U o n Iu Ij o a u a tid ld H le fur « * - e l« c il o n .

Mr». M arktifi Home what Batier*M i x . T l i ( w l o r e M n c k D e t , w h o lio n

b et'll t l l i l I H T m u i m o i h o m e n tu u M v J I a u i i , W M w m e w l i .t tie tle r U n l » T . T h e c o m p U l n t Is b t o u c h u b

T h e r u s i i e r i ‘ ’> * f u t ( ' a u m a F a n i l l i l a t c t o r( toitl lluiinr ilaiiKi*!' Ili«i harg(*i1 liy

I'loii iiui*>tfr I-iedler- Tlie ( tiargr* .AgHlni.1 H i m , a m i Ills H*iilyi

r. -lii a u-r K n'ilb i 1.1 I'l hi lir-' ib'-is'i ' i il t h e 'i ih d *»r " I l ’i ' U ' i v 1 p u i - i l l - w b ip y . - :d , ilth i'he |0 ii wl|0liu*l bis pli iiiMii w ^Vlli11'^ I', 11 1*-, ftle t It r < t r r u r . 11 lx * h ■. I * . . n in t in * (M( b>y‘ »f Di- ill p u t ...... I f"i toni V 11- M r D.is■ • I I'lillv ret-i I Vi <1 (In- I am n-' imim 1 itn n uf (be ]*< pubiii an Ip liu'd'r l>)tl'i< i i l n t o r - >*hip o f tbc I u'lil M<iii e i-i ■•Il I't d 111

Mr. 1 iid ler - ‘ lit a b l l c r tn the j'O III! -I' l gi nei il al \\ '.m . ion a p v*tl.iv !i>'" mi'oriiiing Dial mIIu u l o f hii in iHil I" d u iu i-«M v I'iii ■l;oniisiit was ;ip| |o* i il, tbi' »n -w« r being r -m ived a fi-w iiiinute-U-I'iiro Do- ■ irricr wa^ ioM tiu ihi'Si-fiii iuri- m* l(iii;.-er iimib-.t, riii I i'Ulp'- i'.-! >iii-( i»ii- Hire 'Vjdiiiir.t thiiiinuniiH bi ^ir l Ai db r

“ (u'Dn iil-lp ln 'i ' :iid Die P .-m l II r.* I >Us w,u< 4 par' '--*n o f Die mi'-i ph»- in U lM v l ly p - Il Ims i ‘ ld> 1 ll >\W* i ks silii-e I'l. • lent rlel*-l iu l D a l b is i e l c b i a t n l order lorbid liiig i - n - r y i in- p l u y e o f e i i r i d<-]'tr ( im ill lnn;i lik in g a ii.-i'd ill ; nliti.-a. Tlial lUih r pr< vcitlc I Iill. I 'r c m II litiij: 1 l i i i n i in any w a (o aiil hi> ciiii p u i y . I 'o l l o iH lb 11 T ' o i i i i d Ibiit lU M 'i i - p l o y i - id mine sIioiiM v iob ih 'iiib -. liliiib 1 u a - e o iiip i 111 d lo i d f y , ( h i - re- i r iv td d u L'l-pnl-Hi .in on u-* iiom liu lioir lot Die 'ah iiordiip o f ibe < "Ur( Hoie*c I nil pn part d to prov.- D>a1 he-.I'ciire l il afU-r a gn at dc.1l of work, during ivhieh Kii io'ldi rs Were liiitloii h*dt-d atol -ilroiig t H i l i D i i i l i n d m n ' - i ' w :i.s |ir < u ig lil ( n lii-L r n p o i i t h e I'liM', ' I ' I h - n o n d u a D o n w .is ind g i u i i ; it u li fmigbl b * r . I t is lin e Dial he M . i ' 'lefi-.ileil thioiigli ( h e 1 *« iU in g o f M ]iu - i»r t h e lh']iiildn-;tn f r c e b o 'd i r s , h u t t h a t m a l ;i- n o difference. T i n - id l ie r I liargi-u g .iin M him w h - f o r l o b b y n u in (be |■ l 1lJo-ll ( ‘im r i i 'i l ( ' l i a i i i l a - r . * U i s l o i - k i d u ]K iii liiin n lf as H 'l i n i- t h ii ig u t i b i n l - r . 1 b c f i e v i- . in (lo- Kepnldiiun piHy, n iiil III- 11 ;e . in ( b e Ji i h U o f tr > -(iU 'i 'h iK ig t h o tlimr u f t i l l ' clmtnber. T l n - r i - a n - n n u m ­b e r o f c o m r in ivliicb lie t o o k a c t i v e | u r t ill l h e i « a r t y w o r k D u n - w h i c h I «'jm p r u v e b y a l f i d u v i l s , but a t Die laM r n c e lin g o f t b c iilderim n * lie m a d e h i i u a e l f p a r t i t n l a r - l y u t fi iiaivi-. A f t e r a l i '- i n o c r a t i i M id g i' u f I b etion Imd iK-eii elcetnl i n IbtT 'I'l-iilb M a t d , be inis]ic«1 J u r w a r i l , a m i N U i-ie c d is l in liiixing ibe n i a t l i r r i ’c o n s id o r< d Hfti-Twar'L itceoiiip'lHbing iiiu de- f e u t o f Dn- I o m iiU 's - . Hv o |M m 1y I m h - 1 i l , a s l c a n p r u v i - b y • il l i i lH U l lf t , I b . i l b e woubl ib -fc iit II e( rtuin l ■ ^ ne‘ ^alu I 'a a - diilati' lim re-i b-i-iiiui In the I'i-nMi VS aril D i m Ir I I . I >lo n o l p ro |H t-M \ as a I b 'i i w - ( n i l i c i d 1 i i- c ) i u | d i 'i . to h a v e l a y c in p lo V tw work maillot Do- ailiniinslritinii and '-x- I rcise p i i v i l e g e s ivbii-b ii - i t l n r D i '- y nor in y .s i I f liuvc l U iy right l o e t j p j y .

o M . v iH uFi. e.ingifim umMt'-arn. W l .c i i I e a m e i i i t u t i n ' u l l i . i , " n n i D i i -

iic il M r , |■'|l■flll r . ■ ■ (b ir i* w . n ' f o r l y - t w o ( i .r r i i T H a i u l s ix H n l> h li(it li- ; a l w i n k . S in c e I h a v e b i'e n In re t i n l y ( w i M - .- i r r i i T ' , i n r i u d - i n g O i l s , a n d u n o n i i ' i - t i t i i t c , h a v e b"-endi IJ|j7 .' l.■’

" IloW aliiiiit the dismiasd it n *p < ir (i 'r u r k t d M r . ( H i s ,

'J'be dt<iim^M'rl carru r w .l-' Indignant ut liU ilisi Imrgi-. He ■*aid th K b'- had k nonrn for Miiiii' lime tbiit iK-imH'TaG hml lun-n tigblihg to sei uie In'-. disini‘*sab He had b u n very euicful him-e Jii-i i-oiiiji'etioii UiDj the I'uht otln-e tu ubscrvc all the rult;. and r< giilntlut's, and In-wan sure (hat nii H< I orofl'u isivc parttsanship com ing witb- iii the meaning uf Die Civil Hervli'u law eniild !»' ehargi d iigainsl biin, A(- Icmptri had been made lu e lccl )din (u the jKJbitiou of.juiijtur uf Ibe Court Iloijhe, bill be w:ui ut lin t ilmi- duiiig IlIh le^nilur duticH,

" Onec in Cuiiiii-il," h e HanJ, " I nnnle 11 riiuuik tn two uldermcTi, Diat Di«-y Juid lici-ii defeHtcrl in their elmlcu o f a judgi) uf 4 let lion, uihI uib-M ijiH-ntly Die vule wliicli Ibi J, had taken wii!* rcconhidered. There was no L.(t euniniitU'd laiikiiig mo ameM i- ble lu Dh' Civil S e n ice Cumniis- h:ui) for viiiliilioii of itn liiivs ;

vuH llif-ri'iinyllimg lu rumpare wiib Dll' open ]iarliHuii nets of li'iiiucnD e ]■» ikral employ! in Diis city.”

TU M.IKK IN^StrCKVI.,Mr. OliMiaid ulwi tlial he ititeiidi'<] tu

a) i|»4'ul bis 4-ase. Hi- iiili.’ iidi-d to know wlio bin aecU'ii rs were, and tu asiNTt.iin what oilier c lu ig c '. ifU ny, bad U'cti mule against him.

J( is uiuh rriioxl ib s i ahnu.Ht nil uf (be I videiice againd (Hi-' wa liirniilieil l»y lb-|iii)dieiiiiH, ivJiu fell Kurc o v r 4-er( liu Ibriat.-i nmdi* agaiu'.l Dn-n» fur aeroin- plisliing (His'> defeai lor Die Courf House jarjit4»mliip. Mr. /'.id le r , Inuvi v* r. w-mld ray m dbing on Huh -ubp ■ l. I l is Habl tou Dial 'hume Ilf 1h*' allid.ivil-s u b i " l by aldiTtioTi, (u prove tliiit 'M ii lubbicd in Cutineil, wiri- lo ■■one- friun l^-puliiican im-mbt rs o f tbiil Irndv,

. ]r, h'ii-illerquulei fruni (best itenierjlHuf I' J'. K'Jpeitun, jircKulful uf tlo-Civil Sot- Viii-< ( rill nli.s iMn, (u prirve Dm ( he biul il tigl-l^o ipHiijisw I'Vi n b id iju churgcftIh'Oi hude !ig.iiii-t him, pros id'-if hi; aj»- pidiilcit bis Hiieec'-nr rriuii arnungHt tlois'- wloi IiBil duly Die Civil Servieeex.iilliiiialbni. HeK!iy-< that lie .ilone, ai'rold- ing (u law, is Die fu'lge of tbc uiri-nMlvcnn s of Dm- pirli»ati lutH of hi** biilK riliiiatfvs. .liiriM's .Madden, foriritrl,v a HtdiHtiiute, bai hccli pMUi oil'd t'> (ill the V:ie;iin-y 1; lUNt'db) ( mi.i'h dlMiiissai.

l i e • l i i H I ’ i i r k e r ' s L i a m H a k e .AlHhc mi-Hingol' (he .Iiwl Harkur A^-

Hfiiiifi.ii IhM night ihu final arringeiueiii.' vi-n iNiole f( T lIu-c'a'ii tuikc iu morro.i. I h*- M p'.rts iH'elied showed tliul I rnu j b T'’ will ai5' ji'l 4iiinurc.r ,ihlH'U. ,IjoMce I'tirki r, Miyor llrt! IH hlid i ihi-r Slnt ' hIoI iiut1.l1 ip’il oiI '-itv 1 m e 1 cell inutO'l. The i-xciirvl nd 1- uili liilt'' H tfidii fr.r New York at 7 o el.,i.ji hi tlje riiurijing. T licy nil) g«i to h.truly KimiIe hy ihe Hi'imM’r SI. .riilni.Hnd will then taki' u Iriihi (ur I’lcH-'iiH' Hay. The i-lam hake ivlIUAk- f'luce nl JIt<>ivii’h llot'-l, und iJie I'arty 11 Ml sl.irl for buuie at •'» ii'clrx'Jf. Julliw Maj m--*, rharU AllH-fl-nri, I'l tcnlvo IJaggeity, Julln-i l-iii'le- iMuri nijil llnny HIji'.k are Uo- iijemhiTH'i thii I oii.mlKiN' of iiirungemiTif , uml 4‘uJmiel llaire Klun v> ill VC( a.1 ihi.' murshul.

ArrcMteil fur IrHiunlprly Corj4lu«'t.Ojllrf-r Tniey, who lives mi Tlum

Mn cl, WU5 r idled out of U'd by Home msJgltbon Ml II lule hour U'-L niglil to nm'-l n timit sii'1 wf.iuHu, who were w ling In ft dl-onli rly iiiiiiL* m T uu the uppo-lU'‘‘idL'ortbe «ifej t 1 rjoy n»uk tl.e couple to rulin' iii'iid-pnirter' 71m womiri ghvi-her iiiin-.C ol Mr". Minnlo .hiuim. ami her reshbiue ut -.'i) S'l.w .■unt. HIlU ivii.5 will dnt>ed. re irf-r-luhle tn H[d»onriifice and very K'jufl-ltH kiiig. 'ijie man na- 'aioucl Aljer, of M Mngnzlm'Hlrvel. He |h a mirri'-d inuii and ft .mechanic. A s nolhlriK could l>c jmiv"n sgiilniTt (he iicoplc. Justice Kodvr (iurt-hargcl lU e m thib pioriilng. __________

N n a 1 t « s D r a w n O u t o f i h n B r u s h . A lioiit halt nil acre o f brushw ood in

Ihcrt-ar of Cheslnnt tv«n>ie, Arliugioa, wan bumc<) ihe o th e r day, and since t h i t U n to many snakes have been wen tffio u t thu vtlLuge

C l l A K ia t .X44XIN-ST F tH iH 'IM W .

I lia t *>iiiiiilKiili..ii Iteftr ( i.m idalnla o f 1 ,1 1 U«4 1 m p o t i H i i e * * .

'I’bc h n - i l i h-I’ou D>.- T o l i . C l ’UUi:- 5(a u 1 :( - ' i i i g b i w I , ............ t . i t l i : - lo i n n . :o f n i K i o r I 'b . i r ^ , . u d k I p i t r o b i M 11. o t f ierr CiirjH’utcr vi..--, ib iT gul l«, s*-T” -tnt i b d d i t i w i t h b e m , o f f h i v [ H 'd o n .I n l y

'I be oi-rgi':ui( A.iid t b f t l tie r ipped lor t w i n l y - t U e i n n iu r < H a m i c i iu M g e l u o a n * w e r , T i n 'u l t h ■r’ ’* d e f e n c e w .m l l i 11 he iiiu l U 'e n 11 i P h i n g .1 'M p u - u h i - iM .ik iii .: c o h i n t i III II , i io w L- I n n - m g u r i O i i i l \v iic .i i i l II II * " U H n d i * i r « 'e l I h - i ' o i t dn o t n n d i - r - t t n d lu u v t h e si r g - - i n t I '.e ib l lo ll e p i * - .) d liiA p il l U 'i l l i o u t R e i-in g h i m . r i o ' i'4 iiim n I in d * i ' i t d D i l i C i r p e i i h r

r Ii u i i I iI I i i -h - M tH' il 11 'rt p I V .A I'liM Tg ' ' I . n t ( »llb ' r n - r r-r n f Is d n g

I 11 h is j * u 'l 11 .1-. d u in -- s rg i n i t C p - ( i :,n :. ..L d ’ i ( 111 b id b i o k i 'd h « f D n .d l l 'i 'r f u r ] \ | iy > ( b i •' m i l . I d ' . b e l'o r ■ h e h u im l l i ln i . b i l l D i l l t h e i .ll i < r'n b . .d 11 .i i te n\U,\- -q .M i-

( - I h !- i'(n r HI I’ l . li u '.n ii.; to Ilie in u lo f I'll •' ii’ HI C*"* - Il D i.'h \ l mi-'(- liH' - I |1 Di:Vl 111’ b.ld mil inti'U'hd lo ri­ll. c( iipiiii I’ ii'-id -id iKpIvv. ■“ 1 doi II’.*' i!iti ud iH be :ii til I itmui ;1." . ml th* .-urnnr -iiiiu-r. rin- pi *idi-iit li i> il v.iV '11.nil' iqi lu hi Dir 1.1 k u i id i- i t d j - l i i . n o n ii-(n.ii-. d i'l iled .'’ •-v.

I V . ,■!« !*J I K p h - y f j d i e r l D n I D l l ren (.1 I II me Ml I i- U|>; I||I r'l - Ml it ( 1 1 I .. f', I ut tit I M' jkin' I t ill beiv*iii l i-a y l 'i t ( if he hid lielir-v^<d DialI 'etuii'h ioiM i ‘-I-rr* w IS ^biebling any eii'ljy f'llii I ri li. w eild md b tve lobi huu 'll p i .b 'i i l v . C o n n n i ■ ‘*iiitM r ' ! i r h -^aiil D lit W bi-n verdli t uer« lo he i ond'l.Ti'iltiiel'i'iird sJioidil buhl «>cri-( 'ium , ;h till-nunmisMioiuTH ivt re mil iiiqiuiiilct to t i l m u i c h V ,S l a m -iiid ( b i l l t h e s c 'iiiiM H i h i i u l ' i I h > u p -n n o l u s t i e r w h a t w i i ' t h e l u l u r c id ' th e / t r1tne^.-^ t«f i - u ii s id e r e d ,

4 > l l t l .S S K M T O . M i l ,

A U rolhrr .%i*k« lltu i Ills **|iilcr bn He|il fin Mir S lii'ct.

Tw u g irls , IhiD i i i i id i r (he age uf iwn-uly, w iH iin g lilg w ide iiw 'tikc h iM amt t1 if liy ji-w e lrv , w re brought lM-|ur- .lu -tice It »der Mu'* m orn ing on a * barge o f being disnr- lb r iy «liit it ic ic rs . r.li/iilM -lb Co iiin irii -tid Ibid 'b e WftH >1 vi-nlet ii y e ir.s old. Her bruDii-r, .M liJiftel I'uiitiur^, o f IT Hmilh ' l l i i lh ' t n 11, WNS D m- ni.Un iviliii-s< ii^aiiist 1)4 r. 'I'lie oD ie r g i l l , .li'unii* W ilh.H iH,Wele HII i-IulHUHle WlUti' Vest, aD - 'i n d in g c o l l a r xml a g u r g e u u t wattli d o i i i i . I L in n o r s - lid D i a l lii.i s U li - r le ft liu iu i ' XL v i r a l n j o n t b s a g u a n dlie V I r r e l n r i u d , 1 x i i-p l to htc i l m m e s r li c l e ij| v a l u e fr u in D i e b o ils *-, s h e p a r a d i i l tJie D r e e U w i t h i h i ' W i li iM im i g i r l , a n d la v t n i g h t c r t a l e d n rum pus in a s a lu *in be ca u s e t1ir> b a r t ' l i d e r W iillld H o t McU th e U ) Ihct. H e f i l l sure t h a t s h e WH g o in g f i u i i i b a d lu w iv f M '. a n d a-k*sl t h e i - n i r t U> d u ‘-u u i c t i i i h g w i t h ]i i-r t u k i 'e p h e r u t f ( b r s ( H 'i - r , J n - t i c e KiHicr c lo s e ly (p ie s M o n is Jth e p i D i a n d f o n e il D i e m t u a d m l l D i a l t l 'i 'V i l i d n o t b i n g f o r a l i v i n g . T h e y b n th ■-aid l h a t t l i e y h a il I n e n l i v i n g f o r D i e past ( i w W e i-k a in t h e H u l l ] W j n d u i r . J'Jie i-iitirl l u m i u i t t i d D i e i n b o t h tu j a i l fo r n i r i '- l y d a v s .

T H I t O W N V M i M t T B F

TAK.'MJ it a l l h a c k .M B . B A I L E Y M A K E S A R E T R A C T I O N .

in * U ia rx c* A fftin*! t l r . T a y lor Rx.I'ungi'd troiii Dia SIliiHl## u f th#

T'oiini Or»ug(* T rutirr'i--P ropu»M l LibrI KutU to (>« l)ro|>t>4ul.

W i n n t h e S i . u D i i J t s n i , . ' ih i.a rd n f T n t S r I I I - n u t h in t n i g b t ib v ' C o u a r i l r iio in s w e r a > n m i b d b y c i i i z ' i i i « ig v r t u h e a r w h a t wkiiIiI Im - D i e o n t i- u ia s u i t h e r b i r g o t o f h n h i r y n u d e i t t l w J .i - r e ^ n l t r n u t l i i u ' . In n C l e r k W i . 'd i - y , | n r e n l - i n g ( h e n i i i i n t t • i d t h a t in r^ s ^ h ig , •'’ a in n t o ( b : ' ( - i c l i o t i e u i i l a i n i n g D n - r c i i l a r k t ttio d a b v 'J 'M * 't « - e I t . i i h y r» lb e t i n g m i t h u r u n - i lm 1 111 I < 'iiis I * , d u v l u r , M r . H a i l e y a r t M * ' l i d [ i i l l i i . H :* h e i i o f | « p e r f m i n i i i i e a w t

| v e k i t . r e a d f r o n t it t h e f o l i u w i i r g :! ani nml b\ (he fcntlemen tidiTr'l^d

ih-'i I IM-1-1 II kiriu«l Ihe im-Miilng nf Dih Ira- I . «l lu me Ml ihi mnd. r u( the 4pi>-dnt-

1. . el . ........... nif till' lilabn.i.' (Vuu-.nl-* I I III iy (»• JitAi lu ali I'lnmrmHl

i.y 11M' Hi the I Lit ttoirl.1 a 4 1 .- . 'tiiU the

M U ' - b.’■'s - n i ‘

- 111' ■ f'.iiM th e m iu u li'.-i , arisl I d *i

1 / o u u I 'u c l i e t - h u u k u i i m I ' o m iiv iI n m l (P inl l i l i - l ( ' H H g l l t .

Jh - ti c l i \ r ( i l< i r i a n d M f l l c i T l i '- w m M ie- n - e d i d !^s ( n i g l i l i n l l r id in g D i e tiiMii w h o lu M u l N u a l i r . i i r i i u r .s l y c s t i r d .i y u f »h t). T i n y -u -[> c i-ti-d il m a n h a i n i 'd .f i i n n s A e k - h y , iitiij - h a l l o w e d i i i m a l i i l i i y y e s l e i d a y . J’ i .e y f u i in d o u l f r 'i r n o i M - o f l i i s c u m j i a u l o i H

la (*' il l t h e f l a y ( l i a t ,A '- k | i - y le n l Im i-fi s i-rti I h r o w i n g M ii i i c t b i i i g tu t i n ' w a t e r u n * le r I l i p b - y ’ -. d ib k . ‘ n n - y ^.ol 14 m a n t o w n b - ill u n d e r t i n d u i k , a n d b e f o u n d D m t u th e m iK i in g p i e k e l l i i o k . I l IiiiiJ n o in u n t iy lu i t , h o w e v e r T i n * d e t 4'( - l iv *-R t* io k ih c |H ich i l-ljs )u k t u A e k l e y a n d r u n is l h i m tu *u n f < ‘ sR t h a t b e h a il D m l u o i m y . H e p r o - 4im -4-*l i t n il e x c e p t | . '( f r o m a c lo s e t in D i e l i c r m i n i i i i J I u t c l . A i - k b ' y w a n n > m m il(> 'd i b i s T in ir ii in g f u r ( r i .t ) i a t h e C .t t i r l o f

r i a l Se p isiuns. l l i M b u m i 'L s a t H.'I l-'i r< g iJH u ii s t r e i t .

( l i n s J a g I l l s W i f i * t V I l h n F i M t u LM a t H b u l M i ' C I i e s n c y u m l O llice rs M e -

I nrihy ninl Ih-irmim w -re lin in g In tPie nriiiii?e J'uln 1- Muliun ftt '1 n 'l l'.ek ii-Aii rilHy Arti-rn-ioii, M lo ll Mn*. Albert Hndili. nilu ied, th ing uu tiHiirniiil aunne . m-.ir * \ nln- l el'1 euiiie nm mug In n il oul uf breHth. and (n 11 si ito ,,f gm it exciu rin III. I'hc N ild thiir her Jei-hiiii l iva pursuing ber 11 lib a 1‘HMhd revtdver, midini S M l i i k i U b e r . M a r s h a l M e ('i,iK in > y p h n - 't he f Jh 11 ^il^• r-H>in. a n d S iu l lh 4-aini'. ri i 'll iig h i. I I * ' w as M -l/rd b y th e tw o citbenfn m u l *.i n r'-h i'd tint Iln w ii ip o n U A - f o m n l n [K iii l i ii ii . I bi- n'li c m D ie ii w e n t n n l)'ld i , m id In n p ile o f b rh k ft s| i .r l d h lH r ii 1' fn i« > -. Ill* y l i 'u n d U m lt h '" p - l * d u * r (-o n ta iJ ilu g I b n - e e |i,irg i*s . .U p - r p iiiiili liM'l Ih ‘4-11 I 'K -k e d u p , M iiK b ■wtl'l Ifn-p r i'U ’ u t (T u n tiU l'4 -K u n i'u ............. iilg h r , u ln -nhe r li i i 'h H i .d iie-t fi< -rim tb i' stre e t as sb i. was T ilin g h o m e f n m i e P iu n -h . .itid u l iin * -j h - r , W h i n (Ij'-V a i r J v i d b m iie . ht* d r e w 1* r e v o l i e i . m i l i l i i U r i i l Pn ii K i il 'l R li'A il t|. I.

V e 'le i d ii y iilu ‘ sni>nti, h>- ' A d , <-ftml i i i i j .i 'd n u i k . u i d >|i !ih r i h 'l y id m < ‘ l l i K p i - l('l III tie r In ii-l. ‘ -le i> n- u d It fin rn b t o i , im I l l ll l W j l iilJl U| Ib e " I 'l M i U h i i . s Ii , . ih v i i r.Mi [ I 'l h i - |tid le e ' t i i n u i H im th g *a his w i-i i |hml .1 d till M I uL> d a fn r h '-r . Ih-W i< . h id iitg li’

iiik ' n I ' jid l b ' m i III ( l u l In d e ia iill nl I u b u l l _____________ _____________ _

K |M » r(R 4if .V H 'r r y F 4 rrc i«l4 ‘ r R .1'1i4' p ii nil- a iu i giime-i o f (be I 'u iestids

)C'ti Khiy dieiv a large 4'nnid (o Crth'ii ruhin I 'n i k , f h ' tb iiin s iH 'g n ji n l :i nb.-lnekivilJi the Lu h I beau fur lb*' IU) yiirdi rsie, 1 In-re uu-ri' clMei-n enlin-'i, Thuv.MiM iK kver'.; N ‘ i; >i ,‘|h t . P. llr.ely, 1. IliinM iri tmd l- ]r..ir1. In the final fienillru*ly won iiilb f- ihi ip'-r .......nil, Hniii'inil ilr d m id K n i n i i V h n i r i l i . J h * ' *vl in e r 'i thin* U iiA t i 'h M’l 'o m U J Ij i T i- U i ri- d x i -eu i-iitrii-’i III ih e nil*- ti .||i- la c i , Ihi- I n ijt i '' 'i i n l -l llA V jn g - i i .r l f f r n m hv> in P i ) i r U 1 . |n .la ii , u f .li-r- u -y f 'p y , w h i H 'i n l ' i v l y i i v c y a n l • - i l i r t , w m . llie m e n In l;V e n i m u l ' - n n d th r e e '*-4-uod-i, A J ' . J liith Ili.e -h lo M s - - * ir .d 1 1n Jnirclh- r .V ’ **. one “i x lie - n u ll ' , u ,iJi u'o il h y J . I l l l" f i ‘ H , w ith H. I ) , .‘-C l-, Ilf l i ie N u A '-i'k .( M d i 'i h 'I 'h d i . 'i in i i 'l I n U u iifc lie r ) n w io b Mr--. (\ M v h '. e f J h i r r l 'u i j , p H i* Ilie lir -l i ri.c n -id \lr> b * u i s V \ 'i ld 'M iii t ! '• ■i f 'i o - l ' H i - *'u n 'h i'K 'd

' u j i h ft g a iin ' o f plied Jifll! >H I i i 'i 'U iln - A h r ia m i l I ' .V, I . ............... II u i o w .-I b-, th " liitti 'f hyII - r . |i nl i h i 'I (lln -r NO «-\l l l h u ; i '" J )b ‘ Sl,

- ♦ - ------‘M M iib M r u n g u M ( - a H o v r - n ( J n l e t I t i k r r .

A . W . W , S l i lh T ni»d hiN f iie u d , J le rir y M n r ''M i ‘ , are w * H llh y r* -id e n lH o f K u U tli iirm ig i- Iti 'lh lire Jn iid n( h u t In^fw-R. a n d fu r M ine tirn e i J v i i l i y h iv ' * x | '( i - t l |ji Iw c c n Ih e iii hi r iK e r d lo tin- m e n lv u f i l i c l r L r o U iT h . T o R e tD v Ib e iiiu u te d q u o iiln rii tin -y r u p id n 'd tn ih ^ W iiv i-r ty iT b e k y e l4 r *]n y o n th e q n h 'l a n d <iij gsgi-il in a n n d i ‘ i-1 . M r . M l l l m 's lintsk' wi>n th ** iiii-e h y 4 :h ].tu rlM g t w o s lr u lg h l h u a tx . N o W H ' l a t e e , a » t h e y Im d n o t h ifn ro iiM l h l iiird p iirly t/f U u Ir ja-r *e h e in c . A f*-llu w u w i i i - i j u i i u u s n n liu n d u i Ih e r a c e , h o w e v e r .

M i* - , .11 <1 n i ] ' l l u i* ? [d < q ntfln. r i i e n i - i D o t i * w i i * ' a m I >i. a n d M r . H .i i l e i pi b l i i - x e t r i*-- ( H iU w i l l 'i«> p D ll- p h vp 'i«.i-d b - .a l t i r o e 'e i l - in e iig a iiis t h i m lu r li b e l .

H i 'I I M ' I I V N I J K . I * , T l i r M P t l ’ T K I * .'I In r> w e r e u D i e r <'lBii*e : tu t b r m u iu ^ e a

n h i c l i t ;iit it L lu io l Piarsh r e i u a r k s r e v ; .i r l l n K ' r n i - l * ' M illp ls *) ij '- . n i e l h .l l id’ d - ' b . i r g i n g t b i - i l u l i i . * * f o ille e , a m i m d in h o i i i q i n ' l i d w l n i i I h e v i l i d h 'i i t i o i i p ie W ftl iW litig d i s t t U u i l e * ! , lie ariH ie .i n d i u g g e i l e l D u l l D n * m m i r k s e i m r e r u i n g l i i m H i 'i r ' I i n u b l - i i f f e r a fa t e s i m i l a r t o D m * : a f f i 'c t * i( ig M r . T i i Y l o r . ( h n * m o r u d i d ' D n * iH m * M | ’ b u C iT o u d i r u r t i g T T r u s t e i^ V u n i i t f , li * m lI. - iiiKui in *'. Slid Mr. M uriim i wtui r iin lnrly nn|nit(4-d o f iH'iitg irregular In Hi!n'irA p* rlHViiing lu liii-al brijirovi'nients. H i .t b M l srn. Mnirisuii a m i Taylor w u r o IiiIh m i WmI b i b I. Slid ItuDi Mttiiid that l li j-n i-T e ati-lhd WiDi t h e l u n t i - n t * o f M r . I b ii b y ' - It U i t , itn t! i v o u b l le t t b r m a t * l4 r iliup.

I o r II lu n g D i n e D k * i i i r n d H 'r s o f t h n b o ,11*1 |M .re d o v e r i b i '- u m r u M * i f e v e r y d t '< r i | ( i i - n , a n d t h e e b - r k w a i f t ] ;m H t i n ­v i s i b l e I x 'l i i i n l M K liie k o f } v i p - r 4 . A f t e r S o t t i n g D l l ' d o 4 U irin -n i- ! ( ! r . W i l d e j a r o i Q H iid n u l l H e o i iih iu M l n il i iu i f r o m K . K . J 'r n i H 'i - ' . I 'u ll i n g I Pie ii( l e n t i o n o f Dn' b o i r i l I n Iii4- r a d tliH t s o m e jie n u m h a d c o iiv e r t a L l ft Put s t D h ' 4 'o rn e r u f ' I ’ J i i r d a n d i^ lr ii ti* ir i l u li i i u m p i i i g g c o u in l f o r r e fu u r *. '] iu m a t t e r w o m f i f i-r re *! t o t h o i k i a r i l u fH e i i l i b .

The <-oudilion orthe Hiib-waHtft ou C tit< tiq*- hiriM't was tite siilijrct treat**-! o f III a I uuiinuuii-utii'U aigtied ( ly t h e ri'ftidenU o f (hat ■'tril l, and the proper committi'e w o a riqin-sli-d to st-u that Die troubtus were h ‘-M iie *l .

i i V ‘ I I M i r A N D i ; l . > : * T l t b ' l T V .'J III n - In ft l u l l I 'u in j d i ’ lO e tit o f ga-4 l a m p i

l I j i M i g l i i i M l ( b e v i l l n g i ' u t ]ir e s **it ( , a u d n d M u l l u t n U M i n c n t nriiw ( i M 'ie f o r n e re lU a i i k D u - r e a d j i i g n f u l e l l e r f r o m D n * f U M T u t a r j u f D i e D I u I h - G i ls / ..ig iit f u i n p a r iy u f J o r ^ u y t i l y . il l w iiir il D i e w r i t e r il e p lu r e d t i m i i q > 'M l I 'l a * I n r y h y s le m o f s i r e n l i g h t i n g I n ■I'M- in t b i - v i J J n g e , a n d a g r e is l lu H Up }>iy III r b r li) h t i o g a i t p i r i l n - * u t l i o t i t u u p r ie o a , f i i l h t r l II'. l i i i w i H, ri |)r c H e h tliig ( h e .P e u n e y I 'd M 'l r i r L i g h t C u r u p a i i y , in ld r e s e s i t i m 014-1 l i n g , a m i i'rav4-4l D n - I*u u n u f In ’ in g a l - lu w -n t D i e r ig P i l (u 4'r*’ i 'l p u b 's f u r w ir e a I b i u n g i u j u l t h e v ill i i g i , ii i 4>riM'r (0 e n a h l a D j c <(>rii[>Hnv (u .s u p p ly t h e i u c a n d c i c u r ik l i g h t tu p r i v a i e c u u s iiu n rs .

M r A’ l ' i i n g , e b i i i n n i n o f t h e e u m m i t U w a p l * d i i t i i| l o c in ifi r w i t h t l it * O u t r o s l r e o t N y iu l 'r a t*- , n - p o r t c * ! t h a t u o i l e f \ u l l n e o i i- 4-liiM o i! h a d l>4-eii r e a d u 'i l b y t b o e o m m l l t i H * , ns tli4- 4 j o i- 'i iu ! i u f a p o r n w a t e r s u p p l y f u r D i e v i l l a g e w o n e n t i l l i y l t*> m o r n th f tii a p H .saio g M iv e a D g a tiir ih A la r g o s u m o f ii i4 ) i if y w o u l d Ilf* j n v u i v i s l , a m ) p r i a - i u D o n - u r y m e u ro iri'S m u s t be t o k e n (a i p r u t4 'i-t 1P14) t u w n . M r . Y o u n g r r iu l D n * J a w I r e a r iiiK u n D l l! * BuJ»p-* t , a f t e r i v j t l i 'h h e J i i f o r u i o d D j i ' I 'o a r * ! ll jiit i t h a il t h i * p n w e r t o p r o * 4 - i i d w i D i a n y ii io v i'iJ i e ii L t e n d i n g t u s i i p - | d y w a l l r f u r p ii id ie n -4 '. '/ 'h e r i l i f n i o f W ^ iu i a i n g h a v e n n id e n v e r t u r * ' .^ l u t h o 4 i r t n g e W a l l r H u n r d a g n - c i i i g (41 J a y m a u if t u l D o i r 1111 n M p e i t s c a n d )ia y .a riM i.Ho n ab ln s u m lo r ( l ie iL.'c u f l ] i 4' w u l e r f r u m tli4v n ' i - n o i r , l .i i t n - r e j M - d w o r d ( b a t i t W o u ld b e j ] i ip u '* .i ld i- ( o e o n ip ly w i l h D i c i r t e r m s .

A N X J O t ' J-n ti A N K W W \ T K H ‘• I ' l ' P I . Y . T h e p4-n|i|c o f S u i i ( l r ' O r : n i g c n r e a ltn u s L

l i t m n i m u n - i i n r e q u i- it in g D j u I u D n 'r n n - i t H lit a iia t4 r B iijq d y ( I i a ii lJi4* O r a u g n W a l^ 'r W 'u r l * ' In- i i i l u p l u l , 'I |j<> t 'l - i i t r c a ir *'i-t s y n -f t n a t*- w K ) n u t f i b ' a n riil)<-iU4i * i f jm-4jr)H>-r a l i i i i i 4inh>ei ( i T M U i 'U i i l a 'i i K t d o w i t h i h o viPpiigi il l S u i i D i ( ir iiE ig e . T n H t i '4 i M e l - r-:i]Ji- S l i d D i n t b i w a i a '- k i d t o haV4l i b i ) tiiijiiil t a k e f n i iie iic liim r e g a n J i n g b i r y « 4 li.-'t.H, ' u ;iH (u p n v e n t t h e i r r i d i n g a t w i l l 4JU I J h - - i d c A a l k ' . J ' . i e r y b o d y li .id m in e , c o iu -* p i t m l lu u lb r , a n d t h * p iiiii i- 4itI1 e rn w r r o n i i i i t i i d l u in a k * - w a r u p o n (ii4 -yc 1is t.i tr o H - p in -^iiig in t h a t w a y . J o l m M n r , d i y w m ir-44in im n d *-d l u D o - I 'u u r l id ' C u in r n u tt I 'li- iiH , a - a ]ir o p i r |n r 'u n to k e i')» a I m l e l , B i d C a t r i e k K * i l y a n d M i - h a e t K < -r z ia ii w i re p r a i d '- d s i i o u i i lie i’ riHcs. T h e n - g n l i r n .i 4 l i i ' ^ n : ; l i t u l t i e lii- .iX 'i W i-< 1 u in g i - l f r o ii i D u D i i i r l 'I iji .v Ja y tu Ib u iir.-'l I 'r i d a y

u f l i u U M U lt ll .

A i h l l U K I t l e i i B y ft M u g .F m l i i i ' k G p P ' - l . D i e f - l4 'v e ii-y 4 *;( r u l d

- - Il "1 I hiirk-'HpiH l. On hiiTi-n l*y a dug lio- N p- 1' P iiiil JIui liM inio , Ih e cu al d e a le r , a t I' r I r.ijii r ul C(iril gu.-ld Ui'l >P JfH< »IV<'IIU«Ib 't I i i 'l .i ' J i l l - l U g h ill hM ii-ii o D i i 'r e h lld r e o ,I d D i r i m j i ' r J i .i 'e u i is e m i 'd ( h a t It H jja ll 1>C

k n ! . 'I

<.i4iiii< U n i t (11 S l i i y V n d h ir n i .I : i ' l i i i g l i t l i i n - e n n n i e d

M d lfii- . M i l l i i m ) h - y i i 'M - a n - . T h u in o a ^ i p l - / i r . iiL 'iil l i i i r > i 'ie , nAiM ii iiin l s ix te e n y e a n n fjH I [ ; \ i ) y , ran a iA a y fru iii l l o o f lio n ie s I n I 'l . I III*. N i e y V iTi- r i 'ii 'l '-r i u f d P a e n o v e ls . I t 1-. iH lIi-ve it th e I n ii J u v e g n iie W e s t (0 ftJayI I . c I t d i k i n ' .

B u lgaria aoi) Hurvlu.t ’oNNIASTIXOI'I.K, A iK'. I.-I.— TIk'

Purl4-, a i ii iv c r ln g a n i n q u i r y ,i i a 'a s 'i i r e d P iliic e A l o i u n k r t h a t T u r k e y w f a i M m - ^ 't Jh il- ,M r lj If H tlft i- U 'd b y i^f'TvJii. T h e H r l t u b m id Alls- U l a n L U il ^ .'e le - I m v e I f e ii ii i f i i r ia ' i J o n u f k i- y '* i c j il y , H iu l i l Ih n u t U - t h 'V i 'd in d ip lo m .U ie D l l U's D i a l t h e o u t b r e a k o f a n o tb e r c u n lU c t ts i m i m n t n t .

A B o ld M rdat fur a D rove Buy. A n llion y C B rn ej, tho lilLocii.yottr-ol.l

soil of Mk'hael Ciirucy. of liarrisuii, ww yorti'f- day prcmnl»>l wiili A gulil jneJal by Mr. aii'l «r » . P. NtcbolJ. of Keonijr, whose young wu he >iavnJ from drowning a few weeks ago.

i t i i n g a o f T o m i t e r a t u r * .T b p ran^5<* o f Die te'm perature for fh «

Is h t tw e i-y e lic u n *. R e c o rd in g to re i'u rd s k e p t hf ( lis r le s H u r td e g e tj & C u ., o f lir u m l lA re u t, !■ 8 A M . , U l 4)eg ; D A . M . lil d e g .; » A . H . , » ( l e g ,; l i liu u n , 7*' d e g .; 3 1 '. . ' I . , 7 J d f g .

jtiT y t t i ,fcT'f'u lo fiiurri/ir. tfif \i'oi(f*ey //amaii p ru / ic / d / m r u a d <v»»/rr uiu»i'i<*r.

e r r v N i : w » n o t k s .

T l n - r i g i i n m a k e i : ; ’ l t i l 4 'r n u D 4 i n :i ! I ' n i o n ,1 I n i 'd u i iu lc d ? l> lu SI, MU'Inui S' lluspiuU.

T I k u : w i l l I> 4 'u i n e i ' l i i i j ; o f t h e J o h n 1 - .v r i 'i l t a g f J i a U t r y A s - - i a i i u i i , lu -m .ir r o w e v4 'n irig

A v v f 'I c u t n e l u M r * * . H l u r i c h a r d , p r e w i-d e n t " I U .e W u m fli! s r i u b t i f t i i T c m j H T i i i i * «1 n l u u . w i l l ('«' le iiil’ n '1 Id D ie r*'f>iriiii-<t ta c a 's r i i n -l im '. Ml I J * M u lh e r ry '-Ire e t, to n i g h t ,

1 b e f-fie ri 111 t r a i n I f ir D m e x < 'U m l o D o fM . .i i i b ii 'K C ln iie b . W o u -lK id e , to S ^ le rllB g L a k « t n i l ! le ave ib n (ir J iU o o u i e u u e W B iln n , W o o 4 - M ile , u t 7 : : ’ l’. a M , U i m o r r o w , l t u U » d p f H :'J7 i t III re lu lu rt' a n n o u n c e d ,

- I b e K i i f i H a l l w a y C o m p a n y b e g a n r im n tn g tu d a y a o f t r a n M u r c a rrio g e aIlf u r n ' l l th e ir C h a t f tb e n s tre e t depo4i N a w Y < ir k , a m i th e B r o u k l y t i e n lr o u c ^ o f D m b r ld fe ^ fu r t l )0 avc4)inincNlaLi4>n n f p a t r o u i oi th e to i^

t l .u a > , L o c « T r is > u ie < l & r ,f f c r > T C . I t o l m o ' . . r a n e j u U m i U S y l .p 'g U o o d B 7 c , U i h l l C ' k i d i I A a o t h e r 7c , B i r g a i n S a lo » t C r e a l b ig h u s u w f e t 7 c . * t l U b n C f c - i j a


T U R N I N G T H E T A R l . E S .


Flt<b«r (jllm or* Hftnl>-A lU d T lU vw b f B urnt A lo n t Pr^vnnlt the

CniM« f t « i » Bnluc n W bll«irnth< Motnt I 'rum M iuif Bull FJrldt.

4 id not dnin to trott H m r j in tb o b o t tir^fniC thr X rw irk Ir ifn. tcrd A j, and Gllaoiw pitrhad with t b « 4'x< pw tetioe o f dnpliofttinii tho ▼iftory o f thr prcT loai day. About l.&fKI people wi'tU to •M Ibe game In tho w o e «U te o f Uopuful-

Bnt the **I.lUlo Oiuita" had on their batUfif cloihtir and they pouDdad the great OUnore evactly M they would hare ^anwered a laaa oelebratod roan. The MWleldeit were kept on the run, hanUnf 4own long drivaa or looking for the ephere In the graae during the greater part uf thf game. Oreeowood did mme bard aliig- ftog. and Daly lent the ball wUUtlltix through the iD'delder’i lege at lucli a rat** o f eperd that they did not try to atop it. Oood heldlngt faowerer. and aoiur iplt ndiU cmtfbea of toug tHee pri rmlrd the piling Wp o f a big ttrurr agaioBt lUrtford.

l*yle pitched for Nrwark. althnuKh Bmllh WM very aiixiuui to rtnlrrm him- ■elf. Ue need a dn>p imll which waa vr'ry ptmlibg to the liMrlford IjalHmrn. H vii he been eupported aa tho “ EiltH Giiinti Oiually AUpfKjrt i I'yle would h:iveplaced another ihut out to the erniil of the Newark leaoi,

aw utniiUTHAT ('iier two icxh.In tbe latter liail o1 tPeAi ii nin lufithg,

after twe|m*i rttUr i, w;*ahil'wrko Saif. 'hntM'a «.,wirWbha MW with a tingle and Mrtalcr came tu the bat lie drove a nlow ImU lu lluriiH, giving the third haaeman a chinev to rt- tiia the aide. Hut liunit threw the Hpln n over Turkcr’a bead, lidtiug twu niti' lMmic. ^nieo Lro Suilth let a grounderu<> l» 't\vrv[i bit lega and Muintcr white Krcigwant to Mcond. in attemptfng U> ittial third be waiiun d<»wn and toui htvl out.

Daly made the Amt run for Newark ie Ibe third inning, gnhig dr«t oit a tingle, and aoorfng on Ureenwnod'a hit alter •nme clever bate running. (Imoniruxl i ooiad In the elkth aftoj ^ ibaidji^ •eoond on a long drive, coming home on C oofu 'i aacriflee. <inHmw«NMl mrulc » d- other two bagg< r in the elglstb and acored «n Bunu'f tingle. Uurui went to thfrl «fi Tncker*t tingle and scored wbiio the BiftFord men were chating Tucker tie- Iwean first and aecoiid. During the game Brcig had hit lingers Imliy by anaocident. Uurni, while running blui down, itepped upon hli hand.

The anore:MiwAaa. I la. T.a. r.u.: 4 .

Oieenwood, t t i .......CMcy. cf...,..,........Coogao, if.........k n i t . lb............. .Tu clef. ........Annta, U...................

.......'i \ 4 .0 I I

___ ‘ i ____Total,-................ * 8 10 r , 'Ll IVHAMTrukp. a. Ik. T.k. r.u. 4. a.

Bhot-h. U.... .............. 1 1 1 •J 0MeMcr, ab................ 1 0 0 2 ftKrfvR. lb........... . 0 1 1 7 0 ftHenry, r f ..... ...... . 0 n ; ft 4 ft ftBulllvui, rf.............. 0 2 • 2 1 0 0H ick . c . .................. 0 ft 1 0 p 0 ftLufbt-rry, .......... 0 0 0 0 1 ftOiltDtHY, p ............... 0 0 0 0 ft 11)07 le, Sh........ .......... 1 1 1 1 8 0

T «a ]» ........... . k 0 A •Jfl n 'i*Turkerout for rtinnlnfout o f the line,

tcoat ar imni.V(Hi.Newark...................n O i f t O l O l O — <H a r t f o r d . . , O O O O O b t Q > -3

Earned rume-Newwk, S. Base on error*— Newark. 1 ; UarUord, i. Jti«e on balli-U art tord .l, u n o n baser—Newark, b ; HarUiml, d. Hit by idieher—llanlbri!. 1. Struck o u t - Newark, 6 ; Hartford, &. Wild idtches—None. Pawed ball*' Haly. 1. Double play*—<lreeti- wood and Tucker Stolen boaea—Daly, i. Hacri* floe bits—Ooo.ian and ('asey. Two Immo hfu— Greenwood ?, Time of gatnLv-tJne hour aitd fbity-live 0 > lutea Umpire—WyckolT.

DUST VBOM MANY DIAMONDS.Games yesterday—National f>eagtie, at

W aabbgton . Wanhington H, New Y ork Id ; ftt Detroit, Detroit 8, Ht. Louis at €3iieago, Chica.xo lf>, Kansas City 1 ; at Tblladelpbia, FbiUdelpbia A, Boston 2. Am erican AModatlon—A t Tilteburg, Uot> jDpoHtan 7, PH ttbjrg 5.

W ard, o f the New York Club, ma lo five Nita, one for every Ume tb.;t he ck.iud t o the bat, in the game at Washington y ir.* torday.

A t Jersey City yesU'rday the home clu b Uwt the W aterhorj v ino by a r’ u-o o f 7 t o 2 .


Btrlking the H a n .:/e r of the Wateratiry Club, w ho loaultod Ilira.

Asrictant Manager Me' e ', o f the New- • fk Club, went t o J e c e y C ily yo"le Mi iy afternoon with piU;her K 'o w i t j a l o wi^- oesa the |;ame he.w : n Je ey C ily and W a ’ hury. A .iep the gume M dsel, ^DOwkoQ and Umpire llia d y wi'Hi Standing (o;jetber to'kin*i when Man- ffl«e fiinjinon'-j o f the W a ..r b j y Cuib, ap- prtKirh(d.

“ Brady, yi>fl area blanhfd th'oV’ slid Simmons, "you robbed ur o f tb ;. a ne. 3f yon eve’*show yujr f.we 0,1 (he W;-. .i-.bury gpouudsa ,ainl'ilL*chyojr------------be-d off «

“ W ell, j f l we‘-o you 1 wn.-i.t go wher­ever B -llu 'd Lent uie,“ a;iUi M -'iwl to BiL-dy.

''B,ilL.rd! who the----- is bef" askedSiirnnons exc'tcdly.

“ Whdl. lie's the president of tlnj league," answered MdM>l.

“ He’s a -—— — said Simmons profanely, "and he wont bo presidimt much longer'' Then be added, with inure•atha, " Meiwl, you're a ----- J'vogot a notion (u bre-ik ymir Jaw,"

*'1 belbve y<»u to le II thiuf," an- Bwered MeUel, tun-ins r d.

Then Rimmons sl-o, b‘s fist out at hlcii e). and llie lal.er p nied Ibu blow, and before Knowliou l uiiM iuterfore he had plautisl liis fist i>fjuaic'y ou Simuions'a mouth. Sittjniuua was leil aw*y dujuMl. sod Mdwd was nrgi d to Icjive the grounds Immediauly, wIiGli ho did. Kuuwlton wys that Hiiuuion; waa larilnlly intoilca- tcd.

IIIK H IM . n u o O K HKtVFK.

l i e Kay* It W m Auutber U alU ut.To l/lf L'tUnrofihi'. Sner ■

S i n - 'tt'ill you pleane eorn-el os i>ub- JlCly asimsslbU'ymir wtM.uiii ul KMmtn-ili afl'alr, for allhoiigli llu- untuvury rumanet- may have Us-n Interustltig readiiig lo your cUenU^ie. It put* me iiu/rii,ll> in h vpry unpleas­ant light, and n-jwiiU only the Niylti>ff of gns- ai|iy nelgblajr* In mif rural KJster town, while till! pUb of the whole iranutctloii is lefi unrj*- vealod. ‘Hif faa-: are tlmi I wuMi'U ai all in the place, nor hud any uilier TelatiiHisWith Horn- pRrtleK,Lul knoul’ iK [ lmd Irrehjkm-Bible and adventurous js-ipie m. ih.al wuh. I eeiJt my wife to HUend to th»- Jimtu-r. and whlh- she was there sume oilier gallanl who in.iy have b« 'ii JiivtUved with (hew* jieople, wimun- pleasantly, for him, eifm^ed. Thi-w nr>‘ 1 nus which can be prorcN here bylilghlvre-'i.fm - Lie witnei^i’K, and us 1 liUTi' lived In wi dJiM k founiH-n year.-, with a trittsure o f 11 litll'-wife wboi«nlk-.s at Uie iJiuUKhlrt of my inlidelliy, IneouAlancy, or even lininaTullty; wlill.-, [M-r comrn, ino^l evervune inioWi- m]-fiimlly i-m y eurlhly hapi-liitw, you will «lo me Im- Give, to make her Ihe uiji. t-U of publjsblUK [li >it

. few JlneKlri y»'ur i-eMi.'ty ru*ws|«;ier.KestK-cimny, Jtu .io Uasom l.v,

Newark, N. J., August 17,

Toeth come painlessly 1 f Dr. Eiund's Tect In ng JXdlQp be bathed ou the kuiua Cures TooHi- ache. Price, iffi cia,

Dr. naiid's Dlarrhrea MiHurc for CblMren Will 00! cure every caw. but U will cure more

any naedldue tver put In uiie IwtHi*. n toa , V ota-^dv.

laprnAlAe Krpalr)i rsrtHtod—How lh «llaiiuAgr MHsfniiip,

.\ll Ilf llie aldefTm-n wbn arr inemGers o f lli» S« Wi r UommillCf tn ik rar-ei|'r-^ -U the { ify Hall yi-etenUy afi'rtiiHia. and rollivl away oil a tour ofinsiMTimii to the Mill Bh»'li •‘••wr. 'Mn- jildermcrv found tin druin in >ery had rouditHio U will nee-

the o f fnim al,iaiil tomake Ihe iieisliHl h-piirs. Tiii*

fcetln»n frntn a jHiint 2fli) fe«t west o f I'lKloiy Kircet It* Uliatham slrmd ha-* H aiis-ly liny hrii k iMdlom lelT in it.

The Mill liriHik v'W rr is s si-< iiun o f tht Clay ktn-ei m wer, and U w.is biritt 111 uiv years ago um ltr the iltrecUun o f Hr. richacffiT, l l was thuught at the time that no e iig ineiriu g skill would evi^r make it a siic^'ew, City U-ouiisni (* lult; in fa<*t. proved in court at the time, to his own satUfsrtluu, that It would iievur hft uf any BL-coutit. Nevertheless, it did gimd aerrine, i-arrylug off (In In-svy stream o f water until the raniLl broke two years ag-- The (Bpaeily o f the dram wsr so great that It even rsrrieil off all o f Ihe water in theflvr-m lle level o f Ihe isoal. The heavy stones and rm-ks riikliiog through the M'Wrr broke the (Ir^t eourM' o f hrieki, andthe iHittoMi *<Hjn bc;; in to go to pli-ee', S«iiiH'*iir the AtoiK*- iirierw.ird found In tile sewer W4'rr- ko lurgi' th.il they eould not Ih- tnkm out o f (in- rnan-lmlcs until iifler liny had liet-n bniken inUi pic«TH. The rommilitw f4ioiid also th it the.o wa-* a break 111 the iM wer tlHiut twenty-flvo leel III Unplll where the water hiui wanhed away Ihe found itlon eiMoplelely. At the next meeting o f the erimmiUis' it U proh- nbl4- that the n-puirii advKed by llio slnvit e«)liiiniwiitinrT will in' ordvro>l.

ril4 idiliTlllen tliell w Ult to Ihb I»r0|k -tAaDvW ’ *" ** '■ ’ ■

A I .IT tl.E F A T A L FALL,

lJr4»|i|diia From w Third FboFr W indow nihI braelurln g Her * 111111.

A Kid at • def»t Ik t .ir, '*1 y. .cfil ly hI'i r- n4mn fli liiooi.ifii Id, ( iiuNiog th> d e ith o f L im e Mt-Ihiir -\H tiu- Giur yeHr-o|iJ d m^li- ter 4if AMk- .1 Mi'thiir.all. o f Ihe firm o f Ml DingaU .v rnmpht ll. undi-rtaki j i , on liluotiifli Id avenue. Tin- fuliiily Oeeupy two fiiHirs aUiVe tin- furrii»hing ro>uii>. io the brii k row o f dwHiing<- ami ipir'**, Als-nl 2 :;ki *i*'-li»rk iu (he afl--rie> in tli'* Diiither a^d ehihi wer^* In the lia< It rouiu uf Ihe third fliM>r. The little mis loti the juin n l and trlpptsl through the ronmi t-o the front wirnhiw, » im1 wrilh both L.uiilipU«ll' tl the hllntls 4i]H'n.

