Mt: 152mm and Exam - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Mt: 152mm and Exam - Forgotten Books


(15 2m mand (Exam ,


now Ll) . 1 260.


1 30” A UNIQUE l l . 1 1 : um LIBRARY 0 1’ com m un OOLLI GB, cm nm on,



o rum or con-cum m ” nu t tum “Lu-

m m rou t ,

rm , no .

m m or m 00 0mm . or m m xm ‘nocm r.






THE E ditor of th e present valuable and interesting record

of our old English speech will, no doubt, both a stonish and

ala rm h is rea ders by inform ing th em th a t h e h as never seenth e

m anuscript from wh ich th e work h e professes to edit h as been

transcribed .

But, wh ile th e truth must be told , th e readerneed not entertainth e sligh test d oubt or d istrust a s to th e accuracy and faith

fulness of th e present edition; for, inth e first place th e tex t

was copied by Mr. F . J . Furnivall, anex perienced editor and

a zealous lover of Old English lore and , secondly, th e proof

sh eets h ave beenm ost carefully read with th e m anuscript byth e Rev. W . W . Skeet, wh o h as spared no pains to rend er th e

tex t anaccura te copy of th e original.‘ I h ave not beensa tis

fied with m erely th e general accuracy of th e tex t , but all

doubtful or dificult passages h ave beenm ost carefully referred

to, and com pared with th e m anuscript, so th a t th e m ore ques

tionable a word m ay appear, eith er as regard s its form or

Hy obligations to Mr. Skeet (inwh ose accuracy and judgm ent I h ave th e fullestconfidence) are num erous ; and I am indebted to h im , among oth er obliga tions, forth e descriptionof th e m anuscript, and for som e interesting rem arks uponth e m etre

of th e poem . My th anks are also due to th e Rev. J . R. Lumby, wh o m ost kind lyand readily re- oollated nearly h alf th e tex t with th e manuscript.

1 836


m eaning, th e m ore m ay th e read er rest assured of its cor

rectness, so th a t h e m ay be und er no appreh ensionth a t h e is

perplex ed by any typograph ical error, but feel confid ent th a t

h e is d ealing with th e read ing of th e original copy.

Th e editoria l portionof th e presentwork includ es th e punctua tion, m arginal analysis, conjectural read ings, a som ewh a t

large body of annota tions in th e tex t of th e poem ,and a

Glossarial Index , wh ich , it is h oped , will be found to be com

plete, as well as useful for reference .

Th e Corpus m anuscript1 is a sm allvolum e (about 8in. x

bound in vellum , written on pa rchm ent in a h and of about

1 300 A.D . , with several final long f’S, and consisting of eigh ty

one lea ves . Genesis end s onfol. 49b ; E x odus h a s th e la st two

lines a t th e top of fol. 81 a .

Th e writing is clea r and regular ; th e letters a re large, but

th e words are oftenvery close togeth er. E very initial letter

h as a little d ab of red onit , and th ey are m ostly capitals, ex cept

th e b, th e f, th e’6 , and som etim es oth er letters. Very rarely,

h owever, B, F, and D are found as initial letters.

Th e illum inated letters are sim ply large verm ilion letters

with out ornam ent, and are of anea rlier form th anth e writingof th e rest of th e m anuscript . E very line end s with a full stop

(or m etrical point), ex cept , very rarely, wh enom itted by acci

d ent . Wh enever th is stop occurs inth e m id dle of a line it h a s

beenm arked thus inth e tex t .


Our auth or, ofwh om , unfortuna tely,we knownoth ing, introduces h is subject to h is read ers by telling th em th a t th ey ough t

to love a rhym ing storywh ich teach es th e laym an”

(th ough

It is thus described—wrongly, of course, as to age—ia the printed catalogue

of th e Corpus m anuscripts ccccx liv. A parch m ent book in8vo . , writteninth ex v. century, containing th e h istory of Genesis and E x odus inOld English verse.



h e be learned inno books) h owto love and serve God , and to

poem , or song, as h e calls it , is, h e says, turned out of La tininto English speech ; and as bird s are joyful to see th e d awning,so ough t Ch ristians to rejoice to h ear th e true tale

”of m an’


fa ll and subsequent red em ptionrela ted inth e vulgar tongue

(“land ’

s and inea sy langua ge sm all

So esch ewing a h igh style”and all profane subjects , h e d e

cla res th a t h ewill und ertake to sing no oth er song, alth ough h is

present task sh ould prove unsuccessful.‘ Our poet nex t invokes

th e aid of th e Deity for h is song inth e following term s“Fader god of alle fih inge,Alm igtinlouerd , h egeft kings ,’6ugiue m e feli tim ingsTo th annenS is werd es biginninge,Be, leuerd god , towurBinge ,QueiSer to h is red e or fiuge

Th enfollows th e Bible narra tive of Genesis and E x odus , h ere

and th ere varied by th e introductionof a few of th ose sacred

legend s so com m on in th e m edimval ages, but in th e use of

wh ich , h owever, th e auth or is far less bold th anm any subse

quent writers, wh o, seeking to m ake th eir works a ttractive to

th e lewed ,”d id not scruple to m ix up with th e sacred h istory

th e m ost absurd and ch ildish stories, wh ich m ust h ave rend ered

such com pila tions m ore am using th aninstructive . It seem s to

h ave beenth e object of th e auth or of th e presentwork to presentto h is readers, inas fewwords as possible, th e m ost im portant

facts contained in th e Books of Genesis and E x odus wit h out

any elabora tionor com m ent, and h e h as, th erefore, om itted such

facts as were not essentially necessary to th e com pleteness of

1 From lines 1 9 - 26 we m igh t infer th at our auth or intended to include inh is songmuch m ore of th e Biblenarrative th anwe h ave inth e present work.

Fath er, God of all th ings, Almigh tyLord , h igh est king, Give th oum e a propi

tious season, (enable th oum e successfiilly) to sh owth is world's beginning,Th ee,Lord

God , to h onour, wh eth erso I read or sing.

viii PRE FACE .

h is narra tive ; 1 wh ile, onth e oth er h and , h e h as included certain

portions of th e Books of Num bers and D euteronom y,”so as to

present to h is read ers a com plete h istory of th e wand erings of

th e Israelites, and th e life of Moses th eir lead er.

In ord er to ex cite th e read er’s curiosity, we subjoin a few

passages, with a literal transla tion



Lam ech is at ’6e sex te kne, Lamech is a t the six th degree,’6e feuende m anafter adam , The seventh m anafter Ada m ,

h at of caym es kind e cam . Tha t of Ca in’

s kincame.

’6if lam ech war’60 firm e m an Th is Lanzech was thefirst man’és bigam ie firft bi- gan. Wh o bigamyfirst began.

Bigam ie is unkind e S ing, Bigamy is unna tural th ing,Onengleis tale, twie-wifing ;for aiwas rigt and kire bi- forn,Onm an

,onwif, til h e was boron.

Lam ech h im two wifes nam ,

Onad d s,anno’éerwif fellam .

Ad d a bar h im fune Iobal,He was h ird e wittere and wal ;Of m erkc

, and kind s , and h elde,ble,

fundring and fam ening tagte h e ;Iobal if bre’éer fong and glew,

Wit of mufike, welh e knew;Ontwo tablet of tigel and braf,Wrot h e >{Sat wifiom , wif h e was,E at it no fulde benundonIf fier orwater com e

’60r- on.

Sella wune’6 cc lam ech wi’c,Gh e bar tubal, a fellic fm i

’b ;

InE nglish speech , twi—wiving ;For ayewas righ t and purity before,One m an, onewife, till hewas born.

Lam ech h im two wires took,One Ada h , another wife Zilla h .

Adah bare h im a sonJuba l,Hewas a [shep - ]herd wise and ableOf mark,

”breed , age and colour,

Sep ara ting and assembling taught he ;Jubal h is brotherp oetry and music,Craft of music, wel he knewOntwo tables of tile and brass,Wrote he tha t wisdom , wise he was,Th a t it should not be ef acedIffire orwa ter cam e thereon.

Zilla h dwelleth alsoLamech with ,She bareM a l, a wonderful sm ith

Th e following are th e ch ief om issious z—l. Genesis, ch apters 1 1 . 1 0—1 4 ; ix .

20- 27 ; x . 2 7, 1 0 32 ; x x iii. 3- 20 ; x x x . 1—6 , 1 4—1 6, 37—43; x x x i. 1 1 7 , x x x vi.

x x x viii. x lviii. x lix . 1 27 . 2. E x odus, ch apters x ii. 40 5 1 ; x iii. l 1 6 ; x x . 20 - 26 ;

x x i. ; x x ii. ; x x iii. x x v. ; x x v m. ; x x ix . ; x x x . ; x x x i. ; x x x iii. 1 2—23;x x x iv. 1 - 82 ; x x x v. x x xvi. x x x vii. x x x viii. x x x ix . x 1 .3 Num bers , ch apters x i. x ii. x iii. ; x iv. x vi. x vii. ; x ix . ; x x . ;

x x iv . x x v. x x vi. ; x x vii. x x xi. Deut . x x xiv.x x iii.

Na turalmarks ?

x x i. x xu.



op E liopoleos

fag’oif tim ing, & up h e rof ;

If S if child ,” quad h e, “

m ote>(Sen,

He fal egyptes bale ben.

If E orne wore h elps twenlopen,’6ifch ild e ad d s ’6anfone be dropen;iSe kingwi’é - fiod anwif m an,He iside, Be ch ild d o’6 alf h e

call ;

We fulennuwitenfor it ded e>6ifwitterlike, or inch ild - bed s ;

He h ad 2Sis ch ild brenncnto colonAnd h e too is (hum igt h e it h olen),

And inh ife muth fo depe h e ifded e

Hire tunges ende ifbrent>{Sor- m ide ;

h er- fore feid e ’6e ebruwitterlike,iSat: h e fpac fi

’6enm iferlike .

Sawthis circum stance, andup heroes ;If this ch ild , gueth he, m igh t thrive

(growup ),He sh a ll E gyp t

’s bale be.

If there h ad not helpers’tweenleap t,

Th is ch ild ha d thensoonbeenkilled ;The kingwith - stood and a wise m an,He said , The ch ild doth as he can

(knows) ;lVe should nowlearnwhether it didTh is wittingly, or inch ild ishness

Heof ered th is ch ild twoburningcoalsAnd he took them (howm igh t he them


And inh is m outh so deep (far) hethem d id (p laced )

.His tongue’s end is burnt therewith

Therefore sa id the Hebrewtruly,Tha t hesp akeafterwardsindistinctly.



Bi ’6at tim e ’6at h ewas gu’6,

Wi’é faigered and fireugth e kuB,

folc eth iopienes onegipte cam,

And brende, flug, wrech enam ,

Al to m em ph in’6at rich e cite,

And a -nonto b e read e is ;’60 was ogipte folc indred ,And aflted enh ere god es red ;And h em feidenwi’6 anfweren,’6at onebru cude h em welweren.

Moyfes was louered of ’6at h ere,

’6 0r h e wur’o'

Bane egyptes were ;

By tha t time tha t he wa s a youth

(young m an),For beauty and strength renowned ,E th iop ianfolk onE gyp t came,And burnt, and slew, and vengeance


All to Memp h is th a t rich city,

And anonto the Red SeaThenwa s E gyp t

sfolk indrea d ,And asked their god s

’a dvice ;

And they sa id them inanswer,Tha t one Hebrew could them well

Mosesbecameleaderoftha t(Egyp tian)a rmy,

There he became thenE gyp t’

s pro


Or, howm igh t he endure them i.s . , howcould he bear the p a in


Bi a loud weigs h e wents rigt,And hrogtevn-warned eonh em figt ;He h ad dendonegipte wrong,He h i- loo h em fm etts a -m ong,And flug

llSor m anige ; cc fumm efisn,

Into th ba to borgenben.

Moyfes bi- fette al ’6at burg,

0 0 itwas rich e {trongut-’6hurg

E th iopienes kinges dowter tarbis,

Rich e m aid enof m ich el prif,Gaf E if rich e burg m oyfi ;

Lune- bond s h ire gh e it dede for- Bi.

Bar ifs fonh e leid e inbond s ,And h e wa r’S al-m igt -ful inBat

lond ;He bi- lef tarbis h im fero’6 ,

5 0gwas him>{Sa t furgsrunful loiS

Mai h e no lens a t h ire takenbut- if h e it m aiwi’6 crafts m aksnHe waf of anIlt ong m igt wit,He carf intwo gum m ss of prif

Two likenefi'

es, fo graven m steu,

’6is do’6 ’6suken, Bo’éer for

sewn;He felt is intwo ringes of gold ,Gaf h ire >{Se ton, h ewa s h ire h old ;[And quanaweinim enh e woldeGaf h ire ’6e to’6sr, h e was h ire

cold s]Gh e it bored and ’6if luue if for

gsten,Moyfes Bus h aued h im lsue bi

seten;Sons it m igte wi

’o leue h en,Into egypte e wents a -


Soonit m igh t with leave be,I nto E gyp t hewent aga in.

(11 . 2665

x i

By a land -way hewent righ t,And brough tunwarned onthemfigh tThey had done E gyp t wrong,He compassed them and smote among,And slewthere many but somefled

Into Sheba to be saved .

Hoses beset all tha t borough ,But it was rich and strong out

thorough (throughout )Tarbis, the E thiop ian king


daugh ter,Rich m a idenof grea t renown,Gave this rich city to Moses

Love- bond ’s h ire she d id it, therefore.There h is foes he la id inbond ,And he became all-p owerful intha t



srema ined there, Tarbis h im urged ,Yetwa s to h im tha t sojournfullloa thMay he no leave of her takeUnless he it m ay with craft m akeHe was of a strong m igh t and wise,He ca rved in two gem s (stones)

p recious,

Two likenesses a like ca rved anddep icted ,

Th is one causes to rem em ber, and

the other to forgetHefastened them intworings ofgold ,Gave her the one, hewa s dear to her

[And whendep art he wouldGave her the other

, and wa s d istasteful to her]

She it beareth and th is love is forgotten,


oses thus ha th him leave begotten

x ii PRE FACE .


And aaronh eld up his h and And Aaronheld up h is handto its water and ’és m ore lend ; To th ewa ter and the grea ter land5 0 cam ’60r up fwilc frofkss h ere Thencam e thereup each host offrogs’és d ed e al folc egipte d ere ; Tha t d id all E gyp t

sfolk annoySum m e worsnwild s , and fum m e Somewerewild , and some tame,

tam e,

And ’60 h em ded en’6e m ofle fam e ; And those caused them the most

(grea test) sha meIuhufe, indrius, inm ates

, inbed , Inhouse, indrink, inmea ts, inbed ,It cropenand m ad enh em for. d red ; They crep t and m ade them for- dread

(afra id )Sum m e (lem onand gonen(tine, Som e d ied and ga ve (out) stink,And vn- h iled enm ete and drinc ; And (others) uncovered mea t and


Polh eued es, and froth es, pod ss Tadp oles andfrogs, and toad

’s venom

Bond h ard s sgipte folc in[vn- Jfile. Bound hard E gyp t’sfolk insorrow.

_(n. 2967

Th e rea d er m ust not be disappointed if h e fails to find but few

traces inth is work of our pious auth or’

s poetic skill ; h e m ust

consid er th a t th e interest attach ing to so early anE nglish version

of Old Testa m ent History, a swell as th e ph ilologica lvalue of th e

poem , fully com pensa tes h im for th e absence of grea t litera ry

m erit, wh ich is h a rdly to be ex pected ina work of th is kind .

And , m oreover, we m ust recollect th a t it is to th e pa triotism ,

a s well a s piety, of such m en as our auth or, th a t we owe th e

preserva tionof our noble language. Th e num ber of religious

trea tises writ ten in English during th e thirteenth and four

teenth centuries proves th a t th e dialect of religionapproach ed

m ore closely to th e speech of th e people th and id th e language

of h istory or rom ance . And it is a curious fact th a t th e m ost

valuable m onum ents of our language a re m ostly th eological, com

posed for th e lewed and unlearned , wh o knewno oth er language

th anth e one spokenby th eir forefa th ers, and wh o clung m ost

tenaciously to th eir m oth er tongue,notwith stand ing th e ch anges

PRE FACE . x iii

consequent upon th e Norm aninvasion, and th e oppression of

Norm an rule, wh ich , inasm uch as it fostered and kept up a

patriotic spirit, ex ercised a m ost im portant and beneficia l influ

ence uponE arly English literary culture and civilization.


Th e m ere ex am ina tionof anE arly English workwith respect

to its vocabulary and gram m a tical form s, will not enable us (as

Price asserts) to settle sa tisfactorily th e d a te a t wh ich it was

written. Th e place of com position m ust also be taken into

consid era tion, and a com parison, if possible, m ust be m ad e with

oth er works in th e sam e dialect, th e d a te of wh ich is known

with som e d egree of certainty. Th e da te of th e tex t before us

m ust not , th erefore, be confound ed with th at of th e m anuscript,wh ich is, perh aps, a fewyears earlier th anA.D . 1 300 . A care

ful com parisonof th e poem with th e Bestiary, printed by Mr.

Wrigh t in th e Reliq. Antiq. p . 208, wh ich is in th e sam e

dialect, and m ost probably by th e sam e auth or,‘ lea d s m e to

th ink th a t th e present poem is not la ter th anA.D .

Th e vocabulary, wh ich contains very fewwords of Rom anceorigin,

3 is not th a t of Robert of Gloucester, or of Robert of

Brunne, but such as is found inLasam on’

s Brut , or Orm ’


paraph rases, and oth er sem i Sax onworks of th e twelfth and

earlier part of th e thirteenth centuries .

1 Th e Bestiary presents not only th e sam e gramma tical and verbal forms wh ichdistinguish th eGenesis and E x odus from oth er E arlyEnglish compositions, but also itsorthograp h ical peculiarities, s . .g f for sch ;

”6 for th ; g for y and (gh ), etc Th e

editor assigns th is poem to th e ea rly part of th e th irteenth century.

Wartonassigned it to th e reignof Henry II. or Rich ard I . Sir F. Maddentoth e tim e of Henry III . (1 21 6

Th ose employed (aboutfifty altogeth er) are m ore or less tsehnical—aucter, cuter,

astronom igs, arsmetrike, bigam is, hissop , crsbm s, ch arité, canticle, circumcis, corune,crane, desert, graunte, gruchede, holocaust, hostel, ium es (journey), nested (allied ) ,lecherie, lspre, m ount, mester, meister, neve (neph ew), oils, p a is, p lente, pore, p rese


em s pm , prim , m a m as . prop het rocks sw ede, nae (city), sp irit,

sw rn(sojourn), swinacic (quinsy), serue, cernice, ydd es, ydolatm‘


x iv PRE FACE .

Th e em ploym ent of a dual for th e pronouns of th e first and

second persons m arks anea rly d a te (certainly not la ter th anth e

tim e of Henry III.) eveninworks com posed inth e South ern

la te period th ose Anglo - Sax on inflections th a t h ad long pre

viously beendisused inm ore North erndialects .

Th e Corpus m anuscript is evid ently th e work of a scribe, to

wh om th e language was m ore or less arch aic, wh ich accounts

for such blund ers a s§{Srosing for E rosem , waspenc for wastcme,

lags for m - lagc, sile for vn- sile, grauenfor t rauma, etc.

Th e original copy of Genesis m ost probably term ina ted with

1 1 . 25 21 - 4 :

And h ere ended com pletely

Th e book wh ich is called Genesis,Wh ich Moses, th rough God ’s h elp,Wrote for precious souls

’ need .

The concluding lines, inwh ich th e auth or and scribe a re m en

tioned , seem to m e to be th e work of a subsequent transcriber

God sh ield h is soul from h ell- bale,

Wh o m ad e it thus inEnglish tale (speech ) !And h e th at th ese letters wrote


May God h elp h im blissfully,

And preserve h is soul from sorrowand tears,Of h ell- pain, cold and h ot l

Th e Ormulum is th e ea rliest printed E arly English workwhich

h a s com e d ownto us th a t ex h ibits th e uniform em ploym ent of th e

term ina tion- cn(m ) as th e inflectionof th e plural num ber, pre

sent tense, indica tive m ood ; or, inoth erword s, it is th e earliest

printed ex am ple we h ave of a Mid land dialect . I say a Midland

dialect, because th e work of Orm is, a fter all, only a specim en

of one variety of th e Midland speech , m ost probably of th a t

spokeninth e north ernpart of th e ea sterncounties of England ,

Nex t inantiquity to th e Orm ulum com e th e Bestiary, already


m entioned , and th e present poem , both of wh ich uniform ly !em ploy th e Midland afl


ix - en, to th e ex clusionof all oth ers, as

th e inflectionof th e present plural indica tive.

Th ere are oth er peculia rities which th ese works h ave in

com m on; and a careful com parisonof th em with th e Ormulum

induces m e to assignth em to th e E ast Midland area ; but th ere

are certainpeculiarities, to be noticed h ereafter, wh ich induce

m e to believe th a t th e work of Orm represents a d ialect spok en

in th e north ernpart of th is district , wh ile th e Genesis and

E x odus, togeth er with th e Bestia ry, ex h ibit th e speech of th e

m ore south erncounties of th e E a st Midland district . Thus, if

th e form er be in th e d ialect of Lincoln, th e la tter is inth at of

Th e ch ief points inwhich th e present poem and th e Bestiaryagree with th e Orm ulum are th e following

I . Th e absence of com pound vowels.

Inth e South erndialects we find th e com pound vowels no, so,is, ca (yea ) Th e Orm ulum co occurs, but with th e sound of c,and ca inGenesis and E x odus is writtenfor 0 .

II . Th e ch ange of aninitial ’6 (th ) into t after word s endingind, t, n, s, th a t is to say, after a d ental or a sibilant .2

S auna if ts'

s fruit wel fwi’tSe good .

”— (Gen. and ‘

E x . , 1 .“’6e flrfi m oued and to flrfi dai,He fag er

’69 drie towater awei. 6 1 5

E inberg and tinwerger ,ic h am .


“a t to l.

This practice is m uch m ore frequent inth e Bestiary, wh ich is,

wh ips, a proof th a t t h e present poem h a s suffered som ewh a t

inth e course of transcription.

“neddre is it icnam e f—(Rcliq. Antiq. , p.

it is to ned .

”p .

It must be m ollectsd tha t the Ormulum is much earlier th anthe Genesis and

M us.

Soc Ormulum , Introduction, p. lx x viii. ,note 1 06 ; lx x x i. ,note 1 1 2.


=Sis lif betolm e’e ’6e sti

’6at toned dre gange’6 bi,

And tis is ’cc ’6irl of ’és ston,’6at insalt burg gon.

”—I bid ., p.

“at tinh erte .


III. Sim plicity of gram m a tical structure and constructionof

sentences .


1 . Th e neglect of gender and number innouns .

2 . Th e genitive singular of substantives end in - os in all

gend ers .


3. Th e absence of th e gen. pl. of substantives in- ene.

4 . Th e em ploym ent of anuninflected article .


5 . Th e use of >8a t (th a t) as a d em onstra tive adjective, and

not a s th e neuter of th e article. Th e form aGas (th ose) , com m on

enough in th e fourteenth century, d oes not occur inth is poem

or inth e Ormulum .

6 . No inflectionof th e adjective in th e accusa tive singular.

Th e ph ra se godund ai,’

good d ay, in1 . 1 430, p . 41 , conta ins a

solita ry instance of th e accusa tive of th e a djective, but it is , no

Wh ile agreeing with th e editor of th e Ormulum , th at th e simplicity of gram

metical form s m ay fairly be considered as indica ting a less artificial, and th ereforead vanced , stage of th e language, I cannot adopt h is th eory, th a t th e strict rules of

gramm ar" were th erefore abandoned , and th erebywas anticipa ted, to a certainex tent, a

la ter ph raseology and structure , or th a t Orm , or any oth er 0 .E . writer, ever sacri

ficed th e m ore regular for a simpler, th ough m ore corrupt, structure and style. It

must always be borne inm ind th a t our earlierwriters always speak of th eir languageas English ; but it was th e English of th e district inwh ich th ey lived . Insom e d istricts, as inth e Northumbrian, for instance, th e languageunderwent certainch angesa t a very early period ,which m ore South erndialects did not adopt for m ore th anacentury afterwards : thus, inworks of th e 1 4th century,we find th e Midland m orearch aic th anth e Northumbrian, and th e South ernm ore arch aic th aneith er. Auth ors

seeking to becom e popularwould write inth e dialect best understood by th eir read ers,with out consideringwh eth er it was simple or complex . Thus th e Ayenbite of Inwyt

(an) . writtenfor th e m enof Kent, contains far m ore of th e older inflectionalform s th anth e Ormulum of th e twelfth century.

3 South ernwriters before 1 340 form ed th e g.s. of fem . nouns in- s and not in- as .

Inth e South erndialect th e article h ad separate forms for th e nomina tive fem .

(thco, tho), and neuter (thot, th a t) ; th e fem . gen. sing. (thar, thsr), and th e m asc.

ace. (than, then) .

x viii PRE FACE .

Scand inavianorigin), instea d of th e South ernthennc (thcnnen),th ence ; h enna (henncn), h ence ; wh annc (wh anene), wh ence.

VII. Th e use of cc, of: (also, and ), a form wh ich doesnot occur

in any specim en of a South ern, West- Midland , or North erndialect th a t h as com e und er m y notice . Th e use of on, o, for

th e South ernanor a , as onlilts, alike, alike, on- rnm , apart,

sander, asund er, is also worth noticing.

VIII . Th e coalitionof th e pronounitwith pronouns and verbs,as get (Bestiary) sh e it (;kiiiinOrm ulum of. bill tlm itt, th ou

it) tellct tell it ; wuldet would it ; ist is it, is th ere ; wa st,was it ,was th ere, etc.

Th e Ormulum , th e Bestiary, and Genesis and E x odus h ave

som e fewoth er points of agreem ent wh ich will be found noticed

inth e Gram m a tical D etails and Glossary. Th ere are, h owever,

gram m a tical form s in th e la tter works wh ich d o not present

th em selves inth e form er, and which , inm y opinion, seem to

indica te a m ore South ernorigin.

1 . Plurals ina.

I d o not recollect any ex am ples of plurals inninth e Ormulum , ex cept ehne, eyes ; inth is poem we h ave colon, coals ; deden,d eeds ; fan, foes ; si

'Sen, sid es ; son, sh oes ; steden, places ; sunen,sons ; tron, trees ; tcten, tea ts ;wnen, laws, abilities, etc. (see p . x x ii. )II . Th e pronounis (es) th em . Inth e fourteenth century

we only find th is form is (h iss) inpure South ernwriters.


Diep h e if d alfunder an Gen. and E n, l. 1 873, p.

“For falam onfindinif l. 1 877, p.

He toc l. 2664, p.

Alle h ise fet steppes’60r h e steppe


After h im h e fille’6, o

’6er dust o’6er deu,drage

’é dust wi’6 h is stert E at h e ne cunne is flnden.

—(Rcliq. Antiq., p.

1 Robt . of Gloucester, Sh oreh am, Dan. Mich el's Ayenbite of Inwyt.

Deep h e them buried under anoak.

3 For Solom onfind thansh all. He took them .

All h is footsteps after h im h e filleth , draweth dustwith h is tailwh ere h e steppeth ,or dust or dcw(m oisture), th at th ey arenot able to find th em .

PRE FACE . x ix

Our auth or, h owever, em ploys th is curious pronounina way

quite peculiar to h im self, for h e constantly joins it to a p ronoun

or a verb,land th e com pound was a t first ra th er perplex ing.

Hes= he is, h e, th em ; wee=we is, we, th em ; ca ld es, called

th em ; ded is, did (placed ) th em ; settes, set th em ; wroutis,wrough t

th em , etc.

Alle hes h ad dowi’6 m igte — (Gcn. and E r. l. 9 1 1, p.

Vndelt hcf leid e quorso hef l. 943, p .

’6e culver h ave’6 costes gode,

alle wee ogento h aueninm odem — (Roby. Antiq.

, p .

Bala two ch ildre bar bi h im ,

Ra ch el ca ld es neptalimAnd Zelfa two sunes h im ber,

Lia oa ld e and asset .

Gen. and E n, l. 1 700, p .

’6e tabernacle h e ded tb l. 3830 , p.

“He settes inh e l. 1 36 , p .

Inth e Kentish Ayenbite of 1340 henever coa lesces with h ise

He (th e devil) is lyejcre and vad er of leazinges, see h e pet m ad e

ye verste lea zinge, and yet he h isem ake) and tckpech o d ayc.

”— (Ayenbite of Inwyt, p .

(He is a liar and th e fath er of leasings, as h e th at m ade th e first

leasing, and yet he th em ,i.e . lies, m aketh and teach eth each d ay. )

III. Th e pronounh e, th ey (South ernh ii h eo ; Northum brianthey) . Orm uses be”, a s well as boner (th eir), beam (th em ) .3

1 I h ave takenth e liberty of separating th e pronounfrom th e verb (for th e convenienee of th e read er), giving th e MS. reading inth e m argin; but I am sorrynowth a t I did not let th em stand as inth e original copy.

All h e them h ad (h e h ad th em all) with m igh t begotten(obtained ) .Undealt (undivided ) he th em laid . wh ereso h e them brough t .Th e dove h a th h abits good ,Allwe them ough t to h ave inm ind

(i.s. we ough t to h ave th em all inm ind ) .Bala two ch ildrenbore by h im ,

Rach el ca lled them D an, Naph talim ;

And Zelfa two sons to h im bore,Leah called them Gad and Ash er.

Th e tabernacle h e p ut th em in.7 He set them inth e firmament .

Sci occurs once only inth e present poem , pear, 17mm , not at all.


IV. h ine, h in, in=th em . Th is form occurs as la te as 1340,

and still ex ists und er th e form en, an, inth e m od ernd ialects of

th e South of England , but is not em ployed by Orm ; nor d o we

find any traces of wh an(wh om ), anoth er very com m onex am ple

of th e -naccusa tive inflection, eith er in th e Ormulum or th e

present work .

V. Th e substitutionof nfor a vowel ending innouns . Dr.

Guest h as noticed th is peculiarity, but h e confines this substitu

tionto th e nom ina tive case of nouns of th e nd eclension,l and to

th e d efinite form of th e adjective, wh ich h as , no d oubt , given

rise to th e Q B. h imseluen, etc. , bothen (both ), as well as,

perh aps, to ouren(ours), heron(th eirs) , etc.

In th e present poem , h owever, th e nseem s ad d ed to th e

vowel ending of all ca ses ex cept th e possesive, in ord er to

rh ym e with a verb in th e infinitive, a passive participle, or

an ad verb term ina ting in - en, and is not always lim ited to

nouns of th e -nd eclension, but represents inA.S . an a or e :

onbolten,’sonbook, 1 . 4


’6e- sagen,’

onsooth - saw, l. 1 1

meten(acc. ) m ea t, 11 . 363, 1 5 37 , 225 5 , (nom . ) 2079‘inm eten,

31 5 1 sunen(nom .) son, 11 . 403, 931 , 1 65 6 ;‘of luuen,

’of love,

635 ;‘for luuen,

’for love, 1 5 1 7 , 2002 ;

‘after ’6e wunen,


th e custom ), 1 . 688 ; steden place, 1 1 1 4 onstcden,’on

place, 3296 ; ina canon,’

ina ca ve,’

1 1 37 ; for h ire saken,’for

h er sake, 1 392, 3731 ;‘inwunen,

’inwise, m anner, 1 65 5 ; for

on- sagen,’for reproach , 2045 ; wIiten face, 361 4, (acc. )

2289 ; of h oren,’o


f ex pedition, 2479 ;‘wi’8 answeren,


2673; a t te wellen,’a t th e well, 27 5 6 ; bileuen(acc. ) rem hind er,

31 5 4 ; uuersla gen(acc. ) lintel, 31 5 5 nam en(ace ), nam e, 3497 .

D r. Guest consid ers this curious nunna tionto be a North ernpeculia rity, but as we d o not m eet with it (as far as I know) in

1 Ph ilolog. Soc. Proceed ings, vol. i. , pp. 73, 261 . Almigtin, alm igh ty, p. 2, l. 30,is th e only aeb

ectiwI find with th is term ina tion.

1 Th e da tive of th e A.S .wewas No.

PRE FACE . x x i

any Northum brianwork, h is statem ent is ra th er d oubtful. On

th e oth er h and it is well knownth a t th e plurals bretheren(bro‘Scren‘inSh oreh am ), ca loeren

1 (calves), ch ildren,11 doreneyren (eggs) ,

1 h onden (h and s) Itins,7 lambron soulen

(souls)— very com m on form s in th e South ern d ialects in th e

thirteenth and fourteenth centuries—are ex am ples of th e sub

stitutionof nfor, or inad ditionto, th e vowel ending, and were

unknowninth e North erndialect .Th e South erndialect could drop or retain, a t pleasure, th e

nfinal inth e past pa rticiples, th e preterite plurals, and infini

tive m ood of verbs .

VI . A very sm all Norse elem ent inth e vocabula ry.

Th e only words of undoubtedly Norse elem ent th a t occur in

th e present poem , and were unknown to South ern English ,are—fro (fra ), from , We (ha d ) , for- swe’fien(to burn) , flitten(to

rem ove), la’6e (ba rn), lows (flam e),m irle(d ark), ransalten(to search ),

swa’8e (flam e), til (to), uglike (h orrible), werre (worse) .1

Th e Orm ulum , being m ore North ern, conta ins a la rgernum berof word s th a t m ust be referred to one of th e Scandina vian

idiom s :1 °—qfell (strength ),aj ledd (begotten) ,bemc

(blunt, dull), brace (noise),‘brab (angry),

‘brabbe (anger),‘bradd

(sh oot), brodd en(to sprout), brobbfa ll (fit),‘bun(ready, bound ) ,

‘cla he (accusa tion),

‘croc (d evice),

‘derf (bold ),‘dill (sluggish ),

1cggenn(to urge, egg on),

1egginng (urging),

flittenn(to rem ove,

flit),‘flitting (ch ange, rem oval),

‘forrgart (opposed , cond emned ),

‘forrgloppned (disturbed with fear, astonish m ent) ,

‘ga te (way) ,

gowesst (wa tch est),‘h agherr (d ex terous), h a sh erlenc (skill), ‘h a ;


-d im es (A.S. bro’Bm ) occurs inth e Semi- Sax . Gospels .

1 AS . ceolj ru.

1 eild rls. 1 egru.1 h anda .

7 cg} .9 la mbru.

1greilie (prepare) , kipte (seized ), lit (stain) , litie (listen), m al (speech ), witterlike

(truly), are found inSouth ernEnglish , and m aybe th erem ains of th eAnglianelem ent

inth eA.Sax cn.

1 ° Th ose m arked 1 thus constantly occur inNorthumbrianand Midland works

(with North ernpeculiarities) of th e 1 4th century.

x x ii PRE FACE .

h errlike (fitly), hof (m od era tion) , hoj blles (im m od era tely) ,1 ille

(ba d ),‘immess (variously),

‘kinnd lenn(to kindle),‘lasst (crim e,

fault) , leshe (h ire, pay) ,‘lentenn(O .E . layte, inquire, seek), o- lofl

(aloft),‘lozhe (fire),

‘mune (m ust, will) , note (grace), nowwt

(ca ttle, O .N . naut ; th e South ernform is noel, nets, A.S . neat),‘p loh (plough ),

‘radd (a fraid ),

‘ros (pra ise),

1rosen (to boast) ,

‘rosinng (boast), rowwst (voice),

‘sca ldess (poets, O .E . sca ld , a

grea t talker, boaster, E . scold ) ,‘sit (pa in),

‘sltet (quickly) ,


p et}: (rejecteth ),‘slob (track, pa th ), sm iherr (beautiful, O .E .

smug), sowwbess (sh eep), stofnedd (genera ted , O .E . stocen, trunk,

stem ),1sum m (as),

‘till (to),‘ibr (h ard , d ifi cult) ,

‘trigg (true) ,uppbrix le (object of reproach , O .E . bria'le, reproach ), usell

(rod ) ,‘wandrab, O .E .wand reth

(worse) .

As m ost , if not all, of th e word s inth e foregoing lis t are not

found inworks writteninth e South erndialect,— so far as we a t

present know th em —we m ay rea sonably suppose th at th ey indi

ca te fairly th e D anish elem ent inth e English litera ture of th e

1 2th and th e 1 3th centuries. In th e Northum brian, and th e

West , and E ast -Midland productions of a century la ter this ele

m ent prevails to a m uch larger ex tent, and Herbert Coleridge’


lis t of such word s m ay be largely increased (Ph il. Soc. Trans . ,

1 85 9, p . 26


1 . NOUKS .

l . Number.—Th e plural is generally form ed by ad ding - es

to th e singular. Som e fewnouns m ake th e plural in- m , as

ferenl(com panions) , fan(foes ), goren(spea rs) , loten (fea tures ),

sunen(sons), teten(tea ts) , tren(trees), weden(garm ents), wunen

(laws) . Th e plurals of brother and ch ild are breth ere and ch ildere.

D er (d eer) , or}; orf (ca ttle), got (goa t) , nea t (ox en) , sep (sh eep),sorud (ga rbs), wrim (reptiles), of th e neuter gend er, are unin

1fere occurs forfercn, so senwe=siuews (A.S. sinu, sing., eina ,

PRE rACE . x x iii

flected inth e plural. Winter, yer (year) , and nigl (nigh t), are

plural as inAnglo- Sa x on. Adjectives inth e plural are often

used substantively, as brende (burnt ones), clo’Sede 1 (cloth ed

ones), eld ers (elders), olde (old ones), nakede1 (naked ones)2 . Gender.

—As a general rule th e na m es of inanim a te th ings

are of th e neuter gend er. Th e nam es of towns, h owever, are

considered as m a sculine.

3. Case—Th e genitive singula r and plural of m a sculine and

fem inine nouns end in- es. Occa sionally propernouns form th e

genitive in- is . Th e m eans or ins trum ent occasionally stand s

inth e genitive with out th e preposition deades d rinen,’influ

enced by d ea th ; saccrdes slagen, slainwith th e sword teres

wet,’ wet with tears. Cf. ‘

floures bred ,’bread m ad e with flour ;

bredes m el,’m eal consisting of bread ; wines drinc,

’drink con

Corresponding to th e m od ernword hmsmenwe h a ve such

form s as da iyes- ligt’

(dayligh t), h ines-fol/e’

(servants ) , wifes

hin (wom en) . Th e genitive is used ad verbially, as newes, anew;

We h ave a few traces of th e genitive in- e inth e followingex am ples :

‘hellenigt,’l. 89 (h ell

s nigh t) ;‘helle m igt,

’l. 25 25

(h ell's m igh t) stem nam e,

’1 . 134 (star

s nam e), safl e sam e,’

1 . 349 (sh am e of form ), worlds nigt ,’l. 1 31 8 (world

s nigh t) .11

Th e genitive of fader and m oder is , as is very seldom th e ca se

inE arly English writers, fa d res and m odres.

Annis oftenad d ed to th e final - e (representing anA.Sa x .

vowel- ending) in th e non , d a t ., and sec. of nouns . For ex

1 M ary, Beliq. Antiq. , p. 21 3.

1 As a rule fem . nouns, and nouns of th endeclension, take th e infiex ion- cs as,

em sam e’

(sin's sh am e),

‘sowles fram e’


s profit),‘h elles m ale


(h ell’

3 m ail) ,em drof’ (world

’s assembly) . Th e Bestiary contains th e following genitives

in- s .—‘nese smel' (Beliq. Antiq., p.

‘welle grund’

(Ib. p.

‘lcirke dure '

(Ib., p.

‘soule drink' (Ib., p.

‘soule p.

‘helle pine

(Ib. , p.

x x iv rm su cs.

II. Anm cnvns .

1 Adjectives h ave a d efinite and an indefinite form ; th e

form er is used wh enth e adjective is preced ed by th e d efinite

article, a d em onstrative adjective, or possessive pronoun.

Ind ef. wis (wise), god (good ) .

gods .

2 . Nnmber.—Th e plural is form ed by th e ad ditionof e to th e



But th e - e (pl ) is seld om ad d ed to th e past participle of

irregular verbs . Th is form s th e plurals thes (oblique ca ses th ese),th is (th ise) . Th e is th e plural of th a t.

Cases— One m akes th e genitive ones ; as, ones bles,’of one

colour. Th e gen. pl.- re occurs ina id - rs of all ; as,

hure a ld re bale,’th e bale of us all, h ere a ldre h eued es,

’th e

h eads of th em all.

th e superlative in - ests (est) .l Very few irregula r form s occur

inth e present poem .

POSITIVE . surnu 'rm .



m ikel,

neg,old , eld ere,

N amend s—Th e Northum brianform s in-nde h ave superseded

1 Th e forms in- cr,out, are properly sdverbial and not adjectinl.


And butters , hem b‘

o sondes bed ,And butter, he them the messengers ofered .

—(l.Infich em feld ne fonde hem nogt,InSheehem field fom d he them not.— (l.D o fette fundri hem to waken,Thenset sund ry he them to wa tch

Bo feidc Burquanne hem cam dun,Thensa id thus wh enhe to them came down.

- (l.

In1 . 2673ham seem s to stand for he+hem , th ey+th em .

And hem feid enwi’6 anfweren,‘

And they to them sa id inanswer.

Th e South ernm e, one (Fr. on) is absent from this poem aswell

a s from th e Orm ulum ; its pla ce is supplied by m anand m enll

used with a verb inth e singula rnum ber. h e is frequently used

as a rela tive pronounas well as ’8a t, but uninflected ; qua (wh o),

qna t (wh a t) are interroga tive ; whether signifies wh ich of two.


am ouna .

gunssm a oun.

gh e (5 89 : 30 11 9 )



If yodes=god’

s, seicten(pl.) may be anerror for aside

th en=he+hem , h e them .

Chaucer coustsntlyusss m with s nri inths siq uisrnumber, th ird penou.




1 50

N ,








It Quam

Th e th ird personal pronoun is occasiona lly used reflex ively ;

a s h im z bim self. Self is used adjectively inth e sense of own,very, and th e form seloen(from th e A.Sa x . sytfa ) is joined toth e personal pronouns ; as

’6sseloen, h imselven, etc.

Th e independent possessives are m in,’8in, h is (h iss), h ire

(h ers) , a re (ours), pure (yours), h ere

IV. Vanes .

Infinitive Mood — Th e infinitive term ina tes in - en, wh ich is

seldom d ropped .

Th ere are no infinitives in-

y or is, as inSouth ernEnglish

writers, nor do we find th em inth e Orm ulum , or inRobert ofBrunne’a Handlyng Synne,

”and th ey were, m ost probably,

wh olly unknownto th e E a st Midland d istrict .

Th e t inth e 2nd pers. sing . pret . is occa sionally dropped , as

heas best) is , betes, bea test ,findes, find est, etc. ; but not inth e

preterite of regula r verbs .

Th ere are no instances of th e 3rd pers. sing. present in- es in

Th e final s of th e first and th ird persons, (sing.) of th e pre

terite tense is oftend ropped before a vowel or anh ,’ and , in a

fewcases, th rough th e ca relessness of th e scribe,a it is unwritten

before a consonant , wh ere we sh ould ex pect to, and do, find it

inth e m ajority of instances .

1 Th e genitive and possessive are denoted by one form ; as, a re, of us ; pure, of

you; here, of th em . Because elided inth ese cases.

Th e Bestisry is fsr m ore socurste inth is respect.


Som e fewstrong verbs h ave becom e weak, as grap ta (gra sped ,felt), getts (poured ) , sm ette (sm ote) .Impera tive Mood —Verbs form ing th e past tense inde or ts

take no inflex ioninth e 2nd pers . sing. im pera tive.

P artieiples .— 1 . Th e active or im perfect participle end s in

- end e or - ande, th e form er being th e Midland and th e la tter

th e Northum h rian form . Th e South ern afi x is - inde, from

wh ich we h ave th e m od erning (O .E .- inge) .

Our auth or rh ym es speeand ewith lochende, and inth e Bestiarywe find th a t th e participle in- and s rh ym es with aninfinitive in- en,1 and th is accounts for such form s as stinken stinkende,brennen brennende, inth e present poem .

2 . Th e passive or perfect participle of regular orweak verbs

term ina tes in- ed of irregula r or strong verbs in- eu. Inbigote

(begotten), fund s (found ) , gene (given), th e absence of th e nis

probably anerror of th e scribe .

3. Th e prefix i or y (A.S . gs is not of frequent occurrence

eith er inth is poem or inth e Bestia ry ; inth e form erwe h ave

i-wreken (avenged ), i-wrogt (wrough t ), ybiried (buried ), y- aten

(ca lled ) and inth e la tterwe find i- dz'

gt (arranged ) .

Th ere are two conjuga tions of verbs, regula r (weak) and

irregular (strong) . Th e regular verbs form th eir past tense in- ede, - de, or - te ; th e pa st participle end s in - ed , - d , or - t.

Irregular verbs form th eir pa st tense by a ch ange of vowel,and th e pa st participle term ina tes in - en.


I. CLASS . INFIN IT IVE Moon—Loren, love .


ransm .


1 . love,

2 . lovest,

3. love’6 .

”wands rhymeswith standout p. 223, ll. 32, 33, 40,


rm TE‘


1 lovede,

3. loved e.


loven. loved e,


1 st Form 2nd Form .

2. love.


loved .

II . Cu es . Inm rrrvs Moon—Heren, h ear.


PE m . PAST .


2 . h erdest,

3. h erd e.


rm .


(Like th e Indica tive . )



2 . h er. h ere’s.


PRE SE NT. rm .

Th is form is used wh enth e pronounfollows . Followed by th e pronoun.

III. CLASS . Im m rrvr. Moon—Sehen, seek.


PRE SE NT . ra s'r.





Indica tive.)

1 st form .


sosekonde .



A. (no ch ange of vowel inth e plural preterite . )

INrm rnvnMoon—Hold en, h old .


Plural. Singul Plural.

h old en. 1 . h eld , h eld en.

h old en. 2 . h eld e,l h eld en.

h old en. 3. h eld , h eld en.


PM ?

Plural. Singular.

h olden. h eld e,


Plural.1 st Form . 2nd Form .

h olde’6 , h old s .

1 Th e second personof irregular verbs (pret ) does not occur inth e poem . InOn . th e inflwfionh -q wh ich is occssioaally dmpped .



1 st form .

seke’é .




rnasm .

h old ande,h old and ,

B. (ch ange of vowel inth e preterite plural. )Im uurm Moon—Helpen, h elp ; singen, sing.


rnasm run.

Singular Plural.

2 . h elpest, h elpen singen.



‘ h olpen, sungen.



ra sr.


singe. h olpen, sungen.



x x x i

1 st Form . 2nd Form .

2 . h elp, sing. h elpe’é, singe

’é . h elps,


rs sr.

h elpande, singande,singend e,


A.—Rnoum a .

singe .


M t Passive Participle.

Class I . Loven, (to love) , loved .

etc. etc .

Class II. (a ) Oallen(call) , ca ld .

Feden(feed ), fed .

Th ese forms donot occur inth e poem .


Gred en(cry),Beren(h ear) ,Led en(lead )Sriden(cloth e),


Bim enou (lam ent),bitid d e,

Delen(d ivid e), d alto,

D em on(judge) , d em pte,

Kepen(keep). kepte,

Wenden(go), wente,

Bison(buy). h oste.

Biseken(beseech ), bisogte,

Bitech e (a ssign), bitagte,

Cach en(drive) , h egte,

Lach en(seize), lagte,

Sellen(sell) , sold e,

Tellen(tell) ,Worch en(work) , wrogte,



Cla ss I . (a ) Beren(bea r), {banbor,

Bid den(bid ) ,Bi- speken(speak),

Bigeten(beget) ,


E ten(ea t)

x x x iv PRE FACE .

Present . Passive Participle.

Stand en(stand ), stod ,

Taken(take) , toc,

W aken(wake), woc, waken.


Cla ss I . At-wind en(d epart ), a t-wond .

Abred en(awake), abra id ,

Bergen(protect), barg,

Bind en(bind ), bond ,

Bresten(burst), brast,

Bigunnen(begin), bigan,Belven(buy) , d alf,

Brinken(drink), d rano,Figten(figh t), fegt ,

Find en(find ) , 223}Geld en(requite ), $2


33,Helpeh (h elp), h alp,

Molten(m elt) , m alt,

Scri’éen(invite) , scro’é .

Singen(sing), sang,Sinkin(sink), sane,

Springen(spring), sprong,

Sterfen(die),Stingen(strong) , stong,Wergen(d efend ), warg,W orpen(th row) , warp, worpen.

D rosten(th rust ), >tSrast .

Class II. At -witen(go ,d epart), a twot .

Biten(bite) , bot , biten.

Cla ss III .

Pim ent.

Driven(drive) ,Glid en(glid e),Risen(rise),Sinen(sh ine),Sm itch (sm ite) ,Writen(write),

Bed en(offer) ,

Crepen(creep) ,Ch esen(ch osen),Dregen(suffer) ,


Fleten(floa t) ,

Forlese (lose) ,

Sch eten(sh oot),


Se’éen(boil) ,Stigen(ascend ),Ten(go),D en(th rive),



sebet .






x x x v

Passive Participle.


Ounen(can), 3pers. sing. can, p l. cunen, pret. curse, p .p . cu’e.

D aren(da re) , p res. p l. duren, pret. durste .

Mogen (M Y). 3p ers. sing. m a i, p l. m ogen, m owen, p ref.

m igte (2 pers. pret. m igt) .

Mot (m ay), pret. m uste .

Ogen(owe, ough t), 2 pers. sing. og, p l. ogen, p retfogte .

.Sal (sh all), 2 pers. sing. salt , p l. sulen, p ret . suld e, pret. p l.

suld en.

x x x vi PRE FACE .

W iten(know), 3p ers. sing. wot, p ret. wiste .

W ilen(will) , p ret. wuld e ; nile=willnot ; nolde=would not .

Th e verb ben, to be,’is conjuga ted after th e following




1 . am ,

2 . art, bea s, best, ben, arnl (aren) .

3. is, be’6 ,



weren, worn(woren, wore) .

V. AD VE E E S .

Th e ad verbs hence, th ence, wh ence, d o not occur, being super

sed ed by th e Norse form s h e’éen, >tSe’éSen, gue


Adverbia l Term ina tions .— Adverbs a re form ed from adjectives

by th e ad ditionof e ; a s long longs

um (da tive) occurs inwh ilum and seldum .

- se gen. ) inlit es, alive, newes, anew.

- enin abontsa , abosen, binncn, before) ; (foren) , bielden, uten,wi’éouten.


Fro (Northum brianfra ) takes th e place of th e South ernfi rm s

(from ), and til (unknownto South ernwriters) occurs frequentlyfor to.

Sindsn=are, occurs inth e Bestiary and th e Ormulum .


Th e essence of th e system of versifiea tionwh ich th e post h asad opted is, briefly, th a t every line s h all h ave four accented syllables init ; th e una ccented syllables being left insom e m easure

, as it were, totake care of th em selves .

Th e word s wh ich Coleridge prefix ed to his poem of Ch ristabel”

are byno m eans inapplicable h ere . He says, I h ave only to ad d,

th at th e m etre of th e Ch ristabel’

is not, properly speaking, irregular,th ough it m ay seem to be so from its being founded ona new principle : nam ely, th at of counting in each line th e accents, not th esyllables . Th ough th e latter m ay vary from sevento twelve, yet ineach line th e accents will be found to be only four.

Th e norm al form of th e line of th e present poem is th at sim ple oneof eigh t syllables, consisting of four (so - called ) iam bics, wh ich isso comm onin English poetry. But it sh ould be rem em bered th at

th is line is a t all tim es convertible with one of seven syllables,

generally d escribed as consisting of th ree troch ees and a long syllable .

Th is is easily ex em plified by taking th e first two lines of th e Conelusionto th e Second Part of Coleridge

’s Ch ristabel.”

A lit | tle ch ild la lim | ber elf ll

Singing | dancing | to it | self ||Th is is ad opting th e comm onform of scansiongiveninEnglish prosod ies ; but wh ich is far from being a very correct m eth od ; since tom ake trocha ic and iam bic m etres convertible is to introduce all sorts of


Th e fa ct is, th at th e seven- sylla ble line, th ough trocha ic to th e ea r, is

really aniam bic line, ofwh ich th efirst syllable is deficient, i.s ., supplied

by a p ause and th e truer scansionis,A lit tle ch ild a lim | ber elf llSing ing d anc ing to itselfH

or, at any rate, to ad opt th is latter m eth od (of beginning to m ark off th e

feet from th e end , instead of from th e beginning of th e line) will befound to be far m ore convenient inpractice ; since th e accented sylla

bles, instead of drifting about , will thus always be placed a t th e end of

a foot . We sh ould thus, for instance, introduce th e sam e m arking off

of syllables inth e line,And l

be séx | te d h lis ligt || l. 1 67,

x x x viii TH E METRE or TH E POE M .

as we h ave inth e line,So cfim l

lie fiflte d6 | is ligt ll

E x am ples of couplets containing a line of each kind are not uncom m on;thus, ll. 29, 30

Fa | der g6d | of fil lle th ings "Alm 1g | tin 16u| erd h ég | est kings I]

Also lines 289, 290 .

And get |no ku| Se h é nogt bllnne llF6r | to d6n| anb

5 | er finne llSee also 11 . 309, 31 0 ; 439, 446, etc.

Th e introduction of th ese seven- syllable lines, far from being a

d efect, is a natural and agreeable variation, ad opted by all our best

poets .

Th e nex t ch ief variationto be noted is th a t two very rapid syllables

are often(as inoth er English m etres) substituted for anunaccented

one, as in 88


8e nigt land hflter be dfiy llAgain, inl. 93

On an6'

5 Ier da i l‘bis m id | del érd ll

and inl. 474To sch é | tenkf | ter be wil lde dér ll

See also 1 1 . 32 1 , 5 03, 5 0 5 , 6 5 6 , etc. and com pare th e line fromChristabel

“Th a t sh indowy inlth e m oon| ligh t sh onefl

Th e syllables thus m ost frequently slurred over— th e term elided is butweak and im proper, ex plaining noth ing—are th e final syllables - en, - sr,- et, etc.

