Pacific Citizen


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Transcript of Pacific Citizen



Answers to Six Bask

Questions Most Often AskedESDEHTS CORNER:

^sisting in formation f National Jr. JACL

By kl'MEO YOSHINARI Back in Ausost of Uiia year. I outlined the six

|i which this adminiatration will strive to ad- duriDK this biennium. The one catesory par­

in’ dose to my heart is point 4—“Aasistuv in fcrmation of the Natioaa] Junior JAGL”X Is Ceneemed

With the resignation of Jack Ma.veda who. while be staff, was assigned the task of directing the th activities; there seens to be some apprehen- among the youths that the JACL is unconcem-

about their organizational welfare. I hasten to them that such is not the case. Ihe Kational

rd is committed to make every effort to fulfill actuation of a permanent National Junior JACL he time the 1966 Kational Convention is cooclihL-

San Diego.

Gap Meairare

As a slop gap measure until a full time staff on is employed to service the needs of the youths,

omtssioned that Jerrj- Enomoto, National ! Presdent and National JACL Youth <^m-

doner Jte but on a part time paid hasis to travd lel the district council youth groups. ILis

Enkoally adept or concerned with tiie aspira- . of the >-oaths than Jerry. His willin^es.? to in this manner is most wdcome during this Bt emergency. To those who need his consults-

a. please contut him or the National Hcadaoar- L. I’m deeply inddrted and grateful to hiih for tig to our assistance.V. Ceetdinator

It is premature to announce at this time, but it b* revealed that negotiation is going on to em-

I part time vouth coordinator for the P.S.W. liie prospect under consideration i> a well-

ith leader whose emplo.vment will be a ire- the fwn.yc

tukius shot in the arm for the cause of the junior

of the existing chapters in the Southein zu area as well s.« to woH( directly with the Sank directly w

Junior .T.ACL to set up llie deuils for iheconi- stional Convention. It is most enroerraginr to

here that a junior JACL chapter is being enthu- itically orguized to hosl lhe gathering.

Jlengevof the Junior JACL A Ng challenge confronU Paul Tamara, chair-

: of the interim National Junior JACL Council, his cohorts to fonnolate the objectives and the

laizational patterns for setting up the permanent or JACL on a national basis. In this area, both y and the PSW youth coordinator wiU be of great

(Ccatinoed on Page A-3)

wmm Wi

Cheerio From All of to You!

By T. SCOTT SOI AKAW.A perh^w best

higfaligbt the 1964 develop- BaenU of the Japanese Amerieu Resesivh Project (oeeasioBslly known u the laaei-Nisei History Pro­ject) by reviewing seversl besic questions most nfieo asked of the Project staff:

I. Wbst h the eeUtaad- isg aiagle sens for thb. yearT

The oulatanding aingle news in XfiM oottoeraed tbs S100.000 grant from the Osmegie CorporeUoD of New York. ThM^^generous eoBtribulion ensblro the Project to move ahead as oriibnaUy pUnned oo sev­ers) (though by no means •U) fnndBCTWBUl objec­tives.

At the same tnae. the -grant alw> boosted the staff BwrsJe. aince it was a tangible evideaee that seme leading experts re- eogttised the intnnau: merit of the Project and the «- aearob.

Major foundations re- ceive many times more re­quests than they can pos­sibly consider - appUca- Uons of highest academic qoiUly and publie value.

Omsequently, thss's foundations ask outstand­ing i

horticultures, and laborers and aup«visors in Uta mines and lumber iodusuy and on the railroads.

But we are scarcely as-are of the laaei as cat- lie iSBcfaeis. ranch fore­men. and eoevboya, or as fur trappers, sour dougbs, dog sled runners, and founder of trading posts ts the Yukon'...

How about tunaad spir­itual brothels of Johnny Applsseed. including tbe ooe srbo wept around the East exMSt countryside planting cherry trees (shall ive call him Johnny Cber- lyseed)?

Or the laaei si the found­er of the Phoenix power and tight company?

All these loci careers ebabenge the eommosly accepted siereotypqs^ suggest t^ need to fteah Nisei iribuUon

~ ~ 3. What has the Project been dring this jsu?

The Project is coodu^- ing five separate progrsina. The rinsl pubileatkais (the books. mDoegfsphs, arti- clcs. and popular storks) will, of couroa. use ths flndings from all the fol­lowing ftre pngmm which are essentially reswUkh

- latwested local Niaei. Isset, end JACL members will conduct most of theas informal tnlemews Whigh' are mainly tape recorded.

The Prejeet baa prattled an outline of queatioca to serve as guidetines. but the, intervinra are eaoentially

'non-direeted or free to ob­tain the lawi'a osrn story.

The local group srili se­lect most of the laaei to be laterriewed for reasons they eonaider tvorthwhile. Thoa. sesne laoel may have

have .UBUBUSI backgrounds C The ffistoriej Be-

New Challenges Facing JACL'^e decade, planning re- zeot organization in a mod-

port contained specific rec- wn- >■« complex, society.rf..Hne with ' JACL has the experience

and know-how. It baa a p and fi-


kcommodations for AllThs U. S. Supreme Court ha* ruled that the

oUic accommodations section of the Civil Rigiit* AefI964 iscoDstitutioohL

The hutoric decisibs of Dee. 14 upheld a key (vriaioc In the Act, one which,many Rights itt critics and GOP candidate Barry Goldwater, Id questioned as to it* constitutiooalitj'.

In ddivering the opinion for the tribunal in- ■riag an Atlanta mold and a Birmin^am res- ■not. Justice Tom C. (3*rk said Uie congiw- ■al prohOntions against racial discrimination

*i places of public accommodation were well • Congtsss’ authority to proteft and fos-

ttenrtata asmmercs.Orat there was unaiuniity among the jus- ' over Title II of the Gvil Bi^U Act was a

Battocal aervke.♦ ♦ * ♦

While la the midst of preparing this Holiday va could not pass up ti^ occaiion without

r that this decision >aUMishing the aril Act beyond serious challenge will be long

specific program areas and interna] orginiMtiou mat­ters. It did not develop a new rationale for JAQ<, nor did the report auggeat the need to derriop a new image of JAO> in view of the fact JACL haa been ex- tramely tuecaasfol in

achieving many of its legis­lative goaU.

Other mlaority gnm{B continue to etraggte to acblere sociel Justice snd human dignity, and thus far JACL haa given token aunmrt to tossy of these efforts.

Nor did the report fully

Leek Beyond ItlOeJACL. in order to auTvivc

in the '7(»a. mint look be- >-nnd itself. "JAa-'a work ia not done. " so eUlad Hli- nna Coogreasmin Sidney

nancial bsM.It haa the most praui-

neot and qualified among R. YaUs. »th Dktriot. in itaB>emberthip,yet.tbeor-. addre^sg tbe large sodi- garitstinn today aeans to ettee aasanWed at Chicago lack the spirit and entho- JACL’s 20th - Anamnary

skssm ehkaetmktm <t Cbs dinn« rocentiy.■<0. u.d ^ -Kk. Cb.»r»«mn VU- wmt

Tbcre-ia no unity of pur- oe further to my pose, no dramatic imat, B jaCL has a proud tradi-

tioo among membn of Than is no unity of pur- Goognas sad they all know

pose, no dramatic imse, it JACL as a force for good •eens. la tbe United States. JAO.

JACR. lacks creativity in baa a direA and Frinary progranmbv as ehaptets. Intereat in shaping our do- continue to pursue the so- oMcracy.

' challenge the JACL to face eaal course. It still tends t ! up to its potential as a citi- cling together sodalty with

SKORC DCrAILS ON PACE A-10(Cemtinned on Page AJi)i


to their staff In carefully examimng and ersloaUng each appUca- tioD. The .grant therefon reflects^ favorable conclu- akm these experta reached regarding the Project and

.ita researoh objectlvca, eves in comparison with

2. Baa the study ehows aay new trends?

Apparently yes. although it ii loo early to predict what other, and perhaps more significant.' findings will be noticed later.

lack of space preveau a here of ths

spedfie atories, but a sin­gle broad groeralisation nay iUnstrate the poaai- UUtiM of further investi­gation—namely. the amaz­ing diverrity the latd (and Niaei) careen, far beyond the imptmuona which tbe Kkei and even some iMd (as weS as the pufaUe), especially oo the West Cowt. have about their heritage.

We have, of couiae, heard of the lasei KboUra and scientiata. artiaU and airidtseta. sad creativa pkoems in Intenah-e agri­culture. florkulture. foi

^ The Natisaal Burvay

hktorteal daU in the survey and isfonnal interviews, the Project ts also rWring on library and documen­tary maUTials as well as various local hlstorka Ths history rmeareh will re-, eeivs stronger ewphsria thk coming ysar.

D. Ths Questiosaalres.Bavaerf JACL chspien

on their own inltiaUvs have trsnslstsd ths Infoni Jn- terview (Oral Rlstary) OuUtod Into J^nnrae for ths 1^ to UBS as s guide­line in writing local his- torks and autobiographical

The national survey has under way interriewa with laaei. based on a 73-page sebedBle. to obtain systo- wnnUr information on thair background, etraer. family. cpBmniiity reiations, raitg- toua life, and cultural, rae- reaUooal. and in-termta. Those inlervicwad arf selected by

Tbe Project expects to provide a qttfsrWmsire fat both Eti^ ami JspaMse to serve as a guide to help tbe vulanteera to obtain loeal stories. Tbeae ques- thmaairm win be partieu- iariy important in re­searching eonaonlties not

tatiaticaX metbi led aampung) t

ed in the t

The sample ebouSd rep- reaent almost- the entire range of the 1m back­ground and expertencss, from the modest, almost unknown itinerant fruit pickers to prawdnoit lead- era. tbe crooks and the

Since the natioR?l survey can reach a sample of <m]y about 800 and Ihe Informal interviews a limitad num­ber in each community, without the quesUoansins

■ many Imtinay be lost


1 everyone ibucmjrn.

In a aiagie rnminnntty. therefora, the istervkwa' may include a number et day laborers as well as some middle class and pro- fearional men — that is. various ecODomie lavela.

B. The laforaml Inter­view (or Oral EOstaty)

Npmfamtiimal P^era sad

From the first a major objective of the Project has been to eoUect and preserveissdocuments ea well es pulK Uabed matsrtaJs rvlevant to the entire IsMi and Japa­nese Amrricu backgroimd end experience.

(Oeatinoed os Page A4)


A Look Back, Three Looks AheadAs lh» annual Chrutmaa edition of The E^acifK

Citizen goes to preea. it P cuatoroaiy fm- ua to take a quick backward look and to try to single out'those 1M4 events that will hare a long and Bgnificenl impact on both the JACL and Americana of J^mneae ancestry, and to try to look tbead into 1965 to soggari sotne 'of the tfah^ that may han>en of laBtng eonsequcnce to JA(X and Japanese Amerkana.

By NIKE MA5AOEA of the Congreaa . ■

Wbco an all-Aaian aaceAry delegation of America rieeted to represent the State of Hawaii in the national Oongreas ... \ ^

When meaningfa] and oompr^Mmive rivil rights i^Wstion was oiarted by the^natioonl lepriatnra. after

ben available to Umri. euefa as qp the Federal Beneh. no adrahuatretivc and executive boards snd coratelmlnBa. j and to advisory and consultative i


^or the Nisei in Califoniia, this decision will ' little effect aince a public acconunodntions• already in effect. But fOr some Nisei in. l^kcea as Maryland and other states south* Jdasoo-Dixon Linr — the decision will be

tfly lelt AS if the voke across their should- re Ufled. There are beaches and rlubs on hBtie «cMt whiefa have bAnwd tha KitsL.

das the year------------------------- -r—-----------------

thereby altering the balance of power and terror «N»eri- afly in AsU . . . When the Kremlin dictstorAtip that rules Conmuaitt Ruraia passed on to as yes uacmtain haztds . . . When Jn«'« pre-West lemtahddp paasd on frtan Prime Ifinktsr Ikeda to Prime Ministsr Sato.

These are anurag the many hiatorte mnta of the year that are easting a shado*- not only into 1965 but

tposaibiy into the yw be^•^d. ^

Domestically. 1964 will be ranembered as the year iriiU PrMHkst Lyndon Johnson was elKtad over- wbelmiBgtv to be the Chief Executire in his own nghi . , . When a UhtWide vietcry A Che poU* swept Dnm- nratt Mto ■mwwoed zsajsritim *B ths HoM SBd Bwrts.

When CAliforaiBBS approved Prop. 14 on Nov. 3. which wrote into tbe State Constitution Hgotry and raco- mongering. while nuOtfying aad Irustntiag fair booting stetutae in that Jurisdirtion . . .« « «

LOCWXNO AHEAD IN WASBDfGTOK Beeanse President Johaeon aad Vkc Prealdent

Humphrey art awpe of themany Ameriesns. we can expect detanniaed

lesderafaip to prorib dignity aad deceoc}- for all dti» aad to,4wteod mesniagful opportimities in away areas of haman activilj'— ptiitical. economic, and aoeiat —1<

L including tbe Nieti Amercan.• Adminietntton wii

moto Mink honored wembera cf tbe Congreiaa. we look forward to tncreaaed tnlereat on the part of all Japnaese Amerieaas in tbe legmlative proeeaa. Their moabnhip ta the Qmgrea will reflect credit uponiall Aateckaas of* Japeaeae ancestry, and aasure sympathetic oontideratioa of all worthy legtilatioe thsb-4a4sLZhe natioBBl tatensC that ako benAHs Japaaoti Atawiesas aad promotea good relatians with Japan aad the Far Bmi. Tbey an siao fasoraaes that the rMts, privQegra. sad taBBOtitea of Amerkatw of Jspsarae SMsetry wO not be itsiniiUiliLa under any cuTtiimunees.

We trust that the S9Ch Coz^resa that Coovrom omt Jaa. 3 win consider additional ctvfl itghta b^sriSB. tn

pimrol aad t

^ JACL k bc^ul that the new , .fukUs bs’

dti» peaaed this past summer, a* weU ns bfUa to Uhmtae immNreiioti apportuniUee by ellminsting ths raeisk hatisoal origins syaten and the rven xnore dmertmaatevy Asu-Pacific Tnangle rastrietiims.

We suspect that efTocts wOl be made in both tte Uousa and ths teste to Ubante tWr ntiwottvs nrias



?HOOD RI\-ER. Ore.-Fred

■ . minM KuMchi lad Ckuity Aki>-»- ■ \ * ma, co-chaimui for the fin'

0^, JS'^'S'.xS


ui ’ , . 1. . « “ ow*tA4*iu v.«iuvs m* w

«.■»»" •' u. DByA STS”*»■ ^“', '^''._____ ______ ____ ______ 5. lA.! T«

Btent of Ol* dowrmown ere*' ^.moaunni »ik»________ »-r- • -_________ ur o<CenlraJ City, w H PueWo. birth-*»d C«tr*l Qty eommitue F*AM. B end U lo-! 'leeine here been taviied

' piece of the city. "U. eee tbet thie viul work A 32nfl degree Heeon. ^'ina jfrooi the PorUend Md Gr^•Jleav of th«« totem*- ^ .. .rceleoied «hrioer eod Knight Teroptor. '*''^ . lebea erea, A poeeibletortU-_ progreeee* eft *n Bccelereled^ ^j^^,rdtog to Ibe Jepnn N*-|ijoB toKhe Onterio are* «» be-

<eod Cry-pUc Miunnir Bodie*. tiooal Touriet Orgemeetioa; jog coosidhred.CemreJ Oty eonuntttoe end Vn L. Gordon, preiideiit <rfi 1» Mrtropelto {the Ni«ei heart epei^iiiliBt to Ui«t ere.Bow well over thirty

Ciiy Plaimtof Dept.; ipe Doa-ntown Buetoeawnen* -The heart of oor oty muel the eon of Choyei Koodo, bowling ceotere to Tokyo.. . ________________ k. 1-.1. loagtime inetmcior of l**ej F«e ere mtber high, eveo by

1 Centra] City

report, prepared by uonal cenien ire already in 1* „mayor Samuel W. Yortya iPe deretopowiit aiage," Ro-l*“^ Centra] City eoamittee and ten L. Gordon, ureeident ofi H


CJEtotetpriseikt.of Guadalupe, CalifM«

grama which would pre dw- ^j,-,^^ of that are*- The Vorty told an earlier pre^ 37 ymra. » the fir* Ntoe.

_______________ .pul ‘'‘"“VaVrlineduriagloB by the Niaei bonder* of

tlBcl eharerter and ]nlily to eech neighbortl^^ APPLIANCES - TV . PIANO

night. I weekend* i

■in, UA ^AU pieuon and w* hope lor re-committee chainnan WalterEkwatod pedeamanwaya. eloraUon of the Plaia'a aouUi j. Braunacha-eiger and Calvin*a a fellow <>f ^ «'* 7*^ ri

Umpplw ™iiA «,bw«- «A- .W. nd.aiAA th. oM Pk«!H.rtlt.A d.™® of ti. Ciiy ”• "■»->" “~"A =.■tioni and local bua atop* Hoitoe ' and other famou* planning DepL

a Aogrte* central city a Sdutheni Cbliforaia


____ __ The plan * aponaore potot


r cf three children.

Murder of mother-to-be shocks Southland residents

Yamashiro qualifies for Million Dollar Round Table for 8th year

■AUH, u “ .... .— —A ■ J4. A. line c iCAt-ein* it imab.Southland heart* upon »eeing! |_ 1 c— j>„a, jjoe* to^“'”" ............. ....tbe beautiful wadding '.h, of lbri*n- !“X '^’^“ Calirorai* - Wetoera Suiea'lu*(taken b>-Toyo Miyatake) of____ __ w he«,l«*

mi by 1980,Initial implemcntetloa ..

LOS ANGBI.BS - The a h««tT Wow over the head. !lbe Onlropoli* Pteport will; SACRAMENTO — Bill T.,»a a mrenber of the Million of tragedy amick manyi * nolke re\e*l»d h haa ** ipearbeaded by DBMA'a YBBuahiro. a member of tbelDollar Hound Table to 1958,

—-------------Witohire Salm Agmcy of ijuat two yean after coolract-;tog with Cal-Weatera life.

IJfe Inauraoce Co. baa been, ui AWtiv. ■cniot

lapproved for a Qualifying^ „^ber^jand life RepeaUng Member- h„ teen a qualifying and life ahip to the 1965 MiHKm DW- meob* Let yearUr Round TaWe. jgjl.

Thto recognhl« by the &- j^^ntog theecuilve Committee of the Na- ^ been outaund-tioeal AiBociaUon of Life Un- He ha* been named

■ r* marka the eighth


Th* Fined in Hem* Fumithinqt

3420 W. JeftMMi Ihrd. UiAnp^lt-Ul-TZil

rwi Si- .1 • MA*toa

■« ■*- ?• ------------pwUy bride, nee Takeko ShF taoka. wfao delighted audi- enrea aa a linger ailh tbe Taiheiyo Band. *•** the vk- tim of murder in her own! bcane purcbaaed two prior.

i. d«ny.

Mra. Uyemura wa Japan, noving here family to J957. The Uyi

itha raa were married to 1962. Tbe huaband to owner of a land-

■ VA JN.Y. cartoonist, ."lA^jKuwahara dies

LOS ANGl Pnaideet'a Top Ten

ttanea to tbe neck and atruck work.


337 6. HR5T ST. Phone: 6254197


.-f >MuZ^SUSHI U|





22t Eot» Hrst St.A

kA«rt< Cwiom* fchim •

Ijr Smnylm^

AAd >.d Iwo bn.tli-JAL to exjMind service

SANFRANCISOO —Japan,oOwr global route*.Ah- ti«MM will tocMie Ita' BeCa-een Tokyo and IiOadaa>BeDO'of Hotlyaood. •ervicefiomSanFVaoctoco tolJAL wiU tocmaM aervice via] Kirwabara. born to

parlindm to ^ came to ihe P S to 1910, at-

llarrytrf Tokyo, and “**»«*. * vay t Honor Agent for the

^ ; month of Novemtar. Th* wto- ntog thto thleVtt'* •‘ath!

tiiit he haaVon.

A e*»a FUc* «• fd Nmr t* MIAiielrt ICtoied Tm«a»ril

ii.***.. . L*i Aj.1.1.Kmi. (»r .11 OcciH

6uH*« from $3.00 Aj'ktr.’.t, f*«atui SUHSn ILVD. I

Dinners frem$)J| 0»» »> till,

*m euMewm

' tended Otie Art School and Honor Agent *a-ard•won. t to 196-

mtahiro Tint qualifiednounced by Shigeo K*»eda,:f*ll at .V*w Dtobi. a new port a-ortted at MGM and DLmey

ache^le tha Japan«M fUg;P™«“‘- i 19M by the EWdom Foim- •_*_ (| bmiIIimcarrier will offer three moror I On the Polar roiAe between; jpr ou t a t a n d i ng ^ lIlllllOIItog.departur*a—on We*.*a.'the Ortool and Ku^. JAL',pj,ieve«ent to b r I n g 1 n g «iMld dfifll(toy., Friday, and Suotto,-. Iwill add two jve;to1v n.ghu.',j„„i , better undrrtoanding TTeCie 0901 ,to additiott to*Uily •fternoim|atkiQg a UAW W Ta'o^ U,, American way of life MOSES LAKK Waah. drqiarUirm from Ston F'lan-lof tbe PWar fiigbta will call ,^ iheTiald of cartooniarf

- • Airport.!»t Oopenbagee and Pari*. ______________

koa.CHINESE DISHESIM A 1« Sir. U> Aa*toM.

PkM* Order* Tehee MA 4-2tS3

■.-.u-aA 'DHTiTtorttir* c«ih*^7

All fUgfati t^l aleo caH ' i Humtulo eeroute to Tokyo.

JAL currooUy opeewmlb'*'* •"« daily ernnrice from San Fran-]^-*| «“:_

t to Ham- coMtoiic to

dailv ernnrice from San Fran-i‘-“«“- Lrieco and pirn a wihedule of' The PolarAnd SiU Road

e; MOSES LAKEL Waah. Two Niaei, Hafry' Maato ofMom* LakTand Kay Kobato

Mrs. Misa Saklirt Stratford, .re among four - SEATTI.E _ Mra - 1 a

Sakura. 84. of 3015 - 17th *> time to handlefive fligbto pw week during eerrice* together p r o v i db A'e , who cam* hero ^ year*

•“ ---------jppJ ,j5, „ , • picture bnito • died-----------

_______.Dec. 1. She U'eurviired by KnownWithin‘Aei*. JAL will to-'Fcn* I»«e. Theodore andIncluding dally BorTtliig|

flight* from Loa Angelee to-...................................... lat.l'

iSly rught* beuremt .

-B. . T^yo-lfirng Kong,lh>**itl, all of Se«tto: 9>e*-** •*MiUwukee: <toug^ra «TOO00 lock tow-wa.

48 boural<eerv)ceioii tngiu* per w*eK,,.<a. «in>wu»«w, uaiighte.

______________ ________ ^ tocliidtog JAL-a firat daily Mra. Th«.dore Jue. Mra.^P* P» ‘^*;e*rrice brtwoen Tokyo and Georg* KaahiwagL Mra It wiU begin bt- markeUngl

jTaipel end alio between Ralph Kono, Mra Daniel fro«o French friee.Other Bento* 'Taipei and Hohg Kong.iKida. ai] of SentUe: end Mra. The four principal*, i

Populamy of JAL* eerrice I Plighu beaween other major LJacob Kaneaki. Clifton, tog aa direeton and offken h**a)aoreeu>tedinadectoioo|ciUe*hi Japan and Southeaet,N.J.: 24 grandchildren and bought S229.900 worth of to meraae* flight* on JALaiAato will alao be intreaeed. [eight great-grandchildren. atock._______________________'


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PKki*. eMc cf: “f '“Fmily Sii. -2801. rm RHJar Sii.- lAotTin C<wbin.lion -3>4o.. Tin » 3oz. Shakv-

Fr« C,i>: UbI, w ul bnl. uuu ia uuuth. U.W

AJI-MO-MOTO’ BAMBOO SIFT IAvailabl. *t dl food storM



llri^■ ’



llTlain, Simple aiyj Definite^

______ a____K ---------------------- — - ' - ’{‘naently. be ta cogduct- ins Hi duM u. home trtdle not on tour. He WM eoniBWoiMd last year to paint the 14 eunpoMa td the Urse complex of tbe' UtUT. frf Calilonua. TbeM will be reproduced in port­folio form to be beaded dlKlnsuiibed gueate end visiton to the cerapueee. Thle >w. be wae «om- BiMioned by the Berkeley

■ Art ComnittioD to depict •cenee of Berkdey, which are now completed aad printed to give to eWtoi*.

Hi* wife U an necoa-

a Japan liatss. S

son Kim IK-es rkins in adver-

„ Second aon Cyo if chief deaigner »1ih the St.LouU aidiiteetunl firm of Hellmuth, Obau and Kaa- Mbium. Dausbter, lira.Yuri Kodanl. Uvea^in Oak-

‘Snpiie'''Sumie. the delicate atyle

of brush painlins with a apecinl type of black paint, a-aa de^-e]oped in the Hu- Bomachi Period (133S- 1573I. It onginaied anth ,the Biiddhiata of the Zen kahuki. etc. sect a-bo aine familiar Pn>f« aith the art of the Chi- aad i.

M^g Dy

,^A.KEi:: (^.vo chsrjctefj at right) ___reipeci.“ “Ser-iiyaku“ (at left) »ta«d for cleaniinett of mind, body and vition in order to bring about "trarv qoility.-

andhhh 0 itely backed

approach ia never repeated, hhh off. Eveotually. young At tbe Bumi.e demOBstia- OfaaU learned to ride, tion before the San Frea. Today, the borae ha eiaco JACL Women'a Aui- palnu U alive, %-igoroua. itiary, he pmnted out au. The flying mane and mi-c -aa among the orig- ahoae acUon. The expres-

forma of Japanese fine sioa in the eyes, noairlla.

MATSUSHII4A—Mn. Obata pta- «nng fha iumi and Dr. Chiura Ohefa (luting on# of hii popular (cants of

:Thii sumla painting of Matiu-

thima, a iaverife subiacf of Dr. Obafa, was sold io Mrs. William Wood of San

iting ei an. IT!

Suini'C Paintings of Professor Obata Portray His Philosophy of Life

MABIE RCRIHABA>AN FRANCISCX>—Till ifcMor Chiura Obata DC to pay Mbute to a

friend. Gimige »bi. aa«4 .artM. whose

sea of Tanforen Anaemb. Ceater'^aod the Topaa ecatiM) in Utah srere on Dorsal (Khihit te'o years at the Luden Labaudt

letiea. Suim-e (Japa- bnah palnling) and sdtng etcpenoit (Prof,

tt) were rdatlrely un-

in Freadaco Jr. ad arranged a

-ting at the art gallery hear Dr. ObeU speak Evacuation and its ef-

on Japaacee Ameri- aurrounded by Hibi t

gtinga in watereolor and if to atreaa the need

tbe times.was at thlB meeting Hra Hibi learned of

CL't Japaacee History and later contrlb- acenea to the ProJ-

L'pon thii introduction. «u iwt long after that Bscmeted the profenaor

renown artist. After mding a pair of bis lec-

deaonslraliona. I be-

eams intrigued, as othera have, by his form, expna- aion. and {Alloeophy srtilch he has developed as an art nsaatcr.' Becanae he baa so much

to offer the Niad-Sanad genentkm. this article was bore.

SS-1-m-OM Aa oae kits. Uatena and

obaervet thU artist in ac­tion. a sense ot wonder, awe and pM0e mivdopea the audiadce. This very knowledgeahla artist ia a gentle, warn.

- kind, bunsorous and learned man exuberant srilh life. He nanlfMU a spirit of youth.

Rakuichl Obata, a wdl known artist. He started free hand atake of 7. In succeeding yean, be studied under masten of the Tosa. Shijo, Kano and Nanga Schools and exhiUted bis works annually in Tokyo, winning numerous prizes and asrardi.

In. 1901, he aasMsd Uu- nU Tanryo paint W bcreeiM in the Koopira Temple on the lala^ of Shikoku, now preaerved u a utional art treasure.

_____ ____ ^_____ ___ ' In 1903 he came to Sanlearn, which be ^^daco, embarking upon by being reoeptive and n- extensive sketching tour spoodve to new life exper- /t»f Califoniia. He .designed encca New experience is and decorated,Oriental dia-

neae Ming Dynasty-.'' (Prom Use Japan of To-

' day. PuMic InfMBmtkm and Cultural Hlniatiy of Poreign Affaire. Japan 1962J

“Aa in otber art foeum. Japanese paintings of this pe^ have a mystic re­lationship between train and things, betweai man and the rest of the Uni-

Aa thou^ they

with which to look ^ world, that no bamboo will

Otpwing technique.^ seem the same after!>«»• bore in Sendai. 'imTing men theiro.

oirtCov. 18. 1885. son of -Two of the most fa-

u in cha-BO-yu. kendo, the legi and body main- **■ Uin « the Ji—Zai tftve,

flowing strokes) and-N»- Tkn (dark and light con- trasU) phUosoptay.

Another favorite sub^ la that of hia bobby; fish­ing. He knows hia fish, be it the flat sand-dab. a large mouthed striped base or the cimllenging rainbow ttouL He known where the Tuh bite and has often painted these fiahig alias — aj Mussel Bock at Sharps Rock, the lakes in Yeacmite. tbe wnters of tbe Merced River.

He cannot resist the including

dynaatiee in the his­tory of Japanese civiliza­tion which left indeUUa tinees <» the Ji tisUc tradition, are those of the Toea and Kane scboola of painting. Tbe Tosa dynasty was founded

“Nature gtves trenquOity: through this, one finds val- ne in human life. Nature is my beet tescher,” be says.

in hu mm(de way, bs proceeded to explain hia ao-ralled “nobody at home" attitude, one wfaieh freM the mind to coocentreie upon the subject at hand without any diatraetion. Whenever be paints, this attitude gives him control, creativity and objectivity which itsolU in a piece of beauty.

Tools of S«nri-e To prepare for Us dem-

oostrationa. the materials an made ready in advance

middle fcHeground.)Other popular themes '

include the mountain .dove pen-bed on a twig of b^t maple, a cluster of per- siinmena ripening on the tree, and the sumi bamboo.

One of the most Iwau- tiful ri^minute -(we-l^e egen) is tbe tran- quU akrteb of a bird oo « tree during the soft an- tumn rain in brown. And t'hia particular painting evokrt aNipanese haiku: Akine a me kareki lu. Ko- cho ahon bori to - Lonely bird quietly anting in Au­tumn rain, a-iilten thus:


active teaching at the Uni­versity in June. 1953.

has conducted spring aad fall toura to Japan with emphasii on tite art treas­ure. -

The toura are a manner of keefdng the promiae in. scribed by tbe sculptor iMm-.i Nr.cmhi »l the Hirnahinu Peace me- morul Ii sk>a: "PlenMreal. \\> mil not make this misuke aaem.” And under this stone i« n._lut of more than 10.000 names of persona ' who penahed when tbe A-bomb fell.

5ia>a Obata: ".No gov­ernment nor natitm can guarantee peace in the fu­ture. Fjich oneV ua must be determined to buUd real peace ia thb buman world for this b the only way."

He believes the toon promote better underetaad-

thereby helping to preaerva peace betsreen natiooa. /'

CWmtag Mmaage "I Intend my path tat

life to be plain, simple and definite as air and sreter . . . svater aa pure aa daw drops on the wild flowwn of moadows and high motintaint at dawn, as

the winding

Jbla andpUoed ar- the^ w mae wbite^oi

in tbe nth Century by jiwareMotomitsu. the I of Toaa. and the school eontinuea to the present day. Tbe Kano achoni orig­inated with the painter, Kano Mamuioba < 1434- 1530) who ivaa tonneri with the Pujitcara fami

“The Tom school »i>e- eiilbsd in a genre called Yamati>-«. developed out of

wooden easel losbe paper, sumi.

paints, wat«, brnthea. the “haa“-WDod bloeka desig­nating hb Bignatore. “afau- nlku"— the brilliant red- dbb-orange oily paint

TTie white sensitive Ho- she paper u an imported item, used in Japan for dorimirnlary ]>urpoeea. al­so to pievent coi.jiog. Su-

-led pd is a thin, hajd reetang- lilaC" lilar bir of bl«,

Dtial aUmulua to hb art axwk.

OhaU palnu landaeapcs, still life, animala. fish, birds, people, etc. He atud-

. lee hb subj^ thoroughly at first and aa be trens- poses them onto paper with aumi. each brush stroke imparts strength, akOI. confidence and ded- aiveaesi — yet there b spontaneity in hb free

esident's Corner--(Continued from Page A-f)

'in guiding Uieir tliinking. It is additionnil.v im- »at that tlie foithconiing meeting of the .N'ation* ACL Voulli fomnussion this summer in Salt

wCity will )irl|> to elucidate the generel 'iuch-the yontJia will be stiiviog to dedicate tJiem-

in fostering better dtuenship.

■V Adnlt Group

Another quandry which needa to be resolved ia on membership continuitj-. The organization

'CKntly geared to appeal to youths in the middle ud up througii early years in college. U1iat

pens to j-oung people beyond this age bracket?T ut too young to feel at home with the seniors. *■7. a place for young adults must be considered *e lose their participation. It may be jiectesary

the young adult group within the frame- f* of our senior membership to provide the solu-

to thU problem.

*<«tle KoMce

Adequate finance is always helpful lothe gion^i PfoRperiiy of any social group. For Uie next

a small sum of *15IK» per ve/ri* appio- for youth work. Tliis is au insijfii ient sum. )ioi»ed that youths Uiemselvc-s will lake the

^“*1' steps to supplanent tJje budget wiUi a "*ing system of their own.

of Heritage

ia much that can be done in' the firid of , ^ «nd activities that will make for an attrec-

to the yontha It is hoped that among the they -will give earnest thoughts to the

Jjrf the Japanese American heritage because r^Uiey cljoose it or not. it will play a signifj- 2* in Uieir future. 1 know wlio they are and to

to their sUlus, the knowledge of the an- |^2^of the ethical background a» of otmoet

tJ * 'V

play rooms ii^i leading de- partmrel stores, the stage aeUinga for Madame Bul- teifly for the San Praa-

.ebeo Opera.He lectured and pre-

aented -one-man ahowz for acme 20 yean befMa be­ing recalled borne-to at­tend hb father's funeral.

In 1930. be relumed to California, bringing irith him 35 woodblock prints from hb sketches of Cali- foreb lambeapes. Esch print required from 100 to 200 eeparate inprinling blocki. TTx-u- wire eshlb- iud along with original prints ai ilie Psbre of Le- giim of Honur. DeYoung kliiaeuin. L'.C. Art Caller)'. Mills College. Sunford. etc.

Teaches rrom.,t9S3In 1'J22. ihi Univ. of

Califonib invited ObaU to lecture on art and serve as curator of the William Arm collection of Oriental prints. Seven years later, be «-BB appointed aasblant professor of an. During the decade before Evacua­tion in April. 1942. he ex­hibited nationally as well as locally. He detigned some of the covers for the California Monthly. UC Alumni magazine.

At Tanforaa. wboe the evacuees were first herded after the outbreak of Wortd War n. he .organized an an school to lift the.rao- ntlc of the tofidenia. There wel l-' 63.1 stuiirnta. 16 teachers and theif prod­uct* wi-rv exhibited at Mills College, UC Berkeley and Pasadena Art Institute.

Tranafirred to Topaz in September, 1942. be con­tinued hb art Bcbool for evacuees ranging in age from 8 to 80. Tbe .Obau family resetUed in Wrtmer Groves. Mo., for the dura­tion of the war and then came b«ne to Berkeley in. 1945 to itmime hb poaitioe at UC. In 1948, he eras ap- pointod aasocbte professor of an. In 1954. he retired aa professor emeritna and that fall cMductcd the first of hb 32 Obato Tours ot

ce. niui used i^ mlnbiure books and screlU of clamlral lit­erary subjecU aa the Thle of GenJL Tbe Kano school carried Ghinere ideas, mod­ified by Japanese influ­ence." (Prom Meeting With Japan, by Poeco Maniaiini. New Yolk, Viking Press. 1960).

According to Pnfeoor Obata. the Tons school emphasbed color, the Ka­no school developed the strong bniih technique, the Sbijo s< hool rmaatered naturalim - for Ukciching and the N'anga scabol car­ried inriiienc'ra_-^r the southern Chinese style, writer* aljle of poeto' and painting.

Prom thb background does Chiura ObaU'a atyle

aunce. mixed with a anall amount of eater in a atone container, the-^ aatuxt"

In preparing the black paint, the sumi b rubbed B^kipst the bottom of the aUznfi^Bmde of fine stones ^nrf^-toiia, dup- river bottoms. Dr. Obau arid bb came from the Hankow River,

Other colors are obtained

fishing'boaU leavtag tbe bay early In the, morning srhaT be painU Keooi ot Golden GaU bridge.

Anotber favorite scene of hb b Matsushima, near bb birtbplaee and there b a man with a pole fishing at the water's edge or a fisherman rowing out to sen 4n bb dory.

Whrarv ilU NameAt thb joncture, it may

be well to reveal that Chi- ura^ 'a pen name, which he adapted from “Oiiga no Ura." which was the old name for Matuahlma. Chi- ga. (thouaandi aad Ura (bay) makes Chiura to mean a thousand bays. “Ihat'a srfay I naturally like fishing," he chuckles.

(The scene being depict­ed in the photo above of

numerout paintings hang­ing In the halU of Univ. of CaUforeb at Berkelqr.-He palatod n by as-ft mural with seanea of Pajiyama, Matsushima. Ml>-ajims at the Wniiam and Mary Ki- man's RuUurant in San Pcinciseo. He has done a magnoUa mural for the D.

powerful waterfalb etea- eending from sky-sera|dng rocks, aa meandering as the brook srtnding in and ont through hill and dale, ever uniting and reuniting while flowing oairard to sen. aa great aa ths mighty stnAea of snvr and as the fathomlcM depths aad eol- eis of the ocean.” Thus

Dr. ObaU's parting

I read thatBohanan home in Wood- tsw> for ^C prm

eriled “Beauty of Stnigglo” | freedom can be attained v

Bide: tsw> for Dr. Claikpresident, one ^ are required before

'Years of work aad effort


fraen very expenaree, im- Prof, and Mrs. ObaU b of ported rock posrder prinU MateMiima. There b a manmixed with glue and ter. It takes three yean of training to kam the skiU of mixing teion.

Bruriiea are nade by akQled cnrftamec. thb art being handed dosrn throtlgb generation* within 'the family. It b a fading trade in a modern worid. The hair nf deer. bear, badger, rabbit. Manchurian goal, cal tails and even mouM whbkers are used to pro­duce eome of the 16 types

* animal hair brasbu.

fishing - if the halftone can pdek it up ~ in the

rocky precipice, other, .“Purity."

' blofson acene.He has cmplrted and

framed many of hb works ■tthlch he has at home. The mountain seen- “Snow Stonn la Coming." was cnmpleted Ja 1939 at T»- semhe. Hb •'Unfinbbed Symphoar;' foUowlng a storm St Point'Lobos b not for sale. The storm had interrupted hb svorit aad whDe Ibtering to tbs clashing sraves and howl­ing winds, it rang like a symphony: hence the title. Another of Topaz WRA Center. “Great Sweeping Storm of Rbing Sun." with the lofty 'Rockies in the background, conkina thb comment: “I believe under any drvumaUnceaany­where. Nature srill always treat ns sroodertully."

, inumat* and perennal meaiu of expreaskm. The lesulla. however, are to be included among the gre*i esthetic attainmenu of mankind “ 1 knew Prof. Obau haa atuined thb.

in spite of fny effort*. I ca'hnot express fully ihe wond<-rmenl thal othera and 1 have enjoyed ai- teadiag Dr. ObaU'e lecture demonatrationa. One must actuaTIy see him at hbAal- ent to truly appreebte thb wise and creative an- bL

I hope othera will have an ot^nonity to meet, to hear and to see hia b ac­tion with bb-palnu and bnttbea. Re has atuiaed a very enricliing and full Ufa for he gives to people ao much Bwaning, pleasure and enjoyment in living through hb philosophy and paatiaga

and technique emergeu In- , The “hanchl.” of fl-tegral in hb art b hb phi- lowphy of life. Before starting hb demonstration lecture, he would refer to basic phUosopby of aumi painting by Uking s brush and atrok^ thus:

tWit 6


ben from bamboo, b also used to aid tbe artist to add texture.

The “ban" comes in tsvo typa — circular or aquare design. The varmiUtae- hued pigment in the "ahu- niku " b mixed with wbrie eU embodied in ailk cotton, enclosed in a lacquer con­tainer.

Profearor Obata. attiral

mi-e demonstralioo with hb wife, in kimono, quiet­ly anticipating tbe Bm- nrnta to assist bhn.

He tell* a 1 puma. There five or ten strokes. The

■ Painting a finished aiihin five minutes. Tbe final touebra involve the use of “ban" signature block in

m;■ 74 (i.W.-V

fhe painting.Fopriar Bakjac*

What are hb painUngs like?

.uadiag'the pair of One of hb Zamoua sub- ekaractere from top ri^t, j*«e is tbe hone. When 16 “BO—taa" means dark and years old. Obata went to, tight (for eoBtraat): to*. Konplre Temple to assiat er right “jl-xal" mcaao hb teacher. Subjed of that free (for ine of free fto*. day was the fasrw. In or- Ug strokes ): top left derto be coippietely famll- “boka*sbeka“ eaeans os- iar wHb tb^bject be had iri and rotor: tower left to_ride jtjto hor^

antadr^leta. ^ wu a\povfcs at ths arias ' Or. Obsfa's' fammu ‘’UofiaUmd Tyo^hagy’' IFM iihsal.

THt ^ACIf 1C cmZtM


SUBSCRIPTIONIS Hn. D*fl<r RaK'TBMt • Nnrs. Drama. SoaR. Cottiea

dumee Rooad Trip t« Japaa Eark Year LSO Caak Qoix Prim

Fw Mwmotiwi: Cal HwMMte Cwp.afAmariM 3140 CrMtiww llrd.. Salta 23S. LA. AX 4-B22I

S«aaoD a <>rwtiA'sa


238 East First StrMt Los Aiicalu 12, Caitforala

••Store for Mr. ShorT

HeliJ«7 GreetbfBUtr H*iitl- W..II). I

Oy< Sufi E«airly VLirly W«;ti «• S*... Ta.


y U.tiofi ■ Mary Salla

sn I TO2421 W.JaM«naa«v^LaaAaQrtatllU1-2121







.^1^. SETO IRSURtRCE ECERCr mgg 366 L FInl Stnal. L.E. 12

HE 6-5361 ME 0-1425 ■ SUNINVESTMENT

CO.. INC.IIS Wriler 8L Ria-

• Len Aaseloa It. Oallf. rtaae SlS-ltM


^ . M. __I..... rTaliFAraiia .—1717 L Savantti StrMt noMt MAdisQfl 6-9321

Lm Angalas 21, Caltfernla


JACK'S AUTO SERVICEAvte Rapairin^ — Indeer Steraqe

MAdltaa 2-32if — i'22-120f 301 aad32WLSacaadSt. Lac Aa9aWt 12. CaW.


- - Serving Throoghrmi .SouUsem California — »ll Vtaim Blvd.. I.oa Aagrtm J5. fallf. BI 0-144*

SKIJJ OciATA. Fnaeral IXreeter *-r.OPIK - SHfM.ATSr. Funeral Dlraetac

B. KI BOTA. BepreaeaUHr*________



eUSTOH INTERIORS2U Sr. Sat Pate ». L« ARfrin MA MW



34aE.nctSt..LMAa9ataf12,CaM. ^


Quolify Merehondlie 'dr at Cempetitire Diteeunt Pricatl

OaapJI.MO S«. H. tlflaa-.l a( Rat Ha»a farartk.a,,Maay K. HerayM n<6« Oobbenl Hathwt T. lEiroram



tnVaakaaM. Loo Aa9tlat IS. Calif.Phoaa: Rl M449 (Ask far Eddie Shbaanal

Joyous Holiday Greetings le Everyone




44.S SoHfk nareare Sireet Iaw Aagetea. ralKoraU

ROXXre srclYAUA harry YAMAMOTOHolidoy Greetings


ISC Welier SL L«i Aocelei 1*. Calif. 634-SS»

Scaaon'a Greetinp

Pioneer Insurance ServiceSM So. Saa Pedto Street LenAagelcilt


MATSUSHIMA HOTEL241 Eaat tad Street. Lm AncrieB IS. C^liforaia

MMD11 — Nr. aad Mra. Elm TaaiLan* — CM4C1


HARRY MANN CHEVROLET S73S Crenakast Blvd. Lot AagHeo48. CalifontU

Rm; bA 4-ltSS AX 4-41B1



Waller U. Tanaka — S. Mayekasra — S. Moriuka 314 K Flrat sC Ua Ancelea It. Calif. MA B-XRM

WALTBt TATSUNO \• Gaaaial iMv'aaca l-eSaa

E KaPary - A L t*atarE' Public Accauataap

{ uTnTi'.'SaSXJ MA a-im » aTTS

EUOENE HOTELKetsusuVe Skiskimt

4M-M04SM Staafard Ayaaat

Lot Aagalat 13

HoUvwootl, SW LA jACLois_


Friends and Members of JACL Chapters in

Greater Lqs Angeles AreaSEASON'S GREETINGS


Companyc>' Yiigucfci

Teuuo OfB'*'*

Ml N. Greoasraod MMtekollo. C^IH.


• Season's Groatingt

S. K. UYEDA Department


Lm Aiv.1.. u'. OUU-r-l-



MIfi F.a«i Beseriv Bird Lm .Angrlra 2t.

OVerbrook 5-41T0 Reaidenre; 26^4470

~^erry Chriounaa

ANZENi Hotel Supply Co.I TSLTOMir MAtlHARA

Seesen's Greetings

Dr. and Mrs. Y. Kikuchl

AN W-1SI4 422 S. larie Ave.

L4xAagale6 33,Canfeniia

MAS'SLAWN MOWEE SHOPCapf^r af Vaaica 4 Ipaiaaa.


Snaaon'i GreetiagiFHU •If Mm


SHI .EaM 'Flral Sfrml lAe Ai«e»« It. CaHf. .


SUL'S SNtCK SHOPMpv. Kibua $aaaa,a. ppap.

}ll lea PkitSfrM*Ut Aneele, 12. CoiifetMe

NfsirFLORisTllavaPt lap all OcDa.jea.

; SaknI

Holidoy Ckccr

Camellia Beauty Salon

MA 2-3274 401 Tool BMg.

(312East Pini Street) LmAageles 12. Calif

Swrnl Kuwekere « ' Setsuic Nitkide


YAMETO Empi«yiMf AcMcy

WAAtm 4-2B21

Ckiya Taaala. Frad MIImI. Victar Taaala, Pae«y Uafa, Daa Marwatpfp. Mary Svei.

tay Kad>:»a«i, Aya>na T>ptii-a. Gaerea Opa«a. JaU Iraie.

Mieblaaia laaaye m Pint Sweet



. IlSWtIltr La. SufriH It, Cam.


1741 Aapwe HottriroM 27.



MIKAWAYA CONFEaiONARy244 Eirt FIrrt Slraat

LwiafUa I2.CIIK IU44I»

ChriatBiaa Greetiap

FinnilMORTUARy.WC.siefai Fukul JaiBM Nak.^^

Tanwr Street

Laa AaiMea It. CUUitA ' PhaM:«WAtt4


PboterapbicADy Toora

Toyo Miyatake Studio

SIS Eul Fkit SIraat Lattiipl«.«4lHonUa MtS«ll


Happy'HolIday SeasonLA. MERCANTILE CO.

HOME APPLIANCE ..J FURNITURE NerikotuOku — MickioNerumr

Som Maftumoto — Ed Neke]'

234 Saath Sai Fedre St. LatAagria:

MA 9-3112 MA M«;

* Seaaon'a GrAfmeLA. SPORTINGmOS CO.

R4F1' COMPAN'V. LTD-. L-A. BRANn •Wnaea. MarT.regor and sUldtog Rporttag Go*

SfNI S. S4LB Pedro Street I Aagelen It 01Mr*. Toea NammI ■ Voaeo

Holiday Cheer

Commodore Perry Post Ho. HTHL 4KRICIII LESION j


Asahi Shoes and Dry Goodi:tn E. let STREET LOR ANGraill




YtHITO lOSURSNCE COMFtOTKteo k amau - Terrr Kitakara. Ser. - Tad aeo*

S«5 E. nret StreetLoa ABgel4« It. Calif. MA 4-W


MODERN FOOD MARKEHons- of Jspnnep- Foods. Groreiie* - Fi»>t Miri*

140 So-San rodm Street. LneAagel-4 ItJAMES W.4TAMI BA. Prop. MA


Bookkeeping • Tax Sen-ice - InaurMce - Notary PW

Its WeOer RU Boon 204 1iO« AngeiM ^MAdkom S-4;sa _

Holiday Grrptinfis

ALAN HOTEL \. 284 Eaat Seieoad Street

Lee AngeW It. California MASATARO WATANABE. Pmpn>lflT _


FUJI DRUG STORESM Eaat Flrrt Rtree*. Loa Anri**

SEASON S GREETINGS! .Lm AiifitlM SoufhwMl JapiBtM CrdH




HENRY A MART MORI(••npH, D.««. Cpppii*

Lm AagtUp 2L CeM.


"Wdiiliw Ftmk A* Hew-

■ ■

CIppi Typii, ■ Gpppppl apric*!XM CpP.p..y IpppfiH.

e«a MA 4-uii for nm.Ppripimpl Oppirtfppfrt la.4)'BtMmCIAl IMStlRAMCt

•tour7U L Serine S,. L« Aiaaei

. S<»n5on\« CrrreM'n^:'




ll]PS. 'W« An. In An*-*


(INI'S Uclt4i Flpri.!

U74 aipe4H. Ittd. InA. G-.CP KixILp

(tpiuppp.pi Ip-pl


ACL's Impressive Role uring filibuster recount

trnlioiit qaeation. the tin' taportMt donestk

I cDubneBt e( the

eoeel reUieer *«r«iD«it the befhDDm< of . for a perl-time Wmehhctoe better ere of faume 4ACL SepiMenUtlvc. m tbu countn.

reUtioiw j\CX t rii^

end hictorie evenu. eod ■ — me aree oi oeceecx- asd liber- I*abUr-relalioB«iri»e, the ,^omi of our lane “« ly for all our fiiuena. aa well ta»Ke of JAn. ip partir*. cSlStum for all of

ae clarifyinj the cooatrtutioo- *ar aod of Amerirana of e.

Meters of National Nisei Concernto iMeeatea to the Deboit CoBveoHoB. attenpla U

i „ ^ “rr"'-preriouf Uamiuts In

tp aive of htnnas relations ^ puUie pnetieee. la the jril Rl^ti Act of 19M,,1^ was slsaed into iaV oo *1 \Because, thlapor^laroub- HOW THE VOTES 1VEBE

Bisiier hia been chrcoi CAST> rxtmsiTe and more de- In order that JACLen mav

^ forerase In the past 18 remember how their reopee-*tha In JACLs weekly* Uve RepreaenuUve. and I™- rT'JC'I, the tranicaibenshlp publleation. the.etor* recorded themaelvea o«t*-«^ Parlfie riK elmoat a ^«n- j of-v**.

ntixen than prohsblv^the key rot«, however. ‘H' w .a* "*”• unction '■*«fetherronere..KLacti.««li«tmpthen«me.ofthoee,, th. p.bfc »( lntm« .ho „iM o„i„, .“I"" T?®' °' .'■K”'””!?'* % A «. of

.Iho poortM „h,i... »«oh.rtol d.11 rithU I ,11 """h-l . po. .11 AmoncM m.y wll m.rh .1 Mal«l rt».r do.

. fodW. m «] hot ueBKid t™ O.V. of pmtnin- "apt ht this Report to sum- debate, the House, on Feb

. harksta^both the Houae ^___^ ___

Senate that resulted to.oiy »«"D^oeraw 'Z.d'zi -------■ucMsful b4>anisati eon- Republicsna opposed the le*- RIm Fobs

MUf that was created In the talation. srrvH in favor of thia lef-

DanielUonye of HaaaH. Henry

Only two Democrats out- JackaoB of Waabiactoa.Mde the Deep South of the Old ST»a*r»eld of MMtaaa.

gsffW It to nay. how- Confederacy and the Border J“ ^wr. that the JAa. Or. State, voted -ney." Theyabattna. and particnlarly were Walter SBarini: of N>- -'«*‘»'r*er of nreBon.

Waahlnctoii RefirfM«. vada at>d John Lcainakt of Trank Ho« of I'tah. (is.v.Dearborn, Mich. lord Xe)M.a of Dlwonaio.

Tlw only RepobUpane Oifford Ca.* and HarrKonwho voted aesaHtelr oa j nHliam* of New dereer.rhnl ritl.1. fmm -t-- h. j Fr..hl»..l,. ... Md.l.niwfawii there are JAn.*. .. . . .rbapterv were ttef rlawwHi of romploB. r.lenard l.ip*. rnmh of 1,0. AoKrleo. Pal- efa-l. Martin of Rher»We. H.Allen Smlih of C.lendale. and Janro I'tt. all nf Cali.

dve. the WaahhiKtna Of. re. and membere nf the iehio|^. D. r. Chap,

plaved an Imprrwohe In tUe campalcn.

• a rharter and rontin. I atBce 1948 tnnrher of

National Ifeadenhlp on Orfl RIsbta. artitvl.v rep re.

sted In every atace nf the■ AW to rt^A* OiU£. ei imv , ------ - - —......... — .... . ,mpnJsn. from the plan- 1 “■< '«»•" «f “•*

to loMytec to the fin- aidiiBE of the voUdk the Honna and Sente


sahinEtoB JACL Repre-•lathe. to wirirh be trar- ,the bKlory of rnrlal die-

't^ K-Phbhh...


Most Important^ Legislative Enactment: Civil Rights ActA IMS. many

amta will be offovd

Seattle, Waabtaftoa. doly Act of 1M4 will have been ,SS-SO. l9«.lothhl*lbBi. aipiedtatoUw. (Itwaaaitn- ““^ * «lB»tnM.ennUI NaUonal CoBventinn ed July 2. 1M4). Thia moat “t “ direcUon, „„re<«lented mannerin Detroit. Mlchlpui. Jnne ^pw-henaive and meanin*- Texan l.yndon B. John-

dul.v 4. IM4. Report hi ft.l lefcUlative effort aince Re- the rmponaiWI-■ ■ ...............- Devi followiBr '''** “f Chief FSxeeutive after

. ^ It., ii-.i.i. .r

any lepilatjon in Ihjn century protbiona for a more com-- Iramlnnthin. " • This bill» a challenge preheDaiar and offer f la »

It ts a challenire to men of autnte, othena to emasca.. irood will, in eaera pan of the late and ra ra to circumavet rounlri. to transform the or repeal Hn objertivec. commands of Uw into the

of d-ACL'a______^SC-lkrleKklstlen al hand.

raauDUDitiea. in our hornet the depths of our

-o elimioaty the floal V , . ™ ttrootholds of intolerance«rnj., .1,A, J

ta z s "p. .s s::”'”<■' •"ba the proponmta, and the opponenta. to tent the roontitailioaaUty of the' pnn-inioov to force rcimplt.

conquer the harraere of poor ^ aadaqual- ‘‘

ttfied with other Amerirami of foonrienre and KOOdwUl la the mmnna ratue of Hall riEhta for all onr cH- fa*n*-

aad limitK. etc.There may be inrrcaaed t.en- ‘BS in the land, more troiu.

id houainsWhich nrv an’ problems ihaa beforeheniaace of post mjuatireand <>«■«■> • apotUsht ot an imp^imeRi to future ad-,r*'^*"'^V ^ turned c*a-anre ..." the effects and impUcaunr-

The WaohlnctOB Bepre* "***“ mandate. ;much I All thia ai^ppenta that th.

ayia-aaia. mriuen imodalions seetionlJtily 4. with proepeeu that Rishu. hnnyuiE toEeiher al and Paol Donclai of D- :(TliIe III was on June 15. on the Rouac would accept the most a hundivd nationel or llBoh. Philip Hart and Pat a motion to “strike" the Senate McNi ira of MIrhiEBB. whole provisJoB. offered by for ita own and trnni

DmnocratieSeoalorRobertCjleirtalation to the Byrd of West Virginia. iHouae for pmidmitii

I representing

eUminale thh aectien defeaWL aEaia aarpriolBE- ly- b.r a aqte of 25 to 6S. The only Senatora from Stale* la which there arw


aware that the pbeiBg of eominc biennhun may be e thb hw la the etstale more busy ihsn the Iss:. hooka, while a moat aiE«i> ■hen. for mstaaM tiace th' fkant advance, will not atop bermnuiE of the year alter- the deCDoaitratioB* and the just the ainsle subjec-

ihe moA even section of Ameri-! r*h« has bean a -White can aorietv - Uhor —i«. ' »^l»»»ted »<>« • fuU-time demand nCwnnecan eo«et>. - Ubor, vew-i htu-rndflmJ aa eflorU «ilv on the W4ahin*loo Rey

Ctrl]' ^ determine the reaenutive bn' also oe ether-n. na-' valne and effectivenew of in bii busincas office.

Uonality. etc. — proved that the law. Direct action probe* Having conMbnled no’, .different grpupa with gener- ** f«M»pli»Bce and to much to what geod ha*

Bigna-ana.lofiety — labor, veier-i

buaineaa. civie, civirlure on oc about July 4. jrights. rvligioua, women.

; Uonality. etc. — previgener-.--------------- B* -“.•-I* -..LAJ ^CAJCA - .

of 1M4 U aof the Coogresi i

»n»*u.. »<"«‘*»‘«rtalilybemade.isaUbnal Knicturea. can mo- The Uaahlagtnnl Office

an accepi-lwhrr ,heir loul tesourree anticipale* that a* enrii as

t of ObK Jacob Ja«. j H* and Renoeth RentttiE of ! New York, and Tboraaa lin.I rhei of Caltfnmia.

Cloture, requtrmg two-

JACI. chapter* who voted acainvl thi* paMir amm- for • tnataive cHon on themodation* title were Sena- ” ■ tv- national legislaUve frontt™ B™,!. rwi And ftr tl. hpAkU., J„Goldwatcr nf Artzaaa. mumph a-ef to be singed out

however, by general acelama'! Another "key ' vote wpa on Uon it would be at least the whether Ua Sensle would S^iato™ Dirkton.subrttuU the so-cdMir Dtrk-

tbe newt *e«.)oB of the C on- ETtwv <A»th rongre**. Rrwt S^OB), heclBBlBC ebon!

come *0 far. JACL cannot , now abandea lU idcattfied role aa one of the major: civil righW orsanimtion* in ‘ the NatloH. Snathe only onr' mpreaentlv those .Aslan aageatry la the Catted

Kucbel the Senate andcvucuci m LJ1V oexuir mua. .lUa.<«M (.7 K-prcutiv. AIcQj!'.

auggeeUve of many more all mdicatnv of a new force and!

new direction In the polttj-'

Moaa. Arlx. rieorge Header voting, bad been sueceasfully

After 83 days of “extended lious attempu for civil rigtats.

debate," the longest balUe inl*^

• 19 1064 at 7 DemocraUt Senator19. 1964. at 7.19 CalUomia who

pbrey, floor manager for dvU loch and Celler. and MuiMity righu] compromise ^eckage’Leader Charien Hallsck of In­fer the Houae-appreved^j'*"* Majority Leader mon. This paHiX^bAl.^„ *» tuto would likely become the' 'Civil Righto Act of 1M4 bo-: And. of course, the Preri- csote of the P*rito«ttory

play haituation In both tha ^Ak. CamsIa ....


AJtbon^ rightly and pmporiy, the pnhiie foent has been on Negro righbt, Brither the JACL nor per- soBB of Ja{>aii«*« aneewtry can aeglect the fart that thb atotote alvo will br of'>»«»• «tal.*llh«*c of bill by a mar^ had to br wheeled to from in term. oMegtolativ. mlr-'i-f« »27. «n.s: ' wh,i, dm™, 1..d~ j™ ^ .■;;7'„T™.d:."irsi

June 19. IWO. Kea, Admtoivtration BHI.

been halM a* a di*. 1-fAiitHbnUf.H 10 lllov-

Ibal civil rigbU bv ■ problem for tbo'Nr- .tmcrican aWtnr. bul for rvrry pccMia. rr.

rdl»«» of racr. color, iwd. and aiUtAiul orlEto. ita. K bImi generally

tfdllcd with helping 10 (Miade two “nndertded- ipnblicu Seoalors to vote

from the Houto-lW *»<»> th- Houae and mprcially, ‘ taiKm. ^h? diffemteea Tre‘n the Senate, where hr earn- t ^ more in d«aO than to .ub--^-*h» reputation of being the ameTL-*** atanrv. though Some section. ">«« -ffertiv. majority lead- *"*"^*-

............................ ,h, Houae " m parliaraentory hiatory. More specifically, partKU-(or Hum- leaderahip to try agiin^tlr- bill The«

phrey i Buheiiiuie. since It in ,n s week nr two. And If thsi -"-Pt‘hst the Bubsti- . io,ri^v.*iiu.vo , , - • ■ -------- ,the bipartisan compmmtneaecond effort failed, civil’“t* 1*““ the emi*ssia on giv- > modatiena. and public factU-,package painstoktnglv nego- righto legialabon to this ses-’'"lf ‘he States and local com- The Civu Rigb< tiaied bv Senator Everert Me- ,ion of Congnas would have ““Pjties the first opportunity i 1964 aymbelixea Kinlev Dirkaen of BUnols. been a dead issue I ,tn solve the problems of emn-than the fart that smaaning-

iiAA ki dvrputAtit ene av*i* .he affirmative and 21

Denocrata and aix Republi- If rlbttirv were not suercans voting m the negative, fully imposed the first t___

Ita veraiAo i* known a* lhe.,i was the intenbon of the improved 0_________ _______ hdit Th.COV«*

DfPUCATiam CivU Rigbt«~'Ari of Uet. perkons of Ja^ne

cestry ebould benefil i

;GOP leader, end Senators Mike Manafkld of Montana °n historic W^teesdsy.

land Hubert HumjArey of Ju»« 10- 'I Senators.r... _ ' e_________Ak.-dk._i-i_____

Istory Project-Cmttouod from Page A-2)

analysea.How long srOI the

hdr take?Yhcn the Project was

consdered. acholars runated that h would re-

least fire yrats, m 11 ample funds were at aid. They noted that i-lsgs Japan." a reeeareh s small Japaneee viliaga 21 familiM, took over


BgaliL “ESmtown's •'-•-h.- a sodologicaJ an- mi of th* high school c-h of S small Indiana -t. lasted over six years,

present Projert must with ths history

t Isnri froo the middle toe 19Ui century to the

It and land, and Ni- the entire Coetinw

I'niied Stoles. We shall to shortee the sebed-

BoU. Democratic Doorvoted to clow debate and vote, with 29 on«aed. Only

pliance and coneentratoa to the office of the Attorney General the govenime '

t} to file stiha

ful and comprehensive dvil righto package far beyond

of even moat dvll righto advocalw'-hwe years ago wOl soon Ue^ law of the land.

Aa V) employncnt, certain orrxiratioQa and rotHp^ifp

r be opened up for Upgrading and

may n

In Congreaa. It danontfmt- ed that the ao-caUed UberaU could organize as well aa the, well-knh Southern conserva-;!

also leaulLt-1evels too ma>-

Aetnally this historie vou. The only I^oc^ out- fia»i pamage of this suhatl- „..-*vuv oovi.uem ccmwrv,- a.,„a .. , a ifor ftoal paaaage. requiring •‘d* 'h* •«*<* Bord«,,„t, „ ih. Senate's civil o„ group and metatoto diaci- ^®^'onlv a msioriiv of 51 vrtca.if^^** “> vote to the n*g.Uve,righto bill, -Seveniy-mx Sena-,nlined orosiams for almort “T:was an aniiylimax and Is tea.'■'" Alan Bible of ^evada!,om; 46 Democrats and 30 Re-jthrv* consecutive montha on a 11““' ,®?*” membetahip t. iiruly todicaUve of a Sena- Hayden of Anzona. pubu<.^ for th* sub-,single bill. It also illustraiedi^^*** J*P8n«*« ancestry.itor'iperaoniilatUtude toward of wl^ voted for th*|«it„tc ,„d r^\y jg againsLlhow the Deraoerwbe and Re- JAH. aboBld cresle civil righto than many of the on final passage. |,n jg being Deoorrato repre-ipublican leadecstiip could! rwomittee* nr agencies to

major key votea, all of The aiz RepuHicana were •enimg the lurd-core of the wort aa a learn, even to thel snare Ibal Japaaeve Amer-

Wayne Arakakir 1944-1964


The war ih the Pacific was approaching ilia eod' the year Xi'a>T<e A, Arakaki was bora. J9441 He was but a toddler »h« VJ-Day fmall.v arrived No one can know for sure, bul ie is altogether postible that during the celebration someone remlmbel%l to asy a small prayer for Wa.vne. that he wouW be able to grow up and achieve whateier'd c s t i n v awaited him in a world of peace.

But it was not to be. Wa.vne ArakaJa's tune was a time of internauonal tetuions. When he was old enough, he enlisted in the United States Arm.\. Last June 29. in the steaming delu country of the miserable land called Vjetnsni. Wayne Arakaki's fears and hopes—his life—came to an end. He was only 20 years old.

The helicopter to which Pfc. Xrakiki was as­signed as a gunner waa sliol down on a combat mission. He surtived the sickening, helpless faO to the ground W ith lock he might have been rescued, but the Communist Viet quickly encircled the Americans. An official report dti^ Aiakiki say-a he “fought with every means at his disposal to save his hdicopter and assist his fellow crew menbers" before he was killed. For his berotsm he was awarded the Distinguisbed Dying Cross. His parenU accepted it for him in cefenKmies at Fort' Shafter. near Honolulu. Nihafter. near Honolulu.

Wayne .Arakiki's number came up,a few weeks before 1 visited hto outfit at it* base just outside

publican.... of the'work aa .....................................

Wallire Bennett of rish. Southern Dixiecrat reaiBtanee. extent of torludtng noth Ad'Goldwwier of Arizona. Mecb- --------- minuitraliT* forcia sa the At.

tontey Geoeral. tha Depart­ment of \ Justice.B0L8E rONniRRENCB

Every Denorratie Sena- ,tor from-Stole* to wkW-b Mexico. SunpaooJACIa has ehapten ezeepl ot M yomtog. Tower of T^.VIrgtoK which k eoaaid. Toung of North!ered a part of the Deep ate approval of itsSooth and whose rapital , . - . ^RlrhmoBd waa the rapital "*“*• *"’* ®'"‘“**iHoi

CotlOD and Hkkenloooer.L

ihatitute, V secure

coQcti^ence without'


Iran* too. alnng with other Amerwan*. epjo.v the oh- jretivM of thh law. Al dho same time. JAHa ahooU he la the rerefrool of organ- iBttoB* that seek to ea-

a sad little town named Long. Arskiki wg* gone.officer. M»j. George S'ouhr,but his c

Am-v,.k i;.;- O’” »«“• •'nt* on the Imiiel^* House rcUised lo accept,^ „nj,Q)j.'

alliance between the conser­vative Seathm Democrats

the ftosl countdown.eraJ Washtogtoa: D. C. !**P^ . ^“^ilhe complete Senate packageChapter memhef* rwJde to jitoelf. yoinri Irfopp^g final j,-. yjj,«.bor#rt-Vtogtala. aeroaa goi"-the Potomac Bhvr from the • Tw« of the moat eooti

where thecontEDver-veraiottt would be com- (hoo. in-;promised and repmted back

the Potomacnatioa'i capital city. 1(^1 aeetioai wo* uoae «Aiu ict.AF.voA ^

i The aix Republicans who'voli'tog puWk accommoda-!^ House for approval.................................. .. 'voted "nav" were Senator*Itioos (Title H) aad fair em-!^Proval. Tben. the C<, ,.JT “ “ Norris OUon of New Hsmp-jplo.MneBl practiem CTitle frren« coi^i* ‘tiiiiv. Bsrry Goldwater ofSTD- .

‘ Hew can totormtod lArizons, Bourke Hickenloop-I ________ pariismenUryhelp? ;*r of Iowa. Edwin Mecbem of

- - New Mexico. Milward Simp-*1. Project needs wuy* Wyoming, and John

actually eontrcdled the Con­gress for almost half a cai- tury by representing the “bsl-

! anee of power" on all eontre-it^

CHAUaENGE AWEAn This Civil Rights Act of

1964 is not the final answer indeed, it may not even b<

than a mere h*f ""'"f

f [rote was on the petitm \-oke rloliire which, if s

Ia..I____ u — •_ -- .

icieoce coraproraiae wouw oe ance of power oa all eontro-it- ,n „„ i-ttinitia >h>open to aU of the dilauwy aqd veratal legUlation. By theiri„,,^ wni-rti„„ nt <h. t.«!

-other periiamentary tac^ combined vote., they *««;rd uT^to^ooSSSi^ e lined against ovfllaMe to defeat or color all ma-!,-„—al,, ,1,, vj—v-j^, "the first time'jor leguIation. **P*ri*Uy|(,fa_^ ,

ton to provide that TiUe vn around." Including the probn- those relsttog to nocisl-ecoo- " ^ Amencai apjdy only to employer, wHty of another Senate filt-'omic subject*, with their con-! tn.lhe words of Prestdent

Bv unsBfanous consent, theby Senator (M- rights

•r la many coranunitiee Tower cif Texsa ..... - -I'lBplIe lists of the lo- ' 1100 or more employee* waa buster. Mn-atiee thinking If this is Johaaon. in learning of S«-l»s*t. or to prepare pre- i The rnUcal. a1l-importont,vfitei1 on before the motion oorrwl. then s new dav for ato pasasge of it* dvll rights'

bnef skrtches of [vote was on the prtttmn to in-;for cloture This was consid- Democratir CoBgn»amaa.i,b„,I legtslation te dtwptog.llMrialation: "No single act ofj' ’ --------- - ■'--------- (vred the "key" effort to "gut" ^nanuel Celler of New Tort, -ji,, rittzai support rallied-Congrem can. by itself, elimi-! *0 ' leuiam. nopmg to witnet* an iron determina-

the fair em- and RepuUicaii CtoogretamaB:f„ pt^il rigbtstoo was unpre-'nato discnmlftzttoo and prer! tion to *ee the mw through, but fearful that wethat! ----------r—I do not have the stomach for it. And if they see us

pioneer IsneL_ !ful. would brmg to an end the

survey tot^dew* !fnibust*r. or tolksthon. of the voluatsry 'inter- iDurierrats and would allow

ployment ■

by Itself, elimi-j

tlon because its Willism McCulloch of ------------““«■• the BatioBsi coosoerc* may! (CooUnued frWPagt 1)

remembered him. The outfit had lost 1€ men up to that time, and on an oppressively hot nighl. with

■frog* croaking in the paddies aeariiy, Majqh Ybunj I'ecalled each of iliem foi' me and the citrumi-Unce^ , of their deaths. It wa.* obvious he regarded evei.- man vrilh faUiA-ly affection.

The tragic part of this story is thai man’ more good Americans will die before tha Commu­nist aggressors are put to fligih in South Vutnam.' and no one'dare.s hazard a guess as lo what the : toll will be before East and U'est ullnnalely settle their differences and tlje world knows peace. WTiat is obvious, however, is that we are faced with a critical showdown in \’ieUiam. at a time and in a circmnsLance not of our choosing, but a showdown 'imnetheless.

Tbe American will to resist Cpmmunist ag­gression is being tested in Vietziazn's jungles and rice paddies. How we reart there will in large meas­ure, determine the fate of what ranains of South­east Asia, and after that Japan, a^d after that even South America and Europe.

The Communist nations have prodaimed that their way is the way of the future, that democracy IS decadent and is destined to be buned. There are many nations which know this lo he false, bul there are many other* with growing doubts They are watching to see how we will conduct oarselv^

Vietnam, hoping to witness an iron detennina-

'*•» With sufficient 'vMt on the menu of the biujthsnsn eaUmstS 98 per rent iiy member of th* House Ju- ^ ^“esfled upon to'fave^!|jAts, nanilnwraawith after each Senator hid. if b*ytlje'«fe[rtoyeri Hi the fouB-diciary Commiuee.reaj^v^ jjjpgiatjon 'HCW LnOllCliyC*

wisbnd. SB sddiuona! hour in'uA' would be covered.

(Ot.1 BIaUti-'Mma). gtxtoea Sews tors are re-

^Jjnotod above, only j S^BT^MSTjiV^n

^‘‘‘BieotBJy iHtoriBla j nure tkaa tbs ' totiusde moat laael '“ their na^rT^ - W intonwl to lk<3Jtr%.

uie Project. Ugnatorie. — Senator,the Project de- ; J. Gleas Beall and Daniel

^ ® active volunury I Brewster of tlarylaiid. Jm tedottsjob. ‘ ---------

ly. and fleer managera for the succeaaful House acUon.: agreed that they could accepllj

For the first tine V.avion BiocBuiomA- tj,ev could Bccepli jor religious faiths of Amer-

waa voted 60^ by a anr- sobnUtoto bo-|ica - ProteaUnl, CMtholic.prWng 54 to « leauae "it did no violence" tojand Jewish — joined to com-Jsne 9. The foUowtng principlra and objertivealmon cause, with their eemgre-atofs freen States to whh* House-approved mens- gatioBS too partidpsttog toMCL has ehapten latod ruTgraai niM^Vt*^ offor tki* “watertog-dowa I Itbe day.aznendiiMAt: Senators Ben- Thereafter, with the Mop-;Brtt of Itoh. Cttrl T. Cur- eratioe of tbe House Demo-; For the flrat Ume sine. U»; ti* and Boman Hraaka of craUe and Republieao leader-;w«ae6 of the toad ware or-j Nrbrm*kv Goldwatov of ship, it aaa so arranged that gaatoed to work togMher ni ^ jAISr-arera to witbec .Arizona, Merbem of New the Hmii* Roles Commhtee this major enterpnae for| ■ eoacludodMexk«. and ThnwtoB Mor- amuld meet sad clear lb* Sen- freedom. ; Tstea.tea of EMtacky. ate euhatitut* for coocurraace; Aad the Nstumsl Leader-'ITte "key" vote oe tbe pub-iby tbe Hoom the w«ak of|shlg Coofenaaa 00 Ovfli-^.x DetsUsoaA-U

, lengad tha JACL te taketotcrest to such tosua* aa ntosttng extroBist grenpa. rqwattog tha Natkmal Ori- gtos system of ■n»v«ti*j- innigiytoe quotas, state


' dam. and iiD of world fraa-

I a«pb dark aad Hugh Seott |

waver, the t-wiU hurry to board the Red btnd- wagon, eager to he aligned with the winner. Imt. • ing the United Sutet in as ev«' more kmeb' posi­tion- •. j

This i* obvious to the American fighting mn jj in Vieinsm. It is one reason why toldien, in un-

military adviser* to ti _ .............. ............. ..........nam. are serving with enormous dedicatioe. K ia one reason so many are aaking for aaeond tours of duty after their first 122-nMWth assignmenta are

they are also If all of

uignmenta are nding Vietaai

efending the American homdaad.

-. . .. realized this, tbe sacrifices of themen in the field would sefm less futile. .Yad the death of men like Wav-ne Arekald. bora tm the «va




Evacuation Claims Tax Liabilitym% b . r of the W»>-. .nd .mendmenl to the Ux I.w for property R?hfii of the e.

declirioc'cept CnnfrrtMinen‘Baldiriii.'Meena Committee, ud the the recoiled lhal| Revenue Service of the TreM- « Joint R----------- ----------.vealUe Cooven-|UO' Department teffan lo'ijui evacuation claima pay-Mailiiard. Bell, and MeDwi-=h«mian of the Houae Rf-

-km individual awdeeaL^,. ______ ^ taxed-'ouRh. publican Poltcj;durinc

"" SIS, '»<-

.-.the Houae ac- The more than 500 mem-

• meot lr> ihe'taa bill and theithw lepalaUtm aa a token of nvwident aiened inin law the their admiration for the mv

'except Bx^e and Baldwin an- InierSaf Revenue Art of JP62. Japaneae Amencana had Detnocra’w. which included the KmK-,ductedwhich

Conirr-^ Kin* ’ si, Vour. later. S e n a t o r Kuche. tJtd Be-'^d Senator Kuchel. a "no. K„ch«l moved that the Klnj: endment

eii ' ' fwWi^ WallacTBLiatt of: tAX, bUl waa paMed. fim w sui aa paa^ by the Houae^the_____Ui^ ..;_____ .. .a-ii?^M« Utah joined In | 'eau would be aubject to fed- to aucj**' «> admlnlatrative

Hia dramatic newa atoriea thsRered a naUnn-aide re- option of aimilar feature., rartoena. and editoriala re- fleclinR upon the injuatice* fd such a deciaion The candi­date. for Governor of Call-

'fomia. Pat Brown and Rich- aad N'iann, Rot into ihe act. aOTHd Prealdent fjiarnhow- era Atlomej- General Wll- liam RoRera who waa reipon- eiblt for the eompromiae aet- Uement of moat of the claima while' he headed the Justice Dapartment. The West Coast Concmaaioeal DcleRauoD al­so look an active inieraai in the taue.

•Throughout the rouniry. there developed an extmor- dinary climate of aj-mpalfay aad goodwill towards ihoae of Japanese ancealiy who had suffered through evacu- atioe and its aftermath and

iand then a

moat difficult of ciirumaianr- law for e* some 20 year* earlier, al-

jlhough there were many in • <ioonvniJ. inOKEI) those chamberi that August *

beaddedtothelfiiemalReve. While there waa no eAngree-whoMIKK MAs.tOk.j

during,World War----- ----------- ---- ment. Me was joined in hia ux " proptwaJ, becai»e it aaa H and had even auggwted

On August 16. JM2. the p,„ i,v Senitom Engle. Mag- so late in that particular sea-much worse treatmat than ieeU»onun««,a^.,^,House Way. and Meani Com-,Neu-,itm and because both the evacuaUoo and coonnemcnl .Angele* and Sa,

^ mlllee favorably r«poried Bennett. Eugene U.,Houae and the Senate had in wartime Intenor eampe. , reapertiiel,.Coogreaaman Kings bUr McCarthy of Mlnn»ou. Len m u c h • muaf legUlaUon to By a quirk of faU. what Tj,e only s-.v,

In the Houae of Repreaen- On August 30, 1962. right B. Jordan of Idaho, John A. dear aaay prior to adjourn- alarfed out aa an ex{^ ot a ‘UUvea. Coogreaaman King in- after the noon hour, under a Carroll of Colorado, and John ment. enactment of thii great Inequity turned into a “troduced the'firsl bill. He waa onanimouaconaenlagreement.jShenBBn Coop«.ot Kentucky, worthy measure requireaakilb : public rdaliow^^for^thoae Aa^;^f

1.— — •« ft-i fi I '

e bill for this i e. but subacquen Ihe KucNiql^Resol

'no-Ua- bill.;Tnan of the'Senatr Judiciary lii.k, And. a preredmt had to (hroueb it. Imrtiarti,Dl-trlrt ‘he tax lawa0 favor of the spe-'Siilwor I Oaims in, he ewlabluherf lhal i

F. Baldwin of Contra Costa diaaeand Sdano CousUea; John|Speakinp . ............................. .........................................................Shelley- of San Franciaro, Wtl-jcial legialaUon wereCoegreea 194S, the auheommitur that minute amendment relievinc rarjflr liam MaiUiard of Ban Francjj- men Wilbur D. Mill, of Ark- reported out favorablv the certain taxpavem of their It-; r«ii«ell and It. Nortbera - for the decision

Jeffrey Cohelan of Ber-.snaaa, chairman of the Ways.basic' evacuation daims sta- ability •■puld be 'added to a. Califomui-M>.te™ Nevada ;the ew of th. Xm-

the arbiirarinea

REV. TOM KIJCHB3. ruling that theae paymenlJ were not taxable. Briefs on the subject were fUed by the then NclioBal Legal Counsel : and the Washington Repre- ' aentative.

Followtag telepbooe eoa. lerwatioiM from Seattle . uHth the U-hlle Honsr and | with Ihe Senior Seoatbr : trofi* rallfomle Tboms* ■ Kochrl and the ruklag |

keley. Alphotme Bel! of SajiU'and Measi Committee. Thom- rule It years earber. He and -Teveiiiie" prod-rmc bill, Moniea. Gordon L. McDon- aa ,1. Lane of Maaaschuaetta.'Senators Beimett. Jordan, and The newapaper exp ough of Los Angeles, and who waa the chairman of the'Kuchel are Rapubbra

Jamea Roosevelt of Lna An- Houae Judiciary Bubcommii-’olherw ar« nemorrwta.;gelea. All were Democrata ex- lee on Claima lhal approved After

Cabfnniu-W>.|en) Nevadanistrtrt rounril. hollered | "o«" _

Ceril King, ibill had to he


Rapubbrana. the suhaeoueni teeaunert of ihia Senator Thoma* RoeheU lOregnn Slate l^egy^f.-. k-mocTwta. , tax problem evoked a wave of and eew«papermaii l>ooald iforesitcceaaful rUmar.,

queatioBj by goodwill fortfaoae of Japanese; Canter at rieblr deaerved relieved of thdr Ua la-

JACL Views on Proposed Immigratibn Legislatit

BACkriKOHMt Acluall.'. the Internal FJ^'

ettue ServTce . decision wai known to JACL. aad Hi WaahlhgUis OtAce had al­ready met wfth asveptl Gov- eniment officials concerningthi. quesuoo of tax Ua^r-' ti wai’ dtddedTbe problm was meluded in- ,j^. j.pi phnoj^ eon. the W«hington Repra^t^; IS^on oftires Report and STlatent in earning.theon the agmida of the NaUon-, aubaeaiant

Ever kiace JACL played :cIusion and deportation aec- as such.Mich a pramlneBt and algni- :Uooa ' The num>r« that iWon^cncaat role in tbe enactment Still another is the ao<alled at-xlUble by the annual rediic-

■ ‘ ■ Eisenhower Adminiatratiori'iinn in quota, plua all I

in the «H-allrd quota re- exparta in Immigration law These hearing*, faj h,.- eerie ih>o| and in the »ub- to meet wil^ him and other House and ihp .Vn»«.,, M>qi>enu|k»t. there K nn XV- OovecTuneol official, in the peeled to*

lhal thp-Japaiw»e. While Hoime. Alao inv-iied aion and jvwaiWj ne

: majority member «f tbe ••tax-wTi«Bg" Hooae

! xnd Matn* Comratnee C«- ! rU King of Long Beach.

NaUnnallty (Walter-MeCar- 'Bill, which has been re-intro- niinihera of the prior yr*r. go t«r evample. w^ild alnwj-a wer* reprenen tail van of the the rest of the yrani Art eMM2. JACL baa dured by-Republicu Se&aton|into a quota pool. Niimbera have atwilahlr to them even major naikvuil orgatiisations only...Seitaior* end R^-,bees rerogoliad affwajor and Coogreaameo. Iwithin the pool are to he alio-i the few qimi. number* now (vwicemed wtth imaiiRr»tior;tati\-e« have hem b^jir,factor to any effort to gen- [ For all practical purpoaea, exted on a 'firwl come, first, .iwllahle to them anunaHy. maner*. Yoiir

al Gouncil for consideration.Briefly,.

I evacuatioii claima bUte aa

e liBBilgratieB jhowever.the rwiaion that will'served" basis, with prinriiien aw. . !be the baxu for House aad'for perwtia with akiils and I for any <

waa among n

of tba haMr Ismigrafioe and aataralltatfan node 12' years

JACL baa bMn on r«- intioduecd at the raqui^ ^ arging th. f“lt^

• • 'SenatorHartoo July2t. jr1. Repealing the racist Ka-'

tional Origins System of 1924.1 by wbioh annual ImmlgnUon quotas for each country or quoin area are determln^ on the baaii of oaa^ixth of one percent of the .number of In-

1958. the Civd Oivisioe tbei tlt^ clatam payoMBta Department of Justice an-! to be taxed- , naunced tbe liquidaUon of iU: The National Counefl tinan-Japaneae American Evacua- adopted a reaoluUoolitin aaima Section. aUting|^lj„^ „„ Congres lhal it had, Bthhorired pay-|r|,,rify n» legialattve inieht menta totalling m*74.240.4P ,varnalton elnAma,,„,in !S.»2 -I-™-!-. '"V<" .„rt, TO, l» b. „2„. .^u,

-I lb, .l.b.TO, UX. . . ^ ^ -iTOTObl, lb, ,American Evaniatinn Cliima .... k . -iAtt ef 1948 and its 1951 and 1956 ametidmenta-

Txale 1" 1960, |h» Inlerni

an group of 37 Senatora. An fcknUeal biU <U.R.nOO)

aa ialroduced in the House

Coinrideotnily. only Praai- K,tiiiaUxation Serrif Prioritiea in the preeent laae i. During the five-ywir deeil Johnson amqe^toc justice Depar.mect. ti-

are continued, with eertxin-aanxitjon period. Japan will pawaemt bad voted toT|;tW- office. the'Siile Depc-j ezeeptioas, auch aa (a) p*f-:be guing up 20 pet. of iia ride PreaideBt Truma^la.x'eto|tba Labor Depener anu of United Sutee citizens | prestot quota niiinbera every of the 1952 Immignuon nnd:j^g^„itiiral Itopanmr! are gives non-quota atat-iis;yaar. With l-iie mioimtim an-. NaiiuDahty Act. YouV Waab-i^f,^ ^and (bl ihefotirth prefcrcoceinual quota inmaattl to 200,’lngUm KepreatolaUie »t“jui*4r 1*wtiiuonin> team, category la expanded to 1n-jlhi.-i misna that Ja|*ui'a an- probably tbe mdy ^-gwv-' ^ private orgdaelude (I) parenu of aliens,uusl quoU would be uc- «nim«lal

AmON IN CtINGBCSS Sexetor Kiirhrl Inlr^ureH

irrw in Ihe rontinreital Uniled'yji^_! Th*MeF^declared, in franamitting hie lAdn

lawfully admitted for pvrma-icfwaaed to 160 the fiiwi ytwr,'a®t*Uve who bad urged ,n«l reaidisee and (H) quail- to 120 the aecond. to 80 the worked to override that vmo.l “ ***fled quoU Immigrxntj caps- third, to 40 the fourth year.' Now that the Ovll Kighta ^

• to zero the fifth vmr. Act of 1964 appeals to have RealiaUcallyaj.?^! he same time, there it no paaaed all Coogirtoional bar-

Introduced similarage of capable and w i 11 i n g a*«»rance that the Japatieee rtera. Pivnideeii Johnaon ap-iperwma. extel in the Uruted'*'"''! *» •o'y ' P~" I" >-■ *W'}-bkf hi. P"r- r

Kewnedv'«!U1es. ' |quoU Tuimbmi m eompenaate miiuave powem to (WcuTV »»« t"'’ “' ■ ' No quota area m«v Tw.eTve for their annual aulamatic wen- action «n hi. ImmigTw- tige of hi. offi^n. ht

Ihibin.,. „l |b,l«.|,l—. :.TO riTO-b.. H.™i -ml ncblx..b—-»dministration's pfSp^la to more than 10 t*-' o' the tatal'loe*.


•thhir. cultural, and racialof the United ............ .. .............. .. ..... ................. ......... ..

Btitea aa evidenced in the^„,p„tion code, .bily 23.1962Mh» find fivevnirsimrn.intD- ••I believe therr ex litCenaui of 1920.

, QiKda, or............. ............................. to be mad. available from orily- l.giaUtrhave its quota rediired.f^ quota twwwv.

I 2. Dtmuiating the double competilng need for the Crw-,M- ‘more than the annual 20.P~*I ^ diacrinunaaon of the Asia-

March in WashingtonThis was tba busniom ln|tor of tba Saattla Hbman

Padfic) Triangle. ' to tha'discriminxt

which JapaneaaA Rights CoemniMiaa.John Y. Yoahino. of Wash­

ington'. D. C. is tbe Deputy Chief of Field Services for the Preaidenfa Committee on l-kiual Oppurtunity

emerged from their so<elled ahcil of aelf-effaccDcnt and joined in the momenloua ef­forts IhrmjgliiMil the country to sernie civil nghle legiala- tinn and to eliminate racial. piuymeaL

‘ ^ ueaU.

of the bad -h«. m-*liy a. ' 5\w,!S^“”hile itv andar'-TOxitriL-r:: :-.iro,..i,.-.n,b~.ibTOb„b

, _ to tw-examine and make jx-i. certAin changes in theee'lv'e' The President may.artei - .. “nie most urgent fulh. cofiaultaUon *-iUi the Immi damental tafocm I am-rccom- ewoodtog reUtaa to tbe nation- ■1 origin system of selecting inmigruU ... Tbe caect- ment of tbk JegisUtioa wUI

only legiaUHvo foncoma for;not N-lirye lhal thiaaewaionorCemgrewtathia tion rwiaion will toca

June 23. *>d by eeihrr i«» Hrisn 'iSetiate Ihia s«»io-,.

diacriminationa and eocial jitatires.

JACI. fwa he proud that, deoidte Ihe poaaiUIltlea of vtoteewoBod being mhuader- Blood, more than 3S march­ed noder the gold hanaar of Jtn. ia Ihe hUtorio March In tta*htng1o« of .»orti*I2*.HK«. wheamora

eriueh adds discriainxtioo agsinal

AsianB of tbe National Ori- Ebu Systtoi. the further dit-ir4mln«Hoo of «lloootmfta BtonbRs of snigraau aa mneh es one-balf of tbelr a&eestry sttriboubla to a peo­ple or peoplea tadigenoua to ixot problems in the field the Aeia.Pacific Triangle area immigration law. U will, how­to the quoU of tbe country of ever, prwide a sound Uaia tbrir ancestry, or to tbe AaU-iupjm we can build in

^ntioo.3oaid which the Bill creates, leserve up to 50 pet. of tbe quota reserve for per*

tSTiila the Japanasa.. for Rxeeubvaiaerediledwitblhelthe- big push' carapla. have an m-arsub- fact that the Stoats Jodiciaiyroext Coogreaa.

scribed quota. H should be Immigratiea and Nabirelisa-! Tbereean benijjarchi remenbtoed that the Jips-!ti«i SubeoBimlUee. under the in the. Welter-McCiBB :iMse could not r««ister for|ehairmanahip of Democraticlinthei»aarfuii;rTif*liqiiotx immhwsimtasfierlbe,Senator JanitoO. hMsUsndofldeni eo will*, tbathltcRnined bv him to beTWUir.''^’*®^ immhwa imta sfierlbe, Senator James O. hMsUaod of (dent •

edto^ to avoid undue MiaaiaiupJ^. and lb. Ho ...efChirf Kxculship ritoilUng from the rvduc ^ Act j ,.u Subcomm.lito oo Johosxwi.lion of annual uuuUa and (b) lAx;ouibvr -4. l«-cJ..iu,uugniUoox.and Naiurwliaa- All thia pfAetf i.y -

inal aev-urity Intor- of a twd- thairmaiuihlp lhal the neat fc.-«uce.i» iaUcjUlitudetowunltbraui.11;^^ UvuioJixIh: Congreaaoauidbl.v the <me r' - -'‘■their ancestry, or to tbe AaU-;uTOm we can build in cat of the Uniud SUle*. UviuolixIic- Congreaamau siwy ii.c <me ti:-™*.! -.

Pacific Triangle qyol. of 100 devdoping an ImiograUool After the five-ytor ttsttti- ^'“1^annually. luar that serves the natioDa]!Uon period, all numbers go betauto pe Japamse.^f Inactive 1966). wiU rt-i, urv tbd

than 2M,0nn wMle and a

baala of natioaabty.

m.,™. «,d ™n«u ix lb. ,xoU ™.n-. I?'’'?' 'T,,”'''detail the principles of equal- and are allocated, micoiding oedy Admhiirtjxlion.We In- afoll-umeMaahin^B

- - dignity to to prioritiea. to •Tim come. fiT*. ^ Public besring. 00 the aenuiiveforimrr.igTd.-d.................—i- TK) >« ........................................................... ........ ‘men our-.naunn auncni^s, j.-ov ...v ^ United

V .X .1 - # .0 ...A.xo.~xxj. Presidtol Johnaon. in em-jpet. ceiling for any one quoU -,k. „0.. -n*. li»- i , ----------------K™.dy rrop.. X~ SiqiioUa for all eat#«on#s, and aaJa »toT>

-n the «*mfnuiuty,j^j,y l^hition tha hafsrJ Ito if *n alien fail* to giv.iwattoaed liiMhf redtouef •rceptanr- of ■>«P«n*»»jp,re„ta or the alien hrrdherii'rtiirrimtnaUfm againal ihoaej«-id«ncr that be uitondi t. tfcelr grievance* by “walk- Amenrana a-heri so many ^ , Hniteri Siaiaa who aeek totm Into mir roun-lto*^ th'

th. u.h.d s».™

►MASAOKA REPORTxulhhnxri to l.nhln.1. x ..f ^ „iBtration on a quoU waiting; ........................<■’

alien fails t e be the c Vested Property. .providing nori-quou atalua.of the Union messagr, Janu-worthy membera of a ary K. 1964: "We m.iat also

mmlaiy- on the rwnmuiutyij^ily „ ,j,» ;iie„ j,ft bv legiatation theacceptanr. of ■> « P« "e ae- ^ .............

X..—•;‘>«!r>«“y‘^iand atateri Of a United States who seek toto Into mirrmin- uMlIwvua.leg" Jrmn Ihe ttaahlngto" ■'* >> citizen. -trv. psrticulaHy thov with «• O^ain rhxngeeMoenment to the Ltatols «<> «■»>*«■ end to aerva ^ Humanizing and broedeti- much needed akilla and fhotel«c'u»«"" P>^-wona are made, «mwov«-. w* imdm-- ........ ... '•T".-'-..-Nnmrial. Nattona! Presi- tnUeaby important t*. exHuaioo and dei>oru.'J««inR their families. In fs-‘Epilepey aa a caiiiie of exclii-Rnemy Act of 191.. .......... -dent K. Patrick Okur. jet- •"d preferenres, a na-^'it" j* A''"r-xrTimtot. for one. officially,;^“d"d. the Al.^ ^perty,ted-ln from Omaha. Neb, to reaponaibUity. and diplomacy , ^ ^ built b>-the im: *)'!'<>««^. i« hia d^reUon^ „rgto iu natiotial. teler»ied!Cu«?<i)«>. lh« el I*lead the J.kCLm.rchera. a* to*«. for dvil righto ia a of all lands cw ask «n*J*dmit close relative, with ^gr*xlng to the United'A^™ Proptny. Department sgaiaat the n*e «f P*

-------------- - ----------- ---■ '..... '.S&

On the^other hand. Euro-' pwa have he-n Higihle.tojtvetoor for qimto A^^/w-xr n under auainr. Ihe Imm.grwtion Am of -Ull l1924. Morwovr. we iindm--

.. of tki-------------priarfha 1Mg to the

where petaona of Japanese ancestry reside in any bers. JACLen took an activetort ia the leadership forcivil complete without rights. lag Edwia Mitoma aad Key

Immediate Paat National KofasyaahL past aad prea- Prtsidefit Frank Chuman. for eel preaWenta ot the Waah- Inatonce. is serving aa the- Ingtoe. I). C.. tMapler, lor

betwaen naturalized andQ. become the aIhoae who now seek edmie- aioo: What can you do for our countz}'? But we should


_______ _ _____ four gweral types of im-Chairman of the Ixoa Angeles their un*rin*h and devoted .mij^tion billa in the United Coiintv Ommiiwion on H.i- effort* la the eaaae of rivH -suiea Coogrtsa. each featiir-


aectio&a. -oartlculariy foritobUehing preferenres, a na--*!"" « elunmatrd. T^e A tor- xnmitot. for one. officially,„ those with fatoly ti» in the'tion that waa built b>- the im-:*)*5' OttweJ- -n hia d^reUon. nationals iniartoied^™*?^'"'

•unUtoSisI: "'“’"“*,migranUofalIlandacanaak«n*y“l«it.el»*^’‘fi^»'>“'in emigtoiing to the United'A^™ P"- -United SUiae. . . . . mental gute. to for quoU <>f - K-r--- - ■ j

faeallb probleme. numben aa e part of a prv- vested tbe private property of, ool «.mpen*.t>e^»7. An ImmigmioQ Board li.gnun to demooauxie the dia-*«•'>«< ««>>• wUonala Jn[ Uo fact* lhal an«

cstobllabed,cooaiiUog of aev- criminatioo in the 1924 Na-'ibla country to prevent their Urn ihr rex-e- '»■» en members, three of whom, tional Origins (Jiioto EyBleoi!u*« “o behalf of the eomy traUun no long including the Chairman, are and subaequem legialaUm. |counlriea. j and that - .

be appointed by the Prvsi- Thus, on a • first come, -Almoal a hundred mlllloo In erty veiled wa* ^

n Relatinna. righto. The Nattoaal Or-laimediate Past Mmmlain gmalzsttoe owe* thaae two tomigTsUon quotas,

riaipj Diatnci Council Chair- a treenendoo^ vote of man Minoru Yaaul aervad U thank* lor the way hi the Acting Cb*«B*n of the whk->.-^h«y have ceeper- Citv of Denver CommiaaiOB on atod with the MaabHgtSB Community Relationi. ; »e advanctog


Raymond Uno. pn»idert of r«n*e "» rtvfl rigbla aad of the Salt Lake Chapter, head- JACI.* inlerexl in tW* Li iha Utah Stole Comma- K'** ernaade.•loa on Cri-il Rigbla aa tta TUa past Ueeutom. than, ckairman. i baa wttueased tbe aetive

National Pitsidtot Okura| piiliclpation of indhrMaal waa naned by tbe Governor JACL members ia impla- to the Nebraakx State Ovill meattog tbe satlaBal ala- Rigfau Commaaion. fan "For Bettor Aaaari-- Natioewl Director Haaaoi eaaa ia a Creator Ametlto" Satow of San Francisco andj by bdping to aotve tbe Mrs- Yoahiko Ochi of Idaho- greateat moral problem of Fklla were appointed marabera o«r tisMa. thereby makiag of tbe California State alW denwersey aad oar prfee- Idaho State Artrianry Com- l«» herttage

is quite so-called Japaneae enemy pro-: lead xnd-NMi***^. apanme perty and about five hundred Klale*. tb»uah

excluded again, million in so-called G<.'enemv Prooertv was vested..

maai*teol<> n of(h>*

; ty after th' •I TTest^i" 1

iBoard ia to have ad\-isory.,lho ug h inadvertmU.v.'enemy property was vested, atudy. and inv-eatigaUve po*-- through the alnri ofawation-tocether with the properly of

A Wid xxnuxl tanisn,. ■-» . \ , ,-f pnx..|,l. tor .ih-™ii-"xl*»Ofiete tbr ••originaTHaijt jtioo quoU of appresimatelv; * • • . *•'■'" though,the.* of Italy. Rutnani*, Biil-

fPWHp A. Bart. D-Mleh.) pmons is esUhltah-l JACL OBJtmONS '*«• »jwf ’he intnil of the garix Auatna, and Himgtn- BUI. which w*a flrirttatro- y „ toeresae from the cur-' The Admtniammon Bill . Aft«-IH. war. the vested pn-

roafT T. l*6i. stth 35 Sea- : '2. Minimum annual quotas.out a fomuU for the elimtoa- ‘atori from both parttoi asd , of 200 for meh quoU area are, Uon of the National Oriryu . -1,-^22S»akea«a-apobd*fl»g1l. :,rt.8li«3tpant«whaaaalsv-rtam. ' T , ‘‘‘^ ***"

■Ibk la tbe bUI that w*. jxBtualqaoUoflSSperyear.: -k ■* -adraftad by tbe Americas .|prMmablyth»wrill mean an In gtieral. we believe ihat l^ Aa a part of the peace set-jKoceed* of ^ ,. . .. ---------- ..-/It' ... ----- Ueaeat with W«l Getmanyjexcepl that in U"

Ircalimn require such c eraUon.

