PRESS G oing Away^ Haw The En^«««»o(l P m fallow you oil your viiMtioii. ^LVI.N o ,23. THK EN{;LK\V0()D PHKSS, JULY 5. l'W5 PRICE: FIVE CENTS" m INDICATIONS lOF BUILDING ACTIVITY SEEN IN ENGLEWOOD inquiries made TEACHERS SURVEY SAYSi THIS C IT Y ONE O F MOSTI DRASTIC IN ITS SLASHES! The Movement for Mental Health They Compare EDglewood With Others, Asking 10 Percent Return ^ Oliice, City Enginfeer, fjter And Sewer Cos., jmReport Queries H,y tas depnrimmt. a-ssossom. •• liiaiKCtor. the Kn- Hnrk- and other ' I. , 8,.w.-ra«e Oimi«iny, Water Company. a « X the nty have l«e n ex- i rtuni.8 the l . ^ t month | th- innitlri''t‘ of prosiKH.-1 hikI tmilders. JjrMlopira Hartley, ih.' .lUlli'Ok for bullilInK l i e. loi .■vriiliml liPt'"''' t’f '*' ■ ( t'lhat rrenii*',, 1» ntcatV and , .toy l» fon.lm: la ' r^u ««t f.niv l)V the City on. «riv felt ” ot only hy the c ity .ho ha. h».l a Ho» n nut,.en- ter fa l'’' irifo'-matlnn dt C I.■.saih.lita■». r . - « t . r v . - y , re-. hr. kma of aa-ses-ameM ,/ l.Ut hv ill! tllOHP ^ iti.nr-. tly with till- bulM- liUst w ‘M*k hnviusj nwealed tlie j.liuht Slime of their mimln*r (I'lalmlnir itoii inaoherK had lx*en fom*tl l<» Ikhtow monoy tn order to Burvlve ttie salury-les« siimmnr niontliH) tliP toarluriH o f Knyl''Wo<*t| IhiH w e e k rpvriiltii ihe f»f>r«ind pn-t of th<*ir <datK^ir!iti‘ survey. This «»«•- on.) jiart. whkh aiipears Ixdow, ii»n- tPtids t h ;»! Km;l*M\i.oft wa.H not only of t h e first <'.immiiiiitie.H to Im* |ioH (» a f l i t , tint wiis one o f the most (Irustu- aiKl is oti.. of the la.si to make a n y dci!r.-f of n*«torHtlon. If 18 th.-lr plea that at leuHt Id por emt their lid per rent cut !>« n - slored. riHfnrd H', Beers, nrhose "iiu tst /;difo;iar follows, tht /ottarhT j of the tnenfnl hyfjiene nujvrim'nt and thv natkor of ‘M Mind Thai Founel which was listjd by Lewis (intnwtt ns among ‘ the Irn grraf A m etirfin nalobiograghies" it* his rt vini of the 4:>th dti«jprr.tfirj/ editi,,,, fd^nit printing) of the book uhwh recently appeared hi the' S'rw York Herald Tiihunr. As many rrsulents of Lnulncood know, Mr. Heers is the founder and Secretary of The National Comnuttcr fnt Afrutal Hufjicnr and of The American Foundation for 3fr«hjf llygicur. It was he who organized the First International CtmgreKx on M ental Hygiene held fti Washington ttt WAo. at which more th4in fifty countries ten, rrprtxrntrd. Mr. Beers is the (icunal seirrtury of the Intnsia- lioual rommith'e for Mental Hygiene, which was founded at the Con.- gresH. The editofiat it.nelf brings out the smpr and impnrinnrr of thi.s gnat humanihirinn. scientific and sininl movement which hi incnt years has spread around the lOorW. tu r-rotjni/ion of his srrvirrs. .\fr. I B irrs has received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Y>tlr- 1I niversity. the (iotd Medal of the A'aftonaf Institule of Foeial Pnineeu, [ OMd the Vti.ss of Chevalin- of the L* giun of Honor from the Frem h [ tlorernment. I A'c-rf f,’Me.y/ Fditoriiil writer wilt In Mr.t M h'afhrnnr Wrrinrf f . I proniiuent in many fields, chiefly tn «iiA-siofMi»j/ work <»o/ ot prat ,- i mor< /;!<•«/.». ENGLEWOOD CHILDREN WILL GET TUBERCULIN TEST FREE NEXT YEAR Will Attempt To Prevent Cases From Developing InAdukLife ENGLEWOOD TROLLEY TO BE DISCONTINUED IN FAVOR OF BliSSES; )f RKV. AIJ5KIIT H. I)OI..\!^ wily Ltn 'tu8*ry L i ps’lal. ni"ii »l»" turvBcr il.'- ,„r ,h.:y „an. out that ratine p..a>ihiliii"» in K hkI.-w.ich I tSnlkh e,ha..Me.l a...I lhal I.. K dema.ei t.,r llvInK qt.ari. ra ^f.,!dine mast i.rmred a . a faatcr . than .'t i‘i*..t't- Jum‘ A fdioil Moiilit Jt„ h. ,1,.- ml I;""''"'-:, < tor. who refiorts FATHER DOLAN RESIGNS AS DIRECTOR OF SHRINE DUE TO VOICE INFECTION k ', af*’* huitdinu " ' “ i , , ftltP |«ist m.m'tt I."’ Jana.'ttt Lnl ..r hiahlm-' '■•■'■.inl.-.l Lhnillirm nn.l.m-well <.v.T Thl« nnamat. I., 1..' atll'a, .la.m I,, Ihe am ..m i'n "f Iml .1 »" fat' ■,l,,i'h... i-.m u.iiim on in r.'.-i.nt IliiM-i' IB liihll alunmraKf- He Will Rest And Devote Energies to Writing; To Remain Here The K<‘v. .Sllti ('ami., aiiniiimco In hi.s failiim vn ;uiiA fill' tmn In t H. Itol.-in. O y-st-T'In \ t ti:»f dtl- '• It « ill Ih‘ m .rs- VI up tli.s juisitlntl ' We find, in r-vl-^ini; ttie tahlo \,e. Inw. t lia t tli(‘ ini'iliHu Hiitary pnid j Kncle\v<>4M'l Senior Jlluti SrIionI |teariMT» is levs thnn thni ; I'lil'l in _ Siiinmil. L-niiia. Harkcn- isfick. K o r l Lee. \V.‘Htfio|.l. Ki.lM.i- ; woofl a n d i'liiinfielii. ;iiui c.in.sltl.'r- ably l o w e r IIihii tlif.t paid in Kas» Oninse tiijd Motitilair. (De.sjiito tlir I rant thiit in u reiciit report of tlie II'omrni-s.Hioner of fvhu nti..n. Knule- j wniid s«*ho<il.s were ;;ivrn a liiuli r.it- i iiiM . w i t h SIMMml mention of the .'Xielleiu-e of tin- tea. h i n - Hlnff of ili'-HiL-ii Sfli.M.i) (tiity ttin-onpin- ii'lpalttieK ii |.►wer m.-.lian: Ihitlierfoid, T.aii-ek find Ikmnta. tK tli.'V. til** lowi^l, Teaneek. wiMi n iriii-ilirm *-utlary »f jh only ,<;turi j U‘low t lie HllMlewao l tliediHIl, Tile rncMlian Kal;ir> jiaid Knul' wii'il .hliii'ti I litili .Sili.ttii t»'arii«Ts t$[liA‘ii i is lower tl.an tl.,.l paid in any «il 'die <oni mmiiiie.1 list.-,!. It Is I'J ; l.'.s,-. than tlial [..iM iu K.„ t I.e-. Ih.- t hii-'ii.-i on 111*' :-at;iry seal.-, an.* tliaii lliHl pfud In ,\l.-til- 'lair, th«- hmin-^l «>n I h<- salary !: I Uttil I a |}ir various aK«nrU*H a re thus with qu.'rli's ns to taxPH. as- nieilts, mat's, wfitar biU «, sew rr j, etc, 11 i>rov-H that a deep lu- ll u bettiii slu.’vn in E n K -lW o o il III. >lOasl.-rn Dir. . tor of the S. >. let> iif laMits l-'li.rter, l'*ii(h. r i >..!ati s ann<nmr«-m< til ('HUM* ii.s a keen disjipi'.dnt m.'iil to thi' th.msandK of m.'miiers of tho Lit- tle I.’low.T S.M'icly who lifive de- vot.-itly ntt«'nded novena .«M^rvices iit th.i Hhrhie at St. Cecilia w id d i li.' has .......... - 'l.me M mtjeh to moke one of tho iHirttpy etalftft. ti-uputar aViHeeH in 11*.- w'orlil. sarf' at wort tu j. ji, It^ii |lrtct«3 wnh'. But if stircefvs meetH j | d p a rt; ‘‘.Mo.st of yon are irsctlviMpR. ttiey wlH bn.si.len ou|.. aware of tho diificultioB th a t 1 have linoag those iicMve now arc fm,i with my voire for th«* ltu«t Iwn prifs R pIR- t>tto Oman, ami Sam ypjir« an.l esprrinlly dnrimr thla yrai' M.i^t Ilf the Hctivlty la. ‘*f j ,„y j ti.-umoiila. .-\t vurioiis la the Thir.i Ward around linn-s the a|H*iiiil|sta have cotina.lle'l Innvhictt whool. Thtd. accord-j (.mition Inii nmv they insist upon |toMr, Harilry, la the Rrowlntr j comfilel.' and prolonced rest of th*' Banti A :;r.Ht il.-al is oxhccte.l voire, Acf.fnimuly I tm\c tentler.'l |H ike .-..mitiM year or two. Tryon ■my rt aivnaf i..ii as hiistern r'lreepir , kiitru Marllvoro roH.I, ,,f the Hociety of the Littb- Flower ■dt iila.e all are iniina Krmiually new .lir-. tor will l»e apfioint.-.l i\>l«ped. i imm.'dialely. ! trust that him y.'ii e Mellon of t!ie city that is <-x- i wil! 1i*n<l«*r tin* same loyalty tJiat y.m Sl7s(*. •w.««l K I m e II I a r y IV- a nu-tliiin .-^alarv of ■r than lAusI OraiiLe, Siiiiiimt. lai.iita. Kort l.ee, I’laiii- ll-l'I. .\!-oit. !;nr ami ti.iL;..tn , iiidmr lliiiii 11.•M-keiisai'k. West ri.'PI. Ibit h- eir.ii'.l. I ti.kewmt'l aiPl Teiitier k. In c.in<-lus|oii, ilia m«-iUan .-^Hliirb-.s imid In t b.e KumI cwoo.! S'-nior, Jim- lor ainl Kb'mantary B. hooLs an- 1 h *- low the £*v«-rui;c niudiaii ;ittlarlea pai.l 111 eorntiAnilift t’ommmiiUp.H. (IM ease turn to Y-*ajre • '’») WILLIAMS. DUBOIS W IL L HEAD RED CROSS R O L L CALL N E X T FALL By CLIFFORD W. BEERS The past twenty-five years have seen a notable change in the public attitude tow;ard mental discaae. Thanks to the edu - cational influence of the mental hygiene movement, the feeling about mental disorders is not as hopeless as it once was. A. generation ago a commitment to a mental hospital was * j monly regarded as the equivalent of a life sentence. Today th e I mentally sick are cared for under conditions similar to those i provided for generations past for the physically sick, a n d : thou.sands of them are returning to their homes and normal life ! after longer or shorter periods of treatment. A s a matter o f . tact, with the advance of modern psychiatry and the greatly ' improved methods of treatment in force today, our mental h o s- i pitals arc doing increasingly effective therapeutic work, th e I lesults in the best of them comparing favorably with hospitals I for other forms of illness. It has been demonstrated that th e doors of mental hospitals swing out as well as in. The situation was very different a quarter century ago. when “insanity” was generally regarded as a disgrace or as ari affliction of fate; when the mentally ill were abandoned to the indifference, apathy, seclusion (and worse) of the "insane i asylum ”, or left to languish in despair in prisons, poorhouses. , and other unsuitable place of custody where they were alto- j gether neglected; or, when thought about at all in medical : terms, were considered incurable. Since then, thanks to the reforms instituted by The National.Committee for Mental H y - giene and allied agencies, these evils have been largely abol- ished, institutional regimes have been humanized, asylums have become hospitals, and that whole system of care of th e mentally ill has been revoluA&^jd. Tfce great increase in mental cases Ih recent years ia ^ 'w hot s6 trrfreb-to ah actssl rise in mental disease as to the enormous development an d improvement of treatment facilities, to increased public con - ( ’hlltlff'n In EnKlAwooiI Junior aixt S<‘iilor Hish Hvhoola will hnvff the .>l>|iotluntty in the fall to un.lrrcu the tulterculln leet with X-ray ex- iimlnatton. Thin opportunity Is U*- int affor.M throuRh thr New J«r- twy TuiK'trultialii a n d Health Arho- riallon nml Benren Pines llnsj.ttal. nnfl I h itelitK’ o ffe -r ^ eju-lu.stveiy to i Kn^Iow.HMl and Hackenau.k at thiH linif. |v>r!slon to acreiit tl,u offer cjim*- i Tiie'Hlav after a conference iN-tween | the Boiird of E.ki<*»fctlnn an.l Kthool i Physician Rdmund H uff and Healtti offher H. R. H. Nicholas, Both men iHdnted out the Hdvantn«»*K. .•tiicf amonu whIcH l» Ihe chiinco of brinmmr to lluht u .'hlld niKe of (nlierciiloHls which mity Is* am-stc.l llirmiuh follow’up trerttmr-nt The iiffi'r in. hitlr:: folP'w un alirnti.in, At flcHt the hoMi'cl wH.s liiHlm-d It, op|K)s.* the kleu. and TlnniniH H. Pox, preHldent. rtUl vole hhhI hsi i | iresolution. Wilitam Tt.-ni»-\ kuj;. ; Kpsfeil that an effort is- mmie to ; pr.ivido the same <»pi*ortnnlly for ! ■hil.lren In the privtib* schnoiM. \ Tht- tnis-rrulin teetinx wi.ul.l l>e I done un.l.-r the auapic.*H of the li.*r- , ui II Pniinly Tulw*n*ulosin an.l Health ; .\sHht lalion. su{»|»ort»*d hy .sales of Phristma.s seals, anti the B.*ruen ' l’iiM-8 Sanltoriufn, In ccwperalion with l>r K-lmund Huff, isc'hool i.hysi.liin. an.l H. It. H. Nirbolas, health .tfflt-cr. i First Offmr Hsrr Till* survey wU! b e first offered to : l»ul utay I m offeitnl to ; Ha. kenaai'k also. The Tulien nloaiH j .\ss>wiHtion win h a v e rhanre af the I '>n»!utir,alion of t h e demoiiflratiim. i City To Start Foreclosures The Common Pouncll this we«k dwided to proceed with the neces- sary stetM loadtru; to foreclomtre of all tux and a.sReHsm.*nt liens heh! by the city for a jH*rio.l of t.ver two years. This means that ull those proj*- erty (twners wliose proi.erty has itec>n listed In tax suI mh of two years and more an.i, and who have not yet l>een aide to re^leom that pr«»perly, must «1.» ho at once In order not to lose it. This I h the sec.'Ttil tiini* that Riit'h (I Hlep has been necesHary in Fnnlewond. The Common Coun- cil is ctunpelled by the law t.> take forerhtsnre prcH-oediiu's. For that r.'Hson It Is HiiNlous i. j imlify all r>roperty owners so affected that they may take steps Immediately to prevent forecloHure. About 200 piftTH of property are involved In the fon-closure acfton, represent in,; values of over lirdMMHl. P. S. A N N ^ C E liW E Wants Permission i f i And Broad Avemie Wednesday Night Concerts Popular First One Proves si.-vs hut .steady nn.i l^liiymilv-^liintiiil i;rovvth Is tiu* Oik- Ther- h"iis«‘Hare huilt from I to time- iiiiiis'-s in the hiKbcr I* nmceK. Hil.iitm tu the chanicter |lhe First W tid, Two arc In |»n»- : there now, ;ind th.-rc have 1 Mvend ftm-ries ai>out bind, , Kc.. by utliers interoHtod In jHiiie tn Knt:li'W(i()d. No 8} mmuUi- lare at wurk there. l«*causr* the Ifif (•(in,'?tnicti<iii Is c a r e fu lly re- ^;NLANn IMtOI’KUTY < FHKK AM i n .F A H fsother annoiini .-menl of Kreal Im I c.innoitioii with ib*vHoi) Div'^pcrts fur Ktielew«MKl Is tie t that the Ste'-nland proi>nrt;||^^ ^i>w)nd Ward between Broa<l »•Route 4. and the Enplewotxl Golf ph i* nearly fr.-- and (dear of all ^'llfficiilty in which It ha«i been polvrd. wile M. B.-i k of H.dmken, the mpal mtiriiiiiiiei'. h<a« foreclose.1. •la rapidly •-.■tfling’ all dlffer«‘nccs tibuyers wh.- had .sucl ajfainsl al- I ihl*repr.-.sentaliuti8 i>y Clifford ptiman. R.-v.-ral <ieve|(HH*rs h a v e ex- 3 Intere.sf it) this tiro|rt*rty. and |nt)' enKiiM-.-r f..-l.s that it will not ^»ny mor.**i,> i>efore si*mt:thina ™np inatenali-/*»« «re an- nianv acres of excellent winp silt-s Cl ihui frn.-t, an d (.nco Wopmonl starts It I h exi'ccli'd to draphiiv. Taxes have ls*en |wid ■tile city r.-g'iiiarlv nn tho lun.l. socrats Will Meet At City Hall M o n d a y b* 8tn,;|p hnrnr'tlbitp poli- ^tivity ts iiu- .schediilod m.‘i-t- Ine Kii-|i-\vi,o(l GemrH'rHtlc ' *'1f‘n.iay ni^ht at the City the n. * for the f It Is | . "'■andhi.-t '•''•r:it;q hav. no an- " ( as far H» <-andt- i eif>,-ii„ps a re con. Mill- that the suh- iMt\ i-iime »m Vttm. >' tin- fart that 11*. I'fu.'ni, there* «»erriH "f-';i;*i ii.-n.ruu-r the ililvt-al\va\-s di-sidayeil tow ar.is me. “ niirbm thi.s p<*ri.Hl (»f r-nf'm-.'d rest I nm to remiiin in Kiu:bwiK>i| and .levi.ti* m y finn* lo wntitur. Th'r- iire various .'-.fri.Ls of serm.ms that I have uiv.-n hen- which the <*om;re- mtlloiiH h a v e rcriiicHtf-iI to ptil in print, hn! f»>r which piibli.-ation I have n.-ver had time. T " thiit wmk of piilillcatl.m I .sliiill .lovoto my him- exi-hiHivt-ly for to* lomr a.s llie (loi torH r.-rjuin* a re.sf of th.- voue. I''xprrftse.s Thanks ’'There are certain vvord.s o f thanks that I niiLst Hiiy:,first, to thi* Slslers who liavo pr.-|>Hr.‘.l tho n ittir mid liiii’'.-il Iho rtioir; secondly, to the liiiiit-R who h »v e Imen s(( d e v o te d mid faithful in tho performani’o o f their rk in tho vestibult-: thiril, to the lanlHt and the choir, anti lt» th' iisher.s. and finally to all c>f y*»'i. the rejnilar atlendanlH at our dev«itiims, I have lone Iwen acciisiomcHl. ot mir varliMiH Khriiie.s. lo th'* loyalty (*f the ■p«t.|de. but yo n r c..u|aration h e r e has never lMH*n Huriiassed and lias never iiecn cquHlb-d. It is throu^’ h ym tliHl our Shrine, fotw comj'b te. is so perfect a uem. a Shrine w h!»h In iK'.iuty nml in devotional i'hara<*ler is nowlK’re surimsscd. "1,1 return for your eenen»sity I liromlse all o f you a ^tcnerouis mt-»s- nre of my time. l shall m» bmuer Ih - n him.v man Ui-'U whor-r h:!:or ymi need fear to intnule. In any way in which I ran I m - of help 1 wi.*=h y»*u not tn hesitate to call upon me. lor my time is yourK. "I wish niy conclusion to !»e a prayerful nnr. Fir.*^(, IH m e ret|iiesl that you on'n.sinnally flat! tim e In ..rfer a nine pr.iycr for mo. Sec niiilh’, 1 hope and pray OimI i h*- l/h- tle Flower m ay nlways keep r a d i one of you under her swof*! f>r(»ftmn. aii'l Mml o u r nicsst-d l.rful.v m a y ever (-over yon w ith her f>rotei fim: TnaMlIe, Devolion to 8t. Th«rese and to mir Ijidy ine\'tfaldy leads to irreafer h've of (5od. MTpl if you are true t<* their id.-ds, lids ftna! pm-.pr will h** iii- . utaM> rtiiK^ed. luinp Ij’, tl'.at ’ipn-i all your Uvea there may ev*»r n.st Chapter Aims to Improve O n Ail Records As Demands Increase fidence in our state hospit^ and greater willingness to u se nroe them, and to the great nunroer of hitherto neglected and u n - cared for cases uncovered by mental hygiene surveys a n d brought under treatment. WllliHm S. DuHnis of I>\vit:ht pl;icc, I'huilcwo'Hl. has accoidctl the cliiiir- niiciship of thr Ilcd Cro.sn Iloll Cidl for the fall, aciordiim to an im- nnunc'‘rn*'ui this mornim; by F- Ltiwry Klotclu-r. head of the Ked (Toss h e ro . Mr. I>»i ItniH smi ' ccciI h M r. I'THchcr 111 IhlK r»ost. The H (^*<1 Cross Knil I'fdl w ill ho conrhicii'd in Iht- (virly full. A lit horitle.s of tho nnem y lire mixioim that the Roll Call this your rxiT-ccl fill previoUB rrcf.irdo hi'cmise of the increa-sed hurilonH la in;; thrust U|mn it. Walter K. Knowiton o f 'rcnafly. win dircM't tlio, northf-rn division of I the Rod t *ro8s cam|»aiK'n. and Oory** K. Hall. HU|*#rintendent of schools in rilffsido I ’ark. will direct ihc-south- -ni division. Announcomont of tho ilato for the i'Krd C r*»ss Roll (,'all will tm mAdo lalcr. KFI) riiOSSJlMOKS , \II» CHK< HK ( IIHJ)RKN I Mt'mb«*rs of the .lunior Koil (’n»ss, i havintf r1«*no sn much last winler to , niil tho fhlldren at th»- Knch-wootl ;(’recho. h a v o lw*on cHlIod iij*on to help dliis .Slimmer and have willinuly rc- s|MiinifHi. 1 Fv(*ry m<»rninK one of tin* yirla In Ihe J u n io r Red Cross assists In the uiiMoor ai<'tivilies of th** ohiMren at !lhe ('roohe. and every aft*-rnoon an- iithei « i r l take.s iu-r place. They arc jtifferlnii this service vt*bin1arlly in ; fiilflllm‘ *nt of their Ik'd (T o s s [.l-ilip*. Anion« I he most a«iiv »- are jilrls fiiiiil I>wiKht Si'lmtii. ini'lii'll'iL tlie Misse.s H*-l ly Inyrahiim. l,.»nis*’ Van- iterbilt, t?ol)bie Ressun, MJiry Smller, Hiul A d ela id e Cox. . .._ .. . ..... 0\K m KT BY HKKVVOKKS ( I ’hit.sc lorn to Only o n e fireworkH ncoi'toiit wuh ri'iii>r1r»1 t«> poiti-e aivl hi*siHu| au- di'TlftoM In Kn"!''W'“ *d ' < ’ sf«-r,tii>- Ihchard Marrinyion. S. of h *' South IifOii Ktr*-«-t. hurt his h-ond ao‘1wa.s lMi!li'»l a t l-'nylettond |i..s{-ital. Mi, 1>nc b. , |„ fit bl. I** mkkuxin lu-m itNs E-lith \ r ’*^hy Ihe t, "'!-r!wt,.k w a s ap- ii 'o! board to toKch Mir.,1 Hill o r thB ^-Ofk '’’'I"" to th..'' o''' •Sici,""' s “ '>*<■ '*■' a «ii sch,„t. Will be Spiritualist Church Established Here Under A n Accredited Medium A retarding factor in the earlier years of the mental h y - giene movement was the great shortage of physicians trained in psychiatry, as compared with those in other specialties. Largely disregarded by the medical profession, mental d is- orders were considered a thing apart and their study and treat- ment for generations were separated from the main stream o f medicine. Today, mental diseases are recognized as a leading public health problem and a m ajor concern of medicine, a n d medical schools are giving increasing attention to the subject, in their curricula. The magnitude of the problem may be seen in the fact that there are approximately 400,000 patients in mental h o s- pitals in the United States today, or more than in all other hospitals combined. Eight times as many patients are under treatment in mental hospitals as in hospitals for tuberculosis. At the present rate of frequency one person out of every tw enty- two may be expected to enter a mental hospital in the course of a life-time. But there is a brighter side to this picture. In developing its program in recent years, mental hygiene agencies have shifted the emphasis from care and cure to prevention an d education, by encouraging the establishment of various types of community organization for early diagnosis and treatment of the milder as well as the severer forms of mental disability, j and for the modification of environmental conditions and m odes cf living productive of mental ill health. The m ajor activity in this direction has been the development of psychiatric an d mental hygiene clinics for children and adults. Between 600 and 700 of these clinics are now in operation in some 35 states, under the auspices cf state hospitals, genera! hospitals, depart- j ments of health and welfare, community chests, mental hygiene societies, public schools, colleges and universities, juvenile an d criminal courts, and social agencies of many kinds, public an d private. Over 50,000 children are brought to these clinics fo r I study and treatment in the course of a year. It is also a signifi- I cant indication of educational and preventive progres.s in m en- I tal hygiene that some 36,000 adults applied to such clinics fo r ! treatment in a recent year. This is equivalent to about half the I number of new cases annually admitted to state mental ! hospitals. : providr- for th« ctduc'atlonHl iiKmram ; luiii finam*«* n {>nri o f Ih»- ntirvi*y, Thi- pluis rr-(-*‘ived thr Hiipruval of ; III- ikiHrU of of th- M^r- ucii C'umly Tiili^n'llIohI n hB'I H<Hifh ,V.*«u< iaiion lit tho m*'ellnK "f iho !m;ml -lunf' IJ. It alr'*aiiy i.-hph lh<* ;i|ii>ntvul of th*‘ llcrci-n ('ininly i M*‘ll()il SiK'iPty a.ii(l the fullowlitk; I l<*iHirH in health, modiiiil, and I Nrliiiul fleldfl wh«*. loxethey with i Mrn. Joseph A. l.*yn<*h, prPHid«“iit of j the iKmfd of iliroi't»»rB nf Die hhho- : flallon, inet rec»>ntly at tho head- <iuai-tera of the ocKanlxatlun to dta- ciifw the plan: D r . tJeorge l.ovlta*i. Wf’st'.vood, chnirmft,n of health edu- faitmui) romraiU#i«, .liertjttO County TubiinnilcMila n'rwl Health Awux-la- tioii; nr. (k'Prire Knowlea of Hack- ensjuk. former chairman of lAibllc heiilth pommlllee o f Bereen Coun- ty .\i<*dleal 8m*l«ty: Dr. Edmund Huff of Englewood, chiilrman i>f Sfhcxjl Physiclani* Association; D r. Jos»‘ph H. Morrow, superintendent of Berpen Pines; Hoy Zimmerman, COinly .■*ui»erlntendent of srhoola; Hnery Nicholas of KnRlewood. ehalr- iiiMt of health committee uf the Ber- 1 Cimnty roiincil nf Social A ^ n - His. Weston Says Freeholders Poshing S treet Extension ( ’lly I’rcHldent <»errttt Weston a n - n(tmic<>(l iluH week that the Hoard of Fm'holdcrs I h prt»motlnfr a plan to pxle id I’ilisailo avenue Ihroujth to Teaneck. Mr. Weston r«>ad a letter which he scot lo the iHHird t w o weeks ago upon icornini: thnf the jiroJecl Is belnsr coilHidprcd fiRa J W . A. matter. In the Iftter Mr. W « « l o n stated that •■vipiisinn nf I'aliwd** avenue would i I m * hiirhly Itcneflrlal to the city and i to its rm-rchanls. He also pointed out that tnasmiK-h a « Englewood ia one of the few cities that has never defaulted in payingr Ra county tax it ts eiifitjed to extrii effort on Itn he- tmlf by the Freeholders. pkesf: nts picTi rks to lUIAKD OK KDIU'ATION ' Mrs Howland V'ernillye has pre- • fw-nied a group of lovely plctiirea lo ! the Board nf Education which ac- I cepted them on Xuesday with ex- i jtrehslons of deep appreciation. The } picliires jire from th e home of Rob- I ert W. I>e Fufesl. About l.Otkt persons congreqated Ht Depot Square Dark Wedne.*4day nij:ht to hear the first of the 10 \Vo,ines<tay night free Ijaiid concerts to I m * staned thei'e throuahouf the Huniim-r (hcmmli arrKngem«*nl with The EuKlewiMMl PrcKS. The aHsemIdaqe was obviously de- hkjhted by the mimic, (hie (*hanqe H won't be lonff now before old trolleys that have rumbU through Enfftewood since 1k06 wll pul! Into the car stable for the time. Trolley service lietween Tenafty and a point below the Leonia Junr- tlon will be dlaconUnued Juat an soon as Public Hervice Coordinattsd Transport secures permission from the I'uliHi.* UtUltleH CommiHeion and from the muntctpslilleH affected to operate an extra bua line that wilt sulwtltute for the cumliersome trol- leys. The line is not paying. Public Her* vice explains, and anyhow, the trol- ley .service Is already partially clup- llcate.| by ),us .service provided by lines :>4 and K4. New Hus Route By makinq certain changes In the huB line service, and by addlnq 10 new hiisrs that will run alonq Bn* ale street to Iiemarest avenue, west to !>ean street, south tn I^allsade avenue, cast to Grand avenu8i south on Grand to Van No?»trand avenue, east on Van Nostrand th’ Broad avenue, and then aouth Into RUlgPiield. full service will he main- tainM. Elimination of the trollev nefvk*e win mean -pr«»vided the city con- eeiils—that Puhll, Serviro will run Imses along Kngle slreet. a practice hitherto ro.strlcted to c**rlnin hours of tin* (lay. The mailer la l>einq diHcusBed not alone l)y Knqlnwood. hut i,y T(*mifly J>l.*40, Lerinia and RidKefleld aie (llscusslng thoir proh- t - t ^ which will h<‘ effected next weak, however, and a change that will add Immermely to the effect of the mu- sic. will be the tntroduettun of a4dl- tioual brass Inatrununls. A few too many siriuKed iostruments on W ed- nesday preveated those o street from hearing the musk!. The pxcellcnco of the musicianship was acclaimed on all sides, however, am! William Tierney's iTmarka dur- ing the intermission were g re e t s enthuatastirally. Mr. Tierney point- ed to the value of these concerts and expre^ed the community's gratitude to the sj-Mjiisors and to the E.R.A. o r - chestra. Everybody Joined in siDg- tnq the Star .‘*pan«led Banner at the iloct* *<f ti»e concert. ,\n «.*i.HemblRKe of over IHtXi Is e x - pected at next Wednesday night's concerl. The t)an<i was cmducte*! hy Oeorce Needham, who numbers amotit: his idayers two former Sousa band memtiers, on«* from the ( ’hUago Civil Oi>ein. and others of equal note in the field of mustc. Th'ise cooperntInR with The Engle- wo4 k | I'resH In spoimorlng the free Iwnd com’erls are the Common (^)Unc^l, Ihe Hoard of Education. Citiz(-nfi National Bank. Pailaades Trust t'ompany, Franklin Furniture Cotni>ony. Smalbeln's Bakery. Thom- son & Vannlngton. William Myers. T. Floyd L-orentaen. Temple Em«nu- E! Hundfty School, Isaac fioldherg. Meadow BrcKik Flower Shop, ('harics Sler!>en. Benny Kurxrock. lenw. NEW ZONING OlU»INAN(K AND M.\l* AITEAK TODAY The new /onlne Code, first step tn Kfifilewood's master plan, was apprnvfd hy Uie Common Council Tuesday night and was passed U|>on tnitisl reading. The hetuing on the revlsefl code will be held on Tues- day night, duty 1ft. The code, along with the man illustrating all provi- sifMis of the c ^ e . h4^pears In the Sec- ond .'Hertion of today's FnglewofKl Press. Public School Enrolment Drops As Private Rolls Show Increase ; A t'lhrii; !n-ijrtttloii of Iniprovo- - rnenl in family financoH was 8 (>en t h in I week in the an’iouncem enl by Winton I J. While that enrolment lu (he grade I K« b(h>lH of iCnplewsfM l had de(Tea,Med ( whereas enrulmeht In the private I fichunls nf the city h a d Increased, j -The d*>( line in ptihlU* school en- , (ulmciit lirf.-4 Ueu iit>lj(eahle for two I years. Mr, White explained to the j iUiiird of D im ation. although it has - tM-en mor*> nottccal»le this year. H** I tnia fsHtiet an<t new are m<iv. tng into the cominunlty. For a few years of the depression pnlilii' Hchool enrolment showed an incrca.sc, due In the main to the fact that nm.y f.amllie.s who normally sent their children to private school were oMiged to send them l« pitblk sch'Mil. Now, however, due to an apparent improvement In financial conlitiniiK many of these rsmilles are again able to send their children lo private sdiools. Alany Out-of-Town Pupils There are other Enr,lewo<sl prplp lems to be conHidored: It will mean iiuses on jVau NoKtrand avonue and (»n Broad avenua. both of whtah^ have had only trolley*, which I'Ua Has niaiuiA4.«t^ ycMf!: A a l AVtlt*^inform in wttt’Wmforrn in : raspecta to tirtr present trollay As far as Engrlewor^ Is coftCTrned. a* rWe fKgn points wlthlif the city xWlj not exited 5 rentn. Clstm Hetler Service Public Bei*vlce contends that the service will be far more c«mvenient. There i%ill be the recular Tenafly mad line for rcHldents there, and' the Rude street line foi restdents op the East side. In afkiition. then- will hr a minule bsts headway in ronirast to the half hotir trolley headway. The trolley line has l>een an insti- tution in EiiglewocKi since lj®0, which. Incidentally, was the year In which Englew’ood Ix-gan to lnc(o‘- I»orate as a city. Few matlem caused more emhroilmeut anuing city officials than Ihe trolley. Them was constant frlctinn l»etween the ! liolley anr! the Northern Railroad of , New Jersey. Incldeiitally. it waa the railroad's refusal to grant Ida trolley right of way Hcro8.s its own . ratiroa*! rrOHsInga that luevenled the trolley from veerina veat across; Palisade avenue and then north up ' Tenafly niad and s(* on Into Bergoti* field. When the trolley w - iih first istart^' It extended only to Knclewood Ave- nue. Bh»ck l»y h|(Kk it imshed up Dean street, but only after hof'l fought victories. Finally It reai’h ^ Mheslnttl street, and eventuaHv i Tenafly, ------CAMP FUND EXHAUSTED; KEEN DISAPPOINTMENT FOR 30 NEEDY CHILDREN Kiwaais Club Seeks Aid So That Undernourished May Be Sent Thirty underprtvMeged iSngkwool children to«!Hy are HUff**iing the panirs nf disappointment over not lH*lnc aide to ««> to ramp for two weeks l)ecau8e the Kiwa.nts Club's camp fund was only big enough lo allow 'Wl In go. The !40 who left to- day were the neediest ca.v*.s. most of them. Ofcordmg to statements by ths physh'laha who examined them, be- tnr iindernfntrt«he«} If the Kiwanis Club receives fur- ther contributions, dome of the dta- aPtMunted kiddles will be able to go Child guidance clinics arc conducted on tiic that * behavior difficulties of childhood frequently antedate and arc A SpintmiHsI m'-*lmm. h-hh tionc'l liv Hud undci till- tti<itecti(»n " f Hi'' New Jersey 5*tHlc Si-intualiHt.s Assn, ciatl-m. (onduit(*iI tin first ni'*ctiii- (»f the Kirat Spiritualist rhtir« h of EiiKlewood at k Sciith Dean street Tuesday night. Her n*-xt scK-vion will !m * un Friday nicht, and the third nn Sunday nicht. 1M© lUcaitittl »» misH i*«. iv. who k-uda the t(inKn'ualJonat mcet- IngB and i-uirtmunt-s with the dead. ServlcLH arc open to ull. Mis? «ill c o m iti' t Hprviics t h n e nudd.H a ^w**f*k. S iin »la y . Tiie!wlH.v. and Friday. ! Tlie s t»t»* asR(Niatlun is pcrtnilting tlie l■^ln«r^*lrall(ln hen* on a ihn-c niuiilh.s i>rijlwU(i;i rx-ritMl. and If it tniWH t o .Huffldenl propnrtii.na the iunnit o f the ccngrcuunon will U; i'xt(*nd'*(J. Atff'iit Xli women attended th** find early signs of school failure, lelir.quency, mental disease and dependency, and that the mott promising means for the pre- j vention of seticus social failur>;s are those which aim to correct mental deviations in their beginnings, to establish a mentally healthful environment for the child, and to create among adults a general understanding of what the child needs for healthy mental growth. In addition to their treatment work, j Duhl Dahl Is oonfideut that ton»«:hl there will he a4 least e m ’ore and that on Hiuvliiv tn**rr- wU! Ije still more. clinics engage in the education of parents and teachers, social | (PI“Of*p turn tu imge ‘2. Second Seciton) are .-ilile to r*-tiirn tn thetr prn«pi>rttv- '!uy halitt of nendiriK' <‘hiklirn to prl- vote IM !io(*ls, \ir 'Aio:< :.K^»*rtH. h- *( Vf r, that Sit. |i«,ks for ail imn*a>w in pulihe K'hool enrolment next y e a r and the yeani foUoRing lipJHtifie o f the fact lhal En- KlewfMsI in l»eL-!nninsc lo fee! the ef- f*'i ts -if new tiuddm»f. which means Hiiditioriai i')hHl>itantf«. f*npulRti»n T id e RlHing 1‘ntil recently. Mr. White r>h- Bervf-g, there has t->e^n little or m» infinx of iMipulatiori. because there ban Iteen no new building. If anjr- thlnj:. people Pave moved cu‘ of En- ptpwuHvt However 04 r White •./.(.««« out’, pei)p!e are returning lo Engle- wfK*cj, acw houses a re being built ' (os is str»'SBed in another article in ' In tl.o b(c»i K« h«vc.l, uf cc'irs**. ha.s stPHddv qrown. The qrowth. however, i.s due chiefly In the fart n»at iiiiiiy out uf uJ h have tweti .'M'mlinjr their '.‘hiklrpn to Knalewood. Mr. While made c«»mi>;irtw>nH In en- rolments for Itk'M and showinq wher' decreases wer*- principally no- tir-eable. The total enrolment showed an inrreH»te of aliout .VI, due to In- crefis^ui in Jtir.lor and Senior Hlph In total enrolment was SflOS; tn 4054. In the grades In 19^44 there were 1812; tn It^ . only 1717: ino4 oao and In 19%5 there were 93.1. In Se- nior High in 1D34 there were 838; in lim , IMS, Fur that th«> dub t« tirsihft any Individqal or organization who can s^iaro anv amount lo donate it at oi.e«. Adjutant WtUiain od Salvation Army. 1* cHairroan the Kiw*anls Club Camp Fund Coenmittee. William Sort<»r Is pre«tdent ^ Ktwauls Club. Raymond Kraus Is »*.Tetary. it Soya, B Giria The Kiwanians transported 30 jhll* dren to camp t«jday. 22 boys to/beatta^ tifui Star L ^ e at Butler. New Toriv, and 8 girls to Ixmg Branch Camp for Girte. The cost per week por chiy is only I6i. Adjutant Trigg points out only ^ 0 in coDtributloo# from £n- (Honae turn to Page 5)


PRESS G o in g A w a y ^Haw T h e E n ^ «««»o (l P m fa llow you oil your viiMtioii.



SEEN IN ENGLEWOODinquiries m a d e


T h e M o v e m e n t f o r M ental H e a lth

They Compare EDglewood With Others, Asking 10

Percent Return

Oliice, City Enginfeer, fjter And Sewer Cos., jm Report QueriesH,y tas depnrimmt. a-ssossom.

•• liiaiKCtor. the Kn-Hnrk-

and other 'I., 8,.w.-ra«e Oimi«iny,Water Company. a «X the nty have l«e n ex- i

rtuni.8 the l .^ t month | th- innitlri''t‘ of prosiKH.-1

hikI tmilders.JjrMlopira Hartley,

ih.' .lUlli'Ok for bullilInK

l i e. loi .■vriiliml liPt'"''' t’f '*' ■ ( t'lhat rrenii*',, 1» ntcatV and ,

.toy l» fon.lm: la' r u ««t f.niv l)V the City on.«riv felt ” ot only hy th e c i t y .ho ha. h».l a Ho» n nut,.en-

ter fa l'’' irifo'-matlnn dt C I.■.saih.lita■». r .- « t . r v . - y, re-. hr. kma of aa-ses-ameM

,/ l.Ut hv ill! tllOHP iti.nr-. tly with till- bulM-

liUst w ‘M*k hnviusj nwealed tlie j.liuht Slime of their mimln*r(I'lalmlnir itoii inaoherK had lx*en fom*tl l<» Ikhtow monoy tn order to Burvlve ttie salury-les« siimmnr niontliH) tliP toarluriH of Knyl''Wo<*t|IhiH w eek rpvriiltii ihe f»f>r«ind pn-t of th<*ir <datK ir!iti‘ survey. This «»«•- on.) jiart. whkh aiipears Ixdow, ii»n- tPtids th;»! Km;l*M\i.oft wa.H not only

of th e first <'.immiiiiitie.H to Im* |ioH(» a f l i t , tint wiis one of the most (Irustu- aiKl is oti.. of the la.si to make a n y dci!r.-f of n*«torHtlon. If 18 th.-lr plea that at leuHt Id por emt their lid per rent cut !>« n - slored.

riH fnrd H', Beers, nrhose " iiu ts t /;difo;iar follow s, f« tht /ottarhT j of the tnenfnl hyfjiene nujvrim'nt and thv natkor of ‘M M ind Thai Founel

which was lis tjd by Lewis (intnwtt ns am ong ‘ the Irn g r r a f A m etirfin nalobiograghies" it* his rt vini of the 4:>th dti«jprr.tfirj/ ed iti,,,, fd^nit p rin tin g ) of the book uhwh recently appeared hi th e ' S'rw York Herald T iihunr. As m any rrsulents o f Lnulncood know , Mr. Heers is the founder and Secretary of The N a tiona l Comnuttcr fn t Afru ta l Hufjicnr and o f The A m erican Foundation fo r 3fr«hjf l ly g ic u r .It was he who organized the F irs t International CtmgreKx on M e n ta l H ygiene held fti Washington ttt WAo. at which more th4in fifty coun tries te n , rrprtxrntrd. Mr. Beers is the (icu n a l s e irrtu ry o f the In tn s ia - lio u a l rommith'e fo r Mental H ygiene, which was founded at the Con.- gresH. The editofiat it.nelf brings ou t the smpr and im pnrinnrr of th i.s g n a t humanihirinn. scientific and sininl movement which hi i n c n t years has spread around the lOorW. tu r-rotjni/ion o f h is srrvirrs. .\fr.

I B ir r s has received the honorary degree of Master o f Arts from Y>tlr- 1 I n iversity . the (iotd Medal of the A'aftonaf Institule o f Foeial P n in e eu ,[ OMd the Vti.ss of Chevalin- of the L* giun of H onor fro m the Frem h [ tlo rernm ent.I A'c-rf f,’Me.y/ Fd itoriiil w r ite r wilt In Mr.t M h 'a fh rnnr Wrrinrf f .I p ron iiuen t in many fields, chiefly tn «iiA-siofMi»j/ w ork <»o/ ot prat ,- i mor< /;!<•«/.».


TEST FREE NEXT YEARWill Attempt To Prevent

Cases From Developing InAdukLife



)fRKV. AIJ5KIIT H. I)OI..\!^

wilyL tn'tu8*ryL i ps’lal. ni"ii »l»" turvBcr il.'-

,„r ,h.:y „an. out thatratine p..a>ihiliii"» in K hkI.-w .ichI tSn lkh e,ha..Me.l a...I lhal I.. K dema.ei t.,r llvInK qt.ari. ra f.,!dine mast i.rmred a. a faatcr . than .'t i‘i*..t't-

Jum‘ A fdioil Moiilit Jt„ h. ,1,.- ml I;" " ''" '- :,

< tor. who refiorts


k', af*’*huitdinu " ' “ i , ,

ftltP |«ist m.m'tt I."’ Jana.'tttLnl ..r hiahlm-' '■•■'■.inl.-.lLhnillirm nn.l.m-well <.v.T

Thl« nnamat. I., 1..' a t ll'a , .la.mI,, Ihe a m . .m i 'n " f

Iml .1 l» » " fat'■,l,,i'h... i-.m u.iiim on in r.'.-i.nt

IliiM-i' IB liihll alunmraKf-

He Will Rest And Devote Energies to Writing;

To Remain Here •The K<‘v. .Sllti

('ami., aiiniiimco In hi.s failiim vn ;uiiA fill' tmn In

t H. Itol.-in. Oy-st-T'In \ t ti:»f dtl- '• It « ill Ih‘ m .rs- VI up tli.s juisitlntl

' We find , in r-vl-^ini; ttie tahlo \,e. Inw. tliat tli(‘ ini'iliHu Hiitary pnid

j Kncle\v<>4M'l Senior Jlluti SrIionI |teariMT» is levs thnn thni; I'lil'l in _ Siiinmil. L-niiia. Harkcn- isfick. K o r l Lee. \V.‘Htfio|.l. Ki.lM.i- ; woofl a n d i'liiinfielii. ;iiui c.in.sltl.'r- ably lo w e r IIihii tlif.t paid in Kas» Oninse tiijd Motitilair. (De.sjiito tlir

I rant thiit in u reiciit report of tlieI I'omrni-s.Hioner of fvhu nti..n. Knule-j wniid s«*ho<il.s were ;;ivrn a liiuli r.it- i iiiM. w ith SIMM ml mention of the .'Xielleiu-e of tin- tea. h in - Hlnff of ili'-HiL-ii Sfli.M.i) (tiity ttin-onpin-ii'lpalttieK ii |.►wer m.-.lian:Ihitlierfoid, T.aii-ek find Ikmnta. tK tli.'V. til** lowi l, Teaneek. wiMi n

iriii-ilirm *-utlary »f jh only ,<;turij U‘low tlie HllMlewao l tliediHIl,

Tile rncMlian Kal;ir> jiaid Knul' wii'il .hliii'ti I litili .Sili.ttii t»'arii«Ts t$[liA‘ii

i is lower tl.an tl.,.l paid in any «il 'die <oni mmiiiie.1 list.-,!. It Is I'J ; l.'.s,-. than tlial [..iM iu K.„ t I.e-. Ih.- t hii-'ii.-i on 111*' :-at;iry seal.-, an.*

tliaii lliHl pfud In ,\l.-til- 'lair, th«- hmin- l «>n I h<- salary


I Uttil I

a |}ir various aK«nrU*H a r e th u swith qu.'rli's ns to taxPH. as-

nieilts, mat's, wfitar b iU «, sewrr j, etc, 11 i>rov-H that a deep lu­ll u bettiii slu.’vn in E n K - lW o o il

III.> lOasl.-rn Dir. . tor of the S. >. let> iif

laMits l-'li.rter,l'*ii(h. r i >..!ati s ann<nmr«-m< til

('HUM* ii.s a keen disjipi'.dnt m.'iil to thi' th.msandK of m.'miiers of tho Lit­tle I.’low.T S.M'icly who lifive de- vot.-itly ntt«'nded novena .«M rvices iit th.i Hhrhie at St. Cecilia w iddi li.' has

..........- 'l.me M mtjeh to moke one of thoiHirttpy etalftft. ti-uputar aViHeeH in 11*.- w'orlil.

sarf' at wort tu j. ji, It^ii|lrtct«3 wnh'. But if stircefvs meetH j |d part; ‘‘.Mo.st of yon are irsctlviMpR. ttiey wlH bn.si.len ou|.. aware of tho diificultioB that 1 have

linoag those iicMve now arc fm,i with my voire for th«* ltu«t Iwn prifs RpIR- t>tto Oman, ami Sam ypjir« an.l esprrinlly dnrimr thla yrai'

M.i t Ilf the Hctivlty la. ‘*f j ,„y j ti.-umoiila. .-\t vurioiisla the Thir.i Ward around linn-s the a|H*iiiil|sta have cotina.lle'l

Innvhictt whool. Thtd. accord-j (.mition Inii nmv they insist upon |toMr, Harilry, la the Rrowlntr j comfilel.' and prolonced rest of th*'

B anti A :;r.Ht il.-al is oxhccte.l voire, Acf.fnimuly I tm\c tentler.'l |H ike .-..mitiM year or two. Tryon ■ my rt aivnaf i..ii as hiistern r'lreepir

, kiitru Marllvoro roH.I, ,,f the Hociety of the Littb- Flower■dt iila.e all are iniina Krmiually new .lir-. tor will l»e apfioint.-.l

i\>l«ped. i imm.'dialely. ! trust that him y.'iie Mellon of t!ie city that is <-x- i wil! 1i*n<l«*r tin* same loyalty tJiat y.m


•w.««l K I m e II I a r y IV- a nu-tliiin .- alarv of ■r than lAusI OraiiLe,

Siiiiiimt. lai.iita. Kort l.ee, I’laiii- ll-l'I. .\!-oit. !;nr ami ti.iL;..tn , iiidmr lliiiii 11 .•M-keiisai'k. West ri.'PI. Ibit h- eir.ii'.l. I ti.kewmt'l aiPl Teiitier k.

In c.in<-lus|oii, ilia m«-iUan .- Hliirb-.s imid In t b.e KumIcwoo.! S'-nior, Jim- lor ainl Kb'mantary B. hooLs an- 1h*- low the £*v«-rui;c niudiaii ;ittlarlea pai.l 111 eorntiAnilift t’ommmiiUp.H.

(IMease turn to Y-*ajre •'’»)



B y C L I F F O R D W . B E E R S

T h e past twenty-five years have seen a n o tab le change i n

the public attitude tow;ard m en ta l discaae. T h a n k s to the e d u ­ca tio n a l influence o f the m ental hygiene m ovem ent, the fe e l in g

a b o u t mental d isorders is not a s hopeless as it once was. A .

generation ago a commitment to a mental h o sp ita l was * j m o n ly regarded as the equ ivalent of a life sentence. Today t h e

I m en ta lly sick are cared for u n d e r conditions sim ilar to t h o s e

i p ro v id e d for generations past fo r the ph ys ica lly sick, a n d

: thou.sands of them are returning to their hom es an d normal l i f e

! a fte r longer or shorter periods o f treatment. A s a matter o f

. tact, w ith the advance of m od ern psychiatry a n d the g r e a t ly

' im p ro ved methods o f treatment in force today, o u r mental h o s -

i p ita ls arc doing increasingly effective therapeutic work, t h e

I le s u lt s in the best o f them com paring favorably w ith h o sp ita ls

I fo r o th er forms o f illness. I t h a s been dem onstrated that t h e

d o o rs o f mental hospitals sw in g out as well as in.T h e situation w as very different a qu arte r century a g o .

w h e n “ insanity” w a s generally regarded as a d isgrace or as a r i

a fflic tio n of fate; w hen the m en ta lly ill were abandoned to t h e

indifference, apathy, seclusion (and w orse) o f the " in s a n e

i a s y lu m ” , or left to languish in despair in p risons, poorhouses.

, and other unsuitable place o f custody where th ey were a l t o -

j g e th e r neglected; or, when thought about at a ll in m e d ic a l

: term s, were considered incurab le . Since then, thanks to t h e

re fo rm s instituted b y The National.Com m ittee fo r Mental H y ­g ien e and allied agencies, these evils have b een largely a b o l ­ish ed , institutional regimes h a v e been hum anized , a s y lu m s

h av e become hospitals, and that whole system o f care of t h e

m en ta lly ill has been r e v o lu A & ^ jd . Tfce g re a t increase i n

m en ta l cases Ih recent years i a ^ 'w hot s6 trrfreb-to ah a c t s s l

rise in mental disease as to th e enormous developm ent a n d

im provem ent of treatment facilities, to increased public c o n -

( ’hlltlff'n In EnKlAwooiI Junior aixt S<‘iilor Hish Hvhoola will hnvff the .>l>|iotluntty in the fall to un.lrrcu the tulterculln leet with X-ray ex- iimlnatton. Thin opportunity Is U*- int affor.M throuRh thr New J«r- twy TuiK'trultialii and Health Arho- riallon nml Benren Pines llnsj.ttal. nnfl Ih itelitK’ offe -r^ eju-lu.stveiy to i Kn Iow.HMl and Hackenau.k at thiHlinif.

|v>r!slon to acreiit tl,u offer cjim*- i Tiie'Hlav after a conference iN-tween | the Boiird of E.ki<*»fctlnn an.l Kthool i Physician Rdmund Huff and Healtti offher H. R. H. Nicholas, Both men iHdnted out the Hdvantn«»*K. .•tiicf amonu whIcH l» Ihe chiinco of brinmmr to lluht u .'hlld niKe of (nlierciiloHls which mity Is* am-stc.l llirmiuh follow’up trerttmr-nt The iiffi'r in. hitlr:: folP'wun alirnti.in,

At flcHt the hoMi'cl wH.s liiHlm-d It, op|K)s.* the kleu. and TlnniniH H. Pox, preHldent. rtUl vole hhhIhsi i|i*» resolution. Wilitam Tt.-ni»-\ kuj; . ; Kpsfeil that an effort is- mmie to ; pr.ivido the same <»pi*ortnnlly for !■ hil.lren In the privtib* schnoiM. \

Tht- tnis-rrulin teetinx wi.ul.l l>e I done un.l.-r the auapic.*H of the li.*r- , ui II Pniinly Tulw*n*ulosin an.l Health ; .\sHht lalion. su{»|»ort»*d hy .sales of Phristma.s seals, anti the B.*ruen ' l’iiM-8 Sanltoriufn, In ccwperalion with l>r K-lmund Huff, isc'hool i.hysi.liin. an.l H. It. H. Nirbolas, health .tfflt-cr. i

First O ffm r HsrrTill* survey wU! be first offered to :

l»ul utay Im offeitnl to ; Ha. kenaai'k also. The Tulien nloaiH j .\ss>wiHtion win h ave rhanre af the I '>n»!utir,alion of the demoiiflratiim. i

City To Start Foreclosures

The Common Pouncll this we«k dwided to proceed with the neces- sary stetM loadtru; to foreclomtre of all tux and a.sReHsm.*nt liens heh! by the city for a jH*rio.l of t.ver two years.

This means that ull those proj*- erty (twners wliose proi.erty has itec>n listed In tax suImh of two years and more an.i, and who have not yet l>een aide to re leom that pr«»perly, must «1.» ho at once In order not to lose it.

This Ih the sec.'Ttil tiini* that Riit'h (I Hlep has been necesHary in Fnnlewond. The Common Coun­cil is ctunpelled by the law t.> take forerhtsnre prcH-oediiu's. For that r.'Hson It Is HiiNlous i.j imlify all r>roperty owners so affected that they may take steps Immediately to prevent forecloHure.

About 200 piftTH of property are involved In the fon-closure acfton, represent in,; values of over lirdMMHl.

P. S. A N N ^ C E l i W E Wants Permission i f i

And Broad Avemie

Wednesday Night Concerts Popular First One Proves

si.-vs hut .steady nn.i l liiymilv- liintiiil i;rovvth Is tiu* Oik-

Ther- h"iis«‘H are huilt from I to time- iiiiiis'-s in the hiKbcr I* nmceK. Hil.iitm tu the chanicter

|lhe First W tid, Two arc In |»n»- : there now, ;ind th.-rc have

1 Mvend ftm-ries ai>out bind,, Kc.. by utliers interoHtod In

jHiiie tn Knt:li'W(i()d. No 8}mm‘uUi- lare at wurk there. l«*causr* the Ifif (•(in,'?tnicti<iii Is ca re fu lly re-


fsother annoiini .-menl of Kreal Im I c.innoitioii with ib*vHoi)

Div' pcrts fur Ktielew«MKl Is tie t that the Ste'-nland proi>nrt;||^^ i>w)nd Ward between Broa<l »• Route 4. and the Enplewotxl Golf

ph i* nearly fr.-- and (dear of all 'llfficiilty in which It ha«i been

polvrd.wile M. B.-i k of H.dmken, the mpal mtiriiiiiiiei'. h<a« foreclose.1.

•la rapidly •-.■tfling’ all dlffer«‘nccs tibuyers wh.- had .sucl ajfainsl al- I ihl*repr.-.sentaliuti8 i>y Clifford

ptiman.R.-v.-ral <ieve|(HH*rs h a v e ex-

3 Intere.sf it) this tiro|rt*rty. and |nt)' enKiiM-.-r f..-l.s that it will not ^»ny mor.**i,> i>efore si*mt:thina ™np inatenali-/*»««re an- nianv acres of excellent winp silt-s Cl ihui frn.-t, and (.nco Wopmonl starts It Ih exi'ccli'd to

draphiiv. Taxes have ls*en |wid ■tile city r.-g'iiiarlv nn tho lun.l.

socrats Will Meet At City Hall M onday

b* 8tn,;|p hnrnr'tlbitp poli-^tivity ts iiu- .schediilod m.‘i-t-

Ine Kii-|i-\vi,o(l GemrH'rHtlc ' *'1f‘n.iay ni ht at the City

the n.

* for the fIt Is |.


'•''•r:it;q hav. no an- " ( as far H» <-andt- i eif>,-ii„ps are con. Mill- that the suh- iMt\ i-iime »m Vttm.>' tin- fart that 11*. I'fu.'ni, there* «»erriH"f-';i;*i ii.-n.ruu-r the

ililvt-al\va\-s di-sidayeil t o w a r . is me.“ niirbm thi.s p<*ri.Hl (»f r-nf'm-.'d

rest I nm to remiiin in Kiu:bwiK>i| and .levi.ti* m y finn* lo wntitur. Th'r- iire various .'-.fri.Ls of serm.ms that I have uiv.-n hen- which the <*om;re- mtlloiiH have rcriiicHtf-iI to ptil in print, hn! f»>r which piibli.-ation I have n.-ver had time. T " thiit wmk of piilillcatl.m I .sliiill .lovoto my him- exi-hiHivt-ly for to* lomr a.s llie (loi torH r.-rjuin* a re.sf of th.- voue.

I''xprrftse.s Thanks ’ 'There are certain vvord.s o f thanks

that I niiLst Hiiy:,first, to thi* Slslers who liavo pr.-|>Hr.‘.l tho n ittir mid liiii’'.-il Iho rtioir; secondly, to the liiiiit-R who h »ve Imen s(( devoted mid faithful in tho performani’o o f their

rk in tho vestibult-: thiril, to the lanlHt and the choir, anti lt» th'

iisher.s. and finally to all c>f y*»'i. the rejnilar atlendanlH at our dev«itiims, I have lone Iwen acciisiomcHl. ot mir varliMiH Khriiie.s. lo th'* loya lty (*f the ■p«t.|de. but yonr c..u|aration h ere has never lMH*n Huriiassed and lias never iiecn cquHlb-d. It is throu^’ h ym tliHl our Shrine, fotw comj'b te . is so perfect a uem. a Shrine w h !»h In iK'.iuty nml in devotional i'hara<*ler is nowlK’re surimsscd.

"1,1 return for your eenen»sity I liromlse all of you a ^tcnerouis mt-»s- nre of my time. l shall m» bmuer Ih- n him.v man Ui-'U whor-r h:!:or ymi need fear to intnule. In any way in which I ran Im- of help 1 wi.*=h y»*u not tn hesitate to call upon me. lor my time is yourK.

" I wish niy conclusion to !»e a prayerful nnr. Fir.* (, IH me ret|iiesl that you on'n.sinnally flat! tim e In ..rfer a n ine pr.iycr for mo. Sec niiilh’, 1 hope and pray OimI i h*- l/h- tle Flower may nlways keep r a d i one of you under her swof*! f>r(»ftm n. aii'l Mml our nicsst-d l.rful.v m ay ever (-over yon w ith her f>rotei fim: TnaMlIe, Devolion to 8t. Th«rese and to mir Ijidy ine\'tfaldy leads to irreafer h've of (5od. MTpl if you are true t<* their id.-ds, lids ftna! pm-.pr will h** iii- . utaM> rtiiK^ed. luinp Ij’ , tl'.at ’ ipn-i all your Uvea there may ev*»r n.st

Chapter Aims to Improve O n Ail Records As Demands Increase

fidence in our state h o s p i t ^ a n d greater w illin gness to u s e

nroethem , and to the great nunroer o f hitherto neglected and u n ­

ca red for cases uncovered by mental hygiene surveys a n d

b ro u g h t under treatment.

WllliHm S. DuHnis of I>\vit:ht pl;icc, I'huilcwo'Hl. has accoidctl the cliiiir- niiciship of thr Ilcd Cro.sn Iloll Cidl for the fall, aciordiim to an im- nnunc'‘rn*'ui this mornim; by F- Ltiwry Klotclu-r. head of the Ked (Toss hero.

Mr. I>»i ItniH smi'ccciIh Mr. I'THchcr 111 IhlK r»ost. The H( *<1 Cross Knil I'fdl w ill ho conrhicii'd in Iht- (virly full. A lit horitle.s of tho nnem y lire mixioim that the Roll Call this your rxiT-ccl fill previoUB rrcf.irdo hi'cmise of the increa-sed hurilonH la in;; thrust U|mn it.

Walter K. Knowiton of 'rcnafly. win dircM't tlio, northf-rn division of

I the Rod t *ro8s cam|»aiK'n. and Oory** K. Hall. HU|*#rintendent of schools in rilffsido I ’ark. will direct ihc-south- -ni division.

Announcomont of tho ilato for the i'Krd Cr*»ss Roll (,'all will tm mAdo lalcr.

KFI) r iiO S S J lM O K S , \II» CH K < HK ( IIHJ)RKNI Mt'mb«*rs of the .lunior Koil ( ’n»ss, i havintf r1«*no sn much last winler to , niil tho fhlldren at th»- Knch-wootl ;(’recho. havo lw*on cHlIod iij*on to help dliis .Slimmer and have willinuly rc- s|MiinifHi.

1 Fv(*ry m<»rninK one of tin* yirla In Ihe Jun ior Red Cross assists In the uiiMoor ai<'tivilies of th** ohiMren at

!lhe ('roohe. and every aft*-rnoon an- iithei « i r l take.s iu-r place. They arc

jtifferlnii this service vt*bin1arlly in ; fiilflllm‘*nt of their Ik'd (Toss [.l-ilip*.

Anion« I he most a«iiv »- are jilrls fiiiiil I>wiKht Si'lmtii. ini'lii'll'iL tlie Misse.s H*-l ly Inyrahiim. l,.»nis*’ Van- iterbilt, t?ol)bie Ressun, MJiry Smller, Hiul Adelaide Cox.

. .. _ .. . .....0\K m KT BY HKKVVOKKS

(I ’hit.sc lorn to

Only o n e fireworkH ncoi'toiit wuh ri'iii>r1r»1 t«> poiti-e aivl hi*siHu| au- di'TlftoM In Kn"!''W'“ *d ' <’ sf«-r,tii>-Ihchard Marrinyion. S. of h *' South IifOii Ktr*-«-t. hurt his h-ond ao‘1 wa.s lMi!li'»l a t l-'nylettond |i..s{-ital.

Mi, 1 ■>nc b. , |„ fit bl.

I** m k k u x in lu -m itNsE-lith \

r ’*^hy Ihe t, "'!-r!wt,.k was ap- ii 'o! board t o toKch

‘ Mir.,1 “ Hill

o r thB

-Ofk '’’'I""“ to th..'' o '''

•Sici,""' s “ '>*<■'*■' a«ii sch,„t.

Will be

Spiritualist Church Established Here Under An Accredited Medium

A retarding factor in the ea rlie r years o f the mental h y ­g ien e movement w a s the great shortage of physicians t r a in e d

in psychiatry, as com pared w ith those in o th er specia lties. L a r g e ly disregarded by the m edical profession, mental d i s ­

o rd e rs were considered a thing ap a rt and their study and t r e a t ­

m en t fo r generations were separated from the m ain stream o f

m edic ine . Today, m ental d iseases are recognized as a le a d in g

p u b lic health prob lem and a m a jo r concern o f medicine, a n d

m e d ic a l schools are giving increasing attention to the su b jec t,

in th e ir curricula.T h e magnitude of the p ro b lem may be seen in the f a c t

that there are approxim ately 400,000 patients in mental h o s ­

p ita ls in the U n ited States to d ay , or more than in all o t h e r

h o sp ita ls combined. Eight tim es as many patien ts are u n d e r

treatm ent in m ental hospitals a s in hospitals fo r tubercu lo sis .

A t th e present rate o f frequency o n e person out o f every t w e n t y -

tw o m a y be expected to enter a mental hospital in the c o u r s e

of a life-time.B u t there is a brighter side to this picture. In d e v e lo p in g

its p rog ram in recent years, m enta l hygiene agencies h a v e

sh ifte d the em phasis from care and cure to prevention a n d

education , by encouraging the establishment o f various t y p e s

of com m unity organization for early diagnosis and t rea tm en t

of th e milder as w e ll as the sev e re r forms of m enta l d isa b ility , j and fo r the modification of environmental conditions and m o d e s

c f l i v in g productive of mental ill health. T he m a jo r activity i n

this direction has been the development o f psychiatric a n d

m e n ta l hygiene clin ics for ch ild ren and adu lts. Between 6 0 0

an d 700 of these clinics are n ow in operation in som e 35 s t a te s ,

u n d e r the auspices c f state hosp ita ls, genera! hospitals, d e p a r t -

j m en ts o f health and welfare, com m unity chests, mental h y g ie n e

societies, public schools, colleges and universities, juvenile a n d

c r im in a l courts, and social agen c ies of many k inds, public a n d

p r iv a te . Over 50,000 children a re brought to these clinics f o r

I s tu d y and treatment in the cou rse of a year. It is also a s ig n i f i - I cant indication of educational a n d preventive progres.s in m e n -

I tal h yg ien e that som e 36,000 a d u lt s applied to such clinics f o r

! treatm en t in a recent year. T h is is equivalent to about half t h e

I n u m b e r of new cases annually admitted to state m en ta l

! hosp ita ls .

: providr- for th« ctduc'atlonHl iiKmram; luiii finam*«* n {>nri of Ih»- ntirvi*y,

Thi- pluis rr-(-*‘ived thr Hiipruval of ; III- ikiHrU of of th- M^r-ucii C'umly Tiili^n'llIohIn hB'I H<Hifh ,V.*«u< iaiion lit tho m*'ellnK "f iho !m;ml -lunf' IJ. It alr'*aiiy i.-hph lh<* ;i|ii>ntvul of th*‘ llcrci-n ('ininly

i M*‘ll()il SiK'iPty a.ii(l the fullowlitk;I l<*iHirH in health, modiiiil, and I Nrliiiul fleldfl wh«*. loxethey with i Mrn. Joseph A. l.*yn<*h, prPHid«“iit of j the iKmfd of iliroi't»»rB nf Die hhho- : flallon, inet rec»>ntly at tho head- ■ <iuai-tera of the ocKanlxatlun to dta- ciifw the plan: D r. tJeorge l.ovlta*i. Wf’st'.vood, chnirmft,n of health edu- faitmui) romraiU#i«, .liertjttO County TubiinnilcMila n'rwl Health Awux-la- tioii; nr. (k'Prire Knowlea of Hack- ensjuk. former chairman of lAibllc heiilth pommlllee o f Bereen Coun­ty .\i<*dleal 8m*l«ty: Dr. EdmundHuff of Englewood, chiilrman i>f Sfhcxjl Physiclani* Association; Dr. Jos»‘ph H. Morrow, superintendent of Berpen Pines; Hoy Zimmerman, CO inly .■*ui»erlntendent of srhoola; Hnery Nicholas of KnRlewood. ehalr- iiiMt of health committee uf the Ber-

1 Cimnty roiincil nf Social A ^ n - His.

Weston Says Freeholders Poshing Street Extension

( ’lly I’rcHldent <»errttt Weston an- n(tmic<>(l iluH week that the Hoard of Fm'holdcrs Ih prt»motlnfr a plan to pxle id I’ilisailo avenue Ihroujth to Teaneck.

Mr. Weston r«>ad a letter which he scot lo the iHHird tw o weeks ago upon icornini: thnf the jiroJecl Is belnsr coilHidprcd fiR a J W . A. matter. In the Iftter Mr. W «« lo n stated that •■vipiisinn nf I'aliwd** avenue would

i Im* hiirhly Itcneflrlal to the city and i to its rm-rchanls. He also pointed out that tnasmiK-h a « Englewood ia one of the few cities that has never defaulted in payingr Ra county tax it ts eiifitjed to extrii effort on Itn he- tmlf by the Freeholders.

pkesf:n t s p icT i r k s tolUIAKD O K KDIU'ATION

' Mrs Howland V'ernillye has pre- • fw-nied a group of lovely plctiirea lo ! the Board nf Education which ac- I cepted them on Xuesday with ex- i jtrehslons of deep appreciation. The } picliires jire from the home of Rob-I ert W . I>e F u fe s l .

About l.Otkt persons congreqated Ht Depot Square Dark Wedne.*4day nij:ht to hear the first of the 10 \Vo,ines<tay night free Ijaiid concerts to Im* staned thei'e throuahouf the Huniim-r (hcmmli arrKngem«*nl with The EuKlewiMMl PrcKS.

The aHsemIdaqe was obviously de- hkjhted by the mimic, (hie (*hanqe

H won't be lonff now before old trolleys that have rumbU through Enfftewood since 1k06 wll pul! Into the car stable for the time.

Trolley service lietween Tenafty and a point below the Leonia Junr- tlon will be dlaconUnued Juat an soon as Public Hervice Coordinattsd Transport secures permission from the I'uliHi.* UtUltleH CommiHeion and from the muntctpslilleH affected to operate an extra bua line that wilt sulwtltute for the cumliersome trol­leys.

The line is not paying. Public Her* vice explains, and anyhow, the trol­ley .service Is already partially clup- llcate.| by ),us .service provided by lines :>4 and K4.

New Hus RouteBy makinq certain changes In the

huB line service, and by addlnq 10new hiisrs that will run alonq Bn* ale street to Iiemarest avenue, west to !>ean street, south tn I^allsade avenue, cast to Grand avenu8i south on Grand to Van No?»trand avenue, east on Van Nostrand th’ Broad avenue, and then aouth Into RUlgPiield. full service will he main- tainM.

Elimination of the trollev nefvk*e win mean -pr«»vided the city con- eeiils—that Puhll, Serviro will run Imses along Kngle slreet. a practice hitherto ro.strlcted to c**rlnin hours of tin* (lay. The mailer la l>einq diHcusBed not alone l)y Knqlnwood. hut i,y T(*mifly J>l.*40, Lerinia and RidKefleld aie (llscusslng thoir proh-

t -

t ^

which will h<‘ effected next weak, however, and a change that will add Immermely to the effect of the mu­sic. will be the tntroduettun of a4dl- tioual brass Inatrununls. A few too many siriuKed iostruments on W ed­nesday preveated those o street from hearing the musk!.

The pxcellcnco of the musicianship was acclaimed on all sides, however, am! William Tierney's iTmarka dur­ing the intermission were g ree ts enthuatastirally. Mr. Tierney point­ed to the value of these concerts and expre^ed the community's gratitude to the sj-Mjiisors and to the E.R.A. or­chestra. Everybody Joined in siDg- tnq the Star .‘*pan«led Banner at the iloct* *<f ti»e concert.

,\n «.*i.HemblRKe of over IHtXi Is ex ­pected at next Wednesday night's concerl. The t)an<i was cmducte*! hy Oeorce Needham, who numbers amotit: his idayers two former Sousa band memtiers, on«* from the ( ’hUago Civil Oi>ein. and others of equal note in the field of mustc.

Th'ise cooperntInR with The Engle- wo4k| I'resH In spoimorlng the free Iwnd com’erls are the Common ( )Unc l, Ihe Hoard of Education. Citiz(-nfi National Bank. Pailaades Trust t'ompany, Franklin Furniture Cotni>ony. Smalbeln's Bakery. Thom­son & Vannlngton. William Myers. T. Floyd L-orentaen. Temple Em«nu- E! Hundfty School, Isaac fioldherg. Meadow BrcKik Flower Shop, ('harics Sler!>en. Benny Kurxrock.



The new /onlne Code, first step tn Kfifilewood's master plan, was apprnvfd hy Uie Common Council Tuesday night and was passed U|>on tnitisl reading. The hetuing on the revlsefl code will be held on T u e s ­day night, duty 1ft. The code, along with the man illustrating all provi- sifMis of the c ^ e . h4 pears In the Sec­ond .'Hertion of today's FnglewofKl Press.

Public School Enrolment Drops As Private Rolls Show Increase

; A t ' lh r i i ; !n - ijr t t t lo ii of Iniprovo-- rnenl in fam ily f in a n c o H was 8(>en th in I week in the an ’io u n c e m e n l by W in to n I J . W hile that e n ro lm e n t lu (he g rade I K« b(h>lH o f iCnplewsfM l had de(Tea,Med ( whereas enrulm eht In the p r iv a te I fichunls n f the c it y h a d Increased,j -The d*>( line in p tih lU * school en- , (u lm ciit lirf.-4 U eu iit> lj(eah le for tw o I years. M r, W hite e xp la in e d to th e j iUiiird of D im a t io n . although it h a s- tM-en mor*> nottccal»le this year. H**

Itnia fsHtiet an<t new are m<iv.tng into the cominunlty.

For a few years of the depression pnlilii' Hchool enrolment showed an

incrca.sc, due In the main to the fact that nm.y f.amllie.s who normally sent their children to private school were oMiged to send them l « pitblk sch'Mil. Now, however, due to an apparent improvement In financial conlitiniiK many of these rsmilles are again able to send their children lo private sdiools.

Alany Out-of-Town Pupils

There are other Enr,lewo<sl prplp lems to be conHidored: It will mean iiuses on jVau NoKtrand avonue and (»n Broad avenua. both of whtah^ have had only trolley*, which I'Ua

Has niaiuiA4.«t^ ycMf!:A a l AVtlt*^inform inwttt’Wmforrn in :

raspecta to tirtr present trollay As far as Engrlewor^ Is coftCTrned. a* rWe fKgn points wlthlif the city xWlj not exited 5 rentn.

Clstm Hetler ServicePublic Bei*vlce contends that the

service will be far more c«mvenient. There i%ill be the recular Tenafly mad line for rcHldents there, and' the Rude street line foi restdents op the East side.

In afkiition. then- will hr a minule bsts headway in ronirast to the half hotir trolley headway.

The trolley line has l>een an insti­tution in EiiglewocKi since lj®0, which. Incidentally, was the year In which Englew’ood Ix-gan to lnc(o‘- I»orate as a city. Few matlem caused more emhroilmeut anuing city officials than Ihe trolley. Them was constant frlctinn l»etween the ! liolley anr! the Northern Railroad of , New Jersey. Incldeiitally. it waa the railroad's refusal to grant Ida trolley right of way Hcro8.s its own . ratiroa*! rrOHsInga that luevenled the trolley from veerina veat across; Palisade avenue and then north up ' Tenafly niad and s(* on Into Bergoti* field.

When the trolley w-iih first istart^' It extended only to Knclewood Ave­nue. Bh»ck l»y h|(Kk it imshed up Dean street, but only after hof'l fought victories. Finally It reai’h ^ Mheslnttl street, and eventuaHv iTenafly,



That Undernourished May Be Sent

Thirty underprtvMeged iSngkwool children to«!Hy are HUff**iing the panirs nf disappointment over not lH*lnc aide to ««> to ramp for two weeks l)ecau8e the Kiwa.nts Club's camp fund was only big enough lo allow 'Wl In go. The !40 who left to­day were the neediest ca.v*.s. most of them. Ofcordmg to statements by ths physh'laha who examined them, be-tnr iindernfntrt«he«}

If the Kiwanis Club receives fur­ther contributions, dome of the dta- aPtMunted kiddles will be able to go

C h ild guidance clinics arc conducted on tiic th a t* b e h a v io r difficulties of childhood frequently antedate and a r c

A SpintmiHsI m'-*lmm. h-hh tionc'l liv Hud undci till- tti<itecti(»n " f Hi'' New Jersey 5*tHlc Si-intualiHt.s Assn, ciatl-m. (onduit(*iI tin first ni'*ctiii- (»f the Kirat Spiritualist rhtir« h of EiiKlewood at k Sciith Dean street Tuesday night. Her n*-xt scK-vion will !m* un Friday nicht, and the third nn Sunday nicht.