As Ini'T fiew a|iar( thw rlilM Iu i bt-r t«lan<e Hod f4-ll t i the i I<ni]i, thirty feeltivlow. A eoloM 1 rn rhinau WR-- sil.ltig(in Ids box ill rone o f ihn st eip au-l lump 4I Io r .ve the 4‘hltd, hut was tmt late. Mr Mr|)uu;:an lie..;J the f,«l| and rau to the dour a-|4| p i ‘. d I’ i' D'l- ble dill'; b<Mly. 'l l r -i l iih lw e..iri d into thtf boiise e-id D i. White U-iiliiolM d. lifl r .^HUiiiiid th» hi .11 a i<l .ouod a 1ai;.e [MirJon o f (lie skull 0V4' the h ji t4 .n|ileto Ih- • "ushril aiol Ibr lirn in -n .m u d U i H i e little girl h y h eoiiviil-o/n< during thr sfU-iuiiun and tilit'l tale el ni -ht. when >«hedi(d.


HeadA O riiiiken Hail I |ipeil 4»n fh «W illi a lluek<-|.

T . W. Diirb, !i. who is t .e ilm o f Mt. r.ijr>- E pi(-oji.il < Imri'h. and who lives Iu St4*rlitig sa* e», hii h i-tl held by .liiHlirn Uisle to aiiixw. r I he 1 ‘ur;,;e o f a loeioilS Hs null n"d h. , *y. J he iiijui li in n is Friiuk IloihH-’-, a mu on. livoig at 171 i ‘rpi'11 Kiiei, 'J|| r L^nii.di' 4k: -orr^ljl .pu


• Tw.ifa ll in g fniMi a t .ok rn sa-nffutii 0 !h»-r Sliii Iii|Mr<‘d.

A i- r;. u.-i S d 'M n-eiim d at I'l o'i h * k (l■l tonT.ii'^ at tkc 1 orn«r uf t luth (irao xsenm iinil A^hl.,tid slrcet. ' l i m e r . i| ,u i l i '- Wire w otk in ' on 0 w . Hold ill! li e froo l o f a newhoii-e Ih iiig huill for a man nam <1 AdiOii- wlu n llie ‘•'Iojh.h - to Ihii Hriieturet:i\i U.iy, lb ' 0 ,tiii> ll til lllfl gl'oUTl'l Mini W ife uhnoM hufii d hy (lie fiUinglun.l.i . Aly Ml to’Jlic l 'r -1.Ireeiih lluelr l«d|y iojori d hnil I with

h iir hi' n men quick- wiiik Io re « ua Ibrm,

ni,.n t . l e n out WJ He w i ' i i 'io n nuns end

The ...... Old nun rcjcuedlo o k in ll ami l!»-<i,'ier r.,rjii-nt -r, the exfi-ptioli o f a few hru* e-i,

reu]»; d jii|ui jr. Duel er Jived only a few cliHirs away it Ashtam! street, lie was car- ll. d Ii4)m ekiii! a do4-i4ir luumioiicd, liul he iliidalfout n iiN'Iuek. The man with (hehrnki’ii h'g wa iil^u Liken Itome in o iieu f the KagoiiM iM-longiii^' to thi Muiith Or.uige Horw- I'ar (.Mfuitany. Mm-lr»Tw.u mar­ried, alHiut ih ir iy yeiii .rid liud had two eitildren. Uonniy J'h,- -G isi t lli-wiKt, Hfler ninking an iitvevtir ition, gr-i-iUala hiiriti |ieniii(.

A 1'1XE'<AHK UF WAH.Uhat Iha iiu-rewMi In Mia Nuinbar «l

ILiy-hMhlcs M ay Haan*if-foiii Ibe ( levflatnl Himdaf '-in.

The giHxl ultl laillesure ri.iw lioginning tu u-ll ui that War is Hti liievitahto fao‘ of the MOAr fiiturt-. How do they kunwT simply bc4-ans4- mo>«ily all of the liahies Uirn lliia yr-ur are Ixiys. IhaLiiunun- lulling presage of w.ir, us every seniililo

V I o t I c t t t *h^»erlal

III ane>.. .

K.'i 1.1. • :

Itargain* In Hh»^« 7!11» Itroarl Hirerl,

G •Kid Op’TS r-i

llLuihtr Irior'- ■ 1,1

41'.lj f I I'l t

i f f to ju Kil, I'ateui•■1 Tl. V. w.irdi ft Kl’ ■ f ora KM It’jtlou

L ■ . w .rth f : -I’)II - * UOYdS lliU U ui ^h>>.4,

i'- hoU-m, l.firwi fjf . I'f Wf-rth li.'iO., iu^n-iuti 1 A\i toe.

T a u c u H o o d f i *

L «ra e « t F in o y Q ooda H ou atin th t S U U

liou. 1* M•ir.-.

.'jr'l.i>->( ‘l.ahk-rs'


Wh.M.oiiM -h

\ rry W ell I'liL •lucr ihl tomurniw whal we \ ■ \V|.y d i we heulerl a cough

till ll thfovv- n« into eiiosumtiilon, and < <>n iiojot-ieiiJ li to the grave ’ l>r. Wml u l l " Mu' fu.i 1- - >o i.i t un- ll taken in «eaiMiri. (1 ha.-riever Ih-4-ii known to ftiil. I 'M* lithur- oualdy, m I ..rdSiiK Io dlfeeitnol. P.-rH,'• t;re (111 lie Ir 11 ii ineri*<l. as U is cvrisin Ui lie,even if M Rhouht rc-|Ulre | doxen hotU«a. Tbcm Is iK> Utter nil dieiuf fur |>nltnuiuury disorders.

W hy tbe Hh4>« Finch*** I h iv e s u r c . lot .if genlR, U’) ' and youlliR'

iti.i - ’ iii liMiid that 1 i j j m.w otrertn|aiadU- -• oMU t -r ' ■ ot. Ttijs «if!er liiimid.’R mj WankrulaMd 'Mio.-'.atid this 4iffhr li(ildn jpHsI for tan ivi-ex- Call atHleiainluemy goiNlH tj*- r.-rc imii'hn'irig i-l< rii-ioni w<>rk

Sa'4'lsUy. li. Puallil, lUni »irecLuuc d(Wt ftom I ‘Iruad.

MonlgiMnerj'*. V<ue Sypnp.WsrTsiJt»«l to enn- n V'f afid mriie. 4:hlll4

Mo]’|« <t HlUitn Jl liuur*. A <’->m|>ieU auu-lide n>sll jioiUiial (viUai; It VI [.-r iMiUle. - 'l.i hy all diui-viHU. Win. V Motifgouerf, -‘tH N. .Smtlioirm i’ hltailel[diia. Pa

f> a r* Miil roiiirorl for tem ler fasil.t.iiiiloii*, ciiriiR, uf liivalldiM fi ci

And hiRlaid siidtK-noae-nl n llefnlih PeMliiae's rtH-i Isl ’vliiR'H, uiade r.>r hueli i'shcs tiand 13. They coutLuu« at slghL 471 Biua<l ■trecL

Kiililiir* CurfHl uiily I17 tlia Irapruv^d

■ wriv hr.riiiitiF *»ffO«nuus wTWas at nmt «up-po-ii!.

Hill 'jiMudv .H nil ■ ling was h -ld iit Uia Uu> Hall, ami I'iiiitno-lor .Sullivan WHS iM< ereil to jl'o iJn'tid and liDihl (he aitilitHinHi tw.mtv feet suf m i- MUiry wIhtc Ih-* ‘■cvoiid break or- nirred. For this wurk he will Im paid a fiNit, ur H.740 in Hd.Ilitim to t-I.IMHI, Urn aDiount uf liis urigiiial niritroi t. A hitter ^ tvcctved C T T vaU UaiHphcll dk Uo. rsIJjtig the altontlof] o f (h o ciiimvlttna to tne ptKir conditiun uf tlio fu'ihI IftadW to the pumping itatiun o f ihu liitcreepifug •ewer. Thu street coiiim lttioncr said hn could loe no rriuMin why the firm t5ould uut cart ila pumping ma4 hiti4sry uver the rundj aa the Hhantey llrothori woru daily taking heavy loads ol slims over the aame route. T b e comruUtoe OiH'hluii to du noth­ing in the nifttler until after the next ni(*<ling nf ('ouneil.

The report which Engineer Srhaeffor prtwiiUsI ndatlve to thoeo-d of construct­ing the intcrrcplliig ai-wer was not road for the reason that Aldertnaii Connolly was alsM’nt. Hr. Hchaeffor still cuiulnuea to occupy his rounui in the Hoalh building at thr expense uf the ri.y although orilered to viu’ato theta hy the 8ewer Committee, It IS mid that that cnin&iitteeho.sno' [aiwer to order him to give up Iho apartmenU, and that it baa no eonlrul uvor him.

CATl.llii’a HTitANUK CA8 E.

Im proving In kLidlly Ifnalth, but Ntlll K svlng In IiiKaidtj.

J ew ' J. Uutliri, (he yardmuster o f the Pennsylvania liuilroaii Uompiiny who hravely, though v«in ly , atU'iuptiMl to ros- cue M i» Annie \Vyek«*ff from an approach- ing ciprcss iraln four weeks ago at tho South l)llr4il>4'th drt>ot, still eoiitinuns to be a raving msniue at lih nv<lileiiro on Fuy avetiiie, EiiaalM th, Hy day and night ho Is wall-bed by hvo jueii. whuto •crvici‘8 are lukid for hy (ho company. The palieijt'a bands and fi-et are kept til'd. Frequently B MrH. Ititleuhimie is his wateliiT, Her iiurMing ofU'i) qiiUta the sh k innn. Drs, I’ iniu-oami Mravlag m ake two visltsa day, lull give little hiipi-a u f hit nx-overy, Tba rase is said to Im a moit pei-uliar one, it fa'iiig iH'litived that tho shiM*k, wliim the train Hirew !ln' hruvo rnan to uiio Hide wLeu he had the young girl in his arms almosl out uf harm's way, is what has da- ningi'd his mind. No K-ars or wounds can Imi found on his heail ur I>4><ly, The pa­tient ctuiKUntly U lka iiu-oherently o f railroad iiialD-rM anil fTimumtlva^ks “ why the man wanli-dUi kill h i m r Ills brother U a coriMtHiit watcher a.t hia laMUide. Tjargo quanlitle* o f morphine are used toqu lot him. Ilia herolani and cuiisisiuent groat suffering have cllcitixl prufuoud sympathy throughout thr i-ity.

A fund haa bM.<u utArled fur pm entation to him, the tuhsr-rijdiouB lielng hnuliHl by Uoniptroller A, IL (Triton . Tho suderer hiu an inlertwiing fam ily, who. It ia said, plead to keep the phyKinana from giving an order for the |»atieiit'rt removal to tho asylum, Alt that rmili(;al sdi'iii-ui-uti du Is being don(^ to cun? the heniie mau. l l i i weight has greatly ini-reimnl and hi* phyiiical health is aimounreU oMla'ing ex- eelU'iit. and his hiMrl'a ucllun all that Ihut could 1h! di-hiri-d.


A litrrm aa IIpwm>m Has Owi»u U l»ver Hrl at Lihr>rty.

Owen niover, tho young Iwy who w.w arrested yi^terday hy Otlieer Carpenter ou a cliarge o f ateuling a watch from an Italian, wan U ilm l last night hy Ahlerniiti llt'Whon. AD. Hi'wsun told Jurtlec Uoder thill It was very jmlpahle that great litjus- tier had been dune lo the young man hy lorking him up, and that it was very clear lliat the Iml wan imt a tliief, UhiviT D a hard working yming man with a bright fact, and he innked tbe {Kilice ami .Hi-iHuo Hoder sqmin-ly ui the eyes whilu denying tliflt 111- had Tolds'il the Dalian.

iK tietive Carroll wa.i in tlie same erowil when the WHieh was sUih-n.

'■ riu- Itiihaiis were wriingllug,” siid bo loMt night, ■'and Glover woe i-tandiug'>n Ihe curb trying to sii' wlml the iroul’ lo WHS, The erowd guihered around him, ami Ihe first iliing 1 knew an Dalian grah- U-d hnlil uf the hoy, ami fteeaniHl the lad ofMi-uUng till- wateh. I wiuihl uoi urre-,1 Glover, for I knew the boy wiw iuiiueeiU, hut Ollleer Uarpetjler nm up and look tho lioy away, 1 Maid nolhing, for I w is afraid some o f (he D aliins, jn their i-xeitement, would knife the lad. I hiul uu idea that Ciirpt nier wi-nld arrest hiin."

J uMIl-o Boiler, ulthongh urged to do *o, refuHiil III dismiss G lover, and bis caso w.i* sent to the G riiid Jury fur investigation.

OrHiige’s New IJeoiiHr OrdlnancA.The re]>nr( i im rcm in g (he ntleged

J'I itmltfuii o f Orange burii.esM men cnueeru lug an onlifianre Ti-eeiiilv | av*i-d to lleen'*e isi|ilii-r* l? wuhirtit foimdailim. Thuor-linancelTiivi<lv> tlou (luU-f Uiwii ped-tler. Kliall p»yn iHvitsi' fee 111 T'O, and liM-ul ped.llers j j , D liAs U-i ll siaie'l Umt mil of town peddlers liiU‘ ii<lei| it aiU.g Uiv ordiUHiici* lo‘ riiiiidiia any niiuilH‘r of wninini. on one IkeiW'. q-jiis l, h„,M,s-lljle. KMin- ihe oMinimee p n v iU . ih.ii a h < us.-uf S-Hl riiflll IH'puM fur eaeh and every wai-oii anil ihsi Ihl hei-hst- >*hii!| Ik- veeufi-iyfuMeiie.1 In eaeh vMignii. i t,,- nnhinvms' o-its e Y r-MTefnllv drawn, and i-iv.--^ all I'n-i-

tliigim-ieM. n has nm yei a l.i.y be-Vim-s. Mayor HarHor l Ins j i,_

Is ]]ii-a(hA rhllRihlplilii diK-tiir, am-r ye.iri o f «-rrf.ii

oUerviiMim. -ny-ili.u our d.-miv' ik a-, paiiili-^s a- our ndu-iit to tin-wnrM. TIiIr 1, erriamiv n-iiisiurlriK : yi-t, nmanlKtin.hag ih-s.- gn-n iniliieemeiJis, ui'f,lllJ do lull i-unri d-nili. and hliiill nmiliiue (n o '- ' Dr. I'li-n-e'- liiiiilhi'c ri’lmsly, (he "liiddi ij Mvdin.al I'Im-ovitv " f.ir(?oiiRiu)pllon, Fj.irtine nl bhmd. Kh..rhie-ts ofbreath. Meiilt Umt"*, roiuhs. i)nmeli|li<. imd kindredaffeillon--of tbe ihriail uJuleluM. It la uiiequalJed. i)} druggists, •««

A woman who Is weak, nen’oiis mill sleep. Jf», and who bw-cold houib. and fi-el, Buiint reeUiidaet hkea well iierN#u. (.utier'-Iron RIJw equalixe ibe I'lfeuNilDu, reuiovw uervuus tius* and give streugtb aud rtuL—idv,

unde' till' i'Glin ii> front oi ib iih .im ', ban^ l-l•^-ll ll 1dm

i - oM .i-ihi", .ildiiw .i in ' liMij ami wbi-n |>gr- W.,V hi I .me violent,

Durham had a hiif>k< > in b 's hand at the time, and during Gir qu ol utrii' k Hoff iicr t»n Ihe luw l with D. Jloll'rier mnii- h^mI Io IC..I'h btiMie h'mI hn uliii-o h ’^n rounm d to hia ll d. Both o f his cye > idaekaiiiHl anil hr is fiimdrlrrahlj hriil ;i .l ahiml the 1* ^ kv*-. ■ . iro4 .A 'fultw-luiiB' 'l*Mt n i ^ t v r . V Iwho attcmhsl him. a ud that t here wo* no [ danger c* 'Vhnni rcsiilto, elaimed when arnnksl that he only threw WKiPr over llu lfoer.


C on iiitn d icr Q alun CUy Con laelC'oulk la Coua*K:.U on.

('•omptrollcr (duino and UUy Couniel Cmilt held a cunsuitatmu tUut morning reliitivo hi (III- pro]M>i«s| w ork o f the Re- ailJiiMtmeui ('ommidHiou. To-morruw C'om> mlMiioni-r Van Dnync. Hr. (u n it ami Afr. Quinn w ill meot at the City IlHll^and it will be then dwIdMl whotlior it will hu iimHHary to em ploy an adiHtional clerk to makja the TfiJNNJ M-archoa which Ihecotu- miiwion liM aaked fur.

“ Thcro w iin « - no ftirthar d e lay ,''M r, (^Dinn Raid th ii niurnlng. " The Ui-ailJuBt- meiit CoinmiMlut] will In- able to continue i l l work in a few days. Wo do not kuuw yet how many ■carehi’a the cuiQUiiwiunera will uetsi this year. Upim UuU will dc- IM-iid the iii ri-Mmty nir additional help in my ufiice. It may be that llie pre-iCTit force run rnriiLMli the w-arehea as fast lin tlivT are lucded and an Iti-m o f oxpenve can Im' >.:;ived (be ch y . .VI any rat *, all of thi M- mutters will be carH ully talkwl over ami our Joint work outliuisr ln-t|orruw.''

f llL llK itT JA H N A F I’ G lT tV B .

Hla A lten ip l (11 lirotrn * tVorkm au and I 'ru elly Io A iiIiiin1«.

AUiut rIx wiek^ ago (rilhert Jahn, of Vailnliiirg, won feiired hy ail h h iieighlMirii on accunut o f liD Ih rte lem pi'f am! hru- talily. H)' is now in other pirta, and his aluH-nee la regretted only by (he olllri-rs uf IliC law, who are anxiuiis tu ]»iiil him he- fore tho liar o f Juntire. Jnhn quarridit d with ll workman Millie time ago, and would have drow nid the 1 itle f in a (rough but for the in lcrfem ice o f sovi-ril other men. Jahii wus nrreiitL-d uu a charge preferns! bv the workman, hut succeeded in eluding puniMbment. He la-at hi.i wifu Ri’ vercly, and BO ciUelly ahtiacd a cow that U wna (inly saved from death by goml treatment. On another on':uiiou he drove a fork Ihrotigh H c u w ’ r n w k and nojirly caused her death. Again he Rtruck a cow with a club and broke off her huTOR. HLs father- in-law took niPttfmrea againat him and tho place Wfia wild, and Jahn w m furred to fli-o. to avoid the wrath o f the Sn-U-ty fur tho P rcw utiu ij o f Cruelly to Aniuiala.

H udson K iver Ezcuralona*T lie regular w eek ly e in ira iu n , via the

I'eii iiaylvaiiia Kiulroait hii d 1 ho HiMmer t'ygima, Io Ni'wtuirgh, will U' mn mi TfiurJaluy. Thu mil (rip tu Jentey city Is niadu by a fani Iraiii, ami the t«iai rldi- up the Hudum oironi a du- Ijglillul MCurshm hy waW-r. Kmm Jersey City hi NpMburBh the distance iB nlxty miles, em- bracing the iiinst pioiuri-que ]K>rtloij o f ihe r iie tso ioh hraled f.ir Iw scoiili-ta-irnty. The J'adRaUes, the lioigtils Bromid New Yurk, and Ihe IDgliIntidB of Du- lludion an- nil to bu muuii (ruin the di*( ks of (hi- sieamcr. Tlioimnhuf Geiii-rut liraiit, Ht Hiver-dde Park. Is |>1iUnly \Mhle, and all the jmlnls of Intcresl art*

i iiiMikid Old on a |■a(lora1IlU'tnapsif the muto ohialiiAlitoal Ihe ticket iifilri'x or nti h-iardthe sU-nmqr Train coimm-U»g «-irh the tnial h aves Market street staliuii at M:,sn A. M. Ka(o fur the round trip llfiy cents, children half pnev-

A ro lleo ia a n iV *vonts a Flru.A h Otlieer Johnson, o f I he Si-cond Prth

i-lurl, WH- [m-Kiiig lln- -lore o( Arii-ild .Seker- n'Dii.n- llhaiiurjel-l nveime. niiuiit il oVI.k'X lu>r iiklii. Ill- nisi'iivi-reil ilmi a laiiii'which iiMil Uvu led hiiriiltig UMs in (hmgi’r of ex- pl^slliig. Me iirmivil iln- I'fojirl'Ut . and by (In- tliui' ail eiitiBhec isiisertecU-l Uic lamp had expl'-iled aii-l Hm iiunihiL' ml was seauered t-ver llie lloor. The ollieersi i tn ivurk prompily, IIml in a Uiort lime had (lie Iliinu-K exliii- gulshotl.

Ku-kniTi. ... *,n-. fHrC In im plo time Iu trim oiir hhIIh. Everything will gu ui*— that ia, evi ry tiling lutahhi m l --ai- able, and -w e nmst iM-gin to atore uway and gnrner up at om-e. Th« tlimidy rlidhiog tnaniifacrnn-r^ iind the inganinUB is-raona wln> inako enrlee ir o f jieas and hard tw k out o f pine hlocki. i-ao nuw gu (0 wurk at gi-Ging ready «npplioi fur the army. I'lrlm ps (hi-n- may Im a gennrat

when (kis male Murphis Itahy line k a im os Fonw q. huiwy<

Ihi* UTiforlunat* Mumifiicin that wu ahi grief-hanlem sl. 1 impi-th,il tbe Imy-ljaby fligii doi-Hii'l mean a civil wur; wo have hud enough o f that. Hut whuti the girl- tobiiM onlnum lx-r the lK>y« it wRl be plainly undenitmid that another w^rl of war in surely ruretold the dinneatie war. 'riiis life ia OM urieijiltng strife.

F o i l E C O N O M H A L UOlh-IEliYlVZf,

Chrdr* Faiiwy wuil llouMekoo|dlm G oods Thar * r « Hidiig Snu|i|H-d up tVllb UUio C vrn iiouy l»y I ’ riult-rii lluniekeeiiorA^ tv f have enatdeili.iMTure, alaRiwrlflee,

from M-vi-rai maimfiii-lurerN atid^bbu* an «u c/mioii!i Mock o f glass, ■'■rm-kerjr, tin, aruotien and (Aln-r wareM, at uiiruivu priciM, aui] IjctJereIhaL Uie must [popular way tndisip<)r.L-of them 1* III idaef IheK*. with thmisiinilhuruiher arth-hU* riil HI every houM-lmld, on acveral Cuii- \ eiiteiii couiiter* and uiK-r (iwm at ilte uniform [•rueul reven ti LX'Utfp eacli, aJKiougli huddxoilH Id Uie anlcleh have cuhl many liiui-s tne price A imgr i-.m«iij Ilf thi l■u gum■« me new am] «!e’ Gi*Mi 111 icy piiMiH loi ipuni- iind I'liliifren Make 'mi Ills" tii-ni Ud'parilHt li'l u| ardden ui.1l niiiie Hi om e lor Nii-ui, lliusi- wim euijie in the iiionilnK iml oiily s-eiire r i-n iii-c uf the (nil iMiihUh-, hni atmd tiie dirotig aiwuy* iin-Mi nt 111 Lite afterj.oim.laulti-*-' ftiiiey nifllisl lieutteim n’ l Cukwi'il

t'niiisi pVjauffiK vriUi Hunh-r li h|T\-.dk'Ji'. [SR4l‘U, 'I'**-

I. *(iii-M iHncy ninhst und H-iin--r-<U wn Aprmi.i with liki Uui. pren'eh China

, P*s kitH, Mreakl.uu I’liiti-H,ladit-b' VMi'le l.RWU IW d.i*. ])i.-enfaU*.1

Ap*rmi“, 1 Hnwlr.( JiJlilien'H I.urc Tilm Rnniol vlnnrake Plate

rneij lUiiUim. »i»( .s. 1 »vul gimti l ake Jq*to'l.ndii.-ii' Mil Mull lie.', (iloK-i Bivuil }'|api ' 1uiOsrd> l{|iclimg, inch deep .sapjllenLauhv'jruro Unen Col-J.srge huttof Dlxh,

liir-, cuvered,LaiUes* Kttiicy .S(njK-d lairL'p Hugor Bowl,

(V>|]tr< and * 'ndh. corurad,Ladieti' line i-mbmlder ,li(ant Cre iin Piteber,

eil IriiUal M d 'fs . l-vgc Comi>orpi. slrich l^lii->' liiiu VViilu.- un tiMit.

licm sl’d H'd'f Large i>vrI Innh, Ladlrfi' line t.'ulon.s] L irge Npiare jihh,

Morder li dT -, illigii’ fiiuled ihiu-r > itj.liirio ;y ivd H 'd’C':J. iiien Il'iTrs Ilemno-'l.!Ladies' MnUfiiiiig hen

■lied Linen Il dT :lollies' Ciduted iNinler !ireii It’d f s ujile lieiii

Ludlfh' mild t'oliitcil Run ^ ri|H'l! iliiM-

.Men'!- tiiiK regn'or HallloS4'.

Men's sIMlncn f'uUanv.


■* ii+i'h pulnred vpjHre ufp'VH],

Large eol'd Ice Creana I'luie,

Ij dOi. I’mji. Ihiunns,■ dll*. I’earl Dru* Hut­

tons,llm - l.inen NanklTis, Frlngift Omsk Dnyllei,

Boys’ Perewk' 8 a i 1 ur Turkey ki-il Duyliei(V .lla rv IP.TtrA Ih f m W .ia h iExtra large Washran,

-IJIII.. rmiuiT niimiua, ExlfM Urgu DlBhCiolli.rD Ilia. Irihh I'mtu I,ace, I’lnr eulorwl irohlei,

“ dlrtervnt stvh-t*, Kngruvdl GobletRubber Drew HhleliR ( ’oJutvil Berry Dtih,VVliiUMir Hubk-r Hilvi. Cotorisl Hhaker Balit, l.ailie« and M l R » e b'Extra lar]p-Graten, 1V>

IujuUIc lloiie SupjMprt Inch,, cm, 'I.a«TP' Meat BrollijrLlriL'i) low el, warrant Hume china Huap Dish.

ert. D xJn d.BLRi- whito ihiwt,Turkish lowi-l l7x-'?(. U w . Cup and Saucer, 50dux. iK-eur't'd t’leani Majoliea Piute,

Pm hers. d-arge Piiildlug Dllh,liUhbls. Kynip Pilchers, French China PluM. 1 Hrge wlille VilclMT,......................... . ,SimieChina oval Dlxh,l>aT ln k Towel, I 10 in.,cluiiVs Kutiia.-r Apron, Slone China Meat Dbh,Tisdh Htu>h,hvu rou'l U in.,

Bihlh-s, KiUie Biix,Kx-wlrisi Whisk llroinn,D|iring Hftlance, lu kindii extra <[1141111 I'oinialn,

Tidlel Hojip. ii'hii|iiil[iK Bowl,Heavy iiiiliber Flue l.Hrge Duh Mmi,

Couii'. Any slxu Coal Sli'TD,vin. Riildier Drf-«»i|ng .Vny *l*e Fluur Sieve,

Crnoh. bi'Hvj imek. U-riiiiin Biiiiet-ier.Iiiiaids' hury Cmuti. Kx. Hl*e<ari(tlcStErk,i-ohildg I’ocki I Cumb, Assort, eulurcd Cuepl- Cvihilnhi Comb, I dores.Wall splasher, ,jq t. xtampoil Dlpiier,Hmr lini-'h, .Coeuashajieil Dippor,Hho*' DiiiilN-r and Rrpib ! eiLiirnelliHl haiulle,1 uree Scmli Unihli, d arge Tin Si‘ooi\I loiii tiriish, 1 . imudlLHi stirniner,

W heel hKK lieaWr,..............Joiliet-l KJoiir Mluve, Wire 'll a[Kit SUtil,

ijiiHri Pall,ifl i-ql slampd Pan,

Walnut n.it Kaci,

A M . o v i : n T i n : s t a t e .

Minn Jennie H.ittim. nl Pater-ion, h;td A narrow esi-ftpr from ilrovvtilng at 'SpringLake jesleiday,

The V in ! Uegiruen , ■"' w hich ro m - pany H. nf Nrw Hrm.sw i.-k i>. r p | ^ h-r in id Kiininu r eiiniiii[iim-iii h( -‘••airiri «n \UKun Jl.

A lun il nl New Vnrk HpirituulUto u n ­der tiiu guidniu-e nl Hr. I.ewG A. I'enne are <‘ii«ipiHK i'll the hlsturle U.iUus iu>|| Muuni.dii. near Miihiirn

A rtiiirtway engine iTcaled ;i panic nu the NfU Jersey SiMiiljirn lliiiir.ui'l lietweeii J-Htidy IUk,iIi tuid Dmg hriiiieh \iMerd*y. U wR^u'verlHlieii iilU-r a r v lii g eii*L'*e,

d t lu Gn-.s-i('k. 14 Iu u iUn-u je u r oM Uiy, killed mi tin .'si-tiUiTii i;nilri>4<1 ye-uirdiiv

ulnh’ Jlltcpn^g fi'oin H Lruin a; ll<iim<HU>id Stutjmi. Cnrniicr iien'hivind wrw iioUlli'd, and Hii tU'ilU-St will |i-o"i|tily Im* hehl.

Jacob AmliTnun, o f tspring Mill-*, ni^ur Milford, i.s .sLifieniig ivilh a di-ease known to Hic iniHlIial fralernUy us " JihlngleH." Itl* tk'sh THi'M ij u[i hke a rojK- from hii* hip almo-i aii'iind bl.>< txKly and beiikme v'cry luin- ami roUKiii haMr:g the H|i| 'tiruiice o f shltigies uu a ruol : 111 iicc llie name, 'i be oiip-si phydeiaiis Shy llml Ve!) rn-1'R have ever Ih-uu known In lluiilenlun iUnniy

Ye.sicnlny SheniT H ein t/e p]:u-ctl ail nllRi-fiinem on ih<' Vlurlmi Wateh K:u'lory at Ihe hmiainr of VVilH iin Kcfrmy r <'.,ntrii •i if, \» la lirniiglH iiU (o rei tiVer ■'1.7 11 1'-r Uiiil l| ig !imieiishlna1h-l Ho-New V-irk Knlulug ].imy. Ihe preseiu mvoer*. 1 he .•.viipitir diege (Iml ‘-oiue ot iu* iiieinlH'fs liavhi.: Iille-l {nMiUerlhlii:: d .t k tin-y wi-rr im in:c th piy i:,,.(•■inlrKeior'H Ui l«. The i-uinvrn l-ii.ihe rear- puiilxi ll.

Iloli't hr- ImpuHi-d (Ml.hire native wme'- 7'h-. lotu vi p-1 inij mi;

S-hiskh-.s. tu n loBl.iVi: starch, rlee, iiid Hi'idev l( . [H-i poiitol. A lig.i'il' a-irrauli'd, ValiinhU' aini u-n-ful pn-s'iipr given (<» o if- diuM-rv of {.*■** ami pDfT,-,-v Tierney .k JIm .. ■',* iml 71 Market airw u *i*

Inlhedriiw lngof Hein Hr w. A c.i.’ i Pl vio Cluti, (la.sn A. held yi-su rday, die plami ir,ki iltBwu by A. H. DoiIkt, .vlaiiebL^ler, .N. u. •••

NaU BnixJi,1 arne .’ ahIi Lniih,1 urge MiMVii.g Hnihti, f-tuve Bru'ti,I urge I’nim Hm'*h.>■1)1. lOrH-Wmll lUllUm

Mm>k, I jirgefuU -Ixe llaxltmer.Package ToiU L PaiHT, l.mig ' hamllcd Fire l.(H>kiiig IrlRw, (^U Fhuvel,

frame, l/XIgu rellnncd Wash1-aiKc‘ •■wel Uidivr, LkiiIii.Shawl StraiiH, : I [ hit Ten orCofl'L-i' Pul.Sja'e. lot Pliiyni'Card' Large Colki,dor.Kxira sifc itoilij'T or Lafg''Maehl ieOU Can,

Milh'r’s Ilia LU:i;, /!• uiMe Sieve,}lrmvii‘*U-stti I arm* I'rip ur Knnsl

leg. i Pun, lOvIDf,Ex. file Ihc, Mucilage, jixing Urt-ad Pan, uln-d. iwix large Cho kers, i ^'.jXl'i.Box luunluoA-H, Dutch lyodf Pan. wirml,Lniicli Haslet, l^arge nd. Satioa Pan,large PiiUil Ibix, C4im|i. J <|i. oiv'd. stew Pan, l.nige Mux Cmyunn. 'G|t, 'ove^sl Hiiokei.Box Pti|Hr and Kuvel- H<"*ti*ual. HnULiic Pin.

I .arge Pulttoi .MoR&er, Bo.ik, Niek. piRt. ('an Opi^ier,

(hHHl PIstoil Te* 8|*o nn

OKTJ iweo Blank

TxJ .,Hue Ulosi V w ,I'mkct Mgkl*

Sale,A iiteh Hhi-an,PiM-kel Knit CK 1 jirge itt 'l-hard.Kxiir kIic Brick U mJ

Pan. wirml.tiUlo* 1 'inbbng Di'hP’- li.-iil h MlectJig K-dfc LnrKi- J .,1. Ml Vi J’ali. Hi-wl StMlner, ivRli


Nick. plat. TablelH>oun, Maieb Nickui iilaiesl Futk.

Sllv. plji. HiiUur Kidfe. Silver j-latisl Nm>kln

King,Extra Hiimloo Iron

.kkc 1 iirm r, lee Mafehei.He-r sii‘4*i kuivc* and

I’lirks, iMiie ot elmny handlr,

-P-el Hn'iid Kicfe. ie-tme ) Buleh'rKnife

1,c-ldi>MifiUf‘inn!*Dfn'her iirUeU-)i s i w'vuu n Ids 1 ad i. tu oiq t >■» „ .in Itnmeiise lot nf ex- IriioriJnmry l-urgiiiiiM p, 1 miey ilofals In ihe ng iila r di imrlinejH. Tlmr.- are abu u:i- 4qiiRihsl \aiii4's in s}ii)f., ai)(] pyhy eusclu-s ami 4'viry for iruve iling may U-foiim llu re III p ines yon w iil Ik- glad ui p>ijy. We I'hisv at 7 (-'el.H-k . > .iiii'd ii'i' ai n oh'lix-ir, ILdine A Co. s T iv i i l ' t i l e . Hii-uil, llalney and New -irc ii'.

F or litt.v I'ever.■'idv4-E!y'R Cream HiiliDR trial. Tliisjintl.'

« eh hn.U<l reiiu-dji fi>r Hie4'ure uf eilurrti. li i. l4'Vi r. void 111 the head. et<-., ean Ir' iPtidned ■ iH'j r«'pwtidile drnegl.Ki. and Mciyl>o rvl'-.il up 11 ll' 11 Safi- and pl> ;L-.ni] remedv To' ihv rtt»-v\- 1 t-O fih iiiil n ia l w ill give uiimedi.il ■ relH l'. l l l - i i i - i i i liijiiid , snnr^ ur jKiwder, he- no -IU mil l. uinl ran t«- ns’ d at anv lu r t 'w d ii!<srl rf'•nils. H.S l l i i u am i- eaii les jfy, . i i i iu i ' iIk ii- Slum- ct llie imaeheH i»f ihl^ olbui;.'’ = >firiri>( t/ir l.ui.s, May ’/'i, I'Wf..

Nevcii t 'i'iil* FkcIiI It Fay* tu I^ok lHiimiilul (iJR-4«, examine, am] hn* uf " ih i^

I urgBlti' In CtilEla, 01a», etc. IhfluerHoiR, Bn ter : Tea St-tK. f.'.lft to |.fi; Tullet St-(s, fl.J.’i to

|_‘C ; tioUleU, lu f is : TiiiiihliTK, die, to l.t di'i., lee ( iv«m. Berry Rod Water Si-la, t'.k . to flO, lirM4'lo>is wkmIs ; FniB Jrit, Jelly (IIrs.\ eir. Guvest pru-*-a Kt Lkwn-nce'ii China Store, r.ll (0 Hrmul sint-l.

Tlu-re 1» kadt-rtrie Oil to

Tiothliiff Ilkatoquielcryt

InviRH'iieMa. WrttU'ii uy Mrs. M. J, FcUuwaiuieic Ittoii .

Burr Oak, St. J4ioeph Cu., MtoU,

Dr. Thomai^acure a t old ur rvhuvt!

Bro(PT<kr*‘fll^Tw7mh -nvef. Sfci# ¥ur«.A AVeak Hat-h, «|r|ih * waary adilnjr

ItiiK-h'- <'u r till lii|iM. t- a «ign >>fdlta.ie<] kPim js r-< tin-iH-.-t khliii-y (nralivc known,which ]- MnrdiK-li MKhv] Itittem.

B a k i n g p o m A t r .

^ A K I H ®

P O W D E RA b s o l u t e l y P u r e .

Ihix powder never TRfto». A loarvcl ol purity, itn-iigtb and wboiesmnencaa, Mure i-conuuileal than (heorllnarr kimlv, atul 4i*u- tirg Im- Hdd III 4inmpi'iliiuD wilt) tbe 'nullltude o f low k-ii, short wutRht, alum or ph •apliois powdetf. 3oid wnly im can*. Kuv*l Bakiwq TOwinB Co., IW Wall r t f ’et. K. Y.

iK A t c i i x a U

BITTERSCoBbiatDg IRON wttfc P tB £ TEORTiBLI TOKICH* qglckly tad eompletelf Cm XfiES tafi ENKiniKB T H U BLOOD* OaUkeaa theaetloi o f (he Uv«r aad fildepyi. Clean tka MBplexloB^ aiakaa tk« ikla inoolfe. It doaa aot laJureUieteetk* rMM heartarha^ar prod ace con> itlpBtlna -A L L OTUCE IfiOH MEDICIKES DO.PtiyiiciMka Rod Drotfiita tT«s7«tMprv recoautond ft.

Da, It B. RrmiLxa nt Mvkio. Haia.. Ron '*1 roeusmoTi'l DruM u'g Iroo Blltont M * vaJuabl* tonlo|(y Burlcblna tlu< hl<Hid, and rHmnring ail dyipapifo iiunitotai. l l diMiKJtbuH Ika tooth."

Da. K 14. Dpi.rwu. RormJdi, Ii»d.. ion : " t k*TO pTMerlhod BdiwuM Ikb Bitlon In «■*<■ olURiiaiB lad I'ltiud liitMami, also who* * looks 0«^ed. KQd n hw pmrod ikroBOchtr Hticteotovr.''

Mk 'Wn BraNH, WiHt Mar7Bx.,1lf«*Ort*azi«,La,| ■■ hniwn’R Irun BAtom reliovod m« Is a

^IihKvi joiiihinlng. »od 1 h«irtilj eueunend ft toifii ‘ • * "* ■;bo*« OMsling «. hlund puriflor

Ala W IV. Uuw*a*a,TuK-WiiR, AU .,ow : tiATB boon Iroubtod frutu chUdhiiud with unpamBlucid and 49t^tkiu oti my ftoo-lwo boUl«« at bn>wn'i Iroo Bitton offoclwl a r«H«ct eiu« t aumiA apook Uw kighur uf uia toIuomo modfoina.**uonnlno hu obovo Tndo Uork and crwnd tM Uo«t

•JD wrapper. T d a o a * « lk er . HodoMiljrby UUOWN LUEMUIAL 1)0., llALTmoUE* H a

p t r r g B a « l * ' s f l a l n K i l l e r .

oJ>otA as sure To •;omt as S u m m ar U .-S to w tv A'fti.r’dhavd WATTwnp —— i JidWOevOUS often\U V.^

'k e Y o u fiffP A K Dfor tp cointng^

i awy of A f t,y o\ y o u r Tftwuy a .-acrtdL-^PROMPT ftOioh

w ay saveVdi.Tor\ty w ay sa I L V r A ? ] C O R tw iid iM tliM r O T t n n a RiwflrscunA

':HOLFRfl,CHOlFMMORBUSi.cWHOEfl,Dysentery «a4

Af*r'/4'centake‘it witK. V ' i c t

T H is m editine IS

■'(jiinKiUer.c ftxvtHe soSe e'lie

K '•■ ran iitia .vt. i t o'A

(• r £<ii: hf allh 'H T -'iV isS 'S tu p..n, h ov iM h ti.'ft 1.


Bnlh Sexcp. Nmetecnlh Yoar. A Bch ml k.-rnly alive U> the demai>iD4>r the (Ima-s. All urHiiehes biuglii (rymuBslum, military iraiti* lim, t'xcclleiil PanitaiJun, b.iili ruoms—pvery- Ihliig leriditig to the tnurai, mental and pbyii- ral devel0|)ment of ihe etutleuL wiiu the

Fur Ik-as-riptivo Catalogue apply to REV. JOlfN OKEENE, iflghUtosni, H. J.,

Ot HON. T. li. F£Dm E. Nuwark, N. ,J,

m i

W u m t t u r * . C t t r i i . l * , C l e . | y u n i i l t i r r . C a r p * ! * , S t c .

P NOW! save MONEY!r i i i l l c M \»li<> i i i ! ( l i - I { m t e C 'a r i i c i s a i i d C u r n l -

l i i r o w i l l h u w - b y o r K e r l n i ; l l i e l r t i i x x lx i io v r .

D R I V E SAt Handkerchief Dept.LOT I - - . =! <l..x. Lt lk-t.’ I'rlnti-l Hcmim-d'' irn

lirtr li»*nilkerebiels, a( 'i . i«eh, hue i-hitb uri'l fa--( r'!lni>

I.IG iVidnt. l*d.lies’ BlriH I.Hi.-n Ilein-ilirh llarMlkcTehier-, nl 10>-. e*cU. In wiiiie iuk) foJurt'il burden-.

Lo t B I'M) fiox. fjenu ’ While ;ind W.tvmi Ihif- der Lim II l ltl«]kerell|^- . at Ire Ittl bargain.

LOT ( - llM iln*. LidiM' Fttrii Klih- Cohire l lu-rdcr Ili rii-hp h liamlkcn hl.-f-, at ir '..-. eii-h. All new pHlIeni',

i)nr l.RdieC ].1in-n C.illari. Hi r»<- i-iieh ; luir Lui'Iit ' I.Mien CnflVi. Rt l-’i*. jK-r |i*lr. ar.- wiiJHiiit eiC4‘|.4hm Ihv Ik si valii'"- tu IhuHluti-

R U C H I N C S .

ZiaaU ilru^', Wtoru itlghi and- 'H»:iv1 ff>r4ljey- J

^ dUr-lmwitiJe-’ar*-* *

-gWl (kiifK Wbll^' hiifhln*, only ’h*. i>4'f ll tx. lup 1,11X1 - W jjUf |.*,||. rimri-i Jtuoblng.

*■ extra ([ualliy, only .’' 1 iN-rlHix: w-irtli lie.Ih' 'ure t>> I'l unr n-- -nment o f Cr -jH!. ‘La r .. 'L in e fi!'A '-, jk V yJr-l. F. •rJ• hiHg

and Njicelil T.ilus;.

u u < b r V A l . i > . x I V r ( n ( v F ; i ? f .

0UfhTA.NDAHlM’fiHSK:.m.i-1cuffinpquiiHiy Jean, bea\il> bmiKl g- < K l ] ’fie<- f'. each.

Our HnN lo N C4j|iuKT. mi ll- uf fiu4- .tuallty Jean. eh^eljK «‘urdi-*I, and einsiti- iii|, - Vvery durMbfi* ai.d emiirortahle 4'f»r<et, I'ri-miljr (Hr, rni-b.

Our SKW IMl’ KOVKI) Rni'LKVAFID WoVKS CiiHSKT, light and iliirable. Ju-t the fur warm weather Trice i-w,

OurMchratid C iJl'n i, Miin.DKD « 'd t-K T Hell nmile aiul heavily Itoned. for h-'c. l h i' Ik the boat vutitil (01 tou muuvy • ■m-n-f!.

A^k U>RC<' ouf new HHLP-ADJU.HTISG COK- HKT, pric’en .1». made of very t*«M ant'-rlRl.(Inc I'ut Rtui rtoReIr rurdi.-ti: tuljuxtR ilk jf to any Jlgurts ; 4-hiln-ly novel inelnoil of 1* lug.

We have tU'Hdtfl to elu«e iiul levcral ntyh- ufcurseh of which we have Im-nmiilul'- a-i-tuft* mentofidai*. TJu'se lota wUI bo found u juur cuoutem at prieoft averiiglng about lifijr

Lffyrerits on tbe dollar. Coll early atnl in tkeyiAir M.-li'C(lon*,

BARGAINS IN LACE GOODS.ChlMn-n‘a Finely Conh-<| L*wn f '»[>*, with f il l

ruche Duut, at Wc. each ; reduced from 7V. lorh ^ i.

Our Klri4-gl Quality Chll4lri’n 'l ( ’onled Caiw, with roinitnlmir 111141 full rnclic fioDt. at o-tc. each • re4lueml from ll

Chlldreii'H Finest Quality Cimied and Knibrol- 4lered NutBiandleCap- al The, each ; n-<iui'ei| frnin II.

Twoniw FUie Oriental F.aoc CiiUara, at o-ilyl!*4-, es4 ll,

Finely Fkate4l Tjiwii Cheiiilydtos at only I '" , eneh.

Fine Ijiwn and Kmhrotdery Cbemlai-tb'H, at '£2>£ eai-h ; gucvl val.ie at 3U-.

Tui-kml Linen cln-irk-lUia. at He, pach.Uur fV- t tjualhy Uuig, I’Utn ami Tueked

Chemiacllea, at JJe. each ; are wonli T c.

L. S. P U U T & CO.


715, -17,71D KmiiD ST.NEW ARK, N. J,

Cl4»'«*' at fl r . M.y eaeept Sam r.laya.

■ m i t V l t r lB k a Q .


WHISKEY!Thewonderfulvirtueol this

popular tonic is not owing, as many suppose, to its stimu­lating qualities alone.

It possesses such a vast amountof nutritive properties tliat an invalid could live upon it for days without touching food of any other kind.

MALT EXTRACTSin various forms are now ad­ministered by all the promi­nent medical men in the world in cases of low nervous pros­tration and weak and debili tated condition of the system

No preparation excels the

K e y s t o n e

M a lt W hiskey

For Sale by all Druggists.OFFICE*

Broad St, Newark, N. J.

I’EOPLE, AT LEAST, READ TtIK t-very (lay.

lalcli** miO 3*n>*lrg.

443 BROAD STREET.Bain Siilesroom in New Jersf-y


Wall Papers and Wiiiiluw ShadesRtcli Dadpis, Low Prio«, u

MORBIS COHN’S,C oF g B r o a d a t i d F a i r S t r o a t a *

ITAINEH 0LAS6 BCfiSHTeTE, fur omoBBQk* lug Wlndowi, IgMstooti T itoioag,

BtiiiifiihnofclBiLfAUmUQ VXD KAlMMlNiaai


W i l l t a k P o r d . r* l o r k . mj. I h I 'r . iin t o $ 1 , 0 0 0 i i t t h a t> r a * e i i t

l o u i ir l c c N , u K l i » - i m i l l ( t o p o f iU o n t l i e m , a i u l » t o r c t h a m

U o i i i o n e t o * K n i u u t l i . w i t h o u t o x t r a c h s i r g e .

4'A II PEI'S. (Al l PEI'S.l i j i . i n f IkidjiIjI flnrsiijt the (lull wuMon, I n m im rier.cll nay hoiw,. in

lltu tiiiil... Onml H iie 't -1.' (.'(iri'tl, iitity .-iOi’. fH-ryiirrt.

I’AllHIli SI n s . PAItbOn St lTS.H a.iiiii run li.y Ciiiiiiiy ilnr!)>K Ihe du ll ju‘Om iu , nnil kept nil m y nii'ii iit n o rk ,

J nlli f ih c lu im rl » l i "h ami low. .1 pm w ot'm iy hi.u*e in th e c i ly . G ood Stuffed l!m :k I’iitliir Suit, W alnut Krunii', 7 I'ieces, cuvered w ilh Ilu irclo th , Kuw S ilk or Iti-p, on ly IIT-.HI.

WALMT JU:iJllO0->l SHI'S.H iiunfi I oiiKlit idil 11 lariif- pHtiiliUslinii'rit that i i ^oing o n t o f thp hnsinr'iifl, I

4tflt-r (4Miuy .‘ilKI \\ uliiul H»-tli_oGiii Suita, ^ lurble T op , H pit-ucH, a l jii^t ttlgml the p4» t n f niam ilacluH tig. W alnut Dodroum HuUa, M arble lo p , H regularp r ice r id m e d (o 4 17.54).

ij{ LOAU«

a low li^iiu (111 HI I (luiii tit In g e [[u a n tit j, nnd 1 am them at u lowli|,CUt«'. tiUKl .\-li Jiti'itmin S int, utily

M .M.1'1 l l A N D S E A S O N A B L E G O O D S A T ( U S T .

<iiii.“ i> lii'p 11 ' I I ;iiijiip i» , l> lii„rrn lor.i, I 'iiiz /ji rh a ir » . W ire Suliw, A c .1 w ill M'll llie tf.llim ini! niiiimd kikhIb at m lu ciu l prirM iiiifil Scpiom lw r 1 ;

M aU tesM 'sand iWiUlfw.' '.L .^ llJ ,/- .l . Jx?UDp», M astet am) C ier ts ten a ionTutplefl, D ining rmmi ( ’hnirw, M urhle T op Talilea, Kidclaiarda, C lothes I ’ rBea«, lied- ■ t'.« . .

■J'he p sa fs ca n oe rffiiigjrl. at L ow i ’ ricca, on E;wy T e rh u o f ray 'm ent, until S i'p tom licr 1 .

tiiaals D tliv crcd Kn'C nf Charge to any I'art o f the State.

A M O S H . V A N H O R N ,7 3 M ARKET ST R E E T , N E W A R K . N. J.

F O R “ w a n t s ; * * * ‘ 's e « H BC O N u'pAU li. * * "• 1 « . A W O R D .




New Fall CurtainsNOW ON VIEW.

B l c f f n n t D o a lt f i i g l a I m l i a X e t ,

F r e u i 'b t 'H u v a s , A u t l i i u o C I n n j ,

B ru H a e lM , S l u t l r a a .a u t l X o i t i n g -

h u n i C t ir U i lu a .

U f t t c t n a l .


CUREfilck Ratdtcba »od relfFrg ill tb« tnynbta* M < doat to a oHi4jaJLBtat6 o f tho»Id4o*, Ifluuea, DrowatoaM. lHB(r««a tficr PtuD Id tho BI4]o, Ac. W M lt th«ir moft abJomcMHkuuibMaibownmciiilot ^

oachooD-fr__ tflcr eatJi;i&It th«ir moftiOBidfi



Vienna PortieresA T LE<B TH -N VALU E.

IS A A C N. D O TY & CO ..151), IBl MARKET ST.p t a t i a * a n f t A r g a n * .




Piano and OrganHouseIN TH E S T A T E .

' 'i:



PARLOR ORGANS!At the inott decideil birgnins over seen in Newark for ra»h n ro ii Paym ent uf ^ 5 to •10 M onlM y r u t ll Pabl for, t'prighi mid Equarc riaiKiB (o I.el &nd Kent applk-d on piirphflFO. Also a lftrg4» mimbt-r of Scwoiid- Hand iPstninientA at eiinglly groat tiargaiiii.

Stftal utift lufiurcmci*


I N S U R A N C E .F o i t i k i i Sifflil Drafts Direct.

EuroiK. an iuid oriental siuam.sblp ageat,

800 Broad Street Room 11.G <» I o H ati F r a n c i s c o ^ C a l*

I owi-c( rauw to s«n FmiolBco and all P&ciflu CoMt itolmx. Ahw to Denver, Omaha, 8t. P«iU I Meago, Cincinnati oud at Loola, tnii lowlatea 10 all Far Wiilerti polnU, at

m jL E Y 'S TICTKT OFnCK,LM HArkeUtmt, Newark,

Beadaebe, TctCarterli little Ltrer PlTTameqsaffi foiuahl* |q Conallpalion* earing and pmanlkag *iilajmnuyinf complaint, whlk ibey oIm tndisordcni{>f the •toBacb,a(]mii]tU tbe Bvet and regolatB UiA boweli^ S nalftiieroiL ljaw etf

HEADAche they would be alnoet pHcetaM to tbOM wttf■ulIrrfroBithladlatraMingcomplalDtt botfoctw palely thslr goodneae doel tioteitd her^ and tbOM who once try them wUl And thiwe HUIe pUla vih^ able In oo many way* that they vril! not be w ll i^ todowlthoUthe&L ButaltcraUetckheiid

ACHEla thebooeof M m anyllrea that here la where w* nuke oar freot boeit. Oar pilla c u e U whlh othcnido not.

Carterb Little liver PlHi ore Tery nnaZI and eu y to take. One or two pUla make a doee

nbey are Blricdy Tegetable and do not gripe ov ppi;^ bot by tbflT gentle ectloe please ail wbe pse tbom. In rials at ifi o en u ; five for iL

t bywaviuuia. tu TNiia aszooenLB: □<by dnigglrta everywhere, or Bent


acotch eaafta.A ’ t b e W a y tV a e l i n m e .

Ff4.-*h Arrival of

GRAY’S MARMALADE,In Two jwmid Jars at 80c. each.


SCOTCH OAT MEAL,Etc., Etc., Etc.

DraftH rihI I’lLvagc TJcIcels per Anclior line Eleamcn at JowuKt ratoa, at



D lf N U U G lI S TDrs. PuUin & Merritt,


will niaimalii IHlPri.AR TRICES on all their work.

SETS bF TEETH$ 5 , $ 7 . AND $ !0 .

Gas given, Teeth Exlrarted Foellively With* out t’aiu.

Cor, Broad St and Central Av.

DR. J. C. HANKS,D e n t is t ,




Very Low Erioe* <hi ‘ h« Bwt Workraamhlp.Set, of Toelli I7IM- —Sliver »nd Gold AUoy, W ccnti. .fC uttiS 1( iu »8p»cl*lty. tUM aapeciaiiy. . *

o r n c E b o u b b - -* iSo A .M . toa A e - \ -

Curini July »nd Angurt oluod r Boeto' ' •

LIX U M B K K 91 r>. X K W A I E K , J . , A V K H N I N D A V . A K a s T I S , I N S O . 'JAVO ( ’H N T S .

S e c o n d E d i t i o n . TCK> MIA II MOHIMIIMK.



a * .


T h e HtilUvftu>K|;au I'artinii Lo»«*« thelVniiK>Uiiiila lldvoy

C1mrgr« tlijkt tht- ('i>iiveutlu» la I'tu'kM] li}p the Oyuiauilleri.’ '

ily A ,mh I’roH!* In ihn Nrwi,( » ( ' Au^. I-, U Hju afl*-r mi»l-

iiik lit « 1 m‘p ihe I'Xirutlve o flld T j o f the Jri^U Naihnml t'unvfiitjou deLTdini pnnc the opi-nint; fnim JO A M. until ‘i 1’ . >1. Vi rimii rraMUit nre uhAtgoed for tliia aelhm. I h e meDilx-rt o f the com m itttv m j thut it w m rcmlereil iiece in n ff l-y thH •iha<'nf-i’ jeRtefii^y o f Fallu-j < I'lh-illy. o f iK lniit. M ho h.i>l lN't*u rt-tjnoAlLd t>> nrtilV lo tiie fluain iiU fitiinclinf' o f tin* hrannlira ri‘|iri'M4'nU'ii hy th r di-]i |L:il« '. prior t>« th kHA o f

■ Itii the 4prh<r him ), tlu*fhu if+ I'otmuUtu- or

flth’ifNin Ui iti flilernfn' ttj” park llir ooiiviuition hy uMfriViiK ihn fuiu- tioijN nf tilt usual rotJiimU o on (> » 'Irii* tiulH, tir(' Imiilly iIk Inrtnfit pn'pt*p«iTirUM'Ul U itui’ to iric fart tliat thr fiviree wf Uu-!ulmi«iHtr.iijon iwrty are in l-»i ri-- puir ami ni'o«) aume ittmiri)i,iir pa'i hiiiK ti|>, wbii'li rimld not fie ilonr if thopro* CMilniCH I'rrc operved uput tlic hour origi* l^ally dctcrmiiU’d upon.

