It's Not About the Book Sales: How to Write a Book to Use as a Marketing Tool

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Transcript of It's Not About the Book Sales: How to Write a Book to Use as a Marketing Tool 1 2

It’s Not About the Book Sales!

Here’s How a Savvy Business Person Can Write

a Book Quickly and Leverage it to Land New


By Suzanne Doyle-Ingram 3

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,

mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the

prior written permission of the author.


All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and

informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken for any results

or outcomes resulting from the use of this material.

While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both

accurate and effective, the author does not assume any responsibility for

the accuracy or use/misuse of this information. 4


Congratulations for making the decision to write a book! It will change

your life, believe me. It's amazing what it has done for me.

It is my ambition in life to help as many people as possible write a book.

Not only so that they can experience the feeling of accomplishment that

comes with writing a book, but also so they can leverage it as a tool to

grow their business.

I don’t help people write romance novels. I don’t help people write

children’s books. I only help established business people write a business

book that they can use to generate business activity – more prospects,

more clients, and more sales. For me, I need to feel that I am making a

difference. And when a client can come full circle and not only WRITE a

book with my help, but also leverage it to GROW their business, then I feel

like I am making a difference.

It has taken me many years of running three businesses to get to where I

am now. I’m not actually a writer. But I am an author. I am an

entrepreneur and have developed a system to combine my marketing and

business skills to create something really valuable. I’ve been fine tuning it

over the last 2 years and now you are about to read about it in this book. 5

Here’s the thing I need you to know: I’ve written little books on trending

topics (under a pen name) that sell well because it's a topic that's of

interest to people, which provides a nice passive revenue for me. These

books sell around the clock and I don’t have to do anything because

Amazon does everything for me. This is a great passive revenue stream,

but that’s NOT what this book is about.

I have found that the business books I’ve written are what have made a

serious impact on my business. I use these books to attract my ideal

clients. I've secured four and five figure consulting contracts from my

books which is FAR MORE money than I would have earned in book sales.

That is what I want for you too.

In this book I am going to teach you WHY you should write a book and I’m

going to go one step further and teach you exactly HOW to write your

book. I’m giving you the keys to the castle, my friend. This may be all the

training you need, or you might want more. I also will show you how to

get access to more training if you want it. 6

Let's Get Started

If you are a professional, an entrepreneur or a business owner, it's crucial

that you become a published author as quickly as possible. The book that

you write will be the only lead generation tool that you will ever need.

Because you’re writing your book based on your expertise and your

experience, you will be able to write it very quickly. It will not take you a

year or five years to write a book. You can get it done in as short as a few

weeks by following my methods.

Remember that this is a business book and you are NOT writing this book

to generate sales on Amazon. The majority of the money that you make

from this book will not be from the book sales. It will be from the clients

that you get as a result of the book. I want to be really clear and help you

to understand that. Hopefully you already do understand that. A lot of

people think they are going to make money from the sales of their book

and quite frankly you are going make money from the clients that you

attract because you have become a published author, not from book


By the way, I am talking about a paperback book that you can literally

order for about $3 or $4 a piece and GIVE to your potential clients. Or sell

them at events. If your potential clients are trying to decide between

doing business with you or your competitor, they'll pick YOU. 7

I know what you might be thinking right about now:

“I don't know how to write a book…”

“I can't write a book...”

“I'm actually really not that clever and I don't know all that much about

my industry…”

It’s natural to have these thoughts! We all have them from time to time.

It’s what your subconscious mind does to stop you from making mistakes.

Just push them away and tell yourself that you’re good enough, you’re

smart enough and doggone it people LIKE you! (I’m referencing that Stuart

Smalley sketch from Saturday Night Live a few years ago… dating myself!)

If I wrote 7 books last year, I know that you can write ONE measly book. I

have three children under 12 years old, I own and manage three

businesses, I'm married, and I’m also a volunteer at my food bank. I also

volunteer at my church and I volunteer at my kids' school. What I am

trying to say is that you are not busier than me! That’s the excuse I always

hear: “I’m too busy to write a book.” You CAN write a book. I know that

you can and I'm going to show you how.

