Nuclear matrix attachment regions antagonize methylation-dependent repression of long-range...

Nuclear matrix attachment regions antagonize methylation-dependent repression of long-range enhancer– promoter interactions William C. Forrester, 1,3 Luis A. Ferna ´ ndez, 1 and Rudolf Grosschedl 1,2 1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Departments of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143 USA The immunoglobulin intragenic μ enhancer region acts as a locus control region that mediates transcriptional activation over large distances in germ line transformation assays. In transgenic mice, but not in transfected tissue culture cells, the activation of a variable region (V H ) promoter by the μ enhancer is dependent on flanking nuclear matrix attachment regions (MARs). Here, we examine the effects of DNA methylation, which occurs in early mouse development, on the function of the μ enhancer and the MARs. We find that methylation of rearranged μ genes in vitro, before transfection, represses the ability of the μ enhancer to activate the V H promoter over the distance of 1.2 kb. However, methylation does not affect enhancer-mediated promoter activation over a distance of 150 bp. In methylated DNA templates, the μ enhancer alone induces only local chromatin remodeling, whereas in combination with MARs, the μ enhancer generates an extended domain of histone acetylation. These observations provide evidence that DNA methylation impairs the distance independence of enhancer function and thereby imposes a requirement for additional regulatory elements, such as MARs, which facilitate long-range chromatin remodeling. [Key Words: MAR; enhancer; LCR; methylation; chromatin] Received August 10, 1999; revised version accepted October 1, 1999. Transcriptional activation of genes in mice has been shown to depend on enhancers or locus control regions (LCRs) (for review, see Dillon and Grosveld 1994; Martin et al. 1996). LCRs, described initially for the human b-globin locus, are required for the formation of an “open,” DNase I-sensitive chromatin domain before transcriptional activation (Forrester et al. 1987; Jimenez et al. 1992). In transgenic mice, LCRs are functionally defined as elements that mediate developmentally regu- lated expression of linked transgenes at physiological levels, independent of the site of chromosomal integra- tion (Grosveld et al. 1987). In addition, these sequences overcome variegation of gene expression at the single cell level (Festenstein et al. 1996; Walters et al. 1996). LCRs have been identified in many genes and are com- posite sequence elements that typically contain an en- hancer combined with auxiliary sequences. Although the role of enhancers in chromatin accessibility and tran- scriptional activation of linked promoters has been stud- ied extensively (for review, see Blackwood and Kadonaga 1998), the functions of the auxiliary sequences remain obscure. The immunoglobulin μ heavy chain locus contains an intragenic enhancer region that can function as an LCR to activate a distal variable region (V H ) promoter or a heterologous promoter in germ-line transformation as- says (Adams et al. 1985; Jenuwein and Grosschedl 1991). The 1-kb μ enhancer region includes a well-character- ized transcriptional enhancer (for review, see Ernst and Smale 1995), the promoter for germ-line noncoding Iμ transcripts (Lennon and Perry 1985), and nuclear matrix attachment regions (MARs) that flank the enhancer on either side (Cockerill et al. 1987). In transgenic mice, the MARs augment the function of the μ enhancer in acti- vating the V H promoter by a factor of 30–1000, whereas the enhancer-proximal Iμ promoter is significantly less dependent on the presence of MARs (Forrester et al. 1994). The dependence of μ gene expression on MARs in germ-line transformation assays also contrasts with the modest effects of MARs in transiently or stably trans- 3 Present address: Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, 103 Goldenson Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 USA. 2 Corresponding author. Present address: Gene Center and Institute of Biochemistry, University of Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany. E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX 49-89 21806949. GENES & DEVELOPMENT 13:3003–3014 © 1999 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/99 $5.00; 3003

Transcript of Nuclear matrix attachment regions antagonize methylation-dependent repression of long-range...

Nuclear matrix attachment regionsantagonize methylation-dependentrepression of long-range enhancer–promoter interactionsWilliam C. Forrester,1,3 Luis A. Fernandez,1 and Rudolf Grosschedl1,2

1Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Departments of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of San Francisco,San Francisco, California 94143 USA

The immunoglobulin intragenic µ enhancer region acts as a locus control region that mediates transcriptionalactivation over large distances in germ line transformation assays. In transgenic mice, but not in transfectedtissue culture cells, the activation of a variable region (VH) promoter by the µ enhancer is dependent onflanking nuclear matrix attachment regions (MARs). Here, we examine the effects of DNA methylation, whichoccurs in early mouse development, on the function of the µ enhancer and the MARs. We find thatmethylation of rearranged µ genes in vitro, before transfection, represses the ability of the µ enhancer toactivate the VH promoter over the distance of 1.2 kb. However, methylation does not affectenhancer-mediated promoter activation over a distance of 150 bp. In methylated DNA templates, the µenhancer alone induces only local chromatin remodeling, whereas in combination with MARs, the µ enhancergenerates an extended domain of histone acetylation. These observations provide evidence that DNAmethylation impairs the distance independence of enhancer function and thereby imposes a requirement foradditional regulatory elements, such as MARs, which facilitate long-range chromatin remodeling.

[Key Words: MAR; enhancer; LCR; methylation; chromatin]

Received August 10, 1999; revised version accepted October 1, 1999.

Transcriptional activation of genes in mice has beenshown to depend on enhancers or locus control regions(LCRs) (for review, see Dillon and Grosveld 1994; Martinet al. 1996). LCRs, described initially for the humanb-globin locus, are required for the formation of an“open,” DNase I-sensitive chromatin domain beforetranscriptional activation (Forrester et al. 1987; Jimenezet al. 1992). In transgenic mice, LCRs are functionallydefined as elements that mediate developmentally regu-lated expression of linked transgenes at physiologicallevels, independent of the site of chromosomal integra-tion (Grosveld et al. 1987). In addition, these sequencesovercome variegation of gene expression at the singlecell level (Festenstein et al. 1996; Walters et al. 1996).LCRs have been identified in many genes and are com-posite sequence elements that typically contain an en-hancer combined with auxiliary sequences. Although

the role of enhancers in chromatin accessibility and tran-scriptional activation of linked promoters has been stud-ied extensively (for review, see Blackwood and Kadonaga1998), the functions of the auxiliary sequences remainobscure.