DAn FUR raATT.Ufurfvrr thi.i luuy 1m', it h cortulu that

tliiugFi have mit gum r^^iyriher thiL iriy the Kgnn people would havo likini for tlie jMwt twelve hoiir^. lliey pUrocI Kn*jt lio|>e« upon the solid supiMut of the IVnn- tjlvanin di'lrcatioii, tiuuiherlnit ITn, but at ■ late hour tbo cauruM>f the tVDU>ylva- lilaiia eudei) Id the ovrrwhrtmiuKdelr.it of the F. riiUck, M. J. Hyin, the IMiiUJelphia lawyer, Imudk cleited clnirnian.

l.aUr on. when it waa anuounced that tlu-Mauachuik'ltfl and New Voik didcva* tiuna had aolidly wheeU-d into line for ^li-rafirey. and that lie waa einuired a |!Oi.>d HUpport from (he South and West, t licre waa joy at the P.ilmer House, and eornspondlny itloom at the Orand J'aclfle. So many delrgateA, how­ever, have aa far dwlluod t0 (fi t down off Uie feoee that it wuuid bo liiuply roman- ciug to attenipt to figure out the probihlo strength of the two facliuua wbeu they m eet.

rKNNsVLVANU'B DELEUATlnS.M urh H]H-i-iilui!Oh is ripre'-aod a4 to

th e number o f didi-gatos th:it will be pri's in t at the opening o f the Irish H atioca l I.cigue Convriition to-d .iy. t ij id c r the eons[itutlon aj m in y a-i‘..*,500 ! m ay eomr, but it ia quMtionable whether ! m ore thun 1.200 will funii the d c liboritive bthly. O f these New York w ill com e in w ith alumt 200, IVnnaylvani* w ith about 17f>, Mass irhusetts with perhaps iOO. J^tnong the lesser delegtliuna l/imlBiaiia, MinneRota ami Nebraska figure with thirty caeb , and Iowa wiili alamt forty . It is cxpectefl tbut one o f the first me;i.snres to b e intiodiieed lu the convention w ill bo ; th e enfureement o f the ubit rulCr beoco the rcpnsnitation o f the three flr^t-uamed States is oi tht) ^reute>l importaiico.

T h e r< nii>ylv’inw delegation caupin last n igh t instructul the i-bairoian to cast tho v ^ u le vote o f the delegation in favor o f I fu g b Md'ufTcry for prcbideiil and ('barlca M tt'lttve, o f Pliiludelphiu, for aeeretary o f i th e Nutional

T h o tra 'n on the West Shore rf>ad bear­in g Mra. I^aincll, the New Jersey and part o f the New York di-iegrAion, arrived at liOT) this mnmlnK. Tlie party were met at ; tb o depot by A eommittee. Mra. Parnell | w as accompanietl by Joseph Atkiuoon, o f j th e Newark JVsu, president o f tho New ! Jeraey Htatc I.M*.ague Uuioti; the Rev. P, Coirigan^ o f Ifot>okeD ; ex-M ayor M edav- | iek , Jaiuea Uibson and County Clerk Me- XiOUgblin, ofHolK)ken.

AKXfOl'8 EYKB AllBOAD.LoNbON, Aug. Id,“ The Times snysL

is Homewhat curious, i f Mr. Parnell m eans buRincAi, that several o f the lead­in g P a m ellitw arc either a lrea d y ahsont, o r are arranging for an early departure from the scene o f Parliament. Probably M r. Parnell is wailing to see how Ibo cat JuD)i»8 in America. It Is no m attor for surprise that while the Chicago conven* lio n is iteinllng, many o f the separatist |Kirty a ic restless and uneasy,’*

T h e DaUy S n n says: "S h ou ld theIrish delegates at ('hicago fall to silence nr exp e l the advocates o f dynamite the whole w orld w ill regard tho convention with Indignant eontcnipt. The dynamiters can beat be dealt with with u rope, j f liossa w as hung the world would be ridded o f a cow a rd ly knave. The chief iiitere.st In th e (.'Jjicai'O convention, however, centres in the loot that the Irish delegates have resolutely set their fitcei not on ly against dyuatuite, hut agniiibt violence in any #hn]>c.*' He (erring to tlie prebahle T V y p o licy the Acu'r says there was never less reason to prod.iim tho National League th en uow.


T h e €aluttict Iron W orks G ain a TIetoryUver Its Hen.

(hiiCAfJO, Aug. IP.— A meeting w is held b y the striking nailers ut ('am m ings last n ight, and the long strike which has been in progrchS there for tho last fourteen m onths was brought to an end. T h e old m en w ill be ac:-onmiodated by the com ­pany so fur as possible, and every depart­m ent o f tho Calumet Iron and Stoul Com­p an y 's will htsrt up with a full force. N one o f the non-utiion men, w ith w hom th o com pany has coutMCts, will bAdJs- ebarged to miiko places for the old bands, but ns many o f them have secured positions cU cw bcrc there arc plenty o f plae!«» to ac- c»)Titmodate several hundred o f tho idle m en at satisfoctory wages.The action o f the m en Is Qpprovc<l by the officials o f tho K n ig h ts o f Labor.

T h e packing house employes o f Koliort W arren A. Co., at the stock yards, who w en t out somii days 0|o because the firoi persisted in loading Ijske Shore cars, have rcfnn ictl to w oik. The superintendent o f th e eaUblisbrofnt said that when tlie men w ent out 8oint.% 0Tk was left uDfinished, s.ml rather than^'bave the moat spoil the o ld hands were taken back. The men cla im the basis o f settlp-mcnt was the ftgreeTuent o f the firm not to ahip any m ore beef over the I-ake Shore road.

A I'Hiisalf Heedumn D im WtiUe W riting lo lIlH Nwrrthi^art,

rAi-!“ U. . Aug, 1- William If. Ihwm- kainp, a w cll-io-do llolU iidpr, tw iiity u t yturs o f Bgi\ flu*d at his honm, on I’M-i.m* av{ n\H', y* kl4‘rduy, from an overdose o f nuiruhiiif. BoonikaniiM'aruetotlil^ country Fipvi ral ym rs ago. Having a thurough kiinw ltnlgeofth4‘ 11-4*11 and bulb busliiM^, III- fouinl em ploym enl readily. T w o year* ago Ilf iirgaiii/Ad tbi- ilrtu o f iW c . - r ii UoMtikauip, iu Ni-w Viirk, to Irn Mirt thc-^e articles frntn lioUauil, and nift with II srkn! HUUH 4". At tlu NN-w Orlf.iioi K i- |Hiiition hr hi-ld an iin|K»rtaot ]K>hili>n) in ebargf o f t h e ’■f i-il dopiirlment. Si'vcii or (ikht Piotil lu a^u be WMit to llo lU lid to vi*>it bis rclutiv4> and hi* nffiarieocl bride. He ri'lurm d in the i»rn on . iijol wan one

o f the last to leave lhat ill-fated vo.i> *L VuT a eim'diUruble IbKimkauip hi*b e l l iiouUb'd with in-umnia uinl orra- Hionsl llli. T o riiuiitemeL tlicbC and oh- tiiin lu-l lie n>'i il inerpliitit*. Y eslen h y iiHinjing be uitofuiicul lying itneonseio')* on the IhiI He ilieil at noon. Uu the (iihle nus a partly w ritten letter to liLi wtteitlieari in Hnlhind, in wliicb he

V I l'<l^L<i-ir .5- If lli!rei*>ii li, ivy utilr«i oil •«*•! iijy Li'ly i ' litit Lif cleetrleliy^

d - » -Ji-'Uu-y l.i'IewriU'. .1 flie ' toniJ r-iliiev llieii 1 fi'el l>'ller.

lbiiiii:h 1 iini-l jy ili.ti Uii* time it iiuileiti) Ijhi'' a< be |i ri ili y,

..........kiiii.p'-*piirJiHT will arrange lliofu -i.en l wio it b<‘ 1 a.1 euumiiirirutril vrilb the I i-Mil n au> reliilivi"-, ail o f wbuin live in H< Ilaml. Luiuukaiiip was very popular iu riv.tie.

HER Ej^roirrs w c m .A SSA U LT E D ON HER W A Y HOME.

A T SAH.iNAC 1..%HE,

T h e rrrfcbU'iil ami III* t t lte Living in a G enuine l,aig CMblii.

t^AZJtiC^v L;.. '.’ r.I*r4 inidtut I'lcveland aml 'hU wife, amtm- paiiU'd by Mrs. I'olsom and Hr. 8. H. Ward, o f A lbany, arrived at the Saranac Inn ycHicrday aftcrtux>n. The iiepiilar be­lie f that the pri-Mident cume* to tlie Adirnndiuks for a cam ping trip U an cr- rom ou-* one. Ha din’s no more l imping than piiists usually do from this and other hotels in the rcgiuii. l i e makes a two nr three days' excursion to aimio «eeUided pond for hunting and fishing out o f his Ihrea wi-ekb’ stay. The presi­dent has rotuo regularly to the.Sarauac Inn, foniicrly ealb-d the I'rutpix't lT>use, lor several seasoiiA it Ixdng his choice o f hotels in the wiblt rncM, With the presi­dent and hia w ife will be Mrs. Folsom ami Dr. Ward, who is always the presidont’s eoDipanion on bis vm^ation iu the wilder­ness. The prei^arations at the inn for en* U-rtaining these guests are coiiipkt**. W. H. Dutton, o f I’bdudeipbia. bos tendom i the use o f Ilia log cabin near the hutd ami the olTt-r lias Im-cu areeptwl. Here the |iresifU'iit um obtain perfett rest. It U his r UHtom to m ix unohU-utitioualy with all the gue.' ls at tlic hotel. There are no in- iriHluetioiis ami no divtinrtioDS. TheIireviderd drops iu a group like one faujil- iar with the place, and any ouo talks lu him who desires to do so. 'The term " Mr. rrcsident ” is severely dropped and plain

Mr. Cluvclaud '* aub^tiluU'd. The[•rt-Mdent and bis wife* and her m otber ex ­peel to Tcujaiti here uiuil September HI.


D e fs a lu r C m y D row n . n im .« ir .BJferoN, An*. IH.— It h (» been deiln -

ftely loarnecl that tlray, the defaulting Iruai- firef of the AUautlc ami 1ml Ian Orchard Mills, lioa commuted suicide. Kis body was found (bU morning at Blue JUlla

Agent OoodwLn, otthe Indian Orchard Mills, IWa morulDg ordered the concern to shut down •a soon as the stock hasruu out, ana to remain closed niitil ftirtber notice. AII bands desmug to find work elsewhere will be paid at once. The agent decUnee to fxpreM any opinion as to whether the company will start the mill fifatn.

i 'rom oU on i and Itlmtilaihaii Jn tli« D if- r«*rfnl N ailoual I>«*partiueot!4«

SivHal tn tin* KveNiHii Nawt.WAi-JirNGioji, Ang. 18.—The appoint-

tnenl (iffieera of the M'vcral department'}, and the Civil Service com nil-sioners are still <piite b u 'j making clerical roiluctiunu and pron;otlu{H. T lu 'N ew .IerseyofllciaU , as a rub', have fared well, only one bavlng Ixon dibOiissuil in the past tiireo weeks, iiotwitbhtandlngover five hundred changes were uiiide during that puirbid. Tiio diangos, however, indudetl the promotion o f live Jersey officials, three o f whom were announced in the N ew s at the time. Thu other two, Robert P. lla ius and O tto (!. (ibantner, were uiade happy at (he close o f office hours yesterday afternoon by receiv­ing from CotuQii*sluner M ontgom ery thuir promotions from third as!>ibtdnt patent ex ­aminers at $l,4u0 per annum to second assistants,.^ at w ith much murepleasant duties.

Appointment (llerk Ha.s.^1cr said to the K kwb correspoudent referring to the clerks in his department who are credited to New Jersey :

" 1 have always found them rLdiable and apt, but above all they do not make us any trouble. There arc tjuito a number o f Jerseymen in this department, and I ean* not remember o f one o f them who has ever been sp orted to m y office for mis* conduct or auy other charge.'*


Tlilrty TlMiuptand K nights Tumplar Ooiug to 8t. Loulb W ith Their Famm ea.

8t . Lo i ih, Aug, Id.— Tho preparations for the great trienuiiil conelavo o f (be Knights Tcm plsr wbieli is to be hebi here next month arc rapidly approaching com- pii'lion, and will l>o as com plete and aatis- fnerory as it Is pos-jhlo to make them. The vice rhairman o f tho general rommiltee reports that ho already has positive advices that 30.0JO KiiighU, aecom{mnied by 20,000 mum- liers’ families w ill bo licre and that fully lOO.fKlO other persons will be present to wilues'j and sharu in the great dem on­stration. Hood quarters will b« provldc<l (or cv iryh ody who desirua to come. Tho acromniodntioDs already at the command uf the committee are more than ample bo meet the ])re»cnt demands and they cod be greutly cxtciuled.

The order o f Ibo F.astern Star, which holds the Fame i elation to tbo Masonic frateinily th-U Ibo Diiigfatere orKttl)Occa do ()]C Olid FcIIow.4, w in hold iti annual cuiiventiun during ihe conclave weak.

Piratea In G rareseud Hay.CoNEv Is l a n d , n . Y ., A ug. l a —

*Ed ward Janes, o f th(* oyster sloop 8, B. Boi<ert, of roirboguo 1 Peter Miller, of the PeamauKht, of Caraarsle ; John W. CoIcr, o f the (loorgo I*ulnain, of Slnteu Dlmid ; Jumes Bailoy, of the I.ucllle, ofGravfisend ; James DlXon, o f the Arnle Huland, o f Carnarsie, and (?. T. Lyman, of Ihe Well Spring o f New York, were arrcited thb mondngby Chief o f Police McKino. of ( ‘■oney Island, and a posse o f police, fordrcilg* Ingelannaml oysters In Orave-K*nd Bay. and brought here on board the i-tcam-tug Governor m il, o f Ihe Bliote Inspection Department. William H. Morris, nii oysterman and resident of Baib Beach, Is the complaliiant. The OravM'Cnd Day oyrlcrmon claim that the sloop ofoyHermea from BUten DIand, New Jersey and other places, who are forbidden to dredge In their own UHters. eume to (iravesend to iln ilire, lo il»o detrlineiit and exclusion o f (he nuilve fibhertnuu. The prisoners ware held under twuils lo appear for trial lo inotrow Miller and IiU crew of the Fearnaught showed fight, the CBpla In thrcjiculng to about the offi­cer?. lie was overpowered and a inurdorous shotgun taken from him.

Rawatl W ork in g tor A e-aleetlon .Bpodal U) the Evorttao Nxwv.

WABHiNGToir, A u g . 18.— SenatorBewell is expected here Friday to atteud a meedng of the Republlcao Oongresdonal Cam­paign Cotnmiuee. Hli re-el^tion will no doubt be one o f the leading matters dlseussed.

A T oung Hr-rrmiitGlrl lirta Inin lliti) Com-paj»ym l1lie lta ll» ii Dl<*Lilr--Ovrr< iM»i4‘

A fte r a Ura%« l(r«t<«t«uct‘'- - llr r F ciu a le Ctniipaiilon Mlsaliig.

lK'tt'<tive .UigiTs am! <’.»]itain .\xl an' a r liv tiy Digimrd ill u b iiiil lur ;iij uti- kiiiiwii iiiuti whij iiiitr:i;.'i‘iiii*ly H'^aulb-ti a young woiiiuu haiind at a lull- limir Monday ni^ht In an alV jttiiy uti Nurfolk j.|re»'l, bt'tw*-n SuhMX iivtimi* .th>) I • iilr.kl avi'mii*. Tlie only jKT>un wb<i <-;di furiii*li h i fui' to Ibc libntity o f (hr ru fil'n is a woman nmicil \m i \v Wiili.nmH, r« - ditj" oti -street,who ki I |iiiiK uiidiT l iiVi f .11 |if. M n(.

It appear* Uut Muggn- liidiij*'", ibMUi'R- (li- in till' ftiiplny ot r r n b rii k M. I’niT. nf 'M NurlMlk Frr<-i't. u ltn id n l tin* l u i im |i]inic ai r i l id o u iu i I'.irk mi M<miliy iii^ltl Iniom iM ity with Lir./ii' Willbni>> Till- latli r VI uii liitidiiiti-tirm i; with a numlH-r t*r it.ili ni .

iiiinalnrtd a .voiin^ l y x , inUJialb.li. lo 'ni!iiii4U rwith Ibt: girl daTuing and diinkiii*;. Slufitly bi f(*h' lilt' ft-DlivUi' ' br«iki‘ up IIm' f 'llow imlmrr) ihr girl lo n .OkUpiny hi ii l o a n inoD' ««Tlbni id 'l l ic park, wlirn* In- ntlin .ptfd III a^-ilu1t luT. .<hi* r ! {■liiMlty and lie -ingrily th n w b<-r In tin- ground. She aro'-t ami luirricd bn-k I * w hen tin iTowils wi'n* a*R«*iubiod nml r •

-i**uiv* *■' .Lizxif! W illi mi*. The Iatt»T uiH*uiptF'd fr> wx ..1 Jf. fiillit uUy, apd at tl)i< jum -turi' ibe yunuj;

^ u n a p p c i im l i>prm t^ie. g^i-jiv r o n till' ground that hu h.id Wen

drinking.Lizzie ^ 'i])latllV.'l Jiu--baml left the pirk

aliout miiliiight and Liok iiis rb ild almig, leaving bis wifv tu do the )K<>t *lic cmilJ for b irse lf and NLiggie.DKFKBTi:!) IJV IIKB FKM.U.l; CDMl'.tNpJV.

ik'twccti 1 and J u'ibH-k the 1wi> wi>m. ri and Ihe young m in bUirled for liomc, ami on rr-ai'hing a |H>int uear tho buu-H* whori- Lixzic Williams lived the wouisn lofinH'd to aocoiiipany .Maggii* any furllu-r. Tbi girl foariiig to bo h-fl alum* w ith the btrangiT aRi-r his oondurt at the pirnio pleaded with Lizzie U> accutupany In-r D>* her home. T h e woman w u lui'xnrablo. however, and Maggie was forecd to accept her picnic ai'quaiuL'inco as an eacorl. Tlu* two h id arrived near llio g irl's boim- when the felluw Buddeitly v iz e d the girl, and clasping a hand over her mouth to pruvent an out4'ry, carrieil her inui iiu elhywH v. The girl aumHided in removing the bniU ''s band from her noiith and struggled rrauli4*ally to g:iin her fretdoni, Sbe fought w ith her cow .ijJ- ly asaailaut ^o bravely lhat he ntsorted to pm rm eling bis vielini. He atruck her a Icirific blow iu the face, cu llin g her lip and causing one side o f b4-r face to swell iiunitdiatcly. He then clutched her by the tJiront anil choked her so hard that thr marka o f bni fiugera can still bo Been. The iM'Ucr to guard against her giving the slarm, he stuffed a hHudkcrchlof in In-r mouth, after which he BUccoedoJ in hU de«*igus.

T w o musicians plowed the spot later iiiid Moppenl !o juvc^tlgate (b e cau-w o f a wumuir8crU*B. The dastardly brute real­ized his danger but was equal to the cnKTgincy. ^londiiig in f r o n to f his belp- ic'H victim ho said lund enuugli for the othcjB U) bear, " D —n you, give mo that dollar, that is all I want n f you.'*

EK AI’E OP THK MISlkKANT.The men were thrown ofi‘ the tr.u'k hy

the ruffian's ruM', aivd were al>out to puns on, thinking it was an ordinary qn inH altotit some money, Another cry from the girl, however, caused thern lo approach ihc couple in the alley, when th ey saw that (he girl was bleeding fiee ly , aud that her cloth ing was toriL and dipordi3red. TJio fellow seeing that his crim e must surely Ik* discovered, darted past the inusi<-im.s and i>efore pursuit waa thouglit of, b:wi made good hia ewape. The men he.ariJ the g irl’s story and assisted her hom e. Tin y then renewed their boiiieward journey and ih another part o f the city met tHlicer Jzon, (0 whom they repurted ilio affair.

Yesterday the nu furtm ute girl made im affidavit before Justice W idm an, and Cap­tain A x t detailed OfflcF r Jlcnsel lo work up the ease. Lizzie WillUms'M binband and two Italians were takcii in tu w , bii: were unable to furnish any clue that could poealbly lead to lh e detection o f the girl's asaailHut,

Lizzie Williams, who is o f notorioudy bud rc]iuUitiuD, isuut to be rmiml, having token to flight oti b*artiiiig o f the oiiirage, and as »ho is the on ly one that can give any infonnaliun as to the identity o f the man. unu.‘<U4il efforts arc being made to arrest her. Dotoctivo .liugers wus put on the case this niurnitig, aud learTsed tbiil tin* ivontun hud forsikcn her ehibi and was seen on Uivvr i-treel I ist night. I lio wbi-reahouts o f Iho child is known, and U is expected lu secure (he womiin by this kuowl(*<lge.

N ot M uch Full A fl«r AILM a so n , N eb., A ug. 'K u o c h YoiinR

wasRpi t and killed by u man natiuHl Vlrisou. in Itolteji Valley, >u:ilcrday. A dUjuUo ho>1 arisen between VIjimjli anil » settler suDUt n piece 4)1 land. The si-uicr aiieuiptcil to nerve a oinniioiisoil him in a legal proeo4:'<liMg (ostop idtii frtuu cuUlviilIiig the land, nriFl Vliiinrti ran liim off u itlisshoi giiii.aiul said he woul'l kill anyone who alteinpU*il to htvo the sum- mons. Vuung. who won on good loriiD with Vlnfon, Iben volmitccreil to hcjvo it, aiwl wai afCompHnic-d hj fev4!rul neighbors, wJio hid In Ihe conilield loH ’C the “ fun," iw they term*d It. When Yormg arnounced to ViOMm hts er­rand VhiRcm fired ai him. klllliiKliituluataiiily, Iwculy flvc buctshid viUi nng hUliofiy. Vln- H:in fied lo the hllU, bnlanerwarriHurrethlcred, and he was placinl in jail at Broken Rnir under a Ktrong guant lo prevent mob viulcnce.

Bquiru RemoTeU,A u i a n v , A ug. IH.— M ayor G race's

QTth r for the removal ofCummissionef R<iulre. wlih accouiponyingps|»crs, was rcs'cived at the exctniUve chauiU-r by ^Jovemor Hill at it o'clnek to-day, from ilic hands o f the mayor's Fccrelary. ]tntn4'<11ately ujKm thdr reci'ipt (J0T( nior TIID on order fixing Tue<><hiy next at 2 o'clock In the a(tcnu>r>n, at Athany, aDtlii'dnie and T'Iscc. when and where hs would bear any nigumenl that might be de- ilred lu be protculcfl fur and agaliMt his a|k- provd of the rcrlificatc of removal.

A N egro D ru la 's H eavy BiFrileiicis Bpocinl Dispatch to tlM N>ws.

N e w B iu jk sw ji ’K, A u g . IH.— W illiam !*arsejlR, the acrenioeu year Old negro, who as- Miuitcd KaKe Kline on the ron«l to I'lsi-alaway, ploade<l guilty, lu-diiy, anil WM sent'ni'i.-d lo firtecn yean' linprlzouiacnt and li.tKX) Hue.

T IIF t R U T LJUtl'.

A SiiiaIL V(el<l •>( |F|)U'ii-■ I'earhea and« Fallnrik,

Si’ i;i M iFlM I). Mom*., Aug, 1- With llii*Bid 4if ilioul l . ’ssj spt'ciiti «•o^rc^p^^nllenl•.,., Ihe .\ti4- win, thin wt*i'k,Is'Uiuhlitl In prr-H'iil a very nM»p1ete fnre- cs)*t a#> lo llo ' yi4'M o f large fruit*, the h jt- V4*>( o f uhiiti htt' Im*c)i ctimnicni')'! It is (hi i V4 u ur ij4’ariiig j i s r for apple* m New Knglaiid, but. although then* i* a larg*' yield ot (all Iniit. the rcjxirt* liidicalc (hat Ho crnji o f w inliT !lp]ih"4 h M) In* alHUlt -lA itdy |*»r icJit. o f the usU.tl even >i-Mr yu Id Ih ilic i; I’licra Siato-) The fiiiliu*.'oil th N«w Kii-'bnid. Ikiwcvit, will Ik' i^irtly m.iiii up by the great 4 ni|i in the : uppb- In.iiio^r Ill Nova Si itia..\mu|Mdi-ami K in , I'ouuti' but >'• . i r . (KirlMl only |(I,ikh> b a ird -. bnl thii s' will baN4'a K urplu-of lihi/sio b;4rn*la.

T i c gr«'il upplo fouutii** o f Wt-rtern Ntw Volk pruuiiMc Uit‘ hglilc-t 4'top in IHcuty year*, ainl tin worst feature i* (h:it (hi i]U.ilily pi omiM's In be comp ir.itlvely poor, lu Ka-t4T» w Yink (here \r a is t l i r ^irii'pici. but tiu' average fur the wb*)li Sl.iti liB» rciu .rli isuiily fifty two ]M tn lll. *

I'ASU—*' •»* fi*»r «««•

nf nicrlYe-il thercjiorl.'-iiPi* 4ti'«coiir.i>;mL' and Ihe North- Wist ninl .SntiHiWi-r have vueli ii ^tirill .• itli'lv i '" lu oiler a rcmuneralivc nmrkct |iir H • -iirplustd tl.c M id illc '*1 ft)'*.. luu> h ofwhii-]i w.-s ta>-t V( :tr asailahiu furcxp<irt.

4 ahb /I'l oi lx It c* i v4-d 4 Ii'I ucm1;i;> fioiii v.iiinii- SMiiniHin rngl.vud iml on ih econ - tiihiit coiilirm tl>4' r jt lic r predictiuns of ruHier u kIioiI a]i'[fic rro p t i icfe, cspn-ially o f gLHKl fruit iu Liiglutul. Li-iye.kr uear- ly 1H>(i,i Ml burr<ds w» r»- ciiHirUi^l th-j*-

.5tn<riv‘!'u or.inpo plpiiin- i>hl in Liv-T-p<iid at Ui.jH T bai n l Mil Munduv. lliis nns (he first sale o f tin ison. auif the plii'C iij 4(ju iv:ihu( to uImuiI m l oil lliD V, hii'li i.* a ili ibt ndvaiKe uu cur- H iil vahus.

r* ar*> will h*' i 4ilKid4 r.ihly b«bjw the lunal yield, and |m'ji Iu-h fur the lliir-1 time HT> praclictilly a failure uorlh uf the (or(yllr-»l iiurallel. There U a fair cM>p o f pimus and they will Is) cheap, wliih' griijuft in New Jerfwy are light and a u'otit m ip Id Suntbera New LnglaiiJ ahuuld htiiig fair prices.


Making (h * FrcKhletitl^l Mamtloii Morn A ttraetlsv --\\ar on iCuU.

8=|:s'eial to tbi- LvKNia<; ^Kvr9W a m h m u iu n , Aug. l?i,-*A large furcc

o f yorkm en Ixgun, yeeterday, to give the White House a Uioruugh overhauling and renovating during tho aUenee o f the pie-iidt lit, Thi- con-orvativry will he rc- i n o i U a n d the extiriur o f tlieentirc leaiisioii given wverHl cojta ot white piiut.A detail o f '] iilttiiy's men fDmi .New Yuik will take a ]iart the inammnlh iTyslal ami silver tbaiididitT-4 ;ilid t b-an them piere by piec.e, Tho feature o f the prcsideDlial iiuusc-chuning, however,will be the cff-irU o f the “ kilclii'n iKillee" to rid the lower fl4Mrisofllio mansion o f ruU and roaches. 'Ibis work wa- iM-rfirnHol during the .\r(hur'a adm inii-truioii by one uf the negro servant*, a big lda«'k u:Dm.*«] Turn who (IIIployed u corp* <Ff rats, a n d uih'o M.-vi-ral weji&els to destroy the ratn. Ho wuntid to use p4>i-ou, hut ohjocHun wo.4 made.

It i* r r lit ii ! fn W hite House biro thula huge nU B!-<'i>ndcd (b e stairs from the kitchen during (ictM ral Jni'kson'sadiuinis- im tion. and finally ma^le bU appearaiiro in "O ld H ick o ry 's ” bi-dcbambr-r. The old wsrriur waa uronseil by the annual wjim- ]H ring iUTuss tlie bed. and ultciuptod to drive it nw:iy by throw ing his Iwoia ai it. The raike( luou^i-d the wabhman, who rushi-il up to the presidential ohacubisr only to receive a severe Un lure fur not attend­ing to Ills d u ty propi-rly. H nthufullow - iiig day a verbal Executive or<icr wai isDicd commanding all tho in:rvHtLts in the house to priFceed prom ptly aud vigorously ggain.sl " t h e d ------ rats in the cellar."

si 11 i\(i \ II m \


MtnlHtcr Jackson Not Ordered lo LeaveM rXfeu'-W alH ng (ur Motlgwlck.

F t. I’Ar*', T4-X., ^iig. K —The rumor that Minister ,U4'ksoii bus las-u onlcrcil nut nf .Ml xico by the uutluiriti4'S o f t !u l country is. cntin -ly without fimndatiou. Hn ibc contriiry, it is reported (liat dur­ing (icnenil Sedgw ick's tour of iusperliou the ilexican (iovcrnm cut inteiidg to uoo all ihc amcnitii'k o f intcrimlional comity.

L verytb irg Is iju i-t ftl I*jso del Norto. ('onsu! lilngliaiii is uw.iitiog the cuiutng o f (iencral S fdgw h'k , and is jirepartnl to give biin all needl'd u.-i>.i>bme« in making the nioitt thorough iuvefitigatiou. Mr, CiiUlng Kuys lie will Ih* able tu prove to Mr. Sedgwick's I'litlrc aatisfuction that lie m viT circuliiti'il 4*(»pici o f the ICI I’ .uo /irri]/'? ciiiiliiiniiig (!i<! second iillcgcd libel iu I'B-o del Norte. r|inii thi.H pcriioMal c in n la li-ii bingi-s ;U pr sent the Mexican chiim lu the Icg.d (y o f Mr. LuUiiig',* imiiri-uumciil.

A Itiirnlpig Oil Train.F|s?clal DHiaMi I'l the Ntwii.

JhiTMi Hiuhik , Aug. I s . - A n oil tra;ii hinkc dtuii near Wiiitc 11 >n • ouilbc ('L-otrul IbiDre itl, at 1 o'clork lld> niurniijg, aiid one unhc car') ruiiglit tire. Tiietimkun (hiRcarsooM i-x]iUMlr-rj and tin* llstncsspn'Sil lUMVi'ii Ollier cars belurc ihe rent uf llio train cuuM bi'tiiken uvviiy. The tlmnes burned the Ulegra)dj puli'H and broke It-legraplilc Com- inurnoiiii.o. iNlilU* re-jrBlriiig iho win.*,' CharU-s I'eflji, a lliicmvm, wai nearly biimul to death by the oX(il<edon of an rUl tank. Thu trueks were ile.stnLycd forsi'Vcful huiolrrwl fpot and irufilc wo-i sfop|H’<l for nlviiit iwt-lvu huurw. The areldcni will c-mie a Um to Hic railroad curu|>a]iy of several ibousaud d<ulani.

Probable Murder t» I'ateraon.1 'atkils4jn , A ug. ] s , — A coroner's ju ry

decided ycMcrilay that Michael Smith was lllk d by ?unic iH*rsou or pemms unknown. Fnilth was foui-d dead U'idde the 8usi|iiubarma llidljoaii traek at Riverside li(Jit Uniidajr muri|, mg, Imvli'K attoLiUd a dyer*' ptenie the mi(jit k-fi>rc. 'I hc physiciaijB icHifiid that the lu- Jnrk'X on bl> licu<L which cBUM-d death, were nnl Auch as would probably be InlUctcd by a train, nud Ihal It Irxikixl oh tf be bad btH-n Mruck with Homn instrument. There were rumun* thut Smith hod hnd a fight with an liaUaii. lie had iKM'ri seen In company with four im.il the night o f the picnic, Out nune of these piTBour cuiild lx* found., Hmlih was a dyer and a wkiower. He Icuvon two chBdren.

T lic Q nceu ’ g Mpeecli,LoNirON, A u g . 18 ,— The queen’s

npm-rh will be empty of any »Utcmctit orjovliey or matter leadlt g to controversy. Although Ihc npponema of the ((ovemmcnl miiy n iie * dltcuMfluQ ovurumnilwlftiiN, mo one will be able lo rhailetge A ilngle pro|jo«lllon contained In theupcecb. Mr. Paraoll may, however, two the rent 4)UCftlon In order u> koep bla Amcricau ahlei iu good humor, __________

JlOQiewlTCir tttnd flahne’s 7o. B«U.*AdL OImb, Tiii« Woodiran, t(c., 7e. IUhh«'a.*-Adk, Bead Utboe'e 7<b adv., 4th page, khday.—Adv. 15c. to 1^. axUclH 7c. UOa week. HaUi]e'i.idv,

All AuHtrlu NewapatX't' In T roub le .V ie n n a , Aug. IH. Thu whole edition

of tiic Ikutsehe Zeituiif/ wan comfix4.'ute*l Unbiy by tbc euthoritb-i ou account of an article drawing a parallel between Frederick the Drrat and JoMiph ll, of Auatrla, to the advant­age of the former.

JapanwM K lU ing Chluoae*NaoasaK!, Jnpnn, Aag. Ifl.—SerioQii

rlnU have occurred bore between Cbloeia and Japanero. Five Chinoic wera Uilod, autl lOJ weio woondod-

A Bbam Naval Battlo,L okihjn , A u g . H . — The chnntie] lleet

cngiigi d ill a stTannitlaok on the f<ru at.Mil­ford Haven IukI night. Admiral llcwlti was in rmumoni! uf the v|uadron The llotiiiauf Uir- ]>ei)o Umt-s. the fijccs.sflri| firing and the scores trf H eniic llgbweomblrieiHi) form a brlbmm K]H.*Ctiich!. The harbor was RtuiMc*] wUJi yariib*. 81r Tbumas llrasacy, Hanjin Wolver- 1(111, the carl of Kenmare. and nthor dhtJn- gubhed ix-rKuini wltnesH.*ri ihc baldc.

A f bit ugti

C j.i. . .Ill* 1 -'i I!i 1. .f I'J. ■ M .I'n-p- v'\ T„ KhM. 1, tlft.i H. L. Kb).)k it

u.ilist*!! (, .« I) -1 )' \x * 1' ititi ( II I,, lo (in. < ciiti' not h< ..r,i >>ur! lb< wi li-si a y*)Wt an «-ff> r '>l i<'I ni ll . : .l-'uht* -h ;■ P r.niM b.i.i III ) 1.1, \ ilIbiit >bi y\.\r j i t l o i ’ I.!.vi.n;. K ui I h< Ir :< ii.l- l<-llUi 1 III i|

All w< It

D o iImioI sfilll His H el­le r Hail (or n :o n .V i^ . I - Ml - r , ( . K Mill i •

r* "> i.f :i lauiolrs- u| the ntriu r illtd avciuu* ;i'uJ r<ilk si not.I -ikih, h' ( h'lnic ' Mi-. rFit„t l “-ri \u - I y.oiii - |!i4 11 ni h r

« ir, w:n inarritsl hi Friv»t w - a for.;d nurri-4.’ i- rio ib irlv IW'i y ir-. ■•i-l Th. v

. ' I l-ir livi Si I f '. twoI -I oi-rh in Ill l-'r)'• • hull fimiiiT --ftib nlv. wi ntnmol at I'iiU ul< ipliii oud is.t-> iiti4 ll I'l I IS. V ■ r u oiling li s .

if* ; >v. ].im np roi losl. At m..u u I :i> <1 Kind, inudr Im' i

. : - .. ^hc . is -■ h. 4 m- ibud - • 11 . \i r u Is friim

■ r- pill i^'iliuk; III -'u»w tb U0 1 I) - '!• .(t!i 'll the Iviuils o f

s n r ,md llm - sHi-li< -l -I M U-i > •!. :md limhng lilV

I (■ • M p I- I tile liiUl 1 o!1 ( ' > s net* iii.n li- *! and

,siii|,s vicr*' inv*''lid m ii ViM I] imt I ( ( -il y. n ‘ - n a

rAi:itii:ii o iis ’s f a i 'i:. ( tl A itt .ca ,\G U N sT D O I.I('l'H F*4 ,


The I o^iiore*tiifii1 ('niirua i 'a n d id il** (*ir t o i i i t l1ou*»«' .lan lior Hlsrbargi'tl (>y

t*4k«.lioahirr M4-()h*r--Tbi‘ Charges A|;hIii»1 llliii, ami III* Iti'ply.

Mid o.sk(d

*t--. I i : u 'ni imT iii ‘T,f .in'*lh im '•)■ T' [l ilt. < r ib in iii.h d ( ■ >-c 1 h* J ■ I . t li.' g ir l c .ilh •! M i . K in d . '*'' ■ n il* I . i ih r l id s i i i l i red the r)K.in ii'd (II ' { • . Ill >■< t in - n n n 'I n fe llUn k III ! \Vh 'I '.Ur in i)V'’>cd, |licmull :,'k>d ss!.y lu w*nt uu* d* r <•-■ iiiM*] iiiimc. iiuiii'.:It) b< r I irn '•hi rilUMn-l svith annnri 11- ( ir in i-.ih . Sin cxjilaiin-tl lUi*lUjiKi r It) 1,1 I first liUdi.ind, and (be fol- •’■w^ng-bili o f Fill- svu.s then uiid tUvr«‘

«jrp4<l It I). tli*' Irto, . Minii.u.'bui >1 iii if Mike liy.m, s'lKnm-ki'.'ji r,

< m< .•), '.i: 'T 1-*' In <-nii-)il< .iitlnii oii : ’ 1' ■ ‘ I n: i : i r i: ' « , Km I. 1 tvrn- l.i*:lvi .ij I <• ......... ..Ill- I ti.n I'lS nml |s*r4 ni IM m. r i; - K ' n. f.ir.,11 rh Vnna Viimiv'

1 : • !f l,i; >-i K l>> iK.lu c fnr this mivcl r> < *1 ipt the

Ftcoiid hi''b:m*l hnhttcd tin-: first liusluinl TLhti. Kliiok’H cbililrcii fiiilnl (<> recognize him, 111 ki t'd Ihem.Hbuuk hands with the iiiiiii wbo Imil t.ii|>plnnlid birn in the ftd'ci tUois nl Ills wife, and Mu'l-li'il an adieu to till* (11m r» und left fur St. f<ouiN,

A T llO l HI t.SO.HK rillS H N E lL

l l i m Ni-i-iiid III Take Him (*>His Celb

All • t i ‘ *diiu-ly liscly jifisoiKT W.IS ur- la itiiw ! before Jii-ti* - Wiilimiu in (In' S. • und J 'lm iuct this nioriting. chargisl wilh iK'ing iniibb lu lake cure o f IntiiHlf, Ite gavolit-Il uin a- I'hoin.is l.«>c.and tmi I lied be was U rt'iileiil o f Third sitn-et, th ia i'il.s . ill' l•ic..Ulc HUiMeiily violoiU w hile n plyine. l*j the fiucsiii,ii!j projiound- isl hy llic jU 'liCf, Mint it vs,is iml.v by bard w urk tliiit tbri’c iilllci rs buciccdisl in gi-l- lin [' hiin under rontrid, Jicing a lumu-ulHr ^p^•rin I n o f huumiiity h*- wab able to make a gustd light, but fin illy reiiioved t u a e c l l . Ik-njuimii Myera, captain o f (be CHnnl boat John D. Uowiilng, o f Alb m y , Htatcd that la c had mnh' the voyagi; from A H an J with lijin,aiir| |i i<l iH-haved bim- M-ll pruperJv uiiiil ihi' Kjid reaclii*d thiN city , w lieii lie obluined whi.skev cnuu.;h h> drisu him cr izy.

TJic ('uptain lH*cirne iilarin'il at llm inaii'a Couduct tu.s( night, and neeiuK 4>dl-cer W ikhI on Jtm.nl strci't hr .isked him t i lake Ivtc into (U'b#.ly. I<ci. k*-e(n b.un- iiiering awiiy at Ids (ell vioor, hiiii*1iji)g curiliiiiiiillj and driiyiug tlut be is cr<i/y.

^Vhr II S i Tgcjuit Jli r;;i ii asked liiin i f bo cun d lo eat Miylliiii-:, ibe pri-um-r rephod llial bi- VS.I.S iioJ.eggnr, and cunid ubt uu ali tiie loud III' rci[uired fruip bik lirotliei.4 aptaiii Myers said lhat Leea'k brotliyr kept a groci ry i<[oTt- in Alhany.

" Doit’i Irritig a do« tor (oim?, for lie will 6»y I'm a hiuatic. jji-l ui<* gel back lo tbu ImiiiI in N iw urk." are hi* c liic f cricH. Whi 11 (idd 111’ waa iu Newark iie In-canio angry, and dicJiiMd llial be ki)cjtv*kwk4fTr UA ,Ni.v,iirk was in .lerney city .

TO HE H.^N<;FD a s a W IT t IL

1 lie .Mexican AulhorlOeH lo ImiJute (h o Siileio i’ nrIiaiMi.

M \i ,A.Mof:.v.=, flix ii'o , Aug. is . — A woiinm lis iu gat Mc.xLccaa. wIi o Ih a boiu- nutiibuU.s{, bail lurrind Ur' habit o f taking JiL r y o u n g ) ■ i'iid in UiChinu)] liuur<( o f the nigl.l to Ihe e Jge o f m prei ipjre in the inoim uina, where hIic woidil dandh' It.

fjiKt ni ;1i( ilislippcd from her granp ami wjih cJa^lii'il to piuiH uu the roekii below. J'he autboritK ' bad her nrrcHlisd hh a w iteh , and if fouinl guilty at her trial, w b iih t»ke= place next week, alio will be hurge ll.

Near F.-rot*' ye.slcrday Jewis Murriettu, il f'( ] (brai) d bainlit, \v;u> overtaken by six rural guivjilH. Inslead o f xurrenderiiig M uirietta-hutveij light, killing and dris '' ing lljt’ ullj{ r five oil.

Hmnge Ni^ten.Adtilfdi I»cnge!maii, u (irn n a n hattc'r

llsii R ut 4 TM gi-.‘ liol yc'tf rday at tin? (irniige Mctnoibil ll)>-piiid fioii) UjO efieeU of (Irink. 'Istu ssc( li- IiitJiri Imiin SFa*! Iirouglit lo the (■ruDgti I'l'Uo Mjiiejii oilb-rlug from 'lelirtuio in men!-, liclirsiug (but if lie was prcveiiied from gctii!ig m y iiton li>piorl))r a i-hort nine ht- would re: !e.) r, l■ lltI t Jiidl«‘e iMvKseril him H» jail li-r ien tlnys jji^ expire*! Ia-)l 1 fiinxius i-(ii ho no.'* ku t-f k ibai he cun Id nut leave the J )il. Ifi wu.' e.iieil for iinfil Muri<1ay. and ibeii tabi'ii to Ihi'Mi-nmri.il llue]>ilal, ll.' grew woFM niid dii 'l je''tenliiy

lioU rt I., b^rki-. ihr lii-L ut llie (jang <*r DrttUgu ' gr. wb'F rushe^,■‘ was iirfrfU'*l hy 4/tf:C(r M(h her la ( nk'lJ. llurko wavdrlnXm^ ul □ bar in New ■•Irnl when Mes-ker MW linn and Hi III ill. Biirlc liulled throiigli a rear *1 «>r of tlie HtiiMiii IriLu the prnpru tur n iijiarLim'iit'-. M eder fnllovved uial euptuml Idin. Pullo' JuNiice i.)iivis gave Idm Ins eltoieo uf jiayiuK Mn t.r M'is hig I' ll i!a;

1 lie Ih.ilKr:)' Pr)/te(Uvrl niimot orange are el«le*l U'liiii')’ ib'-y li.iv-- hr-eigdl 'tiMavo K '(-111. a tiim union Iu iIh-f aei! a furmer iiK-m- ler o f li e iinmn, to icim', Klnii, whe^ a iminher, ibrh*' l>l■lki• Ihe r i l / i»y keeping Often iiflc r ih'-rj?:4'l h ■ur*. 7br fip-t Hiqo he WHS fined HI.'1 I'liM S''. 'I 1k M *s.nil lime tn‘ refiw d III pay III* iin" Hii'l WJ14 exf'elli d (roni Ibrlilljo l. I'll .M-I.'i d' " '«b l lie a'lptir 1 I.I i.r rein I jImI. llis applli-iuioii was gjnulod (;ri ibeI-uyouTil -if *to line. _______

A Faiiilljr Etei'llon in reuimaAec, special (0 il.e Kvf.sjmj .Skwa.

W A sm N '/rn .v , Aug. H .— com nuin i- callnu M''4s>'d tfl Ihe Demuerutie roiigre-*- nloiiul ln*ml j'lwrierF la.*it eK*nlrjg Auyi; "T ba Tci n« R-i e lO'pubIb ann IikvImk nominated Al- fred Taylor for ifovoriior. aud Ihi* Demiyratx having nomlnut* *1 IiIr broUicr, Kob**rl L, Tay­lor, v.e Ale trying to ihiJiiee Ibe J'rohibllto;jj-tx (o rmininuie lilt-i-iilirr (Ff tin: Tnylor*, wh*i 1* a Ftjiurieh (I nijitrAiiic inmi. as Ihelr cnndliUP' fur fiovene r. If wc fiucceed In lids it Is emr Iritenfioii lo go up In Muury 4!mitiiy ami Irut out the old rmm'R braiher. Tutu Taylor. biuI n m h im on tin- 'irreiilm>‘tt llcket. Tlic Ijoyx arc dead nti ufi kecj.lng thI' linlMTnalurlal infltter ill the Taylor family, nml it liMiks now «.■* though tin y will Miceceil.'’ A b'tlt-r to tho fni)'-? ronimillec frmii linn, 4’ii'org'' D, Wise, rcprrsi ritulJve of llie tllcbinmnl, Va., didrict in the llon>^, aninmueei Ids doeliuaUou to Ijo a CfiiulkJdlc (hr r^elecilon.

roMfii'i (4T l-ii*i:. i mad' hi-- lir-l d ;-- in i' .d l l ) I Im< ninnd nf nib n >i.. p u : ,>.ri -*|j;p y ■ s ' - ui.l v rii'ii 1 iHHiii. rite i:i in wholosi \v■ f '- ' i im ii w ,s W il!-.(n i 1' ab th T I .m il r. who h.rs U n m lIu i-mj toy " f lb* '(b p i i ln u ' id f"( lour >1 1 1 - M r. Ous If I cu tU ri-('>-|v< tl 1 III- I :oii IU IIolid i l io n o f(be lb publi I ;ill fn • li*>S<b I • fur t b- j tldbir*’'b ip o f t)ic I o n it llo u i- 1,1 -m 1 1-1 I (II ll ■ !■ Me l it db r —III X b tti r l<> Uie jHi 1(1 :iv(i-i gnu r d al \\ u bm i ion a f- w (1.(v-ago mfiiMning Dull 0111-1.(1 nf Ids in-h IjI ll. dl-Jii!. in u . I'ii.- dlHloi'.-ll W Isup tT o M il, tbc iim-Hi i U iiig u I ived a iVsx l i i in i i l i ■ b iT iirr Ib c la r r i i r was to ld t b i t b u a i- r v i i - ' w i re no lunger ne i.lr <1, The <'bargC-% Ilg i l l l ' l 4U i, « . | r i Xpliilo d lJus

i in u ^ i i f g ^ M l J ..d!cr.■ - " A a l ' ; i 5 iw lV ~ „ '■ "•“ Oti* w.(- a p iV r u n f n f Ibe m . f pm -‘ n o i i i ic c l lyp '- Il Il ls on ly ln-i ii a fi-w w e ikx f-iii-e Tr l i i i r I 'lcvcb im l ls•'•|i'1 ld.4.4 c b l it a l i d ui'.b 1 fo rliitb liiig evi ry ciii- ptuyi* o f rv( I > i|c]i ir l iiM Id tu>n i ik lt ig i( b tid ill I o ilin '*. T li id o i i l ’ -r prcvi-ntc.l nu- from h tin.: ( b ii i. l in u iv w iv to in d m y I'Wii p ir ly , un i ! n is .b-ti n i i i i r d ib id on eh 'p b iy i’ n f rid iic a iiiiii l I s ii>l.(te ntlc.s w iiic b 1 h :;* . Mtiipi l lr d tu olji-y. iU is n-' ic iv c d ib t - L i'p tib lic .iu I ,m i ls iio iid n dio i) 1(Vl 1.Lie midtor>Jnp fif tin- I 'o iir l House. 1 Jim I'rcpnrctl lij prove |h:d (y- a fter i( gte.il deal o f work, du r in g vvdn h fh e liu ld c ra were biitt«m-]iob'-l :iin l strung }Hililic!(l intb iriu-e was bnm g ld tn bear nputi (In- ni-M'. The nom inali-in w.(s md g i\ ( t i ; i( u fougbt fur. it is i n i r tli.d he W.(s ibT i.d c il tJ iro iigb (be b o ilin g o f l in e o f the Itep iib liian freeho 'der-. but

tb u l tnukes n il diM'croiee, The other I barge agidim l him was fur b iM iy ii i'4 in Ibe ( 'iitiiimins(^4 oUiic il ('IndidHT Otix looked upon biui.sc l f as ^:*itn*-(lniig o f ;( b ud* r. 1 b( lieve, in (he Uep iih lii an p ir[y , Hiid be wns in ib e b ib il o f t r c|Ueuting (b« floor o f (lie rhan ilier. T lie re un* A nurn-' bei o f . OM s in w hich he tiK ik aa-livo p.trl i l l Ib e iia r ly work (here w h ich I ran prove by Hllldavibs, bul at the Iasi ineering o f the iili lc r in cn* he muile h im t'e lf jmrLii idar- ly offi nsive. A f lc f i\ |b-n iocratic judge o f e)i * I ion bud b m i clecUsl in Iho 'Fctd li \V a id , be n isbed lu rw ard , and nu.Tecibsl in lin v in g the nu ll* r n**'onsid*'ri'dH fli'iia a riK Hi'i liinp lis lv ing tho de-fi-ul o f t ill ' i.o.idiif-i'. ]l( open ly lKM^t d, an I ran prove by -iffi'IntUa, lh . it be would ilc lV id li 4'er(ain D i' iuoit.iI ic chu- d idu tc fur rcM lec lion in the T 'entli V.l d l ie s fa ll, 1 do n«jl |irifiMv<.i>, a s iD e n m * (-ratie olbccbnbU i . to Iniu- n iy empluytvi w ork u ia itisl. the a d n iin i ' lr u io n (U I cx- I rcisc privilegcH w hich iiid th i r Ibey ti-if n iy s i I f have any r ig id to enjuy.

( iM .s H IM I ( AU liiK io i nmsi(*sp!D.“ \Vhen I came Uiln Lin* nib. e," I oiitlii-

iied Mr, Fieill. r, " ( lu r e wete forty-two carriers and six Huli'-tilides id wm k. Since I have lH‘cii hi re ordy 1 wo e.imcr-', inclini * ing (fiJs, and uuo hUi*ti(iite, have Im-cii 4|j)-nil,s.'cd/'

■’ How u ImiuI the iliHnif.ss'd ?" u feporti'r m-ki d M r. O ils,

T l.e disinijshcd carr ii r W '.C 'iin iigna id at Ills (hH-harge, He sidd ih .i( In- had known for )-i.riie thue lha( Di-tuoeTats hod bie-n lig h t in g lu se in ie li(.*i diMiii.H-sal. He (i:m1 b ie ii very ( u n fu l Kiint? ids i.-oniii*cl)on « d l l Ihe I W (dlice lu ob-c-rve a ll IImi rules u ik I r ig iilid io i's , and he wm. ^nro t l ia l no a * lo l (dhus ive pa rlK iin^ liip I'liiidug w ilh - in tbo iJH-uning o f tin- C iv il Servbe. law c iiu ld l>e chargisj against Idm, At> t(m p ia Iviid la cn made tu 4-lecl h im lo lid* jHtbition (jf ju id tn r o f the Court I Iuiibu, but be won ut that lim e do ing Ida regu lar

>«fiitieB.*' Ifiiee ill. Cuuueil,’ ' he said, " I inailc a

m n a ik to two iilib-nuen, (hut they had Im'cii defca((4l in tin ir clioicu o f a ju 'ig 'i o f 4-]i ( lion, and vnbvipiiTdly (he Mit(*w1dc)i lJ-i> bad taken was r. i-onsidt icd. Tbore was no 1.4-1 eominitled making me amen,i- hie to till* Civil Serviee Coinmis- Bioii fur vbilatiou o f its laws ; nor was ihcre anything lo eurnpan- with (Im- open piiilihan ucLa o f iKujocntM- l-'( (Krai (.LupioyuF in lldt> c ity ."

HI MAKJ-: XN AIM'KAI..Mr. m is Raid ids4i (hal lie hiteii.b*d to

uplieal Idn t.isi , Me (riteiided to konw w ho hi)- HrciKers were, u in l lo iis 'c r ta in w IjuI o ther cli.wgcs, i r t l i y , bud Ik-cu made against h im .

It Ih U]iib'T*-b)o.l tha t alniuMt 1(11 u f ihe ( v ideticc a g iiiiid (U Ih vvils fond tbed hy Itepiib lii-ans, wJj«; fe lt sore ovei- n -rt 'iin tb rsu ls made »g;dm l (li(Un fur iic o u j- p lis ld ng M1i 'K defent for (tie Court llouse jan itid .s liip . M r. )-\*iJb r, however. WHiuld ray notb.Iig on (his -obj>-i-1. f l is s:iid loo (tiHt Mum- o f Ihe id lld a v iU o b i.'d liy a lderm en, (o ]irovc (bat O ils loldd> d in Co il m i l. W ire to cociie from Rij^iddican tiien ib iTs o f Ibal budv.

Mr. ('’ tis!li‘ r4|Uul*'s fnnu (he *'t di-mcnlHor r r . L'l; ei loll, iiresidcrit id' IheC ivjIrfei- vii'i ( (Jli misniou, lu ]ir(;V*' (h it he (i:(d ii 1 igi t |i> d SMiii-s <Mi', I'Vi n ]i (d no cliargi a l;('i n iomIo [ig.dii'l him, pros idi-ir hi-up* pointid Ids HUi-ccsMir from unmrigsl thuxe wtio timl duly [iii-Hrd tlie 4'ivil S i-rviece*- rriidriidiun. Jli- says I iml he .durif, ae* Hid­ing to taw, ia Itu- judge o f ihe olfiTisiviMM's o f (tie p ir iisa iim ts uf Ids HuUirillnalos. .lalneH M,-Mldeii, foNiM'rl.v a Hid<-*iiut4-, bus I MTi j(riiiJ 4>le.l p* fill Ihc vacancy r (n.sud bj 4U1/i'h disijiis>>;d.

I b e «I(H-) ra rk e r ’ N Clam liake.A l Ihc in e e iin g u f (he .bx ’ l I 'u rk e r A h -

'fs lj i ito ii boi iilg Jii die linnl urraiige jieu i'V i-fr iiui*!i- r-ir Ibc * Iti'u latkc i*i nmrro.v, '(bi­ll poti'- n eeDcd Hiuwi’d Ibal I'd m e . lf r s n i l l qili-iiii I riiVerii .r ,\bln*tl. Ju'lu-c I'jiiJicr Ms.vurIln> nc*- iil:d I ttier Siiiic Kiel imjiin ip-d u;n'-''F'l-ji\e [ ceil Mil in it. '[ Me i-M 'iir-i ird.-(* w ill U k"H liidii fi-r Si-w 'York iil 7: 0 o'* l. i-k lo ifi** omriiing 'I to-)-w Id go to HjiioIii Hook by llm rrcumcr i-l. Ji-Jm. are) nltl (lien uke alrnlii (or Pb-H.*i.M' Hay, Tbi* clam imki- xllM ik - pluce at llrou Ij'* Ib-iel. imd the party will sl.irt for hroijc ul -t (j'( lock .lollus Kuyu'-s, rbarli.- Allieri.'on, |a pM live Haggeity. Julius l.in le rmtri uiel ilniry rilii< k km- die iiii-iobi-rs i’it the i omndtlie o f mriirigeiiieij>, and Culomd JiAOi llton w ill m l As (be rnaohuJ.