I can't tell you how many doors will suddenly open for you once you

become a published author. It is literally unimaginable because there are

opportunities out there right now that you don't even know exist and they 8

will present themselves to you. I actually have been booked to speak at a

“Mom of the Year” event in 2015. I couldn’t even believe it when they

booked me to speak that far in advance.

So here’s what you are going to do:

You are going to write your book using what you already know.

You are going to get your book listed on Amazon and get a leg up on

your competition.

You are going to order paperback copies of your book and use it as

a prospecting tool to lead new clients.

You are going to land clients that YOU want to work with.

Why You Need a Book

There are 10 reasons why you need a book and I am going to explain them

now, one by one.


The first reason that you need a book relates to your Positioning in the

marketplace. When you own your own business, you’re obviously selling

products or services. By writing a book and becoming a Published Author

you will be perceived as the number one expert in your industry and your 9

customers are more likely to want to associate with you and do business

with you.

The reason for that is a little-known law called Milgram's Law which

states: "People will invariably and almost blindly believe the words of an

expert or the person perceived to be an expert". This is really important

because you may not think it's that big of a deal after you become a

published author but everybody else will! And you will be seen as an

expert in other people's eyes. Milgram's Law says people will invariably

and almost blindly believe the words of an expert or the person perceived

to be an expert. Even if you don't feel like an expert, you're still going to

be perceived as an expert because you're a published author, and that

holds a whole lot of weight.

Let's say for example you're a real estate agent or broker and you are

going to an appointment to list someone's house for sale. You do your

usual presentation about why they should choose to work with you and

then you simply offer them a copy of your book saying, “Mr. And Mrs.

Jones, here's a copy of my book which is available on Amazon. It’s called

“How to Sell Your Home in 30 Days” (or whatever you want to call it). You

hand it to them.

Immediately, they think “Holy smokes! We're dealing with an expert

here!” You can see how your book will position you as the expert, right? 10

Don't worry if there are competitors that have already written a book

because the way that you will write your book positions you as uniquely



You must build credibility at both an unconscious and a conscious level

with your prospects and customers. The value of what you offer combined

with your credibility and your method of delivery are all intertwined.

Let's say you're a chiropractor - the value of what you offer is you help

people live pain-free; your credibility is all your years of experience and

training and the fact that you're a published author; and your delivery is

the method that you help people get out of pain. Those three things are

all intertwined and dependent on each other.

Your perceived credibility is based on how you position yourself in the

marketplace; being a published author is the number 1 way to position

yourself as the expert. Credibility matters because your customers are

innately programmed to want to do business with people that are

credible, people that they like, people who they feel are competent and

people who they trust. 11

Establishing Trust

Your customers need to know who you are, be able to find you, believe

that you are an expert, hear from you regularly, trust you and respect you

before they will buy from you. Establishing trust is really important. As you

know, all buying decisions are based on emotion first and then backed up

by logic.

So once you're a published author, if your prospect is considering doing

business with you, first they decide that they like you and then they think

“This is a logical decision to do business with this person.” Then they look

at your years of experience, your education and the fact that you are a

published author…. If they go to and pull up your book, they

are SOLD. They think that's just amazing. Your book is a great mechanism

for establishing trust.


The fourth reason you need a book is because of Authority. By writing a

unique business book about you and your expertise, you will be seen as an

authority in your industry. People will want to know how it is that you do

what you do. You can teach others how to do what you do as well. People 12

are far more likely to listen to a Published Author because of the authority


The word “Authority” is derived from the Latin word auctoritas, meaning

invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command. Nowadays, the word

authority can be used to mean the power given by the state (such as law

makers, police officers, etc.) or by precise knowledge of a particular

subject. Can you see how writing a book makes you an instant authority?

In fact, when you think about it, the most influential people on the planet

are all Published Authors. Most of them are not writers either (wink).

Competitive Edge

Let me ask you a question: How many of your competitors are published

authors? Does it even matter? What matters is that right now you are not.

I don't mean to beat you up but we're going to change that when I show

you my simple methods you can use to write a book.

Once you are a published author, you will have a massive competitive

edge over your competitors. You probably already know that there are

folks in your industry who have doubled their business as a result of

becoming a Published Author. That's what I want for YOU. 13

If all things are equal - the published author will always get the sale over

non-author because they will be seen as a credible authority and they will

always have the competitive edge.