The immunoglobulin µ heavy chain locus contains anintragenic enhancer region that can function as an LCRto activate a distal variable region (VH) promoter or aheterologous promoter in germ-line transformation as-says (Adams et al. 1985; Jenuwein and Grosschedl 1991).The 1-kb µ enhancer region includes a well-character-ized transcriptional enhancer (for review, see Ernst andSmale 1995), the promoter for germ-line noncoding Iµtranscripts (Lennon and Perry 1985), and nuclear matrixattachment regions (MARs) that flank the enhancer oneither side (Cockerill et al. 1987). In transgenic mice, theMARs augment the function of the µ enhancer in acti-vating the VH promoter by a factor of 30–1000, whereasthe enhancer-proximal Iµ promoter is significantly lessdependent on the presence of MARs (Forrester et al.1994). The dependence of µ gene expression on MARs ingerm-line transformation assays also contrasts with themodest effects of MARs in transiently or stably trans-

3Present address: Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, 103Goldenson Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 USA.2Corresponding author. Present address: Gene Center and Institute ofBiochemistry, University of Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany.E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX 49-89 21806949.

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 13:3003–3014 © 1999 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/99 $5.00; 3003

fected B cell lines (Forrester et al. 1994). In transfectedmature B cell lines, no effects of the MARs are observed,whereas the MARs contribute to µ gene expression bya factor of five in immunoglobulin-secreting plas-macytomas (Herrscher et al. 1995). This effect is likelydue to binding of the transcription factor Bright, which isexpressed in activated or terminally differentiated Bcells, to multiple sites in the MARs (Herrscher et al.1995).

MARs were proposed initially to contain DNA se-quences that mediate attachment to the proteinaceousscaffold in histone-depleted metaphase chromosomes(Paulson and Laemmli 1977). By virtue of these interac-tions, MARs have been hypothesized to represent thebases of large chromatin loops, which are anchored tothe nuclear matrix (Mirkovitch et al. 1984). Consistentwith this view, MARs have been found to colocalize

with the boundaries of nuclease-sensitive chromatin do-mains (Loc and Stratling 1988). In addition, MARs canfunction as boundary elements to alleviate position ef-fects in transgenic animals (McKnight et al. 1992; Kalosand Fournier 1995; Phi-Van and Stratling 1996). MARsalso have been found to interfere with enhancer–pro-moter interactions when placed between these elements(Stief et al. 1989). However, in association with tran-scriptional enhancers, MARs may exert a different func-tion. Together with flanking MARs, the µ enhancer canconfer chromatin accessibility upon binding sites forbacteriophage RNA polymerases at positions 1 kb distalto the enhancer, whereas the enhancer alone mediatesonly localized accessibility (Jenuwein et al. 1993, 1997).Therefore, the function of MARs in extending or block-ing enhancer function may be locus or context depen-dent.

Figure 1. Analysis of the expression andmethylation status of rearranged wild-typeand DMAR µ genes in transgenic mice andstably transfected B cells. (A) Structure ofthe rearranged µ gene. Above the map ofthe µ gene, the positions of all CpG di-nucleotides are indicated as vertical lines.The intragenic locus control region (LCR),enlarged below, contains the enhancer(Enh µ; black bar), flanked by matrix at-tachment regions (MARs; hatched bars).The exons are shown as open boxes, andthe transcription start site of the VH pro-moter is indicated by an arrow. Transcrip-tion factor-binding sites are indicated asgray boxes with numbers 1–5 correspond-ing to binding sites for proteins of the E2Afamily, the A and B sites are recognized byEts family proteins and PU.1, respectively,and the O site interacts with Oct proteins.Small black boxes represent SV40 en-hancer core sequences (Ernst and Smale1995). Relevant restriction sites: (S) Sal; (B)Bam; (H) HpaII/Msp; (X) Xba sites 1–3;and (Xh) Xho. (B) S1 nuclease protectionassay detecting specific µ transcripts intransgenic and transfected M12 cells. µwild-type and DMAR genes were stablytransfected in an unmethylated or in vitropremethylated form. The positions of thespecific µ transcripts and the endogenousb-actin transcripts are indicated. Numbersrepresent individual cell clones. (NT) non-transfected cell line. For the S1 nucleaseprotection assays, 10 and 20 µg of total cy-toplasmic RNA were used to detect actinand µ-specific transcripts, respectively. (C)Analysis of the methylation pattern of thetransgenic or transfected µ genes. Geno-mic DNA from the corresponding cellswas digested to completion with BamHIand with either Msp (M) or HpaII (H), andblots were hybridized with a radiolabledprobe that abuts the 58 Bam site as shownin A.

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One clue into the function of the µ MARs came fromthe observation that they appear to act predominantly ingerm-line transformation, but not in transfection assays(Forrester et al. 1994). During early mammalian develop-ment, genome-wide CpG methylation, which provides ageneral repression of gene expression, occurs after theimplantation stage (for review, see Brandeis et al. 1993;Tate and Bird 1993; Yoder et al. 1997). DNA methylationis reversible and genes that are expressed in differentiat-ing somatic cells are regionally demethylated (Cedar1988). A role for MARs in demethylation was suggestedby studies in which immunoglobulin k gene constructs,methylated before transfection, were found to be de-methylated only in the presence of both MAR and intra-genic k enhancer region (Lichtenstein et al. 1994;Kirillov et al. 1996). However, these experiments did notexamine whether MARs are required for enhancer func-tion at a distance and they did not investigate the corre-lation between the methylation state and transcription.Recently, a direct link between DNA methylation andinaccessible chromatin structure was provided by thefinding that the methyl-CpG-binding protein-2 (MeCP-2), which acts as a repressor when artificially tethered toa reporter gene, recruits the mSin3/histone deacetylasecomplex (Nan et al. 1997, 1998; Jones et al. 1998). Thus,the question arises as to whether MARs collaborate withthe µ enhancer to overcome long-range repression of pro-moter activation by a mechanism involving DNA de-methylation or histone acetylation.