U x*. M acknel Somewhat ll«tter> M in . ThixKlura Mit4tktiet, w ho htvs

been ill *l ber >ummcr home niuu- klodiiioD, WM wMiu-wbat iK-lkT l da The complaint ll brouchula. ______ ^

A rrcn lrd fur H liorderly CundiH'l.Oflieer T iaey, who liven on JMum

i-rr eT, Hiis udlisl out of bcl by &rjme neigidiorv ul a biP* fimir last nighl lo *rn.*t n man and wr.iniii), wlio were a* Img iu a ill-urdcriy man­ner 4in (lie oiipo.'iU'spK oft he sired. 1 n cy Pwk 11,1 couple to rnlir* nertd'pmricrs 1'bcwniiiin g'nvchernamc us Mr*ii. Min rite bum*', and her

e id(-ItCc ul 20 N( w .-lict. Kite wax wcU dresi^ed, rr'X|s'cliib)c In npTS'nranrr and very goud-](xAliig. 'ib>' man wa- .'aimid A|y:r, uf rd Magazine i trcct. ib 'lxn. iniirrie*l innnAiel a mcebatjic. As noDiing cmild be pruvnn MgaInRt Ibn poo])b>, Justice Rixler discbirgocl

.them thlainundng.

Hnakwt Drawn O ut o f the Itruah. AlKiut hall nn acre o f bruHhwood In

the real o f (.TicMunt avenue, Arllugton, won burn(Kl the other 4lay, and aluce lhat time many unakea bare been loen ilojut tho vlUage

1 1 1* ( laiiiutHhioiu r» lleu r C 'cm pbduls o f l.KlIti liMjMvrtrtiier.

The I iisim N-. Ih fun ibc I'tdice Cinnm-^ sloil la^l nigbt w.(» iMiilitud to ibc lu tr iu / o f ndikur (barges against p;dro1mco. 4hU rer Carimnls-r w.t* cliargitl by .■4ir;:cml H iddtu w db being otr his (sksi on July :i4». Tlie si-rgcaiit Miid that lu- r.ippi'd lor Iwi-iity-five niinulcii and en d d gr-i loi ari'Wcr. I'lu 'olliccr's defrm i> was ih.d be hod Ih‘cu w.d'-liiiig a suspo uni'-luuk m.; colnrtsl to ir. u ho w i ' h tiic iiu groun | vvac;(m ll U‘ - on Mii'!> Mre«-t l b - c >iildm>( im diT-iim t Imw (he Mrg>.iiit coubl have pns'id ids jio>l ivithoiit b < ing him. The .oiunn"-i )n dc i led (ti.d 4 'irp cn iersliiildd lose one d (V's p IV.

\ cbjipg^-!i .iri-t nill- '-r It r -rero f Iwing 1 ll |i * [Hist w.(* i|;-ioi. ll *- -r;p*(iir I'p lij.ii- «.iid ' ..( Ill- ll III looked (o f (hi offi T for (iH.v-tli)ic lu n m li' hefopr he bm:id bliu. bill lin t (III- iiIIi' m '-' b. :d vv.ts D* I l-b-4 V >»p jire,

4 .1|; |; n -. iicr *^i(T'. n-e-rii|.! (o (bn I rial Id l ‘i- i> ■ III i'i Co-d< r ,il ib.- led m e-1 - lii; . -K.il lb;d ll-' ).(d led icilco-l^ d lo re ­f i l l 4lp-ill F u 'id 'O l Iilpb-V - 'I d '. I (Hit itdcMl («> Ih al vll per Mii.il," lid (lie cnhl m)S'li'i>i-r. ■' The pr<-sideni >ms H.Tayi

.gia^c jiv.. b) l ‘> lb*- r.t L ,-o'it 4 ..o ' '

I 'l* -*b ’Ot iJipb-y 1* plicil t in t IIhto w;i- 1 o ll'C \u I (k l'i,' up th - m (tI r .n ;i-, V (li lit Co- -.(m ‘ (iiio- fu' vviiu d 'i iy Ib il if be b id bclii-\>’d (hal Cotcieis-intu 1 Tl * vv (s isFdeblitig anv o 'liliy * (lb ITS In'w uiM n*i( h a v e b d d him Cl pivMbdv. Coi.iiid-«mtii r M (r h s.(nt

H al w lieti vr-nlu U were lo Im* cnn'i-lercd th( Isiard RlHitdd lodd m etet Ai^sion*. ik till-rolmniMiiom m were tioL ap}toin(c.l (o ruin men's chiiriiicrs, C-nnmisdinn'r | SUITS said jK al till- nc-sionsHh<iubli Ite *tp -n

^ ** lu iu rc ^ tin*liUhilicK- to Ih. ‘S'Anside/c*!. ' I

t a k .'MJ i t a l e b a c k .M R . B A I I . E Y M A K E S A R E T R A C T I O N ,

\H IM 1 (iim .si KENT TO

\ ItroVhri* .Auk* Itm l tlU Mliciwr bn K i'pl o n tlio Htii-r-i.

Tw o girls, Isiili niob r (be age o ftw rid y , w iaiiiig big wideawiikt* In is and ilisby ji w-cli>. « i re bnuiglil U-(or- Jn-.iicc llo-let (his miindtig on n i barge o f bcdig di-Kir- d« riy ( biiiui'H r-i. n i/a lic ib 4 Vimiorw niid tlial -lie W im s iv n ib c ii ycin vu td . Jlrr lu otln r, Micimel Contiurs, o f 17 Honth T( titb *-tri ct. VVBB the main w-tlncss Hgiiinst Inr. The uiber girl, .Peindt* Wdlinin.s, wure an clalmratc white vest, uftaiidiiig rollur and a gorgtsnii wat*'h cJniin. ( uiiKorH * (i«l tbui lii.i aistcr b it bujEK SI VI rid months ago and iH'V4 r M-lunnd. t xn pi lo stedsom e arltcle o f ih Iiic from the hiiuse. Hho paraded the titn-cla with till- VSilliaiiiH girl, and Iasi iiigbt ( r(ated n rumpus iu a wiluon be- ciiiise Ibe liurtendi r would not aril Ibi'iu bier. He felt (-lire tbal ilio was goin-,* from b-.iil to wi>r»>e, ami u-ked tin* cMirt, to do Fonietbing w llb In-r to keep lu-r o ff tiif stMeC Jii-tice Ruder elosely (|iiextiotHsl Ibc (.ills Hiid birn-d them to adridt that tbey did m dbiiig fur a living. T h ey lH>lh siiid (bill they bad )jcen Hvlng for tbi- past b w necks in Ibi- Hulc] Wlnd-ior. Tin court I r uiiJiiltMl (liem 1io(h tu ja il fur idii' ty d a v . - -------


How a rocli4-l-iMimii was I'liimd niid (ho lld i-r Caught.

Ji*'bc(ivr (dnri amt iMlici-r l.'-wia mic- cecdiil ta.sl night iji finding thi* mnii who roi-bid No iIj I'.iirliiirst y c 't i fd a y uf #dd. They 'Uvpeitcd a man nuined .fames A c k ­ley, and siiiidiiwi d bini al] day yesterday. J'licy riiumi out fronHiticof bihromjHiubms late in tin- ibiy ili.tt Ackley h-(d hreii seen liiruw ing suinetliing in tho water under' Rij)b y's doi k. Tin y gut u nuiit lu w.(di»in under llii (bilk, and be found lln ru llju niiF.'tng pM ket-louk. It bud nn money In It, however. Till' detectives took tin ]Msk( (-liouk In Ackley and furctsl him to ( uiifc'i'i tlial be liad ib o luoiiey. JK; [iru* diicd l it all i'xcc|d frutu u * lost-t >n tho (icrniniiia Hot) I. Ackley w:p( ('uinmiit)sl thia iiiornhig fur (rial in ihe Coiir( uf HpiHat Ser^iimx. lllx huiiie is at <>•') Fi-r* gUNoii Htrct l.

( hasIng Ills W ife W ith a I'lstul,Mursbul Mc-Chf'-riey und (M’liretH Me-

I iiriby niid llxirimm w-i ri' Killing in the uraiige i'uli( i Million ut t> u'cliick yi-sterdHy nlti-rrmon, a Ik ri Mrs. .Ml)crl Kii.lili, I'-luod, living uji JlHitruiii u(( rnie. he ir * '< litre 'irtvl i-ame tuii- rdi'g in oU mui r>r lircHth, uud In it si;iti* 'irgn'iii ex4 ttcim lit. r-lo siild Umt lier >iii-iiui-i vv.i-. piirKiiihg lor Willi ii biinln] revolver, and imanltn kill her. Muo*bH] McCni Kuey plaei-d ti< r In u side nsim, mi<l -- uilih i iirno reeling in, 111 lAiiKMelzr''] by (In hvo ottberH and k< nrrin->l. liUt till wi-H|rfiri (vie r<Min<l ii|HOi bmi. '1 b'- m'Ij( eri llH ii weni ihiuMi-. ami (o a pile o f brick *, A Hliorl dlstMiice Awnj. tin y l-airnl Miiiliirh n- volvcr eonluitiiiig Ibn-c charge*, .Sft*'r >>miib [iiid k'l'ij lui ki<) ii[<, .Mrs. .-‘ rnltb sai<t ihc I'M u-id tronl)le begun nn Muii<]ay iilgld, when Ih r tnj'liHiid met (ler on (tie sirii-t us sbe wus (i<|r:gbuim- rnviii clmrcJi, ,ojd utai.sci] fi. r. \\ In n III* \ arrivi i| liomr, fie dh w a rcvilvcf, wf d d)i-Iitf<<l In- tdiidd xli-Hd Ii*t ,Visli-rduy jilii riciofi, SmiMi ('am-home dnirtk, nil I'li-l.h r il*-ly ahind (ii:> lf‘l ni fu r h'ii«l. Ml' «> rc--n■! It iruio bbn, and IIjIi w d i*uud (In-oiH ll -Iik.i ij,,.,, ,1,,n-tli* (Killi-c *idiuri. Hiinili got ids weiipio .( <1 ,bi II • t ni<,i| idn-1 iji-f- lie Wii-'' liol iiig!o iitk> n I-Jull h.jiwiil trial in di-laull ut b ill lull _

Hports o f Bleri-y Fur4-steps.The pii-ni4- and games o f tho r ju c'-te is

)i “lf nhiy ilreu a birgi- crowl lo i Hled •onm I'urL. J Ic gaiurx iK-eau at J o'el*K'k wllJj tin' IKhI Ik-uI-* for the 10» yii -K race, 'J here wi-rc -'ixte'-n i'iiIih-s. Tbo wiimejs wer-t .S’ I*. Hra'Iy, .1IImioiOIi iiii-l ('. K M]-j.iil'. In (be (inul (leut I'rady wun iMlh 'eto ip< r vc. uod. JI iniion Hiird uml Knimlf hiiirlh. lU'iuer''. tliuevviiHUii Ms’-nt;*!'*. 'llji-r<- ui-n- 'ixi-s-n (-idri--H JO tin-one ti-Jlc rare, die i unb-x'nnn /mvlrig >b,rlK Iroiii llv. I'i 101 j . r l " r. Jiol.in. *.r.b-r '4-y 4'1'y. wlin tnni *i\ly five ynr>l.*-Urt, w-»i. Ibe riii-c 111 Iwc mmul ■ hinl ihn-i-'i f oJnl'*. dt'. Bulb fiM'iiiiig ft-..... He- h'irdic t.ici-,urn “IX (he led'-, o-o* wiin t»y J. Hlopp-u, wUfi S. U.K-I-, of ilic Ni-iv Y tJ. .tif,i)-iic rliil), '(-4 'iIkI fa tire iirelKT) juiilcli Mr*, Wri-^ld, cj HfirriMiu, ii-«k Uic lir'l i-rl/.- irnl Mtk. J/mls M uMieau t'.' ‘ i c uil '!h< s|Kiris 4-iifi'‘iU'lc«1 w ith 11 gftme ( J |i>ut i>ali ts I .M-i-ii tbc AI Ilia am]I - . .s, I , n Mil'. H liJ-'li wn* 'A-.ei by lb - biu<-r by A 'I . ri id ! luuafierioi en illi u eojjles;,

.. — .

Hootb (■(ranK*' 'I*-*) 1(011* n Oiilr-t R ace,A. W . \V. Milter und bis fiietid ,

ir.'M7 Miircdle. arc i^niliby n-'.i-lcnis orHmjlIi Mreiigc }tolh lire fiiml ot (>isi liarMW, uud fijr some lime rivalry bos cx i'p d lu tweeii them III n'giird In (In- merits *J tlietr tfuLlers, Tu Fettle (he iiKHilut •pjehliuii tln-y repulrisl to tlm Wnvetly Irui k ye li rdny uii tin-ipib'l iuid mi- !Hged 111 a (uule't, Mr. Millci's Imrse Won tli*

(»H I by cK|<liiriiig two btrulght bearit. No ume WBK. Iak(-ii, a- they bud not Infurmed u third piiilY o f llirir js'i ‘ Pherne. A fi-lluw tAwm-uun uusuii bujel at tbi* rai-(i, however.

llulgarlm wnO Horvlu.CoNSTAM l.NOl-l.K, Atl:-’ . H .— Till!

I’nrTe, QhKwcrIiigaii hnjulry, liic'ii.-i'iiirnl l'ilm-f> AU-xamlof that TurViy wuubl ar'iM Bolg-irla If HlUeVefl by ? »-rvla. The liplush Bin! Au*- Uluii unbTumli"- buve b*eii inrormi'<lof'i<Kk<.-yN reply, and il In not fs-lJevnl in diidutaslic i-ir(-le< (Imt Uie oUlbreii.k uf aijulher eumllcl (a Immliujit.

A G old Medal for m Ilriive Hoy. A n th on y C iunty , Iho lii'U;en-ypftr-nld

Roll of Mli-hael (Jdtney, of t!arrls<m, ivxi yesrer- day prcM'ntQrtl wlUi a gold incdal by Mr. and Mn, B. Nichoti, o f Kearny, whose young sim he siTfil from drowning x few week* a fo.

Hia Cliargr* A g a liiil Mr* T aylor Cx« loioged from Die Mltiwtr* o f tha

h iM ith D r w i i g r T r u M r e t - ' r r u p u i o d Ubri hull* (o (x Drup]Miil«

Will 11 the Stiulb D u n g u IJuati) u f TfU** (fi-s nicl List idgbt tb( 4'uuU(*ll rooms wera crioadid by eiliz.ns i 'l g i r t o heap what woitbl bi* the uiiteoiui uf tbi- rbirgBt o f lirdicry inide ut tli*' lust re.;ii|ir iim ihi;-, SS hen rlerk W'lbli.V. tn re,id-» im: Ihe m hm tesof llovt tiiriyiiig. cumn torbci 'eclinh I iintaiiiHig tin reniiirki madgI'V T4U'(4-4-iliib y Tl lltcting siiv ibu rou - dm t ni 1.4 u is D. Tuviur, Mr. iLiiley aro«tt .•I'd iiilli ue s shp( t u f paper fmm bla coAi pi cket, rend frntn It the fullowiiiji; r

I iDii ' -iiti-d bv (!ic gpiitlemcti tiRi'ivstrel do.| I iM‘ i-i i"'(riiMl Mm* im-aiitng o] tfia |ou- c .1 i1 III Mu- III liic msil.-r of Ihe 4p|s>lnt*ll ■ I I ' ■ d ..... . iH'iP of Ihe liltih'wa.v * (innsij-

’ I . "tiliii.|yl>. juKl Lu ali i iineermHldm! ihi- r- imirk' i.y me at tin* l.isl iMiirlnil I ling I* ‘ till ken fp • ‘ *4-

one, nnd u r-id i!s inbudluii, The irwlion w:i* niniMi, luid Mf. lU iley’’* pi bjiepetm**li*-h will ‘ lop (In pro)hised legal priFCPc-d*■ eg* HgaiiiKl liiiM fur IIWI.

MoRK CIlANoF-* I.S TI(F VflNI'TKS.'I b( fc Wi pe ollu-r cUijspii III tlin mbiutoa

w bb'li euni niied bapsh remarks reg.irUng T n i 'i i c 'lorriMin'* meili Hl o f discharging the diitiis o f ill* ufiii-c, and nut to ih^lcctisi when tlie vindicatiuh jne wai t'l'ing dblribuii*!. he iTrfsw v»nn' lliHi the m im rks (uiii-frrrfit^*’ 'rihM*— .

.should <ufli rH fate sinilbir to thuw' affi*ct- itig Mr. rnjlnr. Once muro did the dU- rip lei.f gmiij feeling, Trustis- Ygung. lend bi* iiinuriicc, rihI Mr. M'irrisun wua ti Mibirly nc«|i]dtei| n f heing irregular In hfij b.-, pertiiiniiig to local Improvement*. I’l.ili M'**rs. M iim-oti and 'I’aylup wmro ir.li t\n wi d biter, litid liolb statiHl tliat 11'iy wi-h' vutl-lbd with the euntent* u f ■Mr. JbiileyK b Uer, uud wumbl lei the mat- tl T drep.

For tl long time Hie itirmln'Ts o f Iho tiiitiid fn<reil uvi r doruinrnta nf every (Ji'crijilb n. Mini ihe elerk was alnmst in­visible liebiml HFlmk o f p-ip-rs. AfR’ r KuHiligthe duciimerits Mr. W ildey aruso Ht:d ii'iid a t'urimiunfi'utioii from K. K, I'rBm i-*. cHlIiny (he iiHeiitiun o f (In* Ikijuril In (be fact tljB( wioii' ps'twuu hod cunverteil a hit si Ihe cortn r nf Th in ! and A4*ademy Fin cts in(4> a ilumping ^oiund fur rnfuso. 'J'lic ijihIUt whs refi-rn-d tu tbo IKiaix) uf Ihaltb .

The 4 (itn) itiou o f ( In* sidewalks on Cut* liij.e F-lic* t was the “ubji-ct irrateil uf In g lomimnib-ulloii signed by the residnuta o f that kIth t, Hnd tin* priipi*r cummitteo waa rnincfcled to si'c that ihe IrouhJoB wer*b'"i4 Ul d.

(ISK I.JnilT AMI KI.Kl-TinrlTV,'J'iirre Ih i full euiuplement o f ga-i lampi

(bjMigbiiul the vlllugnal present, and no little aiiiii->ciiH']it will lht-refur>i ereit<*d a llii'reading o f u li tter froiii the sorretary o f (be (rlofN- Has l.iglii ('imjpauy n f Jarsoy < rty. in wlm li (he wrlp-r dejduped ih u u n - sali'lrtctory hj-sieui u f 8trec( IlgbliuK: ill um- in Die village, and agr>-e>J tu supply b' lti r lii'bthig a])jcintus at iMdt'im prieeg, Hilix rt IJ. IbiMis. Teprefeenting (lu* Jennoy l-.liclru- l.iglil rnrii|Miny, a*ldr(*ss**d thn niei I ing. nnd cravisl (h eU m rin f 1tt*mgBl* luwed Uie right (u i-rec-t )W)Ji*s fop wiriw (brimglitiut the viliiige, in urib-r (o emiblw (be cnuipfliiy lu -oipply tlu- iiieaiidesi-ont. light tn private eunsinin rs.

Mr. Vmitig. i-hairm:ni uf tlie eorTjnijtUso apj niiitnl lo confer with Ihi* lh*iitru slroot Hji'iul'i'ite, ri'fxirted llnit m> dpfluitft Ouli- «-luMcm bud been ri*H4-h«‘i) hy IhnruminlUise, Hs the <pie'tiuu nf a puro water aiipply for (he villiige was entitiud Ut morn than o ]M»Hslng ihvesllgatiuu. A large sum o f iiMincy would l*e invulvrel. aiul pruetutiuri- ury iu(-asiires must be Uikeli to protect the town. Mr. Yuung rejul the Imv fumrlng ut) ihiN Buijji'tt, ufler ivlifch lu' lufurrnexl thebusn! Ilnii j( h.ad tho power lu p ro ' e n d w ifb any inoveim-iil (cm lliig lo sup­ply Mnler for publli- iiRc. TIio cltixertS o f W jumiiig have made overtures to t!i»• ininge Wall r Jhiiir'l apreeiug to lay tnaini at- tlinr u»m i eijn-jjse ijm] p:iy a reiisunahlis tiim Kr till- uho uf tbu wu1i*r from thn rc'cr^eir. but ren-i\ed word that It would !)( inijMt'F-ibb- tu eomply vkilb their i^TiiH.

ANXJIIL’H r))ll A SKU W ATKH Hl l'tT.Y.Till')ien])le o f Siiith (tn iig e lire slmuiL

tinnuin.uus tu ri iiUc-sling ibiii other me.itu 4d'n wall I supply tbiiii (In- (Fringe VVulnr Wiirlts lie fldcfjil) d. '1 lie IVntD- si n’cl syn- 4li(-atc will nut file a eerlltlealo o f incor|Ki- fKliutj iiiili hs l* rj>iH lan k* iiu«l*.i wiili tbo vllliigc o f Jtruiigi’ . Trii.sleu Met-)-:db- s.nid ll.iu l«c was asked In iiatu tbo I nurd take *uj|ie getnui ri'giinlitig blcy- I lists, M> as (upri \cnt tin ir ridijigat will on lln- •nb-ttalks, I'Ai-rybody lijil M>mc ijum- j'lijiiit In otb r, uml tin pnliee olU-era WPrfl mjlilb d (o liiHki- Wiir upon bicycUMts lre--(- I’liFFing ill thui Way. Joint Mur.ihy was h'l un till nrb-1 (f) the 1'uiirl o f (.VimnnFii I'b-iis, ll- a pre]n r p< r-oii tu k)-i-p a Jmlel, a id Talritk K*'tly am] .^ll'llald k '-m aa Wf I'l-graul) )| s j Iuuii li- Mno-K. The n-guU r u.M (mg niL lit nl Uu hn ifJ wis . Iuml'c-I frum tin- tiiinl Ttn .s)la> tu tlic lir.*l I-'rid.ij uf ih) riinril b,

A ( hitil flitter) Hy a 1)0 %I'K rbn i k (i]ip(-l, the eleven-year o ld

n i.f M rifh-'-f ipfw.l, W))'* blit' ll by a i|t)g lie*1) < i-i 1 aid bin iMimn, Un- euuj )leuluT, at

•)"ii.-To| .sj.rii giu-M Kiel M ifn'> iiveiiuaa bis| I ii-M. Tb- 'fi g fills biiteii oUn.'P eliiblreo,.-1.1 Uh' onin r fni-i-'UiAente*l lhat iL stiall bo kill) d.

Holm H rnl (u Sb«y fiHflanN.1 :isi iiigb i iliri-e kiy-4, iiikined iieorg e

\i.illici, Viilli.jiii Ib-yii)'!)!': uii'I Tburnax .^u!u /'T. iieid ildricii', lifltcii iini) .*ilxieeii year* M sp ,,iu ,ij, ran awny ft.'in ibesr Jioine* iu I'l I )m y r.*-ri- ri-ud'-j-s iff fll-ije imvRls,It I- l>itiesed Un.-Irlo have gum? VY+.-si to liUyU.e M drlin'.

t1iUU’ilj)w T rtta m ea D i»*m 7 e .U »lin (j 'i .l i) FancyladU viiw k.rttiotK li 1c, Uaha(’a.J(<id Anollicf 1c .B ugalu8»l6»• i W w e ' i . - i * .

Ituii,i« or T o .n p f rstiir* .TIip r!iii((p o f tlic tcm p cru h ire for Ih*

lju.1 iwfivr liniirs, aceorflljig to nnionJ# kept by ( b#r!es Jlurtilegen & 4'o., o f llruad Ktreok l i fl A. M., deg.: 6 A. M., t»i deg.; f A. M., (>■'& di-g,; Ij iirjoii, 7'i deg.; 3 T. M., 7J deg.

J)/rSfu Jasryto-iiiurTo>r,ihf \t‘(nt/ter B ’tfeam pft tHc{iJnir out/ rtkti r u

C I T Y N i :V V S N O T K B *

TbeCignm sukeri'’ InternuliutuI rn iu n ,I <*. i'Us )]utiuted !lJ tn et. Mlehm i‘ lios.uUil,

T h it i'W ill be u m eeting o f the Joliu 1. .triJiUaye llidli. ry Asf*>cbiiiuiJ, UH!U.>rrow I'kumig

A iveb-imm lo Mrs. lilaaehnrd, pruii- •tcni ul tl.c Wiiiuan 1 I'fitjj-tiaii Teiuiieraju** ( iiluM, will be li'iidi red itc Ihe ref-irmed men's imeliiig, ill l - ‘ 'lull** rr> -(rt'ct, lo nigbl,

The special (ruin tor th « e tn in d u a o f Ft. JoliJ*’« I'limc'b, Woielhtdc, to KU'rllng Lake, wUlTraV)- Uic braftori uu-nuu HaUmi, WtNvi- cUJe, at?:-! a M . (u murrow, liuUmd o f 8:'J7 u Ii4 re-U/luro aiitioum-cd.

The K iic liuilw ny O w p a n y beganrunnliig to day s s -sietn of tratibfiir cartlAyei ktwi-eu their Chnmberi street depo^ Now York, and the Drooklyu cutram 'o of Uu bridge, foi i)io iiccomiuodBtfun of paiitial o f ih# io44.

Great bigbArgklliifvr iCi bt


S'cninn ^(Inv?rt^uiieD

I V E B Y D A Y IN T H E Y E A R , (8vudaj*

*T rn tmm Mws FiiiLii iiPiG mm,At No. 84, BROAD STREET,

Nrwftrh, JiMkitrtd at i'bri M ’« » ' * ! .

— ---------

O e tiT trd b ; carrif^rs in any p^'l ( f l* »' f l y , i r d O fjrg * '. t a 'l Ni'wiitt. onj ■ t' »• townio^ BcMcv ’!♦, Bioom' e t.ird a'! points m EstC* Co '-'ty.

Mad fubtf.r:ptioni f dc"ari a y^ir er <i6 y c«nts t nonth. poMa^eS»ng|ie ccp'M t-'O cp'ti Dc rt-’* dc»rri«rl m Ne'w»rk. ten cfntt a wre-

Ordmafy idvsritsemeMi Ofi thi^d ?• <J fourth page* conli h lin«. Sp<»>-i3 raUifor th« fjut tnd tecond pa^jp'. *p- curld positions ar)d lUndmg display

Change* in Yotrly i^dveMswp^^nu tu be made on Saturday, must be handed in on Fr^ey afternoon.

O R iN o T . N J.WJIlam H .L oitut in J HjriUon A

■C«nlt.R.tttI given end Adverti'.nn.nt, f r t 'n

HEWS f*cei»id by edher of the ti:'.." egenti. Alto order, for oirrltr del tciyUiicrt.

WKt'Nf 'l iA V . .4ntl>rr 1'. I - ' I

7 4 , 7 0 0 .The dail> nr. n !'I inn iif tin S’ ! w i ' .r

,ke Bwk i-ndio, Hitunl.y, Aiiitiut 11, ln■■(l.

pieiir'uaseATtcu'is .^ Aityrw J»‘ .......... r^.v«n

We4rEr*«le.f. .‘‘.!;i"i'l 11., rs.llOThtnriHUiy, Aiij-n-ti IJ ........rrta«r, A)ui?i IVI ...... I't.eiole ta rd H j, AtiRUoi J4. . ...

to U l. r ........... ......THC CIRCULATION OF THE ' NEA/t *


mrnt nf eomo hon*'I. loiUnj; wtup cerinT*. A ll lliw one nimi h^a!.rc}i prif ti n lly di.,! a o lnevi raJ olbAr-» »r<rt.tiM ijEJi i<:. o f n ijilw al iJ''ali . I o fll 4 ir (11.1 U N. fi i" *'f.n !y h u „ i . •: iS iU 'i' , wl «• lit, ti»>t d , r . f b c i l th. r r i ’.al» r fi-.i.t'.f. ih- m }w> . ‘ lifiMl.l Kiki t :„ if p!;.r-^ in tl fcr in iit ’ rel i].» !, In ; ; t . ' , iur tiu .I’ n.-i>l _________

If thii.K- iio\. s'l l.f !t.i i: 1.''i . . j-s -uLurl


Ilf f !


M . ’ li'I fi#* nf ihr Hr.tiNhA’ ‘ Airi .1 iiiii. iijiv hr, W illivrs M. . f .Mil' jniitan nf Turki-t. li) ► *\ imMi. = thr rl6*r» <rf Hip Mnrmnn I ’lmf- tn- alninjn'Iy in ar>Mrtl nn tl,. nlmsfiikii <if fr(eHifii. Tin- "ul wi,IHK'. Niy* nothin; ifii ( I n ' • t {iml Ihli'i M t,. l :I.;- ' ■ - .l-lit iU' i.ll .i i H..r> ht.r ' ll' V. rth'-l. n(III nill\ Iri.p tihn iiT'ii fmni 1iHiriri ri fnf Imr ni' iiup:» : n - Ma n |d ,.vl I i ■ Ml I'O ''f 'tfirir WiiO.i n in '• 'i'*’ ti' »H'I f.irji liJi4 n ' I'll. v,:''f til • .M mI :ji fi t!i«( tllin Hii* nlilj Mll ilti liy wnoiin r), in e fp •■ . 'lun li^ , r iii pi - M 111 ll ;•■(< -h v e -. It n ..Mill \vS it -'irpri-fn .'.h'JlTe MT. tie lill'l ‘ H i llli Ill« n ’ d , ;MI'1pfiMjihiiM? riioi-.il hr-! *!i vHi'nlHl di-- notnn |jiy the liiyli'-r pdut iliijh o f vimijin and appialm ,' tn lln- i t]i «i'si • - " f iL i 'i',iijiiti > ti. pieiT.-Ml it the noip ii v....ii-itiLUnWN th< Wii[»» ll* r lii-.illli i4 liV.1 ly In hi*. TUi t* n* tin 1 ai'U'i fur-ll h i f . i l l i 'y , f*ir


NEWS OF THE MOR-NINQ.ItMtnn A ll Ilr4,ki-ri I |i l»y («ri«>*N I>rr4l

tlon -'A UuiaiH'i ,1 !«un h1a<.1 hr f;ilf-Ht ..O of WllltUn 1..,

< r' xt* <1 itn ijii|i.LiJi .. (|.V 1 :i' r I u 1f. 1. * -1 If * - i H y *1 111 , nv 11 , i.e i t. s 1- '' ■ '

, b 1 ■ ■(1 I-. ■( ■, '

■ - ' ’li.,/ : 11- '1. V .*\ 1 .

■1 r !■ ' r 1 . .T'S • i.l .'.r

11* l> »•! I('- I *1*1 ■' I. l . ' I T f !; <: -■ 1* . lbrl • tt 1 ! ,1 C * 1 . ■ tuihN tt' p 1 r *

G t ■. 1. r .i . ■ .. (

r : hr X 1.1 1 • K 1 1

h,1 •. ‘ r . i. 1 l.i** 1 1

1, r .| " "ir 1 ,\ri. ’ 1 rtV:n ■ At- ; r .hi* ( ■•(• 1 S' -I' |' l V m:; rrt 1 : ^ .1in .1 l.-r V tt lib "........ 1 hi . f,-' J.**-,.-. 1 If b- tt*> i'*) r1 1 -ll tl : . J- \f

'l l (■ lEi Sl4>n (yl it. 1* 1 : IV*■*l infiirn: :<s(iInti' I'M rii.’ ht Ml'*! Mr. M r.-)’-, |. i n h i l hi! n fnmnl t;i'il io;*tr -i* In llo* fEnn U ,u Ml. Fi ' n o f Itiiii- Hill, in O.inUiii, In K'<‘ jitih • fi i 1 l»..'!n;i. I !■■ »■ w t- no tno trf t!.> iiU In r. iilid it i« U liiV xl t iu l li< hi* i‘ iiiis ll hiM—-If ill ;i hn>;i p'* i-l ni'iir hy.

>fr, Mm V Ii!M fur ir..iliV Vc IT* hi-.-ri ;l jr:m Mi iinii rn*. Iwi iitT ynan ■ *n1.1 I « tail ti:l 111. up Ml. Inni*. • ir> w hich hi< f.iiilv nii‘\ ff'Mii-H, Tni t ivo yi‘UfH In !. Ill iM .iK ijii ini-n Nt wurk (ittluTtop MiIn |il>n* 111 hiiH IiuMhmj ii», frnll, :in'l4-\riy ill I iM'i|i4riliiM lit til H tlrn p oief. *ii, 'i'h- itj.fi. w IS v.ry uPi!. Ifisjipurl . l h T t t ’i rtnrii lllllIP', IMI'I !i- ril*!"! >nlni- lef Mm hiH t flx.vi pi iiit* in Miii (rirt III'Mm- « iniiihy. T ’-i*. nr Min i* .v i i iU .d ir tir jntri'M'ii in Ihtih, wi?'i h..ip iu ii ' fiT.it.p? no *. Ml liiil I '. ir y hrcnl Ilf fii\Tl kiiouri. Thin vi'Hlurf' « --1 tiini miiiiy thoiPainlH nf ihill.ir*;. Ifh m-xt hlihhy tti- l i ’ tSfs fiiitl r ,iM ii;j'- If

She will In iley t*kc tbe pl»r*c o fih n (h irv H •tenMj yeH it whn 'ivtn- >.i: M m

- A ft l\ t


t 't t k h«-lF)f flit* 1 yi >U rd.LT, iii'l wilt !>:• ■ h I r,ij j>yt !?.'4ili*‘! T'l,i Oh thi- M-rew i1(w k at Ih

K ,Tk‘ ' t.ii« Itu.rr.inc, Hfid VI i it ’ i . -i. <1. 'M l I ’ r iv i l ia w i l l i' u \\ !I- ,i'< I i.ii Ti.i.i 'lay.

I I . : .*inr V. • ]•: PTll t.', th ' ■»i^'i k :A I In- fn'il i = f I'l -liy-M'WuiU »r

Ill KrnMk'V' ’•■"•trriUy t;;nrn ] I * ti' in:*:*' to hr'f k - f I Was, hy 4*i »'

f<i -h 'p h' r iifii,,. ll-,.’ t- . t*. Km i hi l\> ri i <itf I lly Hi*! h f :

rIii* tiiMe 'i on til* I rpi*** o f ll»f‘ N w V*.- \ ill M filth . H!-f w ill Itr jN.t h jeh-l till km' Hint atHAVr tht* Wdr<'r line,

’J In will iw’ ti> ffi iot-f I 'm-V, t(rr tlilK imirniUf. She Ui«h a U> W r'ln of wliUi' (wiTit. iiinl tH urnaninuli;*! with i

hir-nk ju-el alKivi* th e fnur-iioh hitiMl o f n (1 ( IK ifiTing her alM>iM a foot in .1. r In r » :ih




t r y ! MR

FI.AN K M U V K N e:N r.

i» Itu i lainl r

T in [ : i i r !r i\Biii'ii Ilf Mn- .A:'t,i ! ii’.li.i yi I ’ lr< ti.aiih r Mi.it t fu n .iripr- -vsiop fi>r Mihiliieu niiUi'l

llAlti iiMnn Km Ml'- I'lir I'HHie■ ijil> ■'Sji f u r I h . ' ih III I fIII ....... til r w.iH • ill I. Tl- 4 a »li<irp Till V I IM .ifi hi*r <iUi •iM-i;,-

I n U u l. n.

WOKHE, A M I 4in ltF U ¥ IT.The lurllicr hiili-ttin-tit o f Spiir.' unt

. EJipil k’ ‘ -***" Jgxyi^ln N ijw ' ' "yap|ifarfl draiRncJ Ut nitVl and n>vcr Mime Important ]ioint< m>( tniu hnl oti fully in the flff't one, anri it will plarr I'Ujinri*. at IiaM, in a v< r j ew k w in l |ircilir;imi'nt. hir It ii i»ertiy baJK'l on lih own •ituit’mi'iii- .it tl't* h ra tln i b«*ri»u M lyoMlrtri*, aii.l Mk r ■ fi ri', uiih aa In' ri-tri>rt< ltt« H.l(iry, :nni Ihi-nhy coufpaacR guilt as U» p"rjury lu TKH> lifjt but d i fuiire li* llio in lytiT'Ki li.trK •<. k« w ill Mand couvif’Uii out of ]ii>i nwu UMUtb o f baW og pbAbfi with Thomtmm te deceive M ayor Kitmm, and to hiivo lH»'n enfaged in a coufiplno j to irrun* a no m- nutioD. It 10 a p n tty had tars fur M.piiru to be III, anyw ay.

There ia, bow ever, In thn pn-Krulnimit wbirh aretitupauUiB Um ladictim-nt, aomr Mmng indiuatlima tbal the Umud Jury dH net M MAiafiod that all thr bi^ fiih in the pool o f mimiripiil corruption h.id hi-i-n snbniltlcd to tb i'ir notice. The following e jcorptaa iT w orth careful I •ru al: ‘ Tlie course o f the iuvi'^lUatiuu ainns to ttidi- c ite com pUciiy ami parUclMh'U in eimiUr bargaining, w ith a virw tu idiuiliir corrup* turn on the {Mirt o f others. againHt whom no positive evideru'c haa W n prialnr 'dl eofflcicDt to wisrrant iiulictracnt. l*uMic nitnor haa even dared to fwilut pi (host* who adm lnlatf'r the lawa aa having hivn approached by Uw-br«!«kcra fur rwlvin', and having counarlbd ronciafmciil or dc- ftroction o f the evidence o f crime.”

ThS* la a sharp arraign ment o f anme per- Rons whute uuuii-u have Iiccu promiiicnl In tb il KkndaloUB adair, hut there la a more aevete rrhuke, evidently Intended for iT lyor Grace and ('banilwrlHin Ivins in tbo following r In the opinion o f the tir^tHl Jury, w hich w ill douhtie<B conimeinl it»e)f to the Jnd^'nient o f all right inhidid men, It la w liolly iuroiniMiUblo with any jimt aeitae o f private honor lit puhlio «i(T\< i’ Ui ahare and keep lUe secreta nf ^riQ iullla with a view to indlvUlnsl or political ;ul* tatkiage. N fitb er penwmnl friendship nor party obligation ran,iti.<tlfy ituy m ui fut furb failure in his duty ieku mtveuiI o f the imblic.”

U ia d e a r that this t.rr:ind .fury ^,011*0111' pomd <if men wini tuok uu pirliAmi vii*w o f Ihc milttor, hut felt it tiudr doty to d c il inipHrti&lly with rev<v4lt><] uml im lleitvi M'anilaii aU citing the gcncr.i! n c lfir c . 'IT.iir |H!rtiui‘iit iindai'Vcrc cininuniti nil) du u bth u cuiuuiHiid gcitcral nttcutiiiu.

. .ilul pi ml Alilir. w lilihi.-ofi In ililifollv iii plnyi'l. lU ii),tis4iiichl I t. it ! lUO'.l fitiMy 1} Mi.it the <d„. it< d Aiie Ti« uii ir, iiuh id tt>*- lljor,iii-')dy

phyMi.il could lie Irividnu- 1m’ a ‘-*rf'wi ni.iii, I c n t iil wiMnaii anyw liiT c, w ill ,1 ^tievou*-11 r»ir.

romiillt HiK'll

■ ‘Ml to for tb-

1**l*»l, f.U. M .»J> Vprr viiilnl for two op |tipi 1 hr «* nt into y tchl.4, ;iin| raMid 1(1 hIo* kn.

11 ir*, unit Mil '1 iiiii y.ii hi ■ jur.j

|>i:t.AWAltK IlFMOrRAT<l.

l iJ R KLME o u t HTOKY.I'.uston luw jii*-! tuldid to Mic long li-i nf

ahaBU'ful ahu**^ o f trust the i-iW.'of W ill­iam tiray , Jr., irca^urcr o f tUi' ^M:k\ltil MIUb, and o f Hnotlicr siti:illi*r corji ir.ilion the Indirni <»rclinrd M111*i. ivhn h.i'< M.dm and made awny with fundi tn th cev ti nt o f at li'uat hulf u milliun dullur.*,, und ii may tie tliAt hta di-fidcutlum and furgcrli'N will reach douhti- that aiuomit. ,

A i*l(itou m any previoua iiialatU"^ J kh , iBwn h;i8 U fi i ahsolutely tiiiw itde d iiiul till* andiling nf his iin'uunts Iiuh hoeu prr- forniid in a loo*e ami p- rlmn'tory nmniicr, allhonrh he xvns wi ll known (m N<' Ic idiii;: an extiAvagnul lifv and itiluiging iu lu tn - rii'ii and plea^tm- that 1 ■■iild o:ily hi* logit* iiiuiUly w'Uliiu till* n acli ul .1 u ui willi mi alinoid i xhu iM b '-, priv.stc foriutu',

i t is Do.i'Xcu.K for this iUi>i-.il to a-tscrilliat In- was tenipiMil hy tlic unbonmbilconfldeucH^ re|K>M.*d iu hiiu by llic diri'i lorn ami Ftmkliulilcr.i o f itic concents tin t he biu pruhnhly ritlncd, fur (he fact (h 4

iiuliuundnl cunrMU'iue was diHfd.uiti farms nut on ly im iidditiansil indictment nguinit him. hut it u l^ ('(^1 1(11108 11 periaus arrsl|n)iuent o f Mu' dirc(tor« who negli­gently or stiliuHy shnt their eyas to the ineviuilde coiin-qucmea o f hii enarimms rxiHudiUtr*'?!. 'I'lnU Mu* ^t-nckhulilcrs gi n* em lly did not iiiNisl u|mju some inivstigo- tiuQ Kud ca]dunii(ion nitiunlyU 'iici'iiuntnl for on the theory Mi.it iJn directurs mishtl thiui ar to Mo’ auiainil uf NLiji.-rvUioii c.\> ert'itcd o v i i the IriiliMctioiui uf thniremploye.

That no suiK-rvishiii wa.i in pi d ily c t - erciicd , ii shown hy the fs«’ t t'mi idtliough bo hiU) Ihvu ticiuurer smt'A- dunusiry, lisTih be contrived to Li-< p hUdchdi'aMom : - • ret in t il the la lliT I'liK o f last w irk. wio-n Uu jiri^iiilLiit o f i Ik Jiid:.i.o tir* oat I Miii- thc MiialhT til'llu tv 'o mncfriH o f *vii\ i be w»8 allowed to h'tvc •mpreme cm ip.d, elicited a pnrli.il <’oiih'S*iiiii tin ! h** h ; I heeu UKing hiuk.' of the coipuKAlii.n'B m oney for his owu p'TsioiKd fiurTnn-;I'!v« II I! .it CiJii!'i. . :'i dm imU • I 'have Ih’cii iicLed U}Hm iiniuy - di ii iit m iti. ruT, for iti'te.id o f c.iUa»ng Mn acr-.-I u,’ the MliK-n'-h tl.c ddi'Ctors i .,-]KUii«M ;iicided tu Jtis reijucsi far Lime t>i make good hi» shortage. Of euiirse lie h,i?i t«kcn advHntu;;o o f this eredulaus cou" fideiice, and decumiK'd,

I t appCAre to lie iutimatod thut while the loM o f the Indian Orchard corporal iou will be KVgre, it m ay not rcwult in cr ip - p llog tbt;ir bniiinMR, hut, in the ctae o f the A tk d t ic UUU tbe e fc c t o f the tbefla will p n b a b ly he th e abutting dow n o f the p « r k i i t t d t b « throwing out o f om jloy -

I h c nine l li 'u M hickciiP dnrdt •Ik lupine any luuiv pidilii tlIkijrird fiumly.

Tin (Uiphati. pnit<il uf th'- .S-iliuii i1 t.iM'uioiuiH'iit (ll ilia tirHiid Army uf Mn* Ui'pnldie, liald hI Sm rritici>H‘», '•lioiilil giv«* Ilia b iu l quhln-< Ui th* f.'»v Mih.'Tl I.-o il hill, w lli'b |iT'Jp*i;''1 (*■ gMiit life |.i.n-'<'K'- Mdd dollars [o r Htiuu,:i In uH hanirnd.ly diw-lurged -d'JicrK an ! - :i i- lu iH o ft ln I'uom whu NiTVcil s istyd .i\-i (If mnr» in,. Mm- civil WHt. irr-ip< ■ 1 ivt-nf T^iiUmU re* l iv id or dhahilltli * lucur»*a 1 hi such M rvl'-c. Tho vole im Ihi-mjiicHlhni was T*7 to H>. rendering il aj»tnr»'iit th»t ull ngitaiiun in favnr uf the hill b;i*> 1i"i-ii on the pari a f o lh in than 1110.11’ iegiti- unately liitercHUxI, in nllicr wurds, tbut It bth lieiD the work uf (^'niioii duim agent* and »itbilar ieci litfi, who, li;iving no claims on the conntry thcmsclvi-**, pr.ijM-o' tu fuston on to Hud hli*vd those who may '■* in to have siinii' mI' Ii rights. The vote

K rancisru mci to (li^crcillt. to 1*01110e itr n l . ilu ' iK-MtiuTis from varinni imsU w hich Mr. Liivcring bus from Uim- to tim ' p icanilcd in Hn- Ifiiuie, favoring hii uicahiirc. It would he well In crm* uf any rrtwtUlun nf '-tvh Inctici to mM.^rldii wbrtlH't or mil IhcHC alleged p titinns uro offtiTal pn*-t dncumi'iiiH. fur It wems incon- si*tciU*tli:it Ml large im ad\cr-K voli* Hlmulii liC (WSit hy i*»'prc'**'iH:itiveK at the NatioH’d F'liiHHipmciit, if nity large nundieruf the poati repri'.M'titid bultl lotolly dllTcTi'nl viiW'S. ^

rn ltin g appM-Jirn to have jnim'd iligg iu i ill (.bill houm c o f forgetfulnra't whence un sound convi •>.

(.Vrtain Meniorntje tanalori from the Wi'Mt and 8(.iith h;»u* hi'cn Inti rvlewin/f Mresident tTevelaiid inurder to a el•rtatr| w lii'llur or not b li [u.st policy in ri ;:.Erd to Hp|MjlntnicutoTK to W m aintiho'd. TTicy are grit ved to Ilml Ibul In ** i-i no rcawm f< r chaui4liig his emime afid are now cred- Iti d with inliniating a WdiiT Mial b< Is v t ltn g U]» a Hiihlle M-hum> fur uhtaining tin* IcHilernliip o fiitb lr* ! parly Uaoil on < Tvi I Service refcMu, The re Ik no legiti* mate fmind.ilion fur any ntich ibenry, and tluiic nicu nni''l know il, hut in Iheirdm* f.wM at their iindnlity to make a p^rly bin K nf him they arc ;ipf»firently diil**ioHl to rob him o f ’ill crcilii fur fiilelity t*i hii jmmgnration pUdgeH. Mr. tl-vclrim ! n iiv nut have uiucb o f 11 cleincc fur u (erm, timl he limy imi diHiu* t i Imve It, htU he ihnihMeM |irii}Hi-*i s lo n-e UIh ut nuiHl I'lidvitvorc t'> li'int: llie W liite U ni'll’ » ' liniM'I and hIn eh io-lni»iiU-d an Iu’ es.is w hi n lie n iii riil If. T’Jhh mny Ti'dte the lilvUe*-{ *,ly)e uf “ priietlcal pulillcs," blit it is Mr. ( ll vel.uur.T :,lyle. and like the late Ml. ItoviN, he I’un Ik- vi-ry “ uKiiably ole*1'nute ' ' aliout il,

niijEitd'i* r«ii< i)il»lr fur liiivi ruor ItoitScn In Ibe Hliilr t 'o iivrn llon .

Tin iK iriiir.d le party o f iK'law.in', jii (o iiM otioii id Duver. yntiritHy imndnat -d lN-( n l:;;ff< -n iun<* ' '» W i'/dfllV.,furini-r and b»r I'luV'M’ mr Iainf JiOim >r.' fMo t i g r * I T i e Hkht fur delcgRl«‘.s In Mu I nii\i iition wa- the hiMi pi-t |i'itiilicil c lu­ll ■ t c\«-i se< n in thin .State, and il l uhni* nnted V* *!» rday in ft dU;;r:K ■ ful n ' n- if cntifui-bin. Till* light WU' -imjdy » *triu- gl<-la t u i the nuts or HjiiMKiiry f i"M>m iind the inns or the lUyard-Mr.iv h o i.on . The .Saitldmrvs wen* licadcd by Mijur

with t ‘imgri*'Hiiiiiii M-ire ns .hi' f \'*>rkcr. Kdwhi 11, « ’ lehran. elcrh o f tin jK’Utc o f t'ounty, Wds Ih e it iy -aid eumlldiite.

T he Ihgc.1 men, will! had a mai'irity o f ll<e dch 'f aUs, pi Mjred ihc it iU]Kirary and |K'iniaiicnt ofllnnt. T'h« <m-hraa ami t ouch men, R(*eiug all hope gutic, joIiH'd forcei with llcrheit, ft Itayant m m , w ho h id «'lNt Wilmington nm ghi in the room, wiiu >'( Ihd ih d hto d rnr hAlf an Imnr ut a time, hoping to carry with them ■ niiin- Ikt o f niip ltdgid delegater. from the lower fOUJiMt-;. liut the ‘‘chnni' would not work, At it the eom.i I\4live faruii rs o f the biw* T (m l. dL-gnsteil will! ll* rbi rt*H mob, vet»*4 f'>T Ihsp'i and iiominatod bim on the nrM Imlhil K'l rotes o f M .

The defeat o f Mm l.ran menni thul Mr. Ihiyard Iihh been <lrfeAtr'd In the first eun* tu t since t'levi land took his scat, und hy hit own p irly . It may also msvn timt Mi rintor Giny will not he retisrunl next wiiiti r. nllhdugh Ttun-h o f Mic Itiggs ele- meiil may favor tlniy.

The ’ idatforirt udojilod recogni/,e- in Trfhldeiit (Tevefand an htmcnt (uid p-itri- otic ch ie f nitgi-*tnite,‘DitiuuH to sceiiro a projier adminlilriitioji o f iJio public urTair*. Mini etitilli’d to the confidence uml suppiirt o f I he licofh'.


r. ii>iiii u-’44giicd hy thn* rnm eut ur^-m* r-u tbi r iin ll i,* tlial till *iiK •lion t lo ith i- '•rihi'ii ( 'iiiled be h iL;.-L.'lit« l!y *k-U1'm1 i ;< the spot, hold htlishiiry ilr- irt-a toum *nlt t'ulnnel l^idrew ly on tho m.ipsari'l etr.d .ji.-a! Iinporlnriie o f ih* di--tri I fla inud l y T h e **itumionI d e and nci> t -sily ha*l tu war U'lW'- u Ku' :a iiiid AlVlittui-iui, in volv in g i’hi,.-

•iTfl' I f" h lfe t jy fniTJinjM-ieni' ; ,c'lrry on H!„nM.uionH uu nfTairs o f Hr*! ehn-nnjn.-rl;iii* * fMEKNlhly leading to W:>r. likt-lh i.' laird .<uli>lmry ha** lh't‘ :i eu.n- l u lled In lake ebiir^* o f Itie foftlter liitn* H If. The 'if ii .t o f th e wuNkti.in is t < <livi rt alU'iitam to a certain ox ieu t from helm to foreign tnaUcr*^ and to pl u'* th • hiM*! ill the trout rank. T h is new Tory niovr ha- Liberal orgii|M. Uu:i- |in.bft1ily orlginietHl hy Ihilferln., 1. - aurally lu iih iu i to m.akf & rep.i-

ofii'i/rtonitiM uddF. II*- .w.i- M'lil I'ail (u Imlia w ilb tho Idi^Hofeniihin.! huv i l ui the great ABiaLlc struggle o f th two l‘uwerv It mny also he meant ■* 1 buiK i ( Uu.*-ia in an iw cr to Un-*-ia'* slap in (he faiV to LngUii'1 in the___________af­fair. ___________________________

M 'AllW Kit At » « K its.

VALUABLE STAMPS,n t ile rtvewe iif I 'ap er l l ia l Bre AV*»rMi

■ lywiof Moiii>}r.If luii.i H;Ui Frir.! M t nrujiii’h 'f

111.- UiNlx'AfKI M.iuiji cdlc* liuns -i^iri-i„ ! 1’,. j .v .i . id . A ri*p<>rttr i.ilh*! -.[ - K Mr I ii-if'rir-alh. tlu* OEvnerortIo

<;■!!.-lion in Ih” l it ? J;i.- , m . I.II Hniii r Mh ( I, -i, d th d Vitihnuiii i lU.rff i-*.-ly to e t-h i ll l l folli • I:*’ ii. In aO'fV* i Ivj'''VCi »1

kUsliip galbcriug lo*

■ rii- vuhn of .1 .t,iiip ih.e,** i»i>f d* j',* ndiip.-ii M,' ••i/c 111 iii>;i**i too' '• o f Hie e-mnt ly i ', whii'h it WftP i«4*i4*''l. hot on (lie sintl! i.uMi" ■ i:-'i.Kd and (h « iMUC U-i^mntig < t- liM ! Siuic uf (he rwrcit «U m (« * fc tlu;>i.‘1,1 ...viiitric- w liiih an* b:udly know n to iheiiV 'rs^i r> - 'h r . Sin>'*' th*.-Aihiptiuri o f

sti'ujf.. (iifijc forty-.Mx ycai** .kgd, l\ . . . hatt hcrncxixptly 11,061) diiT-n'nt 1 ii.d-. N-ijed hy the ditfiTcnt (svnntrli * in Mil' w iold. M m y o f t h w arc lust and cm i , . r ' 0^1 led , N'-i *ollcclion in Ihei.!ih l i I !|*l< I ' , :>][! oicdi MMDO 1(1 (tor"

■ •.*.' :n I i'r -n •• h.iV' hrougbt much-II! y- I inilr eo.uprl.- 1 ah nit l.'ijnn

i, r ‘ ii'iHi dif i rint lo-ues.”Mr K'nIi nruilj then ojn insj -*i’v» ril

h u r irucl * and tmik out niiniherN of i>. ;| n. liiufk', nhh h hafl U'cu bp*** lal- |v 0 Minif-i* IIIri"t fur the pnrpow. The * i;i rt Id .•untM- - w< r-- all ]irovi*l* d witii !|,pr..j I’, iti I'liK- in tfie diifi rent vuhirtK'-,'.I II *t't i|H v; r*’ cir* fully ari'l sy*-

1. 1” : liia jlv arr:mg-d, c.iNm' io-ii.';* w iih I-|it,'.V I'l It K-.icp''W'Li ftr'l ‘ - ’ Jed R •].,r. ih d hill" let! r v-vf' H»'nl f*il<h I in I -. J-d uilli wax, the |e».tag<-lying cither jr i f 'iil nr irdli tut lUi ibliV '-ry, T'Jieii, P*.*n-r fir t ep 'ird th • v.iliii c priiit ';!

ly .iU d -si, 1*. 'n f**' ■'* *Vm pi Ja itoL tun

ortbilfiMCriptiOfi^ tod iiiUsiAlto<1 ibkt thf wdtur of tbr lottcr hadlMtL.*r buf how berorlf agalB In thv r.\ral prw- 10-4 II rr WM a blow iD'liwd. M'hcnrhe [irinfc and pnmxM of W.ilcs w’t!i- di .w the light ef tlu lr < oiiutuiin from a refiLiii |K I'i.-n in ‘--►ciL-ty. lh..l j* t 'i 1 '■ ..i-Nigu<d to (Khtition. Lir-I and l.el.v Lainlulph fiiuml lUi:ti*e|vcs cohl- flu-ulihrnl r ti all sld'-a. MTul was lo !'• duu. '( Then bird Uatidolph took a *1 r< •■■nilion. Ther* w;*-. nolhine for it l-uil(.a l«M lo ii |,ia dreani-i u f - m I;d eudu 'ii • Bud {ilungi luUi |i*dk(i(-s in i;^h ' i .iiii-'^’TheTtiry |«r(r at M uttim r wai I'olly in IM < d uf u fight iflg mill, and L ir ) 11 m- do)]ih proved hiinadf a r^aul.ir hruiser In «n iuerediUihly short (irne bLi politi* il npuljition was nindo, Bod then cime a morn prcrlout mnAoIntion. Hir Henry JamM uudeclook to msoneiU the prin*f and the peuiUnt DobU'in.in, aud su they n.ct at Sir Henry .luim-s'a huun- and Tjaly hnnitolph’i* IndlM'iTlio!! wu* retfieved, ami i.ew iLe ]alr shine mure hrilluully liniii I'M I III the Miciut firm iiueiii. ai adl’Ilu 1 of ll.e royal vun uml nutun.