In thq c’-*'"8 ^

Immlgratton and OUzMiUp 'lautonatic Inleiaaae of 15 C e a r a nwee. ciompoaed df , 3. The double dlacriminatiemmate thaa 00 aatioaal or- jof tbe AsU-Padfie Trianglela ganlBttpBs eMMraed with jmpesled.

• “ * . 4,in,*r»dal

mlrtaea to the United Ptoim •egf"' »«r "«re ft our W-Ori! lUgMa Ojnmtwoo. re-i low tmitm. todWA-lgpaatooto- -v ! memberaMp aettrity AmI-^pSa» Humuka wnal ly augkl ap «Hb tba ae.MMabtMBgtoffisLfRRORSSSebi

IK tbe JACU wboae iSUber of Ito Btord

Wash- .inherent In the National Ori- •o't* * gins System of 1924 ia aboi-

ird af IH- ixhed over a five-yaar period.Each quota la rediired by20^

Another(Jacob Javta. A^Y.) Bi 11 tbe first that not only deala wHhUber-1 meend year.

the J a v 11 a prt. a vear: that la. 20 pcL V.) Billtbe first yca^ 40 pcL for

yaar.W-'bo thatrttt liber-imeandyaar.Mfn-to that b« bat alK thamid of the fifth year, tbve

, *W- —

this Kenhedy-Jotuisae Admin- istntion BiU U a step for­ward for peCBont of Japaneae aaeasCiy. though tbe total an- anai quetn ought to be in- creaaiidi p«chapa to the 250, 000provided in the ao-eaUed original Han Bill,

priaripal nhjerbnn that. erhUe

fbe Prestdent


A— ..... »...x.,lt_

fqf to tbe BUI la tbW dimretk»ary bjXnqfiwrtiad fbi

we; ad.tba Saereti

Uement with West Germany;except thsi >» (Fbdetal Republic of Ger-jabouldbecodf«manj') and tbe Pence Trcnty verted into <b«J with Japan, these vmted pro- war damag>' ^

HIGH PRIORITY pegt^ weee by tbelGermany and JNo Preaideml stnee anaet- United Stoles in lieu 'of so' As far aa thej

meot ^ the Waller-McGarran callad reparations. coneefnrd. c- - - - ------- ^ y,x„ depnart i

alc'iaiiyr; Act h*a ewer given immigra- [ ‘Ihe War Claims Act 194K ition refoetn-Njiigh. priocvty.iantKipa'ril aueh action and

s iir<liJ U# preaent Ad-,proridnd that these ptoperdea I d( rwdegt-of Gwab and Japaaeae na-

Johnaoc. {ttonala abould be used to pej-h Bdd-JasauT 1964. te atecalled pemnal war claiaa


• eu• CutllV’-s i i:»f Ith ,r. MORT

ANSOK T. KlJieU _ 2U . J12 i. Ill it.a 4-4m________ M J.J1MntNAieSNI IHV a«enct'



S, Y. Mef«r StnriMIM( Pl»w> A*«.

U. }}. CM. AK 2-32M Y»riin«la, Tan Htia«a»a


SeoJon'i Best IT'ishes





If|^ a..i.

* ! A--— i




• liTH Sa. CraM^. 221-mt• l«12l t. WaMn Aaa, AarAaaa. M AA l-UM• I>*1 W.CanaaSt. TartMaa. FA HU«.» H2W• laaai 2«M 24 t. laa Pa*a W. UE. HA A4IM

Rej L»Et> Ad«k:•;ii Ck;.,6.1 Hardaa$k. I.anei.



iaal Y N.l...

S><a N-ik.da A'aacii Pia.a'ialle U„l Talaaek. . Aa.l iMbaiva Tan T,,,..,'•aa TaaaEa

TaiUa W.,.E..a



Albwt ^‘Al KBthlhAihi .

Pk; 7T4-2M2 J S«i.4rtn'«. C.n^in^, from the


I BEST WISHES FROM";> NAHM FtEALTTX H II I-7irS ■ 2m W. AaManaa It.d ■ *•••*«. Cal>4 •Mil

\l NANKA REAI.TY AND INV»^T CO.» S »U S-m? . 2127 Saaw ll.d. . L.t Aa«aiaa. C«W. INU . ■. N.... ............ T.d Ma-^. Sxa G.e’f. H

Ya..aA— Ja(.. Ni.l.,n.., am

.SwiAon’s Crretinefftmk J. ShlnMcoU Md Bnioraii T. A i


Dai IcJu RuHy Company

M.«Offi»:IEp.WicI.2<I5 W«t J.fhn« Bhd. Lm a.,... It. Cola. J f


ir v ir is6 You a Merry Chrhinuu and a

Happy AV» V«ir



2132 S. Ham. I>ad. • Aaakafam. CaM. . H >-4«ll






Japanese Caswlly Insurance Association of Los Angeles_________________________;_CanBl.t. Rioi.c* .-"

i E? ' “»'sv'is-sf""""Liti'sr ”• I „ ^ .o‘r-cr

UA 1.1211 AT 74401 -------------------------------------7-------------------------, MINORU ••HU" HA6ATA

SY 4.7ltf

TOM T. iroal Maata Si„ Paiadaai I

MU 1-4411 I

MINORU "I4T7 tad Ham St. Maatatay Pad. CaM.

AH t-ttJf



Nishimoto Really Co.A Niibinoto

MA24ST3 312 Ent Rref SfraM Ui'AtqttH 32. CdM.

Saiten'a Greelinqt


111 E. SPh 'St.. LJL. 13HOUSTON


ad Mri. JaaicM Yaditanl and Mrt. lav Yadltani

dv aad'Mrt. Kaa NaLadlna



51f SMirferd AvmamLh A*qt<M 13. CcdJf. «2B.|



Lm Aiiqelet 43. CalK.


fujiya market407 Vkqn Ave. Lot AH«(m 24 444.T2S7

Mr. B Mrt. Rickard l»o*w. Brenda. Dieliia. Mika






tlM imUHOUIYA. P.ap.

2S SMtk Sm R*dr« S». iM AiaqtlM 12. Com.



1241 W. 2a« St., lat Aayalat MA 4.MI4 Maa. ■ S«f. •:]» - S:M

TOICHI NA60 $a.TTl Ma plck.ap ar dtUmy


3507 W. B**erly Bhrd.. MoiMbeUo OV 54720 TOIOKI NA6A0 Sany! Na e>d.ap ar daHaafy

JOHN K *yiY*MAiMe..n, J.r KeS I. :tie i: Wni—.' Ii'd. - MtM.ball.


SEAS0**MHTIH6?**^ii«^X MR. B MRS.« ISAAC MATSUSHIGE I aad JANF 'I tllf S. Hal I U. Aayalatfmnewmmr'NipappppiippptiX MNMfWdUrKtMWWMKKWMfNs SEASON S GREETINGS R

i 'OKI I I Floral Products IWall Si. la. mi4 R

Ir. and Un. 1 laLIN lORI


Happy Holidays

Empire Printing Co.Enqilth end Japanate


lUWtBtr St. L« AnqttM 12

Mr and Mf. I



Wntanobe Nurseryniwe: REfublie 3-7347

3S30 SMrtb Wetter* AeetM Les Atqeket IB. CMiferale

UTO TV5404 HeUyweed BNd.


RIYOSHI YdSAKi ...B,127 U. im Padra tr.

i ""ma i4«14**’* *RMpmnvwwivwiviviwS'



1101 N. WESTERN AVENUE Plwm: 444-7373





Lm AtqeWt B. Cefif.AK 24t13



•FLOWERfNOrmmdy 3-7T74

' 2B04 HeKtier Drirt. Let Aeqetet 3«

Seaten't Greatinqt




Bended Cernmiiiion Merchenti — Wholetela Fruiti end Vaqeteblei —

Let Anqelet 1S


City Mcrter Let Aeqelet 15, CeBf.

3870 CreMbew Bird. | R 1 LA. I M S.2M) « 5|

Geerqa Fekiiihime ||

impenaf GardensSulcivaki Restaurant


3SOO S. Nermoiidie Ave.. Let Aeqeict 7. Celif.

Re.- John Yemeihita - R».. Ed l-amefo - Rf. T. J. Mech.da OHieial Board • Board el Trutfaat - Beard el Stewardt. WSCS

Qiudraanlal Empliiiit-I964-M: On. Wihiats In Dm WorldBithep Gerald H. K#nr.ady ' ^r- R'ciieTd CamLei AnqtUf Area, The Mafhedilt ChureK. L-A. Ditlnet Super,ntendanf______

•MTmwiniwirTrT»TWTmr-rr'TTrr~'‘“~*~***^*‘”**‘** ***”***"”*”””

t{[ Merijeee cud Eeqeee X 9 7041 Wkittatt Aka.

•144 W. Wa*klo*te« la. wt ».Ar/a xK Ha. Haltywaad, Ca«f. .

ssssssss-sssssssssS Sissjssr30IS W. JaKa'ien. I *. Saaio


naecauwaBiKaanaaBiatMi30IS W. JaKar.eii. I *.

RE S-4CS71401 Radandc let.. Gda.

32I-I*M1131 S.-tal,., W L.A.


Wait a I C»"'l-ala.

___■ aior. I G-a.'.rytTAYAMA

Wholesolo Florist743 Wall Sttaat

Lm AaealM. Cam. mi4 427.3473

OeUmd 12. ( OUlmd: B34-20S0

1130 W. Olyit^ fhrd. Lm AeqeJei; DUiAM M271


Seaten't Greatinqt


Mebal end Bill Seite 724 Olyiw Jhad. '

Meetebelb, Cat. 72B442S '

Haaltfc, Taa- Ttiraatk Fa.di

Waladaa Say Saaea ''


l«B..t.r - WV.Iaa.I.Ca.t 4 Carr,

S047ewM Ave.. La. 13 424.7S94

Ray, Ga.raa A YawatkHa

Raea* Pa>uka>a G.arya R H.riaklea


KAWAFUKUGenuine Japanata D'thai

204'r« E. Fint Street. Lm Aiiqelei MA A541S MA AMS4


KOKUSAI THEATREHe"ia of hlxq^ieant Pieturei

3020 CIINSHAW Rt.ATl4BMr. and Mr,.^dte Yekeyeme

Igarashi Studio131 SO.i^N PEDRO


SAN KWO LOWFbjdoiu QuDG«e Food

GEORGE OUON221 L FIm St.. Lm Aeqelet Phwe MA A207S


REpeMie 2-49443314 W. JeWeme BM. Lm Aeqetet. CoM.


New Moon Fish & Poultry Co.2304 Weit JeHertee Bh>d. Let Aeqeiet I B. CM. Met Okebey REpuMie A2m Viece Uyede

BIOIE'S UWN MOWER SHOPGarden Suppliat — SaUt • Sanriea . PaHi

EDDIE KITAMURA3797 2ed Are. (M EipetMee)

Lm Anqelet IB. Celif. AXmiMtet 3-2BIB



TOYOPharmacyPmcrIpHaa SAae IK

3S1BCrc«ittiewBlyd.. Let Anqetei 8. Celif. TOM HAYATA, PhomuO.

Phermeeitt, Manager


F-.-k N-.k.-., G..,' Cka.1.1 H.rala Hit. Sv«. K.t> Ha«..t.a Te>» Kaya.i

A-.... t.b J.l*Jm Wa-y. lek Ca..ay<a

LUk„ MaataGaRa MoMplaUttWe Satrita

IDW'a t 3td St. UL n. AN t-2ni


HAFU REALTY CO. | noo credd^w bm.iim w. jaHanaa ti^. LA. II ^ Aeqeiet I. CMN.

Ri i-aimT I AX 3-2311





Crenshaw SquareUl.'i Rotl Mmitrn Shoppint Mt BniiiiRt CmiIh

( ONCRENSHAWBLVO.—BETWEEN COLISEUM ST. 4 39th ST. Attreetiva Pat.o Shepy — Da'nnia OMItat — Medarn Medical Suitai


NEW GINZASperializing in /aponeMe />innm

/aponrue Enterl.ainin/: • Dining - Dancing

■ 264 E. fit $t.Ii Heert ef U'l Tate MA 6-2444


MASAOKA REPORT ,Supreme Court Rulings, Critical Cases

MASAOKA REPORTIdaho, Washington CampQig,^

Dunn* the pot biennium, they could not be niripp^ ot clUiea who livo n%rool forfor Uie court terw l»C2-lM3 tbeir cilia:i..Wp. «nuce th.n five ye.ra alaoUtd 1963-U*M. the Supreme Th--' rapaUiaOuo caom kioo buCourt of Ibe IToiled Slatet U«c luBK bee. «/ e»«re» pecUCl that Ibia OCU-o tuuen«um.ed to baud down Iwd.' lo JAt;i. *>••11 UOtl-reO Lull andmartr deciaiuRS of lar-i Inc cono<iueoco. reiaUui! I elril ri*ht«. itnmi||raUon. at other aiattrra of Reoeral ao apecifie concern to thuae < Japaneae ancestry.

Thia wardhuman vaiiiea ia a fi from th» finding by the tiofl'a hi^wl tribunal Jual 20

The Court ha*haU that t ousre** haa the . ..puaer lu take a*a> ll« elli7P~t>riale tbc Supreiue,Court baa' ■ppurtuniiy lu bear an ap- Coun ruled that the ^

,ea*a> the eU;-|H>vp.i..« houaea of every ibruu« udten*blp of may American i ,v,.„ I^efiaialure * "

OTHE* MAJOB IttJI.IM.!!l ,BH0rtJon«l by pot

that thaae at the Bnddhlat fakh are lea* toyal -Ajacrkaa' I haaChriiUaa* tivea abould brin{ about more

iiieauintffiil ciriJ riphta, unmi-------AmitmUNME^rr bouaine/aud other BMeatiy lu those respecuve moat

Os June 16, 1#M, the Su-'.u^,, aa are j„ri*idkUona, Toda;

the>Sute LegmUlure mad e Kotiae of should brinj

buy particularly tb, joverwhelmin*

the Con*liliitiooi3R0.6»9 to 58.S51, J'

lnNo*«nberlM2.lheelec-'the L^nited Suteacate of Idaho and Waahlnr and o»-n Und ir

"" ;r';s.«.. =u,vemiuL of the anU-aiien land; Kvery «ioe Uw tluil waa cuacled iu hlMlia eacepi

vcn Wcatern Sute.lelimination uf ^ ouiy Waaliin'iiloo tf,crimination. Tim baT

bburically were dii ed aplnn tbase of Japai

hi* eoertWCmit irejid lo- d Ifural inlerprelatios of

aho tote. I- a forelAO elec | «TH^ BAdOB^ ^y popul.Uon, In reauUlion, but denied a* oseoa- i Supreme Court .^ the deprivatiaa ,P*»^ ^ «"“> •"’I"«*“‘)iionaJ the eurreni divtrion of government of riti*en.hip a* a paakb- c‘v.l nrhU queaOoft. tJurtBf iegiai.Uy, „,u in sir SUUa rsiTirAI TASrS meal for deaUa-fi^m the the I-« biennium. r*rt«P» Tvinrini*. Maryland. New • CRmCAI. TARWmilitary form* la wartitse. «be two with the most far- -


who live IU in-44aho, it aeaub.rt. RSbMion —t time, this remove thst »«tionmorereepM- ,^ the Suu ConaU

No. l,™at t'"'' “tt ’•t' owneiahip uf Innl :BMn^ Counij-,

______ ______ Alao. the Court ha. heldyear* afo in the K^ailed that the burden of proofKnmn.t,u te« case that the nb- 'Z in Sute Lepal..3M2 •raililarv neceswty", «*“ mMiUry aervlee lie.wuatlbo of iu peauoo. of Coveramenl, not .Jaiuuifse ancentry. because' lb* petiUoaer. of Jbeir ■'affinity - to the Ja- »e«t. lo thia particular c«. paneoe eneeay. from the Weal __

, with tbc oHisi far- scbiUK conse<|i

and Okwadn.■ riahimT^ Other critio.1 pmcedefit*. I

' whirh prohibit*Iponyma of Mocisolian desrenl iht» P |nol bnm in the United Sutes

eld vm-.w... «u ~rroo. fa Involving the tanue. of|2« 40 other Slate, may be1. for- «>■*'<»■» freedom and fair ap- - ,hj, brruuj imple-'■ ‘“r _________ _ i_ c... T ..rl

juries, hr "Oder the joint < offtce. This par- o

diaCriminalion. western comei ind alienAdian border

'rom! rortnaatel).dACI, rhapietx j,

The Idaho rampaicn wa* SUte (Pnrawi,

■e exempted fro

handed down

:n wa* State ii-nraMl. ^ mnehip F«1K Beihnrt IW

Niahiok* of. Idaho Raaha Bice,, latioo wa* rail* and CwmrRe Slipai of the mn*l popoki. ,

Muj. lb. ron«..'.rt„„ i... lb. su» Co.- p.,.i.., -bii. K.ii.«i; '>~tiS-,1889. when -Chi- -Second 1 ice rrwndem T»k Mafie .\ alh,

past ticilar

Supreme Court maty important


and yalid -The tuual .inklo* ,Att that pruv.d- fur the loa> tnaaa ioUefersoce aiote si.v-'uf cll.wualup uf any u.lural- *ry with the rltbt to physt- «l*«« „3 freadom." In^e wort, of in the country of bm “

Iwiukee. Wia-civi' rt^hu que^uooa employ a "lillle fedeisJ to one nouae ^ ordinsace. The eoo-

10-3 Oeclauui, Ibe High Courtly. , _„.i „irl ^lf»d!rtura. reprwHaw ^wajci, tue State cannot deny,uaid that Uie proviiiuo iu H e.ifomuK the onJiDanceI,n,a;ur..ubn uul Nitiooimy ^ *'*‘‘*^ *'> paaaod by the City td Greno-

’«”r*» not fntTna or V'lic-e. ur cco- uf me State.IVo ye-i» aflci .1. prwe- oomk iulcrwila.” When a State i«e«Ky

aonl-ahallcnn* holding that,. The Court alao lefulod the, the Kegeola' Prayer Cajw. prwniac thi

ivolved in thia brrouj imple'Lion of the -one man. -rt*- principle. ,0 1. ■»* conviction of ten ^mb,...' .^liw ior .^ v!to.lL»j -IjWlb,..”;^

yoor^lu .K-U» wm d.-]w«bl>-

a of Mongol- Kubota of Seattle headed up waa eovetwil b> n, I dig- the Wa»hinr-on campaign. westeea rh.pi„, to be- Your Washington Repre-

nied the r . _voting, aerving on juries, boidiug publli ofncea.

I of'for justice and fair play, auj IK2 CAMPAIUN'S

t the voters of ■-r:-pecnona rwj

againM oOiar‘-fJ*«ia

in Ibrir Hall baevBti'

ilizeiia of Idaho went, louk vff the aem.^ . WaablUfU-i, it waa Sen- to tbc poll, that .Noveinl>rr| art took Ibe tr.^ Joint ReaolulWn 21. tUal 1WI3 nnd recorded a rramind- arav*e tbrir

.ould repeal the coOaUUilioo-mg ' vole of cort.dcawe mj oommoailie* ..4 tt,', Uul oojy their fellow cilueoi of Jar*-| IStale la the rsrialfm

who declare in nese anceairy. repeeling the laation againM art g^ faith" their inlao-coDSlilutional diarriminatiim ritizana that m

I, }wwi»v>> jjjj ^j^jj|^..llabliahment-of the moat damaging de- P" ^ Mturaliied and *i« tutiooally protected right to mandated by the Uw..auch

-PI* *»«ln«1 1h» rivil rietjta tlMl iw ,_..;uiL.^ f.mH* i* *,11' wav I

become' eitiaeni of agiinat naturalugd clliten*.. (ConliO'ied on Pap.

n individual a conall- .nfareea I h efacilities u fund, in anyy wayic. equally wrightc

«n hardly be in Turtaeolh .greater lUengtb in’'{nogcd aimply becauae a ma

our aueiKy than It would baye jarily uf the people choose - to aepsrate6 do ao."

be aaved by aUeitipUag mental

of the diacrimirtators." ^ to the Court, tbc 2.-A unanimoua Court' beM

requirm that that the Colorado statute pro-

. aa itate air n aa i The free excreiae clause

ot the A

uncooai.- , . ,b,,-...fvcboni ^ >ioco«»lHuUooal by a v«« ConaUluUontulional art ordwrt that the *! n.,„™iited „**. of 8 to 3 the practice of dep ^.^h State must make ao hibiUng diacrimination in eo-piibtie achoola be Integraiad reading and re- -hoaeai and good faith effort.plovmeot could eoosUuitioo-Front thia point on the btft “ 'citation of the L«daEBi;er cuctruct dialricta. in bothallv be applied to an Inlta-eoort haa cooriSlrtUy ex- * .1,, in poblk: school rSchmapp of ita legialilure. aa itate air Htupanded the concept of curteti caaea), „„rty of freedom and liberty. oiUxco in'riig- In the Scbemw> maUer the - practicable- ...

The last Kennedy appuint-^t,), ui be Fresidenl . . . JusUvea found Ibat the iAd-| in the aix caaea before it.,h{bita the denial ment. that of Aaaociale Jus-; -x naUv»-born citiieo b big uf the veraca. even with- the Juaiicea said that roai-Aloymenl eompenaata* tire Arthur Goldberx. In the j,^ rrtde abruad iodefli)- out comment, pueaenart ade- denU of urban and auburbanjfita to a Seventh Day Advrt- 1962-1963 term wm - - in oorjijj]^. ^ihoui suffering lu*a of vuUonal art reiigiout char-iafeaa had been abortchanged. li»t who ^uaed to opinion, — a moat aaliitaryLitii^hlp. The diacrimiBa- acier. and constituted in ef- that per capita those who .“latur^v becauee of her rall- ««e. for be has apparanlly'^j^ ,t naliiraliiddifect a religioui observance.;live in the moat populmidtatoui briiafe.helped tip the balance 00 the jj^^h 1964. the Su-]Tbe practice of Bible reading. counUee have fewer repre- N4. Public acbooU rtut downtribunal in split deeliiooa to-split 4 to 4 and therefore, waa held to be un- ;neniaUvei than those whOjin Pfiaee Bdwart Oouaty. wiPd the liberal InterpreU- ih^pv affirmed that a na- eonaliUiliooaJ and iu diaron-jlive in the Ie« populous Virginia.tion. a bloc hradad by »lef uyj.beim American t

' bif cili p for aeH’izig in army, even though

conaliliitioaaJ and ita diaron tinuance in the poUie school I rural eounUM.

,*j*iiv* ot th.1 ap- force, without specific suUr-

of Pennsylvania decreed.In the Curielt matter, the

State of Maryland argued efaat the purpose of the

.. program araa not rengioiia but eecular in that

tion aince 1959 must be re- 1 can foraeSpraking for the majori-»>*<*

ty. Chief JuaUee WarTenilh* - • ----------argued that -The right toTOW freely for the candidate 5. A eandidaU-* race on of ooe-e choice ia of the ea- elertion ballot i* «« aeece of a democratic wiciety. quired.

ir'i^i’ilrht’ta Dr«i>U mtrai ■“'I Ml>' eoevietioo* The ^rT retJiad »l heart >f^Negix> woman aeotaoced tothat, even If the purpose w reppmentalive gov$(irBeot.l jeU tn Alabime for contmoi

JuaUre Furl Werreo. who baa jiu* mnpIfltRl Ma teeith and AaaoriaU JuaUcea Hi BUrk. Williai William Bren:

The other Keenady .... pointmeot, AaaucUte JuaUce oriialloo from thia Govern' nyree Wblte, appears to belciUaeos drastx-aNy limitsmore inclined to ^0 the-ju- liair rigbta lo live and worit:^^^ K-r—- - -dirial reatralnl" Wuc of Aa- .broad in a way that other relirimi* aiocc it'And the right of auffrageaocUle Justices Tbomai dUteoa way . . . / ,«ughl to'accomplirii ita pur-'««> >>* * *Cl.rk. J»lu. H.ri„. .-d P-I-, ^ „d,„. ot th, »«' T d.l';!''- »' ^ “ter Stewart. class cilixeoabip A Bible which ie an t«elrumefil-«'«*'“*«>•'•‘A* “^1

01 p.rt.p. po*., U.10-- .ucd. wd.ii«-. oi th, cdrtii.., r,iipo.. “rat U a commentary that of;ciUten be naturaliied or na- recital of;^he Lort t i* i* *the nine Justices who sat inlova bom. U bo badge of lack and other devotional raadlnga ' ■ •on the histnoe evacuaUoo testiof allegiance and In no way are unconstitutlooal. ' « aghting

> derades ago only;.v4d(Qccs a voluntary renup-i The free raereise clai

refusingWeek queen end court bring e tou'ch < jepen to the City Hell far tka apenir

. dey esramaniai. The beautiei ere 1fre left) Maxine Ihere, Lang Biech-Harbar; 6«»en Pujlno. Orange County: Genie

'et# Lai Angelai; allywead: Shigemi

Saw Fernanda Valley; Jan Eeit Let Angelei; Flor Seutkwait Lot Angtitl.

—Taye MiyaUlid

Aaeoriale Juaticra Black and:ciaUon of IVmgla* remain. It that 6 to ioftance."

ilariaion. Justices Black and, involvedDmiglui voted with the ma- womenjority that evacuation waa StaU- ......ronatilutlonil. Aa a mitter of She waa later pl*cerecord, the dlaaeoting Justices n,i„„,i*ed. along with her *!>• I In that case were Aaooclele ^ho were cscapeea eyed

Mme. Chapter President pusha/Bfi C^Tbe FVlh Amendmexifa - * - ----- • *

,t.ry renup-i The free raereise clause. *“««» oi.icrvuuy. o>

Stated that ••n.c.jw^ tlwwh^^ rulliTied berauae the Kanwyatmi. 19M Holly- ________________ . .

Wdi«;,-du,. b, Hollywood JACL to new heighShe had spMt d|iiBy FSKD TAOMAR

Washington * loyalty HOUaYWOOD Arier all The rliim \!o th. «1l-time night groonung fie________________ .... that Ih* rVmatltulioii‘‘****“ ««>Pl<^-^,U Said SBd done. Mt». Char- high memberahin of 216 *h» •"» ■"'1 •ocortreg W

rusllon waa united States when she waa The ruling auied that TTie, oonhiaticaiod as well *»* nullified becauae tht Kamsyttsu. 1964 Holly- i_ * ^*0 v»noua r r■ >»■>'- 'X r„. old. Sh, Ul* pl.» of rfidio,JO oor oo«™Uo.dio.. J, 'V*" ..™u, 1 .

I an exaltod one achi-,»* oimpie-ininara muora allv vague claim that i>ever befara in »"*mber»hip Chairman______________________ _ _ “'•‘’•‘S*’ ’i-M that al i Tb^ ®^-i<iaptar^hlatory hga ihotv *’*'^^A..'Southwaat ^^

Juatice Owen Poobena, Frank Germany. She Hun of reliance oo tlie home. • • • To extaot^ * ficlaU to rv^S> for damages,h.. ^ ^ D^tnct Oounril health planMurphy. «,d KuWrt Jackmin. . U.nn.ii l*wyer the churxh,-*rt the i«v^-atalementa. evra f*l**'op,r, Uwn rtd.r Uw admin- Being reveeied hr

O. .lodvio, ,o Ud. dl. ,iW.d.l of U,. oo.....l»«t iWr oOI«..f «»- b-nl"P Sh. w.1 .oo^tatiy

.......... .......... S:chi.. sJAPA1SE>R* .bia to G'............. ............................

In the field uf ImmginiUun, prat-UveO Mw. After she bad biUei

DEXISIONS AE-FBL-nNG wnue ne -ItL' W, l-v. • J** “!d“u^'“SIT-n aim claim thatLtn^Gww." Wliera b. vouie to racugnixe Aa tbe Congrert art and puahing and cajoling aitd the final judgingiih

t, prac-uert law. After .he bad WUvr experience Umi it “ ib. C*'-' “^ hbloo-^ Strtbitn a ^ *' Sthree dmiaiona stand out « Zn there for mo.e U.M. within the g-«-.r of ,m'- ^ and more responrtnUly for,^„^ o, SM at a mngle Mra K.m.y.uu dtBmoat coocenilng tbuae of Ja- three veara. she waa notified crtimenl to tntart t^ ■nu.' rrapportionmort riil-‘ ^ ‘ “ F leveot The claim to the erwd o(pane«e ancestry. „f ti,* lou of her Cniled citadel, wi^lher that purgw coiipled^wilh a mmilariP^^.' "* Art she will claim t h a t 350. Bb«L sill credit to thi

The Suorvme Court decided Staleo riUzenahip. H. holding affecting the aeata in ''**FF®r*'“. before ia Ike chapter bunch of tnnaplanied Inland-In KebniarT^1963 that two An ralimaled 40.000 for- to advaiwe ^ the National House of Rn***-,*® T » «h*Pt*r candid- era hnmesirk for hoene who -With everyone g*i.i d3 tbk delata^^^^^ have a Hawaiian except the Holl^

.. " . **'*•'•- e .""“T... .iaitri tha iiMliriarr eenerallvr in thi

•.heeoiinirv lo avoid draft ob- ship becau* ligation* are uncoBilitulional..three yearsIn case* Involving an Amen- country of their fooner na- can bora Mexican who wai Uonaliiy. including many for- also Mexican lUltio^lil (dual meriy naturaliied laaei now 4'itixenl who left the United living in JapanftUites in 1942 to avoid mill- curil> " and thetaiy conatriptiun and a Yale maliaed ojaeuaea of Ameman rae a.cealr.v 1. the Unitrt medical atudeyil who

tation by the niral. ««. »nM b*«»n* I— ,iirality.dAri.i emscera for reH- _____

giniia freedom stems osl of aerrati'the fact, aside from all Stale art narional leveU. .

•ocial se- otbera. that maa.r mem- If more reprasentation b and the formeily nal- her* and otbera of Japaa- granted to the city and urban ~'

uTMier her tutelage. her orato. next Dp ramifif *" Iff. QBk*

working in Ja- Stalea are fotlowm of Jke w^ll regain Uieir Uoiied Huddkial failk. la a Judeuoverseas ignored the doOura »«an,

draft, the iribima! lesioied Stale* oUaenabip. their ciiiiensbip. Since they ............. , ■■were not afforted alt uf the the Walter-McCarran Act ulher rHlgl safeguard* of a criminal trial, provide* that a nalursliMd «orid




Yen Claims

by the rural. rarwda wtlaT^0^^964 Rlvsian Park Ijodg# arith tear*forcea on both the e^mentator has •“<* “*»■ K»«syata<i ' hang Mauian Fred ngasawtra aa pretty fact.

" UP the dukta" in favor of general ehairm^n. Thai araa walked down Court had to act becauae ofiy°“"E <«♦ '“»u that had plenty of frmn «.h»<

----------------------^ M„. Ichiro Wau- pig and the attendance of the acclaim of>k f«n 1|J

....................... EveCbrialUa aiHiel,. there U these tr. the S6t fOt *««” »«*y t»l“™ K**"®

leadruey I,. Irowa u. programs taUiatad by tb^,«rt. nra b^ TWr ^ «*tamm,t!courae. Mrs. KMt«^gluna art. aa la wbu rvpraraot popu ^'^"’^MUSIC CCIlfCr lacks impact U ta a truism Sandwiched

secure the pre-war exchangelSumitomo Bank account upsai by Interveung action.,Ctri«™a Uumc progru have the luxury of having ,=«, Anri! JE* rate of opproximatelv four'would be divided among its the order will become finaloo]frms 9 a.Bi. to 9 p.m„ Dac. c^njui General Shitnanouchi i-,- a( whi*'

*dUr.. 1.144 claimanta and about July 17. 1964 and the 2.963;24 apooaorrt by the County p,^,. - crrtrfmoney ih the Yo-'*„ccraefu1 claimant will he->f W Angelaa at the New ‘

rnratianl to the prnviaione Of the Trading with the Fj»e- my Act for the return or pay­ment -of debt elaim* agsinat;

-* worth. *1 the'lMial-war le of AM) yen to

After a aerie* of hearing* half of t in I9M and 1956. the Hearing kohom* Specie Rank amoi, Rxaminer ruled that the pre- aroiiM be dirided among i war exrhange , rate waa the 1.817 claimar

nae dhibr.JACll ww* amoog thora

the property of vested Japan-: «rbo aureeaalully urged that rae eompaniee, after the aur- .ueh legKtaMoa wa* wrong ranker of Japan, aome 15,000 |a prineiple pud la depriv- irnninatton rlskna were filed with the Of- lag laaei aad Nkei nf theirfire of Alien Property for the private aariaga. p^eot of wwAlIrt ywi rar- Tbrre^ter, the Office of.fouilf*!

■iving th«4^chwks.jMuair Center anil include Homey* fera of 20 three nunMrs by the Jap-

lotkl of f<i_ after that dal*. »"tae MeOindisi Oaotenan-Churtk choir, according to ' -rw

w.n wa* overruled hv the Hi- to Ihera yen claimanta. 81.- involved the more than ter Hlhn. J®' _ „rector of the OffK^ 'of Alien 2l3J»8.44 to tbc Sumitodm|,h,«„„rt ^her veo' «-h,«l gnw.p will ha. he7^ "■Property and thi* latter de-claimanta art » « claimant, who were not jmn-termination wa. upheld by the to the Yokohama Speew^ j„ Uie court and, ara iMAttomev General. claimant.. therefore, will not share in ^ Sandra And *hw ^ ^

limanis. through Broken down, this mraaljthe compremiae aeulemem;®**; ............................................ ........................." appealed to the ihft the Sumiiojno ^UimaaU|Brder. la tetpa oi equity and'®®?*

aim oiit'of the Shimanourhi ap^ anny ah* will he able In aupiratie naVe after her term expira*

„ will probably *tand for many,.operaH''i1 ta Car

t competition I* *o Jieen in ih»

tiitionathe-Yekohama Specie Banka.

RabneqseaUy. the Otffee of Alieo Property twice

lien Property offered U , Jicae y en deposila at the —

Sumitomo and po«-war axehange rata. *;

n both the dia-. would be paid back at appRix- i;

would be paid back at ap- avsilsMe forlhe

e. they >.BuU

appear to have

"JapancM Cra d 1 e "Saady- Sailo waa anaouncrtinm out _ ad '-LitGe Itamb". the winner of the queen eon-|begin» in •

Tha rtkrmiem «ve pr^nin taat that Friday night of Aug-iKaraa}-*!^ ta ofia ta the puUic at the Lrtayetu Hotel iniaxrt a )-*8r^’ charre and will provide an>lMg Beach. Mra. Kamayataulmant.

banka in-Jap^n alao offer- Sup^e redeem ihrae ve* certi- Before the —,.. . -- - -

tried to ham Congri- dla- (irate, of deposit at the name could lirien to the a p pe a l. wef exchange rate. a. the Cfcveramcrt insiaia. bymtaa tbewe etalma on the official rate, however a tentative eompro-l The Federal Diatricl Court not pfintinuing In "preqa-grasada that they arae* Rome 3.0fW yen depoaitlmiae aeOemeni wa* rrarhadiJudge mgm- - ' • ■ .... .............. „,y

«xc^ for poMt-

■rare ezpenah* to ioei May 17. 1964. hetwien thelproving than ttary jtba posL-srar eJEchaaf* t a t-e|daimanu art the Govere-jUfaMt

i refused tn aeropt|o

/ *“*Before the Supreme Coyrt prorimaUly one-half thr'pre- addttioiial claim*. Moreovar.leliglhle sad quallfiad. therolU discuaMi ia the PaciOcI

--------------^ Ctnvenimeni insiaia. by throe elaimutta •'abandnnrt-^Citlaro for March claims, wMeh th* Gov- 27. April 24. and June arot disidW. on' that thia year, arilh the April IT

tapiie froturiag a "B'aahing-gn*d the order ap-ltheiT rlain* and bv thta rompromtse aet-;f(«ow Office of A] Is BildfUy.. U U

.iling U1 Frap _

otheroro*! Thia ysB dipHH j

oo. dllllcvi“i

were not part**" Hoaaad the«^




S. TANIMOTO, Pt„. and SUff

^ Frufb & Ve^betsWholeMi, Terml»«il MirtH

Ttt S«. Cwitnil AVe., UA. 21 mA 3^211 r


TOKYOs.> Fr»cS»« Oine* • $f,,„ * yu t USASf. »S.H., S...M Mm

l* Cr..a..- Irancl. • ]tSI W. , ,f ,.„3«

♦The Sumitomo Bank


KAD OFnCC-SAN FMNdSCO • 3«S ornomi* Sl. • ru ]-3)«5 MCAAMEKTO Omce • 1400 Fourth Stravt > 443-5761 lANXSCOFnCC • 515 Holh Tint Str»M • 2M4|]S106 oroec • 129 WaUar Str^t • MA 4^911BWISHAW OFFICE • 3«10 CrcMhMr U A • AX V4321IAItOCNAOfnCt-1251W.R«dendeBMchBhAf.> OA 7-Hll

Seaaon’j Best Wishes



■ I: S 1461 . 7A A>*. «{l• t IM Aaeata It |!»

^7~ 3700 BroaJw.y PUc.Lot Anrtlu 7, Calif. Plau: AO 2-6M6


Marutama Company





222 L M StTMT ^ MA M77i

Lw A»9*Im 12. CaRfMia




UA»«*le6l3. Cdifenila MA i-2211

i Season s Greetings


Ifni i22 loMleg Shtel PImw MA 4.74S1 LMAi»9«tK. CMifoniie


Best Wishes for the Vryir

Mrs. S. ShirokawaMrs.S. Shiraktwt. Mr. 1 Mrs. Fred Melsumele

W. 23rd St.. Lei An^eks RE 3-3771

Service li My Butineti



^ M. Viryn Avc.. Lm AeReWi 4. CMN. NO t-TStt




Retail Clerks Union,^ Local 770'' AFL-CIO

Jeieph T. DfSnm. Eieotbe S^retwy




tAFU NANKA.ZUKL 111 tea Let AeeetM. CaW. fMU MAOede 6.1947 '

W » « V «*• K WK (t W kVk »'/ .S«j.«rjH't Greeiinfis ^

So. Calif. E Growers, Inc. J

Flower - E7SS Wall St. ^Lot Asfeles i\

W,Q.Eibtltt*& V MAS I





RICHARD 1TO Over 40 Yeen in Let AnqeleiM..U, ,F PK.f.,,.pi., 51! HmeMA*-«774

7A Aw. |» 3U L Seceed Street^ Let Aeapele* 12. Celif.Mr.endMri.Rebt.I.Nii

Epir. 5 *-'•»n




Let Aegelet. CeUfemie

Umeya Rice Cake CompanySENBEI ARARE

Let AiiqeMi. CeUfemM


SAN LORENZO NURSfcRY CO.737 WeA Street AegelM. CoW.

Season's (^reeliiin*

K. Nakashima Nirrsery Co.7SS WeR Street let An^elet 14 MA 3-3351

LAWNDALE NURSCTIES, INC.G-e».ai $Llr»i>a •( Suea'ler 'Dxt'ai.w S.k-t'Vplctt

a« I'U...

. R!5‘I UU


nty Merlrt. I^ae AnRelre IS. Celiloreta Rlchtixaeri T-A4S2

OWict: 671-4477 letee CW. Ill) HeM: «C l-tm IAf.4 Ce«» 111)



Season's l,rcetiiics ~\ NOITHrRV r.U.lF-ORNM .kSS’N

OF TRks-7;i. Acrvrs e



M40 rrmsKn*- Blvd 2V5Jv132




aemltt I a. SHIUOHABA

letel U. Celit.MA«Ma 7.4419


LA. Japanese Hold 8 Apt. Ass’n.


.ViU Staalnitl Avp.

Ixat Aeceli* IS. Celir. Phone «MU»9fM

CrawB Praduca Co.Bryuled Ommiiieion

Uerchuiip Wholreelr FYuil .

WcPUblee & Berrim HeK'RV RURATA

JTMNV mrVKKAWA 9SS Sn. San-Pedro

l4H>Ancrlm Calif. 900I.S MAS-SSS4 1-D.MA:-«2T0



HOLDERSJoylis Industries Inc.

Let Ae^Hee MOIS


BesI W'igfnrs


Jek. T, SeUe P.M. K. lawklJee U. Teeake


SHIM'S f|/ Oieirnm Sertice | |

Shire a Jennie Temna t|

4070 Sunarl Rhd. ^ Ii4M ABicei«t. Calif, aora ||

Pbenefi«fi.»M4 Klj



SeasonVGreetiiiKi from

East Los Angeles JACL

. Seaaon'a Greelinira



• UlZUHARA ]>I4 «r. Jettenee Bli.4U. A...-. - «I Mil.




_ 1)14 W. J*«w*ea M. iM Aeeele. 11 tt M»

TOM'S MEAT MARKHU... . Jap...!. P«p4

D.Hc.i.t...T..I.IE. 4 T.w I


lln,i.ik 4.I7IIim W. Mhnae IM. la* Aeeelee It. CeW.


WaNcifcl Swhn Sdiael124) t



.e>e« Al. - t... Am. Lot Aafele*. 4



Alan ■Thire’' Kunum

SSOl W. TpiDptf Klreet l4M .AeaelM


Wf t.1444

I Gardena Swim SchoolGREETINGS!

rbaee Bleabne l-imMm.

, CMHMla Okup-YiI O'laXal a Havana. Fp»4

Ea< Ha.a V Pppd T. Ga

Me. 9iwe. Calif.

Season's Cr#efin^.«


Shrimps341 Ceret Ave.. I.A. 15




Waaplacturar. p(HIGH GRADE NOODLES Cala.964 Se. Sea Fa*a Si.

^ ^ *»*■*»______

SMtan'i GrMll«e>

Mr. ft Mrs. Chartos T. UkHa AncaUa. CalifeniiA^



t.rwiaaf yarkOT. Lot Aa«rlOT 21. CaOfaOTla 4«.2IT>

(aa Rwata Arf ----------


AL’S WESTSIDE RICHFIELDGaodyaar Tabala.i I.rai ■ Mlaar lapain Daica Dr, CVaraa latf.r»> 6 Acca»aNai

AL MORITACar. JaHariaa ■ Craadww. Lot Aaeatat. CM.

Sraaoo'e Greetieg*

SAM*S BODY SHOP33tE.SBd SlMl4MAexeirs.Oeltr.MOi: J


tftCIAl HOUDAY tSStli —DICfMlil

Assessmenif’ of 1960-70 Planning Commission\Report at Mid-Point

a»e tn which »nnutlmakr happy adjuBlmnil* to dm*, raa} life iitiiatkiM by makiii«| ^ tmmKltttP (ilRidc. e*plot^ and ftiv*n foi

BV ABE HAGm’ARA propa*. w v*Ui» typed in Chicapi IcAPS or undevlhied.

The 1060-70 National PUa-ninf Oot I. created bythe Natkmal Board In 19S9. pr^r«d a apecial report >ait- Unins and datifyiac JACLa pnrpoae and proram r»l* eriguiMl purpoaet for the coming decade.

ui«" u „ SSLn citi­

es a National Organhation

The report eoncAuded that » taiguml purpoa^ ot JACL

j— to pnxMtt the eadfara ot Thii. n^rTTrSf-etfady in.(P«»«« ^ Japaaeae decant

voMnR ^o- diatrtrt oaiBdlli" " ** “and pfartieally all local chap-l»'»J^ w rt wm m 1028ITS ome directed by part Na l»h«» J*CL a-aa bora. lioneJ Preaidenl Shir Waka-' Aiw™?n# ri Japaneae'kdee- mateu . of Chieero. lUinoie. eent are and will nwlinuo to wi etory. doratmratary ffbi**.: Wikajnatau wa» appointed nmke d^^»e eomribtitioia BROCHURES, pnnted Irtera-

the American way of lite and will enrich the American way of life and will enricfai tha Amenciin

n mietieatiTiHit of

i. PolWcil Aeliitty

Cooaidtr rhanfinr the ime of the orcaniabon..3. DBVBUIP A 10-YEAR


4. OfferJAH.*

blokinr' andlacht^th* millioB^ojj^ makmr for t beiir th» next m

i. JACL ha.. ronnectjon. .

pnMinr indmdpal intenwt*. p^rtfir C id devrtopinr akflla. >Nabooal5. 'Provide learainf ex-;,t,„rt„„,

whmby youlidooe.)

line w»rimi» eticwfh

(Thia haa been ,

ay.i..: —.--N-wwu. *.iCL haaThree qu«boiia are reallated a pamphlet to ,ti^

id eerimia etiourh for re- aUomeya explainin* i-.?more canfally.

explainii* BbT N^iooal ^ACl^a^

Pfncajc.m, mtmMouj ^ w -becomtadtUml and altnnstk

of fudy and

•ome healthy bcrnntnga of a ^ poUtical traditaon dewJopedi|> SCnOWflili^-------------------------- r ------------: ^ __________________________


Americana of Though

paniaan di-k organization. JACL haa a role to play in emmiragihg and derekptng thin emrtgins tradition Nirti takinc an active part

'local, cute and national

the NsOoMl Board •'to apeU oui JACL's program wnpha- aee for tha coming decade." A <wiae 10-page documaBt. •'Plannj|g for the Deeade Ahead.wKbelong-range program goala.' was prepared and auhtniaed at the 16lh Bienidal Nabooal JACL Conveerttat.

The report contained

U-hat haa bappeeed to Ibi* report aince 19607 Waa it helpful or useful to JACL7 Was an.t-ihing done aheul

their radal hackgrmiad and citlluial heritage.

The report recommend!1. Rapid changing woridde-

elopoewta. wpeeially in the Par Eact. and its impact and leaeboa here. maluB it imper- stive that JACL •troog Bstional iwginimtinn and an effective Waahington office with profeaaional euff.

be taken to re-eaUhliah “lecUWiah four !4) regional

no crittoal appraisal was ever JACL mformaHonmsde. BO provocative Ouee-i^^l^ wrlti'Vrsined nr exper- tion was <n-er raiwd. r» neaij^^ workorw tn mratogte officara el local and district,,,^ „ tolevels aeem to know an.vUang|natjot»J program nbjerti' thorn It. and no progrosa re-lR^^jj,^ are rorremlyport waa ever offiriaU>' re-'],^,p^ t„ Angelwi. Sanqurated. jrreneiBCo aod Chitwgo. Seet-

As JACL spprosehwt tfcr;Oe or Portland. Denver midpoint of the deeade InjSaH Uke CSty. and New York quemioo. the NatioMl Board oould be added.meeting in Detroit this nm-; -________ .mer decided to ••update'- the PTOOW dlMdecade planning report, and - ...............full review be preewited I 1966.

Many of the coodoMoei rmefaed by the decade plan-

purpose of brevity. 1

few v«eeptions are from the original documwrt. Many of the remmmradatinna. as ymi n-ill note, have h«*e»i combd- of Japenme rfewwii and pao- »ml sinra 1060 and Ihww. sl-lp»e of Jepen. Tbero u rtill though in varyiiqt rtagwi oflmuch tgnoraw* and ptejii-

Actmties•. PubHclMiHoRt

Amesica's intereat 'Lhin^ Japaaew" has great­

ly tarflucBoed iu taste, atti­tude and treatment of Japa- sene Americans. Vet the pub­lic is iinaUe to make a diw tinction

aogufihgbtrahinaccept broada- national and. , ....................... Mwuca bv p»ry *P*aaJ 8«»viM8 for the aging

infoiina-iand indigent lasei population. I 4. Inwdve the Japan* --------------■ in organizing cul-

I pea jpg a program of infonna-k

2. Modify or clarify JACL'‘■[turalfjMCl

Three Looks Ahead—(Continued from Page A-lIl

to allow more expedrtioua eoosidmatlon of Admiaistration/ billi and to assure democratic majority rule. With certain safeguards for the rigbU of mmoriOea. '

We airticipaU tl&t the United States Suprecne Court will ecotiaue to show the way in defining and protecting the Tigfau of hidivldimla and of ndaority Americana, while approving sodal and ecoaotide legislatioa Tor tha


Beoaewe of tha approval gtveo by California vriero to Prop. 14 this past Novembar. we fear that in the Goldm SUte and elaewhere throughout the Naiiou efforts will he made to void and repeal rot only fair housingbill aim dvil rigbU laes and ordinancca. Success of that .. _______ _______ ___ ____vicious proposal hss given liceiiBe to the bigou and the PEPJJITTF.D TO DKA-EliOP f, YOlllh PrOmUD rorists to again attempt to humiHate and fminrale other -rTs qWK WORKING REl.A-

4. CreMe a national l»nd- ing or drvulaung library roo- taiaing JACL'a efforts and

in the area of rlvll


Z TO ENCOURAGE AND[igbta, wartime experiences

eal studies conducted by uni- TO SUPPORT OR ENDORSE ven-itiia. governmenul pub-'A CANDIDATE FOR PO- ^=OM ’Lam on awaH^-lLmCAL OFFICE AND latimt against Orientals and i ASSET THEM IN OBTAOf- ^ ft^vriT [ING FACTS AND ^•OTERS

llNFORMA-nONb. l•tenlioml Raiatton e. EduciHoiial ProgranThe ta'o greatest educa-

"•jtioaal ronreras of the JACL *f]are (1) anxiety

in4 National Headquarteea under one roof.



FEATVRE- U .1 "o-pj—AR-na.ES.



d. IsHoul stiffJAin. haa not b

each 4rear Japanese Americanu^roM .iih nn«A.«.»it. ctupltr Swrinachoiartir and extra cumeu-, _

fompre-ihenaive Natinrral SrhMarahip'

■Ivvuld be developed to rmenue mors young people.

The report concluded:1. Develop a larger Na­

tional JACL Scholaprt*’ gram with as many as eight (8) sixsfale national awards {X tinted each year.

Z Award categories should

DISTRICT OOUNCTLS SHOULD BE STRENGTH­ENED FUNCnONAlLY PROVIDE SBRVIC3S ITS MEMBEni CHAETERS.Good example is Sootbeni California. Northern Caiifor- nia and Mida-eat districU. ofgawzauoD ui ih«

2. National CommiUee oolyearm. JACL has b«w, -J ouaekeerang should Irnmaia- staffed for many

auly finiTwavs and means to]our present Nati^ J eonecl .the serious break-;which ha. given y,tn , dfm-n of communkalioD he-;faithful and dediraii^J tween National Hidquartero.eonUnueatowork under^ and local chaptera. Iburden and pressure

; .1. Larger chaptera might reanli that much of»(,,oonaidar breaking up into heen derided-----

ice. fiedd sad seed. A setwntecategory should be giveo to recognize imtiooally a high school rtCudsit or graduate who by bia deed or perfons-

coBtributed moat to in- ig deeper appreciation

nderstandlng of

Japan. JACL has a slake • -all these eaenls and an « portunity a«^ as Amencao

promote, i

Japaneae Americans in hia >-ear or every iwa year* wnmunity. around cmain enphaai.1. The aeholarehip program irhallenge. For example.

____ S tipfhapt"- smaller wnrt^e units

affectively involve more mm- n be™ into arlivitiee and s«rv-

n overall membtwship. there

h»*r and there h a p I e r atrength. Lewal

chaptero are the lifeblood of! 4. Create'a ipaeaa^program our iMtimuiJ organizatian and therefore, froquent eootarU and periodic ■■iiaiiiiiit of its q„sir>ed


The report n I. ADJUST*.ALL8AU1

^ COMMEI^^the National Board to serricejWTrH PRACTICESQpro local chaptm not casilylPA R A BLE OBGUw reached by National stafflTIONS. upon requMl from such 2. -INCREASE -PBUn

BENEFTTS" TO FAltanrtV-C*r.o .....71-7“-

to attract a^ utilize men and wooteti of exporieoce and vtisoo. JACL must be aUe to chapters, articulate Its objectireR in-‘ gpin and challenge iU|b. FiMffCt leaders, and improve its aerv-' j _ices to neenben. Neil to program and M-

ber^ip. finance is JACL sTbereport roconunroded: :bigg«it aod tn ----------1. Offering local chapter problem. Certain diAicta


3. Eknploy amietan wg I National Director rAa


addition. JACL foreaeea sneW t and ettritgthen our na-;p^„f,,,„, afferbng new-j**

with program tiwnea each to meet Uirirl^-- ---------- ---- >'*” annua! quous to the National'j„y^

JAa.. program and aarwee. ^ ■ The “ ——j—«•

zoo's pasitioe m world af- 'aira toward loripeocal under- atandiDg rd sH free nations partieutiriy tn the Far East

Thwe was mndi confiiHRIT and controveiay surrounding JACL's policy <e> United Stitaa-Japan affsirt adopt^

1958. Aitiwogh the ave^

from .lapan. Iargel> soldier wives, and 'the Ii—‘ populaUoR.

The report recortma 1. THE JACL SHOULD


Skitake an active part in local wxwnw*community aHaira. There are those edm ara vmy active in Japaaeae community aHoiia and

JACL Iage Nisei feeds moea comfort-1 heritage AND TRADI- able aboot any disccaiw oo|TION BY EXPOSBIG THEM thia subject teuMy. it was in- TO CULTURAL PROGRAMS teresting to note that in 106OIaND ACriVlTU*. ite cootzaat betweesi tbej 2. JACL abouM seek aa- Weat Ooaat end EksT Coast fnxn faewilyhUoaophy and thinking drove eetvice e^--jet

serious wedge of diBunityiKiari parmU undenti within the national orgBBiza-:nr her role aa parents in _ tioci from which it has wmer.dy,»mic and complex aorie<y.| fully recovered. JACf.'e 3. SPECIAL SERVICETO|^ momenuim in natimwl and m-,KATURAIJZED C^^2ENSi^^

mem hen ■Imf andjmr

. Put JACLfirtwl bawa. izj:- . and staff fuiK-tirai at«

-P«|3-jta aheping future finaneSig^^ ^acta and program goals,] police. k««tuthrough use of printed; 2. Oonrider new aoupcaa ofpamphlets. jiBcome for JACL other than .a ffiffeMl fltllT^

3. Set up aisual chapUrlmembtxahip and 1000 Qub. •*I clink or

y ■ wide acUvitka. *w*Miop ; dwDcntiatod <w available or new maniale

offioera.and over Ms aWiity to p«e omo« eommi and proj- vide rinprinnililr i««iW«hip to ed^chauTam. (Thia role has any worthwhile community assumed by districtSdaavor. Ofteetimea'JACL k|«wwa*) the >nly local orgaairatioo. 4. Arraage periodk idsiU able or propared to amnmrito all chapten by woritiag this trini4 ef rw^xxmhility. {meenbere . of tb« National

The report eonduded: 'Board and JACL paid staff. ;1 JACL needs to empha-: S. Provide ataff aarviee In

the imporlanee. of-eetting up chapter clinics.■- - er*M>*

—....... Rffiira came to a shOUI-D BE CO.STINUBDatoe- belt. ;A.ND EXPANDS. STRESS-^, chapter level.

'rvr. rwm fTfTtrx-vuhtt " .

3. Rake esnual National The National coowitedues to 85.00 per BMmber.'tbe fuUiro must cooadx Note: Haa beat raked.Ja^jusinn and invoiviaK $4.00 amoe 1966. Nkei.faall

4. Eatahlkh a mora oquiuifkbough sajor maw« able National quoU foraidai^inaa will be teted for chapters aod dktrieU.^ |meia the needs and akd

5. jCbediah chapUr rebate | of official dd^ pregram wbkh rewarda|grammed actiritia i-kartera who ovemuheenhmije^kde for t-oulh. parentieli

and small child nen. Aoii

romtari end rx-|The following pragram I at should be included (1)

"The r^nrt

publll^.surpawmd Ihriiirqiiout he

IIOOUI. butb* 1. CONVENTION^ following NER.t AGENDA

GOOD CmZEXSl^ ''”1 V"‘,.Ti!TT,v7iM'i.t,t fimtooe"^4’Pra«ro^lF«r'* qiiori twIweertnarW I-IMITEDTO

™i>.™ MTOumty i^._ ;t M.llM.1

iral enrichment program for membera and

goverweot. from Japan. .....

U between Japan and

roeoursged to provideleadashipy^^^ community servfce _ ___

projects to aaasi laaei. stu- ^*”’"”? dans and newoomets (soidkr 110 1000 wives) from Japan who are: in need ot b&p.

Local chapten ehould for com-

C. ffltidMlEitf»WBi«( Fnid


The f utu re'm

rele-ticoa bawnoi Japan United Staim.


raboity service projects when calleSl 1900. wbethn the reqaek^mnes from-Red Qm

r a Japaneae charch. _______ __ ^4. Izmal chapters should xK«ey'"th?ough !^ba-

daeover and nta»tM aar-]2^^^^ the^met rffec- Icea of Nka and fneodi poa-iu^.j iaamimeol ever devked.

The report ' '

growth of JACL liee in two am (1) cotter of large Japanese population sixth as Southern OaUfonik. and (2) non-Japanese friazdi cd Nkti arbo number kskna. The Thotmand Qnb idm for rak-


- "EJicra FOK J

The original purpose of the fund was to rake oce mOlka dollars through contributions from which annual totenat would help maintain National Headquarten. Dur­ing the post-wsr period thk fund was often redmeil to

'war cheat" to coveranother •'rventuality" or KEYNOTE SPEAKBL

VENTION BANQCl The report rKbrnmended- .SPEAKER. AND


hiimtui beinga.We fear Out the Ulent projndirra and hatred* of

Inn many pvnple may he armiaed. aith raeiam and.din- raiminatawi tmea. thio^h perhaps mvertiv, in tm many placn. And Japanetw Americana again may be the fainoowt targets.

At the aame time, we know that Oalifnraian* of goodwill »ill gn to the eourtr to rhallengv the rnnatitii- tionality of ihi* ronstitwtinnal amendment that Amtrrty* fair houamg. aa welt aa to seek other meant to roviTae that verdicU

Knowing the Amencas people at large, and how fair ipinded thr>- ran he when acquataled wHh the fact*, ns waa deRiotrttraM ao onrrlurivHy in Uw case of Jt^ianeae Amencane in World War n. we have high hopn that decent citizena throughout the country a'U rally to the entaade agaiaat higo^' artd race dkeriminatioe not enly in California but everj^ere in the land. We have


conirfliiition and aacrifi* tearing akai and ecmpaleeteej—|fj,^ 1 Therq»n re^mended.made bv Amerleane (rf in communHy rektiooa work., , „_K«.«Wn‘ UNDER NO ^CXRCUM-NTTIONS.J«p*n«;anrra-.r>’. .Thia takes pUnnkg SHOUfj) THE 3. National

Iraderahip. PRUiCIP\JE WHICH NOW ehould coordinate the;5. Local cha«*Bhcmld be ^.STANDS AT $364.489 J0, and diaplay m.Wrttk

encouraged to J I evaluation dale

oonSdenoe that the Prep. 14 euceem wfll turn out to be a I^Trhic victor}* for those who espouaed thel mWead- kg and '

In the Stele of Waahingtcri, we are hopeful that the L^klature wiU again provide their raters witil another Opportuuty to erase frren thrtr ConstitutioD in 1966 an outmoded, dlacredited Uw Out smacks of the ^tllen land law of a b}*gooe ws on the West Cn^.

UM>KTNG AHEAD ... IN THE JACl,Under (he National Priwideril of Kumeo Yoshiiuri

of Chtrago. it ia expected that there will he a revival of roneera foi the intertMl neganization and workinga of th' National JACI-.

More altenlirai will be patd ... —. —..........-activitiea of the individual rhapleni and district eofmcila. with sperial emphasis 00 the youth projeel^ore ' 1 the members, such as medical ipmiraace pi

CIALS OR RJ3PREBENTA TIVES OF THK JAPANESE i,« ....GOVHINMKNT, BUT AS AN n, \v,uth «nh' opportunity!, AMERICAN ORGANlZA. fdl deVlopment ofTTON. their poimtmla^d talants.

JACl- further reeogmzea the> help its youth t h e qualhiee

> heritage

e. ChrH RIthft •nd UcMtffoB

mliUed to equal The report oondudod: opportunity and equal pro-; i, TO ORGANIZE JUNIOR lection under the Uw. regard- j^^cL OR YOLTH GROUPS.

color, creed cr 2. ASSIST EXISTING national ongin. YOITH OR JUNIOR JACL


record such activitka for the',-^' 31. 1964i BE USE!) educate the delegdaa $JACL haa long recognised rworil. ifrom Niirt livinvw.,.tW^ PO ONGOING ORGAN-function can be detagit^

htlity to^proriding^ Lera, ,hapUra -muMiMaeon-DUon^ne. H.vraii.i?*™^J: 4. CONtTINTION••'utilisemorefuUytheservkBSAIaakaandJapanwherithere^

of the larger UT no JACL rhaptara ' WAIS TO IN-;ACT!VTi1kv FOR 1 ,neri the Mede^ , EARNING .s|l1FJ? AND FOR WIVttj

Id' 1(1 iniiiihrm In iZ ,4 ^^‘^'THROUGH PRUDENT AND 5. National JACL rfedmuld «nSE DO^IMEMT^ _ ;.e^ in the prafttsfr


, 2. Three obKrtivre on civil «, Provide >^thTighte he implemented and “•* 'haptere with]carried out at the local tvqutred raqtiriala

U,. -nd "*-™ "*■‘ - 3. Eliminale anti-alien 1

work ricaely with local civic, humaii relstiona and reJigioiw _ common ksura in-volviag dkeriminatkm or un- teir troaUnfet of its ehizena.

8. In order to eneourege ch^tlen and liuhvldusl mm- btn to participate actively k area of community rriatkna.

n. Find new aoum toNaticaseirt those chapten who:

have fallen behind on their quotas.

4. Devise a aimpler regia- tntioD form to riiminate papw work ami devekp a|

Sansei in Mississipi iBY fiUV FI'N.ABIKI ment IfW). ore of iwmiH

------- - —c "i A 20-yearoId Japanese[«*«* aehooUihip application cari tjj, de«> Sbulh throu^toul the ataltlw"

iWhkh can be^rt j^ireemtiy after sp^dtng t**e|fim time, sa one w^

mui^y service pregrem aod 5. laerrase 1000 dub pro- activities of the JACU |S^ 2.000 eomot mem-

chapter Bwmtha working for Negroleerved, thouqgn'l* civil rights in the Mkskaiw»|^'*«T»'“ children w« Summer Project. '!> votun-l*tteo<i tmr. Howwfd Iri}*^ , eUm te*>«ri»t* them wWj!

Ivanna aeninr frrmiiinferioritV. The U«» ■Phi BeU Kappa awtior from iftf«»rit.v. The Stanford Univeretty. left the'eludenta who app«^" tense aunosphere of the Mia- »' Greieowond tvrtB^

• tppi nonhera Ddia wiihittniclion In EnglliA ^ -rong feriing of "the tolallahip. forrign lanP«J^ : of cornmunkatiOD be-i«to*tka. dram* 1**”^ Ml the white and 'Negro'Sro history, and

coramiiniUes. ' ' When the two

mn-ov n-u,n»


PKMeCHIiwI informed membership la

6. Prepare annual member­ship brochure, revking old

a if H nerves the purpose, e attempted since 19601.


I* there a f„r.Negro. The whKes'think the *'«»n hy giving “il^il, , farwwril party.fra’W". ,iS;™ I--, dit-.t.a -«-d--r-

ilSS:on akU imues and problsma. The inspiring experience lend Nataralkation Uwa. identify thaiselvre rith the of the atato-wtde effort againK Prep. 14 ta an wran^ 5 Rep«j the- Natioi ’^™” heritage and a^ore-(tf bow such teamwork can be pesfrasiffled for tha gen^ welfare.

Aa Shig Wakanalsu ot Chicago and Frank Chumu Los Angsles. both past National PresAdenta. crack tha

' 1 whqt. several aapeeU of the IXILA-JACL

origiM formula lor deeerrain-'^^j >p.w.. attag annual_ tBonlgi^Irtja^ to their coon.

Japaheae American Rreearch Project will 'be htougtal to ■ui I larf il renriuskma. And the project as-a whole will begin tn nwe forward more expeditiouaty than

kn* of Japanese Ai^ricana

TK- .^L.. served the organizatiMiwril for ao long! la there a

L EVERY JACL MEMBER ;ptace ta JACL for treative OTOIH^ Ra^-E THE-and aggrwaive Iradmhip!

^lAre members well iofotmed?PACme C3T&ENREGULAR BASIS.


Are eoougb mmnben mean- lagfuDy involved In JACL7 JACL memben accept other than Nket aa membera? Do we have Mough prafea-

aide, howevrt'.

- ___ - '“iothniquotas, which tevon cartain:|—«,ita«a

. A Pfovtde inereasrd tmmi-1apiu«ciatinri of ettade cal-__________________________.. ...... ............ igretJon opportunities f n rju,ral heritage and tradittom ICITIZEN Wtra MEMBER- -. ...____

" And. Maa Satow will rorjinue hie dedicatad and Japaneae. . S. Provide its rambrea SHIP. fNcto; Natimal mMn-lwanal ataflOim uiiapproaaied aaatgament an the National Director ' 7. Introduce correrirve and group life expmencre which' berthip tJJea now Indude cost

. « peaetkally run the utknal organization stagle-handed. raaedial l^kiation of any.give them .an underatanding.of PC sulweriptke). ___............... -------------------•-•-Tadev^ped'of loyally to our democratic 3. (AH aubaeriptkaa beat the local chapter lev-..

• of Woridiberitaga. f , a flaml er ^ ia«Ued “oM guards" still wood Fpee4» School (enndl-

taction, and tain legal righla.

' A Negt« maid may work 54 hoora a week for $15. A Negro working in the coctaa titide (rem.eunup to aundown geU $3. Negroes are i lowed to have unkata."

Fresfeom School Howard taught four sub-

domed ear- workers d«d and r“ othera beaten: thrcatcDed. and h prepare for 'eiva righu »■»*“?earofully acreeeied .WJ■4e*vt* and«dulta**5«

.--’jjvsa^SS'SEi•too. All to«ow«d a prveautione;alone, go o'l'if absoiutet.v ni always let or her

(CoBtisued eti P


Membership sign-up-*^*' lonors announced for '64

pMi ret«w>-, Dr.jMUMuOlj-M hirh,^ Miure of I-WS Hdping U. »et tha neon^1 m«nb«»hip co«n-wm 51 chtpier# ihai_m«nb«»hip co«n-,wm 51 chapter# that

chainnan for the paat;betlered their previous yi»ri ■■■ " “•.■tnncih—fir* time so maov .

____ _______ _ .k.- ... ' hsirards prorram to'^ehaptera met this challenge ^ ouutaadine »ea.| There awe 19 chapto Brtrf ak«eh ^ip performance, at the'thii yeer eMabUshins indivi-ifollow.-

, .... -MTEeoRr wmKK-in JACL IB ............

^ The fim year, „penl chairman, in 196. he| . - - ---------- ... .ouusJ the noa- popular; ^aU<*al OrgMiiation with J.191 ^ peffonnaoee chan' «onaecuUve year of menben ' ‘ 'Wied in the Pac 1 fir' P«m»Uge increase of 18

THI PACIFte eiTI2tW seen ON Si_it

dual all-ti hifha in B this each

reccrvlntaa Outatai^iac Enroll


Sansei in Mississippi(Continued from Pace A40) .rewed. la apite of this per-

y»o aie. ieooAi expense, the wort, andHow K Was itha danger, Hoavd. like 450

Thougt ew^iin« physical |otiwa. voluntMswd because, harm in the c^iecially dan-las be explained for hh^. lerous Gmnwoud area. How-|-Tve alwa>a -beeh intwested aid eacouBtered minor butlin civil riehta Wbmi htiwis-

' IdOcaljAppi came up. the need

I forwealet^

fcted in the Outirtanding gbeahip Enrollment ph program. 27

certiSoates have prepared for pr^||^-

V 11 by 14-ineh ^ bstaObe-name of the aer. of tbe president and teahip chainnan, the oe for recognition in-

[hially inacribed. Printed iree colors, it includes National JACL inaignia


« ........ ........ .JpcL,ber-| nver 500 membera (1.008 in 19631.

In reeognitl’on'^Si^t peresntage ineraaaa in Chan­ter aiie category of 300-500 membera, 440 msmben rep- "anting a 44 pet increase (1963-305).S- ^COlAi Albert Kahal. prm.; Kiyo Nhhtuia. -tp

la recognition of Chapter all-time high cf 368 mmn- bora and highest pereestage taerease of 47 pet tn sUe categwy of 200-300 membsa. (1963—251).' HOLLYWOOD: YuU Kajnayatsu. President: OiailM

helpedof the many amated

NegTXMB get to tha court­room for trial. Every week, ha would aH«.rf the

t pay tl nees (at

KamayaWu. menb. chnm.

Howard paid 35 a week mt tn lire in the ecenforta-

Me twine of a Negro woman, in to tb^labor. eivB rights wert-

their own liv- (about 3150 for

providetheir own bail money if ai-


wood, there is a Cbi eomnuaty of 200 whe oper-

moat of the grocery Btorea in the Negro cemrau' nity — no I blended in wefl.'

Howard left UtBMStppi oe August 22 for the home of his pareota. Hr. a^ Hrs. ' boru Itiyanta. in Santa : rm. Oalifonaa. At Stanford, where Us major is Japanese, be ii a monber ^ the Ovil

(from left), regional direoor Isaac Mai-

sutbige. Dr. Roy Nisbikawa, pwt natl prssideni; Mas Hironaka, lae'y to Ntfl Board; and Tats Iwaaaki. PSWDC 1st v.c and ehapler dsitgats to the Oetesil con­vention.

here and highest percentage iacrease of 47 pcL i aise category oMSO-200 membera. <1963—1701. S. DOWNTOWN IjOS ANGEUIS; Takilo

Pres., and memb. chranthr JACL seal gamiabed Jq lecoer”''^ __ ________________

fkw of red, wbMe and blue! crease of 88 134),

6 pet. in entire Nat

L at Ha inaUili 0- Dec. 5 for iu all-time evonent. 'Htat same week- Govia JACL received He Heele for ainular raaeons

CCDC coovmtioB. tha- chapter* wU receive

within the December- wry period. It was in-

eertificatea tell p he 1964 JA(X atoo' henfaip. As of the clow isle of the 1964 msnber- period on OoL 31. there 18.559 acUve iwn

wler fanners ylose$1000s

Joe OUki.THOMAS TOYAMADWLER - - With tbe eo-

bneero Uw expiring; In recognition of C2»aplw all-time Ugh of 295 mem- reek (Dec. 31). many' ben and 6ih conseciitive yi^ of membeaUp tacretee. JACLen as wall as tfae^ 19»-'294)

Djnily or Fowler weiv 6. ■ FBCMONT: Frank Nakaaafco, pres.: R«£,EHayama, tiv conermed over the! memb. cbmn.

DV nf agri-bumoeaa here.i lo recognition of Chapter all-time high of 181 mcm- M farmennow lace tbel ben. (1963—88)>rct of losing thouasndal 7. OAKUAND: Tony Tokomlio, pres.; Paul Yamamoto. ollarB unlees stoop labor; memb. chmo.cured to harveat stnw-i In rcc^niUoo of Chapter ah-tima higfa/of 216 mem-

boyeenberriea, fruit ber* and 2nd coosecuUve yew of •

Nishida. mamb. rh,nri In reeognilioo of Chapter all-time Ugh of SU m

ber* and 11th consecutive year of membenhip Incre <1963—310)9. SAUNAS VAIXEY: Ted Ikemoto, prim.: Jaw

Tanda. memb. cbmn.lo recognition of Chapter all-Uma Ugh of 177 m

here and 2nd consecutive year of memberabip Uerw

: ToshHo TakahasU.

grape crops this i ly.of the CC-

chapten are aiUiated. is vorid's greatest agrieul- ; area in tbe worid frem Eandpoint of production Kreagc.

1964 chapter high-

!'• — AwardingholsreUp lo bally contributing 320

ird pwbase of oxygen"ie by vcJunleer ____ .. .

the .Comnnuuty Jl. WATSONATLLE: Tak HigucU, pree.; Kay Mhin. I memb. cbmn.

^tobrr—Holding a volera! - In.recognition of Chapter aJI-time bi^ of 394 TKaiioB program; do-| bera and 2nd conaectiliv* year of membenhip inc

> a bQK>italised. (1B63--341 ) pcliee officer.•vrmber -- Elertisg Bill] Kuhara. memb ehiBB.rjToto as rhapter preei-

In recognition of Chapter all-time Ugh of 110 mem- bera and Ugfant pertentage iacrease of 51 pet in Chapter size category of leas than 100 mmnbers.' (1963—72).

— SLLTISE MI8NS —1. mD-OOLtiMBlA: Mis Aaai, pres.; Toru Omeri.

memb. chmn. »In recogniUoD of Chapter all-time high of 143 mco-

bera. <1963-138)2. PORTLAND: Ike Iwaaald, pres.; Roy Maada, memb.

bera and 4th consecutive year of membenUp inenaae.A PUT AIXLT l ALLBY: Joseph H. Kosai. pcm.; Georga

Murakami, msnb. etunn,In recognitkm of Chapter ali-ttee high of IH mem-

bera. (1963-146),4. ALAM»XA:SbiroTakaafaiia.irca.:Hs^-rD^mor[,

memb. cbmn. <in recognition of Chapter ail-tims Ugh of 177 mmn-

bera. (1963-159)A OONTHA OOStA; YoaUo Hotta„prea.;

lb. cbmn.

Gl Commemorative Recbrd-busting year for PasadenaProbably DO riser tribote

^ bees paid to Japan roe Americaa t r o e p a who senid Is the aimed fereco «( tbe Dalted States la Werid War II thaa the Commcmoralive servkea heU at Ariiagloa NatloBal Omaeteiy by the JACL ea Jaae 2. 1963. and tbe ereaU reUting thereU.At the mme time, through

the national and Utematioo- al wire servicea, radio, and tMevirioe. qm^fiec^e of the United States leaned more about the heroic aaeririeei and services of those of Jap-

ancestiyi^ World War n thaa ever before. Indeed.

called by eeveralj •'The Niaefa:


' schoisrahip win-^„„.i - i- oersmp- cool mu any service,oemmi

ersl Jsoob U Devsra. _____ehalnwea of the Amertesa Battle MesamaiU Com-

Prop.IbaL fidlowed 'updax.^A^ri' 0

Qneat hour ’.

i aad tor masdlag geoerai of tbe United States Army FMd Fercca. Judge Joha F. Abo of tbe Lot Angeiea Ssper- lor Court aad a Celowd U the Judge Advoeatm Cca- ml Departumot of the Army. Semtor (Major) Daniel Inonye. Coagrw- maa (LL Celood) Spark


Isbout thm time-whkb bMped It ^all started, with the . to attaio our all-time h^h in miarv intfaJlstino Ainntm- «l

I 'TbeU-jittkalii July w_____icbapter stCak bake at (Dak Icrove Part whm Urn WUte

January the Miyako House with Dr. I Roy Nwbikawa. psst Na-|, tiooal JACL ptewideDt. swe

g in the enUnet.The board cleared away

_anbsBhip drive tn F<rtn«ry before rackKng the ovcemll

tbr pros aad eons of the irioua state propasHioas at eompiunHy votera inforraa- on night. Bob Miywmoto

asBinted.Along with. 1

. Much boaid at thevw of Butch TamiuVCraM.

PraeeeiM of the dart

itar. It was aim nmoth tbe Utapiar helped to boot the Consul Gmeral's tea for Nisei Week eandidata Ududinc our own Iren

JACL Mes Presitet WII- CSuireh h ll^d.t«l by lb. S«t^| A

nnovanlme tha,(^ ^ ^

***ihi«MlirUAii hv ■

SoddUitCkuireh bazaar in April ww

over to the church.I, me April board mestiiig

at tbe b«me of auditor Dr.committee « chaige wasBuddUat Ken Y'amagaeJii dealt with

of United Statesl^_ ' npeomUg ermia: the PSWDCSenator Daniel K. loouye. 'veteran of the 442od and tbe firal Americaa of Japanese ancestry to be ejected to the

and United States ive Spark

ataunaga. a veteran of both e KXHh-l&nintiy Battalkm

and of G2 and the Congreas- man who succeeded loouye when he was elected to the SenaU in 1962. as honorary co-chairman, and Mike Man- oka. aa chairman. Mary Tods,(1963—160) Z'

’■ ibhiujb.^isoioa. memn. enma. „ treasurer. Hmry Goaho,Edwin Mitoma. Hiaako Saka­ta. Susy Sakato. Gladya and Ire Shimaaaki. Harry Tklcagl. Harry Takai. aad John Yo- ahiao.

> of

CLOMS: Bob Hiraauna. pres.: memb. chmn.In recognition of (Saaptcr all-time high of 55 n

bera and 2nd consecutive year of membeisUp Jnen (1963—50.)

TOMB OF UNKNOTTN Following the fonnal pro-

I rally in San

the Tomb of the Unkaowna.! National Preaideot Olcun paid a floral ti^u Unknown Ssidiere of World Wan 1 an'^ II and the Kor- esB War. He was i

:runoer-up hnnora; tbe Nisei iRidaya. wberc the ebepter's midget team erao top hanofa: ami the Scout poUuek '

(Sen Hal

Angeles, mother of posthumous Congreamonal Medal of Honor anidea Pri-

Sedao S.the 442nd Regiment^ bat Team. Smator lomye.General Devere. Omgram- man Mataunaga. Judge Also.

;and Ur. MarutanLThen, there was a speclaJ

wreath ceremony at the! (Continued fi

trophy, aer Evesl

Tbe board bmI twice in Juoe at the lumes of vice pnmdent Bob Miyamoto aad 1000 aub chainnan Tbm IW

Mary Yuaa as 1965 preMdeot.Ac the Sasta Barimra dM- .

uiot maedag last moBth. . IwwmU was sleeted DC vke- .

the task

AugMt board mei at ths bosM Msek Yi giada sat up plaas to amd the PiasbyterMa Church bazaar in .*>n*iinhw by maiiBing a taco and lee cream booth. Again, prolita were tamed evm- to the churdi ter Ha new buUfing fund.

FaU Eveata le Septea^ board at tbe home of Tktt

of bostiog th*:_ ing in Fsbraary.


the Detroit ns- brou^

a and pR for ths C

tuau forIto's podMde. Tbeme -HoU^y tn Hakone" and Hohad jimt cems back from ttda

________I and gifts toheUwdanaothwHteauretotbe

E*v«c the

.. Maey Tu^ »aa primsd for the aanml tsndy CMaU mu poduek dipper held Dae. 13 at tba Tdwbyanan CatURh. Tbe new cdOeere

Ths thapew earmot cloas thia report wteboot remmi-.' bectec with bnataad astami ths MMQg of asvmal Pass- d«s Iwa idmswB tfalB year:“ “ ■ of Tbm

who pstosd awwy at ths ^ of 92 ; Ke^Dyo'B tether

Umu-d Dyo( Kiuji Wsta^ Bsbe. lesei membenhip ehair-

ter Biny years a^


chain)the Washington. D.C. ebap-i"’ ......................... . - —iter and Yemhino wn tha]»}“U>«^ B^ip apart from all of the .chairman of the Eastern Dis-1««« Monument, which n-\ triel Council at that time, I»rda In granite the honoead; " “

of tha riret penoem of<ive! to fnve

49 States.:jAa.«

ivelve tbe '

I e^ pcBBtireily nil

Udlim U 11. PUUIIA ||.„ lor tl. mi.ltj- !■ tli. o-H-i- ,»

mloo-ind. poll.. Mim^jj.p.0.,. nml,™ ot tl. .1]»Il -u cuTMd „o, j,,, .^.o, Uroort-il tt. BUI.

ior JACLsre invoived

So*broeburea. and doing the

nllenge of vp. 14 made court case

loot, will Vihiio ii . B.iu«lip w» .ullr: Tk. U~.rt .1 U.____ -- aamsied by lawrence Naka-|„|,A- in Havana harbor at nloneering pareets. the es- 'It. ARIZON.4 rH.\PTrai:Hat*uy«Miyauchi.p«*.;May Itwk^a^nt tO t^, ^ g,, Sp,mah-' eenplary dawimWp of both

^ted Sta^ Senator Him,jh.

the view of this

Ssattle M i rseeeded tn tevor ef the non- stitatiinMJ repeal, in 1962. foo- aenntiea (King. Pierce. Yakiam: aad Kitsap) weew favembiy tackned of the 39 couMMs in^WsshingUw State.

.llTie margiBa of afhrmaiive ivoua. however, ware not mif-. Iflcient to overoome the negi- itive veUa elaewhere i

In reeogniUon nf Chapter all-time high «f 202 n

(J963 ____13. PASAOE.NA CHAPTER: Khni PukuUkl. .pcea.;

Harris Osaws. memb. chmn. ,In recognition of Caiapter aU-tiine high of 204 mem-

bere and 2nd consecutive year of membenhip incTaase.(1963-192.) _____


r.^oSri.;.'S”cS^uxtiS-ofi.. iU“| f;—j

..,UuN.Au».Auo.U.; 0, m U-.

"5’Sir,' JrNOimT OU-MPIJS: Yuli. luwj-. P"-dHoki. memb. chmn.

, In recognilinn of Chapter ail-lime high of 26! mem-

^ P : n!’oM.4H.4:M‘MakoNakadolpr*a.;YukioAiido.mMb.rhmn.

Fong of Hawaii.

*h--~V..IUHMHW «f I^psiusd by Mr. Oten.; the ootob

fact aheetltbe bukground for this | Judge Aieo, ai^ Ur.'Uyerr

- Niseil

1* ef t-l at the Nov. *^on. DBllined Cali-

lew kgainet racial in henainK

^ American War in April. 18— __ ______J^jMn. Munemon ptaoed the': warm neij^horltaesn oMhe

:Sen^rlnouyaGeoerelDev-| of the Nbet GI h> MbrU len. GmgTTwmaB MaUunaga.1 War U — all

20th annlvermry military service In World War n. aa wdl BB brief aumnmry blstorim of that military •erviee, v« pr^wred

Thereafter, tbe individual greves of the 21 Nisei war

in Ariingtoo

and widely throughout

Jhd'^Lrbrtta JAcj. ksd -Stats. King Cminty produced more esthaaiaatir asd ale- * plurtdity nf 28,219. with cere eapport from th# !P»«wo County following with Ja~sf*e Americaa eem- :6«M- Vakim* Cooirty with

1969. and Kitmp with' 416.mnaity thaa the IdahoState eas^slgs for SJR No. j TTw strategy of the ]. The dedkatfoB aad seal [paign wu to £of the JACLer* te Idaho, ^enough favorable voles in aad the iatermoasteta Ms- imore populous sress to n Met Cousril. are la the ,than offset any uotevonhle

National Cemetery im: wi^ » cHiz«e they are visited, with brief grevmsdej ewtitled to aad deserve.fwricea and floral Mbutsa' — a a... a------for each. Tbe next of kin ai- uodmg tbe services includedMre. H. Negaao of Blackfoot. uite Resolutton-i



ricana of Japanese anc*sirv|“^ Mre. S. NekasRima ,who. f - ................

. . their frieeida aadnigbton. to help Is Iho ^ Consdl, ere In the .than offeei any i emade to ^ve sateialU^ | tredWsa ef demo- |Voles from the rural i

all of the right* , jThia, strati provwl correct

office-local, s^sn d,g^^ g, anV* ?^AA®" old wrooT^ to wipe its

_ _____d„li'Pocatello. Idaho; Mike]^_______ieir'loV^fy’and mialreatsd!“***f**: ^^^’’.‘^•[Newspapere IhrouiboJt th»;ia World War n. served withl“*^’‘*P‘*- ““- Stete. wilboul esception, car-.hnn~- .nd o.ll.nIrv in .verv SpnBSfietd. \ IT- ^ f„turm and ediuieisls;

Waahtegton. wta-c Is

;but made repeel en inlegrel, "~»-oC their own {

Sprinsfieid.Mre. Gladya Onoye\j^.

B^k—.1. If.—

**«»eU. rent or kwae tobeta (I963--13I 18. WASHINGTON. D. C.:

Ishiraoin, memb- In reeognilioo of

*UAA7 IU evci; . ,

' , “WW “»>!>»■«" of •♦‘“I ^'f-Bethmda. Maryland.


^ ^ ................. .. ........... all-time tkigh of 294 mem-fttsoa for anv rmoom I >*»» consecutive ^esr of meenberriap toereaaa.

“>«i Hall, a Negro who 0963-280.)Negro . .North SacraMto. » that his while land-; ;^*ford MDler, M Uy- *«ereiae the “ahsdnte toon" clau* ky evictinrclause by evicting

hoiteg on tbe SC-

19. PHILADELPHIA: Roy Kite, pees.; Tone Okamoto.

major campaign of -that far- flung War, in every theater

Mo3^rw«w». U PU.:“«W u. ho.t. tl. M -wd Ik...

,riBitad the White Houee w«re|i»t what was demred. nevor-

In recognition of Chapter ah-tfans high of 161 mem- beta and 3rd consecutive year of memberthip inomse. (1963—146.)

-SPECIAL REC06NITI0RS-________ j. SAN FKANasCO: Eddie Moriguchl. pns.; TOHatt

. in a brief, contend-' Nakahara Jr., memb. chnm. 'J^liative constitution-' In recognition of nine consecutive yean of over LOOO

right lotot ia an inva^on member rarollmeei.

aequii gual I :.rp- WEST IDS ANGELES: Toy Keaegai, pres.: Shigeo

TAkeshita. memb. chmn. ____In racofnition of 5lh obnaeentivc year of msmbenhip

veaied that 400.839 damns voted to retnova the con-

- - - . . ;atitutiooal diarriminalkmaTied feature* and e<bui^„^^^ ownerehip. but

a •ym- vote. Tbe,g^^ ^2g_27g ,^|A---------r-=^-=;tbwn. The margin nf defrellin World War n. by was 27.437 votes, or lea# than ? j,, _____ _____ »

Senator laouyw. frero pamwii. The voteal ‘Ua-1sdded up to 4835 percent.!

rt ofjsM the ■‘so*' rates to 5135

ladsed. eien wKh the ro- scthaleef Kpokase rhapter. oslr three area* were estered hr J.4CL ia tbs whels Bteto. wfa bigger sad

heart: Americasism is not and never was a matta- of race or ancestry’".

Origi^y. the for^ pro­gram. endued "Ser^leas In The Grove", was to he hdd adjacent to tbe Az of the Tomb of the Unhaowu


isrs-rTV itext monitig. Mre.

Munmnari and ber two dangh- tefs. Mr. and Mia. C^iire.Judge Awe, Mike andCk


_ be proceeded by colled at the White Home •bv tbe United SUtetiwere introduced to the late

Army ^nd. Unfortunately. Prendesl John F. Kennedy all-nigbl and all-day rain aad then Vice Prcsideni. Qpw

forced the formal program Premdrot Lyndon B. Jo^i^, iadom. to the main chapel boOi of whom peid ’ * 'St Bfarby Ftort Meyer. bute ^ Japa«m

eovepage ftveeievmt, under

ap«ial erdeea in the

. June II. 1963. 25 Con-

id lAb tri-r A^ancaB

Geoege P. Miller ............ ...................tri-Alameda. Cahforma. p a i d ud

partaeuUr effort was made. In the fMideetteJ and senatottel eiecdoos of Novem­ber I960, when more than a milUon veten west

aMe aonree. tt must be cow coded dmt there was »s6 • wMfleient

to the ■ polls, wly 4537 percent or! * 466.7D5 voted affinnativNy. '

•i I. -Vft ______ _ ___ KCA VKA

(Continued on Page A-15) ivoted nagadvely. TV n


.Pacific MorthwestOBIWHAM WOtTDALE

Mr»- Chlyo _ Kate. Hawlc) H. Kate. T. ..

Sakura. Howard S.i^eko. Boy Y..........Shlf»ya. Dr. Paul S i^HiDixu. Jeh&aeo . .

leauia. Eddie K. «u)ima. Shokhi isiiiuki. Dr. M. Paul Taka«i. k'red T. Tanijurk’. Theodore — Toda. Dr. Terreiice M. _. TaMl^■a. Uri. UmekoToehi, ChlrieeT------ ----Taubola, Min---------------•yeoo. Dr- Ben .......... ..i-amada. Dr Kelly K._

KinoebiU. Kazuo -------Ojruri. Roj- Y............—-Ouchi. Dr. Joe M. -Ouehida. Jeck T...... - -Takaahlma. Newton X. Tamura. Katuma ......- ^

Akivami.Charire-------Aaai. Mama.

• Aeal Taro

, iiPOKAXBiTAkiyaiavK‘»>', I iHiiawiiTTriBk

Honda. Harry Y.Kadoya. Hany -

„ Koodo, Dr. Mark Uaruyama. Voehl

f.Maalo. Ham-Weunabe. Geore* --------- « Nobiikii, Tetano....................

___ ^Yaaoi. Mri. Mikle ...... ^“Takrtihiu. Mra. DorothyVaanL Bay ---------•^*TaiiUka«-a. Wward H. .

POBTijkSD .Vamamolo. Mward M.c»n,. 1. .......... -

Anmano. Mre. lae ^ — _2 tmi Mfaaii . Llfe'Okamoto, Goorfe T.


4)itc slott jft

I Tiujihara. Shu 1 I'amaiBOlo, EUehi Roy * - ice Y . .

2| * RBCOLEin Abe. Uaaaru « Howka, Henn-

Dceda. Mr*. Mkhi Ikeda. Toni

- Ikianlyt. Uci. Canjjt J"lkeniiya.Dr JaiiMilt

“iKimura. Frank .


4 Nataiihata. Frank S. 2 Nnrikane. Koji.Iwaaakl. De......... ..

IwaaUta. Uakoto ... Kawaaakl. Corky T.Kida, Jamee KKteoabltaL. Dr. BoW. S. _ IJIeKuye. Dr. ToabiaU ------- 11KvoBO. Frank C..Maiuoka. Dr, Matthew M. Xakata. Dr. Mitauo R.Onrhl. Jin

'ftayara. MaaaoI fUaaki, John K. I'Teredale. Thonaa

- S’ . /.... dTaliji. Bill R. .,

kimaka. Tom**- .... .. 3'Tokimaya, laao

No. Mif.-W. H«.AI.AM>A)A

Ircbida. Moree M. S’oehiiniira. Akiji

1000 aUB MmNATIONAL-The JAU1000 Clyb tan daim • liiiefnatioear »ta- lua as Edward Ide {eoaieri, national preai- deni ol the Japanese Caned>an Cituena Aun., of Toronto fomed the ranks at itie 1000 Oub winQ-ding at ftte Detroit Na­tional Convention last summer. Smilirtg at left is Wild Bill Matsunwto of Sacram-^

•------ 7 Aka«i Hironu HI......—5


ifsabL Georta .MONTEBEk- PDONSEUk Kiy-hll......... Hibino’Freak K.

------ -------------------

Yokoyiuna. Grerjce STOOITON

Baba. Georte K,Dobua. Fred K........—.Enomoio, Jerry J. . —IDr. Kenneth - .Ikhijiihige. Dr T. David .... » Kitahare, Kei

; jPukuhare. Cfieater ........ 5 Minani. WUIiHayaabino. Harry S........ 10 ^wto. Tak ___iHirtahi. Henry M.............. 10 nUbida, Fred ____ _iKiuka. Art .........-....... "iTajiri. Dr. Akira ____Inamaan. Frank...... ............ "'Y«nn. Ed ~ilihida: Alfred T------------- ^Kuaama. Henry T.......... . In;MaUumoto, Jatk Y. ...... Kanarawa. Rnbwt K.

. mat oeroy nes weenns «vinu.-.M, Dr. John T. — 3 • ». y —....pesaedontoJoeKa^akied^- SS^hima. ArthurK.Iwai. currwtt natK^I ^ ^ ‘ iN.kaahima. Geor|. J. — ^Kumano. •n.oma. ZZ „«n. -Tom Hash,mo.0 Photo |Nakaahima. Roy « Moriyaina. Ton.

_iNakaahima. Williai.,U^ f NtgiaiaUu. Ton R_.f,,NitU. Harold . - ........... i k-.u—.i... t«»»

onto, nal'l 1000 Oub chairman, lighr- • 'xiuaooui lobby-

, Mike AAasa-

--—lippod at fight istthat ktquaei

9 OkBBOto. Takeo ..



BEBBEI.ET.'Fujil. Maanji .............I Hamaji, Roy -----

Kandi. Dr. John It. - Kawabala. Yoah —_ Kinoahita. H. JaM .Muiinoio. Tad --------Minikanl. Robert -

ujti. Kat la. Paul

JlAEaklako, Tokuya — Kcuakura. Albret . Xakaaura. Tadaabi -NMhlta. BatMt^-------Oiiye, Ton__1,, , , ■Sato, Sbo . . -------

lahiau. Dr. Cbariee-■ ijjia>-e<la.TedT.

Ncunure. Tbodiai K Ofawa. Frenk H- . - Ohara. Jua-io Jetty. 'IkuruauiU). Jamee ...

' ^Kamada. Tore S--------------'|K»t*0*- J*-®!'..............-.....-

. 8 Kptoao. Arderan KiyuaU

. 1\ Kubo. Gcoryn......... ._ 1 Kubo. Dr. Janre J. ___ _ jSiKiinkihl. Tom —U-._—

l^Kuroiori. Tom T--------------2 Maeda. Maaao !--------------liMaaaki. Akiio

..niia. wi. •

fters-JT-'|Urebe.Uoyd T....................

lo! SAX BENITO COUNTY« Kamiiioto. Kay K.............. 11 “


8 Okamure. HirofgnJ-’■^no.Tid------ ---------------- 5|TabuchL Mra. Maiuife......*0 Oeawa. Koji........................ SjTanaka, Dr. Jame*............

Katherine K.......Taunekawa. Lou S.........................13 Dr. H. Qulatua — * Ueda. Kamio3 Sakai, Yoao ..................- 3 Yoahikawa. Fxl

M,U_Ju=» - ~ 2 WAISOMTU.K.._ 2,Fujmiot'>. Dr. Clifford C.

I :Z

Mori>-aaii. Dr. VWw I _Murakami. Georjfe Bi­ota. Oaorfe n UTaItISakahare. Tom , , , i B y Snaaki Tad . ■ B;_Takemure. TAinreiO —— B;Tanbare. Dr. Geneve A. «. 8. CUNTKA ODSTATaiiboi. ToMsto_____ — 4;FuJU. Jiro .. ..................tVhivama, Dr. Bam T. 0 EliDoto, Jamae_________

__ TlMaMki. Harry K. -S MaMkl. Perrv T. .. 7lMaUnmoto, Deori .

2,Yamaoka. Tony SAN FBANOISOO4 ABUto. Yaauo W...........6 Adaiti, Lucy...... ............9 Ainawa. Hauuro------ --

4 Saiodc Tone .^ Satow. Mre. Cbii

Satoir. Maaao W........SchloH. Mre. Sumi -

]0 Schwarx Maury -— j,iS«sktSiaS..

_ PI..ACEB COUNTY ICaareioB. P-onald G.

OlKawahila; Harry -

Yoahida, Noboo diNiomniya. Tamakl .Voahlno. Dr. KeWi S. — B|NIU. Noel.................Vwhioka. Daikbi lOiOda. Dr. Thoman tt

^iNakae, Howard------- JNaha«avre. Bunny _

A :Nakaxnure. Robert -- ,'Niahikawa. Gdoo* -" jjiNitta. ChariMfC.-----

'jiMaieunani. Joe [Meoda. Albert . iMiyabare. Ted .

“jMiyai, Arthur . -S.Miyakawa; Jun SlMiynaoto. "

= !■§“ == -....

_ 15‘Tao. Tom

I Central CalifoiiM5 - .B.AR^®.SFIEIJ)j.KumaUka. Llo>-d K........ -

5 Kaverbauirfa. Mre. ! 8 Fujiaada. Takafuu

Shibata. TaUukhl ....S Sumida. Marebal! M. sSugaya. Maaainl ..8 Tademaru. Mary ..S Takahaahi, Henri ............. ’iKubou, Frank F.S TakabaahL Tokinak* — 2 Jm#*, K

.1 TaUuno. Ma«leni --------- 3,.^^^; Y<»intoMre Shieuko 8 Ton»»ki. Dr. Kaaue------- 16 ygi^oto. Dr. Maaao —

10 OArtlS3;FuJiU. June..............

--------. 3|Ikeda. Hifumi .......... ‘iKub

Tanje, Kilcbi____ _


,A Abe, Genrjre ------- -jg KaJiUni. Yflehio j'Knbashi. Elmer

Uaaumnto. Afar A____Vlerbiipan. .I«hp _____

A Thomaa. Irvtr E .2 TITLABE COTlflT

iki, Tom :eda. Junlada. Sawato___

rsilo, Mike \lahida. WiUlam .

Koniahl. Wniiam-------4 Maveda. Hiroabi-------

Ed ...isiOiCta. Nori ....... Oh. Georjce 4 Shiba. WllliaiB .

8 Fujiaada.6 Furuta. Mra Yothie-----

OtHlamaipoto. Majy .8 Hasda. Katsunori.

11 Hayaktwa. Ka>v»4lMiyao. Manta ...3 Miautani. Ginji..................SiUorimoto, Harry................6 Hedaai. Dr. Tokuji.l iMiireaaolo. Dr. Goorfe___ 7 Hironaka. D«t>d Ta;2,NaUao, Takeo_________ 3 Hlrore, JackS s-akatani. Soichl _


4 UUpmi. Takeo B--------- — 9 DELANO; L-yeda. Dr. CUMord--------- 5 KaUno. Joe

]4 Uveda. June...........]j Uycda. Mitauto 11 WaWada. Yukio ..

SKATIUAkita. Hirem C. ■ ■ — 10 Oahlma. HetiAcdrewB. Rev. Aawy — S SalcaL Rov . Aokl. John_____________ 4,.Aakai,Saml..

-----I'Radovkhl. Robert-,A Saada, Harry E. —

-----:r Scott. William--------

Hayaaaka. Y. PbOlp - Hikida. Haltaro — —Hirola. Joe A ---------Ilorl, Takaabl----------ImaaiahL kYed Y.^lahimilau. Sad---------

rebe. Hi

_ 9 OOBTEZ_ ll'Kamlya, Mark ......—

6 Hirou. Dr. Cari T. -.S ^nami. Suml........

10^orib.,^Shiferu R. -... 14

Ttkeoioio. Hiroabi -i'eRO. Tsdasbl . fego. Tbooiaa. Jr. . foahlda, Ro)' T------

- 'JltjU. c- ® Va.„ t

Niahi. Cfaariea .- 3,vtthjjima. Kanjl..- SiNiabiml. Ralph ..- Slviabiml. Maaao . ______ 8 Hori. Kei.- 1 Nlahlmi. Toebihiko ..- 3 Nofuchi, Dave..........- 7 Oda. Pins ......... ............8 Hunt, Diaie ..............-....- 3'okada. Kiifece............ 8 Ino, Kiiniiaku ........- 3 Okamoto. Dr Hlloahi------ 2 tao, Mre. Mume - lO Okl. GewT* a......................5 Ii»“ye. Hiat- 0 Oahlma. Coffee H. ..

jOaufa; Peter ...... —■ jS^nl.O^------- Fred....—™fOuN-e. 1'—'•*

jj Yafi. Grace jA,Yamasaki. Warren T.