Here, we describe experiments in which we methylateµ gene constructs at all CpG dinucleotides, before stabletransfection into B cell lines, and examine the effects ofMARs on the activity of the distal VH promoter, themethylation state of the transfected genes, and the acety-lation of histones. We find that long-range, but not short-range, enhancer function is inhibited by DNA methyl-ation. Moreover, we observe that extended histoneacetylation in methylated µ genes requires both theMARs and the enhancer, providing a mechanistic basisfor understanding the requirement for composite regula-tory elements, such as LCRs, that act over large dis-tances in nuclear chromatin.


Methylation state of immunoglobulin transgenes

In transgenic mice, previously we have shown that theexpression of a rearranged µ gene is dependent on thepresence of both the µ enhancer and the flanking MARs(Fig. 1A; Forrester et al. 1994). To examine the methyl-ation status of the transcriptionally active wild-type µtransgene and the transcriptionally inactive DMARtransgene, which lacks both MARs, we digested genomicDNA from transgenic pre-B lymphoid cells with BamHIand the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme HpaII(H) or with the methylation-insensitive isoschizomerMspI (M; Fig. 1C). Demethylation of the transgene at aHpaII site 0.8 kb upstream of the enhancer, which isaccompanied by the appearance of a 0.8-kb fragment, is

observed in the µ wild-type but not the DMAR gene (Fig.1C, left).

In vitro methylation represses enhancer functionin the absence of MARs

To establish a cause-and-effect relationship between themethylation state and the transcriptional activity of thegenes, we adopted the approach of methylating DNA invitro before transfection of tissue culture cells (Lichten-stein et al. 1994). The µ gene was removed from plasmidDNA backbone and incubated with the prokaryotic SssImethyltransferase, which will convert the cytosinewithin a CpG dinucleotide to the 5-methyl-C derivative,thereby reproducing the specificity of a mammalian denovo methyltransferase. We introduced methylated µgenes into M12 B cells and determined, by RNA analysis,the activity of the VH promoter in clones containing sta-bly integrated µ genes (Fig. 1B). Transfectants containingthe unmethylated wild-type and DMAR genes, generatedsimilar numbers of specific transcripts initiating at theVH promoter, consistent with the previous finding thatMARs are dispensable for enhancer function (Forrester etal. 1994). In contrast, the VH promoter activity of thepremethylated DMAR gene in individual clones is re-duced by a factor of 5–20 relative to the activity in clonescontaining the wild-type gene. Premethylation of theDMAR gene decreased both the frequency of µ-express-ing clones as well as the levels of VH promoter activity inµ-expressing clones. Thus, methylation of the µ gene be-fore transfection imparts a requirement for MARs simi-lar to that observed in germ-line transformation assays(Forrester et al. 1994).

MARs contribute to demethylationof the transfected µ gene

We examined the methylation states of the transfected µgenes by analyzing genomic DNA as described above. Insome clones containing the premethylated µ wild-typegene, quantitative demethylation was detected (clones 2and 5), whereas partial demethylation was observed inclone 6, and no demethylation was detected in clones 3and 4. In contrast, the DMAR µ gene remains fully meth-ylated in all clones, including clone 6, which contains alow level of µ-specific transcripts. These results suggestthat quantitative demethylation is not necessary for theactive transcriptional state of the transfected µ gene. Intransfectants containing the unmethylated µ and DMARgenes, we do not detect de novo methylation suggestingthat in the time course of these experiments, the MARsare not acting to block de novo methylation.

Methylation generates an inaccessible chromatindomain in a transfected µ gene

Previous analysis of the chromatin structure of theDMAR µ gene in transgenic B cells revealed that the µenhancer alone was sufficient to establish DNase I hy-

MARs augment long-range enhancer–promoter interactions


persensitivity, although sequences distal to the enhancerwere DNase I resistant, relative to the endogenous µ lo-cus (Forrester et al. 1994). To address the role of DNAmethylation in establishing a similar chromatin con-text, we incubated nuclei from transfected M12 cellswith increasing amounts of DNase I and determined thesensitivity to digestion of the DMAR gene (Fig. 2). Simi-lar to our observations with transgenic mice, we findthat the enhancer of the transfected DMAR µ gene (EµT)is hypersensitive to DNase I digestion (Fig. 2A) regard-less of the methylation state of the transfected DNA.The cross-reactivity of the DNA probe with a fragmentcontaining the endogenous µ enhancer (EµE) serves as aninternal control showing that both transfected and en-dogenous enhancers are similarly DNase I hypersensi-tive.

To examine the overall chromatin structures of theunmethylated and premethylated DMAR µ genes, wecompared their rates of digestion by DNase I with that ofthe transcriptionally active endogenous µ and mb-1genes, and the transcriptionally inactive MyoD gene (Fig.2B). The unmethylated DMAR gene fragment is digestedfaster than that of the transcriptionally active mb-1 geneand endogenous µ locus fragments. In contrast, the di-gestion rate of the premethylated DMAR gene resemblesmore closely that of the inactive MyoD gene and theinactive mb-1 pseudogene (cmb-1; Kashiwamura et al.1990), which is also detected with the mb-1 probe. Asexpected, the digestion rates of the endogenous gene lociare similar in both DMAR lines. Thus, the premethyl-ated DMAR µ gene resides in an inaccessible chromatinstructure, although the enhancer is locally hypersensi-tive to DNase I digestion.

Distal but not proximal enhancer functionis repressed by DNA methylation

The DNase I hypersensitivity of the µ enhancer in tran-scriptionally inactive premethylated DMAR µ genes sug-

Figure 3. Analysis of the expression and methylation status ofthe 58Enh gene. (A) Structure of the 58Enh gene in which the220-bp enhancer (Enh) fragment lacking both MARs was in-serted at a BamHI site 154 bp upstream of the VH transcriptioninitiation site. (B) Analysis of the transcriptional state of un-methylated and premethylated 58Enh genes in individual stablytransfected M12 clones by S1 nuclease protection. The positionsof VH-initiated transcripts (µ) and transcripts initiating up-stream of the normal start sites (RT) are indicated. (C) Analysisof the methylation status is as described previously (Fig. 1C).

