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Weather to<morrow; Probably fair and warmer.


N U M B E R 8.673 N E W A R K . N . J .. T U E S D A Y . O C T O B E R 3, 19 1 1 .— T W E N T Y -T W O P A G E S . T W O C E N T S .



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BomliBrdaeDl of the City of Tripoli Anaoooced in Goiern-

■eot Statement



X>«elafe« Aaialmat A a r D rc la r s t lo a of N rn tr a ll ty on H er Part« B eeanae of E s p o o ta llo a th a t W a r W‘tll Be B rief. Bmpecta B nrly C oau itce t o f T ripo li. E ty p l la n OfTem to Lead A rm y of SO,000 A fa lu a t th e I ta h n u InY adrr*.

tpnrtol Cable DltpalrA fo the SEW S.HOME. Oct. a .-T h e IlnUan (tfret off

Tripoli !• bornbardlng th n i city to-day. a c ­cording to ail ofitclal btatemk^nl given out hare.

Owing to th e cenfiorship. It Is atUl u n ­certa in w hether u bom bunim unl preceded theTurkLih evacuatloi^ o( liio luriihcutlorib Baturday. This oeema to bear uut the ■Italian G o \ernn ien t'a s ta tem en t th a t the bom biirdnieni wa|| delayed m the hope th a t Turkey m ight come to ivrma. Evl- d tn tly the Forte has lulled to do so.

PARIS, Oct. 3,—A dispatch to the Tempa from Athena say Hint fo u n e fn Tu^kl^h w arsh ips have re-oniered the Dardan'^.liee.

Thd Itnllun em bassy this evening au- thorU ed the following s ta tem en t;

"M ediation )>y the pow ers between Italy bad Turkey la mentioned by F rench and foreign newapapera. No declaration in th is regard has been m ade by the royal Bovernnieni, which Is res ting upon the logic of events Jt cannot hp«ak of med>- g.llun or negotiations until a fte r Turkey Bhall have recognised the occupation uf Tripoli by Ita ly ."

LONDON, Oct. 3.—A dtapatch to a news Bgency here from Rome s ta tea th a t the bom bardm ent of Tripoli by the ItgltaEi fleet "has begun." T he measage Is tim ed %X the Ita lian cap ital a t 11:30 o'clock ibis faiortilng. but tho hour a t which the bom­bardm en t began Is left in doubt.

Up to early a fternoon there has been fio confirm ation received here of this rfl' l ^ r t . though la st n ig h t's advices Indicated th a t the a ttack on the T ripolitan forts b ig h t begin to-day.

A message to Ita ly from an Ita lian war- flblp off Tripoli, under Sunday s date. Quoted the Ita lian Consul as saying th a t i i t bom bardm ent would begin th ree days a f te r the notification of the population to evacuate, which w as given on S aturday.

A nother dU patoh to a paper a t Rome from M alta la st n igh t also set forth th a t th e bom bardm ent would begin to-day.

B ER LIN , Oct. S .~ li w as announced a t th e foreign office to -day th a t G erm any

■probably would not proclaim her neu ira l- Ity tow ards the T u rco -Iia lian w ar. The yeaaoD ancrlbed for th is waa th e proba- i»11lty th a t th e conflict would be of b rief duration .

No steps tow ard m ediation were likely |o be taken, It waa said, before the T rt- toolltan coast has been occupied by th e Siallans.

CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 3._An Influ­en tia l m em ber of th e com m ittee of Union an d P rogress s ta ted to -day th a t he re a l­ised th a t T u rkey had been forced by un ­tow ard c ircum stances to subm it to th e l ia l la h proposal to evacu a te Tripoli, bu t th a t on account o f th e fanatic ism of th e people a show o f res istance had to be m ade.

A t p resen t th e re a re only n inety -th ree D eputies In ConeU ntlnopie, a num ber in- iufBclent fo r a quorum , bu t a s soon as th e requisite 110 m em bers arrive, th e pham ber will be convened.

T he G erm an consu la te U storm ed by anxious Ita lian s , who a re a sk in g for paaa- p e rts th a t wlU p e rm it them to leave th e oountry. Y esterday flOO le ft th e c ity an d to -day the consulate stilt had e.dfA appit* ta n ts w ith whom to deal. Those re - m alnltig a re subieoted to heavy taxes

The T urk ish cable to Tripoli has been I /put and th e officials a re ignoran t o f w ha t

U going on there. All officials and olTl- bars have been ordered to re tu rn to th e ir posts.

An E gyptian no tab le has offered to or- r a n l ie a fo ro f of 30.000 E gyptians to -march a g a in st th e Ita lian s a t TrIpoiL

ROME fvin fron tie r). Oct, l .-W Irs le s s message* were received here to-day from th e IiaU an fleet off Tripoli. TTiey s ta te th a t the c ity Is now prac tically deserted o u tilde th e T«rW sh g arrison . T he only ItaU ans rem aining are th e apo ito tio dele­g a te and a few FroncJecan monks, who refused to depart.

T he natives have re tired to the in terior, tran sp o rtin g w ith carav an a o f cam els 6,000 old M auser riflea received from the T urk­ish m ilitary au th o ritie s and 12.000 M ausers w hich were landed by the T urk ish tra n s ­p o rt D e rn a

The plan adopted, evidently. l« to arm tho A rab tribes of th a In terior (or a guerilla w arfa re ag a in st th e Ita lians.

HOME. VIA F R O N T IE R . Oct. 3 .-T h e tU lta h governm ent h a s deollned the offers o t A lbanians, C retans. ServlBiis, M onten- sigmfe, B ulgarians and Greeks to go as Volunteers to Tripoli to flght th e Turks.


ROME, v ia F ron tie r, Oct. S.—T he com- liia tider of an Ita lian cruiser, which la bruising In th e A egean Sea, w*th In s truc­tions to w atch fo r th e Turkish fleet con­firm s th e suspicion en te rta in ed here th a t Ifre announcem ent from C enstan tinep ie th a t tho T urkish w arsh ips had entered tb e D ardanelles w as un true and w as A ad e w ith the Intention of deceiving th e

. & U anB . According to th e m essage re ­v iv e d here from th e I ta lia n com m ander, C h. vessels of the T u rk ish fleet separa ted p ft flamos. the several sblpe proceeding in $M m any dlrctions, the b e tte r to escape

I v s w atchfulness of the Ita ilane.R ear Adm iral Aubrey, In com m and of

t h e Ita lian fleet a t Tripoli, hae reinforced t t e ships w atching for T u rk ish vessels M w e e n Greece and the A frican coast. M ddltlona) w arships have been stationed ^ w e e n th e m ainland of G reece and Ce- TOO, th e sou thernm ost of the principal of The Ion ian la tahds, betw een Cerlgo and p ra te , and betw een C rete and T ripo li

According to official reports a to ta l of l^ y -s e v e n T urk ish steam ers, yach ts and e m f t of various sizes have been seized In a ta llan po rts o r cap tu red by the Ita lian

illlttt* S t sea, w hile th e ^ I ta l ia n vessels fiiken by th e T u rk s num ber only three.

' ' 7 ^ 7

• • - S'.j - f i*


ON PLATFORMDelefttes io S tite CooTeotioo

Foilowmf Coofereoce with the G o T e ro o r .


Inequality of Taxes ao4 Coryo- ; ration Refslalion Under



G.O.P. POLICYChairman Prince Warns the

State Conrention inst Excess ZfiL


Essex Deletation Conferred with "Dar aod Will Try

Platform Chan|ei

7W^ /<»//>/ B j u n ^ w . w / c o N C R £ n s A W


A C /ST /N r t f r o o aPi-O O P A /A £ y y ' /p e o I T O U T


Workaeo Qeirinf Flood Roins in Search far Untraced Vic-

tima of Disaster.



Neither A^ed Wisconsin U. S. Senator Nor His Campaiin

Manager Recall Items.



U S. Army Captain, Slayer of Annis, Leaxes Prison Accosi-

panied by Father.

Woold-Be Groom Evades Qeeries ol Pastor, Who Telephones

to Ptflice,


BA INDI81, C c t . i . - T h e whole Apulto |lM Bt of the A drlatii^ te In s ta te of conoid' ferable anxiety , fe a r ln s th a t the T urks will A ttem pt p rivateering , no tw ith stand ing the dioee w atch kept t>y tne Ita lian flotilla u n d e r V ice-A dm iral the Uulie of th e A hrueii.

T he feeling of penlc has been increased t y th e w ar m easure th rough which the lig h ts In th e llgh thou iee have been ex tin ­guished. No ligh ts a re perm itted along th e doaal. • Even an o rd inary illum ination In le a tow ns Is forbidden.

A no ther m a tte r th a t con tribu tes to the gnbllc a larm is the p rogress of the cholera T he epidemic la still serious In the prov­inces o f Bar], Foggla and Lecce-


IdONDON, O t t 8 ,-T h e T u rk lih Am- itm oeador, Tewflk Paeha, presented e no te from his governm ent to the F o r­eign Office to-day com plsln lng th a t con- tV try to a ll In te rna tiona l rules of w arfare

(Continued on 8th 4th rolum n.)

Valqabl««>Get a bouM lafe at Baktr'a, ::»1 Market

■t. Prtoa ITsM up. Btroug boxaOg op*—________ _ .

HA RRIftBURO . Pa„ Oct. 3 -S ta le rh- tho rltlee a re continuing energetic steu-^ fo r the relief of the Buffering peofile and th e cleanlng-up operations a t Austin. I'O' day th reo m ore engineers w ere sent from th e S ta te D epartm ent of H ealth to rep o it to Coim nissloner Dixon, w'ho <Jlr«utinia th e work.

Hlghw'ay ComnilSBioner Rigelow also took a hand In the furtheruncw ^ f ihe re lie f w ork, d ispatching Chief E ngineer Sam uel D. Foetor to Hie atricken h<j^nigii to in w hat operations may be need­ed. Mr. Foatoi' will have o ther engineers •an t to him if they are needed.

M ora th an tOO mattreBses. logethei- wUh la rg e supplies of bedding, will be sent from H arrisb u rg lo -d iy by the d e p a r t­m ent of health.

T he best reports obtainable from A ijb- tlu ore to the effect th s t Hit: UejiHi iiti will not run much more than Hio ami ibaL betw een eighty and ninety bodies have been recovered.

A U STIN P a., Ocl, j ;—Relief w ork of the n ig h t and early m orning revealed no new horrors, and Austin to-day believes Ih a i U know s the w orst of the calam ity th a t overw helm ed U Satu rda j' a fte rnoon w hen th e w ite ra of the broken Baylcaa dam sw ept th e valley.

T he H it of known dead stood th is m orn ­ing a t th irty -tw o , while the hasty tow n cen iu e ehowed tlfty-fotir stdl uilKAing.

Effective organized relief is well under w ay and help Is being offered from m any com m unities In the a ta te . Commlaaloner B. G. D ixon of th e S ta le HenUh D e p a r t­m en t say s th a t money, men and food sup ­plies a re in g rea t demand.

Ph ilade lph ia sent word th a t $u,OOo had been raised and whb on tha way. Dubois, P a., had 160 volunteers and inu laborers th a t would be In th is uiuriimg, w’hlle W ellfbpro, Pa., had raised $J,JOo in a few h o u rs and had'dJ^patciicd tlie caeh ig an autom obile. The cash Is needed la rge ly In tra n sp o rtin g the afflicted to friends and re la tiv e s In o ther ports of Hie country .

M ora laborers on the S ta te pay rolls b a v a been ordered In th is m orning. They w ill b ring th e ir supplies w ith them.

E ig h ty laborers reached A ustin du ring th e n ig h t and 200 m ore a re expected to re ach A ustin th is afternoon, swelling th e to ta l labo ring force to iiuu nieJi. H e a lth C om m issioner Dixon said;

"W e expect to have the ru ins c leared by to-m orrow night. Under iiu olrcum - stanoes wilt we burn th e debris un til th e la s t body th e re lias been recovered. W h a t we need m ost is food. Please urge the public to send foodstuffs. Two carloaus cam e in th is morning, hut It will la st only to -day , and our reserve ia dw indling. W e have word from our rep resen ta tiv es tn Costello th a t the s ituation th e re has Im proved. W e expect to send 150 m en to a id In th e work there to-day.

I t wsB deflnttely learned to-day th a t C ostello does not need aid. The c itizens a re ab |$ to care for in y In d lsiress, h a v ­ing several w arehouses of needful su p ­plies an d all the money needed. Some clo th ing for women and cblldron w ill be requ ired .

G rea t Inroads have been m ade Into the m ass of tangled debris. A ateam log- ro lle r a t work all yesterday a long th e Buffalo and Susquehanna R ailroad , which com pany 's tracks lay th rough the m id­dle o f th e wreckage, cleared g rea t spaces. B enea th one building th ree bodies w ere found. They were those of a m other, an in fa n t and a child abou t five year8 old. All w ere te rrib ly m utilated.

W ith dayllg lit further Inroads on the w reckage wore started , and Ind lea Hone a re to -day th a t by the end of ihe week th e ra ilroad will .be opeiuu th rough to Costello, enabling tW ca rtln .' aw ay u£ usie-l€Fs wrecl:&so- V

No reiiorib o t anySjlhiess pn-vHlfcni be­cause of prlvattons suffered have been m ade to th e relief headguariui-^. lii^ S ta te constabu lary Lb effectively pollL-ing iF,e M otion .'and through v ig ilan ce .u i th is orgalsation e igh t a r r e t is for petty th iev ing have been m ade, th e accused being com m itted to the county Jail a t C oudersport ■ for trial.

X Hve cow w as rescued from the roof o f the four-story EofH)ortum L um ber C om pany 's building, south of A ustin , to ­day. T he anim al had been c a n ip d trver a mile by tpe flood and stran d ed , i t requ ired a block and tackle to ge t her down.

,Up to noon to-day ofle m ore body had fO nnilnued on 8tft» PMb. 4th tcolumn.^


M ILW AI’KKK. WIk . O rt. 3,- T h a t th« $107,793, which waa rx p rn d fd by l.'nilod ; S ta te s Senator Isaac S tephenson, m his - fampai>?ri for nom ination a i th< prim aries i w as u.sed legitim ately for b rass ,buttfui.'^ und o ttirr <’a rn |’algii cxpenecs, and wkF not entployrd cofrop lly , w'SS the , Kist of trstlTnonv given to -day before the i 8era to i'la l Investigating rom nilttre . |

TJu' I’ommlltee. which le Investigating | rhargea that Mr Stttphenaon prorured bU : Fpat In the Senate by liril)ery and olhei' [ ro rru p i use of money, exandiit'd A Ld- I

m anager of Blepheitson < siO ' IP.Tign In lat S. Mr l-idrnondB descrlb fd | in detail the metlmd of organizing in the I S tate.

Knowing thai Hip S en a to r w as dCBli- , mifl of re-elcotlon and fearing the oppo­sition w'Oiiirl he strong, th e wKnesa Haid. a thorough urganlKatinTi w as form ed.

This resulted In Mr. H tephenpon's nom i­nation a t the prlmaripB and his election t'V Hie l.egiplalure the >eap following. Ilie thoroughness of th e ram p a ig n explained tlip large am ount of money spent, Eti- monda said, but all of It w as for the nom ination and none of 11 for the election by Hie T.eglslaUire.

Taking the individual expense accounts of C. C. W ayland. of A ppleton. W is . and A. R- Ames, of M adison, Kdroionda Bald all of them had complied w ith the law In filing their accounts.

Fdrnotide sahl none of the cam paign w orkers rendered 8 detailed repo rt of th e ir expenditures, and no auch report wag required nf them .

It w as pointed out by the wUneaa th a t w ith 2,200 pn^clncts In the S ta te , there were Ll'66 Republican p a rty organizers. This was Intended to show, he said, th a t Mr. StepheiiBon'a expenditu res per capita, were not exc'^ssive.

"A m an has to be ready to spend a couple of hundred thons'anrt do lla rs to get the fJenHlortfil nornirmtion In th |«

Isn 't Hiftt BO?" asked SenatorGeorge Sutherland.

‘Well. If he lisan 't got the m oney he'd b e tte r keep out of polHtca." reaponded 'the Vi’ltneas. H was pointed unt th a t In some eounllea Senator Stephenson Hpent ftJi am ount equal to $S a vole.


fipeciiil fifmlre of the SEWB.JERSK Y CITY. Oct. 3.—Suprem e Court

JuBtlce F rancis J. Hwayze will fto-m orrow itiornliig announce the g rand Jury th a t has been selected hy E llaora Palm er Cam pbell and David R, D aly In place of th e grand jury iiamed by Sheriff Jam as J. Kelly, of Hudaon County, a t th e opening of th%! Septem ber term of court. The list w as handed to Judge Jo h n A. B la ir by the ellRors this noon.

One of the first cases th e g rand Ju ry will tAka up will be th e ch arg e ag a in st Sheriff Kelly, th a t he refuBed lo /rece lv e priHoners In the county Jail a rre s ted on bench warranfB laavicd by th e court bo- enuae the w a rran ts w ere no t com m it­ments.

W ith the dlspoHltlon of th is c a te It le expected th a t the g rand Jury will delve in to m any o ilier m aUers an d ru m o rt a re In circulation th a t ind ic tm en ts by the wholesale will be fo«n<I.

OB.STMNO, K Y , Oct. a .-C ap ta ln I 'c tri C. Hfllns J r,, who killed WdllRm l- . Annl-'- In A ugust, received Ilia parflon and left Sing Siog prls^on k tivc man. Ac- conipaiiled by hia fa ilie r. cieueral 1‘eler JlaliiB, U. S. A.. rP tbed , he took a tra in fur New York C’lly

Hftlna's pardon w as hrnnghl about rnnln- ]y by the H reless efforla of hln figed faHivr. W hat fiiiall.v caiisid the (iovprnur to act. however, w as a iieHtinii .signed h> all thp Jurym en who found him guilty ( f manfiUiiibhlvr. I I ih HCiitence wus not k-ini than eight nor m ore than Rlxleen year.s.

H hIhs H delenue a t his trial waw th a t a blow cm the tiemJ when a hoy had Jiffe' leil hlH mind. HU aitorneyK aU.o dei'lareil ho had been fi'enzled liy Mtorlei* r>f re la tions between Annie and Mrs H ains Ila lns got a divorce from hU wife last A*)guflt.

A fter hla Im prisonm ent llninij rvalgned from the arm y.

ALREADY_______ e


n F u feB b tk e K calHk* H « n t M llM r.^kdT.


NEW TO RK , Oci. 3.—Mrs Anita M. K etchum , flHy-flve yenrs old, whb found dead In bed to-day Lu her home. 558 Marti- son avenue, and tho disordered cortiidKm of the room Indicated th a t Bhe had uenn killed by h irg la re . Mrs. K etchuni w as B cousin of lildward Thorne;, preslrteru f'( B te r ra co tta com pany, w ith whom ahe resided. Phe le ft th* Thorne aummer home a t Babylon. Jjong Island, yesterday.


CHICAGO, Oct. a. -ludge p# ter B. GroBscup, who announced his Intention of realgnlng from th e I'nUed S tatea C ir­cuit (rourt "f A ppoals, then declared he would not resign, se^ms to have recon ­sidered aga 'ri T ^-dsy he said he would enter a final sa lsa dsor<='C In the case of the Chicago end MlIwaukeR E lec tric Road T hursday and fo rw ard his resignation to rre s ld e n l T aft im m sdiati ly a fte rw ard .


NEW ORLEANS. La.. Oct. 3 .-W h « i tile American B ankers ' A ssociation m eets Irt New Orleans in N ovem ber it Is the purpoae of the ulflcera to give all the Im­petus possible to tho plan fo r m onetary r»- form. F tirtner Unlietl S ta te s S enato r A l­drich. au tho r of tlie p lan , will be the s lie s t of honor o t the association .

----------------a--------------- -

COURT CALLS TO-MORROWThe call In the Suprem e C ourt circuit,

to-niorrow wtH he r.f (oilcw s: Nos. 41. (52 H Wt. tt. "it. .T, t.t. ^ and

ill tho n rc i t l t t t iu r t the call will be:N„k, Ti3. rrfj. KT. . k ;. tss, jct. 2®, a i a n d a s . ‘

-----------—---------- —~'T! 'Weesl's Ceojti Cordial; couata, erwip. dlph-

ttaerli, wlieeplat coat lu and htCMiiflH 0H »*~ Ads. . ■ . .

- J .


ATLANTA, Oct. 3.—Charlew W. M orse h a s ceased hjs fight for pardon for the present. Hla attm -neye will go before the United S tateh C ircuit Court and a ik per* mlBolon to wltiiUraw th e a iin u ] o f la s t June from th-^ decision o t Jutlgt* N ewm an of the U nited fltu iea C ourt w ithout p re ju ­dice to th e ir client.

This meouB th a t M orse will he able to renew th e appeal a t an y tim e ho should elect to do so.


N EW YORK, Oct. a .-M rs . F rank J, N ieodem us sho t her husband twice when she m et him on the a trea t to-day, then turned the pistol and fired a bullet over her heart. The couple, both under tw enty- Hve, iep a ra ted a eh o rt lim e ago, and la s t n igh t the w ift w as serv'etl wliti j>apcsfi; a divorce eult, B oth probuhL ' will die.

H e K ednced 57 I'ouude.» w B tetbod o f K lreh R ed ac tio n P rove*

A ston ieh lnffly 5ucccssf« i.

m ade by Hon lY. T. SteHer. of Jo h n s­tow n Po*. reduced- his welxhrby of potmda In an Incredibly sh o rt tim e has been tu tlF established.

t h e fac ts are . proven by a carefu l Investigation, th a t S le tle r received. a( his own request, on days trial, frr/mFrofeeeor F . 8 U W earSfith s treet. New York, a simple, Invisible device, w eighing less th an one ounoa, which, w hen wuim a s directed, a c ti us au

w ith dieting, m edicines and exerclsps, Tha resulU w ith S teller, o s w ith o th e r pronj- lm?nt m en and women, w ere grailfylnK and astonish ing . I t i t sa id th a t Hue offer to send th«»a ou tfits on 4D daye' free tr ia l has hMD satisndsd for a UMas—AdT«

AiTPHl^rt lip abou t to becom eb hlgH iniiil. YT’llllam J Jonffl, n lla s U ’lll- J J FiHchpi. w u h ;irt'HIttued In the F o u r th i 'r c i in c l r n u r t i'>-da.y. Ju d gy iltM T held htn! in JI.'MI hall fo r the g ra u d J u r i on a cljurgi- jj ic funud h> himnittZo ile r, g f 18:. H e ia io iii avi*nue.

Jonee was taken Into cuMiody a t the p a i‘'"uaK»‘ .d ih»* H.'Umny IT eabyterlan rh m i-i, jfKU-Mlay, afu^r he hml gone there w ill! M Ih Zolliir lu hv murrlert.

Hvv. AlLif-rv N Htuljhlehlnu. pan tor of the uhuri.h. hei’orn;' H^ of Hu'nuin. !\n.'{wf-r4i to som e iiui>stJonswerp evasivf, and telephuncd lu the

I ’re -im t StaHnn. U aln iln ian Hp- biiltl wfetil |o ihe h()na». and a fu -r nui'f- tlunliiK .loTus. placed hlni under ftirest T jii* k ille r hurl a n iarrluge llvi line ob- talneO m this tltj- with film a t Hie lime, rriude uut frj hlriu'AHlf aih \^Ti![aln J. J- Fierh^^r ari l MI.hj* Zulh-r

Iiiveetigatlon hj. SehiiM reven lfd that Jonch'.N Wifi-, t ' »vl om h t liad tECeii wed' ded In ithlriii.p :H IG-I M orris avenue, nad hi-en ilenr-riiil The lu tro lm a n ulbo priidui.'e(l a U-Hvr ir; court w hifh wuk w ill- ten Iry ilip |irj.-j'uif-i to Mts» ZuUrr, In w iilrti the thu t h e j s Mingleand th a t he vumUd to m arry .MIhs Z oIIpt

'[ he prlworiiu remumied in d e fau lt of ball.


A ithough TTiPinti'-r-s of l rh famllleft re ­fused to alfirni or dony a ru m o r Hiat a. reconclIlaHoii lutd been effected Ijc- iw eeji .Vmmun Smllh. o: WutsvJfBlng.iind lus wife, Mrs. Fannii Sinlth, who is ;Aakl t4‘ have e!oi'»‘d th ipe wot^ks wUhVVllilain Ikiwker -Ir . also "f W alseasjnji, ll w as Minted biet utghi iliiU iVIrn. Smith and her huybumi had “ modi- u p " and had moved to M aisachusetts.

gm llh . a few days a^". eold all of his hoMseholrt goods and has nut h«en seen abou t town since last wA-ck. T he recou- clllalloii. It Is Mold, wan «-rTected w ith tlio aid of intltnftte frlnncls of the couple, who a re fnld to have gum- t" New York and m et tha w'oman by appolijtm ent. She, It Is Huirt, finally ngreert m re tu rn to her huNband, provlrtf^d he would cohseni to move from T\'ftiscsMing

B ow ker Ih near -Nvwhury, N. Y.. hav­ing gone haok lu hi.*! IraUe of a h a tte r, ll is underslotnl.


A Her having beun uncotiBClOUa sltire hlfl iidmlaslon, Julius MandevlIU-, seven yeara old. ot 3fi WIckilffe s lrem . rjifd In the City HonplUI this u fte rn o u n from e ither te tanus i-; tubercu la i m eningitis. The physicians |•,av»• been unable to dp- tornilite yvi whlfh m alady afflicted the lad

T ha boy’s llincsM lied Its inception when a vacdtuitiori wound on hla a rm waa e x ­posed and neglected

W hen adm itted to the Inetltntlcm .FnbuH w as bellevoil to be su ffering w ith lock­jaw Soon afterw 'arda he developed symp- lom a uf lUeiihigltiM, besides those of le tan- ua. liia condition was such to-day . the doctors said, ihui It in impusBlble to de­te rm ine dehnltely which dlaeaee he w-as BufCerliifi ''dHi. ^

FINE LEATHER TO CONTINUEA conUnuu'"^® o£ th e p re sen t fa it

w eathe r witii a rise In tem p e ra tu re . Is the prediction o( hoth th e W ash ing ton and th e local ohservers for to-m orrow .

T he tem perature a t IS o clock th is morn- in s was «i degrees, a t T o 'clock « and a t noon, W desreeB. T h e hum id ity a t 7

o 'clock was S'- I'*'' d®nt; and a t noon 7J ® ' cent. The wind a t noon w aa north -

w ith a velocity o t i m llea an hour. Y esterday the m axlm utn tem pera tu re

w aa l*> degree*, the in tn lm um So and the Average *dfgr<:MiB. 1 ha m axim um hu-

! nildUy cen t,, ifie minimumj ptrr f**nt • Him a \e :ag* ; ^ p^,- cent,

'I'M pru^aihng witul u a^ rm rthw est Willj a snaxlmwu* veioclty of lu mJlea an huur.

One vpar ago tQ-day th e ,hSghe»f tem per­a tu re woe degrees, th e low eat « de­g rees and the average 63.5 dtgreega The 3 i y w as c lo tr. f

{’nnejipofidpnre.■Uvt-;N'luN. ;>ct 3 —Following « eon-

fcreiic<; m whhTi G overnor WTlann and a iui-ge num ber of delegatee parilc 'pated . Uif l>eniarfHllc S ta te cohveiulon gut un- (liT way in M a»unlc ll&lL here a t noun to- Oey, An ad jo u rn m en t wap euem taken to -'30 o cluck

The pTR-partition of the purporlere of the Goverri'U- to force the ailopHun of a plnt- ftii'in lu nm form with the Irteaa of the KxeculHp ar.d th e Ihrc-olened oppoilH >h ' f The Tbp'^lar " fun 'ca n-Miled fm»i« iha;i u?iiHi inion.t»l In the le is io n .

It was i: L'T o c lork wln*n the gathering wfiA iJtJlrrl lo or-liT by F-rtwurd K GroHt- . ■,!!. rliaiTinan of the S U te n tn iuvrailc ronm iittvr. S ec ie la ry W illiam K 1)pv- , rn . . lorniullj read the call for the cun- \inMuii Tlio obaervere liicludod the |u iiioorullc I'onareM iuien and Senator

Tiie C ounty cflndldaieRl,.ul rtearx m the fron t row s nf the hall. If (Jehhairtt nom inated Senator OHu.-ni*-, ' f KHF*ax, for tem poritry clmlr- mnii TM n wa^ acrumleil by Senator FluhJer. and Mr. (Jsburny at onee look liif- ciinlr. A lte r h« had exprepsed hln aiiprt'dfti iun lu li'lly , S ena to r Low pro- ]i invd Ik lem iiu iury aec re ta ry and Ur, i>k-kervuA was Lfiuaen.

lieceea T a k e n • ! ]3ig5. AeFenblyinmi B racken uffered a motion

fur ihi* viiaifm aij lo nam e a committee uf l»’YV i>n iiijea and creden tla li. Foilow- hig Hila an ad )uurnn ion t of " ten mJuutea" wax l.ikca. ihiB Wuh a t

c.'halrman OBhorne announced th a t noiui- nationM for m em berehlp on the conmilttee would be received a f te r the rcceei,

Wlien tho convenHon reHumad He eoe- Nii>)i. AMparnblyinkin JCgun a t once propoeed ifcoiiBlderaTluti of the " ten -tn an " oummll- tee. He Held hi* in tended lo propuHfi th a t earh cuuiuy HJiuuld liave a reprefluiiiuHve uti each coinndltoe.

Mr. Usliuriie called a tte n tio n to the fact tha t some coujitlea had i>nly one rrrembur in Him conventluii and Hiat niie cunlu not oe ui several rueetlngB at once. sMt. Don­nelly ra id th a t th e propuaal Hhuuld lie Agreed to aki a p receden t for tlie fulure, inaamuch as the convention waa the nrbi under Hie new law.

UecotiRldoration wao than had. and Mr. Fgxn prupoaed ro inn iltleea of t\%eJity-one on cU'tlentlalH and the game on ruieH. As- beniblyman lo i M onte moved ae an am endm ent th a t the aum c incinbern eerve on both rule? and crodentialp oommltteea. I'he am andnient b ro u g h t a divlalun.

ABseniblyman B racken , who had been chiiuen chairm an of th e Kaxfx delegation at a conference before the’' .^nvontion, voted th* delegation f lr it affirmatively on the ikmendmenl. bu t changed it lo •no. ' and ilje o rig inal m otion wa« c a r­

ried.tJovaiucr WllMOti. W'ho pat In Ihr from

. row' of softie, voted for the amendnieJit, whlcli WAS beaten by a vote of 34 ayes to 4w nays.

Fsjjex nsm ed Aswemblytnan Rhalvoy on The credfiitlftls rom m itlee. On the ruHn com m lltea Fai*ex chose CharlwR A. N u l­ling On the reso lu tions com m litee the choicp of Kasex w as John A. WiiHheWs

Assemblyman Ford moved IhRl the (Jov- prnnr In.- added to the comrnitteB. Ttde was agM‘'^d Hu a ltl)ough the orlgliial res- f'liiMuji called for the m pnibershlp of tlie <;o\prnor on the l om m itiee with oncnieiri- bar from racli cuunty

1 In m uhnn. a r-ommlttce on perm anent orgaiilJMHlnn w as auHiortxwl. Cfinlrman u^fljorne named S en a to rs Fielder nofl Qeb- I'.ardl find A ssem bly Fand lJalo s Thomp- snru of A iientlc ; l.afferly . of Oloucester, mid HiifUe, of Mfirrls.

t 'r g e d F re e H ehute.The G overnor suggested th a t proposi-

tinns If’ Into Hie resulutlnns should not be only to tlie com m ittee mem-bf-rs He snld th a t ad m**mbere of the com'imllon should be free as possible. This WHH greered w ith applsuse, Asacm- hlymun Ford Huggesled thnl for conven­ience wake efich dwlegallon decide for It- Bvir wha't resoluHoris ll wa.h to propose.

Senator (iPhhnrrlt serondetl the (Tov- ornnr's piniioFaJ nnd Mr. Mntthews, of [yssex, Hifti of Mr. Ford.

The Ofivernor roee lo way th a t he would vnliintoer lo bring before the com m ltlse iir.y propiijscd rewolutbui th a t I lie member if rt deltgftllon ••ould not gel Ills chylr-

inaii lo suggowl T his b tought nut an- fiihiT round uf aiiplaune w1tho\it any for- !uii] fii'tion.

h'ullowlnK ihl** the cnnv--nlloii adJouTimd until ? i)'i:lo<’k r>M;-lrig tha recess tho vi-inniitii-ew gn i toge ther

Mu{‘h im ereai w as fa it m the plntform, but there w ai absolulelj- no certttlni.y about Its pxacl coniposlUon. The rcsolu- tlnns rom m itiee w as iioi to meet ujiHl 1 0 ( lock Lu conalder suggeHlIonn.

FiuHures uf H of a rentailve nature had been prepared , and 'u ivernm Wilson huil Sonif! p lanks tu offer He would not glvt H um out. hui the)' were said to be In line with th e sub jec ts conaldcied al rtiw i'onli-rt'riL'a wHh con\cntlkH^-rncjitburH this m orning, and U becam o known tha! NoiTin mrmberw of the K»seg rt(di*^Rtlmi who hai.1 tak en n ri a ltitu d e anragonisH f

some prnpcsIH JiiH liad been liiformed In general of itu- apeolal fcalur'^H itmt would lie suggi’Btvd by the o ther rnembetH of ihh convention

They foutid Hml no th ing radical been r-OTisiderpd for adoption and cx- r<rcsied their siilIsfucHoii. This wu5 rspK- t tally g reat when they were inf'irm fd th a t nothing u d \o c a lln g th e InlHatlvp refiii- eiiduni and mjcwU would tie prop ped b / the m ajorliy.

The m te lln g of ihs reeoluilona romm ll- ten was open. The flret business done was to read a aeries o f propoaed pliinkw nfferad by non-m en.bars of the convenib>n They called for u spedii) eessinu of the Legislature lo reapporthm (’o ngrtss d is­tricts, for eltiTilnatlon of all grarir rross- Ings, for tu rger tra in crews, and for auio- rnoblla reciprocity T he resolutions wen* read hy G overnor Wll*on. who whb chi.seu chairm an

The Gcjvemor alao read the d raft of a pifttfurni th a t had been prepared during the recsb.s.

Mr Henneesy. nf Bergen, .suggested. In addition to o th e r pLinka, that ihera should h« A p lank on a nonstltutlcinHl f‘OTi\rnHon.

He sa id m o re had been accom plished last y ear in 'th e w ay of good legislftB Hon th a n In fif ty y e a rs before, and hft did no t be lieve th e p la n k he su g g ee ted w'ould be ra d ic a l H e believed the p eo ­ple w ould ju m p a t th e chance fo r r e ­form s.

Mr M a tth ew s o p p o sed (he p lank , but com plim en ted G o v e rn o r W ilson’s w ork an d le a d e rsh ip lo s t y ear . Am ong o th e r th in g s he s a id :

"Th.* G overnor stand 's by you In every­th ing th a t yon have done, nnd In the quarrel Kaeex h a s had w ith yon the men

S ta ff Cort fitpamienc*.T R K N T u N. t^n . 3. —flevonty of th#

eighty-one Itepub llcans who will, If elect­ed (0 the Lotgislaturi*, have the making of the luw i uf the d la te next year, m at tu-day a t (he Republican Club her* In the first B epublk iin State convention under the Goran law.

A p la tfo rm th a t wue amended In some m inor pa iH oulars ^a« artopied unani­mously uiid th e oonvenHon look final ad* Jouriim ciu lit 3 16 oclook-

The riftlform eiihkgisoM the Republican party In m tiloniil affairs. praJive T aft, I'liftrKes the D em ocrats w ith having elect*Hd a free tra d e r iJam es K. M artlne) to the I 'n lted btatoH Senate and accuses lUe Hlat*' Dernocrucy with a itrav ag an o e . The liepub ilean p a rty is pledged lo "the slui- plirlcatlon ui the elecHoii laws and the preser\'u.Hun uf utk iiunest ballot." I t de* d a re s fo r forcai proser^’ailon, Jury reform and (or Htatt* owtii«r«hlp and m ulntenaticc uf main tilghw ays.

The liiipurtun t plkkce which the new- elylu ( oiivtiMtioii Is to tak e in the S ta te bticume up p aro n t by the icrtousnesi with whif'ii t hu m em bers of the convention Buenked to regard the ir buslnee* and by Hie irrlouetiL'a* w ith which th e old-Uwe leaders seem ed to regard the functions of th e ronveiiLloo.

The new s ty le convention was popular from the s ta i t . T here were fair excep t'’ the m ost ex trem e "staiirtpaltere" whu did nut Concede th a t the early conven­ing of the p a rty candidates In a aort of g e t-lo g e ih e r conference w as a good Idea. T he p lan of giving th e men who fire to be rceponslble for keeping the plBtfurm pledges the privilege of d raw ­ing up those pledgee m et with favor, es- pecluUy froni the m ore Indapendeni of the convem km member*.

Frarllim U y th e entire buslneis before the convention, w as the adoption Of a p latform , l-fcal n igh t there was a long ■esfilon of the p relim inary platfurnt oom- mlile**. T he plfilform w as got together la lie final preltm lriary shape this morning.

Aft**r the convention had organlied Ihl* m orning th e p la tfo rm com m ittee held a imblic sesHlon to hoar any persona who desired to b« heard on the plelform .

Btflte C hairm an F ran k O. Hrlggf called the convention to o rder a t Ui*G, and 8ec- ru lary K. W. G ray , of the Stale Repub­lican com m ittee, read the caJL

A ssem blym an Thom as F. McCran, o i Lasaalc. nom inated Benaior John D. I ’rlnce. of ra s sa lc , as tem porary OMtr- mnn The nom ination w as seconded ^ E dw ard A, R ansom , of Hudson, 4 Frog* reesive. T he etdctlon w as urranlifioUii and John E. Gill, of M ercer, WOi ohOMtl MO- re ta ry , . . . . .

Tiie i’f(mwlUoe -on platform eonalit* of Senutorf l.pAvllt and Edge. Assemhlymen M rv'ratt and W hyte and Colonel ,Atiat#ft Oolgftie, T hese a re the ian ie men who hart c h a rg r of d ra ftin g the plitforw i. A fter nam ing the com m ittee the convoij- Hon ad jo u rn ed un til L»0 to glv* the com- n\lttfee an nppurtun liy to do their work.

The p latfoi rn conn ilH ee met Im m ediate­ly the ((‘(•fSH begnn. Edw ard A. Beiisom, nyp^'Otliig . >■ th e rrog ress tva m em htrs of Ihf* ITurtwnn rt«!lt*giiHon, asked for the Insri ilun In the platform o f m any of the p lanks In the I’rogresslvfi platform,

Mr Ransom w as courteouBly received and glvnu close a tten llo n f»« he presented the various ]iropos1ti«nB tor which lh a PnigrrHf(lvca a re hghtlrig. He expressed him self as Nn.tlBf\rd with the declam tlon uf the p la tfo rm with relation to the em- ployerfi' llubillly and the corrupt prac-

o ii« . U p asked for more specific ripnlaiHiIona wKh relritinn lo the O eran law ;iii<l (he public utilities.

Mr Ilunsom , a fte r rtlacuKalng his prop- nblHoiiJi Infojuufllly w ith the committee, s a id .

"By the tlrTHfi law I am constitu ted ft m ember of H iIh (Mnvciittnn and U is my duty to come here Hfid fight as hard a s I ran fnr the thlngH I staiul for. I am. H iercforc. prosniH ng these th ings for your conxlderatiun. I’ijU may vote Ihsni flown uH fny( a s you yvlsh, and If you do voir Hiriii down unit I a'^sure you th a t If yii:i do not approve them, 1 shall, nev- erHi'']p»«, go * ''11 fiiiil work hard for the sucepfx of Die e n tlrr Heket. but bhall work hard fiiso for thoHO th ings I s tan 1 for. ■

W hrn th e ro tiv rn llon rrronvenert, a t 2 o'clock, the roll {'all ^^how£‘d all the flen- fttors iirCfieiu e x rrp : t^enatifr Hand, of fa p o iMay T mi Aswcmbly renrtldatee ixtTK ulso iilipptii, niftklna a to ta l a tten d ­ance of Kr\ I n i \ .

The tPinp 'irai'y urganiiaH on was m ade p e rm a tirn t.

Heniilor FrliK’c. thfl liresldlng oflicer. UiMn H(P.lrfSHfrt The ronvrnrlun, aa follows:

' NS'** n ie rt tU'rtiiy n arcor<lance with the provish.ins the new law to discuss and furmulalM Die bji-slr prinrlplaa fof whli,h vve m e I'- siHtnl iJiirlng Hie pend­ing cHTiBialgii It am my desire lo Im­pose all add ress upon you a t th is time. Indeed. It w oild , I believe, be presum pt­uous ori iriv i>ari lo seek lo Influence Ift sny way the senae of Hits asseimbly w ith regard to Hi« detallsi of the platform , ttliire, liowe\’<*r, yfnj have dune me th e liuniir of ek'rtm K nie your presiding officer I fetd th a t It luay not be am iss If I stain lo you very briefly my pereoDal vlBwfl reg a rd in g w hat general trend such !i iiliHform cake,

“As im tlons grfiw gront In n a tu ra l rw- flDurir's ciiul iiteritiHl p<iuiptneiit. It In Inevit­able* th a t the po]!HoiH condllluns which ftltt'iul SHiirh deV('K>pinei!t should them - selwH i-xiiaud find cujistquciiHy Change tb 'tir form fiom w hat ll originally w as wlHoi I h r ra tio n wuij* foimded. This has

pi i*-einlii»*oHy The case with Our own lln llfd rita te f. a land which has b road­ened Itself from a m ere feileratlon of com- pnratividy Insignificant provinces a lm ost homogeiiormH liP lu pnpulaHo!i to a world power of the m ost heterugenoouB popu- lalltm ever colU’ried under one iian d a rtl since the dftj'b of the later Rom an em ­pire

■ t>ur needs have clifiiiged w ith our m ar- vp-loua g row th , aiyl If wci are to m ain tain the ^>ntnmv^^lal and socIbI Im egrltj’ of Hu.s conim iuiw ealtli arul liiipxral and Im- po riuh t p a rt of the republic—which, 1 need nu t rem ind yoiu has been h itherto maiiUfttned solely by the BOlldarlty o f p u r­pose of our own g rea t p a rty —wa m ust to-day ta k e m ost carefu l thought Os to w ha t w6 are abou t lo enunciate.

"C hanges have a lrsady come in ogr S ta te e lecto ral system , In-our paym ent of com pensation to in ju red workingm en and In our regulaLlon of the g re a t business en te rp rises of ou r com m onwealth. These developm ents have been necessary and Inevitable an d have been aocompitsbad aB they only couid have been with the a id of a R epublican Senate.

"B ut In such lim es of developm ent a s these, w hen th e sp irit of change is heces- sartly In th e a ir . tt alw ays happens th a t an excess of seal In certain quarte r* tends to s tim u la te tow ard a general; o v tr- throw of a ll exisUng condition**

"W e a r e Iti th e m idst of Just euah % w ave a t th e p resen t moitient. W e bava changed certa in th ings com m enturaltlY w ith our developm ents, and undoubtedly fo r the b e tte r h«‘a lth of the body poflllc.

of Essex fh' ugini they wore right ” Th!.s \ but no doubt susgea ted by these needfuld^KlnPAticn WAS *0 e tftrtlhtgly pleasing b* a lten iH rns . SVe

irfim both g ree t parti*'* Hie usual cry for{Continued on M p a ge, TA column.)

nen*ex*e Pare Qmpe iliifre.Purifies the blood, h* very nourishing. =

H. T. Dewag ft i«agC « .* Fulton s t , N. Y. ^A dv . . . . -.— 4 ^ 1 ... i—

mure chnnKO in everv direction. Those who u tte r th is alogan are too ap t to b# unm indful of u ltim ate results, and lo be qu ite ign o ra iu Of. thg fact t ha t mdf*

(C o n tin u e cm poffOf Jot cotmoB*!


CONSTRUCTIVEa d ju st m e n t ,

6 .0 .P . POLICY

rUliMfc■bollsli nr enonomlrit to pructllie. * prsiJiervatkm .jf K ndrral CJnlnii/

(ConilniiBO from ITIrai roaP.>

^ % ' r T . , r C ” ;r x . 1.

morV ih.1 tnnl.JM'rlly u( H i' iHini... m ile nimr'alKii 1" •‘‘ I ' '" '* ' ' ' ’" ''"u X r Ke[..tblK-«n „.l.nlnl-iralh>n tw'l

Im Tcu*' nf I's nrrm prlntlfm i- ,l,„n OI.P anrl o n '(II iVi,(liX)(. Iin ItiPrwiap "1 iW'-n ydvp iipr fo ' •> "I'l*'* , ,

. ' r h p m,iy 1 .« l. ! . . l i™ ...f whh-l, 1. ...... ..


c h in * , t i f I !

li, ih la tall » i'nm i«lg ii I* Gif Bmpimp-itionor I cp..biii«n iK'ii.MP.^ .raipd Iipil thia l.•«l.ll.^l'"l " "j MlI ftlll'llVlM-

Th# am em im eiit wnn nclopt^d njoiialy wUhotJl ft^'balr. *

Mr. rvfH, of Ilm Jrun. I » i m u v n d iiti utTiMiilHienl pru\lillMK for l(»nu«iaUon talUnif for *«»•' In Hy«akliiMfor llif am nm lninnl. h r *«aUl ihu» mob- ppHlloli nf preMiInrit !hiU tiir

wuU until VM for nlnnty-C'Hil »«»•waa kII U imhiiK Ttin amentllmint wUh dn-

Ml Wal^»on. uf PauHRk, dri'l-irlnn th a t too (iiiirh rrm ulali'in w iu tw t"*'l at* ton llllJr.

Mr HaiiMini TTU-vf'«I tlial the iKAf ptira- jjuiph of ih r i>lalfi'nn h< p irlrkn i out. Hi> ih'clftrrfl ltn ' ji«rH*!rapt» 'vna looBtily will if’ti am) tliai li ioIrIiL ruti th** fo r of aomrpiTHiMiN [II th(i nronK wu)

('halriniHi lv«-avlti. of flu* nlinform ijorn

NIGHT CLASHES OVER PLATFORME ^ ^ e ' s a n K o i g a t e ' s l l Q q o a l i f i e d

Approfal oi Getan Act Thought Too Radical

thd (Jovarncr rp»t nu m b er* o f tha !.e*l«l»ture In ponfareiite* th a t he bofan

’I'hero w ete Uilrty ohe eallare

icnraleil nm'm-,.l uari (u the IrK la.h ' i„!i of H HepubllPiin Hp ..Mp

■■Th f new eleetinn iB"' Iw " '''! . .._.,■■n»uiv». — _ have *1 -i 1 i,.iniii'r!itlc Miiuhp In 'n i 'l ' ' niid (irir-ntai - iil.jeoii'il lo the iiioiloii. The

. ® ™ ™ ""*hV eho iaa"a lw »y« he foU"*- luUonnl form ri-tiili- 'l ■**' IT.iKreesl'e* alone voted fm the renoli,-r«*dy wrohBhh ed ju .tm enl. . ,, H ,„uhl|. an Hene.e il,.„^ ^ bv heop llis lip even wo’ unhle amt tide law H e l en a,n-ra ltia r Ibnt' l>opnloi-“ ' i„ lernie ili:ii H» r’r" 'le l" ,m a:.-

(•uportP ant) l«’'


A com m onw ealth *" i;“Ph'";-“

h, ■ I


change* " vv‘" rorant) linPOGsnl "» 1*pollttral d l* '* atPlnrhed i.v the^ S tV en i u "eerta in lle . o l leghHatlon.

f e the whom l.u*lm.e« woGd of,„ r ' '« n n t r y . - o n d l n . J ^too* Ot u aeen a ln iy

know* whtti 11 and the r.

illll ln l of mHlta on«a* enierprl’e ,,„„e.-o naalnet tliu

Plg'ioijf* In ir rn ipdlff-THitly intfrprH ifil eiv — n o n iht ortllniiry rltly.rn

pj.M I Ilf ilir nrw r l r r - vu- pU-flfTf* I'lir-

,elvee to the l.rehen-.llon alnl ena.'lrnenl - I" ftn^lOr Int' pf-'i-


"\Vp f av o r llir to l„w riirtnf-rn\i'

o f »mrh h<){)Bhilioii ue wll i,j,\t- wiili'-'Ji 'h '-

i r " ° know* w hat new IhlnK >» nollt'i' al maclilio'K ti lt weNO one « . n , , o( tide m elrle and <n..oMIHQ un« . r«BUlt of tllln til‘.u c ^ T I m ^ o i oon,n.erc,«l and of hual-

„ n y lodcep tl lde d e K ree^ n g eh te l Jh"proU p^lti of

uarty I* to b lam e for thie ctni- I*® I t 1* ra th e r the ..ntcuioe

dltlon of ,jovelapm em * which have□ r t h o n . r t e w ^ l ' ‘^however, having

l""'iotil>led with o elnnilh llv "f .•lerlion muclilnerv Ihtil will earmirnKe every v.nnr l„ vote, ra llie r than with eenruelng legti- lutlon* tliai dieenurage the exen-ise ..r fran t’liisf--

■Wf plt'flK'' i«iirPi‘lvi>H in 111

“ leg lila tiv e developm ent, hbrought lb * « »t y , w hither w**'* ltf^ !l^h en ^ w ithou t Iniroduclrig a o*dcikit brlns • a . * i ___ wn** lin f*.*

confuiton. It la I bellavc, our duty to- p la tfo rm which *hall

r « . l « t o * ^ b » [ y:; ; 'M,y~a i.111 in . rodneed by a I te puh ltemWt h*Vfl n#«nle of New H^'Tialor and pflfl8'‘d *iy ^ Iu^'KlHialurt" uf ............ ,— ----- .1 i h thT urttar ‘® »” * * "» '• „ ,w DUHllng divided polltleal eontr.d. B.irh l a * , tend ] aapatm ited for the, worde to which thW I . J w th* " t h - h " ®' " " “ 1„ the pm lrleaunn of the belint and no et , ,.r„K re e . objected,

Mr. rtaiiKom moved th e rollowtn« 8U»>-

Himiiliil ’>1 •tlun uf till' ei ec tlnn lawn, mifuguiirtlfl ttjyalnj't fii iud m u s t nut Ih! leKwin'd mid 411 JioneBt tjftHoi muHl tin malniiilfi^'^l'

■We plfidKf mirflflvcH to t h e matniL-- narif-B of the fnrrur«t SirHi'llneH to'l lT>- lUiHunited undnr HL-puhllcali R dm lm rirn- tlon lUid HnenKlhenud a n d I rn p m v ed tli'H

lif lila tlon . deci*r« ouiieKCBUM TTi ___ tnw A fynUrv1 And w ithout ro iw v e fo r k policy

openly an Adju«tnienl a* being ini- fW the »0«1»1 *"'1 .conom lc pvae.

®‘ *“e¥Ir® ton'iw r P m ™ ', .peech Mr, Me- p « B * m ^ e d Gte adop tion of the

M d «h« »PP0int™ «nt of the u<oa .mov^d fu r th e r th a t all

OOSUnltt ‘ __ |A <wnmmlttB« w ith’

Ml'. KatiHom nm vrd ihP BtrlklPK out of | t h KNTu N ih<* word iiTeaprmliljle’' beftrn* ' iRillUoal mit'-hlnrn ■ In One nf th e puragraph i. He Halil that th f wurd m lth t b<* Intrrpretetl jiN an in illretl kIji| i iit tliu l wing of the party lie reprenfiitfil. Mr, Ivea, of HuiJ- *•(.>11. alBn u pniKreiiHlve, said l>f llkfd the l.latforni. Thin hm ught apphniBe. t*ul he wihjil «m tn rwav Oj« i the aarcaHm In re r. tiilh irfjlnlK uf It w ere buuml lo bo lnl»?r- |in ted H« liltlliiH ut Ihe r‘rngrf">*lveM.

.Ml. I..‘Rvl(r r ep l lf il t ' n i t ihe P ro g iea - hlM> w ere nol Mitigm. ftuil inldcU th a t (h e re n ilghi ho Other iii;icMnfB lo whli ' li II iid<fht app ly .

‘W)^y iJtm't you niiiiu* Uicin?' ankfid MrUatiHoni.

Senator NIrholH look Ih f floor, iiiuj Bald th a t, from Ibf explanation of Benator Li-avKt. lie ib o u g h l Hiai the machine nitcUU waH Hip I>erno«.TAlic uiHolilm'. If ilitirp ever wan e m achine In ilie Hiale,Ilf Kvjld. " t l i a t m a c h i n e In ■uk?."

Mr. MurraVi of Kaaex, favni'ed atrlklng nut the word. On m otion uf Mr. GUI. of Mercer, (he wordn. “The poriilel(»ua lii- ten'pnM on of political nittchlnen.” waa

Slfiff r'jrrr*p'mdfw''e?. rill’ P'-^i

Itppir.iUcun ■•'■riventlini > !■|■h»lfurln lU't m k h t at Uie I Club wtiH anyibi riK oni l i m m ' i llie mfUibcra uf iliv S b i le c ur p p lh e r with S en a tu r s I.euvitl . seinbly inoii .M rihnn luid Coloni] AuMteii <'" lxab '. wr‘n* 1 uddltiuii , a diizf'ti n'ltalfUi-R, C o u n ty C h a i r m a n U.ilrympl Coi in iy . f u n n e r HtokOH. H ena lo r .1

W l.'

uf the iitee Qh jbl lcao

,R. All ■ee, 10- ue, As- ■' und

'..iiid. InI ' Hiding

^HBevr rm t i Ivlvvtird C. n i T l i u S f d i i a i e

Nom li iv . W. IV. s . iu l lo y . "1 h ' l u v r e e t ; B v r fc tn ry E d w a r d d , ( i r a y . m "u- S la t e K e p u h lb u i i c 'u iumin?e. a n d n t l .n i t w ere pri'Mem,

T h e r e w a . oo i ie ld i rah l r d 1 . ru . . l " i i ut t h e ( l e r a u law. ™v|dr..u-i-.' Ilahlllly and ellinl- r i i l lo n nf g r a d e rru .s In K . . .Si-vrini of tho m e n p r e . e m w ere for an uni |i .alitli . l In- do rKem en t ot the p r inc ip le . ,.f Ih.' U e ia n a r t . Willi a pl«-dm- th a t w im lever a m e n d ­m en t* ahould be iiiadv would be . Im p ly for t h e p u r p o ie of s im pl ify ing the ac t. Bena l. ir Edge, of A t l a m b ’. led Hie fight f o r Kuch a ilcol.i ratuin

* ''-nu ''llepuhM m party ol ih i . Sbiie hr,« | ir.r the p arag rnp li In the platformttircaily Inaugiiraic'cl the policy uf co'•ervallon 0/ <>tir fuJCHln and wulcr su p ­ply In th e IntoruBl nf aW the people . I n- , d e r iBWH pRBHt'd by n Republ lc f tn Ik'glR- iKlure. mutilH|iftl1llcB may lu'W He>-urc | t l ie l r o w n Btipply of p o ia h le w n te r fr im jipurceji to he o w n ed and ctmlrulle^^ hv the

’® T ' ' . V ”a'.’ ' b e ~ e f e r r e d to c o m m lt t f o With- Hlate. f n d e r t i n . p o lh y o u r w . ^ r r a h e u s Mr I t a n . o m a t llr*t objected, and . o u f e e s of poia hle w a te r will pa

?.tS^riiBJnK a* *ured th a t th e r e would frnio th e pu«»™.lim cl p r iv a tennoOrCunUy to dflliflle the com- tlons to the liundn of in*- punplr t

r»oorlB he w ithdrew hie objec- pledge uiiiHfcJvoR m sm h fu riiie r ^ U m necesHuiy in e\pr-dji-' t ii.

Oaiint prPBcnted Mif report ef acm nipllshnienl of thin pullry. t h . rom in lttee on R ule., One of the rule* ■■'fhe refn in i uf the iw llt g rand Jury•m vtd .d th a t a roll call he had only ou Bystem w u . the act of a Itepuliik'Hn ii'l_M u a a t of the ire inbe rs . On request of mliUBtrotlun. The selectliui of g ian dU r tien .om the adoRtlon o t thia rule wn. ju ries should he free from persomil or po-aaiia.raied from the rea l of the rui.>s. : huchI coiuioI, Wr pledge ouiHOlvea loThen Mr Ransom aaked a roll call on I (pe enacim eni of a law to preveul a ln ise .Ih* adoDtion of tlia t one rule. The rule I j„ ihc .sclerllon uf graiul jurloK. wa* adopted those vo ting no being Sen- —pbe Hepiililli an pnrl.v .cv c n il yearsa to r Nlohol* and M oasre. JameE, Ives. realizing (be upport.m lly g rea tly toPlerton Ransom and W atson . [ rlcvclup the iia tim il Inland w uterw .ry .

I t was then S en a to r ly u v i t t proscnicd ' jin, s ta te for com m ercial and olliec jiur- tha report of the com m ittee on platform , i ,kiaes. cr.-ated an Ijilniid wiiiccway dopai tta t forth elsewhere. ------ ’ ...... ‘.............. ‘ ■■..r..T.H..iion n

Every m embera of th e Eaee* delegationWM tP hand thia m orn ing . They helil cunfecence a t 10:90 o 'clock a t the Trenton Hotts* with C ounly C hairm an Dalrymplc, I t Was.decided to endeavor to have a few changes made In th e platform :

Me»l of the o ld -tim e IMUIsrs were prss- •n t to-day during th e convention s.s- flon. F o rm er G overnor F rank lin Mur­phy arrived .early an d had a glltopae of the prelim inary p la tfo rm before It was given 10 th* new spapers, Fortner Gov­ernor Btokes. who superv ised the d ra ft­ing Of the plAtform^ lant nixbt•nd to-day. O thers who kept a clone w«tch on tho idtuaMoTi Wfrf? Havlid Baird.Th«odor« Slrohg, W in ton C. G arrison and-

muni an d iiuulf a Biuall ai ' i iroxyrUilun to InniiRuniK? ih c work. Th e ruaui t uf Ibl.** conflli-iiclivH j.nlluv hwy i l ic tu m p lc -tlrm (if a nbvlcalilf' rluiTlfirl iilniu«t fruin( ’ap e M ay to Hay If^iu). ^ h l c h han of IrmtitvAHiirHlili' h f i u l l l lu ihu farint-rH a n d protliicffH nf th a t fciHl HPi Uun. wli ld i be fore WMH alriH'Mt Ijiiui.eisKlMfi I'ACPpi by lonu ral lruiiil IihuIh. W f viU*d«e i-urselvi'H to ( u n l ln i ie llil« dcv-i'l-Mimcnt. w hich we liclIevB will he iM th e bfjit InleroPiH u f tlje cIllwriB of tlilH fildU'.

■*Wn rcJU’t a tp o ur huloraet i ien l ( 'f th«( p+kllcy hiuibfuiHted hy tl>c ltei<uhli'.-aii pii rty ii f liMlliif ull revennfS f i u m au tu m o - hile lIcenrtt'H for the rc t ia i r a n d miJlnic* nance uf uiir splendid Bystem of im proved

ss Iftting lo the Gertin law ;"W hile ihp experience a t the Ikit pri­

mal y anil at the oomlnR election may Khuw oppori unity for ImproveTnent of the prln iarv and eleclinn law and the cur- rup i prHcliBftH ac t In delalU, we pledxe our cum lldatea to tnRlnlrtln the ew entlai fentureH of these lnw« tn wH; To ihe prim arv eiirolnienl nrul th a pnrsunal reg- lHlr>‘ In munlclpallllCH of over ri,(i0u, an-1 llif t'lcaent form uf tinllot and the present methud of selecting elecrlnn oftlcerw.”

I Mt UiiJisuin wiJd th n l the plank in the [ihitforTii m ight he Interpreted as allow- in*f 1‘c r u tn mtilcul ftrnemlment.'' to the ili-i-Hii law. hut th a l his Hulmtltnle would m.ikc U i'crta in th n l there would hv no

. Inli'ifereni-e w ith the iimln provisions of I I lie law .' Mr. fiansom aakeil u roll cell, bill could ' inu.’tcr orilj' four \'oteH- Tlu' amendment ! WH8 vuleti down overW'hHmlugly. j Mr KanAOin nr-xt moved an amendment

provHlmg that ihe |,eKlHlftliire call next ! yciir 11 rone tltu llona! ronvenllnn He

»aU\ lim t the ijuesilon wan one which Nurih .lerney and Bnulti Jersey spill upon und tliHt (be uh jfc l of the rewnlutlon wmh to lirlrjR ahoiit tho I'StHbllHhment of A*' ticrnhly d istric ts . _ ,

Heiiator I'rdg* said th e method uf calling the l Oiivcntlun p n u ’lried In Ihe fliiieiidnietil wa,’ iincoriNlliuhnnal. Mr. Ransom denied ihie

Rut. though he fo’ugh'l for an ho ur , he la lle J to th e I n d o rsem en t he Kuugtil. ( .olonel Lul-galo hacked up Bemuor Edge

The opposition to tb - a h -h ca rtc l lu- dors«tm-ni of (lie new b"* ^from Mr. nalrym pic and Mr, ^TUhsc men seem ed m fea r HuU h " ' ' a n a p p r o v a l ot th e G c ia n law mlRlit r e ­l i e d ton m u c h gloi y on tl .c ac lmlnls lral iou nf WnOflnnv W i lso n

VHXttirday ........- ------- — - , „ . a „ _ .am ong, tins AwiemblyTYi«*f* and ^ u a l o r a yimierdny. and Mitre waa lo inath tng o i a rush la te this morning.

Hlaia (.'halrnmii Groaacup and ‘«rm ore of the luglslatura ga thered l' the G overnor's onice >horlly before U i> and sa t down to an open sensiou. m wnu-n s’aiiauB p lanks tlial had hrcn propo* for the p la tform were UlscnB'”‘d ‘

KSNex ( h ) H s r i f .WIdIo Ihe (dhcl legiaiaturs Weic with

the (l-tvccnor, the Esse* A«B.-nihly cand._ date* gaihcred by ifu-msclvcs In a cauvu . of Ih tlr own a t the Hot..l S lcrllng,

0 „ e of the aiibjecla laken up In the Gucerliol « olltcr wua Ju ly ''e ''" '.'"- “ V. o th e r rctalcil to niciiiis thiit m ight h llJo n u d to .'ilm lm ile Ihe Ijieuualilie . of tuzaU .m nun s till i vl.'ls O irpo ratlun ic forma waa a ls 't up.

G overnor VVIIaon called lo th* a t te n ­tion uf (he cunreicea th a t th roughout the couidry the lou*u m ethod , for ‘he organ - ta llo ii of oorntanlc-H rcunlred b> New Je r-

,aey s tu iu tc s had vuuaed llio creation of a 'auspIclouB a ltitu d e I'lw arda .New Jersey L'ljncvnitt. rm isci-w tilon of w ater and foi- AGiN was iilsi* con-slilcrcd.

H arry E fheesc in an . Assembly candl- dale from (’um den Ci.unlJJ, pruposed d o l­ing the conference with the i lu e e rro r th a t there be Inserted a plank Induralng the G o v e r n o r itiuJ h i . w-uk us leader uf tic; party In the S ta le . This w a . In­te rp re ted to have B.iine bearing oti the cnndldacv of O ov.-inor Wilson for he nomlrmtum fur l-tesld.-nl. Tbe l>r"l'"sltldh wa* tndo r.ed by As.em hlvm un La .Monte, nf Somerael Gouniy. candidate for StaU Hcnalor 'e r e . G overnor VMlaon hlm .id t was onpoHiid t<» th '‘ propofllilun aiul apuko BO Strongly Ih a t the subject was ilroppcd.

An in ^ irsem en l of m a t kind, ' said the Cloveinor "w ould be conlriiry to the aldrll of the new election law, Ihe Gera.* law wtl leave to the people of the Btuta the nuesthm next Btirlng of lin lor. ng condl. d a l " fu r President, M oreover, I will he a m em ber of the convenilon and ao w.uihl ^lit dko to he put in Ihe peculiar pohHIou th a t an Indoracnu-ni would creole

Mr I.a .Monte tried bi preas the i.roposl- tlon, hu t the tp ive rnu r refused tn inuk.; any concession froni his sinn.l

The uueallon >d a constitu tional eonven- tlon was hroughi or, a . was ,i j>l-m ' ‘i have a special .session of the I .ed sh im n to m oke new ( ’ungresalunul .Uatsb-tk Urn In tler m a tte r wii* suggested In a

p a rty In the ahllon th a t no chance* of an untRiVorabld re iu lt In N ovem ber ■bouid be lu M n anil 1 wUU th a t you couW a te your ^^ay t k a r to tak e th li view,

" I t seeinx lo rre th a t the a rgum eu t thftt the cum nu uf a ttpevlal aeaalwn would ha u (.-onfeaBlun of weakncee as a n admlaelou th a t we a rc iinwhlinlf to tak a a i le p In the Itifaranl of falrnaflx and tn the In ter- eel of the D em o rra tk party , and la ra th e r uikUiK nuuneel of our feare .’’

H a rry M. K onw ker. Of N ew ark, for the N«'W Je ise y Auioiiiobile and M otor Club, liriMiKht down a plank ru llln* fur rt'Cl- [trorliy betw een the Htatea In th e t r e a t ­m ent of autom oblllsta. I t wa§ a copy of the plank subm itted to iho Kseex de leg a ­tion in N ew ark yeilerduy aftem oun .

T he Conference with the G overnor whs ciimrluded Just before noon. J u a i a f te r the kfflxlatora left, Senator Hllser re ­ceived a telH^ram th a t hin m o ther w as In H iT ltlcai condition, probably dying, and he left a t once. He had been suggeHted for p e rm anen t chnlrm an of th e (jonven- lliin, Inii th e presiding offl(;er a t th a t lim e Uh>) not been decided on.



S ta ff C6rretpCndt*et.TBBN TO N , Oct. 3.—T h era w ar* none 9 t

th e “ n ieb t before” acene* here th a t b*v* lo jnetim ea murU«d w ith d isg race th e evea of S ta te conventions fo r b o th partlea . Consequently the holel-keepera h ad d "k ick .” T here w as no crow d her* la a t n ig h t to 8i>end money fraely, th e re w M no drinking, th e re wa* no caroualng , and th e re w as no m aking of s la te i th a t w ere Itublo to be frac tu red a t th e la*t m lmit*.

Am ong th e D em ocraU , a b o u t th e only m an of prom inence In th e p a r ly In tow n w as B u te C hairm an E d w ard E. O roie- cup. He did no t a rriv e u n til evening and a f te r Q overnur W liaun had le ft far Beu G irt. Mr. G roescup w as called Upob a num ber of tim es by R epublicans for in fo rm ation as to w h a t p tan k e there would be in the D em ocratic plalfoTTn* but he had to give the one a n sw er—Ih a t he could not tell w hat would be In the document, until the convention of call" d ldateb decided w hat It w anted .

rliniiighout the

Nl'^W VOHK. Oct. 3.—ItURRla is p ictured as a land teem ing with oppurtunltle* for AnierlcaiiH in « Btaiem enl given ou t here hy Jiihn H. BnudgraiM, A m erican Consul- G eneral a t Mortcow, who i* In New York on vacation leave.

"Ftu&sla Im the most In te resting coun try in tiiu worlil from a L'ominerciai s ta n d ­point. ‘ In* wajM "Though one of the old- eJil, it Is (iractlcftlly a new, v irgin holl for connin»rcliil endeavor. R ussia p ro ­duces rrnMc lAiieal than the CiUted Btatea, ami exports more tJwin all o ther coun tries combined.

"The Rusplani*. despite rep o rts to ihe con tra ry , ar«' a tnUd-iriannered people* and iliey u o a l rorplKn**rs with Ihs g re a te s t courleny and genllcnesa. Moscow I* a very m odern city uf -.tKXl.OUO tnhabU ahls- tMir yrlnctpal Hale In Moscow Is co tton , uf which we m arket annually abou t |50,- <»(U.0uu w uiih. mostly through G arm un imd- dleinen T here is one cotiun mill In M os­cow th a t cmph>>K 2d.lXil) f>eople.

■'The rn i lc d aStales has an excellent op­portun ity In iiU purls of Russia. Am erl- an« are well thoiujhl <>f and th e ir piod-


LONDON. Oct, 3.—A new s d l ip i te h front Rome to-night say* th a t a te legrkm h*i iieen received there from T a ra n to stating th a t the Iiullan c ru iser M arco Polo has a rrived nt T an m to w ith ti c ap tu red T u rk ' Ish w arship having on board o T urk tih genenil. i»0 soldiers. 200 ho rses and B,00( rlfie*.

The Rome T rlbuna announced yesterday th a t the Miirco Polo had cap tu red ths T urk ish tran sp o rt Babah.

B icyclis t H u r t by F e ll.W hile riding his bicycle la s t n igh t In

M ain street. O range, Jo h n Konisky* ol 91 M o n m o u th street, th is c ity , fell W d Rustaliied in juiies to his hip. Dr. G. H e r­b e rt R ichards, who was nearby , advisedin n e r iiu n iri ........................ - , (*an« arc wen ni'iuxm 'u -- _____ tf«o

BtktP n iB li m[in G_ni?iacup, and aru rcpurflpd a» rellalile. I have been j hlfl b>^hejjra^nge ^

: ; : , . n ; n r " c « l . ’n. wk... ,nver anyt lj lnkw nan Egon, *-'i m i-.'-.......... .......^ The G overnor s\"ike HRalnsi thu ‘pr•. .»!

o f IhidHim, li roughl ll fuiwiv

l»ukr .l Hki' a n ImUTHOm-rnli.ln.lniM..itUni 'am .- uv, I, ».(*

l,oltl.-il ni> anil ro ik i ' i i nr-cThi-r s Imin (’<iiHU*ly

' ''w hlla U.V la " fall:"! k*' mm'h(h.m a lm lf-h.-al1.-il In.k.rBvm.TU,

llUorc wa.' a .letli.UP ^rulaui iiT tii+' ['MiTui't prx*‘ii'«e^ aul

__ __ in he foim.1 In ih r fa« IThe reOHon to he foiuulG ^ t Gm ^h rrn ,. t I’ra i - ;1 « - * '1 ill,rail hv S r iia ti i r I ’llm 'f . •'T h e [iluiik mi eniphiver*Wi-hteil iiv SenaK ir KA*'w a s nil the emi.h.yerB llah ll lty a r l a . npt-

Bt the hi s t n( the l .eg is la lu ,* - r tin- . iinrcteeH Ih-O nlpilit. i\olal>U

flepulillcan, ilahlllly w^is whose name

SomeM r I>atrviiu-U. a e r r for i.hii-lnk " a U'* 1,1 a me W.IB tv he ik-rlve-! rm n l ne e h a r -" *T- I.'.lii-a luraM m

,PBi.1on hlea ami ll " illacnvsl.m s a w him „n oiMH.rtnnlty in ,In l ire th a t Ife (eithe iievt l..‘f{l*)ann' wfml'l he ru iU fo llfl bv the rieinnrriith- I'.'trt. A ."herliil aes- aloi, Ol Ihe l.eKlaliltm e mIBhi he i . im lru v l as a ronfekalmi Ihal H e party hellevnl It eould ant .-Oiitinl the m a t !.PBlslntiire,

It ilpvelnreil a lte rw arils lhai the euh- Jeet w as siiB«e* hy i;i.lia t.“<alTian W'sl- ter I M i't’nv. Me eame to the Klnle ho,IBP with .lam es H NliRrnl antl the two r,f the ta "e til la l" H"' ir a fe r . 'n r e with AKsemhIvman M artin, nf Hmisni,

Mr M'-i'ov kB '.' I" Mr .Martin a riiay IPl,,., I,.- h;nl w ritten tn Mr I'

m.leuvnrlt.K ti, s e t A n te , l ean In te r e e ta to j p iial . T h e r e It....... ,___i_ M 'rHia( Ifl t in* I Ol “ ' JtiTy WftJ* TjOl SCrIOUH UMO hU WfcS tfckSSs i a i t a h a n k In zMdmcow. T h a t la o n e im

[ jo r tan t w ay to rauUltai#* i radc ,

of Ml M artin('UP drtl'*d Hu[.H>n\h('r iHMl gavH t(K' if' iiPi Ml I'.^^un

r#!-fulc (■’ii.^pinx? ami (hr aharnlohm cnl of Ui(‘ M'UTis ( ’iiruil also lakpri ufiOn (he b it ir r subjoi ' t (he Oovornnr r e callcfl (Iml th^' l.fKislatur*- lm<l ap-

roiiini1-**(*lun 10 ccimMtU' Htid leporl nil tin- s u h jf i I jind ih a i (tic im \ t L c g la l a lm r ' m luh i he mi tn Ickj?-Ijito on il'.c sul'Jc* i

the piiptioFt:i 'n sfthi sniiiH'iInK rnislit I '- ' yiui 111 Inn p h i l f o r m rumtnniirllni? thi* worlt

! (T tin- tm [hi'Ihla illsuuHfilnJ! tlioInp

form er Sftinfbr John Kean.“How different tlii* is from the old

Mlgte convkntlon,” rem arke^l an old-ttmsr, in tone* o f reg re t. “Ju«t think, wi*'il B tver h*ve an y bf th o fe s tirring eonven- lions I n 'o ld T ay lo r Opern House any i mor*.'* I

^Oh, ye*, we w ill," em phaticnlly Inter- i nipt'eid S M ator K enn, .who heard the re-1 m ark. **Th« people wlH g e t sane agsln | aTtcr awhiia


TRENTON. Oct- S ,-T h e p la tform whlcli ira t^ p resented to th e S ta ts Rcpubtlcan eonveiitlon to -day Includes a num ber of ra tonn propoettlon*. One plank pledKcs the p tr ty to a Rlmpllflcation of (he elec- tlof) law*. A no ther favor* the elimination of fratia'^croM tngB a t ra ilro ad 's expense, t h i Woffc to be done g rad u a lly In order of .aaceseity.

An auAomoblle law ju s t to au io ists and ta ipayO rs la recom m ended.

W'h indorHu the pulli’.v <jF the S ta ir In encuurafiJtig and aiding the several cmjn- ties Ju tlie L'OJiHlriii'liun und Tnalntciuinee of Improvcil roiidwByx. a |l^ll^•y lu'oudly exUrndcfl and ru.Btei'cU under Republican mlinJnixti-atlnn.

"AVe pledge oiirpctves In a cnntlruianre of th a t pnih'y anr] Its fu r th e r extension. W’hcrehy the Birtte phfill liear as fur as m ay he a large propnrtinn o f (he cost of oonftrucUon and m alnlennnce of roads under couniy >ur1sdlct1nn."

'Tn addition there in we ftivor the g rouping Into a BttilP system of sdec te tl m ain arierie* of travel between th e v a ri­ous sections of th is Btatp, The m ain- tenance and control of such system should be tak en uver hy the S ta le tn the end ' th a t local taxa tion for th is purpose may he lessened wlicre trave l la g rea t, dele- idoratlon rapid, and the trave l largely foreign.

' "W e re lte rs le our declaration for HiT'h legiftlAtlon with respect lo automnlillHS

■ as shall h r ju s t to (he mitamohllJjfts and

nf It,- law R" l Mr B,lk* wo ^ a lam l Mr O" o n ’--■■lof" S " ' ' H’®p m nk na w-rlUHi l.y him w aa iidoiitril

M r I 'k 'n -r . 11.' H<-n:,(..rlal „ n m 1 i , ' ' fi-om . r n l o n l ' .m,i1v ni:,iiar.-il " 'r *" ' ' ' '>'* ‘m l U " on Uu. a:,l.j.M'l of hi* P*. proji-ct

. , l : e ' l lm ln a t lo n of «|-. , . l ' .rnsaoiKS Hi 1 h ' 1Mr Hollow-ay. nf K aa'x UaHzr'rl htmanlf U x p . .n ' ' of f h ' a ! l" 'n a .o r ............., of .......Won. Who ,o,.„

l„ h ra rty imconl will, i h ' Rftn.rom prop- | tho I’ “ 'oaltlon, Mr Rloh*r,la. of AtlantU-, f’P' | ‘ " ' 'X h / r : , ion o\ ^[lO.' i'd It , wli liuut rx u eh s e lo ihe

Kenatcjr Nichole said e m p lm th 's H y : lU cn-r fc iu ed ih a t th e re wnnca n n ev e r conHeuT hflfjw Mn»oa and , P ' ' i^ langerons" uiid

n o l ^ n T k : *-l('<1 t h ' Ph’-.^ i - 2 ' r ^ h o " " k I h..n. All w,- a r - .tflink Is ,„ lk lo . nhoo.

,1,0 won-,1 ■■.hink-roil' v , : h t h ' :- ,.nsl:l:" / . m T i p n n a l .-oov.-ollon sopiT-aK-.M ha , :l n , i - ,

T r ' « - w , m ' 0 »n U, | l... „ m - p - m an o , -1 ...... .... . Hj r t , " : - .1" .... t i , ' ............. ih.- s ,, ,. .. ..... ......p la t fo n i i rnnimltl .-o wi,,^ In .•f-salol, milll I ,vi-|o.-k. Til,- O rof of H.o p ln lfoin, w rlnon hv fo rm iT i .n v o n i n r Hlokt-.a andt ; i h m l l l ' r i ' t-> H a lu rd .p a ..................... ''VSf.iiiitor l-;d*p wiia n»'ol a" a woikiiiffllHUlH , .

ver (he ^ub

i^ J r ' ’ r - T ‘

fraii* MdriifirsNtiNsi

Hoff «

HllliltlOllHl cun V4'T5tlo|l, fu|- ll WI iiH out nf the v o te s in ihe Heuflle and we mlK'it aw well eo out <ff the r n l o n fl la rny opinion i h a t the leas ViU sfiy abou t t h a t Hubjeot In th is ((invention l!ie b e l t e r It will he fur the Reptflilli an p a t ty In New Jei 'pey ."

Tiv- iihleiHhiieti! »v;>p fl Tt ote-l f lu’U aholf dozen o th e r pn*gi' ai-'lve iimendnieilts weie sn icd d o w n In rapid succesai-uv.

Tho p l a t f u - m aw iimenilctl thenailupteU unjuiimm ialy '

nia iTer P u I rc . r runr tonk j

the o p p o rti ir tti ' tb re i im rk . " I den t th ink [ anv nf u f expepi ro m;ike tie- p la lfcrm ;

k I lou i

N ew Fall Styl es

Suits, Coats and WaistsTailored Coat Suits, $;J5.00--Made from heavy Serges

and fancy Tweeds. Misses' and Ladies sizes.

Suits, S40.00, 50.00 and 75.00-~Stylish. dressy modes and plain man-tailored styles.

(Jowns, $75.00, 95.00 and 150 .00-F or afternoon andevening wear, including a number of e x c l u s i v e French Dresses in dark and evening shades.



1 |.*> i\ m.-;pis t" wn CT d In n».(,,|ii tlia- ml p- |tl 111 hi thf S 'a tc "I tec Iniliiilvc jF^pT-i

‘ cu.luin nml rc -.ih .-'t lh :u ih - pcoplr uiisdit ,I l .avc th e rulh'Sl ]iowr-f o s a r Uh Ii own '

gn\-(unmcui.■‘I ih in k you h ave iiiadc h ^ t r o r g hthu- [

inonl . ' cu inmai itc il ilu- (}nv> rrioc I■ Mr Mf'o\-'M laM=r v.aH oh follows. j

1 sm v rlH ng you In r« Fflrd to th *

i - a c ' arU f ' ' i ™ * l I l- ' '«1.-.lki>.r.. for I h ' f m rp o * ' ' f r aap -r i l f i k f fi»- .-{■rlpro. Ity. I’ m w ' " „ m a i"’- , p p r i i tm in c ih e h l ' i i '

Pnsfiil in l i av ln* th e i r views a-lopie-l. In (. onKrcsslonultvUh Tffar^ to

fllf!:ti'ict!=. a suggpsllni’fit'pRd Uu‘ 'Manna plank that wu? in la^t | whioh S am Informod doOH not rr>'et« Platform wa. >r raiarsnn, told mepl(vi1itp..4 fnio'TTn' nt '> urpum onf w lufh pi'i-valhil" p r - T t ' r b proTiKiiP rPi:iprm-li>, 111 J r | [ .a iime Ihp Si H-,n .hl9 P l.nk - r - L to no .U wonui b . cm.-^f-tt h •prop

I C o u la n u e d f r o m F ir s t Fega.J

fnr h lmnalf 'whfil the word iiiaaiiP

:i hIiocI; IuhIf i l v

1 The ulfl hno U-'ioUtp gfU___ T\\c\\[ whfin :i r u m o r icaclu.' ii t l iam ;

( I r o r g f L. Racun l inw-ndarl u t r y t c gr-t ; wftp ' X jjcat In tho cnrivt^nMon by pcpspnUup Jin'

am i o t h e r S l a t e s for Hie u s e nf Ih e l r re- upp|. ,ufiPii wht-n ha cim-ludiM] p ,o x y u( one of ttie 1by nnn-reHldent a u l« - I GonBldera llon o f th e plaiika in the ten- groHHb'e- Tl ie re wiih J ' ®....... |

fhe t a x p a y e r al lkn a n d s h a l l pn.ipeHy | np ro m o te r ec ip ro ca l relallohi? b e t w e e n t h i s , ru rn u i l t te e t h a t Mr, *Matihpi\B

spevtlve h ighw aysI moblbeti*.

Th* nm ln tenance of the co rrup t prae- ttse* ftf't la urged.

A pledge to. lot people rule w ithout th e ! Intervention of irresponsib le pu11ii<[Hl m a ­chine* I* also m ade. J u ry reform I* urged and Inland w a te rw ay commended. |

Th* t e x t uf t h e p l a t f o r m hh p resented IsM follows r I

“Tbe Baptibllcapfl o f New Jersey .'spefta- ing th rough th e ir candldatctt, declare their tlleg lance to th e principle* o f tlie Re­publican p a r |v whose policies amt whose adm inietratlon o f afTaira have made thl* nation first am ong alt the countries In m ateria l p roeparlty In th e high Htandard of wage*, in th e unlverraallty of educa­tion. In m oraitly . and In th e promulg.'itloti of paace am ong a ll nations.

"The reform* w ro u g h t by the Republi­can p a rty have no paralle l ]n history end constitu te it th e most progressive agency for public good am ong political organlxallone. I t Inv'lten the support of all d tla en s * h o believe In progress w ith­out hysteria , re fo rm w ithout (lestruction, the rem edy of Ilia and abusea w ithout w arring on in d u s try and tra d e and wUh-

lifgct biipt-

'T he I lf 'publlcan par ly d cc la r i 'd for Uu* p r in c ip le t h a t Intlus l ry shru ild b e a r the cost* of pcTsoniil Ih ju ry sulTered in e m ­p lo y m e n t a n d pa«.svi.l U u llrfi ' l lflhll tty^ Inw* on th e »1iUuU' bo o k s T h e p u r iy * h k s manlfCHted a deep Inte rpol lu th e ( , le \e lopmcnt of th is legislaMnii e v e r since. T h e em icU ng of th e pn-Hont w o r k m e n ’s rrtjnpon.sntlon Inw. th e rnoel ALlvaiu’rd In a n y A im ulvan B ls ie h as . hei-aiise of the ex t r e m e ly lilgh in s u i a m - e r a t e s c h a rg e d tty ac c id en l In F u n in ee cumpaiili 'fi , r r e a l e d hu u n f a i r a n d um-easonftb le ex- peuHe til th e em ployer . T h e s e rat-cs s^eemed lo he out iff fill prnporlUu^ to r a te* oh.srgefl u n d e r sl fullur a c t s In o tl ic r c o u n t r ie s The l l p p u h l lc an p a r t y p ledges I tsel f to the enacjtnuuU of r em ed ia l law* le iu ilng to c o r rec t th1* evil. To htuiefU

; h u th e inployor imd em]»loye lliiblllty laws TUuHl not en t a i l u n f a i r l ju rdens upon the e m p lo y in g imluBtry

"W e lielieve that. U'r IhIuUom en c o u rn g - lug m u tu a l coTiipanles a m o n g e m p lo v e r s

' or iho crcHtliig o f an In n u ran v e fund u n d e r KUitrol of th e Hia lc d c i ' i i r lm e n l

J uiid jirovldla^j fur tin r cg U ia t lo n u n d HuperN leion o f ra ie - fu aU ln g asHiu la tlon^.

tu l lv e plHlfurtn w a* nex i tak en up. 'Hie n furry luK lor a copy of th e l e r a n la - firet o l u n k . w a n lo r en ’jove the puwer of G r e a t rejovclns w as m an lfp s ted w hen itxelectltig griLiul Ju ro rs from sherif fs Irt i11sru\ 'erfd th a t M'v law spccmcril yview nf the a l iu sc s Of the ir pow ers hy th e t.rovUii d w iio shou ld hr- d ij jih lc to hU insher i f f s t h r eonve ii t lon m d tlutr th e re rvas no

M r Km-d. of H ud so n , and Me M au h ew n , ji rovlslon fot proxies.of Essex , opp(j«ed Ihe plank. Bena iu r ' ________________ _U td ihard t s a id t h a t lo r yea rs he had op- |

pion, wi'is tl}*liO'd a s an urimlRsliUi t h a t wp do rnn ex p e c t Ao <'f»*rry tho Le-ijHlature t l ih ’ fall

"1 (Jnn't th ink thr.i a iw such iru< n u ' e w ould be dvaisvn. because of th e cnllh ig of I* si>erUI Possiii). cM-tuudv nol hvIhe jndcneTid-.oit in te rs of the Stiite Tiu'

h ’le itnHvrer to 11 in tti> ■«[>minn Is

street nnd Afternoon Dresses, Speeta! at $22.50—Made of Wool Serge, Silk Chiffon. Net and Changeable Silk Taffeta.

Coats, $22..50, 35.00 and 4.5.00 -F ancy and plain Tourist and Automobile Coats of double-faced Cloths and staple Coatings.

Afternoon Coats, $50.00 and 7 o .0 0 -O f Velvet, Crepe Meteor, Broadcloth and in other new m atensU.

Waists— Chiffon, Crepe Meteor, Plain Silk, Tailored and Dressy Wash Waists in a full range of styles and prices.

J a m e s M c C u t c h e o n & C o „

^ t h A v e . & N Y .

rom pi

poned ta k in g p n w e r frum HlieTifris, b u t cuu- imdly t ur ' i in li iu it tu l us tl ifvdllloiiH h ad »o deve lo ped th a t the p la n k p h m k wus u(lt!pl**d unch n u g cd .

of V ri ■ “ ■ ’ ‘seem ed not a hit tcio rkillcftlHulifCl M. M cA d am s , tienw'.orlali c a n d i ­

d a t e In r n lo D . sa id h e hart b^'en Informed ihu t tl ie F-twpubIleans Intended to adop t fiui-h a p la n k F rench , ca n d id a te tor A s ­sem bly f rn m Atlanlio . pleaded foe the p la nk, s a y in g " i t ban been nlmofil [losfilble to coinnili m u rd e i ' In Allmitlo wltliflut g e t t in g Jiiiillce. ■

G overnor W ilson ^ftld th a t there had

( ’onpervHlloi! of frflier wiia dtjmunded In llie nflh |)lBnk. ll was ndniilcd.

lleviHl.-ii ul^judiclul i-ri.L-C'durv wuh p ro­posed in the sixGi ph'nk, wliU h w»s adopted.

AH.vnihlv ili.'-trlrtfl were iiropcHctl in Ine Hcvcnih j'larik

Mr F cn l of H .kIhou. Koiighl to htivc il amended hv l•lH^utudirlg Bcnalorlul di.-*- trut.H M- Mull low s pecopded ihl^.

been Impresiped on hi* mlmi during his Governor Wilson K^id the party wa." iry - term , " the fu tility of hi* oath of office,’’ . mg to R ’l c(jntn-l i f Ih.e nexi Hf nine and owing to hi* lack of power to compel ( th it iK''' liemocr:itfi liu.l their Ptnuigest officlalp to obey the laws. He added. , pups-H in the sinulUr ini.intles .A prop '

The ptnver of Ihe sheriff 1* simply ap- 1 lo rtuiiup Ihe .^entile svRh'iu might i r e a l e t sh"UUl

a J , i . j- i p." I would g rea tly rediict* the cost of liability , " . ' ! Insurance us well ns fu rn ish |irnm pt re-

o u t leg ts la i lv e n o a t r u m * t h a tn » B u n c w t u l n t y , r p a t r i c t tn . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . - , tu m la l , i .r . imptfo r t nnd t t i r e a m r w *.bps a n d am iiloyment. i ...... - n d we n l« iu o o ur-

T h ' g u i l ty c a n I,* p , .n la l , ' d w il l,ou t [ In M.Ih" d t r e cllcm a s n re fnutnl w ise titid ii rac t ica lpunlphlng the Innorr'iK. Monopoly c.nn

be aupprewport and com petlllon mulntftlii- ert w ithout In d u stria l m in . lous nf pr<jp- erty and fcaorlflce of saving*. W« hc- lleva In *uob a policy of copstrutive ■tatesnidnshlp.

"A pro tec tive ta r if f h a s been the mean* | of onabiltig tbe people of thin couniry t« receive h igher w ages, enjoy a higher , ■tandard of rtvlug and nrive more iAny olhPf people. I

"The p rosperltv of our S tnie and nation j demanda the m a tn ienance of the protcci • Ire system »* a f»ovumm<‘ntal policy Tbe i ad juettnem of *<-hoduleP is a im itte r orbue- inea* detail to hv ileierim ned afier in- v«B(lgatlon by an Im parda l and unpmj- udiced non-polillcal board

"W Uh th e fu lieet Infopmuiion from such an Im partial sourcea labor utuI industry dem and th a t leglelaTlon upon il l« sub- jse t be intrUBted to Hip R cpul'liran I'a'^lY-

"W e Indorse th e culm Jiiill' iul sttW lde of p residen t T a ft in the face uf unrra.sfW- able olainov for lu if ty legl.'iliitii.'n uiul III • dviaed remedlefi anc’ we ai'pf'*^'^ i‘i Termination to app ly buslru'ss princlplcfl In the tre a ttu e n t uf tla- problems nf the

*^The DemocraatIc p u r t ' nf X e " Je r s ey at n* firut opportun ity ic r e . e n i v -hI's . re- aa rd lexe of th e h U e r e s t s of Ihe imhistrlca tif our Rla le . s e n t to itu* T n l ted Plato* Benate on avowc'd free li'Rder.

■’We call lipoii th e fricndii nf pro tfctm u to prevent a repe tiiinu uf th is ml-sfor- lune and we remind tlmin that O.c IcrIsIm-

On the mil­lion to adopt It viva voce, there was a

I loud m ajorliy In fkvor and only two or "\Vi* apprt'SH the nctluii of the Repuhll- negnt's'#*.

cun Senate in i-pfcring the propoaed alian* | second plnnk, for further revision(liuimenl nf the Mo»Tie r'u iuil Ki a specaal j (Ri.iilcm law s to bring iiIhiuI Rrcat-comuilHnion as i\ suhstitm lnl «lep tow ard \ p,. ilon. we* adopted iinanlmnualy

ivfllhTig when w e Ih h ik of th lnga t h a t h a v e i npp.isiiiMU. l i e ihoi ighi tb e HUli.V-ct she ucc u rre d ■ T ^ t e r on he said , Tl is r.oi \ Uv . ruisidcred in n cmv-tiluthiTi«l n \ e n - m,>r, l a J l c a l t h a n G)f l . 'g la lBti iT ' . h n n - ' a i l i " aln,. ...ii ‘ J" ' ' 'tn m a k e It ” L" <’nni,Ht‘« 1,1 n,P

H ' SHI.I he liart nol maiie up h i ' mind ; t; , . . ." ' , nnrt ' h e K t . i t u r . irm the r e f n r m fhou td ta k e h u t | U " ’ . rii n ient siimellituK “hntild be (tone

Unit the only ihiUK the I v m o n a is wlsltn arcom*pll«h Is ft f a i r appoci hu im en 'ftiirl, evpc if wc- c-mtrol the I.OKlslature tills w in te r , wc sluiuld a^^K fDi no th in g incu’o, \vlicr**ft^*. If. u i i f c r tu c a tc ly i llie piibhcKn.s s lmli lie In iMuUri-l, ll lx ■lu’.ic c e r t a in t h a t w'c m n y (X|ic:u a g e v r s m a u - j dvT siTTidur to 11^ nmr hidulKeil in by Ihe RepubllcaTlH w h t t i th e S ta t e ■was lus-t r e d l s l r l c t c d . j

"'riic su g g cs i to u hftp i 'ecn Tnurtc InDt [ The Scnii tc wnUcI tioI p h s t fttiV P 't f*'’ | d ls t r t cU m ; t l r b=« 'Ic. bm If w - nhcu ld pj-dpose n fiiir s chem e .md tlie S im atc i tiboulrl tnkP Hiiv such T'osilhm In the m a t - | te r , ll s eem s fn me tlia t Ih e l r uctlori hi jtiiftl respect W'jiiid lx- IriU cprcirtlderliind ion lim t if Hu^y should th e L e g is la tu r e th ev would favor of the lU'PuiiUnin p a rty urul wu filiniild tlitr^ liv be given an ad d itio n s Imbuc l o r ilic c a m p a ig n on wrdcli fKlc- miniied voters would he certa in tn take

I o u r Htd'* ..............."K eeihng in mind Um1 the new dlplrlcls

I ,...nnol be c!.anp;ed for tlm next len years and th a t Ihe present d U tr lr ts a rc arraitgcid moJ*t u n fa ir '' ll wfluis to me a m a tte r of Ihe Impnr tHnrc In t h e D em n c ra l ic

!3DI 2 l i £

('iitltnd jd i s t r i c t lu I

In the F c d d a l

live e lec tion th i s fall will h av e a direr-t i pj-i*4n(iu n a n d I m p m la n i be7ir lng uivm New J e r s e y Bfti a to r ia l r e i i r n s c n l a i l u n In r . „ s r r « H ,

'■aPvenGen I’f-ark a g o it,.- r ' n n l ' nf ih l - f i t a ts ap j ia l lea hy i h ' rtpi.a*»m'n1 nf m ora l a n d w i . l " r r ' a . V .■nrn,ptl"n im r t ' r DemoernUc. m lp ru le pl;.i ".l i h r H.t m Ii1I.-3ii p a r t i ' in r o n i r n l . r . . r s i x ' " , , y ' l i r s 11 ra- m a ln ed th e f h e ! ' ' ' of Ih" P'‘" C "

■‘N o p canda i in .n - r 'd Us r " ., r ,1 . nni a n enny of t h t S t o t a ' s m o n ' i ' na. . l „ ' t or sto len a n d 1'" " o n n m i " r e s u l t 'd In a a rn w ln g Increnap o f revem n- ih;,i wna .1e- voted to t h e t m p r o v e m ' n t of our piibll.; sctiools, of o u r r o a d e nmi lu the p B im en t of iocai e i p e n d l t u r e ' .

"Diir inB t h a t p e r io d l' tfis1aU..n was so {,.^0 f r o m c r i t i c i s m t l ia t ' i ,. ' D 'm o erf t t l i ’ p a r t y a f t e r a J 'pa r of i>rR..'tl'a] eontrcil of af fai rs, t i a a r e j iea led no a c t of Kenei'nl pith- lie In te res t . It h a s riddeil no I m n n n a n i S ta te p o l l ' t e s t o t h o a ' a l rendy ina iigo- r a ted , a n d It h a » fai led tn find ' i i i in ' c ' s - ea ry 'offtoes or b o n r d s of ' .ommlsslnoa ' t.i

Ihp s e t t l u n ' m ..f Dde " t i n a lirohlt ' in." W e fiiv.n' 1 l,.v n tj an il .inmeii t of the

c a n a l up.-.n a plan t h a l will a lve ju a l r e , . Ig n i t io n lo Ihi- r ig h t s of the c r s d l t o r s a n d s to r lthn ii le re ntni seen,.* to ti ie ^ ' a ' . . m o r e t h a n l.lilf a, i ln lla ra in ca sh , to g e l i i e r n l l h . i .mt' l .de of the c a n a l ro m p i .n y 's valnal .l . . w a t e r r lg ii ts a n d n f t i l ' rlgiil of -s'ey I h e iv o f , w i th s t r i n g e n t i .Toviilons f i ' t l lin p ro l. -c tlon of th e In lc re s t s of Uu' S tu to a n d ot the m u n i c I p a l iU 's am t In tl lv ld ua ls In te res te . i In sa id wKtPi r ig l i i s an t t r ig h t o f ivay.

" W e f a t n r th e ' l l m l n a i Ion of g r a d e cn.Hslngs at r a i l r o a d ex j . e n s ' , t h e w.i,[k In he done g rad u a l ly . In . . rder of neccs- s i t l and lu l i roce ' . i a s n i | .k l l j u s th e e j - p ' n s c’d will per lt il l

" W e r rn f l ' s r l o ur a d h e r e n t : ' lo the p r ln - c l p l ' Ilf cl\ M s.. |Ti.-e u f o r m . "

" W e fa t . . . Mil'll rev i s ion of t h e l a i Inw ns m u l he is 'cesMirt lo M-i iire a u n i fo rm s i h U* of u a s ' s s m i ’nt i h r o n g l m t " fh e t a x in g d l s t r l i t s of III ' rllale.

"A inw giving tl .e f 'uh l lc r i U l l l e s t'lUlT- m i r t l im th e | .ow. i of m a k in g ru le s lor gas . i-l ' .-l ' l i ' I k ! ' Ii. lepliom'. te k g r i ip t i ,r n l l i i iu n f I'Uill'uiul li itt 's iiltil t l i i l h y i U ' "r tL ' i t t a J till' suiil"' i" of a U e p u h l l r u n S 'l i- iite. W.' til ' iigi 11...! si'l v' . s to It.' hiu lh - lenuni' i ulul tu ii.i- g r a n l l n g of u l ' iu o

T h e tlill'd p lu n k , fo r re fo rm In c o r p o r a ­tion laws, WHS a d o p te d iifter n changu In vei'lilHge

Im nird ln ie rso rg an lia llo n nf the fienevo lent and rorrecH otial tnsUliilluns of the P late wa.s proiioaed in the fourth plank. The tjo v e rn o r said the Instltutloiis wern


Stom ach All Upset and Ach ing Head?

Y ou S h o u ld H a v e T ik e n a L a k B -B e a n B e f o re k e t i r in s .

sf iiF) Ui hu*k* IIS pi uvuHmn.'i ffci Ills t‘.

T h f T.Hium b ;:uni*rlnK from loo m u c h K-glHluUiu^. F i -v c f iav,'> a necebuj r e ­fo rm uicl wi- p h ‘l*;c Mur>4civA .s to thin end.Ijiw.-- shcdild l->f i-i .uftod I 'lr ih v Kuhlnnve a n d ilii't i UC'D of I jic pCDplc. *-h(Uijit bu ufl U‘\\ us pfj.BFlblc wi'tl Mc .h'iiC iTi p h ra s e - uloj;y Ihfti f v c r \ i c:in tel! wUal tl icy Timuii [L’t *’Ut luis iiiul-ilpllcil pTi.i'IiiYeui« so I’itiiUH.c oT[ HU m n n y .siublccT.- SI'.Hi 111'- iivcnigc '-Itlzcti Dot only find's Id^ ulmoHt .‘\e ry net solJcvT lo Ipgul cuuirnl , ‘n,i Is- ii fiiiiilly unable- lo fsmUla t ir .c wlUi "uc l a w beforaHnfithiu tftk*‘-'< Us pl.ii'i*

■'Tb*' li'iiliiHi.r>, t r i id f aiu! bUMlnCR! uf (ha riiiTloii (ttc ?«affvrtiiB f i u m K«tcliillPti' d f inagn j ; i c tiitiick And from ivuu^ v. h-> ncs In p.f'bTic,'j fur pi'‘llUi's‘ pnk*'. Tbe tIlUO liHM come !o call a I n l t i ui upon Gun re-

I furm. but upon llia.t p c l i ’ l'Ml iP'TnaKo><y I w hich miller th e rbjftk of Hu

form R*-pk> ].oliib''n! urvfnorip ; ■ iind cr ies tuu cHl biiBincs*!.

•'A n fu lu n a l c^'intw Is ln i |o‘fuMn^ need rea l MAtesii morft InteiUKcnl

I^XA-lbnriK v.vre ce rta in ly not p*|>eclai. j j Tiivi.uitcd fo r rounders , hut th e i r acUon [b bo su re a n d positive th a t no m a i t f r

rv of re- i how the s to m a c h ha* been a b u sed iiuj* i , ** „ * n-.cde- ; w j i ' i e i t ' i l cb(if 'ola[.' candy a i i f i a r t i c w|]| l Hou- a r e you R'-lnx tS g e l t l i r o j e h ihe

..II. M ti \ne5 fiy HAid D em ncra ls slintikl nni be f n n d b.i dotliu:y fur popu la r riglUft.Mr xMaltb*‘\N- and Mr Ford apohe in Hup- fiori (5f tbe am endm ent

iToft-SHor M*'nr>- J. Fnrd, A.-’sembly can- rliuftic from Merc*nr t'l .inly. went Inlo a iticocBib'al fA k aboui rto' praonsH of gos-

I ernm ent. fic bellevpti ihe aim indinenl ' wiuild b u n I be parly The Amendment I rer.eivfd "idy two or iJiree votes, and

the oi'oAlnftl plank waa H.lopted.T b e (iRlith p la n k wftf ^or a rRvleloh of

Ip^flslaiivp r ' i i « filmllar (o rwlFlotiIn the M r'f R e p r e ^ 'n t a t l v e s It was adop ted wIth'Uil divlFb'C

j Tbe Ri:tomi'l)lle reel p i . i d l y p la n k woh ad o p ted A b - r a dIviNior;

LllminAiloc. of giHdc croas lngx at the j cofil of ilif' railrOAdfi iMatad so m e d is ­

cuss ion It cuJled for immedlAle ’ al.K>U- ! lion, a n d iilno g a v e if - P u b l ic r t l lU le s

r ’r>m.Til.‘*9i"ii p o w e r to a p Crovcinor Wilson tfiiied

th is AS ir. incOHRUteui'v .Mr M' .\ r t am s waiurul * the ab o l it ion

u n d er su]h t v I*1oti of Dte uUlllics C'^^nmi*-skm,

AsHetT.Mvman Rurbe ihaUKbl p a r t of tb e rrtpi bI . ;i,t be bnrii*’ by nu mldpAlUles . HuiTKcsrlttTm for Alie.uaion were m a d e and as ,i|ii'T»’il th e plwi ': would cn)\ fur e l i m ­ina tion with leglFlHMon g iv ing th e Publ ic r r h n e ' * comml.ssi li po'wer to compel pllTiur ,L "H. Mr M cA dain? wAnled t h e ) pliirii'. (o d ec la re lo a l th e roadn ahould | pii\ ill [he cost ll WAS iirned t h a t tbe dct.i of shTniT HtUjn ahoiil(5 he lef i tn uda. b u t !>•-• pcopoxStIun a* changed a h t c . w a s adopf^d.

H i ' i c r w'orksh p inapecl lon w as em b o d ­ied !n a n o lh e i i iank,

•J bin W. SI :ni. o f M onm o u th , eand :- duii f o r S la t . S en a to r , e a l l rd n t t e n t lo n [•' tlu> ftiiA • of th e S la t e aj id hi A p ir u K rap b . d a red t l . a l tb e S t a t e would . a ' f a f ro . b a lance of l-.5oO.rhA) Oclob 'T

.'b a reco rd i c\ c r ecjUAllcd by a Republ l- l a n ad m ltu s t ra l lgn . If w a s decided lo TiiAke t h e p'ilui p a r t o^^lhe p la t fo rm .

A n o th e r i i r n p o * ^ was ’ for full c rew * r-n (ill rfUlvtiiuj t r a * s , hy le gis la tion sljnl- bir to tbftl which wa* proposed last 'win­ter, ThlP w en t th ro u g h u/pJln!mously.

Mr MHtfhcw* rr it (*rated h is p revious Tirnposa! t o h a v e n special sesalon of ih e laefflfllulurc to r eap p o r t io n th e r 'ongres - hkinal d is t r i c t? . He *ald ho reallxe*.! it Mjuid not go Into ih« p la l f o r m , b u t iii ju g h t il o u g h t In he p o t be fo re the peo-

Chee>xr.S a v e C o a l B ills

If you h ave no t p u l door checks on y ou r doo rs be- c.ause you reg a rd th em as s o m e th in g of a lu x u ry , d isab u se y o u r m ind o f the idea , b ecau se In s te ad of be ing e x tra v a g a n t th ey a re an econom ica l fa c to r th ro u g h the p a rt they p lay in k e ep in g the house w a rm in w in­te r and sav in g coal b ills .

W e can help you p ick th e p ro p e r s iz e s for y o u r d o o rs — lots o f th em here .

D oor C hecks a re on ly one of th e m any th in g s «'e sell in

Builders’ Hardware Of Corbin’s Make

O u rs is a tru ly re m a rk a b le lin e and every m an who ta k e s p rid e in h is hom e will be in te re s te d in s e e in g such a colSection o f h o u se o rn a m e n ts .

W elcom e any tim e.

LUDLOW & SQUIERE x p e rt* In I lo r ttw n rr .

9 7 -B 9 m a r k e t ST.(JuBi Above W ash ln K to n St.)

frilV .

Why Dress to Kill And Put on Frills At a Summer Hotel

S a r s a p A d t l aCures «n humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds u p the whole system

I It RlFaight And tone up the Hv«rin m i.......... . ^ntcMincs. Ai thft aaiue tim e It is

mnehii) Ichh luik and \ -ssom lerful how many people will to D.-llun in time* vf Led at n ight wd(h the full kfiowk

ttBktd S en a to r Geb-

43tt U to -4 a y In uvual liquid form orIt ld^t* (tailed 8AR8ATABS.

n - ........ .. -- I ...................- , , . th a tr u U ' ,Iiu-t,':i:.» 111 111' pa. '! t i l ' rti-jiiiWlcan tlivy w U / ' ‘' f morni itpDnrty leri i h ' iiatlim In i h ' ng til IiHth. »" ] mji liluf a o ’t d b tr 's x s J tth ti, euc[, ^

I ' ; ; . ! ; H7 ;u i . i i ' 'a " p H r iy ‘ ; u r ' ' : ' t t , r i i . n | if-

cipitjrt lit justice* and r i g h t t f ' l ' ^ftiVArttr I h a l ' s a l w a v . onT i i iu p a n Ilf t h ' p la tf i . r , , . ao n ' t i r l i « . ” n r . r r ° -

T a f t i ' ro u g h t aiiplau*i* an d at , MH'D > th e uoticlusluii iff 'ihv !<?aditvg ih t r o \ lufariy h.TniJi. lupplDR

S en a to r Hiohpl* i>rwi*(»nt4?il th e folluwijig. a m c i id in f h t ; TWe f a ’ or tlin parts-i^e- by C o n g res s of tin* Fullowa.v pins i-in h.ll, , ir some o th e r oHiually uiHriinrluiiP Ri e, which Phall properl> rCfntiriHtftte Uie siil- v lv lng AtHtllprfi And sa ilor* of ibe <Mvt|

K 'n t l f in tt" '' ' ' ' =hllJr(.n l a k et i i 'm , W i ’ an-i beneflLinr e 'u l i a . W o n icn , lo". flnU tJiem t., be of r e . n a r k a h le value. The medloai prafe* .aion rectunmeiiti!! 'hem highly. T ry , box. and you ll never W ain fear m orning a t ' " »al« at all d rugg ia ,.l<j vem« and 23 centa a ho*, or dJract, if you wl.'tii. from tin lt Ch'mh:al^Comp»ny,

W a r -fog the patrlo tlo serMves rendered , ,g [ , dJe t r lbu to ra , N e w a rk . N, J,


■'In th* m asterfu l way you got some 'if tViH good legls 'atlon through last w in­ter, ‘ repil€d Mr. Matthew*.

Abt>ut uj o 'clork this m orning ilie mem- horn of the convention and o thers from m any p a n s of the S tate osgan lo arrive, and in ano ther hour th ings bcire tho a s ­pect of a eovsion of the Legislature. Ths

i 3 iate house war the mccoa of all tlie Dem ocrats, except the Ks*bx Assembly nominees Senator Osborne waa ono of the early arrivals.

There w as coneldem bls In terest In tho action th a t the E ssex County Asssm bly eeMididates a t N ew ark nnd th e H udson C ounty men a t Jorsoy C ity look yosier- day afternoon and la s t n ig h t At thaif in fe re n c e * in the reapectlva eountle*.

In the execirttva cham bers a t the S ta te

W h * n yon irlaSit r n jo y solid c o m f o r t w i t h y n o e fa m l iy In a coxy buue'wlow of yo ti r o w n at

Ocean Gate, N. J.

J‘S v'X

,/ /


Cofyri(ht Han DehsAiw A tr*rti''

t b e Id ea l ah«ro r a f o t t on E®*t J e n e y ooa*t.6 - ro u m a ta c c o B n n g o lo w on '<S lots, 8 1 1 0 0 .

T e rm a to s T iU . H ig h a n d d r y lot* ftio o . *4 m o n t h ly . Klmt© fron t* * b u s in ess a n d o t h e r lo ts h lg l ic r . T ree t r a i n n e x t Sun d ay .

W r i te , oAlt «ir ' p h o n s f o r t loks t* .

f ir e a t E a s te rn B uild ing Corp.,671 Broad St., Tel, 2103 Market.


Am o n g Fail Overcoats the ^^king- p in '' is the Chcsterficll* A snug

fitting collar; a graceful, roomy Sweep of skirt, just a little more than knee length. '

Tailored the Hart Schaffner & M a n w*y; of black or oxford unfinished worsteds; it’s the getjtl*- man's coat for business and dress wear.

You can get it here from $18 to $35, Ixtt you d better sec our "pride-of-thc-family, an n^silk-Iined black Chesterfield that shows hand tailoring.

Yes, we’ve got some extreme stylesMoo, if you want them. Brand new; «right-off-the-griddIe,” as you might say, and without rivals for beauty. They 11 cost you from $18 to $40.

CliftonPotteryA Special Clearance Sale of

Art Pottery at rc()uce(l prices is now being held at our ware- room, Clifton Street and Frellng- tauysen Avenue.


815 Broad Street Newark

© Is i

As nii • n i l bill t h e VIIICAPPP,

Lyplrul A ye:

ha Ilk rij]<1(1111111 hWiniam l(\o u Gloriiui iTeiilli ' t in nn)iu

Saj Is w as te , w i th t h1IJ« (o rei‘p1\ I Ion tfu‘

T h e I p*Rs, ll .\i.lami' , •.^atinn i a t 0 M lDay.

Atfnre Ml Juen t '>1 tloJiirifT $T>)n. Wilder I « en l ln «

Mnrvo I ra r t i edptiN'eiJ 1h y lelt^i m lied lisfnri* W o r k sIhfi rflfl AdaniHf J'fiKeiiSfc

Mr. . t h e sift h a d urfudviT

•'1 h, Adams.

I ibitiT Mr, I

h s olu* Mr. Jo k«e[»er of hlH fa irs . V rerelv(M enlli'T-ly I'feditiu

Mr. . krf*i"*r A d a m s B ih le r

D u r i r r»r the jD h n a o ca lled Bohkf?rWllO IM poInlRd 8(jn r t l t h e re n e i t h e r no u rg

So fa and $ r b y Mr. w il l hf av a l lD l t o r s a Of Mr. a* hi*

A s m Charloi the Pe clety,

Iimiip hy (he fro-iidul the fee" n ip icy

TToni prr-nif ll (dk>n ru p tcy o u t ' Dr throw !] not aff

Prom preine o f a ttu Accord I f e e s In tlco, p venting

P revf tlon of w ith tl tim es aettlem Becurln delilu r In the] Btrucilipeaj uresist and sc concen s troy ln they c( buslnci

To Cl ktea) I againsi le n t pi tie*, a AgaiiiHi glalm * gases; •uinm * •o u r ts 4rt]ent ler.zle be tray i legally ISFuani tiv e a dockat: tlo n of ftilt In le a sa n ♦rl rnlni


T he re a u o U ea ( rup tcy a t a I o t tru i

I t w th l* fit ata tem F red 1

"Th< tlo n Ol Ing, d h u re a t fo r Ini o f th e wa* G fo r da

'T h e th e eot being th e o: lines > Hons 1

C u rt BoclaU Btatetr o f yes o n r sk

- Whel Its pui credite m lttee th o Bo w as a la s t nl u p the

Bo fl th e to. plalnet a s an should ■ought

Bonu th e OF ugefuii s ta tu ti th o p i a a d . t l tlons ' rin ied l


fry, 1no pliBteppt

-4i t a I F ac to tiafor* cohbU srtll h tn thBight.







Aoother Example of Operation of Federal Act Seen in

Brandenburg Case.




3. t o i l . 8 ^

111 iieeklns Uj J>r«ive hi« i IhIiii B*:f\tnjsl , wnB struck 1-y a in'lN y cm while piiKnlriK rtic Piih l lc S r n - l r e RfillWHV r'um|>rtn\‘. In tin* t rao k t ' in I'iTitM-nth hrrepttill- fliuiHiiH i>r l.'KiU Ki'p^nhi, H lvt•^*^h■|• iHhi I ' i irUrii lur sf^p^s uiion t)mliiirkMlor. lU'inlKcil h is w eekly ii ml 1-ism i i-m i II Mi ; f in m hinexp*-n<11iiin-H lu-r'ore a Jury in l)ir- Su- ^lo l i ll eh 'l tn liib ImelncJiis .■I'lils, he r ep re - p i r l m ’ «' hum l l i ls JiiniTilun \'ih»-Sfh> H scn te d . US profit }| 1il‘- 1st’ hint IIcth-prxlll *’f lweh!y-t lv»‘ i-f-nls u wii-li w as hlH w#t-ki\ ri'-'f-ipls antt illnhurMr-set Forth.*r seeks to rrf'<-ov»*r (Jbih- iiienis 11 wnm (huihI ihal HK''s fur poisouKl (irul h itslnoss I » m o i in l r i l In U-", whMa his exphiswea In ronse'iiH'n-’t , rtl a iM lh‘\ u {-l I anKrcKAle.l tllvT i. ha»'h!<r him ilervt M-«r» h l fi, and iie<lnj*.l lus tiff * p m rl i of tw c n l> - n u »

to inenm ^ih e lornu-j ' |T

expentlltiires jrn H weekly ^

As ano tlic r illuMirntInn nf h-iw the fed- • r a J hiuiklup li -y iM l liiiH h. , n n p e r a l e d tn tlie onrraliij;; nf pinmlsiiiff h .iiih r iip t ''' caBPB, tlif Rh av nf !hc Hrmuh 'i ihnrt : WnKon WnrKs rust.- ims Ix-mi «lven n.'<lyplrjil.

A year aftn an Invn! imi iry pi llllnTii m bank V.tS t' n>;iU|st |h e UiHii-denliUiK oitii« in al tin- iit.-’liiiua’ • ( Mayn-- \Vl]llj(in: J.. nf li-\ njifh'ii. midtw o ntlnu prfl tlniiliin rj i illlnr s. Mr. GloriiMJX, who wa.4 ia*7f<"I m d lv u lu a liTeiihnr, hlH < l.u' i luvuif; iM-fli jfM-Kier In nmiHint tli.ui ill if r ivhI < >i[nl>iTii d, \va.s roiireHMUctI hy 1. Jnl.iis 'm .

SFUlsri-'d [Ik' ii .s i.-' in l t l i 'i It.iiiii tim|' w a s te , Mr. J n ' u - . n i iiti*.I inniMi if With t h e MIItw h ' m s |i« i!ihiTi, l;i.« idfii ht- ln« In n pp |\ |iii itin a |i|-n ln tiii'n i -'I' ft r ecp iv i i a f i i i ad |iit;ii a I ii n nnd r t- f imti rnon Ifip iiHXt n-iurn d ly.

T he hnukrupl. > adjudleuUni^ anmn In llip nasH lii'ln^ n i^ r r t i l tu iia f iic e

.\d.ams iiiwl .i ma1h-il nn|i--i' of fn - iid iudi' catlnn mid rofereii. .' r'-arhed Mt .Intinsun a t D n 'f lo 'k .«f the duy afii-r fin- u-turn

.At 1*'* r.'i l ink Mf .Inhnsnn Hpiifamd b--

fure Mr. ,sd;iTns m a s k fa r tt.c- appnhil- tnen! nf ,i r i - rnh i i us aitniiH-s tni tlOJiin^ r'lx lifo rs wtmse tdalm s HKAieifHlnd tT.iiJO. Tn lii.s h>- inuiid N n i i a n m id e r iheia- I n iho mu me n raml, i r p i e ' Renllriff a M ed lim wlih n i-.l claiiii.

M oreover. Mi .Inhii.aiji, li Is rJMserted, leariieil Ihiil Mi. ilild 'r , in u dnKn-n, Ind paved iht- way 'n i Ids own appInaiSoii by leleplitMilm: In Mr .VdatliH at his home in lied Hank In the arinnvn.Mi nf thi- d:iy bsfn rn thal |h r Ui ladaiii-iii s; Waxi.ii W orks h ui been .sdjudKtvl b an k ru p t, th a t iho raae liad lie.-n r.- lf im d i i him iMr, .\iJaniBl, and thni hi- tAlr. iU iiien n-p- rfjseiiled a l■|•edjlll^

Mi*. Adams in-t!a\ rnrusnd to dis. the filmy of Mi .luh.isoii th a t M; Hilil rhad a r r n i iK 'd l i e upi-nltilnn-m nf a n -c-elver u v r it.e tei,-phnin>

1 hnve nnililuf; i-i sav ," SHid Mr A d am s . My n Hirls a n - ni-tii to fmlili. ln(»pa«'tlnii jind they speak fur i liemuf Ivra,I diiJiT pro |.o se 10 iljsi'asH tie i iaU te r ■

Mr. Hlldm' iinined .1 r ia - v ! l" i l" j i ash'.s chnlee Im th.- nf .......K'nr, \shdeMr. J n h n « n n sni.-uesled l l n i t ' l h . - h n ik -kncfier ti| till liiiikiM |i| im n i'anv , hi-i-siiKOnf Ills fonO im riy v,IOi tb*? e n m n n 's af* fa irs , w iiil.i lie h r iie r m ied t > s. r\ o as ret -e lvfr . nnd hi- .ipp'dritHfM 1 wmiM Ixs enili'idy sat i; r,i. tni \ lt> praei^. :i|] ,• , || the credit'-rs,

Mr. J n h n - n n A r e o u e s l lla tl t l .n bnnlt- kce im r lie ,ir'i"vliil"i! w a s denli-d, Afr A d a m s iiiimln^f Mr, l l n i t n n , u i m nan :ed B ih l c r lie l l l ld ' i u.s hiM (niii^si l.

D u r in g the u ilir lin hetwi '- i i tl,e nitiif; f'f ttie applii at Inji and t e in iu day Mr, Johnson , aneorillnR to his s to rj', was called lip rilma-( t o r n itny l«y David Bobker. of S tal. oshonie'.s nmee, w ho iir^^ed IhiU Soii'e niii- shnuhl tie a p ­pointed T0ei:l\e: I’lyhl .'IWHV Mr. Jnhn- aon refused In ennt^.r.i j,, U|]u i nurse th e reason .sinieii i i ^ t o.> t lu re s\ns n e ith e r f r i u d imr vast*- tSure n.,u[d be no Ufgenry.

So fa r ftllnw nf f i Mr. Horton fthrl $■111(1 In Mr. nild 'T have been grunted by Mr. Adam.s. It L-r expecierl th a t tliere w ill be asM-ts nnv/imtinK in nlinui JlLfinO avallohlo fyu’ distrlljutloii am ong credi­to rs and fnr Ihe fiirtlie i 'nmppns.Ttion o f Mr. Ifortoi! Ba Iru slee and Mr ftllrler a s his euiinsid.

H em cdinl IVIrnMurra.A h m easures to rf in ed i’ these condillons

Charle-H F. Johnsnn, nrllnK secre ta ry nf th€ IV nple’B N’Htlnnai l.cRRi Erbicfl So­ciety, in a cmniiinnk-HlIon lo the News fiupge.pis the foiinwiiig:

Im inedlate and com plete Investigation by (he l-’ederal Depm Lmenl nf Ju s tic e of frn-iidiiicnt ami i-nllurlve pincliw'-s ncalhfit th e federal Imvs in j^ ll S lates, and liartk- ru p lcy abuses in p a rllcu la r.

TTomuigatlon by ibc rn ltm l ijtnIeB Su- prr-nif I 'o iirt of nilesH gnveirdiiK the se- h clloii nf m istops and a tlo rn cy a in b ank ­ru p tcy In prevent pnUustnn, acth>n w ith ­o u t ' p roper’ notice tn all creilllnrs, and th row ing nut of claJms an technlcuHtie» not aiTectlrvg the m erits.

TToinulfttitloTi by tiip United S ta te s Su- preim; C ourt of t uIcB reg u la tin g tlie fees o f a tto rn ey s and tru s tees In bnrdtriipftry ftccordlng to hn\ ;u'nvni-nlng Rtloi'tieys' fees In general, business reasot. and lus- tlce, preven ting oxncfihive fees anil pre­ven ting fees w ithout eonsiderathin.

P reven tion of ^^iL^lkruptcv hy ro-opera- tlon of th e trarb* assotdallnns in all lim s w ith the ir inoml.ierH, wlmilar lo banks in tim es nf panic, tn lide over anil make settlemeiitB, expcris In rflch linn nf trade secu rin g hettei- resuHs fm- e rcd ltu r and d eb to r tban law,vers who^ic only recouisfi In th e ir ignm-anre of th e hrmiTir-ss is do- a tru c lto n ; educating businesa m en In ap- pei^ to the ir a sso d a tiu n s . to avoid and resist the efforts of a tto rn ey a p*-eklrvg and soIicUlng claim s to throw buwlnf-s.s cnncenifi Into b ank rup tcy , w antonly de- itro y ln g credli and p roperty VHlue.s, when they cmilfl be saved w ith o rd inary sound business m aim geinont.

To cause aclloji by Jocal iudgos, where kocal b a r a>‘Snclatlona refus* tu act, Againfit c rlin h n l. rn llusive and frandu- le n t p rac tises by a tto rn ey s In nil loofth- tle s , atlniulft!Ing jiidnefi to enfnrce law, •g a ln n t am bulance chasing, sidiciting nf «lal m s In obtain control nf h n n k r u p te y

p erju ry and n th e r mlbs, and tn *U!iimarll.v riUorneyn who deceive to u r t s nr eileiUfl, ta k e mnney from <rtlent v.dthni!( n bnna’nde service, em- feey.zle from nr rob clfenty by afty artlflce, b e tray e olleirts to ad v erse In terests. Il­legally a lte r enuiT records, procure Itie ISF uanetT of Illegal court order.s o r deoep- tiv e and mljeleadlng enlileH on court tfockats, cnn>#fi.J,i p e rju ry and nuborna- |!o n o f perjury , ftcoept g ra f t money, com- n d t Indlbtilble ofTcnses and o th e r m al- le a sa n c e while in public omce. and o ther c rim ina l and iinprofesatonal p rac liees and «On»plfacles aaa lua i S ta te dr federal laws.


Til* alleged use of th e ad ju stm en t bu­re a u of th e N ew ark A ssociation o f Credit M en Cor th e fu r th eran ce of som e bank* ru p tcy court p rac titioner* wns discussed a t a m eeting of the assoclatlon 'ir hoard Of tru s teea la st n ig h t

I t w as decided to give ou t no th ing a t th is stage, heyond the follow ing general • ta te m e n t, p repared by th e sec re ta ry , J. F red B raun :

"T he truBtoes ’of th e N ew ark Aaaocla- tlo n of C redit Mon, a t la s t n ig h t's m eet­ing. dtacufifiod lu a t to n p e rta in in g to Its b u re a u of ad juatnm nt, and also new plans fo r increasing th e efflclency of th e work o f th e local association . No final action w as taken , but th e su b jec t w as left open fo r de te rm ina tion a t a fu tu re rneeUdg-

__ "T he association has plan* fo r wideningth e soOpe of Us w ork, am ong o th e r tilings being the e stab lishm en t of a bureau for th e exchange of c red it Inform ation on lines sim ilar lo those adop ted by associft- tJons In o ther eitles."

C urtis R. B urne tt, p res iden t of the ns- io e ia tlo n , decUned to a d d .a n y th in g to thU s ta tem en t, b u t re ite ra ted h is declaration o f y este rd ay th a t "w e are going to have o o r s k ir ts c lean ."

W heth er the b an k ru p tcy law is serving Its pu rpose as to inso lven t jw rsons and ered ito rs . is a sub jec t w hich a sub-corn- m lttee of th e legal a ffa irs com m lttcer-of th e B oard of T rade will Investiga te. T here w as a special m eeting In th e board rooms la s t night, when i t w as decided to ta k e u p th e bank rup tcy act.

So fa r as conditions w ere c o n c e m e i^ n th e local B an k ru p tcy C ourt, It w as ex- p la ined th e y would be looked in to only a s a n a id to de te rm ine w h e th er the taw should be repealed o r c e r ta in am endm ents w u g h t. ^

Borne m em bers o f th e com m ittee wore of th e opinion th a t the law had ser\’cd its UfsfulTirss and should be wiped off the s ta tu te books, while o th e rs declared th a t th e purpose of th e law w as a good one a n d «th a t w ith some am endm en ts condi­tio n s w hich now w ere deplored could be ram edied.


Prif'ijar^itnry la thf-- rlf-iiSun nf UH>’ Cunipli-nllvr Tylnr I 'a m fy rs rhalrnii*n nf thv |i. iiiiK niilt vnU'iiv r.ifiimlMec lo iiiKhi. llm rnniinUlvi-iii+ii nf ilu* Dk'vcntii VViiiiJ rm-l IUk IjI ..n.l n ih l lv d tlivJrAi tbui of l.i>i Kti'Ihv ill lutiiiiiK Mr H am jly .imL I'.ix « Mni - r xHvii-tiiiiriu-. .i« (-\r-'i|Ti\f rnintiilHcrinvuI mm iii(> wii ni

IMwiilil I M.n ks^n. vulm w»iH fin. inijf.itim il I*......HU Mf ll..- Wllsnri l>';inu«'

' li' kvl. nhj ' I i. .| V. H r- n am in g "I I f '*I rJtni-llH\A i'011lTllJlTn- l||i !l 'Ul tJlP g l"Uh'lI h u u ttif- ivgul . ir lv t il*. U‘i1 rn m m l ' iM nmii

hint no Hiif li'il u s In Cikf eott -II, b» ■iihilnr Hi, liiw thvy ilM in>t

(:i Ui- nflli-v ' ii\l l! I .M r .MarkHv;* a...I iits Ihrna roll'-uRYiea,

of the Wllsnii fac lion. dvcl incdIn vote Jni- Mr I ' .m niy . but th e l a t t e rw'iis elerte i! b \ lli* ■ rch'Vilfti' nie.iiilmi S.

TluiMiiis U Hii nniin v*'ft> rn.L'iv ' h.ilr-niiiii of Dm- n-imibivt* iunl Wlllinm Iv Mugiiirr^ se. reiurv Mt Muvk.'iey, ( 'bHrlen .1. \^'Htsn^l *iM«1 Jntfi-pli Wli le, d#'-f'-RLed Mr I Rrnily fnr diHlrirt cu m m il - liPMiiiii HI Dih prlrniiriep by tw o Vi.itu, ■ft'nre nirti".i hk h com m liiee tn etfcoit .Mi. I ' l i rm ly Him Mt. I l d o h n m n tn th e ineeii tig pi.ire,*-r»- il iey bnili tbfihkcii th e niGm* lierr4 fnr l|u-lr Rejection.

VS’lille It |h not likely t h a t th e r e will be a n y li ^h t a t lo-n lg lU a nu-elin*; o v e r Mr. I’ftrpily'R eb-i 'i lnn. it Is iindersti-od t h a t liin ' 'nnjhliuftl f n i r e a w’lilrli h,iv»' l"-<-n ftii- lugon ls t ln b) JarneB U N u g en t will t a k e a r t b - n to h av e Mr I 'l irml? mijcD il f iom the f b d l r . It In <-iuv1viiiJed tlift: Mr. F a r m l y Ip n n i #»Hg11>l ft>r the oliftl rmau- Rlitp. pvrn (h o u g h lie may be ftll » x efu - llv y cnm ii i lt tcem aii


A fikTrmlfih li a fiiilt nrigirvally hrmig lii l»j' Nttlbf iii lrl Ixinker, Lif Ka.' l i i runKr, whi.i H Ji.ny .|. n1, Hn«1 nllu-r p r v fe rn -1 sini-kliHiliti I a nf tu«' Nfitiiuml S u g a r Ui-riu lug 1 Onl'oiiy of New Jmr-n>. rn nompr! thn --Hll' =-kiiIon nf iMi.rtoojuiii nf r n n m . . i i Htrii k (ii (hd t c i irporal .n ti alb'gt-d 10 havn- Lri-u nhtiiiTU'iJ hv D ip la te Henry O H av e inev CT wtlllniJl I nOHlitil HltOTi. WHfi (n-UaV\S"n I'V Du- I'Miiplahifiiila.

I'-k .1 i'Hulkn, oniriRfl fnr (he r-itiiiiLili.H n1 a. iiji|iJ1eii foT l-eriiilsMtvn D-e x a m in e ih e honkH nf th e co in p an y , In li-> York ndheH. nnd alfio lo IjiRpe' ir»*t'-nn nf tl>e .- 'uripany h i»laniH for v^hlch

■j,-' '.''I o f pr» f« 11 eril HliM'k whh paid 1c lyuM, wlieii a n Hgehl for Mi Havameyf*! la n'(-i?r.1 tn h « i e renelvetl the ilU,'«»i.i'inil nf ctiiMiniin fitn. k in d isp u te

Tht. upii ll ca ilnn waa npponeil by Johri it l lfti -i in •n-proaorf Ing l!ie f -nmi 'am but v.;ia grftTileri a f t e r Ci-n?=l']eral'le a r g n -inejjt .

T h e Bill! Ir ilowti for trlftl n e x t T upr d a y a n d ll u rged by Mr L'ai.ilkH Dialan Insper t lo i i of Ihi- hookn and p la n ts w as nei ojs.sury fni rp r p m p f r ff reparu! l-m of th e case .

— ♦ - - -


T n u c h ed hi l ioa it ami ]hii>ip. rKHfpiiile G iu-rgu lU nf Il'D j rn n i in e r r i - s t - r e l , i .illn.l nl poll re lii'MibiiMrti I ;■ .ve.-'ti'Jilu.v a f l e i - m.nn nnd r*nir,-ii in ['.•!i-.-iivv i u i i e j . isi hnw ive wiis ' tn ft’ln 'l

DuHipiale naid th a t tw-i nuMt cnlle'd fit bin tiome yer t tn rday hM ' rnonn and nne lolil n har«l I m k s ln iv nl iht- loss nf abrntJiei th a t was klltt-d hv ri ....... ..

‘Hr- KH>ii he g'-irt riv M tninj.'iM dn[ja f ro m '1ft ru l l rnad a n d ri"Ji wan! »'Cl Hegeevi - e l toh iTip «ef I am d.t hivnest lia# man. l i e hk> }mw nmoi h ,voii g n i i a e< Ti do basiii. an ' no rakH snirn* I geD'V m m v - five ainl ^e ev e ref lo him Mful tvcgfcvti me d a I'lgii lift ru]t Saur i p d i full, i*<‘l Is Only d a paper ”

FV..'5uijale sa id hp didn 't enrp fnr The arai Wuuldn I h a v e iiutlliPil Die polive if th e m a n w h o aw lmlled him h a d n ' t m n d e h im fr> wlille lelllivg tlie st' irv <if iiovv fsie l-ro tbef wft8 killed on the ra j lruad . He valued Die lost D-arw more lUan Die

C'hft»M p II-.i' S tevens th is a f i e r n o o nden|r..l HU ft lU'll. .11 ini] 1,, f n 110 n a f'm pt.ilwliU’h h a d been spr for 2 o 'c lock A dis piiip a s Pj sphere the bur ia l s lunjld tftk.- pl.T'f w . 's a i i Im- l«nitam fif th e n|'pll--it- tion

Wlllifirn 1,, Stel bih'i duvl S undas hI 1:l-« lioini^ 1!-H Hil ta li e th aveiiup, Kllr.u l>el Ij H is slstf-r. MIsh Imi« v .-^fildvln'', wtv- lived Hilii Ml St'-lililns, Hi'mnge'i in h av e Ih' biidy b u r ie d In lilvergrecTi O m e l e r y , n e a r j Kliiial-elh M rs Ih-i'tliA K Hlphlnns th. ; a i d >w. %vhi> li.’i'l IK d iipai i f ium ]ier h '; s 1

i b j i id for ilire*- ypMfs, af inP-d th e li-i.D j |m ' r l - ' i i in 1C\ ei gri-f-n iV -nulp ry . M rnnkhr . . j

• lid to H iIr end .smjght Dirijiigh ArtlH ir M j A v - 'W , nf rn |- -n , lu hftve D ip fu n e r a l en- Iji . j ' . ' . i I

! Iir- vlrp rh iinepllor p ave ll HK Ills r.liin- hin Dint In P i i r r f p i c wlD; Dip f ii npia l h ' ; t i lls s-Hfcrp w mdd be Imlin-ent and Unit th*' ,m e iu - i i-4>ii1d rpilte as well be '-ntuPivtPd jInl'-r’ wii-n , if the .m t i i ilnchled In h ' l [

t h e Wl.biW rnllM llHVe th e bod> PX ibumetl a n d le in le rcpd in ii r-emctpi v to h e r !llkiiip

MAN IN PITIABLE PLIGHTRaMlhi^r to keep hl.s wtfp nnd Hv' p l l l t ln

fbililr. ll from s ta r v a i lu n h in idd le -apcd m a n Is Ke.-n dflih" en ine tn work from )ils hnrrw-- In I ' ld tp r s lre i l l(. is n e a r l y blind, but hi -" i:ni1ertak.eo idiftir eanltip, a n d is

i nitw l*-otning to w eave bapkei.'., Somc- llni--s he inftkPfi $■ and $il ft w eek; o t b ” r Itn ies hut tU.'iii Vet with tiii-s ] i | r l anee his ffitullv h a v e mnnagfid in a i ru g g le a b r n g 111 ihf'Kp t im es when living is h igh T h e Ih irp i iu o f A ssm'ln ied I 'har ll lep h as t a k e n op h is ca se and Appeals f< r f u n d s lr> a id him.

[n tw o ro o m s of q te n e m e n t - h o u se th i s Tl .o .r ias .N, ll is nf m , . . , . t 1i« hurfHU liMp* nul WUh

Uip c i innia iiy ; G en e ra l MnnaRer n a n f o r l h , r e n t s a w eek fnr h read , a n d n o wT r a n s r io r l a t i o n HuiMTlntenilent Hn|..n a n d j „n ,i enme one kae f. n t In a li ttlef o m e of tlie li lvlslon Hiippriinendents h a v e i m a l Bhm.ld th e hiiPlnuirt heemne en t i r e ly a r r a n g e d tu be p r e s e n t a t the K alh er lng . | niind, t h e w ife ea ld yes te rd av . ebe fearer!

TROLLEY MEN AT CONVENTIONI ' l idi-r tiiG p r e s e n t p lans Die P’ubiic Krr-

vi. V U a i lw a y Dnnipiiii\ will hf- wnll n-pr*^- fictiti-ii a t tJie a n n u a l cniivvntlon of the Aumrloaii Kleidrh? Afisu'lftlion In.Allaiilif I ' l iy jK-xl wvdi.

M. K. H'lylan . g(-nerftl a u d i lo r of the coni- pan>'. Is lo d' '-llver au in ro rm al t a lk on " P r e p a y m e n t F a t e Aci' ijuctliig." I t Is l iuders to od tl ia t Mr. Mcf. 'arir r, w ho Is (lif» p r e s e m first \ i f -p rvsldeni , <if th e olHthin, will be vle<'t"<l pres ident

'I'he acfislnns a f th e assn(-la.!h>n will be liehj a t th»- ir ioek Ti'nipie, on th e Dnnven- im n H er , hi-ginnlng Tuesday inornliig n e x t a t 0:1V) n'vlni k and end in g F r id ay ,

th ey w ould s t a r v e un le ss som e one c a m e to aid th e m .

BONDS FAREHTS.IN.LAWHv a consent f>rder made m -day by

Vlce-C.’liftiK'fdlnr irf'ifirdo Ranlnn.a hotel-keeper a t l ‘" i l Rea'llu^^, will pay to Mrs. Ida fUplno. whnm rvceiuly (ilvnrcpil. a nmiilh for the Rupport of

HBKluii S(. M nrv’ir AvudrniT. D liplr Ih ire children He will bIto supplyW ork Imt. .startod on w recking the j ‘h - ’' '» I - -' iiuoithsi old.

T he order also renulreP Mm. U apinn’s j pa ren ts to give bond of to he for- •

hiillding win he turn dnwi, as si.un an |j( ttapliiu rliuuld tak e t h e ,

o i l fit. :^lary s A ta i iem y hulld ing , a l Hieeckpr a n d W ash i t ig lo n streetfi, Ttu>

possi lhe us II Is llie intftutiim of the F a i tch l ld -H f t ld w ln Coinpuny a n d Phi lip J. Howers, th e o w n e r s of Die p ro p e r ty , to e re c t an au to m o b i l e sa le a ionm. T h e new build in g will liuve :i f ro n ta g e of 111 feet

W asb l tiK to n fitreel anil 146 on Blev-i k e r s tr ee t.

T o Jlell O ut S tlg e r r«nc*ern.An order for Hie wile of the fav inry

and stock of th e A. K. Stlger M anufac­tu ring Com pany, bankrup t, wa? m ade In. day by R eferee Adams, tib je rtbm lu firlllng the trad e nam e w-hh made i>>- Thom as U. Rayntound, coun-^el for Mr.Htlgcr. On thin point Mr. Adams reserved decision. Tlie stock Is to be sold lirst In | cluvsen pasto r, and hi.s wife. The church

h t ld ren o u t . o f tbft S tu te w[UTj»ut con s(.-t>t. I

Hftpfno d iv orced his wife on th e c h a r g e j Dmt blie mil a w a y with ft iK'urdtr, hikinK j ll.hJU of h e r lu i sb a n d 's money. Ttiny w ere arref i ted In April H e r cm npaji lo u w a s triv.) fo r la kliik 'b e money, Init w a s ac- '[L.ittKi w hnn Mis. Hnptno te s l in ed It he isp l f .

---- # --------------

RECEPTION TO NEW PASTORM en ib e rs of the Mt. PleftRant B.aptlat

D liurch t e n d e r e d ft ff ep tion l a s t n ig h t to Rev. Hdwftrd S Vnn Nors. th e n e w ly

parcels and then as a whole.

r ii-e ('falef Sloan 111.F ire C hief .Joficph E. f^lian Is 111 a t his i

home, IKS W 'aahingtoii s treet. He hftS a i weverp r-nli ami Is also troubled with a | stom ach Illness. His ''ondltiun is not con­s id ered R<-r!'ius. IiAttftll"n Thief M o rg an Is acling chief of the deparitnenl.

Moll, M cD erm tl'* T,og Broken,W hile h a n g i n g n cnr t ii ln hi the p n r |o r

of h e r h o tne a t K16 N o r th S ev en th s t r e v t ; ye f i le rday u f le im oon , Mrs F r a n k M. Mc- D e r m l t M l a n d an s ta ined a f r a c t u r e of h e r r i g h t leg . Tier eoiidli lan w a s r e p o r t e d

! a s f a v o r a b i e to - d a y----------------# . -

Former Nevrarker Darned Oat,Speclii/ flerefee of We KKWS.

EGG H A RBO R CTTY Oct. 8 .-T h e dwelllhg of George Hocrple, who cam e tn thiB c ity from N ew ark this spring, w as to ta lly destroyed by fire thifi m orn ­ing. The b lase w as caused by th e ex ­plosion of an oil lamp In a bedrooni. T he fam ily hart a narrow’ es<‘Rpp, fleeing from the house In th e ir n igh t robcfl. N eighbors who w ere a ttra c ted by th e flames gave th e ir assletance, but only a few plebas of fu rn itu re were saved. A barn and outbuildings were also burned. The lo s t le estim ated a t $2,000.

---------------- eP r iso n C linirlalB 'a P ir a t VAcallon,

flperiol SrrtHce of the y£W 8.TR E N T O N , October ft.-F o r the Are',

lim e In hlH tw elve years ' service as ch ap ­lain a t S ta te prison, Rev. Aloyafus Fish has been g ran ted an extended leave of abfience covering a period of six month*, w'hlch he will spend In C aspar, Wyo. W hile not BerJously III, hln health has been fa iling fo r some lime, and he la going to th e m ountain country to recu- peratftJ Rey. A lexander CpatT, of the Im ­m acu late Conception parish of th is city, will assum e th e duttes Of chaplain In the absence of F a th e r Fish.

F iv e R em es to P ic k F rom .JE H B fiT CITY, Ocl. S .-M rs. M ary W.

8m ythe. before V ice-Chancellor G arriS 'in yeste rday , refused to decide which of five places offered by her husband, F ra n k Sm ythe, she would accept as her fu tu re homo, dm ythe han pnld her $20 a 'week alim ony since Inst spring, when she s ta r t ­ed a su it fo r sep a ra te m aintenance. T he caae ■went over,

im r lu ra w e r e rtn^nriilp-rt w i th p a l m s and fl'iw crs.

Rev J \V. MiicDoiifin. Rev. Dr, Thom as E. YftSfifir and Hev. 1 >r WUllwm Ritesell. w ho 'w as a r.laFsmate i-f Mr. Van N ess a t f'o lgatft I'nivcr'-ify. ivIdiTsaed ihe con­grega tion Riiil pastor, ixlshlng the church a futuD t of long continued succeps

M r V an Ness, w ho w .i b ca lled to tho Ml. r l o f t s a n l '■■hurch hi t h e ' ^ a r ly p a r t of t h e s u m m e r frnin Sicx-klon, Dal , la a na l1 \ e of Essf x r n u i i i v B e f o r e h e as- purned the pasu-ratP al Stockton Mr. Van Nesfi h a d a c h a r g e in Mlrnieaota.


rkV Sm ashed liVtadowr te Be JA Ied .

TRBNTUN. Oct. 8.-W 0fn out and hun­gry! unable to secure a poeltlun. and wiih VO place to call home, Harry MKri«iJ|a ■tepped In front of the show wfodew

-4>f » elothlnj merohanl. a t tti* c o m e ts f ra,!tory and Boutb Broad atronta, ahortir (■■tor* * O'clock !apt niKlit. picked up ■ aoMlwtoDO and U: IP at a window.. H* will be ftrm a haartof (Mfor* JttdgtilMM (■ tb * 8*e»nd D ta tite t F o M a Q tfuA t«-BlVbt,


l ie a rn s g la ie r H acaped Flood*M ORRI6TOW N, Oct. 3 .-W ord has been

received by Mr. aiufl Mrs. E llas Am m er- m an, of E a rly s treet, th is city, th a t Mrs, A rm nertnan’s s iste r, Mrs. Olln T. Coch­ran, and Mrs. C ochran 's husband and two children a re among^ the su rv ivors of the c a ta s tro p h e a t A ustin, Pa .

C h a r g e d wlHi lo i te r ing and being u n d e r . t h e Inf luence o f . liquor, Jt.ihn M a n n in g , t w e n t y - o n e >efirfi old. a Hpeclal po li ce- j m a n . w a s arre.-^lt-d thip m o rn in g in M a r ­ket s t r e e t by rMlr^^lrnrin Vunegi I ^

T h e p a t r o lm a n waid Ite found M anning Hitting In t h e g u t t e r w i th o u t h a t 6r co a l . | M a n n in g lini' bis apeclal rt iHi '^ rnan 'a [ liudge p in n ed to bifi sufipenders. C&plain [ R y u r i re llevpd M a n n in g nf th e b ad g e , w hich will be iiiinecl o^^e^ (o the Police B o ard . M a n n in g w as sp n l b ack to a cel l b y J\*dge H a h n .

Aid (o r **Four C orners'* F ir e Oo b b*Tlecause the poUc^Tnen on du ty a t B road

and M ark et s tre e ts have had dliTlcuUy tn h earin g the Are a la rm gong on th e so tuhw eet corner, the iTre dep artm en t h a s Insiftllcd a “ Hcrep-cher." This Is an a t ­tach m en t .«3lmllftr to the siren horn of au-* lomobllea. W hen the a la rm ring* now thlM horn telU ol It.



NOTIGK—RBGIST'KATH»N. PRIiiAllY HlaBC- TiON, GENERAL ELECHON. RKGISTRA-Kotlce !■ hereby clven that Ui« boards of

Tegletry and election lo and for the two elec­tion dlftiicts of the township of Mlttbum, N. J., will make a house-m-hnuee CAnvase for the PtirDose of making a rexlfttrstlon nf voter* on

SKi'TEMBER’ a . tiUl.OCTOBER ai. 19U,

from Ih* hour of 1 o'clock P. H. to hour of 0 o’elock P. M,. on each of days.■nd on sErTmMBEH S«. 1»11 .from the hour of 7 o'clock A. M, to the hourof 0 o'clock P. M-

p r im a r y e l e c t io n .And notice- if hereby given that * primary

elf ctWjn for making nonUnatloni and for the election of metnbere of ihe county committee will be held on


betnf the fouKh Tucaday tn 8ept«mbsr. Im-tww'en the hours of 7 o’clock A. M. and d o'clock P. M.. St ihe slaves herelnaft«r desls- nated In the two elcctlr.-n district*.

GENFHAT. I-:i.E)CT10N.And notice Is hereby gU*en that a gvmral

election for the election of the followrng of­ficer*: State Senator, tweir* metniwre of iho

mnaaex B o ro a s h flitkool R * » art.gU SC EX . Oct. ®.—Th« annual ret>ort of

County Superintendent of Schools Ralph I>ecker, of this :borough, Just furwardert to Dr. Calvin N. KanffalT. State commla- sioncr of education, shows an Increwpetl ftltendance Jind genepil Improvement of' the schools throughout the county. The enrolment la*l year was an increase of e*ghty-8lx over 1910;

A v to W re ck e d Tollkwitee*Oct. 8,—An aatoraoblle

driving along the Bridgeton and Shiloh tunipike at a rale of forty tnilea an hour SYindny crashed Into the toot1ious«»

the building ^ d u a ii^ n g beyond repeJr.r In the ear were

’W l^ ldQ Fiwk li R. Logue iMid f ia wlAWue e ikuH w m ftgecuMd, wliBe

X«per w M t a v m ly Injured In the bftCk*

Geoaral A«*emh!r. sherm, three ooroner*. three member* of the Board ot Chosen Freehoiders fnr the term of thr*»e year*, three memijere of the Board of Cho*en Fmeholder* for the larm ' of two- year*, thrw wanjhcr* of th* Board of ! Choeen Freeholders for the Cf one y « rand member of the Tnwfishlp Committee (er (he term of three rear*, and appropriation*, wlH be held Ob


between the hour* of ft A, M . ^ d T ^ M.. at the * *■ *-* —

Hwo --------- 'p i t t S f niSTRICT.

All New Desirable Silks in This Big SaleSavinjjs Ranjte


14 <»ON

Regular Prices

The Black SilksKog. llU ck Chiffon Taffela, a t. . Kr,(. Rtack Diirheka, a t. .Krjf. j l ■‘ll) It6-in. Black l), a t. . ftcK. Black Ouchrsa. a l . .Ko k . T.'i c . Black Mcaaalin*, apw ia l. . . Kck. jl.fM) Black Mranalinr. aprcial. . BcK. s i . 10 Black I’aillctt* d* Soir . Re*. .lOc. IS-in. Black Peau dc CyRnc, Rc«. T.'ic. 21-in. Black Peau de t ysne. Bcr. 11.25 Black Silk* and Satint, at. Be*. .'lOc. Black Taffeta Silk, special .

1.001.0(11.191.19 .55c 75c S.5c .19c 49c


The Colored Silks$1.00 t'anry Joequard MeKsaline. Heyf. Toe. OiifTon Meswaline, at Hey:. Novelty Silks, spetial Reif. $1.00 Fancy Taffeta, .special |{f.i{^$i.T0 All Silk Satin Faille.Rce. $1.00 Crepe tic Chine .........Felt . T.'ic. Silk Voile, sp ecia l. . . Hec. 7.1c. I’laiO Taffeta, special

.1 3 c 73c r>3c 3.k IS f


39 I Re|(. 77)c. I’rinled Warp Silks, at..-13c

Purchase front thoGreat Auction Sale

of the

Ashley & Bailey Silk Stock,

Held In New York l.a tt Wednesday

4*4 OOmi Afmri^Ha Fvckwi


Crepe PoplinNcm tall fabric of merit and

beauty, plain colors, In all new shades, washable, possessing sirenglh and durabil­ity; decidedly new, not shown before, at, per yard ....................

. > V -n u i 11


s to r e Open S atu rd ays U ntil 10 P. M. Other B ays .5:30

“ B E E H IV E ." Nffiw ifart^TAhappinr r*ntpw. N E W A R K .

Tetepbono S 500—M arket—FIve-FIve-M undreJ

New Medallion M essaline

A new fall silk-snd-cotton fib- rie, beautiful colorings inter­woven with handsome jacquard figures: aU in self color effects; 27 Inches wide; yard........

New Fall Stock Jno.S. Brown’s LinensAs admitted hy all linen exp erts , B r o w n ’s is th e peer o f all Irish linens, n on e to com pare with them as regards

fineness of tex tu re , c lo sen ess o f weaves, h a n d so m en ess of appearance, and durability . W e have been appointedJohn S. Brown's Exclusive Agents^ and the Only Newark

house to whom they sell direct.W e carry an im m ense .stock o f their goods, from the snowy dam ask with th e ir beautifu l, rich, satin luster

to the more s turdy kinds. All o f great m erit ; d ain ty hand-em broidered pieces, doilies, tab le cen tres , napkins, lunch cloths, e tc . ; towels in every conceivable w eave and make, Irom th e e la b o ra te show towels to the small dainty guest size, from the m agnificent floral elTects to the stout, serv ic eab le ones for rough usage. In fact, everyth ing in linen th at one needs for tasty and eco n o m ica l housekeep ing.

Jno. S. Brown’s Bl. Table Damask ^’"•ft*

I..Mngniticenl quality, niade from choice se­

lected all pure linen Irish flax, he,autiful, close weave, heavy weight, tree from dressing, rtcli, satin luster, sno« white, launders and wears tn pcrfcciinn, pretty and dainty designs, (it) incites wide, yard ....................................................

Other grades 12 inches wide, $ 1.2!}. $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $1.98.

Jno. S. Brown’s Bl. Huck TowelsBeautiful quality, made from choicest (lax,

soft and thoroughly absorbent, will not irritate the most sensitive skin, snow white, plain and figured centre with h.atidsome damask borders, full hemstitched ends, extra large sire; reasonably priced, doaen ?7.00, nr, each...............................

Other qualities, each 75c., 89c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75.Also splendid choice of dainty hand embroidered guest and show tow­els, each 89c. to $2.98.

11 d 111 an u



L. S. P laut & Co. Brand

Pattern Table ClothsOur own importation, made expres.s!y

for us and bearing our own label, which means most merit for least price, splendid quality, very heavy weight, ,lll pure linen Scotch damask, made from choicest flax, close weave, free from dressing, rich satin lu.ster, launders and wears perfectly, host nf new designs,2x2 9 OQ ! 2x2'^ 9 QD 2x1 '} TQyards L .O J ‘ yards L .J O yards O .J U

Napkins to Match

2.50' i . 3.00 3.75Also splendid assortment of

other qualities, ranging in price from $2.75 to $11.98.

^ Napkins to match, $3 to $12.50 ^

Jno. S. Brown’s Bl. Table NapkinsChoice quality, all pure linen s*tin damtsk,

dose weave, heavy weight, pure, free from dressing, snow white. splendid luster, real double damask, warranted to give aaii.sfaction in wear, in choice nf handsome designs; 22!nx22>i inches, dozen.......................................

Other qualities in assortments ofdesigns and sizes, $4.50 to $25.00.

Brown’s PatternTable Cloths Napkinslispecialty fine double satin damtsk, mag-

nitlcent luster, snow w'lilte, beautifully woven, close and fine, launders splendidly, does nbt rough up, recommended for durability, in choice of very charming and handsome designs, rea- ■sonably priced.

3.001 3 . 7 5 . 1 4.50Napkins to match, 22^1x22 ] inches, dof., tS.Sft

Other qualities in cloths in splendidchoke from $3.50 to $21.98.Napkins to match same, dox, $4.50to $25.00.

An Important Sale of BlanketsB r is k snappy n ig h ts ; m o u n ta in s of soft, fleecy, w arm th -im p artin g b la n k e ts ; p r ic e s t h a t

brin g (Jecisive sav ings— th at 's a t r in ity that e v ery h ou sew ife in need of b la n k e ts w ill f in d hard to resist . O u r business in b lan k ets is im m ense, away ahead o f past records. C h a n c e plays no part in it a t all. S h re w d planning, e x p e r t b u y in g and the a lertn ess and w h e r e w i th to ta k e adv antage o f m o n ey -sav in g opportunities are th e th in g s th at brin g you such bargains as these .

75c Cotton Fleece BlanketsSingle bed sizes, your choice ob white nr gray, new fast color borders, firm and strong, w'ith warm fleecy nap, all new fresh goods; a rare chance to save 25c. on every pair you buy; regular 7Sc. pair; special while 200 pair last, pair

1.75 Wool Finished BlanketsFull double bed size, standard grade, excel­lent quality, noted for their durability, soft wool finished, strong, warm and comfortable, launder splendidly, white or natural gray, with neat fast color borders; special at, pair

Reg. 2.50 Wool Finished BlanketsExtra large size, 72xfii', for very wide beds, an actual saving nf 7.5c on every pair xou buy, one of the best grades nf this famous make, heavy, durable, .soft finish­ed, thoroughly twilled, warm and comfortable, white or gray, neat fast color borders, special, pair,.

4.00 W^hite Wool BlanketsSize 72x80, choice grade, smeky, firm and durable, about 2-,3 wool and I .1 cotton, extra well made, soft finished, clear and clc.aii, thoroughly twilled, dose weiivr, uarni and comfortable, silk hind iiiR nn edge, neat pink .and blue borders; reg. $4 grade, spec, pair

Reg. 5,50 White Wool ItlanketsF.xira big bargain, size iJxbJ, fine grade white wool blanket, about Hd wool, xofi. warm and comfortable, heavy, linn and dura­

ble, pure and sanitarv, free trom specks, exceptionally good neat pink ami blue borders, silk binding on edge; regular S5.50, .special, per pair ............ .....................................

Latest Conceits in Women’s NeckwearA beautifu l show ing of every th ing new and

novelties, much of which is exclusive with us.Coat aeta of linen, heavy em­

broidery, Venlse, imported baby Irish and novelty lawns, round, pointed and square backs, with cuffs to match, trimmed with plaltings, cluny, val., Maltese

i.00 to 7.00and Venlse laces, set.

Black satin and panne velvet sailors, round and pointed backs, trimmed with silit fringe, others piped with colored silks, some uilh revers of striped colored

. . . . .50c to 7.50Side effect iabota with stock* and without, made

of novelty and shadow nets, fine esprit and wash flow, striped and figured lawna and nets, edged with deep and narrow laces., val., shadow, cluny, real St im­ported Irish, Maltese, venise, H l6 t9 C /’ -f/v 7 O ft & oriental laces, cream fit white u i / v lU l .U U

Yokes of venise, imported snd real Irish, fine figured and shadow nets, esprit and tucked nets, val. and tucked lawn combined, round, square and pointed, finished for outside or inside 7 c - o ; a wear, many half sleeves to match lU O .U lf

fashionable in the realm of neckwear

Sailor and deep rnimd Monk collars,ra,ide of fancy matcri.ils and all Incc, fbsped for waists and lackcis, real Irish, venise, imported Irish, maereme, laiistc, venise trimmed, plain net, venin- and

2Sc to 10.00FichuB of novelty nets anrl lawns, fig­

ured, striped, shadow and tine phiin nels, trimmed with val., cluny, pUiting3, lace edged, some arc ser vilh lace

' medallions, round and square backs, with I deep pointed fronts, while and ecru, many

SOc to 10.98Stocks with deep plaited jabots, the

newest effect jabnts, sets at the top of the stock of fine batiste, marquisette, eye­let embroidery, figured nets, combined with Swiss embroidery and val., venise, imported and real Irish, cluny, Maltese

£ , S “: S O c to 6.50Marabout Stnio)}, capon and round col­

lars, plain and combined with ustncli, four to eleven si rands wide, 2 to 3 ' • yards long, some are trimmed with os­trich fringe, solid Mack and natural, black, white; nav\, white; gray and

........ 2.50 to 20.00

2.00 Australian Wool Fin’d Blankets1 0 0 pairs featured at (his special price to further siimulHle blanket buying; they are while w'irh neat fast color borders, thoroughly twilled,warm and com- foriahle, soft wool finished, laun­der nicely, special, pair..................

5.00 Wliite Wool BlanketsSize 72xH2, a standard regular S5.00 white wool bl.Tnkct, full double bed size, heavy weight, Inftv nap, three parts wool, firm weave, servicrahlc. twilled through and ihrmigli, will give splendid wear and cumfurt, nc;it pink and blue borders, silk binding on edge, spe­cial, pair..........................................

: fi.OO All-W ool i*laid BlanketsI The unusual demand for plaid blankets this

season makes this bargain all the more de­sirable, vurtous check-% and plaids in beautl* tiful und hurmoni/io};; culur combinations; Iruin Vl’estcrn wool, soli, pure and sanitar)', firm, strong and durable, al! full dou­ble bed sizes; special, p a i r . . . . . .

Irish Crochet Laces.Aniniig all ihc lac<;.5 not one has

grown in favor equal to the popular Irish crochet, every year finds grow ing de­mand for these laces, for all fine uses, frnni the narrow picot edge and plain mesh insertion , to the heavy elaborate designs, edges, insertions, bands, heading and medallions, which we show in liberal quantities, vard ................. 25c to 5.50

Sales in ProgressPerfect Ostrich Plumes

W illow and French; ntack, W b ite and Colora

At Bij^ S a v in g s

Umbrella Re=covering Special finds Wednesday 5:30 P. M.

1..SO C overings for 1.00 .3.00 C overings for 2.00


, poUlnK pUoe* heretpaf^^i ft*tHlDat*d la th* 5 tlisctloa

f ir s tOld totrnililp Hall. Nmb«ni ^ n a * .


TnWBrtlta Cl«* .

PROPOSALSB fiQ 3 S D ''P S S P 5 S X tX w f in H l* ^ f t i^ “iS i

olBe^ of th« tew* clerk, t o m hal). WHtwtTO on or hetm* Iteadax. > S l l . “* !o'clock P. M.. tor ■ H»nSla»tloB BBael anA ■mlinlav* a M g i^ * i «Kwf tn a a***!*, *6*®) t« .

c.n t nr reimt ony or *11 Old* whlnS If In their loniment. It n to the Inter** of the town • .r i id o AUaOST.L. LACOMBB,

Chatnnma PoUc* OoraroUtw. Irrfngton. N. J., ociohtr 3. W l.

BEAIED PHOPOSAli will h* rocelred *t th* ofllM of the loirn cleric, town h*ll. Iri-1n«inn.

on or tutor* Mond*r. Ootowr 1*. 1911. *1 S o ' f l o ^ P. M., for r*moT»l of Ih* Are *l»rm centml »t th* town h*U to th* new Hr* hewd- nunrter* on W»J>hlnltto)n nvonue. Irvlnaton.

aaooiflontion* c*n ho ■oen *1 th* oflle* of th* town ctork.

Th* Town Council re»eri ** W* r l ^ t to accept or refect *nj- Or *11 bia* which. If In Iheir Jnw- —aat. It' I* lo the SBt*«« of tlu town *o to do.

p r e o e r j c k K K n ^ o r m ,f*l i 1 II I i II TTI #1.a-i.eeel***e.Oonnofl n*wfv** ft>* H(Rj( la j iriaaieB. W.'d.

Chain*aa Ptt * Q aa^tti*., o M m A m t


lam J. Willson:By vtrlue oi an order tit the Court of Chan­

cery of New Jerny mode un (he day of the dHt« faerM'f In a cause wberelti Frodort^^li T. , H*}' 1* comi'lalrMint and you and Gary WlU*wi and Co-rrle B Wiiioon. ht* wife: ijenrKe Elmer WtUom 011(1 Annie Winvoo. h it wife; Jane WlUooo. Ido Moy Jokol (or JoAckeb and jo*eph E- Jtiiel (or Joecfcfrl), her hutbiiirt; Kdilh T. Hey o*mI the «aiS Gory Wll!*on anJ Oeorffl £1mer Wlltaon, executor* of the loti will to d t^toroent of Acbooh J. Win*nn, <t«- c«o#«4. ate defawlsnit. yem ore rwiuired to ai - tMttr, piM. anewer or dunur to the bln of »Jd ocm&tobioxK Oh or btfor* the e lfhth do.y af S m i a S a h e i l or Ih* ra n bUl will h* token

% c s a v s r ’s£d^ * « « « « «

l e ( ;al n o t ic e siiinfti In Ihc city NewnrK. r5»iea rcuuly Ntw Jerecy. uf Vhlilcti z\rhaah .1. Wllleon di'd ifieed. ttiui y<iu. ^SUhifn .1. \VlU*tin. ai»( iiini.' dffeniant Itet-iiuM you are one of Ihs lenaiiui In rommon therein

Itated Seplcinbt'T 7, IPllFRKDEKICK T. HICY. fto'k'Jtor of L'oiuplftlnftni.

TTft Proftrt atreot.(tis .iii i ; _TXJ THE CMDITCB8 OF THE BALL *

WOOD CO,: .In pursttonee of an order of the united

Btatts d rc ttlt Court for the district of New Jerviy. nuid* on the day of the date hereof, Jn a -oauu wMitto JoMPh R. Green wood 1*eomplainost and tho Ban * Wood It fendinti nolle* t* k*reby ctv*n to th* orra- Itor* at Mid eompuiy to erwent to J* StoroY

. Hire, the receiver of th* lold eosapOiijr, a t hLa office. No. lOS Church itreel, I* th* tUy • >[ New- llruuawic*. coumy of BliddieBto, *iui State of New Jer*ey. their emreral claliB* u d riemtinda Haalnti- ffald company, duly MJlAwl

under oath or affirmatloo. within thr«* •OQtbs 1 from the date hereof, or they Will b* OS' I eluded fn^rn (he beneflUi of such dtl{|Mnde j M may hereafter be ttuide and dtettVM by

this court from the assKs of oaid compoftyiI 3. KKARNY RlCmI Recelrer, tbe Ball A Wood Ola,

102 Church etTMt,

W, J*Dated the m b day of Atifoetw a ln tttto toin-

dred tadCrocker * Wtokeo, Bellettora for JU«*lv«ra

I K uoau otraot. New 1 « » .


I k

f II

'4N K W A K K E V T tX T N G X R W S ^ T T ^ K S D A Y , O C T O R E K 3. 1911


Aslistaat Prosecutor Vickers DinoMces Wedin and Hnison

County Jury “System."



Bish Strwt «l BreintnallI.BfRCSl and tinesl apartmirnt


lioiise”in Ilie M ate.

Few CFioice Apartnients to RenlI'very one en tire ly renovated

rve ty llnnL ; n ew .

Rent $ 3 0 to $ 4 8

Bpimal I*' ' l l' ijKT!FK> v r n , 5 ^

fro saeu lo i " |0UI C o n n tv . (1,1.. i {in«nt In I"' ' ' ' ' ' ‘“ Iupo n Ijncler-rtijf, ,11 I , ' ' . N t ." rngvilnr " l.vm'u, • ..i ' "imri. ',. It'- ' d l 'otifia him I'i.' .• i . 'iH " , ot !

High class elevaliK and '.m itor

ser''ii.'*‘- ■ , j . rW'lttim 'i m im iles nf Hrnad an-.l

M arket streets, railroad stations and theatres.

Keadv for omrpancy now,1.eases heRin O c tober Int.

Louis Schlesinger, Inc.UNION BUILDING

et Apul> '‘BpM'(il((Ml*iil w PremiMi.

Car Ma&(tes Thomas Scoliy, o f ' Elizabeth, on Way Home

from Church.



Nj-r *0/ at ihrI-:!.!/. A m /i 'H . t \S hil*' o\\ in'* w a / '

" i 'o r y tu i ' . "II. ■ till Vh-Ui ra. ili'i er»w<ni! or Kri'i'it h '" " (,«"d,.*t,n«Taie>l Ini,, im- Is'.'iim Him <" ■' ‘'" 'i 'm w lltj fer iratn, fm the i - « - r " » " ‘l the ir slimy catelllii'" l'nvll.-sH nn.i Irnm iinlty, tiiouKli I 'l t '' '' ' I'r" •'orlm lnH Invudlu* lHi» pre-fm O m l ih ■' iro m n«i*libiirli:n cliiit''". 1" nut n, iir. . *,■ d p ttruo llee p,-rniarii-iiib n’ ' I ' ' ■■ uurm lT aaiilnst pnrii"hm,*nt w liic i .'(n. b* given unil'ir n,*' i m p iIib e>Ptpni m horr1« o l o lllctii ir, IoroolLR. . . , I

"Grnnrl In tlin t i n . ' b"'<n ilrnu i. ■■ -t h e exigencies nr ............. ’ ut f" ' 'people'* tm eresl itui o ,ll)tnlfi '■im m l o u i progreas ot liiw ,Tif,ir« iiiem in r :Ip iMiunly.

"Search the cn,,»,icn<‘' amt »hOi t,,c cenflo. Of any on., nf (h- o t grand Jiirlee ,lnru,p the part ll.r-e yMre, and It elth.’i parUiiu. hm" nr fa u lty meir.nry |ui. vmiI ' him from m n denuiln* the BV"ii'maona I h a w kIv.-h, I "HI 'dhr mn tin* reoords of Ida pnrtlru lar yrand 1 irr and guarairtee th a t I ,»r, nnm m h the lug- ro lling ' of BOm, ,n,m .l«lnle sonmwher-c gloo* the rang,- trum the Ihcfi •>t PiihUc m oneya down ll;,- Hm- of rape no ,l„-ry. g rand larceny, nlrochmc bh(* uU nn<l .at t e r r to th e prrt.-rtloti of notorloun hnr-g la ra In the of » ' ' ' ' ' " ’nV 'r'lt!•‘Ijet any cllircn or com m ltleo o f cltl-■ena aoan the name" on the Jury panele fo r the laai ten yoare, lot him or Ihein becom e familial- with the calib re of P*'tl l u r o n who h a re pasecd upon tlie peraonal ;n ? 7 r o p o r ty rigW . of H adaon'a and th e n 'n ty . fl-wi: are they rep.-e«onta- tlv e? and then does the recurronoe of fa- m llla r name* and facet and ela«B. yean a f te r year, algnlfy rhonoe o r purpo teT

■ 'Hai th e name 'trolley com pany Juror w hloh la now a fixture In th e lew KneUeh of th e C ourt Houtm come front a m ytli, o r waa i t nourlehed Into full g m w o life l» th e p i^ lB c aoli of the 'ayeteni* th e 'gyetom ' !• prreHely th e ro o t of th ePT«s«nt evil. , -

”No man* ■urroiind*^ by. or a p w l of ‘ayMtOT’ which liM produoed the

g ra n d and oeUt Jurors of th is coun ty Inrecen t years, and ‘* " ‘ hv*'^theihou ld , g t lhl» time, be choaon by th epeople M Mharltt.

^'Th* llrofl In 1‘lp* * ho\i«*-cloanlnM.I f th e people will do their p a rt now. the Tttuah-abuaad law and Its honest iigenta wlU lay hare and punish a g a lax y ®f de- i^ a lte rs th a t will •stound a long suHer- inff populAot. ^

T b# ^ c t o r In the t* tt l# for th e D^mo- o n t i c Bhrlev*Jly nomtnaUon 1«. "o ta r a*1 know, ft man. who, In h li p rh 'a le clenl- iB Si !■ above reproach. 1 bear M r. W f'hn n o ill-w ill and liave no cauae o r deNlro. • i th a r fo r perional or partisan rcnsoivfl. o a t ta o h him or do him an In jury . But a* a oltlxen and an official, 1 would ho Incli^ in g In th e very rudim ents o f Justice If I p a rm ltted th is opportunity fo r a public aervloe to escape.

» Is m y contention th a t ae th e next In ooihm and to the sheriff, and th e ao tlw . experim ioed heed of th a t office, eo Its ro u tin e operation Is concerned, Mr. tV edin m ost either on gen era l principles be o o g n lia n t of the ex isting abusee or e l s ^ s is for lack of d tecerm nen t Incap- a b le e t properly ftlllnR th e h ig h position ,to w hich he'^aaplres _ ,

‘•Thlft, however. !• pfirhfttw. to wftrrmht *0 serlovi* ^ ^ partlcUM tlo n m ■- eyirtem of Iftw defiance.

'•TWft yftftr.Krs Wedin, ofttenalbly dr»w - Ing ft Ju ty M dlroaied by law and ander hli oftth o f £^e« , m anlpnlftted and se lec t' ed th is ju ry with the a id o f a rubber bend. II m u lt have been done by da- s ig n ; It m ust have been a p a r t of a ■chetnei It ooutd not have been fo r the p rom otion of Justtca law and common decency.

'T re lue lan tly refpr you lo Ju d g e Rod- o r t C arey for conrtrmfttloii of th i i f>ccur- ronee. The facts won- m ade know n to him and were wllneuaed by a t leftrt two o th e r persona.

*'My p a rt In w hat followed 1ft unlm por- tftAts excep t that It mny exp la in wiiy I d id not. ftt the time, m ake ft public hoe mnd ory. A fter ckIUiib: Sheriff K elly ami mftklhir Known the Hllufttlon to him , I dem anded th a t the pftnel drftw o by Mr. Tt'cdin. Re 1 have deftcrihod, bn vanaied aud th a t tliie J^'ry he not pe rm itted come Into court for Bervloe.

” A eo rfcrence wra held w ith aeTem i of th e Jud*(W, fltjd then Sheriff K elly wr" aetit for by the court and th e m a tte r wfte p u l up fo ^dm. I Ihreulened th a t If Ud* Ju ry eo draw n were pe rm itted to rom e in to court on the ciiciHiGH day of the le rm , T would ralae my vn tre Ki euch Ffrenuoua p ro test that li could be he*rt1 from PhiAdy Hide to Tape M ay ITe U eald to Sheriff Keily'e c red it th a t he deeply deplored the oci’o rrence a.nd belt! h lm eelf wllljiig io aid the onu rl in rem ­edying' th le outrage

"T h e order of tlie cnui*t, w hich In on file and a county recortl, will ehnw Uuit Kheriff Kelly conaent^^d to vacnlt? this fraudulerU ly di-awii ju i j panel, and im> It cam e about lhat for oiire th e iryHtmri was expofted Rlid its Intern fruetra t^ 'd

"F o r the flrat limt* In tlie h ls to ri ' of ITiHiaon County thi*r< was no p> tit .fury when Ibe courts oorv^-jind to open thi5 te rm ."


i i» iMfiri.H K ifum i to J o cloek I he f'lrl.t' In' irH' a t Ihu

of i ‘ r lio lj ll'.'i^aiv. wiiero be t d ' n l i>"Iy ( ''nnrnunli'Ti, T h o r b a s HKi'd '<lKi$ • I w a f t run Dvor

fiiiitlS killetl ! V a tM lley o a r Tito I . .fi-uriui] till l.llr-Hlx'ih I of [[,„ i iT -. 'l lie ' Ic t lm wuM . niiriKlid .I.i' K' T ail l' lju l-i-i lo riiit*e i lie < ar tii-fme the bodyI 1 XUlt'UK'll

, F lunk l.uMv.uJi toreHtp lN't Koohelj llie >!.!ii«lui:l'>r, arid

a n d to o k

Asbtiry Park Journal Mcnlions Conspiracy and “Brewers' In-

tcrests'-P lans toKesume.


a s m n v i ' a k k , o c i. *. .aii.-«i(,s d ialItK-re biLSt hnf-u a rijfi.HinTuc y iiim'UK • o '■ lul!i uf Its s ' lhployt 's viho it U fiiurgyu uf-re bai.'.kfv«-l by m e b i‘.'W«rp Inliregi. the al.sli;ji> k'uik .luujjmJ, Lljp uMeaL Ihllnb Iialg p :li.l>-.iLll>iJJ. HtItfUltl tullIVKJl Ml liy. lliH J il i ll lR l KUb «•- t l.sllld llj' 1'>IUjJ.<U-I JuJl.".-; A lilUllll:}

In ail e<Utorlaj in Tht^ .louriiHl (lay wan w hat pnr|Kir(*-d lt» be uii >.f cortilltl'iiig Dtiit led hi Ite ar\d H WiJrt s ialad lh a t a cuiiliiii bud Lietfii iHjaueii Tor oJiu oi ita luu l•.Vutul e iruslttJt-inployee

Jt Is a Dioat um azlng nerlee <>f alle- Katlone and aNeeita Liiut Uie plot was claburato arid fa r rt'a-oiiinir

The PtlliorlaJ continues:"Wfi Hie Rppallwl a t the d^-p^h nf the

remaikrihie pbil wbleh wum vtluiini-il h> in ­ju re thin paper I t liCKRn wlllt lalMir M'OuhleH. FtuC It wae a rlLumr>iMn uf ibe FtruwefH' InLyn-wtH who orTHicd Ihc- liicun- Uve to wmoofi th*' plot. Tbir mcm. who Im a vfsll-kru'Wn pniktirian, hi-ld u giM'ret confoitsiitw with ')f III'* oa uftlili paper, ilireatem 'd him wlih ralum liy If he rnjei'ifi.1 thu | i nviufkiiiuu a n e r heur- Injl It and offoTiMl hlui tu.OUG In cawh If he would HO oHiiiile llda pajier an to m.iko the work to protetM ihe charlei' and koep nut the open ealoon and dlBrouruKH ih« inlrodiiotlm i nf daiire haUft luerfeirtlve. The mail yielded lo the U’m i'lallun and began hls work uf Injury, nm by annoy­ing but by In every poHallile way aa- alHtlTiK. He BUKReaied the employineiit nf a much targrT fon;<f, advertleed for them arid hlmaelf eclecled them. They did the irwftvherous work while he merely kftpt them popted.

-A him at th e dep th of ihe plot may he had from ih« fac t llu it even the l*de- phone wlrcH w ere tapF**d Among uthsT tblnga It waw pri>r»oBrd to acoiiMo Innocent w'orkmen In our ornploy nf lndnp counter- felten-a. DeleollvoH wen* hrm:ght from N'ew York for I lie I’turp''^® operated w ith them In order thui tha men mlKht he apprehended If g^jlliy We aoted quInkJy and ihornuphly . Too cpilt kly per- haps for thft PchemeiH to fake up any evldeneft that would have ftccuHed Inno­cent men."

Then The Journfti goes on m i+'ll of rim reporls th a t th e p&per had bc*-n huiigbi by ftiUBlde pftrtles. and referp to pome of Us financial tronb lss . mvnllonliig 11,lU U" oredll WR." Im i,aired Uicrngh oerlaln un- scru[,ulouR persons. It Is dBclsrsd lha( subscriptions woro laker, for tli* [laiiers. Bnil th a t n e ith e r the nam es of Ihe suh- serlbers nor the am ounts colleeteii were turned In.

The Journal ch arg es edilorlall}' th a t "w ord , were changetl In article* to m ake the m eaning a n ,e a r con trary to ihe pol­icy of the paiier: th a t Important Items were runmeeSy eonfu-sed In such ii m anner as to m ake them alm ost iinresihihle, th a t a t limes " a l te r th e form s hail passed the final reading and had been pra,-tlenlly ready fo r press p a rag rap h s were changed to give them a lm ost a vulgar .slgnlllcance, and (Ilthough several w ere discharged sus­picion w as never d lreeleil to the guilty parties. Tpnn one oeeaplon a local m an offered m iin h e rs of the (orc.c so large a bribe to Insure the Insertion of n c -ria lo article Eulvocating a eerts ln (pieFLlonnMe amUMlinant lh a t It wn.s ne,-esssry to r a nielnber uf th e firm to stand over the forms all night to m ake sure Hint II did not appear This w as all In,-hided In the Bohnm* to a lscred lt this pnper. It «(19 In pparatlon for se rern l months and so dceplv routed th a t It wa.s iie.-easarv to dls- ohm ge most of the force tmf'jre we r.juld feel thal It w aa stamiped out."

r - in k Urol,*', the ni'il--'r rill I" I'uil hHUil liiUl L- I S

1 liv t,i'-f,iJ h.ufi wu/< r ' ly i l f i f and, It Is ^ id . pu-'i no uttwiiUnn u> Uie wurnhiK

'jilt* niuiiriJiini. !.■ liif'-d \if‘ waH iiiu ink ' m ««ni' lii'* c i f i . t u / e It a i r u c k H 'll ly

'i h.- fl' \ H ^’Liltul, s^ciiily.

T h e rnf lo rm a i i hu'I fomJi.irtor Wf'n=' a r - rnl*£nod l-®r-irn .J 'hIk' A lw n t r r , WMCi tlln- i h a r K e d ‘ I-p i’(indi|i‘t ' ' r H<? iiuM th e mo- m n n a ii Iti Jl.niO ball U> iiwali ibe Hrtlrjn of ihft *jiand Jury. \'>n\\ w a s f u r n l s h e i l Ijy J o h n W W he lan . h<>fT'‘Uirv an t i ir^aH u re r I'f th e l*!liZttl"'[li u tpr I ’omj'H.ny

I' t irnVt;n I rl,


iiiil 1,-xl 111 K!lEAb'’ th p o riitnl- uif Ms I, >uif at frkJ

Mth iiiK <laiii?hl-r, feUlu M

Preparatory to Removal, Wc Oiler a

$S00,000 assortment of


Plifrifii S rirtrr u( thi‘ .VF'biS 1 / lN r : m iA K ‘-|l, 0*'1 a i-harKeH of

luoilntpi't' in'y wei e prefeired HKHinHl Hall«- Wt-M th Jttf kaun, (Ituel. n niml •slnrn'r. a i A

t'f t hp t'Hy roijriL'll Ui*tc n i^bt T h r flnirBr-H went* riHiie In w iiliiin lij,

t h e Kire«i ih.mmll^< Mf Jtn kH-m wan nni jiiftwem a( the rjiintlTm A d a l e wUl he Hf r fur u 1i<-ar1riK

Ml Ji\i'i:son v.iiP npiMiiii‘f'1 In.n1 Jar^unry l.\ M .tyir Ktlwln U I ii' K-r ll<‘ ftn«t the Mav'. r hiivM liml H.-.f-iil tIUh tu ’e r I he .•iiMdin''-n or Ml#- IM Is ih ^ Derno-frMli ' iKn.ilflaie fiu i-'juM-'lliiian In tile Vhlrd V\nul, n i>"‘:Ul[ih It' inn luUM ly filled

a I 11 i?* "nifl he I n te n d e dlu I HH Htt pet(if I lie venr

rinin'IsHiniier t i l e Ural


The R ugs are not o l com m on place ch aracter , a ssem b led so le ly lor sa te p n ro o sc s . They are a ll dependable and p ractica l, and ol our o w n direct ImportaUon.


Sen ire nf Ihr YP.'IVfl.J'T,AIN FT['’ LD, ?, -Anf(f*rp(l. aa hc>

aald, I'ccHUst- his wife inalaip<l i>n cortiblTKC her hflir pw IIi'Ii btifci^ vrepm lnK Mh ]liTRakfiist. leOuiM I»avlH hiirnt*.1 the sw itcb , | lltrew 0 bnakelful of b e r »in-l. if l^ r luckihji llu* woti.iin In her Fn^dronm. r VtUi-keu bis trunk «iml 'ItHamjif d fii-u iT beh iioTiiP • Ti Smnlay 'liK^T i

VS liPii atTiilKHt-'l vt s ifo lay In ih** P latn- llekl I’a li'T i onrl h.ivix rp -l!»'i bis RiVn MTif'o Judne I Mt'TiA ttflr! thf' pr1.'’tn i 'r ,hiK ei'iidiu'l wriH linlffpiisihh , rpi<iiri11i-''s • uf lilt- liuporUiiK p «>f hi.utklAHl He liiM'lIh*. i r m ilo un<l -lu ti- iu n l him l<-» th ir ty iJaya lu Jail Holli |n ii»iUlk-r* w ere 3U“- jifiKUil !Ui ihi' |ironii-p t'f lMyi*i T-h hiiu- Vmrt hia wlfft and n il truilff^t hf*r

The trem en d ou s variety o l w e a v e s and q o n llllc s . the w id e range ol s ix e s am i the un eq ualled v a lu es em braced Id thU sa le m ust be s e e n lo be appreciated .

An Opportunity of Such Magnitude Has Never Bctorc Been Presented to the Public

W c w o u ld b e p leased to h a v e y ou conllrra th is s la le m en i by a com p arison w ith Ihcassortm ent, q u a lities and p rices o llcrcd e lsew h ere.


• MO e ohlwcotiaM WM

OREENHUr-SIJ oB oC r b i

We Give $30,000 T o C h a r i t y j

And NV'e Ask O ur C u sto m ers To D istribu te It F o r Us

EV'EfiKCLfSrOJHEff.VfAK VOTE and ,4fijo/u(siv Hf|fftout Cost

ELCOOPER 0.Full pRTtlrnitm’H *1

B(v(h. npar Tjvt1|#(« MAIN BiiiMIru:

■'.hiuity \f»Unn T’Rrlur—PoiirLh


BOTH SIDES OF 6 th AVE. 18th & li>th S T S .. NEW YORK

Complimentary Stam ps Free

These will be distributed Wed- I resday in our MAIN Building, 1 Ladies' Partor, Fourth Floor.

Hats Trimmed FreeI O n l y 1 0 0 F r e e S t a m p s i G o o d I n A n y O n e B o o k

In Our GREENHUT Building;



e h o l d e i ^ s ’ A u t u i m n F e ^


JECiim iV (TTY, Out. 1 When .11, nj*mhi IJnhtbsrv, * snlanm nn. wRfi ruhhet of kftlrhc! full of anTi,(,lc rtraBses ami fnll',1 10 m -ornr R Ih rouuh the n»,inl channelH of pollcB ncllvlt.v, he oonBultcd a fortiiue- tcUrr. .

The seer'BB told him th a t Bhe hcheln s woman w earing a ilresn. which rhdn'i fli, and which wn* laknli flum the bmuj. I ' cn/,s. A Irnncp also ' ,'xM bltrd In the rni-tMn'-1,.ll'


TT^F:.^TON. C»'-i ?' atila-*' ft.r afthaMer*‘(d Jove af fai r In a I 'anrl uf ri|isk>s, flfte*' ' ' yea r-o ld i Vira I 'aJnvjr, d a iKhfer offt FlmltblHirn fom'ly, ■was found yfTitf=‘i day by the local ptilloa, sftec buTlnit mlaiflnft from liw home for w*»k»

DfiJeu'tM by &n lnli»rrvipl«d roToanre, ih a irlrl soughl nonaniailon In flight. 'A'hen ft ahort distance from h»r horoe ahe oarrw \iCmi a bftjjd of glpsiciJ, now oaiGpIng at Vhft ooTUer of Iftlor and South Brnad vtrafttB.

A f il ih t wtlh apT^alsd to her,und phe Joined ihehi d e lig h t. Ardij-owa work and (xuu-ae food, bo-wevei, anon ie«arled ber of thla IHe.

Teaterday «ha loarnejl th a t the banil wtnild Tnova for the Bti I'h t 'd a weflk Nnt wlnhlng lo he taken a mg she appealed t« Pa ti’nim ar Wnlsh, T the Httponfl dla- trlc l squad, lo wntl her borne.

th i’ woman wtnniilnft 'm lhf« third St nr V ro<-m nf an ati utm eiif luniHc nn a ht: sy rnrn<ir

Act:iOrdinglv, tho J e i s e s < Uv slr tUlis m+-fifiat-i'hlru: I lh w im e i j In mlsfU and try 'nR to asc-ertuin Mheilier a n y oni> of t h e m ll '.f 's on a busy t nm e r , Th' -y hftvo nnt flu --'eedfrl ns jn-t and a r c 'o i i tBmpthth'R H idPH Hie ijrophPt"s«» t-' un InU) a iu iT hf ' I r a n p c J e l n.uTi- de ln ll "


flfinHuI (?ien-lcf of IV JfBTTflK A in V A V . Oct TTlM-fl wftft no oon

IMH a t th« ftnn'ift.1 f lr*inen> r-onvanilon of th e R a h w a y depf t r tm an l for t h e nom Inat ton of ch ie f a n d tw o aa s la tan t engl Tieern load n ig h t TYis " d o w n to w n combi- nflllon ' nondnatocl for chlwf J o h n Rom- ernd lke , nf \Vddhtn|?ton H obs C o m p a n y

I and for asMlHtanl englficfrR J n h n Hnck ' f ’lU for I 'l l St a n d F o u r th w ard ? «nd j TIt'irrv Mn', of IJm-nln Ho"k nnd-

L^t l l ^ 4 -------

y i J u / f i - ColoredAvenue ot inis ijreai ^ ^ r * ^ * * r r ^Decorations That Symbolize The Pomp ani Pagentry of Autumn

W e Began, Y E S T E R D A Y , a Program olw e Desjaii, i i^oii-i\i^^*> « i iu^ u/i

October Household Exhibits and Economy Sales Without Precedent!

■i s , e n f e te fo r A u tu m n , w ill im a g in a b le f o r e v e r y h o m e -

T o v is i t o u r G R F .F N H U T B u i ld in g , a s it n bfe o n e o f t h e m o s i D F L I G I I T F U I . e x p e r i e n c e

l io n a ! d i s p l a y s o f l i i e art of l i o n i c - t u u n s h i n g . ■'ot o f th e ."rtA R M .LC l b in n o v a t io n s to ' I G H T F N h a iisck rep in i.- . l a b o r w h ic h th e i e a r e

jV o Less Than Thirty Serarate and Most InterestingDemonstrations.

■ T h e n , to o . th e r e is a g r e a t a r r a y o f a d d e d a t t r a c t i o n s in c u t g l a s s p r o d u c ­t i o n , i n c lu d in g e x h ib i t i o n c h in a f r o m th e p o t l e r i e | o f tw o h e m i s p h e r e s , a n i n ­t e r n a t i o n a l la c e C u r ta in d is p la y , a " P e r i o d " F u r n i t u r e S h o w , a n d s c o r e s o f o th e r e x h i b i t s o f s e a s o n a b le a n d a b s o r b i n g i n t e r e s t .

W h e n y o u e n t e r th e d o o r s o f e i t h e r o u r M A IN B u i l d i n g o n o u r C ^ E N - H L IT B u i ld in g y o u xVill b e h a n d e d A P R O G R A M O F T H E F E S T I V A L A T T R A C ­T I O N S O N E A C H F l .O O R , t o g e t h e r w i th a c o m p le t e l i s t o f to - m o r r o w s b P b - C I A L F e s t iv a l B a r g a i n s , o f w h ic h b u t T W E L V E a r e g iv e n b e lo w ;


Upw'l-V 0/ l lf VL’IVKBlx-AIRFTOWN, O n A--A wsi.-h 'h a t

Jft'on Ixafit rmBD Idai pttfhl*ten > ■ iirj e ■Whlla [iltnvinif for bUfkvvh<-al on lli** fa r 1 i»f itip laH* M arshall K Siiilth In huysHii Towiifllilp. h.v* p«n fti ind by tli* Ijreaani tenant of tUe f irin Sjumitil HUie-

and Ihft itmfiptei*' r n tim ed lu ka

Ittdiler r'-iniVTui] for Serond, Third arid I Vifih warilF A fsurprlP'a spninK. whpr dinrlop S<" a»f^T, nf thn npTOwn I <vsrilnK*'ni, movpd lo Indorfte (he "ildwn-

toun ■ n nd iilid 1 ‘'P 1’ iK FHld lo the lime In thft

' Jilsfnn,- of the n.ih'wnV Klrp hfipaitment ' It Ebb will Red In larnmny ftt an

pl.^’ lnn wllh h.o one He\ of randldntoH ' In !l:.’ n-,.l Tt K fleciloh ft’UI lake pluvo I MiiniLo iii*;h1 hi-d i»ill he fnl'nw- 1 by



J J Thrre-Quart Size^^Wear-Ever” Sterling j 4 / i i m i n u m Sauce Pan

As illustrnt- e d : w ith alu- niinum cover; ihis bareain for 'iX'ednrxdav ONLY at . . .

ittias . Mxtr, kt7 0 c

A Four-Fold Festival Opportunity inBrass Bedsteads, Dressers, Springs

and MattressesBraHR Bfdatead -as illustrated; massire 2W-Inch posts; 2-Inch square top^Ml

Jl|»e owner.

W hen discovered bj Mr iUnellne It •Wfts atandlruir on ed^e v fli ihe Htem down ftt th e fqci of ft hill of ft ’ ’ 1 1 he wulPhir&4i ftfl brifrhl and uniarnlHried b d h In- ■Ide And out afl (h«* dav wEon lort hy Mr Ijftnlermftn. but Ih* work^ hftd been TuJned with nial I h#* flpld in ih**tltnrp iece had beer. ‘ ,n^ ■ iir'deenyftftri hai bBFTi plowrd J*rvi?r*l ilnirfr f» neath » ftpplng <if


j Sptii'nl K'siHi’f Ml the VKIF.I T U K N ru N . tu’t 3. S+TiGftl! h av e b^en m a d e In th e r am p n ld n i i ln ^ r t u y

leoen tly annouiiO'-d for aM\pnu>r M ilfton. Tnstoft'I of fti 'eakinn 'n I nli-ti ('j^iuniy n e x i

] aMonrtfty he will a masMnev'thiM lo |I he lifM in T n 'E -: Cipera Il'Uisa. G. r cily.

V|if> r'nKiiK*‘ini” ’1 I" flpe^ik la TieMtiin I rnlMmh'm Iiav. ' '"tr>l3er hi. hf'nn ca.n- ' r^xlh-il Mild (hrt ilove tan r ivlll he '11 Hvidaim: <‘G!i1lty Gpon tliftl urcnsloii !n>''CAd of

NTieakhiK in niirtsr>n. '[’huTKiIri). Oi-totiOr ID. i l.e will m.ik? ft s t'e r.'h ii. rr.lnii r-m n ly .

MT. HOULiV'. o n . 3,- .‘hjlflrpiTi'p day m- ftU^uraled the oj.,frilJjg of th« tw elfth a r- nttftl fftltg which lias besfii u fea iu re here txnller two (UfTercal iriaimKeTnenlB for th re e etfore years. Thu Hoard of ilduca- tlon has cloaed S' hnola for Ihe re it of th e weftjt.

A fter receiving *og iiu»re Mioji his con- t r a d called fol'. A '‘V M arsh, nianA^et- of H>e N^w RmilHiiii IlalloLm ('umijany, He- fid ed last mr«l ■ H a ' ' *• \k'.;ild not fi'1 hla

hiif fitr.V'l.;!' JvHftoue war m»tKfftted. Thu l-iil'i ifi .'ind ifarai-hcrnaliu "Wbre shlppi'd f-' W+rt liM-'okL'n, Mar^h ■w^-Injured about iwo w erkn ago whlit

T lahkhW ft dft«r.i»nt. All ftrrangeTnpntft for ilftUy flight* had been m ade The ftxoov

filftUon l l trying to get A eubiiUuve.


I PE R T H AMHOY. ne t 3-fHvirjK thP^e dlfforonf natues withal ten mlnut«s. a man, wE" ftlT*Twfcrd f*aLl he was H obertSIcjiIm ’. >n, :'lil fTom iiieinlM»rii of

' tht^ 'I. 1 KpIIow n onttrr last nlgl ( and w;, tn-rtu> I’Ght («' .i-ill I'oT ftlx ninnihf- h. R.

rnrdf'V H W kiiliui-. a* an Inipofdor.1 Siepheneon a i’L-itMfhed L Hurl .Mi»orfc,of liaw ronce L-'dRi" wTg' hiiv#» him SI Mr Moure l**\crhon»-d to .Iprs«-y O i j . jtn given by Rlftphcnson and tm nnliiiHt ibo m an w as nut what reprt.sriit- vrY W hen arn.‘s>t«fU. Bletilienson had , Maaofilc card iHSued Ip IDOO to A. W a | M elcher by Coamue X-orljre, F- oad A- M- of Newjftrk.

Superb Quality amiJute Velour Portieres

V F i f A Beautiful Colored Borders

End! side different from the other in color; $36 style and quality; tomorrow, $•a pair ....................

K.kEENHUT Building.Flrst Floor)^ 2 4 .5 0

rans Meflatean■-as mukiratcu, ,,,nsa,.v . . / j - - r and .seven Mnch flllinc rods, head and fool, satin or bright burnished finish; sizes 4.6, 4 ft. and 3 ft.; value $40; “ Fesrival" price, to-morrow

Handsome 5-Hole Top “Bon-Ton" Cooking

RangeAs lllttttrated

Itabbo t-E dire Box Springs— fitbedsteads; covered with A. C. A, orfancy stripe ticking; v a lu e 7 5

Large Size Genuine ImportedFrench Prints in Color, in Rich Antique Gold

FramesErsnie exquisitely embellialied with

Maria Antoinette bow- $ 1.95knoi; v a lu e $3..n0; at .

i C R E E N H U T B u i ld in g .F ir s t Floor)

$12; “Festival” price tomor South American Hair Mattresses—cov­

ered wiih A.C.A. or fancy tlck -$ | r itig; val, $20; “ Festival” price I

Colder. Oak, Birdseye Maple or Mahog­any Dresser- as illustrated; full panel ends; 42x21 inch top; 22x28 inch French plaie beveled mirror; 2 large drawers with straight front; 2 too drawers with serpentine , front;

^4.50value $20; "Festivalp rice , tomorrovk' ..........

(GREENHUT Building. Second and Third Floors)

14-inch oven; full cabinet base; excellent baker and -cooker;value $11.95; tomor- ‘8.50

(G R e 'n H U T Building, Basement)



Special i TRE>

C ourt ( filed by John El g a te Ge In wlili the Imt tftX upu wood, c 1 ,436. prerne <

PrlniB the am tftuce tj tneiu ll eUtutJoi wood ll fectlvft aleo fa

This fused t could n to ry ac fftetive chang'ftivalid R

. be engr m etit 1 change passed rtv lv lf) feet of cftSe ol to revl' th a t It attem pt Voorboi

"T he ftbortivi have tli stood t any co th a t a have re of Oye courts acta, IT w ere d( dered ii the Lf{ a revle’ first in ftgaln ll

T he ] d irectly lEM. w l Dixon < tutlqnai the Coi p o rten t a llty of held th. not bee Ion wa th is cor

“A la will, by propert Conallt gropb ]

“ I t Is sessed ' acquire the tJtl object, 'g ifts,' ta x on or gift th a t th not be In thla exclsioE turee.

“Whe of 1SD4 is the not by and th afiidavt ag teem tlo rarl view, t tlon of Bffldavj upon w of the



special LON

the Jel raornir aecrete IB Che

C ard trolm e charge w ith a

Collli tqund tu rn ed found

C ard tn hid d w k . jail m:


BTE' Of Ur Bnyde daugfi row a FargUi elate. Ington fiunda Spe w and a marrl! Shyde Bhn-r ago, I W aehi othar- Ttiey town,_ Ingtoii


Extra Q aalitv 9 i 12-ft.Axminster Rugs of

Luxurious High Pile and Close Weave

Eleciipl Oriental designs and ex­quisite color-harmony; valueS22..50; tomorrow, S 14.75

(GREENHUT Building, Firsl Floor

Fteganf ,4ilffqufi Chair-Bottom Design In

Rich Cut-Glass Fruit or Salad Sets

,4s Ittastrated8-inch b o w l and six sau­cers; deeply hand-cut on purest crystal w i t h rubber easel; value Sn.85; to­morrow.

■' ’8.45(GREENHUT Building, Main Floor)

Heavily Cast Verde- Antique or Brushed

BrassGas or Electric Portable Lamp,

With Art Crystal Shade

As Illustrated tam p stands 20 inches

high; shade is 11 inches' in diameter and fitted with bent cathedral glass pan­els in amber or green: value $12.75;tomorrow ,95<


Smart, Stylish, ServieiabteNew Scrim Curtains With Imitation Filet

Lace InsertionsRegularly S2.50; your choice,

tomorrow, at, a I 25(g'*REENHUT Building.Flrst Floor)


tarday dtrecti Pont 1 Lento forme tk iM the re locate they t powde

at(GREENHUT Building, Main F lo o r)

To Hom^-LoversEverywhere:

We extend to you the freedom of pur “Householders’ Autumn Festi­val,” and invite you to share in the extraordinary MONEY-SAVING op-portumtieSo^ THE PROGRAM! a s k FOR THE BARGAIN LIST!

Speeto MAI

Board ' ' Tacob

tranxl aalooi pBcat Jacob Able I Dteetl:

•hiP A l

fgthe B. fei Itetibi ItB L shot

Double JWtf Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Made Before p%lock i





Affleadatorr Act, While Uacon- stitatioaal, Does Not Affect

Orijiiial Law.


Speciat Servin of the >'51^8. .TR E N T O N . Oci. S.—T he opinion of the

C ourt of E rro rs utid A ppeals ima been filed by Justice V oorlieei In the case of John H. Eastw ood ag a in s t form er tdurro' ( a te George E. liuaaeU, uf K&sex C.'ounty, in wlilch the co u rt laa i week u thnned the Impusliion of a co lla tera l Inlicrttanco ta x upon the 1700,000 e a ia te of John Eaat* wood, of Belleville. Tlie tax uinuuhled to

It had boon austaliied by Che idu- prem e Court.

P rim arily , the Eantw ood caac involved the am endm ent to the colla teral Inheri­tance tax law paeaed In 1906. The am en d ' inen t iiad a lready been declared uncim- EUtutioiittl. and counsel for John H. liJasl- wood Inalsted tlia t by reusun of its de­fective title the p rio r a c t uf m ust also fall.

This view the C ourt of E rro rs re ­fused to accept. Ju s tic e Voorhees said It could not be perceived hutv an anuuiUa' to ry act, unenforclble because of a de­fective tiller could be held to have changvid o r !ti any way niudify a prior valid act upon w hich It was sought to

. be engrafted- On th e co n tra ry the am end­m ent being llHvlf In^'alld w rought no change and hence (he o rig inal a c t tiever passed uut of ex istence and needed no revivifying- He pointed ou t th a t ilje e f­fec t of the declHlun in the well-known case of L>ixoti a ifa ln s i Russell w as not to revive the ac t of 1H94, bul to declare th a t it had been In no w ay allei^’d by the a ttem p ted am em lnietu uf IIaAI, Ju stice VoorhocB added:

"T he dangers inhering In holding th a t abortive a ttem p ts to a lte r tnws should have the effect of nu lllly lpg the law as It stood before a re too evident to require any comment. I t is enough to suggest th a t a yielding to th is argupum i m ight have resulted In th e ah u lltlon 'o f the C ourt of Oyer and T erm iner and the cciuiiiy courts in 11(96. w hen th e unconstitu tional acta, m aking the county Judges elective, w ere declared void, and m ight hu^'e ren ­dered Insecure the p rac tise In em »r when the L egislature a ttem p ted tu provide for a review of the facte by w rit of error, iit first in ItiDO declared cunstitu llonul, and again In declared Invalid."

T he Eastw ood decision does not pass directly upon the va lid ity of the ac i of 1E94, which a lth o u g h not set aside by the Dixon decision w as not held to be conail- tu tlona l In a ll Its p a rticu la rs . Thus fa r the Court of E rro rs has avoided the Im­p o rtan t question as to the uonetltutlon- a llty of the act. In the Enstw ood ctisp It held th a t the co natltu tlona l qheetlons had pot been raised In such form tlitit a decis­ion w as necessary upon this point. In th is connection Ju stic e Voorhees fijild;

"A lax levied up<m prr^perty passing by will, by v irtue of th e ac t of IRHl, U not a p roperty tax to w hich th e provision of the C o n slltu tl^ i. A rticle 4, Secilon 7, paru- groph 12, wae designed to apply.

" I t Is not perm issable fo r a person as* ieseed under the ac t of JS94 u|Kin p roperty acquired by him by will, to e sse rt th a t the ti t le of th a t a c t does not express Its object, in th a t the title contains th e word 'g ifts ,' while the budv of the act p laces a ta x on p roperty tra n s fe rre d by 'deed, sa le Or g ift • * • g ra n to r or b a rg a in e r,’ and th a t th e alleged e x tra tltiih ir objects c an ­no t be cu t ou t of the act. because th« act, in th is regard is severab le , allow ing th e excision of the a sse rted objectionable fea- turee.

" tl 'h e re a person assessed under the ac t of 1S94 contends th a t th e p roperty w hich is th e sub jec t of th e tax passed to him , not by will, bu t by c o n trac t betw een him and the te sta to r , and p resen ts ex p a rte Bfhdavtta to th e su rro g a te to prove such agreem ent, and the Suprem e C ourt on ce r­tio rar i rem oving said assessm ent fo r re­view. m akes no finding of fact, the ques­tion o t the force or com petency of such affidavits does not come before th is co u rt upon w rit of e rro r rev iew ing the judgm en t of the Suprem e C ourt."


JSpffefof S en iro of the .VEW0.TR E N T O N , Oct. 3.—C onsideration of

on application by th e borough of K enil­w orth for perm ission to obtain a w a ter supply from the O range P a rk H eat. L ight, Pow er and W ater Com pany disclosed to th e S ta te W ater Supply Commission to ­day th a t th e com pany had never filed a n y report, os required by law.

T he w a ter fu rn ished by the corporation 1b obtaJned from driven wells, but Its ex- Sttence w as no t officially known to th e ' oommliBlon. I t w as urrunged tu give a hearing upon the app lication oC- th e bo r­ough tw o w eeks from to-day. in the m ean tim e inquiries will be m ade to determ ine the a ta tu s o f th e corporation.

Upon fu r th e r conslaerm g the K enil­w orth applloBllon th is afternoon , th e com- mlsalon found it to be defective, because BO p lans accom panied it. The proposed hearing w as th e re fo re deferred until a tim e to be. fixed a f te r th e application haa been perfected .'


Special Sfrvft^ of the SEW S. ITR E N T O N , Oct. S .-A pplylng the hom e- 1

ty n i!e ^ a l "a har(&i*i Ia a b a rg a in ," Ju s tic e G arrison has filrd an opinion for th e Suprem e Court, susta in ing a fudg- m en t o f J]75, obtained in the Pat«rs<>.i D istric t Court by Jam es 8 Payne ag a in st I W illiam fl. TwUchell Counsel for M r [ T w Itchell sought to escape the elalnv by ln tcr|k)slng technical legal grounds, ail of which were dlim issed by th e court.

Mr. Tw ltchell made a w ritten a g re e ­m en t under which he w as to pay U r Puyne a llve-per-cent. commission for ob­ta in in g H purchaser fur a tv ieniy*acre fa rm a t W orlendyke ' The la tte r p a rt of the agreem ent read: "1 agree lo pay him a convnlsBlon of live per cent If he se" cu re s a buyer a t a price sa tis fac to ry to m e " Mr. Rayne secured the buyer, who wfts both able and willing to p u feh ase th e fa rm for 13,600. but It turned out th a i th e property bad been sold a few days previously

U w as claimed for Mr T w ltchell Lbat the sale of the property p rior to the p roduction of ihe purchaser by Mr. Pas’b e con stitu ted a revocation of the c o n trac t j of em ployment. Ju ftlre G arrison said | th a t this claim could rest a p p aren tly only on the notion th a t the em i)loym ent of j a person tu secure a h\3yer Implies th a t j the principal will be able to sell to suc h | buyer, This he said was a m isconcepi lofi i»f th e na tu re of the em ploym ent In w hich | the principal docs not tiind h im self to sell j or even «ilj)ulate th a t he will be able lo | convey the propelly In such a ease It ] la no t even nercR.sary th a t he be the ow ner of the land or able to con tro l the j title . I

E labo rating upon the view th a t a con ­tra c t or agreem ent to obtain a p u rc h a se r ] fo r p roperty does not neceesurili' im ply j th a t th e re m ust be a sale, Ju stice G a n l- aon s a id :

"A person who has been In ju red In a colllHion m.'iy desire to pul Into com m uni­cation with those who w itness th e a cc i­d e n t. a fiollclTOT may he seeking the h e ir to an e s ta te , a m other may wish to havo her child adopted and a host of eucli cases m ay be Imagined, in all of w hich the charac te r of the em ploym ent Ih not legally dlsilngulahable from th a t of one who desires to he put in touch w ith a persoh wlio will pay a certa in price fur a certain piece of land. ^

•'Yet I apprehend th a t no one would th ink of saying that the price stipulalr-d for the service when rendered neM lad be paid if the p laintiff had actlled hla d an v age Bull, or the BOllcIlors had re tired from th e 'c a se or the m other had decided to keep her child. The rule of law la len lly all autntned up In th e hunieiy say ing , th a t 'a bargain Is a b a rg a in ,’ and a bargain once made rem ains such u n til a change of mind by one p a rly know n only lo 1dm has been com m unicated to tbo o ther party ."

-----------------•-—— ---------


g/irrlnt SftTli-i' of Ihe SEWS.PATERSON. Oot, S .-P ftpers In th s

b reuch of promUe Bull atnrtei! ag a in s t Rev. Edw ard Elliot, a ro lored B ap tis t lay p reo rh fr. w-lnise reeidance 1b g lv fn \ a s » l W arren street, Newark, w ere filed . by Isndore Kletiert In the Suprem e C ourt ! yeste rday . The plaintiff Is M iss .Sarah W alton , nf 7« W arren street, th is rl'.y. Slie dem ands JFd.OOO from the p reacher.

W hile in Hldeewood preach ing .Mr. E l­liot and Miss tValtfin became frlendiy. About lilty letters n tltte ii by Mr, E lliot t.) the plalnilff are In the handu of tSie la t te r 's law t'er. They will be u5,-d as evidence SKalnst the defendant In the p ro ­ceedings.

The le tte rs a re said to be couched In endearing terms, the preacher often ad- .Iressing the plaintiff as "Li. a r Ifey,^^ "B aby D ear." "Most B eautifu l C rea tu re a n d "My Dear Sw eetheart." ^

Several times. It Is alleged, th e d e fen d ­a n t borrowed small sum s fnpm Mlaa W ul- lon. Elliot. It Is asserted , to ld h e r he had p roperly In Newark, and w as a l s ' n ego tia ting for the sale of p roperty In E lisabe th , which deal, when coihplele-l. would enable him to po^ back th e money he had borrowed from her. A ccording t d th e p lslnlift. he never paid b ack the borrow ed money. The last le tte r Miss W alton received fm m him w as addressed "M y D ear Miss W alton." In th is le tte r ha m akes an apology for being nnable to pay back the money borrowed.

T he following statem ent w as m ade to ­day by Rev. Edward Elliot, colored, ot H2 W arren street, who claim s th a t ne Is a B ap tist m inister doing evangelical w ork :

"I know a Sarah W slton, of P a te rso n ; j ehe w as a m ember of the B ap tis t c liurcu j In Ridgewood, where 1 conducted a r e ­v iva l m eeting about a year ago. 1 never prom ised to m arry her, or paid her any a tten tio n s , nor did I ever receive m oney from her. borrowed or otherw ise. 1 h a ’ u n o t seen her since .tbe revival. 1 have no t been served wItH any papers and w h a t you tell me Ib a big surprise, and i ca:;- no t understand It."

M a s r s h a k . l l B a t l lH ith t t t Typ( »t Headyi‘ t»-W iar

-------------------------- S0 7 -S tj tromd S n e t t ’— ---------------------

No Test Too Severe for

O u r F a l l O v e r c o a t s•'MADE IN NEWARK"

T h e s ty le and shape- re ta in in g and wearing qu alit ies o f M. & B . O v e rc o a ts for m en and young m en have been s tan d in g th e m ost se­vere te s t for over 50 years — ev e r s ince we b eg a n b u s i n e s s as M A N U F A C T U I R N G R E - T A I L O R S . ‘

C o a ts , l ike friends, w ear b e t te r if they have a sm o o th s u r f a c e ; here are " S m o o t h A rtic les" that will prove a warm friend. F o r a quiet, m o d e s t , unassum ing

friend a r ich fuzzy soft gray, full in the back , is the t h in g ; som e have R aglan sh o u ld ers . P lenty p p o th e r fa i th fu l , hard-w orking com p anions.

T h e y are all " M A D E IN N E W A R K ” in our own w o rk sh o p by tailormen w ho a re trained to strive for c lo th in g be tterm en t e a c h season.

P r i c e s ran ge from $12 to $40 .Im p o rted English Tw eed R a in c o a ts , too, for

rain or sh in e . T h ey V e $20.

Double 3 t9 t Green Stamps Before Soon; Single Stamps After Noon

" P lu c k hia sleeve a n d <gsf fu4 ^ u a f i fy .” — S im o n o1 S y r ia .

r W E C E L E B R A T E

OUR ANNIVERSARY1855— 1900— 1911

Saturday, OcL 7 thRemember the Day and Date

YouVe Never Bought to Better Ad­vantage Than You Will on This Day

See Evening Papers on Friday, October 6th, for Details, and


P B P fiiy § SH S

rrilJiB P


E X C U R S I O NTo F o k m o u s


Special Service ofLONG BRANCH. Oct. 3 ,-A ff tr picking

th e Jalt lock a t S eab rlgh t a t 6 o'clock thla morning^ John Cardo, a negro, w aa found secreted under b a y In th e ShennoA b a rn lb C hurch street.

C ardo w as a rre s ted la s t n igh t by P a ­tro lm en Collins and Covert. H e w as Charged w ith a tta c k in g H a rry Benson w ith a knife.

GoUlns vleltod th e Jn|I a t 4 o^rlook, and found C ardo aw ake . A t 5 o'clock he re ­tu rn e d w ith the p risoner’s b reak fa s t and found th e cell door open. \

C ardo had planned to spend th e cla> Sn. hiding and leave th e borough a fte r ditfk. H e ta now under guardi and th e Jail m ay g e t a new lock.

Fn aeral of Mrs. Alice 9B7der«Special Service of (fte NEWS.

BTEW ARTBVTLLE. Oct. a .-T h e funera l a f Mrs. Alice Snyder, widow of Adam Snyder, will be held from the home of her d augh ter. Mrs. Jo h n H ablnger, to-m or­row afte rnoon a t 1 o ’clock. Rev. J . P.Ferguson and R ev. E lm er F u lfe r will offl ‘ —ctate. T he body will be taken to W ash - ^ ’Ington, N. J m fo r b u ria l. Mrs. Snyder died L V O I SSunday n ig h t a t th e age of six ty years. - - -6^e w as a d au g h te r of A ugustus Foddle. a n d w as born In Easton* Pa. A fte r h e r B tarrlage she lived in Oxford until Mr. finydier's death , ab o u t Mfteen years ago,0ho moved to S tew artsvIU e tw o yoars Ego* a tte ri a residence o f eleven years In W ash ing ton . Besides M ra H ablnger, one o th e r ‘ d au g h te r and tw o sons survive.T hey a^e Mrs. C h ris to p h er Pox, of Allen­town,^ p a .; PhlUp M. Sfiyder» of W ash- ingtoiir Sind B enjam in Snyder, o f Btew- artsvH lf.

----------------- ------------------ <1K eeg Powder and Llgnoe Apart.

PA T ER SO N , Oct. 3.—Judge Scott yes- to rday refused a ta v e rn license fo r a place d irec tly opposite th e en tran ce o f th e D u ­P o n t Pow der W orks, a t W ayne. Fasq tia le L ento w as th e ap p lican t and has m ado fo rm er a ttem p ts to ge t a license. Objec- liOBS have been ra ised to th is Ueense fo r th e reason th a t tb e Itquor-house would be located too n ear th e pow der w orks, an d th e y fea r the com bination o f w hisky an d pow der would be bad.


SpeefnJ Srn'ii’f of (AflPA TERSO N , Oct. 3.—L ieu ten an t W ill­

iam Davis, of Engine No. 1. w'aa found dead In llie hallw ay of hla home. 29 N o rth M ain s treet, a t 6 o'clock th is m orning. D eath w as due to a frac tu red v e rteb rae . I t Is th o u g h t he fell downataSre.

H e w as fifty-tw-o years of ego end h ad been a memljor of the P a te rso n F ire D e­p a rtm en t fo r sixteen years-

B re w er 's H ouse D aioaged by Flre<R E D BANK, O c t 3.—T he sum m er re s i­

dence of Charles F. Doelger, th e New Y ork brewer, on tlj* R um son road , w as bad ly dam aged by fire Sunday n igh t. Mr. and Mrs. Doelger a re aw ay on a trip , a n d th e only occupants of th e p lace a re |

\ se rv an ts . The F a ir H aven and L ittle i S ilver volunteer fire com panies responded

to a hurried telephone call an d did g re a t j w o r k ln saving th e house and surround- I ing cottages.____________________________



CHILDREN $1.25 B A m E F I E L D5E O E T T Y S B U R Q

V I A .

NeW Jersey CentralS u n d a y , O c t o b e r 8 t h

Special Train open for Occupancy in Broad St. Station. N ewsrk, at 1 :30 A. M„ will leave as soon as filled. Last Section leaves Broad St. 4:30; Ferry St. 4:32; East Ferry St. 4:34 A. M.

Returning Special Train will be open for Occupancy at 3:00 r . 111., and will leave as soon as filled. Last Section at 4 :SG P. M.

U n a m R * « n M ( W lta e r a w a . Special Service of Ike KEW St

JIAHW AY, O c t t - A t a m eeting of th e B oard of Ekclao, held la s t n igh t, Joseph Jacob , o t P asaate , who liad applied fo r a t r a n i te r d t Ucenae fo r W illiam S e h u b e rt'i i t lo o n , to th is dity , w ithdrew hla ap ­plication b y .a s s e n t o f th e board . Mr. Jaco b ’s action eras haJtA on th e u n tav o r- a b ls a tU tuda o t tb e b o a rd a t Its p rev ious meeting.

E* P inkham *» V ^ e tk b le Com pound *

Peoria, 111.—*1 wish to let eyery ont know what Lydia E. Plnkham's reme-

ndles have done fof a me. For two yean

1 suffered. The doo> tors said I had to, mots, and the only remedy was the sur­geon’s knife. My

, mother bought me '|L jdiaE .PInm m ’s

v eg e tab le Com- j^und, and today I am a healthy wo. man. For montha

__________ 1 suffered from in.flammation,and yonrHanatlye Wash re. Ueved me. Your liver Pills have no equal as a cathartic. Any one wishing proof of what your mraicines have d( '

Have Healthy Teeth and Gums!* Use Petty’s Peroxide Tooth Powder

and Improve Your Teeth and Your Health

Your Teeth and Gums einnot be kepi too clean. It is very easy for disease germs to find lodging in the mouth and cause all sorts of diseases.

Use Petty’s Peroxide Tooth Powder and be on the safe side There is nothing better for killing germs in the mouth— for purifying the breath—and for bleaching the teeth to that beautiful pearly whiteness!

3-oz. can, 15c.; 5-oi. bottle, 25c. Try it.

Petty’s P h A r m a c y ? ^ ^

7 S 1 B r o a d S t r a e t{ 4 l l « o » fro m P rad o a tiiL B igg ,)

O p o n A l l N i g h t .Petty: He Puta Up Prescrlptloni.

. H

• h a t B a r H n u t la c H lc fec rr H nt&PA TERSO N , Oct. 3.—AnnoyeiJ by boys

g a th e rin g h ickory n u ts oh hla fa n e , Job* B. fenlth , o f P a lrlaw n , fired a sho tgun a t Reuben Pogncttl, rou rteen y ears old, or 141 L yo n a tree t, th is c ity , fioms o f tlie abo t en tered th e boy 'a ear. Sm ith b u s been a rrM tid on a cberge o f a tro d o a e a a te u lt a n d b a tte ry . U e gave bail fo r tb e g ran d Jury. .................i.,.;.

r -

one for me etui get it from any drug, gist or by writing to me. You can use my testimonial In any way you wish, a n d Iwlllbe glad to answer letters."— Mra Christina Bzxn, 105 Mound Bt., Peoria, QL

AntriattO penttoii Avoided.New Othaiu, La.—"For years I sut.

ferad from seven female troublet^ ^Finally IWM ooimiwa to my bed


K I N D O L A CAn in fa n t 'a food o f modified c o W i m ilk

in d ry fo rm —m ere ly m ix w ith w a ter .

Met a c e rea l toed , b u t a n o u v i.h in g a n d s tre n g th e n in g m ilk th a t Will build u p b aby w hen o th e r food* fa ll.


LixtFitbou% UU £«riuM St., N«w Orieaai, La.

The great voIumei)l anaoMted te^ timony ooDitantly pourlsgJu eonoltiilTolT that LydiaVegetaida oompow la gisgiiDi


Use STEEL WOOL forRubbing oft Varnisb, Shellac, etc.

Used on Bowling Alleys. Works quick and saves labor, inexpensive.

Packages in 4 sizes,. No. 0, 42e; No. 1. 38e; No. 2, 25c; No. 3 ,32c!

V A H M S H PS t : ■

i lit!

Broad and Cedar Streets—Agents for McCall’a Patterns and Publications

“M e r o d e ” U n d e r w e a r Here Only in Complete Assortments

W e tak e pleasure in announcing that the Snyder store is headquarters for the famous “ M e r o d e " U nd erw ear— the very best underwear that is made, W e carry every size in every style or w eigh t

Special Autumn Display—Visitors Welcome

Years of Accumulated Experience Add Their Value to

“Merode'' UnderwearAnd it is the most favored Underwear of the day

Buy your winter's supply in this brand if you want satis­factory Underwear, An honest reputation is jjained only by having real Merit.

Underwear of MERITMust Fit Well Wear Well Wash Well l.ook Well

“Merode” Underwear possesses all good pointsThe clinging garb is still Fashion’s dictum. ".Merode”

i Union Suits are the choice of all women who want modish gar- Iments. Try any of the 50 styles in regular or extra sizes—they lall fit well. Separate Garments, Vests, Drawers, Tights and jCorset Covers in surpassing selection.I The Materials must be of the best. All these points of excellence are found in this well-known brand. No other make equals it in the variety of shapes and fabrics for stnut, medium and slender forms.

For children the “Merode” brand offers the best propor­tioned and most comfortable garments that can be turned out.

Women^s “Merode^ UnderwearPrlriPB

VpxlB & I'anU*


White, medium weight, best combed cotton..............................Cream, medium weight, best combed cotton..............................Cream white, heavy weight, fleece lined ..................................Cream wffite, silk and cotton, medium weight..........................Cream while, SO per cent, wool, heavy weight ..............Cream wdiitc, silk and cotton. 3.S per cent, silk, heavy weight.Cream white, HO per cent, wool, medium weight........ - ...........Cream while, 75 per cent, wool, heavy weiglil..........................Cream white, silk and wool mixed, heavy weight ..................Cream white, 85 per cent, wool, heavy weiglit..........................Cream white, pure wool, heavy weight......................................Silver gray, SO per cent, wool, heavy weight.................... .........Silver gray, 75 per cent, wool, heavy weight.................. ...........

4 to G T to 0......................50 tin

........................50 (3v'>......................50 .fi,S......................70 1-00................ 70 i.on................ 1.00 1.25

........................79 1,00, ............ 1.00 1.25................ l .tX) 1.35................ 1,2.5 1..50................ 1.50 2.00......................70 1.00................ 1,00 1.25

Prlcfft I'nlun i?uita

4 to « 7 in 91.00 I.t'K) I.on 1.651.50 2.001.50 2.00 2.00 2.60 .3.261.502.00 2.tX) 2.002.50 1.052.502.503.

Children's “Merode” UnderwearDeftf-rlptlon

Heavn/ weight, fleece lined vests and p an ts .. . . . . . .Medium weight, combed cotton vests and pan ts ...*Heavy weight fleeced uninn suits, all sizes..............Medium weight, 50 per cent, wool, vests and pants.

Veata & P an tJ

2 fo « 7 to V .35 .45.35 .45

.60 .65

Union B ulti

2 to 8 7 lo t


' Extra Special for Wednesday

Lace Curtain . SamplesA great special in the 3d floor C i ir-

tain and U p h o l s je r y J J e p t __2 y d s 7 longTsom e can _ b e _ m atched into pairs; been used as manufac'tur- e r ’s sam p les ; a lso odd cross str iped summer pdftiercs; a few de­signs ; tringed on bottom ; full length str ip e s: values as li ig h _ a s 59c.; speda^, ea ch ...............................................

T rim m e d M illineryJudging by comparison, and by what others tell us.

our coflection of trimmed hats at $4.06—the farnoui lines that w'c feature at a popular price—stand out ■!.' the best values obtainable 'anywhere. Just to convince yourself of this fact, visit our second floor to-morrow and let us prove it to ytnt.They are all made in our own workrooms by skilled milliners, and are cwpied after the foremost imported models; have evei7 style of trimming that will become every face and complexion; always 500 on hand and no two alike; choice at

4 9 8$2Q T a p e s t ry B ru sse ls R ugs, s ize 9 x 1 2

If you’re looking for a good, durable rug at an unusual saving, nuike the most I i C l l of this special opportunity. They’re shown in medallion and allover effects; a num- I ^ ^ 1 1 ber of these are seamless and are valued at $20.00; for this sale we have marked A , * T # v v them at the special price . , ............................................................................... t -

Heavy OilclothExtra heavy printed Oilcloth;

regular 40c. quality, for this sale.. / L

Ex. Heavy Velvet CarpetRegular $1.25; an excellent | YY 5

grade; handsome patterns; yard. 1


Basement Specials of Interest to All4-String Selfcted

Com Parlor 5 * 7 . , Broom, at . . . O a C

Jelly . Gtassea, with covers, 8-or. | ^ f, size, a dozen, at 1 * L-

Glass Towel Bars,18 inches long, 33cat

$12 Dinner Sets, 100 Pieces, »l68 new d in n er hgIb on g®l« In onr

big china d ep artm en t lo-m oireiw; all large pieces, heel A m erican D f t C porcelain, various decorations, O .V O new est designs and shapes, a t

Glass Fruit Preserving JarsMason Fruit Jars.

fitted with porcelain lined zinc caps and rub­ber bands.P in ts .Q uarts^ -g a llo n size 6c

4c ea.

No, 8 Heavy IX. Wash Boil- ,era, with genuine corper bottom; every one hon­estly made and

^ steam H Q r ' tested .. # y wr

5c. Toilet PaperRolls, white tis­sue.

N e w Perfection Oil Heater— Guar­anteed a g a i n s t s m o k e or o d o r ; holds 1 gallon of oh, with in­dicator; at

Pure Food Brand White Waxed Paper, 24 sheets

I for ........

2.69 <


Seven f o r . . 25c "Wear-Ever” Aluminum

Sauce Pan— t quart size; 500 for to-morrow a t........



UKE HOFATCONGg e t a f r e e d e e d f o r a L O T

To Every Purchaser of a Bungalow Site Costing $100*t»r More BEFORE OCTOBER 10th

wo will give a free and clear deed to a lot 25x100 im m cdiatelr upon first payment on the contract for the property; balance within one year.

The lo ts that will be given away are within 1,000 feet of the lake, and are 100 feet above the high water mark of the lake. They are heavily timbered with oak and chestnut trees, which may be cut and used for building, if desired. The lots can be used for camping purposes.

Our property la one of the most desirably situated on the lake wnh two concrete docks foi the exclusive use o f property owners. Splendid boating, bathirfg and fishing, and the beautriu mountain surroundings m ike Lake H osatcong one ^ ”resorts In the country. Only one hour from New York City. LOTS FROM $50 UP.

; Send to hs for free rd lrosd tickets, and 1« us show you over the property. You could no) spend a day to better advantage.


N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S. T U E S D A Y . O CTO BER 3. 1911.


^ 9 t n i n g K e i 0 5 .m ita h r i aailr. *ito<Uf, b r ib»


ITBWAIIK. n . j .|M m < »t Um N*w«*. II. i: "

•tc«o4-ctu» Diaiw.

Tbisphon* 1M4 B r tra hB xchuic« conBTCtlnf all departm ant*.

Ma i l s u b s c b i p t i o n * -Tha Nawark Kvenlr* N»wi. o ra monlh,

fifty O tnu: a l l monttw. two dollara and f if tr eanta; ona fa a r . Oka dotlara.

Poataca to foralgn co 'jn triaa addad-

Now York Ofllaa. 119 Brunawlak nulld- bw , ZX Fifth avaoua. Tal. sa« Madlaon.

ChIcafO om ca. ISDS Trtbune Bulldlnf.Waahln<too Bureau, 9M Colorado Dulld-

ln i.O m nfa Branch Offlca. IW M ain at., op-

Foaita Clavaland at. T rla O ranea 30W. M arkat UM. Privota B ranch BxelmnKr eonnectln t all dapartm anta.

Moriiatown Branch Ollloa. 11 South ■ traa t Talaphona 132.

Uonlclalr Branch Oflloe. 821 Qlanrldfrc a n n u a Tal. IS.

Mlllborn • Bprtngflald B ranch Oltli'a. Camphall'a Dru* Store. Bank Bolldlna. M tllhurn avonua Tal. W M lllhum.

Summit Branch OBIce, 80 M aple a treat «ral. 273-W.

D o n r Hmnoh Oflica. Hooui 1. N ational Union Bank. W eal Blackwell a treat. Tal. m -L Dover.TRENTON B U R K A D -

12 Waat State i t TaL 02 T ran tm . K k w jE R a m r b k a s h o h e o f f t c e -

KO Main atreat, no rtheaat co rner Banpi •vanuo (Oaorfo W. P ltten iter 'e Real Ea- ta te oflica), oppoalta ra ilroad ita llon . Telephone 7H Aabury Park.[ATLANTIC C IT T -

l l ia Dorland A dvartla ln r Aganer. W al­te r E. Edge.

LOCAL BBAHCtt OFTICES.h n arllle avmii., lOA Memhur* place, 1A ^ c e itrwt, iaa Myrtlr avenue. S9.Elm etraet. iS»)4. South Birth afreet, 2»A Elliabath avenue A WaJtaca plena W.


THE AI KTIN niflA STER .When wa call a d laaatar a n act of

Providence wt- almply m ake oonfaaalon of th e weaknaaa of hum an n a tu re . A lthough t h a n la, or will he found, a w ay to avoid auch thlnga, wa adm it th a t wa do not know It. Wa almply unload on Provl- fianoa w hat In our h e a rta we know cam e tro m the tm perfcctlnna of hum an know l- •dgA our Incomplete g raap of th e work- 8ngn a t the p rocaasai of naturfe, and tb o ia 8ndeclBlona and w eaknaoiaa th a t a tta ck th e judgm ent of th e beat o f ua.

W ere the whole aum of know ledge aueh 'R f hum an m entality could aa y e t graap, th e A uftln dtiftMter would tie a t th e door Of hum an blundering. Aa auch !■ not th e Bhae, the queatlon th a t we m uat aek It. ^*Waa the dleaater avoidable In reference to th e turn of knowledge we have now Bttalnedt** If bo, eome one w aa cnm |> nfttl7 negtiicTit.

T he dam had been a aource o f bub' fildon. It had evidenced eome w eakness. I t had been atreng thened and repa ired tn m ee t th a t weakYieae. The people o f the tow n lived In Ih* fea r th a t aome day th e dam m ight fo and let dow n 400,000.000 lA llone of w a ter upon them .

T et, Uke the e ttliena o f Ill-fa ted St. l*lerr«. they lived on under th e ehadow o f disaater. T hey had taken roo t In th e ir liomea. N othing had happened-Has yet.

Everybody '*took a chance.** They ta lked about th e Johnstow n flood of tw enty-tw o yeara ago and hoped they vyould not be th e vtc tlm a of a sim ila r c a ­lam ity . The com pany took ce rta in Bteps to streng then the dam . bu t th e w ork w as n o t done perfectly . T h e evidence of th is fa c t ts to be found In th e w reck and ru in In the path o f th e onruf^ > of th e Waters. W hether the w ork w ae done ae perfectly as hum an know ledge a llow f or bo t, It failed.

The blam e h as not been fixed. I t can* n o t he until a fte r long and p a in stak in g Invefftlgallon.

Such an Inquiry la prom ised. T hera Is p len ty of evidence on w hich to reach a Pdrreat conclusion. T he p lans o f the dam and the detalla of Its orinstructlon a re

record. The crIUoltm s o f th e experts a r e known, fo r they have been pubileh- ed In th e technical Journals. The m e tb ' « d i pureued fo r th e purpose s tren g tli- en lng the s tru c tu re form a p a r t of the ^ b t t c records.

of It 1s not eo pleasant to contem plate. W ho ahall separate the good from th e bad a t th is dateT And If we can, w hat then?

At thflia thtiiigtia a re we to accept c«pi- tn llia tlo n as the final basis for ra te -m ak ­ing o r try to woilt back to some o ther for th e f ii tu re t

Then the d a t-ra te qiiesilon Is a lm ost as vexed. The present aystem afTorda a iitil- fnnm charge everywhere, makes easy the baaing of ra tes an w hatever basis Is chosen, enables sm sll rnnnld i'S lU lsi to have service a t most favorable ra lea—le s ' than It costs to produce in aonio Instances.

On th e othnr hand It makos cities like N ewark, where molns a rc short, pay for the son 'lce tn sm aller eom m nnllles whero a mile of m ain may setve only one or tw o consum ers. It tends |t> drive out nil post!- b lllty of com p e tltlo n -a i the la rge rltle* ' e x p cn s e -fo r who will setl gas below cost unless he Is muklng It up som ew here elseT

\Vho. for eiam ple. W’lll engage In maiiu- furtLiririR nnd selling gae at a fa ir profit In H smjill town when Ihe Ihibllc Bervlca. by ItH Hal riitc. ran undiTseli him and m ake It Ml In NewarkT

Unt then. Is com petition desirab le a s ' r tin ip an d with strictly regu la ted monopoly In I'lilillr iitllltleaT May n(»l the principle of re n ren tra ted prcMluctlon w ork for a gcni-rnl cheaper ra le everyw here?

Is li be tte r policy to charge each resl- rirni uf the crowded d iy a little more per thousand fo r gas and sell to Ihc scattere il siibnrtian resident a t the sam e price, o r lo rbiirtre the c tilian exactly w hal will sell hie gas a t a reasonable profit and do tlie sam s to th e suburban rnsldent. which m ight double nr trip le the ooet to h im ”

W hat d lstrlota shall we draw for indi­vidual determ ination of gas ra le s? The m unicipality lines or a lonsT W ho shall determ ine where the boundaries a re to run, Of how much it costs In each d istric t?

On the o ther band, why should not iho city profit by Its situstlonT W hy should It ha overduirged for the m ore th in ly set- Uec] sections' benefll? W hy should New­ark pay ex tra to m ake the Pub lic 6efv1co 3 com plete monopoly?

Rut then , would It be possible to pr ->- d u re gns as cheaply unless the policy of la rge cen tra l d istribu ting s ta tio n s was followed?

VlTiere e re the (fl’ounds whore fairness, policy and practicability m eat? M ay they pon 'hance, be found In a xone system , so m uch for each Increase of rad iu s from the producing centre?

T hese a re some of the problem s of policy and practical JusLice th a t ore facing tha Public C illltles Commission In Its solf- Imposed task . Is It not reasonab le for* the c ltlsons to exercise a llttlo pattence?

It to themsalvM . T o accep t thk lr own labels they a re th e o rig inal reform ers.

But Isn 't U a little u n ju s t to Insist th a t every reform er m uat w ear th a G reat R*- fo rm er'i m antle? And would even th a t sa tisfy all? R em em ber a Uttla Incident in a corn field on a S ab b a th m orntog two thouaand years ago and th e po ther th a t waa made about It?

U njust It l i th a t we should apply thta double s tandard , hut It !■ p la in how 11 works. A bose m ay rob a o lty by mis* appropriating tagee and repay a tith e In charily to the ro b b e d -a n d therefo re they a re grateful. lie m ay blai:km all a oor- p o ra tlo n -an d the co rpo ra tion will tu rn around and vole fo r him , perhaps be­cause It fprlH th a t U can In tu rn buy him up If It w ants to. But let a reform er let slip one hasty g en era liza tio n —and he (e sn outcast.

But yet, would anybody have It much different*^ It all w orks out well The world is be tte r than It over wne. Thinge have e s trange w ay o f s tra igh ten ing themselves ovit. The re fo rm er gets his rew ard even though he hecom ee a politi­cal m arty r Look a ro u n d you and see for yoorsi'lves.

And la ]( not r igh t th a t every brick th a t we are so tting In th is s tru c tu re of ours be mlcroscapIcJLlly exAmlned under

o H h Y A UOii.(H ave your l»andkercbu-fs ready.)

O hiy a dog III a c ity s tm t.Only a buniL'lcss hound.

Only a dug w ith fuur cold tiirew lng the garttage round.

Only a d<»g th a t wandered h^rth.ik-dlen bu t eiUI uabowed

0 u rk ln g a t children south and north, F rig h ten in g editors proud.

A N EW YORK H V V O RIffT .A few years ago a poeteae nam ed Bea-

t r tc f p rim ed these paBilonale stanaaB in ■^be B anquet Table:L ove m s to-n igh t! Fold your d ear a riiis

a round me—H u rt ma—I do but glory In your m ight!

T ho ' your tierce s tren g th absorb, engulf and drow n me.

Love ms tO 'Blght!

Only a dog w ith a homely fare, T earing the law n to bite.

G iving the postm an a m erry chase, G iving th e baby (Its.

(H erestage.)

dull and sickening thud off

T h e world s wild Hires# sounds le ie th an our own heart-bea t;

I ts puny nothingness sinks out of sight. J u s t you and I and Love alone a re left,

sw eet—Ix've me to-n igh t 1

Why Kame Italy ?

Only a dog In a city street, Only a hom eless pup.

Only a dog w ith four cold feel. All of then) pointing up.

b u i l d i n g P o n T H E F I 'T I HU. *’W hat a carefu l boy your ItUlo c’harley

la."'•Ytwi I have spen t many hours tra in ing

him In caution. Some day when ha li grow n up he will In buslneas and

the g lare of hostile orlltclsm before we ' buy an au ton iob lle lo take hlfl aged fa th e rAccept it? I i It not a fa c t th a t the work of the reform ers haa been solid and loot- Ihg? Tlie th ing th a t m akes ou r polltloOl and business foundations sh ak y Boms- tlm es a re the b ricks th a t the o thar fel­lows have sneaked In w hen wa were not looking.

Truly, the bu ilders <rf dem ocracy had a fundam ental know ledge o f hum anity.

rid ing In, fa lh e r ."

and I shall be th a t aged

Love me to-night! I care not for to -m or­row—

Look In my »yea, aglow w ith l^ove's own light;

Pu ll soon ettough will come daylight, and sorrow —

!/>ve me to -n igh tiTo theee verses FranklJn P.' A dam s re ­

plied, In hla ’ Good H um or * colum n in T he Evening Mall, as follows:W e c a n ’t lo-n lghl! W e're overw orked and

busy;W e've got a lot of p a rag rap h s to w rite:

A lthough your Invitation drives us dlxzy.W e c&n't to-night!


B ut, T rixie, we adm it w e 're g re a tly em it w ith

Tho heart srou p ic ture—Incandescent,

W e m ust confesB th a t you have m ade a hit with

U b here to-night.

T H E RA TH PRO BLEM .T he eomraendably fran k and com plete

a ta ten ien t furn ished by P residen t T hom as K M cCarter, of the Public Bervtce, to the Public U tilities Commission, pu ts fa irly up to th a t body tw o fun d am en ta l quee- tlons of policy. So basic e re th ey th a t. In view of (hp extent to which th e re la tion- «hlp between the allied u tility com panies and (he citizens has grnw n. It Is no t un ­reasonable to say th a t upon the ir wise answ er depends a conRldnmble share in Ib e future development of the oom m unlty.

These two prohlcmp m ay pe rh ap s he OsJled the "hn se-fa r-ra te s ’' problem and tha flat-rate priJi'l' ni. The fint ra te of SI (net) a thousand fct*l for gua Ip now Charged In all te rrito ry served by the com ­pany , and a slrnllnr uniform ity in enforced In the electric service.

Presklbnl M cCfirter m skee nn enm est ■md forceful plea T 'r the ju ’cep tonre of the present cupItnllznMon <'f the cnm tiany as th e Btandard wlih which the rules per­m itted a re to be com pared. He argup-^ th a t at preseiit thri'e Ih no w a ter In thi“ cap ital stock, thnt rhv properly mside vni- \iatlon would equal If rn f pzcce!l the cap ­ita l figures, and th a t fu rther, even If nny d isparity was found fo to pet a n -e th e r much lower pt.-mdard for m enpurlnx ra te s would be economlc:illy lUHaHtrous, no t only to the c.ompnny Itself, iiut in the eotntmmtty, as m ade up uf elwirpimldcrs and citizens.

The rjUGBlIon comes down p re ftv close to ask ing to wlmt ex ten t a corporation Should suffer for Its past m isdeeds and mlstakGR, when the punlphtneiu wlU cer­ta in ly fall to a g rea te r or losa ex ten t upon ehareholrters generally innocent nnd be TBlIected on the whole l omnitmlty,

W hether the capH allioilon le now In Bvcees of the concfirii'p real v a lu e -w h a t- avsr th a t la—or nut. tlio apcuriticB hrive beet) traded In end accepted with the ez- peotfttloh or hope th a t the com pany would be able to earn on ihcm unU) tlicy may now be fairly aald to be Inrgidy In the bands of “innocent" holders.

Most of the gent!pmon who did the too t­ing and w atehtig g<8l out years ago a fte r unloading on the public. To whut ex ten t phould we a ttem p t punlylim ent. when part ■will fall on those a lready vU-Umlzed'^

But, 00 Ihe o ther liaiid. thlf^ sam e public U not altogether gnlltlees liseif. [t tol

a ra ted these goings un Tn fact, rapituUz- lo< 00 w hat one hoped to enrn on was not only the usual pm ctlee of some years ago bu t woti generally s tou tly upheld ns proper.

L ater on we found mit how it worked. T he Bteel T rust 1? a m ost excellent exam - plo. n e ta rted In trcm etidoualy over- eapitallxed. Now It has probably cought Up9 BO th a t th e re is llttie or no w ater In It Y eo^but who paid for the Improvem entn?

The cltliens, o f churse. They w ere over­charged until th e su rp lu s accum ulated and •pen t In Im provem enis evened up w ith the capitalization. Bhould th e citizens now go on paying for dividends on the cap ita 11- oation of th e property they paid for?

* Bomewhat a slm Uar process has gone on Ig the Public Servloe. T he c o n itltu sn t cam panlsi were n good deal w ater. Some

' th d i w ater wae m ietakes, more

THE RCnVABD OF A REFORMER.Alas* poor reform er! In stead of choos­

ing th e pa th of least resistance, be under­takes to fight the ba ttlee of th e people, and when he comes op fo r rs-elecU on he Is prom ptly r ttiirn sd by a g ra te fu l and adm iring constituency—to political cold storage-

Now. w hat le the m a tte r? P iinelpa lly hum an nature. It has been so since the world h«gAn. We have little doubt th a t the luckIrsH Individual who first Invented the bow and arrow w as p rom ptly re tired from ibe poUte society of Uioes tim es on th e ground th a t he w as In te rfering with ' the vested rights of the stone-club In-' dustry ,

And then, too, th e in s ts n l a re fo rm er ra ises h is banner, th e ^ o ran k s" ' flook to it. Indeed, he lucky If they do not even Insist on tak in g It aw ay from him and carry in g It them selvee!

T h e re su lt Is apt to be th a t tho leader soon fltids him self su rrounded by a boat of self-appoin ted m ajo r-genera ls who In­scribe S trangs slogans on th e e tandara un til he Is hard pu l to recognise II him­self. T he arm y Is In d anger o f becom ing all generals and no p rivates, fo r the la tte r get confused by the m u ltitude of ba ttle cries end ctesert In flocks.

Some ot these "m ajo r-genera ls" we have lively symi>athy for. F e r o the rs we have none. There are the tnoom petents, thu po litical failures, w ith ev ery th ing lo gain and no th ing to lose. T here a re those whofce principal In terest lies !n the fact th a t th ey see somebody else g e ttin g some- th in g and w ant to get Into the gam e thcm telvea. And there a re those crooks w ho try to rehab ilita te them selves by ap ­prop ria ting the re fo rther 's ooat, and w enrlng It. '

Then there a re Ihoee wtioae m otive# are of the best, men sincerely and deeply jn- terested . There Is s te rrib le lot of wroitg lo be set rig h t In th e w orld. B ut the troub le Is th a t each one of these sIncSTo snthuBlasts Inslats th a t h1« pa rticu la r rem edy be Inscribed on th e banner and &8 n ear the top m possible.

T he renult Is th a t the m arch of the a rm y gets d iverted Into a m u ltitude of little paths and Iralle. T rue, a ll ore tend ing tow ard the sam e g re a t goal. Rut Its oompaot o rgan isation Is lo it, It splKa into a m ultitude of tiny battlee . and Anally peters ou t th rough lost m om entum

B ut th a t Isn 't the w o n t of It, either Sooner or la te r the a rm y will come to ­ge ther Bgaln. But for the tim e being, for every volunteer whu h a s enileted for the new ta sk s It has undertaken* ten have enlisted lo oppose It. E ach new project U h a s taken up has affected, or seems to h ave affected, adversely the In te res ts of m ore citizens. And It !■ one of our fell- Joga. th a t a real or fancied Injury done 1,16 m akes a much keener appea l to onr sensibllltlefi than a correspm idlng ben»?llt conferred The result, then , w here th e one volunteer who has come to tho cause le lukew arm , the ten who have enlisted agalnat It are determ ined

T ha t la not a ll of it, e ither T here In a s tran g e k ink In hum an n a tu re th a t pos­sibly the ppychologlsti can explain. Peo­ple Insist th a t « confesyed reform er shnui<l be impeccable. P e rh ap s his Inten- tiniiB mnkn the spots ehow tip b lacker by ron irftst But, In tru th . It seem s as If it w as a worse offense ^ refo rm er to m ake a hasty gencrallaatlon th a n for a ■’boss' to rob a thousand poor people.

i^erhaps u la hcrause the ‘ boas'' and the ”heeler’’ a re so fran k ly hum an. We all have—at tim es—such a v lv li concep­tion of ou r own fraUlles th a t we are lu- cUned to be charitab le to thoae who openly prufess theirs. We feel th a t we understand thorn.

And all these are not all of his bur­dens. He has to bodily uplift the great, Boggy m uss of tha coniented people. He­im; ootnforiable themielvvi*. the wrongs of ano ther do not Impress them as much ae A p'lsslble d istu rbance of tholr com­fort. Reform In the ab s trac t they ad­m ire . In the coucrel©. they repudiate. And thiiy have noth ing to. offer Instead Ihtm selvee.

They a re prone lo argue th is way. "So hore 'a fi reform er? W h at's he doing? T rying to serve the people? Bo he 's a fter votes, Is he? Then he 's a demagogue. T herefore, he's Jnslnoero. Out upon him and all hie works."

Can anyth ing be m ore painfully s im p le -o r un just? T urn U around yourselves. You assail a refo rm er be­cause In hls en thusiasm fbr betterm ent be does not alw ays duly dlscrlm lrinte be­tw een the passable and th e had In Ills Bpeeches.© you any be tte r your- selves? Do you stop to try to discrim ­in a te between the sincere and tho In­sincere am ong th e refo rm ers? Do you not generalize precisely as you crltldzn him for doing?

And then these eam e contented people, w hen once the be tte rm en t Ls made, accept It, approve of It. s tan d by It—and, for­sooth, even take th e c red it fo r advancing

BAY AND FRANK,riv ll service has no th ing to do w ith tho

aelertion of the c ity tre a e u re r and the tax receiver of N ew ark . T hose offices of responsibility and t r u s t a re still included in the political "spolln" syetem The men ehOBcn for the poeKlnnsi by the m ajutity of th e Common Council a re not required to have any special qualifications beyond a “pull" with th e pow ers th a t be. They a re supposed to be execu tive ofTIcers, members of the “ cab in e t" nf the mu- nlclpa) adm in istra tion In control of the city hn!l

T h a t adm in istra tion , expected to be fully controlled by C ity Couneel Jam es R. Nugent a t the opening of the new year.Is already alleged to have picked the suc- ceseors of City T ro asu re r A lbert T. G uen­th e r and Tax R eceiver R obert L Ross, Flepubllcans. T he men ".‘tla ted '' to draw the good ealaries Are naItT to be Alderman Rim er A. Day and R ich ard J. PVonz, tre a su rer of the E ssex C ounty D em ocratic committee.

W ho are the men It ts th u s propoeed to honor? W hat a re th e ir q iiallficatlans for m emherehip tn the c ity hall '‘cabinet?"

Mr. Day hna been an a lderm an for two term s. He w as elected from tho Second W ard In 1907. E x tensive frau d s were per­petrated a t the prlrnarlvB and the eloollon th a t year Am ong th e men Indicted In connection w ith these frau d s woe th e

, alderm an from th e Second W anl. T hat fact, however, did not p rev en t him from tak ing hla si^at. As a m em ber of the Common Council he did hls beet to serve hla friends. I t w as In 1909 th a t he was poblloly charged by a policem an as being a defender of p ro s titu te s and disorderly house keepers, co lored an d white, as a result of which he endeavored to bring about the t ra n s fe r of th e courageous officer.

Hla next no torious a c tiv ity as an a lder­m an was In connection w ith an oseault upon a sh e r iffs officer, who w as endeavor­ing to prevent frau d s a t the election In lino. Day w as Indicted on th e com plaint of the officer, b u t w as acqu itted becBJse It was not proved th a t he w as the leader In the d nm ken row.

Mr. Day n ex t cam e into undesirable prom lnenos la s t w in te r a t Tronton. He w ent down to th e S ta te cap ital with con­vivial oompanlone, b ecam e engaged in a bar-room fight w ith fn rm er Alderman "Joe" W right, and punched the ta tte r In the nose.

Only a few d ay s ago. Mr. D ay again a s ­serted him self In a d isg racefu l way. Po­liceman had ra ided a saloon, run by a woman, which hjxd been condUoted In su rh a d isrepu tab le m a n n e r th a t a tten tion hud b rrn called to tho fact by the Judge of the Court of Com m on Plens. Mr. Day told the p rosecu ting policem an th a t tho raid wa* Intended to bring oboul "the ruination of th e D em ocratic p a rty ," and the officer w as th re a te n ed w ith being transferred to a n o th e r precinct.

This le Jiiflt a sm all p a r t of Mr. D ay’s record, but It Is a record th a t commends him to hie friends, personal and political He Is simply a p rac tic a l politician, o t the wnrd-tieclcr Second W an^ type. It Is not necessury to say .m ore concerning hls abilities and dlsobllltlas.

Mr. Franx has a record entire ly differ­ent from Mr. D a y 's w ith one notable ex­ception. He Is a g en tlem an In h ls actions. He lit ton mild and Inoffensive to be eui Im itator of th e Second W ard alderm an. DoubtlesB he b ee no desire to follow In the Day footstepH. T h e re was a time when Mr. F ra n s opposed Jam es R. Nu gont, Ha found It d id n 't pay po lltlca lly - tliR Bama discovery m ade by Tyler Farm ly, now Hty co m p tro lle r an d chairm an of the DenincraUc C ounty committee. Mr. Frans, a* s oonsequence, enlisted under the Nugetit b an n er . W hen he w as re ­warded by seleollon a s a moniber of the county board of e lections, ,he becam e as subs«r>iont to M r. N u g en t as did Mr. Day and Mr. F arm ly . H la vo te In the county board could a lw a y s b s counted on as being oast th o c ity counsel w anted It to be. T liat Is h ls reco rd In public life.

These are the m en sa id to have been selected by Mr. N u g en t ostensibly to M'n'o the tax p ay er* , b u t In reality to serve him.

They are " fa ith fu l." H - nan dapend upon them.

W hen tho Tow nleys go to vleit th e ir Uncle H unterdon. In the cuuntry. they w ear theSr oldest clothes. 'Fo-day Uncle H unterdon and hls fam ily arrive In the c ity to v is it the Townleya.

O B eatrice! O Tem pora! O H eaven!L ist lo our lyre th e w hils th* strlnga wo

sm itaW here ahall you be a t-w e ll , say h a lf p ast

sevenTo-m orrow night?On an o th e r occasion Mr. A dam s w rote:

1 like Utile Olga, ^H er plays a re so w arm ; t

And If I don 't see 'em T hey’ll do me no harm .

T hese and eighty o th e r happy little poem s by the eam e well-known w rile r a re g a th e red to g e th e r in a book oftlled "T o­bogganing on P a rn assu s ," Issued by Dou­bleday. Page A Co. Am ong them a re a Boor© of the odes of H orace done Into T w en tte lh cen tu ry English and sinfu lly clever, and m any verees th a t whlmaJcally and rich ly reflect the su rface life of, New Y ork to-day, w ith Its vaudeville and m elodram a, its fads, f la taand fash ions; Its signs, subways, sparrow s and serv an ts ; Its baseball and Us billionaires. Concern-

Mr, Adam s w rites:Ing "The Rich M an"The rich man has hls m otor car,

H ls country and hls town ealate. Ho sm okes a flfty-cent c igar

And Jeers a t Fate.

H e frivols through the livelong day, ■ rri

Yet, though my lam p b u m s low and dim, Though 1 m ust slave for livelihood—

T hink you th a t I would change with him ? You bet 1 would!

T he dedication Lb "To Bert Leirton T ay ­lor, Guide, Philosopher, b u t FTlend." George Ade might have w ritten Just Buoh a book if he had been lucky enough to be bom a poet.

PL’7,7LF:D t h e n ilT C lIE R .T he little boy handed a, slip cif paper

to th e bu tcher. Tho butclier held It to th e lig h t an d squin ted a t 11. Then he tu rned It upside dow n, than on end, then over.H aving looked a t it from many dlrectlonfl he asked tho boy, "W hat for le It?"

■Tl's for you." said the boy."W hy gave It to you?""M y m other.""W h a l she tel) you to do mIt it?"“T ak e it to th e store."T he b u tch e r etudled the paper again."D id she say w liat It said here?""W h a t? "“Did your m u tte r when she w rote It

say w h a t II says th a t she wrote on the paper—beefsteak or liver, or soup bone, or w ha t? D idn 't she eay?"

“All nhe said w as the baby would get b e tte r soon now."

“A h," Bald the butcher, and holding tba p ap er upside down, he added, "Sure,1 can read It now. Medicine for the baby,It soys. You w an t to take th is to the ! ^ c ity Chicago Is.d rug sto re , boy, down by the corner." i

l i t knows not poverty her plm Hls lot seems light, hls h ea rt seem s gay ,

H s has a clncn.

A ccording to the fumiHar old child- s to ry , th e re wax a good reason why Jack d id n 't e a t h ls supper; he d id n 't have any supper to eat. TTiere Is quite as good reason why Ita ly should not srbffVate Its difficulty w ith T u rkey ; It haa botn a r ­b itra ted

T his a rb itra tio n did not Uke*g)lace a t The H ague o r in a form al conference of the powers. T h a t hHS no t been the E u ­ropean w ay of ham lllng such ipatters. Jealousies and am hltlona have been loo explosive f i |» rm l i it But the power* have declared them selves on the subject long before thin, and an y court of a r ­b itra tio n convened now to adjudicate Ihe m a tte r would clthMr be a farce Or a repudlailoh of agreem ents th a t Ita ly has ncrepled In good fa ith and with good n g h l.

For a t le a s t ten years 11 has bfien ex ­pected th a t I ta ly w o^iT solae Tripoli, sooner or la te r. In Ifkrj The Saturdiiy Review l B ritish) dlacusHcd the fu tu re of Tripoli and dcrlnrcd th a t the time waa not ripe for I i a l j ’s cam paign of occupa­tion. G reat B rita in and France had not reached a final • se ttlem ent of their Egyp­tian quiirr’t‘1. It w as to the ir In tcresl to let A biiffor s ta te stand between (heir bounrtnrj' lines, if the Italian rojnpalgn fulled, beoiiuse of a general uprising of Islam , they would hnve their hunds too full to help lu ily . If R succeeded but s tirred up ti MoBlem uprlelng, their Mo- ham inedari jrfiasesfilons would he throw n Into convulsions. If not jeopardlxod. Aa fa r a s I ta ly waa conrerned, the cam paign would not have been very hopeful: for the MahdlaiH were very well able to m ake severe trouble. It would m ean expense th a t Ita ly could 111 afford; experlenee th a t she had not had, and m oral back­bone or th e kind of self-love th a t th* French call am our pm pre, which w as qucHltoned.

D uring th ese last ton years It has been confidently expected ih a t Tripoli would finally land !n one of thr-L»e nets, e ithe r F rance would an n ex It to Tunis as a p a n of her A frican empire, o r Ita ly would

' ta k e it a s an A frican base and comnaer- clal outpost, or U m ight berum* an any- turn for th e head of lalum when the Turk w as expelled from Europe. If K fell to F rance, the poeaeaslon of Ghadam es, G hat and M ursek would mean a French monopoly of the en tire overland trade from the Rudan: bu t France relinqiflahcd her claim to Ita ly .

W hether or not I ta ly 's dem and for Tripoli will finally be considered entirely sham eleas will be debated for a long tim e to come. I t nuisl be recognized, how­ever, th a t It Is not w ithout precedent and not m ore pham eless than the French occupation of Tunis and Morocco or the B ritish seizure of the T ransvaal or nu­m erous o ther land grabs. Probably no occupants of Tripoli have had a be tte r (Ule to the country than Italy wilt have If her Campaign Is succesHful. But w hether It is sham eloss or Juatlllcd, it Is in a rc o rd a n re wllh the program , followed by Europe for years and years, of divid­ing up the possessions Of w eaker peoples a cro n lln g tu w hat It th inks best and possible.

I f there Is any th in g m ore aham elesa in h is to ry th an th e B«rl1n Conference of

IBtS It m uat be very Iniquitous, an d th e "*hamcle«an«sfl“ of Ita ly 's action In Trlp> oil la b u t on offshoot o f the B erlin a g re e ­m ent, In w hich the prime offender Is now d A m ed to have been Ix^rd B eaconsfield. U r, J . H olland Rose hae w ritten an iUis- m ln a tln g descrip tion of th is conference In hla book, "The Development of the B uro- tH.*an N allone." C arrying on secre t n ego ­tia tio n s th rough Count ghuvaloff, a n ag reem en t wuth the R ussian G overnm ent w as roAched In London two we£ks b efo re th e Berlin Conference met. The ch ie f te rm s o f th is agreem ent, sHye Dr. Roa^t "c le a r ly foreshadowed those finally a d o p t­ed a t llerliii."

A t the sam e time, the British G overnm ent had been carry ing on secret m^goTlullons w ith the P o rte , which a re thus described by Dr. R o st:

' W hen Lord Salisbury fnunil out th a t ItuHsia would not nbatc her iliuniimlfl fo r D aloum , A rJah an and Kars, he sough t to sa feg u a rd British lntcre.sls in the I-evcint by acqu iring complete conirul over th e island of C>’prus. Ills fin:tl InttrucM ons to Mr. I.«ayard to Hint effr-i't were te le ­g rap h ed on 5 iay *i), th a t Is. on the very day on which ra ses w ith Russin w ns p rac tica lly nanured. Tho Porte, unnw ore of th e fflct th a t there was l lu lc fea r uf th e renew al of hostilities, agreed to th e sec re t Cyprufc convention orv Jiiru» 4: w hile R ussia, knowing little or noth ing a s to B r ita in 's arrangem ent with the P orte , a c ­ceded to th e flTiul arrong^im ents for th© dlscuaslon of Turklslj affulrs a t B erlin ." T he Berlin Congr9-Sfi met June 13-

“ It Is not su rprising ." Dr. Hose ad d s, “tb^L th is m anner of ilclng business a ro u le d g rea t Irrita tion both ui Sf, P e te rs ­b u rg and Ctinstnntlnnplc. Count Shuva- loff'a behav ior a t the Berlin C ongress, w hen th e news cume out. p roclaim ed to th e w orld th a t he ooneldcrod hliuHclf trick ed by I^ord BeaconHiU'lil; w hile th a t a la te sm a n disdainfully sipped n e c ta r of d e ligh t th a t ra re ly cutnes to ihe lips ev en ' o f the gnds of d ip lom acy"

Tho M emoirs of the Prlnccwn Radziw lU Illum ine this ahamoli-ss proret Jliig.

“ W h a t a re you ttdnhlng of?" istm a sk ed B earnnafleld, wlieii ho tippouiffl a ; a re ­ception held the very day the Cy|»rua con­ven tion cam o to light.

" I am not thinking a t all, " he rvplled; " I am enjoy ing m yself,"

A fte r th a t, th e h isto rian adds, one can u n d ers tan d why Jew-hnl(.!ng hot’anio a fa v o rite sport In Russia th ro u g h o u t the n ex t tw o decades.

T he ap a th y and IniUfferomfC of tlic pow ­e rs to 'T urkey 's appeal Is the fu r lb c r evl depce th a t Europe has luhlirattH l the Tripoli m a tte r and decided to let I ta ly 's clAimi stand . It is easy to fpo how w illing A ustria find G erm any would bo to h ave tho ir p a rtn e r In the Triple A lliance s tre n g th e n her navn) posititui in the Med- K erranoan . while it Is difficult. Indeed, to believe th a t, If the muUur were subm itted lo A cou rt of arbItrntU .n, they would com e to any o ther decision than they hav© a l­read y reached.

Th* t ru th of the m a tte r Is th a t every p o t 'ln E urope Is so black th a t It ennnot call th e Ita lian kettle namea. And If, a f te r g iving to Italy ihelr conflcni to aelzo Tripoli an d the coriBcnt th a t alienee b rin g s ( q th e occupation of Tripoli now. they shou ld arblirot© the m ultci’ and rev e rse th e ir decision, how ehnnieless would ih e lr d ealings with Ita ly be!

Paddy Llaot voted (n A tlan tic City la st week, alt right. "C onsider these figures." eay* th e editor of The Review. “ In the general election of 191C th e re w ere cast 7,E0a votes by H epubtlcans, Y esterday a t th e p rim aries th e re w ere recorded 7,1'^, o r a difference of only tw en ty -fo u r votes from la s t fa ll."

T he postal au th o ritie s re fu se to adm it th e report Of th e Chicago vice commission to the malls. F rom th is we see w hat kind

L. H. R.

Cultivating Troops in Morocco

T here Is one side of the M oroccan m a t­te r to w hich little a ttention has been p^lA In all the dlscuaalona of this con­troversy . A g rea t deal had been wrlUcn abou t th e "peaceful penetra tion '' of the coun try , but not very niAich has been w ritten abou t th e "m ilitary penetra tion ;" ye t It w as the la tte r th a t brought F rench troops to Fe*.

P o u r years ago, Charles W ellington Furlong, a w ell-known w riter on N orth A frican subjeots, predicted this m arch on Fc*. H e takes ano ther step fo rw ard In The w orld’s W ork for October, exp ress­ing the belief th a t FYance Is not only re ly ing upon her troops to c ap tu re Morocco, bu t la Qleo relying upon Morocco to provide her w ith troops.

It Is a n old policy. The ancient R om ans used na tlv* troops to support the ir pow ­er In conquered Terrllory. The P rltlsh followed th e ir exampio, in India and Egypt. F ran ce hau adopted It. T rained native troops have gradually been sub­s titu ted fo r F rench regim ents In A lgeria. A sp rink ling of French and o ther E iiro- p*an soldiers w as added to them- Tho re su lt is "B F ranco-hybrid force" of sea­soned v e terans, particu larly adaplod lo p ro tec ting the country.

“ Four year* ago" Mr. Furlong w rites, ‘F ran ce had 60,(jO0 men In A lgeria and

Tunis. • • • Since then, by w ay of Oran, F rance had poured company a f te r com peny of troops fr^'m Marnelllefl, to be sen t souih to take po rt In bonier sk lnnlsbefl and to prepare fo r th e con­tinued Invasion of Morocco; and h I® pale to say th a t, a t the present tim e, her m ilita ry fore* In Tunisia, A lgeria and

M orocco probably am ounts to over lOO.OOC m ou”

I t Is In addition to these , apparently , th a t F rance haa developed a force of h a lf a mlllllon picked men in Algeria and Tunl.'i and It Is expected th a t Mo­rocco will give her g rea te st m ilitary AHsest. By the scqulRltlon of th a t coun­try Bhe will nhaorh ten million more peo­ple, " the hard iest people o f A frica," from whom she may be able to recruit an arm y of more th an a mlHon.

The French N orth A frican colonial arm y Is described by Mr. F u rlong as specially enlisted force, the first en lis t­m ent hping for five year*. M ainly com­posed of natives, dcacendan ts of genera­tions of nom ads, whose fa th e rs but re ­cen tly became a tam ed m artia l race, they ore aoldiers by choice. The cavalry , re- m nrkable horsenien, a re m ounted on wiry, well-bred horses of th© country, able to endure the heat and fa tigue, able Io'W ork an d th rive on a feed which, under the tondltion*. would cause th e E uropean horse quickly to sucum b.'’

But It Is not the F rench policy of de­veloping such an a rm y to support her pow er In Morocco th a t a la rm s Germ any; It 1* the conviction th a t F ran ce Is devel­oping her M oroccan m ilitary a sse t fo r of­fensive and defensive use a t home. Morocco Ib only 700 m iles aw ay from M ar­seille* and w hen the tim e comes th a t P ran ce can bring a million o r m ore of tra in ed soldiers from A frica Into Europe, the security of G erm any m ay be dis­turbed . At any ra le , St Is Mr. F u rlong s opinion th a t the K sl|© r's m ind Is m ade uneasy by th is p rospect and th a t U had been taken litto account by the Germ an O avernm anl in form ing Its M oroccan program .

LAUIEHnANOThe individuality in the tone of the

LAUTER PIANO is such that you need only hear the instrument played once to remember it always.

There is liquid purity and singing quality, and, in the bass, ^mazing sono­rousness and power.

Critically examine LAUTER P I­ANOS—and know. GRANDS, U P­RIGHTS and the LAUTER-HU- MANA (player).

Illustrated catalog on request.


Hats Off ih Atlanta

A tla n ta . Oa . ha« ft city ..rfllfiftnce w h lshhcatres, m ovingrequ ires m anapers of

p leturo ehow« and sim ilar places of en te r­ta in m en t to t.‘ompel ladles a tteod lng ^ r -

lK«<t under a '*Bcnerat w elfare" clause ofthe c ity charte r, which confers on tha governing body the pow er to pass ordi­nances "fo r the prevention and punish­m en t of disorderly conduct and conduct

(ortm uu’e« lo m ke oft iKelr h a ts liab le to dlnturb tha p*fteaand tranquIHUyth© Bhow b«'i<Iii8 and to kt-ep them off un- of any c ltlien o r clllxen#'' o f the city, and til the ruriftln fallfl on the final act. fiom© I g^igb “m ay seem to It p roper for the

................. .. . - - i - j security of th e pea^e, health , o rder and

The New Jersey L * ft* la tu r* adjourned last April. New TorU 's hung un luitll Hi© flrHt of October. I* It an y wonder thou­sands of New Y o rk 's beet citlsens or* hurry ing to find hom*> In our Btal*?

of the women In the cli>’ objected to th© regulation , rofu«ed to romply will. li. an^ a tea l case was the rea-ilT. Now the G eor­g ia Court nf " 8 rendered a de­rision upholding the VHildlty of th e o rd i­nance, and the ladle?* hats m ust w m e off in pltioea of public unnisement.

T he court, however, nays the ordlnanc* m ust he retiflonablv e<mstrued. J u s t w h a t

reasonable oonetn irtlon Is the learned tribunal does not psiy. but the court tells why It considers the* ordinance co n stitu ­tional. The regulaiinn is wUhln the police puw sr of the municipality, and Is au tho r-

good governm ent of said city,As a consequence, if the women of A t­

la n ta do not tak e off th e ir hat* to th© G eorgia Court of Appeal* th e police power can Intervene and m ake troub le th a t wU] be liable to d is tu rb not only the peace and tranqu illity of any th e a tre audience, but also o f the offending h a t wearer*. The decision Is considered a g ro a t v ic to ry for am usem ent lovers w ith on© exception. The men who ord inarily occupy the bald- headed row w ere not concerned over the outcome.



Wireless TelepKeny for Use in Mines

A dm iral Schley, th e la s t of the great herooe of ffnnilqgo B ay. ha* Joined hls form er enem ies beyond th© border. Im- pnrtlel history a lre ad y adm its th a t there waa "Glory enough fo r a ll."

Messrs. R eyburn and Vare, h itherto bossap or P h iladelph ia , have been notified, a t the prlmarlofl. th a t Q uaker City voters a re not so “c o rru p t an d oontentad" *a they used to b*

The telephone girl a t A ustin belong* to the heroic d o s s uf th© horseback rider at Johnstow n and P au l R evere a t l.exlngton, whoLher poets anil h le to rlapa record her heroism or not.

Exactly so, G overnor WHsOfl, O thers than you would Ilk© i t f have "The Beau­tiful Isle of Somew'here" a llttl* fnoro definitely located, even In hym ns.

The aerophone experim ents of O rlndell M atthew* have boen wonderful no t only In actAtal resu lts, bu t even more ao In siiggastod pOPKlbllltlea. A single sm all box con ta in s complete each sot for w ire­less te lephony—Including the b a tte ry , m o lo r-tran sfo rm er and everyth ing else necessary—an d with this simple a p p a ­ra tu s , In tests near Chepstow. E ng­land, th e re has seemed to be no difficulty In c a rry ln * conversation a l distance© considerably m ore than five irdles, wbtl© even th e tick ing of a w atch In a s tro n g vault w as m ade audible In a d istan t p a rt of the building through nine Inches of

arm or steel, nine Inches of firebrick and six feet of concrete.

Instead of being the long H e rtila n w aves qf M arconi's te leg raphy , the v ib ra ­tions are sla ted to be of such h igh fre ­quency as to b« not w aves a t all, but continuous d isturbance, w hich carries along every fluctuation of th e voice. If the aerophone can be used fo r speech throhgh miles of solid rock, a s the en- thusl.'Astic Inventor claim s, th e problem of mine signals la solved, and It would arem probable that vary ing re su lts th rough different rocks m ight locate m ineral de­posits.

Accumulating money through Prudential Endowment policy scientific saving. A definite total is stipulated. Regular amounts are deposited at at even intervals, and at the end of the period designated in advance, the amount of the policy is paid in cash to the insured. The plan is a profitable one, and Life insurance protection goes with it.


M adero m ay th in k th e people of Mexico elected him P res iden t, bu t ft was rea lty Dl&x who did the trick , by sending him to Jail and m aking h im popular.

Dr. W iley Is h e re a f te r to have hls own way. and It's abou t th e unanim ous opinion that he's the one to be trusted wUh It

I thought I heard her when th© wind would po**Down through the pUiey trece, the tangled g raa i;1 thought I heard h e r exc|utaltely near W hen no sound was.I thought I heard her little feet Over th*.,gray beach •pebbles beat.And th a t I need bu t lift min© ©yee And see her there w ithou t eurprls©- Knowing th a t she had come again To klBB from me her sca r of pain.I th o u i^L alas!T h s t she w as exquisitely n ear " ,W hen no sound was,And raised my head, and threw my arm s a p a r t; b u t she W as now here 'tw is t the fo res t and the eea.

—Shaemts O^Bheel Ik S u p e r ’s Wekklr


X ...



' r■ - ./ .S '

A pato Nov Vince I Uon tt pftt rec 0CDUA Ume/p

• t r o n g ) flrmly tho la . hu t un UiB no

The I 'tlia pc Their I on I h r tw ejit y num be 111. Hr wae tt ■Imply drink t accept, cent 0 dWielu doirted '9»tUI ■■

He w tu rned tinwrai n f cha

"W hi pftgna a .k e d /

"TWi eeesflul w h ^ e wa% at dock I ktunted

"Yo. nheape

"Oh. Mac w • e n t hi win .0 the ch tiv e tl lo .e hi to .av .

B ut . T he II ou t.po had p< the an

"Sun aansee, will

"Son It," as abou t w ay ., m ent by am v o te .

The rooentl H em 1

"Tha w hen ' Ilk up ta in o: p a rty Mlnaa. th a pa dead a to r re- "Iholr they 1 ■woold « n l t l that r Uvlnfl. th o to living that w lottf « It, t t



■Th. v ran tn now ( alone, helped "S ir V a C a U th a t h tIfiOB. CoBtei

On I th e ol TOrMt th e PS t iu i r I m e a m ono) a e n r h to r ghBOW IMW fo ■one. ae to / ■waa tl tribu ti o t bo! One t H allfa Coneei year.

■T Vcry ," Way, Very f th e Ui be In t fa c to r ehould th e cl m ay ade m e m icag

Can. and I have w ith S tatoa try . : Preeld tendec rep re l to t r i deecet o f ou a re k< electit a t th« one b elec tic

E ltb from metho h ltbor hae w d w r r w aa r and I fo r vl

The a rk o n ypare rto lp r



W. T vtnoo book) aboul w ritti Btron one-d ■toiw


N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S. T U E S D A Y . O C TO BER 3. 1911.

id th e T rlp -

ag ree- R now

n iUu^ nee in E u ro - nego-

T. a n nm en t b efo re

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it th a t nJfl fo r ig h t to a n t pr th e iictione e t'f'le- e very (\ wne nnw ore fpar uf to th e : w hile

ae to rie. a r - for th© Jerltn ."

» ad d s. uylnesH Heicra- Shuva- n»(reee. rtifd to h linsclf lie th a t ’ tttr of \)d even


e aeked . a re ­us con-

rcp lled ;

3tie can miiiQ a ou t the

lie pow- hpr evl [©ct the

Italy'® po how Id bo to A lliance ne M ed' deed, to Lhmitted Id cotne lav© aU

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And !f, to aelzo

e brlngfl w. they rev e rse

ild th e ir

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N^rarken io N o n Scotia Trace Defeat to Clark, Taft, Cor-

ription aoi Pride.


A of N ^w ark«rti who made a tripto N ova Beotia laat week found th a t p ro ­vince etUl lalA lna abou t the recent elec­tion ttw re w hich ^ .v e Preeldeni T a ft'a Pat re c ^ ro c ltjr cchem e It. quietus- N ova S co tia In com m on w ith the o ther m ari- Ume/proi,lDcea has a lw ays been a Liberal

atranehoM and w as counted upon to stand (irmly fo r reciprocity , but It d idn 't. In tho la st t 'a r lla in e n t the C onservatives had hu t one m em ber (rrun Nova Beotia. In Uie new one they have nine.

The first c o n ta c t of the N ew arhera w ith 'the political s itua tion was an odd one. Their boat had stopped a t a littia ham let on the Bay of Fundy. The place w as tw enty-five m iles from a ra ilroad and num bered abou t fifty Inhabitania, About th e first th in e th a t the learnedwae th a t the place was "d ry ." It waa lim ply Impoaslblne to a e t any th ing to drink strongor th a n gtnger-pop. This waa accepted u s final by all of the p a rty ex­cept one. T h is gentlem an avowed his d lA ellef a s to the alleged d routh and dutrled o u t on a s till hunt, accent on the 't I tU I" '

Ha w as gone abou t ten m inutes and re- tu rnad with a package which upon being unw rapped proved lo be a q u a rt bottle o f cham pagne.

"W hei^ did you dig up a bottle of cham ­pagne In th is o u t-o f- lh e w ay p l a c e f a sk e d /h la aston ished companions.

"Thfls Is e lection booze," replied the suc- eeasful sleu th . "I asked our stew ard w h ^ e lo gu and he told me th a t 11 there wa» any of th e stulT around old Mao, the dock m aster, knew w here It waa so 1 lyunted up Mac and here Is the re su lt.’’

"Yes, bu t cham pagne, w as th a t the cheapest he had?"

"Oh, It d id n 't ooal so much. You see Mac w as the only L iberal here slid they • e n t him a ra se of cham pagne to try and win some C onservative voles. They drank the cham pagne and voted the C onserva­tiv e ticke t. M ar th inks he Is going to lose his job so be sold me the last bottle to save som ething out of tho wr.' It."

B ut M ac waa not llir only Llhcral there. T he little w h ite -ha ired postm lslress w as outspoken In h e r d isgust (tl ihe voters who had perm itted th e in se lv ts to be scared by the an n ex a tio n bogy.

"Som etim e they will come to their aansea," said sh e . "and then reciprocity will ^ e carried . "

C la rk an d T a f t B lam ed."Som e of y ou r s ta tesm en helped lo kill

IL" said she. "P res iden t T a ft 's rem ark abou t C anada being a t the parting of th e "Ways, and S peaker C lark 's foolish s ta te ­m ent th a t rec ip roc ity would be followed by an n ex a tio n coat th e Liberals a lot of votes am otig th e un th ink ing ."

The little postm istreus, whoee eon had recently g ra d u a ted from H arvard , did not seem w orried abou t losing her position.

"T h a t w;is a bad Sabbath day 's w ork w hen T a ft and F leldhig met a t Albany to fix up reclprocILv." said the Scotch cap­ta in of a sm all tug In which one of the p a rty m ade a tr ip .p into th e Basin of U lnas. "T hey though t they could fool th a p top la b u t F leldlm ; Is now polltloalty dead and yo« r-m an 1'r fi will be If he tr ie s to r ro-eleotloti. W hy m a n ," he continued, “th e ir a rg u iM iu a wore peetlable. F ir s t th e y w ould toll th e fa rm ers th e t they would g e t. 'b e tte r prices for Ihelr produce a n d th e n th ey would tell the m echanlea th a t rec ip ro c ity would ^pwer the cost of living. Now anybody oould see th a t If th e ta n n e rs g o t b e tte r prices the coat of l lr in g would go up tnatead of down But th a t w a g n t all. The L iberals bed been In long enoD th l th e re w as g ra f t and lota o f It, I t w as tlm a fo r a change."

l*he s ta tio n a g en t a t H au l sport w aa a ■TW -headnd v e te ran , who rem em bered the CMmean W ar. H e also voted the Con­se rv a tiv e tick e t th is year,

■•The U nited S ta te s snubbed us when we vronted cloacr re la tions," said he, "and ro w C anada Is s tro n g enough to’ a land M nna T h e re waa ano ther thing th a t Ilo ***!.*® L iberals ," he said.

L k u rie r la a F renchm an and **'*''* a trong feeling

fi j "* nationa lity and his re-tIglOD. T h a t accounted (o r a good m any C oneervatlve v o tes.”

M any V o tes P nrctiaaed .On tho b o a t from Y arm oath to Boston

'O 'l-vwraailon in the sm oking-room . Some of th e p im e n g v rs w ere L lbersla and It w as th e ir claim th a t the defeat o f th e ir p a rty ■was accom plished by the lavish use of m oney. T w en ty and th ir ty dollars. It waa w eerted , waa a n o t unusual price to pay fo r a volte. One m an declared th a t he kM w a deacon In th e church who received

fo ^ 'th e votca o f hlinaelf and his th ree aons. T h e re aecmed to be Home doubt a s to /w h e re th is money cam e from, bu t It ■was th a gen era l opinion th a t It w as con­tribu ted by th e m anu fac tu rin g In te rc ita Of bo th C an ad a and tn e U nited States, One s ta lw a r t buslijesa man from near HaiUfa* ad m itted th a t he had voted the C onaervative tick e t for the first tim e th is year.

■T w as not s c a n d by the annexation cry, he said , "but I looked a t It th is •fey, C anada Is prosperous, Is growing Very fa s t and a g re a t deal of money from th e U nited B tatoa la com ing over here to be Invested both In lands and In s ta r tin g facto ries , Now w ith these conditions why should we risk thla aaeured p rosperity in th e chance o f g e ttin g som ething which m ay bs b e tte r and m ay be woreeT II sdemed to me the w iser course to let well m icugh a lone."

C anad ian electlone, ae a rule, e re quiet and uneven tfu l. C anadian new spaper h ave been dlepoaod to c o n tra it theiu w ith election excitem ent In th e United S ta te s to the d isad v an tag e of th is coun­try . I t la s a fe to say , how ever, th a t no P residen tia l cam paign here was ever a t ­tended w ith m ore abusive language, m ore raprehenelhle m ethods and less adherencs to t ru th and decency. The pew tpapera descended to d ep th s th a t tho yellow est o f our yellow s never equolled and they a re keeping It up. I t la charged th a t the election law s w ere openly violated, row s a t the polls w ere num erous and a t Dlgbv oils b ra ttie r sh o t an d killed anoUier on election day.

E ith e r C anada h as been tak in g lessons from th e U nited S ta te s ae to election m ethods o r s lsa th e o rderltnesf which has h ith e rto ch arac te rised th e n and w hich has won m uch pra lae on th is side the bo r­d e r w as due s im ply to th e fac t th a t there w as no Issue to s t i r the people's passluus and Jnelte them to a genuine t tru g r ie (o r TtotoTT.,

T he one th in g Im pressed upon th e New- a rk s r s w as th a t it will be a good m any jrgars b efo re C anada ro tes In favo r of fSolpreclty.

Saved tniiii Serioos .MIe.

W* ^*Tf*..“*** prnwratlon Bwamp- •uoosss, and for kidney

end bledder troubto I have never found anything to equal i t 1 have raoommsnd- <)d It to a great many pao|rtev and have never been disappointed ns to results i Wned from iU use. I feel It my doty

you this, as It may bs ths means of persuading others to give thli grand rsmody a trial.

Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot saved me from Brtoht'a D lieess and Dropsp in tgu, after t » doctor* saM 1 could not >noo- olWy Uve. yourt vory truly,

xaaw a—,, a .2 ^*” 5*2'* .. Roohastor, K. T■tato of Mew York, I County of BConro^/**'

Pononally appeared before ms this Ust day of August, m i, a , j . Brown, who eubaorlbed the above statement, ar mads oath that the same la true In atil stance and In fact.

— NBILSON B. SPEN G SR ,Notary Publlo.

L e t te r t#D r, K llaaev tfc Ge,- Bteghamitea, B, Y.

P io v e W h a t B v n ie g .R o e tw i l l D e f e r TawBend to Dr. K ilm er « Cb., B ingham ton,

« . Y„ fo r a la m p le b o ttlt. I t will e m - v m w a n y one. You will a lso rece lv i a booklet o f .vtduable Inform ation. te lllM ah a to u t th e k idneys snd bladder. m S W riting, be su re and m ention th e N ew ark ■ ven lng N ews. B egu lar flf ty -esn t i ene-dollar else h o tt ls s tp r so ls a t a ll d i to f t i .

A Drop of BloodO r a U n to w a te r b e a i rim hem aa ty s lem w haa th o « M i|U r ta s tad by Ibe eWof sbem lst a t O r . r i s r a T i la e a U d i' H o M , B a la to , N . Y .. tatto tb s i to r y o< Im p aearisb sd b leod—aatvoM a tb a n a tto a a r aaaw kM aay ttw ebto . Saab socaal aationa a r s m ads w ilbaw l o ast s a d Is so ly t sm all p a rt of Ibo w e tit o( tb s s taff od p h y sio ita t sod sa rfo o n i e n d e r ib e dleeotJwa o ( O r . ff . V . Pierce f lv l s l tb s best ■ sd is o l s d e ic a p e u l b l i w itboet oast to Iboso ‘ w bo w ish to w rits smd m sks t (all t ts ts m e o t o( sy m g lo m t. A o im iu tio o ol o a ta res m otbod of fee teetod wasSo of tissao ood iap o v e iieb m ee t o f the M ood sod oorvoe i (dree i t used w hen you ta k e a s s fu r s t iv o sod ilyaerto og irae t o l ro o t i , w itb o e t Ibe oso ol slooiiDl, such a t

Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical DiscoveryW blob m akes the s te ieooh etraod, p te e io te t th e Bow of d ifeetive fo ieei, re- e to ree th e lo s t ap p etite , e n k e t o s iim ils tioo p e rlo o t. io v if e r s te t the liver to d puc idsi smd s o r i o t o the blood. It It th e d re s t b lo o d -m tk er , Iceb-builder t e d te s t ecwtive dctts tonic. I t ra skss oxen s tra n d in body, se tiv s In mind sad eool to M d m rn t . G e t w h ti you s ik to r t


"Tke Bachelor’s Baby" Again Wins the Aflcctioos o!

Sympathetic Av& icc:


N EW A R K T H E A T R E -* T h « B*ch©lor’i B aby," A cnm«dy In thra« *cts, by Pritn- cl8 WIlBon.Thom M B©achr».*e................................Fr»ncln WllaonM artin Doula M assrnTheodor© H a r je i .................GordonColonel John C*lv© rt... .ThomRa F Tm -jrKorhfw ............................... K. Bolden® PowoilMr®. Eroolcfl«]4 W eal.............Alma CbetiorW ln ifrM W e i t ................................Edna H runiMra. Em ily B tre a to r............... E leanor BarryM artha C atvert B cftch ................ Bnby DiUlaColored M am ro y ..- ..................... .May D * \ |tN u n e ..............................................Qr»o« Moor®A tk tn i ..................................... Harold Merrlam

■*Th« Dach®)or‘a Baby" ha® ®nt®r®d the th ree-yeftf-o ld clave of stage favorltae. In o th e r worda, Mr. W!l*on'B rom<‘dy I® ®o well liked by a ta rge section of th® the-r a trego lng public th a t he la ®ncoiirufed tu uae U for a th ird aeason as t R U rn n i vehicle for hltnaelf. Unleia he sbauld ■ucceed In w riting a n o th e r play ®o appeal­ing e-B thi® I® In It® blending of in io u i feeling and gay hum or, he m ight M^arch fa r and wide fo r one equally elTectIv® In pubilahing hi® w orth a® a comedian and in aatlflfylng those who delight In whole- •om e and cheerfu l en tertainm ent. Th« avMtIence la s t n ight showed a® keen enjoy­m ent of It a® did th a t which witneaaed th® perfo rm ance opening the au thor- a c to r 's engagem ent here «, year ago. The laugh ter, prom pted by comedy a® clean a®It i i t lc k tli^ , frequen tly punctuated the s tag e proceeding®.

Only A m an who haa m ore than ordi­n a ry know ledge of hum an na tu re and love® children could have w ritten ®uch

piece. I t 1® doubtfu l If a woman could d raw such a c h a ra c te r a® Thorna.® Beach, becauae, like th e heroin® In th® play, she would not be able to understmnd hi® a n ­tip a th y to little ones before one of them m hkee him rea lise w hat a beer he h u been. A w ealthy bachelor, and living v«ry com fo rtab ly In a well ordered horn® In Q ram eroy P e rk , Thm I® throw n Into a pan ic w hen to ld th a t he h u been a p ­pointed th e legel gti^rdlgn of hi® n lec^ M erth e C n lvert Beach, th® five-yeer-old d au g h te r and onTy child of hi® recently d e c e u e d tw in b ro ther. He vow i to Mr®. StrentoTa h ie Aunt and the good engel In hla borne, to W inifred W eet, who hesi­ta te s ftbout m a rry in g Mm becauee of hi® dlaltke o f ch ild ren , en d to hta law yer th a t he will not u s u m e the reeponaiblllty th ru s t upon him . H e I® escused of being ■eldsh, of d tireg e rd ln g a «acred du ty and of acting In a b ru ta l m anner; but he Ignore® ell argument® and appeal® and perelet® In hi® stubborn attitude.

Accident b rin g s th e baby Into hhv home and th e little on®, deceived by hi® s trik ­ing reeem blanoe to her fa ther, bestow s on him such In fan tile c&reaaee a® ih e had lev tshed On h e r lost parent. He view® her aBkance and la te r when bar sleep l® broken by ootloky pa ins and he Is ordered to sum m on a physician , get a hot brick, bring In a nu* '® and obey other com­m ands fa m tlln to fa the rs , Ms annoyance increase®. E ven tua lly , however, hi® heart, a® well as hts eyes and ears, Is opened to all th a t th e presence of a baby In a household m ean*. H e become® so enam ­ored of his nieoe th a t he suffer® anguish w hen he realise® th a t he ta In du ty bound to resign h e r to h e r dead m other's uncle. T lirough th e good offices o f hi® sw eet­h eart, who had been engaged to wed the unole and b rin g s th e le tte r to term s, the sep a ra tio n 1® no t enforced. The once c rusty b ach e lo r 's happiness Is assured not only by th e love o f the baby and of W ini­fred, b u t by th e sloughing, oft o f hts skip o f seH lsbnesi,

Mr. W ilson 's long s tag e experience en­abled Mm to develop hla them e In a m anner so n a tu ra l as to m ake the chsr- a c te rs and th e s itua tions In which they figure very p lausib le. The dlatcgue is b righ t, freq u en tly pungen t and leaves the Im pression o f being th e spontaneous u t ­te ran ces of th e d ifferen t persons engaged in n . T he action la b risk knd varied and th e tone o f th e p lay exhilara ting .

In c rea tin g a role of s te lla r propor­tions fo r him self, M r. W ilson w as so d is­c ree t a s n o t to skim p the o ther part®. As a re su lt, In te re s t In th e comedy it p re tty evenly d is trib u ted am ong the prin­cipal a g en ts In the en terta in ing scheme. Of course, Ms Individuality In humorouf! expression an d M s technical ease In u sing b is sictlng reaource® give distinction to hts p o K ray a l of Beach. He has not wholly rid h im self o f some of the tricks of h is clow ning days In comic opera^ but aside from th e se occasional suggestions of faro®:, h ts perfo rm ance Is adm irable In tt® b lending o f testfness, jocu larity and elnoere feeling. So was the audi­ence w ith him th a t ®t th e end of the sec­ond a c t It recalled h im again snd again to the scene. In deferenre to the evident w ishes o f b is admirer® he m ade a little •pageh th a t Igft no douM of h l | appr9* d a t to n o f th e reception given the play and .the com pany.

W ith tw o eicoepttona Mr. W tlaon's a®- feoclate® In th e c a s t a re th e players who w ere Identified w ith the production l i s t ecason. M r Ma®een, w hose w orth a s an ac to r w ae recognized long ago, has suc- oeeded C larence Handyslde® ®i Beach'® legal a d v ise r and gives due value to th a t role. As th e m altoloua Mrs, W est, Mlsa C heste r le f a r le ss eatlefy lng than was her predecessor, M rs. O gden Child, her melo­d ra m a tic an d flam boyan t ex it In the sec­ond aot. Ih p a rtic u la r having i cheapen­ing effect on th e scene. I t would be dllTI’ c u t to Im ag ine a m ore graclou® embodi­m en t of gen tle wom anhood than H ls i I te rry , a a M rs. S ir sa to r pu ts to h e r credit. In th e fins sim plic ity of her acting and In personal ch arm ehe top® all In the com pany. F o r tu n a te also is the s ta r In h a r in g MIm B ru n s in the role of Beach"® sw ee th ea rt and M r. Powell to Im parl a oomlc com plexion to th e butler.

• a •P roctoT *n Vand«TflUMUia

F oo tba ll e a th u s ta s ts need not aw ait the o p m tiig o f th e T haoksglvltig season"® gam M on th e g rid iron In order to satisfy tb e tr llk ta g fo r a Hvely scriram age tw esn kJokers o f th e pigskin. The inoet am using In d d e n t in tb s sketch called '*The L ead ing l ^ d y / ' p re- sen ted by M ies M arguerite H aney and h e r com pany a t Proctor*i T hea tre yes­terday* Is th e eatch-as-you-can game in whlefa M iu H aney , her feminine asMst- t n t s and nnm erous re p rse u ita tlv e i of the m aseullne e lem ent in th e audience* took p a r t X o ru les goven ied th e play. T b s ba lls wens Ucdied « r |>urled aonm s th e fo o tb g b ts la gvary direction . T her w aa rnuoh dodging o f beads and wild w aring o f a rm s a n d h a n d s tn fron t, w ith resuTting M larity w hile th e sp o rt n g e d . A fte r tbU show o f en e rg y by th e ttttle eomedlenne and her aseoe la tes, th s In te rest o f onlook­e rs In '*The L ead ing lA d y " lagged, for th e reason th a t It Is p re tty poo r^^u fr as a hum orous Invention. T he a t t e m ^ of an K ngllih sp rig P f nobility o f tho s in y a s i o rd e r to wed m osey by m aking up to a popular a e tre a s Is n e tth e f novel nor d ivert­in g In s ta g e p s ito rm an cs .

In h ts longs fam iliar* bu t eJwaya wef coma* faroe, "'FUnderio F nri^shed F U t,” WOttom Blms a g a in s p a r ro i th e Iw iih ta r th a t a h r i i ^ aooom penles b is an ttes a s an am atftu r pap o rtian g er and hla serio-comic tra v e s ty o f a n ope rn tle a rtlsL In h ts fun moKlng th is season h s is oapsbly assisted

HIM S d tth Conrad* A nother spu r to i n l r ^ is fa m ish e d by C hg Oordon. w hq m asg u e rad e i a s a G erm an poUticlaa* and oem & sn ts on eo rre n t and o ther topics ir l th appM uso-nonpen ing e f t s M M ed th e m idd le-sgsd !n tb s m atinee era

Fvanels WtleesL

the C ourt T b s e tre w hile It occupied tb v ^ Miaav ySHterday e fte m i^ r. and last nlght. Thu p lay le t II b e lte r caustruc ted th an a re most w orks of its kind produced a t popu- Uir price®, and Is prceciuod In a n a ttrw '- ilv© niMnner.

A® tin eocentriic singer end dancer, Jack Emrlleh diseleeed en te rta in in g raeouresa thtit earned for h im ,no t a litlle appleuae. Z©nl(a, ® eepehle violinist. p1vuh<h1 her ]u‘ar»'r® by her performanee®. Wllnon snd Cuml»®, colored coinedlan«. Rcored a Ittuahlng succeas, and the tla e c Bren- niiJiN won h e sr iy recugnUlon of ihelr ektU in Juggling and ladder im lundng. Ble- veriK and N ugeni were not ilie least Inter- f«uug con trlbu io ra to tlte hill, the ir clog -Ittii-'lng and ®1nglng prom oting enjoym ent uf the show.

T he sem i-w eekly change in the progrem jif-xt T h u rsd a y will bring fo rw ard equally clever enlertHlner®

yeste rday m ust have been reminded of the o ld-tim e v arie ty e tag r In th e chnrar- te r of the ofTering by B arry and Wolford T heir a c t 1® a hodge'pndge of ta lk and ■ong, In w hich one of the team, by aeklng question®, 1® a feeder for the other, whose replies a re aim ed a t th© funny bone® of hi® h earers. S tereotyped though the ac t 1®, It aarned nuineroua recall® (or the per­former®.

The heat muahsal act \’ary1ng a P rocto r p rogram for n long lim e p a ri Intritdiico?! M ax W itt 's "M elody Lane Glrla," a q u a r­te t of young women, who poiaoa® pleasing voices and alng with taate and spirit. O ther contributor® to the bit) a re the G eorge Brother®, sharpshooter®; the Mu­sical Bplller® a n d Mis® Josephine Davl®, Binger.

• • •The Girls.**

T he energetic efforts of the Otlo B ro th ­e rs in th e leading comedy role® and eev- e ra l c a tch y songs were iargely responelble fo r such en joym ent ae tha audiences a t the O ayety T h ea tre yesterday afternoon and la s t n igh t derived from "The Bogus A dm ira ls ," th e tw o-act musical e x tra v v g a n ia In w hich the ’TJoneymoon Olrta" com pany d isported Itself.

The p lo t In the piece bore such a s tro n g resem blance to that of "In P a n a ­m a." In w hich the Rogers Brother® co- a ta rre d a few year® ago, th a t It lacked th e m erit o f novelty. I t deals with the experience® o f two advenlurera, who when no t m asquerad ing as naval ofneer®, acted a® v a le ts to H unting Coyne and hi® chum . Chub Featherw eight. The la tte r (wo* desirous of annexing all the loose coin In P a n am a , decided to palm them- selvee off on the nativee as emlfis&rle® of th e U nited State®. The real repreeenta- tlve® of o u r governm ent having been Im- prleoned. th e conspirator® were able to p lay th e ir gam e un til the prisoner® were released . The bogus admiral®, who had been e n jo r ia g the deference paid to them , wore a rrea ted an d th s m anner In which they effected th e tr escape was an In te res t­ing fe a tu re of th e stage proceedings.

T he oonvlcts, known as Day and N ight, m ake a slide fo r life from the top of th e ir lo fty pHeon* a f te r which the two •otdler® o f fo r tu n e a re shown, by mean® o f a m otion p ic tu re , as swim m ing tow ard an Island, T h is s tag e affect w as wall m anaged and w as one of the few th ings In th e show th a t provoked applause.

A m ong th e m ore novel developm ents w as a d a n es called the Honeymoon Sliuf- fla. In w hich th e chorus took part. Ro e n te r ta in in g w as It that It m erited all the ap p lau se It prom pted. A scene, show ­ing T im es Square , New York, with t ro l­ley o a rs sh o o tin g tip and down, formed a re a lis tic background fo r th e song, *T‘m Going B ack to Broadway*" which was

^ u n g by Alloa L asar and the chorus. ^ IS B L a c a r , a ided by Leroy B erry and th s ohor1stei% a lso made a "h it" with the soag, ‘*K sath th s Old Palm Tree," whose tu n e fu ln e ss quickly caught the fancy of a ll b e a r in g iL

T hs com pany Is lacking In good singing voices. but->the fem inine elem ent Is com e­ly and a ttra c tiv e . The costum es and the scenery a re a® pleasing as can be aeon In th e populnr-p rlcsd burlesque houses.

• * *

T h u r s to n , t h e M ag ic ian .P o p u la r In te res t In such deceptive p e r­

fo rm ances os th e m ors acoompllshed m a­g ic ians give la a s keen as ever It w ar, Judging by th e la rge audience m ade ac ­qua in ted wfth H ow ard T hurston 's bagful of tr ick s t t the Columbia T hea tre y e s te r­day a f t^ v is e n %n4 last eight gip?e H er m an th e G rea t and K ellar vanished frbtn th e m tinlo K ene no necrom ancer a p p ea r­ing here baa shown T hurston 's capacity fo r In te re s tin g epsetator®. W hile s l | thKt he does If no t absolutely novel. y«t so m uch of It h unfam iliar and nurpiislng th a t h is work keeps most observers agape w ith a ston ishm en t.

Bestdee such offerings as th s levitation o f P rincew i K a m a e and m yetifylog p e r­fo rm ances w ith card®, the aplri (-haunted cab in e t a n d o th e r articles, he piques and bafflss cu rio s ity by hts IHuslvs w ork In th e m ors sensational acts called 'T h e L ady and th e Lion'* and the autom obile aurpriM .

A ssootatsd wRh htm In hi® sn tsf ta tn ln g schem e Is Theodors Bambeig'. an expert In m ak in g shadow pictures c f a oomlc order,

• • «'• T b e OutsW er,**

"T h e O u ts id er," s nw todram a of w hich J u s tin A dam s Is the au thor, Is th s ep r- ren t o fferings a t the A rcade T h ea tre , w here It Is p resen ted a t popular prices by th e L yosum P layers , under th e d irection of B lanager M umford. T hs piece shows how a young sod energetic d v lj engineer tf lu m p h i over uBscmpuloua financiers, who w ould ru in the banker supplying the cap ita l fo r th e w ork he Is engaged In.

Variety at th« Oourl.In College Boy." a sketch dealing

w ttb hum orous incldenu In und erg rad u ­a te lifo, th s Olbson com pany provided m a rry en te rta in m en t for th e audiences a t

DutchMkid i s g o o d drink, good f o o d , a n d good house­hold econ­omy. Use it regularly.

I n 10c a n il 2Sc p te k a t r e t T r i a l e i to So

B r a w i t c r C o co a U l f 0 «Jetaej d tp N J


fM r-Bellevltig tha t the penpir of Nt*w Jersey will be InU'reMtjd In (lit! Bcheme <-r Piivlngs bank tn®ur:ime adopiod by th« stH te o f Md®i<arinis«tts. 1 ask you to pub­lish th is Iritt 'r

iMjring thp irjvestlgM lon of Ih© Iniur- tn e e compBnIefi In Now York s few yeur.i iigo, IyOuI* I> Hrandol®. of Uoston. was •nunBSl fo r the PoMcyholdor®' Protectli.'© .^saf'Clutlon lU th© EquUnhJr Life ln®nr- unce Conij'aiiy. and a® such becam e lully in fnnned on all Insurance m a tte rs On® (*f the thlnj?s ho Itmruod w'a® th a t Ih* w orking ponplo who buy indvistrlal Jnsur- u n re w ore paying abou t doublo the prlc© paid by thoRo who could afford to buy o rd inary life Insurance. In accord with hi® W ell-known desire to be of real B©r- vice to the piihllc, he cam© to the run- f'luaion th .it the w orking pfrople sh o u n Ijiive the iqiportunlly uf buying Ihelr in su ran ce at n lower ra le and gave h*mwel/ lo th e Riudy of a inethtid whereby this oould be done

A fter gM rig ih© m a ile r due cnnslJrra- non. he ennre to (lie cuncluHlon tl e tiling couid Ih' done hy ttllowlng Uie s«v, Inga bftiike uf the Sm te to laane IndListrlal Inauraru'o to the clUzenp i»f ‘he Blal© fo(* Jnel w hal II ru s t H aving decided the m .jtie r to Ills aa tlsfsc tlo n he ari about, wHli his rharacteriB ilc energy, lo secure Ihe enactm ent of a law whereby It cmild be carried out- \S'lih s cam paign of education Ihe HympAlhy and aid of nearly a ll the large m anufaclurer® of the Hiate. ull thc^ looiU and l^tate labor oi'gstilKailohs, the Honton C ham ber of C r.niniercf, church organizstlnn®. wnmsn'n c lubs juid m any IntiMCTitlol citizen® wu® obtained , und although actively and strnnirK npin'sed, (he m easure advof-ated hern me ii l.iw.

Tho MiiHi^achueett® Having® Insurance l.*cngiie made up of m any of the fornmopt citizen® of the P late, wan form ed and ha® become a perm anen t o rgan isation Since th e law han been passed, the league ha® demoted It® effort® to m aking U popular With those who will be d irectly henrllted. and In induce them to tak e ad van tage of It F o r th is purpofl© the league maintain® perm anen t headquarter® and has s jla ff f-f lec tu rers , lotnc uf whom are paid, and ®nnie of whom donate the ir servlcct. These Ic rtu rera go nm onget the people, explain the wjHieni and try to induce thorn to uHft It. None of thl® expense I® paid from Tnoriey paid for Insurancs, but I® [laid h j‘ persons InierestPd In Ih© wel­fa re of ttic people of III© S late. The plan I® ihlfl.

The S ta te employ® and pays a phy­sician atw] an ac tu ary . The physician pre- ecrlbe® the health condlllon® nocesrary to secu re limuniiirc, and (he actuary pre­pare® ar.'l furnlslie® form® for applica­tion®, pollrl+*iH Hnd nil p rin ted m atte r used In connectii.n with (he ac tu a l bualiie®®; he also fo rm ula tes the ro tes, and Is the in a ih em allrlan on whom La placed the re- spon.slblilty of keeping the huslneei In safe and true channel®. D uring tho year IMS the saving® bank® Ihut Issued Insur­ance did so &t R ra te abou t fifteen per cent, lower than ra te s charged by the reg u la r Industria l companie®. At the end of the year, a f te r m aking ell payment® for reserve and g u a ra n te e funds re­qu ired by the law. (hey paid a dividend to the policy-holder® of 8 1-8 per cent., and pu t three tim es the am oun t of the dividend Into a speolat reserve fund.

T his Rhowfl th a t th e cost of Industrial Insurance to those using the sav ings bank in su ran ce wa® about three-fourth® as rnuch a® to those who paid to Industrial oompanlefi. D uring 1508 paym en t of pre- ratum a on Induetrlal policies In Maaaa- chuse tte am ounted to over |sl.(Vlo.00h Had th is been a t th e ra te s charged for ®av- Ingfl bank Insurance it would have been abou t IG.OOO.iW or u pacing lo the working people of M asspfhuse lls of about 13,000,- 000 In one year.

W h at I® tru e of MasBachuBctt® In thl® reg a rd Is tru e nf New Jersey , I am con­vinced th a t thl® w’ould be one of Ihe he®t law® th a t could b© enacted fo r our fltote, and one th a t would be of direct benefit to a m a jo rity of ou r c l t l ie n r I am very m uch In favor of it and hope-tfcnd tru s t th a t the citizen® of ou r S ta le will ta k e as much In te rest Irt It a® do the citizen® of M assachueett®. 1 w ish to do all I can to spread the know ledge of th is system of Irsu rance, and to ge t th e In­te re s t and help of our c itizens In securing It. 1 have m ade a Bturty of It and will be glad to Im part the llUle I know lo any one who would like to lea rn about It. If thftr® Is any o rgan iza tion or club In terested In know ing abou t tt. I would be very glad to go before It and explain th e system to them. A® I have my work to do, my tim e 1® fa irly well tak en up, but any M onday o r F r id ay n igh t I could m anage to m eet such d u b o r organ iza­tion . Your® respectfully ,

J o i lN N. K L E IN :.Belleville, N J

NAVARRE882 Broad S t., Near City Hall

Our Restauranton th e m ain floor, i® tb s fines t In a llu a tto n , appo in tm en ts* se rv ice and culBlne Jn th is R ta te. A p o p ­u la r lu n ch eo n p lace fo r p a r t i c ­u la r pec'ple

Popular PricesLuneh FOCd NOIROW t BJUIIIIIGTND lnnsrSO o. Prop*.


p S o c t o F s T S TDAILY M ATINCR. IS e.. «Ae., SOfl.

T a lsslian e I D id M arket.aRv,' tun

GORUOIVt W ILLARD B arry A W'olfordi Josrglilae Durlsi Melody Lnne Otrlsi II—- Splllero— George Bros.

-lB e„ gBc„ gfte.. T tC r


M & t i n e eHAT. ONLT

Next W eek-'


T rtilllo RonndsniBB H a r t .One of tho wheel® of the milk wagon

belonging to P. J Larney, of Union ave- nue, in d n g to n , ran over th e rig h t foot of R oundsm an Tully a t M arket and Broad etreet® yesterday afternoon. The InJurj' pained Tully ao badly he had to go home


CHURCHCtlotffiD s ad Bel-

ttioB t Are®.W ed. E t« i Oot. 4 th.THE MAN WITH TWO VOICES

ADOPTS, kftc, O BILPBEW , !»* .

c o i i^ENO I^W lI

- T B * ----rOIKSHlIE


683-687 Broad Street. 21 W. Park Street

T h e r e Is a N o te of C ooler W e a th e r in t h e I te m s W e A d v e r t is e fo r T o = m o rro w

ComfortablesSoft and Downy Comfort­

ables, both sides covered with figured silkoline cf the finest made, full double bed size; regular $2.10 each, sale at, each

1 _ ^ 9Blankets

Large Double Bed Size White Blankets, fast color pink or blue borders; regular selling price $1 50 pair, sale for Wednesday at, pair


Long CoatsO f R e v e rs ib le M a te ria ls

For Womeo, Misses & JoniorsA fine selection o f th e se mod­

ish g arm en ts in th e wanted sh ad es— this r e fe r s to th e back as well as the fac e o f the ma­teria l. T h e v ery n e w est s ty les ; som e with broad revers , o th ers have notched and shaw l collars. C o m p are th ese with th ose o th ­e rs ch arg e $ 1 9 .9 8 fo r ; h ere a t


Outing Flannel5,000 yards of mill lengths of Outing

Flannel, all light grounds, neat stripes, checks or plaids; regular 9c. yard, sale ^ „ Wednesday at, yard.............................. / L

Buck TowelsLot of odds and ends of Bleached Hem­

med Huck Towels, good quality; have sold at 8 to 1 2 J/2C. each (some slightly im- j f ^ perfect), sale while they last at, e a c h O L

Men’s and Women’s UnderwearMEN’S UNDERWEAR

Heavy Derby Ribbed Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers; Shirts have collarette necks; drawers have outside bands and large double gussets, in ecru andgray .........................................

MEN’S HALF-WOOL UNDERWEAR Natural Half-wool Shirts and Drawers;

we believe this is the lowest price that a woo! mixed garment has ever been sold for, all perfect goods; shirts up to 46; drawers up to 44; 75c. values.

5 0 c

5 5 c

WOMEN’S UNION SU ITS These are what the mills term seconds,

but so slight that you cannot detect them, heavy, white fleece lined, neatly trimmed at neck, regular and extra sizes; T O / v values 59c. and 65c., fo r .....................O M V

E ssex Mills’ Winter W eight Union Suits, this brand is too well known to go into de­tails; they are strictly first quality goods and regular 75c, values, f o r O v F C '



19-in, Chiffon or Crystal Cord Bengaline, w o rth 4 5 c .27c 36-in. B la c k and Colored Bengalines, w orth $1 , s p e c .7 5 c 19-in. Changeable Satin de Luxe, value 8 9 c . yard, at 50c18-in. Messaline, worth 39c., s p e c ia l .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c36-in. Wool Back Satin, worth $2 .49 a yard , s p e c ia l . .1.75 Black Taffeta, 36 in. wide, value 79c, a yard , sp e c ia l . .59cBlack Taffeta, 3 6 in . wide, best $1 silk m a d e ............. 69cBlack Taffet^ 3 6 in. wide, value $1 .25 , sp ec ia l , yard , .89c Black Mesaalines, 3 6 in. wide, value 79c. yard , special.59c 36 in. wide genuine Swiss Messaline, v a lue $1 yard , a t 75c 36 in. wide, double warp Messaline, $ 1 .2 5 y a r d ; y a r d .89c Black Peau de Sole, 3 6 in. wide, $1 .0 0 grad e , s p e c ia l . .79c Black Peau de Sole, 3 6 in. wide, $1 .25 y a r d ; s p e c ia l . ,89c Black Peaude Sole, 3 6 in. wide, value $ 1 .5 0 yard , a t . 1,19 Black Satins, 36 in. wide, reg, $1 .00 values, at, y ard , ,79cB l a c k S a t in s , 3 6 in. wide, 98c. a y ard ; y a r d ................. 6 9 cBlack Satins, 3 6 in. wide, reg. $1 .25 grad e , s p e c ia l_ _ _ 89c




Atlantic CityU La on® of the m'»8t riellglitful month® of the y^-tir a t th e ®hore The

cH m ate 1® itiiUI yet hniclrvif. T he Ret-uri amuBement nnd aoel®! fea tu re s a re m ain ta ined at tbr-ir very b est A luxury lovinn .Taps of vleltor® con-Keg a te In hotel coiririfr anrl alun^t tlie fiuiifuiB proniinede. anri life I® Rl

I hostT h e a tre s pier®, ifuiflng, horsebflck rlriinff, clrlvln^^, m nto rin s. yarh tlng ,

ro ller ehalririg nil the o th e r A tlan tic <’Hy sjmrl® and papiiine® ar.* nl- ivaya to be InduSsrtMl in A tlflntJr fMty nev^r i Uinca. Itn season Is perennial.

t h e POkUOWINQ LEAOtNO HOUSES,Or»®n a ll th e year, will f u rn is h In fo rm a tio n , quo te rat®®, etc ., on reqiTest

TIIM R.NFi ] n o T F lL BT. rH A H L E SN<‘w lln H filnea •'.’’o

I '

GALEN H A M . jF. L. Young. Mgr |

h o t e l DKNM SW a lte r J. Uiizby.

U O 'I K L S T R A N DA m erican I’lan KxrUiHively

H. C. Edw anlei nnd F r a n k II Off. M «rsT O E I 'E N N H l R14T I BKABIDE IIQ U iBWllllfi.m R. H ood. F r Cook's Boh®.

LOiiropeun Ulan J a c o b W elko]. M gr

; M.ARLDOnOUGB.IILENHEIMD oth A m crlcfin iind F u ro u m in Ulona.

Jo a ln h W hite 8l Bona CniTit>anyTIIK lIULM ifl RHT

H en ry D a rn e ll

Eloth the Central R. R. of N. J and the Ucnneyivanla B. R. m a in ta in « conven ien t uiotn und noon soheiiule to.- A tlnh tlr City from N ew ark Full In form ation from looa.1 ticke t agen ts.


The Royal MailSteam Packet Co.


andUPWARD Meals and

SUterooma included

Nu isteEfo**;III! llrfff>(tlaMaccuinmoda-


Charles Frehman Pt**enta

Francis WilsonIn Hti Own Comedy Succa®®

'*Th« B eebfliar'aTHE OLD HOME&TRAU"

G A L E N H A L LeBTioum'ei


AA I4«al mouataln spot during AcptemlMc, Oetobwr and November, for bealth and r®«

r u voima,Q«o«r«i Manager.

D d - a W A H K W.VTBH OAP. PA .

T H E C E N T R A Ld b l a w a b b w a t e r o a p . p a .

CatMcItY ISO- HcecleJ ratce for September.


The fell and winter pairwmze of thla houM In ever Inciranlnir. on account of Iti locatfon. rllTeriiy on the occaii front, f ic ln f lOulh. it® iuperlyr spcv^tntmcniff and careful lervlce.

OPKN AT.L THE TTMR.w a l t k r j . B v z r tj .

ODaillioroiigb-CkiiiidBAtlantte Cltr. V. J- JtMleh White A Son* Co.

Market end Helaer dt®. Tet. 1049 Market Uatlnee Dally. Amateur Night Fridey

H o o i n « 3 r m . o o n O lr J L aNext Weric-TffB B^HUAN BMOV


m iilitO P THE TROPICSNm h u i Havana, San Juan, Bar-

b^oea. Trinidad and the Spanlah Main.

Tick***, T « r a aKd C ru lcM • * A ll Llae* of Occaa a tc a n e n .

R e s e rv a tio n a Now.

ALFRED L DERIISBaaUtoat rtaetaer a t r a a t A F l a w

TT4 B R O A D 8 T R E C T Ttavalara’ B a n a a . t


HUDSON RIVERNIGHT U Si*npular Searchlight Roote.** |# e Str. C. W. Jloree end Adiron- j

n S P U i dock, Pier 32. N. H.. foot Canal ' I IRC Bt.. e P. M.; W. I29tb Bt.. d;43 oJHV p, M. dally tRundey exroptedu

T o AlbOBF Oboenatlon and Pains Boom a ' new feature.

t f i n v C M Itrw 9ir. Trojan and Reneeelaer.Pier M. N. B . a P. M. dally

L O W E S T p r ic e t h a t h a s

e v e r p r e v a i le d f o r a ftra t-c lan s ro u n d t r ip

I t ic k e t. T h e s e rate?i ] fo r th o s e w h o book

now . I t 's c h e a p e r th a n r e m a in in g a t h o m e ,

hy S. Sa TAUUS ObI. T—flcl. II

Wlrcleffto and r- ni.'riiaptiilance '------ - ------------—

A H it\ , t^cDc-ral AffCBta S la te Sl-t V.t A lfred li. U cnnta 4

Co., TT4 U road Bl,* J . M. n ^ r n r TTf Ilruad N(.i J . I'j. f la y e r , 2-1 IT Ia ton S t. Nctfarli.

Tffurff IbO. HdU1», ShDtw £xcura)o&i,LAw«fft aatoa, Twla beraw i. i . "Barmudiaa,” IMQ Usoa, aalllOctoE'or llCh and HHuc kfH»; eiecirlafar*, wIrcIcBft icIivHriiphv

FBBtaat. QRWMt and ouly Rtt>acDar Isudlrig gao-■cDf ra at (be dock Id

l^ r hliiHtrat^’d pampbD ta arplf to A. £. 0VT< ERBRIDGE a CO., Axentff, quabao fi. fi, Oo.i Lt$.. n Broadway Bew York; TOfiE^H K. BTHNE CO.. 776 Broad St.; AI.TRED L, DIH- RI8. m Broad Bt.i 3. £. HAY£R. H Cllatoa St . or anv Tlokot Agaat. or QUEfiCO S. B, 00.. Ltd.. quaDoo.


SmllUu lrw » !*«« every A a iu raayBA1.0UN, BTO a ad •TO.•KCO N D CABIN, •IM.T H IR D CI.AtSI. tS-iJSO.

Per naw tlluBtratcd book of toun and Infor­mation apply IP HI^NDKRSON BROTIISRfii agantR 17 and 1ft Broadway. Naw Tork. or ALVUKD L. riKNNlfl 774 C r«d •!.; JOB. M. BTBNB CO , 7Tfl BrnaJ .t-i J. ®. MATltll. M CHntor ll.. NrwerV.



'■W tiOava rivi *p. r ooiWa»t 10th St., 6:3U P. U.

W w l JJH h ht. J P, M. Dally. Sundaya fnolwlad


I M E rSalurdav «xcopt«<U. Weal iai4b _ St.'. P M. iSuhdaya iwily).T o AlbOfiy Rtopa at Albany In both dtreo-• a d Troy ‘'“" h o u h b t r i p »aJ«>


PrOTldaoc* IHroet, 11.60 | Wons«at*r. I2.d0 IRlIlPt iMtaAlttO SuA hr* fitSO P. M.

Fn a n « r IS- Eaat River.,jr«w M oM O rw reL ImpioTftfl ServtM .

ett? Tloliat OOcd, SSO Breadwog* N* T.


Renad Trip, •1.60. ( ! • • • W Ware.Bln. IV.. n . W. IlDunon BI-. 0:*) P.

W. l» lh 81., « P. M. dally: Hop Colun-.bla SL (X’nlnn Bta.l. Aloesyi

wgtlibautKl. »lop fl. W, IBtet St,. N T. TlcW;. Klpv'* Ax.ser. i n Hirltet it. Tel. M HarkR.

Hudson r i v e d IDAY LiNE *V

Sleamari leave D«.bro#*e* e t. Si4« A. M. i W. 42d at.. » A. X.: W. UMh f t . Blto A. IL. Uindlnt at Twkera, Wait Potnt NeVhurb PmiAneeal.. Klunton PeMt Atafetll. Bed- •ea and Altoar- D tnai iXi c a u e e tM t Haato. K H u an a t


Boston, ProvidenceVIA

C o io i i ia l L in eB O S T O N

PROVIUKNC13, B ea t U lra e t......... ' • *-!2P A lil. R IT R R , V ia B o a t a a * R a i l . . 1A W ORCKRTBR, V ia B o a t a a d R a l l . . U «

PR O V lD EN C B i R o a e d T rl* . •SAB

BOSTOX S 4 .I0Thaaa n tae Include aertb la either CJeatle-

raan'a or Ladlaa' Cabloa. The CabHa aad»r the ctaarae of eoomeiaot Bteararda aad StawSri-

1 *^eam er leavaa New York from Pier t o K Iw . (0*1 Weat HoueioB 81.. daUJ. (ao(H.'‘

I (hiiiAap. 5:S(> P. M. S ta te re o ia a , • ! a s sA U , CrtTMIDK * O O M 8 -F 1 N ^ (W R V lo t

- . jif



Clerics Refose to DiTiI|e State' Bent from Dissenters of the

Second Cuman Choich.


“ I never tte Such Griddle Cekes.’* nr v iM r t. R . V an V ttkU n, 2 ^ N o , Slk A v t , , M l. Vernon, N , K j

V crty O’ Ce.. f f t x >'«'*

S E L F - R A I S I N G F L O U RFor Light, DellMte Pie C rurt, Btocutt. Pwtry, DumpHngi and Pan Cake».

B ec e u n o f * belief ih e t In publlcetlon would accom plish no good, tho prcdljjtory of NnwarlL, to-day, look forma) action to prevent The dtic loaore of a proieai made W it by the d leaen iln f mcmbcra of the Second Oerm an Church, who three montha ago formed an indei>end«*nt conareKallon.

The Dfoleat waa received a* a conununl- e*Uon 10 the p reo w te ry « n l wo* i f f under lh» i order of bueines* * t tiie lan m eatinf which opened In tlie ITlrel Church th is morning.

To Ineure lie g e llin g conildcratlon th o u c lrcu litln g the p ro le il hod ou- dreoacd copleo of It to the member* ut the presbytery Indlvlduelly.

Dr, Frederick W. Hock, poetor of iho ■econd Oerm en Chu^ph, la id ihiit K nn Iniultlng docum ent, bu t declared In the meeting lie had nu objection In tti* proteel being publl*hed.

Rev. F rederick W. I^ewl* brought up the queitlon of lu p p rea iln g the proleot. l ie u i d he did not th in k th e m atter ehould b* given publicity end th a t he hart ro- tuaed to give hlo copy to newopoper men becauie he did not wl*h to be the one to »dd to Iho c ircu lation of the docu-

* D r. Hock followed Mr. bew li In dl*- ouBfllng the ■ laietnenl. _

"The Uecond C hurch oBteere, he said, “nnd pafllor have been iile'nt, an we have taken *o m uch th a t thle additlonnt knuck

• m l l y d o n n 't m a tte r. I have no objection to the proleet being publlebed »o long M the other elde m ay be given. 1 elm erely hope th a t the tim e will come when the olHcera of o u r chu rch will be heard.

The p ro le it, aa a coininunlcatlon, wae referred to a com m ittee compoaed of Rev. I>r. P leaean t H un ter, Rev. Dr, Robert goott Ing lli. Rev. D r’ I.ymnn W hitney Allen. Jam e* B. D uaenherry and F rank Benjamin. It w aa afte rw ard decided to add two O erm an epeaklng member* to th e committee.

D r. M eDowell H e-eleeted .F o r the f lr it tim e In the hlatory of th e

preabytery n m odera to r wa» elected to ancceed hlmaoH when Rev. Dr. John Mc­Dowell wae re tu rned to the prealrting ofllce. Rev. Joseph F. Folsom wa* elect­ed aa ilsU n t c le rk of th e presliytery.

A nother record w as established when the report of the chu rch catenslon com­m ittee w ae adbpted, Iricludlng a recom- m audatlun th a t the m oderato r be request­ed to send the g ree llnga of presbytery to 'Wtlllem R ankin, w ho h a s Just passed th e fim t year In a second cen tury of life, and also express to him th e thanks of presby­te ry for h ts g ift o f r w to free the P ea - ooneai* H om e p ro p erty of debt.

The extension com m ittee presented a re ­port w ith exdeptlpnel feature*. At one point Rev. Ct . D av is W. Lusk called on a num ber of m laalonaiies and workers, who repreastited nine languages required In th e w ork of th e church In Newark, to come to th e p la tfo rm and repeat In foreign Ignguages a t th e ir command a passage from Scrip ture.

Peraonal w ork, declared the report, w as th e need o f th e hour, ana It w en t on to M y; " In the Judgm ent of th e c o m m it tee th e g r e a t need a t th e present tim e In the p r M b y t e r y is ev a n g e t l s a t lo n . Our effort should be to m ultip ly workers, deaoon- easos, m isslonartsB , preacher* and o ther balpsrs, r a th e r th a n e rec t butldlnge."

F o r th a f irs t tim e since hi* arriva l m K aw ark . I Rev. D r. W ilbur J . Dawson,

. M tln g m in u te r o f th s F ir s t Church, a t- tsn d sd a m eeting o f preabytery. and he took h is s e a t a s a correeponding member. Dr. D aw son w a s called to the F ir s t C hurch from th a C ongregatlonslU tC hurch , and n o t being a P resb y te rian cannot be adm itted to fu ll m em bership.


A fter an absence o f fifteen monllia, due to Illness, Jm lge Malcolm M ucLear resum ed his duties on the bench of the F irst I t lu r lc ’. Court a t the c ity hall to ­day. He has recovered from a jn a lad y described by phystelans aa o n y of tha most rare known t,i m edical td c n c e In th is country, a lthough com m on to Ind ia and other parte of so u th ern Asia. It was a germ disease of an In testina l charac ic r.

T he re tu rn of Judge M acL ear w as m ads



(C ontnnued from F irst Page.)

been recovered from the w ' ' '‘***, * "^ w as Identified a s Mrs Prerin i " aged fifty -e igh t A charred skull also w as recovered

W ith th e g rea tly augnieiil<’rt rorOS or w orknn n —m any arrived lo -d jy -e v e ry ef-

botil tow ard the (search lo r

FR EE H O LD , Oct. 3.—T h a t fornu-r Judge W ilbur A. UelBley had kept his promise, m ade a t a recen t B oard of Trade rUnnor at Long B ranch , w hen he charsed th a t there waa ev idence of g ra ft In llie Long R ranch Board o f E ducailon and th a t he would p resen t it to JuutJce WMIlard V. Voorheee. If no on e else did, was evident when the la t te r ch a rg ed the Orloner uruiid Jury to-day Mr. Helaley was In coiifei-

fy r t w a sbodice. I .

A lm ost hourly the relief cMurnltte* le In receip t of nffers of bi>th H'lppilru an a mvn. M eanw hile S ta ir lloa lih i am m la. ekm er Dixon, In rh a rae of the eli'iatloji nm iounrce th a t everybotly Is belmr houewl and the slrk i\nd injureil are In'lng prop­erly cared for.

■ Tlicre Is aim need for money ami more food Hupplles until Hk- emergeiu y Ip over. A u titvry of the lh«)ded d le trl.t in-day shows ICT hom es wiped out. besldm Hlxlj- four Pturea, four l.otele. five fluifchCH and five fucturlea, Inrliirilng the H'lffnlo and H usqtiehanna Hiiilrnnd shops and Iho paper intHe. About houses w rre left etondlng,

e fellcitoufl occasion by m em bers of th e Ju stic e Voorhees Ucf(»re courtlocal bar; by court a t ta c h e s ai^d by o ther friends. When the Judge en tered the court he w as eiirprleed lo find the room flllwl with lawyore and his bench adorned w ith flowers. A large oak lea th ern a rtn chair BtrKid alongside th e old one th e judge had occupied

At the sppearance-'O f Judge M ocLcar, Ramuei Lehor arose and addressed the

opened.D aring his ch a rg e to the grand Jury,

Justice Voorheea said th a t It had been reported to th e co u rt tha>^a vnuchisr had been Issued by th e I*ong P ra ii 'h Board of E ducation for paym ent of a debt for supplies w hich ts alleged to have been g rea tly in excess of the actual worth of th e goods fum lahod. It any miunber of

court, ex tending a w arm welcome, Ho board w as g u ilty of th is act. Justicethen presented th s ch a ir an d flowers as lokens of the ien tlm en l th a t a ttended the welcome.

The judge m ade a feeling reply. He a«- Fured those p f s e n t th a t it w as largely due to the m anlfestatJnns of sym pathy from ihls friends th a t hfr w as suwtaJned hy tlie sp irit of huna du ring his long

Voorhses deciarod , the rceponrlhlllty should be m ade to rest w here ii belonged, (ha t o ther m em bers of the board should be exonerated.

Justice V oorheea fu rth er said th a t he understood th a t th e p a rty who furnished the supplies had certified ihai the charges were true. T he g rand Jurymen wrre dl-


(C ontinued from F irs t Page.)

r in is k le for h ra llh . He also acknow l- , ohargee to the bottom,_ W 1. 1. . . .u .k . l . i .J i . 1 A VI t *— . . . . . .ertgrrt w ith grailtufte the encouragem ent offered to hi* fam ily d u rin g the d a rk est hours (,f trial.

The Judge held an Inform al rereptlon a f te r the pre*entatlon. H e wn» felicitated upon hi* good appea ran ce a f te r *o long a alego

Only th ree o ther cases of the m alady th a t b rought Judge M acL ear to the point of death a re on record In th is country. One of these w as In New O rleans and th e o thers in New York City, 'fh e tre a t­m ent Is of a m ost dllficult n a tu re . In Judge M acLear’s case th e ph y ile lan s do- veliiped an original m ethod, as the tre a t- m ent followed In A siatic cases proved unavailing.

D uring th e c r itic a l period Judge Mac- L ear waa a t Dr, O ru iit'e san ita r iu m In New York City. He sp en t the recupera­tive period a t Greenwood Lake.


as wfll as an y com pla in ts of lllogal voting or vote buy ing a t the recent prim ary or the ensuing g en era l elcctlan.

KUEHNLE HEAVY INDORSESfipf-Hai flerHcc 0/ th t ,V/?TT«.

ATLANTIC CITY , Oct, 3.^Aa the nft^r- m ath of ihp puv lng hoarlng bt'fore llefereo Clevenger the lnqulBlt<ir.M liave learawl th a t Louis K uhnlo Is riu |Tri,0<if> of ihe paper u1 W. I. C herry , prteHkl''nt of tlie United I’nvlng Com pany, whUh D U 'lng Invesllgafrd. Mr^ K uebnlc |a tlif arknnw l- edged poh ilra l leuder of A tlantic Counts*

the d ec lara tio n of war ag a ln sr Turkey have bef*n preceded hy hoBiUliles upon the p u rl of th e Ibillaii wnrshipa.

F o r th is reason Turkey, both lawfully and by reason of Iho cxls^tlnB situation , had tho rig h t to employ agulnat Ita ly not only measurcH arising out of a st:iie or w sr. b u t also any m easurfs which the pre»'e«,t s itu a tio n might permit her to decree. NolwdthHtandJug th is right, Turkey had postponed surh meusurea while m ak ­ing H fresh appeal to the powers In tho cuiivlctlon th n l It w as gllll possible to end the w ar

W HAT IT MEANS=to shampoo. To scrub with a pure vegetable soap and draw from your rug or carpet every particle dirt and grease with vacuum. The color is renewed and the wool freshened.

Janoovlua A Sonft2~1W A H Iagion S irm si, M swmrk, N, Jo

’Phone* 707 and 70S Market


Monistowo and Erie Scored for Batiuol Plan to ReaoTe Mor­

ristown Grade Crossing


Sixty-fiTe Playen to Tee Up in Wofflen'i National Chaapion

skip at BaltisroL *

Filling TeethMott any dentist can nil a tiny

cavity in a tooth without paining you, but the real test of a den­tist's captbilitiea in this direc­

tion is to flit agenaitive tooth with a large cavity without g i v i n g y o u pain. My flll- Ing specialist is equal to this

nil ANY toothtask and will with gold, silver, platinum alloy or enamel, painlessly, artisiicslly and durably. Consult me about this. Teeth filled 50c. up.



B R IN D ISI. Italy . Oi-t. 3 .-T w o dirigible ballcioriR. accum i^nlftd by olllcers und aol- dlere, who a re cxppriu hi acrontatlcs, wpre b rought here to-day and placed on board a vf?H»el which sall'^d for Tripoli,

and when pTVlntf nrdlmmccEi wprt* pemlhipr j T he vessel wad ei^corted by a flotilla ofIn City Council lie alwiiya ki-pt tnh ,if the vtvllng. Mr K uchnle Buys ho hiip in- dorwed no no tes ih a t are not perfectly good.



TOULON* F rtJice r Oct. 1 —Ths obsequies Ip r those w ho lo s t th e ir lives when ibH bftttlM blp X Jberte w m destroyed by au explosion end fire In th e h v b o r, Sep­tem b er 2S, w ere he ld to-day. l^ e y began w ith e pequtem m ass a t th e C hurch oC a t , Lfouli. c e leb rated by th e Archbishop of l ^ J u s . A t th e conclusion of these rites IBl caskets* co n ta in ing only the bounce th a t had twen Identifled* w ere placed upon tw enty*four g u n carriages, seven to a eorriago. G u ard s of honor representing e ll b ranches o f th e eervtcee of the a rm y end navy a tte n d ed th e bodies to th o ir

. iwstJng place. ^TIm co rtege m oved elowiy across the

d t y from th e chu rch to the arseuai. The ohief m ourner, P res iden t FalllereB, w as fotiowed by th e m em bers of tho Cabinet* th e P res id en ts of the two Cham bers of F a rliam en t, d ep u ta tio n s from the m unici­palities of P a rte and o th e r large c ities of F ran ce an d th e foreign naval auaches.

Btislnese th ro u g h o u t the tow n was sus­pended an d a m ass of peiisons with bared heads crow ded the rou te of the proces­sion. In fron t of th e Municipal T heatre th e p ressure o f th e crowd broke the fo r­m ation of the troops lining the square. T he procesBlon w as rudely dleturbed by th e c rush o f th o se who became panic- stricken. The M inisters and o ther bl£h officials endeavored to culm the storm but despite th e ir effo rts President F a llleres and th e carriag es contalniisg sevoral M in­iste rs w ere oonrpleteiy separated from the oortege for som e tim e.

A com plim entary vote will bo given to Edm und B. Osborne* p res id en t of the Pro-1 greaelvo Kepubllcan League, fo r the office of chairm an of the R epublican county com m ltlce when th a t body o rgan ises to ­night.

T he progressives will have a m inority, abou t eighty m em bers, as delegatee In the county committees, und a t a caucus which they held last n ight IL .w os dec ided to place Mr Osbortie'e nnrne in nom ination agA lh s t th n l of C ounty C hairm an Dal- rym ple, who Is e la ted for re-«lection.

There wa* no m ention a t thsm eeting o f the P rogresslvee la s t n igh t of any ImJependenl m ovem ent being e la rted to place a ticket In th e field a t the coin­ing eleclloTi for one o r m ore offices.

W alte r F. Sim pson, sec re ta ry of the league, who wos defeated fo r tho nom i­nation for sheriff a t tiio p rim aries, called th e m eeting to order. The poBSlbillly of M r. Blmpson'e ru n n in g as nn Independent cand idate for eherlff wae no t dlscuescd.

In calling the m eeting lo o rder th e sec­re ta ry announced th a t th e object waa to decide w hat action th e coun ty com m ittee m em bers would la k e a t to -n ig h t's m eet­ing. A fter & b rief dJscusa lonJt w as unani­mously decided to p lace Mr. Osborne s nam e in nom ination.

W hether he will m ake th e Independent run for she^ff rb he haa been urged to do by both m em bers o f hlB own p a rty and by

Bprcifli fi/n’fcr of S'EWS.ATLANTIC CITY. Got. 3 ,-F ra n k Ma-

June, one of “ B uss" KuchnlG's right haiid men, who wus ttneJ J2D0 for contempt in the D istric t C o u rt a few days hro by Judge F ran k Sm alherg, took an appeal to the Suprem e C ourt to-day. M ajane haa re ta ined B ourgers & Colomb, counsel for the “m ach ine '’ henchm en, who were In­dicted by the ellBOV-driiwn grand Jury for election frauds-

lor i iedo b o a t s u n d er the co m m an d V k -e -A d m lra l T h e D u k e of Abrussl -


UOMl!:. Del 3 ,-T lie ItalLsna a re pre paring lu d<'m<insirati* w hat the aero­plane will icro inpllsli In war.

I t w as nn aeria l fleet consisting of e ight m onoplanes and two biplanes, ju s t pu r­chased In Vii-ntia. and they will be shipped lo Tripoli next flntorday from Naples


VERDICT AGAINST GIFFORDIn the S uprem e Court Circuit, before

Judge D uncan, yesterday, a Jury waa directed to re tu lor a verdict of 42against Jo h n J . Olfford In tin action brought by tho Linlon Ice Company.

The action w as baaed on a pftmiisanry note, m ade orujKjly 20, 190D, for |2,&>0. On Jun tiary 17. 19 l\ |600 waa paid. The action was lo recover th e balance and in terest and w as uncon lested .

The 12.600 deb t w as due the Ice company* its a tto rn ey s claim ed, for ice dellverpd subsequent to A pril 1, 1900. Mr. Gifford, a form er em ploye of th e company, bouGht out the com pany 's re ta il buslncsa Mu> 1.


M ORRISTOW N. Oct. S,—A rs io lu tton calling the M orristown and Erie R ailroad lo account for ’’being tho obstacle In the way of abollstilng tiio L ackaw anna g rade croBBlng a t M orris s tree t,’’ waa passed a t a public rneellng In liie Lyceum T h ea tre luBl night.

Tile resolution called upon R ichard W. M cEwan, the p resident of the road, to s tan d by his s ta tem en t In a le tte r to the R ailroad ComnilsHlon of the M orris­tow n B oard of A ldennen F eb ru a ry ^ last. In th is le tte r, aMr. M cLwan agreed lo give up the question of electrify ing th e p ro­posed new branch, which under the ctr- cum stances. It w as said, would stand In th e w ay of abolishing the grade c ross­ing In question. A fter sending such a le tte r to the commlaFion, It Is declared, Mr. M cEwan changed his mJnd and re ­fused to yield a single point.

I.*awBon H. Thoniai^, prefildent of the commlBsloii. declares th a t the M orristown and Erie road dem anded the righ t to build an electric rnllway over the new road, which Is to run In the vicinity of Sawm ill lane, a propopltlun to which the L ackaw anna, ua abu tting property own­ers. will not agree. The two roads a rc deadlocked over th is point. Mr. M cEwnn has said th a t should he concede th is point of e1e( trlflcatlon It would shut Mm oft en tira iy from any righ t of w ay to M or­ris street.

Mr. M cEw an refused to have any th ing to say a t the m eeting end a lthough sev ­eral naked th a t the M orristown and Eric Itallroiid ottlclalB present th e ir side of the case they refused to do SfJ. Following th e m eeting there was some ta lk o s to w he ther It would not be a good plan fo r tho M orrlniown and Erie officials to call a public m eeting a t which th e ir side m ight be put before the public.

Two Aepurute repo rts w ere subn iu ted by the commlatlon la s t n ight, one being

EDMUND S. NINE, D. D. S.67l' Bim < a . " T i ” ’

Fourth Floor. W tas Bulldlof.

Slzty-flve en trie s have been received fo r the annual wom en's cham pion of tb s U nited f lis te i Oolf A ssociation to be held over the B altusrol links nex t week. The lis t given out a t the office of R obert C. W atson, the U. B O. A- secre ta ry , to ­day contains the nam es of m ost of the fo rem ost women golfers, Including Miss D orothy CampbeiJ, cham pion of th ree coun tries. Miss L illian B. Hyde, the m etropo litan title-holder, Is also on the list and BO are Mrs. U. H. Barlow , cham ­pion of the W om en’s EaHtem Oolf A tso- clatlon* M iss M argaret Curtis* of B oston; M iss H a rr ie t C urtis and Miss G eorglana 2!i|f. Bishop, of Englewood.

T he first pa ir aw ay will be M iss C- G, F raxer, of C ranford, and Miss Loulna A. W ells, of Brookline They will tee up a t to o'clock on M onday morning. Mias Uampheil and Miss B ishop w'lU be the th ird couple aw ay a t 10:10. Miss II. B. C urtis atwJ Nflss H yde have b^en b rack ­eted and tiiey will leave a t 11:50. Mrs. Biirlow does not Btart until near the last.

T his tournam ent will begin w ith an e lghleen-hole testing round, with the top th ir ty -tw o qualify ing to continue on a t m a tch play for th e cham pionship A fte r th e first day elde events will be run off each afternoon. The en tries snd pairingsf ol IOW '

10 A, M.-M1e» C, G. PraBer, C rniiford a C .; Mian I^oulaa A. Wella. the C ountry

'^loqB-M la* M argaret Thomne, EBaex C ounty Club; Mre V. H. Roaenhelin, Deal

*^W?iLMlaa D orothy Campbell, HamUlon Golf C lub, Mlea O eorglana M. Bishop. B rooklaw n Club.

10:15-Mr*. C F. V «telaclier. H ack ern a rk O. C .; M1b8 K ate Y'on N ostrand , Jefferaon C. C

]0:20—Mrs. F rances MoN. Bacon, Bal-


All awnings stored with us for the winter are insured

free of charge.

We take them down, store them in our clean, dry lofts,insure them^nd put them up

again when want^ foe avery moderate charge.

This completes at^ awningservice which is unequaled.

' P H O N E «B2 M A R K E T .

J. BROCKIE & CO.,(3 Y fara In DuslneBS,

8 Railroad Place, Newark1 BI<M;k N orth M arket 8 t. S tation.

Dtsmoiii Cl(V>

W ASllJNOTiAN. Oct. 3. The oplnlnn w as HtroTig in official clrt^Ies tu-day th a tt h e b o t t o m had dsKippwl out of the w a r b e t w e e n I ta ly a iv i T u rk e y . t)lficlal9 of the S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t h ave been at iv laed th a t n e g o t i a t i o n s looliing t o w ard un ud juut- nu-m of th ' ' ii4r£iTt‘nc«:s a r e In prctureas a n d t h e bel ie f \>* t h a t tlu-y will be auc- cespful .

S h o u ld tl ie w a r proceed m u c h longe r t h e r e Is r e a s o n to believe t h a t t h e I Ja lkuns w o u M be in vo lved an d th ey^w uuld Involve uli E u r o p e .

DAVID CROCKETT DEAD-------------- - 'tSf-

COLUMBIA, .MIbs.. Oct. 3,—David Crock.Demoerntu, Mr. BlmiwoB waa no t prepared t eti, * Con fed e r a to

to announce to-day. H« said th a t th«ra waa ktm H likelihood o f hi* en te ring the race, bu t th a t he had no t detln ltcly made up his mind.



Sfierial fifrrirc of fA* yE W S.p m L L I P « B r i t a . Oct. 3.—The failure

of nearly a hundred cand idates, prin­cipally from the ru ra l d is tric ts In W ar­ren County to te s tify to th e ir election ex­penses, as requ ired by th e O eran law, haa resulted In th e ir being left off the ticket. Doth R epublicans and D em ocrat! a re affected.

Leadorfi In the R epublican and Demo- cn itlc ranks a re in a quandary . W lili the announcem ent th a t the nam es of many cand idates for tow nsh ip offices a re to be le ft oft the tick e ts th e y say th a t there will be com plications th a t wlU affect local governm ents to a considerable extent.


L itigation over a p roperty owned by Mrs. E lisabe th A. Brown a t SI H edden te rrace , in s titu ted by Charles H. Sansom* a form er m em ber of tbo S tate Board of Education, and nephtrw of Mrs. Brown, w as form ally ended to-day with the sign­ing o f a decree dism issing Mr. Sansom 's bill. A decision In favor of Mrs. Brown w as rendered several weeks ago.

Mr. Sansom sued to have a deed giving hUn the H edden te rrace property, m ade by M rs. Brow n In May. fiui). b o tan o l’ to become effective until a fte r Mrs. Brow n's death , declared to bo valid.

I t wae oontended by Mrs, Brown, who w as rep resen ted by Alfred F. Skinner, th a t I t had been her liitenuon to give the property lo Mr. Sansom if she did not dispose of i t o therw ise, and that had reserved the rig h t to m ake other disposi­tion Of It.

jSperial gtfTBtce 0/ fAe NEIFfl.MADISON, Oct. M ayor George W,

Downs took a hand in th e h ighw ay oper­a tions of the gas, tro lley ami telephone com panies th a t have p a r tly blocked t ra f ­fic In th e cen tre of th e borough for the la s t tw o m onthe. He h a s personally di­rected th e clearing o f M ain s tre e t aiid W averly place.

e te ran of the Civil W ar, coueln of the fainods T exan o f th a t name, died a t Itla home to-day- D uring the border w arfare In M issouri. Crockc-tt waa hanged tu a tree by Union so ld iers and rescued a t the point of dea th by his camrades.

Professor John Bnseom Dead. W ILL1A M 8TO W N , *MaBR.. Oct. 3 . -

A fter an lllneKs of several weeks, cauE^ed by a gen era l breakdA>wn In health. John Bascom, p ro fesso r em eritus of political economy a t W illiam s College and a for­m er prcFident of th e U niversity of W is­consin. died a t hla home here la st night. He w as e ig h ty -fo u r years old. Born In Genoa* N. Y.. the son of Rov. and Mrs. John Bascotn. he was graduated from

, W llilama College In 1&49.,. He waa madff professor of rh e to ric a t Williams College

i In ISB. and from 1891 until IMi was pro- feaflor o f po litical economy. For four years p revious to coming to WllllamB Col lege he w as p residen t of the U niversity of W isconsin. lrvlng*B Niece Dead al Ninety-three.

LITC H PTE rJ> . Conn., Oct. S .-M lss C atherine Trvlrig, a niece of W ashington Irv ing , who fo r y ea rs resided with her uncle a t Sunnyslde, la dead here. She w as filn e ty -th ree y ea rs old. The body will be tak en to T arry tow n and burled In Sleepy H ollow Cem etery.

Jo h n W . Bso^harl.SpnSof Rerrlce of the JiEWS.

C A L irO N , Oct, 8.—The funerftJ of John W atson I la n g h a r t will be held Thursday a t his la te home, n ea r Ml. Lebanon, and In th e fciprucc R un Lutheran Church.

Mrs* Jphsnaa Ually* gprciiil KcriJire of the }fEW8.

HIGH, B R ID G E , Oct. a.-XTrs. Johanna


by tke conimiatlnn la r t tisgm, one ue ^ ^ M nnehester. Skokiegiven by Mr Thom aa, dealing w ith the cone! ruction p a rt of the queatlon and

W A S H i N O T O N , Ocl. 3. -The U n i ted S tn tc a c r u l e e r Ctieeler to -d a y Bailed f ro m r ,l l i r :U ia r ' fo r H n l ta . to keep In touch wiUi i l ’.p s i tu a t i o n In Tr ipol. T h e C h e s te r will lie Joined by th e Srnrplot i, a n d If the h o s t l l l t l e a s p r e a d beyond tho m i l i t a ry on. cu p o U o n o f T rlpult hy I ta ly , th ia go v e rn - m e n t wil l d i s p a t c h a sq u ad ro n of c r u i se r s to t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n .


no heed to the w ar between the ir coun­tries, tw enty-five T urks and as m any TtallatiH a l th e lock and dam a t H ale 's B ar on the Tennessee River, a re w orking aide by side and dally living In perfect harm ony. They go Into the big tunnels, dow n Into tho caissons and labor a i r day w ith never an apparen t thought of trouble.

the o ther relative to the a rb itra tio n aide, which was presented by F . E. BtulU.

The to ta l cost to the Lackaw anna, a c ­cording to the repo rt of Mr. Thoina't, would be |;^i:.W8.55. The to ta l cost to the town. Including the g rading of th e old m acadam stroels, excavation of ear th , lay ing of curbk and g u tte rs , concrete side­w alks and m acadam pavem ent would be t21,G12, plus w hatever dom age It w as nec- fs.Hsry to aw ard to the owner of tiie W ashington H otel p roperty If hi* luud Is condemned.

“Mr. M cEwan,” said Mr. StuHs, ''cam e forw ard with p lans for the tro lley track s on the cast side of the ra ilroad track*, and I am reliab ly Inform ea th a t those p lans were traced ih the offices of th e M orris County Traction Company."

This was the firs t m ention of any re la ­tion of th e M orris County T raction Com­pany and the M orristow n an d E rie R ail­road in connection w ith Mr. M cB w an's schem e of electrifying his road and ex­tending tho line to M orris s treet.

In closing Mr. S tu lts said th a t the Lack- Qwantia stood ready a l a m om ent’s notice to m ake a $300,000 Im provem ent by abol- iahltig the M^^rrls s tre e t crossing. In the opinion of the commission, he said, the M orristow n and Erie would receive m ore th an It gave.

A fter the meeting Mr. M cEw an cam e on tho platform and there said th a t he w as under orders from hla d irec to rs not to gpcak a t the meeting, bu t th a t It waa his com pany’s Interests which he w as p ro tecting by holding out.




M ADRID, Oct. 3.—The principal Spanish new spapers th is m orn ing pay editorial tr ib u te lo the m em ory of A dm iral Schley to r hi* courteous care of the vanquished Spaniard* a f te r th e b a ttle of aanilago.

TO AUCTION KEARNY HOMEOne of N ew ark 's oldest latulm arka, tho

K earny hom estead , a t Belmvllle and F ourth avenues, will be sold a t public auction th is a fte rnoon The new K orm al Behooi will stolid on thu aite of th e old building.

The Board of Education Bome tim e ago acquired ibe land. Now the hom estead and th re e o th e r bufidlugs will bo sold for th e old m a te ria l they contain To­n igh t the l>oard will consider plans for the achoot th a t will take thotr place.


65 Years Young

fipeciof Servlre o f the S E V S - N EW 'YORK. Ocl. 3.—The annual

"'bloody M onday" c lash boiwoen the fresh- men and sophom ores of th e New York U niversity took place io s l night a t U ni­versity H eights. A fte r m arehlng about the cam pus tho frcj«hmen assem bled on tho porch of the old physics building on B attery HIU. Tho sophom ores were given until 11 o'clock to cause th e porch to be cleared of freshm en Suddenly, a t 10:<5. the sophomores advanced from th e rea r iind a ttacked the freshm en on both flanks a t once. A t th e end of fifteen m inutes the freshm en w ere fiilll holding th e ir own. John W. D utcher, '12. of N ew ark, who was tho chief referee, declared the freshm en victorious.

p il ly . wife of E d w ard Dslly, died yester- rtiday a t her hom e here, a fte r a lingering

illncBs. She w as confined to her room fur several m onths. D eath w.ih not unex- uected. The g re a te r p a r t of her m arried life wns spen t here. Resides her husband *he leaves tw o davlfthterB, Miss A nna niilljr. a t iiom a; Mrs. John K rlb’. flf New Castle Del. an d a son, Timothy Daily, of this place. The funeral will be held

Spwiai Coble DiiVaUsh lo the HEWS.SK I BO CASTLE, SCOTLAND, Oot. 1 -

"A rld tra tlo n should a lw ays l}e offered be­fore a reso rt to w ar’’ w as Ahdrew C arne­gie’s oniy com m ent when asked hy th e U nited F resa concerning the T urko -Ita llan conflict.

JAPAN IS NEUTRALTO K iO Oct. S-—J a p a n ’s declaration of

s tr ic t n e u tra lity In the w ar betw een Ita ly and T urkey w as ls*ued to-day.


M art King, supervisor of band concerts, subm itted Ills report [or th e season Just closed to the Common Council C om m ittee on Baud Concerts la st night-

Mr. King estim ated th a t m ore th a n 860,- OOO people a ttended th e fo rty -n ine con­certs held during th e sum m er. O f these concerts, fourteen w ere held on Sunday afte rnoons and th irty -tw o week n ights. Besides these, th e re were th ree special concerts.

Mr. King com m ented on th e good order m aintained a t the concerts. He d r™ at- tenUon to the fac t th a t b u t six coittw) w ere postponed on account of raJn. '



A N T W E R P, Oct. 3.—Two hundred and fo rty Uvea a re know n lo have been loat !n coasting c ra ft during th e s to rm of Sunday. Mote th an HX) liodles have been w ashed ashore.

a t her late hom o and from 9t. Joseph s Thrhfi interm ent will

Doe« « Harder Day’s Work Than Ever A fter Stom ach Trouble



Raad this imereetlng ieuer;*T su ffe r^ for many year* with In-

dlgeation and rheumatlcm and tried tna&y home romedlett. pntem medicines, And doctor's prescrlpUoms. but would only get relief.

I have friend* who were ejared of Stomach trouble by MI-O-Na ' tablets, and this induced me to try them. I bought a box a t the Hoag Drug Store, and after a few dayu i noticed a big I Improvement in my condition; my food ' would not sour on my stomach or bliml | roe; the stJffneee seemed to leave my ' joints, and .made me .unconsciously step lively. My friends all spoke of how well1 was looking.

I bought three more boxes of ML 0-N A tablets and' took them exactly as directed, and I can truly say that they have made a robust young man of roe.2 am 63 years old, and can now do a harder day 's work than In my younger days.

I hope you will publish this letter, so others who suffer a* I have can also be benaiited.'* W. B. Sneed, 1229 N. MU- •otiri Bt*. Indianapolis.

in -O -K A ftomach tablets are guar- a&toed for lodigcstloa and all stomach lUs. lA rso bog fiU cents a t E, R. P etty 's -aad d ru cfls tJ everywhere.

GENEVA* N. Y.* Ocl. 3 .-T h e new comet recently discovered by B eliansky In Eu­rope was observed th is m orning by Dr.

K. B rooks a t Smith Observatory In righ t ascension 11 hoiirti 27 m inutes *fi second* north , declination n drgrepH 13 m inutes, or In the ec.stern p a rt of the constellation of Leo.

The coinei I* visible to the naked eye. Thus tw o comet* a re now visible In the morning sky. B rooks in the northeast under the handle of the Big Dipper and the new one low down In the caslorn sky.

Church. T h u rsd ay made a t H am pton.

iRnao S o n lh e lm er Dies. EL IZ A B K TK , Oct. JL—Ipaac 0ontheim er.

jQf(y-(hrcp year* old, of th is city, died In New York vealerday . H li porenia, M ayer and R egina tionthelmer* have been dead some lim e. T hey amageed conplderable w ealth in th e m illinery bueSnesa here, lyaac w as th e ir only eon. The body will he b rdughi herb fo r burial.

F u D era l o f M rs, E- H. W oodm ll. M ORRISTOW N, Oct. 5 .-F uneru l se r­

vices fo r Mra. E. H alstead Woodruff, aixly-five y ea rs old, of Speedwell avenue, who’ died Sunday from heart trouble, will be held a t the C hurch of the Redeemer to-m orrow m orning a t U:30 o'clock. She is su rv ived by a husbikhd* three bro thers iind th re e sisters.

W'slsb Funeral To-B*orrow, fipfda? Se)i’i<-e of fho NBW8.

M ORRISTO W N , Oct. 8.—Funeral *cr- vlcea fo r R o b ert C. W alsh, who died sud­denly from h e a r t failure, will bo p riva te and will be held a t his late home to-m or­row a fte rn o o n In term ent will be In E vergreen Cem etery.

Mrs* V ssb tl B. ItoM . in b u t a few days, Mrs. V aehtl B.

Ross, n ine ty -tw o year* old. widow of Aaron B. R oss and m other of School T ruateo A. Siniih Rosa, of Mllthurn, died

' a t her hom e nt "WhUe Oak Ridge, MJU- ' burn, y este rday . Bbe waa bom !n W est 1 L ivingston, but hud lived in W hile Oak

R idge for th e last fifty years. Besides the son. she is survived by two daughters, I Mrs. Sam uel B. Parell and Mr*. J.

[ H alsey Vreeln,nd. both of W hite Oak Ridge, and tw enty-tw o grandchildren and eight great-gnm dchlldTen.

AM STERDAM . Holland, Oct. 3. — A ' hqavy loss of life and considerable dam ­age w as caused in Zeclarul and o ther prov- Lhc&a'wlih which coim nuiucatlofi-w as re­sto red to -day by the Hlorm which broke over th e N orth Sea coast nn Sunday.

Of 13h inuHaei flahlng boats belonging Jn the villnge of BTuinesse. 120 w ere lost or dam aged. Forty-five vessels w ere w recked In tho w aterw ays between D o rd r^ h t , a c ity on :.n Island In the Meuse, g«4 tho Noi*th Bea. M ost of the crew s w ere drow ned.

T w en ty -e igh t bodies have been w ashed up n e a r s teenbergen.

CAMPAIGN COST “TWO CENTS’Sp/irtai of the ytlW S.

MAPTSO.V. Ocl 3 -C ounc ilm an O ia rlea F. Snyder. Republican cAndItlate (o r ro- uleclton. (lied an expense account o( two cen ts to r a postaso s tam p to m all tho sam e s ta tem en t, but B orough C lerk W il- H lf held th a t the Hepublloan. oam paign manoKer, W illiam F. Redm ond, should file th e Btnternenta ol a ll R epublican cand i­da tes and handed D r. Snyder’s sffldavtt to him (or correction. T h e penny item was th en crossed off.

A ccording to *11 th e s ta tem en ts on m*none of th e local D em ocratic or R epub­lican candidatee epent any money during the prUnaxy contest.

M iss Anna D B^uor an d Theodors M elsenbacher were m arried la st n ig h t a t th e residence of the b ride 's paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Bauef, J l N airn place. Only rolatives and a ftJW frl6nds a ite n d ’* ed the cerem ony, which w as solem nlied by Rev. Oscar E. B raune, p asto r of tbo F ir s t German L u theran Church, In * bower of palmo and au tum n fo liage en­tw ined with yellow ehryeanthem um s.

Tho bride wore a gown of w hite satin , veiled In m arquisette, w ith o rnam en ts ol Spanish lace. A w reath of lilies o f the valley adorned her liair, and th e carried a shower of bride roses, flhe w as given in m arriage by her fa th e r smd w as a t ­tended by her stster, M iss R uth ^ u e r - The maid of honor wore a cnalum e o f yel­low satin m essallne w ith a n overdress of chiffon d o th an d bore an a rm bouquet of M arechal Niel roses. L i t t le /M is s R u th K lrchner, a niece of th e bride, a tten d ed as ring bearer in a costum e of w hite em ­broidery and lace.

Rudolph M eisenbacher, a b ro the r o f the bridegroom , w as th e beat nmn. T he nup­tia l music w as played b y /M rs . C harles Turner, accom panied by Miss Lulu Sclialbel, violinist. At tho conclusion of the ceremony th e re w as a reception, a f te r which Mr. and Mrs. M eisenbacher le f t for a ehort trip. Upon their re tu rn th e y will reside a t M Chadwick avenue.

1025—Mr*. F. F- H ayes, Englew ood C.C.. M rs w . J. T lngue J r .. E ssex C ounty C. C.

10:S0—Miss Florence H arvey , HonilUon Golf r lu h ; Countess de Chaitibrun, Chevy C hase Club.

10’35-MisB M yra H slm er. M idlothian C. c ; M rs C. L. G reenail. Hollywood O- C".

10:t0-M rs . V M, E arle , Deal Golf and C C Mies G race Temple. Bt. lonils C C.

10:t5-M les J. F. B redl, Essex County C.C ‘ Miss E leanor W. Alien, O akley C. C.

lO’tO -M ra. H. M. N orth , Allston O. C ; M rs. M. D, Judaon, S ta rsd a le Oolf and C C

10:56-Mlss E d ith C heeieborough, Ban Francisco Golf and C. C .: Mias Rom aH useiton . ^ „ r,

11-M rs. C harles D ana, Po rtland O. C.ihi Isa R u th L aym an, HTnedalo O. C.

11;0B-Mre, J. A. Philbrlek, M ontclair O.C .; M iss F rances C. Griscom, M erlon C ricket Club.

ll:lC t-M lai H . E thel M auls. M erlon C ricket Club: Mrs. N esbitt, Toronto.

I l l s —Miss F lorence McNeely, M erton C ricket Club; Mrs. C. IV. R endigs. M id­land a. c. ,1 . „ J

11’30-M re. E . H . P lt le r J r .. M erton C ricket Club; Mrs. B- M orlarlty, E ng le­wood C. C , „

11 ;2E—Miss E lliab e th B, P orter, Iho C oun­try Club; M iss A. L. Rossln.. C entury C ountry Club.

Ili30-M rs. F. F . Nell son, H ackensack Golf Club; M iss B erth a S tra tto n , C ran­ford Oolf Club. ^ „

11 :36—Mrs. W . J . F a ith , W ykagyl Q. C .; Mr*. F ran k Enos. Bpglewood C. C.

l l :« ~ M ls s L ouisa K rug, Englew ood C.C ; M rs. B. A. H e n o g , P alrv iew C C.

ll;* 5 -M rs. P. Ingails, E ssex C ounty C. C.: Miss M argery W. Phelps, th e Coun­try Club. « * ™ ...

n - 60—Mlse L illian B. Hyde, 8. 8. F ield Club; Mias H. 8. C urtis. E ssex CountyC 'ub „ , .n 56-M lse E , F. C handler. H untingdon V alley C. C.; M rs. N. P. Rogers, B alti­m ore O. C.

12 M.—Mis* M aude 'W etmore, B altuaro l a , C ,; Mrs. 'W. tV, V aughan, Hollyw ood | G C. ■

12:06 P. M.—M rs. Caleb 8. Pox, H u n tin g ­don V alley C- C.; Miss E d ith N obbltt, 'iVlImlngton C. C.

12:ll)-M rs. W illiam ChUvers, M ahopae G. C.; Miss M arg are t Curtla, E ssex C ounty Club.

" 12 !S—M rs. F. 8. Colburn. E vanston G. C.;' m 1ss E dith H lllier, C ranford O. C,

12’20-M rs . M. D. P ateraon , Englew ood C. C-; Mrs. W Ullam Followes M organ, B hltusro l G. C-

12;26-M r* . Sidney W ell, F a lrv lew C. C-l M rs H. Reeve S tockton. Plainfield c , C.

12'30-M r* . B. s. H inds, B rooklaw n C. C.; M iss A nita E . Phipps, C. C. of Sprjng-

* 'i? a 5-M rs . R . H . Bartow , Merlon C ricket C lub; Mre. E. 8. B ayer, Deal O, andc c

1 2 :« -M ri. J . W a l t e r W o o d , B altu sro lG. C.

Let This Jewelry Store Suggest Your Gift

Wedding, Birthday or An­niversary Souvenirs should represent more than mere money value. Individuality and unique design enhance the value of a gifi beyond its | | value in /io llars and cents g and assures greater apprecla- |! tion of the giver’s esteem. | j

Our showing of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Art Goods and Distinctive Nov­elties provides unusual selec- ilon. Gift choosing is a pleasing task here—and a saving one, too.■ *gl (»» Cloe* Ctrmr.-

H a^ d e g e nBread St, at West Park St

i j l d l . I d p p




Twain Moruirneni CoinmlsBloti nam ed by Governor H adley to pclect a *lte and erect a 810,000 m onum ent in memory of the au tho r for the S ta te of MlBsourt, haa, according to announcem ent to-day, chosen a site in R lvervlcw P e rk here. The mon­um ent will overlook th« MlsBlsBlppl River.

H u n y a d i ' n ■ Janos

H U biriN G T O N . Inrt.. Got. 3.—A viator C. P. R odger* w in not he able to resum e hla uU om pt to fiy from coast to coast before T hursday , as o re su lt of th e w recking of hi* b ip lane yeste rday shortly a fte r his a ta r i fo r Chicago. Repairo to tho dam ­aged m aohtne a re under w ay.

R odgers Buffered only trifling Injuries when hla plane plunged to th e ground.


EDWARD HURPHY'S ESTATE’TROT, N. T., O c t 3,—By the will of the

la te Edw ard M urphy J r , form er United State* Senator, p robated here to-day. the en tire estate, eetlm ated a t m any miUlons o f dollars, goes to U rs . M urphy.

NaturalLaxative Water


SO M ER V ILL E. Oct. J—M r and Mrs. I. V. G. Wyckoff, who celebrated the a lx tte th ann iversary of th e ir wedding la s t S :iturday n ight a t th e tr homo In Royr.e- fleld. have threo aons, John M. and Isaac N . of N ew ark, and Charles A., of Mlli- atone. They also nave ten grandchildren and six grcat-grnndchlldren .

H a rr la -E n g a l,Announcement ha* been m ade o f th e

m arriage of Miss H an n ah Engel, daugh- ta r of Mr. and Mra. Sam uel Engel, o f 26 Stirling streei. and M arcus L. H a rr is , of 27 B urnet street.. Tho cerem ony took place la st W ednesday a t th e b ride 's homo. Rabbi Ju lius Sllberfeld. of tho Tem ple B 'nai A braham , officiated. Miss E s th e r E ngel and H a rry E ngel Were Iho a tte n d ­an ts. Tho coupie lo ll for a jyeddlng tr ip through the South, and upon th e ir re tu rn will reside a t 4 F a lrm o u n l avenue.

Berkelcy-RaaaeU.N EW LONDON, Conn., Oct. 3 —Hr*.

Bessie B ancroft R usH lI, dau g h te r o f th e late M ajor Eugene A. B ancroft, w as m ar­ried here yesterday to M ajor R andolph C arte r Berkeley, United S ta te s M arine Corps, nt 81. Jam ea 'a Eplacopnl C hurch. The ceremony wae perform ed by Rev. Philip M. Kerrldge. tho rector. T he bride w as given aw ay by h e r bro ther-in -law , Robert M. Boyd J r ., lowxj a tto rn ey of M ontclair. Mrs. Boyd waa m a tron Of honor, and C aptain L. S . EUis, U nited S ta les M arine Corps, w as b est m an. Mre. Berkeley was the widow o f U e n ten a n t- Cotnmander Ruaeell, United State* navy.

B elated expenee account* fo r th e p ri­m ary can^paign wer* filed a t the^ c ity clerk's office la te yeste rday a fte rnoon and la s t n ight. T he g re a te r num ber w ere (fled by those who Bought county com m ittee post* and a few a lderm anlo a sp iran ts .

Among those filed w as the financial s ta tem en t Of H arriso n B- V an D uyne. who ran aa an Independent R epublican (o r tho B oard of W orks nom ination. H e sw ore to th e expenditu re o f 1116.40, h a lf of w hich he con tribu ted h im self and the o th e r h a l t w as fu rn ished hy h is fa th e r. The g rea te r portion w as spen t for ad v er­tis in g and (26 wa* donated to W illiam Fellowo* M organ, tit* defeated cand idate of th e F rogresitves, fo r tho S ta te Sena­to ria l nom ination.

Holzhauer’s SodaIS AS GOOD i4S IT TASTES

1 B road atid M arket S tree ts '

Satisfying ‘<Soda Service

means m (ir e than pure ingredients. It also means absolute cleanliness and per­f e c t sanitary sur­roundings.

r eopen E n a lag * mm VmumI.




SureG entle

Q u ie k fy R e f l t v e a _____


CHebrate* H«r Et«b«tetb BlrtAdar*of (fcfl yEWff.

R E D BANK. Oct. 3.—Mrs. T- E. of O aklatid street, celebrafod lier eigh­tie th b irthday yesterday . A num ber ftf fr ien d s and re la tives called on her aad sh e receK ed & ahower o f poet card*. Mrs. W(>olcy Ip th« widow of M aglKtrate T. EL W ooley. who d k d fo u i y o a rt ago*

Wedding Ringa t th e s to re w here


Uk Hote Inretry Store

W EE H A 'W K E N , Oct. a —T h e em broid­ery m achine p la n t o f R obert _Relner*, a t G regory avenue and the B ac k e n ia ck P lank road, wa* deetroyed by fire yes­te rd ay a fte rnoon . T he fac to ry em ployed Itn hands, t h e estim ated loss is nM.dOO.

W hen th e fire, w hich g slned headw ay rapid ly , w as dl*covered, M ist M arg are t Briscoe, book-keeper a t th e p len t, kep t h e r w its. She ga the red th e firm '* books and carried them o u t o f d anger and then re-en tered th e bultdlng and m ade h e r w ay th rough th e sm oke to th e vau lt, w here she secured th e cash and m ade h e r escape. F irem en w ere obliged to use th e ir ladder* to rascus som e o f th e w orkm en.

OUrtlF POLinCAL CAIPAIGNgpectol B en ie t ol the SEW S.

--------------‘LA tn o r t h P L A tJtF IE L D , Oct. l - P o r i n o r M ayor W illiam L Saunderg, who w as e lected ,* m em ber o f th e S ta te D em ocratic com m ittee, to DU th e vacancy caused by the resignation of Nelaon T. D ungan, fol­lowing the la tte r '* appo in tm ent to tha C ircuit C ourt bench, has gone to J a p a n w ith a p a rty o f m ining engineers, who' a re on a tr ip of Inspection. H e Is th e p res­id en t of th s Ihgsrab ll-R and Com pany.


Broid Sl, Cw. kaimi14-lS-atSaratG oldE nsrav lB g I* F ree

SAN FRANCISCO. O c t ( . -B u lls ts of solid gold w er* used by Yaqul In d ian s in fighting a g a in s t Porfirio D ias in th e re ­sen t M exican revolu tion , acco id ing to p a s ­senger* a rriv in g her# yeste rday on th e s team er C uracao from M exican porta.

In M axatlan hovp tta la w here m any wounded w ere operated upon, d iscovery of th e golden pellets, i t w as said, w as a n o r­d in a ry occurrence, a lthcugh few pa llen ta h a d received enough of them to p a y th e d ^ T hing.

Tired eyes are not due io over­work so often as to impaired vision. If your head aches or your eyes tire, or you become nervous, look to the eyes. Often they’re the first and the only real cause.

See our Optometrist. He’ll tel! you what the trouble is.

Ofgmoftdf, H'gfcftea, Jewelry

A U R N H A M M E R ,f N S p r i n j I l e W A v t ' ’ ^

at rBUNTams,HOTki.e<OH aLagwHasc, Get (he

Original and G enuine

H O R L I C K ’ SISALTED MILS**M eU ea/teJm U aU 0i£The Food Drink f or AllAgestici iDX. tuis GuiN mua, i# rowuaNot in any Milk Trust| i r Ina iit on “ H O R L IC E ’S"

^ TeA* ■ PdekaRa home


CAPITAL $100*000.00Tk« frandatfoD of many a fortoM wot

bMad on thrift. b toreit U enr »B- eovroxeaient* To-day ii better t»- itiorrew. Bow w Bonk hy Noil pdat* the way.

for ii*

t h e sta te t r u s t co m pa nyAT PLAINFIELD. N. L >



Prog re a th e Tf-j>or Ing nf 1 to r (he I b<>]ij latfi of Ihe nr

S upenn home, ffi o r th e H 1911 Thihi*on arot I-UTiiPhn.f prlonnm e parent? , degra.d1ii|

T ile t<}\ In Mr. K

Niinilf* num ber < dlfferntit m enln i>i providf’d of iirglt*'- bar of t vestlgftii" •fi, G,3 -; Ing* 4(h g tU ndIn i ■oven m m adlcel

T h a wc•ttpnm ari

Mumbe ntHnbrir dlfferonr horooA, 3i m ani. 16 ES;fu in h h o r

T he 10 r n r « to 4r«n'fl A and H&r and brlT &bandon< th e *0'“io

Tr«afHi th a t r\tn< had hopi all fln&ni ly met. (h a t effc fund? nt w ork In children.

T he Lr rocelpta eluding; rnents w M.47G-80.

Davlii from the of charl rOpOrl in


ufoenforrol m on C{ n ig h t re W o rk s I e lnc t Pc t ra c t to T h a la il th a t of

Aocoin aTnotmt« tgrlo j to to ll th e P au ly b! eottfltnic cufnm lt t ' w ith the th em lo r.ella for

Bldfi o house w O n e sot cause ol advertlfii road v ert


A rralgiT hird charged con talq li and th r llfty-cm e rep rlm at M rs. Ar appeared

'H oloba noon b j and Suk ppoketbr rocover* pocketbc re tu rn 1 to m o re

T he mi h e woiili he fore chaoee.

FcrondE hxabetJohnaon o tree l, iby P a t i n ight-

T oungintepore]

He irfe did Thta tam ontha three wabou t 1 he w asby tbo parentfibiing bi

CHT bree

o f a CO tro lley . s tre e t oaUtslon th e pol m otorm o t th e ( helongei K u n ts r t F rs iik West B ssm el aed Ha Broom * him . J paewme K in g a •b o u t t til the w ere a t

buffer fo il dotlist nil o r ^ , *1 s tree t, ous eoi tu red . poundA o f th e he ro tu ■ dous I

While n e a r 7 M abel 1 Cam den h e r rig: City H.

. CornsT h e b

Amerlc* lo g le s t r ^ p e e t t lie Berv lieges ti t io n of. B ea rd 0

1A cer

F o res t : be held B ight, ■uisd to ■wart F dan Foi •uppsc

F o r ft Wife « I blno, tv etreet. Skikerlli Preclnci • b e n d J l* w oi ^ y mo

T\' -~j:t-^^i^''






i :



Progress Described io Annaal Reports o( Aid Society

and S, P. C. C


Projericsfi WHiT ih# i1om|ntti1nt4 ll'■' e of ttbt> vf-ports Huiin'lUf'l 10 Lli auiiuiili inei'i- tng of lilt* t'hllditMi'M A1<1 :iri'l Si < jfly fo r tii« ppeveiitluii of I'lunHy in i ‘l.lnlr<‘ii held laHt evfiiliig <ri Ho luaM lUuUHraof Ihe nrganleatinn. L!49 {blulln'ii > '%irii'cL

Superinluiifiuiit Jorftil VV KimtiHii, '1 th« hom^, ffiivo u r^^port .liveiirij; il.i:- u o rk of ih e aoclyty frfim .ilus' lyi" in May, ]?ill Th« rt*P‘’H ‘■Imv.'ii rhiu nni i. I ,i<lbeen a i’ orupUnhtcl in Hi ' vwiy oi ........ ..punlphn.pnt lii [ho fi-iin nf .rol mi-l>rl*onmeiii for in uiiK^tu I'lul lii'MiktTi paroTit?, ami IIp ' iri»',in’ nf (iiiliili(.'U iroiu degraJliiff rondiium^

T ile followinK '■tatishf;!* wnr»’ l•T l"> jl • l )n Mr. KImtiall s

<»f fir 'i. . 2?ij.num ber of dlftori-iu Ims!' i n . naiMi'i r nf d irternlit k1i L\ IW, luiiiibMr nr viirvliv- monln nhlaliiml, iiumiI'Pi ni il.l'.t- 'np fov ldp j wilki homi's. nnm i'' 'iof ripjjlt'i’f urn] ii-n " ;' »>1 '. 'i, mini-bar of tftPf.'S of ii-^ lnd jhh! ,n-veatlgftlPd, l"* 1- of Mil ,1,1s f j iilfrli- *d, 6,307; Tniiiit'1'1- iiU- THliriK tPluiinu* im-d tnva (Ihlriy-i^lx rnpptinRP^. l.-L’', iL'inih«r AiUndlnp; Bmvh’ I’roKri’s. |■•l:^ I 'lu r ty - MTVfln rm‘etliLfCs*l. l.'J'A*. ivim ljii’ r#-ri'ivlrur modlcol uUoiKluniM-, E

T h a work donp Hi#’ niiinm ii u•um m arizud fuiiows

W um bfr of loilgliiK» H , l,7j;'B um bar of rilffeipril lio-.-s, .'Vj min)l'*‘r nf fltiteranr glrlr>. f)<'; rM M n’n ihmH 1* 1 wPh homaa. 30; clilltlrm [nm M '.il \s.!i, vrnpSoy- m ani. 16; ('hlldrt?n rt i c-ls ml Ij - mi &. caaaa of ntffli'Cl nn.i tTin-lis, Ti!, rnuaUs fuj-nhhod. t.W.'i,

T he report of v M iiii ins ,JF r lre toM of *nri;'!-u. i v .i'', <‘,,il dran'fl Aid aocleHt-s U) and Ila rtfo rn . C o rn , ii ■ ■■' ' and bring to Jii.-Ur.^ p u n i . ’.- abandoned ihefr chil lM'i H. < th e ■cv'lety was jukiv.-m i j I

T reafu irer clRmri!'*^ V, i .th a i funda rerunsed fi Ih- i H -ehhad bern peruiflin m i'. in-i'M ' l .ii-d iliit &1I financial ohliKaii’M? li" i i i ' t ' ri" iru 'C ly met. In the report vs:i« i th a t efforlH should !"• n J.d> iu i f>i'* funds neco ^u ry f"i ti TfHi 'MM w ork In beltalf of df-iKendi ru ..nn ‘'',ilT--Miig children.

T he Lreaaurer’P tep o n show.-d ’ '.hi Hi*! racetp ta for tho ymu w n e in.e luding Several hruuojil? I' l- n! -li .rsi,'- manlfl were I7.74R 7l, leaving h Im I.iimu' i>f H.476-80.

D avid n f’crunn, who wa • i iSdogalnfrom the aocIHy to Hi'- Hui-H n ■ i ri’fiounof charllips and cniTertlon. arejKirt In which he told of C ir i ipiifio-i.’nt;i


And Our Overcoats Are “It”

ledrfo ru


B ecause Bamples subm ittpd whi-o nnt iii o an fonn lty y/1th spp< ltirHliO’:.n, ii,»> H.iin- Itidti Council Budding ' ' ' iiiimlUi’r IhM nJght rejected a Idd of Hie h=tp\siut Im n W o rk s for cells in thn new S xtn H n - c inc t Police Fltaflon und &v.nin*d n t-ini- tra o t to the I'anly Jnii H;d!0uig Hi.ut.p.u.y T ha lalter'.-* hid wap hl^rlTer thanth a t of (he Htpwart rnneern.

Aoooinpanylng the S tew art hid, which atnotin ted lo tTi,367. war* a aamplR of ma- ta rta l to be used. This did not tjhow In de ­ta i l th e method nf nonstrii/'tlnn The P a u ly bid was for I7.47f» F-7\er.v deiAfl ,t! OOllatrUctlon was shown M enibera of Iluj cuFnmlUee who had vlKlled ja ils equipped Tvtth the fltfw art cells said they hcUrvi-d th em to be less tlf>slr<ihU> ilmn the Pauly r.ella for the Sixth IT erlnot.

Bids on the nsw SlJCteentli W ard fire­house will he opened next M nday niglb, One sol of bids has been th m w n nm bi cause o f a defect In the weirding nf an advertlspm ent a n d It was necesaavy tu readvertjge

HIS PLEA WINS lER C YA rra igned bafora Judge H ahn Irt the

T h ird P recinct Court thlR m orning, ch arg ed with the larceny of r pocketbook con ta in ing a a 'cm an’e w atch and chain and th ree linga. W illiam F. Hohihan, U fty-one yeare old, was dI:«rniKsed w ith a reprim and . Holohan pie.idt^'d no t guilty, M rs. A nnie Sovoce, of IIK South street, appeared as com plainant;

'K o tohan was arrested yeste rday a f te r­noon by Patrolm en Chenowlth, Connell and SukflsI. of the T h ird P recinct The ppckelbook with the con ten ts InUirt waa rocovered- H otrhan said he found the pocketbook on the street and m eant to re tu rn I t He waa helping .Mrs. Sovof-* to m o re a t the time.

T he m an adm itted being d nm k and said he would go back to Troy. K. Y., T^bero he form erly lived, IC g l /m another chaooe.

EDDIE ASTRAY AGAINFound w andering along T hird str'-fH,

S jl tab e th p o rt , late last night. ?:ilwanl Johneon, twelve years <4d. nf ti:> WkiydHI • tre e t , thl« city, was ( ken Into ciisiody by PatrolYnan Kelly and lockt-d up ovc ’ nisbt.

T o u n g Johnson wag lant seen by hla p a ren ta a t 4 o'clock yesterdhy Rfi.-rnoi n. H e did not show up a t home last night. Thle ta the fifth lim e In tlie la s t Uir^'c m onthe th a t he has run aw ay. About th rm weekg ago he wap found w aiuleijiig abou t MUlburn and a sh o rt tim e before he w ae tu rned over to ihe N ew ark police by tbo Pateiwon au thorities . The hoy's p a re n ts w ent to BHzabethport to-iJa,v to b rin g bins home,

CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTST h ree m en were throw n f^on i-lhe seat

of a coal wagon which waa siiaich 1a a tro lley car a t M onia av e iiu t unU W unen fftreet yesterday afternoon. A fter ilie oolltfllOD tlie trolley car movnd on btfiyiu tb e police wTlved. The nam es of the m o to rm en «nd oonductor and th e n ianber o f t t « cex ware not learned. The wagon belonged to Joseph W eisberger, of M KuBterdoD street, afid w as d riven by F ra n k lAits, tw enty-one y ea rs old, of W e f t K inney and U v ln g s to n street, Bam ual K ing, tw enty, of 381 B ank street, a n d H a rry Aekey, colored, fifteen, of id4 B room e etreet, were on tb e w agon w ith him . AH three were knocked lo the paiP fu ieu t L u t i’s back w as sprained and K in g and Askew suftered from Injuries about the ir heads. They were removed td the C ity H ospbaL w here th e ir hurts w ere a ttended and they then w ent home.

j^uflferlng from Injuries received In a fa ll down a fitght of stops a t lier home la a t night, Mrs, C atherine Jackson , ^oj- ored , sixty-five years old, of 12 OANipn s tre e t, Is In the City H ospital in a se r i­ous eonditioh. H er skull m ay b r fniA*- ttired . Mrs. Jackson w eighs about 210 pounds, Bh« was found ty ing a t (he font o f th e sta irw ay by her husband when be re tu rn ed from work. She w as uju-oh- setouB and w as removed to the hospital,

W b lli playing with som e com panions n e a r her home . 3'e s te rd ay afternotm . M abel Robinson, eleven y e a rs old. of C!kmdeo street, fell down and dlslorntT-d h e r l ig h t arm . She w as tre a te d a t Hie

H ospital and then w ent home.



Wn ln i|m » '(n n i to t! ic p eo p le o fllio I n ilo il S ir’H’-, (il i l i is um l

il r lo r iT , | j ia l i t> j i o f i h o mo | p o lb ;^ (ri . i d n p f e d liv I h o 4 ovcnirHeMii in \hi '>,ka ( h n l N]Kin e v e r y A 'i i i / en t l e M ih o '* a n o b l i - u u l j o n to r.iMliIr.iii/. i. ho

I 'ai’ ax h e K ; i h lo , si 1H» ( h e IhMIC* n « w lieir.i i i k ’haHMl, U HiJi' lo

(liMf JU '’£ u l i : i ( t h o s e o r e ih a l i - em ly m - n - ’i . i l h unilei-«s(i!ud. t i l l io n - s i i l e i" H ie s y m i l i a l e , s e e k i i i ; t iMir«"‘' ( i ‘.'iliir«l n io n i i | i -o

r o n d o l i »1 r l i e i i u in e i i^ e t u U i i r a l r e . s o u r e r ' - , H n ( h e o i l i e r a i i ' i h e cnnMM’v a i h u i i s t s , e o n - teiMlint; f o r t h e liLtlils o f t h e p tm p io . A s oiM- m e a n s o f e u r h - ii ig ( h e f»ri;vit(e i n i e i - o s t s i- The suj{(,;<‘s l i o r i f o r a u o v e n m u o i l ImiI I i I 'H l l ro a i l . H o ts s e r i o u s a p is x l i lem i s t h e (piC'^Hoii o f 1 r u n . s p o r t a l i o n in .4 l a s k u r a n n o t h e vei-y i\eM < ti r i ipcehon(U nI tm - l e s s o n e l i a s s o m e K i io o l e i l i ’e o f t h e e o u n O y ’s j d i y s i 4’jtJ f e in iu r e s . D e a l i n g w i t h t h e l a t t e r i n t h t u f r e l H t i o u t o hr.iUliiij? isH(C a p p e t l H e d a i t h d o hy ( h e \ e i v s s l i i f t i o] r e s p o i n l e h t n o u a t K n i k . —- E d i t o r .



l i y F H A V E an unusually strong showing of

Fall Overcoats this season. They are

Stoutenburgh-madc, and that’s a sure guarantee

of superior value.

Rough fabrics arc prime favorites. Soft,

I unfinished browns, grays and tans make stun­

ning coats. Some of them arc Raglans, English’y,

half lined garments. $12 to $25.

The finest range of oxfords, gray and black

overcoats in Newark at $12, $15, $18, $22,

Silk faced coats. $15. At $25 you get into the

full silk-lined class.

Glove time, too, when our special tan cape ploves at j l . l S g e t the glad hand from hundreds of men. Fow nes' G loves and all the other good makes. $ 1 .5 0 to $'d.50.

SloutenhumM7 9 7 .-8 0 5 B R O A D S T R E E T * '

James McGreery & Ce.29rd 9 i m i 34ih Miroef

. '',4 Y E A R S O F r . K O W T l I I N > I K R C H A N D I S I N f i



(Copyright. Ildl hy ih#? Evfnin< N>w.'i I'ul.lishiiiK ( 'urnpuri.i i

KNTK. So|it .75 - At lliis t l i r f , with ti Ifoveriunenl -Ijiill l m il wav Lnn'l'--r wr rioii.s cons |deiRlt" r i for Aluslta , tbi ibn "i routoK nnd tu*a tofoilii] Iuh-ioh*' ■, lUil. foi il w'J!! f<e ne''*'KsHry for ibe KKV-priinit'Mt enKinCvrs in a i i i rnpi l sol\ *‘ vaiiito or In;; problems w h h h lifivi- io >l h l i l i e r o in in ’ up In ihPiM lu r siiiLtli n

K nlk is a I i h r b 'i if ! ' f nrtvj^ iUon '01 COiik'N hiJ#o, s ix ty rnilfM frooi the ntjflk.i roiil Ti'-Ms, The fiom thiit I'.vM wHJ r(,ihip In ihb 'W aK T for »Jiipim‘nL e l l l i f r finam H<'wsrd. or fi tma tt p dm ju a l bcl- -a thlfi pliice, «L whrti iw . al icd K nlk HiirlvT. to whii-ll lIpc p WiiHi' sliips m a y roniv.

fiewarel Is Ifii) in lb’s from Ihe coiil. A i-oulfi hah tt^^en looked up from Mm roaJ to (Idew aier »U l\iiik H arbor, Hi-veiity- l)ve jtDlk’a H ts proluiMo Ihat. In • fore ])pniiuM<til fiiOill'j'-s hiivi; irnfn p ro ­vided f'»E Hoi tiik inp out of M.HanuEka ctoai ID & g!'!'.«.-rul nuirket, s ti Iouh cunti-l- (TUtlon will lio glV( !i lo tlii^->lher rouM'; and if II w ere to be eoleru-d fur theNfroulv uf thei bulk <1 id. ALKHinuska cD'al. It would, t r ro ijrse, losunfi the liiiporLan- o of Hewiird as tiu ' ; ib'-f sea lerm inua lo r the MummisikH coal fioldft.

Tile A la s k a >>'YiUicuM oaa looked w i th fiome eai'c liiin i h e meHiotlg c i-uployer! on th e B a l f b - . in E u to p o L-i niul iUain w a te r I r a n s ^ i r l a i i o n nju ii in Hmse w a te r s r lu i in s Hm wirtH-r. w Immi icp oiT--r.« an 6h- s ia f le . ]ji ssoiiio rc.^pecls, the ira coiuG- llonH In Hook Jnlot am i Its iiriiw offera liiti HiiiJie iirubli tius us tile l l a ll . r

O v e r c o in i n s : i c f lilMctacien, Ac'fiQfillJig lo I'eii.iOlife uiUHejiS of Hus

(rajiiiiK; pla*e. tsiupa Ims'e Hac'ce-sfuliy .isvri’OiiTe The R-f iib s ia rle s ,ii Uie ihJti and as far ha Isi ik IJa; d 1 iiig Hk* lim e when tli< i"c iieaxiesi Aprii a l te r lilt* witKct a culd lias Hiltk^iue*! itie lue to the m a x i m u m it u U a in s for th e enU re yaur,

U Hie K n lk r o u t e w e r e to he chosen , th e lo-nd h a u l f o r tlM coal woRIJ b e s e v a n - ly-five mllea, a g a i n s t PW to S ew ard . T h o s e who a d v o c a t e t h e K n l k r o u te Buseri alno ( h a t few er e n g i n e e r in g dHtlcultics m u s t be o v e rco m e on th ie r o u te , t h a t tl rere a r e ser lo ua >6ngineer ing difllcuJtlog In m a i n ­ta in in g a n d buU aih g’ a r a i l r o a d to S ew w 'd f ro m th e M a to n u s k a , is obvloiin even to one who b a a no axpe^rt k n o w led g e , an d . Cor t h a t m a t t e r , t h e m e n now in r h a i g e of t h e A la s k a N o n h e r n road , a l r e a d y buil t aeveii ly-o iie milea f ro m b ew ard , ad-

1 m l t i h a t s o m e efigineeruiB- prnhieirna p re - 1 went ' tliftinMlveB on t h a t . r o u t e i *^ni€ Alttfiku N o n h e r n ( the road fo t -

ifierly WHS th e A l a s k a O u t i - d j r u p a ac roae’ (wu m o t in l e ln . r an g e 'su m in i lH . a n d

Fiindy, arnl alm ost n.s high a s thorA Tl^e w a te r in ihum gh iun ii a r iHv< hiiA r;.w ifiii-ib viHi bigb Hdf* tlla^l^ s ix tvf<'fi !ili"\i’ low tide iluiiriK June and iR-in-[»i:! aiiii N'l'Vvml'iT

Knlk IliLibor "n f'nyk In let Him "II Hif wcFt side of Knik .\rrii Ih

li vi-i, HM'l there a r t im large r h ‘<Ts to liii'M'. \JiL ih r ^ii5l s 'llf "f Hie Atrn Hio MiiHiiiUHk.T ftn'J Knlk rivpi-.s miwt be

expensive fl'ork, H nd m eeting si'Mit- ninre <<f ihe u la rla l 1 r-'Lilib’- Hiat L tia ra rte rla e the roiilP belweeji S'-wiu d a, il Hie lii'Ud nf 'I'nriifigaln Arm ’I'li-- nM'Tulnii.s noofT.s |ji (‘eria iii yi-ars sw#=i; il' Wii f'nmi a gULfii-r in the nniuntalng f'urrv owuy eveiAlliing before thorn. IlSGiig Hio upper em! " f Knik .\rm wilh ciiuntloss hllltoris of m ns id g la ila l m IG !H»]y piling iho ond of Ihe Ariii lu ll of silt

Ibii, fftither d'lwn Ihe Arm. iH Ivnik lliiin i> r, H if w a i ir ik ik-eir, and llie .silt IV' 'UldOB do not rftoi;r

Oh\'lou^ly. to proto: I (he piiblio f r '’m pilvaH- tak ing nf tenn lna l fadlille.'^ aim ig (■fjok liilot. Rl polnt.'i whlidi wilghl tie availiih lr for iiurhors fftr lyhlpning M uta- t^si.skft I’o’ii. I he gfivoinment shovild re ta in ll.n Town sUo utkI lenn inal silOB-

Ruiid Aerrmu a (■ilnrlrr.I t waa for th a t exant purpose. Id p art,

a t least, th a t form er J 'resldent n o c sp w lt wIthOrtiw (ho ishure liimls on C o n ir 'b e r B ay, and. bud Hie> m ver been resH-r^d I" en try , tlmy woiibl b i-day rest serur+ly ill liie posaes'^i'in of the F tideral ifovem -

RAILROAD MAN IS DINED.A baii'iU' l was tendered .1. M urry Cross,

re tir in g hnn! eum pierrial rtifMiit of Hie i ’rm isylvnm u Kailruail. a i .Arhiei H tetler sli isi iiiglii- .About Hevonly-five p e r s o n s , In r lu d ln i ; rt 'piost n ia i lv e s f rom t h e ir a l l l c d e fm rl rn en l ' - of var l tp is in d i is i r ia l p l a n i s In Hie r i l \ u ;, l ' h ’iiiUy. wcjv pr'*scTit Mr. t'iA?^s vsus r>‘ <-nily pioinoT.-il a s a spf"-inl }i;;.‘iii c.r till I'ijJlrniid l■l■ nn.lIl a n d v i l l

I l i"i"ari**r iiH '• i,i.- ottb e it. Hl.bad i- ip luaMr. l.'ro.^- a n rr»gi:i\Pti g"l ' l

w a t r b . .Inl'.n T R ogers , of th e E d i s o n c o m p a n y , was Hie loaPtniaH ler, a n d ho in ­t r o d u c e d as s p eak ers G i lb e r t H, Cobb, d iv i s io n fro lght a g e n t of th * P e n n s y l - i v B p la ; R ic hard A. Beldlng, of t h e C h ic a g o 1 a n d G r e a t W e s t e rn ; FVank W P rn l lh , of 1 t h e L a c k a w a n n a : A, B. W a lm s le j r . o f t h e 1 l . e h lg l i Valley, and A llan T u r n e r , w h o j h o e b een nam ed lo succoed M r. Ctobb In t h e local division. D u r in g th e b a n q u e t H o w a r d V. PaacaU s a n g s e v e r a l HongB. a c r o m p a n l e d on th e p ia n o by H a rry V, p r u d e n .

11 m igh t i>e de-"f Hi'-in.

.*• \>7>. > :i s Ki dH V nf I !)<■ « "M-

WIT’ Hu' glii'l’t*

m tn i Tvir whut»*L*^r iisv 1 l■!• ;lnlMl sh"uld Im- madi-

■| h'- 'iT'liOl'tunU \ wuiimI I 1 (1 w 1 tn.'SH I he M p< uiloi ifMlb’r JlHv in i r s a tth 'i is litinls I'll the eiiit slib* If* hr HiK^ri fi"iii iliH piihlUnn Irufi wlHi'h tFipy weix* ilinjw n by IGirkHi-vrirs wUhr*ru,w-G iir»l<T

FlHiMr tli^ K rlk nr Si-vuirrl route, nn- wHid fr"Tii (hti roul (Irld.H u> tin ’ hiteviur, m-cucllni; 1" s 'i i \ ‘esH ah iu i-h mMd»-, (nioil hw i A ntfd 10 tho T-irmnn KlvDr, and, wilh Hub' Hi'puM'rn diffii uiiy ( oitM lie throw n Urr"ss tb>‘ ibvidr- nri tfi Ho* t'o|*r“*r Hiv*'r Rnd .S'oHhw s rouii- to tb r In tfrio rwith b'SP r '‘ifi1nr'-nnR irnublrfi fm m Hir \vi^s( si |r pf K:.i|i; .Arm !o Hip jntt^'rior ihrtn,1EI\M lip-'-n HK't ill .SMTuilrig [IIP iVjpjri-r-Hlf'-i roKil Hlmik m ute l" Hhitlna.I‘hi' III id T',;iis ni rohs n gbo 'ipr rnffi\r mill s ;i:'d nnv ijlRr'ipr rru-tj at utu'iliTir iiiu'.p "Tiwnril 1" ll ir ult-u 'It'Sl'M' • hm uli urlifi'’bil work.i? biilll on or ;n

['ri'Ul I'f liTfiiiThis route, ton. io^ds ihrmugb llie brst

aj;rl'*iiH .ml [ s.ulbiUl ihs In ufoill-rru M.ishft - lorge Bfrrb'heH on w is h ma,v br raispil hii>. giutln and VMgi: 1 al'U k. Tn-dnv these po««ilb'bf!es nrp bm rg |)roven. f"T liome'<!pnplrrs a rc Ki-fuall'. illlinK' Htft mi1| a.nd M.|,ip!>luc im ,-h stofl for home m n- RUm|jl in)].

lVli>HG’,ei rnav lie !ii- ;,,runarr cotirb*- sl<jii II Is pi.ijti tJiui Thi- k jiik route will hfc ve ic> !*m .m> psligiilnfl H m ay be mti praf 11<'Hl']p, ['Ot Ih'U'p at'^ nuiriv le.ison.s I'nf liirinli-iTig "{irt fiiM hi forp 'b ’r|illriK itjHint wRv J u l i \ I-; ly A T iir tn t '


HuIhll'iL; hi-Id lI M. lo-iMuri i w H hm lrs VX BinCiul si" ' .\ r a r -VI I •• 5 .III M -

\ ^

■Is irn m oldgi

Ihe IV locLaitao IfHlnn wMI he

I ’rroTMi avtoiue. • port of {spfreuiry w hich will he p rr

r«*rniptP fri the ' pivM, Ml '.Jilue t'f

■■’I'is i"r| rn'M’l-' : ■ ft I..... .' du ring Hitt

HAD DIME IN B IS SHOEVi'hllM Kttempiing to dispose of a w atch

In nov -ral plfif'ea -ihuig P e rry la s t \_________ _____ - .................... —I . n igh t, lifing Inloxicatrd a t the tim e, Al- j

■ Hi one place a t th e foot of at* viiorinons frwl R idgera, of 26 * o id ^ s tree t, Je rsey glarfer, which d l s c l i n r g e a o f tons ’ .................. “ m m an n'n.

[ of n ll t . pcOured u/F the ruUku by glacial ' action, and w'hlch fills the chamiol of tb e j river and the valley In general with ,ln- I 4'Onuelvubly largo quRiiHiieg .of sand ai:d • rockfl, cbah'fjea th e river bed In a night, ' and woipd sw eep gw.ay,. thy comparatJs cly ! fnigHe w orks uf m an ak a man I yweep aV ay ^a sp ider web

t:iiy , w as arrested hy P a tro lm an H o p ­kins! uf tlieoThird rreolnot. and anw igned iH’fo te .fudge llrtlin this inopnlrig.

Ruilgers Haniluud bdlnog d runk and saM hf. Irb 'd to Rpil Ids wfiGh Ift o rder to g n 05W fa re bark home

WiiiVY afkoil whether he had any m ono ', would t B odgars replied iliut lie had found ten

cen t? in bis pocket Hds m orning and put

. CeiDBlalatB Await T r u a fer Aadeu.ThB board of d irecto rs o f the G erm an-

A m ortcan Contral A ssociation a t a m eet- l u la s t n igh t dsoided to hold coraplaln ts r ^ p e e t tn g aiteged BhortrhmingB of P u b ­lic ^Bar vice In the m a tte r of tra n s fe r prjv- 1 lega l tn abeyance, pending the conHldera- 1i<m o f- th e tran sfe r question by the S tate H oard o f Public U tility CommlBaionerB.

No ohe cb n t rm iB t h a t a.iirb a r o u t e U in Ids shoo. On being to ld (o pfoiiu* e I to ii ld be u i a ln ta lh e d ' permaivehTly; a n *1 • t h e <ltmR lif" sh o e in r o u i i; en g in eers h a v e g iv e n ounaldorutlcm lu • a n d bold I'P d im e t o t h e J u d g e a m id I B plan of g r o o v in g th e -aides of th e rnouii- 1 3 r lnplc of la ug l i t e r He w as th en encort- : ta ins , so an t o b a r r y th e n d l r u a d a b o v e | \n ;i p l m k ’rrrfid r a r by one n f the r *- the glflcler fie lds o f i h e valley. But on 1 Kcrvee a n d given a ? t a r t on h is j o i i r t n y j H.fti r o u t e a r e , h e a v y g r a d e s und th e road { to Jers^ey City '' w’li'iid huv^ to run 'ttdirtro urmw-glldes | ------------— • ' --------------I rn tsM nriil i t l in o s t lnpvi t. .h ly would j s m n l l O v r r - V l n b i D Ib w .i Kwav tin o k s am i trestios, w itlum t ! ' „n g in l,rok.- nut Itil l h r . . . I 'D Iw fim U y nr ^ s t a r s

Mitlin!; I', -.niwshed... su rh a.s aro uilllzed F t - I T a , M South Fovniieftnt.h M ron ,

T a ll O adara t a P -n ra ita llic r.A caredLOnlai saaSlon o f County

F o res t No. g, ■Tall Ceflarg o f Lebanon, will be held a t the K reuger AiiditOTlum to- h tf t i t , a t vhleli I « .nindldaleg aiie eched- v led to receive the Tall C edar degree. Ed- t r a r t F lagg J r ., .g ran d ta li cedar of Cam -' den F o res t No. E. will he a vlaltor. I .a te r g upper v tl l be eerved.

A r m t r d (o r N aa-K o iip d ^ ,For falling to obey an order ttchor hie

laltn a apaetnel aum weekly, Joaetih Zam- Idno. twenty-nve yearn old, of l « Naaeau atreet, waa arreated by Court Offleera SckarllD^ and Bcibmettae, . of the Fifet Praolnet Court, ypaterday a/trEooon on • bench warrant lataed by Judge Hghn. } le waa -remanded for a hearing Thura- ^gjr mnniiBg fa dafautt o l tHA bad.

nn ( h t I r -n^i'Oii tlnenta] ro ad s It 1*4 a s - Hf!r(pfl by i-.&ny t h a l Ujs c<uifonTuit'fnii i<g 5ucb Rp M* iimk>» U DcresjNftry 10 I’cnq i ja r .5UCI! iLS ....... J«nr- a ; f nl J- lu c c j i i |p r , tuY(Fi^ s(Kiwi‘Hti#»H‘wE(h ^ rH f t r l u l wnrSTB th ey could n o t ConsirurtpH:] clon^* lo t h e has#* of t h e m o u n t a i n , to pe rm it (he inapses nf s n o w to s l ide o ver ih.e top nf th e sheifs. Rs’' 1b f io n o 'o n th e t r a n p c o n i l - j r e n t a l ro n d s ; t h a t t h e shvds would h a v e j to l>a buil t w h e r e (h e s IIiJps w u l ld g e L a aide act ion, on and it la, ImiHa’rt t h a t I t w o n M be dlfficuTt (f>”maFn- ; ta in construc tio jT . ex c ep t in g ^ t - a n o r - I niouB 'eort. ' I

-'K^Bflnrerlna; jI f th e enj^n^jer in if d im culU ia ^Q f term t^-!

a i s tjfi POjUd b e ovfirqoma,' a,i:- Icoftling'“fo t h e opfoion of ^meri whtY h aV a (»DnB the mA^ter' for yeara up herftr *th« MitamiBka would pj^gbly ijeShipped from some point op tbe jUiUt. The tides on Cook Inlet «ra fearfull|r hlpfa and » t r o b g - u u t t o t b o M im U i t S w o f

S'.'hwar?:. at I'llc \ealrri1ay iiftMrro' n. PXHngulplY^d bv llrMitifn

riifi b la z e W51S w ith R loss or


6 f o r

up ro 21 In. In I e n t h, broil'I. elog^v n b a r a n dlif--i - 'lling heads. 6 to r tS.OO; (imnurila Less than $1.00 e.K'b. an >p-

[l rforturiHv nf ' ' a jlH ilm f

Mali orders M J n d Re­pairing of all kihrfs done.

The Popular Feather Co.178 Washington St.2 Blocks from M arket S treet, Near Academy, Opp. Plum St.

Open Evening* Until 9:30 S aturday* Until 10 30

O n W e d n e s d a y a n d T h i i r a d a y ,

O c t o b e r t h e 4 t h a n d 5 t h

U P H O L S T E R Y D E P ' T S . In B o th S to re* .

P n r ( i e r t ‘H o t R e n a l a s a t i c e S i l k V e l o u r ,

v a i i u i i a d e B l j f n a a n d c o l o r c o i n h i n a l i o i i * .1 5 . 0 0 a n d 1 0 . 5 0 p a i r

v a lu e l<i 40.00

P o r t i e r e s o f F r e i i c l i , I n t e V e l o u r ,

p r i n t e d F r e n c l i R e n a i s s a n c e a n d O r i e n t a l

d e s i g n s , r e v e r s i b l e . ‘. i ‘. i , 5 0 a n d * i 5 . 0 0 p a i rvn liirg H.VIM) a n d gD.bU

F i n e D r a p e r y M a t e r i a i s — S i l k A n m i r e ,

S a t i n a n d . V l o i r e D a m a s k a n d m a n y n o v ­

e l t y s t i i l f s . 1 . 5 0 , 2 . 0 0 a n d 4 . 7 5 p e r y a r dv a lu e to N..*gO

SECOND FALL SALEt'Ui iJflrlfi' I'lUTnes? Th«

nijiv Klnin .if 1|« IUMiI It> Ihe .-itjr. Al nr urKes we you lo

1 .'I' I 111 -’ver uthi'r shle prlcea. ■(' ■ II' n:m-a v>-'* enn liii> I'liiniOs alI--s Tfi.ifi T|,f.r Tet.ii;eni i-.iy for UieuL J " ii!' r s I, |.i. s li-i'lli't

IT .ST n i l s I’ V''rMFIS'TI'iii.u*- I in.lriiiiU-nl Hurillg,

Sa Mir a « I 'sti.i IWaratini Saris 53 nc Onpl Stom lik If

PERFECT WILLOW PLUMES:0 IM InUK, !.■' Il: M Mil. 4.CO2 In liiiii;. !G Gi wlili- '.r | .5.00 :*:i ill l0M>;, T7 In Ui.l*-. I l l vul. -6.50 2;p In hir'2. 2" in wHft, JI7 jil 7.50

1’* loiip. 2ii III. ''.i l'''. lio tfll,.9.90 " •' irii r, !■: uM - ?!’o \ul 12.0030 In l"ru' '’7 i'i • ide Vfil 15.00

PERFECT FRENCH PLUMES'M Is In VKI !• , SJ v a l.. .1.00

1 Irin 7 in' v Idn: W v a l. .1.60 1 liiiuf. 7 in wlrlf*; $1 val. 2.00 i loiitr. In vi'lf*; IG vjil.,3.00 7 bjbv. 1- Hi. wlflo; tO vrI.3.00 t Toiitf. 1 In witln. J.15 vrI.7,00 1 niric, 1 In. wMr«: Sl^ vnt 10.00 O ther Valii#?j L*p to $40,00

Kei>ii I rl 11 *■ il r AM Kliidrt lYnnn

The Popular Feather Co.178 W a s l i i i i R t o n S t r e e tS Itini-k* fi-i»m V(:irlip1 Ntrpi't, Nt*nr AcfttU'iinn Onp. ITittn Mt.

Opt^n ('.venlrtK* FnlK (IHIO. RttHinltiyH I nil) ll1:no

m MB*-

H L A N K E T D E P r S . m B o th S to re s ,

A re Y o u Succumbing

To Catarrh?Dn yon roali/o how catarrh i>» wenkeninc ymif

NvUctm ,int! x;r.chi,illy k' -Titiya sirouK-i r


fi mMi7l.

T I'inik iii nc‘i:i> ' niii{ Hnsdrcicj ' l:rn •. !>ii consiiler Hiu L t nn'cRl ith at linn al ontu and

1 . 0 0 0 i i a l r a o f W h i t e r a l i f o r n i a W o o l

B l a n k e t s . F u l l s i r . e . 5 , 7 5 a n d 5 . 0 0 p a i rvfiiU4>i» ■4.7fi «TJtl H.5D

C o m t o r t a b l o s , c o t t o n f i l l e d : k O OVHhir (.00

C o m f o r t a b l e . s , w o o l t i l l e d .........................0 . 5 0vnlii** 4.0U

H O U S E H O L D l . I N E N S . in B o th Sfore.y

S a t i n D a m a s k T a l i l c H o t l i s . r o u n d o r

s q u a r e d e s i f f n .• i \ 2 y a r d g , 2 - ^ 5 , IS ..7 0 a m i * > . 5 0 e a c h

vhIu^a ;i.r>o, 4,rrf( .Htiii 8.2ft

2 x 2 ' ; y a r d s .'i .7 0 , 1 , 5 0 a m t H .O O e a r l i>m| u<'n 4.M», -'‘..'itf iiTid Ml.-ft

\ y H r d A 1 . 1>.( i n ;i M <I 1 O. - > 0 i ‘a c l itnlTJee .ft ,ft*t. 7 0*1 jiiid •

N a p k i n s t o n i a t c l i .

D i n n e r s i z e 4 . 0 0 , 5 . 5 0 a n d '.I . 7 0 d o z e nvii1ba4 a.(HI, T.fKl Bnfl M.TA

PURE SILK SIU LISLE USLE 50c & $1 pair 50t pair 25c & 35c


H o s i E B y ;Q l/A f lA /V T K fiO '


Square Pot Furnaces heat the whole houseWithout watte—wiihqut effort Tbe Square Flrcpot Jocretw:! (be effective radlatinr

turfice 15 iL thertby tfrcitly lease qioff tbe araountofcool oiecet' tary. Ask your dealer about tbe Square l^ol — bo con show you bow it reduoea hfei cost

Hade hjM V N T M F O H U IC t.

N iw i ntipetm aantiuirw irbj 01

O r i e n t a l R n i f S . in B o th s to re * .

E x t r a q u a l i t y P e r s i a n S e r a p I I n r i c l i

c o l o r s . C o i n i d c t e r a n g e o f B l 'c e s f r o m

9 x 1 2 I t . t o l O t t . 0 i i i . x l H I t , t i I n .1 5 0 . 0 0 t o 1 S 5 O O

viiiuc -.I'jti.uu (.. aNS.oi)

E x t r a q u a l i t y K u r d i s t a n a n d I r a n

w e a v e s . A v e r a g e f i r e 5 x H I t . 4 0 , 0 < »Xfllue MO.(Ml

F e r e g l i a i i a n d M o s u l w e a v e s , . V v e r a g o

s iz e 4 I t . 2 In . x 7 ft . ti In . -i V.OO

James MeCteery & Co.23rd 3trmmt 34th Sir99i


Mint h m hern on (ho' t ' .r ' II i * TiibiTsi’ii t-v rliousnibls

I 'I \v '.- riJ . t ! . h im !" 11 is t lih- *1,* I ■ t . i s iv,.f I:p In hmiil!.I r,i)vi I.IP ni i. . .11. I I-I il b-TPlctfiill Sf*ri nf• .!i(. Il i.i t ir f..i i.;i -.*] .bmfffirs. I tt » so I h'-.Ti\; li- ;iri I p^^v f ' *ip:)iy Hiiit m anyI'l jj. (3 il' -p il I'll'V i" Hi IhrNl tlaui'brI q.'lial fif L' !'l (T Cl '.,J: < 'TJ f-riu-r llflTitl. ithits hcf'ri k: O'-n 1. k- ’"' I'V Ii-oBl-uI reMd in

ml b r . "i linimiiiH*..V .ffiiu.k no.I U:u klmtrcil i-vii« iluit imau Ltuni a■'si'tMc'J . ' 'ij,

linv I -t (lir'Hii'li the hosIHIr n rslow y >i . . « 1 m I,:l- I '.rit W:ll(|u won* If! h.Ir «.,i-'(]ii-.i iiftii'- 1 ir r-!j.'irniirs nn*l (i- (a Mv a f rn i Ith! I" (; I- I ■' II . * .*tarrh riii'2r*-l'r.

hf. ;*ii.H<3, il H ( , 1 14 ti'il 8'"iilMjil where: Uin He h-.i 1 if "Hottlc^" In the vn. I

I t,' Ills, ill‘,.':.>: i; i- f’, srem. >-[oppinR: Ihe i lr-« ...... n III' 1 r-'miMi;.,; the pni-uiii* I'l fever. wf:li

• • r-i . r ilr--."! P .’ 'rPixInr^. z\ sliirl ( ' (Iruitiw r- ■ i: in Mil't.ii ' in >y bi; ni Ipient deiilnoriaatul !i; r.v rt y ' >-1 »,f 1.C lia-. n lytrraaneotly lOnfi i:,[. inri 5 P' i-h'** t ' '! hfuir^ tnc's.

! /, mVi.-tr 1 / / Jr ,y tuvu, IhfliHnml' ‘ iM." i“*. .11. ! i : ' .li-in wi;l cm it-4[ ! rri,.iiii-nr i, .1- m liic hniiiL'. It l.v L/! I •• io-.'l lit t'S nril fpotk, blit IEI ,1 nr h 't n ' vV M iTi icd, the hviiL m. .1/ r r .1 "f 3[inTii’iip"hs, Mum. jnvlle you (<> I ’.', ir . omJ tihk I' 1 llinr sainpi-n 11 k fa *:», Anil it! I'rt JUS! i ic ■.iiTii>3,3 uMimc OT ri^'Vaunod ’i ' ,it V 'jiir I,. .1. .1 I’ - r I ',J._ In tue hca.l, y i\if

--’niuit Uf b iJ I ji '-It t not-us,

K ondon’sI Ilf Ct/tiffhi. f.'or.M. H n f-fviirtinJ nit fnrmtnf (^tttrrhThe SltEnlard Remcdr For NctHy 20 Yeita

W E S E L LPure, Im ported

OLIVE OILAl Ihe ffillow m t; prices, w hich a rc

-wi-t than a n y w h e re i:i N e w a rk ;

1 1‘ in t 'T in s . . 6 0 ci ( { u a irt T i n s . I .I O! A - ( ,a ! . T i n s . 2 .0 01 G a l . T i n s . . 3 .7 5

TYPEWRmXS RENTED 3 Months for $5

F.N.S0MMERPtiiJ upwards. KyBf^iMghln* it to flnt worb-

payir- .......................fboMd. WB SELL rebuDL moehlAeft. « u a rs^

k*pt *0 during taftn' to apt

_____ ^hlAMi. _iMd foe ooe year. a< a aavlnr at. HO i» r ofit-• “ ‘ ‘bIo

Ina ord«r- and will be kapt «o during t«rr reiifal. TBIttHl g^Yineni allowod to apply u PUr-

to T5 per cfint. S«ni1 (or oiu1*>*ua» AM Etllif^Air WRITING* M A C ftlN R

MB MuHmtet S t. Howorb. N. J. IMV MmM.

S4H !bwad«my. 2V«w iMit; N. T.


Ailverlu*em«Dta tu r la v aquan N ew ark »ttu S . lew apaperi reealvcd a l offive rateo« and fur all Bew»»aw«e« •o d Btaqaelaca JMtb- IlibeA. Advertlae-wienla fo r N« Y. newapakB** rr«^ly^d before 4 P. U. 'ip iirnr nwBt tliornlwir< T04 Broad Uf. fJ ita r l|1dir.> Tet- Rarteef.


i.,, It,., r T . r„ r m i V F m l .A<; .1 [,>r ..alails it adrls a

ilct'Cirius, spiiv ti.rvor ,\s a staiklarri ipcafic lor stmtiach

Inniblcs, .iriJ ,i lomc am! tissiii- biiildcr, It ha/ no Cijual.

Mere ynii j;el the very lies! obtain- able t!ie imirorlcd

MENK’SPrescription Pharmacy

106 M a r k e t S t . , Newark^

j Conover’s BDCKWHEATI Ila« the

j PURE BUCKWHEAT FLAVOR; R a n u f a e t D r e d hy

i j . M . CONOVER & SON, Bartley, N J .

TOME SCHOOL FOR BOYSAn Endowed Preparatory School

Catalogue on RequestTuitiofi 57*».T h o i^ Stockkam Baker, Port DepoeB, Md.

N E W A R K E V E N tN O K E m T C E S D A Y . OCTOBKl^ 3. m l .


tIpkoMs P elen l Coosemtioa Before 10,000 OpposeaU at

( Deiver CoBTentioo.


8,>rr(<l( « itH « «l (»" ! / tV S . ■OENVEK. Oct. r-Prc*clilii|f federal

c in tP il of n e tu r t l rem urce* tu nn miiU- ence of W,0» W citerncr* oppoaed to the policy h* advocated. P r u ld th t 'l a f l to­day told the public latida convention here th a t he could not u*rce w ith them .

The convention yeelerday adopted re»o- lutlona oppoain* a t alnw ai every point th e theory of federal coneervntlon, |m r- th T u lir^ the echem . advocated hy the r rM td e n t of le talng c« il «nd phi3wpli*t« lantfA now In the public doincin.

“While you have a lready rf*1»iare« * o u r verd ict," eald th e ITceldeiil when

atoee to apeak, "nn m any point* Ii:


Positive Relief from Foot Troubles

to ta lly d laaaree with you You w ant in rem enlrer th a t the gucatlon 1h, how are we to find a n afflrm stlve rem edy t TMie b i t proMem le how much of a rem edy WO CRii oiiHJure.fvr an evil w ti'eh eaiatr*.

“Now, iho propoflllun bofure you w he ther you will lone »H hy clalm lttd In® m uch, or w hether you will come In wdth promlee and coneeiaUm to aecure whet you can. . . j ..

"T on th in k m any th lng i th a t 1 don t th in k , aco rd liif to your roaolutlone V or Inatance; you a re u tterly o p i» « d to » '« leaalnc lyatem of dlipoaln* of the com and m ineral lande. Now, I favor that, •ItU ougb I would not Include tire a fricu i-(u ra l land!." ^

H ere the Prooldeni related hie e llo tta 10 aecure a court oC land a p p ea ii fo r the aettlem ent of hom eatead dlapute*


t o -

. foeetel Seeutee of Ik* XEWB.^ L A N T I C C tTT. Oot l - O u a ta v A.

K noblauch, owner of the B ^ l n * 'le r . wilnal re a tau ran t In PhlladeUihla, who ha* a co ttage a t tM Paclftc avotiua. In the Chelaea atctlon , waa le a tad a t * .* * " ™ * laa t Bight when a bullat w hliaed by hla head, im m ediately following an o th e r biiflet erturtied th rm ifh th e window pan* M d naarty a tm ek M n . K noblauch.

Adm ittedly the ahota oam e from tM bunaaluw o f A lfred K Beovaa. of 2S« P e K n e r place, Philadelphia, who Uvea, n n t dlwr. A Mr, B tckert, b ro the r of MV*,, Reeve*, aay* the bullet* w ere fired

• aecldenisarllf. bu t th* d a te d tve* a re In- Mating upon a b a tte r e ip u n a tlo n .

The Eiscle Arch Supportinfi Shoe has brought comfort to thoiisands.Many most distressing maladies are only the result of a fallen instep, a weak ankle, or flat foot. They are permanently relieved by raising the instep to its natural position.

Come to our store and ask to seethe "Doctor’s Order”-th a t’s the nameof our new style Arch Supporting Shoe for i911.

In all leathers. Button or lace for men and women $ 5 .0 0 to $ 7 .0 0

A. A. EISELE & SON6 5 5 B ro a d S t , N e w a rk


PATKHaON. Oct. t - A du ring hold-up took ptacu 111 b road (U y llrb t yealaw ay artvrnaoii on the Uergen C ounty abort (jut of t in Erie, In Oartteid, w hen Jo- •«ph Dawclim to, of WldlBiid “ Y«nu», Oarlleld, wae a tlackH l and f®^***® lliue by three foreigner*. T he trio *a- caped, but were la te r can g h '

T he robbere ran up t.'hc*Uiul tow ard Paaaalc, where they a»ked Police­m an Hrown the way to a tra in , The patrolm an direcled Ihem . but ihey war* •till Inquiring when tb« victim ™ " “P and told Brown w hat had hupiwnod. Tb* men were lockerl up. T hey gave tneir name* a . John M aeaura. S au le A»igo and Dominick l-elrlckK, all of I’aecKfr They were taken to the H ackeiiaa ' k Jail to aw ait the action of ihe Bergen i. ounty U iand jury*


r e po r t s d n h e r w a rUPON WHITE PLAGD?

A aum m afy Of tlie work of the Anll-Tuhereu1o»l* Aaaoclntlnn during I p a".', aum m er w a . -ubm lttj^ l In the form of a report by B crretnry Brne*l P. E«» ton to a m eeting nf the citecutlve com ­m ittee of the a .«oclutlon Ihl*

Tnchi4e<1 In thft v»rlf>u» ncthltw *' '"J;orsintin.^t1on T^ferrpd ir» hy >w ^ the opening of the day f " " ' 'June 1. for th ir ty ebUdren, and the tn l» rcu lo * l. hoepltul aU Sob'’. J ''"® *(ew patien t* w ere received a l the la tte r ln»tlttillon early In Ju ly . II w""


and the preeept nnm lier 1* leee Ihnn fif lj.haveAwien token tow ard ofganlx-Stfpi* iTO*It t,...— -- .-- --

Ing a labor union rommlltee to aid In the n ^ i t Bgalnet the dla«a*« among the w ork_ Ing peVe. An InveatlgMIon ae o thn p iw va le n c * o f t iib e reu loe l* ' t Seen made, w ith a rcqneet to the Health for a more r ig id Iriepectlon of d a iry

COVfThe nciton of th e Hoard of FW'irall®".^"

tak in g over th e day cam p echtfol

GETTYSBURG FUSR DITCHEDBAjLriM ORC. 0«t. t - T h * O ettyabu ig

•ap r« M t n th e iV eeU rn M ary land R a il ' iWad waa derailed near th a M aryland- Pannay lvan la Una to-day. « x t* * n Par- Bon* war*' In ju r 'd - bu t ther* w ar* no faialltta* . . „

Rallid tra in* from B a ltlm o ra .an d H an- trver, Pla., w ere hurried to th e *cen6 of lb * acoAdent, fo r ty mile* from her*.

On* e a r a f te r leaving th e ra lla toppled ev e r on It* Md*. T h li w aa lotlow ad hy a a tc tind ooaob.

Y . R . C .A W O R tO m iN E D

tak in g over tn e <m. jutlllalng of Iho eqtilpm ent In tho E lliR h 't iAvenue School fo r ' “ ' 7 " ' ' “ 'waa referred to. a* well a*aetlon by lb* hoard on th e(he aaaoclatlon tha I tw " more m ch(ichool* be eatabllehed, rhl* will I’O donebefore the end of the year. It w as a lo l'd .

Mr E a» lnn also reported th a t a c lic iila r le tte r, *ent out to tactorje*. hakerlee, m - toona, llverv alablee. etc., naklng th a t w arning card* he pul uP " " d th a t prin ted m a tte r furnl*hed by the 1u»ed on pay enveliipe*. met With n num ­ber of reqneata for lite ra tu re , riie aug- ( ge»tion th a t m apected caee* he reported to the B»*oclaUon wa* alao followed In eer- e ra l Inatnncea. T he aaBoclatlon offered tog ive ll lu a trn le d n o o n -h o u r le c to ree ,

The window exhib it wa* o ied during the ] atimmer a t one of the b ranch llhrartea and , a t the B ureau of A«*oclated D har lie*. I

The num ber of cn^Ae deoil with during a* follow*: June, vlalta.

E k p lana llon wo* made to -day of the elim iltaneou* dl«api>earancc two weeka ago from their home* In fkmth O range nf A rth u r Jam es, aavenicen yeara old. and Mina R u th Day, abool Iho sam e age. Not un til «everal daya a fte r the you th fu l pair had rjult their paru rta l hnines did th e ir aheem-e become known nutelile Ihe two housetiold*,

U developed thni Ihe boy nnd girl had eloped, Intending to he m arried a t l.oiig

....... .. Island CTIy yeelerday. Hut th e lawRliited, I (ii'oved an obstacle lo lh a .voung

' lum nncers. The ni're**lty of h av in g a Ucen»e lo m arry In New Yi-rk Hlnio forced them to (ll*clo*e their idim s. In conaerpience they wrote home for consent to wed. and this was rTtalb-d to them ye.slerday In time lo permit th e wedding to-day , which lime hud been agreed upon by the couple according to Ihe lr Ic ite is .

Jame.'i, only a year mil "f the S outh O r­ange 1‘ilhlle Sclmol, Is the son of Mr. and Mr*. Henry Jam es, of SIT A cadem y s tree t

Mlsfl Day * parents are Mi', an d Mr*. C harles Day, of Valley road. T he pair w ere pupils In the same clase a t school. T h e ir acrnialm ance (Intes hach tw o years.

A t the Jam es home this a fte rn o o n , the m o ther of the hoy rlechired stie was not certa in the wedding had tak en plnt:e, b u t supposed It had hy this time

VVASIIINOTON. ii' t. 3.—The joint ina neuvet* of the rcgu lsr a rm y and the N a­tional (Jiiai-d iiexi y ear prom ise to be on very ditfsreiit Hues from the nianeu. vers of 16t0 or preceding years. If Con areas approves the \ t u r I te p a rtn ien t * «e llm ate of around a m illion and a half dollars' approprlalloii fo r such a pur pose. ,

A proposition hrhig considered Is th a t Instead uf bavirig a la rg e nianeuver cam p to be lualntaliiert a t one point, for liirec points, a pra- llce l tu rn be given to the nraneuvers by 'iiiexpcctedly calling out a coniplcte division to be mobIHied l.erhaps In each section nf the country to tc i l the ebistIcSty nnd responslveneo* of the National (Juard.

Japanese B ro n ze L a m p sAt S u rp r is in ily Low Prices

F rom Ihe O r ie n t to V a n t in e 'a - a n d w e v m m uch d o u b t if a n y w h ere In lh i» co u n try c tn be had su ch s p len d id v a lu e s a s These lam ps offer.

For e x a m p le ; ,B ro n ie bow l s h ip * w ith two h an d les and o p en

w ork b a se ; h e ig h t 14 in c h e s ; 1

B ro n ie bow l sh ap e , design o f lo tu s le av es w ith ra is e d s te m s ; h e ig h t 9 ^ in ch es; d ia m e ie r12 In ch es ......................................................

B ronze bow l s h ap e , p la in s u rfa c e ; h e ig h t 11 in c h e s ; d ia m e ie r 9 I n c h e s . . . . • ■ - ,

B ronze bow l s h a p e , lo tu s lea f d e s ig n ; h e ig h t13 in c h e s ; d ia m e te r 14 i n c h e s . . . . P r ice alU.OO

T he above la m p s a re all priced w ithou t s h a d e sand a re fitted fo r o il, b u t m ay be ch an g ed fo r gas o r e le c tr ic i ty a l sm all e x tra cost.

O u r c o lle c tio n o f u n iq u e lam ps is a la rg e o n e , and yo u a re c o rd ia lly in v ited to inspect It. M am Floor. (M ail o rd e rs filled.)

A.A.VantiiieSCo.B’way, bet. iBth & I9tb Sts.

N ew Y o rkA lao EtostonZE P h ilad e lp T ila

Sew Couch Cover*, EicUialve D rapery and Wall Fahrtca, Table Porcelalna,

Dreaa Silk*. Klitionoa,


A rgum ent w** h ea rd by Judge M artinIn the C ourt of Conim on l “leaa th is m orn­ing on th e a iip lic a tlo n d f Edwin T F raiik - lon to r a Ilcenee to run a tavern a t HprlngHeld avenue and B aker road, South iirangs- Tuw oahlp. T h e application w as denied.

Uppoaltlon Id' th e g ran tin g of the license was rcp icaen tcd hy th e CItlsen*' Idaguo of th a t place, and w as baaed, for th e most p a rt, on th e Indictm ent of lha appli­cant during thn te rm of form er Sheriff Sonim er for Sunday aelllng.

F ran k lo n 's ap id lcatlon wa* one of th re# In tlie tow nsh ip hearing on which wa* echeduled J 'o r lo -dey . The o thers were Ihoee uf W llltam C. Folkner, who sought to SBtabllBh a tav e rn on Rprlngfleld ave­nue, between H a lstead and Boyden ave- nuae, onfl H Icbacr Palladlno, who w ant* a saloon llcenae fo r u i)laca a l Baker road and C arnegie place.

Tho C ttlaens' I.eague, Ihrough H cderick W. Sm ith, as cotinacl, has (lied objection* lo all th ree petition.-! on the ground Hint tliern a re a lread y a Mufflcleot num ber of drinking rrao r ts in th a t municipality. The flirongest opposition, hoa'cver. Is repre­sented In tlie efforlH of the league to de­feat F ra iik to n 'g purpose.

F ran k to u adm itted on the witnes* aland th a t he hail been Inillcled and th a t ho had failed In Ids recent eltorlB to obtain a llceime In ttic rieptemhev and April term s of court. H 's previous record proved Ihe h a r on which his application was again w rorked. , .

F o lkner'sP pt> Ii,‘a tio n was also denied on the ohjectloiis ra ised , and action on P a llsd lno 's petition whs postponed a week.



S/in frf? of Mf yE}V8RAHWAY. Oct- 3.- The preaerU Im*

liriAAffl of tr<;ailtiR th e cr!mln*l*and lt« RflVfiiitaKt'fi e v e r ihe olO wHy. wcie

ft large delegation of inin- iMtrfH by n r . F rnnk Moore* supcrlntcnd- ewt of tlie New Jersey R efo rm ato ry , dur­ing tiielr vlall 10 the Inetirutlon y^«t>sr- Uny aflfTCOon. Tlie lin p ro '’e(l ayalem w ai Hh-iwn Ifi tliem In Il» nctnn l working.

' The vleitorH were hnniKfit to ihe prlaoti by Hes . l)r. Chdriee I*. Tooder. rec io r Of St. PAiirn Fplfioopal rh u r f 'b . He le atnfO ehflpiftin of tlie InBtilntlnn T hey Includ­ed Rfv. r. C. tVooflnirf, of Trinity M E t'h iirch ; Rev Royal Young G nbftin J r . of Die Flrut Pre^ihyterlnn rh n rv li. and Rpv, W T o n e m e HtneheU. 4vf Ibc f>m1 TbeshyterlHii T h u rrh . of thiH ftty ; Rev. Artlm r S. I'belpe. H-vund Brook; Rev. fi S Adrian and Uev. Henry H. OifTnrfl. of E lizab e th ; Kev ■WllllHm K- NeJlafin. of Plnliiheld. Hev. Kclward W. HuU, New RrunHwIi-k: Hev. (’*»uitiandt H. sMflllor.v, ria ln fleld ; R ev S^ldney Dro-«4, Weatfleld: Rev. John F. Fenton. M«-tu rlien . Rev H arrla T. R ush, Weatfleld R^v. rinrenoa P Wond, Ftoeelle. Rev Edward V. U tile . FllxnheUi


N EW V nnK , Oct- 3, -T h a c ra tw h lls grcyirounil of tbs oesan, fo rm erly the D eutschland, now the Victoria l.u lss , a r ­rived to-day frcnii Ilam horg, .Southam p­ton nnil Cherhotirg. hrhiglng 5,11 siilonn

I paasengsrs. The stsnmshlp. w hich w as ' form erly a tw cnty-lw o knn lie r, la now I reduced In speed to 1S.I: knots. H er eii-

and leiller capacity baa la-co r---the sum m er la ■»* ^322; new cases. .10; cases dealt with 3.rtt. , .................... __July , visit*, :*S; new cases, 18; cases d ealt I o„iy two nf liec f-.or funnelswith 397. A ugust, v ia l* . IM; new cases.

About *50 tnem bera and frlanda of the O range Y. M. C. A- a tte n ae d th e fall ot>«nlng Iw t night, w hen an en te rta in - n icn t gt’Ycn nnd ytm ■ ftn e rt il Inepmjtlon o f th* Inilldlog- Th* principal addre** * a » given by H en ry D. Dickson, th e g e p e f tl *eey*t*ry, who outlined th* w ork fo r th* coming year, and a n n o u n c e th a t am u igeo ren t* a re being m ade for the an n u a l m em btre ' social ea r ly tit Nov»ra-

11; c a se s dea lV w llli, IH'. S ep te m b er , v is its ,257; new cases, 2t; cases d ealt with, JW.

Eleven p a tien ts have been d ls ch a ^ e d . apparen tly cored, the repo rt staled . F ou r have been taken to th e fflty H ospital, tw o to BI. M ichael'* Howpllal. tw en ly ’nlrja rc- fe rred -lo the Hoiin! of H ealth for care a t the V erona san itarium , nnd l^cn ty -fO iir to Glen G ardner. T w en ty -fou r have died.

FDND PASSES $ 8 3 ,0 0 0 MARK




Jam es F- PrendergA*t, principal Jlc School No. 2. H arrluon, ' '**'*

cation laot night, to fli ^ caused by Ihe death of John Dwyer

Mr p ren d erg ast has ta u g h t In the.Z'ol.'^l-ttrrl.onforthlrty-three^Before becoming V j ' Dwyer m2 he w as a ss is tan t to Mr. Dwyer

K'atherlne Condon,of School No. 1, « "« ’"h**® principal Jt No, 7. Ml»" fonrtnn Is the first be appointed principal of a sctinol in H ar-rlsuii,

AUGUSTA, Ga-. t*®*- * --A »t»l® anarchy aglata along th e IIP* of the Geor-

S g la and F lorida R ailroad owing to the strike of the Itremen, w hich w as declared last week. G eneral M anager T urner ad­m its th a t not a tra in hae got through on

I th o syatem since lust tia lu rduy . and he T declsrrs th a t under p resen t comlttlons I [here I* little hope o f resum ing service.

The white firem en w en t out llrat ho- esuse the road refused to Im rcasc wages, am t the negro Bremen e tru ch In sym pathy. From the beginning Ih e s tr ik e has been m arked by violence, w hich has growneftch dny. _

The bnrnlriM of ft tre.*4tle 300 yanls loiiK near Poufilfta .oo I3«nday waft loHownl Yesterday by th e c ap tu re nf two fa.<- ienger tra in s 'b y a rm ed mobs, tv iih thetr lu n s these m ohs fo rced the engineers to m ke the tra in s hack lo Douglas, whl h li a division point, and there flilpirack

'*The Georgia and F lo rida operatrs sev­eral hum lred miles of road, Its southern termlmis being M adison. F la. It Is con- trollP';! hy John Bkellon W illiams, of tllch- mend Va., who Is p rom inen t In ihe muii- agem M t of the Scatm ard A ir Une.

her"a • .D uring th e evening a m usical p rogram

tra* Tendered Including tn s tru in en ta l *«- le rtlona hy B dw ard I* D avis and vocal H ilei by W tlllam 1-. P a rk e r. T hera waa a lso a iw rita than gatita la the gym tiaetum Iw tw eeo team s rep rtaerttlpg th e Senior an d Jq tilo r leaders' corps.

T ha *duoa<ioii*l claaitea o f th* ttasocla- lion will *oo* e ta ti . H erb e rt P , H o x l^ form erly o f th e Khglewood H igh School, an d now h*»d of th e com m ercial d e p a r t­m en t in the O range H igh School, will tench stenography, W. H ull B ottsford . on a rch ite c t w ith the Ipackaw anna RaU- rokd. will again assum e ch arg e Of the m echanical and arch ltee tu rg l d raw ing Olowtei, and Theodm e 8, Bom ero, o f New York, has been reappoin ted Spanish tn- Hiructoft Cour»ft6 in oomnwi'c’Iftl a rlth irs^ tic , hook-keaplhg. Kngllsh for com ing i A m ericana, and first aid to th e Injured, w in Also be W aned.


a re used for the furniircs, th e o th e rs be lug used as ventlbitor.-i. The in iprbu ' a r rangem ents a rc changcil to m ake ac-vim- m odutlons for touHsI passeng ica . One cine* only Is carried,

The hull Is p.ilnlp(l while and r a p la in Rchwam herger, who form erly com m andP I the yach t Ocea’Bit In the Ilc rm uda trade. Is now In command, .t fe a tu re of itU' V ictoria Dulse Ip a device Inlendcil in ilo uw ay will! seuslcknes-p The device con­s ists of tw o II shaped ta n k s p a rtia lly tilled 's'lth water, extended th e enitre w idth of the ship, so contrived th a t the

t w a te r flows In the nppnslte d lrectlnn lo the rolling of the vessel T h e ship so oQulppert Is said to carry Its ow n vx-nvee, w hich tend m nsutm llge Its m otion and

I hold tho decks in u h o rliun tal ppaltlon.


JO H N S V IL l.E . Va., Oct. 3 - I n a light between a e h e r lf fs posae and klnsrne:! uf a yoim g w om an, w anted as a m urder tria l wIIncBB. a t O lbaon's Station, yu., to-day tw o d rp u ty sheriffs were killed and ano th e r ofricer waa neriously Injured. The posse w as b eaten off_, and ano ther has been orgiinlzptl hpr<’ lo nsgalfi the bodies of ihc v ictim s nnd a rre s t the men who dhl the shooting.• The ilvail a re John TolIlnB ftn<I W llllani ColUntt, deputy ahevlffH of Reli Cmmty, Ky- Georisti T ucker. Hherlff "f Lee Coun­ty \ 'a ., w as the tnan Injured.

'Vhe !!v.<ei., heiulrd by Ja iin e Colltn*. Rhcrift " t Hvll Com ity, Ky.. WTht 'P *'1® hnuiP of t;.-'orge Kmitli. in-ai' fdnsnn a u ia tinn , Va., In -irrcBt Miss Jenny Denny,

i w ajiled ' a t iniicvlllc , lyy.. ns u w itness I her tii'ollier. Charles Denny, ac- ,J ciised of a m n ide r that occurred nca

I Mlddh'.'SlHnn, Kv., seveial mi iitlis ago.U !.r said th a t .Mia.s Dcuny " a s wlllWjg

<o go with Uh- (dllveis who held a requ;- Fillcn for her. hut m'r Icliiafnik, tho Sm iths, o h j" led tn her a rrcsi.

W hen (ifliicrs a ttem pted m force then w ay Into Ihr Kmllh home llisy were llnsl

-yu. r n ll ih s brnlhfi'Ji V.-fl't' lliftlantll killed and bhH tff Tm-kci wua w .iun.kd


dpfrhiJ Krrrirr of the NEWS.MOHRIPTOtVN, Del. 3.—R eporta which

were handed In at th e d inner In VViishing- Imi Hall last evening Indicate ih ii t , lh e fund for tli.. new V. M, C. A. hulldlng. for which n alx-day com palgii Is helPU conducted In raise had reaehed atotal of 3S3.791 1", T he vum m lltees report­ed lust Idgld as follow s: r ilD e n s ' rom- mlttec, ti'ioi, wumari'a aux iliary , Li.oiH). Imslness nu'n s roinm lU ee, jn,(»;i; young rm-n (Gntimia HIgmai coinm ltlee, FhO.lO, High S.dn.o1 boy.s, |:I07. The team s re­port Ing the la rgest am o u n ts were those rantalned liy W illiam C. P arker. 33.6M. M. I- Toms, pi,222: J . A- II, llopklnB,

’ ’onc of Ihe la rgest g ifts received ‘o '’*'® waa reported y este rday . G ustave Stick- lev, a m agazine ed ito r, g ave 12,(«0. as an endowment fund to fu rn iah the business men's roon; of th e new hulldlng 'with ernftismau’s fu rn itu re

rh a rK fid w ltii feiealnup 4-ki poun d s j-’f Sleet, valued a t W , Dnm the p lan t of the A llia bteel Cum pany, In H arrison (He reatdem s of th a t tow n "'®7 . thu county lall a t Jersey Hi briinfKKtt to-day, to aw ait llu- ilu‘ Kift'1‘1 J'lry Th«y a r r MchulaH N ebd, tw enty y e a r , old. of OH M.dxllesex s tre e t. W hltan. Vobs, aex em ee'i “ IR ailroad avenue; W illiam « o l f . aexen teen years oid. of 113 M iddlesex stree . F rederick Yobs, sixteen years old, of -H R ailroad avenue, and John Hlevla, six fsen years old. of 692 South F if th street.

6/>erlflJ S^n-irf of tiie VFTFS- ,PTjA1NFIELT>. Oct. 3.—Thft Common

rouncll iRftt n ight o rdered th a t the police force be more th a n doubled a t once to try to end the re ign of burglahOH A roxo- Uitlon waft passed fin th e recommendation of the Police Board th a t twenty-five men he employed a s Rpeclais to perform regu­lar duly.


Men of l e l te n a re Included In th a Hat ot thoae who a re announced to appear In the lecluva couraa of tha F irs t P resby ter- Ian Church* which will begin Oclol>ai’ 30.The announcem eiit of th e lecfurera and the ir subject* la aft follows: i

October 30. Rev. Dr. W. .T Dawson. p e r t h AMBOY. Oct. 3 ,-W a lte rR y e r- "Savonarola , the p rophet of lib e rty :'' No- nwalt the a ction of the

......................... g rand Jury last night wlien a rra ig n ed





MONTCLAIR SOCIETYThe M »htol*lr Bquat Suffrage League

will iftild It* flrat meBtlng of the year, n t i t M onday atlernw sn, akv Ihe home of th* pi**M*nt, Ml»a J e a n n e tte St.iddltord, a South ’Willow s ttaet.

Novem ber 13, Ur. S. Cadm an, ' J h e IP u r ita n s ;" N ovem ber 27. Irv ing Bachelor. ■'The C heerful Y ankee;" Liecemlwr PL O hrlslm as concert, tke la>tii. Glee Cluh; J an u a ry IS. D r. Blwood W orrcsl.‘r, The H m m sniiel M ovem ent:" Jan u a ry - . .Ilopklnaon Sm ith. "OW P lan ta tin n D ays: .F eb ru a ry 1*. Jacob Rlls. ’"I'he U attle W ith the Sh im s;" M arch I. F ran k Speight, , ot London, Kngland, '^A K vemlog ;" M arch is. John h en d rlck Bangs, | "flaliihrllle* I H ave M et." I

This evening, a l th e c low of Ihe p ra y e r scrvh'e, a reception wilt Im given Dr. and , J l r , . W illiam M, S tuhhtehtne. Ihe form er Ilf whom recen tly resigned as a ss is ta n t I (lastor of th e church , J

h * (o rn 'Ju s tic e of the Peace P ickersg lll on charges of atrociously . ussauU lhg M ads and M artin Nellson, hr'Dlhers, who a rc clammer*. Both inen w ere In jured hy j Shot fired, they claim, by R yeraon.

The defendant adm itted d isch a rg in g the ' gun to scare aw ay the N cllsons, M ads ' Niollson Is In bed, due to shock and hi Injuries. Ryerson furn ished hall.

gojclal Krrcice of (Ae .Vfill’S.TRENTON. Oct, 3,—C laim ing th a t her

husband, Jam es L, R ochford . proprietor of an A tlantic C ity cafe hearing his name has a n 'Incom e o t 310,000 a year. Mrs A nile T. R ochford h a s bogun suit In ihc Court o t C hancery for m ain­tenance. She alleges th a t her husband J



' P E R T H AMBOY. Ort- 3.—AM om hlym att I E lm er H. Oeran iulrtr^sscd thi? M^^n’s 9*1- i rlt'.ly of th« Prfflbytorian r-lnirob Innt I n ight on tbff flw 'tlon law. of w hich h« ift

thp pulatlv^k creator. A fte r h«* had fln- I ishpd. John Pfeiffer, chairm an o f the Re- I publican county eom m lltee, w as called on

I ix ! Crete,npited her abou t five y ears ago, »lnte , atone which Ume he h a s m anlfe.ited i‘o»lne»fl tow ard her and lioa refused to provide for her eupport.

The R ochfords w ere m arried In Phll.i- delphla In IsW an d rem oved to A tlantic Clly about eleven y e a rs la te r, wheu the husband becam e s tew a rd a t the Hotel Rudolph. Hie wife a t th e earns lim e ac­cepted e t>oBitlon as d ie titia n a t the Hotel Dennis. lA te r she becam e houeekeeper In ,tho Q ladetone a p a r tm e n ts In FhlU- delphla.

Tha A m erican Concrete Steel Company of th is c ity w as la*t n ig h t aw arded the con trac t by the K earny B oard of Flducg- llon to r a new tw enty-four-room acliool a t Belgrove drive and W oodland avenue. T h irw lll tak e the place o t ‘be School No 2 now located a t K earny avenues. T here were tw elve bidder*. The Rucceaftful bidder's figure wan th e loweal.

* * T ^ 'n e x t lowest hid w as th a t of vyilltam Nairn, I96.5WI.20. These w ere the only eon- ,

' earns p u ttin g In a bid fo r reinforced con- ■ the o ther ten blda being for brick '

Fiiedflf Pi».Tirs of Ike yEWB,ST LOUIS, Oct. 3.—Colonel Wtlliam F.

Cfidv. "Roffalo B ill." 1" a g rea t-g rand­fa the r The ex-Bcout heard to-day 1,1s g rand idaoghter, M rs. Fr,Tnklln Bern,, a t London, had p resen ted him with tha new relation

N EW YORK, Oct. 3 .-T h e body of K ear- Admlral W infield Scott Schley, U. fl. N - rc ilrcd wt,o fell dead oh the street Hero yestt-i'dav, wsis token to-day u> W aeiilhg. ,,n w here the sea fighter will be o u ric l

with (oil naval honors a t Arlington Cam- ptprv .

D uring th e m orning hours, m anv ^ Ured arm y and navy officere c.qlled a t thS hotel tn pay ttie ir respect* to the dead adm iral. Am ong them were C aptain -O- scph C, Sears, who was nt the ad m ira | r ’aUle during the naval b a ttle off Santiago, and R ear-A dm ira l C-

The body rested In a plain black casket and th e p ia tc w as a alrnple one of silver, bearing only the ad m ira l's nam e and d a le of b irth an d d ea th . Accom panying the body to th e P ennsy lvan ia Station w ere th e widow and Dr. Winfield Scott SchleV, a son, and M rs, Ralph M, S tu a rt W ort- ley, a dn iigh ter. The tra in bearing th e body left a t 1:06 P . M.

The board will save the tow n about pi,3fJ0 hy deciding to erect a concrete s true- ture.

H 4U R lf4()N A N D K A SX N K W A R K -■i’hfl teachers of Chrl«t Eplucopal Bun-

riHv-Bcliaoi. HarrlBOn- bftvc udoptert a m k system of grading, w hich Ib to go into

' effect the first Sunday In advent, U ecctr- ber 3. Miss Lillian W hite w as elected

I pilU|il,H.ll VIFUUl.T 5. lJUiaili I pgre i vs v.«*xiv x.Charged w ith tak in g twm girls from th is . for hia opinion nt the w ork ing o t th e ne

Mr. gild B ra E . G. T om pkins and th e tr daugh ter, Mtsa LJl* and Mls» F lorence Tom pkins, o t Ballavue avenue, moved laat S a tu rd ay to Brooklyn.

M rt-ouls

and Mrs. A rth u r Roatwlck, of St. who have been vlalling Mra. Boai-

wteh’a slstw a, Mil* Jessie and Miss Bu- Si'Wyer a t th e ir home, 32 High left yesterday fo r New York.


Mra. George Brown and her daughter, MISs D orothy nnd Miss B eatrice Brown, who have l.«en visiting Mra, F rederick M. H arrleon, o t Ei wln P ark , re tu rn ed yeste r­day to th e ir home In New York,

* « •r.s. E. W. Townsend, of Upper Moun-

avenue, Is expected home th is even- from IVashlngton, w here she spent

S late to Mew Y ork, I’hlHIp Voldo, (lancer, eighteen years old, of 2« G rand street New 'York, wa.s a rra igned befora Judge H err in th e F o u rth P rec inc t Police Court nod held Hfidcm SLOW ball f o ' "i® grand Jury. Tn d e fau lt of hall ho w as rc- mamlfd. '

VnUlo ftulc! hfi waft lb< niftri ftt er o f n irouiH* of RuftftiaTi d ah o e ra a p p e f i r ln ? m viuulcvlllp n n d thf tt Xh(‘ g ir l s w e n t w i ih 1,1m 111 jo in th e r o m p a n y -

T h e g ir l s ftrft Mftry Cundlu , fourle^jn vparH riM, o f 17fi W a r r e n s t r e e t , a n d li r r s l s le r , O r a r e , slxtpoii yt-ara old. T h e w en t to N ew VoHi on S f p le n i b e r 23. T h e r.|‘xi diiv t h e y r e t u r n e d a n d appr tf twi

I Ihe l r m n th er , T h e m o t h e r h a d a d eco y I l e t t e r Heiil lo Voldo, Who a p p ^ r e d nt f Wfvrren Rtn*et a d d r e s s y e n l e r d a y a n d w aa I p la ced u n d e r a r r e s t

Mr. Pfeiffer pave the a c t h is unqualified endorsem ent. His a ltitu d e caused a mild sensation In im audience w hich evidently eitpected him to crithJiEe th e G eran law.


MISSOURI LUMBER HEARINGBT LOUIS, Oct. 3.—A ssis tan t A ttorney-

Genera] Atkinson, having ob tained .what he calls the "b lacklist" o t th e a$eged L um ber T rust, Which the S ta te Is seeking to oust, conllnued the ex am ination ot w it­nesses to-day In an a ttem p t to show th a t

fourteen year*, by m eans of agree-

ATLANTIC CITY. Oct. 3. -T h o m s s Mc- Devin, who has been Indicted b;’ the grand jury on a chorge of conspiracy to pur- cliaSB votes a t the 1919 prim ary , waa a r ­rested la*t n igh t on a ch arg e of violation of the co rrup t p rncllse* ac t, by offering to secure the ap p o in tm en t o t postm aster cf

I Atlantic C ity fo r E d m u n d C. Gasklll, If I Mr, Ga.sklll would w ith d raw from the fight I for recorder. Tho w a r ra n t w as Iseued on ! behalf ot Simon F a b e r , and M cDevitt ap-

peered before Ju s tic e Joaeph W eeks and gave hall to r a h e a r in g T hursday night,

McDcvltt denies th a t he ever made any such offer. G a ik lll, who is McDevItt’a personal eonneel, sa id th a t M cDevitt had not violated the co rru p t p rac tises act In­asmuch as he (G ask lllj had not yet on- nounced his cand idacy o r filed papers for the general election.

harveet. festlvAl be held Sunday

for . . .— J-.—— --------- - - - -m ents am ong th e various w holesale andreall dealers' asaoelatlona. the lum ber - _ e « A * A u i n v

, com panies controlled prices and business r i ] B A T F BECOMES MISSIONARY: In M issouri In r^fttrfilnt of trad e . , ___________

thft l i s t ten duyis.

M l» EUwhetU Johnson, of M idland tu p- QUf), who hftft ftpenl the loflt tour monthK visiting fiMonda in Ohio and Wlso«^nsln, hvft re tiim ed home.


V lf tr Bieiv film s fn r P o llre .Tho m onthly report of Thief nf P oHcb

W llltam H. O'Neill, of E a s t Opangp, m ttted Iftftt n ight to the Board of Police CommliHlonerfi. showed th a t Iftst m onth only ftlxty-thfM nrreftt* hftd h ^ r \ rrwde. out of which tw enty, w'ere for violation of cUy ordinance*. The board placed an o r­der to r fifty m odern revolvers for the wee of the men of the force. R evolver p ra r- flee of the bluecoata Is to be renewed th is




HE GOT W E LLTubareuloeii I t aald to h« ourable hy

ftlm rly liv ln f in the os?en a ir and taking an ubim dance of frefth eggs and milk. V ndoubtadly. some peraoite a rc benefUcil In iWa. w ay; bu t the app rop ria te remedy fo r Cobaiimptioo l« E ckm an 'a A lterniivc Do ftlt you poRslbly can to add lo streriKtli and Increurtc w eight, eat wholcsoniv. nourkfthing food, and b rea the the clean cut and pu rest a ir—tlien, to the BcoPlbltj

The f.m enil of rtm rle* A. Felck, who killed In Iin aiil'um iblle nceplent n ear .M ham. N. V Haturflay. wiis held a t hieiiouie. Ulmn.n avenue a ........ Ugh s lrcc 2 u clock this aiternooii. The .services were contlucfed by Rev Henry R. Rose, pn.-tor nf the G hurcli nf Ihe Redecnier, and In lerm ent toUuw.-il In Fiilrm ounv Uemeierv. M any peretm.s prnm inent In Ihe life 'of the c ity were in atle.Blance_

Tile honorary pallbearers 'S'ero 1 za H M rC arier J. H enry Hachetler, tMllli.m Selieercr, F rank lin Uonklln. Ur. J fe rm a u F fl. Herold, John J. Hill, H ed crlck Hhiivni'Bhaiisen, F ran k B. Adams John Kempf. Andrew H. B urkI.nrd t, flm H cs R Duiieaii John Ham m el. Joseph Steots, D a 'I J ITIest, Louis Hood, H arry « B lows, Jiinnes G. H am ilton, H enry Hines. J u 'ls c f 'h ar le s F.2,legler, J. E herhard Culinoii.

CAMl'l'LNT, Oct. 3.—Cam dvn C ounty’s D em ocratic executive com m IUce will meet to-iilghi tor reorganiaatlrjn a t the 'L’emplc tiullilihg. Ulmirmnn D avis will m ime four vorninltteem en-at-Jerge, cla im ing th a t I hose voted fur n t th e re eeu i prim aries,

selevtcil hy the i ’ren ch -H ard tn g forces,

Speriol Service of Me SE W S.PE R T H AMBOY, Oct. I .-K e v . Thomae

H. M assey, for fo u r year* cu ra te of St. MaD''B Rom an C atho lic C hurch here, left yesterday for M obile. Ala., to engage In m iss io n a ry w ork am ong the 'neg roes. He has been succeeAed th e re by Rev. Jam** McKeever, who fo r a year w as a t Bt. Joseph’s Church, K eyport. Rev. B. T. O'Connell, paato r o f S t. M ary'*, b a t been

superinr. The annual nf C hrist C hurch willevening, October 15. n~i.ent

The pupils of the H arrison H igh Bchool had to be dismissed to -day on account of the building being cold A new heating system 1* being Installed, bu t it i* m t ready for use.

The W est End Social C lub of H arrlto o will m eet a t Ua h ead q u arte rs , W John s treet, to-night. M atter* of Im portance will come up for action . „ , .

C ourt Conchessa, D au g h ters of Isabella, of H arrison , will m eet to -n tg h t a t Record

A report w as m ade a t th e m eeting of the H arrison B oard of E ducation last fitghl. th a t the add ition lo School J ( a 1 on W ashington s treet, would be ready for occupancy In abou t tw o w eeks, P a y ­m en ts of liM B.B w ere ordered m ade to Jam e* J. Dunn, fo r m aeon w ork, an d lo Storm* * Co., fo r h ea tin g ap p ara tu s . The building will be open fo r public ItupecHon T hursday and F r id ay ntgbt*.

T he com m issioners of Baaeosmenta on the paving Of Reynolds avenue, H arrison , consisting of WllUam M urray , John J . i F e therston and U rban Schilling, m et and organized a t th e H arriso n Tow n H all la st night.

T h e K in d Y o n H a v e A lw ays B o n ^ h t h a s b o rn e t h e » lg n ^ t n r ^ l C h a s . H . F le tc h e r , a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d e r h is ^ r s o n a l su p erv isio n io r o v e r ^ y e a r s , A U ow n o o n e So d e ^ v e y o n tn B ils . O o n n te rfe tto , B n lta t io n s an d « J u s t ^ a s - g ^ ” a r e b u t e v p e r lm e n ts ja n d endangrer th e h e a lth o f O h lld w sn -E *p o rlcn e e a g a in s t E p e r t o e ^ .

What is CASTORIAft . » — , *----------------- — , ;^ a rc o ti!>MuniT Morphine nor other Narcotic sn^ tancc. It de- st^ y s ^ ^ r n « w d ^ a y ii Feverishn^s^ For more tto nt S S f l t hSS b^rn t a ^ n ^ n r u s e lor reU ^ ol S ^ n f ^ t m e n e y . Windhiftg DlanhiM i. I t rennlatefi the Stomach Md ijo'weis,healthv and natnral sleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r W 5r a i i t l O - - - - - j

asslmiiates the g i v ^ h ^ t h y a n ^ a ^ sleep,The Children's Panacea—I h e Mother's Fnend.

kind You Have Always BoughtB e a n t h e l ^ p i K t n r e o f

have n'n right to a 's e o t In th e w nim U lcp. . w vu,.i,v.., ..n.™ . — " ~ w a r alx I t I. believed th e r . will be a contest re- [ granted a second ^ a v e

su iting from the efforts to select a new i month*. b * c * u » Ot III ----------chairm an.

C.H err. Louis A.

F iiber und A1 hr ft

ACCUSED BY HIS WIFEChsrgeii b.v his wife with a ssau lt and

ha lte ry with In ten t to kill. H a rry F. Tot- icn. of 3SG Broad Btreet, hcM In the

and pu rest a ir—tlicn, to the Benslblt; ■ P ip rln rtttilngft of r l*b t living. a<ld the tonic and ! tl'f' g rand ju ry , under boiulH of ^ ‘ ’---- rtC E ekm an’fl A lterative ■ T ctien charges t t .s t Iter hu.shand a tl v

■ ' ed her Sunday night, bruised her a rm and tlneetf-ned tier with a razor.

G irt R aid til* H o te l BUI.PATERSON, Oct. 3. —B ecause a nine-

; teen-year-.Id g irl In V irg in ia provided enough niogey to pay th e hotel bill he had owed fur over a year, Cecil R. Gould

I scured tils freedom y este rd ay . Gouid.who gays he Is a m ining alook salesm an,I ha* spent the past tw o week* In Jail.

I He was arrested by local de tectives on I chargee preferred by a ho te l proprtetur i tn Fairm om a, \V. Va., tO w hpin he owed : «85. He wa* located h e re Ihrough le ttrrs 1 acta him h)' his sw ee th eart, M iss K ittle t Curry. As zorm as he w as Jailed he lele-

grapiied her lo send him money. She I providcil him with fund* and settled the . Palrm oiln t im lel-keeper's c la im . Gould has I ipfl town.

mcinthB. bftdftUBft crf HI h « > th .For nearly tw o y e a rs Rev. P- B. Cor?.

Monelgnor O 'C otinell'a sssU tan t, h a t baeti in practlcftl c h a rg e of all the church work.

curative effects of _ . _Hca<I w ha t It did in Hits rasi': i

G09 W ent 9Li-«el, W ilmington, Del *’G«»lJ*m enr-In Jan u a ry , m s , 1 wap

tak en w ith hemorrhagcLft of thetak en witti nemomiagcui or the lu n is My fthynlirlan, one of the leading pracTl-iLyitigswu o*M 4t tL'afi inttav tvmisWi.. i. . v a s w - . w . s , « . x , . . . s a w * w . . w s r w s « * » g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .took eggs and milk In quan tities, but I gdt very w eak, an d 1 k ep t on working in th e store. Th* doctors said I wuulil no t gain In weight as long as I stayed In the store, b u t I kep t on seorklng ami praywl each ds{s th a t 1 m lgbJ g st. wsll. t believe m y p iaye rs w ere answ ered for Mr. C. A. U pptnco lt. m y em ployer ('Up- plncott & Uo., D epartm ent fftore. 306 to 91* M arket s tree t. W ilm ington. Del. I Ita.l leSwn*d of a rem edy called B cknian’s Al- le ra tlv e th a t had done g re a t good, and upon hi* rw om m egdattoa I began tak ing

‘ .one*. This w as abou t June, fa ithfu lly , using no other

L I.tie t ’h a a e e fo r Itu rae il F lre m a a .No change ha* marked the condP

lion of Joseph Slnimts, "t 89 r iln t-* street, who wa.s burned- lU the power­house of the l'u.hllc Si-rvlt-e KleotrtC I'ouipanv, in River streei, yesterday. He is in the >.’1ty lloapltal. U -was re­ported to-day that he piacllcully has no chance for 't-ecovery

goa H eteaded M o th er ts o m F a th e r .P A T H U S '. 'N , Oct. 3.— YVhen C h a r lf s

S to rm s, of IC) V a n H o u te n street, at

r* tc rso D W o as a a H u t by A«*o,PATERSON, Oct. 3,—'WbU* cro»»lng

H am burg avenue n e U h e r Imro* la s t night, Mrs. A nnie Colo, o f K H am burg avenue w as ru n dow n by a n automobile used as a delivery -wsigon by th* Con­sumer*’ B aker C om pany. The woman was pirked up unconselou* an d taken into her horn*. T t -wa* a re o riM n ed - th a t »h* suffered frqpi th re e brSk®" t'b* omHu* Sion* to her h ead and body and eevar* shock She 1* being a tten d ed by her fam ­ily phyelclan. She will mobile w as In c h a i* * Oi R ichard C. Meyers, o f n * E a s t TW«nty-eecood streat.

B tc C oal B iru l tM B um *.W IL K E S -B A R R E , P * . O c t 8. - The

F ast B oston b re a k e r of Hie Payne Coal

KBARm- AND A B tlN O I^.The«e offteem Imve been ftiftcted by tnft

AftaifHU Naturaltft Club of Arlington:. PrcftSdent, V. H. anie®pt«: vlc«-preftW«nl, I 0. P. Medftgnr; «cretary*( Clarence B. * 'Wftianai tr^neurer* Thnnjaa Shipper. A tpeclal meeting of tbe club I* Monday nlgbf* nt the home of tb* e ^ e - tary* 47 Locurt avenue, lo arrange lor a trip on OoIurobUft Pay, and to a m ^ the conitltutlon. The member* hare decided to place an exhibit of toare* In the PnbUe

of th e Golden B u ie Society M tho K ing”* D au g h ters o f * t the home o t Hr*. W alte r B. sat Belgrove drive , A rtlB g tm , iM t w hen It wa* decided to hold » * * '^ * * f * J th e la tte r p a r t o t thl* m onth ^ ceed* to be used In aaela ting ^ h t f m l - llee, whom th e socleV boa b w n a l ^ g to r eome tim e p tta t T he d a te o f th e p a rty will he announced In » few Asya.The »=”■* ^ k j p i e o f the FTrat Church, A rlington, w ltt moei Mooaav

” Repre*«ntatlve* of all th* anelejB* iwctfd w ith Knox P reab y te rian f

m eet In c b . ^plifht to plan for a fnlr, wnleb m u tag* place the early part of building and »“b » n y t <>b the church will meet to the chapel to­night

is die

licked Ilia wife nnd daughter V ' M ' r a a y , C o m p a n y , *t Lu»eime Borou^. n M r ^ William Hform!!, hlft son, kinK kfCi j as denWoyed ^ Art to-dfty. The loss U(Sown. In fftllin? his lieftd struck a Intir at HOO.OW. The amoKB filled theand he was scilt tfi the Genera. Hosplul mine,by Du' j'olti'e tn Imve two scrtip wnunds , thought four pumpmen had been iuf-

ftpwed up Yuimg Siormft p.Ui-lHl rnf-aied. The men* however, made theiri whfH Jiifi miitiipr nml alfttcr to'd ihf'i- j ^ ihe underground Wforklngi by

atfirliiA, tUlef Storms 6p«.-nt tiie n ig h t - -------- m»a..

ti riSftttntHd .v .u g uo otner

^ reroady, and Anally notlcwl (he clearing of the lung*, which appeared to be old chunk* 61 tdood com ing up. I pyw have no tjwnbi* sritk my lungs. i firm ly b.-im imnos# wu* my luugs. . nrmiy be- llev* Kckmaae Attcrattre saved my life I sent my spittle later to the state RoarO of Health lo be examined for tubercu-

none wer* found.

T o m *cil** .« m elon* a t T en .Plans fo r the yCnr'» Work m u l>e p te-

s tiu ed and discussed a t an uricrnodn tea given ijy Mrs, Ki'lierl W. Peach, presl- deni of the W om en’s M lsslouary Society of the Reform ed Eii1aco|inl Church, a t her home, 2D P ark e r s treet, to-m urrow

I arteriioon. from 3 to 6 o'clock.

Ill 'th e lock-up.

F a ce P a in t T a b o o e d ; R em o v e S k in In ste a d

a sew n d 'open ing . Tw*lv« hrindred_ men and boy* ar» th ro w n o u t of work.

TypewriterP e r p e t u a l P i o n e e r


Ttas fifo. 10 and i l V t i i b U J R t m in f i t ^ n J k o t M * are Om latest «xpnask)&i of Remia?ton leadorditp. TIwy repnsent the sum of a& typewriter achievemsot—past sod preaent.

HADISON, O c t 3. - A m ounU d m an ha* been added to Madlion'* pollM fo fw Melvin Hopping baw lnf b**n d « l« ^ t* d to patro l th* outskU t* o f th * borough on It bltycla I

lost* taarilll. ------ - _____"My mother died from Conaumptlun

when I wa* about two yenra oW,“ I m ake tfcki * U t* n » a t a o 'th a t o theis

m ay l*arft M the wonderful raerlls of E ckm an’i A lte ra t lv t 1 regard m y re­covery a* tielqg m iraculous." , —« — -----

f S l^ e d Affidavit) JA 8 . SQUIRES. < escaped with hi* E fW aaa '* i t e r a t i v e Is clfectiv* In i lo r n a n * un!

Hronchltia. A sthm a, H ay Fever. T h ro a t -and Lamg Trouble*, and In upbiiildfng

Joy R ide E a d s la Sm ash.R IV E R SID E , Oct. 3.—To stop hi* em

ployer's valuable automobile, whenlost hie head, F ran k Cleveland, chauffeur for Dr. C tiauncey E. L am bert, steered th* ca r Into a te leg raph pule. C leveland

«d with hi* life and hurriedly left lo r n a n * unknow .l, but the touring car w a r reduced to a tw isted m asa of w iech-

—i : - - JU >n uim iinaiiw , j j , jj ,m b « r w«s 111 0.-e*ii C ity a tiSirtST's;- th' h.ssM b g R lher Dvqg Stors*. fTia*, W. swore out. a w a rran t fo t th e a rro s l of kt*>^ ivnd o ther leading drugg ists. Ask Cleveland, a lleging th a t Hie chauffeur fs r h e w le t of . cured c m w and i ^ t i e to th e m achine out for a Joy rl-1*.Eckm an Lalter»tory. Philadelphia, Pg ., i ^ consenL /"fo r additional evldeoc*. t w ithou t m* eonoenu . . '

"A few years ago only one class of women painted Mieir fa ces ." say* Dolly M adison In Chicago N ews. " It wu* e

of Nociul uBlriiclRm ftntl w as tabooeil in reflnp'l I'irdf'ft. Th« cufttom hfta fa?, oonift univ^rBal nuiftt adm it It Ijj to bo d«plorftd and to bo ah e lv td M noon an nowimp^"

in- ) H o* rooUfth lo 9t*k ArUficiatho [ ot th is ftort. ohpnxiouft from artlB tlc and

m ora l standpolntA . S jip n i t la ao ftasv . -

S t-M H lT ,Becoming Involved tn A f ith t over th*

sale of Ih rs* sack* o t potatoes, Edw ard Whitfield, of C h a th am , and F ran k and

i H arry Lex*, o f N ew ark^W Sr* kf fe lted j hy P a tro lm an H e rb e r t Sm ith tn Union ; place y s s itrd a y a ftd rnoon . A fter a num ­

ber of witneM g* testified , i^ llc e Ju itic* Hicks fined each of th* m an tH . Tha fines

- were paid.F ran k K*mp re tu rn e d to th* home o t

h it pa ren ts yeateirday In Shunplk* road Common C ouncil wUl m ee t In th* elty

hall thl*. evening.

___ 1* < I* * t Ik IB IHJ ^to obtain ft n«U h^l rontpiejdon bythe UM of o r d ln i ^ mercolfseilth e u se VI u iu n u u ^ inervuii»«n WAX.MF>rcoIls?d WAX. o b ta in a b l e a t a n y d rue Btorft'“ lft fto effeotivo. n o n - tn ju r to u f t a ^ a in63cpeb*^'’ft» fto obft n e e d th i n k of ofting any th ln f f eloe f o r t h e purpoftt - A.p- p U r t c r e a m A t . n ig h t , muAw ashed off in the m o m lD f c I t a t o n o r



neglns to shm* Its remaiwable rejuvs natliig effect*. It gently absorb* the llfetrs* surface skin In tiny parttcles, showing the frtnhar. Ilvelltr, beautiful

1 underskln. Naturally It take* with |t all I surfac* detect*—Adv.

The health commltt** of th* Puhljo tFstfare Connnttt** will meet Thureday night at » Ea*t Park *tt*»t.

Under the auaptee* of th* Kuex Oeumy TV. C, T, U„ Mr*. A. B, Paroells, Of PIUl- adriphla, lecturer And •rgahlier for the N*ttonat 'W, C, T, Um wlU dallv*r'an Mdret* In th* Cent*n*ry Hetbedist

- Church to-Alght at I o’elook.

Nothing equal* an Auwole hair a i a tram* for a pretty lac*. Ynut- out a background *# hi** hair a rMUy pretty face fr*auW«J( b*opmwi plain,

•and. with It, uoattraotlv* fsatur** a*, sum* Ilf* end baauty. ■

Every woman can |nflr*a** h*r natu­ral ciharm by ualnt » f * P ^ ’d H w ifM h HerpteW* makeg h*4j 1dandruff **>'"1 dOTif 'I'd vitality OT til* . hair Mtrririd* WBa thl* tavm and pr*. i U nts Ih* hair from It a snap and lu*t«r, a *t'^F nuffliiM* whioh ean h« aoguirad in *o otiwr w ^ y,)

Tour druflflot m wU >■«'' * w t-flol-)a r Ml* t* t« * •***l''*o j

‘ "sOTrt 10*. in *?? !booklet to l i ’* Merptelda O*., DojjI, H, ,

Ulehe . \Applicatlan* « * y t » Obtajaed at the *

They eOBtRin every merit that the Renunfim hei elw tys hffd *nd every merif thet eny writiitf machine hai ever hiifl.


They oootfiin,^ twWitten, new end fandementel improvenMmft th»t no typeiwritcr hei ever hed; emontr them the CoAtnm S ih r f tm the Firat TaiMittor wid the First KsihSst IVtAufetert Tim Model 11 with Wahl Meeheniim t« #1» the fVrrf Subh^nff Ttfpsvr •r TKoie imppoyemente ere the lateit oontribuHona toNtypewritcr pro Remington conttibntiont—eyefy mre.

.lavraatei mew*and they ore

The Beminipoo, the orifina! pioneer in the typewriter field, ii tha present d#y pioneer in all new devdepmenw of the w r i^ , mWiine,


o$uiiiUP TO

Followini th a vote f< m en! In li o f th a t pli neye, la st raised liivo p rim ary el G eneral v an opinion

Tills nev w as broug mission F a f te r the R lker & F o f l u t Ti adoption c w as lllega m eeting t t of th* coi Into court

Taking I which wai d ieted lhai o f Ihe ball fo r or a*'i tended the oouuted, .3 act, the n oaat were the nut. m ight not but, tak e . *ct^ It wo th a t a se: With Ncpa: form Indk o f the act.

In conci legal advli

"Tho coi ftul|i4 o f tl la om* Jufi, to be Hie; election w the timi! dlffcrem i •econdly. I on wftft IK and, thtrc oontetTiplM Ihould be ftubmit Gordfince tb« ac t lu

menn s

A contra w as w rltl docum ent th is m ornl D ietrict C given hy women, d. a buslneei agreed to 116,009, wh Jrtc e w as

Th* to n In pencil, to the eye It m ight ti h* w a r »a tion Bubie

G. E. [ A bram * I str*«t, tbti and Mrs. etr«*t, thli per cent. i h* clalmei sell for, brought . buyer, thl ha offered

W h at m plaintiff, I fa c t th a t co n trac t I ask ing he prloe to H reeoncite subsepuen

Miss Ml; not requli p o sin g ' la t atige, lo r W oodruff, a* she *1 Council d It w as dl; th* quest took th e she could a n which leas Ident had read y a a n .

G1Hr*. Ge

avenue, e a t her eighteen.

- Mr. an . ^ m e r l v

W taUona I f t r L esib of New October 2


Union las M ain s tn ■ton, whli B row n ai tw rts bel Joseph A H a rry Bt ange. Ti O range F fined Ash

Ta SandNo one

believed a patient HBntclfiii M*n det sand her Insaue, a

R*iH r*. V

Mo., left of tw o lA , ta d ,strset, Gl her elatsi tend* to

K i M

M any by a trig w ithoutp ^ a s IIyour: ydur d ru you ge t fill ou t Iday. Ba' kolf* BHi



5 ^ i£ n d Cure a grrappe

N aA a

beat hwrber shapelor*.

' d r o t u ^

RemlnEtM T pewyltM Corapwiy fltreet

28 Clinton S t w t , opp, fiMei Baildlog, Newark»ga*aha«* » « * • * . . , . ,

q ity


l liu ^cnu.-

t l ‘B


iin thleil-

Keai'- i N.,

hur'j .lilitit' jurii'il Camr

y r t -l l tl tf

i:a>k4t silver, (I dal6 1* the

were ishlev, W ort-

i f th e




In iottoa Lca^oers, Following Coomission Rejeclioo, Seek

OptoioQ on Whole Eteclton.


Following tb« r«J«irtiofi o f the re tu rn? cn ; th e vote for cuinnilHkoo form of govern* | m en l In Irv ington by th e Town ComiclJ | Of th g t ptftoe, on the advice of Ite atto#- j ncye, lael n ight, a nitoellon han been raised Involving the valid ity of the entire | p rim ary election In th e town. Attorney* | G eneral WUaon has been aaked to give an opinion on th e nm tto r.

Tide new phase of the election tangle w as brought out by the Irvington Com* m ission Form of G overnm ent League a f te r the reading of a n opinion from R iker & Rlker, holding th a t the eleciInrU o f la s t Tuesday, which resuRed In the adoption of the com m lesion governm ent, w as Illegal. I t w as also hinted a t the m satlng th^it th e question of the legality of th e com m larlon vote m ight be taken Into court for ad judication .

Taking up th e question of r n ia jon iy . which w as rnlaed la s t week, the Inwyeis k lated iha t It would ap p ea r th a t a nurnhrr o f th e ballots cast did no t contain a vole for o r again st the proposition und cm i' tended th a t If the a c tu a l ballots had been tfountfedr AS seemed to be Intended by the act, Che tnnjorlty of th e bnliots actually cas t w ere not In fav o r of th e jidoptlon of the net. ThU fac t alone. It wat, said, m ight not p resen t any serious dlfflcully, but. taken w ith o th e r provisions of the gct_ It would seem th u l it w as Intended th a t a sepa ra te election should be held With separa te and d is tin c t ballots of the form Indicated by th e roferendum clause of the act.

In concluding th e ir tindlnKs, the town s legal advisers said: '

"Tho consequences of accepting the re- s u lt l o f this clcctlnn will h r very sprlnu« in our Judgm ent. If it should la te r he held to be illeftil. I t is our opinion th a t the election was Illegally held, first, heoaiise the tim e of holding It w as s iibsian tla lly d ifferent from th a t d irected by the a^ i; ! •econdly, h c a u a e th e question to lie voti^d > oh w as not autflclently c leuiiy exp rese td . ■ and, th ird because we believe the ju i oontem plaies th a t a sepa ra te election Should 1)# held, a l w hich the qucailon to | be subm itted Is c learly Jndlcaied In nc- | cordance w ith the referendum clause of | tb* ac t Itaeir.'^ I


-------------^A con trac t in which a price In U.lKpuie

w as w ritten in pencil, the rest of the docum ent b«lng In pen and Ink, figured th is m orning In a su it In the Easl Orange D istric t C ourt, w herein a verdict wa^. given by Judge M ountain for two aged women, defendants. Opposed lo tlif'm w as a businees m an, who claimed tlia t they agreed to sell a parcel of real esta te lo r Ilft.OOO, w hereae they both Insisted their ^ c e w as ¥18,000,

The form er figure w as In the con tract la p en c il Though th e rtyurc ' ‘6'' appeared to the eyes of Judge M ountain ae though It m ight have been rubbed, he announced h t W at satisfied th e re had been no a lte ra ­tion subtequtin t to th e signing.

Q. E. Bcherer, of th e Scherer-Gwen- A bram a R ealty Com pany, of 786 Uroad strgat, th is city, sued Miss Evelyn M ingus and M rs. M ary Case. Hisiers, of 5U A ustin Rtroat, th is city, for ¥4W. tw o and one-halt per cent, com m ission on th e 116,000. which h« claim ed w as th e figure they agreed to sell for, bu t la te r refused . W hen he brought Joseph W , H osenbaum as a buyer, they would no t accept the check he offered to bind th e bargain .

W h at m ost w eakened th e oase of the plaintiff, according to the Judge, w as the fac t th a t five days a f te r tn e da te of th e co n trac t Bcherer w ro te to Miss M ingus ask ing her i f f she w ould not reduce her prloe to ¥16*000. Judge M ountain could not reepacile a co n trac t a t th a t figure with a subsequent request to come down to It.

Miss M ingus w as so feeble th a t she was not required to tak e th e s tand . The op^ posing la iryw g, 'E d w tfd L. Davis, of Or­ange, fo r th e defendan ts, and C harles A. W oodruff, for the plain tiff, queatlcmed her 0# she s a t outside th e b a r In the City Council cham ber. She is also sb deaf th a t It wag dJfffoult to ge t h e r to understand th e questions. Mrs. Case, though ehe took th e s tand , h a s poor eyesight, and she could nof recognize th e sheet of paper BO Which th e co n trac t w as w ritten , much less Identify her e lgnaiu re . She said she had read hard ly any In th e p ast four y s tr s .

BAMM6-P0WDETAbsolutely Pure»


Oraafe CooscU ToR F u stic Coffimisskm Usable to Take

Orel Pfeseot Joist Drais. •

MIIIIONS ^FAMIUESo^u - i n ^ S Y R U P o^ F I G S

E U X m e ^ S E N N A



To have pure and wholesome food, be sure th at your baking powder is niade from cream of tartar and not from alum.

Tb9 Lmb»f win guMo you

R o y a l is t h e o n ly b a k in g p o w d e r m a d e fr o m R o y a l G r a p e C r e a m o f T a r ta r

No Aium No Umo Phooghmiom


To Jam es Boyd & Hru,. of Philadelphia , wan aw arded a contract last n igh t by iho Dloomlleld Town Couiwll for a com hlna- tiun hose und chem hal engine, to cost ¥1.780, the u)}pRratiJs to be delivered In s ix ty days.

The purt'haap was rfcom niended by (’onnclltnau Un«ng!»l. of the KTre Tom- mUtee. The couih'II h( the end of one y ear Is to exchange tlie ap p ara tu s, for an autom obile truck ut the full purchase price uf th e (’lemU'al wagon.

GLEN RIDGE SOCIETY.Mm. George W . R eynolds, of Ridgewood

avonue, en terta ined a t luncneon yesterday a t h e r home. Covers were laid fo r eighteen. ' '

* e . .H r. and M rs. W llitam S tew art Gordon,

^Mrmerly of Qlen Ridge, have Issued in- I w t l o n s for th e m arriag e of their daugh-

g r Leslie to F ranR Iln K ennedy Sprague. Of New York, a t I.,akeslde, S aturday, October il.

BARBER MUST RETURN BIBLEA. i a rcBiiIt of a trial before Ju ilge

M 'juntaiii, of Iho Orange l»li«lrlctUmirt, ihia morning, Anthony .MachelB, a barber, of Ifn Main street, th a t city, Ifcarned th a t lie 1iaK no righ t to keep a man*8 family IlllUe, jiial becaUH^, he claims* the ninii owpn him ¥2.hV H e wa-'» d irected by tin? judee to a u r re n je r th e hook to W illiam Boylan, a form er police se rg ea n t of ihle city, again st whom he ha» a claim for the am ount nam ed.

BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL AFFAIRSC lara E. Schaufller, a g ra d u a te of

S m ith College, waa appointed te ach er of dom estic science by the blnom fteld Hoard of E ducation la st night to fill th e v a ­cancy caused by the death of MIhs H a r ­rie t H. Jones.

The resignation of J. E. M agee, of th e com m ercial departm ent, w as accepted!. M r. M ngee has secured the prjnclpalsh lp of th e oom m erdal departm ent o f the S ta te Norm al School a t W arrenaburg , Mo.


Although a claim for sa la ry waa pre­sented by form er T ax A sseseor Max M. Mohor a t the me^^tlng of the O range Com­mon O oundl la st night, a resolution wa? passed authoriz ing th e paym ent of |3'J4.64 to William A. Caihuiin, as counsel for Albert R. Robinson. whoBe claim for back sala ry .h a s been uplield by City Counsel Wllllairi A. Lord and C ity A ttorney H e r berl Hoggs, of N ew ark. M ohor’s claim of ¥311 10 WHS referred to th e city counsel.

An ordlnanf’e g ra n tin g a franch ise to ihe Orange M ountain R ailw ay to extend Its trolley lino a long W'est Christopher, Valley and C hristopher s treets, was In- ti'CHliiced and a public hearing set for Monday night, O ctober TZ.

I liei'ause th q Posoalc Valley Bewerag#! CummLsslon h a s no au tho rity to tak e over I or rfconn (ruc i present sewer sysiem s. It 1 wuN repo rted a t a m eeting of the Orange

Council la s t night, the achemu proposed by W illiam M. Beard, of M ont­clair. fo r th re e m unicipalities to en te r the trunk sew er plan a t a cost m uch lower thim the p resen t estim ate , is nut feasible.

About a m onth ago Mr. B eard suggested tlia i O range, Glen Ridge and Bloomfield m ight be able to secure a sup tem entary con trac t lo Join In th e tru n k sew er and sei'ure a creiHl as well fo r the p resen t iiru iige o u tle t sewer. A fter Investigating th is proposed Holullon of the sew er prob­lem, th e special sew er com m ittee re p o rt­ed Inst n ig h t Oiat In the opinion of the cuinnilsslon, no credit could be allowed fur th e p resen t ou tle t w ithout an enablings act uf the l..egUlatiire.

A lderm an P. Allen Smith, chairm an of the special sew er com m ittee, p re tan led a leng thy report, In which the case was reviewed chronologically. F rom UUa re ­port It saem e th a t th e supp lem entary con­trac t fo r th e th ree m unicipalities was first discussed On August 24 a t a conference betw een Mr B eard and a represen ta tive of th e com m ission, but before the proposi­tion had ac tu a lly been,conkldered by the Orange au th o ritie s t h e ‘sam e rep re sen ta ­tive sen t Mr. Beard a le tte r In which he doubted the fedslblllty of such s solution.

It w as a lso s ta ted In the repo rt th a t Jam es H. F u erte s , who has been engaged by O range, E ast O range and M ontclair to Investigate the feasib ility of co n stru c t­ing ft sew age disposal p lant for the th ree n iunlclpalitles, expected to have his re ­port, to g e th e r with an estim ate as to th e cost of Itisiallatkon and operation of such a p lan t, ready by the middle of the m onth. Bupplem em ing the com m ittee 's report, H r. Sm4th announced th a t the final report on the lnve.stlgatlon would be p resented to the Common Council early In November.


H u o u a n iti . WITH Ma«T lAltirACTOiir H a u m




A map and plan for the d rain ing of the Halcyon Hark section of Qloomflela w as subm itted to the Bloomfield Town Council la st night by C hairm an Sadler, of tlia Bewer Coniiiiluee,

The plan provides for the Jnstftlllng of a storm drain th ro u g h Berkeley, Fon­taine and Walscxfilng avenues, al an ostf- m ated cost of ¥D,00i>. The proposed drain Is lo obviate the p resen t nuieance caueed by the w'ater from Rerkeley avenue flow­ing Into the park p roperty , flooding cellars and dam aging the s treets.

HOLIDAY AT SETON HALLIn honor of the elevation to the ra n k of

m onsignor of Rev. l>r, Jnm es F. Mooney, p residen t of Beton H all College, South O range, the Htvidents were given a holiday .Jo-day. Bishop O 'Connor announced the app<.>lntment a t the cosnm enrem ent in June.' bu t ae many of the s luden te hnd p lanned to leave for home on th a t day the celeb ration w as deferrod until to-day .

BOTH CHARGE DESERTIONPending the tr ia l of a divorce suit

brought by C harles E . Bearles, a black­sm ith, of Sum m it, again st Mrs. Vera Bearles, Searles w‘il) have to pay his wife ¥5 a week alim ony and tu Charles Still­well, of M orristow n, Mrs. Searles s coun­sel, a fee of $30. An order to thle effect waa made by V ice-Chancellor Stevens lo-dsy.

Mr. and Mrs. Searlps were m arried abouL flve years ago, and In Ills petition Mr. Searles chargea th a t Tjis wife de-


I serted him In April,—----------- • -------- ------- ( Mrs. Searles, In a cross-petition, seta

A sks R ece iver fu r H nnae, | up th a t It w as her husband who did theAn application fo r the appo in tm en t of deserting. The couple have n throe-year-

a receiver for the "ren ta and profUa’; o( Blrl, who le in the m other's cualody. a house In Linden street, Belleville, m ade jby C hurles Jones In bohsK ot M ax 'F a ll, ; IR V IN G T O N A N D H IL T O N holder of a second n w tg a g c wag held , suageetlon of Councilm an t’red-In abeyance by V ice-Chancellor S tevens : , , « i , • * *u v ,to-day , pending the m aking o t a n ap - , Eckclhotcr, ch a irm an of the FirepralsaJ by a real esta te man. A ccord ing t.otnm lltee, th e req u est of th e llremeti for to M r. Jones, the property has been v lr- j ube day off In eight, Instead of one In

P o llee C alled A f te r IdSbor N teetiag.Following a m eeting o f the P lum bers'

Union la st n ight in T rad es Assem bly Hail, M ain s treet, O range, th e re w as a discus­sion, w hich finally re su lted In Roundsm an B row n and P a tro lm en R oberta and A l­be rts being BummotU'd. They urreeted Joseph Ash, of 27i> Academ y street, and H o rry Boe, of 70 V alley street. South Or- tUlfB. This m orn ing Judge B ray, In the O range Police Courts d ischarged Boe and fluM Ash $0 fo r d iso rderly co n d u ct

tu a lly ahandonad by Its owner, G eorge A. R iddiem ossr, who. Mr. Jo n rs said , had le ft Belleville for p ir t s unknow n ab o u t th ree m onths ago. Mr. Jones w anted a receiver to take the p roperty In hand and g e t som ething out of It for th e benefit of th e second m ortgagee, whose hen Is for ¥300. The flrBt m ortgage la for ¥1,700, ,

ten dayw. w as laid over until October IB by the Irv ing ton Town Council nt Its m eeting last ii« ii t. T he sam e cnm ndtlee w as directed to ad v ertise fo r bidH for moving the cen tra l firo a la rm station from tJ^e town hall to tlie new firehouse on W ashington avenue.

The Irvlivgton firem en w ere called outand th e p roperty is said to be tvorth no t early to-day In rospnnso to a n a la rm from m ore th an $3,000. 62 for a blaze In a pile of rubbish in

• ----- --------- I Irv ing ton Lum ber and

No crim e has been fastened on Augut* tua Raym ond, who, when arreated a t the E phox C ounty C ountry Club In W est O r­ange R aturday afternoon, gave h li nam e as 'I'bomaB Hurley, but by his own ad- mliislons he has been a rre s ted m any tim es find j«ometlmeH convicted as a ancak thief. H<‘ denies having entered the clubhouse wRii Intent to steal, though he w as ('aught in th e cloakroom.

D etectives from this city and o th e r pIa<‘pR have looked over the m an w ith the hope o f Identifying him with some recent sneak Jobs, but w ithout succeaa.

At th e tim e the M echanics B ank In th is rliy w as robbed Raym ond acted a s a go- betw een fo r one B ennett who sen t him from New York to th is c ity with money to engage a law yer to defend the th ree men Im plicated. T hree men. Raym ond BHid to-day . named King. Grlffln and Bigelow, liad m ade a n a rran g em en t with ft (r\iated emplnyee of tho bank to loot the safe, bu t nt the last m om ent th e em ­ployee weakened and betrayed his felJow- consp lrato rs. Bennett, ano th e r cfook, i=ent R aym ond to N ew ark, w here he e n ­gaged form er G overnor John F rank lin Fort, then a young law yer, to defend the men Raym ond said he called, a t Mr. F o r t’s house, on Sunday afternoon, but (he law yer was teaching In Sunday-school and he w as obliged to call back the next day.

The men each received n inety days In the county Jail. F u r th e r than being a go-betw een he disclaim s all connection with the affair.

R aym ond 's crim inal record begins In ' 1R77, w hen he was tw enty-tw o years Old. when he paid a fine of SlOO In Monnx>uth f ’oun ty fo r petty larceny, H is crim inal operations extend, on his own adm ission, to E ng land and France, w here ho spent short te rm s In prison. Ho h a s also served sh o rt term s In Boston, New York, RulTalo and o ther places, and has been a r ­rested. he says, innum erable tlmos, gat- ring off, huwever, In the m ajority of cases because of lack of evidence.


W hether M lllburn Townehlp Is to have a new' m unicipal building in th e n e a r fu­tu re Is ft question th a t will be decided by the vo ters of the place a t the reg u la r election nex t m onth. A petition con ta in ­ing lE J nam es was presented to the Tow n­ship C om m ittee la s t night, a sk in g th a t the rm inlolpallty be bonded to the e k tea t of ¥10,000 for such an edifice, and C lerk M il­ton R. Bilance was litifruc ted to put tb s question on the ticket fu r the election,

An effort w as m ade a t the election lo s t year to ra ise $10,000 for a town building, but the proposition w as beaten.



• ■' 4 --------




So Bloomlieid Retideiti Tetl ^ CoincB io Aikiof Better





California Fig Sy r u p Cq

D ecla ring th a t hold-upi had been fre ­quen t an d resident* often followed to tho lr hom es by suspicious chiractsrs> N ew ton H. P o rter, of P a rk avenae, HlomiuleUl, urged (he Bloomfield Tawti CounUl luat niglit to provide be lte r police pro te i'tlon und m ore lights.

"T h ere Is a s ta te of un rest am ong the peopJr,” sa id Mr. Porter.

Kllas O hltten llng said he had not teen a pullcem uu In the a ire rt In "seven ty” years. T he m u tte r was referred to the P o ltfe Com inlllet' for scllon.

The UHc of dyiiunilte for blasting tree stumjiA lu tho rea r of Thom as s treo t hao' HO unnerved many of the people In tiutt locality th a t tbu council, upon reconuneu- da tlo n of ('nuncllm au I 'u an g s t. decided th a t th e |poUc-e be ordered to ab a te the m iisancc.

T he c lerk was directed to notify the pu b lic Hervice Kallw'Fty ronMikuy to In­s ta ll m ore i-ars on the Buy avenue and N ew ark tine al once and also dem and th a t th e com pany aitswcr a t once a s to w h e tlie r they propose to live up to Ita ag reem en t.

CHURCH WORKERS AHONS NESROHS IN CONVENnONT he iw en ty -seven th annuel session of

the Conference of C hurch W orkers Among Colored People 'will open in G range to ­n ig h t With ft serv ice In G race Church. The bualnesB sesslone of the conference wlil be held In E p iphany Mleelon to-m orrow , T hursday and F rid ay a l 10 A. M.. 3:3G and 7:30 p, M., w ith a celebrnlJon of the holy eueharlst a t 7 A. M. The conference li composed of m en and women of the E p is­copal C hurch engaged in work am ong the colored people of the United S tates.


Prizes fo r the beat w ork In the Haze] Avenue flchool garden . W est Orange, d u r­ing the eutnmer, were aw arded a t a m eet­ing of the School G arden League ye ste r­day afternoon. Superln tenden i of Schools A)Uon H, g e r m a n presided, and In tlie absence of Mrs. F a rn b a m Yardley, of the W est O range Im provem ent Ikeague, the prizes which she offered w ere presented by the vice-president, Mrs. J . M inor Maghee

The p rlse-w lnners w ere: A ntonio Cocco, ¥2; John Im grund, I t ; A rth u r Kuos. $1; A lexander M affre, $1.



Because of ihe analy sis by the .State Board of llp e lth , declaring thm ihe w ater from (he experim ental well driven by the city of O range in C’h eslnu t street. Is un­til (or u«c, the Oraim e Board of HeuUh last n ight ftent u fu n n a l cuimminlcutlon 10 the Common rn u m 'll, MHklug th a t no w a ter from the well be UHcd. T he well has juBi been com pleted, npd the ac ­tion of H ealth Officer J. Bcott M cNutt In sending u sam ple of the w ater for an- nlyKis before it waft used by tlie people was ratlfl«?d by tlie poard. The w ater hu i not been used II waw the ht>pe of the olty th a t the well would (unilsh an auxiliary supply to the inalti rosorvolri on tho mnuiitiiln.

Mr, M acN utt Hacrlbed th e pollution to the fac t th a t the well Is s liua tcd not fa r from the W est Ornnge tru n k newer and near the old O range sew'nge pum ping s ta ­tion.


W ith one celebration In honor of 8t G erardo , lit-ld by tlie 8t. G erardo So- cleiy u( tJllvar Ijiko, In tha t s tc llon of Belleville, completed last night, Rev. Ca- la ldo AkftnL pasto r of a t. Anthony'K C atho lic C hurch, there, announced this m orning tliftt church will hold a celt* hrutloii In honor of the sam e sam t Batuir- day am i Sunday. F a ther AlesHi says lhai he wlil app ly to the Uellei'lUe Town Coun­cil, whun ih u i body meets tu-nlght, for a pern ilt.

O ver a diepuie with membere uf Hie BL G era rdo Boclety as to the proper location (or the bandaUiml weed In connection with the feual, the priest refused to recognlge the a ffa ir Just completed, declining to h ave specia l services (or the celebran ti. T he Boclet] plartid the bandstand In Bal­m ont avenue, (he site It had ia lected , and held the celebrati,>n w ithout tbn pileat** consent.


A fter m any dvlayi* the (Jrfingc muntcl- pat liglUlng p la in v>-aH firmlly aoccpied by the Common ('ouiicll Irisl nlfthi, when n resolution wqa pasAcd au lho ilz lng n final paym ent tv Bioiuih fi ( ’n., the c n n lro t' tors, of $25.3fiS. which ijn ludcs $1.7(3& for ex tras. From (his will be dodurlcd ¥o0U AS a penalty (or falluro to compkde tht: p lan t on time.

S n ip e n d Sen tenee pr L o h e rp r .C harged with loitering, P a trick H.

ftm ith, forty-one years old, a co n trac to r, of 34 A m herst etreet, ISaat O range, was freed under suspended sentence in th e F ir s t P rec inc t Court thla morning. H e waa a rrea ted In Clinton avenue by P a tro lm an Kablti yeste rday afieinoon,

T a S a»d W o m aa to AayluRi<No one who know s th e young woman

ballavad to be R ose BlmmonB, who Is $ pa tien t a t the M ountainside H ospital,

Having bees Mynfl. I t has en decided by th e hospital e ta tf to

ten d her to the C ounty H oepital fo r th e In sane, a t O verbrook. '

B e t a r a s to M ls n q r l H em e.l l r i . W illis P a rk a , o f C arulheravllle ,

I to ., le f t to r home yeaterday , a f te r a s tay of tw o m om ha w ith her g randparen ts, I l f . ta d , M n . If. Rellty, of n Jackaon atraa t, o ta n g e . Slie w as accom panied by h e r a lstar, Mlaa H elen H andley, who In- t g ^ J s j a reside w ith her,

filM Quickly Cured at Hoine

IS itiaL ' Relief, Permanent Sure. iWal P idiage Mailed Free to

Ail in Plain Wrapper.P

Door Company a t 12 T w enty-firs t s t re e t I The fire w as ex tlngu lsheil before any I danmge w as done ta th e bulldlnffs.I A surprise w as lenderod tu Mrs. L aura i A. Smith* of S+G C lin ton avenue. Newark,; yesterday a fte rn o o n by th e I.radiefi’ Aid j Society of th e F ir s t R eform ed Church.I Irvington, of w hich she Is a member.I Mrs. Smith fecelvcd a num ber of g ifts Lfrom her co*^vorkers in th e society.I C harged w ith drlvjua- w ithout a light I a t n ight th rough the tow n, W illiam II.; Apgar, of 218 M ulberry streeL Newark, j w as a rra lgne il before R ecorder Turton in I the Irvington Police C ourt la s t n igh t and 1

SO U T H O R A N Q f;.T he South Orange W. C. T .'U . h as e lect­

ed th e following officers; P residen t, M rs.John F . H athaw ay ; secretary', Mrs. A. O.B row n; treasurer, Mrs, A. F . E lm enddrf; superin ten d en t of litera tu re , Mias M ary L.Lufgl-'SuperIjTtendent Sunday-schools,N(r^.L. F , B ird : superin tendent m o thers’ m ee t­ings, Mrs. E. D. W alker; superin ten d en t press, M rs. H athaw ay; superin ten d en t an ti-narco tics. Mrs. K lchard B ustecd ; au- perln tcnden t scientific tem perance h istruo- llon ; Mrs. H ow ard K ingsbury. .

A ndrew I. McL>ona(d, of R idgew ood road , Iflft th is morning fo r W ashington ,D. C., w here he Is employed as d o c u m ^ t eleVk In the House of R epresentatives.

E dw ard H irsh, of IS Fairv lew avenuiSt le f t th is m orning for a w eek 's s tay a t A t­lan tic City.

G eorge Van Cott, form erly of S outh O r­ange. who h as been on a business tr ip th ro u g h th e southern p a rt of the Btatey isv isiting In the village. I _______________________

Owing to th e ab»enee.or a quorum , th * , r , . t n W i r T I AIWTI V in n n H E m eeting of the fire depaH m ent la s t n ig h t D A ldJW li-D li A i^ t i ViyiHJWA. w as postponed. 'Mayor C aleb A- H arriso n and Miss

Mr. and Mrs. M. Roth, o f A cadem y H elen und E lm er H arriso n , of Fairfield s tre e t, have re tu rned from A sbury P a rk , i avenue. W est Caldwell, re tu rn ed la st n igh t w here th ey spent th e surnmn*. • a f te r a w eek 's v is it to re la tives In H a rt-

‘'T he Developm ent of Ind iv idual In ltla - ‘ ford, Conn, tlv e^ w as the subject of a ta lk a t th e I MUa E lla C. P la tt , o f M ontclair, and 4eafihera* meeting in th e H igh School , George F rederick B row n J r ., of Caldwell,

i y este rd ay afternoon, by SuperiiK endent o f w ere m arried y este rd ay a fte rnoon by Rev. i Schools H enry W. Foster. ■ j P . W E. M erringlon, re c to r of 8t. P e te r’sj A. R. Allertou, of 218 G arfield plapA h u Episcopal C hurch of EaaeK FelJe. Mr,1 re tu rn ed from his sum m er outing. • 1 Brown cam e to C aldw ell recen tly from‘ M r. and Mrs* Theodora B. B riggs J r ., o f Brooklyn.

W P a rk place, have re tu rned fro m a f Wtza C ara A dam s, gen era l sM retary of w eek ’s a tay .jz t Boston j the V. W. C. A. o f N ew ark ,_w lth a num-

M r., J , O. Campbell, o f M l R »ym on4avenue, Ima re tu rned from a n au lum ob lle Oewgo t***triD , home of Mr. and Mrs* F ra n k Francisco.


Scalded when she fell Into a boiler or hot w a ter yvsierday, i |ttlc M arg are t Ge- r;>na, th re e years old, dau g h te r o f Mr. aiul Mrs. Anionlo Qerona, of 60 G lsnrlde avenue, M antclalr, died early lo -day Ih the M nuulalnside H ospital.

_______ ______ ___________ W ESl' URANOft.fined' liiw . A s im ila r penaity w as Tm- 1 The M en's Club of the p leasafitda le pnfied on A pgar fo r fa lling to appear on [ P resb y te rian C h u t^ 'will hold Septem ber ffi. (he n igh t fo.TowIng his a r- refit, Afi fitlputatfid Jn h li parnte.

Clinton Lodge, I. 0 . O. F„ of Irvington, will pay a f r a te rn a l v isit to C rystal Lodge In Sum m it T h u rsd ay night. Tho membera will ’m eet a t th e lodgerooma In Odd fe llo w s ' Hall a t 7:30 o’clock and pro­ceed lo Sum m it a body, ,

An application fby a saloon licence a t J79 Linden avetiuel Irv in g to n , was re ­ceived by the T ow n Council last nlghl from W illiam S choenberg and ordered Ddvertleed fo r a h ea rin g October IS.

H ilton Hose C om pany No. 1 c f Hilton will m eet to -n ig h t a t th e headquarters o n ’Boyden avenue.

trip .P rincipal H eory X. F reem an , o t tn e

H ig h School, has been engaged by (he N e w York Board of Education to deliver lectu re* du ring th e w inter on “O re e ea "

T h e P a rn ie iia n and E u terp ean «ocle-

Mlas O race D ully , o t N ew ark , and U la i Id a Smith, o f N ew Y ork, a re stopping w ith frien d i in G randview avenue. N orth Caldwell.

Mr«, W illiam Atwood, o f N ew ark , te Hie

d inner' T hursday night. F orm er S ta te S enato r

E v e re tt Colby will be one ot th e spealiera.The first m eeting of a com m union class

conducted hy the pastor. Rev. George K. Newell, will be held ‘Thursday afte rnoon In the St. Cloud P resby terian C hurch Bun- day-Bchool building,* W hile on hla way home from a n a u to ­mobile ride lo 'B ernardsv llie S unday afternoon . A rthur A tkinson, of P assaic , narrow ly encaped an accident w hen th e b rak es refused to work end h is ca r ran a t high speed down the steep g rad e In M ountain avenue. The chauffeur finally succeeded In gain ing partlfil con tro l of the car. w hen It (v e rv e d Into th e g u tte r, Rtrlhing a tree, throw ing out one of th e OfCiipants, a b ro ther-in-law o l Mr. A t­kinson 's. He escaped Inlury, how ever, as did Mr, A tkinson and his wife, Who were In th e rea r eeat. The only dam age done w as tha sm ashing o t the rad ia to r and th e bending of the ^ o n t axle.

T he engagem ent^ Is announced o t H is t Sadie J. O verm lller, daugh ter o t U r. and Mrs. A bram S. Overmlller. of t H illside avenue, to George W. B u tte rw ortlt, of F ram ingham , M ess. The wedding will tak e place In the eprlng.

The program for a sm oker of th e F if th W ard Dem ocratic Club to be held In .B lasalngton's hall, In Colum bia e tree t. bn O ctober 16. w as a rranged »t a m eet­ing o f th e com m ittee la s t night. There will be boxing exhibitions betw esn Frank RIker and P e te Gomander, C um m lngl and D onovan, Jac k Jones and a oolored "tin- know n" ,A i^ Joseph U a y er and GW H aase. G eorge F ranks , w ith an un­know n, w ill g iv e a w restling exhibition. George T ay lo r and P. Allen Bmlth w ill

ttsV 'rf the Hirh B crco ir^ ad V v ln “ % « t ‘ ca“ " - ‘" .f O*".'*"*tlons will be given by Jam es Sm ith,

lengr-/fio d e l« n dthet p e

r l t e r» B t0


The Pyram id. Smile.M any Cases of P iles h ave been cured

by a t t ta l package of Py ram id P ile C ure w ithou t fu r th e r t r e a tm e n t . . W hen It

’ p ^ e i Its va lue t o you, g e t m ore from your d ru g g is t a t SOc. a box, and be eurc you g«t the kind you ask for. Sim ply fill ou t free coupon below and m alt tg- day. IBave yourself from th e su rgeon’sh ^ o and t u to r tu re , th e doctor and his


m o '^am .** ‘ . J f v l n , v a n Nees, o f W es , Culdwell h a . ; rhaH c*"A llen 'a .m ” w ilU«m SeMs".^ O'® bu ild ing -o f a house In Bloom- , ^ o 'H a g a n wilt en te rta in w ith mono-

w.a mL , - .* i lofuez, and red la tlo n z will ba glvan byM A P L B W O O D . I The form at opening o f th e new public ' p * o 'C o n n o r and F ran c is Byrne,

A " t r a p H de_w ut given on S a tu rd a y a m ee tin g o t the club will be held T hure-evenlng by H. W lnans, of South Orange', i P'"***™*' la s tin g over the tw oand B ; Jo h n sto n .'o f N e w a rk , In honor of OnJ" following le being prepered ,________ _th e le tte r 's b irthday , tho ride being cob- J ~~ ' ’’ — ‘

FR K n C R U E c o m iPT R A H ID DRUG COMPAMT, 166 riunld Bldg., M arshall. Mich. K lad- aend m e a eam ple of f^ ra m td Pile re a t once by m alt, FB B E, In plain

fn tp p e r .*

H fiiia ............... ..................



egty .......... .........S ta ta , . .

eluded a t th e r« U e n c e o f H ls s^ 'E th e l B enjam in, In South Prospect s tre e t , who also w as celebrating her birthday,. i

A b irthday p a rty w as given on S a tu r­day evening by the pa ren ts o f M iss E s th e r A yres In honor of her an n iv e r­sary . . ■ '

M rs, w illiam Wolfe, of B ak e r s tre e t , is en te rta ln tng h e r irtecer-MHes A lm la W olfe, o t Pleasantdale.

--------1— '■■- e - .— ..fu » ;E L A iii> ,

^day n ig h t In H aase 's hall, i l F ran k lin avenue, w hen addresses will be m ade by local speakers.

A Skin Tightenei*To Reduce Wrinkles

(From P opu lar M edldne.)In beau ty c u ltu re , a a In th e t saa ta ien t

of disease, th e tendency now adays is to seek the rem oval o f causes, ra th e r th an to t r e a t sym ptom s o r effects. In the m a tte r of w rinkles, fo r Instance, we know th a t ih e lines o r furrow s a re

BUKJMriClfiD,T bs Republican exeoutlve com m ittee,

w hich Is expected to m eet for organlSA- tiun to -n ig h t will, it is said, elect Seym our P . G ilbert, a 'te jiu lar,'' to succeed W ill­iam W. Young, a Progressive. F red e rick JK. G abs wHL It Is said, be chpsw t com- n irttecm an a t laige.

Drnefit R usflaub J r„ o f W asb lng lon s tre e t , s ta r is to-night for Denver.

K ureka Ledge. K nighte o l P y th ias , will

m ^ e back to their Imm. on Oortlandt i S u f T m h .to r . and Mr*. John L auben, o f N o rth J® tt*®**" 'h lb —y a k e It fit— ; Jam es K oster. o f F rem im t s tro s t, hae

Midway, have returned home after visit- 1 «V foida''*and oo'*'liu™rue**'Sa'*ra’*;ll2 ■ F®"® *“ Bermuda for th* wUiter,hng trtende In New York. J ® “ su rp lu s sk in to sag r ,*. d f . George D CurtU , p a s to r o fCharlesBoblnsonandfaniUy, of Oraiife. |-. T h e W known formula for th* pur-! the FlrM oftolated

a re v lsT tn f M ra Hoblnsoh’. p<5e la: t a x 'u r a : ' l ‘ o^',‘’'ln h V m t^ "ch ! i T t h e funenU of B. V entiw aand M ra John Beam, of E ag le B o ck ‘ haaeL D ie a s a w ash lotion. The l i - w hich w ae held yeste rday a fte rnoon a tavenue . I feet i t t ru ly rem arkab le , especially a s I th e hom e o f Dr. W illiam R. B roughton,

T he W om an 's Club Is being e n te rta in ed K I * ' 'f n r ^ f h J ’ M w dered m aollte* which 1 C hurch stroeL H its V en tres d M Into -day a t lb* home of tore. D elU H a r - j J ^ o l l ? ; m S r e '^ u ^ K r th S T w a u S i T hursday , a f te r a fqug

I . . . . . I - , . . . t f o r m .- A d v , lU lness.


T hai theVpassIng of the ordinance pro- I vldlng fo r the lay ing of a concrete side- j w alk on W eatvllle avenue, Caldwell, a t 1 a previous m eeting of the council was Ule- 1 gal, w as th e contention o( A lfred 8. I Badgley before th a t body la st night, Mr. ' Bsdgley, who la a cting a s counsel for a ! num ber of p roperty owners, held th a t the | ord inance could beconie operative only . by a m ajority vote of th e whole council. |

NUTLET. 1H enry A, Connolly, of Hlghfleld Inne.

spent yeslerds.v In Phllllpftburg.W ork on MoboiiIo H all, a t High street

and F ran k lin uvenue, which Is being re ­constructed a f te r p a rtia l desirucdon by | fire last Deceniber, Is now being puaiU'd. I I t Is planned to bmke the s tru c tu re th ree I stories high. Instead of two, and add th ree m ore sto res on the F rank lin avenue Side,

Mr. and M rs. Philip J. H ochtetti, of N ut- ley te rrace , a re home from a four m onths' s tay a t G reenwood Lske.

N utley Lodge of M asons m et In D lttlg 's hall. C hestnu t s tre e t, la st nlghl.

N orm an D annew iti, of Avondule road, la home from a tr ip to W arw ick. N. V.

Philip Bmall, of H illside avenue, cam e horns yeste rday from a two weeks' trip lo W ashington , N orfolk, Va., and Old P o in t Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. M arcus Ileynolds, of M yrtle avenue, a re leaving N utley for H artfo rd , Conn., w here they will m ake th e ir fu tu re home.

F rederick K, Plfisott, of W llkee-Barre, Pa,, who w as a guest for a week of his d augh ter, Mrs. W illiam M att, o t M yrtle avenue, has gone home.

Theodore Doremufi, of Ponipton Plains, w aa a g u est over tho week end of Mr. and M rs. Jam ea O. Foy, of F rank lin ave- nue. Mr. Foy has gone on a sh o rt visit to re la tiv es .in Boonton.

tor. and Mrs. C harles A. M cLaren bnvs moved from M yrtle avenue to MalonS avenue, Belleville,

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Btevens, o t V reeland avenue, cam e home yesterday from a trip of tw o w eeks' duration to Richmond, Va,

Miss Em elie Johnaon, of Jeracy City, Who wns a week-end guest of Mr. ana Mrs. A lfred Johnson, of M yrtle avenue, h a s gone home.

Mr. and M rs. eum ner W. W hite, of W hltfo rd avenue, ar* on an au to to u r of New Jersey .

T he W est N utley Country Club will m eet to-ntglit a t th e home of Mr. end Mrs, H arold K. Comatock, Of High sifeot. OITl- eers will h« elected for the coming year...^--

B E L L E V T L L kM em bers of the Belleville Town Council

will m eet to -n ight. 7’he s tss lon will be held in th e room s form erly ..pccuplsd by the public lib rary . In W ashlngloo avenue.

M ore lim n two hundred persons were p resen t a t a euchre given by C ourt Bunta M arla, D au g h ters of Isabella, in Belleville Malt, laat n igh t. The game* were tallowed by re freahraen te and danelhg.

T he wedding of Miss A id e L, Cooper, daq g b te r of A nson Cooper, o t 166 W ash­ington avenue, and Joseph B. Cousins, of 66 De W itt avenue, will be held a t the home o t th e b ride 's pa ren t to-m orrow mornlito. Rev. C harles W. Popham , rec­to r o f C hrist Episcopal Church, will p e r­form th* cerem ony.

Belleville Council, K nights o f Columbus, will hold a Vladloe' n ight" In th e lodge- room s a t th e bunk buliritug M onday night.

M embers o t the F ra te rn a l Bowling League Will m eet In the Belleville Club F rid ay n ig h t to a c t on a schedule of tour- nam eni* to ' be held by the league during th e w in ter m onths.

In th e rec to ry of C hrist Episcopal Chtiroh to-m orrow n ight th e m arrlgge of Mies M ary E. Stansfield, dau g h te r of Mr. an d U r*. Jam e* Btansfield. o f to Isaac s tre e t, and A rth u r E. H eller, o f lO H al leek e tree t, N ew ark , will be solem nised. Rev. Charle* W . Popham , rec to r, will oOlcl.ns.

IKCDIETNS IN ORANGE SOCIETYMlftft E lla T-iftura Baer, dm ighter of Mr.

and Mi'b. W illiam J. Bucr, of ! 3 North W alnut slrepi* E as t Orange. anO Robert 8. Mouncfl* o t P o r t Jarv lz . N. Y.* will be mniTled a t noon on Tlmrftrtti.v. Tlie cere­mony T ill be a oulei one. only Tficmljera nf th e tw o (ainlllee being present. Rev. IlfiHHrd J. Chltlley. of T rin ity Cnnirrega- tional Chni'ch will offlclJile The bride will be imflUended. H er fa th e r iv a well-known urtlflt and !>alnter nf mln,lafnrc».

• * «The marrlaK^^ 1 K enneth Hfhdf'n, ol

Orange, und MIaa l)orot1iy Gntpe. of On- (fiflu, Ciinadft. will take plnre In Hie lat® le r city lo-m «rrtiw aftornnon,

» * *The fngngcm ent Im s been ftnnn\inred of

Eugene W. King, nf W alker road. W l'SI Orange, and Mtaft H nrriet K. Nnyes* of Dnzton. T he wedding will Like place in the spring

• * •InvlIflticmR hnve been i.‘<sneil for the

wedding nf MI«h Lennn Hlanrlie nofker* daiiqlitcr of Mr. niid Mra. George Hofker. and (’harleR A. Dorer. both nf Enftt O r­ange. The cerem ony will takn place 1ii flt, Barnaban'fl Kpleropal (Miurrh on the Gvening of Tuesday, October HI- T( will be a rniiibow wciirling. The bride will have for her a ttenduntfl lier elHter, MImb M,ide1lnc H ofher, as ijmld of lion-ir, and fur brldcHniftldft her enn.^lus, MIbs B ia ir’hc Hull, of NewiU'k. and Mian Edllh Mooney, of Irvington, and Miafi luuna Rjinh and MIkh M uriel W alker, i»f Ncw;<rk. The beet miin win ho Jolin Rjiker, <>( MontcUilr, nrul the naiiorfi E dw ard lla itm a n , R.jy- mnnd Ifollowfty ami A rthur H ' fk rr, nil of Newark, the la ih 'r n niuftin nf the biU1e, and J. W yliu f!jM!id, of Arlington. Kev. Sti'])hon If. OTflnbojiy. rector of tho chuich, will officiate

* • •Joseph 1‘Mw-nrd Booth. oT E«fli Orange.

ha» Issued cnrila for (he m nrrbige of hh daughter. Mls i K rancea I’rcwl Booth, and H enry Duscnl'ery. The Cfruniony will Ijike plftce to-m orrow aft^rj oon ftt 5 O'clock a( the home of the l^ride's fatlier, 852 N orth niM'Ve fitr-'et. and will be fol­lowed by a recfpllnn. Rev Henry H. Rose, nf (lift ^''hurrli of tlie Uedccnmr. will officiate. The bride will he attended by her sifiler, Miss Rachel E iiz ib tli Booth. T he best m an will bo Danli»l Howe Van Riper, nf Newark, and th» ring be.’ire r will be (jeorge H errick Booth, of Esat Orange, m uslii of the bride.


A te s t o f fltrength btrtwoen the "rofu* la r" an d W ilson memberz uf th e Herfio- c ra tlc C ounty corntrtlllfcu from M ontclair w'ftH hiade la st night, and tha "rugulari* ' WOJ1 ou t by one vote. Ten of th e eleVtii men who I'epreseni the 'm ounlalti town Ui the co u n ty DomoersUe cam p m et in U e ra ia H all for organlzailon. Tbc e leven th tnem ber, Tlmnius O 'H ara , Becfe- ta ry to BepreMeiitailve Townsend. If now in W ftfthinginn l ie appointed T. AlblUS A dam s hb ills proxy, and Mr. A dam s won th e h a tilo w ith Ills own and Mr. O 'H ara 'z volue.

T he on a line-up for the ap-poln trw ’n l of an executive com m it­tee. One of (he "regular ' votes j to s cM t by Fftlrlck lUgRlnSr of Belleville

J d ay ftulowliig Uie prim ary election laftt *veek Mr. Higgins moved to Belleville. He w ent to M ontclair from hie new hoim la s t n lgh l to lake part In th e meettnff. VVII in D em ocrats say th a t an effort will be m ttde to have Mr. H iggins's position declared vacan t. The M ontclair membet-s

'<tnlzed with Mr. Anderson os chairm an and Mr. M oors secretary.

PROSPECTOBS' NEW OFFICERSO fficers w ere rlected a t the rinnunT m eet­

ing o f th e p rospecto rs’ CUih* held In Its loghouse In Riggs place, South Orange, IftSt n ig h t. E igh ty memhers w ere present And fo u rteen we>r« reoeU'ed Into the o r­g an isa tio n . m aking the total m em bership 18G.

H<-al K e ia te V geoPs Hell Ijonv^rf'd.Bftll wftft fixed at ¥fj''*h this morning by

R«*curder N oll, of E hrI Orange, for Tn-d- erick J. H ow lett. a real eflrab* agent of th a t clly, charged with having a ltered a deed and pocketed Intercsf thiU. It is a l­leged, Jie should have I'hJiI to Mrs. W ill­iam F. Johnston . H ew lett waived te s ti­mony In hla own behalf, being w ithout counse l _________________

O b ta la N e w Life. H o w tllf i '

Lym phineTABLETS,

THE BRPEKMK tONIO AND VITALIZER.fietter^s the lost aetrs fore* tag exbftuitM

TjUlitT bjr ispUrijif th* 4«id n*m and W in | tiMae*. A rtninlr fift Nerraoi FrostnUon, R NTtirmKhenla. L OTDOtor AUlIt* Ftfslytii sod ill Tltlsftd sr VMZfiifd conditlooi ol [ (he lyiteia Id Taen or woiaro* A poiUlts remedy for L^ipepiU spit lodlgrttlML au •^ •sntred frr« from morphlos. secilnt. dilenil > or sny other nircetlo drag. |]n i7 lack ot i Improvemeni fomei to .rtiy . Write for ota 1 new book- Kich poexsgt. oratalBlfig foil X ii d v i ' tTsettnent, by rsiU. lb 0. HOW® | iL L h A CO*, GO Church gL, H*w Tivk J

Sold by Hulzhsuer, broad uod Market; t C. W. Uenk. lOd Market nt.; J, B. FeeteT. I 401 7th ftve., end all dmzflate. i]


R e w o r k198 MAIN s t r e e t

Opposite Cleveland S treet.

B u sitif is office open until I P. M. daily A dverttiem enti received for pub iice tjon sam e day until H A. M.

Tsie.Orange 8000 M arket 1SS4

P rivate Branch connecting eii depertm en


Q uickest Relief Known For A ll Sore Feet

The following la obMlutefy the surest and quIcKest cure known to science for all foot ailments; ''Diuolve two table- ■rpoonftilA of Caloclde compound tn a basin of hot water* Book the feet In

thla for full ftfteoB ffiliiutoa. gently m m oiilng tha ooro parti.’* The effect Is rggito wonderful. AU soreness goM Instantly; the feet feel so good you eould atng for Joy, Come and callouses can be

Eled right off. - It gives nedUtt rfUat for tpflaraed dons, sweaty fset, aching

feet* chimialiu and frost- u te s. A twenty-five-cem box of Coldcidt la said to be aufficlenc to cuts th« w ont

_______ ___ l i works tktough the poresu f i removes th« okUiO of tbs trouble. Don*t waste time oti uncertain remedras* Afig druggiJH hoi Ctloclfis oompouhd lo Block or he con get It In g few hours fm n his wh^esole hooee. CoJoolde oom* pound l i not a patent medtetne, but la on ethical frreparatlOBe—*Adv.

IRVINGTON ADVERTISEMENTSNCTK-E l> hereby xlven ihut at ir regulfii

I meeting nf the Coum-M of Che town of Irvln^r- ton. helfl Monfley, Sepl^-mber IH. iftU, the fol

I lowing reeL/ludon waH ^ulojiied by the unftoi- ' mou* ’ote of al! the mernbera of aatd Council:

Reeolved. That n<* Council nf the (ewn of Irvlnstoh. do hereby iJetermlha that ii Is in the internal of lhr< town of Irvington ih-it 'Twenty-flrtt atr<w(, fmnt Avon avenu? somti- fflv to CHoton flvmue, be gTa(j#il, flagtred.

! curbed, and Ihe roailway paved with a ivn ' Inch Telford fav^^nient with a bliunUmma I binder.I Notice li hereby slvcn Diet the Caumit jt I the (own of Irvlhstcn will meet Uonday, Outo- I b«r IS. IDII. at 8 o'cLixik P. M . u( the townihall, Irvington, to h^ar and consider any ob-

jtctloni to ftald tm|>roveinent that may bs mads In writlag lu the town dark on or befure said

I tim«-M. BTOCKMAN, Town Clerk-

Irv'lngton, October 3. Ibtl,NOTJCB li hereby given that st a regular

meeting of the Council of ihe town of Irving­ton. held Monday* September IN. 191!. the fnl- lowlng resolution was adopted by (he unanl- moui vole of all the mambert uf mid Council'.

Reoojived. That we. the Counril of the P,wn of Irvington, do hereby determine that U Is to ihe Interest of th- town of Irvington that Howard street be graded from CllrUtm avenue •ouiherly to May street.

Notice is h«rt^y given that (be rnuncl! of the tows of Irvlhgton will meet Monday. Octn- Ijftr 18. Wll. ftt 8 o’clock P^M .. nt the town hall. Irvington, m hear and onnslrtfr nny ob- jaotlons to oaid Imtirovement that may be made In writing to the town clerk on or before said

M. STOCKMAN. Town Clerk- Irvington, October 3. 1911- ___

NOTICB is hereby given that the following petition wan presented to the Council of the

town of Irvington, a t a stated meeting ot said CounolL held Monday. Beptamber ift. tSll:To Tbe' Honorable, The Town Council of the

Town of Irvlgftoi*: ^ *Oentleffien“ We. the underBlgned, owoers of

property oltuaied aioni ibe Une of the propised fmpibvemont. do hereby patitlon your honorable t ^ y to cause Mapfg' avemis, from Bnrlngdsid avsDus southerly to May stroet. to b* pave<l with an cighi-lnoh Telford pavtmeru with a bttvxniqoua binder, with hrick guiteri two f ^ t in width, and laid on concrete on each aide; end klsd to ct^rb the street with 4z90-lnch quarry cut ourblng.' set in cuncrute.

Rrsoectfully lubmltied*03CAR r NIBDERLAG.R. M. STKRN*UtIBCRT TtmCK, and otherv

Notlos Is hereby gbi-sa that the Council of the town ot Intofftoa will meet Monday. Oo- tobof If. ID1I, gt 4 o'clock P, U„ a t the town hall. trvlASrton, to bear and cotiokler any ob- J«etl<ma to said improvemeeit that may be mads iB writiOf to the town clerk on or b^or* SAM

■ M. ftTOCKM-AN. Town Ctwt.Irrihgtoa. October 4 1811- / .

/.il'- I'UtiCiHGnTH uiPd Jci'irlvcd by ibsrolluLNing aulhohs-d agem c ORANUE 'Va LLSIT-

J E Htfeler, AH Scotland wraot Tol toi';

Mrs J J 8pti:tiian. Highland gef. Stailon. Tel. 7Ttt9

EAST (jHANflE-Harry ni:-l»al\. 4 IT Central ots.

Tcl- 2UTi8L-S. Riock. 3K) Main street. T«l- M4J* Brodle KolodJn. IHU Mala stresf

Trl. nafiNR.Max Salman. M* Main itraet. TsLM Ruhin, 3.7 Washington placfi'

TelI E Vv*ig»r mn Main strosi. Tel.

ra t LAMT'IlR F -

k'jirl Oloon. 114 Fourth aveous. T*l< AS8R

g o r—M o p A v n rc -E A Wniiare. Soufh O ranft aet,*

ne^T ■fnil'-n

T H E LEADING SUSINESB MEN Off T H E ORANGES U8E TH E EV&NINO n e w s t o a t t r a c t ORANGE AND SUBURBAN t r a d e , BECAUtE TH E Yk n o w t h a t it s c ir c u l a t io n isLARGER THAN ALL OTHER PAPERS COMBINED CIRCULATING IN THE ff lE L P

OWNfiE ADVEWISEMENTSftTUVBPIPK lOc. length; Are clay, 13 cents

ho»: furnace cement; good coal hods, Mb cans* etc.: fruit Juri. I.iicil nointji and aiaiBa. Orange Hardwire Co., S4I Math a tCARITINTEBINQ and repfllrliw: Sitlmalas

cheerfully given: li'bbing promptiy attended to. Address Carpenter. 31 Lin wood pi-, Gsft Orange. l » r - , ______ ^m a n d o l in Instruction; InstrumenU rented (4

b<*glhni rs. T. K, SAVaLB. BootlSnd s!-* Orange.





n* SmaiHoff of iilF gwi|t f.W ILL «C S IV |M ,^ r

The LY C £U lff^% ERIEOCTOBCn 1«, a o %

K fi



« Y O U t A V E M O N E Y W H E N YOU

R. J.GOERKE ^ ^ ^ ■ - - - ' — •r a Q > « t

J H E ^ _ _ « _ _ m - i a r m ■ ^M A | H ( E T S T ^ w i K m ^ b w V T T H E 4 U M n i 3 S

■ ■ " Free for Every 10c You Spend Here Before Noon; After Noon One2 S. & H. Green Stamps

'H « F r iin ed P ic tir ts5 5 cXU* price eel‘e'1 " • mere frectlon o( tnem ere ire c u '/n

eetim l co rt to m a n u l- . lu re Lendeeepe*. Col­ored » e e re i . Frutl*. " • • iigioue, I ' l ; * * : ? . *."/ cTilldren • u b] • ' ‘ rr im ed In J-Incn Oil*. Brown, BlecK end B“ r ‘ nlelied Frem ee; “ tj to 22«2« (only two *o •10 dM**v ■cu*totn#P « l tt"» P C ii t p riM ): valuPi to ll.W, I t ............

toys' 39c. Kalcker IB Ioo iiitrraa ts,for

Just 2£ dozen i t hla

T0=M0RR0W-WEDNESDAY-TO-MORROWFrom Half-past 8 in the Morning to 6 at Night


Ihi* price, made of neit mixed cissl- mere and plain blue cheviot; cut full and roomy; liiea 3 to U years.

h One Day's Sale That Will Stagger Gompetition

toys’ Odd Saits,)Hoff. ta.OO, for

4 3 H e .Theae are oddl

lizea and odd lotsf from discontinued I patterns; placed on I sale at a ridiculous price for quickclearance; if you can use any of these sizes they are a bargain: —

30 Suita for 3-year-old boys 16 Suits for 4-year-old boya 10 Suits for 5-ycar-old boys 4 Suits for 15-year-old boys 4 Suits for le-ycar-old boys

A Wonderful, Powerful, Forceful, Sensational Demonstration of the Ability of the Goerke Co. Not Only to Undersell, but Also to Give Better

Values Than Any Other Concern Anywhere

------------------------------------------------\Children’s Velvet House Slippers, carpet soles . • > • 1 2 c

M O N E Y S P E N T H E R E T O -M O R R O W W IL L R E T U R N T O YOU F R O M TW O T Of i v e t i m e s i t s V A L U E IN M E R C H A N D IS E

Each and Every Departm«tnt In thp Store Offers You To-morrow One or More Bargains that No Other House Either Can or Will

5,000 Women’s Storm Rubbers, all sizes

THE 6REATEST DRY GOODS SALE IR YEARS60c. D ress Goods, 29c. yd .

ISO pieces of 38-ineh All-wool Dress Goods, fhown In every new fall shade. 89-lneh All- Wool Panamas, 38-inch All-wool Serges, 38-inch All-wool Diagonala, 38-inch All-wool liuket Weave*. All well-known L- fOc. materials, your choice..............

12 l-2 c . P erca le s , 5c. yd .Mill lengths of 36-inch Percales, in alt

shades; this is an extra good qualily; g' - ^ L-we have exactly 5,000 yards of regular,

1254c. percalea, special at, yard.

15c. and 25c. L ining, 5c. yd .10,000 yards mill lengths of fine Dress Lining,

In black and every wanted shade. 36-Inch Mer­cerized Sateen, 36-inch Spun filasa, 36- g Inch Fine Percalines, 36-in. Gloria Sateens; ^ L- reg. I5c. and 25c. linings, special, yard ...

12 l-2 c . F lan n elettes, 6 l-2c . yd .200 pieces of an extra heavy Printed Flannel­

ette, shown in this season’s choicest patterns, handsome Persian and Oriental designs, neat fig­ures and fancy atripes; see heavy fleeced 12'/4c. flannelettes; spe- U / L , cial at, yard..............................................

35c. S ilk s, 18c. per yard130 pieces of Miscellaneous Silka; make your

selection from 36-lnch Silk Pongees, 27-lnch Heavy Tussah Silka, 27-lnch Figured Jacquard

In the BasementCOAL HODS





w ithReinforced


Silka, 27-lnch Satin Dotted Silka, all Jnew and perfect silks that usually sell at 35c. yard, your choice, yard..

8 l-2 c . Outing F lannel, Sc. yd.Five cases of a good heavy Outing Flannel,

in neat stripes and checks, light and 5 cdark grounds; why pay 8 'jc . elsewhere;, alt you want here to-morrow at, yard..

lOO-Kect American


Dinner Set

27-in. Bleached Muslin > |I —S w i ta b l e for underw ear and

gener^ use; on account of nar- I row width prico w i l l be, per

y a r d .

l y i o c to 15c White GoodsL / I —Com

I ued at 1 and C I lOc. ai

—Compriairtg fine India Lawn, val- t 12>4c. and ISc.; also Check Crossbar Nainsooks, w orth

. and 12c.; y a rd ...........................6

Muslin Bed Sheets-'72x90 Inches, centre team,made of good m uslin ...........

L iairr one dozen3 3

A complete service for twelve people. All large pieces.

E xtraordinary Suit and Coat Sate

00»0(KI Yards of Laces, Embroidery, Trimmings, Veilings, Thousands of Handkerchiefs and Neckwear

At Positively Less Than Manufacturer’s Cost.W e have held many great sales, b u t ihis one will be a record breaker.

1,650 f la rm e n ts fo r W ednesday At A bout 50c. On th e Dollar

650 New Fall Suits, latest effects, all up-to-date materials; regular values from $10.00 to $15.00, for Wednesday’s big sale at ..............................................

O u r H u s t le r L aundry S oap

10 B a rs for

LOT 1—16,000 yards Embroidery Bdgea and InsfftloiiB, 3 to 6 p iachea wide and value to 15c. 1%^yard, at, yard....................

LOT 2— 10,000 yards o f the finest S t Gall Embroidery Flouncings, 18and 20 inches wide and value to 59c. yard, at, per yard ...........................................

LOT 3— 5,000 yards o f Sw iss and St. Gal] Embroidery Flouncings, 27 inches wide, in beautiful designs and value to $1.50, at, yard......................................

25cLOT '1— 16,000 yards Cotton and

Linen Torchon Edges and Inser­tions, 2 to 6 inches wide and value to 8c. yard, at, yard

59c>n and r- ^

l o t 5— KLOOO yards o f the finest Ecru Imitation Cluny and WhiteValenciennes, Point de Parisand many other styles o f laces; values to 15c. yard, at, yard. . . .

Lot 9—500 only; | Ix>t 16—,500 Silk Dahatlon B a b j I Mull Scarfs, in all M ih Yokes a n d I the Fading shade:; Piehus; positively our 40c. numbers;

LOT 6—5,000 yards o f the finest quality St. Gall and Baby Irish Band­ings, in white and cream, 3 to 5 inches wide and value to $1.00 yard, at, yard.........

l o t 7—^000 Women’s All Linen Handkerchiefs,in 14-in.hem; a s value 10c. each, special at,each

I,OT 8—500 only, Men’s and Boys’ Fancy Colorwi & Plain W hite Silk Handkerchiefs, all our25c. qualities, at, each...........

500 Fall Coats, newest models,some trimmed, others plain tailored, newest reversible coats, deep shawl

..collar effects, blacks and new fall

.fmixtures; regular valueslt$7.50 to $10, W ednesday’s (b ig sa le....................................

250 Rubberized Raincoats, newesthigh collar and coat sleeve effects, guaranteed w aterp roo fed ; colors gray and tan ; all sizes;regu lar value $5.00, W ed­nesday's big s a le .........

In Our G irls’ Coat Dept.450 Girls’ Coats, newest models,

variety of materials and colors; sizes 6 to 14; regular value $5.00, Wednesday'sbig sa le ....................................

150 Girls’ Striped RubberizedCapes, with a ttachab le hoods, guar­anteed show erproof; sizes 6 to 14; regular value $2.50, on sale to-m orrow a t .........

G lovesLadies’ Two-clasp Kid

Gloves, all col-ors, value 89c..

Men’s English Cspe, tan, P. X. M., 4 T C value $1.75 . . . 1

Women's 12-button .long white kid gloves;: reg. 2.50 gloves, 1 . 8 9

Children’s Tan Kid Gloves, 75c. and $1.00 quality,



Extra fine quality 5-lnch, taffeta ribbon; all leading shades; | C / w regular 29c.; special 1 Cat ............................... .........

Fancy striped and all C /w shades of satin ribbon; a in. wide; reg. 49e., spec

Checked and wirexJ rib­bon, 4 inches wide; regu­lar 19c., special..................

1 5 c


99cLot 11 — 300 : lx>t 12 — 500

Fancy Floral Silk | Chiffon C l o t h Scarfs, manufac- Veils, in white,

this sale, each 2 5 c

turer's samples; 225c. each, at, each j yards long; Vt

j _ I yard wide; values1 5 c l i : . , r : 4 9 c

pink, blue, black, brown, navy and aH ihAdec; tw o jurdB lo n r b.T I .TYl A wlA; our II A U rfjYiality. each • ^

1,000 F ine L aw n W aists

Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear &Trim.HatsAtith vel-


M ade on buckram fram es, trim m ed w ith vel­vet loops or w ing effect, in all thfis sea ­so n 's n ew shades, worth from $2.98 to $4.98; w ill be sold tc-m orrow a t ............

All new, up-to-date, with long and short sleeves, but­toned in front or back, beau­tifully embroidered fronts, trimmed with lace inserting, with the new plaited ruffles down the side—dusters of tucks front and back, also an assortment of other waists that are worth up to $1.50 each; will be sold to-morrow at

12-lnch Plumes, rich, curly, long |ct flues, French curl, sold regular- ly at 98c., will be one day sen- satlonal bargain to-morrow at

M Ladies' Intrlm'd Hats

In soft felt, io much n o-w In demand,reg. 1.98 - will be sold to-morrow a t..


Children’stfeadj • to ■ Wear

In m ushroom styles, trim m ed w ith ribbon banding , with rosettes of aatin on side, to-m orrow , in­stead of 11.25, will be only.....

U m brellasWe place on eale to-

m orrew 1,000 um brel- )elb from one of thebest New York mftnu- faclu rers , und theyare w orth tw ice theprice we are g o tn f to ask from you. Youhave never had as big a bargain a s th is be* fore. The m ateria l !s

A m erican T affeta, w ith tap e edge, fa s tblack and w aterproof; 26 Inch fo r women and 28 Inch for m en; case and taasel, good paragon fram e s ; handles goJaplated. pearl mUld, ellver withpearl Inlaid. mleBton trim m ed, carved mieelon, n a tu ra l and box- O ^wood. Theae um brellas a re$1.50, hut we will se ll-them to - C / U v m orrow a t ......................................

In theToiletfioodsDept.1 8 cDemonstration Sole—Kil-

ve; kills vermin on the hu- m»n hesd; reg. 25c ’, spec

Tooth Brushes—All bris- 't f \ ^ tie brush; sped si L L / W»' ...................... .................. ..............

Oil Cloths


Underwear and Hosiery Extra S p ec ia l B argains lor T o-m orrow Only. No Mall or P h on e Orders.

2 3 c

M en'i U nd*rw *ar--Superior q>iallty U ndertt’e a r , uhlrts ha»e co lla re tte nerk, draw ers with ex ira gusAFtfl, omnlilH •ateen bnmi. fine pearl tmtt.iYis: reKuUir56c., saJ*' n im lt S s iiKh i........

Men's Wool Undapwear—Natural; Wool rn d e r* waar, sh irts bound w llli allk br&ld, d raw ers with double gifH-Hsets. all peamn dnnble aewn,(Inlahed tiirovigboul In be&t pqBslhlrt m anner: wclual value 11 go, nale ptlci (lim it 2 su its!

W omen’* Union Suit*—Fin? ribhpirt fleece-lic«d Union Suita, Bilk rlbboTi a t neck, allk

R1hh.rt ; W om en '. U n d e rw ea r-Je rse y TibbertVeslH and r a n ts , ex tra good # | | ^

qiiiilliy regu lar , sale prlc* (limit 2I • ...............................

w om en '! SlSk Host:—Fine g a se -‘ lock-IngB, (-ply Me* heels find toee silk ton ' regu lar a&c.; som*s are slightly Im- pei-tect: Ttothlng "to nurt w ear or appear-anoe; sale price (llm ii B p a irs ) .................

Men’t end W om en '! H o i* -E z b a good w ear­ing (.'otton H obs for m en and women hII m ade

■ double soles, relnforeed heele and

35ci\ I'nder* ■«rw w’lth

B 69c

W om en’! s k (r ti~ A qsjenU ty of line white pettl- coRfe, medo of strong, p!os« woven mU9- lln , hounreg of deep em broidery, pintucked or plain, varie ty of s ty le t; none w orth .Jest U 7 V th an 11 .00, gate price ............................................

19c- ---- . , *1 rvA I, P f t — ' toes: none w orth less than ^ l ecroohst edging- regu lar 31-fiO Bults. some k l J r r r h ’S (Umlt 6 pa irs of each) 8 for » c .;have sllglil mftl h u rts ; sale prb-e ihm it i i '» ” ^I euUs) ........

Children'* U nderw ear—E xtra heavyribbed xml plain fleeced ahlrts and pan ts: r * i r ^ i ---- : ” ~*i hmsold regularly up to 35c.. according to I ek lrt: all pesvilar II 00 u some

9calxe; Bale price, any size fUmlt 3 su it* )..


W omen'* Com bination*—Corset cov- era and draw ers anti corset cover and M W f t sk irt: all regular 1100 garm ent*, but some V f 7 V are allghtlv soiled: reduced to.

Infant* ' P e ttico a t* -M ad e of so ft fleecy flannelette, neat ptrlped effects, m ade w ith w a ist: eiMB i to 3 years: 2Sc. value,a t ........................................... .. ....................................

Children'* Romper*—D ark blue eham - b ray rompers, sizea 8 to 6; 25c. value^ while they last, each .........................................................

In fan t Bweater*—A "quan tity ©f flne wool and worsted sweaterB, w hite and color*, v a rie ty of styles: none w o rth lea* than choice, each ...............................................................


79c C orsets 50cCorsets made of

e x c e l l e n t quality striped coutil, new u p - to -d a te model, long hip and back, medium bust, four hoan .tupporters and i lace trimmed; suit-! able for the average[ flgure; sizes 18 to 26; regular 79c., to­morrow only

5 0 C . t o * i . o o a a - k a f a t | | f j j p p e r s , Bonse DressesG o l d I n l a i d C o m b * ] Kintmos

a n d B a r r e t t e s . . , . . .in a great variety ofm aterials and colors;

A moFt beautiful aaso rtm en t of fancy combs and barra tic* In th <9 22 K, solid gold Inlaid, a rtis tically designed In all iip- to da te ikattern*. m any are set with French rhlnes* mee; not one comb In thv lot w orth less than BOc., and m any up to A j C , ll.BO .............................

m ade in (he very best w ay in Flanel- ette,Cham- bray,Cheviots,M adras, sizes 32 to 46, worth up to $1.50,, special a t .......

On Sale In ,\rt Goods Department, Main Floor, Market Street.

A fine stock of Silverware, Cutlery and Cut Glass, all appropriate for W edding Gifts. Our pricesare low, and quality the best. Goods con­

veniently displayed for your selection, and everything guaranteed by Wiss.

STERLING SILVERWARETomato Server* ..................3.25 upBon Bon Dishes........................3.56 upBread Trays .................... 12.00 upCoffee Sets ......................48.00 upTea Sets, 5 pieces....................95.00 up

Teaspoons .............. 3.00 '/i doz. upBouillon Spoon*.. .5.50 ii doz. up Butter Spreaders. . .7.75 Vr doz. up Cracker and Cheese Traysll.SOup Gravy Ladles ......................3.40 up

QUADRUPLE PLATED TABLEWAREPie Dishes . ...................... 3.00 upVegetable Dishes .............. 7.00 upCsndelabras .......................7.50 upWater Sets ..........................8.00 upBread T ra y s ............................. 2.25 up

Casseroles ...........................4.50 upBean Pots .......................... 3-^5 upCandlesticks ...................... 1.75 upCoffee Sets ........................12.00 upSandwich Trays .................6.25 up


Wiss Carvers, stag handle.........,............... ; ■ .................... P " P*’' "P

: s i s a : s ’.i;5 r2 ;saT C ','." .;v .vK K ‘i ‘'C .'i. p ,..i 3 -Wiss Table Knives, silver plated handles and blades.2.00 and 2.50 ^ doz Wiss Table Knives, silver plated hollow handles.plated blades 4j7u / . doz

R .b b „

Pearl and Stag Handles.Wiss Celluloid Handled Wiss Table Knives Made Also with Ivory,

, CUT GLASSBerrv Bowls ....................... s nOuP I Butter Dishes .................... 7.00 upCelery Trays ......................3-75 “P D «anters ............................4-75 upFern Dishes ........................4.50 up Jugs ............................. ,-- “Pjq^ppjjg ..............................1,00 up 1 Sugar and Creams, p a ir .. .3,75 up

For Hie Brideamaida and Ushers, an excellent display of La Val- lieres, Brooches, Bracelets, Watches. Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Fobs, etc.

Wedding Rings, 18k. and 22k.

J . W i s s & S o n sJewelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Cut Glass,

6 6 5 -6 6 7 Broad S t., N ew ark‘ AT THE WISS CHIMES"



mg y f E V E C L A S S E SJnur-on

M-aoientlflo Eve e x im ln s tlo o Is sb to luU ly n e c s iis ry to

determ ine t h . pfop.“ Bl**i<e to uee. 8» t.ctlno them by eny S iher m ethod mey reeult In p e rm an en t Injury to your elpht.

W hen we preecrlbe gleeeee It te w ith ebeolute cer ta in ty. ..P*" -_r I.-.* - " .1* aaeelu VIni* BUlt*d tO VOtlt €y**,

itcrllngth a t t h T .7 .' tW 'h 'e T e n d only h indL offtW ta i, A utom atic Ey* Ql«** HcidCf* *nd a u i

Silver Ey* Qf*M C**a*.

J. W ISS & SONS66 8*6 67 B road S tre e t

A House and Lot * * * For Every Customer

Thoroughly seaioned Oil- doihs, 1 and 2 yards wide, splen­did patterns, in No. 2 and No. 1 grades; o i l c l o t h s worth to 40c. square yard,

A souvenir of our Forty-second Anniver­sary Week will be given to each customer who will ask for it, while they last.

We offer, as usual, the beat coffees and teas that are brought to this country, tnd s won­derful variety of beautiful, useful, curious things made in Japan and China. In our direct importation from Japan, ju st opening, are many exquisite specimens of Oriental workmanship suitable for wedding g ifts.


M attress B argainCombination Mattress, made soft on

all sides and covered with ^ O f t excellent grade fancy tick- Ing; positive $5 value ...

500 B argain R n gsOne of the very

best bargains ever of­fered in the carpet! department. Bestqual-I Ity All-wool Smyroal Rugs, will wear fori years, every color I combination under the! sun to select from;I size 27x54; If made Ini regular way would I aell atS2.25, Q — f limit 4,spe- O X C cial ..........

LAWN FENCEi i J I l l l lH I i l l l 'Y i i

i r a l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ! '| l | l l l l ! a i a ! l t l> inl l l l S i l 'I I l l l i M I l!! ill l l i l1 lll t i lb '!>


Substantial, Handsome, Durable,ER E C T E D A T 'M E D IU M C O ST

po»TAL a a iH o a a e fa ta m T A T iv e


C ouch C oversReversible couch covers, In striped

effects, fringed all around! ' J d — can be used for single pof- ” C tieres; 65c. value fo r . . . . . .

Arabian Scarls, Shams and Centrepiece

A purchase of an importer's sample line of Arabian Scarfs, Shams and Centrepieces at a great sacrifice en-

Lace C nrtainsNottingham lace curtains, about 50

inches wide; 3 yards long, with double borders; pretty designs; Bon Femme effect; can be used on a J ^ window; '51.00 values for, Ceach ...................... ...............

ables us to offer them to the public at less than half their iclua! value;these are made of fine Arabian,braid, with union linen centrepieces, In white and tan.30-inch Square................................. 69c30-ineh Round................................... 69eI8x54-inch Full Measure S carf ....59c$5*ine)i C ^tre|^«ea. .......... l.W

4% Interest to $1,000 Franklin Savings Bank

8 0 4 B R O A D S T R E E T

Deposits Made by Octobcf 4ih Draw lotcrest from O ctobef l* L '

J . W a rd W ao d rti* .B av ra rd 1* CasdtMO!

g y i f i a aj a U a a ; e b M a e b a i , W lllta a i J W U U » ^ W tjH % J

J a r

W m , o , e s ts ia a ^ 1

'l’"'l l iT'’'!:' ’ iLT ’alfl aiiTS



Dadlcat: th a Emn ITorasi H th e Tveek T he build by the ei

The pro ■ jra i^ td . to. a tnlO: H ill PreNodiat iDpl churches The mein Council, M echanic Will give

On Mo ■ fletllcado) ’Rev. I>r. iweaide a tnade by Mew Yor Tuesday Dfiiyer-m fiburches. ^ anoth •n ly the ' b u t repr« B ap tis t c

Grcetlni B ap tis t I Rev, Frt F o res t t Ju llua F. Methodlfi H enry M Church be preae R ev ])r. Memorial Bouih Bt BapheY: B apilM : Baptiflt. ton Aver

An org. d*y ever rectloii fw ill IllCli1st* Tli brought » nelghb

Much (0 . Wllsd tJat Chur tlon will Through been mu 545.000. tw elve’> Work he H e gave keep ur*

The ei wUli an bowled f la so a r w ith the departiTK a totnl A o f the p

Tlie 0 ■working A Huecei treaBure: H . M. E Jam es trustees,1. D. H C. ^V. ' W atson


The 6 Church near fu' fliacusse ly pure! tie r of C

The c la headf ed plan da finite

FOREiF our

t e r ror I P resby t Bocisty. October afta jr. th u a F) Aurlt, be held m onth, bers s r edifice, cash on m sge ei

Memb F .. me: W eshln been di p a rty i

The G meeltnij leader.

The 1 Bulldlm held to- Bepubll elected.

Rev. Rerorm of eern to-nlxlv

Ausu: bers ot Colonel A. M,. night, ed Tor from t morrovt be foil!

Mr. a o t De C Ing In years, borne i adjolna sen-in- •who al

Mtse avenue F o res t

Rev. Gumme wUI ep E . Ch pastor, o f fori a t the be in c

D r, I give aPresbyOctobe


SIflit I 1. Dc

(gave ( :b y Ml: an d M

Mies b u ry I are vh 3. 0.

Leop Bvenui apand

John Monde m ain 1

The tIOD a6ort £

H r. lao u r

- . .- .r p r •n te r t R osin SmuGj aell. 0

AHtheir :

A t t Ailing

• tuned donni




:tobef le t '

■ refc .

7^., I

R A P T K K P I A N NEIGBBORDie PASTORSU A r 1 l a 1 a r L A H ^ ^ e w chorch


Emmaonel Church in Forest Hill WiU Be Consecrated

Week oi Oct. 15.


DiidlCftlSon dcrvlfCH uf tlip new ndinee of thfl Em m anuel ‘ ’hvirch In ttieJT om i HIM dei'tSofi a ie lo be held during; the week beginning Sunday. Oct -ber lu The building will be pirT-'tkally coiruileteil by the end of next wei-k.

The program fur iheNp services he^ibeen • jram ztd . On Sunday t-vening. October ^ a tn lon service •4111 be Ik IiI, the Toresl H ill Presbyteii-iii. Hu Si.mmeiMeld Metlo odUt Episcopal aiiil l u’ I'brlMl Hefnrmed qhurchtd iinllltiK uiHi tin Rapllut cliurvU The members dT tlie C "lon».*l S. I>. Hui k Council, Junloj O nln- l iilted A m e ih an Mecbanicfl, who will I'p present In a body. Will give the chni>'li ati A m erican flag

On Monday ev---nliiK. O ctober IG, the •dedication of ihp bulltlitiK will ta k e place. 'Rev, lir . f*. K. \'as:-..r, nf E lleabeth . will p re ilde and Ihe deili-atlun address will be tnade by Rev. l>r ( ‘'h-Um l.^e U iwe. of Jrfew York- Theri will he no serv ice on Tuaeday evening, as ihu l Is Ihe regu lar p fayer-m eellng night at th e neighboring eburohes. Wedncsd^iy evening th e re will b# ano ther union meeting. In w hich not •n ly the churches in iJie vicinity will Join, t u t Tepresenlfttlves a i f expected from all B ap tis t churches In the city.

G reetings wdll he given th e F o res t Hill B ap tis t congregailaii nt th is service by Rev. Frederick VV'heeler Lewis, of the F o res t Hill rrpp.h.vtcrian C hurch ; Rev. Ju llue F. M aschm an. of th e .Surnmerfleid M ethodist Episcopal Church, an d Rev. H enry Merle MHIrn, nf C hrist Reform ed C hurch Bapiiftt m ln h te rs wlio m ay also be present to give ro n g ia iu la tlo n s are Rev. Dr. TUoniaw J \ ’lllpr>!. of Fcddle Memorial: Rev '"l.irk T Hrownell. of South BaptlM; / W. nnijall, NorthB aptist; H«»v. A lbfil F ost-r , HnsevIJle B aptist; Rev. G Ih Lom bard, Fnlrnn'UiU B aptist, and H<*v ^ .1- Skc\ Inglon, t.'lln- ton Avenue Rapilsi

An organ recital will he held ori T h u rs ­day evening. T his will lie under thA d i­rection nf WTIlinni C’uok riip p ri'g ta in w ill Include seiecMi n« l»y se\erali otgan* isle. The services nf Hia week will be b rought In a close on E'rMay evenlrig wUh k neighborhood si'i lnl

Much credit has been given to Rev F0 . \\nis(in, the pasto r of tlie uptown Hajj-tjat church, for Ids hard wenk in connec­tion with llie preclh.ii of i Ija new Htllfire. Through his effuris has ihe new <hurch been made possible n! a cost of nboal j45,tV)0, !!e has fcierverl as p asto r fortw e lv e 'jearP I>urlng Ihe p rug iess r>f the work he has vtHii»?d the ciuiicli every dav. H e gave up his Siicatlnn this aunimei to keep uri hie dnlly N lsjis.

Tlie edlMic consist.** nf an nuddorium w ith seating cb pa c ity for .150. It has bowled floor, 1‘hnlr loft and liap tls tiw It i i 10 arranged ihai It can he connected w ith Ihe Sunday-stdtool room ^^'heTl hoih department.s a re combined therp will he a to ta l aeallng capacity nf !KKj wKhln view o f th e pulpiL

Tlie ofTirers of i in* rln irrh , wjm are w orking to m ake the {Ipciieatlon services a BueceBe. urc. r ie rk , Tv n. Mickenn: treasu rer, GeoTge He Lisspr; tiracnns. H . M. Eddy. K X Tuckpr. Jrdm T. Bird, Jam es Rohlnsun and .John ilimmondH, trustees. L. t ‘ H arris. G. \V [> Lisspr,1. D. Hanson. F'rpdorh k l-lijrkNew. Dr.

Q peetlngi ffom paatom of neighboring coitgregtillone m arked the iiecond n ight a

J dedicatory celebration a t the F lia l Meth- odlet P ro lea tan t C hurch. le«t nlgJu. Clet* gyinen who brought greeting.'* w ere Rev. Joseph F. Folsom, of Ihe (Tltiion Avenue P rechy lerlan CburclD Rev. Dr. George W, King, of tlie C entra l P reeb y te rltn C hurch, and Uev. Dr, Jesse L. HurlbuU dletrlci superin tendent of the N ew ark M eihodlet Eplacopal Conference.

In opening the eervlcea the pasto r of the LtiuiTli. Rev. W illiam Sherm an Phll- Upe. said th a t he and the membera of the congregation fell th a t th e ileAllvaiury exerclBfea would hard ly he complete If the ir neighbors were not Invited to attend them.

Mr, Folsnin cong ra tu la ted the pasto r anii m em bers qf the congregation on Ihelr new edifice and declared th a t U whs one of Iho niofat beflutlful in the i.'llnton Hill section. Tlip oHier clergym en spoke in a

I like s tra in and Dr. H urlhui brought^ ihe ■ good wlshftH of Hie churchc-i in th e New­

ark ConfeieiiceThe e<rvU;e included solos hy Mias Mabel

Sauer and S. K. U Kddry L aier the vlB- iting cki'gynjen were ah 'WH th rough the new building To-morrow night on organ r e d ia l will be given hy 1. ( ‘a n o l l Deckel.

C, W. Tlllou, 0 . ■Watson Jr.

I 'c rn e i EHul T. M.


The Sumnierfleld M ethodist Eplaccpal Church Is ti- hove m new edifice In the hear future. The offlt'lal board la s t n ight discussed plans. T he ccm greeatlon recen t­ly purchased a pile on Iho norllieaet cor- fier of G rafton and Mt P rospec t avenues.

Tlie church building com m ittee, which Is headed by F. w . Kimber, has p re sen t­ed plana to the nfliclal bo;4rd, bu t no definite action has been taken yet.


DEDICATING A NEW ORGANThe new organ th a t has been Installed

In the P ark P resby terian C hurch, co iner of Belleville iivcruie and K earny street, will be forniall) dedicated lo Ihe aervU-e of th a t church a t a recital to be given th e re by Will C. M acfarlane. organist and cho irm aster in 8t. T hom as’s Church, New York, to-m orrow night. T he organ is one of the la rgest and finest In the city, having three m anuals, over LjOu pipes and a set of chimes. The prograni for the recita l will be the following- Suite Got hlque—Introduction , c h o ra l.

M en .e i G oih iqu .i P r .y . r ,

A ndm le . ''Clock Mo''*™*']*"; a (a) Spring Song; (b) R*''**'*:F r ,lu t!r and Fugo* In A M inor... _ BachG avoU f from ■■Mlg»pn' .................P ray e r and Cradle Song...............

T occata from the F if th S y m p h o n y ,. W’Idor ........................................................Handel

fa) PtlBTlnii*' 1‘h o r u s . t h ) E v e n i n g S t a r SfiTig . (Cl Gr:ind M ^rrh ..................... uglier

DIES AFTER WEDDING FEASTWhen S tan islaus SamhoL forty-tw o

yi^ars old, of 6" Bencnn s treet, re turned home from a wedding early ycHlerday he wfts taken Ml H<* **- 9 seized w ith tcm- vulslons la te r and died yeste rday a ftfr- nooii before a do rto r was summoned, County Physician M rKenzIe m ade an In- vesilgatlon and s ild Hint d ea th was caused by acute Indigestion

fianibol is .‘u in b e d by a wife and four amal) children, the eldest ten years.

-----------♦ — -------------

VAILSBDRGH SECTIONT he Angels' Society of the Sacred H eart

C hurch held lis ten th an n u al reception yesterday a ru rn n n , a t Hie new school aiidllorlum . It way the first reception In the auditorium There w ere 200 girl* present. M embers of the K nigh ts of the Sacred H eart waited on the g irls when re freshm ents were Ber\ed.

At a m eeting of the A lexander IStreet Alumni, last evening. Evan D. Edw ards, principal of the school, woe choeen tem ­porary chairm an , and George Darby was i lioaen ten iporar) s« -iie ia ti, Mr. Edwarda will appoint a com m ittee on bylaw s and coliHlUulion, to be prepared for th e next m eeting of the alum ni. O ctober 16.

T he Ladles' Aid Suclciy of the Kllhiim M emorial Church will m eet T hursday afternoon. The board of iru s ie se and the building com m ittee of the church met last night and m ade fu rth e r a rangem en ts for the building of the new church.

A ugust Brau^lgam, of H aaelw ood sve- nue. left to-day for ^ tr ip acrosa the con­tinent. H la destination will be Los An­geles, Gal.

Miss E lsa W inkler and Miss A nna Mc- !.*ijghlln, of Hoboken, a re v isiting Mr. and Mrs. Em il W inkler, of K enniore ave- nue.

F our eo d als a re to be given th is w in­te r for the congregalJon of Uie F o res t Mill Presbyieriftn C hurch by the P a s to ra l Aid Beciety. The first will he held F riday , October 20. I t will be a h a r \c a t home affair. O ther socials will be held on the th ird F ridays of December, F eb ru a ry and April. An all-day sewing m eeting will b s held the first W ednesday of each m onth, beginning .November ], T he m em ­bers a re also rais^lng funds for the new edifice. A lready they have over $1,600 In cash on hand. Tlie.v are holding a ru m ­m age sale a.t present.

M em beri of N orth End Lodge. T. O. O. F ,. met last n ight a t J ieadquarters. 267 W ashington avenue. Several prizes have been donated for ihe w hist and euchre p a rly next Monday.

The G leaners ' Mission HbikI will resum e m eetings soon, Mr» . Jam es Duguld J r. l?i leader.

The annual rn ce tiiu of Hm W oodsjde Building and Loan Apsor;li«.tlon will be held to-m orrow night a t tlie E ig h th W ard Republican Club bou^e. Offleera will be elected.

Rev. H enry Mcrlr's^Mchlr-ri, of C hrist Reform ed C hurch, w l / conilnue hla series q f serm ons on ‘^neailuna of the l^ay" to -n igh t a t the prAyer m eeting,

A ugust B c6htoldt eiiLerlained th e m em ­bers of th e an n iv e rsa ry commUtee of Colonel S. L. Buck Council, J r . 0 . U.A, M., a t bis home, SOS P a rk e r s treet, last night, w'hen arrangem en ts w ere com plet­ed fo r the annlveriiflry eiterclses a week from to-m orrow . At the m eeting lo- tnorrow night, the Imslness aesslon wilt b s followed by a -m hre party .

Mr. and Mrs. A lexander W ler, form erly o f Do G raw avenue, who have been resid­ing In Derby, Conn., for the past three years, removed th is week to ih c lr new borne a t Fore.'^t Hills, Island. I t adjoins the home of the ir d au g h te r and •Qn-ifi'law. Mr. and Mra. A rth u r Guy, w ho also form erly resided In th is city.

Miss Atlelaids Pelletier, of W oodside avsnue, Is v]»ll!ng Miss Violet W1er< at F o res t Hills. Lutis L'^land.

R iv . Ju liu s P‘. M a'ichnian, p a s to r of the Sutnmerfleld Mtilmdl?*! Episcopal P hurch , wUI speak to-night ul th e R u th e rfo rd M,B. Church, nf w liuh he w as form erly pastor. T he service l« to be a reunion o f form er ptuiicrH. The p rayer-m eeting a t the SumnierRcM (.'hurch lo-nIghL will ba In charge of Hi*' ofiklal board. ,

The Army of Constipationb Grawiqg Smllar E*CARTER’S UTTLE UVER PILLS tn «,po»i41«— lb*T I oafjr |i-» rtlW— ib sf pstattKiilljr j cun C m lif t - t i t i . Mil-lioU UM tlicin fof N t n i -UH, Uiiwbn, Sick Rwbtb, StBnSkk. SMALL n U , SMALL DOSE. SMAU PtHl

G e n o h io nun bat S ig n a tu i 'o

CLINTON DISTRICT.D r, Byron W. King, of P it tsb u rg h , will

f iv e a lecture hi the E lizabeth Avenua- B resby terlan C hurch, M onday evening. October 16.

About th irty-five m em bers of the T ouhg [Women's Mission Band of the BSlIzabsth A vanue F re sb y te ^ an C hurch m et la s t B tfiit a t the h o n ^ of M r, and M rs. D avid K D orem ui. W illiam son avenue, and g ave a tn itcellaneous show er lo M iss I f a fy I a Young, who la one o f Its mem- iHirs. Ina trum ctita l selections w ere given by M iss R eta O akes and Mrs. D orem us an d M iss H azel B aldw in sang.

Miss M arg are t H. V an W ickle, of Ab- bu ry Park , and Slunley Dodd, of Beim ar, a ra v isiting Miss V an W icUic's aun t, Mrs. j . 0 . Y oung,, of wood avenue.

Leopold Leber, of ' elilgh and E lizabeth gTenues, la a t LeryAedo, w here he will gpend a few week* In. ma bungalow ,

John MacFaydo^w of R enner avenue, left M onday for H aiti, w here he expec ts to re ­m ain for about six m onths.

The South End; Im provem ent AsBOcia- tlon will m eet td^m orrow n igh t In W al­d o rf H all, E lizabeth and W atson a>‘enues,

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es A lexander, o f Sey- fUOur avenue, a re a t W ilm ington, Del.

T. « . C. A. NOTES


TH E CA RPEN TEROnce there was a good CARPEN­

TER named George and he hired a man to work for him by the name of BILL.

Bill worked for a spell and then went away for awhile. He was gone so long George, the good CARPEN­TER, took some dough from his salary. When Bill got back George says, “Say, Bill, did you have a good time.

“Sure thing!” says Bill.“Well,” says George, “ I docked your

salary, same as 1 would a horse’s tail.”“What!” says Bill, real loud. “Here

I’ve been going around the Country talking nice about you. It was a big adv. for you!"

“ I don’t care." says George. I wanted the job done. I needed you. Now, get out."

Moral—Be faithful over a small job and you might (1 say might) get a bigger one!This adv, paid for by Farmar STnllh, f?fdxr

Grove, N. J.

' AVAIIIABLE ASSET ^Our own tMtb ar® on* of th« mo»i valu-

xbla to use. If we would ha’**e *ood health w« muit take care of our teeth. Dernie,] and neglected teeth 'are a danxeroua thing. Our pncPB are no hlirher than you pay for noor work to be had elaewhere.


br. F. C, FarrDENTIST

8 4 1 B r o a d S t r e e tH o ard t S-S. fiuodajr, 9-12.


.... I ’p f .n o x l , Saturday 'B raotlon p ic tu re•n te r t i ln m c n t th r com m ittee ' haa engaged R osanl. who will ap p ea r in h is ' ‘jap an es^ Bmuggling'' ac t, and M iss E ilzabeih ThtiV- ■elL concert violinist.

All this editratlofinl efiasses will ( ta r t tb«lr MsdoiiB th is week.

A t the faH .xaelnl, held la s t n igh t m the Ailing Room, ihe m em hers w ere e n te r­ta ined w jth violin rolpi, Belecti(jn( oy th e d o np lio ry m ale q u a rte t an d dorm llory

■ lB|i1idolln end 5V»ltnf trio , aa well o s rool- lAtione and impci’sonatloiu).

The H lfh School Bible cluba w ill r w u n e • ia iio n a fo r the fan and w in ter. In th e boyi* rooma to-n igh t a t 6 o'clock.

V- R ff. Oeorge P. Dougherty U to b i.tne the meeting of tha Order oC tho

next Friday aiternoon »t i:!^

OFFICE OV THK CHIEF ENGINEER of th« Board of S^raet and Water ComrolsaionBre of

the city of Newark—Notice.The Anal aetimates for the followlnt enn-

tta cu will Iw preaentrd to the. Roard of Sire«i and Watvr Camzilisumeni of the city of New­ark for Bcce^fttice at the rajtular meatina un Thursdiy.^ Octofcwr 6, m il. between 3:lfl and 8;3U P. M,. viitFor ttn* vomtrucllon of the following eewera;

QIJITUAN AIXET SEWER,e l m r o a d , o q t t h a r d s t r e l t a n d


■nd for thfc pevtn( of the following atrreU. CONCORD STREET.

from filixebetb avenue to FrtiinrhuyieD '■ ‘" '‘rlORTB THIRTEENTH STREET,

front Chadwick avanue to South Eighteenth ■treat; STRKeV.#wim ButmnRt svenue to fJni’Oln avenue;

WEST END AVENL’E. frATTi South firnn«*’ avenue *o Laurel plaee: from PnrNT IsAN*:.from Hawkina ■iro'l to Menufteturera' Hranch of The Central Ra!lrn«d;Of me L-«n s t r e e t ,froic South OraoRv avenue to Daeeltir aveeue. end for tM repflvln* of ^ HALLANTINK PARKWAY,

from Clifton avenue to Lake atreal.

trom « 0 fM! ol Seymour .n a o * MC b o m . "

ATanu* to R le tn M

Latest NewsN ew arriva ls ol fine im ported Japan­

ese C hina will in terest all lovers ol the b eau tifu l

Art Section— Basement.kHN

f tWAUirs 4T0I1E BUUTIPUCU S m o A p . w w ... HA U C Y s n a r e

u r Club PlanWe invite all those whose reputation war­

rants our confidence lo join our H o u s e ­h o ld C lub , thus laciliialing the buying of

F u r n it u r e , C a r p e t s a n d D r a p e r ie s

Silk StockingsGood Kinds Are Cheap Here.

Immense Lines to Choose From.

W o n a e n ’s 7 B c to 9 1 . 2 5 T h r e a d S i l k S t o c k in g s — S a m p le s and d iscon­tinued sty les; b lacks and colors—lo- C Q C m orrow for o n ly ................................. v

W o m e n ’s S i l k S t o c k in g s — T hous­ands of pairs; from best m akers; p u r e t h r e a d s i lk ; ingrain dyed; tine gauge; ex tra reinforced, b lacks and colors; priced the ^ "I . 7 5

3 p a irs 5 .0 0 .W ^ o m e n ’s P u r e T h r e a d S i l k

S t o c k in g s ; fine gauge; b lacks only; rein­forced; ingrain; ex tra w ide w elt; per p a i r .......................................................... ^

W o m e n ’s H i g h G r a d e F r e n c h Im p o r t e d T h r e a d S i l k S t o c k in g s , fancy coforings; fine gauge; $3.00 5 ^ . 7 5

grade, for only ...............................W o m e n ’s H i g h G r a d e F r e n c h

T h r e a d S i l k S to e d d n gs ; lace bool 5 -i styles, in fancy colorings; $3.00 g rades at -B

M e n ’s P u r e T h r e a d S i l k S o c k s ;blacks and colors; reinforced; 75c. and C5 / ^ C $ 1.00 values fo r .................................

These May Be

Just the SuitsYou Are Looking For

W e are show ing a fine line of_ T a i lo r e d S u i t s o f B r o a d c lo t h , M a n n i s h S e r g e s a n d M ix t u r e s ; w ith or w ithout velvet col­lars; stric tly tailored coats, handsom ely lined with self-color S k inner satin; gored skirts; finely man tailored su its that ought to fetch at $ O e i .7 5 least $32 w hich we are selling a t ., .

C om e in W ednesday and sec these suits. T h e y ’re fine.

Young Girls Will Like These

Fine DressesFine D resses for girls of 6 lo 14 years; of

serge and w o o l; plaids and checks; high neck, w ith or w ithout deep sailor collars or square revers; trim m ed with braid or ornam ented with buttons; fin ished with tie or side button effect; long sleeves; full kilted skirts, w ith deep S 0 . 9 8 hem ; specia l for W ednesday ’s selling “

4 •« 4

Sm art Little CoatsC h i l d r e n ’s C o a t s — new sm art sty!e.s,

m ade of chinchilla, cheviot and shepherd checks; m ade w ith rolling collars and cuffs of velvet; also sailor collar of moire or checks, in red, navy, gray and black and w hite checks; w ell lined jR y l . Q f t and fin ished , sizes 2 to 5 years, for only ^

C h i l d r e n ’s B o n n e t s — m ade of Plush, Velvet and Silk, in white and colors; (rimmed with sh irrings of ribbon, bow s 5 “i . 9 3 1 $ 0 . 9 8 and loops; various sty les «

•4 *4

Tiny Sweater*For Tots

C h i l d r e n ’s S w e a t e r s , made of nice, soft w o rsted ; in white, or w hite w ith pink or blue; rolling collar; button front; sizes 1 to 4 $ | years; for o n ly ............................................

> >C h i l d r e n ’s N ig h t D r a w e r s , m ade of

heavy striped pu ting flannel; w ith feet; BS Q * ' drop seat; size^ 2 to 10 years; here a t . .

C h i l d r e n ’s G o w n s , of flannelette inw hite and stripes; double yokes; finished w ith w ash b ra id ; generous w idth and length; 5 9 '


Alm ond SetsC hina Almond Sets, including one large nut

bow l and six individual nut d ishes; tor O Q C/ v n l i r ..............................................

sizes 2 to 14 years; priced low at.

PetticoatsM ade of B la c k S a t e e n ; w ith d eep flounce

of flu ted P ersian m aterials, com bined w ith black; ex tra underlay and ruffle; w ell tailored; perfect fitting; all lengths; special priced

1 ,0 0 0 Yards Beautiful ImportedC o l o r e d C o r t a m M a d r a s

In floral and geom etrical designs— full tw en ty patterns to choose from; in an immense variety .of colorings; reg u la rly re ta iled in Ihe U pho lstery Store at $1, $l..c5, $ l,.i5 and $1.50 the yard; very popular sellers, loo, at these prices; (0 go W ed n esd ay - £ l a r aone day only— at the extraordinary price o f .....................................................

We Show a Great Line of

CorduroysH e r e Is a n E x a m p l e o f th e P r i c i n g

H o l lo w C u t E n g l i s h C o r d u r o y -22 inches w ide; guaran teed last pile and color; the very best hollow cut Corduroy. Not p ressed , mind you— a rem arkably serviceable quality; h ere in all the staple colorings. A true $1.25 ^ quality. T o-m orrow for o n ly ................... X

Paon V elvets-* 1U ndoubtedly the bea t Silk Paon Velvet in N e w ­

ark for millinery pu rposes. W e invite and urge com parison. E very n ew and staple shade ^ a in stock at our_special low p r ic e ...............


Rich WaistsTo Add to Milady’s CharmW e are show ing exceptionally beautiful w aists

ind they are m arked at a pleasing price for to ­m orrow 's buyers—W a i s t s of M e s s a l in e , C h i f f o n and T a f fe t a ; may be had in black, navy or brown; tucked or lace yokes; valued at ,$5.98; special for W ednesday $ * 3 . 9 8o n ly .....................................................

Women^s U nderw earW o m e n ’s M e d i u m W e ig h t H a l f

W o o l R ib b e d V e s t s o r P a n t s ; neatly trim m ed; vests long or short sleeves; *7 C S C p an ts ankle lengths; $1.25 values f o r . . . . •

Warm SacquesFlannelette D ressing Sacques, with or w ithout

sailor collar; sh irred belt; sleeves, figured or floral effects; full range of sizes; special Q f i C a t ............................................................. ^

Her Majesty Women’s ShoesUnsurpassed at $ 3

We are always proud to show Her Majesty’s shoes to our patrons.

H e r M a j e s t y is the strongest line ofwomen’s shoes selling at $3 to be found anywhere in the country— sure of it.

The new models are beautitiil indeed— as sleek as can be, and they are here in all leathers and fabrics in a variety of heel and toe shapes, making it easy for you to get just what ^ O . Q O pleases your fancy, all at the one price ^

M is s e s ’ a n d C h i ld r e n ’s S h o e s in ourfamed Her Majesty lines are here in a full range of popular leathers in both high and regular cuts; made over comfortable lasts with broad toes; sizes and prices running as follows:

Low cuts, sizes b to 11, 5 1 * 5 0 * 111 to2 , $ 2 .

High cuts, sizes fi lo 8, $ 1 .7 6 ; 8^ to 11 at $ 2 ; 11 b to 2 at $ 2 . 5 0 . .

T h i s B e d r o o m S o i t eIs W orth Seeing

It may be true, as a lady remarked, as she looked into our show windows and gazed in won­derment at the $4,500 Bedroom Suite, that “there was no furniture in Adam s time, but it is likely that there would have been furniture in the first Adam's time had Eve demanded it.

However the Adam period of design after which this Bedroom Suite was fashioned, happens to be identified’with another Adam-he of architectural fame--who lived in the !7th «ntury^

This is certainly the finest bedroom suite ever brought to Newark. It is made of Satinwood imported from India. This wood is hard and heavy, of a deep yellow tint, and taiys wonderfully the^blending of colors in oil paints. It is skilfully inlaid and beautifully hand-painted. The accur­acy of lines are perfect. The suite consists of 10 pieces: Pair of twin bedsteads, a bureau, chif­fonier. cheval glass, somnoe, ladies’ dressing table, one chair, one rocker and an ova table

The bedsteads, as well as the chiffonier, dresser, toilet table and cheval glass, have hand-woven cane panels.

On view in our Furniture Department. Price complete $ 4 , S O O .

Just What You Want In New

Dress FabricsWhat a pleasure it is to walk along our great

long, broad dress goods aisle ap'd see sprdtfd before you such an array of new Autumn fabrics. There s no collection in town nearly so large, none so varied, none with so many exclusive weaves— and where could one find more moderate prices? We pride our­selves on the quality of the dress stuffs wc sell- in fact, we handle only the better grades.‘ We invite your attention particularly to the items listed below.

A ll W o o l I m p o r te d S e t in C lo th , very tine, soli and silky in finish, in twenty-two of the most season.ible colorings—the ideal fabric for one-piece dresses, draping beautifully; 44 inches wide; our low price is * 1 .5 0 a yard.

A ll W o o l I m p o r te d S u itin g s , in beautitiil striped effects and herringbone weaves; exclusive Ban­nockburn Bordered Fabrics, Scotch effects. Double Faced Coatings. Polo Cloths, etc., in remarkable variety; prices ranging all the way from $ 1 .B 0 to 9 4 .6 0 the yard.

B r o n d c lo t h • are here in such variety as never be­fore, and the range of shades for FalLand Winter wear is most comprehensive. Among these will be found the fa­mous Austrian Spot-Proof Broadcloths, prices running 9 1 .S 0 , « 2 , » 2 . a 6 . * 3 « n d $ 3 .6 0 the yard.

S ilk a n d W o o l P o p lin * are in high favor and -we’ve a most pleasing line, very bright, light and silky; may be had in all the fashionable street and evening sh ad es -* 1 .2B and * l .B O the yard.

F o re ig n e n d D o m e s tic S e rg e s are conspicuous as always. We show tnglish and French Clay Serges, Storm Serges, Imperial and Wide Wale Serges, in widths running from 42 to 58 inches; prices range from 7 S c . lo * 2 .6 0 .

L a n * d o w n o —known as the queen of dress fabrics —rightly named, are here in every conceivable sha:’e; some of the most delicate things imaginable; fabrics so well known that it would be folly to waste words on them; excellent quality at * 1 .2 6 .

Art W aresFine Cut G oods; crystal Patina, A m phora,

Italian w are, Japanese bronze vases, royal Bonn w are, etc.; quite a variety of beauliful th ings w orth u p t o S l O ; offered at the little price $ 0 . 5 0 o f .......................................................... “

Just Such Day* as These That One’s Thoughts Turn to

Blanket Bargains$ 4 ,5 0 W h i t e W o o l B la n k e t s ; pinkblue b

special a t.and blue bo rders; full double bed size; $ 3 * 5 0

$ 3 . 9 8$5 C a l i f o r n i a W h it e W o o l B l a n ­

kets: large bed sizes; pink ami blue borders; very line qiiaiily; special at

$ 1 0 G o ld e n G a t e C a l i f o r n ia B l a n ­kets; strictly pu re fleece wnnl, shrunk al mill; in ail while or w hite with pink, blue or 8 ' y . S O yellow borders; special a t , ........ ........ •

$ 3 .5 0 E x t r a H e a v y W h it e W o o l N a p B la n k e t s ; large bed sizes; $ 0 . 5 0 pink and white borders; special a t . . . . “


Chocolate SetsHand painted Chocolate Sels; dain ty deco ra ­

tions; six cups and six saucers and chocolate pot; regularly sold at $2.98; priced spec- ^ iaiiy......................... ...............

$ 2 * 4 9

CutC ut G lase V ases; 12-inch size, trum pet sh ap e ;

nicely cut; regular $3; offered to- $ | . 9 8 m orrow a l ...........................................


Jap ChinaA pretty bit of china from the O rien t—som e­

thing you'll like— T ea Strainers, daintily hand painted; six pretty decorations lo choose O C S C from, with drip cups, only......................

j (

You Need Not Shiver If You Have One of These

Oil HeatersW e carry an im m ense line of Oil H ea te rs—all

w anted sty les and sizes at lowest know n prices — and w e guaran tee every one of them.

Brass Founts, japanned, $ 7 .9 S , $4.49| $3.98.

B rass Founts, nickeled Iriinmings, $ 7 .2 5 , $5.98, $ 4 .9 8 .

Steel Founts, nickeled trim mings, $ 3 .2 5 , $3.20.

Steel Founts, japanned, $2 .95 .

a d v e r t is k m k ^cr !)■(«« i o'clock or Tluindty. Ciciob*r »,'*“ • MORRIS R.JiKERHERD.

“Chlsf Ecflii««r*PstoS Scol'-’-—

' tld* *ilH I* Vllttl*



li h e r e S r a s * « s a m a n i ! uiin^all th t ownara of ■JiaI c ia ic ^..-cultarli- i j l f . i j i1 lowing improvsmenta. tiamely* tli* gm arat.“ ■“'^1"* iTSflliT'k“avenue,

rtf th itrw t 10 Rooevlll* ivoBU*. •ceord- o thS or .o . ordlD.;c. of <h.of N***fk. •ntU1«<l, "An oraiMoco to

provtdo (or th* *r*ain«. ourtrtL* «>* flat-*'”* “* f o u r t h AVBNU*. ’fr«n n R k ilrM t to Ro**v(D* i m w .prrra* Ootob*r '

»2r5 /£ i& 3zK .l..

an ordln«nc» of »hs elty qf Nawsrk snlltlsJ. "An ordinance lo pravlda for ths grading, curbing and flagging ot

PARKHL'RST STREET, fram Goble aireel to Avenus C." approved October L IPIU. . . .The grading, curblni and fluglog of

■ h il l u id 2 a v e n u e .from W ition avenue. Tjortharl? about U t ferto according to the provTslona Of an orqiiiance of Ihe chi’ of N’ewark, entitled, ‘*Att ordinance to provioe for lh« grading, curbing and flag'gij?g Of hiliaS id e a v e n u e .from Walaorv avenue northerly about tl2 fee t/' approved October 21. tlHa h u bMn prepared Ky undemlgned commissJonere, appointedby the Mayor of the city of Nevarfc, and that a reporr by a certlflcata tn writing, with SB accompasylng map and oehodule, allowing th* aaveral eatesamanta tfn la s t tb« oevottl oWBort peculiarly benaflted os oforogald, boa been depoelted in tho nfflee of tb» oily d e t t Of the city of Newark, tor outiitAatlon by tiae partlea tnteroatad (bervta.

6aM oaoewiaeBt oimpHsaa $11 let*, m e te u i l pgrooM of t u d u f l n $ l ogtito UAkle

tie asaenaed aa aroreaald. lying oa both aldca of poURTH AVENUE,from Fifth aireet to RosevUla avenue; on both aide* BTREET,fm tt Qoble street to Avenue C and Daweon ptreet. afi3 c* both lldee of ,

HILLfliDE a v e n u e , from Wstaon ■ venue to Hawthorne avenue.

A "kit" represenla Sfi entire plot of lanAt, whclhei large or amell.

All peroona Iniereated In mid ■aaranment m^y be b ea^ before aald ooinmlailiinera. on Thursrtay. till flflb day of October. 1911, at 2 P. M., at ihr commlaeloner*' rooiu. No- < ithlrd flopr) city hall.

Dated September 29. 1911.WILLIAM DlMOiND,JOHN \ \ MONAHAN,

) ADOLPH FTiCH._______ Oomioiae io n t^ ^

o r n c B o r t h e b o a r d o f e x c is e com-HTflSIONERS OF TRB CITY

OF NEWARK,City Hall. SoitL IML

B w V ^teaA ta for

i \

llceneoa contained Ln all appficatluns or peU- tlona made lO thlf board for the granilng uf hi'enaci to fell apIrlLUoue. vinuub. mall or brewed llquorr.. and not nereiyfore publlehed according lo law, to

Name. riace of Buai.icas. ReaiJenoa RETAIL^RKNEWALB.

r r ,n k J- HMi. 161 LhVtUlSl M....... Bam, plaM iPairlck Waliti 7M-nJ 8omb Oranti: avc,.Same place IJohn Erne. «7 Hagaaltie tI .................Same pjac« '

: Henry Grciaa. Mercer at...........S*mye place! Eoitl Eyrlch. 1 0 FToiU l i ................ SametHftceI Antonio Voaiola. S,’i Goble e t...... ,. .Suitie plsi^e

Nanrtrow & Harrtnitoo. htc-niH BruuU at.. Same placeChri«t'an Flnkhclner, S4 Rlchmoud st..

Same placeJohn Fagon, 14 Lexington at...........Same pise*WIlUitiQ Frelman. 4SS Eighteenth ive..

Same placeClark D. Deeon, $4 Orange et.........Same placeFrod Yo*t, 71 Boyd at......................Same place-Florlan Schwelokcrt, ilg Emmet *t.Same place Joseph Niedaln^kta 43 Magazine at, .flame place lillion Biem, 2dV'7Tl Sherman ave..Bsme placeMorris R o tto tsv 2S1 Bank at.........S**me placeMra. A. KweloaSt FK>*enth aee.inaina pMoe m o k W, SOMOB, tT4 ~alaejf « ,,..8 a in a *!■•*

Mn. Katie 0«n*l. 6lG Eighteenth ave.,9«nia place

rharlea Bader, 2S Columbia a t........Satne placeWHUem J. Allen, 53 Summit s t . .S e rn a {X . Michael H. Iklunay. 195 Market at..Same Morrii Heller, 4704T2 South Tenth it.,

Sam* placeHerman Eiaen. 172 Waverly ave...... flame placeJohn NoTTlckt, South Tenth id,.,.Sam* p1t«e wiiiiRTTi Karg, jfiij Mt. RroBt«et ave.Same place Kar! Groaa, 41 fli. V'rancta a t . . B a m * plaes Anthony ranaey. D24 Springfield are.Same place Carl Wagner. Siiteedith •va..,.8aRia plae* Charles Oohlsceln. West Kt$aey et,,

flame placeHenry M. Lundy. 55 Burfiet s t , ...... Same placeBariie Sliver, 139 N5w Jersey Railroad ave.,

Saras plaoeFrancle M-^gulre. 24fl Warren st....Sam « plao*

BEER b o t t l e r - r e n e w a l .The J. R. HeneJer Ale Brewing Co.. IM-lflS

Murray et............................. ..........Sim* pJtoeRETAlL-SINaLS TRANSrER.

Fred Herblch. from ^ flprl$|tt«1d are,, be 104Chapel a t,. ............... .............U fle/ttOttr


N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . T U E S D A Y . O C T O H E R 3, 19 1 1 .


Small Gains at tlte Openinl OB Moderate Volame of






NT. I’AUU t>ct. 3 - A l l cHtll* records were hroken a t the HI P au l Un- fwt Ulock V ardi yeaterday when SW (If beeves had been u n lo a d e i *<, no®'* Al Ihiit lime (here w ere 11,217 head o f en tile and 1,033 calves In the yards. T he otllclals siild th is would brln* th s to ta l cattle receipiB for the day up to 13.000.

OMAHA, Oct. I . - T h e receip ts of Ih e stock by cars yeste rday broke all retoeda lo r the Houlh O m aha m arke t, 814 cars heinfi received against th s form er leC-itd of hH m ade last M onday. T he to ta l ofca ttle recelp ts-l» .S63-e»ceed i tha p tevt-oils record of 13.4311.




YORK. Oct. 3 .-O n a moderate of trad In f s irn h s rose rrscllon-

ally at the opening of the tnnrkci to­day. Canadian I'ac lltc m ade the best advance, with a gain of a point. New York Central responded m a favoralilo August report by ris ing %. Central Leather and U liig h Valley advanced V*.

U A. M ,-8 luvks w ere supplied freely when prices »*re m nklng good progress Bpwsrd and the favorite laauca rcucied 1 lo Ui points, with the list generally sell­ing wall below last night. Si. Paul wsa axceptlonally weak, fa lling from h® 1® lo ts . U closed yeste rday a t 1084 The (fitretne weakness of th is stock revived the rumors of possible dividend reduc­tions and also affected o ther WeMerri ■tacks unfavorably. Union I’aclrte and Amalgamated ('opi>er sold a point below vesterday's closing. U nited S tates Rub­ie r continued Us rise, advancing over . M ints to 44S. T he second (ircferred jumped « points lu IS on otic transacilon.

N oon-In Its aallent fea tu res the ear s' laislnn of the stock m ark e t was virtually a repetlUna of the p rev lou i day. Prices ftc llned as soon aa II becam e evldeiu th a t aupply exceeded dem and: bul 'b e krlm ary cause probably waa the wcak- lie is of St. Paul, which was sold by iro k e r i heretofore p rom inent on the bear aide. The n est .llvidend action on St. I au | i over thre« m trn th i off, bill tbe i>reiieiu ^ \c t§ of th a t iMuv would i**n» lo haV# {lioountfrd any reduction. Dear operatorip ind lng th a t they w ere not meeting any eifeeilve oppoaltloiu ext«nd<*d th« icope a f their operation!* In the accond nouTe gnd Increteed the earlie r Inesea coneid- •rabty. A m algam ared Copper waa driven down Union P arlflc and In ternational H irvea ie r m . Lehigh Valley 1 \ . Amerl- M n timeltlng 1\4. Heading. Lrle flrat preferred and the L'nltPd Hlates HteelItocke 1 ,

Larfpe amountfl I'f the Am erican "o- btcco boudi were preesed fo r iftl#, foic- Jng the 4b down % and th e Ge l'»t* Other iM uei held well. , ^

I p_ n . —l>urlng m ld-tlay prloee varleti scaroely more li>an em ail fraiTtlona. Tniders were Inclined, however, lo pul out more slock on th a theo ry th a t the tsndency was dow nw ard ra th e r than otli- grwlse. Oppo*lt'®h *’’* Amerlcnn To-Eseco plan, which m ay tak e on formlda-

le proportion^ w as a de te rren t to bull- ili aotIvUy. P rices w ere a t their lowest

by 1 o'clock w ith m arked weakneas In Vnlied S tates S teel, Union i’aclrtc and Am algam ated Copper.

i p. M —T he m a rk e t rallied In feeble faahlon. As the recovery failed lo bring out naw aellitig ordera, the hulls b e c a ^ m ore confWent an d th e ir purchaaea .in­fused a little life Into th e trsd in ij. • '

I P. M .-T h e m ark e t closed h«(vy. Bal­tim ore and Ohio m ade aAUAflen spu rt up­w ard of lS*4fH« l» « w -^6 rk C entral mnunt- #4 a t i m i o Ilk. T he general h* ' waa not M lf^^a ted by th e se eklithltUma of

--W en g th , and moved in a llatless tashlon- ^ I c e s crept up to w ith in a fraction YWlerday'a cto“*. h u t in th e ia*i few '" 'b '

active MUIng w as renewed.

DOCK COHMISSION FOR CITY, TRADE BOARD IDEAA move 10 tak e th e m eadow Im prove-

mcni and siilp canal p re lec t out of the hamla "f the Hoard of W orks and place It hi charge of u w harf and dock commission la uiirtcr way At a m eeting Insl n ight of the I,-gill tilTilIrs com m ittee of the Hoard of T iad f a sub-com m ittee w as appointed lo draft a hill for aubmlaalon lo the I.eglsla- tore, a u lh o rltln g such change of control,

Tlic bill will he offered lo the Hoard of Trade fo r lls ajiprovol before being sent to TrriUon.

Thf* Huh-coniniltlftf 4lno In itruc l^dto d n ift a bill con ferring au th o rity on il„. ril.v P lann ing rom m lsslo ti to give piililic notice to ow ners of th e Intention of m iitilc lpy otnclalB reg a rd in g coming Im provom enis, thereby exercising a con­trol over p roperty com ing w ithin the gone of proposed b e tte rm en ts and to pirevent Ilia m aking of p rlv a ta Im provem khts which would be likely to add to th e coal of iiroposed public work.

It Is som ething quite unusual to Bnd New York a t the fron t In pro-

, lectlng th e general B nanda! sltus- tion in Europe a t th is season of tha

II iH iilao w orth nollng -hlef bulw ark of not only our own hut also the foreign business sltiia- Hon. St th e m om ent, lie . In the ex- -eptloiially sound position of leading

.t ia n k t of th is co u n try ; th s low, in ' (ttany Instances, aom lnsl ra tes tor

loans on call and time, at a perloil when most of th e capH all of Europe i r e Pniflng It costly t® borrow money.

This condition Is not all predlcatei] on tha w ar ou tlook on the Medi­te rranean .

T.*rger foreign hanks, th o i t a t w trlln and P » H i In p tr t lru lu r , and Rt London * • w#ll, b«gBn rwiilng discount ra te s som e tim e ago.

Tha financial situa tion In O erm sny had been em barrassed lom ew hsl by s reversal o f th e h igh Ude of In­dustria l prosperity .

The influence of th e Morocco 1n- oldsnt em phasised this. P a ris bank­ers began to w ithdraw • •Berlin, and Ig irdon and New York were being called on lo r help.

T hat ell w as not well In o ther difectlons w as shown by th* em- barrasS m snt of th* Bank of Egypt.

u n d u e% ‘ffe .T “«en”w em slly ‘®-

A m ore rci cni bank G erm any, w as of a very '■"■•’I ®®®: c m , bu t It recT de.l 'b- " fcondition* In tbe 'iern ii" ' which h ave been i,i w "k^ ' h H which a re the oul- omr \ underlie, Ihe check In tb r b i'lustrlal boom thiT*?. , „* «g

b U h p r r:itpB for 'siirh cpnlr<»i Hi jwliPTR an aiJdMl InifnilS'', *' ‘haa bad full plm . lb "«"' more recen tly , a t Amslerdam w here th* ra te had long been re lsH 'eiy low In nonlrsB l with nlher centra, b ank ­ing ine lllu llons Ihmughoiil K'lriipe.

The cotidlllon ol the Bank nf I'-ng* land ha* not been such "" t" fur ciim parleon with the dlsHubauc* In d iscount rslr-s on the contlnenP In fact, the condllk.n of the Bank of R tigland hai* be*'n \e ry itfong rrie ftTortu to tnalntftln Hfi gold re*«rvt8 at unuflually lilgl' It’vel Hhb hopu sue- rfleBfiil. Yet wtfh domantls upon It (rum G erm any, from France, from T urkey fine# the trouble between th a t na tio n ami Haly broke out: from F^gypi and from India have been su ch * « s to f'all for ally la rg e am oiinls nf Rf'ld, Had It not been for tarjMk rpceipts of i t Ijondon, whl' l^P e re taken hy the

Old Lady a t Treadnecdle atreaL af’- o iher ito ry , a liim ugh not nece iia rlly an alarm ing one. m ight have bcin told.

The October lutereet and divldcml se ttlem en ti and «elllem*'Ht:* on Ibe Bourse* a t thU time, have fu r th e r ■ tra ined tension wi the H ank of FViinre and G erm any and with the disturhpfj condition of Kuropcan poll* Mca, largely account for the unwlll* Ingness of rerUral banks abroad lo «xlenrl rri'tllts nt this llme,

U reinalnw to he ad 'lfd th a t the re la ltxely re0u<‘3Ml volume "f gi-ufral trad e here; the absence of the piil'l!c frnjn partlejpatloM In epeculallon to any g rea t extents llQUldatlon In dom estlo secnriiv rnarke ts; reduced dem ands on K aslern banks fur funds with which to move tlie crtipe. all tb e ie factor* have been back of the uiiiiBually h u ll prop<!rl1on of iu rp lua recerve* til New York, rem arkably, low ra te s for money and ou r ahllltv to help flnentie hnnki and fln a n d e ri a t Berlin. Faria and, to an extent, a t London.

TTuly. a ra th e r unusual apectaclu.But 11 I* all very aimple, Money

la w orth more abroad th an It Is here, banka and Individuals there aro willing lo pay more for It. NHturally. as money Is to be had here, Amerji-aii bank ! arid o ther Institu tions and In­d iv iduals a re uuU’k to take a d v an ­tage of Ihe flltuaikm -an il the gohl goes abroad,

W A SH IN O TG N , Oct, | . - T h t ttanscofiU - j nen ta l raflro iu la h tv * given notice of a n | Increase In c la ss ra le s from E a s te rn | g roup po in ts to Pacific coast tsrm lnaU , | tlTeutlvfl on N ovem ber 1 and N ovatnber i5. The ta riffs show ing ih* changes have Just been fili-d w ith th e In te rs ta te Com- n iorcs Cum inisslon.

T he inereasea a re on the basis of per h und ied qlass ra ts from New York down to t3.3u jier hundred, affsctlng Uve g roups o f shipping poltUs, Ipstaad of per hundred as heretofore. Increasea a j« also m ade In rc r ta ln cominiMlIty ra tes such a s cem etu , cottonseed oil, bu ild­ing p laster, s tc K eductlous a re m ads ijrt b inaU fasl fonds. c trealx , coke, coffee* I'oiton lln ie ra , rice, seeds, etc., from Chl- rugo and o th e r tVeslfein points to Pacifle

: ' iiss* te rm ina ls .\ The new ra te s a re cohsldertd by th e

carrlriH In the na tu re of a read justm en t nf ts ite i g row ing ou t of the In term ountain

' cases, decided some tim e ago by th e com- ' iiilsHion. T he proposed Increases Include : New Jersey points In group A.


TliokT rust's DissolBtioaSche oe aif "AnfaciuBs AtteoiRt to

Eooduriok CosrL"





W ASHINGTON, Oct. 3 —Hrlafs In aup- poiT of tho g o v ern m en t's appea l from ths decision of tho F ed era l C ircu it C ourt for the E as te rn Dlfctrlct of Ponnsylvanla, holding the a n th ra c ite "coal t ru s t ' ' not guilty, w ere tiled In the Suprem e C ourt of the United felalea yeste rday .

Tho appeal urges d isso lu tion of a n a l­leged co iisp lra ty In re e tra ln t of trade, en tered Into by th e Ph ilade lph ia and Reading, Ij-h lgh V alley, D elaw are, L ack ­aw an n a and W estern , C en tra l of New Jersey , Erie and th e New York. Susque­h an n a and W este rn ra ilro ad s , besides ■even coal com panies contro lled by these carrie rs and an ad d itio n a l ecore of coal com panies owned by co rp o ra tio n s who co n trac t w ith th e ra ilro ad s for th e ir ou t­put.

W kkenhifflH tiA freew B tiof Elettricil, Fowier, Grocers

if li Oarrester Trusts.



N E W YORK* Oct. a,—Gold b*rB to a Vftlu* of were engaged y este r­day for ■hlpmcnl to PAri*. On Hfcturdgy 11,600,000 In gold loft thi* port fo^ P**"*®- W ith E u ro p ean bankers bidding urgOhlly It Ift th o u g h t by somu loc*l authorU leu th e t we m tgh t le t go m much M $16,000,000 In gold,

Some ettidenlfl of the m ovem ent-believeth a t ev en tu a lly Qermal^y will gel w h a t­ever gold leave* th is port.

The fac t th a t Ihe surplus of the York bAnke ilandH as high ns SZi.M.oOC lends 16 m ake the question of gold ex- portAtlofts. even If heavy, not a m a tte r of vUel In te res t to local henkers.


b o s t o n , Oct, S .-P o lltlc s m akes s trange bedfHlIowH. The Boston News B ureau piibllslu-d the following under a New York d a te line:

"A s for politics, the President la now regarded In high finance as m ore rad ica l th an his predecessor. At tho W aldorf the o th e r day s m an of large affairs, a b itte r an tl-R oosevelt m an two y ears ago, rem arked to me: 'I f Colonel R oosevelt would run and would m ake Ihe am en d ­m ent of the Slierm on law his Issue I be­lieve he would be nom inated and elected. The co u n try has had enough of lawy***.'

fiperhif Bfirlcr of Ihf VKtTSN EW YORK "VI, J ,-W lia t Is claim ed

to lie a Tohavs-o T rusl plot to re so rt to a disso lu tion pla'i wlilc.i cou ictnp latca m ere­ly a change from one holding com pany to th re e o r five has been uncovered In an In­junc tion petition of the R I*. R lchardron com panj', one of the tru s t subsid iaries, filed here.

T hom as F. R yan 's jilnn to com ply w ith th e Bupreme C ourt's (llsaoliitlun o rder is denounced in Hie petition aa ''nn aiida- clous a ttem p t to hoodwink the c o u r t . '

I t w as believed here t h f l the petition w e» filed w ith the knowledge of th e partm en t of Juattee In order to verify the I g iivernraen i's auapiclons th a t under the

; guiee ut dlsaolullun the tn ie t Is really 1 p reparing to tlglitcn Ua grip on Ih* to-

bacc6 bUBlne**.


Hirrimao Costpany Olficial Says Nimber of Men Report*

e i Out Is Exafferated.


N EW YORK, Oct. 3.—W hen A ttorney ^

b o a r d to d isc u ssagresm «iiU from to u r and poaslbly five |of the b lgg ts t tru s t* in Ih* U nlttd Hlates THE COLORED TEA ISSUE



. Can .................. ^• . . . Su.Ckr i F d y ..,. JSVk

^ t t o n o n .........: l io a w d o n . . . . w. B w t B u g a r .. .. BJ

Ice ................ *'t4Licotnotlve, pr lOOVi

. sm elling ......... “ 'kBmeltlng, p r . . lOl

4S'A m308%et>4nn


«Si101m k

X in tl Copper JEtTa. cop.

1 Steel...... gn. iSMLPr........ W'A

..doklrn K. T........ 74bknkdM h P ao lflo ... Oentral L e a th e r .. . .Shi.. W . W M l., p r. 37H Chi. * N o rth w e s t.. 1«A C, M 4 a t . P a u l.. lOSlighes. ft Ohio......... W*Boi. Fuel ft Iron CO n GdL Sou thern .......... * ^

13SiS 185VV IW»i Bi” w it 32'* 321* 32 i

iOM lOik 10241 U6H 3Wk 30 ffli 28

74'4 227 211i

Mlt73€226 . 211*

37'J lk . . . . 14llt 14Uj








NEW YORK. Got. 8,—T he co tton m arket opened steady a t a decline of 6 points In response to low er cables. F o r a time orders w ere so well d ivided th a t while busliiees w as ex trem ely ac tiv e price* fluc- tuate il w ith in a ran g * o f 3 or 3 point*, but continued h eavy S ou thern selling, liquidation by recen t buyers, repo rta th a t the Soiilh w a i offering apot In Liverpool freely a t easie r prlcaa. an d fordigii selling order* soon broke th e tem p o ra ry deadlock, and th e m arh a t la te r In th e first hour sold off (o 9.TB for O ctober a n d J a n u a ry and 9 88 for Decem ber, o r to a ne t loss of abou t 11633. T rad in g continued very active on the b reak and local short* were big buyers fo r profits on a aoale down.

T he m a rk e t becam e firm er la te In tho forenoon on con tlnuad covering and buy­ing fo r a reaction , w ith pNcea w orking up from th e net Ms* of belwoeti 12 and 14 jiolnls, shown e a r lie r in th e m orning, to abou t th* cloalng figures o f yesterday . T h ere w as some ItU t of cooler w eather In the W estern belt an d readers of Ih* local w eathe r m ap p red icted a cold Snap w ith in tbe nex t fo r ty -e ig h t hours which m ight cause app rehensions nf fro st In the cotton belt. T h is p ro b ab ly oilJed to ths re ac tio n ary feeling In Ihe m ark e t In con- nectin r w ith re p o rts from New Orleans th a l spots w ere being offerod le ts freely th is m orning. , ^ ^

The ra lly d u rin g th e m iddle of th e day carried p rtree a b o u t 2 to 3 point* net higher, b u t w as followed by renewed w eakness du ring th e a fte rnoon owing to p riv a te IJverpoo t cab les rep o rtin g apprw hetlslons of freeh tabo r tro u b les and re- portB of low er S ou thern spot m eikets. D ecem ber co n tra c ts easedjioff from 13.06 to

and the general lis t sold abou t 2 to S points ne t lower. ____

lo reorganise th e ir business or d isinte­g ra te a fte r th* fashion of the United S ta te s Suprem e C ourt orders In the oases of the Am erican Tobacco Company and th e S tandard Otl Com pany.

Th* four tru s ts which a re known to have come to te rm s w ith the A ttorney- G eneral ra th e r th an face prosecution under the Bherm an an tl- lru e t law are:

The oleotrleal combine. Dupont Powder Company, Southern W holesale Gfoesra' Association and th* In te rna tiona l H ar- Vetter Company.

N otw ithstand ing th e recent statem ent of J. P le rpon t M organ and Judge E. H


PA T E R SO N . Oct. l -C o ll ln s ft Nolan. Bilk ribbon m anufactu rers , on lower Van h o n le n s tre e t, have tailed. Two receivers, fo rm er Judge F ran k 'Van Cleve an'J Ijaw renc# McGlnnl£4, wsre appointed yus- tjkrday by Vlc«>-Chancenor HoTvelL at J« r- Hey City. The ftppllcuilon for the appoln t- nienl of the receiver* wa« made by Mh fUAo] D unn, tha petitioner belnR C aroline Noonan, one of the ilocKholOers of the flriTi.

, BOSTON. OcL. 3.- T h e A m ertcan W oolen Company, operating th ir ty p lan ts tn New Kngland and New York, has In- creM ed the num ber of active loom* ten per cent, since Septem ber 1. M any of the Independenl woolen mills a re a lso busier^

T he curta ilm ent of p rin t c lo th In FhH I R iver conUnueH heavy, bu t on n ex t Mon- I day the seven mills of th e F a ll R lv tr I Iron W orks Company will resum e a f te r I a shutdow n of nine w eeks a n d tw elve

w eeks of partia l running.

CHlCAOOs Oct 8. -V e r y little change has taken place In the llarrlnw in line- inihols CeiUral shopm en 's s trik e sUuu- tlon. Violence a t t'hlcoBti and tU H ouh- ton. Tex., it l8 reported, w as quickly checked. One fu ta liiy , due lo a airlke sym pathizer, lij reported from Houeloni and uiKither. caused by u s tr lk o -b reak a i, ul ra lro . iU.

R ailroad offlclalw say the num ber of men who e iru rk has been exaggerated . The airlkerh deny th is V ice-President

. . . . K ruH icH ltt sny* the strike 1b nn l proving a t iBijqe before the ‘tea board. ' which j gerloua a s expected, will a rg u e a recent order by the 8ecre- \ peace reigned at the m irnslde shops of ta ry of th e Trcu.sury barring all arilfl- 1 ijie Illinois C entral H allroad Company ciglly colored tea from the United Htatefi. during the early hinira to-day

JipedilT WrrtMre nf theW A SH IN G TO N , Oct. 3. - Inv itation*

w ere Issued to-day lo a ten p a rly to be held In New York T hursday a t w h l ^ ,2,003,093 pounds of Chinese lee wlU » K ru tticH ltt says th

T he ru ling affeeted only I’aclfic C oast ' Im porters, and It Is charged th a t II was

J. F ia rpon t M organ anu ju a g e li. n . | a m a to ry . The Pacific Im portersOan-. It I t now s ta ted there Is a possl- a hard fight to h iv e It re-blllty th a t th e United S ta les Steel Gor- m ean tim e about I.OM.OuOporatlon will follow Id th e footatepa of the j ' „p jn San Fraiiclacoin te rn a tio n a l Tnd *no ^OOU pn.mds la delayed" X n e y - a r ' a ^ • w I X f s h a m was due M M .rpm en, from the ':ir,enl.

t ^ 'e ^ l r t ,h ? ru H n g “ u p h e l r a r ; h e r e I, .?.tle doubt [h a t lbs tru s ts , on whose trail his In ls l- the case even tually will go before the h iislsrs have been oaiiipUig for weeks, I courts , suddenly perform ed a precipitate about- , - — • -face, and professed a willingness^ 1 t h e W EATHER AUD TBE CROPS


NEW ARK SECURITIES MARKETT he follPvHng quotations to-day w ere

tu rn lahed by J. S. Bippel:

N EW YORK. Oct. 3 .-P re « ld e iit Cyru* H . McCormick, of the In te rn a tio n a l H a r­v este r Company, who Is r e tu r n ^ g to A m erica on the K ronprlnx 'W llhelrn a fte r



L f f i e d OM.-.'. 134% 133^ 134% 136^>rft P ro d u cla .......... 11^ IJ jj UHm ProduetB. p r.. j4-y*Ii--. 17% li'lj Uv*

I§ ilino Copper


_ .ituerL. _ idfleld Cona.

O r., pr.

i}|e I , t | r .

at. Northern, pr...Ot. N orthern Ore.fitter.-M et.................Ibter-Met.. pr.........“titer. H a rv e ite rS t i r . H ar.. p r .........inter. Pab. t f o , p r. fiMr. B teim P u m p ..filer. Dreo... r --imnnl* C en tra l........

ft N a sh ......... 141I (Sl h VaUey. . . _ T ..............

isourl P ac ific .......Bt, P . 8 . m e, M.

gtlonal Lend C o ..T. C e n tra l..........Y„ N. H. ft H .

lorfoik ft W est. ..look Island, p r .......jay Con, C o p p er ...,folllh. Pacific............

filth. R ailw ay .......>ulh, Ry., p r .........

. ( g a s C om pnny.......Texas ft Pacific . . . .Third Av. H. H .......T;, Bt. L. ft W ........N orth A m ericnn Co, Nevada Con. C op ....N orthern Pacific .......Pennsylvania ..........PtclflC M all...............People's Gae...............Pressed S. C. Co.,prReading ....................Rock Is lan d ...............T. . a t L ft W> prUnderwood ly p e ., , . . Union Pac H. H . Union Pacific, p r ...U. R. 1. Cu of S. K.U tah Copper C o-----U. 8. Steel .................U. B. ateel. p r ..........U.S, C. I. F .ft F.Co United S ta tes Bub,.

S. Bub,. 1s t p r.. U. 8 . Ruh . 2d p r.- Va.-Car. Chem. ( o■tVabaeh. p r .............W estern Union Tel

123 46\t

lOSV, 132 1I12Hf2ilW7Si281s31-Ni8724b,S


lb‘, 114V8

. 1» \

. 31^ 134 Hfi'i

139T8 2348 Al30


44 , HITS 117 43Ii23


,1 2848It* 48


10) ' IS


148«A St*

123 47 !4«i

. )3ti Wit*.m48H29




LONDON STOCK MARKETLONDON* Oct. 5.—A m erican securltltB

opened steady and abou t unehangad from y este rday 's New Y ork cloalng. L a te r the m arke t advanced und^r the lead of Cana dinn Pacific and a t noon prices rang«d from unchanged to 1% above parity .

T he m arke t re ac ted sh arp ly on reallxlng In the la te trad in g , and the oiostng w as easy-

IftIUlff •31A* J»l L8AW'e**w-M •- s . , i . --- ••to term s with th* D epartm ent of Jusllce This a ttitu d e , It Is s ta ted , was not made known to W lckersham until the trtis t o f­ficials had been unSuccesitu l In e rery ef­fo rt to ooitijirdmlse w ith him.

The atlo rnoy -genera l Is now working out th s de ta ils of the re o rg an litllo n of the four tru s ts nam ed.

B eto rt th* end o t the week he expects to have signed ag reem en ts from the four

_ . _ _________ III F.-.s,**v In rla-

W'ASHTNOTON. Oct, 3 .-C ontlnued high tem p e ra tu re s over the C entral and S outh­ern d is tr ic ts with unusually heavy ra in s for th e season of the year In pa rts o t the low er MIsoourl. 'Middle M ississippi and Ohio va lleys foalu ied the w eaine r the p a st week, according to the w eatherTO navfi zicncu .mv,*.x.w. ------ - pitai " -----

tn u t a naTbed, which will sat fo rth In o f- | weekly b jlle lln lo-da>ta ll ths m anner of doing business In the , ‘ und w inter wli+^al grow -fu tu re, lii the ««»'’ fu tu re he will U ka i S t a t e s a a y B the bulletin, " the h^sivy j the agreem ents Into a United Btatea C lr- ' —

The eight hundred men who ere allll employed m the p lan t ware not iinnoytd ax they entered the Bhopa.

A forae of policemen patro lled the pliijil uml ptBVKijled the gatiierlng of crowds.

An ac t of violence w as reported during the morning from L>auphln F’a rk , a mile (ileum , where an a tiem p l w as made to Bet lire to a box car s tand ing on a MWlich track . Rollccmen esvlngxilshed the fiamca before much dam age had bf>en done.

Illinois C en tra l officers declared th a t Ihe Qompany could fill the vncanclew cau»«d by the w alkout In an hour, They InaUl the com pany's aervtcs has not been in- terfered with In any way by the strike.

I ReprottcntatSvea of the labor unioiiB deny I th e tru th of th is and Inalsi the en tire re ­pair departm ent will be crippled and tlie

I en tire service im paired in a few day» un- I leas the s trik e Is aeltled.The penaion system , which was pul In

effect several years ago. la expected hy offlclnlB of tbe HttiTlman lines, to deter & large num ber of shopm en from joining the strike.

At NevE-Orlratis th e re la no disorder.

f’clhilold ......................................CoiiBolMated T raction ...........i^onpoUdaied T raction Ka........l->aex & Hudson GHt* C o .... ..(Sah & E lectric of liergcn Co iian & E. of Bergen Co. 1st 5», m Gat# & E, of Bergen Co. geii. 5s %H ack en sack W ater 4s................Hudflon (?ounty G as Co . ..^....... iwHudanD C’ounty Qaa Lo. ns. .. i0» Jersey City. Hob. A Paterson 4s 74 N ew ark Consolidated Gas Lo N ew ark i.*onsoT G as Co. &s.. N ew ark P assenger Ry. LO. djN ew ark Gae Co. 6s........ . . . . .N orth Jer.iey S treet Ry. 4b




th ree m onths In Europe, again a sse rts th a l hlB com pany Is fully p repared to tre a t with tbe N ational G overnm ent re ­gard ing some form of federal supervi­sion.

In a s ta tem en t sent by w ireless from th e liner he says: "I th in k we a re am ong the first. If not the first, o f la rge cor* porations lo express ou r readlneaa for any possible federal superv ision .”

;'«orinP a ie rao n & Fasaak: G. A E. lo .

132 104 76 DR



I 112


103 J*




ni/ll li* a —• — --pa l. & P osshIo G. & E. t-O. 6s Public Service rnrpnrftU on lic Service CcrtlOcaU'B......Public Service Cor. 5 ^ IS'nf ■ po. Je rsey G , E. A T, Co^..So Jerey^ G.. E- A T. Co. 5s. rn l l e d E lec tric Co 48 ....^ .,..Horn. Union & M. L. Co, 4b...Som. Union M. I-a Co ..........Singer Mfg- Co— ..........U N J. R. R- & 48 1 944.......M orris & EsseJt R. R - f t JiSM orris A E ssex Con. 7s 1916.... 109 r e n t . R. R- Co. of N. J. JW7. 100Long D ork & Os 1985...........jT . . , , 1244Amer, Dock ft Imp. fia !6a i . .......IM IW1-ehlgh Vnt Term , » 1941......... 1124* II*

Bonds, guarnn teed stocks and FULjlc Service C erilflcdtes quoted "and In te tes^."

cult Court. C ounw la fo r the tru i ts will Inform the co u rt of Ihe lr wIllIngneeH to i m oslture. reo rfan lae In conform ity with the agree- i com lnued cloudy, dam p w eatherm snta. Th« *4to rn ey -fen e ra i_ w1fi_ ask i how ever, been InJurlouH to corn in

the middle

ru ins effot-lually broke th e dro iight and i g itive-h renkcrs nre nut a t w ork there yet

ft « ------- - • .th« cou rt to la«u« th« npr^sincnta in the form of decrew* of the court, t h e object of thla procedure 1» to hold th e tru s ts to their a f re e m e n u . If th e parttes to an a g re e n e n t wore m erely th e D epartm ent of Ju illc* and a tru ''l . UepHrtment would be com pelled t J s ta r t U tlgstlon of a p ro lon ied n a tu re for the purpose of *n- foroing Ih* agreem ent. By having the ag reem en ti lak e the form of e redarai oourt decree, how ever, the iro s ls Immedl- a le ty place tbem eelves In a position where they can be proaeouted for contem pt of court the m om ent the court Is satisfied an agreem ent h a s been broken. 1

the "solV'ts miw’ everyw here well supplica : by, railw ay o fitrle li say freigh t will bei moving freely In o few days.I A figbl early lo-day a t iloualon , Tex.,

following the a rriv a l of strlke-tireakers, portions of tbe middle M ississippi and | resu lted In the death of one Southern Pa- low er Ohio valleys and some dam age re- | cniploye and serious In ju ry of two su ited from fioodlng also. O ver the re- | ^ r three others.m aln lng portions of the corn belt the | Union Pacific olflelala a t Otnahntivji MS-...- ... — .. -w ea th e r was generally favorable for the full ripen ing and cutting nf th a t cereal, and the continuation of tho fa ll neodlng.

" In th e cotton belt but little ra in oc­cu rred . W arm aun^hiny w eather coti- tlm ied and crmdltlona were unusvjally favo rab le fo r th e m aturing and p icking of th a t staple.'*




V ic to ria L u l8e. from H am burg. n e w YORK, Oct. 9.—Arrived, a leam ers

The I'nllowlng q u o ta tio n s w ere furnlshad C & Kirby Elselv & K ing:

A m erknn Hullw&y L o ...................







‘tOL 9U'..

m nil*

U3‘, ij<*’ •. 31-i


las-v Vs<r, 23 JII 41



Lainljrlii Iron.Lum brla R leel...................Su-rage ............. ........ •'•E lectric Co. of Am ericaE. & V. 1e............................Lehigh VrtUey............... •,

F^uperlor C o rp o ra tio n ...,LiiK<' rupcnM i 8.,.ui |/vin»s.v............ w- ^.j^tiiraden ............................................

, 103 eOH

N. J. Cun. T ra c t . ,N. J. Con. T rac i. Gs ...Philadelphia, co m ........F^hlhidelphla, p r lla tle lp lila E le c ........rhUiuJclpliia Eloo. 4a.Phliadciphlo Elec 5a.pcTin>v\vfiniu .................................. :i'hHadolphIa T r a c t ..................... •Heading ....................................Reading 4p .......................................r N. 1 R. R A C a n a l............ 2jbI ’. G. I ..............................................Colon Railw ay 4b......................... <6Cnlon T raction .............................r . 8 Bteel ....................................... ^ 3\\ 'a rw lck ............................................ 9-^

N EW YOH. Oel. 3,—F lou r—Steady. wUh ........... . ..........a quiet dem and. N oordam . K ottardam ; K ronprlnx WH-

W heat - B carlah N orthw eat BtatlBtlca were offiel by the bod w eather up there, and the s tre n g th of M inneopolls and Win





T he following quotatlonB we-re furnished by FoBt Ul F lagg:

P L AIN Fl ELD — NORTH PLAIN I 'lE l .n .The Plainfield tnillre are looking fur thp

m other of u flve-month-oM ^Irl fumid i n the dwrBlnp of M rs Ralph M atlhcwa s home in th a t place flunday night Tf ilic search proves futile the Infant will be ten t by O verieer of th e Poor Ayres lu a S ta te InRtllutlon.

W hen the c ity c le rk 's office rinsed yee- tsrday afte rnoon in '^ialnfleld K was found th a t financial 8i;item «nl8 of p ri­m ary expenses had m'en nifjid by all the candldalee for c ity nonilnatlopB and fot county ro n im lttee In no instniice, a c ­cording to th e atftlem ciita on recijrd, had any candidate spent a rent.

Plainfield 's C ham ber of Commerce pof-t- poned (rom la st n ight until h>-n1ghl the form al opening of 11b "InduHtrlal expoal- llott," owing to the conrtltlim nf me w eather. W hen M ayor Muy tuiirhea the electric bu tton Illum inating ti^e gm undaat $ o'clock to -n igh t the for " " ------will be begun S enato r Ma on " In d u a trla l Plginfield.’'

F rank lin Council. Jr. O. r . a . M

Allls-Chalir.erR Ba i* Am. a. & Bef. f-s. ..Am, Toluiccu 4r ,.. 8fl%Am Tobacco fifl ....... U3’‘iA., T. ft a. F 4s., 98’*A..T AH F conv, 5s IW'.** R & O. S. W 9Wi*U A- O 4s ............liruoklyu K. T. 4s.. B3 C entra l LeiUher 5s,. D!VVb Chi Hi Altun 3VsS., M Cliffs, v'i iihlo iu n \. . $2% Chi., b. & 0 4b • M r U. I. & r old 48 C.. R i. * !’. 4s. .Colu, S t Ho 4H® — l>ist. Co. of Am. E'S.Erie cvl., &er A. - • t> k evt . ser, R Interbm ouKh .In ter. R apid T. 5s iTJter. M. A M 4MjS. Kan.^aa City So. 3s.

. KAnsae C ity 9o- 5si Lake Shore t s ..........[ l/iulK. & N ash. 48 .

Mo Pile, convt- 1 N Y C enlral 4sI N Y , S- 81. L 48

Nor Pacific 4s..1 N. V C. C L.S.i Nov. P hc. ia ............

Mo. Kfin. A T. 4''-«8 I,lno new 4s

Open-Hlgh-Low*Cloi mg esi.

(vS101 4



101H B7%

112% 9SjJ



t D8ii*


nipeg m n rk eu . and w heat, In consequence. | ruled steady, w ith th e price range n a r ­row. Decem ber, 10318-16&1037*.

P o rk -E a a y . m ess, 16,76®17.00. B eef-K tendy. _L erd -M 'eak ; Middle W est, 9.16®9.36,

nominal. . . «Sugar—Raw. nom inal; m u sco v ^o , 89

test, 8.3*. c e iilr lfu ia l, M teet, 5.8C; rao- lasses, 89 te st, 6,11; refined, eteady,

Petro teum —Steady.Coffee-Bpot. Arm; No, 7 Rto, 1ft*. No- 4

Samoa, 16H- M olasses—Steady.

Po im ry—D reeied . qu iet; w estern broil­ers, 12®19; fowta, 13®17; spring turkeys, selected l l : o th e rs , 10®18- • * ;V tte r -F trm ; reo e tp u . U .m ; c rean ^ ry aneclels 80; ex tra* . 23; first,Seconds' am O t.-. th ird*. 21'ft«'23; c ream ­ery he"d V p ^ ta li, 29; do. ex tras. 28® ^*; do^ first 8‘* ‘e "’‘ "'s’'a Do: go'Zd to prim e, 24®26. do_ oom^

»rt ffcir 20023; process »peclal8, 23Vi

^£ 0; fac to ry c tifT in t intk*- 30%4®pSi, seconds, 20.

Chees«>-Flrm ; gwoelpu. 7,5fi6. S ta te whole nrillk, d a irlea be*t, 15

EfgB—Firnb; r to r tp t i , 18,S8&. F resh gathered e x ira i .

six ty per cent, of tho shopm en refused to s trike No violence reported there.

CAIRO, 111, Ocl- a.-^Hobart MRchelL an Illinois C entra l sw itchm an, w as shot and killed th is morning In the ra ilroad yard^ a t Mounds, near here; by a m achlnlal. b rought here as a strike-b reaker, but dls- charged for inconipeiency yesterday .


. 70

. ft?

. 261nn 2561J210ftmliZ

; N E W YORK, Oct. 3 .-A reo rgan isation I of the exarrtjtlve deparlm entB of the G rand T nink Railw ay h as been an- 1 nounced. C harles M. H ays, who la well I know n In Newark, has been e lected ch a ir­

m an of the board of d lre r lo rs of the ' C anadian Express Com pany, an d Is auu*

ceeded >i8 presldeni of tb a i Bubsldlary by John Pullen. E. H. F lixhugh , for-

! m erly vice-president of the G ran d T runk ,' becomes president of th e C en tra l Ver- ' inonl Hallwny. C entral V erm ont Trane-

porfatlon Company, Sou thern New E ng­land Railway Com pany and M ontreal ASouthern Counties R ailw ay.

A stro Q o in k a l E v e n ts— F ro m N oon T o-d o r ta INoon T o-m oero tr*

October 3. Suneel, 5:35: m m rtse, 6 :&G. MoonseL L4U A. M. M oon's age. 13 days.

Y o u r B a n k in gN o m a tte r h o w sm a ll n o r h ' ' ’* la r g e y o u r a c ­cou n t, th e

Fidelity Trust Co,N E W A R K , N . J .


helm, Brem en.HABIjTS i s l a n d . Ocl. 3.-wSteamer Vol-

turtiu . K otte rdam for New York, BOO miles e as t of Sandy Hook nt 7:81 A. M. Dock ahou t 6 P . M. Thursday.

FA.BTNET, Ocl. a.—S team er C am pania, New Y ork for Liverpool, reported 173 mile* w est a t 1 A. M. D ue al Q ueenstow n ab o u t noon to-day. -

UI.ASGOTA', Oct. 2 —A rrived, steam er C am eron la. New York.

SABLN i s l a n d , Oct, 3 .-S te a m er Ma- le s tlr Sou tham pton for New York, 380 m ite s 'c a s t of Sandy Hook a t 7:26 A, M. Dock abo ilt 8 A. M, Thursday.

B teanier P a trls . P iraeua to r New York, 650 m iles e as t o t Sandy Hook a t 9:15 A. M. Dock a b o u t 8 A. M, Tliursday.

S team er fit. lA uren t. B ordeaux for New York, 650 miles ekst of Hsiidy Hook a t 9:28 A. M. Dock abou t 8 A, M. T hursday .

NEW YORK, Oct. 3,—Money on call, steady, 2®2H per cen t.; ru ling ra te , 2; closing hid, U l; offered a t f* . Time loans, easy; sixty days, Stv per cent., and ninety days. 3%; alx munthe, 384-.4,

FINANCIAL POINTERSThe th reatened sh o rtag e o t laborers op

th e canal strip ts believed to have been avoided. During the p ast th ree m onth* approxim ately 1,300 co n tra c t laborers, col­lected mostly from the Islands In the neighborhood of B arhadoes, have been brought to the sone.

w il l g iv e i t th e m o s t c a r e fu l a tte n t io n .

T h is in s t itu t io n k o l ic it s th e a cco u n ts o f firm s, in d iv id u a ls a n d E x e c u to rs o r T r u s te e s o f E s­tates , an d e x te n ifa to a ll e v e r y re a s o n a b le c o u r­te s y ) an d fa c i l i t y c o m m en su ra te w it h g o o d b a n k in g .

Twelve hanking Instttu tlon* have signi­fied their wlllingnees to send notifications to the central bureau fo r reg istra tion ot co tton bills of lading w hen requested to do so by shippers. Some o th e r banks have agreed to recogniie th e bureau , but a re unwilling as yet to have the ir nam es used.

N. Y. OUTSIDE SECURITIEST he fa llow ing quciUtloTia a re furn lehed

by W nilamC ,oauir 1:33 P M

Yestsrdaj. .To-dal'BldAsked-BIrt.Asked

A m erican T obacco .. 412 418 408 412Amer. W rlh P aper. 1J|B ay S ta te G as.



-- - - „ ....... , Ore. tih .............. ,brm al exercises I P"c. Tvl ft Tel, 5s iitlne wlll»i,eak Pe"U"Vlv.'"i a conv .

Ppnnsylvfinla 1915?= • 1 r»ib afrvlfct nH.........

‘ ------------- - .................I Ht‘n<lliig GPU. 4*.Thureflay n ight will ceiebrate Us iw'emy- i OT-»Kon I. fifth ann iveraary a t Plaihflelii, s ta te offi- Ponffa V'is.



&174Vft98>V4D3m i85S




7S»li 7sl4

993* KJO

cars of the o rder will sp^nk ul an pnCi i- talnmeiU to pr*cada a flupper to be held in Jr. O. U. A. M Hall.

In .North Plainfield yesierday Samuel Bt. John MoCutehan,, form erly ,i member o f th« S ta te B oard of Education, filod a a ta tem an t w ith . Borough Clerk M artinth a t to l^tootina th a D H norratic numtneii for M ayor ha had spam This amtnmf. ha ilat'Od, rapPM antad his car fa ra Cram hU ium m ar hom a a t Belmar on prim aryday.

. ftp.



9T-1i 99 V* 9<Ak 83*?



Bcahoard adj ........St 1,. fio 'Jth . 1st *e a t. I - South M 4s. St. L Bo. consol .. So Pne. conv 4s . Bout hern Ry. 5sThird Ave 4*............Southern Ry. Pau l J s .................Union P a r 1st 4s Union P"c. cone

M O aT H BRANCH,Th* N orth B raso b A thletic Association

bssebalt te am has finished Its schedule for tbe season. F ifteen of the games played w ere won and eight lost. O rgan- IzatlOB^wUl be m aintained and efforts m ade to p lace a n o th e r strong nine in the field n ex t sum m er.

A nnouncem ent h es been made of the engagem eut o f U lss H aiel Irene Berry, dau g h te r of C alvin 8 . Berry, of Hampton, and E m e a t C lifford Wyckoff. son of Rev. B. V . D, "Wyckoff, pasto r of the Reformed ebarch a t R ea d in ^ o n .

U S. Steel, B. F . 6a lOlH


I13‘t HH'4 75ti 91 S3T7‘i

1034* ............................3I'.X <o'A 34'4 15^7SX* ifiS* ,v'/6 1*7*lUit*

,101 ...............4B 1(11'* l®m tom* 11)37*

95S* Hot*

CHICAGO, Oot, 3,—W heat developed s tren g th to-day aa a reault of unfavorable w eather all th ro u g h the N orthw est, es­pecially because of heavy rains In C an­ada- There w ere also reports that sales from Rusal* would be deferred as much as possible u n til spring. On tbe other hand, denials w ere positive th a t frost dam age had occurred In the Argentine.T he opening w as a shade lower to % up.Decemher s ta r te d a t 98*1 to 981*, * gain ot H lo ' i . »nd ro se to 98H.

W ith offerings fa th e r limited, corn showed flrrnnees, h u t to a less degree th an yeste rday . ConttBued excess ot inoistgire m ade th e bears timid, Decem­ber opened th e sam e ae last n igh t to I* higher a t SU* to 6S, touched Mffesv*. and reacted to 34\4Jfl47g,

Oat* tra d e rs took the ir cue from corn.Hellers w ere scarce. Decem ber s ta rted h*6 ’% d ea re r a t tSI4, io ld a t 43*48481*, andfell back to 48'),. 1 __

Provisions w eakened under selling pres- | insp irn llon sure on lard. F irst tranaaollona were 2**® ) Jum bo E x t 6c. h igher lo tic. down, with Jan u ary de- ; K err L ake liveries a t 14.95 for pork, 9.86 for lard, and 7.93 to r rib*.

Increased w heat stocks fit Minneapolis ted to a setback , fto did tbe liberal gain In the world supply total. The close w as steady, with December a l 971*6977*, a net loss of

Subsequently an expert's opinion tha t the eorn crop as n whole had Improved one per cent, since Septem ber 1, brought on w eakness. T h e eloi* w as H 0H down for D ecem ber a t 941*0941*.

B orden 's Con. Milk 1» B orden 's C Milk, pr Wo 137 H a v an a Tobacco ... 3 JH a v an a Tobacco, pr 6 12H ouston o n .................. fc-'t 91*H ouston Oil. p r ....... 71 76In te r. Sa lt ............... J 5In te r, R u b b e r .. . . , . - . 18 23M an h a tta n T ran s it.. tH IH N Y T ran p o rla tio n 3 5s ta n d a rd O ik ............ 6»S tudebaker C o.......... w li »Stude. Co,, P f ;;- ' ■■ '® IJJ u n ite d C igar

A m . L. ft T r ........ 290 ^Am. L ight ft Tr., pr. lOo 107<’hk 'ngo S ubw ay ...... IH JS eaboard Com pany. 24 MSeaboard, la t p r ...... 80 Wseab o a rd . 2d

SK:»S:''.'.';.:. . a . fC obalt C en tra l...... ,. H IC, A. Sm. o f M aine. ^ 9D a v l s - D a ly ............ » JE ly C en t...................... 4Ely C ons... ............. ®-W ;F ir s t N at. Cop........ k C o n ................. ft* fO reene-C ananea Gug. E x. Co.

Dom inicans a re exu lting over the pros­pects o t the biggeat su g ar crop and the highest prices In the h isto ry ot the Island. The American receiver o t ' cu s­toms, who reports the ta c t to the Insular b u re a u /a d d s th a t for the first tim e re ­tu rn s Will be realised generally from the Unproved and enlarged m achinery In­stalled tn m ost of the mill*.

Plans to launch a nallon-w ld* cam paign lo develop the A m erican m erchhnt m arine took defin ite form yeste rd ay , when the Ban F rancisco C ham ber of Commerce adopted a resolution providing th n l all vessels flying the A m erlnan flag be p,hSsed through the Panam a C anal w ithout loll.

O u r m eth o d s a re ca lcu la ted to e n s u re p rom p t and e ff ic ie n t s e r v ic e in e v e r y d e p a r tm e n t o f b a n k in g , a n d b y re a s o n o f o u r la r g e c a p ita l an d surp lus, an d c a r e fu l an d c o n s e r v a t iv e m a n a g e ­m en t, o f fe r th e h ig h e s t p o ^ ib le s e c u r ity t o d e ­pos itors . '

It iB s ta ted th a t before accepting the loan offered by A m erican ban k ers w ith the conditions a tta ch in g to It. the N ica­raguan govem m eni will consu lt w ith the leading cap ita lle ts of N icaragua .



Notice la hereby given that sealed projioiali will be received by the eupervltor of the Stale Prinon. a t Ihe State Prtion. Treftion. N. J.. uniU 12 o’clock noon, on TVedneiday. October 18. IDU


Pays 3% Interest on Accounts of $100 or Over. Subject to Check.

DEPOSITS OVER - - - - - $7,000,000 GtPITIII, SORPIUS UNO PROFITS OVER $2,000,000

Bid* rteslvfd hlirsuanl to tWi advortlMmsiit (.111 b* onaad on Thuisday. Ooiob«r 19, 13! 1. at 12 d'oTook noon, by ths supstvlsor at th*

In terest Paid to A>opositors S in c e O rean - l ia t lo n , D ec . 1 5 ,1 8 9 2 - - - S t , 9 9 9 ,0 4 7 . 0 0

It WAFi and Jac k m onkey I w aiUed t rl(io U\ I th e o the aohool w Jiad pj'ui lu rn s rid it sN'an a the owl I

•'.Now, you all and I wf os 5’ou c

Ro Pihe plefi to d Ing, and b igger ot Jo h n n ie r s p h y t< g a rte n cl p a p e r ; h trees, an

"N ow er, “and lo-m orro

■ W ell, they wfth in k th r b u t It ha; And reH th in k BO

“ Obs d b ro th e r, wchool. if we ha

"No. I b ro ther, quickly ride bef w ork .’'

Ro tl\r and the] m am m a blfx*,k H fore d*i1i

"Am i ■ you ni’is U 11 It 1:

\S ell. . ride, ani th e ir f r wcu! In

B u t ft! how U hla exai an sw ers Ju m p o 's the ftgii' figure e h!w m an ke ttie .

“ Oh di “W i'l l i rid ing b

"N eve help yoi w as dm q u ite to th e y mil th e rubl

"W hai a sk ed J ' in hlj$ ts

"H ow m a re h rr m o th e r.

f p ian o . “H ow

w ho we "Y ou

m am m a fu l no t ta k e ft yo u Pti on th e th e fire noon tF an d ge i t — on l] o r you w 'an t t

“ B u rr Ju m p o , g ltn g h

"Oh, : yo ti fUT

T inyp re tty

j H ose C. MM uK inicy-D arragh. t 9 16 M. Co. of Am. (new)


r . B. Hubher 6ft W P T er 1st r t f .W abash 'Ws..............W abash t s ...............W»».Ni. M aryland 4fl.W lpcnnrln 4s............WcBtlr.Khouse ennv.





The following to-day '* quotations, close being a t 2:1& P. M., New York time, werefurnlahsfl by By™» ft M c ^ n n s ll :

At th e Chicago B oard o f T rade:Y atdy’a

Open. Glope.f r \< i 8TU

............... -^n»H

Nor. & W est, convt 103%

r o c k a w a y a n d v i c i n u t v .'T h e refreshm ent s tan d In the waiting-

room of the tro lley com pany a t Ml. Tabor waa robbed S unday m urning. i t Is sup- pf. aed to have been the work of the Fame b 'irg la rs th a t recen tly »u*"ke into U'.e Den- vllle I'ootnffice and a atore a t Mt Tabor.

Irw in M atthew a, of Upper H ibenils, wH) i^oor move w ith hla fam ily to R ocluw ay.

W h e a t-D ec ....May

C o rn -D ec__Ms^y...

O a ts - D ec ... . M ay ...

Pork— J a n . . . .

L a r d - Jan

Close. 984*


65 f f 64% 96V*

647*0 6%.65*0

•47*967*0 66

N evudn U ta h ...- - N evada Bm vltlfg.N evada N llls ............ -N lplsslng m !_Lo...... 77*OnW C oppef................. , ‘Ji 7 7-WPac. SmelteTS........... 3-l« WHay « f t t r a l .............. 1*4 l 6;;«S tew art M ining . .. « ' 90Trl-B ulllon .......... %T onopah Extension. \ 1 1-N2Toi^opah M. o f N>v. JUnited Copper ........... 1United Copper, p r ... 8 1-W ettlau fer S ilver... »4 wYukon Gold ............ *4 3 D-IS

b o n d s .E rie . 6 p. c.. n ........ 10 IJlMo. Pac* fi p. c.. n. 94 Mo.. K. A T. 5 p.c.,n J g j i 99%N. Y. C en tra l........... JOSJ*T id ew ate r ................

-'A *S ll7 lS

46**50110 509*

« 8i® 4T!isoS

t 48^( 6 (4

14.92 14.97

T r e a to e St. H ellw erM S iir» ln s .TR E N T O N , Oet. I.—T h e ' new m an­

agem en t of th* T rea ton B trset R ailw ay Com pany. In a report Just Issued, show* th a t th e first six nuinths' su rp lu s w as as

at I'i O CIQC* HWn. n«*/erv V.sese. ... s.swprteon. tn ihe prceetjoe of the Board of In*pw-

I Ion and of iurh partita In lnt«re»t o» tnay d«- i fire to be preoent. and the enntract will he I

■ Warded to the lowest reaponnlble bidder, for , furnlrhlnir auppUe# named In the echedule on '

I file In Ihe ■upervlsor'e olTlc* Ibut not lesi Ihan 1 the Quanilty stated thereon), and at euch lime | from November 1. IHlL to Mb5' 1. J912. ftio may j

I b* directed by the aupervloor In wrlUng. No ' bull will be received after (he day and hour ' d«ft«nated In thie notice. The b«M blda muit •' fa« eealed arid Indormed "Bide for BUpplIee for I the New Jersey State prlBon." together with I , the clai» or dlvisloa for which the propofal If [ made, and the propoeal made for each or any j djvlilon muBi be eneloeod in a separate envei- ] cue and tm>tt he delivered at the auperviaor a ; omce by 12 u'clock noon. Wedne*day, October t JV 1 11- Each bid must accompanl^ by j oaah or cerufled check payable to the order -of j

8-16 U ! 9. W. Klrkhride. eupervlfor. for at Irtal ifiy i IW 1 ft-li 1 ftff centum of hla of thelf bid. and a certified ;

80 W 1 check "will be returned *0 the unBuoceMful ;S.Rft -It I bidders on the 25th Of October, IDIl. and lo

1 1 1 1 ™' I b ^ have been awarded comrjets when ifl- fl ' the contracts have been executed and saUsfac-

?■ 1 tofy bonJi furnished. Schedule comalning ! ! specinoallona aqd all conditions rtqulred ct « I parlies Becuring contraetB. together with the

84 M I ouanllty of each article to be fumlthed. and39-16 I blank! upon which propooals may be made.

' wm be furnished upon applloation to the 10004 101 ' aupervloor. On m d aftef Oetober ®. IfltJ. snd•u MUi oomplBb of non-perlihable gooda nay bs seen Mxi « u I a t the office of tb« oiipervlsor on and after

i S 2 iJS? October 8, IDtI. but no •^tapjee be fur- nlOhed by mall. Should auccejprfal bidders fail to execute their contracts and furelsb bonds wUbln the time apeclfiod. their cash or e^ lfted «hecH de;>oalte«1 may be forfeited, and any award made thereon may be declared void. SuccesRful bidder! will be required to render

101 101W

bill! promptly after each ■hlpmont of gooda..Va, .. as.* .s sv ftj, a. i ■ a ft*. MrAPMjgQMPUIS prompii> w*es* -...i/sss—.v, tv. p—vand bill! nouit sirlotly conform to w ^ ln gthe saverat articles a* opeclftod In *helr, oon-- . . . . _, _____ h__ •aswAa.YiSp*'" APi.

8.85 8.83a.w u.uuAl tn e New York Produce E xchor^e:

Y atdy 'sOpen. CkMif.W heat V/V**'' V'l’uwv.«i. .

g re a t aa th e entire yearUB wsiT v.awis'v # "*•• «*“ —'• a----th e fa c t th a t tne road i t being Improved and th e of employee increased . tJpto Ju n e 30 iaf»> the net profit, o r aurplua. wM 973.2MI. a« a g a tn it in,9Tl fo r th e an* t i n y ea r a f HH. * . ^

Hverai aiiiL'ir* «b ^*^»...sto ■*< ‘V''ss, ~ —KurplUi w ae aa tract*, and the nurober of the e u s^ la o r 's or- of 1910, despite der muat be written on th* Wli. rtym ent for a ks-sia1m wi.TiniiR'1 ossitncte will be made,,vs _ _____ rtSISlCSI 4«s wssw »-v

artlclet supplied under oeetnete will be made from the stato Tieasury In the m t« » f p r^ Vl3e<l kv Is*. The stwrvlacrr raaarvsa t te rlxhi ta r i j tr t ih* M6 r f anT I»rty him le b* lemroeuW a. W


that the s a f e s t and best thing for you to do is to take insurance in the Mutual Bene­fit. Day &Corniah, General Agents, 750 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.

EISELE & KW6Hcaslwra o f H. V, Rtoolf HxchoBg* HeBlwTa Af n t l a . Stock Elxcbaoc*

New Jersey Investment Secarities a Specialty

I I O l l M l CLIITOI tTK E T I(Sfotwal Beotfll BwlldlaR)

P h o a n 8H M asfll, 1IS33, tU4» H k t.

m e■Vlt


A paradoxical doctrine lureiY, but th«* are better redflont. Our market letter olS atu rday poh tta th e m o u l. Fm


T t i n i i i m R t . i n u K . 1 .4.TUophowaa a a i l t M t t I fa ik o i .

nook. ■tIKn ta i t • t t b

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 3 . 1 9 1 1 . 1 5



• r lc an[>tknt9u In-i> t i nof the >u»l*r, 1 Vhll M oil' R lv tr a f te r


C yru i ,1 H «r- lAg to S a fte r a i s e r t i red to ent re- upervl-

e fromam ang

$e cor* sea for


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p rom p t le n t o f ttal an d ianage> r t o de*


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rs a t: k sly, but th(t« irketlettMof F n t a b f f f t

M i n isn O K caa s k ^ .

H . O ( U L ^ e ^ i u u L i 1f o ,

W o i p f e e r F >

J U M P O A N D T H E R O A S T M A R S H M A L L O ^)^ 'SI t wap Rliin>Pi tim e for m hool to In* oui.

aiifl Jftcko and Jum po, Mu» rerl and sretHi m onkey boys, han lly w all, aw theyM-anied to run lionie uiid go fuf a iio lber ride Sn th e ir litlln auto, u f em irse. ail th e o th e r an im al rhllilit-n aCs" wiHhed aohool wap over, for J a rk o and Jum po Jiad pjundped to let ad of th em hove tum p ridliiK In tlie nnr. Rul |upI when It wan alnuipl Limp fpt srhool to he out the owl hpIkioI pold

"N ow , c-hiuireii, ] am KuiliK l-» give you a ll fiotne le.HtgiiH to Ptudy a t liome, and I w an t you all In do them as nleel}’ aa you can. Now pay a tten tio n , plenee "

Fo ahe gave some of the pupUa exam - plea to do, and to o thers she g ave spell­ing, and to afill o thers w riting, w hile th e ■ btirsor ch ild ren , like Sam m le E ittle ta ll or Jo h n n ie and Billie BushytaH , had g eog ­ra p h y to atiidy. And the little k in d e r­g a rte n ch ild ren had to cu t th in g s ou t of p ap ar; horsna and cows and houses and treoe, and th in g s like tha t.

" N otv you m ay nil go,” said the te a ch ­er, “and b rin g your lessons In w ith you lo-m tirrow m orning ''

• W ell, th e chiidren m arched out, hut th ey w e re n 't very They d idn 'tth in k th ey ought to have to study a t hume. birt it has to be done, BomeUTnos ymi kn -w And renlly It Isn 't so hard if >'f>u don t th in k BO

“ Ob* d ea r!" Pitrlslnied J sek o to his b ro th e r when thoy wi-re ouisn ie thn school. ‘ "W e can 't go for an ou lo ride if we have lo Mudy our exam ples '

"N o, Isn 't It ni(‘an ?" axclaime<l his b ro th e r. "B ni perliups if we n in alnnK quickly w'e'll hove time for Just a llUle ride before we have lo da oi:r home w ork ."

fio they Jinrried as fa s t ea th ey rmild and th e j-^ o .m reached home. Then th e ir m am m a ra id Ihev nilght ride ai-rmnd tli« bloe.k a couple of tim es In the ir au to b*-- fore do inc sn y study

■’Anil th^n. aft- r your lessons a re lone, you niHV rUlc some more.' she Bold, " I 'la t i« 11 it Inn'i too d a rk ." ^ ,

\S i'll. J teko ntui Jum bo look ih e ir n ttls riiii". am i (hpy vs''.* rldvs to as m any ot tlifilf frionris 09 Ihpy i-oulO. Th<;n ihny wvnl In Ihn house to atudy-

B u t a l09 Hnd n la rlt-a -d ay : Ttiu know how U happens aonnetlmes, J a fk n ffot his exam ple all tw isted up. and the answ erfl w ouldn 't come nffht. And Jn m p o 's num hers ffn, all anarled up. until the fiKure Blx looked like a nine and the flltiire e igh t like a hrown m i l le r w h l’h his m am m a som etim es made in the lardke ttle . t,

“ Oh d ea r!" cr1c.d both the m onkey boye.“W e'U never Bel dotio In tim e tn gn aiitn rldlnR before d a rk .'' _

“ N ever m ind." epnke th e ir mamm.v. “1 11 help you." And she did: hut even Ihon It w aa d a rk b efo re they w ere flnlehad, and q u ite ton ta le to go mil In the auto , f-.r th e y m igh t have hit a lam p post nnd neni th e ru b b er tires Into a figure fo r ty - leven.

“W h a t can we do to have som e fun . a.sked Jum bo, as he untied tw o h a rd knole In his tall.

"H o w w o u ld you lik e to ro a s t som e m a ra h m a llo w can d les?" a sk e d h ism o th e r , lo o k in g over th e to p o f th e

i p ian o . , ,"H o w do you do »T" in q u ire d Jn ck o ,

w ho w aa s till s tu d y in g ."Y ou b u ild a lUUa Arc." in id biB

m am m a , ' ‘an ly ynu m u s t be v e ry c a r e ­fu l n o t tn g e t too n e a r It. T h en you ta k e n s t ic k and s h a rp en th e end. T hen x'Oii a tic k a s o ft m a rsh m a llo w can d y on th e p o in ted s tick , and ho ld It n e a r th e fire, b u t no t too close, a n d p re tty soon th e m a rsh m a llo w can d y piiffH up an d g e ts n ice an d h row n arid yoii e a t ^ l_ o n ly ynii m u e t w a it u n ti l it la cool, o r you m ig h t b u rn y ou r to n g u e . Do you w a n t to do th a t '^ '

“ B u rn m y to n g u e ? No, indeefl!" c ried Ju m p o , m a k in g a fu n n y face a n d w r ig ­g l in g hlB ta ll up and dowm lik e a fan .

"Oh, I d id n ’t m ean b u rn y o u r to n g u e , piano rover, i n y o u fu n n y boy." sp o k e b is m a m m a w ith t and the busy bee

n l a u g h ' I in tR U l «1<> >>>H w.nil La build H fire iiiiii riUiHt m« rs lm ui llnvva’’”

"Sui'ely ," s a id J n m p o |>ollip1y. "D o n l yu i i . .Ia<’k o ’

‘ X'j. 1 Ruesfl no t, red m o nkeyliii\. " I lldi.ic I ' l l ri ad a litll'* u D er UA' likFwnisH a r e dr»ue a n d itn-n lo bed. To-iiiaiTow wf* niHv iifU f i a \ e lo Htudyhorfie, HUd t'uii u k e .» U>nRer uniorlile "

So J in n i ' " «'♦•?;! nnl nl. .i in in f ro n l of hisJinijxe I" r-'U-i l’ s‘ r n a i -'.mBllaWH lli^'niyiiinm I ' itI i •soniw nf ihe i'andlev*i inH itii lio.x. ;iL<! 1,. Phuipet ied hlH nwnHlick. iiiKl iMlli It n ice lllUe fire belrtK ciireru l tiol li' m i ik e H loo la rge . And h<‘ WHH s Iko \ ' a r e ru l n o t lu g e l burned .

By th is [iniH It w n s q u i t e d a rk , atid the fire looked v ery p r e t t y , bla*lOK t h e edge o f t h e wihkIs n e a r w h o ® t i e m o n k e y s ' h o u se w as . W h a n th e r e were so m e nice, g lo w in g , h o t coa ls In t h e b la je .iiimpo g o t r e a d y t o r o n s t Die m a rsh - n ia l law ca n d le s H e s t u c k one on the s h a r p s tick, a n d h e ld H c lose lo t h e fire.

But. oh. d e a r m e . h u m bus d u d l J u m iw held th e c a n d y to o close , a n d th e firs t t h in g yon k n o w 11 c a u g h t fire a n d me ted and fell off ih e FtU’k d o w n Into t h e nla»e a n d was b u r n e d u p ! W a s n ’t t h a t loo h a d ’ ,, ,

. II not hold t h e n e x t one so close, ne nald. umt he w a s c a r c r n l ; so Uie n>c.ond ■ a n d v lump'd a nitre goM en li rown am i puffed up n e a r l y tw ic e aa i.lg ae It hail Ijeen before ,

"Uh, I k n o w w h a t I 'U d o ' " suddenly exc la im ed J u m p o . ' T i l toi isl a lot of ' thorn and t a k e t h e m lii t h e houss tor mfinima a n d p a p a a n d J a o k o .

So he ro n a lo d th e oai id ten a s f a s t as he could u n t i l lie h ad quHe a th e m In a box. e n d ho w a s an huay th a t be d id n ' t look b e h i n d h im . F o r It he h ad done 90 h e w o u ld h a v e b een v e ry m uch f r ig h ten ed . F o r t h e r e , c r e e p in g onl of t h e h u s h e s w a a t h e b u r g l a r f o i . with hlF big ta l l an ti s h a t p t e e th . And hs w as creeping , c r e e p in g up tr 'Ward J u m p o lo e n t him B u t J u m p o d id n ' t know a th ing a b o u t it. H e w a s so b usy r o a s t i n g m a r s h ­m allow oaildlea,

All of a sluildcn il ic fox flicldpntBily s tep p ed on a e t h k . a n d It broke in two p le rcs a n d m o d e a huid noise. .Iiimpo h e a rd It a n d t u r n e d B nom d. T h e n . In the l i g h t of t h e fire, he f« w the fox c o m ­ing to w a r d him.

■'Ah. h a ' N o w I h a v e y o u . cried t h e bad c r e a tu r e , n n d he m a d e a apr tng to c a t r h the m o n k e y h 05'. J u m p n d ldn I w a ll to he c a u g h t , y o u m a y lie su re of t h a t He lu m ped , to o , a n d t h e g reen m o n k e y h a p ­pened to Up o v e r th e box of t o a s ' i d marBlimallow ean i l l ea a s h e le aped to one side. H e 'y^set t h e m al l o ver th a ground, an d th en w h n i do you s 'p o s e h ap p e n ed ?

B ’hy, t h a t bad f o x la n d ed r ig h t In the m id s t nf th e ho t, so f t cand les , a n d they g o t all o v e r h is fee t , l ike s t ic k y f ly p a p e ; , and th e y hurner t h im . Oh, how he howled T h e m o r e he Ir le d to g e t t h e cand les otf t h e t i g h t e r th e y sHick. T h e fox to rn e d a 9omers.nnlt, a n d t h e n t h e cand les got all over h is fu r . unti l he looked like a m a r s h m a l l o w f o x . And, of course, he rmil rtn 't c a t c h J u m p o th e n , fo r h e was sos tu c k up. w

T h e m o n k e y h o y r a n in t h e h o u se and to ld hla p a p a a b o u t t h e fox, and Mr. K ln k v ta l l c a m * o u t w i t h hla gun . B u t bv t h a t t i m e t h e f o x h a d r u n oft to find a pudd le o f w a t e r so t h a t he could w ash th e ca n d y o u t o f h ts fu r , a n d h e w a s h t In s ig h t f o r P a p a K l n k y t a l l to shoot,

"Oh, m y p o o r m a r s h m a l l o w p ' r r i e a J u m p o . w h e n h a s a w t h a t they w ere all spoiled by t h e f o x ro l l in g In th em . Oh.

'^^Ts'ever m in d , I h a v e a n o t h e r bo x fu l . " said hl.s m o t h e r , k in d ly . ^

“ \ n d I ' l l h e lp y o u r o a s t th em , said J ack n . So h e did, a n d t h e r e tve re enough cand les t o r t h e w h o le fam l l iv T h e n they al l w e n t t o b e d a n d t h e fo x d tdn t b o th e r th e m fo r a long t i m e a f t e r t h a t .

Now, to -m orrow n igh t. If the egg heater doesn 't knock all th e dust out of the piano cover, I ’U tell you about Jocko

Social and Persona!

r j:a l H M r u r t r r uim) f iim ll r havp rt* I" ‘ ' m’Ii lii'iiie iin UiimmI s t r ee t f rotn

(hi-lr SNiuitii-t' h^iiik 'Ml (h>< Runiiun n>ai)

Nfrs c f .-irU'^ t\ I n-Mft «ni1 the Ml.^ses ^ ll^^lf•r• l:uv«* r»*i irniS tn th e ir home uii Ht I'i! -iret-t jifiJ i .b) . the Miiiinscr tnM .me

Ml. ftnii Mrs i: i Ta** Darker nn-l ehll- tlr>ii Jiiixi* MMi.i idil rr rn Itii '’ l leatJ unil lni\p token ri'Hhi'SNiiiii nf the home. Jsu Mt ITusTik-ri u i i ' i iu e

« • 4Mrs. I.nuiH .''ll l anil Miss KIIJ!Rl«'th

Jii'-ksiifi h i i v r irl tiruf ' t ] tn >v, n Hflei n r siH-ni m Nn\ a flvi-ilo.

I h e (1;Ue Bit Use marrl.*K« " f Mi»a Hat.i S : . | i i an<l S AM.-eil l<sMVen^t,-ln ■ 'f N-\v Vm k. |M I tt ' iohcr Th e w.f(](liDi?' ' h i t a k e plrjie. hi »v •Mithij " i ( h rl.fitli « Ml- nrul M j H .Im-oi)"f 'L' Hruiivv.ii U sliHt't, aihl will Ijo a t-l ■n »'il f}iil\ iiy ine’n h e r r nl lln* SiiiTiiedluteram ii i r^ T lK f i ' n l l l nn nUeii.)i ,i ,{b an>l MO l e r e j j th m

D r aril] .Mrs 'I'blh<>t enterlRfnet lIti fo rn ia l lv n i ilmrie r last n tg h l a t t h e i r home. Jffi RriMevllie avenue . Th e o reas lon Wii* ilik'ir I f n i h wpiJillrtg ftmilverBary.

fe 4 *Mr arul M rs W J, Carr, nf Souih

Sfivenlll -><trvrt. urp f'X()efte<J hnriie to-rtey from a E uropean trip.

» 4 •H a r r y N !Miinre. whn In lo he niRrrle*]

O r to b e r 10 tn MUs Gertn j r tn .MrMamjs. li ai jRhter o f Mr. am] Mra. W nlfer M r. .Manns, n f M uirH y slrc-et. w as Ihe g u e s t of hritjor a t a Hnrli. |n r i l m n r r gl\ «'ti !flel n l^ h t hv A, I h o ju i a s s Moilell, of Mt l‘roR- pi'-'t a v e n u e T h e giuiRte v<'re fhe n ie ir - heifl of t h e hfli inl pniMy rhrit will h m . ti<l Mr Mour*-, iri f lm ] iur Wil li am .Taques, Do Wil l f ’r e ’ er. IM wanJ I 'a lv , Alherl J M'lore, M.krry M'.Mamie. M t- Maiu is nui] l-'i m Ihi irk fa. r ! r ji , rn ir Mr Jn q 'o K u | | | enlf-rtu fti at tllnner To-rri<U m w ii icht for Mr Moore a t hie h ime on l l iR h lj ii t i Rvenii.

M r and M rs Vic tor F. Pi^seart rtf B roo k ly n . I i a \ e iimumm'i^tl ihe onsraRo iTient of t h e i r claiiffh'er. M is i V r i n r l aF?espart. to (.ieorjfe Austin WlRTTiiU]. of B r o o k l j n.

New Fall Model

MISSION WORKERS' Fh-isH K lv or i, b Ptir tu R lra n ttlr' .

Tslio ai Rupt n.-ipW aslj]:i;rt..Ti, 1> < ^ jit OiOULJiirlttf^ Oi >iif Hr«uji‘f » xpfuli'-e l«i/i rd of Ihe W iimaiiB lU nte .Misslonarj’ Por-|pty, wi.It’ll vsH.n held yrsTet(hi> In th e O n l r a l M r i h n d l ' t f 'h ii r f h

Mis.s Itiv r-a who 1r tjr<"pnrInR lo an oti[ as a (lea. t.neKH ti, ihe Mi thodU t Genrstp 0- Kohln son nrfiltatiotre m PorUt Rluo, Ifrlf! of the m elhf.ds of i-istructlon In use at the St-hool.

At l!jo m orning peptiifiTi rhe ronfer- em e It reiiiiMPd Jv had been con­tr ib u t 'd I'V liio lU ff'i''Tire this year forhome ml.x.’ lorirt(,» v\ irk afti-'r all definlle ph'ilEes h ad he#>n met

An a p h r n j T ln t in n of was mflfle for th e d e b t pnWnK r n m r ilen " f ilie n a t io n a l soeU'ly n n d p«vm« iiti Tn tlie umoimT of

w e r e imiile I'l the Xg'Wnrk D eaponess Hoitn? In F u i r m i iu n t nvrm i“

M rs. (.'[varies S. IS'ondi ifT, oonfe renoe p r e s id e n t . iiresldocJ, fiin] tie’ me(>tlng w a s a t t e n d e d hy fo r ty -n in e oUlrera of au x l l - larlefi nt.d ilnpurltnpntF It WBt announcedthe an n u al m eeting of Ihe .... . jm.-ciel>‘ will he held a t the llcildin^t Church, Je rsey i.’ltv , N ovem her F aruj IT

QUILLINGS AND PUFFINGSQulll lrfgs of sMk^and s a t i n an well as of

n e t arui cl ilfron. a n d puffings of tlie nam e rna.lerla.hs a re lo he used RencrouNly In tr lnimlnpt a l l k in d s of ImuRp and e \ e n ln g g o w n p th i s w in t e r T h e p ic tu re s of Go- deVfl m a f faz tn e of twui Retu*',iilon.s fijr*’' a r e r e c a l le d by th i s fasJdun whii li tu it- is.'lf ('{innrrt he ca lled siHci^'fijl, hiil it is tn be HUpposed tlw*l. w-Uhln a short time, y e s h a l l hect,>n\c so acr-ustomeJ to It t h a t f i r s t ImprraiUon m a d e h> kowuh so t r i m m e d will be fo rp o l ten

.arc 0f the Teeth

II iinpi 'rtjilit . Jiot oiur I K'vtvd liealth. R 1(1 \m l. Htran^e h

T b e iv 14 notliim; fiM IfOt'd lonkM >< I ^.r.llld U'’ll kept r shv i Ikuo M noi lnnH more f in q i ion t iv

d ev»*ii bN pritph' " oiuHidi rI l o u u s e l v c iI^.'ar ni' f.

• l u i d r r n a m f n LU-Mitly a l l o w e d t-i r i eg . lei I ti.Hlr is'eili 4,iarnefully. and th r ro- f ill 14 n, l lm u ' lul l i i ir vee t t r B‘ui ie d i n - 1 !■(, i.’i tf*r III til l II l i ' r».

I ' m- leelh ph'Mjlci I.h Imushe.l pi lenst 11.! t* • llMU‘8 ft diiv n f i r r U ti>ip>|hlt> t " iis< r .iMiiif Cl w (I h w .(ft 'T Ri III f I Hits

i H l r h " T I H.ihhPiHtt T h t , ,1 i.|9 1,1 y,\ \I*> h ' i ' i . ’ I li'OTi h ' r in - -ihv. i: l i ioruUKlil- uMi-i hX". f tud l o i l i , -

■; M.-t iituim.iin iT.I ' h .lUlia "-Mrl I I O' : l.ii i|( li Ilf'* M hu> lo • d .'ir, I o I u. II will !'■' Bill'*

of th e i r p(’rsonftl

la rh IIMM'I If it t o o lh h r u a h iiGvi

, ih - h o u '1 he ilii‘'0<li..'| iU> u B -r t-HUnff >»

. t

T H E W’O .M A N O E H E R W O R DTl,.' l.ripiHi vil.n-e Wolit t' l lo' do

pchil i . i i,[i.iLi (,iiN a {K»\s«’l I>| liluh Olih r' f l u- ir.iilii. I- tnIhi IM 11 VM'HIUII i f hi'l wiii(j 11 (roinT'tivliiiiA ud^an taK C ihviqdul ii^ lrp ; of In-: < liiM o ver l l i r u .m i u u

lo.l does I..'I .-ai ry f t .s su ra iu fw 1,.

11 •Ui up

FasKlohs at a Glance ^

U.iiiiio. oii HT eTilirr euli.i o r oorn- biriod wi;b Mihef ' h u l l s , is s t r o n a l y fRuI- ii|-pd hy All s m a r t m akprs .

Tlie s h o v e nv del Is pH’- f l n i t a r h new a n d s m a r t , he lnk devol' '[)ed In d a r k h row n rn li ne.

Ti .e wuls t ftn l s !p »m'<>«; Are tii one, and ' i \ ' T ( ir-li sluiiil' l' -r 1' tl wlile. H'lff fold of D o I'iotfi en d in c u n d er a t r ln n g u lf t r fold 111 f ro n t a n d haek. The front a n d h a r k of t h f IkhIhc iwid a l so the s le eves s r - ht 'Bvlly 1.ra ided In s o u ta c h e th e e s m e shotle .

T h e neck Is filled In hy fl r l iem lseM e of d*'ei.> cre.i Ml rolnreij net . a n d Itie htpli fclaiulJMK luce eulh ir Ip th e »am e cr 'lnr

T h e pla in sliitt is aliruial iuiUm'I.v ruv- erP'l hv Hie ' \ l t le prirmlH In f ro ip a n d lun'k. th e tw o cuiiKht lo E e ih e r bv a b ia sfi'M j o s i Im’I'Iw th e knee

Kia r l ln s ; f rom Hie line nnd endliiR 111 If w. iy Ihe * k i : t oi: enoh rhU- r i ph r n id e d pnneD l'> lu aPf i Ihe hurlice r lu si‘ a r e flnlFhed hy v| |k fr inge, a s a r e al so Ihe .alepvea.

T h i s trlmmii iK prom ises tn be pnrHcui- l a r ly fash lonni ile Mils wlTiTer, anil ni'Ma n iifM auiJ a M n t t ' l i \ e lu llip I npiunies.

A N N E S O M E R S E T .

FOREIGN-MADE RIBBONS-AmerioiiM looms, ob well ns th o s e of

pe\ pin l fori' igti cuuntr lep , a r e be ing ta x ed lo th e u ln insf to supply th e r ib b o n s d e ­m a n d e d bv the fauhlons o f to -d a y f>f th e ftuiUKH rll^h'iTiP. the Ittvitre p e r i 'e n lag o of ilioae Tiiri'le In F n i r n ’e ' 'nm e f ro m St. Kti ' rine. "rii«* fa ' to r le f i a t Maae) a r e th e la ry u p t In SwUzi rlimd. RuNsla r n a n u f a c ' l u r e s m a n y ril ibona a t LTefeM. Silk f o r th e p e r ib b o n s rom ea f ro m I ta ly and Eram-e . while rlhhonfl of c h e a p e r q u » r- Ity n re m ad e from r a w s lu r fa f ro m C h in a , J a p a n and Benga l.

ii.i' iiiM« ■ r.ojswi'-e tuil,l -w i I iivs lUfM Bru!*ii 11 Hi- i!,e Mut'-r Aurfjit

Af(.-r \u ii h a i e n idshed wllli Hie iu u a h . l u u a, piece of i.U-utal fio^s Im iu e e n Ihi le e th You will he purprr^ed lo ' l l s '‘0 ' e r how tunny fifiitirkH of food il\e hrueti ha* faded to ilifd'Tjgp.

D o n ' t iw ’k Hie te e th wHh pins o r oHier m e ta l lh»w rum ef i ls D .h'i i a t t e m p t to

r r f tck n u ts or tn hrenU " r Ih'm I uui ' h a r d eulwiyntire w i th y o u r tee th You a r e likely to cTRt'k th e enam el, or I" b reak ft t '>oth

At Ho' firsi p a n g uf lo oH ru he. or tin t h e d ig ro v e ry of a c a v l 'v , no n a t i p r how enmlJr, In ft tooth , go tn ii ilenllHl Delay ma>‘ me.'ll nn luM .suFnrlng. g r e a t ex- pensi4, a n d perhft[is the of a t o o t h , -M’otnan'.x Wi. rld for (»'*tidirr.

I Some Recipes t-f*I By tlie Bachelor ;

P a r m e s a n Oyster*.D ry the ni'P lr re on u fo ldel rlo th

C o v er 4(ith rlioppetl (inion arid le avo ro v - r r e d onn liiuir Make .i thir’k b u t t ' ’ r w i th beolen e tg and fUi'iUted flmir r i p the oypi*>r« In the h o t to f en' l Hifp In c iBoUrr d i i ' t J^h'ur* in hnttivni nf « wellB-refiped finn iii il I ah'" h ' Ihe oven HI]fKiiwriPil ( h o . t IS til .'i MMh'i ,inr! ......... S*>r'u- Hie '■hee'-i' a t:hi- faille jr .I'-spN'd

Salad Versallle*.T h e ronipunM il • a r e Mtilpp nf t o r t

Apple, Ilf p ln ' f tp p le Ifresli), poiitf*of peftrfl ,iMd a f e ’w rOri' lli’fl

(' lurTlefi. In nmkl tig Ihe lu.iv.inhai '-!’t ' l r IhlH palii' l uh.' fu» nuifi i nil t h a t the ftftiioe 1» v s iy ihh-k. T h in It w ith ft Utile of th e fteiMen w h i le of egg. Ttilp Will njAhe It viTV ll.s<hl nrul r n - a m y ( ’hi l l a KaJiid howl aiul p o u r in tlie f ru it a li tt le at a lltni' i h i s e r tills wUh Ibe lu u v n n - naipe Ad'l rufim of Ihe friih a ml [uore rnayonri jil se ( 'nrc'r the top wHli ruotrhf-» of r a o d h . l ginKcr K e e p In th e r e f r lg i ' r a - lo r till rliillod flirnugli. S e t ' '* \'er,y olil.

'i lu- chll ' l wh'M-e iiiothfM D ft woHu.n nf (■IT vs"nl u ’ i s not whi' t a \ »liia1'Ulb' 'iU'<gii' he lift- h'lf ut* will (inme duvSu'di ft I'hlhl lnU|'-\r4, skluit nu'lhi'r

' s i‘l n l Is f-MupH l ie lu U o ra l tm l iT of HilUKs IHi W'-id D iiiKf II•« ih-pendiH'le a s !f;i- fa.-i ihftt wHt.'i !■- ss ef ot th e ll.i* M I'ol

S !i.’ cFiova :i iiiH»- oUh'T, hi' I'lMi-e'! In ■ •0|.(;^rt S' .rh ll■t.OO' who ssU- 'H|. 'Mill ' mill nifHii r i ' o ’ her ' n o II fn> l‘■•L'ln? ro hiim-- prr-l. in le r in s of Ms e'wii, he ‘- ti ii emeut of o th e rv l b ’ u v ' even fru h is uwm In- I fTprol ftl ton nn th e p la te in ' rO s iiiftile by hia m o t h e r riiil he will her" v e * " Ip pllll ’'I-*, ' find h er tio" 1« eMlI " n n . " ftp In Hu* pft’<t

T i le m o t h e r wh>-v m e a n s sslial she Pns'a av j ' l dn rriRTi\ n tiu liig aUtiftlion w i th h e r Ohlld. T h e teTidcncV lo In not uuilo h e doyekipi 'd. fnr th e rli ild knoww th a t h e linir no th ing to ga in ihrmiKli I fau lng

T h e td lW, th nu i f fh exiieylencfl le a rn s t h a t If ®^Sfc(|taln cunrne of a r H o n b r in g s p i i n i s h m e m In its w e k r , tha piinluhnierit, will he fo r th c o m in g In d i f fe ien t ca se Is Hm' m o th iT w ho telle h e r chil l l im t mift condi i ' I ineuns a v iiuUv, l<ut w h o iloe.^ i. 't f ij hnv ii]> t h a t iniM-iui-1 ih‘t w ith Ihe ] ' en a l iv She lopc'^ g ro u n d In h e r r'-lfltloliH w i th the ! hlhl ever* t im e th i s KUtjfttltn'

'I'hp I hlld ip ilchlv I c i n ip t h a t hts irwither Is ikH ti ' he dcprade il up'in,

T he moHut w lc' pmuilPeH her rhlUl sonuMhlng. p irhops ,i 'in r s lii'fnre he goeH to led, pi'TliapH n litiie walk ftfier fps flwakenfl from hiP mip, perhaps some ex HU goodv with ht.H ftupjKM-. ftnd then forgetft Bhmil that promise L- doing n great

u io i ig A pr" ii ii ’'0 nvnde fn tier rbl ld ,■ i ' l l i l n . i g i ; lie hi .mlHH'R IiIh a g e hv t h eiuig.'T4 t:ir I'lie IhiM'1. shou ld I'C kep i J(.>«t a-< lu iiefuhs ftp MM> eng>igement with ot^e - f fo'i ossn T h is vou nwg to >oufI'filM

If ' "iir ' i i iM a4kN [K-rminaion, do not riTisaer ‘'.N . | i i-i ' . Hunightlewnly. Weigh 'OLir repls . :im| t aM lo a on y o u r ]>art Li lo f *11 -ss p.lhiss op Hiiu reidy roneclen- rhui?»tv Bi*enii'+' Ihe I'hlld Ip voting 1ft no r \ i Hi- for ' I ' tu look'ug >o(,n d u ly to w a r d hitn hi cm IE' I -■ of E Ms nort

1 ( '}’iliiiu-Ti l u n '■ r ■ iiifii kahlV reteftttvw‘ n v u o i i i -> , Eio'v rjii rac ily fo rget a real ! ssroiiH l. A mu T i t u l th e m fts reft-

'oiiRiile u-id I r.(«iSMiiig heitign. Htid nOt Ht- . ih- I'cojile ssliii m e lo he puiihed to o na j ' :di or Hif iHIu'i 1m w b i i tp se r w a y tft I scemit ig lv .-H.airMT for yoti lU the m om ent .

i)ii |v liv lu’iiig a pernon e f voiir word, on* to he dcpnid'Ml upon r u n you h a v e thft slronge-^t IrllucTue nji the fide o r r igh t for y o u r child,


r : ; v T r " r - t c h :n . i i .v - s r *,1** oe t h a ^ m c ,

ve ils w ith r lth e r wheel or wavelHcfl p a l- j M etal nnd aUk eords a re used for de- te rn a a re pa rticu la rly sm art. T he veils j the Wftlel line of m any of th eh a v in g chenille (lots, w hether In blof'k ' o r b laok-and-w hlto . a re quite flSstlnctlve.

C henille Is com ing Into Ua own again a f te r a lapse of m any years, N ot only la U used fo r trlm m ingj, bu t silks Bnii eatlna a re em brolderetl w ith llio chenille, whl e m an y a n unnsual neck ado rnm en t la im d o from the chenille w ro u g h t Into loops, bows or flowers.

T he striped woolen fab rics woven 'with b o rd e rs show ing the stripes bu t In r e ­v e rse positions a re som ething now.

A hew full length sleeve has a cuB w ith tfny bu ttons qnlte to th a elbow— th e se do not fa s ten bu t a t f irs t glance t h e r ap p ea r lo.

T iny velvet covered bu ttons a re a p re tty trim m ing fo r the silk blouse.

'W hile the tunics a re to be w orn a g rea t d ea l th is w inter, Ihe new ones show sum s rafllca! d ep artu res from those of last y ear. T he lower edge Is no longer dt“ fined by th e s tra ig h t edge. It Is c u t in po in ts o r squares. The spaces betw een a re o ften dUed with frllllnga of lace o r Milt to give a little fu lness. 8qu«roa a re the dom inating no te of lace w hich tU rn m any of the tunics. The lace Is

III*’ VT*»,r.v ............. - Jopn-riP<'«‘ gownft. The glrdleft a re used, too. on h a ts fo r trim m ing.

SUinnlng yokes and sleeves are. made of (Ine \ r c t w ith designs run In color. The w ho has tim e a t her disposal can do th is d a rn in g so th a t It rivals th a t found In th e shops. -

Cheviot serges w oven with a satln- llke border or the heav ier cheviots wit It bo lide b o rders n re am ong the sm art suitings for th is fail.

M arabou w ill be m uch wont. Stoles of chiffon a re trim m ed w ith It, while o the is a re m ade en tire ly of the soft feathery down. T he sto les a re l^at and exceed­ingly long.

Many of the fa ll blouBBs, w hether ot chiffon, voile, n e t or ellk, have a frill of lace o r ne t fa ll over the le ft .side; a frill sim ilar to the Jabo t fa lls over the hand. ,

I i -----Sashes m ade of wide ribbon t'elvet w ith

a squared “ box bow " In the hack and one long end give a decided a ir to a bouse gown.

Silk sk ir ts o t th e m ost brillian t colors a re the o rder of th e day.

Chance of a Life Time

. 1 Wsmens Organizations |

M em bers and guests o t th e N ew Jersey W o m a n 's ,. P re s s Club ga th e red a t the horn* o t th e president. Miss M arl* F. Q yeraan , 62 A rlington avenue, B as t Or­ange, fo r the firs t m eeting of th e season y e ste rd ay afternoon, A m usical p rogram w a s provided, m ade ttfi of num bers ren ­d e red b y M iss A nna Jeesen, o t O range, v io lln ls ti KusseU 8 . G ilbert, Orange, plan- UK, g n d 'C liffo rd D evereux, E a s t Orange, b a rito n e . M rs, N, M. L add gave tw o m usi- M readtnge, her aooom panlnrents being

-iv j^ayed by Mrs. H a rry V an Id e rs te ln . Va­c a tio n n o tes w ere con tribu ted by mem ­be rs . T h e nam e of Mips E lizab e th A. B hlslds w as proposed to r m em bership.

R eports on fam ilies will be m ad* a t a ineeldng o f the conference of F riendly V is ito rs a t th e F ree Pub lic L ibrary , T h u rsd a y m orning, a t 10 o 'clock. All per- gens in te re s ted a re invited to a ttend .

I ' e----------------

NEW BUTTONSB u tto n s of to rto ise shell and b u ttons ot

bone, ^bu ttons of s ilv e r and b u tto n s of gteei, b u tto n s o t sltk c ro ch et a n d b u ttons Of enam el, hu ttone of g lass and b u tto n s of

■ 'briU laht, w ith rh inestones an d o th e r color­ed stones—th ese a re some of th ^ m any

S'- b u tto n s on view In th e shops. B uttons a re m ore need th a n evef th is season for trim m ing , the num ber on a gow n often ru n n in g Into the hundreds. In m any Shapes, a s well a* m a te ria ls , come these

j __ Jtasc taa lln g accB^aorlca—round, squa re , tr j-t ib l^ lg r , cup-ahaped and oblong.

A ‘ ‘ 'T I1 -0 N " BLOUSET h 4 blouse desturlbad by th e w ord "tle-

-on*'' Is n o t th e one w ith a fouf-!n-h*«fl. ^ t r e a r s no hooks o r b u tto n s for ta sten - .fu ^ -X b g knn g In jtfa tsv iy o u tls th e i ^ i t in p osition hy ^ M s o f th e tw o long sadh e n d a I t U cu t sligh tly low a t Uts neok. T h e ooilar 1s an a d ap ta tio n o t the sa ilo r co llar, and, like the tu rn -b ack cuffs. Is 4( b m atsM ai co n trag U n t w ltb tb # body t l f U s n J g t '

Stops I Gq% Ii Quickly

-Eveo Whooping Coo^A W kol* P fn t o f th # Q ulokost, eursM -■ Oo«0h (tgm ody fo r 60o . Monoy

R ofondod If H Folio.

I f n o bay* Mt e b s tln a ta , d s e p d e a tr t o o n g k -w b leb i r f i ia s s to b e o u r s d ,n * a f iO - o e n t boM lo t i t P io B L lo lx I t w itfi

ttlo of PlAex,srIwi« mixedwith boms-mado ■ naor m u p , glvM you a nlnt-» family iu p W ^ th e flnest oo agh remedy that maneg oould boy, at a owm Mvln/ of n. Very easy to pmpa»-fuU direotioui in pooka e. , . . ^ ,

Plnez sootoM ond healg the btflomed tnembiwiai wltli ratborhohle ropldltgr. It ttlmolatoi tho a^g^te, If sUghtlv luip live , H id b M m y tMiswit to sA -m tlM rsB teks It vlUtauto. SiiWalUd tor brona asthma, tronoMHi, Oroat tiokls. ehtal pains, «te., and a ttoioticlily snooeiital temdy for iBotpleB* InM froabiss.

P ib« Ij » s p e ^ Mil hlBb^ tra te d oom B oand o l Horw off w U te F b ig exbMot, rionlaotmldooIaaaollHrhfiltDg pine e itm o a tg . IttuHoMeahtaaknltatea, th o u g h neww o a o d e w u lly . f a t » d M iW tie s w l i lp t« d i ) e e th « w » o n m ltg . B m y ly tn lx

- ---------------------o r a lK tP ed hotufft “ a


in th e TJ. B , a n d C dnada th a n an y o th e r oongh rem edy . T h o n in ilB e ta g u a ra n te e d to ^ v e aboofu ta H ^ f M t l p n o r m oney rs- t u n d ^ C artiflade t _ o t _ |m a n iite e jg w rapped In sooh poakage. T e a r d n { ^ h * . W nex o rw iU g o tl t fo ry o n . Itn o t,M O d to T ho P lM * C o.. » » . W k W , la d .


a n d C U R EffO O V T B O V U H l

SkrlU for keokist cr eaii ssd try so a gats anS set hew gsod they feet A tiB IW D IRoagt t l , 141 B read I t

N e w a rk (O pp. C. B. R. B ta tlao ) .

g l O O l i a m ^ F R E E]n order to more thoroughly introduce our famous AAP Bak- Ing Powder we make this remarkable offer. There Is no money in this for us, but we know that once you try the A4.P Powder you will discard all othera. Extra large cans 50c.

Extra Stamps with Teas

30 STAMPS r ' . ’b'! TW 35c 10 STAMPS r'l*.!: l U 40c 60 STAMPS rV i!! IT * 50c 16 STAMPS r tea 6 0 c

100 STAMPS r * iK TEA 70c


A chance for everybody to enjoy s Dellcloua Beverage. Very fttrong and economical. Give It a tr ia l. When making B O'clock put noth'ng else w ith II; use about tw o-th lrd* the quantity you would of other coffee-

10 Stampt Frfe witii 1 lb.

Extra Stamps with Coffees

10S1AMPSF;-COFFEE25c 18yAMPS7V,;C0FFEE28c 20 STAMPS'; Vi? COFFEE 30c 30 SIAMPSl’V,? COFFEE 35c 40STAMPS;",',:: COFFEE38c


i ic lb .Butter

Great Special Iona Sale1 can IO N A C o rn .................. | 3 for1 can IO N A P e a s ................. i

1 can IO N A T o m a to e s..........

J a p a n

5 c lb.R i c e

SPEClAl SAIE STAMPS 11 STAMPS • S ' Cut Price Persuaders

Non^Such Mince Meat, 3 pks . 25c Bacon Beech-Nut, Medium 18c.; large 30c Herring Roe, a can . . . . 15c Potato Chips, a pkg . . . . 10c Sanerkraut, a can . . . . 10c SHRIMP, reg. price 12c., a can . 10c Salmon Cohoes, 1-2’s, a can . 10c Asparagus, El Primero, a can . 26c A&P S i^ d Dressing, hot., 10c, 15c & 2 5c

Special Sale Stamps 10 Stamps

Kftitipl« Box

Silver Key

ATer7«rho!of8blend Te»

10 Stamp* ro'i'.o^?,v;r.ia.1 CM ttliin t Spin . . . . tOo ^ b. cate OP Fitmloni Cliea . 16g 1 box Skifcg Sail . . . . tOc 1 but. UP Kelbliiip . . . . )8c 1 cb. UP twarlng toip, CMli . 3e

10 Stamps1 M. UP Imnnnii lOo1 Srot Ssisi O i l .................... 18a? Mill Ptaii's......................1 oifl ImkHl SirdiDM . , . 18o2 but. K-8|| ttg«e Poliih, n. . St

A. 4. P.

BuckwheitI Q C■ '^ P K G .



A. A P. Pancake


1 Q C■ * P K G .

20 Stamps X . ’^ASPCorn Starch, each 7c

[l]ieG iTililAlltifiliLLSiPiM-HiL le.[I Co.jNowarh, (D v « l|^ WpiiW^tp, Ktorny, AriliiBto«.

An ♦‘X f'flknt way of l*rep«rlng the r»w liei'f jiilf*» for fhlM rpu or Irivaliil* 1r to

j HlUf* ft plfi'f* (jf IDUfIfl fllAH k. w e ig h in g; ftliMUt a pound Itun l! Hirounh the food

! 'Mi|i|tiu-, " r tuioji M fiiif*. Add lo It ftlx li'iniu'H lif ('iiM wfttPT fiad a pinch of Hall I 'u i M luio «i q u a rt Jar. covered, and -i I 111 ii I'old plm e for pci'f'ra] lioucft,

j whakJiiK il oci .isionally) Hlraln it hy I isiliH'r/.ill); U tlirmiiih ft pittco (if muftllns \ Tin* ni.n- lip iflvpii cold or liftated.I ir li.-Rffil Pi'i llip flip (‘nniftifiliig th e ; )]i!rc In wftnii wiiinr, Iftkkng ra re not to j uu II I'pi'cme hot 1‘inMjgP tn ruRguInte the ' nllxmo'ii: ' li< II ih h m'ourp, the album en I Tiiiiiirf lihuui iiif lop In tiny whltlRh coloredI p a r ll 'l f f - _____ __ _________

TOMATOES FOR WINTERlii'foru' thf* fi'oPl kllln the toniRlo t j l n r t s

e v e r7 ’M»DUMeV''irp w ho n»<*s loinfttoeM h I all In rnfikin>< hli nilfk p?ft a hftskei n r i w j a n i J p r t -p a r f Hu-in fur h e r winder Tfthle, Hltnply Plfsw tlie luuixlnCS m l snfi, (iiifl l l ifi i pr Hipjn ihr 'Ouiih a sievp. hiiiI imll t h e Ju ir e un l i l ii is* ' P r y Hil'-k. a d d in g a m h l e - .'-p.innfiii ' if i^alt In ft q u a r t uf th'* li quid ittiHir tIu.H i h l - J u i ' f while fJiLlI hut 'riii.p will HrT\e a s ;i Iot I ' u n a ios au rp , soupp, H-niMip nrvl pf'npr>ni’i« it: a

1 va r l i ' ty of ilhlieR_ . • -----------

CLEANING PRISMSTliP piiamF wJHfh nne flud.s m

on Ih ' nltl f iPhifjriPil I aiuli'lftlira 'Jr ('PhU- fipllfv^, Hff. a t hpHt, fllffi'uili 10 rieftii . U dlpppil in to W'H ri uU-oliol ilie m^k Is as pxppditlously flci-timiJlMhctl att [inpRlhle.


Docs it b lu r y o u r v is io n , cau se you r eyes to pain nnd m ake it d ifficu lt fo r you to sec w ith o u t shad inK y o u r eyes? T h is is a su re sign o f n e rv o u s e x h a u s tio n of the eyes. P eop le th u s afflicted sh o u ld lose no tim e in linv ing th is d e fe c t co rrec ted . I have been very s u c c e ss fu l in t re a tin g such case s and can give you im m ed ia te re lie f. C o n su lt m e ab o u t th is now . E x am in a tio n will cost you n o th in g . I m ake g la sse s as low as Is2.00.

H IL B 0 R N ''C T r:M 9 W .P a rk S t .i 'i ‘.kixi:

UNQER BROS.The Up-to-Date

O c t o b e r B r i d eCould n o t be p leased m ore th a n lo rece iv e a handsom e piece of s ilv e rw are . T h e n ew e st and la te s t desig n of w hich w e m ake a sp e c ia lty . S u g g e stio n s fo r y o u r guidance:


R eta il S to r e , - 416 H a lse y S tr e e tNear West Kinney 5treet


A quick lunch for the youngst|;rs be­tween school sessions. Nourishing;, too.

**The answer's in the can”

f l 1 0 c at every grocery store that s e r v e s your interest b e st

Thomas Roberts & Co., Phila.

Premature Grayness

a-FTrrA; s**- : vV; , r - - ......................


Is an unnatural disfigurement and a handicap in social and business life. Those who care for their persona! appearance,use HAY’S H AIR HEALTH. It removes alt traces of grayness by restoring the hair to its natural color—used successfully for 25 years when all others have failed. IS NOT A DYE.

Stnd ISo. lor aarapla bottle of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH tad t«he of HAY'S LtLY WHITE TOILET CREAM, oad books "The Care of tba Hair asd Skio.” PHILO HAY SPEC. CO., NsSsflt. N. J ., U. S- A.

REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES.t l and SOo. botUea at D ru | and Dept. Stores , or direct upon reewtit ofpriao. H ARFINA SOAP oaequalled tor. the eomplexioa, Veep* tkia £■» aad soft. Cuiaa akta dtHOfca, rod, roudb, ohappad kaods, and pimples. Zbe- g- d ra ||fa tt.

• *srfT*

■ -eiJSn4y*V *■■•% •




Q u e s t i o n s a n d ^ r i s c A ? e r s

i : : u E z : 5 E Z S Z Z Z Z E = p

Bowlers Will Soon Be on

the Job.

Manager John M. Chapman, It Is Said, Will Cut/. Out Bonus Money and Put It Into

Prizes for the Cyclists.i


f fjl h V M'" (r ' 1 •(By J. P. N )Tf M'hat one hc-ar- is inic, the N champinnsliir "exl year will I'f Jc- | - r " i"

tided onhave prevailed in the pasi

ix-ii' thi* m r m i r n o f h f [ ; t ' [iiirl Unl ii'"'' ’

■I . . , f . f(ir yhc \ WD c/irririil- II,;, rt ihf h- lu ih«i '

e n i i r e l y d i f f e re n t l i n e s t h a n i ..... .......... . i ,rFt d III !l I (i.,. I i: irr1‘-n | r - m-i« - ' « M fU

. I Tli ii i'Oitfl ifiHl sfufr 'r Irui Si'l I ' l "e e r y r e l i a b l e s o u r c e il is l e a r n e d t l u i ,

M. C h a p m a n , m a n a g e r o l i h e j | , ,, ,, mui ii .a t'.imi I' l"'^ ,d fon ic , a n d m Iio. w il ti i a i l i -.iniijur' y tie tl ir n.-iwiil e ( ilie pi ’

F r a n k M i h l o n , c o n t r o l s ihe cve ln if i s u - I i i " -

J o h nN c a ' a r k

nation in the Fast, intends lo put up a purse of 'sio.lion lor the cycluls to race fot next., eeosnm The plan, as I undsrsland il, is to have all races counl—that is, handienps and scratch affair*—and for the rider who scores iJjo largest number of points to be awarded the diamplorwlilp and a purse, »ay, of $3,000. The remainder of the tnonov. » It l» ** dividedpro rata, according to the position in which the men finish. All this will be decided upon later, when Mr. Chapman urill present the mailer to the riders.


T1h» FiiWvlI-y law Tfk liri'Vi'lM* it ’*‘ ten-roiHi'I ImiiH wfl iMlalri ff l eAhJi'ft'f* Htt liir i fight ha« fOTne Ih fnr crttlfipin

Ih w l» I vVt i h 'III) '"'Ti'' ihp iflm

*7 putting U|« ' n !»*•rMi«4 fo r , MftKwr#- I ’tmpioan h.nn Minitiuwm eo'i’M* o*™' In (b** nnine fn-ct iw l ln f t h t Imudh-ap rfu:9B wellIL« t h e KTraLiTli evenU In t h e cbaOTpUJiutliJp lu-bl* wtn iiwftii • r oon ipetJUon tnr o n c f cy c l th * tn th# pmibI th ^ o h a m - p Io n fM p h » a bt'tffi aii ntM'U-nrwI-ahnt gan i« .

Krumor, who hu won thfl title for el«Fen v«r«. U unifufsetlonably »tie grentee* rktor Jc boiainei* JaoUlo (ilarkfi' haa hfen Ills hiwntiai rU'al. but Kramer'H abimj hiiB uJwaqr# to evi­dence. In acralch rao©i ftwn 1 *1 a, nmteh In the ffniiwi for ICramer, but with han4lc«ps nnunilTig. any numlnw of rtja&re, nmoftip them Alfrefl Goullel. Clark*. Joa FogtWTi Root. Faddy O’HiiUlvanHahlr, PVaddy HUl and me THadell boya. ■wiU, h»r* a good chaiice to be»i Kraraer tot tb« ehamplooahli).

ITiwin-Carl MorrtB a f fa i r bald al Ma.lls<'n S q u a r e GarOen Too iijiicb wa-m n u b e of Ihe b r u ta l i t y of Uwu b a l l i« !4»in.»*tk)nul wTltara od aCinaaiional niywwp&i-ef« r ack e d th e i r bTW TjB to p f«e«nl a miwi h o r r ib le yWnture bf rwo human bdtifB reeVlTtg m t h e bTood o f each o th er . Tti*' t r i r lh lo pltTturf we« hot PO te r r lb la a f t e r nil. T lu jre W8J» p le nfy of blonil. bid th a r^ w aa n e v e r a a y dang&r c f aarloiit^ hiiMK. Thi'rH h a v e bepti bftitlce ROd hiittlf 'a In whb*Ii | th e f*OTUevtanfK IDit'm rcf f/v i-d r n j f h mfire p u n is h m e n t th u ^ dM >llhfi- Mi-i t Ih or H y n n . bift nnUihiiij; w;if» ruM b t - a ' i n e n,tthft tlm# no uik' liii'l tiTtv to ^jlrnl MorrlH hlfrd free l j liul h e w:ia not h u r l olharwWy. ike bail a ir-'o-l c t . i i n ’r- i«f w hin ing rigid up tu (hf* l ^ n l h roniid He d idn’t win, of nturHe, anil hi* dlctii’t pro- ■ent a v e ry alJurlnK bul ih«f€weHii ' l any good reHht>ii I't *lop lli<* bout, and thore wR^n!! uuy «c.f>sl rvuMUi to kDoflk It ftf t i ' rwurd .

J P. .N :Kfuiw iJ i; il»at your a<dunm a

y,l ]. lU id I »‘n-'l"p'* th* fiilliiwliiK In- . i r t n m ln n o t ll .n f’. i r m l ravnitr.K in x l i

on Pnini-l whlnh o|. .,m-aIk BI niKtit Miinv rn i i in rnri) nrnt w trnnn rrrw r.^n-U'lnK nn "vcri itf l " ii la ry I'aidil n n,ii a „ ,;r.‘!itrfr flex'V" " f pronniArirv pv tiiKliiK ..-IvonlOMe >'f ' h r c r .m m rr . lal c . u r r n III llM. ^.■^IL 'll V;vrn)nKtllii li Si’liLj<i!. Ituri.el Hi ,ml Till,. cdurKti, w h ’ ’i llinl.i.l.-i l .nok-tt. rpUJn. tiuiilura»

11-11, 1,, ni|-Ul ■ nlriil.T!li-i r |.i i imnlivhlj, ,1 ii lil l .h rnf ri-Hi'-iijit'iinr -in-t il-elbnii. <1, . :,( . 'a | lrnt . . i-parUmllUr t-.fiiiiy l .i iHtnrB. .u.ruor 'I tir nf o ln d vt . a,, ftillnw-s- Hock kri' i' tiiK 'ScKlr nml flinihjc oritrv, Kin’llril In [h r Vlfflo-ip VI01I 9 of hii rinoii ’ lii;-‘ ; i n r i pruQil.-- A r l th rn r ( i ' \ rxiTiffinn ftnd tie' iitinl I ivi'‘i»t'fie, m»‘RH-IJ r< II'- ritis. [/'n 'eiiiaj. 'e, f r - 'd t utid i<Vs, dl.^

n 1 ' JtiI i'M-’U I'liriirrdHfloM. I'ftnl-'-il p*iy- iTu ;limI t i' inilTii of UC-" lUi-’t. JtRi-ld

I n. r'.i'lf! 'did n'i' ifi --omi-uiHlIoris|i.r p ........... .I •. InLi ru-jf^,'nfiiiifiehir (l iin. u'lfl ■t- wtII ii ir J'T'rl^f’k: V^u^!ln’h■(I,I I icr- >ii'l III'- iie-« ■'d dll •

i iiri i' .' l' t' iiH't ' f . t! V mimeriMiM'ii i ii iH of Er-f' iH iLii- Ji-a t H)th Hiirh ne

' ' I |.|.I> I I / k I i |s. iiLuk ni; H- A|i-iwKdi<*' ]i r,.[iiHi iti'i** /-.-j'listru [*..r MfEliinieiit-■ liM 'l r .iTllM b-, rtl ■ I ' liilF.hrSS Klitf

It h i t [nuf'il il uriii.iii-'ii' ii'in tiKiflng, elc,seir-tiMK tlilH O'ii ' e m e

1*'! li- t a k e iiu rtf' e r *fibjt'ClH ihi* Hi’lui'il T h e p' ' lnf’1pul tn-d ii-n' IirfH alJI hu ’e oi>- poiiurLlllOM to I' lfi'e ihri KlijiU*nlR tukiniT thirt • '"Ureu aa mjoji ah a i u t in b ie da#rree of pr ti flr lenuy haw hevn a i t td o e d , Mid to aef.’iire proinufji in Tor tbope wijo a r e at- roo/ly r n g u g r i j In r i in im err la l w o rk

U E W fH II CA JiR lf l. Fnnrltifti Ttuuik yt u. Thla ( omcrlAmlL'4itJon Le wure

t o b e Bi3prt«3lated.

to Xht I'rdtet^ - ^ t e a on a

•iruaMV Will g#itce art* I ' tca t^d a (

n* lUii newa- -k - loK P.

a r e b o th

Kftitlnod1011»* ?

Tlje N e w a r k Nf-wi* ont» ff' r you. T*h^lr nfl id WiL'Iiui 'loii meei

OJ P N ■

, \ i r il iei 'e iin> t i l t h ;iui-4-rs i‘.jblUtlifd in N« w 'i

Tl 'i- ntiii* anti h ie Ut- 'ydnllv put' oJ f ’. N..

T<i decJdf ;i bfll kitvlly lei ii,o hmow w h a l t h e iw^puJatl' n of the 1Isi find obflge, -A

Afoordliiu: t " Lh'' -enauHIntfut Hviiliaf k r- iir<UM In Tlluili-ui ...................... ibf I 'w»i> 4>.I,7;i.T T l i r ' t ' »!'■ P ' " '

Huns in thH lo dn

J u r y a( H ch en , rha .-Blnn It wiiH t e l n e u | An - f t o r t i c ll .e D lo « i - a n r i i m n ccnililT.aU. li 111 r . - r t r* ln i c t i t m le ' i i i ' l i r . l-naprur nn iinr w ay .1! an n i r l l r r .I s ti ' ihlnth o ariU-i™»l lull TIHI .H»e liaa « m i a I Heahcn Is Up Iuk mart,' , alMl- .IBl. It s '- 'm.s

TIkii-i- liil no tlUrtolutlim a b c u l , ?hivi aormi dtl llrwlly In dolni? mm will bePja_.|,rtrha^|>H, f'Xiker! Hired. A meetliiK wan hePl IM-L#v ; •.vt-4-k, but It wa.-: [H'Oili u l t e n d c d An lul-^ ! > ornnu-n t u n t i l rntirf* irueruai uould bo

few I htlrri?d up w a s n i o u i l .




Lf) i n u l y*dI t - y e t . May ni 'Wi

J P NVN’Ilj ■'J'J kliidiv f f u e m e

<leaJjiH; lb or n j a n u f H m r U. h. \>-

.Ml II

IK i ' . \ I » E n .

! HA), th e *- I su-vp. ih o , 1-d HtnlvK . ' . ,y Bat'.lKiO

h ' lO

rill' 'i .


J J‘ ,N! , imi; •,' n n ‘< vi ■ r

tl . ' -Il MilPllH 'fi-r : I Jt w V- ,tr ....................... .. I 'rli in I Hu rt' \k anviii.b' lebuftri I ' l r p in t . -J

1 E aa Io'ill . f’’airM 1: \s ! lh u i - I m r j ’R i ty

Npw HninewiiTlf, Pnpt SO.J P. N.:

P r i n t t h e rp-r>rd of Ju n k H crke . wlm w^ht-n K d iu ln aiid ft l lWan m-il

J u n k C'emiiry wi rr In ih r 'iLiotV I f v ‘- J g ive I iIh record Juud ly fno

w'liere I r a n HP« urn ilir hjiIth mnl ubl.i-t', l . C W .

M ^tte I'nllne CjRirtte, New York Pity.

.1 I i iai - r lit 1 v-ri'' ujioe lu ,1' s iu;o th.Ui U./Tt> bae

;ivi< y r n r ^ ;ri ! idill*<e.J \V. M' t S m AN.

i ' i V bf Pie I n to r e t a tP lii-[.ti>n, N J .II , ilo* i n h ' in i n i lo n .o

J P N\PhMTu tfUT r Ohiinr. r ea d in g i n a t t o r f<m-

oein li ig tJie dlaeolntioft of t h e PTilted fllioe M ac h in e r y tJom pany . M>d obU^-e

oj' r iiiiC'-rnhlug tn

p e t r 'd t I ’-'Hit Co imui iiy. t) o i ro lu i; ..rfiilc Itiirctiii*’ Cum im n y , Humil " .N V Jtl.lfT t ’lly B ' la l CutliiHuiy. Siu l- w a te i . ' Mmn . M -lU-ii PU--I l ! "0 ' Cm' '-ptiny. litli 'ol l , Mloli

oUaM O ra im e ,

J. F. N

will I

Local Bowlers Lose Opening l a l i T i d u a l and FiTe*iaaa

Matches to New York.A n d y SpMriiy, tin liat 'eball r‘lny'*r.

girl ililii l l ie bowiii ig iT.ime thin 'UPa* Une-uti of Pie Hi. Aiiguatim- u-uni

! h ik e hia b r o t h e r J a r k . wh-t la a IlM'iire w i th t h e K n ie ^ i - r l<‘R,m, Andy Id R hau-ly Iftty wh<;r, !1 c o m w !ti llu ’ Im' IoOi .‘'[-ort

UcLi'berNnvvarlc’fi dofFUl m ihe h v e - in an lua lc li

hy N't-w Y o rk bi ihp 1/aF.leni l^.'n guc c.imf- Thp l"c:U <-ibiril«t .''Ijrnipl

H E I N S P O T S D P 2 6 2 SC O R E

1 am ' .Ir-iirmis o t c h t a ln l i .g li.l crii., . licll | , | , i i . i l Il|> well In U.i- l^■;l«:l(;, lili.l w ill uc- It'V ''* * * ' * ■ * ■ . . . -X- . . .. 0.1- I I ...\..a.,.ll,. ,^..1,.. ... U-. »..-|<,rr ' Nl'i-'i-I ' .pr

\ l l - N n w

','hii yoii advlb*! h -w lo se ­ll inloi-niatluti K. A I

AS (11 imuif-s ' ll l .Jl ' iT ti ic t ii r t ra ni iMiiusirlii.- lO'iiK.l a ( T u l . p r r l . i ik t Ua.> in U.i- A'llTi'Tlilii'-k M.Hliitallis, \ ofU HliilP CUI'e 111' M!

-1 I ' ih lfd ly jnakt: Uf> iU h'Sl g io ur id I t

[f P if I ' l'Rti 'm-iei 'd UiP l.-t • ' 'iolilliTiiiK gciiPt' iu.i.:) a ia l lh>'\ .1 il>are . h.- will P-nd you ■ lu- in r^ rnu tP u ii Tiiiit iH thti only WRV I cou ld K'd It-

W r i lp In tho H' ' Eillr I loi'.will jpiiillv gh i:

11 D 1.T h e O n l ted Khop Miiohinery O n m f ie n y

hiis keen Imltirtril try tlie K r r tm i l Ora.ii ' l


J, P. N.:1 .ijji if 10 P 1.4 cn im i r y w h en I

tlftrc’15 yniira ol agi ' . t h a t U n in e y o a ia tig-« M'ltl you k in d ly lot me k n o w r u n gt’t Pie Ilr^i »nd n**!‘o n d n»ilur :ij l/o ■tlou Ri tht- s a m e tliue'* M J- K

rio to Ihe nmii th- ' i ise m k I Iridulr*- f i r Ih e nMurRllEa-tlon b u reau . You enn g<it, yo B f papera w i th o u t a n y te ouW a.

O -

l ^ e » oan 1 p u t tn m r a p T l t r a f ln n for a oloFk In the N e w a r k Po*toff lco? And oM Ua. ^

At the poatofTVc*. A*k fo r IjCmJB A.Eniwarda.

gi ' iierrtl <?anvusK n g j in h i Pin l«ui-li*i li.tll U- t Kitfi 'p-' l h. 4 ii fifc|y idUMlmu*' hii i.p. tou t luLiut tilR of (uiv lirip'Ul Ttu- ; Il will lunifr uii fur i | l n ru s^ l ' ’n 11'

p i' III- i iftl riu'cltiig i f tliH N a P o n a i lii'V. I i g .1 1 l.P.1 b In l aUu^ou , but Ii-n bull

will 1' , '•■1 Ui tlie l->m hnm-nT in th.i* ' i l y . ' i l l ' - 'o im - Il Klf' latlon to i b e c o b ' Imi 'y IS hr^forf-Vuitul,

Irfik* llop^ Sept 30, IDUX

J f Mh. C hapm an 'e plMi to pul up Jlo/>00 fe r th o chairp lbn»hlp races le Mtcepted by Iha rid e ra , H win vaty likely m « in th u t lo th o fu tu re ni» more bonua m u w y will b f i lv o n to iTle a ta r rlderi. In the p a st Cbfimploh Knumer, Ja^'klo ClarKe an d

*^rioyt3 M acFarlttiid have been pa id haiid- u m e bonueee to perfcrra. In Uie fu tuni,

'i f th e rlde ie eccept Ji4r. Chapinati’R offer. tb« m oney will be racpd for liisrteftd of beinff to eu red lo a few eUiri in th e gamti.

'W ie pfofesaionel cycllai* will hob! a y ^ H tln s Bit th e Velodrome lo-m orrow a f- tfrn o o ii, and H 1« Buld th a t M anager

'C bapm aii will m ake bla offm' of 110,000, to i-Q^yed t ^ r n ex t eeaaim. lo theni. Tllii*

m oneyt ‘ U I*" aald, will be divided In to elfTit p rises, w ith 5a.flW Arnt. 12.000 eeeond tii\a «o on. Dealdea. the regu lar m oney p r i m w ill be put up In the racee the BBme ap (iBual. It la probable Ibai K ra ­m er, M acP erland and CUirkH wlU object iirenuouB ly to such a pit>red\ire* but It U m ore th e n likely that tho o th e r ridei a. ■who wUl be ffi'catly beneftted by euch a m ove, wfTt reoeJve ihe newa w ith joy.

' pr^rlimkrf l aw the E a s te rn Saaebnil L-eaxutffl pa» t eeason aerUa ajipearfi to be a m is iak e In any event, but Pi'«al- d e n t B arro w mual have had a good rea - aon fo r h is action. But som ebody Is lo b lam e fo r tlie flasro, Jiod ih a i som obudy should be puulahed- No m a ile r who he IS* he Is no t too big nor too sm all to be M varely dealt with. The eiTuir Is nure to g ive th e E aalern I^eapue A blru’k eye, anri It will be taken a huge joke In ■ome qiJRrtera. The plavMTB who were In th e ffame lia.\'S JumI eiuiHr for rorvp laln t, and tt In up to the Irnprue lo anew ei’ to t h e m why the aerloH wr» not Lonlhiiicd to th e flulflb- The puBl-sauson Nerifs liv a league m aile r, noi a club in a tirr . ond th e league Is respouKible ftir ha txiiwUici, W h a t Is tlie league going to rtn flIjouI U? T he public surely has r right to auk. and tb s p layers, top. J bolluve (luU rvenP dsD t B arrow Is Mr enough utu! sirruig enough to rlffhl m atters In somo svhv and 1 f*el sure ihut he will n<u nlluw th e m fttler to drop without a Ihuiongti d iscussion , the refUJll of whleli he shou,M luAke publlr. -V hiipcIp I m<wj(lug of iLe K aa tem loeagtie in In otdi*T The flaacu Is big enough for Hperuil Qtlentlon.

^ OJtaok Jf'hnsnti U gflipnjg real seflotw

irltH hlniaeU. hut hi.-- iiurii-TJUi'<>d re tire - toe jit front llip ro|ifii m cna baa »*ol cm-aiod Uie big atli In piJaillnLla islfcloH liirfl J a o k would tmiuinlly aspect I.everybody aom is u> vUr^ iJie HnnuuU''- merit as an advcriiBlng stri«ke ol ir'' inoan erder. No [TWtrr iihiti w ire JohuHon'e InlenMou"., hr l-.i'- t" l 'ivi-tUi'tlw ith hl» flivUe l i • ' h.i! pl')i; WHUti to llghl- wnnti? I'J b-L.llv fii.t ibi-re I3ro ' o ne lu nKi" h.i t-'at Hani 1 langtoTil, ftTid if Is sKld -hat Ji.f.i "iin I-- AO iwmorc-1 ill Ham t lo il h«' a • n 1 • - n n - i-f'i' ‘ opporLunily in • . h ■'■•!) '",ir n h l 'nmoney, tl is O" i -I 'T t 1 ' " ‘ 1 '' :i vn o t o n ly wlllliif,, ■ ' ih ■ ' . i - >00^n\'er Iioi*' nii'l n-ls 'i i-i' wl ' ex<*cpt I oHJUilord- 111 ,\l i H.-.o i t ■■»ien .Jobt.-^i Ti *- ■ M ha'.- ' i t i i : <> e of the mimeroiiH fifi’-M 'irm h ''■« . lur Oii' flftr-leo ill the iio" " ' Ih itr f '. i .ir.' T

been for ib<* ixi i 'b in tn - Hoxluv i 'o ”-,i’ilri I ’U g'»f fiv IP" I' b ii. '! I T C.#; Miltllh’Hi Ihi-il-i' ATihotLf rliO.Lrd b-"''■1 fra will 1 r.ifii' i-.L l:ghl m t*-'‘ CT'h It^ havr 1 'j - r l . 11 H f' Cliiilghiy I ;• aon ji w d! M g i \ f i i i.i' la lob't.

N o w IhfU ef fe l rs a r e m n NtAsilrtill nlthe GaJ'df'U Dn.- oihim clufiH im; I'eg nuilin.;lo show signs of lllf. rnm n iu m rU a b-j s tag ing a hout Iwtwean HOTiy linns and M orhn H arris a t ihe N atlanal S porting Club T linrsday nlglit U sh<mld prove a moat Intf'rsRlliig ooutest. Tbo 'I'wonilotli C enlury 'A f . Is uIho stPiRlng a go<»d hHow T otiim r Glrvty and H en KeyoB will l>e tiro hcaiUlners. aHoom o ther clubs wlM gel In RCtlon and before long the best Njys In th e buslTiess will b*- donning tbo inlTl> They won'i get as ntiicli money as they would In the G arden, MU perhnpa tho gumo vi'lll be Hett«r off v^ th o u i Ihe "big »h(jw'.‘ nlUiough ibe InjuBilce of the wholo aff: ijr is 'v c ty EvidentO

w h e n tiie a#incmnceincni was m»oh> Boinft I.lni6 ago th a t an ellmrnatloTi fealh- erwelghi loiin iey was lo be luld. In wlui.U Joe fllN'ei fi, Uulsy KUne. 1-Mdlo Conh y HJtfl Johiitiy ICtlbarm wore to he th e prbo cipiilR, few (IrciinuMi th m KUbaue woultl prove to he the m irv lv n l,o f tlie iUiesi. But h e 'd id , and be p IiosspJ clRf^a In his w ork. He l*cM K line in tw enty rnimd», he kiiiK’ki-d mil fUVeiw in the 3lxtf<--nlh rdtiiid Hod he ouip<di>ied Coiilt-y in tw en ­ty rounds. Now be ‘is going to seek u. LuaUih with Abe A iieil, ilie fv^tlier- w eight tihariiplori, find he will noi la rk (or hat’ktTB- Ten irum ihs ngo if you m.ood Klverrt, KUne, C’'»nlt'N' aud Kllbano In a ^ o w , the br-yfi would JjBv« bcvTi bg- iired lu iiboul »lu- onb'J mtumib linr^l/'ud, lliOLigh,- Kilbwne i-ajive llu o n g h Hife null a BtEtr, and who wiim looke«l uponRH Ihv rwki IhtlTg. h lrn rd out the mnnl dieappolnilng, fiUlmiigh KUne d id n 't m akem u c h of H Hhttwing, Iiovllig b ec u h r s l r i l by K U b an e « h d k n o r k ia l o u t i«y c’onb y.

.1 rAlirvit tw o w eek s Hgf) you in th e

N'r'\s-nrk E v ru l f ig Ni=‘v.'s a reidp^ for g r a p e w in e of a*'itruiii m u k e ’’ M'lU you pletuio p r in t II u gah i , os my [uipor hna M o n il e ­al loiyi-ii tr you w iy i t lo th is fo r m e you w d l rlo tpe ti grefit f.-i\i'r

la AKtt l I O P A T r O N C .T h e reolpe w as p r in ted In t h e N ew s ' if

S ep t i 'r nb 'T al Sr iid to t i r t c1rt*ulaliiin rrtiiruiger for a -npv

J. r NVYhiu'ri Is t b s wild show Uial p l s ' e d

Rl H i l l s id e I’u r k ? iMd H go lo VlrglnU'. 'LiAIlaV U H A N E K .

T h e eoinpjuiy Is ntiw li: M a r y l a n d on a Tf'ur of th e Hout li trn Si: i t’"M

PF''*K.\N’E, W a s h . O r t 1. ^ O o r r wel l ni.Kttn, wliO [leW H'-rnsn the H " o k y M oun- liihiK biat S n tu rd iiy . fi'll **eIriii’trf^tni.' D'a^r g rour ids bore y*.sltird.Ly kl it-i r.tMHi a n d received In ju r i e s w h ic h OMiJSvd h ts d eo tb

r a . i g i i i hy an art'-'eree c u r r n r t of ftlr, Td:«"n'a mftt 'blne turTned on i!« s1<le auid p limgrr l Into a p -^ky ra l lroi id ' ^ t . \VhU« fa l ling I ’UiHi pluokl ly a l t e r n p t r d to r i g h t hts a f ro p lM m wid sh(njDe<l to t h e speo- li itn r*

"llei -e I go he re I go " filxun w in pU-ked up u n m n s •lous m d

IPikt^n Ln R h<'H|iUai. w h e re h w a s fouptl ' t h a t liH sku ll was I'ra-'Mir.-d, k ' s r i g h t leg h roks i i und his ro ll f tr -hnne HlifilltTOd. H m died williln RTi h o u r

iiTiiTi held pih.ip !i--eri9e No 13. g r a n t ­ed hj' th e .i\ero f*liil> of A m er ica , w h ic h he wnn August 31 Uial He w a s N ' tu iTt rolurnliijM. O , nnd re"'*tit!y moved to N ew Y«:irk b i lv , win re Mh i im th e r n o w Hvak. T d x r .n s bO<fv wjl! he shlppw l York.

J. P. N.;Is tlwre a cotO das-lar In Nt#wmrx w h o

■ells coal on Uiu insLaUnent iilKn.A H E A TIER.

wn to

. I'hf* rktui' e 'ertlj 'in tif t h e J< r-< ) C ity r lu b o f 111- AiM'.-tic w:iH h-^hl iuat

n L 'h l nt thi ' ' luMi HUif. T h e t,. uusioii wu.s n ne wilhui .t irt-t-ecbnl In ilie lu s lo r y of th e nrgn n t iu t ! 'tl i l rOrgo T W a f r e n Jr. WMR n a m e d p r e s i d e n t : ' R o b e r t A. D ojMs , v l iX ' -p rea id en t : I ' lnrenc© J . N e w k i r k , ser- r s ta ry ^ a n d Joaei ih H. Ollnrore . t r e a s t i r e r . Tlie bofln l of r tl rec tore will be compownd of CftJTHATi Nlrl io la. P r . J M o rg an J u n es . ; Dr l l e r t o ' Hpenr*-. W i l l i am {,' <iloss. J . V,7, A n t h o n y Hnd R ic h a rd A tll%'aiLidAfi A H H nwe. w h o r a n ^ 1r th e h o ard of gov- Hfnnra on bit I rdeperulpni tl i 'ke t, wa.a de- fet tled M r lUiw-e b a r svrved on th e b o ard for iw e l v e y e a r s

N e w a r k lost h o m m a iv jd i ig i a n d d v c ’ Ilian nuiu’hfM to N ew York a t Uir npeii* |i:g of tin- JCasli-rn H u u U n p L eag u e on

[ ua.Mm iiSh-iR loi^t niglU, Wima)n Nuarlv, rt'(j|i-s»-iH.lng Ih is ‘ujiv, a n d YVill- iRUi ui Now York , u p luJd th e i r tv*

lu th e indta'iciual cOPtCHtri, aiul lilt K'MjiL wa.s l h a l U e in a won llv< <i;iLn+‘s oiii ot sf-ven f r o m th e local pJli- kuigi.i I’lif ilre-iutui oyinbinaOttfK^irop- i-< I eIh; ii tFt l a o b u t m a n a i t d Hcuii .t'K, ti e Ih iM . T h e n ia tc h e a wor© Wit- ni-SMtJ I'.v a ►;alliU'v of h i l e r e a t e d tlowllni t flLnll^*la.-■lR. who rimlt-d fu r a home tegi4 vii-tojy,

riio d t p a i l u r o fiurii i h e f o r m e r fUle Wltb ii f^a id lo iliu Hvra-b w a.*» n o i i i e a b l e by th< a b s r io of iw«t-iTi.uj arid Lhree-utftn, ftcorea Irou j 1;k- rt;^ J ib 11 wd,b d ec ided l i d s y©Al lo jt)il on ly i n d iv id u a l a n d rtvft-jnan maci L -s. arid I h r g a n i e a Ias i ‘rtitfht-Wftix Ihi ttrsi luiilHr t h e n ew Riling . HelTW Old some excellen t p in n in g In Ui« Indlrk lugl , aa well a» In Lhe fl'>e-[nan contestB, p&kft- hig lUe iwc> h u n d n * d m u r k on flVe odra- aUma

Yas FHverfib but vou m u s t h" k' g,.I t'.c t, i tus- r t . -a l. r n e a r e s t t9ji.(U tall liiiii y j a r [■'"'itl'.n, w h i ' n y n i e i . i p.iv anti lit'Wi I ' f ' ' ' O ’t'-'' '■IsfaeUtry t l i f aocominod ji tioi i l lkn lj be f i a n l e J . o -

will riiosi

N e w

OX P s . -

Yi'hat Is th e dlM;ini.e f rum New'wrk nib 't t r s h u rg on the '-en tn il e \cn rsih ii lUOfTober S? IN Q U I H I T I V E ,

l‘w n h u n d re d and ten mlirfi.

J. P. N.:M ay R i t l v f l l e p nr tv ma-Ke u ue reprrt-

(b.'-lum ctf 0 pnluTiled orlh-le I'-n los >wii u s a u n d Mfrt Ifilrlnge ‘Ui sttine'.’ w r y t n i h , ’'■■

No, sir.

C 'O l/"M R l'S , O , n rf AhhofiRh hftrtniy rt* an t ly i)0 s s ' ' i1 his nln-’tt if ii lh b i r t h ­d ay . i ' lom w 'f l l I 'Ivnn wa* ii p io n e e r in tbrt <h*'. eloprnPTil of h1i- i- ra ft HI.9 jt^r-pTi«Uin was r r p d e pt th e D hio S t a t e

i p n l r n ih ls '*Up, hi* hfime. in .August, w h4-n I ' txon wbh fifteem yr-ars oM

f b ' w iM Ih" honors of t h e m e e t over KiKibonebue a n d sevi ra l o i l ie r co m p el-


J P NCouM JHui in fo rm m r 'I t lo-re is a

■ohnol In MewarU w h en - I eoiil.l t a k e nnok lt it U.HS.JI)S, aiifl lin-w lo k - t tliel-e f ro m M uli te la lr - C O N S T A N T I lE A f l E H .

T h e Ki.bjiiKt iB ta uKlit a l al l (ha e ' e i i - ItiK hlah jokoola In New aj-k , I’ rotinbly lh« b w l Otie for you w o u ld Ix' Ore F r a n k l i n Kvenli.B HUtti Sahool , O l otf tlie oar a j s t r e e t . New a r k , a n d w alk iw > hltx-ke to yuur r igh t . T h e schoo ls .Jiiem'd night.

- A y -J P. N :

ff Heveinl persons were to majriif act lire an arll.'lo In order t" do huslneaa, rmil.l t h e y mi l tliomfielvofl a c o m p a n y I f not, wlinl s t e p s s h o u ld order m he tornicil rme?

J O H N A KEFINT^-TM-y could beccTue a " c o m p a n y ' ' by

fitgiilng ur ticleb of c o p a r tn e r s l i l p a n d fil­ing th.- -^aine, o r t lm y oouh l do po by m- ourponi il iig u n d o r the fltute law

_____ In ih o te n gainfeH. A g a in s t Noack,Iiiok th e Ural lbr4»t! gamett , hurt 1t» 1

tlie fc i ir th w h e n h e d r o p p e d to hi* lew m a r k of t h e ev en in g . T h e ( jo t h a m bowlei cu m e back Btrong In th e n e x t g&ma aii<l Won It by a to tRl of 2L6 pinR to 167, Noiick, ho wever , h it Uie g r o u v e lu fine BlylB‘‘hi Hie folhjwlug g a in e , w h ich h e Ml

It \s e x p o rb id ibfil eighr r**nsn? will irtuible in w in n in g , JOD pins to J*f0. I n th- C'lmpote In t h " FTiilprniil l,reriKue In bh’l l - - . IbfuJ itRiue of Ihe iurI--h. H e in s exeytef 'aille. Hlx rf ijha h.ivt ' ,-ihPO'ly slgTilfl' l ! duusi-ll a n d yul u p r m a r k of 2G2, whls'l Il iHr fnr>''nt1itn nf Hnt#*rbiK fin- ' irgn nl^.i - 1 Ukil.\ to s t a n d lo r Home time. lli'U, HOfl iw tt Jji-'re Rfr i'X[ierlf-r1 to li*' .YPPi' th'* l i ' - b a l of NC'Ufk In tike fndi isdd. d R.r.n J ’br* K n i g h ’*' rrf r " l u m h i : s , I vi.i ial [iiab li, lnier<«it r-i-nt^vd op Ih^e uUL- .M ihoiiH, i>(id l'»‘ilows, iP'vrki Ar ' HTUim. I ' -u iie ' jf i b f l i v e -m a n alYair, b u t ill . ipli'i I'Uks. AiioleJii ( i r d e r of M |f"-rnlHna, J u n I i " ' \ io ru l s los t o u t hv g e t t in g ^iil> lor O r d e r o f Ame-rb-itn M f -h an iv a uti-l ; ' r " ‘f"*'- Karnes rolled. T h e JlFMEiirt-flli-rs ctf Anu-rir tt ar4' the i lu l i s lliai [nrf ii 'Surei l fo r Ihe lengue. H e n r y V. I\'\’’llfton, o f S e th Ihiytlr-ri r . i in ’ il Nn H hI, i R oyal Arx 'annrr , fuia hr '-n 11 r r e s ! - 1rl .'nf; R o b e r t L tT lep, seiTf-Tiirv nf I fa*-1 m o n v L ' .d g e of o d d im.s },,.en i ^ohuson s o r ro t i j ry . and Thnmms A I ’on iio '- | h r n k e hRdlv f<M- NowaJJ

I rur-ie oiU r a i h e i ol ' tse ly . (be Newarlt^qfllu- lift ptiinliiK 972. iiB aguluBt Dill mireS New Yoi k. RouH'liufi did ihe beKl plpitfhiJIn tlie tlrai ^ a rn e 'riv* it i s rk hc rwa.(*Jieo wMs 'l\i In Ihe e**4-oud r o u n d , New Y q i H

ly, g r a n d k n ig h t of ReJIeville C'oim' ll N’^Sll'i, KnlghtM nf {'uluniliiirt. h is h« i-n oIp ' l r d (IS tri u su re r Wlll lnm K F1t>l.m*s h:i'< been des ig n : it " i l a r o in m i t t " " nf "h e T 1 d r a f t nilefi lo g o v e rn ihfl garnes . Hoijutri will alB" p r e p a r e ,i schedulB.

be t a k e n in


J. P . N! (fol mv tlrsL eitlr.en i>a;iers <r\\

Bf-ven v vnrs a|ro am i liiive tM*en in l u r m n l th il l lima' a r e of nn nsa Rs 1 did not gnl. niv peoond papera iuiv ^•ears

Y’o u r pafvPTH a r e gnod See Iho r o n u t y r l e r k a t Ui" coi,irth"'uaii Rud tu k e (Mil y o u r mei fio-l pHper.s wUhtiiit delay .

r»i th o end of five J. M


C'AMHHI Di rE. sVlass., O cb 3. C u p fn tn P. R WlfhlnKt'Ui, of H a r - s a jd ' s cras-s-uouii-

1 t r y ^eurn. fulU-cl out his r - a n d ld a te s y e s t e r ­day . a n d th i r t y men wnikerl o u t un t le r Ai Hhrubb, Ihe profeB.aiimoJ. W'ith IntSton. be ing H in s ta n ce r tu iner , wUl re im d i i w ith

I th e uroas-oouril ry te a m Ihlfl fa i l , p la c in g I D P, fiRTinpy. th e s p r in te r . In e h a r g a of [ Ih*- oU ier t ru c k men, wh*j will hold thi Ir j gRm«s on N’ltvember 4 T h e b a s e h . in nu-n I impiufled to s t a r t p r a r l h e alw>

J ]» N . .i ‘1ea.44> i n Tie k n e w th e addrft.-<s of t h e

Fh«p in.-peetor. I w o rk a i polIslimK a n d tlicrc ni'rt ten poUbdierti In imc ronm. W f'

n > b lo w in g or guetion^ m a c lu a m y th a l U In w o r k in g o rdvr . T h e r e a blow pipe, hut It Is not w .i r th a h u n g B is ;L falK, p u re a n d slmyde. T h e f a r i n r y inapHtTiir c a m e In to iiiHpeci tl ie pla e, b u t he only put his h e a d lus id e th e d o o r an-l WHlk.-fi HWHy. T h e lUi^a M so hI huik th-U I h iu ' a h a c k in g r o u g h th a t Ig te rr ib le .

T W E N T V -V E A H H E-A D E I bKiftfe 1 )epn.rtiiienl of i.alxir. ( c jitury

huiMti.g, M arket s t r eo i , opporillB berger a


while th t iigs b r o k e hud ly for ,Newajlk mid the loc..(l t a l ly w a a only . Tlltillli cutiio o u r URN in t h e iinal gam ?, hdw

for w i th V\'iicner p n t t lug ' up 11)5 aurf tbuTaliiitm.-x go in g ov«.r tin- ?<“i mark'^^ii/l K line i^uppoi ! a d H ruund, NoArftik w'*i.ul by d m a r g in u]' 1J6 jilnHi .T h e RcoreS:

tu d t v ld u i i l .rieinfi Ne*w Y o r k . . 1*12 lid IRG 100 !Ji1j III* Nnack, N ew m k . , . lt>3 m ITI m m 1 )8

l- ' lve-iUiiB.N EW A RK. I NEW YORK.:

1 N’nftch . . 201’ 19h tw r u m p ........I K im atl i .IDI m !**9 H a l m ........' H i i i a b ra ' ln 1>:7 lilij 5i» H e m s .........

Wi ignej . .lIU i;i.i JOft PsUgelUlng Dl loagh ii id .Ills 14i» 1"S| Boiiadltfl ....IM IT!

9M iWfWTo|al8 372 SHO ST2I T n t a l s



bill the

J. P. N.-In SalurdHv'H E v e n in g Nnwg Rurirvuiire-

iri'-nt wng n ia d e th a t Miss Mabel BfiiW-in-n.‘\ / l le Ool. 1

J- r N T ' 1V'hiT Iv II " n-mr- I'nd aio) i , ‘*_

rtl^ to a fa lh"H ' rlvil- ii Irom <Wu>-- ■[„ir^' i.aitl.-flclil, aii' l l o w Kmc " iK n t c ' " H lo cTit tiinre'.' ’ ■ '-


G ai 'd u e r Crfiyin, th e pii jima.r ig Ku.^t f>r- ULng« I l l a b School u il i le le , whv Iiuh htmu ■for t h e lam *twn> yetirn fo llowing lu t h e footutepB of blfl b r u ih c r , luis g o n e to Mr. PleawAiU Mll lu iry Aimdcjiiy to p n i ' m a for A in b e rs t I'oHegi*. Hur-iriPi rnud.* gc(od” In all th e welghl evcm^= ui Hu- laet Iritersf 'holaNll ' ' tnoel a n d lio I'h.h a l so I" - ii p rom lno i i t in hUHoball a n d iii"tbit.lJ ’)lw >

' -leasou It lA paritotilf^rly r i-un ll' ’d bv th e !■ Eai?l Orfinpe rod tha ll Uri'i) fliRt be \.\

li-flviup, becfliise he wBs 'in'* oT th e herv les! am t be«l m e r on t h e lea rn Ih* Im c es to en t e r .Ajnhsrsl Colloga ue.xi yertr

You will hftv» to in.-(iiirr .il li . i .[n r" a ,) | Pluil'Ui f'lr llfo chio't'l. 'n i '- tra in Is imt (iud hi H ruynbuig 'Utlll a ftp r L' -Vilnrl^. .i/i you W'luM bn loo iat' h> Htiei d m s-s j a n \ wuy T m a . I huH ' o.m--, !s th e piii |tn>'e 1 (if your (I’lesllrm. '

nv^aiher wfts t<io cold I T e v will be ou( I | h Koing to a p p e a r a l t h a new C.)rpbr- to -d a y 'n se o'Hicb win rfmhe h is nn:il ■ lU , ,.pi T h e a t r e W a s th i s a m l fp r ln t nr Is ttninuR th e r a n d l ' l a l e s a f te t ih e fall p r a e . I ^ ]\y nnFwerli ig th e a.bove n u 'Pline, w h l i h will le ave on ly i h e r e g u l a r gyo,i ns pnw.sible you will yn-o t ly\’iu‘sh V oouad M begtu w->rk In t h e j A (T iN F T A N 'T HiiiAl >T-< FfbinjHry, f(-j, , hui d o n ' t Inqulro a b o u t It

'Phe N e w a r k H ig h Ri'hool foo iha l l learn h a s bin‘kle . | d ow n (n rtAl b a r d w u jk , ao l f rom t'osv unlll F r i d a y f ' e r lin inages will he iii hi tLlternuon, Jn p r e p a r a t i o n f-irt h e I 'edd le g a m « SutLJiday ( ’oach li roud- hi.4id coiK inenred Uu .h Bti 'cnuous ro u t tn o i>f j w o rk y e a t t r d a y wUi: a be tw ' 'pn t h e a c ru b a and th e rvj^nlKia T h e var.slfv iiiachm* WHS not tn U r l)»sl w u r i t i r u ,' irder , a n d d u r i n g tiie Ifil rty in in u to s of [ p lay It WHS only a b l e lu rrosR th e nf-coii'l 1 teanTH g o a l h u e ftYtr-ft. H ig h School la, | howu*vor, f o r t u n a t e in jxis.-^eisSlng a s ir tu ig liclyii^lVH S 'Tub lo am ibia \ c a i , by wbn li t h e v a r s i t y will lirne.hl nioi 'e J b a n It woulil Willi l l ie aid "i a ican i th a i g a v e li t t l e op- posit ion,

rs -t.'U^*' wap not a s s n a p p y -------, u • i .ve.Ht'i-dav. Sc■^■eral l imes i l j t a o i u b r u s h , l•(JIlU■sU■d t h r o u g h o u t , ih i f lu Id t h e vai*siiy l-acHs for dow ns, m a n coinblnatliMi, h o w ev e r , prrrvfd li t K 'I 'k' MlIlH was rliiyirig a l ta o k le fbr the J ea sy p ro p o s i t i o n f o r t h e B ru n k l jn i^^ R j : « (ciinYl iio ru yesterday, and . . . . .... ^ .. .._ - —

RFIOOKTjYN. Oct .1. FTom file otl tcofri cd the I n d iv id u a l r ti a tc b b e tw e en ' th e ' r t v - re .s tn la tlvya of i ’u t e r s o n and 'BnSokkyii. it looked ’. c r y ruiirli a s If fhe openlivfi g am es of Ijip E a s t e r n Le-ague, WhlcW-wtlK

n s u s u a l j rollvd he re Uiai n lg h l would be ke«'nt}T h e I ’at<irson iftYi *


I finy nii're.

J P N.When

op^-n”doe.g the

Ob > i in iy M.-pOnl ,

H RNo d a t e has been set foi’ th e npepItiK of ]

Hie S' hold. I

J. F. N ;________ _ Wli.ii me th iu j of Pieov’gf fiphy i« tn i ig lu

■nir H.'.-r.n.l L i c r t l n c nf Ihp fii 'toii Hal l in il .r |mliUr p \ e i i m g schuo la , am i l.' .w M l,1, 1m AKKU. l.atinn v.-as tl»W >c.ntcrrtsy , lone d n . s It la k . ' to roimpIftP th e « f t , I n II,n m,a. m b l v hej i. Jt Is tl.« ' An .' ..rly rerdy will bn hUMilinri to biiofQ a th k i t l c s a l S u to n Hal l | as ,„ l tl .n V.ii-lnu- iminaHt-rn wflr» inf i truulH l | l»,ia. f’H m an " y r i .m , TI r a n h f m a a tc r -

best i>osslble swliedule. ' '“d In nne leTin If youlo ar rangH tt 'u

he WHSlurg'^ly respoririihle for .a n u m b e r of lh<- vf ir s lty p l a y s be ing b ro k en UP- H e also sh o w e d to a r l v a m a g e In an op-"n andse v e r a l t im e s hy hr<u;ght t h e rnou r u n ­n in g lifirU p u n l s dow-n w i th fi s ln m . F ro m 0,11 iinJUMilona, Ru p e will m a k e Hovoral "f th e |1r^■&ent l i r e men w o rk If t h e y wlah to r e t a in llieic h e r th s . K Mills s h o u ld M»p- pj-n t " He(‘ijrc h is r.rohJeni for foolhftll be will hav e s n iirt-d h is em b lem fo r all the m a l o r s p o i l s , n am e ly , baKcbAll, b a s k e t - b.Ll!, t r a c k a n d I'ootliH-U. J a i .k Oio-dner sh o w e d n v as t a m o u n t o l f?tu>ed a t ha lf - bfl' k on th e Ne(. 'nd t e a m y e s te rd a y .

T h e Riuc rii.d W h i te e o jn p w a s dc^Ut a r a t h e r h a r d blow ye&torday Bip J im H ovurd who 1m^ th e b a c k b o n e ofth e l u i m for m ecPlv.'rt a n I n ju ry lu hli> c l iau l . lr r JU^t " I p roh .ih ly keep h im out o£ tihe Peddin g a m e Hnturda.v,


PJ!IL .A riR!.PH I.A , Oct. 3 . - l ! a r r y Hougn,

nnr nil

n.lM ! ' l . ' ynu tu r the . 'f in ,l in t. ii.-wfl.iaii'T III Mils I ' l l ' ' 'I'Ki.l.K-

J I ' . ,\l

B E A T T I E 'S G R A V E C H O S E N

n i C H M i iN D . V h .. n .-i . X - \[ X j*e«i*t session of tim c o n u n l t t 1.1L* on e^jmeb-rlcs, II ?ci- w eek s Hgo. Q]iplli‘iilk«Ti W(i» macle h,v H onry f' B rn tt lo . Hn-t [ ir rmtsslop w:ii g r ;! i il f - \ for tli'-* biirl' i] ' f Uis won Hf-n'V C lay lU’ii Ije J r . , Ih'’ Vii'i- in u i d c r e r , #?cn- lenrwl d1#* in Oic eic ' l i i - r lm ll Nr»vu-m-^ h e r m l i b builj wVI ;i** In (he M a u r y ' C em e te rv , bes ide thM of his m o th e r , nn ' i

I ti.'l f ir lilstHiil is th e c f th e wifn In r .1 11. ' rod M i .M iill' 11'lnn to i-npike

i Ti ll III lion rVidli'sies U.Rl th e ngi' il f i i l t iF h as Hj'iMrf'uLly i ibandoni'd all or l-,i. } veni lou !o H-r S'ipr« 'oo Cirurt, or

[ h\ i t .f ( rov .- 'no i’ No re - I ' rd w is m:i.d->'•f mrij' i t■'e'^ nr-Hnn rairh m M iihr rir'dlir pli-tlijed U ScCI -

Thr* ' .»ung wifo niurrtorpi h a s bc-en O ii ' t 'd (,»■ sn 'dr ig he ivoilld neve r d ie In 1' ' M(*c:i'' rliRiT. .ind n rl w a tc h la bf%n*; ! » ;>1 ’■n'l't M>'i to pr. vcnl Sf-T-dt-isl: :ii 111 :i

■[’be IJIbIsm. Ift rirane sii'cetO

\Y bcro 1 flti H p nr tv of p T Is and rr ll ow^ nui .... a n iu iu n n u l . lP rKIf. f l " I ' n- .l al,i ,„ h, PBI BI1.1 IKIVP nuim- liiiiiriiix . ^

Ml RI’lrY .Hcldelh-Tk for one place.O

. le rse j f'U \ . O r l 1.7(1 ifir iSTtHU fhi(/ Pdifor of lAc YLIVW.

To ib ud'- u wugor. kliidlji. i irioiedIn ^■o lr pnper th e enclosed d e l s of play-'-r*-,

the A l l -S ta r N s t lm in lg nurle;i re>

lake th a t sub ject and devote ;tll your tfine to It.

Thi* plce15>»n n ’ a ba8kptl>iLll mnnn.Mrr j —O —w j s ib^ tlrwt LhniR on Lhe h o a rd a . WIN- j j . i\ N ;

•r;rr'£;a?r,JiT «.rw ?rr5rr:i i . . .a' . . . . . - - - .TV" -

time thpy will lx* ripe; nl-." I' t rn-' know t.TirinlKcrs., ''f t" s 'lsi'i ncled if il IB too hue i» KO to (Inc Hruuk to Mmi.plimfish? i'.aii you crow s iiiul liawk.s nt , hs m aiie th« rluim te h-'fore llis t t t -I 'tn , Hrook Willi a rifle 'vlth .ut a ll. ensc? : l,«a.«do eoaion upanod, and handed over

A STEAL>Y RRADFTR. I lb© T ren ton franrhba- before he h f l , he , w ri f>, n.s. : wt(d ftdm m ed to the good graeps of theCh«atnutt1ng has a lw ays been good In the J R^A,^ding deposited its gunranteo

money nrtd ilie league c lrru ll Is now cOin-

pi' III f.uiUxdi a ta p t tf-Bm s h o u ld b« put . ,* ,, e d'Kir. Ih esMi-nl .V hcarne tj im n u m - 1

I I h a t Hs m a n y of the btg w U o g e Ui.ima as I p(-^R(L^T W(jult1 be tMkf.-n on a n d lluU I gutiir,s Ht niKht will be mj ii ie rmis Hie cojii-

.iiig .^e;;gt'n TirohaWy W’edmvsday ii lghis . M.inft^^ur Cobtello h^a a .Bsi of roUege W-tuiis w li l rh he I n te n d s tb bill . Htnoii#S th'-iii Tlic Niagi irn I 'n lv o r s l ty , Bl- J o h n 'a fo iU fg ' of llruoKlyu. C o lu m h la U n lv e r a h y , M&]ih-ortan l^ o lk go a n d CoIIegfe r 'f th « r u y of York. THe iw w a u d l l o n u n iImlt will bo t h e s e m e o f ’ t h e basketb^d l conu*Mft tUli w l tn o r a n d beslciea offorcilnSf a biK idaylh ff Koctloo tl ie re la au ip lc n ju in , Trti - i .n i iiK rt la rg e c row d. OrdejM? h a v e I

opped th e ^*i’les by t a k i n g thice'tftfTjiei Bini lghi. Otjorgo T a y l o r did the p l T r t ^ for th e fllJk C i t y a g a i n s t t h e 8 lip| jfb ii f mid su c r e e d e d Id wiiuving f o u r Barnes oill of (ho seven . T a y l o r g o t f irs t \>loo^'':^nd th e n d r o p p ed tw o gamofi, a f t e r picked Ml) a n d flnlsihiid s t r o n g w i th scfM'ei of 2SX* a n d 2JM fo r i h c tw o final ga.jn^p, '

B r o r k ly n e x e r t e d [iselC In th e Hna! of th e f iv e -m an m a t c h w h e n the tjtlliuw p u t up a sco re of 1.010. T h e scorea ;. .

iT td lv id iv i, ' rNel^rm H^TOoklyn). 1A3 211 YR! 215 2Jk’iUT a y lo r H 'a t e r H o n b . liW 102 l82 IIH TS7-,S^.M

P iv e -m u *HHOOKLYN, I PATERPlOiT. ' ’

r im ig h ' ly ISO 104 241 C ii r t la . . . . I t l I5A pH Timh* . . . m Itifl 193;B lra tton . . 17S 303 1ftF r y o r . . . 211 liiO 2o<U R ow aj i IfxjG ray . . . . J7S 177 l«l Hlu-a ............ 171 m ID'N elson . . 179 214 1S4 T a y lo r *.. .* 201) l6l IW

Tnta lR.. sai 913 JOlO Totals!. . . . HOa BS0fi4l


O nnK f Mi.uiilnlnfl and iin tuwiird Mlll- bTirn and Siiminll. The be..(t llmi! I.'i Ju,it lifter the tlrs l frnal. PtahliiB Is s till Kuud HI l-iiip MrtMli, they soy. Tni. hove to hove u llreiiFW to hunt, even If you only hhooL crows ajid haw ks.

Iiln e I'lliy will uefiln N ovem ber IS,I'HIlUlfU, N. J.

a t

Tf> Sft* .SfiorTwip F?d4tOr nf the At'EH'SiMiskethall n,'=*t. w lucn j N ew s y o u s a y : " A n y w a y

T'irkod lourns m a n toto w hich I.'i rhi* b e t to r of17-ntidld ophdnii ag

lb(* tivn, Y’l'UrH ruspotffuhy

Toj ^c .nb ig.1 i l l fi,...- AniRrh-ans r o n i u n r e lh e tw o ( I.laoerl lev a MsnOTuaji n e , . » n , u „ | ............' ^ ' ■- nii ir f a n d vm .r ] wui l-i inawl lo d wHhlii th e u e s i few | „n |,p j u m th e s a m e . ' ' Jfnve ymi an

wenks. sn t h a t th ' ' r ., i idiiJates for ih e vnr- | the nr tce of s e a l s will he to see,( ty and lea in e wlU imYe ple iily of j fi iaj .t s y iay on F r id a y . Oriu b"! ' Ill’pi-antlfe b e fo re t h e s ea s o n orp.‘OS laLs in ,^,jn t l r k n t s ? W eNuvenihar. Ihn.ifiht j lp rhapa ? o n w ould be eh le lo K<t

, _____ th e tl.'kplH, a n d p e r h a p s b e t t e r sen tr ,Hae fbal l w as t h a n tf ivr w r o t e o u rse lv e s , If so, will

tP rouy h ni. 'dtiag, whi 'P J “i;; I niAll you a ^h c ck Tor ton tlckftl.J. K in d lyflngwsr In y o u r wportirig p age , ^ h k - h , no


a m e k i h a n s .ROY RTLIelP

n a t i o n a l s .

f?frr)(l4 .F(inl..1- ibncJ'^n.\ t idyl

T hnniofl.


■i":.LH(.-f Muc'l'j111' i udi’d in 1 (HI

:(! ■' -lui r Mcltrl'^.-

( -Ubj u'('i-*n iirviii” I'.tjrfiiig f'-r

k n n u Tl ii ■

I iH-gli- niiil Mr.s lltr-fMt*!! S n g ". r f> I il f iunil-y t-H V bf .ny *t,i- , I" 11"'a>’ J. k Mi'tvtin ig Ipt( rr‘:--ri* ‘w.i i . r ’i.] -it-X iVfin th e -'U> rmhfT ' ' -Ma.-rn' . '. t /.of T b r V,imU fliik'- . r i-

Uy v'-mr-' ' ' 'U',;' ■ a.-k J " h n I ' I

I ' . '-Hsl-s Ml' S, ' ...■ 1 ,;l' UUl Of

* V - .r - j '- :! M«• "H - la^t ^


Pilchers .A lexander.Mariiunrd .MaUu*\\ son,l'lu!'kH*r.

rSitrbo rflMr^* ('’*'.M eixfljv

jn rs t HascLiid»?rug ■

flproTul Viage-L. D o r ic

Thli 'd Bn,*se1 lor/'ffi


Outnil iV rj. ,S-'hnUe.,I ((’V'll f*,F ( luik**.

■/iTTun^riTinji.SETsIiX"'l’10N S

N A T IO N A L S .

r)f if,« ebi^p of ISIS. w;iB e lec te d i n a n a g e r of th** vprs its ' t e a m a wna.ll m a jo r i t y over J'»hiT H'l^nerty. I ^ r e p a r a t l o n a wil l he m o d e to 'T thg a c m e of t h e befit coUpkc. ntn^H ui bt n th O ran g e In t h e andM an i iy ar H r i iu M ay will s t a r t r i » h l In to u r r a u t * hra s.-hedul*. w h i c i w i l l n u m b e r akio rt (weni.y lugiie

.^OMETIVYLLE, Mafifi-r Oct . S.—l^eo I le f - ford, n p ro fese io na l ball p la y e r , fo rm e r ly Willi t h e C lu r ln i ia t l N a t t o n a l l e a g u e i-bib an d a t dHTnrent t im e s conn-.-cted j \ i n h mluoT le ag u es all o v e r the E a s t , died | i i-day In W’tl lhnan t le , Conn., of typhoid i fever , a c c o r d in g to wot'I r e ce iv ed a t hlfi ! h o m e here to -n ig h t . HafCurd, w^ho mtn Iw o n l j ’-aeveu y e a r s old, w as an a l l - a ro u n d a t i i l n t f o f co n s ld e n ib le note . F o r th e paa l '■

H 0 F ! 0 K E N , D o t 3. - -P in knighta-r.epfO' ttpntlng th la c i ty ce lebraL cd a cl£i'a|ircuf' v ic to ry o ver t h e U n io n HIU apfgrejfiittvP ‘ in tho o p e n in g g a m o e o f th e Jilafettfr! How ling L e a g u e w h ic h w ore ro ll ed h^ti List night . In t h e indiv idual matfcl: W ld ly H o r a n to( ik f o u r (jui of SeVtor f ro m S te l u b r u c k , a n d t h e fi\’e-rrian teine w on all i h r a o g a m e s f r o m th e u 'n Ion’H’iD'’' <julntM.

S chult ze . of tl ie IocrIk, d id fome w ry fine bi>wllng in th e f iv e -m an ga'mea. lidll s t a r t e d w i th a m a r k of 201!. and In th4 eocond g a m e b o o s te d his score to,. 130-;** I'I th e th i r d g a m e Sch u i lx e khockoji^. ' ' dnwn for .a t o t a l o f 2^7. f t w as th e ' ' ' ro iiHlktent p in n i n g ' of t h e night , scores :

Ind lv ldunLPtplnbruck a i Hill) 178 m 2frt 17D 3U 171.^ H oran lHot>okeni.. m L-OB I8O IS4 llS .

............. , . . f,-w wpck.g h e had tieeri cnach inK th e fool-doubl . Ih Ihe b e s t R.iv1 fa i r e s t In th e Rla ie . of th e S to r r e r Acadi'-njy a t

Auo(h' ’' r !mi>ortant *t»p In a lh le t lcH a l , I .“ pu.K Hull iho t it'Clion o f a lrai.:k ,

m \ ! u ig e r F.f]v(ard Mc<Ui1pk w a s ap p o ln t - w,\ T {’.liT n T c e . H 1? th e in t e n l lo n to

a tr:i; k t e a m rrrri-Tjimt P'Ctuu H jiII | t! -ir will n iT ir in th e P ".t1 meetB. a s w>-!l i l ' rbtifrH '.Hill in New V-irk

Reppectfu lly, BONUS.Tl'.e N a t io n a l O o m m las io n fixes th e

pr ices , which wil l v e r y likely be Si. 12 a n d SI XX’a t c h (he N ew s for I n fo rm a t io n in jegarr i lo th e Ycrj will li/ive b>get pour o w n l l ck e l e . It wilU be a easy of ftrsl eotne, firs t s e rv ed . T h u n k s fi>r CMinphnifciit.

\ i lln.lUfi h o n e woa In Somer-


PUcherB,■Benilei,l ‘nrd. Mrtthcwwon.V ■eJ5'h- C atchers.


, IF irst


Pni.l, MUinrtla (Uirt iHiwllng w « ro ulsodlivi ii iha mvi't I rm A oonmilttew ufI I P n a." I" Ui.Kn c t i a r s e o f thesePjHiMa : .ss Oil tl 'i -L .imnU tcf a.i-e J o h n

il .lnurf l .UI, WiilWT C o l p n . y \ '11li.ini li v rne an.I J a tn o s C u r r y . Th is . . . m . i . r . - . . will HlS" sn t out to tm o r o v e th. ' [,..\:..K'iil cour t TbP pniSO-bl r i l r l nonr-

.1 r> N :wa.^ Ihf’ o(dnr of t h e first tri>!lcy

rjir iliiil w as run f>ver t h e renrr*vl aveiiUfi Ihif-* NTARY" JOTTNPnN.

L nik nu ironn Th#* n arp w ere n p e r a l e d bv The R ap id I ' rarv it t R trcc t H a l lw a y Com: pnn,}

<'1 J-:VEI-AJs I >. Oct, . 1 - T o m m y Gav!- of Clbvehii id , k n O ik ed out F r a n k h ' - u n e y , fif F5rou|;l\Ti, In i h e f o u r th round ' f svhal w'Hii t-' liUN'e been a ta-u-round bniit h e r e Utal n ig h t . T h e y a r e middle- \^eights.

f: r.-

luK D f-natiiii': futnrc

i n d i t a p m fnat p l a y i n g and n t en ian i will ba la id In th e n ea r

-No yirernliir!: "n e i t h e r cj’dn. '

■-0~- fA t h o o l g i r l - C o n s u l l r phy sd r lau if you ;

w'ouu! be b ea u t i fu l . 1

- O -r.. .M.—N cw n rl t H ig h s'^chool w as n e t j

s corM nn Inat season

Football Gossip Here and


Flv«*-nia*i.UNIOsN H I L L . I UOB01W5N-, '

f l i e inbr 'ek 177 173 l5Hl Schult&e . . .300 210 23 H ag en s .. .184 153 1fi7[ S r h n e id a r , m l|D H LamalfiCh iGiJ 19<U73l H opser .. .(Jflft IW-WBta ng ....... IT>3 lii'l I74i E a r l e ........ ^^0H u tc h ___ 14S ItiO 13SI H o r a n ........

Totn le I S40 ras! T o t a l s -.. .9TH 883-8f»4

BlsKi4' liO W I.iN O ,RevenfiOK ..23a 169 144 AnhCole . . . . . .l.V) 16i 20R HaridlCftp... 41) 40 40

T o ta l sT o t a l s .. .42rp 37?s ;UK»Re'vensee . .17 1?*> 2D3| Jlflgepian .(’ole ...........H2 I6i» I94j V neg tl en .H an d ic ap . . . 40 40 40jHundICf lp, ,

T o ta ls ,366 386 4671 T o t a l s . . .4W'3SMfl(

R R A E . M E B T O l ' H N E Y ,W E H T SIIMi. I W E S T H IDE

H ehler ........ 139J. V i l l e ......... 157 I'll VhpelJ^a T o i i r e i te . -U

m \ H . Vllle .......W f Mtail flTl

iol- hU.f’i o i l ' nii

l;j«.ker.T h i rd Bawe,


bv'Oii k lrk 'ii -O' T h r ('pcri'iiE !i «tjiiducted, P'-;!i

Ih-* lew , !' 1a :** ffUr';- ‘T ■ I-If I UI\ >'L "1 i.- ■

fYhortstop.W agner.

<iu tfleU lnrs.



rnUt), DevkirR, 7;i<!U


I 11 t>1 cHrii‘

•!. \*b

Ril j'm It'nro'Ai. n-V't, l;,' \». . :: Vi .j,.-v.Rji, a biOt nn (h*' rugilUt:--♦.■iTrlJrUr.g It—w*hn.( ‘ I'.'iii'rt h .n I

'■< !uit ' fie**nf>A-*n thn

" .fi. - 1 ui-iiit

miwv. >u'('.= ' I . \ I t e '

Ui u in : - a'-' J

iVj r»-SB " j r -'r-ifiu-’ll %■ jiri'.

■ -ed ovwr t' l i. i'-e ti»• i! iu' r, 1(1 M r •U riiiiitl f ‘U- she ^ttjr.


A T O U RP E r s o n a i l y C o i i d u e t c i , tn

GETTYSBURGIn d iid in g a d riv s o v e r tliE

BATTLEFIELDand twQ d a y s ' s ig h t-s e e in g in the c liv of

W ASHINGTONw il l b e o p e r a t e d by t h e

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADO c t o b e r 7 t o l a , 1911

tt the low rate of $22.75 from Newark,Covering al! necessary expensea.

For hill Information consult Tickei Agents, or C. Studds, D. P. A., 263 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

J l>. N-,:W l i ’i'h 1b fHrt ' . tr . Nriw.’ Yf-rk lo [/■>• An-

i'vi! ir r-1 w VtTk to l.->nd-'[j, i'.u^ h.iMi'’ ' JATCF flT'iT'rTrU.

'I'll' diFlah'.i* fr-uii .New York to I>-dN An-' 1 I ’ .-- mafl rnUtr Is L.'t'ty

rnllfP It If 3,T4> miles* to Lond-m nvi*r ih.3pfhHtdll TCi'Ilt'

c h a jn r l ' i n f h lp t o n r n a m e i i t o f tt',« ■(lese Club of Newiirl ' . besrtn* to-

T h e fullowlriK b i o t h e rn- ill l l o . . h an ip i s n sh i i . H. F

;i, J. It I w i n , W. II IC u h r , i . i.B, Dr, N I'l-ioe, M, tv . Mlinr, T. i.nm, -I ' ( 'iiiEeimivn. T N o r d s l r a m ,

.1 H i i r i i - . I Uei,'. B|. touiuHV b. y i r s F r ii t f . j ,

(irt ,.Iw.r 8 f b e fo llowing b i n o em riv O VI, i.' .r: ChririBB tV, riolBH, li" W , ( ’raiiR. i'-, .r( '»For F. r n i lm im , I. K ad tn , A. M, .N I. l .olj.

Th e flOHl pr lus tn tjm r b an ' .p tn t i ib tp (i.ii'-noy will I'B >Sf'. r n « m d p r l i e am t ililrtl pr ls* 516.

L.iiils Pttiilik 1f y o u h av e y o u r sM-niul pfirnTS t h o wliuoaaeB a r y not neuQBsary.

- o -ry- .Norton- 1 d o n ' t k n o w w lia t you

] mi-nu. Tilt" CRJiadtun F a r m r r P ’ Alll.tiK'o [ in .M. nliot ia . (-.inai la, n d v r r l i s o d fo r f a r m

- 0 - -\ H-f 'Mv R e a d e r 'Hic TTnllcd SiatuH

i rnnii-* FcFtjTid in niwTil (sDeugtlu G r e a t

•[■'INuvh.ira Ly j i raduf tl ln g f ro m rhn Mavul

aA.('n,iltmy a t A nnapo l i s , MiJ., or by pu il fl- Ing as (III or-l! iiary fisulor a n d wal tlnK for prorufrtioTi

J P.nt w'hich I i-hti

■ if ■ Imih dPsiRfi ii ,aiai[ m i tn g f ro m hiu'i

nu k n o w w h e r e irure in e i.MKyivjinlH. 1 'ohiitv lu. I';ilyt(*-'hnlc’ aTKl N'“w

V-.ITI ri-u 'b th e m , u n d if

I n th e h f in d l cu p to u r n e y lllf* f ir s t pi i t s Ih sucond TU), ib l r d lulzo Jlfl, Jj^uflh pwi^Wl.

T h e JUcf' Club exj ccTs t o h a v e Jcpa R, ' ’a p u b lan o a , ih e C u b a n c h a m p io n , hero lu t h e n e a r fu tu r e , l i e Is comUig to thli* r i iv to g ive ft flln iii lta iteoua e-\hlbitUkp. Jl.i win p ro b a b ly p la y tw e n t y - f iv e buanJB at Uu- yame time

Anxioufl O n i - A pply at e i th e r one of tlie 9' Imol^ ui s e a F r ln c l p a l L e w is H , Carr ie , Conu^i l E v e n in g H i g h Schoo l, on liuriioi sir<- I

T h e Brax lford A. C'. of O r a n g e will be a cVuitundci lo r louthgll h o n ' j r s th i s sea- | Kon. T h e e lcvon a n a.nsi>ioious sir i t | by s c o r in g a 35 Lo 0 win o v e r t h e W a tc h - | n n g A. C. Oam cF with s e v e n t y to tuijlity j-' ii ind teamsi u i r‘<l. Ed so n Theal l, 2:5 W lii ih ln g to n nvomio. th i s utty. In th e m a n a g e r .

A foo tba l l tisam lias been nrtia ii iw'd by Ihp Ytj^ung Mcci' h I’lub of Bt. R tf id 'on 's I ’r o to F ia n t Ep l» ' ’opid c h u r c h of J e r s e y f ’lty. a n d il w oid d like if* ftrr;iuj;i': ffiunes wlili td.ims (tvf-riglMc,nt Ihi ■o mdr., 'H iey h a v e h e r n t l io roug t i ly drlllfid iirnier Ihi.*' ycfAf's t J ie Sr a h d a r e ciTifidiOTl of g iv in g a good accoiin i of ihem.gelvcfi on th e field, flt- S t e p h e n s h o y s h a v e open d a t e s for a l l S a m r d a y s a n d holidayH in O c to b e r an<^ N ovem ber . A ddreas J. B. H an U tn . m a Jm g er , H F a l n l e w avenue .

. J e r s e y City.

Totals MiltVYldT SIPE*

H eblor ......... 1d2 161J. Ville ....... H I 1 -'La Tourette. 1N3 Ufl

Wlehl ...

Totalsm ountain ,,VhiiW.I ,e laen l r l t t , ..lfl8.24<H o p p ....... b, , 16S YTdRicker ........IRJ 'I4l

T a ta lB ViolliHtTuta lp . . . . 4 7 6 166, m ountain v i e w V/ES?T'BlEtE'S^ L c l s e n t r l t l ■ 95i Tl, V'lllew.,?.iiopD .......... m-l HI] V ogel.......... L-f. ^ HI- ■ * Y-12 I4ki W ieh l .............M 1aitikur .

Total* ff7? 37? ' Totn la _ L --* —

I R 0 Q « : O l S T W O - M A N TOl^HyiQT^W a l th o i t r . . . 1!>d is ll S m ith . . . .^.. .1134,21

IkS MAyros ■>12

ToUlfl .... B ip c h r r . . . . W a a te r s o n


IfiJt! Moi t I.'

3G4 I T o t a l s . . .

J 1S4,21«L“.sey

31*^'112] W a l l h o u r V... IB- IW 3391 A y r e s ...........1 » 'ISn

T o ta ls :132S m i th -— 15!,

Sili T o ta l s . . . . . . SJ94l B l u d i e r ........ . I 'H ' l

M orrissey .. ISS 199 W asteraon

T otals ...... 363 39sl Totals

Mrs, K R - iNinaot U ira te t h e p la co foT- tnerty on Now s t r e e t , h a t you m i g h t trO Ri'lr, tn asT w'ha-t you w n n t f r o ta J . P . N'.ll * 6',, 11 j l u l h e r r y s t r ee l .

P IG E O N R A C Eitnv Uii.irmatinii ulll

V ru; , ft., lalff Cl*’ N Wii '(•» 'i Hir^-ct f^W-vrrits F''-rn?*ylv;ii]ln

I’nllfpc, I'n (N)liiiiibiu I 'n h iT H lfy!*f In » W ' York Cuy , up U*i NN'W Y'm k I ’fitvrrelU' I 'rsiit h i s i t t u to Ifi In Hronk- I'Ti. R u l g r r s Cnlii rp a l N ew B r u n s w ic k end Polytechnii Ii.-«lhiiie lu B rook ly n .

-J P, N.

Ts ih e rp uny I’lnce in t h e 1Tnlt*=-1 S ta te? v ih e n 1 ' lU ir* t '!'ho Otllclnlf '’ (h t i c t t e , isHiied by Ih f Brit ish O i v e r r m H i i ! ? Tf n-d,

• ran 1 dhiatn It from Enj<4a.nd, and w hat J IB Iho pr ice? V^'hat Is t h e p o s t a g e f r o m

H B !■ T b tre a re a mirobea- of w y Ko*iii I i:-;ber yards In N ew ark a t which you f t ' j ’ i Hfcure th e wood. I would not r. •' i: tru iid lijiy p a rticu la r <me. T hey 're all fccooj.

)p r*.-cf*i\-*d 1 . ------ —— -K T F.-\UI.I '’>. I ,av-iiillp yoiiiig -bird r a c e waN ftovvn

■ a \ r r y good t ' n u i a t | Bun- ia i Dy thf> KotscsHle D is in - u ui llotn- nu-tii HoliOul <ui H ig h I Fftfu'ii'ri; f ro m CTi.irhU-l-'.'vlllft, i —

r-Hj\ Ik hi ifohok'Ui I j iwd £\i tl '' ' 'ft of (; c Moving plotuie machines('•Lksfe 18 l"5UtcJ at I Q, Yo'jnirriotJse. lesull: I ront® at uii prices Buy Q moving plc-

Y h n is ptT I tur*'* um^.aaiue a t a n y of t h e n o w ep ap e r minut’. ' stj^Tui.-: or I’le N e w a r k News rompany, 231

Q ejbcr und Vt'imtf'.KUise!,................... USSAO | Wa-^l-liKton s treet, and read the adver-V.’L-mhUf a n d .‘4 c b w c r l i a r t .................... ilaennsntft.H e lh lp ............................... ..........................YlorFti-ttt»r ....................... ......... 4 ^ '‘v!G ruJa 'liuu ’-ci am i ....................................l^gg«rs . . . . .................... ..............................hnikhis.....................Malu' and [..indmesKer.KaiJ eriiarf*!?

O o a l . P r * i o e i . « ^A d v a i i o © S o o o ’

Botk flibDtt - i


ON 01

3 5 4

9f>ij 0f>PkhS.riUP43.N:

................................................... ir„*ii.-l7wVleon ’. V s ' . . V .’.’.VVV.»V*. ..........-** 7^^®

--0 —\V. H.-*Tharo w ill ho a cloira In «I1

painting a t the Young W om en's Chrie- llan Association th la w in ter. Tlte- w a ter t'oloi- m ay be tak en uR a t theiVewtti-k F re e JJr«-wlD« S<xheol uu A » d - emy s iroe t. ]

We Are Still SellingBest Large Lehigh No. 2 Nut, per ton, $4.SO Trimmers Mixture, Stove and Nut

mixed with L a rg e Lehigh No. 2 Nut, $S.3S Best Lehigh Stove or Egg....... ,... . .$ 6 .0 0

S . T r l m m e r & C o .135 Lafayette Street

Huoh the eoll ttaoufh amonv have I •trensti wOl b e ' m m pie relr on tt tMoei the TU th* el*

rtioDlniItenhalIBMlth (Iva Utf p e er . E

o»•OB «Of th* Ft

T lfB fa ’The

p U ra d•o n ye< p isped over th o f th e ptaT ■« •m o u n t “n i e *ei

SCB anin


■u-tiu hop wl •oounu: v»tt(ty. («r oul th« Til HU ph th* thi th* pU

( o m n the ha>

Pen'll the vai line, G had rni tn p diB from n the her

The I poorest pean, tJreJy 1 HeOint th* mi CMift n er Itte to do e*th e( la the U rn u pected llnemai from t th* bw

o f th e une In H*rvu

P tin c baelcJle ,The gi te a m 1 |Very ( te v y e i to o w« MI th e K » *11 count dropkl. ra th e r t e r to w ith I t lfh tmuch’bp th e B oU ei la g da

^eniR utg

lu tea tem ooi w ith t f i n t til B«ra h t« reet la tioo . hy the footbal hetwe* which f a n w P rin cebflinf'• f a ln ithan 1•ehedu Prequi th e do to Joi cheer



i 4* *-,1 f l! * If

fh p i i L >.

1-1 ,?

f* A-.WJ


r NEWARK e v e n i n g n e w s , TUESDAY. OCTOBISIR 3. 1911.




d lUr*■ nlJCll-UUU oil

1 Wlll- iipir It- nnWHtrii on llvfl ;a) pin*i

ilf> wli* bowMni \e teftii)

I by i'hi V acor«« ils ypai Ive-inan h t-n te« 0in» Old

s , pa%ft- >*• Qdra-

NoftOk, b\ith it lo^

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K In til-

2, whivl

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ne. 'hdw P lD5^aini nark 'J iv i a ik 9t\n

I tit.« no JOi;I lOT ^)8 1«

PORK.:1(W 4\.]h i n Ui

. o:i isOJ^ U i 19?'3 V

m 17

$ u iiofsoi

ITHOKLINle otttcom :n 'the rtiJ- 'Brcfokiyii-

le opffnllvs

be keeiit} :0rson piViv^d Ut ikl>n; wh’f

he' p l r n i^ j Supp^A!-


rw ith acbfei I ffajnifp. ■ final

ilie tJOlthe icore*;. .

SI m 2iH-iU W \Sr.a5&

.. if.1 IBS ua

. . 17S 303 1ft m 13S<721

.. 171 iW 19‘

..■ 200 161 IW


iRS[ i B o r aightd 'repfO' a cleaiii-cul' aprerejfftttvr .h« Jiafiltfri

rolled Uo« inalii of SeVtef o-mnn tcAri i O’nloo'Hili'-

[ aome %'^n jca'mea. and In tM

■e to, ao. :-E< :rtockaji. 'art ■8s t t i e 't a 's l nSfht. Tl[4

- ' I

171) a u m , !2)ISI lliS .

BOKKN'. ' ^ 210 M '

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....9TS 393'9fi(

IIIUTIT.’...... v f ? ® 'a i.....ifiB i f t ' i i r ,p ... ID .10 'l l'aaa'joi .n ,.171 !Si 211 1 ,.,20owe.i7i

.4M m « l


0 .......■larfM... .A . »36 1171

PAIN .y n iiw .r l t t . . I f U .m........... 16S ISS... ..,., IB

! ...... « o ! &■ S H O E 's ^ . Ie .,;.r. ISortK.........Lf. a n 'l a j........ uj lil1 ......................«o 7i5

V- •ro rR T T B T ' , ....■^...' i i4 ',2 i r

,9 . . . . . 3I»4*H' 3nr t . t lB l- IW. . . . '. iwisil« '........iBO %:f ........’i w a i lrgon ..


h f^OBCS «

I aad 355v•*

Rriocetoo ani New Brunswick B tfs Will Clash in Midweek

Game To-morrow.


PeoujlTaDia, Brown and Dart- manth Others with Wednes­

day Contests Booked.



P rince ton v i. R u tg « n , * t P r in ce ­ton.

Brown v*. nnoda Ulend, i t P rov . idonce.

D artm ou th v i. Bowdoln, a t H a n ­over.

P en n iy iv en ia ve. F renk lln and M arihall, a t Phlledelphle.

• w

M uch Im portance will be a tta ch e d to th o eollege (ootbaSl gam es to-m orrow , al- (h o u (h th e re a re only to u r In num ber a inonv the bl* eleven*. P rince ton will h«.»* an o th e r chance to show her • tre p s th , p laying H utgera . T he T igers w n i h ave an o p portun ity to try th e v a r i­o la play* of tlie new football, and can r a l r on th e old gam e to ran up a score, u MtoeMary. T here I* *tiu a wall from Hit T iger* ' la ir on the poor show ing of th * aJavan In praetlee. Penn will have a olw tioa to regain som e lost p res tige by leioD lnf up a bl* score on F ran k lin and M arahaU . Down E as t, B row n and D ari- n o u tb w ill both bs In action , and both ■Ivo lodloatlone o f Im provem ent over la st p e a r . B row n'a s tro n g p la y la s t S a tu rd ay w aa ooe o t th e fe a tu re s o f th e early sea- aoB ooo tests, an d m uch Is expected from tb * FrovM ence eleven.

• ITlgin* Defense Still Poor

T h* P rince ton v a rs ity foo tball squad p layed th e longest scrim m age of th e sea- eon yao terday afternoon. T h e w ork dle- pjoyed by th* team w as sligh tly Improved over th a t of la st week, w ith the defense o f th e Hne still poor T h e afte rn o o n 's p lay w as divided In to fou r periods, am oun ting to an h ou r and fo u r m inutes. *nia scrub* scored one touchdow n ttf one Acid coal for th e v a rs ity .

B am m ond ta llied thn to i i c h d o ^ for the earUhfl a f te r several succasBpd- forw ard pgM oe had been pulled off by the second s trin g m en. H am m ond h im self w as the boy who th rew th e passes w ith enough aoouraoy to "sm ear" the defense of the opfgity. H e w aited u n til hie ends were fg r o u t and , seem ingly overw helm ed by th * T ig er linem en, go t his th row away. K U p lay recalled to tho u nderg raduates tb o tim e w hen Howe, of Yale, ohuoked th e p igskin to K ilp a trick for a touch- « o v n . In th a t case a lso th e P rinceton fo rw ards w ere on top of th e m an w ith th e ball, bu t cou ldn 't slop th e play,

Pendeld ecored th e lone field goal ^for th e v a rs ity from Ote scrubs' tw e n ty -^ rd lino. Saw yer. D rW ltt, and Inter, Baker, h ad rushed th e pigskin up to w ith in s tr ik ­in g d is tance of th e second te am 's goal, from w here Penfleld booted ihe bull over th e bars.

T b e p lay ing of the v a rs ity line w as the pQoreet seen on U niversity Field for years . T hey charged h igh and were en­tire ly lack ing In "pep." N orm an. Wlleon, M eOormlck, M cLean, B lue tlien thal were th e m en th a t th e eonches w ere (Iniilrg ta e f t w ith. T hey played like "h a s beens," as- u k e m en who th ink th a t ell they have to do to keep the ir positions Is to re s t oM dhelr ‘Yeps," From th e looks of things l a th e T iger cam p th e h o riion for the lino la oloudlng up, and th e s to rm Is e i- poetad dally. Coach M acG regor w as a Itnem gn himself, and dem ands good w ork fro m th e fo rw ards In p a rticu la r, leaving th e haokfleld men to th e care of Cunnlng- h » m T he coaches a re never losing sight o f th # & e l th a t th ey h ave go t to get a m * In tr im fo r th e g re a t line p lungers of H a rv a rd and Yale.

P rin ce to n will have one of th e epeedleet baefcilelds of e ll the colleges th is fall.

,T ho g re a t w eakness o f th is p a rt of the to am Ilea In Its lack o f w eight. B aker, v e ry fa s t, tips the beam a t only 16S.

's a w y e r la not m uch h eav ier and P end le­to n w tighe Its. Penfleld Is not a s speedy a* these tw o. b u t he Is a little heavier. H a w ill get his place on th e team cn a c ­coun t o f hte toe. H e le a v e ry reliable dropklclcer, and Is good a t punting. I t Is ra th e r unusual fo r a c an d id a te for q u a r­t e r to bo sh itted to full, a s has been done w ith Penfleld, and only goes to show the ligh tness o f the T iger backfleld.

L ig h t p rac tise only will be indulged in by tho Ju n g leltcs to -day , th e th e husky ttu tg e rs team will be m et on the follow- i s « day.

• *»(^enine Game for Rutgers

K utgerc College football team will open lU ie ta o n on th e grid iron to -m orrow a f­te rnoon At P rinceton , w here tl will clauh w ith th e T iger eleven. I t wit] be tho fSrit tim e in a num ber of y ea rs th a t Rut- gArs hA8 m et P rince ton and a keen In- tATAst Is fe lt in th e renew ing of ihe re ­lations This is m ade doubly in tcni^tlng by th e fact th a t the first Intcrcalleffltife foo tball gam e tn A m erica w as a gaips betw een R u tg e rs and P rinceton , and w ^ c h w as won by R u tgers. Coach Gkr- gan wtll U k e a squad of tw en ty men to pirtneeton to-m orrow , as every effort Is being pu t fo r th to p u t up a good gam e 'aga inst th e Tigers. T he te am Is heavier tb g n la s t y ear’s and a lso h as a h arder Aehodule. S tuden t en lh iialaatn la high. Fte<iuent "squad” m eetinga a ro held In th e dorm itory , and m any s tu d en ts expect to Journey to P rince ton to -m orrow to c h e w th e ir team .

CpAttyaburg Has Brisk Practise,W ith the Pebn gam e over and the men

O ttty s b u rg T here w as no le t-up in the ' ■ traouous w ork th a t has charac te rised : th a p rac tise fo r th e le st week. E very i p lan w as ih uniform and they w ere put th ro u g h a hard algnai and pun ting prac- tiSA by C aptain B rum baugii. Beegle. the Atar tack le, who h a s been , ou t w ith a b roken rib* w as in hla old'''''position, and K tlle r . th e big Rivard, w ns In the tine-up. TbA m en a re fu ll of en thusiasm and are M a rm in e d to give S ta te a h a rd battle .

• *#ChietBb A ll to th e B ad .

n # Vkrslty line-up a t th e U niversity of ChAsAgo received a shock In the first prac- t lw o f th e year w hen th e freshm en won. k tA Cg yaste rday a f te r an h ou r of scrim - Haage, T he exhib ition gave little encour- tg tm fm * to C blcago’s p rospects for vic^ tOIT OVAf t*'® In d ian a I ’n lvere lly eleven BA*i S a tu rd ay . A fte r th e p rac tise Coach 4 tag g said his men would have to improve flfty p e r cent, in k icking in o rd e r to win t u r n laidlana.

***P iu h i n e Cornell Line Plaf

CMTcell football p rac tise w as shifted f to m P ercy Field, In th e valley, to A iunm l Field, high up on the cam pus, yca- te rd ey , and th e SOO-foot change In eieva- tje# |g expected to m hke n w orld of dlfter- •DM ta th* tra in in g of th e m en. Th* ehow-

th e su b stitu te line ag a in st l i t ig a te WM n o t w tls fa c to ry , and a lot of tim e W M atiant y e s te rd ay a fte rnoon drilling A n n on th e dffeuae. M unnis, of la st TMT'* freehroan team , and H ale, wore w orked o u t In th e v a rs ity llne-qp, whils Y ra U m so n w as p laced a t r ig h t tackle.

P ^ l P e n n T h ro u g h P a c es' Aa w as expected, P en n 'a -varsity was p v t th rough a hard d rill y e ste rd ay afte r- niuin tb e coaches endeavoring to correct Um g la rin g m is tak es o f th e G etty sbu rg g a n e . S ta rtin g p rom ptly a t 3;% Coach BDdth kejyt th e men on th e jum p until d a rk n a ia Itoally pu t a n end to the prec- tla a a t t a r ( o'clock. A fte r th e prelim inary p rac tlM , w hich consleted^ m ostly of Indl- v fd aa l fa s lractio n . A ndy Sm ith lined up th a v a n i ty and second team a and gave th am a long sig n a l drill, w hich lasted for n o r a th a n an hour. T he scrlm m aga gam e w ith th a Bcrilba followed a n d lasted for

-f« rty mlDutsa.

Much Joy at Delaware ,H av er In ih e h is to ry o f D elaw are Col-

!•■ • h a a th«r« be«n so m ucb In terest dls- pliUPBd In I t i football cloven as waa ATOUiAd by th e g re a t ah o w in f thfr t«Am S A ^ - M A ln i t Sw arthm prA on ^aturdAye W b A eito i old gold an d blue held the

QBAker* to & 0 to 0 acora. N o t only the : fttidAitt bM y and th e facu lty , bu t the

tAWD AC N ew ark , and, in fac t, the en tire StAilA 1a p roud o f th e team . T he playera wAr e m e t a t th e s ta tio n on th e ir re tu rn ■fetarday n ig h t by th e college l ^ d and > M d A d .o v e r th e s tre e ts o f N ew ark . I t WM th e firs t tim e 1» tw elve y ea rs th a t D ataw are has even p layed B w arthm ore a 4 b a a

Y A Reeulars R«st Up.M lA w In g the. p o lle r e f sav in g th e t M

g d e p M by th e coaehAi th ia yeari th e

Y ale vars ity men who Started tbe gam e aguliTfit H<ny Croas Balurday were given (1 re s t yeaterday and W arren waa the only one In the vAreltv Un<--up !le w as u t left tackle, and It was said th a t for the presenT P erry , who showed up well tt^nlnat Holy Cross, would bP a t tack le on tho v a rs ity , pending the re tu rn of P au l to th e gam e. The eecond team lined up ag a ln a t the th ird for a tw en iy -m lnu te scrim m age, w ith a constan tly changing Tine-up. There was only one s to re m ade In the ecrim m ege. That w as by Eddie F reem an , who U playing rig h t ha lfback on the th ird team. He broke th rough the second line for the touchdown,

• *«W est P o in t E x p erim en tin g

The field a t W eat Point w as too w et and olippery yt-sterdsy for the coaches to tak e chances on a scrlm m agts but they sen t the men th rough a long signal drill. The formOrilons were run off sm oothly tind tb e Crisp w eather seemed to p u t m ore sn ap Into th e player^. In an a ttem p t to fill the guard posillori-sjetl vacant by W eir's g raduation , the c a c h e s a re experim enting w ith sh iftin g Arnold from cen tre to g u a rd and using W alm siey and filbert for th e centre. W aJmsley played guard In good s ty le la st season and no doubt will m ake a s trong candidate for centre, providing he can improv'e on his passing, which is ragged and resultAd In a num ber of fum> blcs. H uaion w as In a t le ft guard y e s te r­day and P ritch ard wofi tried a t q u a r te r ­back. He ra n the team in good shape and got tho p lay s off quickly. For the back- field two good men a re developing m Hobbs and Putterfleld , both of whom a ie new m en th is year who have had football experience.

L a fa y e tte P re p a r in g fo r S w a rih rn o reThe pnicU se of the lA fa y e tte squad

yeste rday afternoon was to develop a s tro n g offense. l!p to this tim e the coaches h ave spent tlA»;lr time In p e rfec t­ing the defense. A num ber of Coach N ew ton’s new plays were tried out. D ur­ing th e punting praciLse Kelly booted the ball severa l tim es for fifty-five and s ix ty ya rds , an d shows rapid im provem ent in th is line. Coach Newton did not give the v a rs ity scrim m age work, but an exciting gam e waa held between the second and th ird team s. The a tten tion of the squad and the M aroon and W hite supporie rs la Uirned tow ard the Sw^arthmore gam e Tho squad will be worked to the ilm lt in p rep a ra tio n for this game.

H a rv a rd SQuad L ectu redH a rv a rd 8 football men w'ere out on the

field loss thaji an hour yestcnlny , the head coach giving them a long lecture a t the b lackboard and going over the lesaona ta u g h t by the B ates giime. L a ter, In th e stad ium , the backs, linesmen and ends w ere separated into their respective groups and Individually coached. C orbett, who will have charge o f the backs a t C am bridge th is year, woe in tho field for the firet’ ^Ume. He paid special a tten tio n to the kickers, and spent a lot of tim e w ith M llhollandj the drop k icker, whoso pun ting has been even b e tte r th an has F e lto n 's . T here was no scrim m age and only a few m inutes of signal drli).


■ X, 'CHICAGO, Oct. 3,—P resid en t Thom as

Chlvingtoiis of th e A m erican A ssociation, y e ste rd ay received a rep o rt of a n alleged gsoau lt by Phil I/ewls. sh o rts to p o f the M ilw aukee team, upon U m pire Je rry E dd lnger In S a tu rd ay 's g am e a l M ilw au­kee. The alleged s t u c k upon Eddlnger, fo rm er tra in e r of the W ash ing ton Amer­ican League team , w as th e re su lt of L e w ii 'i being called ou t a t first on a c lose decision- The league head w as not re ad y to make known his decision yes­te rd a y . bu t an announcem ent Is prolMible w ith in th e next few days, l^ w ls w as a nnember of the RaUlm ore E aa iv rn lacagua c lub a t one lime.


GIANTS’ WINMcGraw Slab Artist HsUs

Pirates to Pair oi Hits aud Wins, 3 to 0.


T he New York G ian ts cap tu red ono of th e th ree gam es needed to clinch the N a­tiona l Ijeagtie p ennan t yesterday . The P ira te s were victim s of M cQ raw 's men N ew York m ade su re of th e victory by Bhuttlng out PlU sburg 3 ru n s to 0 The d a y 's work hicieaaed th e ir lead over tlie C ubs by two points to a Loial of fifty- e igh t. TJift G lania m eet llie Phillies in P h iladelph ia to-day.

T he defeat of P tlisb u rg seriously m en­aced th a t cluh'H title to th ird place P h lla ' delphlu won cahlly from fJosiun und en'^pt up to w ithin elevrji polniu of the o ther PeniiBylvansft rep resen ta tiv e In the N a­tiona l League. P ittsb u rg h has only threo m ore ganioa 1o play, while Philadelphia has nine.

Y esterday'B gam e w as an exceptionally w ell-played one The prom inent fea tu re w as th© p ltc li ln ^ o f Wilts©, wlio held the P ira te s to two aliigles. one of a decidedly ncraicliy ch arac te r and the o ther being lined out by Dots M iller with tw o ou t hi th e ninth. Not a P ittsb u rg h p layer reached second boso, and only four gut to first.

In all only tw en ty -e igh i m en faced W lltse. one of whom receh 'ed a base on balls, T he fielding on both sldee w-aa sharp , njany b rllllan i p lays being made.

S in n in g to-day. M anager M cGraw will pu l Uube M arquard under W ilbu r Robin- eon s care until the w orld series upens a week from Friday .

Ti:e veteran bock-stopper w as one of the m ain faclura In developing the suuthpuw to his preeunl form , und no m an In the busliieya understands any b e tte r iho a rt of w orking hlb p itcher In the rig h t way.

Kobmson wlh put on th e fiiUshlna louUieB 111 tlie hope of having hla charge a t the proper edge to face the hardest h ittin g ball club In the game.


FAT PURSES----------r—

Picked Eutero Learie Base­ball Piiyefs Get Big End of

Post-Season Receipti



D ETRO IT. Mich., Oct, S .-P residA nt N avln of the D etroit B aseball C tub, ban aw arded (ho con trac t for th e eoDelru^V tion of a new t^ li p a rk to th e H unklp Coukey C onstruction Com pany o f Clev#* land. T his com pany built the new Clave- land Park . The ueAtructlon o f the old stands which have graced B ennett P a rk since the Armulcun laeogue w as o rfx n - lxe<i in IMU hj- Riin Jolinscm a s the West* ern ajfuc, began to-day and w ork will ho puthciJ tiurexsiinily th ro u g h o u t the w in ter Tlie com ract calls fo r the emn- pleiton of the new pnrk l»y A pril 1. Tho p lant VHiI! hi' one of the finest in ihu oiiuhiry In the new park th e homeTplate will hf s itua ted In w h it now Is left field.

R em ed y in g C a r lis le ’s F a u lts N ot one of the Carlisle Indians foothall

p laye rs w as Injured In S a tu rd ay ’s eam e . ag a in st D ickinson's eleven, a llh o u g h the gam e w as ex traord inarily e trenuous for so ea r ly In the Bcason. Ind ian Conch W arn er criticized both hla line and back- field p layers fo r indifference and Inability to block tbe line plunging and end ru n s o f th e collegians. As a result an a lte red lino on th© v a rs ity Indian eleven Licecl the reserves yesterday, and w as changed from lim e to tim e th roughout the sh o rt Bcrlmmage, which succeeded a leng thy signal practlBc. The Indin'ina wore run th ro u g h the whole gam ut of fundam entalB a f te r achool and given a sh o rt field ta lk on the Dickinaon gam e hy W arn er. Thorpe. R oberts and Powell tried pun ting and dropp ing goalk With good success.

AUTO PRACTISE HELD UPPH IL A D E L P H IA , t>ct. 3. — Sunday s

ra.ln had the effei'l of m aking iho Fulr- m ount autom obile nuH course a bit soft yeste rday , and the good-sized crow d llia t b raved the im sty w eather to see th© first d a y ’s praclJse did not gel m uch excite­m en t fur their trouble. Their presence a t so unseem ly an hour, however, showed the big Interexl th a t the public is tak ing In the g rea t annual m otor c a r struggle. F ive of til© most Ekllfui and daring d riv e rs In the co u n try —J. F red Betz, In

F la t , H arry G rasi and R alph Mul- fo rd , in Lozlera; H ughle H ughes, M ercer, an d Erwin B trudoll, In a Bt-ni car—were on hand to try ou t th e ir cars, but the course wua too soft and th© work had to be called off.


DETROIT. Mich , Oct. 8 .- I t w as sla ted Lij-day t l u t D etroit h a ^ secured w aivers on Leftflcldcr D avy JOnc-a and C utener bchm idt It has not been definitely ztated w ha t dlapci^Uion will be m ade of the vetcraUH, but it la Indicated they will go to the Am erican Aenoclation.



T he micceM atta ined by the A ll-S ta r ag g reg a tio n of th e E jiste rn Leaffue ag a in st the H ocheater H ustlers In the poat-eeason Borles. which cam e to an ab ru p t end yes­te rday . w as due in a 'k r e i t m easure to th© h ittin g ability of th© pick of th e B arrow organization . Th© A ll-S tar^ hung up a b a ttin g average of 31T. while tho R ochester team h it for a m ark of .234. In fielding th e H ustlers excelled w ith a p ^ce-itag p of .370, w hile the AH-6tara' record w as .933. The complete record o f th© scries is given In th e following composite box score;

R O C H E ST E R .O, AB. R. H. 2B. ZB MR. TB. SH SB. Av. PO. A. E. Av.

M oran. 1. f ................ .. 4 16 3 4 0 0 Q 2 267 5 J ,857Miller, r. f ................ .. 4 n 3 3 0 fl 1 6 1 0 .2TJ 6 I 0 1.000F oster, b. b............... .. 4 14 2 b 0 fl 6 0 0 .357 11 15 1 .963\ \ ’a rd , 31>...................... .. 4 16 2 7 0 0 8 0 0 .437 7 7 0 l.OflUOsborne, c. f .............. .. 4 14 1 3 1 fl fl 4 1 0 214 3 0 0 J.1KJ0Slm raons, 2b............... .. 4 16 0 5 1 1 0 S fl 0 .312 10 13 1 . mapencor. lb .., ,. ........... .. 4 Y5 0 1 0. 0 0 1 0 0 067 33 3 1 .976M llchell. c ................... .. Z 9 0 3 1 0 fl 4 0 1 ,333 12 4 1 .941Jack litsch , c ............. .. 1 3 1 1 0 0 2 fl 0 .333 6 3 0 1.000M rConnsll. p ........... .. 1 3 0 0 0 fl 0 0 0 fl .000 0 2 0 1.000D essau, p ....... .......... .. 1 fl 0 0 fl 0 0 fl fl 0 .flOO 0 fl 0 .000W ilhelm , p .^ ............... .. 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 fl 1 0 flOO 0 3 0 I.&XJM anser, p .................... .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0 .600 fl 1 fl 1.000H olm es, p .................. .. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl .000 0 0 i.onoH ughes, p ................... 1 2 0 1 0 0 fl 1 fl fl 600 0 2 0 1.000B atch ........................... .. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl •oOO 0 0 fl .000

T o tals ..................... 125 12 33 's 1 1 44 3 3 .204 99 flO 5 .970A LL -ST A RS.

f G. AB H. H. 2B 3B. H R . TB. SH. SB. Av, PO. A E. Av.Louden. 3b.................. .. 4 l«i 2 3 fl (1 0 3 0 z .187 6 D 1 .933C orcoran, r. f ........... .. 4 16 2 7 1 0 1 11 1 fl . .437 1 fl l.OOflM iller, c, f .................. .. 4 14 3 5 0 0 0 5 0 1 -36Y 1 1 .889M urray , 1. f ............... .. 4 14 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 .214 5 fl .833O andll. lb .................. .. 4 14 2 3 1 0 6 0 1 .214 37 1 1 .975P aren t, ©. h., 2b...... .. 4 IS 7 2 0 ' 0 9 1 1 11 17 8 .91X1At*. 2b......................... .. 3 D 1 0 0 0 fl 0 0 0 .000 5 8 1 .929R oach, s. B................ .. 1 4 0 0 fl 0 1 » 0 . m fl 1 .500

.. 3 8 3 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 .600 10 h fl l.OOflPhelps, c .................... .. 2 6 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 fl .333 13 4 0 1.000

.. Z 4 a fl 0 fl 0 0 0 fl .000 fl 1 .500R udolph, p ................ 2 4 1 2 1 0 0 3 fl fl .5fl0 1 0 0 1.000D ubuc, p .................... .. 1 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 f!G7 1 s fl l.fWOE lsto n ....................... 1 1 a 0 0 0 1 fl 0 1-000 0 0 0 .000

T o ta ls ..................... 126 17 40 6 1 1 50 <1 5 ,317 99 53 10 -938SCORE BY INN IN G S.

All-Star© .................... 2 1 1 1 S 4 0 2-17R ocheste r . ............... fl 2 2 0 1 0 fl 0-12

tsOft on bases—A ll-S tars 21. R o ch este r 27. Double p lays—F o r A ll-S tars, Dubuc, Cady and Qandll: Dubuc and G andil; P h e lp s an d A tz; P a re n t and A u . F o r Roch­este r, F oste r. Simmons and Spencer. S tru ck out hy A ll-B tar p itch e rs—By V ickers 9. by R udolph 7, by Dubuc 4. S tru ck o u t by R ochester pitchers—By McConnell 6. by D essau 2. by W ilhelm Z, by H olm es 2, by H ughes 3 B ases on balls off A ll-S tar

Btrvii'e (tf the A'FTFS.UOCHE8TEH. Oct 3 .-F o llow ing the

railing off of th e post*e©.ipon series be- iwiren the A ll-S tars and H ustlers yci^tvr- «iiiy by Edw ard O. Burrow . pre^Jilein of tbe E astern League, the mcm bois of Uic Ali-Stare im m ediately packed ihe ir grips and s ta r te d fo r hom e. T h e p icked team w as declared th e w in n e r of th e ser lb s and pocketed th e b ig end o f th e p la y e rs ' share of th e re ce ip ts . ^

The series ended In a fiasco when Charley Chapin, president of the Hocliea- ter club, refused to allow the gaien of his ball park to be opened for the p u r­pose of playing th e b a ttle advertised fur yesterday afternoon.

It it Expected th a t C hopin 's actloh will be made the sub iec l of a sp irited debut© at the next m eeting of the league.

In his a rgum en t for refusng to penu lt his players to p a rtic ip a te In the fifth gam© of the series, he udvanctKl th a t President Barrow and M unagers Dunn, of tho All-Stars, and O anzel. of Rochester, broke the original ag reem en t Sunday in New'ark, a f te r th© tie gam e there, by scheduling a contest here for y<™stcrday afternoon. Chapin clam ed the rules slated the th ird and fo u rth Komea m ust be played on n eu tra l grounds.

The third gam e w as played on a foreign field (Baltim ore) on H ilu rd ay Th© fourth gome, which ended In a tie In N ew ark Sunday, did not co n stitu te a gam e, said Chapin Tht-refor©, B arrow , L>unn ajid Gar.zfl had no rU'ht to bcok th© gam e for Uoclie.‘'tp r yeste rday Chapin said tho cojutisi ^huiild have been played In B uf­falo to-day Intsead of to-m orrow , or th.\t ho would have agreed to lay off yeste r­day, play In Buffalo to-day and come b a rk here for the o th e r gam es ncrcs.'sary to deride tin; scrlea.

The reason that B arrow . Dunn and Gan- ztl decided to play In R o rh estc r w as be­cause It was understood, when the team s left here for BaUlm ore, they would r©-„ turn Monday. At th a t tim e U w as n6i taken Into conslder;illon there m ight he a tl« or postponed gam e. Sum© provision f^hould have been m ade for this occur­rence a t that lime. Dunn w anted the team s to rem ain over in NywarU M onday and play off the He battle , Because u game had been a d \e r t ls e d for R ochester yesterday, thlb p lan w as pas^^cd up and the cluba m ade a quick Jum p to th© Flower City

BnrrQw Nlak©© S ta te m e n t."W hen It rained In th e seventh Innmg

a t N ewark Sunday.” sa id Proaident Bar- row, "and the pam© w as called a tie. it was ftgrred by M an:tfter Dunn .T,nd M an­ager Ganzel) and m yself to p<JBtpone the game to Tuesday In Buffalo and play in R ofheater yesterday The rules called for two games In R ochester, iwti on neutral groundk and rem ain ing gam es on the grounds of the chumplona. Wo figured th a t th© ruin In Newa|^k sim ply called for a pnstrHjncmeni and th a t St did ru t -fol­low th a t the gam e m ust be played off yesterday. A gam e had been scheduled for Rochester yeste rday and the funs looked fur ll. Mr. C hapin conten<led th a t the RomoB on foreign grounds m ust lie played In ©uccesslon £n order to hmvf the eerlou end on the Roch^.stor diamond. When he refused to open hla hull p.irk yesterday afternoon I called the serlea off.”

Tlie p layers’ sh are of the receipts of (he four gam es w as H,69fiG0, of which the winners got $2,217.^ and the losers I1.47S 21. Each m em ber of tlie A ll-S tar team , seven­teen In all. receives J130.43, while each Roriie.ster plfiycr gets I7T.W ff (he scrlea had hern played off an pihniM=Yl the players wo\iifl have received mucli more,

Although P residen t B arrow did n e t go on re c o il to thm effect, It Is not llk( ly th a t the league will a tte m p t to conduct such a series again. Th© lou.que will have to m ake up a dolirlt o f abou t il.300 In the expenses of tbe scriee for w hich each club probably will be assessed.

Chapin's re fusa l to play will coat tbe league upw ard of $1,300. H ad th e re been a contest yeftterday, th e proceeds would have gone to the expense fund To-day tho p layers would sh are In th e gross, be- cause ol the lie gam e. Of course, the tw enty per cent, would have been de­ducted for expensea. H ad th e re been a n ­other gam e neofSFary o r even If th e re had not been the cl'.ances a re th a t expenoea would have beett met.

Barrow and Dunn a re not w orry ing over th is point. W hen the serlefl w as declared off m any thought the p lay e rs ' fund would be split beyvecn th e clubs. B ut th is theory was not long In the b risk au ­tum nal air. T he A ll-S tars had won tw o gamea out of th ree and deserved s ix ty per cent They got It. Seventeen men figured in the cu tting of the melon of th e All- S tars' share.

ChaplB la Obdarate- When B arrow a rriv ed hero yesterd.iy

morning shortly after~8 o'clock th e sta'le- m ent by Chapin In th e new spapers su r­prised him. B arrow tried to ge t Chapin and Q anstI over th e telephone. I t was nearly noon before he m anaged to land Jaw n, who a t once had a ta lk w ith Cha­pin. W hen Chapin w as located by Bar- row he rtifiised to p lay th e gam e. B arrow told him then th a t the series would be

i lS2? ! declared off and Chapin said nil right.Business M anagers D ewan, of Jersey

City, and Billy W icks, of B alllm ore, did not leave the c ity la st night. They had lots of buslneas to a tten d to and will not get aw ay before to-n ight. PrcRldeni B ar- row left yeste rday for Buffalo and To­ronto. He will a rriv e In New York sumo lime to-m orrow night, because th e N a­tional Cornmlsalcm rrieeis th e re T hursday. It iB probable th a t th e E aa tc rn T.«agii(i! will be given some kind of a n answ er to its request for consldpration.

Billy Louden and H ick Cady, N ew ark’s repre.’ entatlvc* on th e A ll-S tar team , le ft for home and will play w ith the b a rn ­storming Indiana th is week. Dunn. Vick­ers, P aren t and Atz U*ft fo r B altim ore a t the sam e time.

W ilbur R oach, th e Skeoter shortstop , and one of the All-Btnra, le ft lant n ight for F rosthurg , Md. He will becom e a benedick T hursday. M iss N ellie 3J, Slew- a r t Is th e bride-elect. R o ach 's homo Is tn W lndber, Pa. H e jo ined the New York Yanks In the sp ring of 1910 and w as w ith them butll he w as sen t lo Je rsey City this season

(iJeorge McConnell, th e prem ier tw lrler of the H ustlers end o f the league, evi


6LIDDEN RUNHaoy Astomsbilists Will Go on

Toir from New York to Florila.


BELY LEARYGhetto Lai t n l F im Boy

Maul Each Other Withoot Daina|e at Troiler'i



N EW YORK. O n . 8.—Seventy-one c»ra a re nam ed to com pete for th© IJll Qlldden Trophy from New York to A t^ n ta and JuckBonvlIle, October 14 lo 38. WMth the en try Hot now cotnplcred. the contest board will huld a special m eeting this week ajid com plete urraugenieiitH fo r ih» com fort and cn lu rta lnn ien i of tho to u r­is ts all along the roul©>.. M oto r trucks will c a rry the baggage an d every effort will be m ade lo fac ilita te th e oenv^en- lenue of the mglorlsiB. The fac t th a t th e to u r has been luU nut th rough the m ost a ttra c tiv e pecilon of the South h a s con­tribu ted lo the uniiHual ey try list.

On the nlKlu of Oclobur 13 iho con- tc'Slauls will be gu^'Hts of the A utom obile Club of A m erica a t a aruoker an d enter- ta lnm oni In the clubhouse T hey will P la n the next day on (heir long Journey to Juckt)«‘>nvllle, where they a rc sctied- uled to a rriv e O clot'er 28


BOXING TITLEColorelCbampioaOMcrateAkoot

Quittiof-W ill Wait Year to Transfer Crawn.



''B u rrin g accidents, we will go in to ih s w orld 's serleii In belter we have been ut any tim e In recent y ears ,” rem arked Connie M ack, m anager of the w orld’s cham pion A lhJedca, yea- lerday

•'Bender Is roundliis in to h is best form, while M clnnes'a arm la healing rapidly and lie will positively play in th e atriva.

I ahull work all my p lichi-rs iLguinst the Nationals^, but none of them will be sakt-d to go the entire rou te F our or five Innings for each will be autllcleitt to keep them on edge, und th e n we will liuve Bumil real hard gumeb w ith th e Ail- S ta r team next week.

'I a^n not m aking any predJction.H nor claim s, but If the Oiaiitg b e a t ua they will know they have been In some hall giLinre I 'ln re Is no way lu mulercutt- m iite our team I t ha© ahown th a t it l« u w inner utiJ It will go in to th is aeriea will! every confidence.

■ Much hajr* been aald abou t the base- runn ing proclivUIee of th e Ulant.H, and I g ran t you th a t Ihia Is th e ir s tro n g suit, hu t they will no t be- ru n n in g wild on us. Out catchers ' records ©how th a t baae- runfilng against us Is not e asy .”

Mock Haiti th a t he expected I r a ThomuH to do all the catching, and he a lso s ta ted th a t Thoniaa w as In b e tte r form now th a n he ha.i even been before, ” He has bevn turn ing basc-runnerK bucks” Connie.

The prediction th a t fowr round© a re too short for Billy L ea ry , th© Olaflstone farm boy, and Young K u r t i . ih© local Ghetto ■'Iron Man.” to seU le th© question of ring supremacy betw een theTn, cam e true Last night, when they m et In ih e a ia r bout i t the Central In s titu te . T h e men mauled each o ther th rough th e fo u r sessions w ith ­out doing any ap p rec iab le h a rm and w ith ­out one having any p ronounced advantage over the other.

K u r il had condition tn h is favor and ha showed much superio r s treng th , but he w u wild, and L ea ry mg^o him m iss sc often by ducking under h is swings th a t a t times tho G hetto lad won m ods to look foolli^h. H« landed oevsral good blows, mostly left Jabs. L ea ry d idn’t appear to hav© the usual pow er In his punches, and hiB trusty righ t crosa w as notable by Its absence. I^eary w as th e oggreeior throughout the mHl. b u t the rough work lold on him the m oat and he tired from his own exertions. T h e first round was an even thing, w ith n o t m uch action; th© second showed K u r ts In th e lead. The third was L eonas by a good m argin, while the last w as ab o u t up^stlcks. K urts put a right swing on L e a ry 's m outh coming out of a break In th e second round, and 11 brought blood, w hereupon Leary "called ” hlra fo r th e a c t , and with their Ire up the man s lu g g ed each other for a

j b rief session.The best bout o f th e n ig h t hod Bmlllng

Kelly, of B ayonne, a n d P ran k Donlnger. of this city. OS oippononta- T he la tte r used Mhort right and le ft iv ln g s lo the head, which bothered K elly not a m ile , and In tho second round D onlnger opened a cut under the B ayonno m a n ’s le ft eye. Kelly came out strong In th e la s t round, scored the only knockdown, of th e bout, flooring Donlnger w ith a r ig h t sw ing, and then to pay the local lad bock cu t his right eye wUh a Jah.

Buddy F au lk s found ITtd Gross, the Philadelphia colored loti, a nard proposi­tion to hit. and w as unab le to land any punches until tho la s t round. Then w hat he did get home w are few and d idn 't do any dam age. G ross ap p ea red ' w ith a Htrong defenee an d blocked F au lks a t will,

condition thuii i bm he d id n 't show an y th in g In the htt- ting lln© T ha m an could have boxed a thousand rounds and neither would need a sponge on h im a t tho finish

Young E dw ards, o f Rogolle Park, and Young M lllrr. o f th is city, slugged each other to a d raw In th a sem l-flnal. Young Carcicll had It on Young Sabo), Young Delaney shaded Y oung B arger, and Young Muck and Young boxed an Interesting rirnw.

PA R IS. Oct, 3 —Jock Johnson a rn v rd here S a tu rd ay n igh t and once more »tuisd th a t he will never dun the gloves in £ cham pionsh ip bu ttle uguin Hpeakltig oj hla rotlrum onl, Johnson said:

"T h ere ’s nobody gain}: to risk enough money lo m ake U w orth my while to put In a lot of hard tra in ing ."

''B u t w hat Ih yiiur Idea about the chant* p lonship?" he wus auked.

"W ell, 1 propose to wait a year to scs five or six of th© best men fight It out am ong them 1 would like to refer©© the fights. T hen when tho wbEmer is docldod 1 will p a ss tho cham pionship on to him to defend It. I d o n 't care who It Is so sa he has got the stuff In him ”

"E ven If it is Bam lotngford?''■‘Yes. even if It Is Langrord," he re ­

plied. w ith u grin."A nd you will accept no more ch a l­

len g es’”"N ever again . T hat li final. There li

nobody w ill ever get me back Into ih s ring again . "

"B u t W ells seem s to think a fight idsJ be a rra n g e d yet. ”

‘T l w on 't. I 'm going to draw down my M.OOO fo rfe it in London te-day. That ends It."

___________• ____ ___ a - ■


YALE HONORS JER SEY BOYN E tv HAVEN, C onn, O ct 3.—E v n e t t

D- F'avls, of Ellan-belh. N J.. a m em ber of il'.c sophom oic iicadem lc clasi‘. was I'lrc’Teii a»slFinni maiuiRcr of the Yale U niversity football team hist night a t a m eotlng of the tophom ore claaa.


NET(^ OBLKANB. O rt S .-W hen R ef­eree Ptout aw arded Mont© Attell, of 'San Franclaco, a decision over Johnny Daly, of New York, a t Ihe end of a ten-round bout lost night a t th o O rleans A. C., po­lice stepped Into th e rin g to prevent any poBHlbl© trouble from th e crowd, which favored Daly.

The club m anagem en t recently adopted the no-deciBlon policy, bu t th e exception

Ivan made last n tgh t. It Is said, a t the re ­quest of Attell.

Daly fought like a w ildcat from tho I brelnning, bu t A tle ll showed cleverneas [ iHilIl tho last tw o rounds. Attell drew I blood In the opening round. Daly In tbe

I final session closed A tte ll 's eye.

Atlell wli! m eet F ran k ie Bairns a t the same club O ctober tfi for ten rounds, iho winner of this bou t to m eet Johnny Cou- lon.

I It was nnnounred th a t Joe M andol will ! moPt Young Shylor a t the W eet Bide Ath- j lulir I'lul) on O ctober 29 In a Iw enty-

round bout for a decision.

N EW YORK. O ct a .-F xhau« ted from tw o fa s t gam es of tennis yesterday t&AbS w om en's m etropoU lan cham pionship tour- nam ont a t th e W est Bide Tennis Ctub, Allas D orothy Green, of Fliiladetphia, fell In a swoon on tho courts and woi u neon tc lou t fo r nearly half an hour

A fter Mlsa Green had defeated MlsJ F ran ces H enry in s tra ig h t sets ulis wm titaiched w ith Miss EdUh llasidy. Miss H andy p layed an eaceptlonaliy fast gams and kep t Miss Green on the Jump from th e s ta r t. Miss Green displayed plenty of speed, but w as not fast enough for her opponent and lost the game in stra ight sets

As M iss H andy scored ner lost polni Allse G reen kectod over and fell to th4 ground. H eatoratlves wore applied tmms- d iatety, b u t they fulled until a physician arrived and carried her off tbe coorli on a s tre tc h e r Afior eh© revived she w al tak«n aw ay by Mien Elsie L ittle In an autom obile.

A big field of women tennis exparti tu rned ou t to do battle for the title. In tho s trin g of ihlrly-five players th a t fig­ured in tho singles were many title hold* «ra.


pItcherB -O ff V ickers 2, oB R udolph 2. off D ubuc 4. B ases on boll* off H ochestor | in te res t Iti the serleB. Hethrew tha team dow n or else w as given perm ission to play w ith Plainfield. N. J., Saturday. He won hla Jtame from a club m anaged by Cy 8ej;m our an d TInv Jordan. 'When McConnell joined the H ustlers Sunday In N ew ark , he w as given the cold shoulder by hi* team -m ates, the

p itchers—Off W ilhelm 1, off H olm es 4, off H ughes 3. W ild p ltchea-M cC onnell 1,H olm es 1, Rudolph 1. H it by p ltc h e r -B y D ubuc (M itchell). Scores of th e gam es—F ir s t gam e, R ochester 7, A ll-S tars i; second game, A ll-S tars 7, R ocheste r 2; th ird gam e. A ll-S tars 4. R ochester 1; fo u r th gam e. A ll-S tars 2. R o c h ^ te r 2. P itch e rs ' records—G am es won, D ubuc 7. 'Vlcker* 1, M cConnell 1; gam es to rt, V lckera 1, 'Wlt- H eim , 1, H olm es 1 ; gam es tied. R udolph 1, H ughes 1. Off V ickers, in th ir teen Innings.U h its and 8 runs; off Dubuc, tn n ine inn ings. 12 h its and 2 ru n s; off R udolph. In j ^len who assisted him i n m aking so fin# eleven innings. 7 h its and 2 ru n s; off M cConnell. In nine Innings. 11 h its and tou r | a record during the season, ru n s; off W llhetm , In e ight Innings. 10 htt* a n d 5 runs; off M anser, no ru n s and no h its j The R ochester fane w ere of the opinion to one m an a t b a t; off Holm es, in e ig h t Innings, 12 h its and 8 ru n s; oft D essau. In | one Inning, no h its and no run*. U m p tre e -Jem ea M urray and T hom as K elly . Official scorers—Don T. F raser, of R o ch este r; C harle s E. Bparrow, of B altim ore. A verage tim e—One hour and fo rty -tw o m inu tes. T o tal atterdanc*r-11,fl02. A verage dally a tten d an ce . 2,960. T o tal recelpta-l4.«l«.M . P lay e rs ' share. 13.096 00. A ll-S tars, J2.217.M, eevenleen players, 8130.43 each, R ocheste r, f l .478.34, nineteen players. 877.80 each.

Cub S ta r s io r M anagersM akes Owner Murphy Hoi

th a t McConnell would w ork In B autim ore Satu rday or In N ew ark Sunday. N ot th a t it w as hla tu rn , but the honor of w inning th e series would boom, R ochester. All the fans w ere disappoin ted when it became known th a t M cConnell w as not In shape to w ork Sunday and w as no t w ith the H ustlers S a tu rday .

The A ll-S tars w ere well pleased w hen they learned th a t th e rem aining gam es were declared off So w ere th e R ochester players who p u t In a n appearance a t the A11-S tars' headquarter* . All were anx ious to get home.


In the sum m er of 19A') J.ak© Hopatoong gave me the blsgeat p ickerel tlia i I l>e- lleve tever cam e from Its w aters, and w ith o u t ever u fight or th e use of a rod an d reel.

Louis Decker was our guide nnd all- a round handy m an a t the W llroso Cottage on C hestnu t Point th a t year, anti on© m orning 1 rooted him out of bed before d ay lig h t for a few hourB' spo rt before the sun pot too strong.

W e took tho west shore a s our fishing ground, and ntarllng In to c a s t n ear Dr. V an "Wagenen’s boaihouijo, I had landed fou r or live good-alxed ba«8 before w© reached the moulh of the R iv e r Styx.

D eoker had fallen asleop every five mlnulcB during the trip, and I had a peck of trouble punching him w ith my foot lo keep his ht?fu3 u p R ounding Into th© riv e r 1 deoitled to tro ll along its middle and adju.slcd a light s in k er to my line.

D ecker did well for abou t h a lf an hour when bo began to ihhI again and allowed the bout to d rift

Q uilting the troll 1 bnelcd my<8«lf fo r a w hile casting on carh aide o f the boat urtd wna thus engaged w hen I saw a whopping big pIckoreJ leap from the w ater not ten feet from my boat, and followed by a calico bnaa, the la tte r snapp ing hla Jaw f vigorously I quickly reeled In, hop*

Ing to see th© gom e repeated, and it came a t once,

For fully tw en ty m inu tes and w ithin a radius of one h u n d red feel of my d rif t­ing boat Ihe p ickerel cam e out of the w ater with a m ad rush , each tim e fol­lowed by the boss.

Finally th© chose ended and I d e te r­mined to w atch for the result, for which 1 had not long to w ait.

W ithin flv© m in u tes a fte r th© last dash of the pickerel I saw him come to the surface and flop over on bis ild«.

Decker slept on and T took th© oars, reaching the spot w here the pickerel lay. and now n e a r ly dead.

After placing him In the boat and care­fully cxamlhWii; him. th e only m arks I could find w ere tw o v ivid rod spots, one oji each eld© of th e vent, w here the bass had struck him. an d w hich were sufficient to cause ills duJLtti, tq |fp thor with th e Itur- rled fllaht he hod In fro n t of his vicious murderer.

Housing Decker I show ed hlra my catch, and unless he read s th is story he will never be Ih© w iser a s 10 how 1 got li. Dn Bcales a t tit© c o tta g e 1 m arked up seven end a q u a r te r pounds of pickerel, and I undcrstuiid h is Jaw bonos ar© still nailed to the side o f th e boathouse a t old Point Comfort on th© east shore of th© lake. NflJSKOKA BARNEY


M em bers nf the W om an’s M etropolitan Qolf AHsociatlon tried to make low scoret a t B altiisro l yesterday with scant buc- cess. Th© heavy tu rf nnd generally diffi­cu lt nolur© of the links made th a t out of th© question. Mrs. II R. Htocklon, gl P lainfield , w-un the grqsa prls© p tftienud by Mrs. N. F’ RoRCrs,'of the home club. Th© first nam ed liad 106

Miss K- W hitney, of M orns County, won ih© ne t trophy with a curd of 110. 7- 1D3. T here wos a lie In the appm achln t and p u ttin g contest between Mrs. F. I'J Donohue, of M ontclair, and Mrs. T. U. Thom aa, of H ackenaack, with a score of 0

YALE CREW CALLN E W H A V EN . Conn., Oct. 3.-A boui

8©v©nty-flv© mi'H rcapondetl lo the cal! Issued ycHlerrlav at Yale for crew candi- da les T hey gathered In the trophy roonr, of Ih© Vale gym nasium lo-nlght and \[f- tent-d to spocrhe.s hy "Ho!>" Cook, of ih# class of 1S7€; head coacli Jam es R- Kodg ers, 18fW, (’’ftptuln Romsyn and form et cap ta in s Slovenoon. l.'iS.S, and Allen, I.SD9.

■rhe fail re g r 'tta will b© hold on Friday. N ovem ber Hl


ard will not muniig** the I.ouia^■llle club oi the A m erican Aasnclatlon next year. R tt'as nnnoim rt'il here yeste rday th a t How urd h£id Inform ed Owtujr Grayaon hi would h a v i tn gel nnoihor m anager H ow ard riiayed In the N ational LcogUf w ith WoRton ond Chicago before comlrifi ID Loulsvlll© tw o yc!ir« ago.

NATIONAL LEAGUER © a « U a o f Y e a t e r i l a y ’s Giitacsa

N e w Y'ork 3, IMUBhurg 0.Phlladc-lphici G, n u s to n 3.

MonUlDK o f 4U© TeaiJis.W L P C ' W .L.PC.

N e w Y o rk S3 ht I^ouIh ,.73 70 .511C h ic a g o S7 W: I ’lnrli .mi tl M Bl .46?P i t t s b u r g h R4 <!7 Tki'I: H n 'o k lyn . 82 CSP h l la . . .79 fill ‘ 1. B 'y t ' Jh -3S lOG .2$l

(tunicH To-duy.N ew York a t Plillaih'liJhla,

Chicago a t Hi. l/)ui5 ftwo gimws),


Walloping B ert Keyes to Face Tommy Giniy at 20th Century

The T w entieth C entury A. C. of New Y'ork, which wa? to have s tag ed the ten- round coiueav between Tom m y Glnty, of Scranton , and "K O ' Hrowm a l the St. N icholas Illnk. S lxty-slx ih s tre e t and B roadw ay, lo-night will p re sen t Bert Keyes, tho hardeBt-hlUlng ligh tw eigh t be­fore the public, ah D in ly 's opponent, ■‘K O " Brown and Ivis m anager. Dunny M organ, will aifto bo In evldenc© a t th©

Bine© in© announcem ent has been mad© that M adison likiuare G arden Is out of bueinesH as a boxing aiwna for good, th© manaffcrs of th© sm alle r Now York cluba ha \‘Q plucked up co u rag e and are a r ra n g ­ing to give boxing shows.

Johnny WIHets, o f Philadelphia, nnd AJ Dewey, o f W ilkes-B arre , fough t ten fa«t round.-^ before tbo N onpareil A thletic Club a t W ilkes-Barre la s t n igh t. The PhiladchT’ 111 . a*,, v i a . r t ' v a sss^ p i l . a l i c I J i i i s a s i i i -

rlngaidfl to w atrii every m ove m ade o> phla lad ftsa disabled In th e seeond round

CHICAGO. Oct. 3.—C harles W . M urphy, p residen t o t th e Cuba, h a s tak en 'e x cep - tli/n to th e way In w hich his ball p lay e rs a re being advertised, a a probab le in an - agere of team s nex t year. In a s ia tem e n t yesterday , h* said th e re shall be a s te n ­o g rap h e r p resen t h e rea fte r w h e n . one of his p laye rs Is m entioned to r a m a n a g e r­ship, to take down notes to p rev en t m is­lead ing s ta tem en ts finding tbe fr w ay in to p r in t

"A* a m a tte r of prudence H I t m y In­ten tion to be carefu l w hat Is said a b o u t a n y o f the Cub M ara becom ing m an- a g e n ." said P residen t M orphy. " I f an y club ow ner ’wishes to ta lk w ith m e a b o u t secu rin g ona of our a th le tea a s a m a n a g t r

The Sheffield F. C. p layers o f New- th o conversation m ust he In th e p resence 1 “ tk Journeyed to H aledon Sunday, w here o f a tlilrd person and w ith a stenog rapher I they w ere tha ‘'Pb®?*®.!’ s tro n gp re sen t to tak e down ju s t w h a t Is a c t- | Haledon Thistle F. C. Th* gam e s to ried ually said on both Bides. I t Is v e ry easy In. » d rlrtl|)i* ra j" end tra s conejuded Info r a ctub ow ner who seeks a s ta r p layer a s a m anager to say to th a t a th le te ;

‘"W e w anted yog to m anage and would h ave gone' to any reasonab le ex tan t to g e l you, but th ey w anted too m uch tor you In exchange.'

"N othing m ore need be said . T he club ow ner who covets th e s ta r p lay e r a s man-. a g e r has th u s sown th e seeds o f dlssen- sloD, and the s ta r p lay e r w ith ' aiDhHIon Is m ade to believe th a t he la being un ­fa irly blocked In hla efforts to advance to a m anagerial b e rth ."

a downpour; N either te am scored a g o u .The Thistle* h a J b e tte r con tro l of tha slippery ball and g rea tly taxed Sheflleld 't defense. T u rner once h it the up righ twith a stinging shot, b u t th e bail w ent ____ _____behind. Ham m ell, fo r thd N ew ark team , ! the W est Side A thletic C lub declared tho

e ithe r of the principal.-', a i 'd to prove th a t B row n's liand Ib really Injured. Keyes h a s touBhi Brown ten fierce rounds lo a s tandslllt, and as G in ty ’s m an ag er de­clares th a t the P ennsy lvan ia cham pion ou tfought Brown In S cran ton , one of the fa s te s t and hardest h ittin g flstlc engage­m ents ever arranged la likely to result. Alex Thiel, the sturdy lig h tw e ig h t of the U nited E lates ba ttlesh ip C onnecticu t, will alos appear In a re tu rn m a tch of six rounds w ith Mlclu-y D evine, w hich should be a hum m er, judging from the ir last m eeting, and Charley M ango will again m eet Tom m y Ross. J a c k Logan, heavy­w eigh t cham pion of th e navy , h a s also agreed to meet Jim C arney o r P a t Bulger, local w hite hopes. T he firs t bou t will be staged prom ptly a t B ;S0 o clock,

M orris H arris, o f ’ Phtladelphto, meets Tony Ross In Topi O’R o u rk e 's * u b , New York, on T h u t a d ^ n 'e b t for ten rounds.

4*B attling Nelson and L eaejj C ross hnve

been m atched to meei a t th e In te rn a tio n ­a l A. C.. Buffalo, on O ctober 19 o r 20.

+M atty Baldwin, of Boston, and Johnny

F rayne . of San F ranc isco , a re to box ten rounds on October 9 a t Balt L ake City. T he articles call fo r 1S3 pounds a t fi o'clock.

4.Bob Moha. th e M ilwaukee m iddlew eight,

refused 10 post a fo rfe it to box Cyclone Johnny Thom pson a t N ew O rleans, and

also had hard luck, one o f his sho ts h it­ting the c rossbar, H a l e i ^ cleared In th is case froni th* rebound. Owing to the slippery condition of th e ground ahd ball, the defense p revailed over the a tta ck , and the gam e ended w ith do goa ls being aco n d . . . -

m atch off.

The Tw entieth C en tury A thletic Club, w hich hired St. N icholas R ink. New York, fo r boxing shows, h a s found the gam e unprafltable. and a f te r g iv ing tw o ahow* th is week will close up.

when a blow on th e Jaw dislocated It Ho bravely continued th* fight, however, but was on the defensive all the tln]e, ajtd honors w ent to his opponent

4'Th© Proctor A. C , w hich had annoutiood

th© in tentlan of ho ld ing boxing ahowa in WelsTn&nn'a haJL tbi© city, has given up the Idea.

Jlip DaiTT, th e c titcag o h©ovyTr©lght. and Rarnoy 'WiUiAma. of Philadelphia, hoxod six fa s t round© a t th© An^crican Atlitellc Club, P h ilade lph ia , last night.

4-At B row n's G ym nasium , N«w York, to­

night, Johnny D enning, the undefeated New York w elte rw eigh t, will m eet Georg© Bush, th© B oston m iddleweight, In th© s ta r bout o f ten round© a t 153 pounds, rlr.gslde. In th© semi-final. Knockouf Sweeney will m eet F ran k ie Saunders, th i Elizabeth ban ta jn .

i’ +A fa s t bout be tw een featherw eights la

looked fo r a t th e Lktngarr© Athletic Club, New York, to^moiTOw nigh t when the bell ©tart© H appy D avis, th e nigged PhlladeL phla fighter, an d Y oung Brown, the Long- acre crack proteg«s on a ten*rciund ©ea- sloh. This bout mean© to the winner work with the topllnefs tn th e featherw eight division. H appy D avfs 'has fought such boys as P a l Moore, B enny K aufm an and others, whil© T o o n g Brown during his short career h a s defea ted the fighting actor, J^6k L a d b o rry , and others.

Toung Ahearnp tte" Brooklyn ligh t­weight. easily ou tpo in ted Eddie Mack, and settled an old score, tn a ten-round bout a t the B rooklyn B each A thletic Ctub last night. T be " Ju m p in g Jack*’ bested Mack In every round except th e first, seventh and te n th , w hl^h were even.1

ItrMult uf Vcfltrrduy^© GameClc‘''clftnd 7, DrtroU 4.

M undlD g nf th© T ram s.W L.PC.f W .L PC.

riiU a . 4S 171; <'iUirago 74 72 Sill p f iro ir .87 61 5Ssi IJf-Hinn 7'J 75 490 r ic v f ls n d ,7s 70 5_7'WnMh n .CJ 8C .419 N fw York..7G 71 5171 Hi. Louis. .41 lOR .28J

GnmrH T«-dn,v.RoHTon a l N^w York i- ifnmrs).

P h ilade lph ia at W urhinsion (2 fam es).D e tro it nt rif'VoInnJ.

St. Louis nr r'hifj.'^ i gam es).

FISHING NOTESr im r le s D eckrr. of ji74 Nortl: Seventh

Plrcet, th is ciiy. ri.'i/ortir tlia l plckertil are b ltlnn very good a l I’ompton Lake. D ecker and Frvjl .Allan, also of th is city, w ere up M th© lake re- riiilly and cauglit a s trin g m tw en ty llsli Mi»©t of the pick­er©! rang©4] from fonrti'i'n to six teen inches In length bui oth- landed by AUan m easured Incliii, a n l is said to bto the la rg est pickerel ♦■vvr hionkcd In thfi lakc-

As th e ca tch of sea bdets dwindles, t)ja''kflsh Lire onlly hocnuilng rnor© nu ­m erous on tlie oulHlde hunks. On th© n»h- Ing a tcam h o a l Taurus, off Scahrlgln, ye.s- te rday , Louis KraiTt rauijh t t<-n hlackfiBh and two ©en beep, all of boocI .size, J. H. #;iaUiiitch had eleven big hliick.^*. including one cight-i»ounder, and two other© over seven ponndR each. George P rlichard also cau g h t an eight-pound blackflsli. He had n in e ' fine fish altogether. IncltJdlng the bigge©t hum pback of the day. It weighed five and one-ha lf pounds.

Bir Fiitires, BilliirdTablet, Bowliag Mleys

Hoiisehold Refris* eritore ind Sspplies

ine Grunswick'Salke-Collender CoOP NEW JEROEY,

226 Market St., Newark

' — ' J ' <

d i s e a s e s o f m e n a n dW O M EN 8 P E C IA U S Tof tw e n ty y ears ' experience on a lt

Chronic Disease*.

Dr. Mandevllle0 7 3 Broad S t , 4«tr OiMri

F ees low. N o tice -om oe hours, 2 to 4 p M. and 5 to 8 P. M.. also Tussday and K d d ay m orning, t to U, Office closed iu o d a y s an d IVednesday*.


’■jf ' ■' ’0*^ m

r*.P L M D


^ r a W A R K B V : ^ r 5 7 G N E W S , T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 3. 19 1 1 .



( Q u e s t i o n s a n d ^ t i s c A ? e r > sj f p r c z />~a ^ _ _ Z ) Q Q Q

Bowlers Will Soon Be on

the Job.

HaiB^er John M, Chapmnn, It Is Said, Will C u t ; Out Bonus Money and Put It Into

Prizes lor the Cyclists.

WILL PRESENT MATTER TO THE RIDERS":,Ilu(y of !>i"Fr- T, hr. 'i.iv,- t t i . n i n o l n * of-Hf-

T fiiti-" F'-ilil-fi 1>" f i l l ') I'lirtlop’ Hot until • , fur till" tw o rniriniK

,,*ry |i» Mif«h tbi'fl- liotiif m, . j.|i;pnrB tU' rtHJiiiift 0*' <‘Ui' l “til"

elded on entirely diPferent lines 'I'oo i ........ in. iiji.' i .n i,u-i lo hi ii'r ifhave prevailed in th e p a st. Frmii it u,,. liaro.-,, |.-,.ti„,i !.th ,^•<1 ii

‘ (By J. P. N.)Tf what one hears is iriie, the C. j

A. championship next year will he dc- , Moner

very reliable source it is learned that John M. Chapman, manager of the Newark Velodrome, and vim, with Frink Mihlon, comrnis the cycling sit- iiition in the I'.aat, inienda to put up a purse nf S10,(t()l> for the cyclists to face for next aeason. The plan, as ! undeistand it, is to have all races oouiw—that is, handicap* and scratch nlTalf*—and for the rider who scores liio largest number of points to be awarded the ohampionaWp and a purse, aay of $3,000. Ttw remainder of the money, » It l» «*«. **pro rata, according to the position In which the men finish. All this will be decided upon later, when Mr. Chapman Mtlll present the matter to the riders.

We'Jl' I Mil Inct-;..!, O >W. IH fllllk'

phd ini* ltl‘-wkslll ijr-iltctuy ihf rc‘pfiil uf liie ijn-stuit litA.

ii.v't ihsii MU'tiili! Hiirff'r uluvk wholi

I J.Kiuirhl IMCj

By puttm « UP a pcn '« (kf $l0,n00 m Ka rae«d for, Clmpman anrt .Mlliiouwm* now tn s t In tbt" asm * tii- ciluitlnf the hfttvHrap nutos a* well W1 th» ic n tid i even t! In itie vhajrpKmalUp table will > n«n kiien- «r acMpatUlon to r Lb# tilgh hon-flra of oTcllua In ttt* pa*' 'h o obam- ptoiwhlp bao boon an (ipeii-and-thnt game. J 'ran k K ram or. who haw won file title tor aleven r « i r i . Is unqu oat Ion ably tbs sraa lo a t rWor In tho Imalneia. Jaolile tJlarKe baa bean hla koemwt (Iral., bu t K ram o r'i aWtliy baa otwawa l»*n m evi- Canca. In scratch raoea (bare Isn 't a w atch In tha gam* for K raraar, but with Iiandlcaps oouullng. an y n u m b * nf rtfltirs, am ong thorn A ilted Ooullal, Clarko. io» Voglar, Eddlo Hoot. Paddy O'fl'ilUvan H ahir, P»»ddy Hill and the Itedcll boya, will faw# ti ffood to Krfirnflfia r cham piorehlp.

~o^I t Mx. OhEpman'M plaxi to pul up

fpr obwnplopuhlp races Is (wreepUd tha rltf'eri, H will very llksly meim th u t

' la th s fu tu re no w ora bonus m nw y will b i i<von to lHo strtr rlfleri. Iii lh*> ptist d iam p lon K ram er, Jack ie Cliu'ke and noy 'ffT iftcF arlaJid have been pa id hand-

■'lom* botmaea io periorm . In Ute futunK •If th s rWara acoapt Mr, l^hapm an's offer. tlM money will be raced for taurtead of balitf Insured to a few a ia ra in tho gsme.

Tlte r ra rw ie y low ‘1h a. pM>d i^ w JiirroVMlrta ItIT lOM-rOiUjO lixi.ilH Ir'IWf'-li w ell-llaln«d iKhlft-H. rtn far -tnly fight tnM Chme Ift f' T LirUlHprn Ihe Mn\ m ynn-C arl Morrla ftJTulr held ft1 M adison Bquare G arden Too jmicJi m*id* of the b n jta J lty erf Urn* battle, tkirifiatlonal wr I Lara on TjawHjiHiiera rackedth a ir bm tne to preewm a mom borrlb le pfoture o f hum an belnfn rffldTiK Inth* blood of eaeJ^ other, The terrlM # picture wan itol po terribSe a f te r hW. Thorn wep plenly of blfHfd, bu1 there wa.H never any danger of peiltjiii. iiurtn. Tbore have been hattlen an<l bafth 's In the rOmoHlantH hiive rcrelvi'd ttr irh m ore pntilfthmeT^I. rild H ilifr MnirlH orU lynr, t«'Jl rmtlilnj? Tvan f iild hiM-aupe nl the flrne no tiTy hud .*n iiMn In giitid MorrlB hied freely,olherwWe. He had a poo-1 tditiriT nf ivlimlnp rlu h t up to the tru th rnnnil. Ho d idn 't will, of rourfle, and he d id n 't pre- aeni a very HlJurJnn eijilit. biii there w aan 'l any Rood rettpon lo si.oi' (ho boiil, and thore w asn 't any tfood rc-nsorj to kuook It aftArward.

J . U N :Knowing Hist VfMir u o lm n n ciniTM a

U-Mi fli'ltl J H v l o r r Hie fo llowing In- nrrii aiion of Ihn r . n lt r il HJvMilnK IMk Ii

S i'linnl on Ibirnei "■n.ei, w h k h o|-uu?rtiaei niKhi » M any yooinc m e n find wifinen nrrw nw’Vlv'lnK a n a w r a i r e pmlary ijnoM mr' icw a KHMiter rteperae f t^-oflclAnev bv iHktTm tidvajirttue o f fbe etJinmepclal ocuiHo o f f . red In li ic O r i t m l Ev'^nlng Mljk.1] .Sc-liijol. Ilui 'nei Thifl course,

i t t h " h inrlNdeB bn o k -k r-M iiH . bualnean ^ i m|-lf1 ■ a le ti ln il 'i h i. i irauripblp.

ijillph, fu'jj renpi ri-' l' rme i«^d iiitjUlng, uri.H rTfr-rllent f .p p i i r fu n t ih i t f 'T alrntmt

iiy ImHlneflp onri'Or T b e rMtiiT!*** of Htndv ftp foUows: llooK h e e p h ig , rdntfle nn«l

d rn iN f 1‘iitrv, (cndlof! In ih e vriHooP Vlndi o* l.ijpim-8^ hijshufio. pruutlr** A r llhm e 1i.-, r . imnjioi and de-unMl I ra«'iloii«, rrii-ae- u n nnn lP , jietoenti igr , ii ro n t niid I“ ps. iIIp - I 'ointb, -'rjrfitiilHPl'in, pnriLil puy-rtM t t iintl t- i'ifirtoi, t f Uf-'oiuit's. l inpH t III 'o .iHiin, ra[iM iind Rl.f-rl - onipul af l'»iia In fno'dnr.P, , i, t.1 ••. 1 n Utoi 'I >*.f f. I’l'nooiriphiiJ. I ' lmn. rripM u'ld I m l n i j p WT'ltnn ? T“'lhriiA hupliippe v.,jii*. I t , ' ! ' ii'if' iii 'l I" ' o«e of il’ie dll ■ i:,iri,iry i *■. t h r numoriroakil l ' l l of . in- - Irat t with, wiirh aaiii . i t ' 1 ,, i; "'tiH. [imk .nK. siod ai.kiiowli K’C rrrrill in Of p^’ f " r p» tlleineJil,tipi-li ' i i l ioi P, "I r - lniH, iMKf- li > prur il tl rtran-M u . r-un ■! - mi HiiR. etc’,Stiiih'XilH Heti’i'tliji; ihsa i* m e e tpci- l . ed Ui l a k e no oH e r p'ib| .-inH lo lln' acliool T h e p ' lm l p i i l ainl UirtcJiern will liftie op- poTtiifiUlPM lo I 'la'-e ihft mo-lenifi liikiiu; thin I ' t iu n e na aoun fui a e u l iab l e d egree of prud/’lemiy ho» bw m a t ia ln e d , and to seoMfe prOrmrtJ'Ui for H ioh« who a r e at- r<vu1y enfmgf’J In c o m m e r n l a i work.

I sE W IB II HAT4H18. Pilnc lpeJ , Thank t<5u. Thte ocrmnumlcatJan Ij wure

t o h* ApptTiCiJited

Kiijfinijd to th e l.'nlLod sm iee tm a ga- J u ry ltn .,.m . t t ^ r g b .s «r | L va lue urulur w ay :,t a„ earlier ,la te th is

'CIbp Nv-warK ni.*HV will setrme for you . r h e i r ^ m e» " te l.iuiitad a tStl Wft-'hint'ton Ptn*ef

OJ U N :

A ir vheiT* ijri> da j lv ,lt ]iar‘‘‘r>- |juhli«hv<l jn N+ "

Tl'p llin p Is'dn amt ih r ^tre both dally pat'»’re.

•iiiin newE-A. U P.

An <*ffort to K+d the DtOreson Union Her liati? th is IRb It M( CTUHalili"ro m b ln a l l ' - i i * ----- ---------- j . i , i

( b e a i u l - l r u s l luw T h u . use ba., m t cuu ie I seaann Is beliiR niMii. tf. t ru i l VI'I Tlu-ri' le n,i .Dsflolutluii abo .i i i h a i sc,mu JUIlcu llv In flcliig su will. In- U - y i - f M ay n.'v.c, be~. ,« , e , i * r i m re d . A m ee t ing w a s h e b l la s t

^ ' wtark. bijt It wa.s pcioily iiUenhecI .\ri iitl-“ I J . 'u r n n i c n t unti l m.irp In lerust coulrt be

’’ w i l l V.,u k lm tly s tv e m . a t e w mim.m , M lr red up w a s m-.w-.l, ^O, r . n i o ’riie clealiiiB In Or m u n . i f a in r gpai iry . ttii. l i aseball p la yer , willIng Trj.U'.rb.iiU. bowllriK s a m e tlcls Bi-as-ni

D e iro l t H . tt t C o m i .an s , D e t ro i t , -'U. n . l iue -u ji o f Lice HI, Ang ual i li e tenni.It.jflfnli) it tisol lne .\lnUJr OempHny, ItuITn o, I | l i ro th e r ,1a ■1c, w ho Is n l l J tu re




^ To d ee lc le a bet kiiicll)' tst ri„' iirniw w h a ttli« tlallAr. [un-uJallnn of th" ' 'is and oMtge. A lll-AnEH.

ladO, tl ia tho

d HtutedAi'Qurilm r lo ilir 'fmsuH »

hiU’Ml iivjii.aMc rmiHi* \n fl. '* JtulKui jiopu lal i"M f tb '' wn.- Tl.s-re Uf<’ p '" ' 'lu l ia n s in cn in ir^ lo-d-i'-


oJ P N :

KiinH\- uo'*w*'r a11,.- (it r,i !• ci 1Jrir |i t ' I M'v>' V' fl I .-trridHii.'o t-f I'r I .

II,.T.- wa., L l . r u . r s l | . - l„ l„ noe In n n i„ l„ rs i w . - m . >- .i ,s „yc, th a n llmre Jias b„c,f, to r p a s t , ■■■!,-■. hv" >™rs. a

- , I I an to Sliiti Faii-H .Li rt'lth IIt- [ trie paiTy

Wrilk* In tl»0 Ht ' Fair APBO’ laiion, will nla.lly kIc

,1 ,,bilge.J w. ,M, ■Sil l AN.

ary f,r tbs [n te rs ta te.•l.trm, N .1 . nint ho , 11,t, mfni'inal'"",

N. Y w a te r | ,any .

lIlMfr City l.t,i»t Comincny. biiH- .V;r,n , .M,.llcn R l f l Host Com-

Detl oll, .Ml, I,o

l-lAat O r a n g e , Oetn l ie r :J . F. N

1 a m J«."ln„i-s of o b ta in in g in rnrm-ilh .i i as to na t .i es ,jt l.apc-r f a c t o r i e s ,jr ' , l l ,*r liiiiusirl. '-s lo - ,i l ' , l a t T a p p e r l..ilLt \ l ' ’ :„ a e 1,1 lb., A . l i r t m la r k M o u n ta in s , New Y o rk Hiate '.'ft!, you n ilclee h,,w t-'i ae- fui-e me sii, I. In lnnioulon '. ' it . A. I.

I f U,i! li>,flttr.,ist"l ol th e to w n Is ii n nbllgiiiK gemlBiii.>'l. nncl ll ” 'V gf'i'.er.ill,c

b,i will p-r„l you t h e m l , ,ri l lJ iion .

with t h e Kruage-r lean, . A ndy la a Imiiciy ly w h en It com es to Hu- indoor siKirl.

Local Bowlers Lose Opeaioj Inlifidual aod FiTe>iaaa

Matches to New York.


. , N e w a r k lost both Ind iv idua l a n d live, N e w a r k ^ . te f ru t m the live -,nan miltcl, „ , „ „ h c . s ti> New York a t t h e npe ir

l,y N, w York in the n a s t e r n la tn g u e o.imi' , .a su rp r ise . T h e loenl , ,a l. , ie t should

Man,I up well In th e nii.i will n r - j Hit Tiixodii al leys l a . t i i lg la . Wfiu»?'i i, ,l'»,ihtC(l]y iniike up \le l*» l Knuind hviure j eV'itti k, rcprf-si'ntliiii Milsh'liK.

are ,1‘hiLt i« Uiu only >vii> I fo ih d Kwt It

J . P ___U' I'iui J ohiFur reiulinK mattnr bcm-•nljijf Ihe of th» Ualtod Shodoern

M ftohin«rr Oompftny. orwl oblljfoIL D I.

J P. N :I UIJIO' lo IM« ■f-iiiitry w P e n 1

f i f t een yea-FS of aKv. t h a i In Jilrio... Wil l you kJiidly M me k n u w If I

c u n f^'l t h f lir*-!. ihhI ♦■i'<>n<t T^ntiirFill/.n- ll un fkfttwj-r* a t ih«' sutno llitio'? M- -J K-

fK» to UiP I'oiirth'iuflo atwl Inq'ilri* Uir thrt n,atiirftliEa.llon hnrF*n.u Y"ou r u n gisl yoTir paper® wltiiout ocy Croublo.

O -

A la-kjiierrfl k?anvH8rt KKcUnst tlip himii'ci li.ill If exi ' in teil Lm i-iiltn ly oliiainai*' U trnfn i(purn;iim'nt» uf suiy Inipor l TUi- • jijMwtj. n W.111 I ' in ip up fi'F dlsr a:sii.- ' in una l rm-vliiiR vf th e NailOTUil Howl 1 ;; n in PuttuBnii, bul H,*' l^uliMill 1- . '‘•■•if HI The I--UI imTnrnt m ilia' ' . i ly siTYir IrKi-ttUilion to th e c o n ­t r a r y «‘t .ir-i+>d t»rfi,iirchrimJ,

Nr-w Hrxinwwlfllr. flwpt. W.J r , N .:

I ' r ln l Ihft r f ' Ord of Jf iok BaTH®. wfio fniinhl wh'-ri Kjl i ii ln a n d J l lv a n af-dJ u r h r>cini*py wi rc In iliv iriLUiiv l i v*' i i t iruiol nlvp IiIh rr*i on1 lUJi-lly In fprm m<* wh4TC J n«n s f i ' i i re Hu* Ham*' iiint i-hii^r-,

1, C W.polio* Nrw York (’iLy.

T be TJnltsd Khoe M aohlrerr Oompany h as been liKilcted by ttie FedartU (Jraticl

^ v ^ e » own 1 put In m y wppll rwtlnn for a Powtofnee? Andthe N e w a r k


Qterk In obilgf®,

Af th« poEtofRo*. Edii'ardii.

AAk to rR. XV

LrOUifl A.

Wi* profM Sional cyclist# will hoM a n M U d i E-t th e Vebwirnm* lo-nuirrow af* U m oon, aud U It Enid th a t M anager CUapiBEn irtll m ak« hie offer of $10,000, to

|># I'Eoad fo r ite a t aeaaoD, Xu theni. Ttile iBon*y, it IW EEld, will be divided Into « |f h t Ja^t9a, w ith ».0W flrnt. $2 000 second aiid io on- DenWes, th e regu lar money priEM will be pu t up In the races the BETTie EB fiwal- » !•» p i^h ab te th a t K ra ­m er, Mac.PETlatid and C larke wSU object vtrenuouHly to siicb a piv>rcdupft! but It U tn o » th a n likely th a t th a o ther riders, who will be g rea tly henefUetl hy #«ch a rndve, wfll reoelve ih e n w a w ttb Joy.

DoclAiAns off (ho TCastem Baaebpll L o E fu ffi poat seanon nericE aTipeare to be a u ils iake In tuiy event, bu t Pr«»i- 4en t BaiTOW m ust h av e had a good rea- EOD for hltj ECtton. B ut somebody le lo bUuh* fu r th e fiasco, and th a t somebody should be puuished. No m a u o r who ho lA he le no t too big nor too email to be severely dealt w ith. Thci afTuIr Is sure to give the E as te rn Lcugue a blitck eye» end It win be taken rwi a hugs Juke to •o m t Ciunrters T he jilayere who were In th e game have josi cjuise for nompl&ini, and tt If up to th* Icatrue lo aiiswe*' to

N o w t h a t e ffat rs m « hibi -IhiHI nt t h e G a l l o n . th« n lh c r r lubn iiTc h*‘giMJiirm 10 Hhrrw eigriH cif h(c- T o m ( i l t n u r k o la S tag in g E h ou l l^etwoen Tloiiy uojsfi ant) MiirriP Karr lJi a t the N at icm al BportUig C lu b T l n t r s d a y silfflu U s h o u ld p ro v e a m o s t In lc rpu t lng (jontesi. T h e T w fir t lc i t j n e n t u r y 'A C In alno s tu g ln g a gO'>cl nhew. T o m m y Glnt> and Hcrt Kpypfl will be th e hoad llncrB. t4oon oilier idubs will ge t In a c t io n a n d before long th e bo,“ t b o y s In t h e bii*tn*Hs will hf d o n n in g th e mHl.-. T b e y w o n ' t g f l na m u c h m o n ey b* il i^y w ould In t h f Giirdop, b u t p e r h a p s t h e g a m e ^ l l l bfi hsilter bff ^ t h o u l th e “ hlK Bhow," i i l th o a g h ih* In ju s t i ce of tin* wholo dllfUr la ' vpYy tf$id*nl.,

OW hen Uie EnncruncpmcTit wu* tmolu

m>mH tim e ago th a t an ellmltitilloii fealti- prw elghl lojjrncy was to bo held, In w hvh Jn r I ’u lsy Kline, Eddie Couh.-yojui Johnny KMbuno wore lo b* the prbi- clpaln, few dri’HJiicil th a t KUbajie w rukl prove to he the Miirvlvul.ol' th e finest. ,£lul. lie 'd ill, and he ehowed cla^a In hl» w ork, l ie Iscal Klim: In tw en ty rounda, he knorkcil out ILlvcrx in iho p lx lfen lh round an d -h e oijtpoinipd I’oiiley In tw e n ­ty roundf. Now ho in going lo seek a m a tch w ith Abe A uell, Ui* fe ith e r- w elgh t i’.liampion, and he will not la rk for hackers. T rh irumthe ago If l‘uu ptood Klvorw ,'K line, fn n Jry ami K llbano In a Miw. the hoys, would likve been (Ig- vired In abou t the ordH iiiuneU, In^itetui. Ihoug lv Ktiharie >-ame lliimiKli itio mill u. s ta r, and lllvers-, who was lookod uptiu' RH th* real thing, ulrncd out Hi* Tni>Mt (lUapiMiintlTig, (lUliaugh Kline d id n ’t m ake m uch of a .Hhi»wlng. having l>ecn hcsU"l by KUbane aiid kniick(Ml yut l>y t.'ohh y.

liHkA Unprtb'-ong. Rept 30, IDII-.[ r N

Al>r iit 'wri w eek * Fi4(o you print,r»nl In ih* N»'wnrk K v r n ln g a reolpo for jrrap*wine " f U e r m a n m u k e ^ Will you plaafse prin t it a g a in , ne m y iu tpor h a s bf*n d«- Btroyi 'd, If ViAi will do th i s for mu you will do j f e ti g r e n l ff iva r

I aA K R I IO PA TCO N G. T h e jv'olpe w a s p r in t e d In th o New s -if

SfTiHmbcr 3G Mend lo tl ie clrcula(l<'n nia tu iger for • r o p y .

J. r . NW hore le Hie wild w»’nt i<how th a t playwl

ftt H llUlde Ihvrk? D id It go to V'lrglnU?DAII-V nE A D E ll.

The crirnpany le now In M aryland on a. to u r of the K n n lh e m Sliitf'H-

f t p o K A N K . W a s h , Oct 1 —CromW€llinxtpn. w ho Itt-w ai'fOSB Kooky Moon-1.. 1ns lust S at ' ir f lny , t"1l K"i <ss11. 1, Hifsts 1,, S''alr Krn"f' 't ' i t'v-w yesierdAY al l,T i, ,mil «m3 |■e^■sh•«fl In ju r ie s w hich

hls d e a th .(hiiighL by a n w lverae ou rrn n t of ai r.

p l x o n ' s m a c h in e tu imrd on He iriile a n d pU mped m m a n f r k y mllro iid mit. XX''hHo fwlllng n u o n plucklly Mtnrnpt.-d to r lg l it hlM fi<-roid*Mie Aod shouM-^l to t h e epeo- tn io r*

"1 lu re 1 g o , he re I go ' rUxon wiwi plckofl up uncn rs ' iloo* a n d

tnk*'n to K hriHidtai. w here u w as fouAd th a t iilt* hKuII was rra^rniri*!!, h ‘s r ig h t leg broke t! And his co l la r hone HhfitU-rOd H o Fill’d w i th in a n h o u r

l h \ i m held pUtiis' Ib’enne No H g r a n t - p«i b)' the . \e rn t l i i t i oF Amer ica , w hich he wfin A u g u s t SI luei He web N irn In Ci>lumi>UB, O . a n d Tei cn i ly moved to Now Y o rk I It)', wh^Te hlH n o ' lh F f now livop. td x t -n p bo<ly will h« shipped to N ew York,

J . P- N.:lu tlx>re a oj:>al r taalar In N e w a r k w h o

■ellfi ooal OD Ll«J IhBU ltnen l plHn?A K K A nE Il.

'HiR anU'Ml A'Actlofi iif the jF-r' ry UHy ctub o f lb ' Allib'Lio ijeiigu*] wsip h'dil la s t nl^'hl i'll t l v * h.hlioiLsr. T h e fm cusiuii w a s I «-ne withOMi iirt-f'cilcnl. In llie h i s to ry of the orKrinlMaft^n iJcorge T W rirren Jr . WftH rLAmijd prealdpr il; ' R o b er t A D ea ts , vlrF*-pM!Bident, C la ren ca J. N ew k irk , ^ec- r o ta ry , a n d Jo se p h H. Gilmore, truaiUjrer. Til* b o s r d of d t r u c lo r i aMll he compoHOfl o f C a rm iu i Nlcholfl. h r . J. M organ Jon es . Or. H e n r y Rpence, W i l l i am C tl laae , J. V.Z A nthony and Richard A. GK’EudRTli. A. H. H dwo. who ran fr-r the board of gov* ernors on buTi Independent ticket, was de- foaieFt .\fr. i-fotve ha>: (jcrved on the board for lw el\ e year*

Ily. and Will- »lam lltjio.-i. ol New York, upheld th e ir r e - \ gpertlvi- cil u* In the Individual conWBU, 1 Hiid til*' u e u i l WEN th a t lleljiH won flvB I

tun oL nevun from the local pin- kniglii I’Jie iiNe-hian ('ornbinuUnn .drop- I 'i 'i [!;>' lU'rt IVVU gailiQC but moil 'h j H.iin'x ibu llnrd. The rijatctica worft Wil- nvNud hy a giiilery nf lnt«*reated boWHllg riitnuNiitMH, wiiu rooted fo r a honie LOArus b Uu.Y

'r i le d«-pu.rCuru frum llie lo riuer ru i« Wltbn-gai-d lu Lliu BtirihEi waa uuUreabl* by.ibi

J. P. N :W hat Is the dl£=iam‘4’ from N ewark in

fliilly.'ihnrg nn the f> ii ln il excursion *'Ji (irt riberSV UNtJl Jt' lTiVI*.

Two hriidred ajid i*sn niilcfl.

J. r. N -May a iirlvflte p a r t v m a k e one rep in-

Fli.i’li un " f o riiiifjxted a r th i l e f-ji bin n \n UMH un«1 not In lr ingi i narne'* Ynuis vury tn ils .

Nfj, sir.

rOl.U'MRI’H O, Ort a.- Althrngh h* F^nly n i f n l l y |« s e n d his n in e te r n l h b l r t l i - day, ih-omwfH Th\nn wa? a pl'ineer In the di'\ elopiTi*‘ul «»f air craft. Ills Ah-st R,*.-*fn'» was made n( the Ohln fltate Fntr 1-1 Ibis Hiy, hiR home, in August.

w hi 'n DK jti whh hf le en y ea r* ol-1 IIP w-iM th e liorj'TR of th e m e n o v e r ^na lM -n fh u * a n d BeveraJ o th e r oompet-


Ye# e«vera l. bm you m u s t b* ksu’w-Ti (o (jt-t c red i t Go in t h e Fleahm n e a r e s t to yo u, tell bln i your j iiihillon. whct i y n i can p u y a n d how, a n d if y o u r "pplel ' is eat- I f ifac tory iii« a*icommocUitloii will m us t | ilKtdy be gi' i^hted.

- o -J, p. N ■

C ould you in fo rm m e if t i i r r e is aobool m N e w a r k whe^rn- 1 could t a k e oook irig lefisotia, a n d bow to ge t tliei'v fTpm M ontn la l r? C O N S T A N T I l E A D E R .

T h e HiibjBCit tB t a u g h t a t (tH I bo Bven- t n g h igh BoJioola In NnW'Rfk. P r o b a b ly the bu^t One for you w ould be t h e F rnt ikUn t 'v en l i ig H igh Baliool oft th e c a ra t Gars ir te s t ree t . NF^wark, and walk t w block* to yt>ur r igh t . Tlie s o h o o h op ened rUght.

J. P. N ; _Tf Bcveral pnTBOn* to m n m r f a e tu r *

n n a r i i c lo In o r d e r to do h u B l n e s a ^ ^ u l d t h e y call ihiim«*WflB a c o m p o ^ J Tf no i , whfit s iep a s h o u ld he t a k e n in o r i l a r m be t a n n e d o n e^

.TOMN A, MBNK.Tliey cnttld becFUue A " c o m p E h y ’ W

s ig n in g arUcloK of c o p a r t n e r s h ip a n d HI- lug ihi- .^aiiic. o r tJiey cou ld *lo so by m- c u r p u r .u l n g u n d e r Uio S t a t e law

It Ih expect iv l lhn( e igh t tenciB will cnn ipe te in Hie U rn te rn n l l-ougue In p c lh - [ viJlfl. SlJt (Hubs h ave nl rpndy i^lgnifii’ 1 t h H r tn t e n H o r of ehUTlriK the u r g n n lz n . | lliTi, iind n v u m o re ar*’ *‘xr’ect*’'1 to h" ’ uddf"*! BO‘>n. THe KnlB h '" cif rnhiml)U,s, | Ma.sojie. (>ild J•‘rllow^*. K'vri l Ari 'aniiri). ClkH. ,'Vnc.leni Urit«*r of Hltt iri ilana . J u n - j

lor O r d e r c*f AmerlcRn Mi-rhanir s Jirnl

u b s t - i i 'c of iWM-inan ami ih rc t ' -n iEn. i r o m lm- rutiuK. U wun dtcJdttd ih i a ]fftai to jxiil luily individual a n d r tve -man tnau:h^^e, a n d Hie gamoB la a t b i g h t ■'Wew t h f i t r s i urtdar tliF* new ru l in g , H e lng did sor tie excel lunt p in n ing tn Lh* lAdlsidUg.!, as well as In Utc- contoRUtf pOBS-lug tho tw o liuhdred m u r k on Dv# ooea- aUma in th e ten gameiF. Koapk,l l i ' t n a took the first th re e g a m e s , b o l ' i M i t h e f o u r t h when he d r o p p ed t o bl* low i n o r k ol the evening. I 'h e t J o th a m l^owle.i c a m e back eurong in llie n e x t gono# End w o n It by a Loial of 2iiiti pin* to 167. NoEck, Kow ovei, hit the g ro o v e lu Hue Blyle^Tn th e folloivliiK gam e, w h ich h* Yult r o u b l e In winning . -'Oj p in s to iTO, I n th* llnul g a m e of the m a tch . Helna h im s f l i an«1 pul up a m a r k of 262,Is l lk f ly Lo iilHrid l'*3r srmie lime,

AfiPi' th e of Nca i-k in t h e Indj,'vh i ' ia l mfil rh, iTitimtial r e j i t r e d on th^e oul- c o m e of t h f live-man a l t a l r , b ii t in ■Fhls, L,,o. Uin Ino.ils mi l by tieltini^ p ii lj uiif, of ll ,e t h i s e KHnits rull„ii . T h e -fir*j,l

l' ,,r<'Bl.Ts nf Aninrli 'a. a m il;e ,-Uhs ih a i r a m e mil r i u h e r {■lowly, th e .N'ew.'Lrlt a&lti-li rr a^s,lrel! Inr Ihe Im k 'IC, l l e n r v K, I FlmHi'H O" w ta ln s t IlH* rolTha b j Wl lann, nf S,-ih ii ..vil"ii ( ' .nii-il ,M,' KtA I Pinw'W

In t h e tlFHt nKine The m a r k heK u y a l A rc a n u m , has he* n ii iiiie<l pr*'si- (1-Y|U. Hol>ert E t ' r l sp , HeiT^Uary " f H a r - in o n v Li-dgp of (tdd FeMowp, Ufis hc*n ch o sen s e c r e t a r y , and Thonins A ( 'n rmoN ly, g r a n d kiiigfrt <if UF-Ilevllle Coun ' II No

K n ig h t s nf Cu lum hus, h ih h« cn r l c i i - ud a s tn - t tsu rer . WlllJfim K. IbHrm-.s hF-»>n desigunt t^d a s a ronvmiltc-’ ul ' inp i . i d r a f t m b 'S lo govern lb« g an u ’S- Hnhiu=s i wlj! alsii prf f)<Lre a. s r li^du le

.]. r , N.1 got nn Hist ohlMcn pafn re <yiH atjout l»evF-n ypHt's ago atid h i i \ ‘c La’eu inloriiu'd th:Ht llif.3’ a r s *if n<? as 1 did nut giu niv np-'cmd a t th o end of hveyf-acB '*■

Your pa|>erH a r e pood. 0** th e co n b ty i le rk lit th* c«>urth"uHe a n d t a k e mit youriiiri'nn-1 pui**is w l lh n n t delay


Oot I

i.-l tl

.1 H


nnne\1U'J P N 11 *■ n • m*' n nd r*"!(Ilstaii,-,- 1" FL r , 1, 1, i l l" .•h.iv'li (le it . ‘ '‘ 1,,1,'Lt l,allli'flelrl, an . t t ,n«- (niiK w lo K«t l l ie rs"

You will hiU'e lo In . io i r t s.1 t l " i,Lllr"a,) S la llnn for I lie .■M.rrl', Tli.- IraU, Is " " t ,1,10 III IlcllysliUJ-il ' in l l l Fxl'IPl nc lo i 'k , sn j-o„ wmil.l t,« I'Y> i B f 10 o i l " '" ! lUi) way T h a i , I Miiiiajs". t's ' h e imn.oho of y o u r FiueBtlon.

C A M H H i r x r E , Mfiss.. Oct. I, C u p ia ln F. R WIrhiTjg!I' iu. of Harva.ifl'fi crosix-c.iiun- t r y t r a m . < al led out Ids ranr tl tlat*9 y o s le r - (Itty, nnd H d r ty m e n wtirked o u t u n d e r Al Rhrulib, th e pn»fF'BslonnJ, tVltliln jilun, lielrif a d lM an c e r iiuner, will reimilii wItJi th e FiroBS-couiitry t**aln th is f;Gl. p la c in g D P. Ran n p y , th e Bprln lr r, In c h a r g o uf th e o th e r iriick m en , wlio w-Ul hold iht -lr ( fam es on N"v«rnl»er 4 ’I’hs bnsF’lvall m e n Ifilenfled to S tu r t p rac t i s e s Iao. bu t t h e

J f' ^ ,r .uI'leuf?* let nie k n o w th e addrAHS uf thetsliop inspec to r . 1 w o rk a t pollrthuig Mud Uipru n n j icii PuUhIu t s U* omp room. XVr h a v e n-( b lo w in g or su c t io n m a ch ip n ry U ja t la In w o r k in g o rder . T h e r e is a b low pipe, blit It iP not wcirth a h an g . It ie a fake, p ure littFl jslmplp. Tl i* f ac to ry liitfpp* c a m e in to IiinjfhH t h e pla*-e. b u t he only p u t bis lu’ad IiibUIh t h e clo<(r a n d wiilkPd a w a y . T h e dii>*t i.s so s t r o n g L l i a \ f ii h a c k in g c»iugh ih*\t Ih te rrilile.

TXVENTV-YEAR RKADEK. S t a t e D F p a r tm p n t of l„a.t>or. ( ’c j itu ry

build ing , M a rk e t s t r ee t , c>pp«tslls H a m ­bu rg e r ' s .


w as in the sFHond rF>und, New Ydik knoi'kf-d ^k'wn Die plnN fur a to ta l of w hile ihlr.^s broke badly fo r ,NeW^!H and the lorni laliy was only l-iftl, ThidK- CUI1K1 our w0) in ide final sam;?» 'KOw-

fnr wHHi XX'agJier p u tting up’ 2plJ G:irraliiatd.'=i going over Ihe S.Mi m urk '^ivc H ruip Hupp'ir! ail around ,, Ne'^fatk wfuii by d m a r g in of i>6 idnn .T h e Bcore&i

liidUtillMilsPltdnR. New- Y o rk . . 2iK lEG 160 2M ITON oaob , N f w o r k . .. 190 171 i9& 167 ^ 9 , Iff,

Flie-miiD.N E W A R K . 1 NICXV' Y O t tK . i

NoRck . . . L’fli: llid 19T*'pn,np ..... KMK u n a i l i Ui'J UiO H a lm ......... 1614)11

Tlic NF'Wark H igh flrhoul inniban ip.jui I Dni JFhra'ta 1ST HW 2o!i Hr-ins -----. . . . u . . „ i . L . . x 1_____ _________ . ______ Wi.L'iLer JUS KtigHlkine' IfH reSlV

J P. N.;In S f i tu rd a y 's E v e u m g New?? amlO^Ilu^e-

rn^Tit w n s m a d e th a ! Mlsa M ab e l Brow -w o a i lm r woe tf>o coM T h e v will be o u t j ^f.[j \„ gn ln g to a p p e a r o i t h e new O rp h r- to -d a y . T h " onact* will ifmke bis final « u i . T h e a t r e XVan th is a m isp r in t n r Ih a m o n g th e carulldaluB a f t e r th e fall I 'r an- ] ^ f^^.|;" Ry a n s w e r in g th e above qiien-Use, whb h will leave only ib<’ r e g u l a r -if. -fta posotble >-011 wtU g rea t ly

hiiH b'icklr-<l d ow n in hard work , ainl f rom r.ow uid il hTldfli ' H.’.rlmri'iaw'^S' wdll t>e hvkl e v u i y a l te rp o o i i , Jn p repr i ra t inn f'*r th o iHsldit- g a m e SaturiLiy. l. 'uach t i ro ad - hci id c t jmmt'ncud tb ia sivenuoua rciuHne of w o rk y e s t e r d a y will; a cualoPt bo lw een 111* siTul-a and lht> regiilnra. T h * var.^'liyinachm i was not in the bF- t workin.;OT-der. atul itunng the th irty m irm ies of ]5lay It was only ab ir tu lTosb the wecoud teajii'.s goal line twice. High School la, liowiiVFir, fo rtu n a te in possee.slng a slrcmg' lofensivu aernb leatn tills year, by whh h

Wdgpei .H*»agbmd .lUS I4i» ITMfcJonudleH

T o t a l s . . 972 S90 9721 T o ta l s

M m 17!■ ^


RRO OK T jYN. Oct. a.-- P r o m fh e owtCbf»'t ! of the Individual m atch betw een 1*he r«V

\\ j rusetuativoB of F a terson and ‘BrcSdftjyii 1 It Kiokud very much un if the opemlhii

I gamCH of the E astern Dc.uaiie, tyhlch»w^<Fr ..-Hsr. w:.P not as nnuppy KB u s u a l! rolled h e r e l a a l night would be k e ^ f )

y.iflUTday, .Hev, umo!, ilK,'B,'iuh ru sh I i'o.iU-sl"H IliruLghout Thu P'.itCi-son flte- iliie Ufid the varyity ba*.'ka for downs.

Iho \ a t ‘Miy w ill tifiifilll mure |l Imn It wool w i th ih * aid o f a t»;am th a t g a v e lUUe op

i (!l it lakij i vaj-nh V s<iuUil P) begin wen t 'n Itie ca g n ^

In i^ rhin ia ry

G t t i t lu e r Oree*^e. the promia .ru ; Ha.-l Hr- a n g e H ig h tJclipol aLhlet*. who liua baeiL'for The last Ywo v*ars foWowInif in Ui* fF^oLutepE nf hie b ro th e r , h a s ifo^m m Mt. P le awi tU M il i ta ry Acadei tiy . to n t ' ’b a i e f o r A m h e r s t FolD ge. (Jurdnei- "made goFxr’ In a l l ih*' wolslil evr-iil;® a t Hiv la r t In tc rHcbokiHlk m*'Ct a n d lio hay aJM* li- *n

f O N P T A N T RK A D K R. l t '5 ft far-t. btn don 't Jnauiro abou t it

a n y mf-re.

SETON H ALL ATHLETICS■n," i.TLin.l m,.ullnK of Ihe S f to n H a l l in ilio piibll r evemiiK schoo ls . Hiifl liow

Ath l 'd ,:- Ass tx-Ution way held y e s t e r d a y | long

J. P. N .:vvbut iriF-Lhod of Bleamgraphy Ip tAught

lllgid «.’hnolr H. R.

J F N ;\Vhi*n does (h e K earu ^ '

or»on *S o d n t* I'lfts b ee n * 1 fnr tUe nppnlhg of

1li« Kt hooi.J V

p ro in h u ih l I.. oasLibRlI an d I(. oU klII. ' I' lns thara why the aarleH w as not uonLliujOF! to i it Is partlculaLty ifg r id tc d by thoth e fijilBli. T h e posl-flHaHon Mei'lcs is a league m a l t e r . not « c lu b in ti ticr . Hud t h e league le pespnneib le fo r h a oi»nrluci. W h a t Is. t h e le ag u e go in g to do a b o u t Il7 T h e publi c s u re ly h na a r ig h t to ask . an d t h e playcim^ top. I he llnve Hun I ' rei ! - d e n t B a r r o w Is b ig c!nou*:h am i el r iu 'S en o u g h to r t g i u r n a U e i s lu s o m e w-uy End I /®el a u r * ‘tlu it it*, wdl not a l low th e m a t t e r to d r o p w i th o u t a t h o r o u g h Alicusslou, tJm r e s u l t of which ha ahoujil JnaH* public, a speeJfll iTwictlng of Hio XEEtcni la>agui* Is In o i th ’T. T h e flaacu !■ big en o u g h fo r spe*:itil o u e n t lo n

Katil Orangr fpdlball tcfi'n HihI Iip D IcavhiK, l*«i'auHF» h* way on-’ nf Iho bra'- lest an d I'Chi men un th e tc . im lb- hiiiu:-'! to entHr Ain ii ere t CoIlegK m-vl y e a r


till Huliftii tl1 1 ir o u l ' l * y n u for the a lflre>^s nf

cw''*pi\p''r hi Hii * ‘ MuudvJ M

Th* nibl^lf t, FriHTtc s tr ee t- - 0 -

,1 r s 'WliM,' I an ft I 'n rtv nf c 'fl" i" '" ff ll"" '-

.......... . Hii aino nin l ' l l i" rldn, s m p niirt K"' "|,II„ h, I‘ut anil h a v e ao in e liininlnB?Mrru'HY IliiTK fu" one plane.

a fu -n in o i . In t h e ans. mbly bfJi. I t la t l is ' An ea r ly reo ly will be K r w l l y InU'iiiiuM lo bmiiii athURIca a t &*?tun H a l l i 'J' a n d Hi'* wirl"U> m aiiagern w ere Ins lri iu ltidto a r range r \ln>. l>et*t pOHsIble Mcli*ilule.

Kupe Mlll^i Wft.« p l a y m s a t t a ck le for t h e , a« c o r d t e a m je ts ie rday , a n d he w a s ]arg**ty reEponfiible fur a n u m b e r of t h e vtLTsUy p la y s being b roken up, H e alsm b1iow*fI to a d v a n t a x e in fln op en luul fieveral l im e s he broitgh t th e m e n ru r i ’ m n g b a r k punLs dow n with n ulain. F r o m 0,11 iruilcuLlonK, Hupe will m a k e Bcveral of th e r 'Tcsent line men wH>rk If th * y " d s h to m a i n Hieir b e r thp . Jf Mills s h o u ld h a p - r>cn to Hevuro hi« ^m biem for fbotbalJ h e will h a \ e Hcriired his omlilcin for al l th e tn a lo r tiporta, nam ely , baFicbkll, h a s k e l - b.tji, t r a c k ft!td foolholl. .TatTt G t i r d n e r s h o w e d a v a s t a m o u n t of speed a t h a l f - ba-'k *hi thf ' s e o - n d te am yes te rd ay .

T h e ti iue a n d W h i le c tupp w as d c a J t a r a t h e r hii rd blow yes te rd ay , B ig J “ b H n v a rd wlio Uba been Hiu b a c k b o n e of 11,P m i n i for Hie p a s t tw o Peasan.s, re - ■Pived a n In jt iry to his -^boulder t h a t will prl-ihly k"«r him O'" Pt g a m e Hriturdfiy. k‘

m a n com bina t ion . how»^ver, p r o v ^ ttr eiisrj' p ropos it ion fo r tlte B ro o k ly n , wife cu p p e d th e ser ie s by t a k i n g th r e e ' s t r a i g h t . GFwrgHi T a y lo r did t h e pibhifCj f o r tlie a i lk C i ty ogfthm t t h e 8uM#ftiiL- ;i hd Buccccded in w in n in g f o u r g a m e s oUt o f tlm Heven. T a y lo r g o t f irs t b J o o ^ ' ^ K t h e n d ropped tw o g am es , a f t e r pioked up and flniahed s t r o n g w i th bcW**! of 2&6 a n d 234 fo r th e tw o tl na l g o j i a ^ , '

B ro o k ly n e x e r ted i t se l f in t h e f l n a T ^ ^ i o f t h e f ive-man m a tc h w h en th e p u t up a score of I.GIO. T h e s c o r e s : . . '•■

ladlvldiUMl. ' -r

Iwaa* p i t m a n syEtfiTn I I c a n h* mafttcr- *d in 0T1P teriTi If you take th a t subject arid Flevote all your time tu 11.

~0“W hnre Is rhni'F' aoed chpjdnuH Ins w ithin | p3n ijA n K I..P H lA , Oct.

HARRY BOUGH REINSTATEDTill. plpH.Inn Ilf ii bfLBketball mnniWiT

w jB th« l i r s t thiiiR im Liic bouriLs. Will -

A 'v a r s ™ " hMHK-Tl»fth"l"L or Hftci 'n milPB f ro m N " w a r k ? Will | foriru-r " w. i s r s -ULSiiin ihlft ycur luiii fr, .n, ih., ' y o u ,r l l me wliut .-ft'' t ' l ift!<o. ft",l w her" ' ,I .b I '-as'" ' -" ‘ o f Uie

,Li.k.,*( ii (ael t'-Bni slimiM he F'U , ,p „p, nff? VIimiko let me kn.nv eliolll whi jt : in s la lo r t l a a l nlKht a t a

NPlflon (H rw iklvrl. IM 2S Zll IW 21B 3l» tl(- - — ,ss.e5T ay lo r i I 'a ie rao n I,. «K 193 18E m W ,£ ^ .l

PKe-matt. ■,BRO O K l.V N . I P A T E R a j U f . ■

■nnuKhty IS9 im HI C lirtla . . , . If.I IBSItil T u itlo ., 16* 168 SMIBiraMon .. nn 3(B !ft

: i l 169 SHI Rowan . . . . 199 iHaflaP r y o r G ray .. N els o n

17S 177 M 179 214 184

T otals . 921 913 TOLD

Rhea ......... 174 I w 19TaylOT . . . : 20& l e i Ibt

T o ta ls . .. 903 8S0.84I

t li• i\i

n [}!* d o u r ITebi il rn t . \hearnfe a n n o u n u r J ‘ ,«m* th ey will he r ipe : alfru 1* i me k n o w - manag 'p rsp u s ikii , i f ii iR too liiie lo go to F ine llrook to j im pplng to th e i. e n t ia l League, b n

AC h e s tn u t t i n g h a s a l w a y s been good In M>« I

O r a n g e Mnunlalnfi and tip to w a n l M1H-


n iF l lM iiN n . Vft.. 0'»t. 3 . - At ft HPvn t HF'RSlnij of- t h e com tn l t tu e on r«niui(*rti H, th r e e wpckp.flgo, apji1b‘-atli<n wim madf,' by ! k ' i p y C Ri'fUtt*’. HU‘1 p f r ru l s f lo q Rrorb-rl, fur tln^ bulh i l "f !ii.n rou, H e m v C la y Pfi iH Io Jr. , Hu* wiFf' iruirdFM'or. e n i - t sn ee d b ‘ lib’ III the f4 i ’i r l r r l m l r Nit ' em-^ ber 21 IlN hhdj" v l 'i Hr In Ihe M au ry Cerw-frrv , beKidc thiil nf Ids m o t h e r , iituI

b u t lil j a n n o u n r e d r e t i r e - ^ n ' l f:ir d ie t ' in i lii* Hie ( . - ja voof t h e wtfn lmin ,i*ili*rorl o i M i>11< ii n ian H;i iiplk*

T l l« H-tk-n frltM1•a:f^s Lljfti Hie ntp-il l.itli-r hurt ripp.tri'rKl.v nlian(biii*‘d all la'iie I t lull t veni M>n bv tl'C Kupronii* PMUrl.. or tiY ita- ‘ lOV'-inof N'o I’oi ' ijrd wits m a d o i f I ' t r'*1mnj'H'*e'^ noHon tsii’ h infiribi-E’ i'Kdm.' I'b’ilgt'd !'• SfC|o<;\.

'I'hift ' oun g ' ' I f f n in rd iTe i h a s beenChi’I iT ft* h* v'cillht rrvRf <3ip 111H'P ♦‘liM-itd- r’het r, nnd fl r l n s f w a tc h Isb*'iiip l ' | ‘1 |)VIM 1 d'o to p r e v e n t .iFrlf.d'"

JiEOk J o h n so n Is g e t l b ig realWtH' tilniEplf.merrt from the ropcii afotiii baa uoi c ie- Eied t h e h ig nib lii pugUisLlo clrcli-p i b a i J&ok would ?\u.iuinlly expec t In.'-h'iid, evsi'yhodjr sci-niB tu tti* fmnoijii . 'e- 1rnent a s s n aiHaMllwIng s l ru k e cT no in«'nn order , No in a t i c r vvbai were J jb jj r tnn 'u InlenMons i'C h as iy>iI ’ wo-ltod ' fcn>l’id y -wltli hla lIoiU'? I'i '■ ,-h,i'.,:,i'ii! w H i i i e u i light-•want.rt tu n,};ld b. iilh bul Hu rs nil finrt t-> n^hi hao bi.r ^urn HancTord. and ll Is said idiii ,!"!.!! -m 1 ho ,mni.'re<i 111 Sarn flint tu- »\h i i I i w n |i . di m ' 'o opporiuniiy to ■ .m . ''m :;. wMiomoney. It is n i ’ r>-T r iii',:,>' n N’.'ae not only wllUiit;. da \ ‘e r lu'ic (iii'l ndN

.lBrse\ rif\. Ort. 1.7,1 (Sr Sji®, rhifl Kiltlny of iV \fc'ir8.-

TO ,ll■.■l,l'■ u Witfor. hln' il jl . h iv , ' |>nnlf,lIn vonr n,1,101- tile enoloaeil llr',,' I'lfty""". rriiN 'initliiK th e A ll-S tar Natlotialfl (in! tlifl All-Sliit ATTierlc-fttia. Tomynre the uvn ,,|.-ke.l teiimk m an tn m nr. an.1 vour CTiollil opinion B3 10 w h id i la rhe hett".r o( ,f„ ,ao. Vonra reaperttnlly,^^


i h a l a s m a n y cil the Wk .aollenv Uiallis a a , j f Sioasible tvoulil he tHlion on and I ti a t j uHiina Hi nlKli* will he u u m e ro n a th e r a m - .111,1 aenann- -itrabftbly Wtwbiesd.ay nlBhia..Vl.iriftSiir Cos te l lo lifts ft Hat of rolleKe

\ te n n is w hich be in t en d s to bill, a inonff

' o ' c l ' h i m b l f t h n r n 'and Himunlt. T h e b*tat ti m e la ju a tCol iex- o t Ht-uoklvn. U f te r t h e Ural f roat . i r tah lng Is aiSU fo o d

y X ™e ‘ ‘ ‘A-hell will he I h . soene o f t h e hf tske tba l l j h o v e ft llcenoe to h u n t , ev e n tt you only n.miieft s th i s w in te r a n d beeidee a n u r d l n s [ ahoo l crowa t n d h a w k s , ft biK idny lf t* ftBCtloa th e re la ftinple ro o tn ; - Oto r si.ii liiK ft larire e rowd. O rd e rs h a v e i a . Spoisvaf FMtor of the SETVB: been iilaeori t o r ft taaltflll>ftll ne t . wlircti j [ „ N ew s y o u s a y : ' 'A n y w a y , we'llwill lie Inslftllod within tlio_ nejii ft>w | jugt t h e s a m e . " H a v e you on

Id™ w hat the itrlce of sea ts will be to see

m a d e th e chanRe before th e B a s te r i i npened, and h a n d e d o v e rGan you shou t r r o w a mid h a w k s a t I he

P in* B ro o k w i th a rifle w l th u u f 11 Mc->P8e7 • Leag i ie 6fO30n - .a T K A D Y RFADFTR. rba T r e n to n franidiliw Ueforo he le i j . h

w as a d n i l i u d to th e Ruod f tracee u t t h e leiutue. Rtuidlnft tIeposUeii ItB e u a r o n t e a.. .nney nnd the leaitiip cl reult la now com ple te. P l a y will be« ln N o v em b e r l i , a t Cam deri, N. J



a m f i h c a n s .

Hcrtflftf'sFord.Inhiii on,

PltolK PS.Alexander.M JiTbUiLpi.Maihi-wsr -

Thoniftfl,S i rf»'i

tl r :


tli-n vUi-’. Juhi-.-Hun of iho nuiiierc-\i.4 ftti G a i ' l e a in Ihe l o on ' l been for i h r l-.vt F ia t 1 <’omi-ils? S-'ii gt't im ib^ .I di Hr,*

..U * <• jii d - ‘i Al 1

<!< '.1 I 'lu v . i' ; ' i ,v r w v ii->

U 1 1 1 , \Y' 1 . . ! 1 Al;u,li.v.,ri , 1 I .. 1 i 1 r- ,; l. ij lc lii FH ■tv,■,-1.1 . l! 1' lA . 1 .if I'I ! -I'' ttM i- ', liM 1 'M8 ' •-•1 1 . \ft ' ■■■

‘ T '1 t 1 6. ' r t i‘ n >■

I *i’t TI'.i* "I >]iH‘ Mfl I” ofI O'rt V.si3 TilHiln

S 111, il.tU’*! Jn U:n! "rl( n,‘\

lO.iJjiJ I- lull Til % ,; -M.'«Slli' Ills I n<-gU' M is KUi.-Jfll Srtg't

p a i a ' i c , e;i h irii; aH- .1. 1' MorKun irt l**>

IWn l.ii't.l'-vl



VSOD, Pnoker,


F^rst Burr,Ifttuleniw. • Bcrr>ticl B h-hcla- DcvlrtT hi I'd B.iifS


Wjipnhr.Oijtnt'ki' r;..S< liultfi.

1 lesniie,I' I'iaik-'.

r t in t ’' /IrriTrif-rmftJi.

th e noxl ft*w weska . PU Ihftt th e r . , i . i i lda tes for t h e v a r ­s i ty a n d prop , teiiiue wiil haire p len ty o( prai tt lao bpforo the aeason opena Iftia InNovFTAih*$r.

I»aspl’ull a l s» g!v«n E booflt ftl yes -leruftf'h niRutliig. wJieP Walter Hennej^y^

Iho Gllouts p lay cJn FIid f tl ^ O c iube r H ? ,

TIOROKBN, O c t 3.—p in knlg hU .T jsp t^- ae iiHng th is c i ty ce lebraifjft a clh‘a|]i';-cur v ic to r y ovef ih e U n io n H i l l aggtegatJbU * In th e ntx^nlng g a m e s of U if l . l i a f iM n B o w lin g Ivcague w h ich w ere ro l l e d li«r4 l a s t night . In th e In d iv id u a l maPfJ: XVhlty J lo r a n took four o u t a f i e v b r f r o m BteSnhTuek, a n d t h e td t i i w o n al l thMG g a m e s f ro m t h e Ufijon q u in t e t .

Schult jw, of th e locals, d id som* v € r j fine bow ling in the f iv e -m an ga'meo, l« 4 s t a r t e d w i th a m a r k o f 20u. a n d Jti th^ pftF-.ond g o m e boos ted h is s co re to, 13,0. “ Ill t h e th i r d g a m e ScJ iui lze krtocka^^.'^.iBrt d o w n for a to ta l of 2S7. I t w a s t h e ' % i s | conBlete m p inn ing of t h e n ig h t ,Kcores: |

Im l lv Id ii tiL

J 4 0 M E K V IU L E , MaSH,. Oct. H a f -foKi, n prpfe.ssional ball p lay er , f o r m e r l y with t h e r i n c l n n i t l N a t io n a l T » o r u e ' l i i b nnd a t dlfforFint t imes oonm*ct*d

-— - . ' wilh m in o r leagues all o ver th e d ie d ~W il l you be a b l e to got t i c k e t s ? 1 tn -d a y In W ni lm ant lo , Comi., of ty p h o id ’ -P te in b ru ck a i . HHl) 178 IBS 17G 2<Mt h o u g h t p e r h a p s you w ould be ab le lo gf-t 1 accordliiR tu wo'ril rece ived a t hiRth * tl rke tP . and p e r h a p s b e t t e r sea t? , ^^j.p to-Tiight. H a t to n l , w h o vmbt h a n If we wTote oureelves- Tf R'''. "wUl turyj^ty-seven y e a r s old. w as a n a l l - a r o i i r d m a i l you a check for t e n t i ck e t s . K in d ly jiHijfvto of ciOnslderable note. F o r t h e p a s t

of thii cU^n of 1912. g,mfl.n mklo i- itv ! a n s w e r In y o u r apoi-ting pag-e. which, no w eek s he had been c o a ch in g th e foo t* ... . , ^Quiit, ifl Ihe besi uikI f a i r e s t fii i hull i»-.ani of th e S lo r r e r A c a d e m y a t

I l l s home w a s In S o m e r -of t h e Vfirslty t e a m Iry ^ ^ ,n v v r J . ,h u H'V 'n .r ty, I R,,pftv.tfUlly,Tn>ule to Hrii.g aom e o ' tn^- coiiegL.n l n w in t?„uth O ran g v In t h . t p r i i 'P ftud T h . Nftt lonal Cc-mra ns on

m i i f t . r H v i in « a y will Btftft r i « h t In l o pricwi. w hich will v e ry li k e ly b e *1, I - a n ! L «*rFI1 ftlllYllWlS* I i'i r i’n^nVl lliu

BONUS, fixes th e


l lo r a n (Hobohcn.i., 161 'Jffll 189 M-.UISP t v e - n i u n . ' 'm ' ^

U N I O N 'HIHl,. J . I IO BOKICK. 'Slalnbf'ftk i m T I 1S1 S o h u lU e .. .SWf. 2M 21 Haeuna .. .184 153 167 Schneiaflr .1911® lo U aniatsch 166 190 173|Popsar 1ftB ta n g .......U.3 166 1741 B a i l . . . . . . . f f l l 1H utcii .......148 160 1381 H o r a n ........U2v

in !a r r a o s . hut aehwlu la, (vhicli wil l n u in b o r H W a tc h th e N e w . for I n fo rm a t io n abiiirt t w . n u ' iMjnie g ' l in r . . vPKar! Ut th e Ferlea, Y’ou will h a v e tn

I g e t vFMir o w n t l r k e t s . (t will , he a ciisa A nr ithe r I r o p o r tan t ?t»p In a lh le t lcB a t [ „ f come, flr.'i served . T h a n k s fur



I Hull w as iho vlecUnci o f a t r a c kI TuATirtger K d w a r d McG'.ilrk w a s a p p o in t '

ed t H.tP umce. ' T t 1ft, th e trftentlDn to | j p v ; O

«■t,KVELAKT>. n., Oct. 3. - T o m m y Cfavt- g an . t»f C le vela nd ,‘d out F r a n k K e n n ey , of BT-oukKoi, In th e f o u r th r o u n d

f w h a t wturf to h ave bei'ii a te m -ru u n dhn\ft a iHtck team repveaoni Solon H all j \ \ 'h : i t wa-N the nidor of th e first trolley nlpht. They a re m iddle

win i-nler tn the local m eets, o s welln s Thu»-t’ ladil Ju New V'Tk.


P i t c h e r s .

the MatiK-'-n .''q :oxerliCt-ird l>' ers wll I I ororI gM {•'■ 1tlllTljFH H 'M 'lOV''■-ri r.*i r\'P :mightyw>ll he gUrti ;|II loBt.

iiard»ii tw*iiii I 'ioJfwu l-M '

jJino.FH*! l'-N>, I'-iiP Hie Cil,\‘: ■ I'll' Till' W 'm U i lu • I >■’•.. nH*H'.‘«"-nU''i ' ■ . g ; , ’ II %. >■'*■<-,0 .Tpt.ri 1 l: I '


■ui;- UBthow«on.Il2 tVolsh.

r n tc h i ’PS.Myeiw.

1! • ‘'asl* uf ' • u ' Jon ot

iVl'i(B ;i '.•■r liiM '

. IF i r s t B a r a•l.iideiiis

6*rond Ektr’e.1 ‘oSl'itlB. UakP r.

o OPORTO RRVOLT FAU ST h i r d Bass .


M la n sklaTii ' 11 rjiic i t I,'***! ll -

k li 'k i ' .1 ll , ,1. i ' • U ll ' .1 ' luCf r i:

T h a uiici’li E l V.' 1' ( h • lil.T.I '' Y-, :■ -■ 11',1

cunducted, |,.;- Ill r ' * " y 1 l.-l t' '. % !■ IT f

c f (h * law. r .1 r.i I- 1 U t IK. tt 1 Wl •' , •'*

• i i r i r - 4 1 '' • - ,1. ,. 1 ,. 1 r t it ’•.‘C ft. \luM uf h. II. ■■ i: \>>-

lIiH il-IK ll i i- .1 1.1 Fll- ,u .1

L ro w ji I'U 't. he \S . > [ c -Fllll it-d.v.Ai a biOl o r thi PUKI 'in i . ' f ■c t' fieon(i'in 'iKtlnir It— «hu. h.t\ hf.'n 1 b ''

egner. Outneklnrs.

ii. 'i h f U- !rws*i,i

Pool. M il la rd s an d iK'Wllng w e r e a l sodlrti i! ll ihe meeting. A comjnUlo© or

hiijududid to ta ke c h a r g e o f t h e s e ; ii'Se oil lii' i .omiiilitee a r e J o h n M u a r d WIntlehi. W a l l e r ColiJ:aTv, Hi m e an' l Jam<.s C u r r y . T h i s

c,ar il ia t w as ru n o v e r t h e C e n t r a l ace i iuo : li ne? M A R T JOTTNRON.

T'Firk m aroon . Th* c a r s w e r e np^'rated tp- R ap id Traruil t R t ra e l H<t11way Corn- |

1, V e W -i IfrJMnlli-



(MimnuH''e will al so so l o u t to lmpro^ '« t h . ‘ J iau d iu l l qouri. T h e p r e s e n t d i r t n«mr- ing t-* 1* aandii ;ab to f a s t p l a y in g a n d a

o i t e m e n i will be la id In Lho n e a rf u tu r e

P.—No p rem ln n i on e i t h e r coin. '“ 0 ~ - j

A f l thoolg iT l-ConM ii t a p h y s i r t f ln If you Iwould tM lipRUtlfuI. I

-O IE, M.—Newark H igh School w ar not |

scored on ills I reason.

Football Gossip Here and


T o m l f ...SE3 SWRm ! T o t a l s ...,9Tfl S9S;96t

rt; i ,KS' B O W L I N G t o u r n e y .Bevenfiee . .23fi 1G9 144Colp .........IDD J6t mH a n d ic a p . . . 40 40 -K

T o t a l s . .425 373:190 P e v e n s e e ..173 ITfJ 2fftCole ....... . .H^ 169 194i i a n d t r a p , . . 40 40 40

T o ta ls ..,3fio 385 467

P r io c eBoys


1 .U71 l l f i J l l

T o t a l s S

CHESS NOTES ■Uf>ulR P a u l i k —Tf y o u h av e y o u r Bocond p a p e rs tho> wltncsaefi a r e n o t necoasary .

Y* , ' ; -1 g ' \ M i l I j llul jt

' l l ' mtiiU'-iirt..'* ' 1 , lu y, ,\b'^obi!e

Sr,«':ik ur."tiu : r- ,!tk -1 ..

.Mcl^'liT' ’ l / u l t 1

' > r> 1,'T, H forf a l , , i' l.uin "

- lU'Ej'arrvI lu fitin.c^pr.-rtfs *'ur- * J, P. N.

nvnfli!'' !; y |.ri!- YS'locl.

Cttlftv.; f ' ed ov«r be, hi.

I irbt-r, anri M. I ' l i-li? ii‘ riunci fur iVie f=sme r--

o -

A TOURPersonally Conducted, to

GETTYSBURGInuhijinf! a drive nver tlic

BATTLEFIELDind iwo days' sight-Beeing in tho tity of

WASHINGTONwill be operaied by the

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADO ctober 7 to 13, 1911

ef the low rale of $22.75 from Newark, „Covering all necessary eitpensea.

For full infomiaMon consult Ticket Agents, or C Stndds, D. P. A., 263 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

rtl.ftT, TCuw York t*« I-ftT- An- iroj - Mil or N mw Y *>rk tu l-'.T-.i;-lund" JATCE STO FT Tni

The disiM,>^*o f ru m Nnw York Lo I-ors An- Bf'lcN, ‘ ^ th ^ niflil r o u l r H ;:-- nmile* Tl |p mi lt 's lo Lscnclon r»v*r thu poBtnl ront<*

TOv. c h a iu p 1"n * b tp t oO Tratn .i it o f t h e r i .t I 'hes f" C'luh o f N ew ii rk b . i t i n s lo- uifthi T h e f,jllowfn(f a i 'f l>)i> vn-

i i r . -,, . In l b - ohs.n ,plon5hlp: H. F .1 . , , . , ;! , J. H IXtun, W. H. K u h n , U T . . D r . N. p r ice . M. w , S h n r . T.

i |. -.■--mu, .1 I biureltuftn . T. N o r d s t r o m ,' i . 4. H o rr.r . .1. Becisleuiftn.i T'i ,r h»nrv, .ar , icjuines bi-pirK F r i d a y , ' o r t iU .e r 6. T h e folk.wltu; h av e c m e r e !

„o I lt- C h a r left W. Coles. F. W. ( Irai ta, C ro feaso r r . i n i im a n . I. R ad in , A. M.

. M . iiols.; T h e (1 r« p r is e lu t h e c h a m p lo n e h ip

Imn-noT will b e WC, second prIIB JM e n d

C.! .N or ton-1 d o n ' t bno-w wlin t you m.-aii, T tm L’ajiftdlftli F f tm u T s ' .Mllimeu In .Manitoba. Ciinaila, ad v c r i l s o d to r f a rmfkdlldil.

—o —A Ptft'Hfly Ftcflder -Tlio U nited HIuilo:

rn n k P pc-'und tn ^R^'nl s t r en g t l i . Gi'CiitTh ii n:n i.s IitnI.

N n v la n t By u r a d u a t l n u f ro m th a N av a l A cf ti itm y at A n n a p o lb , Mb., or by cnlliii-

T h e Bra i l fo rd A. o f O r a n g e will be a c o n t e n d e r to r lou iball h o n o r s th i s s ea - hon. T h e eleven got nn a i i a p l d o u s s t a r t j by s c o r in g a 35 lo f win o v e r t h e W a t o h - uiig A. C. Gamey with s e v e n t y to uig l ity liuund t e a m s a r c deslre>d. Edsnn Tboa ll , 2T AVnKhlrmton ftv-enup, th is d t y , I?; t h o mauiMier.

A fritKbnU loajn h a s been o r g a n izfd Ify the V nung HUih of 9t . fitHr.!>nn’HI ' ro ioB tan t Kplscnpul Hti 'urdJ of Ji-r.¥ey I ' t ty, a n d it w ould like to a m ib ^ ' e K.'imea w i th i c a m s a v e ra p in ^ aliout 3fi> [-ounitB. T h e y h a v e b ee n th o ro u g h ly dr il led u n d e r tills i ’Ciir's rulea-j a n d a r e cunfwkuit o f g iv ing a good .t t co u n t nf ih e m s e lv e a on

K R.\kl>ni:R T O l'B N E Y .W EST S i r s , t W E ST S ID E JBS.

H e b le r . ISs! H. Ville .......J Vine . . .157 iTllVbgel ........a . 13ti .*S7lLtt T o u re t te . :;H 1G2 Wiotil . IGS'^JJi

Totftle . . . .M O 6211 T o ta l s W E S T S ID E . ! m o u n t a i n

H e b l s r . 162 I G lh ^ h ^ e n t r l f t . . .I fJ i.WIJ Villa ....... IM IF. J Iopp ............. .'IS* 76!L a T ourette. 183 1 49 H lakrr 1*3,14!

Totals . . . . I'M 465, T o tals m ountain virowi v/ e r t- sipB 'l i ^ l s en l r t l t . IM SS'Tt. V l l l e . , ; . i , iai«:l l o p p ............ 1114 ........ "lUaker

IlH.112 143|Wlehl

Ing a.M a n o r d in a r y ajiilor a n d w a i t in g | gt. S tephen 's h oys h a v e o p e n

• IIp TCF n t which I can iiT-'. both dcslun -mil

^.-rad ia t in g from Jui;Iiknow where le tie is [ a t the Kume (Ima

,1 r. N A rc tl,cre

1;tl(c Iii'l fl -ll,; f!ir ll I ijca. \\ i- ii B-lo'xl'* Ala \ 1' t ‘i St6’’\ 'enh, lVTin>y! Vania. L'olumi'lu, Ptf iU b H u’ g-’r'j. I ' l i lylc- 'hnlc iitid N fv.* I - u k I 'TiUiTfU'. v.ltl r--a h th em , and if arjv ii iii ifu ia t joti yvHI Irp ctircIvtNJ

F, T, F A R I .F V .You ' siji l a k e I 'p n very good ciun^-c a t

T'lr N-W !uk T . •• 'mb’flJ KohOul on High .'.Mjr ei Sicvcn. '! h’rhoo i l« In lJolK»ki’n . I ‘r'nn,Hi>''lv.i.fii« r - jl lcge is Joi a l c d alSt:*tc i'otlesf*, I'a , Oohmib ia I'nHor.^ i'y iH In Nvw- York ( b iy . a s Is N ew York Univ ersU y 1‘r a i i In s tH i i l e Is In ll rnok- H-n, K ntg er ' s Titllijee a t N ew Brunaw’lck p.n-1 Polyfechiili . I n s i l t u t e in Brooklyn .

th i r d p r iM *16. I n th e h a n d i c a p t o u r n e y ih e f ir s t p i l s n is st>i.:ond th i r d jirize SIO. f o u r t h pr ize J5.

T h e Rlc# O u b exiiccts t o h a v e J o e e R. <’' f tp ab lanca , th e C u b an ch a m p io n , h e r o Ih t h e n e a r fu tu r e . He la co m in g to th i s ci ty to give ft s im u l ta n e o u s ejchib lt ion . II, w in p ro b a b ly play i W n t y - D v e b o a r d s

PIGEON RACE'Hic 3<V'-niHe y o u n g b ird r a c e w a s flown

i?unila.v hy th e Tlo.-ti‘S'ine D is iH ct of ln ;4 Ihupcn F a n c i e r s from Ch. ir luUusvil le . Va. T h e firm afi'Svud t^l th« l o f t ' o fO f v b c r siml Youaphouee . I ’he r e s u l t

for pronifktion

Anjtlilua OtuT-Apply a t either one of the sc'hoifis ui see P rincipal Lew-la Fl. CarriH. C eniral Evening H igh School, on Burn^i sire-i,

Miw. K B -Cannot loca te the place for- merFy rn Nnw s tree t, bu t you in ight 1)0 ftli'c [i! g^i w hat you w ant from J. P. NMl & Co., iis M ulberry street.

H B f . T h e r e a r e a n u m b e r o f very Rood iijijjber y a r d s In N e w a r k a t which you I !'uM Ncoure t h e w’ood, I would not r. ciimnuTid an y p a r t i c u l a r one. T h e y ' r e all good.

r ta tee for al l S a lu r d a y a a n d h o l id a y s in ( V t o b e r a n d N ovem ber . A d d ress J . B. iTunkin. m a n a g e r , IS F a l n l e w av e ru ie , J e r s e y City.

T o t a l s . , . 372 37j' T o ta l s . « e HiJ----- ►------- .‘ ■ 1 X *■

IR O QU O IS T W O T O t ’R S 'B V l■ft'^uHliour .. , IPa IKI Sm ithA y r e s ......... . iVi m M o i- r k s e y - .

T o t a l s -■.. . 4ft? 3(14 T o t a l s . i n ^ 'B l u r h e r . . . . . KTi 112 WiiUho 'ur ^W a s t e r s o n . ms 239 A y r e s ..........

T o ta l s . . . , xi: Sili T o t a l s . . . .e m l lb ___ . m 194i B l u d i e r ;1S 5iM orr is sey , 187 199 XVaster tc ii

TotalR . 3H3 393 T o t a l s ftte

Peoosm n t

ON 01

c (■ W.-Moving picture^ machinesrnm e a t ail prices Buy a moving pic- 1

J P. N . :! b there rtnv place In th e ITnlt!?4l a i i te s

w hen- ! ' p ^ i “I 'l ia O m riw ia ' G a id te . 1-^iied by ih e n n tia h O vernTrum l? I f not. con T obtain tt from England, and

Q crbcr and Y'ou:iglu>use.................■Yi'fUluaf find f?--hworUart................H H blg -, ............. ........... .....................‘H orp tener ..........................................Grtwicltuuscr a n d l^ i ' se i i

VUrds p e r I t i i re iimKaxIrie a t a n y o f th e n e w s p a p e r FtHn<Ls or ti.fe N e w a r k N ew s C o m p a n y , liSl

W a sh in g to n s t r ee t , aJid r e a d t h e a d v e r ­t i se m en ts .

mSn-JEC.Il38.: 0nos.'lllOHL.Ki<i7.12........ ......................... ■I.VKl U

...........................................-.........Jt*nkhvBMain- and LamlaieRuvr..............K a i r e r .................. ................. ...........

is the prlcaT W hat- le the postage fromTlarclH .... ..... ........................ .WlUon ................ ........W -9


\V. H .^T h ere will ba a olaas In oil pain ting a t the Young 'W omen's Chrls- llan A ssociation th is w in ter. T he ■water iTolor Bubieci m ay he tak en u p a t tho Kew&rk F ree D raw ing 'S choo l on A cad­em y ftroat. I .

a T o n

C o a l F » r io e i.A

A d v a n o © S o o t t ’:,

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fonrard lb* ball

Ponde the van Una. 6i hftd ruft] Inf dltt from wlth e her!

The pi poorest peare.tlrelF 1ft MeOoriT thft m« fftoH vl er like i lo do t o» their tft the line la 1 pftcted lutempnfrom ttthft bfto:tarn. 1 of thft In p a In I Hnrven

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lift eeai temoon With tl tin t tin fftra hi


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Both K bnes',« 354 ad^35S f

W e A r e S t i l l S e l l i n gBest Large Lehigh No. 2Nut, per ton. $a.S0Trimmer Mixture, Stove and Nut

mixed with Large Lehigh No. 2 Nut, j!.3S Best Lehigh Stove or Egg. •. ■ ■ ... ■ - -Sd.uO

: pftHftd

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N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S, T U E S D A Y . OCTO BER 3, 1911. 17


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1 Phones V aid’3 5 S f

Princeton aol New Brooswick Boys Win Clash in NUweek

Game To-morrow.


PennsriTaoia, Brown and Dart- month Others with Wednes* i

day Contests Booked.


f o o t b a l l t o - m o r r o w-------------- /

Princeton ve. Autgert. «t Prince­ton.

Brown ve. Rhode Intend, et Prov­idence.

Dartmouth vi, Bowdoln, i t Han­over.

Penntylvenli ve. Frtnklin end Marthail, i t Phllidelphli.

M uch ImpoTtanco will be a ttach ed to ttie eollego football g im ea to-morroyv, a l­though th e re a re only four in num ber u n o n g th e btg elcvene. P rince ton will hgve a n o th e r chance to show her e lra jig th , playing R utgere . .The T igers wHl h ave a n opportun ity to try th e varl- o tv pt*'y* of the now football, and can fgtjr on th e old gam e to n in up a score,If sw sew ary . There Is still a wait from th e T igare’ lo4r on the poor show ing of th o g lr r i t i In practise. Penn will have a djfc— t o reg a in eome loot p restige by m fm tD g u p a big acore on F ran k lin and M aribaU - Down E as t. B row n aj;d D art- n o u th w ill both be In action , and both glw« ladicatloTH o f im provem ent over la st Tear. Brtrwn’e stirang p lay la st B aturday v a t a o e o f th e fe a tu re s o f th e early esa- •oft ooQteete. e cd m uch is axpeoted from t b i P ro rldeftca eleven.

T l p n ’ C « fe n se S ti ll P o o rT h* Princeton v a rs ity football aquad

gtiTWl th e longcet acrlm m age of the eea- ■on y e ite rd a y afte rnoon . T he w ork die- p in fad by th e team wae e llghily Improved i f r t r th a t of laet woek. w ith the defeneo o f th e Hne atlll poor. T he a fte rnoon ’b p lay i r a i divided Into fou r porlod». am oun ting to an hour and fou r m inutes. T he ecru be eoored one touchdow n iff ono

goal fo r the vareity .Bsm iDond ta llied th e touohdom * for tlie

KTiAa a f te r several succosafrir forw ard pa r — had been pulled off by the second S tring men. H am m ond hlm eelf w as tiie boy w ho th rew th e passes w ith enougl. aeotifaoy to “sm ear" th e defense of tVio v a n i ty . H e w aited until h is ends were f a r o u t and. seem ingly overw helm ed by tb a T iger linem en, got his throw away. H la ^ y recalled to th e u nderg raduales tb a th n o w hen How*, of Yale, chucked th e p igskin to K ilp a trick for a touch- 4ew n. In th a t case also the P rinceton to n ra rd s w ere on top of the m an w ith tb a ball, bu t couldn 't atop th e play.

PenfleM scored th e lone field goal for th e v a rs ltv from th e scrube' tw en ty -yard line. Saw yer, Do W itt, and la te r. Baker, h ad rushed th e p igskin up to w ith in s tr ik ­ing d is tan ce of th e second 'tea m 's goal, from w here Penfleid booted the ball over (h a bars.

T he p laying of th e v a rs ity line w as the poorest eeen on U niversity P leld for y«ara T hey charged h igh and were en­tire ly lack ing In "pep ." N orm an. W ilson, H oGom ilck. M el-ean, B lue then tha l w-eto th e m en th a t the coaches w ere flndlrg teuH w ith . They played like "h a s beenB," o r b k e m en who th in k th a t all th ey have to do to keep th e ir poeitlnns is to re s t O N thetr "rep*-" From the looks of thinga i a th e T iger cam p th e h orison fo r tlie I lM la clouding up, and th e atorm ia e*- paeted dally . Coach M acG regor w as a Uaem pn him self, and dem ands good worit fltKO th e fo rw ards In p a rticu la r, leaving tb a baokfleld men to th e care of Cunnlng- Wawi n a coaches a re never losing eight Of tb a fa c t th a t th ey h ave got to get a Una In trim fo r th e g re a t line p lungers of H a rv a rd and Yale.

P rin ce to n will have one o f th e epeedleet baekflelds o f all th e collegea th is fall.

,T b* g re a t w eakness o f th is p a rt o f the te am lies in its lack o f w eight. B aker, v e ry la s t , tips th e beam a t only 15S. B aw yer is no t m uch heav ier an d Pcndle-

- to n w eighs US. Penfleid Is not aa speedy •as these tw o, b u t he Is a little heavier. H a will get hla place on th e team cn ac- conn l o f h is toe. H e le a very reliable dropkicker, and Is good a t punting. I t Is ra th e r unusual for a c an d id a te fo r q u a r­te r to be sh itted to full, as has been done w ith Penfleid. and only goes to show the U gbtness of the T iger backfleld.

L igh t p rac tise only w ill be indulged In by th e Jung leltes to-day , th e th e husky Jlu lgers team will be m et on th e tollow- l l t f d a y .

• **Opmine G gm e for Rutgers

R u tse ra College football tra m will op«n I t i M ason on th e grid iron to -m ofrow af- tarnoon a t P rinceton , w here U will clash With th e T iger eleven. Ft will be th e flta t tim e In a num ber of y ea rs th a t Rut- gars has m et P rince ton and a keen in- t a r i f t Is fe lt In th e renew ing of the re­la tion , T his Is m ade doubly Interesting by th a fac t th a t th e first Intercollegiate footi>all gam e In A m erica w as a gam e betw een R u tg e rs end P rinceton , and V lllch w as won by R u tgers. Coach Gar- f a n will ta k e a squad o f tw enty m en to P rince ton to-m orrow , as every effort la befng p u t fo r th to p u t up a good game Wgalnst th e T igers. T he team is heavier th a n la s t y e a r 's and a lso has a harder •chadulp. S tuden t enthuslasTn Is high. F req u en t "squad'* m eetings a re held In th e dorm ito ry , and m any s tu d en ts expect to Journey to P rince ton to -m orrow to e b te r tbe lr team .

***G sttygburK H a s Brisk Practise.

W ith th e PeAn gam e over and the m en i Sr fine condllton, p rac tise w as resum ed j a M ln y e ste rd ay afte rnoon on N ixon Field, i O irttysburg. T here w as no )ct-up In iho 1 ttran u o u s work th n t has charac tenaod ; th e p rac tise fo r the la st week. E very i fnan w as !h uniform a n d - th e y w ere put th ro u g h a h a rd signal and pun ting prac- tla# by C aptain B rum baugh. Beegle, the S ta r tack le , who has b een , ou t w ith a b roken rib, w as in hla old^position, and XaUer, th e big guard , w as in- th e line-up. T be m en a re full of en thusiasm and are 4at>armined to give s ta le a h a rd battle ,

* •**Chk«co All to the Bad.

T h e v a n i ty line-up a t the U niversity of C b lcafo recOived a shock In th e first prac-

I Uee of th e y ear w hen th e freshm en woo, • ( • I, y e ste rd ay a f te r an hour of ecrim- BMpe. T h e exhibition gave little encour- egeaaelit to C hicago 's p rospects for v ic ­tory over th e In d ian a U n iversity eieven e r t t SaturdKy. A fte r th e p rac tise Coach 0 to g g said h is men would have to im prove fifty p e r cent. In k icking In o rd e r to win

/ tK tt t Xndlaca.

P u ib in g C o rn e ll L ine P layOMmsll football b rae tlse w as shifted

fro m P e rcy Field. In th e valley, to filunm l F ield , high UD on the cam pus, yes- ts rdw r, and the BOO-foot change In eleva- etoa | i #*pecled to m ake a world of dtffer- 4MO in th e tra in in g o t th e men. T he show- iBfi'O t th e iu b i t l tu te line ag a in st C o lgate i n * p o t sa tisfac to ry , and a lo t o f tim e e ra s ip en t y es te rd ay afte rnoon drilling IfiMBi on th e Offense. M unnls. of la s t y**r'B freihm oR team , -an d Hale, were em rksd o a t in th e v a rs ity line-up. while -WltUamson w as p laced a t rig h t tackle.

P u t Peon Through PacesA s isn* expected. P e n n 's v a rs ity w as

IMt th ro u g h a h a rd drill yeste rday a fte r- ao«B, tb s coaches endeavoring to correct tb * g la rin g m is takes of th e G ettysburg ggUM. B tartlng prom ptly a t 3:30 Coach ■ M ill l iq i t the men on th e Jum p until ghrltnees finally p u t a n end to the prnc- tlM a f te r d o 'clock. A fte r th e p relim inary p sgetlM . w hich consisted,^ m ostly of Indl- vlflagl Instruction . A ndy S m ith lined up t h s v a rs ity s n d second team s and gave tk s m g long sig n a l drill, w hich lasted for n o r s th a n an hour. T he scrim m age gam e w ith tb g scrubs followed and la sted fo r

’ , 1 ( ^ m inutes.*-*

Much Joy g t D e U w a ro .Ncnrer In th e h is to ry of D elaw are Col­

l id e t e a th e re been so much. In te rest die- ptayed In its football eleven as was s ro u ssd by th e g re a t show ing th e team snads M a ln i t B w arthm or* on S aturday, w h a tT u ie old gold and b lue held tb s

. .^Q ngker■ to a 0 to 0 score. N ot only the ' s to fien t body an d the facu lty , 'b u t the tow n Of N ew srk , and . In fac t, th e en tire S tg is , Is p roud of th e tesra . The p layers w ore m et o t th e e la tion on th e ir re tu rn ■ g turday n ig h t by th e college band and poiwfied. over the s tre e ts of N ew ark. I t w oe th e S ret tim e In tw elve y e a rs th a t J>g|gware has even p layed B w arthm ors a

Y *l» R e g u la rs R es t U p .M Io w tn g th e policy o f sav ing the mSB

efieptsfi hy th e ooachei chte year, th»

Yale varslLv men who s tarted the game ag a in st H m y C ross S a tu rday were glvan a re s t yeste rday an d W arren was the only one ill the v a rs ity llnr-up He was ut left tackle, and U w as ua.Ul th a t for the present F e rry , who showed up well ag a in st Holy C ross, would be a t tackle on the varsity , pending the re tu rn of Paul to th a gam e. T ha aacond tra in lined up Bgalnst the th ird for a tw enty-m lnuta scrim m age, w ith a constantly changing Una-up. T here w as only one score mnda In tha scrim m age. That was by Eddla Freem an, who le playing right halfback on tha th ird team . He broke through the Bocond line for the touchdown.

West Point ExperimentingThe field a t W eal Poin t was too wat and

slippery yeste rday fo r the coaches to lake chances on a acrlm m aga. but they sent the men th rough a long signal drill. Tha form ations w ere run off smoothly and tha crisp w eather eecmed to put more sniip Into the p layers In an a ttem p t to fill the guard position^ left vacant by W elr'e g raduation , the>coaches a re e iperlm entlng with sh ifting A rnold from centre lo guard and using W alm sley and SJbert for the centre. W aJm sley ^ a y e d guard In good sty le last season an d no doubt will m ake a strong cand idate for centra, providing he cun Im prove on his passing, which la ragged and resu lted In a num ber of fum ­bles. H uston w as In a t left guard yester­day and P r itc h a rd w as tried a t q u a rte r­back. He ran th e team In good shape and got the p lays off quickly. For the hack- field two go<id m en a re developing In Hobbs and B utterfield , both of whom aie new men th is yeaj' who have had football experience.

• * •Lafayelte Preparing for Swarthmore

The p rac tise o f the L afayette squad yesterday afte rnoon was to develop a strong offense. Up to this time the coaches have spen t da*Jr tim e in perfect­ing the defense. A num ber of Coach N ew ton 's new p lays w ere tried out. D ur­ing th e pu n tin g p rac tise Kelly booted the ball several tim es for flfiy-flve and sixty yards, and show s rapid Improvement In th is line. Coaoli N ewton dfd not give the v a rs ity scrim m age w ork, but an exciting gam e w as held betw een the second and th ird team s. T he a tten tio n of the squad BTid the M aroon and W hite supporterR la U*med tow ard th e Sw arthm ore game The squad will be worked to the lim it In p repara tion for th is game.

Harvard Squad LecturedH arvard fl football men were out on the

field less th a n an hour yesterday, the head coach giv ing them a long lecture a t th e b lackboard and going over tha lessons ta u g h t by th e B ates game. Later, in the stad ium , the backs, linesmen and ends w ere sep a ra ted Into their respective g roups and indiv idually coached, ('o rbett, who will have charge u f the batiks a t C am bridge th is year, w as In th e field for the firsf^llm e. H e paid special atten tion to the k ickers, and spent a lot of tlmij w ith M llholland, the drop kicker, whose punting has been even be tte r than has Felton 's. T here w as no scrlmmago and only a few m inu tes ^ s i g n a l drill.


CHlCAQOs Oet. a.-Prsald«nt Thom asC hlvlngton . o f th s A m erican Aasoclatlon, yeste rday received a rep o rt of an alleged gSM ult by Fhll Lewis, shortstop of th s M llw aukw team , u|>un U m pire Je rry E dd lnger In S a tu rd ay s gam e a t M ilwau­kee. T he alleged a tta c k upon EkSdlnger, form er t ra in e r of th e W ashington Am er­ican Lweague team , w as the resu lt of Lew is's b rin g called ou t a t first on a close derision . The league head w as nut ready to m ake know n his decision yes­te rd ay , h u t a n announcem ent is probable w ithin the next few days. Lewis wns a m em ber of the R alllm ore E astern League club a t one time.


GIANTS' WINHcGraw - Slab Artist HoMs

Pirates to Fair of Hits and Wins, 3 to 0.


T ha New York Q lan ti captured one of the th ree gam es needed to clinch the N a­tiona l Leagiie p ennan t yesterday. The P ira te s w ere victim s of McGraw b men N ew York m ade sure of the victory by sh u ttin g ou t P ittsb u rg 3 runs to 0 The d a y 's w ork Increased their lead over the Cubs by tw o poin ts lo a to ta l of fifty- eight. T he Gtanlfl m eet tlie Pliilllvp in FhlU idelplila lo-ilay.

The d e fe a t of P ittsb u rg seriously men­aced th a t club'H title to th ird place P h ila ­delphia won cSKily from Boston and cre^pt up to w ithin eleven points of the o ther penney ivan ia rep rew n ia tlv e In the N a­tiona l League. P ittsb u rg h has only three m ure gam ea to play, while l ’Iilladelptil.% has nine.

Y este rd ay 's gam e woe an exceptionally welJ-pJayed one. The proraluenl feature w as the p ltch ltig .o f W litse, who held the P ira te s to tw o singles, one of a decidedly sc ra tch y c h a ra c te r and the other being lined out by Doia Miller with two out tu th e ninth- Not a iM itsburgh player reached second base, and only four gut to first.

In all only tw enty-eigh t men faced ■Wlltae, one of whom received a base on balls. The fielding on both sides was sharp, m any b rillian t plays being made.

S ta rtin g to-day. M anager M cG iq w will pul H ubs M arquard under W ilbur Robin­son 's care until the w orld series opens a week from Friday .

The v e te ran back-stopper was one of the m ain fac to rs In developing the southpaw to Ms p resen t form , and no m an In the business u n d e rs tan d s any be tte r the a r t of worklJTg his p itcher in the righ t w-tiy.

K oblnson wlU put on the iLnlshlng touches In the hope of having UIh charge a t the p roper edge to face the hardest h ittin g ball club In the game.


FAT PDRSES--------- 1—

Picked Eistero Learie Base- kali Playcfs Get Bif End of

Post-Season Receipts.




Remedying Carlisle’s Faults N ot one of th e C arlisle Ind laiy football

p layers w as in ju red In S a tu rd a y s game agu lnat D ickinson 's eleven, allhough the gam e w as ex trao rd in a rily strenuous for flo early In th e eeaaon. Indian Conch , '^ a m e r crltlclxed both his line and hack- fiold p layers fo r Indifference and Inability to Mock the line p lunging and end runs o f the collegians. As a result an altered line on th e v a rs ity Ind ian eleven faced th e reserves y este rday , and was changed from tim e to tim e th roughout the short Bcrlmmajce, w hich succeeded a lengthy signal p rac tise . Tho Indln’os wore run th rough th e whole gam ut of fundam entals a f te r school and glvqn a sho rt field ta lk on the D ickinson gam e by W arner. Thorpe, R oberts and Powell tried punting and d ropping goalk w ith good success.

P H IL A D E L P H IA . Oct. 8. - Sunday b ra in had th e effect of m aking the Fair- m ount au tom obile roue coui&e a bit so ft yeste rday , and th e good-alzed crowd th a t b raved th e n a s ty w eather to see the first (Jay'e p rac tise did not gel much excite­m ent for th e ir trouble. Their presence a t

j BO unseemly- an hour, however, showed I th e big In te res t th a t the public Is tak ing I In th e g re a t annual m otor cor struggle. * F ive of th e m ost Rkllfnl and daring

d rivers In the co u n try —J. Fred Betz, In I h ls F la t; H a rry G rasi and R alph Mul-

ford, in L oziers; H ughle Hughes, M ercer, and E rw in Berndotl, In a Bern c a r—were on hand to try out th e ir cars, but the course w as loo soft and the work had to be called^off.


D ET RO IT, M ich,. Oct. 3 ,- l t w as s lated lu -day th a t D etro it has,, secured w aivers on L eftfie lder D avy J ^ e a and C atener Schm idt. I t has not been definitely s tated w hat d isposition wf|] be made of the v e te ran s, bu t it 16 Indicated they will go to the A m erican Association.

D ETRO IT, Micb., Oct. 8 ,-P re iid « n tNavdn, of the D etroit B aseball C lub, h a s aw arded the con trac t for the c o n a tru ^ tion of a new ball park to the H unk lp Conkey C onstruction Company of Cleva- laiui. This com pany built the new Cleve­land P ark . The deetructlon o f th e old stan d s which have graced B ennett PaiSt since the Ami-ilcan l^ioaguc w as o rgan- lie<! in 1894 l»y Han Johnson es th e West* erii Tx-ttgue, began to -day and w ork w ill he pushed Itnossandy th roughout the w in ter The ro n trac t calls for the coin- plellon of the new park by April I Tho pluni will be one iff the ilnost In tliu country In the new park the honie*Y>l' Will lie sltuiitt*<l In wh-it now Is left field


The mjccesfl a tta in ed hy the All-Btar agg regation of the E aste rn League against th e R ochester H u stle rs In the post-season serlea, w hich cam e to an abrup t end yeS' terday , w as due In a r e s t m easure to the h ittin g ab ility of the pick of the B arrow organization .' The A ll-6 tarF 'hung up a b a ttin g av e rag e of 317, while the R ochester team h it fo r a m a rk of .S64. In fielding the H u stle rs excelled w ith a p ^ce-itag e of .970, w hile the A ll-S tars ' record was T he com plete record of the scries Is given Ui the following com posite box score:

RO CH ESTER.0 . AH. 8- H. iB 3B. HR. TB. a n SB. Av. PO. A. E. Av.

M oran, 1, f ................. .. 4 16 0 0 u 4 0 2 .267 s 1 .867Miller, r. f ................. .. 4 11 0 a 6 1 0 .273 6 0 1.000F oster, a. s ................ . . 4 14 2 6 0 0 6 U 0 .367 11 16 .963W ard, 3b..................... .. 4 16 2 7 0 0 s 0 ti .437 7 7 0 1.000Osborne, c. f . . . . . . . . . .. 4 14 1 3 0 0 4 1 0 -214 3 0 0 l.(4«SlniTnona. 2b.............. .. 4 IG 0 6 1 0 g Q . 0 312 10 13 1 .900Bpencer, lb ..n ^ ..,— .. 4 16 0 1 n* 0 0 1 0 0 .067 S3 3 1 .9itiMitchell, c .................. .. 3 y 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 .333 12 4 1 .941Jttck tlisch . c .............. .. 1 3 1 6 0 2 0 0 .333 5 3 0 1.(00McConnell, p ............ .. 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 .000 0 2 0 1.000D essau, p ................... .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .m 0 0 0 .000W ilhelm ,' p ................. 1 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D .000 0 3 0 i.oyjM anser, p ................... .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .600 0 1 0 1.000H olm es, p .................. . . . s 1 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 llOO 0 0 1.000H ughes, p .................. .. 1 2 0 1 0 0 (1 1 0 0 500 • 0 2 0 1.000B atch .......................... .. 1 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000

T otals ...................... 125 12 33 6 1 44 3 .264 99 SO 5 .970ALL-STARS.

r O. AB. R. H. 2D. 3B H R. TB. SB SB. Av. PO. A. E. Av.Louden, 3b................. -. 4 IG 2 a 0 0 0 a 6 2 .137 8 .983Corcoran, r. f .......... .. 4 16 2 7 0 1 n 1 U .437 1 0 1.000M iller, c. t ................. .. 4 14 3 5 0 0 U b 0 1 .367 1 .830M urray, l. f ............... .. 4 H 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 .214 5 0 .3r«Oandll, lb ................... 4 14 1 Z 1 0 6 0 1 .214 87 1 .976P aren t, s. s., 3b....... .. 4 IS 2 0 0 2 1 1 -MS U 17 3 . mAta, 2b.......................... ... 3 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .OlHI 5 3 920Roach, ©. ©............... ... 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 « 0 .250 0 •1 1 .500Cady, c ........................ . . 3 8 3 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 .600 10 b 0 1.000Phelps, c. ............... 6 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 833 18 4 0 1.000VlCkftTB, p ................... . . . 2 4 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 6 .000 0 .500Rudolph, p ....... ......... 4 1 2 1 0 0 3 0 a .soo 1 0 0 1.000

3 t 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 .067 1 3 0 1.000E lston ........................ . .. 1 t 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000

Totals .................... ». ■ .. 126 17 40 5 1 1 so 2 s .317 99 61 10 .238SCORE BY IN N IN G S.

All-Star© ................... 2 1 1 1 8 4 0 2--17R ochester ................. ■/ 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0-12

L eft on bases—A ll-S ta rs '21, R ochester 87. D ouble p lays—F or A ll-Stars, Dubuc, Cady and G andlL D ubuc and Oondll; P he lps and A tz ; P a re n t and Atz. F o r Roch- e tlc r, F o ste r, Sim m ons and Spencer. S truck out by A ll-S tar p itchers—By V ickers 9. by R udolph 7, by Dubuc i. S truck o u t by R ocheste r pitchers—By McConnell B, by D essau 2, by W ilhelm 3, by Holmes 2, by H ughes S. B ases on balls off A ll-S tar iritchers—O ff V ickers 2, off Rudolph 2. off D ubuc *■ B oses on bells off R ochester pUchere—O ft W ilhelm 1, off Holmes *. off H ughes 3, W ild pltchea-^McConnell I, H olm es 1, R udolph 1. H it by pitcher—By D ubuc (M itchell), Scores o f the gam es— F ir s t gam e. R ocheste r 7, A ll-Stars 4: second gam e. A ll-S tars 7, R ochester Z; th ird game. A |l-8 ta ra 4. R ochester 1; fou rth gam e. A ll-S ta rs 2. R o c h ^ e r 2. P itchers ' reoordo-’i a m e s won. D ubuc 1. Vlckere 1. M cConnell 1: gam es lo ^ , V ickers 1, W il-

Spfricl Service nf the VEWS.HOCHBSTRH. Oct. 3,-FoU ow lng the

calling off o f the pOit-se;\son series be­tw een th e AU-Stars and H uatlers yt-fiter- diiy by ^ w a r d O. Barrow, p resident of the E a fte rn League, the m em bers of the A ll-a ta r i immfidlaiely packed th e ir gnp^ and e la r te d fo r home. The p icked te am w as d e c la red the w'Uiner of th e ser lca and pock eted the b ig end of th e p la y e rs ' s h a re o f th e receip ts.

The serleh ended In a fiasco when C harley Chapin, prealdeni of the Roclies- ter club, refused to allow the g a te s of hls ball park to he opened for the p u r­pose of playing the battle advertised fur ycBtertiay afternoon.

It Is Jsxpected th a t C hapin 's action will be m ade the subject of a sp irited debate a t the nex t m ecllug of the Icague.

In hls a rgum ent for refusng to pem U t h ls p layers to partic ipa te m the fifth eam e of the series, he advanced th a t P res id en t Harrow’ and M anugcrs Dunn, of th e A l!-8tors. and Ganzel. of R ochester, broke the original agreem rn l Sunday In N ew ark, a f te r the tie gam e there, by scheduling a contest here for yesle rday afte rnoon . Chapin clam ed the ru les s ta ted the th ird and fourth gantes m ust be played on neutra l grounds

T he th ird game wan played on a foreign field (B altim urc) on Saturday. Th© fou rth gam e, which ended In a tie In N ew ark Sunday, dirt not constitu te a gam e, said Chapin T htrefo re , Barrow. Dunn and Oar.zel had no rlt'h t lo book Ih© gam e for R orliastcr yestcriifly Chapin paid the come.sf fhouhl have been played in B uf­falo to -day Intsead of Ici-tnorniw. or th .il he would have agreed to lay off y e s te r­day. p lay in Buffalo to-day and como b a rk here for the o ther gnmos necessary to dertue the series

T he reason lhat Barrow Dunn and Gan* zel decided tt> play In R ochester w as be­cause it w as understood, when th e te a m i left here for Baltimore, they would r©-*, tu rn Monday. At th a t tim e It w as nf>t taken Into consideration there m ight be a tie or postponed game. Borne provision ^hould have been made for this occur­rence a t th a t time. Dunn w anted the leam a lo rem ain over In N ew ark M onday and play off th© tie bat Me. Because u gam e had been artverllbed for R ochester yesterday , this* plan was paesed up and th e c lubs made a quick ju m p to the Flow’er C ity

Barrow Makra Slatemetif,"W hen It rained In the seventh inning

a t N ew ark Sunday," said P residen t Bar- row’, "and the pain© was called a tie. li w as ngreed by M anager Dunn and M an­ager Ganzb]] atvJ myself to poatpone the gam e to TucRday In Buffalo and pl«y in R ochester yesterday The rulea ra iled for tw o gam es In Rooheeter, two on neu tra l grounds and rem aining gam es on the grounds of th© chum ploni. W'o figured lh a t th e ruin In N ew ark sim ply called fo r a postponem ent and th a t U did not -fol­low th a t the game m ust he played off yeste rd ay . A gam e had been scheduled fo r R ochester yesterday and the fans looked for it. Mr. Chapin contemJfMj th a t the gam es on foreign grounds m ust he p layed In succession in order to hav^ th e eerles end on the RochP:atpr diam ond. ■When he refused to open h ls ball p a rk y e ste rd ay afternoon 1 called the series off.'

Th© p laye rs ' share of the receipts of th e four gam es was i3,69fi.60. of which th e w inners got IJ.217.3G and the losers S1.47S 24. Feoch m em ber of the A ll-S tar team , seven­teen in all. receives 1130.43, while each R ocheste r player gcTa $77.SO If the ©erlea had been played off a« planiipd th e plpiyera would have recrlvert much more

A lthough Pref*ldt*iil B arrow dM no t go on record lo th a t effect. It Is not likely ihAl ihe league will a ttem p t to conduct such a series again The league will have to m ake up a deficit of abou t $1,300 In the expenses of the series for w hich each club probably will be asaossed.

C hap in’s refusal to p lay will cost t t e league upw ard of $1,300. H ad th e re been a con test yesterday, the proceeds would have gone to the expense fund. T o-day th© p laye rs would ©hare in the gross, b e ­cause of th© tie game. Of course, th e tw en ty per cent, would have been de ­ducted for expenses. H ad th e re been a n ­o th e r gam e neofasary o r oven If th e re had not been the chances a re th a t expenses would have been met.

B arrow and Dunn are not w orry ing over th is point, W hen the series w as declared off m any thought the p layers ' fund would be sp lit betw een th© clubs. B u t th is theo ry w as not long In the b risk a u ­tu m n a l a ir. The A ll-S tars had won tw o game© out of th ree and deserved s ix ty per cent. T hey got tt. Seventeen m en figured In th e cu ttin g of the melon of th e A ll- S ta rs ' share.

C bap la Is O b d n n u e .W hen B arrow arrived hero yeste rday

m orn ing shortly a f l e r ^ o'clock th e s ia le - m enl by Chapin In the new spapers su r­prised him. Barrow tried to g e t C hapin and G anzcl over tb© telephone. I t w as nearly noon before he m anaged to land Jaw n . who a t once had a ta lk w ith C h a ­pin, W lien Chapin was located by EUtr- row he refused to play th e gam e. B arrow to ld him Mien th a t the scries would be declared off and Chapin said a ll right-

B usiness M anagers D ewan, of Je rse y Ctfy. and Billy W icks, of B alllm ore, did no t leave the c ity last n ight. T hey had lo ts of business to a ttend to an d will not g e t aw ay before to-night. Prcf.ldeni B ar- row left yesterday for Buffalo an d T o ­ronto . He win a rrive In New York som e tim e to-m orrow night, b ecause th e N a ­tional Commlaalon nieets th e re T h u rsd ay . I t le probable th a t th© E a s te rn League will be given some kind of an a n sw er to Its request for consideration:

Billy Louden and Hick C ady, N ew ark 's rep resen ta tiv es on the A ll-S ta r team , le ft fo r horn© and will plav w ith th e b a rn ­s to rm ing Indians this week. D unn, V lck­ere, P a re n t and At* le ft fo r B altim ore a t the sam e time. '

W ilbur Roach, the Skeeler sho rts top , and one of the All-8r:ira. le f t la st n igh t for FroBthurg, Md. He will becom e a benedick Thursday. MI#Sl N ellie M. S tew ­a r t Is th© bride-elect. R o ach 's hom e 1© In W lndber. Pa. He Joined the N ew York Y anks , in the spring of 1910 a n d wan w ith them tintll he w as sen t lo J e rse y C ity th is season

George McConnell, th e p rem ier tw irie r of the H ustlers and of the league, ev i­den tly took no Interest Ifi the series. H e th rew th e team down or else w as given perm ission to play w ith Plainfield, N. J., S a tu rday . He won h is gam© from a club m anaged by Cy Bej^mour an d 'Tim Jo rdan . W hen McConnell Joined th e H u s tle rs Sunday In N ew ark, h© w as given th e cold shoulder by hls team -m ates, th e


G L i m RUNMaoy Aotomsbiiists Will Go oa

Totr from New York to Florida


BILI^LEA RYGbetto U 4 ao4 F am Boy

Xml Etck Otkei Without Damife i t Troxler'i



B O X I^ TITLECoIofeJChampiooObdcrateAtoot

QoittiDt"Will Wait Year to Transfer Crown.



N EW YORK. Oct. 8.—Seventy-one c a r t a re nam ed to ci^mpt’te for the 1911 GUdden T rophy from New Y'ork to A tikn ta an d Jucksonvllle , October 14 to 24. W ith th a en try list noW' com plclrd, the co n test board will Iiulil a special m eeting th is w eek uiOi com plete arruiigem ejiU fo r th a com fo it and ciilerta ln rnen i of th e tu u r- iBtn all along the ro u ia^ K lu to r tru c k s will ca rry tlie baggii«e and every effo rt will bo m ade (o fac iu tu lc the ocny,en- lence of Mie m utorlais. The fact th a t th e to u r has bcct^ laid out th rough the m ost a ttra c tiv e section of the i>outh has co n ­tribu ted to Mie unuKUal entry lUt.

Oil the nlglu of Oelopur 13 th e eon- testuntfl wTii be guests of the A utom obile Club at A m erica a t a sm oker and e n te r ­ta in m en t In the clubhoUBo, 'Fhey will s ta r t the next day un tlielr long Journey to Jackw iiivllle, where they oj o sch ed ­uled to a rriv e October 2*

elected apslBtant m anager of the Y'alo m eet Toting Bhylor a t th e W est Bide Ath- ^t'n lversU y football team last n ight a t a { letlc ''liib on October 2fl In a tw enty-


"B arring accldentu. we will go in to th a w orld 's Besrlea In better condition th a n we have been e t any lime In recen t yearn. " ren jarked Connie Mack, m an ag er of the w orld 's cham pion Aihletlua, y e s ­terday

•'Bender Is rounding Into hls best form , while M einnes'a arru la healing rap id ly and he will poeltlvely play in ih« aviies.

"] shall work a ll uiy pliclu-rs ag a in s t the N ationals, but none of tlmm will Lks asked to go ihe entire route. F o u r or five InnlngB for eacl) will be Bufflclenl to keep them on edge, and then we will ]iave Homt4 real liard gam es wltli th e All- S ta r learn next week.

"I ahi not m aking any predictlor^s nor claims, but If th e G iants beat us they will know they have been In som e bull gam es. T iirre is no wny to u n d e re s ti­m ate our tesin. I t has shown th a t U 1© a w inner nnd It will go into th is ©erica w ith every confidence.

"M uch has been said about th© b a se ­runn ing proclivities^ of th e G lanta, und I g ra n t you th a t th is Is the ir strong su it, bu t they will no t be running wild on UB, Out ca tch e rs’ records ©how th a t base- runn ing against ua Is not easy ."

Mock snld th a t ho expuciod Ira Thonm a to flo all the catching, and he a lso s ta ted th a t T hom as w as In b e tte r form now th an he baa even heun before. "H e ha© been tu rn ing base-runnerB back, " ©aid Connie,

The prediction th a t fo w ro u n d s a re too abo rt for Billy L eary , th* G ladstone fa rm boy. and Younjg K u rU . th© local Ghetto " Iro n M an." to H tt le th e q u e itlu n of ring suprem acy between them , cam e tru e la st n ight, when they m et In th e s ta r bout a t th e C entral In stitu te . T h a m en mauled each o ther through tha fo u r sessions w ith­ou t doing any appraciabl* h a rm and with- ou t one having any p ronounced advan tage over tha other.

K u rts had condition In h is fa v o r and be showed much suparto r s tre n g th , but he was W’lld, and L eary mg$|e h im m iss so o ften by ducking under hls sw ings th a t a t tim es th e G hetto lad w as m ade to look foollah. K« landed severa l good blows, m ostly left Jabs. L eary d id n 't appear lo h ave the usual pow er In hls punches, and hls tru s ty right croM w as n o tab le by Its absence. Leary w as th e aggressor th roughou t tha mill, bu t the rough work to ld on him lha m oat an d ha tired from h ls own exertions. T he first round was an even thing, with n o t m uch action ; the second showed K u r u tn th e lead. The th ird was Leary'* by a good m argin , while th e la st was about up-atlek© K u rts put a rig h t swing on L eary ’s m outh coming o u t of a b reak In th e second round, and It brought blood, w hereupon Leary “ called " him for th e ac t. and w ith ilielr ire up the men Slugged each o ther for a

I b rief ©esilnnThe best bout o f ih e n ig tit had Smiling

Kelly, of Bayonne, an d F ra n k Donlnger. o f this city, as opponanta. T h e la tte r used sh o rt right and le ft sw ings to the head, which bothered K elly not a little , and In th e second round Donlnger opened a cut under th e Bayonne m a n 's le f t eye. Kelly cam e ou t strong In th s Ik s t round, scored the only knockdown of th e bout, flooring D onlnger with a rig h t sw ing , and then to pay the local lad back c u t h ls righ t eye w ith a Jsh.

Buddy F au lks found K id G ross, the Philadelphia colored lad , a n a rd propoal- tlon to hit, and w as u n ab le lo land any punches until th e la s t round . Then w hat he did gel home wora few and d idn’t do an y dam age. Gross a p p ea rw l' w ttn a Htrong defense and blocked F a u lk s ai will, bu t he d idn 't show a n y th in g In the h it­ting line. The men could have boxed a thousand rounds and n e ith e r would need a sponge on him a t th e finish.

Topng Edw ards, o f R oselle P a rk , and Young Miller, of Ib is c ity , slugged oarh o th e r to a draw in th e sem i-final; Young Cardell hart It on Y oung Sabol, Young pp iaiiey shaded Young B erger, and Young M ack and Young boxed a n Interesting draw ,

PARIS, O ct. 3.—Jac k Johnson a rn v rd here S a tu rd ay n ig h t and one© more •tated tha t he will n e v e r don the globes In i: cham pionship b u ttle iigtiln« Hpcaklr*g o| hls re tirem ent, Johnaoii said:

"T h ere 's nobody golniT to risk enough money to m ak e It w orth my wlillje to put In a lot of h a rd tra in in g . '’

"B ut ’©•'hat lu your idea about the chant- *p1cinBhlp7" lie w os avked.

"Well. I propone to w ait a year to set five or six nf th e best men light It oul am ong them . 1 would like to referee ths fights Then w hen the w lpner le docldod 1 will p a ss th e uham pioiishlp on to him to defend It I don’t earn who it Is so s i he has got th e ©tulT In him."

"Even If ll Is Bam Ijingford?""Yes. even If It is Langford," he re ­

plied. w ith a grin ."And you w ill accept no mors cbal-

Isnges'’’'"N ever again . T h a t Is final. There l |

nobody will ever ge t me bock Into the rlug again ."

"B ut WsllB seem s to think a fight nmy be a rran g ed ye t ’

" I t w on 't. I 'm going to d raw down my 11.000 fo r fe it In London to-day. Thai ends It."



YALE HONORS JERSEY BOYN EW h a v e n , Conn.. Oct 3 - E v e j c t t

D. I'»avls. of E lizabeth. N. J .. a m em ber of the sophom ore ucudem lc clnsy, w as

NEW ORLEANB. Oct. J.—W hen Ref- fre e Btnut aw arded M onte A tte ll. nf Ban

1 l-'ranclaco, a declsUm over Jo hnny Daly, of New York, a t the end of a ten-round bout la s t n ight a t th e O rleans A. C.. po­lice Btepped into th e rin g to prevent any poEslble trouble from th e crow d, which favored Daly.

The club m anagem ent recen tly adopted th e nn-dedslon policy, b u t th e exception wns made last night, It Is said , a t the re ­quest of Attell.

D aly fought like a w ildca t from the beginning, but A tte ll show ed cleverneea imtil the last tw o rounds. A ttell drew blood In the opening round. D aly Ui the final session closed A tte ll 's eye.

A ttell will meet F ran k ie B d m s a t the sam e club October 16 for ten rounds, the w inner of this bout to m eet Jo h n n y Cou- lon.

It wa© announced th a t Joe M endot will

NEW YORK. Oct. a .-E x h au sted from tw o fust gam es of tenn is yesterday In Ah* Women's m e tro p o litan cham pionship tour- narucnt a t th e VS'eet Bide Tennis Club. Allas l>ori)ttiy G reen, of Philadelphia, fell In a sw oon on th e courts and w ai unconscious fo r niiarly ha lf an hogr.

A fter Mias G reen had defeated Mlsi Frances H enry in s tra ig h t ©eta hIi© w ai m atched w ith Mies E dith Handy, Misi H andy p layed an exceptionally fa s t gams and kept MIbb G reen on the Jump from the s ta r t. M ias Green dluiiluyed plenty 0l speed, but w as not fa s t enough for hei Opponent an d lost th e game In stra lghl sets.

As M iss H andy scored her la st point Miss G reen keeled over and fell to th< ground. R esto ra tiv es were applied Imme* dmtely, b u t th ey railed until a physician arrived and carried her off the court! on a s tre tc h e r Afior wlie revived she w ai taken a w ay by MSae Elflie L ittle !n as autom obile.

A big field of women tennis experti turned out to do battle for the title. Ir th e s trin g of ihlrty-flv© players th a t fig- uied in tho singles were many title hold­ers.

m ooting of tho sophom ore ciass. round bout for a decision.


In the sum m er of 1905 Lake H opatoong gave me the blggeai pickerel th a t I l>e- lleve lever cam© from lie w aters, an d w ithou t ever a fight or the use of a rod and reel.

l^ul© DfK'ker w as uur guide and all- a round handy nmn a t tho W llroso C o ttage on C hestnu t Po in t th a t year, and one m orning I rooted him out of bed before d ay lig h t for a few hours' sport before the BUn got too strong

W e took the west shore a s our fish ing ground, and s ta r tin g In to c as t n e a r Dr. V an W agenen'K boathouse, I had landed four or live KOod-aizetl bass before we reached th e m outh of the R iver Styx.

D ecker had fallen asleep every five m inu tes during the trip, and I had a peck of trouble punching him w ith my fool to keep hie head up. R ounding Into th e riv e r I decided to troll a lo n g It© m iddle and ad justed a light ©Inker to my line.

Docker did well for about ha lf an hour when he began to nod again and allow ed th e boat to drift

Q uitting the troll 1 busied m yself fo r a while casting on each side of the boa t aTTd wn© thus engaged when I ©aw a whopping big pickerel leap from the w a te r not ten feet from my boat, and followed by a calico basB. tlie la tte r snapp ing hla j&wB vigorously. I quickly reeled In, hop­

ing to ©e© the gome rep ea ted , and It t am e a t once.

For fully tw enty m inu tes and within a rad ius of one hundred fee t of my d rif t­ing boat the pickerel cam e ou t of the w a ter with a m ad rush , each tim e fol­lowed by the bass.

PTnally the chase ended a n d 1 d e te r­mined to w atch for th e re su lt, for which I had not long to w ait

■Within five minute© a fte r th e la st dash of the pickerel I ©aw him come to the su rface and flop over on hi* side.

Decker slept on and I took th e oars, reaching the spot w here tho pickerel lay, and now nearly dea<l.

A fter placlpg him in th e boa t and care­fully cxamlnYog him. th e on ly m ark s T could find were tw o vivid red ©pots, one on each side of th e vent, w here the ba©s had Htruck him, and w hich w ere sufficient to cause hls d%»xth, t i^ e th e r w ith the h u r­ried flight he had In fro n t of hi© vicious m urderer

Rousing Decker I show ed him my catch, and unlesa he read© thl© ©tory he w!l! never be the wiser a s lo how I got It. On scales a t tJie co ttag« I m arked up seven und a q u a rte r pound© of pickerel, and I understand h h Jaw bona© are ©till nailed to tho side of th e boathouEC a t old Po in t Comfort on tho cas t shore of tho lake M l’SKOKA BARNEY

Walloping B ert Keyes to F ace Tommy Ginty at 20th Century

Halm, 1, H olm es 1: gsm as tied, Radolph 1, H ughes 1. Ofl V ickers, fin th irteen Innings,14 h its an d 8 ru n s ; off Dubuc, tn nine Innings, 13 h its and 3 ru n s; off Rudolph, In i m en who asslsled him in m aking so fine eleven Innings, T h its and 3 runs: off McConnell. In n ine Innings, U h its and to u r | a reco rd during the n s; off W ilhelm , In e ight Innings, 10 h its an d 6 ru n s : off M anser, no runs and no h its to ono m an a t b a t; off Holmes. Ir t 'e ig h t Innings,^ 12 h its and « runs; off D essau. In j one Inning, no h its and no runs. U m p lre s -Jem e s J Iu rra y and Thom as Kelly. Offlelal scorers—Don T. F rase r, of R ochester; C harles E. Bparronr, of B altim ore. Average tim e—One h o u r and forty-tw o m inutes. T o tal a tte n d an c s—11,»02. A verage dally a ttendance, 3,9*0, T o tal recelpls-34.«l» M. P lay e rs ' share , 38.695.®. A ll-S tare, I3,m.33, seventeen p lay e rs , 3130.43 each. Rochester, 31.4TO.34. nineteen players, 337.80 each.

Cab Stars for M anagersM akes Owner Murphy Hot

T he R ocherter fans w ere Of th e opinion th a t McConnell would w ork In B au tim ors S a tu rd a y or In N ew ark B u rd ay . N ot th a t It woe his turn , but th e honor of w inn ing th e aeries would boom. R ochester. All th e fans were d isappointed w hen It becam e known th a t McConnell w as no t In

*^he Twonlietli C entury A. C. of New York, which w as to liuvr s taged th e ten- round con test between Tommy G inty . of Scranton , attd "K. C; " Hrown. a t the St. N icholas Rink, S lxiy-slxth s tre e t and B roadw ay to-n ight, will p resen t B ert K eyes, th e hardest-h itting ligh tw eigh t be­fo re the public, an G lnty 's ^ o p p o n e n t. "K O," Brown and hls m anager, D anny M organ, will also be In evidence a t th e ringside to w atch every move m ode by c ither of the prlncipale, and lo prove th a t B row n's hand is really lii]ured. K eyes h as foUglit Brown ten tierce rounds to a s tandstill, and a-s G lnly 's m an ag er de ­c l a r e th a t th e Pennsylvania cham pion ou tfought Drown In ficrantoii, one o f the fa s te s t and hardest h itting flatlc engage­m ents ever arranged Is likely to re su lt. Alex Thiel, the sturdy lightw eight of the United R tates battlesh ip C onnecticut, will aloe appear In a re tu rn m atch of six rounds w ith Mickey Devine, which should be a hum m er. Judging from th e ir last m eeting, and Cliarley Mango will again

shape to work Sunday and w as n o t w ith | m eet Tom m y Huss. Jack Logan heavy- th e HuBtlere Saturday*

The All-Star© were well pleased w hen they learned th a t th e rem aining game© w ere declared off. So w ere th e R ocheste r player© who p u t In an ap pearance a t the All-Stars',jti.eadquart©r8. All w ere anx ious to get home.


CHICAQO. Oct. 3.—Charles W . M urphy, p resident o f th e Cubs, haa taken 'excep- Ud'n to the w ay In w hich h is hall playera a re being advortlaed. ■■ probable m an ­ag ers of team s n e x t year. In a sta tem en t yesterday , tje said th e re shall be a sten ­ographer p re s e n t ' h e rea fte r w hen one of his p layers Is m entioned for a m an ag er­ship, to ta k e dow n no tes to p revent m is­leading s ta tem e n ts finding tb^ lr way Into print.

"A s a m a tte r of prudence It la m y In- tan tlon to lie carefu l w hat Is said abou t a n y of th e C ub M ars becoming m an­ag ers," said P res id en t Murphy. " I f any c lub ow ner w ishes to ta lk w ith me sh o u t securing one o f o u r a th le te i s s a m anager

T he Sheffield F. C. p layers o f New th e conversa tion m ust bo In the presence i a rk Journeyed to Heledon Sunday, w hereo f a th ird person and w ith a stenog rapher ■ p re sen t to ta k e down Just w ha t Is a c t­ually said on both sides. I t Is very easy fo r a club ow ner who seeks a s ta r player a s a m an ag er to say to th a t a th le te ;

“ 'W e w an ted you to m anage and would h ave g e n s ' to any reasonable ex ten t to ge t you, b u t th ey w anted too m uch fo r

they w ere ths opponents of th e stro n g H aledon Thistle F. C. The gam e s ta r te d In a drlixHng rain and w as concluded In a downpour- N either tekm scored a goal. T he T histles h s .l be tte r con tro l of the slippery ball and greatly tax ed Sheffleid’s defense. T urner once h it th e u p rig h t

stinging shot, bu t th e ball w entyou In exchange.

"N o th ing m ore need be said. The club ow ner w ho covets th e s ta r p layer a s m an­a g e r h as th u s sown the seeds o f dissen­sion, and th e s ta r p lay e r w ith am bition Is m ade to believe th a t he Is being u n ­fa ir ly blocked In hls efforts to advance to a m an ag eria l b erth ."

behkiffi Hammeil. for th e N ew ark team , th e W est Side' A thletic Club declared th e

w eight cham pion of th e navy, h a s also agreed lo meet J im C arney or P a t B ulger, local w hite hopes. The first bou t will be s taged prompilj; a t 8t® o'clock.

M orris H arris, of ^PhlladelphJa, m eets Tony hobs in Tom O 'R ourke 's ©ub. New York, on T hursday n igh t for ten rounds.

B attlin g Nelson and L^aeJ) C ross have been m atched to m eet a t the In te rn a tio n ­a l A. C„ Buffalo, on O ctober 19 o r » .

-+■M&ttf Baldwin, of Boston, and Jo h n n y

I^rfiyne. of Ban Francisco, a re to box ten round© on O ctober 9 a t S alt L ake CUy. The arllciea call for 133 pounds e t 6 o'clock.

4*Bob Moha, th e M ilwaukee m iddlew eight,

refused fco post a fo rfe it to box Cyclone Johnny Thom pson a t N©w O rleans, an d

also had bard luck, one of hie sh o ts h it- tlTig th e crossbar; c leared In th iscase from the rebound, to th eslippery condition of th e g round an d bglL th e defense pre^'SiIed over , th e a tta ck , and th e gam e ended w ith no go«Ja being scoreds

m atch off.

T he T w entieth C entury A thletic Club* w hich h ired Rt. N icholM R ink, New York, fo r boxing shows, has found tho gam e unprofitable, ©nd a fte r giving tw o ohowa th is week will close up.

Since the announcem ent h a s been made th a t Madison Square G arden la out of buHlneBB as a boxing a re n a for good, the manager© of th e ©mallor New York clubs have pj licked up courage and a re a r ra n g ­ing to give boxing ©how©.

+Johnny W lllets. o f PhiladetphlOx nnd Al

Dew«>y of W ilkes-B arre, fough t ten fast round© before the N onpareil A thletic Club a t W llkefl-Barre la©t n igh t, ' ^ e PhSiadcI- phia lad was dlsabiad In th e second round, when a blow on the Jaw d ls lo ra ted It fin bravely continued the fight, however, but wfia on the defensive ©11 th e tlnrje, and honor© w ent to hla opponent

-fThe Rroctor A. C.. w hich had announced

th e Intention of hold ing box ing shows In W elsm ann's hall, th is c ity , h as given up the IdaOw

Jim B arry, th e C hicago heavyw eight, and Barney W illiam s, of Philadelphia, boxed six fast rounds a t th e Arnericatt g\thletlc Club, Ph ilade lph ia , loot night.

+ 'At B row n's O ym nesluin, N ew York, to-

night, Johnny D enning, th e undefeated New York w elterw eight, will m eet George Bush, the Boston m id d lew e ig h t In the ©tar bout of ten ro u n d s a t I&2 pounds, ringside. In th e sem l-ftnal, Knochouf Sweeney will m eet F ran k ie Saunders, th* E lizabeth bantam .

A fa s t bout betw een fea th e rw eig h ts Is looked fo r a t th e Lkmgacre A th letic Club, New York, to-m oirow n igh t w hen th e bell ©tarts H appy Davla. the rugged Phlladei* ph la fighter, and Young Brow n, th e Long- a c re crack protege, on a ten -ro u n d ses* ©ion. This bout m eans to th e w inner work w ith the topUners In th e featherw eigh t division. H appy D avie h a s fought such boys as Pa) Moore, B onny K au fm an and o thers, while Young B row n during ht© sh o rt career h a s defeated th e fightltig actor, L adburry , an d o thers .

Young A hsarn, tile B rooklyn ligh t­weight* easily outpoin ted B ddle Mack, and settled an old score, In a ten -round bout a t tb e Brooklyn B each A th letic Club la s t night* The "Ju m p in g Jac k " bested M ack In every round excep t th s first, seventh and ten th , w hich w ere even.



M embers of th e W om an's M etropolitan Golf A©©<r'Clation tried to make low scorej a t Baltu©rol y e ste rd ay with scant buc- cesfc. T he h eav y tu rf nnrt generally dllfi- cull n u lu re of Ih© link© made th a t oul of the question. Mr©. H. R. Btockton, ol Plainfield, w'on the grqas prise pftiieiiled by Mr©. N P. KogerB; of the home club. The first nam ed had 100

MIbs E W hitney , of M orris County, won the net tro p h y w ith a curd of llO, 7- 103. T here wan a tie In th© approach ln i and p u ttin g con test between Mrs. F. IJ Donohue, of M onJctair. und Mr©, T. U. Thom as, of HHckensack, with a score of 9

YA LE CREW CALLN E W H A V E N , Conn., Oct. 3.-A boui

©eventy-fivc iru-n rospondod to the cal! Issued ycH lerday ut Y’ale for crew candl- duteF Tl ey gallicrcrJ In the trophy roorr of the Yale gymuAi<hini to-iilght and tli=' tened to ©poerhe© by "Bob ' (,'ook. of th< daa© of I67C. heud roach Jam es ll. Kodg eftt, ISW. C ap ta in Rnmeyn and forme; cap tain s Stov^mum. ISSS. und Allen, U90.

The fall r e g e tta w'ill he held on Friday, N ovem ber Id.


tiTd w'lU not m anage Ihe Loulavllle club oi the A m erican Assnclntlon next year. Ii w'UB announced here yeRt^rday th a t How ard hnd Inform ed Ownijr Grayson hi would hflva to get ano ther m anager H ow ard p layed In th e N ational Lcsigui with BoRlon and Chicago before comUui to Loulsvlll© tw o years ago.

NATIONAL LEAGUEn e s D ils o f Y estrrility 's fism es.

New Y ork 3. I ’lUsliurK 0,I’ hll iidfl ijh la 0, Hus ton 3.

U tandlD s: u f Ih r Team s.W L . P r ' W .L.PC.

New York .03 50 tS'.Bt. Ixiul*. .73 70 ,511 Chtrnfio , .-ffffXi .;n jC ln fiiina t!PU tsljurgh .S4 07 MrellriJOklyn 1*1,lla .......... 79 fill SI.7 K Ki in

(iu iu cs To-duy.New York a t rii ll a ile lphin .

I ’hlcaBo lit HI Ixiulfl itwo go mes) ,

W SI ,45t . ft) 83 423 -3S Iflii .231

AMERICAN LEAGUEH e su li o f V rs te rd u y 's n am e

Cleveland 7. D etro it 4.N tu ttd ln a o f Ibe Team s.

W ix P C .I W .L.PC.Phlla . 4' tn , f'liu’jg n .. 74 72.507Dctrcnl . »7 01 hS>-\ Ib-8ton 72 75 . 400Cleveland 78 7fl 5771 W'neh n . LJ 8G .41 iNow Y o rk ..7671 517, Si Loul© , .41 106 .2S1

(■ntneM To-dny.Rojfion a t N'ew' "^'ork (J gunicah

P h ilad e lp h ia at WiiRhingion <2 gam es). D etro it fit rif'vclun(j )

9i. ai i” hlcAgi) i.» guinea).

FISHING NOTESChArle© D ecker, of Norfli Seventh

©treet, th is c iiy . repoitH tijut pickerel a re biting very good m l^ompton Lake, Deckor and Frvd Allan, also of ibia city, were up to the lake rei “ntiy and cauglji a ©trlng of tw en ty tlwh Most of the pick­erel ranged from fcMirlccn lo tiixtecn Inchcfl in len g th hui one himiod hy Allan meuRtired Incht-K aiid Is said to bu the la rgest plckt^rei vver hooked In th e lake.

As the c a tch of st-.j bads dwindle©, b lu ikfish a re orilly bocniiilnis more nu ­merous on, tlie outside lianltH. On the fish­ing atCximboat T aurus, off S fab rlgh t, ye»- terday, Loula K ra fft rau g h l U-ti hlackfifth and tw o sea bass, all of good ©iif. J. H. fcuinherh hnd cloven big blacks, lucludliie one clgh t-poundpr, aisd two nther© over Bpven pound© each. George P ritchard also caught on e ight-pound biackHsh. He had n ine '' fine fif*h eH ogelher. including the blgg«©i hu m p b ack of the day, I t weighed five and o n e -h a lf pounds.

Bir Fixtures, Billisril Tsbiee, Bswliig Alleys

Hoosehold Refrig­erators lod Sapplies

The firuflswick'6Blke*Col!eiHler CoOF h e w j e r e e t .

226 Market St., Newark

d i s e a s e s o f m e n a n dW O M EN 8 F E C IA L I8Tof tw s n ty year©' ex,parlenca on all

C hroole Dloeoteis

D r. M a n d e v i l le6 7 3 Broad 8t., Owr CUMi'i

Fees low N otice-O ffice hours, 3 to 4 p M, and 5 to 8 ,P . M., also Tuesday and FVIday itiornlnffj^ 9 to D. Ofil|)e oloaed S u n d a y s tuid W ednesdays.



D M 1 B 8

klhiur, potobiT

lliuy^i Omu«(«T'

MMM B muntbl 5»iUKKN-^aamto

^ tev iM *r oi *— r ----K « . t t i : ; p «• u m •■>« rriMfli « M . ‘, ^ 5 ; ^ ; ; «itfwanU H T ilw i« m

hUiyatteli C«nt*iury. HlooTufl*l<i' « ’'•.. --

BIIw IkU (k . J-> f ‘“ '* 'Tbioek U l^ t 19 M ■

W ’D I R T A K I MM Bori.a '1 nURiAL o a i t f j u t t ,

■N sMOAP <rr.. L'PAKMti atuK TH ATa.,w i u . ruM M iau r u n i i a

klMiBt OMlnt, HiH* H iM* ky otlur UB4>r- i . lS i i Bt MS. <M»w*S Mlih ■ » bUvk tir«^- " * - Thlt* w itlvM m y yliuS, wlih iu ti4v(tiu li, whta r kwSl**. •nfikvta w:ij(((l»t»l #krlul U«U' tUuUy I t m wi'h *“ • ------ UUiilUl

driMiiUiv, lUiarInK uruilAy. u*nS«l>W*. IliiTM. 'ihBirk. Sbbth•■a thTM WMUIIIM to ktty oily oaluaUr^

B uaiA L coapA N V ™ H i V i 't iN iM r u n

* con tn l that n w tu rH w to u y tifio yno*

u o b r o a d *T.. COhNKH BIUHTK AVA,IS AVK, KICa HWT. N. 1.

ijpHCKB »T RHA.NCH tm uoic

i K L ^ ' ^ f tu tS it r S ) < £ 5 r ^ < > > .o r® :

i i u S 7 5 » t . '» ( I V. It. iBUfino"'f i i t OHMtwv.

n a r . b9i«v«d 9b4 poly oblld lif

J CUiirciuuiUS ■ fuuartJ P*^W. «**■:'W .™ .r ^ n Wcki..«lo/. O..OWT t. »l

T P . T i u ;• tm i.

■p. ha. a w y wmi i- - ‘ f la„ y«liit 19T mv*ria*nt at i>*iOr eattvatUaot.'O of Ut* (ajoily.

V J Oft OOlObPT i.AbramOONBOY->t Kutlay, ... -

y u . l..f l . «

Uiidly InvUod. Interment a t Mt- cati»ury. Ulciumflold.

m i . Barah

NEWARK ttURlAl. CuMl'A^T*Iffoad ft., batwv«n Drldna and Loinbara/

it! ., obi>oalt« WaiKInKfon Park.rL'NKRAL-lefl

Bla^k Broadcloth whitp ploah or lioltiilloa flak caakat handtai and plati. Iltntd with illk or aatift, otiuida ca««. advtfUiiftf. ambaimini, draoalBB BhAviDg. uruuUlM and uandolabra, alovaa, ohalrf. liaart* and ibrw« ^ u b « « to any wty oamatary Pnnraal parlort fraa. hlurr for toooa? than onarao oliavh«r*. flpaclal attrntlon la dlraotad Ci> our BraKlaai llvary Hiahar prtoad fun^rala If d#ilr*4- NEW ARKBVRIa L tHiHrANr. fi&* Broad at

T«l Huaj Harkat

N E W A E K ^ V E S IK O MEWB, T U E S D A Y . OCTOBEK 3. 1911^H B L P W A N T ^ M W ^

B S L F W iA cM ts

iOnKTB W A J O T ^ W j .tnfn out of *0i|il»yM»Atl,J«»A’“ “

y u ^ luoiwyi ao taVOMOi r ADAMS CU„ W lU rta t i t ___

H g trP W A W T K D -M B NCARPBNTEJtIS IHUltlS Awiy w a k b f im u >,

IT* South It. _____ _________

AUBVTS-I IBaSi •W.OOO 10 Sw I « " tiiioU m ill I.n1« buiinm : **• u t i c u ^ H ul for f w bi-oliitl till! ooui. lUtACo

5lHl Loolyvrt. N. 1. _____

D E U V X R T -IU rM m o Tor • u b ^ h M rj- u l l M uti; ItiiSy poilllo"

* UtarMnoiS ouo who r“ J! K?21‘ionca au^ rofaratioa to 1>>. Box k2.Ai>t.

ALTJSRATIVN h a n d s {EXP1RIEKCBD>NTUB WOMEN’S < >AHM1£NT WOBKRWAHyLl s r ; ’b;iUNTE-''Uii.Nrs o r r ’i'-K, BBCO.ND fU to R .

DRIVER (or milk w uti. honwi. Townsmiui, |oi<J chMii* (or

Dim ^or rlih i b iny; l"'"i r .ln tn e t r*quir*il. A44n«* Driver, boy W. N e ^ o"b~r ____

Ir IVBR w io lo d lw mTlk b 'un , ^ o r J I» ^ qulrtd. C lll lutween 6 in j S F H. H. ’ DNIC’K, Tuycin rood, Hllloii

L S- HL.tUT A OO. ■t u b BBS HIVE,"



BOX 9. NEWS OFFICE________ __________Jiro iy—




DtWHAM-On ’ 'TorrelaTrvei m l

M WoUnMdor., tiowber A 11 y

WooiltauKl OemMiryFRAICRED-BotirwI lo lo r* ^ : “

S J 'S i ’V*™ " n .» .h Y V . o r K “ £“ T

Woo^aoK Cauietarf.

MAIISR k JACOHUB. Formarly CaUan A Mailb*wa,

w d e r t a k it .hh a n d b m pa d h k r ikOul*oalte (iruV* Sr, Hiutloii.

a%o, B. Fa l l e n in ATTKNDANCJt. Tal. Ikkl Ormnca. EAST ORANUE. N-

tvbar E a t a P «

a ,* b »

to St. John I cW_eh. » ti««

ADOLPH P rE lU for TC I furnlin a Brat- olaM funaral. indufllna arava Uf cramailoft

Kk Court It-i n w Writ a t . Uidertukor aod urofaaalunai am^Jinar. U l>. Phona liJ^T 11“^’ aat. Dpao day and night. Puiwral tarlnra^ap-AlMn IlM b,rli j ' r ~ Ruio Butih.


At:iDM ulilDi: S' leuMTiUothtr ■ch.Kil gf li.em i f . uoliml <4 l« » n l tK>lh 111 r.i« lrlny U..I drlvln* on ill klM l « f , n : . m i i r : . . . , your lic.or. loi™ ”^ ' ' -m..l evonIriK Ima IUImV »t-. o u t K ltm ^___Ai.T'i liiBtrocU-jni. nimllMlly. mechim ^Hr.

leohnlcyHy, .Iny or UlJ-.trui'tlon with Huchinl c ir aUSSLUH 0 UOT aa«, Krelinahuyaen *v«»’l!ij.:K -K E t:l'E R S-T l be w t l l

Ihe ..nil.llb.r. o( m m InAA kreiwI, Ihll ^ tlur. I. eieoullve H'.U very niixirletjt iDd t»»>l . ,o:,.r> In ocnortfo.i.e. thU Prolerltm li not;ve,rrn' -od D Iboinuyiily orymlMd ^ t h,, ........’.fiihiu In Newark alone ofSui'clrcJ, ihcru l« *n eacellenr■aiari uur ooraF! in credit aoiepoa Liart you. nnd our tfflllatlona lu i.Uf* iJion. who tiuaiJfy >n ^oeltlOMrwrite, ur tflttfr OftlLijl.'.e infirni.rloii io enroll »CJ>'>ol!,( I 'jrdli Hob.ino 11) Broidwoy- N«» _TorS. _DlJUK-KRl-.l'l:)! ' . I r i j" 'u™,mi-rolvl bu.linm , imi.l be 'o n <ood writer m .l rinlij. .ii'bly. nntlny enerknac. enoe, m d eiiurj eyiie<i»') <u elort- A, 1’.. It'^* Newi ulTice.

(iUoceMora ti> Kael>eria Broa) rUNEKAL DIRECTORS

B]irinrfleld avi. 'Phoft* Hfft W arart^ft t K i r a

fluccaaaora to J- A. L>ogjDNDEBTAKERi AND EUBALUCRR

Coach O w n« . ^ ^Til. IS0S-4WI M*rkit. _____ ^ B r c M ^


Private Funefal Parlor. kTS BROAD ST.

TiWcftona ISl Ifarket_____ NEWARK. W





N. J.klVlTKH—Twi> etfrnu team driver* f"r wliole-

arocer, acquainted In ' >|> • Wisgea |10.C aflyfler ft, T43 flouth Twonileih itM U


kEK wanted for • ual wuyon Aj'pty l.lT- tPIBLD BROH., Uiy I'llnf'ti . uppiw rhlgh Volley coal tiochuti

DRI Ve K wontwl Apply a \ uiicfl,

ave . Kean

end ihiAi'iH for t-ijal yard H J WHYTE. -I Johneiift

DKDO (.’LElexpif lefti;e

Drug*, lint

IK. Juntnr; ilole age. and. ealary expacted

Newt ofTlce.


KI^tVATim Ainner. white, ycun* man a t tak - eir’a hel(»r. if'rler for cafe and ajei*-! iil wirr

allvermati. in>Vry ckrti. chef. blUlar-l attend* ,nt. porter 7or\lub. driver white, ula ■ uolur^,

order ' hjoKi . yoVa man fur Hicht fin tury woW; two butlera. colled; ma/rlad mao. private fam- llv, lufti-h cook; Mher vaf-enclea.Ttlb. HKLlALlL.E\AtHCNi.Y, laO UR','*® FT-

NEW JKRSEY% UKEATBBT Ai-l'-M-Y.THE H K l.lfau i. THA'TS * U .._____

EN O IL tT E ltS-K ir.V l“ ‘ en iru ie r. *«nted on larje unS nm i\ .iwilny illver luillow-

ware. U-UiKUffiCHKa A CO.. M Pr.,»i.«;t It.

BA!.KBKAN WANTKD-An « OlKhW*, " 'I !? 'nun. who SMlrei i Mi«ay m I I ^ . « « " *

ad by a wholeeale houae. lt> drutn **»•. '^ 1 ! trade in Newark und vicinlly. Apply InhandwrUin*. aiallnf ^aalary dielfftt. Addraei Whulaaala, Boa TO.Kewf ortVce ________BALKHUaN -WinteU. lew lni michtni M ill-

nu n (or weeurn M nncInu itU m s <^h- M ctlm t territory. AddriM tvhlti China Co., at Harriiwn ava., SprlngnaMi

Uaea. ______ ______________BALHIHMAN ilial ran #*U the beat advairtlrtnf

OftiDneliir-n ever I'Ut befura the relall d « am : T6 i-er c**m. ki-inmlMlon to eiperlenced man. AddrMa ii'i Waahlngton at., cor. Weit Klniiay-

bright, activa .*ea of

H B L P W A N T ED — W O M E NOUiUI AND TOUNQ 1 ^D I* S -U ,r™

I n o d Boilllon u k i i d iy or »**nln« «>«“» IB the Coleiniii UimRi i h Colles*. Ao»dem» and lUliay eia-i city; cotiratai CnaamaroiaL S W thB iid ind ’hp iw rliln si BnslliS P " P J f ' Btoryj Clrll Stnrlri: Teliirmphy. l•emnlnlM s •Bd OwuiB. C»ll <w writ* for (ull (urtfew- l in . ________ ____OIRtdl WA.ST*D-Cird room hilR. nweder

•nd rtiui (r»mi te ittm . r “ t ™F,: *’*fSF work; loirnirr. W to IS y iir i . tuld whlil leim lni. Apsly Thi CI*ARK T h m d Co.. itKH Clim It.. Niwm-k! Pm ulc ivi.. KbH Ni w ijK-01HI.S (or linkini ind rapilrins Oermin lll-

YOf ring ninth yurMe; good w itr 'l j . 1;“ ?^ work tiigrwiiMd... K0{1N A ouDDHNliKHO.

O'Wanted.good aiij.iBirinfi (of bom unint ouido« ^ irkgift'' mutt have cIlST rafafencaa. ft »■altkin; uiuit have city

ADa MB CD. HP Market tt.BALKSMaN WANTRD-Energailo man o< fteat

uppeuram-e, 10 inter'-lew bcelneae men arm axidalft a new Dfoirgaltlon. Apply Suite TtW. Melrmx.inaii bulldliia- _________HAJyNbMAN wanted (0 eetl to buiMera and

faciorle* all-iia«i and ejnennPm ecaBoid, ref- arenca required. Addrase CHUM ft {IIIjlfORS, 2ft Parrlay pi . city _______________

Cl*H3lri{9NewarkE L Ft T R iaA N ti. ttK-eAlamlllar with

•ign and ftMhae prefVrcd. Apply 0|gn Co., 37 Treat pl ' _

Apply JOB i'«dwMAN, UiFntclalr.


|i\>HEMAN hofB*ehoer IMl Olen Ridge ave _

FIREMAN—AMu'SY TiRf'B.' Paper Mill Mt>«th and MeekflT ava* _ _ __________

ritioCBHY I’LKKKB - Wanted, experirnfwid griN-«fy *5lerlta and Buicher. wHh rWeri-miei.

Call at B. BCHEUEU * SUNa. ftS Perk pi., city

8ALERMEN. to aall euburbAn lota; Mparlenca uiinefaeiary. greet oppjrtunlty. Ckil room

« J WO Brvid ft.. II A. £[.. I V M. ________

ApplyC lV..

a-DlCK CLKHK-Watuart. young man ■taunt muck end receiving clerk.

JCrnployment Run-uu Oonertl Electric Fifth and Buefex eta-. lUirleon.-______BTAHLEMAN-Warned, a aialdemaTi, one who

can milk Urrman preferred. Apply FTiED FRICK tk R<>dw'’S a've , Irvington, ft blocai from Boutl* (‘rangH ave ___________

41 lialden lu e , New YorkOIRl*-lOD girle wanted, to learn the etraw

hat butIneM. attady work: light and airy Workrfjcm. Call proiapily, M &■ MURK ft CO., ftift Ogden al, ___________ ___

H EL H W A N T R I> -W O M WMILUKEHR-Rxpartenoft mllllaare wftWled

tor evenlnge only; tnucl jraod makerg gM trlm niin. Cali day or evening until B:U r . ftl , Udlea^ BampM fthrrp. 4M Orthga ftMfLUNER wented. maker or Improver; muet

five At reference. Addreae ftlllUner. Boi (M). Newt oRlc*.MILUNKKY-Haliwwomfn and laarav# wtal*

paid while leamlug. Appif B. SLOCKg 41 Perry at.MJIXINERY Improvtra wanted; good aalalT. _ A p p l^ . M. BEST. » Haheay et.MILLINERY apprentice wanted. U R.

VVAHDB. 4U llalMy at.UAItKIKO-Kxptrlancad marker and aortar;

aleo girl to aealat. Superior LiiuDdry Oft.s M Nonh Nineteenth at., Eaat orafift.

GIRLS and wetDen. experienced, for linking flat meah baga; good pay; ail home work,

alao iMrnvra. QOLDSMlTH-KOCH CO Oliver at-


GTRIifl to work on Singer power machlnea;alao glrle to tew buttene on ladlea* aweat*

era.. Apply Empire Knitting Ullla. HtiO Bpring- field ave.aiR LS—100 glrla. all branchea. domeatle work.

hlgheat w tfia . call at unce. aecure tltuallona . „*i. -«,«s,-.. BTBVEN8, Wabwl famlllea; Broad al.

city, country.

BOUICXTDH—Kiir-erienced to aell cti'ially conirncl

mlaalon: g-jod permam-rn poaluoiT fur hualUr. Room aib. 1*2 Market _______

eiKfCialtv ealeeinan, MOlary 112 ajid com-

BOLK'lTOR-WantiKt flrel-i-lMi actllcllof for thrre monihV wurk. ilret-clan* laundry .AP'

al Us Wemnelii Ijiurwlry. weitfleld.r , ’H1LVI:k Vuung man wanlrd wuh wirn*‘ ‘ iperl-

rnce cm uudlng bU'cI into eclae-ir* hmiRp*. Comb motinle, etc BClilllTZ. Mooilld A CU.. 401 Multwrrj al.

qinH^*l*wo glrta, one chamhirrmald and walt- rcea. the other Uundrece; colored preferred;

go home nlghta. Apply 107ft Broad at.GIRL wonted, aboul Ift-IT years old,

ordera in More: III week to atart. BROS . Side Waihlngton at.

to take FAJUl

Nl'RBE for infant; must be rallabla ftftd far- niah pcrKonal referencaa. ao Fuller terraety

n«Ar Central ave. end Canire at . Orange.NCRSK-Be a trained nuree; eiudy at twoft;

Weekly; free Information. Roc beet etKureej' Ina.. llOft. Rochaeter, N. T.NURSERY gov«rnesa wanUd. or reflned r a ^

and eeamatreia. for imall etilldrsQ. Call M Eaft Park i t . Bast Orange.NURBR-Wanted. a raflned German nurt* or

governeaa for a child; good sewer. Addrsaa M., Uox S4. New* offloe.KURSK—Young woman wanted to act m ttv f i

for young baoy. MRS. ALLEN, llVl Bl4 4at.


GIRL, '****1^AI.In paper bog factory. dl N. J. R. R. ava


OiRLfl- Two glrla wanted for washing off all- ver | ‘latrd work. Apply J, W. ROSESUAUU

CO.. 44 Hunter it.GIRI.B uiinifxl to do wrapping and It-arn

vtrlpini Apply Tea Tray Co.. Mulberry and Murray ole ___ _____________ _

OKFIl'E—Club of limlled memberefatg tu-night and Thumday night for persoBL.

itructiuii In t^k-keeplng , ahorlnahd, tF writing, civil service and commercial braft in ihla club you only bftvs to p4y youT i of the cost of teaching: InveatigaU before Ift-X rolhng ala^where; It meana a saving <9 jugj 1 office open dally and eveolnga. MeroSaalg* r" llankera' School, Bread at.OPfclRATDRS wanted

who understand r Tht FERHia UROH.

OR sorseta; atoe J$Hftwho understand running aeirlbir gatefnHk

-------------------- COMPANY. Too M 5 * aUPERATGR6 on muslin gosma. Agplf ftti

week, 297 Washington at., fourth ftoor> ____

UROCFJt^ n-KRK-Younf mBB. I t or |H yfBr*of ac-‘ with aoioa experionoa In the grveery

buBim‘iis. Artdrsaa CL ik. boa H. News offloe.GRfX’EHT CLBRK-Viiuni man, with expeii-

Sv;H bTi ER ft SONS. 413S p rln ^sld avs.

BHOB SaDEBMFN. «ii*ti™ r;.a. (or B»lunllyi, a l MOK'.il’U Bho« C,).. rtil flroail « , 2il

floor, W)u bullillns HAM DAVIB, manafltrSHOEMAKER want*d Pollih. J. CHEK8AR.

Zil HaiTlHOn a ri. , HarrlMu,_______________

OORliOM DIM* (*«1« wariiti. *■ MBB MFO. 00-. M Ch«*tPMl St.



T*L SW8 Waverly. Cliarnl ■•rvlo*..K. ft. VBBKLANU, ,

UNOenTAKEB AND BMUAlHER,46ft Cllatun are.. Newark. N. J

Coachaa for all occ.aaiuna.______WM.r n BOLLiCB. FllANK K


il*p(i*ltorr *1111 tuo*r*l panfr. M8 uroaa «• T*l, IM H arlu t: alwtr* «P*a- ____________

r*M*> ot Ka(0«D»(*ry.

S a r 'f t ^ year. Funeral a e rv j^ w Iai bar lata residence. TheSaulb Grove aireei, on Tueaday ^tftbaf ft. a t S o'clock. Inlannejit private.

HEYt^Entered Into reel, on Batuiday. bap- Um^r 80. Ibll, Kdmutid Heyl. hand of LAura Heyl tnee Kwhl. aged *J ft raentba and IT daye. Helatlvee and frlenda. a Ja o a e Gottfried Krueger MetOQ Club, Lhain Counoli No. 2, rrlnoe of Cailoha anti the Newark Jungar Uaertnar K TT ^ ..'a rs respeelfully Invited lo etlehd the fiiiMaml on Ws*»tJrtay. October 4, al 2 I . M ■ ff«m hla l4t* raeldance. ^ ^ilhkhuyeeo avenue. Interment in Woodland Cem«i«ry

HdORAGH—On October 2. 16U.Bother of Maty Jane IJoe and OnUh. Relatiroi and friends y tM to attend the funeral from the parlore r t John I Weber. B6« Market * ir« i on Wedneeday, Ooiober 4. at 8 A. M., iSat. Jamea*! Church, where ft i»ae will m •Ifsfed tha ftpown of her eoul. Interment la Cemetery of the Holy Beyukhra.

RAQa-Oii October 8, 1911. Weiley tt. P ^ .Rin of EllaabeUi and the laie aeorge W. Page,

otioe of funeral hereafter FICKANCB-AI the Houb the Shep­

ard, Orange. N. J., Oci<.ber ft. IBU. Daniel ptokaoca. aged T6. Funeral prlvata. Intarment la Arlington Cematary.

MAIfDEK—Entered Into real, on Monday, Oatabar 1 1911* WUbatmlna beloved ^wife of ]K SIt lUftdak (nee Knoll), »**i HMgilgM lAd friende are reapeotfuUy Invited eg a t i f id tlM funeral on Wedneaday, Ootober A I t s T F. M., from her late realdaiv^ 71 w est Btreet. interment In Woodland Ceme- itiy .

ROaE-At White Oak Ridge. Wilburn iblp, on TUeeday morning, Ootober 8, IQll. Ura. Vaabpl B. Ross, widow Aaron B. Roia* age ftl Tears. Notice funeral hereafter.

■ftirrH><On Tuesday. October 8, m l . a t the late liaidanoe. No. 294 Walnut aireet, R o ^ rt Q. ftmith, beloved buehand of Anna Bmlth (noe ftlater), a g ^ 4S peart. Kotiot of funeral hers* ftfler.

SOUTHBIMBR—At Hew York (Rty, Tueedap. October ft, 1911. Iiaac M. Soutbeimer. only eon of the late Mayer and Regina Soutbeimer. of kUsabeth. N- J. Funeral aervioei at Camp- belTi funeral parlors. No. 241 West Twenty* third etreet, Now York City. Wednesday. Oc­tober 4, 1 P. M. Relativee and friende are In- v lM to attend. Interment at Evergreen Coma* U rr. BttgabMA*

VAN R IPE R -O n October 3, 1911. Charlci Heury, hslovsd child of Georgs and Uidda Van Riper, aged 1 month. Relaiivea ajid Maoda are kindly invited to attend tbs funeral Siiwteee, from his parents' rsaldnece. lift Van* dsrpool a t . on Wednesday, October 4, « t l P. M Interment In Roeedale Cemetery. Orange.

JOSEPH J, Ma NTfER,Undertaker and Embalmer.

Coaches and Camp Chslre to Hire.Teh Tdft Wavarly. _ _ _ 4 ^ Sprlngflald a v .

nOYB AND YOUNC MEN-H tou p„.,llAn I/ik* u di» "I •’'.Jlllll ’" . ‘i JColeman Uualneaa rd lrxc A.edvmj ond K a l^ r

■IB 'H v , f.iiurBF'e; <'omnif-r lul, Sshor^anJ and TyiiewrHing; KngllHh }’rfl|>Rr*iory. Civil Ber- vlc-a Tvlpwrephy. I'emnanulnp sod Usm an.Call or write for fulM '^H fU lart___________


HARD gOLDBIREIRfl wanted for hacking uP German ellver frame*. Apply J. W K08SN

BAUM CO., 44 Huntar « __________

liOY wHnied In ofllr*' -«f a large company uranM**- then- la un upporlunUy for nOvsnee'

rru’Dt t.. B brlxbi b)-y, rih-w.-r In own hand- wriUrin. iFllliiB p-bul .■^urailm yuu have and «xs[-enr-n'r. If any Ad irvM W . lw» A. u r- unyr, N J _____ _________ ____

without Box 96, Newe

JOHN W. FORKER ARSONS.Funeral dlreetura. Undertaking In all Jw

branohea. At the old stand. ftUO Orange U D. ’Phona IMftJ B. B-, Newark. N J-

A. STANLEY COLE. Vnderiukcr and Embalmer.

?range at. Private funeral ebapet, el. Tiaft B, T). end 194 Orange.

UOYB—Two nmlilMuDi. huitling sphoolboys wurutd, each w;li««'L to Intr-f'iuce branfl'new

achwl nefeit*lly. 0"mtiilB*l'>na,rink Adflrew Suke Manwter.ortice _ ___ ____ __________IJiiy f' r nngTBvIng on goM and aJlvif; f lw iy

pMiitlon. gt'od oppurlurtlfy. one with wima kniiwludsfl nf trade ppiferrt'd 8e« MR HCItT, LA SKCIaA-FHILD l-XX ^RoT wanl«l In ofTl'’e i>f Inrge foundry apply

in own handwrlilng, giving age, achool at- tsodfld And prsvluui experUncfl. If any. rirvi* onioe. Uoa 92. Newi offlcs _______

g ir l s o%er 18 for factory work. CuH 8 A. M .H. DEBT Pencil Wurke. 2A2 Buulh Grove et..

Irvington, ____ ______U1RL8 wanted, eirady employiti«ru. good pay.

Apply M. aoULD'H bON A CU.. 61-03 Hnin- llton at.


JEW ELER warned, used to making banglee

fl8 Knit KInpe at- ______ _ _four

WANTED - f i r s t -c l a s s TAILORSa n d PKESBERS on LADIES' SUITS

a n d coa tr . qo u d w a q ^ a n dSTEADY WORK APPLY B E i^R E 19 O'CLOCK. BEDELL, U43*tt6l BROAD BT.

JLWRLRY-Yimng man. wUb yeurB* ex[wrioriCB on line Jewelry. W iiJJA M

UENNE'rr tt CO.. Bk CrawRj^rt at______ ___JEWEI.ERH- Ring mahera. also good m ^ on

platinum dlemDnd mountingB. r . r . b KLf- GEH. 42 Marnhih *t. ___________________JBTWELEH wanted 19 eoltlw wirea on meeh

bag* Apply J- W. ROSEN BAUM CO. +4 Hunter it. *______ _

s r i iu * , 97 Cheataut et.


JEWELEIR—Young man wanted, with aume .Til»rl"nct lllINHY WH2UHANN. M Craw-

ford i t ____ __________JEWELERS wanted on 10 and 4 kl.' work

1§ Columbia «l., (Ifit f l o o r ________LOCKKT-MAKBHB wanted,

flrat Boor ___1ft Columbia at..




RICHARDllnr1*ruk*r. (om ur p*nn.r .>( b™.tKIBl. YI'bvkIt- 4IW F1«hl..TiU' av ■ lun<ill°''

M rU JN ,WD.LUM F .......FUNERAL __ __


Undertaker. n «so* Nortli F lfrt ■«. TH.phoi'* IMTJ B. B.

RICHARDrnflwtuklii* *n« B m bA li^ i F ^ rlW

ftS! Bouih Orange are. Tel. 6032 MarkSL

rH' warifwl, IntelDgenl, li> laani drug bual- nusia; must he gr^Ltuniar achool^^tnduate and

hrliig rofererujo kj to liunealy O.. Lox 24, New* oftic*.

Addreet A. D-

BOY fAmorlcai;). Ifl ) wira old. to make him* eeif g«'iL*rnlly uHeful In envvlupo factory.

CleneTal Paper Oourti Manufaciurlng Comi>any. Ifl Lawrence tC. c:lty. _ _ _ __llOT wanted In law nfflee; miiat f t^ e re ^ n d

ivoewritlng. arnti leilcr. Bteilng n *.Ing anil ealary e*|PCied Addreai JJyy. Bog 211. New a omre. _______________ _

IilEl^-Able bodied men wMted for U. ».Marine Corps, I'eiween the ages of tO end

RB' muel he oatlve boro or have flret papers; monthly pay H5 to |00, additional oiimpen- oallon poMlble; foud. clotMng, quarter* e^d medical attendance free; after fW year* service ceji retire with 7B per cent, of pay and aJ- lowancee, eervloe on board nhlp and aahora in all part* nf the world. Apply at U. H. Marine rorpa Recruiting Ufflee. 2SS Market at.. New- ark N J., or 112 ttoet Tweniy-thlrd al.. New York. N. T. _ _


TAn^iRS ANI rRFSBMBN FOR THEIR WOMEN'S (.'U'»AK AND SUIT a l t e r a t io n d e p a r t m e n t . A ^ PLY TO 9*'PERlNTENDENT, FIFTH flo o r . BEFORE W A. U.

In Udiea' tailoring ealabltah- ent to attend ofTIce. hHh UroaJ *t.. eecond

floor.(MltL wantedmiei

GlRLA—Several girl* wanted on light novelty work. Call A. GH4)M. SCI South Orange sve..

DAVIS BROS., 44ft •rtfld •!.,



GlHL-^For office work: atate salary and ex- perlenca. Addreae Office, b o i 18. Newe of­

fice _____ ____ _____OlRLft wanted at once for light factory work.

Apply at Cbeatnut and Van Buren ela.. cUy

TAU/>R on Udlee' and geni* old and new clolhee. steady poeulnn and gfHi.l wagea to

Ihe right man S<-KELUNG. 431 Flhoahth ftve.TAILORS wantwj.

bUehelmen, al once,three coatmaker*, Iwo

H I Ferry el., clly.

GIRL—Strong while girl for laundry and kitch­en work UlU Droad tl.. opT'O*!!** oily hall,

U1R1j9 about 18 years of age. UNURTIWOOD A UNDERWtXUh MC Devon et . Arlington.

GlllL wanted to take care of hahy; good home. Millinery etore. UI7 Waehlngton at

old.OIRI.a wantetl. about Ifl or IT years Unk>n BiGum Laundry, BH8 Broad ei ____

PAPER TP^ER— Htrippare; alao lurii--

The Penn Paper Bog Co., ^VhoTtcr

cpttilantted loSkIti glrla; fTM 4M m

t t^ liO Q Md Wo-

PANTRY MAID wanted. Apg^ «t tb i I mere, 361 WIlUajn bL, Eattt OlUf*.



BEDELL, fl4A-601 BROAD iT»

TAILOR want* help; mar ton ave . Harrlenn. N J

Apply 241 H am -

TAIIAJH wanH’d for ladles' 0oa<*- ftflft Washington et.

wanlcd, hI?uu> IH yeare, useful about n*en'a furnlihing ei'jre. vaut teal refewnce^

Apply \¥IDLIAM M. SMITH, it* ___

Bridge and broad

MEN—W arltd. for U, R. Army, abla-bodled xm- married men, hetween ague of 18 and 8%,

oHlaene of United BTfttea. of good character ami temperalB hablte. who can epeak, read and write the RngHah language. For Informa- lk»n apply lo RecruHing omoet. ftflfl Market et.. Newark. N. J. _ ___ _

^ ja m b s F. CAFFTtWY.UNDERTAKEn._^ ^ ,

H TiwmM *u_________ T»i. T O ^w ^rrr’i i .BBB.QUBTAYUB I,. _ _

M W11.1.IAM a r . TKL. BI9

BOY warned, neat mu*' meat and vegetable etor* HuNiOFELD, BprlngPeid ave.: call Ihl* afiernooa.

P13 B U CuT^gT'^HARBOB Un* Board will five roU'i

liap j> .^M . O c^ .J9 j0 1 U e

ni.!Y—Good, tlron i young boy lo butcher bustncea; reference

GUENT^filH- 819 South Orange avi-

aealat larequired.

Call be-liOT wanted lo drive h*kep . ,,,tween 7-ft o'clock eveuitig. CARLBBN 9 Bakery 490 Main it . Oranga, N. J. _____ _

W hit^ ttll et., New York, room 704. on ftoallSl of plar and bulkhead line* arvum phoolerg litfthd. Ni-wfirk Bay: and a»S'BQ P M on Tijodlflcatloti of plef and hulk- I Z un« in "front of Binger Mff- Co/e P ^ ty at Ellaabethiv rt. N. J - y■la invuad to attend and be heard. WM i ■ ROSHBLU Colonel tkiglneere. eenlor member


HIOHEBT prl™caar-oS oMlhltig. ahoea and feuLhere:

HOT—'Wantad. a iDong boy, about 16 yaafw* t-i learn roaehlne_ trade fURNBB Tanning

Machinery Co.. 2

MEN—You can hold your prertnt position and make from ftfl lo tlO per day. prefer guper-

IntetulenU and foremen of inanufftctory. none but live men urfed gpply- C. R. GOULD. Hol­land Houie. Market ul. _______ _ _^

TINSMITH'S apprentice to learn trad* for aieclrlc ilgti, etc ; [wrferably one who ^haa

had a lltUo exporlcnoe. Apply Newark Oo-. 27 Treat pi.. Newark. N. J _______


TINSMITITB-Wanted, at oncc, ihrae flr"l- claea linsmlthe. HARRlBOH * WALKER.

B41 Main at.. East Orange. ________ _t y p e w r it e r , export wanted; no aiMiography

needi^; etftH age. married or single; also aal-

H E I.r—Fsmelv applluanfi of iha Buroau of Employment of the city of Newark, who ar*

dctlroui of epeedHy securing places In lliei- d a is famlllp* fti houaekeepera. CfH>ka. chambe.r- tnalda. nureea, etc., Wl'l please call a t the buregu'l Iftdiei’ rit'cpllon'room. In lh* city hall annex building on Frar.kllr at . •'V’'y afieruc'cn (excepting Keuirdaye Buiidaye and holidays*, between lh* boure of 1 and 4. when they will meet ladlei needing their fcrvlcee No charge for precurlnK i-mploym^nl _HOVSFrW'ORK-YOUNa WHITE GIRL AT


ary deelrcd. Newe office.

Addreae Typewriter. Box *3,

t a n k e r wanted; ft good, eteady. Intelligent tanner of bark-tanned lauiher: atedoy em-

jjH ftjent. Addr*aa Tanner. Ikjx 4ft. Now* of-

MEK-1 made fao.flofl Ift Rv* ysar* with a *m 11 moil order h u rin w began with tt: ejnd for

free booklol: talli ^w* HEaCgCK. W)40 Lock- port, N. Y , ___________ _ ^ ________ _

ftlftOMEN-Mechenlcol drAftemep a r t paidmonthly; complete couraa at your huma. f t^ r

monlhft; apodal rptea. P. 0. Pox 4AK Newark-

Cntr.Tnarrlal ft.DOY to irorit 111 Kroesrv aiid ,**'®**i™?

ationJ to hone; bo*rJ wUli «nipluf«r. IM* Hcr!ni!fl»1d avs,, Irvln*loil. N. Jj__________ _

MEN waniefl lo lolIrM. U" par "voA and coTnmlPBl'wi; no aelllne or collertl'ig. experi­

ence not noCMauT, GOLD, 2i»S t.'*\'ral a'-e

WASHMa N—Ah *ngInaeT wanted: out-of-town posit l'’n:_cof»d wagea; eieadv work. Andrea*

Latundry, Pox 9B. Nawa ofllc*. __________ eltady poaUlon; good

wagPi LOUIS SCHWARTZ. 9 Weat ParkW A nE U for duhhyuwi

gpx LOUr“ .........Kewerk, N




HOUBEWORK wonted; ihuronghly competent while gin for gfiiiqral houaewerk fnr family

of three adult*; muat ha good cook. neat, will­ing and holiest; no washing and ironing: refer- onree required. Call 832 Mt- Prospect ave.. carfare p>tlil. _______________ __________



s a lk h w o m k n (B X P E m w e ro



nnt^HEWOH ad, capable Enghih- epexklng woman (white) for general house­

work: three In family; rjpl-ndld home for right perBon. Auidy QAl'nvS. 64 ^ftrrlng- ton pl.< Ampere. Eaat Orange.



HOUBErwuHK—Servant girl wantad to do gen­eral houeownrk; three adult* In family; rcl-

erencei required; oftU any evening after &:»0 or Sunday P M. 228 Olenwood av*., Katl Orange. _____ ____________HOtraBWORK-Mldrile-aged woman for gen*

erftl houeework to go to country home with BDilUl funllv. JEDEU SOfl iiunlwflon «t or by m»ll, it* Wn I 112th st.._T^w York City.

BOVB to wnrlt I" J-w»lry (actory. «"«> o™ «w,ll rocommondea fui lo charMtAT. KH.B-

MENTK a CO-. 19 nvoitmil i t . ________BOY—All iftiund boy winWd, iMm apho lllo^

tra.Io: muit r,«(l wrln good H irli Up- holitorlog Co., 492 Upoa.l i t . _______

V O O U r-A t O sun Park. Cal.. Tbunday, Sap-» rS o f* j’ulTiia VogaT. l^otlea o f (ubetal

haraaftar.W AHD-At lllllbtira, N J , on Honday, Oo-

ta ta r I, 1911. Mary K. Ward (nao Baan). at m Vallay aU iii, Orango Valley, widow o( Oaoraa O. Ward. BeiailvM and (rlandi ara rauacKully Invlird to attand Ihs funeral lYom IIh raaldenco of her son, Mr. John Wara* Tay­lor itroat- Mlllburn, on Thureday, October p. U ft O’clock A. M , thence to St R»ee «f U ica 'a Church, Mlllburnj where ft Solemn High Haas of Requiem will bo celebrated for tbtt r«Po|** 9f bouL InlfrmflQt In 8i. Roee of L lm ^ i Cametery

anflolal BTlce* Dslfl for Iftdles fur coat* am evening dreasM; also mWa aulU. and ovarcflala: bualnaai ^LBend poatfti or call. MR- LAHN, lift South Gra4iga av*.. near Norfolk *t.

EOY' wwnlad lo Irani good imila; tniiit reulda with J a r o u . mid hav. b e t rrtarancua.

GRAY, BO Columbia at.

• HIGHEST PRICKB PAID forp l a t in u m , old OOt.IL ANTigUBS.

elLVBB. c u r io s . *’* W N 'i'U ,K E ^ . ato JOHN DALT. W< Hlatll ave.. oor, 8Sth at N Y.

PO O TALANlll w i l l CALL LOUIS FRIED- BT. NEAR WtCKLIFFEMa n , a is r a n k BT.. NKAH W^irKI-lr_^c.

•rRAbTNO STAMP BOOKS bought. Ift p?r J.0()0looae: milk Iftbela. s o a p wrapper* and lobftcco

ooupont; hlgheat prtcea paJrf New Jer«y C ou^n Co., m Plane at..LA.D1B8' and genta' rft*1-oH ploihlng; I pay ^ Ig h a e t prlo««_fer aame; aendulghoat prlooa for phone,, WOW Orange,

WHITTAKER-On Tuesday morning, October w . . M 1 Jane Morrln, wifeher1. IftU. a t Irvington. N J , .

JoMpli A. WhitiaUcr. Funeral from Ut* bom*. No. 1142 fliirlngllcia avenue, Thoraday, October B, at 2 P. M. InlcrnwM lu CIlBtoo Cemetery.

phone, P CMIRLH.

and8 Narih Grove M..

I will call. Elait Orange.


THREE rug* (7x9). one kliohen range. on4 round dinlnx-mom uhle and K'me dlnlnij-

mnm ohalra. mual ^ In good condHloti. Ad- draaa prlvale. Uox ft4. New* offica-______ .

BOY to leftm J**'*'*!^ Ijode: mended JOfiEPH H KING

Jtrevy Rnllroud ave

muit be recom*& CU-. 253 New

nriT -A Btrona hoy wBiUe«l, ihreo fiourn' wc'rk ®every dny Apply 05 No'rih AiUuglcm ave..

MEN—Gel a government poeitlon; tJW ^ n t h : nmlf poiial for Hat of poiltlnna open. Frunk-

Ud In*tlt«te, Dept 230-J, flooheatar, N> Y,MAN—Wanted Influetitlal man In city to aa-

alRl In flnahring and promoting foreign w r- pnratlr.n i tto money required; give partlcU- lara aa to your aUusilon; •irlctly uonfldanllaJ. Addreea Foeltlon, Box ftfl. News office.MAN, useful, on gentlamftn’a place In South

Orange muit be honest, aob»r and indue- irlnui' recommondatlone required: moderate

Addrere Uaeful. Bcix 9fl, Nawa pmee.wage*MAN speaking furelgn Iftnguagea, who run

aell. to qualify ae manager health InaurtOi'e, nalaj-y and cominlaalon, Room 210. 142 ttorket St ____

YOUNG N AN to act aa ftfltlitant ehemUt In ihe chemloRl labomiory of the Nairn Lino­

leum r-mnany. Newark; appIleaUan to be tuftile by letler, etatlng age and where «du- caled _____

HOUflEWORK—Gin (white). for .hoUFtwoTk In apartmenl. good ^ k ; three

In family; no washing or.ironing; *22- Melroea. fll Harrieon Eaat Orange, N. J .^

YOUNG MAN wanted to leam aplnnlftf, steady wgrjt and good chance fi>r advance*

meni. eta I* ag« afiii reference. National Aluminum Works, WellBvIlle, N. Y.TOl'Nri MAN. thoroughly familiar with aten-

ography and typewriting'. tmi*t be quick a t flguret. HGlary lul. Addree* In own hftndwnt- Iriff a Z., 7U4 Drctgd at. __y o u n g MAN-Wanied, single young man In

private Btalile; mu*t furnish references; ^ a who can live on premlaea desired. !0-l2 Or­chard SI. _______ ___ __

HOUSEWOniC-Flfty experienced hand *^were w an i^ . call all week from 2 F. M. until B

P, M. itR8. CROSS. 7T8 South Biflitaenth a t.; none outald* city need apply.

BALRBQIHL wanted for dellcate^fl d*]NS|* lUL’ut; bring references. