Phillips Genealogies - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Phillips Genealogies - Forgotten Books





















U 1 ) 1 8 8 5J )





P R E S S O FC H A S . H AM I L T O N ,

W O R C E S T E R ,

MA S S .

,. o o o


A popular historian has said that the study of history sets

before us striking examples of Virtue , enterprise , courage ,

generosity ,patriotism ; and , by a natural principle of emula

tion , incites us to copy such noble examples .

” We , of the

present generation , know but little of the trials , fatigues ,hardships , fears and anxieties , which our fathers and mothers

of early New England day s experienced and will ingly endured ,


they might establish a government and found a nation ,

where the privileges of civil and re ligious liberty , and the

benefits of general education , should be the blessed inheritance

of their posterity for all time .

Having been accustomed to the even temperature and mild

winters of the British Isles , the abrupt change of location , wi th

unavoidable exposure to the harsher Climate and rigorous win

ters of New England , caused many of the delicate ones amongthe first settlers to waste rapidly away with consumption or

other unlocked-for diseases , While even the most vigorous of the

first one or two generations after immigration , being subjectedto the unceasing toil and the perils incident to early settle

ments , rarely attained the age of three-score and ten . But they

looked bey ond the present with the affairs that concerned them

selves on ly and comprehended the possibilities of the f ar

distant future , and with laudable self-sacrifice and persi stentefforts amidst harassing discouragements , made such provISIOn

for the well-being of their descendants as their opportunitiesafforded . It was evidently a chief desire and great aim with

them so to establish in the lives of those comm itted to their

care , principles of piety , moral ity and Virtue , and habits of‘ industry , mental culture and economy , that they in their turn ,

and each succeeding generation , should , in the words of the


Psalmist , make them known to their children ; that the

generation to come might know them , even the children which

should be born , who should arise and declare them' to their

chi ldren .

When it seemed certain that they were securing the germs

of the blessings they had so fondly sought , they were sorelyembarrassed by having their precious liberties curtailed , and

were suddenly deprived of the privilege of having rulers oftheir own election , and obliged to submit to the arbitrary dictation of governors appointed from bey ond the sea . Their bestmen were often demanded as soldiers , and required to takelong and perilous marches through the unknown wilds of theforest , and were exposed to the dangers of camp and battle

field in distant parts of the land , in order to carry on wars for

the crown of England ; and then , as if this were not enough ,

they were burdened with taxes to defray the expenses of those

wars . They were often in terror of midnight attacks , when

their homes were liable to be reduced to ashes , and they or

their families slaughtered by a foe more wily and treacherousin his nature , more cruel and unrelenting in his hate , than any

previously known in history . They were obliged to work

early and late with but little diversion , in order to wrest from

a stern and uny ielding soil , the products necessary for the

comfortable maintenance of their several households ; the num

bers of whose members as compared with the size of some of

the families -

of modern civilization , could our hardy ancestors

be permitted to see the startling change , might well cause them

to blush for their posterity and feel alarm for the future

existence of their race . They would have Spurned the prae

tices followed by modern voluptuaries in the pursuit of ease

and pleasure . Constant bearing of life’

s heavy burdens , expe

rience of try ing hardships and the practice of sturdy virtues ,enabled them to build the foundations of a race whose charac

teristics of energy , perseverance and general progress , have

excited the admiration of the world . Although occasional personal misdemeanors and a few publ ic acts , which might be

c ited , Show that we must not extravagantly claim for all of


them unexceptionable purity and integrity , or that as a bodythey alway s acted wisely and justly ; y et , considering the state

of society in England prior to their emigration , and the injus

tice and abuse to which they and their ancestors had in some

cases been subjected , we can but be surprised that high moral

principles were so generally exemplified in their l ives , and thattheir public decrees toward those whom they regarded as

propagators of error were so seldomcharacterized by vindio

tiveness . A s well do the deeds of piety , patriotism and benevo

lence which they actually performed , as the rigid self-denials

which they practised and the c rushing hardships which theypatiently endured , entitle them to our admiration . In seasonsof danger to_ the body politic they voluntarily and promptlyoffered their time and services to relieve the community from

the threatened perils . And taking a later and less general

View , subsequent to the first century of settlement , after per

sistent industry united with manly energy and judicious man

agement had won the smile of Providence in the accumulationof ample fortunes , we s ee , in several instances , a large propor

tion of those fortunes y ielded up and benevolently and piouslycontributed for the promotion of . education , morality and

religion . It is a sacred,duty that we , especially as their

descendants , owe to such noble men and women as these , to

preserve carefully the memory of their lives , that their posterityto the remotest generation , being incited by the natural

principle of emulation ,

”may be led to copy such noble

examples .

PHILLIPS , a name spelled in a variety of forms , is ofancient and classical origin , being derived from the GreekPhi los-t p os , or horse lover . In Wales and Other parts of

Great Britain its use as a surname has continued for a longperiod , evidently for

‘five hundred y ears , and perhaps much

longer. It is said that “ Phil l ipse”is We lsh and that

Philips is from Worcestershire . It is stated by goodauthority that the Watertown family of this name were of thePhilips ” of Worcestershire . Some are positive that al l the


English families of this name had their origin from Wales and

subsequently spread over Great Britain . Several dif ferentway s have been employ ed in spelling , as Phillips , Philips ,Phill ipse , Philipps and others , some of them so peculiar as

hardly to be recognized as hav ing a common origin .

Families and individuals of this name began to emigrate

from the Old World at a very early date in the history of_this

country ,as early as 1 630 , and some a little earlier , and locate

at different points near the s ea-coast , but more especially In

New England . From that time to the present they have con

tinued to multiply and spread , by natural causes and by em i

gration , until now they are to be found in every State fromMaine to California ; and those in this country who spell their

name by the more common form of Phillips , are numbered bythousands .

It is now exceedingly d ifii cult to establish the relation which

existed between many of these earlier Phillipses or to trace out

satisfactorily the several lines of their descendants . Of thefamily of Rev . George Phillips O f Watertown ,

Mass . , there

have been at least ten generations . There may be some now

of the eleventh ,but if so , no notice of them has come to the

writer . None of the first five generation s are now living .

The last one , probably ,of the fifth generation died in 1 865 at

the great age of nearly 105 y ears . There are five divisions of

this family so marked by long continued residence in particular

local ities that they m ight well be designated as distinctive

branches . These are the ANDOVE R BRANCH , from Rev . SamuelPhillips who located in that town in 1 7 1 1 ; the BOSTON

BRANCH ,from Hon . John Phillips who went there to live

about 1 7 18 ; the BROOKHAVEN BRANCH , from Rev . Geo .

Phillips who located in Brookhaven ,Long Island , 1 69 7 ; the

MARRLEHEAD AND SALEM BRANCH ,from Jonathan Phill ips who

removed from Watertown to Marblehead about 1 7 1 9 ; the

OXFORD BRANCH ,from Joseph Phill ips who went there from

Watertown not far from 1 725 . It will perhaps be noticed

that the Christian name Samuel occurs in nearly e very genera

tion o f the Andover branch ; while in the Oxford branch there


is an almost entire absence of either of the names Samuel , Sarahor William . Some members of each of these branches m ighthave been found living in or near the several towns fromwhich the respective branches take their names , at any time

duri ng the last one hundred and fifty to two hundred y ears .

Some of the earliest progenitors of the Nel ngland fam iliesof this name of which the line of descent has not been fullytraced appear to have been the following

Nicholas Phillips (Deacon) of Weymouth , 1 640 , seems to

have had a large fam ily , and a large number of the name at the

present day / are doubtless his descendants . The recurrence of

such names as Joshua , Richard , , Benja1n in , Caleb and Experience , goes to Show that one branch of his fam ily removed to


the vicinity of‘ D ighton , Mass .

,at an early day . Some who

have given the subject attention are of the opinion that part of

thoseof the name in the early history of Rhode Island were hisdescendants .

John Phillips was of Duxbury and Marshfield , 1 638 to 1 677

or later and probably had a large number of descendants but

the statement on page 1 23 that his family appears ,to include

those given under Nos . 70 to 89 is found to be incorrect so far

as it relates to Capt .

‘John Phillips of Easton , page 135 , who

came probably from Weymouth prior to the y ear 1 700 , and

whose apparent age would place his birth not far from the y ear

1 670 , giving so much ground for believing that he may have

been the son , born June 2 1 , 1 669 , of Nicholas Phillips ofWeymouth , page 1 92 .

John Phillips (COL) of Charlestown , about 1 655 , had a large

family and numerous descendants .

William Phillips of Boston ,1 640 , had descendants living

about one hundred y ears later .

Henry Phillips of Boston ,1 640 , afterwards of Dedham ,

had descendants in the vicinity of Boston more than one hun

dred y ears later and appears to havehad a numerous progeny .


James Phillips of Taunton , son , probably , ofWilliam , 1 643 ,

of same place , had children born from 1 661 to 1 675 .

Andrew Phillips of, or near , Charlestown , married prior to1 659 , had descendants living more than Sixty y ears later . Arecurrence of several names would lead to the conclusion that

he was the ancestor of Ebenezer Phillips of Southboro , page 97 ,whose origin is involved in my stery , but nothing as y et found

goes to prove the connection .

At the time of commencing this work , in 1877 , it was the

purpose of the compiler to include only the descendants of

Joseph Phillips of Oxford , Mass . , a grandson of Rev . George

Phillips of Watertown ; and it was only a f ew weeks before

going to press that it was“decided to include all that is

embraced in these pages . But in the collection of material for

completing the original design , considerable amount of recordsand interesting items of history of other families or branches of

this name came into the possession of the compiler , and he was

led to take in historical matter of families of the name appa

rently not connected with the Watertown family . Had it been

known at the beginning how much was to be included , a

still more extended research would have been made in somedirections , and the arrangement m ight have been somewhat

diff erent .

That the genealogies given in this work are al l correct can

hardly be expected . Dif ferent individuals , in giving their

recitals of the same event , sometimes make statements‘


variance with each other ; sometimes they give different dates

for the same event , and frequently the town records diff er from

those kept in families . These differences have at times made

it a d ifficult matter for the compiler to decide which was to be

received and which rejected ; but in cases of doubt he has taken

particular pains to arrive at what appeared to be strict truth .

In some cases of a d isagreement in dates , both dates are given .

The transcriptions have a ll been carefully reviewed , and it is

believed that each name and date , except a few in which errors


were apparent , is given exactly as furnished to the compiler .

Some of the incidents related are from oral statements by

elderly but well-informed persons , some of whom long Since

passed away . Many have manifested a


deep interest in the

work , and kindly furnished whatever , in their possession , was

likely to aid in its preparation . On the other hand , largenumbers showed no interest at al l ; and of the many hundreds

to whom inquiriesWere sent out , soliciting records and otherhistorical information , not one half ever gave a response . Thiswill account in some measure for

the want of completeness inportions of the genealogies .

The writer takes pleasure in extending his Sincere thanks toall who have kindly contributed genealogical matter for thesepages . The number is SO great that want of space forbids themention of each by name . In the necessary correspondence a

sort of letter acquaintance has been created , which , to say the

least , will leave pleasant memories , and in some cases it is

trusted has ripened into permanent friendship . Some have

rendered Special assistance in various way s and it would hardlybe proper to close without giving them more than a general

Early and liberal subscriptions from Daniel Phillips of

Hartford , Conn . , and Walter P . Phillips of New York Citywithout which this book could not have appeared in its presentattractive form , entitle them to grateful acknowledgments .

For some of the principal sketches acknowledgments are due

to Mrs . E . W . Clark , Westboro , Mass . , Mrs . J . H . Westgate ,

Malden , Mass . , Mrs . Geo . B . Eaton , Jersey City, N . JIsrael Phillips , Greenfield , Mass . , Dea . Charles C . Phillips ,Greenfield , Abner S . Phillips , Bondville , Vt . , Joseph Christie ,Phi ladelphia , Penn . , Geo . Bassett , A shfield , Mass . , Nelson

Phillips , Black River, N Y . , Nathan P . Dodge , Council Bluf fs ,Ia .

, and Miss E . M . Phillips , late of Medway , Mass . ; also

to the authors and publishers of numerous publications from

which miscellaneous extracts have been frequently taken .

Perhaps the greatest amount of material drawn from any




one work is from Dr. Henry Bond’s Genealogies and His

tory ofWatertown , a work of great value , 111 which a large

number of New England families may trace their pedigree .

The descendants of Rev . Samuel Phillips of Rowley , 1 651 ,

are given in the following pages mainly as found in that

work . It will be seen that the New England Historical and

Genealogical Register , a work which no writer of genealogies

Should be without , has contributed a great number of items ,

some of them quite essential in making out the proper connec

tions . Obligations are gladly acknowledged to the f ew who

have generously agreed to insert portraits of themselves or

friends at their own expense . Grateful acknowledgments are

due to Mr . E . M . Barton , the cordial and communicative librarian of the American Antiquarian Society , for his h elpful sug

gestions and of t-repeated permission to examine the books of

the library . The printing has been executed at the press of

Charles Hamilton , and the neat and symmetrical arrangement of

the ty pographical work is due to the watchful oversight of Mr.

Benjamin J . Dodge , a printer of long experience , the present

results of which well meet our anticipations . The lithoty peportraits are from the works of the Lithoty pe Printing Co . ,

Gardner , Mass . , and many thanks are due to their faithful anda ffable agent , Mr . Frank Lawrence of Worcester , for his

repeated and patient efforts under all circumstances , sometimes

perplexing , to secure unexceptionally satisfactory work . For

the steel engraving of Hon . Samuel Phillips thanks are due toMr. Geo . P . Smith of Boston , agent of the Congregational

Publishing Society , for permission to use the plate in their

possession . The autographs are printed from the neatly and

faithfully executed work of Messrs . Ky es Woodbury of


The following arrangement is by families and sub-families

rather than by generations , though the number of the genera

tion is Shown by the Roman letters at the left . Each Specialfam ily is numbered at the head , and for convenience in refer

ence , these numbers are continuous through the book . The


name of each family head is printed in bold ty pe , and when the

children of any married daughters are included , their surnames

are given in Italics . The fragmentary records at the close of

the book are given in the hOpe that they may assist some in

retracing their family line , and enable them to make the proper

connection with other branches . The abbreviations most used

are , b . for born , bap . baptized , d . died , In . married , dau .

daughter, ch . child or children , res . residence .

The number of names in the f ollowing genealogies is upwards

of three thousand .

Whatever the defects of this work , and the compiler is aware

of many , he trusts that he has preserved a f ew interesting , and

perhaps not altogether unimportant , historical items , as well as

some links in the chain of genealogical succession which might

otherwise have been lost . There ’

is still a wide field for genealogical research among the families of this name . To aid and

encourage any who may be willing to correct errors or supplyomissions which come to their notice , and to the end that

correct and more complete genealogies of the'

several families

of this name may be produced at some future time , a copy of

this work with a large number of blank pages interleaved will

be deposited in the rooms of the New England Historic Genea

logical Society , Boston , Mass . , and letters of correction for

warded to that address will receive proper attention . It is

hoped that al l who can will avail themselves of this opportunityto assist in producing , as nearly as it can be done , perfectlycorrect and complete genealogies .

The compiler cannot expect to regain pecuniary remunera

tion for his labors , his experience being somewhat Similar to

that of other genealogists who have asserted at the close , thathad they known the amount of labor involved they never wouldhave attempted the task ; but if what is here given shall onlycause those of the name into whose hands it may come to pre

serve carefully al l items of family history and lead SOme one in

each of the main branches of the name , parts of which are to


be found in this book , to work out a complete genealogy of

his own branch , one great object of its production will havebeen accomplished ; and the labor will not have been lost if anyare led to emulate the benevolence , the devotion to duty , the

patriotism or the piety of the worthy examples found recorded

on the following pages .


A uburn , Worcester Co. , Mass .

Sep t. 2 2 , 1 885 .















THE KITTERY , ME . , FAMILY . Nos . 103 , 104







P O R T R A I T S .









G. M . DODGE .


Page 68, 25th line , Juno should read Junia.

Pag e 78, at top , No. 37 ” should read No. 36 .

Page 88, at top, No. 25 ” should read No. 43 .

Page 92 , 24th line , Farms”should read Farm .

Pag e 98, f oot note , 18th line from bottom , 1685 ” Should read 1683.

Pag e 152 , at top , No. 96” Should read No. 95.

to f ace Title-page

to f ace page

to f acepage

to f ace page

to f ace page

to f acepage

to f acepage



5 1

7 1



to f ace page 1 16

to f ace page 151


Winthrop *and Sir Richard Saltonstall , and arrived at Salem ,

June 1 2th . Here his wife soon died and was buried by the side

of Lady Arbel la Johnson , both , ev idently , being unable to

endure the hardship and exposure incident to a tedious ocean

voy age . THe soon located in Watertown , and without delay was settled

over the church in that place which was called together in July .

A t the Court of Assistants , Aug . 23 , 1 630 , it was“ ordered

that Mr . Phillips shall have allowed him 3 hogsheads of meale , 1

hogsh of malte , 4 bushel ls of Indean corn , 1 bushell of oat

meale , halfe an hundred of salte fish .

” Another statement from

the same source say s ,“Mr. Phillips hath 30 ac of land graunted

him vpp Charles Ry ver on the South side ”: His first resi

dence was burnt before the close of the y ear . There is a

tradition that his later residence is still standing“ opposite the

ancient burial ground , back from the road .

He continued to be the pastor of this church , greatly respected

and beloved , till his death fourteen y ears after his arrival . He

died at the age of about fifty -one y ears , July 1 , and was buriedJuly 2 , 1 644 . He was the earliest advocate of the Congrega

tional order and discipline . His v iews were for a time regarded

as novel , suspicious and extreme , and he , with his ruling elder ,Mr. Richard Brown , stood almost unaided and alone , until the

arrival of Mr . John Cotton , in family maintaining what was and

Bef ore the final embarkation which had been considerably delayed , Gov. WinthrOp says , in a letter to h is son , John W inthrop“From aboard the A rbella , riding bef ore Yarmouth , A

pril ,5 , 1630.

Yesterday we kept a f ast aboard our sh ip and i n the Ta bot. Mr. Phillips exercisedw ith us the whole d ay , and gave very good content to all the company , as he doth In

a l l h is exercises , so as we have much cause to bless God 10 1 h im .

i It cannot be thought egotistical f or one who does not ti ace his origin to th is Mrs .

Phill ips , to say that there is new l ittle or noth ing f rom which to f orm an op inion of

her except the l ives and characters of her noble descendants ; and judging f rom these ,it is reasonable toconclude that she was a woman of high soc ial stand ing, lof ty moralvirtue and strong intellect .I fila ss . Record s , Vol . 1 , pp . 102 , 780 .

This o ld house whose sol id oaken f rame is said to have been brought over by SirR . Saltonstall , has a projecting second story , partly concealed by a modern p iazza ,and stands well back f rom the street. Externally there is noth ing to indicate greatage , but its interior retains many marks o f antiquity . It f ormerly had three porticos,wh ich have been removed f rom its f ront , and a steep roo f which has given place toone o f much less a ltilude .

— H ist. of M idd lesex County , 450. S . A . Drake.


still is , the Congregationalism of New England . It is not now

easy to estimate the extent and importance of the influenceof Mr . Phillips in giving form and character to the civil and

ecclesiastical institutions of New England .

” His name appearsin the list of those who were adm itted freem en , May 18 , 1 631 ,

which is the earliest date of any such admission .

His inventory amounted to £550 2s . 9d ., a sum , allow ing

for the difference in commercial value between that time and

the presen t , equivalent , at least , to seven or eight thousand

dollars . His library was valued at £7 1_

9s . 9d .

He married ( 1 st) a daughter of Richard Sargent . He

married ( 2d ) E l izabeth probably a widow of Capt .

Robert Welden . She died in Watertown , June 2 7 , 1 681 . In

speaking of his descendants , the writer quoted at the beginningof this record say s

“ In Brechin Hall at Andover , the library of the theologicalschool , in the great halls of the academ ics at Andover and

Exeter , and In Memorial Hall at Harvard College , one may see

hanging upon the walls portraits of one and another man and

woman of this family , which belongsamong the untitled nobilityof New England , representing the best element of life there

not that which alway s dwells in the brightest glare of publicity ,

but that which directs and Shapes the current of public Opinion .

Children (by first marriage)1 . SAMUEL , b . 1 6 25 ; of Rowley . (No .

2 . ELIZABETH , b . in England ; m . prev ious to May 1 7 , 1 65 1 , JOB

B ISHOP . of Ipswich .

(By second marriage)3 . ZEROBABEL , b . April 6 , 1 632 went to Long Island , and settled

at South Hampton as early as 1 663 ; was l iving in April ,1 682 . He II] . ANN WHITE .

JONATHAN , b . Nov. 1 6 , 1 633 . (No .

THEOPHILUS, b . May 28 , 1 636 .

ANNABEL , b . Dec . , 1 637 ; d . Apri l , 1 638 .

EPHRAIM , b . June , 1 640 or 1 64 1 d . soOn .

OBAD IAH ; d . very young .

ABIGAIL ; m . Oct . 8 , 1 666 , JAMES BARNARD ; d . in Sudbury ,Sept , 1 672 . No ch .


N o. 2 .

(IL) Rev . Sam ue l Phill ips (son of George , ofWater

town : No . was born in England , 1 625 , probably at Box

stead , in the County of Suff olk ; grad . at Harv . Ce l l 1 650 ;

settled in Rowley in 1 651 , as colleague of Rev . Ezekiel Rogers .

He was highly esteemed for his piety and talents , which were

of no common order , and he was eminently useful , both at

home and abroad .

” He married in Oct . , 1 651 , Sarah A pp leton ,

born in Rey don , Eng . , 1 629 , dau . of Samuel Appleton .

He died Apr . ,22 , 1 696 ,

“greatly beloved and lamented ,


his widow died July 1 5 , 1 7 1 4 . Her funeral sermon was

preached by her grandson , Rev . Samuel Phillips of SouthAndover , in which he say s , She was an early seeker of God‘


and spent much of her time daily in reading the word and in

pray er. She took care of her children ’

s souls .

She was alway s humble and penitent , and as she lived , so She

died , depending on Christ for righteousness and salvation .

Their remains repose in the ancient bury ing—ground at Rowley .

Some of their descendants have been among the most distin

guished o f New England people for their intellectual talents ,piety , benevolence and public serv ices . There have been seven

Samuels in this line in d irect succession , with the exception of

a John between the fifth and Sixth , and al l Since the first twowere residents or natives o f Andover . The seventh and last

was recently cashier o f the Maverick Nat . Bank , Boston .

Child ren

1 . SAMUEL , b . Mar. , 1 654 ; (1. young .

2 . SARAH , b . Feb . 7 , 1 656 ; m . STEPHEN MIGIIILL , b . 165 1 , son

o f Thomas and E l len M ighill o f Rowley . Ch

1 and 2 ; daus .

A care f ully arranged ancestral table of Jonas Phill ips l ‘ lnen ix of New York ,gives the f ollow ing : William Appleton , o f Little Wald ingfield , Co . Suffolk , Eng . ,

descended f rom John Appleton , o f same. place , who ( 1. 1436 . He 111 . Rose Sexton ,

d au . o f Robert. and Agnes (Jermyn) Sexton , o i’ Lavenham , Co . Sufl

olk , Eng . Thomas

Appleton ,o f Little Wa ld ingfie ld ,

son o f Wm . and Rose , emigrated to New England ,1685. I l ls son , Samuel Appleton o f Ipsw ich , Mass . , b . in Eng . , 1586 , came to New

Eng . w ith w if e and eh . , 1635 , rep. in Gen . Court , ( 1. at Rowley . June , 1670 , in thehouse o f his d au. Sarah Ph illips . . He mar. at Preston , Eng . , Jan . JudithEverard . h . in Eng . I l ls dau. Sarah m . Rev. Samuel Phillips , above .


3 . Nathanie l Mighil l , b . 1 684 ; In . Prisci lla Pearson . Ch .

1 . S teph en Mighi l l , b . 1707 .

Ezek iel M ighi ll , b . 17 10 .

Nathaniel Mighi l l , b . 17 15 .

Thomas Mtghi ll , b . 1722 .

Jerem iah Mighi l l , b . 1724 . And 5 daus .

SAMUEL , b . Mai . 23 , 1 657—8 ; of Salem . (NC .

GEORGE , b . Nov . 23 , 1 659 ; d . Jan . 18 , 1 662 .

ELIZABETH , b . Nov. 1 6 , 166 1 ; d . June ,‘

1 662 .

EZEKIEL , b . Feb . , 1662 ; d . Mar. 1 , 1 662—3 .

GEORGE , b . June 1 664 , of‘Brookhaven , L . I .

ELIZABETH , b . A ug . 2 , 1665 ; m . Nov . 7 , 1 683 , Rev . EDWARDPAYSON , b . June 20 , 1 657 , son o f Edward and Mary (El l iot)Payson o f Roxbury ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 1 677 ; o f Rowley ;settled as col league o f Mr. Phill ips , Oct . 25 , 1 682 . She d .

1 724 . He (1 . A ug . 2 2 , 1 732 . Gh . z twenty , of whom ten

survived him and three , not named , d . in in f ancy

Elizabeth Payton , b . 1684 .

Sarah Payson , b . 1686 .

Mary Payson; b . 1687 m . Joseph Jewett , jr.

Eliphale t Pay sou, b . 1689 .

Meh itab el Pay son , b . 169 1 ; m . Humphrey Hobson .

Samuel Payson , b . 1693 ; grad . H arv. Coll . 17 16 ; d . 1768 .

Edward Payson , b . 1694 .

Elizabeth Payson , b 169 7 ; m . Ezekiel Northend .

Hannah Payson , b . 1698 .

Elliot Payson , b . 1700 ; m . Mary Todd ; 5 sons and 2 daus .

1 1 . S teph en Pay son ,b . 170 1 .

12 . Sarah Pa t/ grin . b . 1702 .

13. Jonathan Payson , b . 1703 .

14 . David Payson , b . 1705 .

15 . Ph illips Payson , b . 1707 ; d . same year.16 . Sarah Payson , b . 1709 .

17 . Susannah Payson ,b . 17 12 ; m . James H ibbert .

DORCAS, b . 1 66 7 ; d . young .

MARY , b . Feb . , 1 667—8 ; (l r i l fig I.

JOHN , b . Oct . 23 , 16 70 ; d . Nov . 23 , same y eai .n o







N o.3 .

(III .) Samue l Ph il l ips (son of Samuel and Sarah : NO .

was born March 23 , 1 657— 8 , and removed to Salem , where

he followed the occupation of goldsmith , and died Oct . 13 ,

1 722 , aged 65 . He married ( l st) May 26 , 1 687 , Mary


Em erson ,dau . of Rev . John and Ruth (Symonds) Emerson

of Gloucester , and gr . dau . of Dep . Gov . Samuel Symonds ofIpswich . She died Oct . 4 , 1 703 , aged 42 . He married (2d)1 704 , M rs . Sarah (Pickm an )M ay fie ld .


Children , al l by

first marriage except the 8th

1 . PATIENCE ; d . very young .

2 . SAMUEL , b . Feb . 1 7 , 1 689— 90 ; of Andover. (No .

3 . SARAH , b . Jan . 28 , 1 69 1—2 m . WILLIAM WHITE of Haverhil l .4 . MARY, b . A ug . 5 , 1 694 ; d . Oct. 5 , 1 785 , aged 9 1 ; m. Capt .

GEORGE ABBOT of Andover.

5 . RUTH , b . Sept . 4 , 169 6 ; m . SAMUEL WHITE of Haverhil l .6 . ELIZABETH , b . Mar . 5 , 1 698— 9 ; (1. Aug . 7 , 1 700 .

7 . JOHN , b . June 2 2 , 1 701 ; of Boston . (NO .

8 . PATIENCE , b . A ug . 8 , 1 706 ; 111 . Rev . DAVID JEWETT .

N O . 4 .

(IV .) Rev . Samue l Ph il l ips ( son of Samuel and MaryNo . born Feb . 1 7 , 1 689— 90 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1 708 . He

was the m in ister of the church at the South Parish , the preSent

Old South Church , Andover , for Sixty y ears , where he com

menced to preach in 1 7 10 ,and was ordained Oct . 1 7 , 1 7 1 1 , the

same day the church was organ ized . Here he continued till his

death , June 5 , 1 77 1 .

“ In his indiv iduality , simplicity , decis

ion , energy , strength , and pristine hardiness of character , he

abated nothing from the spirit of his worthy ancestors . He

was , l ike them , also a model o f industry ,and frugality , and

resolute self-restra int , and order in al l that he d id . His

portra it bespeaks a man of authority , born to command , and

knowing his birthright ; and such was he in an em inent degree ,a consc ious and acknowledged leader where ver he was known .

TMe 111 . Jan . 1 7 , 1 7 1 1— 1 2 , Hann ah W hite ,

dau . of JohnWVhitc . his-1p ,

o f Il ave rhil l , deacon o f the church: and captain ofthe company in th at town . i t was her practice to accompanyhe r husb and o n his parishional calls , at which time he rode on

i l is portra it may be seen in Bond’s Genealogies o f Watertown .

f Memoir o rJudge Phill ips , p . 7.


horseback , with his wife seated on a pillion behind him . She d .

Jan . 7 , 1 773 .


1 . MARY , b . Nov . 30 , 1 7 1 2 ; 111 . Oct . 1 2 , 1 736 , SAMUEL APPLETONof Haverhil l .

2 . SAMUEL , b . Feb . (No .

3 . LYD IA , b . June m . May Dr. PARKER CLARKof Newbury ( 0 1° Andover). She

1 . Hannah Clark , b . Apri l\

2, 1743 ; m . July 23 , 1 767 , Dr. Edward

Russell of North Yarmouth , Me ., and h ad one chi ld .

2 . Lydia Clark , b . Aug . 1 6 , 1 744 .

3 . Elizabeth Clark, b . Aug . 18 , 1746 .

4 . Parker Clark, b . Apr. 3 , 1 748 .

4 . JOHN , b . Dec . 27 , 1 71 9 of Exeter, N . H . (No .

5 . W ILLIAM , b . July of Boston . (No .

N o . 5 .

(V .) H on . Samue l Ph il l ips ( son of Samuel and Han

nah : No . 4 was born Feb . 13 , 1 7 15 ; grad . Harv'

Coll . , 1 734 ;was engaged for some time in teaching a grammar school , buthe had a natural taste and rare fitness for mercantile and other

business pursuits , into which he soon entered with zeal and a

determination to succeed . His natural sagacity and deep fore

sight , strengthened by a long and varied experience in d iff erentdepartments of ! business life , gave him confidence and insured

the success which enabled him in after life to perform the acts

that have caused his name to be associated with works of useful

ness and beneficence . He was extensively engaged in the

manufacture of gunpowder at the time of the Revolution , and

for this he erected an expensive mill , which in 1 7 78 was de

stroy ed by an explosion in which there was a loss of life of threepersons .

“ In 1 788 , he built a paper-mill , which was carried

on by Phillips and Houghton . He was often the representative

of Andover , and member of the Executive Council before theRevolution , and in the Revolution was a staunch whig ; was

many y ears a civil magistrate , discharging the duties thereof

with the most exemplary fidelity . Such were the sternness and

precision of his manners , alway s frown ing on vice and disorder ,


that they d id not contribute to his popularity . Early habits ofexactness and economy enabled him to accumulate a large

estate , much of which he appropriated to the public

The crowning act of his life , that which more than anythingelse causes his memory to be held in grateful and perpetual

remembrance , that which makes hundreds of professional , andothe r learned men his beneficiaries , was the part he performed

as founder of the Academy at Andover. In this , however , heacted in connection with his brother, Hon . John Phillips ofExeter, N . H . , afterwards sole founder of Phillips ExeterAcademy , to whom is perhaps due an equal share of the honor ,and at the suggestion of his son Samuel , known as Judge Phillips ,to whom is to be accredited the further honor, that he conceived

the original design , worked out the plan ,and drew up the con

stitution . The School was established April 1 , 1 7 78 , the twobrothers having given for the purpose one hundred and forty -oneacres of land in Andover , two hundred acres in Jaff rey , N . H . ,

and five thousand dollars in money . The lands they directed

to be let out on proper terms , the money to be put on interest

on good security , and the profits to be forever appropriated and

expended for the support of a public free school or academy ,

in the South Parish of The school was opened

with twenty scholars , on the 28th of April , 1 778 , in a j oiner’s

shOp ,purchased from the funds subscribed ; and thus , Phillips

Academy ,known at first as Phillips School , had a practical

beginning . In speaking of the relations of these three men to

the two academ ies , a writer before quoted say s 1“ The three men— and the older ones especially were men of

sound judgment , who moved cautiously , and were not led away

by any bl ind enthusiasm — together planned the enterprise ,determ ined the locality , and took the necessary steps to bringthe school into active existence . The comb ined gifts of these andother members o f the Phillips family for the endowment of the

academy amounted , in round numbers , to one hundred thousand

Genealogies o f \Vatertown.

f Lawrence American , June 7 , 1878.

IHarper’s Magazine, Vol . 65 , p . 564.


generations . The store carried on by Mr . Phillips in that placewas opened in a part of the same house occupied by the fam ily .

He died Aug . 2 1 , 1 790 , aged 75 . She died Nov . 29 , 1 789 ,

aged 7 1 .

“ Her letters are very interesting ,and show her to

have been a woman of great piety and strong religious views .

Their epitaph contains the following words : This pair werefriends to order in the Family , Church and Commonwealth ;Examples of Industry and Economy , and patron s of learmng

and religion . Children of whom it will be seen that on ly one

out of the seven survived them

THEODORE , b . May 2 , 1 739 ; d . Jan . 25 , 1 740 .

HANNAH, b . Jan . 20 , 1 742 ; d . June 1 5 1 764 .

SAMUEL , b . Nov . 6 , 1 743 ; d . Dec . 24 , 1 744 .

THEODORE , b . Sept . 6 , 1 745 ; d . Dec . 1,1 758 .

ELIZABETH , b . Oct . 3 1 , 1 747 ; d . June 24 , 1 748 .

SAMUEL , b . Feb . 7 , 1 750 . (No .

ELIZABETH , b . Oct . 18 , 1 755 ; d . Apr. 1 9 , 1 757 .Q






N o . 6 .

(V H on . John Ph il lips ( son of Samuel and HannahNo . was born Dec . 2 7 , 1 7 1 9 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1 735 . He

taught in public schools in Andover , Exeter and other places ,after which he had a private Latin School in Exeter . He fittedhimself for the m inistry ,

and received a call from the church in

Exeter , but for some reason relinquished al l plans for preachingand ente red extensively into mercantile life . He was a justiceof the peace , a trustee o f Dartmouth College for twenty y ears ,from which he rece ived the degree o f LL .D . in 1 777 ,


founded and endowed in that College , the Phill ips Professorshipo f He

“ was authorized to be , in some singular

cases , one o f the Judges of the Superior Court .

”In his business

he was em inently successful , and accumulated a large fortune ,a ll o f which he d evoted to be ne volent obj ects . He gave liberallyw ith his brothe r for the found ing o f Phill ips Ac ademy , Andover,in 1 7 78 . and in 1 789 , gave it the further sum o f twenty thousand

dolla rs . for the v irtuous and p ious education o f y ouths of


genius and serious disposition . He bequeathed , bv his last

will , one-third of al l the estate of which he died possessed ,“ for

the benefit more especially of charity scholars , such as may be

of excelling gen ius and good mora l character , preferring the

hopefully pious , and for the assistance of y ouths liberal ly ,edu

cated ,designed for the ministry , while study ing D ivinity under

the direction of some eminent Calvin istic Min ister of the Gospel ,until a professor of Divin ity , able , pious , and Orthodox , should

be supported in this Academy , or at Exeter , in New Hampshire ,

0 1° in both .

”It was this purpose of the founders , of securing ,

permanently , in struction in Theology , which led , about thirty

y ears later to the founding of the Andover Theological Seminary .

He was the founder of the Academy in Exeter . In 1 781 , he

“secured the incorporation of Phillips Exeter Academy from

the New Hampshire Legislature , giving to the school in life and

by bequest property amounting at the time to about sixty -five

thousand dollars , but npw , under admirable management , greatlyenhanced in value .

”In Speaking of his acts in connection with

this institution , a writer before quoted say s“ Phillips Exeter

Academy has its own history and characteristics quite independ

ent of Andover . It is almost wholly the child of Dr . JohnPhillips . Dr. Phillips was one of the trustees at Andoverfrom its first organ ization till his death , and for the last five y ears

of his life president of the board . His endowment of Exeter thuswas an act in generous emulation of his own beneficence . The

wise provision which he made for the support of the school , andthe care exercised by those in charge of the endowment , have

given to the Academy a wholesome independence , so that it

occupies to-day a position of self-reliance and integrity , havingfunds sufficient for its support irrespective of its receipts fromtuition fees . During the century which has nearly closed since

its incorporation it has had , unti l recently , but three principalsin succession . Dr . Benjamin Abbot , the former of these ,

graduated at Harvard in 1 788 , and immediate ly went to Exeteras principal . The choice of this man hints at one distinction

between Andover and Exeter . Dr. John Phillips , like his

brother and nephew , was a firm adherent to the old school of


New England orthodoxy . He was also a man of deep hum ilityand large-m indedness . He saw in Benjamin Abbot , an Exetery outh , the qualities which constituted a wise teacher , and he

chose him to the place , although their theo logical preferences

were at variance ,— Abbot belonging to the new schoo l which in

process of time became organized Unitarianism . To measureDr. Phillips

s liberality , one must needs place himself amonghis contemporaries , and not among

° his descendants . Not onlyd id Mr . Phillips make this appointment , but two of the trustees

originally chosen by himself, and three others chosen during hislifetime , held theological opinions opposite to his own .

The connection with Harvard Un iversity has alway s been a close

one , and no other school in the country , save the Boston Latin

Schoo l , has sent so large a number of students to Cambridge ,

while the standard of scholarship has been of the highest . The

largest proportion of boy s at Exeter has Harvard in view , and

the reputation for scholarship which Exeter enjoy s at Harvardhas been unbroken for nearly a century .

He married ( l st) M rs . Sarah (Em ery ) Gilm an ,dau .

of Rev . Mr . Emery , and widow of Nathaniel Gilman. He In .

( 2d) M rs . E lizabeth (Dennet) Ha le ,dau . of Hon . E .

Dennet of Portsmouth , N . H . , and widow of Dr . Hale . He

d ied Apr . 2 1 , 1 795 , aged 75 . No children .

N o. 7 .

(VI . ) H on , Samue l Ph il lips ( son of Samuel and

Elizabeth : No . commonly known as Judge Phill ips , wasborn Feb . 7 , 1 750 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1 77 1 ; a member of the

Prov incial Congress at Watertown , 1 7 75 ; Lieut .-Governor.

He was the only heir to a large estate ; but with a spirit of

hero ic self-sacrifice ,he preva iled on his father to d ivert the

property , which would legally fall to him ,to the found ing of the

Academy at Andover. And it is to this self-sacrificing spirit ,his benevolent heart , his desire to promote the education and

good morals o f the y outh in his community , and check the

growth o f v ice which he saw spread ing with the advance of


civilization , by the establishment , in his native town , of a per

manent school worthy of the Commonwealth in which he lived ,that the institution owes its existence . A long distance in

advance of the people of his day , his deep and far-seeing mind

conceived the original design , and he cautiously , deliberately and

wisely drafted the constitution , now in service for both this and

the Exeter Academy . This instrument , with its multitudinous

emendations,erasures , and additions , bears witness to the minute

care with which the founders sought to formulate the principles

of the schools . N0 one can read this paper without per

ceiving its weight and perspicuity . It was formerly , and perhaps

now is , read y early at the meetings of the board of trustees , anddrew from one member , who had sat on the board for forty

y ears , the remark that its language seemed to him more likeinspiration than any thing else except the Bible The

constitution ,while defin ing the courses o f study and d iscipline , the

duties of trustees and masters— not om itting to caution the trus

tees against extravagant entertainment at their y early dinner

lay s great emphasis on the conduct of the students , and the

means to be taken for education in morality and religion , declar

ing that‘above al l , it is expected that the master

s attention to

the disposition of the minds and morals of the y outh under his

charge will exceed every other care ; well considering that

though goodness without knowledge (as it respects others) is

weak and feeble , y et knowledge without goodness is dangerous ,and that both united form the noblest character, and lay the

surest foundation of usefulness to mankind .

’ i t

Samuel Phillips was an extraordinary man but it is difficultto give , at this day , a just expression of his character. The

religious and moral element in it were mixed so intimately , and

y et so unaf fectedly , with the business of the world and the habitsof active life , that he seemed to be a perfect embodiment of theChristian statesman , scholar, and philanthropist I have

never met , through my whole life , with an individual in whom

the spirit of christian ity and of good-will to mankind were so

naturally blended with an indomitable energy and enterprise in

Harper’s Magazine, Vol . 55, p . 564.


active life . He was a leader in the church , a leader in the State ;the y oung loved and l istened to him , the old consulted and

deferred to his advice In h is capacity for business ,there was , as it were , an universality or ubiquity . In the town ,

in the Senate , in the courts of justice , in committees of the legislature , as a referee in cases of great importance , in all other

associations or affairs of business , his influence was , as f ar as

was possible in respect of any one man , paramount . For twenty

y ears he was a member, and for fifteen y ears president , of theSenate of the State ,

at a period when Statesmen were not made

out of every sort of wood . He was judge of the Essex C ourt ofCommon Pleas , a member of every important committee , on

like occasions a referee , and , at the same time , owned and took

a general superintendence of two stores , one at Andover , anotherat Methuen , of a saw-mill , a grist

-mill , a paper-m ill , and a

powder-mill on the Shawshine , giving to each a sufficient and

appropriate share of his oversight ; with a spirit subdued by the

predominancy of the religious sentiment , he was as earnest ,

active and indefatigable in this multitude of his engagements , as

though this world was every thing .

” it

He was religious in study , in trade , in neighborly kindness ,in domestic life , in politics , in every ClV] l o ffice , and in his zealto promote learning , as well as in public worship or publ iccharities . It was emphatically a religious institution which he

was intent upon establishing a religious vitality which he soughtto breathe into al l education within its atmosphere . Thus116 was in tensely method ica l and caref ul . A ny one of his hundreds of manuscripts now extant , taken up at random , would bean illustration of this trait . He erased , he interlined , he changed

the collocation of words or paragraphs , he put in after-thoughtsand s ide-thoughts , in a common fam ily letter, with as much

pa instaking as in the draft of a State paper. In writing the mostfam il iar communications to his son or his wife , he would copy ,

or give an apology for not copy ing , as if he would not consentto do any thing which he was not anxious to do well ; and the

Extract f rom a letter written by Josiah Q uincy to Rev. John L. Taylor, datedBoston , Dec . 13 , 1855 , in Memo ir o f Judge Phill ips .


of Phillips A cademy it is difficult to separate them . They wereconsiderably associated with each other in the pursuits of life ,and in the accomplishment of the ir grand design they acted in

harmony . Two more useful and noble men , or more worthy ,

upright and high minded c itizens , from one family , never

honored , or were honored by , the Commonwealth in which theylived . He died Feb . 10 ,

1 802 , aged 52 . He married , July 6 ,1 773 , Ph ebe Foxcro f t , born Aug . 1 2 , 1 743 , dau. of Hon .

Francis Foxcrof t , of Cambridge . She died Oct . 7 , 181 2 , aged

69 . Children

1 . JOHN, b . Oct . 1 8 , 1 776 . (No .

2 . SAMUEL ; d . 1 796 .

N o. 8 .

(VII . ) Co l . John Ph il lips ( son o f Samuel and PhebeNo . born Oct .


18 , 1 7 76 .

“ Assistant in Phillips Academy .

t en Andover Theological Seminary was about to be

founded in 1 807 , he with his noble-minded , pious and benevolen tmother, engaged to build a large edifice for the accommodationof students . He was commander of an independent company ,

aid of Gov . Strong , and State Senator.

”He married Dec . 22 ,

1 798 , Ly dia Gorham ,dau . of Hon . Nathan iel Gorham , of

Charlestown . He d ied Sept . 10 , 1820 , aged 44 . His widowsurv ived him about forty y ears . Children

1 . PHEBE , b . Dec . 1 , 1 799 ; m . May 2 7 , 1824, Rev. JONATHAN

CLEMENT ; she d . Dec . , 1874, aged 75 . He was b . in Danvil le.Vt . , June grad . M idd lebury Col l . , 18 18 ; studiedTheology at Andover ; teacher in Phil l ips Acad . , 1820—30 ;

orda ined Oct . 13 , 1830 ; settled over the f ol lowing churches

Chester, N . H . , 1830—45 , Topsham, Me .. 1845—52 , Woodstock . Vt . , 1852— 6 7 ; preached in Quechee. Vt . , 1869— 74 ;

removed in 186 7 to Norwich , Vt . , l iv ing there 1880 ; D . D .

2 . SAMUEL , b . May’“8 , 180 1 ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 18 19 ; Law

School , 1825 ; (1. Jan . 2 1 , 1877 . He m . Oct. 23 , 1 827, SALLYSWETT , o f Box ford . Ch

1 . Samuel , b . in Andover, S ep t . 30 , 1828 ; cash ier f or several yearso f the Maverick Nat . Bank , Boston . Ch .

1 . Caro l ine S b . in Malden , Mass . , Aug . 17 , 1852 .

One says March 8.

9 .

10 .

1 1 .

1 2 .

13 .


2 . Sarah A ll en Whi te , b . in Salem , Oct . 27 1857

2 . Sarah Webb , b . Feb . 22, 1830 ; m . Oct 3 1 , 1859 , Henry A .

DeFrance o f Davenport ; d .

3 . Anne,Woodbury , b . Dec . 25 , 1832 ; unm 1878 .

4 . H elen !, b . June 5 , 1834 ; 1m . 1864 , Hami lton Wi llis .

REBECCA GORHAM , b . A ug . 1 9 , 1802 ; d . Feb . 6 , 1870 , unm .

LYD IA , b . Apr. 1 2 , 1804 ; l ived in Boston d . in Andover, Apr.

23 , 1874 ; II] . Oct . 15 , 1 850 , Dr. JOHN CALL DALTON (of LOWel l , grad . Harv . Col l . , 1814 , M . D . , 18 1 7 ; d . 1864 . No ch .

JOHN (twin), b . Apr. 1 2 , 1804 ; d . Oct . 2 2 , 1863 ; m . ( 1 st)Nov . 26 , 1 829 , SARAH A NN DORR of Roxbury ; m . (2d) Mar.

22 , 1851 , CAROLINE LITTLE of Newburyport ; In . (3d) ANNJANE GARDNER of Dorchester.

ELIZABETH BARNARD , b . Dec . 1 7 , 1805 ; m . June 30 , 1 839 ,

Judge WILLIAM STEVENS of Andover.

SARAH WHITWORTH , b . Feb . 18 , 1 807 .

MARY ANN , b . March 1 7 , 1808 ; m . Sept . 9 , 1833 , WILLIAMGRAY BROOKS, a merchant of Boston , son of Cotton Brownand Jane (Wil liams) Brooks* resided f or some time precedinghis death in the old 'Phill ips mansion at North Andover, Wherehe d . Jan . 6 , 1 879 , aged 73 . Ch

1 . Wi lliam Gray Brooks , b . July 2 , 1834 .

2 . Phi llips Brooks , b . Dec . 13 , 1835 : grad . Harv. Coll . , 1855 ;

distinguish ed clergyman of the Episcopalian denomination ,

and popular lecturer , of Boston . He is the presen t owner of

the Ph i ll ips homestead at North Andover.

George Brooks, b . Dec . 18 , 1838 .

Fre derick Brooks , b . Aug . 5 , 1842 .

Arthur Brooks , b . Jun e 1 1 , 1845 ; grad . Harv. Col l . , 1867 ;

Ep iscopalian clergyman ; ordained Jun e 25 , 1870 ; of Will iamsport , Pa .

, Chicago , Il l . , and New York , N . Y .

6 . John Cotton Brooks , b . Aug . 29 , 1849 ; grad . Harv. Coll . , 1872 ;Ep iscopalian clergym an ; ord . 1876 ; of Bristol , Pa. , Providenc e , R . I. , and Springfield , Mass .

SUSAN LOWELL , b . Mar. 5 , 1809 .

CAROLINE , b . A ug . 3 , 1 8 10 .

JULIA , b . Feb . 9 , 18 13 ; m . ISAAC THOMPKINS of Manchester ;

(1 . Mar. 6 , 1867 .

AMELIA (twin), b . Feb . 9 , 18 13 ; d . Sept . 15 , 1865 .

NATHANIEL GORHAM , b . June 24 , 18 1 6 .



Capt. Thomas Brooks,1 and w if e Grace , were of Watertown , 1636 ; Caleb ,2 and

Hannah Brooks of Medf ord ; Capt . Samue1,3 m . Sarah Boylston ; Samuel ,4 m . MaryBoutwell ; Rev. Edward ,5 m . Ab igail Brown ; and Cotton Brown ,6 m. Jane Williams,as above .


N o. 9 .

(V .) H on . W il l iam Ph ill ips ( son of Samuel and

Hannah : No . was born July 6 , 1 722 . The following brief

sketch , given in Bond’s Wa tertown , shows s

’omething of his life

and character : “ A t the age of fifteen y ears he went to Boston ,

and became an apprentice to Edward Bromfield , Esq. , a highlyrespectable merchant of that town , son of BOII . Edward Bromfield ,

for many y ears one of his Majesty’

s Council in the Provinceof Massachusetts Bay , and a great grandson of Rev . John Wilson , the first m inister of Boston . A t the termination of his

apprenticeship he married , June 13 , 1 744 , O . s . , Abiga ilBromfi eld ,

eldest daughter of his late master, and engaged in

mercantile pursuits , in which he was very successful . By this

marriage a grt.-

gr . son of the first minister of Watertown was

united with a grt .-

gr. dau . of the first minister of Boston . He

was for many y ears a deacon of the Old South Church , and was

repeatedly elected representative and State senator. He took a

decided and active part in the proceedings which preceded and

attended the Revolution ; was 0 11 many of the committees

appointed by the town of Boston in those try ing times , and often

contributed liberally of his estate to promote the measures which

issued in the establishment of our independence .

’ He was one

of the committee sent to demand of Gov . Hutchinson that thetea should be sent back to England ; was rejected as a Councillor

by Gov . Gage ; was a member of the Convention for framingthe Constitution of the Commonwealth , and that of adopting the

Constitution of the United States . Upon the outbreak of the

Revolution , he moved his family to Norwich , Conn . , where they

remained while the British had possession of Boston , occupy ingthe Arnold mansion , the same house in which the traitor, Bene

dict Arnold,was born .

” He gave by his last will five thousand

dollars to Phillips Academy , Andover. He d ied Jan . 1 5 , 1804 ,

aged 81 . Children :

1 . ABIGAIL , b . A pr. 14 , 1 745 ; d . March 25 , 1 798 ; m . JOSIAHQUINCY , Jr. , o f Revolutionary f ame .

2 . WILLIAM ; (1. young .

3 . WILLIAM , b . Mar. 30 , 1 750 . (No .


SARAH ; (1. young .

HANNAH ; d . young .

HANNAH,b . Nov . 29 , 1 756 ; m . SAMUEL SHAW .

SARAH ( twin), b . Nov . 29 , 1 756 ; m . EDWARDham . She d . 1 839 . No . ch .

MARY ; d . young .

NO. 1 0 .

(VI .) Lieut . GOV . W il liam Ph ill ips ( son of Williamand Abigail : No . was born March 30 , 1 750 ; of Boston ;deacon of the O ld South Church , representative , and , from 181 2

to 1823 , Lieut .-Governor from 1804 until his death in 1 827

president of the Massachusetts Bank ; presidential elector at

large in 1820 when the vote of the State was cast for Mr.

Monroe . To the already very libera l endowments of PhillipsAcademy , Andover, he added the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ,and gave ten thousand dollars to Andover Theological Seminary .

His generous gifts , distributed among about a dozen worthyobjects , amounted to sixty -two thousand dollars .

Hecame into possession of an ample fortune , to the manage

ment of which , and to the duties of his family and of friendship ,

to the service of the public , and to deeds of benevolence , he wasthenceforth chiefly devoted . He was eminently a domestic man ,

fond of retirement , and of the society of his family and intimate

friends . Yet he was not averse to the calls of public duty .

The Rev . Dr. Wisner in preaching his, funeral sermon said

Scarcely a measure has been adopted or an association formedin this city and Vicinity for the improvement


of the phy sical , theintellectual , the moral or the spiritual condition of men , which

has not received his co-operation and liberal support.”

He married Sept . 13 , 1 774 , M iriam -Ma son ,born June

1 6 , 1 754 , 3d dau. of Hon . Jonathan Mason of Boston . She

died May 7 , 1 823 ,“greatly lamented .

” He died Saturdayevening , May 26 , 1 827 . Children :

1 . WILLIAM WILSON , b . in Norwich , Dec . (1 . Jan . 1 ,

1 784 .

2 . JONATHAN , b . May 2 , 1 777 ; d . Oct . 27 , f ol lowing .


JONATHAN , b . Apr. 24 , 1 778 ; of Boston ; Hon . A . M . , Harv .

Col l . , 18 18 . About 1853 , not long bef ore his death , he gaveto the city of Boston , ten thousand dol lars f or the public library .

He m . ( l st) Sept . 30 , 1805 , REBEocA SALISBURY , b . Aug .

1 776 ; d . March 13 , 1828 , d au. of Samuel Sal isbury of Boston .

He R] . ( 2d ) A ug . 2 7 , 1 839 , MARY MAGEE , b . Mar. 1 9 , 1 79 1 ,

d au . of James and Margaret Magee . She d . June 23 , 1849 .


Martha Salisbury , b . Dec 28 , 1806 ; d . Mar. 24 , 1839 .

Jonathan Mason , b . Apr. 24 , 18 10 ; d . Oct . 2 1 , 18 1 1 .

Miriam, b . July 2 , 181 1 ; d . Dec . 19 ; 1816 .

Reb ecca Salisbury , b . Oct . 19 , 1816 .

5 . Wi ll iam . b . Jan . 1 1 , 1819 .

MIRIAM , b . June 9 , 1 779 ; m . Jan . SAMUEL HALLWALLEY , b . A pr. 1 2 , 1 778 . He (1 . July She d .

Mar. 26 , 182 7 . Ch

1 . Samue l H Wa lley , b . Aug . 3 1 , 1805 ; grad . Harv . Coll . ,1826 ; counsel lor-at-law ; sp eaker of the Mass . House of

Represen tatives . He m . Oct . 14 , 1829 , Meh i tabel SumnerBates , b . June , 1810 , d au. of Hon . Isaac C . Bates o f Northamp ton . Ch

1 . Martha Henshaw Wa lley , b . Dec . 17 , 1832 ; d . Feb . 15 ,

1833 .

M iriam Ph il lips Wa l ley , b . Aug . 28 , 1834 .

Samuel Wa l ley , b . S ep t . 3 , 1836 ; d . S ep t . 13 , 1837 .

Henshaw Bates Wa l ley , b . S ep t . 14 , 1838 .

Theresa Maria Wa l ley , b . Oct . 26 , 1840 ; d . Aug . 9 , 1843 .

W i ll iam Phil lips Wa l ley , b . Apr. 1 1 , 1843 .

Ab igail Bromfl el d Ph ill ips Wa l ley , Sept . 4 , 1845 .

Hetty Sumner Bates Wa l ley , b . Feb . 15 , 1848 .

Isaac Chapman Bates Wa l ley , b . Jan . 15 , 1850 .

10 . Edward Wa l ley , Jun e 6 , 1852 .

2 . Sarah Hurd Wa l ley , b . Jan . 18 , 18 16 ; In . W ill iam K . Brown .

3 . Ab igail Bromfl eld Ph ill ips Wa l ley , b . May 25 , 18 18 .

EDWARD , b . June 24 , 1 782 o f Boston d eacon of the O ld SouthChurch . He m . ( l st) 1807 , MARY SALISBURY , b . May 18 ,

1 787 ; d . Apr. 28 , 18 15 . He m . ( 2d ) Nov . 3 , 1820, THERESAHENSHAW of Northampton . He (1. Nov. 4 , 1 826 . Ch . (byfirst marriage)

1 . W ill iam , b . Aug . 8 , 1808 ; (1. Jan . 13 , 1829 .

2 . Edward , July 6 , 18 10 ; d . Feb . 15 ,18 12 .

3 . Ab ig a il , b . Nov. 3 , 18 14 ; 111 . Apr. 27 , 1836 , Edward ElbridgeSal isbury . He grad . Yal e Co ll 1832 , and was a f terwardspro f e ssor there . She d . in New Haven , Dec . 13 , 1869 .














(By second marriage)Miriam M b . Aug . 5 ; 182 1 ; d . Feb . 22 , 1824.

5 . Edward B b . Oct . 5 , 1824 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1845 ; d .

Jun e 2 1 , 1848 . He gave by bequest to Harv. Col l . one hundred thousand dol lars f or the Observatory .

6 . Th eresa Henshaw , b . Aug . 22 , 1826 .

6 . AB IGAIL BROMFIELD , b . Feb . 5 , 1 790 ; m . Rev.EBENEZER BURGESS, a graduate of Brown Univ . of Dedham . Ch

1 . Miriam Mason Burgess.

2 . Ebenezer Prin ce Burgess.

3 . Edward Phillips Burgess .

4 . Martha Crowell Burgess.

7 . WILLIAM , b . Oct . 13 , 1 79 1 .

This concludes the list of those whose ancestors were of

Andover .

N o. 1 1 .

(IV.) H on . John Ph il lips ‘

( son of Samuel and Mary

No . born June 22 , 1 701 a stationer , and afterwards a mer

chant , of Boston . He possessed much of that rare adaptabilityto mercantile and general business lif e which has been so f re

quently display ed by the descendants of Samuel a nd Mary

Phillips of Salem , and in his business was eminently successful .

He was deacon of the Brattle Street Church , justice'

of the peaceand of the quorum , Colonel of the Boston Regiment , and several

times represented the town in the General Court . He married

( 1 st) Nov ; 2 1 , 1 723 , Mary Buttolph ,born May 8 , 1 703 ,

dau . of Nicholas Buttolph of Boston . She died Aug . 15 , 1 742 ,

and he m . (2d) A biga il W ebb , dau . of Rev . Mr. Webb of

Fairfield , Conn . He died Apr. 1 9 , 1 7 68 ,“and was buried

with military honors .

” Children (by first marriage)

1 . JOHN , b . NOV . 29 , 1 726 ; m . ELIZABETH GREEN . Ch

1 . m . Mr. Thurston .

2 . SAMUEL , b . Mar. 15 , 1 729 ; m . ELIZABETH FAYERWEATHER .

Ch .

1 m . Mr. C larke .

2 . m . Henry Pren tice .

3 . ABIGAIL , b . Feb . 14 , 1 733 ; m . Mar. 1 9 , 1 778 , Col . ELISHAPORTER of Had ley .


JONATHAN , b . Apr. 24 , 1 778 ; of Boston ; Hon . A . M . , Harv .

Col l . , 18 18 . About 1853 , not long bef ore his death , he gaveto the city of Boston , ten thousand dol lars f or the publ ic library .

He m . ( l st) Sept . 30 , 1805 , REBEOOA SALISBURY , b . A ug . 1 6

1 776 d . March 1 3 , 1 828 , d au. of Samuel Sa l isbury of Boston .

He In . (2d ) A ug . 2 7 , 1 839 , MARY MAGEE , b . Mar. 1 9 , 1 79 1 ,

d au. of James and Margaret Magee . She d . June 23 , 1849 .


Martha Salisbury , b . Dec 28 , 1806 ; d . Mar. 24 , 1839 .

Jonathan Mason , b . Apr. 24 , 1810 ; d . Oct . 2 1 , 18 1 1 .

Miriam , b . July 2 , 181 1 ; d . Dec . 1816 .

Reb ec ca Sal isbury , b . Oct . 19 , 1816 .

5 . Wi ll iam . b . Jan . 1 1 , 1819 .

MIRIAM , b . June 9 , 1 779 ; 111 . Jan . 4 , 1803 , SAMUEL HALLWALLEY , b . A pr. 1 2 , 1778. He d . July She d .

Mar. 26 , 182 7 . Gh . z

1 . Samue l H . Wa lley , b . Aug . 3 1 , 1805 ; grad . Harv . Coll . ,1826 ; counsel lor-at-law ; sp eaker of the Mass . House o f

Represen tatives . He In . Oct . 14 , 1829 , Meh itabel SumnerBates , b . June , 1810 , dau. of Hon . Isaac C . Bates of Northamp ton . Ch

1 . Martha Henshaw Wa lley , b . Dec . 1 7 , 1832 ; d . Feb . 15 ,

1833 .

2 . M iriam Phillips Wa l ley , b . Aug . 28 , 1834 .

3 . Samue l Wa l ley , b . S ep t . 3 , 1836 ; d . S ep t . 13 , 1837 .







Henshaw Bates Wa l ley , b . S ep t . 14 , 1838 .

Th eresa Maria Wa l ley , b . Oct . 26 , 1840 ; d . Aug . 9 , 1843 .

6 . W i ll iam Phill ips Wa l ley , b . Apr. 1 1 , 1843 .

7 . Ab igail Bromfl eld Ph ill ips Wa l ley , S ept . 4 , 1845 .

8 . Hetty Sumner Bates Wa l leg, b . Feb . 15 , 1848 .

9 . Isaac Chapman Bates Wa l ley , b . Jan . 15 , 1850 .

10 . Edward Wa l ley , b . Jun e 6 , 1852 .

2 . Sarah Hurd Wa l ley , b . Jan . 18 , 18 16 ; In . W i ll iam K . Brown .

3 . Ab iga il Bromfl eld Ph il lips Wa l ley , b . May 25 , 1818.

EDWARD , b . June 24 , 1 782 of Boston d eacon of the O ld SouthChurch . He In . ( l st) 1807 , MARY SALISBURY , b . May 18 ,

1 787 ; d . A pr. 28 , 18 15 . He In . ( 2d ) Nov . 3 , 1820, THERESAHENSHAW of Northampton . He (1. Nov. 4 , 1826 . Ch . (byfirst marriage)l . \Vi l l iam , b . Aug . 8 , 1808 ; (1. Jan . 13 , 1829 .

2 . Edward , b . July 6 , 18 10 ; d . Feb . 15 , 18 12 .

3 . Ab ig a il , b . Nov. 3 , 18 14 ; m . Apr. 27 , 1836 , Edward ElbridgeSal isbury . He g rad . Yal e Col l . , 1832 , and was a f terwardspro f essor there . She d . in New Haven , Dec . 13 , 1869 .


SARAH , b . A pr. 7 , 1 735 In . NATHANIEL TAYLOR , a merchant , ofBoston , son of Rev . Mr. Tay lor of Milton .

WILLIAM ,b . A ug . 29 , 1 737 . (No .

MARY A NN , b . July 25 , 1 74 1 m . Dr. NATHANIEL NOYES. She

d . A pr. 20 , 1 79 1 .

(By second marriage)JOSEPH .

N o. 1 2 .

(V .) W il l iam Ph il l ips (son of ‘ John and Mary : No .

born Aug . 29 , 1 737 ; married June 1 2 , 1 7 61 , MargaretW endel l , b . Aug . 20 , 1 739 , 1 1 th and y oungest child of Hon.

Jacob Wendell . * He died June 4 , 1 772 , aged 34 y rs . , 9 mos .

She died Feb . 2 7 1 823 . Children

1 . MARGARET , b . May 26 , 1 762 ; d . Feb . 1 9,1 844 ; m . Judge


2 . SARAH , b . Apr. 6 , 1 765 ; m . MARK NEWTON of Andover.

3 . JOHN , b . Nov . 26 , 1 770 . (No .

N o. 1 3 .

(VI ) H on . John Ph il lips (son of William and Mar

garet : No . born NOV . 2 6 , 1 7 70 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1 788 ;president of the Mass . Senate . and first may or of Boston . He

married Dec . 1 8 , 1 794 , Sa l ly W a l ley ,b . Mar . 25 , 1 772 ,

dau . of Thomas and Sarah (Hurd)Walley . He died May 29 ,

1823 . She d ied Nov . 4 ,1 845 . Children

1 . THOMAS WALLEY , b . Jan . 1 6 , 1 79 7 ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 18 14 ;C lerk of the Municipa l Court , Boston , f or many y ears ; d .

1 859 . He m . Mar. 18 , 1824 , ANNA DUNN , dau. of SamuelDunn of Boston . Ch .

1 . John .

2 . Samuel .

Mr. Wendell was a merchant. Colonel of the Boston Regiment , and one of the

Governor’s Counc il . B e 111 .A ug . 12 , 1714 , Sarah Ol iver, bap. Dec . d au. of Dr.

James Ol iver o f Cambridge , who In .Mercy Bradstreet , dau. o f Dr . Samuel and Mercy(Tyng) Bradstreet o f Cambridge , and gr. dau. of Gov. Simon Bradstreet , by h is firstw if e Anne , d au. of Gov. Thomas Dudley . Watertown Gen .


2 . SARAH HURD , b . April 24 , 1 799 ; m . ( l st) April 24 , 1823 ,

FRANCIS JENKS. Jr. , b . A ug . , 1 79 8 . He (1. 1837 , and she m .

(2d ) 1840 , Prof . ALONZO GRAY of Brook lyn , N . Y . Ch

1 . Mary Elwell Jenks, b . Jun e , 1824 ; In . Rev . R . S . S torrs of

Brook lyn , N . Y .

John Ph illips Jenks , b . 1826 ; d . 1828 .

Francis Jenks , b . 1828 .

Grenvi ll e Tudor Jenks, b . July 18 , 1830 .

Ames Jenks .

6 . Alice Elizabeth Gray .

3 . SAMUEL , b . 1 801 ; d . Feb . 20 , 181 7 , while a member of the

Soph . C lass , Harv . Col l .4 . MARGARET , b . Nov . 29 , 1802 ; In . Dr. EDWARD REYNOLDS of

Boston . He grad . Harv . Col l . , 1 8 1 1 M . D . l iving 1880 , sonof Edward and Deborah (Belcher) Reynolds of Boston , gr .

son of John and Dorothy (Weld) Reynolds of Prov . . R. I. ,

grt .-gr.


son of Benjamin and Susanna (Rawson) Reynoldsof Bristol , R. I . Ch

1 . John Phillips Reynolds , b . Nov . 20 , 1825 ; grad . Harv. Col l1845 ; physician ; living , 1880 .

Adeline Margaret Reynolds , b . July 4 , 1827 d .

Miriam Phi l lips Reynolds, b . May 6 , 1829 .

Ann e Foster Reynolds, b . May 2 ,f1831 .

Margare t Elizab eth Reynolds, b . May 14 , 1833.

Adelin e Ellen Reynolds , b . July 29 , 1835.

7 . Augusta Th eresa Reynolds, b . Dec . 29 , 1837 .

5 . MIRIAM ; m . June 8 , 183 1 , Rev . GEORGE W . BLAGDEN . He was

b . Nov . , 1802 , in Washington , D . C . grad . Ya le Coll . , 1823 ;at Andover Theolog . Sem . , 1 826 D . D . 1843 first pastor ofthe church in Brighton a f ter its organization in 1827 ; pastorof the Salem Street Church , Boston , 1830- 36 ; of the Old

South Church , Boston , f rom his instal lation , Sept . 2 6 , 1836 ,til l his resignation , 1872 , but continued pastor emeritus til l hisdeath ; overseer of Harv . Col l . , 1854—59 ; d . Dec . 1 7 , 1884 , in

New York C ity , at the home of his son-ih -law , Mr. E . C .

Sampson , where he had been spending the last y ears of his

lif e . Ch

1 . Anna B lagden , b . July , 1832 ; (1.

John P B lagden , b . Aug . 6 , 1833 ; (1. young .

3 . George B lagden , b . Apr. . 1835 .










Susanna Rawson was eldest dau . of Rev. Grindal and Susanna (Wilson)Rawson,and this SusannaWilson was a d au. of Rev. JohnWilson of Medfield , and gr. dau. of

Rev. John Wilson , first minister of Boston . Wa tertown Gen .


. . fiEdward R Blagden , b . Feb 1837 .

Thomas B lagden, b . Oct . , 1839 .





Samuel P B lagden , b . Oct . , 1841

Sall y P B lagden, b . Aug ., 1843 .

M iriam P B lagden , b . Nov ., 1845 ; d. 1849 .

JOHN CHARLES , b . Nov. 15 , 1807 ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 1826 ;Andover Theolog . Sem . , 1832 ordained Dec . 18 , 1833 pastorof First Church , Weymouth , 1833 to 1 837 , and pastor in

Methuen f rom 1839 to 1860 ; a f terwards resided in Boston tillhis death Nov . 5 , 1878 . He In . Dec . 24 , 1833 , HARRIETWELCH , d au. of Francis Welch of Boston . Ch

1 . Margaret W b . July 12 , 1835 .

x 2 . John Charles , b . Oct. , 1838 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1858 ; living ,1880 .

3 . Emily Susan , b . June , 1842 .

4 . Harriet W b . May , 1845 ; (1. young .

5 . Miriam W b . May , 1849 .

6 . Anna Dunn , b . Oct . , 1850 .

7 . Carolin e Crown inshiel d , b . July , 1852 .

GEORGE WILLIAM , b . Jan . 3 , 18 10 ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 1829 ;

counsel lor-at-law ; of Boston . During the latter part of his

l if e , his home , except during the wintermonths .was in Saugus ,Mass . , where he had a fine estate . He took an active interestin the wel f are of the town , and was one o f the leading citizens ,as wel l as one of the weal thiest . He had been in Boston on

the d ay of his death , but returned to his Saugus home and was

at work in his hay -field when he f el l and d ied a lmost instantly .

This was July 30 , 1880 . He In . ( 1 st) June 1 , 1836 , EMILYBLAGDEN , b . in Washington , D . C . , s ister of Rev . GeorgW . B lagden . She d . A pr. 28 , 1842 , and he m . ( 2d ) June1845 , MARY A NN BLAGDEN , s ister o f his first wif e . She d .

Apr. 22 , 1848 , leav ing no children . Oh . (by first marriage)

1 . Em ily B Apr. 1 , 1842 ; 111 . Charles A . Welch .

WENDELL , b . NOV. 29 , 18 1 1 ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 183 1 , and at

the Cambridge Law School , 1 833 ; LL . B. , 1834 . He was

gif ted with intel lectua l ta lents and powers o f eloquence which


might have made him the f oremost jurist and greatest lawyerof his time , but he gave up al l hope of popularity or personalemolument f rom the practice of law, and made it his exc lusivel if e work to plead , on the pub lic rostrum and at every f avorab le Opportunity , the cause of the Oppressed , of every nation ,

creed and color. Sympathy with the classes whose cause he

advocated led him to give f reely of his means to the poor and

distressed . It is said that no really needy and deserving manor woman ever appealed to h im in vain ; y et , his gif ts werebestowed so silently that no records remain on earth save inthe hearts who love him .

”The f ollowing extracts give a very

brief but clear portrayal of his l if e and character.

“ Especia l ly may the colored men rejoice that it p leasedGod to raise up in their beha l f this inspired advocate of their

ina lienab le rights , this terrib le denunciator of their wrongs ,

this sincere sympathizer with their suf f erings , this brave , true ,stalwart f riend . Their rights vindicated bef ore the world ,their wrongs wiped out , their suff erings soothed and hea led ,their race set f ree , en f ranchised , educated , elevated , long willthe colored race remember— how can they ever f orget— their

d ebt of gratitude to Wendel l Phil l ips , to whom was due , as

much as to any man on earth , this revolution In their lot .

Not to the needs of his own country a lone could WendellPhil l ips limit his sympathy . The whole world had no wrong

which d id not set his soul on fire , to hate it a lway s and abateit i f he could . The terrib le evils of intoxication led no

man to be a stronger advocate o f prohibition than WendellPhil lips . The rights and interests of the working classesf ound in him a devoted f riend His intense earnestness

carried conv iction home to his hearers , his tenderness touchedtheir hearts with irresistible sympathy , his pathos moved themto tears , his vehemence carried them on with contagious fire ,

his command ing presence fi l led them with respect , his simp licityand directness and a lmost absence Of manner lef t them in

doubt whether art were perf ect or whol ly absent . Gif tedby nature with a voice of exquisite smoothness , sweetness ,

fl exibility and grace , and yet of wonderf ul power when rousedih


some great cause , the whole man grew instinct with the fire

and f orce of impassioned oratory ; and he swept his aud iencealmost at his wil l , y et alway s without

apparent eff ort, through

the vary ing emotions which he sought to stir Strong


f aith and deep p iety marked his walk through l if e . H is f el lowcitizens have a lway s respected him f or every domestic virtue,and f or a grand ly stoica l simp l icity of l if e . Ful l o f the gencroas sp irit of sel f -sacrifice , seek ing no publ ic honor, devotinghis l if e and his great powers to the cause of the oppressedeven to his own great loss , standing firm against any and all

injustice l ike the rugged hil ls of his native State , volcanic inhis outbursts of wrath against Oppression , Wendell Phillipsstands as the strongest type of the f earless , uncompromisingintolerant New England ref ormer.

“ No one had probab ly addressed so many audiences or

charmed so many ears and fired‘

so many breasts by his wonderf ul eloquence . His first appearance as an orator was at a

meeting in Faneuil Hal l in 1837 , cal led to protest against the

cruel murder of E lijah P . Lovejoy at A lton , Ill . , f or publ ishingan anti-slavery paper James T . Austin , attorney

genera l , made an apologetic speech , condemning Lovejoy and

almost justif y ing the mob f or his murder. Then WendellPhil l ips fired with a righteous indignation , mounted the p latf orm amidst objections and eff orts to suppress him , and pouredf orth a torrent of burning eloquence . This young lawy er,without experience and without a name in his prof ession , met

and vanquished , routed and annihi lated the Official chief of thebar of Massachusetts . His eloquence was not of the

grand sty le , majestic and Imposing l ike that of Webster, withsolemn periods and elaborate rhetoric . It was impetuous ,swif t and scathing , but with the beauty of a nob le Simp l icity ,a clear, trumpet-l ike voice , manner and gesture f ul l of f orceand grace . Throughout his l if e his hab its and manners were

those of a patrician , k ind ly , neither arrogant nor obtrusivelya f f ab le . but with a d ignified reserve which commanded some

measure of def erence f rom all who came into contact with him.

He was the greatest orator and agitator of his t ime ,

and as such he d id a work so great , and so associated hisname with a re form whose influence on the destinies of man

k ind cannot be overrated , that his f ail ings may wel l be and

doubtless wil l be f orgotten , and his name wil l l ive in honor.


Report , accepted Feb . of committee appointed by Massachusetts Legislature .

1'Massachusetts Spy , Feb . 8 , 1884.


the second permanently settled minister of Brookhaven ,

i t L . I. ,

where he commenced to preach in 1 697 , though he preached

four y ears previously in Jamaica , L . I. , and is said to have beenone of the early m inisters of Brookfield ,

rMass . He continued

his ministry in Brookhaven till his death in 1 739 , at the age of

75 . His character and qualifications were of a high order.

“Mr. Phillips was distinguished for a peculiar vein of natural

wit . His ordinary discourse was tinctured with this peculiarityand tradition has preserved many of his speeches that exemplifyit . He married Sarah Ha l lett, born March 1 9 , 1 673 , dau .

of William and Sarah (Woolsey )1‘ Hallett of Newtown , L . I. §

His descendants have been quite numerous , and scattered at an

early date about Long Island and to other parts of New York

State and to Connecticut and New Jersey . Children

1 . GEORGE , b . Apr. 1 , 1 698 ; of Smithtown , L . I . d . Nov . 2 1 ,

1 771 . He m . A pr. 1 1 , 1 726 , ELIZABETH MILLS, b . A ug . 1 6 ,

1 705 , d . Apr. 1 9 , 1 775 . She was d au. of Timothy (b .

d . 1 75 1 , and Sarah Mil ls of Jamaica and Smithtown , gr. d au. of

Jonathan (b . and Martha Mil ls of Jamaica , gt . gr. d au .

of George Mil ls of Jamaica , probab ly a clergyman , b . in Eng . ,

1585 and d . in Jamaica , Oct . 1 7 , 1 6 74 . Ch .

1 . Samuel , b . Oct d . June 3 , 1806 . He In . 1754 , SarahM ills . Ch

1 . Isaac M ills , b . June 18 , 1760 ; In . Het ty Smith'. Ch

1 . George S2 . Sarah , b . Feb . 26 , 1730 .

3 . George , b . Jan . 16 , 1732 . Ch

1 . George .

2 . M ichael .3 . Deborah .

One writer says he was not ordained till 1702 , about which time this town votedhim 100 acres of land in f ee, and subsequently 200 acres more 0 11 condition of his

serving them during his l ite — H ist. of Long Island , 1845 . N . S . Prime.

t H ist . and Gen . Register, Vol. 35 , p . 339 .

Isarah Woolseyfl d au. o f George and Rebecca (Cornel l ?) Woolsey of Jamaica,L. 1 . He was b . in Yarmouth , Eng . , Oct. 27 , 1610 , embarked , 1623, w ith Dutch set

tiers to New Amsterdam, one o f the early settlers of Jamaica , where he (1. Aug. 17,

l 698 .— Ancestra l table of Jonas Phi l l ip s Phwn ix.

Capt W ill iam Hallett , who In . Sarah Woolsey , was b . 1647 : justice of the peace ;(1. A ug . 18, 1729 . He was son o f W ill iam Hallett , b . in Dorsetsh ire , Eng ., 1616 , earlysettler in Greenwich , Conn., owned a large estate at Hallett’s Cove , L. I. , in 1652 ,

removed to Flush ing, in 1655 , sheriff , 1656 , justice of the peace ; d . about 1706 , atHallett’s Cove — Il l .


Jonas , b . in Smi th town , Mar. of Morristown , N . Jwhere he (1 . Dec . 25 . 1813 . He m . 1764 , Anna Lewis , b . 1746 ,

d . Oct 25 , 1765, dau . of Rev . Thomas and Joanna (Booth)Lewis , and gr. dau. of Davidi' and Ann e (MillS)I BoothCh .

1 . Anna Lewis , b . in Morristown , Oct . 8 , 1765 ; d . insame p lace Mar. 13 , 1854 . She m . Dan ie l Phoen ix of

same p lace , b . in New York , Oct. 14 , 176 1 ; d . inMorristown , Dec. 3 , 1 828 . Ch

1 . Jonas Ph ill ips Phoenix, of New York ; In . MaryWhitney .

Lewis Phoen ix.

John D Phoenix.

Dan ie l A Phaen ix.

Elizabeth Phwn ix. And three oth ers , daus .

Elizabeth , b . Mar.

Mary , b . Apr. 15 , 1741 .

Moses , b . Mar. 8 , 1742— 3 ; d . S ep t . 9 , 18 18. He 111 . Jan . 22 , 1768 ,

Sarah Wisner ; settled in Phi llipsburg , N . Y . § Ch

1 . Gabrie l New ton .





Rev. Thomas Lewis, b . Aug. 6 , 1716 , grad. Yale Coll . , 1741 , Congregational .clergyman ; d . in Mendham , N. J A ug . 20, 1777. He was son of Dea. Joseph Lewisof Waterbury , Conn ., b .Mar. 15 , 1677 d . Nov. 29 , 1749 , a man of large means , manyyears selectman , m . A pr. 7 , 1703 , Sarah Andrews, b . Mar. 16 , 1684, d. Mar. , 1773 ; gr.

S. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Case) Lewis of Windsor and Simsbury , Conn . , gt. gr. s .

of John Lewis, who was of New London , 1648, and d . Dec . 8, 1676 ; ElizabethCase who m . Jos. Lew is, was d au. of John Case , who was of New London , 1656,

Windsor, 1657, of Simsbury f rom 1669 till he d Feb . 21 , 1704. He was representative f rom S . several years. He m . 1657 Sarah Spencer, b . 1636 , d . Nov. 3 , 1691 ,

dau. of Wm. Spencer who was of Cambridge , 1631 . Wm . Spencer was rep . 1634—8,Lieut. of Militia and one of the f ounders of the Ancient and Hon . Artil . , removed toHartf ord , March , 1639 , rep . 1639-40 ; (1. 1640.

f David Booth , b . 1698, d . 1773, was son of Joseph and Hannah (Wilcoxson) Boothof Stratf ord , Conn . , and gr. son of Richard Booth , 1607, living 1689 , who In . Elizabeth Hawley , sister of Joseph Hawley , who was first town clerk of Stratf ord .

1 Anne Mills, who In . June , 1727, David Booth , was b . 1702 , d . 1793, and was dau.

of Peter and Joanna (Porter)Mills of W indsor, Conn . , and gr. dau. Of Peter Mills ofWindsor, a Hollander, h is real name being probably Pieter Wouters Van der

Melyn . He (1. A pr. 17 , 1710.

Joanna Porter, b. Feb . 7 , 1671 , In . July 21 , 1692 , Peter Mills, above , was d au. of

John Porter of Windsor, b . June 3 1651 , gr. dau. of John Porter of Windsor, b . in

England , (1. A ug. 2 , 1688 , gt. gr. d au. of John and Rose Porter of Windsor, 1638,

who were m . in England — A n cestra l table of Jonas Ph ill ip s Phoenix.

H is gr. son , John Everston Ph illips, Esq ., b . in Phillipsburg

, Mar. 20, 1805 , fittedf or college at Goshen Academy , Orange Co . , grad . Williams Coll . , 1825, studied lawwith Henry Wisner, Esq . of Goshen , was admitted to the bar, and establ ished himselff or a short time in h is prof ession in Brookfield , Orange Co. He then returned toGoshen and entered into partnersh ip w ith Mr.Wisner. He In . Mar. 1 , 1832 , El izabethS. W isner, dau. of h is partner, and d . Dec . 1 7, 1841 , leaving a widow and threedaus.

— A nna ls of Wi l l iams Col l . , pp . 423. 424. Rev. Ca lvin Durf ee, D . D .



2 . George .3 . Henry Wisner.

4. Moses .

5 . W i lliam .

6 . Sarah .

7 . Samuel .8 . Elizab eth .

SAMUEL (1. young .



0 . W ILLIAM ; m . SYBIL SMITH ; sett led in Smithtown , L . I. , and

d . Jan . 1 , 1 778 . In his wil l , dated March 1 , 1 775 , provedJan . 10 , 1 778, he mentions his law books . She d . Oct . 3 1 ,

1 767 , aged 74 .

ale Ch

1 .

2 .

9 .

10 .






John , b . S ep t . 3 , 1737 ; d . in M il f ord , Conn . , Mar. 12 , 1780 .

W i ll iam , b . May 2 7 , 1741 ; d . in Brookhaven , Mar. 2 7 , 1799 .

Gh . z 1 . 1Vil l iam .



R ichard .Mary.

Z ebulon , b . Apr. 14 , 1746 ; d . in Peek ski ll , N . Y . , Jan . 13 , 1815.

James , b . Mar. 13 , 1 75 1 ; d . in Coven try , N . Y . , Jan . 25 , 1841 .

Ebenezer, July 15 , 1753 ; In . Jan . 17 , 1782 . Mary Ben edic t o fNorwalk , Conn . , wh ere he settled , and Wh ere he (1. Aug . 5 ,

1829 . Ch

1 . Esth er, Mar. 5 , 1787 ; d . Feb . 5 , 1788 .

2 . Esth er, b . Apr. 17 , 1 788 .

3 . Sal ly , b . Dec . 1 1 , 1 790 .

4 . Elizabeth , b . July 9 , 1798 .

Sarah , Oct . 24 , 1756 ; d . in North Salem , N . Y . , Feb . 12 , 1827 .

Phil e tus , b . Nov . 24 , 1759 ; d . in Greenville,N . Y May 17 ,

1818 . Ch

1 . Eb enezer ; min ister of East Hampton ; d . 1830 .

El izabeth , b . Nov. 9 , 1762 ; d . in Brookhaven , Feb . 4 , 1844.

6 . JOHN , b . 1 7 15 ; grad . Harv . Col l . , 1 735 ; taught school in

severa l p laces , fitted f or the min istry and preached , though heappears never to have been settled as a pastor ; was appointedchap lain

,to Gen . Winslow’

s Brigade , and was present at the

‘ Th is ag e is evidently wrong , perhaps should be 54.

1‘ There is a record of one W illiam Phill ips , who was of Brookhaven many years

ago , and seems to have been one o f the above , though the evidence is not quite conelusive . He had w if e Mary and f our sons , W ill iam, Josiah , Joseph and Moses, andf our daus. , Sarah , Mary , Hannah and El izabeth . Moses In . Jessup , l ived and

d . at Q uogue , L. I. , had ten eh . , El ijah , Benjamin, W illiam, Hendrickson , Moses ,Susan , Mary , Ab igail , El izabeth and Stephen. El ijah m. Jerusha Rogers , and hadone eh . , W ill iam It. , who III. Betsey A . Rogers , and was l iving, 1878, at Speonk , L. I.


second s iege and capture of Louisburg in Gov . Shirleysoon a f ter appointed him Chap lain of CastleM llz

am and Mary ,

in Boston Harbor, which he held til l appointed commander o f

the castle by Gov . Barnard .

“ In 1 772 , amid the difficultiesbetween the colonies and the mother country , Major Phil l ipswas removed f rom this command by Gov . Hutchinson ; but hecontinued to receive pay until the commencement of hostil itiesin 1 775 . He d . Jan . 9 ,

-1 787 . He m . Oct . 28 , 1 762 , MARYWINTHROP , s ister of Prof . John Winthrop , LL . D . , F . R . S .

of Harv . Col l . , and d au. of Col . Adam and Anne Winthrop ofBoston . She d . Nov . 15

,1 794 . Ch

1 . Mary , b . S ep t . In . Oct . 2 1 , 1788 , Dr. Wi lliam Spoon ero f Boston . He (1. 1836 .

This concludes the list of descendants of Rev . Samuel Phillipsof Rowley , 1 651 .

N o. 1 5 .

(IL) Jona than Ph il l ips ( son of Rev . George and Elizabeth : No . born Noy s 1 6 , 1 633 ; a justice of the peace , of

Watertown He appears to have lived on the homestead with

his mother . He married , in his 47th y ear, Jan . 26 , 1 680—81 ,

Sarah Hol land . He died in 1 704 . Children

1 .

2 .





8 .

SARAH , b . Sept . 14 , 1 682 ; d . Nov . , 1 688 .

ELIZABETH , b . Nov . 27 , 1 684 : m . Mar. 22 , 1 704—5 , JOHNORMEs .

RUTH , b . Mar. 28 , 1687 ; m . A ug . 1 2 , 1 7 1 7 , EBENEZER HASTINGS.

SARAH ; bap . A ug . 4 , 1 689 ; m . JOHN BARNARD .

ABIGAIL , b . A pr. 22 , 1693 ; d . young .

JONATHAN ; bap . June 20 , 1 697 . (NO .

HANNAH ; bap . A pr. 23 , 1 699 ; m . Sept . 7 , 1 727 , NATHANIELDEW ING . Ch

1 . Jemima Dewing , b . Apr. 18 , 1 728 .

2 . Hannah Dewing, b . Oct . 19 , 1 73 1 .

3. Nathaniel Dewing , b . Dec. 18 , 1739 ; m . 1763 , Mary Collarof Needham .

GEORGE ; bap . Feb . 23 , 1 700—1 : Dan iel Harrington of Water

town , guardian .

Oct. 1 , 1755, Mr. Phillips preached al l d ay .” D iary of John Thomas, Surgeon ,

Winslow’s Expedition to A cadia — H ist. and Gen . Vol . 33, p . 393.


9 . NATHANIEL ; bap . May 2 , 1 703 : John Fiske , guardian .

10 . BENJAMIN ; bap . Apr. 8 , 1 705 ; d . young .

N o. 1 6 .

(III Jonath an Ph il l ips (son of Jonathan and SarahNo . a carpenter ; removed from Watertown to Marble

head ab out 1 7 1 9 , and about 1 740 to Newport , R . I., where he

died . He married Feb . 2 7 1 7 1 6— 1 7 , H epzibah Parker,*dau . of StephenTand Susanna Parker of Watertown , and gr .

dau . of Joseph Parker of Newbury . Children

1 . STEPHEN , b . July (No .

2 . In . Mr. Devereux of Marblehead , and had children .

3 . a d au . who went South .

4 . RUTH , b . 1 735 ; 111 . ( 1st) EDWARDS, and m . ( 2d) N ICHOLA s TILLINGHAST .

5 , &c . Severa l other children .

N o . 1 7 .

(IV ) Dea . Steph en Ph il l ips ( son of Jonathan and

Hepz ibah : No . b . in Watertown , July 18 , 1 7 18 ; of Mar

blehead ; appointed deacon , 1 765 . He was for many y ears a

deacon of the Cong . Church , was at the head of the Committee

of Safety , and an influential leader in the Revolution .

” He

married E lizabeth E lkin s . He died March 1 , 1801 , and

she d . Sept . 30 , 1803 . Children :

1 . MARY , b . A ug . 22 , 1 755 ; m . THOMAS MEEK , who d . in 181 2 .

She d . A ug . , 1844 . No ch .

2 . ELIZABETH , b . Nov. m . JOB GRISTE . She d . 1835 .

No eh .,

3 . SARAH , b . Feb . 23 , 1 760 ; d . 1834 ; unm .

4 . STEPHEN , b . Nov . 1 3 , 1 76 1 . (No .

5 . LYD IA , b . Jan . 1 7 , 1 767 ; (1. Sept . 10 , 1 794 ; unm .

Hepz ibah Phillips was a member of the First Church , Marblehead , 1718.

1‘ Stephen Parker ( 1. in Watertown , May 2 , 1718 , (red 62 y rs . 2 ms., and his wif e

Susanna d . there , May 5 , 1718 , aged 58 y rs . 2 ms .


WILLIAM , b. Nov . 15, 1 769 ; of Fredericksburg , Va . , where he

d . 1805 . He m . 1 799 , ELIZABETH EMERSON . Gh . z

1 . Mary ; d . 1809 .

2 . Elizabeth ,b . Jun e 1 , 1805 ; In . ( 1st) Jun e 1 , 182 1 , Cap t .

Paul l of Fredericksburg , who (1. 1835 . She In . (2d ) May18 , 1837 Rob ert D ick ey of Fredericksburg . Ch

1 . Mary Ellen Paul l , b . Dec . 26 , 1822 ; d . May 6 ,

2 . Maria Elizabeth Paul l , b . Aug . 9 , 1828 ; d . March 6 ,1833 .

3 . Annie Carter Paul l , b . May 13 , 1831

4 . Ellison Dickey , b.Feb . 26 , 1838 ; d . Dec . 7 , 1839 .

5 . John Dickey , b . Dec . 22 , 1839 .

N O . 1 8

(V Capt . Steph en Phill ips (son of Stephen and

Elizabeth : No . 1 7 born Nov . 13 , 1 7 61 appears to have been

a sea-captain prior to his removal from Marblehead to Salem in

1 800 , and after that a merchant . He married ( l st) in 1800 ,

Dorcas W oodbridge , born Apr . 1 , 1 774 , dau . of DudleyWoodbridge of Salem . She died June 15 , 1 803 , and he mar

ried (2d) E l izabeth Pierce ,born Mar . 1 ,

1 774 , dau . ofNathan Pierce O f Salem . He died Oct . 1 9 , 1838 , and his

widow survived him about twenty y ears . Children

1 . STEPHEN CLARENDON , b . in Sa lem , Nov . 4 , 1801 ; grad . Harv .

Co l l . , 1 8 1 9 ; counsel lor-at-law ; member of Congress f rom the

Southern Essex District , 1834—38 ; second Mayor of Sa lem ,

1838—42 ; Free Soil Candidate f or Governor, 1848 and 1849 ;

perished in the fl ames at the burn ing of the steamer Montrea l ,

on the St . Lawrence River, June 26 , 1857 . He m . ( 1 st) JANEAPPLETON PEELE , who died Dec . , 1 837 ; (2d) Sept . 3 , 1838 ,MARGARET MASON PEELE , both daus . o f Wi l lard Peele , Esq . ,

of Sa lem . Ch . (by first marriage)1 . S teph en Henry , b . Aug . 16 , 1823 , grad . Harv . Coll 1842 ; coun

sel lor-at-law , the practic e o f wh ich he commenced in Boston ,

but removed to Salem in 1849 ;- editor of the Law Reporter,

distri ct attorn ey f or several years .

2 . Wi llard Peele , b . Sep t . 7 , 1825 ; a merchan t , res . in Salem ;

living , 1878 ; In . May 22 , 1850 , Mary Hodges , d au. of FrancisBoardman , Esq .

, o f Salem . Ch .

1 . Jane App le ton , b . Jan . 16 , 1852 ; 111 . Oct . 24 , 1877 , G.

H. Mifl‘i in.


2 Lawrence , b . Mar. 3 1 , 1854 ; d . Feb . 10 , 1865 .

3 . Mary B b . Dec . 1 1 , 1859 .

4 tw in broth er ; (1. n ext d ay .

5 . Francis R b . Dec . 3 1 , 186 1 ; d . Aug . 17 , 1864.

GeorgeW i lliam , b . Nov . 2 7 , 1827 grad. Harv . Coll . , 1847 ; civi lengineer ; removed


to Three R ivers , Canada ; living , 1878 ;of N ew York C ity ; unmarried .

Elizabeth Griste , b . Apr. 10 , 1831 .

Jan e Peele , b . Feb . 24 , 1833 .

Margaret Peele , b . Jun e 30 , 1835 .

Abbott Lawrence , b . Dec . 7 1837

(By second marriage)Wal ter Mason , b . May 26 , 1839 .

Charles App le ton , b . Jan . 30 , 1841 ; grad . Harv . Coll . , 1860 ; alawyer ; en listed and served through the war of the Rebellion ; commanded the 5th Mass . Battery ; (1. March , 1877

E dward Woodbridge , b . Aug . 3 , 1842 ; en listed in the war of

the Rebellion , was f atally injured at Port Hudson , lingeredf or about three years and d . at home .

Catherine , July 7 , 1844.

N o. 1 9 .

(II ) Th eoph ilus Phill ips (son of George and Elizabeth : No . born May 28 , 1 636 ; m s . of Watertown , where

he married ( 1 st) Nov . 3 , 1 666 , Berth ia with last name ,

it is said , difficult to tell on account O f the illegibility of the old

hand-writing , but probably m ight be either Kedal , Bedell ,Kettell or Kendal . She died Mar . 15 , 1 668— 9 , and he married

( 2d ) Nov . 2 1 , 1 677 , Mary Benn et . She , a widow ,made

her will in Hopkinton , Dec . 3 , 1 730 . Children (By firstmarriage)

1 . BERTHIA , b . Dec . 2 1 , 1 668 ; d . young .


second marriage)2 . SAMUEL ,

'b . Feb . 20 , 1 679

—80 ; of Weston , Mass . ; d . Nov . 9 ,

1 752 . He In . Feb . 12 , 1 710— 1 1 , DEBORAH Dix . Ch

1 . Deborah , b . Dec . 15 , 1 71 1 ; In . May 30 , 1737 , Dan ie l Warren .

2 . Samuel , Sep t . 14 , 17 13 ; In . July Ab igail Gale of

Watertown . She was d ismissed to Framingham , Mar. 5 ,

1 747—8 . Oh . :

1 . Ab iga il , b . Mar. 7 , 1736—7 .

3 . Mary ; bap . Sep t . 23 , 17 16 : ( 1. young.



N o. 2 0 .

(III .) Joseph Ph il l ips ( son of Theophilus and Mary

NO . born Dec . 4 , 1 702 . He married Ruth Tow n e ,and

settled in Oxford , Mass . , locating , as nearly as can be asoer

tained , in the present limits of Auburn ,

’Ieon Prospect Hill , an

elevation of beautiful and fertile table land , and one of thepleasantest rural spots in Worcester County . The bill com

mands an extensive and charming View of the surroundingregion , including in its range of Vision , a pleasan t successIon of

mountain , hill and valley ; also , the now flourishing city of

Worcester , and glimpses of several Villages . He owned several

other tracts of land in Oxford and Vicin ity , but this , doubtless ,is the place on which he settled . The late Col . Edward Phillipsof Sturbridge , a great


grandson , had a fixed impression that

his grandfather , Dea . Jonathan Phillips , the oldest son of

Joseph , was born on Prospect Hill . ‘

Col . Phillips also regarded

this place as the old family homestead . After his death , this

farm was owned and occupied by his son , Israel Phillips , andlater, by S imon , son of Israel . At the time of Israel ’s death

the farm contained , by estimation , eighty acres , but was prob

ably somewhat larger . A t the death of Simon the ownershipof the farm passed out of the Phillips name , hav ing been owned

in the family nearly n inety y ears . The house still standing is

said , by one who once lived there , to have been the same one

occupied by his gr .-Son ,

S imon ; and a little to the rear there

was remain ing , a f ew y ears since , the foundation and cellar of

another build ing , supposed to be the original home . The house

is about one m ile from the station of North Oxford Mills , on a

branch of the Boston and Albany R . R. , and , to any of the

hundreds of his descendants who feel a special interest in the old

homestead of one of the ir early ancestors , a v isit to the place on

When Ox f ord was d ivided and Auburn set off , the l ine passed d irectly throughthe f arm , but leaving the build ings on the Auburn side.


a pleasant summer day m ight wel l repay the ef fort . The farm is

the same one lately owned and occupied by Wm . D , Dalrymple .

His wife died July 4 , 1 760 . He married ( 2d ) Dec . 10 ,

1 760 , M rs . Bath sh eba Town e of Oxford . He died April23 ,

1 77 1 ,“ in the 69th y ear of his age .

It is impossible , at this day , to give any thing like a personal

description of him but , from the fact that he left the Vicinityof his father’s home when a young man ; and sought a home f or

himself, in what had been so recently an unbroken Wilderness ,where it required constant toil and hardship to secure the neces

saries of life , we must conclude that he was a man of Vigor,energy and perseverance ; qualities which have been inherited

in a large degree by a good number of his descendants . His

place of burial is not known . In the old Auburn Cemetery ,

near the’

church , several Of his descendants are k nown to havebeen buried , though not a monum ent has been erected in the

y ard by friend or relative , to mark the last resting-place of any

of them .

The descendants have , in y ears past , usually been somewhat

above the average Size , not tending mu ch to corpulence , but of

large frame rather than fleshy , and with features rather heavilymarked . Most of them have had a keen appreciation of wit

and humor , and heartily enjoy ed a Sharp joke . Not many of

them have been graduates of colleges or entered the professions .

The greater part have lived in farmi ng communities , and morehave followed farming than any other occupation . A good

number rendered e fficient aid to their country during the war

O f the Rebellion ; some of whom extended their service from

their enlistment in the early day s of the war to its close . It is

to be regretted that the materials are not at hand for more

extended Sketches of many worthy individuals of whom but

brief mention is now made . Many of them have been men ofintegrity , of exemplary lives , and of firm and honorable principles . Children , al l born in Oxford

1 . JONATHAN , b . A ug . 12 , 1 732 ; o f S turbridge. (No .

2 . JOSEPH , b . April 1 1 , 1 734 ; In . Nov . 1 1 1 756 , LYD IA WILLSONof Ox f ord , b . March 30 , 1 735, daughter of John and Mary


Willson . Joseph Phil l ips was one of twenty-three who were

en l isted f rom Ox f ord in an expedition against Crown Point in1 759 . Ch . b . in Ox f ord

1 . Lyd ia , b . Apri l 15 , 1 757 ; In . May 28 , 1776 , Thomas Prattof Ox f ord .

2 . John , b . A ug . 2 1 , 1759 ; d . Jan .

3 . Joseph , b . Nov . 23 , 1761 . Th is brie f record includesal l that could be ascertain ed concerning h im ; and

th e same is true resp ecting the two f ol lowingbro th ers .

Samuel , b . Oct . 4 , 1764 .

Deborah , b . Apri l 25 , 1767 .

Rach el , b . Apri l 8 , 1770 .

7 . John , b . Nov. 15 , 1772 .

ISRAEL , b . Aug . 1 7 , 1 737 . (No .

DANIEL , b . July 6 , a f armer and b lacksmith in Oxf ord .

He appears to have un ited with the Baptist Church in Charlton , but probab ly continued his residence in Oxf ord . He

m . 1 763 , RACHEL NICHOLS of Ox f ord , b . July 2 , 1 743 , d au .

of A lexander and Margaret Nichols . In his will , dated Dec .

1 , 1 786 , he gave to his wif e Rachel the use and improvementof one-ha l f his real estate ; to his son James , one-ha l f his realestate includ ing his b lacksmith shop , all his b lacksmith tools ,hal f his f arming tools , ha l f his l ive stock , also gave h im his

Sil ver watch . reserv ing the use of the same to his wif e as longas she remains his widow. Wil l presented f or Probate May 1 ,

1 787 . Inventory £59 1 , 33 . 7d . Child :1 . James , b . in Ox f ord , April 25 , 1764 ; 111 . Jan . 22 , 1 789,

Tamma Tucker o f Charl ton .

RUTH , b . Oct . 1 7 , 1 744 ; m . in Charlton , April 28 , 1 763 , EBENEZER LAMSON , b . in Concord , Mass . , April 13 , 1 74 1 , son of

T imothy and Mary (Thompson) Lamson of Concord . He

a f terwards became a clergyman , and was first ordained overthe Baptist Church in Ashf ord , Conn . , in 1 778 , a lso res idedf or a t ime in Sutton , Mass . He d . July 4 , 1832 , at Mt . Wash

ingtoh, Mass . Children , al l born in Charl ton except the

youngest :

1 . Isaac Lamson , b . Feb . 17 , 1764 ; m. ( l s t) 1784 , Kas iah

Sharpe ; In . ( 2d ) 1805 , Deborah Brey ; m . (3d) 18 14 ,Wa its t ill Patterson . He wen t to MountWash ington ,

Mas s . , where he (1. Jan . 24 , 1844. Had fi f te enchildren .


Mary Lamson , b . Sep t . 2 , 1765 ; m . 1780 , Thomas Smith ;w ent to Sutton wh ere She d . Had f our ch i ldren .

Wi lliam Lamson , b . Aug . 2 1 , 1 767 ; m . 1793 , HannahTucker of Charlton ; lived in Ox f ord ; (1. in Thompson , Conn . , July 2 1 , 1824. Had two ch ildren .

Eben ez er Lamson , b . April 2 7 , 1769 ; d . Jun e 9 , 1769 .

Eb en ezer Lamson , b . Aug . 5 , 1 770 ; 111. ( l st) May 5 ,

1 795 , Huldah Gould ; In . (2d) Aug . 28 , 1802 , E lizabethRi ch . Lived in Charlton , where he d . July 20 , 1853 .

Had eleven chi ldren .

T imothy Lamson , b . March 10 , 1774 ; In . March 29 , 1798,Betsey Boyce ; l ived in Thompson , Conn . , wh ere he(1. March 4 , 181 4. Had f our chi ldren .

Ruth Lamson , b . Nov . 6 , 1 775 ; m . 1797 , Samuel Davis ,Jr. o f Ox f ord , wh ere she d . th e same year.

Tirzah Lamson , b . March 9 , 1778 ; m . 1797 , JonathanS ib l ey of Ox f ord , wh ere She d . Feb . 20 , 1869 .

Horace Lamson , b . Aug . 24 , 1782 ; In . Jan . 1 , 1810 ,

Anna Mann ; lived in Orrington , Maine ; d . in Canandaigua , N . Y . , Aug . 1 , 182 1 . Had one ch i ld .

N o. 2 1 .

(IV ) Dea . Jonathan Phil l ips ( son of Joseph and

Ruth : No . was born Aug . 1 2 , 1 732 ; a


farmer in Sturbridge , and deacon of the Baptist Church in that town . He

and his brothers , Joseph and Israel , were in a detachment of

thirty-four soldiers that marched from Oxford , Aug . 18 , 1 758 ,

for the relief of Fort William Henry , on the Shore of LakeGeorge . He was the first settler in his immediate neighbor

hood , and his extensive farm , located at the head of Cedar Pond ,two miles north of Sturbridge Centre , was owned and occupied

by himself and his descendants for one hundred and twenty

y ears . Perhaps no place in Am erica has been held as a home

stead by any family of this name f or a greater length of

time unless possibly we except the Andover homestead . The

buildings stand in a very secluded place , nestled away on the

westerly Side of the valley ,at a considerable distance from any

traveled road ; while a little farther up the valley , toward thenorth , stood the old saw-m ill , where several generations took


their turn at rolling in the logs , and patiently watched the up

and-down ”saw as it heavily and tediously j erked its way

through . The house in which he lived was still standing when

the place was last visited by the writer , in 1 865 , though not

used as a dwelling-house . The family at that time occupied a

neat and commodious brick residence , erected close by , by his

grandson , Col . Edward Phillips , which , though unf avorablySituated for attracting attention and scarcely to be seen from the

main road , is well worthy of a commanding Situation . He mar

ried , Oct . 4 , 1 753 , Ra ch el Hum phrey ,daughter of Dea .

Humphrey of Oxford . He died in Sturbridge , June 25 ,1 7 98 . Children , al l born in Sturbridge

1 . MARY , b . May 24 , 1 754 ; In . DAVID CURTIS of S turbridge (nowSouthbridge), where she 01. Oct . 26 1 796 .

ale Ch

1 . Jonathan Curtis. Ch

1 . Jonathan Perry Curtis ; d . in W estboro , Mass .

2 . Wi ll iam Curtis ; physic ian ; l iving , 1885 , in

W estboro .

Dan iel Curtis.

Sylvanus Curtis ; phys ician ; settled and d . in Maine .

Hannah Curtis .

Theodora Curtis.

Barlow Curtis.a



EBENEZER HUMPHREY , b . July 1 7 , 1 756 ; of Charlton . (No.

RACHEL , b . June 2 5 , 1 758 ; m . 1 784 , ISAAC LARNED ; d . Nov.

1 7 , 1 795 (one record say sJOHN

,b . June 29 , 1 760 . (No .

JONATHAN , b . March 30 , 1 762 ; (1. Sept . 8 , 1 767 .

HANNAH,b . March 3 , 1 764 ; d . Sept . 1 , 1 767 .

LOIS, b . Feb . 1 7 , 1 766 ; m . ( l st) in 1 794 , JONATHAN PERRY .

A f ter his death she In . ( 2d ) A SA GREENE l ived f or some timeat theWest and d . June 15 , 1830 , at Bridgewater, Vt . No ch .

JONATHAN , b . March 30 , 1 768 ; a phy s ician ; m . , and settled inSt . Armand , Canada , where he (1. June 20 , 183 1 . His onlyson d . when

.a young man . He had severa l daughters , one of

whom 11 1 . C lough , and l ived at Winoosk i Fa l ls , Vt .

DANIEL , b . March 15 , 1 77 1 d . June 26 , 1 775 .

One record says Oct. 26 , 1790 .


10 . HANNAH ,

‘ b . July 1 , 1 773 ; 111 . April 2 2 , 1 798 , PHINEAS JONES of

Spencer, Mass . , a soldier in the Revolutionary War, son of

Dea . Nathaniel ’16 and E leanor Jones of Charlton . She d . in

Spencer, Feb . 14 , 184 1 . Ch

1 .

8 .

9 .

S i las Jones , b . Jan . 17 , 1799 ; d . in New York , Apri l 25 ,1867 .

Jonathan Phi llips Jones, b . Oct . 10 , 1800 ; (1 . young .

Lucy Jones , b . Dec . 22 , 1802 ; (1 . S ep t . 23 , 1804.

Lucy Baldwin Jones , b . March 24 , 1805 ; d . S ept . 8 ,18 13 .

Eleanor Jones , b . July 6 , 1807 d . Feb . 9 , 1830 .

Lois Ann Jones, b . Jan . 1 6 , 1810 ; af ter leaving the

common school she was a student f or some time at

Le icester Academy . af ter whi ch Sh e was emp loyed inteach ing school . She was possesse d o f a strongin tell e ct and very retentive memory , was a woman of

rare in telligence an d decided Views , was w ell inf ormed on sub j e cts of general interest upon wh ichShe was always ab l e to converse f re ely . She 11 1 . Mar.

29 , 1843 , Rev . David Metcal f . He was author of a

cate chism and a work on moral Ob ligation . He d .

Sep t . 25 , 1884 . She d . at her residence in Auburn ,

Feb . 23 , 1885 .

Maria Jones , b . Apr. 2 1 , 1816 ; d . Aug . 29 , 1834 .

Phineas Jones , b . Apr . 18 , 1819 . He commen ced h isbusiness career in his native town o f Sp en cer as a

merchan t and auction eer. Be ing endowe d w ith rarebusin ess talen ts , and having h igh asp irations , hesough t a w ider field f or h is labors , and in 1855 re

moved to Elizab eth , N . J Wh ere he establish ed a

wh eel f actory. Wh i le in that ci ty he was elected amember of the Common Coun ci l . F ive years later,in 1860 , he removed to Newark , wh ere af ter a timehe added to h is already very ex tensive business , thesal e of carriages and Sle igh s . He was director of

the Peop l e ’s In s . Co ., truste e of the Evergreen

Cemetery Assoc iation , a prominen t member of the

N . J . Agricul tural Society , one o f the f ounders , andfirst presiden t , of the Gentlemen ’

s Driving C lub . Hewas one o f the original members of the Board o f

Trade , of wh ich he‘

was several times off ered the presiden ey. He was a memb er of the S tate Legislaturef rom Newark , and in 1880 was electe d member o f

Congress . He served the f ul l termwith a h igh degreeo f satis f action to h is const ituen ts , but whil e res iding

Dea. Nathaniel Jones was b . near Boston ; removed toWorcester and af terwardsto Charlton ; son of Nathaniel Jones.


in Washington , contracted ill h eal th f rom whi ch he

n ever re covered. In the summer of 1883 h e VisitedN ew England and Richfield Springs f or the benefitof his h eal th , but the trip f ai l ed to bring the neededrelie f . He d . at his home in Newark , Apr. 19 , 1884 ,

l eaving a w i f e and Six ch i ldren . He m . ( l st) Emeline , d au . of Austin Lamb . Af ter her death he In .

(2d ) Harriet L . Wh i ttemore who d . , and he m . (3d)Laura Haml ett of Manch ester, N . H . Of the chi ldrenth ere is one son by the firs t marriage , one son by thesecond , and f our ch ildren by the last .

“ Mr. Jones was a man of gen ial manners , and

won the resp ect and confiden ce of a large circl eof f riends . In business his in tegri ty was abovereproach , and in private and social circl es he was

characterized by qualities wh ich always command

es te em . Wh il e in Congress he possessed the regardof h is associates to a mark ed extent .”

N o . 2 2 .

(V ) Dr. E benezer Hum phrey Ph il l ips ( son of,

Jonathan and Rachel : No . born July 1 7 1 756 ; studied

medicine with Dr. Thomas Babbitt of Sturbridge , and settled in

Charlton . He was regarded as a very skilful phy sician , and

his services were Often deemed requisite in the neighboringtowns . At the age of fifty he was stricken with a Shock ofpalsy which so paraly zed him that he was unable to walk , or to

talk so as to be understood for about two y ears . On the return

of health , he found his memory was so impaired that it was

impossible for him to pursue his favorite calling . Being anxious

to resume practice , he commenced reading medicine again .

After reading for some time , the recollection of it flashed upon

his m ind ; he remembered that he had read it al l before , and

afterwards was able to attend to the wants of the Sick , most of

the time , till the very close of his l ife . He bore arms in the

serv ice o f his country during the Revolutionary War , and for


some y ears received a pen sion . He was influential in forminga lodge of Masons in Charlton in 1 799 . In 1806 the Grand

Master of Masons appointed him Deputy Grand Master for

the 6th district , with task assigned to visit the several lodges

in the district from time to time and report their condition to

the Grand Lodge . He held the office of town clerk from 1801

till 1 807 . He married ( 1 st) 1 780 ,'

Ruth Morgan of ‘Brim

field . She died April 10 , 1 81 7 , in her 64th y ear He‘married

(2d) M rs . Ruth (Tow n e ) W h eelock ,

fie daughter of Gen .

Salem Towne , Sr. His death , which was caused by another

paraly tic shock , took place in Charlton , Dec . 1 , 1 837 Chil

dren , born in Charlton

1 . RUTH , b . Jan . 1 , 1 788 ; m . 1808 , Dr. P . F . Groves , who was

surgeon in the army of 18 1 2 , and d . in 18 14 . She d . in 18 19 .

Child1 . Harriet Morgan Groves ; d . in 182 1 .

2 . EBENEZER MORGAN , b . Feb . 1 9,1 792 ; o f Westboro . (NO .

3 . HARRIET , b . Nov.,

2,1 795 ;T 111 . Col . JASON WATERS of Sutton .

Both died in Philadelphia , leaving two sons and two daughters ,l iving there Dec . , 1877 .

N o. 2 3 .

(VI ) E benezer Morgan Ph il l ips ( son of Ebenezer

8 . t o.

H . and Ruth : No . b . Feb . 1 9 , 1 792 . He was for some

y ears in early life a clerk in the dry goods business in Bostonand Philadelphia . In 1 81 7 he e stablished himself in Sutton ,

Mass . , remained there a f ew y ears , then removed to Westboro ,Mass . , where he resided till his death , continuing in the same

business for a time , and about 1 844 became station agent for

Elizabeth Ruth Wheelock , granddaughter of \Mrs. Ruth (Wheelock) Ph illips, byfirst marriage , m . Rev. Daniel Phillips , Congregational clergyman of Chelmsf ord ,Mass.

t Town record says Nov . 1 , 1796 .


the Boston Worcester R . R. , which position he held nearlythirty y ears , resigning it when eighty

-one y ears O f age . He

possessed considerable musical talent , and was for many y ears

leader of the church choir . He commenced his public Singingin Charlton Church , when nine y ears old , sustaining his part ,the alto , alone ; and was connected with a choir nearly al l the

time f or fifty y ears , until his voice failed from disease in the

throat .


He was ever a man of f ew words , but was alway s a

lover and promoter of good morals , and was one of the original

founders of the Evangelical Cong . Church and Parish in West

boro , and that , “at a time when most bitter opposition served

to root more deeply the principle that led to outward action .

Up to the age of eighty -seven , he was able to superintend his

farm , and to work many hours each day in his garden amongthe flowers , which had ever been his delight . The portrait pre

pared for this work was from a photograph taken when he was

eighty y ears old . He married Oct . 1 2, 1818 , Ann Maria

Brigh am ,born July 14 , 1 794 , daughter of Hon . Elijah and

Sarah (Ward) Brigham , . and granddaughter of Gen . Artemas

Ward . He was one who alway s made his home happy , and

their married life included Sixty -one and one-half y ears . He

passed away at half-past one on the morn ing of May 1 , 1880 ,

and she on the 14th of Dec . following . Children1 . ELIJAH BRIGHAM , b . in Sutton , A ug , 20 , 18 19 . Beginning in

1839 , his l if e thus f ar has been a lmost whol ly occupied withthe management of rai

lroads , and he has held high official con

nection with no less than eight d iff erent railroad'

corporations ,

some of them among the most important in the Un ited States .


He commenced his service as railroad employ é at a periodwhen railroads were in their inf ancy , and has risen in regularorder up to his present important rank as president of one of

the oldest and most influential railroad corporations in the

State . Fol lowing his railroad history , it wil l be seen that in

point of date of service he ranks every other railroad superintendent and president in the country . His first service was as

clerk in the emp loy of the Boston and Worcester Railroad Corporation , in October, 1839 . In June , 1843 , he was advancedto the position of master of transportation , then , as now, an

important post , as the increase of f reight on ourMassachusetts

railroads demanded a separate department f rom that of gen

eral superintendent , and the Boston and Worcester Railroaddirection was the first to recognize this . A S master of trans

portation he remained until September, 1852 , when he was

elected , over all others , to the superintendency of the C levelandand Toledo Railroad , then one of the most advanced railroadsof the west ; and here it may be pertinent to remark thatin the early history of western railroads , the management

a lmost invariab ly Selected f or the principa l ofii ces those whohad been trained on the Boston and Worcester Railroad . Thisofiice Mr. Phil l ips fi l led satis factorily till September, 1858 ,

when a change took p lace in the Boston and Worcester Railroad ,and he was requested to return to take the superintendency of

that road . This ofifice he held til l October, 1865 , when the

west made another demand , and he was elected president of theSouthern Michigan and Northern Ind iana Rai lroad Corporation ,

the stock being largely held by New England parties . In

October, 1870 , the Wisconsin Centra l Railroad started up one

of the most important trunk lines of the northwest , and Mr.

Phil lips was solicited to take charge of its interests , both inconstruction and in its Operation— a trust which he executedwith eminent ability as wel l as satis f action to his board of

directors . In July , 1878 , he retired , a f ter arduous service , toobtain needed rest ; but he was destined to remain id le but aShort time . The Eastern Railroad comp l ication at this time

had reached a crisis ; a competent pres ident was demanded ,and in 1879 Mr. Phil l ips was the one selected . His recordand his services as president of that corporation began a new

era in the history of that road . His labors were bril l iant andunremitting , and gave him a reputation which could not be

2 .


d isputed , at least , for executive ab il ity and f air independence .

Leaving that road , he took the presidency of the narrow gauge

road in M issouri , o f which he is stil l president . In November,1 883 , af ter the death of W il l iam B . Stearfis , president of the

Fitchburg Railroad Corporation , the directors cast about f or anew president , and , out of . a large number to select f rom , they

decided to take Mr. Phil l ips . He has pecul iar qual ificationsf or the office , as he is f amil iar with al l the details of railroadoperation and management , and is certainly giv ing


to this corporation , which is one of the most important in theWhile at the West he resided in C leveland , Ohio ,

M ilwaukee , Wis . , and Chicago , I l l . Presen t res . Boston ,

Mass . HS 111 . Feb . 2 , 1845 , MARIA REBECCA AYLING of

Boston . Children1 . H enry Ayl ing , b f in Boston , Aug . 19 , 1852 ; grad . S . B.

at the Mass . Institute o f Te chnology , class of 1873 ;

visi te d Europ e in the summer of 1875 ; arch ite ct ,1884 , in Boston .

2 . Anna Maria , b . in C leveland , Oh io , Dec . 2 1 , 1856 .

3 . Walter Brigham , b . in Boston , Mass . , April'

2 , 1864 ;

member of the class of’

86 , Harvard Coll ege .

HARRIET MAR IA , b . in Westboro , A ug . 8 , 1824 ; m . EDWARDWARREN CLARK , b . in Tewksbury , Mass . , son of O l iver C lark .

He grad . at Dartmouth Col lege , 1844 , and at Andover Theologica l Seminary , 1847 ; was ordained to the gospel ministry ,Jan . 1 , 1850 , and at the same time was insta l led as pastor ofthe Bethesda Church , Read ing , Mass . Subsequently he wassettled as pastor in Auburndale , Mass .

, and at C laremont,N . H . was f or two y ears chap lain of the Mass . Senate , which

office he lef t to take the Chap laincy of the 47th Mass . Reg .

stationed at New Orleans in 1863 . 111 hea lth has f or many

y ears laid him aside f rom active serv ice ; present residence ,Westboro .

Francis Edward Symmes , adopted son , b . in Ay lmer, Canada ,S ept . 1 2 , 185 1 , son O f Charles C . and Lydia (C lark) Symmes .

A f ter the death o f his last surv iv ing parent , he was legal lyadop ted and took the name of Frank Edward Clark . He grad .

at Dartmouth Col lege in 1873 , at Andover Theologica l Sem . in

1876 , was ordained and insta l led pastor of the Wil l istonChurch , Portland , Me . , Oct . 18 , 1876 , where he remained untilca l l ed to the pastorate o f Phil l ips Church , South Boston , where

Worcester Spy , Dec. 9 , 1884 .


he was insta l led Oct 16 , 1883 . He m . Oct 3 , 1876 , MissHattie E . Abbott O f Andover, Mass . Ch

1 . Maude Wi llis ton Clark , b . in Portlan d , Main e , Nov . 16 ,

1877 .

2 . Eugen e Fran cis Clark , in Portland , Aug . 10 , 1879 .

3 . Fai th Phi llips Clark, b . in SO . Boston , Nov . 5 , 1883 ,

and d . Dec . 13 , f ollowing.

N O . 2 4 .

(V Dea . John Ph il l ips (son of Jonathan and Rachel

No . born June 29 , 1 760 ; a farmer in Sturbridge ; served

for a time in the American army during the Revolutionary War .

He was deacon of the Baptist Church in Sturbridge for Sixtyfour y ears , represented the town in the Legislature twice ,— in

1 815 and 1 81 6 , and for a considerable time held a commissionas justice of the peace , and his papers contain the records oftwelve or fifteen couples whom he united in marriage . He

married, May 25 ,

ale 1 785 , Love Perry , born June 3 , 1 767 ,daughter of Jonathan and Martha Perry of Sturbridge , with

Whom he lived Sixty -four y ears , she dy ing Aug . 8 , 1849 , at the

age of eighty -two . He lived on the homestead farm , with the

exception of very brief intervals , the whole of his long life ,where he died Feb . 25 , 1865 , at the extreme age of 104 y earsand eight months .

He voted for George Washington at the first presidentialelection held in the United States , and for A

ibraham Lincoln at

the election in NOV . , 1864 , when 104 y ears of age , and with one

exception at every intermediate presidential election .

Shortly after voting the last time , he received from PresidentLincoln the following complimentary letter



I have heard of the incident at the pol ls in your town, in which

Town record says May 19 .


you bore so honored a part , and I take the l iberty of writing to you

to ex press my persona l gratitude f or the comp liment paid me by the

suff rage of a citizen so venerab le .

The examp le of such devotion to civic duties in one whose dayshave already extended an average l if e-time beyond the Psa lmist’slimit , cannot but be va luab le and f ruitf ul . It is not f or my sel f on ly ,but f or the country which you have in your sphere served so long and

so wel l , that I thank you.

Your f riend and servant ,


On the 29th of June , 1860 , a large number of his friends and

relatives gathered at the Baptist Church in Fiskdale , about fourm iles from his residence , to celebrate the 100th anniversary of

his birth . A S a part of the exercises he O f fered a pray er and

made the following addr

My f riends , I give you thanks f or this opportun ity of seeing so

many of you present , and f or the attention bestowed upon me ; but If eel unworthy to receive it . A s I have been requested to off er pray eron this occasion , I wil l first make a f ew remarks . For seventy -five

y ears I have been a prof essor of rel igion . and I have endeavored toadorn my pro f ession . I am now an old child— broken down— 100

years f or you to look upon . I f eel that I am a child in knowledgeand in every thing else . My creed cons ists o f f our particular points ;— l st , the goodness of God ; 2d , the d iv inity of our Saviour ; 3d , thepower and real ity O f revea led rel igion ; 4th , the deprav ity of man .

Here I stand , a monument of God ’s goodness .

When about fifty y ears of age , anticipating the decline of life ,

he wrote a letter to his oldest son , who was away from home

engaged in teaching , requesting the son SO to arrange his plans

as to come home soon and remain , in order to take care of him

in his old age . The son obed iently complied w ith the father’s

request ; but , after the lapse of upwards o f fifty additional

y ears , and while the father was still liv ing , the son j ocoselyintimated to the compiler of this record , with the usual pleasant

twinkle of his ey e , that he regarded the arrangement as some

what premature , and more especially in view of the fact that he

hardly needed the strong arm o f his son to sustain him till near


made Chap lain of an I l l inois regimen t , but was ki lled in thebattle of Fort Donaldson , Feb . 15 , 1862 .

2 . Harrie t Richardson , b . Sept . 6 , 1833 ; m . Dec. 28 , 1854 , AlbertProuty. Present residence , Brimfield , Mass . Ch .

1 . Charl es Albert Prouty , b . Apri l 8 , 1857

2 . Mabel Sherman Prouty , b . March 15 , 1863 .

3 . Edward Nathan Prouty , b . April , 1868 .

3. Adeline Richardson , b . Apri l 22 , 1837 She and her Sister, EllenJ . , graduated at the Westfiel d , Mass . ,

Normal School , and

af terwards taugh t in the district schools of Wisconsin ,

wh ere th ey w ere considered most excellen t and abl e teach ers .

She 111 . Nov . 29 , 1866 , S imeon L . Wells . Present residence ,Mauston , Juneau Co.

, W isconsin . Ch .

1 . Dora Laurinda Wel ls , b . Oct . 9 , 1867 .

2 . Nell ie Adeline Wel ls , b . Apri l 9 , 1869 .

3 . Anna Louisa Wel ls , b . Sept . 2 1 , 1870 .

4 . Lucius S taff ord Wel ls , b . May 3 , 1873 .

4 . Ellen Jones R ichardson , b . Sep t . 23 , 184 1 m . Feb . 3 , 1868 ,

Hosea T . S tockwell ; present residence , New Ph i ladelph ia,Oh io. Ch

1 . Maria Ellen Stockwel l , b . Aug . 29 , 1875 .

2 . Jul ia Jon es Stockwel l , b . July 10 , 1878 .

5 . Edward Phill ips Richardson , b . Oct . 19 , 1847 ; m . Aug . 29 ,

1876 , Addie J . P ierce . Present residence , Ableman , SaukCo. , Wisconsin . Ch

1 . Sidney Ernest Richardson , b . Oct . 23 , 1878 .

ADELINE , b . July 3 , 181 2 ; m . in 1839 , LEW IS W . MARSHrson

of Moses Marsh of Sturbridge . He was b . March 1 7 , 18 1 2 ,

on the p lace stil l occup ied ( 1878) by his on ly survivingbrother, S imeon F . Marsh , and d . July 1 7 1873 . She residesat Chicopee Fa l ls , Mass . NO ch .

N o. 2 5 .

(VI .) Col . E dw ard Ph il l ips ( son of John and Love :

No . born April 29 , 1 786 for many y ears one of the mostprominent and useful men of his town , being widely known and

highly respected , and was continually honored by be ing called

to fill the various town officeS ,— moderator, selectman , assessor,school committee , and al l the m inor o ffices , and was often placedon important committees . In his early life he was employ ed

considerably in teaching school . He was elected three times to

represent the town in the State Legislature , held a commission


as justice of the peace for about thirty y ears , and that of coroner

as long or longer , and was colonel of the home militia . When

Southbridge petitioned the Legislature for a part Of the territoryof Sturbridge , which they tried twice , he was sent both times

as agent of the town to aid their representative in opposing thepetition . He was elected , in 1832 , one of a comm ittee of four, *

to effect a design for the WorcesterManual Labor High School ,an institution out ofwhich grew the presentWorcester Academyand was afterwards one of its trustees . He was a person of

large frame , in his prime upwards of Six feet in height , naturallyvery erect and O f dignified bearing ; but he fell , while repairinghis h ouse , in 1855 , a distance of some fourteen feet and struck

on his head , producing an injury of the Spine fromwhich he

never recovered . After this he was never able to carry his head

erect , and it doubtless had the eff ect of Shortening his life bysome y ears . He had large clear black ey es and heavy features ,but a pleasant countenance . He was , like other members of

the family , inclined to j ocularity , was agreeable and courteousin his manners and entertaining in his conversation .

He married April 7, 181 2 , Mary


N ew e l l j of Sturbridge ,

born Feb . 1 4 , 1 787 . She died Jan . 28 , 1866 . He died Dec .

3 , 1 869 , at the homestead previously occupied by his father

and grandfather . Children , al l born in Sturbridge :

1 . CAROLINE ,b . April 14 , 18 13 ; m . in Sturbridge , May 2 , 1838 ,

ABIJAH SMITH LYON, son of Dea . Jonathan Lyon . He was b .

in Woodstock , Conn .,April 2 , 1805 grad . at Brown Un iver

Th is committee consisted of Isaac Davis and Otis Corbett of Worcester, EdwardPh illips of Sturbridge , and Otis Converse of Graf ton . The details of the plan werew isely lef t to their discretion , under the general direction that the instruction shouldbo

of the first order ; that strict moral and religious character Should be attained ; andthat every f acility should be afforded f or productive labor, to the end that educationshould be good but not expensive — Hist. of Worcester. Wm. Lincoln p . 308.

1”Mary Newell appears to have been a

' descendant of Abraham Newell , b . in Eng

land , 1584. He and h is w if e Frances came to America, 1634, landedw ith six ch ildren ,one b . on the passag e , and settled in Roxbury . Isaac ,1 son of Abraham, In . ElizaCurtis, Dec (1. 1707. Isaac2 had w if e Sarah and seven ch ildren . Isaac ,8 b .

Feb . 1 , 1687—8 ; m. Dec. 14, 1715 , went to Sturbridge .— Newell Gen. J. K . Newell .Isaac,3 above , went to Sturbridge , 1 737, was the second town clerk and one of the

selectmen the same year. Isaac,4 b . Jan . 1 , 1718 ; m. Ruth Duin about 1746 ; d . 1790.

She was b . 1725 ; d . 1770. Stephen ,5 b . June 29 , 1760 ; m. Thankf ul Smith ; (1. Apr.

1 1 , 1747. She d. Nov. 1 1 , 181 1 . Their dau. Mary , 111 . Edward Phillips.


sity in 1837 became pastor of the Baptist Church at NorthOxf ord ; but they a f terwards removed ‘

to Newport , Minn . ,

where she d . July 2 1 , 187 1 , and he , Sept . 13 , the same year.

1 . Edward Ph illips Lyon , b . Jan . 2 1 , 1840 ; presen t residence ,Newport , M inn .

2 . Mary Annah Lyon , b . Dec . 3 , 1841 ; m . Feb . 14 , 1867 , Rev. El iasH . Johnson , now settled in Providence , R . I.

3. Albert Jonathan Lyon , b . July 1 1 , 1848 ; graduated at the Un iversity of Roch ester, in 187 1 , and f ollowed teach ing in

Minnesota immediately af ter graduation ; graduated at the

Roch ester Theological S eminary in'

May , 1877 and Sep t . 20 ,f ollow ing , was ordaine d as Bap tist min is ter and f ore ignmissionary . He .m . at Northvi ll e , M ich . , S ep t . 5 , 1877 MissL ida A . Scott . A f ter his ordination , th ey sai le d f or Burmah ,

and immediately af ter th e ir arrival th ere , he was tak en Sick ,

and d . at Bhamo , wh ich was to have been the seat of h is

m issionary operations , March 15 , 1878 .

HARRIET NEWELL , b . April 2 7 , 18 15 ; m. Nov . 2 6 , 1 840 ,

EPHRAIM MOULTON ; d . April 2 7 , 1848 . Child :1 . Harriet Louisa Moulton , b . Nov . 10 , 1847 ; 111 . Charl es Barry

of Melrose , wh ere th ey reside . Ch

1 . Charles Gardner Barry , Aug . , 1877 .

MARY ANN ,b . Oct . 23 , 18 1 7 ; married May 19 , 1839 , WILLIAM

H . RICE of Sturbridge . He d ied Oct . 3 1 , 1875 . She was

l iv ing 1885 . Ch f '

1 . Ella Antoinette R ice , Aug . 28 , 1844 ; m . Joaquin M . Delgado ,

a native o f Cuba , and now a residen t o f the c ity of S t.Dom ingo , on the is land o f that name . He is a large sugarplanter, and started the firs t p lan tation in S t . Dom ingo . Ch

1 . Marina E Delgado, b . May 2 1 , 1875 .

2 . Joaquin M Delgado, b . Sep t . , 1877 ; d . young.

3 . Ph il lip s Mario Delgado, b . Apr. 1 , 1880 .

2 . Arthur Wil l iam Rice, b . July 14 , 1846 ; In . Flora E . Hol t ofBridgewater, V t . pre sen t res iden ce , S toneham , Mass .

3 . Louis Ph il l ips Rice, b . April 26 , 1849 ; m . Nell ie A . Perry of

S turbridge , where they res ide . Ch .

1 . Mary A Rice, Aug . 6 , 1876 .

4. Edw in Add ison Rice, Nov . 7 , 1852 ; presen t residence ,S turbridge ; m . Ella Boucher of P itts field .

MARIA LOUISA , b . Nov . 2 2 , 1820 ; In . Nov . 25 , 184 1 , JABEZ H .

WESTGATE. For a cons iderab le time previous to the death o f

her parents , they res ided with them at the homestead in S tur


bridge ; but Since their decease they have removed to Ma lden ,

Mass . , where they continue to reside , 1 885 No children .

EDWARD HARRISON , b . Jan . 22 , 1824 ; d . in Sacramento , Cal .NOV . 1 1 , 1850 .

EDW IN ADD ISON , b .“Feb . 20 , 1827 ; 11 1 . Jan . 23 , 1862 , NELLIE

DOUGLA S of Milwaukee , Wis . She d . Jan . 18 , 1863 , aged 2 5y ears . He d . in Pensacola , Fla . , March 1 , 1870 . Child1 . Percy Douglas , b . Oct . 20 , 1862 ; (1. young .

N o. 2 6

John Phil lips (son Of John and Love : No .

born Jan . 25 , 1 788 a millwright and wheelwright in Spencer,Mass . He married ( 1 st) Catherin e Lam b of Brookfield ,Mass . , daughter of Oliver Lamb . She died April 25 , 1835 .

He married ( 2d) M rs . Made l ia (Gilmore) Pickett ofConn . He died in Spencer , Jan . 31 , 1 875 . Children , all bornin Spencer (by first marriage)1 . DANIEL , b . May d . June 4 , 1838 .

2 . MARY , b . Dec . 1 1 , 181 6 ; d . May 24 , 1837 .

3 . CHARLOTTE , b . A ug . 18 18 ; m . in Leicester, Mass . , May25 , 1842 , JONAS L . WARREN ; d . May 12 , 1869 . Ch

1 . Jenn ie Warren , b . Apri l 1 , 1843 ; m . January 8 , 1862 , Marshal lFul ler of Le icester. She d . NOV . 17 1866 . Gh . z

1 . ArthurW . Ful ler, b . 1864 .

2 . Geo. H . Ful ler , b . June 20 , 1866 .

2 . Mary C . Warren , b . Aug . 3 1 , 1845 ; m . in Le icester, Jan . 18 ,

1866 , Wi lliam Graham . Ch i ld1 . Jennie W . Graham, b . in Le icester, May

3 . Aamasa Warren , b . Oct . 3 , 1847 ; m . in Up ton , Mass . , Aug . 4 ,

1870 , Emma Peas lee . Lived in Springfield . Ch i ld1 . Charl es F . Warren , b . Feb . , 1876 .

4 . Charles W . Warren , b . July 16 , 1850 ; d . Oct . 25 , 187 1 .

BETSEY ANN , b . A ug . 28 , 1820 ; d . in Charlton , Oct . , 1845 .

5 . REBECCA , b . April 2 6 , 1823 ; d . Dec . 6 , 1825 .

6 . ALFRED LORENZO , b . Dec . 16 , 1827 ; m . SARAH MCDUFFEE .

Residence , Spencer. Ch

1 . Cel ia Fanny , b . June 1 7 , 186 1 ; (1. Sept . 1 1 , 1863 .

2 . George C lark , b . July 20 , 1863 .

3 . Etta Maud , b . Nov . 2 6 , 1868.

Town record says 28th .


7 . THEODORE , b . Feb . 1 6 , d . July 15 , 1836 .

(By second marriage)8 . GEORGE PERRY , b . Dec . 14 , 1 841 ; enl isted July in

the war of the Rebel lion wounded Sept . 19 , 1864 dischargedApril 1 9 , 1865 . He was adopted by Baxter C lark , and his

name was changed Sept . 2 , 1862 , to GEORGE PERRY CLARK .

He m . JULIA A . KE ITH . Child1 . Hattie M . Clark , b . Feb . 15 , 1872 .

N o. 2 7 .

(VI ) Hervey Phil l ips (son of John and Love : No .

born May 14 , 1 790 . He was a teacher in the early partof his married life , went to live in the northern part of NewYork State , and about 1 853 bought a farm in northern Wiscon

sin . He never accumulated any considerable property , but

“ was a man well calculated to lead in political , as well as

religious , circles .

” He married Betsey Leach ,a descendant

of the Allens of Sturbridge . He died at Big Spring ,Wisconsin ,

Aug . 1 7 , 1855 . Children

RUSSELI She d . soon af ter, leaving one1 . EMELINE ; m .

son , Arthur Russell .2 . LOUISA a nob le woman , strong , sel f -rel iant , of sound judgment ,

who devoted hersel f f or y ears , with the most unselfish devotion ,

to an inva l id mother and the f amily in genera l . Late in l if eshe married RUSSELL , her deceased s ister

s husband .

3 . HENRY HARRISON , In . and resid ing at Big Spring, Wisconsin .





N o. 2 8 .

(VI. ) Jonathan Perry Ph il lips ( son of John and

Love : No . born Sept . 9 , 1 792 . He served an apprentice

ship to Squire Upham to learn the blacksm ith’s trade . After


serving his time and reaching his maj ority , he started for OneidaCo . , N . Y . , on horseback , his sole capital being his horse , and

twenty-five dollars in money . A tWhitestown , N . Y . , he became

acquainted with Sophron ia Jos ly n (daughter of John Josly n , formerly of Ty ringham , Mass . ofNorman French descent),to whom he was married Jan . 1 7 1 81 7 . After a f ew y ears

they removed to Canastota , Madison Co ., N . Y . , where he

carried on a large business , in blacksmithing and wagon-making ,and achieved a handsome property . In Oct . , 1 849 , the familyremoved to Lake Mills , Jef ferson Co . , Wisconsin , where he

lived , with the exception of a y ear or SO , at ,Madison , Wis . ,

until his death , Sept . 2 1 , 1865 . She died Feb . 23 , 1884 . His

daughter , Mrs . H . P . Eaton , to whom the compiler is indebted

for this record of her father’s family , write

“He was a man of sound judgment, even temper , strong

aff ections and friendships , universally beloved and respected ,alway s greatly interested in all matters of public interest .

Judge Spencer of Syracuse , N . Y .,recently t old my brother

that the first person he ever heard urge the necessity of freeschools and a thorough education of all classes , was our father.

He was an earnest'

anti-slavery man from the beginning , a man

of broad intelligence , who kept his interest in al l the great

question s of the day , up to the day of his death .

“ Our branch has the light brown hair which our father

inherited from his mother’s Side of the house ; though some of

us take the dark brown hair from the JOSly n Side . All of uShave many strong Phillips traits in common among them a keen

appreciation of wit and humor . All are inveterate j okers , as

was our father , and al l dearly love a good horse ,— true to the

Greek or igin of our name . None of us care much for glitter or

general society ; we are strong in our prejudices , likes and

dislikes . It is interesting to trace heredity extend ing ‘

even to

chirography . I have been surprised to find with‘

the majorityof us such strong resemblances in penmanship to others and

remote members Of the Phillips family .

” Children

1 . JOHN FRANKLIN , b . in Whitestown , N . Y . , Oct . 9 , 18 1 7 ; m . in

Lake Mil ls , Wis . , April 4 , 1 755 , MINERVA C . BUTTERFIELD ,


d au. of O l iver Butterfield , f ormerly of A l legany Co . ,N . Y .

He (1. May 3 , 1862 . Child1 . Cora Frances , b . S ep t . 20 , 1856 ; m . George Ferry , arch itect , of

Springfield , Mass . , in 1880 . Ch i ld :1 . Robert Phi llips Ferry , b . in Milwauke e , Wis .

, Nov. ,

1882 .

ADELIZA L b . April 14 , 1820 ; (1. Sept . 22 , 1827 .

ALBERT JOSLYN , b . in Whitestown , Feb . 18, 1822 ; m . in Cana

stota , Jan . 13 , 1848 , LAURA JANE MENZIES, of Scotch descent .

In 1855 he removed with his f amily f rom Herkimer, N . Y to

Madison , Wis . , and subsequently to Chicago , 111. Child :1 . George Alb ert , b . Oct . 25 , 1849 ; m . in Ch icago ,

S ep t 20 , 1877 ,Amelia Margaret Bergh , of German descen t . Ch .

1 . Grace May Bergh , b . Nov . 15 , 1878 .

2 . Laura Jane , b . Nov . , 188 1 ; d . Mar. 6 , 1884.

CHARLES HENRY , b . in Whitestown , Feb . 2 1 , 1824 ; m. at

Pompey H il l , Onondaga CO N . Y . , July 1 5 , 1857 , MARYELIZABETH BUTTERFIELD , descended by her mother f rom the

Haynes f amily of Worcester Co . , Mass . He d . Jan . 1 , 1879 .

No ch .

Respecting his character, &c . , his Sister f ond ly writes

My brother Charley was one of the very best specimens of

the Phil l ips f amily that I evermet . A l l that I could say wouldnot do him justice nor convey to:

you an idea of what a grandgood man he was ; gen ial , witty , of sound judgment , of broadcharity , one of ‘ God ’

s own men ,

as I’

ve heard others cal lhim . I have O f ten remarked , and SO have others , his strong

resemblance in figure and appearance to Wendel l Phil l ips of

Boston . He was the recognized leader of the Repub l icanparty in his county . He served severa l terms in the Assemb ly ,and was S tate Senator-elect at the time o f his death . The

Democratic party have a majority in that county o f about1 600 , but he was elected by over 1500 majority . He was

ifid ef atigable in work ing f or the educationa l interests of the

town and county , and is deep ly mourned throughout the S tate .

He had kept the f arm upon which the f amily settled in 1849 ,

and had become a large stock raiser, mak ing a specialty of

A lderney cattle and carriage horses .

ELMIRA,b . in Canastota , N . Y . , April 2 1 , 1826 ; m . ( l st) Feb .

15 , 1844 , WILLIAM W . KENNEDY , merchant , o f Scotch-Irish


but since 186 1 has been connected with the inspector’s department of the New York Custom House . Ch

1. Charles Phi l lips Eaton , b . in New York C ity , May 13 , 1863

Entered the Cadet Eng . Corps of the Naval Academy , Oct . 1 ,

1879 ; grad . Naval Cadet , June , 1883 .

2 . Mira Louise Eaton , b . in New York C i ty , April 19 , 1865.

N o. 2 9 .

(VI E ldridge Phil l ips ( son of John and L ove : NO .

born May 24 , 1 7917 a blacksmith by trade , and followedthe trade as long as he lived . He settled in Monson , Mass . ,

where he owned a residence , on the main street of the Village ,and where he was buried . He married Betsey ButterW orth . On the 29th of August , 1 848 , as he was riding in his

sleigh with his wife , in the neighboring town of Palmer, and

crossing the railroad track , they were struck by a passing train

and both killed instantly . Children

1 . ALBERT MORGAN , b . in Brimfield , Mass . , July 1 9 , 182 1 ; m .

1843 , LAVINIA MIRRIOK ; residence , Monson .

2 . SARAH BUTTERWORTH , b . in Bri lnfield , A ug . 12 , 1823 ; In . June10 , 1845 , by Rev . A l f red Ely of Monson , to S IDNEY H . HALL ;residence , Burke , near Madison , Wis . Ch .

1 . Charles Henry Ha l l , b . in Monson , March 16 , 1846 ; graduatedat Un iversity of Wisconsin , 1870 , and at Halmemann Med .College , Philadelphia, 1876 ; a practising physician in Madison , Wis . ; m . May 18 , 1877 , Carrie Norton .

2 . Mary El izabeth Ha l l , b . in Monson , Aug . 13 , 1847 .

3 . Sarah Anna Ha l l , b . in Palmer, Mass . , Aug . 30 , 1849 ; d . inBurk e , Wis . , March 18 , 1862 .

4. Hattie A . Ha l l , b . in Mad ison , Wis Nov . 7 , 1854 ; d . In Burke ,April 6 , 1878 .

5 . Frances Marion Ha l l , in Mad ison , June 1 2 , 1857 .

6 . Jane Maria Ha l l , b . in Mad ison , July 29 , 1859 .

7 . Al ice Electa Ha l l , b . in Burk e , June 1 , 1862 ; (1. S ep t . 25, 1863 .

8 . Lucy L incoln Ha l l , b . in Burk e , April 12 , 1865 .

3 . WILLIAM BUTTERWORTH , b . in Monson , A ug . 20 , 1830 ; lumber


dea ler in Chicago , and manuf acturer of sash , doors , b l inds ,&c . m . Oct . 1 1 , 1856 , Miss MARION GOSS, of 'Chicago , whose

parents were f rom Massachusetts , her f ather of Leominster,and her mother a daughter of Capt. Abbott of Brookfield .

Children , all born in Chicago1 . Jessi e , b . July 26 ,Dan iel E ldridge , b . Aug . 18 , 1859 ; d . March 25, 1860 .

Wi lliam Abbott , b . Jan . 18 , 186 1 .

George B., b . Dec . 25 1863 ; d . Jan . 29 , 1864.

Charles , b . Aug . 31 , 1870.

N O .

3 0 .

(IV L ieut . Israe l Ph il l ips ( son of Joseph and Ruth '

No . born in Oxf ord , Aug . 1 7 , 1 737 ; but that part of thetown in which he lived being set off in 1 778 , he became a citizen

of Auburn , or Ward as it was first named ; a soldier in the

French war , 1 758 ; died Feb . 28 , 1 800 . He married , Sept .

18 , 1 760 , Huldah Tow ne , born NOV . 2 , 1 737 , eighth child

of Jonathan Towne 5T ceremony solemn ized by Rev . JohfiCampbell , first settled minister of Oxford . She continued to

live on the homestead with her son , Simon , whom She outlived ,or died near the time of his decease . She is described by thosewho remember her , as a very thin , light and wiry person , an

estimable woman , and one who instructed those under her care

in the precepts of the Bible . Children , all born in Oxford(now Auburn)

RUTH , b . Sept . 25 , 1 76 1 , d . July 1 7, 1 783 .

2 . MARTHA , b . Sept . 24 , 1 763 ; m . EBENEZER PRAY , who served inthe army of the Revolution . She d . Nov . 25 , 1852 . Child

1 . Eb enezer Pray w en t to Main e .

In 1871 or 1872 , Miss Jessie Ph illips and two other young ladies, all representatives of the Phillips f amily , in diff erent public schools of Chicag o, each won a goldmedal . One of the others was Miss Cora F ., daughter of John Franklin Phillips, andthe third , a Miss Phillips , a more distant relative .t Jonathan Towne was b . at Topsfield , Mass. ,_Mar. 1 1 , 1691 , and in 1714 resided atOxf ord , where he was deacon of the church , and where he d 1771 . He was son of

John and Mary (Smith) Towne, and a descendant , in the f ourth generation , of

William Towne who was of Salem,

“ 1 1 , 8 mo. ,— H ist. and Gen . Reg ister.

Vol . 21 , p . 218.


S IMON , b . Jan . 6 , 1 766 a f armer in Auburn ; m . 1 79 1 , REBECCASCOTT of Leicester. He d . in the autumn of 18 1 7 . Ch

1 . Huldah , b . 1 796 ; m . Oct . 2 , 1816 , James Marb le of M il lbury ;w en t to Augusta , Oneida Co. , N . Y . Ch .

1 . Joel Phillips Marble, and five oth ers whose namesh ave not been ascertained.

2 . S imon , b . Feb . 3 , 1800 ; a carp en ter by trade ; In . Eveline Sargen t of Le icester, and settled in Gree ce , N . Y .

, wh ere he (1.

Dec . 23 , 1878 not a wrink l e in his f ace or a gray hair onh is h ead . Ch

1 . d, in in f an cy .

2 . Martha Louise ; m . James Field of Greenfield , Mass . ;

resides ( 1878) in Greece , N . Y .

3 . Charles Fol l insby ; d . at eleven years o f age .

4. Elizab eth Sarah ; m . John Wi lson of Roch ester ,N . Y . ;

d . 1875 .

JOHN , b . May 2 , 1 768 ; a f armer in Auburn in 1800 .

ISRAEL , b . April 7 , 1 77 1 ; of Greenfield . (No .

RUFUS , b . A ug 3 1 , 1 773 ; In . May 5 , 1 796 , D ILLA PITTS of

Auburn . He was a b lacksmith in Worcester, where he d ied in1 802 . She survived him many y ears , and d ied at Deer Isle ,Me . Oh

1 . Leonard ; a f armer in Sull ivan , T ioga Co . , Penn . He In . thereand (1. about 1865 or 1866 , l eaving five daugh ters .

2 . Mel inda , m . 182 1 , Juno Me tcal f , and went to Deer Isl e , Maine ,wh ere she d .

DANIEL , b . March 1 , 1 776 ; o f Charlton . (No .

N o. 3 1 .

(V . ) Isra e l Ph il lips ( son of Israel and Huldah : No .

30 ,)born April 7 , 1 7 7 1 a farmer in Greenfield , which

place he went about 1 790 . He bought a piece of wild land ,covered with the original forest , where he settled , living the

first f ew y ears in a log house , and continued to live on the same

place till the close of his l ife . He d ied Feb . 3 , 1 844 . He m .

1 79 1 , Mercy Bascom ,daughter of Dea . Moses Bascom of

Greenfield . It was h is practice f or several winters during the

early part o f his married l ife to teach school , taking his pail of

d inner and leaving his wife alone in the house , three-fourths

O f a m ile from any ne ighbors , in the midst of the forest , which


at that time was not clear of wild beasts , going two or three

miles to the school-house , and returning at n ight . Owing totheir straitened circumstances their boy s were put out to work ,

where they could earn their liv ing quite y oung . Children , al l

born on the homestead in Greenfield1 . ALVAH CLESSON , b . May 6 , 1 795 ; of Wyoming , Pa . (NO .

2 . ISRAEL , b . Sept . 1 , (NO .


, b . May 2 6 , 1 799 of Laurens , N . Y . (No .

4 RUFUS SEVERANCE , b . NOV . 10 , 180 1 . (No .

5 . ELVIRA , b . Oct . 14 1804 ; m . SETH MANN of Gil l , Mass . She

d . in Gil l , Sept . 1 2 , 1 865 . No children .

6 . NOBLE PHILANDER , b . Apri l 1 9 , 1807 . (NO .

7 . EZEKIEL LYSANDER , b . July 1 6 , 1809 ; of Brattleboro , Vt .(No .

8 . ALONZO DANIEL , b . Feb . 9 , 18 1 2 . (NO .

MOSES BASCOM , b . July 1 1 , 18 14 ; of Fa l ls , Wyoming Co. ,


Pa .

(No .

10 . HULDAH , b . Nov. 2 7 , 1 8 1 6 ; d . April 1 9 , 1820 .

1 1 . S IMON CADY , b . May 8 , 1 8 19 ; of Gil l . (No .

N O . 3 2 .

(VI A lvah Clesson Ph ill ips (son of Israel and

Mercy : No . born May 6 , 1 795 . He went to Wy oming hPenn . , where he followed the occupation of clothier and wool

carder , but after a time , received a comm ission as justice of the

peace with power to hold jury t rials . A t first he received his

commission from the Governor , but was afterwards elected bythe people , and was continued in this office till his death . The

amount of his legal business soon became so extensive that he

was compelled to give up his former occupation , and devote

himself wholly to his new calling . Incessant 'application to this

business , confinement in the impure air of the court room , and

want of sufficient exercise , seriously and permanently injured

his health , which he made repeated but unsuccessful ef forts to

regain . He was , writes one of his children ,“a man of no

ordinary ability .

” He died in ‘Wy oming , Oct . 8 , 1840 . He

Hi . A nn Ch ap in ,who was born Sept . 1 6 , 1 794 , daughter of


Solomon and Catharine Chapin of “f y oming ( then New Troy ),Luzerne Co . , Penn . She died in Northmoreland , Wy om ingCo . , Nov . 10 , 1865 . Children :

1 . MARY S. , b . in Wyoming , April 13 , 18 1 8 ; m . Dec . 1 9 , 1837

GORDON PIKE ; residing ( 1878) in Northmoreland , Penn . Ch

1 . Buey P ike, b . Oct . 3 1 , 1838 .

Em ily Gordon P ike, b . Dec . 13 , 1845 .

2 . ISAAC S. , b . Sept . 1 3 , 1 820 ; m . , May 22 , 1851 , LOUISE WOODHOUSE residence , Chicago , 111. Ch .

1 . Lil l ie C b . Aug . 10 , 1853 ; singing (Feb . 1878) wi th the

Hutch inson f amily in Phi ladelph ia .

2 . Harry ; deceased .3 . Chap in .

4 . Fred .

JOHN , b . March 27 , 1822 ; d . Dec . 6 , 183 1 .

ROBERT CHAPIN , b . Feb . 3 , 1825 . A soldier o f the Union army

in the late Southern war, now a f armer in Northmoreland ,

Penn . He m . in 1870 , AMELIA REED . Ch

1 . Hattie , b . June , 1871 .

2 . Ann ie , b . 1873 .

3 . Robert C

D IANA R b . April 1 , 1827 ; m. March 7 , 1847 , ABELMAROY ; residence . Tipton , Mo . Ch

1 . Beverly Marcy , b . July 3 1 , 1848 .

2 . Just in Marcy , b . Jan . 1 1 , 1852 .

CAROLINE HOSMER , b . Oct . 10 , 1829 m. May 1 2 , 1853 , SGALE SMITH ; residence , Northmoreland , Penn . Ch

b . 1875 .

1 . Charl ie W esley Smith , S ep t . 29 , 1854 ; d . in Northmoreland ,

Oct . 9 , 1863 .

2 . Maggie Dewit Smith , in Northmoreland , Dec. 5 , 1863 .

3 . Dorrie Chap in Smith, in Northmoreland , Dec . 3 1 , 1865 .

4 . Ann ie May s th, in Northmoreland , Feb . 10 , 1872 .

HARRIETTE W b . Nov. 1 9 , 1833 ; m . June , 1859 , E .

L . UNDERWOOD . She d . in Northmoreland , Jan . , 1874 .


1 . Frank Underwood , Aug . 4 , 1860 .

2 . Fred . Underwood , Aug . 18 , 1862 .

3 . Oran Und erwood .

4 . Eva Underwood .


Stephen C . Bem is was agent and manager , and served in the

employ ofMr . Bemis and his sons in various positions , more or

less every y ear , for upwards of forty -five y ears . For two

y ears he had charge of a hardware store forMr . Bemis in Troy ,

N . Y . , with a stock of goods ; but this enterpriseproved a failure , and fortune set him down at poverty

s gate .

SO reduced was he at this time , the spring of 1 843 , that , withwife , six children and al l his earthly possessions , he left the

city for his nati ve town on a one-horse wagon . This was a

heavy blow to bear ; the cloud that overshadowed him was

black indeed ,but he passed through the trial manfully . Pos

sessed with a remarkably hopeful spirit , good health and stronghands , he entered anew the great battle of life , fortune sm iled ,

and he not on ly kept the wolf from the door , but earned and still

enj oy s an easy competency . His employ er , the late Mr . Bemis

of Springfield , was once heard to remark to a friend ,

“ I have

great confidence in the honesty of Mr . Phillips , why ! I wouldtrust him with millions of uncounted gold . In religion , a

strong believer in the final restoration to peace and happiness

of the whole fam ily of man ; in politics , a staunch Jackson iandemocrat ; a Free Mason sixty y ears .

His son , Dea . Charles C . Phillips , to whom the compiler is

indebted for the greater part of this sketch , wrote in 1 878 ,

“ he

is nearly e ighty-one and has just returned from a commercial

trip embracing the New England States and the State of NewYork . He is probably the oldest traveling agent and the best

known of any in the country , hav ing been on the road some

thirty-five y ears .

” After the above was written he continued

to travel for two or three y ears , but has since retired from the

road , and has been res id ing w ith his daughter Caroline , at his

homestead in Greenfield , where 1 885 , he was still enj oy ing a

comfortable life . The above autograph was written when he

was e ighty-seven y ears of age . The portra it prepared for this

work is from a photograph taken at the age o f e ighty .

He married Dorothy Sage , born in Berl in ,

22 , 1 79 7 , d ied in Bernardston , Mass . , Feb . 15 , 1866 . Her

parents were Capt . Ol iver Sage , who d ied in Greenfield , Sept .


2 , 1859 , aged 90 , and Mary (Denio) Sage , who died in same

place , Nov . 13 , 1854 , aged 83 . Children :

1 . DOROTHY DENIO , b . in Greenfield , May 18 , 181 7 ; m . in Springfield (now Chicopee) EDMUND R . BROWN , a native of the

latter p lace , a machine card maker ; f rom 1864 to 1879 a

commercia l traveler ; present residence , Deerfield . Janitorand l ibrarian of the Dickinson H igh School since its Open i ngin 1879 . Ch

1 . Wi lliam Ph i llips Brown , b . in Hartf ord , Conn ., July 16 , 1840 ;

in a Regimen t of Engineers f rom New York , having enlistedat the comm encemen t of the war of the Rebellion and servedtil l af ter the surrender of Gen . Lee , at the close of the war ;(1. sudden ly in Fi tchburg, Mass . , Aug . 14 , 1869 .

2 . Anna Adelaide Brown , b . in Pi ttsburg, Penn ., March 23, 1842 ;

111 . Jan . 1 6 , 1868 , Charl es H . Robinson of Springfield. At thebeginn ing of the war of the Rebellion , he en listed in the firstregimen t that w en t f rom Massachusetts , and served throughout the war. Presen t residence , Lynn , Mass . Chi ld1 . Lewis Taylor Robinson , b . Oct . 20, 1868.

2 . MARY ANN , b . in Greenfield , Dec . 20 , 18 18 ; m . in same place ,May 7 , 1833 , ZORA ATHERTON f armer ; removed to Gill

Mass . , about 1 838 . She d . a f ter ,a short il lness , Dec . 8 , 1880 .


1 . Alonzo A therton, b . in Greenfield , 1836 ; m . Mariah S eaver ofSh e lburne , Mass .

Mary A therton , b . in Greenfield , 1838 ; m .

Mon tp elier, V t .3 . W i lliam A therton, b . in Gi ll,1840 ; a soldier of the Union army

in the late South ern war ; wounded at Fair Oaks , Va . , shotthrough the thigh ; m . Augusta Brook er of Greenfield .

4 . Ralph A therton ,b . in Gi ll , 1842 ; a soldier of the Union army in

the late South ern war, and lost h is righ t arm in the service ;wounded at Fair Oaks , Va. m . Alma Bascom of Gi ll .

5 . I sabell A therton ,b . in Gill , 1844 ; m. Henry Tyler of Greenfield .

6 . Elizabeth A therton,b . in Gi l l , 1846 ; m. Gilbert S tacy of same

p lace .

7 . O liver A therton, b . in Gill , 1848 ; m. Rose Scott of Bernardston .

She died 1876 .

8 . Harriet A therton , b . in G ill , 1850 .

9 . Abbie A therton , b . in Gill , 1852 .

10 . Carrie A therton ,b . in Gill , 1854.

1 1 . Charl es A therton, b . 1860 ; d . 1864 .

3 . HARRIETTE E b . in Greenfield , A ug . 5 , 1820 ; in 1878

of Beloit , Wis . m . in Wind sor, Conn . , May 5 , 1839 , ANSON6

McElwain of


B . STONE , a f armer. He died in Newark , Wis . , Feb . 1 5 ,

1863 , aged 50 y ears , 4 mos . Ch

1 . Wil liam Anson Stone, b . at Willimansett , Mass . , July 2 1 , 1841in 1878 of Ch icago, 1 11. At President / Lincoln ’

s first cal l f orvolunteers he enlisted in the 1st Wis . Reg .

, Co. F ,~ f or three

months , and , at the expiration of that time re-en listed in the74th 1 11. Reg . , Co. D , and remained unti l discharged at the

end of the war. He m . in Beloit , Wis . , Aug . 3 1 , 1862 , JuliaA . S tillwell . One son .

2 . Ella Annetta Stone, b . in Chester, Mass . , March 13, 1847 d . inGreenfield , Aug . 28 , 1848 .

3 . Eddie C larence Stone. b . in Ch ester, Aug . 2 1 , 185 1 ; in 1878 of

Beloit , Wis .

4 . Elna Carrie Stone, b . in Bran f ord , Conn ., June 29 , 1854 ; m . in

Newark , Wis., March 18 , 187 1 , Frank L . Hayden ; residing ,

1878 , in Beloi t , Wis .

WILLIAM P b . in Hartf ord , Conn . , Jan . 24 , 1822 ; d . in

Springfield , Mass . , April 24 , 1839 .

CHARLES CLESSON , b . in Springfield , Mass . , June 2 , 1823 ; a

f armer and painter, of Greenfield , and deacon f or six y ears of

the 1 st (Orthodox) Church . He was a soldier of CO . A , 52d

Reg . , Mass . Vol . Militia , and served underGen . Banks in 1862and 1863 , was at the capture of Port Hudson , La . , was woundedin the f ace by the exp losion of a rebel torpedo soon af ter

entering the place . For eighteen y ears prior to 1862 he was

identified with the Democratic party ; was delegate to one of

its County and three of its State Conventions . He has of late

y ears been in hearty sympathy with the temperance ref orm

movement ; was one of the first in his county to move f or theorganization of a Un ion Sunday School Association ; was f orten y ears at the head of the County Committee On SundaySchools has been treasurer and a d irector of the Frank l in Co .

B ib le Society f rom its organization in 1874 . He m . in Green

field , April 28 , 1846 , ADELINE BASCOM , d au. o f Chester and

Dorcas (Bissel l) Bascom , and gr. d au. of Joseph Bascom.

No ch .

JOHN HANCOCK , b . in Springfield , Mass . , Jan . 20 , 1826 ; of

Springfield ; agent o f Phi llip s’

Felting Works , manuf acturers

of fire-proof and indestructib le boiler and p ipe coverings . He

m . ( l st) in Guil ford , Conn . , A pr. 1 6 , 185 1 , ABBIE LOPER ,d au . o f James S . Loper. She d . Feb . 13 , 1870 , and he m .

( 2d ), A ug . 3 1 , 1876 , Mrs . JULIA A . PICKETT of New Haven ,



. of Charles Pickett . Oh . , by first marriage , several of

whom died1 . Fred Kendall , b . at Plainville , Conn .

, Oct . 4 , 1854 ; at presen t ,1885 , with the Turner S eymour Mf g .

[Co . , of Torrington ,

Conn . , and N . Y . , as western agen t ; m . Elizabeth Scul ly ofWaterbury , Conn . She d . March , 1880: Ch

1 . Harry , b . Oct 10 , 1877 .

2 . George Lyman , b . in Trenton ,


N . J Jan . 20 , 1864 ; m . MissKatie Scofield of South Norwalk , Conn .

CLARISSA C b . in Springfield , March 20 , 1828 ; m. in

Greenfield , Nov . 6 , 1852 , LEW IS W . TAYLOR , agent ; res . ,

Pittsfield . No ch .

HENRY DW IGHT , b . in Springfield , March 22 , 1830 ; learned thef resco , Sign and banner painting business ih ' Springfield ; set

tled in New Haven , Conn . , in 1856 ; establ ished himsel f inbusiness in 1859 , and has built up one of the largest and most

success f ul pain ting establishments in N ew England . He en

l isted in Co . D , 2d Reg . , C . N . G . in 1 859 , and , a f ter fi l lingal l the subordinate positions in the company , was electedCaptain in 1874 , which position -rhe held until 1879 , when he

resigned ; has held many responsible pol itical positions in theDemocratic party ; is a member of the Masonic , Odd Fel lows ,Knights of Py thias and B . P . O . E lks , orders . He In . June25 , 1851 , LOUISE ANN JA cxMAN of Westfield , Vt . Ch

Wi l lie , b . in Springfield , Feb . 14 , 1852 ; d . Feb . 16 , 1852 .

Li llian Louise , b . in Springfield , Oct . 7 , 1853 ; d . in New Haven ,

Jan . 4 , 1862 .

Frank Henry , b . in Cazenovia , Madison Co. , N . Y. , Dec. 28 ,

1855 ; house painter and paper hanger, of New Haven :

In .

June 25 , 1876 , Nellie McKeon of Saybrook , Conn . Ch

Frank Raymond , b . May

Mary Louise , b . Jan . 30 , 1881 .

Li llian Al lena, b . Dec. 27 1882 .

Edith Lyle , b . Oct . 12 , 1884.

4 . Fred , b . in New Haven , Feb . (1. July 20 , 1858.

Jenn ie Louise , b . in New Haven , May 19 , 1863 ; d . Feb . 14, 1864.

6 . Charles Raymond , b . in New Haven , March 1 1 , 1864 ; in businesswith h is f ath er ; “ a very clever artist , and shows great ski llwith the brush .

7 . Emma Isabel,b . in New Haven ,

Aug . 4 . 1868 ; d . Aug . 18 , 1868.


76 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY [Nos . 34 , 35 .

LEW IS L b . in Greenfield , Sept . 20 , 1832 ; a resident ofSpringfield ; m . in Greenfield , 1859 , ANNIS M . BARTLETT .

Child1 . Jenn ie , b . in Springfield , Jun e 1 , 1860 ; m. J. A . Henni ck . She

d . in Springfield , Jan . 18 , 1881 .

CAROLINE E b . in Greenfield . June 20 , 1835 m . Jan . 3 ,

1866 , MOSES BASCOM PHILLIPS, son of Ezekiel L . and LauraA . Phil l ips . Child :1 . A lva I srael , b . in Greenfield , Apri l 13 , 1874.

GEORGE C b . in Springfield , Oct . 10 , 1838 ; a f armer

in West Springfield ; m . ( l st) in Greenfield , Aug . 4 , 1859 ,

MINERVA FAIRMAN . She d . May 29 , 1867 , and he m. ( 2d )Miss MARY FRANCES CLEMENT of New Hampshire . Oh . , by

firs t marriage , al l born in Greenfield :1 . Frederic T b . April 14 , 1860 ; (1. Sep t . 1 , 1865 .

2 . C lara May , b . Sep t . 20 , 1864.

3 . Nell ie , b . March 29 , 1867 ; d . Oct . 1 , f ol lowing .

N o. 3 4 .

(VI . ) John Tow ne Ph il l ips (son of Israel and MercyNO . born May 26 , 1 799 ; went to Laurens , Otsego Co . ,

N . Y . , Where he followed the trade of clothier and wool carder

f or about thirty y ears , then sold out and was afterwards one of a

company that built a large cotton m ill . He was prospered in

business and became a man of considerable pecuniary means .

He was one of the pillars of support in the Methodist Societyof that place , for the benefit of which it was his hab itual practiceto contribute liberally . He m . Sept . 7 , 1823 , Mary Sh el

d on of Bernardston , Mass . He died May 27 , 1 877 .


1 . ELVIRA C b . in Laurens , Feb . 10 , 1825 ; In . April 5 ,1850 , ELIJAH HUBBELL .

2 . MARY M,

b . in Laurens , March 10 , 1828 ; d . in same

p lace , Dec . 1 , 185 1 .

N o. 3 5 .

(VI . ) Ru fus Severance Ph il lips (son of Israel and

Mercy : No . born Nov . 10 ,1 801 ; a farmer in Greenfield ,

and an accurate land survey or, his services in the latter capacity


be ing very Often solicited by people in his own and neigt ringtowns . He was considerably occupied in town business , and

held the O ffice of assessor for several y ears . He was regarded

by those familiar with him as a great mathematician , Who

d eclared it to be impossible to catch him in . a mistake in any

problem . One who served on the board of assessors with him

said he was the best man at figures he ever saw . He occupied

the homestead where his widow still resides , 1 883 . The familyhas held possession of this p lace for n inety y ears . He married

Nov . 1 , 1 843 , Sa l ly Page (or Pa ige) of Ley den , Mass .

born April daughter of Paul and Sally (Crumb)Page . He died In Greenfield , July 2 , 1875 Children

1 . ARTHUR , b . Nov . 1 , 1844 ; a soldier of the Union army in the

late Southern war ; residing , 1878 , in Gil l . Married CLIMENAROBERTS of Gil l . Child :1 . Halbert , b . Jan . 4 , 1874 .

2 . SARAH , b . in Greenfield , Jan . 4 , 1 848 ; m . EDGAR THAYER of

Hinsdale , N . H . , a Un ion Soldier in the late Southern war ;

residing , 1878 , in Amherst , Mass . Child1 . Glenroy Thayer.

3 . MILLARD FILLMORE , b . in Greenfield , Oct . 22 , 1850 ; l iving ,1883 , at the old homestead .

4 and 5 . Two sons who died young .

N O . 3 6 .

(VI ) N oble Ph ilander Ph il lips (son of Israel and

Mercy : No . 31 born April 1 9 , 1 807 a shoemaker in Bernard ston , a farmer in Gill and in Greenfield , where he now

resides , 1885 . He married in Vernon , Vt . , 1830 , N an cyA nn Kenny . She died June 30 , 1 881 . Children

1 . HULDAH JANE , b . May 25 , 183 1 ; d . March 8 , 1847 .

2 . ELLEN A NJELINE , b . Dec . 5 , 1832 ;‘

in 1885 of Santa Rosa ,Cal . , having l ived in Cal if ornia about twenty -five years ; In .

Apri l 14 , 1859 , ALVAH W . PARK . He d . in Santa Rosa , A pr.1 , 1884 . No ch .

3 . A LONzo MARTIN , b . Oct . 14 , 1834 ; d . April 14 , 1835 .

4 . CLEMENT COOLEY , b . Feb . 2 , 1836 ; in 1885 of Portland ,Oregon , having been many y ears extensively engaged in the



manuf acture of doors , sash and blinds ; m . ( 1 st) in that place,1864 , CECELIA McKAY . She d . May 1 6 , 1865 , leaving one

child . He m . (2d ) 1 867 , LIzz1E JOHNSON . Oh . (by firstmarriage)1 . A lva.

(By second marriage)2 . Edward w b . Oct . 25 , 1868 ; d. Aug. 13 , 1869 .

3. Al ida C b . June 13 , 1870 .

4. Nellie E b . May 18 , 1872 .

5 . Anna E b . Oct . 24, 1874 ; (1. same day .

6 . Wi lber, b . S ep t . 26 , 1875 .

7 . Les li e , b . Sep t . 13 , 1878 .

8 . Herbert , b . Apr. , 188 1 .

NANCY ANN , b . April 1 7 , 1838 ; m . A pril 14 , 1863 , JOB G .

PICKETT , a respectab le f armer of Greenfield , where they reside .


1 . Frank Nob l e P ickett, b . Feb . 23 , 1864 .

2 . Ellen Anna P ickett, b . Nov. 13 , 1868 .

DWIGHT MARTIN , b . May 18 , 1840 ; a respectab le f armer of

Greenfield ; m . March 1 1 , 1873 , ELLA COBB . He d . Oct . 1 7 ,

1880 .

NEWTON , b . Jan . 2 7 , 1843 ; of West Thompson , Conn . servedin the war of the Rebel l ion in the 52d Reg. , Mass . Volunteers ;111 . March , 1866 , ELIZA CHASE . Ch .

Al ice , b . Dec. 17 , 1866 .

Wal ter, b . Dec . 1 1 , 1867 .

Wi ll ie , b . Dec . 26 , 1870 .

Maud Adelaide , b . Dec . 23,1884 .

ELVIRA SOPHIA , b . Oct . 25 , 1845 ; m . April 1 2 , 1871 , EBER N .

LARRABEE , justice o f the peace and weal thy f armer of Greenfield . Ch

1 . C lara Larrabee, b . May 9 , 1872 .

2 . Anna Larrabee, b . June 25 , 1874 .

3 . L izz ie Larrabee, b . Feb . 17 , 1878 .

4. H’

art Larrabee, b . Dec . 4 , 1880 .

CHARLES NOBLE , b . April 7 , 1848 ; of Greenfield ; m . 1873 ,


1 . Henry , b . July 24 , 1874.

Dona Jane , b . Aug . 2 7 , 1876 .

Carrie Bell , b . Jan . 6 , 1879 .

Leon D b . Apr. 18 , 188 1 ,

Herbert , b . Aug . 17 , 1883 .









5 . ALVA CLESSON , b . April 14 , 1842 ; sergeant in Co . E , l 0th

Reg . , Mass . Volunteers , was wounded at the battle of Getty s

burg, July 3 , 1863 , and died of the wound Oct . 3 , f ol lowing ,in the hosp ital .

N o. 3 8 .

(VI ) A lonzo Dan iel Phil l ips (son of Israel and

Mercy : No . born Feb . 9 , 181 2 ; an accomplished and

popular hotel keeper , which business he followed for thirty

y ears , and lived successively in Springfield , Mass .,Brattleboro ,

Vt . , Hartford , Conn . , Athol and Fitchburg , Mass . For a time

in the early part of his life he was employ ed in the service of

the late Hon . Stephen C . Bemis of Springfield . He married

Mary A . Robin son ,born at West Springfield , Feb . 1 5 ,

181 8 , daughter of Joel and Anna (Bartlett) Robinson . He died

in Greenfield , May 3 , 1 863 . Children

1 . SMITH ROBINSON , b . at Wil l imansett , Mass . , Jan . 1 4 1837 a

member of the Mass . Legislature f rom Springfield in 1874 ,

being elected without an opposing vote . When the resolutionsof censure against Hon . Charles Sumner were rescinded bythat assemb ly , he was active in securing that result , and wasone , appointed with others , to del iver to the Hon . Senator thewelcome document , stating that the vote of censure had beenrescinded . He was also one of the Committee appointed bythe Legislature to proceed to Washington , a f ter the death of

the lamented Senator, and receive his body . He m . in Men

tague , Mass . , June 1 9 , 1859 , IDA M . B ISSELL , daughter of

John W . and Sophia (Cushman) B issel l . He (1. in SpringfieldOct . 7 , 1877 . Child1 . Isamel la S b . in Montague , Aug . 3 , 1860 .

2 . A LONzo DANIEL , b . in Brattleboro , Vt . , Aug . 3 1 , 1838 ; went

to Kenosha , Wis . , in Oct . , 1856 , and to Portage C ity , Wis . ,

July , 1857 , and in Dec . same y ear went to Prairie d a Chien .

where he was.

telegraph operator and clerk in the railroadf reight O ffice until Aug . 1 , 1875 , when he was appointedf reight and ticket agent , which position he has s ince occup ied .

He m . in Boscobel , Wis . , Oct . 1 1 , 186 1 , MARY A . COPE , b . in

Athens , Penn . , A ug . 19 , 1846 , d au. o f Thomas V . and Elizabeth Cope . Children . al l born in Prairie d a Chien


1 . Frederi c Charl es , b . Dec . 20 , 1863.

2 . Frank Henry , b . Jan . 5 , 1866 .

3 . Inez May , b . S ep t . 30 , 1871 .

CHARLES OSCAR , b . in Brattleboro , Vt . , Aug . 5 , 1 840 an ofii cer

during the war of the Rebellion in the 4th Mass . Cava lry , as

was also his younger brother, and both were at d iff erent‘


members of the staff s of Genera ls Terry and Weitzel . He m.

ELLEN E . PENDLETON, daughter of Denni s B . and Nancy(Robinson) Pend leton . He died Jan . , 1877 , f rom disease ,the f oundation o f which was laid while he was in the service of

his country . Children :

1 . W il liam Harry ,


b . NOV. 23 , 1868 .

2 . Louis Agassiz , b . Aug . 14 , 1870 .

3 . Edith Ryerson , b . Aug . 16 , 1873 .

HENRY MOSES, b . in Athol , Mass . , A ug . 1 1 , 1845 ; an emcerduring the war of the Rebel l ion in the 4th Mass . Cavalry ; in1878 treasurer of the Phil lips Manuf acturing Co . , Springfield .

In the summer of 188 1 , he, with his wif e and son VisitedEurope . Representative f rom Springfield in 1 880 and

’8 1 ;

mayor of Springfield in 1883 , ’

84 and’85 .

He m . Dec . 1874 ,

JULIA B . ALEXANDER . daughter of Henry A lexander of Springfield . Child1 . Henry Alexander , b . Sept . , 1875 .

MARY ANNE , b . in Athol , Feb . 23 , 1847 ; m . JOHN A . FIELD ,son of Robert R . and E liza 0 . Field . Child1 . Henry Alon zo F ield , b . in Mil f ord , Mass . , Aug . 8 , 1870 .

EMMA LUCY , b . in Fitchburg , Mass . , Dec . 23 , 1854 ; m . C . A .

BROWN , son of Lewis and Abigail Brown .

N o . 3 9 .

(VI .) Moses Ba scom Ph il l ips ( son of Israel and

Mercy : No . born July 1 1 , 1 81 4 ; a.

cloth dy er and dresser

by trade ,and partner in a factory in Falls township , Wy oming

Co . ,Penn .

, where he accumulated a handsome property , and

continued in this business till the failure of his health and the

destruction of his factory by fire , after which , by the advice of

his phy sicians , he bought a farm near Keelersburg , Wy omingCo . Owing to the loss of health he was unable to labor on his

farm , y et managed it successfully by means of hired help .

“His education was good for his Opportunity . He was remark

82 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY [Nos . 40 , 41 .

able for his taciturnity , for months never speaking any unneces

sary words , a good citizen and an honest , honorable , man .

He married ( l st) Joseph in e T . Hartley ,daughter of Wm .

Hartley of Glenwood , Wy oming Cc . , Penn . She died in the

Spring of 1849 , leaving a son a f ew day s old . He married

( 2d) Oct . 20 ,1 858 , Jan e Harris , born Feb . 1 8 , 1 814 , an

estimable lady , living in 1 878 , in Pittston , Penn . Her parents

were Isaac Harris of Pleasant Valley , Dutchess Co . , N . Y . , and

Nancy (Wickes) Harris from Morrisvil le , ,Del . Co . , N . Y . He

died July 23 , 1865 . Child

1 . CHARLES H , b . March 6 , 1849 ; m . 1876 , Miss HARRIETWILSON .

N o. 4 0 .

(VI .) Simon Cady Ph il l ips (son of Israel and Mercy

No 31 born Aug . 8 , 181 9 a millwright of Gill , Mass . He

married Jan . 2 7 , 1 847 , Rossy Soph ia Ba l lard Of Gill , b .

in that place March 1 3 , 1 820 , daughter of Amaziah Ballard .

She died In Gil l , NOV . 9 , 1874 . Children

1 . EMMA JOSEPHINE , b . in Gil l , Feb . 7 , 185 1 l iving , 1878 , in same

p lace .

2 . CLESSON BALLARD , b . in Gil l , March 29 , 1853 ; teacher of pen

manship and book-keep ing in Philadelph ia .

3 . EDWARD S IMON , b . in Deerfield , Mass . , Nov . 13 , 1854 ; of

Bureau, I l l . ; station agent f or the Chicago , Rock Is land and

Pacific R . R . The three children above mentioned have all

been teachers .

N O . 4 1 .

(V ) Dan ie l Ph il lips ( son of Israel and Huldah : No .

born March 1 , 1 776 ;

tfi M a f armer in Charlton , Mass . ,

to which place he moved in

Nov . , 1 800 . Prev iously to this he worked for Rev . SamuelAustin of Worcester . He d ied Monday morn ing , March 2 7 ,

1848 . He was six feet in height and had large features . Dur

ing the last seven y ears o f his l ife he was atll icted with lameness

and protracted suffering , and unable to do any work . For the

greater part o f this time he could walk only with the aid of


th is occupation and was f or some years emp loyed in the service of the Adams Expre ss Company in Hart f ord , Conn . , and

in New York C ity . H e a f terwards engaged in mercanti lepursuits in the latter p lace , and later in Arkansas , to wh ichp lace he went in 1865 . He was ex tremely quiet and unas

suming in h is gen eral conduct , but he met w ith that b itteropposi tion which has too o f ten been the lot of the north ernemigran t to the south . Consequently the unsettled state ofthe community led h im to en ter actively into politi cal andmilitary li f e . Wh en attempts w ere made in 1868 and 1869 torevolutioniz e the S tate Government , he was appointed to thecommand of the S tate Militia , wi th title of Major-General .During this trying p eriod his li f e was hunted by theoutlawsof that region , and he rece ived several bulle t wounds in at

temp ts made to assassinate h im . A f ter th is he was clerk of

the Chancery Court f or five years . He was Un ited S tatesMarshal f rom 1876 to 1880 f or the western distric t of Arkansas , wh ich includes the Indian Territory , and comprises a

larger area than any oth er district , and in the amoun t ofbusiness done , money exp ended and responsib i lity cast uponthe of fi cers of the Court , said to be the most importan t in theUn ited S tates . At the close o f h is term of O ffi ce in 1880 , the

Arkansas Rep ublican said of h im :“ Gen . Upham has man

aged the Marshal ’s ofii ce of h is district b etter than it has

ever been managed . A b etter, more ab le . honest and e fficientoffic er does not l ive .

Upham is a man of pure private and publ ic character ; aman who can be used by no one . His character,ab il ity and p ecul iar fi tness f or th is position are known and

admitted by al l . The way he has admin istered'

the o ffi ce f orf our years has f orced pra ises and commendations f rom eventhe unw ill ing . He— with the aid of a judge and d istrictattorney who have been f aith f ul— has given the p eop le o f theIndian country p eace and security agains t the e ff orts of in terlopers , murderers , outlaws and villains o f al l k inds , un til l i f eand prop erty are measurab ly se cure in that country .For a numb er o f years he was in the prac tice o f purchasing

at the eas t and transporting to Arkansas choice an imals o fpure Jers ey s tock , f or the grow th and d evelopment of wh ichthat sec t ion seems to have a p ecul iar fi tness , and his h erdand those o f h is customers included some o f the be s t specimens o f breed ing s tock o f th is k ind which could be obtainedin New England . A f ter re tiring f rom the pos it ion o f U . S .

Marshal , h is heal th commenced to f a il and he came on a tripto New England , hop ing to re cuperate am id the scenes of

h is native town ; but , though s truggl ing man f ul ly agains td iseas e , he cont inued slowly to decl ine and d ied at the homes tead ln Dud ley , Nov. 18 , 1882 . He m. M iss Lucy K. Nash


of Ox f ord , who f ai th f ul ly stood by h im and share d with h imthe trials and anx ieties of that dark and ,uncertain periodwh en his li f e was k ep t in j eopardy ; and her constan t sympathy and kind min istration s con tinued unabated ti l l theclose of h is li f e . Since his death she has resided in Li ttleRock .

AUSTIN , b . June 1 7 , 1 805 d . young .

DANIEL , b . July 2 , 1809 of Hartf ord , Conn . (No .

ABIGAIL , b . Feb . 1 2 , 18 1 1 ; m . April 25,1833 , SAMUEL P .

HICKS of Charlton; b . in Sutton , Nov . , 1 805 , son of Elijah*

and Nancy (Leland) Hicks. She was f or many y ears a con

sistent and beloved member of the Congregational Church inCharlton , an aff ectionate and devoted wi f e , a kind and f aithf ul

parent . She died a f ter a long il lness , Nov. 13 , 1 858 . S inceher death he has resided in 'Worcester. Children , al l born inCharlton1 . Austin Prescott H icks , b . Aug . 3 , 1834 ; d . Feb . 17 1853 .

2 . John Warren H icks , b . Oct . 18 , 1836 ; d . March 6 , 1837 .

3 . Ab igai l Louisa H icks , b . March 29 , 1838 ; (1 . S ep t 2 1 , same y ear.

4 Lew is Wi lden H icks , b . Nov . 20 , 1845 ; graduated at Yal eCollege in 1870 , at Hartf ord Th eologi cal Sem inary in 1874.

He preach ed in July , Augus t an d S ep t . , 187 1 . in Canaan . Me .,

and Sep t . 10 , 1874 , was installe d over the CongregationalChurch in Wood stock , V t . ,

-rwhere he con tinued to labor

with good results f or seven years . In 188 1 he removed toWethersfield , Conn . , wh ere he was installed Sep t . 14th , and

has sin ce con tinued to be pastor of th e CongregationalChurch in' that town— a church wh ich claims to be the oldestin the S tate . His labors have usually given a h igh degree ofsatisf action , wh i ch has b een rep eatedly expressed by thelib erality of h is parishion ers . H is pub lic addresses Show

scholarsh ip and research , and several of th em , de l ivere d on

f t Elij ah Hicks was a descendant of Hicks of Cambridge , who, w ith h isbrother John , who settled in Charlestown , and another brother who settled inRehoboth , came to this country with their f ather. John , of Charlestown , went toassist in taking up the bridge , to prevent the British f rom crossing, on their way

to Concord, and was shot and killed . Hicks 1 of Cambridge removed to

Sutton , was a carpenter, and f ramed the first meeting-house in that town , wheresome of h is descendants are now to be found . H is son Samuel ,2 m . Elizabeth Lelandwho is said to have been a descendant of John Leland , chaplain to King Henry VIII .She d . in Charlton , Sept. 16 , 1834 , aged 94. Their son . Elijah ,8 m . Nancy Leland ,above , removed to Charlton about 1810, toWorcester, 1848 , where he d . July 6, 1857aged 75 years , 2 months. She d . A ug . 15, 1854, a

g ed 69 .

t The pastorate in this place was occupied about ten years earl ier by Dr. JonathanClement , who married another member of the Watertown Ph illips f amily .


occasion s of unusual in terest , have b een pub lish ed .

* He 111 .

( 1st) July 2 , 1874 , Kate Curtis , daugh ter of Dr. J . S . Curtisof Hart f ord , Conn . She d . Nov. 3 , 1876 . He In . ( 2d) June18 , 1878 , Elizabeth H . Barrett , dau .


O f Judge Barrettof Woodstock , V t . Child by first marriage1 . Edward Phi llips H icks , b . in Woodstock , Aug . 3 , 1875 .

MOSES DRESSER , b . May 15 , 18 1 3 ; of Worcester. (No .

AUSTIN TOWNE , b . A ug . 26 , 18 15 . (No .

N o. 4 2 .

(VI .) Curtis Ph il l ips ( son of Daniel and Jemima : No .

born Sept .

10 , 1801 an industrious and economical farmer

of Charlton , but during the later y ears of his life a resident of

Southbridge . A man of scrupulous honesty , extremely unas

suming , and in his use of language , conscientiously cautious ,deliberate and truthful . By his hab its of honesty and truthful

ness he alway s held the respect of his acquaintances . He died

at his birthplace in Charlton , June 3 , 1880 . He m . April ,1 828 , Lucy Dodge of Dudley , who died Oct . 28 , 1859 , aged

551Children , al l born in Charlton

1 . EDWIN , b . June 6 , 1829 ; a mil ler, grain merchant and f armer

in Charl ton , and an extensive land holder. In 1870 he establ ished a grist

-mil l on Cady brook , about one-f ourth mile f romhis house , and entered at first gradua l ly , and a f ter a f ew years

extensively into the grain business . In this bus iness he hasmet with encouraging success , and enjoy s the reputation of an

honorable dealer. In 188 1 , he built a large d am , five hundredf eet in length , one-f ourth mile lower down , and erected a com

med ious build ing f or a grist-mil l and saw-mil l . In 1883 , he

bought a tract of seventy -five acres o f land with the purposeof flowing it as a reservoir, thereby largely increasing the

, capacity and the va lue o f his priv ilege . H is grain goes princ ipal ly to the Southbridge market , three miles d istant . He

owns and occup ies the same f arm and house which were occu

p ied by three generations of his ancestors , the first of whom

‘ Il is printed d iscourses include the f ollowing : Address at the f uneral of Mrs .

Ab igail Crossman Hazen , Woodstock , Jan . 1 , 1879 . Address at the f uneral of S0 10mon Woodward , Woodstock , May 8, 1879 . Address at the f uneral of Mrs.Mary AnnWentworth W illiams, Nov. Sermon at the ded ication of the Cong. Church ,Bridgewater, Vt . , Sept . 2 , 1880. Sermon at the ded ication of the Cong. Chapel ,Woodstock , Oct. 81 , 1880. Letter o f resignation o f the pastorate of the Cong.


was Dea . Jonathan Dennis , one of the two first deacons of the

Congregationa l Church in Charlton , who here made an openingin the origina l f orest and broke the until led land . He m . 1862 ,

ADELIA L . PLIMPTON , b . in Southbridge , August 1 , 1833 .

Children , al l born in Charlton1 . Li llian Dora

,b . March 4 , 1865 .

2 . Al ice Adel ia , b . Jun e 28 , 18663 . Everett Curtis , b . Ap

ri1 3 , 1874 .

MARY LUCY , b . April 8 , 1832 ; m . MARTIN HERSEY of Spencer.

One child .

CLARISSA MELINDA , b . April 20 , 1834 ; d . in Southbridge , May6 , 1873 .

EMILY , b . Dec . 2 , 1 839 ; m . JOHN D . PAINE ; resides in Dudley .

One child .

N o. 4 3 .

(VI . ) Dan ie l Phil l ips ( son of Daniel and Abigail : No .

born July 2 , 1809 went toWestboro in 1829 , and carried

on butchering and other business , which not proving remunera

tive , he removed to Hartford , Conn . , Oct . , 1 841 . Here he

engaged in the express business , then in its infancy , and which

grew during his connection with it to the very extens1ve pro

portions which it attained in later y ears . His business efforts

were here rewarded with abundant success . He was the Hartford agent of the Adams Express Company for several y ears

following its incorporation , but for some y ears past has not

been actively engaged'

in that business . For many y ears he

has been prominently identified with several of the principal

banking , insurance , manufacturing , educational and benevolentinstitutions of Hartford , and has been the firm and helping friend

of the important religious and charitable enterprises of the city

and commun ity , ever watching carefully for the best interests

Church , Woodstock , June 19 , 1881 . D iscourse at the re-dedication of Wethersfield

Church , April 29 , 1883. Poem ,

“At Antietam ,” delivered at Wethersfield , May

30, 1884. Sermon ,

“ Seven Sp iritual Stages,” in the Wethersfield Cong. Church ,Sunday , Oct . 26, 1884.


of the city and the institutions with Which he has been con

nected . Being one of the first to engage in.

the expressbusiness , it is perhaps , not too much to say that the implicit

confidence which the general public have in the express com

panies of the day ,is owing , in no small degree , to the firm and

honorable business principles which it was his constant object

to initiate into the sy stem at its commencement . On many

occasions he has been elevated to positions of trust by the votesof the citizens of Hartford ; he represented the city in the Gen

eral Assembly at New Haven during the session of 1854 , and

was Alderman in 1859 . He has been director or trustee of each

of the following companies and associations , several of which

positions he continues to occupy : Hartford Savings Bank and

Building Association , City Fire Ins . Cc . , Charter Oak Life Ins .

Co . , Hartford Steam Boiler Ins . Co . , Orient Fire Ins . Co .,American National Bank , Mechanics Savings Bank (also vice

president of the latter), National Screw Co . , Weed SewingMachine Co . , VVil l imantic Linen Cc . , Theological Institute ofConn . , Hartford Female Seminary , Hartford Branch of the Am .

Tract Society , and Cedar Hill Cemetery . He was a member of

the building committee for the erection ,in 1869 , of the mag

n ificent business block on Main Street , of the Charter Oak LifeInsurance CO . He was one of the signers of the call for the

first Republican mass meeting ever held in Connecticut , and

which resulted in the formation of the Republican party of thatState . Ever since that time he has been a member of that party ,

an out-spoken advocate of its principles , and usually a firm

and ardent supporter of its candidates . Being a man of warm

heart and gen ial disposition , and of a peculiarly practical

benevolence , he has gained a great number of friends amonga ll classes who will cherish the memory of his many deeds

o f k indness . More than one is able to say that the business

and social stand ing to which he has happ ily attained , is owing

largely to the encouragement which he received in earlier day s

from Mr. Phill ips . But those who have the best claim to the

a ff ections o f their fellow-men are sometimes the ones who suffer

the heav iest blows at the hands of Providence , and so it has


f rom the f act , that , during the morning of the f unera l theofii ce of the company was closed , and the


officers , directorsand clerks attended the f unera l in a body , wearing the badgeof mourning .

N o. 4 4 .

(VI .) Moses Dresser Phil l ips ( son of Daniel and Abigail : No . born May 1 5 , 1 813 Not being of a sufficientlyrobust constitution to endure the labors


of the farm , he left the

paternal homestead , Sept . 1 8 , 1832 , being nineteen y ears of

age , and went to Worcester, then a thriving Village of four

thousand inhabitants , where he engaged as a clerk in the book

store of Clarendon Harris . In 1835 he went into partnership

with William Lincoln , Esq. , and with him followed the business

of bookseller and publisher for some y ears . But desiring a

larger field for his labors , he removed his trade , about the

y ear 1845 , from Worcester to Boston , where , till the close of

his life ; he was principal partner in the firm of Phillips , Sampson Co . , whose extensive transactions in the book trade

gained for them a world-wide reputation , the amount of their

business , part of the time , being regarded as second only to one

other establishment of the kind in America . Thus he raised

himself by his own exertions , in a littl e more than twenty -five

y ears , from the humble position in which he first entered busi

ness , to the head of the first publishing house in Boston ; and

he became the founder of the A tlantic Monthly , a magazine

unexcelled in the branch of literature to which it is devoted .

The accumulating cares of busines , greatly increased by the

financial pressure of 1857 and 1858 , and by the death of Mr.

Sampson , his chief partner, produced too severe a strain upon

his constitution ,and he gradually sunk under the weight thus

brought to bear upon him . He was a man of genial way s , of

firm and honest principles and noble sentiments , which charac

teristics won for him a large number of friends . In the y ears

1 852 and 1853 , he was a member of the Worcester Board of

A ldermen . Perhaps his character and abil ities may best be

shown by the following resolutions and statements made 0 11


the occasion of his death , by men who were familiar with hisbusiness life . A t a meeting of the booksellers and publishersof Boston , held f or the purpose of taking some action in regard

to his death , the following resolutions were unan imouslyadopted

Whereas , we have learned with regret , of the death of our f riendand cO-laborer, Mr. Moses D . Phil lips theref ore

“Resolved , That we have a lway s recognized in him the character of

an honest , f aithf ul man ; that we cherish his memory with respect ,and that in his death we have lost an intel ligent and usef ul memberof the trade .

Resolved , That we close our p laces of business during the f uneralservices .

One said of him :“ He became f avorab ly known f or his intell i

gence , excel lent judgment , and executive abilit ies . In comparativelya short time the firm gained a high reputation at home and abroad .

The deceased was much respected by the whole commun ity , and was

highly esteemed by a large circle of f riends .

Another remarked : “ He was a man,remarkable f or his modesty ,

industry , honesty and nob leness of heart ; was amiable , f a ithf ul andrel iab le . Those who knew him wel l , agree that he had a gen ial spirit ,a f und of ready anecdote , and great kindness of heart .

Another wrote A f ter almost dai ly business transactions with Mr.

Phil lips and his firm , f or about fi f teen y ears , it is but truth and justiceto say , that he a lway s thoroughly understood what . he wanted , gavehis orders concisely , managed every thing methodica l ly , was a lway sready to assist in removing difficulties and smoothing the path , andnever p laced obstacles in the way ; was a lway s courteous and agree

ab le , even when most pressed by his multitudinous engagements . A nd

during the whole period , no matter under howsoever try ing circum

stances (and no doubt they were of ten presented), he never lost his

good temper or spoke to us an unkind word . Amidst a multip l icityof ca l ls in attending to so large a business , he was a lway s attentiveand socia l to the ca l ler, and had a ready f und of anecdote , or story ,or humor, to make p leasant the dreary path of dai ly toil and care .

He was to be env ied while l iving , and his memory wil l be f ond lycherished , we doubt not , by hundreds , if not thousands , of personswho had no kinsman ’

s claim , but who enjoy ed the broad comprehen

sive and practical View he took of the subjects discussed with those


whose daily wa lk brought them into his society . A s a business manhe was a model .He continued his residence in Worcester

,till 1856 , when he

changed it to Brookline , four miles from his place of business ,where he died after a protracted illness , August 20 , 1859 . His

remains were taken toWorcester and buried in Rural Cemetery .

He married April 10 , 1 838 , Charlotte Foxcro f t, born in

Worcester , 181 2 , daughter of John and Charlotte (Heywood)Foxcroft .

* Children

1 . CATHERINE FISKE , b . in Worcester, Jan . 7 , 1839 ; d . Jan . 10 ,

1842 .

2 . SARAH FOXCROFT , b . in Worcester, April 6 , 184 1 ; l ivIng In

Brook l ine , 1885 .

3 . JOHN FoxcROFT , b . in Worcester. Dec . 14,1842 a resident of

Brook l ine ; in 186 1 he entered the store of J . A . W . BirdCo . , Importers of drugs and chemica ls , Boston , and af ter beingconstantly emp loy ed by them f or upwards of twenty y ears ,

serv ing with zea lous f aithf ulness in diff erent capacities . butprincipal ly as cashier, he became a partner in the firm .

4 . CHARLOTTE HEYWOOD , b . in Worcester, Nov . 15 , 1848 ; of

Brook l ine , 1885 .

5 . EDWARD HALE , b . in Boston , Jan . 26 , 1852 ; has been f or

severa l y ears in the emp loy of J . A . W . B ird Cc . , Bostonresides at Cottage Farms . He m . A pr. 1 9 , 1879 , ELIZABETH

i“Daniel Foxcrof t wasmayor of Leeds, 1666 ; d . in England , Aug . 6 , 1694. Francis ,1son of Daniel , was of Cambridge , Mass. ; m . Oct. 3 , 1682 , Elizabeth , dau. of Dep .

Gov . Dan f orth . She d . July aged 56 , and he Dec . 31 , 1727 , ag ed 70. He was

a gentleman by b irth , and of a worthy f amily in the north of England ; was just andupright in al l h is business.

” Francis2 (son of Francisl ), was b . Jan . 26 , 1694 ; of

Cambridge ; grad . at Harv. Coll . , 1712 .

“First Justice of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace , and in f erior Court of Common Pleas f or the County in which hel ived ,” 1 737 to 1764. He m . NOV. 5 , 1722 , Mehitable Coney , had ten sons and five

daus . , one of whom appears to have m . Judge Samuel Phillips of Andover. He (1.Mar. , 1768 , aged 73 ; h is w if e , Mehitable , d . at Andover, May 4, 1782 , aged JudgeFoxcrof t Occup ied the paternal mansion , and in h is w ill expressed a strong desirethat it should be retained in the f am ily .” Franc is8 (son of b . Nov. 15,

1744 ; grad . a t Harv. Coll . , 1764 ; an eminent physician of Brookfie ld Mass. , where heIn . May 5 . 1768 , Sarah , dau. o f Dr. Jabez Upham. He (1. Feb . 15 , 1814, aged 69 ; h isw if e , Sarah , ( 1. in Claremont , N. H . , A pr. , 1827. John4 (son o f FrancisB), b . Nov. 27,

1785 , in Brookfleld ; grad . at Harv. Coll . , 1807 ; a merchant in Worcester, where hed ,July He m. May 26 , 1811 . Charlotte , d au. of Capt. Dan iel Heywood of

Worcester. She d . in Brookl ine , Jan . 12 , 1862 , aged 69 . E ight o f the Foxcrof t namehave graduated at Harv. Coll .


PIDGE ROBINSON , b . in Hallowell , Me . , Nov . 1 9 , Her

parents were Wm . Shaw Robinson , b . in Norway , Me . , Feb .

1 1 , 1 796 , l iving , 1885 , in Worcester, Mass . , and Eunice

(Sampson) Robinson , b . in Leeds , Me .,1 8 1 2 ; m . Nov . 1

1847 . Mrs . Robinson d . Dec . 6 , 188 1 . Ch .

1 . Alice E li zabeth , b . in Brook lin e , Feb . 9 , 1880 .

2 . Charlotte Foxcrof t , b . in Brook line , May 26 , 1883 .

N o. 4 5 .

(VI Austin Town e Ph ill ips ( son of Daniel and Abigail : No . born

Aug . 26 , 1815 ;

forty y ears a jud


i- Orm

owns and enterprisf

ing farmer in Charlton ; prudent and exact in‘

the management

of his business affairs , scrupulously hon est in his dealings ,alway s cherishing a tender desire to promote the highest interests of his family , a liberal supporter of the church and society ,

the ardent friend of education , temperance and every enterprisecalculated to benefit the commun ity .

It was the custom of the late Judge Charles Allen of Wor

cester , to depend upon him annually for a supply of butter ,and he and his father , counting the f ew y ears in which his

father preceded him , furn ished that family with table butter

for fifty-one y ears in unbroken succession . He came into pos

session of the farm previously owned by his father , and , by

persistent industry , energy and economy , greatly aided and

encouraged in his ef forts by his frugal and devoted wife , added

to the original farm of fifty acres upwards of fifty more , some

of it containing valuable woodland . In 1878 , having sold the

homestead farm two y ears before , he removed to Auburn ,

Where he has since resided . The portrait was taken at the age

of sixty -nine . He married Jan . 1 , 1843 , Abiga il W il l is ,born In Charlton , Sept . 6 , 1820 , daughter of Hiram and DOl ly


(Merritt) Willis , and granddau . of Jabez Willis , a native of

Windham , Conn . , who died in Charlton , Dec . 6 , 1846 , aged85 , and Achsah (Comins)Wil l is .T Children :

1 . ALBERT MERRITT , b . in Charl ton , Oct . 9 , 1843 attended school

part of the time in 1860 ,’

61 and’

62 , at Nichols Academy ,Dud ley , and a f terwards , one term at the Academy in EastGreenwich , R . I . taught school in Uxbridge in the winter of1 86 1—2 removed to Auburn , 1878 f armer in Charlton ; landsurveyor and justice of the peace in Auburn ; town assessor

1 882 , 1883 and 1884 . He col lected and arranged the material

f or the “Phi l l ips Genealogies .

”He m . Oct . 18

,1882 ; MARY

CHARLOTTE S IBLEY , b. in Auburn , Oct . 18 , 1847 , d au . of

Stephen i and Charlotte Read (Pierce)§ S ibley . Ch

1 . C lara W i llis , b . in Auburn , May 13 , 1884 .

9“Dolly Merritt was a descendant of Col . Moses Marcy of Sturbridge (new Southbridge), b . A pr. 18, 1702 , son of John Marcy of Woodstock , Conn . Moses Marcywas the first representative f rom h is town to the General Court, the first citizen whorece ived the appointment of justice of the peace , and held the most important townoffices f or many years, being moderator in 72 town meetings , selectman 31 years


town clerk 18 years , treasurer 8 years. He owned 400 acres of land where Southbridge village now stands, and made the first improvement of water power on theQ uinebaug river, in the present limits of Southbridge . He was gt.

-gd .f ather of Gov.

Will iam L. Marcy of N . Y . ; d . Oct . 9 , 1777. He m . 1723, Prudence , b . A ug. 9 , 1702,

d au. of Edward Morris of Woodstock , whose f ather was of Roxbury , and a memberof the Governor’s Counc il .— Amm idown’s H ist. Collections. Their dau. , DorothyMarcy , b . Nov. 18 , 1723 ; m . Capt. R ichard Dresser, b . Sept. 22 , 1714, first town clerkof Charlton ,

son of R ichard Dresser of Thompson , Conn . Their d au. ,Chloe Dresser,

b . Sept. 4, 1767 ; in . Capt. Henry Merritt of Charlton , b . June 5 , 1767 , son of HenryMerritt ; and the ir dau. , Dolly Merritt , b . May (1. Feb . 11 , 1885 ; m . HiramWill is , b . Dec . 19 , 1794, d . June 12 , 1864 .

t Achsah Comins , b . in Charlton . Sept . 22 , 1763 ; d . Mar. 31 , 1838. dau. of R eubenand Mary Cominsu Reuben was son o f Jacob , who (1. A pr. 18 , 1762 , aged 60, and

grandson of John Comins , who (1. A pr. 10, 1751 , aged 83 , probably in Ox f ord (nowCharlton).IStephen S ibley , b . in Auburn , July 26 , 1805 . son of Solomon and Sally (Stockwell)S ibley . Solomon , b . Nov 17, 1769 , was son o f T imothy and Anne Sibley of Sutton ,Mass . , and grandson o f John and Zeruiah S ibley . John was one of the first settlers inSutton , b . in Salem, Sept. 18 , 1687 , said to have been son of the immigrant ancestor.Charlotte Read P ierce was dau. o f Luther P ierce , who m . Clarissa Read , or Reed ,

d au. o f Thomas and Martha (Park) Reed . John Read , the immigrant ancestor,removed f rom England in 1630, and settled in Rehoboth , Mass . ; f armer. H is son


E B E N E Z E R P H I L L I P S ,



N o 4 6 .

(I E ben ezer Ph il l ips , the ancestor of a great numberwho bear the family name , was a resident of Southboro ,

Mass .

Respecting his history , it is much easier to tell what is not

known concerning hi'

mk than to relate any of the events of his

life . Diligent research and repeated inquiries have failed toreveal either his parentage , his

‘ birthplace , or the length of

time he lived in Southboro . A copy from the town record

gives no earlier date concerning this family than 1 745 . His

wil l , in which he mentions his wife Mary ,was dated Nov . 20 ,

1 745 , and proved Aug . 2 1 , 1 746 , Showing his death to have

occurred between those two dates .

ale A written obligation ,

dated Feb . 25 , 1 742— 3 , and beginning as follows,Shows him to

have been a resident of Stoneham“ Know all men by these presents that I , Ebenezer Phil l ips of

S toneham in the County of Midd lesex , in the prov ince of Massachu

setts Bay , in New England . yeoman , am holden and stand firm lybound and ob l iged unto Ephraim Wood of Southboro , in the Countyof Worcester, in the province a f oresaid , y eoman , in the f ul l and justsum of two hundred pounds , old tenor va lue .

Mr. Abner S. Phillips of Bondville , Vt in writing to the compiler, says : “Myf ather had the records of the first of the Phillipses who came to th is country , butthey were destroyed by a l ittle roguish girl about sixty years ago . The Phillipses lef ta large amount of property in England , choosing rather to leave their property thanto be deprived of the privilege of enjoying their religion .

” Mr. A . 8 . Phillips alsohas in h is possession other papers and rel ies, including a sword , once the property ofh is ancestors.


Respecting his age at the time of his death , it may be inferredthat he was past middle life , as two of his children were married

before his death ,and the others soon afterwards .

"6 Children

1 . SAMUEL ; o f Athol . (No .

2 . EBENEZER . (No .

3 . JOHN ; 111 . May 3 , 1 749 , HANNAH BROWN . Ch

1 . Sarah , b . May

2 . Jonathan , b . Feb . 22 , 1 752 .

4 . MARY ; In . Sept . 1 2 , 1 745 , NATHANIEL NICHOLS of Framingham .

5 . JOANNA ; m . June 25 , 1 746 , JONATHAN FAY .

N o. 4 7 .

(IL ) Samue l Phil lips (son of Ebenezer , senior, of

Southboro : No . born June 22 , 1 726 , birthplace not

known ; married Martha N ew ton ; and removed , probablyas late as 1 7 7 1 or later , to Athol , Mass . , where he died

Feb . 4 . i 810 . t He and four of his sons were soldiers in

the Revolutionary War . His will was dated June 4 , 1 793 ,and presented to probate by Seth Phillips , executor , May 1 7

1 810 . Children , al l born in Southboro i1 . SAMUEL , b . May 10 , 1 748 ; m . JOANNA d . 1 79 1 .


1 . Z edekiah , b . Jun e 29 , 1772 .

Andrew Ph illips, 1659 , mentioned in Wyman’s Charlestown Genealogies,” pp .

740 to 747 , had a son Andrew , who m . Sarah Smith , Nov . 1 1 , 1685, and had eh .,

Andrew ,Ebenezer, Joanna and Samuel . O f these , Ebenezer was b . 1695, and m.

Mary Smith . This, taken in connection w ith the f act that Ebenezer Ph illips of

Southboro, 1745. had a w if e , Mary , and ch . Samuel , Ebenezer and Joanna, and a gr.

son , Smith Phillips , and that at one time , 1743, he was of Stoneham , wh ich was setoff f rom Charlestown , points firmly towards the Charlestown , or Boston , f amiliesof this name f or the origin of Ebenezer Ph ill ips of Southboro. It would indicatethat Ebenezer of

,Southboro, was the same as Ebenezer, son of Andrew , and

guided by these statements only , we should reasonably arrive at th is conclusion ; butin this we are doomed to d isappointment, unless there is an error in the record , orthe printed copy , such as does not seem probable , f or it is stated f arther along thatSamuel was admin istrator to his bro. Ebenezer, ag e 28 , July 11 , 1723. Whereas ,Ebenezer of Southboro was l iving more than twenty years later.

1 One record s ays he d ied Feb . 3 . Another says he was born July 3 , 1732 , but isev idently wrong. The same says h is w if e was born June 1 1 , 1736 , and d ied Feb . 3 ,

1818 . Th is date o f her b irth is wrong , and perhaps should be 1726 instead of 1736.

t The twelve ch ildren are a l l reported f rom the town records of Southboro as

born to Samuel Phill ips and Martha , h is w if e .”


2 .


Jedediah ; d . unmarried.3 . Abigai l ; d . unmarried .

MARY , b . Feb . 3 , 1 779 ; d . Dec . 30 , 186 1 .

LYD IA , b . June 3 , 1 78 1 ; d . July , 1857 .

RACHEL , b . Aug . 9 , 1 783 ; d . 1862 .

OLIVER , b . June 10 , 1 786 . (No .

JOSIAH , b . Aug . 8 , 1 788 . (No .

SALLY , b . March 3 , 1 79 1 ; d . March 3 , 1871 .

CATHERINE , b . June 8 , 1 793 ; d . April 13 , 1 79 5 .

JEDEDIAH , b . March 2 , 1 796 d . March 2 , 1800 .

N o. 4 9 .

(IV .) O l iver Ph il l ips (son of Jeded iah of Medway : No .

born June 10 , 1 786 ; m . ( 1 st) Dec . 1 , 1 808 , Hannah

Rich ardson . After her death he m . (2d ) about April 1 ,1860 , M rs . Irene (Richardson ) (Turner) Haw es , who

died about March , 1873 . He died March 14 , 1880 . Children ,

al l born at East Medway1 . AMANDA , b . March 3 1 . 1809 ; m. JOHN BARBER of Rockville ,

Mass . d . July 18 , 1834 . Had one child , a daughter, who m .

W . Francis Bacon , and (1. severa l y ears ago .

2 . ELISHA RICHARDSON , b . April 5 , 18 1 1 ; m . Nov. 13 , 1835 ,

ELIZABETH DANIELS of E . Medway , Sister of‘

E l lis Dan iels .

He l ived about a y ear and a hal f in Hol l iston , and af terwardsa f ew years at E . Medway .

“ Consumption , death’s messenger, released the weary sufi ering body , and the bright Sp iritwent up to the beautif ul home which Jesus has prepared f orthose who love and serve him.

”He (1. Aug . 27, 1 852 . Ch

1 .

2 .

El izabeth , b . Jan . 25 , 1837 .

(Adopted July , Amanda ,2d d aughten of Ell is and Sarah

Dan iels . She d . Nov. 29 , 1867 .

3 . SARAH ,b . Sept . 13 , 18 13 ; m . Nov . , 1834 , ELLIS DANIELS of

Medway ; d . July 3 , 1844 . Ch

1 .

2 .

3 .

Joseph L . Daniels , member o f the l 6th Regiment , Mass . Vols . ;

(1. wh il e in service in V irg in ia , Feb . 13 . 1863 .

Sarah E . Daniels ; d . Nov , 29 , 1848 , aged about twelve years .

Amanda Daniels , b . April 23 , 1842 ; adop ted by E . R . Phill ips ,as s tated .

Hannah Daniels ; d . in in f ancy , Aug . 12 , 1844.


HANNAH , b . NOV . 23 , 18 1 6 ; m. Jan . , 1838 , TIMOTHY BULLARDof E . Medway ; living , 1880 , in Westboro , Mass . Fivechildren , all living .

OLIVER FRANCIS, b . Jan . 8 , 1829 living on the homestead -in a

house one hundred and fi f ty y ears old ; m . April 14 , 1855 ,MERCY PENNIMAN ADAMS. Ch

.,born in Medway

1 . Edward Adams , b u Jan . 30 , 1857 .

2 . Mary F . , b . Nov. 15 , 186 1 ; m . Feb . 16 , 1881 , S tuart McLeeS of

Norf olk , and d . Nov . 19 , same year.

N o. 5 0 .

(IV Dea . Josiah Ph il lips (son of Jedediah of Med

way : No . b . Aug . 8 , 1 788 ; m . Sa l ly Morse of North

Wrentham (now Norfolk) died Nov . 14 , 1857 . Children , all

born in Medway1 . SARAH B


b . Jan . 18 , 18 1 2 ; m . JOHN SMITH of Medway .

Sarah Jane Smith , b . Oct . 17 183 1 ; d.John EmersonSmith , b . Apri l 1 , 1835 ; (1.John Mi lton Smith , b . Jan . 25 , 1837 d.Sylvia E lethea Smith , b . Aug . 27 1839 ; d .

Leander Brayton Smith , b . Jan . 2 1 , 1841 ; d.Martha Ann Smi th , b . Aug . 3 1 , 1843 ; d .Abn er Mason Smith , b . Jan . 27 1845.

C lara Angenette Smith , b . Dec. 7 , 1848 .

A lice Maria Smith, b . Aug . 30 , 1849 .

10. George Emerson Smith, b . Oct’

. 5,1850.

2 . JOSIAH E b . March 20 , 1 8 15 ; d . 1838 .

3 . MARTHA A b . Jan . 22,181 7 ; m . BRAINARD ROCKWOOD

of M il f ord , Mass . Ch

Waldo Rockwood d .Wallace Rochwood .

Henry Rockwood .

Josiah Rockwood (1.

David Rockwood .

Sabra Rockwood .

Frank Rockwood .

N o. 5 1 .

(III John Ph illips ( son of Samuel of Athol : No . 47

born May a farmer In Chesterfield , N . H . not havingmuch of this world ’

s goods ,“ he possessed a fund of mirth ,












was full of j oke and catch . He died Sept . 7 , 1842 . He m .

( l st) Hu ldah Amsden ,Who died Nov . 5 , 1 785 , in her 26th

y ear . He In . ( 2d) M rs . Mary Henry ,Widow of Wm .

Henry . Children (by first marriage)1 . a son , name not given , who (1. at about eleven y ears of

age .

BETSEY ; m . JOSHUA STRATTON of Athol , Mass . , and d .

“not f ar

f rom 1 855 .

CLARISSA , b . Nov . 3 , 1 783 ; m . Jan . 18 . 1807 , W ILLIAM NEW

HALL res . in Chesterfield a f ew y ears , then moved to Hinsdale ,N . H . She d . March 13 , 1867 .

HULDAH,b . Oct . 29 , 1 785 ; m . WILLIAM HILDRETH .

(By second marri age)SALLY , b . Jan . 14, 1 787 ; m . ABEL FISK of Chesterfield .

EDEE , b . Nov . 3 1 , 1 789 d . at Youngstown , N . Y . Unmarried .

MARTHA ; m . JASON DAVIS of Chesterfield ; moved to Youngstown , N . Y . , where she d .

N o. 5 2 .

(III . ) N a th an ie l Phil l ips ( son of Samuel of AtholNo . 47 born April 15 , 1 759 a resident of Fitzwilliam ,

N . H . ; died Sept . 23 , 1838 . He m . Mary Ba iley ,Who

died September 6 , 1844 , “aged 86 y ears , 3 months , 15 day s .


1 ; ISABEL , b . Nov . 25 , 1 779 ; d . A ug . 28 , 186 1 .

2 . ANDREW , b . Aug . 10 , 1 784 ; m . NANCY MAY of Milton , Mass . ,

and l ived in Boston, where they both (1. He d . Jan . 1 , 1822 .

Ch .

1 . W il l iam ; d . in Boston .

2 . Sal ly ; Hi . George O lmsted ; l iving , 1880 , in F itzwill iam .

SUSANNAH , b . July 13 , 1 786 ; d . May 5 , 1868 .

NAOMI , b .

’ March 7 , 1 789 ; d . Aug . 1 1 , 1850 .

JEDED IAH , b . Jan . 23 , 1 792 ; d . Feb . 6 , same y ear.

DANIEL , b . March 6 , 1 793 ; d . April 1 2 , 1 795 .

PATTY MARTHA] , b . Nov. 5 , 1 795 , l iv ing , 1880 .

RUTH , b . A ug .o20 , 1 798 ; m . ABEL DUNTON ; l iving Aug . , 1880 ,

in Fitzwil l iam. Ch

1 . Jonas Danton d . Feb . 6 , 1817 , aged 4 months , 1 d ay .

2 . Abe l Danton , b . March 3 1 , 1820 .





2 . Hattie S , b . in Keen e , Oct . 2 7 , 1842 ; in 1880 , of Westminster , V t . In . Al f red P . Rann ey .

3 . Fannie M b . in Keen e , Feb . 12 , 1845 ; of Westminster.

4 . Eliza J b . in Walpole , N . H. , June 15 , 1847 ; d . in Keen e ,Sept . 16 , 1865 .

5 . John G b . in Walpol e , Dec . 24 , 1850 ; o f Westminster.

6 . Lydia D b . in Westminster, Nov ., 1853 ; d . May 9 , 1856.

7 . Herbert , b . in W estminster, Dec . 9 , 1858 .

ELIJAH , b . April 1 1 , 1 809 ; kil led by Indians in Dover, Ill . ,June 18 , 1832 .

ALMOND , b . Oct . 9 , 18 1 1 ; m . KEZIAH ALLEN of Fitzwil l iam .

They had two sons and two daughters . One o f the sons ,

Les l ie A .,is a phy sician inB oston .

LEVI , b . Jan . 30 , 18 14 ; m . ( l st) SUBMIT TAFT of Fitzwil l iam,

and settled in Manchester, Vt . She d . in 1860 , and he m .

(2d) Mrs . MARY B ISSELL . Ch . (by first marriage)1 . Helen , b . in Fi tzwi lliam , Aug . , 1837 ; d . in Winhal l , V t . , 1843 .

2 . George Henry , b . in Fitzwilliam , Dec . 14 , 1839 ; a sergean t inthe war of the Rebellion , in Co. C , 14th V t . Reg. was in the

battle of Gettysburg ; now of E . Arlington , Vt . He 111 .

Susan M . W ebb o f Sunderland , Vt . Ch .

1 . George Edward , b . in Arl ington , Oct . 23 , 187 1 .

2 . Reuben Lewis , b . in Arlington , July 19 , 1877 .

3 . Elmer El ijah , b . in Fitzwi ll iam , Aug . 8 , 1841 ; a soldier in Co.

C , 14th V t . Reg. , participated in the battle of Gettysburg ;graduated at M iddlebury Coll . in 1868 ; prin cipal Since 1876o f Engl ish and Classical Schools in Lamb ertvi lle , N . J and

Waterbury , Conn . He m . May 10 , 1870 , M iss Ellen E . Car

penter of Norw ich , Conn . , a graduate , in 1865 , of Mt .Holyok e Femal e Sem . He removed to Brook lyn , N . Y. , in

1884 .

4. Lewis Winslow , b . in Manch ester, V t . , Dec . 5 , 1845 ; k i lled onthe Ch esh ire R . R. , near Keen e , N . H .

, Oct . 2 1 , 1876 . He m.

Mattie Carter o f Keene .

(By second marriage)5 . Harrie t , b . in W inhal l , Vt . , 1863 ; d . in Manch ester, Vt . , 1868 .

WINSLOW , b . Jan . 19 , 18 1 7 ; a lway s resided in Fitzwil l iam ; m .

in same p lace , April 2 1 , 1847 , SUSAN BENT , b . in Fitzwil l iam,

Dec . 30 , 1 825 , daughter o f and Levinah (A l len) Bent .

Hyman Bent was b . in Mass . , Sept . 1 7 , 1 788 , and

d . Dec . 2 1 , 1872 . Levinah A l len was b . in F itzwil l iam , July15 , 1 79 7 . Oh . , al l b . in F itzwil l iam :

1 . Herbert W endell , b . March 18. 185 1 ; (1. Sep t . 29 , 1853 .

No .









Arthur Lynmore , b . Sep t . 7 , 1854 ; res . Winch endon ,Mass . He

RI. Oct . 7 , 1878 , Hattie Mari e Kieth , in Jaffrey , N . H . Ch

1 . Goldie Augusta , b . Dec . 14 , 1879 .

Wi lb er Henry , b . Feb . 8 , 1856 .

Ch ester Herbert , b . May 2 7 , 1868 .

N o. 5 4 .

(III Seth Ph ill ips ( son of Samuel of Athol : No .

born June 10 , 1 77 1 ; resided ‘in Athol ; In . -Ruth A llen of

Roy alston , Mass . He died in Athol , Oct . 10 , 1852 . Children

EPHRAIM , b . June 22 , 1 795 ; d . Sept . 7 , 18 1 2 .“


A SA , b . Feb . 27 , 1 79 7 ; d . June 28 , 1 798 .

SMITH . b . Feb . 1 7 , 1 79 9 d . Feb . 27 , f ol lowing .

SETH , b . Dec . 24 , 1 79 9 ; d . April 3 , 1808 .

A SA WILSON , b . Jan . 2,1802 ; d . Dec . 2 1 , 1 818 .

JAMES HARVEY , b . Oct . 1 9 , 1803 ; d . July 29 , 1805 .

SOPHRONIA IDELIA,b . Dec . 3 1 , 1805 .

AARON JONES, b . June 29 , 1809 . In the spring of 1839 he

went to Winhal l , Vt ., Where he bought a tract of land in the

wilderness , built a log house and cleared up a f arm . He

labored industriously and reared a large f amily . About 1867he sold the f arm and removed to Londonderry . He died inWinhall , Nov . 26 , 1880 . He m . SUSAN WALKER of Athol .Children1 .

2 .

5 .


Elvira W , b . in Athol , Nov . 24 , 1834 ; m . May 12 , 1853 ,

Richard Hews of P eru , V t . , wh ere she d . Aug . 20 , 1866.

George Henry , b . in Athol , May 3 , i 836 ;.

a sergean t in Co. 0 ,

14th V t . Reg. in late war ; now of Putn ey , V t . He m . Nov.

29 , 1864 , Miss Hel l en M . Barrus .

Lucy J b . in Athol , Aug . 17 , 1837 ; In . June 6 , 1867 , JohnG. Barnard of Winhal l ; res. Londonderry.

(The six f ol lowing were born in WinhallLydia ASh eldon .

Charles Abner , b . Apri l 12 , 1841 ; a soldier in the late war, inCo . C , 14th V t . Reg . He w ith h is broth er Geo. H . w ere inthe battle of Gettysburg .

b . Nov . 9 , 1839 ; m . Jan . Warren J.

Martha J b . Feb . 17 , 1843 ; In . Apri l 19 , 1865 , Samue l A .

Shattuck .

Seth A b . Oct . 4 , 1845 ; d . Oct . 12 , 1849 .

Amos J b . Sep t . 8 , 1849 ; d . Sep t . 1 1 , 1852 .

Sumner B b . Jun e 28 , 1852 .


JONAS ALLEN , b . Oct . 8 , 18 1 1 In . and buried his Wif e and two

smal l children ; two children l iving , 1 880 , a daughter and a

son .

ABNER SMITH , b . Oct . 29 , 18 14 ; of Bondvil le , Vt . He m .

LUCINDA HARWOOD , b . in Athol , Mass . , June 2 1 , 18 1 9 ,

daughter of David and Rebecca A . (Reed) Harwood . She

died May 2 1 , 1882 , f rom the eff ect of injuries received abouttwo weeks bef ore , caused by her horse running away . Ch .

1 . Lucy Mel issa, b . in Athol , Nov . 6 , 1845 ; in 1885 of W es tTownsh end , Vt . ; 111 . Charles H . S tratton . Three ch i ldren .

2 . David Abner, b . in Athol , Oct. 4 , 1848 ; d . at the place of h is

residence , Factory Point , Manch ester, V t . , on the morn ingo f S ep t . 1 , 1881 . He was a young man of good hab its , f ai thf ul in everyth ing wh ich he undertook , and always ready w itha pl easan t word f or every one . He taugh t many how th eyShould be prepared to become living stones in that sp iritualtemp l e , that house not made w ith hands , eternal 'in the

h eavens . But in the midst of h is use f ulness , wh en buds ofhope f ul promise were just bursting into f ruition , wh enseemingly he could l east b e spared , he was cal led f rom h is

temporal labors to eternal rest . ”"

He was a member of PacificEngine Co.

, and of Adon iram Lodge , F . A . M . , both of

which orders attended h is f uneral in a body . He m . C leoraE . Cressey . Gh . z

1 . Florence C b . at Factory Point , Oct . 6 , 1875 .

2 . Mabel L b . in Winhal l , June 1 1 , (1. Jan .

4 , 1879 .

3 . Lettie M b . at Factory Point , Aug . 7 , 1879 .

N o. 5 5 .

( II ) E ben ezer Ph il lips *

( son of Ebenezer , senior , of

Southboro No resided in Southboro , but appears to have

lived later in ne ighboring towns . He married Hannah L is

com b (or Ly scom ).Children zt

1 . RUTH , b . May 2 7 , 1 745 .

A coincidence of names between some of the children of Ebenezer Phillips , Jr. ,

of Southboro, and those of Ebenezer Phill ips, b . Weston , 1722 (son of Samuel , andgt .

-grandson of Rev. Geo. of Watertown), has led some to conclude that the two

were identical , and it is so given in a lately published h istorical work ; but this isevidently erroneous. The dates are w idely at variance , and such a conclusion is contrary to the most authentic records and best preserved trad itions of th is f amily . It

is certain that his grandch ildren styled h im Ebenezer Ph ill ips, Jr. (son of Ebenezerof Southboro), and his son of the same name , Ebenezer Phill ips, 3d .

t The records o f this f amily seem to have been much neglected , wh ich made itd i ffi cult to give a complete and correct genealogy . It is bel ieved , however, that the


2 . Sarah , b . Mar. 3 , 1812 ; m . L . Hodges of Warren , and went toR ichmond , Oh io.

3 . Mercy , b . Sep t . 23 , 1815 ; m . Obed Chick ering of Shrewsbury .

4 . Hannah , b . Jan . 5 , 18 17 ; m . James Flann igan , of Irish birth .

5 . Ezra , b . Dec . 22 , 18 19 ; m . Merinda M . Warren of Shrewsbury ,wh ere h e resides .

6 . S ilas , b . Feb . 23 , 182 1 ; m . Lucy Bartlett of Shrewsbury , andw en t to S turbridge , Mass .

7 . Tyler, b . Oct . 12 , 1823 ; d . in Shrewsbury , March 24 , 1838.

8 . Henry b . Aug . 30 , 1827 ; m . Martha Roods’ of Graf ton ; d . Aug .

25 , 1860 .

9 . Harriet , b . Oct . 24 , 1830 ; m . JamesC . Keyes of Worcester.


HANNAH ; m . JOSIAH WARD , and d . in North Brookfield .

JOSIAH ; of Watertown , N . Y . (No

MARY ; m . JOSHUA BARNARD of North Brookfield , and d . in

Ohio , Nov . , 1 859 , aged 74 .

ELIZABETH ; m . OLIVER WARD of North Brookfield , where she

d . April 13 , 1864 .

JOHN , b . 1 789 . (No .

MERCY ; m . WILLIAM AYRES ; l ived in North Brookfield and

Smithfield , R . I. , and d . in Worcester, June 23 , 1866 . Ch

1 . W ill iam W . A yres, b . in N . Brookfield , March 12 , 18 13 ; m.

Emi ly J . F ishback .

2 . John Ph ill ips A y'res , b . in Smithfiel d , Oct . 31 , 18 18 ; d . June 4 ,

1819 .

3 . Lucy H . A yres. b . in Smithfield , Jan . 5 , 1820 ; m. Charl es C .

Foster. Ch ildren1 . Charles A . Foster, b . in Graf ton , May 1 2 , 1845 ; resi

dence , Brook lyn , N . Y. m . Flora E . Goodnow .

2 . James M . Foster, b . in Gra f ton , Nov . 3 , 1847 ; dentistof Hoboken , N . J . d . in that p lace May 19 , 1879 .

SARAH ; unmarried ; d . May 24 , 1 871 , aged 7 7 .

TYLER ; (1. young .

ABIGAIL ; unmarried ; d . in Gra f ton , Jan . 30 , 1878 , aged 78 .

N o. 5 7 .

(IV . ) Silas Phil l ips ( son of Ebenezer of Grafton : No .

born Oct . 2 7 , 1 775 ; a farmer ; settled in Rutland , Jetf erson Co . , N . Y . , in the spring of 1 805 . He was among the

early settlers of Je ff erson Co . collector of taxes in Rutland fore ighteen y ears , and the people of the town expressed their con


fidence by electing him to other positions of h onor and trust .

“ For many y ears he was a worthy member of the M . E .

Church , and at the time of his death showed strong evidence

that he was prepared for a bright and happy entrance into the

Spirit world .

” He d iedi

Aug . 29 , 1 850 . Hemarried LucretiaScott ofWard (now Auburn) , Mass . She died May 1 , 1 852 ,

aged seventy -Six . Children

1 . CLARENDON , b . in Auburn , May 1 8 , 1 799 . (No .

2 . CLARISSA , b . in Oakham , Mass . , Jan . 1 9 , 1801 ; m . her cousin ,

HOSEA B . PHILLIPS, son of Ebenezer and Sarah (Lathe)Phill ips . She d . in Washington , D . C . , Jan . 29 , 1873 .

3 . ELIZABETH , b . in Oakham, Nov . 2 , 1802 ; d . Nov . 2 , 1871 ;

unmarried .

4 . S ILAS GALE , b . in Oakham, March 23 , 1804 ; of Champion ,

N . Y . (No .

5 . CATHERINE , b . in Rutland , Jeff erson Co . , N . Y . , Sept . 1 , 1805 ;

m . Oct . 28 , 1838 , ,WILLIAM L . WILCOX . He d . near Natura lBridge , N . Y . , June 28 , 1873 , aged seventy -six .

6 . LUCRETIA , b . Sept . 13 , 1807 ; d . Nov . 1 7 , 1 808 .

7 . JOSIAH , b . Sept . 1 1 , 18 10 . (No .

8 . JERUSHA , b . May 20 , 18 13 ; m . Jan . 6 , 1834 , JOSIAH JOHNSON ,b . in Buck land , Mass . , Nov . 1 1 , 1806 , in 1879 , of B lackRiver, N . Y .

9 . MARY J b . Sept . 2 7 , 1 8 15 ; 111 . July 4 , 1838 , CLARKCROOK of Champion , N . Y . , where they had a fine residence ,and where they both d ied , he May 22

, 1874 , and she May

25th f ollowing .

10 . DAVID , b . May 6 , 18 18 ; of Gage’

s Lake , I l l . (No .

EBEN , b . Oct . 2 7 , 182 1 ; of Natura l Bridge , N . Y . (No :

N o. 5 8 .

(V .) Clarendon Ph il l ips (son of Silas of Rutland : No .

born May 18 , 1 799 ; married Feb . 20 , 1829 , BarbaraAnn W ilcox ; died March 25 , 1857 . She died Nov . , 1848 .

Chi ldren

1 . LUCRETIA , b . in Rutland , Feb . 14 , 183 1 .

2 . H IRAM , b . March 30 , 1833 ; mason by trade , of Natura l Bridge ;m . ( 1 st) June 1 2 , 1860 , MARCIA JANE CLARK , who was b . June9 , 1843 , and d . A ug . 15 , 1865 , leav ing two children . He m.


( 2d) A ug . 8 . 1867 , SARAH JANE CRANKER , b . April 1 1 1845 .

Ch . (by first marriage)1 . Margaret Ellen , b . July 13 , 186 1 .

2 . Susan Emma , b . March 1 1 , 1863 .

(By second marriage)Lydia , b . Aug . 26 , 1868 .

George , b . Nov . 3 , 1869 .

Asaph , b . July 4 , 187 1 .

C lara Jan e , b . Jan . 9 , 1873 .

7 . Cath erine Amelia , b . Apri l 15 , 1877

CALISTA , b . Feb . 24 , 1837 ; d . Nov . 18 , 1 8 72 .

ELIZABETH , b . May 28 , 1839 ; d . June 1 7 , 1878 .

DAVID , b . Oct . 4 , 184 1 ; d . Nov . 28 , 1873 .

NELSON , b . May 30 , 1843 ; of B lack River ; removed to Adams ,




CATHERINE , b . August 10 , 1 845 ; m . June 29 , 1862 , ALLENSANFORD KILBURN . a carpenter and j oiner, of Champion .


H0 Alb ert Jerol d K ilbm'n , b . Feb . 18 , 1867 ; d . March 23 , 1872 .

Coraetta Blanche Ki lbm'n , b . July 5 , 1870 .

Hub ert Al len [ f i lbzn'm b . Oct. 1 , 1875.

SARAH REBECCA , b . A ug. 15 , 1847 ; m . April 9 , 1868 , JOHNSMITH DAVIS, a f armer, of Natura l Bridge , b . May 1 7 , 1846 .


1 . Nelson Garie Davis , b . Oct . 30 , 1870 .

N o. 5 9 .

(V S ila s Ga le Phil lips ( son of Silas of Rutland : No .

born March 23 , 1804 ; a farmer of Champion , N . Y . ;

married Dec . 1 5 , 1 836 , Abiga il W oodw ard , He died in

Champ ion , Oct . 2 1 , 1 876 . Children :

1 . JOHN LANE , b. Aug . 10 . 184 1 ; a f armer, occupy ing the homestead f arm ; m . Sept . 2 2 , 1869 , SARAH JOSEPHINE PEEBLES.

l . Leona Blanch e . Feb . 5 , 187 1 .

2 . Edward S b . April 23 , 1877 .

2 . ERW IN WILLIAM , b . March 3 ,

3 . ROSE A DA LA IDE ( adopted), b . Jan . 25 . 1850 ; m . Nov. 25 ,

18 75 , DUANE A . PEEnLEs .


Natural Bridge , N . Y . He married Apa lon ia

Am anda Becker. Children , five



mS ILAS GALE , b . April 20 , 1859 .

CATHERINE APALONIA , b . Nov . 1 2 , 186 1 .

ALBERT ALONSO , b . Oct . 1 , 1863 .

MARY JANE , b . Oct . 1 1 , 1 865 .

LEW IS R b . Jan . 4 , 1868 .

N o. 6 3 .

(IV.) E benezer Ph il l ips (son of Ebenezer of GraftonNo . born in Sutton ; * a cooper by trade ; In . SarahLathe . Children

1 . HOSEA B b . in Graf ton , A ug . 20 , 1801 ; m . CLARISSAPHILLIPS, daughter o f S ilas (No . 57) and Lucretia (Scott)Phil lips ; he (1. Oct . 3 , 186 1 . Ch

1 and 2 .

Charles L

daugh ters ; names not given ; both married ; residence , Washington , D . C .

b . in Rutland , N . Y. , March 3 , 1827 ; lived inGraf ton , Mass . , a year and a hal f , in Washington , D . Ce igh te en years , and Since 1868 in Wash ington , Ohio.

Al though no men tion is given o f enlisting as a regularsoldier , the t ime in wh ich h e was engaged in the serviceof h is country some two years or more seems to havebeen f ull of wild adven ture . He assisted w i th his teamto convey Gen . McDowel l

s camp equipage f rom Wash

ington to Cen tervi ll e at the t ime of the first battle of

Bull Run , and was close by h eadquarters during the

battle . He soon af ter wen t on one of the government transport s teamers , and was on the water f or two years . The

boat on wh ich he was emp loyed was sunk near FortressMonroe , but a f ter f our weeks was raised and fi tted up , and

he was again employed on the same steamer. He m . ( 1st)Dec . 24 , 1849 , Jul ia Melotte , b . 1828 . She (1. Sep t . 14 , 1851 ,and he In . (2 d) Jan . 24 , 1852 , Cornel ia D . Wrigh t , b . Aug . 2 ,

183 1 . Ch

1 . Corah C C b . Feb . 8 , 1853 .

2 . Lewis C , b . April 2 , 1855 ; a druggist in Wash

ing ton , Oh io .

3 . Sarah El izabeth , March 29 , 1858 ; d . S ept . 16 , 186 1 .4 . George W ill iam , Feb . 28 , 186 1 .

One account says he was born in 1777 , another says 1779 . Another says he d iedA ug . , 1859 . Accord ing to probate records , Sarah Ph ill ips of Graf ton , w idow of

EbenezerPh ill ips , made her w il l in Gra f ton ,March 19 , 1852 ; w ill proved Nov. 7 , 1854.

Nos . 64 , 64a ] OF EBENEZER PH ILLIPS . 1 13

GEORGE W b . in Gra f ton , A ug . 18 , 1804 ; m . MARIA L .

TUCKER ; residence Gra f ton . No chi ldren .

SARAH C b . June 1 , 1809 ; (1 . young .

SARAH A NN , b . July 1 9 , 18 13 ; m . MOSES L . BATCHELLER ; d .

May 3 , 1877

ROBERT WILLIAM , b . in Graf ton , Feb . 7 18 1 6 ; of Sutton ; m.


N o . 6 4 .

(IV .) Josiah Phil lips ( son of Ebenezer of Grafton : No .

born Jan . 2 , 1 782 , in Grafton , Mass . m . Hu ldah Pike ,and emigrated , probably about 1 820 , to Watertown , N . Y . ;

a blacksm ith and scy the maker ; em igrated in May , 1 854 , to

Way ne Centre , Ill . , where he died Nov . 29 , 1858 , aged

seventy -seven . Children

1 . ELIZA ANN , b . in Mil lbury , Mass . , Jan . 3 , 18 18 ; m . A . DAN

FORTH ; residence, Phi ladelphia , Jeff erson Co . , N . Y .

2 . MARY JANE , b . in Brownvil le , Jef f erson Co . , N . Y . , NOV . 1 7 ,

1823 ; m . in Champion , N . Y . , Jan . 1 0 , 1 844 , JAMES B . BAB

COCK ; res . , 1 885 , Nugent , Iowa“

; emigrated to Il l . , 1854 , andto Iowa , 1868 .

3 . WILLIAM NELSON ; of A lbany , Oregon . (No . 64a .)

N o. 6 4 a .

(V .) W il l iam N e lson . Ph il lips ( son of Josiah ofWatertown , N . Y . ; No . b . Dec . 30 1825 ; an o fficer inthe late war , adjutant of the l 05th Ill . Volunteers . He married

Lucy J . Tay lor of Charlton , Saratoga Co . , N . Y . ; res .

Albany , Oregon . Children

1 . W ILLIAM IRVING , b . in Charl ton , N .

Y . , July 20 , 1847 ; a

soldier of the Un ion Army , in the 23d 1 11. Reg . ; grad .

Wheaton Col l . , Wheaton , I l l . , 1873 ; grad . at ChicagoTheologica l Sem . , 1876 Congregationa lminister at Col lege Springs ,Iowa ; pub l isher and treasurer 1885 , of the National ChristianAssociation , Chicago , I l l . , whose avowed obj ect is “ To

expose,withstand and remove secret societies , Freemasonry inparticular and other anti-Christian movements , in order tosave the churches o f Chris t f rom being depraved , to redeem


the administration of just ice f rom perversion , and our repub l icangovernment f rom corruption .

He m . 1876 , Mary Dana B issel l , b . Dec . 1 3 , 1849 , at Nor

walk , Indian Territory , five miles westerly f rom Wheelock ,d au. of Lewis B issel l , b . in Melborn , Canada , July 29 , 18 1 9 ,and Mary Jackson (D ickinson) B issel l of Deerfield , Mass . ,

where her f amily l ived many y ears . Lewis B issel l and his

wif e were missionaries of the American Board to the ChoctawNation , where he went in the f al l of 1844 . He was son of

Austin and C larissa (Stacy ) B issel l of Wardsboro , Vt . AustinB issel l was b . Sept . 26 , She

was b . Nov . 18 , 1 793 ,

and d . in Wardsboro . They were both Christians . Ch

Carrie ; d . at Coll ege Springs, S ep t . 24 , 1877 .

Paul Bissell , b . Jan . 7 , 1879 .

Wal ter Irving , b . Apr. 3 , 1880.

4. James Edwin , b . May 13 , 1881 .




MARY ROSETTA , b . in Antwerp , N . Y . , Jan . 13 , 1 849 ; m . JOHNA . .SEDGWICK ; res . , Oak Park , Cook Co . , 111.

CHARLES ELLIOTT , b . in Antwerp , Feb . 1 1 , 1850 ; d . Apr. 25 ,

1876 , in Lombard , I l l . , leaving a widow.

JAMES EDW IN , b . in Antwerp , May 13 , 185 1 ; grad . at A nn

Arbor, Mich . , Law School ; a lawyer in Wheaton , I l l . ; m .


GEORGE HOLLISTER , b . in Antwerp , N . Y . , March 1 2 , 1853 ;

residence , Channahon , I l l .STANLEY HERBERT , b . in Wayne , Dupage Co . , I l l . , April 26 ,1855 ; of Forest Grove, Oregon (Pacific University) ; m . in

Portland , Oregon , Oct . 1 5 , 1 879 , EMMA LOUISE SPENCER , b .

in San Francisco , Cal . , Nov . 25 , 1854 , d au. of George H .

Spencer o f Eng . , cousin to Herbert Spencer of Eng . Oh . ,

born in Forest Grove

1 . Irving Sp encer, b . May 4 , 188 1 .

2 . Mary Louise , b . April 14 , 1884.

JULIA ADELAIDE , b . in Wayne , I l l . , March 23 , 1 857 ; residence ,Oak Park , 111.LUCY ELLA , b . in Wayne , I l l . , A ug . 22 , 1860 ; RI. Oct . 3 , 1883 ,

CHARLES HENRY CAUFIELD , cashier o f Oregon C ity Bank res . ,

Oregon C ity , Oregon . Ch

1 . Edna Jane Cannela, b . Nov. 19 , 1884.

MERRIL DANFORTH , b . in Way ne , I l l . , Oct . 13 , 186 1 .

1 1 6 GENEALOGY OF THE FAM ILY [NOS 66 , 6 7 .

He m . Oct . 3 1 . 1839 , ADELINE BROWN BACON . Oh . , born inGraf ton :

1 . Wi llard Jerome , b . Apr. of Providence , wh ere he d.March 10 , 1885 ; m . Eleanor Carlisl e , July 2 , 1866 . Ch

1 . Benj amin An thony , b . Jun e 24 , 1868 .

Ann Elizabeth , b . Sept . 2 , 1870 .

Eleanor Louisa , b . July 4 , 1873 .

Sarah Margaret , b . Feb . 6 , 1876 .

WalteI Lyon , b . Jun eWilliam Robert , b . July d . June 1 , 1884.

2 . Ann Maria, b . Jan . 2 6 , 1843 m . June 23 , 1863 . Mi l es G. Merry ;o f Lonsdal e , R . I. Ch

1 . Mary Graci e Merry , b . Mar. 1 1 , 1874.

5 . ANDREW SMITH , b . May 8 , 1825 ; of Providence . (No .

6 . JEROME ; d . bef ore maturity .

N o. 6 6 .

(V .) Andrew Sm ith Ph il l ips ( son of John Of GraftonNo . born May 8 , 1825 ; of Providence , R . I. ; the firstengineer at the Point street bridge , commencing in 1873 and

is still employ ed there , 1 885 . This bridge was one of the firstworked by steam in New England . He married Sept . 1 6 ,

1 845 , Roxan a M in erva Drake of Shrewsbury , Mass . She

was born in Northbridge , Mass . , June 13 , 1 828 , daughter of

Jonathan Hey den , and Anne Bruce ( Stone) Drake , and granddau . on her father’s side , of Francis Drake of Shrewsbury , and

on her mother’s side , of Daniel , and Anne (Bruce) Stone ofShrewsbury . Children

1 . WALTER POLK , b . June 14 , 1846 of NewYork C ity . (No .

2 . KATE MINERVA , b . in Gra f ton , Feb . 1 , 185 1 ; m . Jan . 1 6 , 1873 ,

CHARLES HENRY BOGLE . She d . in Prov idence , Dec . 2 1 ,

1876 . No . ch .






N o. 6 7 .

(VI. ) W a lter Polk Ph il l ips ( son of Andrew Smith ofProvidence : No . was

born in Grafton , Mass . , June

14 , 1 846 . He is almost

entirely self-educated , hav

ing left school at the age of

twelve y ears . After the premature close of his school day s the


counsels , vast improvements have been introduced during thepast four y ears . Among these improvements may be mentionedthe “ Phillips sy stem of Steno-telegraphy ,

”which doubles the

capacity of wires without the aid of any expensive machinery .

This sy stem has been introduced on the Associated Press circuits w ith pronounced success , and is probably destined to come

into general use for the rapid transmission of business on publiclines , at an early day fi


Between 1872 and 1875 he wrote some remarkably clever

sketches — studies of by -

gone telegraphic heroes— which , in

1876 , were published in book form , together with a series ofnon-telegraphic stories . His entrance to “ the sacred guild ofauthors” was greeted w ith many flattering notices from the

press , and was succeeded by large sales , several editions of the

book being rapidly called for .

In addition to his present duties , he is constantly writingverse


SJ; Sketches and editorial articles for literary , telegraphic

or other scientific papers , and he is at present engaged on a

novel illustrative of a New England boy’

s life . Indeed , he has

been a prolific writer for newspapers for the last ten y ears , underthe pen names of “ Gilbert Slowboy ,

” “Maurice McLeod ,”

and finally “ John Oakum ,

”which is now the Widest and most

favo ‘

ably known .

l l’

hile to bespeak for Mr . Phillips at present , a place besidethe very foremost of our leading writers of the present daywould be premature , it is no exaggeration to say that his lan

guage and his descriptions , whatever they bear upon , are as

pure and as clear as those of authors whose sty le is accepted

as a standard , even if they have not pretended to so wide a

range , and that there is much promise in him for his maturer

y ears . The world to him , notw ithstand ing his extreme earnest

ness and numerous well balanced and settled conv ictions , is a

When Mr. Simonton d ied , in 1882 , Mr. Ph illips ret ired f rom the Assoc iated Pressand assumed f ull charge as General Manager o f The United Press , which , under h isd irection during the past two years , has won recognition as a legitimate and powerf ulrival o f the Associated Press. l l is headquarters are in New York , and h is home isin l ’ lain iic ld , N . J .t The verses at the close of this sketch , wh ich have been w idely Cop ied , illustrate

h is poet ical efi'orts .


school . He is alway s open to discuss freely the merits of“ the points ” in his ef forts , excellent as those points may be ;

promptly profits by successes and failures alike ; is alway s

thankful for suggestions and sensible criticism touching hi s

literary work , weighs them al l carefully , and a cts readily uponthem when good ones are made . This is a quality which ,


itself alone , must tend greatly toward final success . Anotherof his qualities is untiring industry . While busily engaged , in

one capacity ,in supervising the collection and distribution of

reliable and unbiased , but necessarily uninspiring commonplacen ews and statistics , we find him on the other hand , in a diff erent

capacity , commenting on the same and drawing the appropriatelesson therefrom for the public , just as naturally and easily as

though the latter occupation were the only duty which circum

stances had imposed upon him . His published sketches Show

that they are the deductions of one possessing a habit of closeobservation , a keen sense of humor , and one who is at the same

time a shrewd but mirth-loving man of the world . He“ turns

out”a pathetic incident , or invests solid sober counsel with al l

the charm of half-earnest but penetrating pleasantry with equal

adroitness ; and his writings , pathetic or“ light ,

”are ever

replete with shrewd and wholesome suggestions .

In his literary treatment of the telegraphic profession— a fieldwhere some of his earliest triumphs were won— there is not one

competitor to approach him .— A S a f ar-seeing critic he has

proved himself fearless and just , y et so good-natured , that his

Victims can never muster up feelings of resentment . but rather

profit by his lecturing . Nor is his strength as a writer confinedto prose . His poetical efforts are well represented . The

estimation in which Mr . Phillips is hel d by the telegraphic

profession is best determ ined by the numerous spontaneous

outbursts which greet him in the j ourna ls , published by that

interesting and generally intelligent fraternity . Many poetical

o fferings have been made to him by his admirers , which , al

though they evince a lusty appreciation of Mr. Phillips , are

hardly worth more than bare mention .

He refers to his native town in “ Oakum P ickings , as


follows Away up among the hills and dales Of Massachu

setts , where the Blackstone winds brightly in the sunlight a

mere brook ; where the atmosphere is as clear and fragrant asnectar ; where , of al l the world , the trees and the earth are

of the greenest possible tint ; where the robin Sings in the

sweetest strains at morn ing ; where the bluejay is the bluest ;where the whippoorwill chirps in tones of the most melancholysweetness at n ight ; where the moon Shines the softest ; where

the stars twinkle the merriest and where every thing around ,

in our opin ion at least , is primitive , beautiful and smiling , we

were born and passed together our dear , dreamy , delicious day s

of boy hooc — Pierce’

s History of Grafton .

C U R F E W B E L L S .


NAPLES , 1870 .

A grand old hymn sang those v il lage bel ls ,Which I heard in the go lden past ;Their cadence was mel low , but clear and high

A nd I hear them again’

neath the starl it skyA nd a spel l o ’

er my soul is cast .

I stand again midst whispering trees ,A nd their murmur a story tel ls

O f wonderf ul valor, of love and f ame ,

While I l isten with longings too sweet to name

To the song of those evening bel ls .

There are thoughts I f ancied were gone f or ay e ,

But they come trooping back to-n ightThere are unspoken hopes and visions rare ,

A locket of gold and a ringlet o f hairA nd a f ace of wondrous l ight .

Loved f orms return at this curf ew hour,


A nd dreams which ended in sadness ;O ld memories , sweeter than breath of June ,Scent of f ad ed flowers and a long lost tune ,Which chasten my hours of gladness .

J O H N P H I L L I P S ,

OF DUXBURY , MASS , 1638 .

There was one , John Phillips of Duxbury and Marshfield ,

at a very early day . The records of his family are meagre ,

scattering and unsatisfactory . It is ev ident that no record was

kept by him , for we are informed by the Plymouth ColonyRecords that John Phillips of Marshfield , and Faith D oty ofPlymouth , Signed a marriage contract by making their marks ,Feb . 23 , 1 666 [ 1 667 N . He was doubtless the progenitor

of a large family which appears to include those given under

Nos . 70 to 89 of this work . After referring to various writers

whose accounts are sometimes conflicting , the following state

ments appear to be the most nearly correct

N o. 6 8 .

John 1 Phil lips , born in England , 1 602 , where he married .

He came to Duxbury as early as July , 1 638 , and bought a

house and land there of Robert Mendal l , Oct. 1 9 , 1 639 , pay

ments to be made y early , every first day of Oct . , at the house of

Mr . Winthrop , in Boston .

” After 1 643 he lived in Marshfield ,

where he was highway survey or in 1 655 , and constable in 1 657

July 3 1 , 1 658 , his son John was killed by lightning .

* He

married for second wife , July 6 , 1 654 , widow Gra ce Ho llo

w ay ,and she with their son Jeremiah were killed by lightning ,

Being at work in the meadow , mak ing hay , a tempest suddenly arose and he

immediately started f or the nearest house . Having entered he sat down between thedoor and the chimney , when the l ightn ing struck the chimney , and descending,passed out the door, knocking him l if eless on the ground .

”— Mather MSS.


June 23 , He married (3d ) Mar . 14 , 1 667 , Fa ith

Doty of Plymouth . She died prior to July 10 , 1 67 7 One

account say s he died in 1 677 , but this may be a mistake referring to the time of her death ,

for another sayshe probably died

Oct . , 1 69 1 , almost n inety y ears old . Children :

1 . JOHN ; kil led by l ightning as stated .

2 . SAMUEL ; m . and had a f amily .

3 . JEREMIAH k il led by l ightn ing at ten y ears o f age .

4 . HANNAH .

5 . JOSEPH ; said to have been k il led in the Rehoboth fight , 1 676 .

6 . BENJAMIN .T (No .

N o. 6 9 .

Benjam in Ph il lips ( son of born married

Sarah Thom a s . Children

JOHN , b . 1 682 ; m . PATIENCE STEVENS, 1 7 10 .

JOSEPH , b . 1685 .

BENJAMIN , b . 1687 .

THOMAS, b . 1 69 1 : probab ly the same who -m. MARY SHERMANand went to East Bridgewater.

J EREMIAH , b . 1 69 7 .

6 . ISAAC , b . 1 702 .




Compare these names w ith the marriages in Marshfield given

below .

The account is related in a letter f rom Rev. Samuel Arnold of Marshfield . to Rev.

Mr. Mather o f Boston , 1683 , and given by W insor as f ollows : There were , at thehouse o f John Phill ips , f ourteen persons . Instantly a terrible clap of thunder f ellupon the house and rent the chimney . and spl it the door in many places, and struckmost o f the persons . i f not a ll.” Three were “mortally struck w ith God’s arrows.

that they never breathed more .” They were the w if e of Mr. Ph ill ips , and h is son ,ag ed about ten years , and one .Wm. Shertley [Shurtlefl] . who had a l ittle ch ild inhis arms , which was wonderf ully preserved .

” Th is Shertle y had just bef ore beenburnt out o f his own house . and w ith h is f amily , was at th is t ime , “

a presentsojourner at sa id —

.l l a ther MSW.

t M itche ll . in h is H istory o f Bridgewater, mentions Benjamin as son o f John 2 whowas k illed by l ightning, and grandson o f John1 o f Duxbury , 16 38 ; but Savage . vo l. 3 ,p . 412 , gives inf ormat ion ind icating that Benjamin was son o f John 1 o f Duxbury bysecond marriage , wh ich is much more probable .


TH O M A S P H I L L I P S .


No. 7 0 .

(I Thom as Ph ill ips was of Duxbury , Mass . , and died

Dec . 1 7 1 759 , aged 81 . His mother’s name was Mary . His

wife , Rebecca ,who is supposed to have been Rebecca Blaney "

of Boston , died March 4 , 1 7 aged 80 . Continued eff orts

have been made by some of his descendants to retrace the familyto a more remote ancestry , but , so far , it is believed , without

much success . It is thought that he was a descendant of JohnPhillips of Duxbury , 1 638 . Children :

1 . REBECCA ; m . 1 725 , Phil ip Chand ler.

2 . THOMAS ; H) . JEDIDAH who (1. Jan . 8 , 1 74 1 . He d .

Nov . 1 1 , 1 778 , aged 73 . Ch

1 . Mary , b . Jan . 29 , 173 1 .

2 . Rebe cca , b . May 18 , 1732 ; In . July 31 , 177 1 , Thomas Dawes .

3 . Ab igail , b . Apr. 1 , 1733.

4 . Thomas ; m . 177 1 . Ab igail Chandler. Ch

1 . Ab igail , l) . 1774.

2 . Rebecca.

3 . Luth er.

4 . Mary.

5 . Chandler.

6 . S ilvia.

3 . JOHN , b . 1 707 ; d . Mar. 16 , 1 79 1 , aged 84 . He In . MARYwho (1. Mar. 2 1 , 1 79 1 , aged 82 .

4 . SAMUEL , b . 1 709 ; d . Nov . 26 ,

5 . BLANEY. (No .

N o. 7 1 .

(IL ) B laney Phil lips ( son of Thomas of Duxbury : No .

born in Duxbury , 1 71 2 ; resided in Duxbury , where he

was constable or collector, 1 745 , and in Pembroke (now Han

Thomai , son o f w idow Mary Phill ips (unknown) of Plymouth , housewright , m.

Rebecca Blaney , at Boston , Dec. 31 , 1702— Wyman’s Charlestown Gem , p . 747.

Nos . 72 , OF THOMAS PHILLIPS . 1 27

son), and died in the latter place in 1800 . He married May

23 , 1 733 , Christian W adsw orth . Children

1 .

2 .





SAMUEL , b . May 9 , d . young .

BLANEY , b . July 3 , 1 736 ; removed to Fitchburg, Mass . He m.

MARY who d . July 20 , 1 773 . Ch .

1 . O live , b . Jan . 24, 1763 ; m. 1782 , Robert Sampson , son of

Robert .Eunice , b . Sep t . 29 , 1764 ; (1. young.

Samuel , b . Aug . 5 , 1766 . (No .

Eunice , b . June 30 ,Mary , b . Nov. 8 , 1 769 .

6 . Huldah , b . Dec . 5 , 177 1 .

SAMUEL , b . May 2 , 1 738 ; 01. Sept . 18 , 1 756 .

CHRISTIAN , b . A pr. 7 , 1 740 .

MERCY , b . March 10 , 1 742 ; d . Sept . 16 , 1 744 .

MERCY, b . Oct . 6 , 1 744 ; m . 1 762 , MARK PHILLIPS of E . Bridgewater ; (1. 18 1 6 .

SETH ; removed to Fitchburg . Seth Phil lips was one of the

company of minute-men who marched f rom Fitchburg to Concord , A pr. 1 9 , 1 775 .

LOT. (No .






N o. 7 2 .

(III . ) Lot Ph ill ips ( son of Blaney of Pembroke : No .

born 1 748 ; resided in Pembroke (now Hanson) ; m .

Diana How land . Children

l .







EZRA . (No .

MEHITABLE , b . May 1 2 , 1 783 ; m . EBENEZER KEENE .

LYDIA , b . Apr. 7 , 1 786 ; m . HOLMES.


D IANA , b . March 7 , 1 79 1 111 .


CHRISTIAN WADSWORTH , b . Sept . 2 , 1 793 ; m . CYRUS MONROE .

BLANEY , b . Nov . 3 0 , 1 795 ; married .

N o. 7 3 .

(IV .) Ezra Ph il l ips ( son of Lot of Pembroke : No .

born Oct . 2 1 , 1779 of Hanson , Mass . married ( 1 st)Mch it

ab le A l len ; (2d ) Lucy Chamberla in ; (3d ) M rs .

N abby (Pratt) Ph il l ips . Children (by first marriage)1 . EZRA , b . Oct . 10 , 18 10 ; of the firm of E . Phil l ips and Sons ,


manuf acturers of iron , copper, z inc and tinned tacks and shoe

nails , South Hanover, Mass . He In . CATHERINE H ITCHCOCKTILDEN , b . Oct . 1 , 1807 . Oh . , al l born in Hansen

1 . Calvin T ilden , b . March 3 , 1836 ; a member of the Mass . Legislature in 1873 , a memb er o f th e committee of arrangemen tsat the dedication o f the sol diers’ and sailors ’ monumen t ,Hanover, in 1878 , an occasion wh ich brough t togeth er 1500

p eop le . He m . Oct . 3 1 , 1865 , Maria E . Josselyn .

2 . Cath erine , b . May 14, 1842 ; d . Dec . 30 , 1843 .

3 . Morril l Allen , b . Feb . 2 7 , 1844.

4 . Charl es Fol len , b . April 2 1 , 1846 ; fi tted f or the prof ession of

law in the Boston Un iversity Law S chool , and was admi ttedto the bar.

5 . Al f red T i lden , b . Nov . 16, 1849 ; d . March 5 , 1850 .

MEHITABLE ALLEN , b . Dec . 22 , 18 1 1 ; m . CHARLES BEALS .

(By second marriage)LUCY PRATT , b . May 30 , 18 18 ; m . NATHAN MONROE ; d .

GEORGE , b . July 7 , 1824 m . BETHIA HATHAWAY both deceased .

(By third marriage )LOT , b . Feb . 13 , 184 1 ; m . SARAH E . BARKER .

N o . 7 4 .

(IV . ) Samue l Phill ips (ev idently son of Blaney , Jr . of

Fitchburg z-No . was born in Duxbury about 1 7 He

married Hannah Bolton and went to Searsmont , Mame ,

where he died about 1850 . Children

1 . POLLY ; m . H IEL HOWARD .


3 . JAMES, ,b . at Searsmont ; resided there t il l 1856 ; d . at Mont

v il le , Me . ,186 1 . He m . MARY PRESCOTT . Oh . , al l born at


1 . Charl es , I) . 1839 ; m . Carol ine Brown .

2 . George , 184 1 ; d . 1866 ; m . Ahn ed a Grinnell .3 . James A b . 1843 ; d . 1864.

H is grandson . Frankl in F . Ph ill ips, who f avored the comp iler with this record ofh is f amily , writes : “Grand f ather Samuel’s grandparents must have emigrated tothis country f rom England . My uncle Solomon P . has a wallet which Grand f athergave h im , say ing that originally it was h is grandmother’s , who was a Scotch woman .

The wallet has on it in large gilt letters the name London .’ Probably the emigration

f rom England took place much earl ier than supposed by Mr. F . F . P . The Scotchwoman re f erred to appears to have been Rebecca Blaney , who 111 . Thomas Ph illipsat Boston , 1702 .



‘ M A R S H F I E L D A N D E A S T BR I D G EW A T E R , M A S S .

N o. 7 5 .

(III . Thom as Phil l ips came from Marshfield , and

settled in East Bridgewater about 1 735 . His nativity is not

clearly established , but he was probably born 1 69 1 , son of

Benjamin Phillips who married Sarah Thomas , and grandson

of John of Duxbury ,1 638 . He married Mrs . MARY EAMES

SHERMAN , the widow of John Sherman , daughter of Mark Eames

and granddau . of Anthony Eames of Marshfield . Children :

1 . LYD IA ; m. 1 749 , ZEBULON CARY .


ABIAH ; m . 1 76 1 , BENJAMIN TAYLOR . She d . 1800 , aged 70 .

MARK , b . 1 736 . (No .

DEBORAH ; supposed to have married LEVI WADE in 1 766 .

N o. 7 6 .

(IV .) Thom as Ph il lips ( son of Thomas of Marshfield

No . 7 born in Marshfiel d ; married 1 755 , Mary Hatch ,

dau . of David Hatch , and resided in East Bridgewater . He

died of small-pox at Spectacle Island , Boston Harbor , 1 781 .

His widow , Mary , died 181 1 , aged 77 . Children :

1 . JOHN , b . 1 756 ; sergeant in Gen . Washington’

s l if e guard duringthe Revolutionary war ; In . 1 784 , JENNET YOUNG , d au. of JohnYoung . She d . 1823 , aged 57 . Ch

1 . George Y b . 1788 ; m . 1812 , Beth iah (Lazel l) Mitchell ,d au. of Joseph Lazel l and wid . o f A sa Mitchell . Removedto Poughkeepsi e , N. Y. Ch

1 . Ab igai l Ames , b . 18 13 .

2 . A sa M itch ell , b . 18 15 .





5 .


Jenn et , b . 1 790 .

Marquis LaFay ette , b . 1 79 2 .

Eun ice Bass , b . 1 79 7 .

Rob ert , b . 1802 .

MA RY , b . 1 758 ; 111 . JOSEPH WHITMAN .



1 760 ; m . 1 783 , MARTHA WHITMAN , d au . of Capt .

S imeon Whitman ; d . 1849 , aged 89 . Ch

1 .

2 .

Thomas ; w en t to Natiek .

Joanna Whi tman ; m . 181 1 , John Corthrell of Ab ington .

JOSEPH ; m . and went to New York . Ch

1 .


Wil lard , b . in Bridgewater, Dec . 19 , 1 784 ; grad . Harv . Ce ll1810 ; LL .D . ; o f Boston ; judge of probate , author of

several works on l i f e insurance , patents , political economy ,&c &e . ;

(No .

DAVID went to New York .

N o. 7 7 .

(V .) Turner Ph il lips, ( son of Thomas of E . Bridge

water : NO . born at E . Bridgewater, Dec . 24 , 1 764 ; died

at same place - 1824 . He married Hu ldah W h itm an .


LEUTHEL , b . Sep t . 1 7 , 1 787 .

JOSEPH , b . Mar. 2 1 . 1 790 ; removed to 1Vind sor, Mass . ; m .


all b . in Windsor (by first marriage)

1 .

2 .

1 .

2 .

Joseph Watson , August 28 , 1819 ; also several who (1 . in

in f ancy .

John Lemuel Thomas , Mar. 16 , 1827 ; grad . at Wi lliams Coll . ,1847 ; princ ipal o f an academy in Spencertown

, N . Y . , f rom

1847 to 1849 ; teach er in W ill iston Sem Easthampton , Mass . ,

f rom 1849 to 185 1 . In 185 1 he entered Andover Theolog .

Sem . w ith the intent ion o f fi tt ing f or the m in istry , but a f terbe ing there a l ittle more than one year was compelled to

rel inquish h is s tud ies on account o f f ailure o f h is ey es igh t .He was pro f essor o f Greek in W ill iams Col l . f rom 1857 to

1868 , when the s tate o f h is eyes compel led h im to retire . Heremoved to Bal lston , N . Y and took up f arming , but

returned to W il l iams town in 1877 and h eld the pos it ion o f

college l ibrarian t il l h is death , April 4 . 1879 . Unmarried .

He ac compl ished vas tl y more than many ed ucated men

w ith no bod ily infirm ity .



No. 7 9 .

(I ) Capt . John Ph il l ips of Easton , Mass . , the firstperson in that town who received a captain ’

s commission , was

the ancestor of a large number of the Phillips name . His birth

place and origin have not been clearly Shown fiI6 He died in

Easton , Nov . 14 , 1 760 . Children

1 . THOMAS, b . in Easton,Jan . 25 , 1 7 1 2 ; of A shfield . (No .

2 . EXPERIENCE ; m . RICHARD ELLIS, an Irishman who was the firstsettler in A shfield , Massnl

There are good reasons f or believing that Capt . John Phillips may have been theoldest son . b . 1682, of Benjamin2 and Sarah (Thomas) Phillips, of Marshfield , and

grandson of John ,1 of Duxbury , 1638 , and , if so, the brother of Thomas who sett .

in E . Bridgewater about 1735 . The coincidence of names and dates points directly tothis source . In that case the number of his generation should be instead of(I .) and the number of each succeed ing


generation Should be changed to coincide .t For the f ollowing statements the compiler is indebted to Mr. Geo. Bassett of A sh

field , a descendant of Capt . John Ph illips .

The town of A shfield , called Huntstown prior to 1765 , was granted to a companyof soldiers f or service in an expedition to Canada in 1690, commanded by Capt.Ephraim Hunt of Weymouth . There were three in that company by the name ofPhill ips. The first settler of A shfield was Richard Ellis as stated above . The secondwas Thomas Phillips ; the third was Ebenezer Smith , whose wif e was Richard Ellis’sdaughter. Thomas Phillips lived in Deerfield a while , whether any more than a

short time being af raid of the Indians, I do not know .” In the above company there

was John Phillips who drew lot No. 6 in the first division . John Phillips drew f or

Richard Ph illips lot No. 13. Joshua Ph illips, who, I suppose , was my grandmother’s brother,” drew f or Joshua Ph ill ips lot No. 56. The proprietors of Huntstownmet and chose John Phillips moderator, March , 1738 , 1739 and 1740 ; “John Ph illipscommittee to lay out lots, committee to build a corn mill 1743. Thomas Ph illips was

chosen on a committee to see that no one should carry white p ine timber out of town ;Caleb Phillips and Thomas Phillips on a committee to settle the boundary betweenHuntstown and Deerfield ; Caleb Ph illips to have the care of the corn mill ; ThomasPhillips to lay out 100 acre lots ; Ph ilip Phill ips collector, There was a Benjamin Phill ips who had seven sons born f rom 1750 to 1767 I think ,” writes Mr.

Bassett , they were my grandmotherMercy Ph il lips’s relatives.

136 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY [Nos 80 , 81 .

N o. 8 0 .

(II .) Thom a s Ph il lips ( son of Capt . John of EastonNo . born in Easton , Jan . 25 , 1 7 1 2 ; settled in A shfiel d ;

married El izabeth He is said to have married twice ,and whether this was his first or second wife does not appearcertain . He was prominent in town af fairs and appears to havebeen entrusted with discretionary charge of matters requiringwise management . Child

1 . PHILIP .

N O . 8 1 .

(III . ) Capt . Ph il ip Ph il lips ( SOII of Thomas of A sh

field : No . born in A shfield , Feb . 1 738 . His motherissaid to have diedwhen he was a y oung

‘babe , and a negress who

occupied the place of mother to him during his early infancywas , with her husband , in return comfortably cared for by him

in their old age . He was justice of the peace , a member of the

Legislature one y ear , town tax collector , captain of a militarycompany in A Shfield , and had one platoon of his eleven sons at

the general muster , and these were ordered to parade before

the whole regiment . The y oungest , aged fourteen , was the

drummer , and another was fi fer. He died in A shfield , Aug .

10 , 1800 . He married Mercy Ph il lipsale of Dighton , Mass .

She had one brotheI , Richard Phillips , who formerly lived in

A shfiej d and had children , and three brothers in D ighton ,

Abiathar , Samuel and Joshua . She is said to have had two

SisteIS , one o f whom maII ied a Truesdell , the other a Dwelly .

She d ied in 1815 , aged 78 . Children

1 . ELIJAH , b . Feb . 14 , 1 759 ; o f “Test Virginia . (No .

2 . A ENER,


b . March 25 , 1 760 ; res . in A shfield .

3 . LEMUEL , b . Nov. 26 , 1 762 ; res . in A shfield .

4 . PHILIP , b . July 29 , 1 764 : o f Cassadaga , N . Y . (No .

5 . DAVID , b . Feb . 2 , 1 766 ; went to West V irginia .

6 . S IMEON , June 1 , 1 768 ; went to Conway , Mass .

7 . ISRA EL , b . May 23 , 1 770 . (No .

A recurrence o f names w ith general connection o f h istorical events leads us tobel ieve that she was a de s ce n dant o f Dea . N icholas Ph ill ips o f Weymouth , 1640 .


LEBBEUS RUDE , b . in A shfield , Nov . 2 , 1806 . (No .

S IMEON , b . in A shfield , Jan . 27 , 1809 ; m. MYRA BEMENT ; res .

in New York C ity .

CALISTA , b . in A shfield , Dec. 2 , 18 1 1 m . MERRICK SMITH , and

moved to the West .

FANNY , b . in A shfield , March 29 , 18 14 ; m. JONATHAN VINCENT ,and moved to the West .

CATHARINE AMELIA , b . in A shfield , June 6 , 18 1 6 d . unmarried .

ELIJAH BLISS, b . in Buck land , A ug . 26 , 18 18 ; m . ELIZABETHRUDE ; l iving , 1885 , in I l l inois .

LYD IA MOULTON , b . in Buck land , Dec . 2 1 , 1820 ; In . JOSHUACRANSON .

AUGUSTIN WASHINGTON , b . in Hawley , March 22 , 1823 ; In .

( l st) HANNAH ROSINA MAYNARD , b . Jan . 3 , 1826 ; she d . July28 , 1 848 ; In . (2d) MARIA NUTTING , b . June 30 , 1822 . He

was l iv ing , 1885 , in Amherst , Mass . Ch . , al l by secondmarriage :

1 . Rosina Maria , b . in Buck land , Dec .

20 , 1851 ; In . Edw in D .

Davis of Me chan icsvi lle , N . Y .

2 . Mary Ell is , b . in Amh ers t , June 27 1853 ; m . Elijah Shaw of

Hawley , Mass .

3 . Fann ie Smith , b . in Amh erst , Feb . 9 , 1855 ; d . in Northamp ton ,

Aug . 1 , 1856 .

4 . S tan l ey Augustin , b . in Northampton , May 15 , 1857 of Am

h erst ; In . Martha E . Lamson .

5 . Harriet Wh ipp le , b . in Buck land , Apr. 4 , 1859 ; In . Frederic D .

Kellogg o f Had ley .

6 . Grace Humphrey , b . March 14 , 1863 .

MARIA , b . in Buck land , Apr. 1 7 , 182 7 .

N O . 84 .

(VI Rev . Lebbeus Rude Ph il l ips ( son of Elgah ofBuckland : No . born Nov . 2 , 1806 ; gIad . at Williams

Coll . , 1836 °

at East WiIIdSOI Theological Sem . He preached

at Halifax , Vt . , one y ear, and was ordained and installed , 1841 ,pastor of the Cong . Church and Society , Sharon , Mass . He

was d ismissed OII account of failure of health in 1861 , and soon

after removed to Groton , Mass . , where he resided some y ears ,

then removed to Newtonville , Mass . , where he still l ives , 1885 .

Nos . 85 , OF JOHN PHILLIPS . 139

He married , Aug . , 1838 , M issSusanna Heath Goddardof Roxbury , Mass . Children

1 . EDWARD GRIFFIN , b . in Roxbury , May 1 , 1840 ; d . at three

y ears of age .

2 . CATHERINE AMELIA , b . 1842 , in Sharon; res . Newtonv il le ;ROBERT G . SHEDD , and has children .

3 . HELEN ELIZABETH , b . in Sharon , May 24 , 1844 ; d . in Brookl ine , Feb . 1 , 188 1 ; unmarried .

4 . JOHN GODDARD , b . in Sharon , May 29 , 1848 ; commission mer

chant ; res . Boston ; m. Oct . 8 , 1874 , MARY W . NIGHTINGALE .


1 . Mary Nigh t ingal e , b . in Lex ington , Oct . 17 1875 .

2 . John King, b . in Boston , Oct . 2 . 1877 ; (1. same p lace , Dec. 28 ,

1883 .

3 . Anna Goddard , b . in Boston , Sep t . 16 , 1879 .

4 . Nigh tingal e , b . in Boston , Nov . 24 , 1883 .

N o. 8 5 .

(IV ) Ph ilip Ph il l ips (son of Philip of A shfield : No .

8 1 born July Iesided In A shfield a portion of his

life , but afterwards emigrated to Cassadaga , Chautauqua CO .

N . Y . , where he d Ied ,Dec He married E l izabeth

Sm ith ,a descendant , in the ninth generation , of Rev . Henry

Smith of England , and only daughter of Chil leab and Elizabeth( Sawy er) Smith of A shfield . Children

1 . SAWYER, b . 1 79 1 . (No .

2 . ELIZABETH ; m . JOHN ROBINSON ; d . about 1828 . Ch

1 . Elescom .

3 . ESTHER ; m . ISRAEL SMITH ; d . about 1 830 . No . ch .

PHILIP ; d . about 1808 , aged embt .

5 . JOSHUA ; d . 1836 , aged twenty -eight ; u nmarried .

N o. 8 6 .

(V .) Saw y er Ph il l ips ( son of Philip : No . born

in A shfield ,Mass . , 1 79 1 died in Cassadaga , N . Y . , 1872 . He

married Jane Parker of New York , dau . of Benjamin Parkerand granddau . of Thomas Parker of

\Washington Co . , N . Y .

A granddaughter of Elijah Phillips who emigrated from

A shfield to West Virgin ia , Miss Mabel Forbush , died recently



at the hotel of Williston Phillips in Cassadaga , aged 68 . She

was a cousin of Sawy er Phillips , and came to reside in his

fam ily more than forty y ears ago . His wife, dy ing soon after ,in 1844 , left a large fam ily of children who thus came under

the care and direction of this maiden relative . With the

counsel Of a mother as well as the aff ection and tenderness of

a sister , She ever continued , till her death , to be a cherished

member of each household of the fam ily of Sawy er Phillips .

Children , al l appear to have been natives of Cassadaga :

1 . ALONZO , b . 182 1 (I. when five y ears of age .

2 . THOMAS DAVIS, b . 1822 ; a dentist ; genera l agent f or westernNew York , of the Chicago rlf agnetic -Shield Co. , headquartersat Cassadaga ; m . SYBIL FISHER . Three children , all married .

3 . WILLISTON , b . 1824 ; merchant and hotel keeper in Cassadaga ;m . ( 1 st) MARY ELLIS ; ( 2d ) ELIZA HATCH . Three children ,

one married .

ROSINA , b . 1825 ; d . 1836 .

o . ALONZO PARKER , b . Dec . 28 , 1826 ; a phy sician in Fredon ia ,N . Y . also dea ler in f ruit and ornamental trees ; m . FIDELIAWOODS. Ch

1 . Jenn ie F b . in A l legany , Cattaraugus Co., N . Jan .

1 , 1852 ; d . unmarried , aged 26 .

A Burton , b . in A l l egany , Aug . 6 , 1854 ; d . aged 25 .

3 . Frank H b . in Cassadaga , July 14 , d . in Fredon ia ,March 13 , 1875 .

6 . WILLIAM WALLACE , b . Oct . 8 , 1828 ; a f armerin Cassadaga ;m . CELESTINA ELEY . Four children .

7 . CHARLES, b . 1830 (or res . in Cassaclaga ;* m . EUNICE

CUMMINGS. No children .


Wednesday , Aug. 8 , 1877 , was the day set apart by th is f amily f or a reunion at

the residence of Charles Ph il lips, Esq .,who with h is estimable w if e and p leasant

home made the occas ion one long to be remembered by al l .The members ’

o f the f amily comprise e ight brothers and one sister, andwere allpresent w ith the ir w ives and f amil ies except G . H . Ph illips.

At a stated hour in the af ternoon al l assembled at the house of Esq. Ph illips , and ,grouped together in the beautif ul maple arbor upon the lawn , were soon interchanging greetings w ith each other, and relating inc idents regarding the history of the

f amily f rom its earl iest juven ile years down to the present . A special f eature of the

hour was an extens ive collection of fine views of a ll the principal towns and c itiesand great men and build ings which had been care f ully collected by Philip Phillips,the sweet s inger, in h is travels around the world upon h is miss ion of Christian song,an d w ith the classified arrangements wh ich he was able to give them , made , as itwere , panoramic p ictures o f the countries and places through wh ich he had passed ,


PHILIP , b . 1834 ; author of a nd dea ler in Church and SundaySchool music in New York C ity . During the last ten y ears hehas travel led in America and other countries overmiles , and given his Even ings of Sacred Song ”

as f ol lowsUnited S tates 1 9 50 even ings , Canada 69 , Great Britain 246 ,

Austral ia 14 1 , Cey lon 1 6 , India 32 , Continent of Europe 29 ,Orienta l Countries 14 . Making in all 2497 services of song ;

dividing the proceeds with Christian objects , and conductingthe song serv ice of f orty

-seven State Sunday School Conventions . His sacred song books have sold in dif f erent countriesto the extent of over copies . He m . 1860 , OLLIECLARK . Two children .

ROSINA , b . 1836 ; m . 1862 , M ILTON E . BEEBE , architect , of

Buff alo , N . Y . One child .

BENJAMIN CLARK , b . 1 838 ; d . 1840 .

ALPHONSO RESIGN , b . 1839 ; d . 1841 .

GEORGE HARRISON , b . 1841 ; m . CAROLINE BAKER ; res . in

Springfield , Ohio . Two children .

ZERAH BARNEY , b . 1843 ; a soldier in U . S . service through thewar of the Rebel l ion ; resided in Springfield , Ohio , where he

d . 1879 . He m . SALLIE SHARP . Four children .

N o . 8 7 .

(IV Isra e l Ph il lips ( SOII of Philip of A shfield : No .

born May 23 , 1 7 70 ; of A shfield ; married Mabe l Be lding of same place . Children , only one name given

1 . ISRAEL ; m . SABRINA WARD . He d . at the age of sixty -f our,She at the age o f seventy -five . Oh .

, born in A shfield °

1 . Emel ine ; m . l l enry Barrus . She d . at the age of twenty ,l eaving one ch .

2 . John Ward , b . May 4 , 1835 ; of Buckland ; a house painter ;m. in Ashfield , Dec . 24 , 1875 , Duverna Doloris Ben ih

, b . in

Buck land , Jan . 30 , 1858 . Oh . , b . in Buckland1 . Fuel la , b . Mar. 24, 1879 .

2 . W insor Lucius , b . Feb . 28 , 188 1 .

3. Eugene M illard , b . July 6 , 1883 .

3. Alonzo : f armer o f A shfield ; uI. El iza A . Green . Three ch .

4. W insor ; ac c identally shot and k illed at thirty-seven years ofage ; unmarried .

Lo is ; In . Henry Green . NO ch .Cl


Mabel , b . Jun e 3 , 1840 ; m. May 1 7 , 1860 , Alon zo Payn e . Ch

1 . Freddie Arthur Payne, b . in Conway,June 16 , 1872 .

2 . Della Emmeline Payne. b . in Charl emon t , Feb . 6 , 1877 .

Edwin A b . Nov . 12 , 1843 ; memb er of Co . K , 6oth Reg.

Mass . Vols ; f armer of A shfiel d ; In . June 9 . 1869 , Lizzi eAnn Phi llips . Ch

1 . Rosina A b . Aug . 12 , 1870 .

2 . Jan e Evelyn , b . Apr. 4 , 1872 .

3. Harlan Wesson , b . Feb . 16 , 1874 ; d . Feb . 4 , 1879 .

4. Harlan Winsor , b . Dec . 9 , 1879 .

Ann Eliza ; m . Henry Bassett , Jr. NO ch .

Ralph , b . Dec . 30 , 1848 ; f armer ; In . Mrs . Maria E . M. (Graves)Wilder. Ch ;

1 . Mattie S b . in A shfield , Feb . 26 , 1869 .

2 . Asa , b . in A Dec . 28 , 1870 .

3 . Hattie M b . in A Aug . 20 , 1872 .

4 . Lena H b . in A . , Dec. 3 1 , 1873 .

5. Ralph Ernest , b . in Conway , Jun e 25 , 1876 .

6 . Albert A b . in A . , Jan . 28 , 1878 .

7 . Alice R b . in A . , Oct . 1 , 1881 .

8. Hem‘

an fl b . in A ., Apr. 8 , 1883 .

N o.

(IV Samue l Ph il l ips ( son of Philip of A shfield : NO .

born Aug . 14 , 1 775 ; res . in A shfield married and had

the following childre

1 . SALLY, b . Dec . , 1 794 ; m. 18 16 , JOHN MANTOR MANSFIELD .

She died July 2 1 , 1853 . Oh . , all b . in A shfield

l . Adolphus Mansfield , b . Oct . 3 1 , 1820 ; d . July 2 1 , 1836.

2 . Samuel Mansfield , b . Aug . 20 , 1824 ; d . Apr. 18 , 1849 .

3. Martha Ann Mansfield , b . Apr. 12 , 1832 ; d. Oct 30 , 1879 .


3 . EMILY ; m . BASSETT .

4 . FRANCIS, b . Apr. 2 7 , 1 79 6 ; of Florida , Mass . m . Dec. 4 , 1823 ,

ANN EDSON , b . Dec . 1 , 1803 . Ch

1 . Julia , b . Oct . 18 , 1824.

2 . Francis R b . S ep t . 27 , 1826 .

3. John E b . Nov. 12 , 1829 : d . Apr. 7 , 1879 .

4. Ansel Elmer, b . July 26 , 1836 ; of Sh elburne Falls .

5 . Eunice L estina, b . Apr. 1 1 , 1840.



N o. 8 9 .

(IV . ) Dr. L iscom Ph il l ips ( SOII of Philip of A shfield

No . born March 23 , 1 777 ; a phy sician in Adams , Mass .

representative from Savoy during the war of 1 81 2 ; died at

South Adams in 1 82 1 . He married N an cy Pade l ford ofTaunton , Mass . , daughter of Peleg Padelford , and twin to Dr.

Alpheus Padelford . Children :

1 . HENRY PA DELFORD , b . in Savoy , Jan . 24 , 1807 ; phy sician inNorth Adams ; l iv ing in Oct . , 1880 , .but has since d ied . He

m . CECELIA H . TYLER , d au . of Dr. Wm . H . Ty ler of Lanesboro , Mass . Ch .

1 . William H b . in Lanesboro , Jan . , 1831 ; rec . degree f romW illiams Coll . about 1850 ; ed itoi° o f Holyoke News ; senatorf rom north ern Berkshire , 1874 . He In . Mellissa Gallup .

2 . Henry T , b . in Lanesboro , 1835 ; physician in Ch eshire ,Mass . ; 111 . Joseph ine Fowl er.

3 . Harlan L b . in South Adams , 1837 book merchan t o fNorth Adams ; In . Emel ine Hawley .

4 . Anna Gertrude , b . in North Adams , 1840.

2 . SARAH , now deceased , b . in Savoy , 1808 ; m . Dea . WILLIAMSMITH .

3 . ERASMUS DARW IN , b . in Savoy , 18 10 ; resides in Geneva , Wis .


4 . CHARLES Fox , b . in Savoy , 18 12 ; res . B lack-

water, Wis . ; m .

Miss FARNUM of Wisconsin .

5 . WILLIAM , b . in South Adams ; d . when eleven y ears of age .

6 . JULIA ANN DEAN , b . in Savoy , 18 15 .

7 . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN , b . in South Adams , 181 7 wool len manuf acturer, o f Adams ; representative one y ear ; 111 . ( 1st) MissMORAN , ( 2d ) Miss MARIA O ’NE IL .

8 . ALBERT LISCOM , b . at South Adams , 182 1 ; wool d ealer'


Racine , Wis . ; representative f rom Racine some y ears since ;

recently nominated f or Senator f rom his d istrict . He m . M issMARY GREEN .

N o. 9 0 .

O l iver Ph il lips ( supposed by his descendants to have

been son of Joshua Phillips of Easton , but his connection with

John , No . 79 , is uncertain ,) was born in Easton , Nov . 22 ,

moved from Easton to Marlborough , Vt . , and d ied in

One record savs 1750.





N o. 9 1 .

(I Jam es Phil l ips , born in England . Early in life heleft his native land , and seeking a new home , emigrated to

America and landed at Ipswich , Mass . He followed the

occupation of ship carpenter , lived in Ipswich , Haverhill andBradf ord , and d ied in the latter place . Neither the time of his

birth nor of his death appears to be known , nor the length of

time he lived in either of the above places but he was probablyborn about the y ear 1 700 . His descendants have scattered

over New England and to the far West . Some of them have

evinced uncommon ability in the development and successful

management of extensive business operations while some have

distinguished themselves by heroic loy alty to their,

country in

its times of peril . He married Mol ly Lord of Ipswich .


1 . JAMEs ; of Rowley . (No .

2 . JOHN ; of North Andover. (No .

3 . MOLLY ; went with a f amily f rom Ipswich to Newf ound land ,and made her grave there .

4 . KATHARINE ; m. EDGERLY , and settled in Gilmanton ,N . H .

5 . ELEANOR ; m . SMITH , and settled in N . H .

N o. 9 2 .

(IL ) Jam es Phil lips (son of James of Ipswich : No .

born , probably in Ipswich , Feb . , 1 729 resided in Rowley


and died there , Feb . 28 , 1 787 . He married Judith Platts ,

Children , all born in Rowley1 . MERCY, b . Sept . 2 1 , 1 754 ; m . WILLIAM D ICKINSON ; resided in

Rowley , and d . Feb . 2 1 , 1833 .

2 . MARY , b . March 29 , 1 757 ; d . March 1 7 , 1 77

3 . JAMES, b . A ug . 8 , 1 759 ; m . SARAH PICKARD ; supposed to havebeen lost at sea .

JOHN , b . A ug . 20 , 1 76 1 of Portland , Me . (No .

5 . DAVID , b . Jan . 1 7 , 1 765 ; d . Feb . 2 , 18 15 .

6 . NATHAN , b . Feb . 6 , 1 768 ; o f Rowley . (No .

7 . JUDITH , b . April 9 , 1 771 ; d . Oct . 8 , 1 775

8 . PLATTS, b . Mareh 1 2 , 1 774 ; d . Oct . 8 . 1 775 .

9 . SETH , b . July 2 7 , 1 777 ; shoe dea ler in Portland , Maine ; (1.

July 14 , 18 15 . Unmarried .

N o. 9 3 .

(III . ) John Ph il l ips (son of James of Rowley : No .

born Aug . 20 , 1 761 . His business was commerce and naviga

tion residence , Portland , Me . ; died April 1 9 , 1826 . He m .

1 789 , Margaret Spear of North Yarmouth , Me ., born 1 77 1 .

She died Oct . 9 , 1 856 . Children

1 . PAMELIA PLATTS, b . July 1 2 , 1 794 ; d . Oct . 26 , 1879 ; m . twice .

Her first'

husband , a native of Fryeburg , Me . , was ed itor and

proprietor of the Portland Gazette. Her second husband ,JAMES ALDEN , was a shipmaster.

2 . MARY D b . Feb . 2, 1 79 7 ; m . CHARLES MOODY , a mer

chant of Portland , who (I. in 1870 . She d . March 1 0 , 1876 .

Ch .

1 . Daniel Moody . 3 . Emma Moody .

2 . Frank Moody . 4 . Edward Moody .

3 . MARGARET , b . April 7 , 1800 ; d . Feb . 10 , 1864 ; unmarried .

4 . ELIZA , b . Aug . 1 1 , 1802 ; d . April 19 , 1873 . She m . ELIASSHAW . merchant of Portland , who (1. in Ca l if orn ia . Ch

1 . Frederic E . Shaw ; pas tor o f a church in East Mach ias .

2 . John P . Shaw ; (1. in l 8 70 .

3 . Margare t Shaw ; m . A . J . Swett ; re s . Brook lyn , N . Y .

4 . O c tavia J . P . Shaw ; In . S . C . S trout , lawyer in Portland .

5 . HARRIETT J b . June 7 , 1808 ; In . June 24 , 1829 , CHARLES


CYNTHIA , b . July 29 , 1808 res . 1885 , in North Beverly .

JOHN MILTON , b . Sept . 2 6 , 18 10 ; d . July 1 7, 18 18 .

HANNAH MARIA , b . Apri l 26 , 18 13 ; d . June 27 , 1 818 .

REBECCA , b . Jan . 30, 18 1 6 ; m . Oct . 10, 1838 , WALTER R .

WEBSTER , a f armer of Bridgewater, N . H . He d . in Bridgewater, Nov . 26 , 1 873 . Ch . :

1 . Mary Amanda Webster, b . July 2 , 1839 .

2 . A lonso Ph illips Webster, Nov . 17 , 1840 ; drowned July 23 ,1854 .

3 . Lydia Angel ine Webster, b . Feb . 1844 ; principal of the H ighSchool in Coun c i l Bluff s , Iowa.

4. Wi l liam P ingree Webster, b . July 10 , 1847 a civil engineer onthe ~ f ront ier.

0 . AdelaideiBebecca Webster , b . April 13, 1858 ; a student in

W el lesl ey College .

JOHN MILTON , b . March 1 5 , 1820 ; merchant in Council B luff s ,in wholesale and retail boot and shoe busmess , hav ing his two

sons , Nathan and J . M ., Jr. , as partners . He m . Dec . 4 , 1845 ,

OLIVE NELSON CRESSEY of Rowley , Mass . She d . March 1 3 ,

1878 . Ch

1 . David M ilton , b . Nov. 3 , 1846 ; d . March 19 , 1854.

Nathan , b . Dec . 2 1 , 1852 ; merchan t , of Counci l Bluff s .

Mary O l ive , b . Dec. 14 , 1855.

John Mi lton , b . Oct . 2 1 , 1857 ; merchant , of Counci l Bluff s .

Cynthia Emma , b . June 4 , 1862 .

Ruth Maria , March 9 , 1864.

Grenvill e Dodge , b . Feb . 15 ,\1




N o. 9 5 .

(IV ) Ju l ia Theresa Ph il lips (No . married

Sy lvanus Dodge ,postmaster and merchant in South Dan

vers , Mass . They removed to Nebraska in 1 855 , and to

Council Bluffs , Iowa , in 1858 . He died in the latter place ,Dec . 23 , 1871 . Their son , N . P . Dodge , writes

My mother left a comfortable home in Danvers , Mass . , after

she was fifty y ears old ,went with her husband and children to

the frontier of Nebraska and settled in Dodge Co . , among the

Pawnee Ind ians , the faIt lIest white settlement at that time west

of the Missouri river— no white settlement bey ond until y ou

reached Salt Lake C ity , one thousand m iles . That was in


occupy ing that S tate . He reported with his regiment and

battery in August , 1861 , to Genera l Fremont at St . Louis ,and was soon a f ter assigned to the command of the f ourth

brigade , and led the advance in the capture/

o f Springfield , Mo .

He took a prominent part in the celebrated battle of Pea

Ridge , had three horses kil led under him , and was seriouslywounded . He was made Brigad ier General f or his gal lantconduct in this battle . A f ter recovering f rom his wounds hewas designated to command the d istrict of Columbus , Ky . ,

and while hold ing the command , def eated several f orces of the

enemy , capturing Gen . Faulkner, near Island No . 10 , and

tak ing many prisoners . Late in 1862 , hav ing previously beengiven the command of the 2d d iv ision o f the Army of the Ten

nessee , he was assigned to the command of the d istrict of

Corinth , Miss . He Opened the campaign of 1 863 by def eatingthe con f ederate f orces under Forrest , Roddy , Fergueson and

others . July 5th , 1863 , he was assigned to the command ofthe lef t wing of the 1 6th Army Corps , with headquarters at

Corinth , Miss . His f orces made a raid on Grenada , Miss . , in

connection with a movement f rom Vicksburg , which resultedin driving the enemy south o f that p lace , and capturing fi f tyfive locomotives and a thousand cars .

While at the head O f the l 6th Army Corps , he joined Gen .

Sherman in his march to Chattanooga , and in the Spring of

1864 , was entrusted with the advance of the Army of the

Tennessee . His corps took part in al l the battles of Gen .


s f orces in the march f rom Chattanooga to Atlanta .

In recognition of his services in this campaign , he was madeMajor Genera l by the Genera l Government . During the s iege

of Atlanta , his energetic and wel l t imed action in moving hisf orces against the enemy under Hood , resulted in saving thestores and transportation of the Army of the Tennessee , and

the army f rom a threatened cond ition . A f ew weeks a f ter the

battle Of Atlanta , the army s til l bes ieging that city , Gen .

Dodge received a gunshot wound in the f orehead while stand ingin a rifle pit , on the Sk irm ish l ine , superintend ing an advance .

This was on the i 9 th o f August , 1864 . He soon a f ter reportedto Gen . Sherman f or duty , but, owing to his phy s ical cond ition ,was ordered to the d istrict o f Vicksburg , and immed iatelytrans f erred to the department of the M issouri by the Presidento f the United S tates , re l iev ing Gen . Rosecranz.


Missouri was overrun by Gueril las , and the . nationa l troopswere in bad condition . He soon brought the army into goodstanding , ef f ectual ly quel led the genera l Indian outbreak whichjust then threatened the whole f rontier, and a Vigorous fightwas made against the Gueril las of Missouri , Arkansas and the

Indian Territory . He received the surrender of 4000 of KirbySmith’

s army in Missouri , and of the con f ederate general ,

Jeff . Thompson , with 8000 officers and men in Arkansas . A t

the close of the war, Gen . Dodge’

s command was made to

include the whole Indian country of the West and North-west .At ’

his urgent request he was rel ieved of his command inJune , 1 866 , and , on retiring f rom the army , was appointedChief Engineer of the Un ion Pacific Railroad . He was nomi

nated f or Congress by the Republicans of the 5th Iowa districtin 1866 , and elected by a majority 2000 higher than had everbeen given in that district . He declined a renomination and

returned to push f orward the construction of the Union PacificRai lr’

oad . To this great work he bent al l his energies . A s

chief engineer of“

the road , he made the plans f or the greatiron bridge which spans the Missouri River between CouncilB luf f s and Omaha , having charge of its construction till thetime of his leaving the road as chief engineer. He supervisedthe relations of the road with the government , saw that the law

was adhered to and the work conscientious ly done , having no

interest in the Construction Company , its Contracts or profits .

In 1868 the Un ion PaCific Railroad was comp leted , and verysoon af terwards Gen . Dodge became Chief Engineer of the

Southern Pacific , now the Texas and Pacific Railroad , where hetook control of the survey s and construction , and f rom July ,1872 , to December, 1873 , he comp leted the survey s along the

thirty-second para l lel of latitude f romSherman , Texas to the

Pacific Ocean at San Diego , a distance of 1 900 miles , and a lso

put under construction 500 m iles of the road . S ince 1873 hehas been engaged in the management of the Union Pacific and

other western railroads .

Genera l Dodge is a member of the Odd Fel lows , and takesan interest in whatever develops his State. American society

and the country at large . H is characteristics are ,—great

energy , industry , and persistency in any work he undertakes .

His honor and integrity are unimpeachable .

l 1


When contemp lating a visit to Europe with his f amily , in the

season of 1877 he received the f ol lowmg letteIHEADQ UARTERS ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES,

WASHINGTON , D . C . , April 20 , 1877 .

To U . S . CONSULS, AbroadI have just learned that Genera l G . M . Dodge is about going to

Europe , where he may leave his children to school whilst he returns

to America , where he is actively emp loy ed in railroad construction

and management .

I take great p leasure in commending Genl . Dodge and f amily tothe courtesy and pol iteness of al l Americans , especial ly such as

occupy official positions , because Gen l . Dodge is one of the Generalswho actual ly f ought throughout the Civil War, with great honor and

great skil l , commanding a regiment , brigade , division , and final ly a

corp s d’


c, the highest rank command to which any officer canattain .

He was with me in the Wes t, especial ly in the Atlanta campaignwhere he was severely wounded, close to Atlanta , and I theref orethink that he and especial ly his children , should experience the atten

tion of all O ff icers of a Government that might have perished had itnot been f or the b lood of just such men as Genera l Dodge .

W ith great respect , & c .,


Genera l .

General Dodge m . in Sa lem , Mass May 29 , 1854 , Miss ANNIEBROWN of Peru, Ch

1 . Lett ie Dodge, b . June 17 , 1855 ; m . NOV. 25 , 1874 , Robert E .

Mon tgomery , a lawyer of Council Bluf fs . Two ch i ldren .

2 . El la Dodge, b . Dec . 12 , 1858 ; In . May 5 , 1880 , Frank ScottPusey o f Counc il Bluff s .

3 . Ann ie Dodge, March 7 , 1866 .

3 . NATHAN PHILLIPS DODGE , b . in South Danvers (now Peabody),Mass . , Aug . 20 , 1837 ; a rea l estate agent in Council B luff s ;president of the Council B luff s Sav ings Bank ; m . Sept . 22 ,1864 , SUSANNA C . LOCKWOOD of Council B luff s . Ch

1 . Carrie LOIiise Dodge, March 25 , 1866 .

2 . John Lockwood Dodge, Dec . 10 , 1867 .

3 . Ph ill ips Dodge, b . March 2 4 , 1872 .

4. Ellen Lockwood Dodge, b . Jan . 14, 1875 .

5 . a son , b . Aug . 3 1 , 1880 .


af ter which she was sudden ly Siezed with some aff ection of the

brain , and al ternating between delirium and consciousness ,

sudden ly died Saturday noon . She lef t as a precious legacyto her f amily and a large circle of f riends , t he f ragrance of a

pure and wel l-spent lif e in the service of the dear Master whohas cal led her to his b lessed home .

LYD IA MARIA , b . same p lace , Sept . 6 , 1839 ; d . A ug . 29 , 1840 .

LYD IA MARIA, b . same p lace , Jan . 3 , 1842 ; d . May 24 , 1883 ,

unmarried .

LUCY DODGE , b . same p lace , Oct . 6 , 1844 ; d . Apr. 1 1 , 1871 .

N o . 9 7 .

(V ) O scar Ph il l ips (son of Alonzo Platts : No .

born July 27 1833 treasurer of the Heywood Boot and ShoeCo . , Worcester , Mass . He married , Sept . 18 , 1855 , Irene

Trask ,


dau . of Edward D . and Hannah L . Trask of Peabody .


1 . IRENE , b . Sept . 27 , 1856 ; attended Wel lesley Col lege three

y ears , but lef t without graduating to engage in teaching in the

Michigan Female Seminary at Ka lamazoo . She m . Dec . 13

188 1 , Charles A . Huse , M . D . , of Worcester. He d . July 3 ,1884 . Ch

1 . Charl es Ph illips Huse, b . Mar. 3 , 1883 .

2 . MARIA , b . Oct . 1, 1 858 ; entered Smith Col lege , but lef t on

account of il l hea lth .

3 . OSCAR , b . June 1 5 , 186 1 ; d . June 30 , 1863 .

4 . LOUISANA DODGE , b . Feb . 5 , 1865 .

5 . HANNAH BROWN , b . March 18 , 1867 .

6 . HENRY LUCIEN , b . Aug . 20 , 187 1 .

N o . 9 8 .

(IL ) JOhn Ph il lips (son of James of Ipswich : No .

a farmer in North Andover , where he owned a good farm . His

brother’s granddaughter, now eighty y ears of age , recalls

visiting him with her father , when she was ten y ears old , and

remembers him as a noble looking , gen ial old man of eighty ,


and living in comfort . He married E l izabeth Haggatt .Children :

1 . TIMOTHY ; settled in Brad f ord . Ch

1 . Alonzo ; a clergyman , now deceased ; m. Rebecca Kimball .2 . Ruf us ; living , 1880 , in Ch ester.

2 . SAMUEL ; m . HITTY HAGGATT , and l ived in Brad f ord .

1 . Hi tty. 2 . Betsey . 3 . Leonard.5 . Samuel . 6 Mary. 7 . Daniel .9 . James . 10. Charl es .

3 . JAMES. A f ter his f ather’s death , he with two Sisters , all unmar

ried , lived on the homestead f arm .


5 . MARY .

name not given .

1 60 GENEALOGY OF THE FAM ILY [Nos 100 , 102 .

N o . 1 0 0 .

(H .) W a lter Phil l ips ( son of Walter of Damari scottaNo . Signed Q uakers

’ list “ Ly nn 22th 4mo . , 1 703 died

in 1 733 . His wife’s name was Ruth . Children ’“

1 . WALTER . His posterity are to be f ound in Lynn and Swampscott at the present time

2 . RICHARD . 3 . RUTH 4 . JONATHAN . (No .

N o. 1 0 1 .

(III . ) Jonathan Ph il lips ( son ofWalter of Ly nn : No .

died 1 757 his wife Mary a f ewy ears later. Children

1 . WALTER . (No .

2 . GIDEON ; had severa l children , but only a f ew of the Phil lipsname are known to be of his posterity .

3 . JAMES. His descendants are numerous in Swampscott .

4 . JONATHAN . 5 . HANNAH . 6 . SARAH . 7 . MARY .

8 . PATIENCE . 9 . RUTH . 10 . ABIGAIL .

N o. 1 0 2 .

(IV .) W a lter Phil l ips ( son of Jonathan : No .

born Sept . 18 , 1 726 ; a Q uaker , and a f ew of his descendants

were of the same faith ; died March 18 , 1800 . He m . Sept .

2 6 , 1 752 , Content Hood , born Sept . 4 , 1 732 ; she died

Aug . 1 1 , 1805 . Children

1 . HANNAH,b . 1 755 ; d . 1805 . She m . Dow of N . H .

2 . BENJAMIN , b . 1 757 ; d . 1809 . Had ten children , but only one

grandson of the Phil l ips name is now of his descendants .

Descendants of his daughters l ive in Mass . and Va .

3 . JONATHAN , b . 1 759 ; d . 1800 . No descendants .

4 . JOHN , b . Dec . 30 , 1 760 ; d . Nov. 1 9 , 1835 . He II] . 1 788 ,

JUDITH Dow , b . Jan . 7 , 1 766 ; she d . Oct . 8 , 1850 . Ch . : T

1 . John , b . 1789 ; d . 1859 .

2 . Jonathan D b . 179 1 ; d . 1864.

32 S tephen , 1 792 ; d . 18 17 . No . f amily .

Salem records.f or these ch ildren , John , Jonathan D Walter, Hannah and Louisa, havedescendants in Me ., N . H . , and Mass.


4 . Ann D b . 1 794 ; living in Maynard , 1884. No f ami ly.

5 . Walter, b . 1796 ; d . 1875 .

6 . Judith , b . 1798 ; d . 1835 . She m . Pond of Salem . No

ch i ldren .

7 . Hannah , b . 1799 ; d . 1859 . She m . Hood of Nahant .

8 . Mary , b . 1803 ; d. 1841 . No f ami ly.

9 . George , b . Feb . 27 , 1805 ; d . April 3 , 1857 . He m. May 31 ,

1840 , Elizabeth S i lsbee , b . Feb . 2 7 , 181 1 ; d . Oct :Ch .

1 . George H b . Mar. 13 , 1841 ; resides in Hol liston ;m . Aug . 3 1 , 1870 , Abbie G. Hawes . Ch

1 . Walter E H b . Jan . 14 , 1874 .

2 . Edward N b . Feb . 17 , 1844 ; d . Dec . 25 , 1846 .

Edward . b . Feb . 5 , 1848 ; (1. Sep t . 5 , 1848.

4 . Arthur J b . Jan . 18 , 1852 ; 111 . Oct . 20 , 1881 ,

Anna R . Pease . Chi ld1 . Edward I b . S ep t. 27 , 1882 .

10. Henry ( twin), b .


and d . Feb . 27 1805.

1 1 . Louisa , b . 1807 d . 1865 . She m . Hoag of N . H .

ELIZABETH , b . d . 183 1 . She m . READE ; in Iowa .

SARAH , b . 1 764 ; d . 1834 . She . m . S ILSBEE ; of Lynn .

WALTER. b . 1 766 d . 1 852 . His descendants are living in Lynnand Swampscott .

AB IGAIL , b . 1 768 ; d . 183 1 . She m . Dow ; of N . H .

1 64

3 .


Luth er, b . May 3 , 1801 ; m . in Orland , Me . , Feb . 28 , 1823, ElsaTrott . He carried on the fishing business ; deacon of the

Bap t ist Church ; has h eld many offices of trust in the town ;was represen tative ; residing , 1880 , in East Hancock , Me .

LETTUCE , b . S ept . 10 , 1 776 .

JOHN , b . Jan . 3 1 , 1 779 ; m . ( 1 st) MARY CHAMBERS ; (2d )HANNAH SEAWARD . Oh .

, all by first marriage :

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

1 1 .

Mary Ann , b . Feb . 2 7 , 1800 ; d . Feb . 2 , 1876 .

John , b . July 4 , 1802 ; d .W i lliam , b . Dec. 1 2 , 1803 .

Abb ie S b . 1805 .

Al f red S b . Op t/

23 , 1807 .

Joseph S , 6 . July 23 , 1809 ; residing , 1880, at KitteryPoint ; m . Nov . 29 , 1831 , Joanna D . Woodman . She d . Jan .

13 , 1880 . Ch

1 . Charles W b . Apri l 7 , 1833 ; d . July 2 1 , 1850 .

Georgeana , b . S ep t . 12 , 1834.

John J b . Feb . 15 , 1836 ; (1. S ep t . 3 , 1868 .

Sabra O b . Jan . 22 , 1838 .

Manning , b . July 2 7 , 1840 .

Lucy J Toby , b . Oct . 24 , 1841 ; d . July 15 , 1868 .

Carrie M b . S ep t . 14 , 1843 ; d . June 22 , 1875 .

8 . Sarah A b . April 2 1 , 1846 .

Salome H b . Aug . 9 , 18 1 1 .

Nancy D b . July 2 , 18 13 .

Augusta H b . July 7 , 1815 .

Eliza L b . Dec . 6 , 18 19 .

El iza L b . June 3 , 1822 .

THOMAS , b . March 5 , 1 78 1 ; d . 1835 . He 111 . Jan . 23 , 1 802 ,

MAY WEEKS, b . Mar 3 , 1 784 ; she d . Sept . 8 , 1870 . Ch

1 . Thomas F b . July 20 , 1803 ; d . Nov. 26 , 1846 .

Samuel W b . Dec. 23 , 1804 ; d . Oct . 28 , 1850.

Nancy , Oct . 2 1 , 1807 ; d . Nov. 13 , 186 1 .

Jos iah , March 3 , 1810 ; d . Dec. 19 , 1830 .

Andrew , b . S ep t . 13 , 1812 ; d . Nov . 4 , 1836 .

May E b. June 20 , 18 15 ; d . Oct . 18 , 1842 .

Mann ing , Oct . 25 , 1817 ; d . May 30 , 1833 .

John, b . June 8 , 182 1 ; d . June 18 , 182 1 .

I saac D ( twin), June 8 , 182 1 ; resident o f Kitte ry ,where he


was town clerk f our years ; m . S ept. 12 , 1843,

Mary B. Gerrish o f Portsmouth , N . H . Ch

1 . George H b . Nov. 22 , 1844.

Isaac Andrew , Jan . 5 , 1846 .

Laura I b . Dec . 10 , 1848 .

A l ice C b . July 15 , 185 1 ; ( 1. Jan . 7 , 1874 .

Mary E Sep t. 10 , 1855 .

Adah M b . S ep t . 8 , 1857 .as






JOSIAH , b . Sept . 7 , 1 783 ; d . April 26 , 1846 . He

BILLINGS, b . Mar. 1 2 , 1 792 ; she d . Sept . 29 , 1846 .

l . Josiah , b . Oct. 19 , 18 13 ; d . July 1 , 1841 .

Lydia , b . Jan . 17 , 18 16 .

Iren ‘

e, b . Aug . 6 , 1818 .

O liver, b . Sep t . 7 , 182 1 ; d . Aug . , 1861 .

Ivory L b . Dec . 27 , 1824 ; d .

6 . Edwin F b : June 8 , 1 831 ; d . Apr. 16 , 1851 .

WILLIAM . b . Sept . 1 6 , 1 786 .

HANNAH , b . Dec . 4 , 1 77 1 .





1 68 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [Nos 108 , 109 .

Rob ert E b . June 6 , 1843 ; m . ( l st) SarahPark er, who (1. Apri l 14 , 1873 ; (2d) Lucy Lash er ;residence , Fulton , N . Y .

Ordelia, b . Mar. 25 , 1847 ; m . George E . Carscallen ;res . Napanee , Ont .

Ann Amel ia , b . May 29 , 1850 ; m. Thomas R . Wi lde ;res . Napanee .

Rach el C b . Feb . 5 , 1854 ; res . Viol et , Ont .H Bradway , June 29 , 1856 ; m . Mary AugustaPhillips ; res . Fulton , N . Y.

7 . Joseph in e , b . April 26 , l 863 ; d . in Loughboro , May 12 ,

1866 .

2 . Hester Ann , b . in Marcellus , Feb . 5 , 1820 ; m . Hiram Bradway.

She d . S ep t . 16 , 1865 .

3 . Samantha , b . in Marcellus , Feb . 22, 1822 ; d . July 2 6 , 1823.

4 . Mary , b . in Granby , N . Y ., Oct 6 , 1824 ; m . Joseph Wrigh t ;

residence , Plainfiel d , M ich .

5 . James S b . in Granby , Oct . 22 , 1826 ; residence , Plainfield , M ich .

6 . Elijah ,b . in Granby , Jan . 1 , 1829 ; d . July 13 , 1829 .

7 . George , b . in Granby , July 15 , 1830 ; res . Michigan .

8 . Hen1 y 0 1 1ando, b . in Granby , Oct . 24 , 1832 ; d . Sep t .

ANNA , b . Jan . 1 7 , 1 79 7 ; d . 182 7 .

PETER , b . May 25 , (1. 1800 .

GEORGE , b . Sept . 9 , 180 1 ; died .

MARY , b . Sept . 1 7 1804 ; m . BUNDY ; resides , Sy racuse,Kansas .

CYRUS, b . Sept . 9 , 1807 ; l iv ing , 1878 , in Fulton , N . Y .

JOHN , b . Feb . 4 , 18 10 ; d ied .

RHODA , b . March 25 , 18 13 ; m . Dr. MORRELL ; l iving , 1878 , inE lmira , N . Y .

N o. 1 0 8 .

(I Richard Ph il l ips (parentage not given). Child

N o. 1 0 9 .

(H . ) John Ph il l ips ( son of Richard : No . lived

and died in Scituate , R . I . He married Brown .



4 . EZEKIEL . (No .

5 . JOHN . A lSo s e vera l d aughters .


N o. 1 1 0 .

(III .) Ezekie l Ph il l ips (son of John of Scituate : No .

born in Smithfield , R . I. , Feb . 14 ,1 730 ; residence ,

Foster , R . I. , where he died Nov . 30 , 1804 . He held militarycommissions , said to be still in possession of one of his grand

sons , dated 1 758 and 1 759 , and Slgned by Stephen Hopkins ,Gov . of R . I . He married Susanna W h itm an ,

born in

Smithfield , 1 751 ; died in Foster , May 26 , 1 81 6 . Children

1 . AUGUSTUs ; of Foster and Natick , R . I . (No .

2 . SARAH , b . in Foster, May 2 7 , 1 773 ; m . EZRA GOODSPEED ;resided in Foster and had a f amily of children .

3 . CHARLES, b . in Foster, May 3 1 , 1 776 ; d . in Foster, June 3 ,1 79 7 .

4 . EZEKIEL , b . in Foster, Feb . 20 , 1 779 ; d . in Foster, May

1 79 7

5 . RHODA , b . Sept ,“ 2 , 1 78 1 ; m . ABRAM PHILLIPS ; resided inFoster and had a f amily of children , one of whom,

EzekielPhil l ips , resided in B lackstone , Mass .

6 . VALENTINE , b . in Foster, Sept . 2 1 , 1 785 ; d . same place , Jan .

2 7 , 1 797 .

N o. 1 1 1 .

(IV .) Augustus Phill ips (son of Ezekiel of FosterNo . born in Scituate or Foster , June 28 , 1 77 1 ; died at

Natick , R . I. , June 30 , 1 843 . He married Sa l ly Dav is ,born in Foster, May 10 , 1 778 died at Natiek ,

April 10 , 1843 .

Children , all born in Foster

1 . ORPHA , b . Nov . 1 6 , 1 79 7 ; d . June 2 7 , 1801 .

2 . DARIUS, b . Jan . 25 , 1800 ; d . May 3 1 , 18 1 7 .

3 . JERVIS, b . May 9 , 1 802 ; m . BETSEY TUCKER , and had a f amilyof children ; d . in Smithfield , Jan . 20 , 1 845 .

4 . CHARLES, b . May 2 , 1805 ; resides , Central Vil lage , Plainfield ,

Conn . ; m. at Foster, Mar. 13 , 1825 , HANNAH GORTON H ILL ,b . Jan . 25 , 18 10 . Ch

1 . Perl ey H ill , b . in Foster, 1825 ; (1. same p lace , June 18 , 1842 .

2 . Susan Ann , b . in Foster, March 8 , 1827 m. Jonathan Gortonof Cen tral V il lage , Wh ere she d . Mar. 8 , 1851 .

1 70


l l .

12 .



15 .


H iram Jilson , b . in Fos ter, Aug . S, 1828 ; m. Maria B. Davis ;residence , Hart f ord , Conn . Ch

1 . Hannah R b . Oct . 27 , 1864 .

2 . Charles 0 b . Dec . 12 , 1865 .

Charl es , b . in Foster, Aug . 22 , 1830 ; m . Evel ine E . Hunt ; res .

Dakota Ci ty , Neb .

Phebe Maria , b . in Foster, June 2 7 , 1832 ; m. Wi l liam Man'att ;res . Cen tral Vi llage , Conn .

Sarah Davis , b . in Foster, Apri l 30 , 1834 ; d . same p lace , Sept .24 , 1 837 .

Henry All en , b . Jan . 10 , 1836 ; m . Lavinda Tanner ; res . Providence . R . I.

Sarah Davis , b . in Killingly , Conn . , Jan . 10 , 1840 ; d . in Moosup ,Conn . , June 26 , 1842 .

Perley Hill , b . in Moosup , Apr. 13 , 1842 ; m . Joseph ine Chappell ; res . North Windham , Conn .

Eliza, b . in Moosup , Apr. 1 1 , 1844 ; m . George W . Mi ller ; res.

Hartf ord , Conn .

Mary Fran ces , b . in Central V i llage , Jun e 2 , 1846 ; m . JosephW . Carter ; res . Central V i llage .

George Albert , b . in Cen tral V i llage , March 7 , 1848 ; res . samep lace .

Darius , b . in Central V i llage , May 28 , 185 1 ; m . Anna E . Bowen ;res . Thurlow S tation , Del . Co .

, Penn .

John , b . and d . in Central V i llage , Feb . 22 , 1854.

Byron Augustus , b . in Cen tral V il lage , Apr. 7 , 1855 ; (1. samep lace , Jan . 10 , 186 1 .

PERLEY , b . A ug . 14 , 1807 ; d . at B lackstone , Mass . , Feb . 26 ,

1823 .

HENRY AUGUSTUS, b . June 1 7 , 1809 d . at Natick , R. I. , April

IRA DAVIS, b . Jan . 2 1 , 18 14 ; m. SARAH ANN SHERMAN , b .

in Exeter, May 1 2 , 18 18 ; residence, Lonsdale , R . I . Ch

1 .

2 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

Ann El izabeth , b . in Natick , Mar. 28 , 1838 ; d . Oct . 6 , 1838 .

Sarah E , .b in Providence , Nov. 22 , 1 839 ; In . Ezra Blisso f Pawtupket . Two sons and two daugh ters

Hannah F— a—C M W/ arw ick , R . I. May d . same

p lace , MarchHannah F b . in Warwick , July 14 , 1845 ; In . George F .

Sheldon o f Paw tuck et . Two daugh ters .

Arthur R b . in Pawtucke t , Jan . 14 , 1848 ; d . same p lace ,S ep t . 3 , 1849 .

Arthur R b . in Pawtucke t , Feb . 26 . 1850.

Ell ie A , b . same place , JulyId a I , b . same place , July

SARAH ANN , b . Nov . 20 , 1 8 16 ; d . in Natick , July

1 70


1 1 .

1 2 .

13 .




Hiram Jilson , b . in Fos ter, Aug . 8 , 1828 ; m. Maria B. Davis ;residence , Hart f ord , Conn . Ch

1 . Hannah R b . Oct . 27 , 1864.

2 . Charl es 0 b . Dec . 1 2 , 1865,Charles , b . in Foster, Aug . 22 , 1830 ; In . Eveline E . Hunt ; res .

Dakota Ci ty , Neb .

Phebe Maria , b . in Foster, June 2 7 , 1832 ; m. Wi lliam Man‘

att ;res . Central Vi llage , Conn .

Sarah Davis , b . in Foster, April 30 , 1834 ; d . same p lace , S ept .24 , 1837 .

Henry All en , b . Jan . 10 , 1836 ; m . Lavinda Tanner ; res . Providence . R . I.

Sarah Davis , b . in Ki llingly , Conn . , Jan . 10 , 1840 ; d . in Moosup ,Conn . , Jun e 26 , 1842 .

Perley Hill , b . in Moosup , Apr. 13 , 1842 ; m. Joseph ine Chapp ell ; res . North Windham, Conn .

El iza, b . in Moosup , Apr. 1 1 , 1844 ; m . George W . Mi ller ; res .

Hartf ord , Conn .

Mary Frances , b . in Central V illage , June 2 , 1846 ; m . JosephW . Carter ; res . Central V i llage .

George Albert , b . in Cen tral V illage , March 7 , 1848 ; res . samep lace

Darius , b . in Central Vi llage , May 28 , 185 1 ; m . Anna E . Bowen ;res . Thurlow S tation , Del . Co .

, Penn .

John , b . and d . in Cen tral Vi llage , Feb . 22 , 1854.

Byron Augustus , b . in Cen tral V illage , Apr. 7 , 1855 ; d . samep lace , Jan . 10 , 186 1 .

PERLEY , b . A ug . 14 , 1807 ; d . at B lackstone , Mass . , Feb . 26 ,

1823 .

HENRY AUGUSTUS, b . June 1 7 , 1809 ; d . at Natick , R. I. , April

IRA DAVIS, b . Jan . 2 1 , 18 14 ; In . SARAH ANN SHERMAN , b .

in Exeter, May 1 2 , 18 18 ; residence , Lonsdale , R . I . Ch

1 .

2 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

Ann El izabeth , b . in Natick , Mar. 28 , 1838 ; d . Oct . 6 , 1838 .

Sarah E , b . in Providence , Nov . 22 , 1839 ; m . Ezra Blisso f Pawtupket . Two sons and two daugh ters

Hannah F— a—t w W/ arw ick , R. I.

, May d . Samep lace , March 2 7 , 1844.

Hannah F b . in Warwick , July 14 , 1845 ; In . George F .

Sheldon o f Paw tucke t . Two daugh ters .

Arthur R b . in Pawtucket , Jan . 14 , 1848 ; d . same p lace ,S ept . 3 , 1849 .

Arthur R b . in Pawtucket , Feb . 26 . 1850 .

Ell ie A , .b same p lace , JulyId a I , b . same p lace , July

SARAH ANN , b . Nov . 20 , 1 8 16 ; d . in Natick , July 4 , 1833 .

Nos . 1 1 2 , 1 13 . RHODE ISLAND FAMILIES. 1 7 1

9 . DARIUS, b . June 7 , 18 1 9 ; m . SARAH RISLEY ; resided in Colchester, Conn . , and Stoughton , Mass .

N o. 1 1 2 .

John Ph il lips (parentage not given ,) removed from Smithfield , R . I. , to Somers , Conn . , about 1 780 . Children

MARY ; m . BENJAMIN BALLOU of Smithfield .

MERCY ; m . JOHN COE of Smithfield .

AMY ; m . FULLER , and settled in Conn .

ANNA ; unmarried .

GIDEON . (No .

JONATHAN ; removed to Somers , Conn .

ELIJAH ; m . OLNEY , and removed to Somers .

JOHN ; removed to Somers .

SALLY ; m . RUFUS SMITH , and l ived in Smithfield .

A SA .

One record has SARAH , perhaps identical with Sa l ly .



N o. 1 1 3 .

Gideon Ph il lips (son of John of Smithfield : No .

born in Smithfield , R . I. , June 15 , 1 760 resided in Smithfield ,

and Mansfield and Somers , Conn .,

and died in Ellington ,

Conn . , Nov . 6 , 1833 . He was a soldier in the war of the

Revolution . He : married ( 1 st) in Smithfield , May 2 6 , 1 782 ,

H annah App leby ; (2d ) Barbara A rnold ; (3d) AnnaM itch e l l . Children (by first marriage)1 . MARTIN , b . in Smithfield , Mar. 22 , 1 784 ; a soldier in the war

of 18 1 2 ; m . at Mansfield , Conn . , Mar. 2 1 , 181 4 , MARY L .

WOODWORTH . She was l iv ing , 1878 , in Hartf ord , Conn . Ch .

1 . a son , b . and d . April 5 , 18 15 .

2 . Mary H b . June 5 , 18 16 ; d . Dec. 9 , 1835 .

3 . Albert , b . July 19 , 1819 ; m . Dec . 12 , 1842 , Elizabeth S towell ofM iddl ebury ,’ Vt . Oh . , al l born at Rockvi ll e , Conn1 . Susan , b . May 10 , 1845 ; m . Gilbert Dawson .

2 . Frank Leroy , b . Apri l 10 , 185 1 ; d . Oct . 1 1 , 1852 .

3 . Albert Wal lace , b . Mar. 30 , 1856 ; editor, 1878 , of the

Tol land County Gleaner.

4 . Caroline Lord , b . Oct . 4, 1822 ; m . June 25 , 1849 , C. A. Atkinsof New Haven .

1 72 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [No . 1 14 .

5 . Ellsworth W b . Aug . 13 , 1826 ; a soldier in the war of

the Rebellion ; m. in New York , Dec. 27 , 1858 , Louisa P .

Hassack . Ch

1 . Louisa P b . May 4 , 1860 d . July 25 , same year.

2 . Carrie . 3 . Eugen e .

6 . a Son , b . Nov. 10, 1828 ; d , Nov. 1 1 , f ollowing.

7 . a daugh ter, b . May 15 , 1831 ; d . May 23 , f ollowing.

8 . E sth er, b . May 29 , 1834 ; d . Oct . 6 , 1835 .

9 . Sarah Louisa, b . Apr. 12 . 1836 ; d . Oct . 3 , 1841

ESTHER , b . in Smithfield , March 3 1 , m . S ILAS SMITH of

Smithfield , where She d . Dec . 22 , 1856

MERCY , b . Sept . 3 , 1 787 ; m . GEORGE ANDREWS of Woonsocket ,where she d . Sept . 18 , 1877 . Ch

1 . Hannah L. Andrews , b . Jan . 5 , 1813 ; m . Albert G. Wilber.

2 . E sth er Sayles A ndrews , b . Apr. 23, 1818 .

(By second marriage)

4 .

5 .

WILLIAM , b . 1 796 ; m . in R. I . Ch

1 . Addison . 2 . George . 3 . O liver. 4 . Mary .

NANCY , b . 1800 ; d . in Providence ; unmarried .

No. 1 1 4 .

(I Joshua Phillips (parentage not given , said to be of

Scotch descent ,) was with his wife Free love and seven

children of Smithfield , R . I. , in 1 764 . He bought land that y ear

in Hubbardston , Mass . , where he afterwards lived , having first ,it is said , removed to Rutland , Mass . Four of his sons , Joshua ,Richard , Paine and Gideon served in the Revolutionary War .


1 . FREELO’VE , b . 1 749 ; m. NATHAN STONE .

2 . JOSHUA b . about 1 750 .

3 . JAMES ; In . SARAH NOURSE of Rutland , Dec . 4 , 1 767 . Ch

1 . Rel ie f , b . S ept. 6 , 1 768.

4 . ESECK , b . 1 752 d . June , 1 777 (kil led at the raising of a f rame).

5 . RICHARD , b . Sept . 4 , 1 754 ; o f Dub l in , N . H . (No .

6 . PAINE , b . Nov. 7 , 1 763 .

7 . GIDEON of Roxbury , N . H . (No .

1 74 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [No . 1 1 6 .

N o. 1 1 6 .

(H . ) Gideon Ph il l ips (son of Joshua : No .

married Ch loe Sh a ttuck , May 5 , 1 786 ,/

and removed to

Roxbury , N . H . , where he is said to have died . Children

ISABEL , b . Feb . 28 , 1 787 ; m . REUBEN ALDEN , who d . Nov . 24 ,

1856 , aged 69 . She d . Feb . 28 , 1870 . Ch

George A lden ; m . , had thre e ch1 . Isabella. 2 . Nellie . 3 . Wi llie .

Sarah A lden ; m . Benjamin C lark .

Cornelia A ld en m. Samuel Roberts.

Fidelia Alden ; 111 . Edward Hask ell .Pauline A lden .

Luna Alden .

Eunice A lden .

REUBEN , b . March 24 , 1 788 ; m . and res . in Roxbury , N . H .

BARBARA , b . March 1 9 , 1 793 ; m . and res . in Nelson , N . H .

RUFUS, b . Nov . 25 , 1 795 ; d . in the army .

ANNA , b . Apri l 13 , 1 799 ; m . SAMUEL WARREN , and res . in

Hubbardston . Ch

Ch loe Warren , b . Aug 11 , 18 16 ; res . Boston .

Abigail Warren , b . Aug . 7 , 1817 ; d . Feb . 15 , 1819 .

Ab igail H . Warren ; m . Dec . 6 , 1842 , Charles Conant of Barre .Ph eb e A Warren ; m . ( l st) Addison Ellenwood ; (2d)Hammet Bill ings of Boston .

Ruf us Warren ; res . Brookfiel d .

R euben Warren , b . Apr. 14 , 1832 ; removed .

RICHARD , b . A pr. 13 , 180 1 m. , it appears , his cousin , OLIVEPHILLIPS and l ived in Dub l in , N . H .

1 .

1 .

2 .


4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

2 .

3 .

5 .

1 .

2 .

3 .


5 .

6 .

6 .

7 . JOSHUA , b . Nov . 28 , 1802 ; res . in Hubbardston ; m . Aug . 4 ,

1825 , JULIA STONE of Rutland ; he d . Nov . 25 , 1859 . Ch .

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

Martha , b . Mar. 26,1827 ; d . Apr. 7 , 1831 .

El izabeth ,b . Mar. 3 , 1833 ; (1. S ep t . 2 , 1844.

George Wh ite field , b . July 5 , 1836 ; grad . Amherst Coll . , 1861 ;Andover Theolog ical S eminary , 1864 ; was ordained and

instal led Oct . 12 , same year, at Haydenvill e , Mass ., where he

preach e d about f our years , th en settled over the Firs t Cong.

Church . Columbus , Oh io , wh ere he preach ed till 1871 , whenhe became pas tor o f the Plymouth Church , Worces ter, Mass . ,

wh ich pos ition he s til l holds . He In . S ep t . 14, 1864, SarahBal l o f Amh ers t, Mass . , d au. o f Rev. Mason Ball .

David Evere tt , July 26 , 1842 ; o f Columbus , Ohio ; m. June1868 , Nell ie E . Arm ington o f Rutland , Mass . She d . in

Columbus , Sep t . 23 , 18 79 .


GIDEON , b . Mar. 1 5 , 1807 .

J‘AMES, b . Mar. 15 , 1 809 ; m . REBECCA LOVEWELL , June 26 ,1831 ; She d . Mar. 28 , 1876 . Ch

1 . Ben jamin Frank lin , b . in Hubbardston , Feb . 20 , 1836 ; m.Nov . ,

1865 , Mary L . Wh itney of Gardner ; res. South Gardner,Mass . Ch .

1 . S tella Sf

b . at South Gardner, Sep t . 1 1 , 1866 .

2 . Eva L b . at South Gardn er, Dec. 26 , 1875.

2 . Delia Ann , b . Mar. , 1837 ; (1. Sep t . 3 , 185 1 .

3 . Savira , b . in Princeton , Mass . , Nov. 13 , 1843 ; m. MosesBennett .

4 . Louisa , b . in Princeton , Oct . 3 , 1848 ; In. May 17 , 1866 , JacobShaf fer.

N o. 1 1 7 .

Jerem y Ph il l ips (parentage not given ,) farmer, ofGloucester , R . I. , Where he died about 1822 , aged about 70 or

75 y ears . He was buried on the homestead farm by the side

of old graves , the occupants of which are unknown . The farm

is the same occupied of late by Wm . Angell . Children

there were two daughters whose names are not given :

1 . ROBERT . He was associated f or a time with his two brothers,David and Ban i , in the manuf acture of cotton goods , at Wal

lum Pond , in Burrillville . He had six sons , all of whom'

d ied

of consumption and were buried in Douglas , Mass .


3 . DAVID , b . in Gloucester. (No .

BANI ; af ter engaging f or a time with his two brothers , in the

manuf acture of cotton goods , he lef t the business and engaged

in keep ing a store in Johnston ,


R. I . There he m. ( 1 st)OLVERSON . She died leaving two children . He m.

(2d ) OLIVE COMSTOCK of Thompson , Conn . , and moved to thehomestead f arm and had five more children , two of whom

were l iving in 1878 . He died about 1835 , and was buried inJohnston . It was his misf ortune to become addicted to the

f requent use of stimulants in early l i f e , which occasioneddiscomf ort and separation in the f amily , but he was regardedby a ll who knew him as a man of talent , of general intelligence,

1 76 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [No . 1 18 .

natural ly kind-hearted , and of a thoroughly business turn of

mind . Oh . (by firs t marriage)1 . Ban i . 2 . Mary Ann .

(By second marriage)3. Sal ly. 4. Jeremiah . 5 . Daniel ; of East Douglas.

6 . Sarah . 7 . Maria .

N o. 1 1 8 .

Dav id Ph il lips ( son of Jeremy of Gloucester : No .

born in Gloucester , Nov . 10 , 1 769 ; married Amey Sm ith ,

and resided in North Scituate , where he died Aug . 9 , 1847 .

Children :

1 . HARLEY , b . Nov . 1 1 , 1 79 2 .

BETSEY , b . March 28 , 1 795 .

OSTRANDER , b . Aug . 1 1 , 1 796 ; d . Feb . 2 , 1822 .

STEPHEN , b . March 1 7 , 1 798 .

SARAH A NN , b . June 2 , 1800.

AMEY , b . Feb . 18 , 1802 . A ll the preceding (I. previously to

1 878 .

7 . DAVID , b . July 10 , 1804 ; resided at North Scituate . Ch

1 . Eme line Rhodes , b . Aug . 25 , 1827 .

Abby Fenner, b . Aug . 4 , 1829 ; (1. Jan . 26 , 1832 .

Ostrander, b . Nov . 1 , 183 1 ; (1. Jan . 15 , 1873 .

Elizabeth Braman , b . Jan . 9 , 1834 .

Abby P b . March 9 , 1837 .

Herbert , b . March 12 , 1839 ; sergeant in Co. C , 1 1th Reg . R . I.

Vols .

Al ice Arnold , b . Oct . 4 , 1841 .

8 . Eugene Francis , b . Nov . 10 , 1843 ; corporal in Co. A , l 0th Reg.

R . I. Vols . ; manuf acturer in Providence o f patent finish edinsulated telegraph w ire , patent electric cordage , patentrubber covered w ire , patent lead encased wire , magnet wire ,&c . , &c . Ch

1 . Eugene Rowland , b . Jan . 17 , 1871 .

2 . Ed ith Joseph ine , b . Dec . 2 , 1872 .

3 . Frank N ichols , b . July 6 , 1874 .

9 . Charles F ield , b . Oct . 27 , 1846 ; d . Oct . 1 , 1847 .

8 . ELMIRAH , b . July 1 1 , 18069 . MARIA , b . Nov . 1 , 1808 : d .

10 . LOUISA , b . Oct . 9 , 18 10 .

1 1 . ALBERT B b . Nov. 3 , 18 13 .

CHARLOTT E , b . Oct . 3 , 18 16 .













1 78 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [No . 1 20 .

Henry B d . 1870 .

George A living in Conn . , 1878 .

Elizabeth K d . 187 1 .

O live A living 1878 .

Joseph H a local preach er, in Conn . Ch

1 . Ellen V ictory , b . in Lisbon , July 19 , 1840 ; m . Asa P .

Burdick ; res . Providence .2 . John Haml e t , b . in Lisbon , Nov. 9 , 1841 ; d . 1862 .

3 . Dan iel Al liston , b . in Norwich , March 17 , 1845 ; In .

Sarah Chandl er ; d . 1878 .

4 . Martha Jan e , b . in Lisbon , July 31 , 1850 ; d. July 26 ,1866 .

5 . Lydia Ad elaid , b . in Norwich , NOV. 8 , 1852 ; res .

Providen ce .6 . Joseph Norton , b . in Lisbon , Oct . 13 , 1854 ; res . Nor

wich .

7 . Grac e Maria, b . in Griswold , June 29 , 1859 ; d . Aug .

30 , 1860 .

8 . Grace Annabell , b . in Griswold , Aug . 23 , 1861 ; res.

Norw ich .

Jerusha B living , 1878 .

Charles ; (1. in in f ancy.

Charles F d . in in f ancy .

ELIJAH , b . Feb . 13 , 1 784 .

WILLIAM , b . A ug . 1 2 , 1 785 .

STANTON , b . Aug . 3 1 , 1 787 ; d . in Lisbon , Oct . , 1867 . He In .

Feb . 2 1 , 18 16 , ABBY KAZER , l iving , 1878 , in Norwich .

ESTHER , b . Nov . 13 , 1 789 ; d . in Norwich , Dec . 29 , 1862 . She

m . 1807 , THOMAS JACKSON , who d . 1853 .

N o. 1 2 0 .

Bartholom ew Ph il l ips (parentage not given ,) born

Nov . 10 , 1 734 ,is said to have settled in Rhode Island during

the Revolutionary War . He died Sept . 4 , 1 778 . He married

E lizabeth E l lery ,who was born Sept . 1 7 , 1 734 , and died

Aug . 8 , 1 79 1 . Children

1 . ABIGAIL , b . Sept . 1 7 , 1 756 ; m . Apr. 1 7 , 1776 , PHILIP POTTER .





r Bartholomew Potter, b . Aug . 23 , 1778.

Ab iga il Potter, b . May 10 , 1780 .

Ph il ip Potter, Feb . 14 , 1782 .

David Potter, Dec . 29 , 1785.


5 . El izabeth Potter, b . Jun e 6 , 1788 ; m . Apr. 14 , 1808 , Dani elWhitn ey . Th eir dau . , Elizab eth Whitney , b . in Ash f ord ,Conn . , Feb . 2 1 , 1809 ; m . Mar. 28 , 1832 , James Chamberlain ,

and res. , 1878 , in Bath , N . H .

JERUSHA , b . Oct . 4 , 1 758 .

CHLOE , b . Dec . 1 7 , 1 760 .

WILLIAM ELLERY , b . Jan . 7 , 1 766 .


Excep t wh en so stated it is not known that th ere is any connection b etweenthe f ol lowing branch es , or that any of th em are connected wi th the main

branch es of this work .

N o.1 2 1 .

Reue l Ph il l ips , born at East Granby , Conn . when aboutfive y ears of age he removed to Albany Co . , N . Y . , and lostall trace of his family connection s . He married in Berne ,

N . Y .

Sarah Landers . Later in life he removed to Northfield ,

Cook Co . , Ill . , where he died F eb . 7 , 1 857 , aged 77 y ears ,

6 mos . Children :

1 . ELIZA2 . JOSEPH . Ch

1 . Oscar , b . in Albany , N . Y Dec. 9 , 1829 ; en tered the U . S .

army Feb . 17 , 1847 , and served through the Mex ican War.

At thei

close of the war h e wen t with h is regimen t , 5th U. S .

Moun ted In f an try , in wh ich he acted as bugler, to Texas ,and was station e d at San Anton io , Corpus Christi and elsewh ere , and emp loyed to k eep the Coman ch es , Apach es andoth ers in ch eck , and was discharged Feb . 17 , 1852 , havingserved five years . In 1852 he carried the mai l in T exas andIndian Terri tory f rom Fort Washita , Ch ickasaw Nation ,

to Fort Belknap , on the Brazos River: Aug . 7 , 186 1 , he

en listed in Cali f orn ia , in the 4th U . S . In f an try , was orderedto Wash ington , and participated in many of the principalbattles of the late war. At the close of h is term he was

honorably discharged : He m . July 28 , 1868 , Angie L .

Ellsworth of Benn ington , V t . residing , 1878 , Cohoes , N . Y .

Ch ild1 . Grace Angie , b . in North Adams , Mass . , July 1 1 , 187 1 .

2 . George W b . 1831 .

3 . Adalaid e M b . 1833 ; m . Van Dyck of S chenectady .


3 . REUEL , b . in Berne , Nov . 1 7 , 1808 ; m . ELIZA A . ALLEN , b .

Oct . 1 9 , 18 10 ; residence , West Northfield , 111. Ch

1 . Catharine Adelia ; m . Alonzo Kennecott .2 . Ann Judson ; decease d .

3 . A W b . June 10 , 1834 ; served three years as Unionsoldier in the late war , and was in about twenty battles ,among which were Malvern Hi ll , Fredericksburg , Chancellorsvill e and Gettysburg .

d . more than 60 y ears ago .

5 . a lso d . young .

6 . HARRIET . 7 . JOHN ' MILTON . 8 . SARAH M9 . WILLIAM . 10 . DANIEL . 1 1 . SETH S

One record includes others , and mentions ELMINA and CATHARINE .

N o. 1 2 2 .

E l ihu Ph il l ips married E l izabeth Spear, and resided

in Rupert , Vt ., to which place he is supposed , by his grandson ,

Josiah S . Phillips , to have removed from Connecticut , and tothe latter State from Mass . He d . in Rupert . Children :

1 . ELIHU . 2 . HORACE .

3 . ELAM , b . April 7 , 1 79 1 ; d . in Til ly , I l l . , May 12 , 1876 ; m.

CHLOE MOREHOUSE . Ch . (by first marriage)1 . Josiah Sherman , b . in Sandgate , V t . , Nov . 1 6 , 18 14 ; m . Maria

F . Grif fin ; res . Lowell , Mass .

2 . Huldah Maria ,b . in Rupert ; m . Hon . John Kimball of Concord ,

N . H .

3 . Squire Morehouse ; d . 1843 .

4 . Moses Spear ; d . 1846 .

(By second marriage)5 . Rheuma Curtis ; m. Dalhousie Priestly .

(By third marriage)6 . Silas N He and is three y ounger brothers were in the

'late Southern War.

7 . 1’a1n el ia ; m . Symonds .

8 . Jamcs E 9 . George . 10 . Myron .









PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [Nos 1 24 , 1 25 .

N o. 1 2 4 .

Dr. W il l iam Ph il l ips , born Dec . 14 , 1741 ; wife’s name ,

Hu ldah ; resided in Candia , N . H . , where/

he died May 9 ,

1813 . Had fourteen children , only one name given

1 . JAMES MASON , b . April 7 , 1801 ; m . LYD IA WHITTEMORE ; d .

in West Cambridge , Mass . , A pr. 9 , 1839 . Ch .

1 . Lydia A-fl —7 b . Aug 3 , 1828 ; d . Apr. 6 , 1854 .

2 . Wi ll iam Mason , b . in -Arl ington , Mass . , May 15 , 1831 ; m . MaryRuth Brown ; residence , Reading , Mass . Ch al l born in

Reading1 . Mary Alice , b . Jan . 6 , 1853 ; d . Aug . 9 , 1870.

2 . Carrie W il l iamine , b . March 1 1 , 1855 .

3 . Fred Mason , b . Feb . 8 , 1859 ; in 1878 with John P .

Squire Co . , Faneui l Hall Market , Boston .

4 . Fann ie Louise , b . S ept . 16 , 1869 .

5 . W il liam S tanwood , b . Sep t . 12 , 1873 .

Samuel W b . Feb . 19 , 1832 , in Dedham , Mass . ; residence ,Ly nnfield , Mass .

4 . Henry Lee , b . in Dedham , Apr. 23 , 1834 ; d . in Danvers , July ,1875 .

5 . Susan Jane , b . Jun e 25 , 1836 ; m . Stilman J. Pool e ; resides inRock land , Mass .

6 . Aaron W l i ittemore , b . Nov . 15 , 1838 ; d . Aug ., 1866 .

N o. 1 2 5 .

Samuel Ph il l ips , born in Mass . ; died 1 796 , aged about

80 . Children

1 . SEBA , b . in Conn . when about twenty y ears of age he went to

6Vermont ; d . Feb . 5 , 186 1 , aged 76 . H is wif e , FLAVILLA ,

d . July 4 , 1868 . Gh . z


1 . Nelson L b . 18 1 1 or 18 12 . Ch

1 . Jul ia. 3 . Charles N .

2 . Andrew J. 4 . Willie E .

2 . Jason A m . in Wentworth , V t . , April 20 , 1844 , Adel ineBean . Ch

1 . Arabe l Grace , b . Apr. 6 , 1845 , in Fairlee , V t .2 . Joseph Henry , b . Oct . 9 , 1846 .

3 . Fred M i ii Wentworth , Vt . , Feb . 4 , 1849 .

4 . Frank G b . in Wentworth , Oct . 8 , 185 1 .

5 . Angie Bean , in Wen tworth , July 22 , 1859 .

3 . Gorodon O . 4 . A lson R .

5 . F lavil la C d . Oct. 6 , 185 1 .

2 . A MI, b . in New York C ity .

Nos . 1 2 6— 1 28 ] UNCONNECTED FAMILIES. 1 83

N o. 1 2 6 .

Samue l Ph il l ips , born May 24 , 1 750 married in 1 772,E lizabeth Clemons ; resided in Berkley , Mass . , and died

March 18 , 1809 .

ale Children


2 . REUBEN C b . in Berk ley, Feb . 13 , 1 782 ; m . NANCYS IMMONS ; res . in Berk ley , and d . May 1 9 , 1869 . Ch

1 . Edwin , b . in Berk ley , Nov. 29 , 1806 ; m . Sal ly Cornell ; d . May

19 . 1869 . Ch

1 . Charles . 2 . JamesOne of them residing in Arlington , Mass .

2 . Nancy , b . in Berkl ey , June 22 , 18 10 ; m E . F . Bugbee ; res .

Taun ton .

3 . Baalis , b . in D igh ton , Oct . 3 1 . 1812 ; res Taun ton ; m . ( l st)Sally P . Bugbee ; In . ( 2d) Abbie Bugb ee . Ch

1 . Baalis F b . in Berk ley , Aug . 15 , 1838 ; m . ElizaS tap les of Taunton . where h e resides .

2 . Sarah F b . in Berk ley , May 24 , 1841 ; m. G. H .

o f Taunton .

3 . Wi lliam O b . in Taunton July 19 , 1848 ; m . EllaI. Gof f ; res . Taun ton .

4 . Mary Emma , b . in Taun ton , May’

12 , 1858 .-M . WT! Clif f“

4 . Mary Ann , b . June 22 , 18 18 ; m . Dean Westgate .

5. Samuel ; soldier in the late South ern war.

6 . Betsey , b . June , 182 1 ; m . Benj . Norcutt .

7 . Elias . 8 . Sheph erd , b . June , 1830 . 9 . Frank lin .

10 . Harriet , b . Jan . 3 1 , 1831 ; m . O tis P. Bugb ee .

3 . BETSEY . 6 . REBECCA .



N o. 1 2 7 .

(L) Thom as Ph il l ips , born on the ocean In 1 71 7 . His

parents located in Pennsy lvania .

N o. 1 2 8 .

(H .) Jenkin Ph il l ips (son of Thomas : No . born

in Virginia ; married M iss Hann ah Butch er ; res . in

Virginia and Kentucky , and died in Kentucky .

Samuel had two brothers, Nathaniel and Isaac. Isaac went privateering, andthat was the last heard of him.

1 84 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [Nos 1 29 , 130 .

N o. 1 2 9 .

(III .) Thom as Ph il l ips ( son of Jenkin : No . born

in Virginia , 1 761 ; married Sa l l ie Botts ; died in Jeff ersonCo .

, Va . Children

1 . DAVID Borrs ; m . Mrs . A NN LEWIS HARD ING , Aug . , 1829 .


1 . Sallie , b . Aug . 22 , 1830 ; In . Jun e 22 , 1852 , Dr. J . M . Keller of

Alabama .

2 . Mary E b . Aug . 23 , 1832 ; m . Richard Christmas.

3. Thomas J b . Oct . 6 , 1834 ; m . 1865 , Jan e Mill er. Chi ld1 . Ewel l D .


6 . NANCY . 7 . HENRY . 8 . MURRAY .

N o. 1 3 0 .

George Ph ill ips was born in Birmingham , England ;married M iss Jones ; emigrated to Boston , Mass. , in 1 818 or

about that time , and died in Boston . He was the son of George

Phillips of Birmingham , who married Miss Colton or Cotton ,

and grandson of George Phillips of Aston , near Birmingham .

Prior to the y ear 1818 this family resided at Aston and

Birmingham for a great many y ears . Children , al l born in

Birmingham , England

1 . GEORGE . 3 . A NN . 5 . EDWIN .

2 . LAVINIA . 4 . JOHN . 6 . LOUISA .

7 . WILLIAM ; m . ANN MARIA STOW , d au. of Edward Stow of

Boston . Ch

1 . Will iam C , b . in Dedham , Mass .

George , b . in Boston .

3. John , b . in Bos ton ; lawyer in New York C ity ; res ides inBrooklyn , N . Y .

Ann B b . in Bos ton .

Mary , b . in Brook lyn , N . Y .

6 . Ed ith , b . i ll Brook lyn , N . Y .

7 . Norah , b . in Brook lyn , N . Y .



8 . MARY . 9 . MARGARET . 10 . MARTHA .

l l . FRANCES. 1 2 . HENRY .

186 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES. [Nos 133 , 134 .

N o. 1 3 3 .

Jam es Ph il l ips , born in Wales , G . E . ,1 781 . The exact

locality of his birth is not known , but is thought to have been

Pembrokeshire . He emigrated to America in the summer of

1801 , and settled in Whitestown , N . Y . In 1 840 he removed

to Homer , N . Y . died June 1 2 , 1852 : a kind husband , an

af fectionate father and a very industrious man .

”He married

in New York city , March 1 2 , 1 803 , M iss Sarah Evan s ,who died Nov . 10 ,

1 843 , aged 63 . Children

1 . BENJAMIN , b . Oct . 2 1 , 1805 ; minister of the M . E . Church ,connected with the B lack River Con f erence ; m . ( l st) June18 , 1833 , Miss CAROLINE FLETCHER of Lansingv il le , N . Y .

She d . and he m . ( 2d ) about 1 853 ,'Miss SARAH OSBORN of

Herkimer. He (1. in Cortlandville , Feb . 1 7 , 1863 . O ne child ,R . M . Phil l ips , b . June 22 , 1837 ; en l isted in Co . F , l 0thN . Y . Cav . d . in Warrenton , Va . , Mar. 3 1 , 1864 .

2 . MARY , b . Aug . 24 , 1807 ; m . ( l st) SYLVANUS REES of Utica .

He d . and She MICHAEL SPENCER of Cortlandville .

where she d . April 2 , 1868 .

3 . JOHN , b . Dec . 2 9 , 1808 ; paper manuf acturer ; m . twice ; d . in

Avon , N . Y . , July 4 , 1868 . One child , John H . ; res .

Rochester ; conductor.

4 . DAVID , b . Nov . 29 , 18 10 ; wholesale and reta il paper dealer,with firm of Jos . Haywood Co . , N . Y . city . unmarried .

5 . RACHEL , b . July 24 , 18 1 2 ; d : Aug . 27 , 1 827 .

6 . HENRY D . , b . Dec . 1 7 , 18 14 ; sail manuf acturer, Wil l iamsburg ;(1. Oct . 24 , 1848 . One son , A lbert H . ; provision merchant

in Brook lyn ; m . Emma Linston .

7 . SARAH , b . NOV . 13 , 18 18 ; d . Mar. 3 , 1842 .

8 . JAMES, b . Oct ._16 , 1820 ; f armer, l iv ing at the West ; m. twice .

9 . ANN H . , b . Dec. 23 , 1 823 ; d . June 2 1 , 1 846 .

N o. 1 3 4 .

W il l iam Ph il lips , born in Marblehead son of William

Phillips , of Marblehead , who married M Bartlett . He

married Jan e Adam s ; res . in Boston , and was drowned in

Boston Harbor. Children , al l born in Marblehead



1 . Charles July 1 , 1833 , in Boston ; o f West New ton ;house and Sign pain ter. Gh . zmxa mw“ 3 Ci. “li ar”

1 . Charles Gorham , b . at Auburndal e , Mass , Oct . , 25 ,

1859 .


2 . Carrie L ,.b at West Newton , Apr. 19 , 1866 / m S

2 . John , b . in Boston , 1836 ; d .

3 . Wi lliam , b . in Boston , 1838 ; (1.

WILLIAM , m . DEBORAH CROCKER ; of Lynn . m CAQ ’ W"


ELIZABETH ; d . prior to 1878 ; m . JOSEPH BARBER .


HANNAH J m . CHARLES BURLINGAME ; of Charlestown .

SARAH ANN ; m . FRANK ~.KEMP ; of Boston H igh-land s .


m . JO/

HN MUNROE ; both d . prior to 1878 .

JANE ; (1 . prior to 1878 ; m . GEORGE GREEN .

N o . 1 3 5 .

Luther Ph il l ips , married Ly dia H . A dam s . He ap

pears to have been son of Thomas3

(of the family of Thomas ,2

Thomas ,1 No . 7 and Abigail (Chandler) Phillips . She was

born Jan 2 6 , 1 786 and died May 22 , 1851 , dau . of Francisand Mercy (Adams)Adams , and gr .dau . of Francis and Keziah(Atwood) Adams . Children

1 . CAROLINE , b . Oct . 8 , 1807 ; m . ARBA PRATT of Bridgewater.

2 . ABIGAIL , b . July 6 , 1809 ; .m . NOAH CHANDLER .

3 . MARY ANN , b . Aug . 1 8 , 18 1 1 ; m . JOHN OLDHAM of Pembroke .

LUTHER , b . Feb . 22 , 18 14 ; m . D INAH MOREHEAD of Duxbury .


1 . George L b . 1840 .

2 . Ellen T b . 1842 .

3 . Sally , b . 1848.

5 . AUGUSTUS, b . June 18 , 181 5 ; m . JERUSHA B . BARTON of Dux

bury . Oh .

1 . Mary A b . 1850 .

2 . Louisa D b . 1852 .

3 . Henry C b . 1854.

4 . Wendell , b . 1857.

5 . Augustus H (1. young.

6 . JUD ITH , b . June 3 , 18 16 ; (1. Sept . 19 , f ol lowing — Gen . of the

Adams Family of Kingston , Mass .



Some of the first of the name in New England after Rev .

George Phillips of lVatertown , were John of Dorchester , Nicholas of Weymouth , Henry of Dedham , and William of Boston

or Charlestown , all as early as 1 640 . There were two by thename of Nicholas , a little later in Boston ,

who had fam ilies , buthow related to Nicholas of Weymouth , does not appear . Theymultiplied rapidly , and within fifty y ears after the settlement

of the Massachusetts Colony , there were a large number of this

name liv ing in Boston and the neighboring townsfi“

136 . JOHN PHILLIPS ; of Dorchester ; came , probab ly in the M ary

an d John , 1 630 ; admitted f reeman , A ug . 7 , 1 632 ; constab le of the

town , 1 636 ; said to have removed to Boston ; one of the f oundersand deacon of the Second Church with which be united , JuneH is first wif e , Joanna . d . Oct . 22 . 1 675 , and he 1n . (2d ) widow SARAHM INOR . He (1. Dec . 1 6 , 1 682 , aged 7 Ch

1 . Mary , b . Apri l , 1633 ; (1. young .

2 . John ,b . April , 1635 .

3 . Mary , b . 1636 .

4 I srael , b . 1642 . Al l d ied be f ore maturity excep t Mary 2d , whom. ( 1st) George Mun joy of Falmouth ; and ( 2d) RobertLawren ce of same p lac e .

137 . NICHOLAS PHILLIPS , deacon ; o f Weymouth , 1 640 ; f reeman ,

May 13 , 1640 ; ( 1. Sept . , 16 72 . III his wil l , proved Oct . he

makes his oldest son , Richard , executor. Ch .4 l

'Al'J:m., a‘

fi ,

4 1 . R ichard ; l iv ing , 1679 . ( S ee No .

Exp erience , Vi ay S m . /'King , and was l iving ,

1679 .

3 . Caleb , b . Jan . 22 , 1644 ; one copy says “ 22 ( 1 1) 1638 .

4. Joshua ; in Cap t . Turne l ’

s Company 0 11 Conn . R iver, 1676 ; d .

April , 1679 , leaving no f am ily .

5 Ben am i n No . 148 . 1

6 . Al icia or E hrEi ’oeth ” {KSAKQAW Sll aw ,

and was l iving , 1677.7 . Hannah ; m. Wh ite , and was l iving , 16 79 .

8 . Ab igail .

138 . HENRY PHILLIPs ; butcher ; o f Dedham and Boston ; sa id tohave gone firs t f rom lVatertown to Dedham ; chosen ens ign o f Ded

ham, Oct . 2 7 , 1 648 ; was o f Bos ton , 1664 . He was ev idently brother

Savage’s Genealogical Diction ary , Vo l . 3 : “l yman’s Charlestown Genealogies

Genealogical and H istorical Register : Collec tion o f C . J . F . l l innev : Mass . ColonyRecords .

1 90 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [Nos 142— 147 .

142 . JOSEPH PHILLIPS (son of Eleazer, 139) buy s of B laney fiveand one-ha l f acres of land , 1 7 10 ; town clerk , 1 72 7 In . ELIZABETHGIBSON , Oct . 4 , 1 71 1 . She was admitted to


the First Church ,Charlestown , 1 7 19 . He d . Jan . 1 6 , 1 755 , aged 64 . Gh . z

1 . Joseph ; bap . July 20 , 17 12 .

2 . Elizabeth ; bap . Jan . 30 , 1714— 15.

3. Joseph ; bap . Oct 4, 17 19 .

143 . TIMOTHY PHILLIPS, Capt . (son of Henry , probab lyadmitted to First Church , Charlestown , 1 687 and f reeman , 1 689—90 ;

In . ( l st) in Boston , -( 2d) MARY SMITH . He (1. at the age of

53. Ch .

1 . Henry , b . June 16 , 1682 .

2 . T imothy , b . Dec . 24, 1686— 7 d. at 26 years of age.

3 . Sarah ; bap . Aug . 30 , 169 1 .

4 . John , July 14 (bap . 1694. (No.

144 . JOHN PHILLIPS (son of Timothy , 143) admitted to cha i ch

Mar. 24 , 1 727—8 ; m . ( l st) FRANCES GARLAND , In Boston , Apr. 15 ,

1 7 1 7 , who d . aged 25 ; In . (2d) ALICE (BRIGDEN) PHILLIPS, widowof Benjamin , who was grandson of Dea . Nicholas Phil l ips of Wey

mouth . Ch

Sarah ; bap . Apr. 10 , 1720 , Charlestown Church .

Henry ; also bap . Apr. 10 , 1720 .

John . b . Dec . 29 , 1724 . (No.

T imothy (by bap . Apr. 20 , 1728.

Nathan iel , b . Jan . 1 (bap . 1734—5° mason ; admitted toCharl estown Chui ch , Jan . 1 , 1758 ; removed to Marlboro ;m. Ann e Chamberlain , June 2 1 , 1757 , who d. in Barre , Aug . ,

18 15 , aged 82 : one ch . (1. in Charlestown .

6 . Samuel ; bap . S ep t . 1 1 , 1737 ; d . 1750.

145 . JOHN PHILLIPS (son of John , 144) 111 . Aug . 1 , 1 746 , ANN


1 . John ; bap . Apr. 19 , 1747 ; S t . Johns , N . F .

2 . Henry ; bap . Apr. 25 , 1756 .

3 . T imothy ; bap . Apr. 1 1 , 1762 .

146 . SAMUEL PIIILLIPS (stated by Wyman to be son of Henry ,of Dedham, 138) o f Boston ; stationer ; m . HANNAH GILLAM . Ch

1 . G illam. who was bro .-ia-law to Peter Faneuil .

2 . Henry , who was in a due] on Boston Common , 1728.

3 147 . RICHARD PHILLIPS ( son , probably , o f Nicholas , of

Weymouth ; wif e , MARY . Ch

1 . Mary , b . May 2 1 , 1660 ; ( 1. young.

2 . Mary , b . May 24 , 166 1 .





Nos . 148 EARLY FAMILIES . 1 9 1

3 . Joshua , b . May 10 , 1662 ; Amy , b . Oct . and Joshua , b .

Apr. 19 , 1689 , recorded as ch . of, Joshua and Amy Phillips ofWeymouth . app ear to have b een his .

4 . Ni cholas , b . Mar. 30 , 1664. ( Se e No.

5 . Elizab eth , b . Nov . 27 , 1665 .

6 . Richard , b . Oct . 20 , 1667 .

7 . Samuel , b . May 7

J 148 . BENJAMIN PHILLIPS (son of Nicholas , ship carpenter ;admitted to First Church , Charlestown , A pr. 3 , 1 68 1 : m. ANNE

He (1. Feb . 13 , 1 687 , in midd le age ; inventory Mar. 1 1 ,

1 689 . Ch . :

A l . Ben jamin , b .

Oct . 2 , 1680 .

2 . Joshua, b . Apr. 14 (bap . 1685 .

149 . BENJAMIN PHILLIPS ( son of Benj . , appears to havem . ( l st) LUCY BOYLSTON , Mar. 10 , 1 702 , who d . , and he In . (2d)ALICE BRIGDEN . He (1 . Feb . 3 , 1 72 1—2 . His widow m . JohnPhil lips Oh . , all by first m . , except possibly the last ; bap .

at Charlestown Church :1 . Lucy ; bapi Mar. 25 , 1704 .

Benjamin , b . Apri l 1 1 (bap . 1707 .

Hannah ; bap . July 17 , 1708.

Johannah ; bap . June 8 , 17 12 .

Mary ; bap . Oct . 9 , 17 15 .

Joshua ; bap . Feb . 9 , 17 17— 18 ; m . ( l st) Apr. 19 , 1739 , Mary Malle t ; m . ( 2d ) Abigai l Goodwin ; son Joshua d . in Cambridge ,July , 1764 .

7 . Spencer ; bap . Oct .‘

1 , 172 1 .






150 . NICHOLAS PHILLIPS (probably son of Richard , 147 , but

possibly son of one of the two f ollowing) ; of Weymouth ; m.


Mary , b . Nov. 29 , 1690 ; died.Mary , b . Aug . 24 , 1692 .

N icholas , b . May 23 , 1697 ; d . Aug . 2 1 , 1744 .

Hannah , b . May 23 , 1 697 .

15 1 . NICHOLAS PHILLIPS of Boston ; seems to have been a shopkeeper ; probab ly came f rom England ; In . Dec . 4 , 1 651 , HANNAHSALTER . He d . prior to A pr. 24 , 1 670 . Ch

Elizabeth , b . Feb . 24 , 1653.

Hannah , b . NCV. 25 , 1654 .

Nicholas , b . Feb . 26 , 1657 d . Aug . f ollowing.

Nicholas , b . May 12 , 1660 .

Abigail , b . Feb . 20 , 1662 .

Sarah , b . Apr. 13 , 1665 .

Thomas , 15. Oct . 19 , 1667 .

1 92 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [Nos 1 52— 154 .

152 . NICHOLAS PHILLIPS (origin unknown) o f Boston ; butcher ;m . PHILIPPA Ch .

1 . N icholas , b . Nov . 30 , 1665 .

John , b . May 3 , 1 667 ; d . soon .

John , b . June 2 1 , 1 669 .

Joseph , b . May 14 , 167 1 .

Benj amin , b . May 14 , 167 1 .

Mary , b . Jun e 23 , 1674 .

153 . JOHN PHILLIPS, Col . ; nephew of Thos . Parker of Arrowsick , the mate of the first ship at Plymouth f rom England ; ” of

Charlestown ; master mariner ; admitted to church , June 1 1 , 1 676 ;

f reeman ,1 677 ; treasurer of the Province and judge of the County

Court ; d . March 20 , 1 726 , aged 93 y rs . , 9 mos . He m . ( l st) July1 9 , 1 655 , CATHARINE , d au . of John Anderson . She d . Feb . 24 ,

1 698—9 , and he In . ( 2d ) SARAH GRAVES, 1 701 . Ch

1 . Catharine , b . Aug . 30 , 1662 ; d . young .

2 . Samuel , b . Feb . 16 , 1664 ; (1. young .

3 . Meh itab l e , b . July 1668.

4 Ab igail , b . June 19 , 1670 ; In . Cotton Mather, May 4 , 1686 , and

d . Nov. 28 , 1702 .

Catharine , b . June 23 , 1672 .

6 . John , b . Mar. 8 , 1673 ; said to have ( 1. at two yrs . , but i f so ,

th ere must have been anoth er of th is name , f or’John and

Henry, sons of late Col . John were l iving in Charlestown in

1726 .

7 . Mary ; bap . Mar. 14, 1675 .

8 . Anderson , b . July 1 1 , 1680.

9 . Henry ; bap . Dec. 4 , 1681 ; merchant ; In . May 27 , 1708 , JoannaEverton ; d . Dec . 14 , 1729 ; no ch .

154 . JOHN PHILLIPS ( son of sea-capt . ; m . ( l st)Aug . 15 , 1 694 , MARY HAYMAN , who d . ; In . (2d ) Sept . 1 1 , 1 702 ,

ANNE , widow of Isaac Greenwood , and d au . of Col . John Ly nde of

Charlestown . He (1. Nov . 4 , 1 756 , in his 82d y ear. Ch .

1 . Samuel ; b ap . Nov. 24 , 1695 ; d .

2 . Joh n , b . Jan . 15 (bap. 169 7 ; sh ipwrigh t ; l iving , 1722 ; m .

El izab eth3 . Samue l , Dec . 26 (bap . 1699 ; absent w ith army in Spain ;

inherited es tate f rom S . Hayman .

4 . Anne , 1702 .


Genealogies and Estates o f Charlestown .

‘T . B. IVy Inan ; p . 741 . Savage in hisGenealogical D ictionary , Vo l. 3 , p . 413 , gives the n ine ch ildren of Col . John Ph ill ips ,but does not mention the second John , whose birth appears to have been in the firstpart of the year 1675 , so he may have been a tw in w ith Marv unless there is an errorin the date ot her b irth .

1 94 PHILLIPS GENEALOGIES . [No . 1 60 , 1 61 .

Nathaniel , daus . E l izabeth and Phebe ; (3d) BRIDGET SA NFORD , whowas l iving , a widow , 1 689 . Ch

1 .

8 .





wW i lliam ; mariner ; of Boston .

Elizabeth .

Ph ebe , b . Apr. 7 , 1640 .

Nathani el , b . Feb . 5 , 1642 ; no heirs .

Mary , b . Feb . 17 , 1644 .

John , b . Sep t. 18 , 1656 .

Samuel , b . Mar. 16 , 1658 , had W i f e Sarah and son William, Apr.

1 , 1 688 .

Wil l iam , b . Jan . 28 , 1660 .

1 60 . WILLIAM PHILLIPS (son of Wm . , Jr. and grandson of Wm . ,

159) of Boston ; he and wif e , A nn , in 1 738 , deed land on the westSide of Kennebec River, which was sold by Ferdinando Gorges tohis grand f ather, Maj . Wm . Phil l ips , and wif e Bridget of Saco , and

by them to his f ather, Wm . Phil lips .

1 6 1 . JOHN PHILLIPS, Capt . ; merchant , of Boston ; will provedJan . , 1759 . He m . ANN , b . 1 7 1 5 , dau. o f Dea . Wm . Engs . Eng

l ish] whose grand f ather came to Boston , 1 635 . Ch

1 .








John ; Capt. in the British Army ; m . Miss Levi , a Jewess , ofN . Y. , and lived in Canada ; had f our ch .

Samuel .Nancy ; m. Payson .

Penelope ; In . Rowe .Polly ; m . Finl ey.

Jenny ; m. Scott .Thomas ; Cap t . ; l iving , 1784 , and had thre e ch . l iving.



The f ollowing records are n early al l of dates prior to the present cen tury ,and but f ew of th em show any conn ection wi th the f oregoing genealogies .

Wh ere on ly the christian name is given , the surname , Ph illips , is of course tobe understood .

ALEXANDER PHILLIPS, soldier in King Philip ’s war 1 675 ; m . MARYFIELD .

— Charlestown Gen .

ALEXANDER , admitted to Charlestown Church , 1 699 , Mar. 1 7 .

ANDREW , SARAH , wif e of , admitted to First Church , Charlestown ,1686 .

A SA , of Mil f ord , Mass . , m . RHODA , d au. of Abner Hazeltine of

Ward sborough , Vt . ,He was b . NOV . 5 , 1 73 1 .

ANDREW and ELIZABETH , Reuben , son of d . Oct . 1 , 1 740 .— Oxf ord

town record s .

AMOS, of Holl is , N . H . , Nov . , 1 740 .

ANN , m. JOHN FAULKNER , Oct . 20 , 1 758 .— N . Y. Marriages .

A SA , son of Jonathan and Sarah , b . A pr. 3 , ”6 1 .— Oxf ord town

records .

ANDREW of K ittery , Me . , Agnes , dau. of ; m . Thomas Edgerly , 1 767or 1 768 . Jenny , d au. of same ; m . James Edgerly , and d .

1 772 .

ANN , m. ARTHUR LOUGHARNE , July 22 , 1 773 .— N . Y. Marriages .

ABRAHAM . m . CATHARINE COONY , Nov . 1 7 , 1 779 .— Id .

A SA , of Auburn , Mass . , and Pol ly White of Worcester, pub lishedApr. 5 , 1 782 .

BENJAMIN , in King Phil ip’s war, 1 675 ; also Wil liam, Nathaniel ,Zachary and Henry .

BENJAMIN , of Marshfield , admitted f reeman , June , 1 689 .

BENJAMIN , son of Benjamin , bap . May 22 , 1 747 ; also Nathan , son

of Ben jamin , Feb . 4 , 1 749 ; a lso Joseph , son


of Jeremiah ,Apr. 2 7 1 750 .

—M i lt0n church records .

BENJAMIN , in Capt. Hatch’

s company ( 10th) Louisburg soldiers .

BENJAMIN , of American troops , among the prisoners at Quebec, Dec.


CHARLES, ch . of ; Dav id , b . Mar. 1 7 , 1 656 ; d . A ug . 1 6 , 1 656 . Abi

gail , b . Oct . 29 , 1 655 [ ?J. John , b . A ug . 1 5 , 1 658 ;

1 66 1 . George , b . Dec . 20 , 1 663 . John , June2 7 , 1 667 .

Genealogica l Items Relative to Ly nn , Mass .

CALEB , m . in Boston, Dec . 3 1 , 1 730 , to ELIZABETH WENTWORTH .

CHRISTOPHER , jus tice of the peace , North Kingstown , R . I. , May 1 5 ,

1 736 .

DAVID , son of Phil ip and Rachel , b . Mar. 1 , 1 659— 60 .— H i st. and

Gen . Reg. , vol . 14 .

DANIEL , in Cap t. Gal lop ’s company f or the expedition to Canada ,1 690 .

DAVID , m . LYDIA HATCH , Nov . 6 , 1 758 .— Pembroke Marriages .

DAVID , wil l dated 1 786 .— N . Y. Surrogate Record s .

ELMER , l iving in Virgin ia , at West and Sherlow Hundred , about 1 623 .

— List of E migrants to America .

ELEAZER , ticket granted to , in the Providence, f or Boston , June 28 ,1 679 .

— Id .

EPHRAIM , and Mary his pretended wif e , of Taunton , 1 680 .— Plyrn .

C'ol . Record s , vol . 6 .

EPHRAIM , petitions that he might l ive in Norwich one y ear, 1 692 .

ELEAZER , of Charlestown , admitted f reeman , Mar. 2 2 , 1 689— 90 .

ELEAZER , admitted to Charlestown Church , Nov . 25 , 1 705 .

EDWARD PHILLIPS and MARY JONES , m . July 1 2 , 1 7 14 .— Portsmouth ,

N . H . , Zl/[ arriagca

EPHRAIM , m . ANN FENW ICK , June 30 , 1 7 1 9 , in Boston .

ELIZA , member of First Church , Marb lehead , 1 746 .

ELIZA , member o f First Church , Marb lehead , 1 762 .

EBENEZER , m . ABIGAIL PRATT , and had Ebenezer, b . Aug . 1 2 , 1 766 .

— Barry’

s H ist. of Framingham .

EBENEZER , m . HANNAH BROWN , A pr. 8 . 1 773 .— Holl iston. town records .

EBENEZER , III . LYDIA DUNTON , Oct . 28 , 1 773 .— Southboro town record s .

EBENEZER,in Revolutionary war, f rom Wal tham .

ERASMUS JOHN , Capt . in his Majesty’is


35th Reg . Wil l proved July15 , 1 777 .

-N . Y. 0 0 . Surroga te Records .

ELSE , m . MOSES SMITH , Dec . 9 , 1 78 2 .-N . Y. Jll arriages .

EDWARD , of Lancaster, est . of , admin istered A pr. 13 , 1 784 ; £2 73 ,

l 5s . Worcester Co . Probate Record s .

GEORGE , inhab itan t o f Norwich , Conn . ,1726 .

GEORGE , wil l dated 1 74 1 .— N . Y. 0 0 . S urroga te Records .

GEORGE , Cap t . , and HOPE his wif e . had d au. Margaret (Haml in),


HUGH . m . ELIZABETH LINDSAY , Oct . 4 , 1 763 ; —N . Y. Marriages .

HEZEKIAH , wounded at Quebec , Dec . 3 1 , 1 775 .

ISAAC , of Groton , Dec . 3 1 , 1 746 .

ISRAEL , July 2 , 1 78 1 , aged 1 6 , son of Israel Phi l l ips , late o f UK

bridge , deceased ; P . Darl ing of Mendon , appointed guard ian .

— Worcester 0 0 . Pro . Rec

JOHN , Mass ., 1 630 , sty led servant ; went to Plymouth , 1 63 1 .

JAMES, to Virg inia in the Transp ort, 1 635 .

JOHN , to Virginia in the IVIerchan t’s Hop e, 1 635 .

JOHN PHILLIPS and JAMES LINDELL are graunted eich of them a

garden p lace vpon Stony Brooke in'

Duxborrow by PhillipDel anoyes , and to be layd f orth f or them by Mr. Col ly er,Jonathan Brewster Willm Bassett .

— Plymouth ColonyRecords , vol . 1 , p . 145 .

JOHN PHILLIPS and six others “of Duxborrow are graunted f our

acres a peace o f vpland abutting vpon the S tony Brooke inDuxborrow, by the milne , and to rang south and north in

leugh and east west in breadth ,” 1640 .— Id .

, vol . 1 , p . 153 .

JOHN PHILLIPS granted twenty acres of land in Duxborrow , 1 640 .

— 1 d ., 1 65 .

JOHN , in l ist of those ab le to bear arms in Duxborrow, 1 643 .

[ d . , vol . 8 , p . 189 .

JOHN , 1 653 , had a case in Plymouth Court .— Id . , vol . 3 , p . 39 .

JOHN , propounded “ to take up his f reedom , 1 659 .-Id . , vol . 3 ,

p . 1 63 .

JOHN : S ixteen acres of land “ which had been given out to JohnPhil l ips joined land of Roger Chaund ler of Duxborrow,

”Feb . ,

1 644 .— Id vol . 12 , p . 109 .

JOHN : Jul y 6 , 1 638 ,“Wil l iam Renolds of Duxborrow, acknowl

edged the sa le of ha l f of his’

blaek heif er to John Phil l ipsId vol . 1 2 , p . 3 1 .

JOHN , June 1 9 , 1 648 , Signed an agreement by making his mark .— Id . ,

vol . 1 2 , p . 163 .

JOHN, and MARY ; Mary , d au. of , July 13 , 1 652 .

—Early rec . of

Boston .

JOHN , m . RUTH , d au. of Robert Burd ick , who was of Newport , R . I. ,

May 22 , 1655 .

JOHN , admitted f reeman , July 13 , 1658 ; of inhabitants about CascoBay .

JOIIN , of Saco , Aug . 3 , 1 664 .— Mass . Records .

JAMES, of Taunton , took the f reeman’

s oath , 1657 .


JAMES, nephew and legatee of Wm : Parker of Taunton , whose wil lwas dated March 15 , 1 659 .

JAMES, o f Taunton ,


ch . of ; James , b . Jan . 1 , 1 66 1 ; Nathan iel , b .

March 25 , 1 664 ; Sara , b . March 1 7 , 1 667 ; Wil liam , b . A ug .

2 1 , 1 669 ; Seth , b . Aug . 14 , 1 67 1 ; Daniel , b . May 9 , 1 673 ;

Ebenezer, b . Jan . 1 6 , 1 674 .— H ist. and Gen . Reg.

, vol . 1 6 ,

p . 325 .

JAMES, on jury warned by constab le of Taunton , Sept . 20 , 1 672 .

JOHN and BENJAMIN , Oct . 2 7 1 685 , own land in Marshfield , which

had been given by the town to John Phil l ips .

JA MES , m . ABIGAIL HATHAWAY , inTaunton , Dec . 9 , 1685 .

JACOB , d . Sept . 1 9 , — Dan cers church records .

JACOB , d . of sm .-pox at Salem Vil lage , Sept . 1 9 , 1 69 1

JOHN and ELIZABETH , o f Weymouth , ch . of ; John , b . Feb . 18 , 1 692

Richard , b . Nov . 25 , 1 693 .— Hi3 t . and Gen . Reg. , vol . 3 , pp .

60 , 1 7 1 .

JOHN and ELIZABETH of Easton , Mass . , ch . of ; Experience , Samuel ,Jothan , Ca leb , Joan , Thomas , Richard .

E l izabeth , wife of Capt . John Phil lips , d . June 24 , 1 748 .

Bridget , wif e of“

Capt . John Phil l ips , “ deceased and departedthis l if e f or a beterMarch 1 7 1 7 Capten John Phil lips(1 . Nov . 14 , 1 760 ,

“ he being the first Capten that ever bore a

Commish in the town of Easton .

”-E aston town recordsfi'e


Joseph , all bap . in Bristol , R . I. , church 1 723 .

JOANNA , widow , of Boston , 1 742 .

JOHN , Capt . , of N . Bridgewater ; m . Apr. 1 9 , 1 749 .

JOHN , of Bel lingham , Mass , In . May 25 , 1 768 , SARAH , d au. of EzraPond , b . Nov . 13 , 1 750 .

— Pond Genea logy .

JOHN , m . LYD IA MORTON , Oct . 18 , 1 752 . Plymouth Records .

JOHN [probab ly third son of Ebenezer, Sr of Southboro] , whosewif e was HANNAH , had Joanna , b . Aug . 24 , 1 755 , Martha ,

b . Aug . 20 , 1 75 7 , E l izabeth , b . June 1 5 , 1 764 .— Ward ’s Hist .

of Shrewsbury , p . 4 10 .

JOHN , Capt . , buried Nov . 7 , 1 756 ; E leazer, buried Feb . 18 , 1 763 ;

Col . Phil l ips (1. Apr. 1 7 (buried 1 763 .— D iary of Robert

Cal ley , Charlestown .

The record f rom Easton was received af ter the genealogy of Capt . John Phillips,No. 79 , had been printed , and does not confirm the supposition then expressed , thathe was son of Benjamin and Sarah (Thomas) Phillips of Marshfield . It now appearsprobable that he was f romWeymouth .


JONATHAN , of Ox f ord ; m . SARAH PARKER of Worcester, pub . in

Ox f ord , Feb . 9 , 1 760 . Gh . z A sa , b . A pr. 3 , 1 76 1 ; Reuben ,

b . July 5 , 1 763 ; Sarah , b . Mar. 2 7 , 1 765 ; Jonathan ,b . Mar.

26 , 1 768 ; d . Dec . 1 , 1 768 ; also d au . Sarah (1. same day .

Oxf ord , Ai d es , town record s .

JOHN , m . AMY BLINDBOROUGH , Dec . 15 , 1 762 .— N . Y. Marriages .

JOHN , of Lancaster. inven tory dated March 24 , 1 763 ; £3 18 , 6s . 2d .

Rebecca Phil l ips , admin ’

x .

JOSHUA l ived in Hubbardston at the organ ization o f the town ,1 767 .

—H ist . of Worcester Co . , vol . 1 , p . 586 .

JEDEDIAH , o f American troops , among the prisoners at Quebec , Dec .

3 1 , 1 775 .



RAND l-.R , Nov . 2 7 , 1 7 72 .— N . Y. Ilf arriages .

JOHN , o f Lancaster, d . , inven tory taken A ug . 29 , 1 785 £4 1 7 , 7s . 5d .

— Wor . Co . P roba te record s .

JONATHAN , of Temp leton , d . , inventory taken A ug . 14 , 1826 .

LAVINIA , o f Gloucester [R. I.J and E l ias Kingsbury of Ox f ord ,pub l ished June 18 , 1 79 1 .

MARTINE , o f Med field , 1 664 .

MARY , o f Taunton , fined 3s . 4d . , June 4 th , 1 668 ; a lso June , 1 6 70 ,fined 3s . 4d .

— Ply in . Co l . Rec. , vol . 8 , pp . 1 2 6 , 130 .

MARY,petit ion of , to sel l wood lots , answered May 1 1 , 1 68 1 .

— M’

ass .

Rec . , vol . 5 , p . 3 1 6 .

Mr. PHILLIPS, o f Sherborn , Jan . 1 1 , 1 7 1 7— 18 .

MARY, o f Lit t le Compton , R . I. ,

In . Oct . 7 , 1 734 , EPHRAIM DAVENPORT , b . Dec . 25 , 1 708 .

MARY , na t ive o f Ipswich , m . Feb . 2 1 , 1 739— 40 , CHARLES RUNDLETo f Strat ll am .

MARGARET PHILIPS , m . WM . SOULE , Apr. 26 , 1 758 .— N . Y. M ar

rid ges .

MOSES , m . SARAH WISNER, Jan . 2 2 , 1 768 .— Id .

MARGARET PHILIPS , 111 . JO IIN OG II.VIE , A pr. 1 5 , 1 769 .— Id .

MAXW ELL ADD ISON PHILLIPS , Lieut . in 3d Cherokee Ind ian Reg .

Vols . , U . S . A . , 186 2 ; Capt . , 1863— 5 ; o f Sa l ina , Kan . , 1866 ;


grad . M ich . Un iv . , 1870 ; grad . Lane Theol . Sem . , 18 72 ,

May 16 , and ord . (Pres ) same d ay ; went a miss ionary to

M ex ico ; preached in C ity o f Mex ico t il l Oct ., 1873 ; preached

in Zacatecas f our y ears , and was joint ed itor o f La A n torcha

E va ngel ica ; removed , 1877 to M é rida , Yucatan ; returnedto Mex ico C ity , 18 79 , to preach and a id in organ iz ing a Theol .


SAMUEL , of Taunton ; m . wid . MARY COBB , May 15 , 1 676 .

Mehitab le , d au . of Samuel , Jan 9 , 1 676—7 .

Samuel , son of Samuel , A ug . 29 , 1 678 .

SAMUEL , of Taunton , propounded f or f reeman , 1 686 .

SARAH , b . July 2 7 , 1 762 ; In . HOSEA MERRILL . He was l iving inPittsfield , Mass . , Nov . 18 , 1850 , but she (I. previously .

SARAH , In . Feb . 8 , 1 783 , MUNGO NOBLE .— N . Y. Marriages .

SA RAH , m . Dec . 30 , 1 773 , DAVID ROE — Ia.

THOMAS, aged 26 , in the Wi lliam and Thomas , 1 6 18 .-List of

emigrants [toTHOMAS, “ l iving at the p lantation over against James City , Feb .

1 6 , 1 623 .— Ia.

THOMAS, l iving at Chap lain ’

s Choice , Va .,Feb . 1 6 , 1 623 .

— Ia.

THOMAS , in the A ssurance, 1 635 .— Ia.

THOMAS, Court gave way to the Governor to f ree his servantThom : Phil ips ,” about 1 640 — Mass . Rec.

THOMAS , o f Yarmouth , had wif e Annis or Agnesse , 1 653 .— P lum .

Col . Rec.

THOMAS , another Thos . and Wi l l iam , took the f reeman’

s oath at a

Court at Pemaquid , July 22 , 1 674 .— H ist. and Gen . Register ,

vol . 3 , p . 243 .

THOMAS and WILLIAM , took the f reeman ’

s oath , Oct. 7 , 16 74 .— Mass .

Rec. , vol . 5 , p . 18 .

THOMAS PHELLPS a lias Phil lips , d . inventory Oct . 2 7 1 674 .

THOMAS, m . 1 72 2 , ABIGAIL RIDER .—P ly

’m . Col . Rec.

THOMSON , of Jamaica , In . 1 725 , [ P] Mrs . HANNAH COTTON .

Ch . Hannah , b . July 20 , 1 728 .— Ia.

THOMAS, In . SARAH BLOODGOOD , Sept . 2 1 , 1 763 .— N . Y. M arriages .

TIMOTHY, m . Oct . , 1 787 DEBORAH BUSWELL , both of Brad f ord .

WILLIAM , of Taunton , in l ist o f those ab le to bear arms , 1643 .

WILLIAM , son of Wil l iam , Jr. and Martha , b . Jan . 13 , 1 651— 2 .

Martha , d au. of Wm . , mariner, and Martha , b . Mar. 10 , 1 653 .

—Early records o f Boston — H . an d G. Reg . , vol . 9 .

WILLIAM , mentioned in Jno . Rob inson ’

s wil l , June 2 , 1 653 . EarlySutIolk wil ls .

WILLIAM , o f Saco , 1 665 .— Mass . Rec.

WILLIAM , sold ier f rom Dedham , Oct . 9 , 1 675 .

WILLIAM ,Major, mentioned in wil l o f Brian Pend leton , Aug . 9 , 1 677 .

WALTER,Sr. , o f Salem Vil lage , admitted f reeman , A pr. 1 8 , 1 69 0 .

WILLIAM , Son o f Wm. and Botley Phil l ips , o f Weymouth , b . Mar. 8 ,

1 69 6 .


WALTER , and Walter, Jr. , signed Quaker’s list, “Lynn , 2 2th 4mo. ,

1 703 .-H . and G. Reg . , vol . 2 .

WILLIAM , aged 35 , d . June 1 2 , 1 705 ; Hannah , wif e of Wm . , d . June6 , 1 705 . Old Colony Inscriptions , Lakevil le , Nov . 14 , 1853 .

— Id . , vol . 8 , p . 286 .

WILLIAM , wil l dated 1 759 .— N . Y. Co. _Surrogate Record s .

WILLIAM “ PHILIPS , wil l dated only 1 759 , proved July 14 , 1 759 ;

mentions wif e , sons David , Wil l iam , Thomas . daus . E l izabethWil l iams, and L

awrence .— Id .

WILLIAM , wil l dated 1 769 .— Id .

WILLIAM , wil l dated 1 778 .— Id .

WILLIAM , wil l dated 1 781 .— Id .

WILLIAM WIRT PHILLIPS , b . in Montgomery Co . , N . Y . , Sept .


23 , 1 796 ; grad . Union Coll . , 18 15 ; prominent Presby terianpreacher in New

York city f rom 18 18 till his death, March

ZACHARY , petition of , answered by Court , Oct . 1 6 , 1 650 .— Mass .

Record s .

ZACHARY , Wi tnessed will of Philip Long , of Boston , Oct . 27 1 658 .


of Zechariah and Elizabeth , b . Mar. 5 , 1 656— 7 .

Boston Records .

ZECHARIAH and wif e ELIZABETH , had Elizabeth , b . June 29 , 1 66 1 .

See also f ragmentary records on page 1 25 .



1 650 ;

1 686 ;

1 708 ;

1 7 1 2 ;

1 734 ;

1 735 ;

1 736 ;

1 745 ;

1 771 ; d .

1 788 ; d .

1 795 ; d .

18 10 ; dVVaHey , 1814 ; d

1819 ; d

George , 1 769 .

John Evertson ,

Lebbeus Rude ;John Lemuel Thomas ,

Dan iel , 1856 .

Burroughs , 1849 .


1 724 ; d .


. 1 696 .

. 1 739 .

. 1 771 .

. 1 71 7 .

1 729 .

. 1 790 .

. 1 795 .

. 1 787 .


1823 .

1820 .

1873 .

1859 .

1877 .

John Sanburn ,

Stephen Clarendon ,

John Charles ,Wil liam ,

George Wil l iam ,

Wendel l ,Grenvil le Tudor,Wil l iam ,

Stephen Henry ,Edward Bromfield ,George Wil liam ,

Wil lard Quincy ,John CharlesCharles App leton ,

Edward Emerson ,

Wil liam Magruder,1885 .


d . 1848 .

Smith Frank l in , 1880 .

Benjamin Frank l in ,Edgar,Duane Seneca ,


George Whitefield ,DARTMOUTH .

Harvey Thomas , 1849 .

1852 .

1859 .

1850 .

186 1 .

S idney Atwood , 1869 .



The first number in the parenthesis is that of the “ f amily ,” and then f ollows thenumber in each succeeding generation under which the name may be f ound .

The names given under the h ead of Fragmentary Records, page 195, being arrangedalphabetically W ill not be f ound in this indexThe term Ear. Earn .

”ref ers to the Early Families beginning on page 188.

Name. Resi d ence, or birthp lace. No. Page.

Aaron Jones,W inhal l , Vt . 105

Aaron Wh ittemore , (124 : 182

Abbie S. , 164

Abbott L . , Salem , Mass. , (18 : 1 : 7 42

A bby F . ,N . Scituate , R . I. (1 18 : 176

A bby P. , N . Scituate ,R . I. (118 : 176Abiah , E .Brl d g ewater,Mass 131

Abiathar, Digh ton , Mass.

Abiathar, Cattaraugus, N. Y ., (81 9 137

Abiezer,W . Va . , (82 , 137

Abigail , Watertown , Mass. (1 9 1 1

Abigail , Boston , Mass (9 1 26

Abigail , Boston . Mass. 28Abigail , Boston , (1 1 3 29

Abigail ,Watertown , Mass. (15 5 39

Abigail , 42

Abigail , Charlton , Mass 85

Abigail , (48 : 100

Abigail , Graf ton , Mass.,

Abigail , 126

Abigail , (70 126

Abigail , (101 :Ab igail , N H . , (102

Abigail ,Abigail , Mass. ,

Abigail (Ear. Fam .) 193

Abigail Ames, Poughkeepsie , N . Y . ,

(76 :Abigail B . , Boston , Mass. 29

Abner, A shfield Mass , 81 : 2 ,136

Abner Smith , Bondvi lle , Vt 106

Abram ,Foster R . I. ,

Burton , Fredon1a , N Y . (86 : 5 , 140

A dah M ., KIttery , Me (104 : 4 : 9 : 5 164

A d alaide M . , (121 : 2° 3 179

Addison , , 172Adeline, Sturbridge , Mass , 24 9 58

A d eliza L . ,28 2 64

A d inM . ,Bridgeport, Conn . (90° 9 3 145

A nes, Kittery M 1 30 : 7 163

A bert , Rockville,e.

Conn . (113 : 1 : 3 171

Albert , 205

A lbert A . , Nat. Bridge , Y ., (62 .

A lbertA . ,A shfield ,Mass. 1 : 9

A lbert B. , N . Scituate ,R . I. (118 : 176A lbert Cossit , 205

Name. Resid en ce, or birthplace. No. Page.

Albert D ., Plainfield , N . J . , (67° 2 , 121

A lbertH .,Brook lyn , N .Y . ( 133 : 6 : 1 , 186

Albert Joslyn , Ch icago, Il l : , (28 3 64

Albert Liscom , Racine ,W is. 89 8 144A lbert M . , Auburn , Mass. , (45 1 94A lbert M . M, onson , Mass . (29 1 66AlbertWallace , Rockville , Conn .

(1 13 : 1 : 3 : 171A lbigenceWaldo, Charlton , Mass.

(123° 2 : 2 °

Alexander Hamilton , 205

f Ied 205

Alf red L ., Spencer, Mass. 61

A lf red S. , (10 m5


Alf red T . Hanson ,MasS 5 128

A lice ,West Thompson ,Conn .


Al ice (Ear. Fam .

Alice A . , Charlton ,Mass . (42 :

A lice A . N . Scituate ,R . I (1 18 :Alice C . , Kittery , Me . (104 : 4 :Alice E .

,Brookline , Mass . (44 :

Alice M.”Hartf ord Conn . , 89A lice R. , A shfield , Mass. , , 143A lida C. , Portland ,Oregon , (36 : 4Almond , Fitzw illiam , N . H , 53 104





H.q 03

Alonzo, Cassadaga. N . Y 86 140Alonzo, A shfield Mass.

, 142

Alonzo, (98 . 157Alonzo D. , Greenfield , Mass. (38 80Alonzo D . , Prairie Du Ch ien , W


:3 2

A lonzo M . , Greenfield , Mass. 36 : 3 7Alonzo P . , Fredonia, N . Y . , 86 : 5 140Alonzo Platts, Medway , Mass. (96 155A lphonzo Resign , Cassadaga , N . Y


Alson R. , Vt . , , 182

Alva, Portland , Oregon , (36 78Alva Clesson , 80Alva Clesson , Wyoming, Penn . 69Alva Israel , Greenfield , Mass.

(37° 4 : 79

A lvin , AuburII, Me . (74 : 3 . 129

Amanda , Rockvfl le Mass. (49 : 100Amanda, E . 3 ° 100

(8° 25

208 INDEX I .

Amey , N. Scituate R . I., (118 176Ami , New York ,N. Y ., (125 2 182

Amos, Mass. , 125

Amos J Winhall , Vt., 105

Amy, 171erson Ear. 193

Anderson , ull , Mass. 193Andrew , Chesterfield , N. H . ,


Andrew , Boston , Mass. 102

Andrew , Kittery , Me . 163Andrew , Isleboro, Me . 163Andrew , Kittery , Me . 164

Andrew ,

l? Dublin] , N .H 173

Andrew , Charlestown] Mass.193

Andrew , Charlestown] , Mass.

Andrew , Killin ly (158) 193Andrew (Ear. 193Andrew Croswell , 205Andrew J ., , 182Andrew S . , Providence , R . I., (66 1 16

geline 62Angie Bean ,Wentworth , Vt.,

(12 2 : 5 , 182A nn , Shrewsbury , Mass. . 2 107A nnn , 130 : 184A nn E ar. Fa 192

\ A nn , Napanee , Ont ., (107 : 3 . 1 168“Anna ,Ashfield , Mass. 1 : 137Anna , Marcellus , N. Y 07 168A nn an 12 171Anna, Hubbardston , Mass. 16 174Anna (E ar. F ,am.) 193Annabel , Watertown , Mass. , (1 5, 11Anna Bertha 111Anna Dunn ,Mass. , 32A nna E . , Portland ,Oregon , 78Anna G . , N. A dams , Mass. 144Anna G ., Boston , Mass. 139Anna Lewis , Morristown ,Anna Maria,Boston Mass. 1A nn B. , B ,oston Mass., 7A nn D . , Maynard , Mass. , 4 .

Ann E ., A shfield , Mass. , 1 :A nn E ., Providence , R. I.

65 ° 1





4 : 116A nn E Natick , R . I. , (1 11 : , 170A nne W . , A ndover, Mass., (8 : 25

A nn H ., N Y . , 133 186Annie Grace , Barn ston , Cana a, 197Annie , Northmoreland , Pa. , (32 : 70A nn Judson , (1 180A nn Keyes , Orange Mass., ( 132 1 185A nn M . , Lonsdale , R. I., (65 : 4 2 , 116Anson , A shfie ld , Mass. 88 5

, 143

Ansel , W. Va . 82 3 , 137A nsel E . , Shelburne Falls,Mass. ,

143Ansel Porter, 1 15Arabel G . Fairlee , Vt. , (125 : 1 : 182Arthur, G ill Mass . 77A rthur J . , ( 102 : 4 : 161Arthur L. ,Winchendon , Mass .

105Arthur R Pawtucket, R .

170Asa, Athol , Mass. ,

A sa, Mass 125A sa, A shfield Mass. 9 : 143A sa, Marcellus, N Y . , 167A sa (107 : 167

gsa, Loughboro, Ont (107 : 3 1 ,


sa (112 : 10 171A sa M .

, Poughkeepsie , N . Y .

1 :Asaph , Nat Bridge , N . Y . , (58 : 2 . 5 1 10A sa Wilson Athol , Mass. 105

Augusta H . , (104 3 9 164Augusti nW . , Amherst,Mass. 138Augustus, Foster, R . I. 1 169Augustus, Mass. (13 187AugustusH . Mass. (135 : 5 , 187Aurelia, New f ane , Vt ., (90 : 9Austin , Charlton , Mass . (41 85Austin Towne , Charlton , Mass. 93W . , 121 : 3A .

BaalIS, Taunton , Mass. 126 ° 3) 183Baalis F .

, Taunton , Mass.

(126 : 2 . 3 : 1, 183

Bani , Johnston , R. I 175Ban i , Gloucester, R . I. 176Barbara, Nelson , N . H ., 174Barbara, Colchester, Conn 177Bartholomew R 178I.


Barzillai , E .BrRidgewater,

Belinda, Fitzwilliam, N. H .

Bathsheba ,Bathsheba, Newf ane, Vt.,Be amIn


Be am in,Watertown , Mass 40Be amIn

, Waltham , Mass 43Be am1n , Marshfield Mass., (69 124Be amIn , Marshfield , Mass.

Be amIn , 125Be amIn

, 135Be amIn , (102 :. 2 : ,I

160Be am i n , N . Y ., (133

° 1 186Be amin , Charlestown] , Mass.

191Benjamin, Charlestown] , Mass. ,

Benjamin Ear. Fam.

Benjamin I.

65 :

Benjamin C . , Jewett City , Cl

onn .



1Y . ,

142BenjamIn F” Adams Mass. ,

Benj amin Franklin , S. Gardner,Mass. ,

Benjamin C., Cassadaga,

9 : 175Benjamin Franklin , 204Benj amin L. , Providence , R. I.,

115Benjamin Thomas, 205

Berthia ,Watertown , Mass., 42Bethiah , Mass. 12 5

Beth iah , MaSS. , 125

Betsey , Chesterfield N H . , (751 102

Betsey , Searsmont Me . 128

Betsey , Bradf ord , ass . 157

Betsey , N. Scituate , R . I., ( 118 176

Betsey , Berkley , Mass. (126 : 2 183

Betsey,Berk ley , M (126 : 183

Betsey Ann , Spencer,S

Mass. (26 61

2 10 INDEX I .

Cynth ia,W . Va. , 137Cynthia, N. Beverly , Mass. 150Cynth ia

,Rupert , Vt , (122 : 180

Cynthia Emma , Council BlufigséI



Cyrus, Fulton , N . Y (107° 1

Cyrus B . 1

Daniel , Brookhaven , N. Y 38Daniel , Ox f ord , Mass. 46Dan iel , Sturbridge , Mass 48

Dan iel , Spencer, Mass. , (26 : l ), 61

Daniel , Sturbridge , Mass. , 57Daniel , Charlton , MasS. , 41

g. 82

Daniel , Hartf ord , Conn . , 8743

Daniel . Fitzw illiam , N . H . , (52 102

Daniel , V t . ,Dan iel , Bradf ord , Mass . , (98 2



3’ 157

Daniel , E . Douglas ,Mass (1 17 : 4 : 5 176Dan iel , (121 :Daniel , N . Chelmsf ord , Mass.

Daniel , Ponteberem ,Wales, 185Dan iel , 204

Daniel A . , Hartf ord , Conn . , 89Daniel Alliston , Norw ich , Conn . ,

Dan iel E Chicago, Ill 67Daniel W Charlton , Mass. , 95

Daniel WIIIiaIn ,

Darius, Foster, R . I. (1 11 : 169Darius, Thurlow Station , Pa.

(111 : 170Darius, Stoughton , Mass. , 171David , Watertown , Mass.,David , 1 10

David , Gage’s Lake , Ill 61 1 11

David , New York , 6 132

David , W . Va . , 5 136

David , Rowley , Mass. , 5 148

David , Scituate , R . I. , 109 3 168

David , N . Sc ituate , R . I. , (1 8 176

David , N . Sc ituate , R . I., (1 18 . 176David , New York , (133 : 4 186

2 106

David A . , Boston , Mass . 134 : 187David Botts , 129 : 1 184

David E. , Columbus , 0 . (1 16° 7 : 4 174

David Milton, Council Blufis , Iowa .

(9 : : 1 50

David 8 1 1

Deborah , (14 : 1 : 3 : 3 36

19 ° 2 : l 4220 : 2 : 5 46

Deborah , E . Bridgewater, ass.

(75 :. 5 , 131

Deborah T . , Portland , Me . , 93 ° 6 149

Delia , W . Va . , 10 , 137Del ia A nn , 6 : 9 : 2 175(11Dcxter, New Salem, Mass.,

D iana, Pembroke , Mass. (72D iana R. , Wvomin-r , Pa. , (32 70

Dona J . , Greenfiekf Mass. , 78Dorcas , ItowI

Fy , Mas s. (2 13

Dorcas (Ear am.

Duane Seneca , 204

Dorothy D. , Greenfield ,Mass. (33° 73

l )w ight M .,G reenfield Mas s. (36 : 6 78

Eben , Nat .’

Bridge N (62) 11 1Ebenezer, Norwalk Conn . , 38

Ebenezer, ( l 38

Ebenezer, Weston .Mass (19 : 2 : 43Ebenezer,Weston ,Mass. 2 : 43Ebenezer, Hopk inton , Mass.

Ebenezer, Southboro , Mass. 97Ebenezer, Southboro , Mass. , (55 106

Ebenezer, Graf ton , Mass. , 107Ebenezer, Graf ton , Mass. 1 12

Ebenezer, Easton] Mass. 125

Ebenezer (Ear. Fam . 193

Ebenezer H . , Charlton , Mass. , 50

Ebenezer M . ,Westboro, Mass. 51

Ebenezer S , Newf ane , V t . ,(90 : 9

° 145

Edee , Youngstown , N . Y . , (51 :Eden , Alexandria, N . Y . , 1 99

Edgar, 204

Ed Ith , Brooklyn , N. Y . ,

Edith Lyle, New Haven , Conn . ,


Edith M .,Minn . (90 : 145

Edith Ryerson , 8 1

Edith J Providence , R . I. ,

Edsel]. 145

Edward , Boston , Mass. , 28

Edward , Boston .Mass. 28Edward , Sturbridge , Mass. , 58

Edward , Skowhegan , Me . , 149

Edward , 161

Edward , Charlton , Mass. , 181

Edward Adams, Medway , Mass. ,

Edward B Boston , Mass29 , 204

Edward C . ,,WilbrahaIEI


7 ° 3 ° 1 : 1 :

Edward Emerson , 204

EdwardEdward Hale , Boston , Mass .


Edward Harrison , Sturbridge , Mass .

6 1

Edward l . , ( 102 : 4 : 9 : 4 : 16 1

Edward N . , (102 : 4 : 9 : 2) 161Edward P. ,

F itzwilliam , N . H . ,

53 : 4 : 2 , 103

Edward Simon , Bureau , Ill . , 3 82

Edward S. , 2 , 1 10

Edward W . , Salem ,Mass. , (18 : 1 : 10EdwaId W . , Portland , Or. (36

° 4 : 2 78.h


Edwin , Charlton , MaSS. , 86

Edwin , Canastota , N . Y . , 65

Edwin , W . V ., 137

Edwin , Berkley , Mass (126 : 2 : 1 183

Edwin , (130 : 5 , 184

Edw in A . ,Sturbridge , Mass . , 61

Edw in A . , A shfield , Mass . , (87 : 1 : 143

Edw in F . 165

Elam , T illy , Ill . , (122 180

Elbridge G , Blackstone , Mass. ,, 1 15

Eldridge , Monson ,Mass. , (29 66

EIeanor, N . H . , (9 1 : 5 147

Eleanor Louisa, Providence , R . I. ,1 :




Elihu ,Rupert , Vt. 180

E lihu,Rupert , Vt (122 180

El ah , 38

El ah , Fitzw illiam , N. H . ,103

E ah , Fitzw illiam , N. H . ,104

E ah , W . Va. ,

E ah , Buckland , MassE ah , Man

sfield , Conn (106) 167E ah , Hinmansville , N. Y (107 : 3) 167E ah , Granby , N . Y . , (107 : 3 : 168

(1 19° 178

E ah , Somers , Conn . , (112 : 171,

E ah Bliss , Il l . , 138

E ah Brigham, Boston ,Mass. ,52

Eliphalet , Bridgewater , Mass , 125

Elisha, Duxbury] Mass . , 125

El isha (Ear. 189

Elisha R. , E . Medway , Mass. , (49 100

Eliza , Portland , Me . , (93 148Eliza , Hartf ord , Conn . , 10) 170El iza, 179

Eliza A Ph iladelph ia , N . Y

EIiza J . Walpole , N. H . ,

Eliza L 164

Elizabeth , Watertown , Mass.. (1 11Elizabeth , Rowley , Mass, (2 13

Elizabeth , Salem , MasS a“ (3 14

Elizabeth , Andover , Mass. (5 18

Elizabeth,Smith town , .N Y . 1 : 37

Elizabeth , Phillipsburg , N . Y.


Elizabeth,B .rookhaven , N Y 38

Elizabeth , Norwalk , Conn .

(14° 5 : 38

Elizabeth,Brookhaveu, N . Y .


10) 38Elizabeth ,Watertown , Mass . 39

Elizabeth , Marblehead ,Mass . , 40

El izabeth , Fredericksburg , Va



(17 41

E lizabeth ,Watertown ,Mass ., 43

El izabeth , E . Medway , Mass .


Elizabeth , Graf ton , Mass. (56 7 , 108

Elizabeth , Rutland , N . Y ., (57 , 109

Elizabeth , 58 110

Elizabeth , 85 139

Elizabeth , N. Beverly , Mass. (94 149

Elizabeth , N . Andover,Mass (98 157Elizabeth , Iowa , (102 161

Elizabeth , Kittery , Me . (103 163

Elizabeth , Hubbardston , Mass.

Elizabeth ,Fall RIver,Mass ,

Elizabeth , Rupert , V t . , (122 : 4 180

Elizabeth , Berklev, Mass

Elizabeth , Boston , Mass 187Elizabeth (Ear. Fam .

E lizabeth B. ,Andover, Mass 25

E lizabeth B. ,N . Scituate , R. I ,

(1 18 : 7 : 176

Elizabett Salem , Mass . (18 : 1 : 4 42

Elizabeth K . , Lisbon , Conn .

Elizabeth M . , Medway , Mass. (96° 2) 155

Elizabeth Ruth , Ayer,Mass (132 : 185

Elizabeth Sarah , Greece , N Y . ,


2 1 ]

Ellen A . , Santa Rosa, Cal . , (36 :E l len T . , Mass. , ( 3 187Ellen Victory , Lisbon , Conn .

Ellie A Pawtucket , R . I. , (11 1 170Ellsworth W .

, (1 13 : 1 : 5) 172mer E . , Brook lyn ,

N .Y 104

Elmira , Lake Mills , W is ., 64

Elmira-h , N'

. Scituate , R . I. , (1 18 : 176

Ivira, Greenfield . Mass. , 69

Elvira , Hancock , N . H . 173

Elvira C .,Laurens, N .Y. , 76

Elvira S. , Greenfield,Mass . 78

EIvira W. 105

Emeline , 62

Emeline , A shfieId Mass (87 1 1) 142Emeline R.,

N . ScItuate ,1 176

Emily , Charlton , Mass. , 87Emily

, A shfie ld , Mass. 143

m ily,Providence , R . I. , 177

mily B . , Boston , Mass . 32

mily S , Methuen , Mass. , (13 : 32

Emma G . 111

Emma Isabel , New Haven , Conn .

(33 : 8 :. 7g,75

Emma Joseph ine , Gill .Mass 82

Emma L . , Fitchburg, Mass. , 81

Ephraim , Watertown, Mass.

,1 1

phraim , Athol , Mass. , 105

Ephraim (Ear. Fam . 193

E rasmus D . G, eneva , W is. (89 : 144

rnest Leroy , Ch icao oJ ll 79

Erw in W ., Champ ion , N .Y. (59 1 10

seek , Smithfield , R . I. , (1 14 172

E sther, Norwalk, ”Conn 7 38

Esther, (85 : 3 139

Esther, 8 172

sther, Smithfield , R . I. , 172

sther , Norw ich , Conn .

tta M . Spencer, Mass. 3 , 61

Eugene , (113 . 3 , 172Eugene D . , Providence , R . I . (67 :Eugene Francis, Providence ,


R. I.,

M8), 176Eugene Millard , Buckland , M






7 : 142Eugene Row land , Providence ,


R. I. ,

Eugen Ie , Boston Mass. , (90 : 9 : 5 : 145

Eunice , Weston , Mass., (19 : 2 : 5

° 43Eunice , (771 : 2 : 4) 127Eunice Bass . , (76

° 132

Eunice Lestina , 143

Eusebra, W . Va . , 137E va L . , S . Gardner, Mass . ,

( l 16 z9 : 1 : 175Everett Curtis , Charlton Mass. ,

87EweIIDExperience , Chesterfield , Mass . ,

(47 99

Experience , A shfield , Mass. , 135

Experience (Ear. 188Ezekiel , Rowley , Mass. , 13

Ezek iel , Foster, R . I , ( 1103,169

zekiel , F°

osteI , R . I , 169

zekic l L. , Brattleboro , Vt 37 79zra

, Shrewsbury , Mass. 107

2 12 INDEX I .

Ezra , Shrewsbury , Mass. , 108Ezra , Hanson , Mass. , (73) 127Ezra, S. Hanover, Mass., (73 127Fannie Louise , Reading, Mass . ,

182Fannie M., Westminster, Vt . ,


Fannie S. , Amherst , Mass. , (83 138Fanny , A shfield , Mass. , 138

Flavi lla C . , Vt ., 182Florence , 1 15

Florence C., Manchester, t . ,106

Florence M Lewiston , Me . ,129

Frances , 184Frances E Northmoreland , Pa. ,

(32 8


Francis, Florida, Mass. , : 4 143

Francis B. , Salem, Mass. , 2

Franc is R. , 143Frank E . , Twin Springs , Kansas,

(37 2 79Frank G Wentworth , Vt. ,

182Frank Henry , New Haven, Conn . ,

Frank Henry , Prairie Du Ch§3e


n ,



0 . 2

Frank H . , Fredonia, N. Y . ,

Frank Leroy , Rockville , Conn. ,

Frank Nichols , Providence , R . I. ,

176Frank P. , 1 11Frank Raymond , New Haven , Conn . ,

75Franklin , Berkle

lyMass. 183

Franklin F . ,Roe'Iand ,M’e . , (74 3 129

Franklin F. Rockland , Me . ,, 129

Freelove , 172Freelove , Dublin , N. H . , (1 15 173Freelove P. ( 1 15 173Frederic , Chicago , Il l. , 70Frederic C. , Prairie Du Chien Wis . ,

81Frederic T Greenfield , Mass. ,

1 76Fred , New Haven , Conn . , {

33 : 8 z4 75Fred K . ,Torrington ,

Conn . , 33 : 75Fred Mason

,Reading, Mass . ,

182Fred M . ,Wentworth , V t . ,

182Fue lla , Buckland , Mass. , 142Gabriel New ton

,Ph ill ipsburg , N . Y

37Gard ner Westm inster V t . , 03George ,Watertown ,Mass . , 1George

,Row le , Mass . , 13

George , Brook aven , N . Y 35

George , Smithtown , N . Y . , ( 14 36George , Smithtown , N . Y . , 36

George , 14 1 3 36George , Ph ill ipsburg , N.

( 14: 1 7 : a

;George ,Watertown , Mas s. ,

George , Hopk inton , Mass.,

George , Nat .Bridge , N.

George , Searsmont Me .Mass.George , Hanson , (73 : 128

George, 102 ° 4 : 161

George , Mich . 10 168George , Marcellus, N. Y . , (107 168George , 172Geoxge, 180George , Boston , Mass. , 184George ,George , Boston , Mass.,

George , England,George ,George A . Chica o, Ill., (28 : 3 :George Albert , P ainfield , C




nn .

: 4 170George A . ,Lisbon , Conn ., (119 : 12eorge B . , Chicago, III. , (29 : 67eorge C . , Spencer, Mass 26 : 61eorge C. ,W. Springfield , ass.

76George Edward, Arlington , Vt.


George Henry , E . Arlington;Vt . ,9 041George H ., Putney , Vt (54 : 8George H . , Channahon , Ill . (64a :George Harrison , Springfield , Oh io ,

(86 : 142George H ., Holliston ,

Mass. ,

161GeorgeH . ,KIttery ,Me



(IO4 4 ° 9 ° 1 164George L ., Trenton , N. (33: 6

° 2) 75George L . , Mass. (135 4 : , 187George P., Spencer,Mass. (26 62George R. , Providence,R. I. , (131 , 185George s 1 : 36

GeorgeW” Saugus, Mass (13 32

GeorgeWilIiam ,New York , (18 : 1 42

George W., Wash ington , OhIo,1 12

GeorgeW” Graf ton , Mass. ,Geo W . , Dublin , N . H .,

Geo Washington ,

Geo Wh itefield ,Wore, 174

George WGeorge W . A . , 15

George Y. Poughkeepsie , Y . ,


, 164

G ideon , 160

Gideon , SmithfieId R. I. , (113 ,171

G ideon, Roxbury ,N. H . , ( 1 16 , 173

G ideon , Roxbury ,N . H. , 175G illamXEar. Fam. 190

Goldie Winchendon ,Mass.,

10 : 2 °

Grace Angie , N. Adams,Mass.

121 : 2 :

Grace Annabell , Griswold , Conn . ,

(1 19 : 12 : 7 . 178Grace Humphrey ,Grace Maria , Griswold , Conn .

(119 : 12 : 7 . 178Grace May Bergh , Ch icago , Ill. ,

Grenville D.,Council Blu 8 , Iowa ,

(9° 150

2 14 INDEX I .

Hu ldah , Chesterfie ld , N. 102

Hu ldah . 6 127Hu ldah , E . Bridgewater , Mass .

(77 : 4 133

Huldah J . , Greenfie ld , Mass ., 77Hu ldah M. , Rupert , Vt . , (122 : 3 : 2 180

Ida I. , Pawtucket , R . I . (1 11 : 7 : 8 , 170

Inez May , Prair ie Du Ch ien , W is .3 81

Ira Dav i s , Lonsda le , R I , 7 : 170Irene , Worcester, Mass (97 : 156

Ii ene (104 3 165

Irv ing A . , Prov1dence , R I. , ,121

Irv ing S., Forest Grove , Oregon .

64a : 6 : 114

Isaac , Marshfi eld Mass .,Isaac , 183

Isaac Ear. Fam 189

Isaac . , Kittery , Me . 2 164

Isaac D . , Kittery , Me ., 64


Isaac S. , Chicag o , I l l 132 z2 70

Isabe l , Fitzwil liam, N . H ., 102

Isabe l Roxbury , N . H . (1 16 : 174

Isanella S .”Springfie ld Mass .(38 80

Israel , Auburn , Mass . , 67Israe l

, Greenfie ld , Mass . , 68

Israe l , Greenfie ld , Mass . 71Israe l

, A shfield , Mass . , 42

Israe l , A shfield , Mass . 42

Israe l Ear. Fam .

Ivo (104 : 5 . 5 165

Jaco , Scituate , R . I . , 168

James , Coventry , N . Y . , 38

James , Oxford Mass . , 46

James,Searsmont , Me . 128

James,Ipsw ich , Mass . , 147

James , Row ley , Mass . , 147James , Row ley , Mass . , (92 148

James , Bradford , Mass . , (98 2 157James , N . Andover , Mass . , 3 57James

,4 159

Jam 3 160

James , Smithfield , R . I . 3 , 172

James , Dub l in , N . H. , 2 , 173

James,Hubbardston , Mass .

James , Mass . , 126 2 183

James , Whitestown , N. 33 186

James , N . 8 ,186

James A . ,Se a rsmont , Me . , (74 : 3 , 128

James E . , Chicago , I l l . , (643 : 1 : 4 1 14

James E. ,Wheaton , I l l . , (64a , 1 14

James E . ( 2 180

James Harvey , A tho l Mass .James J . , (1 19James L idde l l , 205

James M West Cambridge ,M a ss . ,: 1 182

James Richa1° ,d( 12


James S. , Pla lnfie ld ,M ich . 3 : 5 , 168

J a ne , 62

Jane , Gra f ton , Mas s . , (65 : 2 : 7 , 1 15

J a ne , (99 : 3J a ne

,Kittery , Me . 163

Jane , Boston , Mass . 187J ane A . , Sa lem , Mass . , 41

J a ne E . , A shfic ld ,Mass . , 87 : 1 , 143

Jane Pee le , Sa lem , Mass . , 42

Jason , 99

Jason A ., Wentworth , Vt.,182

Jeded iah , E . Medway , Mass. , (48 99

Jeded iah , 100

Jeded i a h , Medwa , Mass . , 100

Jeded iah , F 1t7W1l 1am, N (52 : 5 , 102


e1 son , Va . , 184

Jenk in , Va .Jenkm , Va. : 3 , 184

Jennet (7(6


: 1 :

Jennie , Spr ingfie ld , Mass . (33 : 76Jennie F ., Fredon1a , N Y .

, (86 : 5 : 1 , 140Jennie Louise , New Haven , Conn . ,

(3 75Jennie Ear . 194

Jeremia , Marshfield , Mass . 124

Jerem i ah , Marshfield , Mass . , 124

Jeremiah , Gloucester, .R I .176

Jerem iah , Newport , R . I. , ( 1 177Jeremiah , Preston , Con


n . (1 177Jeremy , G loucester R I 175Jerome , Graf ton ,Mass



Jerusha , Ru tland , N . Y. 109

Jerusha , 179Jerusha B., Li sbon , Conn .,

(119 : 178

JerV1s, Foster, R I , (11 1 : 169,

Jess ie , Chieago, Ill . , (29 : 3 : 67Joanna

, Southboro, Mass ., (46 : 5 98

Joanna Ear . 193

Joanna Ab ington , MassJoe l Wi lber , 1 1 1

Johanna,Boston , Mass . , (134 z8), 187

Johannah (Ear . Fam . 191

John , Row ley , Mass 13John , Exeter, N . H . , 18

John , Andover , Mass 24

John , Andover , Mass . 25

John , Boston ,Mass . 29

John , Boston ,Mass .


John , Boston , Mass . 30John , Boston , M a ss . , 30

John , Mi lford , Conn .


John , Boston , Mass 38




John , 0 x f o1°d Mass . 46

John , Sturbridge , Mass . 55

John , Spencer ,O

Mass. 61

John , A uburn , Mass . 68


John , Soutl1boro , Mass. ,98


, Mass . , 99


48 : 1 : 99

John, Chesterfield , N . H . ,


John , G rafton , Mass . ,John

,Duxbury , M a ss . , (68) 12

,l 198

John , Marshfield , M a ss . ,John

, Marshfie ld , Mass . , 69

John , Duxbu1 y , Mass . , 70 126

John , E . l h idgewater, Mass , (76John , E a ston , Mass . ,

John,Portl a nd ,Me . 148

John , N . A ndover,Mass. ,





John , (102 : 4 : 160John , Kittery , Me . (104 164John

, (104 : 164

John,Kittery , Me . 164

John,Marcel lus , N . Y , (107 168

John , Scituate , R . I. , (1John , Sc itu a te , R . I. , (109

° 168

John , Plainfield . Conn . 170

John , Somers , Conn .

John , Somers , Conn (1 12 171

John,Lisbon , Conn ., 177

John,Mi l l ington

, Ill . , 181

John,Pa. 181

John (130 184

John , Brook lyn , N. Y. (130 : 7 184

John , Ponteberem , Wa les , 185

John , Eng land , 185

John , Avon , N . Y . , (133 : 186

John , Boston , Mass . 187John , DO 1 ehester. Mass . , (136 ) 188John1? Char lestown , Mass . ,

John ? Char lestown Mass ., (145)Z190John Char lestown , Mass .John Char lestown] , Mass . , (154


John , Boston , Mass .John (Ear. Fam .

John Adams , Boston , Mass ., (134 : 3)Z187John Char les , Boston , Mass .. ( 13 : 32

John C . , Boston, Mass ., 32

John Evertson ,37

John E .,Graf ton , Mass . 115

John (88 143

John Edward , Port land, Me . (93John F . , Lake Mi l ls .WIS. (28 63

John F . , Hartwick , N . Y. 79

John Frankl in , Chicago , I l l . 79John F . , Brook l ine , Mass . 92

John F Lisbon , 177John G . Westminster. Vt . , 104

John Gale Q uidnick , R . I. , (65John Goddard , Boston , Mass . 139

John Grier , Ayer , Mass ., ( 132 : 185

John Hancock,Spr ingfie ld ,, Ma

(ss .

74John Ham le t , Li sbon , Conn .

(119 : 12 : 7 :John H . , Roehester,N . Y . ,


Jot .

,K ittery , Me . (104 : 3 : 6

° 164

John n , Boston Mass .. ,Y(84 4 ° 139

John Lane . Champ ion , N (59 : 1)Z110


John M . Counc i l B lu ff s , Iowa.150

John M . Counc i l B lu ff s , Iowa.41, 150

John M i lton , (121 : 7)Z180John Sanburn 204

John Towne ,Laurens, N . Y. 76John W. 205

John W . , Buckland , Mass . (87 ° 1 :John W man ,Jonas , orristown , N . J . ,


37Jon a s A l len , A tho l , M a ss . ,Jonathan , Southboro,Mass . 3 . 2)Z96Jonathan .W. Va. 137Jonath an


,Mass ., (101

1, 160

Jonathan , , 160


Jon 160Jon Somers , Conn ., 171Jon Boston , Mass . , 28

Jon Watertown , Mass . 39Jonathan , Marb lehead , Mass ., 40

Jonathan , Watertown , Mas s ., (1 43

Jonathan , Sturbridge , Mass ., 47Jonathan , S turbridge , Mass ., (21 48Jonathan (Ear. 189

Jonathan D . , 160Jonathan Mason , Boston , ass .

(10 3 2) 28

Jonathan P., Lake Mi l ls, Wis ., (281,62

Joseph , Boston , Mass . , 30

Joseph , Brookhaven , N. Y 38Joseph , Oxf ord , Mass . , 44Joseph , Oxf ord , Mass . , 45Joseph , Oxf ord , Mass .. 46

Joseph , Marshfield , Mass ., 168 5

1, 124

Joseph , Marshfield , Mass ., 124Joseph , ? Duxbury] Mass ., 125

Joseph , ew Y ork .. 132

Joseph , Windsor , Mass ., (77 132

Joseph , (121 179Joseph , ? Char lestown] Mass . , (1 190

Joseph ar . 189 , 190, 192Joseph F . , 205

Joseph H . , L isbon , Conn ., (119 12 7

1, 178

Joseph Henry , Vt ., 2 : 2 182Joseph N ., Norwich , Conn .

178Joseph S., Kittery, Me . , (104 : 3 164Joseph 132

Josephine , Loughboro , Ont. ,168

Joshua, 135

Joshua , D i hton , Mass ., 136

Joshua, As fie ld , Mass ., (81 137Joshua, (85 139

Joshua, Cassadaga , N. Y 86 141

Joshua , 90 145Joshua , Hubbardston , Mass . , (1 172Joshua, Smithfield , R . I. , 114 172Joshua , Hubbardston ,Mass . , 116 174Joshua (Ear. 191

Josiah , Brookhaven N. Y ., 38Josiah , Southboro ,Mass ., 99

Josiah , Medwa Mass ., 101Jos iah , Rutlan N.Y ., 1 1 1

Josiah , Watertown , N. Y. 1 13

Josiah , Kittery. Me ., (104 164Josiah , Kittery , Me . , (104 5 165

Josiah , Kittery , Me ., (104 : 5 : 1 165

Josiah E ., Medway , Mass ., 101Josiah S . Lowe l l , Mass . , 180Jotham ,Lancaster Mass ., 43

Jud ith , Row ley Mass . , 148

Jud i th , Salem , ass . , 6 161

Jud ith , Mass . , (135 6 187Ju l ia , Andover , Mass ., (8 : 1 1 25

Ju l ia , , 143

Ju l ia, 182

Ju l i a A ., A l l ston , Mass (53 : 6 : 1 103Ju l ia A . , Oak Park , III.. (64a 7 114Ju l ia Ann D. , Savoy , Mass . , 144Ju l ia T. , Counc i l Blu ff s , Iowa, (95 150

Kate M. , Prov idence , R . I. , 116

Katharine , G i lmanton , N. H ., 147Laura I., K ittery, Me ., 164

2 1 6 INDEX I.

Laura Jane , Chic 0 , II]. 3 : 1 : 64Laur1nda , Sta rb t ge , Mass ., 57Lavi ni a, 130 :

Lawrence , Sa lem ,Mass . 42

Lebbeus R. , Newtonv i l le ,Mass:

Lemue l, A shfie ld , Mass ., 1 :

Lena H . , A shfield ,Mass . . (87 : 1 : 9 : 143

Leona B . , Champion , N .Y. 1 1

Leon a rd Su l l ivan , Pa .Leon a rd , Br adf ord , Mass . , (98 157Leon D . , Greenfie ld , Mass . (36 78Les l ie

,Portland , Oregon , 78

Les l ie A . , Boston , Mass . , (53° 8 ° 1 104

Lett ie M . , Manchester , V54 : 10 : 2 : 106

Lettuce , Kittery , Me . 2 164

Leuthel , E . Bridgewater, Mass .77 :

Lev i , Manchester , V t ., 53 :

Levina , Gr a fton , Mass . 123 : 2 : 2 . 181

Lew is,Brid cwater] , ass . 125

Lewis C Was ington , Ohio ,3 :

Lewis L . , Spr ingfie ld , Mass . , (33 9 76Lew is R. , N at. Bridge , N . Y (62Lewis W .,Manchester, Vt ., 104

Lewis W . R. , 205L i l l i an A l lena , New Haven , Conn .

3 : 8 ° 3 : 75Li l l ian D . ,

Char lton ,Mass ., (42 : 1 : 1 87L i l l ian Lou ise , New Haven , Conn . ,

(33 8 75L i l l ie C . , Chicago , I l l . , 70Liscom , A dams , Mass . , (89 144

Lizz ie A . , A shfield , Mass . , (87 : 143

L izz ie H . , Fort Scott , Kansas ,79

Lo is,Sturbridge ,Mass . 48

Lo is , A shfield , Mass . (87 : 142

Lot , Pembroke , Mass .Lot , Hanson , Mass ., 128

Lou is Agass iz , 81

Louisa, 62

Lou isa , N . H . ,

Lou isa,Pr inceton , Mass . , 175

(118 : 176Lou isa, N . Sc ituate , R . I, ,Lou isa

, ( 130 184Lou isa

,Mass ., (135 5 : 187

Lou isa P. , (1 13 : 1 : 172Louisana Dodge ,Worces te r, M a ss . ,

(9 7 :Luc inda , 133

Luc inda W. , Keene , N .H . , (1 15 173

Lucre t i a , Ru tland , N . Y . , 109

Lucret ia , Ru t land , N . 1

Lucy , Fi tzw i l l i am , N . 2 , 103

Lucy,E . Bridgewater 133

Lucy (E a r. 19 ]

Lucy A ., Ch ampion , N . Y. 1 1 1

Lu cy C . ,Windsor, M a ss . [ 33

Lu cy Medway , M a ss 156

Lucy Ell a , O regon C ity ,Lucy J ., Londonderry ,


Lucy J. 'I‘ K ittcry , Me . ,104 : 3 : 164

Lucy M ., W. Townshend , V t . ,

Lucy Pratt , Hanson , Mass . (73 :Luther , 4 :Luther , E . Hancock , Me ., (104 ° 1 :

Luther , Mass .Luther , Mass .,Lydia , Andover , Mass .,Lyd ia, Andover , Mass .Lyd ia , Marb lehead , Mass .Ly d ia, Sudbury , Mass .Lyd ia, Watertown , Mass .,Lyd i a, Oxford , Mass . (20 2 : 1 ,



3 126

35), 1s7z4), l s7


, 404343

46Ly d 1a, Medway , Mass ., 48 : , 100Lyd 1a, Nat Bridge, N . Y . , , 1 10Lyd ia , Bridgewater , Mass . 125Lyd ia, Pembroke , Mass . , 127Ly d ia, E . Brldgewater,Mass (75 °

Lyd ia , W. Va., 137Ly d ia , N . Beverl , Mass . (94 :Lyd 1a, Isleboro, e., 10 1 :

Lyd ia, ( 104 : 5

° 2 , 165Lydi a (Ear .Ly d ia A . , Winhal Vt (54 : 8 :Lyd ia A d elaid , Norw ich , Conn . ,

(1 19 :Ly d ia A . , (124 : 1 :Lyd ia D . ,Westmmster, Vt

(53 : 6 : 104Ly d ia M. Medway , \Iass


,W. a., 137

Mabe l , W. Va. , 82 : 137Mabe l , A shfield , Mass .Mabe l Emogene , (60 . 1 3) 1 11Mabel L .,Winhal l , Vt . 54 : 10 : 2 :Mannmg , K 1tte1 y ,

1[ e 104 : 3 . 6 :Manning , Ki ttery , Me . (104 : 4 .

Margaret , Boston Mass . , 30

Margaret , Boston , Mass ., 31

Margaret,Portland , Me . , 148

Marg a ret,


Margaret , (130 : 9 ) 184Marg a ret , Boston , Mass . (134 : 5) 187Margaret E llen

,Nat . Bridge , N . Y.

(58 : 2° 1) 1 10

Margaret Pee le , Salem , Mass .1 : 6) 42

Margaret W” Weymou th , Mass .( 13 : 6 : 32

Margetta, Graf ton , Mass . (65 : 2 . 1 15

Mar1a , F 1tzw i l liam , N . H . , (53 : 103

Maria , Buckland , MassMari a , Worcester , Mass .,a 1 ia , G louceste r , R . I. ,

aria , N . Scituate , R. I. ,

a1 i a L . ,

°Stu1bridge , Mass .M a rk , E . Bridgewater , Mass . ,

(97 1

(117 : 4 :(1 18 9


Martin,Smithfield , R

M a rqu is L a fayette , : 3 132

Mary, Row ley , Mass. , 13

Ma1 v, S a lem M a ss . , 3

M a ry,Andover , Mass . 4 1 15

Mary,Bos ton , M a ss . (9 8 27

Mary , Smithtown , N’

Y ., 14 : 1 : 6 37

M a ry , Smithtown , N . Y. ,4 38

M a ry,Boston , Mass . 1 39


Mary , Ma i b lehead , Mass . , 40

M a ry,


M a ry,Weston

,Mass . 42


7 176176

4 ,(10

Mai k. E . Bridgewater

iMass . (78, 171

2 1 8

hi oses ,Moses B Greenfie ld , Mass . ,Moses B .

,Kee l ersburg , Pa .


Moses D . , Brookl ine , Mass . ,Moses Haywood ,Moses Spear ,Murray , V i rg inia ,Myron ,Myron H . ,


(90 :(122 : 3 .


N a bby,E . B ridgewater , Mass .

z8 .7

N ancy , Kittery , Me .





s Z145Z


2 : 3 : 10 180

(61 :N abby , Ha l if ax ,


(104 : 4 . 3) 104N a ncy,R . I. , (1 13 : 172

NancyZChar l ton , Mass . (123 : 2 . 181

Nancy , Berkley ,Z

Mass . (126 : 2 : 2)Z183N ancy,V i rgin 1a , (129 184


N a ncy D . , 10 164

Naom i,F itzw i l l iam , N . H . , 102

Nathan , 133

N a th an , Newfane Vt 145

N a than Row ley ,Mass .,

N athanZConne1 l Blufis , Iow a ,(94 . 9 : 150

Nathan O M inn . , 5)Z145N a th a n ie l ,Watertown ,Mass ., 40

N a th a nie l , Fi tzw i l l i am , N . H . , 102Nathanie l , Marshfield] Mass . , 1 25

N a th a n ie l , Sc itu a te , R . I. ,Nath a n ie l ,N a th a n ie l (E a r .(109 168


N a th a n ie l Gorh am , Andover , M a ss . ,(8 25

Nehem i a h,Ne l l ie

, G reenfield , M a ss . ,

l l l l0 13 ,Ne l l ie .

\ l C l'

c l c ,

NP lM i l l,

N . Y.,Ne lso n

l O l I. W.

'I'lm n l N O II.I

(36 :

(150), 19 l( l 5 l ), l 9 l

N icho las , Weymou th , M a ss . ,N icho l a s,Weymou th , M a ss .,N icho las , Bos ton , M a ss . ,N icho l a s

,ioxton , M a ss . ,




T) , 78

N icho l a s (Ear . 19 1 , 192N ight inga l e , Boston ,M a ss . , (84 : 139

Nobl e Phi l a nder, Greenfie ld , M a ss . ,

(36) 77Nor a h , Brook lyn . N . Y . , ( 130 : 7 : 7) 184Ob ad i a h , W a tertown , M a ss . . (1 8) 1 1

O bad iah .W a tertown , M a ss . , 43

O b a d i a h , Hopk in ton , Mass . , 43

O l ive , 1 , 127U lc , Dub lin , N . 11

, 173

O l ive A . . Lisbo 11 , Co1111 .

, ( l 19 : , 178O l iver , (49 , 100

V i . , (90 , 144O l 1V1 rZO l iver ,O l ive r ,O l ive r Fr a nc is , Medw a y , Mass . ,

. 101O r1 l1 Ont .

, 168

( 11 1 :O rrin ,O sc a r , Worceste r , M as s . , [56

Oscar , (97 156Oscar , Cohoes , N . Y . , (12 1 2 : 179

O str ander , N . Scituate ,R . I. , (118 170Ostrander , N . Scitu a te , R . I.


(1 18 : 7 : 176Otis , 173Pain


e, Smithfield , R . I. , (114 z5), 172

Pame l i a ,Pame l ia


Platts , Port land ,Me , (93 : 148Patience , Salem ,

Mass . 14

PatienceZ ( 101 : 100Pau l B isse l l , Chicago , I l l . , (64a : 1 : 1 14Pau l Cry sostom ,Ayer ,Mass . , (132 2 ) 185Pene lope , (119 177Pene lope (E ar . 194

Percy Douglas, 6 1

Per ley , Foster , R . I. , (11 1 : 170Per ley H i l l , N . Windham

,Conn .


Peter , Marce l lus , N . Y . , (107 168

PeterZOxf ord , Mass . (1 181

Phebe Andover , Mass . (8 1 24

Phebe (78 : 2 : 133

Phebe (Ear . F am . 194

Phebe Maria , Fos ter .R . I . (1 11 : 170

Phi letu s , Greenvi l leZN . Y. 5

Phi l ip, A shfie ld , Mass .

Phi l ip , Cassad aga , N . Y . ,

Ph i l ip,

Phil ipZNew York , N Y . ,

Phi l ip John , Eng l a nd



(85 :

(86 : 142



Platts , Row ley , Mass (92 148

Po l ly , Searsmont , Me (74 : 128

Po l ly (E a r. 194

Prisc i l l a , Watertown , Mass . ,43

Proctor H . , Minnesota , (90 : 9 : 5 :Rache l . O \°

f o r1l , Mas s . . 16

Rache l . Stu rbridge . Ma

:s . , (2 ! : 2l ). 48

Ra1: l 1e ,l M1 1 l 1\ : 1 1 “a s s .

R: M °


N . Y .

Rache l ( 10 1 .


R a lph,A shfie ld , M a ss . , (87 : 1 143

R a lph Ernest,Conw ay

,M a ss .

Rebecc a , IVatcrtown , M a ss . ,4

Rebecca , Spencer , M a ss . , (26 : 5) 6 1

Rebecc a,P lymou th

,M a ss . , 1271

Rebecc a , Duxbu ry , Mass . ,126

Rebecca , 70 : 2 : 126

R1 bec1 a , ( 70 : 126

Rebecca , Brid g ewater N . H . , (94 150

R1 becca , “M1 1111 . N . H . ,173

Rebecc a, R1 1

° l< ley , MassZ, ( 126 : 183

Rebecc a Gorhain,Andover , M a ss .


Rebecca S a l isbury , Boston , Mass( 10 : 3





Heby . Be rk ley , Mass . , ( 126 7Re l ief

, ,172

R1 u el,


Northiie ld , Ill . , ( 12 ] 179

1 1 m l W . No 1 tl 1lZ

icld , l l [80

Reuben . Roxbur , N . H . , , 174

Reuben C . , Berk cv, M a ss . . 183

Reuben Lew is , Arlington ,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Rheuma Curti s , ( l 22 : 3 : 5 180


Rhoda , E lmira , N . Y . (107 10 168

Rhoda , Foster , R . I., (110 : 5 , 169

Richard , Smithtown , N .Y.,

132R ichard ,R ichard A shfield , Mass . 136

R ich a rd , Lynn , Mass . (100 160

R ich a rd , 168

R ichard , Dub l in , N . H 173R ichard

,Dub l in

,N . H (115 : 173

R ichard,Dub l in , N . H 174

Richard , Va . , (129 184R ichard , Boston] , Mass . (141 189Richard , Weymouth , Mass . , 190

Richard (Ear . Fam .

Rich a rd Lysander Co lo . , (37Robert , (76 : 1Robert , Burri llv ille .R . I. , (1 17 : 1


, 175Robert Chap in , Northmoreland , Pa . ,

70Robert C . Northmoreland , Pa . ,

70Robert E. , Fu lton , N .


Robert Howard , Ch icago , I l l . ,37 : 3 : 79

RobertWi l l iam , Sutton , Mass .,1 13

Rose A dalaide , (59 3) 1 10Ros ina , Cass ad ag a , N . Y. (86 140

Ros in a , Bu ff a lo , N . Y . , (86 : 142

Ros ina A . A shfield , Mass

Ros ina Maria , Buck land , Mass . ,83 9 138

Ruby , B radford . Mass . (98 2 157

Rufu s , Auburn , Mass . (30 68

Rufu s,Chester , M a ss . (98 : 157

l 1 11 f us , II (1 16 174

R l l l us,Sil 1’er C i ty , Idaho ,


Rufu s Brigh am . Fi tzw i l l i am ,N [I. ,

Bu l u s Sever a nce . (j reen l ie ld ,Ruth , S a lem , Mass . 14

Ruth, Watert0 11 n , \1 1 1ss 39

Ruth,Marb lehead Mass . , 40

Ru th , Weston , M a ss . 43


,Mass . , (20 46

Ruth,Ch a r l ton , M a ss . 51

Ru th,Aubu rn M a ss . (30 67

Ru th, Fitzwi lliam , N . H .

Ru th, Southboro , Mass . , , 106Ruth , Lynn , Mass . , 100 160

Ruth , 160

Ruth , (123 1 2 : 181

Ruth Ann , Char l ton , Mass . .123 2 : 181

Ruth M a ri a , Counc i l Blu ff s , Iowa ,9 6


R . M 1 : 186

S ab i a O Kittery , Me . (104 : 3 164

S a l l ie , A la.S a l l y , Norw a lk , Conn .

S a l ly , Medw ay , M a ss . , (48 100

Sa l ly , Chesterfi e ld , N . H . , (51 102

S a l ly,F itzw i l l i am , N. H., 102

Sal ly , Pembroke , Mass . , 127

S a l l y , A shficld , Mass ., (88 : 143


a l ly Smithfield , R . I 171al ly G loucester , R . I 3 176al ly , Mass . (135 4 : 3 187Sal ly (E a r . Fam . 194Sa lome , Me . (104 : 3 : 164

Samantha, W . Va. , 137Samantha , Marce l lus , N . Y . ,

(107 : 168

Samue l,Row ley , Mas 12

Samue l . Sa lem , Mass . , 13

Samue l , Andover , Mass .,Samue l , Andover , Mass 15

Sam ue l , Andover , Mass 18

Samue l , Andover , Mass . (7 20, 92

Samuel , Andover, Mass (7 24Samue l , Andover , Mass (8 24S amue l , Sa lem , Mass 24

(11 2 29

Samue l , Boston , Mass . , 2) 30

Samue l,Boston , Mass . . 31

Samue l,Sm i thtown , N . Y (14 : 1 : 36

Samue l , Phi l l ipsburg, N . Y .,


Samuel , Brookhaven , N . Y . , 214 2 38

Samue l , Weston , Mass 19 2 42

Samue l , 2, 42

Samue l,Weston , Mass . , (19 : 2 : 43

Samue l , Oxford , Mass . , (20 :‘46

Samue l , Atho l , Mass . , (47 98Samuel : Southboro , Mass . 98Samue l , Marshfield , M a ss . 124Samue l

,Norton , Mass . 125

Samuel , Duxbury , M a ss 126

Samue l,Duxbury ,M a ss

S a mue l , Searsmont , Me . 128

Samue l , Searsmont.Me . 129

Samue l , D ighton , Mass . . 136

Sam ue l . A shfield , Mass . ,S amu e l , Br adford , Mas s .. (98 [57

S a mue l,Br adford , M a ss . , (98 I5 ?

S amue l . Norn ich , Con n ( l l 9 z9 ), I77S amue l

,18 22

S a mue l , Be 1 ld ev, Mass . ,

Samue l,Berk ley , Mass . (126 : 183

Samue l , Berkley , M a ss .Samue l , Va . (129 : 184Samue l



, Ma ss . ,S amue l (Ear . Fam .

Samuel W ,K l ttery , Me (104

° 4

Samue l W . , Lynnfield , Mass .

( l 46), 190


Sarah , Row ley , M a ss . , 12

Sarah , S a lem , M a ss . , 14

Sarah , Boston , Mass . , (9 27S a rah , Boston , Mass . , (9 27

(11 4 30

Sarah , Boston , Mass ( 12 23, 30

S a rah , Smithtown , N . Y 36Sarah , Ph il lipsbu1g , N . Y .,

4(14 38

Sarah , No 1 th Salem , N . .Y 38

Sarah , Watertown , Mass . (15 39S a r ah , W a tertown , Mass (15 39Sarah , Marb lehead , M a ss . (17 40

Sarah , Amherst , Mass . , (35 77Sarah , Southboro, Mass . , 98

Sarah , Southboro , Mass .£47 99

Sarah , Medway , Mass . 49 100

220 INDEX I.

Sarah , Shrewsbury , Mass ., 108Sarah , Graf ton , Mass . , (56 : 10 108

Sarah , ? Duxbury] Mass . , 125

Sarah . avoy , Mass . , 144

Sarah , (99 159

Sarah , (101 160

Sarah , Lynn , Mass ., (102 1 61

Sarah , Kittery , Me . , (103 163

Sarah , Is leboro , Me ., (104 : 1 : 163

Sarah , Foster , R . I. , ( 1 10 169

Sarah , G loucester , R . I ( 1 17 4 : 176Sarah , (1 19 177Sarah , N . Y . , (133 : 7) 186Sar ah (Ear. 190 , 191 , 193Sarah A l len White


,Mass .,


Sarah Ann , Graf ton , Mass . , 113

Sarah A . , Kit tery , Me . , (104 : 3 : 164

Sarah Ann , Foster , R . I. , ( 111 : 170Sarah Ann , N . Scituate , R . I.,

1 81

Sarah Ann , Boston , Mass ., (134 : 187Sarah Butterworth

,Burke , W i s . ,

66Sarah B Medway

,Mass . , 01

Sar a h C ., Grafton , Mass . 13

S a rah Dav i s , Fo ster , R .

Sarah E l izabeth ,Wash ington , Ohio ,1 12

Sarah E ., Prov idence , R . I .

170Sarah Foxcrof t, Brookl ine , Mass .


Sarah F . Berk ley , Mass . ,(126 : 183

Sarah Hu rd , Boston , Mass . 31

Sarah Isabe l la, New York,N. Y . ,

(65 : 2 : 2g,1

Sarah Jane , 1

Sar a h Lou isa , (1 13 : 1

Sarah Margaret , Prov idence , R . I116

S a r a h M . , 180Sarah P a ckard , Prov idence . R . I.,

Sarah Rebecca,Nat . Br idge , N. Y 0 a

1 10

Sarah Webb , 25

Sarah Wh itworth , Andover ,(8 : 7 25

Savira, Prince ton , Mass . , ( l l 6 : 9 : 3 175

S a wyer,C a ssad a g a

,N . Y . , (86 139

S a wyer , C a ss adag a , N . Y . , (86 : 8 141

Seb a, Vt . , ( 125 : 1 182

Seth,Atho l , Mass ., (54 105

Seth , A tho l , M a ss . 105

Seth , F itchbu rg h ass 127Seth

,Port l and .Me . 48l

Seth A W inhall, Vt. , 7 , 105

Se th S. , ( 12 l zl i , 180

Shepherd , Berk ley , Mass . , ( 126 z2 8 183

S idney , Newl'ane Vt . , (90 : 9 : 145

Sidney Atwood , S. Fram ing-1111111 , M a ss . ,

S i l a s , Shrewsbu ry,M a ss . , (56 : 2 : 6 108

Si l a s , Rutland , N . Y. ,

Si las G a l e , Ch amp ion , N . Y . ,

S i las Ga l e , Nut . Bridge ,N . Y. , 1 12

i las N ., (122 3 : 6 180ilence , 145i lv i a, (70 : 2 : 4 : 6 126imeon , Conway , Mass .. 136Simeon , New York , N . Y ., 138S imeon ,imon , Auburn , Mass ., 68imon , Greece , N. Y ., 68imon Cady , G i l l , Mass ., 82mi th , Atho l , Mass . ,m ith . Hopkinton , Mass . , (55 107mith Rob inson , Spr ingfie ld , Mass .,

38 : 80So lomon , S . Gard iner, Me . , (74 : 129ophron ia Ide l ia, Atho l , Mass ..

105pencer (Ear. 191

qu ire , Rupert , Vt ., 122 180

quire Morehouse , (122 3 : 180tanley Augus tin , Amherst, Mass . ,

(83 : 9 : 138S tan ley Herbert, Forest Grove , Or. ,

64a 114Stanton , Lisbon , Conn . , (1 19 : 178Stearns Spencer , Laurens , N . Y . ,

(37 : 79Ste l la S. , S . Gardner , Mass . ,

175Stephen , Marb lehead Mass ., 40Stephen , Salem , Mass ., 41

Stephen , (102 4 : 3) 160Stephen , Gloucester, R . I

(1 17 175

Stephen , N . Sc ituate , R . I 1 18 : 176S tephen Abbott , Jewett O1ty , Conn . .

(119 : 177S tephen Clarendon , Sa lem ,

Mass . ,(18 : 41

Stephen Henry , Sa lem , Mass . ,18 : 1 : 41

Sumner B. ,Winhal l , Vt. , (54 : 105Susan , Rockv i l le , Conn .,

171Su san , Morr is , I l l . , 2 : 181

Susan Ann , Foster , R I. , (1 1 1 4 : 2) 169Susan Emma, Nat. Bridge , N. Y . ,

Susan Jane , Rock land , Mass . ,Sus a n 25

Sus a n M .,Fitzw i l l iam , N . H . ,

Susanna,HDuxbury]; 125

Su sanna, Bridgew a ter, Mass . ,133

Susanna , Kittery Me . , (103 : 163

Sus a nn ah , Fitzwil l iam N. H. , (52 102

Sus a nnah , Southboro ,M s . , 107Thankfu l , Rupert.Vt . . (122 : 7 180

heodore , Andover , Mass . , 18

heodore , Spencer , M a ss . . 62

heophilus , Watertown , Mass . , (19 42‘

T heoph i lus , Hopk inton , Mass43

Theresa Henshaw , Boston , Mass ..(10 : 5 : 0g,


Thom a s , Marshfield Mass .

, , 124

homas,Duxbu ry

,Mas s . , (70 126

Thomas , Duxbury , Mass . , 126

Thomas , Mass ., (70 : 126

222 INDEX I.

Wi l l iam Wa l lace . Cassadaga, N86Y

Wi l l i am Wi l son Latta,Wi l l iam Wirt ,Wi l l ie , Springfie ld , Mass .W i l l ie , W. Thompson , Conn .


78W illie E .,

Wi l l i ston, Cassadaga, N . Y . , 140

Win s low , Fitzwi l l iam, N.


Winsor , A shfield , Mass . 142W insor Luc i us , Buckland , Mass . ,

(87 : 142Zebu lon , Peeksk i l l N . Y 38Zedek iah , (47 : 1 : 1 , 98Zedek iah , Southbmo , Mass (47 :Zerah Barney , Spr ingfie ld , Ohio ,Zerobabel , Southampton , N




In th i s Index (m .) af ter a name shows that the person married a Ph i l l ips , and(m.) show s that the person marr ied a chi ld of a f emale Ph i ll ips , that is , a descendant hav ing some other name than Phi l l ips . Each number ref ers to the page on whichthe name is f ound.

Abbot ,Benjamin ,GeorgeHattie E .

Capt. ,Adams ,Franc is ,JaneLyd ia H .

Mercy,MercyPenn imanAlden ,

JamesLuna ,Ne l l ie ,Pau l ine ,ReubenSarah ,W i l l ie ,A lexander ,Henry ,

Ju l ia B .

Al len ,Ch a r les ,El iza A .

Joseph (m .

Kez iah (In .

Levinah ,Meh itab leRuthAmes ,Thank f u lAnderson ,CatharineAndrews ,Esther Say les ,GeorgeH annah L.


Sarah ,A nsden ,Hu ldah

Arm ington ,Ne l l ie E .

Arno ld ,BarbaraSamuel ,A p leby ,annah

App leton ,John , H. 1436.Samue l ,SamuelSarahWi l l iam

,Atherton,bh ie

,A lonzo ,Carr ie ,Charles .El izabeth

,Harriet,Isabe l l,

Mary ,O l iver,Ralph ,Wi l l iam ,

ZoraAtk ins ,C . A.

A twood yAbbyKez1ah ,

RuthAust in ,James T .


Samue l ,A l ing,aria RebeccaAy res ,John Ph i l l ips ,


Char lotteW. FrancisBai ley ,MaryBaker ,Caro l ineE leanorJoseph Capen ,Pol ly

(mBal l ,Mason


Sarah (m .)In .

Bal lard ,Amaziah ,Rossy Soph iaBal lou ,BenjaminBarber ,John1m .

g,John m .

Barker ,BenjaminSarah E .

Barnard .El izabethJamesJohnJohn G .

JoshuaTheodore ,Thomas .BarrettE lizafieth H .

Lucret iaBarrus ,He l len M.

Hen ryBarrCh a r les (m.)

1 Char les Gardner ,Bartlett ,Anna,

Adeline Brown 118


Annis M. (m .

Lucy (InBarton ,Jerusha B .

Bascom ,Ade l ineA lmaChester ,Joseph ,Mercy (m .


Bassett ,Anna ,George ,Hannah,Henry ,Henryg1m),Henry m ),

JamesL di aary ,Me rcy ,Ph i l ip


Susanna,Wi l l iam


(mBatche l ler ,Mary (m .)

I3ates ,Mehitabel Sumner(16

-1 ,Sy 11

Beal s ,Char lesBean ,Ade l ineBeard ,Edw i n Spencer ,Grenv i l le Me l lenDodge ,James B . (111 .Becker ,A palonia AmandaBeebe ,Mi lton E .

Be ld ing ,Mabe l (111 .Bement ,MyraBemis ,Luc indaSte hen C . ,

Bene iet ,MaryBenjam in ,StephenBennet ,MaryBennett


MosesBen t ,Hym a n ,SusanBergh ,

1 12





72 , 80







Ame l iaMargaret 64

iE l izabeth 189


B i l l ings ,Hammet 174Lydi a 165

B inney ,Dorcas (m . 193B i shop .Joh (In 1 1

B isse l l ,Aust in , 114Dorcas . 74Ida M . (m 80

John W 80

Lew is W . , 1 14

Mary (m . 104

Mary Dana (In . 1 14Blagden ,Anna , 31

Edward R 32

Emi ly (m.) 32

George , 31

George W. (m . 31

John P. 31

Mary Ann (111 . 32

Miriam P . 32Sa l ly P , 32

Samue l P., 32

Thomas , 32

Blaney ,Rebecca (m.) 126

Bl iss ,Ezra (m . 170Blodgett


Emma L. , 1 1 1

Geor e D . , 1 11

Jare O . 1 1 1

Phi l l ips J . , 1 1 1

Valnet M . , 1 1 1

Bloodgood ,Sarah 202

Boardman ,Fr anc is , 41

BogleCh a r les Henry (In . 116Bo ltt

,onHannah (m . 128

Booth ,Dav id,

37Joseph , 37R ichard , 37Botts .S a l l ie 184Boucher ,El la 60Bowen ,Anna E . 170Boyce ,Betsey 47Boy lston ,Lucy 191

Bradstreet ,Mercy , 30

S amue l , 30

Sh non , 30

B r a dw a y ,H i ram 168

Brey ,Deborah 46

Bri den .A ice 190, 191

Brigham,Ann Mari a (111.

El izabeth (m .


Brooks ,Arthur,

C a leb,

Cotton Brown,

Edward ,Frederick ,George ,John Cotton


Phi l l ips,

Samue l ,Thomas,

Wi l l iam G1 ay (m .

Bi omfie ld ,Ab igai lEdward


Brown ,Anna Ade laideAnnie (m .

Betsey (m .

Carohne (m .

C o A (mEdmund R . (m .

E l izabeth (m .

Hann a h (m .

Lewis ,M a ry Ruth


R ichard,

Wi l l iam Ph i l l ips,

(mo),Brownin g ,CathermeB ruce ,Anne


Bugbee,Abb ie (m.)

E FO tis P . (m .

Sal ly P. (m .

Bu l lard,


T imothy (m .)Bu l len ,SarahBundy ,Burd ick

,Asa P . (m .

Ruth (11 1.Bu rgess .Ebenezer m .

Ebenezer 1i11ee ,Edwzud Ph i l l ips ,Marth a C 1owe l l,M i riam M a son


Bur l ing ame ,Charles (m .



DeFrance ,Henry A.

De lgado ,Joaquin M .

Joaqu in M ., jr. ,

Marina EPhi l l ips Mario ,Den io .Mary ,Dennet ,E l izabethDenn i s ,Jem imaJonathan ,Devereux ,

Dew1ng,Hannah ,Jem ima ,Nathanie lD ick in son ,Mary Jackson ,Wi l l iamD ickey ,E l l ison ,John ,Robertlx ,DeborahDodge ,Annie


C a rrie Lou ise ,E l la,El len Lockwood ,G renv i l le Me l len ,John Lockwood ,Ju l ia Mary ,Lettie ,Louisana (m .




an Phi l l ips ,Phi l l ips .Phineas


Sy l vanu sDorr


Sa 1 ah AnnD111y ,

1a i t 1 In .)Douv lzts ,Nel l ieDowe .Jud ith

( 111 .

( 111Dunn ing ,Thom a sDowse ,Edw a rd (m .

D 1 : k1 e ,Fr a nc is


Jon a th a n Hayden .Rox a n a M inerv a


Dud ley ,Thomas , 30

Du in ,Ruth , 59

Dunh am ,Nancy, 121

Dunn ,Anna 30

Samue l , 30Dunton

,Abe l , 102

Abe l 102

A lv i ra (m .) 143

Asahe l , 103

George , 103

Jonas, 102

Lucy , 103

Lyd ia 196

Mary . 103

Sy lvender, 103

Wi l l iam, 103

Dwe l ly,


Dw ight ,M a ry 189Eames ,Anthony , 131

Mark , 131

Mary (m .) 125

Mary (m.) 131

Eastman ,Lu cy 167Eaton ,Charles Ph i l l ips . 66

GeorgeBoardman (m .) 65George W . , 65

M ira Lou ise, 66

Eddy ,Ben jam i n 43T . F . (m .) 181Edger ly

147Edson ,Ann (m.) 143Edwards ,

40E ley

,Ce lestina (m . 140Elk ins ,E l iz a beth 40El lenwood ,Add ison 174E l leryE l izabeth (m . 178E l l is


M a ry 140

Richard 135

E l lsworth .Angie L . 179E lmer ,An se l 143

E 11 .A lfred , 66

Emerson ,Abb ie C 149

And 1 ew L,

1 149

( 1 11 11 1 10 1 0 . ( 111 . 148

EdW :1 1 1] D. , 149

E l izabe th (111 . 41

Frank P. ,

John ,MaryEmery ,SarahEvans ,Davi d

,O l iveSarahEverard .Jud ith ,Fairbanks ,SarahFairman ,MinervaFarnum , In .)Fau lkner


Johnay ,Jonathan

Fay erweather ,E l izabe thFenw ick .An nFerna ld ,LettuceFerry ,GeorgeRobert Ph i l l ips ,Fie ld ,Henry A lonzo ,John A .

Robert R. ,

F in ley ,Fishback ,E111 i J .

F isher ,Syb i lF i sk ,Abe lF iske ,John


Z iba ,Flann igan ,J amesFletcher ,C a ro l ineFo rbu sh ,M abe l ,Mary M .

Ford ,Lev inaFoster ,AnnCh a r l es ACh a r les C .

J ames M . ,

Fow le r ,JosephineFoxcroft ,Char lo tteD a nie l , 1666 ,Fr a nc i s ,John ,PhebeFros t ,Ab ig a i l

Ful ler ,Arthur W . ,

George HMarsha l l (m.

m .

Ga le ,Ab igai l ( .mRache l (In .

Gal upp ,Me l issa

Gardner ,Ann JaneGarfie ld ,Meh itabe l ,Gar land ,FrancesGerr i sh ,Mary B .

G ibson ,El izabeth

G i l bert ,AddieM i lo M . ,

Gi l lam ,HannahG i lmanNathanie l


ilmore ,M ade l ia (m .)Gleason ,Su s anna,Goddard












Su sannah Heath 139



E l la I . (m .)Goodnow


F lora E . (m.

Goodspeed ,Ezra (m .

Po l ly (m .

Goodw in ,Ab ig a i l (m .

Cynthia (m .

Gorham ,

Lyd iaNathanie l


Gorton ,JonathanGoss ,M a rion (In .

Gou ld,Hu ldah (m.


Mary (m 1,Gr aham ,

Jenn ie W. ,

Wi l l iam (m.

Graves ,M a ri a E . MS a r ah (m .),



Aice El izabeth,A lonzo ( In .

Lou is a (m .


E l iz abeth (m .

E l iz a A . (m .Hen ry (m .

Mary (m .



















reene ,Ann TerryAsaBenjamin ,Green leaf ,MaryGreenwood ,Isaac ,Grier ,

Maria F .

Gr inne l l ,AlmedaGriste ,

MaryGroves .Harriet Morgan ,P . F . ,Haggatt ,E l izabethH ittyHale , Dr .,Hal l ,A l ice Electa

,Ann ieChar les Henry ,E l izabethFrances MarionHarrietHatt ie A . ,

Jane Maria ,Lucy Linco ln ,Mary El iz abethSarah Anna,Sidney H .

Ha l lett ,SarahWi l l iam ,Ham let


Lau raHam l in .

(m o),Hammond ,E l izabethGeorge

,H a rd ing ,Ann Lew isHarrington

,Dan ie],Harrim an ,

JesseHarris ,C larendon

,Isaac ,J a neHart ley ,Josephine T .

Wi l l i am,Harwood ,D av id ,

Gershom ,

Luc ind aLu cySo lomon

,Haske l l,

Edward (m.) 174Hask ins


Capt., 201Hassaek ,

Lou isa P . 172Hastings,

Ebenezer 39

H a tch ,E liza 140

Dav id, 131

Lydia (m .) 196

M a ry (m .) 131

Hatfie ld ,Frank E . 71Theodore 71

Hathaway ,Bethia 128

Hawes ,Abb ie G . 161

Irene 100

Haw ley ,El iz abeth , 37Eme l ine 144



Hayden ,Fr ank L . 74Hayman ,Mary 192Hazen

,Ab igai l Crossman, 86

Hend ley ,El izabeth 189

Henn ick,

J . A . 76Henry ,Mary 102Wi l l iam


Hen shaw,Theresa 28

Hersey ,Martin 87ews ,R ichard 105Heywood ,Catharine Ame l ia , 1 15

Ch a r les Le l a nd 1 15

Char les Phi l l ips, 1 15

Char lotte,

92D anie l 92

H ibbert,

James (m 13H icks ,Ab igai l Lou isa , 85Au stin Prescott

, 85

Edward Phi l l ips, 86

E l ij ah , 85

John Warren, 85

Lew i s Wi lder , 85

Samue l Prescott 85Hi ldreth ,Wi l l i a m 102Hi l l ,H annah Gorton 169

Il obson ,Humphrey 13l odges ,L (m 108Ho lden ;Laura A . (m .) 79

HowardBathshebaDavid .H ie lMaryHow land .D ianaHubbe l l .E l ijahHudson .

Me lzarHugo ,AnnHum ph rey .Rache lHunt .Danie lEph raim .

Eve l ine E .

Hunt ing .AnneHu se .Ch a r les A .

Charles Ph i l l ips.

Ja ckman .

Lou i se AnnJac kson ,EnochThomasJenks ,Ames ,Fr anc is .

Franc isGrenv i l le Tudor .John Ph il li s .

Mary Elwe l ,Jewet t .D a v idJosephJohnson ,A rbe l la .

El i as l l .Jos i a hLizz ieJones ,E lea no r.Jonathan Phi l l ips ,Lo is Ann ,Lucy .

Luc y Ba ldw in ,M a ri a .MaryNath a nie l .Phine asS i l as



Sophronia (m .)

A b1 2 7 Keene .

Ebenezer 12760 Ke l ler .

J . M . . Dr . (m ) 184160 Kel logg a

161 Frederic D .

Kemp ,167 Frank 18715 Kennecott.A lonzo

1 45 Kennedy ,125 1 Char les Ph i l l ips


128 5 Char les Wi ll iam ,

1 25 l Nat H a l l .Robert Livingston ,

127 lVi l liam \V.

Kenny,Nancy Ann


133 James C .

Ke ith ,190 Ju l ia A .

Hatt ie Mar ia 105

48 K i urn ,A l bert Jerold . 110

107 A l len Sanford 1 10

135 Coraetta Blanche . 1 10

1 70 Hubert A l len , 1 10

Kimb a l l .189 JohnRebecca

15 6 Kingman .

B a rzaM a ry

75 Kingsbury ,E l i as .

99 Kings ley .178 Ch loeLamb .

31 Ab i a l ,31 Au st in31 C a ther ine31 E l iz a beth31 Eme l ine31 O l iver .Thomas ,

14 Lamson .

13 EbenezerEbenezer , j r. .

10 Hor a ce,

60 Isaac .109 M a rtha E .

M a ry ,Ru th .

49 T imothy ,49 T i rz a h .

“’ i l liam ,

49 L a nde rs ,49 S a r a h49 L a ngdon .

196 Emm a49 Langton ,49 E l iz a beth49 La rned ,


,Anna .

Clara ,

Eber N.

LizmeLasher .LucyLathe .Catharine (m).SarahLawrence .Robert.

Lazel l .Be thiahJoseph .

WarrenLeach ,BetseyGerena (m .)Le land


El izabeth ,Nancy ,Leonard ,Benjamin (m.)

Lew 1s .AnnaD io . Dr . ,Jerem iahJohn ,

Joseph .

Thomas .

Li l l y ,LorenzoLinco ln .

Ab raham ,Isaac King .

Isaac NewtonLev i .Wi l l iam ,L inde l l ,James .

Linston .

EmmaLiscomb .H a nnahLi tt le ,C a ro l ineLockwood .

Susann a C .

Loper .Abb ieJ a mes S . ,

Lo rd .Mo l ly

Lougharne ,

ArthurLovejoy ,E l ij ah P. ,Love l l .C a rol ineLovewe l l ,Rebecc aLowden .

J ac ob


O lney ,(m o

O lverson ,O ’Neil ,Maria

Oostrander,Cathar ineOrmes ,JohnOsborn ,SarahPackard ,Jem imaZadockPade lford ,A lpheu s ,N ancyPe leg ,

Pag e ,Pau l ,S a l lyP a ine


John D .

Park ,A l vah W.

Edward ,Henry ,M a rtha ,Nath an ,R ich a rdThomasP a rker ,Benjamin ,George 1 .

gm) ,Hepz ibah

Jane (m .)Joseph ,Sar a h (mSarah (mStephen ,Thomas


Wi l l iam ,

P a rks,

M a ryP a t terson ,Waitstil lP a u l ],Annie C a rter ,M a ri a E l iz abeth ,M a ry E l len .

Capt. (m .)l ’ : ne


Alonzo (m .)Del l aEmmeiine ,Fredd ie Arthur ,

Pa son ,

fi ttvid .

Edw a rdw a rd , j r.,phnlet ,

E l iz abeth,E l l iot ,Hannah


Jon a th a n ,M a ry ,Meh i tabe l


Phi l l ips,

S amue l ,

Sarah ,Stephen ,Susannah ,

(mPearson ,Prisc i l la (m.)

Duane A . (m .


1 10S a rah Josephine (m . 1 10Pee le


J a ne A pp leton (m . 41Ma1gare t Mason (m . 41

41IVi llard ,Pei i ce ,Minerva (m .

Pend leton ,B rian ,Dennis B. ,E l len E .

Perry ,JonathanJon a than ,LoveNe l l ie A .

Pe tt ing i l l,

JosephPh i lbrook ,Mary A .

Phoenix ,Danie lD anie l A . ,E l izabeth


John D . ,

Jon a s Phi l l ips ,Lew i s


Pick a rd ,SarahP ickett ,Char les ,E l len Anna ,Frank Nob le ,Job G . (111 .Ju l ia A . (m .

Made l ia,Mi s . (m .


S a rah ,P ierce ,Add ie J .

Ch a rlotte Read ,E l iz abethLuther ,Nathan ,Pol ly

Pike ,Em ilv Gou l on ,( word on m .

Hu ldah il i1 .l i ney ,

Ping i ee ,Lyd i a (m .

P i tts ,D i l l aPl a tts ,Jud ith

l ’ limpton ,

1 29

Poo le ,Samue l (m .

Stilman J . (m .

Porter ,Ebenezer (m .

E l isha (m .

Emi ly S . (m .

Joanna.John ,Nathan ie l (m .

Phi l ip Phi l l ipsPotttter

,Ab igai l ,Bartho lomew

,D a v id ,El izabeth


Phi l ip (m .

Ph i l ip , j r.

Pratt ,Arba (m .

Jonathan (m .

Jonathan (mNabbyPray ,EbenezerEbeneze 1 , j r. ,

Prent ice ,HenryPrescott ,

D a lhou s ieProctor ,Aaron C. ,Irene F . , Mrs .Prouty ,A lbertCharles Albert ,Edward Nath a n ,M abe l Sherm a n ,ry or,Hannah (m .)John ,Pusey ,Fr a nk ScottPutnam .Amos , D r.Q u incy ,Jos iah ,Jos iah , j rR a nda l l ,Isabe l l aR a nney ,A l fred P . (m .

R ansom ,Char lotteR a w ley ,Emm aR awson ,Grind a l ],Su sann a .

Re ad , o r Reed ,C l a rissa,D a nie l ,



Rockwood ,Samue l

,Brainard 101


Dav id , 101

(m .) Frank , 101


Henry , 101

Ame l ia (m .) Jos iah , 101

Jared (m .) Sabra , 101

Rebecca A Waldo , 101


Wal lace , 101

Rees , oe ,

Sy lvanus Dav id 202


,Rogers ,

Duverna Do loris Betsey A . 38

1 Ezek ie l , 12’Renne , Jerusha (m .) 38

J . H . (m 65 Roods ,Reyno lds . Martha 108

Ade l ine E l len , 31 Rowe ,Ade l ine Margaret , 31 m 194

Anne Fos ter , 31 Ruddock .Augu sta Theresa, 31 A lv in (m .) 137

Benjam in , 31 Rude ,Edward 31 E l izabeth 138

John, 31 F anny 137

John Phi l l ips , 31 Rund let,Margaret El iz abeth

, 31 Char les 200

M i riam Phi l l ip s , 131 Ru sse l l ,

R ice , Abner 1 25

Arthu r Wi l l i am, 60 Arthu r 62

Edwin Addison, 60 Edward 15

E l la Anto inette, 60 (m . 62

Louis Phi l l ips , 60 Sage ,Mary A .

, 60 Dorothy 72S a rah 201 O l iver , 72Wi l l i am H . 60 Sal isbury ,’

ch , Edward Elbridge (m .) 28E l iz abeth 47 Mary 28R ich a rds , Rebecca 28Maria 177 Samue l , 28R ichardson , Theoph i lu s 177Ade l ine , 58 Sal ter ,A l pheu s , 57 Hannah 191Edward 57 Sa l tonsta l l ,Edward Ph i l l ips , 58 R ichard , 10E l len Jones , 58 Sampson ,Hannah 100 E un ice . 93Harriet , 58 E . 31Sidney Edwards , 57 Robert 127Sid ne Ernest 58 Sanborn ,

Rickar Rebecca (m 145Rebecca 177 Sanford ,R ider , Bridget 194Ab igai l 202 Sargent ,R is ley , Eve l ine 68S a rah 171 R ichard , 1 1

Roberts , Sawyer ,C limena 77 El izabeth , 139

S a mue l 174 S a yer ,Rob inson , Emma 1 14

Ch a r l es H . 73 Seofield .

E lescom , 139 K a tie 75E l iz abeth P idge 92 Scott ,Joe], 80 Benjam in 149John 139 Benj am in , ir. , 149

John , 202 Benj am in Sy lvester , 149

Lew i s T a y lor , 73 Lid a A . 60

M a ry A . 80 Lu cretia 109

N a ncy , 81 Lucy Ev a , I49

W i l l iam Sh aw, 93 Rebecca 68


RoseSy lvester ,

m .

Scu lly ,El izabethSeabu ry ,Prisc i l laSeaver ,MariaSeaward ,H annahSedgw ick


John A.

Seeber ,C laude Valentine ,Daniel A.

Frank A .

Fred . Au sti n ,George Phi l l ips ,Mary Phi l l ips ,Robert Thomas ,Sarah Byrne ,Sexton ,Robert


Rose ,Shaf fer ,JacobSharp ,Sall ieSh a rpe ,Kasiah

Shattuck ,Ch loeSamue l A .

haw ,

E l i as (m.)El ijah (m5,E l izabethFrederic E . ,

John P. ,

Margaret ,Octav ia J . PSamue lShedd ,Robert G .

She ldon ,George F .

M y (m o),Warren J .Shepard ,IraSherman ,Dav idEdwin F.


M a rySarah AnnSee leyWi l l i a m T .

,Gen . ,



Jon a than. ohn


Mary Char lotte (m.)So lomon ,S tephen ,T imothy


Sil lsbee ,


El izabethS immons ,NancySmaH a nnahS amue l ,Sm ith

,Abner Mason ,A l ice Maria,AmeyAnnie May ,Char les Wes ley


Chil leab ,Clara A ngenette ,Dorrie Chap ino


Ebenezer (m .

E l izabethEl izabethGeorge Emerson ,Gerri ttHenry , Rev . ,Hettygm) ,Is rae l

JohnJohn Emerson ,Le a nder B 1 ayton ,Mag gie Dew 1tt ,Martha Ann ,Mary ,Marygm


M a ry m .

MerrickMosesgm .

Rufu s m iSarah Jane ,S Ga leS 1i asSyb i lSy lv i a E lethea ,Th ankfu l ,ThomasWi l l iam

(In-LSne l l ,Sin ard usSouther ,Is a iahRebeccaSou thworth ,Bridget (m.)C lynth ia (m5,Spe a r ,E l iz abeth ( 111 .M a rg a ret (m .

Spencer ,Emm a Lou is aGeorge H .


lIc rbert ,M ich a e lS a r a h ,Wi l l i a m ,

Judge ,Spoone r


Wi l l i amSt a cy ,C l a rissa ,G i lbert


S tan ley ,SusannaStan ton ,Margaret (m .)

Wi l l iam BStevens ,Patience (m .

Wi l l iam (m .

S t i l lwe l l ,Ju l i a A .

Stockwe l l ,Hosea T . (m.

Ju l ia Jones ,Maria El len


Sal ly,

Stoddard ,Me l inda


S tone ,Anne B ruce,Anson B . (m .

Danie l ,Edd ie C larence


E lla Annett a,

E lna Carrie,

Ju l ia (m .

NathanWi l l i am AnsonStorrs ,R . S. , Rev .Stow ,Ann Maria (m.)Stowe l l ,E l izabethStratton ,Char les H .


S a l ly (m .


Ch a r les,

Fr anc i s Edward ,Symonds ,Samue l ,

(mTaft ,Charles L.

Subm itTanner.Lavind a

Tay lo1 ,Benj am in ( 111 .H a nn ah ,John L. , Rev . ,Lew is W . ( 111 .

Luc 111 .

Nat lyanicfi )

( 111 .

TewSus a n ( 111 .Th a yer,

EdgarGlenroy ,Thomas .SarahThompk i nsIsaac (m5,Thompson ,Mary ,T i lden ,Catherine Hitchcockm .

T i l l inghast ,NieholasTodd ,MaryTorrey , ‘



BathshebaHu ldahJohn ,Jonathan ,RuthSa lem , sr. ,W i l l iam , 1640,T rask ,Edward D . ,IreneTrott ,El s aTruesde l l ,

(mTucker ,Be tseyHann a hMaria L .

.TammaTy ler ,Cece l ia H .

HenryWi l l iam H . , Dr . ,

Underwood ,E . L .

Eva ,Frank ,Freder ic ,O ran ,

Upham ,D a nie l Phi l l ips ,Jabez , D r .JosiahSar ah ,Squ i re ,

Up ton ,El isha C . ,

Joseph F .

Van Dyck ,V 111 eent.

Jon a than\Vade .Lev iW a dswo rth ,Chris ti a nM a ryW a ite ,L d i aWa ker ,