Lead Generation

Lead Generation is really what my Expert Author Book Writing program is

all about. We've already discussed being able to order paperback copies of

your book from Amazon at the wholesale rate. You then give them out to

potential prospects. You can also give them out (or sell them) at the back

of the room when you are doing speaking engagements or when you're

out on the road or wherever you are, depending on the type of business

you have.

Giving them away for free as a lead generation tool is ideal because when

you really think about it, what is one new client is worth to you? If you

don't know, I want you to stop reading right now and figure it out. Every

legitimate business owner needs to know their Average Customer Value.

If you are a real estate agent, one new client over the lifetime of doing

business with you could be worth $5000 - $20,000, depending on the real

estate market where you live. If you're a chiropractor - look at the

average lifetime – the average length of time that your patient sees you –

and the average amount of money that they spend over their lifetime.

That is the value of one client to you. 14

Once you know the average lifetime value of one new customer, you can

determine how much money you’d be willing to spend to land a new

client. Don’t tell me that you can't spend $4 to get a new client, that's

crazy. You have to spend a little bit of money to make some money.

If you're an interior designer, if you are a car salesman, no matter what

you do for a living - a coach, consultant… I know consultants that make

$50,000 - $100,000 on one project. Believe me; you can spend $4 to get a

new client.

As we have already established, once you give them a copy of your book,

they see you as a credible, trustworthy, smart authority figure and expert

in your industry.

Your book will become the world's largest business card. This is your

business card from now on. You should hand it out everywhere you go.

Keep copies in your car, at your home, and at your office. You never know

where your next client is going to come from!

Edu-Marketing 15

The seventh reason you should write a book is what I call Edu-Marketing,

as in Educate + Marketing. You can write your book in such a way that you

pre-sell your prospects on your product or service. By the time they come

to buy from you or to engage in your services, they already know that they

want you. They've read your book and they want you.

Edu-Marketing is a term that I coined to describe the process of educating

while marketing. Think about it this way - your prospects don't know

everything there is to know about your industry. By writing a book and

teaching them what they want or need to know, you are essentially pre-

selling them on your product or service. Even if you don’t feel like you

know a lot, believe me, you know more than them.

I had an interesting talk with my accountant a while back. She said to me,

“Suzanne I think it’s amazing what you do, but I could NEVER write a

book.” (By the way, I love it when people say this to me because by the

time we finish our conversation, I have them convinced they CAN write a

book!) I said, “Oh come on, sure you could write a book…” She didn’t look

convinced. I asked her, “When you get a new client, do you wish there

were things that they already knew?” She nodded. I continued, “Do you

find that you say the exact same things to each and every new client, just

to get them up to speed on how you work, and what they can expect from

you and what you expect from them?” She replied, “Well… yes actually.”

So I said, “My suggestion is you write down all those things that you say to 16

each and every new client and save your breath! Once you’ve written it

down, there’s your book! Wouldn’t that make life easier for everyone

involved?” This is what I mean by Edu-Marketing.

Teach Others

The eighth reason why you'd want to write a book is to teach others. You

may not even realize it right now but you likely have a unique way of

doing what you do. Having a system and teaching others your system will

immediately position you as an expert. But don't worry, even after you

teach your potential customer how to do what you do, they are still going

to want to hire you to do it for them. That's because you're the expert!

Let’s go back to our example as a chiropractor. In your book, you can

teach people your system of how you work with your patients. Now you

might think, “Well everyone who goes to chiropractic school and becomes

a chiropractor has the same skills….” But no, that is not the case; I’ve been

to several different chiropractors and I know that they have unique ways

of doing things.

Your “system” is about how you get results for your clients.

Solve a Problem 17

What is a burning problem that your target market has? What is it that

keeps them up at night? If you can solve this problem for them, do you

think they'd be willing to pay you for that? Of course they would.

Let’s use the real estate agent example again. For a lot of people, when

they want to sell their house, they want it sold quickly because it's costing

them money every day that it’s on the market. By the time they have

made the decision to sell their house, they need it done quickly.