ClIlN E l'K irIV O H i K4.

Ill IVluwnro Mr. Ihiym l iipiuMT'' ••getting U*R *■ out Ilf fiolllii 1.

to he

Jivt'ii the I.cikI iiu !>:iiiKer-< luivc fullcU in with Ilu >Li{uriliiy half-Inilidiiy hi lieine iiiid Imve deeiilMl tu elii'*e ul IV ,M , in- Etirtd of d ui'hok. lifter (b-inlii-r I. The ‘ pmnl i>r this nuiVinieiU liu<i l" i’n the more reuctrk il'le lx *111-. it Ikis hei n pu*)iid on Nil lulUy o iMieiit :iiiy rKlr lur.li- i»:iry thiKot hli'Uli*"'*-, TTirrc 1 an he litde il'.'Uht tlm( Uu’ *'ilunhiy h;df holUny will hi Min i u ]>erui(mi'iit iiiititultun, and if r* .1 •! ahly eieployed will li.ive u tendeiu y to iiepn<\c lint oulv Mu’ hisdth hu( (lie tiioruN (if 101111111111110“-.for UIIK h of (he ex- iusi» f**r Kuiiday 4-\i iirshuiy will Iw r— iiiiivcfl if llu'wuikitig Ihni-e.1 Imve :i IU'ut Imlf il.ty at tin' mid uf Ih" ueek lor i.i- tumal reereulion.

The defeiit o f Seir* l:iry Ihiyur*.! in ilio H cnioefatle Stute ( ‘u nw nliim in l»i'l;uv,ire. hns a lipnjfieanep nut to merliKikod. I( nuims nut only tho triiiinjili uf the Snulthury furliuu III the luonietit- hut tho ultinnit" dldtile^r ition o f (bo IVcnirh'rfltie p ir ly o f (he Stute. and the Jnis-ilib' .m h«‘ . qiniit eo]4lnre o f tli.it ftr*iiighold hy (he it* piddieiiiiA. Mr. 1tuy;l(d has striiek :i •*treuk o f ill-lT k ju-*i recently.

T lie fill I W1S ti"|llird 1(1. lu-fore. th " i\i- li<e lon.mL-sioii la*.l iiigla, lli;U uii iilUior iu\r n d -i I iiilil piist I ll hhii'k!*’ ’ iinre 'ITiul I M-'t •■ImuiM he ctif ilmvn, ur tlu’(KiUol duiahli ll. iTiih r Mil’ ll protection (•;,! the husy hiugl’iT Min liod ample (hn- to do u big joh iioiuly.

A l>ii( Mog l>Torwholms a Town in tlio FHlhlHinl IhtamlR.

Sicrctary HayHrd h-is r^eoivod u dirK patch from Mnited Statu mtisnl at I'url Siuuhy, f’alkhnd IhIuiuU, giving an sw- cinmt of an Hval-anebe of pent which im - eniTfd on tin* nig lit u! June Q, iiniMog lue- ofllteftiid grent doftrnetion of property. Kitinilhig ttio entire length ufLh*' south phore d? the hurlHir nod at a Nliglit dfv.i- timi ik 11 pent Img from wliieli the laboring jHipuliilioii cut their fuel, Thcro ar-‘ no (hiititU'ls tvhii'h drain the Img, and large i|Uiin1ilif of water cuIIpi'I Ihcro d'lriii.; the lung mill*, which at ecrlHln si:iA-*ns liiNt lur (Irivi Rt n time.(liree diiVR ]r"ViiiUi lo the di^'HIfr.1 ruinsti-rm lud ptcvrUhI. Ahmit - (.'clock in the evening the hog liegiin t*i ipmke, and flnslly, with a nohe Ilk" (hum lci itl'Tuk" loosi'. nm hingdow n ti|i*in the town, cart.ving awny ev* r j'lh iu g in it rouT'e, hlorkiiig up the slroots iind piling lip 111" pi .U In phci ** to tile liH ’ h' o f •*!> i*r cij 1'1 f'4‘t. Sollit >(one w':ilU were font ii-niuh fence**. iMir« lKS. iron lump puMs torn tuv:iy. turm d up houl**. hiinaE*i - .ill were hwi jd :iwiiy hefure Ilf tiiun h. The Ih w'iUleii d aiol terrilh-d popuhuion l-o> lieved their (m v i w i-’ iH'itig rh'**lruye*l hy )in raithi|uiike, and loldid their plorelri;; yells ami cries for he!pto the in llsertl-ilde III tre r "I 1I10 night. The uvHhim hr Iu-vImI only Nil ln*nr. hni i ( ' |uii|i uh*. *mo u fgn 'a t dcVIl>t.ili"n. A ni.i ■ nf W'-Ulered ]M-U iinio(inliti>: to no h*-s than .16.00!} ton*. I iy 4iVt I (111' Inwii. .A h**y I.f -keveu Utid in -ihl imintiuniid l';itrick Keuting uero l*''l 'nu'lHid,\ o f the lull* r Jill ik,| yet hcen ex- hiiuii ih

A >\Kit(M ( i X A T K .

AlorB Sp<4tg oil IliH Hun BtiH H ollerAaH44lU('f CiiJuliiK Togeilm r^

1 i..m Ih" ftii'-Ago Ni'Wn.Si ientiwto hiive alxiUt concluded th.it the

ill* It iKc cif s{H*ih on (he nuu, o r stdir iuae- llv ily, produces a eurrespondlng doere-iM* ill ilu iiniount uf IiuaL received by tin* earth from the «un. A ll InvektigaLors arc im l ngreed im (hia point, it Ih true, Imt th i^ew h o do rmitntaitj th e theory haw the force o f logic on Ihoir (dde. It 11 rw - koiiahir to Buppose that tho iQoro tho kuei liiihth-E* unximl in that hcatod cliuKite Iha waro-i r it goto, and Uu* butter U growa ihe more lifort it inakcHto (boin eoii-veniuit rcfiiilt.-i o f caloric. T h e greater th" Vi luTiie nf hf-it thrown o f f the Larger is Ui" p'rerntiigc nf that w hich Suds iU 'way to uk,

Fur Ihcso very cogent rcasoin wo must- aeeept the ■ pinion tluil, ow ing to H re:ip- IM'ttrunce o f kiin->pnl!( und other Lndicationi Unit Sol U preparing fur huBiiieM, llic next few ycuTfl will 1*0 WAniier. rhcko pefioiU ot im re!(.'e and di crea«e o f Bolur otveu' tr ilily cover alxnit six year?*. The summer o f Ik.^n is, Ui'Teforc. lik e ly (o he dUtrejs- iiigly hid, ultliough the f.ill prorrdjng may he Imikrd forward bv with coiiBhlerMhlo anxiety hy fli^hy persouM, ovvlug to Juoal di.-diirhauecs In arcua u f puIiLical (orridity.

A Alagofticent FarlslHii Hath.Max t/’ ltcii’H l,omliin tadtor.

The I'Tvueh, the PArisiunR (-ip e ir illy , tthucre (XM-lktit swimmers, will l»e ulile (*► uijoy life hi r*rtB ililK summer. TLv gcwtl rirpii IuiaIicl'U lra[i>lurnie>t Into a RWltainiug tm(b. The PHrUlons generally have gw-a? riiUli iu Uii'lr cuinpslTioS' nhllHie*, hut when they he.iTd (1 (lie ■H;lii mc they lo-'k It for ajiikp.aad the few who tolU v*.'! In ll wen* laiuhcit a*. Pm h-'-i TiK’fdiiy they went, they m w . [uvJ ueic I u"i|m rid—iliHl |s, ronviKced. Pleinre to vMirtoiran Immvnto basin o f mottier iif- ] i,nrl. iilk'd wUli water limpid thatttut?"ille tuuMhuvr l**'*’n *Kfeu nt (he liuttom. M. Oiler, il.e nutUii'iT, wi‘t;t tu Vienna, siw ihefp th.•• iniiuii luili, wilt' h il ft ball room in whiter ami l>ii(h In (be hummer, and Uie sight of U (K*-pirrd him will) (he l•icu of providing I'an-* will) till An*l tlic n'Niili hi A imih(tiul Wuiild liftM- detlgtaed high lir. muier '! Ull-i*r < arju allft. _

IVdsunous ^uBhri^oiiiK,1':, I:i 111*’ Touiluii GloliO.

Fvery year w e honr nnd rtad i\ lot o f 'iiii.’ i eseiiUtiit indsmiou.*iiTmBhtoon!s. PchsamI'' f n 111" I i-uUmnd uk* uenurunu'd to teach Ihi h ( i:i"!r"h tiuw I ) r','0Hnt3M: unerringly (he liuU ■1'.zi'ii t'T *ln,;en N]H-eie*Uif (oijibt(M>l they we hi llu’ I .hit uf Inri'ty ciUlng. ftinl we ■*.iiiii..*e ihul -m h hniltid i*.»(«ii!iir knowledge might b" Cii*U>’ nnetiKsl i.y rnifltHh people. Tim j iife in.'l i!i<*i" t *mini"ii*lable c<culfnt hiugl of mr w o*l(in*l n ay be ii dlvtdiiRily rccn’*- (i'/4*! Hii‘1 'll'iingui'lii'*! fp.uii nil «‘viS*orL»wti!i L-. 11 *m h ■ ftx ftN n r<*w -lip may l<cdi(t'>*ronilm .1 lii’iti .1 Ki Ilk , wiMiuiil any reconnie lo what l» itTln-ii Hl ami wlfiitirtr Yogctartiius sh-nM l.-ol Inin ilie lUBiicr. since wc aro ato* 1n- ti'rim.i ihiit rutjgi nr amiWig the ni K mi-tiiimiis * 1 e-i lUent plant.'*.

Ifihcri iriinyt'uv.’ !!. .* niim>, S'lnicr- V.twill i..;ii I .4) i.l.iing fir ;i ihui.K of (■ill. til Simi'r«yiuU rmndt. 'I'lie l’r-ihi- liilioniAtB ilieroliuve imininutcd iH'mocruU fur rln-iiirand . nihlymun.

No, AnxhiUft ItomUT,— Tho AiHuuKer of (he WuUThiiry Ikwie ita iU 'iub Is uyt an iiitnotr o f (bo Counovticut b»hy furtn over w hich the ItuiuRue Society ta m 'lking s fpjtf ju s t noff. ____________

I d all serloDioeM it looks as i f tbo A h bright boom were H|Uoezing tho K sicx Count J D ob m c m Uo leaden iiAto clo$u ^uarten.

t lili'ugu Nearly Sneered inU rcck iiig u I’HHMi'gcr rm ln .

A ihi-laldly iilleliipl lo wrei k :i I’ n iiv lisl p:ik-i'Tjyer Iraiii w.i'i niiule nil the L ike si.i'i^ iiml h'lick I ’hind tiwi'k^ in Chi* i/ m lost iiij. Id, und u wliuh-'iile '^liiigbter nf

iigiTi wim averted hy tho nien-lt iicciih lit. The atti-mpt was appurenMy tho wnrk I'f the Slinre eli ikiTs und their r-yniputlii/ers. The Uedit Iruin iKiund fur (innilift imd I'lmmi] Rhitlk, had cuiuheM Jiml Iw.* sireper*, tllhd With ►niyers, TTn' tnijn startl'd o ff on time Hod sliip]*' ll ut the slock y ird* i‘ riw»*,lng, ut F iirtich ftrcel. Win n it st ir t -d iip the 4'ylinder he'?id wusMu.tu fit]'with n V*"d report, di ubling ll *• eogin". Solm. mU- ere:in( h ut pirn e*t im oh-trm li*>ii, In the .‘•hiipc uf rt throc-iHiniid iinii Wislgo, uii the giin’ e. ncflr the cylinder luvul.

W hile (he train w:is waiting for m oth er loeonmtivf. tlu'(Hiinhn (riin staitml m fun 111011:11110 tiaek. SonU'hody had iHi.ij'iled the real Ilf the iheiilre tr.iin as it p.i^se*l Th irly-.'cvcn lh street, uml h;id liinn-il the rid laiUcrns .*n> (he light cunh! iml he sm" u l'r>*ni heliiiid I'n- Ir.un, (hu intention eleiirly iH'im; to have the Mni'ili’i fr.iin, whu h w as beliiiid, dash into the cruwdi d enr*< )u Held. T'hi'hr.ikeintiu u f (he train HI mUatire h:ip)H-iK-il lo nuliiC a n d liglit rhitiing into the window, and going out on (he rear plntform. dim-ovcis'd tin- trick, lie Uicned llu* lights the right way u« I ■ iuioniing (m in wrh within filTy yard*.

— - - « ------ -liK T riN G n i:.\ n v t o i iA r i : .

Thr Illg KliHipi 14 ,l’'lghtitig Trim lor HBlurdui'k CoutoMt.

All the big sloops ore lu Kew York Iby preparing ^or the trial raco*i, the ilret of which, over tho Now York '^aeht Cluh'H cotirNc. faniouB fur erratic wenthor, will 1w on Saturday. The FuriUu was towed duwn tliu Ku«t Uiver to Bay Uidge os Mciuday evenings and the AlayOower ar­rived yektoiday uiurDiug and w u towed luto DowtuDg k Lawrence’s ahip-yard at the foot of Coait Btreot lUouth Brovkljn.

A lloM t •111 (ila U loric.I'n m (1.4 I'tiUinh lptdft I'rcss.

Mr. (H:id'*t‘ iue wn.H rw ’on tly minle tin-VBTiiiil vh'lim ot a h'lkt. lUi iho diiy he U ft ins I'ltn'ial r»'»l'leni'i* u viiHitilmi Wfts cjm'-ed by the nirjv.il ol ll niindwriif curU IxdorKiru; ! d.'.i)ci>- who ini'l rvecived cnnls on wliii h wi re the fi.lli'Wiug wi*r*ls: “ ikimc wiili.ia full tuch fir iiwny M.'Veral iloR*na o f il'l coll.i.'* In KiK'il comliiioTi. *)i*1 oftirc-ctiaw. diM e- t .. o'.il biN'IA and fhfH'-* rmil ohl hntk. nil lii g - ’ l I'lii.fiiitnn, P>r utilrli ilicre is no ftirttier i c , '

early ft* i* In the ttvornlnH oru» iuhii jir- rived wUli ft van uml jib m o day \i,irc *.11 utliers liill.iwost, only m diK'uvi'r thm [in y h ut iK'on made Oit vli'luii n f •'Oiiie Killy iiriicueal Jnker. _________ _

A H rave IdtUe .Mounn.Tt i«p r in te d in the AViemn/r, o f K iiu -

Sion, tluU .hwhih Krum, ot M» UucbIumH’'. I'Mar I’l-mily. N. Y., has ft cut. ThB m l, Mi-efe HTi'i nimroil.ildc. was lanjjuiiUy ORllng i(* ilmn-T. M Inn a mmisi', ftppHn'iitly born and h-e*l in aI'hnieh, Milean wns U, tiniidljr aucfilCMl lu V.w *!ish. iird also nte. ThOi'liOeit of th* liious,! hi» diseou't^TU d »he cat lhat It did nothin,’ h-u liiU' 111 the UltU fclluiv, who. having yat hi*;

Jill, weni in*1*0.11 e. ______ _

P K I I H O N A I * .

i MU' tc th*" prt’ iT.t Inr '1A -T ilj-lii* * th* re were pirii* nlnrstnmpi ir i i '-d . hilt Mn .'d l li'iri i* ilmn*.! M»nipl"l<’. In the .•■Itritixn their* are hI-o nil th" nirioiiS •itiiiiips l**-is*'I l*y tin- C’ Mife'lerato G overn- n ent frniii t'K l In which .ire *lark in f.dorftiid '•nminentcd with the p ic liiroor .r* jf. r-un iHivIs. T'he bsue New York Mutf uf l-T i U very rare. Thv eollcr-tion :tlK) ciintaiiiA o n e 'o f tin famou'i Bratllu-

' CU»P«4H'lhiwing (he United 8(nteg cidhicllop

i*-tliat of .Mi*xh’o, dating from f r»7. and ^ ii'g n-mpkU np to (h^‘ pre-ent hmc. ' 1'.*-.ules the gcnvml iftftiK of the (Juv rii- ii'i nt (lure ure tiLiiidHTs of lix id Btainp-i i‘--i!ed h\ (he tuwus kii'l pruvincos. Tlie -l;iuips T'l.an*:*’ ri<'4iii.-‘H(ly in s if. color imd oru:munt;ition, on airymil of the i> --ny ri vidiitimii ( hanging in the Mov. ra- n.nit. Th" rnrt'*t stanijM are thuiK- of (hmduhdaru.

The third volume euntftin- the FriglNh •l.imii*'. conimeni'ing IHto, Thw HrAl j-tuup in this r(i)]f-rt)(.’n is the famous V' il stamp, hi ing (he oldei*t io existence. Next eoinei the uiii-penny isaiie, and folluwing (biH is every i>MK' up to the proieal time com- plete.

'J'hc foiinh.vulume la 'levotod to Ger-. man sciuips, and U the most complete iu the Mt. All th*' RTnall, petty German siBtcB U-fure Ihc confi’diTatloii are repre- Brtikd with keteelionBiD(hiBbook--i)ldeQ> biii-g, Hitnovcr. Hamburg. H<*liK‘swig*nol- stein. A iVr those come the llrgt issiiosof tlie imtK*ri;il Btmnp«, the new Germany alter the runb'iloraiioTi.

'The nexi vulamc is devotoil to nunian hi.mipK, whofc senreity haa eauBed many n heartache to theeolbM’tor. There ia a gn'Ml variety uf loi’al Btampa issued by the differ­ent provinces, ,,

Tho Italian collection ia roniploto, eom- hietioing doling the roigu of Victor Km* moimel and n«ching to the present time. In this colbM'tiun uro aoiuo of the rare Tnunm Blunipi ineiieil in L dO, eomo of which arc valued all Ihc way from |50 to |7.*i ftplero.

ITie Swit^rrlund rollcrtlon is also almost complete, incJtiding the lusui'd of Geneva, Ztiricii ami JJaset, mariy of which are rare mil valuable.

Kolluwiiig these ar* (ho stariipB of Krome, which are without a flaw or Inter- ruption.aud tinware ‘ucccediMl by vol- utncM devuted to (ho smaller Euruporin cmuilrii-H. In one of theso volumes is the rarest Ktamp iu the collectioD, issued in Midilau. a place in Kouiuania, in I85H, aud Viihicd at FRM. It Is a large ftml curious stamp, Ix iiig devoted lo a represciitJUtiin of the head of a !*tjig,

AfUr the Eunipcfiu collection coinf-i some rare specimens of AsUHc BtamiM. Tlie I’crHian colleition rompriaea ni'iny rare Issiit'K. r.dlowing thoBC ifl, a rare set nf Ktnuip< of the isluiul of (Vylon, issucii in V-17, oinl miIiuhI ut $,”>0 apiece. Soino of litem are the iiiokI iH'auliful in tho coJlec- tion. Jupati. Kgypt, Morocco, LiberiH, Alph'r«., I'.ipH* of fioiHi H ojbi and olhor.’i— in filet, there is not; u country m the world wliieli eviT ifyoHil slaoips but is repre- hi'UH'd In pan in Mr, Fa^tcDr'.ilh'a vul-uinfiii.

The last volumes of ilin eollectioo nri.'' lillid w'ilh bHuen uf South Aioerieu. The i.-lU'c; of tbe t'nit<*d 8LutOH ofCalomblii arc \i4luulil". The Htrtiop known as the Jiilcnu sUiKp i-> in i UIb volume, and ia vaiiiod at i-7.1. I'uriguay, I'atag4Uiia, Chili, Peru, liru/d und Ikdivia arc all repreoentedj and iu uiauy tho usuos being com- plelO.

lie.«.iih-* hih sUiiip "ullectton, Mr, Kosten* r:iilt lmn a large col left i4)n of pnHtal cards, riom their UrM lii**vii in AimLriu till (heir !i*!i*]»i.fou'1 iy the leading civilii^ed emiutries "I‘ iLo world, arid (he Ivsikib Up lu the pit'll III time. Hin |K>stal-*«krd cullcetUm t .'iil-iius over 4.0(10 pudbil ranis.

G rounds on W hh h B W ife ran Get RI6 uf H er lliulf>Bn4t,

J-'r. 1*1 tin Viiifti-*nth r*’iiliiry.Th " < liim have a fUia Itcllef in lyir-

rlRgi*s iH-ing ma le ill heaven. A certain deny, whutu III* > I’an " the Ghl 51 in of the il*--’.." lihL’. with a ’.illcni eirl. llu'v K*.v. all pGilrdiTud 4'uup1"* Fsrly mar- ri:!;-’( ' 1*1 "'triK <l!y iuiule itcd, ami our* of ihelr nia.viit's-t sti'i lint lh*‘re ire ill?’" ' eardiiml’ ''i'!H:il th'H to die witlimd off- •‘{■ring U the 1 hief. Am in (-ther *‘uuiitrie-, sprinir Ik th*' time wIh 'Ii yuiin" pciiple''*

ipdK turn 111 Ml" llmuglils E«f hive, ainl iage* -.r" ••elohr.it"*! in J'V?j»ur¥.

VliHi'>be {*car>r in*Amuiii-'' tlie UHnl igi' pre-^Mts an Ilvu g"4'sp wMeh Hre Mlii{n»'*d to he cmhh'iu- atii a! of tbi rolin.ird Hil l IniipiiiCH-i of the married Ktftte. A CbiiKMiiaQ may divorce bis wife for -even different reiwuis, ami in the list are .l'-(emfKT 1 nil a talkat.ve dU- posilhm. Tlif birth of a son la Iho otevdou of much rr|olcing. for without 80ii«, a man livea without honor and dli^ un­happy, with .no one to worship at bis pniv. and uune to miiliMuo Ihc family )me.

PralsB anil M aibler «>( tVoiiirii.Prum (h e ( ’lurlutjaii Etinulri'r.

A liantlsomo wotmiu h (l.angsrons.A wMiiAii ti*i*' nvithvr k>v*.* nor 1.

man •'In. < an rule.Gu" tmd Hoiiiftii can keep ft whult ntighbo:

hot wati r. *A wi mail iriiu Is n«,*t hI*-*ih of her hu'-b.uul

p irnL lu ]ii\e wlOi him.This world Is lull uf hcRiKlful women, but ft

truly go*"] tt liman Is ft ratUy.Iwii UdugK always traini’d fur aniou—u

won;tu’B tongue amt a mule'ii hwt*.Nine cai-eKiHit often when a wciman she

hales a man **hc Is lu lov*- with him.Weniati B the BWteleM aud hiltCTCsl filfl of

(iiul Ui mail.A woman will confess to almokt anything but

lo the faci lhat Khc is growing uId amlualy,Tlic devil Is never as Idaek as be hi pftinto<l,

And a woman ki never aa luU'X'etu asshuap* pcarK.

if you want to kes'p a vrotnan’'s 1ova kco p n |> a slight but stcail)’ fUrtation with her most IrtUM rival.

When a woman giv’e you her love llou'l U> It att ay cii ie« for ftafe ke 'pinR. Better ke 'p it In Ihc wnrti!"d corner of your hcarl. w if *ho callsfi*r il tiany tiroeyivu can rclnm U in lb'* condiiloD Khe gave it to you.

T H E i i l f IIEST 5T0UAN-


Senator Hi ar’*t in naid to he glad lo bemil iifi iiiigrcsK. rciillalngtbftt h& wasiuusidu l lu Mic ix-stiii.ri,

rop4' IMi h IX - ulwnyskept (4li:md-«inie rtV'l |"r''M.';'y tui ' d plam* OIK’II lu hbMif ly wln mver I Iwt wns likely tu vl it him.

J I j . Meiu ral Fu nioiit* \?Il6 rendctod lu’T hK‘ l';ir*l .-Ti ftl -I'l vi.'4’ with hi-j^wk, lift'’\MJtu u Hii* lictseli, u liU'b I* lo be palmi-hcil inIhKlcil.

Tilt' iin".i(li'nt iltitcH t.n “ n !in* " in '! rl.'lit iMWiT 1- Man Mimiilnii, hi!. U>n 1* Man

111- Jiilir, which i» iilwa)- tnini!'. i" i'flii l-ntnont.

i h:iilcs K. Ihivi*. I'hicI cl.'.k oi’ Ihe i't.-lt.!! i.uiiT'l <if lUiiUh, oomrai'ii.v'l I'i'i lim <1 Ith'H'lc M'.riU iT. il.lb year, uml u,i ly riMni hail 0 Twonl nf i/.W mllos.

Knijh'ror W illin m 's illn c* , was caiiMit l.y flrinling n rich TOupnnilc of cr«y fl-h, r.irh Jcllli-*, lioih .weet will Hftvory, vho -triiiip'at liccf!!«, and eoffty. ami irinaliuM are Ihc "Jilt .-lup 111*” wlih which h« recruit, hlis- H'lr.

Gabriel lioBioiii, tlic flghtini liciiten- ant ui U-uU Kcil, was |ii«aeoMd bj SM Rn'iich Canadiaht ajccmblctl at Wutficrcii. &. I,, oh Bihwiay, wtib a hsml-ome gohi waWh in com- memorallou u( bla hnTciT dtirisf that rebel-llhih

1 I '.U M n O l'H CH EW IN G ,H « .

f'l.jiirluuB F ltccl uf th4* HuUK—Soci' 'I'linuilft Huil ll.vffiig'ifHiiii

N< M York 1 ur. 1 itii im ull KrupjlnT.Ihc pliysiciau who Img elmrgo uf the

thiual ilbp* muiry iuuueufthu luTgest hus- j'ilftlH ill \vw Y'ork Htii'! yesliTdiiy : “ Day:ifHT iliiy p’llirntt. Hourly all girls between oipht nud eightfH'U yearn of rigt% i.’oiii(i fti lii'i" am! nimphin (h»t it hurto tlu-in will tl they Kw.illow, or eluc their himitlH Ming wlieii (hey drink anylhing vrarm. Mh cTiniiuing their throats. I du4l thi- i!"iic!ite iiiiM-u- inenihriUio nuirked hea* and tliai with little iiiiliuiied patches, lu uim* eases nut of ten it is cauik'd by chew­ing giiiu.”

“ Why is the gum hurtful"'n ic rtiivorlng IB uHimlly poisonous. ’

miiRTked (he doctor, “ uud by iU constant presenee, in howi’vcr small a iiiumtlty. it si'ts lip nil inlliminntion. But tho habit is (itlii rs\ is4‘ {iBiiiicioua. Tlio itnliriug mu* tiun of rt gum chewer's Jaws provokoA Mi|*i rfliK u - fl*iw of wliva— just iw If tberv wn!i hUv.i v i a pliieb of unit wo the tunguo :md wi ars out thrsiilivaiy glunds. Gum el'.iffing retanlft dlgc^tluii. If a wuman iill** her i-lniiirtch with water or >oiliva she diuwni tlu-gahtric jnicea; also llm jiitor- ("huiblo rtttiltiuil Wi’al4< out the teeth, lUut t'linlun tlftvnr by dcgrct** remlem I Halil muf" ftii'l more dihui:rccivble. ' jaiuliii- ih had in evtry way.*'

Ih c Ills

A p ron k o f P o rt ATLac,From the Pbu Fraucbco ArgorauL

The nttenlion o l a poUceraan nf Leith wusattmctodcnc night raceiitls-by a rfbcBblo Ijrook of v»ort widC. which ilowM from IhBguc of a large warohoiH-e into a neighboring sewer, MHkIng MireihRt il wax eood wine and Wnrlli saving, the |xjli*;-'tn.ni iniuiaHl the warehmiAo mnuagi r, ami it wn- found timt a large vat ha*l bliri't I(k hiKijif. 5 iTiiiiUlhK l . ’J’’i1 galtniwof wlOe 10 run uui hpmi the Ihior. which was floodn! to (hi* depih tjf >.i'verul liirhes. A-sli4iaticc was cnilcd In. and si>iac 'JOUgaltous were ladl'H] up ami saved, but l-OK) gal1oii*i run Aivay. Jt did ijut All get h!to (he Kewer. however. A great crowil gftthereil at (he hrouk ; wmio knelt down and dratik n! ll, und others hrimghl ])lti'hrrs and pallK, In which they carriet qnauiUics away f.ir mure dellU rale ponruniptimi. The iiifiueuee of tlK’ brook WA Nueh finally lhai the ruud grew upruBriouK, and the polloo were

obliged to «lrJvc them back and nutmin them mdll the rivulet hwl exfu-nded Itaelf.

A ChlUan Ranora Who Ownn i’avt KlelUa 4»f i:4MlI bihI Knua « MunopidTi

ValpBTBMO U-Ut r lu raiuuia Hiar.laului-ari uiteri’ftiing [iarogrip!? in au

hiigtisb journal, which iufnrtiH u^fhitu l.i illi firm ha.i junt eom|»leti'd a binvi^nim H TtV steam laUDcb. which ban been Imdi lo the order of Mrs. Fuasrao, a Ciiiliiu lady, who ia niHirU-tl to be (he richest wfliuHn in Gu’ world. Her wcaUh In ti^U-riiat* d al Iw-tweeii #.hVNAI,(ICIO un*1 |7f>,6:jiL-(ifMi. The lauu< h. whi'-h U built uf atecl, i** twenty-five flc liu b-uptbi and i to Ik* iiiip1u3 i>lM a tender tobtr large y.ii-ht. U Ih ilalKiratfly fltU-d up in pollsluil ma- hoganv. and is t 'i be rliNjKitche'd forthwitJi tiy om i-f the mall Btcainerh from Liver- pMi! for rODvrvanre tn ('bill.

UcsWDit liHng the rh hest wom^ft in t'u’ world she alw onjuya the singular privi­lege of being emprww over a Iractuf torrl- tory railed toftJi, which lh « some‘JOo or :.K<i uiilcN to tlir *Kinlh of the purl. an<l I'rom which aliiuK-i tli" wiiire hupplyof

fur ‘’V.uth A'li-rl ft I* mliiod. !• ft ;i*i'" to p|H sk uf an cm- ,irt of a fr»*e ri-puldir ; but

n"verthih’"i ih’ fiH ex'-t**, arul »o alif»* lute are her niaiie’’lv's jmwem that tiici*’ aiu* fi tt id her •aihi’ 't* '' !iu would in’ ri"**»* Into sriil rounifiMiiK enough to clftini the p4i**K'*Hi<ni itHhelrown immortal •■ftiL, ur who would ii'''l he j»ri'{rm'4l tu deny t'lat nn the lo’i'Aleg uf th" pliu a *pi'"'jl :ir- ran;.* rii*'!it wi* ninile wllh referen.-e t«i ertiil d( t»)-<UN Uttti <-n the Divlnitj au*l t)i" reigning niunarrh.

iMiring Ijit kI«‘i ;iee t!i.‘ MoVi niUK'nl ? I'lirried ui> much :H it o in Irelun*!. t>y nuftnsiif a viiu-roy, with ihi.'i ei'.’cption, that wMle the Irish are not unfrc'ine'Titlv n bellloua and trunblesttine Riid Ai tu illy lay chiiin to (he right of W***'**' -T . - IT.-'br In IhftT irmciT a* w w -,.-. .natural ctl'urt ucv4*r enters the sjruplo an*l nni onipliilniuo; inindB of the {mpulation «Kr Ihls rcinurkabtr portion of G ihI'm fimtstoivl.

roa IM'KJ a{|H*ftrpress In the I

K t i pPO TIC E f—Alt a4*erlti*erBBiita

■•liar Ik# heikda uf *'lielp VIbu (#4«* **MtuaU«»u« IVautod,*’ For Hunt/* ■'Eai

*• I k i a r d l n f F o u n d , ' **]*erauiiji>," e fc ., wlU ba {mldlftsed at tlu rata o f •*!># 4*eni m wuril f«>r M c b Insar- tloa Nurki m aG er, to be pro|N*rly elasai fled,sbuui«l be liBiided ( « beGtre fl |*. M.

JlttJJ l.YiU.t W.VITKH W .W JKi, ylT IIR.IAO jif.A re n

_____slK _ ______ ___________________

CiGAi n.vuN. rsK H I. M.5S UN l id v r a, V'tii'c i-r eul'in'l. man an I nlf .

Apply ll Atij:N‘. Y, Hcalli Hull 1

( lA K |IG .K -/rY tn .M .T^H Y W.W r iT AS I ftMiK r aiiitiit Ux'oj.j i,r|. r- A I l "'^

(■'lUI. Veit gK^hHnhKIllCCK-Wllk Il'J; f „ . ,„ l , ,

rK .M »T [C A l,K M ”,'

ifTi c 111 (hU pup’-r. A.-sl,^T

ApplyHptiih BiiiHmR

1>I.AChK ADVKin i'^KU IN l.AKT JCV’KS-In i '. N fw .n ill vK '.nl, All m u vruhi.i,

iiuinellsU’ eniiiiuyiuciit, Npa h< t ■. i t.uiilry, apply IftiMK-Vrir a g KSl’Y 777 Bmad Mri'et. ^

^KVellAr. m 'VUl''IKl) I.ADV Tt\i, i of g ***l rerr-' tr, n«n(rd a( llu: :* w Bi'ihdlci l-rfiiH ]. Mftusrt. c*'f Kumor * )*ih*et,Ni'KRik, .M. .1 ‘ •’Truan( ’aihulli" prel^riel. Iii.iulr4*al Urn adloinlog rectory. wigTITAN TK U -A UUil) G liir7M FBT HK A

t Y k ud e-.*>k bklI i.iidi’r*rin>l u io Ihm s.iit| Iroiiii a a’ *1 (" 111" well rr Mimmiid.-d. .5iply f) "ur. Urai.ge *1. and Kivs- vdleavc. !Cig

Mr am i KB H K ^ T -i T as** nKP’KL\YKH> fit h'lhiling Mki'i .u"1 Firk

Oraiig* , N J . ; iv"S”elnr< iKRh In I'iiiiri.'

♦LTiper day. Apply

T y A s n . i )YV c't y*.ii:!i


A siUusi;, Art IVK. mill to ilriN ■ >1 l*U’ *IMet'

rmi I I’ s-HAir a y Kl'I ,n*


W A N m t -• FlhflT-l’I.VS uii!-4liK>r wnrk: ctift-rlcnc.

».77 liU eAb hT.. fton*.

H\I F'fMVN. n'jlKCi'i'’.‘'ary,«Yl

IVtrniH O N K U FOK AGK!4.

Two fiau Taken Aitve fmin a Hutid niock of Coal,

From ibi- BaUlmore eun, ■■ riu hL« p4'sseHMim twa Wmeed bats preaervt d iu ah-ohol which have a rcmRfkable UiKtory. ' They were L .1 ’ ' ' '*'* '■‘•joindicddesi tu biUiminous coal at 8wautun mine. Barton, AllegUrtny foiinty, Md„ by Auttiony Kcee, who • Aynthey wirro taken hy him from a solUt lump of coal alive, .uid thill they lived nine days after they were rideosed. ilc alw> -aya that the in)prvsil.m of the Iftits *'lcArly formed iu iho coil. Tht-* -.totements wcreinudi.* by the miner in wtitiug to Mr. Hoopman. Mr, KrcsatntcB uImi that b willing lo moke afTidiivil to (he Mime, lie informs 51 r. lloupinun tliat there wuauo crevice by which the bats could have crept into the coaldniL nn*l that ]da.stcr ca.sUuf tho itupresidou were mode at the time the baU wore luLoiatxl. Those caits Mr. lloopman is trying to ob­tain, The Bulject will be brought before the Maryland Academy of Betencos, of which Air. Uoopmau was furmcrly a mcMn- ber. I’ftttes have been from time to timo reported of toads being found incoaWieds where il is biipiHjscd they have been im- prisoned for This la the first time Mr. iloopman baa m r hcaixl uf bats nndcr the circuniBtaii ers, A son of Stephen S. Lee, one of the owners of tho mine, is said to bo converaant with the folds in this case as ototed above, and to have seen the beta alive and their impreM in the coal, which was unfortunately permitted to be broken or disintegrale in the open air.

W 7 ANTKl)- Y » ligiit houBc tt'irk ;

-iiFHi’ KtTAiu.i: g ib t . f o b__ i9c ttiirk ; Cicrmau ijrufcm'il.

l i n ntlUlY t(.5 ( K. 37g

l?iYip(4i.Tmenl; liurpans,

MFN A.Mj bGVS WANTKDj a i> o soc glrli, every day, of all imtionalitlos.

cooke, rbtinkK'nuaHp, waltcre, J'arUei in n*.*ed ofhclTuan ht> ttippilttl at nhoit nuiice; (hs very bw elty Tuftrente. aiw> h*»toU ami **•» fhuri’5daceiwippljt*dai WGHKKN UTkEST.p;)*

When Baby ww rtek. we give her CAftTORTA; W lien^e wasa Child, sbeciiud forCASTOltlA ; 'When iilie became Mlm,iihpc)iing to CABTOItlA; When she bod cliBdreD, ahe gavo them


2 Taylor,...a.,...... ..... U. a n ilm ure.......... ...... 0

ft H cti’ b................ in.. ;i Bucbimaii......... ...... (. l l.iiiouJii............ . ..... 1.. ft iTuhiifinu........ . ......11 tJr-utt.................. sl;Hayi*i»................ s'.” " ’ h. (MraHlcl*l ............ ....... 0. p'ArthiiT.............. ....... 1.. 3 Cievelauil......... ...... m

FngliKh loMHervAtlve Gwliig Siii'4‘CK>i lo H im Wito^N iliu iu lfr ,

I miiVfti l'CU4‘r to ('hl.'Hgo Nowb,'I'lit'iv is a curious story of the mmiior

in which ( hiircliDl hegftu to tako an intur- CKf in puliticH. Foi boiuc ycar-i ho sal in rarliamcnt without opening his mouth. Ho wiw n man about town, and re(jardi*d public life as a l>on'. He c.ircd a good deal more for the ballet than for tbc ballot. But oue fine day l^ ly Randolph Churchill look a great resolution. She was sizandal- iced by tho favors which the prince of Woles bestowed on a certaLn damo, and she thought it her duty to warn the princess. But the piinews to

PrealdeiiGitl Yetoos*From the RuclirMcr P*'ivt-KxprcJ*’r.

Tlie following table, which we have prepared with great core from tuany whitc*'*#*. nhow!* the nnmbcr of times the vt*bi power ha''* been uscil by tlu* tw4‘nty>two men who have tinul the prebldenUrtl chair; tVaKhiugtun.....AiliuiJ**.............Jeffokson.........yiaillMUi..........Monhft*............Artnnw............Jock M>n..........Van Uuren......iruri-lMm....... .Tjlcr...............Folk.......... .....

Twenty-two pre»l‘l«iitJt vc(0e4l io*j hll » in niiH'ty-llvc years; iTctiidL'iiL CkiL'lHinl Vetoed UI in eight munih-i. ________

A CninpMlgn nf AmenUy,From the Norrlsluwn UiTal*it.

Two hrotherfi have l)ceti nominated by the oj.p.'sjrig] ftrttc« hi Tennewo'for the gnv- cmiin-liip Ilf the Stntc. Il 1k not likely chat the urgrttiK of either {oirty will dcclaro tilul iho iRthcr of the oppoKlihin candiilatu m'ob hiuig forp4jjKuiiltig hi.** greiultnulhur.

T I I U K K S C I E N T I F I C C H I P S .Since the recent death of Profimsor

V. UNiiemnmi, o( Prague a dexcrlpliuu of n n»Hv nicialUr clomcui Im- tjccn fuuml among til {Mtpcch, 'i liu iUiUil WiuobiaitUHl Itoin Uu* oithitc of Arciulal, and la imiuiHl " AuKirhim,'' ll imiy lliiott lU'W light oil th" coiistiliilluu of the ' un, lit nm-of iipt'Cli'ftI llne.1 ftiuHiare to Iri- Idciitli'at with one of ihc three iinS'leiitltlfil liiifK lu Ang*-trum'B map of Ih*.* uunuol Eolar-t-'i'iimu.

On the Tran*»raRpiftD Knilroiul, in Ru-Kirt. nnw ftimreofliliiK Merv, It Is claliuiMl that dlinut ?K(Ki per iiille I* l*e!ng BflVu'd by the iw of oxiikt'rUe, or niiiiviiil svax, lor ili-s. When pinUlC'l, nicUcd aiul niucd wilh llrrw- nniic and gravel, the rutukcrlto. winch Is nhiindunt In th" vicinity of ttic milro.i*l, pro- dun •* ft very ftnod psi.hftlt. This i* {ipoawhI into sbnpc in linx(*a, ami gives (Ic-s whlchro- teii) their fiinu aud hardiiuBii even 1q the hiH- ti*sl weather.

Hy ft tU'W i.KK'esB of Tiinnipnlalion hatK more* % rvlccable ami tliier than iinythiug now im the market are nioite of wood pulp. They are tnipervioija to ttator, and nut want lug In tlexibUily, It tarlaimed lhat felt tuU will have l*.? lake a back Hint lujauon ailhe new hata run bi* placed iu tbc market In miifl- ck'ia nuiakrs lo supply tiio 4ivmaiul. Tbcy orcccnuln to rovolutimiize (he hAiler's trade, as ilu y i nn hi* molded Into any Khft{ir orslylcde- BlriHlvHnd colored In mr’Ot lh( UHt* of the puly Hr. 1 hey enu Iw made to reprewnt a glo«ny ur iian>y npia*nrance. ___________

U lX ^ MuTTinrtoa.A 'wlihcrcd 1I0WCT, wom'years ago.

[ij-j'-brown and breaking at a touch—(1 ought In vnhip* It. 1 know,

but, Ihi-n, 1 have so nmny mirh H I>ear memory of days divine,^Vlicn 1 wftB hcry »uid Hbe woa mine.Pr-oT flower, do you remember now

Tlie summer moHiluwft an*l ihcsnu.The green Icavciimi the dancing tuftigh.

The iiiilcl wfTtlii when day was done.The himr you lay— (0 bh's ed flower h Held hi her lutml—<*i>c lung, iwcei lurtir; Btup, though!— I don’t remeniher fjutto

^Vlilih g.rl U HUB llmtgftvc it mo—T rtiTi*i Ix' «urc It waa tlmt night,

ll might have l»e"«i— utuv, let mcM^—It war (hnt girl I met Iasi June At Mn*. -Juucfi’a altii-muon I We went lo get some elsret-cup.

(Of eoiiree. fomtd termlR much too hoi), And iheu— no, May— I've mixed them up—

U ttfts her ^f«tcr! No.'twaanot!I can’t retaember— to, here goes,1 he iloiues may have my iireduuR rose 1

— /xmdim iScetcig,

cupped from Chnoda IVeifiptcrkiiirUpdex bI^ ftiture of 0. Blook«U B<*4naoo, Propr.; I waa cured of oft-rocurrlng biliom haidMiUlbT SlU <oci Blood

D E A T H S .Riiherton.—On Augiiii 17, Ge4)rge Roberton,

loll of Iii‘l4*n and Robert Robunon, age i 1 year. 8 monthb, 11 dayi-. HelativvKandfrlendH of ibe hcmily are re5{^lfu lly luvlierl lo alietid tho fniitffll (mm (be reahfo'u’e uf hb' paronlM. S'u. :c*i ^ nring avenue, on Thuriulay, AngtiM l!<, at 'i r. 5f. Intormeiit iu Filfmoiiiit rtiiictery.

K i'TAHan.—On A u ^ t I8, James, aon of Thotnua and Julia noialinn, aginl 4 monthHand '41 days, Ralotlves und frieiida of the family arc n.Ki«ctful1y luvlteil to attend the funeral from Ihe reddenee of hlsparent . No. l‘.?3 Cen- ual avenue, im Thursday, Aiupirt Bi. at 8 P. M, Jnu-rmvut In the Ucuetory ol tho Uoly ^pul- chre.

Ryn.Lv.—On Aiimift t**, Maagte.ilangh-t o f Terence and Maggie Reilly, aged l ycare,

8 moiiUiK, '2 Uayh. Relatives aud friends of the family an- rcMKiciftdIy luvlied w atumd th" furcral from hur parenW pi’ -'ldi'iice, No. -*2i Wsm*n Btn*el, i«i TlvurKlay. Anguit itf, at P. M. Iidcniieut in the Ceiueurry uf the Holy fcifpuK'hre.

McAvr-vrY'.— On Auipi't 17, Jame F, .Me Aviney, agi*»l JIY years, KeUtivee and rriouds of the dcccuwl are pcsptcriiilly Invited to ot tend the tunerul Crum tbu rt'.d'huR'e of his intdher, Mrs. Julih BaggfiU, No. Ill Cru J .street OM Thursday, Angnet l!i. at S A. M . to I'n I'aihcilra], wiiereaUIgh Mitasuf Remil''Ui wilt be iilTei&l for (he reuai'k: of hb Boitl. liitehacnl In Hi. John's t.'emdcfy.

D eath Claim s P a id lu Newark To-<Uy by Metro]H>litaii Life Itia. Co*

ITem. Ain't. W'llllHm n. Irvin, tg 8ukkcx nvc... -lu i)uKamil .T. IioniU'lly, 17fi Hank .in ll'l WJfwph Johnson, HciNvnd ^ ..............Ifl st 00

MiHHiey, (HiInn avc...........10 K>) DOLaura WOfion, ec-otiaud ave............05 50ALLAN L. BAi^KlT. iiupi.,

Cor. B ro^ and Mftrkel Sis,

V I n d v r t d k t r * *


No. I - BRItKlK SIftEET. Near Brood itrect, Wc were the lim to re*lu(e the cunt of fuaefulb

by lowering price* in every department.Call and aeo tnir new BUle OutaHo Box for

roKkets. Telephone No. 1-59,


No, B34 BROAD STREET. oppo"tt« WasUlnf- ton Park.

PERSONAL ATTENTION DAY AND NTOIIT. OIDce and reridence conncfied,


OfflM »nrt npslftcncc; BEOAD STREET.(nc»t door below ETenln* N«»« ofllcc.)


r''7fBiTSXi'i7KE&'m'Holieltore of Ainorlcan and r-oroUrii I'atejii,.

AU Vi tn patent rm «* befon'tlic T. 8. CoiirUi. Mwiiinicil And elwtncol cn*ln«is aiiiI e i- M'tH. Cimioiluilon fret'. 777aini ;79 tiliitA n sr. (Heath Bulldlngi, Tote etevator. The omept eetflMl 'hed tiouw tti the State. TwenlV' Sve yPAiD’ ciperienee, Herman - (nlieii.

PIANOS OR (IROASS Tp.VEl!, nOl.Wb AcIdrt'uH. B., hUIT., llilioniee.

1>IANOSOROnilAN9 Tl'NRn, 4100. AO. drtsiH. Ji,,s riT ,. ihhiumee. ra

SiroifniANii-iMtiVATE iNsTfitumoNB by praitnul *ieni.*raphet. 721 BROAD

HTRl'e£l, room 14, Kework, N. J. 6Af^^T]^FJ*T^^^TNFOUMAf a KD

rnngi'A^f every il.'scripMan houBlit, lold, eichansed And repaired. PETER T.EABY, U Mulberry atrwt. near Centre at, depot. 4th

W ANTED-IIO.OOO WdKTll OK DAUHa in d r.-nt«' cut-off ciothtne. Highert

prtcea paid. O rlm promptly attended to.P. A— ParllOBWUI pleoBo mark well ninabor

and rremo, In order to get the benedt o f m t wmare dtallngi to all. ae 1 have no aonnectlon With any other housci.A, 8, DAUSe leinovcd to Kl Commerce itreoL First clothing store Brood itreel

C m D l o v m t t t t t B r e g itc fi .A FIlieTAXASS D.AHKKEPm’ wAN'TS A

‘ ix'H «r n'f-n'Hw*H, wUhBiftHi P4-ctiii(y, ir rerjidfttd. AddiTa-i n\U-KKhl'KH, Ncw> ofli.". liig

’X ’^nCNO Mas WISHF.H A H ITriTtO N A9 I clerk: a|M*aka ticrruxn und English; Ik

MfUr ubd pU'Aoani i boi* ilu* bvKt of re((*reinx*H. Atlflri*** A, (j. MADTE^, 1"Q (’Uv-' ttiqi it, Sig

W » t B i l l * .

Full SaU.i- .................Hoiito, Ram Hhd 10 Hcres. u< ar Ncwrtirli, nil tim* of F/, L. A W h. R uniyii.vio.

Ilonw and lot on Fultoti i(. HuuKc an*l lul on South ft.


741 Hruad eireid.

1;iOH SI.ALE-: FifUiuacrcfiofsaiitncailowgraaft.Also young cow. with hn-t calf by her bide. Alto quinKiiy ofoH rotten mannre.

JAME'S Mcl'AHEg___________Academy ita Eort Orange.

17 0 R SALE A BliOODnorNO PI! I*. NINK iDontbb old, w ejghiw lbs.j a g*x)il wa!4'h

«l«ig fnr (nclory. i M i r r i u r I n i t u i i v ofJ.. M. btR llV , Gl Frcllughuyacn av. •'■■g

I^OR SAl.K-A" lou mute ttHh two horics and wagon.

WELL. . . . . ;wo hoT

quire HOLLAND Ktrm.


Ij ioH b ale - a H joi. Ta b l e .: H i liROAD HTRKRT. n7d

TLJEWARK FROI’ERTY FUR BALE-ON the most rciUDoltle terms, K|)lcndM fso*

tory iiles, with ralliuod, river iroat, couaJ CanlititR; all available; two miiGs from comor ot Broad and Blurhei vtreet and ^2oi froo Jersey City ferries. Apply lo

CHARLE8 P. R088,No. 7M Broad slreel. Newark, N. J,

I>RINTIN(i OFFICE FUR B tLR -W E LL NtLM'ktd vrith lypr and prcsec-'<; 'loinga^xvl

t'UMnefi& AildrebsA. W., NnwaotlW, 5^

F o r R t t t U

A BEARABLEh*l; all Iroprovcmeiiu, centrally (ncated ;

private famUy. Aadrwk PRIVATE, Newi cffice, srig-V f EATLY n ’ RNrSUED ROOM. FOR ONE Jlw or (wo gents, or mau and wife also a hall hwirooiu, MARKET ST. 90g

TU L E T -f lV E ROUMS, ONE FLOOR, IN anew bulldlnf; iRh Ward, near High at,;

tine ticlghborhiwd: n*ni 110. Apply to 'Ig L. MERSFHLDEU, U Morton g(.

Tt) L E T -F O rR n o i BI-E AND ONE SIN- gle room (o let with ttuanl, all frontlnK nn

Bitifldririct, cor. BROAD and ('OUR T STS. A$

TO L E T-8 MCE R(X)MS, FIRST FLOOR : rent Sflj care rm-ftslhe door. Cor, of llRL'LN

and E l'K lN O m lD AV., Irvington. N. J. 74g

TO LET-SEC«SI> FLOOR, CONTALNISti 5 nvjiiis, in a c<»nirr hnnse, cheap lo a re-

s]tvt.(able fatnUy. Inquire S82 COURT BT. GgLET.-HMALL IJTORB, 14i WALNUT reel: has b<*ca u^d by a barbv. DR

IlOWJC 83 K a ey i»treci. Blrp O LET- 2 r.VFT RNIHUED iUKlMB TO T X o r 2 admtH. MRS. H„ 309 lUlacy at. 75g

TOm eet:

y i a a m *X I T ANTL1>-7\VU MCE ItOOMH, A B < ^ Y'Y ten Jiilnutob from tliG Marlfd aL dopioi,

hy ft couple withdiii children, newly go1u«; h«>n.*+keiplng. AddrgMi HOME. Kvcnhig Npw Ditlce. il2g

I P a a r & l n g *

B O A R d I l AROR FHUNT AND llA^'K ruiiin; also fiingic room ; With Ilr-4t''<ltL*«*

hnaril. No. 10T6 BROAD ST, ::(g

BKAI TIKCL ROOM. FURNihllED, WITH or without board. lUliTONEsT,

i iKNTI.KMAN AND WIFE CAN OBTAIN \Jf plui>ftni room, with Ijooril.ST, iiiMhward, Addrtgh ROM E, NvWk office. 7Sg

^ o o D KOAitD: p i .e a s a i*;t r o o m ,2(f.i WASIHSOrON ST.

I a iu ;k r o o m , g o o d d o a h d , f o r tw 'ojgenlH. 110 ELM KT. $4.«1,


■'\ror CAN OBTAIN NICELY-KCRNISIIED 1. rtmmji. unrf cfKVl brmrd, by CftlUug at 4f>

KAIKHTKEKT, tteferennr. Hlf

I n iO N SALE.


U. J. O'COKSOn, - Ancilonccr,

will sell Bt ulceroom, 1A3 Muket street, oft

Tomortnw (TIICRSDATO moralng,

u 10 o'clock,

Pnrlnr Pults in D»m»sk, Plush kod other coverings, W»l. M. T. Chamber Solti, Cottoge Suit., M. T, Tables, Bookeasoa, Wordrohes, Potent lloekere, Knlhwtids, Pier Mirror, Ex- tension Tablet, Desks, Ihireous, Will, and other Beflsteada, Lounges, Chilta, Rocker*, Btueteu and Ingrain Carpels, Olleloth, Malting, Dale and othet Mattresses, F. Bed-, Springs, Mirrors, Ple- tnres, Stovei, Show eases, and a variety ofootn- men hiraltuic and brniae famishing gooda, 2Cg

S a U c c U a w t o u * .' ™ n r»B W A T )C B

^IN UHXllllTED qClANTITIia. 1 For llouieliald, factory and Stock ( parpotea AU klnda of uul-freM Kmapanipa on htDd and pat np.