1M© lUcaitittl »» misH i*«. iv.who k-uda the t(inKn'ualJonat mcet- IngB and i-uirtmunt-s with the dead.ServlcLH a rc open to ull. M is?

«ill com iti' t Hprviics th n e nudd.H a w**f*k. S iin »lay. Tiie!wlH.v. and Friday.

! Tlie s t » t » * asR(Niatlun is pcrtnilting tlie l■^ln«r^*lrall(ln hen* on a ihn-c niuiilh.s i>rijlwU(i;i rx-ritMl. and If it tniWH to .Huffldenl propnrtii.na the iunnit o f the ccngrcuunon will U; i'xt(*nd'*(J.

Atff'iit Xli women attended th** find

e a r ly signs of school failure, lelir.quency, m en ta l disease a n d

dependency, and that the mott promising m eans for the p r e - j

ven tion of seticus social failur>;s a re those w h ich a im to correct

m en ta l deviations in their beginn ings, to estab lish a m enta lly

h e a lth fu l environment for the child, and to create a m o n g

ad u lts a general understanding o f what the ch ild needs f o r

h e a lth y mental g row th . In add it io n to their treatm ent w o rk , j


Dahl Is oonfideut that ton»«:hl there will he a4 least e m’ore and that on Hiuvliiv tn**rr- wU! Ije still more.

c lin ics engage in the education o f parents and teachers, soc ia l |

(PI“Of*p turn tu imge ‘2. Second Seciton)

are .-ilile to r*-tiirn tn thetr prn«pi>rttv- '!uy halitt of nendiriK' <‘hiklirn to prl- vote IM !io(*ls,

\ir 'Aio:< :.K »*rtH. h- *( Vf r, that Sit. |i«,ks for ail im n*a>w in pulihe K'hool enrolment next yea r and the yeani foUoRing lipJHtifie o f the fact lhal En- KlewfMsI in l»eL-!nninsc lo fee! the ef- f*'i ts -if new tiuddm»f. which meansHiiditioriai i')hHl>itantf«.

f*npulRti»n T ide RlHing 1‘ntil recently. M r. White r>h-

Bervf-g, there has t->e n little or m» infinx of iMipulatiori. because there ban Iteen no new building. If anjr- thlnj:. people Pave moved cu‘ of En-ptpwuHvt However 04 r White •./.(.«««out’, pei)p!e are returning lo Engle- wfK*cj, acw houses are being built ' (os is str»'SBed in another article in '

In tl.o b(c»i K« h«vc.l, uf cc'irs**.ha.s stPHddv qrown. The qrowth. however, i.s due chiefly In the fart n»at iiiiiiy out uf uJhhave tweti .'M'mlinjr their '.‘hiklrpn to Knalewood.

Mr. While made c«»mi>;irtw>nH In en­rolments for Itk'M and showinqwher' decreases wer*- principally no- tir-eable. The total enrolment showed an inrreH»te of aliout .VI, due to In- crefis ui in Jtir.lor and Senior Hlph

In total enrolment was SflOS; tn 4054. In the grades In 19 44there were 1812; tn I t ^ . only 1717:

ino4 oaoand In 19%5 there were 93.1. In Se­n ior High in 1D34 there were 838; in l im , IMS,

Fur that th«> dub t« tirsihftany Individqal or organization who can s iaro anv amount lo donate it at oi.e«. Adjutant WtUiain odSalvation Army. 1* cHairroan theKiw*anls Club Camp Fund Coenmittee. William Sort<»r Is pre«tdent ^ Ktwauls Club. Raymond Kraus Is »*.Tetary.

i t Soya, B GiriaThe Kiwanians transported 30 jhll*

dren to camp t«jday. 22 boys to/beatta^ tifui Star L ^ e at Butler. New Toriv, and 8 girls to Ixmg Branch Camp for Girte. The cost per week por chiy is only I6i. Adjutant Trigg points out

only ^ 0 in coDtributloo# from £ n -

(Honae turn to Page 5 )

f f r i ^* • * V i -"- —J



Event Commemorates Visit Of Abiil Baha In

M 1912' I ’ h o i i n n i w l c o n f e r o n t ’ * * o f I h f '

f j # t i i i t « wtM h e l d S e t u r d a y o n t h « L M D u n d i i < r f ^ h e B a h a ' i t > n » o r . 1 2 1 ! E v i r g n t e f t p l a c e . W e n t E n i d e w o i H i . m n l d r « w a t t o m l a n c f ? o f o v o r W K » p e n w a i r T h o a e g a t h e r e d f o r t h e e v f h t r o p i ^ e ^ n t e d m a n y n a t i o n s , r e - I f j i f f o a s i a n d r a c e e , t h e i r h o r e d t i a ' - y

a n d p r e j u d i e e n d t a a o l v e d t h r a i t f ^ t h e p o w e r f u l e o l v o n t o f t h e p r l u d p t e s o f b i ' t > t h e r h < x x l u r w l u n i t y

^ n t a l n a d I n t h e t e a ^ ' h l n e e o f ! f i » i « a * U ’ U a h , f o i i n < l e r o f t h e I t i t h u i j f a i t h a n d ^ a < ; c o r d i n g t i > t h e l i u l i a ' i K .

t h e m e a M e n g e r o f ( h w i f o r t l u « a d - y a p c e d a g e . |

■ ' ■ ' T h i n M e e t i n g i s h e l d n n t u t u l l v I n ! p ^ ' W j m m o m t l o n o f t h e J u n e i n 1 9 1 2 !

. 1 ^ , W h f e n A b d u l H a h a , » o t i o f H a h a ' u ' U a h . i ^ " ▼ i B l t e d A n t i e r k ’ a u i u l c » n t l H - i n ' s a m e [

/ ^ ' ‘ S t d t j n d B I n W e s t K n R l e w o o < ! . g a v e ! t h e f i r a t “ u n i t y f e a s t ' a n d w i t h h i s i o w n h a n d s i w * r v « l t l u i M i - f l r a t f e w j h u n d r e d f r i e m l M u l i o h i t i l p u t h > - r < > d I n ( x m s n r r u t l o n t o t h e e a i i H < ^ o f t h e

o n e n e a a o f m a n k i t i d . i

R o j f C . W i l h e l m w a s t h » - e l i a l r m u t i o f t h e a f t e r n o o n m i ' p f l n g , w e l m n i l n t r

_ t h e r h i h a ' l a a n d l l t e i r g M e s t n a n d . t h e m e e t l i i K w i t h a H i d « » b y '

M I m V i o l a K a l h ' - r y n K e h e r e r . o f H « i - i . t e o r i C O t u . l ‘ ' o l l o w l i i g t h i s t h e h l N t o r l e j

S J M d t e n H y A l x l o l K i i h a I n t h o s e I a S M U n h i e r l I j i - r e i t t 1 ! » 12 . w e t * - r e a d h \ ; M r a . S h i r l e y W a n l e .

, , D r . H u y t i i o n d I t . F ’ l p e r . f i r o f e H s o t , • . . , » « o f p h U o a o p h y a t S y n o u s e I ’ M l v e r s i t v , I

» S j > o k < ' o n t h e « i i l ) j » - e | o f t h e u f t e r n o f m . j • ‘ H e e u r i t y K < . r a K H i l i n g W o i h j . ' D i . ' i

r e e e n f l y r e t i n r i e d f i - . r i i , « w d l ' l ; . . L o u r , s t u d y i n g l l i e i d i t l M s o p t u . h o f ,

• ’ o t l » e r r t i e e s . s l a t i d t h a t o n l y i n h | < i i - . ‘ i t i i u i u n i t y i m i ' ' t h e w o r l d f i n d t h e : |^ H e r l i M l y H O l i e e d e i i . l l m l a . s w • • f r i | H ( ,, „ . , , u i » { l l o v e e a « h i d h e r . s e f i i t i l v w i l l h i

U U a h l i N h e d .- " l < n i i ( i H r i i i i m

H a h a ' u ’ U a h . . . a b i t j a i l e r n r u » r e s e i n e s s j u n t l e e t h - J t h e w o r l d b a d p r a c t l e e d , t » u t t h e ' H r a t a n d m o a t i n i - j M » r t a n t M t o | . t o w ' u r l s w t i r l t y .

. M I h h M a r y M a K w e i l o f M o n t r e a l V o i c e d t h e f « » e l i t i K o f t h e y o u n g e r K e m - n i l t o n . S h e w i l d t h a t t h e y d i d n o t e . ^ p e ' d t o f l r i t } m i i f e r h i l s e e u r t t y

I n a w o r h l u o m - b o f ; i r a s t n i y . . h u t h a i l < - n n i e t o i h e r e a h z j i t i o n t h a t t h e o n l y } » r e 8< > n t K e r u r i i y f o r t h o r n

m u s t t « a n i n n « ‘ r s e n n e o f > « < i i r l T y . S h e n u l i l t i i a t w h i l e j u s t i c e w a s o i i “ g r e a t p i l l a r o f e l v i l l i t i t l o n l o v e w : i h a n o t h e r a n d t h a t t h r o u g h t h e p o w e r of l o v e t h » * } « M ' m t r i : r ! y i n n « > s s i h h '

c o u l d I w H * . ‘ < i j m i d l » h e < | .. M i s s K l n r i a n K r u g ' j i i o t e d f i i i h a ' -

i i ' l l a h O H M t t y l n t T t h a t t h e t w o g r * - a t p i l l a r s o f f l v t l l z a t l * * ; * w i - r e J i m t u - e

i i n ' l l o v e , n « f l t h i ‘ r < - r i e l u f f t i l e n t a h > n « , h u t t o g e t h e r t h e y w e r e c « f i H l > l i - o f h u l t d l n g k i n e w w t u l d o i t h r t h a t W ' l i i i l i l f u n c t i o n a t - c o r d i i i g t o t h e h i g h ­e s t l a w s .

D l w i i r H K i n n e y o f . S ’ « w Y o r k w a n t h e I a s i s p e a k e r n f t h e a f t e r n o o ni i n d n ’ S | / o n < i e i | t o i p e H t a t e i i i e n i b yD r . M a s u M n i i i t h a t w e l o u l d n o t f i n d

c o m t n o n b t w i n b o o k s n s t h e y w e r e ( l e a i l . M r . K t i j n e . ' . i . > . i n i e d o i i t t h a t t m l a y I h e { l e o p l e M o f i l i > w o r l < | e v e r y ­w h e r e a r e b j o k t m : l * ; i i ( . w a r d , c l i i u r t n g I I I o l d l i e l l o f N , r e l i u i ' i i u i . s o * U t l a n i l 1 * ^ > - I I I i i h I . T b e o f i i v i i e a i i M o f b r i i n c i n g

.‘ • e c i i r l t y ! « » l i n ^ w o r l d w l u - n ' h ! I t t i e H H u n e l e t i l t h i r i g H w « r e d i x i i i t e g r a t j n e a n i l l u l l i n g a i > u i i . . M > . K i n n e y K a l d . v . a . ' i t h n o i c h t h e n - w i . . | „ , . | , t o f t n i l h a n d u n i t y | . n r i i . ; t i t l o I h i M u i f e h > i i a t i u ' n ’ i h i h . I

\ I i H K S < h e r i r s a i - . i . . t i i i d u r i n g t h i * i i i i . i i i u : ; i n d I T h t i J i e < N ' o i T h e r n .

* » M i i i - n t N i - c r o ! * n o r , u i v a x k e ^ t t o r < l i d ' I M e v e f : i | N f v r i i - - i . ; i i l u . - j l * a i l d r e t e i v e d g r r * . ' i t i u ' l a i i i i I r n i n h L ' t I t . s - f e i i c r s .

S ’ D i p ' T w . ' i s . s r - r v I m i i i I m - c r o i i n d M • u . i l i i i i i g I f t * - l ' n < ( i d s ! ■ . < - i i , } o y t l o - H " i 111! I o n t o ' I d i - « t i i e U l ) \ t h e H n h . ' i ‘ L sM i l i m p o i f . i i i t i l l . . . . . . . . . . . i i i i d i r -. • • i j i n d i o g l u ' l v v i ’ e n i h t ' - o m h i i i d r i U . ' f H .

H e a r ( u n i l o rT h > ‘ e V e m n e m e i t u u ' w a s h e W l f i t

S i i i l i . . k w i t h M a x w e l ln . s . t i M i u i o i ! . . j a i i i e i M o i l ' I I , i u r a i o r I I I i ) i < . i ’ a t o r s ' - i i M u ' i ' i i i i , \ v ; i m t h e s i n . i k ' i a o i l h i s > i i ! U ‘ ■ ' ' ' T l u i l ‘ e * i f T ) .M - ‘ i f . . I I A i : * - . " I h - L . h d t h a t i n \ I . I V - d I I I * ' • . d l . ’ i i c ' n l i d d s l . i n d a n l H i m d I t . I n f s n i l | , . . . . j a r . - s e . k i n u a l \ .1 \ n l | l o f I h t ' 111 ■ S ( I i l I l i . i o s . A m I I ■ i i H l l l l s I I I I n j f - ! l l I * ' l l ' d l f l . l t t l l O M C o f !

I B I f i i M d a y I t i " i i t h a t M l I , j .



Judge Lebson Officiates And Winlon White

Clives Address

■ Shirley Temple at Plaza

i ^ t w r e i K e t ‘ , | , i < h » l ( e r ; i f n e p i e a l -

' l e r t t o f t i n - K t u r h v v o i H l I t o t a i v C ' h i h

T u i a d a y a t a h j i t e [ i e o i j i n t h e l O i i g - l e w f K M j ( j o j f t ' h i h .

V T h f m e e t i i i ” w a . s n t f e m l t M l b y ,

' i t K i i i t ( l i f t H o f . ” . r i a n s . f o r i t w a s a l e o t h e ' H - c a H i u i i f i r t h e t e n t h t i n n i v e r H -

a r y o l t t i e K o r t I . e e H o t a r y t ' l t i b .. l u d g e . \ h r a n i A . | . e | > u n n o f f l i l - l

a l e i l u f H i e m o r e s s u v i n r t u l l a l i o n •e e i e m o n i ' H ' u i S U p i ' i i n t e i ' d r - l i l . • « I i o o i x , d e l l V f . l o n G l . - u d . > h i i - a

M l l a . I da n f i d e , t , > 1] ,

S e h l l k e p : - . ' d . d d m i i i i s H a l | i U I • h i r l n c I t o - j j . ' i s t ' ■ ' i t - f ; i : i d i o : - .‘ f i a t I t I S a p ! . ' I < i u t . m . - ' l l .

: ' ! i d h i . 1 ‘ • ■ I " . .

! W i l d . I l l J \ V ! i i b ‘ . ■ d K t i r I e w o o d d a ' . t i n i l i a m e s H a ' . ' i -i d !

t h " ■ ■ f f it h e H i l l r it n u n d y h i e

f u l l e r o f f H T . i l d V .

( ) ,

D r . F t . . \ l a M | i J i m n , i n t e m H t i o i m l j l u x . . w n p r o f . v s f . i o o . . . l a w y e r r > f T - . k l o . n p o k e o n H o - r e - ' t u n i i n . ^ t o ( b . d i n r - . i

■ g e n e r a t i i m ; i n r i i i e n e e n f l o n i i i i i . t i l a w I H u m a l ' H i e < ' > > i i l i | t i e \ ’ t " ' - H e B a i l I ( f i M t I ' . ' i u ’ I I m I i l a w w a s o n n u i • ! " I ' . d l l I m o v - * w i i h h t I c

t u r t ' - n t i n t h e w o r l d a n d H i * r : r e i i l i . M t ■ H i . u ; ; | i t i . i m . i t i i i . i l m e . ' i i v r I l f f ' j n i i ' i i n i ' d " ’ ’ t t t i . d t i e e v l i h ' i i r e o f I h e s p l i t i o f | . . v . - a n > l : * l l r e l H t i . ' M . M h a d ( - a . U n i t y t h a t | . l • r v n d e d I h l . s r n o o t i n u . i i i g . . f a g f e a t i m u M

' O r . M a s n i i m a H i u r d u l u i a : e i . o r t i o n w o u l d n i i i l o i h i l i i n i d o f h i K t a l k i n J i i m u . . - . , r ( ‘ l i l i i u , I I . u n d e r o n . l . ; u , n i i a n

. a ; d d t h a t C i n n u w . u i w i n - o f I h e . d d » ' n t i i i . d i r . s ! . i i n ! i m ; . . r ; . | i i i a n d g r . ' u t e . s l n a t u u i s o l I h e . a r t i i a n > l t . i | . [ ' h ' d t o l l n h

i . r . - . ' - i d e i i f ! r e f i s l i r r r

U . Mf a r > .

F o l l o w i l l ■ • - ■ m u r a l I o n t " h \ M r i . n 1,1

H o ; , | . | o f ( ; \ V H ,

.‘ ^ ' i i U k . . f ; . ! ' • ( . T M l - M l H I t I I \ , .

A n i l ' , o l i d I W H . \ \ a , f

o l I I . A A t ' l l l h , M . - l \ M

U ,

■ i m i l e l l l K | I , c I ' ' W < H h 1 ■ e d s J > r . W a l t e rf i ' M l ' l e n t i s f . w h o < < e

i f ' I h e e l u b ' s a f f a i i N . I . . a r h a s h « * n « i i l l r s l

l i l . u l i t u . - i H ' - r t e da - s i M ' t o f a k e . , v i > r

I f i l i f i v i - o r n i H i o i i . i l l w I I I . h h r f t r e - ? . r d ' M d s l i i j . l i e s p o k " - T » |

I m . - u n e s s a n d r o i i i . • I'd i.\ ffie , hih

O H i r e r si l i ’ U a H ' - d w e r e , !

l i f . i t \ | . . . . j . i - f M t i l ' i U ; ! U n a . r . . „ h | \ 1. . . i

" I f < : S f . w m l . !

N i n e T H 0 U S M 4 0I N O E P E N D E N T




S sfl B t h e y ' r e

c a l u n 6 " 0 U R l I T T l E0 1 R l " ' l U i R G r e a t e s t -

V o u H A V E m a d e M O R E P E O P L E H A P P Y A N D M A D E M O R E C H I L D R E N L A U G H T H A N A N Y C H I L D Y O U R A G E I N T H E H I S T O R Y O FT H E W O R L D / ” - i p v i N 5 C o b b

F A M O U S A l l T H O R

© V A I R , B O A T , A N D T R A I N C O M E T O N S O F F A N M A I LF O R S h i r l e y f r o m - l

E V E R Y C O R N E R O f T H E 6 L 0 8 E - . T H E T O T A L T O P S F A N M A I L O F A N Y

H O L L Y W O O D S T A R .



E s e )v o ^ Theater Varies Program With Novelties

Display Causes hterest In Estabiishiiig (Jasses Id


\ \ - I• t a u t

■ U r

t l i « - ■ . ' i M I l l l t t ' e . . | l i e r h l L . a n n i . i l i r e . ! • r l I l f I n s l a l l a t i i U )i i e t H I . r . I

M \ ■ i r i i . \ 5 . . l l . . n V \ H

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i l l .

U o i . \ \ S i n . i l i i ' i nI I S t -

. I . U K . A I .

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F a l l

s" Opening of Playgrounds Received With Enthusiasm By the Children

N e w l t n i » < » t i H w a s . s t i | » j d i e ' t I h i n w ( ” e k t o I t u * m o v e m e n t f o r a d u l t

• - d u t - u l i o u o n a h n i m i m - u i e i i i K n - L . - I e w < M M l i n i b p f a l l b y t h e e x h l l t t ’ i o n . i f w o r k d o n e b y u t l u l t t d u r a l t o n ' l a . ' w e s i n v » r l o i i s p a r t s < » f t h e « o i m - t y n o w o n d i s i d a y i n t h ' ' f * r m e r 1‘ n s f O f f ' e - e ' i n a i i e r s i n t h u C i t i z t m . s N ' n f l o u a l H t m k l U d l d l n g .

T h e e x h i b i t c o v e r s t h e e n t i r e f l o < * r a m i I B : t r e m a r l u i b l e d e n i o n s t n i l i o u o f w h a t t a n h e d o n e t » v ' i . i M l i s t n i h ' - i i u u e s t b i r a d v i n w e d t n t t n i n g .

. \ l l o f h a n i h * r a f f B . a r t w o r k .m u ' U . l i l e i a t u i e . c h e m i H t r y . t a u l o . . " o k i i K : . e t < ' . . i t i e r e p r e s e i d o d i u t h e d ! , N | . i u \ s . T h e w o r k , t a k e t i a t r u u - . i . i f u f n . i n t h e { u a - o n i p i i H l m i e n t x o f t h r . ' H r v e r a ! i h o t i A u n d n » ' U a n d w o . n u n i l l I t e r y e i i t ’ o u n t y w l i o - i i i o n ' t e d t h e e l . i . s s e K i « B o l d b y I l i o H e w l " . h I - i r a d v h i i v t * v i e w n i i t t o I - ' o u t -

k t a i u l i m : .M a y R e g i s t e r

l E r i ^ i - s f r a t i o n f o r r . m r s e s t o b e L . k ' M i i n t h e f a l ! a r e i i l s o l . e t n i r r r m r f e n * » w . A n y K i u ^ t e w o o d r e . ” ! ! ,

d ' n f w h o d e s i r e s t o e n r o l l i n . - o n r s e s m a y ' l o h * i a t t h e t ' i t i z e n s N u t i < m u l F a n k l u d k i i n g .

A u ; r p , ' i t p f f f u t i s i k e i i m m a d " I n l - . n i . - w i . ' > l . u n d « ‘ r I h e l - u n i e r ' - h i i i ' . f | a • n . i i p F F f w o t m x n . t o s * * i - n r < t h « ‘ | H . . . f H . s E - h o F f i b i i i M i n ; i n l i u - f a l l ' ' = < i i f i a f t l i e S t a t e K l f A i u . i > M i m i i ' - e - : i . ' i i t v F . s f o r K n u l e w ' B N i f ' . a d « ‘ n l - t I n ' t h e p a . H | . e x c e p t f o r w h a t h a s I m e n 1

d " i i ' a t M r - n i o r i a l M o t i . x e . l - a i - h - w i x H i 1 r c M d e n t . ' R h a v e I x - e n f . > r e d t o - a ' , o i i l i " I i " W n f f t ( . i l i i B s e B , ( ( I s M m - i " n -

T h " i ' l i b l l c i s g r r o l u a l l y d e m n h d l n ^ r n i ' F i e o f a v a r i e t y o f e n t o r t u i m n j t i t . ' i i i d t h < * I n t i - f a l u c l i F U t o f s t a t r e r d u . i p r ' K - i - a . ' - i l o n f i l l y I n l i r e a k u p t h « ' s h o w - i n u o f f i l m s < u i . t h e B t * r e o n h a s I m ' - • • o n i e q u i t e i » " p u l a r . T h e R n c l ' . w i t o l T h » i v t n - l . s c a l t r l n g t o t h e r > u b l U . - I n t h i . s r e g . a r d h y l u t r o d u c i n K s t a g e s h o w s a n d o t h e r n t i v e l i i e s t o b r e a k u p t h e r F i u t i n * * n f t h e f i l m s w i t h o u t d e p r i v m i : t h e p a t r o n s o f a n y o f t h e P X E ' e p t i o n a l l y h l . g d o u h l e - f c : i i u r < - f U r n p n s e n t u t i n n s u s u a l l y o f f e r e d u t t h i s p o i . i i l a r t h e a t r e .

S a t u r d a y n i g h t w i l l c o n t i n u e t o b e t h e a n v d e u r n i g h t . M o n d a y n i r h t i s i » a y n i g h t , w h e n e a c h a n d e v e r y p a t r o n I s p r e s c i i b M l w i t h u f M y e n -

v e b ‘ i * e < * o n l i d n i n p m o n e y . T h i i r s d o y n i c h t . H n n o i h « ’ r p . i m o f s t a g e . s h o w i i n < i < r M i e ( a p t l m i o f I b i t h l n g . K r o l i < - l u ' f ' s e t i l s H m i m l i e r o f l i a l i i i n g i w m i i . t » » ‘ s ; n a l i e a u l y c o n t e s t , a f t e r w b i e h t h e y e n f e r l i U i i i n B i > n g . d a n c e a n i lc - o m e c l y .

T h e f i l m f a r e I n * I m l e s . l a s t t i m e s t i K l i i y , " P r i v a t e W o r l d s " w i t h < * h n i - d ‘ ’ t t e F o l f i e r f a n d C h a r V s H n y c r n l i i H " . M a r y . l a n c ’ . s P a " w i t h A l i n e M a c - M a h o n a m i ( h i y K I b t i e e . R a t i i n l a y

a n d S u f i ' l a y l . r i n g s t h e I n t ' c r n a l i o n a l h i t • ' K o l K ' F a " w i t h I r e n e D u n n e

; i n d F r e d A ' - t u i r e . c n - f e a t u r o « | w i t h " T h e W h i l e P i H k a t o E i " w i t h . l e a n , M n i r a n < t l l i e u r « | o t ' o r t e j - . M o n d a y 1

o n t f i c s i i e e n w i l l l » e N h o w n ‘ " I ' a k e l h « - . S t a n d , " . a l , s o M r . a n d M r s . M a r ­l i n J i > h n s o n ' M " F a l M M U t a . "

T n e . S F l a y a n d W e « | n e . s d a y h r i n a K " H « d d ' K i n Y a l e " w i t h f ’ a t r b ' i a K i ­l l s a n d P e s i i r U o m i - r r > . c « » m l . i n e ' | w i t h " I . i i ’ h t n i n g S t r i k e s T \ v i c - f " w l l t i R e n i , \ f » n a n d P ' - r l K * M o n T h e d i s h g i v e a w a y o f h : i n * l s o n i e c h i n a . a r t i c l e ^ l o t h e l a ' l i e s w y t l a k e p h o - e a E l i . s i m l o n T i b w l a y a m i W e , l - h e ? . ' ! a y a f l e r a « K > n a i h l e v e n i m : . T l r . n s d a y a j t d F r i » i a y w i l l t . r j r m

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" A R I R a s o ^ j ,

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“Mary Jan*’,M a i M n h o n ,

R A T I ’ I U L V VA X U s I Y

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• I - a t i o n . H e! ! ■ ! . , • P . ' o k H o f

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H . , M .S U H - t n

■ . l l e .I ' l l , 1< ’ . ,1 S i i i a l l H - i o

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, . ^ p r . i M a s u J I n m a m i p o l n l e . ! i , u i t h a t ' M i t . I v l i m H u k s c I I l l l a k ' ‘ l y w i l l s i . e n k

I : i i e d . F a t ) . . I l l i r l i t ' l ( h a t t h . ; i ; . ' h i l i > s ' . | ' h V n l w i l l , l l i i i i i s l I h ' h

M i h s . ^ o i i i u ( ; <

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i . - a ' l i l i i i . ' H ; i M - n o t I I I . ' h u t a i . a l i t y

■ p l i e d l o ( | | | | | \ l l t ' r , I m a i i . a P i i S H i i t n

j r n i ' - e / . ( ) - H o p f a m i . . s a i p vI f i ' l k S I ' I U T B .

l e v e r a l | { i ( s . s i K . :

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N K V I ’ T t K K . M V n , , I M h r a . I n l y H I

‘ T H E D E V I L ’S D I S C I P L E ”

w o i i ' l P N i t i a ' I A s B e u i t j i y S u i i d u v a t H : i r » , H l i e t H H i e W i f i j o f o n e o " f i l e N l i i f f H i ’ l i . s f s a n t i e x p l o r e r f o r H u ' A u i c i i i ' i i ' i M u s e u i u o f N a l u n t i M i s - l o t y I n N ' ' w Y o r k . H e r H i d i j e c l w i l l I " - " S l l n e H s b i n » ) f t h e l ’ r t i | . J i e t s , '

T I i i ' i v I s n o o i l m i H H i o n c l i a i ' t p , . . t .s o - U i ' i l u h u n a t t t o - H u l i i i ' l m e e l i | i K > i .

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n K r . K i i m i . m i i m i . w , .11 i . t i n

INA CLAIRE111 l » r , N K W K S ' C n u i 1. \ l » W A ^ S f r r p . s s

“Ode to Liberty” T-'a.'."This Week: “Front Page”

Free Band Concert

, K v r n b i K u S ; f nPrtrm Mas-. i|,a« hioI SI .%<»

F o r K '-U«irs*« l .SciMimi s iU iN c r liit ia t t i It a t i*

C a l l U o x B u i r e r i i . V N >

Each Wednesday Evening

At Depot Square

l ' ' ' - [ | i ' W ^ t p ( t : 1 : .W . K . I L S . - h n . ' i ' l r

! { o l ; i r \ l i i L ' m i u l i 'F h . . A 1 ) F a l l , . 1 ,

l t » > e i . o i f p ) n : f tH ' n d , W - M . f n e a l l H , H , H o f f r r ,

A K v t i ' l a m e . I , . 1 ‘ h i m ' - , i ' l i , iF a u i r . I ) t a - L . - i ' i i i ,

i ' l l h l i , I t y ; \ V . , M , I I I a l l . S , C h , , VM . W a r d ! . : .

' ' i a s s i l i i - a l i o i i M : X , ( J . i l i - , ( ’ I ,W . C H i i f T , . 1 . L i c « - , i i d j . , \ | . / . . ■ | ■ • , ,

- M l i i i h e r s h i p : ( S i i r e t ) .H ' u d ' - i i ! L o a n ; N . W . F . - h o i . I ' ' , I

I x ' i i , F . ( J a l e . \ v . * < i h ( l k . - , i : \ |■ ' • " ' m a n , T . F , ( U . ' t / m . , . H (

‘ ' i ' l l , F . r . l . K I d , n . \ . I t ; , . M u v i . • p . \ V e h . r . t ' h . . W , i

I < i ' . ’ i l l h a m . H , v n e l . i ' M i s . - S m ' i l . - z a n

• I . ' ^ t ' - i i ' l e r , A C l

League Against War To Hold Mass Meeting |

I K i u ' l e w o o d t ’ t i a i ' l c ' r

| | " . \ ; : a i : u ! f W a r a n d 1; : i ; h i ( r - d p e i f i i i s . n | o i j t h i . n

o f t h e . T i n . i . ' i ' - l s m I ' e l . l

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\ l ': A . A . I . e l L S * , , ' f t . N . H a l - - . W .

I ’ h , \

" I I I a i i i . i . s . M n i < * e i i i . « a t . M a « k ' \ I ’ a r k | S \

r i . ' ^ ' i i i ' i u . v a f H ' r r i i . ' i n , A u . g u. S t i u i i s t • ! is t l i e t w . - n t . \ - r i i ' - . t i i n n l -

■ ■ i . - L a r . v o f I I n - I h - . i I m u i k ; o l t i n W o r t ' l a r . a i i ' l H i e l . ' - i i l i e i ,h i .

i i n i . . i i \ h > ; d i i t v \ t l i e I ' i t 1 1 l l . " f W i l l ' , h . i ' - i l l h " . s p i - a k i - i - . s 1 1' c . i i i 1 h . - ' n a -

’ ■ n a l l u ; , " l ' | i i . ' i r l i ' f - , m i ' l l o c a l• i - ' . ' n i a n u i i l a l . s o q i \ . ; m a d d r e B . M .

H i . ' i a . s a e . s . H e a l s o r ' ' r e - r t i H - ; , ! , - . r , . M ' C U ' . n a i H o u n e n e x t f a l l H i e r . * w i l l I L ' - n i u e f i b n o i d e r f . p p m t u n i t I . • < a ' . i l l ! a t ' l e f o r v o , - a t l o n a l i - U i . i s c s f o r a d ' d i . n '

O i i t l i n H « f < u u r M - s F ' d l n u h i - t a a ,5 o i i H m e . , f H u - j

i i i a i , . j i „ | , ( . l u k ' - n m i . I . I I I I - j l - . F - V a ' I n i t ( • l i u e . ' t r i . ' n p i - . , j . - . | p |

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" h ' l - e a c h . ' . i i r - e . H i e i c n , U . - i " I t f l i a t I n i s i .s ,

A ' \ \ l d - i \ | | r H l i r i n i M i A 1' ■ ' ' ■ ' ‘ " ' • h . H e r i i i a i , , J p d i m i . '

I ' l l , i . d i - h \ | a ! ) i . K i t u i i s h , I ' l . i v ;n n t l M L ’ . S h . . | - | S l u r . v W r i t i r i - j I ' n . ' r v ' U n i i i i i ; , P u t , I I I - H | M ' i i k i i i i r , n i h l i - n - i M - ' ' n i i ' i r e . . I . - u r M a l i o i i . i ; . . i „ . | - , i l H ' l - i e r II h i t . . N . . ] , i , L , P h u s i c i T n i I i , i „ K 1

* V n i * ' ' ! ' l ! i i " l I

.Season With Festival' 'iT " r ';u ,r s - . . ir , . ....

F r - ' r h,i:"Vn;:ihc . r I , , , . . H a p l H - e . . n , t i n ^ r n u - 1e r . O M u m . ' . \ | . p r e H a f i „ i , , M „ « p . ■ n i e . . r v 1

. ' i " I t n . P i i t m i . . M i i j

S E H ’ I . U , ^ r n . Y N v i : . ^ H i R n . P T . ( ' i v i e R ! f a r r e u t K - . u i . . m n P r . J . p . r n N , p v L I P i t r e i i l , 1 1 1 . 1 c | | ! i ' I * '

F h a n i r l e r I M h ,

S t o j i . . , Ii f i e F i i y t . ' ^ p i H f i m l f ' h m v i i |

" f l i M . t i o r l i i l i i v I N v c h i c s h - i F T i v e . a t ' ! H W ' o H t H u - I . h . n a v e n u e . | ^ n L ' ! c v ^ , „ M l '

CHASE. ' \ f H i r M d i i i i t n c n t

l ' ' \ ( i l K \ \ ( M M l

It 1 I :

l i i l d i - n h a s • t " ' . u i d a , \ ■ i l L ' i i - S " . i t h a n I M r . s ,1 , M M . ' m . ' . v I ' a i k , a i u l

M V , " a n . I . M r - i s V a i . - i n - ■ . \ ! h l c r , . - K l . I d a r e n - ■■

ff n r U h n tu n t s . f i r a / n / s

W I H E Sl i q u o r s

• A N D O L F h s c o n 'HELENTl' I ?T L A I E E O o o q

' " - P e a t u r ,

“White Cod.hJeiiil Muir. lllcaiBoc,

Smur,la.v i,

M O . M m v , j l h ,

“Take TheShoj a c k U R I - i

t i i k l . 'r a T o d d

< ’ h - I ' V a t a r a

“Babooiu"M l - . a . „ l M r s M a r i l o J ,

■Miiijdu.v .\iip |j

T l KH1>AV ,LM,■ I l i l j f t a l l , ] J O

“ Hold ’Em YeI,I ’ A T I t l n A B L U SCK.SAI! KOMEBo

“ Lightning Stri Twice”

U | . ; . \ i - V o . N , P E K T m

D i . s l i n s T u w U a y a n d W N

Hebrew Ladies Aid Ends h e r D r l i v r t yM>\VEST r J l lC R S

( I ' l u e v v F ; M l i a v \ I . e r r t

i ' - . M A i d H o « - i o f y

t e s t i \ a l i n t h e

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• c i - i H - i n . ; t o H i e U i -

\ i d | ■ ■ | l r ^ d w h i i h i n i i a i d t " ( . r ' ) - l i a i a i u l . s h ' - l t e r l " r n . - . - d v

Brown-O'Brien Post Has Important Affair Tonight

; SI \ D \Y St iio n i, r i t M iro ItK A K ,M O lM ’ M S .M |,Y l'«

' " H i ,- I I ’ F n e n F i U . i r . ' s w i l l t i o l d a n

' N ' t l i t t " i m ; h t a l \ * i ." I I W c . N l . . d r e . ' i ,

> - a 1 1 1 v i l . ' s H u - l ; . i u , d: a i i M o i i . s . i n l a . I . l i i . i

Ride to the




I I I . p . 1 > 1 1 ' , a . M p o . ' A . s i h h ’ u I I I I n . "• > I - . 1 " • V * . n r ; t d ! " • - L u - i : 1 i i 1 . I k

. M O t ! . . , > 1 p 5 ) p i l l : i r l i l t - ! (: . " l l i . r p i r i . s H u * W l . \ . ' < ; t i i

u i l ' . ' 1 i \ h " .' • " M d i l ' t . S I h . ' 1 - ] ; l l ! H u■ \ ' h I c t . s t ' l u h o \ ’ . 1 H u - a i r .

i i ' i > r - M i l ' • m a H v * ! . - , M i I h u p . t

T i l * ' M t i n n a l p l r m . e I . M i h . - r . - i n ( ‘ I m r . h S i i r , !

I " h ' l ' i o n \ V e i | n i - , s . ; ; i v F . ' i r . M - . l i n t . M i l . F u .

■ t I I I " h a l ' r e i m t h ; t n . |.1 ! i a n i . . \ | . - m l . « rs o i

• I t ' ' • < 1 w i l l 1 M ' 1 1 a n • l - ' i 1 ' I " l s a - ' W ' - t l a M e ' . - ^ ' I M ' I ‘ V H I h " o l a i i ' l r t i V I t ' d , b u t t h u v * . d e - n i l

: i M - a - k ' - i I " a - i \ i H u I h \ , \ . ! • ; . S j l i i n i t H i *L . . , . i t l ■ ; n u l . . . . . . . . . I • ; ' H - j ,

I M » M K i : r a f i i i « H ' r . .

. S j ' w i i u ;• l U e l l e

I b i M K r i . \ S ' - . | •s h i p , f a j L i l i v } , u,r ,

M i S f t n . L . W K o l

T O I N Y F I I . T M I I . F T, \ T F H 1 ; N ( I I I

•1 ..*; -A 111 I n - H m lt:.« • 1 " >5 1,0 ‘" -H 1 h •• .m;i I* "1 I l 1 inI t * ' 1 ‘It .

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• K l " ' l l h I l i n M l t i n - p i '

. H i i n 1 1 5 7 7 F * l U . ' t l K .

o n . M . ' U ' l a Y

e l t ' e . M u ' i l ' - ' l l . v H e

■ a l S " . i . ' l , \I . ' J ' t n mi n F . ' V W . I I S | ) e lI ' l " 1 1 1 . l i t " ! H n . s . H i m

' ! K l l i \ * i - . s t l \ , w i l l C I V " • e T h e p n h l t ' i s i n \ i l

l l I P ' l i i f i . i r i s ) . S . . i ' l o l o t j v .1 i " M . \ I ' e s u i i

• ' M t I M T S T I H A T ,i ' R , . \ r e h I ' , - , ' T i j r e . a \ i i

l e H , M i n * , | • , j , | tL * ', i( ii. r I ’r .if i.

• I ' d ( r u f i . I ’ ! i < > i , i ; : i - i i ( ( 1 i l I ’ r n d l n c , n i i . M . . , W j . , , , ]

K i l i r . C ' i iI ' . n r i iK e n l ' m : .

Park Lane. l U v a y h < ' o o l a i u l < ' u i n f o r t a h l c

H . ^ T .T H I ' R s D W , F R l h WT w o l U g | | j { „

“Stolen Harmony”w j t h O K o K ( ; i - : K v h - r

h i : n - h k i i n i ka l s . i

Katherine Hepburn

S t . n . : U i i l - - n i l .

The EnglewoodR a t h s k e l l e rTel. Eng. 3-1975

Break of Hearts”K l'N IM V , M IIM IA V , TI FXILAV

Mae West‘ Coin’ to Town”

l y w ' j v w v w v v v T n r ^ v v v w w u L r i T S i v v w v i A f v ' .


'/w vu w g;

S | » r c l a | D a i l . v l . i i i i c t i c o uh ' T v c d 1 1 A . M t o 2 I * M .

Delicious German Cookiiij^

l a < a r l « > S e r v i c e i t t i i i l I A . M .

MODERN BAR: i t i F V f i l . K S T H K F T

i : \ v n o n , j .

( ’ O M i A l t N A U M - ; i n

“Death Flies East”WEfiNKSD.W, TIM KSIMY

A c a d c u i v o f \ \ j , r s h o w**IT II.\I‘ I*KN HD o\K \ k ;H'F*

w i t h K L A K K f i . M U . K a n d C LA I I ) H/l 'r 1; (■ O L H K HT

i i l n t i -• t i i r k k I u t i . j : | . | , j .s "

. ' I ' n O I M \ . \“ UT . I 1 11 M U , ll.\"

even D U R I N G the

S l i O L K . L . S ’


,\(>\v — Tilin' sATri{i).\iS i m i L K Y T K M I T . K

“Our Little Girl”al.so . -

‘It’s A Small World”W i l l i S l ' K . V C K K T H A C V

SI'XIIAV, .MOMJAV, T l |.:,s.

“Public Hero No. 1”wHh CMK.'iTKU .MOlUUS

ami .IKA.N A U T U r i l al.so


“The Girl FromTenth Avenue”

« K l ) \ KSI),\ V. T H l- n .SDA VM U . N O K I , C O W A R D i n

- “The Scoundrel”- - also -

“Bachelor of Arts”with TOM n ilO W N

'n ir itS D .^ V A.VD i^}•Lily i l HiMl ig

“Great Hotel MmK'iM'-.NI) low

\ l< T o il .MrlACLt

< 'u-Fvature

“Enchanted ApiiAnil HanliiiK, Kraak 1


Thursday Nigand see the latest sugt

of the

Batliing FroSIhe buauly cnnlesl i and dancinK show Hpcrfal prizes presonladfi "luokor.H" ami for thoa Ins the best uleoL (h fulcriainmcii'. value la; t'rn New Jersey.

Good Newi!Coming Saluniay .

July and 21tf:

The Great Hd

.SKR him drive Wind through the stneu.

HKK him cHcapo froli jackef, hangisf ai

.SKK him iM'rfona tte irunk m.vsiery.

N E W B R I D G E I N N'*/ H fo rw Ko/i* A ('F ,STU R Y '’ '



■IVa; c a t b k r i ) n p n ct4 p p a h t i k s "

D A N C I N G every Saturday. N o cover or m inim um charge.



Band ConcertI SIII i

THE DUNWOODY CO. Sterben’s Cafe47 IMnt^K


S e e t h e N e w A m u s e m e n t F e a t u r e s :I ’ I t r <i:ini Hi; !■ -r !,i

I'-.Hik ” I \ ( trii- •br,n;. .r

t a l l

lies. M nndav to i ri-i , M. .nr!-i \- < •,. I,

'rrHl, '

SALT W A TE R SURF BATHINGT o o l i i c k o f uu lufiets atim i.'w ijoii i,i iLu k

Prices, including SaturdaysAdults . . 50c Children . . 25r

S K X S n X M H ’ K K n S A \ . \ 1 I , \ | h . | * *“ **^-

FR E E FIREW ORKS, TUES. & THURS.oi f / r o « / » . s a n d (>rg<inizutitj>i^


^ Dep>endable Fuelsof Highwood Coal Conq»


POCAHONTAS COAL $9i0 toO f f r ”* A T * r ' A A l

VV A a Vew* —


K O P P E R S C O K EO u t h s f» f S i i t M - r i f K * H e r y f c r a o d

in Northern Valle'

F u a


c-i'iULt.VVUUU Phones ,3-3A(in '''''''J JU O U M or«en iw


p FIRE DAMAGE It AMUSEMENT PARKafter c o n fla g r a tio n

_____ 4----------------------- -— — ______________

Roar Through Part

p 5,000 Damagei« ir « l throMSh tt>®,l,c I'alisaJes Amusement

^ tuesday atternoon, threat-

^r^cewtons ami five amuse- "Lttrs were destroyed before

toed nrrmen from Kort Lee, toUe beo"'®'« Bcslewooii' KIdgefleld and Jir were able to bring theOder control. ,^ declnn-d that only the I «ai efficient work of the ftre- „e l the entire park from be-

The bhue was whlp- „rd« the east by a strong ^ epreail rupldly through the iP*r of the various conces.

pejleved that the blaze orl- e It the Old Mill, an amuse- fflurprlse consisting o f a long Ihfough which boats floated,

die store-house at the rear of lincture.■ btsie was diacovr-red by James

o( Fort Lee, an em ployee of „k, who Imtlcecl smoke In tlim st the ston'-house. A special siaa Etlwuni Scdiultz. o f Cllff- Pirit, also noticed the blaze.

outer Towns Aid dsrm was quickly sent to the Ise police dejartment, and the

toarimetit of the town rushed to Hue. Adililional aid was re­nd when the size of the confla- M was dist'Overed. oat 3.tiiki jiersons were In the when the fire was discovered, lowering flames and dense poll

wkSs clearly visible for miles at guickly brought thousands of

linefl weiT pstaWlshed by F*o- A. J. McDormolt o f Fort

imJ nfin-pll of ( ’ liffside F^rk, TualmiivSt imffO.Hfiiblc to keep

trowdii out of the j>aJ‘k.Biwn to rumors there were few

or adults In the section of utrk when the blaze was (bs- «J, most of thorn belnjt nrar the af th*‘ 1‘uilsudps, on the east, ling the frot* show.

I*1remen Injured lf«n itorsmi.s were Injtired In nag the fire, among whom were followlnp from Fort L ee : John rhomn. 1H4 Myrtle avenue, Coy- iie, nail In f«n)t; Thomas Tler- 10T5 Lemoino avenue, nail In Norman Somerhalter. Seventh

1, Coyteavilte. bruised in fallinjc limt: John Tierney, Prospect t CoytPBville, injured when a Boz t struck liim on the hand. Feral Fort Lee firemen were gd for smoke inhalation, but (oonil It necessary to stop flg^ht- Ik fire.

terriHc hr-at from the fire 1 fears for the safety o f the ihop at the northwest corner ‘ lark, ami the firemen kept IS a stream of water on the

fang roof of the building'. hKMiirh the fire was a spectacular il» (iamape was confined to a Mtively small .space. The fol-

foncessions were destroyed: Hili, Roller sSknting Rink. Whip.

Gallery. Hjiortland. Crea- Wheel, and Dalicing

wrdlng to Jack and Irving Ros- •t operators of the amusement Ibe damage was estimated at (I. hut this figure was believed My to be e-xaggerated. A ll con­ow will be rebuilt, with the ex- ‘1 of the more complicated ones,

IWtuiJdlng Now?wifr of •}(«> laliorers and carpen- fsre put to work as soon the ^Meztingiiished. and the entire •FU cleaned ui) before Wednes-®®hjlng. It wng>wloa wouM bo rebuilt within

*hat the Park would not sown.IM nlghi or the fire all other

or the Park were open, t 0 -n l>“ vlnR been reatored

Public SiTvIce. A crowd of Mn lO.tiigj jj, enter the


Valuable Dog Found by

" I t pays to advertise. Through our ad in The Press we recoveroi our dog. Many thanks,'*

The above note was written on the bill fo r a 75-cent Englewood Press lost and found advertisement by an Englewood resident who re­covered her valuable wlre-h&irsd terrier through the medium o f a "Press Classified."

Her experience Is typical o f the Buccesa experienced by hundreds of users of The Englewood Press classified advertisements which appear on the last page of Sec­tion I.

Whether you have something to sell or buy; have an apartment or house to rent, or want to tent one; whether you are looking for a job or offering one; If you have lost something or found something, The Englewood Press classified adver­tisements are your "beat bet" for obtaining quick results at a small cost.

You may place your classified ad by telephone up to 10:80 a. m. every Friday. The number is Ehi- glewood 8-1700.

30 Chauffeurs Attend Meedng Of the Society

At Monday’s meeting of Private Chauffeurs, Inc. about 80 members were In attendance and in the ab­sence of President Tedescou Vice- President McHugh presided.

Ivor Quam was selected to head the entertainment committee in the absence of John Chadband who will leave for Maine late this week, and although there Is nothing outlined at present in the tine of social activities there will probably be plana laid at the next meeting In August for the annual Fall dance.

The Young Men’s Republican Club has challeneged the Chauffeurs to a baseball game to be held at the dia­mond next to the Lowe Paper Com­pany factory' In . Ridgefield next Friday evening at 7 o’clo(!k. Those de.slrlng to play baseball can do so by meeting in front of 375 West I'allsado avenue at 0:30 Friday night.

Thore will be but one meeting a month, the first Monday of each month until September after which there will be the regular meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month.

------------ f ----------

Winton White Leaves

Wlnton J. White, superintendent of schools, leaves tomorrow for his farm in Lavenport. New York where he will join his wife and sons, Robert and tkivid. Wlnton White Jr., will remain here. He is the life guard at A ld ec r^ Country Club.

Park to see the damage done by the flames.

Firemen were endangered during the blaze when rifle bullets In the shooting gallery began to explode around them. Fred Naaif, 014 West 25th street, owner of the shooting gallery concession, suffered a wound on his right hand when a bullet ex­ploded.

Most of the articles of value In the concessions on the north aide of the Mid-way were removed by the pro- prlptora. Supplies burned will be quickly replaced, according to the Park opemtors.

At£:ract1oiui InMiredThe attractions owned by the Park,

such as the Old Mill, Skating KIdk and Whip were fully insured. The smaller. c o n c c ^ ^ s were not how­ever, but was not great asthese were lightly built structures

The scenic railway was scorched at the top and this will also be closed for repairs. The major portion of the structure, the oldest In the Park, was not damaged.

Fire wardens remained on duty all night, extinguishing several small fires that broke out In the debris from time to time.

FFY"‘i orlhern New Jersey’s Foremost


S P E C I A L I S T SN o w Located

in their NEW HOMEin the Duffy Building

45 E . P a l i s a d e A v e n u e E n g l e w o o d 3 -7 9 00

FisU the beautiful

G-E MODEL KITCHENon display in our new

*nd enleurged quarters


Beats Hammett in Straight Sets To Win Northern

Valley Open

Ask Loyalty! i Of Shopperi.

tag Hackm»a<'l< Uat weak) a n to be aeen at. th» old l>. O . In t 'ltl»n '« N a U on a l Ikuik build­ing. wnoro It Wiu abo be poeeible U. irgbter for rJaaaeo lo atari In the falL


ST. PAUL’S CHURCHEpjscopal Congregation Is

ressing Under J. A . Mitchell

St. Paul's EplwopHl Churc'h was Englewood’s third iTolestunt Church, founded in July, m ja, Jiml m years ago. Preceding it were the First Presbyterian Church uml the Meth­odist Eplsco|»al Church. St. Cecilia R. C. Church sharing with these the honor of being flr^st church.

The^ first stone church was built In 18<id with a total of thirty pews. So rapid was the arowlh that the church was filled from the begin­ning. The first rectorj’ was erected on the south aide o f the church and about this same time the church was enlarged by an addition on the east end providing a total of seven­ty-two pews, o f which twelve were set apart os free siitinpii.

In IKHO under the rectorshtfT of Rev. J. W . I*ayne a successful e f­fort was mode to i>uy off the debt on the church, since it is a law of the Episcopal Chun h that no church can be consecrated until free of t»h- llgatlon. On S*-pt*ni»)er 2G of that year the consiHrnti<m took place, the Right Hev. Dr. .Stnrkcy. RLshup of the Diocese, o ffii iHliiur. In Mr. I’ayne's reetoeship Chunh street whs opened al«mg Uie soutlnTly line of the church groumls, making the rear of the property more a<cesslble.

The longest rectorship of St. la u l ’s was held by Hev. Geonie Frederick FllLner—one o f the present vestry­men. Mr. F lltn er served the par­ish falthftilly fo r seventeen years until comr>elled by ID healih to re­sign his pastorata. It was durhig this period that the congregation again far outgre'w the old church and on October 12, ISWt. the corner­stone of the present large and l>eau- tlfut strurture was laid. The urchl- tect of the new church a.s well as of the old parish house ndjulnlng it (now the chapol) was Thornton F. Turner, who since that time has en­tered the m inistry. Mr. Turner’s design w:is so satisfactory to Inuh the vestry and the* congrecitfion that no other plans w ere considered. It is Interesting to note that Mr. Tur­ner was the first child l«ii>llzed in the old church. The now enlargetl building necessitated the moving of the rectory, and as there was no room on the available lam! and no adjacent property couM then b<‘ bought, the house wh.s sold ami moved away. T h ree years later the adjoining property to the north was purchased for th is purpose.

In consequence o f these improve menta the Rev. Howard ('. Hobblns on becoming rector In 11)05 found the church heavily In debt~a discourag­ing condition fo r a young clergy­man. He at once set about its re­duction, and by Easter. IDtl. had the satisfaction o f seeing the debt on the church wiped out. and that on the rectory greatly reduced. The consecration o f the church by Bishop Lines- followed on Whitsunday of that year.

Erect Parish HouseDr. Robbins was followed by

Fleming James, who after serv in g ; some years aa a missionary' In China, had t>een‘ culled to a church In Ph il­adelphia. During the ten years that Dr. James endeared himself to so many in the parish, the handsome, am) ut the time commodious new parish house was built adjoining the chtt|>el, and provided excellent ac­commodations for the Sunday school and for luitertainments and organ­ization meetings. I.argoly through the effoiia o f Messrs. Herbert and James Barber, warden and vestry­man respectively, both of whom served the pariah for many years, the new parish house was erected wIDiuut any debt.

Before Dr. Hol)blns l«>came r€K.’tor, Dr. ( ’harles H. Boynton, professor of Homiletics at the General Semin­ary, New York, who occupied a house on Engle street next door to the rectory, was asked to take chargv* of th services. Now again after Dr. Jumes left Dr. Boynton Htcfiped Into the breach and both he and Mrs. Boynton were greatly beloved by the parish.

After many months a call was finally given to and accepted by the Ucv. Joseph Russell Lynes, D.D., of Kl. Paul’s rhurch, Jersey (-ity. Dr. Lynes identified himself with many civic mutters in addition to his de­voted wurk for the chur<‘h. He was at o:ie time president of the local Rotary Club.

In 11)32. after ten years of faithful servi(« li« was oveix'ome by a heart utlack. and the 'parish was Inex- prcHsibly sbtM-ked by his death.

MitHieii New- Ue< torAIkhh ten months after Lr. Lynes'

a cail was given to the Hev. James A. Miteheii, (*f thi- fucnlty of the Virginia Theological Seminary, and formerly rector of the church of the .Vb’Salah. Haltim»»re. who had also Hcrve<t us a missionary teacher in l?hlnu end later in the army In IIJIH. Mr. Mitchell accepted and Isigan his duties the first of October in H).H,‘l. In spite of the short lime he has been in Englewnof]^ he haft made a large place for himself In the life of the church and the (rommun- Ity. *

Little mention has been made in this sketch of the part the parish has played In the development of the city. Perhaps it can be briefly sum­marized by saying that many names promimuit in the annals of our com­munity have also been enrolled upon St. Paul's regi.“ter. Not only mett but women o f the pariah have been connected with the Inception o f prac­tically every good work that now flourishes in Englewood today. Along with its sister churchea SI. Paul's


Open For Gasses, It Is Announced

Chlldn n in the Ser«>nd Ward w ll; have the <'(*nvenl*‘nt opportunity to ullfiHl tlie Daily Vacation Blldo Hrhoi.l starting at 0 o'cltjck Monday muntlng. ( ’ lasses w ill be held ut St. John'a Eplsc-opal Chapel in Nonihoff, in udiiiuon to the classes In We.st Sl<le I're.sbytcrian Phim-h uml Beth­any PrcHbyt«?rlan Church.

This annoutu-»'ment was matle thift week t)y (he Cnl»»n MiHsionury r(»m - mitlee. spotmura o f the Vacation ScluHll.

The cla.sses in tb«“ three cburchoft are open to all children Is-twieoj the ages of ."> and 13. Attendance is free, and th4‘ c-ommlttce l.s anxious for a large enrolment. College graduatew will t>-aLh the gr(«upa. The Bible stories conatitute but u i»art of the prirgfam. Handcraft, art \jork. dmm- atiea. Htlilotics. g'amc.^, etc., will m^ke up the tiuiaiue of the |,rognim. and chiiilreii ure as>iur«“d o f an Interestliifjtime,

\ nrati<m S( hool si.irts .Monday an<l wili hr lifM ditilv fo r ftair weeks from J) to 11 a. m.

Material NeetiwlTill inniniiMfe urge-i donations o f

ail kinil.s ,if mnterlala 1 roni residentH. SiH'h articles as cotton or creton goods, scissors. nctHlles, ol<! tools, himher. jig sawa, em idy cigar 1)ox«*r , broken toys, etc., w ill he of great value, for the children need all these* materials for their work.

Anyone with such materials for the of the school shnulir leave them

at Nf{*Qul1lin and Vanderbeek’s M ar­ket on Dean fttraet. o r call Miss Helen Le Valley at 32 (Cleveland street.

The lAculty fo r the Vacation SchooLs hiis alreaiiy been announced. Several new tea<-her» have Iwen en - gagml fur the St. John’s Church classes. Miss Edith Vanderl)eck w ill teach the older girl.s. Miss Janet Izewi.*! the kindergarten, iincl a man will Im* cngagc'd for the U).vs.

The Vacation School will take the place this year o f regular summer school and o f other activities fi»r many children. The committee urges fiarcnts to take full advantage of the opportunity.has furnished the stuff of which j ______ ___________

for the public gowl arc k o AKI) HKCO.M.MKNDS CITV fact In no wine Burprlslng. | H AVK A l l l I .T K IIK ATIO N

workers mufJe: a since statistics show that It fromthe church membership of any town I The Board o f Ktliication this w’eck

1. . ............... . f„r„ard.Hl to tlic Domnmn PouncH itnrHcommemlatUm lluit the city pro

that most of its public-spirited Izens como,


I.,awrence C. Llcht. EngiewfMid at-chltect, has teen selected by the Hergenfleld Board of Education to pi-ei»Hre preliminary plans and esil mates for the proposed Bergenfi(dd High School. Selection of Mr. Llcht came after a long list of architects had been considered. Mr. L Ich fs reputation a « a school aivhltect ts

Dr. rapidly spreading. His design of

vide for the opening of a schtM>ll)Ulldlng in the fiili to uccumm(Mlate Adult E<lucatlon classes. The t.'oun- cil will consitler the matter In Com­mittee session. Tin* biuird’a letter •Stated that the proJe<'t is (h'emed a worthy i»ne. Teuidu rs will l>e pro­vided by (he State E- U. A.. Enslc- wooU n-8ldent8 b«*inK selected.

Dwight Morrow H igh School, which ftiDowed ui«»n his work at Prlnt'e- ton and several other prominent communities, brought him into cor»- stderable prtunlneuce.

allpaper Blends PFith Built-In Effects

Manf ialeratiog and harinoniotis rambinatitma may be obtained by the nm of walipnper in keei>- Inff with farniahings and woodwork in a Uving room. Wallpapers are available io harmonize with

sww*ee. UM «M w Mcry tmi a peritMi uvatgn nosbeen carefndlY atndied by wallpaper manofsetarem A variety of desiirna, colors, and textures are now available la the new washable papers and are playing a promiaeat part in many room


Water Scooter, New Loop OTiane, O thers Planned

A series of new sittrsoMoiis will te built In Pallsadea AmuMcrncnt Bark to replace those destniyid hy firo during the week. It wuk unnminced by thB Operators.

A new Title, "Looii-O'DIane"will l>c built on t h e siti- of tli(> rolt*r skatinK rink. T h la attraiiiun is a one-«r machine th a t given its riilci-s the impn'sslon th a t they arc looping- thc-iuop In an alri>lane.

The motor iw .rKway him licen re­built, and Is now Jn opf-ration, This attraction, m ain ly devoliHl to chil- <iren. Is a popular one.

The "Whip" h a s tern rebuilt an<l nmovuted. and w i l l be o|K-n tc» Inisi- ncHs within the n e x t day. A gum»* known as "D a iie In K D<»lls" will also be en-cted.

On the site o f t h e Old Mill, which was completely deHtroywl. there will te erected a w a te r scooter attrac­tion. This attraction gives the pub­lic a chance to d r iv e their own nio- tor-ifuats through a cinmiout. n„(U'.

Almost a hundred men were en­gaged to clear U|» the dehris of the fire on Wedneaduy. Two st<um Hhoveln and a g r*n jp of henvy <!nty (rucks were also hired to compPtP the work in prepurution for the July 4tb holiday.

All of the attrai tbiiiH ewneil by ih** Park were covered by lnHimince, but the amuller coiuwsmlons, iimler priv­ate ownership, w e r e not.

A lfrofl Jarvis of (h** Tenafly Ten­n is Glub sUtTOedeil («> the toga of Norm an (H)mes of HufkcuHuck yci<- teriluy when he dof»*uted Aifreil Hammett of Oiitiml F ie ld riul) in atralght sets. (1--I. (J-3. 0-2. in the fin a l mutch of the Nnitliern Valley Open Tennis Tmirtuiineut at Hie T»-nafly ( ’lul).

T lie tournanieiil |•M.gr• sh« .) to ib.; fin a l round, utter plus ii> the Heriii- finu l rouml wa.s p . t j..uied from Sumluy afleriUMin until Tui-jeluy liuc lo the heavy sIiowoi-m interrupting the play Smidiiy. Jnr\l3< n-;o liu<l th e fmuls by il'-fea(iu*i i:d (;i.i.^iug in the quarter-finaih hy (he h< oi-i-s <»f ti-4, 7-5. (biisiiig (hd tmt re -ort ' tu hia old S4>ft lull gaiit*- and slitiwnl progress in his new >«tyle of pl.i>. tuit Jarvis hehl the upper iuuid alt ttie way. In his rtnol loundm atih Jarvlfi iii>ptis»-,j of K Rutph .Murttn, star of tlo' t*M-wenl Atlt- Ir llc ( ’lub of Brooklyn, l»y the srores o f 0-2. tl-2, Martm, run-n«>r-U|) to ('omes in ih in tuiiriiutiieiit la.st year, was seeilcil No. -j uml, u.s

w as expected, lo- gave .lurvm a fine battle all the wiy

in the other hnlf o f Die dra--, K a y Anllgnat of Uliti^ewood pro- ‘ hueil the )>ligest ui>se( of Dm- Piur- iKtment wliiUi iie deti-ated Noimaii ('umes, d< f> lolm;; « <i..■*ti-uight sets. 11-7. tJ-2 m the nuoite, ftnul round. Ilatiuiiet i , proco ssi-i.; to tho winl-fmab h> a deiaiill ir*«m t 'lju k r .'.ndrewK ot N ew Voik, met Kuy Antigmt. Hauiiintt, emoinving lliH clu»p-Hh( tS to CimhI effei t atld t,Vmasterful strutei^y. «!•• touted ,\niti:- nat by the semen of f.-3, 3 t;.4-ti. 0-4.

The Women’s Teriin tlieOiituiu Field ( ‘Iiib will eenie to 1h«' reiinfly t 'h il. Tur.,iluy. J:il> B. at 2 kto I lay (he Teiiiillv F lub Wojueii's Team in the Bercen (Nuinty I.euLoe- mateh post|?eti**.l from .lime. Threi’ ^-males and two dc>u)il-*H Mi.il>lieM wil)t»e piaved.

P'ive toys Of the etate sale* tax have Ih-sd more than e n i^ h to bring «'vefybody to the resltaatlon that ihers Is a aalea tax, that it Ls aonuying end confualnffi to say nothing of eosUy,

Englew'iKvl msrehanta, who have no r«K'our8«- but to pot the tax schedule inio eSe^. u rv« shoppert r to Ih> loyal to ths home merchanta by continuing tq lAiop In Engle- •\vo<mL

Tax S4'hedules hhtM-been' posted . • in most of the 4d0-odd Stores In Englewood, and clortia as well aS sluipperK urs teglr.TK^ on" to the idea, though iMt favor- able lo it.

Meunwtdie, a m<ivemirt U tinel > the tax Is rapidly gaintiMf lixmad, and many shoppers a,)d are fi?iding means o f eVilHKf

Following l.s the way tin* erale.s; v

if th % . 11)

price is:............. nothing is

.15 .................... $ .01 is.01 ...........................01 is.75 ............................. 02 is ad<

1 .0 0 ..............................0*2 is sd5 (HI ..........................10 Is add<

15 tK »...............................30 la add<•M4 ...........................11 is

l.o.tiO ......................... 30 Is added

Major Yachon Is Ready To Enlist Men In Army

Favorito SentencedTo Die On August 12

Visit in H h od e iHiiimi

Mr. and Mrs. WUlurd c. Amison. •HI Murray a ven u e , fipeiu u few days on Kho»l© Island lost week. Their son WUiutxl ( ’. Amlson, Jr., will leave next w e e k for a summer at Comp Mohawlc.

.lohti l•'avorit l, 21. a mediiintc af KOgewater, who a few nuniiliH a*> w as sentenced liy .ludgi- A. |)‘-morest |if*l Mur. of the Beigcn t ’omity Com- rmm 1‘leus t ’ourt, to 1h* elei'trocuted, W'as resentenceil to<lay to dir on Au- >{iist 11. The (b-tay wus due to an at>peal to the I'oiirt «>f Errurn and Apik^la. the verdict Im-Iiik Luiiflrrned. Favorito shot atxl kllb '«l Emil Vy- borny. u g-arace owper of KnglrwotHl C liffs, in u holdup that iietleil $4.

With the Hnlled States regular iinny preimred to tegin immediately (lie enll.stmeiit of 40.'2.5O men lo ln»• Tease Its strength to the newly au -. thorized figure of HlO.tftM), Major Jo-:; M ph p, Viiclu)n, I ’ nitod States Arm y' unit iiistructor usalgneU to the 810th liifaiitry with heuilquarteni in the

: Mo.skin Hull<llng ut 40 West Paltaftde I avi-tme, Englewotsl, Is prepared tO lunttHh any deslrfsl Information re-

j iHtiv*- to eniistrnents to Englewood I .\oung men us well uft assist them In I any other wuy in their initial steps \ tow'urd 4 ntrunce t«> this service, j The Seroad t’orps Area, which In* i e)u<b‘.H New York. New Jersey and Doluwui'e with headquarters at Gov- ernur'.s ist'.iml, has been allotted

I i|U«iia of 3.Ub‘2 b, tiut new enUstment ' ‘ I d . , : Ls anticipated that ths i i.r«M-tirement ramiuitgn for recruits I wilt sunn make Itself fe ll in this vl- i 4 inity.I It wa.s Hnn«uincod by Major VaohOD ' t<Miay that of the orHunlzaUonft in (lie Se4>ui(| t ’<»rps Area the Eigh-

i ie*ntb intaolrv. MlMtlom*d at Fort H.tmilton. Brooklyn, and Fort Wads- vAortli, Staten Isluml. will make an itiieiif^ive itfort to H«i'ure qualified mi ll lioni liergeu t’4)unty.

The regiment was j>aii of the ]■'rs! iuvli-ion. it \\'as organized in 1 'll under pr4»clamatl4>n 4jf President l.'tuadn.

------ ♦Free Band Concert

Each Wednesday Eroiing At Depot Square

C o stless !


Apex Give* You A ll New Feature* Including:

• 9 F r e e z in g Speeds

e Semi-.Autoinatic D e -F r o s t in g• A u to m a t ic Lightinz

• E x p a n d e d Steel Shelves



75c 12-14 E. Palisade Ave. 294 Main Street

A W eekctt .t/ 'r r r \ % r r \ r \ r \ u A r * i/ ’ iT ik T e A n t r

Phon«: E N G . 3-7700 P ho ne : H A C K . 3-0867

/ ■

P A G E F O U R - ' [ ' I I E E X G E K W O O D P R E S S , J U L Y 5 , - 193S

,ttT K i< w WINVKNTKWi.FU « K'I42U l»Mf? irPTI’lVVAIl V m -n ilA N s


Mr. ana Mrs. Ilt-firy F. Blaca. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Mr. nndMrs. ChriM (JunnarwWi, a ll m»*mb*fs nf Fmnk H. 1>« Post. SrmriiHh War v<!i‘Miin,-', atto^dsd flu* t-onv^n- tlmi of Hpfinirth Wnr Veterans ut WiWwnod over p< tteekf'ncl. Mr. Mlaro in fiosl rorti«>ander. Mr. Stiimi) is post <l»dvg»tr. aaU Mr. t^imargriivi» o-iorrmmodi'r-

,HM KS Fi S A U m c i A G A INHKAII^’’ '■’HK HON.h o f ITALY

.Uimra P*. ^^alerm; o f 10.1 lOa kami.l

.AT r i l i K LSI.AM)

Mr. aiwl Mrs. l^n iej O. Oogert. Tertafly r>«nl, will »}wnO miwt of rhe .sumnrittr al their foUairi* ut Otrfan Orarh, F ire IhIujuI, Their tlaughterS. the Mary Lou. Jean. Namyat.d P'H^iil«*!h arc at Oqmitz M'bite While -VIounlHlii ( ‘nnip. Bugur Hill, N H.




Mi|«H Kim ITyd»-, of f>wight Br-honl, who <Jir<-ots (*am{i Miidjokeewis on Koxfr f.5ik‘\ MaiJH', has in b«*r TOn-

jibice. was instuHed lJit« i ^rotip ibe MIsm-s Nettle l>ouweek «* vsnerabla of U kI^.. Adri-h'.,if. Narwy Jobtin.n. Amy Muwry uUcO. Italy, the niniJi Uni*-j Wanl, Eb ‘Hii<>r fh iiiior Volk and

honor hiia tmeu tiinf..rrwlxtp<m Mr, Salerno, *me of thi-feUR^i'^ o f the fmterniil onh r iii ^ e w o a d , was urgitJ to aroopt tli«

and lo aid in Jm-rtaglnj {flS a ctiv ity ut the bKige lu re. ^eU^eatlonB from ‘surromnilrii'

-ie#®fes attended th« inutBilation (crf- ffiony. With Mr. Sulerno. thi C(.|. /pwlnit offloors were liiMialb-.l; Ni- h- u l^ Mrxllferl, ushIhUhu vmii'ruhic; L f0 I j f Riengo, m-atoj ; Autjelo Hfi---

. «5b, r«corillna aecroiary ; S'n tor H(.j, Ilia}, nnattclul aerruti t y ; v . l i l iVr- lo. ireaeurer: Paiiltir.'i V)roHi». wii- llam Q. r*ugllu, (_{, 1)1 liiiisifj, mi«j lUjriffiovanl, truMP-f. . T lte ioiUv,-;< deksaUs tn l^eo hi hl. n?.<».

The ioclae moiln on Tue8<ta\nlkht to }»lnn for iiu' Hummer.


fA^ommendaf ion o f VVinton .1. W hite, miiierlnti-rnb'nt o f Hclifml.n, Urn Board of PMurdfion mi 'ruf-miuy anthoF^d fturt bm.e'of i ‘jo .i.-hRm kimI 20 ktmK»mHr(r.|i faS.b H mui Hi kimb-i - «?art<m nhalrs, Most of iho ,i< .nkn an rerdMcementH. in l.ltN ity Kriioid, r«.i iBfitanrrf. some of (he dt'skn Imve iaa n fn ti»e for 40 yeans.

tXlVTKSViELE nutFsTFHSA rm Tou .s m I'.k t i m ;

Ah MUdltorH m.ta(i!!ir r,f ( jn,. Coinpnnlan Fon-sPo's ( ’irrli* .\*<, p|o Is NdrUs* held this iifpTii..on at (lie hnmr> o f Mr«, Mcnii»-(t;, fUnnhn. i',>s. tefivllte, when pIuiiK wil! »•.- dt.s. u;-.,-,i for a r «n l party aumohmo dm mu .Inly or AuRiifit,

A mcf'flna of Um H ' i I.- v .-,h h..|,i ThtiradJi.v night. Mts, \Vu(fi o f N'orth 1'k‘ raen wrm (>ro.H..nP d vs M t. a liumi (nude rtiHhion.

.Mary Kilen Mackay,

IM urns From Y kit ,V1rH. E’ fum c.s N'if li-dNon DiiP har

ba.i rotunicHi Pi Emd* wikmI after a ren wofkH visit with her nioihar

Last Weddings Of June!, Month

Of Martidges•SUSS mOiiM AN?.'' m crftM K R '

im iD l i IN lltfMIS ( EREMONV

Mm. J V. M iHlU-fO at H ikIhou,Mich.

lie f III riH♦to Ktirope

A fu r three W" h.'r at ti'ime from ayear nhroufj, Ni-lwm Hrijikc rtujff re-turni-d ug'Hiii Sail nliiy <n the Kiirojiiito Cap, uhaKeli ■I j*-lti hi.s brollier

. will! pr ■i.dc.l tiiin l,>i-ntl wc •ks.

4,Mrs Schiirfe ill I' re Isliiiid

Mch. l-aii-fue Si hn ■t.f Of 27Wnudia 1-1 h!|t-i | l.s ;it ii.i- Huinm-rlicou-. Hca V).a\ im Kin lalnitil,New V« Ok. sill ek(,' ■(M t<> reniaiuthere utiGI til*' Hint.lie of Hepiem-tirr,

Vt Ueimt'liutiLportAllen 1. I.IM' ley if Gleti-

w.,...| r.iMt, u.. -mi-ai le.l by helUinl;,hG r. MIm Kli/ai eth A u II <■L i n d e V, i,.< Il K. uietninkpiiif.Maine. f'o (lie leMia ilehf r of Uk*.Mjimn.j . .She v; 111 ].• jnijied laterh> nthi r rm-uiii- I- .‘1 be r«niily.

M i» » Mariiin. iw .!m «nr„ rt»uehtef of Mr. and Mck. Joseph J. Hnirmann pf l i it Park avenue, was Tflarriod Huri'Iay aft»-rn(s>rs in a quiet rere inoay fo Ororge W. S«><or, son of fluymomi SfTor. of ('resskllt.

The H j-v, Frank Tlarl Huffman of Wh>»t .Side J'r'siiyleriHn l.'brirrh of-

nf th<- <i‘P‘mf>ny whk'h tyus HttentHd hy the fumify umi r)o«e frit-nils.

hottj I ho lifid''fnnl hridf-Kroom are well known In lln- Northern V.'tlley. havtnfc: sittend'd Heho»i| h«*re. Mrs. .lobn .Miller was matron of honor, tmd Wdliani li.iyt'S of Klixalndh wiui tx-Hl man.

’rh> vsho was irlvi-n in mftp-riaae Py ti.-r latln-r. wa.r gijsvm'd Inwt.tfe lu<s‘, Btie riini'si ui arm hmi- (piOt o f delphinlfini and ;„'ladloll. The ifvitron t,f ii-'fior was gowned in blU( Iftf

'fhe fonrite l.'it Siimlay for a tour of the N«*w KimSiind Htutes. Upon thi'ir nduni tli('V will live on Murniy .'isenue for (lie remainder of the.mnn- im-r. In th<’ fall they will make then- t‘fSi.|<ipe at Kant Uockawav,


-a. flilTorrl \V. It! 1-1 at n.,k I'oiu;. Mr. ;

; a! Hamm.... .n,.;in ! lie ;ammi. r,

rdiam. T(‘im-iammoml, n ,.‘-pen.ling 10

\ ill rejoin her

Wiilmm ,i Ikoe w il! relm n i,,m

a N ' W liiiini.'dK

1-m Maple <<w from II

! h. 1,

imi Mrs, Wr.'i', 11 ('allaghmi. !. y \ iew n.;„l w,!l have .Inly a holldav ;,t I•.• t.•r Morlehot*,

C u s t o m

PERMANENT WAVESthat fir<* thiHci'iii}; rim| «'V( lti>.sv c, rovli.-tpitiu; the h a ir to hei oine tho in dh id iia l.


a o K n g le .S(m*4, o ff PallHiule Avenu# T e l , ; KngltiVKHHl fKiTMt

.MThs Dorotliy May f ’hadlinnrl, well known In I-hiep-woful's young'-r set, tieeuniH ttie hride on Haturday «.ve- niiig o f Hheldon [mvis o f North HaekeriMi'-k, at ei renmnies whidi look ;tt ilie iii.rne of (he t>ri'.leKfoofn,

I'he t.n.l. i.i (he dmiuliter of .Mr, and Mi'o, .I'.hij llvnry I'lmndhand of .'d Demoml streel. She? is a r<-<-»!nl Kl-mUmto o! SI. ( ’eeilia High School.