Figure 2. Analysis of the chromatin structure of transfectedDMAR genes by DNase I digestion. Nuclei from M12 cells sta-bly transfected with an unmethylated or methylated DMARgene were digested with increasing amounts of DNase I. Geno-mic DNA was digested with ScaI–BglII and hybridized with a0.67-kb EcoRI–HindIII DNA probe. (A) DNase I hypersensitivityat the µ enhancer is indicated by arrow labeled EµT for thetransfected and EµE for the endogenous µ locus. (B) GeneralDNase I sensitivity of the transfected DMAR gene (IgHT) incomparison to transcriptionally active (IgHE and mb-1) and tran-scriptionally inactive (MyoD and the pseudogene cmb-1) endog-enous gene loci. The sizes of the DNA fragments, in kilobases,are shown at right.

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gested that methylation may interfere with interactionsbetween the enhancer and the distal VH promoter, butnot with local factor binding at the µ enhancer. To ex-amine short-range enhancer function in the absence ofMARs, we placed the enhancer alone in a VH promoter-proximal position, 150 bp upstream of the transcriptioninitiation site in a construct termed 58Enh (Fig. 3A). This58Enh gene is expressed at levels comparable to those ofthe µ wild-type gene in both clones containing unmeth-ylated and premethylated templates (Fig. 3B). These datasuggest that methylation inhibits selectively long-rangeenhancer function and does not interfere with transcrip-tion factor binding and local chromatin remodeling, andwith short-range enhancer function.

The methylation pattern of the 58Enh genes before andafter methylation was examined and indicated that en-hancer-mediated VH transcription does not, by itself,produce demethylation. Partial demethylation of the dis-tal HpaII site was detected in 4 out of 10 clones, whereasno significant demethylation was observed in the 6 otherclones (Fig. 3C). In contrast, quantitative demethylationwas observed at a HpaII site, introduced immediatelyadjacent to the enhancer (data not shown). These resultsresemble numerous examples showing that activelytranscribed genes can retain methylated cytosines andargue against a passive role for transcription in the de-methylation reaction.

Distal demethylation requires both MARs

MARs have been shown to augment transcription in latestage B cells by interaction with the protein Bright (Herr-scher et al. 1995). To assess the repressive effects of DNAmethylation in late stage B cells that contain Bright, wetransfected unmethylated or methylated µ wild-type andDMAR genes into S194 plasmacytoma cells. For this ex-periment, in addition we used genes lacking either the 58or 38 MAR (Fig. 4A). Analysis of pools of independent cellclones transfected with unmethylated µ genes indicatedthat deletion of both MARs reduced µ gene expression bya factor of 10, which is slightly more pronounced thanthe effect previously observed in transient transfectionassays (Herrscher et al. 1995). Deletion of one MAR hadno detectable effect (D58MAR) or decreased gene expres-sion by a factor of two (D38MAR). However, premethyl-ation of these genes revealed a marked dependence of µgene expression on the presence of both MARs. Thus,the MARs may subserve two functions in plasmacyto-mas. One function, which requires both MARs, may an-tagonize methylation-mediated repression, whereas theother function, which requires only one MAR, appears toinvolve up-regulation of enhancer activity on unmethyl-ated DNA templates and in cells containing the tran-scription factor Bright.

Analysis of the methylation state of the transfectedgenes indicated that the enhancer-distal HpaII site, 0.8kb 38 to the BamHI site in the VH promoter, is methyl-ated in cells containing premethylated DMAR genes (Fig.4C). In contrast, the enhancer-proximal HpaII sites, 1.4or 1.7 kb 38 of this BamHI site, are predominantly de-

methylated. The µ wild-type gene was demethylatedquantitatively at both distal and proximal positions, con-sistent with previous observations (data not shown;Kirillov et al. 1996). Thus, MARs may facilitate extendeddemethylation by a process that is independent of tran-scription.

LCR-mediated demethylation is independentof VH promoter activity

To examine putative contributions of the VH promoterto the long-range interactions with the µ enhancer re-gion, we tested the effects of a mutation in the octamerof the VH promoter (µOp−), and the deletion of all VH

Figure 4. Analysis of the expression and methylation status ofµ genes containing a single MAR. (A) Structure of genes lackingeither the 38MAR or the 58MAR. The positions of BamHI andHpaII (H) sites are indicated. In these constructs, a HpaII sitehas been introduced at the 38 end of the enhancer. (B) S1 nucle-ase protection assay of total cytoplasmic RNA isolated fromstably transfected pools of S194 cells. (C) Analysis of the meth-ylation status by digestion with BamHI and either MspI orHpaII. The size of the BamHI–HpaII fragment generated bycleavage at the enhancer-proximal HpaII site is 1.4 kb for theDMAR and D58MAR, and it is 1.7 kb for the D38MAR geneconstruct. The probe, shown in A, also hybridizes with an en-dogenous S194 DNA fragment indicated by an open arrow.

MARs augment long-range enhancer–promoter interactions


sequences upstream of the transcription initiation site(Dpro; Fig. 5A). The activity of the µOp− promoter instably transfected S194 pools is reduced ∼10-fold relativeto that of the µ wild-type gene (Fig. 5B). This mutantpromoter yields a greater number of readthrough (RT)transcripts that initiate upstream of the major start siteand resemble the germ-line transcripts described for un-rearranged VH segments in immature B cells (Yancopou-los and Alt 1985). The Dpro µ gene is also transcribed,albeit at a 10-fold reduced level, suggesting that the ini-tiator and downstream elements can direct transcriptionof this mutant gene (Ernst and Smale 1995). After meth-

ylation, the levels of transcription from the µ wild-typegene and both promoter mutants are similarly reducedby a factor of three relative to the unmethylated genes,suggesting that the VH promoter does not contribute tothe effect of the LCR in overcoming methylation-depen-dent repression.