Wella edwred aid NtdlitBt It geiMraL

OXARLXi RICH, MS Bmoo Street.iM t l e i l A i I«4m Mkt M n W d U U o k K

S I « t n i a v « n c » a'• A ^ B T R O L W r Y .'^ M 'n N ^/\.tiom birth to death by tho pianos and

atata, PROF. C. HATFIELD, aatrologer, 7* Bonlh Orange avenne, Newark.__________


9 r a t a M l a n « l

iptRiDltRICK T. JOilMSON,■** Coanaallohat-Law,

TU BROAD STREET,Master 111 Chaneary, Wa RoUrTPume;

rta s a a a e ia a l.





lehMIltit FxplMnn 8<mi« O d iAtMiUt t,U4'kj and ruiurltjr NunilMTM,

Frrin On' < lin-wyi- M«0.*‘ Hy h oftvi'U ! it i ' mth«*r ih»t

ttniM'urt* all tMd n u i n l H ' i '^ / ' ( h ' ’ iTjir 8 rb illl« f, till* s.M i,ili-'t usUAtoi’. Ih f flilu'f 4 «y . alhiiliiij; U-tUt U ftn iiuu ib .t o f Ihr- Allan I| 4 i.i.M-. UU .’». p*m%r on a uud ui tlif I’ iiiirt roiiiu w beiv tli*‘ trial 's i'* itoiiig ATI. " I t la • f«‘arftaUy n n lii-k f iniiiilw^r. J would not for anyth inc roov** oti tlu' ninth (lay u f thr m outh, or have |u<i( uim- i<%cn ilolUnt in m y inh-Ik U. 1 wuulJ • a doUar away flrwt. Gurfli-ld wantlir uiiir-tetutli pK-f'ntMit. b> ijiitl oil th '‘ uith- tci’ iitb (lay o f tln' uiutL uumil), mu4 m the furiy-uinih year o f hi’

"It Hot l);ul thou*ih. afUTall. forth ‘- :■ i'> \ > ■■ '■ ( ifs 1-n, u(J it. I hlifvr, ia u»>uaily n'fjarilitl ..s a lui'ky qiiiU’ Ikt, a»|KT|illy by n»'j(roea, Thon ac-itn. if you cut out th<- n1m> you wilt hare aeveti left, whii'li i’ a|-«t ft gjrilcd .i’> a lucky IiUTiiUt . In tiu hihir wo f'luJ of the acvdi h-.M* irni th> **vt n ftit kiiul, the■istii 1,1 .'l'«*, il.e i . i -piiit-*.ilarr, si viii •* :1 , - v n Lmpf., si-vriipitlth u t rit.,- , i,.n an;rvl<, acvi'tiviiil. ami‘t Si n I’ ' • • *

*’ Jlv ( careful -Judy o f tlip iiuniler U w ill be oh • fv, 4.1 t h.ti «t m thcr odd. The iuiiu of l! r ir- 1 i;i Ml.* unmlK'r suli- In i 'ImI fr.ii.i )l .• ! . l .l ln . lh(! Bum ofwuu»i' : ' ! . I u, or lff(j tlnuwnliu'. TIu; l u i . I = !(. ■[ :,| I ii.)it. i-u ifi alsoniuc. Nil. • i r . 't 1 ii- in MTii tt -ivoa

till* ^ut:i u f iv :, . - '!iir ;ii in nine. Huhlrartin* uiiii* l.l,'u , ami addiiijt

r tl:.' .ii- ><t.U romaiim.Thl:i ( 'I - ; Jioti v,iii Iv ri ji it> (I with llu* evtT-r.itirul hill- a t;.%' n'■utt tbrou^h a luultiluile it,' 1- -R, weto aK»

■'jWi • ■ 1‘t i|Jra

niTii' li til in i., tv ’ ■ liannjliiiN 4M-'. i*n IcU r> in it. Ijout^Michael H-Ji»\\ih‘ ' ;iirl S in u i i I’it I'toii'M naitii s lmv4' tm-h tliirterh 1 I t ’ f-!'. which ccrt-.iitily iH no* n ji!- Tit i-, fl i-tiui to thlr OTTur: •. tln'V : r ‘ all •. rv niip 'r- ItititioMi.. L mm'n limn- h n t*MiIrttere In it. whirh mik'ht typify a hole in the groniid with a loinely tomhatone,"

A UMifiil K o y ,“'T h e Three Fealherw *'— C^ontetifa o f o

toarchiiK-hoUM! pUlow,"Noni'B D)vc Tp m ’‘—I.cuiTig him ber

wlicn «ht' wjRirt |*owdor( d up. ^'• Tf:<-laiucly Ik 'if Ttic one on tb c ‘hiile'8

hp." Picked I p Adrift " —The snow Iti the wiow

l liovpl.*■ Hcj-nnd ihe Urcakcrs OniamcuU uut of

the children’ll real’ ll." Vhal rie Her Not half ai much w

she ccM bliH.■■r-:'!tu;lb Ip •*- a F low er''—The luilUuer'j

hill.•• Jjldy .tmllcy’i Sc'cret " —lie f «|C,

A HiiMor'i L ife.A hiP no £ Z time

Whm on the D I' «alU ; ll 'i H D hiMlP aloft to cllmh

Exposed U) 1 C galea.AmJ then iu K C maluw a

Or if ho D Z jafuwp,A tiiinbie from the 1 N aliip

T« lib last N D knowB.When overboard tor A D crlw

Vi jih N R a and vlra,A lit! ih'mgli of little r V tries

A vain 8 A toI ui win 11 no I, I' fliidi b near.

•N-.f N (; ARY I t iIlTC.iU' i: at 11 iiii ,if .If ir

h I ' ts .1 f\ ; ■ ,.vi‘.oil! * ,i'i r ’■!. 11 know*,

r. a . . . \ I . ,H I f V ‘ . r - v y ■■ • ■•I UiurneR,

Ar.d K'ln; 1. V- h f piiriR.WeN V ,nr itl..r’. U f- ;

In ti 1j tvii-1.0 Itm,Ai.-;. •i.f in ; r T i'or nth uir.’,fuiT kl T inlk b done,

— T'ltHiff.


'I'knf rotmuw klbcihjcl/HlJaPKNi?OBY WtL.l'il.- ii^voui detilUty, lou of ]

'HJC AND_ __________ I’H.-oarw

tu:i Tuu* detilUty, lou of maniKxtd. weakQDwortKKly on J oilnil,

ffhHIVZpathfQl •rrorw w«m back. «U____ ■' UllLi TVrua for book ea Jlaoiy viak

Dtt. vorjNi). ND Ut.. BMir (^ a * fNew Vorfc

pa(icr ‘Uinraliautteti.

Thu N E W HO.HE,T lie ffO U 8EH O LD ,

^ T h eK tA S T re MOTION and other drai-elas

[ S e w i n g H a c h i a c s ,AT

A L S D O R F ’ S ,3and5CED,Ul8TREIET,

ftoid on Kaiv Tarma

V i lS K ’S IGE Bill!**U I h A B K X T s t b e k t .

P lM t; Q u it MxM> Mo.; Blnl b o i% Up.1

OhaiAMOBa T ndO M vfIM aa*,f V D M I * .


C n t l c n r a l l t n t o A l t * .

s m ,s M F ,M d i D4 IraiiiWfl, ruriRa^H wml O m u llit 'd by lh «

i utli ura UeiimlicH,r 'd : - \ : ■ ■ -kill ami > 4lti if n i ''’ , ir*

•' :■ 1 .ri li 'ldi:a ii'i uhit'1 l:.- lIu^-i-T "ii: '1 lu::. n ;d;.i ., ■f' ' iiriri2 Ihe u.*i py u;.iU'f«» ut ] • /I ..Ul 4' riK Mdk ( ni"!. 't aifd11' 1, . ' ■ •u.;i. . .'1 -id _ r ltdielllul *ki;iIll: || |i;.- U ■ , ( , = (- ' I.a. the -U -ikjli (\KiHi.'l i ru 1. \ ‘ H'i ■ * 1 ..-it '-kill H ii.Mi‘* xti-rjialij III '.! ( 1 ru 1 K i Kr.'- . »i.M, 111''1' « d I’l.nf*'; , :!di i , ,Uy, ST'- tuftUUble.

A r O M l’ l.KTK Ct^RfS,1 ii; VI- i^'iiirmi Hit rny lifr- wllh »lrtn .t!PCA-.*>iii . ri :a k 'n -l' ai.d li.ivi ijfS» r t .-) id p r

II ,ii I ;a ■ '!• r ij-^U, b ' the Iitl-.iri pf » Imly O il‘ id, I i.-i «l >r.ur \ aliiablc I'l’ iui'aA Kksck- nii^ I ra u ilura a liuiju igh trUI, u>unf'Lx I'l-.r:i' ..rTi:f {*! Tl. I iM H r.''1 1 'T, iw.* f> i \ iol I):- t I ri" 1 tt HI. 1 H \i n l>f ri,TI« IMlA! <i\r, ami LtK ri'»ult M09 Ui'<t what I ba ltR- ^lolii li vs./uid U —a MniiiicU' CUD'

HKUiK IV.UiEllli IIMoMC. V a.Hcfi rem i. <i W. {.Atfroer, nruion-?. ' V.

MarvliiUr^r . Uii'tim-rr-d, Vii,

HAI T lll lK rM M RRD.I wc- trciuldi'tt wlrii had FUi-ntn fd a niiuk-

U'ruTiCui MMhtil the »kln ctillrvljr cann'olt ore or my haijd'- from the iltiKx'r il^xiUithe lArb-l. l ir h d Ffun-dW-*- nnd dtcinr,'pri»iTii>. lioti'lu no iiurpii'. until 1 miiiMi'iiCfii taking t'lTiti-HA HKNU-iU-, and imw 1 am ciiUwly curp<i. > T. I'a RKKU.

C'J NoflbumpiAn -inprl, Mi-?-.

ITC H IN G , M A L I', I 'lM CLV.For ific \('nr I Imvc had a •«pct t >f llrh-

iiiff, aroJy, and pimply hniii'irx ou my facetn whU l i f liaVf HMi lt'd a crL-ai imiiiy tm liuKl of ircalfiii-Mt with-:.I ''tie-- = im-lwlihli n e r|M‘rdUy iiiul enti' -ly i un d !-v " n , h i.

Itaveniia, (I. I'JJI. J ' '

<*i'rltt aA Rr>n t.ii> an> rvi nsvlirp-,PrU i- ; t'l TP 1 « 1. ' if : lo^w-i =. i '.i, <1 ii; >ar' ;*V Prc]wrnt hy Hit- I'.iTTKK I»ai a .iMitCiirM- I' sL < n,, p > tim ,'U • Stii\lfur 'U--v loCuf. bkiTt lU t av ■ "f r P T T R f i Plmplps-'klnfu.midi- .andBabyUAViUULJ^iiiiiiuir’-. • urnl Ityi i-iii

' ^ c w T n g WOIW'^n .’ tm u h t^ ii up; ( rariMi'll bixiv

ibew- p ili i ', 1 m'Lc all over, and tinlhii'ir f tr^-dih-- me guy g>Kl.' Uai'kachc, rUTjuu I'aiui,. llip andMill' I'Bi'iv, ^iruiF'^. l.(itiieiiOKN,

v v V-CiikiM'.! anti hilUnirnatl m, n- llcvcd m one mlniio* Iit that ncu . i>rl-‘uiiil.i'1''- i;unt ni.d iiifallU'lc aiilldnti' (<* palri and innam- loatlon. the f t Tin p-a Asti Pain i’ j-(*rT.a. Al ilnigi.dt-r« . 'J'vc. f 'u ttrr l>rqg aud Clieinleal Co., Hnatfilli

A F I F T ! » ' B yWritesA L e f t i ' r

■ n a f * I W m i * « « • ■ ( • • U l N t * .

C re s c e n tS a rs a p a rilla !


CRESCENT SARSAPARILLAIs not a Secret Medicine. The Ingredients are plainly printed on each bottle label. We guarantee Crescent Sarsaparilla to be a better preparation than Hood’s or Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.

If Crescent Sarsaparilla does not benefit you we win refund your money.


o i m : i H - s t^AiF IS r i i t s i i Kv o r ^ N- > ' -V. V 11 Hu' llowarilli ■’ ' -I.iiu i -o iii‘ d I. Ill ••

• - i t -I s.li -I lu \pr :

I ’ « ' ’ . V *.r i! writ nf 'r fi<• ' ' • . • ...... ..'-ipVii . i ; - . . ( 5‘ -i H, , , HI SfvViirk.uii • - t .V. ■; .1-1 -I..- of S'L.' .’ i(•• •>. ' I ;. k I' hi All d.at tn n I!

it. I . ' ‘ • .rli \ r.-iiiJy. SfW

l-V : : . d.i- . . rlj hi,, if M i - i-j-F it" ' - - ; i ,vlV fi'l ■ Iri'l “ I nil- ■ ivIfi t : 1! V I-,, i;. ...» ' '* r If • . . . . I s, .h..•' •If ' I 1 I V I • I •. ■ lUlliiNIl*‘ I II •. i ' H f. Un. ■ . .■w ni- m- ! ;■>................. - I • r- I . :;fi iv uUu;.- i:;; IV.T ihfUii *1Ftf'iAi ■' M ,::. i i i i . ,t hlity i'.vi 'n* ' .n* - f.iriiinl*' d Will: i-t Wrig'i'lh= I i' C- '1 -• ibf -I t id,

M.-i rL b! riHld i.nxl ’ h i 'h i i ' h t i.M r. • . . hm, f , . , 1 1 flfl, .,,11 f,..l I,.Ihi pli.i*, - i'!i ii,k- ivm g lot \.i .111-1.1|isrl . ' !i i S ■. • .III H I ..i|i, * f irm. i !. ili,‘K I- i . f Ai- ;i K i I .V, ,1-1 uW. hi ’ l-\ .1 i.i . - - ‘ .i\ m ? • I ... ’V'. Bi d |l !• I;, fyj.>.till I'

h'^-’ ;k N. .r, > lh . 1‘ V'\S M- II. l .m iw s , -:t,, -id.

J I" ; V. ... A. li

SIIHo m - r,ti K l.N r iitN i ’ KitVSi rt ' ; , ; i, .l.l'ni <• :im;U. ; ii1

•il , ■ - F:ij- flimmi . u:>d J--!in Hmikf'i-, ami ;il .■Icf, I-iBitiB. Fi m. iiir »Nilf «<t iimrv-. . j-n

l! ‘ v ln -. Ilf th il-.ii- ‘ •ii.-.t writ nf llmfu*: . !- • . !i - i-iiii. I t !' 1. ; -..icfilll i. i. .)>,i - -i;, ■ Km . ui S.-iv-ik.■'ll 'I*':- .’ .a,lilt !>!!;■'.;: - i n ,f A- ' i ■ .'H.nt- k I- '1 ■Mil .! :: -n-l (,.|...| ..**:-d , 1 : . -1!:- 1\ i : i. i • HI 1‘ .t! Violrlj. ..f I m:!m . ; .1 N vw jllmV

ii k'ln'!i nn iV wi . ly -i.U .ij 'M v .n BV-' !;■ Bt [«•:-,1 illsfaut >)IU‘ hl.U.i(i*il MU l Irtt i.h • 1: h • • iJiTi, und Iliri-i- fourth' iiirJii'^toulli.s.v iiKii, the ,.rii«r'.< till* SAUK’ iiiid^'pir ! * ' ' as-iii.. llu‘ .US' lud lilt fill -t ni.(t-11 III iJnktA 1- .‘p .;ly I 'u n .;, I h) li .1 ! ' h :.'i .V r .i . 'tirveyoTH, rhi'iit'.' rmimim ■tiiill.i 11, -J..:. --liar-i, '\ I'UiK’ lifty K-ft; ;!i.'U •■• vUii is ui I .'Fii rti-kii Ui >h.irort Hinni ’ .«n>' liul--1 : atv‘ l.iui{ .;M.i r i mi't l>i

f A A A a M A ^ W A A A J M ■■ '

T H A T W B A l U V E L L lN fl

P A T E N T M E D I C I N E S , D R U G S ,

C H E M I C A L S , P R E S C H I F T I O N S ,

W I N E S a n d L I Q U O R S , £ ( « . , E t e „ E t c „

At Lower Prices than any other Druggists In New- * ‘ ' or Essex CoUnty.

K iffi ihu liiiMil i\H>l by taking Ki)nl’> Itur- <oclf and ■ i.rpnpanlhi. T!jr ortSon on the kidneys h I Mf-•. '• iri'/piveswpatitig, prickly tfa t. lieadAclir, giddlue^', .'ud h11 other com- plamWduelou^vr'Uiakvi ulocil. Try K.

Women Hifb r-nF**’ coiiiriPFs ra-ns. who feel weak und ill-iieu'ik’C.l, will rom'iur b.i- h men­tal and iKtd-i'v vi;!or by usiiig rxit"r'» Ipsn I'lU.'i, whh li me J.i ¥h- for the blood, KcrviyNUid tocaplexlOG.—.itdn.

C^AE wR •'Rocc.—F 'cT lr 'rh'ima!*''* Kdccfrfc Oil acronlt.ig ! i dlrectLoi!?, It h the ti«l rem­edy for all !<ud<lt'n atUicka o f ouhb, pain and loflamniiitlon. and itiiurici.—dde.

o o N s n t p n o K o a k b e c u b e s .

HALL’ST o r t h nBALSAM ui

Oorm Congha.OoldaJ'nexunonlfLCon- ■amption. Bronchial Pilfioaltie%^B ron- ebltls, Hoaraeneaa, Asthm a, Croup, w h oopin g C onch, XnCaenzEt. and all P isaasesof tha Braathlnc Organa It Boothes and heals the Membrane ol the Lnngs, Inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night exreats and the tightness across tns chest w hich accom pany it. CON* EUM PTION is not an inonrabts m il­ady. H A L L 'S B A L S A M w ill onre Bon, even thongh ^ ofession a l aid isUa F or sa leb y a ll DmgglEta. e ,I JOHN F. HENB7 A 00., Nev Torb9 * W it te for tUnsalBated Book. '

T H E N E W Q U I N I N E .’jft! FnTJi AvENUF. Niw York.

Kiu-hhiC t'n.—lH.-ar Hint; Although always opiMjW’d In having iny name imbtlcly. I Rftlvp !uy nlucttuice id llih rfiv. Niione mu H'c the vast gOAKl done tii the FiifTcrliig tlmt have iX’t'ii accomjdK'boii by your wtmdcrftil inothclnc and rviDniTi illvnt.

] dvem il Eoy plcohAiit duty, my dear Hlri. U) cxprchA my cnrdUit tirnnkB for Utc grv.it ciiri'It h»>s accomplished In my imnilyMwcU

fur ibc many cure-, it f of vflecU’ l uramig Urn mffcrlng jioor {fi whom I have lakcust. My mn U'UH the gtcaleat suffircf fur ymT-- frfiin wlixl wan lirvt ternud by <'Iit phyilcian bi Ik* dvKjicpi'U auii gfucrat ilehlUty. which wax fob lowed bv the lorm of cbllli and fever,and fui ally pronoitiiceril hyat'Tcralnf the rno«t cinln< nt miysictauH to be umlurla. with all lot diffi-rcnt furmHiirnifrprinRaiidorcaqlcdiH'axea, Including llviT and kidney iroubies ami norv- om pniitratluti, will aw lliat low eiinpfproBi debt o f cTOtUndo to you. fur ray aai'A health IH med h<i]n-li‘(.Aly lo«t, as hr nprlvcd no bonefli from medical trvatmvm. although receivlcR iho that the hlgh«?yt mcillcal talent in America could a/Tord, ruoibimxl at limw with the bciicili of travel. Hifi conailtu- tion also had been Almox.. iiudcnKiiied uixd his hetriujr impaired by th aa^ u f Quinine. We were Influenced to try Kio-kliie by hearing uf Ux Kr^^ktsucccRs ftona reliable oourcca, and my non ha» iieen romjdetcly re.slorcd to health bv Its utc. If my lexilmoDy o f these ractii wilt help la irave hnmaii life and restore iho xuflbr* lug In heaUIi, f Fhould be gulUy ludce<t to rv- ninlti Niicnt. L am, my dcur Mm. yuurti moot grateritlly. Mrs. J. DlWitt Uurnp.

June IJ.W H A T TH K E I08riTA L8 SAY.

heiii-vuy UopUal, N. Y., “ Vnlvorsally juo* (TtFfUi."

Su Francir'® Ufr^pilul. N, Y. ’ ’ Kvery patient ttcau-d with Ko-aiiic Ijkt h<>cQ discharged curcil.' '

hcv. J<». r>c!*rilK*r, flraplaln o f d iirlty llos- pilal, writes : ' Jwlll Ik: wirely, on every oefo- lion, through cunvtotioh a moet devotfid [iro* moter nf KaFkinc."

8t. Jofioph’p How|iiut. N. Y.; 'Mti nsfllfcon- liderf'd Indiaiifusable- h acts perfectly."

fend for the rrreat book of Ifidimniiials uu- pamllelfsl in the hlslory o f mcdii'ino. f l a IxHlle. ftdd b yn iA lif.E S UoLZHArKR. Brnfld Ftrect, Newark, It. J.,orHcut '*y mall on receipt of iiriee. 'Tllfc K.vSKLSIi C-J-,-'iI War­ren fflroet,New York.

G R A l ’ S S P E C i r i C M E D I C I N E....... ............ - THI GRIAT EBGUA’B „ ......................................... R emedy. An uiifoil*......................MM................ ing cure for iikimlTial.......... ....... . Wcakiicw, Sperma-........... ................... . torrhek. Impoteucy............................................ and all DtseoHca tlmt ........... ..............................- follow (tt a oeQUeno© .....................

............o f Felf-AbuFa, nx ............................................p f Memory,Ihdvcmnl.......................................... .. LoMilmle, Fain In ......................................... ■Rack.DhMnc.iMif Vix-................................... . Uin, Pretnaluro fU d............ ....... .................... . Age, and manv other ............... ..

^diseavex that Iciui to Insanity or ( ‘<m- nimptliin and a Pre­mature Grave.

P tn particulars in nnr pamphlet, which we desire to aend free by mail to every uuo. Vi^The 8pec1flc MedMneio 0i)1dby alfdm c- gbrts al f l per paekoM, or six parkugcfc for I j. or will be Fcntfrec oy meU ou Iba w ^elptjf the money, by addrewlnf r t i £ G IlA l' MKDU;iNRCO..BufralO, N. Y.

On account o f connterfelts wo have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only geniUue,

told in Newarh by CHARbBHHOLiBHAUEB, Ur. Market and Broad itreeti.

mcbiciiifiuDr. Wm. S. WUlman, No. t l CUniun itroct,

mar Brood, Newark.I>ear I>octcr Wlilman!—I want yon to have

ihlp tesftmoiilal nf ray faith and grautudo for the bcnetlt 1 have fli'flvvdfnMQ yoLtrlredtraiTif. 'SVhcD I went lo you I ivos helpless as au Infant from paralytla It carae after 1 had ha t a w vcrc Illness, and mv itrongth wm cxhnn.sie'l. I wo i (trowltiR xiuadify wurse, and 1 feare<l that 1 should never be any better. But In two months from the time I was llrM taken to your office I rocuvercti the \w: of my hands an-l fwt, and 10 day can walk u well as I ever did. and am constantly gaining itrcnph. I shall ever ramemtxer you as my firlead and U'uefoctor, uid Mubjointiig my Oildnws, I declare my will Inancss to testify peraonslly lotb e corroctneu Of the tbOTC. 1 Oiu, gralehilly, yours.

LKWIS F. DIJN'M,Nu 11 CoUoge Street, Nuw.tfk.

P A T E K T C L O T H -F A C E DB L O T T IN G .

This Blotting, by lu pecullcki make, u supe- ftot 01 oil ab^(jrl>eiu to any Blotting now in uxo,

ForOnnmrrclal purpopcs It hr " tb o thing,” ■Bit will Dot ''m b uii" by tue, and wUl not iticb In the point uf ine jk-n.

Bond and get a wupit; for trial.

HAEEJSON & HOAG.Paper aitd Iwiiia Dealers,

1 6 9 a n d 1 7 1 H a l s e y S t .



W A L L P A P E R S .ll)frjA il«i€H ^»a jM l BoMaDe-in iloUandS'and w hflow Shades, CbmiceH. cortam potei, Shade lUUtNa, (to. Presoo

6 0 U B U O A D 8 T . G 0 8

KLY'8 C / ^ A R R HCBEAM S A L m P

Gives relief at oneel and cures

C o ld In H ea d ,

C A T a B R H ,'

HAY FEVER,!Not a Tdiinld, 0nnff I or J'uwuft. Fn'cl from Tn)urlous| Drugs Olid Ofl^b’ ; live Odors. I



... .. . 'IV E RA purtlclf Is »r j'llu l Into each nostril, m a li

«KHf«blc. I’rict Ik) Cenis «t Druffitlshi; b j nisill. reirtjiteied Weenu. Clmilaraftw,

60d ELY BHOS., Drai^su, Owe|o,|tl. Y


L I V E Rand Digestive OrgansFifteen years o f sneeessfaJ praetloe In N ew ark and T lcln lty b » « m ado the tutme o f

D K . I V M . R . W a U M A N

■ honoehold word,InnnmerabK tesflmnnlals to lili unsurpassed okill in thoir ueattuout prove the lupcriorliy of hi* eurative fystem. E 'e y abnormal fimrftna of the great purifier of the bkKHl—tha Liver— dWurbfl and dcramreii the nonoal ewmnmy of lilo, and KutijccUi uthcr vital organa to dl'suasc. whciBe fevniplocni nsitilre eareffit dlngnoU oud cxtraordluory ikllL The syroptouu ire;

I N B O T H S E X E .S ,

B sJn, Coated Tnngu^ nf Anpetite, jm , VVatdirbTxxh, rlatuleuce. NauHea,

OceoBlona) Vomltirg auh Dlorrhtea, FIcAdachii, lli£Citif«H, Vertigo, Lb^'oeaxof the Thn^at, oiTeus live Brvaih, (ntarrii, HiUousuea , Jaundice, Con-itlpatlun, Cttttlvenes , l*lle^ Kz- lula, Hem- orrhago o f the Uuwfilx. HhonncM o f llrrMlh, Monifug (.'uugh, Palu.8 lu liio Hack,stomach and Abdomen. Geueral DehtLty, Losm o f Nerv'c I'liwer, Seminal WeakiiObB. Unisu of Memory, Neuralgia, KpiltpHy, Melaudiolla, j'ara.Iyi'lB, arrnfti]^ (jlaiKhilar liwidUug, ('an* cerouR AncctlouR. Tnmora, Hhcuinatism, (Lmt, f>iscBFea of the hkin, Impurity o f the Hloo<l, Impure (-■ot7iple.Tlou, Turbid I’ rliie. flruvcl. lu- euiUlncnre ot I'rine, DlabotoR, bwulling of Lite Extremitiee, Dropay,

IN T H E F E M A L E 8 E X ,

Dinplat^Toenla of ihe rTteniR, Cnugestlon, Olcer- alhm. l^iuNirrhcBa, Ru-rlHiy, Irritable Vugloa, rain nil I'urlods, Profu^ l‘erl(xls, l*alune«R. Ncr- TouMieiM, ^lefrlOMneRR, l/>w 8plritR, Loasitude, OThteria, KL VilUR's Dance, and others.

By rORtorlng tho Uver and the whole dlgee- ttve apparalUR U> their pmper flinettouR thefto sympinmt of dlwaxe will not ouly dlwpt»otr, but the nr uncles wlH heconio firm, the com­plexion clear, the eye bright, the apwliie nnmg, slci-p uiidlKturbcd, ana oil OLentaf racfil* lies vlgorona and bright.

O F F 1 C E t

cecils of the priyjjcrty uf ihe naiil late partner- flu w. C rsnoA l’otnpauy,

Dated July 7 ,1V”1.

GRAPOLINE 2 3 C L I N T O N S T . , n e a r B r o w l ,

li aoRt <*r»ifa|]jr pnh. i ptrM hi thx fum oi > X uurw ahit* pimdcr,

litintmiMirtff ah Oit jh-kG-ot tbe

GHAPB XDd ritlHrfrojlx. ItwUl pmiBLtlyil.—

t<trp rowipWMt* wlMMll|<R aentlek ecHiIinM

. ------ - . cmtierrif! JeT«]ttiT*aOw (Qlx letnuiD ou' IrlRl. ipil linlll ftotjtlnc* »cm c( tbs alxmi fxcU. S ih l by kJ| Dru^fllulA.


Dflrt WlUin MMlcInH, 1 i6uaislU(44>ri. lA. Out. box win oiufInfoBXdayiwkMi

iofiark F O S IMtbs most oboUnata eooa In xoBx da

dan’s Solaiile Hekatsd Bougies.HoBwwQOW dossf of oDbsbs.eopoiba or oil of i fp ^ w o pd <bit ocr osrtata to p ^ jio s dyipeji

NEWAitK. N. J,

CoAsnltatlon M ondays and Tueadayot from 9 .30 A . M. t « 3 I '- M,

IrtflW M . R . W I L L M A N . M . D .


JTTE eUKKCK OF MFK, the great Medical Work

the age on Muuhood. Nt r- Tons and l bytical Dohility.Premature Ixclltic, Ezniriui Youth, and the iiiduld mis­eries consequent thcnKUi.30G pages ft TO. i2ftprcM’nr>* tloDi for all disrates, f'loin,Alii gilt, only D.fifi, 'by mail,,■caled. lUoKtratl'Vo saMpte ftea io ill young and inldiUo>Bfp uieo for tho next 90 days, Beudnow. Address Dr. W. H. PARKEK„

4 Bullfineh 8l., Boston. Maos


y goob .J

PEN N Y R O Y A L P IL L S .• • C H I C U E 8 T E I U B N O L l S I l . ’ *

O rtclBal a n i O nly Oflnnijir,Bale u d *lw at>»lU ble. B«w uv of wonhlan ItnItMicDt. InatiBCDBble to L l f l im . Aik Toqt DniMift ftw " ClllciMMei't Bmltah,’ ' w fl Uke 00 other, or incleee 4c. (lUmpiy lo ui Ibr s^ lenlu i 4a UOtf bf n tom iE ;^ XiJlE FAPBB. C M o^ fIter O li«D l«aI 43a.,

. W « iq »i»a , M O ito ., Pi.

W'lU.IAM II, [.KB, HrrcivPr of I). W, Criiie 4 CCmpeiir, 810

Bniod Fireet, Newark. N J.B«h;gp a ({h.t.HT. SuIldUiir. 27a


H e a f l l t B o a r a } ) o l l c c » .

T n uA n OklMNANrK RKGII.ATISGklaughtcring of animal}*.

Be it ordained t.y ihe lifard of Health o f the city o f S* uiiik, oxfulluwR;

hcetion 1. No animal r Jia 11 be billed while iu ail overht'ttUd. Icverlsh, or dis 'H-e-ct I'lmdiilontioj Khali auvcalf. pJg,or tamblifklhe*!. which(It.’lng ft (ah)h. lete thnn four wetkaold or ilx'lng a i-igils i«!>H than five wcoka old nr (U'U'g a lamb! Is less tlum eight week-i o id - nii'l it Ouill be tliedieyniriK' |>r>qieroffieerhor ihU hi*ar<l when aidtuaU fuc ruiind Iu an overh<-At<vi, l^vondi,wir lUwiiUteil condlUoii, or when any cuif pi^ or lamb li pTund wii<^ bkc) tj lets tlion ns VTt'inbt.’Pire ruenfionrHl, pi tin mediaudy affix lo any pen or Rial] m which said siiiinais arc rftulitH'd u lai>nl ou wtueh •sliall k ‘ wriUen or priuleit ltn! ‘*uuar-RMlncd l*y opli-r * -l Iho Ihuir l o f 1 lealth, New­ark, N. J ./'a n d heahiill report llw san je itih e oOicc o f ine toard that the projiei d'derraav l)e made relative thereto, or for tho itinovul ihcrwif from'■•niil city. ^

F'cnluii 2. No iHitFoi] or in-rsomBhall iliUtivjT deface, •‘omvat, Inlerwra wlih. or remove any label HffiXE'd by rdv nfficcr o f thk beArd u afon’Sald, lud no aniinal iinarauitlhod ia ab )fu Btikll be r» moved except on permit of this lioard

HciliuD L Any person or corporation v io l* , ing the provisions o f this ordinance ahail (u (Nnivlctfon thereof pay aj»eiiah¥ o f fifty doUars for the Aist offenc^ oekT tor toe sodoDd and every ffulAequomoAhnW the sum o f one bua- dted dollarsp

Pooled August 2, ililAJWBPH a HAYNiW,



I-«.-d forty tcur ii 'if Ix’Khiuti-r. Ik lit "n ;il I jiinp.

!. S'



Si li l;ll I' SS’

cntiipli,iM nl .Isdn' I

u MuUM 11 HKmu'sI . tiiti'* I*’**-'

IH.XMU, '..1P4. fi'U.K

.N r-, v


W E H A V E T W O S T O K E S I » N B W A I I E *.

Up Tow n-380 Broad St., cor. 8th Ave. Down Tow n-631 Broad St.,1 door above New.


FOR TO LETSj ****'*i».2*SS5oKS*pJS«. Ic. A WORD.

S lo t l t e * .X T G T H 'K Tii AHShNI' DKKKNDANT.'l.J n Iu ( ’I'KTK’cry of Acw Jitm-v, T*» .h'hn li. I'cU ri’ i liiirrK'l Ciui oniU, ('ll irlviR ('-jr«'»>rari. Lit hui-biiiKl; Kiully Itoylr, August Itoylc, hor hurhand; I'niri- k II. M.kM«-ii, laio guardian -*f ChKrbilUi A, tjkircftrau, Uerru’e l ; .lufcph I.. N'ufMDgcr. silmliilslrulor nf rtiarlotto A.t.'nr- cortui, rteci-ascil; Fjl^ard (oiiy, and John CufTi')', oitmluihtrdtorofthftrlei* C. I^uirn. de*cctiL-d.

By vlm ic of an ontiT nf the {Nmn o f (.’ban- ci-ry o f New Jcr»'ey. made ou tiu’ itav of the flat** herruf in a cause whtrtln riiuton G. ItLyuuhla hi couiploluant aud yiMi arc tUTciiilonlR, you ar*;* requir’d to aiqifar, plead, answer or demur to the hill uf Kalu cum- ploitioDt on or leforc the UiDllclli day of Srit- temtternckl, or Uw u ld hill will he UkiU tu i-opfcRhol aguliihlyuu.

Ih o tihl mil U ffidl to eorapol tho hcti^-Ai' law, nfxtirfktn, otjd pcr^rmal tvpn‘«i nta(ivt^ o f iliartotle A. wreersn, dtcexisil. or Kmie uf them, to ]ia>' ifU IhD .‘-xM cornploiriant the amouLl 01 principal and lmcri"<idi{r'upon u certain mortgage given by J«hu L. i eterH lu lllrrtet Curcoran, dHte<l the lirst day uf .May. eighteen hiihdreti arid elRhly, ou land^ in the city o f Orungc, tn the ruuiiiy uf t X x aud Slate Qt New Jersey ; and alxo the lUQomii ui principal and luiercRt dun uinm a uurtoln uitiur mortvag»-given Uy the Juhn i* Pi-ters lo f>Hvcr l»IFsfU>, CnarlcB FI rK^un and John C. Haynci, iMutucrv, Ant., fl-ited tha ckh lii day ofyebiMoiy, clahtocii huuJrcil and elgiuy- oru‘. Dpuu the ^aoic Uude L lUc Mild roraplalh- •r tharlTig hern xubrngafed to the resiwttvu rights o f ihe ♦‘Aid Hsrrlfl Ofmvjran, and o f the RaW Oliver DltM>n, (.'harlfai H. IHtson attrt John V. ilaynce In the said mortgage: or in the event ot their failure loM y tliesaH priudpai luid fii- tcn-M. then lo (oTeclose the said hulri atlaw. next of kin. and porwmal represeniotivcB o f sold Charlutta A. Oircmaii, di-oeaxM, o f ami froni all estate, rigIH. lillu and equity o f ni' dcinptiiHi in the Raid iatids.

And yon, John CofTey, are madp adafcodaiu, becauMc you arc the adEntriblratoroTCbarH U Petore, iiecpns4.*<i. who wmune of the JiHrs at- law Ola! next of kliigf the said charlotte A. Corfumii. Jccfft.«c*l: ami yuu, Ihc h*id fldw inl rudjavo are mule a tioity iiefeudant UR'aiL'M.' you arc openf Uie hcUiHtt* la k and D(xt uf kin o f t ie sjiift fliarlesc. P'-tem. deceaRsd; and you. .luhn I,. i'eteiR, Harriet ( ‘orcurau and Euiliy Foyle are made drtotiilante bcctt«t*e ymi are hi.'frs al*lHW and Deit uf kin o f said Charluttc Curut»r«ih dectMtod, andalhU Lc 'ausu Ynii are ludrs-at law andlu st o f kin of rharhs < Pelffs, d4<cok.<«ij ; fu.ilyou, I atrlck IT. Madden, nre made a fendnnl lM*rauBe you were the guardian of tin* |HiHuii8ud e.siBtoofilieMld ciiartoiie A.t^jr* corun, do«'U}^’d, during her Uft.'tlra4': aud you, JiavLh I.. Nofdtiaer, sre mode adefoBilaut b*'* eawM* ron arc ihe adtninDiratur rjf the said Charlutli’ A. (.'ufcuraii, deresse*! ; and you, f hur’e* Cowornii, jire inaile a di’fendimt Ik -- eauKeybiisre (ho hmb:ind ofthe Katd Uarrikd

; and you, Aiigu-M IhiyU*, nre m Mo a di ftiMlaid M'aiise yc.u me the Imtbaud di the MJd !• tolly Hoyle.

July 2t'. IKWi.KKKN 4k M:MMKHK,

SH.ee .‘■'uljoitor« uf Ciimpluinu'il,‘£Jo nroad jjtrcet, S-.-wark, X. J.

TO (.diKUmjuH N-)TICK H hcrtny glvf-n Ihsl. by vltiiiuof an order of

Hm' (.'purl uf chaiinTy uf N'uw .lermw. mode ou liic i-evnilh (toy o f July, htstAiu/lu a ('Uii'<o Iheiein jaiuliiig; wlifreiJi Das'ld \V. Cruno, Hurviviotf j'nrrncrof ilie hue partuer‘'lilp (Irm *if D. \V. i Muc <t Coiniaiiiy, i>. (yimpiuiriftut aud SaruJi l*'uim?<'s l,'ruui‘ ami uihurKare de- ferdaiKe, tin- ‘ evcrfll crydliurR uf the Raid liU: partuer-lilp Crm of D, W. ( ’rone 4 romiiotiy HTi- re.julrt'd U) pre out their several claims ugHli !>( the Mini lute pnrtiK-fRhlfi, lo thcKtito WTlIicr, n.ct'iver o f Hu! pr(}j*er(y. right'*, e^■<iitoand ihlnps lutnrtlrinuf wid late p«rtiier!ih!|}, duly iwou'J liy mUlinr afllrmatlon, uii or be* tori'ihc s.•v tltIl dny (}f Novemb'r next, or ihey will hcexchidcil rrom the benefit of Rwh dlvldeml a* limy ilienmftyr bo made and de­clared by (he Court of Chsneery itpon the pro* I'ecils uf the j.i i_ .. . . .Rlup lirm o f I

i.'I Iho atoivc htaU'd writ uf fiiTl dlr*'i1 i *1, 1 shrill i*xii->’ 4 f.u lUllr hy

pit' ‘ ‘ 4 ■!' • .i( lii<'1 HUl ih 47V. . In S'i-4\rt'k,fu " -4.U f4iurth day

nil ChiU U ic ir . l '’4i*cvl 4.J bi.iI [ir. »,d“< l y i n g ahTto'lliy III Mil nt> ;‘l NcSSATIi , EsHfl Luiluiy,NfU .1* In %

IS.'u uiui? in (hr eaxlrrly line o( ]ViiU5ylvi niafli-4i-ui'Hi I ). ::(( .ii>4tani fw4*niv-flvt» fcii mmlii rl) II. I I till iTorito rly Iliu-nf KminvU htru*'. fui I • • runuiiig iiiniig |'i‘miRyi\a ila ai 11 111- 1. r’ 'i (7U'Uiy iijiu- *h*qii'is (hlrty inin uu 1-1 IV*. - ly hi i . lh« u. <• fWriill) -<lxly

i (I I I; uiiiiuu- ‘.-a-l psTdlltd With Km- iiiHI •li'-i -.III' liuudrcil f .e i; tbciiot* iHi ilv I :t,c .Irerii" thirty ln^u^u.'^weM and purxltti |.i 1'4iius)lvaula avumir tHouty-llve Ji. I Ml' U' ■ niTth 'Ixiy d' grn*'' llilriy minuU -. W' : jitd I'liMiliel w lih Klnum-tt rlriH-l om* hull- dinl (Ml tu I’l jiiiJ-yDanlii avenn.- uud Mu- j-lMf if ii-RU.tihur; to-mg the -ami* pfi'ml-. n4 (tini )«-'l tn ‘ Hiil ftafnrji'l MnN'iiW’ Hpl isiullli hySarah WMHls^ari \V«-kn an*l K"to-n K- Wt-eks, lu r husl-Hiiil. hy lUnsl duMHt ]KH'\*into‘r ]^7 1 find r - .uliil III H'tok 0, H, |‘agi.'*< I'll tiiii iM u( ■li’ df. fitr sjtld i-oiihty.

Nimurk, N. J., June >1, I'M,WM II HROWN. Pherifl.

_ ( (>nri-»Ni.T itol’ f*. dHAU' IN ClIANCKU’T l l F

Nm» .Sr**) -Im M il'll Joei-idi H San fnrd, I'Mriiiltilmiu, ujui Jjhn j . I't- als.. di'lci diiui* ri. to, fur sulc id ui4jrtrfiig'-i1I'^ulliN^.

fly \frtn< <-r ihc iili-ivi' ’•lah.d writ uf IWrl farm'. In !iu dlm^-iel. I -ImU i xp . <* p.r i!*- )iy ]iulil)> v4 i.iiiu , ul tlu! ( nurt Huu'-t* in N'l'mirk, on lu ' -'liiy, llu fi..|irl* A'lilh <1iiy 4*f ik-ptcnMn-r iievt, !'* m.Mi’i l..«’k I' M , unumanu'ioriKiri'. l of liiiiil uni pn tiilM-h Njuuiti’ . lying and todiig 111 U.- I'lly of Newark. K''R'k U'ounly, New Jerw-y

lu-pifiiilii;* M< the mirihvrly line of Kliu nrecl ul a i*oiui Mk-rviii dhtaiit uvo biiiutreil iri I live h-4-t '-•n il iiiid OIU'half tiu’ tit-': w*-terly ir»un the weU-fly line o f I-ai*g '^in'ol} ihrnr'; niiinliui all tig “uiil Klu* sin-.-t north ^Ixly iwu dt'grci s and two nduutt s we^i ilft'y f»t‘l ; Hi- n--' nortli iwruly f-'. vi'ii iiegi4'(?a lifiy-riaht luiiiiiu-•> east mmliuiidroil tool; thnir*' -imMi dU y Uv.i di'gri-fi-iimjiwo minuic.i ra 'iilfty r-.'t; Hu'U'-i' rriulh lv.4'[itsr-r. viu ilr^ri'es mid lifty olglit iiilnijUNi mpi „ji4‘ liunitn-M toot to sal'I k|iu t in ct find (.JuCt* (>f lu'iJ ijiiiiiig.

Ik'jjig JoLi niiuitoTi'd ini-uiy cIkIiI an i twrnly tilui* uU n rnnj* o f pnifH-ny fii:i h r..r J-fBUCw .'lackln hy Ifarrtuu viui Imyni*, siir vfjor, In Jauuarj-, A. I».. iDyiy.i. ihc i-ajuCjiirfiiibiN dc'vi'4fd In luild J-ihn J. by w ill <irldn fullu.T, .lidiii J. Ih»*?4, Hr.

Newark. N. .1, .luJy I’J, IM.WJ1.U.\M il. m tolV S, PliC'Mf.

CliAi.M; T. I.I VK, Hol‘ r. H hj■j's'TniTNidiTtV'TiH*

, . . 'k,cumtilaliiii’ it. iiiid Auku'>Cijs V. I.uuu''r, el. al . dfr(!u1iiul>. 11. f ii , lui' Ktih-iif Liuiit jiqiHi preiu- I’ l'R.

l;y villi;! f>r Mm atoivo w rllorflerifiu l.,-, In It.I *iii4< (cil, I siijill i-x|Hi>i‘ fur ;-.ili, by publU V4ii'liv. ;M IlM.-f irtirt II.in,*--, iu NeumV, on T11=-ilnv. llii'tWiuMv fourth il.jy uf . ii>ni-t lU’Xt, lit lu " o'i'’.r-k I'. M_, ftl) rtuii rnu i or jiari L'l I fliiiid ftnd iireuiii?«i'V».ltuiii4', lying mid Uil g In Mu- city of Nyivurk, l-*iscx Cuuiily, New J" TM-y

li4gsii:}liig.m rh ccw ld d '-n f Hroo«lirtmd lii the norUi ^anl o f the dtv of N'l-wark at Uie nurthwif-r ronu r uf David c , ftruwnto huus.' lot nn hrUR'l Klroc!; thence along wu| slron't nortli I'lu eiMb'grofh em»l thlrty-ftv*' f**i-.lpilhu eunuT uf ii Int tornu.-rly owned ity Tlmmas JarnvN iHh Ij by Davkl r. Hmwn ; tlieuor ubrng Ibesarii S'liirti >lx(y nliif lii-gre'es ami thirty muiuli * i.iisi one limton'it lutd lifty fvut to iiiu.l iHieuf stepiii-n 4'<Ki|aT, mow of Abraham W. Kiii‘ 4-> , Mhui'«-aluiiK Mu' mniij iMJiilh llfteeii degn I"- Wc'i lljirh Ii\e |.*ol lo Da\ bl iI lm w ii 4 liitid ; Tiri 'I.-.' wiffihlR line norelistaiy.nnie d.-- arf4'-aii>1 Milrty ndim b' w i-t om- hutulrfslnml flfiv r.-.: Hb’.ul *(irifl. Miu Irnfflnuingcomer

NeWiuL, N. .r.WW. li. HKnWN, KhrrIiL

i‘ im I ''uv St Uf.uiim’, Holii-jiof.______ si Tj

CUg AftQcril*«iu«ntft4.

Si im t iK s s.u.i--.N.'w J*fv-v Il4-iwi‘'^ Kli/u iliill.'iib. >'

■'OTii >:.i'» . fiiTi-by fflvcfi |o nl) fiiirtb In-

E(-ri-‘ lnl. Mini the Mrtifu'fttc o f a---*Mfteijt rif the w|;i-|e nTlii,-mi /r| till C(Hj 4Ud ufwldcnliicmel opruing

HLI I SVK.I.S: AYKNCB.Ii0j4 Ik I V '!. I'.i reii t'» uu- ftccc nllng in law.

>Hid i>‘ ' * i-i'-nt cfiiiipri*'’ nil the lot*. !riM-i>’ Rid per • i f laiel -uil ri'Sl cfliii4i lying ou toMi bld< - >r

l'KI.I.KVri.l,K A\'KSTR, from Gi ii'.. - iir ’ ’Teet lo Abimft*jti av-nue ; on bulii dill '.I

I IS'i MlN AVK.Nl K,from .M'li '' u .iviTniu lul'ljC’ icr (n'i'uuc : cmbtnii 'I'll'* 'll

IV S-IIIN'. HiN .WKNCC.from I;.' • • i-b’ avi'i iu.' lu CIuHtvr av. uu«- , > i llu- imrlli 'uh' nf

Ki' SHNV STJtKKT,from Iklb'ville ivenui; t«i n ).i;i!ii .J-s) hvt wc-r of'uuu. : "tl ibi' imrlh suJe nf

TAM.Mll STJtKKT.frrni I!t'T'vl!le av* iiui'b*a iHjmi ;;7'. feet wed offrUlIU : '}■' l-Ulb '-111's nf “

■ilintJt AVKNI'K,/fOlft ]k*ll' ville iiVi'iiiU' to il iKiltll l i ’i fis't 144'si of the ml;!' ; on Mu* iincih i>ld • uf

.■-I'l iiNl; A V.KNCK.fix>m III lb vMIc AV'-mic I'j Wiik'Muiai nveuuf: on Uiu M iUh ride nf

M'ltsr.RY JSTKKKr.from IkllevUle iiviuu" lu ii |i'dnt 1^ f-.'.'t W'' ♦ Of satin.

1 b<* uwiu r-(iflnutl iu-1 ri*!il u-o*! - 1In cerlMinile i)f NSvNsmeiH me In r -fiy f-* (lOlrtHl In l"iy t!u- Kliuiiiiit "1 iy<Hi>«i4'‘d iip iii liH'iTi, aud I ueti of ilii'iii n sl>e4:llvi'ly. luifien!my Oflite Nu CfiT Ihiil, no t»r l<'hire (ho

N lS 'lll D.AV OKrt'.'UMlKK h*h.F. f IM NV«IS',Ariing ( 'oiftplmn. r.

N'GWiirlf, S'. 1 , Auinisr 7, ___________t ?

NoflCF- MK INI FNIH'S-.Pitblir irnlle'.'In b'Tfby gfven (hnt it Lt

ihc inieiiiV'h u( th4' r4.[nmuii l o iiiriln f ih...city o f S( v-ark. neder aud by vIfkUf- «if provD- louH ofMie fu't eiilKled "Alt Act lu IIrvIm* ai'.d Araendthe Cliaru-r ul tlu’ < Ity o f NS-wafk. ' altpri*v<<i .M trch 11, H'ij. lui'l thu Hit|j|di>- menlR Mieu-i", nu'1 tho luwK nf the Hiute rrg-i- Ikting hUi II lUiUinveinentR. to.iffbTam i causd

PA IFIC HTRFRT,on both d'h-Rufthc burs*- car trackK. from S rn fcircet tn.-'ii(h rirtK. with tlu* eviH-pri-ui uf u Rpflr'Cof iiiu-pMit iu vri'ltfi on each Kid., rd lU-' iDiul iriickr, In lx; pimK| w'lth oblung granlu- bliH'lt .

SiJeli p : v i tti' iniiy ubjnet thereto are r— qtie.dod lg I'h'W'ul their qbJef'UnnR In wrlMiiK at tlif }tre< i. 4'’ niinlsKlourr K nllieej «m or Ik-I.}/-,- the exi'lratiun olh'Udays iTrom the dote ol Ibli Dotlie

ily dltri'il. ■; 4il Mil' Cuinrmiu f^uinell,JOHN JIL'NKKLIS,

Street CoiniaJs'ilujier..=• Newark, s 1.. \iuriri 10, IM . J7f

|| Niilliv I-II'rtby given io al) {Mtrtle'4 |n- tcrcM*'*! Miflt Mie f •rUlP.-.iienf .L''.v.’ »ruout i»f tli ■ whr'le umcjuiiLor ftuiiex|i>.'u'4c»uf e«goKrueUux a H wer thnnuMi

fikAN»ii-: sTHKirr.from Kouili Fimrt<*'*rillii ftrt'Oi loGray str(4*t, Iws betm delivered k* me O4i-4'ordltig U> i^w.

Hail! us*.4'*Mnt*nleu(Ditri-4;>s ail the lutt*. tnicH and ftarr-ebuf Uud arid real csUUi lyhiK Du both eldcHof

ORASi'K 8THEET,from South Foiirtoculh Mroul to u poiuL about aiity live feet otuit of Gray street.

The owners of laud and real Mtato oGscastyl to i^d c(rililcat( of aaaowment, o/« hor«}>y m- qulred to pay th« amount ao ovootofl upoti Qkiq , andjoeb of tb«a. ri^pcctivaly^ to me, at my oiSnee, no, & city flan, on or betore tb«


AetlAg QdapttoUef. Itoftgflr, N. J., AufUJt 7f


1JKKNKVt.V4l4IA ItAll 140,41',TKKdKBA t Tninl 1 tn- an,! I mii.l '=l«!r« Mall H.ai!.-.

tU;a:id after .Iiiua i 'lA, ttolu" will k.i>e MhU4 I >(;r • I stall li-M, N: w;irk, .IK ' *

w '• A M. t art 1 lilt' ddi'y (uf iliirr'U'ti..'. I ill ... .. ai. I a .- 14 1, .■ ,ih 111"-nan l-i'a ..-Itu* llil4.,;yh I,: li;= ,i. I I,, ' i;i,] M I -tlT-'ilF. 7 P W ft'.-'r-m Pvir-!.* iIri-h [ur Htui.*u=n . PUuliiiiii ,uul llu Wk-L wnh Full!!inu 1 m <4.4 I nir U u -14,{U m D . U l iirtUtl' to( h ' and M. la "U

.V I' M , ■i.-vll). 4 Id. •till...... .. V'x|'l( ' a itb Mil. >ii h I’uUmiUi .d!} h* tbr u, > m atr*' .{UMHti.

s. : I' M l’'tvin.-- KTprwai .to W \\ >‘ h p-iil-UiHii I’.... . I nr*. MiU .'Kb itlMni-il i-UH'a.ii; 1-*I ill bu y. I ai!-] I U;, .

Fir Itolf'ne-i. »i-dU“t..n hi"I rhe ' 'i.'i;.J.’ .'.H|-4 A M. rim (.-tl K*ui -4I r . A, M.', 1 i ’>I aiul‘J. 4 I' M. Mu > ;ndsj I-’ -.., ■M'> A M . 1 M •I'.d ’» -.1 r. M. 1 .«rFh 1.., . n-uiih ■ p 111

F r [ hr . 1. ij'hU. Kxpri-w U‘ < I'>, .V,l-,J*il.|ii.U.d KXI'l- ' U : ' Aa

M . I t«. 17, I M .y t j. : c am i'} i : P. H. S iu-d»yrn4li»«, U ift, i. f .n , )rUt A. U.. i . 'I . 4 '1 M.

A.*4‘|-.u KliV-.n 11 I'l A. Ma, and 7 JS P. -M. **iiiiits) - . 7 m 1' M.

F'nivtit4"i, IJ Cl, f'.tif. 7.u‘ 7 ■* '7.’ . •. Iv .-,i MiiiUid I \|'H U7.». Bii.Ul.l'i .t'I 1 J ' IT 7 r.' t-, mul 'i 'tV M j*iii,i1h\ U» I I hu.I 10 n a M.,1 - > ‘ .’.4 IJ aiul'.i i.U’ M.

Mrtj L ’ I’ .M 41 • pt Snn-J 1-r AMaiilir CHy. ||.C' \ U . l.tj ftml C

I', M il.iuv :V' 4l.t " 111'toy. ll,|. ij(li 40f im1 J I' M irnhi

Ki'f 11'; c HT=irie|i, Ulirriiii, (Vi-ran Mrviv** '•i jit .i Iaik4', -tn 4,irl. NUito-,ii!'Ti, I'ltint I’ .i.i Kill 4<i i«.u,K .'u ttir \. w Vurk and [.='• Knioi'h Ih'llmrtd. 7.‘"7 A. M aiuli ; .1. ■ . i iV 7 p-, p m .puK. ,■%■il'I-MUtliy. "U r,;,i.| ,j. .' <7. .v \f ai„|' ’" V. M \D-i nm utiip at \-l-ury I’urk mt(‘Utj'to)

FMlt NKW YMHIt.l.'Rv* Matket. -r - . : -‘ taiu.n . i-:, ' f- "

fi \l. *7 ■ . 7 ■- 17. 7 'li 7 L'\. i.iio. \ID R 11.'.\t4i ',.v u v '.'i HI. n U l''n o ,r* .’'r i-u i IM ‘- 11.00.11 I? .A. M . I.'M 11.'-- I 1'*, 1 IS, M'l.J.l.', 11', '7, ,i.u.%A " I, I 111, • 0 , Ml '4, t l C. 1,

‘ . =.Ji, Vl , »■'.t. fl 7 F* ; ■' 7 r. •< fl' R s-;, 74.C-J. I'l'ii. IQ V\ 11^1 a,,,i It r*fi I', M,-uu'lat Irani . M*:. i;, s..'*.' ,,'H: u m p) L'10 r- 10 1H, U .Vi. tl jv V M.; )J H II . -0 . |,u|I. ■ J.'h', . ''7 , :l,. ' ill*', t •: ■ V-,’ u«vT S \ a 0 - "

i ll.\N«'KllY OFlU rui-4'tt .1 \itr{iin>'> Ihv-b.

f Sid ■ llMlli4'l liriHUM.*.'! Milllli,• diiu(- Ft- to, fur mUc uf ni-irt

7.V . 7 fl. rj'*.. s f l a, ; a ,T n 'j; 'ift", i I] " A M , 1 : i; 1 II. J.l.L 'J 1 •. i . ' ■

"d, - ' .I.\ A f \ 4'. I 7,'JJ. 7.js_ - u l""Tri}'(l l-'.v I', M. wikdiiyi-.