They could be lying awake at night worrying about money, fighting with

their husband or their wife, stressing out, snapping at their children and

it’s really negatively affecting their life because they really, really, really

need their problem solved.

If you can solve their problem for them, they'd be willing to pay dollar for

that. When they read your book, they are going to think, “This is the real

estate agent that I want to work with because they obviously know what

they are talking about. And they are going to help me solve my problem.”

Grow Your Customer List

The tenth reason why you would want to write a book is to grow your in-

house marketing list. Let’s put it this way, if a person sees your ad in the

paper, or visits your website, and does not act on it, you can never follow 18

up with that person again. However, in your book, you could offer

something from your website. It could be a worksheet or a bonus chapter.

In order for the prospect to get it, they need to fill in a form with their

name and email address on it. Then you can follow up with them by email

whenever you want.

If you don't want to go to the trouble of having something to offer on your

website, then you could do something like “Follow Me on Facebook” or

something easy where they just quickly go and click a button. The key

point is that you want to be able to easily follow up with these people.

They have already raised their hand saying, “Yes! I am interested” so make

sure you keep in touch with them.

These 10 reasons for writing a book are literally just a drop in the bucket.

The bottom line is that your business book will be the number one lead

generating tool that you will ever need.

Here’s another quick example: I wrote a book for women entrepreneurs

called “See Jane Grow: How to Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your

Industry.” It was really frustrating for me to see all this information in my

research about women entrepreneurs making less money than men. So I

wrote that book and planned to write an entire series of books for women

entrepreneurs. In my workshops, I jokingly refer to this book as my biggest

failure. Why? Because I’ve hardly sold any copies of it on Amazon!! 19

Women entrepreneurs are so busy trying to run their businesses, they are

not looking for my book. Here’s the great part though - I’ve landed several

lucrative consulting contracts as a direct result of this book. Like I said

before, the book sales don't matter in this case because the money is

made from the contracts.

I’ve had students in my courses from all types of businesses - dog

groomers, interior designers, coaches, consultants, chiropractors,

salespeople, dog trainers, house sitters, midwives, alternative healers,

home stagers, photographers, Insurance salespeople… the list goes on and

on…. I even had a Shaman once! All you have to do when you write that

book is give your ideal client a copy of your book. Place it in their hands

and that changes everything. They suddenly think that you are the

smartest person in the room. They think you're an expert because you're a

published author. They search for your book on Amazon and there it is -

you are like a celebrity to them. They will think, “Wow I can't believe I'm

with this person right now,” and then they WILL want to hire you.

The other thing that I have to tell you – brace yourself for this – it may

come as a bit of a shock. I need you to understand this ahead of time.

Here it is: THEY MAY NEVER EVEN READ YOUR BOOK! That's right, they

won't even bother to read your book but they’ll still think you're an

expert. 20

So don't get all bent out of shape if you say to someone, “Hey have you

read my book?” and you can tell by the look on their face that they

haven't. Please don't ask them because it’s going to put them in a position

where they feel awkward. This is because of the “Law of Reciprocity.”

They might feel bad because you went to all this trouble to write the book

and give them a free copy and they didn’t bother to read it. By receiving

your book, they will feel obligated to reciprocate in some way. It’s a

natural law. Whether they read it or not, they will still see you as a

credible expert for all the other reasons I mentioned above.

So don't ask them if they read your book. If they do read your book, they'll

tell you, believe me. They'll say, “Oh I read your book, it’s so great blah,

blah, blah!” Obviously you want to put some work into writing your book

and you want it to be the very best that you can do. But frankly, the whole

point of writing your book is to become an authority figure, to become

credible, and to become the number one authority in your industry. That

will change the course of your business, I promise you. 21

Three Ways to Write Your Book

Now I’m going to teach you 3 different methods that you can use to write

your book. You can simply pick one and do it. Believe me, I thought long

and hard about whether or not I should teach you THREE different

methods because sometimes I think when people are given a choice, they

don't do anything because they become paralyzed by making a decision.

Obviously in my courses and workshops I delve way deeper into these

methods but I will give you enough information today to get you started.

One of the methods is a little bit more complicated but I think it's the best.

The other two methods are easier and they are still going to result in a

great book. So whatever works for you, I’m sure that if you really think

about it one of my three methods will resonate with you and it will help

you write your book quickly.