• ,4 Yamamoto. Steve .a,Yaauda. Sbotaro ....

lAlYaaomolo. John T.



liXafaUni. Edward ........1 iNafatani, Georre Y.......7iNafataiiL Dr. Jamee K. ,ijNa^ama. Bill T. ....TiTiSmH. Eraret H.............

.. 12 Inouye. »

.. 10 lablzaki Ken .

BiTakaki. Majuiru .___ 9 Yonaki. Sadao . ....■— "| foRI-eb

Hlyama. Kazuo . -----___ ]2il4tyake:. Dr. Geo^ ..___ gtNakamure. Harie>* ..

irabayaahi. Jamm J. —. llpeT«»».|Hiure.Dr.Tbo«aaA------- a Uchiyama. M.klo .'.Hoofo. Dr. YuU

10. SAN JOSE*lBepp. Vooeo .......-IlHabare, Jiro W.Im

3 Niahlhara.- Joe —~ ]0 Sakamoto. Shif-----

4 Sakuma. Manore ,SanoL Kanam] .1^......

4 l«-Boaaa. HaroliH<---------5 Iwamasa. Saloni_______5 Iwaaaki. Kojiro

, labifaki. Harry . 1 r.kiv—. n.. 'TaI

. FBKSNO‘lAreU. Don . ........

^3;Kgo. Dr, Shiro........

7 Shimaji. Gene . iShimaaaki. Tom 4 Sumida. Jack C Taabtro. Mrs ^Xhti— 4 Taahiro. Kenji — * Waunabe. Kay —

YamariYOUi. John R8 Yebiau. Hi

> PKifkSwiidp ABIFilNA

-- I.Kanemure. Sain•• ^‘’ Kohaabi. Mike. ......

Kuromoto, T. Ccmp 7.Mcl4Bua. Jack

.. 12 Mi}’auchl. Mr* Hnv OiMoriuehi. Roy . — e'Murakami. Mils ..

.. SOkuma. Tom T. .. Osodcre. George .. Sakata. Johnson ..

Den D.

Kihara. Koirhl . .Klnomoto. Ftmak Y. _KntiAia. Hrary T.___Kubota.'TakreU____Liinder. Bjorn _

3 Kawahare. Momotarone. Kaarahare. Sam----- --life Kitaj-ama. Tom ——

” Ijf, Sakai. Telaui—

lAkamau?™?*S^. _ Bi^to! S Ki^^iw Arthur

- *,MaUumure. PhU.------ ”|MlBeU. Norman . -- ” kUt*u>-oohl. Tom J. ,

* Tadaao. T^hi - kNijimura. Sara Simimu .J. 1-Tanlla, Shigerof’Hanbahiro. Seiro............... 1 Wood, Joe A. ..

............ mArHn..,*VAlilSakai. Tom

Maeda Milton___________ .Mauuoka Jamee M.------ 31Wetauure. Robert H.____ 3 'rebioka, Glirhl ..Ma.veda. Tom V--------- ---- 4, nA)BLV

- jDaficett. Morris .filFujii. Harry-------

lllFujii. Maeuto^-6;Fujii. Toko.......—8;Pujikawa. Maaw. 8 Fuiimoto. Harrey

4|Selo. Dr. b

_ .. A AAAAIIAAJl. . aw

7 Kor—H.HJ- ....- » sa..j-., B«hl4 Kubokawa. Joeeph T.------ P

Yukio ..

ikNinikawa. Turn _Molod*. Mr*. Ki>o---------Miirekamt. Ricbani E.___Nakamura, Dr. T^T.NogtU. Kea ...... .............INoji. Milsucl __________ 11Ofawa. Umer____________tOhttki. Peter____________10Ovee. B'Utiam G. ____ 4Olauka. Ed ............ 3Sakabare. Toru ...

Funikawa. Swede...... .....Uo. Paul T. . . ...~ Kaabiwafi. William Y. _ Oxawa. Dr. Kenneth B. .Takeia. Bill S---------------

raEMONT[shama Tad i..... —BOO. Katuo —.........

- B'shiraiNoboni............ ....... P Kurihare, Marie. 8 Sufiyama. Dr. Henry L „ 10 Kuroiwa. Mrs. Teiko------. 10;Suruki. Yooeo..............— ? Kuaaha Jack S. .- 11 Takahaahi, Dr. Georf*—10 Matraimura Albert Mae _- 2 Takamoto. Kiyoebi Kay 4 Mayeda Jack M....... ........ .- 7 Takeu. Henry . ____ _ 13 Maaaoka Joe Gr*at - 3 Takeuchi. T»keo................ 8 McEoBrnej-, Garrett H —- a Taabara Georfe ............. lO^Morifueht. Eddie .

4 Harm. Harry N-------* Haj-aabl Dr Aldo _

8'Teufawa. Dubb>’ WaUnt 11 ,Nafanuma Georfe _ 4,Tauiita Tak........................ TINakabara Wm. Jr. ..

iHifasbloo. Roy-------o'Himoui. Pj>y . ------

■ ,4 Hipomolo. Georfe _ Hlronaka, MiUtifl -Hlj-ama. Frank-------

1 Ikegarai. Robert M.

4,Tauiita Tak . -B Watanabc. Maaabaru -

. Howard...........>. Charley-------

8 Yamamoto. Dr. Maaa___4 Yamaaakl. Harry .... ........3 YokoL Frenk ........... .........

lakamur*. Harold____2jNi 3|Ne*l.Don 8 Nil Dr. Karjo 1 iNiahi. Dick . .. 4 Niahi. Jamm

.Shimizu. Real J! Shiroma. Mrs. Eureka'. ^.Taketa. Dr. Tom .. ..'! TaUunn. Dave M ........1 Yamate. Henry T. . ..“YooemotoTakY..........

13 SAN M.ATEO2 Ikeda. Mr*. Ime.........3iUhim*ni. Harue.......—2;Mekabe, Wfleon H_____

jRikimaro. J. I..

lahikasra. Jim .......- - 0 Jittumyo. Dr. Akin .....

- 7 Kaulo. Dr Henry H. .* Kubo. Dr .S^mio

• JiKuboU. John4 Maeumolo. Dr. Kenneth

Giinzo.............. JlMoriU. Takenhi

' "iNakanura. Ben


" Niahio. Dr. Frank ..

- 2jSnlow, Georfe tZ- 6;Suiow. Marv .........

13 Obayashi. H«r>'

Pacific Southwest District CouncilpteiFic souTHWESuaci RteioitL office

I2E WtUw RMm ait. Ln aiceu, cut. SNIEKatiumi Arimi Mike Shlmiui

Teiiue iweaekl . AicbeH Hikide -

Membor*-et.Ur«e: CUrenne Niibbu. Merk KI«ucM. Mat SUmshu. CMr«e OhnW.. Henry Kenegee. AlanBCumemofo. Wilbur Sat*. Akira Obeo. Mrs. Mab^ Yotkitaki.

Mnaa cKApmsArlxona; CoeeheiU Valley. Downtown Lai Ang*le». Eeif Lo» Angelei. Gerdwie Valley, Hollywood, Imperial i-alley, Long Baack-Harbor Dirt.. He. San Dieg* County. Orange C«mty, Patadena, San Oiege, San Fernando VaDey. San Uh Obitpe County. Santa Barbara. Sanfa Maria. Vanica-Culvar, Soufkwart Uc An- galac. V*ntvra Couirfy. Wart Let Angalai and Wilakira Uptown.SMr*irev«____ nariwce Mortaret* tagimMi MmCw _ Ismk MitiwUii

— 12,TakabaahL WmbM AZ i: 3 SEQUOIA-Ufe'Adaehi. Ryuai .................... « Bah*. Dr. Gaorfc E.

4 Doi. Dr. Hunter EnomMo. John T. Fjiomolo. William H. Fukiiraa. Manioru Hauaaka. Dr. Harry ... HInre, Dr. Georf* Y. „ Inouve, Hittaukc Kan.v*. Hiroji .Kilaaoe, Riehart S.____Minaoka. Tad______Mayeda, Shnio. .Muret*. afacabeth F..

Nakamurt, Harry— NMhimoto. TMh _Oku. :

SONOMA OOUNTYHamamoU). Georg* L___Mjyana Jantre T^-.-.-Tv

.ssr-.fl=•S5ir‘:=: feS:::® Uniahima. Pay .

’ PARLIEB.Z.Do'i. Noboru Jerry .

Hany H.- Bvaahiki Jnhn '*rHo*hixakl Roy 1

,. Shif I. Henry

• ”|Miyak*«*. N.• ”|Naf*re. Fred

iakata. Harry S. .

lino, Sh« Ikemoto. Ted Ikuta. Dr. fihtmA lahihare. Sam

----- V Uhu. Rnbert•72

Miscdbneoisa] . NO-WN-DC®|YnkL Mre. Mlyoke_____

YnM. Takeo ___ ______

-V M^i'Ando. Mau

in.Kawa, Tare Ki.tA Mr*. 10“ Kldo, Sabo* •••••'*

Jf* Kuniytmbl G«pi^JfeKnroda. Saba» - .

Kwan. Hiram jj loe. ,

- 3| * MDC iMaUUJBOio,3l IMiida, m


KiTrki»^ ShilCM.........K^ibbiB. David.............IPBunori. Niaulce........Uiy,Ultf. Archie .........BeriBhila, Mra, £iko ...Kokaeda. KaUoma........

Bia. Ben K. .... [ef»>-ama, Herbert ....

Kuraj-ama. Henry.........fiikajima. Idiim ...........

Toahin .........ikxmura. GotMtnm ...

yikiuthima, Tokijim .. yikiuuka. CeckTce .... j;*himntn. Aiujiro .... yiUke. Dand . .... yiiakr. Mra. HanaVo ..^02l»■a. Shuji.................Obj-r. Heoiy .................Dkijnoto, H. U. .............Oki}-Broa. Steve,...'....DkD. Norikan ...............tkuuu. Prank...............Dnifti. Uia. Sachi .........Uin. Mack H..................Eiuki. Maaami ...........Rij-aBn. Ceonte K............Ebiba. Kalauumi ...........piiTti«rt« Teru . .........Rnimiu. Mitsuhikn — Unrakawa. Mn. ..pBBu. Tf>n»irhi ...............fiira. Ton K....................r»ivn • IV'

Ip. S. Harapichii ... rw>-oahi. Chariep Tak»«lakaRski. I.>Tm X..........Iikata. K..........................lakeda. Sbiiteji .............Iinabe. Biji.......... •....Itnaka. Kakuo .•............lanaka, Tatuo Clifford ..rom. Wallace ...................Inichija. Ben .................Tiuchiva. Frank ............riunetahi. Hugbet...........tchtaa. Kei ..............v. George K..................'diijima. Jerr>- S.............aaie. .Matan ..............veda. S Kiichl ..............■lumura. Maaam amada. Shireo amaguthi. Hr. Mitaiiyaamaguraa. Taloin ........'anuunoto. Harry ...........amain. Kiyn..................

■aim. Kamin ............ihlmura. Or Y..............BAIST IAlR,ANGfaj»

rsfloka. I>r. Tad ............Hua. Dr. H. Jam- .....Saaegaaa. Akira .............Iwiomi. Yoahi ...............Ktaakainl. Ritanke ....tW. Dr. Robert T............Okaraoto. Prank S............kuira. Hiroahl ..............

fijOnodera. Henry T.........lllOawa. Jane ...................4t,iSatn. Dr. William...........TTTakau. Fred .................*|Tatauno. Walter............<jUtaunQmi>a. Ken .........SiWada. Dr. George ........I Watuabe. George ........T Yoahimiau. Henry ........

11 YoabixakL Ura. Uable . TYuRDchi. Cy ..................

i. Mfi. Hiaa .............. 'Joaeph ........ ..

lUBO. Dr. Maoahi .... lEamlDr. ....Kaahtaafaara. Dr. John . Kawaicbl. Dr. Gemxa ..Mie. George ' ..............Mjura. Ura. Barbara ... iMina. Dr. David U. ... lUiyigiablma. Ubmo ..lUomila. Harry ...........iNakayama. Dr. Leo ...IXoda. Arthur .................Okiaoio. Saboro .............Rhiba. Roy........................Sugjyama. Frank 8. . .iTakeahita. Dr. Uauio ..

ORAXGE COUXTk_____kawa. Dr. 8. Deu^^lAaahino. Dr. Steve X. ..JiGoya, Taehio...................lilthli. Joe ........................®|Kanegaa, Sdcn .............SjKanegaa. Henry.............

rWien . ______

3 Kiguehi, Uark ........Makita. Dr. \’ictor .... Macaoka. Hank Uatauhira. Cbazlea T. .Uiyamoto. David ........Uiyanoto. David ........Uonekata.Dr.I^<o ....

lae. Uatawhi



. 7iFujii. Teniyoahi ..............

. Bplida, Dr. Harry ...............

. fi,Uhlda. Frank Junio ....

. 13'Uhida. Henry J..................

. 2 Jow. Dr. William............

. 1 Kamija. Kay K..................

. e Kaaaharm. Dr. Lindbergh

. 4 Kobata. (ieorge

. 4 KobaU. Joe H.................... J6

. 4 Komae, Ryo . .

. 7 Koyama. Dr.Aoba V. .. Ufc

. 7 Kuida. Kamrichi...........

. SiKuahlda. Tau ...............

. 7lKuwata. Dr. Hiroahl ..

. lojUatauahiU. Uatt........... SlMinami. Ram ...............

b'MonU. Maaaji .............. 7:NakaQka. Kiyete K. .... SlOaaka. Kenji.................. niRatmr. Ura. Fumi ..... 7 Rato*. Hideo ...............

IShinoda. Paul ......... iRhioraki, Ronald I........... Strarumoio, Robert ..... BUriu. Dr. Maaaahi ..... 3 Yamauchi, George ..... 12IYanaae. Dr. Stanley H.

lirYonemura. Frank U. ... 12; HOLLYWOOD

» Kohayaahl. Dr. Fred .f Kono. Ken T................«,Mai-e. George ............*®|Uaisukane. Harry H. .

10 Ota. Fred K......................e Safto. John Ty ............0 Shimattu. Kay R STarumoto. Dr. George

10 Tayama, Mn. CWyekn .lOTayama. Fred N..............6 Uba. Dr. Wada, J Iwan'Wada, Jack M. ____4:WataBBbe. Dr. Ton ...0 Voebida. Ura. Toehikn

'Yoahinine, Heary K.

44[Harada. Dr. Harold S.9 Wiki, aria ................ 5. • POCATELLO

13 Inagtltl. George........» Ul^iESde Bob ~e IngaU. KanUl ... Wno I!_______

18 Inagaki. Patti .......... ™10 Via. .... n.» teras.. Dt. WM .......... WHta------^ .................. 8jKlh..v Dr. Jr. T.---------

IDAHO FALLSTronnell. Albert...........laga. Take© .......

•lirai Cbariey”ZIZ_...doeoda. Lao H.________aouye. Yukio -___!____>Wn- Eldw _________Horkhlta. Sadu______IViaUeka. JoMph_____ IVakaya. George_____ ' t\'uka>a. Eboji ....... .>hi. Fred 1Vannaalri. Fi)nk«. t

UOINT OLl-UPTR Hiaauke. Ken Inouye. Yukua KaU>-ama. Voehio . Mataumori. Tom K. yturai. Henry '«ukai. RobertOniki. Dr. Dan......... -Uahio. ShlgeW ..................

Fn^aakl. Dr. Charlea R. UfeTanaka. Teabitaka------“ ■ ------ ■ •• . 13jTani. Kenji .........

iMTenda. Henry . .... 14 Tertji. ThomaaS. ..... 2]Tcraoka. George R. .... KHTeataima. Dr. Roy ....

" Togtmi. Jmchi.............13 Tomibiro. Uiii Cbiya .

. 2|tiuji. Fi»d Y.. e!T«an*bara. Harold —. 3]Uibu>ma. Henry -----. ilwabamataa. SMg .. . . . IftlWakamatan. Mr* To»ht . 7 We*lev. Dr Newton ... 3 Tamada. Richard H. ..

Sj-Yawngtirhi, Jim . 1 Yamakoahi. Xohj- ....

4lYatnaahil*. Kay 9|Yamawki. Charles Y. .

life Yatnhr. Dr Tho'maa T.. I'Yeriilaari. Kmtm A.

R;Yflahtttari. Mr* Mary

Uo. Dr. Takaahi...........Iwaaaki. H. Cart ..........iawano. Dr. ToQio .. .vobayaahi. Dr. Tom U.Kumigai. Ben T.............(Cumagai. Samuel.........rCuroki. William .........Maiamori. Tom . .

.... II

John MMayeda. Dr. Boh T.Uayeda. Dr Takaahi Mi>-ahara. Dr., Ben ..Vognehi. John T. .. .-Rhiban, Mr* Mary Rhiyonnr*. Mr*. Beai Sutuki. HenryTaahiro. Mike ..........Uha. Dr. Mahilo............... 4;YaabKika. Georg*

N'iahin, Fred M. ... Niahisu. Oarenee ..■Nitu. Hitoabi ........Nitu, Uinon .........iNitta. MlUuo ........NitU.'.S. Sbotuke .

Okuda. Harry ........Okuda. Jim S. ..............Sakaguchi, Dr. Paul E.

:: Tadokoro. John ..........Tikenaga. T. Ben........

®Uyeaugi.Ke* ............I Uyeaugi. Maa U.............^lYoahikaae. Dr. F. Y. ..S PASADENA *

1‘Abe.Or .Joe . Sikurihara. Akin®Deguehl. YoneoTT^.... 14k

I* Dyo. Ken .

. S Kado. Kyoto F.

. 4 Kawakami. Dr. Iwao C. .

. 13 Kitagawa. Mrs. Francea

. 10 Runimoto, Mr* Tokl ...

. 4!Makl»oto, Fred M............

. 3'MaMOk*. A The ........... .s'Mikawa. George S.. isMiaiachikin. Dr Norman . in Mitchell. Mr*. Esther .. lO,Ui)-aabim. Sam 8.............. in Nemur*. Jack .......... .. lOByono. Dr. C. Robert ... . lO.Saild. Dr. Rkbard R. ... liSbimUu. HiUnbl ............. 9’Shlnmoto. Tony ............... BlSbiabino. Dr. TUtae ...., siUtauki, Fumi ................... s'WakamaUu. Maiy' B- • ■; iilTainsahita. Jane ..............

4 YoUuya. Keiji..............4>Yuraori. Mr* Betty S

l-ENTPRA OOl'NTl .HiraU. Willi*

^jYmauebi. WTIUam__^l]rokot*. Ronnie....... ...

ROCBTRC .la'Hiktda. Fuji T.14 Miyanaki. Tommy H.

2 Kskota. KtvoahiR.\I.T lAKE cm'

Doi. IchiroFiUinol'*- -Eae 8. ...Katanaka. ...............Horiuehi. Masani--------Kasai. Henry . ---------Kurumada. Dr. Jun _—Kaaal. Seiko U.----------Ulsaka. Tau :

olAndo. Yukie .....................

T KMim. LouM......................4 Kmab. Dr Thaddeus ... ..iNakadoi, Mrs Uaaako ..

«lNakadi^. Robert ...........Novak, Mike .....................lOkora, Mr*. Lily •...............

. lOlOkiir*. K Patrick ...........lO’Watxnahe. Mike ..............

RAN UTS \ A1XE1- ’ Haj-aahid*. Charlea

®;lnouye. Roy T..........15|Ulsokaini. Mike ... l|Sumlda. Harry ....

• 11; UUwAcI•y niQWCsi

. 4;Yaahioka. David • CINCINNATI

iHaslimoto. Jamea N. .. 2Kart>-a- Takaahi ............. 2 Morioka. Fred. 1 Nal»>-ama. Joseph. 1 Okura. B«nn>‘................ 1 Sand. Robert.................. ISShtanitn. Yoshio............

16Suga»-ara. Bisaahi ....1 Sugawara. Joe.............

. l2Takao. Dr, H. James ..

. 14 Toki. Maaaji R................. SToktmoto. Tad .............

Dr Hiromu .

: Also. John F................icbumaa. Frank F. ...Q lahknnl. Noboru.........*[lto. Alice Alko............ Ito, Arthur T................giKamaystau. Chartes . eiKamayalsu. Yuki

ZiHinoka. Prsd A. .' ®jIto. Mra. Mary K. ..3Hta.YaaT.3 Iwaaaki, Tetauo........

10 Kawata. Tedd K-------KisbL Takaahi.........Matsul. Elko .......Mikuriya. Mary ... Miyamoto. Bob ....

■ dM. .

•lolTakeU. br. Tom 7‘Tamayoae. Wallace ..

WEST LOR AN GELESJliAlkaahl. Davnd

^2,Moruhiu. Ken ..... ........liOkada. Hit?................ A^Olcubo. Floyd : J__ :

•O okubo. Tubber ..........Tachiln, Roy

® Umemoto. Choppy.......

'“lYano. Mas ----------^Tokome, Roy Y.............


• ioMonma.KayK. .J Oiahl Jirc .....................

Igklkura. Ray...................• j,|Omori.ThotaMT...........• J-Otawa, HarriaH. .....■. ,ATakata. A1 ................

H Tamura. Buteh Y._... JO Tauehiyamal' Mtdi“.. - • 2 Tiujimoin. George ...

• yYamaguchl. Dr. Ken .• Yuat, Dr, Eari U. ...• ,:Yuta. George T.........; Yua*. Mary .................

. m \ SAN DIEGO ■ 11 Anaikawa. Maasto ....

Aukawa. Uoto .IA>NG BEACB<HABB(m Asakawa. Mrs. Oasmu

IHara. Dr. Shlgeru ...

J Okamoio, Blanch# e Ono. George S. ..J. .Taketa; Giich> ...i.

,|; Taomae. Fr«l ‘ ;UkiU. Chtrle* T. .

.yanamolo. Miwako

. 14'Deguchi. - . „

. glPukuhara, James K.

. 10 Inouye: Dr. MlUon -.

. 9 Kamiya. Ichiro ........

. 9 Kawata. Dr. Sakae .

. 1 Komai. Mi*. Tosbiko .. , 4 MiyakaWa. Dr. T. Scott. s^Naramur*. Hiroahi-----. 9,Niahimoto. Ben M........... 2|Niahimoto. Jim U. .... . ilNisbiuwa. Dr. Akira ... 9 Ohno. Akira................... 10 Okamoio. George A. .. iROldnaga. Richard S. .... fiShiba. Tak .......... ... 1 Sonoda. Ann. R Sonoda. Caiiiy . R SnnodvDr Ki.v«iahi ... . .1 Sonoda. Mr*. Mhsn ... . R Sonoda. Peggy

Uyeda, Joe . ..Waunabf. Dr. Robert

O Amano. Gtah ... I Chikuo, Bill T. .... llPitch. NH!... 9]nteh. Jay .\ 2|Fuki*ge. Harry ..Njlj^hitani.-Georgs ---------

8 Iserl Uqb ..... ....... ......

81taml Tom ..........9 Iwaaa. Dr. Georg* 9 Komoto. Joe .......

. SiMaeda. George E..........

. 9:Uorikaw*. Harry____2 Uurekani. Rhigeo ___

, .4 Niahiiaura. Georg* .....4 Ogami. Jack

Life Offura.' Richard W. . . Life Salto., Abe

4 Saitd, Joe Y. . .8'Saitr., Kayno........._...l.Saitn, Nelln.

SjAki, Harvey N............... 12|Amimoui. Dr. Minoru

3|Q,ttcaraiabL Dr. Ben ..

ifeZZ• 3,pun4t, Uaaaru .............

l>CMdoB.HaraM .........l^*IIUclQ. Belasd T. ........- 1*’:Hagiwara. Abraham ..

‘’ Hagtwira. Esther -----Hamada. Dr. 'James ...Hara. Prank T..............Hasegawa. Dr. Rnramu Hashiguebi. Yukio ....Hayano, MieU...............Heittad. Wallace...........Hidtka. Susumi ...........Higaahiuehi. J. KasuoRikswa Richard...........

. Himoio. Samuel ...........itIHirata. Dr. Georg* T. 4 Hluta, Maauo Cbariia 8 Htera, Dr. WHUam T. .

.......... 4 Honda. Noboru .............4 Hori, H. Earte...............ItUhiyaau. Harry T.

* 3

. 18 CLEVEIANDEllefsen. Do^ W. ..Gcdl. Dr. Albert ...........Hiaalorau Frank...........Iroori. Miw Takeyo'... Imori. Thorhoje—...........

liyama. Toaru...........dowaki. Joe G...........

,„;Kadowaki. Mn ToshI . ”Knrihara. IVchard ....»)Oehi. John ............2 Ono, George V..............3;8i„phprd, Tom ........4 Shiba. Frank Y.............

UlhSuiuki. George ...........Uf«Takashima..JobB ..• l^Takigurhi, Robert N. .• *TaahimA. Mneayulri ..

. 4bhmoto. Dr. Maaao ...

. 2|Oahima. Fred ........... f

. 8SUO. Dr, ............. J

. 9 Sbimamoto, George....... f

: faS^'iL •:. 8 Uchiysma. Dr. Georr >. 8 Yamamoto. Mr* Manet H 11 . 10!Tamamoto. Tukmobu U, „^l THIN CITIEB“*r'Abe. Toah.0 W....................

• i Akaki, Sadao ..................ilrujiu. Miekh ........

• H*«- S*" ....................... ' -• joiHarad*. Ma4».....................

jjllijima. Dr Uaae ............... '■2lKanBo. Thoms* T .......... J'

jfi,Koeohaya*hi. Tomo.........1'Kuahino, Mr*. Kay ........... *

*Makmo, Henry K .... ^,n;N»hjd*. Dr Qforge .... J' j'Okamotn. Yulno ..............

• lOmachL Henry T ............ H

StTeramoto. Siimiko...........8'TsuchlyR. Taktao .......... H1 Yoshino, George M.........b


Abe. Harry Dr............... ^Beniamin. Robert M. . '■Endo. Minoni .

, EnaM. F.d«»rd J. If'"Enoehiy. Mr*. Ma**''-L.v^l ’"Rnochty, Tataiikichl ,-------U^ Enochly, Tomm ... .*?>.. H

>'ujiliira. Toge ...-....... A,:Funabaahi. ..............................2

• ®'HayaahL Thoniaa T. .... 13.• "iHirai. Richard T. ............... 7• " HiraU, Mr». May N.............1!' fiUbikawa. Samuel ................3- 'Iwaaaki. Kari Sakuo .... 8• ".Iwaou. John S............. «

'iKimura. Mttty '......... h^ Kyotow. George ................. 8 •

■ • ” Niahusika. S Thomas .. 4’■ .. Nngaki. Kenji ................. 8

“‘Noma. Hickie * n, Jack K

Sakayama. William K. ^"iShimamoto. George C J'Shiotani. TaUtiji M. . 'Sprung, Murray ... "iSugihar*. Kyoiichi ...

iSutukl Alice ........Sutuki, Henry T..........


. esaio. Yoiehl........... ijYamaoka, George

. -«|6iiglmeto, Roy . 4 PHtLADELTBlA

S Taguchi. Mr*. Madlde =3. 2l_ '

i;Adam*.Niek . .....16 Fletcher. Joe lOlFujikawa. Dr. Fred T. lllFukumoto. Elliott H. .5 lk^ehl. Fred ...........6 Inouye. John Yaiuo ..

kawa.:.inara. Dr. noigeru ilHaUshiU. Harue ^;Hironaka.Maaaakl ...

- g;Koshi. Paul ................Ikemur*, Tretomu H.,,

gilto. Martin L. ............__ I Kawamoto. Harry ..

WILSHIRB ITPrO^; iSakahai*. Yodi-----

■■ ^OlHamada. Mia* Mikie ..•• 'iKoymraa. Fred •• 3 Ni,hBc,wa, Dr. Roy M.•• JJiYtU. TaUuo..............


Sugai Arthur . Sugai. Georg* .. Sugai. Ur*. Pil .

1000 Club BoxscorePAnrif NORTHWEST

11 —Gresham Troutilale 13-Mid-Columhi* lWPortIa.nd 74-Puyal Rft-Sc*tt11— Spokane

While Bivrt ' allej' Tt)TAl^lN4 kO CAUF.-W. NEl .

12- Alameda Ifi—Berkelej'4— Cortet

16-Contra Contr*9-Edee'Township5- n<^2— Fremont3— French Camp 1—Gilroy

IS—'LtvingstoB4(ereed 20-Mary*ville

13-Oakland Id-Placer County S-Reno

9d—Sjtramenlo t-Salinaa Valley S—San Benito County

Franctaro2d-.San Joae

Ren Mateo 2“'—Pequms id-Ronom* County Id-Stockton S-Walaonville

_2-D.C.Mi*c ^AL-460CtVmAL CAUFtWMA

l-Baker*fMd 8-Oovia

10-Delano 3-Fowier

23—Fresno I9-P*rlier I^eedley5- a*ager6- Selma

’^Tulare County _ ’-DC. UiK.

,pTAL -318'*ClFic SOrTHWEST

-Arixna L-Coschalla VsUejr

19- Baal LoeAngel** 2R-Gardan* Yalley JR-Hollywoodit-Impertal Valley

28— Long Beach Hartvir 9—North San Diego

29 Orange Oiioty 27—Paeadena29— San Diego

I 14—San Fernando Valley .V-San Lni* Obispo

! S—Santa Barfaani 3—SanUMariaI 23—Southwest L A.

2S—I’eniee-Culver 5—Ventura County

24— West Lot Angeles 1 6—W’flahire-Uptown iTOTAL—40T 'iNTEBMOL'NTAINI 4—Ben Lomond

20- Boiae Valley ! l3-l4aboFalU

R—MU Olympii* 9-Pocatello 3—Resburg

IR-AaltLake City M- -Snake Rl'-er


n-Arkadaa* Valley 8,-Forl Lopto"

High; 11—Omaha ' 4—San Lui* ' alley

1-D.C Miar. TOTAI^S MTOWEST 129-Chicago

14—CSndimitl < 16-Oevdand


12-dClwmuk*#25- SULouii 18-TwiBClti**


33—New York j • 30—PhOadstphia

iyodti. Joe’Uorimolo. Dr. Masate Mulo. George S. .....Nakamura. Hiomi-----Nakemura. Minoru .., Nakaahima.Shig .... Obayashi. Alfred Y. ..Owashi. JoMph ..........0»*»hi, Leo ..........Tanaka. Bert M. ... Dmekubo. Dr. Paler •Urata. Edward Y. .Yamata. Dr. Kiytahi .Yaoo, Tokihlr* ..........Vasiida. George -----jYoahihar*. Hideo ... i SAN FERNANDO VALLEYlEndow. Tam ........Imai. Mr*. Mkhi ..ImaLTom ■........lura. Dr. Toru ..Koike. George iKono. Eugene ....Mulo. Fred . . ....Nakagiri. Kay L ..Sakaguchi. Dr. Bo----- -------------------- 8SakagsdtL Dr. C. T. . . lifeSakaguchi. Dr. Sanbe S. . 4Shimazald. Tom T.......... 9Cyehar*. laamii ............ : 19Yoknmito. H

14 BEN LOMOND- 1 Kau. Toyae T-------------11 Koga. TaUuo------------1 Uiya. Minoru

7 Ikegamt. George .].«Inouye. Mra. Maaako ...I bhida. Calvin .................

•ylahituka. Henry ..............ijltahara. Seiji .................

,5 Joiehu Maa R. ............- Kashlhara. Dr. Jack V. .^iKataoka. Fred................jlKaUura. Lester G. ... l.- Kswachi. Ted .........JtKawakwni. Jack...........

...Kawamoto. Kax ...........4jKawamoto. TaUumi ..4 KlUcaki. John .............jlKhsum. NeUoD

SlTaguchi. k. SjVamasaki. Maaam ...

DETBOITISiBall. Mra. William ........

. glBill. William a .. .lllBdm. Hon. Theodor* R.

.. lOlFujii. Hideo ...............

.. siCampbell, Charles ...?7IFujH>ka. Peter S .........3'Fujmka. Richard .........3 Furvkawa. Louis ......

Hashimoto, Mr*. Alice ;n, Tom ..........

TlTsukamaki. Frank 7iUriu.-^m

... 10 Vaughn. Geoige E. .......

.. lOWada. Shingo . . . -....Wakagawa. James ........Wakaaiigi, Ike . ___

4 Wakaaugi, Mamaro . .♦ 2:W»ki*ugt. Man'9 w.taaabe, Cha* ..... .8:UatBBaV. Jam** ^iWilaon. Vernon 2]Yano. Ua* llYamida. Heiti IlYtum. Louis

MmintainJIaiiis■' J- FORT LUPION

isjKoshio, Floyd .................. iMuraU.Lee ...................

1 Tsuhara, Jack .................TlUyemura. Dr. George R1 Uyemora. Mrs. Margie .2 Yamaguchi. Frank ........l' MILE HIliAndo. Toshio


8 Yamtda. 'Tomio ...........

jo, BOISE ' ALLEYR!AruBS.(john . .R Ftoiahin,-Sam 9,Haya«bda. Seichi

18'Inouye. Kay llIKiwano. Ben

8 Kora. Taka RiKido. Maa 2 Kawahar*. Henry - 8 Koyam*. Takeshi ....5,Ui)'Bsako. Tony , .....g.Xishlhara. Mas* ..........

lOiQgawa. Yoaie ...............■ Yoshio___

piHatate. A1. 8 Joiehi. Uoyd..................., i3:Kag«wa. Wallsce K- .... lllKaneko. Roy ...................

8 Kaaai. Yoshio.................. 7 Lee. Harry H. C..............

2 Malecki. Stanley L. .... ijMaUubiro. George . ...

. slUaUumura. Arthur. A. .

. SiMaUuna Dr. James S. . , 10 UimuTB.Sli*. Betty . .. . 10 Mtemra. Dr. Janus T. . . 11 Miyhui. WalW H. .... . S'Miyimbl..Kenneth T. .... iilOkamolo. George.......... 2 0t*uji. George.............. 7 Sasaki. Dr. Jos^b D. .. 9 Shimoura, Jamea K ... .ISjSiiaamoto. U*o‘.............


■ 4|Ko»eUni.T. K«ji...4 Kudo. Mike M. ...........

■ 7Kurtm*. Wilbur-.........1 iKumamoto. Dr. Koki . n-Kuahino, Dr. Kenji ..., Maauda; Thomas T..........

j4 Ma*uoka. Dr. Aureliua M, 1 Tada. Tes T._ Msisumotn. Bob-M. .. “

3 Mayeda. Hiro .............Miyake. Htmshi............

2 Mii'ino. Mr* Alma-----joiNlrsnn. Harry . • .7 MocJiiruki. R«' Minoru iiMorlmltsn, Arthur T. ..

Nakagawa. Jack Y. ..'Nakagaw*. Maaatn

p of JACLsri who > III* lupport o? N*4ip"«l Head-

SA.N LITR OBISPOEtc. Masaji ................Dteda. Kaxuo..................iKitaatko. Ken ..........•Saruwilari Stone ........Tsukamcrte. Mr*. Toitioyv

SA.NTA BAEBABAlEndo, Akita ..................Hide. MDk ....................Hiraabims. TomSakimolo. Ikey...............Lee. Hamid .....................[NakaJLDr.Yortiio.-:..IfRiaaU. George...............lUysmka, Camsr............

SANTA MAEUlto.Prsak-K...................IKoyama. Bay .Sbimiru. Harold Y.


Fumy*. Chick H..............InouN*. Kanio

akanl. Tare JMw ..

1 tO"irib«4*« d... ...k

14 au*rl«ri.HOW'COMI THI MAMr A* the bm# of it.

fev"dio9 1" l«t* 1947. th# hop. w«i to eXroll « tboii-2 teed JACLer. who *B«ld coatribute *25 • ye«'. fh*r«.

' ■> by astioQ the burden, upon the eheptaf. to meat th*<r' fineneiel quel*. In .u.taie N#t:*«*l Haedquartsri *t ■ 2 a time when chapter, war* .tri.iog to meet e .eperate

fioenciel quote fo> legi.letlea porpo.*., .ueh e> .e- curing netureliietioo privileg*. for the Utei. end pay-

9i merit on eveeuetlpn eleimi.9l HOW MUCH AM THE DUES?

. 16 UNCHANOTO: S2S l« YEAI____, 14I WHAT ABOUT Uft MEMKRSHIF?—»500 ' 9: . HONOR ROLU: The Pacific Citiiao eanue hr . 14| publifbai e lirt of aelivo 1000 Oub mamber* .n the life; Holiday l»»u* in reeogntlion of e .i^ifii^nl faefor

12 that leu than 10 per cent of the; JACL ii|*mb*rth.p eontrlbuf*. at U#»t e third of W*f-

life recent year., the biennial JACL Conventionv hev* life ineerporetad the Honor Roll > the.r ofOeiel program

CAN I JOttf?' See the chapter Club chairmen, the cheater preiidenf. or remit dyeetlyJ; Netion.l JACL H^dquerter., 1634 Po.t Street. Sen 9rr"e!.co 1.5, CellVnle.

I CssMbsHssils J Attw^

s'akamur*. Kart lOiNakamum. TsuyosU ...lllNakanc, Kenji................10 Nakayama. Dr. Joe M. .6 Ntkasaws. Toah............9 Kobe. Mr*. Catherise .. 9 Nomura. Richard M. ...

Oda. MMs Arty* ..........lOOdaaaka. Fred............. .

Puki Mr*-------Ogata. James ................

I Ogata. Jennie K.............OkaV. Thoma* S. ......iOktta. Frank T. Okumura. William T. ...Olnspn. Kat....................Dmori. Dr. Harry I. ... Ou. Jack K. . RurtUnger. John W. .,. tsakajsnbi. Dr. Frash

Mrs Toahiko

3 Tagami. WRTagami, Tom ..........2 Tnctaaki Mmoni .... 8 Watanahe. Frank ...

lif* Yalnaaaki, Mmoru ...Mn.WA«TIEE

J] Day. DougU* ............8 Dr^- Rcibert ........

’I s

*Endo. Susumu Sim ....• *[Hamada. Tiugio ............

^Harada. Uasan ............SlHarada. Halsumi.........3 Himkawa. Charles .. p Horikswa. N. Richard .

■ .'Horita. Kai ...........■ 2:ishida. William T ..

jclKambe. Charlee S -----■ 2'Kohajashi, Noboru ...

3'Koiwai. Mr* Chi>'o ... jEoiwai. Dr Eiclii K ..

■ jlManitani. William M. .■ VkOrhener. MraTlUfl .,' 2 MUtArtya. Tadafawri

sMonuchi. Takaahi js Murakami. Mr* Mary D. f MurakamL Tomcrmi

■■ 7 Nagahaahi. Dr. Stanley ..nlNakano. Mr* Tam.........1

■ B|Nltta.'Mr*. T. Ana...........17iNitia. S. John.....................T

•: 3|Ohama.Ben 3n>Okamoto. Allen H..............

•• s'Oye. Garry G......................' KiTamaki. Dr. Hitoahl Tom 1

4!Uyehara. Hiroshi . • 1I J IWstanabe. Dr. Wsrren H.

•• SEABBOOK^«IFayuume. ftobert S. ....nchisaka. Vernon .............J1 Inouye. Krtgo .................o ^ .............S'Nagao. Charim T............

jjINakamun- Kiyorai........... 3! f< WASHINGTON. D-C• ®&dn, A1JI.........................

'Fistere. Hamid , Pmksw*. Mr*. Rsllj S. .1

• liHattort. Bill T• I Hignchi. Mr*. Th*lm* T.

.jjHlno. Tho*'Srrr.*''* •••• •jss.trsiiJi';;:;;*- "iMasaoka. Mike M. .... V• ilMatsunaga. Bep. Sparky' ^jMiloms. Edain -

nimkami. Dr. Ray ..... lliN'ogakL Kesko.................lif. lliObau. George I.................... L. inOhara. Chisato................. I. 8 nahiki, K*» . . ‘. . . ‘

. RSnkati, HiSikn . . . . . »

4 Shunasaki. 1r* *-.............../Y3 Takagt Harry L............**■

. RTod*. Mar?".............

. RT»ud*. Bany ............... !IfiYoehirm. John Y................. -13

ST. LOUIS , ;Elo, Dr. Jackson -

• ’ IHaoegawa, George K.• ”;Hayashi. Harry H. ..' *'Ha>'aihl. James ...

3,Henmi. Rjcharjl T .. 4^* Honda, IV Mnton ..

^Tkecaga. Mun: . ... .’”,MlgiU. Sam

4 Miuunaga. Georg* Mnnoka, Dr Alfred A


Sakurada. Hiran .Sein. Paul T....................Shima. Dr. Arthur .... Shimisu. Mia* Michie .. Shlmidsu. linenln ... Shimisu. Sumi MIm .. ShiratsnU. Mino .... Stone. Dr. Gladys L ..Ssnahars. Kay.............Snski. Louise MBs ....Snstkids, Berry ...........TakahasM. Frank Y. .. iTakemoto. Satoru ....Taketa. Jun............Tamada, Kay ..............Tamura. Masate...........Tanabe, Th«nai ..........Tanaka.'Gtarge •........Tanaka. Hariy Y..........^anaka, Himshi ...........Tanaka. Togo...............




From West Los Angeles' Santa MonicaWEST LOS SaSELES JECL

i: Let An9eUt. Ceirf. (9D0 plus two dlgifsL -except es noted.

tiforen end Toy Kuircel. 1857 Bmclctoo Ave. <25)TnU .‘^ndo. IMM) Ruclid St.. SuU Mooiee tinnrjcr end .Mci SekxnioUi. Rend.T, Barry, P'reddy,

2014 Berringlnn Avr. (25)Rirherd. ienirr end Klslnr OUnacw. 1033 Federal Ave. (25) AU and So Obnn. 2007 Ram Ave. (25)Akl end SteteJ^ei 3850 B^yrman Ave. (fid)Frank an^FSl^ KUhL 1042 Stoner Ave. (25)8el« and Klmer rrhida. 1921 Stooer Ave. I2fi)Art anriTmhi Kiji. 11S21 Nebraska Ave. (25)- nr. and Mr*. Milton Inonye. 11740 TenneMW Ave. (25) Miye and Ron Vcmfaida. 9300 Woodley Ave. S^lveda linnry and .Akl Mehi. 1936 Purdue Ave. (25)Jee and- Amy Fokmbima. 1934 Purdue Ave. (25)BHI and 92kn Koda. 2045 Butlar Ave.-<a)SUk and eUto. Jeanie TaluahHa. 1431 AnnaoMt Ave. (25) Talt and Bom SUba. 1861 Amacod Ave. (25)Nert vd MIcU TakenehL 1756 Barry Ave. (25)Kti Kato. 11353 La Ganee Ave. (25)

IHstd and Mary AkaahL 1243 Federal Ave. (7S)^Tom and LoeUle Batanate. 1844 Bandy Dr. (25)

4:«en. FoBsi aad Ye Taurada. 11365 MivMppi Ave. (25) Ikldir. Jim. Reoji and Nenml Owsl.

1628 Wemgale Ave. (25)

''W k>1 1

■vS^ ■d

WEST LOS U6ELES JECLMarsL Tboman. Tanny Sakaalww. 2901 UHsat i

.Santa MonicaTak sod Ulv Tansbe. 1927 (i>rinth Ave. (:»)Nob and Peecy Vonbimoto. 1932 Annacoet Are. (5, Vokio and Mineko Kirtyana. 1924 Annacoat Avt. (« Ken and Shir Riyoblro. 1916 ArmacoW Ave. i3) Dmt4d and Mar.v l ehMa. Jaaet. David.

3844 Brockton Ave. (25)Howard aqd Katie. Doue. CbrK Kelly. Kirk KaU.

1850 Armacoel Ave. ,12.5) »Rny. XiM.v. Pat Ann nnd Drao Takeda.

1702 Wrilalry Ave. (2.5.Jamen and Mabel KitauM. 2707 S. Colby Ave. 164,Mr. aad Mra.Trd Vanineaka. 2910 Urban Ave. Sanuu^ Harry and Amy Uehida. 1904 Armaeowt Ave. (25) ^ Mr. and Mr«. Man OahInomI aad Family.

1737 Goehen Ave. (49) - .

GOMIS Coffee Sliop * Panhy0PM 24 HOURS

VLA's (larprtnl C.offre Shop

CnrM«rS«pwlvedatJACK MIMNAU6H Olympie i>«<L

OwMT PI»M 477-20SR. 477-3232

For Service and Youth


Allied Nursery ExchangeWEST LOS ANGELES


Sawtelle Lumber Co.inilSmrtwMMiMBM—W«tl~A.2S' Quality * Servien Since 1921

479^201—BR 2-5ii7



fiMriit KfcBuni Sr. UiidBrwrHBrUPt. MEDICAL mSAIIUTT

chapter prmident With hiiion 1 inatallation. the 1964 chapieriMarch dmner meetinf. The lactiviuea calendar waa cb^tlcr also ursed

' ' ■ e adv

Auxiliary Ever BusyDenpllc a full projcTwm iug Jl.OlLfiS. (Auxiiiarya

nadertaken by tke Went nxth caopalKo). Tbe AuxiJ- Um Anevlen JACL tkia also took ^MMorafaip of,

bmu^t to a nucceenful ck>ae.|• imunity i .;ihe X-ra;

active — c«d> as it aboald 1672 and SOS. particnlar la- Uav 18-Dr. James Arakl., the Vecninine (>C1j5. speaks on-Ima**. of;

Japan: TrsditiooBl and Con-

aftsira teeeatDMtnben of the chapter.

.adept leadership of Ura.:Ceoter.George Kanecai. the cbapterj luodartook a full acbedulevwD' At a Youth Kij services aimed toward beoe- ifittios the youth and fnity.

In FefaruaO'- five t liof the new board beaded Ura. Kaoecai b<^

T1iebi4blightsoftheyear:.tanporary'' at ISC Louj«e.I Jan. 20 —Etoeticm meetioslHaateasea for evenioK: Mniea

Yootk Xl*ht the home of Dr. and Mra.^Tak Shiba. Bud Ohara and |_ __ ___________ .________ ____--aioa. Dua wunxm auu ,iif(ht programlHuDld Harada; 3bw. Harada'Gsorre Nakno. Gbapler’a'

in AprU. Joanne Uehara waa.^j,,^ premdmL thrae N»ei Week queen can-named Nines Kriayw queen. F*b. 17—Traditional favor- didstew—JoAnn KMil Ruth

v*>ET>e<l ** ite at tbe home of the I'rankikUtauura. Geota Sakai—svcre rhspter Jr.;KMb»; “Recipe Nigbt" witblintrodueed.

U%ek meet with pnncs—aa^^pnj^ the June- 7 — Geoia SakaiSharon Fujimoto, Betty Anni^^^ tea served by hoa-'aelected chapter candidate for Klahi aad Elaine Kanegw. |ta^ mm. Jou OkitM oai iCm Nisei Week at Seibu

Continuing the emphwia Litton laouye. RewUurant Judging." -Open meeting at June 15-Rcgular monthly

at b«»se of tbe

1963 WoHd Seriew iDodg«ew;Night affiur in May, and 120 ^^i,;jd;i‘“t‘^;Trd'~f^i'ah^^ £5id«^f*a rSSwnn «h.t h. mo. in llin -

,year's task by attending tbe iPSB-DC acMion at Pboenix Am. The chapter boated an

(“Evening ' ' 'luring the month. kYbna of

youth through May June, Dkk Bancroft of Laken apoke at a ^torta

FmcTJ LU Dr. I meeting

effects c: woo that-iwiraight over the'youlh participated in tbe ^■Tank^tandaialk by coachidiapters annual Jr. Sanaa. Sixty attend. d««red her aiidee of SouthPete Reuwr were feature. It Vemce High Apr. 10 -- Nine Auxiliary America, ahaiing Inleraating

ah» the month that n.da and Steve\agi kimono ;«xp«iemceB with memben.nated ihe track meet *-h)ch „ homeMi- at Inter- HoMom: Ham Nakau and

PSVVDC.approved group (ConUoued on Pag_e_^/) jn^tijoal Student Ceejter fund- iraising dinner at Beveri;

Em. DU E-J2II — RB: 4n-IWf — 2711 CMbr Ave. LA. 44


HOTEL. RESTAURANT CMit.ll U..,. . D.M)., - t.MM) t-m. r


WHOLESALE end RETAIL 1920 S. Sepwhrada Rlvd. — W.UL 25

MlH NWitim. Owwer PlwM OR 7-03U


iim IJ.U A.ei>r. l.t Aey.I.i Ji. CtlJ.n:.



71U S. Mok St. Lm AngeiM 3 FL 3-0023

Kaba TV A Radio, TIUmiOH A tADIO ( snvicE( T.d K.b., eve... .( 3024 Scvtelle It «l I-tIM


I. N.t.(.

K. H. HISHI & SOH JO-Mi PLUHBIHCMttBCIT i Fe> tUU.bKlrr C.ll J.-U.

ItllTewteile »W. WU 313211 CerieA Ave.. LA.

H. HlUtI U l-fII7Gf..i:.e> F-v«

FRED MIYATATfMt fi fl.*< SMcl.ktl


2043 WMeile DM. LA 34 I.. T.-11.L.. OM.t


PMIm-mA. Mv4, la. 34 »K 3-7014

Reek A. liliduU. Prep.

UFE A SAVEMmI ■ G.eol.t ■ Ot).«)»l


6K tASU/

Naramura Raalty Ce.GtNEtAL I)(4UI.NC(

1914 SeMeSe 9)vd.

• I ]-tJ4t 1-J444





1521 So. iaady DrivaHmm: OR ^12___ OR *-31t9



Cor. Borriagtoa Ave. W. Loi Angelct 44

Happy holidaysTENSHO DRUG CO.

• PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTSJoke To4HyBhl, Prop. 20M Sowtelle Blvd.

GR 9-4751—WLA 25




»K 9-1174—WU- 34. CoW-


UT.>k:'.T.v. W.I.,

Jaha H. CMliip Co.

K«.A Svxiii.iyFtooe «K 1-4344

11147 imto MeMea DM. Wwf LA. 24

Idc 4 M» Hid.. U.rWT.n.

R..I E<1.(. —""L’rcsr-Gl 9A34T «■ 1 2794

BHI't Barbar Shop1449 ferWee Aw.*WU.34

«t 9-U94

nil Frep.

Seeion'i Greetingt from the

; Bow & Arrow i Restaurant

< '2S25SOTtoMowicoBvd. EX 3-3217



11434 SoM Ueeke RIvA «R 3-0492

ConUnued on Page A-IT)

isrtwo) Lt. Ttiiiirc:Apr. 13 — Mmew. Frank:

Kiahi and Mihnn Ioou>-e chair; 'annual cance:^ driva collect-1

iLt'ea WMe TroBer tervke11700 SMWwMooleoBlvd.

GR 9-2555


(417 Ird Si. G-.c. U.k.r, s..(. EX 4-2T0T


1)490 Seete Uevlce 11.4.



'CAV-tiANKAWA — ACE HOJO — C. HA6AN03114 SMelle M- WeW Lee Aefetet 24. Coif.

GloMte 9-3U2 — Rei. Gt 7-1424


Dr. and Mrs. Kiyoshi SonodaCATHY, ANN *ed PEGGY

SHAKEY-S Pizza ParloraM ye p.kl.. k...«

11999 UWTA HOMICA 9LVD4 Wm LOS ANGUS PWa. en4424




SAKO'S Beauty Salon

UJ4 SoeOeUe Bbd. Wot Lee Aaeelw ». Ml.








AmJANCE SHOPta.g.i - R.fne.-.t,-,

A.ta- Waik.-i4 R.d-e

S.l.< 4 .61 9-13S

SnwWImI 4 Bilk. SwTk.

M«> Okvmare1319 Pirn Mvd, S«te Uenka

^HONE 394-3334 ____



3934 Se.lelb itW. LA UTkird G.i..r«4;.. G1.U

Cr.tHv«.rGR3-4991 • tebeodlo


I 2017 S.-r.ll. Il-di WLA 24. Com M 9-«34l 1 A1 llev. 0-«.r-

HARADA NURSERYfl.aH - Skrubt ■ T-v*>

I999-I9IB Smtebe DM. WJJL 34 Gt 9-MU





T1H6U JAPANESE FOOD/1»I3 W. P»e tied.

H. Lm PbMe 4794494

T » T sunetPbeee Gl 7-4971

G.n.r.l Avte<*e«).. Servl.. BODY 4 FENDER REPAIR

H.>n T.a.lin..

l-« 21. CM.

e2££Tll«S nou

9iy cmn-2ES. .20262 YAMAMOTO


IIT2] 2«n M«k. IM.

f=-*7S-„U '


2114 FIcg aivd.'

di.c. * £-I.H..">..2rt. 5.22 22. J... W.btl.rSANTA MONICA EX


WESTGATE FLORISTfloral designs for all occasions

Tek Shibe. Roi# Shlbe 11B55 Swta Mnakii — West LA. 25


PICK'S RESTifAURAHf i C0FF5 SHOP11925 SGMwMnakg tlvd.

W^ Lot AD99le4 2S. U(- XI


WALKER BUERGE FORD11BD0 Swatn Mnalea Btvd. - We«t LA. S

- Fleet MwMger GR 7-«

FRANK'S I ‘ Robart Fiijimob Nuraaries A Flaeats

3111 UatetleUvd-Utl Glenite 9-9411

i Tam S. IkkiiiiR,-.-. fer .11 ! AUToilOim MIWO

3933 SaoM Healce Bled. ' plEET CAR 5*LU Pbe« a 4.4111 . n 4-4111 ' 2,„ ^

M.-y ..d G..29. likUvki. . GR3-»GMW9-S414 -Gl 9-4414 Gao^'s Hirdfifi A A B ChavV ServiM A Garden SnpM"

FbDMi GR 9-I2H 2129 Sgwtelle BW

Lm Aaqetet 2S_

FRED’S SEfiVIK2115 Swwtelle BM

Lg4 Awqelee. CeiW- NB PboM: 478-2207


jeaiar DenertalW I9IT 4.«Mle 9lvd. WU >

Gleeiie 9-9tlt

Bnt R^tahiw ,

From Your .Fuller Bruih Men-



2110 Cewmrii Avmm W.L.A. 90025 1

Mae. ■ Ffi. 7-9 P.U.

“l'u«Y MARKET 'ItOO Sowtelie Bhrd. [

W.LA.. 25O.p.r. M-. 4 M-,. tddl.

GK 9-B7B5 GR 9-5703


OLYMPIC ^ : Pre.eriptian SpetieS*^SAWTELU SraVICE


W.W Ue ......... ...


HARRY Y. TAIRA. D.DAPImm; 2044 Swwt*"* •»*GR 7-3339 Lm A»9*'« ^\


SAWTELLE GARAGE2115-17 Senrttite Blvd.. WSPWW*

PhoM: GRoaitt 9-4747 L Hd IsUm**



17n Snealla Btvd, Wew Ue Axf.lrt — **M.nfy Sk;2...we, Owv.r_________ ____


SeUi end Svrviee1290 WeoPwGGdIM. GR 4-4541 -s:

lady jgr^si^ent can

ean a |am-pac1ced year^ ua«.« the hiKot>- qu»neriy neetin( in Mwe-|Ua a, •untw, Stn F«rn«(Jo,iiix.-Aru. ;[v u. lad}- pr««ident — alw jouni^-ed in Febniary to bv leUer in

ere« «wj^«»i-;ynUi u unple «upi^>;^f,*hi|». wbioh the cbtfUr ud groop muic iu beat ^ne than lOO mem- food, extra dr>’ clothm and the National mtn aUmvit. under the aUe leadi

^^fh«da UM Jaauar>-Irnerg>-ihe>-enjo>-ed a beau- San Fernando Valley’# not ' iwic Miamoo Inn. ti/ul day in the cold frwh atr,inee in the National JACLi j, jiar prorrea^. the and anow. acholarahip comeet. KwtShn-

a MatMhde nr|PSWDC -^ kr*l-her fii»f for the chap->

^ thr eponaondiip of-merting.Baaketball Le^e Ki

snmunily center gym.| The chapter acholarnhip;S-S Mabel Takime-lcoqjjuttee. beaded by Tak

tny Oteuki and SawiNakae a# chainnan and Mary


the PS^TiC meeting u Au-ithe \alley m the Naa Week Agaipat Prop 14 waa headed gny at Caatawny R«ataunnt.|Queeo mmpe«tinn. Ire rhairman Kata ArtfBoCo

Gary Nakagtrl Ron Komat-' At the anmml July 4 Japa- and (he meenher* of the rhap- au. Jeanne Ho-ata. Suaan oeae Amencan Cliih Okamoto. kHlen Takahaahi.Don Kihara and Naomi Sueo-

taka arere rtiw'eaautattwa to !the Hi-Co ConferecKC bMd

CCDC major medical health plan effected

e vaUe>- were requeated Vaile>-

NM rulaya. Tbia year the ahoving

Amencan Oiih prcnic ter. A telephone cochmMtee JACL waa in charge erf the coolacled et'ert peraon of pop and 'Ireef diatribotioa. Japaatae anoeair> in the Val-

alloi a .u^^u^an^ commi in

r« Council i. n^ in _«ffe<i, a_r- _-.l| of

Bob Moriguebi and bin aa-

iag boated by Sen F«aado ‘“cto Ort! aopiaciauoD cording to Capilol Life In- Cl. \'alley in Auruat at the Caai- Oinr^ at Phi! Ahn'a Hooe- aurance Co the awa\-aide orertooking Burta

Sam Uyehara. boat oIley in Auguat. at the CaM- dinner

Fteauurani on the hill- irbank.

commit- ley Qui tee chairman, and all of hb 1964 NT:

ird- Ariey

for their continuing

of her Movie Nighi »rahip. Lo\-ely and lalented Shlj . iwereimi Maiaumoto was aeleci

o Margaret Kawa- San Fernando Vallej- Queeeibun many fnenda. Tom Nagatam/.------- ------ a— -- • ..................... ^ — ——.........—■kami and Chria Kanekn at on June 13 and repreaented' The

Phi! Ahn'a Moon- <•opored Shigeani Matsu- Oertificatea have been mail* efforts, ftitsu r«™«aoV.l.'rf 1»I I" 'll ■rpn>™l x™ th.i tl.. »«w. pu.

. Jeanne Mit-aU. applicanla.Rela}t Queen and The'earlv effn-iive date . . .^ . ,i.h,.. ,X1 “Ort ll»' -11 «nc clu|.»

|ed by (he aiirreaa erf the meet- Qiiw. aucceaaful efforta of Himahi membership chairmen call onand luncheon. Kata An- iWeeds from the Noi-em- Kutakai. 2TS N Abbey Si., one of (he repreaantattvaa

Freano 1233-6171 > . Tom Shi- a'------- *“ -------------------


ige-.motn'a wonderful aelecled|hiimor at toaatmaaier

. 141 S. Mimke A»-e. brochures to he need t

Undmay .<2-Jl«6i tuo'lW membetahip vampaigB.

SAOKA REPORTHNl from Page A-in -grmMooal repnnts were car-'

u, J«i-me-e American Hed in the 1963 Pacific Citi-| arrviee in Worid War *« Holiday issue.)

iprecendsBted two, ------------!coNa,rDL\c commkntb Miiioe to Congressman; Two yeara ago. when the

the following Repre-)jfUi Biennial National Coo- in in the veniion met in SestUe, there

Uibulaa: Glenn Cun-’were few. if any.'indicationa of Kefarmaka. DwiUhai the great discoateni of

« of California. Comp-^the Negro American, ao long rhite of Idaho. Edwirdiaiippreased. «-miid erupt into rbil. Uonel Van peer-lmasa demonsirationa and jd Cecil King, all of other expressions of pmiesl. Ti». Ralph Harding of'There were few, if. anv,aiig- Samiiel S. Miration of igestiona that ihe Chief Flxem-

r«ek. Barrati O’HaraitIve. ihe Congresa. and the mf. Thomas P. Gill of'nalional conacimre.would be

.Inaeph M. Monloysjrallied in (he nuae of civil Mexico. A1 tniman of|nghls. romprehmaive and

Stinnan of 1 meaningful, for all Amcri- igton. Spark Matau-jeana

Hawaii. E. Edgaf| Indeed, it seemed that the renh of Oetlotado.lmajor miasiona of the Waah-

Shelley and Charieajiagton Representative would m of CaUfomia. Ed-,be confined to two matters. Finnegan of Illinoif,lone was a ’ no-lax" clarifica-

G. Brotxman of Colo- Uon by the Congreaa that Frances P. Bolton of evacuation cUims awards nd Everett G. Burfchal- ,rere not subject to income JrffreyCobelati.bolhjtax liabUity. The other waa

Ifornia. Idiftelion of commemoraUvethat never'^Hc^ lo mark the 20th-m-

in the blilory of thciQ^-gyarv of Japaaeae AraeV- any nationality (da mihurj- aanice in Worid

been-so honorad b>- the neniativsa as waa done ,|,i, R,^rt mesls

2. 1963. the i»M»at4Ulltts. of (beoubt that If ever again Maahtagioa RepresesUHve n\t be such public ac-: m^mdMl far bet end (hf*e |r» those of Japanese „„ ^Hii-

and ptTtieitlariy for. uew. la riril rigbta aloae. Gl. ,,o^, fnii me had lo-heOB Mav 31. SMiator detnlrd in order t h a I

Fong of Hawaii in an- J.ACI/s oWIgaiinas to ihe - a eMnraanontive. rwaalry and Ui Its member;

hii coUcaguea in wiwld ant be pnmproDikied- 'cited Sutea Senate., Tbs next, biennium nrom-

peraonai tribuU tojites even greater acUully in _ Americana wholthe ch-U rigbU arena.^ the ta Worid War n. andjavil Bights Act of I#64 will| d for the infonnatiMiibe pul in force. Aad. the Ad- tfteaa the Mtire fact .mi&iatTatian aeena intent on p-^mred by the eoBi-|pmaaing for nmdemunng and liive cammittee. niiberaliang Immigratloa op-

tbasa two historic portimiUea for the peoples of

re omdally recorded e»nh.[agea of the Congrm- In this coming prwidastUI Rwofd, the JACL has and congresaiona! eleiuon

reprinted and made campaign, and through the U for general distri- coming immediate yearn,

there w the potential for in- • IncludinrMhem aa chautinlam. and nation-


h.v, Ih™. ™ir». ■>«<■ ■““> P"»='PI»In hU i™ue-inn.n..v»«u.».^

only In. W. 111. Imi "Jfo. ili.t el .■ll. o' CniUTO. nna in SUU

na, uni trimil .i'-'”'-".,ot prim loo. injKUon » th. Ic^.unn thni

ASrtnriridldiiri. . r?W.r n In nml. o(iri"-» "1“' >”

were forced ■» otiiena in all parts of the ;Tb«. Ono-lttrir color. rri«l. or-------------------------natimial origin.

ps i The remaininc bnationa of

51 more1^1 f era of another age and «e»In Apr ■■I'O fort}-! from


^r,r.,sSn!!^;r«o.”i,'’:ssc'“bi,r^land decenev. We have come

much, (hat

BRURt SHELLUll bawsi Carm tM-

PO 9.2432tOiM TAglMOIO

T Sy.wHat«. *H^,nU


«7II la«y Cva. at Oikaws Paeeiaw. CalH.

IU t-tm

.’vw.ton** firppfingt


Srlsn, CtlH.

.Spojon’i Grppfingi

SEGONURSERYNuriary Stock ..Factiliter

Baddmq FIseU

121 UBartaah Bled.

Inset LsursI Csnyedl^ POplar2.S7n

Ss90 end Mary MvrsTaml Reyand Caorpa

Seasons Greefings

San Fernando Valley



fivail they s

n nrcritrauon

-f Ihe $1500 goal.I’uJiU. Cheer chair-

■i Mrs. ,,secretary, noted

^re naiwa nf those,- d use a little Chriat-;'>f'«'^ ,

f-**r have been received: In the sv>rds of our JA(X■ ''heer rommitlee. Hj-mn. ’ God hefr us nd the -- of donor, will beiUnd

8ffl»Si|in the Jan. 1 PC.l'waMc



New Ywk —fblsMpMf —SMhmk WdsUiiftM, D.C.

MW . «i txicimn eoMHirm


eS .3- |S=^(Suro MAOA. w.ik..q‘e. ------- -

OKAZAgi. ri>iua.iB>.;a Ce.*. s»f»urrr"K»HlNO, W„fc;,,U. O.C. . leit-r

SiUt^ Sarviea


ft LAWN .MOWER SHOP t2S3 LaaharsUmBlvA

PO 1.1212

NartkHMIr»MM,CdR. Yamabs Irst.


GARDENS•mwU Mwmct StMk 1UM hMWH tM,

SriMf. eaW.IU 1-21 IT

S..)* .W like Wide Willlso. Jmt aW Dwisii

Holiday firwlmg*

Compists Nurttry Stock snd Landteapinp


9920 MUa Blvd. N«rtWd9a.CM. 349.2299 93S0 Laaral CaayM Bkd.

PocMaw. Cd. 747.23(3

Tsdsn likibaihi


NURSERY12226 Sharmaa Way 1 Was! af Laaral Cya)

Nectk Haltywaad. Calif. P0 5.S2y"'

DR. ft MRS.

HERRY HASHIOKADavid. Stanley ft BarbarW\

1l3SSLa«awST./ ^ Nartkridya. CaW.


FRARK KAJIWARA1974$ Sbarmaa Way Caaa9aParfc.Ca»f.


Ull.e A.pi.r g.itk CUv* (W Cv.tki,

47l2TiitdMi Ava.Na. H^yw—CaW.

EM 34ZJS DU ft.7«t1

RichordAkutagawo14349 MIdwaad Or.

Oraaada Htlk. CdlN.

_gN IM«o rweet TST-TTU


mr «w.Sm VUUt. CaW.


J«e**e«* TeW Tme. Wllli.M Wkv.fl M4I till! dia M.

%m Vallef. CaM.

■Oast* T-taai

Season s (ipeelinns


7934 L«ihaf9Mm Wed. PO S.SI2S

Warrii HaRywaad. CMH. Allan nnd CacaU Mari'

OMsr tUf

If n>i Wfit Sff SfrvfWf


Hv.M aiffo, ifft U>d«fe-et fif'd**'«i

mil «M>M IM. (W*^ k«Wa IM.)


Aute Parti ft Aecetsaria^ Starai, Service Stafiam.

Gsrsqt Mala OfAca:

1400 Olaaadks Med.

Dr. ft Met.

SMbo $. Sakipicbl441 N. Oraa«e Ormrt Ava.


San Ufa Aataraact Ca. afCaaada

From Mombers and Friends of San Fernando Valley


SW« — Wvi. - Ferti



mi L^enWa HW. Meak HeUrweed. CWH.

RO 7.3430 ¥ft M700


Mitt Fujitj.RssIter 4 Atieelatsf

0401 LaakanUm lied. SaaVallir. CaW.

Br. «iibo Sokaeiicbi7041 VW«T Ava.

Na. Halyw^. CaM.


Shirley, Ksthrye f Toni421 MhalaaMvd.'



STYLING1343ft FaafMttvd.

(earner Hubbard St. I


Gardenstlltl Im—11*4.

Ubf Vie. Terrau. CeW.iw

H. « T. TetUaV

Pbaai: UT.1MI

llin M It. Irtaw. CaW.


PiW T. H—e»ete TaMwa. tor eal

lefUre IomM

IM 4.2407


Chinete Peed ft Fried Chicken te 6a97S4 Laaral Caayaa

PaeaiiM. CaOf.

fica fed Lfrry. IIT41 faetWH(411>n UvTfi C4.r«f iivrf. rft.«f.

Ur. ff^U

Ut. fWVr^ Off UJtetf.-t^:

Ur. fW Un. S.r Uretf. J4f> fW (Wit. 141]} Hvbkfirf It. Mr- Un.*Uk Nfklf. g«,,Jefl, Tf.l, JeMf, Kf4r. Jee

Ur. u.u.

Ur. Il!?U^..'HfrtT Nflfkfri, fil.-. Off*. f*d UifW. ig Skftmff fire.f A.i. WIfW (4«l

U' f.4 Mrt. Jfkf Nfkfli. (Wf. Nftcy.. D.f*f ffrf fifry, nC7 Svffrkrff A-f. Cfseet TfA .IMI

Ur. fW Urt.- Sf.1 Nfkfawf. KrtfUia ,mi Jm. JOOM HW ii Ttfamf 111)

Mr. fW Mr, Mt. Kfkfiff. Kfd;»f. WU,. k lick,. I4J7* Mf

Mr. f*4 Mn. Jak*Cf.fllf St.. Vf. Nvr>

Ur. fW Mrs. ftU Ni,ki-et


M Park;

itkaa'Arf.. Ntrfk SffAui ||.4. Sat SvrMWk >4] IrfirMIMf. lu.f, .ff**.il fly. . fff ..rvafff •.

Jatd! Itf. (ftkifff. Jf*f*ff. Irvtt f*4 Ur*,.* Si . fi'fffdf M,ll< >441

(913 (917

Caaaada HMi: (913 Lahaviawt <913 Lm Aa«tlas: (900N.HaOywaad: (914 NatrirWaa: (913

>Saa VaOay;

(913(9)3(913(910(9)3 '(9)0(914 '

Mr ffd k4r>. ta. U Hfllr-eW >0!

Ur. f*4 Ur, Hiry Mr. ff4 U*,. JUrt

CkfU-arU. S, .Ur. f*4 Ur,. J.f Ikv

Nfrfk Hfl),.eW ....Wr. fW Mr. Skyff Haaba. JW, Uf, •id »>f«f. IkMT

net! Aiifekf., s>. Sv vaii., H]i Mr. f*AUr, Jfk. Ki.fkf Ckr),. Jfff. Kfoif f*4 taear.

7711 Wkllaoat A., laula 'IUKa* Ctkf.a Da*aU a*4 Xav*,. IMOk SUie A.f.

> Jaaaaa a*4 FkilOe. 7

*a. Kadiaa.. lateiacl--

. S<aa>. Mar,. Steak*.. IpItT 041

aaH StaaUr. 11441 li,4ke It.. Ne.

Ur. ••4 M„. T»k\fkir>al* ^*4 Dkk. nil* Mvalacva Si.

Ur. aw’kT* larr, T..,ra, Je,aa aa4 WilHar... *li G*.Krtk H. la. fa*M*4a «4I

r. aW I

r. Jw*lr. aW Mr,. Mil, U,*-. krya*. Warraa. a*4 74en*a>. til) r. iw'M-f^^*AwV^*iU^^5^a.4! toil Oela.e St.

Rau4a (»>Ur. a*4 Mr,. If A

'-•siarS.: a. aMI Valla, (Ul

Uara. 111)1 ...

Sv.a.. a.4 Uarf. Iltll CekatMt St..Ur. aW Mit. fien* Okma aW E.*'!,, ' >tl

Nvrtk H.tlyMe4 tOtl Ur. aW Mri. Ha^ Oaski. leaaW tU-w eW Ualia Aec

Mr. Iw »«eW. I4WT It.

Ur. aW Mrt. J.ka Sk’.t*«We- 0*hra Ae.a eW »a*e.. 1414 1 Ur. Iw'M*a?toa^Uv.*avra. I.,>a« a*4 HU*. 'T04J Ivakam Ur. a*4 Ja-a*. 7II* h-4-«‘

. Tkai**. Ka-at,v. taaaU a*4 W>a.,*. IIITt *( S'- tacaivi III'. S.-a Kv*a Jalia. U**,. e.4 H.«ea4l..74l4 t,m» lertli Kall,va*4 <011> Kaa KaWti. Mar*,a aW Jaalca. M}k0 >llice U

. . !. Ua'l ■^••Mtra aW Steve*. }T<«^^lkM*u It.*•7 uT, Sar* Mlta'a CMa aW JaaaM). Iltll IrvarvnckV. Taa*.r*a UD '

fia. Miavta*.. Uteea. Gar***. T»M V«. Ove* It.Ca**«.

A-,. Ta4. aa4 Ur,,. TUT U-* A.*. Ur. *W Urt lak Marl

Ur. aWU*,. Aaak fc*4#w, Jatw', S«t*. aW Cto.,1, 1414* Ur. *.4 Ur,, la* KvaUra. Oa*J. Ua4 a>4 Waale,.

Ur. Iw fcT!“MHaI*Wa. ImaaM. amt-a. Irvaa. Ivta*. a*4 Mr. .W*Ur.

Ur. ruTur,'**” tSrZ. ^mtt"a3 Uaaar, l|0»t Hemek I*. M. e*4J4n U. .*i*uirV44.a E, J»'W. t-«4* 4.4 Oiaba. 44» aJ^uI^Sm Tu. .-i c.i ■ - -- M-rii-,.-;..,. ...u, ............

M i-L. V.av Tarrata (t)l taftkaa.a A*a. Na-tk-Uea (TI^

m4 totM.


a.4 Waale,..l4Ut 0 Allaykew V- »"

. uaa«u He-arrf. Uer»m. eedT.lta.r A*a. It. Veil., UTI

a v.k.«i,., t,a. a*4 Jed,. t4|T Te^aae BA,

I4t UTM'II*S,I”Ik.-..» K.'.. vW4 Ua>4. t4tl T. i


Safl'Di^gp starts move for

1966 national conventioliieoun«»<iBy ABK Ml'KAI Ln* An)(Hn On Sow 2$. (he Sen Dtcfo cipatioB is

SAN DtEGO ’ UniJer the J"l> * Annuel pknic el Jr JACT. we* fomed on « ConrtniltBt eemce to theeewible leoder»hip <rf Joeep^i Silver Sirend Sleie Perk nulc of tnerked oplimino, comnuBity eod fetlo*' men,UiyoBfal. chepter president. ^ - Voiith es-snle oexerDess end willinsness to tbe Sen Diefo Chepirr willthe Sen Diego JACL ended dinner. ‘ psrtkipsie. A lerge gilher- go forth *» IFM in high goer.iU 3l»t yesr with a hearty July .-Wood bunk drive. -mg of parents and intemtad (luptee Csbisetair of aeiisfying actompUsh- Sept IP Siiih eBnual yoiilhe eiteeded as Vouth The J965 Chepter CabineaneoL Eolbuaiaara was the JACl^-singlee bowling tour- Cbeimuin Akira Takeabilahey as a new meenberahip namrni at Pslm Boa-l. outlined the format. Martin praaideot Ton Yanagi-record waa aet dunng the Ottober I.«a Vegaa trip: Kob« was elected preaideat vice President — Abe^r. filled with artivilir* Solf ’““rtismeol at Cotton- pro-ten. Mukai; Ttaasurar - Jack Mal-that encouraged Cl.*ra to Country Qub. iKddie young and inspiring Ton »ueda: Secrriary - GnrhipsnkjpaU wboleheanedly. I'raU scores a bole-in-one. i yuagibara took over the Onori: 1000 Club Chairman

The ehaotera most men- ^ f^P reinaofthe '65 tabinel which —George Kodama; Member-orahlewasVhe Pacific Sooth-- - -west Diatrici Council meet- tng May 16-17 at tie fabu- kius Dri Webh<Oce.n Houae here. TTie chapter candidate.

Inaullalion 'dm- ^>6 aurelyvigor and enthusiasm

ley Ho Resuutanl, chspter.December J«er\-ir*-ing of

fealurea an injection of new ahip Chairman -- Kenneth........................ !Koba: Youth Conmiuee -

AJcira Taheshita. John Asa- ^ial Committee — Miyoaii. Dr. Henry

U., DC ontoricl o«l»l ■*“ tor Pn.jW. Ln.1 l..s,.l.Uv. Ciu.nrjp ^h*ld M p»rt o( th« pre-rpo-, D- Jr. JACL orpin- N.tJotinl Con- Cn, Tod Imoto; Blood Buili.TKition rally. isaiiooal meeung. i,bj,.Chairman -- Harry Kaw*-

SMe of the oUier out- At varioiu lime during the f,ir Hiy. which boaau a new Member at Lsige -- 'sUnding JACT- funcUona year Cl-era manned tie pop-^y,.ne ,„d a tremendous «edi TakeshiU; Owl Rights were: ular House Japan in beautiful ovk Concourse ConimUee--Jack Mstsueda:

Jan. IB-lnauntiioB din- Balboa Park on Sunday aft- ^ _ .. ^ ‘f** National Conyenuon -aar at Vacation Village. emoons Intemsiional reU- ' “<''^''"«">*'*«'*>*'* *MasHironska.<>orgeKod-

June-San Diego cope Ju-lions and broihcrhord are »>*"“" V'*''** f“'«*rt sms: Bdilor-Borderline Abe gfcir Divisio® of Nisei Relsya fostered over a cup of tea an all-out membership parti-Mukai.

'Mountain Bear Type of Leaders Are Prized■T

IBy BENRY MORIFor emphasis you aak the H ^

una of your Interviewee ;.Vsghut-


gsma. Bank of Tokyo man­ager end near-retiring presi- dCDt of the Downtown JACL chapter — one of the most acUve in the Pacific South­west District Oounicir

A same like Yamagtsna ' has a ring of strength, c age and fortitude. Translated I «nply to Engiisfa you can I coma up with an Meniifica- tion of a "mountain besr. "

Tak las be ia known to bis ooUeagMs of the JAa. | chapter). the Kumamot Me-esreer banker arai rated hi Honolulu. . linguist. Yamaguma rtipetswds both sides of the |Perifir.

He would tHl you this with­out hemtatirvi.

"1 enjoy meeting pWr^ f“f eea thtng. I also like the Ntsri and feel much ‘at boene' with them."

For most part. Yamaguma ta as Araerinui in thinking as a residret Nmrt siTire he has •^*l‘*n^ He worked at the templed been exposed to Yankee edu- Be,vp.i br^ch »n Oita funfi estion in Honolulu where he lure ^ntil 1952, then waa p *ouW

had a 130-memberehip auh a | goal of 200 for 196t. Yama- ; guBia was able to bnng the ; total up-to 2S0 pledges. The : goal waa answered when the-! .No San Diego JACl. made a <challenge to the Li l To^io ! group to "outdo each other.' 1

One of the year's progra^ ; which attracted more than its:i share of aitemtion a-as the! 35th annivereary celebrelion j

TakHe Yamagurns llefkl wiihsd well by,Judga Stephen TainwTa.

n out to rescueuia

ire Lnxil ^ in

D head office in or Mter one atsts longeras grsdusted from Tolani i' ^ . - • -High School nod Phillip Com- Tokyti is the sdmmistreUve;*ough tn the baakiiig bosi-mereial School m the esriy »e«ion. \ | ness he is bound to meet with

One of Ysinsguaia'B grasl^s holdup or s try by bsodiCB.imsgin# slso that Yi

gums, alLhougfa a natsonalwgfa a natsonal of was t the time <d hia beadit

a as a banker' it happewd to Y< . ship in ^mar-^aad his workwa at the then pUiahmcet of'Vimcar Bldg.. -«bere the

Benk of Tokyo* been at it for 36 yearn.

Hawaii Chito Gakko. At age in Oi-lober of 1952. ailuated. The Yokohama m^beSli 1^^ Hie^eo^10 he left Japan with hia "After two months in Honor Specie Rank opened its doori Golf Ctiib '*parents, the Iste Mr. and returned to .San at the aame mti in 1932. the „ },is aaeociatiotis.Mm. MiDokifhl Yamaguma. py,nciaco on Oct..3. 1952. to JACL 1000 Clubber mid.

"My age is easy to remem-ij^^je ^ ii,, formation of a

*- ■■ ’ ................ .... •• -------------- ------------ -------------- What kind of an imagee bank."

... - ..1 Uugbi the t a A five-man holdup waa during hie prime,

staged quieUy sad mnoothiy. kind of an iir' he tella iia. "since I hoew Ml April 21. 1900. You, taerefy figure from 1900 to . the priwwn and >wu have my

fnl “H hawwned suddenly h. said.Tbs hanldBg rsre-M fol deradea about 11:15 a.m. that, May in nrone "This

'‘».,to.c.,B. B..A,A.on^ r.he went. SAen roe “ „**on grant a Ijcenae to the about .30 fenp^oveea' '’not wipe out bis career. Just , ^ •

H took Vamaguma'B acu-There was a machine gun. ^ Takito Yar mwi in the hajikmg busmrea Ttm,' wag a get-a^y Y^Ie vwe-prreident.

whtch by the way of foot- waiting in front «f the baak.',j^j jgcLwort:


a kn of public rebtiona work' 1 cement goodwill among

. rtaideMs of aH racial ex-^ f 1 i!!r “>e an-eptsme because it was to open the mfe or eiae .. .*l .i iL V «>♦ <'t f«t S«nt SW.OOO -ere tden but

rliL bM'k *n J»P“ -Ithough we a year, the thugs were coo- -goes his birth years agam^ are not a part of it " Yarns- victed and ae*»i to prison. fw.,Tsknothe aeuve JACLer was pris Pjv ___ ____ ,Able to mingle aocully asnoted to the head office of well aa ra business with the-the Yokohsms Specie Bank The . T a m a g u m a a are ^ b> the auckup art^as a regular employee. P-Tvnts rf three daugMere. Tbef root ~,hoM recent arrivals from

snecie Bank mrent «'hoae husband Is with Mitsui beW up the mde door, j_~ phsntw

^ on the peemanew pa>- int^Uonal Com- waited ouU&e in a car. U we can have moreW-here were the Y«na-n«~« « I- Angeie.. . You «n almoa, wauaUxe a

rumas when Pearl Harbor The youngest of theirbesd of peispiretiao on the roniinue ita core-broke up many sn exerutive's dsughiers is .Siieko who is forehead of the "mounuin . « highrereer. ».p>nng m eduction at USC. her " a. he reUtc lb. e«-

"We were taken to Sanu^ «••" Bwu- pmeoce.Anita Acrenblv Center with Yamaguma irilt of his YsmagiUM *• t hanker at The porireitthe rest of the local evac- tregic loaa of his Son. Kseji. heart but 'baa ------------------------ ---------------------------wc.' he rteslled. who dromied 'at a berb pursue in real

Then the family decided to Party in Hassti on Tbankw notary- public. . .___-T~,n,- to J.i« .,„,h,,pvto,d.v to IMS. K»ji -to U“ -to".-""-.

Th. ponreH of Takito _ Y’araaguma reesala wbat bard

Mate and t'oHi conacieace deairca He mild -be •”'''* Tt ia almost

OripMa^m bv wav of Nes'honi lb Honolulu.’ Wh« he ciUrnia at- Hollywood night York and So. Afrijw^ Those H “e s-ent to Japan, but wrhool to prepare himadf for who decided to flrere the Mter studied at UCLA in naiuraliaatjoti papera. He re­united SUU. weed ahip,*d to l^HT »«h1 Univ. of Hawaii in ceired hi. Americaii righu in So, Africa and then trena-1W»-ferred to the Asama Mani, It was at a Y'MCA brech- "Thia is one of the mam which later was aunk at are. feat. Yamaguma Jr. was reasons tor my partnapauon

TWritP wasted no tiine iniPtemdent of the Co-nooolilan in JACL activiUre. We harea job. Or il may be C

Y’okoTlapia Specie'P_p 50. He had I

career of a!for theben told Umt had it aot been

a JACL Uw Isaci today alill bk without citixre-!^Jali'wM"quS'*ur'^d forwgti diplomat. But hia life woidd alill

out that the "mountain brer" «P»red early at 22. ,ehip.hml rafurowl to th* ac«w. Yamaguma .quiedy ex-l , TL’IT

.. Yamu- plained bow Keop saved twoi»^ *ro>md i^ea a Mega- .. frt* if* Downtowngums took charge of the 1 certain 'death ;

MojI branch of the Yokohama-then maiug^ to bring abort IJACL chapter eSpMae in Fukuoka., as an the aefeiy of the third near- i"Mwatirt iStnager. In 1946. drowning viciim. but the Ude “ _the erganiaation direoived and meantime had carried thettMB rhanged Us lume to the Y*MCA leader mil heynod the! The result was that w BNMt Bask of T^yo of reaches of otheta wbo at-.tke OotmowB JACL <

Ohuh Vitli LawMBOWBr Co.

Cbula Visit Hdw Sooottr Co.


Hit's Airto Sflirteo !UIN 1 KirOSHl K^aKAU'JKA i

AST 4 DOVHlII Iiw.u-a.iiai lit< Meh bw

Greetings - San Diego, CaluHosts for 1966 National JACL Converitiq


19th St. Professional -^Building


KTE* r. uattBBO, »at19«1 and Market St,

San Diego, Calif.

Sf^iton's (irdHinfs

WIMMER AND YAMADAMembert American Society of Isndteape Arehifaeti

3M1 Ftfth Are, im Diega 3. C«W. m-S«M JOS9H YAMAO'A

Lendteape Architaet

S 4 M NURSERYS41 BroodwcY'

Chtilo VUtq. CoHf. Oaarga 1. MaMiaUa

K. ‘ S. Tsanideme

.Sratmi’* Creyfing..


SpadaUUtai oa Cecs Lett MIKE ISHIKAWA. Prap.


ORIENTAL GROCERIES4llt iGtaad Ateau*. Sa^Dlege i. Calitereia M. Koha Pboee ;S»-Rr

Kido. dean of the national; organisatioB and wartime'

•l«t. I1000 aiibber of five *

iveaia, Takito'a pel convrrsa- E tioo ie golf. During faia hev- * ,daya, belayed-every day..« That waa ta Seattle during 5 the 1929-34 aumawre. He had"j

Marry Chrlitmai arrd''^appy New Yter

General FerKlizer & SupplyGE0R6EAZUMA. Field Rap.

23M Maia Strret (OMy) CkMa VMta. Calif.


Pre«dio Nursery & Floristto Pboae S97-42K

5115 Uada' ViaU Road. Saa Dhge It. (hHferaia

the veare -- 19.36. 195R and| I960. Where M they hap- *

IP*"- 1: All ^ Southern California. S'^-of all. -When Ife waa S hitting 70a, Yamaguma tamed 5 Bel Air Countri' Qub with a g

' Bingletpn. Then in 1956—his * aecMid — it was at Weaierri * Ave. Golf Couia*. to be aure. »

M6oMd the "weat| couretfluriwling ua ihatll gotfen/wodF^w bow dif- ! fieult that trecTlanTe'EBn'i


BERTS T.V. SERVICE;«39 Natleaal Ate, Saa IHege. CaWarwia

Bert M. Tanaka. Frep. PbMe BE 4-564S

Happy New Year


S«iDta9a.C«Harela Frank I Gena Yameda

Seaten'i Graatinga

303 Auto Semce

Garage 5 Sarvica Station Meter Rebuilding


303 Mmkat StreU Soa Diego, CoOf.


Benme's Auto ServTBen Seklthlra, Prep. 6710L«JMMII«d.

Flmac4S4-1751 LaJMM. CaiH.

Bay Shore Motors

Yeur Finest Fwd Dealer MiaU"R’;S(rMH JOHN S. TCKADA New Cert A Trucks


rknae *54-7532

India Street Rodio CompooyS»n nicsc i I/cnrting Ante Radi'> .S|.rru!»-4

1.W:.5 IndU Street. Saa Diegn I. ralifnrnk SEASON'S GREETINGS


Ceraer of Taa). and TarqBoioe Sla, Saa Dkgs. (Ml Nakasfaima Hr..., Phoae 4«g|;


4992 ^rial At*. Saa Diego. Calif. IMM



Pboae M4-J5SI .32* R. SRih W, Saa l>kga,«

Searon a Grrelinga

PALM BOWL1862 Palm Ava.

Imperial Rreeh. Calif. Skk Kroiaydaa, Mgr.

Pboae 4tS-4l5U


oad FAMILY - 3S1 Saa Migael Driva

__ ChaM Ware. CoHf. _

BOB'S HURSERTRebart Yamauehl, Prop,

nt4 Paha Are. bnptrW leach. CaKf.

DININGIn euthent;. Jepaneie and <


mm<S>':*>#?/<r./n.<-if lur.tfoyil

At the Pogodo 7137 Potifie Highway fh. 233-716*


143 NariaaM AaNaatoaolCItT.edl


SetMB’g CredMi


: Complete lal. Sereke

G32G Oak PilkI Sm Dkee. C.I.W

PkM. 264-1111 ROY HOSUl

«to,pS.~.C^1U9 WreeStiut

Soa Diege M-C# Pha^iZ-Mfl

5#«»or>'» 6r**ti»p

MARY'S L8MI1345Cre*kf

e. .mi Me.. T.i.. Alum. 4.4 F.mily. im Fktl Are,Ck.l. 420IS

i. A..k.-. I|}4 iwi.. Si. 4.. Di.a.j tint .. ..d Mr, Fu,.l.d.; F.r-me«. F.-ulp. ttlO C.erl.e Dp,

L.mM eilMt

CkyU..ra*. F.


r '^’*ej0f'i** ’** ***** **■.4.,' mmi Di.M PmH.. 1444 4A Are, Ck.1. Yota.

M.I, I.Hp J... led Wndy ti t. I44e NffimMl A..,Owe., till]

Mr. .edW<». Mai.eei H.«d* .ed Family. 41U Okre D,S.e o:.*.,

le... -Mr,. 1

l.eee. G<u.rd. MiU. KeUft. Grer«. ...d UtfUa. Itw

GJIO SulU... Si.. S.. Dire.. «Ht4 w.h. A..., Stedt.. VicEa. .W R«ul IW. 41)1 51,

S.e Dire*, tilt*Me. ..d Mn. Fred K.H.m.U eed FamUy. lit Wret M.

S.e Dire.. 4210 'Ml. .ed Meu Harry K...m.t. F.mliy. 4lt S. SM 51.

S.e Dm,.. «2n)Mr. ..d Mr.. Urn KM. .ed Famllr. HIO brry D. U-ma Grere,


In. MJre K.k.,«ht Nm%. 4314 S.t.k V.

I K...4. ..d Family, fit “0-'«t, *k.U VIH,,

'■ s« “V**■' *r*^ Y..U„i, .edVamliy. tit 5.. 44A 5«..

S.» tl..«p «?l H

Ab. .ed M.I.. Muk.l *ed.F.mily. 3414 M.Spri.« v,ll„, eieiT „

Mr. .ed Mr,. T.m Muk.i a.d Family, 3430 See..r>«**! **■Ur. aVd Mn'^' ’.lrJa^Nlkadiim,. 1(1} Harabked *1.

Ur. and M^*tar^^lAida and Family, 4I4G CebM B- Saa Dla«a till* ' _ ^

Ur. and Mn. Ray Najlma. t)ll AUaa Dr. ta-ai Mr. aed Mr,. LalTY S. Oil

Sa. D.a«

U’. aed Mn.Sa. Di.,..

Mr. aW Mn. T<

Ok.mat. aed Family, 304 Lm Al^^♦ 3114

rnb:.-Kiyala. M-iibaal. aad'Sbiriay Omari.

Jarepkot..l.;\.d Fam.1,. 134 *S* U.

Mr. aed Mn. Ua 0-a*i jed Pamliy, *«* **’5be Dla«a. 4311. . u. S.

Ur. aed Un--trid:.I«f.,b;ia aed Family. TS47 F*>M

Mr. aiM Mn* J.!?Vae.i. aed Family, I” N.fU. f-Owl. V-nia. 42011 • ,^|L

Ur. aad Ur,. G»rga Tarla and Wa.lay. 1)4 i*** .

Mr. aVd* Mn*Via!!reJbi T..ida aad Family. 1444 Fr*****

Me. a*i’ Mn* M!*a"T.*mya*i aad Family. 444 !!»)»<*■ Sa. Omea. 42103 . wl. ft

Me. aad Mn. Ka Ti.iUma aed Family. 4404 Waai"-

T.m^^^'udJ.'it Ua.«a Yuta. Ck^ Ynta.Jira, Alyaa ladeay aed^ Wataaaba. 4'4'

-ar*. t pmy y.

aed Mn Tam'Y.eaeihtea aad Family. 4040 S.a D-ree. 47M4 -mi

»H» »AC'»'C A —'7

I **=i »o* C.*vi T-^hU. ongrass for rtsujtn e«lW| Wha»Ji*e tta pra^ •"il thes »a:d*at» «tl*ad la a*-It ihooW b* acp!ia>d tilt th« "Mntu»: Gtri* , wtaci tr-!b« derriop»d llaws^oct tb* livt dr»».“■ ■ • f«t of th*I the PTA ulMB Kaedi or pm- »o»r« tcnthet^ to work «Tth

, w- upoaltlM ebufrh • tlfOmtd pro-I i-*j«hd»le* nr putifan pnli- Ki»iB «t the «erific» nf the

nple indI oouBtr?' I

li mGirl Seoul profrasi.

----------------^ „... H»«. »U1« the Bo»- &witI A^part of my committee mtio per populatidn ia ■ acuvitie* oe cituenehip thielln the M

Seoulcitienehip ihielin the Mtioo In Utib, the. The UUl citizamhip com- ^ ,]j peop|„

iye«r.aUien*hipD*yOb*erT-!Gtri Seoul reiio ii w t»k>>t- mioee accede for the next i^ „co«nmM the mierife-''***^''’ t 17 durint Coo- locn. ' -^iii an. ' . ^ .. . ..

PTA'e Tjttl eaweraI be nan. But r «y plau- t*™*tioe»] reUuoaa -------------U to note that ttah led the national ratement l|Uioe m ^e on the aubjaa: -»> beliei-e

ArtThe UUl citizeoahip com- ^ noooln aadi^'*'i Paaader.*

Mory Yum 9cfs l90v«( to load PoMdena JACL

three ye^r, wUl Include T ttalP""* ’ ^pbaai. « the need for **d-tlmT^e ^ t by Ma. Hiro-eral aid to education under '^urtne peace “’“•‘a of San D««o, aecreUn-the anli-povmv art to meet ^ ^ ^ enduring peace. SaUmi JACL Boardthe eivti righU prohjem in Challenge ^ M yy Clement gave the in-achc^. • romm.l- kaUuahige

itwi artd the United Ka. PTAa, Mrthera are being re- John A. Hannah, preaident rhairman at the at at e Bj^reaned the group and tVnoa, entiled So aen-e aa voliimeer of the U. S. Oommiaaion on '»_» tremendoin chal- honored theUnder the rareoi awi-pov. laadera..And the need foMhia'Cirtl Righra. rerently aaidi lerige, W e miirt a« eaBmplfia president. K I Bi 1

ty lam-. PTA her* w nv»« e\-ideot math Jiieejiilf 'T^e only ant'rtion of the and*ereete ihe deatre ip nti- anfji the paarl-

ncea on Sept. 17 during Con- aiiUiUon Wee* were'iwpba. The Uub PTA aiud. outer programa in-coramittMe. thua. have

’ eluded the Giri Seouta. -You llaancbed a atrong GW Scout Vrttd the Uw" talka wiUi ju-|moycmeoi through the i venile. dHinqiiima. voter tdu- achoola and their

eduration amongjnoiirt# Incally loaded d. And oeea involving giiia.

anh civil nght* I I to' become better andmuch . better education fot more reapowWe mem

I Utah haa been one of the COR-' The aimpJe proredtir* m Negro yomha. We must raiae »o^"y •* home aervaiive authe which baa r^ honor the Tag i» often uken .a whole new genemtwm of world.

I aiated federal aid to educt- for granted. And there are Negroee who haw had an op. Th^j, jonI lion. aeveml variaiiona to tW*. The .portunify for a decent educa- in Utah.

E lion all the way from ktnder-

udd^ -1ACL pin and urged the thapirr to grmter thiaga In the .coming year

Tom lio waa ip charge of arrangemerta. TeM twaaaki

talka r

y birth-'lhnir he*ri- I |day hgppaa to he Uie aame I Idgy aa that of our U. S. Con-

ip. I Girl Scouts aalule the 'flag bomiby placing their hand*

XG« OETAll cadeiz from West^ School of St Lake Gfy «si»i in g cereowy a' recent Lheh Stele Con- ■Sl5h‘ of Pereni Teecher Asm. Mrj. jee Kesel (euthor of fhu article), tieie lA eommitiee chairmen on ciiteoihip, flanked by Mfi. Henry Ompbell .(left) Spanish FcKk, historian;, and Mn.

Clark Brown (right) of American Fork, Parent end Femily Committee cJveirman. Atrs. Kasai's committee essignmeni in­cludes preseoling the flag ceremonies at stale PIA meeiiogs. For the >965 effeir, tlw siege will be hanked hags of

Various autr aducauonal

" 2S^ Kiwanis electsScoots uae the three-fingeriritnated "Negroea" sriUi “the!** . ° .Mdtte touching their fope.[di«dv*nUged '-a new ***latitiiticm (SepC 17). Natural- a

ll}-. I am pai^ to thia par-fhad •iticukr coincidanee. manse.. ,------------- ------------- >----------------- ,' Another couMideoce le'tlmt 'Yea and tbe l^w* laterMtaoaal Relatioaa leuged aa never before. In or- awom'in aa pnmdcDt of E3CoQgreaa CttiMoahip The PTA. juvenUe courts.. The Utah PTA CoramiUee der to keep p^ *-|camino Kiwanis before lOPiDay in m-ognitson of tboee police and achoo! boards have oe international r

__________________________■■■ . _________.!.• '____________________

Citizenship Emphasi s In The PTAbecorne

by coming nf age rv zrtiofi in 1BS2 -tbr Uhal the Wall

g the Kiwi

Ohjer-tn-ea and ptirpnar* nrj-oilily

Art w-as etiarled tn give ixenahip privilegM

ir aliens, regardlraa tBV AI.ICK KASAIwiitiiltee Chairman (or __________ , .....ik CotigreM of Pamita vaned aa it# diitim and r»Wi- atlitudwi and poliriea of pen- Tn JACI-

and Tmrhera gationa. kinal of ua knoii- and pie toward each other in the Art ...............................Salt laske City appreciate the need tn be te«- vary Week or tr>wnahip where nf aehievMne<vt.aa our parenta the bnnrtil of parents rathnr

*aiua taken for gmiHed'iateTed aavotem, what the I!, we’liva. There *v find the were aMe tn become full-'ban the teenagernoiiv Amertcam it their S. Conatiiution and the Bill real measure of a living Bill fledged citiMna. Copies are arailahle trr«

rinsenahip. with litGe'of Poghta are. and the values of RighU." To me, the Art emWwJ my Kiwi* Inl^ltonal. im E.and bleaainga of our democ- Coanera (or Artioa husband Hieiry to baeomeiBoe Si_ Chn*go at »i per

garten through the o

“X.?rt^;Ron Shioieki .•GARDEfA — Rao Shlo-

bat in /a miiiUrylcept that calls for extendedj“*'**"*• gakl. active JACLer and re-teaching during tbe aummm.' Today, the PTA ia chal-cent PSWUC ebaiman. f—

' lateraaUoaal Relatiow leaged aa never before. In or- lawom' in aa premdcDt of Biuee der to keep pace with the de-lcamino Kiwania before '

_____________________ __ ____ a baa manda of modem living, ouri«vn.«-ahen at Afeadrm OubOiuus M.r O,.w.4i-|pftmio(ed United .\aliona and particular role ia to educate'„,i,iiranl receeitly.

pamphlet "You !as eommitUe chairman. I have the parenU of Utah to mert Other Kiaei officer* tTiduded the Law", put md b\-the beet) repreaentalisv to the the problem of arhool finances 51^., ; Or, Jo*.

Crime'locaJ ITN organiMUon board.jaithout becoming involved Kohara and Jack MaUuataige,' PTA* are urged to aiipport politically. directora. ,

Id CARE, recog. ||

'for local uae by achortimeoU nf ITfESCO. FAQ oi'f^ Nmw Mrs. John Kiimm- •rial *t.i<bea,(Food and Agricultural Or- ^ q,j. ,^„y ™ .