1 r.iii' 1 b; 'iiini "*lr-' I ‘-lu'MP. I I.. '*0 - C ' ' . '■ :.H , 7 I'. 7 '•7*7, '• 17.I ’ r Il,.'- M , I,' d 1 IV •:i.V 4 .V. i fv, 'i , r 5 17. i. i*. «•. ||. ii.*- >7 11, ■ -1 to. jn IV. I'l |... It .'1, n»id M.'MUUIrv . r.S <4 -1 ,-7 Vi |,- ', V ',A M ,‘ u r ' ij.v . 1 y. I <8.;.' ,i; -. >4.Mp, ',t.l, lilt, ('..au 7.iii ; , j j ;n5■m uioirr. M.

fe*\e Fliirnotl *ilrcid ,

' 7 F*. I V M . 1I.M,'! <

fiM : Ifi 7 M s -. n, u ■ M, f V .tF ' 4A. M to’ " '. I :)1. ’ -‘»l J . 1 1 V, t 'c

I' h', 1 !■', 7 I t. 7 \y N [| . " , 1'' u. M!li^ l.e ;F .M Siiii'lju, • 1, 1 ' 21U.M .to M.; 12 i'. l2 ''2 tUK.ii ; 1 \ i - i. ’ 14H .M. :;'»i ; 2'. 1 .5F ■> n. A.O'*, <.'d :.to. '2.2J

IRitM M,\llKKT PTKFKT -<TVTH>NKnr FhmU'tJwiiul Fhliwrty. \J ' hlghi, o.W,

AtV. 7;iJ. 7 ■f'. Au'i. ' i7.:»VI, ]0 \\ U .1'4 V.to.

iii<hl.11 dM-i l.rj, 1 M, .’.71, :< ?V1. y;7, (. »J. 1 ,5(1,2.C7.M.‘ , *1 "'\i.ui fi iv:,'; i?.8 it,r ii .IJ. \ii. iu:u J' M,. ami

Plili'ljly, V.' o I, 4^ 1 .kl, ■.*.;l.’i, 10,Dl, h A .i, t|. | H, ^r,, ...fjj.UTv 7.V:,-.to, tf.OOy.15p, 10.0(1, lO.all.aiul 11.07

For aVfw* Hmn»wirk. iilKhI TOj, 7.W, W .* .'-:! mid li t'.A. ,M . j = > y,4,30, .VO:, .Vto, ft.-rj, r, ? :> y r . p. M..Bill] lai-Oj night, sutulay. lx:l'< nighi, it m. iii.Oi* and 10. 1 A M., fiM\ I M l ’., A..i» T IJ 7 .5,'V 1*.W. tf.oi'. and (►.at P M.

I'oi Woudlindgcate) Perth Aintaif. O.sj, 0.1 , and llU i .Ml; F-’.'Jd, mh; . \ jj, *’,.111. i‘i,7. to. ami 10^1 r* M. Ou Muiulayi, 7.J7, tf.50 A. M . .1.27, Rii'l to P M .

Fur Kan MlllHi.iiie, 7.02, tl |,7, A. M.; A27,aiul 6,12 r. M., dally Simday.

Fur Klng«iuri and Kocky HIM. S.'" A. f. fm.1 6.H7 1‘. M 'Ully, exe4-|'l Humtav

Fur I’hllUtolmrif ami Hch bU-rv ubn, ii.r , a . W Rft'l .1,47. 12 r. M , <latly, e i ' ut Mimlav

I or UmtoTtvIlb'. 7,.'y, Il.to A. \l,, nn l |.U. uid 3.47, .V.;l2. 1’ M.. .lyily, rxcejit hiimbiv

FurFli mmgton, 7,riG and l u . l 17P. M .daily, m \ jd HtiTulny.

Fur I'rliu't imi, l.ivj.\V,, H |,' A. M. ; 1, (2 j.,i2, and 3,3 I’. !d., 'ially, cxeeul

Hun4lny.For Horrlentnwn. Ilurllitflon niut I'Ruiiirn.

i-Sil. tf.'-'y, UU'I II t . A. M .; I a, 2 1.1, (.ir, l 1.- and 7.3.’' I‘. M.. d»dly. Mia-jd Sunday. Uii Him* di»y, lO.-V' ami ",L'. M.

fur Fre4*li"1il, F»iriiilni?liib‘.and MiinaMiiiiau. vici. MnnmniHli Juiudltin, 7 M and i! i’-A. M . !i.toiiiut 41'i I', M. iMi '•ttliirrlav'' only, .'j. IJ F. M. Frei'luOd,I'J 4’ M. wii'k rjayR.

Fer llosiun. wilLiiui '•hani’e, s ,‘»j i', M. ptally. F’nr Hru<»klju, S, V,—All Mirniigli ltrt1unn>ii-

liret 111 .b'TM'y I’Uy ivm, uf •• iifwikl) nAinu 1 ." allunllfiK'lin-el lrnu>.feflft ftiul fr*u 1 Kiilloii rirei't, iiv illii^ 'tuubic torflajj'.' an I J«'unir\ aen)"* Ihe cliv,

NFW VnJtK" TO NKlV.4H)f.For NeivarJf. .V r. G il. f\4ii, 7 -h, 7 :U), 7 t

«2fi. s.v, aju. I j.n . HIM. II. j i 4.M.. I J.'riftiullJ ■»!) iioiiii, l.lri 'j Oi, 2 .30 1 *11, V»^, a .V* *4.00.4 ID, 4,.III. 4 ('V .'j.tio. o.H). .‘..HI, |ii ft.’iO. fi.ifl}, n.in, fi.'to 7 f>i, 7,'«J_ ,.* 3,)JC. aiul il-V) !• M . amt 12 luiilntf'lil. Siimifty iralur. fl I'l, affl, \\\ u.iw, vir> jn. 10 ii, n. 11 W A. .M ; to mpun . to i >. 1, 1. II. 2. J, 1 -4/ I.4 Id. .S, .>■. n , '.4 ', 1. l-i. 7. : l.%, .1, H,H tf,'j;w n II P. M.liJi'itolnIdiili'ht.

Iillll.-M 'F lil’HIA \ JtF VlilMi KAM.IKHD Sew Jer-=.y i vrilnil Dtvl-imi,

Cnrmiu'UCiiig Jnim j'*, |h<4I). n k w a h k a n d KLr/..uii',i‘a itit.vNi'ri

I.eiui* Hruii*1 ^Irevl t:.2U, 7U2, 7.4'.. lS 1 , j;il.«* heibj'nrl 1 iilyi, " :r». IMi.\ 0 i'., 10 in i-i:r. u rn

6 2U A. Ff. fur fli tiu rvlHe.Th'. A. M. tor Main Mno N J f . Die Fb in-

ln|Uii!, Wiitev|.nrfe. .Serantnn. e|e, ul-i A. KX|)re.ss fuf I'lrUUIlvld iUid JFuiiid

Hruuk..S. M. for Main [.Ini'* S. J c, niv., Fb-m-

liiylHi. HtH ho hmiu'li, All"iit'mu,-Seriwi*toll, W illlum''j»uri. 'I niiijuiim, Piniburv eii'.

A. M . f ‘t I'lniiilb'ld ami Jtoijra'l UreMk. in 36 A. M-. Way fur Sutiuti iHe.11 A. M , Kxjm-fH fur I’lalnuclrl and Bieiud

Ibipok uiid tiunu'rvMIu.M. fur Main l.lnc N. J V. Mv., Flom-

liiginn. Malt.’ll ( hunk. Wllk ■ h irre, eU”.l.iOiJ*. M Kxiire -^nT Plaluli-!'!'im^n uin I

IlrcK.li Fhonlriyriin, nml main liia* N. j , i . Drv, 2. Jin f. M (nr ■'uimTviik*.:(.F' !' ?-l. Fur Fine N, J. 4’. D|y..

Mule li I 'liuiik. Scram "Tl, WiUlam 'jK.ri,' U-, I 1J0 I'. M. Way fur Main Line N ..I, V niv.,

Hig)] Mtldae Hram li, liud'l''^!,ak> ,Lukc lloud- eui u Hfii) 1 Icm iigtun, et*-.

4.'to I'. M Way fur FL-niliigtf>ij urul Fasl ,ri. fi.ilft 1'. M.—Way. HunicrviUeimrl l-liTulurtutL fi.AOl'. .M.-’-J 'H S(jiftcr>Ule nml Ft'-fiihu/luii. r./'Or. M .-F 'ir Miiiri Line N. I r Mv.,Fl. ru-

InKUin, Alll•llh^Hrl, Muiieii Hiimk. WilLc-»mirc. U.20P, M — Way fur Komervlllc,7.to P. M.._W.iy for F.ftQn.7.A3 4'. M.— I‘'uf Krmlunrh. 'JT I'l M.*~SVay f4ir S4imervlil<j,9 lOP. fur JiuUidb-ii.l(f .‘»TI’. if. Wh>'Il'i Si^uurvill'*- 12.211 Mphl W'ftv r>r Hound ftruulr.Suu4tM)K. -.'ill \. M. W'liy fur H'i'iii I ;

I2. :m|‘, M . Way lur Muiejfcn : M . Wiyfur Suiiw-rville : 4 KH'. M., W,iy f.ir •.■lUTvllb! ami Fl' iTiliiKtnii ; .'v ti ]‘ , >F. fur M.uu t.i'u*. AM' IItown. .Main.b rhunk. (ke ; 0.11 I’ M . W aj' for S'liiuTvlde.

All UHi!i*|r'iu|'Iti F'Try vlrret iiiul <ii Kll/n- k'lhjHirt, iJUi’ l lit lia.'jl iVuv hinvl uu to'iuM.

S’ hWAKK .\\\t NLW YrtItK.FiMiM m iitoh AND m t u v " 'm K r 'r s -

At 4.4U, fi 20, '1 fio, ''.-2 . 0.VI. 7 ID, 7. to. 7.'Vi..10. y.on. '.I.i-i. L4.4U. lo.u.''.. 1H..F'. li.av IF !»A Sf.

12.2'.. Fill, 1 :0». .'.(I'l. iW . 3 1'. 4.20, | .V.r..to. 0 i', f. 7.', 7 20. L.'ei. U.a*'. v. m'

ii’. "i, H 2'1. 12.,4j P, M NlPidiivh, •*.01, 1171. in.On, ii.i'i A. M , l.’.O'i M ; l.'fl, IfiO. :i.in t ryi,."ilia i..mi 7 00, mm. uin. to.no. n.fri p, m .

1 "I 'In-uiley and Caneri't. S.A |n,4» M. ; j.'to'vu,'7.JJ F, M. Huuday/i, s.'i0 A. M. . 1 l7

KutoVworeu. at «.2A, 10.1.AA M. ; F3(J. i.fyi, i.J 'F. M. Hu ,' Jy a,-''ni A. M. ; 1.11 F M

Fur I’er li Amto.y. i'l.to, 11.00 A M. , F'W. inn t.:v, .s m, a 3:}. o.'JO, P. M. Fiin.Iuy*

A M, ' 4 10 I' HI'or Fruliuld, h.2.7, IFOO \. M. . MW, I 0o:i.T., !■ M * . .Fur Fung Rrmidi, O-eau Mruve, f*lc., « ii.

11.00 A. M.: I no, O j'j V, Si Hiin-'|R)'R Jcicept Ocexit Mmvc), \VI A. M., Ll'l

,4't^AHK AK!' I'Ill(,AriRr,ri|[A.Fur Sll'lii nml lin-l'n nn-rtr, 7 <‘i , ' i ’ll 1 1 'n

A. M.; i.rri, ,.r ,. ,v:io, p. m , uiniil. Hnii'lnys. >i,vi a M- i A.:i'i I'. .11,

i. 4,-i, K Al A. H l,ini p, ,1[. [nr Hnniinr>',to'wi'I'urK Hru) William‘ v>rl.

DriuviUK rcHAm ciiie du ail «luy irnl'.- mil rlneplug eaCK un nl^htlraiu'i ix’ tween New York and i'liiLadeipbU.

NKWAllK .AND TftKNTfi.S. toave Nu«vark at 7 1’) 'i.H''., K.GJA. M.; l.:to

4.0(), 4.;fi. T.'t'i I’ M ., I F/iniyhl. .'jiimJiiy-, A/pGA. M .: '1.3:1 F. M.


6.4. 'i, ii,to,G.4.i, 7.1.F •,..VI,.10), M-Fj. \ U, y.'ri, J.L*.9.4. ' 10.1 \ 10 U.i'., .A. .M.'F’ OO M. to Fl. I F-'.2,00, 2.30, .1,00, I <AI, tof), A.ti.A.'l'M.to, fi.OD, A.ir*. (13U. 7.10.1. 7 .n .H.IL '.I 'ri, 9,1,7, i'l,Vi. lFt\ ]-'."0 I*. M Hu'idiv'. M.'vi, 'j.'n, lO.n.It.WA. M.; I2.D1 .M.. ).iw. 2 'i'>, a.iri. F\>-d, 6.0.', fl..HLS(ifi.y.uo. l.J.fW.lFOO, 12," ‘M*. M.J K WiunTKN, ff. lIANMDMtf,

Gcu'l Muiigr. (icn’l TAhJ. A T 'k l Akt. I’ ldlfi.


Ihc umUrtlF'uwl luTcby i.Tillfy that nrdl* nane4'K were fcii'l ilip*nrrund Unto III I’ummuii 4'oum'il, Friday,'AtigMit A.i'.vi.aud iluly uivl(*r(si lo a Ihint tviullug, providing for the tolluwing IrnpfiivemHUa. v ir : The. CrHudniclion of a uUrf; sqwer thnragh

Ct TFKK RTllKirr.From Sixth avieiiui! lo Fifth avenue.

The contiructhin o f a plpr* sewer throiujli HilKKFlKLD HTHCKT,

from Orange street to Jitunea skr4j«t.Ittld icweni to have all culverw and bosina

DocMRtrr to cumntete the flame ami tn bo o f Ajcli th if« onrl dlmenikwii am the (kmuoiitoo GO Seften tad Dialnijn ohai 1 dliHvrF

FRANKUN MURPHY. Preoldeat of Common C-oaDcLL


SiwiM , H, J,, A n t», ISJg, ^

^ e M a t n a l i ^ n e f l tU F E i n s u r a n c e O O M rA N Y ,

IflWARK, N, } .A M I I D W I I D , . - FTH idaat,AM rn (Muket ViluM) Jui. l,'S«,|m.«,16,KJn JO 1 uiiiiTiJui (1 ptroeiu. T » c m ) . . . on .-tpu i o*^ 'Iirn-k............................................. '.'.TAUVI 13Fi-ai iT »(S fw Yrtrk kUBaipTl S.tK'.Ail.' :iiK iU llF J ! AHWH.riKI V MlM-FOlurltlTA-

m.K AhTIR KKPOMJ YSAR. lit S(M of lA n uia (-.llr j 1< fiintltii»a la

J im M kmi u ru vAlua *HI p«y ftir, or. If pr*. fi'rrrt, a p«r< np toe tti IUU t*1u« U It.»il(.fl In f i i hmj,..

After the »p<'ioiul year poHrlsi or* lnofPBtf*»libla m i'pH OB ogaiuit iuu'uiumal fraud : and ail r v •trUriuni 41 u» m kluuu, irtvoi or oocupaDon arc n-inovrd.

4 tsh k«nR Bfp made to lha n l f o t Of Ufty perCt'iTt. 4jf Ui'* rt»fr\'i‘ value, wh* re volbl o**'ii(n- mi Tils of Iho pullcUia coa bi ai ouUaui^•eiitriif.

Uaoea paM bnme*llai«ir tlp^a Oonpk'tioa tail approval (vf proofa

W^CNOER HALL QARDEN. 'k-J HifllmAai A veouf*

Bm i* VoluT. I'fuLkrikvw.BrilFAul IlluuiiuftrU tl by .Rft iW trla Lighta

EVERY EVENING TH IS W EEK.Apj-earHiii'.-unho

C n K m o iK ili ta n U iu ly O r c h e s t r a IA- AllNigvrt, H yT, Dtto MubM.aTtoT,Mmtor

A N. a|.|.' aiiuu e the tlu ut.i le, IIKNKy H.4SSVN. MD-5 r.KftTIf^. KIf1.f i , Ballad singir. and Ml*»H M’-'RrU.V MtH*Jli, >-rki- i .i in Miirtild the Hmilu-r pniu*fcwnuy lb* ic'Mt'fi will take plA4’. In the ball.

A P 6 L l d ~ H A L L ;IIKOAU f t r , Jf, J*

Wbv n.iw 1 cn|agY*4l for tha PaM osd WIsUl '■ ai' □ tor Bari.iu. t*(, K-iln, HiteUhloa, HoUt. Oh'l • thi T HfFt-rloafl >mtcrtatomcDU,

FnM4ni:-i aiddy toW. TAUlSUNf

-hi ■* nruadftm't. fbaym J, fiecimil Fhjor.

ovKU to.oooiXU'!;.;;:f llu N'-uiiirTto ;ii

f ) 4 i l l r o i k O » «


(MuRRm A.vp a«KX mviiKiM.)New Vorli, fkMd (if liart'Ujr iui'1 chrlMACdiez

itrei'U, Coin 1114*111 ing Mfimiay, .tome 2’*, l .w Ji ave N.-w*rk at 7 A M , (Thnnigh Mol)

Inain ci.unet'tlng at fV'iivMh’ fur Ikamton ; at Miser b«T MiJ'i *-iiuhR am) Chintor ; at WuU r* !«•», fur Aiui-'M-r, Na-uiuu, Branrlivllle and i rinktin ; *i Wiuhlugton with piitoir train ilUHuiiiji Kiriia Cnn Mtta' h<-d, fur MMriuuk«I hunk, I'.'lHwnrc, i’i>nUnd, Hlruii-libum,^'rai'ioii, !5liiKhnuiT'<i»n Fie a, ruvegu, Whv-erley. Kliulra, UiiffnK f'lt'Vcklid, tv*iH'li, I liUaau, s|. IamiU and I’ultiU W--i, aUv fi*r lllirte i, Tlt-Jiu r, I urtlftiiil, yiiit'uap, Oaw gn, tn't I'l iiiiR cHi tlu I.4Ulrawiiriim midlli ii'mR burg ai.d )N*bi»*n' imi iln.K.ii U-vUitHutR • iKifll K^l'.iv Will, lAliigh Vaiby Rttllrcv-jand leliliM, 4ti.l Hm-iiulmiuia lUiln'iul fui Mi^Ji'uem, Uauchi'huiik, UL-oUtug aud liar*

^•ai.ger«ruT ..^ *. '* 7 * ' A a O rt ir ja . '.

I'Xtin i'luii,:e an-l there taku the tf.n A. U. InUufur Mio U' *,1.

li».l.tA M Ihjver arO'nunii<lailnii. . ,tiiir,'t.Iih: at Inner wHIi Dhiu fur I’.'rt oiain, Me.' ttliuvlMe, -Jii i L imita and C'h' 't->r

1 2 .d r. M Fitsiuii Kipavw fur HuniniU, ‘ ‘tiallmin Mrtdt "ti, Mcrri-r'iWn and aM a|«- Uuiiaw'Rt tu Iji'UiM, ruunacHng al WtiUfliKi Evllli 'I )4>i|lniHd f..r An l-'Sor, SewGiii Plmiu Imlle and Franklin! at WnAtitngioii With Pi|'r* -,4 1mm iDrowliig li'Rwn ( ’BrR at iuilii*<h. lur Maimiifca 1 liuiil, WaU'r Gitp........... Htniiituu, I1Uj» ii, KhWGm.

-r ' r - " - :■*- IVaverlf)'.-WkVrrrVwtra ; at rmlilto'i’ lYg with the l,etiiKh and huhuuetiNdna jUilrmul, aiuf at « -iith F' Figh Viilf?') Ilitllruiul fur Ih'ihh’hrm, .Mb'U. town. Waiich rlmiifk, Hcadhig lui'l rla l•hl|[ |.

4 'Y5 1*. M Kn.-Uin fxi'miw, (Vmm*4ninii st D..\i I n Uh(mill*fur KUi'''aRmii»taiidnu ri"? at WhI. rl,Mi w|ib;Su«^x ftHiln'rul fur AU'IuVit,N« wiiifi atid Htanc'hvillc ; hI W.yihlMfim> with truln tuMUfunl. Mmimka (‘hunk, Delawjiru.

\ /lll (ii4ti. sit ri'i-burg. f* r.uilun


Pennsylvania R.R.AN D

IRON STRAMBOAT CO.Irtnin-r KtCkn-.rr Imvo. .kiliuni F ip r '" . [lo^kA Ji'IVf I'll,", wi'ok d«ri., k:l.'i, 1(1 IT M d 11:11 A. H „ 1 1,-1 J, ; Fl mu1 M, rtuilrtiiJA''1 ', I", 1" F, 11.-0 A. M„ I'PlJ, I, l-F,

1 , 1, A fl, :■ Riiii ft.ir, jv M., tiimiecUifg i l .

l’"it(RTi't. /IIIr *ii4U. ^inri'l'hurg, f? aiiil u ii nneiUfticMatiun', riuI n rliillh'a'mn with ).4'ldi(h Vrtflev liaMrciwl nn«1 l.(*hlgn atio MUHjiM-liaima KHtih'Ril. fur Ik-Mdi-lii m, Ani-n. tuwu. Ki a'lliig Hiul rinnM*'irjt. lb ar car f.w ‘■ilrllng, MllUiiftuu. Hiivktni Rl'le*'. lU'rniir'l> villi'. himI all mBilonc u ji)'. A Iv Hranch.

6.U) F .^f -iNivuT nurm-RM lor cimnuit, hirin, Mailhim, M.inlrtu-vu. Murrl* I’laliin |i.-n vltlf', Kri kawfly biuI Imver: mnii,«etiriR at iKiivUle w lili train fur UcHmtou- Iteir c o n f

Hi'tge. ele,ft..'v3 I' M —llRi'kidDtowti Pxprcwi. rtopplng

*1 MlIhum.MirmnlFilinMiam, .M uUaun, filur- r)MtuU|] Btld ill "iMtiullR w ot of llaek. llalnWll, C'lniirctliigat Wiiii'rluowiihHaNN*! itHdruAt) fut AiidurtT anil New ton. Rear can fur llaMlIng- ridge, lb iiii<rdKVtlle atiil alt irUtiouBuu the Pas- mile Hiul DeUwiirc UuUnHi'J.

1’h h rip*r* r»tT Hrranton, liinglianjton. Itoica, Hi'lill"ld HprliigF, K'pilra, Dunalu an-l puiuw tk -t illi'l Nurlli I'BM tiMtu the r< to )V M. train Gi

ItuU'ken ultliuiil extra charge jiud Uierv Uike the 7 r« I' M. (ruin fur the Wert.

M.WAllK M) NKW \toHK-A t o , « ‘rt, 7PA 7,:I7, 7 47, M.on, Kin. h,1|. ^ /i . h 14,

9.2.1. S.itf. to.hi 111.27, I'l.H, 11. A.M,to* 'd. l2^^ 1 'to ] *■•<, 'Ul, "..rr :i.3'i, H 17, 1 "'(4 I-. 4 \\ V.2P«, ft 4i\ ft l’,>. ft.to, 7,'IU, 'l.i'kN, M7 V.]U. MMitf, in.;4n,t1 '22 H Maiurdav'-mitv. 2 17

N).W YIdtK TO NKW.\IIK-A.:«», 7.0 , l.io,T ’lu. M.nn, |(i n m, » Id lu in.30, 1 1 ,ift 11211A. M , 12.00 M . 12 to, 12.40, I -.yt, i.lfi, 2.m, 3 to

.'..-Ul, 4. m. I.'21I, 1.30. 4 J..UG,-V'A>, M b r-.F' A uo,'Vje. fi .’n.ft. tn, " ^ 1. t.oo. b.io. tf.on. t o I ' . * no j*. M . H R H ir d a y v u n l y , );2.)Hlteiii4M>:i.

11*'. T -.1, f .1'1, innn, ii m, u ',i k|. i i i , ; n 1 i:i, .'..'r, 'i.ii-t. 1: 'li, j.ni, lo. pjih K m -ii>liir.liiv< l.fil I’ M,

OHA.ViiK a m i Kdl-TIl rmANCK 7 SI, ; m . (,.1-, 'H:t, pi n. II. 11 AM IJtl'-'"■1, siri, s i.V i k t.s'', ii.nf.. n.'ui, lU)' • ;i.7 d, 11. 7,')..', "..n',, ,1 :ii;, K.S4, i . i , i:.ai, ij,:a

l-'nr H--nnipl.\'jlli.. Iiiu-Hnsrlilip.,- I,Ton., Mlliuipmi, '■llrUiiK I.llli iu., Hirk.-li'y lli'^ liu Mil.I nil I'ns.iili' nml I'.-lniTorc lliiil-n.iiil IN J, lAi*1 I,ini' lljillr.M.ij—B.uS«ii,l 1IU7 A M ,. l.'fi. iiiiii ri.M p. ,M

M ll.lti'lis r;.ip ;.M, >.01, '.1 1 1 , in.n, ii.i.i A M , S.m, 1,'l.A ,A.te 6,M, 5,M, 6. At, 7.0:1, a. Ktn.il P. M .......................................................

NP.MMIl fl.W, 7,.M, S.I11, fl n. I'Mt, 111,1 A M U .- .l , sns, l.ill, 4 r,, : ,0|, .vn'.. S ,,I ,."i 1 i l. 7.11''. -.AC. lo 'I p, St. lAV'lu.'Unr mill hsl'.llrilii)' i.lplilh, li.ll.

I II ITIIA.M <: ti,7.V', >'1A, o.iA, 1M:1, ii t.i A. ,M . ij.li . i(n , (.to, r..ii7, ...Vi. 6 7? 7.0.1.M''.. I'l M P. M,

MAIHMi.N a n d MIIKIilS'lXilVM-7 r,1, 0)1, !" 1.1, 11.1.1 ,V, SI., i j.:'.|, 1i!7 A,0:i, Vnl, Vl, «.i:i,7.IH. ..If, loa ip M. Onlnrilnj nlKhl, i j :tl,

lI'HlKI.n I'f.AiMS, IlKNVIi.I.I' ANI) kfK'K AIVAT 7,fJl,'.I.4S, iO.lJA. M,, 4.0.1, 6.01,6..S.1, S..k'. P. M.

IK'VKIt -O.Vl, 'I,IS, 10,« A . M, l i 'l l , l.fM 6,01 M. «,sil p SI.

I'liAKKSVn.l.l! AM, K'l'AN'lIOI'E--7..M A.M„ iJ M. 4.1CI, .VM M

WAlKItUK>.-7.M A. JI., 12. 11, t,*i, 6,;a I'. M.

JIAf'KKlTHKjlVN' 7.M A. Sf , 12..tl, I'll, 6,'..! P ,M.

HHIIAUWAV ASH SiKlVAianVlI,LE-7.,',4 A. W..ljBI,AO:l K SI.

WANlilMlTIlS -7 .VIA. Sf,. 12 SI. 4.(1! I*. M. I’ lm.l.ll'StlUDIj AND KSiTtJN 7rp.VA M,,

l.'.m, iO-'t e. H. A. KKAJKlSKIt. 'Uu|it.


n' I M V y ADVFIITF’ )': IN TIIK I i\ I O Ncwr ftV'aiil O-jlmniii. Heo

W'Ulltl pCRI*.

r p i I K KlllK Ka IIASAY [HU\\ KNOWS Ad 1 NfAV VidlK, I.AKK KltlH AND WK+l-

FKN IF K.i Khurl Fine Ih-I.vmu .SVvvLrk m i frN'W Yurh ajul Mu' iiiurI romfurliMilo and 'IJrw t ruulf I'l ml i-arw uf liiu West

'thru lubu-111 < lfi r.'t JFFY II, IW . T/Trm ' Ncwwrlr, ibdly i-xccj't «;m'1:iy. fur Sew

V4>rl( ifmifi Rlitlluii rorji'T i'ii<w»i|c rtreet uu I I "Unb UVI llli' 1. al'.Oil.U.IH. j.uti, 7 Mi, 7.M, >i. ti, 9 f'.'/an-l FV‘F Sf. iui,| j 2 'ii j.7F a.j",6.29, f. 2i. f.'F,and to2N ', M,

helnmuig. Ji-avu New Vurk, UMy nxCejii Fujiul/iy (GhiI uf I hiitidi'.T -tP 'O , a t i , c V.';'', l-iGijiiir'hFm.A M, mi'l y. |.j.j.*i\ ■ i'.t*. 7.uli, •' '*1 Hii'l I'l 'M J' M.

.\ Ih'-iiie I nun fuiiii aNs -V Vurk t'U. Iwys, Th'ir* ln\ Filiir'lii)'', 'iil'lnjtflit.

I iM "-I-niiYK to nvo Newark hi k to A. M, 'i.to hM'4 lu 21 I' ftF K' Uiriilmii, L-avy Ni'w

t o l l ul " Il A. Sf , :;.2'l, ('...Oiiiid’ i.Oii' M,\S F-TSVAll)' rri< iM SFW.UtK Vi'i I’ATPJl.VlS

pi'i l'Hier*fiii, 4|jiii), 4't4N*|it .Hun'liy, 7.29, ■-*. i'9 ‘4.’)HU'1 I'J.liA. M.i 12.1)7. 2.‘7, : i '7 ) .V. .‘i .H,«.'27.G'‘2, VON. jn,;it p m . Juu-.i.jj, i.ujto flav Hiul Kklunlas iii>.'liti» irtily, 12.35, Hiin'JuY- tfj'7 A, -M . :3.V4,’7.)Jim1:tf.4'i M.

1 !;<'1' Off A. J4. iriiin (tXfTj.t hiuuUyK), fnjta Spu'iirk, ri'imcet.R m i'nferwjjj wUli day for Mil'Wi Rt HJid lur CnritWHlI, .S<*wlMirg, I'nu' Uiwii') 'lU'l with N. V. &i/iiiurU» 4ii VVexwm it.R. at M'du Mr*-ei. MuMlebiwn,

f:ONNK/’ riMSK Ktm NKWU4K.Fmrn I’liU rsnii. dally eireut Himday, 6.V1,

7.00, 7.'27, 'j.it,, lU.W and IF A. \f. i >i,1-27, -1.4*', r, '.7, 7 Vi, -I. Ft 1’. M. Sund.iyx 7. i ,

A. M.. f ;«, .Vtr., tf.4.i i*. M.Ih e7 A. .M, (Suiulay^Td.^/and 1 Hn4’ .,ftf, tralnt

have PhtcrKin In i:unuiTll"0 wllii i;x|'rL*.a irairiH Nfrlvlng at that p'llul rp"iu ihi* \V*'rt.

Tlie ri,lA F. M.lmln ul niiiulu/'l ‘llven I'liU-r- Mill ih eunm** llui) with ei|>ri*KN luatl Tnuu Furl JcrviNHiid intermedliih- hniiluuR.

KX)’1(K?*S TKAINS Hn.^M KFW YOKff.9 A, M hay Kiliu-HJ, P’fuiu 4.‘httnif«'f" rtreot,

■Uiily, I *t;i j,i xiijijiiy.i. hrawirig r'Kim I'l/a' lu-i to hififTha/iin.n, ninirn, M'TTi'-itovMle. hud'ilu, SliN'i-liig euurlK'H tu iliTIu llNVlJJe, f1li''1riluirj nml ( hfrtigtn Leave Newark v.'j-j A. M.. viaF iieri-nri,

t, I', M. D 'dl). "Chii'BL'UftTul .* t. T.Oiur IJra it ‘d " Fxr're• Il '"lid Fu'liiiati tnilri uf itay '•b'ui'l’ ig niel h-H 'l f'wu-lu N No 4*35tra ehiirin fur hL‘*( time. Aflivi'B .SleH'lviMi- 7.13 A. S|.,( |e\e|im«l to''d A, H . (Ineiiiimtl 6.12 F,M., rhi4’U(’r/5,1" F'. Sf ,Hud r/fuD? the Hceorid EiurnliiL'. la*HV«) Newark, dally, eXt'i'id t iin* linv, ill'>.2R F. M., via J>erM‘y City. Himduy at 6,toF. .SI.

7 i*. M. lially. "ftuftiiloand Niagara FftltJi I.lirjlud.” A rm w Rm-lir-slur fl.23 X. M., nuffalsi 7.00 A. .W . i^urta'u-lun ItrldKe x.ar, a . ftf. Urtvea Ni'wiirk daily, »'xe4‘pt Htitidayi, at G.Ai F ij , via l ‘Bler«>n. bundayn al 5.48 F. M., via Jer.'fy n iy .

7 .1 F. .si. lauiMrwiu train fur the Wi at, y F. M. Daily (frijio l-'limiibeto aUxajtJ. F'hl*

Fxidesa. I'ulliuaii 'lay ami '•trcthng C4ut"h«"< In lllru'linrfiFiii, Kliolra, Biiltal i, Nl»ur* arn Fidto. nncm imlt and riihagn. fjoavu Nuuftrk dally, 5.JU F. M., srithout chmige ufCBTR.

TIfkoLi to aJ. lirln4 Iftiil mduw W.'H and l/nud. Kiciin-iou, ri)iniimtaliuu and Fackuge TieJu'W. id greatly rtKlnixal raF‘«, can }<<• prru cnrvd at tlk- iiuui|)aiiy'H4>ll\e«s or iit tint "iHtiun,

HU<.'nlluu given lit arranging fur iuca- tliuiR In Piillnuin Conchca lu ads'uuuo of iLc day of dc|iartiirCT

Baggage called for and ehoolt4vi from rcri- denre to deetiniillon, und dclivcrixi ITuirt 'd.arioii In rciddencc. l^lia frimlabM for the tronafbr (^_pa«(cngerR tu or from station,

Partiea inovtog to the West wlD find It to thelf drlvoDtogc to call at this uffico and ubUia lowwjt rate*, maps, time tahleo, cto. » „

tJiBcc open from 7 o’clock A. M- till 10.80 P». ®Terr^ J. Ticktt Afont,

TelcpbODoNo.84, l « Market SL-Newark. K.J.D m t COT. iOi avenue jmd PaaBoio Arwi,

K iw K .H .J . ^ JNO. N .A B JO rnQewralfM'rMttfl.Ti

Ilf iiirrfniinraii»«*r mTOiHt wui t-nittnect o| Her Nu I with >u.!fiirm uf the iron H iean i^ i Cu, Iravtug runry Maie) week fityfl, 10:10, Il WA, M.. J'FiO, i;*u, u;in, . is, I .1 . P to. 7 !•(, MO aud '.(.4ii i> II. HitMayft,V I". 11.2.' A M., toMO. 12 VLl.lO,’jjA,:Ho,3A\ 4;40, V’2S.r..lLVi'to\7:|0.e:ltft,!' to.Ovif 10:1)|'.M,

tiiAK. K i r M f, J, li. Wo o d ,Pfh Gi'Ul, Manager OenF Tow. igenL

i ' H A S O E O F T I A I E i '

StepheoB A Truik Co.

c o n e y T s l a n o .MAY IK«>N I’ lKTL ALt. WATKH ROl'TE.

S T E A M E R M A G E N TA .leave* Newark, ('oinuierrial Wharf, 8.46 A M, Kid 2 t’. U. HelumDigleR\ulruQldi»at6l'. MU

Sea Beach Palace, via Bay KId/e.STEA M E R T H O S . P . W A Y .

I^av .I'Ni wsrk at f 30 m. tit.i | i*. m. Lgavea hea Htaf'h )*aWc at 4:45 s i ul 1> P M.

P ARK, lUM Ikl) T B IF , 50 CKMTI^

PillTaln li)ll W'lld Weil fllmw. f^ave Newark at FJart'l 7 )*. M, Leave Rnt<*llna at 6:i5 and !■’ h'P. M. Karr, rtHiiul trlit, iscludliig adttilo. al'Ui,7.V‘. K. K! AYHHH HuperintondenL .

NOTItK niAM iFoF TIMET W O T i t I p a D jU L Y .


IRON PIER.i 't m m k o n c ln ip S t i i u l 4 y , A titc* 8*

Ih r Marnitflevnt New Iron HUsaiiier,

FBED’K DEB&RY(ofilie Deniuy Biija Mcrchaiila’ Uue),

will loiv4* her wharf. I'MOT OF l ’K^^'tiK AT DAILY I t 8 :4 5 A. M. and 2 P. M.

tUdiJYini'K wll) If'ave the Imn I'iuf atfi F, M, FiAf»* I4ir I'iiiTlru rarnrelm i, 50

llu htding ■•luilMbvii tu thu Fier.


IV'II '"like inguiu trt|A tu Uin Cliiilng tlaakiOD

TU E S D A Y S, W E D N E S D A Y S ,

T H U R S D A Y S and SU N D A YS,

Kr.'in Riplns’o Hock, n c i : Murksl M in« Dopot, ri'nniyiinnlii liitilri«i>, und f w j atiBi-t Hi'["'l, Ni-wnrk and New York itallriMiL --n ium r will IcHvt at « A. M.

jFAUK til Iilli-rnni, 77c., l.a.'ton, SOfl F'lf Charter nu Mull'Iayj, Krlclayk ami Hatur. Jaya A.l'lrc>«

____t A U AIN M- KKONB, |7I RlteriL

1 4 U i A i i i i i i h I E x r u r N l o i i

S T . L U K E ’S G U I L D ,<ff the lJou*4' fit rray<4r,

T o EU REKA SP R IN G S GROVE,on the ll'uJpnrr,

i:> -iniuer JOANNA hiuI IFirge ll!?PrrBLia M o m l A y , A i i f f . 2 ; { , IK H O .

T K 'ltl;iH , 7.7c. t l l lL l l l lK N , 33c.MI i-'lC IIV |■|{rl ■, VHS-".

» 4 Fi'Nit 1< Hsc-a fiKd ul Dlvklou iirvMd Bt HilfiA 'M.rliHii'. Hlf

illu ! KHA KtofllVO B.tNKH. OFF FIRE IbicANI).

A 'it ilghifiil ‘ Nil uf I • Ti.j.« - HTid uliihly ui largfl hiiii i'l'iii'V rs t liiiiij'. iitertrtcr J. M. l f'UF’ YFQt fV'-n' I )infMiiif. Halunlriy niidbunifiy.

Will miike dtiilv iriu* lu ihu Kiauliig liaoki, riei'ld h" Hlni\e, leiivliig rraukUll l*i«(iStw ^u^l(. t'l I M.

Tleketk. jrii lifdif ,- ]t Vl Fapu, fl.AO, ft4 piAnti- '■vlsflijlN. .Newark uud New Vurk, tiiid Kruj iUllr'-iid d''j[»"to.

(like IViin*\Fviiiibt •' 11 t ftf. train, Itfit Tl iitrri* F Mi'ulitog laiktu, hud tiud r<'(ri. lutujfit3 ou

ht'lElil.AI,. 4'toTI':i{. MrtimgiT

( FAN ''U(i\'K i’ .Nrl K-'loN. BY TEIK \ umig M< n'l-1 hrLdltttt AwiCliitloii, Wud'

r."*Mlii). Augiiei Jf.tli. iih( )



O P P O b l T E m a r k e t S T R E E T D E P O TDa .NTEL M. JFNK, Proi^fiowr.

t rim i CltiHH licHlHurUfit Wild flitr, u n d ^ a 4'um|«rtun( ftljitingeiiiniit.

« IMI^OltnOl U iulR S A BJ E( lA LX Y ,-t*

Clean Roonw and Comfortable Bedii,fine,, Tdo. fir ftl |kflr Ih ij.

T(‘ l'’Fhnije 4iF


Amei'icaii ami Eviropean Plant o 4 3 4 H U O A l ) 8 T .

On>wlte D, L. * W. R. R, iepotj Newark, N. J

Ha 0 . W I1IT T T . PnvprlnW n

f T I M V L ! advichtihk ih t h e J l .1 A 1 i j Nuhb W oat Fohumii. iiwRLtoiid Fk|$<-.

S i w t r i i c t t a n . ___


S ta te N o m i i l a n d M od e l S citoala ,TRENTON.

Frill Tfjrm will t’omimnee MONDAY, S E P T E M B E R l3Ul.

Total root for Boanl. Tuition, BookR,Ac.. atthft aNunnal School, ftl94 ffir IdhtiiM, andftlOftfor iiunlietnpn; at the Mfidel SchooF ftlioo per year. Uuildlngx ihoroitgLily koatea by Bteam. The MorJtil J^hoo) uITtini to both young Lodtos oiuHK'TiDunieii lupeTtor otlviuaUiFtii lu ■!( IM dcparliaeuto, vii.: MalbetnoticaF CUiilftfil, CoEntnerutal, Mu^cal, Drawing and la BftPet* LetiriR. Fof cLrculon oontomlng frdJ pcrocu* lonodditfli *

W. UASBROTTCKae7ft im iW D » ivm t*




NrnlfHl <How Gif'

A L I11I-K G llt l/^ r .^ rA L KAJ.U A rA J tr i'.N IB K KII.M-|>.


Fttim dlng n t r h w G llm or* H »ril- ‘ A ll«»l T h row lijr B urnt Alun« I’ r r tr iil* *ho

f i l m * fruiu Bi'Irc * W h ll#w »tli' B o l* t From M on; 11*11 F k lJ t-

lU rtford did not d m to Iniit H t'ory ih Ibe box imtlMJ tbi* V«-W!»rk h'-im. y*a- irrd»y , (lod G fluorc pit^-bitd willt th« I'X- jMcUUon o f dup]u-»tini? the vi< l o r j « f lh<* pretlout d*y. About l.-VK> itooplo Wt'ol to ioo tUe AAiu^ in tlii: i><uut' iLaIo uf bofN-ful- tem .

But the "L it t le rtI»nU " h»il on their t»UiD|r Hothr«, lo d they poitmU'il tho ^rm t (Ulmort- e i* ctly m they would luvi- bftmuifrod « Iom f^elrbrited tu*n. T b t out'A elden wi-re kept no ih t run, huiilin;^ dow n loU| drlvi-fl or hiokinK fur Uie npin'it' in Ibc t.rMi durinn the (thuter pun t»f i'\*' i;nTne. < irri-iiwutpd diii » >tne liunl »:mk- ijinp!, »nd Italy w iit Ihi- l » l l wtiiiLlin;' IhroufR Ihi? 1n'fleMi*r*i li-a* >it mi li a rale o f *|M'ed that tlM-y did not try to .tlop lt< OiHiJ flridinii, Uuwrvt'r. uixl biuim' •>pji u>li-i CAlrhea ol loun flir* pTvv*‘iil«‘«l tlir p Jiue up o f ft Lift v'ore a 'ulu-H If trilunl.

E jle idtcbid fi*r N.atirL, allh 'i'i-li Rnuih w: very aiiniuU . l o i -l«-t‘ u him self. H«' used a drop lull wliii’Ji w h very VuriHujj to Uie II irlfiird li,H»iii»‘ n. H id he Im iu »■< Ihe " IJitlo iii iiili "Vt'UiJIy m pH 'tl JiHfh''r. I'yh- vniulcl li ire

DJiothir ainit out Ui i Ij<‘ cu 'd it o f the Ni'wurk ti-:*m.

, a A, KiiMift G U T UJ5T TWO ki ,

, _ Ih’cu ri tired. Dnvle W *»hit With Hie ball, SLio’k foilowL’*! him lubiisoH with ft sinKle and M iater .........tothebftt. H o drove a hIoW huH to Iturni, Kivluit tlio third bftM'm.iti a I'h im:<-to n -■ tire the aide. Hut Burns lUn w ihi< ^plirro over T urk i Hh head, lettiiM two ruii*houj>-. Then ijt‘ o Smith let a uruuticJer u-i lH‘ [wr/«u bift Irjrft ami Mejster m-ored, wliite Kr - u! w ent to aeeimd. I d ftIUmipLiiiff to sti'al third ho waaruD down and U}uelii<4l out.

Duly mode the flmt run for New.irk in tbo third iDiiiDfc, foib| to first on a linKle, ftad oeorlJlf tm (irocaw ood'i hit afl>*r •omo clever* IMoq nmnlllK. H menftood ■cored tn tbaaixtl) after be iia<l rcarbml ■econd OP ft Wnff tlrlTc, rominK home ou f.'.00f{ftti * iftcrifli'O. tircK-nwood iimdo ftD< Other tw o I«{;{:er in the eiKlitb ftud Morf3<l on Burua'i siuple. llurnt went lo tblr>l on Tucker'ft aiuKlr «nd M ond while tho H artford w en were ehasinji Tucker be­tween (Iret and w eood Durinx the xame K relx hftd h li ftngeri h ^ ly InjuicJ t>y nn ftcdd eu t Durn^ whiln riinuinx bim dow n, itepped upon b il hand.

T h e acore :NKWaMS. a. la i.N. r.o. A. 1.

GreFnirnud, ;jb..... ; s 2 A 0r*«7. CL............, 1 ft r)Coof , rf....... 0 0 , n :


Burii*t,nb........... .i J 1 7J iTucker. lb.t....M..... ft. 1 n 0 JAiuik. If,............. ft 0 0 ' fl ftHa'y, c............... 1 •/ i 1L. tntUi. ..........1 0 tl ft 1 ft 1Pi If.’ p,..............1 a 0 > 0 s ; ft

Tutaia,..........1 , a ' Ift 1 li 1 ,\Uamtiuku. ll. la. f.ii. P.O a. a.

Fhuch.lf. . 1 "T '« ftUei$ii-r, tlb....... , ft ft •» 1Kfitg, H‘...... ft J I 7 11 (1lU-iiry, iT............ n 0 (1 1 0 QeuiiiTiii, rr,.., ...... n ;; 1 u 0Mack, e.............. ft ft 0 ft " ULiiflrt-rry, w........ ft e ft ft I 1 ftOlllDOM*. p;.......... ft ft (1 0i s 1Doyle, 3b...... ...... i i 1 I X ft

TnUIi............ s r, 5 •J6 It 1

Fa|irtiiklv* 1tr|iftlr«Dftioftft* w M l>one.

All o f lh e Jih'i rinen wl>" are nwnilwr'* uf the S. wer ( imimitlec to«.ik «Arri.i^"’s at tin r ify Hall ji»t* rdny oftiTiHHHi, and rd lid iiWay nil » ti?ur o f in'j»-'*’ tiuii to the Mill J'luuk M We r, 'I iir - i l 'h r ju l i futilid th ' drain tn m ry h,nl ^uniliiiuM. It will iir ■ o s d a b til*-1 t|H li'lU tH ''of fi.»m f t , " mi ( u |.’.,Jj0tMo n a k ' the in edid ru|>iir- . rii‘< M-iUoii from a jioint Jii<i fe»-l wtrni o f Kn'lory i-trift to rtiatlum hU -rl Ii i- .•raifcly any hrii k l>ullum h-lt in it.

The M U llriMjk m-w it i« a 'fM-iinn -.f ttn‘ t'lny btreol M'Wer, and it w,vi hiiiil manv years Hfo under the d irerlioii o f Mr. HihaefTer. It was lhoii(iht at tlic time that no i-nxinii-rinK Akill would ever make it a aiucfjw, f i l y i ‘uhum-1 C 'uU , in fart, provid in court at the time, to h:? own aaliafartlon, Ihul It Would never h;i o f any ai ruiint. Neverlheh-^, it did X"" > « r v ie i, c irryinu oil Ho to tvy tireju j of wilier until (he i 4II ll broke I »Vo j e .ii u rio Ily ol lJ»e dr.(in v,^ o Ut’ -d tli it ]( e\eii e itr-iil o il oil ol [Im water m (h eth i (i.ile level o f llo- ■".ii.il, Thr hr.tvy -toiJM :'mmI roeki rudiiiix Dir>iu;'!i ihe M-Wt T I TiiIh ' the fir*-! eoiirse u f briekl, Hhdllo* IkiLIoIH i»o in b *;<in to iru U> pieei-'.:,Home*or till* '•lout % .ill* MV m l io 'inJ in the *irH( r were lar><e tiMt they C'liilil not Ik- taken out o f thu m .iii'hoh i until aflir i Ih-v laul Im-hi hr.iki-n Into pii-r.,. The eomndUie futnid uL*xi that ihi re wai a hriMk iij the m'W. r iiixiut twi nty-five Iw l ill lenj:Hi uhi re the Wider li;el w Hlied

llti found diou niiii|det> ly. At Hie III ai IIM 1 Imi. o f the eoiiilldllee It IK pmli- iilile lh:it the r« (u iri .idvi-ed >y tiie tummiA-Vui^er wHl he iirJi i':-1.

. Vl'VlVJ' ' breiktn rbr' 1,'rdtfosd i»f.tee ?«enr?-r, iinH I'oUiid ">l w j*- md <|ii.t ■ <1 iimi-. >ii w.ii ill tir«t KUp-|rtU4 d. '

Suli-t ip i-iilk ’ i iiii I Hiir Wtn 1i id at the Cily M;df, HMd r-jiili o 'lo r snlliViii WHK oii'iT id III >,'11 iili .ll ii:mI hjiUi Ihe Rddirional in ■ ily I’ ei o f m Kinry where Ifi- -• i.nid hi* 'k oe iiirm l. f'lir tfiis w'i>rk he a III l> p i i d f - I 0 fiiul, Ilf 11.710 J1I ad liliun tii : t.!i lo. lh« amount o f his nrii;inu] eontr.tei A lH le r wiia m eiveil friim WiUt< ridii|du-ll ,v I'u. fiiillnx llu'atU'Uliou o f the counulitau'. 4^ ine jKKir njudilinn uf. tiie roijl ii*iur‘ M • the |iiiUipUlK sU lioll u f (lie interei-|itrux irwer. T b c street rouimi«.slom‘r KuiiJ he lould MV* 110 r e a o n w h y tho firm euiHd Dol cart its ]iuTi]i)inK niurhiuery over tho riiad,ftathp Shanley Broihuri wero daily takiU|; heavy tuadi. uf stoW': user tin* s.une ItiuU*. T he CoiniiilHee decided to do With* Ihf; in tise itjaller until after tbo next lueetinp uf rdum il.

Tlio repidt which I'liirin'-iT SrlnetTiT preH-nlid reiitive Ig theeoKt uf eoii.-ilrucl* ii>K the irdf rr‘Hdinn srw rr Was nut reiol fur thennsun that Aldi'rnuu ('ounetly wiv alawat. Mr. Ss.-li;iefrer still eoutimi^ s tu (KTUpy liih riKiius in the Me»th huUdiuit at the rifK'DSe o f the city tihhonxh ordered to vacate (hem liy the Sewer f'liiitn lttce. It IS Mtid tliat that njtnm iltec Ini'* no power to iirder liiiu to xivt' up tho Hpartmnd.i, and that it bus uu eunlrul over him.

Ilru|i|ilfiK From a I h in l F lour VPtndnw niol Frarturtuit lIrrWkiiU.

A Nid Sfeideiil i ix u rc ' d y*ttt4;rday after- m.-iju at Jlluiuitfield, eaunpiK the death o: J.uzo- Ml IhrUKtilj. the four y ‘ :tr-iild d ti r tif .Alliert Mi lKiurnll, of the firm uf Melniii^till lY t undert4keM, unllluundhid avenue. The fim ilr le >l;<y two flours uIkim-H m- furrii-^hioK ru'iius in ihr l.j:ik r-.w o f d Wi wud ilori--!.AIkuU ■<>.'.ii'eliK-k in thi- af!-nj'j'U i Hit JloahlT !Uld ' hild Were jf1 the Ir.U k ruolU 111 the Hiidl flour. I lo liUh' on# h-fl the pTihiit him) lri[-l«d Hiroij>h tile ruuiiH lu llie IriOil wjiehiw, and with hith li.kudi pil-hril the hlirid- u|M tl,

As they th w M}eirt the i hllil Iuk( her Uilaneeaiid fell In the NhHip. ih irly f- el Ik-IuW. a eulorid ruaehuian was sittinif on hiM IhiX iu front uf thu sHiop midilUid‘'d tfi .-vive the • hiJif, hiit wan H>o Lktr. .Mr. .Me]h.ii(.ull In-urd tlie f.ill and Mil tu i Im- do r lino |iM ki d up the Ido I t)-: iiu-<iy Tin -1 Itiiil sv I e.iir i-d itilu h - hou ;- and I >r. W lute Miii.m ni-d. It «X:k<iinMd the he^d :(i<d fnnud a lur^e jHirttiri o f the KknUiivii (h left Hmple^-o he erusluKl MtHi the hr;<iiiH pnd mil n;:. rhe 1 tilo i:irl Ihv lb eiiiivnl-ioii'-Jiiriikx Hie iit nioun anil until Ule ut it >Ti , when sIh died.

I'allinft from a |lioft*ik Wf>n0(dd--Twti (>i|»*i M rii liijurtrd.

A rioun arenlt Jil (erurrrwJ >l MuMtH'k thiA m orning at tho curner uf St lit h OrHi.ge HventiR ftiul AshUml >treet 'iJ ifie men were w orking i*n a

:ilhdd oil the front o f ft IM VV|H.ii'<e I" ing liuilt for a man imni-ii AdifiiM, whi 11 the >-n|i]H>rt-> Ui (he striieliire

se 1 he rui II fi ll totli** gruiin land W»M- alriie-l IniruKl hy tha UUiu? lu iiiiir . A half dn/.-n m eo i|ithk-ly s.-t tu w..rk to rescue H im .'ih r first man tftkrii unt wai.liiMjdi IJiiil/rr. He wa^ nnrunNeiMii- und hsilly injuretl. 'Jhe saiund nmu teseu'”d, rliarha tolm er, M uployiil by • pliiiu^n-r who is wifrkiny on the huihlinx, hiol ImiLIi h h h ji^-hroken, trie the uther carjH-nUT, vitik the eXeipHon o f a few lirumei. •1 sped injury, llu e lp er liv(*d only a few

donrK awuy Ashinklol slriH‘1. Hi’ Wineif- n i d h> me and diKrlor sumtuoDP I, hui he d iid ftlK iU tll u 'cloc . I o lm cf w;ii t.kki‘ I ll Ins hmm' in < aJudi ii rtre. I in one u tUe WftMUiik UloTi;,iiix Ui tile Siiuth Or.ine ■ H uIM' Car rotijjuiny. i lu e r . i r w u . unr- riisl. hInujI furtv-iHiie y ^iri uid, und hid m n childr> n. I ’ouiity I’ li vi- - i in U<-w>i it. after luuking an iiive>*ti;;:iUMti, gr uiled :iburial |K-imil.

a p » d « I W a t ic * * .___In aii4M<s ftt Juh aS|»eel*l Ikftrgalns

lleaiiry 'a , TM> nr4»ait atrwrl.Otr!> 'i M' f-'iiie mra Kid TiX-.

k.il I : . 'd .’‘ lipjH'fs; worth ll,cm.Old/ l.fldiiw." riiie 1 qra KH. I'ltm t

l4-»llp'-r 1 riiijifu-^ltOxfiT l Th'?; Wurili ll Olds |l I'f fur J.«<]:•-!? Kiiii uira Kid litiuou

r.ui ' j ' s i , r Mi.M-e--. --e- M ia«l VkM-U» 3;. .d.<iiil) r.f I hildrrn’s i auvs. Uutiun.’sUih-.f;I-* ,Iii I-' (l.'OOnly Iv 'll' Gefirlein<'h‘i Ihituin, urHIT I-o il- h t-f I -.od , t-ie. worth

iii.iy IM v h " Huv- l alf, buieliiu cap Uh*. |_i". d r.!,:=r- s s o th in -

.1. uli J»eii:<7 'tre*d, f . ■thiepi'I'.: V,. ( |.»►val 7 r M . ;viUiid4i> viei

^ B i i r g H o d 0 « «

Largut Fancy Goodi Houiaintha Stita

Very (Veil I'lit,I d« U r II.I UMiiiirTiiw wliat wc l l ) V t > do We neglect a cough

til II ihr-H’i u« Into e-.ii->irn|iii'!n, and *;,e,|.Uu1i lolliHS to tin: gfilVe ' |Jf Wlift j ■ hu 'iini !s ^ure |o evir': if Uken tii -u’ *s<iii. ll h i ' i.es- r l»'« u tiM.wii lu fad, Cv* U ihor- I . lIiI). ai'urdiiik' u> dlr< L-imiia. ('•'rsevere fill :f.i-'iTT-a- - !■ <Kii.piere'l. M u tecertain l*i h«.

ll ilHhnuhl n-*pdrs'a di>.‘cii LeiUlpa. There >- tiu b< rtir iiudu JIM' for puiiiiouftry dUurdun.