Analysis of the methylation state of both premethyl-ated VH promoter mutants indicated that the enhancer-distal HpaII site is predominantly demethylated, sug-gesting that demethylation is not dependent on full pro-moter activity (Fig. 6C). In the Dpro µ gene construct, theremoval of the upstream BamHI site generates differentjunction fragments between the µ gene and flankingmouse DNA that reflect individual integration sites.Most of these fragments are demethylated, although atsome integration sites this mutant µ gene is refractory todemethylation.

Figure 5. The VH promoter is not necessary for µ LCR func-tion. (A) Structure of genes containing point mutations in theVH promoter octamer site (µOp−) or a deletion of all sequences58 to the transcription initiation site (Dpro). (B) RNA anaysis byS1 nuclease protection. In µOp−, some transcripts, initiated atupstream start sites, read through the normal cap site (RT). Inthe Dpro gene, transcripts initiated at the VH start site or in the58 flanking mouse DNA will produce the same protected S1fragment. (C) Analysis of the methylation status of transfected(Transf.) genes. The µOp− gene generates restriction fragmentssimilar to those of the wild-type gene. In contrast, the digestionpattern of the Dpro gene is more complex because this analysissurveys genomic sequences at the junction of each chromosom-al integration site. Endogenous cross-hybridizing restrictionfragments (Endog.) are indicated.

Figure 6. Specificity of enhancer–MAR interaction. (A) Struc-ture of µ genes containing the SV40 enhancer (stippled box, seeMaterials and methods). In µD1SV, the SV40 enhancer is in-serted between Xba sites 1 and 3, in µD2SV the SV40 enhancerwas inserted between Xba sites 1 and 2. In µD4SV, the µ en-hancer was replaced with SV40 enhancer without removing theflanking MARs. (B) RNA analysis by nuclease S1 nuclease pro-tection assay. (C) Analysis of the methylation state of the trans-fected genes as described in Fig. 1C.

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Specificity of enhancer–MAR combination

To examine the potential modular structure of the intra-genic µ LCR, we replaced the µ enhancer with the simianvirus 40 (SV40) enhancer (Fig. 6A). The µ and the SV40enhancers share a similar composition of transcriptionfactor-binding sites and are both highly active in trans-fected B cells (Ondek et al. 1987; Pettersson and Schaf-fner 1987). The SV40 enhancer was inserted alone(µD2SV), or together with the MARs (µD4SV) into the µgene context to generate constructs analogous to the µDMAR and wild-type gene, respectively. The µD1SVgene is a derivative in which the SV40 enhancer has re-placed most sequences of the large intron.

In pools of stably transfected S194 cells, the SV40 en-hancer alone directed expression of the unmethylatedµ gene construct at levels only fourfold lower than thoseobserved with the unmethylated µ wild-type gene(Fig. 6B). The comparable µ enhancer-bearing constructDMAR is expressed at levels ∼2.5-fold lower (see Fig. 4B).In combination with the flanking MARs, the SV40 en-hancer mediates µ gene expression at a level that exceedsthat of the µ wild-type gene. Therefore, the SV40 en-hancer is two to three times stronger than the µ en-hancer. After methylation, however, all µ constructscontaining the SV40 enhancer are transcriptionally in-active (Fig. 6B). Moreover, none of the premethylatedtemplates containing the SV40 enhancer show demeth-ylation at the distal HpaII site (Fig. 6C). These experi-ments suggest that the µ MARs act differently in un-methylated and methylated genes. Before methylation,the MARs act to modulate the activity of both µ andSV40 enhancers, whereas after methylation, the MARsfacilitate long-range effects only in combination withthe µ enhancer.

MARs induce long-range histone acetylation

Recently, the methyl-CpG-binding protein MeCP-2 hasbeen shown to recruit a repressor complex containingmSin3 and histone deacetylase-1 (HDAC) to chromatin(Nan et al. 1997, 1998; Jones et al. 1998). This findingprovides a potential mechanism for transcriptional re-pression by deacetylation of histones in the vicinity ofmethylated CpG dinucleotides. To examine whether theability of the µ MARs to antagonize methylation-depen-dent repression of long-range enhancer function involveschanges in the acetylation of histones, we used a cross-linking and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay (Be-lyaev et al. 1996; Kuo et al. 1998). M12 cells, stably trans-fected with premethylated µ wild-type or DMAR genes,were treated with formaldehyde, and sonicated nuclearchromatin fragments were immunoprecipitated with an-tibodies directed against the acetylated forms of histoneH3 and H4 (Kuo et al. 1998). The precipitated (“bound”)DNA fragments were analyzed by PCR amplificationwith primers that detect either the VDJ exon of thetransfected µ gene or the transcriptionally active endog-enous mb-1 gene (Fig. 7). Serial dilutions of amplifiedDNA fragments indicated that the amount of the VDJ

fragment of the µ wild-type gene that is precipitated bythe anti-acetylated histone antibodies is ∼10-fold higherthan that of the precipitated VDJ fragment of the DMARgene. In contrast, similar amounts of mb-1 fragmentswere precipitated from wild-type and DMAR chromatin,although the mb-1 locus showed a preferential acetyla-tion of histone H3 relative to histone H4. Together,these results suggest that the MARs facilitate the gen-eration of an extended domain of histone acetyltation,which may allow for the long-range chromatin accessi-bility observed previously in the wild-type but not theDMAR µ gene (Forrester et al. 1994; Jenuwein et al.1997).


Our studies with in vitro methylated µ genes provideseveral novel conclusions about the regulation of long-range gene control. First, methylation effectively inhib-its enhancer function in a distance-dependent fashion.Second, the retention of local enhancer activity after

Figure 7. Analysis of histone acetylation in premethylatedwild-type and DMAR µ genes. Formaldehyde-fixed chromatinextracts from M12 cells, transfected with the premethylated µwild-type gene (clone 5) or the DMAR gene (clone 5), were im-munoprecipitated using specific antiserum raised against acety-lated histone H3, acetylated histone H4, and preimmune serumas a control. Bound chromatin was recovered and used as atemplate for PCR amplification. A series of fourfold dilutions ofthe immunoprecipitated DNA, starting with 10 ng, was used forthe amplification and detection of VDJ exon sequences (300-bpproduct) and mb-1 promoter sequences (350-bp product) as in-ternal control. Ten nanograms of total DNA “input” from eachof the cell lines was used to assess the relative enrichment ofspecific sequences in the immunoprecipitations. Specific am-plification products were analyzed by electrophoresis through a3% agarose gel.

MARs augment long-range enhancer–promoter interactions


methylation is manifested by the establishment ofDNase I hypersensitivity, the ability to induce DNA de-methylation, and by the activation of a proximal pro-moter. Third, the methylation-induced repression oflong-range µ enhancer function is antagonized by MARs,which indicates that distance-dependent enhancer ef-fects can be regulated. Fourth, MARs, in combinationwith the µ enhancer, are the first genetic elementsshown to induce acetylation of nucleosomes at distalpositions. Finally, methylation of genes before transfec-tion may establish a cell culture model of LCR functionand should provide additional insights into lineage-spe-cific transcriptional control mechanisms.

Methylation-mediated repressionand local enhancer competence

DNA methylation can inhibit gene expression either di-rectly by interfering with DNA binding of specific pro-teins (Watt and Molloy 1988; Iguchi-Ariga and Schaffner1989) or indirectly by recruiting repressor proteins suchas the methyl-C binding proteins (MeCPs; Nan et al.1997). The full transcriptional activity of the 58Enh genesuggests that neither the VH promoter nor the µ en-hancer is directly repressed as a consequence of CpGmethylation. Rather, our data support an indirectmechanism that acts to interfere selectively with long-range enhancer function. Consistent with the recruit-ment of the Sin3/HDAC corepressor complex by theMeCP-2 protein (Jones et al. 1998; Nan et al. 1998), wefind that the methylated DMAR µ gene is assembled intochromatin that is hypoacetylated and generally inacces-sible to DNase I digestion, except at µ enhancer.

The recruitment of MeCP2 and transcriptional repres-sion is a function of density of methylated CpG di-nucleotides (Boyes and Bird 1992). In the region spanningthe VH promoter and intragenic enhancer, the density ofCpG dinucleotides is lower than that of one CpG per 126nucleotides, which was found to be minimally requiredfor repression by MeCP2 (Boyes and Bird 1992). How-ever, MeCP2 can also bind specifically to MARs in theabsence of methylated CpG dinucleotides suggestingthat this protein may have two modes of DNA binding(Weitzel et al. 1997).

In premethylated DNA templates, the µ enhancerlacking both MARs is able to exert, at least, some func-tions. Specifically, the enhancer induces DNase I hyper-sentive sites and activates a proximal promoter, indicat-ing that a functional nucleoprotein complex is formed.The LTR of murine mammary tumor virus has beenshown to contain binding sites for the glucocorticoid re-ceptor that serves as a “pioneer” protein to initiate lo-calized chromatin remodeling by recruitment of theSWI/SNF complex (Cordingley et al. 1987; Yoshinaga etal. 1992). These changes are necessary for subsequentbinding of nuclear factor-1 (NF-1) to sites located on theadjacent nucleosome (Fryer and Archer 1998) suggestinga hierarchical relationship similar to that described forthe yeast HO promoter (Cosma et al. 1999). In the HOpromoter, the Swi5 factor acts as a pioneer protein that

sequentially recruits SWI/SNF and the SAGA acetyl-transferase complex, which permits the binding ofSwi4/6 to other sites in the promoter (Cosma et al.1999). No pioneer proteins have yet been identified forthe µ enhancer, and none of mutations in Oct, µB, orE2A-binding sites have been shown to abrogate enhancerfunction in transgenic mice (Jenuwein and Grosschedl1991). However, the cooperative assembly of an en-hancer complex during DNA replication may also in-duce a local perturbation in chromatin. Consistent withthis view, the µ enhancer core forms an enhancer com-plex in assembled chromatin by cooperative binding ofmultiple proteins (Nikolajczyk et al. 1999).

In addition to the local perturbation of chromatin, theµ enhancer, but not the SV40 enhancer, can induce localDNA demethylation. Local demethylation at the µ en-hancer region may be active, involving a “demethylase”(Weiss et al. 1996; Bhattacharya et al. 1999), or passive,reflecting the interference of maintenance methylationby an enhancer factor after DNA replication. Recent ex-periments have shown that demethylation of the Igk lo-cus occurs on one allele and precedes the rearrangementof the gene locus consistent with an active and targeteddemethylation process (Mostoslavsky et al. 1998). Alter-natively, it is also possible that an enhancer complex isassembled one allele at a time (Milot et al. 1996), leadingto allele-specific demethylation.

MARs mediate long-range µ enhancerfunction and histone acetylation

Previously, we have shown that the µ enhancer, togetherwith flanking MARs can confer accessibility on a distalT7 RNA polymerase promoter, independent of ongoingtranscription by endogenous RNA polymerases (Jenu-wein et al. 1993, 1997). These experiments, in whichbacteriophage promoters were used instead of eukaryoticpromoters, argue for a role of MARs in extending en-hancer-induced accessibility and possibly demethylationin the absence of DNA looping. Thus, MAR-dependenteffects may be propagated in cis along the DNA. We nowfind evidence that, in collaboration with the µ enhancer,the MARs are involved in extending local accessibilityby inducing the acetylation of histones at distal posi-tions. This extended acetylation of histones is reminis-cent of the domain-wide histone acetylation that comapswith and may establish the general DNase I sensitivityacross the globin locus (Hebbes et al. 1994). The domainof histone acetylation in the globin locus spans bothtranscriptionally active and inactive genes and encom-passes both demethylated and methylated DNA. In ourexperiments, we also note that demethylation is neithernecessary for nor a consequence of transcription, consis-tent with previous finding of partial demethylation ofthe endogenous µ locus in pre-B cells (Gerondakis et al.1984). Thus, the extended histone acetylation in the pre-methylated µ gene may not be linked to DNA demeth-ylation.

The regulation of long-range chromatin remodeling re-mains poorly understood. Histone acetylation is known

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to be targeted to specific sites by acetyltransferases thatare associated with specific transcription factors andmodify nucleosomes in a highly localized fashion(Kadosh and Struhl 1998; Kuo et al. 1998). In contrast tothe b-interferon (IFNb) enhancer, which induces histoneacetylation only at proximal nucleosomes (Parekh andManiatis 1999; this study), the µ enhancer/MAR regionmediates extended histone modification.

Several mechanisms can be considered to underlie thepropagation of histone acetylation and chromatin acces-sibility. Chromatin remodeling by MARs may reflect themutually exclusive binding of histone H1 and high mo-bility group protein I/Y (HMG I/Y) to high affinity sitesin the MARs, allowing for a switch between higher orderand decondensed chromatin states (Zhao et al. 1993).HMG-I/Y also plays a role in mediating long-range tran-scriptional effects (Bagga and Emerson 1997) and facili-tates the assembly of a multiprotein complex at theIFNb enhancer (Thanos and Maniatis 1995). Another po-tential mechanism by which MARs influence the long-range function of enhancer complexes could involvechanges in DNA topology. MARs contain DNA-unwind-ing elements as well as preferred sites for toposiomerases(Bode et al. 1992). Some chromatin-remodeling enzymes,such as CHRAC, have topoisomerase activity (Varga-Weisz et al. 1997), and recruitment of such protein com-plexes to MARs or the enhancer may allow for a propa-gation of an altered chromatin structure. MARs may alsoserve as preferred loading sites for chromatin remodelingor histone acetyltransferase complexes that are recruitedto the µ enhancer after the binding of pioneer proteins orthe assembly of a nucleoprotein complex. For example,recruitment of the histone acetyltransferase PCAF toDNA through a heterologous DNA-binding domain hasbeen shown to mediate long-range activation of a linkedpromoter (Krumm et al. 1998). Finally, MARs may serveto maintain an open chromatin structure in transfectionassays of premethylated DNA templates. The insulatorof the chicken b-globin locus prevents transcriptionalinactivation and maintains a transcriptionally permis-sive and hyperacetylated chromatin domain, but it doesnot protect against spreading of DNA methylation (Pi-kaart et al. 1998). Thus, multiple mechanisms may beused to overcome the repressive effects of DNA methyl-ation and histone deacetylation.

Relationship of the µ enhancer/MARregion with LCRs

The combination of the µ enhancer and flanking MARsrepresents a simple LCR that controls both long-rangechromatin remodeling leading to the acquisition of gen-eral DNase I sensitivity and transcriptional activation ofthe VH promoter. Several factors bind competitively tothe same four sites in the µ MARs. Cux/CDP, previouslynamed NFµNR, down-regulates the basal activity of theµ enhancer in early B and non-B cells (Scheuermann andChen 1989; Wang et al. 1999), whereas the positive ac-tivator Bright increases µ enhancer function in termi-nally differentiated B cells (Herrscher et al. 1995). The

role of these factors and associated proteins in mediatingMAR-dependent changes in chromatin is unknown andit is possible that the transcription and chromatin effectsare mediated either by distinct MAR-binding complexesor different MAR sequences. Multiple roles of MARs intranscriptional activation are also inferred from experi-ments showing that the µ MARs augment the functionof both SV40 and µ enhancers in the context of unmeth-ylated templates, whereas the MARs stimulate only µenhancer function in methylated genes. Moreover, dele-tion of a single MAR has no effect in unmethylated µgenes but abrogates expression of premethylated DNAtemplates.

In the immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor loci, for-mation of an extended domain of accessible chromatin isa prerequisite for somatic gene rearrangements that pre-cede high levels of V region promoter activity (for re-view, see Sleckman et al. 1996). A similar requirementfor long-range remodeling of chromatin structure as aprerequisite for recombination has been observed inyeast. Recombination competence over the entire lengthof a chromosome arm has been found to be regulated byan LCR-like regulatory element that contains a cluster offactor-binding sites and flanking A-T rich domains (Wuand Haber 1996; Haber 1998). Given the strong depen-dence on the MARs in our transgenic and transfectionexperiments, it is surprising that no significant effectsare observed in mice in which the MARs were deletedfrom one allele of the endogenous heavy chain locus(Sakai et al. 1999). One possible explanation is that oneof the many MARs located elsewhere in the µ heavychain locus compensates for the loss of the intronic µMARs (Cockerill 1990). Redundancy of regulatory ele-ments in the heavy chain locus was originally noted invariant B cell lines in which the entire intronic enhancerregion has been deleted with little or no effect on immu-noglobulin expression and rearrangement (Zaller andEckhardt 1985). Redundancy was also observed in thenative b-globin gene cluster, in which deletion of theLCR has only a modest effect on chromatin structureand transcription (Epner et al. 1998). Moreover, we can-not rule out the possibility that MARs can also act intrans to augment enhancer function.

In conclusion, our observation that the µ enhancer re-quires the collaboration with a flanking MAR to conferlong-range action in methylated DNA templates pro-vides insight into the complexity of regulation of geneexpression by enhancers. Moreover, the pronouncedsimilarity of the effects of µ enhancer mutations intransgenic mice and methylated DNA templates intransfected cells provides a strategy for studies of LCRfunction in cell culture transfection assays.

Materials and methods

Cell culture and transfections

All cells were propagated and electroporated as described previ-ously (Forrester et al. 1994). S194 cells (Hyman et al. 1972) weregrown in RPMI containing 5% heat-inactivated fetal bovine se-

MARs augment long-range enhancer–promoter interactions


rum. Twenty-four hours after electroporation, G-418 (GIBCO-BRL) at 100 mg/ml (active fraction) in 100 mM HEPES (pH 7.4)was added to a final concentration of 1 mg/ml (active). Cellswere either cloned by diluting to densities of 104–105 cells/mland seeding of 1-ml aliquots into the wells of a 24-well plate orgrown in culture as an uncloned pool. Ten days after plating,G-418-resistant clones were fed and grown thereafter in nonse-lective media (lacking G-418). S194 pools consisted of >100 in-dependent transformants.

DNA constructs

To generate the 58 Enh gene, the 220-bp Eµ enhancer was modi-fied by the addition of Not linkers and inserted into the BamHIsite, 154 bp 58 to the transcription initiation, which had beenconverted to a Not site. The Dpro gene was prepared by digestingµ wild type with Nde, which cleaves uniquely at the transcrip-tion initiation site. Construction of the single MAR deletions,as well as the SV40 enhancer-containing genes involved Notlinkering the appropriate fragments, which were then insertedinto a common vector, µD2N1(Py), in which the region betweenXba sites 1 and 2 (Fig. 1A) had been replaced with a NotI linker.The plasmids µD4SV, µD2SV, and µD1SV were prepared by in-serting the SV40 enhancer into derivatives of the µ wild-typegene that lacked either Eµ (µD4), Eµ and the MARs (µD2), ormost of the large intron (µD1), respectively. All plasmids wereconfirmed by sequencing.

Preparation of vector-free µ DNA and methylation in vitro

In all experiments, the immunoglobulin µ genes were releasedfrom the plasmid vector backbone by digestion with SalI andXhoI, or BstUI. The DNA was loaded onto a preformed, con-tinuous 5–20% potassium acetate gradient in a SW 55.1 tubecontaining 1.5 µg/ml ethidium bromide and spun at 50 K for 3hr at 4°C. DNA fragments were visualized under long-wave UVillumination and collected by bottom puncture. The ethidiumbromide was removed by several extractions with butanol satu-rated with 10% potassium acetate and precipitated with 2.5volumes of cold ethanol. Methylation of DNA fragments at allCpG dinucleotides was performed by incubating 20–40 µg ofDNA with 10–20 units SssI methyltransferase (NEB) at 37°C for3 hr. The extent of methylation is routinely monitored by thedegree to which HpaII digestion is blocked.

Cross-linking and chromatin immunoprecipitations

Formaldehyde treatment of M12 cells resulting in covalentcross-links between DNA and proteins in close proximity, iso-lation of chromatin, and immunoprecipitations with anti-acety-lated histone antibodies were performed essentially as described(Belyaev et al. 1996). Briefly, 2 × 107 M12 cells, stably trans-fected with premethylated µ or DMAR genes, were fixed in 1.1%formaldehyde. Cells were lysed in a 0.25% Triton solution andsonicated to yield DNA fragments of 0.5 kb average length.After centrifugation, the OD260 concentration of the superna-tant was adjusted to six absorbance U/ml in IP buffer (NaCl 140mM, Triton X-100 1% wt/vol, sodium deoxycholate 0.1% wt/vol, PMSF 1 mM, yeast tRNA 100 mg/ml, BSA 100 mg/ml) andpreincubated for 1 hr at 4°C with 10 µl (per ml) of 50% (vol/vol)protein A–Sepharose (Pharmacia). After several washes, anti-AcH4, anti-AcH3 (Upstate Biotechnology) or a rabbit preim-mune antiserum as a control was added to separate 600-µl ali-quots at 1:100 dilution, and incubated overnight at 4°C. Immu-nocomplexes were isolated by retention on protein A beads,followed by centrifugation. Supernatants were kept as “un-

bound” fraction and protein A beads were washed repeatedlybefore being resuspended in 200 µl of elution buffer [Tris-Cl 50mM (pH 8.0), EDTA 10 mM, SDS 1% wt/vol] and heated to 65°Cfor 15 min. After removing beads the unbound and boundsamples were diluted by adding 300 µl of TE buffer, whereasinput samples were adjusted to 0.5% SDS. All samples wereincubated overnight at 65°C to reverse formaldehyde cross-links. Afterward 3 µl of RNase A (10 mg/ml) was added for 30min at 37°C followed by 10 µl of proteinase K (12 mg/ml) for2–3 hr at 37°C. Samples were extracted sequentially with phe-nol/chloroform and chloroform, and DNA was precipitatedwith two volumes of ethanol and 10 mg of glycogen (Sigma).Precipitated DNA was recovered by centrifugation, washedwith 70% ethanol, and resuspended in 100 µl of TE. DNA con-centration in bound samples ranged between 2 and 6 ng/ml, andin input and unbound fractions ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 µg/ml.

PCR amplifications

Template DNA from input and bound fractions was diluted bysix serial, fourfold dilutions; DNA in the first dilution was 10 ngof DNA. PCR was performed in 50 µl of PCR buffer [Tris 10 mM

(pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 250 mM each dNTPs, 0.001% gelatin (wt/vol), 0.5 mM each oligonucleotides 1 and 2, 1 unit Taq polymer-ase; MgCl2 was optimized for each primer set, being 3 mM forVDJ primers and 1.5 mM for mb-1 primers] using 25 cycles (94°Cfor 1 min; 55°C for 1 min; 72°C for 1 min). Fifteen microliters ofthis reaction was transferred to a new tube containing 50 µl offresh PCR buffer, and cycled for an additional 25 times. Tenmicroliters was analyzed in a 3% agarose gel (Nusieve 3:1). Theoligonucleotides used for amplification of the transfected VDJDNA sequence were VDJ-1.2 (58-GCCTCAGTCAAGTTGTC-CT) and VDJ-2.2 (58-GTAGTCCATAGCATAGTAA). For am-plification of the endogenous mb-1 promoter we used the oli-gonucleotides mb-1-A (58-AGGGATCCATGGTGATGAAC)and mb-1-B (58-CAAACAGGCGTATGACAAGA).


W. Forrester would like to dedicate this paper to the memory ofHal Weintraub, whose work helped establish many paradigmsin chromatin structure and gene regulation. We thank H. Cedarand Mark Groudine for discussions. We are also grateful toNancy Biles for preparation of the manuscript. W. Forrester wassupported by a special fellowship from the Leukemia Society ofAmerica. L. Fernandez was supported by a postdoctoral fellow-ship from the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia of Spain. Thiswork was supported by a National Institutes of Health grant toR.G.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part bypayment of page charges. This article must therefore be herebymarked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC section1734 solely to indicate this fact.


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Forrester et al.