’rtie IP \ . ,\. .f. Waiter ot the North !lai kt-n.-iU'k Ui-foiineiJ t'huiiTi (lor- fornied Me- <. n nioiiy al tin- liorne of Mr. ami ,\li-., William .S, DhvIh of •lotMi.son oveniM*, Noi'tn ItaekeliHHck.

Mis.s Hoioiliy Keir of Kiilyeficid [ ‘aik, o.Ms ilic mold of lionof, Everefi ria iida l! of n.okcas.i. k. wdi.-sl est man. 'I'li-- bride wa.s yiveii in m.in-iag.- li\ lier iaitn-r. She won-bill .m-s--liii.' d.-

illd MilUo! to o! ;i I ink ti"

oie U till puff edm-. With iir ha! and


Mrs. A. Hlfke I.iiw r^e# of Lin­den avenue entariained at a i>orch paity f<ir her houae &uesrt, Mrs. Smith H!i'ken!i>o|k*r, of Cincinnati on Monday.

Oueaia inthided Mr«. A l f r e d Brady. MrH. Harris E. Adrlance, Jr., Afrs. H. W<*0(l McCIave. Mrs. M. (?oors of Denver, Mr». HugJi Peti- ers, .Vfiks .\my Mi-ovirie, Mfn. liow- land F. Mt llor, Mrs. D o n a ld Vought. Mr.M. J. W right TausBlg. Mrs. Maxw'pll M. OjjaMi, .Mrs. Harry,' H, TJftle. of Concord, Maks-. Untl Mrn. George Taussig.'^4Several Hundred Enjoy Fairyland Of Rionda Estate

Mrs. Herbert G. Lowe Interviewed By Repfesentatlvd Of!Jdpan'Presst!k ":cr - C : , . cm .

Mrs. Herbert G. Lowe was one ofthroe leaders in the Garden Club of Amerk^'s party in Japatt to have i^eea lnU*rviewed by the prtuss of that country. The Englewood Press ob­tained a copy o f the Interview, which appear^ in the Ot«tka Mel- nichl and l.s of particular Iniere.si to re.«(ldants here. It appears below:

KYOTO.—“ Alw’ays leave the place where you live more beautiful than

mlttee. eniraged In removing e esore b illboard from rural highwajs and beautifying scenic drlveway.s, u work in which she has become more ami more enthuslasUe.

Slid Attempt .Sueceeaful “ W e were .defeated In the first

year, but in 102 . w© succeeded In passing a Measure in New Jersey taxing bllfboaniii five cents t>er square foot,” she explained.

Th is legal weapon led to the re­moval of many bnil:v>arda for non

wtien you found It.” was the aiJvic© j payment of taxes, bnt was only thehlH

More than 2nd residents of En«lc- wood and the .Northern Valley wore entertnin'-d In the fnlry.Iand of .Manufd ItHnida's estate. “ Rio Vi.Hta” ,

(■•iceivetl by Ekhvard Bek in youth from hi.s father.

In a recent Interview at the Mlyu- ko hotel, that advice was repealed by Mrs. Herliert Lowe, 75 year old memlxjr of the Gdrden Club of America ixirty now visiting Kyoto, UH an appropriate guiding principle for the beauty-lovern o f tsith the

I IJnit^ .States ami Japan.Mrs. Lowe, the eldest memi«‘r of

Oil Siilunlay ut il iM-nefit garden party I the visiting party, is fam makingfor the Mary Flsiu-r Hon^,

The affair was n ported as the most Hm.C4'asrul, finumiiiHy and fimiaily, that the offi(t!CH of th«? Home have ever h‘ id. .Vfr. Uionda not merely (ipf-io-d tiis futiitc for (he ocrHsion, hut provi-l.-d refreshments and c-nfer- tainno nt. one lovi ly feature of which was the ijHf- of his Victoria for con- duHing the guests at the Home iirofind ttie sjromids.

Jean Mall. Polly Morton, Wesley Ih-rshfimer and KcJiert H. Straclmn entertained .S4 veml audiences with

new friends In Japan through her (■harm and graclousness. At tlie same time, .she l.s amazing them hy her energy and enthusiaam, prov­ing thiit rnun-reekoned yeur.s are l)Ul artificial thing.s, and that one Is only as old us one feels and wlshe.s to he.

Not at all fflttgiieii despite her busy program of garden study ami stghl- .seeing, the silvt-r-haired visitor de- i lared Iwwmingly that she i.s having u w'underful time in Japan, urn! added:

Joined Pa rty From* .Athens “ I wa.s in Athen.s, Greece, having

.. . , , , . .w lunchism with .six friends, when uin. t wtu, h th^y «„v.. ..I ,Ihf S. n. Nib- i>ru!;rurn o f the Tciia- \'au know how radiograms are. Myfly HinliBi hool. 'Hu'guests Hftolled ; friends looketi extremely anxious,iiliout the estate, and nmny took the j When 1 oramed It and found that it elevator to the top of the tower, hiiill 1 invitation to join thi.s party,as a mfrnori.il of the late Mrs. Hion-lu i * •' miled unil my friends were sur-hy tJie h.-«( of the fiuy. ' j i>ri.sed to hoar me say. ‘ Well, it

Dance Program [ htokn like 1 urn going to make ii tripTt»4' rionce program was given on tu .Japan'.”

(.tic far .sole ..f the twirt lakt s. in ;ir ! Mrs. Liwe hurrie^J bark to Ameri. the riiMtic- lit'idgf! and under two wil- | ca from Europe to Join the G.A.U. low tieoH. and itidudeil a nambi-i of | parly. At the com-lii.sion of hn- tin- dan ris givf-n n-u-ntly at tin- Si. pre-siuit lour in this cm intiy. shi; will

Thodih w

nor WMi-t- printed lit.- tior.st'halr ;nid SIm al.--u (urried

M ost R e a s o n a b le and R e li ; ib ie P lace fo r

Oriental and Domestic

R u g C l e a n i i i g____1 c . _______e tMoth-Proofing and Storage '

Hu'i-,, H iig i » niiii,,

V. GARAPEDIAN, Inc.Corner Palisade And Grand Aves. E n g lew o o d 3-7366

Th, ilph' will r> sid'- at 74 JiimeH str«-'-t iipnn Ihi’ir n-turn from ulnnie> ni<ion trip (i) .\tlantir i'lly, wh<-r»- ttioy Went fiillnwinq ttu( re- t ept loti.


Mr. and Mrs, J.imcH Newton Mc- 'm|(I >>l' Whitliiiglmm place. VVesIiiaic.-.f. have aiinoiincfMl the en- •;t;,;emoni of thejr liaiuvhtiT. Mbs I lor)*? .Jacgiieliin; Mc<'<ir«l. to Ht,h It M vers Hull. Son of Dr. iirnl Mr.s \frhcy fh'cuUir iiull Uf 12S lletll iri's! Hv*-mie, Dr. Ihiil is i-astof ■\ Hie P'irHt Meth(«fl'-l Kpt.SrOlM

' 'lnir< ti here.Ml. 1ft n graduafe of M'.-He

'i.in I'mver.sity vsherc }i,. vva,« ,: m.-nihf r ..f Dip n,.ui Kappii aib

ita Knppti Kpsiltm. ,

T m : w4MHmrFi'>i o h s f k v e tUHi WEDDING ANNIVEIt.NAUY

Y o u r C o iffu re



IVleplioifo. rCag‘ 3-4 111

- H a i r d r e s s i n gAve. and ItUr

New vorii ciij! 12 N . V an Brunt S t. , E n g lew o od , N . J.

rhiNr.t Satin'.i.i,\ at z |‘, M |.i(rii;u' hil\ .mil AusM-t

-Mr and Mr.s, Benjamin Woodruff>.r .lohn street, celetnittofi fh.-ir fnriieiti <ifhng iiriiilverHary «>n Thnr.'i da\ nf last w. i-k w'^h a -smtill dinner l-artv s! their tiomc. Thtyv wereniril'ri-,j pi f},'u rge’ s l-jfiisropni' ’JnMv-l) in New York ut Ih*' time (he Dev. Wtiliiim Hiiiiifui'd wu.s re((nr tliere. They have lived in Eagle. -WMo.-i Ji\ years. .Mr. Woodruff is s.'d-Ptary <?f the Emrlfwooti Hoard of Meidth.

Kathryn WucKlniff and .Mis.s i'duh WondnrTf. iluughtcr.H of Mr.• Old Mrs. Woodruff, an- i*lunnine h croisie u, .Mexico during the month of-\u

»D I I T K .MtF: <;i m :N M KPK ISK I ’ A IT I Y O N M TU A N M V K ItS A H V

•\ snri'i-ise i.ariy \vu.'* given on unlay nutit. .June 2B. lor .Mr.

.'Mid Mrs. .\nbiii Hi.schnff of ;r2-| M’ , I'idisfule avenue. |n liOtlOr o f ttieir 'out (cent 1) Wedding aimiver.sitry. Many i;u't.s wi-rp showered upon the ■'"-if ie i'\ ,-f.!;itives and friend.s. and o n o*-i wedding take was nm.le i.y ;i nejdicw. Walter Miero, «if I'liter-

Picnic Days /lrt» Here! I Side

iii ii’ i'hoso f '*our of.do get !hc ill a . ITankfurffi* «»r

ROLLS, doz.1 mils f y 'sFr

s IP rhp (r /e-d tni to

2 0 .I'lv.h aair j - \

ICE CREAM . 7 I L.ijt .lb ick •

SMALBEIN’SI'alisatle .Av«\ Tl U.D;dis«td*'.

KNtrl.I.M «H H ) .{-.i22l

.Mr, am! .\fr,g. Blsrhoff wore nuir- ied 14 ye;u-.H ago in tho oj,) \\ .. t

shyterlan i'hurctl tiy ih" fto\- Ml', .luhnium, Mrs. Itrsehoff V. ill bo rerneml.eie.| ns a s!ui( ui. I'.o. i.o.Tj r'anined to hoj- home f'-i H.o la.sf three year.s,

•-■'i'sfs ;i( the surprise j-arty iti- tind.,' sir Jind Mrs. Walt.-r ,\)ierp .out d.nn-lder Tliere.^ii. of Datcr.son; Ml ,(im| M,s. d. W ehviter and d.'d>:hterH Evelyn ami .Anna, ami :-on Edwin, uf Pomj.ton Lakes; .Mr. .o!-i .Ml'--, Wi.zier o f LittleFe if. \!r- am! Mi«. ^n -d D.eakrnun

-d F .t-I wf lea E-i\v;ird !;tn{d\;m of Er and Miss Bertha lUukmai

< ’r-ciiiii auditorium in Rnglewo(id.fn Dnfch oo.sfiime o f yelltiw and

hlO". orang.'-tulip trimmed. Rita Dop^s daiif-ed it st.li,). '" ru iip T im e.” ■‘ A|ipl. Hto.ssoms” '. anotiuT imerpr"- tuti\e solo dance wfi.s g iven hy .fam-t Manotoii and "T ite Bhm Dstnntii” tty l.otn.^e Wusldimn. The batiies of tip* ,s( hooi, Muriel Tennis. P.tlsy FScthwit. Grace Bentley nnd Kathryn .Jones, danced "H leepy T im e” , An e i'tx 't ivc feature was a Hus.siiin dance, ' ‘ 'Kiilenka'', g iven hy Hetty Lovi 11. KItii hVrris, Dolores Ferris, EJftanor Jtdlnson. Hetty Johnson and Tony Nolan, drfs.sed in jieusimt fes- ttv.al coHtumo with headdresses of white.

In cipt'us ensfump, w ith riding yvliijis, laiis Hi'hilke. .Janet Mtinlon, Gloria M iller And Mary Jam- Rowe, nspeaieii o f the Circus Day frro- gram g iven at Bt. CeciiiR’H with Betty liooinc as the slur ecjufeHtricime,

.Another effectiye group dune© w m th<- "H a lle t o f .Spring” , given by Do-

Ferris, Wn.shhnm. BethHmlerdonk, Hita Fcrri.s. Anne Rowe, •fenn VVenman, Rita Ho|m-s ami Betty latvell, in imaiel-colored ballet (Irc.HScS.

.A imatoral interpretative dance, "C n d e r the Muy Moon” yva.s given by Lotiits* Washburn, Anne Unwe anti Heth Onderdohk, with J*an Wenman a.s Rtilol.sf, coHiumed In chlffun and mrrytni? garlnntt.s of rosp.s.

"R on tan y [iythm ,” a colorful gyr>«y dance, was given tiy Nancy fiichnrd,‘ «m, Lois Scliitkc. .Limd Mun- tfm, H efty RoomH. Jeane ile Scherer and M ary .Jane Rowe.

T w o other solo dtinci-a were tn- clmied !n the firouram: ” .\merlcan Maid” , rt military dam-e. tiy Karen l.ugenMinn ami "Vo ices o f Spring” , tiy Beth Underdonk.

ffU ^sfs were wek'omefi by Mrs. Thomna J. Hucklcy, prescient o f the .Mary F isher Home .As.soclatlon and her ( om m ittee. Members of the Ten- afly Huy .Scouts assisted ut the en­trance to the estate ami tm-rnbera ot the Junior Auxiliary o f the Home a.HSlst«al h» XTving llte refreahments. ^^rs. .Anna Fprunger, Mr.s. Hans O. Wagmer. Mrs. DIemen.s Laise, MfH. Dharlcs Q. A’ollhordt, Mr.s. Joseph .Strftcluin .md thidr cumnutt.'e served at the refreshment table. Mm. Du­mont GTarkc, Ird, offered home rnadc and o th er candy fo r sal* . Other memt*ers o f the committee were Mre. Henry M . f'arker, .Mr.s. Henry CbL lln.s. M rs. J. Payne lam-e and *. t s . James Colthup.

Pa tron s and patronesses included the fo flow lng:

A . Albr«>st.h. Mnt. F rx ! H Bennett. Miss ro r r ln e Cln’ k, .Mrs, W . Dean Etnhrep. Mrs. fleorih' Graham. Mrs. A. C. G riffith , Mrs flertrfrt .Johniwn. .Mrs. D w igh t W, Morro-w, .lira. J. F . M cK inney. Mrs. H. M Parker. Dan­iel E. Pomeroy. Mrs. W a lter PhllUr«. Manuel Rlomla, Mias Grace R usspU, MrH. W illiam Tallnrmn, Mrs, Douglas G Thore-'con, George a Zuhriakle and Edmund W . Wakelee.

make a side exrur.sion to ChtnuA.skcd nl>om her a rtiv ities in the

iL ifden Clul). Mrs. Lowe, a memlier id' Ihc 1-atglewood Gtirden ('liiti. of T- nafly, New Jersey, dec lared that .-ciie WH.s form erly chairman of a committee m aking a drive again.st caterpillars that were destroying shrubbery.

Hhe was then appointed chairman o f the blilboard exlerm inutton com-

izeginning of the effort, which has sliure Ifeeiv taken up concerledly by many ot the slater clubs In other atatOR.

Fpon l>etng told that many cities in Japan ar# now likewise institut­ing movementa against ugly hlll- I«»ani.s, the visitor emphu.sized that the evil shcjuld be nlpjjed in the' tiud, adding;

” .-U first 1 couW not tielieve that Japan would have such billboards. J thought that the people who werv so eatheDe a« to take a day off to go cherry-hjossom viewing would never permit auch signs to deface ihe scenery.”

“ But,” continued the visitor, changing the aiibject. "the Japan­ese gardens are magnificent. Your peof.ie are ma«tcr.s of restmint in art. W e who have come from a ctirnpaiutiveiy young culture of 200 \ears have learner! many ideas from your older .l.tKlO year uid (ultun- that we shall 1* tihle to u.se to ad­vantage when we return home. '

Impressed by tilrls"Another thing that tun im-

pressxl me greatly are your glrl.s. They show .'aich repose. Tln‘y sit ((uifjtly. with folded hands, and do not Jumr» around. Rut I undersforKi tl? that when f attended a ba cere. inony and realized that your pcoplo are Itrought up that way. The .\merUana. <pii tiie uGivr Imnti. ai* energetic, active, and always on lin-

VlBitlnff the R ev , and Mrs. Fm nk Hart Huffman o f 190 Demar«jt a v e ­nue this w «»k are Mr. Huffman’s mother, Mrs. John A. Huffman and her granddaughter, Mias June Keener, of Zanesville. Ohio; and Mr. Hoffman's sister, Mra. Dallas H ar­ris, her »»n Dale and daughter Shir­ley Jane, of I>es Moines, lowsc T lie fjttfty is in Washington nou’ and ex- Irficta lo arrive in Englewood this weekend.


The season ctrmed 'Riursday of last week fo r the Aid .Society of the K nglew w l Reformed Church with a out-of-door meeting and Ixuskct luncheon «m the church lawn. W est Hutlfcon avenue. Mrs. Kenneth Adam.H was ehairnitwi of anange- ments. Mrs. Edwin L. Mcitvoine Is prc.sidcnt of the soidety.

-f-At ('anacilun K««»ri

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Post left- Tucsdtiy for a week at the G at^n^u Club In Canada. Miss Peggy Poet is u guc.'d of friendfl in New Hami»- .Hhire durlng thfiir abKOiice.

Have Guest.s at Utilssett Mr. and Mrs. Clarence .M. Fincke

of I-^igluwood and thoir daughter and .son-tn-law, Mr and Mrs, Kt>n- neth McKenzio o f Plainfiehl, are at Qulasett, Mass.. ik 'cu| ying Mrs.-7 0- fb>y (.’lark's cottage during July while she is In Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fincke ure spending thtjs week with them.

Guest of AuntMIr.s Charlene Ebitlcmun of Pinck­

ney villo. 111., Is a guosl of her aunt, Mrs. Clifford H. Tuttle, Jr., <-n Arch mad- Mrs. Ttillle enter­tained at a .small bridge last week irt her honor.

.^liss Hruyn In WestWith flic Burcletts

Mi.ss Ellen Hruyn. of 2ri() Liiuadn street, is in San Fnimlaco with Mr, ;yal Mrs. GdlxTt 1;. Burdtitt and fam ­ily and will tjc with them later at W hile Grass Haiich in Wyoming.

Miss Mary Hruyn will sail July 15 rui the (leorg'ic for six weeks in E n g­land uiid HnllHrnl. will he ac-comiiamed hy .Mrs. Edmond Stevens fif Lexington. Maas.

Ten tables w lr e L I*wn at theWamncT FhC ^ I i l*tMflt f„e » « ‘«a, nn-a «tp l«o ,M l Churei. Of . wwntlj- an-e,,^


n nu 'e:"-;."™ ; »■ - 1 .l-ri o„ T o e £ ^

aummer at their S " laike, r .k,.|, ji,„ a

Visits Fai'rtjsr Mrs. Beuj,iinin H

Tlie Myers At XMr. and Mj-s. n,

Mvers and «mytra and h.k,. and Mrsycr. arc visiting Mr uMr». ".n,,.Newfwirt, R. j.

Knlertains FttMi-es Hmh .t.u.lawe n

street ha.1 ;is her wefiii.i tiam Riilierta, of 1 -.,..Hoberts alien,1,at WllnilnaUiD. ()»,» !

■iiliiy .Miss limh KIchnrd Trill,I,II ami Mrs. lllrhani S , siUc, 1,. 1, **

lloflle frwi, . JU Stanley Weaten

fly roail, lia.s returDi t'ollene and will s|wn Wunasink Like }jgf Wa.shlnnifjii, whei^ for the summer moe

-At Sharoft, Mrs. Wdlliifu f.

throfi pplep i<; J Bharon, c..i,ii,

Mrs. Dezer and ftir At Sea Gi

Mrs. CiiHrlf-s N, CoutHditnun l)t-.s<.r, ^mmmicr piarc in S a sey. .Mis. Di-zin* dren will s;»eu(] except (nr brief r {y Dezer uo-.s there «

lever j.oHhibl". fie there iiti« ue(kf;r.d

go."O f course.” ittated the .‘?i.eakpr,

“ we liuve met only the cifam of \oiir people, who have trcuicti u.s ruviilly. Hut Japan is (piite tiiifi-r- eni from wiiut I extuM led. Gtn- pre.sent trip fiaa correcteij man,', lalse notions and haphazard [nei-eu- > e.-ldiunM. j

” V\'e will know J.apan lietter when j we return. In u<iditkm. I under- | stand that mir trade l.s rpidprocttl, ' espei ially your silk an<] our vdion. ' W e can never rni.sunderstand those whom we know and wc love your people.” Mrs. I.mve concluded.


, M

Mrs. Uyons In VirginiaMrs. Fred B. Ryon.s i.s nt her mmiej hoine hi lloadlei, ViiKUda

Mr. auditor the rernnUut«r of the .summer.

r,ii 'U I .

Let us retreshen your summer clothes★ NEW L O W PRICES(>\ F M 'K IiT I l i iV t I.K W IM l ( n i \v,„l< (ln.ir,ml,.,.(n

2 Garments BeautifullyDRY CLEANED AND PRESSED!

Monday and Ttievdav Thnniglm iti ,JuK .Stilts .Spmigtsi ami l'rc'.'-« <1 . ” 'm

69c• B U S C H •C L E A N E R S and D Y E R S

IN N. \ ttn Bnint .street. Etrjciewood

IiT 1whore

Plan Mary land SojournG'uJiard M’ , J'. n.rn ..« nn.i

G- tior-d Wilt I-,.-,.WUI, Ml.-I. C.UiU.'S' ;.i.s

1 M'aiyland op the .-a-Ht.-ni

Mr. and Mrs. Charlc.s N, Fester. Franklin atiect. are sponduig July In Boiceviilc, New York.

Mri. .John A. Wrila. 144 Walnut sU-eeT. left (bi« week foi IJiicuin-

'Ii*ss Henlky in HaitimoreI Mues Netl pM-’ nltey tuisiw'-'Ul spend- iii'.' a \\>-ek ii, Hiiltimore with h.'r

, |■•usln. Afra narrm e Ilew .t!. ti,,' l.'rnn V Mis-; Mary GiMiei t of Paui- i"w,.<.d, ,S!h» will s,, lo I.nvalett"

for two woeks wtiero she ' lutM taken a eoltnce.

Mrs. <#eorge E. Nelsi.n and Miss Hope- NeLson are at Muntoh.king.

-Mn . Fi.sh. r Howe BooUt. is home i'l'em Go- Euirtewixwi Hui^pitai where sb" was fn*ernfed Mfwm fer ainiendi. citcp,

Mr. anfi Mrs, Hugh Ibtzt iti.n. Sher- w.ioil plaee. have nturm ,! from a visit xvith fpientbs In Hoidernosit, N. H.

Mrs. Willitim J, Gran.lin. Dwight Manor, is spending July at Titusville, Pa.

.»»»?». 4»i --«UKrt4 MIMAIih . Ciiolon H. Bluke wdl to* at

rTou.se. Jhurar Hampshire thmiu.bi'ut of July.

nni,' X f’wthe month

Mrs. Maxw'elj M. Upson of Moiin- taln nuid htis as her gue.st her sla­ter. Mrs. Harry H. Little of Con­cord. Mas.s. Mrs. Upson enter­tained at a luncheon on Wednesday for Mr.*j. l/itlle. Ouests were Mrs. H. C. Riithtwme, Mrs. Donald Vfuight. Mrs. Rowland F. MelJor. Mrs. E, E. Hennett, and Mrs. E»l- wanl Donovan,


Raljih H. BowoH of ftooth avenue, priiffsaor of law at Columhla Uni­versity, will leave the middle of the month for the eoast where he will speak on the stitijec t of law' liefute t i f I ’ivlc Coast Institute of L iw at Seattle. Before d e p u r t t n g for Seattle he will go to Northeast Hartior, .Maine.

BenefH for Chiireh A surcessfiil card ptirty wifs held

Tue.sday at the home of Mrs. Mat­thew' CaHahan. 251. Howland ave- nue. for the benefit of St. Cedlia s church.

On -Motor TripMr. and Mrs. James G. M 'disier

and family, Eng le street, left Tues­day for a ojtjtor trip through Mar.v- latid and Virginia.

Summer at Bnyheatl Mrs. Charles M. Wales of Cedar

^reei. her daughter. Miss Elizabeth Wales, and Mr. and .Mrs. Huiund U. Haines have left for their summer home at Hnybead until hk?ptehit>er.

Kerrs ai GrenellMr. and .Afrs. Clarence Diiworth

Kerr. Mi«a Mary K.-rr and Wiillam Kerr are occupying “ The ailmp- aes.” their cottage- at Grenell on the Ht. Lawrencef until after laibor Day.

It**turn.s f'*rom Hospital MLss B e f t > Babcock returneii

Monday from the Eiiglowood Hos- pUul where she had ui,.jergone an emergency ofienition for apjipndi- citea.

F-At Phoenicia, Catskills

Mrs. J. Frank Howell of I.ibrrty road left yesterday for I ’hoenkia, New York, resort In the Cat.skilL. •She will be there for th»T creatcT part of .the summer.

I>B«ghter to the BoyersMr. and Mrs. Raymond Hertiert

Hr.yer, lOfl Oram! avenue announce Iffe birth of a daughter nt the Eng- h'WOiHl Hospital on Juno ofl.

^peiuiling Mouth at l>aya|etteMr, a<id Mrs, X^w'rence C. Licht

end family of Kfib rr,;i,i■-’O-' t.f' ht •• . , f.;,ik.wne. are .s{>eiuling the month of July at I.Ava!ette.

Mrs, Green at .\vrrillMrs. WtUiam Walker Orei>i\ of i»Rl

Linden avenue will leave for Aver- ill, Vermont, early n«xt w'o>k w Ijere she will open b<T summer bungalow for the remainder of theseason.

Free Band Concert Each Wednesday E?eaiif

A l Depot Square


Among tho Englewood rcsident.s who were hoatetaea ui one of (ho gay dinner parties held at the attractive dining torratc of tho County Theatre la aufforn. New York, this week was MtsH Olive Ewing Ilace. who had as her g-uoMts .Miss Alice C .« and Mr. and Mrs. Raymund F. Smith,

Matty JOiu;li \viKKi ro.sidi ids attend the |jcrf..rrnum-.‘S at the County The­ater, these iierforniame.s being pro- coded tisually liy dinner parties on the Terrace. Ttie theatre (Jiiencd there on June ’J,’ . A new production is given ut the ruimty Thoaier each week by prof.'.ssinnal phiyers.

Special for this weekGENUINE PANAMA*

3.95Other Cool Fabric Hats

1.00 up

f j o n s l a n t i n e ’s40 East Palisade Avenue Englewoo

M rss >rrl( HI.KK I.K W K S F fll{ POSITION IN IIO NO l.lil.r

Miaa Myrtle Stickler. Grand a ve ­nue. w ho fur the jmst tfireo yesirs has been Dcfinrlment Siiiierviaor o f the I'uhite Health Nursing Out- PaU ent Department o f EnglewixKl H osp ita l rt'cn lly re.simiei] her posi­tion to att'i’id a new position in Honolu lu . .She will have July 15 fo r the UiKifir Cmi.st, where she w ill sail. Mis,s Stickler will take ovf*r the position of Educulion Supervis­or o f T'ublic Health Nursing at the Palatna Settlement in Honolutu.

The Iliiilrhrant.ft I^eaveMr. anil Mr.'t. Walter G. Hilde-

hrant of 7.‘5 Dana i.kue, left this week for Bridgeport, I ’nnn.. to visit with Mr.s. Hildeliranfs mother. They expect to In* gone during the month o f July.

— — - • -------The Kiiklajuls Leave

J&mes T. Kirkiafni ni 287 Murray avenue, left thi.s w.-ek for Adiron­dack Cam[). Glenlnirnie. New York, where he dlrertg hoys ai tlvilica dur- Ing the .*<ummer eamping months. Mrs. Klrkhind spends Ih*- summer ut Avon, New Jersey, where her mother has a summer cottage.

The Kelrs Visit l arm Dr. and Mr.s. Floyd K'-jr and their

thireo daughters of 27.i Engle stree-ti«.ft r .n Vf.,n<to,. f ................. '***•• iii'.ij farm UiBingh»nrit)!on. New York, ' They will retu rn to 7:nglfwo<vi next Monday,

Our Permanewill keep your hiir groomed at all lii (luring (he iryiBi m<;r months.

New Rca.HonabIe ffta

EMERAlBeauty Saloi

10 E. Palisade AtmE N G L E W O O D 3-«

The I.oeTm Aw »y fn.- VVfi'k | _Mr. anrl Mrs. lln.var.l L«wn nf i

l.nit Cilnnwn.Hl n.a{!, Wiil S[H?n(i fhn next week or two ;,t Norlhl.orl, New York. I.aler they plnn ftn h'oiim into MaintT for .sevi-ntl wer-ks.

la g u i

Watches and Clochi(^|M*dallst9 fn GbaiRlfathor

Jewelry RemodeledPearls and Beads Restrun*

Silverware Replated and R«»irALL REPAIRS

GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAiRepairers Since 1907


13A East Palisade AvenueO P E ^ EVENINfJl^

•At Pohrt o’ Woods Mrs. J. YY-right Tun.'^stg of Dwisht

plac«» has left for- L'ufnt o’ YVotxis with two fd hi 1 suiis. Onf. fion wont | L,. vL m.,. L....,iah.v, '.IX Weidc. Me., Ithis wpok.

Mrs. PoTvrrN \» BiiNsptMrP

tivctme. is vi?iting virs. De YY'itt (Hinton .jonr.fi t this wT»ok.Mr. Fower.*; jcutiid th* m for the holi­day weekend.

riinfnn l*»rkurchi |{eturnMr. an,I ,Mr.., rlint,,,, iHu-kani nf

>4i 01-nwr„,t m.rt, nturncl Kaliir- day from Sfinirrrl Inn, tlnlnrs l• •llls, Ni w York, wlieri- th. y ha.l .‘.peni tin- Wpe-k.

The .Ameruk \t rt»*v»Mr. and Mrs. A«h>lfih Aftiend and

their family of 2tkS Cbesinut stro* !. left for Cnix* Cod on Batur<kiy Miss I’uiislam r Huvrilla will s,„.nd snmnlime with them.

“ ()7 > rr thirty-eight y ea rs o f umwa'llf'd queM)'

Spccialu Starting SaturdayJuly 6th through Friday, July

SAVE 30c—hy carrvinffjio®?

“ ■ 70c1 qt. B r ic k V an illa -Peach Ic e Cream.

Sam e p a ck e d in ice and delivered , $i



1 lb. Chocolate

PEPPERMINTS, pink boxFreshly Baked

JELLY ROLL................« A * M> * - <

r . Tfm i3iergenciaii>f^***|En joy (J eonlin snnek at f

— P h o n e ENGLEWOODJiiE




jlinaal July 4 Carnival Is Attended By Over

4000 Persons


K,*rlv 4'""> women anri rhll-I fnmi N'-rth Ji-rsey towns en-

, . of July rurnival*J‘'sj,;i.!uw t’-'mpKUw, yoster-* " It was tl»> fiflH your o f this

..vi tii iitul the KJimon an<I con-

l„l, drewAfttvilies Iwtan ill pm .. withgeflt'S of r;M‘ « fl'tl'lren undrr

Tlifst' iiMrarled scopeH o f Jiivn- gjlf. ,-ontesi:«nt« and t»rovidtnl nuu-h ’^„s,mMit f.ir Ihom liiirt for ailult ,l*.t„tors. ThiiJ wrre cMmiiM.-d with gn frr*'-for-all penny hunt[,j which fi --otH'l'' of hundred youtiK- ers scratnL'ed ii' sundplle

{orn.lns »lHrti wtiv hiirietl jPollmMiL ihts event, water sports p, I,,,1,1. Tlii'se Includod 10t> and

liiiviril swims. oh-stHch* and luilloon ■W - - .. ...........Kil.OI..,.



Palisades Park Democrats Well Represected On Ride

Finance Commission Takes Over School Anthorities;

Wright Is Appointed

.\ liivim: fxhit'ttion was Kivonby Wllitiun IctnliufL'h. Ih'rtmrd Kelley aivl the talented yotinR Dnth- Llswt.rs. AMdivy and Janet. Horseshoe |>ltihiMK and ahttfflo-

|..(irnarn'-nl.s eouehided the day. Winturs m tin: day’s events w-ere: I’hiiiin ii ' ra< iM. .lanice t^Bnilshoff,

Rulh- rford; .M:u y Kicken. Olen Kok; K‘ - lvn t'h;iii. Kti.ulewojmI ; Kii- giitir .Ml ‘ 'iain. Kiifli* rford; DorothyKroii‘ 11. Kill Ih ( loi'il; Klalno iMorltj-

p. l i.'* n! !• Id : l‘*rank Mooi-tyul,Cgmj.-aw. (L o r-e Kislie'-. Csmippaw; Vielor fiaio^toti. WoodriilKe: JohnKickpM.<d-ii Ko'-k: .Mia t‘rol«st. Kn g|p\tc«hi; I

Kt.seul affairs o f the BnanI «»f Kd- ueatlon of Fort Doe were placeil in the Imiuls of the MunielpEi Finanor t ’ominis.slon o f the state at a meet- in»r on Monday evening.

Auditor ( ’art \V. W rkht. of Hark- ensne k, was name<i by the mho*,) hemrd as the FItiatu-e ( ’ommtasion's rejireaentatlvo In Fort Lee. Ho will eheek all ex))endttur<'» of tlic Imard. eoiinler-slKn all rherks. an«t aei hi tui advisory rar>a<'lty.

Wrhrht's fKJHilton Is the same ns the one he holds with respect to the flnanrea nf the boroufi-h, and he will he the final word with regard to fi- nuni'OH and expondituies by the Ht'hnol l)ourd.

Thiw action was taken, it Im he- lioved. because o f the l»omMmlders aiiil recently undertaken airalnst th<’ school authoritioM. The action la a

■rf I'oyle, Norlti Her- t}illiL5;in. Ilasbronck

Ki-iiie'i- Dilbie, West New y.irk Ivi'i li Kanrman. W ycko ff; (jfor:;- K i'ie r. ( ’amp;;aw: Frank|{fi<’hr. N'-iiii -\ 1 liiii^lon ; Kiidiiird I ftVMi, I ’atif^'iM; I’wiiHsell Shillltur, ; Smri': M.icttn O’ Malley. Ihsmiie: Willuim iPw edds. I’.Uiomflehi: P’ lor- fntf H fttn in. liiejota: .Mu!>el Han- ,vn, \S'«t N'W York; M.-iry ICllen Jl'jrre fCii: ). wood : .Mire Kaiifiimn. Wyck'iif. It'd ..it M.dz. Kulherford: l>.nHii !>‘>L N’oftti ArlliiLdon: Kk’h- jpl Ki "II-'I iDitheifiird; Dennen liiiii.L'r-r, H e k'-nsfu-k.

AduMii I'lvantajiHi.v.K'd swim, John (Jor-

il,i!i, ILi - • o"d. iii’Mt; .b-hn Fi-aw- Ipj. Ivt«i I;'ll ii’ -i roid, M-corid : Andy Wr.“t, Id tie I lor'd, tliird,

I . I'N ' '.'ird swim, Audn-y . \'v .i.n|ni);:i', !'ii-st ; Dm-ulbyI'lh'rson, .seroiiil.I III \ ;ii'l ,swim. Carl Hrodln.

Hiiili'rier.l. t irsi ; Warren Winand. fiiiilu irord, siMoiid: l''reil Marof,ruristiHlI, iltird,

Mhi’.s !iHl!m>n race, Andy W est, first;'nc'iiias Olsen. New York, sec­ond: K<l\ ird 1‘atcrflon. third.W'liren's ti^lloon ratte. I fa r -

riniikiii, lim beifo rd , firs t; F loretwo Hoffman, li-e.-ofu. second; (fa rlyn Harli'V, l■'airiawn. third..Men's n!,,sf;i<-l.- race, Am ly W est,

firet; K-lward S. W iister. Paterson, wi-nm]; I ‘arl I ’.rodin, Jlut herford, Ihint.Hiir-eshn, pitriiiim tournament —

Wiliiiim .M- Ka>, Kidijefirid Park, and }. K SniiUi, llo^ota.

WiHl" !I'lillilM' 1 Maltr I, .\l-ns

The M a r y la n dA nuHlciiiicly p rim i Hotel


'MU i;-! uyuK. .\i;\v .ik r s k vl'l|■.||r <10 in

I ' l , imi,, . SiiHti/i If. .s-|*r/on

JOIN FREEOne of the finest circulat­ing libraries in N ew Jersey

Plaza Book Shop24 \ortli \nii Hriint Street

tiiieti fi A.M. to y P.M.

mandamus tiefore t h e Bupreino tV)ijrt to compel the school uuthori- tle.s to Include $1)5.000 In It.s ne>t budeet In onler to take care of de- llmiuent Ismd.s and interest.

ScliiK*! ftepalr Disru^imiThe I«»anl vvus «HTUpie«| at letiufh

ill aiiHwenna cilticisms by parents of West l*’ojt Lee over th" <lclay in renovaliny and repairiiiff the scltool hoii.si' oil Jones road.

A deleciiiioii from the P.T.A. heu«le,| by Mrs. .Mal>el Oalloway, re- rfiiPKled informatiim as to when the board proposed to undertake th< work, and u hat prepaintion.s had l*een made to take c-are of chiblren who would be nimble to u.se tlm s«-hool In Septemljcr Isfuuse of the /oh.

Mrs, (lallowaj declare*! tbut If Ih** s* hMo| c*Mil<i n<»t Ik* opened In Sep, tember the parents In West Fort l>»e would arrange to quarter th' implls in the We.st Fort I ep fire houKc, or otticr liuildlu.trs in that sect ion.

Flank De Afaftio declared tha*• be <blH\ in startimr wojk nn tbe.'‘■elinol \\;is nnnej-e.sHiiry. H** *-.m-lende.l JlKit th*' matt«u’ ha<l Js-en un­der enn-sid*'niti*>n for i-ieht tmmtli'- ’ ut tliat ti<« a*-tmd work liad b*'i'n dour.

lie criticiMe,| the nretdte<t,s, Hack­ee and llatk'T, for the <1*‘Ih\. con- l*‘n'lnu' that th*' !mihi*1 should em- plov *dlirr nu n if nciessary,

t'krk John AI>bott. Jr,. e\'-plalued ibat the Klat<* Hoard of K<\. iicaflon had stipulate*} certain rc- quleenuuUH in connection with the renovation, unit that these had tviiised the bids to hR?her than wa.s antlclpntpfb

Ho reported that the plans are to bp rwlruftr'd. and (hat the archi- ti'ct.H were n*»w at work on the re. vised set. He saitl that tlie scho*d hoanl was not at fault, and could n«)t tell exactly when the rrni.vath>n work wtiulil lx* complete*! until the iu'\\ plans ar*' filed by (he an hi- tects.

Object to NoiseComplaints T r o m resulent.s of

Co>lrsville resje-ettnir the nois*> from chihiri'ti u.siiu: th** s*h*»ol momuls in that .section f*>r jday wa.s rrport«**| tiy 'rnist«e Joseph Cook. He stja- ■uest*‘*l that ttie chiblren b** trjins- f*'rre»l (*> l.inw*****! Oval, in the west- ••rn sectifin. to eliminate tlie com­plaints.

Trustee .Miblre*! Clark <i**lared (hat the noise was [indiably *‘ause*t by the over enthiisiasnl of the * ljil- 'Ireti during the first day of super- vis***i play on the .s<*hool Rrounds. Slu’ pointeii out (hilt the ILT..A- iin*l other groups In the iKiroimh lm*l mui«*iiaken .supervise*! filay. an*l lhat ihe f>penlni; dj»y lubi b**Pn an umi.s’.ial one. She sustresfe*! Hurt the nmty*r lx* allow***! to rest f*ir a time, in order' to ascertain wliettier the <*{*ndition woiil*! con- iimie.

Presblent John Whitteak*’r aaretsl with Mr.s, Clark, aiul the plan will be aiven a further trial. A su>;vcea- lion was miule by a fmrent that Hjr lioroiiah unilerlake the Hup*‘rvis*sl play pro«rani. but no w;tion was taken.

Ph,vsi<’ian*a ClaimA claim of $Utt) by Dr. Clarenc*e

Cottnur waft pre.-u;nted to the IkhucI by Mrs. b’ loienco Allard, his attor-

The iinniml lM»al.rtdr of the Her- i u* n Ci*i!iitv |)em<H-rmic Cuminlfte.* ; on M.'uduy. July 1. was well at- I ten*l*'*l by Is'iiux’ rats of Palisa*1**s j I Jirk. \nioii'.; thosto present w«*re;

Fnink J. (juinn «»f the Heraeu < «»unty Tax Ikstixl and Mr.**, tjul’m, Malihew Fus*’*i. fMmtmnster of l*uH- KJi.les l>„rk: Ta\ ro lle «lor Amelia Hackett. Coutullmen Frank Hliou* ami J.meph L a ih . Cm i Von Ibirf- man. iiri.sideni of at-hoo! iHrird; rii'ifiuiN K. Ki'liy o f the 8ch*w>i Ikmu-.i an*l .Mrs Kelly. M r*. Wm. Uhone. vir«‘ .j);r.fi,!,,,,( of the women's aux­iliary of the Herzen ('ounty Anier- iciin Ix'eiuu; Mi-r. Anna M. F. Shir­ley. vice-presl'lcnt o f the Woman’s IbTueji {'.unity nenifH-ratlc ortatU- /-■‘ ti«m: Heulth <’ommlssl<m<*r am! Mrs. WIHiurn M ^vln . Thonuts K«l!y '•f till' Koiiiiii commtNslon and Mrs, K«*lly, Mr, and Mrs. (}. OUt Ip und .snuR, .iiidjrp A «r«»n Katz ami Mrs. Katz, Mr, and M r«. J. Do Mar- rals .Ir., Alfied Jojujh, pr«*K|ileni of ♦ be Frank ,|, (juinn Awioetatlon, an*} M i’k. .Innes, Mr, and Mrs. TlumiuH 0 ( oniinr. Mr. nml Mr«. J, Tiimma- tiy. lliiinlieit Fu«,o. Mr, and Mi.s I'rank .Sinltli, m ,-. an*i Mrs. The*.- 'I*_>re HertllcHll. m ,.. (,OMbuin.'ll, .Mr. J. J. m * -Malum, .Mr, >imi Mrs. H. Walton. Mrs. V, Kiiwdiian. Miss Ruth !>,• Murrais, Mr. and Mrs. W'illlum C.nil- rojie. Mk, Mf,y ouilfoyle. Jo.s.ph Kehm. Miss Heatrire Moffalf. Mrs. I-». UoKun, Miss M. Moffatt, Ml.ss K. Moffatt. A. Allaineae. lOdwaid llar- ly . Mls.s Kurh Htfiwne. Mrs. Miis- ser. J.i.srmh Ki'jirney. Miss M. Hand- la. Mr.s M. Ih,«he.s. Mrs. J. Rem. m-r. Mrs |> *■„-, y. n . K*'ena. Mrs K . smila, M,s. Kathleen Smit’i Miirtln . rrufli. Tlu.rnu.s Kean. Mihh Sch,ud>. .Mrs \mm R. R„,sh, mi„.; l.icus, i;, Shirley. Jiimes Lowry Jr. ami ,)*ix«'|iii t ’orey.

Philanthropists Speak for Kenney Bill


Nathan AOyn W as First In Civil Service Test

o b it u a r y

Conjtr«*«Hnuin I'klwartl A . KoJiney of CUffside Hark. repr«*M*ntatlve from (he Ninth ConKft'sshmiil District of New lersey, wlil(*h InrJinIe» all (In* eastern s*' 'l|on *d lb*rtt<‘n ('<ntnly and the exiremt* norliimi se*‘tl«in of Hudson, Ik pictimaj alwivi* at a rr*'*’ iil liinriieon in New V*»rk wlH*re lie s|)oke in. Iiwhiilf o f Ids lw;al lotteryKill n o u - {•« I ' i i . t ••I,.., '., (infiv i.,: M i k i i , , . . . I I ...... i...... pi*omirit‘ iit pliilanlliroplst. aMo.—M,, it» |#i, • ... . . . . .11 xaiit f I, III ,» I >11 i\ kt ■ ii-i V «!«■ ngiiinr iibill now pendini; in ('nnjsn'ss. I'ictiim l above (left) is .'Mrs. Oliver HarHinan. pruimnem

’............ o f llii* MM as an »iid l<» ovi*r iMirdemxl elmrit.t urnanijuitions.t/ttt g/l(tUK*h *>•wbo iitiide a .s})ii'lt<*d pleit for the pa^su^t- *ii me dmi an am lo over ounieiHKi eiiiirn.t .Mra, S. SlamvtHxl Mem-ken. aitive in belmlf of many tharltabU* enlerpriwH, is at the ritihl.n««m- tii iMaiuii «»i iiiuii cnariiamc eiiier|ir*w*H, is iU ine nttill.


Henry R. Kockvvf.o<I h;iH Ikcm name*] liy I ’ro.s*>*ut*>p John J Hre.s- lin a.u cliipi' i,i' i;,.|>:en County dete*-- tive.s, e position he has h*l<i e v r

(C«ntinui*d from i « i « e 1) uimvfMui. rh'' r«-maiml*T of th*' '" 'I of .'"'<uulini: tiu' .'*b t<» i-anip wa.-. pio- v:‘i«-d tiy tl)e Kiwanian.s Uu'nt'tlv*

Atljutatjt Tiij;?; poinla out that m many of the *»lh*'r *'**innjunit»^.s m the cciunty \he I-’arent T«*ju'luirs As siK'.ation.s, .iiul otlur «»rKHni/4itHins h;iv«' *-nntrituite*I Hums in tb*' nnioiint of $!<l, a !*l «m up f.* $.**0 t'i*r »i'*

of tlicsi" uu'lerprivili'Kc.l I.m -*ii*'S.

Only .Two In l ‘'nKle\vwKlTb«- *uil> two oruaniz;it lon.s in lai-

uU-wi-'«t'l thal have *'ont ribiil* *1 .tt*- the 1*1 u.it*- < ’liauffeurH AH.s*>' iat mii whiih Lave $-b. an*l the ltali.*n .\in**rican Citiz' iis Leuj;u*‘ wlm b uav*' $lO,

Mount Carmel (tuiid, cbarilN i>r- caiuzjrtiun. Im.s ask**t tlu- Kiw.iiii* Clllli tn Sf'lul five nf its JH'*'<t\ *!i'! 'inn to tie- iami>. blit tit* <(U<>fa li.nl l*e*'n filled aiii] liu' five kid*li**.s iia\.' b'-'-n told they cannot y*>. Any

(< 'l•nt^lulc(l fnmi |»ta lie- sunshine nf tiic

Alnnubty C..*) '


IKM lU .K N O M AA sT \U T sAT m i h i .m : o n j t i.v : i .. .

Our Ijiiiy of .Mount i |..nHia

( ( ’on(inii«*l tr*>m pita*- 1)Seni'iT Jimlttr Klemen

{ ’•immunli v H i- b l-aii;l'-w"o*l .S_M‘J.Tl-b*si nr.tiiac .'’.".GT




th*- Uir

re tv

sir,,... .... 1 i u''*'!! I'lei incy caniioi y*». .-vn.v i"'O' ipju.uiit ii'nui l.ennia , friluitum sent in aiei d<-si>4nat'd i

alioiii l.s mniifijH ;,Lr«i, w here b•SI I ii*‘rvis<ir' ef pnli* -e.

In tlie Civil .Set vir.- e\;umnatin.i bo- tins jul. .Vuiliaii H. Ail.Mi. rec- 'i;;nlz*-'l as uii*' ,,f tp,. i|eter.( ivpsnr Hi.' .Slat.., was fu.st. Ln.-kuood H.M'.ituI and Walt.'f (}. Fra.s.-r thir. bill tb*' Iluv ahes the proHeciitor hl.sHHo('H..ti of (hr (irsl three, Th*' sal­ary in iluu clas.siilcatlott l.s ayear. Allyn hus l>een connected with tlio duparinicnt majiy yeHr.*i,


til. M 'lu n t CariiU 'l id i i ld i* ’n will h, *■'.( i l l ' i v . |y lo r H unn, .A*ljil!;i!tl

I’l-iis" .'t.if .1.Tlu- Caiiifi l'‘u lid I ’a Ml pa 11; n t hi'oii h

(Hit tlu' .•..iii,l\ lias b.'. n hiL'blv .'le c*-.*''sfiil, Kiwanis Cpiii.s in He v.iii on.s liir iiu iK r*'i'(iit a t.d jil ..f I'J,’. *-|iiIdr*'U bciiu; s< lit awu.v f./(‘ two wi'eks at i-amp. In a l'*-w inslan..';. iindcnu.iinilitiiciit had «‘a l* 'n its wa\ so (b'oply Into Hi" chMilron Hiat the cltdiH lutve dccidoii th ic* ' wo*'k.s Is the leiiKt that Ihose jiiirt i<’ ijlar i hii- dr«ui atioulil have t<> put t hem cm t ie ir own apain. - ‘

Carm* l. .lnl> It’,, svill L• t .S'.b'Mlil N'.Vi-lut lit tie ill.s|inn** n f the l.itfl* F low er ;' arne ht«- <‘hnri li .tf St. f'e. ih; l.i-s;.rti H< .eh|iiart* rs nf tlu F• .1 f'e- l.iille hlu'.v.T. Thi* .-vn t istiu- |•■t|-l■|lal f.Jist nf tb*- • aiin*-l(t. ''rd.-i. and ttu‘i,|>.r>‘ wa.s *>iu «»t tie ■■'lavs of vraii-“ nf Iht- Camullt.- .St. Tie r. s.-. ” Oiir Lulv nf .Mount Car-

is tlu* title lliui.T vvliu ti Hie ' Imt' b iiO: *M-. aiel Hiaiiks .Mars fm lie ‘ ' ' ''I ’ ^'|*M'"b*r, with

’ • '.111- nniT, was L‘ur»«-d as a i.ait nf ter h a l'it . .\irnr.lm::ly, the N"V*-na 1.1 f'.r* t h* Ki-a.'t will U a d*ti!irl*- nie , I " tb,' nf c.K iie 1 and ! l> !e ri.it'- l -and ' 1 I d a u * . ht.r.

Til' ,N'.,.na will np.-n ',ii .Siiiej-.v, ' 7 . a ii'i . le.-t nil .\l • >iida > . .hiivin n s. I V I- I'M W ill l» lu Id d.nlv ,it d if. a i 'l s In Tile; will I onsi'-l■ ' Ce I ,1 nlimi n! t III N'.v - n I | 't av• 1 • , • t neai. I t e de t mn , ,f t h<'i ; ; . . S a ’ tatieiit and He l>h‘-*Mii:: n' I >n , ..luai'jatiniis V. il h th" i • lee "I Si. ’I'la.i-.s.', Tlu- <i r.-ne,nv of .-u- milnu-nt i:i Hu' Srai'iitar will In le Id ail.-r *a. h H'-rvic<‘ .

■J I *.t I L* I 7 n


Mu*k. tuM. k F.ul l,.-e . . \\*'*^»ruld .

I:e*h. ifor.l. . t:i-La'W..o.|, .

|■lal'die|,l. . . T*'aee« k . . . . ....... ' lair. ..

•J’ tOOUldd

1 7'J

•_M r,i t ■J IIHI


•jt H KI*; m ;s

•o( a ......... 1*0 P» ___

Hcr;;rn ( ’mints.

taryJI7V’.'M717''Sl!MNi14 rj is-j;» 1.7SH 17J.'. 17t«»



Funeral services were hel.l this morning in Kt. I ’jml’s laithcnin Church. Teuneck. for the U«v. Charb'S W. Sk'IuihIk'!. who hiul lK*en fvastttr •<( that chvirch for ten years. The Rev. .Mr. HcIiu jiIm*!. who was ;U» years of aue. died Tuus*lay afternoon after liavinK Is-en taken 111 of a h*Miri ailment Monday afteriUKvn. He Is tnirviv***! l*y hm pun*nts, and a bn)- thcr und sister In Motllson. Ind., where burial will ta k e place. Th«* H»*v. SchnalM'l sttidled for the min­istry in WUtenlKirK C oUcko . SprinK* field, t)hlo.

The futti ral services this mornlnK wer*.' c*»ntlu*-t»'.I liy Dr. HurK<*Ha, pres­ident of th*' Cnit*'*! l.uthenin Churches of Ain**ricu; Dr. Hamuel T i’exler, r*irm*-i' proaitb'iil; Dr. Be- {lenslave. proxiftenl <if the New Jer- H*‘y 8yn*til. iiml Hu* Rev. Alfred W'elter, wlui |ir«*ache*l the si-rmon.

A inrtfc numtier of memhers <if the Ltithumn Cltun-ii comrroi^ntiun, (tiwn.ship *iffl<'iulM anil clerKym**n from Lutheran church**s in Northern N«-w Ji-i-se.y atlcmb'il.

dd. of Tsttany, died at th®- Name on Monday,wiu'n a Marywas born. T H infant lived <»luy. .

Requiem mui hew at t ’nrnu i i ’h u r^ ’ T^unday OfcWfll for mother ai^eW|d,

Mrs. Mayles a (Mt. Carmel Si*a|H ar' Confn which hel*l a pn lati* home. .J fb inj||jiw|t Weiln**fi*1uy. nne ■Ii ■ mel CenietiT.v. l b itrMiy

Mrs. Miiyb'H Is guri httsliunil. John, hi'f-v anil Mrs. M. Slummy, 'tfka*||lMvl Jp'lund, ami a sisb-r,-”Shanlcy, of Tonafly.


In aiial.v stiik' Itu* r. inni ■.( Hi*. |U.t -'•■■n *’.,tinfy T ....b.,-.:- A;(niaH.;noil ’ ’Salaiy Stiul.v ' w* find Hi* fo! luwitif facts i.r*'seMt.'<l

I ’lHe. IT muni* lJ..lllHl. H*i„,it,.d III)n*‘ iiu-tions. O f tlusi-, (uiic,- j.aid < Ivsb. tlii'ct! |,ubt >-asli III, t Tin .SI wee*' t|-..|;,|ly SIlClH ...nUiUl.l- dl'M. i. I‘■a r l.awii, I;,,),].

’rw*-iit>-mm- I'ommHn'iii'.s i.'j.ort- ' ■! a ID p*'! . .-hi I 111 *.i I. -s '■«:■

t'.M 'iity-in.' paid f*,ii...■•h iiiui s. I i|., T h * m, ln.i**d 'f Hm I.,, -.'•**i!la. 'I't'.iiu'ik I la. li*-n,sa*-k.

Henry H. Rolvertson of D«*marest dtf*il at KuulewolNt Uos|)|Ul im Rut- urduy nluht billowlnp: an I'lieniUon from which lie fulleil to rally.

H** wits iKirn in Tlrookiyn, Fei ruary ^0. lS7b. and hail been a resi- ♦ lent *)f thimaresl for IH yeat'H. Whib' he hu*l tu'ver h«d*l an eb*cliv.' office,

i h** was a* tjvr in civic affairs of the i ImpMiuh anil hiul ls*en tM*<'refury of 'th e Toan riaiinlnu CommiHsion, a memlicr of Ihe AKseMsm*-ut Coinmis- slon. bh-ai chairman of th* Ret] Cross Roll Ciiil. s«**Tetary *»f tlie Tr*>op Coiiunitfe**. Roy S*<ujts, an*! chairman of tlu* bs-ai .M*-mori<il Day *-**r*'m*>ni**H. He was a jnemlK-r oi

J the Vei*'rHii Akxoi-IhI it>n. IMth Ri'cl- 1 liu-nl. Nulloiuil Cnanl of Brooklyn, j III which h*‘ ha*! Herv**d for et^ht ' y ar.s. aiul a birmer rnemlter of Kons I *»f the Revolution, N**w York Chap- ‘ ic r.

H«- is survive*! by his wlf*’. Fmiices N. RoU-risoii, anil lUte son, Donabt H. RolMTlstiii. itlMHict clerk of tlie Demar«'St Board of |^lblcat!ll^. ft*T- vb es will U lu ill at th.' Dt iuiueal

‘ liH(*list Church *ui 'I’lU'Wlay nl«ht at ; H Hit. the Ib'V. Fra u ls F. l*eak <jf- ' fu'iallnK. InternU'iii will Ih' at Kv*'t- i ureen Ccim t. ry. Bi-oi,kl.’> n. *.n W.-il- nes*lHy.

MC,STI:R A lJvAN u iFuneral sorvlcos woriiv

<lay TnorninK at the Demai*! Church b> tlu* Kev. |*\ F. t la*ster Allan Grtfflh. son ami Heb-n I^etns (Jrlffin, at (he uj?e of s*'ven and a h after a pndracte-d iilnesg. iM'cn confined t«» KuKlowood i for several months. rei;nlvlng (Iht of bbxHt transfusions ai been 111 at his home fur the pastl mpnfha He w'rh In the eccond j of Demurest school. Besides his rents hu is survived by a sli Catherine. Burial was at W ^ ’w tVnietery.

MRS. TIIICRRSA CiAHTALDEt^ J; Mrs. TbereSiv Gosluldel^ o f West Kire*-t. Knglew«K>d, unlay at the Englewood Hotp

; Slu- is .survived by her husband*-^: liero Crtistaldelo. Hiul three dauglittHSt^

Funend servk-es were held WedllWl^^ ' *la> moi-iiitig. nufSK !>eing said a t c.-rilin’R R. C. Church. Burial w « 3 m .Mt. Carmoi C**m**b*ry.

MO.MHELARDKSe«*,i)ij„ Mornl»elardl, G4 ysars-^-li^^

Hi;**. at his lu'imf at HIS \vo*m1 uvi-aiiu .tn Motuiay momifig. hud iK'cn n resilient o f Englcww^ m ail) )eets. Funerai Hervlcea w«gp*=* tu*ld at HI. (V e liia R. C.' C h u itft^ ia is \\«"tiieH*iay morntuK, when FCC lttttfll nia.Hs was said. Interment WIUI .Mount Cai-mei i'«.met*-ry.

III ( AK tiU N F K.


man to HospitalTw o jKTSons Wer*' injureii in an au­

tomobile ac(i.J«*nt in Fort la-e *m Saturday, the buu* crasli nvi-r the vv.'i'k-enii i.*Tiod,

Daniel Ib'.lfor.I. .Tr.. *.f {J77 Broa.l av’i-nu*', Rii|-.:efi« bl. .snlH-re*! abni.s- ion.s o f the lu‘a*l an*l fa*-**, anil .Mar- «a re t Ib'iuler. liS, o f i;pi Summer TI v* nip*. HriM.klyu. .Kuff**ret| si-vre lm'<*rHtt«iiiH and a fnu ture oftin* skull wh**n lh«' {intomoltile.i* in whli'h Ihi'y \v*'re rbhni^ crashe*! at the IntorHectlon «»f Stat*- Routes 4 an*! (» ill F..r1 L*-e.

Announces His Candidacy On Lamb Ticket

Latnb’ s tU'ket, Tie* lu'.'.smnptl.in Is lu* \\ il! n m wlHi tlu' Chun.!!.*ss un.iii..

-\t itii^ niii'tnip of about .'»HH Land) •iiipj-oiAers nt Ha- .Mansion ItoiiM*Tii..*4*i;iy nurht. ex-Senator Raii.tii a * ■ us* .1 W iiiant \'an W’ ln- ivl. . S la ! ' Heiiufol'. of *le.sinna to l*e- . riiMi' a d!«^fltor. 'The proidem ».s still fal- Il i,rn e. ltii-ni. at.

Th*- only n**w il*'m in Ho Hergen Coii'itv Repuliliriin mi'.**.*! is tiie an-; MoiJiK *'01. tit of .b'Si'ph W. Marini, i fornor tpayor an*l «-x-as-*'MiI 1>man " f Clilfsi'l*' I’ark. of Ins *iv.sin' |.. run ; auain for the .\.s.s>iril»|y. He iH-iim tun Viuaiuic'.s on

. still ' aai'l

Free Band Concert Each Wednesday Evening

A t Depot Square

mostl, "". I.* t. .

Ten iimni. Ipnlitics n pnrte.l a B» III ’JO per *.'ii! ,in. nr iiiese. sixpai*l cash, fuiir (»aiil ' iih|i imi,| «ci i|». Th.'s*' in* lii.lo < 'loHlei. I.\leihut s l. RuHp.fpM d. **!* .

('I)l\ fi\e ICp-U-le,! ^ul;, of J*)L**» per *-. lit. I »f the-**', four )saiiJ c.isp, nm* pat.) ,-n**h end sirip. These liu'lu'la Kim I*'vv110*1. ( 'reHskill. et<'.

In rotii lu.*-|on. Hft.\-four munltd- patifi«'H In lb ‘ r--i n County liav* taken sm.'ill.T . (Its Ihnn Kni?les,*MM|.I »i ilu'Sf. fo ils ihri**? have f.ai*! cash. ‘ I'vsi’ii lias. I ,-ii.| rash au'l Mirip. In i. IIIIIIiImi ..f ,'a.se>f })),. y,rip is frt . Ill " r'l d*'* ni* it l-jiutewiHHl wa.s on.* I'i lit" Hi'-l I'l !n!il\. rrfludions aio| •*ne of ,i small minority to ifurca.se it.s I < <he Uiou to 1 !l (M'l' * r-iit.

( oiii|Miaide DistiirlHIn ...mpotiri': .snl;tr\ redu<-f u.-ns

m. iil- l.s • ..nipal-at.le * IIi.-m sse fn,.)

I■’ tlner l| .s*ivi*-*'K for CarolineliJ. Ilf H7 CoiiuKe plac*-, Kn-

itIcw*hh1, ssere held \S’e<irie.s*lay inoruinu al tin* William Myors l‘'on- f*nH Parlor, the Rev. KnmU Mail Huffman, pantor of the W**h( Hl.ie PreHliytiTlun Church, c«>iuhicHiur th<* Ktuvic'i*s. Burlul sMis in the family plot k) BrfKVkulde Omeier;/. Mtfw M#?i'*i *lle*l Mofuhi.s after a Imu; 111- n<-M.s. She was Hu* *)uimhler of th** lut*- Mr. ami Mrs. Theo«lore .M*'t*u am! Was a life-b^UK resilient of Kri- nb-ttiMKl, .Siuvlvlni; are Hirer bioth- iTs. Th'-oilore Meier. Connul .Meter, forni-r Knulewo«Kl councilman, am! Waller M.-lei,

MU H.AEL W . KOXTAKMl.lmi-l W. Kontiik. IJ’J, o f 41"

(bant av.'ii.ie. Ciraniw,k«1. die«T .bills of a heart attack Hatuniajr, mondm: H> hiid Ik'oii under th€~. :iM' of a p!i-v- t.-inn ind had worked all .lay Kmiav . lie ssux a furHOP i-mplose.l in New York City. ■:

He was l..irn in Ausirlu and h a ^ l livthj in Cliffside Park for Rh He \va.s a mcrnlier of Englewc^^' H.P.O.K. No. a irc.

Ills Wife, Mrs. Anna Kiilva.tak ijiul a dttu^*^hter, .Mrs.Hratiy of (Trant woml, survive. • .

Funeral services were held day In Kpip ftany R. C. C ^ u r r ^ (ij-antwomi D m la l was in na Centetery.


: 11,.In

Store Transform ed

baii'b w>.*i*Vv flit or pi i.'i ..lit w.i. only '.(iiaik'.l t.s Iji.-ij of Ti ;iii*" k 'iH‘1 .Montclair. The re­in,oimrj < *inmninille» liKti-.l either (ool, a Min.iller r*‘dii*tion *»r none at

tU'V. Dr. (Vinnor timl freafe.l a siu- *l<*nl Injure.l in th*- hiyh .s* bool va ru 'ty slmw in IB.’t;;,

T h e iKiai-ii point**.] out Hmi It wa.s not lial.le for the * Np. nsr.s *,f trenfm enf, bavins: s. . i;;ed ,i reb.ui*' fif*n i Hie pareiil.s o f Hu* student Iw-- lo r he to*ik part in tlu* Variety Show .

M<-iTil>ers Imllealml. hovsi-ver, that th e y would pay f.*r the first-aid tr*-atment given the pu|.il, i.ul that Ih e balatu'e of th*- bill woiibl have t*i l>e met by the pan ni.s.

Mrs. Allard <xmi**mle.! that the lK );in ! wa.s wluiil.s r*-rtponsiMe, re- rm iik in g Iha* Dr. (%mnor Imd lK*en rctniru**! Iiy Su|ier\ is in g Piliiclpal J. H. Thompsiin in g iv e nu*<llcal ulleu- Hon to tJie injure.! stu'teut, v^iosp nam e is Chiirlen HobJ>otti,

In |T l'L ::t !-;rv.-b'Wo*Ml’s c-ut o f p» |..|•.eTlt wa.s *,nly |>arlially f*nuirii'' II) . '. v i i is in Sumniit. Here Hum- iiiil s M.lmtmns were mmie *jn n

i I s - g i n n i u g with o jh r I ‘ “ U .il.ti i* «, iiiimiiu: fr*irn 1 u ."'! P K I ..n ! I I P r e o x iu i ; (<> j i t i ^ r l-.-iit .,n sal;in*-H .if Stl.ugi. iiH me ! duni g|..0 |. ssa.s reduc*sl but lU per

III .'-Jimimit am! Bogotalio.t m.iMmiiin cuts of 'JO pf-r cs-nt **it:.ii " I o|i i« «li*iiug Hf-ale. In ca*-h 'IIS. Hj> im-'hiin group receivo*) un :ipproMm,,i*' .-nt of 10 per rent.

|!i’!.*i .’k; Siniiinli ami Hncken-0. k b.is* im iv irn m n j-iita o f i»0 p*.r

ii.'tii. ssiili I Ilf* nu ‘*llaii grou|is re- " i v ' i i : - an iu .|,r*.\ im alf- !o hiuI !.'» I 'lT * I ill ctit r e s p e c t iv e ly ,

hi .o m liis ion . bhiglew iK jd ’ s s tra ig lt t 10 pi-r * *n t * 'u l f o r Hui past tw

1-argest Employer of Labor in New Jersey a Leader in Providing for Welfare of Workers

b ih l i r S , r N i , .p S ln r t O f l

ii' iii i'ii i ’ l.in O v e r 2 i

{ ;'|*s

■p''titU t t . r r M .000.000 An .


r;1.1 di;->rIIHincluding

>iii"iii,i|oym**n: ' ‘ biugtnn ami

III the year 1911 few curporallons. cllUer ill thi! utility or Imhuslriat held, h.ad adopted any social secu­rity plan for their employes. Public Service, therefore, became one of Ihe Jirst large companies In the L'nited Slates to make concrete pro­vision for the weltare of Its m(*n and women.

The I*ublic Servic*^ welfare pLi\ lias liui'ii subsequently im I'etiiw’u in the amount of payments and expand

ll.nOn.Oiiii was «’ Xpende*l by the Cfunpany for ao.'lal Hoeurltv includ ! ipt W 'lrk n ie n 's jv.iv-

P e n s i o n s , S i c k B r^ n o fila

A v a ila b le f o r I ih 1 8 .00 0

W o r k o r s

G r o u p I J f e a n d T o t a l D is a *

b i l i l y I n s u r a n c e A b o


• i.iigi's! employer.'• ivi***"* Corpora.um] subsldliu ieri

bl H.is iiitjinriaiil

! I


S:i.i .tak-.. .


Vervi't;e Dy

*' >v:ii-K ago, onI’uIJir S.;rvice

’•■ -bT.',* V inaugu- ' W. Plan”

"■ h r .ill employes fill- w.'i2e «-*nrm-ra

' bfioHis were also of ever)

The cost of (M s

An Impurtam enlargeuu'iil of welfure program was made in Ruj", when a group life and total di.sahll ity iiisurame plan was put Into ef feet for aU employes. Under th? plan. Public Service pays a suhstan tlal portion of the cost of pioinhuns? (,n the individual emiilnye's life in Btjrancc i>cllcy. •

The expansion In Public Service Rorinl *e**uriiv arfiviHes is Hh*iwn by the Increased cost per employe Whereas, iu IS l l the cost was $4.45 per employe, by ft had risen to more than |65 per each of the near­ly 18,000 employes. Beyond ine

amount paid by tlu* empufy.' as part, nt his iiisuraiico premlnm, PubU* Service pays the ciitir** curt *»f it* Buciul acniriiy luogram.

jurc'd or taken sick uh-*n mi duty Pnhlir Service maintains two innd cm , well wiulpped dispensaries willi nurses ami phy.sjciaiis in (imrge.

A ll Piililic Service **;»!iii.iyes f " look forward to reilrement *)u i eioti In their old ago. For jiu-: voluntary retirement age Is »);» roilremeni comimlsory wIkh ape of 70 Is reacheil. For wuineii retirement is vnluni.Trv at GO and compulsory at 65.

F’ enslmi payments inude to retired Pnhlir Servirr employes now cost the company In excess o f ll.OUD per day.

Mi.s Hartiara F*'lt *>f l,«*vlu-*-ntm |.l;»c*'. K!)gtew<Mi<). *llr*q i„.{. iif.nit* ♦■arty \*-si»'i-.|ii\ morning af- ti I an lllm-sN of t\)<> iik .mH.s SIi.* was .*k) y*iirs of iigr an*l ha*! Mv**'l 111 Kngk*woo>i fur Bl v»-arH.

Si)*' i.s HUrvIvc.l by her busi.Hti'l..M l''**it ; fhr**** s.iu-*. .bdm S* liij-in.U'h*-i of Kngh-woixl. son |,\- a f«,r- m**r marrlaeo; { ’hri.sliiin Fed of Wa.shington, D.. <'•; an*l HerixTi |'*-H >>f Kng|*-woo.|; an*| tw<> 'laiigh- i ‘T.s. Mrs. i'led {'uiiUiin of Clinton ami .Mrs. .\n *i Cesaro of KnglcwoiMj.

^■u^eral servicew will l>e hil*! at th*’ iiiime at ‘Jr.'in o’* |<>< k lufiuiri*.-.\ .'ifieinoon Buriiil will io* m Br<N>k-•'i>lr CciiMdiTV.

Knfleweod M-TO-M

F I N N I S H -A M E R l f c A N E M P L O Y M E N T A G E N C Y

UOHKHTIr IIKI.rAll NstiunHlitk'i!

R. V . I.AH D K IA IA40 W. Hamilton Avo.

K a c le w M o d , N . 4.

*i'‘*t )*y a 10 jrtir cent i-nt. Is t:ri'ai*'i- Hmn that siifferc*! by . oim.ai li.lc .ll.si lii'Is. In fn* t. U is iil.'.M' C)i<** as -.;real 'la ihe averag*- sMsi..m*tl. In Ihos** <-aH*’K when* i;n |.< r . ' lit *-uih w<*re ImjKjstsi. the u'.tu. ii.ai-' were niu.li* on a .sii.iirtg

;ii« wIiM'h at least a'li.wwl a living a < to Ihr* btwei bra*'k''ts,

I iiitrd Stntes. I9:;l J3If, lb:;i Hi, avenige salary of

leaiheih tiimoghoul th** nation Is *-xtinmted to have re'hiced I ’J(■♦■r i-«-nl; m .sixty.r»\c large <lli**H.

I 7 js*t **-ntIII <'.*n< lUNlon, tlu* teiK'liers of

j Kngl»‘woo*l iiave HiiHla)ni**l a .h*'i i<-s I *»f r**dU' lloiis unequalled )ty any ; * '•{nparal.le <ummiimty lu Hu.s ar.-a. :

ii I.-- 7 p“ i *' nt gn atcr H)an tb*- ; ..\<-iagc l**ilu*-Ho|» nia.le H)irtug||..ut ; llie fn ited Slates .\ «*.m|il*'te |

! t*»rafion *-ouM lie m»ul** al Htls lime, I land still Hu* ( ‘lly of F.ngl«*w*Msl I W'oul.l i n v re*«dveM| fmni Its **m- ; j (‘ loyees llte ispdval.'nt of a iifolon- j gHtiun .)f (.'utH Rir two m<>i'«* years in

most comparable «-ommuniLinK.

(ofit lt)(* iitoml or occui4 f>i) . .

you ca n w ith the

Vincent Flexible'

PermanentSt ff Settiox.

$ 5 .0 0If r feature the

Zotos Jamel W a v e

No .Ma* h incry N*> Kle*-trl*ily “ Tito ultinial.c permattant**

.. 17 .5 0


(»v*!r Knglowooil Fond CGUtfir 18 W. PAIJSADI*: .W F M IiS

F 8<4l*K W 4MM) H'TWNI



Above are ahown (w o vl«wa of a G reen Bay, W is., departm ent store, before and a f te r niodcrnhafion. T h e top pirtnre shows how the store appeared seve ra l months ajfo, before improvements were stu 'tod . A modern store front was in sta lled adding **sales a p p e a l” MB wc!F as attractiveness. The black f ro n t, trimmed with chrom ium, ! n ^ a smart a ir to the merchandise d isp layed In the spacious show WIDOWS* New transom lighting was added and the entire building w as renainted In four co lors in a brick e ffe ct. The oW awnings were re^aced with a new type that roll up out o f sight. The e lectric idgp w&s rebuilt. The paved sidewalk in fro n t of the buiU ing was r^fttired . Such modernization projects fo r eoiamereial properties H a y be carried out under the raodem intion credit plan of the Federa H ousing Adm inistration , under which c re d it up te 150,DOO is avail* ab ie tkroagb' uriyaie* ie n d in s . axe&ciea.

A ll our R ug C lean ing is done in our ownn ia n t a n r l ^orV » r i »o o r ca»*rv^t in r*prsr*na1

attention under careful supervision.

Al! work insured from pick-up t o delivery.

I-i ..*:r ‘.hiiR rsnsi. art fniigiiiit.'.-iif **a k- •■t" in Hr,>*izt*. M**ltns- «M* «»nk himI Mft.tl v» Im , h a r p p l a i n l y u,.irk*Ml ami Hi** {irk-« I a <- > i> <1 e M toitiiJ. }»•

Today there are so m any alleged ru g clean­ers that the careful housew ife w ill d o well to find out w h o is doing her work and w h e re it is being done.

74 Grant! Ave. ENGLEWOOD

P h o n e E ln g l e w o o d 3 -7 9 00

w DUFFY - -IPhone E N G . 3-OOSI


45 East Palisade Avenue Englewood


The Market Place Of Eastern Bergen CountyClassified Ads

U t 'l l( I ■I'j' ’* * ‘ '*^

RUit«i in

wnllilll. Uonln. wli-kiTPln ln »:'Uvln «J*'


fuTDlUir^. ” ^t«iiere«>ui kuii bun*dr«di of

Hitb Dean Stivftt•I |Mtb Dean Stivftt

vaiia for rocal nnd

frwW ift-'* SAI'® SUOIITLT UBKI) M«(l Mwintr mfli'hlnua tin atwlwwlng mniihlnm, | 10 riuI t f t ' f «lmp. 20 North Vnn Bniiii

I tot ©liftewood. TeU‘pbouo Kn«.fjjrt-________ _________ 8ifp oa WALK—('olonUil ..._

}"ia if9V f hitromi, »Jr**«Htn« tnhli- himI ooiit $126. Hc*n 220. tn oRiM-n.-hi

/rnl. Kntf. 3-7516. 23wl

H BOOMS Bua l»»th ajoirtnii'iii. '•nptoivly rtiriiUhtfU. $35. Also 4

r-..n« ■till tmtb. unfurnUlimi. Iitr*. 29 . iHsititUoti uve.,/Ktttfl4>vii)iii]. N. J


'B B U N T —Thro# noti four room •jP«rttR«nt; at! impn»v<‘nii‘nlN: iioni

i l W u i M r - " ' ' ’’ ' ' " ' ' ' ' - (liirjiito. AdiillH.HI., oppOHite Kli<‘pHr<l Av«> 23wl'

yO a SALfC’—hiiVn'iipitrl lo'tl, KoofI ouii « **•“' Iron In ko«m! i imi

T«|, K113. 8-70SD J. 23w1


Heatuattblv; iicur Park Avouuo. 209 Wilbur atroeU Kiitfiewouii. Tt*l. hna. t*6$64-j. 9trLAROB PUHNiMlKlJ dOOM with hoard.