,as in1 1 . 96 and 1 1 6

Allabulten bis wm lne sent

Was wn| ter and érbe lo fun| der fird llv

Som e lines—and th ese sound ra th er h arsh ly require a little forcingto m ake th em to conform to th e strict type ; as, e.g.

, l. 66, wh ich , tom ake it agree with th e rest, m ust be written,

If: Ito th is Sh it“


e h ér biné‘

SenlIv v

A poet’

s business is, infact , to ta ke care th at th e syllableswh ich are

to be rapidly pronounced are such as easily canbe so ; and th at th esyllables wh ich are to be h eavily accented are na turally th ose th ath t to be. If h e gives a ttentionto th is it d oes not much m a tter

w eth er each foot h as two or three syllables init .A m anis m aeter of h is art wh enh e canwrite

Com e inlto th e gar ldeu, Maud "For th e black Iba t , nigh t, | h as flown[IAnd th e wood lbine spilces are waflted abroad llAnd th e musk Iof th e rose lis blown

m 1 ; m anor runPOEM . x x x ix

With respect to th e final - en, it sh ould be furth ernoted( 1 ) Th at it is som etim es fully pronounced , as in11 . 87 and 9 1

froIbat time | we tél | lenay [1be gtnlh em da lgen


at it is som etim es rapidly slurred over, as inl. 96, already

or an

(3) Th a t (especially after anr) it is oftenso pronounced as to be

incorporated with th e syllable preced ing it, so th a t th e wh ole word ,a dissyllable inappearance, becom es m onosyllabic inpro

nunciation; as inl. 5 1 4Matufalé was b6ren| if fans [I

and, again, inl. 6 5 5

W6ren| fia lw6r | bi b6ren| bi thle I]Thus, we m ay find th e sam e word writtenand pronounced as a dis

syllableW6 | renSune | donf6ne | an6n 1 . 35 91 ;

and,inanoth er place, writtenand pronounced as a m onosyllable

Ingéu eléng'


h e w6rn it m hd ll l. 1 47 .

Thus, th e nmust h ave beenvery sl'

h tlg touch ed , as is sh ownalsoby th e rim ing of e and en. E x am ples, l l, 1 2 863, 864, etc.

As to th e final - e, it m ay be observed th a t it is pronounced , ornot ,a t pleasure ; but


it is m ost frequently pronounced just wh enit is m ost

essential, viz ., wh enit m arks a gram m a tical infiex ion, or anad verbial

form , as, e.g. z

Til ih é lsus bé‘lilonsome den 1 . 386 ;


Wél | h e fel ldenand m m wél l]

Inth e second place, it is very liable to be slurred over before a vowelfollowing, as inl. 1 48

InRé lke fil lw funlder lh fid ll

and , thirdly, it is frequently added to words with out cause, and is

th erefore mute, as inl. 60

Sat 611 Iare fpr6ng | inwérld w1 d ||It seem s to be always mute after - cd , wh en- sde form s part of a verb .

See 1 1 . 1 396, 1 433, etc.

Attentionto th e m etre m ay detect errors inth e tex t . Thus, inl. 7 5 ,th e word da is is m issing

forb glbd l‘bat fir | m e [dfi | is] ligtu

See 1 . 1 1 3, wh ich proves th e point .In1 . 1 846 th e d efinite form of th e adjective is required , and strong

sh ould be stronge‘5 e streng le god [of ys lraél

It h as beennoted th a t th e first foot of a line som etim es consists of

one syllable only, and th at one accented . By a h older license, th is is


som etim es th e case not onlywith th efirst feet, but with other feet, e.g.

with th e th ird foot . Line 25 72Quan6 bru ch ild (6 1d be b6ren

Aga in, with th e last foot, as inl. 35 80 , unless we read duets

And fiired lit al | to d afi | flr ||

Very m any oth er curious va ria tions occur, wh ich th e read er will

probably observe for h im self with som e interest . Thus , inl. 60 , justabove cited , th e questionarises wh eth er ornot th e r inworld was pronounced with so strong a burr as to rend er th e word d issylla bio, as isoftenth e case inScotch poetrywith words conta ining rl, rn, etc.


A S . Anglo- Sax on. 0 .H .Ger. Old High Germ an.

D a . D anish . La ) . Lasam on’

s Brut (E d . SirF.Mad den) .Du. Dutch . Met . Hem . Metrical Hom ilies (Ed .

Allit . Poem s, E arly English Alliterative Sm all) .Poem s (E d . Morris) . O .N . Old Norse .

O .E . Old English . Orm . Ormulum .

Prov .E . Provincial English . P. of C. Pricke of Conscience, Hampole’s

Fr. French . (E d . Morris) .Fris . Frisian. Prom pt . Parv. Promptorium Parvulom m

Ger. Germ an. (E d . Way) .Goth . Goth ic. S .sar . Sem i- Sax on.

M .H.Ger. Middle High Osm an. Sw. Swedish .


3, h ead - line, forfrom read into.

3, line 87, for fro read fro.

5 , line 1 5 6 , side s -note 2, forwroutis read wroutie.

5 , 1 67 , for“be read d e.

6, 1 90,foot -note 5 , for leuerd - h e! read louered het.

1 9, 649 , for on(as inMS .) we sh ould read of (from ) P25 , 85 6

,m arginal analysis, delc ten.

38, 131 8, fornigt (as inMS.) we sh ould read ligt .9

68 , 2368, dele side-note 1 .

73, 25 49, for era/like read era/like.

74, 25 8 1 , for dese read“bees

, and delc side-note.

7 5 , 26 1 5 , for qua d read gmfli.

7 5 , 2631 , for clep it read clepvde .

77, 2687, for S a t read d a t .

77 , 27 1 3, forwe'

d rea d ws‘b'


79, 2766 , for sid enread si‘den.

79, 2787, for beatenread Selim .


Biddi‘ h ie fingennonob'

er led , [1 bidde

’Sog'h ie folgenidel- h ed .

Ad er god of alle’6h inge,

Alm igtinlouerd , h egefi kings ,“Kngiue m e feli tim ings

To th annenb'

is werd es biginninge,b e, leuerd god , to wurb


inge,Quefi er fo h ie red s or tinge !

Wit, and wisd am ,and luue god d ,

And fer ear bi’Soh te al inh is m od d ,

Inh is wifd om was al bi’Sogt

E ar >(Sanne it was onwerlde brogt .

Infirm s bigini[n]g, ofnogt

Was benene and erb'

c fam enwrogt ;‘80 h ad god wurb


enftund and fted e,h is m id d es werld a


er- inns a h e d ed e, PMS . im e. ]Al wa s S a t firm s E rofing innigt ,Til h e wit h ife word m ad e ligt ;Of bife word ,

’6uwiflike mune,Hite word , b at is, bife wife fune,b e was of h infer ear bi- foren

He ex is ted long Or aniwerldes tim e beren;before tim e.

And of h em two h at leue luuen,b

e weldenal h er and abuuen,5 s t h eli luue, b

a [t] wife wil,>(Sat weld et alle >6ings wit rigt and [fjkihMigt bat wit word wur

’éenligt ,

(Hali froure welt oc >6st m igt ;

for >tSh rs perfones and onreed ,Onm igt and ongodfulh ed . )

figfim fix>60 (0 W 5 ligt to god it bad ,

fro >tSilternefi'

e o funde[r] Ihd ;S at waf >6s firm e m orgentid ,5 st euere fprong inwerld wid .

3m yis inserted between"Bog and h ie ina la ter h and .

THE na vrL’s FALLPROM H E LL. THE P l T LIGHT m wrs . 3

wi’é Bat ligt wornangles wrogt ,And in- to news h euene brogt ,’6a t if ouer dis ‘walksnes turn,

God h em quuad { or feli furiurn;

Summ e for pride fellen’6s’6en,

Into ’6is >6h iilsrnefl'

c h er bi-neBen

Pride m ad e angel deuel dwale,>t5t m ade ilc forge, and euerilc h ale,

And euerilcwund er, and euerilc wo,>(Sat if, or (31 beneuere m e .

He was m ad onS o funed ai,He fel out ontic munend ai ;

(S is ik wort inchrifi'

e wen,He witen’és fo’6e E at if fen. )for’6 glod E at firm s ligt,

And after glod Bat firm s nigt ; a" , nigh t .


cam eft’ a - gon, aft 1] $ 332 8

Hrs firm s km de deiwas a -

gon, Thus inth e wel

Ouwalksnes turnwid d ai and nigt gilt-co

d? and

Of fours and twenti tim e rigt ; liglnllbfi


’6se frenkis m en0 francs m oal,

it nemnen unia rna tura l

And euere ged e>6s d ai bifom , $ 33,l

th e

R im ’6at news werld was beren,

Til ibsens srift fro h ells nam ,

Hif quem ed wid ‘cue and ad am Pwith ]fro E at tim e we tsllenay,Or >6s nigt and after S e d ay,for god led d e h em fro h ells nigt

to paradises leue ligt ;’60 ganh em d agenwel iwifi



Quangod h em led de in- to blifl'

e .

Onano’6er d ai >tSifm idd el- erd ,waf al lukenand a - butenfperd ;

’60 god bad ben>69 firm am ent,

Al abutenS is wa lkne fea t ,

wall of too.

No fire h as ever

m elted th is

Th is enclosure

It sh a ll last untilDoomsd ay.


Above th is is anoth er h ea venfull

Th encam e th eth ird d ay

’s ligh t.

Th enwas all fairh ere below.


Ofwaters froren, of yfefwal,S is m id delworld it luket al

Mayno fir get m eltenS at yf

Ho S o it m ad e if m igtful and Wis,It m ai benh otenh euene-Ref

It h iled al S is werldes drof,And fier, and welkne, and water, and lond ,Al if bi- lukoningod es h ond ,Til dom ef- d aino fal it troken.

Al m id del- st d S sr- inne is loken,wetres benh er S et -under fausa


And wetres S or a - buuen;And ouer S at fo ful i-wis,AnoS er h euene ful o h lis,And ful o lif S o lofted 0 0 ,we m ay h im benS e fel S or- fro .

ForS glod S is oS sr d aifnigt,S o cam S e S rid d e d ais ligt

S e S ridde dai, (0 god it h ad ,

was water and e e o funder fad

God bi- quuad watres h ere fied c,And erS e brim enand boronded e ;1 1k gres, ile wurt, ilc birS h cltro,Hif Owenfed berenbad h e ;Of euerilc ougt , of euerilc fed ,

Waf orS e m ad m od er of (pod .

S e S rid d e d aiwas al S is wrogt ,And erS es fodm o onwerldes brogt ;Aneuerilc fodmo h is kind s quuem eS en.

S o was it h er fair bi-neS en,God fag h is fafte fair and good ,And blifcsde it wid m ildc m ood .

ForS glod S is drid d e

‘d aifnigt,S o com S e ferS e


d aif ligt .

S e ferS e d ai m ade m igt

Sunne, and m ono,and ilc fierre brigt,

[1 Sridde l]


God knew th a tAd am would sin,

Lions and beara

Flies h aveno aweof h im .

Al erue, and wrim , and wild s d er,

c ll m anm ai fenonwerld e h er.

God fag bi- fore qua t after cam ,

S at fingenfuld s firm s ad am ,

And h im to frem enand d o3 fram e,

He m ad e onworld s al erue tam e,

S e fuld e h im h er, infwinkes firif,to fod e, and frud , to h elpenS e lif

And h im to pine, and loar h er,

God m ad e wirm e and wild s der.

He pine m anwid a forwe and dred ,And d onh em ‘

m onenh if finfulh ed ,

S at if h im loar quanh e feS ,

S anh e for (inns inforwe beS .

Ilk kinnes erf, and wrim , and d er

Was -m ad of erS e onwerld e h er,

And euerilc oninkinde good ,S or quiles ad am fro finne fled ;Oe d er and wrim it d erenm an

fro S anS at h e fingenbi- gan;InS e m elts and inS o lofts h e forlef,

Hif louered - h ed ’

quuanne h e m ill-ch ef ;

Lcunes and bores h im wile to- dragen,And ficges fenonh im nonagen;Had d o h e wel loked h im wiS th il,Ilc belts fulde d onhifwil ;E rf h elpsS h im Surg god es m eS ,

Hif lord eh ed S or- onne h e feS .

And for h ife fmne cc h e to munen,S at m elts and lcilio h im benbinum en.

if fox te d ai god m ade Ad am ,

And h is lich am of erS e be near,And blowS or- ina liues bla lt,

A liknefi'

o of h is h ali gall,

louerd - h el inMS .



A fpirit ful of wit and fckil ; 3may}S or quuiles it folgsdo h eli wil,

God felf S or quile likot if,Anun- lif‘quuanne it wile m if. [l un- lik

[IJN feld d am aske ad am was m ad ,And S eS onfor onlonde fad ;God bar h im in- to paradif, 833Anerd al ful of fwete h lif ; $ 3:{fi f’

folwel h e wid 2 h im S or d ed e, [1 wiS P] [Pet 5 - 1

bi- tagte him al S at m irie fted e ; 5 5, 9}?nO

e anbod eword S er be h im forbed ,”M t pm “

if h e wulde h im fild enfro S e d ed ,S at h e fulde h im S er lokenfro

A fruit, S e kenned wel and wo,And h iegt h im d ed h e fuld e ben

If h e S at bod e-word ne gunne fion.

God brogt ad am S or bi- forn

Ilc kinncs belts of erS e boron,and tugol, anfif, wild s and tam e,S or ga f ad am ile h ere ifnam e ;

m “

Ne was S ornonlik ad am .

God ded e d at a h e onfweuone cam ,

And inS at fweuene h e let h im (on

Mikel S at after fuld e ben.

t of h is fide h e too a rib,

And m ad e a wim m anhim ful fib,

And h eled h im S at lid s wel

S at it no wroots h im neuere 3 d el.

dam abraid , and fag S at wif,“4

Nam e h e gaf h ire d a t‘ if ful Rif San]Ifl


a waf h ire firtte nam e,


S OT- of Surts h ire S inkenno fam e ;Mayden, for fch e was m ad of m an, mmgaf ”

Hire firit nam e S or bi- gan;SiS engh e brocte us to woa ,Ad am gaf h ire nam e one .

God caused aP Sat PJsleep to com e

uponAd am ,

and int h a t sleeph e sawmuch th a tsh ould h ereafterbeOut of h is sideGod took a rib,and out ofit m ad e


Ad dcnh e folged god es rod ,240 Al m an- kinad d s feli fped ;

ml for firms h e S at blifi'

e for- loren,S a t d sred s al S at of h em was boron;It is h er- after inS e fong,

244 Hu ad am fel inpine firong.


d ay

ForS glod S if fex te d ais lig[t],After glod S e fex te nig[t] ;

S e feuend ai m orgenfpro[n]g,248 S a t d a i tokened e refie long ;

S is d aiwaf forS inrefte wrogt,Ilc kinde newes ear wa f brog[t] ;God fette S is d ai folk bitwen,

25 2 D ai of blifi'

e and off refie ben,for S a t tim e ear fear bi- forn,Til ih esus was onwerld e boron,And til h e was onS o rod e-wold ,

25 6 And birled inS e roeh o cold .

And reftede h im after S o d ed ,

S a t ilke d ai god aligenbed .

SiS enfor- lef S at d ai if prif,

for ih esus ‘, god and m anto wis, MS . ih 6.]

Ref fro d ed onS o funend ay,S a t is forS fiS enworS ed ay ;

And it fal benS e latte tid ,264 Quanal m an- kinde, onworld s wid ,

Sal benfro ded e to line brogt ,And feli fad fro S e forwrogt ,Anbend oninblifi


e and inlif,268 fro (wine, and forwe, and deades ftrif.

Wifd om S e m ad e ilc S ing ofnogt ,qana t- fo- euere onh euene or h er ifwrogt .

Ligber be frid d e a d ere fl‘lld,

272 Anh e wurS e inh im - felueuprud ,and with th a t

prid e cam e envy,AnwiS S a t prid e h im wex a nyS ,

S a t iwol weld eS al h is fiS


for gaf h e d onS ad‘god for- bead ,

S a t fal h em bringento S o d ead ,And fal got S is ilke d ai,S or butenhunts if ic m ai ;

Io wens S at ic, and one h ife wif,fulenad am bilirtonof hife lif.

Icwene S at ie and one

fulenalle is blifi'

e dreus .

Due h e S h ogto , and up h e ftog,And eften’ til d at erS h e teg,

Wento into a wirm e, and told o one a tale ;

And fenked o h ire burs aldro bale .

Euc,” feide h e, S at ned dre bold ,

Qua t oget nuS a t for- bode o-wold ,S at a tre guforbod enis,S at ouer alle oS re bored pris

for if fruit fired m annes m ood ,

;fififihfim To witenboS eniwol and good ,

Sons go it S or- of h aueneten,Al go it fulouwitent and nogt forgeten,And benfo wife alle eueno

So S o S o wunsna - buueninh euene.

anne S ogte one onh ire m od ,

S anne if tif fruit wel fwiS o good ,fair onfigS h e and foftc onbond ,Of S if fruit wile ic h auenfond .

Sum gh e S er at , and fum gh e nam ,

And bar it to h er fore ad am ;

So m anic tim es gh e h im fereS t,

(Pol. QueS er so h im was lef or loS t,for to forS enif fend es wil,

mfid igghfmf At h e d at‘fruit, and ded e unskil ;

Sons it was under breft num en;Ded es two bond es onh em bencom en;

often? 3witen? Sat .



Vn- bux um h ed h e h auenh em d on,Vn- bux um h ed if h em cum enon;Vn-weld o worenand inwin,

348 Here owenlim es h em wiS - ia .


es frem eS e and fafte fam e

boS enh e feltenonh ere lieh am e ;S o gunenh e fam e frid en,

35 2 And lim es inleues h id en.

Nuwot ad am fum - d el 0 we,Her- after fal h e lerenm o .

fter S if d ede a ficuone cam ,

“Su, nu, qnor art, ad am , ad am ?

Louerd , quat fam e if m e bi- tid ,

for ic am naked and h auo m e h id

Que feide S e d at gul wernaked ;

360 Suh aues S c forges figS h o waked ,for S hum inbod e-word h aues broken,S hufalt benut inforge luken,Infwinc Sufalt tilenS i m ete[n],

364 S inbred wid fwotes teres eten,Til gu

‘beas oft into erS e cum en,

Quer- of gu‘ heaf to m anne num en;

And wif fal und erwere wunsn,368 Inh euerile h irS h e fdrge num en

And niS fulned dre, loS anliS er,fal glidenonh ife brsfl ncS er,

And erS e fretenwile h e m ai liuen,372 ° And atter onis tunge eliuen;

And niS,and firif, and ate , and fan,

Sal benbi- twenned dre and wimm an;And get falwimm anouercum en

376 His h eued under foto bi-num en.

wo pilch es worenSurg engeles wrogt ,And to ad am


and to sue brogt,

S or-wiS h e bennuboS enfrid ,380 And h ere fam e fum del is hid .

Th en sa id God ,Because th ou

h ast broken m ycom m and ,th oush alt tillthm ea t withand ea t th y breadwith swea t andtears,

until th ou com e

againto th eea rth .

om ansh a ll beund er m an. andh ave sorrow inevery birth .

Th e a d d er sh all

glid eonh is breastand ea t earth .


Th eywere turnedout of Parad ise.

Ad a m and E velived togeth er.


He bendonut of parad if,S a t erd al ful of fwete blif

He bendona t of blifi'

es erd ,

Ch erubinh auet S e gatef fperd ;Ne fulenit neuere benun- d on


Til ih esus beS onRod e d on;Ne fulenit neuerm ore benopened ,Til ibsens beS onrod e dead .


m ikel is forge, and m ore care,

Ad am and one it wits ful gare ;Of paradif h em S inkeS fwem ,

Of iwol and d ead h em ftondeS greim .

Onfundri S h enkenh e to ben,And nsiS ere onoS er fen


Til angel brogto ad am bod e,

bod eword and tiding fro god s

Ad am ,S huknows euo S inwif,

And lod sd fam engunker lif

Summ e fuleh of guto kum on,Sulenbeninto refte num en;Summ e fulenfolwenfend es red ,And beninforwe after S e d ead ;

And get fal god ef dere funo

Ingure kininwerlde wunsn,And h e fal bringenm ana -


Inparadif to wunsnand ben.

Swile tiding S hugto ad am god ,

And fum d el quem eS it h is feri m ood .

Dif angel is to h euene num en,And ad am if to sue eum en,

More for ernefte d an‘ for gam en

Ad am and one wanonfam en,

And h ad d ench ildre m anigo i-wif,Mo S anof telloS S e gsneiis,for fiftene ger h ad d e ad am ;

S ancaim of one cam,


And oS or fiftene al fwilc fol,Quane sue bar rigt-wife abel. lAbel anhundred gerwaf h old ,S anh e was of if broS erwold ;Anhundred ger after if d ead ,Ad am fro one infrifte ah ead .

To hundred ger and x x x .

“m e

was ad am h old and one S o,

S anbor gh e ish t inS o ited e

Of caym S at abel for- ded e ;

Or or m idleft, or after S o

Bar one of ad am m anigo m oo .

Der quiles S at ad am forge dreg

for abel, caym fro h im fieg,

wiS wit and h agto, and wurS ut- lage,wiS dead h im flood h inke and age . Ebfiggfir


He eh es a ited e toward sd en,And to h im 2 fam sd enoS or m en,walled e a burg, e -no binam e ;

S oft and reflac S hugto h im no fam e,

for S at h e m ade h im m anigo fon,S or h e S h ogto h e tiendenagon.

Met of corn, and wigte of fe,

And m arks of feld e,first fond h e .

ellenie wile fo birS e bad ,Ad am , caym ,

cnos, ira ab,Malalsel

, m atusale ;

Lam ech is at S o sex to kne,S e feuend e m anafter ad am ,

S at of caym es kind e cam .

S if lam ech waf S o firm s m an,

S o bigam ie firft bi- gan.

Bigam ie is unkind e S ing,Onengleis tale, twie -wifing ;

At th e bottom of fol. 8b is th e ca tchword Abel a hund red .

7 h im is by a la ter h and .


Of h ife endings no wot ic nogt, goal-“ima


cc of if kind e worenbrogt

Onworld s feue and feuenti S h a faa t m en,

Or or flum nos fpred de h if fen;

QueS er fo it S h ogto h em iuel or good ,

Alle h e drinkildeninS a t flood .

f feth , S o waf ad am - ii fune,

cam ones ; h e ganali wune

Of bod es, and of godefrigtih ed ,

for liueS h elps and foules red .

Icwile rigt tellen, if ic can,Ad am ,

feth , enos, cayman,

Maleleel, iareth , enoeh ,

for allod god felf h im toeh

fro m annes m eno into S a t fted e

S a t ad am forles for iuel ded e

get liueS enoch wiS - vtcnfirif, 331 ,0



mInparad if infwete lif

Got h e fal cum enor d om ef- d ay,

And wendeniewes, if h e m ay,

To S ewitteneffs of iefus erift,And th olendead vnder anteerist ;

SiS enfal antserift benflagen,And m anand angeles wurS enfagen.

ch irch es benwirrfiped m or and m or,

And fend es dregenforge and for.

Or enoch wents [fro] werldes wune,Matufale waf boronif funo,And lam ech of m atufale,

And of lam ech rigt -wife nos .

Metod ius, ali m artyr,

Ad d s inh is h erte figh e‘ fir ; sigS h e

3]Alfo h e god ad d s ofte bi- fegte,

Wiiliko was h im inh erte brogt

S is m idelsrd es biginning,And m id del- bed , and if ending ;

Before Enochwent from th eworld Methusala h was born.

Lam ech cam e ofMeth usela h .

Lam ech bega tNoa h .

Meth od ius, h olym artyr, knewmuch of th isworld ’

s beginning, m id d le, andend ing.



He wrot a bee d at m anigowiten,Manige tiding S or onifwriten;S or ifwritenqua t agte ewold ,d at ‘S ifwerld wafwaterwold . [ 1 Sat l]

hundred ger of S at Sufent

S at m ankinwas onworld s font,Caym es funes wrogtenvn- lage,

WiS breS ero wifes h ors -

plage ;

And onS o fex te hundred ger

Wim m enweltenweref m eiter,‘

And fwile woded wentenon,Golh ed hunkindo h e gunnend on;

And S o fifte hundred gorywapm enbi- gunnenquad m efier,

bi- twenh em - feluenhun-wrefls plage,A S ofie kind e, a -

genes lags .

wo hundred ger after S o wunos,Mis-wiuenh em gunnenfeS ss funes,

Agenes S at ad am for- bead ,

And letengodef frigti- h ed ;He ch efouh em wiwes of caym ,

And m engtenwiS waried kin;Of h em worenS e gotea se boron,Migti m en, and figti, [and ] for- leren;He wrogtenm anigo [Shine] and bale,Of S at m igt is litel ta le ;

(Fol. lib. ] for S at h e god no luued ennogt ,S at m igt if al to forge brogt ;

for fwile finful d ed es fake,fo cam onworld s wrech e and wrako

for to bliffenfwilc finnos fam e,

S at it no wex e at m ore bun- fram e.

4 m ed

Do wex a flod S is world s wid - bin

,m anand beast .

and [ojuer- fiowged m en deres kin,wiS - vtennoe and h iss S ro fanon,Sem

, Cam , Iaph st, ifwe rigt munen,

1 8 m ARK sroonIN ARME NIA.


firm arm enie ’6at arch e Rod ,

’6 0 wafwi’6 - dragen’6at ilc flod .

Wh enth e tenth


’6e tende m oued cam in,m onth cam e th e

80 W 5 dragen>6e v atrofwm ;

Dunes wex en,>6 0 flod wi’G- drog,

600 It ad d s lefied longe a -nog.

werti d aif after >6ir,

Arch es windoge undonit if,h e Rauenut- fleg, hufo it ganben,

604 Ne cam h e nogt to h e arch e a - gen;D e duue fond no elene fiede,And wente a -

genand wel it ded e ;’6e feuend ai efi ut it tog,

608 And brogt a grene oliues bog ;

Seue nigt fi’6eneuerilc on

He is let ut flegen, orepen, and gon,

wi’6 -utenilc feuend clene d er

6 1 2 Be h e faered e onanancter.

Sex hundred ger and ond an

‘olde “


Noe fag ut of’6e arch e- Wold s

fi e firfi m onad and te firfi d ai,

6 1 6 He fag er’6e d rie to wa ter awai ;

get h e wafwif and nogt to rad ,God s h e nogt nt , til god h im bad .

De to ’éer m one’é was incam en,And feuene and twenti d ais num en,

’6 0 h erd s Nos wol bli’60 bod ea g




g;Of a fieuene,

’6e cam fro god e

He and h ife wifwentenut fre,624 Hifo funes and h ere wifes E re ;

Na h “ 40 m He m ad e anaucter ongodefnam e,And facred e h e Bor- onfor fowlef fram e

1 1 0 feuende d er of clene kin,628 S ewaf h oldeninarch ewiS - bin,

And letenBe oE re to line gon,of h em bentudered m anigon.

m nAm Bow APPE ARS m rm ; m anner. 1 9

Oftenh e [h ad ] wid'frigti bed e, wit

632 E at fwiulcwrech e (0 god 1 5 0 ded e wtm m

Ne fuld e m ore onwerld e eum en, a dd-xi


i;Qica t wrech e fo >6orwur’6e num en. mfg?

God gat it a tokenof luuen, ;‘

ztgg‘m 1“

636 Tauned e h im inBe wakene ’ a - huuen .


Rein- bows , m encleped reed and blo ;’se blo tokens’6 d e waterss wo, £732?

red “d

>6st ifwi’S-utenand is gon; iii:biiie

ia i

m6 40 Be redowid - innentoknet on fifi


fififwrech e ’6a t fa l get wur

’6enfent , world

wanal ’6ifwerld wur’ée brent ;And al- fo h ege h e lows fal gon,

6 44 So h e flod flet de dunes on;fowerti ger or d om ef- da i,’6if tokenno m anno fenm ai.

Of’ noe fi’5 enanif >(Sre funen, [3OfM8 ] fi°



ng648 benborenalle Be inwerlde wunsn, my

“ in"

And or h e waf onwarld e led , {fi h


His kinde wafwelwid e fpred ;" d d " m m ”

Al it ifwritenic tellenm ai

6 5 2 Of h is kinbi h if line d ai ;vtench ildre and vtenWimm en


wel fowre and . x x .

’6hufent m en

wot enfialwur’éi borenbi tale,6 5 6 wi’6 -utenwif- kinand ch ild re (m ale ;

.ix . hundred ger and fifti told ,or or h e ftarf, nos waf old .

Nem brot gat h ife feres red ,

for ’6at h e h ad d e ofwater dred ,To m akena tur, wel h eg firong,Of tigel and tar, forwater- gong ;Twelwe and fex ti m enwot enBot - to,

664 Meiftor m enfor to m akenit (0 .

Anerror forwa lker”.

20 oom msxox or TONGUE S . onm m or m ourn .

“1 3{33 AIwaf onfpech e

’6 0r bi- forem,

E orwot enfund ri fpech es boren;’60 wur’6enh e fiigti and a - grifen,for dor‘wa f fundri fpech ei rifen, [l 8a

Sex ti lond - fpeeh es and .x ii. m o,

worendelt b ans inwerlde ’60 .

Babel,’5 at tor, h i

- lefun- m ad ,’6at folc ifwide onlon[de] fad ;Nem brot nam wi’6 fireng’6h e ’6at 10nd ,And h eld e >6e tur o babel inh if h ond .

Beluf kingwafnem brot fune,Nilus h if fune ganillewune ;

Belus wur’é d ead , and nilus kingMade likenefl


e, for muni[n]g,(Fol. After hif fad er, and h e fo dede,

He it fettenonanm irie fiede

Euorilc m anh e gaf lif and h'i’e

E at to ’6at likenefi’

e fogte gri’s ;

for ’6at fri’é ’6at [gaf] h em b e king,He boren’6at liknefl


e wnr’éing,


ga12m .

Caldenit be], afte

r belum ;

After 5 1 s cam fwxlo (um ,

Kw! m ad e Mania m an, if frend for to munon,none. of th eir

Mad e liknefi'

e after h e wnnen,Belwas b e firfie, and after h imSum bigte beland , fum balim ,

And fum be], and fum bal ;

fendes flei’éingwex wi’6 - al,

To wendenm enfro god es reed ,Tonewe Inns and to newe dred ;Ydolatrie ’6ufwaf boren,for quuam m ani m anif for- loren.

f fem, and of b e folc ’6e of h im cam ,

luue and dred under gode mun;Of Bis kinge wil we ledenfong,Cristes h elpe be us am onge !

ABBA) ! LE AVE S mesororAx m . 21

Noe, fem , arfa x ath , fale, gggm o

fm fly of

Haber, ph aleth ,>és fsx te if h e,

Reu, faruch , nach or, th ere,’6if if ’6e tend e fro noe .

Die o’6erwerld es eld e if fo

, (Fol.

A Khufent ger feuenti and two .

Be ’6rid d e werld ef elde cam ,

Quenne th ere bi get abrem ;

for h e bi- ga t a fune aram ,

Nach or m idlefi , left abram

Aram bi- ga t loth , and fen-ay,

And m eleh am , and waf fort leui.

Inlond cald ea , hur h iote’6e tun,

Quor d ead es firenge warp h im dun;’60r fader, and bre

’oere, and ch ildre,

Him bi- fiod enwi’6 forwes fh 'if’60 Bogte th ere onh if m od


long bigging if h ere nogt god .

Nach or h e gafwif m elcam ,

And trewe farrey abram

Quanne abram wur’ewif and war

E at (array nonch ild re ne bar,He too h im loth onfunes fied e ;Hewaf h ifo neve, wolwel h e ded e .

Th ere let h er, and >tSe’tSenh e nam ,

And wuld e to lond canah an,Cam into a burgt

’6a t h et aram ,

Inlonde m efopoth aniam .

Wi’é h im led de h e nach or, m elcam ,

Serray, loth , and abram .

Th o‘hundred ger and fifue m o,

Th ere waf old , fi arf h e’60 .

Tenef glidenfor h ert ef for

fro loth , and abram ,and nach or ;

Th ere li’6 biried inaram .“fl ed

inHuronGod foid s word to abram

22 ABRAM BE ACH E S CANAAN . m ; GOE S TO never.

fi rst h e com e to

alch em ,

wh erenowsh a d eth e Dead Sea .

[F0 ] . 1 5 64

Fam ine d roveh im to E gypt .

Abram ,h ufare ut


of loud and kin

To a loud ic h e fal bringenh in.

Sex ger and fiftene m o ,740 Ad de Abram onif eld e h o .

Abram tok loth wih farrey,Hifo agte, and erue h e led de h im bi,For into lond cananeam ,

744 And ia - to fich em , a burgt , h e nam ,

And h eh enh e nam to m irie d ale ;

fif burgefwer h or- inne bi tale,h er- fore it h igte pentapolis,

748 Ofweled ef l fulfum and of blif,

Nov iii a water of loh lic ble,Mencallih it h e d ede fe

Ilc h ing deich h ot - inns if drinen;762 Ne m ay no fif h or- inne linen;

for m annes fmne h us it ifwent,brent wih brim fir, funkenand lh ent .

God quad to abram ,al h if lond

7 5 6 Tel cum eninto if kinnef h ond .

h or god h im tanned e, m ad e h abram

Analter, and fro h eh eh h e nam .

Anoh er alter abram feli

760 Mad e bi- twenbetel and ai.

At d am a fke if h e h rid de fied e,

Quer abram if bigging d ede,And h ed enfor h e

,for hunger bond ,

7 64 fegerut into egipto lond ;h or h e feid e h at larrai

waf h if fifier, al for- h i

for h e d redde h im to letenil lif

768 If h e wifi engh e wore ifwif

for gh e wef fair Witter- like,

And h at folo luued e lech erlike .

Quanabram was to egipto eum en,7 72 Sons him wel farrai binum en;

v efldee


Sane h im waf far-ray bi- lagt ,And ‘

ph araonh e kinge bi- ta gt

God fente onh im fekenefi'

e care,

7 76 And letted e al h is lech er- fare .

Sarray liuede inclene lif,

And h e king h h oled e forges firif

Til h e wifie al h a t {trif

780 Cam h im onfor abram wif

h o fente h e after abram ,

And bi- tegte h e h im if lem an,And ga f h im loud , and agte, and fe,

784 And leue, h or quiles h is wills be,To wune egipto folc am ong,And frih enh im wel fro euerilc wrong,Bad him to god h if erdne beren,

7 88 h at ywel h im fulde nunm or deren.

h orwunede abram inwelh e and infrih ,

E gipto clerkes worenh im wih ,

And h em leredc, witterlike,792 Altronom ige and arfm ctike

He wa s h em lef, h e wor enh im h old .

God ga f h im h or filucr and gold ,And h ird , and orf, and frud , and (a t,

796 Vn- ach teled welh e h e h or bi- ga t .

Vt of egipte , rich e m an,Wente abram into lond canaan;And loth h ife none and farrey

800 bileftenbi- twenbetel and ay,

h or h e quilum h erwifienwunen,Or h eworento egipte cum en.

So wex h ere erue, and (0 ganh en

804 Antwenh ere h ird ef firiuing ganben;Loth h im ch ef, bi leue of abram ,

h at h erh e h ende h e flum iurd an;


m MS . But th e wis just like p .

24 um DWE LLs A'

r MAMRE . LOT IN sonou.

Jord an for h i Inm irie d ale h ife bigginge h e eh ee,dwelling place .

808 h a t h e fih entwie for- lee.

braInlet loth inwelh e and wale,And ferd e a~wei to m am bre d ale ;

h orwnned e abram h end enebron,8 1 2 h at burge anch er m enlih on,

It atte h earia th arbe,

Onengle fpech e fowre cite

fowre arbe cariath t am in,

8 1 6 for h at fowre biried h or ben

h orwef leid ad am and eua,

Abram fih enand farm ;

h or yfaac and rebecca ,820 And iacob and h ife wif lia .

Am bre, wih ex col and anal,h or luuedenAbram fulwel ;

He wot enbreh ere of kinde boren,824 And abram worenh e breh re (woren.

Quor abram wunede, h orwex biAnok’ h at waf of gibi,

iiiiii“at? h er h ot god abre h at tagte lond



al 828 Sal cum enal inhif kinnef h ond ,And ed and well, and {uh and norh ;AI h at god wile falwel gonfot h .

Do wurh enwax enTo wide and fpred ,

pride and gifcinge of louerd - h ed ;

Neg ilc burge h adde ife louored ing,Sum waf king, and {um kum eling ;

(Pol. Sum wafwih m igte‘ fo fot h gon,

836 h at h ad d enh e under h em m ani on.

burges of pentapolil'


Ad am a , bale, Seboyf,

And fod om e wih gom orra ,840 h e h inges weltenba rges h oe,

1 Th e MS . h as m igt ; but m igte is at th e bottom of p. 1 66 inth e catchwords—Silwal

wi‘8 migte.

26 ABBAM E E SCUE S nor. ME LCIIIZE DE K BLE ssE s a m .

He pnm ed th emunto Hoha,

I nch apoll h e

All th is h e d idfor love ofLot .

Abram gavea tenth of th e

I eleh laed ek was

wh o lived untilth e h lrth ofleaao.

wih - h utenh o, h e cudenflen;876 get no m igtenh e fiker ben,

for m agnie of h o wot enouer- taken,Abram end s h em to forwe m aken.

Hendendam afk,til burgt oba ,

880 Abram h em folwed e and wrogte woe ;wifes, and ch ildre, and frud , and fat ,He brogto agenand m ikel h e bat ;And tol, and tekel, and orf, h e ded e

884 wendenh om to h ere ogenfiede,for lotef luue fel h em h uf rigt,

Borwenh e benwel of h at figt .

Sodom es king inkinge d ale,888 Matte abram wih feres wale,

Inh e weia h e ligih to (elem ,

h e fih enif cald ierufalem .

Melch ifedech , felam ef king,892 ded e abram h or m ikelwurh ing ;

He froh er[ed ]e h im , after if (wine,wih bredef fode and wines drinc ;Habram gaf h im h e tigh e del

896 Of alle if bigote, and ded e h orwel,And blifoede dor godef m igt ,

h at bargt abram wel of h at h gt ;for h ewaf boh enking and prefi ,

900 of elde m olt , ofwit h egest ;wifi e no m anofwerlh e h o,Quat kinde h e waf kum enfro ;Oc fumm o feidenh at it waf fem ,

904 h if prefi: and king of (elem ,

or or h e flod waf long bi- forn

ofnoe bi- geten, of if wif born,And fro fo longe h or bi- foren

908 Liued e til yfaac waf boren.

od om es king bed dor'abram

Al agts and erf, wih -utenm en,

[l h erP]

MS . of.)

P h ot


Alle h ei'

h a dde wih m igte bi-


wolde h e nogt h im hii'

{wine for-

geten,oo abram dede h or m eh elike wel,wid - h eld h e h or ofneu[orje ondel,0 0 al h at euere fel h im to,

Sac- lee h e let h inweldenit fo .

E bm if feigen, wnne h em wex h er

To algenilk fiftene ger,for loth waf fiftiwinter h old ,

be] prim icef firfi bi-gan,And decim a s first abram ;

Nuiii fo bodenand fo bitagt ,924 Quo- fo h if alt h im bi agt .

After h if fpac god to ebram

h inberg and tinwerger ie h am .

h infwinc h e fal bengnld enwel,928 wid m ich elwelh e ingood fel.

Quad h e, qua t fal m ewelh es were,Quane ic ch ild - lei


ofworld s fare ;Dam ak eliezeref fune,

932 Inal m inwelh e fal h e wunsn

Qua t god , l'

o fal it nogt ben,Of h e f elf fal h inerward ten.

Abram leuede h if h ot infped ,936 d at waf him to rigt -with ed .

h rs der h e too, ilc h re ger h old ,

And facred e god onanwold ;of god ef bode h e nam god kep,

940 Anet, and a got , and a fep ;

Euorilc of h efe h e d elte ontwo,And let h em linonfunder fo,Vndelt bef leide quor- fo h ef tok

944 And h er a dune and a turtnl oh,

Set up ou- rum til h euene h e tok,And of h o d oles kep h e nam

noth ing .



Gh edi fonelas fellenh oro on,

948 h at h egte abram wel iwel d on,h egte ifwei, quanit wafnigt,h o cam onh im vgging and (rigt ;A m ich el fier h e fag, and anbrigt,

95 2 glidenh or twenh o d oles rigt .

God feid e h im h or a foh e drem

h e tim ings of if beren- tom ,

And huh e (ulde inpine ben,9 5 6 And utenerdes forge (en;

fowre hundred ger (oldenbengon,Hor h e fuld enwel cum ena - gon,oc fih en(ulde inh ere h ond ,

960 bi- cam enh at h otene lond .

h o wifie abram wel m ich el m or

Quat waf to cum enh anh e wifi e or.

Sih enbi- fel h at (arrei,for gh e waf longe untnderi,

(rot. we. ) Gh e bitagte abre m aidenagar ;Gh e wa rh wih ch ilde and h em two bar ;forh fih engh e bi abram flep,

968 Of h ire leuedinam gh e no kep ;And (arraiwa ldst nogt h olen

h at agarwore h uf to- bolen;“N h“ Gh e h eld h ire h ard inh rallefwnne,

972 And ded e h ire forge and anger mune ;h o fleg agar fro (array,

upon th e ear

Inh e diferd , wil and weri,976 And anangel cam h or h ire bi,

wiite h ire drogen(ori for h riit,At a wells quem od o h ire lift,And bad h ire (one wendenagen,

980 And to h ire leued i bux um ben;

flih " And (side gh e (ulde (unenwel

And tim en, and elepenit (m eal,l

A m etrical licence for ifm ael.


Abrah am (tod and quam ed e h em wel,1 020 Hif good wil was h em good m el.

M u m , Qanad h if on, h if tim e oh ar ger,

Sal is m e to h e taunenh er ;Bi h an(al (arra (elh e tim en,

1 024 h at ge (el of a (une trim en.

m mh anne h erd s (arra (wile tiding,And it hire h ogte a (slli h h ing,for gh e wa ( nigontiwinter h old ,

1 028 Abrah am onwane of anhundred told

m afi a ,

“ b"Gh e glents and h h ogte, m igte it nogt ben,And gh e h at (ulde h erwih ch ilde be (on;And Abrah am trewid it fulwel,

1 032 And it wurh (oh binnen(wile (el.

m am bre d alewente h o h rs ,to -ward (od om e gedenh e ;

Quad h e louered , wile icnogt fielen,1 036 Ne m inded e abrah am h elen;

Io oum e to (enh at finne dwale

h at i( 1 1 19 told of Inirief da le .

h o add e abram if h erte (or,

1 040 for loth h ifnewe wuned e h or.

Lonerd ,” quad h e, h u (altudon,

If h u(alt nim enwrech e h or- ou

(Fol. Salt h unogt h e rigt-wife weren,1 044 Or for h em h e toh era m eh beren?

Quad god , find is h or tenor m o,Io (el m eh enh e (tede for h o .

Durfte Abrah am freinennunm ot ,

1 048 0 0 wente agenwih h erte (or ;And god et -wot ih - to h ife ligt ,

h o to gonto (odom e rigt .

At eventwo an Sunne ifweft under erh enum en,1 0 5 2 Quuanne h e bento (odom e cnm en;

Get (at loth at h e burgee gate,

After (um geite ftod h im quake


He rof, and lutts , and (croh h im

1 0 5 6 And bea d h em h om to i( oftsl

To h erbergenwih him h at nigt ,h o fwete engeles, faier and brigt ;

And h e (0 ded enelf h e h em bead ,1 060 He wifi enhim bergenfro h e dead ;

And loth h em ferned fairs and wel,M m : and

And h e h im gnldenit euerilc del.

0 0 al h at burgt folc h at h old s wa ( on,1 064 h e m igte lsch er crafts don,

To loth es hu( h e cum snh at nigt

And bi- (ettenit redi to figt ;He bodenh im bringenut o -non,

1 068 h o m enh at wotenh idir'



Loth h em h ead if dogtres two,for to frih snh ife gsfte (wo ;

0 0 h e no wuld enh if dogtres nogt,1 072 forwicks and feble wa ( h ers h ogt .

h at folc vn- (eli, (inns wod ,h o (oriwrscch es of yuel blod

wuld enh im h or gret firengh e don,1 076 Tilwrech e and letting cam h em on.

h is angels two d rogenloth in, £380 1

And ih sttsnto h e dure- pin.

Wil fih encam oneuerilc on,1 080 h o wrscch ss h e wih - vtengon,

for al h at nigt h e (ogtcnh or

h e dure, and fund end neuere m or.

h o (sidenh if engeles to loth wih (psd ,1 084 If h e frend h auefi and wit 1 d onred , [l wilt g


Bid h im , or d ay, redi ben,“m h“

And (wih e ut h if burgef fisn,“ym

sllss (ulenh e brennenand for- faren,

1 088 If h e no bi tim e h eh e[n] weren.

Two h orwarrenquam h im h ogts ear

To weddenh if two dogtrss h ear dear P]

32 nm rnucrIoN or SODOM AND GouonnAn.

Lot warned h ieeom - ln- law in

Sod om wee d eetroyed by fire,

for sinand “unkind d eeds .

Noth ing m ay liveth erein.

Loth h em warnsde, wiflike and wel,0 c h e ne trowsd snh im neuere a del.

Onm orgenquand ay cam h em to,

Loth and h i( d ogtrss two

Leddenh if engeles ut in(el,And bod enh em and tagtenwel,h at h ere nonwente agen,fornonh h ing h e m igbe (en.

Loth wa( wanfum ,and h ugte long

vp to h o dunes h e weis h ard and tirong ;Louord ,

” qua t h e, gunde under dun,m ot h ic benborgsninh at tun!

h o engeles (siden, we fulenit (ran,h or quile h uwilt h ot - inns h en;Aiwa( borgsnbala - (sgor

h or quile h at loth dwelledd e h orCc fih enloth wents ut of bins ,brende it h hund sr, (anc it erh s - dine.

Sons (0 loth ut of (od om e cam ,

brend - fier- rsinh e burge h i-nam ;

Hard ere wrech e h orwa ( cum sn

h ancarwas vnder flod s num en;for m enh or (Inns nu- kindc d eden


(o for- (anc and brents h at (ted sn

So bitter- like if it for- don,

Ne m ainond ainwafi'

cnh or- on;So for- (anc h at folc (Inful h or,(wile finful finns wex h ernunm or.

Do lots s wifwents h ire a - gon,Sons gh e liod , wente into a (ion;

80 iii:nuforwsnt'

m irie d ale

Into dririh ed and into balc,h e (warts fium ,

h e d ede (s ,

Nonfii; nonfuel h er- inns m ai be .

h a t water if (c deades drinen,Nonh ingne m ei h or- inns linen;


and sawth a t th e

Forsorrowh e leftMam re’a d ale,

and went and

He ou t backSara h ,

h ie wife andoth er! bore ch il

Pla tseofsilverh e

gave to Sa rah .

Th e h irth ei


To -ward (od om e h e (ag h e roks

1 1 64 And h e brinfiros (tinken‘ (m eko,And wents a -wei fro m am bre dale,

So (ore h im rsuof h at bale .

[1 for itinkende

Suh cnh e wents m ode ingoreris,1 1 68 bi- twencado and vr

, y-wis ;

h er h e (side oft, for luue of lif,

h a t (Il'

ierwere (arra h is wif.

Quilum of“or ‘ph arraenh ire toe, an MS . w.]

1 1 72 Nutakeh abim elech h ire oc ;

Sens it was h at gh e wa ( fairwif,Quangh e wa ( lnned in(0 long lif.Abim alsch wurh (sk on- on,

1 1 76 And oh srwrech e if folc cam on;Nogt wif- kinnes nonbirh e no nam ,

h er quiles h e h erwih - h elh (aram .

Ondrem s h im cam tid ing for- quot1 1 80 Ho h rowcd o and h oled e un- tim ing h at ;

Al it wa ( for abrah am - i( wif,h a t h o h ire h eld h erwih (irif ;h e bi- h h ogto him fulwel,

1 1 84 And (onto after abrah am h at ile (cl,

And bi- tagte h im h ifwif a -non,And h if yusl (ort

‘wa ( ouer-


His wif and eh erc h it h e beren,

fort inMS.]

1 1 88 h e h e (winacio ganh im nunm er d eren.

Abim alsch gaf abrah am

Gold , and filuer, and lend for- h en;A h hufant plates of filuer god

1 1 92 Gaf h e (arra h at fairs blod ,

Bad h ire h er h irwih h eued benbid ,for (wile tim ing was h ire bi- tid .

Do wuld e god bi (owen(o

of elde abrah am and 0 (arm (0 .

Gh e wurd wih ch ild , oneld o wee,And trim edo and clepcd it yfaac.

m BANIsIm E N'

r or HAGAR AND Ism IAEL. 35

h e ogtsnde da i h a t h e wa ( boren,Circumcifod h o wa (, a - buten(ch eron;h er- of h oldenh o ieuwes lay,Circumcifod onh e egtendo day.

Am bit folc of yfm ael,

Aflzor h im denh e it al (wilk (ol,a “

Queue h e . x iii. ger bonold ;Of yfm eel h ere tim e if told .

re gerwerenyfa ec on,Quano h owa ( fro teding den;

Mich el gefiningo m ade abrah am

Queue h e h at (one to bord e nem .

Wintres forh wox enonyfa ac,And yfm aolwa ( h im vn- (wac ;Of- tenit ganyi


noe un- fram en,And yfm asl pleido h ard gam en;Barre wa ( h er- fore oftenwroh ,

Hirwa( yi'

m eelse anger loh

Gh e bi-m ento h ire to abrah am ,

And (um dol ligtlike h e it nam

Til god h im bad ii'

wiuss tale

Litton, and d ona -wsi h at dwale .

Abrah am t apedo h im (one in(podfor to fulfillengedof reed ; hig


He flom ed o agar and y(m aol

In(um ertid , Inegeft (cl ;Bred , and a fotles wih water fild , [Fat 246- 1

Bar agarwih h ire and wih h e ch ild ;

Bi h o dsfsrt a -woi ch onam ,

Inard weie and h ots gram ;

Wih (wine and h etc h em wox enh rifi ,h o water flecksdo h e ch ild sf lift ; 3?nTid - liko h em ganh at water la ksn,h o ganagaref (erwe waken; g

gguzm g

h e

Wantsdo h it ch ild faierneii'

e and migt,Hif m oderwurh neg deed for frigt .


and sh e ga ve th eled d rink and

In Arabia th eydwelt .

Ked argavenam eto a kingd om .

Tem an gete its

nam e frem 'l‘em e .


Gh e leide h e ch ild under a tre,far h eh engh e god e, (o it ganbe,h e ch ild no m ai gh e for (ergo (on;Bi al- (o for (o a begs m ai ton,h er (a t hi( m od er infik and (or


wend e gh e it oenereuneuere m or.

God defm erci ded e h ire reed ,

Anangel m eh ed e h ire h a t nod ,Tagte h ire h er a wells (pring,h a t wa ( h ire h er (eli tim ing ;h er gh e ganfrom snyfinaol

Wih wa tref drinc and bred sf m sl,

filt h ire fetelsi'

, and nam fro h en

ferh to h o defcrt of ‘

ph aran;h erwuned e yfm asl and agar.

Gh e ch ef h im a wif h e ch ildre bar ;

. x ii. (unc( h o auod o h i h i( wif,Of h im cam kinde m ikil and rif.

Nabach ot wa ( h if firit (uns ,Inarabis h i( kinde wuno

fro h e rich e flod eufrate,

Wid and for to h e rod e (o ;

Of h i( oh sr (uno ced ar,

A ku[n]grich o h ifnam e h er ;And of dum a h i( (ex to (uno,A ku[n]gd om dirim a h umuno

Hif .ix . wa ( tom e for- h en,If h er a ku[n]glond tem an;And .x ii. of h e cedim e,

Hot a guglond’oftenfro h a .

Esm d wa( agar and yfm aol,

[l wMS . ]

Pkunglond . ]

and y(aac wex and h eh gwolwol.

Abim alsch (ag abrah am,

Huwelh e h im wex and migte cam ,

He bad h im m akenfiksr pligt

Of luue and trowh o infrondei'



h at no (uldo h im h egwer d eren,Oc h im and h i(s h olpenand weren;He gaf h im a wells and a lend fro,

Abrah am it clepsd o ber(abe ;

h er benh o boh enforenpligt,h at h ero neih cr (al donoh sr un- rigt.

Abrah am ganh er longe ben, [roL

And tilled o cornand fettc troen,h og [it] wa ( nogt if kind e lend ;Rich erc h e it loct h enh e it fond .


io(ephus no legeh m e,

h er quiles h e wuned e inber(abo,(e wa ( y(aace( eld told

x x . and five winter old ;h e h ord e abrah am fleuene fro god s ,

Newe tiding, and (slkuh bod eTee h in(uno y(aac inbond , “of

? " I'm my

And farwih h im to fih h ingef lend ,And h er h u (alt h im offrcnm e

Onanh il h er is (al taunenh e .

fro ber(abe iurnef two

Waf h a t lend h a t h o bed h im two ;And m orie, m en(oih , wa ( h at h il,

h m

h at god h im tawne[do] inh is wil ;Mon(oih h at dune - if fih enon

Was m ad tem ple (alam on,

And h e autcr m ad onh at itsd e

h er abrah am h e‘ ofl'

randc d ed e. h h e ]

Abrah am wa ( bux um e rigt , smfizafagw,Hifo weie h e tok (one binigt ;

com m and "

h e h rido d ay h e (agt h e fiedo

h e god h im wit eninh erte ded e ;h enh e cam dunto h o dunef fet ,Nonof h if m enforh ors no m ot


But y(aac if d ere ch ild e,

Ho h er h e wud o wih h erte m ild ,


uireeth eeae an

wee read yto be sacrificed .


And abrah am h o fier and h e (word bar ;1 308 h e wurh h e ch ild Witter and war

h at h er (al ofl'

rcnd o bendon,Oc no wifie h o qana t, no quor- on;fad sr,

” qua h h e, quar (al bentaken1 31 2 h e ofl


rsndo h at h uwilt m akeni”

Quat abrah am , god (al bi- (en,

Quor- of h e ofrendo (al ben;

Sellik h u art onwe jdo cum sn,Sellic h u(alt benh eh ennum en;

Wih -utenlong h h rewing and figt ,God wile h e takenofwerlde nigt ,And of h e scluenh olocaustum h auen,

1 320 h anc it h im h at h o it wulde creuon.

Yfaac wa ( redi m ildelike,Quanh at h e it wiiio witterliko.

0c abrah am it wh ld e wel

qua t- (o god bad , h worted h e it new a d o]

Yfaacwa ( leid h at enter on,So m enfuld enh olocanfi d en;And abrah am h at (word nt- dreg,

1 328 And wa ( redi to (ionh im nugs ,‘

Oc angel it h im fer- bed ,

And berg h e ch ild fro h e dead ;h e wurh abrah am frigti fagon,

1 332 for y(aac bi- leafun- flagsn;

Bi- aftenh air, of h e nam kep,

fails inh om es h o (a g e (op,

h a t anangel h er- inns ded e ;1 336 It wa ( brent ony(a ac Red o.

And or abrah am h eh enfor,God h im


h or bi h im - feluen(wor

h at h e (al m ich il h i( kinde m ak'

én,1 340 And h at lend h em to h ondo taken;

Good (olh h e (al h im cum snon,for h e h if dede wuld e don.

noe l]

ELIE ZE R Is ou r re m ese pe'

rAm A . 39

Ho wente blih o and fagenagen,To ber(abo h e gunnc teen,Serra wa( fageninkind es wuno,h a t [h ire]

‘h ilcf h a t dere ( une .

Der quiles abrah a m wuned e h er,Him cam good tid ing ofnach or,

h at m elee bar h im egte (unsn;Hufwo( sld sit, ifwe rigt muncn.

Bigt-wif ioh cam of h i( kin,Hus lend h e wa ( rich e wid - h in [3wih - bin

Of buz, h if broh srss kin, cam [3 M.S . Ob.

$ 323Buzitss, E liv, Balaam .

brah am , rich e ofwelh e and wale,wente a -

gsninto m anbrs d ale ;Sarra h e itarf, anhundred gor old

And (cueno and .x x . winter told .

brah am (onto eliezer

to lend m efopotanio for,To caram h er if fad sr lay,

(Or h e cam h erwa ( m anic d ay)To foch eny(aa c h em a wif, at

a wife

Of h i( kind s h e h erwa ( m lif.

Tonkam slcs (em sh ‘ ferh h e nam , [l fem ee P] Ten cam ele h etook with h im .

Wih mich el (wine h e h id cr cam

At a wells wih -utcnh e tun;h er h e leide h i(e (sm cs dun,h er h e wulde h im rottenand ben,Sum good tiding h eronor (on.

Louerd god ,” quah h e m ild elike,

m inerdne h uforh c (slh h eliko,

h if d ai m o lsnc h ire to ( en,

h at (al y(aaces lcm anben.

o bed h i(c bed s ongood (el.

Rebecca , bi- gotenof h atuel,

MS . h ire is writtenover inth e later h and .


hiffillfm “‘0 Ofnach or bi- gcten, of m elca boren,

Cam to h at wells h er h im bi- forsn,And him and ilc- onh is kam el

Wih wa tres drinc gh e quam od o wol.

[Fol Oh srs m oidenes wih h ire cum sn,Ns wornogt (o ferh h onwo num en.

E liezer lored o h er

h at batuel cam ofnach or ;Of batuel h is m aidencam

gh e wa ( forh nifto of abrah am ;

h egte h e, h if m aidenwile ic h auen

And to m inleuerd es befto bi- crauen;for kindes luue h e wa( h ire h old ,Wih beges and ringes boh enof gold ,Aflccd e h ere if gh e m igte taken

Herberge for h ire frond es

aid snrebecca h anno ran,1 And kid d it ‘ to h ire broh orLaban,And labancam to h a t wells nor,feigerwelcum ed e h e h er eliezer,And ’ fond good grih and good h ostel, PAnh MS .]Him , and W e m en, and h i(o kam ol.

E liezer,or h e wulde oten,

Wuld e h e nogt h i(e crdone for-


Al h e told o h em fro quoh enh e cam ,

And for qua t crd one h e h idcrnam ;

Told s h em tiding of abrah am ,

Quilc (elh e and welh h o h im wel bi- cam ,

Sent h o wa ( h id er, for kind s wuno,After a wif to y(aac h if (une .

[m o

( eido h e, rebecca wile ic h auen,

To y(ac- if bi- ofte wile ic crauon.

Labanand h i( m od erwih - h en

fagned enwel h if (ondere m an;

kid dit M8 .


Get m enseyn‘ h a t abrah am ,

fih encold s agar coturam ,

3h , h m h imAnd (go

’ bar h im fih on(ox (unon; sh e

m ““n" Abrah am dede h em (Ih on(undri m en;for sit fro cratonidé


Worenh o (prod to h e rod e so.

Yfaac h e let al h i( god ,

for h e wa ( bi- getenof kind e blod .

Am d ied Anhundred gor h old and (ouenti

a ”“8° " 5 ’

And .v . h e wa( leid (arram bi.

boh eny(a ac and y(m asl

Him bi- ited enwurlike and wel.

Onhundred gor and . x x x vij .

Liued s y(m aol and wa ( h er bi.faecwa ( h old . x l. ger

Quenne rebecca cam h im nor ;Longs it waf er gh e h im ch ild h er,

And h e bad god , quanns h e it wurh war,h at h o’ (uld s fillcnh a t qusdo

h at h o abrah am quilum d ed e .

h e wurh rebecca ch ildre bore,

Rebekah cen h at gh e felts ful tim e ingsrooei'ed '

At onburd ens gh e und or- stod

two h e werenh ire fibbc blod ;Al(c h hute h ire d ay and nigt ,Al(c h e wrogtenand ‘figt, [4 an

Qush sr h ero (uld s birh enbi- foron.

Oc ofauwa ( firm eit boren,

And iacob (one after, icwot ,for h at h e h eld im “bi h e fet. [5 M8 . h eldim . ]

Sex ti gcr y(aac wa ( old ,Quanh if tidi[n]g h im wa ( toldGh e“was abrah am liuss h er, [0 get P]After h if, fiftsno ger.

we is at th e side ina later h and . Ina la ter h and at th e side.


r soE N . 43

Wex enboh eny(aac (unss,And h h ogen, and ad d on(und riwunsa ;

E feuwild s m anhunters ,And Iacob tam e m antilisro .

h o fad sr luued o e(auwol,1 484 for firm s birh e (weto m sl ;

h e m od er, iacob for tam eh ed ,

And for h e ali gaftef red .

Iacob Antim e h im (oh a m ate

1 488 h at m ancallenlentil gets,And e(aufro fold s cam ,

Sag h is pulm ont, hunger h im nem .

Broh or iaco quot e(au,

1 492 Of h ifwarm s m ots h ugif m s nu,

for is h am m a ttiliko weri.”

Iaceb wurh war h e wa( gredi ;Broh or,

” quad h e, fol m e h e wunsa ,1 496 h e t enh onh o firm s (unss,

h at is h infirm s birh eh o gets ,If is h e fills wih h if m ete .

Quad e(au, ful blih elikc,ffi‘

fih fféi'


1 5 00 And gafo it h im wel fikerlike.

firm s h it h e wa ( wurh iwuno

h o fad sr ded e h e firm s (one ;h e firm s (nno at ofl


rend s (cl

1 5 04 Wafwuno benfet id (om eliko and we] ,And (nldo anonh o blifcingOr or h e fad sr d ed e h i( end ing ;And a t h eg tid e and at geftning,

1 5 08 h e gungcre‘ (uno goncnh e blifcing,

And h auenm cto h ana t if m e] , At m ea t h e h ada d ouble portion.

More or h e gungero twinne d o] ;And quanno h e fad srwere grauen,

1 5 1 2 two doles of sreward rich e anon.

Anerror for eldere .


A fam ine baniehed Ieaec teGerar.


Sh e m ad e h imrough like E ean.


Antim e d ed e hunger y(aac flen,And h e wuld e to egipto th en,

[ 1 tenP]

0 0 god h im (onto reed inwis

h at h o bi- lsf ingerafis ;h er h e was for h i( fad rsf luns[n]Holdenwurh eliks a wel a - buuen.

Anhundred (o m ikelwex h if tile,80 m ay god frih s h er h e wile .

Nih ed s h at folk h im folwol

And dedenh im flittsnh i(e site] .

At ber(abs h e wunede boit,And h erwurh wih h im trowh o felt

Abim alsch , and Inns (woren,So h e wa ( or if fad sr bi- foron.

And h olds god s ony( a ac,Wnrh ed e figh tslsf and elde (was eldeewas

He h ad e(au, h i( firm s (uns ,fech inh im fod e

,of h e wa ( wuno

If h e toko h im h at h e wuld e oten,Ri( (sli blifcing (uld s h e bi- gs ten.

Der quiles e(aufegte and ran,Robecca iacob red engan;

Two kid ss h o fotto and brogt ss’ h ire,

And gh e knowwel h o fad erss kiro,‘

And m ade (wih e on(ole h at m ete,

(wile gh e wiito h owuld e oten;Sriddo gh e iacob and m ad e h im rn

h er h e was nulik e(au;

And h e (ernsd s h i( fad srwel

Wih wines drinc and (elcs m ol.

Yfaacwend e it were e(au,for h e grapto h im and fond h im rn;h anno h e wiits h im ongod s (el,Ho h im blifcod e h old slike and wel ;

brogteeMS. Glossed m om inla ter h and .


Henone dew, and erh ef fetth od ,Ofwinand sh e fulfnm - h sd ,

And bad h im of h i( kindes leuerd ben,Inwelh e and m igt wurh ingo h on.

Wol blih o and fagonwas iacob h e,for blifood h owents h i( fad sr fro .

Quany(aac it under- Dam

h at e(auto late cam ,

And h a t if broh sr, af- ter beren,Waf knm enand h ad do if blifcing bi- forcn,We] (olknh liko h e wurh for- dred ;

And inh a t dred h i( h egt wa ( led

Into ligtnefl'

o for to (en,

Quowgod wulde it (uld s ben.

h e (sid e yfans to e(au,h inbroh er iacobwa ( h ernu,

And too h inblifcing lih et - liko,

And h e wurh blifcsd witterliks .

Quad e(au, “rigt if h i( nam eh otsniacob, to m innn- fram o ;

Or h e m infirm s h it h e toc, fifthm fi'

Nuh aued l h o itelsnm inblifcing oc [ 1 h aueh

h og, fad sr dere, biddo is h e,”

h at fum blii'

cing gif hnm e.

h e gane(au h ongsn

’and (on [s h enkenP] iwfiwhu

Quilc If bllfclng m igte ben; gratin.znhe



Inh euene den, and crh ss (m ore, ii:$ 07“of

Gatto h im blif eing h at h im wa ( gore ;”m m

for ydnm ea , h a t fnlfum lend ,Of lewfs god , was inh i(s h ond .

Quad e(au, gret (al bi- cnm en, fx bfhm w

And wrech e of iacob (al binum en.

Os rebecca wifie h a t h h ogt ,h at h a ts wa ( inh i(o h erte brogt,

fer- h i gh e iacob warnengan,And (onto him to h i( broh sr laban;

46 JACOB 1 8 m m To PADAN - AE AN .

Jacob went a

long way about ,

leued i rem ained .

be h u h er, qua t gh e, til e(au

E h e m oh ed [be] . h e wreh ed nu,And h u (alt h o betro (pod ,If it beh bi h infad erss red .

Quad rebecca to h ire were,E feuwifusd s n( to d ere

Quanh o initsd beh (0 m et,

Toe of kinh e canaanbi- ga t,For- h i h o m akod h im (tih itreng,For h e beh m engt h at kinam ong ;If iacob took h er alfo a wif,Nc bed s is no lengsre werldof lif.Yfa ac bad iacob h im garen,And forh (wih e to labanfaren;Iacob liftonodo h e frond ss rod ,Fro ber(abs h o ferdewih (pod ;Long weie h e ganto-ward aram ,

bi canansam ferh h e nam ,

And wuld e nogt h a t folo bi- twen

Herberged inh ers hnfss bon.

He lay bi lnzanut onnigt,A (tenund er h i(o h eued rigt ,

And (lep and (ag, an(ch o drem ,

fro h e erh e up til h euene h em ,

A leddre (tendon, and h er- en

Angeles dun- cum snand up- gon,And h e leuerd h ernppo a - bunon

Loued ‘ h er- on; and [Jacob] wurh nt - (unen,Hord e h a t h e qua d , god is am ,

h e lnned y(a ac and abrah am ;

And h is lend ic (al ginsuh in(ed ,And inh is weige d onh e rod

And i (al bringenh o a -

gsn,And of h inkinde blifcod h n(alt ben.


Iacob abraid , (sid e frigtilikc

God inh is ited o ifwittirlike,Her, dredfnl (bed s , h er, god ef hns,

1 620 Her, h euenegato am engnfus ;Lenard , if is m ote a -

gsncum sn,Of h is ited o is (al inh erte munon;

(Setto h o up h at (tenfor mnniging,1 624 And get oneligo for tok

-ning)Ho (al euere m inleuerd ben,

h at d ed e m e h er h is figt (on,Her is (al oifrend ss h ero den

1 628 And tigh eewel geld enh er-up- cn;

And wol (al In: wurh ed ben,for is ganh er h is figh h o (en.

Iacob cald s h at ited s hotel ;

1 632 Quor- fors h o it d ed e, h owiitowel.

Longs woio h e fih snouer- cam,

And longe tim e or h e (ag th aram .

Quans h o cam nor, fond h e h er- on

1 636 Awells wol h olid under a (ton,And h rs flockss of (op d or- bi,

h at h er a h idenal fer- h i ;

h erwa ( nogt wuno on on,

1 640 h at orf h er to water gen,Os at (st tim e h e fulden(am en,h er h em - (elf h ers erf fram en.

Iacob h os h irdes h ‘

einengan,1 644 Hufer iii h eh ento laban;

Wol h o (sid enand (wih e wel,loc ! h er h i( d egtsr rach el.

Sop h o drinenh ifwells nor,1 648 for gh e h em wuld e wettre h er.

Iacob wih h ire wente h at lton,And let hire ( op to water gen;And kiddo h e wa s h ire m onies (nno,

1 65 2 And kiito h ire aftrs kindes wuno ;

h er- bi


th e lord eh a ll bem y God ,

Jacob called th eplace Beth el.

Jacoh purenee h iejourney.


He entortaineh im well.


Rach elwas blih o and forh gh e nam ,

And kid d it 1 to h ire fad sr laban. [1 11 t M8 . )

Labanfagned o h im infrond es m e,

1 65 6 foren(wnnksny(aacss (nnen.

Iacob toldo h im for qua t h o (waneSo for, and labanh erte ranc ;Ho cnh o h im h er- ofwel gret h h anc,

1 660 And ded e h im otenand to h im drane,And (side to him ,

bi m inblod ,h incom e if m o lsfliks and good .

Labanbi- tagto h im ,fih snto (on,

1 664 Hif h irdensfl'

o h at it wol ben.

And quenne a m ensh was ouer- m oten,Iacob,

” wah h o, “quat wiltnbi-geton?Quat- (o ’

[h u] wilt for h ire cranen,1 668 Aiko it wih ikil and h n(alt h auen.

Qua t iacob, is (al, for rach ol,

Sem enh e fonone winterwel.”

Lnuowel m ich il it agte a -wold ,1 672 Swile (ornifo and (o longs told .

ferh ged enfonone ger bi tale,And labanm ad e -h im h if bridale

Iacob wurh drunken, and snoncam ,

1 676 Labanbinigt tog h im liam ;

And a m aidenwa ( hire bi- tagt,Zslfa binam e, h at ilke nagt .

Iacob ganh ire under- fen,

1 680 O m orgenh ugto it h im m if- d on.

Quat laban,long wuno if h er drinen,

firm eit oneld e, firit bengiuen:

And loh m e wa ( (cndenrach el

1 684 So for, for is luued o h erwel ;Oc (erf m e fonone oh sr gsr,

If h n(alt rach el (ernenh er ;

At bottom of Pol. 326 is th e ca tchword quot (0“Enwilt.‘

5 0

ca ttle

Ja cob aaw th at

so be determ inedto leave Pad an

Rach elh ad stolenh erfa th er’egode.


JAW B LE AVE S LABAN SE CRE TLY .h e fulenh im benfor h ire num en;Sop or got, h afwsd , arlod , or grei,

1 724 Bend onfro iacob for a -wei ;h og h im borenh es onef bloe

Vn- liko m anigo and likelss .

h e (ag labanh at iacob bi- gat

1 728 Michil, and h im m iilikod o h at ;

bi- tagte h im h o h o (und er bles,And it him borenones blos .

Tenfih es h ns gor,

1 732 Sh ifted e iacob h ird snsfi’

o h er,

And aiwas labansf h erte (or,for h if agte wex m or m or.

Do (ag iacob labanwurh wroh ,

Vndsr h im benlong if h im loh ,And wih ifwines h e takeh red ,

And greih ct h im doh onward ‘wih (pod .

Labanferd e tonim onkep,Inclipping

fro caram in- to vtsnitedo,h er quiles iacob h if dede d ede ;Wih wines, and ch ildre, orf h o nam ,

1 744 And to h e munt galaad h e bi- cam ;

h anns flog h e to m e(epotaniam ,

And dreg to-ward canansam .

And Rach el ad d s h id and for- olen

Hire faderss godes of gold ,

Labanit wiito onh e h rid de dai

h at iacob wa ( h ns flogene -woi ;He too, and wents , and folwede on,

1 7 5 2 And h h ogt inm od iacob to tion,0 0 god in(wouene (pee h im to,

h a t h e (uld s iacobnonyuel do .

vij . nigt forh -

gedenand d ais cc,1 7 5 6 Or labaniacob ouer- toe ;

h eh onward i


So wa ( h o frig[t]ed car indrem ,

h a s m sh elike (pas h i( om

Quiwere h nfro m o for- h olen,1 760 And qui a( h nm ingodes fielen

Minm eg, m innone, and folago,Mo no agtos h nd on(wile [vn- jlago.

[I]cwas for- dred h e m igte tim en,1 764 fro m o h ins d outros bi-nim on,

fro h ero ch ildre h h ogt h em (or,

nor for m e h i- lensnh er ;fialh o is for- fake, h at if m inred ,

1 768 wih quam h ui( find ss,h at h e be dead .

Of al h at labanbaned ‘ if (ogt,

So worenit h id , no fond h e is nogt .

Do [q ah iacob, yucl ift bi

- togen,Min(wine a - bntenh inh olh s dragon;

hnm o ranfakss alf anh cf,And m e was h inwnrh ing lef.

h e qua t laban, frond ( lilo wit ben,

h aueh Laban search edfor h is id ols, butfound th em not .


Th enea id Jacob,“Wh a t is m y sinth a t th en raneackset m e as a

th ief !”

Quoth Laban,Friendswillwe

1 7 76 And trowh o pligt’nunnc bi- twen, [3wligt MS.] be and pligh t

And m ake we it h er anh il of (ten,between

Nam e ofwitnsil'

o be h er- on

h er- onh e otenblih o and glah ,’

p glad l]1 780 h at h il if h otsngalaah $


$ 13

5 .Labanh sm blifcsd o, onnigt

wents a - gen-ward , or it wa ( ligt ; gmAnd iacob wa ( ofweie rad ,

1 784 Rah o h owas for fro laban(ad .

Alf h e cam nor canansam ,

Engolwirh a - genh im cam ,

Als it were wopned e h ere,1 788 Rodi to fildonh im fro were

h at (todo h o caldo m anaim , m l’i‘

manh er h is wird of engeles m ottonh im .

h er h e bi- lef, and (onto h edon [4 h eh en1 792 Senders m ento froinonand quah on

Jacob sends m eeeengere to Beau.

1 1 swres tles withanangel,

and th e sinewsh rank from th e

Jacob would notlet th e angel go,

until h e h adbleeeed h im .

Jacob prevailed ,and h isnam ewas

Th is lacs wasca lled enuel.


If e(auwulde h im ogt deren,h og wilts wel god (uld s h im woren

h er h im cam bod e h im for to (on,1 796 h at e(auh im cam a -


And iacob (onto fer bi- foron

him rich e lose, and1 (undri boron,

And iordanh o ded e ouerwaden,1 800 Orf m en, wih welh e laden;

And h e bi- lef h er onh e nigt

to bid d enh elps of god ef m igt .

And h erwrsitolsd o anongelwih ,

Ssuwo (prnugenfro h e lih ;

(wuld e h e non(enwo fih enston,Self h is kind s nilo h at wuno forgoten. )Get h old h e wih h is angel fait ,

1 808 Til h o d aning up often“it brait ;h e (sid e h e engol, let m e get ben,h o d aining h ernum enm ai sen.

Quad iacob, h e no lsa to is nogt,

1 8 1 2 Til h inblifcing onm e beh wrogt .

De quad h o angel, (al tnnunm ot

bencald iacob, (e h nwere or,

0 0 h n(al benh etsnifrael,1 8 1 6 for h nh o wcrios (wih e wel ;Quanh nh o m igt wih angelworen,Hn(al ani m anh e mugenderen?

ar iacob and nuifraol.”

h at ite[d o] was said ph anuel,for h e nam ouer ph anuel ;And it wurh ligt and h e (agwol

Quer e(aua -

genh im cam ,

1 824 And bi- forona -

gsnh im nam ;And (one (Ih os h e fell h im bio foron,And wurh o h im (0 firm eit boron;And e(au h e ranh im to,

1 828 And kiil'

edo, and wept, h e rowh im (0 .


JACOB DW E LLS AT suoeoTn. D INAII’s rou x . 5 3

Broh or,” quad h o, h e and h intrum o gigs,

welcom e

benh ere inh if place to m ewslcum s ;Hans and brnc wol al h inprefsnt,h at h e to m e bringsit and h ausit font .

Iacob was we h at h o if for- foe,

And fcreh h im h at (um be h er tok . m“W W “

Hero lune h e wurh h ol and (ch ir,And e(auferd e forh h sd en‘ to (syr ; [1 h eh enP]

“9“PW “n“Seir.

h at news burgwa( h im to fram e,

Mad and said of if owennam e.

Iacob fro h eh enwente, is wet , fof




tgslt ona ited e, and cold it 2 (och ot ; P caldit MS.]“in,

fro (och et (ih ento ( wh om ,

And wuno h er inns (elem ,

h er h im folds anlend kinge sm or,

And h e dreg h id er and wuned e h er ;wih news alterwurh sd h o wel

h e ftrong god of yfrasl.

Hi( d owtor dina h er m if- d sd s,

gh e nam lsuolss fro h at itedo,To (ond oworld h hugts h ire god ,h at m ad e h ire fih snfsri m od ,

for- liftsd s h ire owenred ;Sich em tok h ire m aid en- h ad ; giffi

‘fifi ifl fud .

E m or h is fad sr, fih onfor- h i,

And hi( burgs - felc felleninwi ;Sym eonand leni it bi- fpsksn,And h auenh ers lifter h er i-wroken;folo of falsm h er- fore wa( flagsn,wiwes, and ch ildre, and agte np- dragsn;Os iacob nowiito it nogt ,Til h a t wrech e to bale was wrogt ,Oc m ich il h o frigtsd s for- h i,

boh enfym sonand leni.

Hendenfich sm no dnritenh e wunsn,h at felkes- kingod bad

5 4


Beniam iniebern.

E sau dwells inBd om ,


And h ed on farsnto h otel,And h e folged o if red onfel ;Agto nucleus no wuld e h e beren,

1 868 for h e dred d e h im it (uld s h im deren;God ss h at rach sl h add e itolsn,And ay til h anwih h im for- h olen,And eh rs ydelss brogt fro fich sm ,

1 872 G0 1 prsnes and ringefwih h em ,

Diep be if d alf und er aneec,Made h im nongifcing inh erte woes .

Longs it werenh er fer- hid ;

1 876 Mon(oih for- h iwa( fo bi- tid ,for (alam onfind inif (al,And hi( tem ple frih snwih - ai.

Iacob wente fro h sd sn’ in(pod ,1 880 God fonts onh at srd folc (wile dred ,

h an’ h ere noniacob (cah ono ded e ;Quano h o wents a -wei fro h at ftodo.

He m ad e analter at h otel,

1 884 Alf h e god bi- h st, h er h e gold wel.

Sih sn-h e beniam inwa s boren,Ra ch el ad d s h e life for- leren;Iacob dalf h ire and m srko ded e,

1 888 h at if get (one onh at itedo.

Der quiles h e wunede a t tnr adsr,

Rubenm ifded owid ‘bala h er.

Sih sncam iacob to ebron,1 892 And fond h is m od er ofworld s gen;

Starf ysaac quanh owa( h old.ix . (core gsr and fine told ,And was d elusnonh at itedo,

1 896 h er m anad am and one d ed e .

So rich e were growsnh i(s funen,h at h e no m igte to -

gid srwunsa ;Oc e(au, feyr [and ] ed on

1 900 Lend ydnm oam wunede on;

h eh en

Fi ctioni]

Ph a t i]

[4 wih


for it was h otsnoar bozra .

oar h aued l m oyfos ouer-

gen, h aueh

h er- fore h ewended sit a -


x ii. gsr or y(aacwaf dead

Iacobes (unss dedennn- rod ;

fox tons gsr iefeph was old ,Quano h owas into egipte (old ;

Hewas iacch os gnnksfts (uns,Bricts ft ofwafpons,

’and of Witter wuno,

If h e fag h i(o broh sro m if- faren,Hif fador h e it ganvn- hillen baron;Ho wulde h at h e (uld s h em ton

h at h owel h ewed (uld s ben;for- h iwox om wih gret nih

And h ate, for it inille [h erte] lih .

h owex h er h ortos nih fnl bold

Quanno h o h em ad d s if drom ef told ,

h at h if h andful (ted rigt up foren,And h ere it leigoualle h em bi- forsn;And (nuns

, m ono,


wurh odonh im wih frigti luue ;h e (sida h if fad sr, hnm ai h is (on

h a t h n(alt h ufwnrh sd ben,h a t h ins breh sre, and is, and th e

h at h o bar, fulenlntsnh e

h uf h e ch iddenh em bi- twsn,h ogs h h ogts iacob h h s it (uld s ben.

Hi(e broh sro koptenat fich em



iacob to (onh sm

(onto iefeph to delensbron;And h e was redi h iswil to don.

Infich om fold no fond s h em nogt ,Ind otayinh e fond h em (ogt ;Ho knowonhim fro forenknm en,

wastome i For endlnue i

rel. an. )

5 5

5 6

and took counselto slay h im .

Jud a h gave th embad ad vice,



Hats h em onres, inh erte num en;Swilenih h ats ref h em on,He rsd d enalle h im for to (Ion.

Nai, quad rubsn, (10 we h im nogt,Oh sr fmno m ay benwrogt,Qua t - (o h im drsm pts h er quiles h o flop,Inh if h iftsrnefl


s ,lold and d sp, cisternefl


Get wurh e’ worpennaked and cold ,

Qua t - fo h if d rsm ef owena -wold .

h if d ed e wa ( d onwid a h erte (or, [8 wih

Ns wuld e rubsnnogt drech enh er ;He god s and fegte aneh er ftsdo,

Hif srns inbettro lswfo h e d ed e

Vd as d or‘ quiles gaf h em red , h er

h at was fulfilt of d em o (pod ;

fro galaa d m enwih ch afaro

Sag h e h er knm enwid fpicss wars ;To-ward o egipto h e gunno ten.

Iud as tagte huit (uld s ben,Iossph fold s h o broh sro ten,for . x x x . plates to h e ch apm sn;Get waft bothro h o h ufwa( fold ,d en“h e h er item s inh ers wold . [5 h as i]

anrubencam h id sr a -


to h at cifterneilh ‘ h e ranto (on;He m iffed Iossph and h h ogto fwem ,

wend e h im flagsn, (ct up anrem ;

Nils h e blinnsn, fwilc forwe h e clinod ,Til h im h e (werenh a t h e lined .

h e nom snh e h e ch ild es frnd ,

h e iacob h ad d e m ad im " inprud ; [7 m edial inMS .]Inkid ss blod h e wentenit,h e wa ( h er- onanrcwli lit .

Send ers m enbe it leid enon,

Inis inscrwd inth e la ter h and .0 MS . ciflernofi



5 8


1 h is ch asas?

Neith er threa tsnor intrea tiee

[POLso. )

wh o, beh avingh is wife’

s tale,

th rewJoseph in


h og h ad h e h e and bi- forsn

Ch ildre of h im bi- gotenand of h ire boren,0 0 after h is it (o bi- cam ,

Iossph if d owtor to wine nem .

Pntifar luued o iefeph wol,bi- tagte h im hi( huf enof ile do],

And h ewnrh sd o rich e m ananh og,ruder iefeph h ifwelh e h og.

Hifwifwurh wild s , and nam inh egt

vn- rigt-wif Inns, and (wane fornogt,One and ftillo h egt h ire gam en

wih iefeph fpsksnand plaigsn(am en;Gh e bed h im gold , and agte, and fe,To m akenh im rich e m anand fro,wih - h h auh a t h e wih h erowile ;Oc h im m isliksdo h at gh e wile ;for (crih , no h rst, no m ai gh o bi- goten

for to donh im oh afth sd for-

goton;Oftengh e h rotte, oftengh o fcroh ,0 0 al it was h im e - like loh .

Antim e h e was at h ire tgsld ,h e gh e h im h is m sntsl fer- h eld ;

for h e wih h ire no wulde fpsksn,Gh e h h onkoh onhim for to benwroken;Sons gh e m ai hire louerd

‘ (on, [1 M8 . [OM ]

Gh e god h im bitter-like a -

gen,And (oih iefeph h ire wulde d en,h a t gh e no m igte h im bringenen

h if m sntsl icwih - h eld for- h i,

To tawusu [h e] h e (s h e h er- bi.

h e wits if h e righ t if h ire,

God al- m igtinh e (sh e fh iro.

vtifar trowih h ifo wiwes tale,And h aned ’ dom pt iofsp to bale ;

He h ad [h im ] benfpord fafi dun,And h oldenh ard s inprifnn.

9 m iles.)

m ; m orons rm ; a som m s nm ms . 5 9

Anlitel (h ind , quile bewaf Ber,80 ganh im luuen

>6e prz'

funer,“fl “ ‘h "

And h im de‘ch artre h aueh bi- tagt,wi’6 1 50 pn

funes to lineninh agt .

Or for m ifded o, or for on- fagen,’60rworento ’6at pm


fund ragon,OnE at h e kingef kuppe bed , 333And on1 50 m ad e Be kingef bred ;Hem drem pte drem es bo’éenonigt,And h e wur’Sonfwi’69 fore o - frigt ;

Iofoph h em forued e >cSor onfel,At h ero drink and a t h ere m el,

He h orde h em h o h em freinde for- quot ; wh ich « andth em to becom e

Horde drem es ogenawold E at.

Be feid e h e to h e bntuler,Tel m e >6indrem , m i bro

’Ser h er.

Que’éer- fo it wur’Se (ofte or firong,’6e roch ing yur

’é ongod bi- long.

Me drem pte, ic Rod at a win- tre,

Bat ad d s wox enbnges’6re,

Orefi it blom ed e, and fiiSenbar

Be belies ripe, wur’é icwar ;

’60 h inges [knppe] ic h adde onh ond ,2064 Be beries { or- inns m e

>(Shugto icwrong,And bar it drinkento ph araon,Me drem pte, alf icwafwuno to don.

ood is,”

qua’é Iofeph , to drom onofwin,

h eilnefl'

e anblifi'

e if Ber- ih ;

Bro daies benget for to eum en,’6ufalt benut of pm


funnum en,And onfi nofi z fet ogen;Of m e Bu’6h enke Banit fal ben,Bed m inh erdne to ph araon,’6a [t] is a t of pra


sunwur’ée d on,for is am fiolenof kind e 1 0nd , f" I “n h ‘“

and h erwrigteleflike h oldeninbond


Th e breadwrigh t

’s" dream .

Th e butler soon

wh ich a te up th e(a t ones .


Qua h h is bred -wrigte, lih eh num e,m e drem pte ic bar bread - lepes h oe,

And h or- inbread and oh er m eten,2080 Onilke benwuno h e kinges to oten;

And fugeles h auenh er- onlagt ,h er- fore ic am inforge and h ogt ,

for icno m igte m o nogt weren,2084 Ne h at m ete fro h em beren.

Me wore leuere,

” quad Iofeph ,“Of ed d i drem es reoh enfwep

h ufalt, after h e h ridd e d ei,

2088 bend o onrod e, weila -wei !

And fugeles fulenh i fleis to- teren,h at falnonagto mngenh eweren.

Soh wurh fo iefeph feid e h at,2092 h is hutsler Iofeph fone for- get .

Two ger fih enwas Iofeph fperd

h er inpn'

funwih utenerd;

Do drem pte ph araonking a drem ,

h at h e fled bi h e flodes firem ,

And h ed en‘ut- com en.vii. neet,Eucrilcwel fwih e fet and gret ,And .vii. lone after h o,

2 1 00 h e ded enh e .vii. fette wo,h e lene h auenh e fette froten;h if drem no m ai h e king for-


Anoh er drem cam h im bi- foren,

2 1 04 .vii. eares wox enfetteof ooren,Onanhusk ranc and wel tid i,And .vii. 1ene rigt h er- bi,

welked e, and finale, and dm gte num en,

2 1 08 h e ranc h e h auenh o ouer- eum en,To - fam enit fm itenand , ona fiund ,h e fette h rifi h em to h o grund .

h e king abraid and woe inh h ogt ,2 1 1 2 h of drem os fwep no wot h e nogt,

h eh en


Th e fam ine wasfelt inCanaan.

Th ough th ey

so m any sons ."


And gh e h er h im two ch ilder bar,

Or m enwurh of h at hungerwar,

He luued engod , h e geld it h em .

h e .vii. folfum goros faren,Iofep cnh o h im bi- forenwaren;h anoorenwantede inoh er 1 0nd ,h o yung [was] vnd er his bond .

a gerwex inlond ch anaan,And his . x . fnnes iacob for- h en

Boa ts into egipt to bringencoren;He bilef a t h om h e was gungefi boren.

h e .x . com en, fornode (ogt,To Iofep, and h e no knewonhim nogt,And h og h e lottenh im frigtilikc,

We benfondes fornode drinen

To bigencoronh or-bi to linen.

(Iofep h em knewal inh is h h ogt


h e let h e knewh em nogt . )It fem et wel h at go {pies ben,

And into h if 1 0nd cum snto fen,And com e go fornonoh er h ing,but for to {pienur lord h e king.

Nai,” h e feid enem ails on,

Spies were we neuarnon,Oc allewe benonfaderss fnnen,For hunger d oh es

‘h ider cum sn. [ l doh es

Ocnuicwot go fpief ben,for bi gore boring m enm ai it fen;E ufulde oni m an’ poure for- gs ten,fwilke and {o m anige funes bigeten

for feldum bi- tid felf ani kingfwilc m ento fenof h ifo offpring.

M8 . Husnld snide oninan.

JOSE PH ’S m a sm m ss re m s 3am .

leuerd , m erci ! get if h er on,m igt h enogt fro h is fader gen;

He if gnngefi, h otenbeniam in,forwe benalle of ebrifl


e kin.


“Nu, bi h e feih is eg to king ph araon,fule go nogt alle eh engen,Til go m e bringenbeniam in,h a gungefio breh er of poro


For h e waf Iefep fore fer- dred

h at h e were 0 0 h hurg h em fer- rod ;

He ded e h em binden, and led endun,And fperenfad e inh is prifnn;h e h ridde dai h e let h em gen,AI but h e tenbreh er fym son;h if fym sonbi- lef h er inbond ,Towedde under Iofepes bend .

h es oh ere breh ons, {one en- on,Tokenlens and wentenh em ;


And {one h ewerenh ed en’ went, h eh enP] Th e oth ers be

Wel fore h e h auenh em bi- m ent,And foidea h em h anh er bi- twen,Wrigtfnl forwe ben,

forwe finigodenquilum or

Onhnro breh or m ich il m er,forwe wom edenh im m erci,

Nudroge we forge for- h i.

Wende h ere nonit onhif m ed ,

Oc Iefep al it under- fled .

Iefepes m enh er quiles ded enAl- fe Iefep h em ad de bod en;

h e broh sro feekes h auenh e dlt,And ineuerilc h e filuor pilth at h erwas paid for h e eeren,And bundenh e muh es h er bi- feren;Oc h e broh sronowifionit nogt

Huh is dede wurh o wrogt ;

Joseph ’sm endid ,m eanwh ile, as


Oo alle h e werenouer- h egt,

And h auenit fe to iacob brogt ,And teld enh im fe of h ere fped ,

And al h e it lifined e infrigtih ed ;And quanm enh e feekes h ernn- bend ,And inh e cerenh e agtes fend ,Alle h e werenh aune 1 feri efrigt. [l h anno

Iacob h ns him bi- m eneh e - rigt,

Wol m ich el forge is m e bi- cnm en,2228 h at m intwo childre arenm e fer-num en;

Of Iefep wet is endingnon,And bond es benleid onfym son;If go beniam infro m e d en,Dead and forge m e fegeh on;

m £132. Ai fal beniam inwih m e bi- lewon

h er quiles is (al onworld s linen.

h e quah iud as, us ful benh ard ,Ifwe no“h oldenh im nonforward .

We}: d erke.

’ h is cerenif gen,Iacob efi ‘bit h em forenogen,

0 0 h e no dnrenh e weie enm enin,but go wih uf fendenbeniam in;

h e qua h h e, quanit ifnod ,And no canno bettre red ,Bereh d a t‘ filuer h el ogen, [ 3h at ?)h at h em h er- ofno wants non,


“ oom And oh er filuer h er bi- foren,for to bigenwih oh er ceren;fruit and fpices of d ere prif,Bereh h at m anh at if (0 wif ;God hnnno h im ch i- m od es ben,And fend s m e m inch ildre agon.

h e nem enh e forh weie rigt ,Til h e beneum enin- te egypte ligt ;

Joseph “a t. And quanne Iefep h em alle fag,

th em kind ly, Kinde h egt inh is h erte was [h ag] .

66 m o BRE THRE N ARE Accns'

nnor rum -r.

Ho ded e h em wafl'

onand h im bi- feren,2292 And fette h em of h e werenberen;

Get h e h h ogts of hi( fad erss wunsa

E uh e fotte at h e m ete h ifo fnnes ;Of enof ile fond s, of euerilcwin,

2296 m elt and boil h e gaf beniam in.

Infnlfnm - h sd h ewurh onglah s,‘

Iefsp no h eh t h er ofno foa h s,0 0 it h im likod s fwih e wol,

Joseph gave 2300'

And h em loredo and tagte wol,And huh e fuldenh em boft led en,Queue h e eem eninvnkinds h edon deden


And al h e bettrs fulo gs fpsden,2304 If gs wilonguwih treweih e led en.

E ft enm erwonquanit waf d ai,Or or h e broh sro ferd sna -wei,Hero feekes werenalle filt wih ceren,

2308 And h e h lnor h er- inbi- feron;And h e foek h at agte beniam in

Iefopss cupps bid was h er- in;And quuanh e werenut tune went,

231 2 Iofop h aueh h em alter font .

oer overtakesh is fend s h em oust-takeh rah e,

“in , And bi- calleh of h arm s and foah s ;Vn- feli m en, quot bans gs d en


231 6 Gret vn- folh oh s if gncum snen,

[POL for if it nogt m inlord fer- h olen,h a[t] gnre onh aueh if cupps fielen.

h [e] foid enh o broh sro fikorliks ,2320 Vp quam h uit findes witterlike,

Sheath“ m o.

Hs flagonand we agendrinen

In- te h raldem ,onerm er to linen.

He ganh em ranfakononand on,2324 And fond it h er fens a -non,

And nam h e broh sro sun-ilk on,And led de h em forful a gen,

th ey depart.

of t h eft .


And brogto h em bi- for iofspWid rowsli lots, and forwe, and wep.

h e quot iofsp, no wifio gs nogth at ic am ewelwitter h egt at; fi


g;Mainogt longs m s benfor- h olen

Quat- fo- snere onlend s wurh fielen.

“Lenord l” quad Ind a s, do wih m s

Quot- fe h iwills enworlds be,Wih - h an- h at h nfrih s beniamin;ic led de [h im ] a t ontrowth s min,h at h e (ulds sf‘cum sna -

gsn [1 oft

to hifo fad sr, and wih h im ben.

h e cam iofsp fwile rswh s np- en,h e dede h alls ut h e teh ero gen,And fpae un- oh ss, (0 s gret,

Io am iofsp, drsd sh gunogt , (Fol.

for gnrs h olh s er h id er brogt ;Two gsr bennuh ot d erks ’ if cum sn, P dexh s P]Got fulen.v . fulle bennum en,h at m enno fulen{owenno ih erén,So fol drngte h e foldes d eren.

Bapeh gnte m infad or ap gon, m u, »And (oih him quilks m inblifl


es ben, “M o

And d oh h im to m e cum snh ider,And go and gore erf ol te -

gidsr ;

Of lswfo god inlend gsrfsn

fulengs (undri rich e ben.

Ensrile h e kid s, onilc h e gret,Ilc h ere was of if torsowot .

Sons it was kingE uh is news tidingwurh bi- tid ;

And h e was blih o, inh erte fagsn,h at Iofopwulde him h ider dragon,for Inns of Iefsp m igte h e tim en.

He bad cortos and waines nim en, take out. and


th eir 1m es andAnd foeh enwines, and ch ildre, and m en


“am “ And gaf h em h er al lend gsrfon,And h ot h em h ot h e fuldenh auen

More and bet h onh e kudo cronon.

Iefop gaf ile h ere twinne frud ,Beniam inm efi h e‘m ad e prud ; [ 1 1 1 8 . be.]

[Polo 460- 1 fif wedenbed but beniam in,h rs hund red plates of filurr fin,Ai fe folo eh rs h er- til,

He bod ben1 1 1 is faderes wil,And . x offos wih fem os fefi

Of alle ogiptos welh h o boft

Gaf be if broh sro, wih h erte blih o,

figs-W h om And bad h em raponh em benward (wih e ;

And h e (0 dedenwih h erte fagen.

Toward h ero fad sr h e gnnond ragon,And quons h e eom onh im bi- foron,

Ne wifie h e nogt quot h e weren.

Lenard ,” h e (siden, ifrool,

Iefop h infune groteh h e wol,And fendoh h e bed s h at be linoh ,

Al egipto inh ifwil clinch .

Iacob a - braid , and trowed it nogt ,Til h e fag al h a t welh e brogt .

Wol m e,” quah h e, wol if m e wel,

h at ie one abid snh uf fwil[e] fol !And ic fal to m infnns fare

And fan, or is ofworld s ch ars .

Aceh wente a t of loud ch anaan, .

And of if kinde wol m onio a m an;Iofop wel fairs h im vnder- fled ,

And ph araonh egte it ful good ;

for h ot h e werenbird s -m en,Ho bad h em beninlend gorfon.

Iacob waf brogt bi- forenh o kingfor to gensnh im h if blifcing.


Or h onh s wills efi'

worlds faren,2436 He bad e hifo kinde to him eh arsn,

And foid s quot of h em (ulds ben,Hali gait ded e it h im feon;Inclone ending and ali lif,

2440 So h e fer- lot h is werldes firif.

Ofop dede h ifo lieh fairs geron,


sn, and rich e- like fm ersn,And (pies - like fwete (m aken;

2444 And egipto folo him bi-wakon

x 1 . nigtes and .x 1 . doiges,

fwilewerenegipto logos.

first .ix . nigt h e lich es boh en,2448 And im eron, and windon, and bi-qush en,

And wokenif fih on.x l. nigt ;h e m enfe d ed enh e addenm igt .

And ebrifi'

s fele ad d snankirs,245 2 Negt (one d olnenit wih yrs,

0 0 woii'

enit and kspsnit rigt,Wih - vtonfm erlss, (ensuenigt,And fid en‘ fm

orsd .x x x . d aigcs. mien

245 6 Orifiene fele h aueh oh er lnigos,He benfm ersd h er quiles h o linen,Wih crifm s and elie, introwh e gonsn;for trowh s and god s dedes m ide,

2460 h on2 benh anal h at wash - d ede ;

Sum on. fnm . h rs . snm .vii. nigt,Sum . x x x .

,fnm . x ii. m oneh rigt ;

And fnm euerilcwurh engsr,2464 h er quiles h ot h ewunsnh er,

donfor h e dede ch irch eogeng,slm sfi



gifte, and m eil'

s - i'

eng,And h ot if onh e wech es Rode ;

2468 Wol him m oi bendot‘wol it dede !

E gipto folo aneh him wakedx l. nigt, and foils m aksd ,

P den3]

In; re BURIE D IN nnna eN . 7 1

And h ifo funes . x x x . daiges,

2472 Inelsns lif ond ali daiges ;l

[l laiges ij

80 werenforh . x . wnkes gen, agon.te4216- 1

got ad d s Iacob birigelosnon.

And ph araonking cam bed s bi- fersn, W“

2476 h at Iefop h aueh h is fad sr fweren;And be it h im gatts h er h e wel dede

And h ad h im nim enh im feros m id s,Wolwopnede m enand wif of h ero[n],

2480 da t ’nom anh em biweie deren; h at P]h at bore if led , h if folo if rad ,

h e forena - butenbi ad ad ;ful fonone nigt be h er abidon,

2484 And bi- m eniug for iacob deden;Se longe h e h auenh sh onnum en,To dum iurdenh at h e bencum sn,And ouer ph arantil ebron;

2488 h er if h at lich s inbiriole d en,And Iefsp into egipto went,Wid a al if fele ut wih him [s]snt. [a wih i]

ifs broh sro eom enh im h anns to, 223m to

And gunnenh im bi- fsksnalle fe ;“Vre fad sr,

” h e feidsn, or h e was dead ,Vs h e h if bod ewurd feigenbead ,Hnre finns h uh im fer-

gins,2496 Wih - h anns - h at we vnder h e linen.

Alle h e fellenh im h er to fet,

To boh enm eh s and bedden0 0 ;And be it fer-

gaf h em m ildelike,

25 00 And luuedo h em alle kind e- like.

Ofsp anhundred gsrwoi'

h eld ,m “

And h if kinwox enm anige- fold ;

He bad fibbe cum snh im bi- feren, mugg befi;25 04 Or h e waf nt ofworlds beren;


At bottom of fol. 486 is th e catchword And be it fer-



It fol,”

quoh h e, benfeh , bi- ferenand told th em

3: h ot god h ah nrs eld ers fweren;

He fol gnledeninh if h end

2 5 08 Hsh snto h ot h otene lend ;for gedef lune get bid is gn,Lsfied it h anno, h eteh it nu,h a t m ine bone no h e fer- leren,

25 1 2 wih gnbenm ine bones beren.

He it h im gottenand wurh h e dead ,God d o h e fouls feli rod !

Hife lich s waf fpiee- liko m akod ,

25 1 6 And longs egipto- likewakod ,And h e biried h em bi- feren,And fih snla te of lend s beren.

Hife eh rs broh sro, onand on,25 20 Werenybiriod a t ebren.

Anh er ond edo to ful, inwil,h e bee h e if h otengenofis,h e m oyfss, h urg god es red ,

25 24 Wret for lofi’nl foules ned .

God feh ild s h ifo fowls fro h ells bale,h e m ade it h ns enengsl ta le !

And be h ot h ifo lettres wret,2 5 28 God h im h elps weli m et,

And berge if fowls fro forgo gret

Of h ello pine, cold h ot !

And alle m en,h e it h eronwilen,

[1 M8 . welin.)

25 32 God leue h em inh if bliffe fpilen

Am eng engeles dc feli m en,

Wih utenend s inroils ben,And lune pais uf bio twen,

25 36 And god fe grounts, am en, om sN

74 m m am AND PRE SE RVATION or means .

and lied te th e

Sh ewist itwas ofHebrewkin,

And h s knapes to d ea de ginsu,And letenh s m aydench ildre linen.

0 0 h e it letenfro ged ef dred

Get h e ch ildrewox eninfped ,And quane h e kem ento h e king,He worsdonh em wih lofing ;He feid snh e ch ildre werenberen

Or h e migtenbenh em bi- feren.

God it geald defel wifes wel,

Onh em , onba gto, eddi fell

De h ad h is kin

‘g al epelike,

Inalle burges m ed iliks,Enerilc knape ch ild of h ot kin

bena -nend enh e fled wih - in.

I h at tim e waf m eyfss beren,Se h ot abrah ram d er bi- feren

And h is m oder h ot Iacabsh ,

Gh e was for h im droful and bleh ,wol is h ire of bird 3bi- tid .

h rs m oneh h aueh gh e h im h id ,dnrfie gh e nonlengsre h im fer- h olen,Ne gh e no cuh s h ewoteres fislen;Inanfstles, of rigsfl


es wrogt,Torrod , h at water dered it nogt,h if ch ild wnnd sngh ewulde den,And fettenit fo h s wa ter on;Gh e ad de or h ire d owtor font,To lokenquider it fnld s benwent ;Maria dowtor ful forenRed ,And gh e nam kep te -ward h if fled .

eremuth kinkos‘d owtor h er cam ,

h er h is child onh ewa ternam ;Gh e bad it bento h ire brogt,And fag h is ch ild wel fair[s] wrogt,Gh e wifie it was of ebrius kin,And h og cam h ire rewds‘wih - ia ;

PM ?)

[fl ier i]

m ire 9]

t inse P1

m anners ADOPTS HIM AB HBB BON . 7 5

God h oned ‘fwile fair- bed h im geusn, [l h aueh P]h at felf h e fenit letenlinen.

E giptowim m ensem ennor,26 1 2 And bodenh e ch ilde lettenh er,

Oe h ewents it awsiwih rem ,

Of hero bed s nam h eno gem .

DO quad m aria to tersmnth , fim 'mwilt h n, leued i, is go fear out,

And take fum wimm anof h ot kin

h er h e waf h i- gete fefirsd in

Teremuth fo bad , 85 fch e ferh - ran, W W,

““fmwom an for th e

2620 And brogt h ire a fefirs wim m an,

Onwaf tette h e fens ansh lagt,And teremuth h aueh h ire h im bio tsgt

Iakabeh wente blih o ogen,2624 h at gh e h e gildof

’ foftre mnfis ben; P coderP]Gh e kopte it wel infeiirowuno,Gh e knewit for h ire owenfnns ;And quane it fnld s fnndred ben,

2628 Gh e bar it tcremnth for to fen;Teremnth too it onfnnes d ed e,And fedde it wol and cloh endede ;And gh e it clspit m oyfon,

2632 Gh ewifie ofwater it berenben.

Antim e after h at h ifwas d en,Gh e brogto h im bi- foronph araon,

And h if king wa rh h im inh erte m ild ,2636 Se fwid e’ faigerwas h if ch ild ; 9 {vi


And h e too h im onfunss ftodo,And hif corune onh is h oned h e dede,And let it fiendenayns fiund ;

2640 h e ch ild it warp dunto do grnnd . Th e ch ild noonth rew it to th e

Ham enel‘likenefwas h er- en; Hamonef Pl $ 11;h is erune is broken, h if if m ifden.

th ereon

Biifep E liepelees

fag h if tim ing, up h e ref ;


Th e E gyp tiansask counsel of

liver th em .



If h if ch ild ,” quad h e, m ete h en,

He fal egyptes bale ben.

If h erno were h elps twenlepsn,h if ch ild ad d e h onfeue be dropsn;h e kingwih - fled 85 anwif m an,He foids, h e ch ild d oh alf h e can;We fulennuwitenfor it d ed e

h ifwitterlike, er inch ild - bod e

He h ad h is ch ild brennsnto colon

And h e too is hnm igt be it h olen,And inhifo m uth fe d ope h e if ded e

Hifo tunges end s if brent h er- m ide ;

h er- fore foid s d e ‘ebruwitterlike,h at h e fpac fih snmiferlike ;

Oc fe feiger h e waf ente fen,h ot m igte nonm anm edi ben.

h er quiles h e fewodonh im np- en,Mani ded e b[i]leph nn- den

Inh at burg folc bi- twsn,Se waf h em lef onh im to fen.

Bi d ot ’ tim e h at h e was guh ,

Wih faigerod and firength s knh ,

fole eth iopienos onegipto com ,

And brend e, flug, wrech e nam ,

Al to m em ph ind at’rich e cite,

And o-nento h e read s fs ;h e was egipto folc indred ,And a ikedenh ere god es red ;And h em feidenwih anfweron,h at onebruend s h em welweren;Teremnth nn- oh ss m igte tim en

h at m eyfos folwih hire ferh -nim en,Or h one h e h ire pligt fworsn,h at h im fol feih wurh ful benberen.

Meyfos was lonered of h ot h ere,

2680 h er h e wurh h one egyptes were ;

p om ]

[0 so a]

means sLAvs AN E GYPTIAN ,

And m eyfss drug him to h e iirond ,And iiille‘h e d alf h im [in] h e fend ;

He th ough t th a t wende h e h at nonegipcienm “wt it.

h ot h adde it wift, no fnld s a fen;oh th e m a Til after h if enoh er day,

He fag chidoninh e weyth em . two egypcienis, m ed i iirong,

h if onwulde d enh e teh orwrong ;And m eyfos nam h er- of kep,

And to benward fwids ’ h e lop, P twih s

2728 And be him anfwsred s m ed i bold ;

m oyfcs, que h aueh h e m ad P

h uart of d ede and 0 word to rad .

we witenwel quot if bi- tid ,2732 Qunowgifisr- daiwof aogenand h id ;

h e bed s if cum snto ph araon,’ P 1 1 8 .

Get fol h inpride fallendun.

Do bioth owte him m eyfss,

And h is weige h eh ench es ;h a rg h e deford a -wei h e nam ,

and cam e to And to bnrge m edianbe com ,

And fotte h i[m ] h er vtenh e town,

Jethro. 2740 Bi a wells h e fpreng h or dun.

Roguel Iotre h at rich e m an,Was wuniends inm adian,

“1 ° in" “w“ He h ad d e fonone d owtrof bi- goten;2744 h er h e cem enwater to foten,

a? And for to wattrenh ere fop ;

(Wim m enh e nem enof h ere erf kep,

m M nPrid eno cuh s bi h ot dai

M ' o 2748 Nogt fe m ich el fe it num oi) .

irdeswoldenh e m oidenes deren,Cc m oyfes h er h em ganweren,

And wattred e h ers em s enorile'

on,27 5 2 And dede h em tidelike to tune gen;

MS. (tolls, corrected to fiille.

80 GOD APPE ARS re MOSE S AT SINAI . kinge- rich es lend

Io fal h em bringenal onbond .

Cum ,h ufalt benm infend ers m an,

1 0 fol h e teeh cnwol to h on

h ufalt m infelc bringena -

gen,And h er h ufalt m inm igte fen;And h ufalt feiento foraen,h ot h e lets m infelc nt -


If be it werne and be h er-

gen,Io fal h e tech onhu it fol ben;for ie folwerkenferlike fireng,And m akenm infele froliks nt- geng ;Go fuloucum snwih feteles frud ,

And rouonegipto h ot if nuprnd .

Wcrp onto tokendunh at wond .

And it warp vt of h ifo bend ,And wurh fons anngliks fnoke,And m eyfos flog for drcd es fake ;

God h im bod , bi h e ta il be it nom ,

And it , a -nen, o wend it bi- cam ,

And inh ifo befnm h e ded e h is bond ,Quit and al unfcr be it fend ;And (one h e d ede it oft agsn,Al h el and for h e wifie it fen.

If h e for h ifo tekones two

Ne lifieh e no trowsh to,Go, get h e wa ter of d o

1 fled

28 1 6 Onh e erh e, and it fol wurh enbled .

Lenard , ic am wanm el,vn- reken

Ofwurd ss,and m ay ic Incl fpsksn.

Nuif ferh genh e h rid d e d ai,Send s anoh sr ; bettre h e m oi.

Que m ad e d emm o,and que fpocand s ?

Que '

m ado bisnc, and que lockende

Que but is, h ot h aus alwregt

2824 Of m o fal fultnm bsnh e brogt .


(Fol. so. ) He red denfam enh e fuld engen

wid ‘wife m ento ph araon.

God ,” h e feid en, of ifra sl

2864 h e bode f onts , and grotoh wol,h ot

,bi h i lone, h ifo folc vt - fare,

h rs doigos genand benh er gore,Inh e def ord onfiode up- en


2868 Hif lone facrifife to d on.

Quad ph araon,“knows ic’ h im nogt, p MS . is h is]

Bi quofe read bans go h if fewt

Sside m eyfes, ie am fend er m an,2872 E gipto folo m e knewsncan


for is am h a t ilc m eyfss,

h e sgypte felc of forge les,

h onethiops worenh er cum sn;287 6 is were al h a t h nwas binnm en,

And fwanc and m ich il forwe dreg,Get iff vnfone huis it bi- tegIo h one benfih enat munt fyna ,

2880 Godes bode-word brings ie h er- fro.

Ph araoh ch idetb

Qvah ph araon, h nart m inh ral,h ot h idol- liko m inlend vt - fial ;

Snm fwike- d om d oh it nuben,2884 h a t h nbefi cum snnusft ogen;

h if felc, h at h uwilt m e led enfro,fol benlukeninm ore we .

De king it bad , and [it] wurh donMore fwinc h e was h em leid on.

Hem - feluenh e fetch d snh e eh af

h e m enh er h em to gode gaf,

And h og h old enh e tigcles tale,2892 And oltonand eilden,

’grete fm alo . [i ch ildrenP]

wM De flog h if felcwih m oyfen,And [h e] to god m ade h ifo bim en.

Lonerod , quiwaf ic h ider font ?2896 h infolo if m ore inforwe wen


ed qua h , ie fol h em lefonfro,And h ere fenwerenwih we ;

Abrah am, yfoc, and hifo fnncn

2900 Werento m inh hunargwunsn,h ogno tagte ic h em nogt for- h i

Minm ig[t]fnlnam e ad enay ;Minm ilch s Witter na m e olsy

2904 He knewenwol, and sly ;h at is h e h one h otenwel,Is it fol lefisneuerilc del.

Meyfss told h em h if tid d ing ;2908 h ogworenh e got infireng m arui[n]g.

Sih snfpac god to m oyfen,and tagte h im hnit fnld s ben.

fowre fcere gsr h e waf h eld ,29 1 2 And aaronh rs m ore told ,

Quanno h e d at ’ bod ewurd fpeksn,And dedenh e firm s token.

Aronh erwarp vt Of h if h end

Moyfesos m igtful wend ,And it wurh bi- fersnph araon

AnIglic fooks fene on- On; iglrm e.

h e king fonts afterwish es kirs ,2920 Wapm enh e wereninfowles lire,

h e ferd enal bi fendes red ,fend ef h em gonsnfinfnl fped ;And worpenbe h erwond es dun,

2924 fro euerilc h er crop a dragun; w?$ mf

Oc m eyfes wirm h em alle fm et ,

And h ere aldro h eued ss h e of h ot ; gagiggumhm‘


h og ded enwich ef h e m ento fen

2928 Onoh ere wife or feh e ben;for h e fend es er h o[m ] bi- foren

Had denh e ned dres h ider beren;

At th e bottom of th is page is th e catchword—“Qnaune h e h at bodeword .

h at ; see th e catchword .


Plum b " will And ph ara onfiirte up a -nen,not let th e 1 s

2932 And fer- bed h if folc to gen.

0 foid s m eyfss to ara en,Qua t redcf tn, brod er, fnle wit den?

h if king h im h is welwih er-ward

2936 Agenh is folc, and h erte h ard ;

Gowe and fpsksnwih h im get,

And fondenwih h if tokenbet. ”

And fo d ed en[h e] fene a -nen,2940 And cem enbi- feronph araon,Quad aaron


Quilc god es m igtful ftrengh es ben.

He fm ot onh ot fled wih h at wend ,2944 Sons anonblod m enal it fend ;

And h e iifl'

es,inol h at bled read ,

fletcna - buuonand wurh cd end ead ;Ineuerilcwells , ineuerilc trike,

2948 m enfund snbled alwitterlike,But- if it were inh e lend gorfen,h er- inns worse‘ h e shriffe m en. [1 woren

h is wrech e, in91 cgypto rigt ,

295 2 Lcfied s fnlle fencno nigt ;h e wof h if king fum d el fer—dred ,And h ot h em h e fnld snvt benled ;And m eyfes h if pine vn- dcd o,

295 6 And wa terwurh enbled ef fied e.

h onph araonwa rh war h is bet,h if folc of londe fund snno m ot ;

lanes and m em bres, wich efwed ,

2960 Him h hugts h e m adenwater bled ;


zmw It wa f onfend es wife wrogt,

for to bi- teernsn2 h e kingef h egt. bitonsreuM8 .]

Bleyfss lered e god , fpoo h im m id s,

Al h ot if breh er aaronded e .

(Pol. as. ) E ft h e com onto ph araon,And h e wom ed o h if felc ut - gen.


Sei h im ,if m infolono m ete gen,

3004 flsgos kinfol h inouer-

gen,And al h if lend to forgo ten

Os inlend gerfenno folnonben.

And duf‘it was, and al h if for [1 h on]

Th en be 3008 Sag ph araun, and dred de h im h er.

m mHo gaf h em lens h e vi: to foren

wih - h onne- h a t h e to lend s ei[ t] sh aren;And m oyfes bad m eh e h ere on,

a: 30 1 2 And h if flegos fligt vt if d en;And ph araonwreh

'h erte onh ard ,And vn- d ed e h em d at'forward .

Meyfos fpac fih enwih gode,And h e brogto ph araonh

TO- m ergon, buts h e mugsnvt - ph aren,E gyptcs erf fol ol fer- foren.

flhfim mHewid - h old‘h em ond ,ol- febe itb[s]ad , wih - h old ij

3020 Al h e erf of egipt wurh dead ;And get no m igte h if fOls vt- gen,fwilc h ar[d ]nefl


s if onph araon.

fter h if tim e, it fo bi- cam ,

h ot m eyfes a fkes up-nam


And warp es“vt til h euene-word ; [6 MS. wax-pea ]

h e wex vn- fslh e onh em wel h ard ,d elc, for, and blsinenorns and m an;

3028 h ewisch es h iddenh em fer- h on,Bi- ferenph araunneldonh e ben,

1 m , th eywookSo werenh e ledeh ke onto fan;

noon. At left, quanit waf ouer-

gen,3032 Had de m eyfss h e lens non.

Sih anfonts h e lenard gods ,

Punch .

bi m eyfes, to h if king bod e ;fer- h i late is h e king h er ben,

3036 Menfol, h ut g h e, m inm igte fan,And knewenfol ben, h e to un- fram s ,

Ineuerilc lend m inm igte nam e.


fwilc h ailwa s h er orneuere nem en

3040 So fal h if fol te - m ergencum sn;Do m enand srus inhnfs ben,If h uwilt m ore h em lines fen.

h e m en, h e werenineigs and dred ,3044 benberwen, and erue, h ut g h if red .

O m orgen, ol fwilc tim e ol fir,h hund sr, and h ail, and lonones fir,Com wel vngh sro ; ol h ot it fend

3048 Bergles, it flego inh ot lend ;Treof it fer- bras , and gref, and com ,

h ot wafnp- fprnngenh er bi- feren;Os h e sbrina inlend gerfen

30 5 2 no d sred s it, ceren, no erf, no m an;h e foid s h e folc to ph araon,Nuis wet we h one m if- d on;

Meyfes, d o h ifwed er eh arsn,305 6 And gufol [is] letennt- farcn.

Meyfes god s vt , h old s up if h end ,And al dif l vnwed er h er a twood ,And wurh h ifwed er fene al Gills .

3060 And ol after h e kinges wills .

h ifwed er if fefte, And h if king h ard ,And brokoh h im oft h ot forward .

Oyfos fih en, and aaron,Ssid snbi- ferenph araon,

Te - m ergenfulengreifeoppcs cum sn,And h ot oil h a bileaf, fol ol bonnum en

SO fol h inh ardneife beno

wrckon,3068 h at m enfulenlonge h er- after fpsksn.

Goh vt,

” quah h e,

red is fol taken,And gufih eni fol anfwer m aken.

[ 1 h i.

Qvah h if felc, beter iii latenh em vt -

ph aron,AI fol egipto ellss for- foren.

Ho caldo h em in; quad ph araon,Quile benh e h e fulenvt- gen


Th e s torm



Th e E gyptiansad vise t h e kinto let th e lane

ites go .

Ph araoh is a tfirst inclined to

let th em go,


wh ich brough tth e locus ts .

Th en was th eking full ofwoe,

Ph araoh brokeh is covenant .

Th eth ick loans of

rkness .

Many d ied fromfear.

Th e Israelitesbad ligh t .

Th e king tells

th em to go, and


Quoh m oyfes, but alle wapm en,wih erf, and ch ildre, and wim m en.

Hn! h one go wrong,” quad ph araon,

Ouwepm angins Is lens to gen;Of erf and wim m enlane is nogt ,E ar one Ofwapm enwof bi- fogt .

E i[ t] h if andfworo, benvt -


m oyfes ferh and aa ron;

B,Oyfes h old up h if bond ,

And blow h ot d ay and al h a t nigt

And brogto egipto onnews h gt ;h ifwind h em brogto h e fkipperos,

Ho d ed enongrof and cerend eres .

h a t lend was ful, and h if kingwe,He fonts after h e broh sro h e .

A fnh enwind if flig[t] up-wend ,

Quad ph araon, is h one m if-nnm on,Wroch s if onvs wih rigte cum sn;Bi- fek got god , h is one fih e

h at h e vs of h if pine frih c.

And fe [h e] d ad s , and onwind cam

fro welten, and h e epperss nam ,

And warp os‘ouer in- to h e fe ;

h o ph araunfog if lend al fro,

his. wax-pea ]

Hif h erte h e wurh h wert and h ard ,And al h o bras h em [h at] forward .

Oyfes fih onh old up if bend ,And h h ikks h h srkneifo cam onh ot lend ,

h ot m igte nonogipsion

Abntenh im for m irknoifo fen

Manige h er forge online bead ,And m anige werenrowlike d ead ;Quer- fe h e folo wof of yfroel,He addonligt and fowenwel.

h e quad ph araunto m eyfon,Led vt al h ot if berenof m an



bread .

Jose h 's gravesoul net he


And otenit bred , and nonbenbroken,31 48 And nogt h er- Of vt hnfe wroken,

Os fed and girt , fiendond e, and liaf onbond ,Ilc m anafter h is owenfend ,Hened and fat, and inrowm ete[n],

31 5 2 lefonfro h e bones and oten,Wid l wrih el and vn- lif bread ; wih

h e bi- lsnenbrennsnh e bead .

h e durs - trcnand h e nnerflagen,31 5 6 wih yfeps h o blod bendragon;

h a t nigt fol benfcfi pafsh e,”

ferh - fer, onengle tunge, it be.

N m idol fol, d ot 2 ilcnigt, [1 one]So com wrech e onegipte rigt ;

Ilc flrm e bigoten, of erf and m an,was fternononm erwsnand d ead forh an;h e wof nonbiging of ol egipto

31 64 lich - lsf, fo m anige d ead h er kipte .

h e wa rh ph ara [o]nnod s driuen

And h aued ’ h em h one lone giuen; h aueh

And egipte fels bad h em faren,31 68 And fwih e a -wsiward h em garsn.

Quat- fo h e bod en, frnh ‘or fa t, frud

E gipto folo h em lcnenh a t ;Wof h em nogt warned h at h e cronon,

31 72 for h ere {wine- h ire h e nuh auen;Gold and filnor h e h auenvt- brogt,h etabernacledor-

“wih wnrd ‘wrogt ; [ih ori ‘wush P]Hewerenfex s hundred h hnfent m an,

31 76 wih - vtench ildre and wim m en;Al erf- kinh auenh e ut- lsd ,E gipto felc h em h auennt - fpsd .

lm ost rediwof h ers fare,m oyfes bi

- h egt h im ful gore

Of h at h e if kinh aueh fworsn,Iefspes bones fulenbenberen;

Tim IsRAELITE s LE AvE m m . 9 1

0 0 h e ail h aued ‘ fe wide fpiled , I:l h aueh P]

h at h if grons if h er- voder h iled ,

Onangold ga d h s nam s god

If grauen, and laid np- onh e fled ;Moyfos it folwed e h id er it flet,And fled h er h e grons und er let ;h er h e dolnen, and h auenfegt,And fundsn, and h auennp- bregt

h e bones ut of h e erh ewroken,Summ e h ole, fumm o broken; 842

0 0

5333033He dede if binden fairs lokenAlle h e bones h e h e h er token.

Quane h e ged enegipte fro, Wh enIsrael leftE t h

It wurh o erh e- dine, and fallenh ean t m " a

folo ch irch es and idelss m id s ,Miracle it was h ot god h er d ede .

Genworen.vii. fcere gsr (Fol. 62b.]

Siden'iofsp waf d olnend or P Sih enP h erP] £22?{832


h at god it fpacwid‘abrahram . [4 wih P]

fro Ram efs to fekeh t Red s

Nonm anonh em letting d ed e,For fwine and murning h em was on,fro h e lish os in- te h e erh e d on;And m anige of h e greteuferh i

h at h e addsnbenh ard h em bi.

To burg eth anfor fro feketh , From Succoth

And h eh enbe tento ph araofh ;h er h e ftnnd snfor to fan

quile ph araonwih h em fol ben.

h araenbannéd e vt h if h ers , Plum b calledout h is arm y.

Ifrael h e h h ogts to dond ere ;Sex hundred carts - h ird i-wregt

°h i'dim gt MS'] 53

vt of egipto h e h aued brogt ; aptl



Onh erfs fifiti h hussnt m en, h orsem en. andten score th en

fcere h hussnt of fete ren; sand m enof foot .


Alle h e ledd e h em vt ferh i

3220 h ot folo ebruto wereh enwi.

if god es folo wafunder-num en,Quanh e fogenh if hird

Sore h e gnnenfer- dred d e ben,3224 forno cuh enno ga te flsn,

And if h e h ere benbi- fst,Ills h e fulenbenhunger gret ;

He no m egenflgt sna -


3228 for [h e] wih - vtenWepenben;h anno h e h nfwerenalle indred ,Onm eyfenh e fattena grad .

Bsh nufiille,” qua h m eyfes,

”a “show 3232 h er god ifnonh elpeles ;

Ge fulenfenh if ilke dai

Quat godes m igt for gnm oi.

He bad h if fels dregonwih fkil,3236 And h e bi- fegte godes wil.

Mm to snatch Qveh god , quer at colles h um e 7

in.“a:” 4 Hold up h ingerde to h e fe

And del it fe enfnndri d el,3240 h ot gubengorknede weigef wel.

h e m eyfss h old s up h if h ond ,Awind blewh e fe fro h e fend ;Ontwel d oles d olt iii h e fe,

3244 x ii. weiges h er- inbenfaiger and fro,h ot euerilc kind s of ifrael

Mai h er h ifweige findenwol.

h ewaternp- iied,h nrg god es m igt,

3248 Ontwinne h alf, alfe a wol np- rigt ;

Meyfes bod h em ,alfe h e benberen,

h e eldefi kindes genbi- fersn

Cc m oyfes god s inbi- feren,325 2 And h e h e kind s of iud a boron,

Onand onkin, elf h erte h em cam ,

h a t folo ilc inh is wolge 1 1 am ;


Th e fifth sojournwas in th e

to Sin.

Brea d failedth .em

God send s th ema fligh t of fowls,


h er- of inofterne be we wunsn

Seneno fih es to funt cum sn.

Der quiles h e woreninh e d efert,God tagte h em weie, winand port ;

A fair piler fenh em one nigt,And a flcie ‘

euere end aiges ligt .

De fifts furinrenh at h e ded en,Inh e d efert fur, ondrie fied e ;

h rs dogcs werenh e h ider gen,h ot h e no fund snwaternon;Awells h e fund s a t m arath ,

h e waterwas biter and alwlath ;A fundsntrewh er- inns d ede

Meyfes, and it wurh fwet onh e itede.

De fex ts furinrenat slim ,

zij wells - fpringesweren

Anth an“and fox ti palm s tron

bi h e wellss m enm igte fen;He m ad enfih sn, fro slim ,

Mani furinreninh e d efert fin.

Bi- twonslim and fm oy,

bred wanted e, h em waswe ferh i;h at was onh e h rittid e dai,h ot h ere wei fro sgypto lay,h er h e weronhungnr for- dred ,

Ills ,” h e foidcn, h onewe fped ,

Bet ufwere inegipte ben,Brad and flea d or" we mnwenfen.

Moyfes wurh war h e felcwaswroh ,

And h ere gruch ing h e god was loh .

fiille,” quah h e

, and en- dreg,

Ged of fulfnm - h sd if gnfulneg.


At anoncom a fngel- fligt ,fro -ward arabis to h em rigt ;

h er m igte enof ile m anfugoles taken,Se fele so h e wuldenraken;

[WM ]

Ph el P]


Onm orgenfol‘

h em a d ewa - gein.

flrfi h e wend enit were a rein,

knewenh e nogt h if d owes soft ; like rim e fros t ;

It lai h er, quit als a rim ‘ froit, [1 MS. rin.]

He h e it legen,’ foidcn, m anhu, [2 fogenP] aga

r -

aggomManna fer- h i m enslopoh it nu.


Qua d m oyfcs, lee ! h ernu[if] broad , (Fol. as. )

Ills grucking if gnfer- bead .

A m et h erwas, it h ot Gem er,

Ilc m anif h e bead , and nnam or,

Him gad orenor h e fnnne- flns ,E lles h e fnld snm iifcnh ins .

for it m olt a t h e funoo- fine,

Oe oh er flr fer- h odedo h ins .

To dnfi h e it grund enand m ad enbread ,h at hnni and elies h of h e bead

Que - fo nem o up forbeno m or,

it wirm ed o, brsd d o, and reted o h er.

Moyfsnded e ful h e gem er,Mom filled tnom er of th e

Ina gold pot, for m uning h er.

Hold it fnndri inclone ftod o,

for it m elted a t

th e sunsh ine .

And inh e taberna cle be it d ed e . {fi jfiffi‘fit


Wih h if m ete werenh e fed ,fowertiwinter vtenloh ,


Til h e to lend canaan

h at god h em giuengan.

Ferh nam h if felc

, fe god ta gte h im ,

to h e d ef ert of rafaclim [i rafadim P]Repm‘nm '

Tldlike h em waf h ot wa ter wane wh ere th ey m ur

h er h e gruch ed enfor h rifi h one ; [6 bans P]azltd


Hord e h e bi- h alncnh er m oyfes, [Fol

And to god h e m ad e is bi- m en.

Loner-ed ,” quad h e

,qua t ful is don?

He fulenm e worpenfiones en.

Quah god , go h nto erebif fien

And fm it wih h ingerde h er- en.


It was a fiod s h endenh er- bi,m “ “m “a “ Ona fydo of munt fynay ;

And h e finot wih h is wend h er- en,And water ganh er- vtengen;Anog ad d snh e h anno drinc,Rodi fund snwih litel fwinc ;h ot fied e wof cold tsmptatie,for h e h e god fended onso.

m ales, yfm asles fnne,Was h er h ands rafaelim ‘wuno, [1 rafsdim P]

He welts h er {ions and iobeeh ,h at h ordes felc him lenard tech ;Wepensd h e bena -



Meyfss car it wifie wel,And fonts ogenh em king ih ssum ,

wih folc ifraelwepsnsd fum ;He let bi- aftend e’ m ore del,TO kspsnh ere h ing alwel.

He, and aaron, and hur bengen,

Hog up to a dune fene o-nen;Meyfes bad [for] folo yfrael,And h ifo bones h em h olpenwel ;Ai quiles h e up if h endes bead ,Am alech kss folo fled d s for agte of dead ,

And quane h e leth ’ if h endesnih or,Am alech folc fagt h ard and wih or ;Quane it wurh war vt‘ and aaron,He ifunder- leid enwih anlien,Til fnnne h im feilod s inh eweft ;

23,153?m h ns fogt Moyfes h er alh er-befi.

Am olsch flag, and ifrael

Had d e h egere h end , and tim ed ewel.

h e fonts god to m oyfon,wih h is tim ing to mnning ben,Get fol h e kind s of am olsch

Benal fled dunindoad sswrech .


h if rod h hugts m oyfes ful god ,

And lenslike it und er- fled .

Ictro wents in- te h is lend o -

gen;Al[f] h e rod dc

,al- fe ganit ben.

De h rid d e m oneh inif cum sn,To fynoy h if fols ifnum en

h e f onone and forworti d ai

h a t h e nem enfro egipto awoi,




zg Vnder h if m unt h e fund enfted en,And h ere tsldcs h er h e d ed en.

Onoh er d aigcs m orgenquile,God tanned m eyfi quot h e wile .

Sei h if fols h at nu h olen,

for if h ere h h ogt nogt m e fer- h olen;If ya liftenlefl


ul to m e,

Is wile m infolo owenbe .

And m eyfes told o h if ifrael,

And h im h oteneuerilc d el,

h ot h em bid eh , fulco h e d en.

God d ede m oyfss h if bod eword en,Clenfo h if fele wol h if to doigos,

And bid d o h em ledenclone lo[i]goa ;Abnts h if m unt h um arks m ake,

[1 MS. m ad e.)

If erf or m anh er- one take,

It d ead h olen, wih {tones flagen,Or to d ea d wih gerendragon;

(Fol. 67b. ] h if frig[t]fnl [fols] h ns o - bidon,Quiles h if d a igos fer[h ] benglid en.

De h ridd e d aiges m erge quile,h under and lcncne m ad e fpils,

Onh if munt ftod , and fkios soft,And d ined o anm igtful h om es bla st ;

Sm oke up- rekod and munt quaked ,

Slop h ernonh ez h one np-waked ; [

1 MS. de.]Aiwa s m efes one inh is d ine,

3468 h if folewend e h auenfor- lerenh ine ;'PMS . h im ino. ]


Os be com fulgor and for h im to ,

And ganwih h em fpsksnfe

Ilc gure wel inh erte m unc,Ne iiinogt m oyibo, om rom o fnns ,h e go fulento d ai h ere fpsksn;Os h e h e flog, gnfor to wreken,E gyptc, onweigo m ode inh e so


And let ad am fendonh e tre

h e nee barg, and abrah am

Lsd de vt in- te lend cana an;Of eld e abrah am and of fa rm bigoten

Ded e yfaa c, ef eld e tstsn;h e gaf yfoa c so m anige funon

h e Iefep d ed e fo rich e wunsn;His word gnwurh o d igere al- fe lif


Digsre er sih or ch ild orwif.

Cum eh h er ferh ,and beh alle rckcn,

And larch wel quot h e fol fpsksn.

He led de h am to h e mnntcs fet ,Nonbut nonforh ors no m ot


And onif breh er aaron

God bad h em h at m orko ouer-

gen;h e fo fpac god fe brigt- like,

h a t alle h e it h ard enwitterlike .

Oke h a t h ugod oh erno m ake,

Ne oh er h onm e h ot h uno take.

for is am god , gelns and fireng,Minwrech e if h ard , m inh ole if long.

Tao h unogt iuid ol m innam c[n],Ne fwor it 10 8 to fele ingam en,

Ne lst h unogt m inwnrh fnlllod

fer- foreninh e fend es rod .

Minh ali d a i h nh olgc wel,

And o h ind ed e enOh sr fol.

Wnrh h infad sr and m od er fe ,

h at h ll h em d rod c and h elps d o .

Moses a d dresses

th e people.


Th ird Com m andm ent .

Fourt h Comm andm ent

Fifth Com m andm ent

1 00

Six th Com m andm ent.

Tenth Com m and

Th e Israelites a t

th e foo t of th e


No 11 0 h e nogt wih h end no wil,Ne rend , no beat nogt wih vn- ikil ;

Help d o ned fnl, h at h e no be dead

for trnke of h inh elps onread .

Os bored om h ot h nno do,No wend no loch srie to .

Loke h e wel h at h nno (isle,No reflas , no h ofte, fer- h ele.

Fia lfe witnefl


s dot 2 h uno bore, [3h at P]Ne wih h e lsfo nonm aLn] no dere.

Ne gifce h uneg[t] h innsftss h ing,a , no agte, no wif, inh ingifcing ;

For if h nit gam es and giffe,h ntines vn- ondsd blifce .

if for- frigted felc flgorenlied ,drod ful

,and blah

, and fori m ed ;Hard enh at dredful beam es blaii,

Segsnh ot figer, dred h old h em fail.

h e feidenh e to m eyfen,35 24 Be h nnugod and us bi- twen,

Hernuquot god fal m ere quch en,And tsllct nf fih cnh er bi

And m oyfes (tog up a -nen,35 23God h em bod bod es m anige on

And logos ; and hnh e fulenm akenh e tabernacle, and wer- ef token

h e gold , and filner, and h e bras,35 32 h e fyh endondernon

‘was, [4 h er-onP]And nem old it bef ool,

And two oh ere to m akenit wel ;And gof to

“tabeles of fien, [0 two P]3536 And .x . bod eword writenh er- on.

Der quiles m oyfss was up wih gode,And liftenedo al h ot leue bod e,

MS. for for h ole. MS. ma .


Noi, for god e, quad m eyfcs,

It if a fengwikkc and redlss .

Meyfss cam ncr and fog h if plages,‘

MS . wlages .]And dif2 calf, and h if ille logos ; [3h is P]Se wurh h e wroh , 0 m od e farp,

Hif tables brokendunh e ifwarp,And d ed e h at calf m elteninfir,And (tired it ol to dnfl fir,And m sngd e inwa ter and ferh it of,And gaf h a t folo drinkenh at drof.

h e wills h e wol quile h auenit d en,35 84 Sens it was h ere berd ss on.

h e grod de h e ludc, geh m e to,

Alle h e god luuenso .

Freud no breh erno fparod h e nogt

35 88 Onof h am h at h oned h ifwnnd srwregt ;Of h e h e werento h if red ,. x x x . hundred to h e d ead

worenh one d enfene a -nen,

35 92 h a rg flrongh e of m oyfss and aaron;Onoh er iled s m enwritenfen,x x iii. h hussnt h at h er ben;

De worenonline fum del lcs.

Onoh er d ai quad m eyfes,

Mich el finne h one h e“d en,

Is fol genfsksnbots h er on.

E ft h e flog up to munt fynay,for to bi- f oksngod m erci.


” quad h e, h inm eh e if god ,

Merci get for h inm ildc m ed !

Or h nh if folo wih m ilsh e m oh,‘

[4 m od P]Or d o m innam e nt Of h inbee .

God onfwersd e, of fill is d enHem

,h e arnnogt to banh er- en;

Ge, lcd h if fels , m inangel on

Sal is d enh e bi- forsngen.


E bwa f eigenit waf m ish asl

Engsl h e fih enledde h em wol.

Meyfss fuflsde fih cnto pligt

x l. doigos and x l. nigt ;Oh srs tables h e brogto writen,And funnc- bem brigt fenifwlit cn

h ot felc onh im no m igie f en

But a veilwere llsnl bi- twon.

h e wof h if fels frigti and rod

To d enol h at m eyfss llsm bad ;


rodenh im fllnor and gold s ,And oh er m eta l fwilc h e weld s ;He it bi- tagte bslfslosl,

And sliab, h e m ad enwol

h e tabsm a slo a lf h em wa s togt ,Ge tcnand granonwih Witter drogt ;

.vii. m oneh h er- butonh e ben,And h ere fwins wol h e bi- ton

fer fwilc hnfwas ournourrs wrogt ,Ne fwilc fnftc h er onworld s brogt ;God it ta gte ol oar m eyfsn

Wiflike hnit wregt fuld s ben,Quile frud , quot eifl'cnd e, quil l loge,And quot fer Inns

,and quot for ago .

Aaronbiffep, Oh oro of h ot kin,

Sottc h e h em for to fornsnh er- in.

Bekes h e wret Of lore wol,Huh if folo h em rigt lsd snfol,Battenm if- d sd cs, and clone lif

Lad en, wih - o tena te and ilrif.

wolf m ensh ferh bena lle cum sn,

Or h e fro fynay bell ferh num en;Onh ot oh er twontid c d ai,Of h e eh s[r] m enod ’ togtc h e wei

h at brigtc fkio bi- feronh em flogt ,


And h if fels h er after tog.

Moses receivedo th er ta bles .


Se ven m ont h s

th ey were aboutt .

God taugh tMost -sth e fosh lenof it.

[Iquile P]

Twelve m onth spassed are th e

mic d epartedurnSinai.[ i-


2° th


;wentiotg2 a ay 0 t o scson"m us

m onth (inth e

[3flog9] second yea r),th e Israelites d e

pa rted irom S ina i,


E re dages and nigtee fax-

euit gan

And wi’G- fiod in>(Se d eferd ph aran;’sif folo if after

fofbe togen,And h auenfwinc inweige drogen;for h at (wine h e gruch edenh er,E or- fore h em cam onm ore for.

fier if onh em bi- fidenligt,fele it brend e and m ad e o- frigt,

Moyfes it blefl’

[ed ]e wi’6 h is bode,

And brenninge h e caldo’6at fied e.

Here h ine- folc Be wa( h em m ide;

And fnmm e of h em ’60 r ille dede,

He gem ed enafter 0 5'

er m ete[n],Of m anna h e benfor- h irked to eten;He gretennp- onm oyfen,And h e to god m ade h is bi- m en.

Lom erd quad h e, lSif folo if ’6in,

ifi t: And al >6ie forge nuifm in;But ic h aue anod er'read , [1 oh er

3664 9 11 (all:m e ra’ée ’60n’ >éolendead .

Qua’6 god , ch es h e nuh er fenenti

Wife m ento fionden’6e h i,

And ic fal h em genenWitter- bed ,

And h e Be fulend onh elpe at nod ;And ’6infolc fal to -m orgenbi- geten

ynog into a m oued ’ for to eten. [3m ond S?

Moyfes was blih e angla

’6‘ of >6is, glad


And ch es ’60 m en[h e] god m ade wir;waf h ere nonof h erte dim ,

proph etie h e werenand h olpenh im .

lond ortigie cam a

And brogte turles m ich el m ind 5It flogenlonge, and h ikke, and wel

Ahnten>6e folo of yfm el ;“w d'" a ”

Two d aiges h em benfugoles eum en,fowls cam e.

3680 So fele h e wilen, h e auennum en,

Th e a ppointm entof seventy eld ers .

1 06

murmur a t th enew .


t h em .

For Moses’ wh o

h e spareth th em .

Joshua and Calebare ex cepted .



And geteniffe m enbeninebron,

Quilc m enm ai get wundrenon.

h if fole h o fette up gret and gred ,And feidenh e folweninel red ;Bett e if vs get we wendenagen

And inegipte h ralles ben,h anwe wurh enh er fwerdef flagen,And ure kinto forge h ragen

Anlod er- m anwe wilenus fen

And wendenia - to egipte agen

Do quad Iofue and calef,

Leateh benfwilcwurdes ref,And d oh nogt god alm igtenwrong,If m ilce if m ikel, if fi renge if firong.

h or h rette god h em alle to flen,If m oyfes ne wore h or agen;Co for if benee and for if

get h e falwih h em m ilch e m aken,Oe alle h e fulenwendena -

gen,And inh e d efert longe ben;And onh e . x x . winter h old

or m or a t of egipte told ,

h at h auenh uf oftenfand ,Ne fuldenweld enh at leue land ,Wih - vfea Iofue calef,

Here rigt -wired wa f gode lef.

Moyfes told h em al h is anfwere,

(b een?)

And h e benfm iteninforwef dere ;Get h e fulen. x x x .vii. ger

Inh e d efert benvtenh er.

Agenh e m ad enh ere dragt,Al - fo h a tn! ie baned tagt .fwas wa s m oyfes cam ,


And ch ore was if bernteam ;Ille nih if h erte wex e on


genm oyfenand aa ron,

P eam MS.]

m s a s su m es or KORAH u p s eru m . 1 07

Hem two .u. hundred m en,And two ‘ h o . x 1 . and ten;He feidenh e werenwurh i bet 31103$3


to h at feruife to benfet ; t h y to performth e services of

And two m igtful h e h auentaken, the Ta bernacle .

Mciftres, princes h e weld enh em m aken,On anoh er Ah irou.

Moyfes it h erde and feide a -non,To -m orwenbeh h er alle red i,

And ilc gure oh er fiond e h i ;And ilc gure h ifo reklefat,

And fier h or- inne and tim inge onh at,And h unfuld e we brigtc fen,Quilc gure fal god quem efi ben.

And h uf it waf onm orgend on,Newulde h e, ne ah irou,

For orgel pride fot h h or cum en;Moyfes wid

2 folo if to h em num en, 9 wih

Inh ere told h e ficnd cna - gen

Moyfes and vr, [85 ] ne wuld e gon;Moyfes h or gret and bad if bed e,And erh e denodo ’ fone inh at fied e

, [3MS. deuede.]And opned e vnder ere fet ;Held up neih cr (tonne gret,Alle h e funkenh e erh e wih - in,Wid ‘wifes, and ch ildre, and h incs- kin

, wih

Swile end cfih vn- bi-wenh auen

h arh nom anfwinkonh em to grauen,h if erh e if to-

gid ere luken,Als it no were neuere or to- broken.

Or ch ore welwifie h at

Gret fierwend vt of is reelefat , A“re cam e fromGod .

And _of if fere onand on,And for- brend e h em h or euerilck on;0 0 aaronal h ol and fer


Cam h im no fieres fwah e ner ;


Of h o Reklefates for wurh ing,Werenm ad , and for muning,Cornues at h e alter of


h e at h ere tabernacle was .


32: Fcr al h if

,oh er d ay h erwafnefi ,

mut ed t 3792 Agenes m oyfes and if prestMoses -n Aa ron.

;m to th e Gun(1 1 h if folo wih wreh e gon,

And wuldenh em werpen(tones on;To h e ta bernacle h e benflogen,h or aucth a fl de h em wel bi- togen;A ficr m agti h at folc fefi on,And h aueh m anigo h or for- d on.

h anbad m oyfes aaron,wih h ife Bekelefat , to h at fir gon;And h e it d ed e‘ alf h e h im b[e]ad ,

th ° Ranand fiod tiren’ liues and dead ,And h if fier blefi


ed e and wih - dreg,

It add e or flagenm anige ynog ;. x iiii. h husent it h aueh flagen,And .iiii. feore of line dragon.

Dog h if folo m ih e a Rund for- tired ,

h og h e benget infund er red ,Get h e aglenonh ere and wen

h a t it m ai loked h etre ben;h og h ife brende benfor- fuken,h og h e wenenh at god fal taken

Of h o . x ii. tribuz fumm o m o,

To benh or h e for- hu-

ged e h o,

Or ynog rah e of euerilc kin,He wile h a t fumm o ferue h or- in.

Ch ildre,

” qua t m oyfes, gure (tr-if


on ad dresses d erch h e fowle and greueh h e lif ;people.

Do we uf alle ingod es red ,Vs fal tim enh e betre fped

Ilc prince m e take bife woud ,And do we us h ere ingodes h end ;

1 1 0 THE D E ATH or AARON A'r HOR.

Hire lieh if biried inmunt fin,3860 Hire fowle if refied fiede wih - in.

I t bi- tid de after h ire d ead

h at h is folc forge inh rifle ahead .

And h er refwreh h e and ftrif a -non

3864 Agenm oyfenand a aron;God [h ad ] fem elenfolo and gen,And forenh em fm itenonh e fton

And feide, ut of h e fm itenfton

3868 Ynog h em fulde water gen

He and h if folc com enh er- to,

Io wene frigtlike h at h e d o ;Ones h e fm ot h er onh e fion,

3872 And m ilie, and fag h e water gen;Aneh er fih e h e went if h egt

Betre and foftere, and no m ifie h egt,h o flewd or‘water mich il and firong, [l h er P]

3876 Al folo and erue a -nog a -m ong.

vrg lend edom ne m igtenh e faren,h er- fore h e fulena - buteneh aren

Bi h e d efert of arabic lend ;3880 Long weige and cofiful h e h er fond ,

ferh bi arch im h at m cificr burg ;

h e defert arenh e walked enh urg,

am,222: Til d at ’ h e com ento munt h or ; P h at

3884 Aaronh o wente of liwe h er,

52?A“ E leazar

,if fune

, h im neft

Wa s m ad biffop and m eifier prefi .

x x x . d aiges h at folo inwep3888 Wih bed es, and gret, and teres wep ;

Get ifi fene, onh e munt onh at fied e,Quer m ena aroninh irieles d ed e ;

Th e age onm . vii. fcore ger and .iii. told ,

3892 h er h e lih d oluenonh at wold .

Forh h oh enh e eom ento falm ona ,

mim e“"m "for-weried grueh edenh e h oa ,

SIHON AND 0 0 ARE ovs a coms . 1 1 1

h er- fore h em cam wrim - kinam ong,3896 h a t h em wel bitterlikc fiong ;

Noneh er red h or d onno wa f,Moyfes h er m ad e a wirm e of bras, g



And h eng etl liege up

- oua faft, [ 1 MS . bouget .] arm “of 1 m ”

3900 h nrg god es bode and god es craf[t] ;Qua t flungenm anso fag h er- on, (Fol. 7s. )

h at work h im fene alwas vn- d on;D igerc it wa s al h at berem - tem ,


[1 beren- tom wh ich Ions a fterward s was wor

3904 figer fih enm - to Ierusalem ; mggd inJeru

oe fih enit waf to dulte d on,for h at folo m ifleued e h er- on.


gtinam ferh h is fole and bleh ,

Til h e com ento flum iareth ;

h ifwater h im on- funder dreg,And let h em ouer

,drige 5 1 1 08 ;

King feon,39 1 2 for to figteucam h em ageou;

h if folc h im flog and h if lend tok,Suh fro arnonnorh to iabok


And weficnal to fium iord an;39 1 6 0 0 h enugenking of bufa an.

To lend m oab drugenh e fo,h ornuif a burg, ierico .

alaa e kingwas for- dred for- h en,And feute into lend m ad ian,

To h ifo frond h e benhim nefi ;And fcnte after balaam h e prefi , with“m "

Wih rich e m enangiftes cc,3924 for to fiillenh ifo [vn- jeh c m o d,

And h ad h im cum enfor to d on

fellie] of yfracl h if curfing on.

Balsam wih - old h im h er h a t nogt

3928 To witenquat h im fulwurh enta gt ;Alwa f if fultum and h if fped

3 For th is see 2 Kings, x viii. 4.


Bi- luh enille, infend es red .

Onnigt h im cam fond e fro god e,Agenh if ginges

’red for- bode.

m mf m And h at h e no curfe nond el

h if folo h a t god blifced e wel.

O m orgenfoid s h e, fare ie nogt,for bode if m e fro god e brogt .

Balaac fente rich ero anm o

Medea, and oh er m ento h e .

Sondes, fendes,” quah balsam ,

Or h e h efe oh ere m odes nam ,

D og balaac king m e goue h old ,m " w

Hif huf ful of filuer and of gold ,N0 m ai ie wendenh er bi-neh en;God es wurd if eum enalf it if quoh en

Co or or go wendenagen,h if nigt ie fal fondenand fen

Quat tiding so it cam onh e nigt .

Onm orgen, a t h e d aiges ligt,Vp

- onh ife aIfe h if fad el h e ded e,To m ad ianloud wente h e h if ride,And wente if h erte onwerrc h h ogt ;Wieko gifeing it baned

’alwrogt . [f haueh P]

h uf rideh forh h if m anfor- leren,Anangel dreg anfwerd h im bi- foren,h if afi

o wurh fo fore of dred ,Vt of h e weigo it h aueh h im led .

Sellic h egte balsam for- h i,

And bet and wente it to h e fli

Bi- twentwo walles of (ion;

32113331.0 140 E ft Rod h if angel h im a -


1 1 8 . N Jh if alfe if eft ofweigo fiired ,So h at balam os fot if hird ;

so th a t Balaam 'a

And h e wurh h o for angerwroh ,

And h if prikeh and negt aoh ;

M8 . queden.

1 1 4

Ba lak is grea tlyd ispleased .

Th e parable ofBalsam .

Israel is com

pared to a lien.

Againh e blessesth e Israelites,


fro shunoncam to h im bi-neh on,Word inh erte d a t ‘h e fsl queh en;Quanh o cam to balaac a -

gen,4004 Swilcwurdos h e let vt- ten.

Hum ai ie h at folo eurfenon,h er lenard baned blifeing den?

h if folk falwax enwel and h en,4008 And ouer al oh er m igtful ben,

Hif lif beh blih o, h if ending fal,

h e tim oh sl- fe h if tim enfal.”

Balaae m iflikod al h if quah o,’40 1 2 And led de h em h eh enonoh er Rode,

To munt fags , for to fenwel

Of folo ifrael h e oh er del.

He wente onoh er fiund erRedo,40 1 6 Betre tim ing h er- fore h e it dede,

And wend e wendengodes h egt,0 0 01 h e {winked him fornogt .

Hef[t] h aueh h e m ad h er .vii. alter,

4020 And onilc brend oft twinder.

Ged e oft balsam up en- rum ,

h e feide h uf quanno h em 6am dun,h is felc, fprungenof ifrael,

4024 If vnder god tim ed wol ;Al- fe leunif m igtful der,Se fsl h if folo benm igtful h er ;h if leanfal oh er fele froten,

4028 Lend canaanal preigo bi- geten.

Ille liked h anno balaac

Euorile word h e preft balsam fpac.

Get h e led de h im to munt feger,And ofte h e facrede deres m er ;

d er‘fpac balsam m ikel m or

Of h if folekes m igt , or h e d ed e or.

felc ebru,” qua h h o, h at ie fe,

4036 Blifeod fal benh e blifcede h e ;

h at

pum a]

anode P]


And quue - fe wile eurfing m aken,Ille curfing fal h im taken;Of h e fal rifenfierre brigt,And a wend h e fal fmitenrigt

Mesh kinges, and under- d en

Al fed es- kinh ifworld up- en.

Binnie tiding quad balsam h er


h e m ade balakes h erte for ;

Co h anbalsam wente a -


nte h e balsam quat m igte benh if fele to dere, and gaf h im red

h at brogt ifrael iwol fped .

h e gingewimm enof h is lend ,feiger onfigte anfefte onh end ,And brigto enh owe, onfpeeh e glad ,Wih h gere

‘fal ie fendes fad ; [1gereP]

h e h utenvt genh ifm en,h e cunen’ brewenh erte- bren, [3MS . eum en.] t gez


wih win, and wlite, bod i, dwale, i32ii““d

Luue[li]ke and wih fpech e fm ale,To wend enh em fro godes ago

To h i londe godes and vra lage ;Bute - if h um igt forh enh if red ,

4060 And h em fro godes luue led ,And fonde to wendenh uf h ere h h ogt, For war nor

weapon h ad noforwinowepenno h elped

8 nogt .

[3h elpeh p] to h im

ferh -nam bala am ,h a t ille qu[ejad

4064 h e gaf h if read of foules dead .

h uf it was d en, and bi h at fol

Infieh infinged e ifrael,And for luue of h if h ere-


Mania fer- letengodes lage,And wrogtenh er fwilc foules fer

h a t h e h er luttonbelph oger.and worsh ipped

o feid a god to m oyfen,h e m e[i]ftres of h ifo h ere- m en,

1 1 6

Twenty- th reeth ousand were

Ph ineh a s killsZim ri and Cosbi

It was found to


Moses bein told

of h ls des


h e fendes folgenand m e flen,h e bid do ic h angenh at h e ben;Benh cfe h angenh e funno sgon,h ise ed or‘ felc fal m eh e fen.

Gedes wrech e h er h aueh ef- flagen

x x iii. h ufont of h ageu.

finoes waf a feli m an,h e godes wrech e forh ongan;Ho flug Zabri for gedef luuen,

Hife h ere bi-noh o and h im abuuen

h nrg and h ut g boh enh o fiongwih h ifo gifa rm e farp long .

God m eysennemnenbead

Hif fele h e was firm ofi fro d ead ,

Or .x x . winter or m ore h eld ,

h e inogypto orno werentold ;

Onand .vi. h und red h ufont h er,And .vii. hundred and . x x . m er

Meyfes fend and eliazar ;

Was nonof h em told intale or,

h e m eyfes toldo h em and aaron,h ane gunnenfro egipto gen.

Vteniefuo and caleph ,

4096 Alle olles h e d rinenindoades weph ;Alle h ifo wapm ender’ god let liwen,h e lend h otenful h em bengiuen.

God m eyfes elepod e and quad to h im ,

ftig h ege up to munt Abarim ,

And ic fal d enh e h ed en‘fen

h e lend h e fal h if folc[e]s ben;h er h ufalt benofwerlde num en

Into h at lend falt h unogt cum on.

Lenard , m erci quad m eyfcs,

Let h uh infele nogt h elpo- les,

And good lot ee h uh em bi- fo,Alfwile alf h em bi- hu[f]lik bee .

[ 1 oh erP]

d agenP]

h erP]

[Ah eh eu'


P . 1 .

N O T E S .

ll. 1 - 2 Hanoy to luuenh a t rimss ran,h s Ws


sst h wel h a 109e mm .

ay, anoth er form ofugh ,=ow=eugh t. rm =rm s=rtm s, song, story.

Nalde h a nane runesN0 none luue ram s

leornenno lustnen.

"— (St. Ka th .Maris a- lay. It is not necessarilyunlesrned , ignorant, etc. , for O .E .writersfrequentlyuse th e term incontradistinetionto clergy. See Ayenbite, p. 1 97 .

Vor all m ore of roll: studio) inovaries , and (both ) grea t and m ale,kinges, prela tes , clerkes, and lsweds and religious .

— (Ayenbite, p.

And bath e klerk and Zoned m anEnglis understand kan,

Th at was borninIageland .

"—(Met . Hem . p.

3 I slam to take care of oneself, to d irect one’s course of life, keep from

sin. See Ayenbite of Inwyt , pp. 1 , 1 97, 1 99, 20 1 .

Ac alneway h it is nyed to leawsde m enth at h i h am loki vram piss zenne —Ayenbite, p. 31 .

1 0 h and is evidently anerror for gund=yond , yonder, ever. Cf. gram

for h um , gufor h u, etc. See 1. 276, p. 9 .

pm d pat lend h e h eem te- draf ouer al pat lend h e drof h eem ) .i.

1 2 ssm m r=eauerm or=ovsrm ora 1 4 soh s- sagm a soh s- sags=sooth - saw=sooth ~saying, true saying.

1 6- 1 6 Cristsns mm ogen6m sofagensofucks am quanh e it sendagen.

Ch ristianm enough t to be as fain(glad )As fowls (birds) are wh enth ey see it dawn.

1 7 tailed : leash==telleth . 20 devil- dwa lo z d evil- deceiver, devil- h ereticarch - deceiver, arch - h eretic. See 1 . 67 . Of. m anslrsdwals es m aster h eretie=

arch - h eretic, inth e following passage“Ofl


all bis laps le red d folle Of all th is loath som e learned folk

pat we num lem um m be Th a t wenowtalk aboutWass m anstredwa ls, andodoes peww, Was anareh - h eretic, a devil

's serf

pat Arrius was nemmnedd .

” Th a t Arrius was nam ed .- (Orm . i. p. 268, 1 .

tilgod srs'

d h im inm anlich ed ,till god sh rouded (cloth ed ) h im self inm anh ood .

a wed -

x m m . ; - a - 1 m E m u i fi wit h

it s-m u) m fsil z- ul

Al i- m : (m oi -

“h a ,

- \th h q y

fi ni s h innfi )

" l ut il a- lryng ellnh a h h i yn wh tfl m .

Ad a - t h i ef q fi jfi s.”

fi W S PA f CLL“See l ol sb m , 6 ; h cinSuun

' P- lh j ni n m ars-m

M t M wfi h m t L a fi h pfi m d

9L, l$ l ; Ly - welln h dfink d b m

Suc h . i “.

“s m ut-m m ”pum p-t h en. “Al d st th s h t dmwnth y

he hegn h oly ed o

Dl prayers, and d a d - fi t t ing“(or life

s help and soul's eom fiwt (M ) .600 M —M ‘M —b fi” ; M = toe= tooh 5 0 1 fi " nuns mfrom men’s fellowship, society. The m al form of m e inO .B.


ny- m ,

”sens—common, general. 603- 6 1 0 Prom na pole's Pricke of Con

science, pp. 1 22 - 1 26, we learnth at both E noch and Holy (E lijah ) sh allcome before doom sday to turnth e Jews from following Antichrist to th eChristisnlawz—“For 1 260 days, or th ree years, sh all th ey continue to

much . Antichrist , ingrea t wrath , sh all put th e two proph ets to d es th inJerusalem , where th eir bod ies sh all lie inth e street for three days and ahalf, afterwh ich th ey sh all ascend to h eavenins cloud . After th eir death

P . 1 6 .

worse. 1 81

Antichrist sh all only reignfifteendays. at th e end ofwh ich tim e h e shall beslainbefore th e Mount of Olivet ." Some “clerks afi rm th at h e sh all be

slainby St . Mich ael inBabylon,“th a t great h ill. (See

“Antich rist a nd

th e Signs W th e Doses,” inJahrbuch fiir Bom anisch e and Englisch e

Liter-star, 6 1 7 Hetod iss . Inth e Polych roniconBanulphi Higdeni,

p. 28, ed . by Churchill Bam 1 866, am ongst th e“anctores

names " we find m entionmade of Meth odius etiam m artyr et episcopal ,

cni incarn ate revelavit engeles de mnndi statnprincipio ct fine.” 6 1 8

sighs sir sigShs sir—sheer insigh t, clear fore -knowledge .

l. 626 gut agte awold wh at sh ould h appen. 626 wa ter well , destroyedbywater. scold m ay-s towed , flooded , from welten. 680 hon-plage,

wh ore- play, wh oredom . Cf. 0 .8ax . her-was ; O.E .G. Im am-70 st . InO.E . here (not wh ore) was anepith et applicable to m enas well aswom en.

It occasionally signifies adultery. It is found incombina tionas a quali

tying term inh are- cop , horm one, a bastard ; hm how, a broth el. Th e O .E .

h oused , defiled , unclean; heroics, foul (Ch aucer) . Hori,wri, dirty. Pro

vincial E . hon-

y (Devonsh ire), seem to belong to anoth er fam ily ofwords .

682 Wimmenweltenseem master

SeeLllit . Poem s, p. 46, 11 . 269- 272.

683 And m ile seeded scents» on,And such m adness (folly) went on.

seeded - W heel, Cf. aiisd n olih ed=h oliness (l. 600 , p.

“pe oper

outs-cups pet com p of prede is wod hede. m e h alt ane m anwod pet is out ofh iswytte, inhuam skele is m iswent ." - (Ayenbite, p.

684 Oathed hunh-inde h egunnendon,Unnatural lust th ey did comm it .Gobsss=lust, lascivionsness, occurs inth e Owl and Nigh tingale, l. 492 .

Pa . lx vii. 1 4 .

“Nonlest (listen) onm ando amysThor; hys ogenc ga te —(8h oreham , p.

hunkinds unm ade, unlawful. unna tural. 637 quad mestsr, wickedcrafi (practices) . See Allit. Poem s, p. 46, 11 . 266

- 268 . Quad takes

several form s and m eanings in O .E . ; as quad, wicked (Kyng Alys . .

66 1 9 ; evil, th e devil (R. of Ol. , guead ,wickedness (Ayenbite,p. qua th s, sooth e, welhe, evil, h arm (Hampole

’s P. of C., 21 02, 4668 ;

Allit . Poem s , B.

De qud t deit, de schnwet gérnd at lich t . —(Reynard th e Fox .)637 hun-wm te p lage, wicked lust ; h un- ccreste=scm m-

este, weak, frail, andh encewicked

Mmrling m anta [onwreete] m anWbnhwuest pnm e pus idon.

” n.

penne pat h asid (leader) is m as t-

cert [om ersst]pe h e p (h ost) is pm wuree.

”—I6id . vol. ii.

Th anne mte m enh ere wyves love,Ase God doth h oly ch erch e ;And wyves nauyt ayens men

Nononwrsstm sswereh c,

132 NOTE S .

Ac th olye,And nauyt onwrost opsech em byNe tonnge of h efed e h olys .

”—(Sh oreh am , p. 67

See Orm . i. , 1 68 - 9. A.Sax . Ch ron.,1 062. Wrigh t

's Lyric Poem s, 87 .Kyng Alys, 878 . Owl and Nigh t , 1 78 . 638 A h a s kind s=inth ief


kind , insodomy. th ief inO .E . was a general term of reproach . Perh aps

in“liq/is we h ave anallusionto Ga in.

642 And letengodes frigtihed And forsook th e fear of God .643 And mengtenwiS wan

ed kin And interm ix ed with th e seem ed kin.646 Of hem woren

Segetenes boren Of th em were th e giants born.

Migti men, and figti, [and ]for- tom s

Migti men,figti and forloren,Migh ty m en, warlike and forlorn(doom ed) .

648 Iitit ta le, little account (worth ) . 66361issen=kssen=be Cf.

blinm and Iinm = to cease. See 1 1 . 3668, 3808.

664 fia t it a s were a t m ore hues-framelost it sh ould growto grea ter evil.

h im -fram e=unfram e, loss, disadvantage. 666 deres- h in= anim als.

P . 1 7 . l. 660 griti, protection, safety.

h ewuneden(dwelt) seo'


en(afterwards) h ereinne gra

‘lie and inne fri‘lic ii.

Lauerd , lauerd , ;ef (give) m e gri —(lbid . iii.

Cf. greth , quarter (Sir Cleges, grith - bm eh , breach of th e peace

(Owl and Nigh tingale, grith- sergeant (Hauelok, 660 feteles,

a vessel, a fa t or ca t .

pe firrstefetless wussBrcrdfull ofl


wa terr filledd .

"—(Orm . n.

Sex feteles of stanwar th ar stan[d]and ,Ala th anwas cum and inth e landAnd Crist bad th aim th irfstslss fillsWit wa ter, and th ai did sonh iswills .

—(Mct . Hem . p.

662 tim ed , daubed , pitch ed . 664 sperd , span-

est, barred . See Orm . D .

26 1 H . i. 1 42, ii. 68 Havelok, 448 . spers orspcm signifies also to lock,shut up. Ch aucer, Troilus and Crescido, v. 466 ; Bone Flam es, 1 774.

6ig= ‘

8ie, th ick.

666“Bar ba ton long swing h e dreg.

Th ercabout Noah long toil h e endured .

swing a : wine, toil, labour. 668 welh e", pass away, literally to fade,with er ;

and usually applied to plants and flowers .

It witss als grease areli at dai,Areli blom es and fares awai ;At euendounes it brogt,Un- lastes, and well-cs, and gas tonogh t . —(Ps. lx x x ix .

See Hampole’s P. of C. l. 707. 676 a rch -wold . See note to l. 266 .

682 gette or get, poured down. gelte is th e preterite of gets» or gets .

See 1 . 686 . Cf. O.E . ghete (We) ; prct . yh et ; p.p. yh oten


P. 20 .

P. 21 .


pe king h im ;st ts

al pat h e ;irn i.

See Seinte Marberete, p. 1 8. Allit . Poem s, p. 1 7, l. 667. s =sn—in.

637 meneleped=one calleth it ; st a it. We

h ave a sim ilar constructioninl. 1 082 :for al bat nigt h e sogten

‘5 0r“Be dure, and fundend neuere m or.

it. Th e author Of th e poanconstantlyjoins th e pronounet= it to th e preterite ofweak verbs. See line479, wh ere letet= let it . 690 stadet==stad it= it stood . 1 664 bidd it=

kidd it= sh owed it. As th e plurals of th e present indicative donot end in- ep or - et inth e poem , but in - en -n) , cleped m ay be anerror for clsp lli

or elspeth = calls, and men= O .E . me= one. See line 760 .

643—644 And as h igh th e flam e sh all go,As th e flood fiowcd onth e downs (hill) .

law, a north ernterm (of Norse origin) for fiam e, th e south ernform (ofA.Sax . origin) is leie. Religious Songs inOwl and Nigh tingale, p. 79 .

Of h isnoose thurlesenm cdh th e reds leis.

See alsoLegend of St . Brend an, 6 1 2.

“pair throtes sal ay be filled omangOf alle thyng pat es bitter and strung,Of laws and rekewith stormes m elled ,Of pyk and brunstane togyderwalled .

—(Hampole's P. ofC. , l.

668 cten=wi8~cten, with out . See 1 . 666 . Cf. l. 696, with l. 698 . 666

bi tale, innumber.

1 . 676 ganille wane, did wicked practices. 678 muning==rem embranceO .E . m sning, m ining. SeeMet . Hom ilies, x v ; SirGawayne and th e GreenKnigh t, 1 . 924 ; Lyric Poetry, p. 87, l. 1 3. 692 fendes fles

‘liissg, fiend s’

strife. Probablyflash ing=j tit ting, contention, strife. The phrase fsndss

flea ths=fendssfles"6ing, occurs inSh oreh am

's poem s, p. 97.

Jyf th ourewardest thyne eldryngesnauytA- lyve and eke a - dsth e,Tha t werewel besy to bryngc th e forth e,

}yf th ouhy gusset and fiagyst eke,Byst hys th a tfm desflea the .

l. 7 1 8 h iete=h igte,was called , nam ed . 724 wol wel=welwsl=verywell.ex tremelywell. Of. th e O .E . ex pressions wel old , wel lsng, etc., very old ,very long, etc. ; wol wel corresponds ex actly to th e O .H.O . and M .H.G.

ail real ; Mod . Ger. seh rwold . See E rec. (ed . Haupt . 20 1 7.

726 Th enlet hur, and

Se‘lienh eneon,

Terah left Ur, and th ence h ewont .let (pret . of lete)=left ; noon, literally took, and h ence took th e way, doparted ,went. See 11 . 744, 746 . 727 burgt, anerror for burg.

l. 743for, went . See 1 . 768.

748 Of weladarfuleum and of blis Rich ofOn) wealth and of (in) blin.

irons. 1 86

wald o: is anerror forwiti“; fuh unaz rich , plenteous, bountiful, occurs inO.E . fain-ash“, fairway. 749 is¢=is it, is th ere.

76 1 E ach th ing dieth th a t th ereinis cast .768 tins it is woni=thus is it changed. 764 M r, ifnot anerror for

Min-firs (burning fire ; see 1 . signifies wild - fire, i.e. brimstone. Cf.

A.Sax . civic-fyr=fire of brim stone. 768 hunger bond . We ough t, per

h aps, to read hunger- bond , corresponding to th e Germ anMangers-not)»fam ine, dearth . 764 fcycr=feym far. 767 to kan=to lose.

P . 23. l. 787 M m =crndo, errand, prayer, petition, m essage.

Ih seal insagenimbot,gibot th er h imilisgo Got,Ouh nist th er er gih ortiso fronisg am rti.

"— (Olfried’s E vangelienbuch .)

to God erdne borm =to intercedewith God . Ends occurs inLyric Poetry.

p. 62, inth e sense of to intercede. 792

798 Hewas Imnhf, heworenh ino hold ,Hewas dear to th em , th eywere true to h im .

796 sot=sch a t, treasure, still ex isting insoot, shot . 796 on- ach id a , untold , imm ense ; from ach tel, to estim ate, reckon80 1

“Bar Inquan» . herwid enwuno» ,Wh ere th ey form erlywish ed to dwell.

P . 24 . l. 8 13M z h d tk's, is called .

827“Bar h ot god abre

“Ba t (agte land, etc.

Th ere God prom ised Abrah am th at th at prom ised land , etc.

tagtcz bitagto, literally assigned , appointed . 882 gisoinge of lew d - hed

desire of lordship, greed of dom inion. Gisoim ¢=covetousness ; th e correctform is gitsing (plow , Jim m y), but pissing: is found inLe) . ii. , 227 .

See Orm . i. , 1 67 .

“Al h is m otinge (talk)was full of 3itsingo.

” i.,

Nigh each borough (city) h ad its lord .884 band ing is literally a stranger, foreigner, but h ere signifies a kingrulernot ofna tive blood , one of foreignexu'action.

“For I am a com m toward peAnd pilgrym , als alle my fad ers was.

— (Hampole’s P. of C.,

Wende einohomelinch ih binm it dir unde ellente also alle uatere mine.

Ps. x x x viii.

P . 26 . l. 842 fer-d ing star, a grea t army. 844 gouel, tribute, tax . Later writers

use th eword gouel orgouel inth e sense ofusury. See Ayenbite, p. 6, l. 88.

Of. gand er, usurer. Ayenbite, p. 26, 1 06 ; Pa . cviii. 1 1 . 847 ba sed

M ,h ath . 848 here-yon”,


For ich am witi ful iwis,And wod (knoweth ) al th at to knm enisIch wot of hunger [and] ofLemm e.

— (Owl and Nigh tingale, p. 41 , l.

86 1 fawra onsaloonand j ifnoworen, four attack and five defend .

138 som e.

And ch ild Jesus willed th em fra .

"—(Met . Hom . p.

Wists h ire dregonsonifer brist .Knewh er to be sufi

ering sorely for th irst .sori as anadjective is not

sorrowful, as most editors interpret th eword , but h eavy, painful, and h enceanx ious, etc. See 1 . 974 .

Quanth ai h im (Jesus) mined , th ai h im soh t

Imsng th air kith and fend him a ch t,And forthi Joseph and MariWar for h im sorfnl and sari.” —(Met. Horn.

978 guemede h ire lis t, sa tisfied h er desire.

P. 29 . l. 984 folo frigti, formidable folk,fi-igti does not h ere signify, as inoth er

parts of th e poem, afra id but to be feared . 99 1 insander mm , indiversecommunings. 1 0 1 0

“Be ian=th e one. ton=th at one, th e first ; tober

th a t oth er, th e second .

P. 30 . l. 1 0 1 9 guamed=gnemedq pleased .1 021 - 1 024 Quoth th is one, “this timenext year,

Sh all I appear to th ee h ere ;

By th a t time shall blim befall Sarah ,Th a t sh e sh all of a sonconceive.

And it h ire Sogte a eslli Sh im ,

And it appeared to her a marvellous th ing.

1 028 onwane, wanting one, i.s. one less.

“In) is burh was wnniende a

m aidenswine sung of gsr-as, twowens of twen —(8t . Kath .

1 032 And itwm‘b sob binnenswib ssl,

And it became truth (was confirmed) with insuch tim e.

1 086 stela sz go away stealth ily or secretly.1 036 Ne m ine dede Abrah am holen, Nor my deed from Abrah am h ide.

1 037 sinne dwalez complaint of sin(see 1 . dwale m ay be takenas ansdj .=grievous, mischievous. 1 038 m irias dale, anerror for m irie da le

pleasant dale.

1 039- 40‘bo adde ebram - is herte ear,

for loth his newswsmede”her,

Th enh ad Abrah am ’s h eart grief

ForLot, h is neph ew, dwelt th ere.

1 041 - 4 “Lord, quoth h e,“howsh alt th pu do (this), if th ou sh alt take

vengeance th ereon; sh alt th ounot th e righ teous protect (spare), or for th em(for th eir sake) to th e oth ers m ercy bear (sh ow) l

”msli bem =to bear

mercy, to sh owmercy to. See 1 . 1 046 .

1 046 Ie sal mebenbe stede for'b'


I d ea signifies to use gently, act with moderationtowards any one, tocomps- innate, to sh owm ercy to . (See Allit. Poem s, p. 46 , 1. 247 ; p. 6 1 ,

l. 436 ; p. 64, l. 1 049 ot -wot, departed . Th ere is no such verb as

o i-witan, to depart, inBosworth’s A.Sax . Dict . ; but we h ave th e O .E .

os-f sgen, a i-gon, cit- scape, etc., and th e simple vb. wile is not uncommonin

1 48 NOTE S .

sea- m enmiter The sea m enafterferondod -wége m arch ed th e flood wayfolowa s oncalm . the folk prospered -(was inprosperity) .

- (Ca dm en1 84,1 639 Cloth ed sh e Jacob and m ade h im rough . 1 642 soles mel, anerror forselie mel, good (tim ely) m eal ? Cf. m irice da le for m irie da le, l. 1 038, p. 30 .

SeeLag. i. 76 ; ii. 1 73.

And pas word saideBrutus pe eels (th e —La ; i. 30 .

h aue'

li m i fad sr bi pmrc BEECastel awi‘Se srele.

”—(Ibid . u.

1 644 For h e h andled h im and found him rough . 1 645 Wh enh e knewh im ,

opportunely h e blessed h im ,faith fully and well. ongode sel, ingood tim e,

opportunely. Seenote to l. 1 642. Dole comm a aftereel, and insert it after

P. 46. 11 . 1 647- 8 Heaven's dewand earth 's fa tness,Abundance ofwine and oil.

1 660 Supply and after m igl.1 666- 6 Quoth Es au,

“righ t is h is nam e

Called Jacob, to m y disadvantage.

1 669- 70 Neverth eless, dear fath er, intrea t I th eeTh at th engive m e som e blessing.

1 673er6es m ore, earth’

s fatness ; m ore is properlyfa t, grease, butter. Inth e Orm . ii. 1 06 it is used inth e sense of ointm ent. 1 674 granted h im

blessing th a twas precious to h im ; gere is evidentlyanerror for dere, beloved ,d ear, precious .

1 676 - 6 For Idum ea, th at rich land,Of pasture good ,was inh is h and .

lewse, cf. O .E . leswen, to pasture ; lezzer l (Shropshire), a pasture- land ) .

(Wicliffe, 1 Kings x vi. 1 1 1 Cor. ix . 7 ; Luke viii. If ony m ansch al entre by m e, h e sch al be saved ; and h e sch al go ya , and sch al go out,and h e sch al fynde lesewis .


e, St. Johnx . E gipto a ;enst kynd eof oper londes h ap plenté of corn; h e is bareyne of lesue, and wh enh eh ap plenté of laws it is bareyne of corn.


s transla tionof Bigden's Polych ronicum , vol. 1 , p.

1 677- 8 Quoth E sau, The time of m ourning sh all pass away,And I sh all take vengeance of (on) Jacob.

1 677 gret is a nounform ed from th e vb. to grete (to weep, m ourn) , just aswep is from wepe (weep) . It is th e same as th e O .E . gret, grete, cry, outcry.

P . 46 . ll. 1 683- 4 “Be th enth ere,"

quoth sh e,“till E sau

Appeased be, wh o rages now.


Se- m o'

lied (=e5 0- m oded ) is literally easy m inded , hum ble, m ild , and h encesoft -m ood ed , appeased . S .Sa x calm ed , ea dm od ied , edm od fe. See La ) . ii. 5 5 4 ;AncrenRiwle, 246, 278. Th e insertionof be is necessary to th e m etre as

well as th e sense.1 688 - 9 E saum arried inorder to annoyus

Wh enh e allied (h imself to kinofCanaan) and is so foolish .

1 WrittenIease '


1 5 0 NOTE S .

comewipflata ynge and wipfairewordes ; und yifwordes fsillelm ifim sch al

hym awelde.” (Trevisf s transla tionof Higden’s Polychronieum , vol. i.

p. 1 676 tog“:

1 68 1 long wune is her drium , long custom is h ere held (prsctised) .

1. 1 693M M custom of th e lsnd mounu-

y) . 1 700 esld ss, ealled th em .

Cf oslde s’

s inl. 1 702 . 1 706 slls hi- m foully ravish ed . 1 7 1 2 eh arem to

depart, literally to turn. 1 7 13field : anerror for gsld s==sh ould requite.

1 7 1 3- 1 4 UnlessLabansh ould reward betterHis service, and with h old h im yet.

1 7 1 6 som e he serihed=h e entrea ted h im to serve.

1 71 9 -26 Covenant is m ade of all sh eep,Jacob sh ould take ch arge of th ose of one colour,And if of th ose, spotted ones cam e,

Sheep or goa t, speckled, stroked , or gray,Are placed from Jacob far away ;Neverth eless th ose of one colour,

P. 60 . ha swed = hoswe, “livid , a sad colour m ix ed with blue.

" It also

signifies rugged, sh aggy. 1 726 w liks=unliko incolour. It seems to

be, h owever, an error for on- lah s = alike libelees, unlike, dis im ilar'


form . 1 729“he gander bles, th e diverse coloured ones. 1 736 To be under

h im longer is displeasing to him . 1 740 clapping rims, sh earing tim e. 1 747

for- ole» =j or- holsn, secreted .

P. 6 1 . l. 1 768‘6us m fhelibe spas h is om,thus kindly (m ildly) spake th is uncle.

1 76 1 - 2 . My rela tive, m yneph ew, m y fellow(companion)Th ouough test not to do m e such unlawfulness (wrong) .

meg. Seenote to l. 1 66 1 .

1 763- 4 I was afraid it m igh t occur to th eeTo take th y daugh ters from m e.

1 766 fro anerror forfor1 7 67 Th ea I deny, th at is my ad vice,

Th at h e be dead (put to death )with wh om th oufindest th em (thygods) .1 768- 9 fun- th em . 1 77 1 yuel ist bi- togon, evil is th ere accusod==wrongfully h as accusation beenm ade, i.e. I am accused of a crim e. M ogen,th e p.p. of biteon, signifies also befallen. 1 773My labour about th y pro

perty is drawn(takenup) , i.s . I am troubled about th y property. 1 774

And to m ewas th ine h onour dear ; wurh ing=h onour, respect,good opinion.1 776 frend sulewit ben, friends sh all we two be. 1 776 And troth pligh t(pledge) us two between. 1 779 gla h glad . 1 782 turned backward ere it

was ligh t. 1 783of weie ra d , quicklyaway. 1 784 Soonwas h e far from Labanseparated . 1 786 Engel-wirli engil-wird , a troop, multitude of angels .

perwes Bruttone weom lbaldelich e isomned .


1 787 wopnede here, a weaponed (arm ed ) h ost .iwepnod wel alleh eo wendento panwalls .

—La ; . i. 40 1 .


8: sone ananso piss m iss sendpurrh anoff Godesa enngless,A m ikell lure ofl

ennglepeodWass sumcanut of h eofine,8: all patt h irdcflocc h emm sah h

h errdewh att tensungsan.

”—(Orm . i.

He eomuth with so gret here

Wondur is th e ground m ayh eom beore.— (KyngAlys.,p. 9 1 , l.

P. 62. 1 . 1 797- 8 And Jacob sent far beforeHim rich gitls , on(by) sundry (several) born.

1 798 loao= la c, lac, a gift, present .“Be rich e reo

lierenseh eop bulo,

hwa se mih tebroh tento lake.

—(St. Kath .

And bi patt allterrwa s be lac0 felewise ;arkedd .

"—Orm . i. 34.

Alle h iinem enpat lock.

” later copy, 1 1 .

and sundrc'

ansund rc‘

, on(by) sundry. 1 804 Th e sinews sprang from th elimb. lith =m em ber, limb. See Hampole

s P. of C. 1 9 1 7 .

1 806 - 6 Would th ey (Jacob’

s kin) no sinews th enceforth eat,His ownkinwillnot forget th a t usage.

1 808 fi ll th e dawning up againburst . 1 8 1 1 1m m . late, relinquish . 1 8 1 8

Howsh all any m anbe able to hurt th ee ? 1 826 And h onoured him as th e

d ret- born; wurBe sh ould be 1 828‘60 mowhim so, th encom

passioned h im so, yearned towards h im .

P. 63. l. 1 829 tram , h ost . (See Guy ofWarwick, p. 29 1 Lay. iii. 73,And h e arayeth h are tramsAs m e (one) areyt m enintyyt . —(Sh oreh am , p.

1 833Jacob was sorrowful th a t h e forsook (refused ) th em (th e presents) .1 836 h ot and aelair=wh ole and sound ; wh o


r cs sh eer, pure, undefiled . 1 837

h im to fram =for h is ownuse. 1 840 tgelt=tyd t=encampe¢ Cf. Ger.

zclt ; Eng. tilt . 1 843Th enKing E m or sold h im a p iece of ground . 1 848

Sh e departed leave- less (with out perm ission) from th a t place. 1 86 1 Her

owncounsel m isled (ruined ) h er. I would propose, h owever, to read

j or gs listede Iu'

re owenred , for sh e followed h er owncounsel.1 864 And h is barge-fob:felleninwt,

And h is people (borough - folk) fell inwar.

wi=wfg=war. Cf. Sem i- Sa x , wife, battle, conflict . (Lay. i. 201 ; u. 260 ;

iii. Wi- az, {oi- cu , a battle- ax e. (La ) . i. 67, 96, 1 66, 1 866 63'

spckm , blam ed . Cf. figure, 1 . 1 444, p. 4 1 .

P. 64. L1 872 Go! p rm es=gold ¢ prem a=gold brooch es. Pram is connected withO .E . p reomw, to sewup. So. p rif; , a pin.

1 873—4 Deep h e th em buried under anoak,No covctousness m a de h im weak (disobedient) inheart .

1 877 - 8 For Solom onsh all find th em ,

And h is temple deckwith al.1 887 merks dede, set up a m ark (m onum ent) .

1 64 s ores.

Me th ogh t I sagh a ws’

rs- trs,

A bogh parwas wit braneh a thre ;

O pis trs aponilk bogh ,Me th ogh t hang W ha t


s inogh .

”—(CursorMandi, fol.

Sh akespoar's ssen of wu . 206 1 First it bloom ed, and atkerwarfi boso.

2062 Th eberries ripe es becam e I awaro. 2078

Present m y petition (interwde for m e) to Ph araoh ; hm =snsdm Cf.

O .H. wortfle=world .

Ba te hoore alm es- dede But th eirs alm s- d sed

Shall intercode for th em .

—(Bclis Sousa. P2076 kinde loud , native land . 2076 And h ere wrongfully h eld inbond ;wrigtelcslike=m


gts- les- libs, fault- loss- ly ; wrigts=wrr


h h ts, a fault, crime .

Forniss noh h t Godot! grippwipp pa

patt wippronnCod d ounmnoss,Ace h ello-wawona is till paAll atRerr Perm ar

-ih h te.

”— (orm . i.

P. 60 . l. 2077 ls‘hcli m s use, listennow to m e. 2078 hrsed - lepes=bread - baskets .

Cf. O.E . her- lop e, a basket for keeping barley in. See Townley Myst . ,p. 829 ; Wiclifi


e, E x od . ii. 3. Loop , or baskett (lepp. K) . Sports, calathus,ca bin—(Prompt . Parv.)2084—6 It were preferable to m e (I h ad rath er) quoth Joseph ,

Tell th e m eaning of pleasant dream s.

2086 reehen=rseben=to tell, ex plain; swep z force, stroke. Of. th e use

of bond , wold , 11 . 21 1 4, 2 1 20 . 2088 be» debs] onrode, be put onth e

2089—90 And fowls sh all tear away th y flesh .Th a t no wealth sh all be able to save th ee.

2094 wiS utenerd , ine foreignland . 2 1 06 Ona bush full grownand verybeautiful (seasonablo P well- seasoned , prime 2 1 07 welheds=with ered .

P. 6 1 . l. 21 1 4 Wh o could ex plainth e m eaning of th ose dreams . 21 1 9 h e h ogt

th encalled ; hogt= S.S . h eh ts, called (l) . Is it anerror for logt= legt,taken 2 1 22

“h is dresses wold = th is dream ’

s m eaning. Wold signifies (1 )power, (2) force, (3) meaning. 2130 nedful=grievous ; th e O.E . nod euensignifies grief, trouble. 21 32 respes and rat es , m ap and rake, dim inish andsca tter. Th e Swedish rake signifies to clip, sh ave, sh ear. 2 134 le'lies, barns.

(See note to 1 . Ch auceruses th e word inth e Rsvo's Tale. Bernaor la the, Horreum .

—(Prompt. Parv.) 2136 hm rgrt- gsre, fam ine years.2 1 46 so to- ber

,so fa lsely accused h im . (See harm inl. Inth e

Castle ofLove to- beren= disagree ; to- boren, at enmity, ll. 49, 662.

Th e sevenyears ofplenty pass away.

Joseph h im self knewh owto provide beforeh and .2 1 6 1 for trade sogt, friendly by compulsion. (See 1 . 2 1 63 h e lat te»h im ,

th ey did obeisances to h im .

21 67—8 Joseph knewth em all inh is th ough t (mind),He pretended as if h e knewth em not.

h orns. 1 66

21 7 1 sense ; th e MS. roads m s. 21 76 For hunger doth (causes) th em

(Jacob’s sons) hith er to come. 21 78 hi gun lsn

ug, by your beh aviour.

21 79 Pa osss‘

m we ough t to road onmen, one m an. 21 81 For seldom

P. 63. 1. 21 90 lie—Bet ; pore is evidently anerror for gears - your.2 1 91—2 For th enwas Joseph sore afraid

Th at h e were th rough th em deceived .

21 96 Se ten- tho one. 21 98 towedd s=inpledge, as h ostage.He said, Forsoth e, a tokyne towddsSelle th oulofewith me.’ - (SirPerceval ofGalles, p.

2204 Wrigtj ul- a sinful. (See note to 1. 2209 Forwe denied h imm erci ; wem eden- a dsniod, refused .

God sehcwes inh is godspelleOf ps rich e manand Imam ,

Howpat h ewarned h im almus,

parforGod warned h im agaynoA drops ofwater, to slokonh is payueInps fire of h ellowhenh ewas pan.


- (Cott. MS . Tib. E . m ., fol.

22 1 4 p ith - O.E . pelt, thrown, placed of Gloucester, 3376, 469 ; Layls Froins,

P. 64 . l. 22 1 9 ouer- h hogt, over- anx ious. 2224 So egtss - s th s monies. 2232 Dea th

and sorrowcom eth onm e ; ssgsli com eth , aligh teth , falleth .

6: piwraccho (wretch ed ) saule

[Seal] stress to h ells .

" ii.

2233 bi- lewm - a bt- ls’uen- romain.2236- 8 Th ouquoth Judas, It will go h ard with us,

Ifwe do not keep our agreem entwith h im .


Fam ine increased , th is cornis gone,Jacob againbiddeth th em go again(to E gypt) .2241 - 2 Th enquoth h e,

“wh en(since) it is necessary,And I knowno better plan.


2249 God grant th at h e m aybe kindly disposed (towards you) ; slit- modes( St- moda l (seenote to l. 2262 ligt—soon; literally easily,with

out difiiculty. 2264 Kind th ough t (natural affection)was inh is heart th en;6 ag=6 s=oo th en, is necessary for th e sense and th e rh ym e.

P . 66 . 1 . 2266 ged en- O .E .who, Mod . Eng. yerh , prepare, get ready.

He lrstte bi m fiode



” i.

2269 None of th em h ad th enm erry ch eers (countenaucos) . 2262 ssrnon,none ofus ; as sh ould beproperlym . Cf. l. 2260,wh erewe h avegearforgun.

2267- 8 Very glad (fain) h ewas ofth eir coming,For h ewas h eld th ere as a prisoner.

tonow m ayh ave th e sam e significationas th e phrase towedde a as h ostage,as security ; noose (nom P), derived from niwen, to take, capture, signifiesseizure. Cf.wop from wepe (weep) ,gret from grsts (lament, cry), lop (flee) fromlsps (leap, run), etc. 2269 vnd ren endm s- ts

d ; ca dres is th e

Prov. candor”, oendurth , om dern. It literally denotes th e intervening

1 5 8

P. 72.

P. 73.

P . 74.

worm s .

1. 2606- 1 2 It sh all,"

quoth h e, be fulfilled

Wh a t God before h s th to onr elders swor-n;He sh sll lead youinh is h andHence to th a t promised lsnd ;For God

s love I yet entrant you;Listento it (my prayer) th en, prom ise (it) nowTh a t my petitionsh allnot be lost (sigh t of) ;With youlet my bones be borne.

26 1 0 La nd = lsst¢ 8, listeneth . 26 1 4 God bring th e soul into blin. 26 1 6

egip a -“kq after th e custom d th e ngyptisns. 2621 to fi d és seis= ¢o

fi ll- im b, very full (completely), indeed . See 1 . 1 09 . Om uses th e word



s, ful im

ss, fid iiwiss, inth e m m of certainly, truly. See Glen. to

Orm , s .v. fi d s'


s . 2624 for kfi d settles nod , for th e need of precious

souls. 2628 May God h elp h im kindly (joyfully) . For th e m eaning of


see Gloss . to Allit. Poem s, s.v. way. 2629 And preserve h is soul

from sorrowand tears. 2682 God gm t th em inh is blinto h ave plessure ;spam signifies to sport, live pleasantly.

“panwas Uortigerne pa king

per h e m id h is h irede,

—La ;. 1 1 .dd was spa undewunneunderwihanundo manna.vone bench e se bench eh ie: m analliiterenwinseench en;Si sp ikes and h 'unch anm s inis der sli t binam

versionof Genesis and E x odus, ed. Deiner.)h a ts), severe, cruel. See Gloss . to Allit. Poem s, s.r . Ha ul. 2646


ss‘8, prosperity. 2647 Quoth (spoke) th is kingwith th em , secretly, in

council. 2648 m ich il sped =great speed , rapidly ; insert inbefore su'



2662 fete” seems to be anerror for salon 2666 m'Bcwed new , unaccus

tem ed (ex traordinary) labour ; est -“8m m ! also signifies imm oral, wicked .

See Orm . i. 74, Allit. Poem s, p. 9, l. 1 90 2666M d a fl yd - B fi d , foul,loa th som e. 2660 Th ey caused th em to creep along (or th rough ) dikes ;d iksr= O.E . d ie/m , m ay h ere signify subterraneous passages, burrows ; or

perhaps d ilm = sewers, from th e allusionto m ac and fess.“And Jh esus

said to h im , Fox es h and ie/ifs, or M a nia , and briddis of th e sir h annestis,but m annes sons h a th not wh ere h e rests h is h eued .

” St. l att .

viii. 2664 comb, crest or t0p 2668 Ghogsn= 1 $oysn, th rove,Bee 1 . 2642.

266 1 - 2 And wide about (th rough ) th e cities to go,Wh erenone h ad previously com e.

1 . 2676 But th ey disobeyed from fear of God . 2678 Th ey defended th emselves with lies.

25 80 - 1 God requite it th esewomenwell,Ontheir h omes, theirwealth , and inh appiness.


1 60

P. 77 .

78 .

l’. 79 .


end of h is days. 2663brem sm =M eade, burning ; to==two. 2662

ch ild - h a le ; ac zeppe ich com to elde of vol m an, ich vorlet alle m inech ild h ed es .

”— (Ayenbite, p. 265 4, 6 s'

s= th em . 2668 m’


ks a

S . Sa x . m s'


che, variously, differently and , h ence, thickly, indistinctly.

Th e form m iner- like m ay be a corruptionof th e A.Sax . m asses - lie, dis

sim ilar. M a’


ehe inOwl and Nigh tingale, l. 1 77 1 , signifies2660 [Inj le


p h bi- Ief, remained .

2666 8 By th at tim e th a t h ewas a youth (young m an)With (for) beauty and strength renowned ,Th e E th iopianfolk onE gypt cam e,And burnt, and slew, and vengeance took.

2075 8 Teremnth scarcely m igh t bring it about (prevail)Th a t Moses sh allwith th em forth -

go,E re sh e h ave h er pledged and sworn,Th at to h im sh all be borne (kept) h onourable faith .

2676 h ire, anerror for h ear, th em . 2677 he=ghs=sh e. 2680 were (asubstantive from were », to defend), a defender, protector. Of. dere, h arm ,

from deren, to hurt .

I. 2682 cn-warnede, unex pected . Th is enables us to correct th e reading enwa rde inl. 480. 2688 ut-

Shurg= out—th rough , th rough out . Cf. O .E . sst


th , with out, ire-with , with in, etc. 2696 Neverth eless th at sojournwasvery distasteful to h im . 270 1 m eters is th e p.p. of mete, to m easure. 2702‘

Sis one causes rem em brance, th a t one causes forgetfulness. 2703Hefes t i‘


= h e fix ed th em . 2704 Gave h er th e first yes» ; h e was th endear to h er.

Two lines seem m issing after th is line. We m igh t supply th e followingAnd quanaweinim en[farsn] h ewoldeGa f h ire

Se to‘


cr, h e was hire colde.

And wh enh ewould go away, h e gave h er th e oth er gem , and was dista stefulto h er. 2708 e= h e. 27 1 2 a m ed i stiseard , a m oody (proud ) steward .

27 1 4 Th at seem ed to Moses a grea t sh am e.

1 1 . 27 1 8 - 20 And secretly h e buried h im inth e sand ,He weaned th a t no E gyptianHad knownit, or sh ould h ave seenit .

2720 a senm ay signify h ave seen.’ Northum brianh a , to h ave ; but m ore

probably we sh ould read a - sen, to see,th e infinitive being required after

snid e, so th at sulde a - sen= sh ould see. Inth e Rom ans of King Alysaundrea senoccurs as th e p.p. of wax , to see. Cf. our m odernwords wa ke andawa ke, rise and arise, etc. Th ese double form s were far m ore comm oninO .E . writers th aninth e m odernstage of our language. 2727 And en

quired of h im wh a t it sh ould m ean. 2730 to rad , too h asty. 2736 eh ss=

went, is h ere used like m m . (See Gawayne and th e GreenKnigh t, 1 .

l. 2767“Serve and wm s ipe, courtesy and h onour. 2768 es tdede

,kindly deed

(actions) . (See Owl and Nigh tingale, l. E sste mete occurs inth eOrmulum for delica te m eat (food ) , etc.

Ac th ar loa d is both e es te and god .

—(Owl and Nigh tingale, p. 36, l.

2764 To wife inlawh e h er took ; inlage=inlaw, inm arriage, is anearlyuse of a comm onph rase. 2769 And Moses h ad gone ona tim e, 277 1 For

1 62

l’. 86 .


Cf. m eh el and m ikel, d ih e and dieh e, etc. 2867 bot=boet, release, delioance, is connected with O .E . bets, to am end, to alleviate. 2962 bi- tem enbitum en, turn, ch ange.

1 . 2969 froslees here= h ost of frogs.

2977- 8 Pole- h eads (tadpoles) and frogs, and ra vages of podes (toads),Bound h ard all Egypt

's folk insorrow(wretch edness) .

insiIe= inass- site ; sm - seie, m isery, wretch edneas. Polh essedes (ProvincialEng. pole- head ) , a tadpole . Palsgrave h as p aid . Polly

-wigs, tadpoles.“Tadpoles. rob

-wigs“. you s P 2 1 2 Pol-rm “.wirme.occurs inth e Prom pt. Perv. (Hall ) ; pods = Prov.E . pods, paddock, a toad

(Sh akespeare) ; W .Prov.E . pads teol= toadstool. (See King Alia.h are nakya best ofwenym m ayLywe, or lest atoure a day ;As nak, or cddyre, tade or pads,Suppos pa t pai be piddyr h ade —(Wyntown, r. p. 1 6 .

2988 sp-wend - up-went, but literally up-wound . 2989 as bits, intheir

h its . 2990 em its, a bligh t, plague.

l. 30 1 1 bed mehe, entrea ted for m ercy. 30 13 becam a .

30 1 4 And broke th em th a t prom ise (see 1 . 3027 dole,wound , ulcer.

3037“h e to ust -frame, to thy sorrow.

l. 3046 a t sir= all sh eer, clearly, openly. 3047 where m ay be anerror forundere badly, or, wh a t is m ore probable, for were unready, unex

pectedly, gsre being th e sam e as pa rs, yars, ready, prepared . 3048 beryles

unprotected, sh elterless, from bergen, to protect .3066—6 Moses, cause th is wea th er to turn,

And I sh all let youout fare (go) .3068 vnweder, storm . See 11 . 3060, 306 1 . Weder inO .E . is oftenusedfor a tempest. storm . See Ywaine and Gawin, 41 1 ; Wyntown, i. 387 ;Rom aunt of th e Rose, 72, 4302 ; am end , departed away-wound , or awaywinded . Cf. a t ina t-wot, departed , p. 30, l. 1 049 . 3066 gresssopp- s, grass

h opp- e- r, locust . Cf. O .E . hunt- e, a hunt - e- r

, etc.

“And to lefe-worm par fruit gaf h e,And par swynkes (labours) to grew- hope to be.

(Ps. lx x vn.

3066 And wh at th e h ail th enleft (untouch ed ) sh a ll all be a ttacked (or takenaway?)

P. 88 . l. 3076 but, with out ex ception 3077 Hu=ltu9 h ow? 3080 E rewh ile

P. 89 .

alone of m enwas lea se besough t . 3086 annews figt, ina newconflict .3087 skipperes, th e grassh oppers . See 1 . 3076,wh ere opperes is similarlyused .3088 Th ey did ongrass and corninjuries . 31 02 “Shortnesse=derhrsesse,d arkness, is a genuine form , and occurs in th e Coventry MysteriesTh erlm esse, or derknesse, tenebre, caligo .

”31 06 Many

th ere suffered sorrow inlife ; bead z abea d,suffered . 31 08 sowm z sogm ,

saw. See 1 . 3329 .

l. 31 1 1 boden bidende z abidesrde, awaiting, abiding. Or it= biddm (tosta y) . 31 20 Dea th sh all wreak m e over you (i.s. you sh all be punish edwith death ) . 31 26 - 6 Nowsh all I into E gypt do (send ) such a plague aswas erenevernone.

acres. 1 63

3131 - 2 Not sh all I youfail

Of th a t I h ave youpromised .

3139 E very h ouse- folk th a t m ay perm it of it .

31 41 - 3 Th e tenth day it sh ould be taken,And kept onth e tenth nigh t,And slainonth e fourteenth day.

31 44 so it notes m i, a it m ay ewes for ; notm O .E . note, m ite, to

avail, be ofuse to, profit, etc.

P. 90 . l. 31 47 brad : O.E . brad , roasted . (See SirGawayne and th e GreenKnigh t,1 . 31 48 wreken, taken, thrownout . God nele nanpet m e m ake,

h is h ous m arca t no hope, hnerout h e « m l: yo pet ayalde and boyts inpetem ple.

”—(Ayenbite, p. 31 60 h is owenfond , his ownwants (need ) .31 63wribcl ; canit m eanh a ste? (sec E x . x ii. At first sigh t it seem s

to be a derivative of wirt (by m eta th esis writ), anh erb ; but th e m entionof rowM afia] inl. 31 6 1 renders this ra th er doubtful. 31 64 bi- Iem ,

th e

rem aind er. O .E . la cs, lost , th e rem ainder. 31 66 dwc- trm =door- trees,

For Jam es th e gentileJugged inh ise bokesTh at faith with outenth e feetIs righ t noth yngworth iAnd as ded as a dare- treBut if th e dedes folwe.

”— (Piers’

Ploughm an,31 66 aw sh gm z cvsrslagm ,

m arriage, over-

piece, lintel. Ovyrsla y of

doors . superlim inare.”

(Prompt . Parv.) 31 72 swine- h ire, wages,

P. 9 1 . l. 3206 fro=for, onaccount of. 321 1 stands» does not m eanstood , but is

a vb. (form ed from th e sb. stand , a stound , a sh ort space of tim e) signifyingto delayawh ile, towait. 321 2 HowPh araoh sh ould act toward th em . 32 1 3

Ph araoh summoned (assembled ) out h is army ; bos s es -g to call to arms .

pa bleouBrutus Th enblewBrutus h is h ornbound s [M ] h is ferde And assem bled h is forces.

i.321 8 of fats roa n- swift of foot .

P. 92. l. 3220 to werehensci, to work war, to m ake warupon. 3224 m ga te - no

gate,noways ; ga te is oftenused by North ernwriters as anamx - a -wise or-ways ; as rat- ga te, thus-

ga te, etc. 3230 On(against) Moses th ey set up a

cry. 3236 dragonwib skit, endurewith pa tience. 3240 Th at for youways

(pa th s) m ay bewell provided .

P. 93. an skigs, a cloud . Cf. Milton’s ‘slcy- tinotund ’

(Parad ise Lost,Book V”)

Inal th ewelkinlong and brode.

—(Honse of Fam e, iii. 6083264 da tbnifag a da igm ing, dawning. 327 1 intwired won, inperplex ingdoubt ; twirsd signifies two- fold (doubtful) counsel.

and [Bruttes] dudes swi’Se vnwraste And Brutus did very evillyall h is beh ests,

sud wact onalle twirc d s. and were all of two counsels .


1 64 NOTE S .

3275 a morgenquite, a m orrowwh ile, a m inute. 3282 wokenseems to be

anerror forwreken, taken(sec 1 .l. 3292 p srt= apert, open, clear. 3300 wla tlo= la'8, loa th som e. I am ra th er

inclined to take th is as anerrorofwla ch = brackish . 3234 supply donafter

gu. 330 1 a fundcn (discovered ) trsw= a tree wh ich he found . 3274

holden,anerror for h olden. 331 0 bread wantede, bread failed .

331 6 Bet us were inEgip t be» ,It were better forus inE gypt to be.

331 9 ou- dreg=‘bearup,

’endure patiently. 3324 sofete so, as m any as .

P. 96 . l. 3327‘


is dewas cost, th e nature of this dew. For th e m eaning of east seeReliq. Antiq. pp. 2 1 7, 226 . 3328 rim frost rimefrost, h oar frost . 3338

for- ha dd e, consecrated it by burning. Orm uses h ad sde, ordained , n. 23;

ii. 1 06. 3340 Th a t it gave a flavour of h oney and oil. 334 1 forbans mar,m ore th anwas bidden forbone m ay be anerror for forbade, proh ibition,comm and ; orwe m ay read (and th e MS . will adm it of it) forboa e, above.

Cf. bi and for- bi, etc. 3346 Kept it apart ina cleanplace. 3348 otenlab : witboa tenlet, with out cessation. 3363 Soonwas th a twaterwantingto th em . 3364 h aue ; th e rh ym e requires bane ;

“bris t bans, would signify

tom ca t of th irst.

P. 96 . l. 3378 here fling, th eir affairs. 338 1 Moses prayed for th e folk of Israel.3383For let/a is read let h is . 3388 Th ey supported th em with a stone.

3393bode seems wanting after sea ts. 3394 Of this occurrence to h ave a

m em orial.

P. 97 . l. 3398 m inblis . Jeh ovah -nissi is generally ex plained as“Th eLord is my


” 34 1 0 staring, governm ent rule ; stert: in II. 34 1 8 , 3420 rule ;stares, rulers, II. 3413, 34 1 6 ; stares - men, rulers, II. 34 1 7, 3429 . 34 1 2

a m eisterwold , a m aster (h ead ) ruler, th e sam e as ouer- man, l. 3424 . 34 13

tyen= tyen, ten. See 1 . 34 1 8. 34 1 4 I ts here, each of th em . 3429 - 32

He h ad th em ch oose rulers, m igh ty, wh o are God - fearing, truth - loving, andwh o strife and covetousness forsake. 3432 m

‘bing signifies not only strife,

but niggardliness, wickedness, slaugh ter, etc. O .E . writers usually em ployth eword inth e sense of a coward , villain, m iser, etc. 3448 Maywenot readI wile m infolo snows » bc

'= I will be knownto m y people ?

P . 98 . l. 3434 And willingly (gladly) h e received (accepted ) it. 3438 is numen,h as gone.

3449- 6 1 And Moses told th is to Israel,And th ey prom ised h im everywh itWh a t h e biddeth th em th eywill do.


lSis to da iges= th cse two d ays. 3468 wiS germ dragm =piercedwith d arts. h co beorenonh eore h ondc

ga res [spares], swi‘Se stronge. iii.

3169- 60 Th ese people fearful thus abode,Wh ile th ese days forth h ave passed .

346 1 Supply ina after d a iges (i) . 3462 Sp ite, ravage, destruction (seeI. 3463Onth is m ount stood a cloud

s sh adow; and ==an= a (see1 . Dcle th e comm a after sted .

P. 99 . 1 . 347 1 - 82 E ach of you h ear inm ind , th at it is not Moses, Amram’s sou,

wh om ye sh all to- day h ear speak, but He wh o slew E gypt (you for to

1 m Nm u.

weaponh elpeth not . 405 2 5 gere=gere=h aste. At first I was inclined to

take tigers for dere, so th a t will bgere= for h arm . 405 3 ten=te Or

sh ould we read , h e do tenet= cause th ose to go out . 405 6 Luueke may be

anerror for luue - like=pleasantly ; or it- lsc being

a not uncomm onending of abstract nouns, as inO .E . feirlee, fairness ,

beauty. 4063guard . Th e rhym e seems to require quead ; Sa t ille quad

th at wickedly spoke (advised) ;”

8s t ille quoad th a t wicked wretch .

P . 1 1 6 . 4085 - 88 God bad Moses numberHis folk wh o were first preserved from deathE ith er twentywinters or m ore old ,Wh o inE gypt were not beforenum bered .

4096 All oth ers were drivenindeath's web. 4 1 06 - 8 Let th ennot th y

folk be h elpless, and a good leader ch oose also th outo governthem ,even

such a one as sh all be needful for th em . 4 1 08 I would propose to read

instea d of Alswile a ls h em bi- hulik bee ; Al srrile a ls bi hem hulfl libe be,

th e verb sa l being understood after hem . See 1 . 3208.

1 1 7 . l. 4 1 1 0 loder- m an See note on1 . 3723.

4 1 1 9 - 22 Th erewh ilst to h im lasted life- days,

Th em h e taugh t precious laws,And h avingwrote th em , h a th th em entrusted to th em ,Unless th ey th em keep, onth em sh all be sorrow(misfortune sh allbefall th em ) .

P. 1 1 8 . 1 . 4 1 43—4 Idolatry, th at was pleasing to th em , Oh out-wrough t (cfi'

ected )for th em sorrow’

s trouble,th at is , brough t sorrowand trouble uponth em .

4 1 5 9 - 60 Insuch virtues grant as to com e ;Th rough wh ich we sh all be to everlasting life taken.

A D D E ND A .

l’. 4 . 1 1 . 1 24- 5 Fodme. Wh enwe find , as onp. 2, l. 43,“Bracing for brosim ,


must not be surprise d at learning th at j odmo is anerror forfod inge, productions ; A.S . fa dung, dispensa tion, order, production, from fa d ia a , gqfa d ian,to dispose, order, produce. Hwazt is so Sunu? He is pass Fa d erWisdom ,

and h is \Vord , and h is Mih t , purh pone se Fled er ga seop ealle ping and

gefi tdode.— (JE lfric De Fide Ca th olica "

- Th orpe’sAnalecta , p.


end is ealid pings , geseweulicra and ungeswcnliena ; and we secclunonh ine gelyfan, forponjve h e is set?God and (m a Aelm ih tig, se

‘Bentefre a songannne angina nwfde, ac h é sylf is anginn, and h e eallum gescea ttum

angina and ord frum anforgea f, pact h i beenm ih ton, and fret bi h zefdonagengecynd , swa swa h it juere godcuudlicanfa d rmge gelicode.



P. 1 6 . l. 5 32 Wimmenweltenweres m aster,Wom enwielded a m an’

s art . (See Rom . i.

l’. 27 . l. 924 For Que- so h is alt h im bi agt, read (9) Que- se h is alt h im gelde bi- agt.

P. 29 . l. 1 0 1 3. Dele th e comm a a fter bred , and construe as follows Roa sted

calt‘s flesh and bread of flour.


1 7 0 ewssa a rs r. m un .

Ail, h a il, 3066 , 31 33.

Al, a ll, 36 , 37 ; entirely, quite ,Al- abuten, all about, 96 , 1 36 .

Aldre, of a ll ; h a re ald re h ale,’

th e bale of us all,322 ;

‘h ere

d ldre h ened es, th e h ead s of

th em all,2926 .

Algen= h algen, to h allow, keeph oly, 9 1 8 . A.S . ha lgs



Alle, all, 8 74, 896 .

Al- m igt- ful, powerful, 2694 .

Alm igten, alm igh ty(eh . ) 9,340 5 ,Alm igtin, (adj ) 30 , 5 72, 3727A1 3

, also, 867 ; as, 1 773, 1 785

Alsc, i 1 737 , 235 0 ; so, 1 4 1 2 .

Also, a s , 47 5 , 343, 1 233, 22 1 2 ;so, 3436 . A.S . a lsti'a .

Als wile, evena s, 4 1 08 . A .S .

Alsswilc, ia lswile=eallswile,evenas

,likewise .

Alt = h alt, h oldeth (f), 924 .

Alter, alta r, 7 5 8 .


er best , th e best of all, 3390 .


er, beneath all, 3997 .

Am igdeles, alm onds, 3840 . Gr.

a p vyba lu) ; La t . amygda laAm onge, am ong, 700 .

Am engus, am onges, am ongst, 1 620 .

An(before a a , 680 , 938 ,95 1 ;

‘antim e,

’ 1 435,1 487 ;


busk,’2 1 05 ;


’24 5 1 ;

‘anwis m an,

’2649 ;


2769 ;‘ansteuene,

’2780 ;


swcrd ,’2843.

An, in, 1 60 5 , 2789, 3086 . A. S .

and an; South Prov. E . an.

A1 1 , and , 206 , 22 1 , 647 .

And .

- eu, a , 3463.

And = an, 1 11 , 1 470 .

And swcre, answer, 308 1 .

And swered e,answered

,4 1 09 . A . S .

andswerian, to answer.

Anger, grief, 972 .

Ani, any, 48 , 2 1 8 1 .

Anog, enough , 600 , 336 5 , 3876 .

Answered c, answered , 2728, 360 5 .

Answeren answer, 2673.

Ant, and, 485 .

Apples, 1 1 29 .

Arch e, ark, 5 30 , 5 31 , 5 30 .

Arch e -wold , ark - board , 5 76 , 6 1 4.

Arch es, ark’s, 602 .

Ard, h ard , 1 228 .

Arled , ring- streaked , 1 723. A.S .

orl, rim , welt , bord er.

Am , are 1 6,8 1 5

,3606 ,

Aren, } 3882 .

Arsm etike arsm etrike, arith m e

tic, 792 .

Arwe, arrow, 478 .

As, h ast, 1 760 .

Aske, ask, 1 668 .

Askede, asked , 1 39 1 .

Askeden(p l. ) asked , 2672 .

Askes, ash es, 3024 .

Astronom ye, astronom y, 792 .

At, to, 5 5 4 ; of, 2697 ; in, 3790 .

At, a te, did eat, 337 , 342, 3409 .

Ate, h ate , 373, 3333.

Atter,poison,venom ,372 . A.S .d ter.

is called , 8 1 3.

At-wend , ceased , 305 8 . A.S . c i

wlnd an, to wind off, escape, flee

away (pret . let- m ind , p .p . a i

wanders) .At -wot, disappeared , departed ,1 049 . A.S . witen, to d epart ;a t a t, as inat-wond , etc.

Aucter, altar, 6 1 2 , 62 5 .

Auter, altar, 1 297 , 1 325 .

A1 13, h ave, 2388 .

Aued e= h auede, h ad , 1 25 1 .

Auen=— h auen, h ave (mf 1 5 05 ,1 5 0 5 , 1 5 1 2 ; (p l. ) 3680 .

Aue’é : h aueti, bath , 2425 , 2469 .

Awai,iaway, 6 1 6 , 8 1 0 , 85 8 , 860 ,


86 1 .

Aweiward , away, 31 68 .


, be successful, 1 67 1 ;signify, 1 944, 2727 ; cause,20 5 4 . A.S . amolden, to rule,wea ldan, to govern (p . wea lrl


p .p. wealden) .


Ay, every, always, 5 , 87 , 1 5 5 .

Ayne= ane, one, a, 2639 .

Bad , comm anded , 4 1 , 5 7 , 44 1 , 5 726 1 8 ; prayed , 1 462 ;

‘ba d m e’60


besough t m ercy, 30 1 1 . A. S .

biddan(pret . ba d , p.p. beden), toask, pray, com m and .

Bad , gave, offered , 26 5 3; bad

bed e,


ered prayer,A. S . Modem (pret . bea d , p . p.

boden) .Bade, bad , 2436 .

Bak, back, 1 338 .

Bale, sorrow, m isery, calam ity,d estruction

,68, 322, 8 5 0 , 1 1 22,

1 1 66 ; d ea th , 1 984. A.S . beala .

Bannede, sum m oned , assem bled ,32 1 3. A.S . barm an, bomum , to

proclaim .

Bar, bore, took, 209, 338 ; ga ve

birth to, 4 1 8, 428 , 722 ; carried ,2078 .

Baren, to disclose, 1 9 1 2 .

Barg (pret . of bergen), preserved ,1 330 , 3477 .

Bargt= barg, preserved , 898 .

Bat , bad , 5 3; restored , 882 ; offered ,

ga ve, 1 0 1 5 . See Ba d .

Be, sh all be, 784 .

Bead , h ad , invited , 1 05 3, 1 0 5 9,2494, 2768 ; offered , 1 069 ; pre

sented , 3340 .

Bead ahead , endured , sufl'

ered ,31 0 5 .

Beam es, trnm pets,35 2 l . A.S . byme,a tm m pet .

Bed (pret . of bidden), com m anded ,h ad , 25 3, 1 292 . See Bad .

Bed (pret . of boden), offered , gave,pre sented , 909, 1 0 1 4, 20 1 7 ,2047 ; (imp ) present, 2073.

Bede, prayer, 631 , 1 37 5 , 298 1 .

A.S . béd .

Beden(p l. offered , 22 43

prayed to, 2498 .

Bed en, com m and ed , 22 1 2 .

Bed es, prayers, 495 , 3888 .

Bogs , ring, 2 1 40 . A.S . beak, béh ,bedy (g.badges) a crown,bracelet,ring.

Beges,bracelets, 1 390 . A.S . bedgee.

c , beam,h ouone- bem

th e

sunBen, to be, 1 5 , 1 0 1 , 1 64 ; are, 1 07 ,1 39, 330 .

Benc, prayer, petition, 2 5 1 1 . A .S .

be» .

Ber, bore, 1 70 1 .

Berd es, beard s, 35 84 .

Bere, bier, 248 1 .

Bere bear, 1 465 ; (sub j )35 1 3.

Berod = berc’6 , bea reth ,326 , 270 5 .

Berem - tem bern- tem , fam ily,race, 3903.

Beren(infi), bear, carry away, 1 1 8 ,1 20 , 787 ; (pl. p res . ) 8 , 1 1 8 7 ,2034, 25 5 7 ; to sh ow, 1 044 .

Beren- tom , fam ily, d escend ants,9 5 4.

Beres bears, 1 9 1 .

Ber e’é, beareth , 326 ; bear, (imp )

2243, 2243.

Berg defence,protector. A.S .


Berge, to protect, 1 060 ; (op t )Bergen, 25 29 . A .S . beorgan,(pret . bearh , p .p. bergen) .

Bergles, sh elterless, unprotected ,3048 .

Beries, berries, 2062, 2064 .

Bering, bearing, beh aviour, 2 1 78 .

Bern- team , descend ant ,3748 . A.S .

beam team ,posterity, from beam ,

a ch ild , and team z'

an, to genera te .

Best, art , 2334 .

Beste , beast, 1 94 .


z’dboat 483, 395 8 . A .S .

b t.

Bot, better, 1 7 1 3, 236 6 ,37 5 3. A.S .

Betend e, bea ting, 27 1 3.

Betes, beatest, 3974 .


Betre, better, 948, 1 5 8 5 , 1 95 7 ,Bettre, 2820 .

Betten beten, am end ,3637 . A.S .


Bc’6 , is, 1 82, 1 1 5 6, 1 5 89 ; sh all

be,386 , 4 1 22 ; (imp )Bc’éen, ba th e, 2447 . A.S . bepian.

Beb enz beden entreat , 2498 .

Bi,by, 1 4 1 , 1 5 86 .

Bi,be, 1 1 9 5

Bi- aften, belund , 1 333, 3377 . A.S .

be- taftan.

Bi- agt , ough t, sh ould , 924 .

Bicalle’é , calls after, accuses, 231 4 .

Bicam , becam e, befell, h appened990

,1 404, 2007 , 2023, 2 1 43

went , 1 744 .

Bicrauen(inf ), ask, crave, 1 388 .

Bicum en(inf ) becom e, pass, com e

into, 960, 1 5 77 ; (p . p . ) be

fallen,2227 ; becom e, 3839 .

Bid , intreat , pray, 2 5 09 .

Bid de, intreat , 1 5 69 ; comm and ,

Bid d en pray, beseech , 1 802 .

Bid di= bid d e, offer, 27 .


,bid deth

, 345 1 .

Bcfcl,befell, 963.

Bifore, befor e

, 47 , 2 1 9, 25 3,Biforcn, 4 5 1 , 66 5 , 90 5 , 907 ,2272 .

Bigan, began, 1 88, 236, 448, 92 1 .

Bigam ie, 448 , 449 .

Biga t , begot, 7 08 , 709, 7 1 1 , 1 5 90 ;obtained

, 796 .

Bigen, to buy, 21 66 , 2246 . A .S .


r/yan, bycgan.

Bigcte, winnings, spoil, 896 .

Bigctel, purch a se, 1 992 .

Bigeten obta in, 1 5 32 beget,2 1 80 ; require, 1 666 ; prevail,202 1 begotten, 906


1 1 5 1 , 1 37 0 , 1 37 7 , 2003; acquired , obta ined , 9 1 1 , 2706 .

Bigged e, dwelt, 1 1 37 . A .S . bo


gan° Icel. byggia ; O.Sw. by a

to b’

uim,inh abit .


Bigging, sojourn, abod e, dwelBiggingc, ling, 7 1 8 , 762, 847 ;Biging, h ouse, 31 63.

Biginned biginne’6, beginneth ,

2 5 38 .

Biginning, }beginning, 32, 39,

Biginninge, 5 2 1 .

Bigote, begotten, 26 1 8 .

Bigunnen(p l. began, 5 36 .

Bih aluen bih alwen, murmur

against , cry out aga inst , 335 5 .

Bih et (pret . of bihete), prom ised ,1 884 . A.S . beba itan(pret . be

hét ; p .p . behd ten), to prom ise.

Bih oten, prom ised , 31 32 .

Di needful,necessary,4 1 08 . A.S . bebqflio.

Bilagt, taken away, 773. A.S .

ge- leeccan (pret . gela h te), take,

catch , seize .

Bileaf, rem ained , 1 332, 2776 ; left,3066 .

Bilef, rem ained , 67 1 , 1 346 , 1 5 1 6 ,1 79 1 , 1 80 1 . A.S . belifan(pret .beleaf, belaf ) .

Bileften(p l. dwelt, abode,800 .

Bilcph==bilcf, rem ained , 2662 .

Bilcue, sh ould rem ain, 1 7 1 6 .

Bileue, quickly, 4 1 28 .

Bilenca , to rem ain, stay, 1 7 66 ,31 1 4 .

Bilenca , rem ainder, 31 5 4 .

Bilewen, to rem ain, 2233.

Bilirten, d eprive of by fraud , 31 6 .

Biloo, surrounded , 26 84 . See


Bilong, belong, 20 5 8 .

A.S .


u'an(pr et . beleac p .p. beloam ) .

Bim en,

Bim ene,Bim ene’é

, bem oaneth , 2226 .

Bim ening, m ourning, bem oaning,2484 .

Bim ent, com plained , 1 2 1 7 ; beBim ente

, wa ile d, bem oaned ,

com plaint , cry, 2894 .

1 74

Biwakenp l. ) keep awake (orvigil)for th e dead , 2444 . A.S . wooan,to watch , wake .

Blast (pk ) liues blact,

’20 1

h om es blact,’ 3464 .

Ble, colour, hue, 45 7 ; appearance,749 . A. S . bleo.

Blein, blain, 3027 .

Bles (g. sing. of ble),of colour, hue,Blessed e, turned aside, cea sed ,36 5 3, 3803. See Bliesm .

Ble’6 , tim id , fearful, 25 90 , 35 20,3907 . A .S . bled t, m iserable ;bled ’é , gentle.


;to cease, 289 , 1 963.

Blinncn, A .S . blt'nnan,Bli

bh ss’ 382 ) 748 7 35 1 8

Blisced blessed ,Blisced e blessed , 1 63, 897 ,1 5 46 .

Bliscing,}blessing, 1 5 08 , 1 5 32,

Bliscinge, 1 5 5 6,1 5 63, 1 5 68,

2398 .

Blisse, bliss, 1 1 , 24 1 , 2033.

Blissen, to lessen, 5 5 3. Du.

blueeehen, to quench .

Blisses (g. sing. ) of bliss, 1 9 , 383;p l. h appiness, joys, 235 0 .

Bli’ée, blith e, joyful, 1 343, 1 35 3.

Blib elike, blith ely, joyfully, 1 424,1 499 .

B1 0, blue, 637 , 638 . A .S . bleo ;O .Du. bla .

Bled , blood , 1 074, 1 45 2, 1 66 1 ,28 1 6 .

Bled, wom an, 1 1 92 . See Gloss .

to Allit . Poem s, s .v . Bled .

Blodes, of blood , 29 5 6 .

Diom ed e, bloom ed , flowered , 206 1 .

Bee, book, 5 23, 2 5 22 .

Bod e, (m y ) tolera te, endure, 1 5 94,Bode, word , m essage, com m and .

1 973, 2333, 235 9 . A .S . bod ,gebod , a com m and , m essage ;béodan, to comm and


, bid .


m ent, 24 , 35 93, 2923, 295 7 .

A .S . bot, bd tu; bétan, to a m end .

Bo’éen, both , 328, 35 0, 899, 1 27 5 ,1 390 .

Brae, broke, 31 00 .

Bras, brass, 467 .

Boden(pl.pret . bad , comm anded ,1 067 , 1 096 , 1 97 1 , 85 44 ; askedfor, 31 69 ; p p bidd en, 1 430 ,4 1 1 6 ; bid den, 31 1 1 .

Bod es, com m and s, rules, 35 28 .

Bod eword , comm andm ent , pro

Bodewurd , h ibition, 2 1 3, 2 1 8 ,36 1 , 2280 ; m essage, 396 , 2494,2332, 29 1 3. 809 30441 .

Bof’te = Biof’te, beh oof, 1 388 . A .S .be-Mfan, to beh ove.

Bog, bough , 608 .

Boge, bow, 483, 1 238 .

Bogt bough t, 1 994, 3683.

Bogte bough t, 1 996 .

Boken, book ; p in.‘onbook,

’4 .

Bekes, books, 3635 .

Bold , bad , 323; stubborn, 1 9 1 7boldly, 2728 .

Bolen. See To- bollen.

Bond , prison, 2076 , 2693; force,Bond e

, power, 7 63, 2 1 1 4, 27 1 6 .

Bondes, bonds, 344, 2230 .

Bone, prayer, petition, boon, 2980 .

O .N . bda ; A .S . béa .

Booc, book, 4 1 24 .

Bor (pret . of beren) , bore, 425 .

Borde, table, boa rd , 1 2 1 0 .

Beren(pl. pret . of beren, to bear)bore, 684, 1 725 , 1 730, 1 798

p .p . born, 8 , 84, 220, 648, 6 5 56 66 , 1 1 44 ; borne, 25 1 2, 2 5 1 8 .

Borgen(p .p . of bergen), protected ,saved , 1 1 02, 1 1 0 5 , 2686 . See

Berwen(p .p. of berge), preserved ,saved , 886 , 3044 .

Bosum , bosom , 2809 .


Brast8(pret. of braaten), burst ,

1 80

Bred - lepes, bread - baskets, 207 8 .

A. S . leap , a basket, h am per.

Bred , bread , 364, 1 0 1 3, 1 225 ,Bread , 2079 .

Bred , roasted , 1 0 13, 31 47 .

bré dan(p

. brn‘dd e ; p . p .

yebrafid ) , to m e t, roast .

Bred de (pret. ) m elted , 3342Bred es, of bread , 894, 1 246 .

Bred -wrigte, a baker, 2077 .

Breken, to break, 31 47 .

Breke’6 , breaketh , 3062 .

Brand burnt, 368 5 .

Brend a (pret . ) burnt, 1 1 08, 2668,27 78, 27 79 .

Brend - fier- rein, rain of burningfire, 1 1 1 0 .

Brennen, to burn, 1 077 , 277 5 ,31 5 4 .

Brennen Brennende, burning,265 3.

Breunings (eb. ) burning, 365 4 .

Brent, burnt, 7 5 4, 1 1 1 4, 1 333,Brente, 265 6 .

Brest, breast , 343, 370 .

Brewen, to brew, produce, 40 5 4 .

Bre’Gere, breth ren, 823, 1 9 1 1 ,22 1 7 ; broth ers, 5 30, 22 1 3.

Brietest, brigh test , 1 9 1 0 .

Bridale, wed d ing, 1 674 .

Brigt (adj . brigh t, 1 32, 95 1 °

beautiful, 1 0 5 8 clear, 2780

(eb. brigh tness, 1 43.

Brigte (ad v. clearly, 3763.

Brigtlike, clearly, brigh tly, 349 1 .

Brim en, to becom e fertile, teem ,

1 1 8 ; bear fruit , 1 1 28 . A .S .brem an, to h ave inh onour.

Brim fir, burning- fire, brim stone,7 5 4 .

Brinfires,burning-fires, brim stones,1 1 64 .

Bringen, to bring, 31 2, 738 , 1 067 ;bringenon

’to bring against,

2032 .

Bri’6ere=bre’sere,brethren, 227 1 .

1 7 5

Brocte, brough t , 237 .

Brod, brood , 37 1 2 . A . S . bréd .

Drogt brough t, 62, 1 24

Brogte 2 1 9 , 608, 847

370 , 374, 332, 2334 .

Brogten brough t, 1 008 ,35 46 .

Bro’Ger, broth er, 420 , 1 394 .

Brnc (imp ) , enjoy, 1 831 . A. S .brr

'wan(p . bre'

ao ; p.p. gebrocen) ,use, enjoy, ea t .

Bugcs , bough s, 2060 .

Bunden bound , 22 1 6 .

Burdens,burd en, 1 467 .

Burg, city, 8 1 2, 833, 1 1 1 0 ,Burge, 1 837 . A.S . barb, burghBurgcs folo, townsfolk, 1 8 5 4 .

Barges, cities, 746 , 840 .

Burges (ga me ), of th e city, 1 05 3,1 086 .

Burgt==burg, city, 727 , 744, 879 .

Burgt - folk burg- folo, townsfolk,people, 1 063.

Busk, bush , 2779 .

But, send out 307 5 . It m ayr e

present th e A.S . ba te, brita ,both .

But , unless, 30 1 7 , 36 1 6 only,Bute, 4000 . A . S . ba te .

Bute - if, unless, 405 9 .

Buteler, butler, 2092, 2 1 1 5 .

Buten, about , 5 66 . A .S . britan.

But - if, unless, 1 7 13, 2698, 2949 .

Buttere, butter, 1 0 1 4 .

Buxum, obedient, 980 , 1 299 . A .S.

boceum , from buga a , to bend .

Cald , called , 1 700, 3367,3686 .

Calde, (pret. ) called , 1 446 , 1 631 ,1 702 .

Cald en called , 685 .

Calles, callest , 3237 .

Cam,cam e, 1 1 4, 1 5 8 , 4 1 6 .

Can, know, 309 ; d id , 2872 .

Canticle, 4 1 24 .

Cerf, cut, carved , 2700 . A.S.


war/an(pret . scarf ; p .p . coffen),to cut , engrave .

Ca st , a sh ad ow, 3463.

Ca re, sorrow,7 7 5 . A .S . ezira .

Carts - h ird , collection of carts

(ch ariots), 32 1 5 .



,carts , 2362 .

Canon, a cave

,1 1 37 .

Ch af, ch aff, 2889 .

Gba fare,ch a ffer

,1 9 5 1 .

(Jh are, turn, go, 2390 .

Ch aron, to turn, d epart , journey,1 7 1 2, 2433, 30 1 0 , 30 5 5 , 3704 ,3986 . A . S . cérran, cirran, toturn

, pass over or by.

Ch arite, ch arity, 1 0 1 6 .

Ch artre, prison, 2043. A . S . cwartcm , a prison.

Ch a sth cd , ch astity, 2022 .

Ch e, sh e, 1 227 .

Ch erl, churl, m an,fellow,

27 1 5 .

Ch cs (pret . of chasm ), ch ose, se

lected , 433, 80 5 ,took th eway, 2736 ; 366 5 .

Ch esen, to ch oose,3429 . A .S . cedsan(pret . seas, p .p . fines ) , to ch oose,select .

Ch id denpret.p l. chided ,rebuked ,1 927 .

Ch idcn, to ch ide, 2722 .

( Jh ilde, ch ild , 966 , 974 .


h ild es, ch ild’s,1 965 , 1 972 .

( fliild h cd e, ch ild ishness, 265 2 .

ch ildless, 930 .

Jh ildrc, ch ild ren, 6 5 6 , 7 1 5 , 722 .

Ch ireh o-

gong, church -

going, 246 5 .

Ch irch es, church es, 5 1 1 , 31 97 .

Ch osen ch ose, 5 43.

Circum cieioun,circum cision, 992 .

Circum cis,circum cised , 999 , 1 002 .

Circum cise, circum cision, 2848 .

Circum cised , circum cised,1 200,

1 202 .

Cistem esso, pit, cistern, 1 960 .


, pure, 605 , 6 1 1 , 627 ,

Clcnsc, cleanse, 345 3.

Cleped , called , 1 1 98 1 274

Cleped e, 2631 , 4099 . A .S

cleop ian, to cry, call.

Clepe’é,calleth , 3330 .

Clerkes, clerks, learned m en, 2993.

Clipping- tim e, sh earing tim e, 1 740 .

Cliued , felt , 1 963.

Cliuen, to stick, fasten, 372 . A.S .


Cliue’é,ad h eres, rem ains, 2384 .

Clo’6en, to cloth e, 2630 .

Colon, coals, 26 5 3.

Com , cam e, 1 30 .

Com b, top, crest, 25 64 . Du l'am .

Com e, com ing, a rrival, 226 7 .

Com e,sh ould com e, 464 .

Com en(p p ), com e, 344 .

Com en cam e, 1 979,

Coren,corn, 2 1 04, 2237 .

Corune, crown, 2638 .

Cornues,crowns 3789 .

Cost,nature, kind , 3327 . Icel.

kostr, h abits, ch aracter.

Costful, trying, d angerous, 3880 .

A .S . costr'an, to try.

Craflik, craftily, 2849 .

Craucd e,craved , asked , 1 4 1 8 .

Crauen,tocrave, ask, d em and,1 320 ,

1 408, 1 66 7 , 1 7 1 8, 2366, 31 7 1 .

Crop (prct . of crepen), crept, 2924 .

A . S . creoprm, to creep (pret .creap , p .p . crep en) .

Crepen, to creep, 6 1 0, 25 60 .

Crism c, ch risom , th e anointing oil.

0 .Fr. cresme, from xpwpa .

Cristenc, Ch ristian, 7 , 1 5 .

Gropen, crept, 2974 .

Crune, crown, 2642 .

Cud e= cu’6 0 , could , knewh owto470 , 373, 2 5 94, 2374 ; sh owed1 65 9, 2747 .

Cud e = cu’6en, (p l. ) could , 87 53224 ; knew,

2996 . A . S . cum snto ken

,know(pret . cub e, p.p .

cub ) .

1 78 sm ut . m ax .

to injure, 4047 ; d estroy, 35 66 .

A . S . derian.

D ere, (sb. ) h arm ,hurt, 2970 , 32 1 4,

3742 . A . S . dere, d ar, da rn, hurt,Der-cd , h arm ed , hurt, 242, 25 96 ,Dcred e, i 30 5 2 .

D eren, to hurt, annoy, 788, 1 1 88 ,1 27 1 , 2348 .

Deren, (p l”pres hurt, annoy, 1 8 7,85 2 .

Derer= derc, d ear, beloved , 2399 .

Deres, injuries, 3088 .

D eres, anim als, 4032 .

Dares- kin, anim als , 5 5 6 .

Berc’é,h arm s

,hurts, 38 1 8 .

Derke d er’60 , d earth , fam ine,2237 , 234 5 .

Derne, secret , 1 95 0 . A.S . dean.

Dcrre d early, 3683.

“M b d esert, 1 227 ,

Dh ogt z’Sh egt, th ough t,care, 1 1 5 3.

Dawes, dew’s, 3327 .

Digere d iyere, dear precious,3483, 3484 ; dearer, 3903.

D ik, d ike, d itch , pit, 28 1 .

D ikes, d itch es , 2 5 60 .

D im , dull, 286 ; ignorant, 3673.

D ine, din, noise, 3467 .

D ined e , sounded , 3464 .

Dir b is, 63.

D iserd , d esert, 97 5 .

Do, take, put, 278 1 , 3604, 38 1 9,3822 .

Doa >{Boa 5 0, th en, 4 1 30 see

D o.

D ogtres, daugh ters, 1 090, 1 094 .

Dole, part, 1 5 2 .

D oles, parts, 1 5 1 , 3243; pieces,9 5 2 ; sh ares, 1 5 1 2 . See Dele.

Deluen, buried , 1 89 5 , 3200 ,368 5 .

Deluen, ( dug, 31 89 .

Dom esdai, doom sd ay,

Dom esd ay, 645 .

Domm e, dum b, 282 1 .

Don, (inf ) to d o, cause, 1 94, 5 34,1 1 43, 3303.

Don, p l.p res. ) d o, cause, 1 80 ,31 1 .

Don, d one, 34 5 , 30 1 2

placed , put, 267 , 38 1 , 383

25 33, 3203.

Der 5 or, th em ,668 , 897 .

Der- bi g 5 or- bi, th ereby, 1 637 .

D 0 5 , (imp . ) cause, 235 1 ; do, 3727 .

D0 5 ,d oth , causes, 2702, 2883.

Dowter, daugh ter, 1 847 , 2 1 47,2 5 99 , 230 1 , 2303.

D owtrcs, daugh ters, 2743.

Dragen. (a s ) drawn. eom ptled ,1 3;

‘to d ead dragon,’

put to dea th , 345 8 ;‘of line

dragen,’slain, 3806 ;

wrth drawn, 5 98 ; led , drawn,2046 ; sprinkled , 31 5 6 .

Dragon, (inf. ) to draw near to,2330, 2373.

Dragen, (adj . ) drawn, 2843, 3980 .

Dm gt, plan, 3624 ; way, course,3745 .

Dragun, dragon, m ent, 2924 .

Drake, dragon, 283.

Dranc, d rank, 1 660 .

Drech eda , delayed , 2835 .

Drech en, delay, 1 420 , 946 . A . S.d réean, to trouble

Dred , dread , fear, 1 79, 660 , 694,698 .

Bred de, d readed , feared , 767 ,1 333, 3003.

Drcd es, dread’s,2806 .

Dred s5 , (imp . ) dread , 2343, 31 29 .

Dred ful, fearful, 35 20 ; dreadful,35 2 1 .

Dredi, afraid, 872 .

Bref, b ouble, 4 1 44 . See Drew.

Dreful, sorrowful, 2 5 90 . SeeDro

gen.Dreg, suffered , endured , 429, 5 66 ,2877 .

Drege, (pl. endure, snfier,bear,Dregen, 5 1 2

,2208, 3235 . A.S.


dredgan(pret . dreag, p.p . dregon)to suffer, bearar.

Drern, d ream , 95 3, 2095 ;‘on

Dram a } drem ,

’ indream ,1 1 79 .

Drem en, to dream ,206 7 .

Drem pte, (vb. impers. ) dream t,1 94 1 , 2049

,205 9, 2073,

2095 .

2 1 1 2, 2 1 1 4 .

Dreue, to trouble,31 8 . A S . dre'

fan,to trouble, d isturb.

Drid d e 5 rid de, th ird , 1 29 .

Drie, dry, 6 1 6 .

Dried = def ied , killed , 368 1 .

Dnger (ll-

Yr 39 1 0 0

Drinc, drink,Dinkelen, to

drown, 2768 .

Brinken, to drink, 2035 , 35 32 .

D rinkilden, p l. ) drowned , 492 .

Dririh ed , dreariness, 1 1 22 .

Drinen, drive, 1 647 ;

(pret . p l. ) drove, fell, 4096

drinen, 307 , 5 74, 1 1 2 5

practised , 1 68 1 .

Drof,d raff, drags, 35 82 ; D an.

drab ; Icel. draj , dregs . Drafior drosse, or m a tter stam ped ,

pilum en.

”— (Prom pt . Parv. )Drof

,assem blage, 1 02 .

Dreg, drew,478, 1 746 , 1 844,

Drege, 3909 .

Drosen. (p l ) drew, 1 077 ; (rue )drawn

,1 7 72 .

Drogen= drogende, sufi'

ering, 9 77 .

Drogen, (p p . sufl‘

ered , 2402,

2404, 2 786 , 3648 . See Dregen.

Drops , drop, 1 0 1 8 .

D repen, killed , 2648 . A.S . drep an

(pret drop . pstrike, wound .

Drug, drew,27 1 7 .

Dra gen, (pl. ) drew,31 97 .

Drngfe , drough t, dryness, 2 1 07,2348 . A .S . drugo’6 .

Drunken, d runk, 87 1 , 1 1 5 4.

Dun, d own, 484, 7 1 4, 1 303.

1 79

Dun, h ill, 1 9, 5 87 , 1 1 0 1 , 1 295 ,Dune, 3380 . A . S . d i m.

Dun- eum en, to d escend , 1 608 .

Dunes, h ills, 5 99 , 644, 8 5 5 , 1 1 00 .

Dunis, d own

’s,h ill

’s,1 295 .

Dure, door, 1 082 .

Duren, dare, 2239 .

D a re -

pin, d oor pin, belt of th ed oor

, 1 078 .

Dure- tren, door-

posts , 31 5 5 .

Durste , durst, 2 5 93, 3968 .

Dursten, (p l. ) durst, 1 863.

Due 5 na, thus, 3007 .

Duue, d ove, 60 5 , 944 .

Dwale, h eretic, aposta te , 20 , 6 7d eceit, fraud , 40 5 5 . A . S . dwa leanerror ; dwelian, to d eceive .

Dwa le, grief, com pla int , 1 037 ,1 220 ; strife, contest ,3404 . O .E .

d a le, dole. Sc. deal.

Dwelled e, dwelt, 1 1 06 .

E = h 0, 234 1 , 2708 .

E = he, th ey, 4094 .

E ar, ere, before, 36 , 47 , 2 5 0 , 2841 7 5 7 ; form erly, 1 089 , 2 5 62

3080 ;‘eao° 5 anne,

’ere th a t .

A . S . ea r, ear.

E ares, ears (of com ), 2 1 04.

E arnerm or eauerm or,everm ore,

1 2 .

E brisse, Hebrew, 73.

E d di, pleasant, good , 2086 . A. S .

ea d ig.

E d di- sel h appy (pleasant) tim e,

prosperit 25 82 . A .S . ead ig,h appy, b eased ; scel, tim e .

E f= eft., again, 2337 .

29 1,320



032 .

E gest h egset, h igh est, 1 43, 1 224.

E gte, to wound 470 . A. S .

eh tan, to annoy, afflict .

gtende,}eigh t 1 1 99, 1 202,

1 80

E ige, awe, fear, 2 5 5 0 , 3043. A . S .ege, fear, terror.

Bild en eilende, ailing, sick, 2892 .

A.S . eglian, to ail,feel pain.

E ld, a g e, 5 79 , 70 5 , 707 , 740 ,

E ld e, j 900 , 1 283; onelde, in

age, 1 1 97 . A .S . eld , yld , age .

E ld es, of ago, 1 5 28 .

E ld = h eld , 2999 .

131 103, Hell’

s,4 1 5 7 .

E lles, else , 30 72 ; oth ers, 4096 .

Rlm esse -

gifte , alm s -

gift , 246 6 .


,5 63

,5 6 5

,5 86 .

E ltcn,0 1d

,a ged , 2892 . See E ld .

E m , uncle, 1 7 5 8 . A . S . a im .

E nd ed e, end ed , 1 66 .

End si5 ,d estruction, d ea th , 377 7 .

A .S . end e, end , 315,ad versity .

E ndesi5 m ay be anerror forna315

,from . A . S . nnsi5

,m ish ap .

End ing, d ea th , 487 , 1 5 06 , 2420 ,Bud inge, 2439 .

Engle’ English , 31 4 , 1 4, 45 0 .

Bugleis,E rd

,land , abod e, 2 1 0 , 1 31 ,

E rd e,

20 94 ; land s, 2406 . A .S .

ca rd , province, country .

E rd es,abod es, land s, 9 5 6 .

E rd fele, people, 1 880 .

E rdne,

=aruda, errand , petition,E rd ene

,1 400 , 1 402 .

A . S . cerend , cerende, m essage,news .

E re= h erc, of th em , 28 5 5 , 37 73.

Breward - rich e, inh eritance, 1 5 1 2Du. erfrzfl . See E rward .

E rf, cattle , 1 33, 1 9 5 , 9 1 0 , 2743,30 1 8 . A . S . a rfe, erfe, erfe, yrfe.

E rf- kin,ca t tle, 31 7 7 .

E rm or cauerm or,everm ore, 306 .

E m este , necessity, 4 1 1 .

E r5 e,earth , 40 , 1 1 6 , 1 1 8 , 1 22 .

E r5 e - d ine, ea rt h quakc, 1 1 08 ,31 96 .

A. S . aortic- alga e.

E r5 es, earth'

s, 1 24 , 1 5 47 , 1 5 73.

E rue, cattle, 1 69, 1 74, 803, 1 948,27 5 1 . See E rf.


E ruerilc==enerilc, every, 1 6 0 .

E rward , h eir, 934 . A .S . yrfe- wea rd ,anh eir.

E s= is, th em ,1 35 , 1 5 35 , 1 700 ,

E st , anerror for gfl, 607 .

E st , east , 329 , 1 449 .

E std ed e, kindness, 27 5 8 . A . S . sate,m ild , fa vouring.

E stcn eflen,a fterward s, I264 .

E sterne , E aster, 3290 .

Rt, it , 5 90 , 3399 .

E ten ea ten,329 , 364 (inf )to ea t

, 1 5 31 , 1 5 38 ; (p l. p res .

ea t , 1 779 .

E 5 e - m od es=s5 e- m eded (easy m inded ), kind , gentle, 2249 . A . S .éa 5 , easy, gentle, m ild ; ed 5 em éd , easy

- m ind ed , hum ble .

E 5 e - m o5 ed =e5 c- m eded,appeased .

1 5 84 .

E 5 en he5 en, h ence, 2 1 88 .

E 5 5 ed e,softened

,allevia ted , 1 439 .

E uen, evening, 1 6 7 5 .

E uenc, even, 331 .

E ui, h eavy, 2 5 5 9 .

E uerilc, every, 68, 6 9 , 1 2 1 , 2407 ;each , every one, 22 1 4, 235 5 .

E uerilc d el, everywh it, 5 67 .

E uerilc on, every one, 1 8 5 , 609 .

E uerilk, every, every one, 5 82, 94 1

Fad er,fa th er, 29 , 1 1 48 , 2293.

Fad eres,

}fa th er’s

,1 5 36 , 1 5 86 ,


1 749 .

Fagen, glad , joyful, 1 5 , 5 1 0 , 8 5 4,1 331

,1 343, 1 5 5 1 A. S . fcgn,glad ; ftegnian, to rejoice,

be d eligh ted with .

Fagned e, welcom ed,1 4 1 0 , 1 44 1 ,

1 6 5 5 .

Fegt , fough t , 3386 , 3390 .

Fa ier, (a d/Z) fair, beautiful, 1 26


1 27, 7 69 , 1 0 5 8, 1 1 92

Fairs, (ad v. 1 06 1 .

Faiernesse, fa irness , colour, 1 233.

Faiger, (ad) . fair,beautiful. 1 440,

1 82 onossa a m . m ax .

Fisrss, fire’

s,1 1 42, 3786 .

Fif, five, 5 27 , 746 .

Fifte,fifth , 1 5 3, 1 5 9 , 1 35 , 1 33.

Fiftens , fifteen, 4 1 5 , 4 1 7 .

Fifti,fifty, 5 78 , 6 5 7 .

£311 9 five, 731 , 35 2, 35 4, 35 5 .

Figer, fire, 35 22 .


far, 35 1 9, 3904 .

Figt , figh t , 870, 886 ; struggle,

Figten, (inf ) figh t, 3227 ; (p l. )35 72 .

Figti, warlike, 5 46 .

Figures, form s,1 006 .

Fild , filled , 1 247 , 1 225 .

Fillen, fulfil, perform , 1 463.

Filt , filled , 1 247 , 22 13, 230 7 .

Fin, end ing, d ea th , 38 5 2 .

Find en,Find - ia


to find , 1 377 , 3243.

Find es, find sst, 1 768 .

Fir, fire, 99 , 3333.

Firm am ent , 9 5 , 1 35 .

Firm s,first, 39 , 43, 5 9 , 7 5 , 73,

Firm est, first , 1 472, 1 682, 1 826 ,Firm este

, 4086 .

Fis, fish , 1 62, 22 1 , 299 , 7 5 2 .

Fisscs,fish es, 2945 .

Flcd , put to fligh t , subdued , 3396 .

Fled d e, fled , 3384 .

Fleg, fled , 430 , 1 1 36 , 1 745 , 2806 .

Flegen, to fly, 479 , 6 1 0 .

Pleges, flies, 1 92 .

Fleges, flies’

, 30 1 2 .

Fleges- kin, flies, 3004 .

Flcgt = flcg, fle d, 3643.

Fleis , flesh , 5 9 1 , 1 0 1 3, 2089 .

Flci5 ing, instigation, 692 . A .S .flit, strife , offence.

Flem d,banish ed

,1 26 5 .

Flcm ed e,banish ed

, 1 223. A.S .

flym an, to banish .

Flen, (inf ) to flee, 1 086 , 2685 ;to put to fligh t, 1 5 1 3.

Flea, flesh , 331 6 .

Flsssss, flesh’s, 349 .

Fist, flowed , 644 ; floated , 31 87 .

A . S .fleetan, to flow.

igt , fligh t, 1 37 , 1 6 1,277,

igte, 30 1 2 .

Fliten, strive, 3689 . A.S . flit“,

to strive (prst .fld t, p .p . ggfliten) .Flitten, to rem ove

, 1 5 22 . D an.

flytte, to rem ove .

Flod , flood , 5 96,644, 1 1 1 2,

Flod e, 31 86 .

Flod es, flood’

s, 2096 .

Flogen, pl. )flsw, 86 1 ,3677 ;fled , flown, 1 7 5 0 , 379 5 .

Flotes, swim m ing’s,floa ting

s,1 62 .

A. S .fld tan, to swim , floa t ; fi t,a floa t

,ra ft .

Floten, pl. ) floa ted , 2946 .

Flum ,flood

,490 ; river, 806 , 2486 ;

sea , 1 1 23.

Flures, flour’s, 1 0 1 3.

F0 , few,2403. A . S . fedw, fed .

Fod e, food , 1 76 , 31 46 .

Fod m c,productions, 1 24, 1 25 . A.S .

j edung.

Fol, full, 2 1 1 .

Fele, folk, people, 697, 770 , 894 .

Folckss, folk’s,4034 .

Folged , (p ret. ) followed , 204Felged s , 1 866 followed239 .

Folgsn, to follow,28 , 3272 .

Folkes, folk’s, people

’s,2785 .

Folkes - kin, people, 1 864 .

Folwed e, followed , pursued , 880 ,31 87 .

Folwed e on, pursued , 1 7 5 1 .

Pelwcn, to follow,40 1

Fen,foes, 26 1 0 , 2693.

Fond , trial, 336 ; used ,want,31 5 0 .

Cf. Du. eon-d,sch em e, d evice .

See Fondea .

Fond, found , 440 , 1 280 , 1 397 ,

Fond s,

2324 ; could find , 1 933.

Fond ed en, p l. ) tem pted , 3368 .

Fond en, to try, 2938 ; to seek,


3473, 3943. A . S . fand ian, totry, tem pt, seek, search out .

For, (pret . offare)went, 743, 7 63,

For, wh eth er, 26 5 1 .

Forheed,forbad , 2 1 3, 31 1 , 1329,

Forbed , 2932, 2934 .

Forbi, against, 3988 .

Forbod e, proh ibition, 324 .

Forbod sn, forbid den,325 . A.S ./brbe6dan, to forbid , prohibit .

Forbone,anerror forforbade, com

m and,law, 334 1 .

Forbrac, broke down, 3049 . A.S .

for- brecan, to break intwo.

Forbrend s, burnt up, consum ed ,3784 .

Forded s , killed , 426 . A.S .for- den,to d estroy.

Fordred , afraid , 1 5 5 7 , 1 763, 2 1 9 1 .

Fore, d eparture, 2984 . A.S . fdr,fern, j am , 3. way, journey.

Fersn, before, 35 4 1 , 3866 . A.S .foran, before .

Fersn, p l. )went, 2482 . SeeFa re.

For- fare, to perish , 1 087 , 1 1 34,For- faren, } 30 1 8 . A.S .for-faren.

Forfrigted , afraid ,frigh tened ,35 1 9 .

Forgaf, forgave, 2499 .

Forga t , forget, 2092 .

Forgeten, (inf. toforget, 9 1 2, 1 400 ,1 806 , 31 28 ; forgotten,1 1 5 2, 2 1 79 .

For- h ad ed e, consecrated (by bum

ing), 3338 . A .S . had ian, to consecrete .

For- h eld , with h eld , 2026 .

For- h ele, (imp . ) h id e, 35 1 2 .

For- h slcn, (infl) to h id e, 25 93.

A.S . for- belan, to h ide, conceal.For- h id , hidd en, concealed , 1 87 5 .

For- h irked , tired of, 36 5 8 . A.S .earg, slothful, dull, tim id ; yrb5 ,

sloth , fear.

For- h olen, concea led , h idFor- olsn

, d en, 1 747, 1 7 5 9,1 870, 231 7, 2331 , 3446 .

1 83

For- huged s , rejected , 38 1 4 . A.S.

for- lmgian, to despise .

Forlss, lost , lost, ,1 89, 25 9 , 5 02,

808 . A. S . for- loosen, to lose .

For- leten, p l. ) forsook, 4068 .

For- listed e, d sceivcd 1 8 5 1 . Cf.Ger. lis t, craft , deceit .

For- leren,

lost, 24 1 , 1 886,25 1 1

,346 8 ; accursed , reproba te,

5 46 ; d estroyed , 1 1 43.

For-num en, takenaway, 2228 . See

For- quat, wh erefore, 1 6 5 7 , 20 5 3.

For- red , d eceived , 2 1 92 . A.s .j erreeden, to m islead , d eceive.

For- sake, d eny, 1 76 7 .

For- saksn, refused , 38 1 1 .

For- sane, sank entirely, 1 1 1 4, 1 1 1 7 .

For- soc, refused , 1 833.

For- swe5 en, burnup, consum e.

O .N . svi5 a , to burn, consum e.

For5 , forth , away, forward , 249,262

, 5 78 .

For- 5 an, th erefore, 1 1 90 , 1 26 1because

,1 996 th ereupon,31 62.

For5 - d o,utter, 3993.

For5 e, an error for j er5 erefurth er, prom ote, 1 372

For5 cn, to prom ote, furth er, as

com plish , 34 1 , 4080 ; follow,

40 5 9 . A. S .fyr5 rian, to furth er,support .

For5 srs , furth er, 1304, 3488 .

For5 - for, d eparture, ex odus, 31 5 8 .

A .S . for5 -faru.

For5 -

ged en, pl. ) passed , 1 75 5 .

See Gede.

For5 -

glod , passed away, 1 1 3, 1 29,1 5 7 . See Glad .

Forts- gen, ex tended , 835 ; passed ,845 ; gone , 28 1 9 .

For5 i, th erefore,wh erefore, 1 5 8 1 ,1 5 9 1 . A S . fer5 i.

For5 -nam , forth went, 335 1 . See

For5 - a im en, proceed , 2676 .

For5 -num sn, passed , 3640 .

1 84 GLOSSARIAL 1 1m m .

For5 -wsx en, pl. ) passed , 1 2 1 1 .

For- token,token, sign, 2994 .


covenant , agreem ent ,1 7 1 9, 1 992 , 30 1 4 . A . S .fortcea rd .

Forwcrti fowertie5 e, fortieth ,3439 .

For-went,ch anged , 1 1 2 1 .


For-wericd , fa tigued , 3894 .

For- wrogt , accursed , 26 6 .

Fostrc, foster, nurse, 2620, 2624,2625 .

Fostred , fostered ,brough tup, 26 1 8 .

Fot, feet , 373, 1 303, 1 474 ;‘te

Fete, fot,’a t th e feet , 2497 .

Fonslss, fowls, bird s , 5 70 , 947 .

Fours, four, 5 5 9, 8 1 4, 8 1 6 , 8 5 2,Fowre, i 299 1 .

Fowcrti, fourty, 5 83, 5 89, 60 1 ,

3348 .

Fowrtend s , fourteenth , 31 43.

Fram e, profit , ad vanta ge, 1 33, 1 73,

626 ; benefit , 25 40 .

Fram e, to profit , serve, 1 642,

Fram en, i 1 837 ; us


,31 46 . A . S .

fram ian, to avail frem e, profit,garn

Fre, free, 623, 3244 .

Frcinen, to question, 1 047 , iaquire, a sk, 1 426 , 1 643, 1 792 .

A.S . frega d a , to inquire, interroga te .

Freined e, enquire d, 27 5 9 .

Freliks , freely, 2800 .

Frem cn, to strength en, aid , comfort

,1 73, 1 245 . A .S . frem id a ,

to profit , prosper, d o well.Frem c5 e, force , lust , 349 . A .S .fream ,


Fren, to d eliver, rescue, 27 87 . A .S .freon, to set free .

Frcnd , friend , 1 084 , 35 87 .

Freud , friend s, 1 7 7 5 .

Frond es,friend ’s, 1 270 ; friend s


Frenkis,French , 8 1 .

Frctcn, to ea t, d evour, 37 1 , 4027 ;

d evoured , 2 1 0 1 . A .S .

fretan, to ea t, fret, (pret . fra t,p .p. freten) .

Frigt , frigh t, fear, 1 234 .

Frigted , feared , 1 86 1 , 3978 ;Frigt sd e, frigh tened , 1 7 5 7 .

Frigtful, tim id , 345 9 .

Frigti, tim id , frigh tened , afraid ,6 6 7 , 1 1 62, 1 331 , 2849 ; for

m id able, 984.

Frigtih ed , fea r, awe, 5 42, 2222 .

Frigtilike, tim idly, 1 6 1 7 , 2 1 63,Frigtliks , 3870 .



5, protection, safety, 68 1 , 683,89 .

Fri5 e, preserve, protect, 786 ,Fri5 en, } 1 070 , 2335 ; d eliver,

3094 ; prosper, 1 5 20 . A.S .fri5 ,

peace ; fri5 ian, to m ake peace,

protect, d efend , keep free.

Fro,for, 320 6 .

Fro, from , 89 , 26 1 . O .N . frd ;ph .fre 5 eu, from th a t tim e, 1 88 ;from th a t place, 1 247 ; fro5 a

fre5 an, 1 264 .

Froren, frozen, 97 . Cf. from

(Milton) .Froskcs, frogs, 2969, 2977 . A . S .frose.

Fro5 cr[ed ]c, com forted , 893. A . S .freo5 ian, to protect , give pea ceto

Froward , from , 3322 .

Froure , com fort, consolation, 5 4 .

A .S . fro/er, com fort ; frefrian,to com fort .

Fruit, 2 1 6 .

Fuel, fowl, 1 60 , 1 6 1 , 1 1 24 .

Fueles, fowls, 1 6 .

Fugsl, foul, 25 5 6 .

Fugsl, fowl, bird , 22 1 , 299 . A . S .fngel.

Fugsles, fowls, 208 1 , 2089, 3323,36 79 .

Fugcl- fligt, fowl- fligh t, 332 1 .

Ful, full, 1 09, 1 1 0 , 1 1 1 .

Fulfillsn, perform , 1 222 .

1 86 0 m m “. m un.

Genen, to give, 1 5 08 , 2398 given,245 8 .Gbe= eh e, 237 , 337 , 339 .

Gh e= glwt, yet, 1 47 7 .

Gif, (imp ) give, 1 492 .Giftes, gifts, 1 4 1 6 .Gild es= cild es, ch ild’s,2624 .Gilt ,Gilte , guilt, 2262 , 2409 .

Ging, king, 2 5 47 .Ginge , young, 4049 . A . S . ging.Ginges, king’s, 3932 .Girt , gird ed , 31 49 .Gisa rm e, pike, ax e, 4084 .

Gisce,covet , 35 1 5 .

Giscing, covctousness, 1 874, 3432,35 1 6 . A .S . gitsung, desire .Gisse, covetest , 35 1 7 . A.S . gitsian,to d esire .

Gister- d ai, yesterd ay, 2732 .

Giuen, to give , 1 1 , 1 6 1 3.

Gla ’é , gla do ; glad , 1 7 79 ;G1a ’6e, i 2297 , 367 1 .

Glente, looked affrigh ted , stared inastonish m ent, 1 029 . It signifiesoriginally m erely to sh ine, look .

Vs persons lay and loked a furthntyl a cofre ynpe florth e ;

ga r- to pe frere gaf god e tentcVh yderward e h ys eyyenglente.

— (Robt . of Brunne’a Handlyng Synne . )Glow,

m usic, 45 9 . A . S . gleo .

Glidcn, (in/i) to glid e, go, 370 ,9 5 2 ; passed , 733, 3460 .Glod , glid ed , passed , 76 , 1 1 3, 1 29 .

Gna ttes, gnats, 2988 .

d 1 1 1 1 5 45 1 5 s9, 7 .

God , went , 2030 .


gratuitously, 2890 .God e - frigtih ed , god - fearingness,God cs - frigtih ed , i th e fear ofGod ,49 5 , 5 42 .

God fulh ed , god h ead , 5 6 .

Gol golds, gold , 1 8 72 .Godun, (a m ) good , 1 430 .

Golh ed , lust, 5 34 . A .S . gd l,wanton; gd lnca, lust .

Gon, (inf ) to go, 643, 845 , 25 6 1

(pl ) 30 .31 24 ; (mm ) gone, 639835 ; d eparted , 4 1 28 .Goren, d arts, 34 5 8 . A. S . gdu, a

spea r ; gdr, a dart , javelin.

Got, goat, 940 .

Go’6 , (imp . ) com e, 35 85 .

Go’6, God, 4 1 32 .

Gone, sh ould give, 394 1 .Gouel, ta x , tribute, 844, 846 , 848 .

A . S . gafcl, gaful, tax , tribute.

Gouen, (p l. ) gave, 844, 2922,297 5 .

Granted e, consented , 1 423.

Grapte , felt , grasped, 1 5 44 . A.S .

grdpian, to feel, grope.Gra m,fierce

,1 228 . A . S. gram ,

furious, fierce .Grauen, (in/i) to bury,3778 ;dug, 1 1 38 ; buried , 2431 carved


Grauen, anerror for Pram , control, 276 . A.S . Prafian, to urge,com pel.

Graunte , t, 25 36 .Grod , (ab. ) cry, clam our, 3230 ,37 1 7 .

Gred d c, cried , 35 8 5 . A . S . grcedan,to cry, ca ll.

Gred i, hungry, 1 494 . A . S . gre d ig,greed y, from gre dan, to cry,call for. Goth . gratings, hungry.Grei

, grey, 1 723.Greim , grievous, h ard , 392 . A.S .

gram ian, to m ake severe orcruel;

grim ,rage ; grim ,

sh arp, bitter.

Grei’éet , h astens, 1 738 . O .H.

grei’éa , to m ake ready.

Grenc, green, 608, 27 7 5 , 2776 .Gr es, grass, 3049, 3088 .

Gresseoppes, gra ssh oppers, 306 5 .

A .S . gazrshopp a . , grassh opper, a

locust .Gret, grea t, 2098 , 3226 .Gret, grit , earth , 3774 . A.S.

gréot, dust, earth .Gret, weeping, 3888 .


Gret,wept, 1 97 5 , 2287 , 234 1 . A .S .gra in, to weep (pret . gret ; p .p.

Grete, (pl. ) grea t, 2892 .

Greten,(p l. )wept ,cried ,3207 ,36 5 9.


, greeteth , 2382 , 2864 .

Greue’é, grieveth , 38 1 8 .

Gri’6 , prote ctor, safety, security,469, 5 60 , 682, 1 397 .

peace, protection; gri°6 ian, to

protect , d efend .

Grot,m ourning, lam enta tion, 1 5 77 ,1 978 weeping, 2289, 37 1 7 .

See Greta .Groten, to bewail, 1 984 .

Gruch ed en, m urmured , 335 4 .

Grucbing, m urm uring, 331 8 .

32395 ,Gm nden, ground , 3339 .

Grusned e, groaned , 48 1 . O .N .

Grifam , grij m en, to snarl, grin.

Ger. gram en, to sh ud der, grimsm , to grunt .

Gu, you, 325 , 399 , 2260 .

Guglond , kingd om ,1 264 .Gulden, (p l. requited , 1 062 ;

requited , 927 .Ga m m es gimm e, gem s, 2 700 .

A .S . gimm .

Gunc, youtwo, 2830 . A . S . inc.Gund , to, 1 1 0 1 th ere, 38 5 1 .

Gunde,i A .S . goond .Gune, (p l. ) did , 31 35 .

Gungere, younger, 1 5 8 , 1 5 1 0 .Gunge, young, 228 1 , 27 5 6 .

Gungest, youngest , 1 909 , 2 1 60,Gunkcste, 2 1 90 .

Gunker,of you two, you two,

398 . A .S . incor.Gunne, (p l. ) d id , 2 1 8 , 5 34, 5 40 ,Gunnen, 1 95 3, 2378 ,

Gunen, 2492,27 5 5 .

Gur, your, 40 4, 2 1 78 , 2260 of.Gure, you, 231 8, 347 1 .

Gu’6 , youth , 266 5 . A.S . gugo’6 ,a youth .

1 87

Had de, (prest ) h ad , 1 93, 3392 .

Had d en, (p ret .p l. ) h ad , 4 1 3, 2930 .

Hagte= agto, possession, wealth ,431 , 2 5 82 . See Agto.

Ragt= agt, sorrow, grief, care,

486, 2044, 20 82 . See Agt .

Heigre, h a ir cloth , 1 977 . See

Allit . Poem s, C. 373. A .S . ha m ,

sackcloth .

Halge, h allow,35 0 1 .

Halle, all, 2340 .

Hali,h oly, 5 4 ;

‘ha li d ay,’35 0 1

‘ha li gast,’202

,2438 .

Halp, h elpe d, succoured , 26 .

Ham, am , 926 .

Hangen, h anged , 407 5 .

Hard, obstina te, 306 1 strong,

3386 .

Hard e,troublesom e

,difi cult,20 5 4severely, 335 5 .

Hard i,fearless, 2 1 2 1 .

Hardnesss,obstinacy, 3022, 306 7 .

Haswed , spotted , va riega ted , 1 723.

A.S . haw, h a sws, livid , dusky,d ark, rugged .

Ha tt e

, called . See Hat .

Ha lal, severe, cruel, 2 5 44. A.S .hétol S .Sa x . ha tel.

Haue sorrow, grief, from A . S.had} , a groan, m ourning. If

we read h aue, torm ent , oppression, it is from th e A. S . hym n,to hurt , vex ; bean, poor ; lam b ,want, 335 4 .

Heg, h igh , 20 1 1 ; loud , 2780 ,Hogs , 3380 , 4 1 00 . A.S . lugs,lieh .

Hegers , h igh er, upper, 3392 .

Hegest, h igh est, 30 , 2 1 42 .

Heilnesse, h ealth , 206 8 .

M ines, wh oleness, h ealth .

Held ' Id e 45 7 1 5 27Held e,

fi g ,

Heled , h ealed , 229 .

Helden, (pl. ) h eld , 28 5 .

Held en, anerrorforholden, to h old ,

3274 .

A .S.

1 88 cwssa auu. m un .

Held - for’é,took, 1 6 5 .

Heli, h oly, 5 1 , 204 .

Helid, covered , 1 636 . A . S . he


lan,to cover, conceal. Prov . E . lick



Helle,h ell ;

‘helIo- d ik,’

28 1 ;‘h elb

ba le,’2 5 2 5 ‘fielIe- d a le,

’1 983;


pine} 2 5 30 .

Helles,h ell

’s,22 .

Helpe , (rbfi, h elp, 2 5 28assistance

,496 , 1 802 .

Helps , o

Helpes, 5h elpers, 2647 , 3409 .

Helped , h elpeth , 4062 .

Helpeles, h elpless , 35 5 8 .

Helpen, to h elp, 1 76 , 1 272 .

Hel’ée, h ealth , sa fety, 2344.

Hem , anerror for h im , 1 80 .

Hem, th em ,

392, ct p a ssim .

Hem - seluen, t h em selves, 5 37 , 2889 .

Hemward,to th em , 2726 .

Hend e, near

,336 1 , 3370 . O . E .

Hend en, i i- Iwnde ; A. S . ga

- hend o,

hea ds .

Heng, hung, 3899 .

c te,seized

, beat, 27 1 5 . A . S .

Iwntan,to seize .

Her, h ere, 1 70 , 1 7 5 , 1 7 7 , 1 84 .

Her- a fter, h ere - a fter,243.

Her here, of th em ,22 5 8 .

Her,h ear

, 35 35 .

Her= er, before , 80 1 .

Herberge , lod ging, 1 392 .

Herberged , lod ged , 1 602 . A. S .

here- bergen, to lod ge, h a rbour,from here, anarm y.

Herbergen, to lod ge, 1 05 7 .

Her- by, h ereby, 35 72 .

Herd es, abod es, land s, 24 1 0 .

Hord es - folo erdes -folc, land - folk,

people, 337 2 .

Herd e, (p l. ) h eard , 1 283, 1 6 1 1 .

Herd en, (p l. ) h eard , 1 1 39 , 3492,

35 2 l .

Here , th eirs, 1 920 .

Here , arm y, h ost , 1 787,2679,

2 1 7 9 . A .S . here.

Here,h ea r, 3426 , 3473

Here -

gouge , invasion, 848 .

Herein], ex ped ition, 2479 . Set


Heren, to h ear, 1 370 , 25 31 .

Herf= erf, ca ttle, 2990 .

Herte , h eart , 5 1 8 , 5 20 , 1 302 ; g. s .

of h eart, 2936 ; courage, 325 3.

Herte - bren, h eart - burning, la st,40 5 4 .

Herte d in,

encouraged , consoled ,1 980 .

Hertes, h earts , 1 9 1 7 .

Herting, consola tion, 1 982 .

HeriSe, anerror for herte, h eart,

28 5 6 .

Her’6 0 = herda enie, land , 806 .

Het, prom ised , 236 5 , 295 4 ; called ,2 5 88 , 2 5 89 , 3333. A. S . bé tonto com m and , prom ise (pret . Mt

p .p . M ien) ; Ind ian, to ca ll (pret .lad ite) .

Hete,h eat , 1 228 , 1 229 .

Heten, prom ised , 345 0 .


,h ence, 1 644, 2 5 08 . O .H.

He’6 0n, Iné’éan.


3: h ead , 376 , 1 604, 1 1 93.

Heued es,h ead s, 2926 .

Heued -welle, spring, 868 .

Heuene,h eaven, 40 , 270 ; heuene



(th e sun 1 60 6 ;‘Izeuena d ew,

1 5 47 , 1 5 73

h euene ga te,’1 620 ;

‘lzeuom h il,28 1 h euene rof (h ea ven- roof),firm am ent ), 1 0 1 .

Heuene -ward , h eaven-ward , 302 5 .

Heuerilc,every, 368 .

Heui,h ea vy, 2 5 6 5 .

Heuones, h eavens, 287 .

Hewc, form , 40 5 1 .

H 10 = i€, I , 34, 2783.

Hicte h igte, called , 7 1 3. See

Hid d en, (p l. ) h id , 3028 .

Hid el- like, secretly, 2882 .

Hid en,to h id e

,35 2 .

1 90

Ilc, each , 68, 1 1 9, 1 34 . A. S . d o.

Ilc- kinnes,

Ilkh nnw}each km d of,220 .

Ilc- ou, each of, 1 379 .

sam e,2 5 8, 31 3, 1 1 84 .

Ille, ill,wicked , 1 9 1 6 , 4038 , 4063;bad ly, wickedly, 1 706 , 4029 .

In= h in h im , 388 7 .


gon, sntered , 1 068 .

In-wis= iwis, truly, ind eed , 1 5 1 5 ,

25 2 1 . A.S . gewiu.

Irin, iron, 467 .

1 8, h is, 482 , 483, 1 737 .

1 8= h 18,its, 327 .

Is, anerror for tis= th is, 34 1 .

Is,th em

,1 702, 1 76 7, 1 769, 1 7 70

1 833, 1 873, 1 87 7 , 26 5 4, 26 5 5

Ist= is it , is th ere , 1 1 2 1 .

I t , th ey, 298, 1 920 .

I t, th ere, 2808 .

Iurnss, journeys, 1 29 1 , 3696 .

Iusted, allied , interm arried , 1 5 89 .

Iuel, (36. evil, 328 ; (ad) bad

s I, evil, 31 0 , 5 02 37 1 8

(a dv. ) wicked ly, 374 .

I ‘W’B’ trul d eed 9 1 1 09Iwisse, i Y, m

I -wroken, avenged , 1 8 5 6 .

I -wrogt, wrough t, 32 1 5 .

Kagte, pret . of ca tch , drove, 949 .

Kalues, calves’

, 1 0 13.Kam el, cam el

, 1 398 .

Kam slcs, cam els,1 36 5 .Kenned , taugh t, 2 1 6 . A. S . m am a


to ad ducs , to vouch th e truth .

Kep, care, h eed , 939, 946 , 1 333,2602 . A .S . cép an, to heap ,

Kepsn, to keep, look to, 24 5 3,3378 .

Kepte, kept , 262 5 .

Kepten, (p l. ) kept , 2772 .

Kid , m ad e known, 235 7 .Kid d , sh owed , 1 394, 1 6 5 4 .

h eed .


Kides, kid’s, 1 5 35 , 1 96 7 .

Kin, fam ily, kin, 6 5 2 .Kinnes, kin’

s,7 5 6, 828 .Kind s , na tural, 78 ; na tive, 1 279.Kind s , kind , na ture, 1 8 5 , 25 0,

45 7,1 279 .

Kind s , kin, fam ily, 488, 6 5 0 .

Kind slike, kindly, with natural

affection, 2 5 00 .

Kind ered ss, kindred s, 4 1 27 .Kind es, kinsm en, 1 389, 1 5 49 ;‘in

h inder wune,’kin- Wise, natur

ally, 1 345 ; aftrs kind a wune,’

after th e m anner of rela tives,1 6 5 2 ; fam ily

’s, tribe

’s, 3824 .Kings - rich es, kingd om s, 2789 .

Kipte , seized , 31 64. O.N . h ippa .

See Allit . Poem s, B. 1 5 1 0, andGloss .

,s .v . Kyppa .Kire, purity, 4 5 1 ch,

oice, 1 5 36 ;custom

,1 893, 245 1 . A. S . ogre,

ch oice ; Ger. h am , to ch oose.Kiste , kissed , 1 6 5 2, 235 6 .Knape, m a le ch ild, boy, 1 1 5 1 ;m an- servant, 47 7 , 482, 2 5 85 .

A . S . cnap a , a m an.Knapes, boys, 25 73.

Knaue, m a le ch ild, 1 1 5 1 .

Kne, d egree, 444 . A.S . once.

Knewen, (pl. ) knew, 2904 .

Knigt , knigh t , 283.Knol, knoll, top, 4 1 29.

m all.

A. S .

Knowen, know, 2872 ; known,3037 .Kom en

, (p l. ) cam e, 25 77 .

Kud e= cu’6 0, could , 2 1 1 4, 2366:Kuglond hunglond , kingd om ,

1 262 .

Kum elm g, stranger, 834 O.H.Ger.

oh om eli .ng O .E . consoling.

Kum en, to som e, 399, 984 , 1 007 .

Kum en, (p ”p com e,Kuppe, cup, 2047 .

Ku’é , renowned , 266 6 . A.S . 0065 ,known.

Ku’6s , could , 289 .


La , 10 ! 31 1 3.

Lage, m arriage, 5 38 ;‘inlage,


m arriage, 27 64 . Of. Goth . liugan,to m arry, liuga , wedlock .

laws, 2446 .

Lagt , seized , 2082 , 262 1 caugh t,31 4 1 A S . la

h te, pret . ofMam a ,

to seize .

Laken, to fail, lack, 1 231 . O .E .

lac, loh , fault . Du. lack, want,fault ; laechen, to d ecrease .

La ten= leten, to let, 307 1 .

La ’6 8 8 , barns, 2 1 34 . Dan. lode.

Lay, law, 1 20 1 .

Lea te, (imp ) leave, 1 8 1 1 .

Lea ts’6 , (imp . ) let , 3726 .

Leaned , lea fy, 3839 .

Lech er- crafte, lech ery, 7 76 .

Lech er- fare, lech ery, 1 064 .

Lech erlike, lech erously, 7 70 .

Lech eris , lech ery, 35 1 0 .

Lechur- h ed , lech ery, 1 997 .

Led , song, 27 . A.S . leo’é . Ger. lied .

Led , brough t, 649 ; (imp )lead , 360 7 .

Led d e, (pret ) led , 89, 92 .

Led d ed e= led de, led , 3995 .

Led den= ledde, 1 0d , 2845 .

Led d en, (p l. ) led , 8 5 8, 1 990 .

Led ed = lede’6 , (imp ) lead , pass,398 .

Led en, to be lsad , 2 1 93; pass, 304 ;take up, 699 ; act, 230 1 , 2304 .

Ledd er, lad d er, 1 607 .

Lest, left, 1 280 . A .S . laitan, toleave (pret . la t, p .p . leten) .Lef, agreeable,plea sant,340 , 2664d ear

, precious, 793, 1 7 74, 3431joyful, 4 1 36 . A. S . leaf.

Lefful, d ear, precious, 1 5 5 , 25 24 ;faith ful, 3447 .

Legeli, lies, speaks falsely, 1 28 1 .

Leid , laid , 8 1 7 , 2426 , 2427 .

Lsid e, (pret . ) laid , 943, 2693.

Leid en, pl. ) laid , 1 969 .

Leigen, (p l. ) lay, 1 920 .

1 91

Leiste, least , 1 98 .

Lei’6 , layeth , 3994 .

Lsm an, Wife, 7 82 . A .S . leofman.

Len, reward or left 2838 .

Lens , lean, 2099 , 2 1 0 1 , 2 1 06 .

Lens , grant, 2 5 32 , 4 1 5 9 .

Lened , leaned , 1 6 1 0 .

Lencn, to grant, 31 70 . A .S . lam ian.

£2331 1 } longer, 1 5 94, 1 738 .

Lentil, 1 488 .

Lep, leapt, 2726 .

Lepre, leprosy, 3690 .

Lered,learned , 4 .

Lered s , taugh t, instructed , 7 9 1 ,2300 ; inform ed , 1 383, 2963.

Lered en, (p i. ) learned , 31 37 .

Loren, to lea rn, 35 4 . A .S . la w» ,to teach , inform .

Lere’é , (imp . ) learn, 3486 .

Les, less, 35 95 .

Les, d elivered , loosed , 2874 .

Les, falsely, 3498 . A . S . lead , false .

Less , lie, 35 1 4 .

Leeen, loosed,2 1 5 2 ; d elivered

from,2897 .

Losing, lies, 25 7 8 .

Lease, less, 994 .

Leste , least, 1 89 .

Lested ,Lem“,

lasted , 600, 29 5 2, 41 47 .

Lested leete’é , laste th , 1 1 1 .

Lested lesteb , (imp ) listeneth ,25 1 0 . A .S . hlictan, to h ear, attend to .

Lesteful, everlasting, 304 .

Lesten, (inf. ) to last, 1 2 ; (p l. )la st, 4 1 1 9 .

Lesten, to perform , 2906 . Ger.


And th si benfalse and traiterons andIa etennot th a t th ei bih oten.

- (Mandeville. )

Let , let ben’= let be, 1 809 .

Let, pretend ed , 2 1 68 . A .S . lrt tan,to pretend (prst . lt t, p p . latten) .Let, left , 72 5 , 809 .


Let, led , 476 .

Lete , (aa h ) perm it , 2796 .

Leten, (infi) to let, perm it, 30 5 6lose, 7 67 .

Leten, (in/2) forsake, 4 1 42 .

Leten, (p l. ) left , forsook , 5 42allowed , perm itt

ed, 629,

Letten, to leave, 26 1 2 .

Letting, h indrance, 1 076 , 3204 .

Le ttre, letter, 993, 2 5 27 .

M E, d im inution, 3348 .

Leunes, lions, 1 9 1 .

Leue, d ear, precious, 90 , 242 1 ,2868 . A . S . leaf, d early, 49 .

Leue, leave, perm ission, 784, 80 5 .

Leuedc, believed , 935 .

Leued i, lady, 968 , 980 , 26 1 6 .

Lensless, with out leave, 1 848 .

Lenslike, kind ly, 227 5 gladly,joyfully, 3434 .

Leuens , ligh tning, 326 5 .

Leuencs, ligh tning’s, 3046 . Norss

Lj dn, Lj i m.

Leuerd louerd , lord , 33.

Leues, leaves, 35 2 .

Lewse, pasture, 1 5 76 . A .S . h im(see . la m e) , s wian, to pasture .

Ley, lay, 4 1 1 3.

Lich , body, corpse, 244 1 , 2488 ,Lich e, 4 1 40 . A .S . lie.

Lich es, bodies, 2447 , 3206 .

Lich am , body, 200 , 35 0 . A .S .

Lich am s , } licha m a , th e (living)body.

Lich elsss, corpseless, 31 64 .

Lid erlike, trea ch erously, 35 62,Li’68rlike, wickedly, d eceitfully,1 5 63. See Li’éer.

Lif, life, 1 76 , 267 , 5 04 ; ‘inltf,’

alive, 1 364 .

Ligber,Lucifer, 27 1 . A.S . lig- bar,flam e - bearing.

Ligi’é , lies .

Ligt , ligh t, 44, 5 3, 5 7 .

Ligt, d escend ed , com e upon, 278 7 ,368 1 .

Ligt, soon, 22 5 2 .

Ligten, to d escend , 1 969 , 1 983.

Ligtlike, likely, 1 2 1 8 .

Ligtness, insigh t,knowledge, 1 5 5 9.

Lik,like, 223.

Liked e, pleased , 2299 , 4029 .

Likeless, dissim ilar, 1 726 .

Likenesss , 684, 6 88, 2641 .

L1 knssse,Likenesses, 270 1 .

Liket= likc it , 205 .

Lim,lim e

,25 5 2 .

Lim ed , cem ented , 5 6 2 .

Lim es , lim bs, 348 , 35 2 .

Lin,lie, 942, 38 5 1 .

Lire,loss, 2920 . A . S . lyre.

List : lust, d esire,want, 97 8 , 1 230 .

List - eu, to listen, 1 220 .

Liste’ée, (imp ) list eneth , 38 1 4 .

Listnsd e, listened , 1 5 97 , 2 1 37 ,Listencd e, 2222 , 3403, 35 38 .

Lit , stain, 1 968 . O .N . lita , to stain.

Li’6 , lieth , 735 , 8 1 2 , 1 9 1 6 , 3892 .

Li’6,lim b, 1 804 . A .S . li’6 .

Liiier, bad , vile, 369 . A.S . lg’éer.

Liue, life, 26 5 , 629 , 3806 .

Line- d ai,life, 6 5 2 ; liue

- d a ges,life- days, life- tim e

,4 1 1 9 .

Liued s , lived , 77 7 , 908 .

Liuen, (inf ) to live, 30 8, 5 73,2044 .

Liuen, (pl. ) live, 2496 .

Liues, life’

s,20 1 , 496 .

Liues, alive, 1 47 7 , 3042 of

liuee,’alive, 2834 living, 3802 .

Liue’S, liveth , 5 03.

Liwe, life, 3884 .

Liwcn, live, 4097 .

Loac loo, gift, 1 798 . A .S . la'c,geldo.

Loar,loss, 1 77 , 1 8 1 . A.S . lor.

Loc, look, beh old , 3331 .

Locksnd e, looking, seeing, 2822 .

Lod elike, loa th ly, 3030 .

Lod er- m an, lead er, 3723, 4 1 1 0 .

A.S . leid - m an; O .E . lodeeman,

1 94 GLOSSARIAL m nx x .

Hayd en- ch ild re, girls, 2 5 74 .

Ma d e,reward , m ead , 1 4 1 9 .

Mod es, reward s , 3940 .

Meid enes,m aid ens, 1 1 39 .

Meister, (ad/Z) m a ster, ch ief, 664,

34 1 2 , 388 1 , 3886 ; m aster,2729

,3422 .

Meistres,ch iefs

, 37 5 6 , 4072 .

Mel, m ea l, food , 1 020 , 1 246 , 1 484,1 5 09 .

Melton,to m elt

,99 , 35 79 .

Men,one , 7 5 0 , 1 1 27 , 1 293.

Mens , com pany, fellowsh ip, 5 0 1 .

A .S . ge- m dna , a com pany, m ar

nage .

Farr drih h tinh afl'

d s panne settAm ang lud isskenpeode,pa tt nanna abollde filedd benpurrll h tepennm acch ess m am a .

— (Orm . i.

Mengd e, m ix ed , 35 8 1 .

Mengen, to m ix , 468 . A.S . m engian.

Mengt , m ix ed , 1 5 92 .

Mengten, (p l. ) m ix ed , 5 44 .

Monte],m antle, 2026 .

Merci,m ercy, 1 24 1 , 3602 .

Merke, ch aracter, m ark,4 5 7 sign,

1 0 03.

Marks , bound ary, 440 , 345 5 ; m e

m orial stone, 1 887 , 3490 .

Moses - song, m a ss - song, 2466 .

Mestcr, a rts , d evices, craft, 5 32,5 36 , 3826 ; duty, office, 3826 .

La t . m inisterium ; Span. m enestra .


m ea sure, 439 , 3333.

Mote,m ea t, food , 5 73, 1 487 , 1 492 .

1 498 .

Mcten, d evised , form ed, 270 1 . Cf.

m etedd , painted (Orm . i. 34,A .S . m etan, to m easure

, paint .Meten

,m ea t

,363, 225 5 , 36 5 7 .

Lis t en, to m eet , 2828 .

Mott , (1 71 7 ) m et , 888 .

Metten, (p l. ) m et , 1 790 .

Me’é, m ercy, pity, 1 9 5 , 1 044,

Me’60 , i 2498 , 30 1 1 , 380 1 , 4078 .

A. S . m es’é ,m easure, m oder ation

m a’éian, to use gently.

Ms’éede,pitied ,com passioned , 1 242.

Ms’6slike, m ild ly, kind ly, 1 7 5 8 .


, to h ave m ercy upon, tospare, 1 046 . Sec

Mich el, grea t, 1 209 , 1 366 ,Mich il, A .S .Mid s, With , 2478, 2963.


fi'm id dle, 98, 288 .

Mid dellcrd , m id dle- earth , eart h ,1 06 .

Mid dleh ed , (eh . ) m id dle, 5 22 .

Mid d es-werld , th e earth , 42 .

Mid el, m idd le, 31 5 9 .

Mid elerd ss, m idd le- earth’s, 5 2 1 .

Mid dlest,m id dle, 427 , 7 1 0 .

Migt, 5 4, 5 8, 5 84 .

Migte , m igh ty, 3038 .

Migten, (inf ) m igh t, 5 73, 1 1 47 ;(p l. ) m igh t, 876 .

Migtful, (a dj ) m igh ty, powerful1 00 , 2902, 29 1 6 , 3464, 4008

402 5 , 4026 ; (86 m igh ty ones,37 5 5 .

Migti, m igh ty, 5 46 , 983.

Mikel, grea t, 26 , 389, 486 , 1 25 2 .

See Michel.Milce, m ercy, 3728 . A . S . m iltee.

Milch e, m ilk, 2788 .

Milch s M lce, m ercy, 3732 ;m erciful, 2903, 3803.

Mild e, kind , m erciful, 1 28 ; m eek,gentle, 1 306 , 1 44 1 .

Mild eliks , m eekly, 1 32 1 , 1 37 1 ,1 423; gently, kind ly, 27 78 .

Min, m ine, 1 5 66 , 1 5 6 7 .

Mind , quantity, 3676 .

Miro, d ark, m irk, 286 . O .N .

myrkr, d ark ; myrha , to d arken.

Miri, m erry, pleased, 2 1 2, 294 ;Mirie, ch eerful, 225 8 .

Miriss, anerror form irie, pleasant,1 038 .

Mirknesse, d arkness, 31 04 .

Mis, (ah . ) wrong, 206 .

Mis - ch es m ieeh ase, sinned , 1 90 .


Misded e, m isdid , sinned ,1 890 .

Misd ed ss, m isd eed s, 3637 .

Niadou,m isd one, 1 680 ,Miserlike, indistinctly, 26 5 8 . A .S .m ine- lie, dissim ilar, various .

Misfaren, to m isbeh ave, 1 9 1 1 .

Misleued e,disbelieved , 3906 .

Misliked , displeased , 1 728,Misliked e, } 40 1 1 .

Misnnm en, sinned , 309 1 .

See Niman.

Misssn, to m iss, lose, 3336 . O .N .

m ien. Du. m ieeen.

Mistagtc, m isdirected , m isled , 47 5 .

Mists , m issed , 3872, 3874 .

Miswiuen, to m iswive, m arry nulawfully, 5 40 .

Mi’6s , cease, rem ainquiet , 3807 .

Du. m gden, to avoid, sh un.


z) ’m ore

, 35 4, 4 1 4 .

m a l, speech . Du. m a a l.

O .N . m d l.

For Issue 0 Grickissh e m a lOnnEnnglissch iss, l enude.

— (orm . i.

1 847 ,

Mod , m ood, m ind , 36

,1 28 ,

Mod d , 333, 7 1 7 , 35 77 . A . S .Mod e

,mod .

Mod er, m oth er, 1 22, 1 42 1 .

Mod eres, m oth er’s, 1 434 .

Mod i, m oody, angry, 2660 , 27 1 2 .

A . S . m ad lg.

Mod iliko, cruelly, 2 5 84 .

Mog, m ale relative, 1 76 1 . A . S .m ag, (m . ) a rela tion, kinsm an;m age, f. ) a kinswom an.

Mogen, m ay, 3227 .

Moned = m one5 , m onth , 5 97 , 6 1 5 .

Mons,m oon, 1 32, 139 , 1 4 1 .

Monen, to m oan, bewail, 1 80 .

Mones, m oon’s, 1 44, 1 45 .

Mone’6 , m onth,1 4 5 , 1 5 2

,6 1 9 ;

m onth s,2 5 92 .

Moo , m ore,428 .

Mor,m ore, 5 1 1 , 993.

1 95

Morgen, m orrow, m orning, 247 ,1 1 6 1 , 1 428 . A . S . m orgen.


giwe morgen-

giue, nuptial gift . A.S . morgen-

gifa .

Marge- quile, m orning wh ile, a

Morgen- quile, sh ort space of

tim e, 327 5 , 3443, 348 1 .

Morgen- tid , m orning tim e, 5 9 .

Morwen, m orrow, m orning, 230 5 ,31 62 .

Moste , m ost, greatest, 1 89, 1 98 .

Mot, m ay, m igh t, 1 304, 1 62 1 ,Mote l 3488 ; sh ould , 248 5 .

Mo’6ed m adad , m ind ed , 1 5 84 .

Monies, aunt’s, 1 6 5 1 . Du. m oei,aunt . See 31 0g.

Mount, 285 3.

Mugsn, to be able, 1 8 1 8, 2090 ,30 1 7 A . S . m agan.

bearinm ind ,45 , 2422 .

Mune, to bear inm ind , rem em

Munen, i h er, 1 97 , 972 , 1 622 ;com m em orate, 687 , 31 38 . A .S .ge

- munan, to rem em ber, ca ll to

m ind .

Munen, (pl. ) bear inm ind,5 5 8,

1 35 0 .

Munend ai, Mond ay, 72 .

Mune’6 , rem em ber, 2409 .

Muning,MuningeMunt, m 27 73.

Muntes, m ounts, 3487 .

Murnen, to m ourn, 205 3.

Mum ing, m ourning, 2908, 320 5 .

Musiks , music, 460 .

Muste (pret . of m at), m igh t, 2624 .

Mub , m onth , 26 5 5 , 397 1 .

Mu’6es, m outh es, 22 1 6 .

Muwen, m ay, 331 6 . See Hagen.

Nagt, nigh t, 1 678, 31 42, 3832 .Nulld,nailed , 5 64 .

Nam , took, 85 , 200 ; seized , 482,673; listened to , 1 2 1 8 ; bore,1 1 77 ; sam e, 698, 1 402 ; cam e

1 96

upon, 1 490 went, took th eway,744, 745 , 1 247 , 1 436 . SeeNim en.Nam en

, nam e, 3497 .Na twere, narrower, 396 5 .Ns , not , 5 5 4, cl p assim .

Ne -

ga te, no -

ga te , no- Wiss , 3224 .

Ned , necessity, 2 1 6 1,2 1 6 5 ,

Ned e, i 31 6 5 .Ned drs

,ad der

,serpent, 323, 369,

374 .Ned drcs,add ers, serpents, 2930 .

c ful, grievous, 2 1 30 .

Neg, nigh , 833, 1 234, 3320 .

Negt = neg it, nigh it , 3964 .


’6 re


éry)neith er, 394, 1 278 .

Nem eld =nem end , a ssigned , 35 33.Nsm usa , tonam e, call, 82 ;num ber,408 5 . A . S . nemnen, tonam e, call


Ner, near, 478, 1 395 .Nest , nearest, nex t , 379 1 , 392 1 .Nestes, neigh bour’s, 35 1 5 . A .S .nesta , a neigh bour.Nct, nea t , cattle . A .S . nyten,Nest , niten, cattle, beast . O .N .

naut, anox , 2097 .Note s, neat ’s, 37 1 2 .Ne - fi e - les, neverth eless , 385 3.Ns ’68r, d ownward s, 370 .

Ne’68 r- tcn, to d escend , 35 67 . See

Ten.Neue, neph ew, 724, 7 99 , 1 76 1 .Neve, Fr. nevea ; O .Fr. nave.

Neusre, never, 230 , 1 240 .News , new,694, 1 286 .Newes, anew,2 5 0 .

Newelike, anew, 293.

Niftc, niece, 1 386 . A .S . nift .Nigt , nigh t , 43, 76 , 7 9 .

Nigtes, nigh ts, 5 90 .

ninety, 990 , 1 027 .

Nile,will not , 1 806 .

Nim ,fornam , took, 1 720 .

Nim en, to take, 1 042, 1 739 , 2362 .

A.S .niman



,1 1 1 , 35 3, 674, 1 1 96, 2330,

2 5 5 6 , 35 7 7 .

O= on,in, 8 1 .

0 8 , but= O .E . ac, 1 87 , 2 1 3, 85 2 ,86 1 . A .S . ac.

0 c, also, 5 4, 46 5 , 488 . Dan. og.

Oc= ag= aw, ough t, 1 97 .

Of, in, 1 35 5 , 1 90 1 from , 2390 .

Of- dred , afraid , 39 5 5 .

Offerd, afraid , 2844 .

Ofllz, office, 207 1 .


rand e, (al . ) offering, 1 298

Offrende, 1 309 , 1 31 2, 1 31 4

Ofrend e,

3631 ; (adj) 1 5 03.

Offred sn, (p l. ) offered , 36 1 9 .

Ni’5 , envy, 373, 1 9 1 5 . A.S . 1 137 5


wickedness ; Ger. m id ; O .N .

nid a , to abuse, d isgracs . M d tngr,a niggard , coward .

Nih ed s , envied , 1 5 2 1 .Ni’éful, envious, 369 , 1 9 1 7 .

Ni’éing, niggardliness, 3432 .

Nogt , not, 330 .

Nogwer, nowh ere, 1 27 1 .Nold en, (p l. ) would not , 3029 .

Nom s, (ah . ) h ostage, pled ge, 2268 .

See Nim an.

Nom e, sh ould take, 3341 .Nom en, accepted , 1 0 1 6 ,1 96 5 ; com e

,3039 .


,none, 223, 27 5 .Noten, to serve, be sufi cisnt for,

31 44 . A . S . na tian, use, enjoy.

Nov,now, 749 .

Nu, now,35 6 , 379 .Na ge nog, now,

at once, 1 328 .Num en, p .p . ) taken, 343, 366 ,400 , 409 , 1 31 6 ; sm itten, seized ,2 1 07 , 2826 sorge numen,


row- sm itten) ; kept,2268 ; pa ssed ,gone, 5 79 , 5 94, 1 1 42, 248 5 ,27 5 3, 2769 ; practised , 1 382 .Nunm or,no m ore , 7 88, 1 1 1 8 , 1 420 .Na tes, nuts, 3840 .

Ny’6,envy, 273. See M 1 5 .

1 98

Owold , signify, 324 ; h appen,Awald , 5 2 5 . See Awald .

Paid , 22 1 5 .

Pais, peace, 8 , 25 35 .

Palm s - tron, palm - trees, 330 5 .

Para dis, Paradise, 29 1 , 406 .

Pert = ap ert, open, clear, 3292 .

Pilch ss, garm ents of skin, 377 .

A .S . pglcc.

Piler, pillar, 3293.

Pilt, th rown, put, 22 1 4 . O .E .pult.

D an. putts, to put into .

Pine, (al . ) tom ca t , plague, 1 77 ,

Pine, (eh ) , sorrow, tom ca t, 244,

Plage, play, la st , 5 37 .

Plages, plays, amusem ents, 35 7 5 .

Plaigen, to play, 20 1 6 .

Plates (of silver) , 2370 .

Pleid e, played , 1 2 1 4 .

Plentc’é = p lanté, plenty, 3709 .

Pligt , pledged , 1 289 , 1 27 5 , 1 778,26 77 .

Pligt , sin, offence, to

th e offence, 36 1 1 . A .S . p lih t .

Pod es, toad s, 297 7 . O .N . p ad d a ,a toad .

Polh euedes, tadpoles, 297 7 . Does

it signify spad e- h ead ed , from

O .N . p al, a spad e, a s inpolea x e

Pore, anerror forgore gurc, your,2 1 90 .

Preige, prey, 4028 .

Prsnes,brooch es , 1 872 . A S . prean,a clasp, need le . O .N . priona ,to sew.

Present , 1 831 , 2273.

Prest , priest, 3886 , 3922 .

Prike’é , pricks, spurs, 39 64 .

Pris, h onour, 292, 326 ; value,

worth,2247 , 2700 ; rich es, 2690 .

Prisna , prison, 2040 , 2046 , 2070 .

Prisuues prisuneres prisoners,2044 .


Quan, since, 1 8 1 7 .Quar, wh ere, 1 31 1 .Quase, wh ose , 2870 .Qua t, wh at, 1 7 1 , 324, 35 7 , 634 ;wh ich , 4 1 60 .Quat , quoth , 1 7 1 , 324, 35 7 , 634 .

Qua tso, wh atso, 270, 1 324 .

Quatsoever, wh a tsoever, 270 .

Qua’6, (p ret ) quoth , 1 31 1 , 1 37 1 ;

(imp . ) spea k, 3988 .Qa sad , wretch , Wicked one, 295 ,4063. Du. hwa ad , bad .Qued e, prom ise, 1 463. A . S . m ode,a saying ; cwidd ian, to speak .Quem ed , beloved (ones), 86 . A. S .caveman, to please, satisfy.

Quem ed c,sa tisfied , 978, 1380 .

Quem est , m ost pleasing, 3764 .Quem e’6

, easeth , ligh tens, 408 .Quer, wh ere, 762 .Quer- of, wh ereof, 366 .

Quc’ée ga ede, word , 40 1 1 . See


Que’éen, to speak, 35 25 , 4002 ; to

prom ise, 2788 ; to enquire, 1 792 .

A . S . cwé’éan(pret . cwé’G, p.p.

ge- cweden) .

Que’éen, prom ised , 1 496 ,3944 .

Que’éen, wh ence, O .N.

h ra ’6an.

Qne’éer, wh eth er, 340, 49 1 , 3272 ;wh ich (of th e two), 1 47 1 .

1 40 1 .

Prud , proud , 85 8, 1 4 1 4 ; pride,1 966 .

Quad = guea d , bad , evil, 5 36 .

Quad = quoth , spoken, 7 5 5 , 929,1 04 1 , 1 045 .

Quake wahe,watch . Th e rh ym e

requires gaa te=wait , 1 0 5 4.

Quam cd e, plea sed , 1 0 1 9 . See

Qacm ed .

Qnam ,wh om ,1 768 ; wh ich , 696 .

72 1 , 930 .


Quhu, h ow,20 .

Qui, wh y,Qui quile, awh ile, 4000 .Quid er, wh eth er, 2600 .Quil quile, wh ich , 3631 .

Quilc= wh at, 1 5 72 h ow, 32 1 2 .Quile, wh ile, wh ilst, 20 5 , 1 1 04,Quiles,Quufles’ }w ,


Quilke, (p l. wh at, 2080 , 235 0 .Quilum, wh ilom , form erly, 80 1 ,

1 464 .Quit, wh ite, 28 1 0 .

Quo,wh o, 35 9, 282 1 , 2822, 2823.Quor, wh ere, 35 6, 7 1 4 .Quor- a t, wh ere to, 3237Quor- bi, wh ereby, 5 73.Quor- fore, wh erefore, 1 632 .Quor- of, wh ereof, 1 31 4 .Quor- so,wh ere- ao, 924, 943, 31 07 .

Quo’éen, (p l. ) spake, 2993, 3267 .Quaw, h ow,

1 5 60 .

Quuad = biguad , ord ained , 64 .

Quuad , quoth , 1 02 1 .

Quuam , wh ich , 696 .

Quusn, wh en, 1 90, 206, 99 1 ,Quuanne, 231 1 .

Quua t, wh a t, 1 31 0 .Qanat - so- suers , 270 .

Quusn, queen, 296 .

Quuo, wh o, 1 003.

Quuor, wh ere, 2428 , 2430 , 2431 .

Quuow,h ow, 2732 .

Qwel guelc quile,wh ich , 1 70 .

Rad , h ,asty, 6 1 7 2730 , ex peditious,248 1 °

eager, 36 1 7 ; readily,quickly, 998 , 1 783. A.S . rd d ,ready, quick .

Boken, to scatter, 2 132 . Sw. raka .

Raken, to gath er,3324 . A.S .ra‘oan,to reach . Du. rd hen, to h andle .

Bane wrang was wrung(with pity), 1 6 5 8 .

ltanc, strong, 2 1 05 , 2 1 08 . A.8 .

m ac.

1 99

Ransaksn, to search , 2323. O .N .

ransa lca .

Ransakes, search est, 1 7 73.

Raped e, h astened , 1 22 1 . Du. rap ,

nim ble . O .N . rapa , to h asten.

Rapen, to h asten, 2376 .

Rape’6, (imp . ) h asten, 2349 .

Ra ’6e, quickly, soon, 1 784, 231 3,

3664 . A .S . hra ’ée.

Read , counsel, ad vice, 40 1 , 6 5 9Red , 1 222, 1 737, 2 5 47 , 3663

Reed , 3808 ; instruction, 1 5 1 52830 ; device, plan, 309, 3663405 9 , 4064 rem ed y, h elp2996 . A .S . raid , counsel, ad


Read s se, Red Sea , 26 70 .

E s ch ede, interpreted , 2 1 24 .

Bech en, to interpret, 2086 , 2 1 22 .

A .S. reccan, to ex plain.

Reclefa t, censor, 3782 .

Red d s , ad vised , 3436 .

d d cu, pl. ) consulted , 1 1 4 5 ;advised , 286 1 . See Read .

Red s, read , 34 .


d e

i: rod , 637, 640 , 1 25 8 .

Bed s, advise, 31 1 8 .

Bed en,to counsel, 1 5 34 . A .S .ra don,to counsel (pret . rld , p.p . ra don) .

Bedes, advisest, 2934 .

Redi, readily, 998 ; ready, 1 066 .

Redles, foolish ,wicked ,35 74 . A .S .ra dleae, rash .

Ref rife, loud , 3726 .

Reflac, robbery, 436 , 35 1 2 . A . S .red/lac, spoil, rapine .

Rein, rain, 326 5 , 3328 .

Rsin- bowe, rainbow, 637 .

Rake- fills , April, 1 48, 31 88 .

Bekelsfa t, censer,376 1 ,3880 . A.S .

récels, incense ; recele -feat, 1 1


Reklefa tes, censors, 3787 .

Rem, cry, outcry, 1 962 , 26 1 3;weeping, 38 5 8 . A. S . h ream .

R 1 1,story, d iscourse, 1 . A .8 . run.


Ben, swift, 32 1 8 .

course, race .

Rests, (ah . ) rest, 1 1 , 249, 2 5 2,

Resten, 400 .

Bestsde, (pref. rested , 25 7 .

Resten, to rest, 1 369 .

Ron, was grieved , 1 1 66 ; sor

Rew, rowed , 1 828 . A.S . hrea

wan, to rue, grieve (pret . hreaw)°

Reuli, sorrowful, m oum ful,Reulikc, 1 1 62 . A.S . hrcawlic ;

A . S . rune, ryne,

sorrowfully, 31 06 . A .S . hreowlice, m oum fully.

Beuen,berea ve, 2802 . A.S . redfian,to rob


Bew, bitter, 31 5 1 . A . S. hreaw,raw, fierce

Reweli, piteous, sorrowful,

s ili’ 1 968 , 2328 . SeeReuli.

w e,



ef,2339° it

s ’ée, 2608 .

gm ’p y’

Reyn, rain, 5 82 .

Rich s - like, rich ly, 2442 .

Rich ers , rich er, 1 280 , 3937 .

Rid e, road , way, course, 39 5 0 .

Rif,widelyknown,renowned , 232 ;wid e- spread , 1 25 2 . A.S . ryf,rife

, prevalent .Rigcsses, rush es, 25 95 . A .S . risce,f ire, a rush .

Bigt, righ t, justice, 5 2, 4 5 1 °

righ ts,37 1 4 ; righ tly, 88 5 , 1 5 65m od s, Wise , 1 270 .

Rigted , set righ t, 3427 .

Rigten, to righ ten, set righ t, decid e

,342 1

, 3423, 3426 . A . S .rih tan, to govern, rule, righ ten,correct .

Rigtwise,Bigtwish sd , righ teousness, 936


3740 .

Rim es, rh yme’

Rim - frost, rim e, h oar frost, 3328 .

A. S . rim -farst .Ringes, rings, 1 872, 2703.

Risen, to rise, 4039 .

Roch e, rock, 25 6 , 1 1 38 .


Rode, cross, 386, 388 . A . S . rdd .

Rake, reek, sm oke, 1 1 63. A . S .rose.

Ros, rose, 26 1 , 1 05 5 .

Rospen, to reap , dim inish , 2 1 32 .

Du. raspen, to grate.

Ro tcde, becam e rotten, 3342 .

Ru, rough , 1 5 39, 1 5 44 . A.S . rah .

Run, d iscourse, conversation, 99 1 .

A S rim

Sacles, with out strife, willingly.

9 1 6 . A .S . sacu, strife ; sac- h a s,with out contention.

Sacrsd c, sacrifi ced , 8 1 2 , 626 , 938 .

Sad , separa ted , divid ed , 5 8 , 1 1 6 ,266 , 1 7 84 . See Shad , set apart,208 ; sca t tered , 6 72 .

Safgte, an error for sagte, cure,h eal 470 .

Saft, a pole, 3899 . A .8 . watt,sooft, a sh aft pols .

Safte, m aking, work, 3628 ; creatures, 1 27 . A .S . sccaft, a crea

ture, crea ted , m ad e, form ed ,from scap au, to form .

Saftes, of form ,349 .

Sag, saw,

Sage, words , sayings, 4 1 5 3. A.S .

saga , a sawing, speech , saw.

Sagan, saying, 1 4 . See sa’6e- sagen.

A .S . sages , a saying.

Sagt, anerror for sag, 1 30 1 . It

m ay= sag + it

= sawit .Saken, sake, 1 392, 3731 .

Sal, sh all, 1 2, et p assim .

Sal= salt, slialt, 1 8 1 5 .

Salt, sh alt, 1 042, 1 043.

Salts , salt , 3280 .

Saltes, of salt , 1 1 31 .

Saltu, sh alt th ou, 1 04 1 , 1 8 1 3.

Sam e, sh am e, 234 , 302, 349, 35 1 .

Sam ed en, p l. ) assem bled , gath

ered , 434 . A .S . eamnian, toassem ble, collect .

Sam en, togeth er, 40 , 398, 41 2,31 45 .


Sel’6e, bliss ,luck, fortune, 1 34 1Sel’6h e, l [in] scl


, blissfully, 1 023. A .S .

M P6 , guwl’é,h appiness, felicity.

Sel’6h elike, successfully, 1 372 .

Bem elen to assem ble, 386 5 .

Sem elike,seem ly, 1 007 , 1 5 04 ,

Sem like,Sem es, loads, 1 36 5


Sem e’6 , (= cemec) 1 368, 2373,A . S . seam .

Sem et, seem eth , 2 1 69 .

Sen, (in/Z) to see, 279, 95 6 ; to

look, 394, 2664 ; appear, 1 923;to look after, take care of, 298 ,1 663, 2628 ; ch oose, take, 3723,3843.

Sen, (p l. ) see, 1 6 , 1 40 .

Sene,(pup seen, 74, 1 1 73.

Send e, (imp . send , 2820 .

Senden, to send , 1 683.

Sendet, sendeth , 1 4 1 2 .

Senked e sch enked e, poured out,322 . A .S . som e

, d rink ; wom an,to pour out, give to drink .

Sent= send eth , (imp . ) send , 2825 .

Senten, (p l. ) 1 970 , 1 973.

Senwe, sinews, 1 804, 1 80 5 . A .S .

cinewa .

Sep, sh eep, 1 337 .

Serf, (imp . ) serve, 1 68 5 .

Seri, sorry, 408 , 1 8 5 0 .

Som e, to serve, 1 7 1 5 .

Som e, sh ould serve, 38 1 6 .

Serued e, served , 1 692, 205 1 .

Sem en, serve, 4 1 26 .

Seruen, to serve, 5 , 1 670 , 1 694,3634 .

Sem en, to d eserve, 1 686 .

Seruise, service, 1 6 72, 1 7 1 4, 37 5 4 .

Set , m ad e, 5 62 .

Sete , sea t, 278 .

Sette, planted , 1 278 .

Setten, pl. ) set, placed , 2 5 98 .

88 1 5 , see'

th , 1 8 1 , 1 96 .


Se’6 , sod , 1 487 . boil,seeth (pret . m

’6 ; p .p . coda ) .Seue, seven, 489, 1 825 .

223223; seventh , 445 , 5 93, 6 1 1 .


Seuend ai= seuend dai, seventhday,

Seue nigt, se’nnigh t, a week,

Seuene nigt, 609 , 1 6 8 7 , 295 2 .

Seuenti, seventy, 706, 366 5 .

Sewed en, (pl. ) followed , 266 1 .

Sewen, seen(P), 1 1 9 5 .

six , 5 7 5 , 5 77, 5 78 .

Sex te , six th , 1 67 , 1 99 , 5 31 .

Sex tene,six teen, 1 90 7 .

Sex ti, six ty, 663, 1 47 5 .

Soy we, let us say, 4 1 62 ; tell.4 1 1 4 .

say, 1 445 , 35 6 1 .

Bge, sh e, 1 444, 1 447 , 1 698 .

Sh ad , separa ted, 1 48 . A .S . cwddan(pret. wood , p .p. to se

parate, d ivid e .

Sh auen, sh aved , 2 1 20 .

Sh e, 1 92 5 .

Sh ent, d estroyed , 7 5 4. A.S . cm

dan, to sh cnd , disgrace .

Sh eren, to rea p, 2347 .

Sh etten, shut, 1 0 78 .

1 97 1 .

Sh ifted e, ch anged , 1 732 .


33; (sh ield , 4 1 5 7, 25 25 .


Sh ire, m ake clear, 2036 ; pure,Schir

,sincere, 1 835 . A . S.

Scir, coir, cheer, pure, clean.

Sign, akin, 228, 25 03. A. S . cib.

Sibbe - blod , blood - relatives, 1 468 .

Sid , side .

Siden si’6 8n, since . See 8376071 .

Sigand e, sigh ing, 1 436 .

Sigh e sig’éh e, sigh t, 5 1 8 .

Sigh teles, blind , 1 5 28 .


Sigt , sigh t, 1 626 , 2774 .

Sig’éh e, sigh t , 335 , 360 .

Sik, sighing, 1 239 . A . S . sican, tosigh . Prov .E . cilia .

Siker, secure, safe, 869, 876 , 1 269 .

O .Fris . ailmr ; Gr. sicker.

Sikerlike,certainly, surely, 1 5 00 ;

with confid ence, boldly, 231 9 .

Sild en, to sh ield , 2 1 4, 1 788 .

Sinfulh ed, sinfulness, 1 80 .

Sile, an error for cu- sile, we solo,m isery, 2978 . A .S . 10 18 731 ,h appy

O pryde com es all h is m m”.

(Met . Hom . p.

Singe, sing, 34 .

Singed e, sinned , 4066 .

Singen, to sing, 27 .

Singen, to sin, 1 72, 1 1 88 . A .S .singian.

Siniged en, (p l. ) sinned , 220 5 .


,1 82

, 1 86 .

Sinnes, sin’s, 5 5 3.

Sinne- wod , sinm ad , 1 073.

Sir,sh eer, pure, 5 1 8 ,35 80 clearly,3045 . See Sh ire.

Sire’6 , enligh teneth , 327 . A . S .scir, clear ; scj rian, to divide.

Sitten, to sit

,279 .

Si’é , course,conduct, 274 . A . S .

896 , pa th , way. See Sali 3i’6 .

Si’6 9, tim e, 3093. A.S . 8i’6 .

Si’ée, since, 84, 262, 240 5 ; afSi’6 0n, terward s, 237 , 5 09 , 609,1 928 . A .S .

Si’6 0n siden, sid es, 1 295 .

Si’ées, tim es, 1 731 , 1 825 .

Skie, cloud , 3294, 3643.


’s, 3463.

Skige, sky, cloud , 325 5 .

Skil, 2rea son

,discretion,Wisdom ,


1 93, 203, 1 425 ;


’reasonably, 5 2 . O .N . akil.

Skipperes, locusts, 3087 .

Skiud en, (pl. ) sh ifted , ch anged ,1 989 . See Skyfte inGloss. to

Allit . Poem s.


Slagen, (p p ) slain. 5 09 , 5 9 1 .

Blecked e, slaked , satisfied , 1 230 .

A .S . skaoian, to slacken; Sw.

clocken, to slake ; ale/ca , to droop .

Slen,to slay, 2837 . A .S . sled”.

Slep, slept , 96 7 , 1 60 5 , 3466 .

Slepi, sleepy, 87 1 .

S1 0 , (imp ) slay, 1 939 , 35 05 . A . S .alea


n; O .E . (N11 ) 5 1a .

Slog, slew, 483, 3474, 408 1 ,Slug } 2668, 2685 , 39 1 3.

Sloge, (pl. ) slew, 3048 .

Slon, to slay, 1 328 , 1 7 5 2, 3729 .

Slo’6,slays, 3964 .

Sluge, would slay, 3976 .

Slugen, (p l. ) slew, 39 1 6 .

Sm aken, to scent, A .S .smwwan, to savour, taste .

Sm ale, sm all, 1 8, 6 5 6 , 2 1 07wordes sma lo,

easy word sspech e sm ak ,

’ flattery, 405 6 .

Sm ere,fatness, 1 5 73. A .S . 8m m ,

fat .

Sm ered , anointed , 24 5 4, 245 7 .

Sm erles , anointing, 245 4 . A . S .sm érols, ointm ent .

Sm eren,to anoint , 2442, 2448 .

A . S . em e’rian,to anoint .

Sm ette, sm ote, 2684 .

Sm it, sm iteth , 3970 .

Sm it , (imp ) sm ite, 3360 .

Smite, plague, 2990 .

Sm iten, to sm ite, 3867 , 4040 .

Sm iten, (p l. ) sm ote, 2 1 09 .

Smi’6,sm ith , workm an, 466 .

Sm ot, sm ote, 2925 , 2943.

Snake, serpent, 280 5 .

So, as, 1 5 , 5 7 , 331 , 332, atp auim .

Sod , sh od , 31 49 .

Softe, soft , m ild , 335 , 306 1 plea

sant, 20 5 7 , 24 1 2 ; lust, pleasure, 3647 .

Softere, (ad v. ) softer, 3874 .

Sogen, saw,35 22 ; seen, 278 5 .

Sogt, united , a t peace, 1 934, 2 1 6 1 .

A.S . sd h t .

Sogt, (p p ) sough t, 31 89 ; com e


near,31 30 ;

‘was sogt’= h ad

com e, 3707 .

Sogte, sough t , 682, 848 , 1 5 33;found , 1 947 .

Sogten, (p l. ) sough t, 1 08 1 .

Sold e, sold , 1 843; (pl. ) 1 95 5 .

Solstices, 1 5 0 .

Son, sh oes, 278 1 .

Son, sh one, 3293, 36 1 4 .

Send , sand , 27 1 8 , 3473.

Sond , sh am e, 27 1 4 . A . S . second .

Sond e, m essenger, 1 4 1 4, 231 3;m essage, 3931 . A .S . sand .

Sond e, d ish es, 2295 . A .S . sand .

Send er- m an,

m essenger, 1 4 1 0,

Sond ere- m an, 279 1 , 287 1 .

Send ers - m en, m essengers, 1 792,1 969 .

Sondes, m essengers, 1 007 , 1 0 1 4,

Sond es, m essenger’s,1 434 .

Sone, im m ed iately, soon, 329 , 343,979 ; quickly, 1 1 45 , 1 22 1 ; ‘sonoas,

’as soona s, 1 1 09 .

Sor, grievous, unpleasant ,1 76 5 ; grief, h eaviness, 5 1 2, 733,1 039 .

Sor, 1 048 , 1 239, 36 5 0 . A .S .sa



Sor, sore, 3027 .

Sore, sorrowfully, 1 1 66, 3223.

Soren sh om ,reaped , 1 9 1 9 .

Sorful, sorrowful, 2326 .

Serge, sorrow,6 8

, 302, 362, 5 1 2 .

A .S . cork.

Sorges, sorrow,360 , 7 78 .

Sori, distressed , h eavy, 974, 977,1 974, 35 20 ; wicked , 1 0 74 .

Sort , kind of, 7 1 2 ; lot, 1 1 86 .

Sorwe, sorrow, 1 79, 268 .

Sorwcs, sorrows, 3742 .

Sorwes, sorrow’s, 1 9 , 7 1 6 .

Soth , foolish , 36 85 , 3688 . A .S . sot,a fool.

So’6 , true,1 7 , 9 5 3, 1 032, 1 60 5 ,

So’6e, 2842, 3972 ; benso’6 ’=

be accom plish ed , 2 5 0 5 .

So’6 , truth , 74, 2034, 2038 , 209 1 ,So


2928 . A. S . truth ,true .

Sofi e- sagen, sooth - saw, true story,1 4 .


333313 soul’s, 498, 626 .

Sewen, saw,31 08 .

Sowen, to sow,2347 .

Sowles, souls, 2920 , 4 1 5 6 .

Spae, spake, 925 , 1 7 5 3, 1 7 5 8 .

Speeand e, speaking, 282 1 .

Spech e, speech , language , 66 5 .

Spech es, speech es, languages, 666 ,668 .

Sped , sp eed , success, 2 5 , 1 5 85

abund ance, 1 22 ; iwel sped ,m isfortune, 31 0 ;

‘insp ed ,’ ‘wi’5

sped ,’speedily, 935 , 1 083, 1 22 1 .

Sped , succeeded , fared , 331 4 .

Sped en, to prosper, succeed , 2303.

Sperd , fastened , enclosed , shut upim prisoned , 22, 5 64


Speken, to speak, 20 1 6, 2027 ,

Speren, to shut up, 2 1 94 . A.S .

sparran; O .H. sperm . SeeHam pole

’s P . of C.

,l. 3835 .

Spice - like,with spices, 2443, 25 1 5 ;

spices, 2247 .

Spices-ware, spicery, 1 95 2 .

Spien, to spy, 2 1 72 .

Spies, 2 1 69 , 2 1 74 .

Spile, ravage, 29 7 7, 3462 . A.S .

spillan, to spoil; spild , corruption, d estruction.

Spiled e, sca ttered , 31 83.

Spilen, to play, sport , live joyea sly, 2 5 32 . A.S . sp i .h an

Spirit, 203.

Spoken, spake, 29 1 3.

Spot , place, 3280 .

Spotted , spotted ones, 1 72 1 .

Spred , (p p ) spread , 6 5 0, 831 .

soul,486, 41 36 .


Strong, unpleasant, 20 5 7 .

Stmng[e], strong, 1 846,

Stronge, 37 1 3.

Stund , tim e, 4 1 ; 204 1 , 3277 ; a

m om ent, 2 1 09 , 2639 . A . S . astound , sh ort space of tim e .

Stund en, towa it, abide, 1 987,32 1 1 .

Stungen, stung, 390 1 .


239 12 }sh all, 303, 305 , 1 77 5 .

Sulde, sh ould , 1 72 , 1 7 5 , 1 94 .

Sulden, (p l. ) sh ould , 9 5 8, 1 326 .

Suld es,sh ould st, 3984 .

Sulen, (pl. ) sh all, 308, 31 6 , 31 8,335 8 .

Sa m , (sing) som e, 337 , 690 , 834,835 o

’6er sum ,

’6 86 .

Sum del, som ewh a t, 380 .

Sum ertid , sum m ertim e, 1 224 .

Sum m e, (p l. ) som e, 399 , 40 1

Sund er, diverse, 99 1 , 3808 ;‘m a

der blos,’

party coloured , 1 729 .

Sundren, to sepa ra te, 468 .

Sundri,separa te, apa rt, 393, 1 98 5 ,

235 4,24 1 4, 3239 ; d iverse,

1 798 ; several, 2 5 5 1 .


80 1 1 , 46 , 403, 1 65 6 .

SunedSunend ay,

Sund ay, 7 1 , 26 1 .

Sunen, sons, 2 1 7 5 , 2899 , 384 1 .

Sunen, to bear a 80 1 1,98 1 .

Sunen, to shun, 1 864 .

Sunes, sons, 5 29 , 5 40 , 1 25 1 .

Sunee, son’

s ; onsunes sted e,’ in

stea d of a 80 1 1,723, 1 984, 2629 ,

2637 .

Sungen, (p l. ) sang, 3288 .

Sunken, sunk, 7 5 4 ; (p l. )sank

,377 5 .

Sunne, sun, 1 32, 1 39 .

Sunnes, son’s, 1 43.

Sunne- set,sunset

,1 46 .

sojourn, 64,2696 ,


3308 .

Su’é , south , 829 .

Sufi en, south , 1 1 6 7 .

Suuen,sho ved , driven, 1 07 .

Swane, toiled , laboured , 20 1 4,287 7 ; travelled , 1 85 7 . See

Swinkm .

Swart , black

,286 . A.S . swcart .

warte,Swem , grievous, afflicting, 39 1

grieved , 1 96 1 .

Swep (lit . stroke, force), m eaning,2086 , 2 1 1 2 .

Swer, (imp ) swear, 3498 .

Sword , sword , 1 307 , 1 327 .

Sweren, (p l. ) swear, 1 964 .

Swerd es, of th e sword , 372 1 .

Swete, sweet,nice, 2 1 0 , 382, 1 484,3302 .

Sweuene, d ream ,224, 1 7 5 3. A .S .

Swid e swi’éo,quickly, 2726 .

Swike,unfaith ful, 2845 . A.S . 310 18 .

Swiked om , treach ery, d eceit, 2883.

Swile, such , 1 43, sucha s

, wh a tever, 3620 .

Swiriacie, quinsy, 1 1 88 .

Swine, toil, labour, 268 , 363, 2 5 5 4 ,

2 5 5 5 . A .S . swine.

Swine - h ire,labour-wages, wages ,

31 72 .

Swing= swinc, toil, labour, 5 66 .

Swinked,laboured , 40 1 8 .

Swinken, to labour, 37 78 . A . S .swincan, to toil (pret . swdnc,p .p . swanccn) .

Swinkes, labour’s, 1 7 5 .

Swi’ée, very, 334, 1 645 ; quickly1 009


- 1 086 , 1 5 37 . A S . swi’6swgfé , grea t, strong.

Swinlc swuilc swilc, such , 632 .

A . S . swulc.

Swogh , swoon, 484 .

Swolgen, (p p ) swallowed , 1 976 .

A.S . swolgon, smolyan, to swallow.

Swor, sware, 1 338 , 2483.

Sworon, (p p ) sworn, pledged ,

Swetes, of swea t, 364 . A .S . swd t .


Swunken, (p p ) fatigued , 1 6 5 6 .

See Swine.

Tabeles, tables, 35 35 .

Tabernacle, 31 74 .

Tac, (imp take, 1 287 , 3497 .

Tagt, (p p )taugh t , d irected ,3623,3746 .

Tagte, (pref ) taugh t, sh owed , 45 8 ,1 243, 1 95 4 .

Tagte, (adyi) assigned ,prom ised ,827 .

Tagten, (p l. ) taugh t, 1 096 .

Take, touch , 34 5 6 .

Takel, tackle, furniture,good s, 883.

Taken, to take, 1 31 8 , 1 340 , 3323.

Tale, speech , language, 45 0 ; tale,story, 32 1 . A. S . id l reckoning,num ber, 1 4 1 , 1 673, 289 1 , 4092 ;h eed

, account, 5 48 . A .S . ta l.

Tam e, quiet, 1 482 .

Tam eh ed ,quietness, d ocility, 1 48 5 .

Taune, (subj ) sh ould sh ow, 3424 .

Taunede, (p ret . ) sh owed , 636 , 7 5 7 ,

3444 .

Taunen, to sh ow, 1 022 , 1 290 . Du.


Taunet= taune it, sh ould sh owit ,3422 .

TawnedTawnede, } sh owed , 1 294, 4 1 1 8Tawnen, to sh ow,

2034 ; ex plainto, 2 1 28 .

Toch en, to teach , 2792 .

Ted ing, tend ing, care, 1 208 . A .S .liedrian, tydd rian, to nourish ,feed .

Teen= ten, to go, 1 344 . A .S . teento pull, go, lead (pret . sing. tech

pret . pl. tugon, p .p . togen) .To, th e, 27 5 6 .

Teg, went, 320 , 1 1 35 , 3644 . SeeTeen.

Teld , tent, 3769 . A.S . told .

Teld es, tents, 3442 .

Telled = telle’6 , telleth , 1 7 .

Tellen, to tell, 6 5 1 , 27 5 5 ; to

reckon, 87 ; recount, 497 .


Tellet, (imp ) tell it, 35 26 .

Tclle’é , tells, 4 1 4 .

Tem ple, 1 296 .

Ten, (inf.

) proceed , go, 934, 1 238

1 95 3; cad , 1 9 1 3; draw,300 5

send , 40 5 3. See Teen.

Ten, (pl. ) go, 8 5 6 , 32 1 0 .

Tende, tenth , 5 97 , 704, 31 4 1 .

Tene, sorrow, grief, aflliction,2992 . A.S . todne, reproach ;tedn, injury ; tow n, to anger,incense .

Ter, tar, pitch , 662 . A . S . tears .

Teres, tears, 364, 235 6 .

Teres, of tears, 2288 , 2342 .

Terred , tarred , 2 5 96 .

Teten, teats, brea sts , 3480 .

Tette, teat, pap, brea st, 262 1 .

A . S . tile, titte.

Tgeld = telt, tent, 2025 . See Told .

Tgelt, encam ped , pitch ed tents .

A .S . tea ld ian, to pitch a tent .Tgen, ten, 34 13, 34 1 8 .

Tgen, (inf. ) ten, to belong, 3824 .

See Teen.

Th annen, d eclare, sh own, 32 . See


Th en, ten, 3305 .

Th en= ten, go, 1 5 1 4 . See Teen.

Th o= to, two, 731 .

Th olen, suffer, 5 08 . A .S . pdlian,to suffer, bear, endure .

Tid , tim e, 5 9, 263, 1 5 07 . A . S .Tide, tid .

Tid i, ingood condition, beautiful,2 1 0 5 . O .Sw. tid ig, beautiful .

Cf. Sh akespeare’s use of tidy

plum p, well- conditioned .

Tidelike, soon, quickly, 27 5 2 . A.S .


£33525 m essage , 398,

Tim “,

40 7, 1 348 , 2907 .

Tidlike, quickly, 1 231 , 335 3. See


Tigel, tile, brick, 46 1 , 662, 2 5 5 2.

A. S . tigel.


Tigeles, bricks, 289 1 .

Tig’ée, tithe, tenth , 895 .



a .

Tig’68 8 , tith es, 1 628 .

Til, till, until, 8 5 , 25 4, 25 5 ; to,toward s, 879, 945 , 1 606 . O .N .

til, to .

Tile, prosperity, 1 5 1 9 . A .S . til,fit , good ; tilian, to h onour, to

get, obtain.

Tilen, to earn, 363. A .S . tilian.

Tiliere, tiller, 1 482

Tilled e, (pret ) cultlvatsd , 1 278 .

Tim ed, (p p ) prospered , 4024 .

Tim ede, (p ret . ) prospered , 3392 .

Tim en, to occur,h appen, befall,

1 763, 3820 . A .S . getim ian, toh appen, fall out .

Tim en, to prosper, 1 023, 40 1 0 .

Tim en, (p l. ) prosper, 236 1 .

Tim en, to teem , bring forth , 982 .

A . S . tim an, to teem .

Tim c’é, prospereth , 40 1 0 .

Tim ing, fortune, success, 1 1 94,Tim ings , i 40 1 6 ; welfare, 9 5 4 .

Tim ings = tim e gs, wait ye, 3762 .

Tim ings , sea son, opportunity, 31

circum stance, occurrence, 1 244

Tin,th ine, 926 .

Tines,losest, 35 1 8 . O .N . tyna ,to

loss .

Tiren tuen twen,3802 .

Tis, this, 334 .

To, two, 423, 26 5 3.

To- bar, falsely accused , 2 1 46 .

To - bollen, swollenwith prid e, 970 .

Too, took, 723, 937 ; took up,1 690 ; gave, 1 4 1 6 ; considered ,

Tockenes,tokens, signs, m iracles,

2860 .

To- dragen, to- draw, to tear inpieces, 1 9 1 .

To- ful inwis, fully, com pletely,25 2 1 .

A . S .



Tog= toe, took, 1 676 .

Tog (pret . of ten, to go) ,went, 607 .

See Teen.

Togen go) ,gone,3647 .

To -

gid er, togeth er, 1 898 , 235 2,To -

gid ere, 37 79 .

Tok, took (notice) , 945 .

Toke, (subj ) brough t, 1 5 31 .

Token, (p l. ) took, 2200 , 31 74 .

Token, sign, m iracle, 635 , 6 46 ,

Tokened e, betokened , 248 .

Tokenes, signs, m iracles , 28 1 3.

Tokenet ,Tokenc’6

, }betoksneth , 838 , 640 .

Toknes, signs, m iracles, 1 40, 1 5 3,2997 .

Tokning, token, m em orial, 1 624 .

To], tool, 469 ; tools, 883.

Told , (p p ) reckoned , 1 35 8, 29 1 2 .

Told s, (p p ) told , 1 403.

Tolden, (p l. ) told , 222 1 , 37 1 1 .

Ten, th e one (first ), 1 0 1 0 , 2 704 ;eld est , 2 1 96 .

To - sam en, togeth er, 2 1 09 .

S am en.

To - tersn, tear inpieces, 2089 .

To’6 , tooth , 4 1 48 .

To’6er, th e oth er (second ), 6 1 9 ,2724.

To’6ere, (pl. ) th e oth ers, 1 044,

2340 .

To -wis, truly, 3992 .

Treen, trees, 1 1 27 , 1 278 , 3305 .

Tregest , d isregard est, 397 5 . A . S .ge

- tregian; tregian, to disregard ,vex .

Trew, tree, 330 1 . A. S . troem .

Trowe, true, 720 . A .S . trem e.

Trewei’és , wi’6 trewei’6e,’ faith

fully, 2304 . A .S . treow’é , truth ,confidence.

Trowed , beh aved , 1 031, 2385 .

Trswid , A . S . treowian, to trust,believe .

Twewi’6 , believes, 2037 .

Trsw’Ge, truth , 245 8, 245 9 ; troth ,


D emth ere, 337 , 8 5 0 .

D er- fore, th erefore, 747

D er- in,th erein

,2068 .

D er- of, th ereof, 1 6 5 9 .

D er- on, th ereon, 1 778 .

D es, th is, 3987 .

D es, th ese, 94 1 , 1 643,2 1 99


196 86 . 3897 .

D esslf

D e- selhen,th yself) 934 .

D e’6en

, th ence, 6 5,208, 725 ,

1 236 . O N .

>6a "6an.

D euwe, custom ,1 382 . A . S . pedw,

m anner, h abit, beh aviour.

D ewe, courtesy, respect , 27 5 7 .

D ewed , beh aved , conducted , 1 9 1 4 .

D ewes, graces, virtues, 4 1 5 9 .

D gero=gere, h aste, 40 5 2 .

D h anc, th anks, 1 6 5 9 .

D h ausn, to tolerate , endure, 27 5 .

See D auen.

D h eg, th rove, 1 266, 27 79 . See

D h eh g, D eg, D en.

D h enken, to th ink, 393.

D h cnke’é , th inks, 2028 .

D h srknesse, d arkness, 31 02 .

D h ikke, th ick, 31 02 .

D h ing, th ings, 29 ,D h inge, 300 ; affairs,D ing,D h ingcs, th ings, 280 .

D h eg, th ough , 3978 .

D h ogsn, th rove , increased , 1 480 ,2 5 6 7 . See D en.

D h oled e, suffered , 7 78 . SeeD olede.

D h ogt , m ind , 2 1 6 7 ; anx iety, 2 1 1 1 ;th ough t , 1 029, 1 1 49 ; purpose,1 5 79 .

D h ogt, seem ed , appeared ,29 5 ,D h ogte, 31 9, 333, 407 , 436 ,D h owgte, 438, 49 1 ,D hugte, 1 849


,3260 .

D hute, A . S . Pine al: (pret .


D h owtes, th ough ts, 35 44 .


aze, th re, 5 5 , 1 5 2, 5 63.

d o,D h ridd e,

th ird . See D rida .

D h rowing, agony, suffering, 1 31 7 .

A . S . préwung, from préwian, tosuffer.

D hu, th ou, 362, 397 .

D und er, thund er, 1 1 0 8 ,

D unerg="6uner, 2900 . A . S .



D hiiir

-gé, th rough , 5 88 , 2 1 92 .

D husant , th ousand , 489, 5 77 ,D husent , i 6 5 4 .

Bid er, th ith er, 1 068, 1 366 , 1 402 ,D id ir, 1 844 .

gfie’ th ick, th ickly, 2988 .

D ig= thick,5 64 .


9 1



th ine,

D ing, affairs, 3378 .

D inken, to think, 234 .

D inke’6 , seem eth , 39 1 , 2403. SeeBlzogt .

D inke’6 , th inks, 2407 .

D is,

}th ese

,1 083

,2 1 25 , 2 1 31 ,

D isc, 2 5 27 .

D istem esse=eisternesse, pit, 1 942 .

D istem esse,d arkness, 5 8 . A . S .

Metre, d ark, peosternes, d arkness .

D it= "6 is,this, 1 233.

D o, th ose,30 0 , 87 5 2099 . A.S .pd .

D o,th e 1 303

,2 1 1 0 .

D 0,th en, 424, 7 1 7 .

D oa, th en, 840 .

D og, th ough , neverth eless, 4,

D ogs , 240 4,2908 ,

3807, 3808 .

D ogsn, (p l. ) th rove, flourish ed ,25 42 .

B ogt , t ,h ough t m ind , 1 5 5 8, 2298,i 20 1 3, purpose, intsution,. 1 672 ; anx iety, 1 433;


’ natura l affection, 225 4 .


Bogt ,D ogte iseem ed , 948, 20 1 5 .

D ogte, th ough t , 1 089 .

D ogteful, anx ious, 1 437 .

D ole,forbearance, 3496 .

D olcde,suffered , 1 1 80 .

D elen, (inf. ) suffer, 36 64 ; (imp )

345 7 ; (p l. ) 3445 . A . S . pélian,to sufl



, endure .

D oo= po, 31 35 .

D er, th ere

, 26 1 , 222, 279

D ore, i 2270 ; Wh ere, 438 , 7 5 7

1 5 20 .

D or- agen, opposed th ereto, 2797 ,D or-

gsn, 3730 .

D er- after, th erea fter, 1 46 .

D er- bi, th ereby, 1 45 8 , 2 1 06 .

D or- buten, th ereabout , 5 66 , 3625 .

D er- fore, th erefore, 1 2 1 5 .

D or- f

pg, th erefrom

,1 1 2

,2880 .

D or- in, th erein, 42, 746, 1 1 04,i 3634 .

D or- m id e, th erewith , 26 5 6 .

D or- m ong, th ere am ong, 326 5 .

D er- of, th ereof, 234, 329 .

D or- ofl’

en, th ereof, 2403.

1 98 464,

D or- onne,


D er-

quiles, Wh ilst, 5 74 .

D or- til, th ereto, 5 89, 237 1 ,D ore- to, 3824 .

D or-und er, th ereunder, 31 84 .

D or-uppe, th ereup, 1 609 .

D er- vten, th erea t , 3364 .

D er- With , th erewith , 379 .

D om es, th orns, 1 334 .

to’6er,oth er, 2762 .

D ragen= dragen, drawn, 3722.

D ral, th ral, sla ve, 288 1 .

D ra ld om, slavery, bondage, 2322 .

D ralles,slave

’s, 97 1 .

D rallss, slaves, 3720 .

D re, th ree, 647 , 1 008 .

D rea ted , th reatened , 4 1 25 .

D rs t, th reat, 202 1 .

21 1,

D rette , (p ret. ) th reatened , 2023,3729 .

D rid d e,

D fi d e’ }th rrd ,Brist .

-’6riste, (pret . p l. ) th rust,

2 1 1 0 .

D rist , th irst , 977 , 335 4 .

D rittid e, th irtieth , 331 1 .

D rosing, ch aos, 43. A . S . prosm ,

ch aos, h eap, sm oke .

D rowed e, suffered , 1 1 80 . SecD ro


D u, th ou, 363, 1 084 .

Dugte, seem ed , 1 099 .

D und = gnlld , over, above .

th rough , 1 9 5 , 377 , 2 1 92 .

Durg- vt , th rough out, 3704 .

Durts , need , 234 . A .S . pea rfan,to need , beh ove (pret . porfte) .


38 }th ousand , 5 27, 34 1 1 .

Dusse, thus , 308 .

Dwert , obstina te, contrary, 3099 .

Dwerted , thwarted , 1 324 . A .S .pweor, inver, froward , cross


thwart .

Ugging, fear, d read , 9 5 0 , 2826 .

O .N . ugga , to terrify. SeeHam

polo’s P . of C . , 11 . 641 9, 6683.

Uglike, ugly, h orrible, 280 5 .

Unach teled , untold , 796 . A .S . och t,value

,estim ation. O .E . a htle,

to estim ate, endeavour.

Vn- bente, unbent, 483.

a iwsn, unbelief, 3777 . SeeWenen, Wen.

Unbond , unbound , opened , 2223.

a uxum h ed , d isobedience, 345h elplessness, unlith esom enessrigid ity, 346 . See 3m m .

Unc, us two, 1 7 76 . A.S, one.

Vncircum cis,uncircum cised , 284 1 .

Unclene, unclean, 1 867 .

Vnd ed e, undid , opened , 5 8 1 ,397 1 ;rem oved , 295 5 , 30 1 4 .


Vndon, undone, opened , 385Under- d on, subdue, 404 1Under- fong, received , 480 .

Vnd er- fon, receive, 1 679 . A . S .under-fen, to take (prot . underfm s) .


gon, d ecelve, 1 1 47 take

up, 1 1 60 .

Vnd er- leiden, supported , 3388 .

Va d er- lot, und er- lay, lay under,31 88 . A.S . ”sta rs, to stoop, lie

a t th e bottom (prot . led t) .Vnder-nam

,perceived , 1 5 5 3; questioned , 2728 . A . S . under-nim an,to com preh end , take.

Vnder-num on, taken unawares,surprised , 2 1 35 , 322 1 .

Yuder- stod , bore, 1 467 accepted ,received , 2393, 3434 ; und erstood , 22 1 0 , 227 5 .

Vnd on, undone, opened , 603; rom ovod

,3902 .

Vnd on, to ex plain, 2 1 1 4 .

Vndren undern, th e tim e ex tending from nine to twelve inth em orning, 2269 . A .S . undern.

Vndrinclsd , undrowned , 3280 .

O .E . drinkle, to drown.

Alle dm kkd th orgh folio.

— (Robt . of Brunne, p.


e, uneasy, disturbed , 3924 .

Vnend sd e, everlasting, 35 1 8 .

Vne’ées, with d ifficulty, scarcely,234 1 . A . S . uned ’ée.

Vn- fer, d isea sed , 28 1 0 . See Fer.

a ram e, disadvantage, 1 5 6 6 ; sorrow,

3037 . A .S . wafreme.

Vn- fram en, displea se, 1 2 13.

a rigt , fearless, bold , 37 1 3.

Vngore ungare, unex pectedly,3047 . A . S . tin-

yearn, un-


pared , sudd snz'

Vnh ilsd en, uncovered , 2976 .

Vnhillon, disclose, 1 9 1 2 . A .S . unhélan, tounh ele, reveal,uncover.

Vnkinde, unnatural, 449, 1 1 1 3,2302 .

Vn wrong, 1 762 . A . .S nalagu, wrong, in]ustico.

a if, for anlik, unlike, 206 .

a if, unleavened , 31 5 3.

Vn- like onlihe, alike, 1 726 .

Vn- m ad , unfinish ed , 6 7 1 .

Vn- m i’ée, anger, 3973, from O .E .

O . E . m i’ée, quiet . A . S . my’égian, to sooth , quiet . Vn- m ih



m ay signify truth , from A.S .

m i’6an, to h id e, dissem ble .

Vn- red , sin, 1 906 . A .S . unread .

Vnrsken, slow, unready, 28 1 7 ,See Reken.

Vn- rigt , wrong, 1 276 .

Vnrigtwis, unrigh teous, 20 1 4 .

Vnseli, wicked , wretch ed , 1 073,231 5 . A .S . m a lty.

Vnsel’éeh o, m isfortune, m isery,Vnsel’éo, 231 6 . A . S . un


Vnsens, unseen, secret, 28 78 .

Vnskil, sin, folly, 35 06 . See Shil.Vnslagen, unslain, 1 332 .

Vn- spored , undid , spoilt, 25 . SeeSperd .

Vnstekon, d isclose, 2828 . SeeGloss . to Allit . Poem s, s . v .

S telce.

Vnswac, displeasing, offensive,1 2 1 2 .

Vntim ing, m isfortune, 1 1 80 .

Vntuderi,barren, 964 . SeeTudered .

Vn’éewed , ex traordinary, 25 5 5 .

See D euwe.

V‘nwardo, unwarned , unawares,Vnwam do, 480 , 2682 .

Vnwelde, unwieldy, 347 . See

Vnwed er,storm ,

30 5 8 . A.S . nuweder.

Vp, upon, 2320 .

Vp- dragen, d estroyed , 1 85 8 .


gon, (pl. ) ascend , 1 608 ; (p p )departed , gone, 308 1 .

Vp- roked , up- reekod , 346 5 .

Vp- rigt, uprigh t, 3248 .

21 4

Wam ed o, warned , 1 09 1 .Warnen, to warn, 1 5 8 1 .Warp, (pret . of worp en) th rew,

2640 , 2804 .Wassen, to wash , 1 1 1 6, 229 1 ; tobe wash ed , 2442 .

Waspeno wasteme, form ,1 9 1 0 .

A . S . wres tm , growth , form .Water,lake, 749, 1 1 25 .Waterss, water

s,638 .Waterss, waters, 5 92, 25 94 .Wa terss - springe, water- spring,

5 8 1 .Water-

gong, water- outlet , 662 .

Watrs s, water

’s, 5 98, 638, 1 246,

1 380 .

Watrss, waters, 1 08, 1 1 7 .

$ 322; to water, 1 648, 2745 .

Wattred e, wa tered , 27 5 1 .

Wa 5 qua 5 ,spake, 1 666 .Wax en, grow, increase

,1 1 28 ,

2 5 48 .

Wax sn, (p p ) increased , 831 fullgrown, 2060 .Wech -d ed o,watchWech es, vigil

’s,246 7 .Wed d e, h ostage, pledge, 2 1 98 .

A.S . wed , pledge (d a t . wed de) .Wed d en, to m arry, 1 090 .Wed ding, m arriage, 1 428 .

Wed s , garm ent, 1 972 . A .S . amid ,a garm ent .Wod en, garm ents, 2368 .

Wed er,weath sr, storm ,30 5 5 ,305 9 .

Wei, way, 1 1 00, 1 228, 1 429,Weie

,1 435 .Weigo, way, 1 6 1 4, 268 1 .


Weigos, ways, 3240 , 3244 .

Weilawei, alas ! 2088 .Weis, wash ed , 2289 .Woken=wrelton, taken, 3282 .

Wol, Well, 229 , 1 5 2 1 , 1 5 4 1 .

Welcum e, welcom e, 1 830 .

Welcum ed e, Welcom ed,1 396 .

Weldon, to rule, 2 1 43,34 1 8 ; take,

A . S.


enjoy, 9 1 6 °

, possess, 3738 . A .S .

wea ldan, to rule, direct, possess .

Weld on, (p l. ex ercise, 5 0 .Weld s 5,influence

,274 .

Woled os=wel5 es, wealth’s, 748 .Weli,blissfully,prosperously,25 28 .

A .S . melig, rich , bountiful.

Welked e, with ered , 2 1 0 7 . A . S .wealwian; Ger. wel/con, to fad e .Welken, p l. ) elapsed , 5 68 . A .S .

wea lean, to revolve (prst . weole) .Wellen, well, 27 5 6 .Welles, wells, 330 6 .Wells - spring, well- sspring, 1 243.Welle- springes,well- springs, 3304 .Welt, ex ercises, 5 4 . See Walden.Welte, ruled , 337 1 .

Weltsn, pl. ) wield ed , 5 32 ; ruledover

, governed , 840 .Wol5 e,Wel5 h e, 1 404,1 5 5 0 , 2374 .

Wel5 os-waro, wealth , property,929 . Cf. Sp ices

-ware, etc.

Wen,belief, 73 d oubt, 327 1 .

A. S . wén, h ops , Weening.

Wen wenen, believe, 3809 . A..S .

wénan, to ween, th ink .Wend , (imp ) turn, 35 1 0 .Wend e=weened , th ough t , 477, 869,

Wende (we) , let us turn, 3267 .Wend ed , agsn, turned back ,Wende, 979 , 1 904 .Wend en, th ough t,Woned en, believed , 869, 1 1 4 1 ,325 8 .Wend en, (inf. ) 606, 692, 884


405 7 , 406 1 . A.S . wenden, turn,ch ange.Wend en- ogen, return, 1 1 5 9 , 37 1 93724 . A .S .wenden(prot .wende)to turnf proceed , go .Wend en, (p l ) wesned , 869 .Weno

’, th ink,ween,

35 2 .Wonsu (p l. ) th ink, 38 1 2 . A . S .wenan.


Went, course, 1 36 . A .S . wend , a

turn.Went , (p p ) ch anged , 7 5 3; gone,1 429

, 220 1 turned,32 1

, 2896 .


snte, turned , 32 1 , 1 1 2 1 , 39 5 0 ,

39 5 1 rem oved,1 649 ; took

away, sna tch ed,26 1 3; went ,

1 1 0 7 .


ent agen, returned , 606 , 985 ,1 048 , 1 343, 1 35 8 ; (sub/Z) sh ouldreturn

, 1 09 7 .

\Vente - agon, turned back, 1 1 1 9 .

VVcnten, p l. ) went, 5 33,623

turned , ch anged , 1 1 49, 1 96 7returned , 2 200 .

Wep, weeping, 2328, 3888 . A .S .wop

WVep, wept , 4 1 49 . A . S . wép an, toweep (pret . wedp ; p .p . wépen) .

Wepen,wsapon, 3283. A .S .wtep en.

\Veph , web, 4096 .

Worch en, to work , 3220 . I t m ay= wrech en, to avenge .

Werd es= werldes, world s, 32 .Were, protector, 2680 . See W


eren.Were,m an

, 3977 ; h usband , 1 5 87 .

A .S . wer.Were,war

,1 788 .


ered en, saved , protected , 25 78 .

See Weren.Weren, were, 377 , 5 70 , 1 468Weren, annoy, 2898 . A . S .wércan,

to weary.Weren, to d efend , protect, 8 5 1 ,

1 272, 1 794, 1 8 1 7 , 2083, 2090,2 5 64, 37 1 4 ; spare, 1 043. A . S .werian, protect, h ind er.

Weres, m an’s,5 32 .Werger, d efend er, guardian, 926 .

A S . weryan, to d efend .Weri, weary, 9 7 5 , 1 493.

\Verk= wreh , plague, 3902 . See

Wrake, Wrech .Werken wroken, to take ven

geance, 2799 . See Wrake,Wreeh .Werken, pl. ) work, 8 5 0 .

21 5

world , 38, 42, 60 .

Werld s , world’s 1 31 8, 1 5 94 .

VVerld cs, world s, 48 , 1 02, 1 42,

Wel°l5 e

, world , 90 1 .Werne , d eny, 2797 . A .S . wyrnan,to d eny, forbid .Wowed , 31 7 1 .

Wem ed e, forbad , 2966 , 3000 .

Wem eden, pl. ) denied , 220 7 .

Werp, (imp ) th row, ca st , 2803.Worpen, to throw, cast, 335 8 ,3794 . A. S . weorp an, to th row,

cast (prot . wea rp ; p .p. worp en) .“'

erre, worse, 39 5 1 .

W'erren, were, 1 089 .

\Vesteu, west , 3096 , 39 1 5 .We5 er, weth er, 3998 .


ex,increa sed , grew,

273, 5 84,5 8 5 , 1 1 1 8 , 1 288, 3749 . See

s were, (pl. ) grew,1 9 1 7 .Wex e, sh ould increa se , 5 5 4 .

Wex en, p l. ) grew h igh er, 5 99°

increased, grew,

2 1 04, 2 5 02

2 5 42 .

Wex cm, forwox en,grew, increased ,

1 9 1 5 .

Wi, war, 1 8 5 4, 3220 . A .S . wig,wih , war.

\Vieh es, (m . )witch es, 29 1 9 , 2927 .

“licks, wicked , 1 0 72, 395 2 .

Wid , anerror for m 5 , with , 79 ,

Wid , (ad/Z) wide, 60 , 5 6 5 ; (adv. )1 2 5 6 .

Wid - h eld - h 6 1d , With h eld ,9 1 4, 30 1 9

Wid - bin, wi5 - in,wi5 - innen,Wid - innon,i with in, 5 5 5 , 640 ,1 35 2 .

Wid -uten w1'

5 -uten, outwardly,3828 .Wid e, widely, 6 72, 831 .

Wif, wife, 231 , 36 7 .Wifes, Wife’

s,5 30 .

21 6

Wifes, wives, 4 5 3, 5 5 9, 624,

Wifwes, 8 5 7 .

Wif- kinnes, wom an- kind , 1 1 77 .

Wifuedo, wived , m arried , 1 5 88 .

Wigt, brave, 863. SW . rig .

\Vigte, war (P), or sh arpness469 .

Wigto, weigh t , 439 . A.S . wih t .Wikke, wicked , 35 74 .

Wil, will, 1 94 .

“Til, h om eless, a stray, 97 5 . SeeGloss . to Allit . Poem s,s .v.Wyl.

Wil, blindness, 1 079 .Wild e

,lascivious, 20 1 3 wild , 1 69,

1 78 .Wile, Wh ile, 37 1 .Wile, Will, 1 9 1 , 277, 1 31 8 .

A .S . willan.Wile, d esires, likes, 206 , 2020 .

A .S . wilian.Wilen, p l. )will, 2304, 2 5 31 3723.Wim m en,wom an

, 374, 37 5 . A.S .wi/m an, wimm an.

Wim m anes, wom an’s, 1 426 .Wim m en, wom en, 5 32, 6 5 3, 25 70 .

Win, wine, 229 5 .

Win, strife, 347 , 40 5 5 ; force, 5 98 .

A .S . win, contention.Wind en, to ensh roud , 2448 .

Wind ogs , wind ow,602 .Wines

, wine’s, 894, 1 5 42 .

Wingrapo, bunch of grapes, 37 1 0 .

Winter, (p l. ) years, 5 67 , 9 1 9 .

Wintre, vine, 20 5 9 . A .S .wintreow.

\Vintres, winters, years, 1 2 1 1 .Wird , troop, h ost , 1 786 , 1 790 ,Wir5 , 4 1 40 . A .S.wered , m ale


h ost,arm y.

Wirm , reptile, 1 78 ; serpent,Wirm e, 32 1,2925 , 3898 . A . S .

wyrm .

Wirm ed e, bred worm s, 3342 .

Wirm ss, reptiles, 2982 .

Wis, wise, 1 00 , 280 , 462, 8 1 7 .Wisd om , Wisd om , 35 .Wise, pl. ) wise, 331 .Wise,m anner, 296 1 .


Wislike, wisely, 4 5 , 1 09 1 ; withWisd om ,

5 20 ; properly, 3630 .Wisse5 ', teach eth , sh eweth , 2 .

A . S . wissian, to instruct, sh ow.

Wists , know, 779 , 90 1 , 98 1 , 982,1 1 5 4

,1 31 0 . See Wot .Wiston, (p l. ) know, 768, 22 1 7 ,

384 1 .Wiston, wish ed , 80 1 , 1 060 .

Wistom , Wisd om , 462 .

Wit, forwilt, wilt, 1 084 .

Wit, we two, 1 7 7 5 . A. S . wit .Wit , wisd om , 460 , 900 . A . S. wit.Wit, with , 5 3.Wite, (p l. learn, know,

390 .

Wits , (eh ) blam e, 2035 . A.S .

witan, to blam e .Witen, to know,328 m ake known,

1 302 ; to learn,28 5 1 , 3928 .

See Wot.Witen, p l. ) know, 74, 5 23.

Witent=witen, to know, 330 .


Witsnesse,5 07’ 1 778’

Wittenesse,Witter, Wise, skilful, 1 68, 4 5 6 ,Wittere, } 1 9 1 0 , 2330, 3824 ;true

, 2903; cognisant, 1 308 .

Witterh ed , Wisd om , 3667 .

Witterlike, surely, truly, indeed ,7 69 , 79 1 , 1 322, 2320, 2425 .

D a . viterrl1g, known, m anifest .

Wis , of, 432 ; in, 1 083, 1 668,

Wi5 - dragen, With - drawn,3983.

Wi5 - d rog, with - drew,5 99, 3803.

glf ' em’ with h eld , 1 1 78,2033,1 5 - h eld , 3927

Wi5 - h el5 ,

Wi5 er, h ostile, 3386 . A .S . wi5 'erian, to oppose .

Wi5 srward , cruel, severe, 2935 .

A.S . wi5 er-weard, contrary, t o

bellious .

stoodWi5 - stod , opposed , 2649 ;still

, tarried , 3848 .

5 98,

2 1 8 oLossuuALnm s x .

Wroken, taken, 31 48 .

Wrosteled e, wrestled , 1 803.Wro5 e, wra th , 482 ,3793,3883.Wro5 5 e, i A .S . wrw5 o, wra th .

Wre5 ed =wre5 e5 , is angry, 1 5 84 .

A .S . wre 5 ian, to be angry.

Wrigtful, guilty, 2204 . A .S .wrdh t ; D a . rggte, a crim e .

Wrigtelssliks , guiltlessly, 2076 .

A . S . wrdh tlie, accusing.

Wrim , reptile, 1 69 , 1 87 , 299 . A.S .wyrm , a worm ,

reptile, serpent .Wrim - kin

,serpents, 389 5 .Writ

, 1 974 .

Wri5 el,h erbs from Du. wor

tel, an h erb, 31 5 3. Th e A . S .wri5 els

,a band , fillet , cover, d oes

not h elp us to ex plainth is sa

tisfa ctorily. Is wri5 elwrittenfor wrix el, ch ange, alterna tion,course ?Wroots

,hurt , 230 . A .S . wre’ean,

to afflict . Wroete is th e pret .

of werken wroken, to hurt .

Cf. wirm and wrim ,work and

wrelc, etc.

Wrogt , wrough t , did , m ad e, 40

Wrogte, 6 1 , 249, d one, 1 1 5 0bestowed , 1 8 1 2 .

Wrogtcn, (p l. wrough t , struggled ,1 470 ; did , 5 29 , 5 47, 4089 .Wroken, turned , 31 93. A .S . wrécan, to banish , pour out, (pret .wrote ; p .p . wrocen) .Wrong, squeezed

,2064 . A . S .

wringan (pret . wrang ; p .p .

wrangen) to wring, press .

Wrot ,wrote , 462 , 5 23, 2 5 24, 2 5 27 .

Wrout , wrough t, 1 5 6 .

Wro5 , angry, 1 2 1 5 , 1 735 . A . S .wrd 5 .

Wro5 =wor5 , becam e, 30 1 3.

Wud o, Word , 476,1 306 . A S .

wa de, wa d s .

Wud ss, wood s, 473.

Wa kes, weeks, 2473. A . S . wuee,

wuea .

Wulde, would , 2 1 4, 846, 1 1 9 5 ,2430 .

Wuld on, (p l. ) would , 1 07 1 , 1 07 5 ,3324 .

Wuldot, would it , 969 .

Wund ed , wound ed , 85 3. A. S .wundian, to wound .Wund en, enclose

,25 97 . LS .

windan.Wund er,sin, m isch ief, 69 , 35 88 ,

39 7 7 . S .Sax . wnnd re, m isch ief.Wund orlike, wond erfully, 5 8 5 .


une, custom ,494, 97 1 ,

1 839, 1 88 1 , 1 808 , 38 5 7 ; Wise,

m anner,969 , 1 345 , 1 405 , 1 65 2 ;

practices, 6 76 ; abilities, 1 9 1 0 ;

privilege, 1 5 0 1 . A S . wane,practice, custom .Wune, abod e, 5 1 3, 3370 . SeeWanon.Wune , wont , 1 5 04, 1 5 30, 2066 .

2080 .Wuns , to dwell, 7 85 .Wuno, p l. ) dwell, 1 1 5 6 , 1 2 5 4 .

Wuno= wunede, dwelt , 1 842 .

Wuned, abode, dwelt , 789, 8 1 1 ,

Wuned e, 1 249 ,

1 282 .

Wunsd on, p l. ) dwelt, 31 22, 3845 .

Wunen, to dwell, 306 , 36 7 , 404,

406 . A .S . wnnian, to dwell,

inh abit .Wanon, pl. ) dwell, 300, 332 , 932,

Wunen, custom ,

fash ion,688 wise,

1 65 5 laws, 31 37 ; abilities,

3482 .

Wunen, accustom ed

, 2900, 3289 .Wanes, abod es, 1 480 .Wanes, custom s

,usages, 2293;

practices, 5 39 ; privileges, 1 49 5 .Wuno5 ,dwells, 46 5 , 24 1 0 .

Wuniend e,dwelling, 2742 .

_Wurd , word , 736 .

Wurd = wur5 , becam e, 995 , 1 1 97 .

Wurd es, word s, 28 1 8 , 3726 .



Wursips, Worsh ip, h onour, 275 7 .

A . S . wur5 - scip e.

Wursiped , h onoured , 5 1 1 .

\Vurt, root , 1 1 9 . A .S . wart .

Wur5 8 ,‘wel well worth !

1 5 5 . Cf. ‘W oo worth th e d ay,’


Wur5 , becam e,5 7 , 272, 283,


Wur5 e,

284, 5 98 , 634, 6 7 7 ,

72 1 , 993, 999,1 1 7 5 , 1 462,

1 494,31 96 ; sh all be, 1 5 64, 1 943

205 7 , 205 8 , 2074, 22 1 8 ; let be


Wur5 e=wur5 ede, h onoured , 1 826 .

Wur5 ed e, becam e,1 5 28 , 20 1 1 .

Wur5 8 d , h onoured,1 0 1 2

, 1 629,VVur5 ed e

,1 84 5

,1 924 .

Wur5 ed en, p l. ) h onoured , 1 922 .

Wur5 ed en, (pl. ) becam e,2946 .

Wur5 eliko, h onourably, worth ily,1 5 1 8 , 2760 . A .S . wyr5 - lie,wur’Slie

, worth y.

Ivur5 - en, pl. ) becam e, 286 , 667 ,831 , 205 0 , 2297 ; (sbj ip t ) 35 5 9 ,372 1 .

Wur5 sd , to be, becom e,ex ist , 4 1 ,

3928 . A . S . weor5 an, wur5 an,

21 9

to becom e, to be, h appen(pret .

wea r5 p .p . geworden) .Wur5 en, h onour, 2463. A.S .wur5 ian, wyr5 ian, to h onour.

Wup5 - ful, h onourable, 2678 . A . S .wyr5 -full, h onourable .

Wur5 fulh ed , h onour, 3499 .Wur5 i,worth y, 1 0 1 2, 1 5 0 1 , 37 5 3.Wur5 ing, h onour, respect , 33

Wur5 inge, 1 33, 1 5 5 0

1 774, 2 1 40 , 3787 . A.S . wur5 i


ng, h onour.

Ybiried , 2 5 20 .

Yd sles,id ols, 1 87 1 .

Yd ola trio, 69 5 .

Ym ong, am ong, 34 1 9 .

Ynog, enough , 36 70 .

Yung, enough , 2 1 5 6 .

Y- oten, called , 24 1 6 . See E aten.

Yrs , iron, 245 2 .


,99 .

Yses, ics’s,9 7 .

Yuol, wicked , h ad , 1 074, 1 1 86 .

Ywel, evil, h arm , 788 ; sickness,7 88 .

Ywis, certainly, truly indeed , 1 5 9A.S . gewte.


Aaraon, 3063, 3082, 3379 , 3387 ,3489 , 35 40 , 35 43, 35 48 , 3833,37 5 0 , 378 5 , 3799, 3837 , 3864,3884, 3890 .

Abel, 4 1 9 , 426 , 430 , 92 1 .

Abim alsch , 1 1 72,1 1 7 5 , 1 1 89,

1 287 , 1 5 25 .

Ah irou, 37 5 7 , 3766 .

Abrah am =Am ram , 25 88 .

Abra h am , 995 , 99 8 , 1 006 , 1 008,1 009

,1 0 1 9

,1 028 , 1 031 , 1 038 ,

1 0 47,1 1 6 1 , 1 1 84, 1 1 89 , 1 1 96 ,

1 209 , 1 2 1 7 , 1 267 , 1 274 , 1 27 7 ,1 28 5 , 1 299, 1 307 , 1 31 3, 1 323,1 327 , 1 331 , 1337 , 1 347 , 1 35 5 ,1 35 9 , 1 386 , 1 403, 1 44 5 , 1 448 ,1 464, 1 477 , 1 6 1 2, 2426 , 3202,3477 , 3479 .

Abram ,

}708 , 7 1 0 , 720 , 72 1 ,

Habram , 727 , 730 , 734, 736 ,737 , 740 , 74 1 , 7 5 5 , 7 5 7 , 7 5 9 ,762, 773, 780 , 78 1 , 798 , 809 ,8 1 1

,8 1 8 , 822 , 824, 82 5 , 862,

8 70 , 872, 8 78 , 880 , 888 , 892,897 , 898 , 9 1 3, 920 , 92 5 , 935 ,948

,98 1 , 9 6 5 , 988, 988 , 988,

99 5 , 35 64 .

Ad am , 86 , 1 99 , 231 , 238 , 292,296

,35 3, 35 8 , 390 , 397 , 4 1 0 ,

4 1 2,422, 424, 428 , 429, 442 ,

44 5 , 493, 498, 5 02, 5 4 1 , 8 1 8,

Ad am s , 838 .

Ad d a , 45 5 .

Adonoy, 2902 .

Agar, 96 5 , 970, 973, 1 223, 1 249,

Ai, 760, 800 .

Am alee, 3369, 3384,339 1 ,

Am alech , 3395 .

Am on,1 1 5 7 .

Am onit, 1 1 5 8 .

onaph is,Monoph is

25 43,25 69 .

Am ram s,347 2 .

Am orrsos, 39 1 1 .

Anel, 82 1 , 86 5 .

Am bie, 1 2 5 4, 3322, 3879 .

Arabit, 1 203,Aram , 727 , 735 , 1 5 99 .

Archim , 388 1 .

Arfa x a th , 70 1 .

Arm enia,5 9 5 .

Am on, 39 1 4 .

Assaroth , 368 7 .

Babel, 67 1 .

Bal, 69 1 .

Bala,838 .

gala , 1 894

,alaam ,

Balaa c, 39 1 9, 3937 , 394 1 , 3989 ,399 5

,3999 , 40 1 1 .

Bala am ,1 35 4, 3922, 3927 , 3939 ,

395 7 , 3962, 397 5 , 3985 , 3989 .

Balim , 690 .

Basa an, 39 1 6 .

Batuel,1 376 , 1 384, 1 38 5 .

Bel, 689, 69 1 .

Beland,690 .

222 mnnx or NAME S .

Eth iops, 287 5 .

E th iopien, 2667 , 2689 .Eufrate, 1 2 5 5 .

Eue, 86,

31 7,E ua , 4 1 0

,4 1 2

, 4 1 6, 41 8, 422

E x col, 82 1 , 86 5 .Ex odus, 2 5 38 .

Faga , 40 1 3.

Fegor, 4031 .

Faraon. See Pha rao .

Pasga , 4 1 29 .

Pinces, 407 9 .

Galaad,G1 11 5 5 6 } 1 744, 1 780 , 1 95 1 .

Genesis, 4 1 4, 25 22 .

Geraris , 1 1 6 7 , 1 432, 1 5 1 6 .

I annes,295 9.

Iaph et, 5 5 8 .

Iareth , 499 , 3908 .

Ih esus, 8 5 , 25 4, 260, 386 , 388,Iesus, 5 07 .

Ierusa lem , 890, 3904 .

Ierich Q,39 1 8 .

Ietro, 274 1 , 2833, 3399, 340 1 ,3435 .

Iewes,5 06 .

Ih esum (Joshua ), 337 5 .

Iobal,45 5 , 45 9 .

Ioseph , 1 7 5 7 , 1 907 , 1 931 , 1 95 5 ,1 96 1 , 1 996, 2002, 2008, 2009 ,20 1 2 , 20 1 6 , 2031 , 2038 , 205 1 ,2067, 2085 , 2092, 2093, 2 1 1 7 ,2 1 1 9 , 2 1 24, 2 1 39, 2 1 47, 2 1 5 4,2 1 62

,2 1 67 , 2 1 9 1 , 2 1 98, 22 1 0 ,

22 1 1 , 22 1 2, 2229, 225 3, 22 5 7 ,Gerlon, 2766 .

Gersen, 235 3, 2364, 2396 , 241 4,2709, 3006, 30 5 1 , 31 2 1 .

2283, 2298, 231 0 , 231 2, 2329,2343, 2360 , 236 1 , 2367 , 2382,2393, 242 1 , 2433, 2489, 31 82,

Gibi, 826 .

Gom or, 3333.

Gom orra , 839 .

Ham ones,2641 .

Iosephus, 1 28 1 .

Iosu, 35 68 , 35 7 1 , 3725 , 3739,Iosne, 4095

,4 1 09

,4 1 1 6 .

Iraab, 442 .

Heber, 702 . Israel, 238 1 , 2384, 32 1 4, 3245

E ur (Ur) , 725 . 3268 , 3373, 3376 , 338 1 , 3406E ur, 3379 . 3449 , 40 1 4, 4023, 4048, 4066

Bus, 1 35 0 . 4 1 49 .

Issa, 233.


vans, l1 696, 1 949, 1 9 5 4, 325 2 .

Iurd an,}806 , 868, 1 799, 2333,

Iaboch , 337 1 .

Iabok, 39 1 4 .

Iacabe’é , 25 89, 2623.

Iacob, 820 , 1 473, 1 482, 1 48 5

1 487 , 1 49 1 , 1 494, 1 5 39 , 1 5 5 1

1 5 62,1 5 66 , 1 5 78 , 1 5 8 1 , 1 5 93,

1 5 95,1 5 97 , 1 6 1 7 , 1 631 , 1 643,

1 649 , 1 6 5 7 , 1 666 , 1 669, 1 6 7 5 ,1 6 79 , 1 688, 1 709 , 1 724, 1 727 ,1 733, 1 742 , 1 7 5 0 , 1 7 5 6 , 1 77 1 , 1 769 , 1 7 75 , 1 78 1 .

1 783, 1 797 , 1 8 1 1 , 1 8 1 4, 1 89 1 , Lam ech, 444, 447 , 47 1 ,1 90 6 , 1 909, 1 928, 1 930, 1 966, 482 .

1 970 , 1 974, 2 1 5 8, 2220, 2226 , Loni,1 696 , 1 862 .

2238, 238 5 , 239 1 , 2397 , 24 1 7, Lia , 820 , 1 676, 1 695 , 1 703,2474, 2784, 35 64 . Liam , 1 70 5 .


2486,39 1 5 .

Laban, 1 395 , 1 42 1 , 1 5 82 , 1 5 961 6 5 5 , 1 6 5 8 , 1 663, 1 674, 1 6 76

IND E X 0 2 NAME S. 223

Lots , 7 1 1 , 723, 730 , 732, 799,

1 06 5 , 1 069, 1 083, 1 09 1 , 1 094,


Luz,1 mm ,

1 603,1 629 .

Med ian, 2738, 3920 , 395 0 .

Malaleel, 443, 499 .Mam bre, 8 1 0, 82 1 , 865

,1 033,

1 1 6 5 .

Mam bres,295 9 .

Manaim , 1 789 .

Manassen, 2 1 5 1 .Marath, 3299 .Maria , 260 1 , 26 1 5 , 3687 .

Ma tusale , 443, 5 1 4 .Melea,1 349

,1 377 .


Melch am, }7 1 2, 7 1 9 , 729 .

Melchisedech , 89 1 .

Mem ph in, 2669 .

Mesopotaniam ,

Mesopoth aniam ,

Mesopotanie,Metod ius, 5 1 7 .Micha el

,3609 .Moab

,39 1 7 , 395 7, 3962, 3975 ,

Morie, 1 293.

Moysen, 1 903, 2 5 23, 2 5 8 7 , 2631 ,Moses,

Moyses,27 5 0 , 2 769 , 278 1 , 2806 , 2831

28 5 6,28 5 9

,287 1



29 1 6,2979 , 298 1 , 300 1 , 30 1 1

30 1 5,3024, 3032 , 3034, 30 5 5

30 5 7 , 3063, 307 5 , 3082, 3083

31 0 1,31 09, 31 1 3, 31 1 7 , 31 2 1

31 33,31 80

,31 8 7

,3230 , 3231 ,

3374, 338 1 , 3390 , 3397 , 3399,340 1

,3403, 340 7 , 3428, 3444,

3449, 345 2, 3467 , 3472, 35 23,

35 27 , 35 37 , 35 42, 35 5 3, 35 5 7 ,35 67, 35 73, 35 7 5 , 35 96, 86 1 8,

324 1 , 3249 , 32 5 1 ,3302

,331 7 , 3331 ,

728, 1360, 1 745 .

3629, 36 5 3, 367 1 , 3689, 3693,3730, 374 1 , 3747 , 37 5 0 , 37 5 8 ,8768 , 3770 , 377 1 , 3792, 3799 ,38 1 7 , 38 5 5 , 3864, 3898, 407 1 ,408 5 , 409 1 , 4093, 4099, 4 1 05 ,4 1 1 7 , 4 1 88 , 4 1 45 .

Nabach ot, 1 25 3.

Naeh or, 703, 7 1 0 , 7 1 9, 729, 734,

Nem boe, 4 1 29 .

Nem brot , 6 5 9 , 673.

Neph talim ,1 700 .Nilus

,676 .

Noe, 5 1 6 , 5 5 7 , 5 6 6, 5 7 5 , 5 80,6 1 4, 62 1 , 906 .

Nun,3488 .

Oba , 879 .

Ortigie, Ortigia , 367 5 .

pe sam e D elenh a tte Ortygia , for


gw (pat beep coturnicies, curlew

‘yes .) bee erynne greet lenté .

(Higden' lych t onieonfl o .i. ,p.

Oswas , 3747 .

Pa sche, 31 5 7 .

Pentapolis, 747 .

Ph aleth,702 .

Pharan,1 248 , 3646 , 3696 .

Pharao, 774, 1 1 7 1 , 2073, 209 5 ,Pharaon

,2 1 1 8

, 2 1 26 , 2 137 ,Ph arraon

,2 1 87 , 235 7


Ph araun, 2399, 24 1 1 , 2 5 39,25 69

, 2634, 2733, 279 5 , 2837 ,2862, 2869, 288 1 , 2931 , 2940 ,29 5 7 , 296 5 , 2986 , 3002, 3008,30 1 3, 30 1 6 , 3022, 3029 , 30 5 3,3064, 3073, 809 1 , 3098 , 31 09,31 1 7 , 31 23, 32 1 2, 32 1 3, 325 9 ,3404 .

Ph araofh , (Pi- h ah iroth ) 32 1 0 .

Putifar, 1 99 1 , 1 995, 2009,

Putiph ar, 2037,2 1 45 .

Ra chel,1 646

, 1 6 5 3, 1 6 69, 1 683,1 688 , 1 690, 1 693, 1 699, 1 700 ,1 70 7 .

224 INDE X op NAME S.Baguel, 274 1 .

Rem ese

Rem esen, 241 6: 25 5 3, 3203.

Rafaclim ,

Raph adim ,l335 2, 3370 .

Rebecca , 8 1 9 , 1 376 , 1 393, 1 407 ,1 422 , 1 460 , 1 5 34, 1 5 79 , 1 5 87,1 886 .

Rede Se,Rea de Sc} 1 45 0

,26 1 0 .

R6 1 1,703.

Ruben, 1 697 , 1 890 , 1 939 , 1 95 9 .

Saba , '

2686 .Sale, 70 1 .Sa lam e, 89 1 .Salam on, 1 296 , 1 877 .Salem , 904, 1 842, 1 8 5 7 .Salm ona , 3893.Sarra , 7 1 1 , 74 1 , 76 5 , 77 1 , 7 72 ,Sarra i, 7 77 , 799 , 8 1 8 , 963, 969 ,Sarray, 973, 996 , 1 024, 1 1 70 ,

Sarneh, 703.

Seboys, 838 .

Sede (Seth), 4042 .

Sella, 46 5 .

Sem , 70 1 .


}42 5 , 493, 498, 5 40 , 5 5 8,Seht, 90 1 .

Seen, 39 1 1 .Sephora ,22763, 2839

,2847 ,

Seph oram , 340 1 .Seyr, 1 836 , 1 899 , 3847 .Sichem , 744, 1 706 , 1 84 1 , 1 8 5 2,1 8 5 5

, 1 863, 1 929, 1 933.Sichin,406 6 .Sinay, 3309 .

Si’6h ing e

,1 288,

sodom a,840 , 887 , 909, 1 034


Sod om e, 1 0 5 0, 1 1 63.

Vephres, 2 5 40 .

Zabri, 408 1 .

Zabulon, 1 704, 408 1 .

Zelfa,1 678 , 1 70 1 .


Sooh ot,Sokoth , } 1 84 1 , 2203, 3209 .

Sur, 3296 .Sym eon, 1 695 , 1 8 5 5 , 1 862, 2 1 96 ,2 1 97 , 226 5 .

Syna i, 28 5 3, 2879, 3362 , 3438 ,Synay, 35 99 , 3646 , 38 5 0 .Syon-

gaber, 3698 .

Tarbis, 2689 , 2695 .

Th are, 703, 723, 732 , 735 .

Tham m (Charam ), 1 634 .

Tom a , 1 26 1 .

Tem an, 1 262 .

Terem uth , 2603, 26 1 5 , 2628, 2629,267 5 .

Tubal, 466 .

Tur ader, 1 889.

Ydum ea ,

“m om ,

1 5 7 5 , 1 900 .

Ysa ac, 8 1 9 , 908,1 2 1 1

,1 2 1 3

, 1 26 6 , 1 283, 1 287

1 30 5,1 32 1

, 1 325 , 1 336 , 1 363

1 406 , 1 408 , 1 432, 1 45 1 , 1 4 5 5

1 45 9,1 47 5 , 1 479 , 1 5 1 3, 1 5 2 7

1 5 9 5 , 1 6 1 2, 1 6 5 6 , 1 893, 1 90 5

Ysakar, 1 704 .

Ysm ael, 1 000 , 1 2 1 2, 1 2 1 4, 1 2 1 6

1 223,1 245 , 1 249, 1 26 5 , 1 45 5

Ysrael, 36 78 .