By the way, your book doesn't have to be long, and if you follow my

instructions, it’s going to be easy to write.


The first method is called FAQ/SAQ and it is a very simple way to write

your book. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. SAQ stands for

Should Ask Questions. I learned this technique from Mike Koenigs years 22

ago when he was teaching how to make videos and it translates really well

to writing a book as well.

With the FAQ/SAQ method of writing your book, you simply think about

questions that are frequently asked of you by your prospects and your

clients, and then I want you to think about questions that they should be

asking you. You literally list those questions and then write about 500

words or more for each answer. That's how you write your book! Can you

see how simple this could be? It’s not rocket science! I know it seems

almost too simple but it results in a unique book, and it results in

definitely positioning you as an authority. Using this method, you can

write your book very quickly.

Your System

The second method is a little more complicated but it's very good. With

this method you are describing your system – how you work with clients

to get results for them. You define the 5 or 7 steps that you take to

produce results for them and give them real life examples. In my course I

teach you how to intertwine your Inspirational Stories throughout your

book to demonstrate the results that you get for your clients.

Intellectual Assets 23

The third method is using your current intellectual assets. You have very,

very valuable intellectual assets sitting on your hard drive right now. All of

those articles, flyers, brochures, blog posts… everything you’ve written in

the last 20 years – those are your intellectual assets.

One of my clients was telling me that they give out a newsletter to their

patients every single week and have been doing so for years. Every time

they get a new patient, it's really frustrating to think of all those previous

newsletters they’ll never see. So why not grab all the newsletters you've

ever written and put them in a book? Ta Dah! Hello did you just have a

million-dollar idea? Guess what? Your book is already done.

(You’re welcome. )

One thing I need to caution you about is Duplicate Content. You have to

be really careful using blog posts because you can't sell something on

Amazon that you can get elsewhere for free. So if you want to use your

blog posts for your book, you will need to remove those blog posts off

your blog in order to put them in your book. Amazon does not allow

duplicate content and somehow, if you do it, they will catch you. (They

always do!)

Right about now you should be getting excited and starting to think, “Hey,

maybe I really CAN write a book!” And I am excited for you too. 24

For some people, the information in this free e-Book is all you will need to

get started. For others, you might want more help. You can find more

information on my website here.

I’d like to leave you with a bit of homework. Is that ok? Here are some

questions for you to answer:

1. Are you willing to commit to writing a book?

2. When do you want your book to be finished? (Set a date within the next 6 months)

3. What do you suppose will happen to you if you write a book?

4. How will becoming a published author affect your business?

5. How much time will you commit to writing?

Whether or not we get an opportunity to work together, I am happy that

you requested this information from me and I sincerely hope that it has

been helpful for you. Let me know how it goes!

Wishing you all the best in business and life,

Suzanne Doyle-Ingram 25

Best Selling Author

Connect with me on Facebook

P.S. If you want to have step-by-step instructions on how to write a book,

check out my complete 16 week program HERE. 26

About The Author

Since 1993, Suzanne has been training and motivating others, at home and abroad. Starting in the field of literacy, she started a non profit literacy organization and trained 85 volunteers to teach non-readers in her community.

Eventually she managed 6 different literacy programs, and was awarded the Mary Isabel Mackey Award, a national award given annually in Canada for dedication in one’s community.

The most important thing that Suzanne taught her 85 volunteers was this: “Before you can teach someone to read, you must teach them that they CAN learn to read. Work on that first, then teach them how to read.”

Upon completing her B.A. in Linguistics at the University of Victoria, Suzanne then moved on to teaching and training other teachers in Japan for the JET Program, where she also honed her skills in international relations and appreciating and valuing the differences in others.

Now Suzanne owns three businesses and is a busy wife and mother of three young children. During the last few years, she has written or co-written 12 books and helped hundreds of others write their own books.

Suzanne truly believes that almost all people in business today can benefit from writing a book. She dreams to one day help as many as 100,000 people write a book!

Visit Suzanne online at

and be sure to Connect with Suzanne on Facebook at

Suzanne’s Signature Programs

How to Write a Kindle Book

How to Become an Expert Author