Mor«r«>ri4-aft. Mr« K. .1 , florton. 2W atr«el, Kuglrwoixl. Tal. Uuglr'wmxl

M094. 40 If.

jfOll RKNT—:i rooiiiM. Imlli him! gar $30; 8 room hoiiNo, mIooiu lioiit,

186; 6 morn tioiiHr. cnrlmn'd hiiii porch, InlahoU {'('liar: Karavo; $7(i. H room hoUKO, $45. MHati-ii. 06 W<-|(ralitoda avrnno. tCniflowimil 3-3141. *Im open Hiindflya. 7if

FOR RKNT- FIraf rhiaa 3 r«»om anil hath Hpartnipiit. l.arK*' KrotMiila. real

pOMiUry. Oaratfo If dcHlrcil. Apply on prrmlaca. K. upninHy, :’3u l.nfuicth- Plat‘«*. opptiwll** 2ml . Hilf

rO U »K N T -Atlrnftlvo mo.lcrn m-vi-mroom hniiw’. KrinkriiHt

ttuok. 2 (Do haUiK. 2 < nr Kiiniuo- <mhmI view niKi lo'nHim, Very convrjl.-nt. Tel. F iik . 3-5125 IKlf

FOK HlfiNT l.urue two room ui>iirl ■ im-lit. KHiheiU'lt.*. |:,o Hce .Mr

OwoMa. O w IkIiI Manor Aula. I'lO >' Pallaa(1t‘ aveniiir. ITu

FOR ItKNT Five room H|iMriment on lU-iiti Htri**'!. All Imprmeiiieht*. In

milro .Mo it Ih 37 Ihiin !.treciPhnao 3 259R, 1 :ni

FOR UKNT h iiriilx h«*(| liitiiNe. or fur niHhoU rnoniN In ()4-hIi'iiIiIi- iinli-l ie>|

floitlln! illHtrlet. rotivriilenll.v hIi iniitMl. Noar biiM. imlh-.v, train Hint Hiiopnhu; 4’mitn*. lt»nH<ini<l»h‘ prlee. IMmln- Km.' 8-2278-W. 2Ur.


IIKLK WANTWO Htonograph^T. t»ook- koeper, I'Xiierh Ha oae. iitirf ia*c

rotiiry; knaHimlx* of flnaii'-ui ac. eomilluK preferred. State r*|M-rletne, «U»' - ■ ■ .................................imhJ HHlHry exnwtetl, Aildreaa 151.

K iikIoivikmI I *ren.4. 2 3w 1

MALKMMKN WANTBO There la no had w(df at the Kawletui. mari’a door

HH he eariiB n tfood Hvlnji, 'tTM-re la an npeiiintr now for a liiialler 'n Kiijfle- w<mh1 to HtippI) Hteady eiialouiera wllh Itaw!Ht(h hniiaebold t>ru<hieta. Karn $25 wwkly to atart and im-reaM ovary inuiiih- We fiinilMh everythliitf hut tb« ear. Write KawlelKli t'o.. l*epl NJO, HK ii. rheatcr. Pa, • 28w4*

IC.VPWUT MAIU’KM.KK AM » FINtJKH WAVKIl wanted. Kllen a Ikmuiy

Shop, rtiinij avenue. rnaHklll Tel, Knu. 3-7718-W. 2;iwl


DRBRSMAKINu 10 tH Ui branebei «1 ▼ary re>aon«bUj prlea'. Mr». Bit▼ ery reaaunaum priew . »ar». »ii

Louuabury. 60 Ivy ivanne. Euxlewood. Tcl. Kuk. 8 1609. $'tf

l in a i f'LASS IMrMKMTH' help now on hand. Kx|>erlei>eed irrmTat hoijae-

worker ami dav u'orker. H -Hudlnavlan KmployfiH'Ul /Igeni'y, * |i«-an alriwt, ICnglewiimJ. I’lione Knf. 3-1391).

lU f

PRIVATE rilAt'KKKI'RH, |«TmHi»ent. day or hour. I'rivnte rhatift«ura Inc.,

N. J. I'hune Kiitflewood 3 tOO'J .M or P.O. Hok i:>;l. KiiKiow-ond. N. .1. I9(f.



i;.\KKim':M'i:i' .s k u r k i .ui v typiaiiivallatile, wImiIi- i<r pu''i lime, reii-

N.iiothh* role-. Voiir «itfl< or mine. Knu. .'tfw’lMii i(. 2.1 w2

W lllT K WtiMAN waiilM poHilloii aa ueiienil lioimew orker in an adiilt

fiimHy K\perie|i> eti. HU V' h i« In re-..............Kveelli'iii r*'f< r«-lH’ea.

liJtr, M 23wlTeh-phoio* y.Tii:


lUMTln.S' J9TARTICR AN|) tJKSKR.AToR IIIOI'XIR.S and parta; wr

H|«e4'tHilM> In ilda tyiw of wMirk and aoHraiii<H' fvery Juh. Hnirliea Auto LliT.rle I'll., i:l 15 .South Vau llrunt'

Kuglew.iiid 35lf


SECONDJIIGHTGAMETraditional Rivals to Clash

Under the Electrics on Next Thursday

T)ie Fort Athtotlr* f ’liib willmeet the ('llffalde park nnaelaill Pliib. one of ita at)leat rlvala, under th « elactrles on Thurarlay nlgbl. Julv 11.

Thja la the iie< *md niyrht khoi > plftyed by Fort I..ee. the laat leault- Intr in a rlefeut the hantia of the (Mouter ( ’athoUf riuh.

f ’hffalda )>eat Fort Lee 3 to *J In f>ne of the heat playft<l tramen of the aeason Junt a abort time a^o. and the (Mima a re Krf*o rtvala. Thetraditional »)uttle l)«tweon rUffMlde and Fort I^ee duya bark to the old daya when Orantwixid furnlehed arime nf the t>ent l)aaer>un matorlal In FJuatern tkrraen County.

Admtaalon Incmiaed It wan the hope of the Fort Lee

A. <*. that the admlHMlon to the iilKht enmea c-nuld be held nt ronta hut thin han proven e«*(»nom!c- ally Imtioaalble. The heavy ext>enMe of the elwtrU' fwiulpment rtiu«i-d the {•hih to lose monoy on Itn lanf niu’ht uame. and tt waa deelde*! tf> rnl.- r the Jidmlwlon to .V» renlK for aduIlH and 10 jent.n for rhlldren. Timm- prleen will otdain at the ,uame «m July 11.

The club will eontimie to olny ntcht piiniee em h w.-ek If the fan.t r>rove by their nupport that lh«> tilnn h;ia thi'lr ai»fjroval. '(*h<- AHil*’i|<' tVimmltlee o f M>e erKaulznti<in ex- leruln a |)lea t»» the fntia Hiipporl Ihe nlitht if they wl.sh tlmmronilnued.


Manager Schlupp’s Charges Drop Important Game



A l CTIONPublic am-Mon Wfdiofdav .fiilv I'Mli

tir 10 A \! , Hi .Ve 719 Vhii.I.t Hilda .\venoc, T*'nnf li of hII ilu- liouac Imtd gniiila and eff. i In of The ial<> He M itt M. Cn.^k. r V.

PATHirK MFMtY MAI.KV. KitliHlttiiled diiiliilHlralrtr ( ' T A

.luru'2« ,hil> r.— K.-.- $2 M

Fort 1.,1‘e'B Junior V'. F. W. team Jont Itx W'i’ond i;ume to the Pumont veta lajfore u «tow4| o f fana at An­bury Park on Mombi.v.

The local t»*am iMittled hard InU Du­mont mamiKed to edue It out by n Hcon* of Ij to Tt. The whiner of lh« conteHt will i*tay In nclaware.

Fort I/fu 8fiirt*'d the flreworka liy iH’orluK in the third. fleniJIng two t'umiern over tin; iu HIht 011 a nerleK of hits.

Dumont duplieidetl tine feat In the sixth. tyluK tlilnuK u|j. In the sixth the Flirt lice vets pHmKed uhi-ttfl on a home run liy Flaim that cleared the husea and nett>‘d three tallies.

Dumont, In lis half of the same session, (lilt thruiiKh another ditpll- cate of this action, .\rrnstrong clear­ing the sacks with a cinuH idiiut.

Diimotit Forues AheadWith Ihn uatne ted at o to 5. Du­

mont (xdlecteij one nm in the seventh. Fort Leo iittenijdeil fieg- perati'ly to si-on' during the remain­ing InnInKs, and in the ninth man­aged to |iiit men on tnise hut could not drive theiii borne.

CatHrilu pit«'li“d a ao<el game. fait, ning ten tneti anil peinuttlng only five IiHm. 'l'h‘- Mows c.'irne at ofipor- tune limes, iiow'Vei'. and resiiUed In scores.

Oaks siivofi ftie i am<> for Dumont on several r«,;iMinos b> Ins speciular catihes of iniii' ilitves iiitii left Hold.

The lollovsitiu is ftm l«>x score:Fort l.e«- \. F. \V. <5)

Last Minute Drive Saves Whipple's Team From De­

feat in Tough Contest

iir»>lin>. -Iti. Fl.iim. rf riiiMipi M<I'lllHIllll, pr:illay4-v irl.tOlxglt Mil IAlll-m -'I. •KleinI. im n II. < fII. 'u.n II. ••Slliii III

, r. fi. p.;i 2 2 I)I I S IIa II t 2I I I nI II 2 n

II 1 0.'I 1 1 (II n (I ar> II 0 0t i l lt 0 a (I

Ttu- Fori Athtellc H u b nonod ou t the lUdKewood A. A. by a acore o f .‘ I to - Hiindriy in one o f the be«i irtinies of the season.

F 'T t l.ee w err Into the lead In the

H«-con<t Inning, am i things w e r « tied up iiv Ihe v is ito rs In the next canto.

IthlgcwiMMl ug-nln scored In the e igh th , to lake th e lead, t»ut F o r t Lee r a m e taick in tts half of the seaaion an d again everifnl the game.

A Hpectaciilar last minute d r iv e In th «' ninth Inntng brought the F o r t

A P. Ii'am victory by one runA irj|d<> hy H ad l was the w in n in g

tdow . since It Bc'ored Mlnettl, who wa.s .streaking fo r home before the I-no k Ilf the U it had dioil aw ay .

T w o tiase h its were credited to S< ott and T. G runt, and Rudl’ s last rTiitmto blow w as the longest d r iv e tn ttic game.

F an s TenIt Gninl hamhMj out six passes to

K id g . w'oikI b itters, und fanned 10 o fiio ion iM , Itldgowoiai mannged to got nu n on Irfise in almost e v e ry In ­n ing but tlo- ke i'n work of the local flold.-rs iirtvcnlf-d any promiscuous


..r fh

-iror ihiilk.-d against eacli were pi4- only blunders during oiitc.st. -iful firoveg the hlgh- manner In which the members • i lulls con<hii t*s| themselves

I to- liiainond.

.M, I'orl Ivcc's loft fielder,

roMMKIU'lAI. ART tn all Ita hrnnclo- l’<i..i>-ra, i.l4,'Halurca. <ov«-r dcalxio'.

<l< > ora 11 \ I* |i<ir>l< i s, .Mr iiruati worki Hpts liiliy Nirli-tly iimii|«t ii creation^ ski-li'loH Hoi.iiiiiti-d Wrlic ttowe Hliidlo, l.ln Midlainl loriuit*, River lalge, N. J . or ptioiie onidell H i:;7l. HUiJ a repre 'MOlCtlol. .vill cmM. iutf

• TKNAFLY- 2 ronma, lira* rosl.loiiinl M'ctlmi, Knal able, 3 iiilimIcH walk to

UtSlioil, trolley nr liliM One or twii BdllltH. Phmie Ktix. 3 1 223. 22tf

FOR UKN'T - .... . .iv. om- niolOtk atris't ilmiMc. 1 rinMo>. tmlli.

large |M*rch. gnriiK**. $;!o, lioiiUre .1. Rbara, 3K2 iCnxIeuiMMl iivenne. lorocr of Osk Nth'el, Kiiulcwond, .N .1. 2Hwl

NIPKI.Y KrU.SlHNFI > Room for rent far one iidiilt Apply .Mra .\ Mag«-r.

le i lN.mHr«*H| Hveitiii-. Kiitilcvveod. 23tf

FIVK RfMt.MS Hioi lijitli for relit tn (|iilre i2r>n TeiiHflv roaii, Kiigk-wou.l

Phone Kiig. .3 it I'.'tw l

K4tR RKNT riiiiTfiil fiinilate-d ro.uii

S3 per week. \.-iir slietipinu dial riel l.llierl y r»Hil, Kiia■•’w.mmI. I'iione

KNglewoud 3 iu;ST \V. 2.'<wl

DKMAHKH'r ft roiiiiis, ImiiixhIow atyle.pon h. all liiiiir.ivt'Mieiiia. Conveoieiil

jt'NtiaoorlsIloh. inrge KrmiiolM. i-xeel lent for rlilMriui: Hlao 3 reoiiia. Iteai iud hot water aiippltv'd. Haruire. I'Im.mi- I'loater 14H R, 2:tw1

n u t UKNT— 4 motlfrii rooiiia and liaili beat ftirniNlieil 825 l'«-nit mII\ |>.< mI.sI

PnnvMili'iit to all Irnnap irliitlon Plo.ne Knx- » 2173 2 ;<wl

i<t)R RK.NT -I lixlU rooma iiiid loOli. iio'lioll itg lieHl, S.'tn Alao l> IlgM

fttmiia and liatii liichidliitf tieal. X.'L'i.|ii|i)lrc .MiaTt Rlvnrs. 12 M<al alns-t.

KilgiewoiMl. j.o f

u i :\ L icsT.vri-:

FriK SALR REST -l.lHlliiKa WHiUeii.Qioderii 5 6 room iiouaca, liuogalnwa

■ ml apnrtmehla. iiHV«> elletils whIi Iiik W. H. MoHchette, t.'i .N'ortli iK'Hii atre«-i, Kugewood, N. J. Ptmiic Biitf. 3 3.575


FOR 8AI.K RIt nmiii lioiiac himI large plot In Knglew.xoi . nil IliipreveiiUMitn

$1.8,50 cHsh ami leriiia, no auenia ChM or write, L R Meade. 2»i3 r.iiglewi.o.l •venne. Kngiewoml. N. J. I'lioiif Kiig 8-1898 J. U tf

FOR SALK UR KK.M' lleliae. l.cat realviciilist Ulxirlrt of 't'cniifU. five

bedrooina. tw«v l«ntliH. throe roema. large ■nIrHnci* )ihII hioI kliclien <.n fir»i floor: $-cir Kflrage: large atiadc lr«s-i.. .\p ply owioT, .Mra. ('aiiicroii Ululkie. Kng. 8-1130. I9wt

»KE "VA II. OK PINK.** ' y.iego..lalROd KtirM|*hc<l eoltaj;,'N. |:'on ||||

for seaaitn. Ik-anltful liraili, o.-eHO b«lhlng I'. It 1; N'fill. R.hIi» i . M.oi ♦ ■ok Hlffhw-ay, yiingm*, 1 phoTio 0 »«gne 9«o ip „ i

IKItMITE.S, MO'I'liS, RATH. ROACH- KS. hl;t>HI'(J.S, :'|■C. Aliaoluleexlrr.

laloal |.iO glim aiiNs'il. New M-ienl illcIII' ’ Ii.m!-. Ve.irly c'lUitriieia Hrmoged for flliartiiieni hoiia<a<. Illgliot Kxlermtiia-tloii To., 23 Hpriiee ....... . Uldgefb’IU1‘mk. N. J. Ilui'kciiauck 3 153N. I5lf

.SPKKDOMKTER. W I N D H I I I K h D WIPERS, oil fHlera. awllciieii, 1

loiterH. Ileal liiilleaiorK. gatigoa. ahoek iilisiirlo-ia. fiii-l poiiip and vHeuiitn Iniika lep.ilr.-d or r<'|dni-eil. Ihigliea Aiilu Kleelric I'e. 13 1.5 Ho. \^u HriilU Htre«*l, I'liiglevvood. 49tf.

HARNESS MAKKH - IliirneHM. inmka liiMid lugN ilini noil eanea ri-palrliig

Hiiil.'l ill llorae lllol «|.ig flirilialllllg.....1 ' (riiiik^. anil < ii-es nod liHiid tiaga.lii-.-pli MItiiilka. 9 II lliiioptiroy airia-i. ...... I, .\ .1 2;m

W\NTKI) far ctecopHiiey Octolier 1, VtMir r«H>m Hpartmenl In nr nrnr Kn-

KlrwtMid. Miihl lip iiOHlrrn and muHon- iilile. \d4lrraa link TOU, Kniirwoud I'oalOtriee.

IIIMIK.S lluniMT Mlgheat prba<a pnlil Cull Hovwliern ilarlein Hook Co, 53

Went l2.Mli Kireif. New York. T.d. liar lelii 7 M.,s 2:iw1»

UiST A M ) K O IM )

I.OST • Piial l‘oe.tli.>nl:is Jewel wna leai eiii,: IIIV eil nil loo k .\oiia .M Frank

Teiiep.- ...... . No 9«. year 192.5.” Reward. let Kiig ;i lohj 23wl

|Mm; |.4*ST Tiiinilav. .Iiine 25. Hnawera to miiiie lit "Tlg.-f'', nhori imln-.t

liiili i. rrler, wMi.- .heal May fiave lo«l '■•liar ami |lMOr.«- Reward T«d. ting 3 .'.L'**! M. S Maloof. 17 Onk avenue, Telia fly 23 wl

NHTIC K■|nki- m.il.e ili;u Saimo-I o ’PraiiUv,

J30 l.afaVeUe Pllli-I-. KlIgleWOlHi, Ik'F gen I'.Mioly. ,N. ,1 . iiiiemln to nnply to III.- .Mavoi ami Coimell ef th«- t'll) of l llg|.• vl.u 1. ll.rg.n c.iiiiifv, New Jer aev. flit n I'l.'iiarv lletaU ConMitni|ifiot) Iteeiin*. for priTiiH 'a m 13 |vy .\V4.iine. Kliglevv .ool. Ilergeli t imily. J.,known an llig|tn>>.>d Tnurii

oil I liiiin. If MOV. ..Iioitid be made Inimediat-'i.v in wrlitng (•> Tboniaa .1 Uireli-, I lly I'lerk, City of Kogh'W'oed. Rergffi I'eiinlv, N .1 iMgiie.li ‘ SAMI Kl. o pRANliV .liilv tJ

r o l l R . U . K . T K ^ A F I . ^ r « e p i. . fa .,fliMiil . o X I IK .nil p,, pun liii«.ei| K.-p

■ r a le ly o r a.< ..iie p l . i i S.-wet. gna. w a fe r , lm pr..v...| r.ir .o -f , r«-N|.|.-ntla| '♦ Ia n C **O trH lly F e r p a r f l en la r . p tio io - K e y ;i jx i* . '. ? ! w l *

\\ r " P H I M f / n i>-

TENAFLYK I A I . K . * * r \ l K

T n i l i iy o r K e n t Sfa>

Rstr#r ^ CA

! »ie ••■r.l H:i. rim-.lla!.- 3.•.•■Mint of the ■.111.,. fiU rN, Ini-I.e, liH.ler f Ite Will .if Vl-ii v l» I’.ailM-r .b-e.-a-M-d, will be to-f M.d by III.' II. rgeii I'l.iiniv OridiMii'a' ..... ..o .liiU I7fh, I'Ci:.

MhimI H, PAINK.FlilelHy I iilciii Tni-i t'l.inp.iny (for-

ll!-•'■l, Fill-Ill 1 TniHt Co.)• iMie l I 21 JN .l.ily.-, 12 F.a- |:t 12

t T i a r t e r |;tur.R » 'H i* r \e IH -.ir i. l \ . . V

lllT'iilfT Ml' I'fiVlUTh >N III'The Citizens National Bank

and Trust CompanyliNHl.l’UI

In the StHti- 'll V.-vv I. r-.'i al fl».- . I...... .pf f.>i-.lii.'.. .-II Ipiim- jo

PM♦ >lt".il...| Ih r.-p .iii-.- I.. . . i l l I)•» ♦’..nil.I teller- o f c'urr.'M.i .in.|.'i- Hon ,Y2n. I . S l{.'vlp.isl Siiiiiii.-,.•xssn'sl.iuuiK mid iliaeomitH . . x| ||s;i• )v •Tflnitt-. ....................I Tiliofi Sill lea 4 iovernmenf

obllgHlIeii-.. rllrecf iim| /or folly giiitrno lecd

luhi-r imiiila. altN'ka, iii|i| ae4 iu lri.-h .......................

Raokhig Iieiia4> $‘2:{|.iioniiu l''iirnitiirc himI

fl\f iiri-a . . . l.iai

Tiil.ila 39 11Diimoiil V. 1•. W. («> ;it l>.

• il. r. Ii. ,• 1 1 1 1 . •E.’Ii Imm rf . 4 i n

riiip.n ..iiu, .'.‘ li 1 1 1Hiiir'H'iM. .’ill I' 1s.'i.n • 1 0«» N.'ll. . . i 1 2Onto. If 0 II M •Miiiiiil III . 3 1 1) \ ' \fK. ilii.un.l. ■ r. . (1 n (1 \ ... I .W iiglii .1 . . . 3 1 1 W h . !•ti.iH. rf |i . 3 1 0 Ml'. '

T..i;il'. ■H li r,I ' . r 1 .• • II•! ';iii. .1 tnr Mil-..II III iiiiiiii. W '* • 11.Ilf. ,1 f,.r Ill 1. ill Hi.

1.... . V F U Mill m ij :nn i;F.iii 1..'.' V 1 U

Corf l.ee A. Rt)all.

1 .IHI.o.'.l SI)

J. Iii7,.5u.l ,1.Y

Rinil 4-atnt|. owned olliei ♦ hail hmiklng lioiiai- .

lba.T>4- will, p\Hl..ral Re Hcrvi' It,ink ................

''nail III I,mil mill tiabiiiceaw IHi ..ilri r tiiuiks........

Ilulalil.' .tiii-ka nild elller ■•aai,

• Mlier il-«».'la....................

2:11 fbil nil

sD.init ss

;mti,.'i2 i 'is

t . lJ " IIH |M

.•f.'a :is foi.;i2i s»

I'otal .\»ei> 97 IUMtIMTM'iS

I»4 in„n,| .1. |....||h. «.\i'>.pfI lill.'.l Slnlea (iovi.ril Moot d.-poallM, |iiitill.......I- ....I 4|4-|M>aiU ofoHier hanka .......... 81.

Tito.- .i.'|>...||a evi'4'pt peal al ■'iivIngH imlille fiiiiila. iiihI il.-poNlfs of other l•nok» 4 .:

I'id>h4 tiiii.b ..f Sftifea.' 4.null.,.. .I'li.M.i illatrlcta.

otll. r -.iiIhIIv iaiolla Ol

3 1 2 0 t o o n 2 0 0 0 1 0 t 0 i 0 0 0 t i l l t I I 0 3 o I 0 10 10 :t 0 n 0

Earn' .1 . ... Two I.IIM lilt liHK4- liii li.'pirt Fliilin. .\ riiiai

I i-ri 1.4a' :t iMiiimnl 3, I, NN'riglil Thr4'4-

n.'iio' niiiM t*nscH Al-

- ................. 32 :t 7 IlililRew 414mI \. (2)

III) r li2t. I

IIki.o Niiiiioi. W rigid, Sii.'rlfl.'4- hit - I'liiliii l''■lll■l•' phiya |;4.vv4-ii ii. Alii -oo I s-orlmri! I". nil'll roitg lo .Vliinni Ibiai' .III l.iilla (Iff t'ntania ;t Cm,hoy I Hlrii«-k (Pid R.v Cnfar.bT tO, r,.,,t,i,(I. Hold I IM'a Off < oiilii.v It III KI :l inoiiiga. I aipin-H \ltliioo ipinti 1. 'Siiiliti (l.iiH.''» Tim.-a of gnini' 2 :hi. I

ir .. i.'Tii.iirg.'r, rf...................3 0 I fi........... .. It,...................1 p p

ef.......................... t 1 f 0I .-..pH.HI. .aa........................ 2 0 1 0

.........................3 o I 1Mpirin.lll, If ..................... 3 0 0 0t 'b, f ................................. 4 n n 0Hijou. I»............................ 3 0 0 0

'i'olHla . ........32

Free Band Concert Each Wednesday Evening

At Depot Square

S 4 o r e l».v III i i in 4 *N ; *lUilgi'Wiioii ,\ A. , ont lion fitn 2h'orf 1,4 4- C Hill linn ni i — 3

Two till. tiif.. . 'J. (jrani,SI4.4 kt.f.v44r •|br4-4- Iihn- ),it Rsdl. Sii. rlflee IiUk -.NIh iiUHiu) 2. la'opnldl Hum- nil li.illa O ff A UrHid S. Bljnii 1 Slrii.-k 4.111 -liv .\ tiniiil to, itiJ.Mi fi. I.i-fl on li.i'*-K l'‘ore 1.4-e 5. RIdgi'Wiiml '•* > iiipirea WmirtiHH Hiiil VlllitnnI tiU4- 4i( giinii' 2 o;{.

flppukitr Fark Trnafl.v. N.I'hnite Kng.

• ri'4lli..rH Ilf 11)41 rb'i ftiillpr .Morrow e‘ .'.tM-4|, xr. bv 4.rd4T of .1 , HlaiivfU e>p|»4 r .'siirri>g.il4' of Hergrn Cotiidv. -41.'4| .May juti, iip.nii Rt>|dtcK-.’II .•! the siil.s.TlfM-r llollhed fn iirlllf 1 Ho-lr ’bill', fb-mati.lH atul i-IhImis . iili.'t In r .''f,d«' iinder ivalb. wlttiln \ ll...l.'»i' fr-im af.i.vr ,1:4',.

ivy I. til \ IV yi. >t> o» *vv71 Franklin Sfre«'l.

Kxeeylof.I I.ST IIKNNESSY. MuWRV A 11 'N Al.l. l;».is1 - 'i ,\ .1

">'ii;i<'i|iiitlli.-. Hl».2M 1 7 if ItiiC.I Sl.lll'N I. • v4-riiiiii.|ii

IIIIll |Mir.|||| HI V liiua 'll'1 1 2 <MiH nil

l»p|.nsiu ..r otIl.T hilllka, ill ■.•tiiil'iia .'.tI iMihI iiimIi'M''til’ r' I'lu rka mit-I'lii.liiiK 11 .'i;*it 2'i1 ’ .Iji) ..f l|l■||| -. 1.1 lo ID:

Ill 1 N*.. unit♦ •V .............. .I’ .lllls IIM.I

IM.'lll. t _’A7.M‘*2 H7III! \..t

4' U I it lit 'i»i4'.tf*‘ <• r

<> r iiit4»|lIl••l|t•’ .■», Hi.l.di.i i;i

'41 T.HiilJ2 2 ..’Ds;io

il l.•l.•>.l. Hill ’.iti’T.■\|.4'„«.., 1,1-1 rii4sl Hiiil im-14.1141 ."•o.orii It

Hit i.|4-tii|. lilt la r4>«l hilt not>4't 411(1 Rtiiiiiiiila->4'l iIh|i||. fur ill V iili-iMlnii.’ i ili.InriHl H IHNI (HI

' M IM'|- )ll|lt||,|||-B‘ ii|.il;il iiii'Hiiiit ;

rrvf.-irnl -|..i'k•2 I imi -tuiri'a.|.)ir StJ.*. |...|.'-Iiiir.', M'drIll'h' »|2.'.IMT «lMr4' X.'iiMl.iMHHMI

< HlllllllU, 'llll h■■IMKI -I.',.,,..I ’ ll 8IIHI IMT-■IlHIf 2'MMHHi IHI

SlI rpl n. JIHl.lNKilM)1 h.lit Hill i„,.f

It- Met (II ..S21I H(lRi-'.'rti.' r.T

I oil I .......... '• 221 'M)I hIs I « .I|.iul .V, • •tml . . . 7 7 1 . V

I'." II1 l.liitiilii 1,-,. . . . 87 inM>lllol aitiliiii, 1 >11 na Knit

1II t • -tin.'iii.. I* •ilgeil 111N*'* III.' l.lMlililt l-n-......LM'l.'liv iH t ami/I'r ftillt giu4rtiiitf4.ii 8 1 '».',7»ii7 .’ill

0|I|4T Ht )4'k». Hliil••-••nrl Ill's 1 T.’i.sill, v:

rutnl Rl.-iicl M*X4'|«4li'--I'- 'L -m.ih.U i it'i 1 . I'i I '. I

H'l .tu'iiiii'.i 1 nil ->i .StHtiia•'ov 4-1 iuiu'iii 4 <1 |••otNl••Mt iii;'« il4‘|»>4i •* . . . . l.'l.'llllHMIU

• 'll .\;:iilii't lU’ iioHit* Ilf1 1 iiM ilii.iit liiifii In ... 1 4 . > * ;

4'i VtiHiii-i ..ili.-r 4|>>p»n|t« .A ,*.4.7 .*"■i:*'\\)lli Stall. niitiiHi Itl4>a

to iinnliri for the e\rr........... '

Fr-e $.« 70I -b' . I I •2 1 JH J, r. 12 19 25 Ag 2

Read the Want Ads

t..l,4l Pl...|g.itSllll4' of 8 .Ibl.t.HI ..iiniy Ilf '

I- •'* H Ihigt-rt. .Vi’liiig I'naliier m III.' nb..\i,i,iii4-4t t.ank, .1.. «..|..ninU•.wi'iir ilini Iti4' mImoi- «lHtenieiif l» tne to llie lie<| ,,f ,in kl|OU|iH|ge H'I’I b4'tflS 11 IMMlKKr.

.\etlng V‘a'lii.-r Sw4»rn li* an.I ■iib«rr|fM'«| ttefiire ni>

ttii.-* In! iliM of .liitv nct.Yft lH Y Al CHKISTtK

.N*»tMrv Puhib(Nvrrvi'f .Vi|.-»i

J'fSIAM K ArF.Id'HKR H «j. TIluM.'-oN K. r* »«t ia,«»r r .

, . lHrve(4»raJuly 5 Fev|15,T6


New Thrift Measure Now Widely Adopted

A Weekly Dollar DinnerFound Easy on Budget

n O USEW tVES who h a re teamed by experience that you ran’l

hare your cake-money and eat it. are being won over to the rn$nie for serving a thrift dinner one day of each week. D ietitians have de­vised some very delicious dinners which can be served at a cost of Iwenly-flve cents per person. By the use nf these menus, women have found that a ^ e s t dinner each week, can be nicely balanced In the budget, providing one day U set aside for the do lla r dinner.

Don't Get the W ro n g idea

And don’t think fo r a moment (hat this budget dinner need be an unattractive meal. Sm art food.5 are not necessarily expensive ones, and hy a little p lanninr you can have a Mat of foods for th''se budget meals which w ill add a very dresacd up appearance to the dinner.

r LM UA&UU I4nu --canned tuna, salmon or any In­expensive canned ftsh — Is very dv>lirlnns and pleaslnw In snpexr-aip 4> when nexini'd hipatty shells and garnished wUh paprika and parsley.

('arrot boats m ade of fresh bollod carrots, scooped out and filled with canned spinach, and boasting a potato chip for a sail, add a jaunty nautical appearance to your dinner— and a wealth cf vitamins.

J a r« a p one of these meals (it % hu rry . Cut out pictures and rec ip es of foods that make your m onth water. P a s te them in. and w h en you discover exactly how m ach they cost lo serve, jot down the coat beside the recipe or pic­ture. If one of y ou r neighbors Is a scrap-book fan . also, you will find It helpful to exchange y o n r b r ig h t Ideas.

C lip this menu, and add It to y ou r Dollar D inner Scrap Book:

M eiot Lonf W ith TommUtet S24 Creamed Patadom I I 4

Radimh^ S i Bread and Butter 8 i

Brandied A pricot*Lady F in fo re 58i

iced Tea W ith Lemoe $4

M e a t Loaf xHIH Tomofoss: Add one smalt finely chemged one teaspoon salt,

Keep a Scrap BookKeep a scrap book for brlcht

Ideas on budget food.s. It's lota of fun and an endless saving in (Ima when you are trying to coo-

and one-half cop d ry bread emrahs to one pound chopped beef. Add one beaten egg. M ix well together and pMe lu a ru-jsaed .'■Acur.'il tn ihe center of a flat baking dish. P o o r over one cup canned tmna- toes and bake Id a h<^ 400 degree, OTOD for about forty-five Dlnntee. bastin g occasionally with the to* m atoea Serves four.

Hrawdted Aprtcofa with I jO d f F in f f c r * : Chill the contents of a N o . 2 <4 can apricots weQ. P lace fo u r halves In each glass serrlng d ish , pour over some syrup and ad d one tablespoon brandy to each. I>t chill half an hoar lon ger. Serve tw o lad^ ftneortw ith each. Serren four -


18 South Dean Street


BOOK auid JOEPrinting

Legal Forms, Tax Books, Publication

Programs, Stationery, Cards,Tickets,

etc., executed in a new and

modern plant under

ideal conditions.

Phone Eng 3-1700

-Tt$i?iygKSr*-5r •T y j r ^ ' ■»»' • ’ .

T e n a fly

and the

l^orlhern Valley ENGLEWOOD PRESSI'.N'Cil.lCWOOl). N. J , Ji:i,V 5. l'M5

S eS oURACEMENT & E D BY TENAFLY ^ T T E R OF TUITIONl^ t o n T a r k Has Pay-

Beot Plan; Alpine to Continue Sending

floncw’y>, Heiiael. ehulrmun of the

oonifTi‘*h'f of the Tenttfly, . luiH reQUosled

»<• Tenafly for hlKhl^rtTlw.n !.• make avary effort

niiin«*y with which to

the a rm n «.■ ^ n s to n I 'a rk lauk rep o rted o

th«' T e n a f ly lam rd pay-

whirl. « .ll rli'iir UP the «-mlteenl'.. deliPMUent pu ym en ts by

^ , „ b e r I. A ll in it ia l la iyn p .n t o f

, .. roam iii.iirall.m w.ia reee .v .a l

A the Norir.io.l Dnnrd o f K d iu u - ^ IB ,u lrm e .'.m eern lnB possib le

r i«rk Den^iia■r targe of pXXl.that he had written the N or

***” .. —e • I..tt«r<l that the T e n a f ly Ibarrd A t I* sla.l I " e o r re e l a n y e rro r , t o,mmililh a lio n w aa retrttlved^ t h e .til..... ih .an l o f U d m a lloM

iiIII m at 11)11 iio to tin-

Englewood Man Injures Three In Ridgefield

Thrpe nu-n were lnjvire.1 In Uld«p- fleM Monday whi.-n a cur tlrivcn by an Knulcwoofl nnin wetJl out of c-on- Ifol uiiil cniHhrd into u uroup of workmen ul the IntcrKCcUon of Hroad ami CtHml uvt'tiura, ItidKeflelfl. Lafn.vetto Thoniua, dltj uvriiue. Kny;l<-wooil, wom th»* driverMminnn r.iii»Tc, llilKI N»-wklrk atreet. Ntir llrTU*-n, a Publh? Serv­ice it»ttdman, Buffois*c| u broken leu and broken arm. John I ’roblt ami Ib'Tiry Hiearman, of the lUdg-i'fJi-ld nmU iJ«-purtnmal. were Ichh senouHly Iniit. All wi-j-e taken to tlie Kngle- wo(k1 Ilospltul a fu r treuimenl by Drs, It. Hryim nillnnmn and Herman Morwltz. ThuinuH wuh summoned 'or recklcHs drivinu and w'lll t>e tried July 11 in Itiilgefleld Police- (*ourt.

Accurdl ig to jioln-e. Thutnafl wuh driving on OmmI avenue, wiren tlo- front wti--elH of IiIh car Iregun to “ ahimmy.” Wlnm opitoMlte the ex- cavutioii where rnblii- Service hilKir- •TH und HidgoflekI pubiic woika em- f)lijyr‘trt were working, the wheels locket}. Hcndiiig tli<‘ car into a gr»ii|i of wtirkmen. Tin- car iu Kjxid to be owned by Itucklf ProUn-rM.

" of 111” n i l S ' r e p o r t'■■TunRflv l•llP*r concc-riilnR HeiidlUR

J, Alpuir liUli.lh In l l " ’ • I 'B * '

* ' } ! ! ! ' ' I ..f ItP- T .'U rh .TH f o m - WUH ma.Ie by H u rry Ih ish .

BiflI'piHl motion .tf Mr. Huah. Climlesj T..aafffrnlMib i.i P '.in ted Oil t i ia l lust

, « f w iii'i i'i|bdBm*nim; S t lco l. rece ived th e p er- muienl ui'pom PPent.John J- Ml l'' rmott <>f fl-T Kiigle

jtr«t. TeDiiily. WUH npptilntoil aiteclwr of

Rcboi10 fill the v;.n

- M -


Mitt M-‘t'N oreoae. Siai.nb] tHuJior Ilf

lal Htudlca In the at a s a la ry o f 1,. V left by Ih e rertiii- K iiH T>ow. w h o w as

i‘ ' 1 th e l im e o f her

p. t. , i.3 | 5 'f W ilb in ll-sland, «n n ap p o ln t-

■aiPHh in th e l l i c l i

S t M * ' “ ‘ -f a y ea r.ThisUbl'eiiitmeiM is a le in p o rn ry one. j{igS I’MeMii.iii tuKiiur th e place- of Hj'lterte b i l l w h o liaM been g iv en ,vH,r'H l-;<v -if a i i . - e i i f ' In pursue

.‘' • P . U i 'a t C o lu m b ia l.m -

rmit).The biani r.-s. uided its previouv i(,.o in vetmi: an lionoruriiim of

1 ) to I I J’.-llot'k UM asHiHtant to Oifford Prm uieH i in the musical tftgmni of the school during the

yNir. Mr. I ’ollock was nppolnt- 4 reRular I'ucher for the next

year at a salary «*f ^TtMl ji fof'bv nn dmfflt Ah mtloTi aR be secured from the State.

Ckrb Ibn u is reported the rece ip t ffixn the Ci'fiiinisMioner t»f b^lucatton jfH.OOhfor lP :’,4 :Ci S ta te a id In the mmnK s. iiool fo r fo r e ig n Ihm i i . n*rk Denm- w.is a iithorlzcsl to ap p ly (urV'.luki Hiaie aid fo r nm m uil tra ln - fflS apiiropi'iiitmn and $481) fo r lSi;k*- Si for lb-' ••veiling school fo r the foreign t)om.The anmiiil l iife te r la reprirt w as

fRfivefi, slmwim u s iih s lu n tia l in- 111 s ib s uitil funds. A v o te o f

jpprwiatinn wa.s g iv en M rs. C am e- rulkr, .filet 11 mil a m l m anag*:r. rni|»o.seil a-sirrunent o f te a ch ers

for the iumuiil; seiistjn w as ap p ro v ed in full. S[iei i;ii co iiH lilera lion w as riven to ii[iiiii)Viil o f H '-rh ert B irch , manual tnuninj; in s trm 'to r ; lOva H. Siwon, of Dll' H igh School, H e len I'hamb-rliiHi o f the B ro w n in g S ch im l; Mrs. Zflla W'l ,s|ei v«-lt o f t ile Brovvn- mfi SchiK.l, ami M iss |•’'l^lren^■e I )y -DOf'k uf the M iO ieliani H d ioo l. w h ose iW-roVul m riied w ith it ten u re o f iMfia*. sturtmg Sept. 1, liK l4.

Final Hearing Tuesday On Liquor Amendment

I ' lm i f h en rin g on an lunen ihnen l to an o r illn a u re to reilu ce th e fee fo r reta il | ileiiary eon sn m pt Ion liqu o r lU en scs fro m to $;{ihj w ill tok<-p lace TU 'Sd iis nl:;ht b e fo re the i iif iv o r am i coiiin il o f Paii.nnfle.s P a rk .

!’!b :h te '*n h 'pm r licenses fo r c-on- "u n q ifio n on Mo- p rem ises h a ve lM*en •ijip roved . 'I‘ h irt«'f‘ U o f theae w ere j i j .p ff .v M at an ad jou rn ed m ee tln ” o f c o im c ll I-’ iidny n ich l. Th c 'y in ­c lude T b eo flo re W icU f'. th e H o fb ra u ItiuiH, ‘Jits Bio.’u! iv i-n u e ; I'tornlnlck All>Mio-.se, 417 I' iiHt B r ii iU e r lio f f nvi*- m u '; C bri'ftir ie C arlo . J.'tO Kn.eiBi iiik e i b u ff a v i- iiiie ; John .Muhr. I'J B road u ve iin e ; ^ 'lau k A . M ' v e r . 41 '» B road a v en u e ; A n ton '* ' B es ia u ra n t, in? ( I r . i iP l a v en u e ; O ile n / lo A lU c- nese, -U ? Hast B riiik i r h o f f a v en u e ; An th fusy I 'a liu o , 'JIB I'bisi B u by in e m ie ; M ecrv ^;|:lre. ‘JJIt B>ro;iii a v e p u e ; Au ieriean Be-’ ion . I l l 1-'a-l C o p im t’l i a v i 'in i* : M a n y Mos.rr, o f S ta le H ic h w a v . f.o iila Koeiem -U I. i;p h tb t .|P .1 ; B li ’ab- tl, ] )r r a rh i. I'lasl C rn t ia l t.Miilev ,i i d ; \'ima-rit Bei a I'llb *‘ 111. ( i ia i id a s ‘ -iiu e ; H a u l" C h iis t ic . Bm ad a \ fn u e ; P ra n k '■ fioper. !M.“* [t fo a fl a v e n u e ; Pau l V ic to r in . 'Jl.' Br-'ii)! avem i**; F m iik I 'a p e , 18 KiiHt C olum bia aven u e ,


NOW UNDER WAYCamp Picnics, Conferences

Among Events Planned By County Group

Thomas Answers Lamb s Misrepresentation Charge

I 'lp - hiri-a-al. M i C lu b <-uvninpllielit

lu 'ld to lia le \\a.H lir o u g li l to a clo.**e

luHt ^ Y M ly . w h in a lm os t TitHt 1 11

c lu b l»i> s aiiil g irls nu t in tw o h*'s -

HioPH at ilie am m al 4 I I cam p at

.\nituv*‘ t, N .1 , to e n jo y <tayH -if a* -

l iv e Kpoit.s atnl b il«-reH tlag liaiid i

c iu t l Work. 'I'li'.s c a m p wa.s Umh-i

th e N . .1 K\b-iision S '-rv ice . a p int

o f B u ln ers C p iv rrs ity ,

M ish Briici- M K o :- lc r , Berm u

C ou n ty Home I l.■mou^| i at Ion Am m l.

in eb a rg e of } || w o rk , wa.s as-

Hi.stiud fhri i tor o| tin- cani|.. lk*< au.s*-

o f th e linidHd mmtlH-r <>f *'!iitip*-iH

th a t coiilil lie a c*om m odu le fi, on ly

4 -H c iu l) ni' iiibei.s w h o luul lioiu- co ii-

Hpiciiounl.v go'sl W 'irk th rou gh ou t t lie

.vear wf-r«- pertintieit to jro. H” Veral

g ir ls ft>!rn l ’.< i; . ’ ii o a i i i t y took an

outH tam ling prut in th e cam p a ctiv -

C o m m i s s i o n e r ’ s “ E c o n o ­

m ie s ” T a r d y , A s s e m b l y -

m a n C o n t e n d s

.1 P:trnHl TIioniMM. Ih-nren Awsetn- l *1V iii fM. eoiilmHle<l the ••i nnomh-H of SHU;'.7.u(Hi imil revenue t»t

I .Plu.iNvi. |■ec*>mmended to 1lu‘ *-;toir hy III'' I'uHfCH- ( ’oinnilttee. wlHi •* Hiivliiir tbrotp’h eonw'll'ln-t lot! of state o ffii en In Ni-wark I |,y lUTM HI'd Ijimh.

illr.*'I ’ hoHe a tl''iiiiiiu ; fro m Ibu 'gen < oiin -

l> w e ie Sh iii.v MuttlarWK, K im ly B rad y . .Alpine; B etty B otig . .)<amu* .\i k e fin a ii. I lie k•••l^>al k ; l,4HiiHe K e « 'i ie y . I 'a ia iM iis; t 'o ia .b-M- e tt . Nam > Maci« r, AVirdfi*<l (J ray. Maria B a ll, S> ril W e ln - sti-ln, 1' man st; .lam-t < 51 • eiihaluh, M arto ii Hart w ig. M ,ir ;;a r * l iH-mim r- m an. B a iln ta Van llo u ten . .lean n oo iln iu n , B 'itn id< - B lu m . W .^cKoff; Id d i i i K o lm iii. tii ra ld im - l''ruHcn. A l ­p in e ; ( Jeiin ide .Moore. I liv e r v a le ; M ar ion C.isey. Sad 'Ile K i\*-r; l l i l a Si>i!lane. Aum-n A 'nu gh ii, ('•••-•-lia S'au-Jb!!. Anna S ’ oli- 't. K ln r ': i ' e Stok*-s, n id 'rapp 'm M rs Beium- M oeaer o f o i.l ' lo p p a n . .Mrs, .1, B. l lo u fe n ami .Mrs. 'n o .m a s T a ran to *>r Stconia*-. I II • lub b '-adeis, uc<otii|ia- iiP 'd t lo 'ir a i i l - to w im p , actin g as f}li> ill leaders. ,

tiA ltlM .N PA ItIVM \T \v i ;b m :m >\v

Tto- fo o j ill aioiU..] ; 111 d- II |.;>rt \ of t b- B- I ••■II ' V |>.t, nseat S' i \ n •w ill b. I,eld w .d u e - . la v . .lulv K', at .'-^imny .\ .r .s in .M b-m lale. \an *dp ro g ra m h;i.« l » e i i p l.m ii- il B-eaus*- ot th e w id '-sp r ia d r it » 'ie s t in hand k n itt in g th 'ie w ill he a ^llo\vlng o f k n itted HUilH and dressi'H that <aii be m ade at home, T o f i l l th at need fe lt b^ m an y wom en fo r m-w s lim m er

---------- n c Ip eH . n f'iJn llv * - « in l .aa tis fy in a^Vl^m HnotU o t Hdwnnl A. JZatter. ,iiHh',-j< rirjHf t ia jjf^ A fc tf 'n p l^ H e wtH

son HB Hiiiiermtendent, malntemince | |h- Hfi^wn. In thin Oonio ction willof w ay. Public Servic*- Coor<!inttle«l j ^|so U; set ii|» a ttn ic tive but e* o-'rratiHport, is uniHuiPced by Matthew , j„,n iical luncheon tabh s. h'*ir Hu- |{. Bo\ lau. vice preshJeiit o f the *-om- Uvoman w ho w IsIu h to Many. Mr. Patt•usou sin-ceeds Philip {< ‘ Pi iNtmas .Lifts •lut ing B K. Miigniirc, who on June ‘J4 was )n,.xpen.stve HUgg*'slioim named cxen ilive asslHfant. C«-nlraI miir.wn.


tke h'-r ;-umtiiei.w ill Ik-

Hivif5]i»n. by Hie board o f illn -c to rs o f till- u n d e r ly in g companh**! o f Pub lic

Free Band Concert Eacli Wednesday Evening

At Depot Square

Sei v ii e ( ‘oi I'o ru tlon o f N hw’ Jer.sey, M r. Bov tun a lso u !m ounc*‘<l Ihe ap -

pointnn-nt o f l ia v id C. M acD ou ca ll to Ih‘ .HUiierintemlent <*f I r a 'k , Kss*-x D iv is ion , s u m ed in g .Mr. P a tte r ;i i i i .

'rh (! O ld 'Tappan T - l l •liam atii c lub w ill (ji'eneiil a short iie lod iam a. ’ I'lm b'lsur*- tim e orch es tra w ill idav •)ui-- tiiL t iie garii''n p a r ly . W oim -n in le r- • •sb-d iu tip ' B*‘ !'g ''P ' ’ouh lv blxl-'n-

U U K K in ' .VJ'Kt KMU TO (JOTtk SCOI T j .\m h o h j :k

sion S*‘ rvin - a re In v ii b n n g ih '-ir fih-nds. 'I no nd iiiission c lia ig e

I to • ••nil- ;will

M l ( U I I P H M C A T ( H . l ) T A P I ’ A N .11 l A I t

T h e B ergen C ou n ty I H • liibs at<- v e ry f o r I n n a t •■ in i.i'uig aide a g a in Ib is ;.''ar to b- tin- ImuP' of

'"'■'•■•l "'. 'V " ' " ' j . M r - . I ........ . (>•>j th e ir .‘u iiiinmr pici n w b n li wdl )•••

hebi S a tiiid av . .lu h Bt ll•.lll lOuHt H o 4;;Wl, w loT*‘ tip V w i'l plav i;anii s I am i g o .swimimtig- 'H ii I H •tratn.ilic i «dubs an> p lann ing to ■ .ib-rtain Hu-

g ro u p w ith jilavH .Ml 4-H c lub m *-n il»rs arc ln v it «d to b.- pr‘ 's* ut w ith Ih c lr hinch a in l k it lung still.

l(ot>ert Si''< ‘k*-r, son o f M r. am i Mr.s. C. Bates S b 'ck er . o f Brlnk*-r- h o ff av i-m ie. Paitsfole.s P a rk , has biw ill r* pnH*‘ iit T io o p 8J o f I ’alisaih ' Park at the N a tion a l .IamlH»r*'< at W aH h in g f«a i. A u gu st J1 to .\jigust IIO. W ill ia m K orte la n d wa.s p ii-k iil fo r .sccoini |il:ic*-and H erln r l .Aschoff fo r th ird j i la c . . T h e tro o j) c om m itt ''0 a.ssuiites th e *‘ Xpen.se o f wunling the .s<'iiut.

H con triaH ter T e ii W r i ig g o at a I'l-- m-nt tr o o ji ^•llnlmittp•‘ np-eliug. n-- (jort«*d on the o v ir n ig l i t Iillu ’ to l ia r - rIngfoM Pa rk , wln-n Mixtetui tests wer>* g iv e n , W a l le r .A s «h o ff |oan»'d the tr o o p a truck fo r tlie en tire tim e.


H ERE is sanitary prolec- lion tliai does away w ith napkins find lie lis . . . that is completely in- V’.sihle, a u j so com fyrlable that liiere is no consciousness of wear*

at a ll.ing saniliiry protection0 ... » s ! - ■- ' • e . . to*, u p p io v v u u y

• • . a'llaimed by women every* '''Here as ihe most comfortable,

tu iivenuM U la t lh o d c v c i lic*



without N A P K I N S

O R B t L I b

I ’AH l.’NT i :m '( ’.\T » ')\( O M ’KKKNt i ;s n .A N N i:i>

A new serleH o f .le in o iis lr iitlon Ktudy rneetlngH on Hm u* n*'nU to (ilc o f fa m ily relutlouHlupH w ill k - h*l*l a t th e A.ItnmI.KtriitiVi- Bu ild ing ul Hack*-nsack on flix s ip • «'ssiv<- T u *‘h- • la y m orn in gs fro m t e j o to 11 dtt. s ta r t in g 'ru*-H<l:iv, .lutv H. T h ese rne*tlngH w ill lie l«**l b\ M is, Paulin*- U appnpo i't «*f th e !,. : '.!!■■ 'Pitne D i­v is ion o f Up' EPw\. M i s . K lizabcth M . Berdan, B ergeu Cnunty H niiie D em on stra tion A g en t, an^i Mrs. M a ­r lon 1*'. Mcl>o\vell, p a r -n t l••}l|•' lti^>n .sperdalst from th e Slat*- t-’o lh ge o f .\grcu ltu re .

T h is gcrl.-H o f m e*-tliv '* ' IS plKiine*l f o r l*-n'l*-rs in an y g ro u p inteteMt*‘«l in Ih e chiM and Us p an nts. k;ach meetlriL'- w ill be H d*-njoiisl rut i'»n o f leaiir-rshup jiIuh th e <llsi ussion miit*-- rtu l. M rs. U{ipt>'ipor1 w ill stiirl on lh*‘ topic.s ’ ‘ T h e ’ S m c < s s fi i ! H .ane ’ * an d ‘ 'F a m ily R el.a tlon sliips W ith ltr an d W ith ou t the llo U P . " 'fb e toplcH fo r fm t lp p discus;4!.:n w d ! I>e d eve l- oi»e<l fr«*m the g ro u p its*-il.

Anyon*- w ith h'Ud* rsbii* !• uuim s Is In v ited , but should cc.tm m m icate w ith h om e dem onatrateu i am-ut M rs. Klr/JilH-tli B. Hebtun. Il.o k iismU '-JOB. im m eiliiU ely.

H b ile.iiimP-iliitnT o f K ln H in ‘1'. In a 1“ l-

l i - r a.I I'v.HSul t«* t b e CommiHsione»;* Hd iiiieic i.nhii*' t<Mlay.

In till' leti>r M r . Th om as ru lleU «i|...i Mr. k m v b t*i ••xplul’ i his «-t;ai!t-M (if •“r c o s K m lsrepresentn t Ions ' ill lie- AH.*i*-rnbl.vmun's ec«m -• ■ni\ s|jei'rh m ade r e r * ‘U tly lie fore (h e K i- t '«(.(M| C harn ls-r *»f Commerc*-,

<iiip ilo lliir « f reduction in o ii i • -ost nf State ( } i ) v r r n m * ‘ni wa.s nim l* ii| . I " till' time tt*p I ’u-scne K con«»m y< ‘ *vniiii:lt.e |•p^^o^te^ .•• M r. T tvom asf»s«M»->ti<i “ |■;v*■n tb o m »h the I*a--***-- « ‘onitiiiil«*e w i.sh'sl (*> i-ontlnue U.s v x o tk . Ihe In u ru w ra t ic le g is la to rs \x B ii Ihe asHl. tlitU 'e r »f s ix Rppnbli«-aii ^♦'••.l■d:ill•lH all v e r y cbi.*ie to yon , v«it<^l til •lishiinrl 11 1*- coinmtH#>p."

I'lillmvi'd Pa.'MUM'M l. 'I'lmmas. n rip-inber o f ( } i e

»•* •.'iiiMiv Lioiip. |>oint*‘«l out tlia t th e M tm -v - c ..nm »issif>ner iMimb’ a *if- r I ; f !;:iu- k-'-tr nvak ln g fu llow e-i . b.M,.|v th e m tlvh i.-a o f HuCa.s.M.. Cninm ittcp. T h e A ssem b ly m a n ;cl\••• iilrd i-*mH«»ll*lalkm o f o u t-

nfitiMH ill t h e c it y o f T re n t 'u i ; » i i t i sm;ia--l«‘d (u t In t ju liy in to th e I - r e e n l piiyiiicnt o f state o f f ic e r .-n ts mi u ■'Hr.Jl)” w a le .

'I'll.. m a n a-k*-*! Mr. 1/itnlt i f it 'V ie “ gn»sH m isriq irp tru itu li«m' V- 1.. 11 I :.a> i r V. r i t e th at there v.

an u n d Dem<KTatb- S t a ! ' ' e\-i ntl\es a m i legiHlntora win.*

• \ far tM -m tb e lr r*‘ '* l" ‘c ti! f a i t v |.l.•ll••^mH. .w h en I accu .svl i \ ..ii of !ini-i' t r a d in '- w ith F tu o kj I I... ;!• i:i eniet' (■> ;;*‘t .... . voti r « i r the fa lls t a x , U lld w iieii 1 a lso

u .-. ttiivi' I t e r a e i i !•• . 1 'l u b . . f '! f ,, ,1 h\ I f ' lip to I b*-ir Bepubil.';

p i:.IP .lilt a lf.n tb . 'V Vol*-l fVVj. ;t :,;,| i- l ll|.- W !t«-| .lurv U*‘ fol|M

I o i l ’ ■'I’ ll. .I.ni|.|.u- I * '\ t -if .Mr. T h o m a -r

1 »-t t'-i !;• as f.iitow f * .July U. 10;*a

M r . Ik-rnird Burnt*.( 'otmiiisHiDner o f }*'lnan*'e,S ta l l- !|eii-e. T e n t< in , \’ . J.M V dear i 'i.nituisMloner:

'i’OM III-*- <piNt(si In th e pp 'V H pan V f a.H m.vi ill'..' the I Ii. !-g< w 'lo.! C ham ls-r * * f Cnnmiir'. " o * ' grti-a. m l'ir e a fe - ;A«-ntntioie-’ -y :*.t the C ham iK T< »f C i't in n i. '' I> iiin **e i*sen fb b*‘ l I i n Bi.l *-vvn...| Y *m *b* not, Jicvvevcr. m en tion wlia' m m r e i ’ fe.‘-enlu*|oos I M ill ciiiilv o f so in f u l i i ’ isK to all. 1 X^-.0||.| .sii-f.Mt D m t >-ou pxi.l.iin ju -t \s tia ' s lati'iiie i'ts y o u r i'fer to.

I ites F \ lra v N c a n < ‘csI'l-'liipis >mi r e f i 'c b* m y r t 'ili Toent

t t i a l Hie p if-en t S t a le udmini t r a - I |f«n atnl liave n<>( l « ««o• « oniiini. id I i la t III aMy has. Hus t-»n bie fm l th ill t h e reL iila r appr.i.

j l•r^.llil.?l bill le ia n t l lv jiassed P\ th e l « '.■Isliitiire. but w b -c h i lm*l th e J .|»-;isiirt‘ nf v o tJ n . ' n•■! ll|Nt, i-bnwsi in liK reii-ie Ilf f r t in i $."*On,(HXl P. (MMI.UlKl, (!e[ii'iidint.' Upon one's iiiti-|'-

] i-rptiitlim am! H in t w * ‘ also pa .-a’-l a , .--*ii.|.|i'fm Iitai y i! r >t'Poi.t lat ion o f

-esiHl.PlHt, tliat (!)•• n ia lo r Ui-Pi-' o f , t h e td'dmuv a p p io p r ia iio n b|1'

' bfivv im in e icase . an d In iid i b on . D ills odlhiL' f o r H|>c«la| add itio ii:il

I .prnpriiif iiiiis \v*>ro a k o pasvcl an.t t h a t not one d o l la r o f r ed u il. in in

! * »* ir cosl nf S la t*- < tovi-i nnieni a ;o I rntpip 11)1 In th e t im e the B ica i.e I I ’ a-finntnv ( 'nrm n i1 1ee rei>nrte.i an d I f h ilt even IhoiiL h (b e Pti.S(oe c .in- ' iiv ittee wi.Hlnd t o «-*>ntimip Us \Mok• t h e Benimralic ^•■^is|alo|•s w itb tb »

Mv.sistiitlee nf .six U ep iibh i'an Icam -; latJiJ's. ah \ery *-b»so to \oii, \ot(*d

t « * illskmd tin- *'oinin iHe<-, Tbm it* ft-" wnrds is a n o u llU if ot rn\

, r*-*'etU spi'is 1) f in .I I wonder tf th is h - wli.d ymi r(*-r«'r to . In mldit h ow ever. V"U uls<* know tlmt th e s u rv e y s which j* * u r <*ffice bii\e I

nbitioii w )p-n ] uku ipiiN-.t‘ ,| II ri— IW iirn l■•l:lrilal*us fo r not b\ln.- up

Ho-ir R*‘ |iUbip an p l.iltorm \\ ip-n lll*.\ twin*- V o le .t rtv;al!!-l till' W o lli*| lu i* iCefiKiii T Io 'i ' are iiiaayiH h-i sui h l ie lo n o - s w lu ib | in i'.b t It'- in ibiM b-tt.-i- but w b n li I hi *-ml to ki ep l**r fn lo ii- os«-. | .on■Imvan ."i|, h o w ev ** r , thi' p*.oj,b' m ,-

■'Utillc.l to 111*' stor.v lut.l Irt-iiiv. t.ic I lni*md III :H v«- It to them b c l'o te be (.rlm ary r a in p a lL i i is nv«u

Voiii li.h‘i;n *r ii 1*1 Hie ‘ 'l ia m ln t o f 'ointnirc*' ills .! it ilv is i- . lhal v<>u w ill■ lov'ilt- i ia n s f-o c ta t io ii niid a '.:<>od uin h W 'lule i a - :r «e with you Ib.U t Would bn I te lt* r if im.ii- o f ou r '•-‘ .pie vl.Hiii-d u t ir S lab li--u -e on l aw loiiii- o f tin * (liiiN s toi Mm i m .■ Iv-'s. nevi'l'V Itob 'S s III this p a itp - . ibir I'Kse I a m juat w oim Ic ! n r ; .vlietlii'r the I c a n -p o i';(| Inn au.l tp,. ■00.1 him h ar*. o p jnn pel soual k or 'll !ll«‘ State.

IbiplMi; to l ia x i- the plea.siu .' i f i*-^ainu: f io m y o u , I mn.

\ 'ery t r u K \otirs..1. F .A H N F l . l , T H O M \S


CAMP FIRE TONIGHTGround Breaking for New

Lindbergh Stadium Next Friday

Tenafly Girl Scout Drive Nets Troops $480

k i l l Si out •li'iV i ml $ISU to i la t e .

\'. Bowi w.i.s I ip ilr *■ • •iiimiiMe... ju ijo .l l>v '• .u, Bmbi*-*', M i x B ii>.| Mis W i l l i . I l l ) B

Th.' T . 'im tlv fumts has m i l

.Mih . D op itb l man o f I In- d i i v M ih W ll l ia i i i |H M n A M h n i D k h .

.VsMHtiug t il* ‘ .mnuiltL- \ \ «i* ‘ the Mesduiin'K 'b .r .b .n Sm ith. » 't iu r| .- j

, , M .tHawii. .Ia in * - i ‘.i-l.litM top , W 'd b a i i i'Ih .. I'a llHU.I.-* iM rk •■1;..-

ground, w iU i u reg iH liab on o f lu i'ie | lu ira iit. K *-m i p -H i S Ne.d, than th r.-e hnm lre.l ch lldre-i and j Mm ior. « . I .. niiaii, .ta llie s S iiin - tiiiire th an o n e hunilred a.lultM, b rin e -- } m .rs, 'r im i . fh v DiiH.idl, l a r iim tt

Hold. \Si M.


Reception For Officials of Stale Order July 15

lift . H . \y nis, H, F . l.*-t. L‘ . B s. I .io i ii't .b'nklMs. K .u l B iit.r , N i A I. I. ‘ ” -rm s I ’.i !l i,. mill I i ) H erm an H .t ■• r . W ilbu.l K .Xri hllXitd ,1 ."liH a m i\\ K I V t I. ? u*-. ' I M \* Harry I 'lU sni.m. Silas liu l

B Sa* * o - I f B ! . f . . * .u i . ’

it.s flrut w * 'c k ‘ H iP d iv itp ’v |o a rlo-'. ton ight w ith a n o v .l ly p io ; ia m .im! ram p f ir e . A m in g M iP -o ts ar*- umi*-r the ih re c tio n o f l.ou is K a t? in s iiin tuj o f phyH tcat e t lu ia tlo ii at Ha- I'.d i ^til*-H B a rk S*-hool, w t i" has k * .n -n aaged a s i l ir e c lo r o f a ll Jila y rrou nd ud ivit ms.

\ .ical a m i musn ul munlHtrs. .a m p d ie H tories, a m i I'dly pops, m .iish m .d | |;,y Bn\u tl. T l i low.s am i “ m U k e y s " f.u a ll w h o it- j i. nd lh«* *-iim p fir«> w ill b*- f. a t iii.,- . ' o f tin- p r«»g ru in tim lK lit.

T h e y o u n g *dUldren und* r th*- dl ret-bon *»f M ish l->l*‘c l!i R om an o , have lK-*-n ta u gh t K ing ing a id g rou p .lam in g a m t gam es, and hav.- ai.so en joyed th e sanil k ix . (b> 1 .'1'slide and th e sp rin kh r.

.A soft b a ll league fo r Hu- adu lts m k ing fo rm *'*!. I . 'm al organ tza i mps, hav«- a ir be*-n l- ivU 'd to jo in Hi- lejigue. A ni**‘ ‘ lin g o f Hi'-i*‘ and aU Ihose w h o Wish to jo in Hi-' 1.,>;IP w ill k - |p-ld W e ilm sda y ni'-dil at Hu- Buidb*-rgh F ie ld at 7 did u 'l lm k

S p ic ia l *'*'retnonl»-H w ill m urk H;- itl'.um l br*-tik>tur fo r a m-w Hiadinm

• at B imtlM-rgh A th le tic F te l l ip <• t-'rl- >f Itu n iiln g K !k <‘ o*in - „ , i . le r th«- direi ti.m o f C a rl M- tt-

1m rg. m cm lM -r o f the Board «*f I-Mu- ta b o " , c h a irm a n o f Hi*- j . l a y i i - ’ und com mute**. M a y o r T h o m as .1. M on- lU'lmii an d o th e r o f f ic l i ik w ill sp.-ak.Tlu-re w i l l !»*• an a lt ik H c •■xhlbiiioti. music, m o v in g p ic tu res an d oth er feature.H.

olt ,

Lions, Bears Perform In Same Cage At Park

.ltlll;:i*- W i i ie l 'IH

IS III.- fn -.- a «-( al-

elos .\iniiM. in. iit

Now offie.-i

' ll. Dogia-e o f Dia-htianta.s, w* !-*- Ul-

s la lti.l M ill.lay n ig h t by .\1ih . ( ’n lb -

c r i-e Cnllins. < llH lrict depuly und h er

•Uaff at Uoflnti'U.M Hall, Bn im l n v « -

MOe, I'ahHiid'-M I ’o r k .

O ffii ors in s ta lb -d arc Mrs. M a tild a

I... Ilf Ih i#; b v\ ood, poi a ilo n ta . 'i;

M rs .\L-n»‘s ( ’ itrl.^oiM «if l-ML.wnt^-r.

nroi.hi.li-.'ci; W in u o n a . .Mr.s. A g n e s

T-’ it-.'patni k ; f i r s t '.. oiit. .Mis. .Vntm

'u «- '-n !"a l; .si-«-t»nd -sront, .Mrs, .M atiM a

Baptain W a lk

IS Iteing p t. s**ni

n a e tb n at I Balk .

( ’apt. W a lk - I ba.'i biTopie r> n ow n e .l fo r a new m h ii\ . im nt in w i ld a n i­mal I r a il i ln n . lb- \sill i-ces. n t twa Ilia K am i \\ I d> Pcai •• and t *a ir leUis, ; ' as pari o f b .s a it lb - li.i- ti;tim-.||| !h*-,-(r a n im a ls to sin h a d* r*-*- of '.■rr*’«t io ii t l i o t al He s - '.)p ut lib •whlii. a ll SIX 1.. .1-.'- .*-unultiin*o'Uslj b-ap to do t i is b.-Miiig and It k not illillSIia! to .s»-o oiw- b*al IM k t\\*-en I'.vo liuiis, ii.s It It u l iT t t i e m .»s t nat- u ia l th in g in t b*- wi.rt.l. w tt.-r*- i « in r.'allt\- It i.M t i l e first tim*- th a t lionn have h e f i tru tn o .i to Woj-k .sidn by -lib* w iH i t h e I .oii'li-roiiH k-HI'S o f Ihi- N .a l l i W o o .ls ,

hi ie k llH o ii m any oHu-r a n im a l


Judge A Iso ~ Gambling^

( }e . .r ir » ' » ’ I.'.',

of R o .*jo |ip-im I plai .•

was t r i» - , j innr*' than a

ll cb iio j*- n f drunk d iiv in

te m iij t .y . IuiIlo* 1... B oy

wn-k. 1 !u- pi iially bop iy

nii‘l r«'X «»c .in on of his d r iv » ‘ r1|

John < ’ hriKlle, a tto rn ey

wiili W in n * - and Banta , imiii||

• lite r** ! a n appeal to the*

•la iiim iq- l a e wan not g u ilty ,

was t-idoji.***-*! ii’idi r Ik iH o f $r»0

III'' m ;»n b>sea Ii Ih app'-'at. ho w ll9

junabU- t** l■*mtllllnl ch d u ffeu r ln g * ' joti f o r Li4 years.

Tto- «-**h>red cha>iff*-ur tlld not Im u ig th*- <ar. hut d*“niR<! iK-ing t 'li-i the- innii*ne*- of liquor, Tbo milm-M Kt.H*miiit Hahl In part; "W'Ip - 1 th*- fact that the dofendant' hiiK be.-ii :t i'lKiiiffciir fo r 24 yeai9 Isl-;laken i n f o *i'iiHidf-fallon. th e

tn i x i . lu in .Ml Jn-1 id*-nt U

aif t i l it he wax in a n nttnorm u l'/

liniiiial «-*i!iditii.ii b rou gh t about by Hit-' li d i ib ie ii-r III In ioxM -a ling liquor, •

I In- l a w dt>*-s mit reqm r*' th a t a per* :

siiii Ih* .tru n k in rec.-ivB th la p enalty , .

II n *| iiireH piii'if ‘>f th e In flu en ce o ! .

w . 'iiiii.r , .Mr.s.

H-ti-iiI w an tor.

t bud w an ior,

fo in th w a r i'i.r

f ir s t I ■ up- ilm .

M a ry

M t-M.

M i s ,

M i"

M r-

nvaklm r ;U'*' la rg «* ly th e afterm aM i o f

Theatrical Man Plans Bergen County Stock

■iLI .Aiiyom- inl*-r*-sli.' nf.H'k ‘Ml-a ion-jj ty , eiHiep ax :i iip-n I ••ni *-. ju t i i f o r lu tn j paliy. weliic def-lKlmi

in ih* a ti I'-al Ibl-.-.-ri ro lin -

J o f Hh- ;i U«M- s in Hm *-om- ,r t-aiiiti !, I'a r-

t lb ' arllvilli's *if t h e IhiH'-o** ('i iin m lt- f»*p . A'oit r Is*i k n **w that tb*‘ o i i lv l>«*Hslble <-oiiciet*' s a v in g -ii-;-. st |on w h ich hi|s In *1m I a om nm ile.l fro m y i iu r offh-e. has tw o n tin- inopos*-*! <-f»nHii|ii|alioa o f o fflc i-.s Ut N*-wark W h lih yiiilf nrfi<-t» <)<*v!ur»; w .-otd f«H V « (he Stall- $7r».lMMl und *w*-<i H us i* ’ en urlLhml«‘ *t w i t h the Basi < 'uminilb-i-, I n il iH it adil Hiat m u ch limier sn v ln g - could b*- c f - f«M-|e*l If uni w o u h l a lso fuPo\‘ tbr- } I ‘oiliiiiit t M reeoiime-e-iu • t b 'n to I (itis 'ilid iitc o iit-h te nb;.< r; t h « t'lty of 'rien1«>n un*l that in vi*-w *>f 111' fa il th a t th e S ta le 1< lu'w l»u y iiiL iippiov im n t a-ly the s i in e

US lliiv vv* r* i-aylii-- ill Bl »t ini'dil aisii b ‘ ‘ udvi.suble to b>ok int<* 1Ii !h Klfii.’i f io n .

Th e V*a.'4<*'c t ‘ * »m m U ((** ‘ . on w b l«h T *-i*rv'"!. «;d :d uH ff>ur w i( ! ;s ;m 1 t h i l l *'i- i*-i i)n iiiit> ic !« ‘d savincH ^B<-l"7 ,f''N l afid atid*-il r«‘venu< -’ $t4.n1h.(HKi. Y .*u . h o w ever , w-Bi.•stall t. well, w i lt * and M eel **i ‘salary of Slu.lXHI t o en< oura ;*■ \'>u h Ioo", hiiv*. .sur\-f*\ nu- H eS t a l l fill fi\«> m o n t h s an-l U.- Is-.-'t

I 'o i i i 'n ; n is t

Sw '-nl). |-"i r : ;

Doin tlr.-nnai

M;im Miiii.li>

1 :m i’ \ M;li, r ;

B iilli Mill, .s

M ala B ill.ip -; iTUard of tin- Mrs. Matfii B u -s h ; gtmiri o f tie - t..r- i-.st. -Mis ,b-au K * lb -r; I** m iim is truH-

Mr.s. M a r y Svvi-i.skTg* r ; V-i moons tnistc**. M rs , Aanea h 'lf/p a t- rii k. H lln-r f> fftci*rs who w i-n- tin - ab le to a tten d a n d who w ill h r tn- Htalhs! Ill tl f . i l i ir t * *lal*- are f irs t r»ih -

, Mrs, Flor**n<-e M cH rcgor. vvh*» la als*> a Ii in o n tlis tniHl*'*-: B o lia w tn n .M rs. Baibani Ib iL -m ; H.'ct)nd n in n **r,Mc'-i. K atie rin*- Si*. • ••.

't ill- feihtw U ig s tam lilig I 'o m in ill* *- en- appoint‘ -d ; •-ni.-ilainnp nt. M rs,

Agm-H l•‘^tvi..lM '« k, « hairm u'b iiH.sts|.•<l by M is . K tm U Milh-r. .Mrs. .1, K< •- | |.'u \ | m-i * (••i-.

h 'f, Mrs. ! ;iix.'d-*-Hi hanc**, .Mrs j |), p 'lm h Is ■Agms T av li.r , Mr-.. ,l•l-|■phlP•‘ D u n ­lop, an-l M is. Billaps, |•'ullllH••.M rs. |-;miK M d b |-, eliairm an. as.-d--t- '«! by Mrs M a iy M urphy an*l M rs.

D ora B i 'iin a t i.A m*‘*tm W ill k- li*-lil J i l l ' 1-*

wh*-n tin ( l i ' a t Bo :ih.i la s o f th e S ta le if N'. w . l - f s .y . .Mi s . I-'b.isi K«'isi-r o f H . i ib o i . ami H ie I k u ii*!o f g i'ia f ' l i l ' f H " i l l vKit Hu* ••ouii- c il. The m***‘ t llu - will he deili*-afe*l a s I ’aHl I'lK J ih o iita ' niLhf, " b*-n

ighb-eii pa.st po< i.lc'iiia.s o f th«* nr- ganiz.ition " d i •

hu lls ul tip or-l.

(»| »K N IM IL K F I L W t . FF ifty g u e s t s a llen d e .! Ho- ..;•• im

.«f the Ui*!g.-fT '-l.i p*'b.’.* |.ist..l iu> '■n l.o w e a tre e t on Fn<!n\ *-\. e.i* Arm-im th e m w ere D ' ' ' ' H ' . ‘ \\ aii b'l B i<u ten au t (a i l tk ip ; o f iMollam l T u iin .-t B.-lo*-. M .-i.-r \hi' le h isp*'* to r .\iil; us I um .1 \l ‘e. K, A la n H. < 'oiior. * 'oum dm. n B ob '*- '. 1 Tiarb'.s H iM. l-i :in-1 i - P - a '/.•■m-i-l. H e n ry ! ''o i ( ie .o ; Co!!.*- • ' c W a lle r W . H a llac la -r . S- i • -.m . B iis im un . S*-ii.a.i:it K n-i . 1I io l i iP . i .loh n B iu l. IM w a r l M.* '* -on, hh iill S c fb i i iL . .M lie .l .\io.*-i, M arshall. un<! .Mayor H oh ie .s .

T h e n e w range fa**H ( i ' . T ] i e i'n -ek n e a r Beig*-u Tm n p ik*-,

ll'liior i» i i bi.s i l i iv i i ig ," , V,Ib e j*p i--e als.) f li-'l thnu*

IfTi «.ii* h f*u‘ plavlm-i di<-e fo r m **ney' ill M il* k f iv Bilik luHt \ve«-k. Th®*;jmlg. t o b l the im n th a t 1h- \vou14.-.,tu.l to »..r ; i? e prin-bji!!^ p; MaV-kai'

fcalH w ill I m- * . ! i i i i i l l.v ( u p ta in 1 p.,pj. anywh. r*- elya- in tb*; c l ly t '"min'-s to IbHiMaih-?.i \\ alk*-f. T h «* O'

1 'atk ibr*-ct f »•• -n ; oi the * ‘Miliii'-nti Wonder .bmcl*. uin In- pr* .sent .»1 at:

B.ihspibs •lud'- a* 4 p m m e t V pm .V. Ii h a I u d . ' It lo iia l I-. I I<.ciiiii io ->• al 7 p m , op S o I o I - bl V and Si i f e l i > ,

• li<- p tten ip tim ;

( .F o K t.i:

ikcoun KrB altli .u m id i.u it tout iittem titH 1*» pla\m. o i f e :n Hi*> fgtrk, apb.in vv u ik * f 's „ J,, oinw.it-d

'.Mtii * } iib lr i-n for H" i- l .* 'g ro u m l lU i t i . - . Tho'-'- I m. -1 i*M‘ i 'a i i l I m r - v f .hr, 1 I 'd W '--t bH H i stn-i-t. N ew 'lo l l , ; | i;i\ id SpiM'i' oi l? .s VVafTim L-. s t i.e l , a i i ' i Bo • r K - l Iv ol B'>d For- v- ' I .'*t a v .- 'o- T ill'. 'M i i ip . i H e y were III't ' I V u .iti Inn I b' ganP-.

i ;

KAMSKV M AN (iKTSFH.A a p i * « i n t m i ;n t

D r . lo b ii I 'tP i'ji. H iirn-iey v«-t. r iiia- ruip, hus lt*-*‘n niitn*'*! * lia irn m i ol !h*‘ B ‘ -tte i H oUsiml' ( ’o tn inM lee to f a l l ' " o tin- F*d*-ral Ih m s io g A<1- m inisi rat lo ll l•'fu•m Bro:.-raMi In lk*r- g*-ii l o u n ty , iu i 'ir i l i i iL to H n iiouu*'*- tm nt l l ' T lio iu a s l-b t 'o lle to i. Slu t*

Hlie I o n ela-.i lip iarli- l‘;'lc*-wat*-r • 11* k*- was1' lU, ',-.*•• ret

t ID Dl Bit I'S III MIN .M W I MH < t lM B \NV

i • ..ii;.o ! n : . - o ; ,iHM. b e h v^ill I-'•iinp.M i ;*.. *-l*-< b>!I.t\ *\en in ;- a t th* i<i-e l'•■ml>:ln^ 1 ONlie. tp-oj-g*- Fn -'i-1 I Im-C, A M h u I ( Jlo-

bM.^^i'b-nl, I.eo I ’a 1 m tsa no, .lt* ;iii D m litl, l r*-a-.»Her:


B.'im iM K e t l W lot.ti k.-r tni-t'-.'S **ano. IIVe, Idpo■ f H i

III*-. I in

kn ow n 111 I'K'Ul ha,-.*'ai Mung rir* b's

seiia 'unt at a r m s ; l lr an I 'I 't io in . - iD .a i i io t ,

I t : . r o b ! K t 'l, l.* ''i I 'u lm i- W ll i ! ; e k*‘ l ami T lP -m U rt l>a " * r* s e !i- ife l :•■- im -mk-l,-- by d i e s •••minut' . T ie" 111 I,.- le |.| ,i- ' t le-

■ loi.' bad ol, 111. t l i e t \\e.b • ' o h Piniii ii, M le l . I n i ' ‘Jd,

■ 'ii«*'-* ti ll Hm dat*- I< >r He- il . V . Id , ,1 * aru p a r t > .

it iM i :n n k v i mA s s j \ m i.\ C O N T E S T

B* lu-x in :r that He- la x•■Idly **nfU(e*l lit T re n to n 1h

lt*Kislu( i o n " mill a ilirc f l s lam at

sk\ o f ‘J.SJ Hhaler liou li 'v iir t l Khl^**- fh-hl, h ii.- '!efl.l«-d to e n te r tbft- ftICO ; 'for N f v » J 'is r y k iu te ;-i,ssembty ^n iiM p a lcn av.iliiHt eur-ti ■iii.I !h « * s « wbi) w iV . iesp«*n slW e ful'Its *'nu<*trneni. Me K AMr, .sijitt-s th a t thre*ae-inlM 'iH o f tin- luss.-tnhly v io la t e * It,*- i c t i s f p la ii- l in ib c in at th e elec* Hop la s t nuv*inla-r am i th a t they lie IP . lo n g e r lit to s e r v e a s caw ll- !:if. s f . . f Hn- asst-mbli .

the v ii rioUH :

Yoli Need these two Qas Appliances in Your Kitchen

Bergen County Bankers On State Committees

M ail' B. rep feseo p il N *‘W J> t sey conitm ; to

* '011111 V k iu k s ar>-00 H e- i "m m iI t i ‘ i-H o f Hu- ' B a n k i IS .\s.soi ial lo ii, a*-

;* 1-I‘*>!tii IIP 'ts ante>uu< *-d('.. M c ib 'l iu l l . :thiH w *"k b> I

pr«*sid* III.Th< y are;B a n k 'is a ie l N .) Buil.iiiiL: and

I.r*»an. Ib - ik rt \'. Wnhnan. l uMbu-r. Th»- C il ' N a fp - im l Hank am i T ru s t t*o.. Hai k< iisa i k ; Boiision B l;i'*, K ob - **rt 15, H .iiison . N «r i« ‘ta iy am i tr*-as- tirer, Beoiiia l5 on k uml T n in t ( ‘ o . : Agrlctiltiin *. J . NS'. I ’ lili.H, c iish le r , Klrnt N a llo im ! B.ank am i T ru s t Do.. Ttanis* y ; C b -a r ii ig House AssfM-ia- 1 Hons. (■ I-Jpmr*- l-jpires, ass is lH u t | cjishii-r. t ' l o s l 'T N .illon .il f5ank unit | T r* i"t * ’ ii ; F r* "i '/. lie a r t. j ir e s l 'le n t ' • ’ It'z.iiis l‘'u*-'l N a tio n a l Bank an d TniH t i ;p k < \ '.H s l; B osta a n .! :Hervic** t i i i ir g i ’s. .y. B. Su iikeiiiH ^rg. I l■aHhi«•r, F irst N a t io n a l Bank. \ V * -s t - : wo*.*!; A, B- 4 ,'is«-omh}',‘ vl*’p f ire s l- j d e '-l. R i iH e r f 'o - i l National lJu n k : Mpu.k'rhhip, .A b xiim l'-r .)orie«. vtrv* ’ pres! ii 111 am ! tr - n ■:rcr. H a ik c n s iu k ' T ru s t B-. ; l u ld o . ly . B ii i^ A . K l- 1 •Iri'K'e, :i-;*.-m*pnt «i-.>eiary, H:**-k*-n -sack Trust C o . ; B iw ye rs and D a n k -- f-rs t'o iif'r< IP B St.in ley F o f ' l . l i i i ' ki-nsa. k ; B co t . . ii\. I t i fo rm n tio n . .Anthony i ‘o i - ' . « a.--i(i*T. Bank i» f B.o- : g o ta ; Tm st M a t f* iK Frank \ 'rc*-Iam l. ; v ic e pr.-si'h-pt. } ’ *o ).b -‘ s T ru st ( ‘*>. o f ; !k -rgeii ( '.m ilt y. H a.k .-nsa<k : F x e * ‘U- I l iv e ( oTiiei! < 'tia fl*-s 11 Bh-ntv. vu-c pre>n-!-!il, t b 'l 'k - •*'■:■• k T r'c-t 1

T h is modern gas range is re g u la r ly

priced at $82 cash. It is selling n o w fo r

o n ly $77 or $74 50 i f you trade in an

o ld stove. C a rry in g charge extra i f you

b u y on terms, $3.45 down and $3.45 a


MT. ( >K\II I, I'M NRON l.\\\ N .11 I.Y Bl

a 'r.d< M ill ,VU-


35 E. Palisade Avenue E N G L E V V O O D

PALISADE PHARM ACY“14 W I 4 . . .............- - - a . i o a u c n v c i * u * 7


IM l i ig c ii b- lom iliN i 1 hony ■'.lochlin o f 1 I Id cjm-*‘ ii Ann** p ’ltd. W cM KnKh'ivood H** w ill Is- a va ila b le all *l;*y S n tu n lay and Sun *iiiy. Ju ly U and 7. I r 'iiu B ' ii.in. t*> H P in., to iiiti*ivi*-w U i" '0 ' - aL*'f I** j"*n Hus p roJ *'l-

M r. J.tt him has I* ■ ii 1 y ea rs w ith W a lt* r IB u u i-l' n in Sha5\*“sp*-:ii'‘an i*-p*-rf •■if'-. t’\ r*-vu< s w ith Hu- Simbi-rts IIm l In big m usnal p ro iiucH olis fo r Hu- lab ' l-'b-i •■iiz Z u 'l: f/ Id, lt<- kt!‘ ".*,« a !! !■!;•'«*•'* " f p''*.'' |irodu*;tion, *'*'iUe*L'. tra g ed y , fu r ** . PitHtt*, niurUu! and d ra iim tu .

I i f . hov.i'i-i. > " i i |i<'lu*ve I am :i--ain j viiisippreH''ntlug p le a s e do not b*‘ '-i-j la ! i - Pi a.hlN' m . ‘ .

1 T re a i 'l i i 'r j i S«m*ii

I !'’ iltl)ii'Miiii'** i- It gli.Ss m m i-l'l* • i ‘••■tdatli'ii w !i»ii i u\ o r wid*- ttia t

'♦ •m l t lu>r«- w*'C*' ,-iim*- 1 b-pnblH an ain i! ! H iii'x r.ita- H in t* ’ ♦•\***aiP'*'s au*i

to- idat.as wlpi v<-er*'.! ta* t?'..m Hu-ir r*'.sp i(tu i parly id a tfo r in s '* Wa.-* it fnl>r<'pii'M 'ni,iti'*n v\ I p 'I i 1 a* • ii.se-1 \ 11(1 Ilf Inu'N** trtiiHiw wHti b'rsiiiU H',^gtii* In tthler t*> v v l p iio iil I i v o leK t o r ilie will*.*) tu x .* W a s it m isr*'pi-c-

M.iiint ' ' I. 'i l l tio ii d.■Iiur>h ami

*-l B.ut-n, ' f " f ’.a t 'v .I'l . If I I !p - ■

Bl.tui.-l law n. .h ilv.111- •• I ..,1 ■ -■ !'• o -« ' 'Hutial'.-i" tl i'« * iiiiinnan. I

.Assc-Piii; M r . i b iiia is 'i'gh •■ill tw j ,M l.-HK (iell'-V O ' • lb-,III. I I c . 'l- I ; I ' ! ; . M r- .bi;p. -* V\ ilk in I h.ii'-n.an “ f til k> t.«. M l H a it iiia ii. M r - I ’ fT.i'iLli.'i'i aii-i M l - N* ihe I 'a n ib a n , iurntniii.'i i. 'i t ir i-.i. : M is. M . N 'o- i g c o l. |i * ♦ r e a m *10111111011. N > ii|B i"-**, iir iU M i.i i i 'll t i f h " i '. N .i i i i ' :iKX 'lh ; Mr--'. H * i i i i ii . l r o lv iu . iFI'h 'irge of b ixik .s. * hames. e tc .; M r. I ( »U 'k en U 'i L c r. *btim r ( h a irm u n ; i bJeorve Ha.J.-, c ip . t r a a l worK, t ih im - | iiiutiofi.*t and ti**i<.i;iil..iia . I

T h is Estate range is compact in size,

m easuring on ly 36 inches in width. T h e

fam ous Estate F resh A ir oven is h e a v i ly

insulated and equ ipped with an a u to ­

m atic oven heat regulator. The sm o k e ­

less broiler is w a ist high and s lid es in

and out e a s ily .. F o u r top burners are

ligh ted autom atically. Top grill is a u n i­

que and convenient feature. Th is r a n g e

m ay be had in w h ite, ivory or sun tan.

Other modern gas ranges from $39.95

cash up including installation.

T h e E lectro lux gas refrigerator w i l l

g ive long and dependable service. It

niaintains the d ry co ld atmosphere w h ic h

is ideal for keep ing food fresh. M a k e s

an abundance o f ice cu’oes. W e m ake it

easy for you to purchase the E lec tro lu x .

Cash prices beg in at $125. C a r ry in grV*;»ra^ PVtri* i f v»a *» Bi »*» »owrr*» hJn

d o w n p a y m en t, a sniaJ! sum m o n th ly f o r

th re e years..

f^ e w re t id e n t ia l g<i.< raten ftermil m o re

ga s a p p lia n ce s a t lo t i 'c r o p e ra tin g co s t*




i T ■

i w -P A C E T W Oi * : ■

If fi

fiidAiw 'jS ’' f t * * ?


ENGLE WOOD P RE SSPhone En^ewood 3-1700

■ i II. f Kuwa. Msiiaidtie K<liforBnt«r**d at Hj** I’ tist Kagleyoixl. x . ^ ( I a m Mall Matter

f £“' suoV.rt, IK

The Kttgl<-wwu Fft-H*. eetahheh^d l ‘«l»«|

Englewood 20 Years Ago

Todaysn i# ’ «® 'W (>N RATBS . _ CASH IN ADVANCH

.iihi» J - 'S " .* ',

Church Services

a , MSTto,Ikf Snr, '" ''• ^ ^ r ife a Cnuoisiv iuK.ih. ..........

it-ail-fr o ( ;&^®***t Editorial AaMOfUtloa, Nrw Jerwr Praao AaMU*Salloa, _________ Bo»t« 0 »ll°ty l ^ a Awwlntlm i. Il< rai-n H-jr-ail.

Sui'<M iutfH '5 •III I <' Sli'-niiau•t IIm- K i.;; U-,Vimm| M ill H» hnoi (iM - •-iitfil M Ks« .Vlaiioli V k I-

. . » I 6 « tnlin- m i l , Ih .itlis l I,..... . |.n/.r I 'T j .i,,, n,,,,, s. |.l,.m l-i.

7 l'.M p til . 'J'KMijt •_’ l. Wity

.........1‘J tw

........ »1 fiO


Knsl^H’tMNl ItrfofMiPd Churt-hHm lsofi Av*- . Jt-nafl> itoad

Kl^v^tll I,, .Ml liv a m e, I ’astor

S*iii'la> . 5» ;{«) a m .. >n ho*i|^^Hh I tM?«s»-.s f i,r ill! a. ' ' I 't iu rle ji 1>. VSTi ii ii k . n u i » n i i i ' miIi-mL

M a III . Mi .M!Iii.: w. r‘*hi!i Hu»»-Jilt, •'« liri-.l |;,I| » Tt I ’h**Ml'- Ilf m l.l i lt U i i i i ' i i i V, III Im' ati- iiiiiiiMti-reit.

V "iiii- ' I'••iipli- V ;.-i > iiH'i-tiii^'H

i^ tu n lay a/ternoon ami evening. Letters to the Editor.MaM.Hea Biuuia>' a t 0, 7, 8. U, 10 ,

“ • ______ ; " jTiiy z li«r,T o th f EtlitiT.KfiL'IewtHHi 1 n-KH.

, I f , . . . t»* :ir .~ir- I otti lu a r iity in fav>.r <>f\\ rKf r Hi.'-ailt ,»n«! L-ftfayelle Avc-a. •JUv J AMi-p.t Kullm an. l*astor.,-5i{ii'ia>, y,!."} u III.. .Suii'luy sclmol.H a m . Morniti;; wui^hi|i.7:;i*» (.-III., KypiiMitj ae-rviep.

I .lt>‘».s«*8 than th e hoUJM‘Wlfh. It a lso Isi r w itiat the t e a ih e r has t h r e e , ........... . ^

utlun each yi*ur, sonne j that In the mau.-r of


l»| 'V lth all du,, 7 ^ ? ;BH slnwiKKl l.A0l;.r. , ft.

KmifewtHKi iiaptuit Temple.Masonic iU iiP linL '

the m o v e m e n t f o r m e n t a l h e a l t hf (L-ontliiued from t*UK* 1>

wcrkcf*! p r o b a t io n o f f ic e r s , p h y s ic ia n s ,

r.urs^ O th e r p r o fe s s io n a l w o r k e r s d e a l in g w ith c o m lu c t

(jijforrfeTS m c h iid r e n .

Xc<fay w e are focussing our e ffo rts on research ant! study,

tc ^ k n o w ledge of the n a tu re and causes of m ental


developm ent o f m ental health program s in the schools

Itf,forestall mental and nervous breakdow ns in adult life. p jie c iaU y important is the education of parents ami leacJiers

Ihe p rinc ip les of m ental hygiene. A significant gain in this

isse o f th e w ork is the steady developm ent of mental hygiene

m tru c t io n in teacher-train ing institutions. O ver a hundred ^ f

lliefle a re n o w giving regu la r or special courses in this subject.

D esp ite the depression, organ ized mental health work con-

apace . Some fifty state and local mental hygiene societies

'“ “i r o n o w at w ork in the U n ited States, and similar organi/ntions

.hftve been form ed in thirty-five other countries. 'Ih e

Wide extension of the m ental hygiene movement found further

eltpression at the F irst International Cunt;ress on Mental H ygiene h e ld in W ash in gto n in 1930, when an Internallunal Com m ittee fo r M ental H ygiene w as organized. The Second

International Congress on Mental M y g in ie will hf h rM in ’?aris in J u ly of next year. |

M e n ta l hygiene is for all of us. young and old. iiornml, and abnorm al. Its aim is not m en ly the m gaiive one of pie-1vention an d treatment, but the positive one of life tn iich m en t! ................ . .

to enable us all to cultivate better m ental health ami j il','o.v'and m ore efficient liv ing. It is therefore a social and educational i '•'**' \.

as w e ll a s a scientific and medical movement and dejiends f o r ' its success upon the interest and support of the lay public.

* R esidents of Eng lew ood and the vicinity in neeil of . u 'i : htal hygiene advice may secure it at the Mental Hygiene C l i n i c , ' ’<• ■111 i

which is he ld at the Kngltwm jii Hospital, from ten to hve ;',,i?.A"si, o’clock on the sccoml ami fourth Tues<lay oi each monih. ft is

suggested that those seeking advice make appointments in


He- InithcMi slai 'IIIIl: III h -r *-Mtiix'■I'Ur.s*'. tm ,*-r riiHi I'l y/M ft iMM4-|‘."{ft.-re )h. V ltX'M*l Van \ il K«-s(*'rZiil.*'i'. >1* Itfitin ' 1* ■ Ml I »mi«f I, VHllll.S. * M-".ly i<inij,>lil •n . iN x l- rShi-*ul>:iiiK)i. •'lattiiial .‘"X •-I. l'..i’-iJ1 'll* Vutl'Z. t y ; M*M 1 II iMi’

)l;x k*'M.*<iii k Ml U'.t J in puli-III S1||,-»- •| l-f !' ,MS U.l 1 - 1 K.-mlh<'f .filly * • l•■l■l:ilfun.

TIm- \ . lUMt*-' 1 1 hil. • 't H i ;. lift'Xui 'fl' i l.-'l Ml ,1. .11. 111 ; 1Th‘ 'lliiL--i.l.irhsliii

> 1 " ft 11, *-nf H-IP1’. T. :

'*,'11 fi*-aV «l ' pi ' Iil *-I Hi!" L I *>•. Iiu.-Hl- 1

M'. Si , I . t • 1 . If U' l: >Ms. .1.l‘ .I'dM* * n -iii'l . ,\ 1:1 . - . ' u-iiv<- .‘iiMim III,..

Th*- *• ■ >n< 1 aimn.d • -N. 11 .-'e*it -.fI'llM l-.ll -l.'V .■-"ei t.l V Ii-M,)'. -SI. M. I’ l l 't ■i- >\ .1*1 M. U . - f 'Si'h- I ’l',-,- 1 - V tvi l.ll -Ml,] 1 I \|. Ml- '','llSl l-.p, -• <.1 ,1! l.-H '.vUh a',’Ml -,|, 1) Uiili

• ' " A n V ■ I, It* \1< Ull- 11

Th.- I-:, S. \ 'll t ' - l .III- .Uid ‘ t • ''iiil,ih.ii -,ri Mie'kiii.


\T- HorM ah\:i t U ' lr-nnH*

Kit'sl .MellHNlisI ( Iturt li]><m:(rt*.a ;*IM 'IThiilly Hoiut

Ar.li*'> |», I l l ) ,.Siiri'lay. tl u rii , tini.tn -iTVire

:if \S'»‘ t Si'll- I 'i i^'li) t'•fian I'hUfrh. k ‘ V. |■" ; Ilk IL iii Huftm.ui w'lJ lii'i'ai h.

riiri.'.tiafi Rrit>rm<‘ii riittrehr>* Avs;. an,{ 'JT-nafly IM.

J.Hi'h li'/PTHtra, .Miiil.st p SijidLiv. I l ii HI., M.iriinur ■'iorvoe

ifi>l x riiuiii ti> thi- mini.stcr.7 t.*» |. III-. Kveninu .s»-rvu'*j.

I'iist rri"«i>> tl-riiiii ( iMirehl*iiliMM‘ti- \v» ,.n<J

r . i i l H. t:iiii..M. M .i.ist.r Suu.l.iy, 11 a HI. -lumii* r uuii>.n

w illi .Si l iiil •, Kpn^i'iipul ‘ 'l i 'in li ill thi.-K .Im rili. The lie.v..L-iln.-.s ,\ Mil. lull, j . i l o i *»f St.

M. ft ii) ii(. il. il

S.P.C.A.Pet Column

i'iist f lifii-i'h ol (liiis t Siirnthil-.iK l>- .<li*-. | 111-;

i!r:uii|i 1-1 T 'lf M'.iE'-r I 'l i i in h , T il' I'ir-t 1 lit ll.t l .«I « Irli.-I. .S. MMlti-'f*.

■ ■I Ik. I.'ii, .\l.i S'lii.i.iy S. ;.t !» L“..Si-r. |i.; iiH,I ill• VNiU U- i Im s iiI.I'm t of Hi*

.Mil -,-1 iii'.ii HI aii « iiii:< of' l.M l. s. i.|i .-un til-., 7.

Til. i;..i.U ii T*-\l 1- '•Tl.vrti i »in.in- lint. ...S th'- I.I.IU )01 isi.o.it- i,'.-.i.i. ni'< (ifiiiH-r 1.- Hi»-i«f

link Ilk*- 'iil Ik : IVlll'iIM,..

IIS*- On-i l t; i t in ; ;y

Iil S' iiriun n- Hll'i*-.

.1 \ S \ M > K s I'W M I.SOlir l;*sf I-I. I ,1 ,l'|. i- oil Mil

'IT.IS iMMlillTil*

s M k I..'..1 ).t

.Ia|-»FI- i

pr. tty ; .iTIiM

Min-l . uiI iMHil.Hl

m> n «-om- 3 i ’ h- tul-

'Sln;; ail'l /,ioii r tl'. I*(.

it I'l tl.*:- I" l.-o.i. I5*f "• tin L-.I.J; I T 1,1.- I»*.I\

1: In.lT,.U.-u iiM-lii*)e»i «■ rrum th»- llrfMik. “Sii-

K ' > to t lirl-iK*-!- K 'k iy ;

■l i.n.

III.!.It-. i Illlil'-

'niii-i.t-i S i-.ukr.il -Hi.,11. I

IHU-; k*- him

' Fim t»- fl*-!* <tt th*-

H-ml .-liftiH. -1 mat* I lu! ml liiiil**. A *• it*ir. an ! 1 i i" or i'k-.-t'! tr .Mimlalt thliUH,

1 -il l III il n III

Many Undernourished ChildrenO f the 125 children (30 liurn E n g lew o o d ) who ate be ing

sent aw ay to camp this summer through the efforts o f the

Bergen County K iwanis Clubs, 90 per cent are undernourished

according to the doctors* notations on the a[)pli^aiion cards. Most of these children are being sent to camp for two w eeks,

but several cases are in such pitiful condition that an extra

week in c^m p will be afforded them.

T h is information places a furtlier stamp of merit upon

the K iw an is camp project and m akes more regrettable the

fict that there are insufficient funds to send all the ch ildren

who are w orth y or w h o are in utter need of llie opfiortunity. In ail m unicipalities the num ber of applicants is much la rger

than the available allotments.

It w o u ld be splendid if every Ih-rgcn County resident w h o

is planning a vacation w ou ld take at least a few dollars from

his budget and make a contribution to the Kiwanis cam p fund

in order that many times 125 childien m ay be sent aw'ay. 'The

benefits a re vital to hundreds of spindlelegged kiddies if they

are to g ro w up into useful men ami wom en, or imleed, if m any

of them a re to grow up at all.

Til'- .1.11., at s 1.',1 :«'a hii -

w 1) Il •" f Hillth' .l.iji;iiM-

>' ai.i .M


*'■ I ..Hill I IS i I, _ ! i.Hlio.s- liiijr k- ! 1,1I--' I.ail.’, 1 I.HI.I'l :" i iil.'it iiii'l

tl" am'

■ M( -

W .'•il I.


I III.Ill ' IlMl.i II

IL 111

r.M 'TAINI'-H nl..'U| t.iin, III.

tliul st 111.la L-iiar.li '.s I ». |.i,i I III' lit

i-tam fariii. 11> h. ic.iu —I k " v\as «-m|iii.>.-.| i, ,

I \V' av.-r'.s, J-k ,.f\ . ,» kis til HI i-aii,. t., vs-.i k "• all.iil; ami .sla\*-i) .ill

.'-t'li''- ft III, ins rii:i.--t- r, \ I' \ \ I .11 S .1 l;ii till. Miail --.-IN I 11(1 ' -■ ' I ' • 'i lM i. - il tl. l i i ' l a n l.

' '.I I t .11:1 111 liin*l ft il II .'...III.- \ : I 111 .im Ji 1,1s iii.i- (kf- ha !

' ' h i - .............. I,, M-- in.ii-il iht \ ami ..vi-i-\

..........'I t " a I'l" iir at W . .-1i-a-h f " ft,,li-h II.

<''l'kuii I.- -.till t'aillihil 1,1 his ml!'" ..... . 1 I I It V . I h- l-l \ .HA

,.k.M- i-:.i.I ' h 11. t lan t'-iH *•k- n-.t'l, iMHr.'ft'-.l

’Ik - U.ji-tmy 15...i."> «i)i>Hi »-\-r-rv j

.'-Hill'!., \ K an.! Inili l a -- i" " I L :5 " k. an . I- --iiiii-is Ifi'in 7 I" S. :

I s I'.pis* nHir<‘iiaii.l ritiii'. h iSti-' . ls

M;t. In il, M V-. ! : l> .

. I t()i\ I . .minuiiMiH in •II . n m«.ii s*-r\ i*-*- ut I mil * 'litm h. 'i'll'-

\. S! ill h.-ll vs ill I : 1:I 'ra-. t-r , a ' ixn-ii m i

:a. . '■* .'lO u.m., IkilyIII I liii|.< t.

Ill' : k.-liii-


Collectorships ProblemThe pre.seiil graiul ju ry is to (irepare ii |iiesentment anil

hand it u p to the court, which is in turn to ask the Legis lature

ter make som e move for the revision of the laws governing tax

collectors. I f the grand ju rors could themselves go to T ren ton

and offer the presentment it might liave an added effect.T he ju ry or a committee of that bmly can present any

atnount o f testimony to b.tck u,i its rlemand. for no less than a doaen collectors in B ergen County have hern indicted for eiii bezaleinent o f municijtal funds, some of them now serving tim e

in State prison.

W h e n a tax collector can get a w a y with StH.OOO in tw o

years, and w hen another is fiermitted to serve in a large in

dustrial section without providing a security hond, then som e- thing is rad ically wrong, facts that have lerl the present g ran d

inquest to endeavor to see if some changes cannot be made.

T ax collectors a,ipointed to offices of trust are invariably- chosen because of their ability and honesty, and up to the tim e

of their tak ing office their ie(mtations have been without sfa in

or blemish, but the lure and the depression have brought about

many changes. Thousands of tax|>ayers Imve been relieved of their m oney and many a home mined am i tlmiwn into disgrace.

Sufficient hond secm ily is the first thing governing bod ies

should seek in appointment of those lo he given control of the

municipal tiuids, lor otherw ise th'- ta.\[iiiycrs may have to luake good the shortage.

H ope is entertained that the gram ! ju iy may meet w ith success in its effort.

Iiiv.ll |,1

Ml. W.-av.-r ,an a'lt-<|liatf


''‘ t .IifliirH r iiu n hCiitn.l ami Ui.ti'k-hl*- .X-.t-un*-

I; ftlan.l I-'. N>*-.nn-lav, |ft a. m., inoniii.:: i.i;i ' iMi HI. 1!' ilv I 'iim m ,,, lulli' Stiinlii.V 111 .\ii;-iiM ii 'l i h'lnl u ill a"H f'.tv .

T l ' "IIIl tv


Children’s Crime HourL is t e n in g , as w e d o . t o le p c . it e d c o m p l. i in ts o f p .n e n ts w h o

o b je c t t o t h e p en n y d ie , id fu l ty p e o f h io . id c . i . t in i- tha t c o m e *

o v e r th e r a d io to th e ir c h i ld - e n a t s u ,.p e , im m w e w o n d e r a t

th e s h o r ts ig h te d n e s s o f m a n a d v e r t is e r s a „ , l r.-,,|io

. ‘ "'•■t ii- '- ft !- - - i - - . . f im t i .a , i k -i o n lv

m th e i l l w i l l o f p o te n t ia l cu sp m u -is t o w a r d th e s p o n so rs a n d

in .1 S ta ten

!i..a .-I" I, ;

l"lJi.\Vj|i:; 'I'H-v- 1,1, I'. I'. .\. Sh'-lt.-f,

Kill.; I.-ft. 10,1. I ’ll..11. " " ,\ll m.ili-N; lilt, i-'.ili.-, {

.ic-'hl tyiii ; vv liil*- - I' ri " ‘ i-; I'iat k, u liih-

.'•“ Hiia; tail (ijiit I’Hit r.iv

si-lk-r; lull |,.i| I J,,,.

\\'•' t Sid«‘ l*ri sl»> tcriiin ( Unr '■"I. K ill't - .-t- iv e -i- I;,,ail hi;

I h Ilian .si .\\ *‘ ini.- I''i Xik 1 l.-u I m ifftnan. .Miuisk

Sniiil,! \. I t a . Mi,, Mill m iiu u ' ■ n"'ft I rv H I- vvit h t iu' M.-i |

• I’l ' -P it ' ■Iniivh at till.-; . k t' l’'i ink Mail H 'lriiiiaii


'■1,1 1 : ( I I

Th'- \, tidi; Ih-.i aiiiKiiini I t"tui l: l.iMi

ai i|ii. I 11 Ikl.-M- (M.s.


IS I A ( .\ ( . I 'Sl*KO|’. J . K . .loM -;sk'-Hii ( ; i , ( 'hik j,,, il

ilMlil. t'-il iis L»lkh st-a.'diii. ' l l '- fmiaL.-iiU'tU nr I ’ l.if M' s <it S'l-ft- y.ifk as Mill

I* '■ I 111’ ''iimiMir \ I af, Miiiu; to Nt-vv X'liilv

I ’lof. Jnii'-:< \va-; a I aiiil iiivln'Hli-:i| ,-i,ii- h--r of lh « volt-.

Hi I I

1'Utlu-rnM ( him U• in.l !ftk.-if\ IHiaif.d iiHiitI 111 tm.-r, 1 ’;i.stni

> It!.. .‘■!iiii'l;i V .s* Imol -VIM'- ftur.slHp.;-itt. Miian.-At."tl I'tli'-r a lfa ii- ' -i• •rvi. «M.

-''t. t v* ilia I;. <’. < hnn li

*-lm VV‘-i ii*'i. 11. I f ’Msti.r

n : h ''if i'hi|.|i.-n,

i'hrug; an cmhattled parent is a dangerous adversary lot any

".St,tut,on. no matter how big. face. School officials and

"Uitalors ir, gcnernl have rc,ic.-Ue.lly em,ihasized the dem oial- irmg eltects of these p rogram s. Highly strung children arc

t-.eyed iqi , 0 ,in uncomfortable pitch by radio shrieks and horror

--tones: a n d even the most plilegm.itic child is apt to have h-

vocabulary corrupted and his standards w arped in format,-.cyear,s by w h a t might well be described as the Children’s CrimeHour.

M any

the a d v e rt is e d product, hu t il-tjP ra l l , c h a irm a n of the F e d .n d C u m m u .u c ,,lio n s co m m iss io n . M r. P r a l ) i s ce rta in that so m e of the ilim e novels of the a ir a re in ju r in g c h ild re n . A n d he o ffe is tlie rem in d e r that -‘about h a lf a dozen s ta t io n s have been taken off the a ir in recent y e a rs fo r fa ilu re to l iv e up to the p ro p e r stand r rd s of pub lic se rv ic e ."

T h e re se n tm e n t a g a in s t th is typo of [irog ram is not o f th e negative s o r t tn a t is re c e iv e d and to r ;o t te n w ith an in d iffe re n t

o f these p ro g ra m s a rc a n u isan ce to p aren ts also and to a d e g re e w hich it is h a rd for adu lts w ith o u t c h ild ie n of thnr ow n to appreciate . O n c e a ch ild ’s s y m p a th y h as been, aroused b y th e sponsor o f a p ro duct, it w i l l p lead and beg ini'^*ssantl«* *Un „ . f .1 . .*............. tn a cu rre n t rarn ;.sequence, .-h ild re n were m a ilc to believe, th o u g h it w a s not ac- tti.illv stale-,1 ih .u p m chase of ,i c u ta i i . , i t ; , h ‘ ii-Uuiiai n e jo in securin ' p .iy fo r the

rll.t k



m n r.py

fjperation o n h is a iling m o th e r !Th e s h e e r im pudence of .-n appeal to a n y ch ild in

home, o v e r th e parents’ h ead s , in behalf o f an a d v e rt ise il p ro ­duct m ig h t be enough to g ive the sponsors p a u se : but com bined w ith th e i l l effects o f su ch p ro gram s upon the c h ild , a- siiown by P ro fe s s o r B u sse of N ew Y o rk U n iv e r s it y and others -and the re se n tm e n t en k in d le d in g ro w n -u p s . it w o u ld seem that, even i f ae lvertisers rk i not the n . i io .u _ . . .take h ied in th e ir own in te re s t . -C h r is t ia n S c ie n ce M o n ito r.

.St. i'fliit’ it l.tiihi-run ( tiurcliI’-'ti KiiulewotHj .ANPinift

A. Al'-H-sina. I'u.stor H'ln-Li.v, il u.m . Kftj^li.vh .Sf-fvi<e11 U Ml., flM iri’il

Til- I- • ’h iip I- tU-'U a

KinniahliMl h Si-rhe! <’<iML:re;:atinn;ii ,itm { H orn** ft.I \S iin i* ti. H urn- iiiH f, titfiM r WuM-’i I'i.it*',

Suhukon .\r.-.y Soiitii \ iiii IH iiiil ,<li>«e| n all') M im . WilliuMi Trt^^II . KtiM'Iay S< hit'.J.II , . W(.| r-riti*.

(I Ml . riii)4h- w or ‘-hi|.,t'u « S {i.Mt., I'iitiiir worstiii*.

IT. 1‘t I i i

Tu*H. ii.

ic m iilt ' t - m a i i u 1-3i i i i i ’i<li.‘ ; f i* - .Xv’t-nut*l..ii i.i K|»b: i i i i i i kT<t-|n.if

!.i. '» i ' in . I l " L ’.:!.ti s**rvi*-e. i .> , IH ;i rw . r * -h ’-M u is .st-h"ol. >i>v i * M t l 'IT i i i i < i f t V , T io i!| i.u i. ,

-u -<

i’ itsl iLi|>tist CliiirHi\\ ;lii:i Ml Sf r*-**r

il i'-.ii'siin. .MMli.--t*-r Ml , .MmIUIMU Wof 'ltl{>.It . 1 ‘lllll* !i S' ll<."l

f. V I ’ K v*-I'M,4

rs*e: V 11

H>-tlian> ( Imrt-hvvinii*- iti.'i W illiam Sti.-(-l

i i.cA’ k n-ft ;i'-t iriL i>a t'.r.1 Ml* .'’ Hllil.l,'. -s, Im'I'I.I'l , \iitnii:i . 1-1 V II e.I . I-‘." ' HI 11;; '• I V I'-*-.' . I.'-. I* in . -MiiJvs’e*-k

jun ior an<] sc-tiior

is is i i iu Liigl«’VMji>*l school ifacla-rs an ! iMi r»'a.s" of 1" |'*’ r fc i it in th**ir pivs- *-ni siilaii**.'-*; t>ui o*-rtiitnty my

! iiiK in till.-* iiiHttt*r mias i i«4 influent*'i I ' l)> til*- li.\i."ih«-tit’iil i ’as*t o f til** SIM- .J ul*- l•‘ai.-il•f u ith no tiuirendi-iits

it-.HiJs of The* Kn*! lT*’.s.s.I 1 Mill not I'umiltar w ith th« mutt*-rs ; o f rMMirHnf’f. ni*‘«lu-jil ran-. prof«*«- j .Hioniii advum-ouietit. transporlution. i *-ic , i'lii as II liou.s.-wif** with a Imt k-i i;r'i>ifMii of u prolefiKional rarei-r, Ihav* s*ini*- very U«*fiuite nl*-u« on th»f

, itt'iii.s " f rent, fuotl. clotItiiiK anU r»u- ; r*-ation,! In III*- ti\p‘ >th*’tii’a l oa.'n* qiiolfsl fn.ni »!;«■ Ttai h**fj» Salary Survey, 1

' iK.li- th*.-**’ it»nw: K en t. Kii*>*l,; JIO; .)..tliinLft II.'*: r»*t-r*'ation. Sa;I ini’iit* nlalK. ifl.'i. (A ll month!.! laui'p tin- hrst two it**ms umi you . Ituvf S'-at in'i niotiUi ftu what to the > ummtn’"'*i t*-ii<’iu‘ rs wittmnl >it-|u-tnl*< Mls sifii'il'i (orr^-Mpoml to ro*itn ami tao.ni'} i kiK-vv’ from |*t*rsonHl inven- tiuati'Mi ttmt very fiin- u('i'v/mmo*lu- lom.s i.t iiiivty fiirniKheti rotim umi a H'-l*'< I'V'- im iini can t**- olilaineii In aii-i ar-'Mii't Km;l*‘wo*Mt fo r umh-r $!.“>I«*i ft'-*k. *ir a inuxtmuin averay*- «if

f>> I iM'iMth -$ir» per month I*-5h iliati t h*- li.v iKJth' tp-ul tlKurt'from tin- T'*-a< il- r< Suiv* >, T<* .si'eii*! J-ln p.-rini'iiiii f-r r*-nt. n l>*u« ti*-r mu.Ht re-

]ipnr* Ill's *>vMi M|>unrri*-ni in <>m- of lti<- iilv s ti*-tt> r hoUMea. Ky ok>tain. iMk,- r*>*-Mi amt U*ar»f ut a pnvat**

I itoin*-. or JoiiMmi;; o r tripUiiK up in ja i l .11'iiitim nt. that |iri*-< i-un i>« ;iiMl\* 'l. or ln-tier. A s f*ir $40 r -r 1 Miunih lor 1'i'Mi | <ion't know ||i.‘

t-u 'ti*-i ftiio i*-*iuii«*H liiu i l(•m’llltv . o, .jt.alltv " f t"*Hi; iny iiu.*«l>unil m\

< i . lM .IH-I Ml.V.x-tr Mr*- W*'t! t*-*! <1Mj iij.|ii •.vini;!i*-tv that amount pej 1 month. Vml tvv«i «»r tlir**** I’anm't i live as cin-aply ua one/ th** okl .suy-I Ml.' Mot ft it il-stilltiiiutf. Ij Til* $1.T nionihlj’ ci«.*thinL' it*-m n- I tl iLM i-III '- I'll’ it ctin jnrcs up visioii-s ; of .1 y in i' lv nk*-ly *Jr»-s.s*-«l iiulivi- •Uiul, iMti ! « -tliiij: lo u)l wa.m.ii, I '

: Iil*v*- h,i.t Mini il h-Ks than Jl-'Mi p. r i X'Mi’ Willi ftiiii’h to tii’«*vl«le my p-r- "sofia! u .11'!!’"l>*- th»rS»- Lost f* vv >i-ars. an«t w ill), nut a fu.shiorii>iato. I hav*

j in.i f.« s*-'i t" iiHik rc8p*-ctable. fJrant- I eil tli.tf .1 t'iiiT icr r*-r|iiir'-s nioi*’

m.Mithu v.icutnjii each y»*ur. ..part of wliiih nilKiit Im «levotetl to m on th ) eith*i riuikniK c*-riuia artu-les o f clothink j or txAiv Inruuekeep,, at a «n*at Kuvimt. M «n op*womi»n.! m a ve ry tieur plat-g to u '»* ^il." |..-r immlh i.s a prim .-ly sum fur j 3’h*? fiirures mv,.,, i.!. ta. til*- av-ius*’ J" i.-i-'H to oj" fiiJ for j re.'L-urcti m -.el U.iiiim.' the.-u* •lays. pcrs*.n are sUh -

A.Hl til*’ $■’* r.-< r«-ati*inal it**m :iml ! f’**'' 'l-*> for ^the $1-’ i'e.''* r\* <1 fo r in* i<i*-ntuts; j di-i-efitl.v, limr*-. ^llu-n tUiow in tlic unexfwmk*.] Iwl- j Th*^ itenw f,,r insurance

a Mk.,

'• <if 111** $1<* per montii set iisid** i must U' i onj,ulerfcq * *profeH.-'ional ailvHm ’em*-nt. I'liis j w ith tin- tm t

^ I Ctiftajtmt th a tt^ .,. -

P*mHion*-*l. un.i i Ik Iu-v,. , 7 ^ i;l.-»-o<Kt theyto pay. *^**^||J

1 am quite faimliH, , ----------le:„-h.-rs In Mnnluttan Ih iu th.. fclnKl,.»,..,| ■■" lKi.ld.-U.

Uu? ii ’w 'lolkiis ttuit remuin aft*'r i 11 anspoi’hiti*'M e\p*'n*<**+* umi )>**nev. clt lM *-.s :ue pai'i, and I urn KUre\<niw ill liuv>- on liAitnJ an enierLO'iiry run«l tliat Will am ply comp*-ntatle for til"- i-.siiniai*-'l 'liffe ren *e In'tweeti the *’iwt of livin-; ii.s r*Miipufed in theh\polli.-fh-ai *ii.si- ($1."*7 i»er m«>nth). : . . ....... '•-•woRfchik I tK*- aN*'ia"c salurv of Knul*-woo*l ! »nw $h» m,K4tk i> i...... „K,K a i .V „ . j|Kvr..AS,V„.l U . I V S , „ v , ■

In irh iy til' Lr»at*-r |*art «if the *le- | ___pr*'s.sion, ini-liidini: that i» ri<t*I in | in .’ v* * • . . -T '* ------w liieh prn*--* rose sluirpls, our little fam ily <*f tlir*’e, ltv'-«t *’oinf«trtai.ly. tli'-UL-ii M"t lii\url**ns!\ m u tlir**-- n - 'in suit*- in «m»- " f Km:f**ft<»«>*rs t»*-l- t*-i- ai>arlrmid..: iH.in.-ld ami main* t?iiM**t a small ear: *-njo\<‘*l ft n-ft-



1-..".-,. ,.r,,U ld.v .,r 1

.S4*:u»l,|.‘ ani" flit o f r*-*T*'ation (th*- ' ' ‘ *‘ ••1' A *.i»iinlerfei(m f»«» win-i*-s*,m'- r*'« t-«aiioMn *-ost the Mmi’kaJdy irumim. l.-...sU:,iM u., i i.i-y : ;,t Wiir.--» .si„„. |s,,|- ***«iire le.- nit-s on om1> $H,n per monlli j rri**!’" tiiaii tin- av. r:o,* salary rei **ivi-«l ‘tMlW fi\ KflL'Ii-ftl.i.H.siire voii tiiat

m; t* a« Im ts . t *an man 'Ujsui.jhiHi»-r tn.v hustiar.'l or h* ai\i- j,|„j

‘ as. Of th,. ^ it aman i

WH.S la. klim W;,.s tl" eoioffed^ i lUiU are l.i U- fouiiil jp

iiivMfir. ft. n- w.- sinui*' and without diml,(.'l*-p* ml«-!il.s. coiili! li\* in ciinifort ami , 'iian likt iy «"tif-Mtin* Ml oil tti«' aVeraLM- ..tdary kin.wiu|• •<♦-lv*-d i'V Kiiuh-wi'Oil t*-;" l i 'i ’s ;<"ii»roriai.i'- )**-eansp rln- amiMMit •iV**»iM i»- im.n- than am ide to nmin- ta iii us: iDiiti'iit til tin- know l> ■I'sM' that **vrr-aml-{it:*»v.- llie aim.ittit .t\.tikilil*- for *’Uir*'Mt *-\jm-M’<.’S, w«- w*-r< I'litlim: awav a sulv-taMlUil .tMiouiii m .* p. n.sio-i fiiM*j.

I f til'- t'.ii h- |-H vvaidi 'i to stn iii-dh- *-n t ll" ir *a.s*', fli.-v .slx-uld liav.- j,re- parf*i a h> pot h*-t i« al * a.s«- <ii-atjni; w itli a rnaiTH-.l te.o lx r vs *lvd< i>'nd- i-ntH wix. IS i’<i’<*i\in:: only j l . ’iti p- r nxMitii T'tieir esiim atea fot ilx- .-.m- ; t*- t.ai h**r without *l* p. fitl.-nls. lat'i**!’ than I" im:. a.s .s-tat»*l in tlie s i i iv .y . •'|■llr^"IS.-ly low ” . :,ic, m my op ,111*01, '•;.-.-|lerol|sly tlM'll” . atxl Sllf- Ix X I’ t eaMS" to ftltllixdd ally |•■.st"l.l• t,"i 1 at all from all .siiil-'I*- |t-a*ii*-r- V\,I)|.,1|| d< p*-iid*-nt.s w ilo al*- lete-IV- iiift lix .1V< r.ii^e. or lo It. r il,.u, tl,.• V« 1 ai:*- s.i lary .

(M rs . V. 11. IM

'Chariei Brucker 4S«wliirunior^}^

L a n d s c a i i e ContractorsT'-l. l-:,,a. 3-s;t|

U7 L.vi vv*nTE ruts_____________k n l i .kw ood

HICKEY & BAKER Roofing and Heatiai

Tel. Kng. Sdioat

i )K A \ sTiu-arr,

« t

'>h:l"h >1. K. /inti ChurchWith..Ml Sir* *-t

J:-v K A. * . . ; io l l . I*;ivtor i l . Ml , .dorniiik; worship.1 1 111 * loir* li s*’ho««l.

7 p m , I 'i i r i s t ia n K n U * -a v o r .'s t» rn . K ven ifi;: w o r s h i| i. T » ie s *k iy e v - im iK . t 'h o j r reh'-arjyi!. \V *** i K v e i i i ’ot p r u y e r m *** 'tm g

.T'* 111'- l-Miiof. iI’M.L ........ 1 I ’rv'.ws. i1 '• ai .''lift i

i:i-t< rnn~ to an artii l* it. tlx .Iiiiie i L“ ' i.-h-'x- "f Th*- I r. ss:

W i l l i a n i J . M ;e nFCNKRAL I)IR*x-foa

K.N(jLK\V<M>|) 8 182)24 Kiitfle H(., Kuffleweod. N, 1

Depressions are Normal and Necessary

a m i.\li])(-;iriiiL; hii'l ilisapiH-ariiift ]H-rii„li,-.-,l 1 v ; ri-,iiiL

f.illin.y L-vi-n as the tides. .Suhje-ct only to tin- laws of

nalure that cannot he chan.yed Iiy an .\et of Conui-c-ss.

'riu-re is no edueatnin that ean sin-eessfullv i-oin|ie(e will I tlie education o f experience!


P a l is .ades T rust and G u a r a n ty C ompanyEjiglewood, New Jersey

I M ’ lT V I . S ’.iiii.iiiu i.SI l i l ' l . l S S.'ilKI.IXXI,

i M , i \ i i i i ; i i I’K o m s sMhMiiK).

.\.1. m : i



T h r I ’ fcmiiim savctl in ih’iviiiir i,u Miitonndiilx w iilio ijl aiic*’ fln.'is n.,t L’(» v*'t’\ far in |«ivin:- iluhilitv fur *-vi-n aI'uHlir Li;ibill:> ('la iin A scriniis om- may rlia iifc.

iiuMir-slie lit

.'•'■u till \mi have sn W H Y ftike

it^pccia.ly ut this Season \vtnu hi«hwa\.s are coMftcsit tin* cul'ii! utid {■ui-f)ut di’ iv*-i’ more numerous on makiiiK tlrivinu c.vtra fiazanioii.s.

.iiirsHlf w ill, uil..in':,lH I„s,i,-,ii,.-e ,-ixaii,st tl... urivi-r. the tip«*eil lieiifi roml h*>"

Oui- iir.-mium iiu .lKH t Plt.,1 nmi in '.-re s t .vmi,



G onierDeaii & Uergen Sts. ifftooe

lOni;. 8-5000


•M I.V 1,1 SM .KS T V.\ .A|-|-|,1*:.S TO ('011,. - V i i i ' i V d u l ;,- i - k k t o n

n.v in-.l.',-in!,' .v.inr ...nl .NOW sa w s aver 7n,- per ton.

Oi-il.-l-s mnsi In- ,,|ni-,.|| li..f.,rc .1,111,. 2110,. ils all fuel ,i•■ll(.-r.Kl Ik -i-.i i-,. .In ly Isi in ni-.lyr li, Kuvn llin Hnkw T »

L o UH at-ll you yonr fiimlwr nnu tup, oil n.-cila also.

Englewood Coal Lund)er Co^yIh'paHnK'nt

2 EAST IMUS.XnF: AVENLK Phumv Gsiif. :S-:J7«<>

Lu in8<T I )p p »r t »e «*

l a K \ G U :\ V O O l) A V ^*B S i*hr»ai<* Knft. I5-*‘»7 ^ *

Englewood, N. J.

Si.pvtx 1895

Telephone Englewood 3-0416

Greenleaf Funeral HomeOur .ScriK-p, Are D i.lirrclive. Y e , Reasrmahte

N L L S O N I). m M .SKY. .Manager

108 W. Palisade Ave.

K .S T A B L IS H K n J87*J

R. A . GORHAM CO.Real Elstate and Insurance42 d e a n S T R E E T



M rs K - K l '! tM S H * ;n f o b |)* .v n * :r .s , i )a m '*m v r c .

Entliaati-s od R<*|u « s*


Ef>(. s laaa-J Tuacek • ! l .s i w

T H E EN G LEW W D I’RESS, JULY 5, 1935‘

former Maroort Pitchets:\ face Each Other Sunday

l^.Moon Duel Feeture Tnf jVlunini Game At ' white Stadium

L. n<al Alumni win meot

r * . itiin.iiiv ttftt-rnoon at th«

* " " r

' r^mni hHi. hro« B "'"*a t t h a h a m i s

Boaters to Play for Title Sunday

' ‘ " " V a n " ' * ' - ' ’ K * «y A-( h o r o I o r t H l I f t ' I a BI^Troiaaa


' fu UM » i"Alnmnl a lth o u K l. h avln ff ' i o f r e n t , T h i ' l a n k y


a W ll'f’*'’ '1 tlM*oppniP'Ut may b e J e s s e

u rn an<lUfpHh- M ' > n » p l a y l U K w i t h t h e

_.... .ir.aw the can. tUE . mil " ' ‘’ .......... ” ,I " , .V„Mrrt T v r i i s i« the ueual r i L f i i r r . I ! " t h eotored lade

,„ r tho le i i i t i 'h i i i it a W llly f X c a cive th e A lm n o l trouWe.

I „ ( , n , e t i n e C o m i m r l i w n

II will I)" ' " '; . r ‘ . ' t i n « t o n o t e t h e

|a«rtMn „( Lane ami Moon. H^thrjitHfl amone Knjt1**wooU

fchrwt. HU,I alth.'U«h lAn% hasl>ro ex[»flrlcnce( itj im,r«

a h k r p e n e dt t a l l i r i k ■ • > • ■ ■ » T i m a r l a y e v e -

' H . W C , " i , t w e n I r - T l I n c h i t a . ( I K n i i w n a N i r t l o f M l B a n k

, T ^ e M i i m n i ' a w o a k n e w , h a * . ' I I , , , l o i t i i i ; ; f l i M i a r t m e n t . h u ll,„««rK UK ih"iiah Iho t “ „ , l l y f , , n i i i 1 t h e i r h i i t l l n i f

£>efeated in the ftrst fpune of & three-imme playoff for the cham> ptunship of the Hasaalc an,d DIs> trtet League, the EMylewood Boc* cer C*lub will nttempt tor even the the Bcries Sunday afterpoon when it meets the Indepeodenta at Haledon Kteld, Patereon. The g^me starts at 8 o'clock. An- otlk«r victory for the lodepen-* donth. of course, ^vea that team the championship, while a victory for Knglwwood will necessitate ti “ rubber" game, with the ]>08sU blllty of Englewood winning the league title for the first time.

Thursday. Englewood will play the Independenta at Weaaington Stadium in Paterson in the finals fur the Charily Cup.


T O T H y [E tL Y A .C .Winner’s Piteber Walks Fire

In Ninth After Rain Delays Game


Only One Player FaRs t o Hit In Singfest

F r M w r r f w ^L dull, ii»»‘ l>aU at aIrtlp. wiiilo {h ‘nn:*‘ CapareHl i«^ lehim! «d i i u . M)0 average. UlfriH afi-i lbi«-k Hrarmau are ohisli ill ">'• averagcH.

|r||( (rtiiiiiiis lOngiPwooii inflcM have (iti'l'anl at I'lrut with

Lrsj ('ii!.;,!*Hi b«iMg flhlfteil In L„ij nase. KihIw Kit/Klmmons will {.’ 1 ihP >|inrifi-ld. while Moloney i; k nv'v. i "v.-r to the hot c<»r- fTh'-'fif’'" " play»'rs comprise the

liil»rAiuiiiiii inn« 1,1 and they hnNC L f .1 fiii<“ l.idl all .sea.son.\rf>i Oi-Tirinl In shape and able||Ja} rP-ah:rl.s. S'dfrted will l>e ’ d If, Hr fi-'M Thn former AII-

f h:n« hitting hardMl Ho- r lean-np p<«i'u»u I'l di ivo pi' iiiy of runs

l f ( « i I I I *'qvHIh.ifi t.i S.'ifi-ir-l. ih<> Atiim- J.1I trivi r.n. k Pnmnan ntnl

|pf Jtiiimo r.r.iirnan fir Pli'k Ki-p I H 'nm ng and Hen

L,- Hilt ;,i-...... *• i'l tinn In the;r canlf'MS.

(olored Team (roodIf has a fairly gfiorl

l iMiiii'l hus rrn-t I ho otilatanfllng n in fill' cfiimly. The l^iii'olll I ntandfl at three vlcloiles and

lifdffMlfl Two fif the triumphs ifattbf hati'fs (t{ the fast E*lge*

(*r A. G. JHi'l the T'-nafly A. C. rthijii-el. Defeats were handed I lh(' rfil'ired :i( e.*( by the Lltlle rfs’ n. H. C.. Harrington F’ark I \. am! Fort I.ee.ts\ Siiniliiy. the l.lnroln Stars

ioiian '‘-arJ in the first three ilM8f»v<r th-' Tappan Cotnmwnity i, only to have th<‘ downpour

:nmf I'ff the l>onks.^iMfir (Mivf'i'fi .HtnrtlMR line-up

fcvcnil players w'ell-known |intti thf |,,ih I athletes, .pm Kehols

Ot'illa All t ’lmnty halfliack. iMs >lo\ui ihi- initial <mrk. while

h«n»in, t'oirner Hlack Yankes n*fnp. ImiMs dfiwn hlH fanilhitr I Amly In (kef..I'll. Tenafly star.

liMltirr aio -Signed hy the I.ln- Ji t'tHrs, fin'! K:iv Hopson is also

Iron; tlioHH present.|Thfrf Ih iim .lonhi that the game 1 prwidf plenty of thrills and dbswlaii, and while the Alumni f iHit itmsider'kfl the favorites, y i;i\> ;i Rfi'ui account of raiwivfs.

li'kilhtm i|(t.irK will open at ‘2:R0, >1 Iht*','ume will get under way at |S*»ilh |)f)\l(' »*-hind the plate In* |im|.irp\ pads.

‘ p f r t ^ i N * . A l t i m n i l a t t i n g o f - " J , B r a r m a n . o r P a t r o n , f f ; W -

f » m w n , C f : r a p e r c l l i . I J h ; S a i f r i e d , G^Hpt, !h : MoUmey, db;

l i W i n m i i i i s , s ' s ; f i n i s h , c ; I j « n e . p .

The Englewood Alumni baU were far from muffled as they batted cgit a 2(1-11 victory over the CUI zen'H National Dunk Tuesday eve- nig at White Htadium.

WH-h "Bed" Qebhard and fiddle Selfricd loading the attack, the Alumni slammed the offerings Hob //etUor and Frank Bc«rd for 2U blows. Gelihard had a perfect day ut tiat, slamming out seven blows In rtH many tiiiw to the plate, in­cluding a dmible and a triple. Bel fried came through with four sliv- gles and a donhld In seven chances.

<}ol)hard twirled seven innings for (he Alumni and toyed with the Bank (cam, nursing a large lead, Fred IluJluing wus oft the fhouiid for the last two frames.

IU»lh teams hit haivl, with every memlicr of both teauvs, with the toe- ception of Henning, getting at least one blow. Dick ITippiiE, Buck Brai'- muj>. (ikforge Cai>areUt and UeA i.’ohen each got thr*^ for the Alum­ni, while Hob JieUler was the leaiilng rkitiicr for tho Hank with three Mows.


Support The Englewood Alumni!A f t e r th ree w eek s o f p la y in g at the W in to n W h ite S ta ­

dium , I am s till not sa tis fied w ith tho attendance at the E n g le ­

w o o d A lu m n i gam es.

L a s t w eek , d esp ite th e w eather, w e d rew sev en ty - fiv e p a y ­

in g cu stom ers th rou gh the tu rnstiles fo r the b es t m ark o f the

season. B u t that is a m iserab le attendance.

Can y o u g iv e a n y reason w h y th ree or fo u r hundred spec­

ta tors sh ou ld not a tte n d a Sunday baseball g a m e in E n g le ­

w oo d ? I f you can, I ' l l be glr.d to accept any su ggestions "ihat

m ay be o ffe red . In fa c t, sn y s tiggestions w i l l be w e lcom e.

A d d ress y o u r le tte rs t o th is co lum n and th ey w i l l be app rec i­


- T h e A lu m n i has been pu tting up go o d b a ll gam es and


Win An Bat Two Individnals; Sweep Fonrsomes

The Baglewcod Alumni rallied in the ninth inning but were unable to overcome the deficit cauned by Daw­son's home run, dropped a tt-4 de- o4ak>n to tho Kelly A. C. of Coytee- vllla Sunday alfternoon nt White Stadium.

The local nine took advantage of Clayton Casino's wildnear and puabed tw o runs across the platter, without h itth^ safely, in the ninth Inning.However, the ruUy was nipped In the bud when Buck Brarman was picked o ff second base with the hags loaded and Ed Belfrled ut the plate.

th ^v trt^y ’ '*o*rlIrt'b!J’T h r L '^ y s i s jh a v e been m eetin g g o o d ba ll clubs. T h e T r o ja n s , H u rd F it ld the downpour came in the midst of C lu b and K e l ly A . C . a re am ong the s tron ger team s tn thean Alnmnl rally in the eighth and f la y e d the contest for twenty mln- utee. After a 20-mlnute respite, the game was resumed n the downpour.

Charlie I^ane pitoned ffooil ball un­til rain Intervened and aptdletl his c?imtrol while Caaino waa also ut top form. Both twirlers gave up ten Iniows while Casino fann<*d seven and Lane whffed an even half dozen batters.

Loeera Take l.#eailTho homo teum took a 1-0 l« id In

tba first Inning when, after Johnny Brarman had been thrown out at first by Casino, Buck Brarman laced a single to center field. Ca(iureUt was thrown out at first by Murray btit E!ddle Belfrled dropped a single over the Infield to score Buck.

The. Kellys got men on find and second In the find but I^ane sent Orsfno down on strikes to end the frame. Again In the «*cond, the Alumni threatened to score.

“ Red" Oebhard slammed s Jong hit to center field. reacl<lng the fence. Th e Blow Alumni eoaoh waa thrown out trying to stretch (he hit Into u trtplo, white Brush singled to loft. I f ftehhard had played it safe, the Alumni would have scored again.

In the third, (he C.oytf«vt]le nine knotted tho count with the aid of an error by Oeorge CaparelU. ObKimmor led off with a alow grounder to I'apa- relll. The Alumni third wicker made a utean pick-up of the ball but threw' wildly to first, allowing the Kelly man to reach first ssfidy. Wcuael Murray popped up to Brarman and

K n g l e w o o d ( 3 A )

I ’ a ) ( p l n . I f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ v . H r u r i m n , c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1, Brsrnmii. rf................... 1Uspsreni. 3h.-cf................ 7Scifrifd. lit. <•......................7tJt'ldiHPij, p.-lb..................... 7FttJsHfrnmonM, ms...................8Cohcii. i.’f.-Sh..................... 5F. llciining. rf.-p............... oXf»>(‘hnri, 2b.......................... 8

Ab. r. 8


N e x t S unday ’s a ttra c tion , h ow eve r, is w h a t is know n as a

lu lu. T h e C los ter L in c o ln Stars, one o f the b es t co lored team s

in the s ta te , w ill be th e opponents and they shou ld put up a

w h a le o f a battle .

I t w i l l be in te res tin g to see tw o o f H ersch M os ie r 's fo tm e r

stars, Jesse M oon and C h arlie Lane, tw ir lin g against each

other. B o th b oys p itch ed the M aroon and W h it e 16 leagu e

cham pionsh ips, a lth ou gh L a n e ’s w as n u llif ied b y a techn ical

ru lin g.

L a n e and M o o n a re both pow er p itchers, ab le to o v e r ­

p o w e r th e batter i f n ecessary. P len ty o f s team is the fo rte o f

both lads w h ile th e ir cu rv e ba lls arc real h ooks.

In ad d ition to L a n e , M oon w ill have f iv e o f h is fo rm er

team m ates ba ttin g a ga in s t him. Boh Brush, D ic k Papp in , E d

S e ifr ied , G e o rg e C a p a re lli and h red H en n in g w il l be in c lu ded

in the A lu m n i line-up.T h e L in c o ln lin e-u p reads like a co lored ro ll o f honor w ith

B e rgen C o u n ty ’s ou ts tan d in g scholastic a th le tes fea tu red in

the line-up. Joe E c h o ls o f St. C ec ilia and R a y H op son o f T e n ­

a fly , A ll-C o u n ty h .alfbacks, lead the list w ith A n d y D ra k e fo rd ,

T e n a f ly ’s a ll-star a th le te . M oon and severa l o th ers included.

T h e L in co ln s h a v e h ooked up w ith the L i t t l e F e r ry B . l i .

C „ H a rr in g to n P a rk A . A ., R d g ew a te r A . C „ F o r t L e e A . C „

and T a p p a n , the c lass o f loca l sem i pro baseb all. A lth o i-,;h

o n ly th ree v ic to r ie s h ave been icg is te red in seven starts, th e

Tlie Enylewoixi (lo lf (luh scGrod 11 (Ifdsivo victory over th«' Knickc-r- U)t ker (lu l) Saturday at the winnpr'A t'oume. winning nix nf the right In­dividual matchfR and mukiiiK a { letui MWff-it III the fuun«*mra.

(leno Homans defrated Jamra I<>. (her; William Kolry deffated OBwald Kirkby ; (.'harlee I>amh Jr., loat to H. Urey; Henry Walker Jr. dyfeated John Kucher; H. Denney Ilcrce do- feated' P. S. Darter; WiUiam S. Kvana lost to (\ Katlelt; William Pierce defeated K. Hoome; John F>fo defrated E. 8 . Ho(m«t . The first namefl are mombera of the F.n- ulewood team. The fouraomes were learned eomie<nitively in tin- order lit which they aiftiear above.

In the BWeepttflkea at the Kiu:le- wcmkI riub Sutimhiy. the whiners iwere I.ew»« Hull Jr. ami;Fred Hubten. Mn-.'i-7.*i. Sunday swcei»- KtakoB resnlled in a triple tie t»e- i tWMiU Ktrrla M. Saydah, SJM5L70; iJohn Fyfe. 77-7-70. and HarrytJrles, K2-l’2-70.

In the r>f>naid Markay tro|ihy elim- Inallfina Saturday at the K»iulewn<»d I ’lub Keiris Saydah Is-nf Dr, M. M. l.yiirh, 1 up; Wllbam J. Kenny won bv deffiUlt from K. H. VVillinmsoa; lA’Wta il. Hall Jr. iwat William H. Walker. r> and 4; 8. G. HIjerman l*eut .Inmes Collhup. 2 up; Harold J. tFNein Mat S. A. Jones. 2 up; Harry Hnes l>eat William I. Foley. 1 U|t; Fre<l Habian beat Dr. Frank Ma< •« (»rinnck. 3 and 1; Richard Wagner

I iM-at Daniel K. Kelly, 3 up and 2 lo go.

Recent AccessionsAt Public Library

No one la more active In the eampaign to pertuade tfie automobile dHvar to exerelee tho care, courteay and common eenee which will roduoa ttia ' appalling number of accident! than Motor Vehicle Administrators. Tliay know the facta. Ten of them, officer! of National and Regional Aeiobla- tlon% have deacribed the meet common driving and pedettrian fau lty

P c r i . H l

the Alumni «e<-ond hMeman iilm | L in co ln s h ave g iv en a go o d a cto iir .t ol them selves .

B a n k ( I f )

»I.H. S. Brown Wins First Flight, 3 and 2

i ” W n t r i H , R n » w n d o f e m t e r t M r s . f l H s m . l o m m , r * n , i - j . m t h e f i r s t

’ H i f H i m t m l h a n d i c a p t o u r ­’ l l o t V \ ’ h i ( f j t t e e c h r ' a D o l f a n d

“ ' h ' ‘ ’ l i i h T i i f - s - i a y . M r s . C J . R , 8 n ( t M r s . H o b a r t H u n z i n g e r

. v e n t , a f l a g t o u m a - i r . { ‘ m s H A b y M m .

H Mi w n . f l a g o n i H t haoft in 1 n ,,y ^

MfNfUL'hion. ri,n.ff on 18th■ K h k - r s

‘ V V i l l B .!hn»m,

‘ Whith- l;. (.M**’ oifipl til

^ ’ - n d « y . J u l y . S , L ' h e W h i t e B r e c h o a

- l > " c o t h v . l a m i n a n d* Mwiini

urtiew winners •lumin and Mrs.

" b f s w o m e n ' s l e n n r o m e n ' s t e a m o f t h e

* ' l u b a t t h e l a t

W i n b i m H n m r i a n d J r

I[ " il’iMii,L-,.r. WKiHlam Jamlii, , “ ft li.,i,p..|s, Hnnild U. 8her-■■ S ! , i l l , ! i „

PM?fVntte, ff......... ................. 8TnrTH*r, cf............................... 8Bogerl, ...............................8

Z c i l l p r , p . - 2 b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 b . - p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 8

ab. r. h. e. 3 2

H o a r d . 2 b . - p .A p p l e t o n , I W • • .B o u x t e a d . M K . . . . . . . . . .

( M s f n o n d , r f . . . . . . . . . .S t o u t e i i b u r g l i . 3 b .


4f 11 18 8E n g l e w o o d . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7 8 3 5 2 4 6 8—-2 8lUnk ......................0 1 0 00 7 0 1 2— 11

Eiirncfl nim*— Riiglowood 16, Hunk Two-Mw* hl(«— W. Brarmaft, Pan-

pln. Mcfffif'd, raparvlH, f i l l e r . Oeb- la fd . TOrf'e-bsse hlt»*—Orchard, Kits- MlmmonK. Stolen bain*a— Capurulll 2« tv. Brurman, (HKnuind, Pavonoc. Rwus hatted In—tJetdiard 7, Doben 4, w . Brurman 3. ('ApfireU! 3. Setfrled 3. Bo- gert 2. ZeiUcr 2. BouMtead 2, Meehaw. T'Uz.slmmonx. Rtoutcnbnrgh. Donhte phtv Zeiiiftf ( « Apoleton. Strerk out

Hy iJehliard 0. Henning 3. Zoill^ 0. Boiird 2. Bhmc on bull»— On Oebhird 0. ficnDlng 1, Zi'Hlcr 4, Board 1. by nftcheP— By Zetiler (BehDl0|). JUld

- - - Hennlftg-Illta— Off Oeb-

hnrrt. 13 in 7 Ifioinga; Henning. 5 laa lnnlr»g-: Zelller. 16 In 6 lonlnga;B o a r d , n i n 4 i n n i n g s . W l n n l a g n l t e f a -

r d . L o s i n g p U f h e f — & l l l c f .r — t J e b h a r d . L o s i n g p U f h e f I ' m p i r f * — O r n m .

• • ' ■ - f*


find Attii(jt^Gas tklie

To His MontbOnly the fact that the alami clock

was out of order and a neighbor who had to get up eaiiy tn the morning anyhow had agreed to come over and awaken hie son In Ume to go to work

Frank Tlbaldo of 131 Read! street, Englewood, back to life from the aulcldo he bad so carefully plan- n «l.

A t 4 a. rti. Bunfkty Mrs. A . Flraldo, who lives two doors away, came onto the Tlhaldo froijt porch to call to the Tlbaldo boy to get Op In time to to go to the market where he works, She smelled gaa, gulckly sumrooned aW. and found Mr. Tlhaldo In the cel lar, unf^ofMwiioue from ffts fumea which he was inhaling through his mouth from a tube leading from a gas jet. He had tied a piece of string to the end of the tube and then tied the string about his neck so that when he kwt consciousness the tube would not fall out of his mouth.

I^tice and firemen were called The pulmolor waa applied, and the man revived. Police said he was In toxirated when he set about making plans for bis suicide. H is wife was In N ew Y’ork.

caught ItoboUl's pop fly. With tw outs regteterud, it l(sika<) as though : the Alumni Icail was i

Score TiedHdwi'ver, Irftne lont his control for

a moment am] w.9lkp*l Orsino. Tom Kelly then laced a one-ljase blow to right field to score Olsommer from second base with thi- (yint; run.

Lane weakened a hit In the seventh and gave up a pair of hits that the Invaders converted into two runs. Olaommer again reached first safely, this time on Moloney's error. Mur­ray came through with a crashing single to score his teammate. Ro- botU hit to Moloney and all hands were safe when the Englewood short- Ktop's throw to second was l(x> late. Orslno singled to send Murray home and the Kelly A. C, held a 3-1 lead.

The Alumni lit into Casino in tho eighth when rain lnler\*eiuHl and probably coat them the Imll game, Johnny Brarman led off with a one- base blow and went to second when brother Buck swked one into left field. fJeoTge Caparelli loaded the bases with a Texas Leaguer and Ed Seifried marched up to the plate.

Sclfrfed drove a high fly to left field and Johnny Brarman scored a f­te r the catch. By this time the rain had started In earnest and the visit­ors were anxious to have the game called. Buck Brarman attempted to reach third safely after the catch but a perfect peg nipped him at the hag. Both teams then decided to wait 20 minutes ftr the rain to stop.

PossIbltUy F ^ e sA fter a 20-mlnute respite, the

Wrama took the field mu<'h against ttie. wishes of the Kelly team. Eddie Moloney was at bat with the tying run oot second l«ise. However, Mo­loney hit an easy grounder to Grandl fa r the third out.

The ninth saw plenty of action w ith bpih ^lehers having irouUe Witfi tbelf contredv Robotti singled and pUfered second but Osino pop­ped up to Moloney. Tom Kelly drew a pass and Fred Murray fU »l out to CiiparelH. Dawson then came through with a far-flung home run to center field to make the score 3-2.

Casino Was unable to get the hell across the platter and walkeil five enemy hatters in the last half of the ninth, Oebhard and Brush drew walks and Frank Hepscher batted fo r Ben Cohen. The former Fort Lee player fanntjd while Charlie Lane drove a fly to right field. Johnny Draroma walked, loading the Iasch and another walk to Buck sent one run across the plate. Casino leashed a wild idtch. scoring B n i^ and the home tram was two runs be­hind. Caparelli walked to lead the baees and again Ed Seifried marched to the platter. However, a lightning throw caught Buck Brarman uff sec ond and the game was over.

X s g l e w o e d < 4 )s b .

J. Brarman, rf................. 3W . Braruan. 2b................. 4rapar»*ln, 3h, 4SVlfrlt^. If.............................4Muloney. as....................... 4(IHihsra. lb...................... 3Bruah, e........................... 3

T h e A lu m n i can b e banked on to th e to io re d lads a

go o d b a ttle . Coach " R e d " G ebhard h,as been w ork in g w ith

the team , p er fec t in g th e rough sp<»ts ami tea ch in g the p la ye rs

som e tr ick s w e ll k n o w n lo the fo rm er l.a fn ye ttc C o lle g e b a se ­

ba ll star.T h e A lu m n i h ave been b a tt in g w ell in th e ir last th ree

gam es and i f C harlie L a n e is in top form , they m a y surprise the

fa v o re d co lo red n ine.T h e gam e shou ld a ttrac t p len ty o f cash custom ers. T h e

L in c o ln s h ave a la rg e fo llo w in g here in K n ^ lew ooc l and shou ld

b r in g p le n ty o f p eop le out to^the gam e.I ’d lik e to m ake ano ther appea l to the lo ca l baseball fans.

C om e o u t and w a tch th e loca l lads p lay ball. T w o -b its w o n ’ t

b reak yo u , and y o u ’ l l ge t you r m o n ey ’s w orth .


PappiB, rf. Cobf-n, rf.• F Ilepsrtvr I>«De, p..........


0 0 01

Krify A.

. 4


Hit* And ErrorsT h e E n g le w o o d T ro ja n s w i l l be on the A lu m n i sch edu le

aga in so m e tim e in A u g u s t . . . H ersch M osier leaves this w e e k

fo r a cru ise to B erm u d a . . . Bon vo y a g e , H e rs c h ! . . . G e o rg e

C a p a re lli is the p la yg ro u n d in stru ctor at R o os eve lt S choo l w ith

E d R o g e rw ic k and W ilb u r S m ith o f the h igh school fa c u lty

a lso h o ld in g dow n su m m er jobs . . . "R e d " G a rr ity is still a -vay

on his h on eym oo n bu t n obody k n ow s w h ere . , P a t M c ­

K in le y w a s the base um pire in th e A l i im n i-K e lly A . C , ba ll

ga m e last w eek and d id a fine jo b , . , A b e Cohen m ay be r e ­

cru ited to p la y w ith th e local lads . . . W e ll , a s low w eek , soM .D .H .

Non-KlrtlonAndrf'ws. Thf* I'olonial

Aniri’u-aii Hl.story.Riiarslaj:. .S O S tn 1h*' R‘'.Kciir,Hiiiitin. Indian Life (*f l.niu; A«o. Unwell. Frieml.s ami KidtlU is. U i f u u c w y n . Ev»*rylKK|>' « D a n s .Unnli y. Away to th f (lu.spe.Dlieno'. ExprPHflInnIsm in .\rt. Dtinneliy, Dr**pHrftH'»n F«»r r iv il H.t -

vine.I Ficifl. Rcfmomlr Handbook nf fhr Dn- I rific Aroa.I riardiner. Hnw You Dan (101 a Job.I Higslin. Rirb man. Door Man.

Hwimmlnr AnHlyrctf,I Hunt. The Uat'holnr Drlnrc (lvlwnr'1 i -Nib'-rt. 1‘rlnrr of Waie?*>-

HuntiMClnti. E<onninl< iiinl S"«ial Ufoxarphy.

I . I t ih n x n n , V n i i K n m v T i i ' - s c L i i i < a '

Knix’.iuiii. Kath'i' and I (Hiarn, Dif- I adio).

Ma>. Tlio llHWkK of Noilli Ani-riiii. MiUiH. Road In War.Uollicry. ( ’ape Dixi.ShcrltH’k. The (Sardptn r's How Rnnk.

HrllonRnib'au. Tho Map nf Day.s.Ro\d. Roll River.Hrnmfifdd, The Man Who Had

Kverylhing.f'ambridcfl. Susan and Jiwnna. Darroll. A Few Kooliah Oiie*. rftbl), Datli.s of Glory.De la KfH-he. Youiik Ronny.(Jrey. Thundwr Mfuintaln..lameeon. Love in Winter..Mann. Young Joseph.Marshall, Only the Fear.Ojtppnh^Im, General Hesaerley's Puz­

zle MnX-Parroenter. The Kings of Ileacon

Hill.Rothery. Into What Port?Sl^nlwi'k. Tortilla Flat.'rhumpson, A Silver Rattle.

By FRANK FINNEYCoromiMiotier of Motor Vehicles, Indiana. President, Region No. $ of

American Aeeociation of Motor Vehicle Admlnletratora.slate and lo(kU police, miatetpfit govenunwits geo«raUF. bate woilfr' od out certain reasonable regulap tlons for the guS lanoe of petfea*

« «^ R O S S IN O between Inlerseo- tioDfi,” In other words "jay*

un til n e x t t im e .

July Brings Berries To Market; Small Fruits Appear In Variety

n «rrlM , Easy to Serte, Become Summer Fruit Favorite*. Points lo nbserie in Buying Cited

B y F R E D W . J A C K S O N O i r e c t o r , D i v i s i o n o f C o n s u m e r I n f o r m a t i o n

D e p a r t m e n t o f A g r i c u l t u r e , T r e n t o n , N . J .

Be r r ie s of various kinds apt*' on the marknts In inen

yolume during July. In Juno th*- strawberry gradually yields Uh supremacy and la replaced by rasi*- berrles, both red and black, ai’-d by dewberries, blackberries! nnil blueberries. With tho recuptlcn " f the latter these berries are ralifU small fruits or cane fruits because of their habit of growth.

Many acres of these choice fruits are grown In tho southern connucs of New Jersey and shlpmenis are made by truck and rail to distant marketa. They are quite iLdS-a’ c and highly perishable. Nearl»y enn Burners have the advantage in 1> log able to purchase them fresh and in full flavor with but a day Intervening since they were picked.

How to Tell QualityQuality in this group of fruits is

indicated by a bright, clciin. fresh appearance combined with a solid full color and a plumpness of the individual berry. Good berries should bo free from dirt. na *h. moisture, and adhering caps. o t ' T-

walking," otmUmiM to be one of the prolific (teUBoa of death, injury and oeetdent fa motor vehicle records. Aooordlng to figures supplied by the

i National Bureau of CaauUty and I Surety Underwriters for 1933, 47r I 290 pedestriaos were involved in 1 aeoldenis while jaywalking or cross- , tog not at IntereecUoQs; S.320 per- j sooe were killed and €3,970 tnlured out of a total of 1S.440 pedestrians

; killed and 262,270 Injured from all cansea. We can ptit down those 3.- 320 persons kflled and 63,970 in- lured to the Pact that men, women or <AIldren sought to save the frao- Uon of a minute’s time by taking a shoN cut acroea the street The

I r^ulor croaelzig seemed so far . away, perhaps 100 feet or more.1 The modem sutomobne has in- I areaaed toe haaards of daRy life not alone for toe motorist but doubly I for the pedestrian. Tour authorlUes, the nuKor v^toie departments.

trlans. T^eae are not toe attltroiT or fanciful laws that many cuppoee them to be. but are toe result of long experience One of these regn> larions te that pedostrlaos of gIUm and towns should cross at orooih tngs. The motorist Is warned to look out for them there, to regulate bts speed accordingly. Many dues and towns have installed Hghts to govern the mao afoot; still otliem have an officer stationed lo issue the nectary directions; there are definite crossways marked out* However, all that is wHhoot avail' If the pedestrian will ati\rntM9 across the thoroughfare tn the mkl** die of a block. \

This bids (air to be e most d!se»i' trous year in toe history of notOT* driving BO tor as human safety to' ooncemed. ,

Mr. Pedestrian, jaywaBdug to to yon; u is yenu re^nsiblUty*


T e e t ha n tC

H e a l t hBr Df. J. M. WISAN

O itinnw . Cound! «B Moodl H,*ho* . N ot )*n ty O otu I S o d «r


Dr . WIIXIAM C DAVIS, Dk«>.lor, Bnraa o( Mootfi

MkJiigin, is '«11 kwiwn to dentJ circles lor his coorageoas aKBtiile to attacking daital proWesns. So k waa no surprise to roe when I “

’4>i.'uivy nir'iD** rafl vij «t Volo<lrome will present about 2TiO profeaaionat and ohioteur bike riders In a varied program. Topping the bill will be a HTi-mile championship race for nmtor-ijaced rldere who are striv­ing fo r the title now held by Alfred Letourner, the French star. Entered tn the champtonshlp series are Char­ley Jaeger of Newark, Gerard De- baeta of Belgium. Franco Ge<irgeUl of Italy. Tlno Heboll of Newark and Franz Uuclborg of Germany.

orA rMInc- hAhIn.t rrus-tors with success are Mike De FlUp- po. Freddie Spencer. Bobby 'niomna and Frank Alexander.

U r f l i u i e , 2b . . . . . . . . . .O l m H i i n e r . c f . . . W . M a r r a y . • * « . .

Dfi-hH. ft...........T K e l l r . t h . , .F . M u r r a y , r f . . . I >awHnn. Jf).CSKlno, p...........................4 2 0

ft) K in n• R a f t e d f o r ( ’ ( i l i c n i n n t

K e l l y A . ( ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « f l I 0 n t i 2 n .1 — - «K n g i p i r f m d A l o o m I , . I f » f t 0 f t © t t I 2 4

K a r t i e d r n n s — K n v t e w o o d 3 . K c H . v 4 . T w o - h a w h l ( » — t J e h h a r d , < ' a « l i i » i . H o n i c r u n — i J a w f l o n . . S t o l e n b a > « ‘ s W . I l r a r - m a n , R o h o f t l . R n n a l » a t l » * d i n — I » a w - t o o i i 3 . S e i f r i e d 2 i W . H r a r m a s . ' T . . M u r - r * v o r a l n o . T K e l l y D o u b l e p l n r a —

■ ■ W . M u r -

color, »<ift. and somerimns icakv. Such fruit Is wssty and is not al­ways d«slr?il;!;.

.Nalui-ai bfCukd’O'aii. dciMy. lug. and crushing, may csdbo l)» r rles to be soft and leaky. W^t or leaky berries shfiuld b « avoided. A leaky condition la Indicated by

H l s i i n o d < ’ ( * n t a i n « ' r s a n d b y t h e g e n ­e r a l a p i K ' H r a i K ' i ’ o f t h e f n i t l . S o m e - t i m e a i l w s t a i n s o n t h e c o n t a i n e r ! a r c p l a i n ) ) ' e v i d ‘ * n i , b u t a t o t h e r l i m e s t h e y a r e n o t w e b n u n t i l t h e c o n t a i n * ' r i s t i l t e d R o t h a t t h e a i d e l a e x p o s e i i , l . e a k y , H o f t , o r d a m ­a g e d b i ' . r r i c a a r e n o t a l w a y s s e e n U i a c i i - ^ ^ n a l e x a m i n a t i o n f o r t h e y m a y b o a t i h » ! b o t t o m o r I n t h e c e n t e r o f t h e ( o n t a i n e r .

D e e a / c a n b e e a s i l y d e t e c t e d by t h e p r c B e n i ’ c o f r n u l d s o n t h e s u r * f a c o o f t h e l i c ’ r r l e a . B e r r i e s w i t h t h e c a p s R i t a c h e d a r c u s u a l l y I m - m a f u r c b e c a u s e r a p s a d h e r e f i r m l y t o l i i m m l u r e f n i l i . s b u t n o t t o m a ­t u r e f r u i t . A U h « « u g h r e t a i n e d c a p s a r e d o s I r K b b * o n R t r a w b e r r l e s . t h e y a r e n o t a j ; f M » d s i g n o f q u a l i t y o n o t h e r b e r r i e s . T e a t f o r f l a v o r by t a s t i n g .

A b i - r r y t h a t h a s a n u m b e r of c o l l s o r d r u p o l H s ( b e t a r e g r e e n o r o f f c o l o r w h e n t h e r e s t a r e o f t h a n o r r n a ! r i p i ' c ' l ’ w i l l n o t h a v e a s g o i n l 8 « f c » » > r a s o n e t h e c e l l s o f w h i c h a r e a i i t h e n o r m a l r i p e color, j

C a r e A f t e r P u r c h a e e I• *1 n-.. Ki<»Kl4. i

a n d t h e y ( I c U - r l o r a t u r a p i d l y . Pur- | c h a s e s a r e n o t r e c o m m e n d e d es- 1

h o t w e s i n e r A U '

formed t h a t he hod m a d e (be foHowkic ittoemart d o r t a g a rwfio address; h

^ i i « you ttmi a carfr/ to a tooto it tee

l>r. D«tw

yoor tfeorisL"An deniat anthoii-

ties a g r e e that the quicker yoo treat dtsi-

I tai decoy th* better will resatu bo. i One never knows, by a sogeriictol

cx^hmioR of th© opefltog of a cav­ity, how deeply decay ha* pttctrat^ Deitist* frwfoently ftod that a cavity ^rth *n exf fdingly stsaR oeflibs; ofl the ootside msy be the caitee of a diseased palp. E * « ** * *

jy jA N Y o fy o u who wantlo take your phoing-

raphy seriously and get some really altrni’tlvo, artistic pictures would probably like to have Rime fnriher Information on proper lighting In taking sn»p.’ l;ots.

The llghiing of the subjecl hafl so much to do with securing that qual­ity often referred to as “ atmns* phere" (n a pic iiire, Tlif'f* HI" H number of ways In which a photo­graph may be given apparr-iit <l"pth.

time the tooth is examined the decay ; or third dimension. Taking pictii \ms not reached the ptdp, it iS anpos- ’ when there are long Kbadows. g< t- sibla lo forsast the time thit win u „.( « rcfli-. ll.m In tin. furcKii'uii.l, eta(»e belorc the nerve is affected, j ugim atroiig sldu-llaliilns nr li;n li­lt is a rijky procethire to postpone the | Uchtlne, and linilna tho l■xllosu^(' trealiBOTt oi a decayed tooth. j ju ,t right sn that tho dolall nt ot>-

Df. Davis's wartm^ is srcil worth j^ots in sliaiiuw is. iml lilt hfil uni. renvembering; "The smail cavity of i procaiiMona that onnirlhutn today is the abscessed toc^ o i to- , ^uirh to tho drsirod olTnrt. morrow." i Suppose we ronsidrr each of these

C h iU rn ’t itrih « « f « r e ; Dr. : aepariurly. shall,.ws, thnnvn tn Ions;MW xviU liU wky M t t trtek. j draw n-ou t splotches arroHS walls iUtU

'' vh l- !’, !TRk»** one fc"! ( ’nm I

tho prinripal point o f Interest Tht only prcfauiif>n necessary whei snapping a picture with a fore ground of water in strong sunlight it to wairli that a swell nr wave doei not throw reflf'Ctod sparkles of light upon the len.B. as that may fog tbS pl< ‘.lire.

sM'ing the ro.ul.s .uul tnii’ s Ihrnngb wlH're long speara of SDUf

llr;h! Into (he shadows thereare un!imi?"(l opjiorlunltles for .siriking pictures with depth. If the frin Minmnd of your picture Is not w f'll lightcfl and you want to gel tho -hriftM of I’uniight shooting through I ho shatlv parts of the background HU exposure sli.ghtly shorter than >tju wuu'iil oru’ uai'.Jy mako Is ad-

-'1 atlio.TteR fhi'Ulft ‘O' on< e and all decayed or over-rlp© | fruit removed- Merries must b# | kept cool and should not be waahod ; until ready for use.

C H A M I M O N 0 .\ H s M P:N \ V I I. I . , T h '- n u iti.i u i l l l-^ tin- firs t r»f th e R A D I * : O N L A K K ( A R N K O I K N . A . A . O . i t H n u ' i . . o s h i p u t l H i r a t o h » -

Ml \ fu .!. )'<••> Ml nutri- than half ’ *"■ I :» f ‘MitiM.v. T w n o f thi- «‘itrlif r r e g a t - ;ir- I ta.s. th"M uf l'*7s ainl lHS;i. t<*okJlji OH Du- DiL-i a i' r i ’v' r m N V w a rk .

l , < a n e t n U e h h a r d , ( S r s i K l e f t >V - M .

6 , r n s i n o 7 . I l a i w ’ o n b a l l n 1 - a n e 5 . F f t S l n n # . T m b . T r f t c h e r — B y f . a m *

( r « R l n o ) . W i l d p l f r h r s ' ! - a n r . r a s l n o . D i i i p l r e a — D o y k * a n < i M c K i n l e y .

The aniiiH'or iiarani'-n >country will comin |i f'ii L ik ' negle on .Inly l.N, 1i». aii'l L'ft.♦Ek'-d annual chaUipi'-ni^hii. l•••. *thr A;,-:... i .f ■Oarsmen. 'Fhe three-daiy jir provides for all tM>cs of rai es fr<'ni .single sculls to eight-nard<'<l sbeMH.

T !i" d. I i.riii iM.1 :

; r n i m

this sumnier'.Hl.roii-w r « . . -

nitl.>n to fhi- f\ri lit nl faculties for Is'th I’niio staMts and .RTiectators pro- \'idi’d h> the tvak‘- Darnegle course.

Fret Band Concert

Each Wednesday Evening

At Dftnot .SnnarA

anything CISC', that he i.s nftoa picture Instead of looA-ing on a flat piece of paper carrying Imsges of recorded objects. The foreground should be won broken up with shad­ows so that there la not too much contrast between it and tho rest of Ut© picture.

When a body of water can be In­cluded as part o f the foreground, then ther*' are really wonderful op-

Don’t jiwd open your camera and•b'H't when tdking picture?. G ivs• ,i <idd •! , • imd in

r tuuiu«» auMtuft utipiu. tuv *«*j flection wlU carry ones attention I back and awa>' from the foreground i and into the picturd^^and lc#-d to

d'ling so you will be rewarded with piciurc.R you will bo proud of and they will w b d your appetite f « “ tnany more snapshooting expedi­tions. Viewpoint means muc.h|aod to an important factor In plctur;|R tak­ing. It, too, has much to do with tti# pcrsppclire wo get in pictures. I f the perspective is not pleasing to the eye, it will not be pleasing In th « picture, so, as 1 have said before.

of your proposed picture before you snap i t


PAG-li R E S i JULY 5. 193.

"•■TrTir~"” 'T ~Tr'TTirTTTrTT -- r"-'’r^-~— ----- iror---- iii—’T'- TiTrrrrrT— '

I Social and Personal News of Neighboring Communities

Palisades P a rk

*Mr, »!nl ®<*«»rtttner„f Serom! s f f * '- •»'^l>s*>*ert byMr and sl's. Al W^eftnan o f Out- ienberit. *«k<m <l atMniintaJn V}<« .

Mr. anti WSllam H. K a u f­

man of «>-■Mrs Pr**^ £P«PrtII and dauirhter, Violft, «f street attendedthP l-wtA dinrser-dance atthe Country C.nub.

^ Asneck and \m- grand- Eberlo of Drtnk?*r.

fffliMJfii are at Oakrldge fo r the 00* ‘ 'fff, V m WUUam CJoldent)erff

^f f r^ a tre^ ftmi aa gueat fo r the .. itra. Marnre Garretaon. New ■ yef*- •; Jfr. and Mrs. John Fraj*or and ^ ligldpan* KJUzsbeth. Oeor»lna and j^ n Jr. of Hlgland avenue left «»n Wefineaday fo r several days* slay

j*t-Roxh«ry, I.. l . rTwo bu>7 l<»da of j^arentH and chiL iron of the Klrat Preshyletian Sun­

day School attended the annual pic­nic Saturday at Anona Park. A r­rangements were mid«T the d irec­tion. of Frank R, Wlieeter. »uf»er- Infertdent o f the Sunday School.

Mr, and Mm, George Hr<»wn and , daughters, Hue and ftnth. o f Kaxt

: twul evard spent the w«*ek- ciul at OcottOKute.

■■■- Mrs. A. J. M<-Carthy of P>lsnll boulevard sfwnt a two weeks vaca­tion with their daughter. Mrs.

. Hammond o f Harrlsburc. Pa,, at :... her summer cottage at Ml. Gretna,

rehnaylvnnla.Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd of

^Second street leave Saturday for a H Two weeks vacation at Atlantic City

lor the first week and a mot«»r 1>»nr ; iaklng tn Washington an<l other ' iroinf* of inlerefit.

^ack and Dick Garland. Prlnker- j^hoff tsrrnco. leave Huturiiay for h !**4hN*e wonks stay at Uanu' l)utjl>»>Hr-fi

Newton.Toddy W ragge of Grand avenue

has returned from WestcheHter. whftre he spent a w-eek with his Krftntlmother. Mrs. A. Rtdgewny.

Mr. and Mrs. John Frltts left on Monday f«ir their home* in P'ri-mdi-

d»>wh, fntliwving a visit of hcvhiuI (Tuys with and Mrs. VVllMam JDunlop <if ('omtmucial avenue.

Richard GorrlM of l.lncoln Htreel Is, «pen<llng Ihe Himuner at J'amj* Wagtinlki, IChhI VViderfonl. Me.

Miss l''niU‘ “e?i PnlnoflHr and Kl«-h- nrd nahiodar uf i-;<isaU honle-vard Willi M im. .hiHcph I,ea^d» of Third strecl nre spending t\v<> weeks tit Mnsfliope. Pn.

Mr, iirul Mr.s, ft t■rls f). Pln-seti of I West Pulisaiies hnidevard. wtfh Miss MnrUyn Newman, Piivl.i juid DorlH Phe.sen spool llic weekend in PhiiadeiphiH. where they were

’ kimimIh of Mr. and Mrs. Jiicoh HI-

Mrs, Adolph Kis.a of h'lrsl street wfiH guest o f honor rerenlly nt a fCM'ktall patly alwurd the Ponte 1)i SsvolH. prior to snlUng for a sum­mer visit with relslives In Hungary. Qnssta were Mr. and Mrs. Mux Kiss of Atlantic Highlands, Adolph Kiss tyid fiimliy. Mrs. M. I). Hteh, Jejitiand Herlsrt Hteti. Mrs. M. I>, Phs sen i»f l^allsadeN Park; Mrs, 1C, Heck of Kn.gleworKl, Mr. ami Mrs. J. Alt- hslmer of Jersey Pity.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Harold G. M iller of Palisades tioulevard siiont the week end at Hotel Thedfonl. A.sbnry Park.

John J. I'ickeiHon and family of Rnff avenue are at I.lndy l^ike for three weeks.

Mrs. Howiird Merritl and mom.s A llan and Thomas of HomeHtead Hveruie htive returned from Riwhes- ter. where they viailed ridallvcw for several weeka.

i)r. Jind Mrs, Osiar keyler *)f Idh- erly place refurne.l Monday from a visit of several days with Mrs, Sey- ler's lirother in MassachimettH.

George Leuz Jr. of Homesteail avc- nue hu.i returned from Manhattan peach, whvre he vUllod Howar.l Nordman for a week,.

Mrs, TOUzal»eth ( ’lank with George Plark of Grand aveiim* is spending three week.s In Ponma tlcul, visiting friends and relatives In Kasl Hamj> ton Hartforf! and Mancliester.

Arthur Kmid «»f Kasf Brinkerhoff avenue has been ill at hla home for the past week.

Mrs. fkm H. Miixsev of Rrinker- hoff avenue is spendltig two weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Kdwiu Huiul at Pliffwomi HejU‘h.

Mrs. Kdwarfl Rc|»ch of First street ejirnt the weekend with relatives in Reilalre. I., i.

Mrs, Fdward \rhithread ha.s yr- turned to tier home nii Hoff avenue after a visit with i-plallve.s in SM-n- cuse.

Mrs. Dennis Shea ind Miss Hdle Mulligan. Nuh «*f KIrsi street, have retunie<1 from .Astmrv Park, where they aMended the convention o f the V. F. W auxiilnrics over the week-

School T rv rn m aiHi Mrs. Rons A. La iw t and th «lr children. Albert tutd W inifred o f Bdse.lt boulevard, are spending tvro weeks at Atlantic City.

Mrs. CatheGne CoIUrui and son George o f f'olumhla avenue, were Fourth o f July gu^ts of Mr. and Mrs, Jamea McOrthy of New York at their summer home at Kcans- hurt?.

George Portland of Brlnkerhoff avenue waa tendered a surprise pur- ly ret'ently In celebration o f hts birthday. Quests were Mr. and Mrs. I>av!d Uvlngston, Mr. and Mrs. J Uvlngaton. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Laul>er. Adin Stemland, Mlsaea Ruth, Anne and Nellie Htcenland, Mr. and M r*. Otegarlo Fernandez, Mr. ar»d Mrs. George Teets, Miss Elizabeth Htecmland. Mrs Allwrt Team. Miss Jean Weber. Mrs. H. Truslowe o f PaliaadcH F'ark; Mrs Stanley Ford. Mrs. J, Aniin, Mrs. Qub Mftstaaiker of I.eonia. .Mr. and Mrs. George Rteenlatid of Ridge­field.

Mr. and M ra HariM*rt W. Wallon and their guest. Mt«s Maiile King of Polumhus avenue, have returnf*d from a visit o f several days at Mln- nisirik.

Mrs. Pari voti Hartnuinn and datighters, Eleanor and ( ’afol. of UlMjrty place are at Indian latke for the >!ummer.

Hklwln Rural of Pinff Hv*-nue Joined Ids family at PlIffwiHxl Hea« h for a two weeks’ vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. fleorge Hte\-ens ofHeventh street were reient gusHts with their family of Mrs. Stevens’ sister. .Mrs. F' J, khe'dian of New Hochelle.

Mr and Mrs. Geurce Krchley ofWent l*a!ls{tde« Ivmievard have re­lumed from a sever,il day>* stay ol bake Kaunago. N, Y,

Mrs. WlPlnm l.vrieh, who was(rlMcaily III at the Fruidew'o<Ml Hos- pllal for .Hcveriil wH-kM, )i;ih returned to her home at lb Kh.hI ('oiumhlu uvenue. where she 1h convalescing.

Htephen KIws, son of Or and Mrs, A'lolph K Ihm o f First street, ih spend- itiK the summer wltli rehiUvcs at At- limlic Htglilands,

Mr. and Mrs. !,eNtt)i R Mandle of the Towers apHrlmont, arc spending II week at Aabury Park,

Max Ponpf-r of Hi;;hland avonue leaves tomorrow for a week-end stay with tiis family ut Ijik e Kaii- iieonga, N. Y-

Mr, and .Mrs. F- fluar Roote. for­merly tjf Arfm or Hal!, moved re- eenlly to Kuglewtmd,

Mis. Jfi.scfdi Ftofolti of l.incoln Rt. who ha.s i.eeti criflrally iil a4 the ' Holy Name FTi'.spiial for many wf i-k.s, |4 t •oivaleselng at iu-r home at .'•Jfl I,jni-o!n stii'et.

Mrs l-:dwar«i H o .s .n of East I'ali- rade.H boulevard wa.s recently elected liresitlent o f tlie Mothers' Circle of Uifayetfe Phapter, Onler of f)c .Mn- tny.

Mr. and Mrs. AJItert Teats, for- nn'riy of *JtU Hlllsidft avenue, have moved to 12R West Pentrul boule- vartl.

Miss Mollle Moiitmrmgno o f KdsHlI iHHitevard spent three weeks at Long Bench.

Mis Joseph P'uiTB.it of Broad ave­nue will, her grandHong, Harold and Bohijy, spent .several days at her cottage at Mountain Lcsige F»ark.

The mayor ami cmmcll will meet Tuesday night. I'he hoard of edu- cidliin meets Wednesday night.

Ml-, and Mrs. .lack F’ ucek. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy, Pohhy O'S’etll and Mr, and Mm. Walter Terrell of Palisades Park were week eml guests of .Mrs, Om Fhelg** at Delaware W at«r Gap.

The Rev. and Mrs, R. F. Nye of Hillside avenue left Monday for a viKHfion In Vermont and in Hprlng- vine, N. Y- Mr, Nye is pastor of Hie Phurch of the Ue<leemer.

Hook and Didiler Ponipuny 1 de- feate<i the Rldi.-erield firemi*n Holi­day in the first game of the seoson In the F'kistern Fli-i'men's .Hoft B.itl League, The s<oie was M to I L

William CaJhixjn of New York, Q. Dowling o f Brooklyn. MIm Annette I.*amme. Mr. and Mr». Charles M ey­ers and son. WilUam. of Pergenfield.

Mias Margaret Jableonlk of Th in ! Btreet entertained Mias Lucille W in- kelman o f Orantwwjd for the w eek­end.

Mr. and Mm. J Ponsole of 1 Weat r‘uUmdea boulevard entertained at cards Monday night for Mr«. O live Hicks of W est New York, FHIl Up­ton. Mlsa Virginia Oils, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gorman of Woodcltff and Qustave Moita o f Fort I..ee.

Mr. and M r». R, J. Weillnghomt of West H arriet avenue left Tu es­day for aeverai days stay with Mlea Dorothea Van Dusen at her home in Anbury Park.

RidgefieldT l K N IK R -F IT Z fJE R A L I)

Miss Irene Kltagerald. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Fitzgerald of Elm avenue. Ridgefield, became the "bride of W illiam A. Turnler. Ron o f Mr. and Mra, Adellvrt Turnler of Edgewater in St. Matthew's R. p. Church on Safunlay afternoon. The ceremony w-hh pcrforme<l by the Ftev. John J. P lark and .Mlsw Marie F itz ­gerald, a Rtstcr of the hrhie, pr<'- slded at the oi^au.

Miss Mildred Fltzgarutd. as hrldoR- maid, wore a gown of aqua moiis- setlne de aol atid carrlnt a large bou­quet of jielphuiium ami pink stis'k. The hride wore a gown of white cot­ton lace with a -shoulder veil caught- with cluRten* <»f orange hhuHiom.s. and carried a large shower liouquet of liaby breath, white giaiHola and white stock. She was given in mar­riage by her father, Mrs, Fttzg^er- idd wore ti flowereil chiffon gown in un hid, an/} the mother of the gnsim wore a blue and white flow(*rM chkf- fon gown. Both wore corsages -rf gardenias. George Duffy of Ftidg-A field WHS best man, and after the ceremony the t»ridal party and Piti- mate friends went tn the H.ins PhriRtlan Arid»Ts<»n tearoom in Teu- nwk for the wedding breakfa.st and reception. The couple left later in the aftern'«»n fo r a two wopka >>ur ney through New Kiigliuirl. They will live al .Maple Gardens and will be at home a fter .luly L” ,

IMIN v o y a l f ;Mr. and .Mrs, Otlo Hoffman of

Ridgefleid and a partv of friends went to the pier on Salimiay to iiid lion voyage to their son Henry, who sailed for tds new post in Punuma, where he has ta-en sent by the. Stan­dard Oil Pom panj.

Mr. Hoffman was [.rcHcntcd with a gold watch by his colieaciic.s in the Khlgefield Holy Nsme Smicty at the meeting of the organl/atloii at the auditorium o f the HldK.-field Paro- chlRi school on Hlll.' ide strec'l, by Harry Whltesell. preshlent. Mr. Hoffman gntdiialsd from I*eonia High S('htK>l and received his degree in accottnting a t New York Univer- sliy. taking a night course, and In the day time working for the S tan­dard fill Pompany. He ha.i !>een awarded his P. P. ,\. He aaifed on the .Santa Fiarl>ara.


Announcement IR made nf the en- wagermuit o f .Mrs. Therese Fhrle l^od of Linden avenue, Ridgefield, the daughter of the late Edmund J, Hirle utul Mi-». Hlrle. and Dr, Harry John.Hi'n. son o f Mrs, Karen John­son of Marw'<KS| avenue, Pali.sHilos Park. Mr.s. Doel returned to Hidge- field a year ago to make her per- nuiiiciit home a fter Hoveml yeai.s' nsluencc In Panamm Dr. Johnson Is a practising phy.siclan In New York Pity. The wedding la Rcheiltilcd for the earlv fall.

Mr and Mr.s l-’ rank Ihew fi " f Seotid .street aften-iod the forty, first vvcddlug nnniv(>rsfu-y re<-entl\- of Mr. and Mrs, Georg,. Hrovver ->f

« l!ls;<!e. formal re.-idenls <ff Pali- des Park,Mr. and .Mrs, Frank Hemlrl.k and

rhUdren Jane and Frank of Secon.! street, iicrofniwjn|p<l tn V , and Mr? H Burrl’ l and tamtls ..r Ridcr- rteld the weekend with rela.fives In Ncwtaiigh.,.LaU D.'i.n, M<it>aiH (U-ne.h-ti.>,

Jean and Frances His*scr. .\<le!.es Derry of Pah

reecni i?iie,stM •.

elet,ration of }v,T

Peralta ami .Vgi r-rvifn Pork .M't-c AH?.- ty.,sail lM>u!ev;ir j in Rixlh luifhdoy.

Miss Lilli} n Stolxeulierg. l,.<nD Htolzenlierg and Mis.s Hetty P,j.Of Now York were recent dinner aiiestR of Mrs. AV. H. Kuny.ler o( Fflghiyutl avenue.

Mi-saes Margaret and Haze! \on- dersehniidt o f Hrlnkeihoff fercuce have returne,! from \V{Mwlhav«.*n. I. L, where they visited Mrs. Fred P^n ey fur several days.

Mr, ixnd Mrs. .John .Sandia of 'J.’U PolumliMs avf-niif rwently an- iioiini'i'd the enaago’menl o f their daughter. Llltbin. to Matthew Gut- Hohn of Hiirtford. at a hoii.se party. I’resenf were Mr. and Mr«. John Ko- Inraki and son Stanley. Mr. ami Mrs, Herman Essert aiid family. Miss Isabelle Parker. Misses Margsind. Hetty and th'ocg'p Hiindla. o f P:itl-i Slides Park; Mr.s. VletnrUi Teztd.ski. f Dr. Kl.sa Seech. ,lohn Marlin, .1. Hnrron. Mrs. A Hunt and dangh-^ tor .Anna, o f New York; Mr. and j Mrs. Miclmel Evaakovitz of Tudor; Pity. .Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Han<llu j and family o f .Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. [ .b'hn Fvaski'vLz of Duin»int. Mr. ■ and Mrs. Mustij. Mr. and .Mr«. Vlt - | for Liiduli; of Bomda.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard \V. Maedler ami Miss KIcjinnr and James Ma«*d- ler of I'hini .street were guosts on i Sunday of Pasdnhi and Mrs. P. B. i Waiker of Irvington. |

Harry S - i d a - r g and Thoma.s Halil- i day of London were weekend giic.sts j of Mr and .Mis, ftenrge DIrh. So,',Olid stiecl.

Mrs M-'/.gi-r and daughter Mured of Highland i.'Venue left q'uesiliiy for a week at Go.shen,

Mr and Mr.s. R, Ikivl.s of Ed- ; sail hotile\ard had as reeent dinner; giii'st.s Raymond Kenet o f lA«ng, t.sland. .Miss Mary MePaffree of; New York and Miss Ettii Bower of ‘ I.eciaia,

Mrs. RoU rf Golden of Kd.sall • belli,.yard bad Mi.s.s Adele GaledeH of New A ork a.s h»>i ue,-ksiid giie>». '

M ,«« I.. i

Montiimi, arrlveil Mnmlav to spend! the summer with iM-r sister. Miss: il)iil) Dh..,t..js nf 1,|1« rtv pbare Thev ,

di uHcnu tie ..-UfUlilec St IkhM at.Pubimt.ia.

The U’omen's Auxiliary o f tli> PhtiicM .. the Redeemer will h,dd a !umdi.-on and bridge on July H»' at the parish hall.

Miss -leanette '/well of Sev»*nlh S*. ! lias returned from P,>int Pleasant, 'vh,Te she vvas the guest Of Miss Hath Popeland of GrantMOixl.

Mr. ami Mr?v William Meyers of First street entertniniMl at a dinner party on Hunday for Mr. and .Mrs

< i i r K P H PK N irsThe '/ion Lutheran ehurch school

will hoi,I the annual uiiiing at lic<|U;i Like in Mousey. N, Y., on July ID Tin* children o f the Bergen Bunle- viini ehurch si-hoo! held their outing on Saturday at Willis Park, Morse- mere.

Mrs G. T- Stunsfleld ami son c f P.rniid Hvenne ami Janet Ruth Stansfleld .s|*enl the weekend at thfdr .Mitmner home at Budd Like, ( ‘hes- fei- 'I' Stnn.sfleld left Monday morn­ing for a business trip In Pennsyl­vania.

Janet I ’ay ne <»f Rndhurn wjis the weekemi guest o f Miss Oraee Stra- chf'n of Prosi>ect avenue.

Anthony KocenskI of Marlon place spent the werkcn<l with his fivjnHv. He i.s stationed at Fort Hiimllton.

Mr. «ml Mrs. Harry Depkin of I ’rospecf ftvi'nue spent the weekend ! nt their .sumntcr home at Ponc-en, i N. Y- W ith them as guests were j former PoiincUman and Mrs. lAons-i las Strut han ami tiaughter Grace and , thi'ir house guest. Mtas Janet Payne, !

The Killian fam ily of Linden ave- mn‘ vivtrMi i-elatlves In New York '■ii\ o\',-r the hobdny. i

-Mr. and Mrs. Flusseil Meyroujt/. , ■uii| daughters. Ftuth and T>orothy. ; of Ne« R.N-hello. havfl rrlurne,! t'*; their home a fter several dav'.s' vF it ■ ill the home o f Mr. and Mrs. W il­liam I’.eck on Atibott avenue. Mr. i and Mrs, Rjilph Horrschiift of .Lt - i .spy Pity also were weekend guests ‘ of Mr, and Mrs, Heck.

A group of <«ut of town giiest.- : were entertained on Friday evrnlnir j nt 11).• hom“ of Mr nnd Mrs. Jamr:- •

Pattffn and M. Ziegler of Arllngtos, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Wehman and daughter Gloria. Mr. and Mrs. Da­vid Alcorn, Mr. and Mra Lemuel SkKum, Miss Diane Dembo and Gustave Ostheimer.

Mr. and Mrs. W^Uliam Heilman and children. William Jr. and Eve­lyn. of Pteaaantview terrace, have opened their home at OreenwcMl Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wrlgrht and children Marylln and Thomas Jr. iy( Alexander avenue will spend their weekend« and vacation at their cottage at Cedarwood f ’ark.

Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Oilady ef Hackensack, Mr. ajtd Mrs. B. J. Knopplemann of New York and Mr. and ifra. William I^ange Jr. of Edgewster avenue. Ridgefield, were recent dinner guests o f Mr. and Mm. Otto Kuhn On Hkigewater avenue. ,

Mr. and Mrs.*Otto Dietrich and wms of studio road, and Mr. and Mra Frank B. Hordyce of Sketch place were guests last week of Mrs. Aijugust Smith at Green Pond,

Mrs. G. T. Stanafieid of Broad avenue was a gueat last week at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. f.Tiaries Conk­lin of HackcnBHck. Mrs. Stansflald attcndfil the dinner tenderou Sena­tor WInant A’an W inkle at the Sw!.ta Phalet on Friday evening.

Freeholder A. T- Holmes of Morse avenue was among the honor gnesta at the testimonial dinner tendered Senator WInant Van Winkle Fri­day.

Miss Eleanor Tal»orelH of Slocum avenue wa,s a giie.' t at several bridge parties in Hidgcfield and Palisades Park last w'eck.

John I’eek of Mecca. Ga., is a guest of his .son Augustus J. w . peek on Prospect avenue, for the summer.

Frank Kalbhenn. son of Sergeant and Mrs, Arthur Kalbhenn. Broad avcniii', is home a fter five weeka at Bergen Pint??,, where he wa.'i recov­ering from an attack of scarlet fever.

A grfuimillnn pa.rty w-as given at ihe himie of .Mr, and Mm. Enright of I'allKHdes Park for (heir daugh- t( r Jean, who w'as a graduate of the June cIhhh at the I ’ali.sades Park school.

Arthiir Grlfflthes o f F’eiham. N. Y., was n weekend t-uesf of his par­ents on Ed.Kal boulevard.

Mr. and Mrs. August Hnehne of F’rospect avenue were guests last week of Mr, and Mrs. Hudsell in Pnlon Pity.

Ml. i-s Pornelia Pustance. school miiw iin-1 nurse in charge of Iho BiiIjv Keepwell Ktatton. who wa.s granted ;i years leave o f abaem'e la.-l

; S(‘[,temL‘r. win ,et).rn to her dutu-.s ■ in (he school in the fall.! Miss Ruth Thomson, daiightor of I Mr. and Mrs, John Thomson of i I ’ ro.spect avenue, win t»e a member ; of Ihe lne;i! School faculty In Sep-

(emlter. .Miss ’rhomson is a graduate of Hyi-ju iiHe Bulvernity and has been siilwtitutlng in the local schools for the rwHi .vear.

The fifth annual outing nf Iho Ridgefield Exchange Club was held WednjjHday afternoon at Greenwood Lake. The guests attending v/ftry Aian B. (.’onor, W alter McColi. Rd- "in A. A. Muller, George Duffy, Dr. John KnohIcKik. Edward Zengel, James Marshall, wniliam Law. Louis ?Schlinger. Ernest Kohlsaal. Rudolph Maurer. Pharlea R. Dixon. Geofge and Pharles Meuter. Cecil ChiUbn, Samuel Well!, Henry Feste. Wjilter Anion and Knud Nenndros. The dub will pnihiihly hold another cuting later in the .summer at the summer home of Freeholder A. T. llnlmea iit Green F’ond.

John Dior was the honor guest on rhursday evening at a .stiriirlse birthday party ut Ih^ home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carsfen.s on Poliim- bia avenue. Ridgefiold. An address \wi.s given by RoLut Smith Jt Mr. I>oi>r is in Ftidgefield on hudness trip and will soon return to hl.s liome in Germany. Enfcirta'mnenr was given by Pari Wundc»dicn, Auiocg the guests were Mr. and .Mrs W il­liam Hpecht. Mr. a n ] Mis, John Grob. Ftoliert Smith. Mr anil Mrs. AVIlliain Parlson. Hillman ParLson •Ir . Ibiiold Purston'D .Facoh luruen- spii. Omar Travis. Mr. and Mrs. v’nrl Wunderlicht. Mr. aiu! Mrs. Parl Wiimlerikht Rr.. Mr. and Mr,-. F. Donner, Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn Lbien- thal, .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ’ ..nd- se\. Mr, and Mrs. John R'.''*irrer. Mrs Anne Frltacli>, R ds-rt Fullmer. Robert S, W^hite. J.->hn Biosha-d P. Heistad. Mr. ind .AFrs. John Roh- werider. Robert Ru'-Umuii and Mbs .M;irle Piirstens.

I ’miniilmun Fkhvtri Gil.lner and son of Prospect avenue left Tiie.^lay with a party of friends for a iwo months' journey to the Pa-dflc Poast. They will visit all fhrough the west during t iu ‘ r trip, Mj-s. fJildner will visit fr*end-s in New York and New Jersey dutin - tmqr silivsence.

Pouncilman and Mrs. B. P. Ed- ward.s were at their summer home ill West Stockhridge for the w.«k- etid. .Mr. Kdwanls returned r*'c»nt- ly from u hualncas trip to VVaUimg-

isaiiea Park. Mrs. Thomas ColHns of Uaton Mrs.' Anton Mennh,Mrs. B- Kahili. Mias Virginia Kuhll. Mr. and Mrs. WHlIlam P. Verdon. F. Verdon, Miss Jane Verdon. Mins C. Verdon, William Veixjon. alt of Ho­boken.

Mrs, Geonge W'essels o f I.«ncaster road entertained recently at a bene­fit card fiarty for the W aller Her- Ijert Roemer post. American l.<egl(m.

The annual dinner dance for the benefit of the IMstoI Range will )»e held at I.,lght’8 Inn on Shaler lo>ule- vanl on July 30.

Mrs. Margaret Hendricks of F>ist Ruby avenue. Morsemere. left last week for Newburgh. N. Y., where she will spend the summer.

Mrs. L. Polley of H off avenue. Morsemere, was honor guest at tne dinner party given la.st week at the Petit f^vtUiezn Royale at Alpine, and the cai’d party held later at the home of Mlw Charlotte Biege on Broad avenue. Ml.sa Harry Delkin of Roff avenue. Momemere. won the high score, and .Mrs. F^dley won secund prize. Mrs. Pplley will make her home In Hartford. Among th‘‘ guests were Miss Mary Hushing, Mesdames Harry Depkin. Cecil Phil- ton, A. J. Wel.ss. Sidney Carlson. Peter Blege, P. Kellerman. S. E. Walters. M. D. Hill and N . J. W il­son-

Mrs. Chester Stansfield and son Donald Clifford of Broad avonue have returned from the Holy Name Hospital, where the baby wus Itorn on June 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred, rh k Rchremlt and Daughter Dorothy Ellse. Brea.I avenue, left Raiunlay for Walker Valley, N. Y., when? they wdll spend the summer. Mrs. Besaie r>exhpimer w'ill spend the summer with them.

K«*nn«th and Wallace Buchner and Miss Audrey Buchn»*r of Morse iive- nue art' .spending part o f their va­cation a.s guests of .Mrs. Edwin Itob- ert.s nf Hempstead. F>. I., on :icrui.se on their yacht In Long Island Sound.

L e o n i a

The Hookes Observe Sixtietli Anniversary

Mrs, IX c r Btege of Broari h - wH.s honor guest at a party Hair,,,lay evening at (he home o f .Mrs. Phrl.s- Han h'ggers on .Abtiott avenue. Mi.-ss I.ydla fUege wii! l>e honor guesi at the reception and farewell party thi.« evening at the home of Mrs. There.sji l)oe| on Linden :ivenue. M.irsemcie, Nli.ss Blege }ind her mother. Mrs. H. Hiege (»f Broad sivenue. will leave this week for Colorado and the \vesi <-oa.st. where they will spend the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bay lea Hooke of n o GLadwln avenue. Leonia. cel- .■braie*i their tSHh wedding annlver- sj ry Sunday at their home. Mr. Hcoko ha.s passed hts S6th birthday, and Mrs. Hooke will reach the same age in November. Mr. Hooke goes to business daily and spends his lei.'iiire time in his garden.

Mr. H«K)ke was bom In Hanover Square. lamdon. England, and 1-omes from a family o f piano and organ builders. B'or 35 years he hiis followed that profession, and while with Mason & Hantlin In Bos­ton. he initlt to the mitsician Llestr's own specifications an o rgan whit’li later lietame the model fo r what wa.*: known as the "L lstz o rgan ." Ho liuili the first piano ever construct- .-d hi Maine.

AA'ith his jiarents M moved to Hampstead Bay In. hla ea r ly youth. .At ! ‘> he came wtth hts parents to Toronto. Panada, where he married IsalH-ha Georgina McCullough, who came from a line of f iv e genera­tions in the British arm y. Her fjither as a captain was decorated for Having the colors In the lUiltle nf F-r,jzechuhur In the Syke.s AA'ar In Hie Indies. Mrs. Hookeprize-, a letter from K in g George and two medals from (^ucen Mary for h‘-r voluntary work for four ycur*- in Ihe World W ar.

l-'oi ten years Mr. H ooke was a member of the Tenth Royal Grena­diers :us a bugler. He participated hi tile rlefense during the Feinmn Riild in LStUi and the Northwe.st Re- Udlion in 1.K7B. When the WoHd AA'ar l>roke out he liecame Idenlifi'd witfi Hie British W jir Mi.ssimi, a!- though a natifndized citizen of the I'liilcd States, and served .six ye;ir.'« a.-; .1 munition Inspector. He also has :t framerl testimonial o f enui- tu'le ;ind a medal from the British ufivernment.

In coniim-moration of their anni- vpr.-.;ir> . dinner w.a.s .served for rela- !iv* s. Guests !nclude<l Mrs. Walt-r Hooke " f ’vVashington. M iss Kath- |e,n Mi-nneH.s,-y of Yonker.s, Major iind Mrs, Peoii Hisike o f New York Pitv. Mi-ss Elizidw+h Hooke and Mi.sa Millie llo»)ke of New Y'ork Pity.

g ill w ore a long gown o f njse pel and carried an old-faahioneii bouquet.

The biktesmaids wefe Miss Luuiae Manning of PUinfield and Mlaa Aleen McDonald of Toronto. They wore deep blue net gowa and carried bou­quets of delphinium, larkspur and tea roses. The bride’s mother wore a pink lace gown. ‘

The brldcgnwm’s father w »« best man. Ushers were Fredtrk-k G. Hoch of Garden Cily, L. I . ; Dr. W il­lard Armstrong of Toronto, and Nor­man Klinpeter Jr., of Garden City. AV'ealey Vreeland. accompanied by- George WL Needham at the organ, sang "O rVomlse Me" and *T Love You Truly” liefore the ceremony. The wedding marches of I.jihrengTin and Mendeisohnn were played by Mr. Needham.

A fter brief greetings at the church the bridal imrty and the immediate families and friends gathered at the home o f the bride's parents. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Weale left for a motor trip and will be at home later In the summer at 1-13 Tenafly road. Englewood.

Mrs. Weale Is a graduate of Leonia High Bchmd and Beaver College an<l took post-gmduate work at (.'oiumbia University. Mr. Weale attended Mercerburg .Ycademy and graduated from fio.ston University. He is with the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Pomi>any of New York.

Dudley Tiniipp of Ray aventir wa.'i lioimr guest al a jjarty at the horn.' " f Mr. and Mrs. Antou La.sko in Immont Friday evening, in honor of his grtiduallon from tim i:idi?e- fteld at^fimar s,'hnf>|. Guests wi-p- the paesaits of Imdii'y. Mr. and Mr.<. W- G. Ttnaup. the Mi.s.s,\s Gra. Sfrarhan. Uenay Grossumn. Lita Podlaiiher. Jaiud I’ c-hic. .L-;uin,. Dis sHle. Ethel Dnhiijn. Chan'ili and Doris H Bser. He|.-n .Ancre.' iuio, .Rati Bofgoes and Hill>ert Dodwelt. Her­bert Gerdes. Pail Norline. Hainld Fish. Douglas Barker. Rnheit -Arentsen. John Sjdno.sa, Mr. sin-i Mrs. (Tiarles Esser and Mr. Dub­bin.

Mr. and‘ Mrs. Andrew I'inffy of Mnple avenue. RMcefleid, and Mrs, Kathryh Vork of North Bergen mo­tored to Preehokl Sunday, wlioro th*iy will "il^S^^rlend.s.•Mr. and Mrs. Leon Del Bene of

Elm avenue gave a party Thursday evening In honor of their fiauglsler, Dfirls. who was celebrating lier fif­teenth birthday. Guest.* ' ‘ -^re Miss.'s Hazel Gicndcnnlnu . tJnilie Andt-r- son. Patricia Triplett. Blanch Pamp- bell, Helen Besch. Vinki Hamilion, al.‘«j Jules Devanloy. Wjuren I'ar- penter. Pharles Morgan. Frank .lost, Rlchaixl Kahili and RoU'rt M<-- Ijaughlln. Mrs. John ILimillon fis- sisted the hostes.s.

Mrs. Eilmuml J. Hirle of IJndrn avenue will speml part o f tin- .sum­mer as guest of her .sister. Mrs. Dolly Marvin at Spring Unke. jmd her niece. Mr.s. Kenneth Wallace- of Hackensack.

la'stcr Houyhtiiling will -spend two weeks visiting relatives in Arnold. Pennayivnnia.

Mr. and Mrs. .Maurice Gunn of Df Grmit place were hosts ift ciiHv lu a group of out of town guests.

SA IL FOR E U ltO PKMih.s ('artii Lelr>er and H al Leii'er.

<lmu:M»-r and .‘ion of D r. Henry .'<mith L'-iper of Paulin boulevard. I.i'otii.i. aci-umpaiiied by Afiss (Jer- iriid" Stull, daughter o f Mr. ;ind Mrs. D-- I*'orreHt Rtull o f I ’anlin honh-vard; Tom Pox of EnglewiH>il. Mr?<. P f . Kilchel and son of Kn- .jIi'Wi .ikI ,‘-;.iiled Saturday on the B.i-i!t;)iiic f/)r Enghind.

Thi-\ will spend Hie .summer in I'ombricL*' at the home o f Dr. l/’i- pi-r, who l.'5 engaged tn England and un Hu- Pontinent in work for the l-’erleratc.) Pount-il of Phurches.

fin the .?<ime shin w ere Miss tlraee 1'/hviirda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. B. Edwards o f Wood­ridge phiee. who will .study at the Unlver.«ity of Mosiow. and Jaine® Ivlwards. who will tour England Had Svvitzerhinil with students.

WEALE-KOSSThe marriiige of Mla.s Margery

Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ro.ss of .Ame.s jivonue, I,^onia, to Oill*ert Henry Weale. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. GIIImtI H, Weale o f Ariing- ton -Heights. Ma.ss,, took place Fri­day nigiit at the Leonia Pro.sbyterian Phurch. The Rev. .lohn W . Voorhis coriduct»*d the ceremony.

The bride, who wa.s given in mar­riage liy her father, wore ivory satin with a train of carrickmacruss lace. Her long veil fell from a (“ap with elii-sters nf i>riinge blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses, iilie.s - o f - the - valley and liahy’s breath, and wore a .string o f pearla a gift o f the iiridegroom.

Miss Margaret Meredith of Bryn .\l;fwr. Pa.. wa.s the maid c.f honor, Tile matron of imnor wa.s Mrs. Wil­lard Armstrorm of Toronto and Betty

the flower girl. MiasFull.'.M.-redith wore a blue net gown and canied a iKUUjuet of delphinium and hirksimr and tea roses. Mrs. Arm­strong worx- a rcise net gown with a Imrmo'iizing iKiuqriet. T h e flower

K IE IIL SPE/VRMiss Mary Virginia Spear, daugh­

ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Willard M. Spear of ISkl Christie Heights street, I^e- onia. was married to Robert Erlward Kiehl. *wtn of .Mrs. Mathilde Kiehl and the late John Kiehl of 3’JO Chris­tie Heights street, Leonia, Friday- night by the Rev. John W. Voorhis, iai.stor of the Leonia Presbyterian church, at the home of the bride's parents.

Miss Anna Jean p]aston. a friend of the bridal coupie, pliiyed the xvod- <ling mari h. .Mi.s.s Virginia pomirey .Spejir. o f New York Pity, a counin of the bride, was her only attendant. The bride wore a white taffeUi gown and a cap of Chantilly lace with a liillf veil caught with orange blos­soms. She carried a Ixmquet of white r.'se.s am! lllies-of-the-vailey. The maid o f honor wore a gown o f l:iv- '■nder organdy and carried an old fashioned liouquet of lavender and white sweet neji.s. The hriilcgrootn wa.s accomiianied by his brother, .foiin F. Kiehl, of la'onia, as l>est man.

A reception followed iiftcr the cerc- mon\' and later Mr. sind Mrs. Kiehl left for a wedding (rip. after whli-h tliey wil! reside in l,eonia.

Mr.s. Kiehl w;»s gnidiiai.'d from Le- '.nia High Sihm.l and Oberlin Col- !i gr>. She is a former president of the Lconin Junior Wom;in's Plui> and at present Is chainniui of music for Ihe sixth district of the New' .lersi?y Kedemtioii of Junior AA'oman'a Philw. Slie is engjigcil in tem liing piano and dancing }»( her studio. .Mr. Kiehl is a graduate og Lincoin sriiool in New York Pity and of Poiumhui Uiiiver- .Sitv. He connerle.i with th*? pro- togritpiiy industry.

ary Cotlertlle 'own nnd wa, '

Mr. Holsey attcndat « i rreiaralory , ^ r « iand was (jrndualpd <3town (inlversitj . u .'i”®..Ith hlB fathr.i la ,1 * buaincss in Jerany i;j,’

James L. WhiUomb,*^»„ „ „ 1tr« vvKi.,.__. 9* Mr iMra Lee Whltcmh ,;f*S15 >*'

nue. has h,.en ai.t«.h„.d toS®* live ivmimiUee of ih. Relations Club of Whitcomb, a juiii.,r i. the elans pipe,mitteo, a member of the S and 1., on the vars.ty track teams. 'rrestOm

Sumner P. Ahll,um of los view avenue hii.s Ih.*,,the Owl and Hi„s, soclely at Itrown manaslna editor of th, i w . Herald, cantpus year, and Is a memter of uj', Chrlallan A..aoeiun„„, n?" Key S.K-lety, the Frestg committee and the Phi nity. ™ •

A translation from the n_ John of Dumam us by the rTW. V ,«rh ia pastor Of th? , Presbyterian Chureh. ap p ^month's issue of "M ^ a I hhatian quarterlyillK with Mo'homm.alan

Dr. and Mrs. K. T. RuUer,- ■nt avenue left last weeki

their Slimmer farm at ja g * Thfdr daughter, \tr.i u...,denke, an d her husikand. of Y ork , w ill «Kx>ui.y the Butl» du rin g the .summer.

IIOl>.SEY TRAUTHMisK E lea n o r Tr.'iiiH i, d a u g h te r T

Mr. a n d M rs. Jolm P T ra i i th o f S u m m it a ven u e . Leon ia, w ;is n u n - lic fl t o .foseph Hollnsou Hol.st'y. sort o f .Mr. an d M rs. • ’ iiaiiei- \’ . Hi»l.s«-y o f J c r « e y P ity . S ii'u lay af.tern oou jtt the h o m e o f the b rifle 's p a re iu s i)e - fo re m cm lic rs o f the im m ciiu ite f a m ­ilies. T h e 4 tev. .biseph M, P o n n o rs o f P fiha .sset. Ma-s-s., fiffic la ted .

T h e h rifle w ore an en.semble o f lirow n R han tu n g linen w ith chariU 'is y e llo w b lou se, felt hat in si liu h t'-r colo r, w ith a iirown band , am j o th e r a c cesso rie s in lirown, She carrifs:! a iM njquel o f w lii le ro.ses Hn<l tesi rosea an d w o re a gold am i p ea rl i>in o f hep g ran dm oth er.

M1.S.S E liza lK 'th Ann (ju m k en b u sn o f R ifig -ew oofi, fo rm er co llege r o o m ­m ate o f M iss T rau th , wa.s nm id o f honor, .she w t.re a gow n o f w h ite w It ii c o r n f lo w e r b lue arcessories. Sh e c a r ­ried a ifom tuet o f corn flower.s. Th<3 m oth era o f the b iid c and b r id e ­g ro o m w o re coraagp.s o f o ich id -i. Pharle.s D on ak l Holspy, i ) io t lm r o f the b r id e g ro o m , w'as Ije.st m an.

A f t e r th e w edd ing the b rifla i f ia r - ty a n d im n u s lia le fam il'e.s a tten d ed a w e d d in g fiin n er at the UH«i Poi\i h T a v e rn in P lo.sfor. I>ater in ih e e v e ­n in g M r. :»n*i Mrs. H o lscy b i'u ;in a m o to r t r ip to T ru ro . P a p e C o 'l, w h ere th e y have lea.sed a c (j lta g e . U pon th e ir return th ey w ill te ' a t hom e a t 2T»4 B ergen aven u e Jc?rsov P ity .

The first of a serie.x of (-hai« parties by St. Patherine-f^ All ^ l i iU Episcpal rhurch.; cn I* riday aflcrnonn at the k •Mrs. fhesli r \V. Siolt of Bee< place,

Miss p:tfa Rowt r nf OvpfloQ nue left this we. k for Uke seen, Vt.. for the summer.

Dr. and Mrs. llHroid Wtf suns, Date and Giegupy. of avenue, left Snn.iay ‘ for Ontiiiio for tile summer.

Mr. and Mrs. I'eier W P and d^aughter Ruth, of Allatr?, have gmie to S.di Air. Fire for the summer.

Th(‘ mjiyor and council wu Monday night.

, Mrs. P. E. Oansm.inn of i struct Is cntf riaining Mias hr of ('luion.

Betty Warren. .<?usan McG Iliilianno 1-lniilh, ail ef Lcosi over Hie w*-ek-enit for Quau l*tne Bu.sh. .Y. Y,, for the sum

The .summer pla.vk'round (rfi openofl Momiiiy ill WofKi Park The illrection of Ruliert Crawf Des Mnines. Inwa, and Min Seitie). The itloygrt.iind Is spci i),\ the «,'ounel!. Hit- school kai ArnericHn Leeion, the seniof junior woman'.s eliiiis and the Nelghiiorhond Plub.

Dr. and .Mrs. L. S. Canfie Dark avenue are at tlidr st home at Igiki Er.skine.

Mi.ts Doris .Srhneider. dauth Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Schne i ’almer place, ha.s returned fr«i !iam and Mary College.

After a vmii from Dr. aad M VV. Hixon of Hiili rest avente E. O, Leatherwots! and dw Margaret, returned Friday te homo in Washington.

Mrs. Gorilon Dunlan and bs Worcester, Mas.s., are vlsitiai Dimlap'.s parents. Mr. and Mrs lard .M. Spear of Chrl le H street.

Mis.s Marjorie Lincoln, dauri Mr. and Mr.s. A, A, UksA ('rescent avenue, left Stinitef reunion of college frlendaats near Goshen, N. Y.

Det.'r P. Segard of Glen«t» nue is a swimming coundtorti Wyoniis.slnge. Ua., this siunaie sister, .Mary Paul .Segart, sifl as a canoeing am! boatii C(« at i ’amp Btieiia. N. H.

Mi.ss Mildred Ihtttrey (rf Star and Mrs. George Carlson of B w'hile attk'nding the annual cs tion of the American Guild c ganista in New York thia^k- the guests of Mr. and Mt?-C Wiigner of Glenwood aveflue.

{Mort* Leonia Newi* ^

ton.Datiiel B<slforri Jr. <>f Broad Hve-

nue wa.s iialnfuHy «n|ur<‘d ,<nnilay. when the ear in which he was rid­ing coiii/ief] with another ne.t) i lar on .State Highway ■! In Ft-n L-e. He WiU5 taken to Ahe Englewoo-I Hospital for treatment.

.Mr. and Mr.s, PorneHua !-:i.t rhard o f Virgil avemm hax'** returi'*-! from Lynhrook, L I., w h ere t'ie\ at- teiidefi the graduation o f a noHigw. John Krulf.

The pmfM'hle club met Ihls eek ifit the tiomj' o f M p am} Mrs H»*r- ni..tl! .Vlii'i.'.kfh on ( •■ei1*

Mi. s Jean tstf.inl«'rger oi Morse- mere \v;is hostcHs tn the .All-Am»'r- Ican Girls (*lub Frnlay evening, cn- leiiatiiing the MlHHe.s Gloria Smith. Lifia U'Ower. Hijzei Sniffeii, Betfx IX" Hosjt. Kathryn FairchthI, Ruth ;iud Jean Stcinherger,

Paul Wehman Jr, of Him avenue wa.s given a giinien i»arty at the home of his parents la.st w»*ek in honor of his birthday. The g-uests wree Miss Agne*« I^ailenthein. Nexv York P ity; Mr. a ’ lU Robert

.‘ II. rtitu .Mrs. prank l-viepi.-n haveroturn.'d from Ricrgewool. I, I., whPiHv they have l;een vksitSag j, ithfi tpc K

Harold PT.sh of Elm avemm will spend two weeks In July at Th..mp' son I.ake. N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Grossman " f Hillside street entertaine.] ret ent ly in honor of the gra<luati"n of their daughter. MIjm* Peggy Gross- man. from the Rklgefleld grammar •school, MlRH Grt^.sman wifi enter the Holy Angels Academy In }4ep- tembor. Guests wer** Mr. ami .Mrs. Conrad Hendr1cks<m of StatenLsktiiid. Mrs, .Iro-k WieHn»*a <tf l»«t

- ' JVi ^ 3

EVERY RECREATI ON • SCerJi- B E A U T¥ • i A S I lY A C C E S S G l i

o^/V Conditioned by l\[aturtj

I8 -H o le Golf Course — Swim m ing Pool

Sand Beach— T en n is— R id in g— Furnished Cottsg

Christian Clientele — F o r d e t a i ls write or

H O W A R D V . D A L T O N , Manager


HfMfT, „n<l in fu rm ntlon pitt;,’ he•'A.SK Ml{. Travel .<ervire (Mtiras.



" ^ j^ c h o lo r of Fine A rU In

S . n . . n « r a . n t « . r c t » » held

While studying at Yalo

“ l i hi. »■»>■ ' " " " ' y *iobs. Including slnglnff m

• * * . ! ! and a quartet, directing

nnrine his three years study- • ‘^hirerture Mr. Uuncan has

' M1 L (wm the Beaux Arts In -

Deslnn for excellence In On several projects he re-

'*5' ,se highest marti In the HO is a member of the Ik -

*'’°^8«let) ^! » student Jury, representing g*iont iMly at Faculty Judg-

Mr Duiu-an is working dur- ',M Slimmer at Silver Bay on

ie 7:_____ _

Tenafly Social Notes

GR-AIirATED:V o n m a n v h o n o r s

„ G t a e m e Duncan of 125 . Tenafly. received the

„ „ from Yale University

diolh' I, C. *■

Olee Club, waiting onlettering s i^ s for the Unl-ninning lantern Blldes fo r

icwre '[’"orvale Christmas cards, “ J o interior Decoration, hand-

1 . art work of the "Yale ^ n - pot Pourrl.” and working

. .# „ Mott/ Havon archl-

desiKnlng and sell-

J,, art work of thc

fof New Haven archl-

A daughter. Miriam, was bom on.1? Samuel

Qlgllottl o f r>anbury. Mra. Ultsll- ottl wait Miss Josephine Olivirl o f Hickory avenue. Tenafly.

A son. Gordon Peter, was born last Wednesday to Mr. and M rs. Fred £klgars o f E>omarest. Mra E d ­gars. daughter o f Peter Kawulltiaki of Tenafly Court, resigned several months ego as secretary In the T e n ­afly High School office, which she bad held since h er graduation from the high school.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Lowe and family are at the "Street H ouse", their summer hom e at Norfolk. Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. George CuUon S ew ­ard moved to one of the now apArt- mefiLs at Cotswold oh the fo rm er Coppell estate last week from T u dor Hall.

fKNSIF^MH KANT.Rffttv wp<liling look place W ed-

' .ha Phtirevening at the Church of ■Atonement, when Miss Edith

,ni daughter of Mrs. Gertrude i’ndMV D'lr^nt ami the late W allace

"^ran t ->f Magnolia avenue. Ten- «iia mHiTl-d to Jean Censler.

** ofMr HM'l Mrs. Raul Renasson L V of Orleans. France. yi« nuranf ha.s lived In Tenafly L,r life with the exception o f the If years they livetl In Savannah, having attended Tenafly schools.

f ii a crn.liiate of Kent fdace Summit, and Is finishing a

pur* at Bio^an’s bu.slness school.Durant was preceded by R e-

rtRIchanl a.s flower girl, dressed plnh orcandy and carrying a ,l,et of I'ink roses.The bride, who was given In mar-

risee (>y her hiofher, John, wore the •nry faille .silk dress worn hy her

grandmother. Mrs. Adelaide in ls71». The maid o f

pnor. Mi-*'-’’ KratK-es Jenkins, wore nk or undie an<l a large picture it. larryiti- a pink and blue Col-

jibI hoiifpiff.The hndi'smaiils. the Misses I>or-

rturant, sistrr of the bride, liamret nsliorn. Jeanette de la 'Mi-elie "f Tenafly. and .Miss M ary v ie of l>mii;lastun. L. 1.. wore «aA orcatidir uown.s an<l large plr- jft hat? irmime.l with pink, carry- "Pinkami i.lm' ('olonlal Ixiuquct.s. lUrs, Ituruat. mother of the bride,

rft a iilup lace gown.Robert Fnllmer o f Sisson terrace.

Tmafly, whh heat man. John Red- fiflil, Jean Fulrhiron of Tenafly. Rodney Henkel of lYlnceton and (irthur Duges of New York were iiihers.Tke Rev, James A. Mitchell, rec­ur of ft(. Paul's Epl.Hcopal Church. Butlewoo*!, officiated In Mr. Rose- itich'8 aK' em e.Gwree HLsset. organist o f the

Urarch of the Atonement, played processional and recessional

nddlne marches.following the ceremony n recep-

:wi was held at the hride’a home wlhp bridal party and memt>erR of hr immediate families. Ilpon the fttum from their wedding trip, Mr. ind Mr,-*, t'ensier will live at CkJ Xwtnolia avenue. Tenafly.

Mias Harriet DeMott. daughter o f former M ayor and Mra. Richard De Mott of Knickerbocker road, le ft on Monday on a motor trip with her grandmother. M ra. William Childs o f New York, through the northern p a rt of New York and as far as Canada.

Miss CathtfHne E. F'ond of Serpen­tine road, m otored Monday from the Northfleld Convention to Lake F a ir - lee, Vermont, where she w ill be trumpeter and assist with all sports at Camp Lochearn for July aJid August.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson o f SerpenUne road, le ft Saturday to m o ­tor to Maine, w here they will v a c a ­tion for about ten days.

Has Marlon Paimenberg and M iss Adeline Davis o f the faculty o f the Tenafly High Sc^hool. will sail on the Nerlasa for a Caribbean cruise.

WIHUun Lohmun of 29 Browning avenue, one o f two representative secretaries of the Automotive M a in ­tenance Association of Bergen County, attended the mt?etlng o f the Bergen County Safety Council at the Swiss Chalet.

and Mrs. W . B. Hutchinson, l^ulin boulevard, is attending the Rutgers summer school.

The Misses Joan Hutchinson, Anne Osier. Helen Van A lst, Isabel Hardman and Luella L*a Mer and Bud Van Alst, Jack Delaney and Thomas arlfflths of Deonia spent Saturday at Jones Beach. D. I.

Mrs. J. E. Barrett of Detroit vis­ited Mr. and Mrs. l>e Forrest Stull of Paulin boulevard this week.

Mr. andIMra 0. L. Binder, Moore avenue, entertained over the week­end for Mr. and Mrs. M ax Weln- haut and son of Attleboro. Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Bowerman of Qlenwood avenue, accompanied by their son John and Mrs. Bower- man's father. George H a y nor, are 8|>endjng the week-end a t Silver Bay on Lake George.

Miss Ruth Jlllson, who has been living in New York City w ith a col­lege friend during winter, has re­turned to the home of h er father, Frank B. Jlllson of Christie Heights street, to spend the summer. She will commute to her work as head uf one of the research laboratories at the Medical Center.


H aworlh


Closter r . .leter, ^


NKW BHOKS A T U H K A R YNew ItookH at the Tenafly Free btif Ltiirary are as follows;Flctton-.Map of Days. Ethel Boi-

Isiu: Man Who Had Everything. I»ul8 Bromfield; Ixive and the Lautenant. It. w . Chambers; Young fenny, de la ii,M-he; Miss J. Ix>oks On, Ro|ihie Kf-rr; I.ove In "VAlnter. *onn Jam'-.s <n.Non-Ficttnti - Soviet Journey. U

fWier; Fads and Quackery in Heal- Morris Kishlveln; Ordeal, Marie

of Rumania; Art of Happlnofls, J. ( nwiier ptiwys; Sea l,.aneH, Martin Severs; rommg Struggle for Power. Knlyn Stra.hev.

Edwin Cady w ill be counselor at Deerfoot Lodge, Speculator, N , Y ., this summer.

Mrs. C. E. Baker of Ravine road, left lost week to visit her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mra John Ekirle at Bkaneateles, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard 8. Cubberly and daughters, Edna and Charlotte, of George street, have taken a c o t ­tage at Cai>e Cod for the Bummer.

Dr. James M. MacKellar of 2(t Elast Clinton avcntie, motored to M edo- mak. Me.. Inst woek with Mr. and Mrs. George L . Jordy to spend the summer at the Jordy cottage.

Mrs. Haymond M. Boynton and daughter Shirley of JY) Hillside a nue, will spend the summer at th e ir cottage at Madison, Conn.

Arthur Sprlriger of Bound Brook, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Springer of Hillside avenue, who left T en a fly to be a memlH»r o f the Bound B rook School a fter his marriage to Ml.ss Carol Crabbe, w ill be counselor at Camp F in g e r this summer.

Miss Nancy I,«owe left the N o r i h- fleld Convention Monday to Join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald V . Lowe, ut N orfo lk .

Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Volthardt of 172 Newcom b road, will leave to ­morrow fo r Ligvalette.

Lieut. Col. Eugene H. Valle and Mrs. Valle and daughter Yvonne, o f 175 Sussex road, have left for th e ir cottage at Sea Girt, wheri they s tay until October.

Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles Webb and daughters M ildred and Ruth le ft on Saturday on a m otor trip to Vermont, visiting at the summer home o f Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bohlen at Vergennes. Vermont, on L a k e Champlain. Ml.ss Ruth Wcl»b w ill remain for tw o weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Webb and daughter M ildred returned on T u e s ­day.

Mrs. KImpr Bohlen and son R ic h ­ard of Hillside avenue, loft on F r id a y to motor to th e ir summer home on Lake Champlain. Vermont, w h e ra they will remain until September. Elmer Charles Bohlen aocompunied by William E hrot o f Harrington P a rk motored up the previous week.

NON-FICTION;Drew, EHzalK-ih, Enjoyment of

Literature.Powys, John (,\>wper. T h e Art of

Happiness.Mullen. Pat. Man of A ron .Brlnley. Gordon, A w ay to the

Gaape.de Scheinltz. Growing Up.

FKTIONAdult: Cobb, Humphrey. Paths of

Glory; de )u RtK-lie, Massu, Young Uenny: Wilson, Harry Leon, Rug- gles. Bunker and Merton. Foiner. Ruth. Cat Across the Path. Cost. March, Dark Glass. M iller, Alice Dusr. Death Si-ntence. Frome. David, M r. F*ink«-rlon Grows a Beanl. Frome. David. Scotland Yard Can Wait! Keyes. Michael. The Dead f-hrrot.

Juvenile; Llltle Folks* Mother Goose.

Betty Kchmldt, Joan Wiaslng.

Mrs. Edwin Canler and her daugh- Mary, cove Miss Carrie Canter

wrprise liirihiJay party Monday iRjmoon. inviting the following »*MKi8 of ,\lis8 Canter from Tenafly

ilieir hiirm- in closter. where they w wently moved from Nyack:

JJ Vermin E. Carroll.i Miss L . F- 2J- Mrs E L. Bower. Mrs. C.

G. c. Converse, Mrs. JWnCafielle. .Mrs. Cleveland Cady. « A. V. Huyler. Miss Minnie ^ Murray, Mis. Thomas Buckle'’ 8 Mrs. Ford of New f two dHii.;b!Pra.

andYorkMrs, Ford wsls

_ -Jiooi iriend of Mi«s Canter. “ * Ckmora livn.i In Tenafly for

ly years nn llighwood avenue.

D r. L Z I N SKal.nvor 35 Years

Chronic Ailments™^Skln. Nerve, Storaarh, Rectal -waeaia and othi-r Dfseases Treated

and Women'r '"il'l' you do n

“ t-' '!!*'**’ *'• In ponflden<h'-'teiisHon and X-Rays,' "nd Vat-rlne Injections.

My nSrjr -n arc moderate ■Uatiua Free

>10 EAST 16 ST, N .Y ." A l l C n l i m bqiiarbqiiare

Le onia


d e n t is t372 West 12,-ilh Street

Y e « York Clly '■-•r Kiihlh A ..a i,

Food Market OBii-e Houre; 9 to 8

Sandav* Kv

Combined services of the I,,e^mia Presbyterian Church and, the M e th ­odist Episcopal Church are be in g held this month at the Presbyterian Church and in August will be held at the MeLhtxMst Church. The R ev . John W . Voorhls. pastor of the P r e s ­byterian Church, wili occupy the p u l­pit the first tw o Sundays In Ju ly and the Rev, L lo yd Wlcke, pastor o f the Methodist Church will preach the last two Sundays In August and the first Sunday in September at the Methodist Church.

Miss Kathryn Limberg, daughter of Mr. and M rs. Edwin Llmberg o f Allaire avenue, w ill serve as a ju n io r councilor at the "Y-For-Ali” cam p on T/Ske Wlqnanuppek this summer.

Dominic Snracena and sister o f Hawthorne terrace motored to ITaltl- more over the weekend.

Mr. and M rs. Richard Bchoen- werg of Park avenun entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Leddy of B rook ­lyn this week.

.Tohn W ern er Jr. of Park avenue sailed r^;*ently on the Fastoree fo r a South Am erican cnilae.

Mise Lyd ia Boyd, daughter o f M r. and Mrs. J- Rutherfiird Boyd o f Prospect street, will spend the su m ­mer with Mr. and Mrs. Nestler o f Darien, Conn., at Bell Island.

The Miases Mildred, Antoinette ami Angelica Roles of Bergen boule var.'l are m otoring to Chicago t« visit with th e ir sister. Mrs. F e lix Boles.

Mr. w»-«i John Noble and iwin, rW\noM nf V «n Ordee nvenu* are Spending the month at Green pon<i.

Mr. and Mra. Ralph B. Fuller and family of A m «* avenue left Sur.d»s.y r'H' I)V)!H« (It 5'o-it!’Bay Harbor. M e.

Gordon Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard D- Marsh of terrace, is studying the Russian language at Columbia University summer school.

Mrs. M a r E - Edmondson. Pau lin tioiilevard, sailed Friday night on the Queen o f Bermuda for South America. A l«o on the ship w as

; Dr. Frances B. Tyson of Leon la I avenue, who w ill attend the F a n - American puottc neHiin comerettv'?.

William HutchlQ«>n, son o f Mr-

Helen Shoemaker. Charlotte Hudson and G loria IVlcrs left th is week for Girl Scout camp. At various other camps are Virginia Theis, Donald Trueman. Connie Litllefield. Edwin, Parker and Richard Blrkins aftd John Giles.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dunn of Park street, returned this w eek from a motor trip to Virginia.

Mrs. Vini;ent Byrne o f Madl.son avenue, spent last week end at her cottage at Candlewood Lake.

Mr. and Mrs, j. Cortelyou and daughter Vivian of Haw'orth avenue, wore at their summer home at Wall- kill. ,V. Y ., last week end.

Mrs. l.,eonora Sutcliffe and son Thomas o f Sylvan j*la<,-e. spent thi.s week visiting friends and relatives In Baltimore.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A . Theis and Mrs. Charlntte Snyder a re spenilliig the Fourth of July week end with friends in Merriwold. N . Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Henson « . Durant of Myrtle street, entertained on Monday night a ‘ dinner.

Mrs. George Holman o f Schraalen- burg road, entertained at luncheon last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A . Seely of Westview Terrace, entertained at a dinner party Wednesday night for friends from New York and West­chester.

Mrs. CL T. Miller o f Owatanna street, entertained at a tea last Thursday in honor o f Mrs. John Francis o f Darien, Conn.

Mrs. Duncan 8haw o f Fitchburg. Mass., w’as In town this week with her mother, Mrs. Helen Crocker of St. Nicholas avenue.

Mrs. J. A. Dorwood o f Mnide street, has returned home after sev­eral weeks at Englewood Hospital.

Mrs. Richard Houghton of St. Nicholas avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge last Friday.

Mrs. Thomas Allen of Harland ave­nue, Mrs. George Edwards of Madi­son avenue ami Mrs. \V. Mahoney of Pine street, attended the Holy Name Bridge a t the home o f Mrs. W. A. Francisco In Dumont last Friday.

Mrs. Louis earlier of Maple street, entertained her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berndt of Brook­lyn, last week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Du Bols of Valley Road, are spending the Fourth of July woek end in New I ’altx, N. Y.

Mr, and Mra Charles M. Kennedy and fam ily of Haworth drive, have returned from their cottage at Lake Ersklne.

Mrs. EJdward 8. Leighton of Syl­van place, spent last week In Green­ville. N. y .

The Misses Mildred Keith o f Sylvan place and Virginia Li'w is o f Beech street w ere guests of the Misses Elsa and Edith Rohdenburg at their sum­mer home in Margaretsville, N. Y-. last week.

Mrs. Charles Haas ajtd her family of Haworth Drive, left th is week to spend the summer at their cottage at Lake Eraklne.

Mrs. Charles Littlefield and chil­dren o f Grant street, have left for Lynn, Maas., for a vatxiHon.

Mrs. John MacCracken. the former Mary W est and her son Jack, of Hleiibenvilla, Ohio, ni»ent several days this W’eck with Mr. and Mrs. E H. West of Sunset avenue. Mrs. MacCracken and Mrs. W ea l left on Friday fo r tholr home at C^pe Cod.

Jean Fraxcc of Haw'orth drive, is spending several weeks with Eunice Loreotaen at East Juffrey. N. H.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Buehrer and family o f Haworth Drive, have left to siiend the summer In Chicago, where Mr. BtH'hrer will aguin take up his work w ith the Christian Century.

The Congrogatolnal Church will be

DL4JE gtoeklQSs oaa Broadway * * thUtk of that — they are waxy emart In the new shades—«o ^ eer , they gtve one the Impressioa of pale nothing—ntse for dress up afternoon wesr^

Wsttch your pura© girls—not only honaneo of poedble "snatches" but because the boy friend is riding your cliaracler—by It and tts oon- teoU. Spill yours on the — in prtrate If you are wise—read your own character—dout be sur* prised If it is not too flattering—

My lady goes out in the rain— in dear old London they battle wKh It in maucklotoshe* as drab as the weather Itself—Paris almost as unanimously has adopted white— but MiMiaon and Miss New York^ run a rainbow round the City — with all the colors of the spectrum —to this they add the gay colored **shoe glove" and my lady of America—slick and shlniinerlng-”Is gay as usual—and so easy to look at—

Clixm. bracelets, rings—are any­thing but modest of design—and as for sise—well your strength to carry them is all that need be con­sidered. Tbe sale of old gold seems to have brought to life a flood of semi-precious stones and massive settings that are quaint and so pretty. •

Loud cheers—the shoe comes Into its own—begins to look more like a shoe aud less like the top of a cranberry pie— I must say I like them—never could quite see beauty In a lot of toes ooilng out —^>ver up your toes and be gay with your heeli—

Make up tones down—less color on tb© cheeks—nouch leas on -the lips—and "mucher lesser’ on the finger nalla—if you listen to the dictates of Dame Fashion.

Real flowers worn In your spring bat together with a corsage to match—is the last word—and a pleasing suggestion—that may be followed without too much effort other than a bit of thoughtful plan­ning.

Speaking of flowers — the New York Flower Show U responsible for a fad that binds together a number of carnations—after trim­ming the calyx, enough to prevent fhe green from showing above the top— using all of one color they make a very attractive corsage— which may be varied by encircling a white center with pink or red or visa versa—effectively old fashion­ed in appearance.

Plaids and check© have taken the spring fancy in no uncertain man­ner — and they are ail so pretty unless you have taken on a lltUe too much weight— but even then you need not deny yourself—If jrou will confine your selections to the smaller designs that are not too proncMinced—

Buckles, slides aud buttons, to match, may be had In such great variety of shades, you can adapt them to ahnest any material—axod they add a lot to tha swank of yoor OOtfltr-^

Mrs. G»'oixo Ilaywanl, Mrs. J.*hn Marshall. Mrs. Otto HuttsT-rer. Mr«, Roljcrt Frli.H< l>if*. Mrs. il<n'y Kuhn, Mra. Carl Kea«l.;r. Mrs. liO iis Gniw- 1 ford were Kuo^ta Tin‘9*liiy al*<*rn<-»on 4>f Mrs. P. Glyilon «*f rrus-skill. at the 1home of Mrs. I ’rawfurd of l*erry j 8t reel. ,

Kenneth Ihirwlp of Jane str«-ot. HI*eini the "F o u rth " with his pareMis, .Mr. Hinl Mrs. John lUtrwiK o f Free-lloid.

Mr. and Mr.s. Henry Sihnmnnn of Division street, entertained nriatlve^ from New York Suniiay.

Mr. ami .Mrs, L-o KI>»ht Jinri f»im- lly of New York ami .Mr. aiol Mrs. Joseph Y'aeKor anti ilmichter Marlon <»f Aslorlii, L. I., were Kiiests I'ottrUi of July of Mr. ami .Mrs. Otto Hottin- K«T of DlvUUm stivet.

Mrs. JamoH H. Tlmma.ss o f W h it­ney street, has niiiriied from a week's varatlon In Ashury Park,

Miss M yrtle Bntis of Doinarest road and MIhm Doris I’lutx of Derim- rest avenue. Hj»en1 a few days lust week at Point I ’h asimt.

.Mr. uml .VIrs. Sam .Mowowltz of i High street, entert.diud at l»raJ;:e i Sunday eveninsr.i Mrs. L o iiIk Viola nf Mi^h s irert.I WHS himtess Ht a i«trty Kriilay a*’*- -- ' noon for Rol*ert Tl!'i-« of Alpine rnail.I three years ol«l. whose mother l.s in [the EnKlewofMl Hospltiil. t*liil<lr*n ; prewnl wen* L o s Anm- Violn. 1 et.-r, ;lleri*ert an'i t'arl Husioi, llowanl I Hell, rt iiM.l Mona W riv.n,! ert ami Don Van llouh ii. Ja< k .m>l

Kenneth .M« lMr. iiml Mrs. .1. Dhv.ird llofimnii

of CohimtoiH Drive an-i Mr. an>l .Mih Louis Viola o f Mil'll Htfret. were tin- Kuesls at canl.s la»t Thiirsilav eve- nlnjr of Mr. un<l -Mis. Ahlen W ires of NorwiHMl.

Mrs. I'lnirh's ii'tiiiinsi f>f l)iirt« avenue. *-nlei-taiii. (| h. |- hnilue < hih h’riihiy un*-ri'..nii.

■.KfiD Of nortnoot itiad. are spena|»» the weak iu death Jerqey. -j'

I ’hllip Ahrons of Division has returned to business aweek’s va^tlon on vertoue trips.

Mr and Mrs. Thompson Knoa oj Kmriewood, were guests Sunday Of ihe former’s parents, Mr. and Mra .Andrew Knox of Demarest road.

The .Mihsss Lois Tracey o f Old l)<Kk road. Alice Sorenson EM-;vision street. GoUier and John Durio ; of I iid iv<K k njod, are guests over the , Feinth and weA end of Miss Beity , Swope of (h-uysburg, Pa. '

Dwi^hi Van Zoadt o f Old Dock . roa<l. entertaini'd teVfnd fHeod© at . his home Wedia .-dog evening.'

Mr. and Mr.s. JuHg.1j !le and cblL UolK:vt and J«ea Qt ,01<f Dock

road H)>ent .several d l^ 'w il l ) tbS ; formers sister and andMrs. Stei>hon I'Y>rdhum fltCteemodt,N. Y. ■

Mis.s Kvelyn L im h-m nrfltfcji^o^^^ ro.'ii| spent a week at t'an^Hbl^eod the Hell Tidephune eump->ab''^jfif '

- fwkk. N. Y,The Monrlay Afternoon «

('Inti had him heon at Zmk playeti card.s at the home (.jtiira Lyons nf <Miilne re>ad iiiKs'will resume In Ihe Fall.

Dr. and Mra. Herman AhrfS New York were gneHls Sund^ Mr, and Mrs. Kal|>h Trnry |)oi k r«Kid.

Free Band Concert Each Wednesday Evening

At Depot SquareMrs, Kam M-■hi ow itz of Mii-!i str- el,

•ntertaim-.l at taihy- Tm-sdny alte

3144-^acket Suit—stylishly-trim, and practical with dark jacket, of basket weave wool or wool crepe, over flik pr|r>t or rough silk crepe dress—the original model, used a Dusty Pink Pebble Cloth for the jacket over a Tobacco Brown 5Hk Crepe Drese—Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 bust measurements. Size 36 requires 2% yards of 39-inch ma- terlal for the Jacket and 2% yards and yards 39-inch for the dress.

338<l— Nice fo r your garden and household tasks — made of cotton print or plain linen with contrasting color piping^—you may be as gay as you please In both design and color — very uaefut, simple to make and a comfortable alt purpose house dress you w ill enjoy wearing — Sizes 16, 18 years 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust measurement— Size 36 requires 3 ^ yards material, 39 inches wids.

mnm.-Mrs, Itu.s. * 11 \ ' .11 an.! -.H!

|{(ilH*ri o f < >M Dork ! i i ‘ - s|.rn.|im? thr«;«* wrt-ks in Ti-xh.s w ith r. la-I IVC.H.

AmimjrnirMtM }iav. L-.-n nnotr fn a fashion show iJ. IJ to sj.<oi- .snrf'il hy M i s . .\lUri P.o u . t I anilmvvn lit Ih r T i imkill S« ti(»ol h\ a I'iitiTHiin 1 H'l.ji rt mr-iii .ston-, A nad

Rent A Typewriter



Enclosed la 15 cents for PATTERN No. (Wrap coins carefully).


Print name clearly

Street end numher

City and State ••••<

Mr. ana Mrs. Fred M yles of Ha­worth Drive, are at the ir summer cottage » t Ijftkp Gupsaw,

F lorcm *!- t-liuk ofloft last week to spend the summer at the 1-Ake Placid Club.

Mrs. K c ^ r t H. A n g u s o f 8un»*t avenue, retu rn ed this w e e k from a visit w i th rela tives In B o s to n .

Mrs. W ard I,eather8 and Mrs. John t.\ Hindi© were guests of Mra. Benjamin I ’ . Phyfe at a piano re­cital at International House in New York C ity last Sunday where Dun- can Phyfe played.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Trueman of

Motion Picture BulletinIssued by Englewood and Affiliated Better Films

CouncilsThe a t ti»e end nf each review IndlcateM tin* wnirce o f

tha t review. (1 ) National Board of Review; (2 ) Piirents’ Mtivie (■u ide; (Ii) International (iithoUc Alumnae: (4 ) SeiecltMl Motion P ictures; (5) l<)duca.tionai fvTcen.

P la a a Tlirater. Enicl(>wo<id F r i . , Sa t. Our L i t t l e t i lr l . TIh*

liitis^ g i r l o f HnilywooU again tin'L h^r- w i f a rn iin il ymir lien rt. WlH*n oiiislik* ilitt'rH'HtH almiiol H 'parah * Iht pan-nlh . (h«>lr littU * girl ]irov>>H l«i h© ihv ti«* tliHt d r a w s iWm to g c th iT again. (3 ) F a m ily .

I t ’ s m HfnaU M'orld^ A flimsy, fiir i-i- <-mI s 'u m edy in wiilrh a M|n>ik-il iliiiigh- U»r o f w<*alth •’ll PiMilt* n o rth from \**\» tlr len iiH infH'is «lt i» a n antomobiU* ac- (-i(l«-nt. a law )cr Hiiil rsn iiam v. nionpia<'*> aiiil iniiiu* p lo t liftotl t<> th e f i ils 'r ta in m o h i ]>olnt l i y goml s r ii i ig . F a m ily . (4 )

W on.. M «j i„ Till'S. P u b l ic Hero Num ­b er O n ^ . A«i'li‘Hr oH ttcrn eil. exc itin g Ktor.v, w i 'l l mil'll un«l Honrnlly din’i-tvd. th a t «h<»w’ s IJiir iin ro lo n tln g inirsiih u t Uii‘ e n e m ies of soi'lety . points i ionrly to th e f a e l that (‘rlin*» l « a losing gnme and n*<-©«nlses Ibi* h t'n ilKn i in forjeral m*-n w h o daily faw d a n g e r to vln*ll< « l e tin* IHW. Ailiilts and y o u n g |h‘o|i1)'. t4>

t i l r l F ro m Tralh A v m t i r . A young K oe ie ly lawyor. liisap p o ln ted In love , ta k es f o tho hottlr an<l marrios out o f hU elsKH. Bill Uip M punky iiitip shop g ir l w i f e aalvAgva th e w m 'kagr. lo it- lilgh-liM tH a liigli hat la d y , makes a m an out o f t ie r IiiisIisimI n n «i a Hiiei<'s> otit o f h e r marriage In a p it e o f all oddtt. A d o ltR , gm iil of Its k in d . (2)

W e d , . ThiiP, The ('M'^undrH. F o r R oph lK ticates only Ik th ia piciim- o f a n ia ii w h o ioteii often b u t not too w e ll. I 'a lton tiiy dlwoiinled f rieni|s}ii|i and e v e n tn a l ly ilicil liut c o u ld not r>-st In |H>a<*t . unnioiinii'il. D en d , he rt'tnrns (<> ea r th HeekhiM love him) (ears. Ills o io ' iinH eltleh do<‘(] hrliigH h im peao<'elonial. .M ature. (2 )

lifs ch eJ o r of Aria. A harinloss lltth* eom**<l.v o f lifi' on n « 'o l le g e raiii|njs w ith sn ap p rop riiitc cast n o d eomo iim iiT ^ la n d in g <t>rwtlon. M n tu re . (4)

Long B^u:b, L L ...1

kngiewood TheaterThnr., Fri, Prlrate Worlds. A i»ro-

foniiiliy intelllgi-nl Mtudy of ni'>dern methods in use lu a p s j« ‘bo|);iltili’ tio.«- liital that will riiSiuht«‘H the laymao and interem the student o f psyrhology. An extremely iotereating atory threasl riina throncnoiil. (4) Mature.

Mary Jane’s Pa. See TIergeg Ttioater Sat.. Stin. Roberta. A treat for thi lu'

who prefer eye-and-enr—filling i-ffiH-fv Hiid fnahinn show to drama. Ailiilis and youth. Chlldn-n, lltll© Jnten>st, (5t

W h iL * feekatfto. Com pHeafed m ur der myotery im-lndrama. «=* in n-inote

Ihvidved In jdn? and euunl?r-iil.>i over herolm*'« .Ainerhari .\duUe.go<»d o f kind. Vniith. thrilling. (5)

.%)oti. Take (be NirtMU.C}4st,M0»n l-li'r s;|in!>i»f«r.h' Oiit.-f

o f It f r o m the air, an d tin e speHmeo .>f what th e JoliiiKuiis c a l l ‘ ■game.” F a m ­ily . j u n io r matinee. ( 1 1

TiieK.. W imI. Hold 'Km Vale, .\n id* coniM'qnentlnl little I’omedy of a frlv- olona girl whose love for a iiiilfurm caii»*eR n«> end of troiitde. Dlrw ted wH ti s|H»ed and a senw of liiimor the t>lo( deveh*pes Into delightfully ainil»l04r enterfninment. Adiilta and young peo pie. t4>

KlghtnlBg StrlWea Twice. Melodni- inatie Miystory faroe o f mistaken idrn- titlea emhamxsing to guy (wviety !eer»* and hi* flanoe. Slapstick inlics. fak** fan dancing, pollremon In underground

T b u r . . Frld, O rrw t t fo tr f M arder. E d m u n d Lx>we, i w r ite r , p u ti faU tb e «-

rh'K Ilf d i'le ttio ii in to |>rHi-i|i-o in hln efforts to solve a m y s fr y . (3j A d u lts and yoiiih.

Kiirlutiited .kpril. I ni'iiii' iid ven tnres o f four K n g li 'h u oiio-ii wlio s|ietid a sun Kiiiiiy. r<'Jir.oni<ti!ig .4|>rtl In ao llallKti f'sstie ('i i.irm iiig |iictiire w ilt i iH'aiillfiil h<<-iifr.\. fiis«-iiiin mg dtalugiM*. and notiihle a e tiiig . <ti Adults and youth.

I tWHddy |d«s-e th a t A n ally eniergos as an I iiiHi riiiin m iisioH l hodge-podge Hboiit ; nitre,ii |o-ii|d«-. f lu t te r of tKSt«* f o r' Hdult . (L.! Weil, T liiir itrcM k nf Hearts. W lio t

proilllses to be 8 deliglitflll r.m iHIKo U-meeii H iii'ti-d ori|je«irii leader an d n yoiint; w oiim ii t-oiiitinser hints at struiig drniioi an d then, nfter the In - I rioiiii lion o f ro u t in e niiirllul d lfllcu l tb-H inid tiili^understaiidings, tiinves In Inbored fHstiiori to a eomiuonpinre i*nd- Ing. The iirodiM t io ii is marked t>y tlite miiHle. iie iiiitifiii phntograidiy and e x - eelleiii H<ling th iit is far sii|>erlor to the sir>ry. A d u lts and yuutig eopb-. (4)

Men of the H o u r . A tensidy In te r ­esting iitol exelting niHodraiiiH o f r isk s taken and d a r in g feats perfoniied b y n<-\\Krei-1 '-i.iiiiTa iiiea In tin* is-rfurniance o f their Work. A pleasiint romance' niii' throiigli a siory whieli Is wt-II iK-t'd and to-»ii(ifullv photogrardo'd Kxn-lti-iit eiitertaiiiBietit. Family. (-D

<trunt-l.-ee Theiitcr. I’liilsadeFrl., Sat. Vwocssa. Kcrgi-ii Tls-a-

tep,While the I'wtieiit Slept. Neat if

not iioteworlhy nnirder mvsiory In wliieli II nurs*‘ helps n hdinleide squad to find Ihe nnirdet'er. (2) Adult < ami yomli, fiiir.

Hun.. Mon. l,ovr In Hloom. A ynimg and devoted i-oiiple fiii es I ho problem of living, made nioii- dlthciilHt b.v the girl's ohjto-ilonable fHliiiT. Weak and poorly IiHiidled snbjei t niatoriul. Not miii'li to eiuliii^ - (iv,-r. AiliiitK and young p*-<.ple. H i

Liltir .Hiss Marker. L-ft as a«H'iir- ity for a gambling debt hy her father.

lUle g irl, th rou gh her Isdlef In f a i r y lore, refoniis her rare track assiK 'iates.Family. <4,

Tin's.. Wed.. T h o r . MUsiM ippi. Ree Bergi-ii Theater.

.Mills nf the tfods. Story of an uo-sympsHii-tie ffinrily wl,i, leave mother to ra<‘4‘ mill strike alone. Adults, Inler- eMtliig. D>Mth. fair. (2)

la'onia Thealrr, IxconiaFri., Sat. y tissU siiipt. Fk*c B e rg en

ThSun . Mon., Toes. It llaypsticd Oi»s

Night. Adventures of a runaway bride and a lalely diselmrgeii n«-wspapor re­porter tn*eoiiie .>ierjoU!.i wlieti tl«'V real Iwe tliHl they tiuve fHiler, In love Kpark- llng ti.inm-Mse, full of voiithfnl spon- iHiM'il.v. line dlr>-efi"ti. good photogra­phy. .Idnlis and young people. (4)

Love In |}|<»ofn. So*- i(riiiiM.ee Thea­ter

Wed.. Thnr. Nanahty MAiiettw. The story of :i young and lM-aiittfn| princess llwing from In r aged suitor Into tbe arms of a ivekk-sa. gay. undaunted and hitherto iinkiiowri eapialn of the guard. Victor Merls-rt would lie grRlifled by the Haw'ti'xi iN'ndiiton of his tM>atttlfiii mnsie hv .leai.etf*- Meiioiiaid ami Nel­son Kddy. Kx'-eHont, H)

White ('i>ekaloo. See Knglewood TheilU-r.

Frl-. .Sat, Cola’ l « Tiorn. Back to old type* yiac* West with herotneas l>ri«x,'h vulgarian tininiMiiig wise.

■anil iisbiff her Alia.Iln.d . i-.i .1. f ’

tn high s.H-it'ty and niurrtage to Kiiglisli earl. Fast. »I«v**r, hilarious l)iid lavie, {f.i .\dtilts, d»*|sTida on taste.

Werewolf of l.«indoB. In this nielo- dramatte ■'thriHer. " the artistry o f fhe iiiakr up Is ri'inarkablc'. the pruduefion well dots* in ev»TV way. but the picture U too morbid and grotcs>|uo tn be en­tertaining. Adults. (4)

Him . .Mon.. Tio-*.. Hrlde ol f*r»nkea> "tela, i.osl w“ fd in siiiiH*-pblllers. Fan- fasllc cw-cpK-l fh.ar ..otdo.'s Fraukenstcirj In ni-rv** wrac king* for th'**** »hat vaut them, .\diilts. rldic'ulc '18- Youth, grue­some*. ( ’hlldren by no means (5)

Times Hquarc fjMly. Itarkctccram .M. I*. ,h*. m C...,. ^

fulls heir to gaiiibliiig luleresta Fur- merly cvQtruHed by her father. A

Park Isine Theater. Pallaadsa ParkFri . Sal iMolcn llamony. See* B<‘ r-

gc-n Tlu-at'-rUrpiik of M«w<rtw. Sec ]*alac-s Thc*aler.Sun , Mon . Tuvs. fioln' le Town. Set*

Palaii' TIi'HIct.IteHlh Files Kautt. A roiifiiKi'il jumble

of slhuiiiotis i-oiituiulng a sc*eret fc»r- mtilH, a niysterioiiH deatii and a convict breiiklng iiarole, all on an eaalbound plan**. F‘*r mystery fana. (4)

Wc-d . Thnr. It Hapiirnetl One Night. .S«-«* l.c'onlii 'Ihcatcr.

gc'l allow l.v llu- Slim.- «!.'|>.irlnionl -Store will lie Novcnile-f lo,.s|ions(irc'cl b.\- Mis. l-'ii'd !!ii-k .Ir.

Mi'k. rinirle.s IVrk.r of Hre-sskd! the former Miss OL*ii llcitiiuter of iMoster, is two :tfKin* Ishful. N V

Mra. H fiiry Kntiiiof Ib-itM-rt uve*mie. WHS b**ste-*s ;i! c.ild-, Utsi \\|.| neSc|.'i\ sift rn.*nn fo: th* Leii-fit of the Krhn'li.v S'.<uiv f-T t'hn.ti.in Work of th. ( •om:rc-;;,.li..iiol < 'hill. Ii j

Mr, lui.l Mrs. G-’-i-. L-itf.-n uimI : .l.iculiter .l.cru-l of Ui'.er K-h:. . f..t m 'lh of t'hcstei. w<-r. ^.ii-sts of Mi .rid .Mrs. U ;ilt. r H.um. -d c »!d 1 m. k t'.iH .Siitnr.iav

Mr. and .M i s Mnny W -d o-e of w.-st New Vi'tk. W.TI ::nesfs Snn'lnv of Mr. and Mrs, Lmiks Vi.'la .d' lh:;li St feet,

Mr aiid Mrs. Jnim Kiv>\ nnddHUglitc-r .la'*' t of Ik-niaro.'d ro;id, v\<*t"-jiu-sl.s ill diumr Sunday of Mrs, Knox piii'e-nts, Mr. uiid Mrs, .\llaJt SuMeti c*r ( Ihi I >n.'k fond

Lileilh- Cnrnc I of New Yoi k Is spaiidlnir ti week with h« r cran.l par- '■nt.s, Mr. aiiel .Mrs. Ibniry Sc hu­mann of Division street.

Mr. an.i M is. .lohn J. n*“rrinn>st of! mn*‘ a\c-nin-. Jtri* .*|.c-itding th**Riim-m»*r id th«*!r cotlagf on .Mohawk Like

Mrs. J. A. I’ elh-M.r :m<l daugldc*r.\i|e.-ji, of Kvet-ell .slre.-l, at* spe ti'l- ing a feu u c ks mill rehitives in<';iM,id.i.

Mr. and .Mr.s. ll.iii\ Kick o f Detn iiresi roiid, eiif erliiliii d at 1c.a Sun.lay eVeiiln:.*.

Mr.s. Wtlliiim .1, Kiiiry and claligh- lers of r.crucnflc-ld, w.-re gnc.sts n - e.tdlv of .Mr. and Mis. H iker Tniii- iin- of i<c-hraalc-nhiiri; road.

Mrs. Hols-rt |.■‘rlt•.hI.■ '*f JnlliiStr* .- I, e n t c r i H M H - i l lie r pllioc b l e c lu h

.Monda.v aftern.con.Dwiglil \'an X..III.II of Old |h«'k

Hoad ha.s r(‘ttinied tmni u var.tlion in Tc'.va.s.

Mr, and .Mts. J-.s.-ph Krahbe of fiM l»oek rotid. ar«' .sf.eiidlTig the F-nrlfi and tin u..k ei..! wdlt Ihe form, r s mother In Buffalo,

.lii-k-e and .Mrs. Fred W. M.ittcsks ats'l .hinu'litcr of High strc*et. sj.c-til Fourth of .htly It, A.;'•:'■!' *'Hik,

-Mr, and Mr.*;. xMlx-rt l ’.oirc-rt. and duiii-liter Ih tty of \V«*.sl slrcc-t. arc si>endiMg the moiilh at Gr.-cn Pond.

Mr, and Mrs. Kverell !,<»'/.ier of West sli'i et. spc*id u few day s in An­bury I’ark.

llergen TIiMtcr. TenaflyFri.. ShI. WcfidlBg Night. Gfty life

and u gH) wife H4*nd c,n<-e (iic‘c*i*MHfiil wril'T hai'k' to natlv*? t'oiirus'lh-nl farm peiiiilk'Hi*. Hc- ltinplrsiion in strong, emivliieliig romance with Tniish ii**lgb- loirK' i-hnrmlng daughter, alrc-Hcly bc- troth.-d io f«thi*r'e chc>if*t*. Artificial ending iiiHr*. wh'dc. Aclults; moHtly

'c| Voiiili, v»*ry tloubtful. Clitblrcrvl.'it

Marv •laiie'ct lbs. A HmstI (own tor Is nffliried with WRiiderhist. A train wiibih- will start him 'tti his trav- le hut Im- ts always glsd to get ha<‘ki ' ....Itcc ".M.irv .Inim*." GchmI. {i).Klin . '.Mem. niJM-k Fury. Thlu is

iicIHmt h •■jiretty'’ pb'fun* nor h funny one, Imi « wrlon* and cjdrrmply real­ist !<• jierlrH>»l c»f labor Ircnihlcs hnsed on lirtiiiil c>v<*nis and charHc-ti-rs In the lVniis> Ivniihi c-onl rcglcms. AcIuUh and voiiih. stirring i ’btidfcn, loo mitiirc. (2)

II llH|ip'‘nc4 I© New York. Iliimt)!**engiigeil eolipic* ir.ving to miike goodg«*t lniiit>‘ sildy Involti'd with aexy. temiKTHUieiiinf movie star and !>cr hare fir;ii!i-l manager. I'llerly ov**r- cloiM* (. 1 Ailnits. deficntU on taste.

Tiles. Wed tit-oica Harmony. The ieacler of a well known hanci of iniiKl- c'laiis adiN a re’cujwd I'onvlit (<► no- groiip, cm a nationwide eomvrt toui !,Y 1.I!« 11,1 t-jnd !s k'dosppert. A h.gi-' ally telii -ti.ry. w ’ rh fejisM- and grlppUig siniatleiii* f**r dramatic- Interest mid the enjevHtd-* ik*n K t u Iv and hts orohestra for ilghic-r entertattmieiit. Adulta and yelling j-.-ph-. ( I )

•«•••• (k-atAtOit-U fim UMiU. it.voil wtnh to laugh and in- merry dccu'l go to Nf>«* tills diatuebtiigly realistic' pre ................. ilie r**siiJtM of fin* hnrr CPU.if ssr src'l fecfo }>*-rv oo a setisIMvc ei^ni \ ■, ,,..n pa.'-rii*t dfiven Hgi.i.nia mnri hy a series o f sUiiatlona, tdio|>w off the* hc-ail of hlw emplciycT who h «» stolen the- mifortiinatw young joiiroal- ist s hrsiiiH anci ta nboiit to steal Ills wifi* AduliB. horrtrr drama. (2)

'Hiur. Fri Hlasl^sippi. A southcru mii'lful .'(Uiic'dy o f the showboat rariefy whl'h s*rvc*R as a vehicle for HIng Crosby's singing and the clowning <>f W. C. Fields. A ©apabk* cast. Indefin­ite. skc'tchy dlrcclion. lovely rhologra- phy atiil sooi*- tiincfnl moslc. KxceMKivedrinking. Family. 441

Vanessa. Vaurwaa'a youthful ro- tnatiiv. bc'T tragic marrU*d life: and her later years of happlucet sr©

or Adding Machine •


ServiceFi'ctnipt Rc(uiir

W c St'll on Terms

19 Mercer Street HackensackH,V( K. 2--VM1

\Vp ( ’nil Fur mid Deliver

DINE aad DANCE Beneath the Stars

D I N E O U T D O O R S — N e w G a rd e n Terrace overlooking Lake H opat- cong. Dance to the gay rhythm of Paul W e sto n 's Orchestra — 6 P . M . to closing.

N o Minimum, Dancing or Cover Charges


In . I I I . l i n g ‘ '... k lM lI I d l « H V. iM.J n l;i fiirlc Ilu-r»'«fl»T

4 f/Hre/" U'lur home ,

BOK A I Rw i;sT smu/r "/ L O D O C l a k p : m o p a t c o n g , n . j .

A ll the mo&t modem conveniences and n comforts— a sunshiny outsiede room,Radio with your choice of programs,r'iroilarinn Ire 1|3y »r^ ^ evtrlor — »r^yours at the Governor Qinton. Ratfs are in keeping writh the times. Htgh- r*t mi-yhiy ford, c-*»sftly prcri'i moderately priced. ISext time you visit N ew York —stop at a NEW hotel!Rates from for one—^4 for two.

12 0 0 ROOMS ANO Ba th s c . w .r a m s e y . jr.. mo*

Vbigland Adapted froiu Hugh Wal- puk'a book. ExceUeot (3j Uaturv.

7 th Avenu© at 31 st Straet. N o w York CHy iO . PCNNSYUVANiA S T A. ■. © O. ©USCS STOP AT DOOR f


Demiireslu m B. O- W rlBhl an<l her »o n «

WW llam Sh-P"-^'.Pl&cUl

T O . BPV. K .n n c ih vv. C la rk o f }M k e im iv iT .iiy . n o rh »m . N . t ', ,

a rrcr.,1 C '" - ' o f h la nw>th.r, Mra, W illiam a a rk , o f S e rp en tin e

Mr. and Mm !>■ “ Ofamily, formnly at W eatw ood . are

,^m e th, *>««■ ‘■oua. on Cen-

" M i i ' ™ i “ i i l « ' *■. S e v en thelrect e i i i M i a i l » « < T u e s d a y B rW ee

gn,i S ia Oonald H e ls e r o f Old

fo u n ty ' ’ •'lo.in r lud ln * » ‘ ' ’ l’ on m in en ec .

a i O b e r lin C o lle g e .A L. F ’a u l, R«>bprt

A n c k e p Jr., hav^

ne§i ^ l i t r y p la ce a t O ak lan d

S o c ie ty o f th e Bap tist f/iWfC** lie W the c lo a ln a m o o t in g o f

on th e la w n o f th e M a- 'r g l ^ fek tfle fece, P le rm o n t roa/l.- i t f i a » d M rs . F . J . E < lga ra o f F irst • 0 0 an u ow n ce th e b ir th o f a son «t fn j{fs «i^K >d H oh p ita l. M rs . I*>lgars

fo r tn e r M isa H e le n K aw o lia k i. ' K c r e t a r y a t t e n a f l y H i«h

a n d M rs . C la ren fr* n^nrerf and ' a r e paaslnti J u ly « t no !«n i< le . M e .

M r . a n d M rs. K a lp h I ) . T i l t o f P itT - BBODt r o a d a re on an e x te n d e d tr ip th ro Q S b th e Weirt, in r ln d in a a v Ihk tp Y e l lo w s to n e N a t io n a l F*ark.; M r . a n d M ra. U. H . W t l l l i im e and fitta llY f fo r iw e r ljr o f O ld f ’o u n ty rtMid. a r e n o w occu p y in g th e K o s t e r hou»»e on H a rd en b u re h n vem ie .

M rs . 1 . M . H te lfox o f F ir s t s treet h a s r e tu rn e d from M o n tn e l lo , N . Y ., w h e re s h e a lten fli fl >:ra<lim tion e x e r ­c is es o f h e r (rram lson. I to ts T t A. O a m e t l . fo rm e r ly o f D e m a re s l. from M on ti^ eU n H ish K ch is il.

A l jo u t on e hundred n tfen cled the an n u a l p icn ic o f th e llap tlM t rh u rch an d S u n d a y w h oo ! a t S h a d o w Buke. C a m p a a w .

R u h y -K e ep -W eH s ta t io n a t th e Ten- a k lll schtK )! w ill lx* open dm iru .' Jidv an d A u icu st fro m in to l i i o c io ik e v e r y T u e s d a y Instead o f in the a f ­te rn oon .

D a lly V a ca tio n B ib le S e tio o ) eon- du cted a t th e BapUst t 'h u re h (ms rea ch ed an en ro llm en t o f till w iili claHsea f o r ch ild ren frr»rn •• tn M y ea rs . T h e re a re tw o «r<>ups of brtye ta k in g m am ia i t r a m m a tirnler th e Icn d cm h lp o f K m n « k !y n W i l ­liam s o f N orw o fx l. Horne o f ttie u-irlH an d b o y s a re m ak in g a i-n ppe f .shew an d HtHiTf* w ith tlie aN sistance oi Miss P o l ly N o r to n . M is . a . .A. K i » i . f i In dlr**<’H n s the m a k oor o f hum suits by a K ro tip o f the o M er uirl.s. Mis.s

M , K oe is 'l is lust ro e l HiLi vii -'W i m u s ic sntl MIh.s .S liirtev h 'l i .t i.s p ian is t. Mrs, t'liu r l'-s lu t/ e l iite! M rs, W ll i la m O. \Vel«er tu is'- f.riHii|is In ‘ 'W o r l f l l''r te iid sh lp ." Ttu- ,Miss.-s M arth a t 'o r tey , .lessu' M iu don B e t ty M ncdonald a re a ls o a and th e B ev , and M rs. T’ I a re HUf»er\'l.sln«. T h e ss*’nd<


NoMee U lairehy g iven that the f.d- i« »w in « itrdbiiitice woa lr>trodiux-d a( a regn la r me«iilnK o f (he ron im on <'(»um-li or the <-ily r»f Kniriewo.ul. «.n T 'lesflav. J ‘ '|y 2fid. l{*3Fr. HtuI that sold ordiriHiire w in h«> fa r th e r lonsr.jere.j fi.r tliud Ji»«i*«ge U( R meefhiK o f (he rouiiiMm I o iin e ll I o he liehl in | h,. « 'oiiin t| < hniii- - r n III (h e Mnnh-lpm BuiM inB. I'nl-

Undo A veuae und Vau Hriitii Sire.-(. In the t 'lty o f KliKleWfxri}, heiifen ('oiin ()- New Je rw T . on (he UPh dny o f .Inly. BUtn. Ill elKhl oVIork P. M . I 'a illu lU H aving Tim e,

Bated. Ktiglew ood, N. J.,July 3r«l. ItCLV

TIIOM.VH J. AM ltK .SS .r U v fle rk .

tbe fro n t b iilhlh ig l in e to the rear yard.H lngle Fam ily |>wetHHg A detached

heiiite de»ii({ii«>d fo r th e (lee tif a Hingle hoiiselioli} liv ing aa a fiimlly.

s to r y — Th*' portion o f a hiilldinK In- *’ lhde*l heiw*s-n fiM* surface of any al(ov..-gromt<| fits— a iitl the siiffare o f the f lo o r M»‘ Sl nhove.

T e rm * - The p r " w n ( tense alisll In- I'ltMle the “ future", th e “ InanUf tiiim- her shall liii'liuh- th e ’ i ih ir 'd ’ ■inil the "p lu ra l' ih f "s iiig td a r '. T'lte Word "shill}' la always ina m lalory.

.4n Ordinance to amend an Ordinanee entitled . ♦«.%n OrdlBaacc fo recuh iie and tlm if the height and hath <if hididings, and t « rega ia te and deternilue the area o f yards, courts and «dtier open spaces and to regulate and restrict the lo w linn o f trades and in dastr lcs ’* adopted AugOMt 7th, JPUII.

SECTION 4. District No. 1. Residence

Area A.

r iK IT O H D A I.TK n H T T I IK COM M (IN 01- T I IK I IT V OFK M il .K W IK i l l ;

r tirs in if:t t * (he gu fh u riiv c*uiferrcf| by r iu ij ip 'r 274. Laws *.f i ‘*L’ s o f the Hltllc o f N»'W JerW'y, tog*'tli*P e l l l l theiiMi* n*lnHMll« ai.d Milpl.h im n ls IliiTcto that (h r ordinal.''** to whi< h thin or iltnnnee is no iiuuiMlmertt h** coiUfJed sim I Hiiieiuleil to read us fo llow s :

Hectlorf A. The iPh* }iy whi> h this of- 'n»ani-t> shall Is* kitowu is.

"A n (*rilliiatic*‘ tu lim it iind r-strlcf, in s{»*s lr.v d ln irlrfs or /on. ,un| to regiilHt*' ih*'r>'tii, h iilid iugs him! -.truc- lures m -iordiitg ly th iir <-on-l ■ net loti ttlul the miMire o f and i-M im of (heir use hi the r u y o f E iigh wo.id, -N. J ,"

SECTION 1.- r (heW h ec as, the ffift im on t'l

f i t ) o f LngleiMool. Neu .l.-r.-H-v .l«-.-msIt ll«"*'snHr> to tin- puhlic lll^•f•'S^,heglt fi, com fort, ••*m»*'iil*-uee. [irotee- Ihtii o f pr<i|»-rty vhIu<*s. uml |ir<—crvii- llo ii o f III*- piihlle peRis'. snh-l.v. iiioruls. o rder i i ik I lie- general v*i|fiir.- i-f i Ih* C ity o f ('liigh'vwioii to r'-tf'ilR(*- ao.| p*-. s lfh 'l til*' hotgltl. iMinii" r o f 'i*»rlfs iiinl slz*'s o f iMilh/iunH .iii'l o lio r -triic- tiiri'H. 1 Ilf |irc|>orli'lii o f lot liial miiv he oic il(ilo il. till' size o f .liiril-'. 'OUrts and tilfuT o|n'ii sii.ices_ th*' il'-ii'-ity (if |io|<iihi( Ion, uinl rlo' loeiiMon and ns*' and I 'M 'i i i o f ii'*' o f liu llih ii-- ntiil Ml I'iii't u n s lor Irailc, iiiiln..i i . i •"■nh-iice or ( i llu r fiortoises. iin<t to divide the Clt.v into i. im Ii ilis filii.s iiN arc d*-i iiieil a■T• •Msnr> to ciirry out tin- i.iuio.r..- ofilii- iir<lliiiiiici'.

t he fo ilow i ii L,’C*M*'riiiiiu the various ' re.It' ll are lo r* h,v a jip r 'i'i lo ri'alI. 1 n l iiiiM*' ile- l>" a ' i II'.' ot I'liii'liii^". w iitiin I In ;.l|euoinI. .\i.»\ .Jer"iy,

;:Mlall uis li''M-ln

■ ml shiill 'i/*'. and ,v of Kn-

( h ) I KK ; In h lstPh l No. I no haild- inu shall Ih' ns«<i n ik I m* hnihling shsli he ere*'tcd. * *mslriirl* d <*r alt*'r*'«l, which Is Nrraitged. in(«-iMlf’ >l «>r fl*-slgtieil to b« used fo r any pnrpos** other than that o f: a sing le fs in lly <lwellliig and Ita a*'<‘«‘Hs.>r> .-ses. e liu r«'he«. whoola, pob- he p»rk-:. lutihe pla.vgroii:i'i-, ^nd |.rlr?t: gernifes and **th«r eiistmnarlly KceesMory out h n ild tiigs except as >Krr- hiaft* r itrovhieit.

(I lf V A B b . , 4 « K \ \ S f } H R IfiH T H K M TR it'T IO N S : A H bu'idinuM here­after cr*'cf«*d, roast riK 'led or niaterlally iilte ff'd In Blstrb-r .\(» 1 sball be Plaoed and (feslgned In r o iifo rm lty with the .viird and uien n si rl< t ion-< as hereinafter lirov idcfi Hfid a*. .sj>a* *' /ipnlled, or neees «a ry . t<* satisfy th*- y a n i ri.piin'inenls in reliit ioti to any bulhling, whether now (-xlstii)t; or sm ) im<'|ii«-nr|y Imilt. shall t>e *'ouni*'d aa part o f the yard or o tlu T ■»|n n Kjiai *■ In retaiion tu any other building.

F ron t Vard No bunding, sIihI! p X~ (end nenr«'r In a sip* « l line (frnnt lid line) than the me.in <bsiHii((' of set- hui'k o f the iii'iit. st b iiild ing or hiiibl- lugs, oth er than a* (•••s«ory luilbllngs. w n il In *•(»•■ liiiiM!r*'*l ( ! ' " ’ » feel on rn*h side o f said lo iih liiig aii'l fronting on ilu' sMiite sire>'l c v ' pt tliHt. in no in ■ lam e shall 11 tiuil<tiiig, «\t'-nil nearer to (be street line than iWT'iit\ five I'.Til feet and e.xc*')it that M" b 'lii'lliig shidl l*e fei|uired to »«•! back from the street line m ore than f l f t v < ' " i f*-*-l and ex- lep t further, ttiflt wher*' n biiiMing lirie has Ihm-ii established by Ho- City ( ‘(lun- i l l as H part of ib is onliiinni'e mm In parograph |b» Jt-.-Moii in or Iihr Is'cn i-stiiidished on iif f ii- ia l jdnt niiiji.'* by approval o f the ( ii.v l'l.in iiiu i' Ib'iird.

govern. SSTierc no iH ili'lin g or biiil'i Inga ex is t Within on*- iioiiilrcil (lOil) feel ill i-Utl'T lllri'i t lo ll fl 'illl ll_ |>r>l|ii'S*»il b iiild tiig iilid for n il lO'W >li'eels, iit Hmi* o f acc(‘|ihiiMT'. the hiillding line shall be estniillHliod t'.v the I 'liy I'nitn- Hi, or by the City r i i i i io in g llnard Inih*' Ills*' o f new i i i i i f - ji|>|.(ov-i| liy (h.if

w b w d h er miw exiating o r tuhacquervUr h i t i r t . Mhitll he poimtf*dl a s part of t ’M y a r r i or other nis*a s ^ s e c lo relatlori t o w n y other btilidloff.

y r o B f Tgrd- Frrtnt y a r d ahall |»e th «r Kutuc an for p l td r ic t No. 1 except t h a t th e mlnitiiDiB d ep th e l front fftrdn uh a ii be twiiity (20)

fisswr Ynril—Hear V a r d Phall l>e thes a m e SM for DlntrlH N o 1.

H id e Y'lirrii—Th< rc sh w II bc two gidc y s r v lH with II lAlal w b i t l i o f nut lewg t l i a i i fmirteen (H> feset and (be ](*gst o f w h ich »bill md be le a s than alx (6 ) f e e t .

I n addllinn, for each fo o t the depth o f a biilkllriK In a »y p a r t , cxcluxive uf rlow4*d pdfchra <»r o fb e -r alinllir o * - fen w io Q s nni more t h a n tw^'niy (2 0 } f e e t fa depth nor m o r e than fifteen < 1 5 ) f«s't Ib height, e s e e rd w fifty (a0> f e e t , the t»tll width o f (h(r two t id e y a r r iH shall lie InrreaKeil by one fo o t ;

A n d . for every fm>t a building m ay • x e e e d thirty (3tt) fe e t In height, the t o t a l width of tlu* tw o w i«ie yarda ahall Im* increaied h.r three <3v fert;

A n d . for iver.v fo* * a bu ild ing , ebber d e ta c h e d or xeini '.tetached and In an y p a r t , exdiiidre of o i>en porehea. ♦ * -

sixty |6h) fret In w blth . the to ­t a l w id th of the two w id e yarda ahall b e ImTi'iiNd by one ( 1 ) fo o t.

A m i further, the t o t a l width of tbe t w o Hide V'uiIm aliHlI in* ineream>d try n o t less than sit (fi) fr t - t f o r each fam ­i l y . itddllioiiiil In (WO. arranged to ba a*-<'<»niiundali'd In a nm ltltd** fam ily d w « - l l ln g )tp lo iiiid In c tm lin g eight fam ­i l y «M'cn|ilimy p ravid ln s tlia t Kiich ad- f i lT lo fu i l H'ldthii |><T f a m i l y ahall not be rv*«| (ilrcd In nddiiion t o the greater w l i l t it r)>i|tjir<'d HH a b o v e for execaa i io l i r i i t , deplh, himI w ie lth o f b iilld iag fv «-««t> t in no far as tb f* y may exocwl t b f la tter re<|ijirenii-nt.

T I m* witllli of ibe n a rrow eat yard s h n i l tioi l*e h-ss th an t*iic third the t o t s ! wblih Ilf Dm- iw < i s ide yarda aa re «| ii lr v d under ihln o rd fru im e .

I* ) Y.lRn KXt K P T lO N K : Excep.lio i iM to )ard r<''|iilr* i i i t 'n t s in IdHtrlct .N<» 2 shall Im* (he s a m e aa those p ro -v if| «-d for I'btricf So. 1.

<«1) COIKTH: M iiiln it im dlmenalooB i t f tu n e r and outer <-i>nrta shall be the asm ** BN for biHtriet N o . 1.

i f ) FB0XT.\(jE O N P ttB L IO k T k K R T : Iteiiiiln’mentM ahall be the sam e* as for bisirli t N o . 1.

( D I'KIV.ITK 4C \R A G R 8 A N D O T I I K K m Tilt ll.iX f N '4 ;s : Ilei|ulre-

s. .-I.iill h;- ;[ic som e UH fer biMtrlet


f»**|niivinen(s (*f B ls t r lr t 4.

SECTION 9. District No. 6—Light In­

dustrial Area.



In"Ilb litltfs HTI \ llil (l .sll.lll

MhHil b,. <li atii-h .-Im II Ik'

kic'wn jiii'l

I 'i- l ri' I 1 'i- i rl' I

1(1cltJicp stn-i't ihi*' f r'liit Hill-. II till iiiiy It iirlvnlc ganii;.'' iiiity tic p iie ." i In ••f tbe -“ id ''

Iteur Yiird i l l ta r 'l rnii less t)i '■ '•III * if t b * ‘ i h p n i I litt’ n n r*‘u r \ n 11 (w *'fity (SU) (..,.( I f ' l i r v iin l iin-ii >x in *lc|)i h *'\c* |.i « li

, fy <*fher rcipur*tiegllHli'd I ;iUil. ]»r<i\lililiu Ini

cx tc ti.liiig ilirniii:li .sli.ili ..L-. rvr lb. f, mi ejti h .Ml rc 't 111 I pl*'\ M Mn\".

*'ble Y.ird

c'lriuT lot. 1 ;■ y lo- fiikcn n.s (hi' ttuililMIU. "lll 'T Ihlltt ' • " t to r outi'iilliiing, I V11 tiIII 1*11 11 h) feet [

A m i proviili'il fu r th e r that every d w i ' i l i i i g III dlls I t ls lr l* '! shall he pro-

wllli iiiiloiiioliib' h o u s in g or park- i i iK sluin' I'll the sartiv lot wiili ihe iM ii id in g siitnilen) firr no t U’ kh limn m i»* eiir )»’r fimiily l o tic accommo* dM t«-d nil till' lilt. p H C k iiig MpH'-n iiiay )•<■ liu 'liiilnl Hitliiii th e o th er rci|uired!>{-<' II n|mi<'.

I'l' <1 ilitn sixlift' n clin li'ii I ■ ..* ''rcil tiy lll)•|tlll.•» mill

r.- -Inill be II r**!ir II tiv.'Miy (2"t p'T ..f til.' I'.i, (ir<ivi'l'''l !

-Iiiill 1.*' less than ' I and thill iin '• "••I t l l lr l ) CIO) fe<'t I. ''i I i xs.iry f" satin- 1' s o f { (itM firdln«ri"e ' li'-r. tliiil a ttiiibiing fn . i i i si ris-t III street . i.: > .ird r. »! :i. tb.ii-i -ti «'t .i n ar .vanl ns

SECTION 6. District No. 3, Residence

Area C.<a> I hiittrli't N«>. 3 I.m Intended

l* r i in a r il> fer uimrtiiici]t hoiiac cort- > trM < 'lio ii hut ilo-re s h i i l i 1m> p-rm lttcil i(f<-p*-i(i Mil ll•‘•■s p e n iiin e v i III hlstrh'te .\ ... 1 ami No 2.

I iji I \ ren

I liU or i ' MStlll.' I

l.is V ilh-b ill tu- Mt„ side

I him eigill*'* nf U lli . l i --lull |5) fc»-( !n wii!

In lliliilllnhnf H Ixilldllll.'

»I 'le


( B ) Y.WH). .UCr.A B f* T U irrio N H . A ll n f r , - r ciiostriicrI II -.f r i* 'f No. I Mhiiil b«- slu'!i«*«l III niiiforiiiity iiiu t art':i ri'!iirieii"M-*

il lie KpU*

.% KD H m G H Tl.u ild loga bvre-

c il *»r aTi**rcd to I>la**cd and do-

\x ith ihi* vnrd « s b'*r*‘iuafter


(h ) YARD. A B R A AND H U O I lT R ^ T R U 'T J U N h : A i l hiiildinga here­a f t e r *'ri*ct»*d. conatriH 'ted or altered Aa.I>is(rl<t No. 4 ahall Im* iilarcd and o^- svlHiW'tl in c en fe rn iiy w ilh the Rhd a r e a ri'slrictiona a a hcrelnaflcr p r o ­v id ed iimI no gpAte applkut. nr a t^ a - isarv, ti* aaUafy th e y a rd reijulrcmvats in Nditlioh fn any birtlding. whether n o w )‘ !:lHtlng or M iiliw 'incntly ImKr, whati Ih* cnuntcd aa p a r t of the yard o r o th e r 011011 Kparn In reladon to stty o th e r building.

I'runt Yard - F ro n t Ynril aball bo t l » « vaaic a< fur B lH ir lc t No. 1 except th a t Ih*' mlnlmmn d e p th nf froni yards e l ia l l ho rifteeii fe«*t provided that n o p u r ih shall extend nearer than aeven a n d one half (7 ‘,a ) ft*et to (be fro n t l o f llm*.

Bear Yani— K**ar Y'arA ah ill bet b e same an for B ie t r ic t No. 1,

Side Yarda —T h e re ahull he (lYn fdde yardM with a to ta l w id th of not Icsn th a n f«nrl(en (14) fe e* and the leant o f w liu-'i shall nut Im* less tliao six (S ) fe e t .

In addition fnr e a e li foot the depth (v f a liiitidbig il) a n y part exvlualve o f (-IttsHil |iuri'hf8 u r *o (b * 'r similar exfeti- a b iii not ni'ire than tw e n iy (30) feet in (|«>p(h nor mure th a n fifteen (1^) feet in height exris>dM H ixty ((iO) fre { la <J»'pth. the total w id th o f the two ynrds K lia l! Im- Increased ( l y fou r (4) Imtheu.

Ami fur each fo o t a building may ex*-«'i-'t three (3) w torlea or (h irty-s ix (31?) feet in height, the total width o f t ti>> twn Hide yurda K h a li Iw lucruaaed by o n e III foot.

And fur I'ach f o o f a huiffllnfif e ither d«^ta*'lii'd or w H )l'4eta*'lu ‘d and in any fu i j i cti'liiHlve o f op4*n porehea e x ­ceeds *'ighly (80) f e e l In width, (he to ­t a l width fit (he tw n Hide yarda bhali b e InTcfiwMl by fo u r (4> itH'bea.

Ami furili*-r, the to ta l width uf tbe tw n side yarilK s h a ll be inercaaed by n<ir h-Mii than tw n (3> fe« t fo r each fa iiiiiy . sddilluna! m fou r (4), arranged t*F Ih- a>i>iiumnilHt«>(f In a multiple l-'nmilv liweilliig t ip to and ItK-lading «‘ ie h t ifi) family orcupaney providh ig th a t MiK'h ad*iilb>nal w id llia per fam ily stiaM ii'd be rc*|iilrei| an above for ex-• -fssivc height.* d e p th and width o f iMiiblliig except In Ko fa r aa they in ty **x«'*M'd (he lat(er re<|ri(re(nent.

The wifith of th e narrow*'r able yard ifliMii tint is- less th a n oiiu-tbird of the to ta l width of the tw o aide yardg ag hor*'in provided.

( I ) Y.YRf) R X C K P T IO X 8 : Tponlo (h** Bititrit nf A iljo s t-

n i. 'iil " f Iiiilliiing p la n s niul a Hl(e plan sh 'iw iiig Imaiiun o f biilblinga, and o f i*i>*'ii Miuii'CH. fur th e H|s'ciiil truatmoni o f Mil iiri'ii nut b'HH th an .S itereK In sixe tiiK l having on otio Hide Htreet frontage c»f at IcrkI 4ti» fe»-t, a fl* 'r reference to M ini n'l'clpt of reotrrt thereon from the f ”l f v I'lanning K *m ril, uiid after due li i ib li i ’ iiutica' Hitd b e n r in g by 11(0 Bo'trd• >f Ailjiistmcnt, tli«* sa id Iboinl o f A d - juMiMii'iit may w a lre n iir or all front.-1*1*'. smi reiir yar*l restrlH lona as pro- vi*l**l iiiiil>r tbiH S*->-iliin and may <ii- r* ' ( til*- Zoning t t f f ic «- r to Isauc per- ' inifM in aecnnlauce w ith atich plan.

I'l'oiik'd, that *t|Fen space eijijul to *»rKr*'.*i'T ihaii Iliac r»-*piir*'d under t l i c .............y u n l n-fitrictiiinM o f this Section is 1 us fur i 'ls ir i 't N o . .*t li* rfti«' fnritlMhcd w ith in the tract lii ;.-It' Il a iiiunm-r as to g iv e eipiaily good ! a< > • Ilf light 1111*1 a ir to Individual |<Iw"llingM ami that norinal aide and | roHv yards )>•• pn>Tl<t<*«l on all hoiindary !

I. |irovi<l*'*l fu r t lu T (hat no in

«u n p aa for Id s t iic t No. 1. | not to exceed o n e year for non-con -* , D u iv iT ic veanara-jt- F e e r * ' In cb leB ia l (o h o iillu ^ o r? . I e..nairuction p roJeciH Including »o c hMing designed f*ir th e occtiptDcy o f j

.1,.;, -w „r.„, e.i_ w„h. »...opoi.»e -j.

SECTION 11. Administration.

r,r in"'.:w'.ku!"?? t .i ';z 'jss/x ihullditig will arroiuiBodate. Aiceaa to ■ n«! from the atr»***t must J»e iiroviiled f*n the same lot w ith tJte building o r over lain! covered b y right «*f w a y

Ilk-U w il l ! Ih , Ch r k o f lU-r- 1 . , k t k b i -R K T .S T IO S , in l n l , r gen t iMiit y- _ „ ' ■.t..ilna ami a i t f i iv ln g the Dnivlsloni* o f

OH C O N S T R IT T IO N : : th e y shall fe held to IveN o ,'***?j{ j the miiiiimim re*nilr«-mentH for the p ro -ereeled in tbla B la f f lc t o f other than ] _ ,jo „ „ ( i.n h ile aa fe lf. ronven len «* , flrvp n s jf coiiMiriielJtui, except as I 'v r - [ i « , .n e r a l ‘ welfar*

con form ing to ih e rear and bide y a rd i lx- known ua th e /xiiilag Offmer.* ‘ ' ‘ • It shall be th e «ln ty of the Z o n in g

(»ffl*-*r 1*1 k*s'P a reco’ d of ail a p p li- ciithiim for iH -nn ils and a record o f a l l

(a) I SB: Bistrh-t No. 6 Is primarily for storage an«l ligh t Intlnstry or man- iifncturing but ih«*re shall be permit­ted theP'In ail uses pi-rmitled in Bis trh-lH .No. 1, 2. 3. 4, and 5 and In ad- dithill, repair and machine ffh*>ps o f any slxe. jaiiudrlcs. dyeing and clean­ing works of any biz«s when cuiiducted withmii piililic liHZurd. lumb<*r and coni yards ami all r>rocess«*s of light nimui- fa*'tiin'. uRsemhly or trea(m*‘iit. except those w-hli-h, hy roBaoh of otior. iiols*-, dust, or sniok*', **otistlfule a niilsHii**e to the C'linmunity anil all usea uthor- wise provld**! fo r herein or not »p «;i- fli-oil.v protdMh'd as foltows:

(h i I'ltO llIH lTKD t SES: There shnil.hn prop..,.,, m

(HTitdls Issii*-*!. w ith a noiatlon o f a ll s|*e*-1al iv>nditb*ns Involved. He a b a ll fih ' and aafelv k e ep copies of a ll p la ts suhiultt*'*!. an*i th e same shall fo r m a part of the i . - . o n ls o f hIs office, an d nh:d] he a va ila b le fo r the mie o f th e C ity ('oui)ril. a ix l other officlala o f th e C ity of E nglew ood.

Th*> Zoning () f f i* *e r shall lasne bo rMTtnif fur the construrllon or use o f onv hiillding o r p ro p er ly unless I t a lso conforms to t lw re*iulr*'menta « f «H other ordluances o f the City of E n g le ­wood.

(H n r r L D IN r , F K R > I1T «: A11 re-ijm.Kts fur b u ild in g imtihIIh sha ll be iiiim Ic In w r it in g an d hy the ow ner o r niiihorlxcil ri'i*roti»-nlMtlv«* and shall c o fi- tain n Htaremcnt o f (he tiw t>r JnU*ndeduse and shall Im- a*....... b y aplan ilrawn to acak*. ebowlng d ese r lp - (io ii i f tlm l o t as recorded or w’ ith

Itini'aiion »*.v a qualified englm M T.i*d biiihlTi

- .... "171'"!:, iSou i»f ii'ii-s*. o iio r, dust, or snioKo | . .^.i f.,,... * k .. 7 ..nin<* nr/i>.nr F»ct«e .-hull '-utisiitute a niiLsance (o or In f l ir t , demoiistratile dam age to the com-

to the Board of 4<ii>, . ' ahail lyBOcr U « 3 . : ^ ’ peal within sixty<1.1. of heu’ r ,. Cand In any ev.-i,t 1.,,,“ ^

1."-<*«>» fioM Ik ,•ppeal as - hereinfailure no to do 5ueh'^'*' pkexpirntion o f aueb m ,'.« ttl*od to he dei-idod pellaot. ill the Kniiie ^the suid Hoard hndtu that effect, a

In nddltliin lill] ,

'""-4<k-r. m,u,mhlSf on ina.l.. ... •_ '•"'WllB. te i.nilnalbm tiisde \ i t !


3. To authorise iirmn . . . . fie cases Hii* h varion,-. #1“***** ^of this nrdinsnee rh trary to tlie ,,„bite inte,;L“l ‘» Ing to an. h apevlm cmliii.**'” *' volve virtualconaideraliJe nscr L » ‘ _ “ icon.id.r.„k. p.;r„;'.'";",»'>n'., eral « nforcemeai of iiJ* i th l« i.rrtlni,,,., > -m ' sarv uirfUl.ti. la :» ; r y .............. . <111., S S ,th l« orill,in,„., , h j „ k,puiinuiniiHi juai)<-e doiH.. ™ Ihal no «ueh ...r lu ,,,., ' , K p*-. to grant or lo o llo iv . M >In a fllalrlrt r o „ r l , «atructiiro or ' • » ,a il .reaiOH't ot t<2. '“ “hDiuii u aitui.i... 71. ‘ . A «r ia n » 1, JabT a diHriir inor use Is ftttfhorlxed hy S ' and iiruvld*wi Wdiin;.

iiiiiiiitv ami l i ie liid iiig such uses as iiliHttoirs. i Ih- m uutifacture o f lilim iinat lu g 'jis, hhisf furnaces. efemafori**H.fcrtn iz*'r maniifa**tnre. metal funndrte puliit or varnish mariu faettire; alt p ro ­

of iiiu iiiifncture, aatieinbly

ureil from th e Zon ing (tfflcer p r io r I t** the i-m islrurtl*m . ereefiou. or niCera-

tloii of aiiv h u ll* lin g or striH'lure o r part uf bu ild in g o r structure.

(*l) P E R M IT o r O C C IP A N C Y : N obiiiluiiig h e rea fte r erect**il or a lte r e d shall Im* i*«s-upled VTT lined In w h ole o r

, ill part fur a n y tine whatever, an d no irt'suneiit wtiieh nlinn eonstilute an un- fh an g*- uf U!>e rih iitl hen'sfu-r be m a d e usual fire or exp lo s iv e hasard in* liid ! ,,f nn.v Im lld lng o r p t fl (hereirf a m l l lu g siM'h iisea a « : firew o rk s or expluhlvt- i n "iH-rmit o f ooenpar '. y” has booa Is? MiaiiiifiiHiire or storage, umi the stor- | Kiie*) by the Z .in iu g O fflivr. In d ica tin g ag*' .if any voh ilile o il t»r ikiiihl :ih«iv*‘ jj„n tij,. bu ih ling com plies with tli** p ro - gr.MiM*l In taiiks o f capacity g rca tiT vi-i..ii>. nf (h is o rd lnam e. Such “ p e r - than l.uufi ga llon s. j „ f . upH riry" shall he griiiifrrt o r

f.'i V.XR-B. A H K A A M ) H E IG H T ) •h nb-l w iihlii t.-n (B i» days from d a te R K .sT R If r io N 'K : Y.'ird, Area aii*l | o f apiilleatimt f o r »a ld |iermlt,B.-ighiUM fnr

III Ke.^lrli tioua Kbal] lie the sam*- nr liistrb't .No. 5.

(d ) f'O l R TS : T ill* requiP-munls slmH he the .nim** aa f o r Blatpict No. .1.

O') F ltO N T Y B E rP O N P f ’B f . i rM TRKET: ltc .p iir« 'm cril» siiflll be th .'.same av fur B is t r lr t .No. 1,

A ti'iiiporurv ‘ 'p er iiiit of oceuimncy'* imiy be isKiicfi f o r a part of a b u ild in g .

(e) A .M B N I»Y iK N TK : City ( ’ou n c llinii.v frum tliii*- to tim e on Us own ino- liini ur "il iM -titlo i;. after piildlc n o tfe e iijiit bearing, airo-nd. supiilenietit. o r nl.iiTigi' the r*'g iilatinnH ami d istric tH

( f l P ItIV .Y TE <i.\R.V(»ES A N D ■ fi,-reiri «'sfiittlish*-d and .idnpt rules an d O T H E R 01 T iU lIA H N t iS : Ue.jnir.' r* guliiil..!i« f.ir th e purpmw of InU-r-iio ' iiIk hliall be the tiaiiic as for Id a tr ic l - pp 'iiug and i.a r r y h ig the onllnan*-** No, r>. ‘ .................

(C ( r iR E P H O D F r O N S T R K T IO V ;T lie r*"iuir.'ni<'nts s lm ll lie the .>iuu*'

till' *i"lrth ; \<'',esiv.' ol 1

bi nil,I •usi mg

i '*-Hk will

purents' n ig h t **n Jnlv

■ Itiu gh ti r I," is c**nt Itinchcnn

W * l«-r o l Hic-

c loae w ithin.

M rs. Av H llver and d f T o n k e r s w ere re r i v a l s o f M rs. W ont itreel.

A b o u t (w e n fy m em U T s o f th e T.vp on ovtt n u l l ut(< iid ",l il sw jtm nliiK p a r ty a t Ba.si'Rck Bool. H ill.s.lule,

f T i a r l ^ n ilx c l n f t tbl t 'n iM ity rn.-id RHfortoil th e hoys o f l,. T . K an d o lph ’ .s S u n day school to th*' B ro n v Z*mi. B oy s In th o putty incln .k-.j llm va r.) K n ig h t . Alfr***! (Jrei'ii, .\ r th iir W'l**. boltU. W il l ia m I 'n o k fa lr un*l H tih ardDItjM'l.

M r. a n d Mts. T . Kandoliihand d iiughtH i B oroth y o f F irs t s in i i arA on a tr ip (»y au to fiioh ilc to vl.>*i! rsh tt iv es In W voniiuw.

------ ■ f

SECTION 3. Deiinitions

A ir

West Englewood*,f r i i i i n h s t f . i 'l w c«'ks u l Ky*-,

Mrs. V. FwnblH|i«ndinH aev*THl

AlfrM i N ra ii'T of Maple av*‘ iiu>' h spending: his vaenMon at S tiliwaiei.

I ’aul S«'h. fonn i'ily o f Markit street, Ih inakinu his h*>m*‘ in Florula.

Mrs. E'. Ilavilcn <*f S tate street is ponfinp'l 10 llit.shi'niick IB-iuhts Hns- pltal. f«»llmvlni.' a s it Ioii.s opi'rati.in.

Mr. anil Mrs. !Jiin*'un Kiu»*r( iiiiii danghtm- iff Sh**fnmu avi-nn** an- at thrfr summer home In Rumson.

MffW* MHrj»>rt«' .'4tarr o f Sherwon.! aveftitc f8 sjicndlng the stim ifur at Fftyson I*ak»*.

MIhh A lice .lonijMi o f I*Muewo..,t RVenne sitenf ih*- wi'ck-**n<l at [*’arrn- Ingdale.

Wr. and Mrs. O, I.arscn an*l son of Dlekpraon r<*Hil .spent Ih*' holiihiy aii'l week-end at Ihirl.l I.H'ike.

M i«t Marianne ,M. B* r.s» h o f Be Draw aventip Is soending th** .Hum­mer in the IkTksMres.

Mra. HerlM'it Smith o f (liir.ten street has rctiirn*«l from th«* W'.st Indies. ‘

Mra. A lfre il Nelson o f Warwick avenue *‘ nlerlaitic*l ift l•|•1.1g*• on Fii- lUiy tifternoou.

Jc;inrto Tr;\.iiip of Ogd.-a .'iM tsui'. i:i spenrIlnEr .si'Veral w«**'ks at l amp. .

M rs. \V. A . A li'xu n 'b 'r «»f W a rw ick

Hsorv K iiiliting iMiihllliL’ tl,'* wbl' b Is l'M-l■l|||;l ri Iy liicl.b 'liliil

to (lu ll ol ill*- iiiiiiii liiiililiiig iilul h'ciil'-'l o', the aHl•■ ]'•) w itli Ih*' main In ill'h lig .

.krcftiHor)' I 'se A Use '•i|stmnnrlly lio l id*m ill lo dll' prtiictf'Hl ti<M* o f a4*ii:!. lo g s'l' Il >is I III- 'iM i* ' o f il proti'ssiMii ,1 inuH • <l•■toUl,l^> lioiii*' iK'i'iipiii iolis, aril:, v . ir i i j '' -••niiig tile U 'liiiiils uf anlljMI rl hi' Ml holisr.

\llc.v A t'hbllc or itrlvafe tli<iroiig)ifar. b -s lhaii iw .-M j fou r (21 ) f.-. tIII w id lb

\|>iirlnienl llnioie— iiy b liild iiig uiid'-r .1 H ",f » i i b or w illio u i tlr*'I'riiol |,,iriilioi|S mul designed f<>r tbe o''',|rHi.' > <d iiir>'c or iiiiir*' Iuois*'IimI*1s lo lilt .1- Iniiillic-,

Block- ,\n iir*'!i boiindcil hy sins'ts,•1' - ir .i 'i mul «'il\ t'"inidm -y liii*'H.

B iillin iiK— I Ic iiicasiirciiiciils o f o building Ol- li'.im II b iilh tlllg s llllll be

Tlic u l.liti HI).I depth kIii iII id'

.b.sc.l 1", I'.'b"S o.-r -.11iiiibir 'Xii'iisi,Ills j ii J li.'i II 1 \M’ I, i\ i.;ui f.'.'til, .I' l, li. itWr III"!'c M l.III h ill 1 i:,i i",-iill )i"i*;lil. 1 hii 1 > 1 ■ 1 1,1 i';v) b-.'i.III.- t " lul V* i■ III, ..,f M ' 1 " .. Hir.l''11,111 1 1 ‘ 1


Im r,-:i...•*l V .iiiii a half

Am i (<*r 1’ll,’ll f o o l a t>iii|,|iiig may11 .tllll .'IK ■ li.'ilf • I'.ri''*! .,r

Ih litv ( 11 * 1 l•'.•l1 It* lK'iL.'lll III'' ("till*1 i'lih ..f 1 Ik■ I u<il >-i' l<- \iir<|s shall lieIII' rcas«-d »•) Hiree t ) fi'*-I

mi fur *'ll. li f..*,r 11 1" iib|i:ig nmv. X, .-* .1 s ixty l■•U| f.-. t In V* Ml:;i, III*- toIII! \* I, tdi " f ti," t ! . l" 3 !ir*lH slmll f>*’Ificrcf*-» » d hy un*‘ (D filUl.

Tbe vv ji|t II of dlc iiarruvtcs'( yard sliatlii"t t>« )•■**s H ill .•lie th ird tif III" totalui.lMi ul 1h- 1 W" .sl.ic yu r.l ' as r*'<iuircdiiicb r thi I'liiiam 'c


-•■-arv, to natlsfy t h«» yard rvi|ulre- 1 ri'Uiioii tt> a n y hiiUdiiig,11,01 .'\lsriiig o r siibseitiieniiy

. sli.ill II,' i-oiMiicri ns part of tlie ..r .ill,, r ,,|H-ii ,sjiai-o In relutl.m to

<d her liiiililiiii.’ .i*nl liinl l•■,•lllll Y 'a rd siinll besum.' IIS fur I 'ls tr lc t No. 2.■or Liril It'Tii- Y 'a r i l hIuiII be .siiiiii' a.* fur l'l.stri*?ts No. I aud

I i 11(0 , ff>‘< t. W h en iiw i'. ru *if inure I lia n fifty (.'.')i per cen t of the fro n ta g e wniiiii a d is tri* ’ t o r part uf iliM iric t <T'Mi]'ri-ing not le>:-- ttiiiii uni> lilock nr

; ijip ''' ii-ri's s lm ll pr.'w n l to the C 'lty ;i'oiin.'i1 a duly sigth-d iwiltbin f o r tlx* ; chairif**. f l 'S 'i it Ion . *>r reviHi**n o f nntd ‘ .li-.iri't or part *»f ills trb t. City f*o im - * I'll sbalt ai’i ii[>on sai*l petitiun w ith in j ^i\ty ifiiM d-avs a f t e r (lie filing n f m id |p.'iui<iii with t i le C ity r if ik . .Said tm-

ilti.'ii sbal! Iw a<'compniil*'d liy a m ap III of it,* an-a and that the imt ' <:») S PE C IA L V.NK.K P Y iR M IT T E 'l): ’ stiouiiig ihc a r * : i f**r w lj ' ti the ch a n ge

: urt-.i " f th*- trai-t, e x c liia ire of isln*ets 'n i, lioni'l o f .\*ljii'-:ni*'nt. a> iri-at.-*! o f .li'iri'-t is a sk i'd iin*| all in ti'rm eill! i t io i uilor pnl>li<- op en a'*nt.'ea .'Xi-ept f l e n i i i , ma.v m illm riia ' the l-ssinJiicc *.f ,i!< uluitMiig p ro p e r ty and m« r th e re o fi p a r i. ', aiul p laygrou io ln , la nut to Is* j in-rimtii i*, build a liospital fur oth.-r .nol liiiiia r. .shall In' amunpajiieii b y a

-•*.k.ricl by hiiild lugK lo an pxteui '* ---

(fiv iitual lot ta to l*t* covered by b iiilil- | ail extent gr*'Ht*T than fifty

SECTION 10. Exceptions and Special


... ..... ,y — •and pri.vld.Hl. further structure ur uw* ri,hu L ' X »than one hundred ami r ir f^ *^ 8 beyond the boun.lary 'tPict In which snc|, Jtnich.5 'authorised by thin u ld io lS "

3. To riH'uiutiiend in u ^ .i’ Coiincll. upon upiM-al that a atrurtiir** o r mw district fcHtrlctiHi agalnTt tiin* nr UiH* w here th** laha.*“i^ ■ o f whlcli «uch rr..n,Hn.*'nd,Ho?t''‘ do not abut a dlsirk-t In strif-turp nr one ia arnkL 'zi.nlHR I.rilln.n.-,. or are more (hati .m e hun.i^ri . V

l*^youd ibe hoJai’i t ' e f tbe dlatrlct in w-hk-h or use Is a llow ed by the aaee. W h erp tip „„ (•ii7 by resolution, apprnv/ .J a S j sw-h rermnmpndath.n; and In ^ r.-coiiimcndiilUin RhaJl L. . L t " * ' (MtV Cuun.fl (hen fh!- charge o f g ra n t in g permit* rtl!?? with Issue a perm it f*>r-.uph « » ! or use. *#tK

In exercising the uli...-o ». . powers such H oard . i d h s t S

this Act, reverse or arfikl. z * partly, or m ay m odify the cpitrement, (h*cisl..n .fr rtets^«Pi»cat.'.l from , and ,ng|; wiek ^re.inlrement. . Ic is i. , , , oras utiglil to he rnmip. and to ,“J ' haw alt the pow ers of *1- ? Officer.

i i i i : '

g c ;i;,T than forty {h t I'eiit.\t li' ii n|ipli*')l l it frontage upon

sfn-.-i- ,'\i*iiii4 nr rh** rim** of passag*. • i f 'Ills ..rdliiance nn.v exc*’pHons irraut- *'i| sii.iii applv i.» r e a r uiid side ja r*ls

lUW'Us dfscas'js. u p riva te U'l'ni s * 'llit ig f'>rth the grounds o riitlib ib' fi< Id, il clutihous**. s public **r r*':i-"’ tis for thr* i*r**j»o'H**l chiiiige. .Any

■ " " ' Il iTuiius*'*! chanu'-H «>f iintimmce «>r

.\ti,l fiirllier. In tJi*' case uf nitijfiplc

Ini' i'lt'

I'C lb*' lli:l \ Imillli of I li<‘ linildi ML'. '■ bi' ij> I i ItC'l I 'Insc'l |i>,ri I. h.lOll-. •■Il.lll be , " I III.nil Iniildiiig. . 11


iinihi parts*’ik;bl s Illlll be IIS II"- or sim lb ir c.v id« r**i pari o f (li*-

<'iive ol s liiiib ir ,.r ihr**' U ) fc.'i

b< I oii-ld ' I ’ d purl o f tbe build lo r -iilc \ ird widfti il<-i<'rrnliiat bui. ii(re I.ill*' *if '‘ IrcH — line niidw.vv ISO aii'l pur,ill'I lo pro|**'rly llio's, • ' -iiildis)i< d I'v fib'*i maps.

( lull lioiiHC .\ b iiii'liiig lo boll!**' n or SO'ml oruaiu/al ion. iio l «’oli I f.-r pr'-iit

4 nrfi*T l.ol — A i.< at 111* ir i 4 f»u ri»— I "O

n i Y \H I» E X C E I 'T IO N S ; f],,,!! pn-- • > III anon i <> 1 b<' ibm n l o f .V'ljiisi iiu-id of l"iil<link- plaits aiiti m s ite idan Hiiowiiig

,.f bulbil n US. nn*l of opt-ii s).ii..'s- f,,r 'be s|*e*'lBl treaiimuit of an afi-a 1,'it b'ss ihiin f»*Tes hi siz*' amt

I'll** shi** Htr»**'l frontage of f''<'t, i ift* 'r r,'fi'r<‘ ii*-e to and

■poi ( t III- r*'on fr*iiii I li** c ity "av'l. iind lifte r dm* piildi*' to'iiring h.V tie* lloiinl of

i,'iir. I lie said Board of .Viljiisl av wail,' any i*l" all fftuit. ni'b' r .vai'l ri'st r»*-l ions aa }ir,ivl(l(-d III', ^l'<'llon iin d limy i|lr*'<l die *< r ii ''r I " is su e |i*'iinits In no-

<* vv idi siicli p lnii.

riiiiiiiiin : I!i i" f '• , .Hid .\,l lll 't liir-IlT .