U hy tlk« who* Flarh**«

DRIVESA t Handkerchief Dept.

Ihftveai-i«> iui.,1 kf-I.1-, ?>->* Kiel yoJUhn' i|,., II iiH io ltii-it I Hill h .sv - il l 'ro ig .it ft d ii hi. I I d hi I i-o t . i lii.i lf«*i liielLidrh mV Stii'.^- ifca I'l *• .iK-', s' fl |'it« i.lfei liuldK R-Kkl |.,i ; . < I k- f H-l Miul< VSI'lMiC lliy tiC-Inr- r- I'i-u .Tiun«. i.n lom vrorii n

U I hank rti< el. ut.e (tuur ftuxeHiuftst.

< Jl H-[’ .h:ts-d Ifs-mni!

tl{ ■ H -ll. ri ll

t in- I (n-'ii H'-m*Ut<di11, ea -ii. Ill sk lilU Rtol

N ll l l t H <k| X ikN. A I^UKkAUK I>. AV.ftIt.

V|olll>{Ml|llWnnaiit* d lu i -

i,,|,), d .01' in J4 I


A Ikruiihcii Ala ■ lu ip p ' » H>'* Hnkd AVllh a Itueket

T, W. I>nrlinii., svlu» ii —xbni o f Hi. I'lmlT l.-|iieo]rikH hurl ll, und wbu lives in So r liii^ '1 ri < t. ha« lrei-n In-Id liy Jiiolh* lEi.def III u ,-n I r I be e*ufi;e u' rtlo.. ioiii ai--iiuU-<ud ry. J’ lie no ired r>-uk ia l'‘ rHnk JIullr.er, a n * '- - -*l J^7l 'Uri*'*-..

! hWtuit (h r Inertwwr I th r Numbpr ut

i:«i.s-hatilra May M ran.Ko tn the I h V- iHUt Hundfty Kiui.

T br >;oi<d uid l iiih -vali' liiiW hi lu It'll U 'liia l am U uu inevitah > f i<t ul llie imir fulur'- lliiW (lu tliuv kmiwV Hiioply It'MiM Uiu'‘ lly oil o f llu-lii.lm '' tKiMi Ibis 5»ur uri- litoyi*.. Xh"* ' »i

.11 iin-bol n:i ■lni;-,:l SjIiU'Om I I’ldldtildldi

SS 1

ft) nv|).,1-d ngu-v

\ I .-i .||-I.- H .■K ; h =.7’ e.

M ei'U-iTaery.- I'll.

I'hllNdi I d -.Id '.V

i^l .S.

I.OTl . ' - ill bt! ' HiitiiU Kl-il fii'-l ei ..<i«i,

I.Ol ;i -lMi ill X laid'Ham keo liu f-, hI e«K4irei| U.idt r-

l.oT f - I iidto. 4,.-illdf-r l.iiii II llMi.ilker lat lb.r,.lijii.

M?T l--p i du?, I.ndu s' K o » f'7:Itiiidi I (|. imut 'll llamho rehl< I:( jw-h. All nc.v piito .I t

iiiir I lelh--.' f Im ri c m l >’ (*aidif ii 'l l i '' 1. ; e’ l I n r , lit ! , |h r pKlr,VS ilbu'll i .-.i i‘jdl-.ti ll e b- -I v.lhi’ • ill tin* ?

H 'lm- c! illv

n -it<- nml W is.-ii Ih.r. ll- I-. .4t ll. . each.

I'uIm al Id

iVw4-r am i eululort fur tender frr l.i.adli K'.sllh I il .luiii If IfOftlldi'd b'.'tCud lunUi I hh.Ij- faiKJi u: n iii r'sll!i l-edmii*'*I}i»i u l 4hiK-, :i Wle t xpo e.iy fjr luca ;-----till] l-i 'Uuy cmsUisliJ «l HfurU ____

RUCHINGS.•-Ubb Uruftd

Kikjns*'ATr Cur*''l irtdv 1>V lUa Itm»r4iyr4t jU* *iire

Wbite M I lie

liullls ,iw i .»!'

ItuehliiH, (Mily ‘e*I.H - Joiol'l loi.-'ihi'

oliU ."'e |«-r IhIV sv.iriii I .I 1

]ie;«h< tl itl llidriM'J limh r tin- Ilillur n> Iroiil ul Ihiilimti'- liuMi nrdi P d him

it III, kV.kK I- ul lujiior, vat diovii in hiiiu , III'] ivli4Mi Diir- aWHV la'.ihiT Vloh'Ol.

C A T ilN 'S H TllA XfiU CASK.

*Tucker out for ninnlng 4sut uf tlic Mm'.(MXlBX BY IN IXOI.

N fw trl................... 0 0 ! ft 0 I 0 i 0- tIlftritord....... ...........0 o o f t o o c a o - ; !

Earned runs—Nei^arli, *. lla’K' on ermrw- Kewark.l ; llftrtlord, It. HS'e lei balls • liart fivrd.J, Lo(i4in hftwk—Ns'wark. lliirirurrl. 4. Hit hy plH-hdr—liarifiml. 1. Smicli mil— Newark, ; IlHtlhint, .*i. Wild pliWiM—Sittic*. J'lawd bail*--Baly, 1. f)«iuhl« iiIjiys—Hrueii- WQod fttid Tucker. bUklCri lia c.v—Hair,‘J. Kacd' Air hit!—('aoRaii and fa'wy. Twfi baw.'hlu— Grewiwixxl i lim e of gamp-Om) hour and fbrt)-flve minutes. fmpire-IVyciioff.

Di’iiT raoM MANV m.vM o»n«.OsEnea ycfiberday-^Natiimal l,.n'ki{ue, at

Wftkhlngtop, WaabinpUm s, NT-w York 10’, ■t Detroit, IM roU HI, IjhHv *4; at Clklcfljro, CkUapo Uk Kaniav ( ’ itv I ; at PbilftdelphiB, rhllidelpUla 6. Ruston AmerlcMi ABaodaHoD—At ritlabur^, Met* xig)po11tft& 7, Pittaburj; 5.

W ard, o f tho New York t'lub, made flyn hit*, ODO for every time that he came to tbo bat, in tbo gamo at Washington yes­terday.

At Jeraey City yeslerd iy (he homo club biml thr W aterburj ulau hy b ororo of7U>-4.


M B U K L O ff U19 MVSCLK.

fttrlklng Ui« Manager u( th* ATaterljury Club, whn Inauttrd lltiu .

AMlBant Manager M eiB el.ofih o N ew ­ark Club, went to Jersey City yenlonU y afterpooti with pitcher Knuwlton t4i wit* DCtB this gamo b4 tWLScu Jersey City atid W alerhury. After the game Alidsol, K pow Udo mid Umpire U ndy were standing together Islkitig wli4*n Man* ager Simmous, o f the Waterhury Club, h|i- proBched.

" Brady, you areB blankM th ief." stid Biunuons, "yu u rubbnd i is o f Hut g.krue. I f you over show your fuee on the Wnte r-bury grounds again i 'l l kirk y o u r ------—head ufl.'"

** W ell, i f 1 were you. 1 syoiihl g4j svlior- ever lluUurd m'kI me," i»ikid Miune) tu Bra4ly.

“ Ujilhird! who th e ------is h e?" ankmlBiirmuits 4'icllcd1y.

‘ ‘ W ell, boT Hh' preKidenl o f the b':igU'‘." snrwered Meinel.

"J le 'fl D ------ --- — fijiid SiuimutupiolHni'ly, "iin d fio wont he pp'siih-nt n;urh lunger,'’ Tlu-n ho udd'-d. wlih more oaths, "kU lsi'l. y o ii'roa — I ’ vo gul ik uuliou lu break your Jusv."

"1 IkclU-ve you lo be it #J(H) th ie f," an- swi-red Mcisr], (Ufiiii)g r<-d.

Then Simmons shot U s (l>t out at M iisel, and the hitter parried llm blow, and lK.*rore Kuuwlluii efiiild iuHTfere h4i had p lsntid his lint w|t)iiieiy on Kiuiiuons's mouth. Minimons woa led sw:ky JAZeit, and Meisel was urged to leave tho grounds immedialely, which ho did. K im w llou riys that Himinons was pttiiially iutuxiea- ted.

ItupeuvUig In lUrillly H ealth , but Havlik|{ In liknaiiMy.

Jesse J. tiitlin, the yardmuiUsr 4if the i 'lMiKylvikida llHilruikil t'limpAny whohtaVely, thuliglk V-illkly, iltt<‘ Ul|)t-n4l tu les-eue Minb Annie W yekoff from an uppruaeb- ifig teiiu fiiurwtM'ks ugo at theHouHi LIIxuIh iIi dt'put.nlill i'untiuuiw to 1h* u raving miiiiiae at his reHidouei'' on Fiky avenue, KtifuU.lb. By day niul night Jto it watriiei) by twii men, who-se '•erviei.w arn paid fur by tho ruinp;tny, J'iie piktleut's bHMiUimd ftel an- k4<pl liisd. l-'riHiuun(ly a Mm. Uilti-niiuiMe U hia walelu-r. Her nursing ul'leji ijui' tfi the ah k iii ku. Drr. iHuneoaiid Mraviag Ukuke (w ovi"iU iu day. bill give litth hiipi'S 4if hi« recovery. TheCBM' Is Hild t<i Ik' a nm-t ........ um', itU-Ing iH'lievi’d tin t the ahock, when the Iruiii threw (he bravo luan tu one side wb4-n he had the young g irl in h b ariun Blniosl out o f harm's way, is vrhut. (uts do* raikgt-d his iuhul. No se.irs or wounds can bo found ou Ills head or IsMly. I'lio pa* Hent eoiistuiitly talks ineuherLMilly uf TSilroad nmllers and frequently a^ks “ why the man wauti'dtu kill biiiiY" H iib io th er Ib a ronslant w'ulrber at hU Imdsiik'. Large quantities o f morphine arc u-H'd to quiet him. His hetoism and ruusequeut great suffering have rlleited profound aym pitliy tbruughuut the city.

A Aind has lieun started fur presentation t4> him, the suhseriptious Iming hea4led iiy tom ptruller A . B. t'lirllon. TJie sufforer Jms an IntereitiDg fam ily, who, U is suid ]*Uad tu keep the phy-lciaus from giving an order for the tsatienl's reiuovil to tin ftHylutn. All that nu'ilioal selenee e:ni do ji U'iug done to euro the heroic man. His weight has grcuLly Inereascsl and his physical health is aumnmeed asbi*ing ox* cidleut, and Ids hi>art'B ae-Uun ull that (hut eiiuld be du>lr4'd.

tiuihiiiM I ad II hii-ki-( in his li.oid at H» Hum-, a) d during Hu- i|U.irn‘ l Ktnii-k Muif lu r ull Hu-III imI svtth ii ilud'iur ni.kii- tigt d lu ir I h liume iin<l hi-' *.iiiii- hci-ii roufini-'! (u Ids isd. Uolhufliis i-yi-" an* hUckeiU'd snd hi- is ■ ‘iiisidfrikldy brulsuil sliuiil tho IsHly. J''iir Ik time Ih> wiks Uit- i iimIous. I.ant night lir. l.'-hluiaelu-r, ^ »ju1 Ih.tt I fftiri; w k-* iioifsnpi-r Mri'iu4 r'-sitlt-s, HurlkauiI liiinu'l w h< Tl arr4'‘>t*'<i I hut he only thr.-w water 4ivi-r HuIIju r.

TIfK h K A IU K M TO IO-: M \i>e.

<'iiMlkK4'l(!4Hup(rutter Ouluii autl 4Mtjr 1 uiHt lit C4Mi-4ullalluii,

ruiti]itr.dli’ r tlMiiiti iiiul I'lty I'uiins’d rniilt ii4-Ul a iiiii-^iiltatiMn this iiKinking reluti\e Lu the plupn'^ed Work uf ih i 'U '- adjiiKtim IU I uinjui^^iuij. ru-murriiw Cum* ndMii iier Vili Ihiyiie, Mr. ('uiill and Mr. Qiiiun will luH-t at (he ( ’ ily H .dl.um l it will hi-then tlwiilHl wliether it will i>e neee.'.htry in ( uipbiy nil iiddillutial clerk to make the pi-arrlu's whieh (herm u-

baB M*ki-d fur." J'lufe will Im' nu fnrlhpT delay," Mr.

(Juiiin wid this niurniTig. " Theiieadjust- ment ('iiiiuiiiwiiuu will Ih' able (4i couLiuue its work in a few dayn. We do not know yet liuw many seiirchort thu euniuiissiotuirs islil nei'd this y4'ftr. V .o n Hint w..l <le* pend the iu'Ck.s ily for additioual h e p in uiy uil'M-e. It iiiiky Im- that the pre-tstit fure<-rail ruriii-^h Hu* seareiie-< n- tost as Ihes an lu-i- y j luul an ib-m uf ei|k4-nse nin Ih- im- eily. At any nt*'. oil o fHu he Tl alters will be eareiuHy lilk**d over uiiil imr Joint work mii1ine>] t-i imirrow,"

■r*W».*»Trrg--VIU.f#-Un.,,.„ . . . . . .(‘■-nr'i. II V'TV guud I'riirjg Hiut w- ar<- iidviMd Ilf this hw't in ainpli; ( in. lu Him uiii : 'dln. i.vi rylJiiria wiH ;-<» up- lliitt iK, tv iry llu iig 4‘uti'>lu t.ibh1»|i-, liinl we must Irt-giri t-i 'lure HWuy and ratui'C up :ki inu-4', The shu-ldr rliiiiiing inumitat’iur* r- .ind Hie iiig* niuu-' pi r-uri- wliu tiiak*- 4-i*ire*' 4,0 ; o f peas snil iiJtd-twk ukii (if piiio Idui-ka, run now git to au ik al getting ready »uppli4u fur Hie army. I'erh-iirt there may la- a general 4lia lu s ln Han ida w hen this m ale'U rjduf iu Liu- bikby iinu lu'cmues kmiwu. but we lmv4! Ini-i Hk niuiT prom lnen'i eitii!i-ui t4i llu- uTilurlumUo iKtiniiHun that w.* ure > m-1-h.iri.i U44i. 1 luqx 'tliu t tli4i iHiy-hali.v

dt'iM.’ l im III a civ il w ar’, we have 1m4| ujuuiitj o f that. Ihit when iiu* girl hahe - Mitiuimher tho buys it will h. plkilily und«-r-<tiKKl that utiother -akfl ui a ir In «-(>r4 iy luM tub! -Hie 4h>men|]i' iv.ir 'rt.iH life is one lUieudiug Hril'e.


J i | i r T i a l X I o t t c B B *


CImsIpo Fancy aiul lliiusolt**|dbg tiuod* Ih iil arr Iteliig Hnaitpfil up With IJills O rs-inniiy by Frudont ll4>usC'keaiMTs.Wrhiist Iktu ra»ltl4.4Uus.‘(-uro, iiia s.kenile,«,

fruft) wv4-rul iiiuiiuliu-lurrrH aiiit jotils th ku on- oiluuile >l<K-|c uf glK-K, enx'kcry, till, W mleu, Slid olbtr aare.s, hi uur own |irteoM, aud believeliisl the itKftl jMipuiar way UtUMi-s^oftheni j- lo plae4- (hew, with tliousnids urotJier mi.-l.


nils Atl4'inpt lo lirovi'it a W orkm an aiul 1 n ir lty to Anliikala,

Alviut six Wickn agu G iIUt I Jalin, o f VaiJHbni'g, WH.V fl ur4 d liy ail his neigJvbors onacfum it uf b is Jh-rei- ('-nip -r mid hru- Ulity. He j» iiuw in other purls, uod his nlw iice is regrettuil (inly hy t lie 4jlti4'ers o f the Imw, who are iiii\iou-4 to hiii l him ho- fore Hu- luir uf ,iuHtu-e. .laliii qij.im dled willi n aorkniurisinne time igu. and wmild iiBve drow ii4-4l tlie Utter in u Iriiugh hut for the inti-rfi'rchee uf severH 4ither men, Jahri wa-t arri’sled nn h I’hiirg" pr. fcrred by Hie workman, but siu-eecdcil iu eluding pinihhiuenl. Me IhmiI hi^ wife Buveroly, and Mk e im lly ahu--«sl a e4iw Hull (t was4>tily HHV14I fnim drnth iiy f;ii4id treutlnent. On aiuither ore.isiun he drove u fork (1 .tough a row 's iuh k iind nearly caimeri her death, Agnln ho struek a cow with a chd> and broke off her luirna. His fatlier- iii-Iaw t4iok tneD*>ur4<s against him and tho place was Mild, and Juhu was furetyi to flt*e to avoid the wrath o f tlift Society for tho ITcventioii o f Cruelty to Auimals.

ueihil 111 every huioehold, on .scvwral c ii) venleiit n*ueU and i»Ai-r them m the umfurm jijii eul M-k4'ULT|veiit'- each, altlumgn aujulrcl* Hi itie bnlek Lave 4 0St niMoy tlm.M k.n- |in.-c. A <ui>;e I in|. I, u sJu iK.rgu)ij4 aro uc.v unii <ie >lisl.k- (ll iC) lutKl' M! Itulh s aii-t .-itlMi-iT MisSy 'n j'iii-" ruin ilil • piirtUI'1 i >‘l .ir.li-: - su a u iiu ill i.u e lur Hum. 11104 «i liu <-(mie111 llH iiutlIu ll I ild y K-OUfe a e;i .-e -.ft lielull Cum n I'. iM av4>ul Uie thru nn-i4 util III' -ikii r. • ull .|S'lte>' ftlH-y mnitiliiieuCcmeiiN r iturcd

B'..sif»ay, ent I’ ss. lilli '’ x.’ f .. Si-w Tidtll. ti6 -

A W J'lihlUL.i h* ■*' tUlM > ' ISkljt'-li 1- liiir

Itikik, with a weary arliln:I iLi iMi-, a sivii ll

- (In- Ih-'I i-ntll. y •-Ul.llIV 1.H 1 ni.iiid imti-rv


Ek a It I t ig i ) o > u A a r*

iU)oi* v .\ u f:s in t o im k i s ,I ele >r line•|U.tll<y

I’rir, he,uiirSTAM '.M lU m U T.:

J* J-ll, 1.! BVlIS If'lu 'I.4 rU ll

Ihir I;uN'fON i'*ilhKT. ina<b' uf Give qusliiy j( all. • T "-I'l* d, itul elHSiie Jii|> k m < A VI ry iliir.iuL Hi.d eumroriftble i-ur 4-1 I'ri - only he » ki-ii.

n erh F W I.MlMlOVKlJ IJi il'I.KV\kH V"V C.S nU lh K t, littlit snd dunild^. Just llii-eor'ot fur svHTm v.'i'alher. I'rlei* Iv .

i)urJ-eiebrsiMi<H>rm. Mm i.HKD mit-^KT.h»-a\lly toiiiwl.,'-.r u-H*. 'Ilih

Jam. lur tue muiu-y we have .-ver

POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

ih«-u Apruiu altii ISKlHU.

LhUu-h' taney runUnl1.SSSU Aptuii.i wiili [KK kl l>*.

l.ailli's' WInU' Ijinn Al'ruiiK,

rliiulu-ii'N I ace 7 liiun«ed lirassi-rs, i.

1 ii(lii.s i ne Mull Ti 'fw o ynrd.' Hiirluni^Laitkw piiro UitL'ii Md

lar-.LhjU4-k’ Kaney Hcnpi'd J.args Hugir

(.'uUarx and < iiilH, (-civcreil, biidled'tine enil»roliK-r • a’>?’ L'fcuii f'li -'h*r,

eti ( iiUimI 11 'H ' l.-iri.K' CDuipuiiS, s-ijiehI.adli.s' this' M’ luii on I kjI,

ll i lT ', hftrKCrtv.d lii-h,Lfti1n-i’ rii'c ( ‘iihm'd;LirHc Spiare iq.L

lluiih-r tl'dT '', -Ilch-khXeilJrtf, with

ILjitier I f ' i ' f ", jix:.''’.nUilu;?;. l)i-i l,-Uj»!S

*snd B 'Uf s -i,1*0 itix. Kre.ieh Cliint

Itn i im -l IT,:.... tW d.ia, iM-.irated

huwiqtbaiinl p ill f.ikeI'lst", UVfll elrt ' Ice I'.au-, • •Ihhs Hread Piute,N lurJi 4e ;;i Lvrge ttimer


tins y*i».s‘ iirj nvkVi v;irieii* A aiftivel Ol slwsy* I portly. Ktuujlh muU ubule.sumeiieSfc. Mort

e. I ii.ivjIi hUIihi. tne iiMtuarv kinds, and Cftu luB la-'-'Id in 4«i <!p-tUiuti urUU tke inuUitil U uf l> w ti-si. ‘-b*-rl S4c ighi. alma i>r ph *>pUa(e »m<b-h. SoM *a^v in ennt. K41YAI. Baftriio HwntH (!o,. in* Wall N. V,

I K t f t i c t t i n U


A Xnlsaiica that Hluvubi b* Abatatl. JuHtico W idm tin ia anxious to Irnrri by


AUlrrmau llt-wscm lia s O w en Oluvar Hel at iJbt^rly*

Owen tiluv4-», llu' yming boy svbu w:w Hrn-st4sl ycJilerday by Oilleer Carpenter mi A eharge o f stCHliog a wiiteh l>4im uu llaliHii, wiut hajled lunt night by Alderm in lleu>4)ii. Mr. HeWMiii Uibl .Iiislico Buder that it WHS very palpalde Hiat great iiijnS' lice had been dum- lu the yu-uug iillii by liN'king bini up, and Hml i( iviia V4>ry eleur tlmt tlie lad was not atliie f, Uluver is a haril working yuung ninn with u bright hue, and he looked tlu- |Mi1i< ■< ami JusHeo Buder squarely in t il l 'ly e s while lU-ityiiig that be b:id rubbed llic It iliail.

Ml ketivo Carrol! waa in Hie oivim* eresvd when ihe nati'h wus slideo.

" The ItilLijiH Were wMiigHiig,'' ssid he Inst night, " and G lover w;ii< ^taUlling oil the 4‘iirh trying lu M't whiil (be trisiilde wiis. The crowd gaiheri'il around him, iim llbe fir-t Hdng 1 km-w un lliilian grab* Im'iI buld uf the boy, and in-ruKis| the tai] 4jrrttealing the svatcli. 1 wuiibl not arre.st (Jluver, f4)f I knew Hie hoy was innoreiil, btitH llicrr CnrpenliT nin up and t<iok the k iy away. 1 said nnlhing, fur 1 w is afniiil aotiie o f the Itatlsns. in their cvciteinent, would knife the liid. 1 hud uu idea that Car|H-nler wouhl arrest Imiii,"

iMi'liee limler, iilHiungh urgod to do so, n-fuHC-il lo diMiiKs { Ihivi-r, and Ins case w.ns sent lo llift H rjiid .1(1 ry fur invetdigatiun.

w hat luiiUis nil unh4'iirable nnlidm-c, which rxiMh it the ciirniT o f Norfolk luid ('range ► Ln-i n-, Clin I*? abuU d. As (lie lUinnI ot l[euUh hsk iliruwn up the juh ami anhuimred tliruil rBii*do Luthlng. A sew--r leniUng from (he bulhlingh'JM and'J.sii Oruiigo MrceM eomtucuj (be relurt- fruin Ihiee buiMlng-* (n wlierr n iL)ftuiM Is located, in tin rear uf IJ Xnrtulk siri-et. This bydrant i'elogni ij snd the uver- t'.uss mil* tillI'Ugli the yartluf numtu-r IJand

mil lo Ike 'in-el, Uiroelly tn Imui uf iinuiU'T H Norfolk (-Ireel, vvlu re .IH'Uec \Viil- inan lesbleh. The hilu-r lia* rv|Kalt dly luitl- lk<l the JLianl uf HeuKn of the niii:>Mm'e an-| iio-]s-eUirK have Hailed the id n c htoL nfli r an I'xaiiilnHlioji, lbs hire thai (hey have no rem­edy, The IlHhj mailer stjll euullijUe* tu a ali lli4> BfiiH-i^ol the resIdentN- of Ihsl vieiiiity ss |th iu Klt’kerdtig sHtur*, smi hU" list Ihe alHieu-dMile III ]iTs'|isn.'a jH-iiilun tti llie ]>ruiM'r auihun-(ie!{ lur ihi altuleiuei.t of Hie um.>>snee.

llut|'4Hi l(lvt-r Fseursl4>iiN«The regular w eekly cxi ursipii, via llic

IViiie-.)Isluda ibiilroiuliumI the-'leauieT('yK'ui''*. lo Nt islmrgb. still hr run on iInirwiiiy. The rail Iriptu J4-r> e> rily is iiih'U- |j> nhet Irani, nod (tu- I eni ri>ii- up liie Ilii'Kiii 4stVers n di*- ligliMul 4-xnir'loU b.. Wiili'r, From .Jer4**y I'liy to Neti liiiigii lie- dl tuliee Ls Hjxt> mlh*s, em- b'lieiru! U.i: nuMi pie[ur,'-'i'it' isirtloti 4if (he hV4 r Hjceh'briited f t \\- -eenk Ik- miy. The I'ali'-Hile', Ihe Ji -glils iiroun I N w V irk. and llu lligblii lb uf the itn'l.-wm are nil (0 Ih’ 'a'Cn from Ihe d4-i ks uf the MU'iiim-r. Tln-tumbuf

i-tM’iul 'Mnni, u( l(iv-r-hU' Park, Is plainly sI'lMe, ir d Oil (h ■ |h,*I .I ' uf liiU're’'l ftrv nisrki-douVtm ji pau'W.iinie ms|i of Iho ronig ehlidnaMe al Hi * llcko: . nices or uu iKiuidlho Kteuim-r. 'Irnin e-Mn-ctlug ssiih the hoat h-HVi'S Mark-1 •I' i'et st vilmi ii s: .ft a M, Knn- lur ihc M u d (rip I fiy cents, cliihlreu halfpru'4v

i '* -m ;h irk iy rc .lllM rj 1 kci Um-n U ilT - Hirn'iu'il 1 euver,Ladie*' Moiirtiine he.11 ' Inch cnlnre t

liud i.liien il'dT ?dmirv ureviil,Laillos' CuluPt-d ^Kirde. H-arge copd Ice frefluilirn i ll'd'l'* wid4'Ju-ii i

|.u<U4-k' >uii<l dn/. Paul. Ihillons,sun-Iriio'd lh*'c ‘ dni. I’oarl l>re.« B.jl-

Men's huh revo-ar llabi tons,IlcvM', 'Pure l.lnrii Naulilte*,

Mcu'b alMlncn tbHars. Fnngcd Dmsk Doylies, Lhvy»«' l'4-reule Ba i l o r Dirfcey Red DoyUoi,

(\dlais. Kxlra largo Wa<4hrags,f^vds. Panilly Hunihig, Kura large Dishcloths, l-Jyits. Ifidi Puiiii l.aet-. Klnecutorod uoblet,

;Jh4lilTetciit *(yhv, Kngravfsl Gohttl. ItublKu Prei^IsuleUl, <’»iloivd Ikrrjr Di«h. Whim or HuhbtT Bibs, t'ulori'd Bhakar Baits, lonileH and M I s c s'Kxcra large liratcrs, 15-

Ikublc Kiftc^iiiiiHirt Inch, eu*. ilairgo Meat Dmper,

i.inen 'rmri-l, warrant-Bume riilna Boap Dish.(it. hVJf', loirge while Howl,

I i.rbuU lusvcl 17x31, U»er. Cup and Kuucer,Ml llu/. jh eorTd Cieaiti Majolica Plate.

I llr-hen-. Hjuxe F'ldduig Dhh,'iii hbls. synip I'Kchers. French China Plate.I urge \vh1l4-Viieher, .>!U»ne(!hina uval DLsh,liiimnsli Tuaelt tft In..( tillit's liut'I'ur Apron, 'BUme (.bifift Meat Dish.■|4sdh Knuh. live rysvK: it In.,

tUlMlex, Kiille Box,Kx-ssln-'t Wbl'k Urs'Cun.tBpnng Balance,III kiiiik eviia ipiatU)ll'ot Chain,

lullei KiKip, Ichopplug Bowl,11(-avy KubUT PTno Large Dl>l( Mon,

l imb. Any Hae (AniI Mere,Mil ItublH'r Hn-KHlng Any *l»a nunr i4iev4',

A*k to *«C mir ne#SKI . prlix-fl.ft'l, ininle uf very bir*-l miP'fiHl, flTii'ent mmI cluK«-l¥'-nriled : ariuMts ll'elf to any fiKure : eiiilrt-ly novel nuHleKl uf Ueing.

M I-have di'Cbliil tu close out M-verul stvlc- of n«r--cis of ss hlcb sve have lncurn|ib-l4- a*<-irt- tneiii uf slide, thi'-^-hits ssTJI U* found n.l (Hjrcuunb'n al pncM av* rngtug about hf-jr ct-ids on the ■lullur. Call eatly ami iQ-iko your H-lectloiiK.

ItAHCAIXS IN LACK hOOPS.Children’ Finely i'<>rde<l l.awii I'ap', with inU

niche fl out, ut 50c. i-aeli: rnliiccd from 7«'.(U (')(»«.

Our Kitjcht yuBllty Cblblren'i Curded CifW. with t'um|»aifouT and full niche fftiiU, atyve. ench : rtHluccd fmtn tl-T'*.

Chtldrt-u's Klne.st (Juuliiy I'lmlC'l anil Krubrid dered Nuraiaudii' Capn at 7hc, each ! ri'du “.<1 from fl.

Two row Fine Orliutnl l.aco co lb iis at only liK-. eaeb-

Finely ]’ 1ceU<sI Lawn (Tictnl-Jetlo-', at only r? ', each.

Fine l-flwn and Kiubmlderv rliem1f<U\‘>!, at '}ja' each ; auivl vaUio atHV.

Tucked Linen *'H -iiiW'ip-s, at LV. each.ou r litf-i ipu lky U'Mg, (Main imii Tiu-kcd

fbcoili'elles, at 'JJc. each ; are worth - ic.

L. S . PLAUT & CO.715. 717, 711* JJUOADST,

NKWAPK, N. J.Clufc*- » t « I* M., eacep t Siviurdaya.

l in a U T J Q t i l» k » g *

raaklilmi IBO, irttk rOBI TMmBU TOHIfil. Iiil.tlr u 4 C1.B1B8B8u 4 EXBK'BES THB BLOOD. M*kw Ik. kUoi at Ik. LInr ud Eldiqi. ClMn tk« n iB f l « l « ,B » k « t k .ik lk iB M ik . IldM kiat lk}ir* Ik. tHtk, niM kiididu, or ,ndH*«tk- lUnUio-iLL OTUKB IBOI XXIHCIIIBa ML FkjBolou u d D n o M , m roM rtitooouaud It.

DR. H. B. R n aau k cd Hirin., H iif« m r " I ■arrmiatmi Brsjwn'n Irae Bltuaw u s toI ^ w to wInr Mxrichina tb* bloudL and nnovlaf AyiP^Ala

na, l l duM Dot iitirt U» tvath-'*DS,‘ B. K I.ILMLI, R w u M lod^ o w ^ ' l

ium praaeilbad Bmwo's Ir^ BllUr* n “ uMcmw Mid blood dw ss^ a lio *b*D s ^ J e ■ OMdad, Sad tt baa irored taaraafhlf •iWactory,

Ma Wm BTbKI,uyi; "Bnkwti'i Iron B^tort i»l|*T>d iw to a asj*H blend BotewlM. and 1 Im ItKMWuoMinaftblood punfiar.

Ha. W. wrHopaaAM.Tuirbora iruablnd (Tmn objidhord

Hlo^ and

and 1 rvisiuand It torifUir.Tuiinimbla, Ala . B ^ :

with ImiiI pare___o* Dj bfttlM of

Breim'a Iwo B i t l^ . aHootad * 1BjMak too <d thu TsluaUe madjoiai,"□•smln* baa aboto Trad* Mart snd cwaiisd llaei

m wrsiKMT. Tkite Bo •ikrr. Uadn wiy by QKOlfN OllEMltiAL €0.r IIALTIMOKK, MIA

^trrg patii KUUnI 'lJuL. heavy hack

lufsi !'■ Ivory I'mnb. Kokliog piK lu i Coiiih.( elliihifd I'uinb,\\ftll spirt.'her.Hair llnii'h.Shoe iiHuliiTftiid Uru-ih 1 urgeSs-rub Hru li,( hilli linuh,NhIi hniriii.Lrtfge SnrJl llni'h,I iirgi' shill mg l'•lu*h. Siuve llru'li.1 urgi- I iiiui Bnt'h sin. Jtu cwihbI Untlm

Ilu4'li,1‘wfGi;:.' To '■ ( I'ap.-r.[.dX'kihg UlaKi, gill

fruiiii',i.arge losud RuUcr, Shaw] Sirup'',S|M.-e. l,u I histng Cant-‘ • ‘ ■,\li\-a

lA*num (tiiuoexer,Kx. Klaeiamlie sdek. Assort, colored Cibj'l-

durcH,i 'H- stanapeil Dipivr, PiH'oa-Khapcd l»lp|u-

4-uumellud handle, Large Tin Heoup, l.g, iiamllcii Hklmmcr,W m.H.1 fcgg k'ftter, ............. loi ■'A heel KfoiiT sieve,SVIrv 'Ti-aiKU Stan I,

i|iiart rail,'>,Korlh-o( Niampl Pan. Walnut ILU P,tu-a, lairge hill sU<‘ Hammer. |.mig - handled Khe

bliuvol,Large retlniu'd Wash

ILi&in.1 ldui 'li-ftorP.iifL'c Pot.l.HTge <7uiHni|»>r.


WHISKEY!The wonderful virtue ot this

popular tonic is not owing, as many suppose, to its stimu­lating qualities alone.

It possesses such a vast amount of nutritive properties that an invalid could live upon it for days without touching food of any other kind.


K’xlra lUe liivhx a ufj t-rtrgi-Miirhi le Oil Cim.Mill! i'* Hkekuig Mt (alic Hh've.

Hrmvii !.lrt->lStiu(-|iri'»iA Ijirge l*flp or Uuait irg. Pan.

Kx. ai/i> hut. MiicUftijc, famg lireu<t Pan, \tlrt*<l, Hu* lJ l^ei■hecker , . ftP.xIft.Box l-iiiidiiii4“, Diiieh Luafl'au, 'a'lred.l.uiM'li Ba'kei. Large rel. Hauev: 1‘rtn.l arge pAiiil But, ('0111)1. i qt. euvhl. f(h‘vr Pan, I.i»rg4' itox ( rjiyuh'k. i qi. euverthl H-u-kei

id Kllvci•:lh■^l'iiial. Kulilng Pin,

l i e Haya it Wna Aimltier Hatlniil.Ta l/i KiflfoT Iff th.( .Vrum ,-

P m — W ill you ideoae t'orreef :is puh* Uclj M yrmr arcmiiii ul Hu- Kiliaiieihattalr, for although the uii^RVory rnniiiu'c uuiy have IhH'U InureMhig reading to yo'ir Urge cheiitagi* II )iubi uiv in iridly in a very tuiph-H,. aut ItKbi, and r(*[K-aUi only the Mj-lngs uf g,iv Hpy Ufighburv lu our rural hi-.U'T luwn, wiuic lb« pRh of the whole Iran'wu-iluii is left uure- veakd. The fact* nre that J wu-s mu ni all in (he place, out had any other huHneas relat‘uui w-nb (buw but knowlLg I lm<l Irrenjam-ilbla and adveutunms pt-ople 10 dval wub, t M-Dt my wife to uiiend tu the matter, an<l while (he ivaa there Aotue ullior gallant wiui in-iy have t*C4'n involved wllh *bcw lai^ptc, w a, un- plfa^an^iy, fur him, cx|*oM,‘d. Th(*w' uro Iacib which ran he proven hen' by lilghlv reapveia- Lie witiu-BMK, and a: I have l^vcl iuv(r-lloi-ic fuurlmi icam, with a treasure o f a lluic wif- whofiuiies Dl Ihn tUuugli(!i of luy InrMeliiy, Ir.ror.siaiicy, or f-uni ImiruiraUly; whllf. pcf comra, riuK-t evtryime know'- my family {, my eaiihiy hapiiliietw, you, will do me the favor (0 make her the amende of puhlLsbiiig tiuise few liiU'A 1(1 pruf neivny uewhpniiur.

ReHiJcrtl'ulty, Ji'i.tl'H H-aNOMan.Newark, N. J., Augu'U 17, \m.

Teeth roracpainledily If Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion b4t bathe'l on [be guuu. Ciirdk Too(i)' ache, price, % ctj.

Dr. flam l'i Diarrbtsa Mixture for Children will bol cure every cito, bum will cure more tb«n aoy Dtedluiiic c m piU in ouo bottle. iTtce,» cta -J d v ,

Di'atigc’a New Idcrnas* Ordlnau4’C.T lio lejuitl cunpfrniiijc the alle^t'd

1> ( iliiihH^Uii (ifdniiiKi' hnuueV' men euncerii jriK nh 4»n!iTirtU4'e recently ]tas.M‘.| 1,) )|i'(>u>h* jM ildlcr-' I" wKlioiii fuumhuluti. TheordlnaiiCi.' I mviiIli* that uiit-of tt>wn iuhIiIIita hlvrtU trty a l:ei‘i-.hc f.-e ol F'ft, Hinl local [K'dilleo Jl. I( hfti l«4-uii NiaU'l that out of- luw 11 pcdiller-^ liiU'iidial U’Hili.K iliy uplmatice liy ruimliig any number uf naguns uu one llectm'. Thl'i !n lnijhj'*>lble, Miu-t'ihe tiMniBuivi pr.ivLlcs ih.u 0 Iju .'nsu of F-cj-hall U'tiftlil fur cHuh amli 4-vury wni>ei.und Ihul Ihc llcniw minilH'r Hiall Ik' fa^bl(ell (n i-rtch wagnn. 1 in--urdniAm-i- vva-. u-ry carefiillv «lrawii. uu.l i-w i t -i nil ci-i- img'-ncleA. It hiw not yr. b 'C .fn- ,» i,nv b.’ - CttUM? Mayor llurlfunl hui n.»i uppruv- l kt.

A ITrlim tian I 'rcv -nti a Fire,As onicur .TohiHuii, o f Hn; J^rcinul Pre-

nm (. wu' t-a^slng tlu- -lure ufAnmbI Acker- n'liiqU'' l<l>Kiutlb’ l'1 AVi inu'. aU’iui II o'elui'k liL'l inglK, he dv^uvrrrd thai a lamp which Ini'] Ih-4'u li-ri hiindiig was iu datigr-r of ex- I'liHHiig, Hr nrMU-'4''l t!u j'ruprieliir. uud by Hie (line ail eiUnuuv wuHctlecinl the lamp bail rx|dJnU'il. niid Hit- huniliig ml w«i ►eaiiered (iv«-r till- r.iKir. The eillin-r wl tuivurk pruujplly. imd hi H r>bort tinio ha I the llaiiie extlii- guMud.

Box Pik]H‘r and


Miiet/l’a Vase, Imket Niekle

Hafe,X-im-h bheai^iNa-ki't Kfdvcn.

iJkh)k,;l argu Potato Manlier, siek. (dal. Pnn *h,'m-

h'd I’liiUHtTcrtNh-k. I'lat.Tabic*pi)i«3.

M.iK-I NIeki 1 pliiied I-'urk.! J||v, plat. BuU'-r Knife, ^silver plated N'npklti

IHng,Ijirae S\ttHi)Hianl. Kxtra Rimian Ir.iu Kxtra hixe Wru lt Ixuif. t' ik4' tinner.

I'mi. win’ll, n' dux piiihhng lM‘ hr»-. DnUbli-MiiieiUK KuBe, Ijinic 2 ql. si.-»v Pan BuM-l StruiuiT, with

hiitidle.Besides thuiililliid'i <<l

nnta t neh. we uftei v

iCC llaichul.PtMt Hii'4*l Kmvci and

Forki. twne or eh myhandle,

rieel llrciint Knife.Hutch r Kiilfv,

ntlier arllelei lU h.»vcu’I) rill limnerwe hil uf 4-v-

An Orange* I 'r lm a Duima*Miss M innie lliingw, liu u gh lerof (Jiiidu

Huitg'', of Orrtng*’, will risil fur lieramny to iiuirruiv. iluiigs hiiA been cain)ilelliig hernmsieal (diii-ndun in Germany and recently ti-liinu-d liuiMi-lu VHt hi-r parctiw, Klic 11,nv g(K-' brick and w ill iip[H‘sr it" (he leading prliiu •luiina III Ihe rtia'ra Ifu iw al Stellin.

(raordfnnry bar^nitni I'q Kauey U(kkIi in tho regular di-paftiiicnt. "There kre aim im ii|ualU'il lAlucn in hIiocn and baby euacUeiiii'iil evt-ry lived fur iravelling may Iv f-miul here al priu-s >uu will be glad to pay. We- - ■ - - • - 1 < A f I I .. ■., I

VS oJdovA a s suve. t o comt as Sutwm et U .Vt to-mtv ai\i.fnlKaut w&Trunp—IS U aw oexous oftenfataV. ^MR£Yot/J^mRlD

fo r ift con h ^ ^\\ of y 0 av tftwWy a-rtaWftcRtd.,^PROMPT fto ion only m a y snv4,Uft .Tor 1 1 L\/rifhC0HE»»4icw«ka» H-D I t ftK J ftLnflYSeue.ACHOLFRA.CHOlEffflMORBUSiDiarrhoea,Dysentery nn4ftW ^\iWWU CmOfiCt'tanXo^kt 'it w'itK purtecA sateAy,

'TKismea'inItems kS


in various forms are now ad­ministered by all the promi­nent medical men in the world in cases of low nervous pros­tration and weak and debili­tated condition of the system.

N o preparation excels the

K e y s t o n e

L T W h is k e y

For Sale by all Druggists,OFFICE:

(64 Broad S t, Newark, N. J.

l*iirtlen who iiiitli'ljmte hiijiiiK ('arju-tti aiul I-'iiml- Uire will M»\o nitiu-j h j orilcrlui,' tlmlr uuw.


W III lake onU rM lor k« o«1h from $.70 to $ I ,0(M> at the prment low prlcci, with a ninuU itepo'lt on tln-m, anil atoro them

iroui one lo iix luontlu w ithout eitra i-IiurKC.

Hui tnide.

( ’.in i'l.T S . t'AllPETS.Ilininv Ixx'al't duriiin thrilull SMWOn, 1 (.‘un understll anj henue ia

liu od h iU f'c l* ( in i j 50c. jifr ) » r d ,

IMIlMIll s m s . 1‘ARLOK SLITS.l la v in j! run 1 1 7 An in r j diii inn th e d u ll eekHOti, and kept kit m j m en at w ork ,

I (iflir t lic l;ir,£ot atiiik iind lu w i-l prii-eM o f any house in the c -il j. G ood StnOiMl Hock I'lirlor Suit, W alnut F rom e. 7 p ie ce s , covered w ith H on clu lh , liuw m ia ur

Jlep, ouiy |47.r L1VALM T BKiniOOM SLITS.

Iliiv iiijr Imujjhl out :i liiipe f‘* -tidd i'liiu ent that is giiiiin ou t o f the b u iin o it , I Oder to-duy .-asi W uluiit licdiuiim H uits, M arlde Tup, H pii-cc.i, o t just ulwut lb * (oet o f ni;iiiu<itc<uriii|r. W id n u l lie d ro u m Suits, M arble T op , H pieces, regulkr price 1 7 5 .1111. rv!ty>t4-.‘ ' * | U . ^ ^ .

IkAv'T fct-rts.eu ived, Iw o ctir looils A -h Ik-di'u4im Suits o f tho lutevt sty les, boun lil at

11 Inw -lipiire ou iiceount o f b ilge iiu u iit ity , a n d 1 am g o in g tu M il llie iu at o Io n lig u ic . ( io o d A -h llifiioo iii KuU, o n ly ■'J:i,7 >.

SI .’HMIlt AND SEASONABLE (iOODS AT LOST.(‘O iiii-H np, n f C liild itii ’ > ( 'jin iiijjfs , I\<*(Vi^rratora, Tia^za (Tiaira, W ire fl.kfea, A c .

] will s( tl Hie lulliming imuK-d ihkhIh at rtHliiccd priceii until aSept«ml>er 1 : M&tiicsEes Btul lidding; ul all kiDtls« Lounges, MukU-I uml i'ter (ilaAaot, LxtA iLxioa Titlflef, Dining rwni Uiiiirs^IurliJe l<.p Tahle«, HtltlKmrtlH, CTuthes ITfflso#, Hed F|iHngM, Stoves, A c ., <te. y

Tlui gnulrt cun W’ iHHigJit at rHcefl, ofj Llosy leims uT iTijment, untilHrj>l*'DUicr 1.

Dctab iHlivorcd ETcf of nisiige to tiny Fart of the


rOR “ WAiNTS," *'b.\LK‘i,** •* I’ FKJ'OM.ll.H,*' *u-. Sre PAHB- U. A WORD.

C n r t n l i i e . SuaicittBi.

CURTAINS!I S M C R .D in T 8 !i :) .

f i i w t i n v o i c b .** o f

New Fall CurtainsCURE

BItk uhI re lU n tn the trenhiM jndidont to e tUlou itate o t the jritein , tQch u D i»

, iJletnet ettirilu ^ N en iiM , D ro w ^ H i, tfletreei efttf oeU u Pom la the Bide, Ac, While their m olt nmert^

NOW ON YIEW.ehieraoceie hie beBDehowii til curing ^

KleRant IkeBlg-tLS 1 < India Net, Pri-uch (.'aiivas. Antique Cluuy, BniBBc-lH, BIa<lnui,nud Nottiasi- liaiu C'nriaiiis.



Vienna PortieresA T LESS TH AN VALUE.

IS A A C N. D O TY & C O .,15!). 161 MARKET ST.^lann* nnk 4Nr(|MnB*

;io,ooo’PKOt'l.K* AT liKAST, HEAD XHK NewH «*rrry day.

W atclic* nntt S*iw*lrg.




R ano and Organ HouseT H E S T A T E .

Seaflaeba, y ^ Carter^ tittle LlTt*YPinfltr*«i)vall| voltulila la CQQatlpoUoa cnrlatf aod DravairtiM tbla tnuoyi&ff complaiDt, while tney alao corracf xlldisorderaof tbe itoiaach«atliiiiilata tb« IN«t n d regulalo the bowalft SreaU lhay oatycartfi

HEADAdMther vMifi be MsMMtprlcelMftftthOHiiMaolZerfroiaUilidtatnMlngcomptalPt; batforta* DOtely tbeir go^neat doaa doI eod hera, and tboM wbo ont« try Cbem wUl find thcae Uttta piUa vald* able tn to many waya that they will noi be wilttaa


ACHE•Vla the bane of so many Urcfl that herelewhenm^ xoaka o v great boaiL Ou |4Ua cnio U wfaQi oCheradonot

Carter Little Dver PQIb are rery emaftanj YeryaeaytoUlea. One or two plUa iw a a doae. They are arritudy Tegetoble and do not gripe oc parse, bat by their gentla bcUod pleaaei aO wba aaetbriii. InrlalaatMcenta; flrefortU SoiC b| dmgflsti eiiiyniicia, or Mat by nveU.

CABTEB SEBDICINB C O .*1— .-il-ii•catcl) B qo&s-

A ’ the Way frae Ilatuc.Freidi Arrival o f

GRAY’S MARMALADE,lu Tao liOUBtl Jars at 30c, each.



DraBri ami Passage Tlckelf pei Anchor llod stcaiucn at lowest ratesj at




cltM-i- h( 7 o'l’ lufk ; Saiurtliiyr ai H in'lui-k. lliihm-A ('u.'s 7 (.■4'ii( SrtU', Briiftil, IltiUy an ! Nt ivstrci't-s.

1*1 iK'Hlh PutiihutH?A rtilla-li-l|ihl*i«.liK-ior, un«'t J i'Am nf I’ .qn-f il

(ilin-r\aiitii>. Miyi ibut uur ih-ioi'." Kuur u'lu'iil lothi-UurUI. I IiIm -(-.-riaiuty

ri'ttrifiiniii;, yet, iiui« iih.Hirtii<lUm ihi'io tfiMi iiMhu-i'iiiCiil*, m-hdU lU) lull vuuri iJt'ath, aiul Fbair coifllnuL' tu uhc'lir. riuri-v'* inuuihie irtHi'dy, llu* ' GiriiltJi MliUvuI Dl-i-ovory." Iue ttiEHiuiiirltm, fjiiuhig ul blo«fl. Rhumivui tif breath, a cut luugi, <MUs’hv bnitiflihn, ari'l klmJre*1 o f llic lliruat Bihlchvet. Itla uiicquahcd. Ily d rugglau, **«

New (itviinly ('oiiiniltl$«*ninneTin* K-sux (bounty Dutiiopntii' Coin-

iii|(ti-i> hi-lt) Al) liiforuul iiii'vllDR law nUht at I i‘hitiini'k,'4'4)rucr ut Hulfoymul Marli'l ilo'OW, mill niiulc ih f fullimliig i-h'i lloin lu Jill \aciTi

."■ • Kb'vi-iUh Ward. Tlmmai MmiiU' , Or­ange, -b'hii ^-Vyuiuur; MilUuri!i, ll \V. TillmiiU*,

F or Hay Furor." G hc l-'IrS (Team Balm a irinl. Thiojiiiily

ri'h bruti'il fi-MU‘«l> fur the curt' uf I’iiuirrti. luvtewT. rtiM hi Ihf lu'ud, uU’., 4'iiii bi-ublahu'il n.Hiiy n'l'iiiHlilciIrugut-it, and ra ly In* rvll -«l up i;i

P e x t u D a v ’i s ' ' “P c t i n K l U e Y .

.. li Krtlc ami jili’ttiaiit r»‘ mu-ly for iho nhI'l'iuiiirilnt*-ami will Rivu uuiii'.'iUnh- fi-li.-f. ItI- tuit n h'luid, Miiiff or |*owd**r, hm no *»tf-ii 'ivi'uilui, Jiml PU1I l>c iuwhI al Aliy ll.no withk-'KYtl rviuiii-'-. ari ilum*aii4la naii tcsllfy them MiiH' uf the ftitrt(!ht*a of Ihii otll'.’c .'’ — tl/ thf r.m'*, Ntay W, !'<S6.

T o b e eU* J1^fillet Kfl.vc ft dW Kat\ «

f o r t a l i b^ flll J r gg^ n fk /

rtklY /tVis k i tw.p..Jn tr

. k k . S ^ ? i » € 0 .443 BROAD STREET.Main Sa!e-iroom in Ncir Jersey

American W atches

A woman who la weak, nerrou^ and bIocth ICM, and wbo bw coid UandK and foet, I'ltmot feel and act like a well imrean. t^aner'H Iroti Flila C4{ua]iie the clrculauoa. retnove utirTOUt- aatk and give atreugtb aad ireeL—Ada,

tJmi't be* liii])un«*i} (Vn.JTirc native wlno« TV. toSl.W p?r galliinji

a-liiKklc*. II.to tu 11.01; Ktnrch, rice, pmiuw uu1 ripplcfl ki\ Krpmiml. AlJgiHsLi nrarmiUed, Viiliublc mill u<n.'Ai1 )irt'.*>t'iiL4 glvuii to pur- rlm^erttif li'ftv and Ooffts.'a. Tloiucy J( Uro., ftj and 71 Idarkut Rdi'vt. **•

In Oic drnwlnffof Ibdu Bm«. A ro.'n Pianu (Tub, claw A, held ycalerday, the piano wm diHWii by A. B, IXidgx', Manehcaier, H, U. •««

BfVen t'enla Kwriil l i P a y i to LoiililIk-imtidil Glai-a L'xactiliie, and bits nf oilii*i

linrRHlnsln ('hlmi, HIhsl clc. J>l uvry *L f ‘i u> tl Nil: Tea rk'($. U.yft to fiO ; Toilet St-ls, |l.7 > tn Ijh ; Gubli'Ui, Wc. to llH : Tumblen, Sic. to A'* do*.; Ice (’ ri'ain. Berry ami Wai0T Ih;Iv Rif', lo |10, Htrtrlawi aoirtlJi; Knilt Jars, Jelly iHass, clc. Uiweat prlcefi at l.awnMiM‘a Cbiua Bioru, cii to 6IH Broud Ktrect.


B(>th Bezea. NIneieeiKh Year. A Khonl keenly alive to the demands of the tlraw. Ail biiDcnc* taught trytnnasimii, military (raid* Ilia, pxerlkul samtatiim. batb-roo[na*^v$ry* thliiKton...............- ^ ------ .

noth inglo 4juli-kly Cl

boarwnwK. Wnuen by U n, M. J. 'c^GW^

Thrr^ laEt-loclrle oil to uli-k.......... -luenBurrDaki St Joaeph Co.. MlCh.

like D r. Tliomaa'acure a cnld or reUeve

tAtaini.k nK<i > weaoia, eiee.u'ewui^ vev*/IbliiK tondtug lo the moral, mental anil nhyil- oftl development of the etudent, wUh the charm* of a bomelikoBfe.


Wall Papers and Window ShadesEtch Designs Low Price*, at

MORRIS COHN’S,Oor. Broad and Fair Stroetfc

For l>r«Tljrtive iiaialuime apply to KEV. JOHN aRERNR, Hlghtstowo, N. J.,

or HON. Te B. FKDDIK, Newark, ', N, J. »ig

aTAlNBD OLA88 BnaffTITUTfe, fbr onU M Db log Wiudowt, D oon and TraaaoiWi

Brim d * o f glauk. ' F A lK n i lQ AMD lA L B O IO IIIM a i

At the moft decidwl bnrgainB ever aeon to Newark for Caali o r on P aym eni o f SS to SIO M onthly Cntil Paid (or. Upright and F<|tiArc ldan(« to l,et and Kent applied ou purchase. Also a large mtinbor o f JkK?ond- llapd luBtrument* at equally great bargalfH.

ttaal S a la t* anS Snantanca.


INSURANCE.ForeiKn Sight Drnfts Bireet

Euroiicen and OrienlBl xte&iiiAlilp agf tit.

800 Broad Street Room 11.Uo to Ban Franciaco, Cal.

- 1 owett ratH tn Sen Franrieco tad t il Ptclflo Cout polmt. Alao lo IlcaTcr, O iailii, 8k Peal, C-hlciRo, t.-inclaaitl tud 8 t lotUt. tn d lowitle t to til Ftr W etieri^ latt, tt

--------------i T id u t r o F F ic itIW Mktktl tti^ Newuk,

VetT to* Pricet tot Ihe Beat Workmawhlp,Feta of Teeth 17,00.enter end Oold Alloy, 00 oenta.OMk8pe<dilty.

o p n c B B o r n e - a i s o a . ■ . to siso f . i t .f e a b x v ’b tk



d'u r in O u g u s t

Drs. PuUin & Merritt,DENTISTS,

will mairnaln rO P l’ LAR PRICES on alt thuir work.

SETS OF TEETH$5. $7, AND $10.

G U glyoB, l ^ B E it n M o d f m t t t t r 9 H Uout i-tln,

Cor.Broad Stand Central Ar.

DR J. C. HANKS,Dentist,