- - • ganisation). TAO {Bureau of regional recirrarnu ANGRl..Fi.K HarleyTeehnieaJ Aaaisunce Opeea- congressawond »'

and WHO (World Health Htmry Mitaral of MonUbello

Immigration and Nationalitv and Drlinqiieory.-it'. In Salt Uke CSly alone. TjUMCEV and CARE, recog. all managed to promote 2,fK)0 nisr Use aima and__ - —

pit given aa

fined a* a ataliia of „ ..................... ----------------- --------------------------------m. native or natiinOized reqtdrea sound thinJdng and'tion this year.

undeeauuiding of factora that the "eaneera fiaUMidant righta and undeeauuiding of factora that itegeo. riPsenahip today give rise to aocial change and olution aaid;

lalicin.^a quest for recognizing the

nry to baeom*|ii»w oi_At the Utah Congreaa of naturalized arid eventually hundred.

andTeachericonven.;quaUfy a* a. "Niaei- of the' The \-oief eduration pm- portion of Biennium. gram thia year was focu*d

for aotion" rra.| So«MhiK Moveeamt on the nonpartiaan "Big ^"I—Nothing can be promoting acouiing

. lag MovemUtah PTA'a apecia] cenoam otmpajgn aponaorec

Srra artive participaiion. a quest for recognizing the "1 -Nothing can be more in promoting acouiiag among Ameriean Hecita^e Poun^- eration and appreciation !lruo ideala and gosU for hii. ,dangerous to free gnvenuneot young bo>a and girls Is tioo. The PTA units through-

and order in the dm- msh dignity and progreos. Aulhan Dropout Citizen*. who‘unique in\^menca. out the counlO' piUhed in U)aame time, wiadom and cMse to uke a vital, active The national PTA has longiget out the i-nie. School chil­

ling to atari the spiraKng num-jing them aware of the rights ]her delinquenry among{uid duties of ritizenship 00

Organization'Another phase of this

mittee desl*«s-ith foreig cliange tnudeots. who noning in increasing niim-


_______________ Jitsralof of >FSberta and Mre. Jame* Aoki f’’*'"''' of realtor* thisof Salt Lake have served on •'•o''-:he miioci! level. Mfe, Shig Haahimoto, Mrs. Tw Tate-

Jack MuramntoMTS to torsi nign icnnma sou KoleoUege*. Local PTA t"«"ber*!n^,^y, j, j,-j^are urged to have them *»'f^her FTA prmident on ree- gursl* at home to g« sc- ^ nusinied and exchange vies-e. n«oe studerta are the mooirafrertiiag bopa for future C«onte Metfu. Mn. Fu- ^J^urLe^diiirand «>- ^ Hutch Aoldoperatior. Sue NagaU. Ur«. HH-

, . J^h.’rtwim'unitv! m^oratwn muat be exerciaed totereat In rtvic affair*. . 'recognised the value of scout-'.

Ration and the world.

prinrtidiei. rtU-' Another romment s-nrthv tktn oif our. cHizanry' ts rte-jj-oiilh. TV Boy Scouts are'ejection day. \a«ir mean* that, "-veiry-iof rousidetation i» the nied Vair tinman and rivil jactJiaiy ipontoted by the Utah school rttUdrer si .t. --------------------------- "" ,I aViiM -antweciaiehi thought wresaed V Jurtire rights," .Uorwoct church through their sneouraged to cahvawi door- achopU tave UN duha-rti^-.upy to jaui the PTA active-lw«^ATnrtir!^htwn«ge'wiIl^m At the Natiotml Congreae ward*. But the nauoBal Girl lo-door to secure pledgrt ^ a* act^y ^ ^of

' , , * jiH_____________./ -------..u k*a mMi ------- fii iaIimmw umiats- to vot# Ti^sia (roQisd at Hie Vmtsd Na-

The PTAa alao ai.pport the tie Tamaaaki have all oervrf Untv of Utah ¥odel UN as-various pomtioos thrmtgh- ,w«bly each spring, attended «" the state.

bgh Mhnnlrra. Most high Other parents-^uldr e .by

undereiand that the priv-' "What i of Auieriran ritizeeiship i*>a. w h a uda th* arr-^tance nf i>* dn. aM wht Umhilibes". are vitally i

CortstnuUon of Parent* and Taachars con- Scouts hss cot ;:ir lafislatures-ventiQn later in Chicago, aanctioo one dominan ircourU write the above resolution was to sMime the retiss wtant. But the atrengthened by adoptuig a fore, the Mormon* \

Igemng the nwat pledgee There-|lo receive

tlw*^rm'^ MiewWy ii the mutual'.colorful in that achoola reptv- welfare of our future patter-

Season's Greetings


tlZSe.Wfedn U. U*A*«ekeKC^H.

You- Ho»*:W#iiate Tom

nity Hall to make Oetober|the Ctrl SoooU and Boy one of the buateet monlha ofiSeout# progiama. YMCA. the year. ICampfirv Glide, etc.

I G. I. Memorial . Fhalemued from Page A.lf 1 iMurphy. Aasemblyman Rob-j a aolamn aervice in memo- SojL-waa with a feding r<

eniry fem and ert Stevens and Aasemblj"^ ^ s-as.aatiafacUon that the installa-jraged laai-minuie en-candidate leo Feotter »d-Kov } at the communityition dinnm’ jutt before

Chapter member. Dr. drea^ the chapter. hall. The former 4f2pd RCrT,-"—•—----------------- - — '

_ _ tional JACL firm vice-preei-aJ srbolarahii ' ‘ - ...................................

Ohno eO»rtoH chairmaniUCl-A xoologwi Dr. Malcolm g[j^ TakeahiU were ew-• hoard of inrstees.'Gofdon alw> spoke for col- chairman George Kanegai of the U A. superior court' hv-!*w* were drawn tip lege hood* and aetor-wnter .rranged the program. apoke op the "Struggle and

my. Jack Nomura. Bart C-oarari apoke for sub- Qt^er efforu worthy of Succw of the Sacoiid Getter-Sakii a-as crowned arription TV. an iaaiie which eloouig thii tUon". Joan Uehida w-a*

W«t I.^A. *1 the chap- a-M defeated later. „„„ iBvolv»g member awarded lha hm acljolafahip.B inrlude: Mra. Fuki Hoahiyama. themmmtion hall June 7 at Mra. Kanegai appeared r

Frthu RewuuTwnt. JoAnn a \^WCA panel diacutting

-J*t(d her court. the chi4>t<r crediubly about c„„ncil mertinga during the tt*t a* a grad* achoo] teach-llhe aame time. «•; Yuki Sato.

, Tanny Sakmniwa. with aa- 2—Attendance at a apecialiKiuuae and Shig Taksahita., Natiooal aisunce of chapter and auz- Sagoya Siotsr Oily dinner' in'the Chapter Service Awqrd.r

iry membera. manned the Ura. Kiyoahi Sooodaichapter game booth at S _ _____________________________...Mr*. Kanegai were th^'w Playground on HaJloweeo. ^.p^ctart dectioo workeralj

4 Six mothera and 24 fa- ^ them have actively contnb-e. Korean ...^ ,h_, ,i_. .„h »ffor(* In

L Convection in DetruiulUiary membef*. manned thelad Uia. Kiyoahi Sooodajchapter game booth at Stim- 3_Twalve merabara

a. Kanegai were thfer Playground on Halloween. ,, ddt^nus. T««

lioB and friends spent the voerfully wet afiemoon fiincLion ro-apm ke Aiigunt splash party.'Japanese. Chinese. Koreai

rimated by Pick Qkinaga «nd Filipino American groupt - - ------------------------ - --W«e Oahitiotni, Hamburg- on Oct. U the No on Prop. Aiiylljw-y

iT''l sop drink* toppwl off 14 fund taiamg dinner to hear HUAIIIH

.» ...V !-.> — S SlJiw -'ww Drum Song '. stepped up m Oetsber. Th* ....rrnttm hoU atSuwrahip aws the theme chapter also asaifWd in »**.?S^shiSwio*-ar shsp. in -ae Sepi. 24 dinner a-hen dsdiration program of the .

:t Los Angeles Report-.n IW-l i ,

Watanabe. chaired the naled the stepping up Relay* at tempo with Nov. 3 et

in late May. approaching,June an- The chapter also held

Cirtiega 1.

le formerchaplain, toe Rev. Gieoege Aki. .._____,......................

tiectioBs pre»eiite^the principiti ad- community an^youUi.

rrjThaiAsgivmg Is.ri.lped a year of *


Star mother*; Dr. Robert ^Vatanabe e«n- ,Mmee. Sueko Kitsuse. ^ttki reed and Jmry Bnomrto. na- SINCERE THANKS

and Ruthnt. JoAnn a \^'CA panel diacutting j c%apisr rapraaenution Community S Matsuura Civil rights and represented l. A. Community for her long a

Jmmwa Am eod UfH iMarlw bMemMr'i hmt He--, S Ui.ek.



Merry ChrhHnai and * Happy New Year

Grace Presbyterian ChurchU30 Lacstt Ava.. Lssg Bsoch 13

23M Stttfs Fc Avmm Ua9l#«ch.Cdlf.


^ im SsoM Be Aea. kao* laact U. CsM.

Gee. I MWieke Teweieki.

ronjunetioc * h preparatinaaSe rnndj^ George War. L, A. Japanese Commt ^ Auxiliary-'•' fashion

ahos-. Hottesaea: MmM. Aiko TakeahiU. Lucille Watanabe.

Aug, »—Clow to 1.000 men and women praaent at Nisei; Week fashion abow at Bev-



1)01«. [«i,o.ha...fbad^a. CsliFoniJa


Jtei CHM>U*Ye'k. Meiiul E:ke Me‘.ul



/orieWTaC LANDitAeiNGminiaturt Irtni. poniU.gardm laoia*

"ssrtr, ' ■ —-


PaulT. lannal Jm FlalcKar Buri Nakamura Gasrfa M>ya EdUtne Tea. Springrtaa

Tsm GsKala -Mena Culbrtfti. mc.

9**egs Spriegriaad

UN NAKAOU 60MMIYt«el kitete eeJ lea.eeii OeeeKeellwi

iMweowe. Nelery — *imt V Wewwa Aee. GwS

led Seralee Al-ert

FA DA J-4444


1132 Giidcm Ihii. Giniem,C*Df.


OwMrt Mr. Jiiha Tsya


mrenbera. Proci marked few the Iirt*m*ttonal Institute, relebrafing «» gol­den jubilee of een-ic*.

.cer*. IP Appr-rietior Ui- *<i et the home of A'ltilisr-i- prAident for those aiding m the rticraw of the fuhkw »how; Nieei Week official*, wardrobe mtstraases were ape- rial guettf. .i

On. 19- Elactior dinner ai the Queen * Ann* rasuuraai. Min Haru Nakata eleetad.

Nov. 16 — Chri*UM* work­shop. eenducied by Mra. Jou Okitsu at bar ho»a (aow for| tbraa yaar* in a row). Hatt»

Matt. DtiltM lasuy*; and David Akaaid. .; Dec. 8 —Auxiliary Chritt- ; mae potliick auw»*r »« Hi»I home of Dr, and Mr*. Ki.vo- ; ihi Sonoda.

Manv more names ahould : haiv been inrluded :n the re-! port, but brwiiy praveaia.


7M W. e^lM. b«).¥.rl 4-m7


"Compltla Una of $p*Htaf''«eod»'’ ;

' SAM MINAMI |- 113IW«tt«tttisMlM. I

^tttiooa. Com. pA <-IS*1 FA 1-M7I



"lit* Goidew DM. Gsttaas Co«. .

I Moss* Pbwa: FA 14171



tyo KomM

1114 eirAwi Blv4. 6irA«M, Oillftrfita

PAvfa 4-S4S2 Howard AHuml Yonake Shinloku

€wfald Kade Frod Ksyama

^oig Yamada

*.*■* ai«SE*r, iia"EVEITTHINe^'FO* YDUt GAtPPM'

A'f *••• - Oeliee-Y — 0»e

' **ii^^?!h*«-nu —*fa'i55?5*



1S2044M S. Wertsni A««. ^ordeot. C«1H. le'eM leal. Jea-ae C—v >e-*k t-.e-aJ.


PkM*e: OAeii a-aaaa ott Fapwry i4iii



SHOP2001 W. CMoptM Mrd.

GttdoooOAvi* 4-4M4



GOLDEN NURSERY Inc.Ft*w*M. V*g«t«bla Rlanh

Wholaia'a Only Eaclutiva Growan

with Fariil-CII231S »mMo» loKb

DA 9-Am


NURSERIES1I1I3 So. Mota Straot

Gardoaa, Coifttato


Gttdaoo. CoW. > DArb «-$*M


B-Z Bm P«^ StwRAU KfNw‘oi*FlSTWB

H. Mw«k««< eaidLOkeyaWa mu L Waoan A*»

h etiatea ZmtiyliUW.Iianai hit.m

11 —StCTION A THS ^ACtMC Cl^iZeMygriAl MQIHAY isei»g —PETgMpu


Support Bay Area HOPEJJ wot on ■

bun ind thou ( minority rroupi ac

SA-V-FRANOSOO-A nf*- -o.-ner who winta to offer profi m i( under way in tbe oiMr Bay Are* U> provide a liauns service for aaie and rental of homes'avaUable to ority ^upa.

The aervice.Area Houuok OpporiunhiM phone any one of the Program Exrhanitc (HOPE), information centeri la now in operation inlowing au oOuBtiea. Area. ' Hanaon aUled.

Eu Fr.Ml«o^ Ij.,

Contra CoaU. Mann, |n Ran Kmnciaeo, the CCU "P^Mateo and Santa CTara, j, „ „ information

A^ group of «8 ptTwniofflt „Dter and clearing bouae for *'*'**

REPORT I Koda SuccumbsA.iii ™ to-

laity- B1 toncally directed agatnal „ -pioneer who conlnb--^ of the thoM of Jhpaneae anceairy.

Slate, although moat of it jACUa wu eUndesune and ""x^' CounaeK ■

for aale or srouni' There ww elioiiiie Intenm Naiioul Board Tokyo hoapUal I tfUry aoene obriou latent hoatility go - -

Ml GsMt

thou of Japaneu anremn ■ u,e w4kend of Febru.;? m vanoux arena that wmi - ■roused againat SJR 21 two,.

uled much to the deveiop- Naiional Legal ment of rire-groaing In Caii- the direction of fomia. died of a •troke'in a

Dec. 16. Vmeeting held in Loa Angeles



IJ3-|W«llt' ll}.' MA l-*iTF_

A»>OR . . .‘CNEinir iRtiiD' Ftioetsu^n,


1963- in cooperation with a

For some rea»>n too. per- th* poaaihiiiuea ofJapanau snremt^ challenge of the

JACL chaptera l«adera a-ho laundfacd a cam-, studying P»**m to gain ciueeaahip pnv- friendly ilegea IS >-*ar» ago through

the Kir Kikakeo Kiaei Domes, ofio>. .„u„ wh«i. h. .to,:

cauae aj they should ,h. si.i. r«fsMiiiitmn th.t man-


Pk. 4S»-73T]Art lie «tolc«m*« T4«e pkei •rdtn •»d -!'•

____ , l4s Am* __FUji'lEXALL DtUeS


_ CH,«II ^._5_


two Kiaei have given their pho„, number ia EX 2-S877. penonpl aupport to TOPE other informaUona centers aecotding to MH. KariHarmon, houalng coau^ttee conirs Coila-Orin<a^-

of the State Coaatitiition that .

____ .rVtoi'^r “5? Kv,nInformalioo That they came aO| ». v ““iortal pnnwar leg-.^

wtor>. i. to their V a cooperation wrth the,w,u„ program. The dnve.'‘^j'lrc.STMru. Mcredit. / Slate a Attorney General if included aid from Ha-' j«i.m; _ I70-I3SS

BeU thk anroad cm- ,P'**'*»**. * »«•* *»•* may *>* waii. wu auceeaefuUy con- “gMVf MXAXL pharmacy’ MvutiTe defeat ia WaA- ‘<> n«‘'e declared ciu<j^ ,rith paauge of the.jl i« W. J.H.r... IW-. »f iH”lai^i. State raakle. muy. u«o«atJtuUoo^ \hia ver^ w.liar-McCarran Act In 1955.1 U**, a. R.b.»..k: Pk..

___ _______At... of the ducrediled anti-alieii' d-:.. .. r— -


Steve41*4 a;^ J



itow«aA avVo^atk:,,,^

of the C^U tor ,j ^ Kchmondavic Unity of San Franctacp. eommlaaion

She reported that the ^ 232-1212. ext. 301. t'-tou of the 49 are Jitted .. .on.newbrochurowhiciPI- , ^ committeecribea the program being co- 'f" Play ordinatedtofeUh#'local CCU

,a*. "a houaiDjE ' '

they repreuat the flri.t “>* diacrodited anti-alien I ooly defeau koffered •*■"‘1 *»«•*-

Ftm OtkxfV S*>'iu

mad only defea by J.atl. uywbrre In the NatloB OB what might be

aace of those of'.'a] aaeaalry ia a SUM.

While we recognixe that;

’rckuSAi internatio’mal

BegmrdleM of the Utiga- ^tbe induairy. With hw aona.; j !,!\*mi7!*^ma *.tlMtlom however, not Uter Ithey farmed aome 8.000 acrta: j.m H.e„l.i, lu. Me*._______thu the N«ember 1966 ?«*«•• I NEW Japanese' AMERICANekrtioB*. JACL owe* H to ^ T^en the Kodu returned; „

prioriple I to ila o

n..Nr toc .rvMsutoc 1" «»« again attempt to <*«ii'- Washington » an extremely: "P**' roB'tihitioul *m*mg the U^c

.or,«.ev..i.e si.i. .. ev.H- Prohibition agaiut the prodmg in the


JosepA'9 Men's Wut‘nUBLV ClXnuTS

against p of lead by what

>, in history and

■nieir evacua-: ' E4u..;»ro»mi.of Sl.210.2S2 wu; 34S E. 7md S*. ni. ma 4.i4n

and ii still' hisei aORiST-4 of L


Alameda — Fremont Com-^ ___________ _________________ mUlee on Human Rights ataervice of public and voluo- 783-0502 or Alameda cmlary organiatlona coopeiat- G human relat.ona ^onaervaUve Suie. as aid­ing to promote equality of aion at 4*4r0844. exi. 354.nghl and opportunity with- San Mateo - Mid-Peninsuia rejection of fair housing pro- amonoU to, In hiMory and ^ ..

s rn'i -t-s;IWed as serving aa a ^ *355. ^conacience and of pride, an-, rvpAled through refereo- _ “>« J*cre ileaaure. He


U. S. Court- I. Ko Ht.rt of in Tollo Ml E. Ill Si., ma l-SkO*

Boro in Prikuehima In 1M2. Mo>io.«k- ■ M.-'k._T,j«n^DR. ROT M. NISHKaWA

o»clol'i-fia Co«i*o»


Francisco sponsor and Dr. S. L Hay-ahawa. San Fran- rttco SUI* College profemor' and' noted semantiat. ia among the

[other ' dom le 19641.)


JAPANKE nOVStHorete Yokome - love's

icampaign should be conduc- , „ , -again provide tbe ciU- JudOC Konemof O

if Washington tbe op- . ^ « .‘aahington the op- , " « ,Marin county: partial eym. "Love sms no ;portunlty to vou for jurtice TO prCSIOO OVOr |

' district court

Dee. 23^29

Niiu-ltsei no Ckieh! lOUR HAPPINESS t

• I Y.-.-.0*. — Ck.J Keibite-Yo

WaKANO-URA SvLraki • CkoR Sii«Y

Oei* M -'ll. CIoioJMooJm 1717 ■ lOtk St. — 61 I-473I

Empire Printing Co,114 Wothr Ut Aofolw 11


til *«ri«a Mvd. Ut Aaeoim II — kl

$«;;* “Duko" 0«4<4. Eddio I. SklnoNti, R. Tut*k<



Scsr.s-'r.i.':*- SAN JOSE—Judge Wa.vne-:U. Kanemnin will serve as'

{ judge of the San'

1 year i TcNv-o Tioko — Teikif (••be

The N.«l jurist ha. an- KRBURI THEATREBounced the ..................................

pttetding judge of the 5 Jiae Milpiuniumcipal c

IMT LOVE)E.?i Ol.d. — T,,., Yoikid* Oee.M.Jen. S.194S

Korora he Shiro lOEATH CASTLEI

,-e Tttobo —Bounced the fett the ei^t judged o for the first six




d Of the court' Teli 71S4IU — Nil PAIIIN* t six DKintha of

19S5 i He. PleHat NR »ea. It SAN FRANCISCO'S

Criminal jury 'civU calendar, preliminary' examlaatinns and court trials v, * • -Will be held m department 6 n..e. k

by Judge Xanemoto.

I Z^itoirhi Abare^Dakolllind StowdiV-l • rtlM Skirttr. Vhu.. Kubt. M.Y..I

SR. SEIRO WSDR<• Uc*v*« a* Ika *ticl-*ai af t»a eraal Tib»a> Um«

D>a Kae- e> ' Haa'** Le*« I'fa 4*d Suadari — It-II a.. 3-4


■ m. w iide. m Wei>w Sf.,Ut AeeMw.:*^^

Bejoratae C4kaa tot E*ary Oee.Oro ^AMY’S PASTRIES

— • -vee. Mar.lae ,ll<4 . La>l lAi An(te4GIANT MAilKTT.

Holiday Seaoon Gilt PukAi>a/4ad Saa-ba, • R ea C-i Fart... C«aL... ■ T.« C.

from SM» S4I0*i Oitcount with Cut Out orTMli


le fa) whi . Mn those whoare dtsomemg Suntorv It r< the lsoie wfanlv from )ipai -a hlMd of rare, lelerted whr^ rlimlM Ircan goMro Kantoharle. grown in tbe fnntinik of Mount Fun 4'S>l4hV* •I moft purvev-onof fir>. rpintf.or tbev canorde d im vou Pne smoog the beaer nnportf.

$10,000 to $16,000 per YearFOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT

(XiiiiemuLfCHIU sum SCHOOL


Sat aid Drl«i thi Rn IRoarsiB iMraui

PiTHOiini vuiun iiuoi

WRIGHT CARPnSalai and Iniiallalien of Quality Carpetinf

SAS7 SmH Mmiica lookvwd Us Angebs HO MU

iiliililwMmasA RAT xoad^ eoaotwT mm

i i- 7tf»STO IiMWIII I II ■! II II IIIMWIMMMMW !■ 1**^* RE 4-1158 ^ \

it S MfakatM from LJL iMonwrieBd Alrpai

The Sands Met*NtUI OWHI6 • OmAnD

M30 W, IbipmW Hwy. LA. T#l. 474.7W~ i Ilarnaa. Saa D-a«a Fw,. a.d Sas.i-ad. Il-d.-

jii Oalona UalN • Fraa Traonpartatia. Te a.d Fra- aka *ap» Hr. Sarroebbaard Sar.:« • Saiclan Haatad Paal * Fa-ilrMl aUa • liHla-la FM Rad.a t

^Cmdit Cardi Haaacd


n naaHS Paal * nm-tfom Vary RaaianablA taWi 1«

I IN LOS ANGELES: ^! the IwiBMS Mob's Haow Away from H«M .a^

The Cloud Motelj * Ulautat f-am Da-.lan. L.A., Hall, taiWwrt

3400 W. 3rd St, law VanMM Af*.l■18 Unit. . Oa.bla., C.., T.,.. . S.-ta. - LNNMI

Aparroa.K. Haalad Paal. Cwwpli>na.ia.y TV a.d Rafnea"** from $$ apl , SiQ jy. AAA ^

M...,;., P,r.«.r. WlLUkMt"

rotrl p»sod» boteL t;S

iabr n.

SECnOM.A —1»

igages in Contact SportTo Stay in the Pink'

.SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Mid ROCHE MEDl- CAL IMAGE thin piiKt y»r ni«ifr m&ny of UB Niwi, *hftiiWh» sjiine *jr»* «.< tb* well-Wnown chert Burj^eon. Dr. Ki.vo Twhiro/of Rome, N.Y., feel a JiUle breathlew afu>r rwwJinR ahmit his e^lrtte on tJie football field. His fatheT was the iwtioaanr bno«-n and respected professor of pediatrics at tha

DR. TASHIRO COUNSELS A PATIENT AT HIS OFHCE I'niveisily of Cincinnati College of Medicine . . .Thanks to Kew Yoji: JACLer, Dr. George

. matsu. of the New Yoric Medical College. ve^p(» \ ' . ‘ sent this remarkable stbrj* published last Oaober. X ^ ^ In the IMAGE... Piclure credits go to TonyjTri.

fdtt for Sports IHnatrated. B^ir.

A.GenerriSnrceonTPCentTj-dflshedontoafool. i«ltcms bis own activities moreBfield at Herlam.ef. N'.Y.. dvr*'! on a hrlmeU d^X after those of^oUior plo sifan. his father,

ajipouneed to- tke V feree !t;t he going Dr. Shim Ta.shiKL.who Uught at the University, to play defensive ' ' of Cindnnali Collcse of Medicine. ■ ■

Ostensilily, t!\crr v r.s.pot'ung .about. inddeirt. for the phyiicsB, Dr. Kiyo Tashiiti

Rome, N.Y..^as rr.MefiiTel;- for theildng riKPi-t. .•^nd h.- l'd lira ia.aas fidemt^i^r of theMd-s-'k V?1*ey Fakon?, c:n<>r1ca£U?^-^risi£«al fooU^S tcaB.*Wial } ei'tnuffdii'.ary. howevef, was Ht age. Mft was


i' •••• ■ 'i' .h .':i }*'!'■ "t

ffs .Toe.lhMnrri". wlsrc-i TA .-^U.n ilnsial. 41 tTjirire'Onv.-rly. a Qaartirtacfc

l^rvr feU/ir-gat 41. How di,*csTislilm acc»onl for Ids n'sKiy to rairi'-c in shj'rfcall-.* prudiog jrestn <*f fv-itiisdlT .“I

ril-t a s-Hind i-RstlalioM a&i a rkdcUl , ro- lunV hi! . 'ViC-i I tr> .4» i«:p 3«.\A.-if in

of T.!iy-c-r.-i'l-’Jti the .v.-or ani.ind. kre is notl-ing ■niahc-t w rlwut m.'-etli'd; 1 pnbt.v t';» dtriSioSi’ .nml rr.-i^raieBl ofctai fjyjd 1 Iw-p r,Ul vcr\- in snd TOrk.laonuLn.vt-.vdn£,:; inidfcc alluws." .

Fiviit«n. he t ■ :ri'< «•..!, h a r-iwcl Ibal n.turfly ‘qu !-^ "shoia i w of acUd!v"en'v,-hfrh good '

lone is ; t’^id'ac as wdll as ;d-^al mii-'i'lc 1 -r- Vi-.! .t W U nicet

■i-raiM.; of ;V-5dijr'- lai-ks ^-• i'.r,d:ti-!.iiig K>:-.r < • a c.-.[i.i!dai--- f -r injjp'.v.

Hr.Tiwhiro, v.iio :■ f-d »0 a-i IHH.^ has jils.vfd }iivJv-; .f#»>'a>ail !-:oie bi d i-. hiH ,i;n-s at tl.r T!.-:;••;•;'ity of'CmC-n-' Ki :!«-4r1y a qu-ricr ccnlurj* efo ihe nas a !ali- '•■i o.n l::c Cinii’Toali Beitrtf. erze b£ the pid-- sr pro tcafns). itis nose .was {r»ct;j.r‘-d twice in * esyj before,flayers were piptccied withiace

and'three nh.s. were fntclurcd l6 yesrs^ Ti when a xackler bwuight him demn.

•H I hadn’t kept in.vjdf in good i*ys5cal co!> he sa> f=. “I «>uW htrt Rate gone fo k>r.s

“^•'«t a scri!'ii■ injur-'” ' '

"ui Clnr-'-'O }V::?-Isr sad Joey F. oul.iianding U S. in'Aanen Cf the as ^^es of whetc' n-r.tfrt rh.v-riral UKnirjrcan ^i-'Jtointjuliiag perionnince ^fkienc.v widl fee- ^ the aWete’s OKtnarr ittirerwzft agt^xha

*'.My father.’S h* ray'. ••»?-. <.>ni|dddy de«M- caled'U) his eliiwr. and tr.iiliipgs, but he fre- one*)H.\- found urn* to unwind by..^peiidinR a fey : r»arfi at some sport. H" pla.v^ handball until he

. as ^ ei'4 to>*k up golf and bow ling when he p-as • r.'i. Hr .ivd ago at liie age of Rl, De>Ur

h’:m«wlf in piime phy.sical condition for more Dan ;’>>-ysa»>! and mn his last Olvmpic Games .M:i'i7iihnit wli«*n he inK 10. Joe)- Hay was Ct wiieu f.e ran n mile in T> numitt.s and .'io si<onds."

.Vs for Dr. Ta.sIiiio. theiv is no oTf season so ■far fls ai’tivity is concemi'd. Tlie fiNjtliaU season

- blends into Hh* liaskeUkall season—wlien he itlhys ll’r*!e to four niglits a week ^— and that into tlic Ivi.vliaU ncfwin, wlien he plays fasl-pilcli softball

• ns a pri>fr-fi;..rial. He skis, twims and plays some . tenuis.- Awi-^en his restless spirit moves him, he lifts woislil-s or?iirjiii4 and'jogs alwul an athletic firid. .

- •'He'ea! -! sparingly on most da)-s, stii king 1« a

higlj-t'!u|#io and low-fat aii4 lowH-arljoh.vdrale dsei, lint ne^er lakes food liefoi-e he plays. (••'Thfi caj--1tma}!euW -Vstera has enough to do without altendingdo digertton.") He sups at 9 or JO after ji v.tHkt'u! anil on game nights at midnight. He

. ir.oels li-inids la-fore n gume, but on hot da.vs he lakes tid'let.s and small quantities <>f*waieiv Hi-iwd ht< hist risuette lit ywra Jigi). ^

- Al-rt to physiologic sign-s of athletic "old .•ne." Dt^Yariiiro noie<i during the past softball

that his eje.s are now a. trifle slow in 3t\»imni‘>dating. 'iSluiv ^>it*hes and loojiing fl,v

■ throw me off on my timing, and 1 have toLc'itatc fcr a/ractien In get a fiv' on the ball." ItK-lelm e«ar*> iSaf be Hoes not lUlaware that h* does n<>l nin as swlfUV

he did .r decade ago, but he was clocked at lO.R se-.tmd; 'in'a IfO-.'ard run last .«won and he be- lidxTs that • thi.s is fast cnougii to catch n»st of

/ se-.tJi!


Ti^e ^r l th;.t Dr. Toshiro i.«'a general sur- ^pe .ti and that lie v-111 !*e 18 on Nwember 8 d^‘

l ot appear to make any difference .to opposing pia: era. They knock him about as roughly* as ever. Bai there has h(^.n ond change: "Afurr an excep- tior-iJh' hard knock<fo«." he -6a.^•^ "a pla.' V * 'U sometimM ask. ‘Are you £D ngfct. Doe?'”




?HOOD RI\-ER. Ore.-Fred

■ . minM KuMchi lad Ckuity Aki>-»- ■ \ * ma, co-chaimui for the fin'

0^, JS'^'S'.xS


ui ’ , . 1. . « “ ow*tA4*iu v.«iuvs m* w

«.■»»" •' u. DByA STS”*»■ ^“', '^''._____ ______ ____ ______ 5. lA.! T«

Btent of Ol* dowrmown ere*' ^.moaunni »ik»________ »-r- • -_________ ur o<CenlraJ City, w H PueWo. birth-*»d C«tr*l Qty eommitue F*AM. B end U lo-! 'leeine here been taviied

' piece of the city. "U. eee tbet thie viul work A 32nfl degree Heeon. ^'ina jfrooi the PorUend Md Gr^•Jleav of th«« totem*- ^ .. .rceleoied «hrioer eod Knight Teroptor. '*''^ . lebea erea, A poeeibletortU-_ progreeee* eft *n Bccelereled^ ^j^^,rdtog to Ibe Jepnn N*-|ijoB toKhe Onterio are* «» be-

<eod Cry-pUc Miunnir Bodie*. tiooal Touriet Orgemeetioa; jog coosidhred.CemreJ Oty eonuntttoe end Vn L. Gordon, preiideiit <rfi 1» Mrtropelto {the Ni«ei heart epei^iiiliBt to Ui«t ere.Bow well over thirty

Ciiy Plaimtof Dept.; ipe Doa-ntown Buetoeawnen* -The heart of oor oty muel the eon of Choyei Koodo, bowling ceotere to Tokyo.. . ________________ k. 1-.1. loagtime inetmcior of l**ej F«e ere mtber high, eveo by

1 Centra] City

report, prepared by uonal cenien ire already in 1* „mayor Samuel W. Yortya iPe deretopowiit aiage," Ro-l*“^ Centra] City eoamittee and ten L. Gordon, ureeident ofi H


CJEtotetpriseikt.of Guadalupe, CalifM«

grama which would pre dw- ^j,-,^^ of that are*- The Vorty told an earlier pre^ 37 ymra. » the fir* Ntoe.

_______________ .pul ‘'‘"“VaVrlineduriagloB by the Niaei bonder* of

tlBcl eharerter and ]nlily to eech neighbortl^^ APPLIANCES - TV . PIANO

night. I weekend* i

■in, UA ^AU pieuon and w* hope lor re-committee chainnan WalterEkwatod pedeamanwaya. eloraUon of the Plaia'a aouUi j. Braunacha-eiger and Calvin*a a fellow <>f ^ «'* 7*^ ri

Umpplw ™iiA «,bw«- «A- .W. nd.aiAA th. oM Pk«!H.rtlt.A d.™® of ti. Ciiy ”• "■»->" “~"A =.■tioni and local bua atop* Hoitoe ' and other famou* planning DepL

a Aogrte* central city a Sdutheni Cbliforaia


____ __ The plan * aponaore potot


r cf three children.

Murder of mother-to-be shocks Southland residents

Yamashiro qualifies for Million Dollar Round Table for 8th year

■AUH, u “ .... .— —A ■ J4. A. line c iCAt-ein* it imab.Southland heart* upon »eeing! |_ 1 c— j>„a, jjoe* to^“'”" ............. ....tbe beautiful wadding '.h, of lbri*n- !“X '^’^“ Calirorai* - Wetoera Suiea'lu*(taken b>-Toyo Miyatake) of____ __ w he«,l«*

mi by 1980,Initial implemcntetloa ..

LOS ANGBI.BS - The a h««tT Wow over the head. !lbe Onlropoli* Pteport will; SACRAMENTO — Bill T.,»a a mrenber of the Million of tragedy amick manyi * nolke re\e*l»d h haa ** ipearbeaded by DBMA'a YBBuahiro. a member of tbelDollar Hound Table to 1958,

—-------------Witohire Salm Agmcy of ijuat two yean after coolract-;tog with Cal-Weatera life.

IJfe Inauraoce Co. baa been, ui AWtiv. ■cniot

lapproved for a Qualifying^ „^ber^jand life RepeaUng Member- h„ teen a qualifying and life ahip to the 1965 MiHKm DW- meob* Let yearUr Round TaWe. jgjl.

Thto recognhl« by the &- j^^ntog theecuilve Committee of the Na- ^ been outaund-tioeal AiBociaUon of Life Un- He ha* been named

■ r* marka the eighth


Th* Fined in Hem* Fumithinqt

3420 W. JeftMMi Ihrd. UiAnp^lt-Ul-TZil

rwi Si- .1 • MA*toa

■« ■*- ?• ------------pwUy bride, nee Takeko ShF taoka. wfao delighted audi- enrea aa a linger ailh tbe Taiheiyo Band. *•** the vk- tim of murder in her own! bcane purcbaaed two prior.

i. d«ny.

Mra. Uyemura wa Japan, noving here family to J957. The Uyi

itha raa were married to 1962. Tbe huaband to owner of a land-

■ VA JN.Y. cartoonist, ."lA^jKuwahara dies

LOS ANGl Pnaideet'a Top Ten

ttanea to tbe neck and atruck work.


337 6. HR5T ST. Phone: 6254197


.-f >MuZ^SUSHI U|





22t Eot» Hrst St.A

kA«rt< Cwiom* fchim •

Ijr Smnylm^

AAd >.d Iwo bn.tli-JAL to exjMind service

SANFRANCISOO —Japan,oOwr global route*.Ah- ti«MM will tocMie Ita' BeCa-een Tokyo and IiOadaa>BeDO'of Hotlyaood. •ervicefiomSanFVaoctoco tolJAL wiU tocmaM aervice via] Kirwabara. born to

parlindm to ^ came to ihe P S to 1910, at-

llarrytrf Tokyo, and “**»«*. * vay t Honor Agent for the

^ ; month of Novemtar. Th* wto- ntog thto thleVtt'* •‘ath!

tiiit he haaVon.

A e*»a FUc* «• fd Nmr t* MIAiielrt ICtoied Tm«a»ril

ii.***.. . L*i Aj.1.1.Kmi. (»r .11 OcciH

6uH*« from $3.00 Aj'ktr.’.t, f*«atui SUHSn ILVD. I

Dinners frem$)J| 0»» »> till,

*m euMewm

' tended Otie Art School and Honor Agent *a-ard•won. t to 196-

mtahiro Tint qualifiednounced by Shigeo K*»eda,:f*ll at .V*w Dtobi. a new port a-ortted at MGM and DLmey

ache^le tha Japan«M fUg;P™«“‘- i 19M by the EWdom Foim- •_*_ (| bmiIIimcarrier will offer three moror I On the Polar roiAe between; jpr ou t a t a n d i ng ^ lIlllllOIItog.departur*a—on We*.*a.'the Ortool and Ku^. JAL',pj,ieve«ent to b r I n g 1 n g «iMld dfifll(toy., Friday, and Suotto,-. Iwill add two jve;to1v n.ghu.',j„„i , better undrrtoanding TTeCie 0901 ,to additiott to*Uily •fternoim|atkiQg a UAW W Ta'o^ U,, American way of life MOSES LAKK Waah. drqiarUirm from Ston F'lan-lof tbe PWar fiigbta will call ,^ iheTiald of cartooniarf

- • Airport.!»t Oopenbagee and Pari*. ______________

koa.CHINESE DISHESIM A 1« Sir. U> Aa*toM.

PkM* Order* Tehee MA 4-2tS3

■.-.u-aA 'DHTiTtorttir* c«ih*^7

All fUgfati t^l aleo caH ' i Humtulo eeroute to Tokyo.

JAL currooUy opeewmlb'*'* •"« daily ernnrice from San Fran-]^-*| «“:_

t to Ham- coMtoiic to

dailv ernnrice from San Fran-i‘-“«“- Lrieco and pirn a wihedule of' The PolarAnd SiU Road

e; MOSES LAKEL Waah. Two Niaei, Hafry' Maato ofMom* LakTand Kay Kobato

Mrs. Misa Saklirt Stratford, .re among four - SEATTI.E _ Mra - 1 a

Sakura. 84. of 3015 - 17th *> time to handlefive fligbto pw week during eerrice* together p r o v i db A'e , who cam* hero ^ year*

•“ ---------jppJ ,j5, „ , • picture bnito • died-----------

_______.Dec. 1. She U'eurviired by KnownWithin‘Aei*. JAL will to-'Fcn* I»«e. Theodore andIncluding dally BorTtliig|

flight* from Loa Angelee to-...................................... lat.l'

iSly rught* beuremt .

-B. . T^yo-lfirng Kong,lh>**itl, all of Se«tto: 9>e*-** •*MiUwukee: <toug^ra «TOO00 lock tow-wa.

48 boural<eerv)ceioii tngiu* per w*eK,,.<a. «in>wu»«w, uaiighte.

______________ ________ ^ tocliidtog JAL-a firat daily Mra. Th«.dore Jue. Mra.^P* P» ‘^*;e*rrice brtwoen Tokyo and Georg* KaahiwagL Mra It wiU begin bt- markeUngl

jTaipel end alio between Ralph Kono, Mra Daniel fro«o French friee.Other Bento* 'Taipei and Hohg Kong.iKida. ai] of SentUe: end Mra. The four principal*, i

Populamy of JAL* eerrice I Plighu beaween other major LJacob Kaneaki. Clifton, tog aa direeton and offken h**a)aoreeu>tedinadectoioo|ciUe*hi Japan and Southeaet,N.J.: 24 grandchildren and bought S229.900 worth of to meraae* flight* on JALaiAato will alao be intreaeed. [eight great-grandchildren. atock._______________________'


^||L SO Much MORE



the new moon

H Era.IaiH Sk«t*~tj Im


syjsJapan /Ur Lines offers you so much mor«: Your lovely Japanese-speaking hostess. A magnificent modern DC-8 Jet Courier, furnished luxuriously and decorated in the classic Oriental mo^d Warm sake. Rare delicacies auch as tsumemi mona Pius detectable continehial cuisirte. And most

' imoortant an airline service unique in all the world. Your hostess, trairied since girlhood in the,art of graiaojs service, attends your every wish.

• Indeed, she seems to anticipale them, ^'et this ontaue serrice costs you no more than any other airline. And to make j-our trip even morVjmfoyable, you may sfop over to visit fnends antf relatives in sunny HawaK at no extra fare. Whep you fly to J*pan. enjoy this travel experience unique in all the world... fly Japan Air Lines. And when you're flying within Japen, you'll find that JAL offers me best connections and the ssrne fine service •you enjoyed over the Pacific.

CHOOSE ftKJM IJ «TS A WEEK ro TOKYO L*m /mm Em AnpMw eyery e*y •<c*er Mone*y. /rom S*n Franoaco Mwy Oty etcett TuMMy w DKraday...«to from Hanoiufai fto cKws iff I? S—>01*' W»»< apwit or


( ^

OfhcetinLMAiietoM. S«n Ftwxmcc. Seeato. Nwr YoA. CtBceee end otfNC late* oiira


................ |.-9..r F.t*«- X., Y-kl-.u A.*..r.M N..W,_


When in Elko ... Stop at the Frualf

Stcckmen’sCAFE . BAR • CASINO

Elke. Nevada

Sl.11 *W Shh T«U-«4»

TAIt'S »■* Cr«RA«w, Ul A*«.Utai-l.tit)

Hem: Tto takaaiM

A Tasteful Gift This SeasiAJHfO-MOTO’iFor Family arfcJ Friends-”

PKki*. eMc cf: “f '“Fmily Sii. -2801. rm RHJar Sii.- lAotTin C<wbin.lion -3>4o.. Tin » 3oz. Shakv-

Fr« C,i>: UbI, w ul bnl. uuu ia uuuth. U.W

AJI-MO-MOTO’ BAMBOO SIFT IAvailabl. *t dl food storM


4 Funakoshi

lac^^N.- Ye'k S*®**

MACMOMK,..: AN !•«»» ‘

UMJagPreo.Uf 0..r 21 Yn.

llMi W. «.»M Am-AXI41M


FULLERTONu»iN«t a lOAN AuecunoN


UpholsteringKIKI CRAFt —g;E=..OS-VaffOt Ay.

• tE4.3f7SCb<*< • T.fO K«b.l. ]

— $••• Ir Mill —Ar*wni Oaitifi eairaMaarf

• Cvrwt taf«PaM 9««t«fy

• Inwed Smiaf*


STUDIOI E«> Pint S(i«a iM Aaqalat 12


WL-A1IAddw««:>tockt««.aW. (MJpWkTwi.Dl*Ha All Po»«* irOfeconShewal «« yuS-.................................................................Dr. a*d Mr«. Joe OiK-kl. A*J TEmBf. 655 K. W. Mb 6c.


yo R'inting


1 5»cepi a• Mr. a»d Mi*. <i«rsr K. Bah*. 1703 S.tiBcoln St. «M> __ _ _Mr. aad M«. Fr*?K nobua. 1917 S. El T»«ra«Jo S«. /06' Nc Hf*. TeJ fUehlra aid FaalB^ 2350 Si. IMtb Art. >lr. aod Mr*. IMrlS Fojil. 6?1E .«ev*«th St. .06. . PonlaadDr. aad Mr*. Kyartb K. FojtL U2R S. ES IVnado^ «06> Mr. aad Mr*. FrM OaiOl aad Fbatfy. 1«1* ^. E. l»b

Ai-r- PortUadi. FnjtL U2R S. ES IVnado^ «06i

Mri Bfld Mr*.« V. Hacie. 2*5^9 W. Inman Ave.

/4- Mr. aad Mr*. HarrY S. HaraiJiinA,

30b< Si,r .lf«r|ain St. .06.r. and Mr*. Art tirtaka. 116 W. Andmrai St r. and Mr*. Frank

e^h*rn California?, . . Sa* v» in

-i-g Orang* County


Hayo*U.RMltw(.(lit — Hirry Fgrg»i. .0411*. J*« T.gilmot.n i. Marfcor IHd, Atabaha. CMH.


Mkrtea. C^.

TReiw M244



MA 4-1ITt • La* Aaftlai 1L Calif

•'s.Tc;ircpT;;;;ti;'iu 1-nts


PhOTOh'.ART....... w A—.-mutetaMa mum

oAfinomiya <SiuMo

3S3 EaHUtSHaat MAV27I3

Let Angola* 90012 California

ilfei1511 S. Califoniia St. <0«1

su atTsuaoTOi*r.*.*".'** Si**i*r a Sck**J

Plumblni; SIwpUtTS t SUPPLIES brtiri 0»r $a»ei*l*» —L fraad. Laa Aagalta


■ laacath* WfN

•Mr. and .Mr*. Sam Ita.ra. 1710 Pnnrrton HMi Mr. TrtMia Kaln. 16H F..-.Vi!hui <06>Mr. and Mr*. Hrerr Kasama. 123* Stam«n Way <07i Mr. and Mr*, firorsr V. Mal*BmAl«. 3811 Cal P.k) PI.Mr. aad Mrt. Jark MaWamotn. 9348 Hickory- Una (OSi

' 9(r. aad Mrvllaarv Mnrita. 803 E. First St. Am.Frank Morttn. 344 S. Garfield Ave. <03.Dr. nad Mra. Joha I. Moroamd. 1245 N. Edtaoo St. <03« Mr. aad Mr*. Fred Nakn«a»a, 1844 S. Hunter SU (OS)

iMr. and Mca. Rearr MaUaba. 8321 Tetraea (l»)VMr.aad Mra. Harold MUa. 2072 Canal Dr. (041

Mr. aad Mn. Tbn OkanoU. 431 W. Jedferaoa SU «»>Mr nad Mra. Joaeph Onaelil. 1105 W. E3 Monte Ave. <0*1 iDr and Mr*. RrlJI OeEzaka, l933 M'. Rear Su '03) iMr and Mr*. Teddv Saikl. 1927 S. Grant St. .06)Mt. aad Mr*. Bill Shlma. 9036 Hope Une <05.Mr. and Mr*, tieorsr S. TaborhiDr. and-Mr*. K. Takri. 2431 W. Men<kvino Ave. .04)Mr. and Mr*. Kenji Tabeorhl 73« F.. Second St. .06)Mr. and Mr* Jame* Taaji and Jeffrey. ,

1666 Michipin A\-e. (041aahita. 319 %V. Oackann SU <06.

IMr. and Mr*. Noel Aaakawa aad Family. Rt. 1. Sox 234.Sandy »

iMr-Aad Mr* Shlx >a«»e aad Famfly. Rt 8, Boa 638 Bwm* !mt. aad Mrv Joha Ota aad FaaiUy. 32» K B- 18Stb Ava,

PortlandMr*. Frank 4'ttHa aad FamiD. Rt 1- Box 630.Mr. and Mr

BonnRMr. aad Mr*. Ma* Sanilrt and Fb*«t. Rt. 1. Boat T5S Bor-

: inRMr. aad Nr*. Jor Kata. M'ayae. 18805 5.E. DirtaiOD StraeU

)Mr. and Mr*. Jadi Oartuda. Ru 1. Box 70. Craakam IMr. aad Mr*. 4>«^rp Ru 3. Box 074. Gtaahaa|Mr. aad Mr*. Bay ShHId aad FMy. ^ 3. Box 2«. t^rw-

iMr. aad Mi*. Hawley Kata aad Paady. RU 1. Box lR7. Creaham

^Mr. aad Mr*. Hrwry Ka^ and Paady. 7620 6. i IMth Dr.Portland.

Mr. and 5Ir*. GeerRe M*klmtira and Jerry- Rt 3 Box 1007.

’onlanriMr. and Mr*. 1o*h KiaoakM* aa* Paady. Rt..l. Box 263.

• GreahamMr*. Raa RiaoaUte aad Paarily. RU 1. Box 40.


^MERIT;Dr. KenRo Trr*»hlla. 319 W. Oackaon SU <06) 1'Mr. and Mr*. I.i« Tanaeka**. 528 Spnice St. (06);Mr. aad Nr*! Henry T. Waklmoli.. 133.5 S. Uncoln SU <06) ‘ ^Mr. and Mr*. GnnJI Wataaahe. 3105 Moon Are. <04) Mr. aad Mr*. Mirk SaUapa aad Faa^. RU Z Bex 21%iDr.aadMr*.Uii«.laYamaciieki.2306Telerr*phATe.l04) < BorinR \'Dr. aad Mr*. IJneola VamaRiirhl. 2306 TeleRrapb Ara. (04) Mr. aad Mr*. Klya*W MahUtWRad Paady. RU 3.

ra. 350 W. Third Su (06 < 1i Ml*. Kd Toohlkawa. 350 W. Third S

CHICAGO JACUo Addrevies. ZiP o06 p.uj t*'0 d gm sho-yn

RENT OR WT _____

SAVINGS Tamoha Piano242E-KretStreet,leA. 12, Fi.».< s.«« i»»0 j

nahka Ktii«v t Co Phone MA 4-1434 ANOELUS PIANO SERVICE Ch.ceoo Addf*&&e* ZiP 606 te.*o do<i* stio-ynH^:10u«.toSp4B.4iAay ibr. ^X G^r^T. Olri^a^id. aad^««.SAtartiyi;10yn.te2pm | uh ». *^-*4 ‘ 8547 S. Avalon Are. UP<.

PTaeFatfciBr | ^j , „ ,4,,, Imu Fomikn lamlankL 4515 N Beacon St (40)..i iMr. aad Mr*, f.eonre T*W aad Family. 629 W. WelliartMi Mr. and Mr*. To*h Otdao aad Paadly. RU 2. Box 204, Bor-

___________________________________________ ! Ave. <57<. ' • WRHlrcKhl Nakxmor*. 831 W Waveland Are. (13). |Mr. and Mr*. Newton Thkaaktea aad Pamlly. RU 3. Bax

1005. Greaham

TAKAI REAin CO.1200 W. JiFlirr** ll.d. l*t A>«il.. II. Cillf.

844. BorinRMr. and Mr*. Ma* FajHaata aad FaaNIy. RU 3. Bex M4,

BorinsMr. aad Mi*. F.dw*id FaiB aad PamOy. 1516 N. W. DM-

Mpn St., CmhamNr. aid Mrv Ed Hoaaw and PaMtp. 4646 S. E. HtMaea

St. PonJaad

Ucem* Preeirtr •

- H»llf»»eJ • EcLe


0*tM T«*i< Om ■< tbe Li>fi>< Sil>c<<eei S.- O. Sfl*<r.«h 2421 W. JeHenev LA. U 1-712)

C«.y Eddi* t. N«a«. JOHN TT 8*00 8 AttOClATtS ’ iu<i Eu«uINAKAKiURABEALTV CO.


BU t-sei r. CA 1424


aji Nprlfester But Co.

Lw AtetlPt jRBinHt ML** rhlye Toralhim. 900 W. Nenrnn Are (57)

AsoeiiHon Mr*. Siimi HijakL 521 Brompton PI. <57t. Ink Toralramv 1414 W. School St. (57).

Pr.I.Kl*.—AIHAIA INU A«T. A.k*r«.

0**tiu.Kekrtb.114 S. Ped-e. UA R.4D4I

ANSON T. POJIOKA. *•••• 201J12 E U* . UA *.4»J.

|Hr. aad Mr*. Georfe Toya and Famlly^jQj^Box 1139 AA. ^ ,Mr. aad Mr*. Ma. NahaRawv 532 Demins B1 fl4). • |M,. uti Mr*, Kaxxaw Tkiaxta aad PaM|rilU 3Dr. Hl»a.UE.M1toteaadFkm|}y. 4071 N. KenmbeeAve-l Orep* Ciir \ -

ii. X ■ Mr. and Mrv ROW Sgaaowta aad PnMM. RU 3,ak*bay^l.'«23 W. Adaau St. (13) 1

tl C..I' Cuarj Aneteir.d

HIU. CLASS \rpw»irl*l nd flrni-t Crak

_______ _____ '823 W. Adaau St. (13)Mr. and Mrv Bkhard M. Noomr*. 6814 W. Deroo Atv.u^ ^ PamOy. RU S^Box

I tl3). I daleTom. Ro*e. Richard. Elaih* and Janet Okada..37S2 W. Jeita-iMy. „d Mrv Him TakeaeU. 10234 K. E Ralmy. PortUad

Mr. aad Mrv Tom aiUd aad Famfly. RU 3. Box 1006. Grm-

.'Mv'rtMu.. maeti rtn I

Fli.e.. 141.Sa* M.>.« 0«;<«. Ill-t 2*JAe*.

142.R10t ____


la, la'it *aac* 1 « C*^>f tal Jaa. Ua>. Oa.<a. Ka»«a(a. ( Xai^a A4tm «.■ Ha-aaa Tad H>a>-<M


tar »*a Na-tb-ait a*d Alada Oal al'Stata laaScnai lar.tadWEST'COAST MARINE

Wa>b(*t>aa r SeUTASHI

^..■Waatar taa. Cai Sa.Mi. (2041 EA s nn

) AL 2-7|ikl

<0 5 7*0* Dr. aao .'•U*. **oiu aaiuaBimn.. -.o-v ... ...n :....e>uaTa IM AXY »i4 t‘i.i Hl** Sami ShlmUU. 321 W. Schiller Su (10). ror-^a

*aT f-uo» IMr. R-lAad Harm. N .-“J" am, Mrv SMsao ON aad Pklly. RU 3. Box 763. Ttmifi-itit 'iHeUTt INS.

J Sr<’

a^”Mrv Maa Mmachi aad Pkadly. 10060 K E WygaatSt.. Por-Oand

it I

«, -a ■ a»4


t*> Dal MaM. — SY d-tltf. MU 1-4(11

■U -Nir HA4ATA

\.,_l»^rl'a.-a------- -- 4.S71

>OM T. m. Pa


1 M..I rml, Tmlalaai. Sl<« S. Cr^.U M. l ....; . . a| ' Mr. Md Mr.-m. Aafc. at a B« 161 D. G«dw»SeioaiiCicist flayspscr:—

land'Mr. and Mrv Mio Uyatako aad FamBy. Ru 1. Box 310.I Trouldale'Mr. aad Mrv Ckarlc* ItamL 4429 & E 67t^ Portlaad


’Nir HA4ATA 11ra.Y—14*7 *acL Ha>*>.'

AN*|.4tt4 free speechers'CRL-VITR PRODUCE C0„ IRC.

arcLaaii _ F-uiti aad VH«>*bl*6 '

’• kai.abla Sardiea S<aca I l(]» S. W.6«ara A-t, Gardaaa. DA 14344. FA I-14S4 lU W. Carta. Sl.. Tarranca. FA e-MCO. SP i-ltOl 11714 S. Craaiha. Il-d.. C.rdaaa. Ill-nil

287. . 124 $. S.a Padr. Lat A.Ral... MA 4-1134

ir-iH:T.?m — MA 24ie4

wHm n ff SMAn 10 OH oBRi—<m*—-■




sr. aae mrv unarm imma a*a» o. a. wdiat.rftjOsqiSCO — Prof-I “it »akm yon ImJ oofaleiMr. and Mr*. Mds Itaml. 4506 8 E. 67th. PorUaad

--ilr^TBOMOS.IHVESIMBIT SKliiaTB-onpn.1 tauddbl. n.uM th-1.., but wb« W

puniUre action ia threatened : “I bebeve the FYee Speech demand amneeiy.Movement ie no lonser “In other word*, they wanteeied in free epeeeh." Hay«- erpdit for martjjddm without kawa told an audience of.600 martyrdom- at ihr teneral eemaalka -If you don't want the po- forum on hia (ampuv Uce to uee force, all you ha\-e

do u so quiedy. But i'

UiTad Saca-liat — Ualittad Sata-tia* — U„(a.l Faadi ' Jaa«a(i* 4t*cV> ADR — Jtpaaau Dallar taada

Ma«rl>inPi>r«kaia Plan

KwuEST .... CAU KMma.fl.iygr




you inaut r* snms Ump. tney JAMIS 1.0*A^A th7 ;,ivciwity admtniatra- have U. dr«S you-and it ma>'

Hayakaww predicted that

Salai 'aad Aaairt'i


DUakM l-llYl



triangle1 HMERt, IRC.' J44I N. Sraedeay. CMco«a, I

Caiaelata P*e*a Eaaiamt.i-tuaaliai

na-vaa—a |ri^*ig6«-• It la excitins to, eiupend ,p^h could be

Ithe prr«»»4* of thoughl in ,t Berkeley quickly|f*vor of marchms the itreeu tj,e j,Loanns tdacardt aloft. Haaired.- •_______________

6 Nisei ioekeys ^945 y,j||,

San FranciscansARCADIA—A recoed mun- ^ .l»r of NiMi jocke>» •■ill be pr^NCTSCO Dm-on hand when the SanU a».^hins the old and uaherin* U track opeaa Dec: 26 Jso b, ,heleu than five will be »c«Pt-,r^ert at the annual San;-, ins moMU. headed by veler- Fraanaco JAI3L New Year e^ an George Taniguchi dance at the Sbe**^

Other* are R.oy Yaka.Pala (Mitchell Shirola. T [Nakagawa and R»y------Ixpotentire J o h h Kunitake chaaetw oalyi, favor*.

... ------- —‘—* aiwl TT.

Tokyo!BankatHema. it's easy The Sank of Tokyo way. Bankby tfai1...*e pay postape both ways.

REMEMBER THE lOmSavings deposited or trans­ferred by the 10th of any month earn interest from thetirst...

The Sumitomo BankOF CALIFORNIA

Yaka.'Palace Hotel'a Grand Ball- omae nsom- Rudy Salvini'e oreh«;

Nakagawa and Ray Nakama.itr*. door prae 'to early pur- «>tire Jo

may enUrge the Niaei aggre- maker*

SacranwiteOffiM StnAoMCWice • Lm Anieie* OHm

UDOIeuftnStrwi • 44JS741

---------------------- lW)».(ir$r-.CroMhaw Omot • 3810 bewM- . L A CardwwOFtaa • 1241 * •mm twe* t>rt OetmadOAe* • -«'*m-t«

44411A1 S4»l

1 W 7-mil

Eagle Producem-FU S. San Padr* St. . lAA 5-2101

" Bonded CommiKles MckUbU — BTiolesale PniiU and VageUbles —


ua MAJOR iaiCALHEALIII PUNM1.I JACL C««rtn R«c*«M*d6 n»» Ce*6id«Mfi«* *• ^e** *k»

• "• ». Ik.

CentAL CAUIfttNlA OlftaiCT councilHil. Kg6«l.' 27liN. Akfc«Y 5<„ t.l. 2U-k'7'

PACIBC SOUTHWm aiSTWCT COUNCIL JAClO«)t» |7i W.U.- S- L.iA-^tl.i MA.-447I

Why Should I Fly > Canadian Pnc|fic^ t

/ 6«| ma*> »kort#f vie VaneMvwe iBm «e HmoWa ,

/ Deyliqhfelltkowey

/Jdo Caeadi." vlt*. f ad via Vaaeawar, Caaada

THE42« 8.


pAtl. CMIKS. 6«..r.l A*Ml




son's Greetings From Friends Across The Nation-------- ®------- ------------LOM lUCK-HAIWOll Utl«T. oirinis JAM.

All Put OHku in Ul«hPillLADELPIIA Met

(All Put OH'cn in Perm* «xc»pi m no*M.)

Tok» ud MMtr iMwe •■4 Ptoiiny. RwU 1, AffleneftnlD^rU ««d Mmrtt Aduu. 88S SU^ ATe., OimwelU

Wk Ut^ uH!MfcWT0 Ai»wlyfc 43 Bolton UBAWflliafboro.Rawa nail DutOe Kano and Ljma aad Tonmr Sm, 4SS0 ■ ^ j

So. 9tii Eaat. Salt Lake CSly. ^ IHoincr uifMiroko BaaaeU. 410 BdfOMOd Are„ FOtagnMr. aad Mr*, din TatMka aad Fkinilr. Route 2. RireTton. I’-O. Box 2S8. LanadalcBUU and Ida Tateoka. ReM aad Dorir Ann. Route 2. River- Stoi *"d Beltr k^ado. Bauie. Bk^r. Boaafe. S932 Devon VU.

U«, - Philadelphia M. B. r. aad \lr« Mayberry. IWM Eart 27Ui So.. Sah'^len Tnuixea. 627D Parkview Apia- OedUajpwood. NJ.

' I*ko aty ,Enneae Gi>«a. 4334 Pine 8U. Phfladriphia 4Mticvra aad MarA MoleU. Dartd. Bette aad Daaay. ndO'"'- *—»• “«!?? ^air* . [Taacis aad May Hantada. Paula. Khoda aad GrDownin^on Ate.. S. L. C.

__ V.k... e_a.L___ A ■iTnacis aad Mat Hantada. Paula, t

Kollow Ud.. F.R No. 1. Box 250. Perkaaic

SAH FRANCISCO JACLJ San Frantitco. Cam..(ZlP 9dl) p»ua h

ahown.> diglnl All addrouat; Long Baaiek. Calif. 19^1.

■ di9iH) axcapi a» fietad.

doAn aad CWbl 1-aaainoto, 2060 Greenwich SL (23). 3aae I'ye^ S5S 16tb Ave. <1S).Dr. aifford aad Hedan Lynda. 450 38th Ate. (21).Paul aad Jody Tralje. 2780 Califonw St. (15).CdlM aad BoaaUad^. »>xabeUi Aan. aad Beaaaan.

SJ5 Rlh Ave. (IR).Dr. Hlne* aad lAuni IWamorl. 1916 Turk SL 415). Bin Taukamolo. 386 27th Avf. (21).Mr. aad Mra. Baa TkaeUmola. 43* 28th Ave. (21). Marahall and Miaako Sonida. 2135 C^orala St (15). Suini'* Tarkle Shop. 17241- SuUer St (15).Btm Sooodi. 715 44lh Ave. (21).Un and Noboe Sodoko and Fkadly. 5759 UeigiUii Cirrie,ft* ^ »«»«>» *’5 ««»> <«)• *

Murray ■ ‘'Wr, Arthur. Nttaley aad Heary Haeada. 2500 Pme Su j,r. ,ad Mr., Sin .Seiki. 1733 Sutter St. 05).M. .M HI. PJ-rtc. .I';'*-3______ __ _ , V... .^1 D.K, S.1.^ 0.~lb.. KW.FmV R.P.A. ififi r rwTrV Itit Mr. and Mr*. Ma«np Harada. 2500 Pine Si.. PhiU.,3 ” 1^50 Klrk’ham SL (22).Boh. dlil Sato! B-ut JortUn. 306 Surrey ^ Onrr*- vii«tel. Sato. 1650 Ortavi. St. Apl lOl. (08).Ka,. Ta.1 »1 H™* 66» So. 13U. Eat. ^ Ch-a.t SU PMU. 1M»

Charfea IDrokawa and FaaiDy, RJ>. Ko. 1. Haitaun Bd..North B-alea

Mr. aarlfra. daBMU IDndnwa aad FteaHy. BFD. North Wake

Mr. aad Mrs. Dick Herteawa, Snwa aad Ana. 306 RotrnAve.,

Lake (Stv.Ken Nodni. 75 No. Stale. Orem.Vakto aad Ted leahl. Route 1, Weat Jordan.Sak aad Teeh SWha. LehtSalfc aad Jae Afamald aad Pamfly. 310 Sarole (^e. Salt

lake(Nly.Harry aad Hetee MlteaMca aad Faadly. 3666 So. 1(05,

East. Salt Lake City.Georyv Tamura. 6681 So. 1300 East. Salt Lake City.Tosh Itnmoto. 3168 Dorie St.. Salt Lake City. 10139Prank and Sadie Yortitoiura. Saaan. Sandra and Debbie. Kaz alnd Grace Horlta. 2014 Byrd Dr.. Nornatown

3065 So 2600 Eaa!. SM:. Mr. aad Mrs. Joe Icarashl. Allen «ad Bob. 328 GreenwoodRaz aad Hannah Nanha. Jon aad Janie. 2500 B'wt 5400 Lanadale

South. Salt Lake (Sty. _ _ , _ IsvaJL mn Ikeda aad FanOy. Prince Piadrick Houae. Apt2-C. Villej- Foi^ Center. Kins of PnMda

Mr. and Mra. Fred IketCMAL 2314 Fanhion a- Mr. and Mrs. Novo Kata. 9315 Rooaer. Belffl^'2 Mr. aad Mr*. Blebard HDdda. 1800 B’. Uwxde?* Mr. aad Mr*. Frank Sad.raiM aad Faadly. ^

A\-e . Wilmmjrton. 90744 " *•Mr. aad Mr*. Steve Kobnta and Pamffy, 2Wi iw . Mr. aad Mr*. Fred M. MDa^ aad Fkmfly.

3633 Dmver Ave. (10)Bkbard Haaki aad PaKlly. 5434 Stevdy a*.

Lokewood. 90713 ^Or. aad Mr*. Mauo TkhcahHa. 575 E. 19th St ,i. Mr.' aad Mn. George Min. 916 Frinte Ave ^

90744 w ^Lonhe aad Jaak* Rlkawa. 1517 Parmdo St (lo, BUI. Fndce aad Baady Maaaka. 1635 W. Cute. n. Mr. and Mr*. Boy Shlba. 1642 CaliTonila Ak m

Ph, 591-2130Mrs. Hartiye SaKo and Family. 2D41 W. OduBl^ . Mr. aad Mrs. Geonte 1031 E 4thT„Dr. John Karfdiuhara. 2158 Pacific Ave. <tm ™ Kim Kay Matanmoto, 8032 Baltic'Ave. (ID)

"■yne, HBi

Herbert aad MBko Horikawa, 1522 Roteneoa Ava. Havcr-

Mr. u^Mr*. Shojiro Horikaw,. 5502 W^ut St. Phil., Xi*hi.-tl'lOth Ave (18).■ Mr. aad Mn.. Donald K. Negl. 2324 9lh Ave. (22)

J. Nakunolo. .Iraerieaa rnb. 1836 Bucluaan St <1S). Nakahara Jr., 1731 U£una St (15).

Hewy ud Helen MilanL Mark aad Elatee. P. O. Bo^ 87. ESberta. Utah.

Nte aad Hazy Mabnnooil 8915 S. 7th East Sandy.Tom Matwimoil Dongte aad Dteae, 8915 S. 7th East

' Sudy.George aad ToMde FBJiL 5089 9th East Salt Lake Ct^. Tosh mad KIk Hcdd aad Fkndly, 9146 S. 13th East Saady.

PUCER COURTY JACLAll P051 Offices in (UWomi#

Mr. and Mra. Jarfc Shlakaaa. Rt 1. Box NrwcwUe. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Nakamnra. Rt. 1. Box 323. NewcasUe. Mr. and Mr*. George Kaaabate aad Fbmlly, Rt 1, Box 673,

Neavastle.5Ir. and Mr*. Bunny Naktcawa. 128 Vnlley View Dr.,

Auburn.Mr. nnd Mi*. Hugo NbUmeto. Rt 1. Box 1140, Anburn. Mia* Jaaet Taaaka. Rt. 1. Bc« 1655. Auburn.Mr. and Mra. George NiohBmwa, 103 Andrews St. Anburn. Mr. ud Mrs. Kay Tshemoto aad Stealer. Rt 1. Boot 112L

Lincoln. ^Mr. Harrr and Harriet Sawabate. P. O. Box H. Newcutle. Hoaazd sad Spring Naka^ CbzoL BaaeeO aad Gieaa, Rt 1.

Box 321. NewoasUaMb* Ellea Kubo. P. O. Bo« 524. ^Cenryn.Mr. and Mrs. George Ubakawa. P. O. Box 122. PetuyiL Mr. aad Mra. Hike M.. Vno aad Peggy. P. 0. Box 51L

PenryTL- Mr. and Mrs. IbdeshI Tego. P. O. Box 42l iMtate.

Mr. aad Mrs. Gewrokn Ikeda. Rt 1. Box S6L 1 VaUe>- Ave- UooRatown. NJ.

fiaboro aad Mbdilyo laonye. 4238 Spruce St, Phla.Tom aad Sami Jaeobo aad Fh^, 126 Greenmd Bd.

Cherry Hill. NJ.Mr. aad Mra. T. Kaatme aad Family. 2SS0 Ctench Rd.

GlenaldeMr. mad Mra. J. KIknte. 306 Surrey Rd. Cberry Rfll. NJ. Roy aad Ynri KHa aad PuaDy. 1232 Wayne Rd_ Htddon-

field. NJ.Rev. Dr. Harry S. aad Mn. VaU Komna. Pou

Apt 1816. Phila. 3UTT. Lon. 832 Rue St. Phila. 19107

Lonbe 8. Maebara. 2430 Pine St. PhUadeipliiaL 8112 Algon Ave_ Pbite.llcU and Bin 1

Tadafani Mikariya. 1102 Buddaglam Way, 1 Nobn SOyeeU. 15 Park Ave. Upper Darby Hr. aad Mra. Tab MeriaebL Fred. Agae*. CaroL Nancy,

Fellowship Rd., Mooreaiown. NJ.Mr. aad Mr*. Don MnkaL Karca, Snihy. BazWs and Stevfe.

30 W. 8th St. LanwkleMr. aad Mrs. Tom Marabaml aad FkmBk 30 Lanrd Kin

Dr., Cherry Hill. NJ, \Dr. aad Mrs. K. S. Nagahashl aad Family. 41 Betsy Laae.

AmblerErie Miaoni aad Biteaka Mtta. Grace, Dteae and DmmM.

545 IJnden Ave. Do^deatown8. Joha aad Aan NHta. JoaMua. David, flereaee, Giea.

Howard and Wayae. Lanndale Mrs. Hktsue Nogadil and Robert 125 Paztvlew Rd. Strat­

ford. NJ.Mr. Bay Yamaaald. Rt 2. Box 2045. Auburn.. - jMr. aad Mr*. JInflro NUhimnrs, 26 S. 55lh St. Phila.Mr. aad- 5Irs. Klyoto Nfskhneto. P. O. Box 83. Peoryn. l^rge and Helea Okazaki Jeae and Aten. 215 PeenbrixAMr. Rioirhl Yamaaald. P. O Box 5I», Penr>-n. ' ^ -Are.. Laasdale* . ■

George aad Kaxne Oye. 710 Su»im»-SC. MediaHr. and Mr*. Kazoo OkahayasU. 5917 Ognete Ave. PhOa. 41 Mr. aad Mr*. AUea Okameto and Fbmlly. 215 TsUy-HoDr.

Ambler ,Mr. aad Hrs..Howard K. Okamete and FbmDy. 1732 &atzy

Dr.. Dreaher 19025Rev. Jobe T. Sakngaehl Ardmore Ave; B Oetf Hoitm Rd.

Ardmore 19003 j \Sbig aad Mari Sane. Bex and Dorte, 15} E. ktVeraon St.

Hr. aad Mrs. R. SUma^ 1716 IMloa Rd. Maple Glen Dr. and Mr*. H. Tom Tamski aad FbmDy. 1522 Saady KOI

Rd. NorristownMU Toda. 302D Morris Ave. Cram Lynne Hirosbl and Grayce Vyebara. 1505 Maribora Rd. Wert

ChesterWamw aad Mary Wataaabe. 2218 Locust St. PhUa. 19103 Ayae '•A1-- aad Helea Yamaawto. Sosenae, Lteds aad Kartw.

nr>-n.Mr. KoiehL Lyeao, Rt 2. Box 2322. Loomis. - Mr. Didc NKhlmnra. Rt 2. Box 1170, Roseville.

PUYALLUP VALLEY/JACLAlt Addrstret; Tecoma, Weth. 1946^1, exeapi Dr. and Mrs. John Kaada aad Fhmny, 904 Bonnejl Ave.,

Sumner. Wash. 98390. /Mr. sad Mr*. Tom Tbkemara aad FamDy, 3924 Gay Rd.Kaz. Mauye. Dadtay and Erale Tsaaae. 1500 & TrtMOa

Ave.Dr. aad Mra. 8. T. L’cUyama and Fbadte. 1002 Fife Hei^

Drive EastOr. sad Mra. \letor Morlyasn aad Pairtly. 501'HaniK« St.

Sumner. 98390.HD. and Mr*. George Ota sad Family, Rt 1. Box 169. Sum­

ner. 9S390.Bob. Uly. Greg A Becky Mhakari. 4524 20th St East Joe aad Bevvriy Kokai aad Fhmily. 7811 Wilkcaon St Akl aad Jo HajashLaad Family. 1017 McKinley Rd.Tosh A Hlroko Tsubel aad Family. 1906 FawceU Ava..Yoah Koeal 7631 S. Alaska.Mr. aad Mra. DakU Y'eahlo

Ave. 561 Maple.Mr. aad Mr*. Joha f-qjlla. Saafira aad Paela, 652S-20th St. Kcl« Yano. Rt. No. 1. Bo]i,265. L

East. Garry and .Mlvo Oye aad ^^y. 124George and Cor* Morakaml *ed Punllv. Rt. 1. Box 161 low Grave Pa. —'

Sumner. M390.Mr. and Mr*. Frank Keawte aad Family, Rt 1. Box 155A,

Sumner, 98390.Jack aad Sarah Sagbaoto aad Famll)', 1333 FawxeU Ave.Mr. aad Mrs. Bob WaUaabe and FamOy. 1119 Ardeaa Rd.

EastMra. Aiay F- Hashlmoto aad rbrnOy. 1119 54th Are. East Mr. aad Mra. To}o Yotsanye aad Family. 6518 Valley Ave.,

EastMr. and Mra. Tbrn Knramoto aad Faadly. 2320 54th Ave..

East.Mr. and Mr*. Yo^ Kawabate aad FamDy, 2910 Dale Uae.Ur. and Mn. Hire YagaeU aad Family, Rt 6. Box 638.

Puyallup. 98371.

Mr. and Mra. George Ti Mr. aad Mr*. Teteae Yamamoto aad Mkkac) TabasM.

Newtownand family. 7307 MOtMi Walter aad .Naacy Taamaald. Denais Beet aad Trade Dlya.

Ave.. Doylertoan

_____ .M. SasaU. 531 CabriUo St (18).Mr. aad Btra. Engcoe 8asal 915 Ansa (18).Mr. aad Mrs. Kog. Ozawa. Carol and Donaa,

3008 Pine St US).Ekhl Ota. 2208A Pine St (15).Dr. aad Mn. Jerry Osaml 320 11th Ava.. Apt l OS).Tad. Jane aad Cbrtettee One. 1533 Jsekeoo St (09).Stma T. Okamoto. 560 California St (04).Hank aad Hari Obayashi 1763 48lh Ave. (22). ........... ..........Dr. Harry T. Nomura aad FamUy. 5011 Geary Blvd. (18). Mrs Frank T. bhlL 6487 Rendina St. (15»

................................. ................. ................ .. ;Mb* Fraace* A. idiH. 6487 Rendina St. Ill)•Mr. aad Mr*. Bill Hlrooka., 1244 Fourilr^,

1.0* Angele* 90019|Nr. and Mr*. Cabby Iwasakt 2041 Ave (U

Mr. and Mrs. Artbw NodbL. Suzy aad Wi

:Mr. and Nr*. Sumtfnsa Fnjbaato aad Praak. 7430 RmDo»-ney 90242 ^

Eddie aad Alkc MorigaehL Edi aad Mark.. 550 20lh Ave. (21).

Sblg ud Be Miyamoto. M 323 nth Ave. (21).

Jack M. Hayeda. 1848 But Jack Kanaka, 365 California St (04).

iMr. aad Mr*. Allan Kobata. 279(7 Daiay Av*. (|p ■*Mr. Goorge Inert 2010 CamerDn St (10)'Dr. aad Mra. David Mhira. 2148 Shipway ivi-GS)

PARUER JACLTrtke aad Mkkcy Knrrtwa. 761 27th Ava. (21).Velma aad Marie Knrihan. 34 Hugo St (22).Ynklo aad Motoko. Emaamoto. Emyke. Lawnw» aad

Ariedk. 146 23rd Ave. (21).Kobo'* Barber Shop. 1604 Port St (15).Iris l*ao Kojtma. 2023 Hyde St ^).Lob be Koike, 267 24th Ave. (Tf).Dr. aad Mrs. Hllilaffl Kiynsn. 3641 Oenent St (21).Dr. and Mr*. Bobeft Klyasa. 1255 28th Ave. (22).Dr. and Mrs. Klyasa. 3649 Oemeat St (21).Satorn Iwnmaaa and Pbmily. 615 20th Ave. (21).Yokio aad Mary Inoye. 552 20lh Ave. (21).Steve Ikara. 747 22ad Ave. (21).Fred aad IrBne Jloahiyaam, Ooaaa aad Mathew.

1474 48lh Ave. (22).Kd and HeJeo HorL Kdth SoleU aad Beat daf,

24 Tamalpais Teraco (18). •Bbmi Hoaaaml 3622 Fultoo St (18).Tkxy. Ye aad Marcia Hlfnaslrs, 1908 Ana (18). WDltem ROdde. 39 Iris Are. (18). .Dr. and Mi*. Toknf Bedaal aad FkmOy. 775 34th Ave. (S). Mr. aad Mr*. Hartea Bayakaw* aad Atea,

418 5th Ave. (18).Mr. and Mr*. T. Fnjiaeda. 454 S9tS Ave. (21).

YMkhanra Fageilmagh. 73 Alpine Tccraee (17). Mr. aad Mra. We* Drt. 2645 FranUia St (23).Steve and Char Dol 1521 Larkin St (09).Ed aad EIrte ChuBg aad Karea. 558 16th Ave. (U). Hatsuro and Amey Alxawa, 711 Anza St (18).Lucy Adaehl 3145 Waahisgtnn St (IS).

00 W. and Uly AbOut and Jdaa. Graee Beth,Wmteffl sad Kenneth. 741 Arguello Blvd. (IS).

Victor aad Yoklko Abe. Soaaa aad Sbaraa.725 19th Ave. (21). '

Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Abe. J545 G«ry St (15).

WHITE RIVER VALUY JACLAll Abbesses: Auburn, Wash. (89002), Bxcapr a* rwtod.

Mr. aad Mr*. Saace Shbnoflm*. 2405 Auhnni Av*.Mr. aad Mr*. George BawMakL 28T12 E. Valley Hwy,

KecU 08031.Mr. aad Mr*. Winiam MaebotL 14 'J- St. North ^Nr. aad Mrs. Thomas HDdda. 210 ir St. Norti East Mr. aad Mra. Fiaak Nateahar*. 622 W. Mala St V Mr. aad Mr*. Hire NaU. 927 40th. North East

aad Mrv mroahi Nakayama, 11828 & E. 282nd. Kent 9803L

Mr. aad Hr*. Kojl NorikaBe. 820 IT St North Wmt Nr. aad Mra. »ig Marakaml 34036 W. Valley Hwy.

Mr. and Mra. N. J. Del DavM imi ChrtetooW 7603 S. Zediker Ave. ^

1 Mr. aad Mr*. Mia Dol PhyDls aad Careie.14066 E HuBtaman. Selma. Calif.

------ > Ebaaor and Betty Dot 7603 S. Zediker AnMr. aad Mrs. Harry Icekl aad Laaiva. P 0. Bm 41 Mr. and Mr*. George-iadd. aad Cart. P.O, BmW Mr. and Mr*. John Kaahild. Jo Ana and Cktele, pfi.*. Mr. aad Mr*. Ted Kataora. Amy Lyaa aad

16375 E. Ltecoln Ave.IRalfh Khaoto. Kerry Shari Ana. Baady aaj 8mb

7433 S. Smith Ave.

!Mr. aad Mfl James KonU. Bleterd. Beal I Sleidm. 15006 E. Lincoln Ave.Mr. and Mr*. Harry Kabo. Larry aad Lortb.

6628 6. Newmark Ave.Mr. aad «r*. Bfehard Mlgakl Hrtiry. Jw mU

15120.R. Aitems Ava ^l|r. aad Mra. Sam Mlyakawa, Joe aad DoM.

58 HoUywood. ReedleyMr. aad Mra Tomfe Htyahaw*. Keivte, Aflhv af

6417 S. Smith Ave.Mr. aad Mra Nonnaa Htyakawa, Korw aad

P.O. Box 507 ^Mr. aad Mia Fred Nagara OeraUte* aad Gorda,

17301 R Dinnb* Ave. Reedley aad Mra Barry Nakata aad Mark.1S527 R Saginaw. Kin^nig

Mr. aad Mra Gerald M. aad Fkaany,14794 R Adam

Nr. and Mra Bob Okarnim, llCmiy Md 8a 11630 R Maaabkg Ave.. SMim

Mr. aad Mra Krago «aaml Loa An, Gregg irtlt 15332 R Adam Ava

Mr. aad Mra BrnmU Oto. Dteae aad Daaa*7454 S. Meodoeino Ave.

Mr. aad Mra Bm Tm>H Lyle. Gardea aad «n. 6409 S. Newmark Ava

Mr. aad Blia Bill Watemara Billy. ITnhirla. BhdLte aad Jariya 6229 R Sndtb Ava

Baa Yofteaae, 9650 S. Zediker Ava

aad FamUy. Rt. 1. Box 161. low Grave. Pa.Mra Yesnke H . Nakaao. 1Q9 Park St. PJdley Park. Pa John W. Hunter aad Faadly, 516 Evans Circle. Willow

Grove. .Pa 19090,

Mr. aad Mra Tau Ntektemr*. Rt L Bo* 69Z Mr. aad Mra Ma.Kato aad FamUy. 7616 8. ZUad. Kent

98031.Prank aad Irear NYahhaoto and Soa Terry, 22112 lOSrd PL,

NJ. South Ewt. Kent 95031.leron Road. Wil- Mr 'aad Mra George Saktta aad FamUy. 3419 Star lake Rd.

lUr. aad Mr*. Frafik Okimoto and FamUy, 1506 W. ftoeker, ' Kent 98031.

and Mra Joe T. Nishbaoto. 3526 AnhillB Ava

SAR BENITO COURTY JACL(All eddre»»e*: San Juan Bewrbia. Calif, except n noted.)

Mr. aad Mra Thkeiehi Kadaal and FamUy, P.O. Box 315 Mr. and Mrs. Kay Kamtmoto aad Fk^. PX>. Bo* 261 Mr. and Mr*. Tmtee Kamimoto. P.O. Box 233 Mr. and Mra Glean Kowakl aad FhmOy, 191 Uimtoo Via*-

yard Rd.Blr. aad Mra Yodd PiJHa. Uiry, Z»a*B aad Aten, 22D7iHr. asdMra-S Nakamoto aad FamUy, 1880 Saa Jnaa-

Sicada Rd., East Puyallup. 96371.Ur. aad Mra Ben Yoohida and Kelly, 7123 MStoa Ave..

EastMr. aad Mra Snail Doga aad Fharily, 4098 Gay Rd.Mr. aad Mra Yoah Dc^ aad FamUy. 5516 - 16th. East Mr. aad Mra Maynard Nomat* aad FamUy. 605 Wood Ave.,

Sumner, 98390.Frank. Vee aad Term Mttnhaml, 2U0 Frank Albert Rd.


Hollister Rd.Mr. aad Mr*. Dmmlt Nhbita aad Fmally. 570 Bnee Rd. Mr. aad Mn. Frank Nbhlto aad FamDy. 570 Breee Rd. Mr*. Gladyee NiaUu aad Jerry. 570 Breee Rd. .Mr. aad Mn. Isaac SblngaJ aad FamDy, 460 Breee Rd.Mr. and Mn. Shabhi Nlaklda. P.O. Box 4Mr. and Mn. Jee Shtegal aad Fhmtty, 460 Breen Rd.Mr. mad Mn. 8am Shtegal aad FamDy. 1450 Saata Ana Rd.

Hollister. Calif.

SEATTLE JACLad sddniiet: SeeriU, We.h. 1981 t fwn dl9»»

if et noled.shown I oxcopf et noloiMr. aad Mn. Hlrsm Akita, 3422 17th Avenne Sooth. (18)Nr. aad Mr*. Jtro R AoU. 3007 23rd Ave. So. (44)Mr. aad Mr* Joha Aold. 1308 South Maaarhiiartta. (44)Mr Albert D. Bonn*. 1429 S. Jackaoe St (44)Mr. aad Mr*. George & FbgamL 4208 S, Orcaa. 08)Mr. aad Mr*. PhD Hayaaaka. 5616 S. Angnrta. (78)Mr. aad Mn. Sad lahlmltM. 8636 36th Ave. So. (08)George IwaaakL 1103 26th Ave. (22)Mr. aad Nr*. Donald D. Kamaaa. 3042 19th Ave. So. (44)'Mr. aad Mrs. Tbk Knbcpte. 9817 S5th Ave. Bo. (18)Mr. sad Mn. Jane. M. Mateooka, 2806 18th Ave. So. (44) ’3;-

|Mr. aad Mrv Wiliam Y. Mlmbtt. 13801 Somenet Lane SR..

MITA BARB&M JACLAil Addrauee: Sente Sarbere, Calf. (931 plm teof

ezeapt « noted.Mn..Nao Aaaktirn, 30 Avee laae (06).Mr. 9*d Mn. Nobora Aaaknr* aad nmBy,

d54g AUacadero Dr. (05).Mr.^ad Mn. Akbn Itedo aad FtenDy,

680 Ricardo Lane (05).Mr. aad Mrs. Jtan FuFta, 2604^ IM SeidMr. aad Mn. Tom Fnkamnra aad FamDy,

480 Harvard Lane (05).The Fokam** Faadly. 120 8 Voluatarto St (CR.Mr. aad Mn. Hiroahl Goto aad FteaUy.

612 Ricardo Lane (05).Mr. and Mn. HUe aad Fhi^,

Doa PueUoe Orchid Co., (Soirta 93017.Tom Hfanahimp. 6195 Verdun Ave.. Gcdeta 9Nfl<Mra. Amy Hlnta aad Steve, 1122 R DeLaGmmfBID aad LadUe Honda, CBttntd. David. Faal mtm

4905 Rhoada Ave. (05).Mr. aad Mn. Ikey Kaktaaoto. 63 Ruhio Bd. (W- lad Kaaetemo. 712 Spe^ St (08),Ken Karocnml 302 Arr^o Rd. ((»).

and Mr*. Harold lae, rel Pearti Grove Law P •Mr. aad Mra. F. H. MtxoaakL 3049 Roothfll Bi Mr. and Mrs. D. R Manaao aad FkmDy,

1122 R Or U Guerra St (03).

Bellevue. 98004 Mra. Kkni NakaalsbL 8236 16th N.R (15)

Ogawa. 1308 R Terrace (22)Mr. aad Mra. Ten Sahmhara. 1514 N. R Ravezma Blvd. (05) Mr. Ted Taalgndd. 3917 ISth N. R (05)Dr< aad Mn. Tvmiire M. Toda. 7003 S. R 32al

and Family. 367 Maple St., J*3*nd, Wash.Mr. aad Mr*. Mia Tsubota. 644 Randolph PI. (22)_____________ ____

Mr. »1 nuMrj. 5M. Hiv-Md. M..:"'- *'“*’• ““ «r. ... M,.. M».r. i:«. I«P{ 12U, So. <«)

Mr. rSH",!' 1.0, Eo, C,o.d, Ri !“'■ ^ FREIICH MSP JACLMr. aad Mn. Ted Maanmoto aad Fkmlly. 819-21rt St. S. R- xi____ _ vw*h-. .-a nw-iiy * a..-,.,. All Addre«e»: French Camp, Calif, excepf

Puyallup. 9SS7LJim aad Hattie Itead and ThmUy, Rt 1. Bo* 196A. Somner.

883SaMr. aad Mn. TWa Shlgao aad FbmDy. Rt L Box 317. Sum-

aer. 96390, ' .Frank BUgao. 2110 S. Ttexoa Ava. Saamar. 9839a Mr. aad Mra. Mb Aaakan aad Fwrtly. Rt L Box SS4,

Somaer. 96890.Yoah aad Mrtly Aaakara aad Fkmlty. 2904 Itert N. StSay Otaata. 1S45>; S. F>wcrtt Ave. ’ . noumter ho. /Hr. aad Mn. Veeb Ihnahe aad FamDy. 7404'Miltan Ave. Mf. aad M^ I'oneiehl YamaiAa aad Boray. 1942 SmaJi George M. laakM. Ctey. nad 6 KUa. 1219 - 62ad Ave... HaUirter Rd. • f

East. - 1 .-y

Mr. aad Mra. Ttwma ShteioahM. 741 MeOoaDal Rd. Hoi- Urter. Cklif.

Mr. aad Mn. Hevy Yamaebn aad Phufly. 1880Way. HoUteter. CaUf. '

Mr. nad Mn. Boanka ^aamoha ^ Fb^. 1948 KOkgart Rd. HoUteter. ChHf.

Mr. aad Mn. Tony Tamaoha aad FbmOy. 1943 Sea Jaaa- RMltetorRd.

Mr. and Mra. Tbdao TamateU and AkljL 2184 Saa Jpaa^HoUteter R4

nofed.Robert Toenteaga, (Prcaideat). P.O. Box 144 John. Fbya. Naaey. Joyce aad Baby Fo^ P.O. Bo* 270 Bob. bfoe aad Roberta T-ww.*. 747 oa> St.

Calif.Gonrge. Katto. Jeaaaa. Dean* aal Deaa Koman, Rt 1.

Box 355Mr. nfd Mra. Fomte Waawnotn aad Faadly. Rt 1, Box 635

S?.Toak, Terry. Gary and David Hotta. Rt 1, Bax 748 Tom. Naaey. Sheryl aad Stertteg Nmlsskara p;0. Box 478 Mr. and Mn. Hire Shtemote aad FamDy. 1628 S. Cbliforate

St Staerton. CUif.

1124 Lae Otaa Ave. (05). -Dr. and Mn. Yo*hlo NahaR. 435 Can^Mr. aad Mn. George Ohaabl and Sosaa.

152 Alameda Padre Sem (03j.Mr. aad Mr*. Joba SoMl aert FbmOy. f

209 S. Canada St (03). . ^Dr. and Mr*. TatUo Sozakl 4036 Naranjo IR M Mr. and Mn .Gore Takeocbi.aad FamU.v.

419 Peach Giwe L^e lOS).Mr. and Mr*. Mamoni TkWhi aad FamUy.

331 ColunUrio SL ((Ci.Mr. aad .Mn. Joe Tabata aad Faadly.

814 Uilpaa-StJOi).Rkkard H. Mumra. Jlemite aad Jaaet

Doa Puehlae Ranch. (Stdrta. 93017.Mr. aad Mra. Tom Tanaoda aad Stealer,

120^ Quiniento* St (03).'Mr. aad Mr*. Oaemr Uyenaka aad FbmDy.

1236 E. De U Gnerra St (03).Mr. and Mrs. Hktoo Cyoka, Jim. Jen.

4815 La Gaasa Way (06).Mr. aad Mr*. Jw Wateobe aad FWnOr-

104 S. AUao St (08).Mr. mad Mra. Akira Yamada, Gayla, Terri

329 Sanu Cniz Blvd. {051.Tomok* aad Baraml Yamadb. 210 S. VoteM«»‘




. Mr*. Aftai. 124 Hilncul 4^ Midway. LuDcb. Rl. 3

- Mr* i. IluMdA. Rt. 4 M «ir«. Cho. NtahHuL P.O. Box S29 M Mr«. Woi. Nbhiokk. Ru 5

BsUmota. Midwiy Lunch. RL 3 jjlf*. K»y Vnnwnoto. Rl. 3 Jmc*. >Un VMxnhlto. RL 3

N<inpri?^«t^5«l j Mf«. Ju. Fatvihlr«. 523-6U> SL No. ExL j>tr*..T. Hiralun. 503-Slh Su No. ExL t Nr*. S. HmyMhIdo. 231 Lon* Sur Road

l^hthara. 1003 Ninth Si. South ^ Nr». <»«or|S* Koyaaa. Rl. 1

N Nr*. Paal 4TakniehL Rl. 2 Tirada and FaoiJi.T. Rl 1 «

jNr*. Tad Voahkla. Rt. 3 N »m. Maaaba Va«ada. Rt. 1 I Nra. Waova Tanora. Rt. 1

£a^a. Idaho 33360'N Nr*. Thot.^Runri. Rt. 2 -N Mr*. YoahJo ThkahaaU. RL 1 dMt*. Xaa. Yamada. Rt. 1

Wilder. Idaho d Mrt. Maa RUo. -RL 2 d Mr*. Mlchlo TakaaoicL Rt. 2 d Hfi. Kay Y'aaada. RL 2

Greetings From Friends Across The NationNOUrwOOB JtM. aidllATI JACL

Mr. and Mr*, do* Swki 121 N. Boonie Brae SL iMt Mr. and Mr*. “Mata*" KimmmoIo. 1636 No. Occidental- “Mata*'

: Blvd. i26i^Mr. Alan “Chleo"

(26), 1636 No. Occ 1 Bird

oiitHa MCL(AN Addrostev Orraha, Ned. **o*p) a* rwod)

Mr. and Mra. F.ncM* Kookap. and Mark. 2a06Jdt-rtJa St.Mr. and Mra. TnU. K.roiahL Draaie nod P.L 1722 Maaanor ^r. and Mra. MWler Fatunneld. Bianrhe. IhritM and

s, '■

All Addrat***; Cincinoati. Ohio (4S2 t Hro d)«rH (hewn I aiieapt at noted.

Mr*. Klyoko Mataaab* a«d Mke. 1306 S. 33rd Sl "'*• Torry. 2733 Robera Aee. (30)Mr. aad Mr*. Bobl. Todera. Bart. I'aleria aad Coltaea. 4067 Tak and Sachi Kartyn. tWryl and An. 1061 Fuhn»a Bd.

Valiev .Si, .J6>Ka> and Khni Nakadol. ^ 23ih Ae«. |r*in>. Mltal. Dtnnta and DMmm Kata. 3471 Mse SL (20l

o .Aada ajrd Yakia 4T14 N. 30th 8l —» um » Mori Mj. ■ -*IU-. s.""oi,L;r ^Ray Mamta. 503<> Stratbiaot* Dr. (27)

.............. W. 30th Sl (18) *<''*• Roy HirahayaaU. BooaM. Mmkm and RaMn. <>»(« Varlta. 3303 Moeller Are (13) • . .Nrv MlUne Sofa and 226 N. ai*e>..»».e pi S106 Q St. Benny Okara. STT I.owoll Art. (20)

(04) Mr. and Mr*. Robert NakadoL 314 S. 52ad St. Mr. and Me*. Ooat*# Ok*n. 677 LowMl Aen. tSB)»r. In. 395]:. M.i™, A«. ,29, «“•«. »•»«. H»1 ... T-kl »l.te ,275 A™. «0)

..- «™.H™.n.S59....«,l..6B.SAA.,l,..,PI^ ^^ H,. B-M A..., .W A»™d.

2.=ia... ,u, -:::■ “i i!- .A5;:f.^-C5.Vi.A.5L.«.K.™,hA„. '“T.rRS't.rr^Ar*'.„A A. C„«.,«l, ..... ..1^ T.K R.-, oa.

Mr. and Mr*. Rat Saha. 120 N. Bonnie Brae St. (?6)Mr. and Mrv Sidney Kanltak*. 6610 Oiureh SL (42)Mrv YaeU Skiataai. 3714 Effie St. (26)'

!Mr. and Mrv daiaen Kaeakara. 266 3 6 S. Coroaado St. Mr*. .A*a.v*(37) Mr. aad M

iMr. and Mra. Fred Qcaaannin. 4518\ Wtltoa-brook Are. Ru»»*ll. Rboadv Ri*e, 4M1 Jat-n* St.(29) ' Mr. aad Mr*, i.ary Fniaaaa. 1324 S. 60Ui St.

Mr. aad Mra. Et* ................... -

Mr. and Mra. Oti* H. M,165)

iMr. Allred F. Mek. 1835 Raft Aee. (28):Mr. aad Mra. damen Rondo. 4216 Cumberland Ae«. (27)

iala. Idaho 13628 Ha aad FamSy. Rt. 1

3732 Kaaauca Cl (27)Bm aad Alyot Vaaaao<*l. 1277 RuUedca Arc. (05)Mr. aad Mra. Yo^U I. Ra«&atra and PaaL RL 2. Boc 3D.

Rockwood: Tonn.Mr*. Thoa. Arina a

d Mra. Stephen Rirai aad Fatally. RL 1 d Mr*. Jao. Kabotaml aad PamUr. RL 1

Mrt. Sam FnJiaUa aad FaaiUy. Rt. 1 Mr*. Mana NKhIhara aad FamBy. Rt. 1 Mrs. Taka Kora aad Famlle. RL 1 Mr*. Frank Taalkuai aad famDy. RL 1


There**. 4605 Daveoport St.Mr. aad Mr*. K. Patrick Okurn. “OlM Gaitioa Road

*^"**“^ ■ ‘^"***“ Mr! and Mr*.' Fr^ R'i^r^*!^ N^sl^d SL

!Mia* Dorothy KaUno. 3609> . Bellevien-Are. (264 M^ Bora Towa|Mr. aad Mr*, dark l*bU. 63> N. Rampart Bird. .26) 'Glady* F. aad Wayne T. Fkaakh 4502', Waiowbcw.k Are. Alien and Nobako Kullivaa. 19 Mania Via*. PL Crwk.Neb.i

(26) Nebr. ! **<'»»»epolt», Minn . (554 plot Two Diflih Shown)Panl. VirxinU and Mark Kankami. 2225 W. SUveriake Pmarlae* and TenaMM Cabrerv CUK No. 3. Box 3504. idamw and Mar* Knmda. danr.'Ante. CBaHm. 0028 &aae.

Dr. (39. Offutt Are. Nebr. , «m A,Aiko nnd Artito. 1707 Rmlcliff SL (26) • BAert and Ymkl DaBacher. 4 Nebon Dr- Offutt AFB.^Xr. aad Mr*. Ted

j Mr.^WdaaMtSkmnoa*.*'-'------- -------------------------- North .221Mr. aad Mr*, doka F. Ahw. 2200N. Ylrta del Uar <28). arrie. Council Bluff*. It.

iRaby Cbnmaa, 2265 Caa.voo Dr. <28). Mr. and Mr*. Noriaki Okada. 2005 S. 5«Ch Sl|Haro and Koio FMlnmkfana, 6617 Ncmda Are.. Cannea NRTLAVO JACL

Mr. aad Mr*. cikartM M. HMUmm. 3404 BeUwtie Are.' _ Portland Oe . e>cnpt a*, rto.ed

I. San Aan. 3601 Major Ara.

(26).VnU aad Ckarlea KaMyaton, 1148 N. Coronado l^rmea

SALINAS VALLEY JABLAddrtitai: Salinai. Calif. 1931 plui diglit thown) ud Ayako Abe and Famitr.' El Caralne Rml North (02) lad Maau Abe. 150 Hitchcock PuL (Dl)

Coolde Hlbiao aad Fsnilr. 711 Oampua Are. (01) ,3'i tad daaw HIjtakbl aad FanDr. 845 Psizfajc (01) i

Hlraao. 14 S*iii{ Brendan Way f02) iMr. aad Mrs Harry Y. liakiwada. 4521 W. 11th PI (19). aad Ya*nko Ilda and Faaaily. 702 Vaaiar Are. «01)'Kay aad Hidao Inuao. 2434 Miehehor*oaV(S9).

aad FamUr. 561 S. Went St. (01) iFred aad Sumako lasksabi. 630 N. Veadoma.St. (26).lataMiBl llaal aad Famlir. |derr.r and lilliaa l*oiiaka. 3635 Moeoo St. (27).

Santa Roaa Av*. <011 Mr*. Seiko Ubimani. 1626 W. 37lh Sl. (IS),deeoe fteda aad Dona. 616 Sbenfood Dr. (02) iDaaar aad Va Abe. 9.S3 Lucille Ave. (26i. .Edith Ikeiaoto aad Family. 1265 TMec St. (02) Mr. aad Mr*. iM*«lEeilm*. 3115 Berkeley Ortle (26).

aad Mary lwa*ota> aad Family. 7 E. Uke St. (01) Mr. aad Mr*. John Kukuohima. 1743 Redeliff (26). lUce aad Famllr. 335 Amheant Dr. (01) {Mr. and Ytr*. Hraiy K. Hayaabi. 5217 Marathon (3S).

Kaaow aad Familr. 536 Liaeoln Arc. (01) d Alko Kkaara. 46 £. Rmaie Lane (Oil

Southeast (14) Tamo Kaeakayaohl 27*6 Colfax iiuth (06) Banry T,jO«aaebl. 1501 Hatnbonm (03)Rd YarnaanU. 4249 Banrd Arc South (10)

|Ceerge aad fae Atamaae aad FkmUy. 3109 S. E. 75th Are.< aad May Ea^w aad Family. 16527 S E TlbbeUa Sl'

iDr. aad Mr*. 1(191

t. 5150 WenUrorth Ave. Sotfh

Henry E kUklM. 110 W. Diamond Lake S^:^9) Mae aad .\*U Harada. 3217 net Arc. SOuO^)

iWaltac pad Vuki fWlcaml aad Family, no S. E. 79ih Raymond Tkaaka. 2815 13th Are. South (07)Arc. ' BIU aad AakaBlmbayaakl. Ran. Larry. 7433 iMAva. Sooth

.deka and Mae Bade. Ban. dudy. I^nm. YYetnr. 1136 ^ ^73)Oak St.. Hilltboro. Ore.

Marian Han. 2326 S. E Ash SL'Dr. and Mr*. Georxe S. Kara. doka. laalle. Nancy, Goorxa

Pfcylll*. 37(M N. E. ITih Are. * . . ( 'Dr. aad Mr*. T^I H-uB- aad FkmUj, 1716 S. W. Tiny ^ 1'. i \

St. \ VDr. aad Mr*. Paal SrSklmlM. Dlaae. taniy, Oin*. 2751iSMt aad IJUy Hoage'and Family.'2625 K. E. lOSth Ave ' ^kou Are (16i

'M^'M'd Bob KatV2719'Future Sl. (65). iderry aad Grm« aad Famll.r. 2019 N. E Morfip SL'**'' n'**(Mr. aad Mra. Wayne Rata aad Family. 3449 Dmcaaao Dr.'Henry^aad Toaki laUtaal, Mifkairf aad Naaey. 336 N. E - 5124 Wmadale Sl (2»

rry aad Fuml Rita. 612 E. Romie Lane (01) (26). 1.6lb Ave.and Aike Kitajl aad FamU.r. 532 liaooln Ave. (01) Mr. aad Mra. Paul Ckiaa. 470 S. San YiceaU Bird. (48). Arthar and Teri Iwaaaki. Bobert. Stephanie. PaaL Ckriati. ^«ad Heleo Kltail and Family. 469 Cnbrillo Ave. (02) Mat KWilvem*. 555 N. Brooaoo Ave. (04). LeaUe, Ri. 4. B<« 133A. HUlaboro, Orefon. ** h 7fio,

L. 343 Puehk) Dr. (02) uoda aad Family. 543.Archer St. (01)

•rty” Mlyaaaga. 176 Shenrood Dr. (02)Rotk Noda aad Family. 2T2 Ta^adete St. (02i Mary OU aad Family. 27 O Ckmaor Girrie <02

y 0*agl and FamDy. 223 K. Ftm SL (02)lad Sai« OtaukI aad Faioi.T. 926 (>^ Way (02' " ■ ’ ' la*! iWoodrorr aad Toehl Rawana pndFkaiBy. 1323 ^ 86th Ave.P^eb. WM 7M Ave. South (W~ .e. aad Family. 316 Palma Dr. (01)aad dady aad Reltk. 315 GtmpamI SL (02)

ha*e|ta«a aad Famll.r. 310 Awheret Dr. (01) <To*hl Sato. 145 Davit Rd. (01)

aad Dorothy ShlrmehL 124 San Joa* St. (01)IraiaaU aad Family. 771 Lemoa Are. (01) aad Maneant Taada, 332 G«U SL (51)•ad Marian Taadn, 303 Unc SL (01) aad Fonl Taalaaen. 607 YYata Dr. (01) aad Mamy* TknlmBre and FamDy.

■Boeanit Ave, (-nbe. P.O. Box .... I’rebe. 13 E. I^e SL (01)

lad Faml tlrebe aad Faa(d]y. 26 Anno St. (01)N Mary Yama aad FamDy. 773 CbUefe Dr. (01)

MdWiUKU MCIeartfiai: Milwauka*. Wiie.. 1532 plut two digit*)

ereapt ai nelad.

Hr. and kirv Georpe I1969 Pwivncr. (22)

Dr. aad Mr*. MiUoa Honda. 11 Joaa Dr. (28)Mr. aad Mra. dwpk lankaL Sharon.- Ceralf

7410 Trenloo Ate. (30)Mr. and Mr*. Edrrln E Iznini aad Oaret,

422 Haielerear Dr. (19) ,>4 Mr*. Eddie donoknehl aad FamOy. 8202 S. 23rd ^r aad Mra. Kar H. KoltnmL Gordon. 3740 Salome, (21)[1

• Mr. aad Mr*. Paul Mamyamn aad Ken, 7039 Barthold,'(17)\_ .„ „,

) Mae KMii.v IShiKcru Ijame* Y<

, 1160 N. Coronado Ter. (26). i. 975 S- Kingrie>- (06).

u OkaaMlo. 4243 Y^irriBb Ave. (29).

Mr. aad Mr*. Snaama Blretn aad. Fkmlly nad Gra^mNIakImura. 3000 Evrisf Ave. North (22)

Pamria. Robert. 4533 Sch Ave.

'*^**Xl^RLT*^x'l3rHil!l^ Sr* »■«' Pw<ri Reatmald aad PaaHly, 7132 4th Ave. SouthMr. aad MriTTIaeani Okamala. 4243 Virrtaia Ave. (29). Ika aad Mary lepaaU. Bacer. Kfehnrd. BUaa. 2255 E ____Mr. aad Mr*. Heory Miyahara. 7^ Miehellortna (M). Minier Bridge R4.. Hillaboro. On.Mr. aad Mr*. Dllliam Tera«awm. 3214-BSrtelej- Ava. (26). Huih H. aad Mmika Ka<ml aad Famfl.v. 7935 8. E Cmtar,Icklro aad Midori Mataaabe. 1672 N. Dilloe SL (26). _ SL^ Mlaka Pajlta. 2544 Hariiatt Ave. South (05)

I ST. LOUIS JACLAll St. Loui*. Mo. 1431 8 two digHithewgToxcaptai noted. '

IdBaaon aad i |Tb aad IJlIk

, 1525 N. E Fremont SLlUry Kim«b»e. Mika. Alan. 5439 Xer

South (10)Tom and Rath Ouebldi. Mark. 571 40th Ave. Northmat

Blvd.Mr. and Mr*. Grorgo Eta^ Btaaley. Sandra. 215 Frieda. (22) ji* k. and Fkml Rida. 4136 S. K. Brooklyn BL Dr. aad Ml*. Jack-son Eto/'DatId.ianeLiaae, 5^ KmMma nnd FkmOy. 856 N.' E

6420 Murdock. (09),Mra. SrhDio Eta and YVOliam. 5573 Uardel. (M)Hr. aad Mra. Dooglas Bardie. Katbeelne. Joyce. .

2032 Bellevue. (43)Mr. and Mr*. Harty HayaaU. DennE Joyce,

6324 Berthold. (39)Mr. aad Mr*. Richard HeamL PattL Badaey. Cnreb.

Ilia Kiyakawa and FamHy. 9105 B. E HolgaU ^Vnk and NeUy *•—j—*' WM«a. DnvU. 551 Paadoce J>r. .

.Nortbtnn <321Ave. r 'S----------------------------- ---------------- aad Rntk Ynhandn, Naaey. 581 Paadern Dr, Nortb-

Dr. and Mra. Teak RSiraaTnamna. 1330 K. E 148th ____ __ ' . . .Ava Barren nnd Pnal Kyenn. Inady, Jna. 4133 Benrd Avp

Fmak A Aanka Kynno aad YFlUam. 321 8. W. Sehnoa SL . ‘i**’ . v. ^Dr. and Mr*. Mattbew M. Maauoka nnd Pnmiy. Ill N. EFna*Hy: Mila. TmU. Sheryl. OpmL Jaeiy. 95U

jgll, Ave Humboldl Ave, Stnilh (MlBoy and Jo.voe Maeda and Family. 12525 N. E Booth St, .AIIm. 772(^Vie*rtri

u PhylU*. Diana. Irewv

—, and Joiree Marda and Family. 12525 ,N. E Booth St, Allen. . <2(^V>enTriM («)Dr. and Mr*. Artbar T. MaUnda and Hark, 16885 S. W. *"'• ^ Kalayaaaa, 6728 18th Ave. 8.

K.nmngioo Rd.. Benverton. Oregon ^ W*da KejioU; K»6 Portland Avt- Bo.Btiilt Matnada. 1318 N E 109th Ava. Bloonlngton. Mum.Chariot H. Matou*hima. 5905 S E Aab SL iBdward aad Paari Yaahfkataa. Oaadae, Joy aad Lnnee, 5617YojI aad Martha Malaaahiam and FamDy, 9920 S. E Gmt: Dupont Ava. 8. .

Cto Meriahlln. 734 S. E. 7th Ave.aad Tkke Mfawle aad FamDy. 2330 8. E 53rd Ave.

John aad Snmi Morakami aad Family. 602 E E llith PL a Nahnta, 10504 NE. Hoyt SL

Bni aad Rath Akamatn. 1634 Booefa St (06) ^Tam and Seto Banna. 1305 Conway Sl (06)(OowikrK. r.,aii ua raiim .**anara, ioa* \j

- Mrt. J.ll» FkJIhb. and Family. 5856 E 33nl _________________ __ v *u

Ml*. MlnafU Hiral and FamDy. 610 W. WiaeooaiB ^^iST^n-Nwwa. Chert. 3221 Buder CL.SLAnn, Wo.

Walter aad Suria Sakai. Steve aad CaroL 155 N. W. 107th siyoahU Ka. Patty and Tkrvy ItUhaaU. 203 Pieneott Ave.

Mr*. SatMkl Nakahlra. 4269 N. 71*1 Sl (16)4 Mrt. Tala Tada. 5848 N, &Bay Point Rd. (09)

i."o ““ “■ iiiv Lr.1 60,2 ,3»)w. »'■

M Mr*. TaETNareo and Family. 1710 S. Calh—Brriin. Wia.

nilUam Y..a»d May Sakai aad Kee. 600 N. W. 107th Avel,>,. „„ ^ ^ T^r. 2016 GiemhrMr, <17)Chnriaa T. nnd Semi Skimamnm nnd ramUy. 8815 N. E

Sumner SL Si. Lou<» Pari, M.rv\. (554 plM Two Oigtt* Showr»).. Eari A naa SUnaakl mad Faaally. 15109 S. E Sharmaa St;P~k ami Rimi Yanati Bmi. Dmn. Teya, Ga«. 2850 Jar-

Dr. aad Mrt. Snao^ !«*, Lori. DMaa. Mark. ^ ^ rranam Soeilma. Oarel. Andrey. CaUeanc 2877 aey Av* South (26)

»JJil. D.„* T-.

|i Ur*. Yatnkn Koga aad FamBy. 3312 N. 37th St. (16) w-___ohmato. Gian. Bitm.^ Mm. Ihkl. (Uly) Rataaka. 2723 N. Frmimick

Bobmt Yoahiko Soft aad FamDy. 5532 S. E Aab Su' l»h St

r—r,. 4r. 5811 S.tMrt-a A„. ,091 Mn. CUk. Ur-U. 7M0 W. 20U, SL ,MlMr. aad Mrs. Yoldnobo Vaauaota. 1133 Hereford. (10) - «.___Ml^eL Rannatfc. BrnH Bd- P»«L Yl. Peal Jr- Pied Tkarklya aad GmateDr. aad Mrs. Alfred Morioka. OaroL Jody. Amy. RwL 1445 Kentucky Avn Somh —'PAYTON JACL

iDfyion. Oh.0, ZIP 454 and Digits Shown) 4835 So Undberg. (26)

406 L'tx Lane. Haieiwood. Ma.r r-fadya W Born ««. Roger. 3049 Rerton Dr. D'- 74^" ^ »-k.rL .H...T

4 Takake Jenkina. 5931 Cht g Rd. (241Seiko Rnataan. Marjoria. Graea. Andi

■^1125 Vernon'Dr. (7)Mark Nakaitchi aad Diane. 4283 Bnimb^ NEW YORK JACL

All Addrattai: N*« York City, arcapf a

SAN6ERJACL{aii Addresses Saogec,. Calif. 93657, ertnpi .at

hd ns, • T?^’’ Hnx«r^IJllrOg*ii*. 1557S. Bethd Ave.'^Srs-RldMOkubo. 4001 Kiag*Hwr. (6) > Wrud Mr*'Uirr HlfcljL 11150 E. CaUfamia Ave.

Va.voi Ono. Barbara-Lym, Una. Marey, Mar aad Mr ud Mr* Rally Ishtaaoto. 4W8 S. Brthel Av*. 501 W. I23nl St.. NYC lOO; ______ _“TV 16 Frilchie PI. (20) Hatakedas. Beo, Mlaa. and Raren. 13728 E. Kiiifa Oanytm gomlo and .Alko Enockty. Marie. Jaha and CkraLI Seale Samesklma. Stnve Glenn. *—» Sarim. 5250 R4 109 Poat Ave.. NY'C 10034J-^ngj D,. ,31) - x.p^uu*. Tom. Claire. Sherri and Jannne. 10447 E Fejlo^.' W8ato,BfchyandB*My.l784 CatalpnDr. (6) j(tffefeon. Del Ray j-. rw**. ant w tiRii. Sl NTC10027

“'..“cfrr^Brooke. Oregon. \

_ - —________ NmL Jay and JaBa, a48 Grice kAx. Roae. Jeffrey and Han Kornota. 3061 S. Saiw Ave.S^'W) ’ To. and Maybelle Nakmoora. ai2 6th .P SagkDota, Braoe^ Mark and LMda Sna. 6074 Mr. aad Mrs. Perry Nagata. 3162 S. MncDtamigh !*Pi> Dr. (241 Mr. and Mr*. KikhI Tange. 11938 E !«»« Ave.• Mrt. 44^ TbgockL 4100 W. Third StmeL (28) Bob. Jana aad Naanette Akahori. 13297 E. Tulare Ave.

’■ Ui Toyama aad'Mairia. 3806 ColamUBa PI. (5) Bob aad YoW Rann^wa aad Family. 16156 E McKinley *b4 Ayako Wataaabe. Paul aad uni—, 349 Yir- MasamI and Barbara Aritn. 664 S. Roaa Ave.

J Ave. (10) Mr. ad Mr*. Peter Haaecawa, 12.33 N. R«^d Ave.^ Yaamaakl and Lance, 851 E ViU*»* Dr- On- Mr. aad Mr*. Johnsoa Keha aad Fai^.r. .03 J &.^ (59i George aad Mary Mskimora. 1816 N. Newmarii Av*.

Joe Oyama. 401 W. llBth Sl. NYC 10027 Fnmi«ad'Jim Sblono. J*m«k and Knrt.

■ 1532 Amatardam Are, KYC 10031 .Hr aad Mr*. Bcnj! Unra. 630 W. 135th St.. NTC 10031

jNlaaa aad Gerkard Spiea. Now Y'ork (Sly (tM addiem ftvmi) 'Mr Taaa^reSaxakL 345 Rlveraide Dr., NTC 1002S ‘Rai Suxaki. 345 Pjt eraid* Dr,. NTC 10035 [MHaa Vaauda. 222 W. 22nd St-NYC 10011- Mr. aad Mra. MHDam K/iUkayamn and PaaHy. 80 Huey

St.. Someraet. N L 08873.Okk and CUya Itai^ 606 111th SL (25).

* ,.X.*....*a tu)

Dr. aad Mr*. XamMa Knakina. PaMaA EHac. TWvy. 3788 «Idaho Ava. South (28) 1Oloomingion. Minn. (554 plus Two Digrti Shown) .

ny aad Barbara Mlnhata. 10100 Pfflabury Ave. SonWt.

Dr. and Mra. Grocery P. SMaa. 3506 NEEUvw Lana ftochnttac. Minn. ($5901)

South U. Paul, AHinn. (55075)fta, Sik, Waa. An and Janlna BJhna. 2015 8id SL Matt

Hc^int. Minn. (55343)Ran aad May Tanfai. 5433 Minri* Inn

(Atplo Plain. AAiiwt. (55359)Urn. Rtad and Tkamaa Bara. XL 1

WM(W)4i(W((^«T8 W »

24 —sicnow A THl fACIFIC CITIItW iWeiAL HOUPAY Iftut —ft

CT'-- ,oeason smm


Mr. ud Mn. Ed SUroms h4 FamBy, 564'W. GoMce G«U.Detroit

Mr. Md Mrt. EmbHA MIyoabl. »4429 Wood Dr., limte.Mieh. _„-

Am. d<^l ud Lju Omm, 9900 CheyMM. Dttredt G«crxr ud Fay* IM. 30412 Olaoo. liToeia. Mich.Irrac aad Al Batata. 19905 Idsdaay. DetroatKay Md Toahi H1(o aad Family. 19427 TlrmoaB. DatroitfirlmuFa^oka, 17230 Bmrma. DetroitfSifo Tocaaald. 4001 E. Outer Dr.. Detroit3'iMhibo iBMya. 17230 Burreaa. DetroitMlq Md Mary Tofaeahi aad Family, 1«045 ITmthrop.

Detroit jGeorce aad Helea Fajinn aad Fai^y. 12107 Rntberford.

Detroit* Arthur aad Kay Morey aad Fa^y. 11311 Whiteanb.

Detroit >—Thoma. aad Claire Taaaae, 1SS15 Winthrop. Detroit Tom aad Hlme Itraoka. 18749 Uacy. Alton Farh. Mich.

- Rhlrler Satoh. 20644 Aon Arbor Trail. Dearborn Hei(fata. Mich.

il^rte Nacaao aad Fhmily, 3I2S2 Morriit. Garden Oity.Mirh.

Rea aad Cathariao IiUaka,.93 Stimaoii. Dotntt nemaa Md Ramie Ratah. Jay. Alyae, 20644 Aim Arbor

'Trail. Dearborn HciebtB Rath R. ttamora. 17272 Bentlv. DoUoft Roy aad Rami Kueho Md FamHy, 7628 Kolb. Allen Paih..

Mich.Georce aad Sue HataaUro aad Family. 17934 Goddard,

Detroit.Tom aad Fmm Ta«aad aad Fa^y, 15536 Kefipen. Allen.

Path. Mieh.Wallaee aad Tori Kagawa a^ Family. 12011 BeaTacltikd.

DetroitKnirfai mad Bette Takal aad FhrnBy. 1S114 SoutASdd Rd.;

Allen Part. Mieh.IBO aad Blfami Saaamot* aad Rk«y- 5191 laimtey. Detroit Jaiam aad TooU Shhaontn aad FamDy. 24753 Mulberry

Dr„ SouthfMd. Mich.Peter Md Deria Fajk.ha aad FamBy. 14040 Pralrto. DotraU NItx aad Deke Ogawm. 11081 Racine. Wamn. MMh.PrMk Y. aad Agato X. Kawnhara. 661 W. Foraot. Detnil G«m aad IJIy Amaae. 11697 AMiUm. Detrcdt RDI aad Mlye 0*XeBI. 2246 Manehmtor. Binnlsglmm. Mieh. Walter aad nyie MIyao. 22401 Glendale. Detinlt

Greetings From Friends Across The NationtlST LOS MSELES JECL

All Addfosses; to* Ar>gein, Cairf. (900 piu« Digits Shown), except os noted.

Hr. aad Mra. Sam Funsta. 3507 Eagle St. (63)Kea aad Mtaalo Oaaka. 1324 Magnolia Are.. Gardou Mr. aad Mra. George Ahfyaahl. 1360 Ughtvieir SL. Monte­

rey ParkTad Fujioka. K« aad IJada. 1501 Pebfaiadem SL. M«ilerey Park

ra Haaegawa. Bette. Ana. aad Afthw, 14S0 Solar Dr. Montere)' Park

IJada tio. 3.119 Folaom St. (63)Mr. aad Mm. Keo Kata. 2464 Vk Luck. HoetefaoDo Bttauk* Kawakami. 434 N. 19th SL. HoetoboUo *r. aad Mm. Robert OW. Mar^ Mike aad Cnrtk. 2216 K.

Indiana Ave.Roy Ymmadm. 131 N. Hatbono St (38)MoMo Ytnhbahl. 218 Woodt Are. (22)George NoniL Graeo. Scott, Gary aad OaMi, 221«.

Ariigbi St. Monterey ParitMr. aad Mm. Sea Mlyahawa, 1820 Brigbtwood SC Monte­

rey PfTkUbo Omara. 1860 Briglitwood SL. Montmey Park Harold. Pearl. Nanette, Emyko aad BdroM Jr. Mngkh^

633 N. Wooda Are (22)Todd and FumI Nakamoia. 105 K. Mott St (S3)Juake TMikaMa aad OiHdnn. 3618 Bninnnek SL (39) Fred. KimL BomW and Bcthle Wnknhayaahl, 1021 N.

Townaend Ave <63)Shb MIya. 3567';. Sabina St (23)FfMk Okamolo. 124 N. Dilloo St (26)MUde Hamada, 1051 Le Claire St (19)Maa aad Chlyo Hajnxbt. 10464 1st As-e.. laglrwood Dr. Md Sim. tieorge Wasla. 9439 True Are.. Downey. Calif. Grayrd aad Ted tbari. Rudy. Joyce aad Jlanay, 1713 W.

GeemAn Dr, Montebello, Calif.

WASHilfiTOI, D.C. JACLMr. Md Mm. >kdo. Ckeryl and Marahn. 2909 Pert«py Dr.,

Kensington. Md. 20795.

REXBBR6 JACLAll Post Officn in Idaho

Ibmmy aad Ma^ Miyaaaki. P. O. Bo* 305, Sujar Oty Kaaao aad'Mlye HBdda. P. O. Boa 246. Sugar Qty.

M RouU 1. Sugar Oty.Harry aad due. Ih(da. Roul>«4,.,RB*arg. Ksxao Md tacMor SaUta. Route 2. Bo*

aaizoai jekAll Pest Offices in Ariaoo«

; Dr. aad Mre. Tmmk Km-MPd. 4053 W. Gaid^.

Mr. aad Mm. Mia" TaMgaeU. S6&8 W, iwGlendale. 85301

13C. Rerimig. Dr. gad Mm. Vukk MiyaacU. P.O Box 2U, ■'-aad Mra. Satanhl Tanita. 7610 N. i'

r ' Phoenti, 85020Mr. and Mm. WUIkm KnJIknwm. 155 BoM.

Teenirie. S5008iCeerge Oaedera. 3307 E. McKinley. Pboen iJoha baUta. 3854 W. Lawrence Road, h Mr. aad Mrt. Shlg Tanltn. Rt 3. Box 3SS iHr. and Mm. Uady OhnhayaaU. 7832 K '; Phoenix. 85018Mr. aad Mm. Mott Yamamota. 10801 W. (

I Glisdale. 85301

Klyoahi Md Marie Sakota. Route 2. Box 12A, Emtbuir.Jeha Md Mabel tmheta. Route 1. Sugar C^'.Tatmhj aad Fuml Miyaaakb Route 1. Sugar Oty.Garry and Shlftey Bauer. Route 1. 9t Anthony. .Mnrtril Md Zell Grover. 58 East Main. Redpg.To^ aad I'utalui HlUdn. P. O. Bo* 02. Teton Oty.Mrs. AiM Kamarhl. 241 E lot North. St AaUuny.Mike and Chk KamachL 241 E lat North. St Ahtlumy.Tod F. aad Mary UiUda. P. O. B«s 176. TeUm Oty.Klyoahi aad l.arille Mi.vaMld. 272 8. 2nd East Rexbarg Mr. Md Mm. Bey PowoU. care of Silvar Homeahoe O

St. Anthimy. tMr. aad Mra. Bea Komatan. 8002 N. 11thHasayoau and Klyoka Fhjlmoto. Route 1. Boa llB. Ba-, Pboenix. 85020

burg. Mr. nndMra. JaekNcMaaw.6751 N. 3^4.

CORTEZ MM.All Aiidfessei: -Turlock, Celif.. axoapt aa noted. CI«^le. 85031

Peter Md Irew Yaammolo. Mike, Oady. Gngg aad Jalle. **r. aad Mm. Tom TaalU. 3444 W. Belmont!13170 Sunnv Acre* Mr. Md Mnt Paul lahlkawm. lai E Lehi Ea

Yefehl aad May Sakagoehl, Karok Kathy, Redaoy and Gaye. Mr. Md Mm. Mite Muaknaal. 1408 W. North, 13504 Sunnv Acrea Ave. Phoenix, S502I ~

JfaB and Eielya YamagnehL Paal aad Swan. P. 0. Boa 128. Mr aad Mm. Ste Nahaman. 6520 E OyyiM Ballico ‘ Seoitadale

Fiod Md Setaoko Kajkha, Bath. Jedfroy and Tadd. 13850 Mr. aad M«. Ikue Olmma. 5617 W. 10,,^^ Harding Rd. Glendale. 85031 ^

Mark Md Mary Kandya. Marek, Marta, Mavoen . and Mr. Md Mm. Mas Tomertik Rt 2. Box 790, hMatthew. 12614 Bradbury Rd., Ballko' Mr. Md Mm. »Toyd Tak^arkl, 8150 N. dlaUj,

Klyoahi Md Naomi VamaaMto. Re and Betty. 12724 Sunn}- Clewtaie. 85031Aciw Ave. Mr. aad Mea^4km haarnwra. 6008 W. gtAhk

Sam A Horiee Kuwahan, 13493 Harding Rd. Glendale, 85031 ^ Kea and Takako Miyamoto. Al.., Galw nirt Mae, 9127 Mr. aad .Mrx. Mas TMtanmUk, 2108 W. ^ ]k

I W. Wjdnui. Wlnt^n Phoenix. 85015Cewge. Sally. Barbara and Coilnao Fnthhawa. 1712Erel}n.;c.^ and Voailko Jta. Janet, AoHq and Mr. and Mk. Carl Saio. 1224 E Lehi Rmd, nk

........................ ..^ AM and Lok Morimoto. dawt and Md. 13SM Uinmod

Bill Md Mrgliik VlaalO. 15S44 O Conner. Allen Park. Mich.

Va. 22204.Bov. aad Mm. Shojo Honda. 1301 S. Scott St. Arlington.

Va. 22204. (Jtpr 208).

Mr. Md Mra. Ton Mmta. 25727 W. Outer Drive. Detroit Mr. Md Mr*. Fred Mlk. S057I .Springfield Dr„ Farmington;

Mirh.PmI JoiehL 145 Onwvdi. lOgbland Park. Mkh.I.loyd Joleht. 145 Church. Highland Park Xrthnr Makamara, 145 CBurch. HigbUnd Park F^ak Md Margaret Watanahe aad nka. 9805 Deone.

Livonia. Mk*.Kaaame ud Ruthe FuJUdge aad Family. 22450 Tee ICle

Rd.. St Clair ShoresMr. Md Mm. Maaaahl OmU. 12710 Whiteomh. Detrcdt Rlrtiard aad Rreiya Fnjhdsa, 1848 Lakeview. Oxford. Mich.

a E Bke. P. 0. Bex 1162. Akandria.Va. 22313.

Hr. aad Mra. ToahvHoahlde. 12911 VaUcywood Dr.. SDvmSpring. Md. 20^

Joseph. Aaako. Karen. DouiJaa 1624 Martha Ter­race. RockevUle; Md. 20852.

Mr*. Aldke Iwata. 11719 CMkge View Dr.. Silver Swings.' Md. 20902.

Mr. Md Mm. Yukio

iBcn laoahHa. 6347 W. MaryUad. GteuMc, ■■


Eneat aad Ruth YoehSda. Bonnie. Sharym and Soott, 11679 ■ Chrktlne and Ellw lOlS?!.......... ^ Mr. aad Mrv George M. Fajtt. 824 K.StblLf

Frank Md Micky YoaUda. 3.3765 Hardmg RA Mhao ud FraaelR Hau^L 351 N. 5lb St (0|rohnso aad Mlye Baha. Shlrtey, Beanie aad Naaey. 13462 Tiili nkl 941 K'W R.

Unwood Ave. ___^ d,. ^ Mr*. Toklo lAiikwa. 535 N. 5th 8l flHboand Hka .AaaL PaaC Can. Randy and llatryi, 12040 j,* ^ M.ry Jk. 2:^X19th St ,12)

Merj Kamldol. 15333 Sled. DetroitJiro and Margaret Shtanoda aad Family. 7536 Trafslagar.

Tsylor. Mich. .Jaae. George. Gary, ud Boh OtaaR, 5522 HHkbore. Dettbit Mr. ud Mm. Knmaao Ai^. 5758 linwood. Detroit Jack Md Kav ...................................

Rd.. Wheaton. MA 20906.K^Kyoko. Franeea. Sato, T^rwa. Bomly. Turner. Arken

Koba.vaUiI. 661 MooUcdlo Drive. Falli Church. Va..22042-

Mr. ud Miw. Tbah HoaUde, 12911 1’aHeywood Dr.. SilverSpring. Mr. 2090L

Tekao, Aiko. lillka. Jaae ahd Bcniy Karaeaka, 1612 Tucker Ave- McLean. Va. 2210L

FW«., 11S06 B..-, N.*.-Patrick. 13293 Linwood Ave.

Paal ud Kathertae Natwld aad CUditm. 12300 Conaectl-1' - - Ave.. Silver Spring, Md. 20902.


CLEVEUND JECLAll Addreiiei: Ohk («l plei two digHt)

!Mr. and Mra. Merle Wert Bled. (U)|Mr. ud Mr*. Stanley Kaaao aad Fhady. 198 8. Graeo

Sato aad Sham Kawaahlma. Rt 2. Be* 39i ■ George ud Mirhi Ma^paga. Rt 2. B«ie,a SUg aad Hiroko Maavuga. Rt 2. Bo* SM (I Loake ud Bill Hatoamoto. 3724 Mauney CK. Bay and Lae.v MaUomoto. 2-J4 Barbara Dr.IjPM ud Sue Mataamara. 329 Lyiidale Ara (« May aad NoraMB Mketa. 5098 Joseph Lantff Albert aad Joyce Miaeta. 1905 L'niveraity Ml|

0902. 'ZU'V ws_. vfiAX w turl. » iMi ^ ^_____ ___ . aad Ken. IM Martha's Wk2«e 44092 *■'* «05 N. 7lh SL (1?

. Rd- Alexaidri*. Va. 22307. SSS ^ AtaSOOM^ Rd Okuaoto. 1500 Brookdak Dr.Klyo aad George ObaU. 2727 29th St N. W/(ApL 229), l"'' 4%" ^ “"iMam®! ami Jud.v OalihL 1121 Danbury Dr.

Rd. (21)Or. ud Mm

k Md Kay ShimoakhL 10000 Burt Rd.. DkiuH.

'lkal.''K^*o"MdD*CM«^;iLrta,64S4SrdAv*,Takoma,!’‘'-^ ^ Shiraaawa. dey<» zauu Mr. aadMr*. li,*! SM^'eTt. 1^341^

Mr. jM^Mr. B. Ball 7763-1-anA G^ --HkmrSa^i-^fsr^St E W. (A^A 1^103). Wa.-Be«md\ngton. D, C. 1^34. |Mr.'and Mm. Clifford Fijhnar*. lanra. Marik and Cky.Roy aad ABm Nanjn. 13382-Prwt. Detnrt

Red ud Jou Kfanoto,. 9019 Artitna. Detndt .........................Mr. Md Mra. lakaaU Yiikihiia. 17192 Leaum. Detroit b. C. 20008. / \Tom aad .kHeo Raablmoto and Michael. 16420 Northrop. Ueira ud Harry TUmjd ud Phmiiy, 6538 DeegdM Dr..

K Connecticut Ave., N. W.. WaalJ^. 1534 Ridge*-ick Dr.. Wickliffe‘ LMr. aad Mm. Mike .kaamwa aad Family.

Detroit Mieh 48219.

MID^OUIA JACLMr. and 5(ra. Bay Sate aad Family. Bos 1006. Parkdale. 0». Mr. and Mn. Hits Takaaam) ud Faarily. Rt 1 Box 927 Mr. Md 3Ire. Sbo Ra^w Jr.. Rt. 1 Box 895 Mr. ud Mn. Tkro Aeal. Rt. 3 Bo* 835

Springfirid. MA. 22150.iHr. aad Mr*. Tbomaa E TakeeUta, 201 Anaeottk Rd.,

95050ICraysM S. Taketa. 515 N. Pint St (12i Tom Md Terrie Taketa. 3295 Undenoaki Dr. (L

•^4«S!rKiacv Dr (’I) (Mr. and Mn. Dave IWaano.‘920 N. 2nd St (--------- • t 28 (66) Ada Dy^ 11711 Pnnaa Dr. (B)S. E. Waahingtc*. D. C. 20019. Ur. aad Mn. Art Oka. 10723 Camegie Ave.. Apt 28 (06) 1"W ^y^ 11711 Prancia Dr. (Ut

Mr. aad Mr*. Barry M. Teada, 5241 43rd St N. W- Waah- Mr. ud Mn. Sam Taker* ud Jma. P.O. Bo* 1191 Btatttm 8 S'- “** ^ lamaaakL 1782 Univertttfinington. D. C. 20015. \g^tk> Kitahara. 5716 Euclid Ave.. Apt. 207 (03) ..............- • —

Hr. aad Mr*. .Sakae Yoaeyama, 1972 Beddo St, Alexandria. Mr. Kav Aldba. 30109 Dorothy Drive, Wickliffe 44092 Va. 22306. Jobs Orb!. 1327 Orchard Hta.. Mayfield Hta. 44127

Mr. ud Mn. Roe NiahiaMte Rt 2"^* 480 ; Akln. Ynlie .\o« aadJ'amny, 6415 Bariham Dr. Betbesda. Mh* Mirv Obata. 1874 Roxford (12)Mia ud BewOe Aaal-Sammy, BOea. Uri. WIwIm. Rt 8................................................................ ..... 29121 Saiwbrth Dr« Paricvlew

ADVBmSEirS INDEXArUia«> V.IUy . t.T4.l»y_______

CixiMatl Ciwrit ........


N.» Ysrl OtkUdd . 0<|«I<* .

ri>;i.d.i*ii;« —. 9l«ctr Cosnlr _r«rttaiid ..........-e-TtiiK* Vin.y .t.*dur ............

4<.i» .... ..............S*Uai ValUr ... Salt Lata .


Dr. aad Mr*. Takehike YoxkihaaU aad Jane. 503 Doener OhioAve.. Takoma Park. MA 20012. Mke Miae Blrata. 84 E. 212nd St (23)

Ynkio. Sa.vo. Craig. Skaroa. Dob. Bika, Kawamato. 6516 Mr. ud Mn. Doaald EOefeea.4414 Stankri^- Bowie Dr-.-SpringfiflA I'a. 22150. (, Panna 44134

ko Nogaki. 730 24th St N. W- WadUngtotu D. C. 20037. iMr. ud Mn. Art Tamane and Chriedk,»I ud Sab Haxegawa. 2801 Quabto St, N. W. Wash-; Buena Vkta Dr. (17)ington. D. C. 20008. ' iMr. ud Mn. Joe KadowaU and Balhryn.

I. Mary lemke and Wayw YoOilna, 11409 Luhd PL. . E. 88H» St_ Garfirtd Hta. 44125 KeiBingtM. MA 20795. 'Mr. Ken -krk. 3037 Wert 'Uvi. (U)

----------- 4.17 Jack. Kkh aad Glea Hbaaa, 5008 Wertport Rd, GberyiMr. ud Mn. MKme Thajk »«ana aad------------I.7I ] ch^ 15. MA . ! 1786 F. 52nd St (02).

2m |Hareld ud A

;:ziMI. 7005 Aspen Ave.. Takmu Park,

MA 20012.;a1 KsHaiaeta. 3963 Feaeendai, K. W, WaafafatgUm, D. C

Mr. aad Nn. SUg Pa^nmra sad FMy. 1826 Bldfmrtek. Dr- Wickliffe 44092

Mr. George Koramote. 15017 Loinia Ava. (11)Mr. and Mn. Mae YamaaeU and Nancy, 1640 Mapkdale,

A.I4 iRutkKarekU, 1421 Someraet PI,N. W, Waahkgtno. D. C.

V? jElktx^iJ'carriyn and JesMle MHema, 11114 Dewey RA,:„ ^ . . _ ,' Kenatngtt*. Mr. 20795. **'- “1

Mre.^C^ilSi and Fhmlly. 1838 :

Ofcj.*. : •;;; Em«y ud Au Apt Jeftei«OB.609. AningtcB Towe«,

$•*»«« ' .!r Ci«w< UCL _

.:«e»~. DC. -W»t» L*< A««aU« .................

. , wntiCT eouNCiu umiCT councils

4402 Perabing. Parma 44134 Mr. aad Mn. Ms* lya.

Garfield Hta. 44125 Mr*. Dorothy K. Katoao. 1850 Burn Mrta Dr. (17) Mr. ud Mn. George Swmld

1788 W. 52nd St. (02)Mr. aad Mr*. Wallaee Ito aad Famfly,

3476 South Noble Rd. (12)

Mr. aad Mrv (i. B.vrmi Boada. 4700 FkberiN.

PASADENA JACLAll Addreitei; Patedene. Colif. Itlffk dipitti oiceptei noted.

Tom. Mary. PhUp aad Patty Ito, 669 Dri Me Kkd FakatalA 1900 N. Aito>-o BlvA (0i> Cea. aad Sue VA*. 1965 Canada Ava. (C8) .Bok. Docathy, jAdy, Eramt aad Nancy WimI

1444 Glen Ave.-(03)Hank. EUrabeth. Kemay and Mkhael Oiaaa

145 N. Vernon. (03)Batch and Mary Taanra and Fnmlty. 1078 Mi Kw, Mikka. Mkhael, Danny. Naewl and M

146 BeUefontalne St (05),Sd. Eta, Janke, Beanie. GarF. Nancy Dya

146 BeUefdataine St. (05)Mr. and Mra Trtne IwanaU. 1419 Loe AlW* Mnrtu ADee. Donna, Gregewy, Jo Ann. DcmM

YamagacU. 1751 Beinmot Ave. (03)TV {Mary Yam. 284 Lnun St.. Altndeim. 91003 "'-.Oadik WaWii and FhmOy, 734 Hamilton. (00 .

lYefti. Toeqmy ud Mark Matnal. 1550 MenbmhJ_ Aoo and Aid Abe. 1850 N. Arroj-o BlvA (»

..d n». 57W T.™., M.'**'-


Mha Taagiye Shirokhl. 8211 14th Ave- Hynttnrille, Md.Mr. aad Mm. Harry Ihkal aad FamBy. 12832 Flack St.

Wheaton. Md DELANO JACLMike. Martha aad Lkda Takamaaa. 1000 Kerwin Rd- SUver wam-iiw wmwm

Spring. MA All Addreuet: Oolene. CelKornie. aicepf ai Nakd.iMaa. Frawea, Jovev aad Ruby DtUra. 6524 77th St- Cafak Mr. aad Mm. Paul H. KswaaakL Rt 2. Bo* 456 I John, Md. -Mr. ud Mn. (korge Y. Nagatui. Rt. 2. Bo* 283

Manfie * Bill )kkagaiaa. 1818 Albany St 1*1, ,,il ir.- g-m. a ,-.w m





iShnrei aad >.. .

P-,HI«* V.IUt .

i«.> V.lby

|Mr. ud Mm. Sam .kmmv 1617 17th Pi. .Jeff ud Jaae Fnkawa. 1744 Belmont St.

- . A4Z {Roger aad Ireae Tdknaga. 3076 S. Walton Ave- Yuhp City,t^ ^ Evelyn Am.- *-« !Boh ami ABoe Kodama. 3002 Butt* Houae RA. Yuba Oty Ro2^^-- Tm !•»« “d >^*ther Tokanaga. 1331 Bogue RA. Yuba City - • - ^

A-7) Bob aad Gkdy* laouye. 1099 Lincoln RA. Tuba Oty . A-7! itieorge aad ^ttv laouye, 5301 Chrkon RA. Yuba Gity

- (ieerge ud' 5Urie MatMimolo. 598 E. 16th St.T!» T'"? «'*'• Maajl. 73V Winslow Dr_ Yutn Oty

_A.ii Fiaak aad Hxtxoye Nakamara. ISX 15th St

Hi T,..1:;; ij-n-vw*4..^ oin

N»> Tori -iJct'trr, v.t,-

Tom aad Hatoumi Kawnaaki. Rt 1. Bo* 280 Tad Maranaka, 107 Glmwood St Sam aad Mary Okaaakl. 205 17th Ave.Ernest-Md Lob Takaki. 1031 Oovur PI.■Jw aad Jennae YoaakL 1621 CHnUm St SMawo aad Eke YenaU. 1613 CUnton St K«8o. Te^ro. SfMms Morthir*. Rt 1. Bo* 240. McFar­

land. CUif.OUae. 1623 Donr St

*•« iHany aad DoUy Fi -rIJ i Clark aad '

Tokai^ 41 r Faknil^

V 821 Dover PL. NeE-Mary, Carrie, Gary. ThkakL 1230 Flmnont St

L. 1820 PhiUipa Rd- Yuba Oty aad Phynh Yokawa. 101 Clenwood-8t Thkakl. 1618 Brimoat St

y .(^'aelaadP y yfiamn Takri

Mn. 8. aa^/Eiko HatonL 1550 Menlooe Am <1 .Mr. airt Mra. Todhk Makke, 245 S. Santo A*

Su GabrieL 91775 _Mr. aad Mr*. Jire OkU aad FamBy, 5491

VeBtura. 93003KaMid Y. Ueda. 3045 E Gainwboraugk I

VENICE-CULVER JACLAII Addcettet: Lot Angetai. C«rr{. (MA diglli ihewnl.exceptai netad.

KaxM aad klaaaye AdacU. 12627 Juum- George aad Yaki laagaM. 12427 MllUaiSt-p

:Georga aad Hltoako laaL 12204 Hewmrt* OK*.- Culver Oty 90230 > ^

Georg, aad Setoa laoda. 12617 Rubea* Am Dr. aad Mn. Jamn. .Knwahan. 11961 Vwh^ Prawea C. Etagnwa, 111(t DirtrlRr br,Mary Wakamatan. U16 £rhky Dr_ Varteny Charlm aad Mitoako KonaUIn, 12023 Antth**

Oliver City 902?0 _ —Jadt aad Ethrt Noam. 1203 Arapahoe 8t-^ Cram and LBlka NortynU, 12811 Mr. aad Mil KarirW O^U, 4438 linAMSfl Jane I'anmAHn. 11869 Weir. Culver <»y ^

j>«a and Betty YnasMi ud TaDnam ^Culver aty 90230

?8hln and Graen MarwysM. 12717 Adi^Jerry and Sue TsMAHn. 11853 LihAMia

Chjlver aty 90231Bitwhl and Kay Shteko. 12523 Gilmore Fhari L'toaU, 4136 Bart BlvA <66>



JACL Dancers Highlight

N.J. Tercentenary EventSeabrook area rich in Colonial history

SEABROOK NJ.- S(«bt placM pereon came to work ' at Seabrook FaRM: the

LatTtaaA Ger- maaa. Uknit^aiu Japan-

who mre

iCTttCITY AT WORK-Oeed pan teach- something that s lot of old timers

( your reporierl had lo endure, but iivaction of the football coach person-

It ELMER OGAWA 'vtnta*** nfferrd by tbeCau .................................. ichei ofii^erATTLE-Laat winter, at tecJuucaJ branchea .

bfCtniunr oi Seattle the SeaUJ* achool ayatem. Dr.!ado)«caBl yeara. grade ter nrwQdent Terrj-Toda Uateoed intanUy and wae,frotn Rentiwi High to, 1 1964 ^imawipn. a; t«prewd enough to eay i^htjand a-a* a manber of

arful end ssiriTsLsr‘c:.’^%-:s''laaed the Japaneea bnai-lBoard.sUbUimenU on Jack-1 Well. Geoege Iwnnki didn't'rtreeC llakinc ooe lasllknow much eboui the JACL.

le enteeedliKn- wae he acquainted with eatabliah-lmany people in the Jackeoo ' the pur-ISlreet buaineaa conununity.

Tnie. be wes born in-SeattJe miaaion tt waa. for Feb. &. 193S-thafe why he

Doka tnatruetor George waa-nazped George. He wm iki waa pereoiuUly doing about 10 upon retuni Irom r« work planting liUn- the Evaeuatioo wheiN ihe nlnfonnlhecommunityifamily aOUed in the oearby

many educational ad-tom of Raiton in

d $ Eye View df D.C.

jUnoQoa. tafai and »ri danc' down the atreet to thei

ilyrica of Japaneae folk aonga'c.^.^^^;drar generous appiruse freca on the West CoMi. More .dtisetta of Ne»- Jeney cele-,recently, the Kalmuk Budd- ibrating ' their Tercentenary ihiats, one of the last remnants |this year. ^ the Mongol tribes, ud the;[ At Salem County'i [tioB SepL^S, at the B

elity conveys s^ial weighi m the learn­ing process .as we see here with George in froni of tome of the teaching aids used in Kis labore^y-dastroom.

Bridget'parade Nor. 28. and other South Jersey funebons. the group which began in earnest to train for thia unuaial p

teatiaioey to what John Cun-' ningham of the Newark' News aasd in a Naltonal

Magasine artkle

locational Training Gateway j Jobs of Technological Era

lir function last' June has won wide rerngnition for JapaitenpAniCTKana and the Seabrook j Krman."JACL. ! New Jeraey fai Brief

One headhae writer was Among the cnallwt atatea moved by the i ..........................- - --

i m a '4^umo banner: “JACL Dancers Hi^ilighl Salem Tercenteaiary BveoC'

The same troupe joined witfa the New Toric Buddhist group in ^e Japan Day pro­gram (June 27) at the

aian bcighboriMod.iWoTida Fair.

m 'whe grew up during the; Mra. SuBkie Oye of Vme-

nd was group msonetor.' at the

. _ , - - {Seabrook Buddhist Ohutth.and there: “Say. I thiakia tale chamiaoB baak*baU-a»eetiag as often as twice

aervelteam. (week.'

air maea from High Point in acenie hill country w

«(iiTT -County to the wUte- ■and beachea of Cape Ma.v PoinU

Its divMaity is found in the lai wildemeaa o( the Pine

Barraw and the moat deody populated ^aecttoiw north; the moat p fame and most modens

JKIMONOS FOR JOSEY ETU - Fifty dancing gifts representing Seabrook JACL periicipaied m fl»t Salem peradc. which climaKtd ihe New Jersey Tereen- •snary celebration of this area in Sep­tember. In the picture are some 35

he group faking pert in erade. sponsersd by the

Edison Techthe years immedi-

dy foUowag. George con- oued his educatioe-. but tUa

ay he tells it:_ . ’lienda of hia pareaU

would inquire about the in the family and npoe bring informed that he was a stu­dent. wouW inquire what school? “EdiBaD Technical- would be the answer, and the Inquiring faces would drop

fContinned on Page B-H1

^CL seeks data of Nisei mployment experiences

0^^ closely identifiedlaouth. with the trdbpe were Fnaaye

ud Mike MiMto. KiyoBd Neka-

laboratdnca with ibdmic re- equiimmt to the


' ondoists from rhe g the Bridgeton parM . ,Jaycees Nov, 28. I» was itsentienad as one of rhe big feverites Group instruc­tor wes Mrv Sunk* Ohya of Vineland. -Bridgeton Evening News photo.

and equipment.

New Jersey's piWl 300- year hislory goes back to the Engli^ colony founded in I664..namiiv the aeulmnent .aftdr the |si« of J«ney in the

1 n i q u e story' of ..., . . Americans in south-on Jersey began in Jan. IS. 1944. when George & '

SAN FRANasCT) — To Ikeda and Nnkaldo. m«intliin a Strong and activel YcwUi IHrscleryouth progmm on a ccd-I Tlie DYC ia alao_giMMul

■ ■ I the h..........................

(Nowcaetle. Calif.) and Henry Kaihan i .Saciwraento) 1< ~Amacbe WTIA Osmp with suitcase apiece to work Seahrorit Farms, a *'i stiicled'' ana at the time.Three months laUr, Fuju Sasaki (Florin. Calif.). Harold Uchid^ morin) and Ellen

_. Dutch. Jtwedee and F\nna Kogudil (oow Mrs. Kfyome had fought in vain for supee-iNakamnrs) came from macy of this are* in the eariyj jorome WRA Camp lo aurvey 1600a from the Lenape;tbe job opportunitieB at Sea-Ind^ of the Ddewmre,brook. “During the peat year, we

I Thtoe people ' broke the had to spend time on National " ‘

Youth chapters require firm hand from leadership, advisers

» a task foTji w who bold ro^ionaiNe i itiona — the advwen andposit

Jr. JACL president, according to Marie Kurihara. {(C-WNDC youth eommiaaioDer. in mak­ing a year-eed summation.

pre«OBVeBtioD rally. Dick Nahamnsa was arieetsd DTC dalsgate. Tbrry Taketa. SU ~

National JACL Board ! for the soTieea of Jaek^Maveda aa youth director thii * past year. The DYC. of ^ coutwr. miHea Unrsinee hla rcaignsUon becauae of /hia t

{interest and sbOfty to woric,v with youth. ArBuranceafcRttaticii of a Katioml Jr.'

tbe DC oratortesl <«>•teat.

Tbs JnM 20-21 Bqtmw Valley Confeeenee was cotv

^Khistotie landmuta si'nce RbvehiUewfy- days grace southvn New Jersey— tbe third state to ^n the Union. There ia tbe Green-

'•rich Tea burning of 1774. r.tROL H.ASEGAWA the D.C. metropolHen area.,hat ^ul 44 pet. are between ju*t Kn,ih of Bridgeton: and'

lSHINGT0N-4imr* the Of lh». 661 a-ere male and iht ages of 35-50. Few young the Cumberland Coun

ice" and over 2.000 followed Youth O from allof the BKA campa—lorder to prepare the you) including J^iar.eee Perurians.driegsiea to make deciatona who were “exiled” to the the Detroit national'conve.. JuBllcr Dept, tamp at Co'atal tion. ConaequtoUy. some of U*6S

era in “*"«■itb Counting c at'p

soon is haart-lJAd. at Detroil. Jerry Edo- Bioto, naiioaal youth

continued sup- *»«r. rspo^ on the youth'port from senior JAtXem, the Dr. Harry Kitan^

the the Detroit national conven- DYC U antuparing a busy ****Si UCLA, abarod .

wa^d formation of niof his hndiaga on the Sanset m lack Mayedfc had a seisioa

Dupitf —a «rt.biui«d l-l®® iMn.1-; Hiow boni in .^.11. bdonp to the Ctupter •» with . touti ot 35 the UA tothleO SIS white the ^bww It hu tiwwti In Wee iwitethher 13312. wwe y,e .p. „[ 20-30.ih wtieitiiw. Thoni ie e tn Jepeii. The Amenoiii membee. w.htiieott. . hiwein , . tiwlit" «> “I” ^^ Iwtweew the l«e. et,5S uid wee. . eotttlhifl «lw- 'S''”,"el lotieltiew 2S1 tnem- «3 Of ih. 2Bi •artirittea.

and. undoubtedly kt fuhift. i-

ence of the Chapter. I Chapter for that!

sr. to Hs

a!bora In Japan. fThmto IjiMl for background infonna-

Of tbe 291 metnbma. 241 work Some 143 work for the fedora] goverame^ 98 In private industry 50 an

- - -—or retired pmwoBi.

cb tf who they are. what do, and where they Uve.

toK the data for thia Jr was gathered *aome-

uwafstiTicaily. it is not t to be completely ac-

Thia mmns that of-tbs work­ing membera. 60 peC

AD-ltoe High alcndsr year 1964.

tlHre were 291 BMtnbma in the D.C. ChapUr. an all-time

AcrordingtoapoUtekramately equal although the “ ««<>• ^5^*^mra tavTa small 149 to l42lH«n‘«'- edge over the wmnra. Thc;lsrge nuabra of JW rraulting imroraUge « 52-48

iberiv BeU. which rreedoRi'e It to one Brito in

More recently. Jaeeyitea •viaed-and’ adt^ited

atetr coRBthation in 1948.

_ ilionsl Jr. JACL' attiUty in'midri oTtht ten^’e in deuil." Mias Kurihara e*- Diego in 1966.«r iMrm (he Japanese plained. '• The DYC program to’gal-

.thsl the vaniud at ila quarterly am- _ more definite, andiaiona. The first meeting in opi^ thJal

chril leadera;^^,,r^i^ p„,,oeted into'Februar)- at Sen Frandsco

• iT% V-wV .veara. the Japanese piainro.■J?h”,iS -How.h-.r.

Not QuMe Bead.v DYC delegates were of the

greater eanrat than 'the 1964 DB. Ohrll Ri^te Law. Its citiseas come from a variety of cultures and back­grounds — all wcaklng to­gether today for peace and progress of the commonity.

The Germans came Wor

Religious and chril leaders'pi^, ------- --------------and the Irml prees helped tojiggg, «e can better owcra-if««ta'«i improve relatione. jtroi* our «tfforta on the taalw “JACL and C«-U Rights" by

So well integrated are the at hand-mmriy. the ohapherjMike Maaanka which was - ~ ' ' that and district youth problenst" tope-recorded and subaequ-

„______________ I

Nswb stated in a raeant] "aditerial:.

‘•We no longer can ouriing ,,Seabrook nrighbors JapfseseL i, • p t

To meri- this challenge, the; DYC leadenh^i «<Btefn;dateB Iworkihopa. lesteship train-

and toaptored inter-

. We prefer to chapter underaUnding t^ M‘6*>^*'^jbetwe« youth and adults.

fine friends and excrilrat

Nattonal Jr. JACL was not advtoablc at this time and preferred addl- nooal time be spent In

I ftrengthaeing local units. Wbat tnimiured at DatroM

. over the 4th of July weekgroopa. Four copies are avaU-^ Xn l»-•We. imia National Jr. JAO-

leOvitlm Day April 25 tX council waa eal^iriiod with kriey cooisted of a coro- a aet of offierrf. with a view

toward actual formatioo at ---------- - ^ Sannation ball and bawling tour-

nameal. both rvents well

»«.,« u. th. leeo S cterw.1t rl’:.!"'.,,.... I.W.I. ,ChhUh,wd«,li«.B.22l (MOm SIAWeeH STOHIK - PAM Ml I

fl.ll UUI IVUUI lUUJ ' -w—« .- ™ . _

The DYC to grateful to^tended. Gloria Sate of Seq.wit Diego. Further rrfincmei^ in ^ VSlLte S pU^iJr- JACL ws. eriecied queen.jthe faarir rulra

the Sdotefa and Iririi.Swiss snd people I JACLcrs

m eiic.lnroc_._______...Tercentenary

During World Wa.- D. dts- this y ear.

'Reger -spirit. Seabrook |vr.»w


e goal with at leaM______________________ J.~.- ww.,— ...__________________________

[leader*: Ron Takahashi. Royilhe second qnaiyriy ia Majh. (Qantinued on Page B-lBl

s ago. It at-iley- ^brek youth Sequoia Jr. JAO. hosted aw

Traditiomi l^ew Year Feast in Japan FadingBy DMI SHIMAMOTO

Sc LouisThe children jumped out of

^ and drassed eanfnlly for b waa the long awaited New Year's Day. The aun'was ahin*

nd It w indeed a beau- dsyfUlnthra was busy in kitefaen preparing the

^»1” for the New Year’s ■takfasc "Ob! Lot* at the ^■•ntiful platter on the taUe. Dwrat the lobster look 0aDd!''

Ybewi^t before, after the fidrenh^ gone to bed. M>

ihw and Dad put the fintob- ^ teoehea to the feast that ^kld Um at least three days, w rice^ake offering wHh Ri trinuninga and dried cut-

seaweed, and Unger- *U amsged in a piomin-

*"t place on the buffet.The large rwl 'lobater that tp SK to tte wBUHt of Aits

largsat tray wqs surrounded by all the familiar good food that are typically Japanese and tndHianaUy for feast- ing.

There w.ere mounds of ahrimp and chkkcn (yams- imo) taro, (rcakon) lotns root, (takemko) bamboo

and (kamaboko) red ‘ and white fish cakes all sep­

arated by borders of sliced onngea that the children en­joyed so much.

•ntere was the familiar, bowl of kaeuDOko. the herringroe that crunched driightfilllywhen estea. the .bowl of (kuromaiM) black beans, dnd. of couise. the little dried

• fish or tataukuri that » cook­ed in a rich soy santd mix- tut* and mountains of eush: and other goodies The iob- sier seems inciting to all te paitaka of the geumwm f«ut

set on the ublc.This to the New Year, eat

weU because to be hungry to a had omra. Be happy, be

for thia is tbe New Year and guests will be streaming in ail day to ex­change greetingt.'

That to how 1 resnember the hriidsys as they were years ago. And so each year as I make the New Year’s break­fast "osoni“- the children aro told of the Japanese tradhkm of tryias to eat as many mochl aa 4a Ae 's age.

Troid of Today Whh thia in mind, you can

imagiBe my dtoappciatn«t to lean that ia mod^ Japan, eopecially in tbe lsri!« e^i**

trend to for the New

■ cook St the Uble' meat and vegetable dmh te be eaten )iol with the holiday drink.

This isn’t aeceasarily true fer aU the country but it eeema to be\he trend accord­ing te Mrs. Akiko Sugiyama, the young and veey gradoos cooUag instnietor whose husband to s representative of the MMsui Company of Ja- pan.

Mr. and Mrs. Sngij-ama and thrir two SOBS reside th Crssl- wood, a suboit of St. Looto.Mra. Sugiyama to a graduateof the Tokyo Kalkan. a weB known cooktoig instltutlae in Japan.

Tfeto Mra Sugi-jeuna started to teach an iw-

Atsnal group of young •

are Caucasians married to nisei mra. Remainder are young married Nisei women who have grown up in this wel integrated metropoUs in a coramuity of noo^apenese and have dtocovered that they are wanting in much of the woxkdeefnl heritage of their Japoneae parenta.

Through efforts of Mra. Toko Nance, an active JACL member. Mra Sagiyama't •ervicee were made available te the women and they- were enthtmlastic in their dcsiie te Iran.

Year's feast to be held ooij. who have formed a club te with the traditional and l«m thr of Ja^mihtr diahm but with ^ »ti culture and custems. Hw m^mod^dtoheasuch^a mnjo**ty tJ“

The instructer aiwee «*iry- ing a Urge *-icker piraic Bas-

MSh. and the spedal ul sfls Uk abe will seed, t

pvto the recipe and prensrea the food under the anxious and watchful eyes of her stu- denU. The table to thra set and every-one enjoys an au­thentic' Japanese meal.

Overheard at a recent ao-, rial gathennx was this c<ra- metit b>- an overjoyed mot»r and her husband who iferc ik- vlted te s complete Japanese meal prepared and hythrir eon's Ctueastan aftfe. *Tt was just delirious. She fid- towed thq redpe and prepared the food just M the fatotne- tor taught Jesu yo."

Mra. Sugiyama has been another group of

waaien for the last year and a half. This group ia eempoaed of Nisei who had Icaraed housekeeping and cookm* back on the West Coaat. Now throu^ inatnictioB th^ have

- toanad te take the guMi

work out of many of the ha> aic e^•eryriay food preparaUca and to vary the menu con&d- eoUy with «r<eU-seaac«ed n»l ■ weU-propared foods. They have learned to enhance 1a- •miliar foods with the subtle use <rf fresh ginger, dried musurd. a amsll piece of tan­gle. eu. TbaJadtoa gain mtmh through tbe aaall binta givea br the iaatructor In eye-ap-' paling food acewica and teUe eciqurtte.

Mra. Sagiywa has am- ■praeed bar mnaaaMBt that svra though many of th*

' Nlari bad neror been te Joe pan Bbe baa found that th^ have a fine appreoation ot the very dritonte and nbtjr taste of Japaseif food.

Kings and coun'-ries may go. but aith an of thu am . tbnmam auraly much of thp oM tnOtiaB wffl surma.



Smmh'* fSmtingt


OimUh *««»«■♦ • Srri»t> Amm>«CkrirtMi CIA - C,Mti€A» *f D*»«»

ftnMtl U«« • HmwiMM • CWtb


TfL: 40.1141

Seaem’t GreetingrB



Saason'a GnetmgaginriRML ki losnm

■m 121*<7 M. «MM S»rwl — CkiMt* llliMif MM2

. $*• H««<» — ei«ton 2-un

Sm»R'« Gr$etinp8TAI SALM YON

fixilr PlM«n *<U OrW*'i U T«b* Q 1111 L 4M !>.. a

■or e. WON*

Smmr'i Crsgftnft


WHIiam T. OkumuraLOaglMchUmZ47SN«.lrM4«n

Cliitti.lWMh 40440


Shig. Toshi & Brent


i231S.raitAv. ClikaiA. mink tOU7

Mr. and Mrs. Kumao A.

YOSHINAR!Ranald, Sandra

and Varna7717 N. MmWMd An. —CWcaya 24. UMt

SNO t muMtN'S, LADIES- ..4

CHILDREN HAIRCimiNS1M7 M. Mobtad it.

Ckkaia. miaalt. Mil? ........................ »1»

mpirYuctroricEl*c«r*iii« F*r li«di.iV»im H. Waad Snaat eusan. ML MOl

WiIIkik T«kJ • Pfsi'rdsM

/:> W^I'ivfstoas;




Mil I. KlilWia Am. Ckicna. Ml. *HIT

lOIORU MWAt. Pat.NabyAJaAnn



Mr. mi Mrk jMk Y. Raktgiwa

CAROL AND THRYmi Wa« Omlata Am. eWta«a. IDMi • MIU

L iof Clu’iitiHai

ICE again, free r ywhere tum their to the Star of the East As the Megi followed its bright­ness to tiie promise of e be^w^rid, toward the promise of peace... it is our hope and prayer that ell mankind will follow in the same spirit

May the Peace of Christmas be yours. Our best wishes to you at the Holy time.


* Urfatl A$p*tt tiradH anwa »t«(i •kif« diaaith.

» Lam* iato»Ml r»l*i #■ UaM ar»MM«a •batlT and ia ataialMt aaaSdaaM

r Uaa laiaraaM aaMraf* •• *all a* Ontr ara^d «raa IH

tRD0D.De af Aa>a daamtai.

* Dindaadi aa» paid MM.aaBuaM)r.

tin Ml

21 WdM atai UAmmi 4^


CO-OPBtATIVE INVEno4442 M. ShDrtdMi tmi, CUcat# 44. 1

laM TaM. AH MbML Diana HaitMka. Dr

Nai OMka. IM TMmmm, Kaa OtaMila, R« af^~l iaa TakaM. BbbaM Hkaapo. Taka TaMka;

NIM Moiada. HIM iMoko. Amm *

Talk Maao. Kaa Na'


ENTERPRISERS,Rmm Had Tara IcktraM Jatk Raiklkata ^arM Saka»a*a DaM VaiaM.

UkaDETSkWdii eaaniTSM

OHIUOO, ILUNOISSeaam'n Grretinfft

NISEI LOUNGE2429 N. SI»MiU Awmd rSifn.-R.Zaka HWibayM Uacali Mq

Season’i Creefing*UIITED ASU


CMa„L mj

8ea»tm’t Ortftmfft Ta 0.7 Uyil PC Sapa^.-i, JACLao.

ISDD a.kka'i id^liadt

Hiroo Smoky'Sakuroda1421 lap 42rd StTMt 04m9«. XlMb. Mi

PhMDPUa 2-1124





no N. CM ft. CUnvalO.M


1444 MweMndiM Wat



SeoDon’* GreefiHOS

MarNu ( Rtehard Barbie

Christine ( Dale Nikawa


SENO REALTY CO.4724 S. StMy l«k»dA*a.

4U 44440 SAM SENO

Rail E*Pa1a Brekar

THOMAS M. HIURA AHarnay-af-Law

CMm«d. HnMlL40449

MASUMOTO Funeral Home

2843 N. Ciirk St.SR 2-444$

Chicege, nUneU 606S7. Fraa Parkinq


Sarvmq Nia FinatP Canlonata and Amar'tean



ChkMfDLO 1-7944 SU4-T797

fa Our Niiai F^iandi Mfikdmt/ OiW^



1224 I. 42r4 SPpmP . DO 2-2474

eWc««D. NNwIi.40427

imw. IralatMN •teatad T4M

ewaata. imaab Hi


KiTlIa MatiladiHaaifd HalamaU


404 C. 43rd Sfraa


mi W. liMi^ Va. CkiMfa, lUaob 4DMD


Bill S. CUcat* Am.1 eiadp Failn.

TYME dEWELERSHtnki 1 AmU Ui,.k.

e*rry 1 S*U>ll7

CMcwfD, niMb 44413

AaMatirta Viunn OiiKan Rtan Rialu WiHf Sataant


Chieee^ 11.40414


tIM W. iMtaa Pmk Id. CklaoRa. rniiab MUT


ChicweD, in. 46417



2244 N. PrwMNP Ave. CMfwea. ML 44414

1 THOMAS ^ KIKOTE 1 MASUDAi USIW.IdtaMTilAM. |CUea«D. a 44444


1249 t. OiW StiM» CMrfi.K. 44411



Ckfea«a. tWaata «em

Mr. and Mis. HIIK) MAYEDA

Undi bail i.d Ciw,UNotwMIUm

RMMte. 11(^44172



iMrta. II. 40172

0 1


Chkaea, IHoward 4 Ann Shirama

BErry-RiiNt CloANrt ADVAHCE CUARERS Dr Ben T CMkankU3000N lra.dwav 1 ARD DYERS ipliu'ST ”Oicage. III.404S7 WEflinglon 5.00S3 Dlvarsay S-SSIO

Ilia N Hitaid Straal Chluai. III. mu; Yurio itakittuio

T1H L Dlli.laal

Kill CIsaMn1124 I. ?!• Ir.

Tani A TaairsslilRakansra


2424 N. Rato Avmm ChfceeDl2.UfcDlt


CWm«d. 11.40414Frank. Irana and

BaPPy J*"P tdeda


I LirtonaakibM HUmL tan, IlirT»l7N.WWk..An.


K£J I muzo lOMOl

! UMTO t MStaaeu

D*i Dll Him. i>4 htAt

i~~Sataa 22DD

IT4 M. U SUM tl.euaaaa. ML MM2 ' k*y KOUA


jALi; “O

igiLitie You A




Fraak SakAin^ikd FAUiLT

4MJ H. itaWa U. CMiaaa. Ulaata MA4D


4D14-U H. krWway


722W^p«»aliaA*MM CMcAfa. m. 44417

Pr. and Mi^ John T. Om^

2244 N.CMSPrMt CWcDf. 14.44417


list N. Kaamart SPpwP Cbicaga, taiMk 44417 ekteaya. II.


4443N.H-DlSHi-* cMa. II. P**


U24S.KI«b*fcAvD. ewctafa. imrnk 44417


MlrL Lch.-d I tin. J.921 W.GMDkMSP.

CMeia.nfcMh 44444

MR. and UK- JOEKiSAftMl

CM-... am*.J Mm^ir.itaK^,


BEORtf t. MRATAand Family

MtD K. UaMM Am eutma. bM Mild

®**Kawr*'•EORNE J. 1

ESTHER KIHAKAMl-..., C-».| ind liwiri

t24IS.WMa 44419

RorRMw*. Dn.taji*Tl

4719S.CdmIW*»^ dCMD. n.




320 MHMto Avmm* PbMt AM 4^72

frmmi «. CMi.



CempUt* Airto R»pijrM« HM. •*Mr««r. PbMt 233-0122CwMT “C" am4 TMorc Ptmm. CflW.

«[ Ii V


•tSjfflfl I'

• AccUMBwOHaMlh SfMctonm ^

125 E. Olivo Avi. FRESNO 2334491



14M K«n StTMt. Ftmm TM: 233-OtOIMgr.: K. Um»k*w« Astt. Mgr.; H. Skir«y«nagi

$■1 LHt Amiruict CMna*y CcMCa• DISTRICT OmCE

lOSTINa AN INTER-Cmr MBTING of the Midwe« otrict Yooth Covrxil, Chicego Junion thow

RW CU«Bf> 3 A C L Anted Ite SOtA •»!- mrj Nov. 2S. tke CUc>

Jr. 3ACL had Elafaie pr^MiT a brief

torlMl aeooat of Ha Mtiea aljK» It «aa or- M Id lOU. Tht NkbI- ■ee of the dltmlfM hi aetititiea. aervlee aad

nlaiBK projeeta b ap- «at and ahoDld aen-e as aide to ether Jr. JACL enpa throsghovt the atry.D» Tamada b traunr- ef the U65 Jr. JACL

UDlrmlt3”sool of Liberal Arts.

ELAINE YAHASAnCAGO — Timea-iae. U’l inih pnjeram ideas and eo- resolutions part .•iefal yean old. but the coura«ettieaL In 1M2. Fur- Urth ot the Nalional Junior

Jr. JACL is raiAdly usbo became the first chair- JACL, leaned the ins and ! BOK adult maturity. , innn of the Midweat DisUiet outa of ooetmitiee actioo.

ing deiegeiw the fun tkie of JAO. ~ James Ogati photo.

hicago Jr. JACL Attains maturity




sad 'TiriUybt Capen.'Jn. thrived and Rich Kaneko'e 'aifmtnistntlnti saw the atari P*^ **of the $200 Jr. JACL Sebe^ar- ehip. Such geaercaity. ever, donasded giore f

ins the 12«trooc orsanlsatiaB: intact Yet, with projects as!

with a sadden le^ when, un­der Roes Harmno'a guidance, the fomeriy coUege-age group began offering activities ap-

scboolen. ^bb enlarged 1 effective!}-

raising projects. The ifleO'alwoman pr^ent Susan Tori. Youth Festival was Harold |Aral's BoecessfuUy-maaeu-

d put to wo^^- the Jn.' fint '••'woman preaident Susan Tori-

goe, and IMS brougbtlnoeaa- ed participation in cofnmunlty

■nae has pained and the Jr. JACL has grown—in sise of membership and depth of program — but what of ila pnipoae and goalsT

GOALS DEVELOPED No “three-point program"

guided its develc^ent but

l»n the Chicago Jr.ptojeeta andyupport and aid of senior funeb^

In thbtity and enthusiasm grew ble" became an accepted ad- around the idea of a district'Jectlve of the Jn. shd Disnayouth eonncil tp parallel the Vamada added "sharp'' as her- ---------------- lui. in Gil Fur- IMl adminisiratioo pi ausho'a adm!nistration.tbeJn. the Jn. in leadership posi- visited nascent Jr. groups

nrst and foremost, a need existed to invotve Jap<

lions. Chicago Jn. saw their resolutions participate in the

basketball and bowhng leagu- m. the Jn. kept youth off the streete and in tb^ oouita and aUeya-Si Jr. beach partiea. pi^ea. bike

' hikes, house parties and horse­back riding. srhUe winter came

BILL’S FLOWEB SlOFtill Nikaida

1417 Kara Sfrsst Phase 24t-S4M

PrsMs. CsW.




WestFnsnoBnnch IS2I FrwM St. I


Seaten'i Greeting!

SM B Bh. Tiknk!Ann, Janet and Rollie

2S2 KsarMY Mvd. FrsBns 4. * "*

S.H.MIIUMItCO.InBurenee - Travel

S14 E. Stress ^ TsI: 2M-44U FrasM. C^Hsnls

Travel ServleeAnt* FiKiMlnt

14lt bn btf Fntee, CaM. ZM-tITt

111 “j" It, Ntnw

OkMMlot i99tkn

nmt AD 1-1 ni fintpreSi-IVoutb Council, had hb hands full keep- Chicago's n

m|[- wruuc viuikct k.«kuc■plash partiea. roller "V theatre parties, bowl- I a three-day outing at 9

imp Reinberg. H '(ContotuedonPageB-18) *

Was* Frasm FloralTODO SUSAI. Prop. "Flower! by Todd" 1519 Ken Street

Fretno. Cdif.

Omaha's Secret: Wholehearted Participation„ Koincto Dtpk StoKi TV and Radio Dry Goodl :S Oriental Art Good*



Fmaa. CaW.




Dr. A Hrt.. CHESTER OJI•-^Avtty. S.ra.

Da>« •U Ar«aU1474 W. Twain Avaaaa

Freiao S. CaRT.


MN8ST .ikd JANlCttill t. AaMe War


4117 t KsrakiaH Ave. Frame. CaMataia

ToUvt4o« SddyiklMr. aM Urv l-.kaAi

;Frame. CM. TSH 244-1129


EAHA — IVhelebearted from these d^era are placed in Febniaiy. achoolB were honored and pre-' din the tnmun- • a-iih 15<- Certificates of reeognitioo tented with gi/ta. Co<hai^ « ^ plSf^ thr^h^ar- were presented ^: Sen. Cecil man for thU «'ere Mn. Ma^' !<

Knfl. Sen. Feme Hubbard MbaJd and Ceirharrf Spies. Ome, S«. Edward Danner, laaei membei^ were honor-

“ “ ‘ ed guests at 1

dpatkm by all the has been a ke>- factor

aneeesB of the Omaha Chapter thb pam >tar.

Mlightiag the year nklyaki dinner parties, k proved gratifying to ippetitcs and rawarding ich^itar treaauo'. Many

■rare thrir ki- and add color

ship fund. ‘Under the able leadi

chapter presi^tEm NakadoL the Omaha JA- CLen have accomfribhed much thb past year. LOy A. Okura was chsiimsn for the Installation and Recognitions

CarroU Thomiaon. and Eari llsnne. These indiridosb had been iaslnuneotal In the re­peal of the mbeegenstbe VO for the state at Nebraska.

The <%apter held its an-

wae parties. All prorm'Seblmmri's Indiah HUb Innand htamid■■ - largely respon-


BIG JOHN MARKETnil W. .tfrf rw-w. **—

eEoiiRGE TADANO. Manager

.aunami i

July picnic, planned by lira. ba>-aBU and caUnst Four memben and one junior | member attended the Nation- ! al JACL Conventke in De-

No OB 14 Help I______ _____ August wra the month for E■Ue for the tucceaa of thb another of those "epecial " V eveoL Also, the Oiapter pre-'aukiyalri dinnera and approal- * •ented $25 to the local Po-|mately 50 people a-ere in al- « Uiie and Fimhen's Scholar- tendance. During September.

Orienfal Art '1S2I Kara St.. Frm

PboM AH $-4S02


1413 TMcre St. Ftema AD 3-1401 FrasM 4. CMIf.

Dr. tnd Mrs. ISAMU S.HAHBA

54 Myw Avasse Frame 4. CeWorals

Helldsy' Graatinge



JAa Cluplm

|NtralFHS.ikS. nifSH F«M DAILY

A. YOkOMI,1M7Ksra$mss»

Y« I Ttiy TakfcmErie. Grant 3 Adair

5641 L Hs4v«

GrerfiagiDr. aid Mn. TED HAUTA





ship Fiinda^nd re-actiTated|the Chapter sold candy ____ 5 the Newalettee with Gerhard raised $50 which the}-

TANITA FARMS. Inc.GravOT oiH SUppm •! 9"MlT V«5iN*l«

[dim Rd. «Hl S3fd Dr. ^

PEom: YE 7-3131 - YE 7-3101

Holiday Cheer



” llir .WAMPIVCV wu« ...tfrikNIUS .Spiee and Mike Wsianabe be- pibi i ;ng appointed co-edaors. kgsJ

i All-Time Membership ^ H Msnbemhip eh«im>«n

kle Ando was all smilea in April as he announced that the Chapter bad rmebed an lall-thne high uembenh4> fig­ure of 155 mewibcra. Mora [than 200 memben of •Omaha Junior League guesb at aukij-aki ihnner held during Uds month.

Memben gut behind the mle of "Go DeCreit" <,and robed $2S0. Big {for Ixrwiera a-aa the snmisl JACL bowling penk on Moth- jer's Pay. May a-aaYhe month Imeral-ero participatsd In the “A-Bomb Sun-ivai " reception land $10 was dwjated to at- Isbt in thb fdfort i June b the month of grod-

‘ nation, so the Chapter held its ahnual Graduilion party and all grads from colleges; and Nona^i Okada aeung as

luted to the CoiAmiuee .isinst Prop. 14.Hallowe'en proved to be

nnan' Yn4the big aUrsetion in October.14 more than 100 memben turned out for tble annual event. Mn. Mary Smith and Mr. Robert Nakadol served as co-chainn«ti. Another $50

prtMBited to Nsttonal Hra^usrten to fight Prop. 14 and $10 was givta to the Children's Memorial Hc^-

i«November was the month i

the Omaha JACLera devoted to a membaah^i campaign' and Walter Allen was mem- berAip chairman.

With the coming of the holiday aeaaon. the Ompter bNd aaothm nUyaki party and 1S5 Bren in attadattee. The final event of the year will be the annual Christinaa Partv. with Patrick Okura

r a de oo-chairmaR.

Holiday Cheer




SSASOVS GREETinasOriental Trading Company

iirt fAWAN mm. oiiA-A. ,... .. j.ek Ik.w*

UltT..S.N'< W.«tb

344 “C" St- Frsbw Pbeae AM 44241


• s.»" s.1411 T.lm Sr- I

PtiM.: AWs 4-mz

ArK's Bwker ShopH«rry K. Arle

"T«k" Salto 1513 Kern St. Frans now: AM 4-4440

4Slt M. Slirf.eB An. FbM* IZr-Mli Pw. CePtwIe


{•sell — Mirttftl fMda 4% T.i Sr.. S.n4! til Vm ft.

Mr. and Mn.Y. HIRAM 6DYA

AND FAMILY 5444 No. Wlsckettsr Ara.

FrssM. Cdif.


1524 Ksra Strsst Frawo. CsM.




Skirl.T Am> Urn. Jm.


•nd FAMILY5404 E. lakh FrssM. Cciif.


4XM E. LysB Avsra



Fracw. CsWsnils TsI: 244-2419


Bhr Birw SiitU!B„,.i1.74S e sirm

#2 - 2424 s. Bm

GREErnCGSW«t Frtiw 0n« Bg.

1SS1 Kwn

Dr. Md Mrs. dick H.SHIMADA .M l.rb*’.1574 W. Ocvswoed

Frara. 5. CtriHorsio


5174 W. AbWos Avs. KsnMs. CeWsnlo

Br.AMrs.l.S.S»rtG •Ml FaniRy

1454 W. i«tew Ara. FrawsS. CMIforaM

Dr. uB On. Bmij. M .W F.bHt

1447 W. Iw mn *w.

Dr. B On. OtTO N. BBBB

..4 FAMIUT4477 f. OW. An.


Udfy. .M Yt««ktl.lM t SUH.V



TsI: 226-9254 IflON-Eebe. FrMss. CsW.

(Aenw hra F-ra.. Wlffc>

Dr. .wan. EumHi S. auHWt.

mm. CM.


mow. CtfHtf-i.


Cheryl and K<rk7762 t RsbiMSS


IIEN MONDAI Em— T.m-U* • M-a« M 'tee.ln. Cerepleta Labfw.

Tri!-A» T-tm


sad ^ifts


Nafl Director's Report to 18th Biennial Conventio20-Ppint Schedule of Activities' Reveals Scope of JACL Program^*

Dwr FpIIo*- JACLfr«:«> Kjp deeply irratpfiil

•II of yoo who rowrtttip RpBPpou»ly of \'our

bppTi on thp PC officp *Uff m«mber bMia. Th«» yp«r with r, *inr« mid' B«j;inntng ihp blcaunr- of Nttioiul„ fnlh Mni Vuki Ksnu' Memborehip Chumun Dr. . yaisu aisisied on a pan lun« SJHm and th« cooppratioo of

wur talfnta. vour Pffrtfia and i**'' ‘h* grpai amount .National Hfadquartna. PCfinance, nnt for JACL iuirlf, of «" be out tnrmborabip rwraw!but for thr wrlfarr of prr- kept and rhn-kad-nfreMiutad maillnfa to all tho« wf»o aot» of JapanMT anrowir in "’orr hrip. ao aurtini: aith would br affoctad by Ihr

' th* I'nitad SUtca aa wa 1^' *be baa baen <(n a full Uanh 3} cut off daie.forwnrJ; toKcihcr in the name of tj">e baaia, PC. The direct reaponae tothe OrKantMlioB, > Jn “o" ihia campaim are not re-

Ti.P v.ii«f,.t nMT.nijatifii from advemain*. fleeted in the memberahtpaand nro’eram of th^JananiBieKamaj-attu voliifi- mumerf in reapoue. ainrr a t-^^ ‘ee"«f 1«« >•««■ to «or>« on quite a fewmich -delmq..enf

ll TUn hW‘^Jy of ,~,pyd 2;

Chapterand «rtmia National,

Commitieea .plua the Nation', al Board and Staff, dunn* ''

t 'rii Bd®‘'• Ain,„™, D,.,n.l c.«p..p,

r.nrs,“r“”;,'™"-^operation*, and weak apota. ^

NltiOMl Stiff volvementa in JACl. he con- j, ^ ^„„„„ded that inFollowing the \96': Nation- t>n»« ’o be moat helpful in „^betah,

al Council deeiaion to add “»»5' »ap?^l* of our enure campaignaAdminUtratii-e Aaaittani to program and often haa made p<„<jiirted through tie PCthe National Suff. after roa- «"-nmmodati^ in hu own that atnp liata of•irterable aearehing and ,inj- bnainew to be so. membera beBideralkm of aix applicanUu l» not for the dediea- .ubmiti

SSrSr 1000 Club —1962-1964 ,E£ ^poor al <%cb National Coo- ter* i* for ua to be of —veniion a btmif budget, to anre to U^m in “ticipatod ^

On thia yeara mail mem- The JACL lOOO^aub under the direction of National NaU^ ^T^r'reeord of Chapter* 2Their imereat and gen- berabtp renewal campaign, of jooo Oub CSiairman Bill Maiaumolo cooUnue* to be a Council ib-^e any IncfaM** •ubmitUiig quwierly pro-'i““ Muraia*. -

lual' cbal- ;tbe 2.5,. maUinga to “delin- major w>ow« of aupport and financial Incoma to National. ^ ,p^l projecw, gram and vtintiea reporta J<»«t«i*teful to the ItowUy and generoaity of the mem- delegaim realiaing that if to Headquartere mandatod

Id to the Di^ncuand 1000 Club Chaimea for their .ddiuona art voted. Ihej bv tie NaUonal CouacU in aa Retioeial,*'*" .dreamw fumiahod by PC lh» afforu. the XB9T a^ve membera hated in tiia yeara Na- the ^ee who aw calling 1058 haa been fair at beat

ir^r for the Northeni we—..___ t.i- mem^raWp tiooal ConrenUon program booklet Honor RoU u of ilaj ,beir own chavtera to but there haa been a dropene- renewala returned to Nation- j, ipgt ©ur hlgliwi to date. nretlde the neccaaarv addiL Memberahip aa aJwaya ti al Headquartera UiUUed 131.' • The diatnbuuon of these membera by >-*ara •» followa: funda

base of _ e.™ .. . _ b . u. u........ ■

ceraea to backgroundyouth aa a tearber. and

bTL chwrir^Aa-a youth membeta of the national C«««y 'h« Mailer fr^ ad-.;Headquartere -mandated S«f Freaoaco. Cud

- - - - fMTiia - - Bee Xita10 and Dr. PtnkI

California and wtirk cifir aaaignmenta from Katienal Director fr*. have been griduaJlJ- expoilng lo all facet# of the Kali

T ortaniaation Thia number include n few h. „ mpport of ^uTprograma. couples, ao for National JA- j‘,**,.*fr'****» -

f^'I thia biennium.

Freano: Paeiftc Uaa Kirenaiia. ha 1

KaUonal '

LUPomi iuuue. except for the notable excep- jnt'[»ntin«*u' -• Si]Frankly, if chaptna and ixS "|f the Northern Califor- ^

the nouble excep;

.5 :: =' LT'w k.... ,:..w .horahlp total fell below the about covered thepr^nim but have ume high oC IWH of while for PC it meant anom

In the adminUtratite deulla ^ ^ renewala.of the organixatioo. hii,;* high of IT P7» members. - i, um. mi Herewwi the 1.68T curwrl lOOO Clubbcra bt-.Chaptere which'itema

There haa been pome mia- 7],^ jpgi total aa of June. HMflll PiM and Diairicta. By comeartaon. 1.560 1000 Clubbera arere budget afaould eiunderstanding on the payt bL 17.349 membeis. rivea ua Over ihepaat sevenj vear* hated aa current in the 15»62•NaUonal ConWeiUon booklet, or eliminated eni some who have fell hu believe tbal wv will a number of ChapUrtv.htv* »*e'fe xMntwm « ->i' ,4ef lo cut di^only reapooalbility waa tor laat year a total, boosted their member^bipa. ------- n ,»aeiBC wirrwwttr ter quoUa,the National youth program- but ws will fall ahon of the throurh the adoption of ’• _ . »i i. --------------- <•-...................................................... projected 20.000 membera 34 group, in^rsnee plana nota- fVJfr' ----------- J5

n rnapi^s wzei b#wb* .0 b... ..». ...v...e aerioua in their Nevada Djstnci *]■’>• b... .11 Pr.iiBcil The renorta of “Ot

■berscomplaint —......................mnnev ia going to Nioonal Coaptera ... ^ .___then delegataa to the Nation-rod-2!«4 were aummartxml

>’oabi Sakota. Ia lountaia Ptaiaa-lb'

Denver, lilT Iit-Oti

and claanif>«l by Adminuus- AaaisUnt Jack

While he nay be iaa Uie Natimial JACL Youlh^hgpi^r* have already Director, thia la only a part b«,er than last year. ... .twelve of the** have ae

w of the 1962 .Seattle-^ mioo are quit* .clear

n of hj-

bly the Chapters ia Santa and Clara County in Northern

I all CalifornU frith Blee Groae.: lii!?

Uayeda ^tmeaTakao

chafe- chapter* thi« y-fwr visa the ^,,, ruling from the Unitad Sutea $piei|l PrOffHI

'1: tjikjJarahh Pna^ jlnternal Revesue Sc'nice WaahlagtoiiJUm i,^ MWIiniHp that all the rjbortinat* tiBlta i^w Ctaapaiga: Wakl

time arould be deroW jo 4be. „ t-niith program, but hi* fbO' D

m- to the National Board , DaveV^rm_ of U>ng.£,

*|*”*!r**ll!l Chinn, iu* gelea.

Company ftf ado.^eobirii agent in Loe

3-niith program,lamenial ^ig ______idminiatmtive AasiMani. ' „ Nation*, In our Southern California Chairman this

Regional Office,', l^as Ma\ haa put in a great deel of tauahige joined cmfc Si+ff aa time 'and effort ih puehing'• vo' u.Regional Diirctor,«rDm Feb-: for '20,000 membera- fnder'*^'"" ruarv 1. 1963. following the hia'direcUoii. there have bein * heplthrva.gnatiOB of Jim Higaahi. p^r^ic graphic rrporta

1 adopted a group healfh , ka.“rae.iW* _ a offered by Capitol laf* -----

‘Deai- _ Paul:

Los An-

Aa will be aeeo from the ©f tie National JACL arould f*,, ©f relrrmdmi IJ Natioftal Treasurera Report. *1*© be included under the siax» of W*#hiB*t«a ■| during the biennium we have Federal tax exempt auiu* of to ereae the Alieela « esubliahed a aeparate N't- the Naticmal orftiumtioc from the State CM

tt tional JA^ Sehoiarship Specul thank* are due to annih©r try waa nM « Fund from contribution* ear- Sauonal Legal Counael Bill which waii again 4

"■“biBgtoci National Second Vki-- r uuu .....a .>n.v4 .>*UDO*J 1.It marked for aeholarahipa with Uarutani

ore,. Jfcr. '|«w*-^ anpotificqd s.KTTvTi‘““'"I' gtS

<_ i .=l-i=T'i ...,.

to be promoted In with a ne-

riSl™™ TS-W*’'„k,K,»i

,1::’“:™,'“ ,nr,'U!her ehildren. Bonnie KuraU. the number ( now Ura. PbObert Ogawa r»--fniiowa:

He hasmeeting the many reapgeisi-'chapter* biUtie* which are placed on cii,. ,nd hia Office, Mr*. Pearl Mu- ogniliona giahima who haa beea OffiSecreury aince January of^Chairmen haa been act up;1961. left ut in September of -Chaptera haive been, groiip^. . — ,,»3b„.„ .bo^

”'"”b" - o,™b,n wbb -™eso...^ Angelee laat November (%aplets 1^^ together with Mr. Chinn.

. f I b .©£. Group A: Over 500._ 4 ' '”*•■ ! Gro«r B, MO-bOO 1-

Mrs Bather Hagia-ara la, Group C: 200-300 _____14now completing her ninth' Group D: 150-200......14 .v , .j-etr as Office Secretary in! orouD E: 100-150 .. 22 inautance for«wr Ifidwear Office, She con-i p. i.«. ,>,■> inn 92 '*■ membttniire to he moat helpful

‘‘;pUquea ■Chapti


aanfm Americqot'irSkb pWr— i| ;i| the .atitaoa^^wSSSsr^ZZrri^ t « 'ec**M.ui

MoaNiAM ataiNil|• the hope of buUdiag it tip Repreaentative Mike Maaaoka diet continued aa tk

»M aufflaantly to provide for f©r working thia out with B*n. gtnnga additional N'atieetal JACL U.S. Internal Revenue. Thia «ff©n involving g^

,J .Scholarship* from the acenj- ruling, however, place* r»a- Stxt^ Ijegialamr* te'd• ing infer*«. poemibibiy and obligatmn oei again en

^h rhapiepcand Dial riel ballot.rnflnm^t Pmd each rbaptepcand Dlatrlet ballot, gettim d■ I CMOHIMIl rm Council to aubmit a report of

iM Special commendation i* their finance* tn the Revmue ,, dua Dr. George Miyake of Serrice at the end of each t.

i. Hynr"" »- BnK,,. u,.,

:i pS:'H „ I _.i vmB =!•..

Aa a ^eault of this meet-, ing. the group felt there ww* coeril in JACL exploring


yj■* Chairing the National JACT. .tnict the chaptere regard- ^h,f Endowment Fund Ctsmmtilne inj the filling *'

:» TOTAL11

s- £tT.liting a mUUon donara^,*.p«i^,,.u,eUrg-™~'^^

JACL \fkidowmmt. the an- eg ©«, who do eowdmwble .nual Intiam from which wiU *auhatantiajly reduce the j, ihaTwiib-ragard to obtain' amounts neceaaary- from the ag permita for chaptere in the form of quo- p©upa on bulk mailing Thia ijtaa. The prTaent emphiaam *

* very clear axpiaaatwi matter in the vetarif

* and to the apathy ■<j-pi^t ©y Bianv of«h

• Americana tMM------ be bandied nmUonally xithaurt of

dectmm t^ NaUooal r*iher thap individual chap- menujj ©f ■ ' " API^ ten try^ to work thing* Chapters di

officer* of<Board is peimi^y _

^te the pr^pdl of the ©f wvrt. •1000 Club Life Memberahip originally pegged at *250 ^^BTOtFund even 7i->,iie we owe all wr chap- m©« gmermiaiv «

r-^ p. I— .k.k mo 92 »>e*t>cre anu recommend- »»a reriaed in 1958 ta *500, The amounla from Life .Mem- though at jssawt we have to individual peraooal con- Maanoka. and MW* r moat helpful ,0 ^ ‘ “<* from rT.uS«rtJ offiml. lUted'N«Uow3 Committee - 1) t. ^ut.oo account to gain ^ax.mum interret. wuh “'"1^ N.lKmal ktaff, thU ia impow b©«l JACL mth 4k

in Chicago and the Midwmt. K^ “ Jilrory extent b^gjnthdrswn for each We Member each y^ to be (ithar membera^ the Na- .jble both prertically and ««, ©f ,h, raMsip* tmaptera in eacn caiegury «.k;..k ..,«kt ‘-crMit«i'tn the resoenivc Chaoter retnittancea. We firure tienal JAfl. Rndnwnueit —___...n.. National rcrtlat budget i| —

been genemua Since thia ansaf Ito the Midweat Diatnci Coui


idweat Uiftnc! Loun- thieving the highmt per- ’the large Chicago increaae over theand certain Nation- ve*r as well aa ^7*

Life Member each year to be Dtbar light I'rrSdited to the reapective Chapter lemiitiiDcra. We figure tienal

iniripate in x National JA- the intereat accrued on the original Life Membership

a in health inauranee of *250 can be extendeti to 12 \e

ltd 21 if auch a aurvey,interest. The first group of Life Menrbers were enrolled in Thiby adding the accrued Inagakt. Mike Majaolm!^ Mtii"h^^ time

keeping up 1000 Oub r___ .. .............. ..... the hand* of tk

I Talabe and Dr. Roy wh^^ever poamble in auch we have been «*»k«H1 , .1 k<.r '«r inaieatea. j-acu migni ap- *«iuu. mwia ui«i uu* jcwi »ue avLuai kwu Aiuuuub* .>i»m«awa. Ipersonal amaraBom. and------••-■■•—

to'^libIe'Wioa»dmit'ito:|„^bere Speciafie^ a major loihermembereoftbeXation-Sto^ Land

rwlSerw”^””'"*’"’ biennium ^•IHmdqu.rierehaabeenre-lth.r^'ih^^*^'-'^^''’"'”-* ^.ahould i^increamng uae i„w ^e legialade.duced to one permuient Sec-;«lndiag »«''♦ P**"* Okurs In P™J|l«n, we hope we can Council rsaultii^ from ©f ^ menbers oTthf Na- the Law a law•

W_ c-k:. C-.__ k___ «ana“i» pmurmaoi. M«bl# Ytwhi- eouraa# 1000 OiibbeTs to continue payments even after ih» fAcmtuv. nf tk* am- ...........................Tia.1'

a by rinue of having paidjn_*50^

retar}'. Mrs Chix Satow. hav- alereisteg been wiih JACL aince m,mbershiii'I* hiiaiie An in- ~ me «*ii-oa Angeiea ^ iB-G. ii™. pw K.™« j

ifruB our curreni

employer to fetor* to her for-;^lnaj folio*-upa.'ro expediteta*r job. Our *fforta to ob- ,hi, arrangement. National at a hoofital

amount of work on ChU Sa- ip*^ Vh,ch' xre offered - ireaaurer _tow have been uoautceaaful ,he Chapters at date. Me«i\whtle. Mbs. Nao Every.«ffort i* being ^ade •*Sugii-ama has been aaaiating mrourage rerly member- Cfainn'a original plan oe^rfan time baala on moat ,hip eampalgna. The fact Citiiena League of C Vt\ our routine corrsapond- many chapters are ask- Niaai now trsnaferred to tb* an^. Jack Hiroa# aervea ••..p, f„ thair membetship^Peoac Southwmt Jhairicl

a^ltir^ fromV^

. j by apJining ^ ,up t^ Southwest

“•P"- ™'.t. «B.v, th.

Board in such visits- contacting the Sokilimited torney General *A* M

FbMKtS account into the Scholarship rila and Santa Maria Valley. membms more con-'*"* *‘**'**J

^ tthile a deUiiled report oo.„_, „v, c .4-,_ DiatrKt, have continued in- oka of Idaho, r*.bills eoversd by such inaur-

IJ.A B.C-BMU... — * -

Tk. Al.. ..lAAP... k.- ,k. generslly we. hare be« in der to rvwUie additional T^ jilan adopted b> the financialN^itioq dur-tore* for theee aceounU etTn!^

active.-and therefore will notqualify aa chapters in goodl^"' tv /- «aiivj, - --------- ^

iding at thi# Igih Bion- Dwtnet CouncU meet- *troBg auPP®**-^:uia. National Convention :«*• ■» often as poMWe, and jjjc ChaptkhJ^

^ mg this biennium even thofRh temporary depoata of ________ Admmiatrstive Aaaiatam i..jA.,k.p nf MikeJ^

miltmmiu from the Chaptois main# oi WMidng out a for- during this particular bien- DiatncU-hod Chuman. finaadM "- their J^tiooal quoUa. We »„]» jor quote allocatitma Bium that ptsvioua. While “ *'* ^ from a number rf *■” *jr“h 'r '• ZTsarzi s; - Q,M-.r«;h« cndb ,o,b.b.

which have oonaaen-l.iA<r/.nA .a.) .-m .™'_a._ .. .k. .i___..L n-.____________to audit oor books and pre- thia. ganixaiioo. With the plan of-. v..™ . ^~'*rP'i’ , - x-sars official financial re- ^ «■ i. v» Ifieialiv underway aa of kfcr *-«*«“- unifonn. and yet sccepteble!aervicea to tba chaptan on

Official financial ^ |Mlrt«fc|p i. S4.TwiU ^*ritbout;th* part of National Hmd--.........................................-'The Patific Cilteen to obrnri-a toe rtM*ia and,{^«-;|^ co-;q«artere In acquainting them

> how this aarviea to a amimit axmewm |pPtfiSie ettiaen ateff membersimenberehip c o n t i a u es/tojhow this aarviu to a were bronght oader tb* Na- aen-e as another eoeourege-J of *«

f«ers] atatt personnel pol- icka. PC pereouael matter^

mem of eaiirlier compiMine Of «i p eanqmigna, es-'

pMially s-ilh toe March 31PC peraouael matter^ cut off date,

are handled by National ip-.| th 19«3. the PC ogoduetid;^^ raewred

junaue aaitiahip or com-quart______ IpUtete. eapeeially s-haa aaeh arito ______

Itteualj- remltiad the halaaeeUapter mav have individuallother aaaiaU,df tomr quotes from -to«arj«reun„tancex All chaptere.'come trend. __________________________________ticMunm rtm they have ©f course, vmuld be happy tfi The rscofd of eh^xm as well aa wprweait toair ceatry not bora

rn their dif-aeBding copiea of mlnutea of Diatricta on the National Sttua lU allocation*, bqt toair meetinga hare been only ^Board. W* look forward to Key

-fortunate that; able to era#*

JACL ■haa coatinually been Stete able to challmtge toe tune and alecticm. the

, efforts of dedicated JACLers voting. toldiM yj to nerve their rtspectire Dia- aarving aa --

Itrict Counpila aa Chainneo and tooae

sal ti».

Since toe public announce- „©, twen able to meet their ©ulmem SMd* by to* PSBDC. a quotanhroogb nembewBl

nfaer of -inquirw hav* ^ ^ i©. „ ,hc aame time National k fate, altboujh iw^’ of them'in'the Tutore Idah<; effortnn recommendiaiens madebt-;* mail eampmgn to'eacour-*^ ^ .^iL coming in durtng the.experied to operate normal- feel that their monthly news-Ipvmg of toetr time and ex-, good r-bhe mSe^ Board. '!age tboa* trim had not imoolhi of to* >-eaf ly. 'Ri* ,«»* tune prevsila te l.ttoa and buUettea suffic*. parienc*. aa «*mbere of the'cloae

Havre Honda vonDBuea •* ncwed their aremherahip wbwi chaiptm are-on ihetr all the chapt^ that ' all our,W* would Uk* to cmphaatts’Kational Board. Ibera of to*tha-Bditor. bow te hia 12th’renew. wat least renewttieir.t** ™ Neto»dl Orwaktfca Hwmtkrtktp eaapaig*. your mnagy w g«ii|g to National", that to* pdamry puirma* oft Th. follewnig hav* aerred hare had thnw^ yaar. Ure. Jaaa •*»» b*i PC aulkenptiaaa m> a soe-iwiB isjwt^ ton C»vteit%iNati«uI Direeuir in <«»jlt-,For toia very reamm wa pro- aoeh Bdantaa to BJdquar-jer an amriBg toair Steta aa4

.,tL houpay tssui-oicEMia tm. \w THI PACIMC CITI2IM stcnoN I—i

DOHAI DIREaOR'S REPORT- lUuf Special CoMitteeqth* Denver Pott. The fonnat m* puna e*adid«» if they wuhaiitn**] orflhninatioB Both the 17tJi tad 18tli|Proi^OBt Pal Olninu N*Ocn-W the leaflet h« Uk«Luh-| Tt ehmild be 1-4* bnile one for the op« achoUrtli^ We have aeade amage-iAnaual JACL KatMoal Niaei lal 3rd Vice Preaident tod'due time ainee the pertv aak-lclear aaaia.'that whBe vc a»d one casdidiU for the menta to aaML is eendinf Bowlisf Tounaneau were

“ !*«■* Le*al Couaael Wil- ed to help oe this, a Nia« m have iKiaUd aad enccur-'JACL amUated ucholamhipa, Ken Kupohra. Praaidooi of heM thia Wernium in Cali--tuona ailh ihv « «he Rumfort Aru the Cali-jliMn Maruiaai. former Na- the public reUliona art held, aeii in a number of wa>» Aa a reault of thie a record the Berkeley Junior JACL fortU ai the PinruereUne-

and othera m the forsia Real t^ate Aaaocia-Oooal Prrmidenl Prank Chu-eubmitud several d*«ra tbe-youth prtmm. actuaUy 60«»BdidaUawer*noeiiiiiaiod to theXationalTeenafeCon- in Santa Pe. Spnnira and-jr.ity- Nouble *»i the tion haa ohta^ed enou«h-iBan. Cbainnan of the Lot nhich were not adeoptible to Nauooal JACL can never be.'bv the Chapters. feraoee on Human Ri|rhu to Countpj- Oub Lanes in Sac-

licipalion of Junior si^alurea to place u initit An*elea County Oomnaaaion the Committee. or abould not hope to be, a Howrer. the matter of he held thia Auyuat at ramenio. rsapeeuvely

any law.i^ncu and Actini: ChairmanIiIoil''we will he ^virtv------------- ... ... ^ diacnminatiQB in of the Denver Commimion on^^cad »ad print 10000 comm While ..

State Eeprmmil-ib^; ^ uman ReUW JACX >»»» «^Jor

fraai extant ttia. Tsukamolo to keep the California -Weatem Dtatrirt sociatkm. and Jim Okita rep- portion of Jack Col. Walter Tsukamoto un- Council. NC-WNDTC as well,reaeounp the Ixmp Beach

------- u. - -I------------ e— ------------------------- -- , u« inroum our ---------------------------- --------------- nphaaii on youth rnsWcied waa aerimialy coo- aa Xeuonal are helpin* to.Harh^ Diaincl ChajiNat»naUvi***Si»-*»«>«‘">*kiag.“yMl'-Mike Maaioka and J ACL all public rtUiiona ha»>^ directed tidered. share expenaee. ter. There waa «» partici-

*^"_1 oolicv with proftouncenvenu National Krector Maj Saiow.;u,rourh acbool teacher Specifically tow^d-ihe Jun- As a result. H waa frit MUImrv Pnihef P““ divided into J»6 rim s“ The foUowin* Sute»ent. ^3o.^ JACU all the ScholarMi.i. tesm. and 42 worsen a tsamediacnmii

'Jjhouaih*. -The JACL Northern Cali-

P the laws acainsi mil-:Ilian in the several;

“ sjTTi; Di-prepared and ;

As Americans of Japs-*; c..nrem» Court andl*®*" record U. pn^xme a near aneestrv who. juK 20 ii.rt «iHir wl “‘•tioo of Jua

U of lh«« la*, in *Wch is the.olher ms-i^J?;

and vmrioua hu- W JACL. the Junior JACL that — ............ .. - . p*nori live... ore«.ti*,ti< i''k>ne does not comprise JA- should remaim “restricted. * Dubby Tiusawa :chaired

- nf o,e CL* l^Twn. SO the JACL affiliaUoo waa ’*'* ’*** Tournamiml in Sac1-n.. «><*<• »«W it ia^m.riot coomdered for thu '7 rameoto which dre*- 15<

i«' SneenSf. ui^ ^ ^ “** reLrt team, or 770 holers,than coneemme upon _lhe ,.^ te„-*-ere r«^ived this yeai-.'" ““^.meo'a team, a

With the con

and 46 rronwn r*'*'*^«sem*al effort bv^"® attention of, ciiil hfhia, , p«*meal effort by^^. ^

;cesuy in the Scale the faciaj am of our ancestry. - -iual SUtes.

ted deprivation of project of the Pubbc Rel «“>• h<« .n.1 I.... wtleretwr .nv rhinler. «nd| pven tO the MldweW DjStTKt

* Council, and Dr »ank Sa-

cers »-ere receiveo >nia yvar. p_. • ■—»» ««« t< n—■ p„„.. .Ku

eihi. himmium State ’"*^ ®“*'‘•'“i •* *' we _. •"« eo the formaUoo karncuo serv-ed aa Chairman.' Kij^ ,.. Som, ^ (i,. ,^ Initiative and the aupport the present «ru*- ^ The 1*63 Sc h o 1. r. h i National JAO- acroU of

' kamoio served as Chairman.!, projrem Bosrtin* Onifram, and a spe-

poaal in the nation to slten^it gro 1.rf Uuh throag

V s—V. the initiative^ Cal>^‘>'’': ‘P*^ 'NcbrmakA the imnauie ^ . is frit that it la of auf-! conaimci

iMfjtuif "'.spprociaciMi waa pr

s^^nl^emeot in having ^_____^ a niaei. N»t i on a 1

Okur. lestifird

support of the National I Justice.The mslter will snd eduealioiial opportu­

nities as a matter of fun- rilriit

tional origin.


. iciaiiy Civil ftielihCecil Cnift. IVnt „p Aphasia

*rd Orme and Edrrerd ^ .^1 ^^is nationally in' Ue

A very nonuwU ih, .p^ng of 1963. s« off byi in waking legislatiie. Ju-

will be included ittlhe.W^-j^^ National Council IwSrki and J«e Owens.

Representative. R*-;f„ mipport on this which; Because of the large------- -producing a aeholarly and ^ ^;P»rt- was given. Five Committee, per of nominees, a apwiial'K^^T^* a. a gnx

An.™.- .< ' “■ ”P -P"“« JnJtU. ■' J‘CI, nS^b’.nTL ni-'|.“Inrace, color, creed or na- ****' TT»e Gddeujphaaes of such a proposed ers assisted in the prs^im-

irigin. , \^" IW«ib.rg,lN-*uonal Junior JACLorgan- j„d|pn*. Sumi Ui-j* whirTlIlJ.i'^*' ^-lis end. we arceler- •” brought to atunuon.;imtion with an overall 3ooth,^.^i. xbe Hagiwars. Shig], ^ ^ our n^'roDtinuirntpregTam Oa*Chairmati Nr. proriaidrmlWakiimBUu. Kumeo Yoshi-;[ " rux « our ptoo-

r ^ 0™1 M. rt.lir.M III. tk.*.____ ___ _J_ -na.i — --- — — • __;_..A A IbM U-1w I**—**.

Te^ Co ;theTfis»

to reU in the ABC.Nisei have grout).

arisM'I^ in regard to the eligibility ■i.FA,iifi»- Ar o --

Bowiing Tdui The Toum

. .National

It California, thc.were made for any meeuiig;iiMl .nm-.iiif; i-ibi.MiA»r. .lu- ' ■ a # ................... aa&sLed in IPfiA Help-, approairaatc S218diria! ahd executive fulfill- [hyb contained refcrwire to ,h^ Chaumen P""'’J"i|ng out thii J^r ppp con^iUona. m»i

National Nisri wsshrig-

tofurred by Nauonal. j^CL felt there ehouW be a! men t of constitulional «Ueg>d spy activities by Jap-, the National Cooventioo ihts vVtor Itiii. Mrs. Mary K.■ Kaaai earned lb* „„„ on guarantee, of huiimn rtght. ^ I’*'*'' Hire Mayeda. Mrs Siimieffecting the repeal;„,.i, ^^^1. than the one! for alf Amencana. We reJI «»' «*'• '•“‘;tor took, it upon himarif te,yakt. Jack Nakagswa.

hr Nin Bgam« mlsce- ^^pifd bv the 1W2 Naiiooall unon our members, and all furtbw tBTesti-.callS rtteetmg of the five WakamaUu and Kume*rtt in Utah with the council. The 1962 irtstemenl! other ritixena. to actrvely th.t;Chain»en of these Youthlrtinariable aaaiKance of Mrs.:^ „ participate in etw area !*»««• John committeea plua the overtJJ

. n.n-n %• . . nn......... - I .. tvnriti s “Fmal Rcnort on^ nliia certain

“'«*■ SlP.ono are I “’■ atandmg. Nat

inally begun in 19<7 as a Ni- ■ set Toiintamcnt with no spe-

-.1. whngs alnce •(d^es oiiJ-:n ^ geoerslly understood * “ that this sras a Tounianmet

vrdiial personal letters as re-!f^

NoexpenaetoNalion-,^ «*- -Pmal R^ on Chauwii piuainvolved. Minute,. ». «6) ' atructi« activitv to attain Evtcualion of the Japs- hers of the Nauonal Youth

Rbmp^ 'tion Minutes, p. 66)

•JOS No-Tax on Eiscns-: As'lhc continuing ainig-naime: Although the; gie^for civil and human

of the United States, rights and dignity for all declared an-aida on eva-| Americana enters into wbai

t**«ble,I ^11 n,ay be hs final

1 of Oregon Tax Di-1 stages, the JACL should re- cial and other cooperation i***.^^^ ad determined thati j„ ih, forefront of ; th the National Lftdor- ,**''l*"

* objectives. ' nesf from the West Cosat. c,

fu'Ster affirmstioB ■ e-eie the basi. of thesei anirmawm ^

jlhat the author of -rhelBOl*. diacuasjColdeD Road" bad paaaed|ari,ich had been done in' the difficult to obtain, the

before thia-book wasiinterim. > jber of entrants

concen. the Japs t^ Aaeriean Otiaens League contributea. finan-

^rahilul-Enar. - Jlh, This year la the 4th year -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

___ meeting of the NatioeaJ JACL Na- of jbe Natkmal Recognitions ment came under ABC aanc-held in Salt Lake Cityitional Oratorical and amay,Committee, haa been kept bon. JACL membership was

June of 1B63 to eompare'OMitest. WTiile aome chapters busy tfa^ biennium pracem-|Bmde a requtismant to eor-

m with other Ni­si from other parts of the eountry.

U 1961 when the Touriis-

t. WTiile sUai eotisnts JACL Sapphire and SU--form sines all partiripanU

awards.were uxable. A’ these organixationa that i il commitiec composed hai-e Joined In the common \ prmeoUlivea of the four, _ through legisla- ion JACIj Chaptrts —' tion. courts, and <

ship Conference on Civil Rights.mobOiiation of n

and rhairH byj* and local ievris

_ agreed at the timel^^ would indichte IhatiBbi Tiuuika to the efferta of|that ea(h roiroin— Chair-jmueb depends upon the acbve ing

Imac Matsuahlge. the Loejman would nuhmil wntUa]eocouisgement and assisl-.pini Angefta Board of Bduentionl reports to National Yeuth aace the local Chapter gives aer has deddpd that the book is Commiaaoner Jerry Ekiomoto;te ita young people not approprmte for use uTlheiby the red of November 1963, Wc feel that me •ehools. which in tunv could be re- Nalioeal Orstorical Oreimi

of the

. Wakaangt of .'tnaVe ,itwill to bet on this ritixena s-uhout regard « aWe to,'effect legts- nre, color, creed, age decUnng eisniation ^ rvery aaprel of

Recognitions Dur-' Aa non-Kisri baee Joined ^biennium 24 Sapphire our Tarioue chaplecs th^ were asrarded to de- matur of nao-N'tsci partiei-

ng' JACLers and 67 ait-'paben haa becoma quiU as , . . pina. Six pereonahaed iaaue. For many years now

We feel that moving tb* Jap neae Ameriron Creeds the tsaia captains and mem-

assrda non taxable. nabonal life. The in- | the P

voluntary orgwizatioDB.

Piti!!l«a''*I^II!l^ aeh«5s. ' ihich in'tunv could be re- Nabonal Orstorical Oretmi werJ nrepared for the Chap- bets of the' JACL Nabonallirimte In "The Uarrh in As a rmuK of 4he oM liis produced and arei to all Jun- in the Convrebon program to ters Adneory Beard on Bowling

rJL nrJ of Peari Harbor creppuig up ior JAH. groupa. Unfortu- the Opening Oeremoniea « a Nationally. 16 aporml scroll have wreetied with thia prob-

hr Deemberof 1962. PR Chair-,Ekiomwo. Righta" keynobng the Con- ganiMtiona who have been ed to allow any non-NM19M. to be welcomed by leecmoeT I . ^ ^ j theme of "numart r^iecially helpful, and 14 of^whe has

-k. v.«u_.i __ _ _*It of the United mao Alnji rounded up s Although .States of Ainenca. jrather complet* liH of doc- whether or not to go forward ~

on forming s.Nabonsl JuniorBy these.and ether man-i. utnentary' evidence and stale- B. rnwul refubng tbeee lies!*«• JACL organiiatton will be

in irwlnngi' tegratidn of schools shouldpnimible were Slate Sm- be accelersted: the d*^^- ._ -------------------------- -------

Anthony Y'lum and rmtioe of. transportation. IfesUtrons of our concern. m^PUi refuting ^'etwvacnuuiv. Robert recreathmal. and other we keep faith with our na-^™ch were publAed m the fuUy-discussed at Detroit,

h. ^blic facUiUea should he tional moUo - "Por Bet- .PC for reference, by all of,,here is considerable feeUngfour Oregon JAOa Lpedilod: and opportuni- ter Americans n a Great- imanbers. on the part of aome of thea each onginally eon- j'tiea for equal emptoyment er Amnrica-"

•rd »100 to thia effort/promobona. U.- - - - ... - - - - - —- , - - , , ^rhich $67 waa returned: «du«lion\ for digni- jpruBOimcement aa amounl ofloo^O’ televised»ch. so the total

1 m any

ProteaU«n offteial-

laied to $132 with r» i^uired from Notional. I

•dueabonX for digni- jprwioimcement aa amount I living, et^.. ahould be $2,000 waa aet as Ntt»nsll»tc?*^* ^*7 ^• • -'itelvavailsble ‘jACL'a eontiibutton to thelto 't^“Jsp. 2) ito TV

National LemSefsbip Confer- PthgTsm'TfeeThrtjg^.Tkme The JACL. while cooper- enoe on Qvfl Bi^ for for repeatingTETto of sab-

adults aa well as youth them- srivea that aueh

may be prema­ture in view of only two Dis- triet Ooimcils — the intee-

and the Northee*

ll >-uvpk<»—• by sup- WmiB WM .M .... . -_ the names aad ad- ting with others, abould which nmjbrity apptwvalH aad araonnta received not ignore the Japaaeae the Nabonal Boanl waa duly]P«»rf "*^- 3) with „

evacuation cUima American citiarea loo are lobtaiaed before forwarding.jpftducers of the film Mer-ljxCL. rdtea in the Sute of: discriminated in certain A aupplemhnul guideline forinlla Marauders for drieung j, ,bould be kept ht

Oalifoniia - WeaUrt) Nevmla Juniors having drfnite Dis-

aa of Junior

• mig*J of dividing the Con- been I tntn tw^ dhrisKins ac- aenl

partiruiariv In hoi*- Chapters to implement the U>e P«« ■"'* that the youthpaneae langitage Pro- foe emplo>-mret. NaUonal Suieraeni was pie- credmng Filipinos for the tn- Convention ste at-: In accordance mth the ,, *.^11 as promotiona and pared and srel to all the telligence work done by the ,rt,d,ng a Youth AaaemblyNationaJ Coiimil adop- upgrading once hired. Chaptera. . . .. . which is

pcogram to «cour-[ The Wi

eording to age brackets. U bmiig argued that high school youth should not be made to cempete with college stu­dents. However, s u e h s ohsnge bivolvw sddittonal fi- SMiees by Dlstnets in send­ing- two winners to the Na­tkmal Contimt. aa well aa du- pticau priMB from both Na­tional and t^ Coovenb* Board. The ywnger contest­ants sbll have ani opportu­nity to psrtieipsw Sn future

ft piited.

I and pre- 1969 tfaiwgb 1962 wnuM fas

JAM This ruling bss rslssd tbs^ B—I wmpiant »I»at JACL. whoss

S,‘ SS!pngism activityby NatioOBl JACL. (ConttnusdonPageB-Y)

the teaching of the Jap-j araiauve should be dirt K language as a regular, ud to participate fully IV* tn secondary' scho^.' xll efforts to secure civil -ing. rird Yamamotn. member' »nd human rights for all Mid'

cMi Ripiif Fwi »

Con lasts.Oraiencal stnnns at

On the positive mde: Mike Todd Bido, Waabmg-

Iweat Distrirt ^ventioolOhairman Akiji TpMtimuraij^^bat we kiow about!“ ^ he'spobane Chapter and; Aineneana. bef^ the Oon- in Cleveland over, the j963;fo!k>*vd up In represkng “fjOufof this num

fcng in Moses Lake.' through the courts. ; Labor Day weekred. the appreciauon and he.s bere-in-! jhingion. put a great deal, by adminiatrsuve action. ISK and ifDC * iatered officially with Na-

fMDC).In the fknay Contest. Jsji-


program esiabUahed, Wi......... ......................Meses lAkr High' «hould continue to parti- ther

t pt'^ cipaw in. and cooperaU National Sutemented to the 17 students who comjdMed this course by JACL Pacifie Northwest

trict CounciL

ve Civil Righu Fund as a fur- scheduled for tliis August.i- ther imirfementabon of the Writer Bruce^ who did » cents- Na-

CtvUjtbe story on cvacuabon for youthpro- Saga Magsiinr. Sept, fo,wi»l“Our ~ — -

a BS Rights. Y2ie puryNititmalQv ibenies ;cedurea of such a Fund were|:'Our Greatest War^ “**' SchdtafAll PTMTHI

*^ff“ddibon. the v«ioua !^ ‘^O^^oni_ .nd prmisted to the Moses District CounciU and the’High School for bringi individual chapter* ahould ^

■ « not only become aware of While ail the Diatncl Councila apprwed in princi pie the Fund, several


firai to InsUlut* such s| not only become aware of »■ under the National; ,he civil righu problems L program. 1 in their respecbve areashe,tereU cited the effort* but also deliberately parti-

■ ■ ______________ _________ eontset were sug-during the winter gesled. and the article ap-

program administered by JACL was pven i real boost

1963 with the contribution annual scbolarehiis

&IiU^Mihraokre, third - Joyce Tadakuma. Mid Inmbia.

SpMtol MmstAt Uie 1662 SealUe Con-

venuon. a special budget, tWD waa approved in thej amount of $L600 to miable JACLen other than staff to attend apeeial


Midwest District Council

Chice«s. ChtolsssH. CIsraissd. Osytss DsMk, MMto.$(. Lssta, Twli CMsa

Dr At M»n*i*. M... T*«k: K*4*.


le plan in toto.

tuperinlendent of Schoblai cipato with other like- j several other* raised •t; nunded orgsninaUons u the

.“.■ari-sa-a -'r4“'Lr.'arSo™!S,.a*r

1. ano me arucjc aw-i

MajmiSe'** ^^h““gii^" b7 Mra ind"ioee^ in behalf ofIWaltor Tnrkamoto of S«i JACL.

errt of World War II. ............ ....................of CW.l In the fall of 1962. David'Hara. a saeior at..x-towri! High School. San Frandaeo.

1940 Mrs Tsukamoto wiabes and active Jr. JACto. was to make these annual sebol-: invited to attend the Nabonal arship* to be known aa the Omference on Otlaenahip

r «.' Incidentally, a atory on Ni-1^ “ *',a«

_ J. ----------u.MnfA< 1940. Mrs Tsukamoto wishes.Ilona with regard to the de-.American Legion Magaane,

«ure :Ui!s of admini«retian_ an^ to toc^jd ^ docu- ^ --------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------

^ - Col. Walter T. Tsukamoto Wrahington DC. to addressMevnorU Scholarships. a group of newly naiureli^'or all Americaiu. Uia- oi me ruou. .a - — ••- - - ^ . . j- Memorial Schotaranips. a group « n™iy na

c„„,. .Mp,™ L"Sp:::s «'

„ understanding agreement with all aspects oi maie^. »«u , vr.-»v- Memorial Scbolar-; United StaUJ 2?--!=.«= risr=s.-”,K5r^-^dward Y'atnamoto is serv- u the Chairman foe this tnun for the PscificIWiwest Distfirt CouncR;_____________________

»* lUthrto been work-; ^ actively engage in hrip- ■nh other Chapwi* »; ingtoeUminatedisenmina- Disinct to establish simi-j tion in all forms- '

in their rrepne-j ^ stotemest H—to«,| Accortimly. tl,. NaUop-1 California JACL Chap- Direetor distrtbuted-a m«no joineJ^lh other hiiman|io mombera of thr National

■bona organizBiiona in thclBoaid oo the matter, and on ^ to effect the Rumfordjthe weekend of J^y “’Housing Act which pro-11963.

...rtPM,. «i annual acholarshipe under patrt each year in this Con- National JACL program.'ference originally instilutsd

a of thr

PubUC RriittMl .'iui- J,Ctaimu, ri IP. N.»oMl,,*rful»i lor J.P. 31. 1®“ > .pp ,oo. Nniial JA-

-.Tt; ima2a5, TOIP AAiplpBiMirt. A-.hip. of I2II0 r^.....................

Ls railed in

States.«al JACL helped to

Yoolb AssociatiOB. San Fr*n- oseo Council of the Boy Seoul,, the San Fraiiciaco JACL Chapter. Goldeo Gate

or th.w.h ^ ^ x-^ “r;' Board frit that the SeboUr-

- ..vuAiux Art 1.luuM fov- A^.^. — M.A . — » —— — more*br*cfoldiacrimineUoo in Omaha by National ^denl. 19^ Committee of tional>«g The National D.rvc- Pat OkA* of a SpecW A - •

doubling in hU carariiy mitleA Jo word a JAOa local JACl^

the bdi at Sac

Chapter. A major project haaleiKsat ^

ahi}M abould be limited those with JACL affilistiona.

aub. Boy ScooU Troop »12 Parents Assooatkm aad the San Freaeisco Church of OiriiiU

The 1963 National Saeand

•B Dtrwtor was among and supplemwttrycuidrimestlw^i-tna ^^_^^^^^ program However- tire

J -wltlch ustified in hf fo^the Otap^ ^ ^Hostowa <d’wluciJi^ baring giwr- Chapwra W aomito^ twi.gelsa r^iraaanuiii

Central California District Council ChapterslAXEtSntLO . CLOWS - DOAMO • FOWU*.


Orfeltngn frwri

. fiUlF.-W. «V. DISntRT tomuRO. suit *W. «V." HRwen


>f,. - .man; Diana Toniguchi, treau;re(;‘Gloria

-ftC-WNDYC Nuggets-Al P<^ nafe . The bosi alao• pnaanr?d A romnaOrw haM ww Yokoj ,amiM v**r. Wr cannotMI-wO riGTS !japan*« moviwwrtb thefirUIMuraklu aelaetHl .!r. JAd»i .nir* all ni

•thatfor 'No on 14' -"“r

Am new chairman «l the NC . WKDYC. I fee! r>ur prate objeedve in 19B5 la to cvr>' out the ^lirit e^ the J964 Detroit mnvar- tion and arork tofiwrd ‘the organicatioD of a NatioBal Jr. JACL by 1966.

At the DYC meeting scheduled u Sacrameeto Ml Feb.'7. we shall talk oyer imitaial chapter pmb- leme ar«l weakneaaew and set up the pntgimm for the

'i pact to solve all of ^ ,««, to ih. -»,!

Another muaieale. •Thank ** .’** •The new cabinet is caps-

Spirit of '64 to lalfy N.C ^ouih groups

wtfclAl HOLIDtr BSUI-tUctuInTHi >>cine eiTiiiN

EAK LORENZO - N.wly ^ whkb; . w ^ "

apeak at Its fiiat meetfin* in hoapiUl profTsaj was a imruv^ «j,«,lert. Menibera as-| each neober and chapter>" *•** X-ray sur- this year. I know we can

vey ud enjoyed ea odUnz et ■ cooUnue to proKeeee ee we Put. dorlm tie; o.„ uti. poet yew, itodee

Working together' the two Stnnnter ntonth. ello.^ , o o pe e.eottietly plen '

?“r"”ltewe eelnglettob In bp*UH^^vTr^ ^echap.^ booeting t

J< rempaign. aponsore^d a tenrtce in the cThanksgiving heneril dance l<

■ immity.

»d joined.................-Jhir -lACto' • ,

ew « Clnettnne petty (or ca|| PlaCOr JfS. the tots. I

HkoMaaako AliBIjR-N-Betwees ehoich

Buramer There waa a folk; long night in Septeober and caroling in December.

Sequoia Junior crowned queen

REDWOOD enr —General

Eoy .Ikeda.

Berkeley drops in membership

BERKELEY—Though Ber-St Ok. pesweencnureni___.___ kple\ Jr. JACL'a B

jOkOdkO VLkWkrk'l KVkO*tfcOL«. e e«k.e.t

Light, seriousevents at Sac'to nlty (imelinn.. kneb u tb.^"

RlCRAUEN-m - „„b. rSfr..”"' cantpaign.

.The menibieTahip. liviiic ifhV widely acattered toarnain I the county, ii apraad out— jmaking mprr frequent meet

I a hi

Eu.|fTTiin the previous high of 83. and If* effectiveness gamed

thraugh stronger panieipt-

lights of the Saeraaento JACL >-ear ranged from . light and fancy (a queen con-

lu candidate. Gloria Sato. pw c«P<ts..the DYC queen conleat HighlighU of the year a


in April. Ita member. Dick INtkamura. was named DYC delcgam to the Detroit con- vantioo.

. il rights) There were beach

akatefeau, and


drive this past nonih.elr. .!ACT. herv i* gTalefiilto .

Mr. end Mrs. Terev MaMki,/''*”’"*''. . . • . . w B__ -t

At the goodwill dinner, the tershlp decorate the hsil.

New event will be the Christ- dence TW. 26jriJh the


the conauniLj'a Children tide party this mooih and emphaaia neoct year will

a*T»ere. frsr ihHr iuietalning —Ron .Taneka U presir ■kelp Nea-ell Noda is pc««i-

M » * • • FrinciscoMonterey to join musical split Jr. JACLs ;

MONTErvEY Only JunioA^'

TTie youth also ithe Japasei balhtm.t DC'UC

.1 the

the dinner srith aemben of Japanese Olympie biaket-

thes training at the _. .. parUeipa'Uoo_ with

local inrercuUunl upoai- leam of the achieve­

ments of other-ethnic grou|» in America, and sending a Jr.

■beta of JACL delegate to Detroit.I The Jr. .IACI< was cotn-

^ ■ 1 jOteoded for heating the thirdvontra V..>OSTa muarieriv seaaion in Aiigiist

program varied '-ctiviUw DayRICHMOND Contra r-jimi'

iJr. .tAO^ under the leader-l Kan Niimlaw .la praaidi ;Mi»p of Dave Mn tauahinn.'jark Imada and'Frank Yai

CIV vravmc^i praiddeni. and Mm. Elsia Kano aaki arr the advisem.Xl V* .^‘’ wMviser. carried on a variedL............. . Only Juniolf^lhr Jtan Franpisco .Ir. JACLip„p,„ i^is v«r.

.1ACL which has segregated meeting every monththe sexea. Monterev Bovs and:‘"'<*«‘ chairmanship of David

iara. preaidenl. and guidi


"•cmzA136 OLIViER ST.-FR 5-526<.



m EMt Rmklia Street Moatem. CedifoniMLily I Jimmy Uyeda

Domey and FariHiger Memorial ChapelS25 Abrege-StTMt


FLO* DE MONTERD FLORISTS217 Wv Fraaklia St. — f>rereui»iwl Bldg...



of the Holiday be esBteped around

yw« and your* aid 1 they eaertiitua throu^

the «f*TS to CO



OWL CLEANERSFudge t George Kedams and Harold M.


Pacific Grove Cleaners222 GRAND AYE. — PACIHC Gt^ - fd.; 7T|,


WSHINURSE^rOklMte end Heney






Tek.. 375.54M _ irS-MH ,176 Boaifocle ftace Monterey. CaNv,

uLS^l!*Z^Three St»r KUrktl

t u. t.2« W^hinqmaim,

Moaterey. CoKIsim


Ftawiar 1-2421 - kW »1--} ,



Meli.. ,-,i T„L.* S.«WgS90 Perry Lone

MM^ry, Coltfornia



MMncrey, Coriforpia

Ptninsoii Insurance .Service

l.«g .^f.e. , Auk» . C»l>*ltT

2i« t. trwaihi Sr. MwMwnr. C.W IM-m

■Ml!":Mator ServiceMin Oy^da

37} PoeHk Street Monterey. CMrfaraia


7U Abrage Street j Menterey. CMifenrie i

TANAKA'S NURSqTomi and Tc.-'.myTjui

Joanne* «*s D»-»: Fremeat end Cerae

PARK-IN-MARKETK....... t Al It.

lit) Fremont Itvd. Seetide. Callfernla

the eexea. Mmterey Boya and:^” Giria held aeparatn eventa;”'

each other aa the occadon beckoned.

The bo>-f went on now out-


Anita and MatavI 147 Webster SiM. I Moaterey. Celtee ‘ 490 Alvorede- WI T. C. NlirtJINl.1


Monterey. Colrfn.

AI-CoJr.JAtt keeps NC-WNDYC

A cant of 44 perforroed be­ings to Dodge .Ridge and Pine fore n Theater of Marin audi- Great with the girta aa guen(n.ienre in March, staging iU bearh outing at KanU Cnii own prodiictkin of "UraKhima with the girl* again aa invil- Taro." to raiae tra\tl fiinda

for the IMioil ronvrnlkm. , ■ , ,KMcarawm«enKaraK«aeKA'9KsuK«uMaKKmK« StrCnQin 3l HjllC


Siu Linn . Marvel - AUn • Stan INTERNADONAL HOUSE

7S W. kWad A.e. Miaaeopalis. Miaa.


SfYi.tfluVt fTwring.*



tiIeooore T. ASOO


UPTOWN LANES3033 Htaaepb. Ave. Mtnnoo^ 8TA 3.9233 / Clovda Kanody. tMMgar

G;04rtfEN STAR NOODLE oriental grocery & gifts

2424 f. 2M St. MIfiMwpbrH. Mina.PbMt 721.4477

Bob Karnane - Jackit 4 Harold W«ng SMtUlirM in CM"«. *-d

V T*M Oat al>. T.bU S.rvic


- 915 Uitdoa Ave.. Mpk. Fbaaa ^Matwl 4-41R4

Season $ Gratings


SAN KRANCISOO — In ; brief, the NC-WNDYC if : cumpriaed of nine Jr. JACL i chaptera. AU3o \jr. JACL

waa organized thid ymr and Cortez Jr. JAGlr^ baa mia. penrirri iU program.

I Al-Co (Eden Thwo. nhip, Kremnoi and Oakland).^ fodnded Ilk 1964. rhapter duea-S?. rurrent member-

'•hip—35.2— Berlrele>'. fewaded in

1963. dues—manberahip —12.

3— Contra CoaU. founded in 195S;vduw ~$3; member- Ahip-35.- •i-Montarey Boy^ found- pd in. 1962: du« -S2.S0:

.memba'«Atp-~30. i N-Monterey Giria, founded lin -S3: member-:in 1963: di |ihi|^20.: 6'Placer Cbunty. foundedlin 1^4: duea—30c: manber- ahip- 16.

F-San PruHaac®, founded 19S>: dnea—S2. member.

fhip—35.t* -Sequoia, founded in

1963: duee-S3.80; raember-

WR* 24.5: 1964 total. 230.

Two aoro NM cHid ' for U.C. eonpiis »IHb

BERKELEY — Two nmre Japaneac Americana ware among U.C. Berkeley demcai. •tntora arreatad Dec. 3 dur­ing the ail-night rii-in at

; Spmul Hall. They were Patti liyama of Rkhmoed and Shirley Arimoin. Named aariier were Carol Murayamaand Mae Takagi:

Seaaon’e-Greehnps and Best U'tshT-.t



ALTA INSURANCE AGENCY, INC117 E. T-Uve St.. DMeba. Ca«. ncm, 591 -1400

Iniuranee Service>al Ht B*>i

Srtafwi’a JTraf H'iaftra


SrnKn<'K B'sl U'i»hc4


&EO«6E OK te,r.Tflam a -0" %•. Di.*b


DISTANCE HaOLING FAST * DEPENDABLE LO M931 . LA 0.3774 < RakDietibaLY1i07S7.


GUY L MUNSON CO., INC.275 WeetYaiore St.. Dieoba. Calif. LY l.«433



Ca«iiB»ti*l F«m Uzuiijal Rut41403 Raod.l2te Otari. CdW. Phoae S»4S

k^ASon’a Grrrting^


SAVE mm SUPER MARKB107 N. Mt. Veraoa. Lhdtay. Calif. Pbcae IM


eific* Pliaa* 2-JM4 gn 'riwm 2-

WALTER BOHNISCH• tOMTiAC —. RUC — otoiwoe.-1

2)2 Jt. WU.O. * L-4t«. (AYOCM iuotr> tfivic*

TOM T. SHIMASAKI(CwtHUd Life Ued.ewrlece)


ailTLER GROWERS EKCHtBGEGROWERS - packers ■ SHIPPERSCalilorni* Fruifi and Vege)*'o'««

P.O. ROX 247 PHONE U l-J*®

R.iid.lph'.^rM. !

-u.l. , 0.1. wtA . IB" I [yOT53fS441 W.TflIme


JACL Chaptert

Cochran-Manning DODGE

" —USEO CARS— Ptiaae 591.4910 OINUIA. CAUF.

; Km, Ethel. EIImr mJ Brim Teihire

17144 AVE. 414 OROSI. CALIF.


1 "^rRoy's Drugt



ShBBirGeic €afo1S4 W. HaaaUa LMaar. CoHf.G. N. SHISMIDO 1

WILLEMS Nnlek aiMl PontiK

145 HarNiJ Street Diaeba. Calif.

D>r,p W,I|,.P,,tv 1.1271

CHEVmET N.109.Noft*"L"St.

Dieeba. Calif.


Chisel* Diihai irWgg^ CMtar Sh.,

■itaae RE 4.9574 VMIa. C«4lf.

riTniplitiirnlji ofKILBURB

ItliuiiliM firowyl.f N.L..k;..

‘'ToVle'b'"': Niniwin » Bullfwi

FRUIT M, l»C.'. 449 W.Ket»-lT1.2712 Diraba. CaW. .

C...... .


THt >ACtP!C cmzeM SfCTfON I —T

Computers: a Touch of Elegance^^^^‘ClSOO~To Dr. Doniouc auniWiaiy" mnd it ia ^res hick achool aiudanu. the locittl {farWoe of family

RichuiJ t Tmok*. geiiw«i , . of the 1M4

H the *-toucb of I in computer which mr>«.ihe

ineting.The computer field ‘hu •

. ____■ ■_ _.I

b>' the Amenceo Kedentrao of lAforamUoo Proce«iiic So*

I piovided lor ay oe- ture.*') Oi. Teiake hea de- roud to worfcioc.

;ib. ro»,,ol,r ■l”'“ mbbu™. .un.n.-r.Wd, wu hdd lut 0,i»hT'"““ »' toniHild

ndru I, «k- ^ iK, LC t.c«llv-r ^ .M -,m B.o.^1, Hd tl,.J —r. -----S.iy, In ~ d“'‘" ««»ilii>™h.i.■ ----- —» .-'.-I—I- rintilTh-s "^tpu'cT* •» ■" ere* «K-t people.-- he feeU. •‘V*^*"* i-UehM-

Dr. T«Mk» u *ilh J»r|.. J^re eophaurated enouph l

hu ertfrUtio of enriteer- . lt»H nf etudy end rre* «n :

riftliMtInn Were -baaed«»|» *1 sp.„ tb, indudi,.

Electromr Peieocea Lebera- The conferetKe etUarted »tor>-, P*lo Alto, Cahf, u aeo- eome 11 (W pereose. It fee- CX.WATWMHXE «ppoint*d per•or member for eomputa re- tured a comprefaeiwre pro- Dr. Taoalia waa bora 36 ^ editor of the Sparur«breh. Pt««U, b. . re-nr..-nl ..rfiaid _».on. W -to .. SninuMbf Bool C. ol Wuhinjlbn U.C. „ ________•pooable for reaearcb and panel diaruMtMta. exhibiU b\- Calif., the son of an norni- r»r Tambe maintaina an biCHAtO TANA«Adevelopneot procrama ia eomputins. equipmemt manu- grant Japaneae gardener. He ------------------------ ..............

_ factureia. aocial actiribea. a eaiid he recalU little aboutdeai^ techniquea. 'adence theater, a women aihi» rbildhood -eacef* that we ....................... -

W«h«er'a viea- ot de- program and an kUied educa-imoved arouDd a great deal. ' ^ jj,, mimpet, *gaace includM the pbraseltioD pnqtram cooducled for He gmt- up -moatly m Wal-;V j,, hi» *

....................... aelected group of 1.200 Bayiaont-ilie.-- 1 small cdmmtnity “---------------------------------------in Donbera California kaoara

Nirholaa 5. .«*abo of a new book. "Reatdue AnthmeMc and Ita ApplKauan to Com­puter Techniqiieo.

- ”* mtereat m muaw pmnartb by :**• plating the guitar for hi» K children, although he aleu *

“richaeat and potiab In bar-'

Nat'l. Director's Report-

ovie Fame Lifts Olympic Starsj,l,^ fCobtinuedfromPageB-'ii - In addition to these W'- 'JJIy*

.nation itself aioce non-Nme.JACl. mcmberi

he aa}wabiiiiy -w not commeoauraU j

Hia choice of an eoglxtcer- gport. «-* just a means of 1 educaUon *-as not made iranaportatioo." *

"" ....b. h— *


1964 Ckepler Beard ' Chairman Walleea He

Ken Aramele Ken Ari#


M Sakata was many ngp in Salt L«ke

when the soft-spoken -heavyweight wreatler Hawaii was embaricing

ireer as a jnofes- il Sakata was cast aa mnie in most ot his srances in the westera

States, though tunes he took the role

good guy.the last IS yean Sa- hai made a career as

sfeasioaal wrestler and stage li pretty well set

the bad guy in the U}' dnunaa on the mat. ether night, hoa-cver,

ankau in a new this time m an actor «e of the top roles latest of the James

adrenlure films from ArtisU, 'Goldfih-

ildfinger" is going to of the most po^-

etiires of the year* It ed with v-iolcnce, aex he lust for gold, three tt-hirh evoke consid- interest in the the-

eudience. Sakata is io*t lethal of the nl-

the film and hw mih Sean Connery ia .iinax to the film, addition to Sakata, plij-a a character

i Oddjoh- identified Korean, .there are a

pf OnenUl bad giiya picture. Much of the '■f the film u set in

Prland and in Ken- at Fort Kno* but

cf the villain Gold- fi minions in? Orien- presumably Red Chi-

wniers of spy dra- irr alert to the chang- roi^ii of international

Oiientala. usual- ipinese, were prise

era United States. And Sax Rohmer created a cult of Oriental villainy in h'ta many novels about tbe clever and dastardly Dr. Fu Maachu.

Tbe 1

lelev intecema. how- jXaUonal Board la comprised *-herr he received ate overahsdoa^ by*of Frank Cbuman of Loa An-««l M.-S. degree, .n eieciriral h-»

r.!L ^ reprenraling former! and bia a^f. Edith. ,er.,o^of mans own cap-hia suave Brit- “ **« at'PUlated Toiirna- x-»tjonsi JACLo Preaidenu ;whom he met at the univer- bijjue, -We ve juat reached 5

menu. The present rulingiplue the eight District Coun-;aity and marrwd .hortly alter .j,. j«^n, ,here we can be-} was msde st the 1962 Tout- riJ Chsinaen. .gradusiion. movea to south- the poteotial g

Board meeting n-ss held laai

returned ish idenUiy.

The trend to Oriental Villaina. who give an exotic flavor to these adventures

Tom Shepe'd Ainetwke lehlS. Lindw.^#C.. Peqqy ”*"]•

Tethi ICadfwski

: and - publicized, no « there any comi^pta a

of intmational suspense. ■year, however, several coro-# neming. was evident two weeka ago i„

a-bo hit the hleraiy jack- in KKCm •Th. u»n .a.k ;.i

"“itaughl schcarf while he work- . "Med first St North American^ '^'iAviaiioo. Inc. than st Hugbesy

^'Aircraft Co., and studied for |' 'hia Ph.D. in electrical i

with his ^wctacular adventures laced with sex which feature Secret Agent 007 of the British Secret Sen-ice. also known as James Bend, wrote 11 novels in which Bond, a 20th century- Superman, fought off all manner of wrong-doera. In -Goldfin- ger.- the Aryan had guy. Auric Coldfinger.. is, in league «ith the Red Chi­nese and their plot to to destroy the Uj5. gold re- •en-es at Pm Knox, there­by creating interaaiiooal panic. In "Dr. No.- the firm of the films featuring Seaq Connery- as Bond, the title character was a Fu- Msnchu-like ChiocM who lud established a barony- on a Caribbean island and was nngsfi in knocking I.^S. miMiles. Trom Cape Kennedy off their course*

V some illainy.But l-'^ing. in hii last

nnvH, jVou Only Live Twice."^-hirh was pub-, lished ^wathumouiily .tbis year, send* Bond to jipan to work with the Japahese secret poliee and a char­acter named Tiger Tanaka to dMtrny an Aryan in­ternational criminal «*bo has revived the Blark Dragon Society on the is­land of Kyushu. Bond as­sumes the identity . of a Japanese fisherman and Mis in love with a beau­tiful Japanese. pearl dh-er. Bond ia aUU posing as tbe Japanese when the novel ends. Since PTeming is dead it may be that Agent Bond, suffering from arrineaia and believing himself to be

Japanese, may never b*

This Nstional Director's,ne^ing and phymes. which he V 'Import for the 1983-64 Bieniirrcetved in 19SS from the jin NBC'a 'The Man from writing with Naticoal Preai-

UJC.CXJL- TV series in dent Pst Okiira. .................. ------------------------ ------ ------------------ --------------which a Japanese general ‘taeU give a CalUorais Instiiuie of Tech-had Mtabliihed Kimaaif in WIHHWI BMiV |cnmp]rie picture of our totabnology,a ramoU t*ilUge in Nor- Serving on the ^*^1-pro^ Dr.^fanaka joined LMSC



lese ^dancing girl aoraetimea spy who played Ip- Tun Stun


iny of the itema . raising well-program-

B of the Pacific Citizen.ariress .

^ med family ; Boy girl boy. ages eight, six and two. re-

r-ji-.«.ik.- ss—< Vi.. V, ..i '’I many oi me liefollowtng: First >ire ”!*•>• „Q],ioo,.d herein carried

■1. William ?***•“**“*

.SEt.S(ll-.s (.REf.T/VU.S


'Sibecameinterriewa Mus SaUna hu Uonal Legal

e ancestry. THERE HAVE BEEN


identified herself u being Maruuni. I — ,'toinal Treuurer and-Chair-ill

n of Finance and Budget, * ">*o Yoshmari: Secreury S OrcTfinjis


CM^TOL MARKET» mrs. henrt ke«o

IT ^ 'O' ™{» lUDDYTIWtU {»

. ... .... . *t


Qub Chairman Williara Ma-

leot attitude toa-ard Mjlo. who emaged first u a memmn — diabolical and clever - plater became

pbreMr hero nenean »«i»tidea- —

heroes u. writ. Eari DerrBiggert created the char- . _ ...W-r »t Ch.rli. Chu,. tH ;i o." ■feu -I th. B"””- "Hcnluln pot.- wb. b.- •-"■in^>««.nl Trn^n- came one of the moat pop-ular of fictional deiectivea ------------and wu tranaferred to th* acreen by a succeaaion of artora. the bin known be­ing M'araer Gland. Sidney Toler waa another Charlie Chan after the death of Gland, a Scandinayun.Bui the first Chariip/Cban. in "The Chinese Parrot.” a ■ilent film, wu played by a Japaneae actor,

Then J: P. Marquand, who »Tole some of the ma­jor social novels of hi* generstion in "The lute George Afdey” and -HM.Pulham. Esq." srtries about proper arid improper Bostonians, created a char­acter niraed Mr. Moto, the Japanese agent, li lea of potboiler Msrqusnd hsd an ambiv^

PbMN: t7B-SS7S

F,.,n,c.i«. 55 greetings{5 CLOVIS JACL


I a aeiriovel



thp mark of rfj.ainrfion in husinrss filmr

0-.r-.h. clitaO — «•» • ti-a and

» k... urv.d a. sf lot *f>1 • Mpail hon — •• praduciat c«*«-

sictvrai «ad il-da 6lmt,Wa tW. •psaHvetty *• dociiti r

HENRY USHUIMA FILMS. INC.list M.rr»M> Art. fa.t tide*. IB. IM-lllt19)3 facaiw Rd. 6>rae Mat*. Mick.

a-hen Amenean toward Japan and the Jap­anese improvrd. Mr. Moto also became a aervea char­acter and the leaa aubtJe morica used Moto u a rather heroic individual with Peter Lorre u the actor.

There are style* in Ut- erary heroiara and vfllainy and these are often, influ­enced by international at­titudes. Currently, with the shadow of the Red Chineu and their achievement of atomic fmkm much ia the news, the balance is -shift­ing to Orieeul >-iIkins again with a distinct Chi­nese flavor.

There should be more work fqr Hal SaksU. a nice guy who can look the part of an Oriental men-

WORDS oi WISDOM irem tK. SaSaKIi:-

CHRISTNAS THOUGHT for 1965Revela-tien e( ZEN-TAI

1 Tl* k«ii «' e< FU HSI oedeI Hn.vii by W.« W.»« •> tk«.- .. 'Yl CHIN&I E-*k*1 • *'••< .Xlvili-* Ik.Klipi* rrv*al>»* . ..I S*r*»*tk bI HEAVSN bi SbIb* ,»dmlii>lB. wkeU. .

• Bd lexelBU >l*k IcvU-B-BBii 4>d ••>•■411 k A«d »44k44» •' lAtTH 4. k«->v4 d.-.d4d Bl-d

U».k4!f bul tk*..4* •••■•k«-a*» 44d •■444U. I S«T4t.. «>4 "4".-* *f 26N.1AI k... k*4.V

144.4 bv> l4H *Ib4* Ik# .4,>^4 *f kiUB-y. i A44<r«> et ZEN-T4I iadioOi tk4 .k*l*44it •<

RmI«'. HEAVEK. e-4’ 4.11 4il>l4nc4. t lUy 44 ‘E't'l44<!4* Lit' el l»4*44ltT ll4<

«;•*.■ ZEH-TAI, •• CM-UAN TV, • »4iy*n4l '

I IdtitiiriBbit «cc44di4« I* *k4 .eidi *1 ittin 4f>d 4k4

"'!’!*."jOI ud WAiT . . .Size Nmm Lu4. As> Afbw. Mkkl*M ttIM



7» V SI. S»9*v. CMR. Pb^: TI l-mi


1136 7Hi St. S«*tw-CM. HENRY OKAM07O

SABfer T.V. JOHHRY HllZaWi& S«und ProdneU i CAt-wt»TttK um iw.Edd-4'N;.k..i-f4 - Kg«i l>* »n M W*66 Cot*w

Fmu 21. C*IIMt I nm, CL k4Z2t

JOHHSON KEEOintursne* of All Kindt

P.0.1*1 274. Saa««r. CM. Tt S-2S71


722 ’N’ Strwt TR S-2112


Season's Creetinps from1964 Reedley JACL Cabinet

(Addreu dove: Eedley. CdCf.eac Wdtedl______________

LEE'S SERVICE i’^rshrid.S;

...Siu:;',.”';." C.E


Tk»4.4. T. N^ki«.t*74S T«>w* $n*«

PwTiw. Calif.

Okunu's Pool HallMAC OKUMA

690 Fresae Stroot P«t>*r. CMif.


■b.V j |15H>« Ey* St. Rsdiey d II4«. PhoM MBtom S-3S35I

Tift* • Tube*-AcceikoneiTor

Auto* - Truck* - Bu*»e» W# U*e Only

100'. Cold Rubber

Gwatted R*capi

HE* M. IKEMIYA. ODS 1DENTIS’T.*»*•« K**«n. CeBI.

'^M*m MtkM*

SbIbI • i4«4ll4*‘44 --Sb—••

1M3 "G” Sf-Rsedtoy4k TbIbxE. Hot l■44t«•

Dental laboratonr1 GEORGE IKtMIYA

Tstepb**tME>-233fl 11014VJ F St. leedWy






736 Frouo Stroet /. C«W.



Ml. end Mrt. R. Ofeni 6S0 Ftmw Street

Pmdlet. CMif.


J,« W.ll4<4 N,k Eb-<«d4

”cr.!-£t^rUS 4- 0.»4V^-»

SHO'S FOOD CBITERP, ..<1 k4n S-4 T.oWb.

; 766 FresM dtiwetI Pewiier. CMM.

...! certer service►••■U ^4-,. I Ptmn.MEf.33SO

Ml 1-3533 ; mb&t.Reedtey.CMif.*»»4» V-47IT *'» - N»-*44 l.oBi.

..Ml S-2412 ■•• ' '





SEAVON > • «Dr. Jtnfk Niki;aiM{«

I4tt CHrw Aw. ^. Al

CM.uti»W ll

Parlier Lumber Co., Inc*BUILDING MATERIALS — HARDWARE PiHtburqh Paint* — Alt Buildinq Nesdi

PhoM «46-2f22 F»Sw. CM

Msrry CKri*tfn*i 4nd • Hippy N»w Yeer





Mencnef Sales & ServiceCHRYSLER *"8 PLYMOUThl DEALER

PHONE MHcbtf 6-2704410 TUURI STREH . — PARUCt. CAUF.

E. R. Eymonn CompanyPh«wMlHheR6-n44

Wmat^BK) K.., - Rei. PWu TWImAs 6-13U 610 niLAtl SntgT PAHUBt. CAUE.

Beit Wiihai el the Holiday Steion


u^ttenon i TMt >AC»*»e OTtltli 9ta*i weupAT Bsm-9tetw>w,



YESTERDAYSWfielher ii happened yeff4*rday

or fen year* afio^^he principle tea* the *ame to Hariie . . .

B. had tu: eirfy childbed h. had taam, _

i«K aKd t« .rtlnf «« -nh b^. -m «)««. - -h. »«Kd Ur*^ e.p^»^ It miMl* h,n-h««-».«.h Th« they r«ch«d th. »«♦ “P“ . . _____ _ he find th«r>::Lr. r"^eredeace to pUee Is

aoranee, Bfjl be tiuHjfbl Ibere . . .. .. _ „ ,_., ___ _____ .._ - .«* Bothine-Iu tain bj p..r-Hr bad JfS*?J^^’nu,ieoeaa auyad with him.l*> H . r«*■uiDc tbia aut^t .rter hav- excbaai!* a few wurda I***"T« ^It. hr Irfi Hoool.ilu Kyoko loa, ^•.t^liver«l wpiak» iia ber «. 4-niae. a«d be^O jbad. But Harvei^

' itirned towarda her.|it. He did but waul I tlhe felicity uf the n

frequest and man "bit- T« e■ ilooa became fur a tune,

achieve. He fwind work w

d. BUI Harve aer. ^ . , -- uodemaM bin ^

:szrr,“‘ ■“■■: There waa aaolber m.»oi7.-arlth(KH br^HHjtride. abe from her. be admitted he waa to Hoortulu. .cnieJty. Haru, ^In which be waa wkltio|[ turned abniptiy and catered heateo. Tben aa he walked a|naK «iUw»iit inteadidown the atreet with Kyoko the lane. On the dar* poerh of her a aireet. he would rw.towarda her aiater'a home, Hot all the memorwa that home .he tried to M her he had walked hereAnd aa alwa>-i jn auch cir- aptanf frt«n incidenia after, farewell. A lump «ae in h» Kyoko. Every romer. mery rter larueawnumatancy, the fealinc that ithat wera uniformly pleaaant. throat aod rendered him tree, every hill, every atar <ConUnuedon

teadiBj ^ralMhal She araa w„piv f , ^i t h hi, feelinya

' By ALLAK BEKimAN “After what we had been oblanccolate leaves ofSHE oetit “Once Morr 1 *® ** aeerrwd odd hedfc and the hum of bees

• ariced youSt-Pome. but you «»« »*>•» **«rmed above Ibe bJoa-. didn't." * **'''^ ‘®'" climbed peedtiy

1 -I. •>.. _i__ .. __ I over ami into itarm..: The brwese puatoad la the I» “»' rircumataqcea. 1; eurtald of the open wmduw t - Kyoku ivmrbad atfuve her: bmide which abe aal. Ti.r -ff Kyoku San tJi aaked "”*!•: fiMh air of ouUtoora came you. you wm.ld have gone " ■ »P^8 *• 40 him laden with the heady' He aaok back m l.k chair. "; ptrfume of the mock orange drinking to the fragiar«* uf »•»' “** *PH* •‘»‘>Uy> bodge that bloomed in the u„ blonauma.^ front yard. Had he known Harue leta

“That awa Ion* ago, Harue *«»l. have believedftgiL" ■)>* had divined what be waa

thinking about. •.

. Iheo hrid h to her nnae. ' Her lida lowered aa abe

lemplated the aweetaeathe fragrance.

“You want cblldrco, too,*" HE WAS atandlnr before abe aaid.

tl, J V—W. v» .^1 ... I

: yt.„ «o. th. Pctodpl. k the ‘“‘U >'"•■, Tlk tk'kM wm a bk• aame lan t it’ " bordered the yard of Kvokoa',«» „ j^cd an-bly at

r. He felt the warm ajn- 'y„j j^m the comer of her * light of morning on his neck eye. her head i*tfd.

‘ it gild«l the hedge that waa »* '**'*"'*"

“What diffamaee decs itr make when it araa? Whether: —— k

n happened yeatarday or tenl ^. •' vnam ago. the printinle ia the

ne. lan't it?"

He looked acraaa bar Uv-ing mom at her. He aaw a .hmiMera ar»d aaw bow

. woman la a printed bouaocotl „ ^jed the hedge that waa .. . ...t ... laoliic leakrt k . ack.r ,, 1~« ba. lU. Uat-tbibk; dklr. h., kbubbj Ik* nab- . „ J»bW b... Iba. II b.v-. rf wlib Ib, l.lakly ol b*

obotia. rak-

"I have- HP objection to beard the whisper of the: She shook her head. “It your Iblnking aobe aaid. ,bree»e among the dark greed,t>hp>'L" •'___________

What's In a Girl's Name?In the hope that Japanese! C^o. Chiyd-kovrt«veriaat-|'''YStea.Fiiaa-ko.riiaa-aswIaS'

.■ tiamea might be given to fu-jlag, -ad.Uufl. fringe.

Toki. Toki-ko^^fDOmcDt

i Yo-kn eaeence. ^m, pur- Atrko-'Jove. affection ipoae.

The auffi«. “ko" tpean. A‘'k»-<*«1'«« Ki»i.-kw-„>u-Child-and-e-or'ye- weanii Sacbl Sactu-ko. Sacbl-e-.: Hima^.prince-.>-oungltd/"branch." It is cualumary in bl<«aing. fortunate 'of birthJ«>anlbatthe.e.uffi«. b.^ |Ue. .akili, inUUigeoc. | Waka. Waha-ko == Tank.

isada-kcu-oeiUe, depide. fiv' (J*P*n«* P^) lUhliah. . j HUa--long standingTei-ko -emprep | kfitau. Vitau-ko - honeyShiau. Shtni-ko. Shizu-^.-r, Sumi. Sutni-ko, Sumi-w..

tranquility. aercnHy. clear, transpareartSetau. SeUii-ko—season j K«. Kri-kw^view, scenery

Japan—e r—dera might be ; tanpted to use them. loo.

. dropped when the girt inar-i

Hans. Hana-k»- flower. I’mei. Urtte-k<y plum. Malaii, kiaUu-ko—pinc: Take. Take-kcv—bamboo .Yuki, YuW-ko, Y'uki-Wrr

Ham. Harti-ko, Haru-a=* j Chie. Chie-ko-wiae.intell|.: KSau. Kafai-ko. Kaxu*e Spring gent ,numeroui. great, many.

Aki. AU-km. Fall *»'«.1 u__

Fuyu. Kuyu-k<teWimer { Ui)-uki . deep •Taukl. Tauki-ko. I^ki-e-- liidvii .-emerald green

moon I Yuabi-ku. Voabi-e.. goud T-bl. Toahl-ko. Toebl-e-i Kiyo. K.}u-ko_purily

year! Waka. Waka-ko _ young Kikii, Kiku-ko. Kiku-e-.

rhr>aantbe«iim YJiri. Vuri-ko—lily

Mmw.-Hau-ko just, pre-rbe. eaacU

41 Akiygjha

j Alice h, Uaiy Mhna ^ni \

Tumi. Tumi-ko. Tomi-«i •- June Natau t wealth, fortune' Taahl Ann Harada

Va,H. Yaaii-kcb- wimpliriiy Hare Louise SatoUaju-ko earelleot Hans Louiae Ohara

'One. Chie-ko-wiadr^ in-’ H,chi. Michi-ko, Mlrhi-e-- Cheryl Xae Hats • telligeBce. , Way. path lAnda TanU Abe

What's In a Boy's Name? •lapane— names for hoys a Minom iMhOieertpen

Tatw hYiat Boy or SOB Ichiro^.Hnl Bo> oraoa XirO:=Sacond Buy ur^ Saburorrr'niird Boy or aoa Shiro- Fourth Boi or aoo flom--Fifth Boy or a— Rnktim—Bixth Bfl4' or son | Shichottan SevanOt Boy or,

•on ■ f\


Ma-<m.jurt. —act. predse; Tetaucmiriron, ntael Kasuor.numerout

Eighty or ith Hoy or and

h'ujiu-.srteteria hWlu-. letter ' KUuoi^hry—nUMBUm' Tauuoe-dragdn


Hiinihi. Hito-^peraqn. 1^1

Kura—Ninth It Jurw—Tenth Boy or ana Ynirhi—Surplus Boy oraon

.TetannL aaga. j diaci^.wiae

Kei (Kay)

lElevenih u

Kei (Kay)-linage, daaent Teruou^ahiae. laanu-;-^rit«l..datad Jo-h-t, nipHior, ne^).

t-t.Jo~beque^. a-ign. «»-


RXAMFIJ9: V-bb. H.f: r Hu.kbl Ned,:

Yuk»-^ow' Hanim-apring Akira. Aki^-fali Tiwliio—yearTaka»=high. sup^or. eai-


hlkhiormway. path


Nobon^i^aneead, climb, ad- Richard Ta vane* ,fmn Nods.

- .^.wtn’a feiwfing*




W«r Saenmnto Mom 37I-C63I

TSioHiyaiMtoIniuranee —income Ta

The Sacramento JACl Jr.JAGL

Women's Auxiliary

till Itasimt ^ THE YOROZII

and Madeline,

J22 “O" Straat E.«.e. oeS H.f.W OtoSo

TOKO FURReal Eftate A Inivraoc

400 “O" Street PbMe44*.S220

1000T"S«roet Kan and latiy Sanui

A-1 Constniciioii Co.SUlllkbnM.. ''

Mr.AMri. Maada



~ \ YMfS l^^ttSteramtBto' URBERSHOP' ! FlorM md HuntryMI«0 AUCf YA6I A. u;».i

2407 1StfcSt. HI7-«U9' ^fi. T. SAKAI CO.

Omii*. H.-.ii..

^P^ti Oaianiel Feed Fraduc’i

tlO O'^aet '44A-79M

s.«fhSid. M.fwc.C.*,l.l. M, J.

I oi,o«i,.s.s

12401 IStb St.. 4424024


Mr. SMti.Maiae NIthIm!


ntb»9Strefti ftl 2-1710

dfa-et N»ib««

" liMCO.AppHiRMi A TV

2211-lots St. 4I2-1344 Kanil Niihljima


1404 - 4rii STiqr PERCY and GLADYS MASAKI



-John A Yuri Kimote


Peter A Jeiapli (ha^


Ur. A Ur*. «.a.„ H t-4: ^

Capited Printing CompanyEquippad te Product (ha Smalitti Job Gatrad to Prodrrca a Daily Nawtpapar kCIAl niNTIN« — WfDDINg ANNOUNCHda-i



A(iHE BODY SHOPA001 FoNern Otvd.


HowartI Yamagata iRaal Eital. and Uuranee GnH ~ AyBIDe

1102 T~ Street

1200-"9" Street

013-7241 »lk Ariy«« 2,24 . ,0th St. 44441

FRANK S. IKEMI,int HiB«d Wat

H Idttt


Ouye's PharaacyPrateripfion Spacialitti

I^N^eed 'Tr Street

/ Har^nd P^y. Q..y.


400 "O" Street

llo's Shell SemceRlredaidt^OtbAreMe

Chtwy and Chtj l(o'

Sacramento Yofu ■ . Fresh Noodes

111 I Ath Street

Tern and Miehike Kunitk!


Harry and Akite Maiaki

Taihir* Mali.a

mo T 442-4041


U22 4th StTMl

Kiyo'sFlonISlibpflowers \

for AllOceeii-ik

ROYAL FLORIST2321-10th Street

Roy Higaskino


Gaerga A Kimiyo Higaki

Complimanti ef

0r.6e«.Tatalia$iii-00 "O" SiTMt

• S.0.1II2


YAUGHN'S OEANERS !1930 Stockroo Bird.


Louie end Jana Seto •




22l7o10Hi StfM

Tenth St. Matt10HiA“U-$t,



Froibk and MK.vio YorkM


’mO'TStriNW...'-. t-od UiUow

M. aod MRl S. T. UAHiTSIL-2ni iiftfl Vij I8I M. *>< MRS. RONAlll I WRONAIA-JIII HnM U tQI DR. tod HRl MASAVOSW nO-ltW X Streef (141 DR. Md MRS. CRASNI MnONA-UIT FrMRwt Ihi (S) dr: Md MRS. KBUFTK X OCAVJuttll Ftefta Id. (8) DL Md MRl HASl X StTlMDO TT Stmt (141 DX Md MRS. Hmr SBGITAMA-IlB.lDHi Sind 111) •X ARTMR I SO^AMA-118-IMi Street III)


IX Md MRi EDWARD (SH1UI1M UpM An. (14)

IX lid MIS. 60(011 lAWAHARA-Wll - m Shed Mil

•krt MB.ooiGcranYoawei r stim (in«. ad MIS. tuia I. -IT Slr«l (III

K. ibd S81II«M(IUM0T0-3KU 3SI(i Stmt (171 «. ud IttS. NKOai OriUOtD-SCl MiUgt ml IT «M Mitt, owl SASJMU74(( UK sWtl (IlY n. lid Mil SIAftET Sild-sni SMcHih Kit (7(1 K oM MIS. unm sriiMqi rmun Hid lai

n. ud mhuwim saio-ittu v sh«( jhi

1 tl'tBBS AH MEII1ER3 OF StCMMEHTO jaCL,1 iSACiAuono nr_«»+i»io omits shown]

Ut. aadkir*. tar i«ki-a. Idll T Se. Apt, tl (Ul ,\ Ur. — Un. Herry F.HL IMI . IM A... IM|

Ml bb-i,----------

Uo. md Ura. Ua— Haea. UId . 4* U. M4I Wr. aae Uia. Art gtaaa^ ti. 1. |u „gj, w. Satfa Ur. aag un. Cl-taa Mag-a. <21t

*•« • -ovt^^au. aavo * iaoa at. (IllUr. md Uoi. Kar Mfl at—L «tlt • It. ntl Uo. a— Urn. Hard* Nwa. im . Ti* Aa*. (Ml Ur.aaH Ura. leXayatU. 71—trawnoyk Bo. t|»l Ur. —4 Urt.j9ae HtyuM. IMt Bara—aa »r. (1|| AH. a— Uit^'Thaa.n Imakwa. 1114 Claal. War (Ml Ur. aaWUov »— *ltt ttdmm B>a<. CIT) Ut. aueiUrv Um Haa«. 747AA . 4* fc. Mel

U«. aad Uia. Jaa Uar-a—L mi SOB-WayCtl) Uo. -eura. J. AUhrMnra. tllMAkOr. (IJi Ur. aae Ufa. UaiHt Uiyaa. lilJTfc. 1141 Ur.a—Un. WUi UWMaL UIBgfc. (14) hBr.aad Ufa. MaooT Uartwara. It14 «em ta* Oo.MKl

Uot. Ba* Uiwa. lift 1. - i,n L««

Ur. eiU Un. Ralph WHW. Ilth *Ur. md Um. CaN- Mkaa. 11« *eli Or.»' Ur. a—Atfa. Raya HagaaM. 14M • Uth**Uc. md Ufa. taa Safw ht» ■ MN >U' aUr. aad Ura. •aargt T«*wa. 111'Ur. mU Ufa. Tah TaaDoa. 1147 tl**i Cr.^Ur. wmd Ufa. Maary Yafcaoa. I4BI 1—<Mr. -d Ufa. Dakbr Taagawa. *0* .7**^

»flAt HW.IPAY tSSUt —DfCfMm 1«.28, 1<i4 THI PACIFIC CmZfM SICTIOH |~‘

Oor YHterdiyi-

Rrtin«p«l your her." ruce .«n tboat him. «»d h. b«k aad told yoa Hut. And a littlr ton>r u .hr h*d token -mej-'mirht bt happj-tof«h-

toeir rdattooa.^^^ «rf ih* after lUl I didn t hatr frem the* f«t ««. that w«» to «■ today,„ . ..ndamentol dif*| • . brew among the dark you a*ato." lend ber out of hto oonfidenee And If ahe had made no

"> ________ ____ “t " “?"■Hanie- He nodded. Ithatpile her inUmaey a-ith -And I » and climbM greedi-

‘ly ow and into them, flngera ^lened, Above the bloMon

been l» around the brief eaae he held held. Han.e etaneed :her with him. Ho»-- on bia kneea. arehly

^ Harva crinned. She •the bum 6f been to regard him as a

' a^e the trusted friend.old and

»iUihim. if their rriaikna bad

wondered what might „ u,j „omenl ahe had

Son Francisco JACL re-elects Ed Moriguchi

SAN FRANCISCO — Eddie ing (russde against pamag

lUnie had.bad a attoog|at hen." of lo>ally to K>-oko.| HiT fl

.„d been reluctant to ,„utid th

bsv^ been the rcault if be had hi„ Moriguchi was re-elected bec.'of Prop.She aaid. ‘'After I received made ha effort to get in tobrb jq— (tie

your leusr. I couldn't bdiewtwitb tberoafter. He did bener tolane, boa' much 7 to « •«'«»d te^ aa S*n: The aoft.-f|mka] Mdrigurb

to have parted ftoce Franeiaeo JACI. pnaident Inluianked the membcn

, glimpae of Ky-oko. ^olVea married '

seemed 1 f something in him abrupily

lived. he »lmo«l aniii now •• sgsinst Kyoko as she -Yoi, didn't expect her

him. It a-as on a Sun- do ao?"—nt-wing—»-aBri I she a'as He reflected s momml

„sfR^ining from a -Uost ot iis marr> w«ner o^^"‘ "***^ sij Quick, minring ateps bef

wax dmaed in her She seemed satiafied a-iih 1 sn open neck, sleeve- this snrwer. She pol her head Msek gnam agamst on nnr aide, narroaieg her her olive akin gloared eyea as if in dMp thought,

y in the sunlight, l^Uiought it odd that ahelarge '>'«* avt^ed had*'%(foduced Kyoko into

:iong while, wha I finally for h,r to take the imt.stn# BUntotoUim inat board ir-----------realixsd you had meant it. it towarda future relaUoas, ahs ^ ■ );,

ne to grow

log of the year, and vowed to do his bee.crwsius ciuue ucierwuHe aaid 'Kyoko San help- »“ Pf*" surprw,again in 1665.

m yoQ and 1 became""S'” hsvr concluded that that.the j'outhful leader was a climaxrto the eiwrdotI do remeniber that In memory he heard Kyoko! **^”?*^ ” ed me to grow up. She taught eom;detely. unoppoMd fordrama was the preaenee

•you wrote to me snd asked mying. ''Until we . meet "" ^ me that soineiimea it s necaa-office ^ter steering the local N a t lo n a I JACL Kum.xto come. Bin there.had again 'He aaw her turn from sary to be hard ” JACLera through one of thr Voahinan of hard

Then sll the misery that At that momeai he id reaiillid from this open- lapscisl need of her deason !T , -

explanation as a prerequiaile the aiele of panax that led inrwedge in 'heir Rations tCopvnght 1964 by . .“i’*' to my going to you. 1 wrote away from him. She had been might havtr been avoided. Allan Beekinan>_

turbi.ient period. o.i«Jnd!n-nia and. in particular. yACT."trg.matsiI!!i'*.*'' 1"‘

Nia« history •Hit hit unur- ,....w»<.

Sroson'f ffVrrtmgx


She had evidently re- the converaalion. But he was! red him first. She looked protid of the fortitude with!

ond him and over him as which be bore up under the I g^upied in cuntompial- infomatton being gives him. [ pK distont objecL- He even attempted a kind of'

One night he, got on a bus. heroism, bus door shut behind him '-] lemember she wanted

. clatter. Hr aakM the cbildron." he aalA for a tiansfer. And Her lips drew down at the he tuened away from corners, and the nodded

driver to find a ahat. he gloomily. "She did."Kyoko, lips parted, star- h* blinked. "Did!"• him. She cupped her chin in her«-aa as turprieed as ahe hand aind aeoned loai in re- H» had no wish In em- eerie. "She died in child-

—«*s her. bill the only seat birth.":ish1s to him 'wss one. For the find lime in ihetr

the avail near the eei- acqiiainianre. h* was grale- And aeatsd here h» fill 1o Hanie for her msens-

obliquely toararrls her. ttvity. After all. his feelings sat in the swaying bus. «w hit own personal affair,

filing the leather of the Hartie need i>ot know about tx and the fume* of the them.

hiiisU and otam^ing Ky- He waited until be felt he from the corner oi hia could trust hia voice. "The She had pulled beraelfichild, too?"

ether after her firat aur- "Yea." |smiling and He aat ttill for a moment.-

dding at the man beaide He breathed In the rich per- r. fume of the mock orange!Ker oompanioD was seated I bloasMna And in the bush

to the bus window and!that followed her snnounce- peering out Into ihejmeni the fragrance of the

rkened street as if fearful I flowna reminded him of the miming some landmark.! scented air of funerals at

seemed fascinated 'by which we bury all the yee- terdaya-we had shared wHh

rheh the man reached up the departed.piilled ihe aignal cord. He looked at the brief ease huB ground to a stop he held on hia knees. He stood

hoiit so miirh as looking tiji.Kyoko. the man bnished "You asked me id come on

her and left the bus. business. If 1 m to do sny- wnii ohvinua that the thing al^t your problem, did not Itnoa- her and I must Iwk over the s|

been imcAisdous of her menL If you’ll be a '.tiona. to shorn- me around

rejght in her ruse.' ahe Afterwards Harue followed wooden-faced, staring him out to ths lane where

:ghl ahead- be bad parked hia car beforetkr former lover fell no the mock orange hedge,'The

in her Jmmiluticm. He green paint -of the Car/-Id have been cxaitent to | faded, and rus'

worshipped her. But ahe; throngta in spoto. ^ conaidend it no hard seoned to admire the vehicle.

uTsin to pay with the loss! *1 need the car In my ;■ hii esteem for the idewure Voric," be aaid. “That'a the;« otoerring his Bogliah as only reason 1 was perndtted ;f

cheapened herself- She io drive il during the war. oectsd an impassable Bui the war's over .nbw.

Tierbeia-ren them. And he They'll soon be mamifacUir- «' ahe would hale him the ing cant again. The streets of f for, hto pity, so he left Honolulu »'ill be crowded bus without speaking to *-jih them."

: "Well, then 1 may be sbleI) irlng the wv be became to look forward to bu>-ing mveatigator for the Rent oeie."

xurol Office St City Hall. Shf was relaxed and i^- day he relumed to his forted now. grateful to him

fi<e«nd found a memnran- for having come and having that Hanie had phoned listened to her unburden bec- The metpnoindiim gave self.

B’lmber where she could be His was thinking of Kyoko ■rhed. saying. "UtiUl we meetVmm had passed since he again." as she turned into the

pwrted from Hame. Une leading to her eislera had been liuJe of hap- home. She had left him an

I for him. He was in s sbniptly he had been left Bed of cyaiciam. He lefl no gawking after her. ddrs to rmew his assod- He had torned away with ice with her or with the a feeling of chagrin. But after

with which he idenlififd be had continued on a few Bteim, he bad told himself

He threw the memorandum bis chagrin wss not justif.ed., U the wsstebssVet There had bees nothing;Iheo a reciuesl tame from wrong in the worda ahe had inir he could not dispoee of spoken. He had been over-

easily, He was reaponsi- sensitive in taking umbrage for appraising renul uniu So be had never even men-

6d setting a rent ceiling on at curtness.arilh atteniion to ivla- .Honed that he had been die-

probletns. He had. re- pleued at the manner of her >- inveetigwtied some leave-taking./ close to the reeideace of Now he knew he had been

l*ru*. and somehow ahe had wrong in sssuming me i.n- >rn«d of iL She had a pro- cident had had tk> si«Mf»c-' «i nmilar-to the one that ante. U had been her furl d been involved there. She experiment in cakubii-ic if «d a petition with the offi« he would tolerate infling

of her pro- He said to Haroe "Ibeieaa point in a peraoa’a life when

investigator his jodgmmii aWt peoole »«ld do. She necd^ the a*turesr’'WhSh were very >U familiar with the ana- yodhA we think people mia preUem. be pmuaded to act »■*^oei her petition, he knew wish beesure we want then.' “W tav BOW married, to. or because, according loi wwthdesB. be aospected ; our stoadt^. we feel thej-

muBl have' an ulterior ought to, I hadn't pasael that «tivc for wanting to tee I atap when Kyoko Ssn came

But tinee the appeal was i int^my life." netod to him in his officisi' Harue broke off a aprig of >l«ity. be fell he must ac-1 blomoms from the hedge and

‘•ie to a. . held them to her,______ • ; He felt the warm sunlight

We said. "Y’ou're entitled of morning on his neck and Msume whatever you abouldera and saw bow

about bow 1 mi

Henry’s Pharmacy 'HENRY T. “KUSAMA



Phone: HO 4-2701

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M. Tabuchi Dept. Store102 S. EL BORaoO STREET

sate L atiH streetSTOCRTON, C»UF. Wwiu: HO 4-2384


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The Appliance Center1130 WtTERLOO R04D STOCRTON, CRUFORNU

Pheiwi HO 64721

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WELDING — BLACKSMITHINGPeut Johnson — Leo Johnson

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acw if jj,.oko San ne to come. I'm glad

1 Imyriad of blosaoma The

Mver did anything to flowera diffused their frag-



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SAUNAS ha 7-64S2


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lOBl Sa Mena SAUNAS IPh.: 4Q-9Cil-

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Holiday Greetings

P4jC4flCO) Fermarly P»eirie Cost* Ory Goodt Co.l

tMf ORTRS WHOLESAURS 0 iMtol Dry ftoeAi ~ ChiMwor.


Mk AM>m: 'PACtMCMr SAN MAHClSCe * otiAwcH Offices

NnM^H; m KM A«nM PAUAS: titt IK> TfM> <100 0n«P»i

. Y^i S.Ui — k. S«til

^ Soasont'Greetings

2 U ¥



Shima Transfer Co.429 BEALE ST.

SAN FRANCISCO Phone Yukon 2-5430

Th. Suin'. Virr lul Wl,h>i t. All • JACUrs end Owr Many Friends

Th*.k«.F«- Snl»4>4»H fer ' 'l»*i P'SI*C<

!■■■» "Shn" ToomAI

MUTUAL SUPPLY CO.Generel UpoHeri - bperSe's Clx'fy ProdueH

Jude - 4«ppliei Boob end Sut«i

imSuun<Sf..SuFuiiclK>«ll TUkuS-liH


1U0 Pn» »>. LeyMatnomst t-VH

-■ %m FfWKMe. Celtf.'

NEW VARIETY NEW CRO^^ Seasons Greeting*


lUe PeP h.. Sm PtomM.Ue Pfsltre — — Pte«Mt S4tM

NOMURA and COMPANY. INC.35 SMn Stu Sen FroKbeo 15 YU 44405. YU 4-22T0


sot B«di StropI, Sett FtmcIkp 8. Cdtronla pb«M:YUkM 6-1400

Nikko Sukiyaki RestaurantRESTAURANT 4 .BAN9Ur ROOMS

. OPEN EVERY NIGHTFroo P«kiop V«i Nou Aw. o< Fta#

Seeson'i Greetings All JACLors*^ SUPPORTERS-end FRIENDS

MAS and CHIZ SATOW7U Sprwe St. S«i F™~Ik» '•





JAPANESE ART GOODS . Wilson SpoH Equipments

1440Po*rSrrw9 S-fSMchCP.Cql.F4US

FIwm: J0 74218


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170t IpciiMM StTPPt Fllwpfe 4-|97t

eucrtiCAi OTd PiuupiNP cotrsiACToiSOKO NAKDWARE

Un Peer Smeer. See P-eettsse *1 I4SH V«m I. J«k>M SSTMt. W Mm. CeW.

U> Un. K'veit" AlCtein)M- ..d Un u,„, Aikne-r. Un N


JIM'S DRUG COMPANY).n.. H.. K.k. *ed Mil*-; T«o*d*. PL.nuce




Crwe> W*«< SHOJI PANELS A«y Sf — A-r Sk«F«


1A«B Pm» Sf- See Preetlin JO 7.02S9





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j;j yf:As()\-s cRKKmr.s


FOOD .1729 lackem StiMt

-TeL JO 7-7A0P

‘Otagiri Mercantile Co., Inc.IMPORT — export—WHOLESSU




"Bebe". Helen. Jane Micheel

1414 Fefe St. GR 44622

Seeten'f Grectinqi

NOSODl BROTHERS.1596 Rost Street

. Son Francisco. CoKf.


WONG'S BAIT TACKLE SHOPPf.*t - S.t.l . S.*-*e.

IMt Pm> b. Sm riBOku JO T.fIK

Inturence * Reef Estdfa

TakM OkaiMte I Co.lIMFIRfMrp Street

Sen Fraeebce WE 14290



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<441 MWw Sr.Us Preaelue II. CeM.


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U» Pwkee

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iwe]] u ■ponjorauch icUiiU^ ‘f'ir.Ui.orown.bIcb.h.IlKTO

^OU acUve^,,,^ aball an upon all taal- »»• “ “™ matto. to tbon

“»*»•«. »■■ tlonal Council and their an- tbortsed cCneen: ud abill cwmiiiaue ' the afthiaw of the chaiiten and the IMstriet

opportunitiea for per* a J^ian'eae aneeaUy. do tab this canatituUott for ipaneae American Otl* Lcafue of the Untt^ of America.

AKTia.E I •e and Hokdqiiartcr*


Constitution, ^ of t)ie

National Japanese American^itizens League[Amendi^ as of 1964]

PREAMBLE ,thnr reapective Coundla u under the cprovided that the chapter re- preaented by projty ahall have paid the mlidantm Natkmal Convention regiatration fee.

ABnOaE Dt a Nattaal Board

Saetioa 1. The eneuttre pi weraotthlionbe veated in the National Board vhieh ahall be

Section 3. TheDiatrictCouo-ipoacd of the deeted national . , am. n .. •"‘“• oCficera, the Diatrict Council

iK.n 1. The name of tbii ony aa ie cooautent wilb the cbairaeo. the immedUU naitlaiioo ahall be the Jap-ConsUtutioo and the By*Lnn ^;«tional Prvaidfnt. the Na-American Citizena and the Natiooal Program. tiM!,] Director and the Na-

of the United Statea-Thej- ahall be governed by The otflcial ab*|thcir own Conatitubon

.lion of the name od tfaia By-Lava. The prmliDg otfi- ahtM be J.A.C.L. «r of each Katrict Council w 2. The Kational

quarteaa erf thia orgmni. ahall be in the city dea-

sd by the National Coun'

ahall be Uie Chairman. ARTiaX Ml

1. Thia organiaa- ahall promote, aponaot

encourage prognma.and aettvitiea which

be deaigned to further

power* of Uua orgaAizKtion efamll he veated in a National Council which ahaU be poeed of taro official dele- the National Board. ■ gatcB from each of the char-^ terad chapUra.

rform faithfully hit d i obligationa to tha SUUn of Ame

organization and it* era ahall i^ld uiUon of the United

and the lain of the nd of the aevcral atataa.

af National OtOeen

tion and the By*Lnwa of thti but theae additional mm* ' Section 2. The regularly: adjidning aectiooa of Wyo* organization eub^l ben ahall not raedve the chartend ebaptan to be in] ming and Montana.

a) A nnmlnating Cob* fflittee ahaU be ^ipoiiited by ^ National Preaidant one )’ear prior to the convening

at the Nation- Pacific Citim. and other ^ -Council meeting and then informational mattam.

Section 1. T^ aw^nattona^y „poa u,e nmtlon of a d) The du« fob National for National oeOcan^ball be-

in tha.foQowing

Section 2. Noti&ation <rf propuaed amendmenta muat be filed arith .tba National Di­rector at leaat six ereeka be-

the next National Coun-

e) National Aaaodatad Meuben who move to areas arbere a regular chapter i* in exiatenee may have theirca meeting, and the National

_ iDirector ahall tend a copy of^ tmnaferred to the chapter Committee ahall cooaiat of ^the propoaed amendment to on an Aetive'Member aU-

SS2, atanding ahaU have tBe

a) A minimum of 25 mam* bka erf tha age erf 18 yMZa or more, aak« tha eh^ tiT la operating under a apadal charter grant from the National Board.

g) MidwMt Diatrict Coon* dl: nitnida. O^. MoMaii. Wnnaaota. Mifhtg«»<, Indi­ana. Wteonaln. Iowa and other mldweatm atatB. b) Eaateni Di^riet Coun­cil: Maine, Vermont. New

New Y«wk. Now

of fiiapaat National; PmidenU who haa aarvad hie fun term ahall ba darted by

each of the Dietrict Couc' eila to be appointed by the reapective Diatrict Councila

prior to theihmalLegdCouMdwhoahalli

repreaentative «h«n ba one

from ^ever)-chapter at least thirty' Uia ariihout the further daya preceding the National, pa>-meot,of duea. .

Sactioo l.'Tbe legislativeBoard.

e on the National

Section 2. AU dented Na­tional offken ahaU act in their rcapaetiva eapadtiaa on

Section 2. The National r-ntmrii shall meet in general

NatiMial Convention.

Section S.vWbe National Board ahall meat annually: during tha National Convea< tion, and in tha M-National Convention yeer aha time and fdaca to be dadgaatad by the National Preddent; and upon the can of the Prcaident

he may be reqaid-

Board whenever it shall beSection 4. Tbs National

Board ahall implement tha re* •dutiona and dacWoaa of the National CouneiL

Section 3,- The majorit}’ vote of three-fourths erf the chartered chaplera im ahaU be neceemry to amend any section of this Constitu­tion.

who Intends to be present et the National Conventimi and who ariil not be a can­didate for a National Of- i Section 4. The majority fice. The National President ,yots of .Aavo thJrdA. of the

. ““ithereof The-deetad Nationd

he directly affected.

ABTia.E m r»rperation and Seal

1. The incorpora- thk organization ahall

■hall deaignate one member of the Committee as Chair­man. The National Director arill aerve as SecreUiy to the Committee.

b> Not later than bO daya before tha next Na­tional Council meeting each District CouDcU throngfa iU regnnentativs ahall aufamit to the National Nominating Committee the names of qualified candidates fir Na­tional offices from its hr^ The National Nondnating' Committee ahaU pul the names of aU such candi­dates and furnish to each District CouncU and to each chapter the complete list of all the candidaUs. including

chartered chapters ' present than be necessary to u the By-Lawa.

Section S. An amend .u> tha National ConstiC and/or By-Laara propoaed at the National Council meeting without prior notice, notarith- atanding Seetiim 2. abm. upon endorsment by at lesat five chaptera in good atand­ing ahaU be doty considered by the National CouncU in

s mannim aa any otb-

Lion 2. This organization, _be Bon-psrtman andi <• Obe quorumurian and ahall not ^ conduct busnees

h Icr of “I. ot .• ^cMdiiUti. hr puWie ^3. ch.nered SecUoo 5. Th* quorumuur .hull it mm iu’d»pl<t« i" P>«1 nouJlns- to co^urt U>,bu«™


Th-e»*et#d Kationil office ahaU have than

immediateSO daya preceding the meet- National PreaidcBt ahall;tag to chapUr p^denU. ^ ,ots on aU. ei After the expiration

ABTiCL^Mn imatteta. In the evenV a DU-| of the above 60-day desd-^ - - ,«.n rn..i—u im.l will 1»


Section 1. Active Mcanbera a) Active Hembets ahall be

in good atanding

shall be n-..^-----------------seat resMestai erf the Unit­ed SUlea erfio deaire to be­come aModated adlfa thia organiaation.

b> The Spaciai UcBben shall, pay annual duea in the amount aet b>- the local chapter. Individual Special

imued to tb^pecial Mean- bera upon the payment of 84.00 per member for Na­tional Headquarters by tha ehaptar. Special Member- abip ahaU be upon the cal­endar year bssia. c) The Special Meanben shall be entitled to aU rights and privileges ot this organisation except that of voting and bolding Ickalbr national office.

■d) Special Members arho move from one locality to another may - have their memberabip trana- ferred ariihout further pay­ment of any fees upon avrit- ten request to the NiUoatl Director by the Special Member and, or Chapter in­volved.

paid by the thirtieth day of Juoe. or 60 days prior

looal Convent arfakbever date applies, the Calendar year for which such dues, fees and amfsi menu are^ levied.

c) Have a currently elected set of officers, including s PrsBident arho is at lasst SI yet>s^of^.

d) Have reasonably cooper­ated in ejects, progisms and aerrieea carried on by the NatJonai organization.Section 3. Two official drte-

gates and taro alternate dete- gates shall be designated by the regularly chartered ehap- ttfs to represent them at the National CouncU meetings of this organimtion.

Section 4. A Chapter arhkh has been taaetivv^ years.'l-e., electsf^oeefs, bad no menben. euriM on no activities, psid no Nations] dues, and bap fai^ to zw-

Jeteey. Pennsylvania, H achusetts, Connecticut. Dd- aware; Maryland. Rhode .Island, Virginia and Dis--

Sectioo 2. The pe&lien ot three or more bona fide chap-

for a new District Oona- dU shall be.pufficwnl to cs-

sueb k new Distrtat CocndleNational Council.


^ict CouncU Chairman is un- line, no candidates ariU bs ‘ conaidered by the Mational

NomtaaUag Comnpttie un- Use sobmiUed througfrsa member of the N<

Voting of Natiosal ConseU i Section 1. The casting of

” “•ibsUoU in, the National Coun- of CaUfornla. nfiaiinnn shall be upon the

2 The official seal I basis of ch aptpr a in goodoi^izalion shall standing, other chaplets dulywords: "Japanrse recognized by the National -- ------------ -----------------,

. .. CUizens League, In-<Couocil. Each chapter is i tieular District Council,laud Under the I^ara of tilled to one voU which shalL Section 6. Any Districttale of California. Jime'be cast in alphabetical order,Council, at iis own expay d) The namm rt aU o BT-. Ibis seal ahall be^on the membership roll aa pro-may send one roprosmUtiva didates must be submitted d to all taslrumenU and pared by the National Wtsc-'in addition to Ita Chairman to

KqUqqql Bo^ . - representatiTs shall be

Section 2. Tbe majority of'^^l^^ to sit ta all meet-

sMe to atisnd a meeting of the National Boari, an atter- naU may be sriaetsd by the officers of the District Coun- cU and such altarnals abafl be alloarod to voU on all mat­ters.

CommiUee and upon the «• dorsement of the majority <rf tbe chapters of the par-

■thority of this Leagua AKnO-K IV

on official iforms provided by the Na­tional Nomtaattag Commit-

*. — p^ncltled to Bit in au mem-, tee, lAktag for pertinent.aU chapters in good standing jarticiimU in the: fandegroand Information, to-

jor chapters duly recognized but shall have no' geUier» candidate's___ ____ i qlpitur, U,.l h. IqUod. lq

■tall ta com,M^ y,„„, Council .h.1] ta n««.| AMICLE X Co&tantion .ml i, willinE W

its District ConneU paS Na­tional Headquirtesa,.^rUl he duly notified <rf its ddta' queney and'ariU be placed on a aix-month probationary pe­riod. and such noUfication arill be publicized.

at by tbs

Section 1. Dnties «f Na- ttewal Otthesa al The Prosidrot abaU pre­side at all nsettap of tbs > National Board, tbe Nation­al CaOKil. and tbe National Conveatiao. soperriM tbs stfsln of this organimtkm with tha appsoval of tbs Natkmal Board to arfaieh tbe league may bs tavttad . or appoint s soitafale person ta bia stead.

of a charterod chapter ta good standing, or a chapter dn!> rocognlied b>- th( Na- tioqal Council. bL The Active Members g^l be sotitled to aU the righUandprivUegesofthia organization, including the right to bold elective offioea unless othersnae provided.

Tir-TBe Active Members ahaU pay annual dues in an amount set by tbe local chapter, 84.00 of which ahall be remitted by the chapter to Nstiopal Head- quartero aa tbe member's national dues. Active Mon- betshlp ahall be upon ths calendar year fasaia. TbePacific CItjaen ahaU be in- ; Section 3. Whets tbe net eluded arithin the national tsmiUed to National

to) Ths Vies Pisridents shaU pesliocB such taaka aa may bs Mrigwad to them by ths National Board, tbs Nstionri Crnmetl. sad tte National PnaUant el The Sseretary ahaU kaep a record of the mtaulss of tbe meetinp erf the Nation-

Section S. The National; Board, the Board ahall have tbe powerl CouncU. and tbe National

Section 1. Individuals < contiibuts 85.00 or mora tbe organization ahaU known as Natiooal JACL Supporting Members.

Section 2. CbapUts arill re­tain from each Nttional Sup-J

- - - revokecharter of any chapter arhkh' shall have violated ths pro- virion of tbe ConsUlutiao and By-lAwa of this ocgsnl- rntlon. or whkh has i-rtusad to eooperaU ta tbe Natienri program, provided that thrss- fotirtbt erf tbe mambm «rf tbe National Board cooeer-te thia action.

ABncLEporting Membera jtp tbei Ciiiwmltlrramounl of local chapter ducal Sec^ 1. JACL (■ad remit the -balaace of such Nations] Suppmtiog Member-

tees may be organlzsd upon tba^ appe^ of tbs Natioeri

■Up to National Hesdquar-Baardinaresawberotbemta- Iters. limua member requlrenmt

Convention and perform such other taaka as may fas aligned him by ths Na-

Board, the NmtionU Goanefl sad the Nstionri PreridenLd) TbeTroamuwrriuUkaapan 'account of aU moitim rweeivsd or (fitimised by the organlmtian and maks paymanM arttb tbs approv­al of ths National Board or tbe National CoandL Hs ahaU have hta books andiU ed annuaUy and ahaU maks aeml-aimual rwpurts to tbs membersh^. He shaU bavs tbe poarer to appoint one or more asaistasU.

dues upon the basis ot one Hmdquariers Bubscriotion to each house- i ,

brriran citizens who *r*^. the detenninalicm of| Natieaal Officers

i Section 3. The resulu ofluted aa the First Vke Pim- AraCLE V !triegrophiclelephonk.ofmiUlident. tbe Second Vies Pros-

! voting ahaU be Unding on aU ident and tbe Third Vka Fns- ako 1.The National Or-chapurainemergencirowhenlident: the Secretary to the■tion absU be composed^the National Director ihalllNaUona! Board, the Treasor- nlatiy chartered Chap-jhave conducted a special poU er. and, tbe

Chaptera ta the direction of the Pres- Qub Chairman. The electiro Commlttesi Dklrict idem who shall announce the officers shall be Active Mem-

tfla. and Members. rmultJ of such special poUa. b«s of this organization a^ or refer an official requestUhaU be at lea^ 30 jsars of

tboo 1 Tbe cbsptew-of fKan a Diatrict CouncU to the age. They ahaU serrdxfromBrgaoiiation are sneour- Director for a spe-'ooe Biennial National Conven-

tpouornnd petn^ rfri polL A majority of the;tional to ths next. iiortheirownarbkh|^^}.^„edshalldecidethe, v .'..-.i

to mrr U,dr ,j. p„p..«q K. S.ttloq J. m. ............10,1.. .pint i ."’'SSLMOta Coq.mll.ta q..y

■erri if elected, e) Tbe Noentaattag Com- mittee arill meet prior to ths first bnrinrss sesstan of tbe National Couadl and safamSt the slate of candi­dates for National offices to the first bustaesa meet­ing of the National Coun­cil. In the event a member of the Nomtaating Commit- tee ia unable to be presat at the meeting <rf the Nom- tastingCommIttee. the Oiairman ot the particular Distiirt CooDcU may desig- Bale .a subetitule. In mak­ing up thb elate for iwes-


hold.d) Active Members who move from one loeality jo

1 another may have ihrir I membership transferred

ariihout further payment of any feet upon writteo re- quart to the National Di- roctorl^thoMemba- or Chapter Involved.

in the JACL ( Oub.

^: e) Tbe Naihmal 1000 Qub Section 2. l^benof such: .k.ii riw

825.00 or.jACL Committees shall bs-j aupport of the nSS «• yy rifarmlamig

the enroUflMot of 1000 Oub;more. the SupportingMemberlcome Natiooal, Assodatsd:

ABTin.R m Chaptero: Cbartero t


Sention 3. The Chairman of; ■Qch JACL Cmnmittees shall:■ □ca UAi./U «ta«nmiUM au>u, gaettoo 2 1

Section 2. Natiosal Aasori- ated Membera a) National Associated Members shaU be persona eligible for membership ta this organtzstioD reriding ta arsaa arbere there are no chartered chapurs and who derire to become as-aociited wiai TbTa organi- zatiOD.

___ __ ^ Section 1. The official char-iber and/ iter of the orgmniiatioci shaU

be granted by the Natiooal CouncU when any group of citizens have met tbe foUow- tag requirementg;

.•••■'"■"lime*, prowaeo a quorum oi.-—---------- - .u _ i—.itati' l-ommiuee maj n»m« »U.. q..jqnty o( .ta ch.pUta M—!«"•”' qtadiJ.1. (or .n rffio. olh. ; ‘I

n the var- - .o ____ __________ i.- to all vacanciea whkh snail _ ht. i M«The National Aaa

« ,ta „.p.„i„,.qq tap,,, n. .q .n —~C .Vr .hTrP"rn™ i "“X‘.JiS.'ta ™.ii Itatin- Iho 'Di- «*“«■ »««*« t*** " ...bmiuad provided hk i ^ "U the nriits wd Pnvi-tartar .h.ll q,.n Uor . r"»»l <* B

participale in the var- projecu recommended

« National organization.tboo 3- The rhir‘-~***|iiiiiuiaai n i i — r—• iws shaU be aa autoofr-jcai.^ to each rhspiers by eer-

aa la conaiateni arith mail and set a deadline ConaUtutiMi and 30 da>s after daU of mall-•ilh the National piwitag for the return of the bal-


ARTICLE M I Section 4. Voting by proxyDisMet Conadla ahall be permitted when it

tion t Tfc. -iPq.i.rfE- »>»U >» Imposaihle for Offi’

«otaptata^si-s^rsrr""M together for admin.

(c until the »

and pr^ram pur- fata District CouncOa.

tags of the Natiooal CousdL Such proxiea may be giva to any Active Member, but no member of the Natioori pro-iin «

.B^jiBted to the office of!Prsridat Such appointeas; f) Additional.nominationa

next elec-' nav be made from the floor wha the National Counul b duly convened. Such

from tbe floor ■hall taclude the baek- gnond information on the BombMS aa rtqnired on the offiebl <ORu-

except thfWe exprestly re- ■erved for Active Hembets or prohibited to National

SKtion 3. The qffiecn ot thb nrcin^^^ ^ jert to removal or bnpeneh- mat for itibfesMTifa, mri-fmsaaee.orBOO-faasaaesta(^fiee, proridad that tbs Na­tional Board, sftsr cai^nl to- jwUgation. premaita the cam

, ta the National

member riVaplers.'include whalever restrictions adjudge the offker a tnal as in.«. in .ta.) Inalnu-lioni the chanter belnx guilty Of uie curgm

Section 2. The National Of- Seen abaU be riected by bri- lot rt the fiiml borinesa ses- rien of the National Coova- tion.

Bniapate ta and direct'asd tastrucliona the chapterlbe^ guiltyhaw tntta. taUBniwai mmmn upl taq,ta|pqanta Itap.


EnttMa L Tbs

e) The National Associated Members abaU pay annual memboship dues erf 86J0 I*r year to National Head- qaartefs. The paynbnl of thb amount wUl mtitle ths liMfiriatr* Mmnber to one yadr’s Bubseri^ to the PacUk Cltimn. a Natiooal Awxdated Memberabip cai4 and spidal ewganlza- tional aerricss apd taiUe- itai. Additional membscs of

/ the aame family, rasiding at the same addraso. shaU pay anaual duas erf 82J0,

organisation ta tha ner aa Pnwidmto of regular chaputs-

ABnCLE V DMrtetOmmclb

Section 1. Tbe National Or- iganizatjon ahaS be divided in-

a) Have 25 or more Amer- itothefoOoariBgDbtiidawtti) lean citiaena IS yesn of |ths foUowtag area jurbdk- age or over who ahall have 'tlona: signed the petition for s , ^ ^ _ -e.Sktal«akia«Eta.iu.w •) Ntata—t Dtasubscribe ta tbe purposes af the organisation. The Natiooal Board ma>- grout chapter charters with lea than the feregntag number if the cimimsUncas merit Bpecbl eonsideralion. bl Have currently elected set of officers Including a Praridal who b at least 21 j-ears of age. c'l Have a ConstiUilioo and By-Lawf whkh are accept- rt>le to tbe National Board, d) Whose SKilkatioo for BMnbersh^ ta the organi- zation b accompanied by the paymat of a 810-00 rtheiser initiation fee. the ■mnMl Chapter dws of 810.00. and National mem- beisfaip fees for tbsir mem­bers.

Ssetton 2. Datiss sf Appsta-

Met Council: Wsshtagton. Oregon, and Idaho Panhan­dle.

blNorthcra Califonua- Western Nevada Dtatrict (kKiBcil: Merced County.Monterey County, and all other counties ta Califonua north of the aforementhmed

e) Central Gallforiib Dis- triet CoaoeU: Ken. Tulare. KtagA Fisno and Maden Countbn

a) National Dir<^1) Tbs National Dfasetor ShaU bs apfxdnted by tbs National Council subject to tbe approval of tbe Nation­al Board. Tbe meraben of Ui staff abaU be appotated I7 bim arith tbe advice and approval of tbe National B^rd. and in tbe care erf Regional Directors, with the advice and approval of tbe Distriel Council or Dta- trie* Cmindto involved. The t«BB of office for all mm- • ben of thb department | ■hall be from one Nstknri COovention ta the next su»> j ceeding Netional Coava- j tion ta the not succeeding . NatkHul CoereatioB mOms ^

, 2i Tbe Office of the Na- I tifsial .Dtraetar shall be ta

the city dcsignsted by the N^i CouncU me the M»- tiookl Hemkiusrten. •

d) Psdtk Soutliwert Dta- titat Cocmdl: AU eounttas ta CsUfecoia sodth «f K« and Moetrtwy CauBticB. and

e) Intaraaouiitata District Council: Utah. Usbo.

, Souttassrt Oregon, sdjota- Rerommeoded by the tag eections of Wyomtag- 1

the. goenl dbendoBazy poarsra giva hhn by ths Nstimml Board Md Ks- tioori CouncU uadar th* e- ncticn and ■nrw'ririn* sf tbs Nsthmsl Praridot, car­ry out. impiMt aol »

y the tagDbtriel Cotinril alter esrv- f 1 Monnteta PUtas Diririel tag a probsttonaiy period j Counefi: Tsiaa. Nsw Mex- rt strStapUa ka^ Nekosks. OriMads,

I outitaed by theitioiml Bard nd Oeo-

dl: hsvs ewa^ arf- ffi fCsatiandnJhiM^ -


National Officers302S-SO—CUr^Dce T Aral. Z7 iSMillri' d. An;. 12.19S3-02 183<W2—Dr. Cwrre V. T»kr>-»mi. 36 (LJ^.)*v.--b. 1896

Recognition PinsEach of tb« rahoua >wri«d JACL pins has a 6is>

itinctive sicnificanM. and thoM who lutsajiaaltfied for tbcs* awards are recofniaed as mao and women who haee given ^ the dtotartet ennwrit level or hi^r.ouUUDdiDg lenderabip and loyal support to JACL through aiaSEDA --------------- --its histotr. - “

, . i sojire YtFiusno

Silver Pins{$iHer Pis raeocBiiM the ootaUirfiaK and kard-woi^K

ai U« rhapter level who msy » ■

Diamond-Studied Pin.1932-34—Dr. T. T., Hsi-sshL 40 (SJ.I’ ................... b.18941934-36—Dr. Thomas T. YaUbe. 37 rPreaoo).........b. 189711936-38-J. V. ^kamoio. S3 iSeattle) d.Dec. 3, 19SS-S2;1938-39-W. T, T^ukamoio. 34 <Sb<.] d. Dec. 3, 1961^ I1940-46-Saburo Kido. 38 <San rrabcisco) ............ b. 1902! Tbe kieh honor of the disBoad-atodded pin is reeemd1946-50-Kito Okada. 30 (Salt Lake City! ...............b 1907,who haw nerved the orgaalsatloa aa Ha Natlenl1^12—Dr. R. M. Sak<S: 38 (Chi.) d. June 4, 1955-421M2-56—George J. iMgaki. 38 (Venice) ----- :...b.l914 Dr Tbomut T. Vatabe Oewvc J1956-58—Dr. Roy 11. Niahlka»s». 38 (S.W. Ljk.) ..b.l916, Jeans 6akamo«o* • ? **«_?*i1R59-60-Shigeo Wakamauu. 44 (Chieago) ............b. 1914 TajkamoW1960-62—Prank F.Chuman, 43 (Daw Tan. L.A.) ..b 1917: H.S^oiSda1962-64 -K, Patrick Okura. 49 Omaha ................... b. 1912’ Dr. BaodoWb M Sakada-64-66- Kulneo Yoshinari. 53 iChkagoi ................... b. 191L

*Aa convention chairman of naUonal JACL «

Shino Wafcamatsu mnk K Cbimun K- Pstnric Okura

held in their reapecUve ciUep/lhej’ were honored i Batiooal preaidenl for the aubsequent bienaiua.


1938-4 0 fLos Angelea)1946-48—George J. Inagakl (Los Angeles)1948.50-Henr>- Ttni fSt Louis)1950-52-Pra4Jk F. Chwnan (Los Angeles)1952-54—Ton Havaahi (Kew York)1954-56-Tom Yego (Placer County), .d. Feb. 8. 1956—47 1956-58-Sbigeo Wakamatsu (Chicago)

1M2-66 Jerry Flnoooio (San Francisco)•District councU chainnen served as nsUonal nea-praai- dent during the 1934-36 biennium. In 1946. two additional


1948-50-Prank F. Chuman (Los Angeles)195A-52—Ton Hijishi (New York)1952-54-K. Patrick Okura (Omaha)1954-56-Kenji TaAlro fTuUre County)1956-58-Jack Noda (Cortes)1958-66—Tom Sakahsra (Seattle)1966412-George Sugai (Snake River)1962-66-TakBhi Kubota (Seattle)•Appedntad to office after Setow's reatgeation toVRpt poet with National JACL Headquarters MafT.


1946-48—Wmian K. Yanaudil (Poeatdlo)I948-5a-T»m Hayaehl (New York)1850-52—K. Patrick Okura (Omaha)1952-54-Bob C. Ttkaha^ii (k'reoch Gamp) 1954-56-Vutaka Teraaakf-(Denver)1956-58-Harrv 1. Takagi (Twin Ciiies)1858-60-Georga Sugai (Snake River)1966A2—Wilfkm U. Halsuaaoto (Sacramento)1962-64—wniita U. Marutanl (Phlladeiphla)1964.66—Rupert Uachiya (Sell Lake)


193S-38—Susunu TogaaUd (San Franciaeo) 1938-46-Rito Okada (PortlsBd) V1946-48-Kay K. TeraAima (Balt Lake (Sty) ' 1948-50-Wiliiam Bnomoto (Sad Mateo)I95(k56—Dr. Roy M. Ntifalkawa (Lot AngMsa) 1956-66-Ak(ra Hayashr <New Yoric) d. Aug. 16, 1981—48 1960-64—Kumeo A. YtWhinari (Chicago)1964-66—Yoae Saioda/fSah Franciaeo)

Prank Chtanan Un. Frank OuaUun> Da_____Ken Dro ...------Jwrr I

WlUiam frtemete . Pu]U ---------

p«Mr PuMofca _ -

SECBBrAST TO BOARD* lS34-36-6aburo Kido (Saa Frandaeo)

—AaaL; John Maeoo. John S. Ando (Lea Angetea) IBS6-S8-Walier T. Tsukanxrto (Sacramento)

—Asat.: Uaaeo W. Satow (Ijm Angdee) 1938-40-Ken I'taunooiya (Seola Maria Valley) 1940-42—James Sugioka (San Broilo County) 1946-48-Dr. TakaabI Mayeda (Denver)194840-Mari Sebimewa (Chicago)1950-52—Ina Sugibira (New York)1952-54—Mrs. Alice Kaaal (Salt Uke City) 19.54:56-William Y. Mlmbu (Seattle)1956456-Mra. LHy A. Okura (Omaha)


RiJ}y-Studded Pinaarrinre white Kii iag

sad la h^f ef peraeas of Japaaeae a

Pemr AddRobert U. CuUum Edward J. Enms Ttmraas HaeassEiisr-Nta'^Mho^Kurctn Boi Rncoki^^SflSswAaJoe Oram j- •

cSl“ <SiIt^ W. PaneJJ?TRX?SSno«laxTT TajtnKriSsr""A. L WinnSSS^VSS^Dr Tbomts Yaiabc

Sapphire-Studded PinThe asppbirewtuddad pin recogabus aa

•eUve loyalty to JACT. owr a period of at Icaat tho years heyoed the oeafMes at oae's ew« chapter, aad eoBtianing setivity sad sapport.

___ Watch) OyanasiOecoae Omuirna^.sssr


Rev Oeorte Maismeto

kSi'*Yo»h5liJabln. bther Hemwara Puau laaUukl^

'Sami Kobayaahl^s?h«r.Chiye TWnihlio Haiwr AkI Or. Oladys MiMa AJmi Mliuao Jwn SekamotogSiS.S£”tSlfSEL-Joe ajBRU


I issfsr •"WtOisiB sadaukl Gune Ono Mrs Belea One Henrv Tamka. Miaou Ivwiaki Habers Gerw TalLBhaahl


ike S.CtAkVlg


Ccortv eufUiaia." 'lacudii

Mamru TatMlB Ut Yamasaki Mn MatUde Thsudillira Lou lUesDs Mm Ysako Sato

.DB^NO 'II Nategams

'-"i32.-r£r’.2! —-

MtlX-HI QUdy* TaatwsiuHkr ^jiiUue PujihlraM?*OhSli« Matsumoto

Kongo Teramura HONTIRKT KKIN90LAN^“,SSf

Oeom Noda Kjvanl Nakamura-

Pujiv 8e»ki

SOCTHItTST LOS ANCELC8 Oeorte Punts ^rdwajaamunl

STOCKTON Mnu Uitsuve Baba Harry Rayaitune Georte Baba

TimAR^^WNTl’I Ed Kacaie •June Hatskfda

TWDi erntx- Howard Nocn..»»


«#"uS^:,SapDave Akaahi

Iit ^ OWunani 1 Oeorte fiakanwxB'

Manor C------OAKLAND

Marcaivt CisiBtl AMAHA

Mr>. Ok«c tbiBbayahu OBAN CTiroTT

Oorge KannoPABUEB

RAtph Kimoio Mn. Sue MSyafewaa

ASAOENA Benrr WaMnabe


Hira^ UwfeacaPIJWrai5oVNTT

OMCce Hirakawa. Ulen Kubo

Abe Hadwan . _... OiioBSD yt»nk OdaMrs. Eadier lUgtwar* C^w»golJ^^ James Bamiaww . Ooeaniwu PraiA Hatton Akm lujastu*Tom Hayaabi .Dr. Tokull Hodara James Y. UigaMuKa>- H.iao* -------------_ _...— Barbara

HlnMii FTWik


POITIAKDSSSS ' .^r.Sir -*Take Puni

District Council Chainiifl[ J*ACmC \ORTHW'E.STI - Aa tbe oldeot dlalrict eoancjl ia the aaHoMt •. ' hatkm. it aa» orgsaixed SepL 7. 193!. It was —^! Dee 1. 1946. Today, H has aetwi active chsptea 1931-32 1951-62—Roy NiritaBs,1933-34- YamanTSS1935-38—Tom Iseri kagi. BoblfiM

11937-40-Mamaro Wakasugi 1953-54 — Dr. lutjw 1941-42—Tbm Iseri ' snoka194748-George Uinato 19SJ-57—Dr. KeDy

Chas. Shimomuta 1957-59—Henry T. KtttlW9-50-Kas Yamane. 1959-61—Geoigv Atom

Rrtv Nishimutw 1961-63—Toru Baww^1969-65-Dr. John

NORTHERN CAf-lPORMA - WKSTERK Originsllj r.rcan1«e*s4pc. SL 19AV as the X-u

CaSforala IHatrirt Cona^. It has tradMmanr ih as the largest of dhtrlrt eoaaHls from the it fhaptor mMBberabip. Whee it first met si Vm

'there wore 15 ^ters rrpteeiatad. It wss Jno T7. 1945. Today there are 25 chsptetii.

1935-36—Walter TSukamoto 1953-54—Giichi Yo^

sThuits 7.

Mn. Patnek1^.25” ;■

srjL?ntsQo Imaaki

M Oounty ’ PREMONT

___Portlaod. Dr Hwtrr-Kasate—--------Mdia^R*v*. ah«, uiTtiUie

u IDAHO FAUJtOiarbe HinI Yoalufco Oehl

Oeerge K Haecaam rthUota Taawmoto

SAUNAS TAUCT Bmjrj Tends James Abe


•1937-38—Dr. Haro’ KiU I Saburo Kido11939-46-Sabiiro Kido.

Henrv MiUral 1941-42-Tnm .glmasiM 194648-Conna Sakamoto 1946-49-Tad Himts 1949-51-Robert C. Taka-

•~haMil19.M-53—Uasuji Fuyd

"ToiiroiiiS’ Lo'S*B«S"“ifeWoSiS! ssssr


I Ammc KoAo‘8AK*Fk!^B0O i Mrs To HUmiafca- I

Tom Yego.),* Nods

19.Vi.57—Yuun W 19.57-58-AkiJ- Yoetas 19.VI-59 .lent Enam 195P-60-Yone Sstixii 1966-61-Henrv Kito 1961;62-Hiriio Ui^1962- 63-Jamee Urate1963- 64—Jnhn Ti 1064JW -Dr, TobTi^

rCNTRAL CAUFORMA Toosgeat af the disMrt roearilh having hwe hg

aa March 2. 1949. its history artval^ dates hate h| when fear chapter* in the area comprised the <M

( .! Caltforaia Begioe of the Northers Califomh M' ! CeoneU. There are 10 chapters today.

19.59—Dr. James Nipte 1966-Fred Hiratuia1961— Mikio I'chiyim1962— Tom Shimasui1963— Ban Naksman 1964 Dr. Frank Nhs 1965—Boh Okamiin

11950-51—Johnson Kebo 1951-53—KenJi Tasbiro il953-Tom Nakamura 1954-Hiro Mayeda 19»-56-Jm lahifcaws1957— Tom NagamaUii1958- G«rge Abe

wStoo^KAgiwa■7 Henry Kanegae —Xhange


..Balt - •

.tsodw Staknaki __Banrmnd|


»^BeUv8uBih>-acyeland Or. James -D•’**0,2^'dTh'^ ______

-aiSSo :~Aeer OoraM


S{ .5 oc.55"a1S^-:Bsbord Kido .

PtaMw Ciscswb . Voaoe Miootu Tl.

Mrs. Kiv KilSfiinO Twin CtneBjHsua Vno....Mrs -mko Kiirctws ...Bui Prsn.

Mt. otynpOi

Chapter Membership.............................- • hip l

re 11

PAfTFIC SOITWERT Formed after the 1104 mnvenriAn aa the M

INsMH CeoaHL tl was enmpriaed of seven rhaptra Diego. Rrawley. Asa (tahriel Valley. Iaw .Angelcal Maria. Ran Rarhara sad Ran t«H Ohtspo. When |i rearritated ia 1947. there wwe M chapters perad

I etadiag AriVona^ call for a <haage in the distrirTiliw.iiif lA^ by NatlODal Rea^uartera since 1946. This tisUng of sli-time highs In membatahip by ehaptera aras'

by the belief that knowMge of theae facUbolster i^pUr efforts and possibly boost the natkifial all- ventkm M held in San Dtego oe. 1966. Natiooally. JACL

iberMilp reached a new pUteau. wi^ 18559 active aa

OCUTMI. Alsn 0.0

1966-62—Jerry E «•)1963- 64—Dr. DavidIhura (Long Beach)1964.^ - Maaaski Hirenaka (San Diego)

•(Originally called exsruUva secretary Keforr this post was redcsi^ated aa ••aocretary to board" in 1946.

1M6 Cf.l'B fUAlRM-AN

lP(T-5<>-<;eorge J. Inagakl (t/oa Angeles)*1956-52—George J. laagaki (l.os Angeles)1952-54—Harold Gordon ((%icago)1954-56-Shigeo Vakamatsu (Chicago)1966-58-Kenji ThMilro (Tutaw County)1958-60—William M. Matsumoto (Sacramento) 1966-63-Frank H Hattorl (Seattle)1962-64—William M Matsumoto (Sarramento)1964- 66 JoeKadowaki(Clevritnd)

•Post was not pert of tbe National JACL Boaid at.this

____ ___ _ I.EGAL OOrNRD-

wa- —OTU-m M. M>nil»ol (PUtdilcUil

PS,;—SS ’SS^

SSUgEf .......

Chapter of the YearThe Chapter iff the Tear (or the (Tiapter of the Bten-

eion) Awards have been presented by the various dls triet, cotffi^s in recognition of outaisading programs and tetWUes. ) SOUTMWtST


i*-!-**.**-*IKI-tbi Kiailc I'm IfM—ku PrWKta.-nUK -4llrl)Msa-n<'«iBSr-SsS rrssruraara 001*1gtS'S^aac SigmU.•stSTir


MIBUOUNTiUNiSrliKa*cwiile.Zi'i'*’’lies—S.II 1.«kr Clfr ISM-MI OI>-wpu>

imn-ai-nM-iuae iK>av-psiKa*)|i>iis I

fACme NOttHWBTMM»-^«i?ansp yearn

I’oeantlo Kdra^T«wB*up

TTie ■ll-tlme highs for 1964 ary as of OcL 31. There _____ I 33 rtispters bresHng thetr ptwvious all-Ums highs

jSl ^u, 6a?to Some of the ehaptera have already uBdertaken thelr ’^^kl:'l965 campaign aince the firat of October. A’-maJortty of

‘aasbwmTlT'U'w^ however. wUI aUrt In January.

‘ ........... •■'siss:Dwr-m*- •• oSJfc! ,1!S

ISISrw 1M4

r Kril,



(sr;ram 1MB

• IB U*4a urn4 ns UB

21 (^aptera l4iday.1936- 37- John S. Ando • 1949-56—Dr. Roy k.1937- 3S-Lvle KurisaW . Nishiktaata1938- 39-H«nry J. Taurutmil 1951-53~Tul YtU 1939riO-Kjyoehl Higa^l 1953-54-Kec Dye 1P40-41—Dr. Yo*io NakajI 1955-59—David Tokesd 1947^8-Hcnry Sakeml 1959<0-Kango SoilM 1948-49-Frank Chuman. 1966-61-Kay Naktfri

Frank Mizusawa 1961-64—Maa HintMi 1964-65- Kats Ariste*

IVTFJIMOl-XTAIN.At the Miy dhtrici coaadi to reoiaia >e •

service darisg the war yeara. when the Parific tmt trirt activities, were sospended hy'evarnatiaa. Mi


tine wcord i* proudly recalled as ft singtehsadMRt Nstioasi Headquarters when opertdag •

Mis. Oanl Tofcoe* . •' MoBUr*;' PselBsuU

^.s-Jissss" ■ ■Jrtiu Ymiuno

_____ Mabie Yo*DHsiw * OMvaied

National JACL ConventionsICO) Aettea

(Founded as Natkmal Organlniloo April 5-6,1929. at San Francisco)

Coaveatioa Dsics (CRsIriMa)Ulip;K3!:;35:IS! SSri,.;*.—.;=

Tol»r» CrastyrM<Ai BsslkvsslDINHM OmssS


IM UH, lo tea' to IMDI1944.4.6 - Mi

sfilF San Francisco f^borci Kido).Ran Francisco (Saburo Kido) . Salt Lake Chv Salt Lake CityDenver tDr. Takashi Ma.veda) _. Salt Lake atv (Hito Okaaa)Salt Lake City (Shigeid Ushio) . Chicago (Dr. Randy Sakada) .San Franciaeo (Dr. Tokuji Hedani) . Loa Angales (Dr. Roy Nlthikawa) _

14th—1956; Aug. 31- Sept. 3 Saa Franeiaeo (Jerry Enomoto)___;i5th-1958: Auf 22 - 25 Salt Lake Oiy (Rupert Hachiya) — lnt‘m-^1959: June5-T San Frabciaco (Shig Wakamatau) _letb—1960: JuM 28-July 3 Sacramento (WilUan Matsumoto) _Ist'm—1961: Mar. 17-19 Ua Angelaa (Frakk Chuman) _____ltth-1982: July 26-80 Iot-m-196S; Feb. 22-24 18lh-1964: July 1-4 19th—1966 30lh—1968:21M—1970:

Seattle ^smes Mftauoka)Loa Apices (Pat Okura*__ -■ ■■ 88Detakt (Frank Watanahe) ............................ ......... S8Sap Diego (Maa Hinmaka) ............... .........................}^. Calif.-W. Nevada Dist. CkMinril


... ...... A. i

liUb» rstia

— .issM Valley


^Cna«* Vali«r Bia Loa ViU)9


at Hietr Inaee) in 1943-44. lu prrdereMsr. ■> fi iass •''■wl Conveiiiloa na« organimd is !■

W >«o I high srhMil'<oUece indeala. The TDC was f(W«%^ 1? gaabfd Dee. 29. 1939. There arv 9 chapters today- ** ’“:i939-46-M;k» M. Mamoka 19.54-V.—,.1'iti !:eh'«

■1941-43-Wniiam Y. Yamau-1956.S7-fGeorg.Snpi , 19.W-59-Miuuiffli Tut

Wekw'ugl 1980-61—Ir* Nahkib 946-47—-«aiigeH Dahlo .1961-82- Ruper^ H**#

ii- i956-51-Joe Salto 1963-65 Kiynshi SiW19S2-53-Yukio Inouye

MOlTN-TAlN - PLAINS Orgaaixed la 1947 a* tbe Tri-State dUtrid'

eempidsing chipicrs la the state of Colorado. aad NebrAska. ft soon had chapter* oatsidc area SMkisg membership and the tiUr wv> praoeat its true scope. No other district hosits R*: grapUcal expanse aa tkW dUtrid: Mootans teW tween the Rodcies and the Miss<*arl-Mi«»«dNl- >■ -H-has -flve rhaptera. -z-Tx

MS* 1948-49—Bmme MaUuda J956-57-Robert ijM 1950-51-K. Patrick Okura 196043-Mir«u ^ ,, 11952-Roy M. Tsketio 1963-54-UI.' A. 0W»iwjl953-George Maaiinaga

U954-55-Floyd Koshio (

MIDWEST ,Orsulsed is 1917 with Mx chapters Is tt» *

West. Hs ereatlM deplrta the dispersal ef Japaiwe Vneeatr.i dvrtaig the war ywr* le

1k««w are eight,

1955-56-Ah. 1957«S-Kum^jy

‘•SSi«i im: Ot IKTmt uu


tm iset IX IKI IX IW M 1X4 *U (MX IB 1X4

su nm iM un

S'im iMR MI IMTms i*ai

tax usi X uo


day.jai7-----cMari Sabuaaara194WS=^H«eiiy TPnl1949.56_Koboru Hooda 1959-60—Jo*_____1951-52—SBlg WakamaUu 1961-63-F«iik 1953-54—Harry Thkagi. i9R3-6i-Dr H-

EASTERN Organtod fat 1947. the dlstrM aervM «

Bring laptg a truly xaRooal effort. There a»

1955-56-Bill Saa^1957-5S-Ch*ri«s ^196M0-W.1U^S3*il949-51-Tet»io Iwpsnl

n iih|19S1-A2—AU HaynAi**’■**]lBSS-M—In «»4e«^h4

1969-69—»• Iius»-

»iiL houpay mm—decimib it>2s. iw THt FACIPIC CtTtZIN sieno^i »—n

Pacific Nortiiwest



Mr* EbI SoBplUvi


Un-Dr. C«rTi lUr.rtruxir ^•lUXeT llS^e* Ok*aet OrsMkM Ftk. UM IXJ-

“ ’■»« KannMo J»«-

'£ T“ f»p^lI.rwIIU III, K,k*inK^hi B4 TsBitMtn

n,..r j»n^ •RatnnnllM ISK-iihmcn Hii

CHAPTER PRESIDENTSThe lirtinj of JACL ch^ief president* contin ues to gitw e«b ye*r nnd. by-frti«h wtitonte. there

tre over a,O00 namet in the cani^tion whkh the PacifK Gtiien etar^ in the 1955 Holidey Issue. Kain'es of the ACTIVE ^apters ate set in boM face.Kaaee of the IKACTIV^E chapters are set in light face. . ^

,«!:2S3... 'kIssl«n-An Tinul* US»-Pr*nk -.Ig—]»4*-rr>Bk

;»n:n K.» t!f TMi*'.



r|s.* K*k.T*m*

... John S

g^TOfh Ktwi

IK3—Ku ' •' «TJ1

IkM-Tm Nikvnur* 11W) -Kni Tiuaint

N»k*n<uf*int-s USJ-li i*» »n.

!S=E!'.'K’ni>n ]*.S7-!>)~iri1IUn<.ri-ssrs.,.. lEis::A,., 1Mr>41-Uni» K Tto

I«>a—Oor lnnuv> | TM T Hi'r4> Wk.mMo HO-Sn-1*•»: ,K,..T«ci. T"k«ii

irtOB. T. TMhtS^.. .-Akt* BuetautAISM-PiBl Icbtnj-lM)-mnk Twiiki 1«tl-M*. TNi>#«»*«...IkM^Mlk. lUM*



Ton Hirantn IKI-M-

Ji^n Tmfc***



irj:.- TAkrX*Ok*«Ji





i»T!» VAi.i.m irtc LCAcrR

IHOJl-Joha Anno . 0«irx. TuMIBIITn im—Hinoni Tm)>


m*-MiiMTu Okuf* inS-CkiuM TnahlIk40-0-.tR. T.r*4* IMI-T«n Ii-n

^nhrl5r«^.>• T. ArtI

SaborA KlahtKvn^

n«c*mJXI—Ti»hlA IlMhiA.


B..M4TnM J»€»-rUt«ir* T A".

*i7**»**{*m■ ATUimi-i 1X7--

Jn« Mimhavtibl.

c« IM—Tnru Sakjhirn

•~wffSn lk5S^’'lSi.'kBgirnai HirhlT*t kiit>Aae4A JiAJT-^ _ _

................................................... ‘.................... ............. ................. n Sumttu

IKT-Toru Sikatera ' RoT Klrtlinur. IHAJA— IMV-BuTT Mono*TaMhl KuhnU IMI—tUrrr kUtuta

l»»-II.BOro T.uhoU IMS-Jmm KMhl

N. Ccdif.-W. Nevada tiSSf

Mr* Ma1>t «»4h"A iSl^t^KnkanmA

!St;K.?SS.:^SrS.“I-.EJsK£- SKT-'SE "■IStJ

.1 BILItn-MAm gyrehi

▼nnoumTEaOrannta.4 IMI

lM|.»-JohB Aooe

lark WakwMtrj

-ml Uuuki ..urhl Onl*b1

kij-' S^h'.“T3*k*

. «Ma"nr* ' HBA-P' T.k Wiiphie-Mii.k. Sakan



'aknuukl Mttital.a kakaxU -Ti« Ta.mnU

'^r» F—- T..W. IMV-Eai AOarbi




iaiftjM_ kurnoB' baupnhS* I T.uti

Or K.llk K T*m*«* ^ISM- M1J4-

;grr____ -Mr*

Rolh R.»Ww"«" l»J-


AVira ShiB'.prhi ISU-SaiB T*a»»r i»a-M't««i

San JA—nrerniA

Wii-*>»*" M*y«i*


______ _sSr

■.JS""'"' S''%5SE

«wR?a=::SSrfSi'*"" "5i"SE'.TO. !K:SS;,'”C™IW^Sk nir-Mlit l^S-enbu-nl«9-Kom.' “KiiT®"'” \ *£LJlSStkaSSSSbl TaCA

1«»-G«or(* Ilo*IkST-Ruce


IStL..l»U-Oar*l'. .. IMA-JUi Rmr- IkSa-Bill Taui. p:.i. RanaH K <■ !•*. Ralph T Kif ........................ Kilha

. . _ _jS^gr- i|EsS'^

IkM-J.--,-l*M.-f>1«ar4 Nacnta

T*« HtnmW"IMJ— Ta*hi ,«^V,k. IP.-.

ia_R|„ar IVhHa Or' Kirpah. ApphSa SI-Rirhara l-Kta

,«i- C-.T.. T I—VKITTTBA rorvrt IK:—riask KCahl-

Omalaa< IMA—KaraaWr. !«}• Dr Mfhm iBeora

•It vat <irsasiM« U 1» . Inaaph M ?CaSa _ lha Omart !0»»I Ov- Akira Olioa

Aaa I. IMI 1104*—Tm TaU

Jntemountainla-a -Itnoe

!S?=KSrA &IMO—Kal K.mhara IkM-Jtsaa KPWkI

IS;"-"B«b^ Malwaac*

1«a—kal'r IihtiPPU. IMl—MtMBl AriU. )K»-Hn|P< Ocava 1M*-Katuh Km-h

IkSA-OouRlai TaiaaOi

i5=J.-rH.i-£s;- - nl«T Saaaia

.K'-Jii'.:... iB^K. •ess. .iir-~i“ss;’Pacific Southwest

im-» - IM»-KM Mikorlra T. o»PH

- -SZ g£,

Uakiba .p.(. 1M1-Sh.(p» Me ia**_Taii'hPii;.AIv IM'—Tr-h.p »■*•»»

MT, nLTMn Si»U-rmnk .

- - - . mill—_rr_

. T 11"i> Oca«*

.p _Tap.t*«.hl

, Htrrrr Tapikt4M— Otnen* Uacur _____,,S='-'- SSS.'TviJ.- ESer,l*ja_ 1ST!, hut )! va* IM' SM-»-1»4ruJr.SB HitPhtU ti.. fpr a tub-qu—. O' **"rsrjrkTTinrs ists?. ■•ssi.;s=a-,iSr“’' ,V"jr:.."SS: '5£STi'\‘r“

K«Ui*lh Toahlok. ,UiT of SUt*. Bart*. A^h. DO^

Aaa. M. I»t* ikl4—rraok Ottoki

laan-.ii.P Tamak.

istjPJSr.IMlMk-Toraa Kala

Mika M. Hhril


MOtSR VALI.rr I**-nreuM l«1 ---------u — h—aa»l


J-SrSTi-a.ina-Joa KnramaSa ^ua> T. IMmmiU


Bbl( MltMitAW

■aA-.SLSr“-'ik=s."’t;js“' at’s£,.'ss;.ii47-«*oa mill

latgss; —tSioO lMS-IUrra.1 8 TOM


r Hirubamktii Jtrk ImaSk .T»C IliroU

M—B.P—> —a—.-Bin Fomla IMi—1rf>orir TortyiBil I«»-^•Hrorr Tnrnaaw* Ifi4d

”5’--Es?«“sa;.. '"■'-i'js'JS _____l55i JS.S. jssiirM-l^ShllLaD" ’*&” Troaka ToreSi

^ia~Ca^it t*»l i«l—Miaa 'ki^'”k*I" '*?ho.« UaiaiBaiie' EiLMT!ra..att.afa IMI—Kimhi K>t" lkO-T"^

J SoBiil-iIK*—Mlat SuiPl K*i"

Htreia ru«*on* lakS-Rar Kita>a".a tsw-laas mo4*__

^^TViT^ ‘Ktti

^ ^^n:» S.

*OnRiaalI>' orrami'A *> Amaruxii tyiiltir UtxiP ir. inn rha »aHi»r rareMlJ *.pi’HOt

MonkTAir »it«


‘'Kazne Kavnsocbl imC: ,»c_T*e Salncih^# anR'IKA-TnUka ttaol* prvr1K*-rrank Saknaako

rMWiCM CAMP M AAO. *■ •»•?•

^ Bapaabi «r Shipmka

.1 SucasoIllt»»hi

rsir*’iSfrZteSmK^MOK im-va*»u surnma

IKJ-ToBi Nf IttO—TuRito

iiPCaira 1**-B"h T


fvaji.—Ul nWVM—t»f»—Maarr Tanaki IUO-M>rk>r IrhIUI l>7—Jamaa Tab»la

1—Jo. On"•aJ-Cur Mur

iE=i:S _gg™. sar


AMkSiCANlAl.V I.Mi, .aiaaA Ma. k

•uathl Tax

Ij-i.—>t,(.cro Taka) ICt-Satn Tuka«. IK;—rill V«ki»i» IKk-San.

7-t. fiCLi^r'i-hri' ‘^nSioSi

T TaiaM* tK*-S*i'M TMKtem----- J-_

euman Kul


National JACL Constitutionbook!, record., end pepen of liii. orgealretkw. awpl tbofe which eheU be en- tnwted to the SecreUry end the Treudrer or to ethen aulhoriud by the NaUoo.1 Board or Council; euperviae and impleisea^ the acUvitiee of hi. ateff;

teea ahell be epptdnt^ by the tioaa] Board with the aj^ro-tNational Pnside&t with the

of the* Natic Board. The Natkmai Vice

val of the National Coundl.

and for a period dnicaPraeident will be aaaigned by by the National Board.- - U. Njtlon.] Bojrt 10 .npor-ivi.e the work of thcM Inter- rector, ahall «iect ita own of- im Committee.. • ^epti

Section 4. Spedal Commit-recommend..

AWl(^X\-.\ Lindtatioe.Seo^ 1. The Nationa] Or-

ahall not be i»- fflil-!,

Scholarship Winners•me Pvt Ben Prank Maaaoka Manorial Scholarthlp baa

beat adffiinirimd by National JACL Headquartm at the nquent of bit aothw. Mra. Hantye Maaaoka of Venice. Calif., who ffivea an outright grant of $200 to a moat ddaerv.

Nisei of the BienniuHie Japaneee American QUteni League at •

Dial national convenUon. recognkm thorn *he ^ to Ue aUtua and preatige of the Niaei in Ann^'

The award, are curmiUy. preaenied la t»o ^

SM-SlISmlSSSl;I»e Iiecommena.. |o continue their education I" th. f.ll. Nomina-financing luting ^ in^ad.-ance through JACL chapierm.

:ure and Kope of activiu'ea for 4) The National Director ;tbe Special Committee ahall ahall aupecviae the Nation- j be preacribed by the Nat. al Headquartera and all {Council

mplpy quali-. i". hed Individuale to further the,,

project, undertaken..

oonii™'. ih-lr riucikm In th, M. Nomnn- ^ .* oninundinj in------ ---- ----- deavor where auch haa been nationally recoguj,^ *

t> Th. Deadiine for chapter nominationa ia June 15 each year., C,ndldatea are nominated .b>- indiv^duali'ithrN^tion.1 fVuVrll co« CaBdidalea are then aent official Ipplicaiion forma from dtapteia. not i»er than 45 daya prior to ,

vaaed in a National Conven-J^CL Headquartera upon receipi of nominauon. venUon. and acreened by the Narional P.r-Section 3. The Board of IM-|tion. ahall be binding and ef-

I within the budget eaubliabed by the National Coundi. He atl^l diaburae fundi for all o^raBnation activitiea in accordance with.the man- daUs of the National Coun­cil and under the rapenri- dem of the National Tnaa- urer. With approval of the Natianal Board, he may ad- juat allocationa aa to epe- clTic itema if auch adjuat- menta ate deemed necei- maty.

b) Nalioaat I-egat Cuuoiiel ]) The National Legal Counael ahall be appointed by the National Pteaident aiibjec to the approval of the NaUuoal Board.

National L^l pon. re­

view, auggcat and conaider all legal matlera pertaining to thi. organiatlon. or opinioni on law or'legisla­tion.

r) nmirmaa of the Paeinr Cltlaen Board

1) The Chairman of the Pacufir. Citizen Board ahall be appointed by the National Preaidwit eubjecl to the approval of the National Board.2) The Chairman of the Padfic atizen Board ahall


miadona which the Naflond organization may fromto time ectabUah. They ahaU not have the right to vote ksi otherwise provided.

rector, .hall report the pro-’fdbtivc thereafter a. the pol- ind.'or the NaUonal and account toiicy of the NaUonal Organta-

the National Board from{Uon. unleaa otherwiM moot to month and at all oth-ivided.

times whenever called Section 3. Hie National Or- ganlaatioa ahall not advcrtiM


Section 5. Hie President.' the National Director and thd"Natiimal L^ Counsel ahall “I*" ^ ®° be Section 4, The NaUonKl

President ahaU have the pow­er to cast his vote to break

israe. In meet-inga of the %>ard of Diree- tora, if be is not an official member pf the Board in ques­tion; if he ta a member; be

;ahall be privileged to cast an 'extra

Section 1. The official pub­lication of thi. organization ahall be called The PaciHcCitizen and .ball be conduct-: SecUou 1. The •'National;ed a. an educational and pub-J A C L Kndowment h'und'ilie relaUom project -------- - —■

2. Th, .r «•reciora, appointed by. the united States Senate

Qkace h) any magadne. newa- paper, booklet, souvoir pro­gram, or other pnbticatkin for any purpoee wfaatKWver.

Section 4. The National Ori ganlzation »h.ll not cootrib-

any organlzatioti, group or individuals for

ibmbip dues or projecU, except upon the unanimoai approval of the National

UDENDUM.h.ll b, traurf u.a Ih, ih-iwih, therefrom SrrOm. 1. 'Thr«


J»4S—Ham- Ab«. New York, and Toahiaki Mimura. Chicago

1947—Kaz Oahiki. -Nebraska 1949—Jtwepfa Tanaka. St Lout. .1949— Crace Taketa, Wasbinglon. D.C.1950— Ken Tokiyama. East Loa Angelas1951— Cherry Tautaumida, Arizoe*1952— Curt Sugiyama. Detroit1953— Hideko Akamatsu. TSvin Otlea ;1954— David Yamakawa. San Prandmo1955— Sd^ Itabara, Chicago 1959—Ted Sakano. Snake River 1957—Thoma. Yoneda, Sonoma Qounty 1959-Ronaid Inouye. l#l- Olympus

•^togSltoy,mlUr. which rmh., ofUnguiabed ciUzeBium.'' who i. awarded the JACL' gold medk^ finalists are awarded the JACL ailver med.Iii^

I . (Name, in ^id-Fae« were afvarded the :lion.'those in light-face were awarded the Siiw,

j 1994 • Jack Murata, Wa*B„Heary V. KaaaL Salt Lake Minoru Yamasald^ Bep. MaUunaga.

Hemdnlu ImraMdGiN

.!Dr. Tom T. Omort Pandeea!

,—w.- -------------- Detroit

} .Santa Barbara Belbetda! Wd'Jobi..................................

Pacific Otizan Board carry out eoch dutiee as are enumerated in Umm by- Uwa. Ariicie DC^Pecifie

.Sectmn 1. The NaUo^ Con^^lkin of this organisa­tion shall he convened every two yean, on the "even-num-

appmnted by. the *' adviceand"

NaUonal||aasisting project, and

.___ , __________ ,.^,Thlrmromr.h,llbr.dmlhm-:" Prihtrd ih the;.

U. dm.ll. of Uihi puhlicuch. '"«1 ■>' U-' •' fiARTiri F K otganimtion. (Writtenl

nMfww Section 2. The fundi re-iMikeM. Maaaoka) nmer. an ."Endowmcnl: Hra Japanese Ameriraa

Section 1. Carrmt Opera- Fund" pledgee, donations.' Creed

1959— Thoma* Tadano, Arizona1960— Brian Rio Kaahiwag). Seattle1961— Rodney S OmacbL Siockum1962— ■fttau Hojo. Saq Jose1963— Lance llo. East Lu. Angelca 1964 -Thoma. Yukio Nak.ia, PortliBd


Two $250 aa-afdj .re given each year bj- Mra. Waller Stephen K. Tamura, in memort of her late husband). Col. WalMr T. SanU Ana jA(3L naiiooal preaideot. Suzuki. New York

1963—Ho*-ardRH»jj-oji Portland) and Donald K. Toriuml,Amy Muneoka (.San Fernando Valley) PsMdena

‘[Judge John Aim,;Rev. Jltauo Mor4».^ I ChicagoDr. Minot Ou, Untg, iHKHnat Yegg,7Dr. Harvey A lum

Y'oAioo. WashinglOiK,__^^*George Iwariiiu,] Bloomfield. Nj.

*^>ecial recognitioB a1960:Rep. Daafe) lemiye.{ Honolulu ' X

llOMa) Tbe National Trenaiwer, together with the President and the National Director shall prepare and preaent a

budget to the Natid^ Council for approval which .ball contain all items.of general or special expense

ministration not otberwiM provided for by .pecial ap-

1994 - Kent Shoji (San Fernando Vallej ) andLucy Inouye (Boim Valley) \ ]g5g

NAHONAL JACL SUPPLEMENTAL STHOLARSHIT Bill HoMkawa. Denver____ . ____ _____ supp1em»Ul scTWarahip. of $2n0 earh are .Uo sward-Tom Shimaaaki. Lindsayand gifu. shall be deposited i proud that 1 am an'ed by Nationa! JACL and in 1960 bv Tbkichi Matsuoka of f>r. Iwao Moriyaraa, with the Endowment Fund American ritizen of JapaneselNew York City. - Waahiilgionaccount The National Pren-'uyestry. for my very hack-' 1956—Lucille Inami (Fresno) Harry A. OaakI, Pasadenadent the National Treasurer, ground makes me appreciate 1957—Elizabeth Okayama (Chicago). Willie Sugahiro Tommy T. Kono. Honolulu

* (Snake River). FT»ae«« Sumida (Portland). Grace Taka- 'haahl (Gresham-Trouldale). ,Cscr*e J. iMgsId. L.A.

•■'laSS—Deanna Honbo (Ddano). Kenp, Kawka *'«»—Lui. OW^). Mkhihara SakaU (East Angties).Tademani (Chicago)..

ItCT y-— Yamaoe (Oevriand). Jean Y. M((San Fernando Valle>). Haine E.-'MiUrai (Ml. CHj-mpus

.VVUgOIUOHed. in the. field* d and Industry.

lUtjMtooni Va«i. iWvw [Bill Hoaokawm D«» IToml Kanww*.

David U. Tatsuno, San Jose Carl K. Sato. Uea«.A«i Ford H. Konnn. Hneni K. Patrick Okur*.

19SaMike M. MmiuMika,

Fund Committee Chairman.National Director

the Nationalfor the term of their ad-Jorganizt^n with any finau'

1) Said budget mun be presented to all District Ooottcils sad Chsptcn not lem than 30 daya prior

more fully the wonderful ad- of this nation. I be­

lieve in her institutions, ideals, and tiadiUons: I giory in her heritage; I boast of her biatory; I trust in her fu- mr«. She has granted me lib- ^ies and opportuoitira such

cial institution with wbicB Endowment Fund monies are placed.

Section 3.the Endowment ruuu .portion theraor may be pru- “.“f- She h«d entrusted

id«Uy invested, but may not

jna noladividuml enjoiu in this Stanle)- T. Munyama (San Dicfol.The principal of She haa given! i9a>_AnneMiwaKBnomat* (Pocaldlo). WilliamYi

lent h'und or any “* ““ ^a««|Hayishi (Sonoma County). Daniel Okimolo (Pasadena)

Washingloa Mra. Setsukn VMil Qj) ;Urry Tajiri. Salt Ui,| Hilo Okada.SaliUkiCi

iSaburo Kido. loiA^ /The award in IfiSOn

ligeo Wakamqtsu. Chicago 1 idknj. tilled ‘Smi i Sakata, Denver ‘ Year.-

JACLers of Biennium■FlHByi- .

T^kM Matsu oka S«*oMr*»#-l)eosoo Gen- Fu^ka i(Long Beach).

The JAa. awards tO thelM. Sakada. 195(kS:ui ember adioae leadership and JACL prcsIdeDt. erformance has been out-| 1994

standing in the national or-;Pk-. aement. Dowalm; on for the two-yeari iggj

lOT umu Mj wy. i«»ir aeouy itvesien. out may not — —j,T^_ Beach).a. 4.1, 11 1. U. ta ,ta«l jta »Ulitad Oftapl upta fi- IKl-ilta T. lllvtatat. (Soutltata K«„U1 _

by Ita Ata-ooU .pprov.l MuroU (Btaromnlil. U.4. «- Kotata (ta., p,ri«l .Inro |^ta l«$2,500 or more, iyity ayb- _mi^ ahall -w^inra the jRnd^iI^n^'t F)iVd

bered" year*, al a deaignaUd' .apprriviU of thr«tafourth»L^po^ nffivrii(Mn^ra.'may place, said place to be deeWed, of the mtenber chaptora 1ahall be perma-;l ahi hy a majority voU of the Na- voting at the NaUonal

' ■ Council Maaion.

livriibood.ship, think, speak, and act » ............ — .I please — «» a free man 1962—Dick S. Kxkn (San V'emando). Sharon K. VU^^the

.VetSon 4. There shall be equal to every other man. '(Pocatello). Gail J. Katagiri (Chicago)>;^Southwesl L.A.).

award. ron-‘«

diaeriminate against nK. tatatata, pf Ita JACL

iional Oundl at the preced­ing National Convention/'

Section 2. The chapter awarded the National (in­vention shall be in charge of making sU the necemary ar­rangements for Iba biennial event under the supervision of the National Board and with the cooperation and aa- aiatanre of the Dtalrict Coun­cil to which it belonga.

Section 3. The complete list of all persona attending all runvenUona. both Diatriet

„ ,_____- 1963—Ariine-Hashimoln RWisf'd R. Naruol^ndidale* ara Yo,j^|n,ri.Cl«qtail nevei‘become bitterer ^j,bert K. Yamamoto (S«raii>en)o). Jsmes^ 7 i«m

'.hall be elected by the Na-lsuch person, are r " Stiekama (Mil^Hi)cam. t*»ie-nii. . ^ ~ i.1961 Mirhnrl Kakii (San Joae). Jetwny h. OU <Gr^

...... - ;-------chapters la 1 Ckimmittee. of the three ele^good atanding ahall have |ed memben. one shall/be• I..-------- -- I— —J .. ; Reeled for full six-year te^

one foj- a four-year term, and one for two yean. Hieremf- ter. one member ahall elected each binmitiin.

the power to levy and to apportion special aaaess- menu in a just and equi­table manner <0 further the work of this organiza­tion.c> Members of the National Board -or a special repre­sentative thereof, and the NaUonai Director and

Section 5. The piirpoae of Ihia Committee sliall be to supervise and adminlaler lie Endowment Fund program

Yamaguchi (Fraano).

The National Board !\ional Board and serve for a anotaUve of the majorit/*!^ rArk.naa. Valley)™- Utayror tan.. To i,ltut.lh« lb, Antnctapropta T,;,. (AfA"""fourths « the chapters Iq 1 Committee, of the three ele^^i)#ha^ do all in my power to

(flscputage such practices, but 1 aUll-dMtri»-the American way; above board, in open, tbreugfa courts of liw,^ education, by proving my­self to be worthy of equal treatment and conalderatloa.

am firm in my belief that American aporti attitude of fair play

Elected naltohal JACL of-1 ficera serve a. judg^. 'Abe Hagiwara, Chiiap

The award la made in mem- [Jerry Enomoto. 8u ory of the Isle Dr. Randolph' cisro.____________



•nr. Ional Director and judge citizenship on the basis iw--'-------------

S,ta't.nus..d,uTuVr;T;,tai '■',Kta"tan.'"ASe liollar per person shall

l>e taken out of the National

ti'ial. ahall be forwarded Katii host after

ConvenUon registration and paid to the National Treamir- cr aithin 60 da>a.

Section 1. NatiqBal Staad- Ing Coamltteea for perma­nent ongoing projecU of the organization not requiring program and policy review at the National Council meel- isgt shall be estabUabed bj the National CoundL Hie specific duties of Ibcae com­mittee* will be prescribed by the NaUonal “ ‘

;alao ad\i« \the .NaUonal|„,.„^ -k—An,. sw*« w.kjburineaa of this organiza- ______

d) The funds which are de- •"<* 9?“"f^lfrom her. I pledge mvaeif to'rived from membership and «>: t*«jdo honor to her at ail time.:

iCommiUee deem* r^uire. pupport

■.KiCfe.-ISn-OAr** <7hl4»

rived from membership and annual due*. NaUonal con- venUoo registratioo*, and other current aeUviUes of. this organizaUon ahall be deposited with the current fund.SecUnn 2. Nathwal JACL

a) A NaUonal JACL re­serve fund shaU be eatab- lisbed. such fund to be used for special conUng^e* aa they arise.b) Surplus monies or ppr- Uons Utereof in the JACL BsUonal treasury at the

of the riseal

M.rt KtaKMi4« 1HI—W.IUde Est.v*iM2-sa<r ocht '^.non. TorarW,

IRC—Tort(» K»»l tSSS-Ow-ldi. TtU ltSS-W.U»r »r»e-....

l*rt-«^H«rT V»

iSMb Ttuk. IKI-KSn/S Ktaf IU3-l>r. Alms Muilol iv.*-(;.wx« a.

Rlrt-r. T I IKT-Dan Saki lit.—RtMki HI

n by ihe chapter to make iim of the principal ef the Endowment Fund. This

expand the funeUont of the Endowmnt F)ind Oom- mittee beyond merely deter­mining .when there i. an emergenc)', and authorizing Committee to administer the

l.Fund with (he approval of the NaUonal Board.

-.BecUon 6. The NaUonal BoWd may authorise mem­ben of the Endowment Pond

0 support 'her conaUtuUon; to obey herji '^ laws; to respect her flag; toil: defend her against all ene­mies. foreign or detmesUe; to acUvely assume my duties and obligaQons aa a dUsen; cbeerfnlly and withoot any reservations whatsoever, in the hope that 1 may become a better American in a great­er America.

SecUon 2. The slogans of Uiis organizaUon ahall b* "Securfty Through Unity" and "For Bettm- Americans in s Greater America."-sag-

rnnkHirv Mtrve.

WilUui a.d.l.k1 1HMS-Jn» KsSevikl 1MO-Cm« TAkahubI MSI- Or.

TWg JUlltaSIBA RbOia

i«U—lusrr TAMka ’*WWIa» Iio

tw.IStgr-7.Sr ‘

^ 'iMA-rrmak C. OkaA.

,£3JS;"2SUi«CS—H.tca taal

ilaa^aSA T.k.HO-

‘ Mr. itaM. Viraaaka l»u-l mi4A— “

■ JAf.'jA.-kM>« OaTWI* CITIKS

oraael.*. .S.*t. «. ISM




IMT- . ***■(-


___^ !s=PI“F«NaUonal Director with the tMminaUon of the fiscal r!/wtamin.M. t« «»rp> .. Uatann in a Greater America.”-sar- a t»ai.pproval of fhe NaUonal -yearihsH bepUcedinthia wiUt any financial institntion by Sumio Miyamoto ^ .^aa^a h. T>kM laa-nw. j. TaswAi ig^waiur w.*.

Board, and appoinlmenta to reserve fund. ,.here Endoament Fund raon- Mike Maaaoka. respec- j5tE Sunvara t TArriii x«y«rAthese rommJttees ahaU be e) The reaerre fund ahall iea are placed. lively. . ig-Kar» w.tmb. iin-Roy-SuztMitamade by the NaUcial Presi- be administered by a Board _____ ' Section 3. The "JACL Mr.. M.i.. Tak.. ’*517* Mu.irt.rrr

of Direrlor. «m.istinc .of , . ARTICLh Ml . Ht-mn" with word, hy Mar-•*»:- u-.l™.,. ’*51:7.?.?_____ _ iSIrT'i.;*""*Ih. JAa, National Pre»i- ' l*"*l -National PreuldentA ft '?<*! iHAt-Oart'** o»fdent, the two past'National ; The past National Prvm- cel J. Tyrrell has been - «t. 1011«


dk. v.i.tata.i tartata—dta taf .h. r*^”*** serving on the dents of this organia-™..——.------ „ --------- ----ArraniiAtioii ^al^^formed Board, the Treoa- constiUitionallv elected. ex-;al Oundl.

rj Wh™r^l specifically named JACL Hymnt a!! M regular members of lhe;Hiei» was a dream my father

i-,cri J. lyrroii n*. oeen oin- ip§t—vn I. dally adopted by theVCation- H.nKii.

ex-;al Oundl. ^ r***'"


(Art-aair W*«Ar>»

Hnrr M. Kaa

KKW mtCLAKD Or.*nlx.a

r.h. 7, IMI »A-4»-R*rT.r Aki

T«wi MortU i

EasternIkU-Carr Or* IKl-«.n n«.M

’7k~T«ni T makl WiTuaai. K.rtfu.1

iw;--wam<i }

VurlM Taksrortl ;-«t-T<>iB'iiAnrti

IMS.U IKI—I iaU-&S—Won«m(Essss.'^:

1*61—Mra-LeslM 8 Mi.har*

»6»—Hiro.)>i I'l'rtani ha««h*rtl

]*■—Alim OfcartMu 1M>-Xai UoKia

ArtI 1H7-Trthl0 kiUBta

mSi; Kdirahara

1164-rwk Ort*a ranta6«r4.e*iA

oerTr-SHmr-t*—j«-k Orta.

Ktrik. Wi -

IMS- 'V.niiMi IfbiMk.

imo—Cunr*. Stkamuln nu-Thirl* Knfae

i*U-Ju7e*rt£!un-tSM-Marr^ raumfUf- IS6.'-

M.nrv r-fi-iTdhfUM,rS66-ta>nrt« NbS.

lAd'-lt.! ZW* '*“ritr i»a*



’^.Tta ta.



FAtule f'

Hum O . composed of delegates tnd members in sttendanc* at ‘Ju National Convention. The CoBvestkm Committee shall coasidaK their respectlv* problena' and matten and roairt recBBUtuadshnns for tame to tbs National CoitaelL

Section 3. laterim CnnwH ■M ahall foneboD between

-tional ConvenUona on tbe, < on. phases of the Ns-! t.-ta..J program. The NaUonal CouKil shall prescribe the caenaitUM to be formed, and tbs msmbers of such commH-

of members of the Board of Diiecton of the fund, and an aecoimUng of all moale*

National Board. They ■haU be kept posted on the activities of the orgaidzalka.

all regular infdrma-

drawala tberetrom ahaU be incloded In the annoal fi­nancial report of the Na- tional JACL.

, AEHCLE XLof Special


Uon material sat to tbeTeg- nlajf Natipnal Boaro Mem- bera In addition, they ahaB reeeive Hte Padfic Citizen.

Hie parliamentary author-' ily which shall govern in all;

SeeUon 1. The projecU of,case* not covered by the <^m-'God h^'us

are free Hun the deeot camp wHh

watchtowen high Where life stood still, mid

sand and brooding aky Out of the w^^ which my

JChcir enited voicea with ZBloe cried -

This is onr dcm that'all ma ahalihe free!

Hiia is creed well live


Season’s GreetingsBERKELEY JACL

Sr. aid Hra JACK'SHUUJI Funi Radio t TV Sontet



Tuimon IUfa Iwmete C*. ef CeHNnisI ladMuu Tp«t( Fwd !

rose AWEIEK"MaiHr W«(ekM*k*n"

n«M: sti-am 2111 Umm kAvt.

144T AdmU. 1264424;IwtMw 2. CMWwi. ! T,mT...N,Vd,.., !•(*».

\Setwon’s B^t Wisha

Intermeuntain District Council

CHAPTERSSmS. Umr. SMrt VMtvr. aaskws. ^

PecaMDe. im Lsmmd. IMr Ckr. “*•IC64.4I OFFfCtkS

Sik.ii. Ck«ifu.«. — Ab. Sii*». i‘* YaUt*. 2W VI« Ck«b... — U.

holiday ttSUi —MCtMiPt im, 1M4 THI ^ACI^IC CimtM stenow t~ii

ational JACL Bowling Tournaments*Wa«ii«n't Cv«mt fS» fint rtirM yMn ww* nM •Kkltlly

Mrt of lh« Towmaihont.


Bowling ChampionsA Kiai yuBim ua e

<M Bol Trtwall. L A .im Dtck a»da. a i {uo BvwU Warns- I

DoWM7 kUr.2»^ ^ M»r. 6-7 M Mat. 4-«950 liar. 3-S951 Mar. 16-18

952 M. 29-• ,953 Frt. 27- Kir.l9M Mar-S-7 1955 Mar. 3-6

Hoat Chopler RonlioR SH« Salt Lalca Cit>- Tenpk AUeya Salt Lake aty Temple Alleya Salt Lake City Temple AUeya Sao Fraaciaco Downtown Bwwf ' Lea Angelea Vogue Bowl

Denver Elilch'a Ljinea

Ne. of Tauw Cbaimaa Hea Wan.Uaki Kaliumi 22 (4)* BfllHwida 32 (lO)*ChoppyUmenoto .36 (14)* Giah Esde' 58 22Harley Ruaumota 44 20 Jlick Fujloka Jobs Noguchi 44. 16

San FTaDdaco Dw George loai 88 30

Chicago Long Beach

956 Uar. 1-4 Salt Lake Cit>-

957 Uar. 6-10 IS6 Mar.3-6 959 Mar. 2-7

1960 Uar. 1-5 •1961 Var.6-U

1962 Uar. 5-10

963 Uar. 4-9

1964 Uar. 3-7 96.5 Uar. S-13

EaatBay Seattle Lea Angelea


Salt Lake Long Beach

SacramenloUile-HiSan Fnindaco

H>-d« Park Bowl Km Mar and

VugtnU Bowl Pal.D-Uarand Rita Bowltng Palace Albany Bowl Recrealion Bo«-l HoUday Bowl


Choppy Ui

Sakada 57 Fujlmoto 84

64 22.

Mo Katow 80 24Fred Takagi 06 26 Eaay Fujtanato 118 32 Roy Yamadera John Sakayama 62 29 Joe Tcnma 126 48 Aaa Vooemura Choppy'Umemolo ~ — Wat UiaakaTom Uiyawaki 96 42 Jim Okida

Country aubLaoM Dubb)-Taugawa 108 66 Celebrity Sporta Ctr. John Sakayama Downtown Bow! i.

lieT^k Xattaa a*n Leka ...UD•W Kok rwit. I. A..................UW

/imiT-i N»«x i-ei..........Milr ^

Dahlia Lanea Hel’a Palm Bowl

Rancho Lanea

OO Games-by Nisei in Regular Playpartidpated in the National JACL tournamenta. FoUowing awarda have been mada:

lakKebo kok Sehan -tOkada irge Inal Euo Obori

KaUyama Sakamoto Kawamun

tion. Detroit. UiSeki Sakata OcL 13, 1957 S.C, Women a All-Star Elimination. South Bay Bowl

inc Onter. Redondo Rearh. CaJif.rlevHigunuihl r^. I". I»7 Nad lyagjie. Gardena Bowl. Genlrna. Calir.

Nakaeawa Mar. 5. 19.58 Pnaro .tuty Claaair I^cue. Bowl41-Rama. Honrtli liumila Ort. 14. 1958 JIaIntmer l.«irie. San Gahnel l«nea. San GabnelDegurhl Nov. 27. 1958 yci»,i AA l..eainie. Holiday Bowl. !/• Angelea.

ior'y^daKimiaawa. 9*ukui

July 4. I960 r^lden Slate* Single* ClaaUr. Norwalk.^ , ^Nov. 10, 1960 Wnmett'a Commercial lywmir. Yuba City Bowl.

Yuba Citv, Calif.gel Kaeevama' Uar. 9. 1961 Inv. Niad StnBle*. Saratoga L«»aa. San Joae. hard Inaluku Apr. 29, 1961 L. A. Eaamine^ Single* Claaaica, HoUywood leagm

n aalertak are limited to thoae «dio

a l^gue. San Carioa Bowl. San Carlaa, C^.Date of Gama Apr. 28. 1949Nov. 2. 1949 Southaide Niad League. Hyde Park Bowl, qUgggo.

Ang. 1. 1951 Niaei Summer League. Bowl-Mor Lenea. Denver. June 16, 1954 Summer Mixed Foutaome. 9^ Bowl. Seattle.OcL 3L 1854 Niad Majors. Downtown Bowl. San Frandaeo..Jan. 13, 1956 Industrial League. CUiicago. 111.

Apr. 20, 1956 Examiner ToumanmnL Vogue Bowl, Los Angelea. Mar. 5. 1957 Niad League. Sherman Oaka Bowl, San Joae, CUif. May 5. 1857 Hawaiian Senior Open. Kalibi BowL Honolaln.

WOMBTStm 4-4AMI swam

'“sr..™™."L'i,.;,.....»UK -

IKT Nn»«i AMT. .a**k > ruD«Sh(^e>. a»i rrainwB iiw

'*“* ""nr«im yu »Vn. T.t

U» A«**l'> tiw ]«M AH'.

S;?.>31 tASTIMI DOUIUSIM1 t.nn ar K’-atre T.ks (Haadicai^ lacindad)

J>r«v a*kal* LA ...........Oal.iltikk tale. Meaehilv ... TRy*. rujo. t.» .... oa

O nu#l. yi>n*<n* LA . Wijedv Lee LA 0»« w^ na kret leei h> < reUefr >


D Mile ite K.S yi'e-Mi.111

B taie-KiA f'lae.

MIN'S 6-»AMISWiaftIM* Vreirt Artjere.

I l*M> Oenwre t“7f>y

i*e Tkie NkSAM. er. . .. 1*U I*I»W SRVBlAi. 8 P. 1M4 Fhi* Nebele. OUna*

B Aeeel KAae.'ew*. tae.I IM* T»kl TekMoow. 1. A',

• UU My aeeh-.rmak Na L.A IMi . iMt ceoTM Gee PuBv tklBAtataA TtAanwe . 1«ll^ 1»< Ua TAwearbl-Shi* .

I9W Ne< ReeaioeaIMt Bue le^Te* TekAgm

“ ““ K.AT“ “*** . UM* IM y>k1 ToAeGeerae TmmMU*.

n:miSSri«i.aA.''iW'.....K • DMrer .................................. IM0 IM Xt* PuKuher* T

DepeefIt IM hr SerH.Tulrh

II im^£t;5:..a.““^•iM ,

JACL Track and Field RecordstA>8 A.ST.BI.R8 NISEI RELAYS ..



..2mKM).4s ,.4m :875a -A6a

Dr. Jue XuramA*A. SLC Hirlry KuRiinete. Cbicace

tM* L*ro XetaU. Heeolulu GcBe tale. PocaieUe

A NakayAiiA. :

“ E?’*lkrti”T*/'taS?* S?Kmtoml. Ct*h SSta. VUWJ J^ry


70 High—Ron Uuranaka (OC JAYa)..„ 120 Low-J. Karahara..................... ........... I3J»

180 lebw—Tommy Horn iHoboe)----------19.8a"IPV—Dave Hoabimiya (Shamrocks) 13' 1>4"»1BJ-Mel Matsukana (OC JAYa) ------------ 2T 8«i"

<HJ—John Kaiuya (SanU Clara)

>M Ileon TAfcAbAiU. a r....... MM* E* Ma. CtitCASe .................M... . oeofxe lAAii a. r..................mIW Job* KeabO. Sea Jee* ... *70 (WBeb SbIbA. Silt U 1X7 Tultoe TakAl. Swnik IM Ace Me". PereleUe

aintel* Arc**!. OIUSCB Ml tl ■ -*"«hjmo«o. Tome ro)i.|„

' ' -I. Bob MimkAVA. II

o talo BeMy RA»lree-

Gw»ra. O.ahl Tnk UhiuoA. I-A .. *l,n Ten*>»*. Keeeluln

l«M Bw K'lelMve CG'ere

Feb. 18. 1959 Niaei AA I>mgu». Hhliday Bowl, 1/i Angelea.Mar. 2. I960 Niaei Leepi*. Riiepa Park Bowl. Buena Park. Calif.;t*«

Mar 31. I960 Niad Comm'l iy*gnr. Gay Way Bowl. PayetU. Idaho. i»«> ork a»<y ■ ■■ f'enldm Slate* Single* riaaUr. NofwalkDo^, Norw-k.l,^^„^£j|

u>___w. I.*a<n,a Viiha fStv Rowl. I lew Ancetr


¥iS’taaBoiA N

Nilm*a* i«a MeiK> Pu!i1a-*u»

?eS?v«T'.M r,.A..........*«Sv *•"» t^chWa. Bob Ml)«kav* E>)» *1ijt<*»-tae

'*' ■ M 5M. WOMEN’S AU EVB4TS;il .<Tm Heieui joe Hem OilaH l•hmAk*. Te'Ke Hirmh*. I»h.

be Te-itlee IM <U<wt» B-.m!

Ill ^ithiirei"

;SP—Tom Sano (Fowler). . .'......... tin Trpl Jump—A. Tamura _

880 ReUy-H.440 ReU'

tauyo T»»U> AA«l*e ..............Serefir Wo«*-tHi»lr UnamM Loi ABCelee *•"

_44' 7*«"

ly—Hoboa niMOR I^ISION

l.illiai HOBOI

710 50—airr Voehida (Untouebkbies) poi.i.-auw, xbiMta^ Henr)- Hotbino (USnrknoUl .

■400—Jerrt- KiUbama iLtag Beach) ' 660-Glenn Yui .lm;29.9a•nn Yuguchi l!.«iielv (Ju)-*)

t20 Ltm - Dick »>ikuhitM (Ixmg Beerh)-.a8.7a t^g

I/m Aneete* .aiKiio Mlr»j«wi-J(J*-Tkk»o- Ntfhieka 1X-3 Tublme.

■7 S-enenH —...—

rweper • IWrme-»> takSei'*. Befc IMOne Tl

.Kmb. H.'rr Imem-nj,-^ IM Doitv A>^ JM7 IM Till.

e SMAeliem. CUirAa


Lanea. Loe Angeles, Calif.Dec. 26, 1961 CSty League, tftod River Alleji. Hood River, OregM. Feb. 9. 1962 935 Oasaic. Bel-Maleo Lanea, iSan Ustao, Caltt.

I>b.28.1962 All Star League. Fieata Bowl)SaBUBaitaa,CaJit20.19« Rocky Mtn. dtame League, Celebrity lanea, D*bvm. “ 1962 Niaei Mixed 5, ArihigtoB Bowl Loa Angeles,

F^nikaws Dec. 14. 1962 Produce lasgiie. Holiday Bowl, Lot AitgdMirie Uyeban

"lik^ahu' “~"Feb! 19a Chi^'unk Trio, Vr«w-a> lanea. Selma. Cal^Uhitawa Mar. 23. 1963 Hnlidav Double* TourOBment, Holiday Bowl. U A.Ohaahi June 24. 1963 Tobacco Road lA-aeue.- Impenal Lanea. Seattle.t Kanegae Aug. 4. 1963 Holiday Double* Toumiment. Holiday Bo*l L. A.

np" Taujl Aug. 21, 1963 Produce Trio League. Holiday Bowl. Lot AttE*'**Kawaguchi Aug. 23. 1963. All-Star DouUea League, Oaatro Village Bowl.

Caatro Valley. Olif.10 l^jibatw. Sapt 18. 1963 Petaluma Claaeic I/eague, Boulevard BmI. PeUaumt,

Rilrtmani Feb. 20, 1964 SCNBA a*«iir». Holiday Bowl L.A.Sakamoto Feb. 27. 3964 S»n J«»* Niaei Hwir. Palm Bow!

igSugano Mar. 9. 3964 910 Scratch, Rodeo Bowl, IaxA^** ,t« t • r m»MMiSuI AprilSn. 3964 Niaei CTaaaic 4.*ome. Holiday Boeri. L.^ W«

Su™i. >»<

...imur. on. 30, 1964 812 Mixed Scra!i » Ivagiie. TaI-BowI, Long Be*chRMK«HK«aMMXHBXMM

Beach)..... 137a

■ t*** Tony Hamagiirhi (Uaryknnlt) -32'• !" BJ Melvin Mataukane (OC JAYal ......... 2V 6"■ HJ -AiroQ Alfonio (fnlouchable*) ' ._ S' 9'."::i*w SP-Hide«0*ada (Long Beach) ............__54' 10 '•*».660 Relay -lyrng Beach JACT/.................. lm:89i

- *•*; 440 Relav—T/ong Beach JACL...........:.. . .45 7i[ IS, NIDT.EfmVWlON: AgiMM* CNew Event for 1968)


1962 1964 1954 1952

1963 1941 1960 1941 19« 1958 1958 1941 1960


1961 1963

1962 1961 1962'

1963 19U 196319601961 196319611962


txo CraSAta

S? Mrii." HAjaiiw-: ^IM Hki. I

CbkMV . .. ............................. *M -- - '

itewiTad Yamada tani XaaraAlabl.

/.*# TavlkwhiGMOga'Wnai...

... taaibay.... IM,50 -XHiff Yoahida (Tigeral.........................6.0a«,i. OakhM ... itw, Glen .Nxgami (Long Beach) ..........—60aV';" ..... -’«•.V,...^ -lOO-Clee N.»unl ILo«i --------U.l.

B«,h) ..................M.7J,- • •_____lm:34a;;

IM iiiia.' Wn«»1*« y»«e.Sacralfi'tilo ....................

3 Ton yuinia Bill Okuba H HU Oha/a. liiia Aesaiae,

Caiy TamaurbI, OarOai


vtiHuui'S auaviNTS.IM Jn*r Sakala. 1^.................. IM

gnjlM I/>'» tiU. ta«Itlr ..................17M

440-Tyrone KuruU (Long Beach) .. BJ—Tom Kanegae (OC Jaya) ..


^:d;“>;:.ia'”*'-* ..


Will Tamura (San Fernando) --------- ilB’ 8"HJ—Roony Okamura (Psaadena JACL).S' 1>«'440 Relay-LongBeach JACL.'......._...._.60.6a'OIB DtMRiaN: Age 10-11150 -Wayne Yamamoto iSan Femando)-.6,4a75 ,A Kunikawa (Kl>ing -ngeTa) ........._10aBJ-Tltajilpy Sbira (Wanji).



1961 1963

1962 1961 1961

1963 1984 1961

.14' 9*a"

1963 1960196019641961 1963

.elm JAOL ^1


StanlfY Sbira (Wanji).Uarit Kubota (San Fernando) . ...4' 64

___ 220 Relay—I/Ong Beach........................._.28.4a„ ihTPmii'r .............................440 Relay—Venice-Culver JACL ............... .......Im-

S,™iT. KL..’-K!i. ‘•X' S":: iTh. Vo. JACI, N]»i R.I.V. pr.,.— I«r iuAifie* Pm«.. o*r. Shi*ta. 1 ■•b'. rm Hia»iu I4lh annual meeting in late May. 1965. Theiwware only the

,>»« a?.? i^ilrdTumcif dniion. wh«. Ue track mtat pmgrmn yabiSbi>« at I nnm ^ I.*::::’'"TM'iwwl in In 1959. the midget and eub diviaiMB forM8N5AU. 'tgor- AM-i- A1IJ.I*.. . MT junior high achool.athlelea wenv organiced .

.w:*i.i* H-..kA. 0,1.", .,ri»! V- . SAN KRANCIsaWACL OLYMPIC*K.ibu. JbKa Wes*


So. Calif. Nisei Bowling Associationm> c— iirf. '"/“I i~>l. l- »"“

'“7‘ “S"':

(Crdee* •nd.T Bo-I'i L*"*rtanen ($•■>*• 8e

MHIA AA HO.■INIA I 474 IH,i; la.q G.'**,*" ISe'i* O’eml.m; 0'*i>*e Ceii*e> I k Sen'tk.

,,ll: Keta. N.U.Sc-.Itk; R,4.« Hi.,; --------- .

>«: Ml..d ISim,.t I,-"; L«b.oeJ ;.e.U-L* Uir.a. MiM* (Tfi*en>«\ Ni,.l lE.fl. tetl): W.,<

.;-b'«elile.lh a.,•*<••■>•; i*i"s Ri'i.

IMTS- Uftbreet Nitoi $•••*•'> O'*,*. Cevety 4-G.m« 1*"'*

.S«T«m*A CrrmlinfLf

IMklay Visei Bowling AssKialioH

i^t.T.k~cbi.i}« 8" ^ •- ''•*i-<‘» :i00 -BobKameoka<

........................... b" *’);'A'i,A'^Vr*“.“::7M: T'nr ' .440-.Virlor Mitamm1880 Henn-Kawamo

^!k.-t'is«r****’i«a!'»“ H.I* Tcmi. ^,Mile-Min Nakamura • Wooi-L A.>".HVA, D«.'r ..7M! fiiii rim“SJir. ^Sr.tak.-70 High - Howard Shlniakii iSac In) • • i.A ...........7M: . . . .... 160 I/ow Hideo Sakamoto (Reedleyi

Mta MM W«ak faMwt

P.i. UiH,i. *m,. h.eli«o*l. V.L' H.pfy I. HmJo. te>

tk.« fmo. V.4. T..l>i, gtak*. v.a. Ski, G««*. lAot.

Aieoki. Hmiol.ild IfO;t»M> Mnoe, riiruk.wt. G«r*»**'l*7*yt»*> Slii.B .S.k.1.1

IMI T-k Dhtne*..............:|lM *i«% Toilnw .Hib'.ImU,___ 1»U l*tl:ilM Bill O'.iibo Dbov'i..............tX7 ,■ Mli’kMto. Hivili ...tM.

VETERANS All EVBfTS |. il Gl.h B»do. Bu Leaedr, ..37XjIM tam K.vAAiebl- I. A...........174* ,IM Ace MO"' • im K'li Tm. tar ...........................IFTt


to* to*« S«H. .I-Apm, WOMEN’S SINGLES

Uo, kme.k-4,. H.I H*,ki.,. ft..)*e«*. Adn. HMM'TiML. 417 W. Ht—*tk. loelewoed. CaM.


HOUDAY GREETINGSTo Our Many hriomU All Over the Country




wlM..L«A.f9lMU.C.m. AXS.432S


. holiday N.BA. AA-190 HOLIDAY N.B.A. AA4B0


H.H., K«ml.. e-l Upm—• H-i, Od*«

..,,160 1/ow Hideo Sakamoto (Reedley):p\--NeaI Yoehida iReedleyi

ftni T-bi'ir'“'- ““ iBJ -Eon >'’0«no tWeai L.A.)..M MonaoM Are.*.. Cbh*a> S4»iHJ -John Kaoaya (San Joac) -

}^S;iSP Too. Sano (Fowleri ...........*<w.iA,^rtain Diaciia—Tom Sano (Fowler) ...

“ Rriay-'Reediey.....................Mm, Fuui. ni,.,rki. *'k. LKiHTWPaGHT DIVISION

30.0a.220*. 52 0a

2m;74* 4m :49 5a 8.9f

..20ii -.-12' 9"—22- 4“

?.*!b im TMhlin. BiM

M. 1I -- •N. 1VJ>ki

Don himiira (Reedley) . Don l^iir* (Reedle) )

in Kip» tmk M.M Ik

■ Ml I'hiKkl.

IJiS T«.kl‘».

“‘r™"”*' 66U John ^pware (Uv.-Mer.jA;'’S::hSr«.'"*-.i..i-’5r 120 Lo*- (Mmi Take,U t^ra»«tol H.rr*. Fujit p\-_ Micheet Ninhida (Stockton)

. - «»RI IW, V-mor. ............... ..M Mwki irnmi'. tare ’'‘’Kth HJ RuM Ichimiru (San Franciacoiw KA. . 1I-. k-ru™.-,. V DenniA Tbnaka iSan Franciacoi ...

San Kranciaro JACL . nslOV (Age: 12-14)

.. ............ahin (Sacramenloiand Tom-lchiiparu (Ran Maieoi ..

lOii Don Kimiira (FowirriAioh. B,»1. H' TW HJ-RuBBell Ichlmani (S.F. Faleona).-

m: n«i», taMki. . m laiii.. taim- B«i> ---------SS;,.'-.rSt,-. : ::Si fS';-'?...-"- “It.’sssr-t

.oo.t ».p, K»ne PPEE nmsios (Ap-Aiin, wouiii-s DouiiB “7.‘!;rr'„“‘;'J„"S;:|5o-D„u,.K«i»,s.njol.> ....-7*

BJ-^u™.KMlaT.a.h..M*-l ............. «• «(iMl JullA. Wemf-MirImT TWOITO.


hll l.*k. m AWami SP DeOniA lAHAKA

. ......... ;ii .... Mb -Mike..Siah.o (&.... k« ’ ' iiCm."’ mitTi.imk h.'i .m«i and To«n.lchiip(

;r..5=fK r.¥,r-r'„


1956 1657

1957 1955 1959

* 1959 .1956

1958 1958

1963 19»






1958 1962

1964 1962 19361959



Baaeball—Har\e\ Kadoy* (Sac'to)220 ReUy -San Joae JAIX

- (The San FrancMoo JACL Olympiea wffl pregwe for itt 13th annual meeting in 1965 in Ut* May or early Jone The.

K.--*.-2i^teama arv all apooaoivd by JACL chapter*, exrapt far Uh ijunior and pee wee diriakma. which permit* local yi»Mi .organiaatwoi aponaorw! by a commaniD' agency. cbureB «r



JACL seeks data on Nisei employment experience*

SEATTLE - Greatfr «a- More recfnlly. KuboU re- "ll i* obvioiia that soffi« dif • |>hui« by National JACL In Inaed a preliminary alutJy nl our Japaaw American youtb

the field of. job ofiportuniliee the emploxinent aituation aa arc either not qualified nor for persooB of Japaneae dea- it appliea to Japaneae Amer- do not deaire to go on to col- cent «-aa expreaaed by Take- Irani in the Pacific Nortb- leca«k4Cuboia continued. "We ahi Kubota, chairman of the »-e*t. The report helo*’ wai find many profcMio National JACL CoromiUee on conducted by the Seattle and akill tradm in a-faich l>iual Employment Oporluni- Puyallup Valley Chapter*, panene American ia easaRed.

leaner*Gmraf^-. Market*Caf*lmj)ori-«tport. varietyGaisfe*Grcenhouac. nurverynoriatCardeninRGaa SutionaBarber ShopsDrug, phannac}-


tie*, after

Tavern Beauty ahop Hardware, api^iance Furniture Fiah Co.Laundry Badio-T\- Art Shop Dance Stiidnai Clothing store laniior aerwe

! Theater


2 Unela«ned . . ........ 41.6.%

re-covering the Sealiie-Tacoma IL therefore, seem* logical n lx# metropolitan area that early rounaelling to di-

»•** PROFII.K STl-nV reel into these akill tradee apoMored by' the Preaideni's While the empteaw should and profoNioas of mir €!ominlttee on Equal Employ- he placed on Education, this who ere planning to go on to ^mejit Opportunity. preliminary study of the higher ed^tlonaJ inetit«.;Il”ir™_____

•'It has heroine spparent greater SealUe area indi- tiona for varioua reaaona la, that. JACL larka factual in-rates higher education may one concrete way to aaaiatj PROFESRIONR AND SKILL TRApEBformation and data regard-not be thejinawer to some of our youth (Jr. JACL) pro-' (Not foaad hi JAOL Mrve£)

*™“-" 'Atomic ejiergy firidAgncul^ure AgroBomist

JAO. (regard- not be the answer to aorne of

inif the actual extent which the SaiiaeiTlfiibota added, thf Niaei experience in em-i ploymenl,.'' Kuboui slated. |

To Ihia end. he haa re-j quested th;^aatrict Councils, and ebapt^Ro sasat in the

of the iCommvaHy 4a the Crealer Seattle Area

, OreapatioDCoadacted Juae. 1B64

Total, Real ealau agent Dental lecbnkiaa'

261 OielicUn244 Gaa aUtion attendant 163 M

gathering of data and enable •Jiia committee to approach '<>"'>■ «< >

the problem objectively. I'nknown Art Takei of 1-oa Angela. Hotel-Apartment:

board member of the Retail Ownet*. managers Clerka Union Ixical 770. was SludenU (pool H.S.) asked to provide daU'which Salesclerk (reUili hia union found in a siin-e}' Stenographer aecreiarie* 143 Bartender, maids where hardly any Nisei were General office wnrker 142 Beauty operators m exoiitive and management Boeing employee, general 120 Florist worker pomuens in the retail trada. Apparel Industry particularly in the large mar-{Engineer* keta and chain grorena in Fnei office ecnplnyea goutbem Cjilifornia. » |Gardener»

iTeacher*General laborer. Mamie

, Aiilomoiive trade

Airiine di^ittLchetsAir traffic cootrolteikAnatomistAnimal husbandryAnlbropologiatArcheologistAatronomeraBioebemiatBiophyaic

100 Irtm and ateel worker « 104 ' Pulp and paper product! 93'Radio*T\' Servtcemen OOi Factory inspector

he qiiinion memberabip. eligi­

bility for apprenticahip training, upgrading to mana­gerial and Buperviaorial ra-| employees, civilian occ. padtia a* they affect Japa-:^.^T^|^

"Toh^”^^o, deputy Technieiaiirector, field aervica. P«*i-.p. , .dent s Committee on Hk. A2Opportunity, in Washington.D. C-. haa suggested a *uney.

decta at several large uiuver-^. ,U,dr

7!|Tailc 4R: Truckdriver 48: Airiine mechanic 44'Arcihiteci

Computer operator 43: Hotel, front office 40| Restaurant Manager* -« Auditor

Barber Electriciana OptometristBank profess, personnelBank tellerPainter

Botanist R^Bricklsyer 8 Brnadrasi lechniciaii 8 Busdrivera. local 8 Carprt layers 8 Catholic priat 8|Cemf*it mnaon 8 Conservation ist 8. Detective, police 8 Diesel mechanic 7|Bcoaomist71 Electric light and power 7 j Electroplater 7; Federal agent 71 Firemen

Historian Hdme economist Honicullurist Instrument technidu Insulation worker Lathe operator Linemen, tdepbeme Motor vehicle manufacture Marketing reaeareh Masons, brick Mathematician Medical X-ray technleiaB Nuclear phytic

I Optical laboratory Bsechanir 1 (jeeanogrspher

Petroleum |Paychiologist ‘

' Plasterer PoIiUcal ndeoUBl

6|MBt>r covering



'Telegrapher*, rvilwsy Tile setter*Zoologist

— Pierce Cowty Japanese CMsmunlty -Jsse 1.1964

ln«tion. PrtnUng employeesLocally, the Seattle JACL cleaning-

haa planned a ooe-day con- Machinisia ferenre for high school stii-|F„„„drj. ^rter* dents to prmide.lhem an op-:r>eih#n- and route, portumty to meet with nul-luiuitia: cualomet i

111 special-,\i^;,..istanding succasful apecial-,Medical technidan teU. The youlh will albomeetiphj-,ici,n* in small groups to ascertainfor themselva by early ex- R^,„y workei* posure what » expected of citv government them If they were to pursue Dentist their particular field. Uundry worker

Similar vocational and pro- Carpenter-cabinet maker fesaional ctmferwica for,Dln*tr»tor-artist high school atudenU have|PbamBdal been *ucc«MfuUy staged byi Cashier. pajTolI. Ires*----- ------ ----------------------- --------—— . J-..;..#.-

the Pacific Southwest Dii- Railway clerit ' trict Council’s Hi-Co group.'Bii*. machine oi

JACI... HoiierVeeperLife inxiiiwnre agent

Farmers •je: Contractor*26 Ho*^l orderly 26 Interior decorator 24 I.Aiidaespe aiehitect 23 lArarian 28 Newspaper worker 21 Plumber 21 Purchasing agent 20 Tool anjl die worker 20 Upholsterer 19 Wholaaia trade worker 19 Adjuster 38 Construction worker 18 Credit derk ' leikhipciitureman 16 Mortal Adminiairml HiJe^er 14iL^utmao 141U&tcatter 13 Photographer 13 Social worker

. 12!Sti

Total included in survey-: 356

IS follows:

^ Farmer■ Produce whnlNwIrr ’ Dry rlraning % laundry ^Grocery <jVari«y store

, , 3'Gift shop ^-.fllHolel

g.Nursery A Garden store

retired)[Produce buyer’ j Housing interviewer

3.3 Medical lab tech. 29|Chirk sexer5 Accountant fCTA)6 Pharmacist2 VS. rustoms officer2 Dry cleaning ator* mgr.

Ssla: '3 ^ 'Ussfotloire: l^lnaurence agent * tHusic store


Seamstress Body 4/ender shop Piano—Organ school

Profesaloaa] and

45 aa follew*:


BBr... AMy Kek'iihi ( '

rj Telephone company wolker 3|xc,cher« “>«w«s *I«t 3 H B..1. •l.d'l fCTul.l

ing in

Gift wrapper -- Prodoee dept mgr. Hardware

,'N Serrteet / follow*

lutie aidraV____

liJ;!:;!> v.llt, I

San Luis Obispo I JACL







Baking industry Dairy worker Thayer •PlannerPublic relationa Sheet metal worker Telephone operator Telephone technidan Underwriter Airline mapector


8 DaywotkersHospital attendant

4 Barber3 Ground maintensnev 3 Custodian (achool)3i Cleriral:

16 a* fellewa: 'General office

3 BankingI Clerical supervisor

( bir«h«nisL wiil eJiW: KWIHd--d Seml-SkiUed:



Appliance repairman Baneriologiei Boatbmlder Broker Chauffeur

; Chemift DancerDental hygienist Engraver •

! night engineer I Funeral director i Intercity buadriver I Intei^ter InvMtigatorMedical rerord librarian MelereologtJt Occupational therapist IJbrary page Pathologist Pipe fitter Podiatrist Pnctiul nunie Refrigeration worker Shipyard worker Shoe repairman Sign painter Slea-ardcsa '.Surveyor Tnxidriver Toxicologiit Welder

SELF-EMPLOYED OrenpaUon loUlowner*, co-owner*.

production Auditor < state)Office manager (i .SUtladcian Mathematician DaU processing siipecv. \ ariety store manager Vegeuble assn mgr.



iNC-WNDYC-\ (Continued fromPageB-l) i: At, the third quartcrly ] meeting hosted by Berkeley 1 in August, the convenlion re-

_1 port was made. Al-Co Jr.

22 SB fellowis: oiOarpeaier j Mechanir (Boeing) j Traclre- mechanic ] Optician} Automobile mechanic ] .Warehouse workers j: (produce house)

Dry cleaner (includa wool prease

Wept wrapper*'Sewing manhing oper.

7 aa f«Uow«:Foundry worker Warehouse worker l-umber miU ’

1 grama

1 JACT. waa welcomed. A work-' factory 1 shop to firaaote chapter pro-' G™enbouae

ar. a means of (Not iodiag the cHganixa-'vey are Japanese wives ofi

^ hdd and youthlaenicemen atatloned in'] delegates later joined the! Pierce county many of whom I - ^ear a pane) oo:are employed as waitreraeaSenior* 3 P™P- That evening. .............

Miiak Festival netted ^ for | machinecocktail wait:

operator*, and farm .)j the No on l4 campaigii fund.'worker*,; j Youth groups a-ere-urged

Aims at

@ 01 OS @ 0^01 Oi 0101And Best Wishes For The New Ye^


' -IZIIW"! P«lrandsoo waa cbosen pYCi“|^' children serving as■cbosi chUdren

rhairman and plans for the ct'^rk of the dementary :i965 program were TTvemlei’schod board bov, fauwuty to The DYC Twill c^ntinoe iu nm for boarti of truaUei of

pert back in February*- ' She Ki - - -Kn^ Kuroiwa. JA<X >-outh tnraise elected'-S:

delegate to the Nattonal in the Sanger iHuman Reiation* Confereoce rv:—•- ;for Tesnsgvr* at Prtneeum.liw.-ortsd aa hii eapeCTaaesa. Igrade

.C ■



GROWERS PRODUCEBooded Commission Merchants

SSOSrdStrMl OakiBiid, Califomia satljiGeorTs-iJshijima Archie Uchiyi,

Seaann's Oeefinga

PACIFICNURSERYGeorg* Mataiiur*. Ruray Maeyama

2258 Padfle Ave.. AlaDeda. GaUr.

Phaae LA 2-142S;


I tram re Ta.Un PaiG SiiMi. Ala-e4e '

41U Pardia IM. freaiawTee# leg.p"ie«l t $*rvlea

f.efriklee (Sf the Saer*i«eaCeiepitle (ewl.e* Eqeiweed

. "Hr; LA 2-1341 m->T71

Felix Coh and Assoc



M. mm 1 KAMMAGAOpUMelritl

a64> Cor I4tk ttiaw


Ho. U J.5«|

wk. f. (


PlHme LA 2-9551 imo Park Street. Alameda. Oallf.

John and Tak Mikaml




“Everything For Your Garden*'

1433 5S4h Ave, Oakland 21. CMlf.

KE 4-1334

General (^muniadon Merchanta

TYuil and Produce

E. Martinelli & Company309 Franklin StreeL

OaklaadT, CaUf. Telephone 832.0272



WhoteaaleFRUIT A PRODUCE 370 PraaWta Street

Osklaad 7. CkJTL - Baa. Phooa:

TW 3-3851 TH 3-S880

Joe CarmB—i _ Glao Zanetto " '

P. & N. Produce Co.

Wholesale Fniii and Prudm-e

SOI KraakliB Stmt Osklsad 7. CalifoVnU

rimie TH’ 3-2363 v

A. Levy i J. Zentner Co.

2.11 KiknUia Slreef 4Hkland. raHforala

TelepWtee Hlgate 4-8540



and Produce 423 Sod Street

PhoM Hlgale 4-6S0ar Jim Gamenara Sam Freccero

Grant J. Hunt Brokers


Dam! & RettagliataWholesale Produce

SOB FnaUia Street Oakland 7. Calif.

Telephaac GLeaeoart 1-2338


WhdOGh\ rgetaWe*. FriO

and Prodtet391. becaal 8M

VAaklasi CkKPhene SM-mi

0. B. Dami-O.E.:

WestCoa^freduteCiWhde«Je Fnj.


SI7-3T9 FraakihM W. Pagano A.* W

Al .Spiagnk

Angeli Broi


Featuriaf '.•OiiquitN■' BO*"*


Xr«tal«* ■"

sanchCbroth®Hbolaale 315 FraakUi^ OakUsdT.^

TE1-SW6T***' JehnS*«*

• yyedWA*

T.HI PACIFIC CimtM sEcnoM t—nTtilorlaf. Vttcfc Repur usd tb«y ««i Initraaenutioa. .ladMity.

If we dcMribe th« muiy,*!'* runifiettioni in the of ^nnw Use «s*wer.

. of tacshttlacy aad Uwucukst tyT«rrttlst Btrhtrsl third tT JtpuMe rtodCBtttnad'btch Mlvy >>fa« tn IsdoKrui a ia>ctiBr'a 1m M tAlk tad m the Ueh elucc*. the rtUo

UUMdft uybow ttud'btfh Mlery pofae te IsdoKnii » iiOectuf e

■nd well, you related thereto offer eo Basjr.tofflBCet tsM aifunnly rele. w now equeL Aad thte dadl- >r. opportuAitiee to make e cofB>.van( to the interview etate* eeted j-oun* men ndeavon

PneUeal Method ^foTUble tivinc. that h eannot mesta of dedicated George to ipread the word. He The ^oiehme IwaeaM. earneetly eeeke inquiries fraei

tension course, we will per-:„ Pertiape nmnint • rfeanln*: At thi. eUU U would be.y o u is t people relative tohap. be foini too far afWd.l„,^^ ^-Jeensinr „oderl«l**>li^«l-“■ qiioUisiocalion.leouis.eiin*.

the other hand ;^,...s »<xxl Iwaaatae tfir- The vocetiooal .pnd adulttraftwaoch dowolare

leamiis* throu*b the teeh-| Dical KbooU and adult ex-

Ceofxe IwataU'a <for thi , near Boeiis*. i

,_'al a riispyerd.

D w ta aircraft ianother branch welf-

riiipyBnilmaken and kmI fabri- tive.

catora hf>ld rlaaa

li«»d at the top of lhe'«l" letter* which be haa.i^ininja. occupatiofsal con- niaiiitain

acboob meatiooed tuff of eoua*

Seattle Publk Sehotf Aluea.Uonal pro*ram ie ratehin*..n.1 i™*. k™ ...... "7”

ithe hundrade of r o u re e i put is In th» interview, there offered. A breskikam of ti quite ■ *»p in practical at. Ipetieral rlaaeifMation include, eompliehneni hetweo< claae- 'roiirM in feinily life and

ral educa* doinc thinen.

... alway* availablehe and rreaidenl Terr> Too* ^hnoi office. Bm he leW

nnTWal^re at ibe ronridered hirhly important r»pnrrer jiuet le»i week, on Hoiri-Apan- in fulfsUior the need* of a j,, jp, jj^cL

merit Owner*. rat&a*ar« (2Sll,d™«if rhenp in the eco- „ouy-and w»ll tdim*. thti many nomk pirture. • rather ("n hi* o«-n timef^^atl

money enterpnses. «.h,t «ae anyone interested ilife and mnrn iWenHaifie and artiiallv woe*- about the pTeat'g,,d ,n tha iBtTTriuoiory para-;her own hOBi*. A paesoo

; majority of ne*-bu£ hoUJ and paph*. Gaors* Iwaatki with uiWa mora frankly at home1 p a M iri antwhara tha operator* ckimp'

fWrtiaiitf scrimp .lots«-Ulil* heal *;ithjACL he* hripod to pits-,whU » also unonS »e than the reader could ^.}and little hoi water for the ,ju„ result*. Where a yeariparenU aAo

4..n. which includes hielt^ ' Qur own anecdotes would and aU ^emic mibjeets in- uii. rwport

* ' * ‘‘than the reader could -^.-uu utw'but here goes about a Niaeiltmianu:

Hore NM Sought who jade such a record with'To get back more to the’-'- —

mood in which w« started.IwaaakT depiotea the fact that there are too few Amer-

prrat'Mjd eland

lUtahmetita. vu,........................kiinp*


th* -formal coBfinea office, he stya and

It hlir

‘ago the US-bora were but one in the lnUr\-iew.

--------------------h,... i-XSu,?!in the orgaaizstion i

PIOOUCnOM-Chennd 9. Seettle'* o'lonel TV broedceii. is pienr>oder>d

emmed . Tran;Todirucel'ScHool, and >l is p*i

r'ogrsm ihsi advanced elecironic

Imied from PageB-1) }o»-n to here. ' rpe chuckles over the

»iatui attaining pro- To many of the young»t*rs the high schools under the, ,

\nitf !n J! “*• P™K»»“- iakilU for which there ieacademic lenming..

rcqiiently the student changi

-ni wl<h. Mt... rf . „ ,many have followed.

Niiwt who attain. :

Letleis to the edKom we«;schoola. So we shotild pwib-or other pouring its by the doeena, aadiaMy limit the eoaiinents tojdeprived of a univensty «du- we vividly reoimnber one the trade courses, rather thaalcatioR. can find

lore than any other. ^ creature touch me. available evetiinge in simie of nf,_ went to work in the Japaaweleommuoty to be expiocted

irottereo. Wesaily of making a liveli- of going through the edisca-I Advertining Art Aircrafi jSri tional mill is fine. It i* won-ITrades. Automotive Trades,: ^ ^uu«dMsa. *^“' ^ "" 'MelleetisaliBoatbvilldlng. Busineew, Edu- ^ ^her say tnie;* iHnker. But this corner has

1»H JACUIwamiki|«l^on. „f thing* that have

r.f rmpoombelhy In in- ^ In botel^ P'u»hy'.Tra'd^, Machine Sbsp. Mi....... '*

by the Uo.vernsy of Wa»lv ■troitiioo, however, i* by Hcal'School, and it r» part of 1 that .advanced eieciromc

hnkal School Instnictoi^

student* be farnilierized. In this availa­ble light shot handvapped by a press camera's lack of field depth. George Niwataki gives a couple of pointers at a control panel.

(DC awarv wi vuvrslbout in ibia technologicsJ

;age. and just not be booby watch-!trapped to inheriUng a ailua-

icanvaaaing campaign, and hia benefit of a degree. m‘roducUon to Use JACL. Another Nisei, i

I While oldllmera with maker whom 1 .believe to be tioii nf the past. After aU. .archaic ideas may regard Edison trained, derided to try with all reaped, to the d^ j Edison Tech as a "tnde Boeing-when hi* »hoji lease dining generation, it w*» the i*choor (as it 1*1 and a haven-expired, and' after a **i thing they could do. in |for flunk-ouU and drop-out* at Boring srhorsl non- ocrsi- so many ra*e*.'(as it is). H doe* not afford,pie* a *ecure well paying,a low type educatirm on the’poritioninthemiamiedepart-l Resstt* f^srsvi"educated kberer" type aslraeot. So to uae tbs vtr-| As thi* go*s' along, we some people bediove. iaaoilar; see tha *r*y the,b«ome aware that this

^loookie cnanbles? . ImBm^SSSmBSSBF^To point out greast

trasta, there wa* the time I that many a college graduau

of these eoutwe*.Iwenl to work in the fruit

• Young folk*, who for sSpokaneL JAtt Chapter

Garpeiitiy, Com-

r. And St I* berom- _ . „,tnc*l Appliances. ra««*»>'nikine overtead in no-!. and more an esiab-: 1®*".'** Trade*. Blectnmk*. Eogin*er-;*'^;.

fad that Use •'doer*";®""* i***'M»ka/ehef» 26, and ^ ... ... -_j _t._ ■pausing up more sndIG«t>rgc print* out that ssvaralatrvico and

•'IhinVera" in aeoom-'*" maaiar chefa. graduates'-nt. Income and aecept-'o^ Ed'»» Tech>itehw., who jrcspe Horticultural Trades..'|^


r.aiid for people w*ith ■kilU Is ever '

r.d the old time gone, fw

ways of thinking. Hr*l Nbi

seling aad Ihrtiibution. Metal j . ,, ;r*rtricatioo and Welding f

-ESdlKm grwd. are doing well T*hnoloe^•. PainUng and «“.proaper^. faweet - groa-mg Nursing. .'Sheet Me-j.1, ^

'*’i!house of •pecsalty baking.

And *v mint meeition, with 1:,le a* 1P2R. we recall, , ,ip ^ ,h, h„ {„ ,hr pro. '-Trt Nisei girl who f„,4»r. that other Ediann .1

In he a ragiriered !|^(t,„^ew are quite gainf'ilh u-ss the cenlar of X'employed in siritne elec ahnut town. The caee'tr^ii^ wideaspread attention |

He late editor Jimmie! Trade Tonme*do Irnmed up wHh George h»* been advanced rivir leader* and de-'frmn teaching hasir elec

«i to know WHY the ironies, through intermediste could' not be sc- to stvanced. at both Edison

of the hospitals, snd Holgate Technics

SreehngsContra Costa Chapter

rq* It FumiSogihara race Goto I Violet Kimnto

•f I Kufi K'tebeyeiisi iq * Chrii KomaflU til*Midori Maruyam** ylmeeVa

ihio& Virginia HoH* ua Kane anie Yoshtl


William A Taya Waki

Dr. Yethiya Tegaiaki Dr. John A Dalorat

Kikuchi Sen Taketkile Tom A H#ru"oY#«»*»hit* Teih A Seteke Nabat. TakatliiWalaaab* f^ahkWada Tad Tanaka Kunio Shibsfa Don Maftubara Tad Yoilili

HAPPY H0Un4Y:> from


HaisM. Pr. Smw NeUi ■> Mai Dr. Pmri SsH*

icMr* NtolMe Harry Tmab* M^afc* Utomd




. M«y* Homometw ....... Mia Hlrwt*

Secratory............ .................

SmM CMnnoa-------HHtarisa

AHUotic Director . 1M6 CM Chelrwis*

____ : . Qkq Kubs

....... JmM Tosoks

. Mock 'Uuiimoto Tokl. ObMu

Ers^ Sa»oki Hike Yege

Kewls OkMu


MAIN REX ALL DRUGPreieription SpeelMiitj, Sundri*i. Sift*. Founfain


P.O. lex 552, Uomh. Colifoesis -Pkooe: OL 2-7923

MarysvilleJACL Chapter


1 with the doera.'Thf

Seaien'i Greatingt


V, Rrei.—Tare Ooari Traai—Mm Talti**!

Cerr. Sac.—Jla> Itkitrla Sac. b-oa.—Sah Aki»a«a

Yack Ktraka.a IWe Oak—Ska Eadaa,

d^l.—tar Sala Ah. Dal^-UAc Takacea.1



Hnppv Hofidflv*'eOHHERCUL RULTY

HENRY TSUetWR, R^ t Aimc.Sarvlas rk,

Ml A*214itms H.w. Cer^Aa. Pwtfid Oregw 97229 ( ■

calendars'- NOVaTIES — OIPTS

GALAXY SPECIALTY CO.2345 teisler A»*. S*. Se^tta EAst 5-A5SS



> • JAMES EltlTA. PsmSms — »T J-iet2* PAUC KASHtWA«t. MlaM**— I2I-I4I1





2101 2M AveMe SmHi. SMrile. Wosktagto* 90144 Tetophese; EA 5-2525


W.dd-» arN h,..-.' tSaveai

eiRUND GORISTAres CsSa 2M Istr 2-1IU

YOUR CltOIT IS &000 . leit-lt'-a S. Jstktaa Sa.

Sasttta 4.

SEASONS <;reeti\gs

San Benito County JACL1 I *V.r%^|To e^'b°<ly---|




Y. FUJI! MA. 2-4491

RICHARD’S JEWELRYRich4rd Ntite MAH 4.2131 214 4Hi SMrtk

Seattle. WetblsgtM

■ ff'wfeing Et-eryonf A Happy And rmj»/»proti.4 Afir T «ir

ALBERT C. CORUS1429 JmIms V. Seestle 44. Wo*kl*g*e*


and GIFTSEAst 4^1544

' 1725 YesM. Seettie

THE MANEKI*a*k..r.r. J.eaM.a feed.



9:00.4:30 Dalty — 11:00 • 3.-00 Smday 423 SOUTH MAIN. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON

S 2-24}t


raal>e-i - rcML-''#-*.


Sewrta.Waak.araa tit 21



North Coosf Importing Co.WHOLCSALt GtOCIIS. IMFOITtaS aa< DFOtTW SIS Mevaard Aa*..'^

SMttI* -44. Waskbgtee MA 4-3220 '•* ^

r.o. lai 2in pkaM HA 2-tt74

Offlcart and Staff


S2S S. Jocktom Street

JHTERNATIONArRDLTY CO. IREAITORS)Uaef..: Sa.M. N..1 ................... ...

Kinomofo Trovel ServiceS2I S. MM* V- SMttf* 4. Wash.

MAM 2-15222. 23

J,-„ M. kJahaaka and A.iatiatar

S24 S. JMkse* Street MA M3D3


I K*y M.rM»*l ^ i-m


701 S. J*ck*M St.. Sewrti. MA 24511

Ckarlat Toikl - Gaerg* i^eyama - Ted Imaaeka


C.T. Takahashi & Co.. Ine.I HEAD OFFICE; Tkird-and Main Building

I MU 2-»M tii An. W, SnrH. «,«

f, ,U faiaaaa Haattaf Oili-------------la«Si«* • Ff.ijW»^Haaia4^,Ma.i«e

1115 S. Weler S»n S*Mtte PLwe: IA>» M48


EAst 3-0441

■ ‘V


Seabrook youths due full attention

SE^ABROOK. NJ. —Schol-.ecnWlUhed by tie Terceo- anhipe. cHizettahip ud rac»s-|(enuy theme. Thirteen cradu- nition awards. KouUtts. bonoriatcB were finCB JACL fami*. rrorrana and contnbuUns li^. They were later honored l•oolta tn the public librarylat the chapter inauilation.

' have beta Seabrook a JACL'llwbieh is held in June, u-av of telbnjt the youth they' Brotherhood Week are the leader* of tomomwr. ynuu, „f ,j,e *rea take a

Throush the jwa the g^Tt^ at the Brother-


youth have been an important,quettioo Ihroujrhout the eaaet to the ehapte- u tta b„t ,i a richeot dunprojnun »ak»->ip. Thl* year, Brotiierhood Week in•he chapter took up ■ new It ut alao a proprsrfspaiwibUity tn aid >'wttiJu>j{luBcWy aupported by t contnbtittn* *100 to /Ranch |«al JACL.

Portland Jn. New faces spaf ff' Salt Lake JACL

-bIdZGOtglory salt lake Cm -Th*g,nutation hePORTLAND _ Aa the ini- ^^64 Salt Lake JACL that he could »«

lial t-car -of otxaaimUoo «*««« » told without firat cooperation to fuif^ come, to a cloee. Portland «knotrtedpng the ouuiand- biUo« end.,Jr. JACL memh^ look back *»« initnhtp of «ta ptw- the mpect .ad ^ upon a m'ort eiicceaaful year <l«»t Raymond S. Lnn. >or of all h.. ^in t^rmi of acttvilie. and to- ‘he firat time in »>*•• Hu monthly ^dindual accoBipliahmenla. ec- Iwy. pmfeaawnal puidance Comer Columa a ^

- - - • lo- haa laapired chapter board letteiii «rr* fulljf *new and foresipht. U „

nl- fjcaht

cording to Curttii Onely. lo- ^Ml 4f. JACL -------------------- ^bera

It haa gme-n in auture and lecopnition aa a youth dub locally aa well aa na- tionally. .•

In other worda. the dique pliahmenta as w»i] 1. Thi- '—' .........


quect youth recently eatab- liabed in nearby Salem county ft ^Itoway. "nie Rev. Dr. David Bailey, idio Ja apear- headlnc the Ranch. ra«»ved the contribution at the Uat

gucata to make the| Bmtbwbood Week diatiaetive for

chapter InaUJUtioD dianir. and commented that be waa;_„_./ Hmaed with the •—

wen alao ^ atronr^^Rtend- preaaed b>- the Kennon Naka-

priae-ainninjt «aaa;

TAU DMKt - Amcrvg Jr. JAOert na- tiooa'lv. the four Portland area youth iiaod high. (From IpA) Jeremy Ota won the 1964 National JAQ oratorical con­test; Paul Tamura was elected chairman of the National Jr. JACL interim council; AAarsha Terao is PNWDC representative

memorial icholarsKip. Senior cumbers are Ik# Iwasaki (at left). 1904 Portland JACL president; Mrs Arthur Somekawa. 1963 chapter president and delegaie; Dr. John Karxia, PNWDC chairman; Or. George Kara. 1965 Portland chapteY presidentend youth dmirmen; *«nd

It a,.- . jinr that

Thi* pan >w. the ^hap- man from tmin J ter obvioualy reached iU peak would jraap the of nfhlurauon and apprecia- purpruee of JACLm

-eaponaibiliuea aa Aa a profem„r e added hia lead

^anizatiooa'and other mil |ity groupa. riiia kical ailuation.

e may be a aUn fori Ar ihi mvluU* d J.p- !»• ru..lly bdi, brekn,

■ t». Take-

JAQ president. eachaore rolea of leadermhipa aa the the w

r—ncnc^tma baccalaurBSTe ^ridgeirm High. Dr.

miniater t>f the Seabrook Buddhiet Church, delivered the Mtmon in what ia be­lieved to be the fim bednee

atudenu from Japan in May. obligalop- iMd become, ta- menial or iaaipar«: i participated in the June •oboo<-"««»«'y **y the taak. Buaj-u he bdanrea, eacorted cadeta from <>•■" «bplo>H)em uthe Nippon Mani. the Japa-! Uno offered poaitive guid- of the traffic offemo

cy train- ance to every committee County Juvenile Cow------------------------a- jHvhf---A.-* .1 .

setting sights to hostiL-notionol JACL convention in 72 .i-i—.._

JACL family nem t pop— _ with a loral chanter 'Jarwneee traininr ahin dur- **><1 • job>t merting and chalnnen-a report forma, hw attention. Raj^..awmided to u,. iTZ ^e-w«k sL it. wijh the neortv-formed Mid- He explained that Ihia waa bly aeu the ^

•'■''•S: rn-rkr-T »"•» ■> ■ PonUnd. CluiptiT "■■"I'nrolleee Hia broiber noua growth in the Uat three meeting held at the Chineae made bo* lunchea, furniahed - i».- Chair It'D# out the

vioua year. He ia auidying ^cb wiU h^ fp^t^J97g «d ^nmr party with the Wah Kiang. calendar and atreamlined the and«vegeuhl» f« a,pr.M«ed .1.0 at TYrfta. * ^ofi^d w Chine.# A»eric«t youth yearU program. He mein dinner, or

The chapter oontinum ha '^*^ auccMaful jew ;m^. a^d Board delegate Emi u,henng at the Port- outlined the need. - wme- give talk, to wh*-,,annual mijiport of the Bridge-- Roy Maeda and bU repreeented the «t«P-mduate. ban- time, bluntlv but alwtsi to'flueata of hia knoehc.Inn HWh School Studer.* Ex- berahip committee booaied,xpoaker waa Roger Hord. ter in July at the NaUonalj _ , .ehangSoundatioo.nowiniultnemberohi^totaUtoMall-jfivId for lbe^v„^on. •nd Pr«drot^ ^d^ joining the’^pler. the communiiy iH^hipue U1«e.

“■ “ ™apt,:«^ch««i« .^.._dACL a.,,

gradimU.:‘The concept, which will

guide you are: fir* — be a. penoB who ia raally needed in «opiety: Mcond — mrivc for barTnon>’ betweei man aiid man; and third — be ambi- Uoua."

The eevemonle. were aUo

-* 11r


' hL T3d*.trTh*rer'''hta money-making proj- AHEAD <►««* Di«ct«r _

tereat In program and actir- reapienl of th.e Pvt Ben itiea. The Epwonh Melhodiat Maaaoka achoUn Church mimaler, the Rev. Tamura waa elet Wakhi Oyanagt haa been m*" °f 'be intmim naU«.i*j |P„P.™a thU y~th «,u.dl. CMir- Sfr^r?,

IbuUeUn, for which the chap- »«an Dr. George Hara

. charge.,(ConUnuedeoPipS

rohip; elected chair-

1964 awardee of the Pvt. Ben • Memorul; atteoding ;

Fnutk Maaaoka Schtriarahip now

hU committee have been re- APOP-iW- lor th, .u— ot I the Portland Jr. JAHa.

In August the chapter had

rthip wi »r; Jeryear; Jerrt- ,Ot*.

Natimal JACL achoUrahip winner and nabonaJ JACL

ter ia verj- grateful.A. a community aersice

'project during, the month otApril. Henr>- Uhitani, chair- , oraiorscai coamnon now at-

,Kz/r.^r?rK;iTrr„- '■—Karen Oy^ap were the con- chairman. , I» December the tattalU-iraUDla. Ken wai selected to diroctton of eo- tion banquet will be held at

laimen Dr. Matt Masuoka the C ___, - I ^ Mil* Nakata. the 28.contest in Spokane. aelecled Prraident Dte Iwimakl ac-

. a and thank, all of wBoard members and the

1965 CHICAGO JE JAtt 6OAR0 What other male president can boast a cabinet tnrnprised of yoong women as

. this? Standing (from left) - Joan Naka- yarria, cor. sec.: Richard Yamada, pres.; lillian Oyama. 1st v.p. (program); Eve-

ip. 0».t., 2nd »A ln»n<ber*P)i


A major eveht of the year interview, were^-^— was the annual graduation ^ completed bv chdiie dinner honoring high achool tm-iewera for the Jap and college graduate, of the History Project.

I Greater Portland area. It was Polltiral FonunIhHd at tbe Hilton Hotel in, chairman Walt Fuchigaml ter during the part year. |Ma.vwithover20O people ai-:»rranged a aucceMful poltl- ficera for 1964

various committee nembera who have contributed to the auceeaa of the Portland chap-


ChiclagoJr.-lOnboued from Page B-S)

Simplv good horae Maae. teally. How do you attract >oung jjeopleT Show them a -ciod time.

Aa word spread of the funjapi^eri. -nd good felloa-ahip to be hadlaioBs. hei

me apeaxer waa n. w. ae- publUber Monroe Sweelland. William 2--------------------------7o—both long-time friends of the MaUuda. rec. see.; Mary

yooth-oecupied Jr. Ump. itween the Jrs. and Sra. While «, Corporation. Walt Fuchi- j,pBne.e p^j^e. spoke on the Iwaaaki. cor. see,; Mae Hada. The organUaUon bad thus *'*'■>‘‘"8 together for vanoua gami waa toartma»ter. „{ reapeelive pub.-hial.; EUii Somekawa,

a eood name for Japanrae parties which was" the high- del.; Kimi Taa*ara. alL del;;.r K— I I.a4.r. ;"l*biished. The two groups br„,h painter T. Mikami ot bght of the meeting. John Hada. lOOO Oub; Roy

^If. Now 11 needed f<>.,p«i»„red iheannual New San Francisco preMoted a/ Portland waa weir repre- Maetla. mem.; Rowe Sumidx^hat better wurce th*p iU Horinona" Graduation Dance illustrating hi. lech- '^ted «t the Pacific North- pub. ral.; Dr. \Iatthew Ma-m memberahip? Part ot and the Jra. aided the Sra. at nj^ue before an aaaemhiy of la«t District Cooncil meet-auoka. Dr. Mitauo Nakata, aderahip training w educa- Bretherhi^ membera. -Yng in Hood River in Novem- Japaiwwa History Project;_____- .N. w DinwY •uppotied atlivi. ^ ^ community effort the ber. Top iaauea dtociisaed in- Waichi Oyaaagi. Bulletin Ed-

Uea of the Sr. program. iPorllaad chapter, together eluded the Japanese Lan-ilbr; Frank Kyono. liairtin;





-nd good feliowahip to be h »t Jr. aciiviUea. member.1 •jrew to the prwnt 55.

But once an organiaalion exist., it needs a place in tbe

t up panel disrua-Lion* held yvnilh forum, on Z-How You Can Be An Effee- ^^y developing it* organia- t live Leader." “The Sanaei To- tlon. hut also giving life to the!: day." He., and apooaored a ideal! of JACL.

Iwlth other orgamzationa. guage Project, youth pro-Walter Sakai. Henry' lahiia-E I took active part in helping gram. WaahingtM Alien ni. Earl Sbinieki Dr. Roy I !to entertain cadeu and of- I-and Uw. district and chap- Yamada. bd. memba.

reaoected opporiumUBs cower- Through practical e

ri a Chriatmaa parly for or-jvmitioaa; chaired committeea ihana; m canned good* dancelfor social, service and fund

good dtiienship while partici­pating in a program of com-

^-“ 't*90 withirr Benefit Tee; a booth at with JACL thesnea such the Folk Fair held at Navy “Streogthen Your Chapter' Pier; the Japanese Amenran with personal elhica and di-

and coopera- another generation.

lUy remarks-Setvire Commiilee a • Holiday lemimaa aa‘The PUce of Paa-:ble, they discovered that work fJKKT; and moat ambiUoue - ikm in Society " and “Confor-iand wrvice could be fun!the annual *200 college a<-hol- mity ve Unity"; the Jra. prac- --------------------nrahip f»r Japanese Ametlean tired wbat they learned. :p || j $et$

Fl'ND RAISING . , ,However, a program which'SWMr-m dote

includes social events, service: ^ ^project*, and leadership tra^ PORTLAND — The Rev. mg r«,ulri. money, and ^ Dr. Ralph M. Moore will ad- Jra. spent manv hours d*v»- “reas the Portland JACL in- ing new and dif'feronl ways to' •UU.tion dinner Dec. 28 on rsiae the necraaary "do-re. l^be recent study made by mi ■• I tbe race and educatien com-

.. , , snittee of the Portland Khool

With quean coetert. >y»ar-libber.

t«ught ihe:^ ^In II

« Groi?afig.'5

i »OM



. talsil aboi^ and

jj^'jlke IwattU. outgoing jpre-"indent, ia chairman and RoweJrs. into the Uack

Chti5tmaidaaee..cantl\ aalea. e., .... ..

" a“™h» kw tk_ tk«.. i, p.Only one final objective re- George Hara aa 1965 chap-

inaincd -to matea mutually; ter piWdent and cAher miem- beB«fici*lt«lAtHHhip b.-'b«n of the cahisec. j

fleets of the Nippon Uaru, a ter quota#-or tne national



—JKe iwaaaki Bert Wiabea


MS S. 4th Wert TelepiNM: S64-m»



4M & W(rt Temple Ph«**:

SALT LABE CUT. LTAH EddlaSMlhal. ■ Harry NiakijiM* WallyMary UmaM.t.' Y. Sy,!kara H d S.->»4*



SALT LAKE PRODUCE CO.115 Padfle Avease Phone: *5»-«»7



Mil Sa. M EM Pbaa* 4a4-7U<



M. Mui M.A Puall •« Jaiaf LhariaM




OKUDAGorrif **4

1»U *Mfh p«4t M. kaaartNt UWk


Munw ■«U)|.. tSIl Siwrdd* Am.


lor le. tBwooft is.

IsMMa Wey le Ohmle tSpH-a HaaM.

Aer «*o4* UmII 1714 *. 21 lei*


9UALITY Produce Ce.

Ml U.-Waw TwapI* 3il-«m

Hmi7 Hd Mm USM

ud Family*1 B STIin,


m w. nm sm>«PBeaa moBM


221 W. Raw Beetti ..___ Tetartraa I43-IM1

TonotoidMts YtfJand EET


Scfiwm'.s Grcclin^'5


GrrrUng.t From



lolqrships 'big r'for Mife-Hi ’

THi rAcmc cmzEH sccnoN I—It

tVKr. . .-K.t.. ?-i, tV-I Prr.i.i-r-, ;:^-y HoWi’.iJa Sl*ei W« iV-Ui JACI. -..,1 ■

ihr. w«a i^Jio, J0i;t ;.!iV. il ibe rroa-3 5

^.S!Happy Holidays From DcuTcr'Erightoii/


ww««<arsfw«f9r«w<Kfi ite-.oni G.-«:ingi to E.eryent from AH of Ut *t ftio

y^^ay yyvrtr TbwJuly, OV*.

l'.me for tH*-o ^ Mi’p-Hj .’lAn/ff5«-fiiihf.i! 6«>; a MK-T. W..T1 f!n»T r'’ - ^

}e.;?< P .o ’Cn! .•' f-r liic w-:w-';vl ch-cv-d-;

FISH COMPANYaio«►IV:^^«l .; J;..'Trf-.-«'--.> Pi.d-?■ .

iiiu--? c'-r.;; ]0 ,u-:’r.lV ^ ft-i Toriiowo _ O*^,. Ko,ri - K^r■r o „« - - „, ■.• /> _ >. -------

,.-«,.Sv-s;S5S '■• ' -i- V‘*-* r.ritH'rl jj-iwraJ r”r«i--■•• -................ ■■, ^ ' -O.l-. ............................................. ...



larV .- i™! J._-. f M-.b l»r j■KS JAO. . r.-t .......

AKEBONO■ Snh-iy<ild

n-try J>r..-’r

c,..,; fiiA -..n :. «• ■.•; A ^,.>4i>.c«.ut!F;.r Ki; w ■' '.‘i

Si-’ .---lii'! V. Xi.

!l \ D-:l:ci9U5j#p»nes»D:iheJ ;i.='V,'Fi ■«f»!C!.:velo AoU j

y. 1953 UtJmw Street |

4-- . "tH 4-7743

J loke Report-

' Koppy Holiday’t



Se«)On'(\ Grtefingt


COMPANYTol end Terrie Tekemine

end Toru Tekemetiu

: 205 Dcwr^o Merket



! E30 E. 88th AvenueDenver 29, Celorade )>r^st^*. anW Jpkn ^ |i.MabimaQac • Jun Hawaii n

3tes Eoit CoMo* Are. Deever. Colerede


l.*l:-.ri I'.v

iM !,w. rm't; ,• i*■!»y t.rt. ’rrF • io

t‘,» Falrmorl ra?k ^.i .-r... 3 -v.-r.orr,'l.■l J.t' 'ft! lll-7 « l»*n •;

■f r i-.'i .■>• in. '- ■ it"'--! Vnr in :•

lo -Ftm*:-:. L- Jt?.4-T,,-.e I .--t i t Kit -i--•-.1 _--.j


T. ITO and Family

'mIP^ «.«.HoIiJay spirit Ushls

fiitnOsUps and icUndlcs ■ “Id 5“ “•*“ F“t-

Wcliapn you are pleased »ilh He vay vnhave served


Sfason's f.'rep/ins.s


MtiT«p«ntM n««.M ■

«ad ariflrtM

Mr. md Mrs. Dr. and Mrs.; SEIJI HORIUCHI LOUM010

and Family and Family ySEASONS -greetings'

2525 Senth 3rd - 1425 Totec Stmrt[ Irighten, Colerbde

1Deew. Celeradn


DR. D. D. MOMII DR.A.Y.N00A1227 27th StTMt

Owm 5. ColMroJe

I! 4^

you and pledge anew our v?.-' wdlingnesj to help our

Community in. any way posiblc.i3'

A Very Merry Qinitmas To Voul

If 4‘ yi .


•. Iia-Mi lifil-'t ■■ <; - :,--vndr.--.-7lS »> .!-.vr ‘

r.- v«j r.nd hark tn fen ^ ; I’f.v -.-;1 -d-cr?- 11 .•••.1. .' r-e j:~>

i - ... lulljt-f ; . - . ..-f -r-.n,v I



rI ■



1944 Larimer Street Dearer 2. Calarade

JM.403IMl. and Ura.«. ImT

Ray. I«h and Saw


Japanaia • Aeiaeiiaa Feed e Jafaaaia SAKE A.ailabU

In the Dearer Hthaa He lal ’ RaiUvrani Hre ii a ai.-iee w.

Cm«t Pieceaem ISthS^ 1 ^**D^iy «« ^Sunday*1} Nmi . ( u.w.

ICLOSa TUESDAYS)rt its-ttia

. Dr. Sum MoHILE-Hi JA6L

- U

-X..I;t-r. Hv-vi-v.;- . : V- ixr ... V tri-

>•:•!4•r i..4»«n »■'• -Ii-'

a-vUL •a.-..rv.v. 1'^

.nr.if Cf.Mo r..S, ihe

Srifh Ti-

HJ'niM. I.TIY.S '•I-I aliff-

‘.miTu ik.kjbIlm • >

- ,-t.vnvi!»».- .

.•ilinior. ••

Dr. end Mrs.


jess Jeciven S'.. C4>lwad«


end MaODY• less CicH.T.. Sr...--^

Orr*. I«. C«>rm<»


Cuirm. Ce'nrudn j. and Men. t>’tard X.b-een |

2836 Federal Elvd.

Denver 11, Ceiorodo ||_*!Dr. Ynshin l)n


Dr. Setsuo^ £S AH Addif’ises: Defi--er. Colo. (802 pbs two dtgili eSpwn),R e>.«p) «j -ivBied.. ->

R Mr. and Mrs. ISuprrt Aral and Famits. 2900 Wi-)UidoL. (IIY. tiwrce and Jrae Fujimnlo'aDd Family. 1311 Race SL. (05).

Nali-hl l ur«U«m, 2?iSt KURara Si. (071. ,Iturliubi and FuuU.v, H.SO S Cherr}- <22).

^ (till uiul Alice lluMdjiMa aed FalulU. MlC.r. r.a4>.i Ur.. ^ |4|^|

I ....... ... :§ Sasoa. Alif.,f. ( aH nu.1 lUa l«as«U an.1 Famtl.v. llTJ. U.intoe Rt. lOfii J Chri*. ,fo« wd MM -

Ton). MiL,i and haHaon, 1 lUly Ri. 120). ,2 asil^ao S»™.»f! Jun homiir... hTO S Kiri ll Si- 122). i j Oa..».. Ca)«ad*

Dave's Auto Service t Itm and V»unne kumaimi and Famil), .1501 Krameria Si. *-------^ (1(7). * SEASON'S GREETINGS

Utr I4MNI.OV i Tom and IJIy 5Usamori and FnwUy, 2010 r4an^.Sl. U5).i| DillhlE ROOfllV. fino and lien Ml.vTihara and Jaae, 21<i5 BUcMel Blvd. (10), «' m.. iis

____ ;______John and Airacc Xosuchl and FaJtolly, 2615 Quay (15). » MU MARKH fTRftrGPt'TlNC-

1477 Pent Denver 3. Ceiorodo


-- ------------- ..4~,4.4- ...» wr --

_____I -^>Davc and NalchlSuWkI I

Beit Wtthtf


and Family221 HadMa Street Deavar20. Celaroda


Dearer 22. CMerade STOME TANITA. Mgr.

Pheaei 754-9441


—d A-in Suit,):


te mneU-n^. ■•i ■ -t- - .Rihal.ii.-Jia r- - '-;-.'*!.-, «--.ty j-.f-.i ;

rtcal BBd rr..iy

,r. ,„.?c4f

■; i-t; .4t.INI.



Dora. S. C*)»rarf*



DMWr. C»>«.. I02S}

Tom. Heleneend

Dennis loka•ST • 12nd Strvrt D«ncr. Calvrado

Brighton Florist and Greenhouse

j-'jubn mnd (ince Noguchi and FaAilly, 2615 Quay (15)E Term, and lUci Odo.v and FamUy, 7801 S., High,'£ Uilletoa, SJ)12fl. * 'K Mr. and Mm. Karon Sanda. ?0M HumWdt St. (05). li J«ui .Sa«4.. 67‘«) .\. Ur.-STiinfr .SI. <2P).R «iw>u-s' and Jl4-xJc Milynmura and Family,I i::ir. Owk sl* MA^ and Sail) Snyania and Famll.v, 22') F. Tjilcish ll .t Urry and <Ju)n Tnjiri. 7R70 tlrove .St, lYenlminaler 80030. * 5 I>on and Rcntc Tanabe, 10751 Brighton Rd., ‘ e£ Henderson. SiKJn.R Tak and Mildiic Tcni*>ki and-FmUy. 3463 HUaiore

*'• Mr. IUI.C TaLroUa. I'M I‘i*rrt Si.’. M'tirolikise S«l?,1 ;*£ Hrnrj T..bu. 2r.ll ? -it Si. <OM. SR Cud and IKi- I chid., and Family. l'’"U K W'li 7^- »f- Mi., and True Aa-.d and FamBy. HTd) S Willintna .ni. tioi. /* Arl and haiia and f1>riHtlar. !<« Vine S' *<•«' JR Dr. 1'rl.r and A»... D-1 and Famil). Ikl'f Y..ik i-ti . >*»«> *



:x Dick's Coffee ShopJ 4714 W. C«ll« A.»*.t

-S iWwend — *E •-•til'y Drek .rid E-k-l T.r-...


SI« Uth s>.

OR. and MRS. MASA CIMA and.^amily

Meteba Travel Sanrk*U.t f.rt.wKc.d

i«MM» Afr*.121t >IM tf. — MA t4«44Sr»ti.«l'i>( )• Ik* Orre —

Wi>i»*Mr itsi


ROeERT T. MAYEDA and F«mily

3114 AWm Sn«<( Pmw S. C*!*.^*

SEASON? GREETINGSkff. Sm ead Gc««v


1. CvlwWv


A'i !.l4--i;lW)..-*tn

flowers ty Fillis1- .-..-T-yn-ly 1 • ••■.yrcfl*:! —. • -••'■r:i )-fl. StP-, ■- • .i U.'j »-r' Y


Charles and Rose riijisaki t Family

,.:e- Swth .Srd Avtmoe Bt’.chics. Coleredo.

•ri :.JSC «;«« MrAhJy haiii'.-.-tl N.Sf. t.r-e >-Kh r.': '• r- i- Cnrv,f^lL-4kc’,i.:.n- rir O-«t-the TINI c-..;-.-- i.;r.,.:,.-A..-r

mureen Tr^.-hu-ri. .-i: .-Ur. MWont Hr. - rrfB,nr.:i-iM:.:irr.. rTar'-.. Orer.,::)aBl.-lx--;. -(4ogwrhcr. •r.-.Ho arc .'.V i*.-,! ".,.i'rti

£*Ss-=='5£“s™.“aettlaia coaimisiij'

. ;.v^vraT;.A4.aYa9M^:-<-. an.-,

DorbyPlor-oH. jkONSULPTS, !

INCI j| 240 Sonth First Avenue E * IrightM, Celorode {* .5 5 Rleha’fd & Jackie Wlt"»F



R^v. C4l.reda


DRUGSheridan & Alameda

Tak Ternsaki


444S k,;vl.t.. M.Commant Citt. CWeoWe

Saio. .Os* «•« K*wl«»


I21t Itrt $r„ D*«r.4. €•).-

Mr. •irrl Mi»H.rrjr Kei'w* •■'d F.-'ly

Sm and Alki KUHASAI

mo $. Ch»<cr irra-


1392 Smith Dudley Denver 24. Celorode

Madam Butterfly's44«t I Mat. Dtw.*.. Cale

Pk«M FR 7.un

M-. <>J Urt. G. S,4«. tree.


& LOUNGEBrighten. Celerede


Cento end Mary NAKAMURA

3137 W. 35fh Street Denver 11. <


1Y42Va>i«wr SorM*M**.. C«lWn4« MA 1 7441 • y ka. Nanaka - Mas N->aka

York Life IttsuraNce Ce.

Saw S l>.4l. k«a..vwa4.

Howard end Mery SUEHA6A

$35 Sc. Garfield StrMt Denver 9. Cetoiode


Greetings from Friends-of Seabrook JACtSeason’s Greetings Seabrook JACL Memorial

TributeTo The Late

Charles L Seabrook


eumEKLAM HOTELTourKnterlainment Outer

rboM: 45UT0M

Our SeoMa't Bett WiidiM to

AH Our FrieiKb »ad Tlirir FamHIie

lonus' DEHRTMEIT STOUBridgeton. K.J.


0-K WATCH SHOHTed Oye Dtrtd KawaJIri,

Watebea . Jewiry Repairinc A Eapravinf.SM HiKh 8U MDUtille. NJ. PboM ««&457S


S. H. KRESS i CO.Brtdfcetea Rbopplac Cmter

BrMcrtoB. XJ.


191S Piftv One Year, of Sen-ice H 8S EmM Brood Street

1Q[T E OoMoterce St. Bridcetoo. KJ.

S««eon‘t Greetinfo


Bridcrtoo. XJ.



Hirry N. Okm$HJewelry A Watrfa Repair

n E. Comnerre St. Rridaeloa. X.J.

llnt'i Ru.n Dni(iS4 E. Coumeece St.

Bridcetoa. XX

RUNGE FLORISTloadb Are. A GotAm Rd.

Pb0M>:Bridcetoa. Xew Jeraey


Greetintsa from ^

IFL-MO- I.ora>SS RrUrHoa. X J.


Offire OillfilleniF.. ConiBpn* St. BrUeHoa. XX j


AH Fomit of InaiiniDcePhoae; tSI^UO BrMtHon. XJ.

Charica F. Seabim^. o( Seabnxdc. X.' J. — hy bit couroBeoua aad iuimajiltartao example—Cham* piooed fair play and Juaike for penona of Japa. peae Ancracry' >Q tinie of Xaiioaal boatility— bdped to relocate and win bcv ataUa for Japa. Bcoe Americana in New Jersey. Hit distinBuiabed contributiM to the welfare of pencat of Japaneae anceatiy- in U. 5. will remain a laatinf memorial.

Season's CreetiRigs Seabrook JACL

Al AddrMSM: Sea ptes aated^


BrMtetea. XX ASUltl

LmkI PhaniKYM 8. Laurel St

Dr. Cbartat RaiiirBi<d«ataa. NX

HmhH*i FltrMBrtdKetoa. X J.


John Campani. Prop.

Brideetoa. X4.


MaabMm Ateaat - BrMtHoa. X.J.

Sayri Travel ActBcyfbt. 15H2

Cmhrrtaad Hotel nuwe;461.l7t7 Bridretoa. XJ.


BrUxetaa. XX


«»ASlX.P«ri8t. BrUfftM. XX

H.N.I..klMttni.Lumber. Htrdarare Buildinj: Uateritia


Bridcrtea. XX

Tba BrUettoaNiHaBal Baak

United Staleo DepooiloryPboae: 451.SSSS Bridtetoa, X J.

Urt. Uraeyo Amamoto. Main St.. Deerfield. NJ. Mr.^nd Mrs. .Shozo Aoki. 1406 2nd St.Mr and Mr*; Mark Aaada and Family. 34M 2nd St Helm au Ray Baao and Family. 1403 2nd St.Fred Bakkn. 6 Beebe Riiu Road. Brideetoa. XJ.Mr. and Mrs Jiiaito Dodobara. 1SI8 Syd St Mr. and Mr*. Cari R. du Bob and^B^Kbert, Willow Grore

Roed, FJmer. N.J.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rnaeki. 1409 2nd StMr. and Mrs. TaiiBlo Fiijimoio. 1920 School VillafeAir. and Ura. Ted Fukawa. 963 Vdn Biiren St.Mr. and Mr*. Jiniaro Fukawa, 1619 Srd St.Mr. and Mr*. Miuuzo Kuno. 94S Harrim St Mr. and Mi*. Hank Funiabima. 1301 2nd St Mr. and Mr*. K. FuniU. M 614 Deerfield Dr.Mr*. Cbiee-Fuj-uume. 39 x' P*rk Drfre. Brid(eton. XX Mr John Fu;-uume. 39 N. Pirk Drive, BridBcton. XJ. Mr. Robert Fuyuume. 39 N. Parit Drive.Mr. and Mr*. Tom Hamaaaki. 1204 lat St Mr. and Mr*. Tamihri

19 ParkY-iew HeiefaU Rd.. Bru Mr. and Mrs. Katsumi Hanaoka. 1001 School Dr. and Mr*. Sbo\-u Hana>-*ma and Family.

1101 Fit* St.Mr. and Mr*. George Hanzawa. Kelly and Lealb.

1606 Srd St.mV. and Mrs. M. Hannwa. F 7S2 E. Par*ona<e Rd. * Mr. and Mra. Isamu Hanhimolo. 1506 8rd St Mr. and Mr*. T Hasbimoto and Marilyn. 1707 4lh St. Mr. and Mra Minpo HiraU and Family. SIS E

ParsonaBC Road.Vernon. Martha, and Miriuri lefabaka. 1013 Srd St Mr. and Mr* Y. Mptoi Ida. F 7« Patnonage Rd.Mr. and Mr*. Y. Ikebuca A 790 E Pnnouge Rd.Mr. and Mra. Masaiada TkedsTXOlO 3rd St Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuo Ikeda. 811 Gaiden St.Mr. and Mra. Sbizuo A. Ikeda. 1413 2nd St.

04 1* St. f

Mr. and Mra. Teutbmu Imamura and Family.1405 2nd-St

Mr. and Mra. Keigo Inouye, SS6 W. Pieman Av&. Newark. X T.

Mr. and Mr*. Alfred lahii and Falbilx^iaiO 2nd St^Mr. and Mr* Aon Ishuio and Family, 1402 2nd SC Mr. and Mra. .Sbigezo Iwata. 1608 Srd St Mr. and Mra. K Kakoda. 1712 4tb St Mr. and Mr*. Kaonj Kamikaan. 950 HarrisSn

,Mr. and Mra. T. Kanai. M eiStieerfidd Dr. *‘Mr. and-Mr* Kihri Kaoeahiki and Family. 1206 1st St' Mr. and Mra. Sunlev Kaneabiki. 953 HarriaM SU Henry Kato and Family. 1106 lat St.Hr. end Mr*. David Rawajiri and Family, 47 Highland

Aye.. Bndgeion. XJ.Mr. and Mr*. Kazuo Kobayaatai and Family. 1610 3rd St Mr*': Yoriko Kono. 40 Bridgeton Ave.. Bridgeton. NX Rose and Cbaria Kovanagi. 1118 1st St Mr. and Hr*. TomozucM Kuniyuki. C 779 E PazwDage

Rd.Mr. and Mr*. Frank Kuaumoto, 1714 4ih St Mr. and Mr* Yenebo Kuwaban. 2216 Caril'a Coreer,

BridgHon. and Mra. Frank Matsiii. 943 Harriaon St Mr. and Mra. Hasanaka Matsui. 974 RooMvelt St Mrs. Koahizii Malanmoto. 944 HarrisoD

. Mrs. Ume Minakata and Mr Calvin MinakaU. '• 979 Flotfer St.

Mr. and Mra Mike Minalo and Family.11 Halaford Ave.. Bridgeloo. NJ.y

Mr. and Mra. James Mitaui and FaUlly. 7 Valley Ave.. Bridgeton. N."J.

Mr. and Mr*. Toabio Mi>’abara and Family.234 Belmont Ave.. Bridgeton. XJ.

Mr, George T. Mlziibara. 863 Church St. Bridgeton. NJ. Mr. and Mr*. Shoto Mori. 848 Elm St.Mr. Tom Horiahiu. M6l0 Deerfield Dr.Mr. George MiriU and Family, 1801 4tb St Dr. Paul Marita, 1801 4lb St,Mr. and Mra. Goro Mukai\nd'pam0y. 829 Adam 8LHr. and Mra. Robert Mukoda. 1305.2nd StMr. and Mrs. Jim Mukoyama, 1713 4tfa StMr. and Mra RlrhaH Nagablro and FamUy. 1607 Srd StMr. and Mra. Tnahibaru Nagnbiro and Family,^ 1420 2nd St

Yoah Xagabiro and Family, 138 Caril'a Coroer. Bridgeton. N.J.

Mary. Charlea and Scott Nagao. Rj>. 5. Bridgeton. NX Mr. and Ura Kivomi Xakamnra;.Lower Mil] Rd,

R.D. 2. ramer. NJ.Gene and Marie Xakau. SUlg Highway 77.

R.D 5. Bridgeton. XJ. •.Mr. and Mra. Maiyomon Nakauni. 37 Hamptoe St.,

N Bridgeton. NJ.Mr. and Ura Jack Kakaynma. ISIS 2nd StMr. and Mra. Yukihant Niji. IIM 1st StMr. and Mr*. KaU Niabimoto. 1615 Srd StMr. and Mra. Uamoru Noguchi and Family. 1407 2i»a StMr. and Ura. Ben OgaU and Family. 1117 lat StMr. and Mra. Harry OgaU and Judy. 1312 2nd St.Mr. and Mra Kiyoahi Ohara. RJD. 5. Bridgeton. NJ.Mr. and Mra. Kiyo Okamolo and Family.

40 Orillia Dr.. Bridgeton. N f- - Mr. Hr*. Jamea 0ktno.21 .Orillia Dr.. Bridgeton.

Mr..and Ura. AU Ono and FamQy. 1013 School Lane

Mr*. Nakae Ono. R.D. T Justin Ave.. Brfdgeum. NJ.Mr. Kikuo Ooka and Family. 935 Jefferacm

and Mra. John OUnl nnd Family,^47 Orillia Dr . Bridgeton. NJ.

GenTSalcSmSto. I 694 E. Paraonage Rd.George and Roae Sakamoto. 1022 Suu Rd.Jamea and Nkncy Sakamoto. 1011 School VUlage Ur. and Mra. Minoru Sakata and FamQv.

923 MacArihur Dr.Yank and Frances Sawamura. 1015 School Lane - Morio. FJitb and Grant Shimomura.

21 P^aaenhayne Ave.. Bridgeton. NJ.Mr. and Mr*, laao Sagimiir*. 1012 Scbodl Village,Bill, Kiki, Dean A Dave Taguwa, 45 Edward Aw..

Bridgeton, NJ,Eraeai Takaoka. i: 625 DeerfWd Dr.Taktu FamUy. 23 Pamria Drive. Brtdgetoh. NJ.Mr. and Ura. Ken Takeda and Family.

41 Cedar Avenue. Bridgeton. N.J.Mr. and Ura. Una Takeda. 27 Monroe St. Bridgeton. NJ. Mr. and Ura. Jim Taniguebi and' Jeffery. RD 1.

MUIville. XJ.Mr. and Ura. Kaoni Tarurel and FamUy. 1306 2nd St Mr. and Ura. Henry Wakai ud Famfly, 31. Orillia Dr. Mr. and Nrk. Shigeichi Wakami>-a. 952 Harriaon Mr. and Mra. Joe Yamamoto A Family. 1319 2nd St Mr. and Mra. Naozo Yamamoto. 1014 School Village Mr. and Mra. Pj>y Yamamoto. R 645 Deerfield Dr.Mr. and Mrs. Jamea K. Yamasaki. Dean A David.

55 Orillia Drive, Bridgeton. NJ.Mr. and Mra UMbnro Yamasaki. 1520 3rd Street Mr and Mra. Ryozo ^'e)*. 1504 3rd Street Mr. and Mr* Ryuji Yokoyama A Son. 823 Garden St Mr. and Mra Taro Yoko>-ama A Familv. 1418 2nd St Mr. and Mr* Tnigio Tthoyam*. 826 Adam Street Ur. and Ur*. Kjyoto Yoobida A Fami

NATIONAL lANKFour CompleU Banking






Seaaon'a Beat Wahra


HIWIY “77" H07EIA Mrs. Alben HUdmb

Phone: 609 455.2SW1646 X. Pearl St.

^yiWETOII 7MII«7Daily Service to New York City


660 X. Pwri kl. Bridgeton. XX Fb«w; |THOMPSON MOTOR PARTS, NH.

863 X. Pearl Street Bridgeton. XJ.


DANZENTAKER'SGodanfib • \ BrMg


246 X. Peart SI. BndnWU


CHtur^mWERCEBridgeioa. N.J.

CmM Airio stemBridgeton. MHIvilb.

Pena<>vRle and Kateni 14r..rommerve St

-Bridgeton. X J.

HtekBry SMhTbeONP

' CnriraCww

Nleli^ Fori, Ik.632 N. PeJcl Strert

Bridgeioa. NX

i Ur*. Kjyoto Yoahida A Familv. Bridgeton Avenue. Bridegion. NJ

Bent Wabea From

Dbr- FnrittBraBrMgelon and MUhlUe

Xew Jeraey

Complimmta of

HajK ^thiflC C*.Bridfeton.'XJ.


> 26 S. Lnarel Stroet Brtdgetnn. NX

KTE’SIIEI'SSTME36 S. Lonrel Street .

BrMgetoa. XX ; S?**?

1964-5 Seabrook Ua CabinetCharki No9M. PmMnnt

■.toVX -tebwt Ntobm. M.lad VX Jmm Toaifoebi. A». 6b

Wan. in. Wc Uataokl Oaka. AK. Oat at Car. lac. Uta Ka»wiri. Hbl.arabt Tbac Or. Onl Marin. aa-aMab

— BOAItp Of 60VBN0KS —Haar, Kan Manab Oaa

I Mb. Mban 3.4 OnB«a bars MaW 101 ",|n g


Infant a . Bov* A Giris knd SubTeena

Lnnrrt Thraler BMg. BrUgelon. X J.

IRCdl'SMen a ^^* a«bing

Sboer^ftr All the Family

/««««. XJ.


Season-a Greeiinn

CtarWH SMppciBrtd£.lo..X-J.


TM ZmkM. itonISX.LonreJSMim ,

Bridgrleo. XJ J

Comnlimem>r.f yrvir' "


to BIWDO BROS.BriJgeirw. X J.

BIANCO BROS,Body A Fender P.epnJring

Irving Avenne Bridgeton. ^-J.


Senbrook. N J.


FIORAinBridgeioa. NnAn



ap.Mtt anaaad

■ Fr*nl..' Mi.'-uw- llfiWalBatSme

BfidgH.. Ph:i»«

7HE RED B« 7RVERR. IKFinelu'iM Cl*='87<1N PnriSinK



DEIJr.ATESff'Comer V Peart SW

and Bocenhiy»e *•« Bridgetrut Niw*«

SAM'SFriwdly Servlet

Authorized Pjvmblrr Dealer

58 N. I.aorel Street Phone: 4SI.7IS6

^ Bridgeton. Xew Jenwy

ri^b-cjor:Mercury. Comet

leNE nerb”faril-B Cenm Bridgeioa.




Philadelphia. P*^



'64 JHistorically Significant for Seabrook CLersiP.OOK. KJ.-rDurm* WTiUe word* of condolence lo Uon project.^(icalty McnifiennllMrs. C. ¥. Swbrook and the The inttiai r Sew J«»»e}—1964— f*nuly do not reotore the «»» coapriaedt JACL meabert ^

the tejcentWMTj’ “jon by pardcipMing. “ P«>mot* thoM ideate and ^rf and apecial chic | tradition* which«,! projfrani*. iahed." munit>- aemcea-; *1.500 totaJ dance* hi^ijrhted Just a decade ago. JJLO, Bhd^eton Hotpttal Fund: jfttry Tercentenary presented to Mr. Seabrook a *1-^ to Hmer, Ho*rrt*!: rhile eon* and d«uph-|itpecia] teatimonial acrrtJ.a-jth 100 cherry trees to jjkCLera made head- an exprsMion of mautude at Bndjreton Ciiy Park.

» propam mark- The traditional Cirte DavtSiDnilso 'a vear ed aniuveeaaty of fesuval in eartv Man* at-

traeied or«- I.OOO petaiin* StMki s departure u,‘t-who attended the JACL chow 3* le#i a vacuum in Under the leaderahip of Dr. «t Seabrook c*f-


m^m' \

^etahip of the com- Paul Moriu. the f:rM half •od *tre treated tThe recent death of and -Charles Naj(ao. the collection of Japanese doll* r. Seabrook. founder second half. JACL raembeea Ikebana arrangemeau.

brook Farm* Enter- partkapated in a buiy >-ear >-ear» dinner chair- Iactivir'- - '

many •doady with him.

nffit mads by Charles '■ School Project Chapter president. Lauaohsd on an amhitioua * the tlwuchU of ^vi*1.000 minimum five-year ^

t certainly de^lyiof accumulaUve activities. ,a„ jom iny who were ss-iboth traditiotml. and noo- Dnaidanu

wsuccess was dulv noted by' Atlantic City Presa. which'

__ -said:Seabrook School. *400 wa* "Efforu of the entire com­

ix:. To quote in part contributed this year for raunity make thi* mie of the loei a great initial landscape plsniing. most enjoyable and be*t at-

*ith the passing of,This is the chapter’s second tended affairs in Cumberland ariet F. Seabrook . . . year in the school beautifies- County."

who have directly or j program to beautify the new Jy benefittod fnm the ~ ’ ' -V ■

Wins essay contest on civil rights

SEABROOK. N.J. — Kesf non Nakam-ora. 04 Brvlghtoa Hqrh graduate, ^as dea-ote^

.much of hm enracumcular activities to wnung esMja

. *.hi* past yesr - and well ,'7 enough to gain recognitioo.''; Has eaaava have been on the ''' .topic of improving human

relcuons. and extending equal ery oppiwtaility. ) carry out 'his

He won the high school Brotherhood Week ssaay this year, hie pises being rand at the Brotherhood Week 'dinner

I Hi Bridgeton.j Last Julv. hi* cssiv— "JACL and Ovil Righu wcR second pnae competition.

Lsal year, he won pnre in t h e CuoiberlsM

1 nauonal

TESTIMONIAL DINNER - "Viayor" Fuiv Ssiski. (leh) lisei iesoer o« Seabrook. wei honored by Sssbrook

■JACL er CynjberlsnO Hotel. Bridgeton. March 28. with nearly 200 area retidentv paying tribute to him for hit 20 yesfi of dutirvguivhed comrrWniiy tervica. Others

: Mm Macion G'aeser of Brookijm, toffice personnel maneger, Seabrook Farm*; arvd Miu Dorothy Chapman ©f Fort lee, former director of Com­munity fkKise at Seabrook. - Atlantic Gt^^f^photo.

: By being selected last year • ameeg *4 New J«t^ . Periii- syirania and District nf [Columbia dNegat** ^United Nations Pilgrimage, which included a two-waek tour of eastani Cqnads and New England states, it

, . lapurredbiaiotsreataintkuiga. SEABROOK. N. J. -Amoei paid him and‘his wife, an wallta of life, Wroeoat noted, brook: and Oideoce B. Me- iaiernationaJ and is now at- tpooianeous and touching "exemplar.- ciuicn. fatieri i„ t^. OnriicV; Farmer* and Mar-;letvding the AmsricaB Univer-

Mayor' resigns after 20 years

Locke. Atlantic City- „.'ah of whom were affiliated .iwith Seabrook dunng the chapter

. of the JACL. CUriis Nagao.

• : -witn seauroo* ounng uie1 He was among the first period Sasaki served ss lial- W

I those who were associated ;Ark.. and paved the way for Tom Kakaoka. ____I with him in the past gathered lOthero.

.Seabrook would always be hI at Cur Holri balN A nat___________ ,_______I room on Mar. 2S on the eve^mwing Seabrook JACL in f<*’ C. F. Seabrook. fottn^'diuShtera who finished scl

j At an laaei Imder and'in :663. , ern District Council chair-hseoffij!spokesman. Sasaki eontrib-| Teetimoalate man. ^ naturalised citisen id 19B3.I'luted to the general improve-l County Gerk Earl M. Wee- TimMy meHages akin came ' Commumtv interest in the' Iment. of human relations ofieoat spoke m tribute (if Sas- from Mas Sainw. National tesQrannial a-aa redlertoA'in Isome 2.000 J^nese Amen-;aki on behalf of tbe Cumber-JACL Director; Mike Maas-the coverage given in the' lean* who were reltamted to land County at large. Sas- oka; Herb Letts of Flonda.;ioeal prew. Kiycenl Naha- Ithte area amre 1944. He wa*. ski s untiring efforts gained nnce m charge of petaonnel mura was in charge of the in words of the many tribute* the respect nf people in all at Seabrook: Jnhn M. Sea-teatimomal. * ’


S AND CHOWMEIN-Easmmiog Ja- . . ring the ob-

inc* of the annual doll ietiival inj-'tioo with the annual JACl Chow D nrter held th.s year in the North

-vik cafeteria ate KStt. Ruth Kawa-

^ASTER. Pa. — Ham- A 6-0 150-pound ni^ve of, In an era in which the rps- business adnontetTataon major Im that while wi-'V« 5\ a shoulder aepara- Seabrook. New Jecaey. Mu-[eialiei to come of age. Mu-while hit brother is curTentlyltegger acbolastie sta

dolls on display dunnjiri of Bridgeton. Mrs. Lillian Adcley of

. Doodield. Mrs. Eos* Sakamoto of See- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Aldet Connery of Jamaica. N^ York end Miu Tish Ohys of VinaUnd.-Atlentie City Press photo.

KINNON NAKAMUtANisei All-American on the Mafe at Franklin & MarshallIclssatMB CeoimMiee last

—-i!Dsc«)»er to attend the NJ. to attain their Cin: Rights Onten&ial st

I at 5Va»k!m'TrtatoB. to repnssat theano hah proved himself i * s paiiagon of vereatilttj- c1963. -Franklin and rono shined among a group;rano

[ s ace junior qusr- of plaj-era who carved out an;be a ^Seski Murnno re- 8-0 record in overall eompe- the griiin fine faahion this tition and captured the Mid-' while 106 pass-

paciag the Diplomat die Atlantic Oonferrnce igo effons for 1021e-iuad to its first un- Smitbem Dirisioo champion- this fall the youthfulcampaign since lOBO.iahip._______________________ ^

MAC Southern Divium in punting with -a 36.8 vwid av­erage; A rusher who broke

Wh™ U, .,r -v-r. •‘"•“fl. “•

doing graduate. work is ology at the Ui ,W« Virginia.


work is/te^jtwo. earning Second Tei InivHtety oT^-State recognition as

/ ;fulHaacL_S«ikUiBS bloMon. Breihm 'into the Southern Divisio

There is a touch of iranytop txipte-thrsat arhereas hisjUM United Staiee when £i-

re from Japan via Peru

lelasatMn_ the brother was constantly tad- euke was vary itaing. Beth;DacA)Nr to attsad the NJ.

*** died with injuries ns a Frank- boys sveet <Team Marshall gnddsr. jaUilebc fsaU at PraBklin'^■■ ■ Mr u,a W -K* ““« •

He ia the eon ef Mr. tad , 'Ura. Kiyemi Nakmara ofI In vieainr the Diplomat;^^^

IfootbaM ramirgCDce this fall. jACLcra.Scald expraapee as

s Ihst'' Coach Storek.'M«llbMthil CMI MW

_ ' ar-' fof a 40 yard gam while.1 U,r Cr>rul „ja settled in Searvrook. Marahall louehdoa-n

fltoy Franklin *• j Eisukeand Seiki »ea»an's finale. Murooo to^llege quarte^k. ^ ^ lyasrif to be a toil-

n -mn-apfwsnng m the jpe oarent* srere among the p«,. a fine psM receiver, he naturalized « »!«, « remarkably succeas-

old phijoa^er.jj,^^ ^5„PrT>ok. ful leader on the football

;.:?h ”fin5 ■:-d in evervofie and and bU older brother Finest 1. Conleronre

r.g," Kirebner began,FYanklin fc Marohall, Farla>-mg these v-arious 'v-rte Storck the F t because of iu academic rai-jkilla into a euper-eur tal-'

football coach. U ‘"K f®'' football. "Put- ent. Murooo. neverthdeas. ac--n today. Eisuke and me through,cepts hia plaudits with genu-'

>Tre has s good reason, “Ueg* ha* cawed ray par-ine modesty, took World War.ent* ^ sacrifice.” SeUa told him the quartei' ^ by-ho by hia,own admis- detennioed that we «‘>uld|pj^.,^tee him a great fo<>t-E«t « eduesuon --------------

a--a over night. them. That was far a.-.ladelphia’a Maxwell Qub

,1^7 i a* Player of the Week in theDeteware Valley for his per-

«i«i.i VI - - fonnance •against Uminua.;— American-borniwe ’rerouldw’uioiithefootiw qiianerback. whose .bdl_ field. enthuaiaam that'"be 1?\

nmning and kkking.i Both am canying out ihew hii dewrving of the 'eely responsible for tuns. Kirehner sdded. Etsuke honor. Mv contention at thek M from a 1 and 6 fmi.hwt high in his class last beginpmg of the sesson that’ an unbeaten team year and is now a graduate Seild wa* the finrot quarter- fstraight gsme*." atiident in biology. "You only ptek in the conference has ^

irenU from Japan talk wih Seaki for a eenainl.r been proven."parents. Mr. and nii„ute« to know that he -Moreover." Coach StorckMurono. remded m-i, „ uitelligrot and polished -be-, ^itmorri an

-------■■ Kirehner ,,.funoi of prewure and he scome through. Hes mode*

Setki a Jeadenftip oo the and aecepu the landigbi as ................. ■ ‘ twin member, not as a staf.

•shortly after thryj^un^ collegian,Burned, they moved to -"m, where hia father: i-ud operated a sport-'

"is::S'™:::of the 1963 F A M ^ lewdscahip that car- bun greater.

1-s. VMS,-- .1, ™ Tied US through to our un- Muitmo'# football successfaaii^.i^ ;K«.^f'b«wtee. season." cosch Storck',too' bad a 'curious start in

tong to the ‘ *VSltirt»:ntil Wprld War n! Lew Bvtswon. coach of ~

i>ut with Japan. TheciSwarthmore whose team bem-- *4iooi■dbochok*. The Jap-led toF AM 20-12, made the tbe^m l»poond» wIbing along the Paofk'wwest obsarvatloo: "This fel- v vJS'0 both North andlloa- reallv kilted us. He'd *ttenca were ordered throw up hu am a# if w Thrw yeara later he

[vietioa'great^ fine scouting ft |op *64 reports all ceetnbuted great-

iSWiT'.oftu.. ,P F„»kh-. .nd -I -

p, n,l,« M^tP. -1-^d,. D-dra- uur h.™, ? jsrs:

ddSiTs. S", included the ftneot crop i" '

r«ia rscenera aith whom hs " ' bad -ever pla>-*<d. The\- "

1 1968 campaign plans t * equal er surpass that effort

1 coming monfhathe arnstry <i » Diplomat

re-elects Uno

an enemv aheo couldn't find a way to atop; The brother c< Eimike Mu- ““ camp. It was here him and belime me we tried,rooo, a captam d the Fra®*-

horn and Ihwi'with a wsek's work on a do- lia and Marahall footbaU " yean. Ifcnse '■imed directlj- at hi&."laquad in 1963. Murano m a'

field genera! thrrmgb the air- ^|| I alfA JACLlanes can t to overiooked. toUilV

SessoB Is Brief As Franklin and Marahall''

registered a 21-6 triumph! (Continued from Page B-19>

183 l ud.. EOtt of U-. .«». HdUowto. Pmywore to halflwck Rich John-iPl*®®*^ ty the enjoymsnt of son. the conferences fourth“d oW by Joste Ha- Iwding nse«v»for the fall «bi>-a proved to be hilaneus with 20 receptfto. . as well aa profitable for tbs

William Teramoto and fam­ily from Orem a* they walk*

„ , . , ed off with all the major

mats to register an 16-14 FE-ELFXTEDH<miecoraing nctory over At the rorabined board Carnegie Terh in the final.meeting of th» neu and tbef two minute* of plav. old member*, fteimofid Uno

• And in the final contest of «»■ pres.dMit forthe fall a 20-6 -win over Ur- '*'* Kubouimuriem Besmin -P-. Wil-in the conference) corralled’{«^ Higtoim^ 2nd t

At rmdseason i

I rooo'a 25 cot

■ ••‘““fi^r^'ase.; and Geotsa n aad:v™MfBMis hwt

5san Muif NO

I 'baaemaa for the Franklin iMantiall baseball club. Ha-, _

J iw could also atsr in bas-l The yaar-end wiU ha cdl> I ikstball if be chose to bee<»ic|Buast*d with a' HoUy*!:teM l a three sport performer. In Whing Ding di^r dsacs os. ■ fset. there assma to be vary D«* 26 st ths Andy’s tonr-

bttle ihtt he couldn’t excel gasborg The H»0 Cob will in if he »o desired. Be*t of all be the hn*t and aurpnaes art from Franklin and Marehali's m atore as the chapter Ro- pi*nt M nee. thte (l\-nam<r cognitifm C«nmittoe aill ss- sthlete wtll oBcs sgsia bs nouncs tbs wiaaiag nimst af •

jarailsbl# to hsras* Fraakhn the Communrty and fartfron nrals AchiercmeBt Asrardl


.3land Manbsll s football nvala Achievtoait AsraiAA Iwbea aaxt fall HiUa aroumLj


IMS Eye View of D.C-(CooUnved from Pace B-1)

-A eoneentratWB of Ni»ei la nported boldine Honal poeitioQB at the inter-

private ladoaby, there ie a ance in ^ profea-

mosal fwida e^. architect.

naliu. ci«h l.™b ol GSft and 11 and identified a-ithi"*^ prratmior u compand J* uu- or' . _ .-i! . There are a good number ofId«ar«w and ^

ireeide primarily in the Ar--STOOI honros 1M3-U ^ , E0„„,1 ™i. iUojtoo uiJ

ponioo.. Tho« to Wihtr|„„o.., ^ gnok. todototoO Uto. U»lri„, to»to«—. prekrtog,

wen chanted rm.j

A eennt of JAOden. their intaracU. their

Howev^. ae the r^

U.C ho*, or toortl tool oMmyio, and came aa impidly aa for, twt ij«*their Cauca-an ofMnrkera" '

about the Diauict coo- tinuee ttf expand with the devciopmeot by indu^- and fovermnent of ouiJ>Tng areaa..

78 in D.C„ 48 in Virginia and.and mote memheta to live 3 outside of the Metr^Utan farther and furtbv mu 1

Uoet of the Ifaiylanden in high-izKome Mont,

fotnery County. In the arena of Betheada. Che^7 Chaae>Rockvilla Kesaingtoo and

Bver Spring. 'The majority of the

tngloniana tivE' in the north- weA eection of the DiMriet


Spark^s address highlight in So. Jerseyby League

\y**r. Jiacfuwiahip, Thi. being WorW. Phirijaegue

tararihtg project for the '____v.. h-Vwart; VkU Aldrich and, -

SESABWXMC. NX - Rep.|!ocal leacbff. L«ii«John, their bean in-Spark Malaunaga

JACL on a aatmia] baaia. It wouM give ia a brtter idea of the oompoettioa of our group and poaibly indicate what noeda are feU by the

Bboa which the JACLmi


Americaaatiaenhaawoohiaiawanl; VkU Aldrich and time at New York, the chap-|hae a chfck. ^ rightful idace ia the Ameri-IvniJiam Newherry oi Sea- ter arranged two toun thia [«ct with wife,.can acbema rf thinga and it'hfocA" School, the JACL jw — in May and SepUm-, toto, totoPTUto Gto. totoi..™*, »d ^;SS.T4.“i ."*0- *«■.

, ™ toUiptoPiig toPd up/fto. '^Itogtoin,. jspptoppk JACL totopItoUPP JPPIP lAPd* 1«»IP«; jgcL.,„,u,jito,pp.„„.|>''P*,,^dtopn-hddJpppJO.PlwUpbjePPPtol claim-P. by B)*Ji YpkpyuptoIP-Up* U to,,„*the local area Nlod high by niany memben of Ihejwon the regular aeaaon and Bowling y,.

chapter board. lb» Bridgeton Industrial‘Waahtngion.Leaser lighls ; ^

------------ - local are....n^lachool grmduatea and ywrth

evalnatkm of thia typejwere qmial gnesU of honor might providr a good pro*- of the chapter. ■eosmopotitaa atmoa-

Tba Chapter membere in- there wili probably be an in^ P«ctive for planiung future uataunaga. who aerved ph^,* <,1 the Seahrook com- in-dude 16 lii'ing in Marj-iand.Icrtaaing tendenej' for more actiribea. *iii, dutinctwo In military nimiiy ia manifeeled in oth-

‘ during World War er chapur affairs thrpu^-

Philadelphia's wide-range in programming

satisfies; now eyeing EDC MDC fete in '65PHOADEa^nA—In lftM|ShoJi Date efOdently ran flie

the Philadriphia J A C l' food booth,achieied another year of . Many preetke worthwhile, well - pUnned,ducted by progtem chairman meetinga and artivitiee. •Hatsumi Harada. and the ki-

The enthuaiaam and aup-iinonoe made by mother* blo»-port received from BMcabera and friends of Pfailadelpfaia JACL for fulfilling iu bua>- ■ebedule were gratifying.

Aride fran attractive |grans, the sucneaiful Tolk Pair. fORnation of the Pbila- deiphia Youth Group.Ume high in

the Convention Hal! floor with the Sakura andt «ympic Ondo. Forty- three daneen took part la two beantiful performances.

Marie 1C»

formation of the 1B65 JdntI Bt>C-MDC O

tsri and Louiae Maehara In the sales booth, boused in a

construction front* with a ret^ea of a torh,tied witJ

dIdidabwere parbculariy noteworthy.

Folk PairTbe Philadelphia FUk Fhir

attended by 21.000 people was staged by 36 ethnic groapo on April 25-26. The Chapter led by general chair­man. Sim EMdp, contributed greatly in representing J in four areaa: exhibits anddemonstrations, food booth, dance program and gift salce.

Exhibit ehainnan George . Oye and raramHiee conduet-

ikebana, aumt^shuji. chan- oju and origami kkfUfully performed in an authentic tea bouse. Numerous «onpU- menla were received'.

Under chairmanship Yooe Okamoto. ch^vter

of[Tdai Joint EDC-MDC Conm-

n. cited the onents of tbe lead inling kc- out the yea

, There ia the annoal NewIbtor E,, to, „ Uto s«-

opbUob ... “«cotopItob«d!j^ cototobblty ItolL[by totobtos -toto-tboc^ ButoACT •*. to

charge last year. Furaye Ka- saoks ia in claige thia year. About 300 merry»»kera at-

.lend.The event wai a chapter

tioB got underway with for- highlight of tbe year. Ms-

of 161 members, including 30,held in Philadelphia over thel^j^ benefits of his efforts, as l''ukubiki where msny prises 1000 Oub and 32 new mem-'Lnbor Day h^iday* in IfthS.jM^tminaga lecinred some 800 gi'-eii away. The local

S^rbi^Sitotor. —'and three are

serving on the Chapter Board as conunKtes chairman.

Plans for the Sixth Bien-

Roy SHs

A record crowd 150 at-lcation program, tmided the

INSTAOATION HMIjaPAlS - CocBfeivnmt AAataunoga of f^awaii (center) puett tpeatw. brook JACl>iQ»rallation dinner. June 20, cau

■ Charie* Nagao (left) new Chapter preMdM Ki (nght) EDC^fc--------- *----- .5^(r.gnt) tlk. ovetrman, from Philadeir^m efh the inatallation of the new criMnei.-PtWB_t. Atlantic City Press

dinner - dance aa Roy KitsMintededmitmanof the

of (Jovemora. Other

V.«J|LGro«p Philadelphia Youth

Group, compriaed of students | from the l^th grads up: through college, was organ-1 ixed this past summer under

rvirion cif Dick Hori 'kawa. Hraded by Ghairmao C2iria Uyriian. Vm immediate project ia to plan a jwth program for the lft» EDO MDC Omventlon. Ted Him-' kawa ii viee-ciiainBan, Jean Okasakt. secretary and Mr*. Hiroshi Uyehara, adviaor.


New exkutive Oriental dropouts named in Seattle reported lowest By ElmejjOgawa

SEATTLE — Appo;WASHINGTOaN — Ameri- ^ Kenneth Lalcholia aa e

d food can studenU of Chinese and:^„u,^ j*ck-F^r-a mali>|Japancae hert^e, have the Community Conn-

was announced this week Iby council prefi^t William

booth, one o^e Fair's maln'Japancse heritage, have the ouraftion, landed the ae(-;ioa-cst school drop-out of any; ^jj , Ung for scll-oul erowde. Va^'major national or racial ii,y ,

7 the, afolki

group, according to the 1st-

^ quickly. Co-economic research aerriee re-chairmen Chtyo Koiwai and port.

Japanese and Chiiune stu-Midori, Michael.

Eftu and Mika Mataoka Extand


1404 UpplBviMi Straat Cbvvy COsw. UsrM 204)1

B. Derry.

a at the

Board meenberv tnJdng their oath of eCCoe wen John Hurfl*. Georg^Oye, Herbert J. Horikavra. Wre^ Uye- hara and Tbocnaa Jacobs (3iisu Kadh. aec..-and Bunju Ikeda. tnaa.

In Fchruaiy an exeqiOonal- ly large group (70) attended

meeting, arranged by George Oj-a, to bear Rev. Henry H. Nicbola. prealdatt of the Grentm- PhHadripMa Council of Qiurehea, ^nak on Chril Bi^ta, The Negro mlntstv stated that tbe ster­eotype image of the Nqgro must be changed if the popu­lation outside the N^ro eommumly fs to allow itself to accept the Indiridail Ne-

boped that other groups SDch as JACSL would become better informed in the

ies of tbe stniggle| eo that the momollum of the

t couM be HtabUafa-

Chapter presideBt Charles Nagao. a past EDC ehalr-

and board membere iMtalled by Kax Horita

of ntiladdphia. EDC chair­man. Dr. Paul UoriU was the outgoing pmaideel-

Otber guests were Mayor

«H»»iBing this year's outing | at Parvins State ^rk. Thej chapter alao aariated at the[]

Sa<i4.uis Valley elects Den One

AIAUIOSA. Cote. — lbb;i . .,,, „._lsanljnla Valley JA<^ met at L

Tbomae-B^y cd Bndge(on. ^ chaoter riec-State Sen. Robert Weber and R^ Milton W. Glenn.

Local graduates wen in­troduced by Kikuj* Kasaoka.

held their 1965 chapter dec- Uona. Den Ono a-aa choaen pratidrat. A dinner-dance m January is planned for instal-1 latlon servieea. I

ed rajndly.Landscape architect

suml Kawase spoke to 60 msnben and friesda-at the

(Continued onPageB-23)

Rokka Ski Olab myCouncil office, 417 RainierAvenue S. Ust Wednesday. : SEATTLE — The Rokka

The new executive diractor. Ski Qub meets on the see- who goes to hia new post Pridaya. 8 pm., of each

dents have a 10 pet. rate as compared with 25 peU for

- UiJv.

Plu low . . .SEPTESBER 8-6, Hi^ )


Season’s Greeting

^tueuediucnci; sooiK sceool

$. Jwki NMt.' Cncwtvvw 4i*M9W

«wwv* OiouU. OirvdW


T.KANAME HandytSONS Cleaners

Waveriy Garden 2500 PfaM Straet Rlagtler 6-2470

TUroto U3IS Philadelphia. Po.R. « H. K...-. ' Repairs end AHacations

V Shirt LaundryW«..f1r 4 Ci.UT«k t..d3

Glemide. Ps. Uitar. 4 H.humI, H.r.d.

riean IndianaReport indicated low In-Unl»^ of Washington. He has erf a akl lodge si V

come homes and low educa- b«n an aaalsunl auperin- inUrtat M trips to out-of- .« tiooal attainmeot of parepia • —

factors contributing to Ju^



tmdent of the King County Cryatal MounUiiy Ju\tnilevpekk see




Court. YMCA boys’ secretary, special inves­

tigator for the Washington j State attorney general and group life nuperriaor at Lu­ther Burbank School

HU wife. Ruth is a High- line School IXslriel teacher and they have two sons. Stephen. 4 and nuUip. 3.

Inteholia succeeds William A. Bishop, who resigned to rotimi to bis former pomtion

las executive director of the RoUry Bo>*' Oub.





24 Grommer M So. New Terfc. N.Y.

HERB NOGAMlnwat: 822-9111

BEST WISHESIhe J^ianese American Association

of New Yoii Inc.125 W. 72ad STRST

NEW TOW. 23. N. Y.Talspbaaa: SUtqMbwM 7-159S

Greetings from



Oriental Goods end General Gremrin PROP. JAMES N. SHnOOU





Floam 4 ama.lM.»07 Woodward South Royal Oaks. MhUgaa

Jordan 6.2264 Uacoln 6.U61

MASAOKA-ISHIKAWA and Associates, Inc.


WasUaftea D.C„ 200M

2** i JOE IMAI

ind Family549 WesM 23rd Street

New York 27. N.Y.


551RfthAv«Me New Yerfc. 10017


Seasons Greetings ,


Michael M. WaiabePAR AJtERICAH


New York 17. N.Y.


SAM ISHIKAWA551 Rftfc Avewtt

Hew Yerk 17.

Bett of HofidoYDR. and MRS. HARRY F. ABE

Deuglai and Carolyn TIKTOP.MERRITT RO.




MS M An.Hn Tai. N.T. 1NIT

tkli 4 jMi KwlyiStave, Scott and Kent

477 Nrt Lee toed ieeaia. New Jaraey



taa-tr 44m Amaa. 4«*W HHb 71. K.T.

MARIM eUESUm 0alM4 Nartw Haw Tfri. H.T. IH17

JACK oawftswmiMSt.

Mt.-yeraea, New Yerk


Mr. aid Mn.K. s. iwmnM.nh. .Ml T.y.L. 22-4) 4»fl.Swaar

Season's Greetings



<24 Waw )IM SMaat

p. s. F%m

S. lAU


ROY. T. tm•m-tOMM

1$42t W.llb batiaii. MMIra

Season's GnriaiMOTOR cm GOLFCLN


Talapbaa.; UMhanlnf 4-4W4

Richard Akad famRy

41 West 95tfc Street New Yerk 2S, N.Y.


SUEHIRO RESTAUJ.p.nte. Cuitto. — Sultiy.VI. Tto,

35tAST Mfk ST. n™ TOM 1».< MUMAT HIU. i-TIST






Keith and Larry 31-3113tlh St.


an “UStosrioJ;


^1 nftUPAY tSSUi — PtCtMilK 1t-28. Ttt4 THt FACIHC CtTItiW 0 sKTioM i—e

Nisei reclaim niche in Hood RTverth«« ut no in be Bkt.the Odd FeUon or tlw Em-

Br <^Ce Nakuwn fren Ideho end ^reir'Jeney. The hate peddleci hmd tbeir One of the aeot ouWtaad- upon at beetHOOr> RI\’BR. Ore —Thii hey day untU the decent mind- tnc Niaet in the Bute of Or**

valley, famoua for iu fruit denred wtih ad peoide of the ralley ^kc fon ia Ray "Qiopin-'- Yaaui. ^the worid over, tuna in the “P- ««e-by-on* the He it aerrin* hie oMond ms ”«nhm rf «.o.- • *i. pm«i •»™.dl.trisTh« pi~d~t tk. Diuikkdc«pprt Uk..u H«od .nd Wlowini ih. rrt«m .«kpre. “»™> O'™--

Perfatpa thete are reaanfi why they auppon the JACL

atrencly and' enable the Uid-Cotosbia chapter to mn new hlfha in neabanhip oeaHy e\-ery year. LK uailopea downward tome 20 hebly the son difficult they The people of Hood River *“ « «»»

mile* towarda the mictaty had ever fajud aiace their ralley caa^^^^e their tue- Taaui waa rteeoi- ^Columbia River. It if located emifration from Japan, ^ ‘ pieioBa aa ih^'^tse to kaow ’*’• ® ‘ -------------------------- =-------

f*me. There are cloae to 13.- aubilety. -WE •RESESIV'E mingled at acbool and Puyallup Valley JXCI.000 aeree in orcharda rang- thE EIGHT TO REFUSE emerged aa dan- ■ offieeta waa held at the New

I feet SERUCEi^. mechanica aeciWariaa. COUNTV OFFiaAI. RaaUuraal. h^e.^ ; Nim D«. 11. '

Org^iionabe^ ^ to- in the county ia Jan Kura- Tboae obligated wet* hara. om of five newly alee- Komoto, prea.; lira.

T.p. (Tkco-

000,ac)ing from 200 to 1.S00 feet SERMCE' in eletatiOD. Peara account for neariy 8.000 acre*. Apploi follow with about 4.500 acres.

COME BACE STAKTS Bflt here Snd there waa a rile Niaei

n. bki.«. I. ««i. .p oi i" «"»' s: ■«>cherries with a acattaring of Groceriet were available p^l,^ the Safeway ator* in town

— or Mclaatca in Parkdale. InThe populate-of 14.000 I. ^ ^

made up mamb- of Bngliab. ^Germana and i

Uona. Rotary. —— --------ITmr and even the American Kueahata w also Ditwetor of Kawhbata. e.p

PNW- to. lr«.

, leaden

«« *»0 VMia after Endow. Jr. a one-use r.>vi - to. u«.. Toah Twbo*. xee. we find the Ns«. I>C Treaaurer. Who aerrea on ^c., Saip Mukai. cor. sec..

comsunity. the county Democraiic Cen- pf gam Uchlyama. 1000I ^ Takemura, del

Bob Misukami was masUr ■

khC ONDOISTS-Ch.loren of P.nue- I JACLnr* who denced the Olym-

>ndo on UN Annivertery at Commer- Aoteum on Oct. 18, ere: (from left)

Mercia Myrekemi, Agnet Mor,- lori Kile .Frank G. Bintwanger,

) of Soerd, Philadelphia Civic

Cenrer, Karen Kita, Van, Cye. 2nd roA'; Sjiart Ohama.' Barbara Okamote. Nir>cy Moriirchi, Katherirw Nagehajhi, Cathy Yamamotp, Pamela Saaagwa, Karen Tam- aki. Top: Suian Saaagawa. Jorti Oye end Pcily Yamamoto.

t.™«, „x;i2.TS>. i» ?”>■ '~rLike moat rural cominu* The aame waa true of the has aerved aa Chief. Other economic sUtua Dr. George Han, wwly

niUM on the weal coast, the furniture and appliance serve on school boa^. on ,h«a isfora. .laetad president of the Poet-Japaneae came hen around aiorea. the farm equipmbot the bo^tal ^ ^ land Chapter, talked on,^UB-

have become part uf the hti- Iftry of this area. Some help­ed biiUd the local Teilroada while others

ahepa and haicdtesiera.

ladelphia in '64-of acrw of land by hand and horses. They toiled for mea­gre wages on the far» of

two clamir numbere In oth^te. Moat scrimped and jFujima style. - aarad until one day they

Directory ’"Sred to buy a piece of theInued from PageB.22) iby whfch tma Inlerrieweea, Grmt» PhiUdeJDhia **“* “® *•'’ “*maeting. trecfag the,*** xre. Directors- rf J.pan-e ^

of Japanwe Uad- The Japaaaae History Pro- R^d«,tj wu publMted in «lesign and bow it haa ject ia well underway with 75 xpriL Not .oolv waa a com- 1'®““* nuencod by Shintoiam. pet. of the laaei m.rveya com- provided butam ,and tba eomnic pleiad. An list for oral ,i^ , handsome profit waa

-history interkiewe wu com- They could get on the farma„._ui piled and taping la proceed- , , and in the fruit packingbhalrsan Hiroshi “P* P™' Chapter members b a v e

praaented framed kept weil informed drea and hopofujly prayedof the JACL Creed to The Chapter held its An- u,e bi-monthly News-

CxMla. Bigttlirhts of mt were tbe giria va.

ffietory Prejeet

July Dr. GlRacial hatred, criaa of

apprecia- son. 'rvacuatioo and rrioea- tioB

ipoka to 70 at a dtn- d«j porfonniiig a dane*. 'ping. She informed uap«e.^ying of tbej-Okobue the hysterical d ay a befor*p:TT*otstatiia and pro-(jtpanme flute), tea cere-wtnnw «»« ^vacuatioo- slowly trickledf the JapaiMM His- nn,nv demonstniuon and i*DC Chaptm- of the Eire- tj,* nation.Wet and ewplained‘our Chaptera fhorrographer. nium. We hope we have lived They

and merhariwn Hatsumi Hamda. perform- up to this honor in mt.

bdrt^ued the auki>-aki dinner Woked-Harbor. Anl! the war b^* aea-i-ed to 122 pac^le at- The dark daj-a that follow^

. tsjdiag the Nationality Serr- are now a part of a<VU*er . nu."»« «l o.,,t.r ,m.»I to-™

^ ' I

//.‘/Sf^ /-t / M.

Merry ChristmasWM ikv iMMcr i«~. I* -toto *« 1^ y««.»•.to««. toSilTi-.. m* _ dl .rirt ntom -d «m«W •. .. amtoMnu, d Ito Nd. Trar r«»to «Arl»eP““ “i* ta r™ "A Y~k.




Crectings from

Puyallup ValleyV'ashifigton

Praetor Food MartIf02 N*. Mrii

Twcmm. Wiiiliitii Gaorga A Chiya Iwatiri


BaldahlSon Power Mower brt»«tnew locatioh



nh. fudiR. immmtr, OrtdR

Puget Sound Vegetable Growers




eiU A»«k Mewlae) 4tH not IT, lAST.

VeMwe >1. W^lia00e\

IStk St. DrireJiUnmbr&Cleuihrt



* A.U. I, t P.M. Odiy — T AM. I, E P M. SddttarSerrice Free AcmubU to Senior

Citinni nnJ CoHof. StnJonU



Gtfdeiier i Farm



MuVaCTae'an.4«t>T. UJTsm i4w>'

M. 1 H. NokofOMO'R

F..U tlUoTtoTitHF

ki^ end Met. G. Uva*

Torro SIFT SHOPties*. 11th St.


RAY BOCK Equpnent Co.

llthNWSthrsp Rd.





lIMJPasMcHwy.S*.MarsIWsy.WmluUm» Cntii.. t T.«

CipitAiaeAiigrt CLEANING* PRtSSiNG


1114 CmxC

a. JAM» KiiosaiTAm

WUioEoU P-wOmo tktt-i*o««nl11B-S4lhA«*.Ea»t

T^sma. WHh •***^_




24~sienoN • - thi FAeiPie emziN giciAi HOUDAY rsm-ptcnn^J

fZ -KPacific Citizen Chronblo^1K3

Dee. 13 — Ttmoy* K*'ig»rd reply

- 15 PC.1 — fMl- Q/PB uKl FiUptao AmencuM Met

uiJy. «f Ko OB Pnv- «>«»«»«■• «*« toOct. 15 — OhMUl Enter- ‘oltmUy by ,

m ornni*** ^ Se^ " '

■■ i' i

\ ^e -A.

_ DfC poetluit

In one rf W» to« otrie^ G«irel H«ui' T. Shimeneu- tu DC Sea M*leo eeleetod eommu^ cenier.- " iiu teto Ntoei haw ■•netuTBl modamter oC S« rreaclieo OcU 20-fVad Wa

D^c 30-Fr«*w S. Take- role to U.8.-japai> foodwiir Prwbytery Cor aaeoiKJ half Dr Kattuau , nov. u^y,moto, 50. of HmoIuIu pro-at Holli-woDd JACL e^ent. of l»M.moiH brigadier g»eral. U.; May 4 - U. S. SupiwM July'2-P«iid«t “

OcL 30-Jt-1 11-*.) •

-July < JACI, ■“'■'ISSff w.rrtof><T mihtor> .

S. MelhPdiat Chun^ . Ni-« to be «.Airenaial conference at Pitto- _ 77 Oct, 25 - Japan Premier k-_ ,, _

______ . ,jeWd of Education reaovce|Ma.v 7 —Japaneae Ami ! -GoU*b P-oad"

*JAOoj -rji:;;*

jjaa.'i « — japsuac iv-ifor Pair Houamg groupa c'__-r--A i_ In n

,---------------- ■1*“^ “■ a”.laS.'.N-jaei ruaww frooPPearl Har-.tiaUve. P**“ ^ ^ Sov. 1—NC-W^OX: adopti named forHiaa^bor day. May 10-Henrj- Obye Uk« July 16 - CPS rxKip health plan, an- .dedtoated; tlTL

California votera, and Matahall ■ to (

Edear Htwew wama Chineae the Pwifie Ocean to Japan preaideBl at National R^i^ J- A- — --------——ta'on a Piper Comanche; flight licah ConreBtioo

LnldeUi ‘ ■ “ ■ ■ ■ ■ ” ■kXMnmuDBK opaMKcc ------ ----- ----------, No»'. 3 —^ ijaiuomia Toinraii

A trj-in* to tafUtrale AmericanldeUined fit« Oakland until Fronciaco; fim C^ta^ umvtt Prop 14 4to nuUifyj . Chineae community; Chineae’June 22 for mecbanica! r*- be nemipatad lor U.S. jjoutiaa Uaa); 4.526.460lI leadera in U. S. doubt iu paira. _ idency. yea _ 2J95.74? no. — Haa-aii

Keb. 3 - U A. Ma>-or Yorty, Max' 18 — U. S. Supreme j„iy 22-Pedetal court p-t,v Tak«oto Mink Und.appointa Ge^e Saiki. 35. aa'Caun im-alidatea law strip* xilaata upholds Civil B4ht»l, ,|,t orw rotes) ..................

Nov. 22 -

,4 mayor's______ ____ ____ ___________ ______ —,Keb. 10—House pasM HRjttououalv overaeaa for three w- local h^ and

7152.avilRi*htoActof lW4.lj-m« or more (Angelika L. ______ _ ____by rote of 290-130. [Schneider «.*); natur^ . 35 _ Downtown bylcod" to'PW„7|

Feb. 11 — Iheoma voteni^^aM noti^ of Iw edebrotaa S5th annl-Itacumbent BlaWell.-Aknm.' Nov. 24-OiJi9|jject open occupancy law in of ataenahip in Ja^ tedd Sahuro Kido Ohio defeaU local fair hona-lto aoulhwM Imj^erondum. 23.026-7.470^ , to_.ppl.x- for recoo^erotion. referendum.--.Crenshaw So,^^

. ---------------------------- fir* Ntoei ment adjacea^_ Public Aecom-i^^,,,,^.,^^ Sen..announced byH (Title H) to R*p Sf*rk Mat-ittoh.

isunca (110.0821: Maaalo Doi. Nov. 23 - « lent Nisei nuntos for Hooo-|Oourt uptaoldi «

reject .[referondum. 23.026-'

Peb. 13-L. A. City Coub-. may .-v — ruwv — rA..,u Ki>« n.WrrciJ approve idana of Little man (Deonia M. Gounda. 221 Au*. 14-De^

Aaan. ,aaaicned to nuclear subma-

HRSr Pttti COMING OF - Dayton JACL floto antered in the etty't Columbwr Day parade vx«n first prize this year. Joyce Yukawa (left) and Marcia Toyama, who

rode the "Teahouse" float, help in corv siruction. Neal Sopewara (seated) can t hook up the lanterns, so he tils.

Installation climaxes Daytoi\ year

■ for hia 36 j-aaia to JACU |ew in , referendum. - lOenahaw Sqatia.• 14 —Death of Nie«. GehTge Yonehiro electod|ieat toning dmpi Proncia Mijihara of PUcer~<»unty tCalif.) die-'conatmrtioe t<i

DAYTOK, Ohio — The’ Main speaker for the eve- ■■«w.inl

a benutifu] and iora Sen. Kuchel <R-Oalif.),ImmisTatioB to HawaiT' (in*aui.)|imim*iaiion in irawiui x«aj up from- - Ou»-|japan«e). > piuj, f^r S.F. Gi-

jowruiultobon dinner Noe.Intog wa. Dr. Newell Weri of Japaneae Teahouse was coo- «r for rff^ m 1962 to; June 2 - „ta agmnm X-Y. Mett. (Had14 with Ctoctonati JACL Tbeolopoal Sam-[tonwled and «tered to tha NOWNwi^^r^lSSi^P^on rtohU

“5 ^ iaddroas to tba audieoce con- a number of j-eara of effort,; jyj,, 24—Initiala\.^to_^nul-l— Ted Saito of San U«idro tIGOTSept. 1 — Detroit adepts,

jaamima pout ei.iow voww x»>^ S««n«to Superior ^t^J^71^1117«

i,„4M« prondoB laaivwuaia witnCalifoniia Su- n*i»l “» "«J®y P'***?^

. TA/M anoroas 10 lua auoiaoi* w»- > ujuuma, — ——. ■ as—iiiiuauv^to nul-j— Ted Saito of San Leocidro,AlfJ—l »,-.U O. U.. w-

■ v.H^n.i j*n nromdent ht»*a rolatioo. confronting this ye«-. the first placeLha pluiwliaUc eociely within ^on in the float division. . -----------

^vtfcB area. H. indi- lovely girto t*eo aUired in togu petition. Uiard memben. coeveyea lua . . . ,_______ .___ , ..j .—«!««-

*hott-;Uw quaUfiea for ballot:|Acad«ny - Judge rtohu"■.Fdur 'J-ACL had urged Nism not|Safcuma poUt P1.169 votes to homeownen ngtit.

, ■"- ’r'*?^*^'***.*^ j^pMew Ameri- kii^oJ’ and two toJiatoera Mar. 2 — San Malao OtylCtourt judgwhip.f“ Iha^l-wn art. Idraaa. depictod lha blending Council appoint. lahi-i June^

cootrt- lof Wntem mid Eatoem cul- mni ~ --------- -----------------------------

d that Nisei toiouW I j,„t w« detogned by ' Mar. 3-SeattJe voters re-enrncslly strive t t good ’

fl^’rh. “>« f^hoee particular aapecta Riebai'^ Hance and poo*- .1 ,,oaao', c-.'.iw—/of Japaneae culture and ao- atnicted antn the taaiatanca 0ciety which are reapecCed and of Dean Knutson, Prod >'“*k«M in Mrh ASieem «n/i ICnn SiiMwara while the Mar. 7—«0»-l«»

0,1 ritnioo Mot. bill «- s*i»-.2.rr--_____erave guealiotts aa to Houae Judioary aubroenmil-{u^smutionality — NafI te* to repeal immigrotion

occupancy ordi-

<0- ‘‘•-srSb-StST'-"" Aatoi.) High for iU neae adii’^ and 3.4M Jip-,«ion of fint Japaneae aneae alien.,naturaliaed dur-, on regular curriculum ing. PY ^ ^

implementing JACL Sept. 6-Judn John Atoe leae Language Projeet. of Lot Angles taUa MIS re-

June 7—Canada Prim Min- union to HoiuriuUi “utfliiy of

•P.C. cartoontot, Pete Hirooa- j sijv.r'be Silver pa ^ deaervadly to

.lUUW AWJ A uwtmmwtt . —

^ the WCA Worid Felloawhip.« e—♦».. T».i«ii..!ProcTam. The purpose,-of hr 7^52.

later Pearaon declarea Cana- foreign language da to not proud d iu war- not confined to.war.

-upW-troatment of Japaneae SepL 18 - Privau ceiuua Cuadiana at a TmooW Jap- reports 430.135 Japaneae to

hto work by the National Premdent. ‘>*'-

Nealy Installed B o a r d aUnding memhma for CtocianaU to- Chapter.eluded Gordon Yoriiiknwa,; Cheinnan for the InetaHa-l»'™6™m. -me purp^-. ............................ ................... ............................. ...........................................chairman: MiUi Kato. rec. iton Dinner was Mas Yama- P««ram u to fur^i Oriental ansae Community CenterBmail. aa of 1»8.sec : Prank Okuro. ueaa; ^ki. i the aim. and ideals of YW-: Sept..3G-Jack Mayeda,ro-Prancea Tbjo and Kay Mu- „ . ^ . ... ^ on m intematmii^ Lake. Waab.. oty council. June 10-US. Senate to- signs at Natl JACL youthroia. ex-officlo. The romato- The JACL aupfcrviaed auW- Mar. 14 — Maryland legto- rokes cloture to stop filibuat- director,ing Board membero tocludod J-aki dinner ««t^* P«>&t uiuro adopU strong public er agatott ch-il righto bill. SITBEME OOIHT OPENSStmtlev Powell. Uly Saatld. of $420 for the YM'CA and .^ceimSon. law; to firot 71-^^ 75-d.y debate; Oct. 5 -- ArgumanU on

gained for the Dajton Chap- south of Maaoo-Dixon Rnally named 73-27 on June firat challenges to 1964 Civ-) ter a tremendous amount ot ,uch stand. to ' ' il Rights Act beard on opan-

Tanforaa race- jun* 22—H«rj- Ohye fi- tog day of U.S. Supreme ' J da-QBiiy takes off for Tedeyo on Court a

inlei- 1-ily Sasaki. ‘ ^Judy Suiurikaa'm. and CathyYoahikaa-a. : On ....... —. - - - „

.New board member* • for guesU enjoyed the Sakur* good wOX from the public. m„. 20 —the Dayton Ch^itertoroni In Matouri aponaored by the Prom the viewpoint of public owik sold f« __ _______wero Mat k'amnaaki. chair- Dayton JACJa Deapito a retolion*. it was an over- ,.,toiJm*Bt: tote waa wartime fij*i ^lo flight aeresa Oct. 14-^-Gov. Brown ad­man; Prod Flak, v.c.: Sue steady all-day rain, the Pea- «-belming auccesa on the part *j„iaWy center. Pacific from Oakland; arrives dromes first all-OrtoBtolSugimoto. roc. sec.; Sumia Uval raised a net profit of of the JACL. The Chairman / H»TOBY PROJECT i„ Tokyo Julv 7. function to Lm Angtoea. co-Sameahima. trena.; Ken Bu- over J200. Guests were pleta- of the T'WCA Board as well, Upr. 7 — Caraegie Oorp.. juae 29 - -Pfc. Wayne A. apoiiaered by JACL. Chmaae g»Bmr*. ea-officio. The re- anily aurprised b>- the high aa Individual members of the'y;^ york. endow* SKW.OOO av.b.)H 20 of Honolulu'American Ottom AlUaaoe. matotog Board amtoers to- quality of exhitoto and dem- iBoaid peraonslly thanked thaJapan*** Htotoey Project-luued to South Metnam oniAmericaa Korean Ontohtoa-cluded EvrivB Barnett. Hi- oniUatiooa shown by the Chapter for its wonderful co-, (Sama group had contributodi___________________---------------------------------------------------------dfo Okuho. Yoiehi Sato, mod mestoera. They included re- operation. Jane Sugawar*:j4(|j)oo to 1934 to study d\ IJE^BAI Any

' • ■ - *-as chairman for the affair Intoto prabltm.) ! su but **s supported in a mag- |

_____. e nanimous spirit by all the (jilaqiie. Cr^ and ladies in the Chapter.It only being a 1^*1 Chap- JACI-

William Yukawa. ligioua art. a typical Japs- was chairman for the affairlKi**i problem.)>h'elvn Baaaett wa* racip- neae room on a foot aUge. but »*a supported in a mag- | aj*-. 13 _ Second Ktoeii 7^^ 84 ,j„t rsatatoiog

lent .of the JACL Creed for JAa. booth diaptoying the nanimous spirt by all the (Pfc. Alan Matnura d H.ou-[ 26-Prande Kellogg 'Original 13 aetUere founding.................................... ................................................................. „ ............. ^ Ibe Tamaio Coteny to 1908.

' ScaJion s Grcch'n^


>Mt.l«^,U.Awl»U . **

h IftO L HISHIKI. Publidsr




»1 i. im ft*» iwv X“ A*l*x(

eat*. (XuptdE eciapbook. brush in *ddition to these three t_____ tnber for many year*, unipter aciapooon. uiusu m •onilion to ineae inroe u«n c»hool teacher aunmnaa “but. al*o. for t b e gra.-ioua writing, pamlingi, doll die- mato projecto. a number of Apt. 14—Juatiee Dept, to- duHnr WW2 toLnta July 14—Bradford Smith, manner to which she helped play and origami The sale of „«,u of leaner importance lerpreto pending cinl righto OWI chief to Honolulu dur-tha Japaneae in the Dsxloo wnanju, kimoooe for dolls. *•*«. held during the year, bill as protecting lights d ing WW2, author <rf‘•Ameri-

i during the Naturaliaa- and arte and craft proved fi- Briefly, these events canaUt- i.n o-z_r^ ShAm -Nat from Japan "

I to livtogston. Calif.

tion program. nanrtolly auccanaful.

Nonoshita Receives Annapolis Appointment

riefly. t I of tv

1 party.. school director at Baa&iiig-atcnics. bowling meot opportimitiea; question Jan. 22—Rev. Sboeen Nai-

bridge toomsmnu ratowl »rhe«i amendment al-to,^6. forwr «e«tive eec- Bhaflabti^y.With the CincinnaU Chapter, 'owe emploxee* to refuse to retary. Buddhist (2iurehea of Louegr. m snarmoury. dancefinforiah.Whdaltol- hire atheiato. ;Am*rica (1953-61). to Santowe'en square dance Apr. 14- Totoiiro Hiraide, Pranciaco.

JXJIVSBIP CAMP ■ Ntoei seeking City Coun- M*r. 2-Tokichi MatoutAa.




I CROSSRO^* Erfand tha JACL end the PACfl^

A Vary Marry ChriihnD^ j and A Vary Sues»«tol Naw t

»UJX>n>iBIP CAMP In addition, the JACL p

By M. FRANK Pl'KrZAW A raliun. was a LOS AXGtXE.'t - Mon- to direciiog

day. May 11, 1964 »-ill never learnii be forgotten by Wayni gory Nonoshita. On arriving wh.. home from El Camtoo College guidance, on that day he found tarn But there were also ad- lettrr* awaiting him Oue was ditional,4actora for Wayne's


July 30—San. Ctoir bigla (D-Calif.). 62, chief eongrea- aiona] critic of WRA, to

e aingieo out «r.. different religious and fon,,, I*. T.- "■

' “ Mar. 7—Dr. Morton Grod- gs, Japans YMCA founder “T tins. 46. author of '•Amen- j* San Freactoco.

Betreyed," to Qdcago. , xug. 11 — Momota Okut*.or tut lOTwer leacner* vxu** .» r.—AmIhyw ruuf —.pplied sUmulatios and guchi TerkiT^rr^'riir P»*e« rOMUtnity lender

.tion Program Chairman. iArthur. 84. to ’A abort htolory of the Na- jg-New York’ JACLi

—•— its 2HHb anniv«r-'6®- l^ej-ear sum-1

ito 20th aninvnr-

at_ji-^pol«’"ippoiniment requlrm:i;;Stog''''‘i7s “7^ 22-8tolldB taetfca onap- more than famUy love, it re-lnj****. *in» „d objection.

u& quires yetar* of pr^relion ^ progrom. Thisi^^Tw^aTfe ^ -abort summary was irana-'

New York. in Southern California. Taijiro Kasuga, Long Bench. Calif. '

CHy fdooeer Aug. 31—Robert T. Eoik- of :Dn. 47, youth worker and to-

short summary wm to tba <bto-latnd Into Japanese by Ma^

strawbenlca, to Japan whila Isuranceeun. to Loa Aagelea. vsestfcmtog. ' Oct 20 —Qtarlea F. Sea-

May 8—Dr. Mika Hayano, 'fanok. 83. togineer and farm- 44, SealUe-boro btocheitoat. ier. paved way for rolocntion to Wotvestar. Maas. of 2.000 avacuaes

from Congrenaman Chariea H. receiving this honor. An An<;*mUen during Wilson (D-Calif.). congnii_ji'^polia appointment requirea'merimg Uslaltog Wayna tipoa bW » more than famUy love, ii re-l,,.^ *__pt^tment to the Uniitd quires year* ©f pr^r*lion ^ future progrom.StatM Naval Aiademy. The and achievement, hardwork. second was from Raar Ad- psaaing aumtoaliona. resist-

I- ■M.X .^1 —W to ta™, ^ tn OM- QIHbeak worm ” At Washing- worked hard to make aoa of Japanese aaeaWy to.go- Nov. 30 — . Dr. Rjrumku

' the year a suecem. The Chap-play to r.S. major ]eagu«. /' June 27-Dr.*Hmiry K. Mi-Tbunbda. 87. feundtr sad “ ---------------------------------- nami. 56. D.C Dept of Pub- first curator

fire full credit to hia paronta.ja "book worm.” At Was

_ J t.i_ r-M.l,. Iitlftv At-bAlanhin awante

He^ hia closa family lim.!ntog scholarship awanla (Seal ter Chairmnn-'ia aatremely TWIUGHT ZONE* ......................................... ............. ....... .................and hia cioaa lamuy um.,^ «-------- ----------_« --------------- - B»«,bei; who May 1 - Nall JAC?.^;iic Health denttol and activa University Library of Japs-aa lamuy um.|nmg scnuiarsutp mmmjMM tocsi •"-------—

_B wdaiad out that the en- Bearer) in aatbenaatics andjappreciatlve ^oursgement and gutoance of jacieoce. he wta atoo cUm|partlnpated hto father, who if to tha da-ipemident, andg^ section of Garrett Cofpo-lbody pcasidanL

jtay X — zxax r 4Ax.,M.^n>-, ,b. <mum umusv aoa acuve univatstry lai balpad to tests rapatitioa of ap^'iaai Maaonic leader, to TVashing- nere-^ndiaa

•nt, and later studantltba ac'tirities :'-Paari Harbor' mxty oh CTS ton. D.C.1 Kenaugnwara-Twi^ Zone" •*^”‘1

ID. V.C. pneuB^iia eatouU to JapanJune 3G-Yustku Yam«n,ito ••1 HodOltlllL


210 S. SsB Fadrs Street

Lst Angalaa 12. CMWamHj

HOUD.4Y GREt:ri’^(^


HkTHNetion^TjXCt'^uneil R«**

Oue Coniideration Be Give" ♦

_ ADomo W- a Caitral DiHwiia DWiW J

Mir, gnekal. 77$ N. Abkav *

PacMk $«rikwii< DWtW <JACLO«;m, 174 w.ll»> SV. Lax *‘‘«^‘** _


TheCapHolLifel47t S. im lha. L» '

Tri.; UJ43«PAUL CHINN, G.n,r«l >