,hv. Miiiirs


,\ii inni'r ,( urh i f

Hvenup w ill apern! th«‘ remAin>l**r o f l"1 ii,b

fro n tin g on two luir n:lTT''t'C!l'l!l, k I o'lr ' iH an uniu'enpli 'l

o i l i ' i limn a yan i. .\ii........... vv h i ' Il c X I i ' I k I n I.,

r to 1 bi IToiif or ri'iir yard art ts any ,»«li*'r *'*mri. cl lie- iio-an si f is t gru'l*

as csHiloi Ik d bv •■visliiiii: I'UI I'S **r I'lt v "r il i i ia n 'i ' or. in r'-.-idenl ml /oii*'s 1 (1, iMiaii b’V*'| <d die ground adjii>'*‘ lil lo dll' bu ild ing

r irt 'iiroo t < oMstnicliun \Vli*'ii th>'lei'iii fir.'p i'oof I oiivi rin t Ion is ti.seil In diis Ol *ltioiiM *' il shall In- siudi I'on .'.in ii'iloii ii.s is I d, diicii in (be Hnlld liiu t'o 'b ' aii'l l i - dook o f Pra<'flce ol I lie I 'i l V *lf |■■||gl'■Woo.|.

t'rnnt Y'uril Spaeo l•.-!wc••ll the loiilil tag Ilio- Mii'i Ml' front linqo-rty line

lle iK h l o f itu lid ing Tin- v«Tli<Hl <iii ta ll'* ' iin'iiMire.i froiii the *urti l*'V«'l a- ib'fin*'*t to dll- liigh point oltb*- ballillng. •'\clii.'iv*- o f cliim iieyK iiinl s im ilar flxinres

Hfdek— Kslabtisbiii' iit fo r I In* sli'-tier .init *-i>l''rr)iinMo'iii ot traUsi*'nl gnesis and w bos.- nv* rag'- rcsiH iiranl s* rv|,.-

• x<*'cd Iwoiilv five (J.>| per Ci'lll *d' (ill- gross r*'lan ra iit r*'c*-lpts,

lloMHf*— .V b iiil'liiig nsi'd fo r (iwclliiu: nrjo*s*-s, .V il'-l a< hoosc is **ne in


th e R u m m er in tin* W *'«|M rs. M ich ae l F. Iftm in - n f Oak,b n*'

HVenue hH*< U 'en uut.-d i»ne of th e Ju«iir*’H 111 th*' K'lhv |.i»c:iiti' nn th**K eu rU l *»f .Iniv M rs |>iinii*- is firos-. h lcnf u f tlic W nm an ';; O lu li *d’ 'I'ca- neck.

B**njam iu K. Ih irir't o f K!u,\\nnii aven u e hits gradtia l*''i f im n W''Sl> van rn lv e rsH > '. He u til cn t,-r N ew Vnik B ii iv e r s t ty ill th*- fu ll to s iU 'K inc i- Irlue.

H oy W ilh e lm *'f Ali< ia av t iHi*' w illspem l th o .summer m M um o. |

Dr, a m i .Mrs. .J<*s**nh K* l f f and chil- , d rrn o f T «'an ** k road at o at de ir »u tnm **r liom - m K-'i-ne.

rharle-H S t f- fl" .Ir . j.rii,, m '.«1 " f ’ b*'

plel •1> fnm ilv ••paril'tl liy a

unit' ft r*'pro<if

iH'In'*! 1,0Id 's tor

s oil.- li.iving liv in g *|iiar tam iii's (III more than vv liK I, arc mil s*'|,urui* <1

loiiblliius - |•‘ '|Ui|■<land sh

o'-ciipi*-d or >y a I'u il'lu ig Hid Inclnduig

l.y (Ids or

sir.'W — 'rill' s;r*'.|oim l y .II vvblebH hlo. k

sigim icd

s i « f i * Ynnl* riiiT*' s h a l l bo two aide v a r * is wiMi ;i leiiil v v it ith o f not Iona i l i r i i t fo iiii'iii l i t ) f***'t nnii the ](*aat o l w i l l ' ll llllll ii'ii be it-MB than hIx (6 )

, f. 'V t .[ I n fi>r each fo o t the depth

o f rt biill'llni!. Ill aii.v { v » r t exclusive o f <'I*is.»'<l pel'Ill'S i>r o th e r s im ila r oxten-s i i i i i s nol iii'irr Ihnii L w e i i ly ,20) f e « l

' in *f*'pdi ii'T fm fe t h a n fifte**ii (tiv ) f*-«‘ t III 1 1 1 * 'X n 'e d s B ix ty (6'i) feet,

; ( I m- ( i i i i i i ivi'iiii uf (In- t w o aide yanls ' s h a l l be ill,n:i?(*il by id x (6 ) Incho#;

A im I. fur ca. h fixit a h iilld ing may ilire*' '3) Htori<*s o r ihlrly six

i la * . I t*'*’l 111 lii'lght. Ih<* to ta l width e f ji)M - tw o d*l,' jHr*|s a h o l i bo Increased t b.v o n e anil it hsif ( I ^ > f « > t ;

A n * l . fur rfli'h foot a iM iUding eilh«*r ,l*'(a< h'i| ,,r s'lni-ib 'liU 'heii and In any p a l I < \< liiniii' of ojieii porches exrve«ts c i iT l i iv pi'ii fret in W id th . Mis U*lal u i< i t l i of till’ two s ldo y a r ila ilinll tie ill, ■ r*'as* i| l,y six (d) iut-lu-?-.

.\n * l flintier, Llie I b t a l vvidlb of the (vv .. v i'l.' .v.'irds Klinll b o increiiwil l*y 11.■( b-ss tliiiii ilir'-*' ( 3 ) f*'e l (or eii.'ii f a iH i lv . ,iil(||il'i,ial (n tw t * . iirrangc'l (*i lie M c oiiilimilnti'd 111 a m nldple fam ­i ly tiw-tlliiii,’ n|i to um i in<'lm lliig «'igli( f . in i i t v i,<rii|,iin''y f irn v H lin g Ihni s ieh iM h tit i >iml wiililis per fu in i ly stiall imf to r« '[u li 'i i In inh iiliixi f.*» die gnnt.'r w i i l t l i ri<|iilr>-i| as f<ir eveessiK 'ixr lir. d.'|j|li. and w b l t h <>f hiiililing *'\*'« I 't ill Kii far as tti* y nmv eX'*'c*| 111*- la tter rs'i'ilrenient.

' D m* w'iilfh Ilf (lie n a rro w e r yar*I s l i . t l i iii'i II*' less than it i ie third <>f the t o t i i i vvliliii of the t w o s id e yards a s her* in pri'vbK’d.

*•-, V.\Kl) K X C E F X IO N H : Ip ..n)»r*-«-«'nt:i(ii,ii (o tin* B o ^ r d uf A*ljns(- i io - ii. o f l.iilblliig phm.s a n d a site phin s b o w in i ; luiiiinui of 1*11 i 1(11 ngs. and nf op* 11 sjui.T-s, for Ml** s p i 'c h i i iri'iitiiii'iit " f a n iir*'H nut Ipsh t l i a n u acres in sivco anil lining on nu«* aid** street f r . . H I ;i k" of III leimi t o o f<wt «ft*'r r*'f- l•r«>n<-i' III sinl re*’el{d i i f r**(>*»rf th<r.'ou f fo r v i the (liy I 'liu in in ^ H**ar*l. nml ; i f l * T 'In*' Kiililii' notice a n d liearliig by til** Boiini nf A d iiis tm e iit . tbr khI i I H**.'»r*l of .Idjnstnient «iifi.T waive any fir B i t flout, dile, and r e a r yan i resirlc- tMrtiH IIS |irfviile*l iH)<i**r ( I i Ih Sei'iion a m i m iiv illfiTi (he Z o n in g Mfflei'r (*»

lo rinlis in ticcnrdam 'C with suchP hi II.

I ’ rovbl*'*!, that open spai'H equal t<> .«r g r*'Mii‘ r (Inn Unit r e » jn }r e d uiid*T die y i i r * ! r*'striHiulis o f th in I4*h'(|oii |r f*th»TwlN4- fiirnislied w i t h in (be tra «t in siii' h a itinimer rh t** g ive eipmlly g o ix t ac.s's* (if light a n d a ir lo iiid i- v b l iu t l dwelling'and t l i a t normal sidn .Hiitl rear vsnl* la* p ro v id e d on a ll b * )iin < lii.y ilii's and. p ro v b h 'i i fiirilmr f lo a t II*' iiiilivbliinl Io( 1j* t o la* env'r.'d b y biiH*ltiig« In an * 'X (p n t grea(*'r Mmii f o r t V ( P i, p. r ceiM o f I t s nren and it.at tb*- n*'t Ufa nf the t r a c t . cxi-lusiTe o f s*r*s"?s rif,'! otLs-r |M!h!i«* o»«-:i s|;: c jt'X*-*'|*e iHirkv and p la v itm u tu ls . is not lo !>»• *'i.viT''il by liii l fd ln ifH t** an * x- I.-Mi gr*-nl.'f Ihan th ir ty (3 0 ) per is-nt,

W h s-n api'lled to fro n ta m * iiji.in s fr* -*-fs •‘Xlstiiig at the f im e «•? passage o f t h i s iini iiaiiiv any ^ x o e p t lo o s gnpit- *'d •sbail to re.ar a n d able .vnr>l8*j n I y

\ f . « t fiirtlii'r. Ill the **f nmli!(-)er n m l ] ) ' itweltliigs. imt oxcv^d ltig Ibn-e i.T» stories ur Uilrfy s i x fe<'t in

il, I ’ KIN \ PE 4»AK.\(«EH .\M» ; l o ' i g b i . lIu* rei|ulred M ido yard ana,«»T M E R u l T ilt I I.D IN C iS : .S'o private ; In .• \ .•♦•ss „f fnrly (10) total w i.Ith :

'iri .itb e r niiMinlldlng | m a y i*** jiroliled ol(M‘w h<*rP oD 111'' bit d it.'ur*T (him dm**’ hM i «*< i»*‘ riii'»ii.'iii open h|v»<'h>, In mblltion

■I (o a n I r or siiii* pro|**'rf y line **x - 1 |.» t H** oi),"r yani< anti op+.*D 9|'H''«s rc- 'I 'li.ii diis slmll uot ,tf*'vciit 111'* <|ii)r*-*l iin*|t*r llils sectU in .ibiiiik o f '" iiiiiio ii o r juin i garage

■ ining b’ is No private

dmt o p en spa*'** ei|ii;it to111, timt i'**«pilr*'d mi'b r du-Hiiiis o f this .*4*'i'ii"ii is iri, i-heil vv i I hill III*' ( rn* I in ,• r ns fit ............ . g.iii.l 1.M :i rid H ir lo iiiillvtdniii j I ib it i io r iiiiil Hide umi r*'Hr '

ti. pr..ii.|ed (til all bmimyir.v 'Hid. pr.'vi.ied f i ir r lu T (hat m> in III f.'t IS In be cHvereil by build i . :iii I \iciif gr« 'H l*T tliaii fbirtv ' r I >',,i of irs a ro ft nml that di*' n.-t 1

• I d ,.' tr:cl, <*\<-lUHivi' Ilf siri-els, t ie r f.iiblle o|H*n spUceH exei-(it

id’iv groiiiid.s. Im imt t*> iu-, •Mil'liiigs t*» ail **xtpn( great iiU fiv«- 1 2.‘>) per n-ni. j

;l lot

M 11- ''uritiige npon'i r . i i s ev i- iih g i i i * *R ^ dme nf paasagi* ' • if iliis ................. nrty *-xcep(inns grant- 1' li 'Im li .ipptv to r * " « f and atih* yariBoiir.v ?

('l l M M H IS : W ln -rc a court Is pro j V I'leil fo r I he pur,M>S(‘ I 't rurnlsliiug lt;:lii and nir In rooiiiH the leiisl ill ! lie II-1-,. Its o f siK'li * (HirtH slmll lie as:

b sIII. Il

<biter ( «inrt— .V'l o u te r court shall I*** ..III six (Id rc«*t vviilc imr, at any I ''- 'I , sh all h«* iCHH lhaii nix (Hi

w ide f.ir ''n ’ -h font «*f height ti l. V. I at'orc (h e hHI o f Ih*' biVT . indovv sirreil l*y II, No (UiI*t - ii.il! h:Me a d c p t li greater than : its vv iddi.I Hi,

Inner < •oirt— \.

-I; li!

of Ib"

in n e r court Hhall be . (*•*>1 wid*'. imr at an.v «• than nfne ('ll ■ich foo t o f height <>f

>H- liic imret o f ti,.- slUwim loW served h.v It.

( " i I K U M U .K I rO N IMIU.IC n T U E E T . .No dH )'i| fng rIih II Ik* con sin ii f c i or ' r*'. (I'il in sii*'h manner as to lmv<- b S' iiindtst r ileled frmUilg** ii|,"ii ;i [oiM ic str*'*'l llinu oiH* half Dk- " I ' ld i o f ! )i*- iHiibtiriK. e.xeept when in ^■l,d■•'l for nsf Us R HUpfib-mentarv 'iw - i ! '" . . a I"! -w ifli ar.a <d twenty ; ili"iis .»io i ''lu im ' (e e l « r greater.


j r.-irnil> ilwflllngM, no t <'X.ee*Ihig (hr

11 I ‘ iiirie.s or d i i r t y six (3tii fe*-t in li.'iL;lii. Ih*' rei|tiir*'d sb lc yard urea, in ('X ..SS Ilf thirty (3 0 ) f#s't total w b lth i liin y he provided clscvv licre on Ih** l<*t i n s iH'i'iiiiini'iit )|M*n sp a i’e In nddidnii t*>

' ft.*- fillirr yards a n d ot*en spaces ro- ' * ,Hired iindi'r ihln Kcctinii.

b it ro i'RTS : U(o|iiir**mvnts aball be th e siitn*.' its for r U s if ic t No. 3.

(*•) f r o n t a d r O n r i T i L i cI S T R E E T ; Kei|Uln*nien(a shall be Ihe I as fur Id s tr lc t N o . 1.1 <f) PRIVATE <iARABC.<4 A N D

O Y l iE R (H T fU ir D IN O K ; Reqiiire- ine tits ahall he the sum o as for BiutrU-t sNo. 1.

And provided fu r th e r that every d 'F e llIn g In (Ida JH str lct shall be p ro ­v id e d with iimiuiioldb* housing or purk- i iitc Hpa''i- nil (he siiiiK* lot wKli die t>iilldlng siifrieicMt f o r not less than oue

(iiiisi [iid'bc b u ild in g , a nillwiiy piis seriger stnfloii. t**I*'iihnii*‘ *'X‘ hiinge *ir idin-r piitdi'- ol" H*-iiii piiiilic iid iiiy ih-*** Hot cxpi'esslv |,r<>btbil*'d ll•'^eiIl, in B is trim s .\". l ‘. Vn. 2. No. nml No. I. Hiii')i iim |iori/nl ion to !»■ aM''nded by :< dsfnet'"Il of .sill'll com lid 'iiis an to


c a r |sr family in Ih* ii*'<'oiiimodtd*‘tI on ( h « ifd 111 exei’.ss o f fo t ir fflliilll. AuC&molille purking e im ce may ... (•(uded nithln the o t h e r rt‘'iuircd o}H*h H|»a*'e.

SECTION 8. District No. 5, Business

Area.( g ) I'i4E; District .N»* r. Ih prim arily

f o r die fiiiidiirl o f coinmerie. general iMisine.'S iind the s .d c *>f I'ommoiilliea a n d all sii*h iihck aba ll la* permitted K iib jcct to the r**st rl<-( Inns. If any. re ­la t in g to that businens pr*)vid*'il fo r elMcwhiTt*. .\II t iw s periiihted In B ls- tr lc t.s 1, 8. Xnd 4.

0 » ) PR O IIIU ITK IY rS E k : rfnv lded . how ever, that the fo l lo w in g iim-s ah.'iil l>o proliihited in fM str le t .Nn. ■'>.

1. Any proci'ss o f nt.')niifii*'lnrp, aa- Msmbly nr (rcafmer»t o f pr"*bi<'iH, pg. rs*pt the tiian iifac!tire. asHcmbly or troalm eid of pr<N)uct« elearly Indiiental t o a rptuil buaine.sK ciin<lii<'t*'*l on the pT^mli*»*H where such |)riic**Hs d»*ps s o t <-.>&HtUi>f*> a liid.iaiice by rcuHon o f odor, ao ixp , dust, or sm oke.

2. lU'palr aImpH o r mnehliie shops, v r t^ e f (ban pithli** afu rages, with more tU * n ten (Iff) 4m p)oyr'*n .

3. bimiidrlcM n r d y e in g niid clean- l i tK wiirks I'liu doyin ff mnr*' (han ten f»*>rsu»H (III) in thcKi* pruci’HRes.

4. l.imihtT Riid /Or cdal yards.5. The sturagr o f enidc oil nr o f

a n y r i Its rolatib' prodticlH or nf any o t l f c r tilghiv hifh irm m ih lc lli|iilds in r|tinnlUles greater th an 27.'i galions. e x< T p ( 1ft iindergronnd tanks widi cap i f o l t y not ex**w*dln|f on** lh*uisau(l( 1 . 000) gaUtmi.

€. Tlie m.nnufarture or storage e f Illum inating gas.

7. Electric p o w e r or (raasfunnrr stations.

<e> YARD. ABK.A .AN D IIE ID H T RK- .«tT ft (C t!0 N K : A ll b tiild ings hi-reafier**r«H-«eil, rnnH{rii*-i*-«i o f ail*-ri-ii in i»ia

{>rc\Knn,>ii o f mdse, odor, dust am i smoke: us to th*’ jirovisionH o f S 'lr ro iiiu liiig open spa*'** <(n*l tr*-atmeiit o f th*' groiind.s: :iii*i as to ii.'u* o f thoslnu't :is iii.'iy. in tho opinion o f the n.m rd of .\itjnsi m*'iit, Ih* nceessury to ,Mi!dlc iK'iilth. c om fo r t and conT«-rih‘ ri<'«* and to pre.scrvat ioti o f the gcnerHl

ii'iuii o f < lis lric lH or I'lirtH o f d ia- .-liiiil he re fc r rc 'i ),y City ( 'o u i i- ihi' H lu n n ln g Hoard for s f iu ly

In til** event of n i i fa v o r - '‘ I'ori fro m III** H'liinl of A * iju s f-

iie 111 "I- in c.i'C I l f i ir i 'le 'l iiu'iiinsi wuch pri'i'iiM-'l I'liang*'. signed hy Me uvvii- . 1 ' "I Hveniy 1.20) per eeiM oc m ore. • iili'-r Ilf the nrefl o f th*' lots in c luded in siii'ii pH ipost'd 1‘ liiiiige. or s ign ed I.) the owners «>f tvv*’ iiiy (L’ fi) per cen t or iiiore. o f fh*‘ a rea o f Ihow* lo ts Im - no'diaiely adjRi:,en( in (h** n-ur th e r e o f

-mling one b iindre*! tliui) bs-t th e fli-ira* ler nf the n<dghborhoud. j fr.'ni, nr of th ose lo ts illreitly u|*posIfp

(h ) M ’ KCI.VI., I t l l i .D i.N G L IV E :H , cx t.-iidh ig *'in- limidred ( lA U )C R E A T E D : In B is t rb ts No .'.and N o . 1 Bi e s tree t frontage o f such 6 11*. t.nitding s lia ll extend nearer t|,„ I »>PI'"'‘ 'ie luis. sm b muendiiiem shall n o t eent.-r liiH*H o f the f..nuwing str*-. I a I ' ■ " ‘■■ 'J ' ” I'.v the fa v o r -liiflii Ih** distance siK-,'lf}..d for ea.-li ' « the C it yHtr*s't an*!, in B istrb is No. 1. .No. 1", : 4 oiini'il..V., :t. and Nt*. 1. th*' fo llow ing ilisfan*-.* ' t f ) BOARD O F .AD.Il’KT.MENT: T h e specified from the *'**nier line of eiii'ii 1 H**ar«l of .\i|jii.st m eiil o f fiv** m em bers. Kir*s*t Hhall in- (ak<-n as tia- point o f | im)I io of whom s lia ll hold an e le c t iv e ni*>HHurctiieiit ( iT fr i'iit yards a.s r**- j «»fncc 'irtodK-r «. f f i« 'ia l poHitlon u n der•luirt'd fur the Bi.stri>l.

Bean Slre**t ........... ...................(.North and South)

I>rniftr*‘sl .Iveiiii*' .............Hugh* .Stns't ................................Krigh'vviioil .\v*'MM*' ...................Fori'st .\viiiuc ...........................Brand .Vveiin*' ...........................ilam illon Avenm* .....................

r i ’*'iinfl>' Hd. to Kngle St.)lim lso ii Avi'iuie ..........................lamcH Str*'i't ................................Jan e Stns't ................................Knb'k*rhock«T H oail ................l.a fayeit*' Ave. A: I ’ la*'** ..........B ihcrty Hoa*l ................................T«*t!iifly fl'iail ..............................'J'rvon Avenu** ...........................Van Hriiiil S lro * t .....................


. .3 0 '

the m niiiripa lity. is hernhy con tin u ed - to Im- Mppoiiited b y the .Mayor H oi»jeet I lo the cuiis*'iii a n d *'«»nnrmatlun n f th e

•.A. l * ’1i.'' Cuiiinil. T il* ' iiH'iiili'TM tdial! bv; r*‘app"iiif*‘>I fo r te rm s o f one. (wo. th ree , four and five y ea rs ren|H*ctivelv. an d siitiH.',(iiHitly m em lM Ts shall be a p p o in t - I’d for terms o f ihre*' yi’urH as MteceR-

JO I o* '«'iir . 4)iif. mcnil>**r o f ' saiil H»ar*l sha ll I.e n '(tiiiHfled b n lb l-

[o r <*r iircliitect an d nil mi’m lsTs itre , r*'iiioviib|i' fo r *-iiiis** (>>• City « 'o u n c ll : upon wrlHcii c h a r g e s ami alter n u lilic I lii-iirinB.

.31- I'.

Thi- .■onriirrlnn v„|,. ,|,HT» nf III,. u „„n |

be u*s*'ssary i<> r*-v*-rs*' a i , r ^ ’l l " ' " ' ' " " ' ; ' ........ . ..r .IM.ralMtin Z.,,iln i (>ffi,.,.r. I , ^ O .i.r nf ihn „ „n lilib I, la r..,|iilr..,, i„ orilln iiir.. i.r i „

S ',::;:;' ........ .( i ) JVRITk o f t fcK liO M lI

writ of '-I'rtlnrari to rericir « , elKion uf the Ib .a rd of ,\djo«Brrt Issue iiiilesH appli. mudf witldii i l iir ty din, a ,.. filing Iff the ib'cisiuii in (^ nff the Tsotrd. Th e sllfiwanc,. of ||h s will not stay prnce,-dine npoft di,cisjon tlpfii'Hled tro lli tlldcSgtonn by die court.

(h) V IO L A T IO N S A M ) PEXUAny mw«'r. „ r less..,.,Ron. or piTsons. w)io |M.mit? , pan or assists in uiiv vioUtloa provision .if th is ..r.niiHii.v shall conviction, fo r *'a*'h un,| «r,.rT , do'r lhiT***)f. Ht!*l ff.r f-aoh and * twi’ iiiy-ffiiir lifMirs tlial such poitlKTi'Ilf «'OtltillU*'.s, b'' Hllhjt'ri tfll o f not luon* than One Hnndft*dhci (JIhff.tKi) or ,‘iK suhj< i to tnpr tnent lit Ih** }nuni<-it>al nr rauau f«ir n iH*rh>d n*»t ♦•x*s-*ding olMt days, ur iiotli. In tlw ilisrtvlltie *1 Maglslrate liefor** nhnin aarb « itiuii Hhnli hi* haii

(1) V A L ID IT Y : I f an? Fftiia.st'i'iiun. s*'ntcD«"i*. j'liiiisc, or this ordinance la fo r any be unconsdiutionnl or ^raUd. »ri clshm slinll not affts-i tka t»ai portions uf (ills ordinance Tfc duiMicll h«*re|»y *l*'Hare8 that B a have pHHHcd the ordiiiame aod w t tiuii and Hiih-H.** tiun thereof, irrw live nf ill** fiii't that any ooe er 1 uf tin; H**clloiis. Mih-seetioni!, lieviei clatiHcH or piirnsi’R may h* deeUtd cuiiHiUiitIunHl ur invalid.

SECTION 12, Repeal of ConBictin;


'ITic board o f A d jiis im .n f hIihU a d o p t Hill'll ridc.s )iii*l D-giilatlona iis it m a y i|**ciii iu'''pssiiry t«» gov*'fii its pr«M>edure.

lings Ilf tb*' Ib -aril sliiill he Im ld at I tic I’iill o f the f l ia in n iin uml .it such od ier timi's as t i ie Hoard may d**ler- niiiic. Til* r i ia irn ta r i o f the Hoar*!, o r

(c ) P I B L i r tiAH VtiE tx AND ti.VS in Ids ubsciiis* tla* Ai tiiig I 'h a irm an , P 'l l .L iN D s T .V T Io N h : N*i |uiblic g « - shail li.'ivc p o w e r ti* Issii*' Kiihpo«*nasrage rciialr spa'-*- sluill have an opi-n- ‘ fo r th*- Btf.-m lanee o f witnesses a n d in g In roof. sl*t»*. <»r p-ar m sIN. |.*ss ' tlic prodiu-Hon o f r*'Cord« and m ay ad - fiia ii fifteen f 's t fr„,n any pr<»p , n iin i'i.r oaths. 4'jo,u (In- fa ilu re o f•*rty or stre*'( liii**. ami furib*r. no ; any pt-rMUi to iinsvv*T in rfspurise to a iml'Hi* garng*'. o r i-rivate ganig*- a* - | sid>|o>"im o f hu* Ii offi<s*r. app lica tion*-*>mtnodnMne mor** than fiv*- tr,i car.s, '• iiitiy }**• maih* (n Ih*- Riiprcnic t 'o i ir i *»r n r a gns filipng siu iion . shaii Imv*- .-n [a n y jiisiif,- thcr****f. fo r an order coin trance, on th** saiu.' Mrc*'i, . los..r than ; |**'lllng tlw a lte iM la ii.s ' of hik Ii w it - twi* hiiiidr**<i fe*‘t to a (uibli*' ! l•e^s*.s. A il m e*-tiugs of (he H oa rdHchmvI. [.iituic iiliru ry . .-tuirch, tli. ufr**. . slmll Iw .ipci) i „ t l ie t*ublic, 'Tin* T loan i o r oth 'T p iib li" gn 'h c r in g {ih'f*. hospl ' shuM kep rriltitib i' nf l(s pMcCPdlngK. ta l. playgroiinil, *ir fir*' slulion. ex - ! showing ili.- v *»(e (» f each niemlaT u pon c ep fliig that this r*'sti i. tioii slmll not 1 ‘ ‘H* h 'iiicsfion. «*r. i f aliseiu or f a l l in gapp ly if a sins i «if fifty C.i') f.'.'| o r j In v*it*'. Im licu tit ig sm-h fact ami a h a llm ore in wblih li*'S l.* twecn sm-h ga- | k*'*’p rc<onj,s * .f its *'Miiiiltuitb>nH an d rage or giis f i l l in g slati..ii and kik Ii j <»flicr 'iffb inl a c tio n s , all of which whaJI achfioi, library, * h 'tr' li. diciiin*, piililb* > he imiftudlatrly f i le d In Mu* *iffb*o o f gatlu ring ivlaci*. Imspital, playKruuud j thi* Biuinl and sJiaU Iw* a public rec o rd o r fire Hliiffon. ‘

W illi Mil* exception of th? Bailiii f'udc OrdliiHiici*. all utiiluntti n purls nf urdliian<-(‘M of thvCIly^ll glewufid hi *-i>iiflb't IktcwW in ^ liV expressly r<-peu|* il.

SECTION 13,This ordinance shall ifb? *

iiieiiiati'Iy n(>un puli|(ca(tuB isfi fi g vided for hy law .

Jnly .i— Fee | I3? .Ifi

‘ l«‘ - i d is tric t .x .vp t l.v special w-ri(|..n , - r ..rfKiied In runfurmUy w ith h** yard and , j,

he^ ln after ITo - U|un shall exp ire one y.-ar f f i i i th , v l f te d and ft« apace applied, nr rwo-s- f 3^,^ ^! ( f ir y . In satisfy ( l ie y a n i re*|idrements iIb fflatmn to an y bu ild in g whether i . 1**J T.ARD E.\< E.PTION '*: .N "diingr »oW fxlidiag or iiiittae<{nently built, . ’'••'•H ai'ply t*i pre-KhB lI he rnnnted a s part nf (lie ta n f * **"“ |uoE**-tl*>u o f an o|wn ir 'i i io r otlier open apace In relation tu any t f ire *-sciij*** or **|»cn fir*- (.p.iif sbiirwnyotiH *r hiiilding . 1 Hito a ).ir«l fo r n disi.iii.t- n.ii b. ,.x-

Y'ttKio— No front y a rd s slmll Is* re- i ’ *" ** *'ighf t ) f*'**t.( {it ir v d rxivpt mt nruvldod in purit-

A|ipeiils to th e Hoard uf Ad justm ent ■Nu gas-filllt ig htiiiifin shall tic eon- I may I*,' luk*'ii l » v an y person a gg rb ’VciL

afruet*'d or **r*v (o*| .-xcept with p ro or Irv any <iff}c«'r. deparlinent or lin a rd vision for ren d 'T iiig ail .services .in th e ' *»f Hi*' < ily o f Kiigh-wmod affected b y j»r*'iiiiH*'H and o f f ili*- juiblic sir*-! an*I | any ilicision n f th** /s.iiing ( t f f lc e r .no guMiline iiu'iu* may t><' i.I:i.*-d ncur**r : *'''i*'li apiKal s h a l l Im* tak*>n w lt iiin alim n ten ( 10 ) f*K( t** any side lot line, r*':is.,nut.|e tim e , as provide*! hy th e

(d l .•UtiXA A N D H ii.LH O ARD K; " f 'k** H o a rd , by filing With th eBtati**niir.v signs o r iolltioards. t-x'-epi ' (tffleer an d w ith the H oard (jtffile cnsl<vniiiry p r.'b ssi.inal .signs •ti*l : A ‘iJ"'*>mciu a n o tb -c of appeal a p c c lft - r**al eslati* signs ii"t to ♦■x.^hm! eight (X j j '**)( gr'Mitids' ther**«if. The s*iuftre fis*( In area er**rti-d iip*ui iirop- 1 shall fo r th w ith iransm lt toertb 's adviTtised l ‘ y s.iifi signs, s l i a l l ! * " '* pH|s*rs cotis tltu tin gbe |M*rmit(i'd In Bistrn-ts 1. 3, and [ B “ ’ f ‘>*"‘*rd iition wh ich the actluo ap -4. No sign ur b illl»oar*i o f any k iix t 1 l**‘**‘''d frum w as takca .•vver 32 H<iiian> f*-*-( in an-a «halt >m. : An himh'hI stnyw » ] {■^ef*'(I or m ainta ined in ;*nv *.tlier | furlheranV-e o f th e aetbiii in respoiTt o f

vvhi< Il th*‘ d ec is io n api>eHled from w a s

( * n roniTst

M ulllp l'' I'jijTiity I'vv r liin g — \ r V fU '.

fiiM .iiib lir igs shall Is* .•) 11011:1 .s|r*'«‘ t tbin

li'-'igueri r> It) sliH l' pre runic uaragi- .t.s

d w e llin g .

»'uf dl*. i stfin-.

i'rlvMlt* (pitrsc** ,\ gar.ii

OM t*-r CiMirt N*i u u fo r r o iir f shall »>e b's-s fh.'ui (iix (fi) f(s*t nor, at nnyg i v e n trr.'!, ihaii he le v * th an thf.e i.ti ln. l»«*s will.* (or each f o o t o f height .*f I s iH 'h atmvi’ fh<* l*‘ v c ! o f Ih'' sillo f T)i.* lowott window s e r r e d h.r It

Cm M—No ion er co.irf .slmll 1. ( f ia n li-n *lu) (cei w i«4 c nor. at ii,,y

Igrfiph “ i r A c tion 10.N o yard s’pac** H ha ll he r*'<|iiir*'d un u ir . i...

i.'.nk. .1...,.,,,^L1,'' ",'1' m'' TV , i„ ,s B i# yards o f p*ar ya rd s may lx* r**- ■<iuired hy the Huiltflng ( ’ode. ' '

tmui*'. iinless th e Z.iiilng o ffirer p e rtl- fi*'*l lo the H o a rd **f Adjii«fnie'it a f t e r th** mtlie*' o f a p p e a l ahall have h «?n fii*'il with him th a t hy n-asen o f fa c ts stoi.'.l in Ih.* c c r l i f le a ie a stay w o u ld in his opinion i-auM* Inimlneni |M*ril t o nr.- or prnpert.v. In su'li ."tse, p r o - c.'i..|ing« -h;!!! fHit to- stayed 'ifh e rw ige th.in b) i, r . - ' i r a i i i i i ig i.r.l.r w lm h m a y

( f ) f lR IO I lT F \ ( F I ’ T I< )\»i- V fi.ii. . ' **' K'i"*i*’'l i*.v tin . n>>iir,| of A .iju tft- * ' V V.* N '.d iinu , Iiicnt *.r by th** r .m r t „ f n,itncer.v onI herein coiitiiineil

I . t . * w IIJ I J . . I <g) N O N -rO N r '«M O II\ i. 1 spsI » n ' i .................... . ■■tfitend**'! for use o f o d 4 or muiv o f it " '

t o t a l fitmr srt*a f o r resiilentlnl t>sir fMiiveii. siffe yard, a n d rear yard re- (fiflrem cnts shall tx» tbe same a.< f(>r IM s ir fct No. 4 e x c e p t , however, that rh i:* not a p p ly to a side w a ll(v lthu iil . } ‘''eii;g o r )•, )« r*".m

jiltendinc th*- .N;iti,)ual Iviic .id ci Ass'Mintlon conv'-iid"n

Df. had Mts. i'L V\ liis r i.Ts.i , r,;,

the S lim m er ut Wliitc.'-tmi.-. 1, I •Mrs. W a lter Bound o f I ’..to;u).i. r

w a lk (8 s)>eniimu tti*' ,sunimr-r ,il tun. Conn.

R o b e r t M c lb in n ld , . f ( ’ hur.-h s t i. '.t is sivcndlng H.'Vcral we’ -k;. at .\Inhi- kam iu ).

on c ii’un a. District No. 2, Residence

Area B.

I c**ii)*'s effecllv i'.' i” ;ili|!r.r er t!«< r: v*fl*-*| that r.n V* : **xtcnsbin shall I , lw.•Ilt^ fiv.' (2.'.) I ■ onr. nfs *'f d ll’ to f*M* lime o f til*' *

t I a. I *s. 01*01 OrilV .(1C

1 ‘ " I " ‘ '" 'I* ' K how n.iuilklieail. 1 * *“ ■ •*■'''•■'* e f -'djii.Kltiienl shall f i xr s im ila r ''* , tin t* ’ fo r die hearing n f

,tb c ApiM-id, g iv in g .In*- nutice th e r e o f tu lb.' iippi-lluiit. Sabi appellant sh a ll lhT.iii.un at I.'Msf five p r io r toth*' time a|.jMdm*-d for hiiIiI h ea r in g , g ive |«T'*.,nal iH .tic e to al) ow ners n f pr*.p.rly w itliin tw o hnmln-*l <200) f*H "I tb*' pr..|M*rty to t„. i,ffnrteil hy said apis .l Su e), nod,-,. s|,aii be g iv e n e lth .r by h.-Hiding a c„p; th**nH.f to

| i " ( " r iv ow iK'is or b> k-av-


rm in g ■

" f th.'. l in g

" f till ' in

i r. 1**

I SE :

o( III"i.'d ,

Free Band Concert Each Wednesday Evening

A t Depot Square

H'd • I 'e . sbiill I »U) J..To f a '-or I'** .’ id ler

111** rear

r *e sh.ll? ?K* th** sam*' for I'is tr i, f N,. 2 a.** f o r B is lilc i N., 1

dm? tlie f*,lb 'W l|ig additl'imd n ».'' 'lo d i Im* !.ern iltt*^l in Bi.stri't No ; ; M ilt'll*!,' F;in,ily D w e llin gs , re,,in Ing boarding Ii *m is «‘s. gr*-enhfiiH"S ami nil f-irms .,f ngrt' iilt,irc n>>t pr'diil'- iti'fl liy ' l l " r<"g',l:,n<*os nf (h ‘> Honr,! ..f UcHlib. -ir dll' l.-riiiH **f thl.s ,udliia:!< *■.

b|.‘ fi.f ert' h f o o t u f hdgtit " f ‘I at,eve Ih" b 'V u i o f the |li ,.f c \ri!i,i,;w. M-rv;**-? h y if

» • ! H iiv rD .f ;.f"v, n m ««'■Y41F -E T : !t"c)>ri • sb.ill I,.' i *,i'sam «* as f.*r lil.tirici N o . 1.

( f t PRHATB (i.% l4A4 »rJ ( AND O T H r .R (M THI l I . n i N « i S : Itcpur.-m «-iti s Hhiill br the s a m v a.*« fur

ision o f aildii i "P - i.:dl I(III B E V K R mI u V n r I ..

tr i, I .No

•»Jdi* \nr*lM .\?i . ' l i 'l rin't*’ .!

b.-IW.-,'i" f d ie 1

'1 die side lin.' 11.-.'cs. iliruti^h from ' iiii nf>

d iiV \ R I> . \REV a n d lIF .K iH T RE- : STKM T IO N N ; All t.iiii.lin g s hiT.-uftcr i ■ T ' ' ' I '" ! , fon-tni.-i<''l u r materially alt'-ri'd in I 'i 't r l i t No. 2 shitll ::,ii'! 'Icsignc*! in c .m fo rh ilty with the' vnrd nml nmn r.-st rb -t lo n s ' as herein-an« . {*, . ' . ( . " *» "lot »(«> upi'iH-*! "r '

th*' van l n'i|nin' any hiiibliug,

SECTION 7. District No. 4, Residence

Area D.

! " l in i 'fyfcl.'llicll tu

t u i I'HK: mstricl N o . 4 Is IniriNb-d f i r t r ic i r l ly fur A irnm ncnr House t\>n- s tr .H -r io ii with less y a r d area rc'iuir.' n i '-n ts than Msl. X'o. 3 b u t Hutp shall*>*> fM-1 *«(iO«'*l IIH'i*'lll Mil Uep.s |S*ril|-(-t»**l in Bisirii'Is No, 1. N'<». 2, ami Nu3.

powps. prorbling th a t ev**ry si.le wall, itttv iiig an o|f*ii!ng l id o a r'>oro » r r«M»tn.s t'l il*. tise*| f**r liv ing purpews, an n f. hiiTp a side T a n ) in widrb n " i D-..M ti,m ':-i. , . r j,|U irva its ib - lre t 4. S .o li xi.i. ..h i .I..* n i**y be rs;aM!>dn'(l n t th*- s**r.inil floo r ie v u i il rh" first f Io « » r sid*- wall Is a p a r t y wall or hn.s u o op'-ning into a r o o m or ruuma to Ik* ns*'*i for liv in gp )irp «w s

(d ) ('OIRTS: Rc*ji»ln*nients shall be th o saiin* a* fnr B!-*trlct No 3.

f o ) HKKJRT; N o build ing stnll be *»r»*cted (.1 n Inn:hr in .'V.'ss of thew id th of th.. sfres’ f upon whb'h i? f r o n ts iinr shall !iii,v iM iibllrig be er*>.-|e(| t o a height In es**«*«K u f five stories ur .•(Ixty five (65) fc i-i c x c 'p t dial, f.ir **a*'h fuot a biiiltliug nets lia. k fr.uij Hmr , t r « r lio','. on.' fo o t m xy he added to i in s as that o f th -

" '■miH^t• V ■ iituuie Ilf ,


IN rn A N T K K Y ' 4>F NBW 3B ,Between tin* Ila . kmi-uick Ttttg

pait), a *-*»fpurafIun orgitti*?^--the I.RWK o f the .4ta(s ofcumplalnant. and Pavid Brsw • ItcHsie Brown, his wife, TlWf I** Klixahctli Hu(»in, and A « w'; Kxcriitrices and F tccntorw l^, late o f Bnvld Hubin. dw?i«4 Kiig|.*wmo| .Miitiml l.«*n 8D<1 ing A hscm Ih I Iu ii. a corpoKiiina « Hlatr* uf N*'W J.-rspy. (iwW Kmorv and P -n r l Kmery, W* fumlHuta. Fl- fa. HetiiriaWt' f* IcmlsT 7, A. B. 1935.

(IK n n H K W . M ACEltBy vlrtiic o f the ^

to me t|lris*f4*(l am i * *Icvlcrl npuii nml will at piihll.r vcmlm* at (he CpbR in (he n i y n f Hackensact. irt

YVednesflHy. July I*. W®’ at one n'"b>ck In Hie afternp»^|' trrt Time (2 o 'clock Time). AM (hat c**rta(n tmi and premises hereinafter dpserfhed, s ltnatc. lying asa^ '^ the n ty o f Kngb 'w otsl. In the Hers**n. and State "He** 11: ?■ 1 ti ruitnf la •Materly Mm* o f Howard F**^’*., , one humlred ^Bouthweatcrly from the ^ section o f the sontheasDrf? Howard I ’ la .e w ith the line uf Chester Place. ginning Iieing the ft'othm-'amT , o f the land now or Kdna Tavlur. and ninnlBg smith fo H i fiv.-*tltes I*ast. a long th*’ 1.o f said hind nf .Isnet Tayloh ^ dred (lOU) feet tu (he 1Jliic of land now or Aimawl f'ur.rorui Im i: '"'■'’ 'TJ ' fti f.ir,) four " " '■ ‘ J S ' , ; ;wo.t. «l™i,ir III.' SM ill lincl o f ' U " " " ' ' f « i f l1501 foot; liien .o (3, degrees, flf(e .‘ ii n d n iiw dred (100) feet t*. n f Hawnrd P lae*': (hear’ J;/, (is easlertv. a long the ai'uba-®^* , , i Howard IMace n fty (*'«/point of tinelnnlnir.^^

. I'll.HI ii.ft (li. ,ilt*-re*l

nf.irrtii-v cviii, (j,<. p,.• I i 'i r , . ' it, stK-h

and. I f a

-b •or fti*‘

'■iitifiirniirig lUM* iigaiii cx*'i'pl (n . iiniri-inerils o f t)c tiiiD iliiiii or Ii'*- is j...H'l'i coiifnrm li'g I'n iliM ' f ifrv (Ml) p.-r . * : i t ,.r b v fin-, I'SpP.Hl.iM, u 't publh' eru'iiiv, Hiii.l l.nibli,,;, in-vy not Im' r 'd 'n ilt ‘ ir ?• " " i i - t : u.-i.-ii ■ •T if in '•.•nf.Tmif V w i ’ i, ,f„ rrgdbiii,.-!., u f the district wh.-r.-iu sii, i, biiiMij'ut ur use is bent.'.I .-xccpi u,..,,, ",„„lir|.,n that r.'.'uiistrm-i lull i.s .i,,,,,.■sam.' buibling plnn aiul win, n... s-inu-

Ill.lr ..n iit.n l, ,1,1.1 fl,„ .r ,r,.«' '■rigiriftl 'ir,,, (iip,,

aid p r . ' f o r ly ow hth . I f aaltj u '.ycr- ar. t|„- >><<upanis of da* f iro p - •Tt.v Hff.'i 'i-,l l , y „i;, I,H-siui !.t« " f r;i»' t 'l t v uf Kligb'wond [

■' ' ' --*■•> '■*' " » ' :,r.. i,..n r.'S i-.1* 11, . i|„, i i t y o f EngieW'iod nuchn u ll" ' lii.n in- gi\ .-n by s.-iidlng w r t t - t.n I,.,Ik . ib. r.-uf t'T r.'glsfered m n ll to -r,c lii-t kur.wti a.h|n-s,s of d„. |,r*ip- ertv ,,\M„r ..r own.-rs, uk shown h f

ol n-tKiu tr,v ( * u y..........I- " her** th** uwii«‘ rs a re j

ii''rdii|i-i, s. rvic * ' upon nnv r ia r tn e f ’ 'i»liii"i| iit.uve, sliall bs Htifn« ien t, 1

wiuTH arc corpora t in nn. i *;* ry i," . , „ y . . fn .rr , ns above w t 'fur b Miali Ik-, s i i f f i . i.'m, Said RppeJ- l.m stuii] i,T a ffH la v it prcsi-nf safi.s- fH 'io r i |,r...,f t*i th*‘ saiil Board n f A i i- jii- HI. nt ;,f t in - dm*' ,if th*- im arlD g fh.it suiii II,,11,. , tuM-n diilv n erved

Togeftwr w ith -- right*. ntM'rfl.'H.

longing or In anywise .oldplan* lint.*

<'(>iu|ilainniii b.iV'

*.f En

M O H TB.E.R<*d-Eiigg*' I ’ rcss

.riinell 21 2« July.''—


Hll.i Wll.-f" til.' '

.Mary ,on lef *.



.. ! P* T E R ID K A l iY I 'E R M lT s( f ) JRONT-Y4JK ON P I B H C ! purarv fs runts rnnr t,*- tu'l'.-ri

s iT K E C T : lU-ijuircmcnts ahall he th c lfh * - Hoard of .\'lj,istn,< in' f- r a

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Englewood SchoolsHonor Rofl

> > R R O W B I ( ] H f tO IIO O l.' ' H i g h H o n o r

Seni or— Ml l l l pi n, \V»a|».T W ilroii. l»t>rln I’ orr, borotb jr Johiitwin, Ath-h* A liU on U acl^ ftti.

Jiiiiiur — J o f l > lewtAer, D oiorvo

“ ‘s i l iK ln i i . r i— l l i a r l " B rer , W il l ia m Pe iry, iJarlm rft •Irtff* Ba)>o ite Jo i'-jb -

“®‘*’ H on o rS* t»lor- \Vf.odro« IJonolt, J o h n B u r .. . . o f - « oouru- .innn m ir*

lloKiiiiit*. Hnr‘'Dm «iin, O iarlttiiK m f W j . „ i-»w l«k..nil«1l. I i 'l ‘" Il iM lg la a H rliu lls .l l i i i r v Km -licnbarli,1M1V|II« l ; » ln M " i. “ * * l y L a n d la , B la n c b a I h-Kvol-'. fc'ra Mowt'ra,Until N *a w ^ * ' Nobitf,

Hitlm), Joan Roberta.

>'randW J/® '*'* Am em l. Jo-H4-i‘b Kjngtil**y liurHiow- , U..if i oraKreoti, Kdwardr r. b-5 It.ar i-oragreoti, KdwardKtiOO 'u,; lA iv a " T * / * "■ •ns;, nmit(joJd*ea*tL •it/odhiiui. U o lw n

aeri ^ a li« > r lauiigKoder,.......................n»,

K eh w ltvL '.I'u u l Hijl-1-5 , ' •ry . • iw n r.hv.ruu i «m -

' Wawraynlak {2 nuba)Wor<*esfi*r.. V « n lo r~ ^ A r iU t ir M n n ii. l>o iiK laa M iic

^ / ‘*'***« J o « p l i ZH v.rtMarlen Al«*x. Mmam •Mu•r, rinni

(MOticna. irtr.o iip ii ' iln■ ••.. i>..>,ai..i(jooMcna, Jm iifn rd ‘ Mfliiin . U n rdhy- L’r a u ia K lra ie n , J a io b Ib-R.

I^ * " . * * . J « m ‘*a H iu h m , i h » r l inU R t r k ’ii. K r e d U i»rdon, W a lb 'r lli ii i- |ire, A r t h u r M a c r iu ty ro , Nl.-k O i.ra n d y, JU B e s Todtl.• . ^ p f o m o r e — J a m ^ a A lexjitider. I-’ranW A H la a o n . Ih m n ld Uank«. tiiibri.-l H i.ch -

n iw oo, N o rm a n t ’briKieiiHeit. Rub<-rt l»«* . a la rt in l, J a m c n H i ir t u lg , 1 ‘rtrl II.d m

Joao ph L a r k in . W I IU h i i. (,»• k.-v, H e n ry S t ry k e r , H o w a r d Z u b rU k le , .I.;iti H Ir t

: W hiaUe, R i t ih l> lrinu« r, .lei)n|i- K n gIIho, M arg iie r ilo Key. U lil;)iii Hiddl.vru, Venrl Kalierh*: K ra im “ ". . . . . . K«-|>iM-r, .iiuiii-Lleht, Joan L llth -. Khulr>< Lnl.oi k.O ro re &lath«lH. I n im i l i v .M«-y<T. lt•■>M• MtKJfe, H elen HiikellurbH. RiiuRii.'

; Hcbuelder, J e ro m e ro o k , A o Ih t i i-:»< Uer. pln»n K o a r k e w if l i , Kvaiige llH tH l'li«nrl. W il llB m JirjlgerM , J t o l W .-ld ly. A lb * r t Kiiw-h.

Pom O ra d — K i r i i r io laro|»oid. ( io rd m i Meyer.

0 « l l iSenior • M ary haliMvIti, V lo le f li.-rg-

liian, Ruth I'hntiiiHnd. Kiiln I uivIk. Mar Joric llitguii, A lm ii .litiiHOh, Ruth K d ipr. Lorra in e i,*‘ ltMihl. K tlx l .\l<-okM LtjUliU' Moofu, M o iy l Obh-rMhaw , I'ltol Ine HaiiiMiladl. IN-h-ii Salkow .sky. <'ar- mrla T r lin a r»h l. .Merj;i|erlte W eim -r Naney W eek". JeHiiif<-(lf Wides,

Jun ior- -Jrun l•'o^Hhll.v, \ < riiiijrii K elly , A lh v l.nrseo, j.iin M rtjiiillin Jiue-|duite .Mi.sskerg, ileh n Nroii-i . Mn ritil Ue\U. LorrulMi- R lii , I'Mini hlUitii, M ary .'^nud^jiiitiH, Idi iKiur

So id io iiio re t liu l ii - ,\tii|i Ts'iii, Ann. Ru iikel,' H un ii-tr, Meh ii l l. ir s io wMnrl»»ti B *-echler, A iiru ' l llrtw lilst lc , Hernltre l l r o w r . Irm ii K rnnk , lin liiln M o llam I, K iith ltH 't i ( 'at l iiT lin ’Nerl. .Medi'llne O h i 'i i 't i , Itn ili I ’o lt ir , I/orrHine K iiw le lle , R u th V lr r lli iK , H *l- Hoy Weeka.

HiMiMTvelt HfliiMdK lu d e rg u r l i 'it tJeoru*' l l ' l h r . \ n r m a

I* \ I a r i l ' 1'a n r. ijn 'i. I 'n u iaUriater, .J»iun IM r ln lih , l■:lll••■tl Mrtilefflar,

(Jratie 1H- - V «-id im tin l I 'n v MH td lirTen. tJe'-f),'.- M’ ill.’Oi, O in rin iljsii:, Nam -y \Vt her. K liz iih i ili W o M f. ri

iJnuh l. \ .Ititili-e .M urniv. I'',h-aui>r M d ilu a ii. R d iu l.erm-r, .Inn< i .Im olis, .Niiiicy (U l li 'ii . I 'm r i i i ik h i i, I 'o ih Itiiv toil, .\in ly H riilKU i:u !. i.ann i 11 In. n.'itinn, I'M ill, ' | i(iih a .iii. T iiu iio .N'miii. tit ro lv ir i I 'r t i i ' i 'e i i r Tnn:n..i^. H ii.. 'i'll VoolhlN, li..rd<>ll U ’is lo il. Iln li . it Ml. luiiiini.

M a U v A.Inin-, Itn-.-Kl 1/illx'l h i.iii.l I h's.I.M- ( ;.iiilr< > , Kh iiiic.r T a y-

( 'li) iu ilii 'H iiii. I'M illi ' M ilj ir , H ak i-r. I*iin liii. ' H i.n.T...

l•ralll‘ 2.\liiarv I ’a« >->.

Uraih- 3 li lor, Mam-1 UoMuioi'iid

'niiiati/, Jai!g Toomey.Oracle 4B— Ellaabeih Bogart. Honna

^ w ick er, Jpaa Dawson, Danny Elders, w o r g # Benson, Jesse tire «‘nberg, John rasu arh t, Ueorgs P o w e ll, James H er­ring.

i r a d e 4A — H ose! B it r ir k . C a ro l Chase,M arga re t Lovetess. A lle la l,.a(lsrde, Anne Needham. M argaret Van Jiuatsn. JotM*l»h I^vtnwihn. J.« roy Lurie, Allan ■ M oskln, Ralph W ew o tt.

(trade 5B—-I>on»thy Anti Klrhtierg. Vera .M topl, Roue Haerardl, Anre L a r ­son. Rb-hurd Watson.

(trad e 5.A— .lean N a jar, Helen Klp- h tu i. J<*aiine Ib'iikema.

H ra ile i»M— Ruth U lendinning. Ruth I.ovelesN. Ruth Klleii (istli-r. Mary Jane Heliermerhurii. Jark Irw in

(iraiJe 6A— liu ib liaw so ii, liorl* Kas-naelit. A m y l.,eDiMin, D orothy l.lngw r,

Rus«* Poniersiitz,.\«iln, Trygve

(R o r ia .Monibebinli,D orothy Vi.-arl. Rt»*e Hweeii. itertrau i Jo»*l.

K lnderu arten - - Oenrge Kosetiwald, Kr<*thTli-k Si liroen. ThereHa (h-rse«, Ann Muholley, Jae«joellue Vedus. Carol Wed- llek.

L incoln Mehnol (ira ile 6A— Amellu Apreu.(.r.tile (lit— ito iiiiiilek j»i Kh-iito, Da­

vid IMrituti.(in ic le 4 l i -in -u e Sm ith, Vermtdi He-

geese, Loulsv Ihtdiey,Oruile :iA Arthur Ander^oo. Rarhara

llrooka, Marie Kit-miug. Audrey Uur- uer, .Muriel UobhiMoii.

(Iru i)e llA— J.ouIh Apren. .Morris Rook- er. hu rt Rrmvn, HulviUore 'J'oleno, ('hurh‘H .Miisoii. I.nwreiii-e Seott, Ruse l'J|iHiehi, Kranet's .Mi-Coy,

('leveinnd MehoolU riid e r>A R Id l i ir d iiurroweH, U u-

>1ol|di h 'lltiker. I 'h it l lp s Ru iid.dl, Jlelsu M Ittla i lo 'i ', .M sry l.oii N.iriori, Relit U n d e rd o Ilk,. A l lt v W h it taker.

IJ riide ( iH " J u e k t iu n e td iig , K ranc lsM u r r a y , H a t r i d Hlu-«ti-f.

Crude r>.V-- -MiirgHrel Hnrgert. Sltaa- heilt ( ‘huM-. Hleaiior Anil Kalr, Horothy Kerri-., Auako K iilo. Ih-ggy W'estervPll.

t ira d e T/H R o y A leM iiub -r, Rijrisell .V IIe iilHTger, .l»ek I’lirdee. Krie R t s iinix.-eii, A d ly i i i i l l u r l h y , iR n n a iieehl, ttijtli l. lt il. ', A lary lllh-ii .Murr.iy, P h y l-I Im Riihe im ,

Crude t.\ — Kenneth Ih-niarest, Mar> gure l ( iih lw ell, D o ro lb y .Miller, Doru- lli.i Itoyee.

rude 4lt Charh-u C iij isM o , Sa inm ytiiitu ieti, .lohn M ix 'kx. R o ge r I ’applii, I 'o i in ld Nideiiiiati. .Mary L o u t 'ory. Ja Ih u k i i i , I 'a ir le iu l.eury. Ceiie Kueli

a ns

■ rude ; i. \ I— .lohn Conll.-r, l■ ■ Mds D l I ’liiiio. .Shliili III H a lo . R o lie r i Mont- cniii. rv, .loiiij 1‘hidat, J id in W ilder, M ai IIV ii A leM iiider. ThereHii Ataiiasla. K le iu io r l iH -w o r ih M u r h l ijurdon, C lo n il H u r l, .\drie iiiie K r ie lu l, M ary l.n ii ' IX>- M .A i ile y , Sue .iatie O iiderdotik, I'e iirl 1‘o iiie foy, J o a n .shea. Kdana Shl|><-

tira de liA'.’ W 'lJllaiii H r lg h tty . I>avhi I'i iln ie r. Ceorg*- I ’lirker, M s ig u n - t Her- ;;er, .N iiioy la* H e riiu rd o . A lie n * Neu-

Ciiile ill! .Milton A lUn. It.iiiuld (Rnss- ford, WIMiaiii Kn-g. .Nnriunn I'ear'nian. .Vriudil .'.eviiioiir .loiiep, Muriel Rhie*. l.-aii Mr<>< k. VlrginlH Mall Cidherlne lliix le ll, hay Keiiiiev. I'liilM K lllig d - -t.-lli, C l..ri:i Mem-.t-l, C:i(herliie (luljin, liiirlm ra Tewhlll, lo iro ili.t Virgin.

C n iile :;.V Ra.mioiiiT .Vyrex, l»unnld i-'eri ix. Ceorge i'lirh i X. Orville Hollo- |ieier, .lu ik Tiui-klii, R ogsr Law, Ju«-k l.iMeiiie. Vietor .Miireii.xxeit, CorllsH I’ lirr.v. Marie lla lle r . I’ Ii .v IJIh IforowUx. I'liie L I ik Im i.v , liarliura Nehlig, Naomi I ’eiirl. Margarel N. hoher, .lean Twlsk.

C m de ;'H - Ihiiiief luiyle, Hohhy |..rpv Trilr iu r, Cenrge VVttke-

fltdd. A n ey Benihurd, Ann Rngert. Kl- loeu H utier, Janet Callaghuii. Anne .. ..iixiM,, iiiino ii l•'erl'l.•., .s,‘iniii Uelrt*r, J-:il.-eii K.'ll.v, .Vitn Hharlmro.

C ru d e l A tieyd I !■ ■ llll*■ lI, R 'l hard |■*l|lle , Vilieenr SitiHh .toxe|jh 'r rilluo r, l(c.l..-rl VV . - le r v e l l , T e i exu Ito id ii, L s i i - r.i W .lrs ler

Cr.l.le I M XtiFle,

Find Driver Whose Car Knocked Tool Shed Over

Oraie HtirglMaiio, .Vuielie-iti- iM iiik, Mlrlum V Iheeiit. Dorothy VVilhiu

tirade 3.V M ary Kl.-ffer, l.i.iii»e Nor Oieiil. .hum Vtin Alstyne, lieori;. i ’.iix ton. John (irou u ii. Lvtiu .Maim. T..niioy O'CuiineM, Sttiii ('lurk.

iJratle - IH — L ii.a Fa g iin . Put Ly ileek er, H ohby H id d e n , J o h n lloliio'!-;, .iliii Stewart.

C rude 4.A tJ i'iirge ( ’uai>y. H a r r y All e iiaH lan . S tu a r t Rev ix. .\td.v Haker. } Hetty .Vmi l lo iu ig t e ii, M a iiv H oove ii K llae .Noohr. M a i i.m l.el>s,.|, I

( irade .AH .loan Kiigiili, K v e ly n C ro { bow. N o rm a K in g . Jane M e K iilgh .i l Helen l(o7.eii. H a ro ld A 'id i iw ii l l . Hot. I R iik lim . Ix u t u ir d Rose ij j

( irade 5.V- M ir ia m I.eriier, H n rh iira ' Yoorhla.

Crude 6H .h-nii Hitner, 1'agi' H ridg lUAII. Lila Holinex. iCtla-l Lliwreiiee. Do rotliy Mill he Ik.

iJrade li.V - Ito h er l .Imolix. Ki'inieth MieliHelson. Mat .S ih eff.rl, Dorothy IM wurda. M e iberl IMimiiioek, WUliaiii ! Lota, .Murgerv .VuMiony, Cnrilou I ’orhex ;

J i is lo r l l ls h HelioidCriule 71i i'.'wdyu Hrinki-r, Mary

('iillulnm, Jonii ('oun<dt.v, Freda Drux kill, Donald Cru.ssl, Ldw iird Crohmv, K iiy hiihrle, (■liiit'lex .laeolixen, I 'n iiik Liielftiiiio. D orothy .Meriiiln, Rolierl M<- MHtau, Roy N elge l, .Maylu-lle Si-hwarz, Auiiti Seilbu-ek. S.ytvla Vh (or, Iteverly Vulk, Hetiv W a lker. N illalle Wexl.

tJniile 7A A lary .\le\inuler. ClMieri Aiilhony, John H lrlw h ix ile. C)ad.\x Hroekhig, lle rn m ii llerkinaii, W illiam .’nrlxoii. Kdmund Clarke, Meter ch iiig li. Durolhy Carvalho, K.dieri DeW olle, Mt.- ter Di'liiionex, Mark* blinker. IV eg v IlHrlley, MhUtp lleeker. M llle ll Holdeli, Kidd L illie . M .irloh l.uxi, .Mina Me K f.', Carl M u rray . Ihi/el Mottinger. Sidney ihoM-n. H ertn im .Solniuoii, ThoU' nx Vail Tine. iM ro th v Veitli. A iigellow Vlearl, D orothy W alxon. .leiiniie Wen man

Crade KH— lie le ii .Viuh.rxon. Marv HrowAi. John ItmnbHeu. Marv Demaresi. Nidvsiore IM IUhhIo, .VIoVxe Do> li-. ,s«.|. ma Coldfelii, Mury Cnignaiio. .Vugiixt Khdiie, Dorothy R om-, .ieHllell* \VeN|«r veil.

Crinie SA Su lly HJvCie. JoM-|di Da­vid, .Marion Fehxi-, Valetnme Ftiik. Moe Fielxeh«‘r, Sara Coudmun. liow urd I lugeiu.iii. 1.0 ix Hammaek. tianxoii J'dinxoi). .liianitH Jones, .lane l.ow.-n- lliul, Carol I he MiteL«-an. Clad> sM< Ke,-, Kleaiior Nelson, b 'lorem e I’ roi'si, Jean Weavi-r, V irg in ia West. Doitdltea '/.»■ verlidk.

tirade 911— C h a r le s Haker, O n i H u m s. Jean Chuse. I r v i n Colie ii. D o ro t ln C onk lin . H e le n D o l> io sk l. -A d e line FlelM-her, H e rtle b'riltikel. Lo fe iie lla iiek. R ic h a rd lleint/.. M ild re d l in e lier, K il i il i .Io m I u o ii. Curo litie Kut/, D o rix .Miller, Ire m - U s iri 'im e r. Jsldrh-v Hexnii-k. l.iiey T a rn y . T lio iu a s T isza. I 'o M v Tvvig^-,. M a ig a ie i \ i. o. Su lly W aller, R o la -ri W lilte . .lohn W ilH g

(irade 9.X- -TItelin ii Hiirt.-M. Karl Htir- teli. .Vgites Hlaek. Josepli De I'alnia, Fiiirems* I'o h e rr Hiirhura Cood. Ivan Harjier. Frank Hart, Mll.lr»-d Juu..- wtiE. Meliiji K a llm a ii. Ltds Keasi, .\it<-<. MarshMll. Donald McFarluml. Joan Mo rlarly, Vhdei N o lfi. Irene t l'R e illv Milton Ruhin. Robert Riiddlek. F lor em v Sehnnn r. Junn Ulierie, T iiriu r.

I■ ■ l\e i io i i r s a f te r u e a r h u d Jiim|»etl Do- e i ir i j Hi I v y l,tiiu* n o t fu r fro m T e n u t ly m a d . k i n M k i iu r o v e r u tortl Hlied o n p ro p e r ty o n w h le h a hnufw '-s t.' 11V lu d ii, ptdie** t raekp<l <lown I-M w iird O ’C o n n u r o f 11) K ru n k l ln u \ e iiite. To jiaX ly .

O 't 'o n i i o r a d m itte il h a v in g Is-en d r i v i n g a t r u e k o n I v y lan e aD .u t H ie t im e the ae 'ch ien t hap p ened , U d eiiidd Mol reea li h a v i n g clone a n y d am a ir* '. H e a d m it t ta l R w a s p o s ­s ib le i lm t lie lu id iutek<Ml in to the loo] slied, o r B o n te ih ln g l ik e that, but r ie l* * wH.s n o t h i i i f ' w i t h w h ic h the le ilice (a id ld c b a rK e h im .

.Sh o rt ly a f te r the t o o l .shed ucei- ih-td lu u l LRc iirred . p o l ic e m etdved a (a l l a iim it a sto len t iir . I . u t h e r H u gg o f ( ia r f itd d . w h o w u h j i l t e n d ln g the iiu ivie.s itere, c la in ted h lH c u r hut) l>een H io ie ii f r o m the p i ir k i t iK sivur© nea r tile t lie a t re . A sh o r t t im e later, pn- Itco fo u n d it p a rk e d o n S o u th V a n H n i i i t Htreet.

Mr. LO"COST Takes Charge at WEAVERS During July 6* August

Once again we have engaged Mr. Lo-Cost to conduct a series of Dramatic Sales. No item will escape his eagle eye .... he will personally conduct Sales Events in all departments. He has definite orders to disregard regular prices. Discounts of 10 to 50 Per Cent will be in effect.

Here is the Sale thousands of Weaver customers have been waiting for.

TheHandy Host

R .95


*JuH| what the n am e implieK . . . . am i aa smart as it is p rac tica l. In polished m eta l untl lui|uer . . . r»‘d. b lack . KreiMi. or ivory , w i i l » red catalin handles.


9 A.M.

Mr. Lo-Cost offeri; Cool Printed VOILE

Y o u ' l l e n jo y w ea r in g

th e e e c o o l o r ln led

V o l lo e a l l Ih ro u ^ h tk ,

d a y . M orn loK , street

a n d e ven in g . . wash­

a b le , 39 lii(;hes ,<ide.

Mr. Lo-Cott*s LO W COST. 12 %


Enhance your IrtAvidud type ... odd )o your rvahml lovolk n s t t ... remove n ^ r f u o u t hag, safely. and dabvilly from iM faca iKa a m n and lha lags. U se the most modem nw m er___

\pAvAlhMuiAt easy lo im ss s powder puf.0 ka* tm nukly obreave ttufeces

* equally efedtva. RuL thethat _ - •S*™**- Rub theheir oei^y- v tn a cOculer moPon. timfM m i W end it comte. N o odor*, iw cKsmlcsl* V e lv ^

> b e n a sbcoiulcly se|a.


F re n k 'ln MchoolOnitlc t; | ?n}y tJuni.-s, Ra y Schm lrlt, (iriiih- .> .h-liii Ib .iu laxx , .S f>n i„ur

W iiikh -r. K llu rH Mm >rhitiiM ’, M iirg iin - lW

iJriiti.. 4— R i i i ia r i t Ov»-Mon, A r im ld ^.Oixfii. W iilb -r t.lx. hk.‘, R f tu llh * Ib irxh -

niiiu. M argart-i I lo iig lass.ilratlt' 3 -J iii iu l,ii.>k\. D im S lcw iirt

A la n W urfx. ,<liirl*-y «Mti,|Hiniih,H n iil* ' 2 - - f . ' i f r r in g h f r . H arlm ra

(Jultlxinlth, Jt.aii .Xfiisuii, In .rix Mrtw Hrath- t l!..l.bv 4b.\.-.ts. | ..m, r U o id

M iillh, D h k Coni.-ltl.-K im h -rg itrlcn A g a th a R m h , T h -n -xu

V learl. Dav itl S« iih -!i.

U i ie r t . r h.n,|

p n i. Jum ex F ist ti. r, A lf r i ti H e r r in gR o Im t i Li.ri-t),

(•ratle 1 \ A r i it d i l U.tti. v .Sa il 'm m *. r h in - m l l-i.rm .-c V -h -p - ! , \ , lu H i i R j .

(Jratlt* 'I - K* ii/ie. L x e lv nPe le rxfii.

(trade 2A — I r v i n g ( 'u lie ii. .Ned t”rn. m**r, . \U --n I.iH m rtie , it...... ra ii. ii iu t iL ii l ia i i i Ctihen. C o i ix ia n iv D i.-d itl, li„ - rtnh ie .XiiU,. Doune.-., D it re ilu K lir ha rd t. Ik -ve r ly ( io iilx te ln . Ja t ‘.|neitne L iH v in . H .sr tn ra M -K e n i ia , Hnr..tJiv W ehh. Kdm i M a e X V illig . Jean / . 'ig

(trade 3H - H e riiic e Ttm ipkiii>, M a ri. in SiiMp iru. i lo s t i in i Lew ix . Spu rge ..ii la ii non. H e n ry H a rt . iJ e rn a rd iin -w ii. R u th Ilro m lx T g .

(•laii*- JA - .A nge lo I huix; iiti. l.au renee (San ih ino . R a y imititl .M um heLird i. ( ’a ro iim * (V la n o . t .a v liia De! Prete, .MU «4r*><i HrewHU-xr |t.»twi..|.<



W eaver’s congratulates the fo llow ing winners, in their June Swccp.Htakes. and to those who wen* not so fortunate we extend tile wixl) that next time their luck may be of the best.

T leketNo.

iian i

rrlte Itudlo Cum fort


K ’rt 't r lc M i i e rOdar Ch«mt


U M 7'J14Hmil.XO.VI1S.ASO

Mines l ir id g n S4*t C h a ir IJ n e o tP illo w 4 R rs lsp rrau l E ie e ir ir iru st

17U2R IH.'W.t




i 4P 7U

in7tf4»Shafts Wild CaansK lw t r t f Cltvck

tVon byMrx. FJagroii. M James fit.. E n gD w ood Mrs. K. K rirkson. 025 M urray A r « . . E a g ie -

V oodMIam hkllih l>uran(, M agaalia Ave., T en a fly .Mrs. H. Tom pkins. 143 K lra sre A tcu. E b-

gteaoodMrs. K. Srhiilts, County B d ., P rm s rea t

\V. \\ roh.v. 143 T«>na(lv Bd-. KngVrwood XllsB Klsl^ Frost, t'ressklll Mrs. II. Ilitrbiisa. AN D w igh t IFL. B ag lew o od (it*h*v« N lrkcns, 3(«> U n ce ls St., K nglew nod .Mrs, ^ 'i"ntlep {«. 1 H row a 'a TSm-ac-r, IStagle-

woodMrs. F, ItMkrr. 323 M urm y Ave., R nglpw ood Mrs. .M. >1 . WaJlsrs, 3S9 A r e k Bd., £ n g le -

w ood.Mr. II. 'I'ompkliib, 143 K lm ore ATe^ Gngle>

woodN. \\. Mason. SIKt Prospsrt Avr^ BJdgeflrId (Jrarva M rk rn * . 2 « « tJneo lo fit.. Kngl**wood Mrs. It. A. Kvans, RO K. H udson A ve^ £n -

glew oodMrs II lin rhotn «,« D w igh t P L . EngtrwtHHl

Miss Miiriun Frhsr. 360 S o b in Rd., l l^ g l « -n ood

D urant. Magnolia A t *., TsiuUly

Consolation PrizesI I 'u a iLte.'ie11631

Liiien 14 tankrt

I'kswr1 .A.Wt l6k(.S

P llinwR o a t

illMHkrt Uox

r- fts iF%,i*ht I'l . K«R':7w..<tAMrs. tian os lin lk . S K*rp*nttn*> Bd.. T w a f ly Mrs. H. Munn. 140 Van Nestiw ad A ve.. Ka-

Ell’WttodV: N IIiilT. 97 E n g le SI.. E a g te w o o dT. J. P In d l* . K M L ln ic irr .A»e., K a g le w o o d' (r c in la IN«rkard. 344 (ilrn w eed Kd.. Kn-

g lrw ood .

W EA V ER SEnglewood, New Jersey

After-the-Fourth APPAREL CLEARANCE MR. LO-COST SAYSi“Sell Summer Dreises regardless of cost . .. sell Blouses 40% under regular price

take a third off night-gowns . . . ” And here they are!

SUM M ER D RESSESCOTTON DRESSESCunl, crisp Dim ities, Dotted Swi.ss, Voil'H , , . Dir the hot day« yet to come. The.s** w ere bill MiLo-t'oat wiys they must so om at ........

9 * U11 ( ,>1 I ,


.lust In time fo r vacation neeiN! A ti'esh new assortment. In Dimity, i.awn and Vollo. Onflnjirilv (In** tvoiild he 81.05 ami

Special . . .

rviiiUK <1V » ii***v


A . 9 5

Slimmer Dresses that would usually se ll for S.95 and 5.95, except for tlie fact that M r. Lo- Cost is on the jol). O ver 100 Summer S ilks in tile most attractive styles and colors . . . for street, sport and aftenuion wear.

Dres.ses that would usually cost 7.95 and 10,95. Kxceptional values . . . . intrig'uing styles , . .^fascinating colors. A complete range of women’s and misses’ sizes. Included are 15 I'-vening- Dresses that were 16.50.

Also reduced are our Better Dresses in sum­mer sheers, prints and crepes. Values to 29.50,

I7.9S - $10.95 - $12.95

BLOUSESI m a g i n e ! P ra c t ic a lly h a l f prite at- s m a r t a b louse ae y o u 'v e laid ,

Ofi Ol-cr.i .. .a I .. .. r.. - _ oe ,»uu ve laid

(>n. D im i t ie s . O rga n d ies . Swlsseg L v e r y o n e a horiev. Ke-jfiiiar $1.25. . ,

PHILIPPINE GOWfl l a n d n i a d e w ith m et icu lou s care In d a in t y an d lo v e lv c o lo rs 8*ci t i c u l a r l y th e ru ffled on cs - i . . 'o u ' r e s u r e to love . lU-Kiilnr #t„ff0

Mr. Lo-C^st Knocks Down the Prices on these Specials:Handbags *

.M It. I. 0 - C 0 S T comet Ihrouph! For what a bar- Ruin are these Bags -re- Uaiiille, Envelope, Pouch, rndeiarm stylee . . . In hom e.spuns. fahriktid , l>a:.-;lev and headed. .X-* liireh us $2.95 vulu»L


Printed Silks HATS French40 inche.H wide. Sheer Eau de Cologneprints and printed flat to sell a ll our Summer Mr. Lo -C oa t guaranteescrept-.s— the kind you can Hats — BO out Ihev g o ' a full d o lla r 's wnrtli Inalwa.VH use. W e ve taken Straws, Linens, Summer this d e lig h t fu l Summerm;r niu.‘d beaufifiil assort- Felt.s and Crepes. Sizesni»‘i:i uml mark*'(l tliem at 21*4 to 23. Values up to sweet in three odeurs'I ' l i i y ........................1 'A iti) »4.95. Lavender, Petit Fleurs,

Royale Bouquet

63' $J.59 59-

Bar Harbors u 3-Way Pillowi

The Bar Harbor SeUi dress up any old or bi porch furniture . . . l 3-Way Pillows are pack with real comfort. & ered in chintT or jui S P E fi .^ L .................

89MR. LO -C O ST

M AKES A SCO O P !I Xi « «^ •

|7«|- IIM* ■ ■■ 'I'll*. FlIlllW"'*

......... . .. ................. ...

rOTE these Marks o f Qnallty:4d oau{$e' itoobie

Mr. Lo-CO ST W ill Sell In the ANNEFlannel Back Table Cloths

Save on laundry expense with these tlannel-back Tab le ( ’ lotiis. Smooth, washable surface in plaids ftud checks. Two sizes 54x64. 54x72.

8 9 ‘

Pure Linen Crash Kitchen Towels

A strong, llrm weave tliat ab.sorb.s w ater like a sponge. P la in center with colored borders in Red, Blue, G re en and Gold, Size 17x34.

15 Bach

Percale Fini«l Pillow CaiM

In two sizes, 42x36 i 45x36, both hemstitd A special purchase Mr. L^-Cost . . . fine qu ty, full bleached. Limli



AH o f our marciuls- ettes, nets and novelty weaves, formerly as high as 50c a yard. Buy now for your Fall wUrtalns! 0 / \Z9c


Mr. Lo-Cost insists th a t a ll Glazed Chintz, r e ­gard less of f o r m e r price, must go. S ^ m e w ere as high as 89c. Yard 49c


The very sam e drap­eries we sold hundreds of at $1.95. M r. Lo- Cosi marks th e few left at less than cost. Assorted ^ ^ ^colors. Pajp ^ ^ ^


Less than haU for 36 In. SUp Material . ■ • P***®*® nrs, plalda. im «4 cretonnes. Thc^ regular 39c.Yuixi . . • •


• 19(

MR. Lo-CO ST Demands Reductions InJ€W€LRY

and gets them, to o ! Mr. Lo-Cost looked over a superb new collection ofNovelty Jew elry . . . and ru th less ly slashed prices.


P ic o f Ravel Stop* 7 Thread Top* I Weep Shadow W ell* Extra Ilca\y iHeol* Rrinforerd Toe* In all the ^newest, popular Hosiery Colors. . . A special one-time purchase makes this sale price possible . . . Limited Quantity . . . Sizes 8 1/2 to 10 1, 2.

^9cBRA( ELKTH C U PSc i io i c m s¥»i’m rf TV






and other tleeirubh* U«*nu»


Phone Englewood 3-5800


DIME STORE(across the street) FOR BARGAINS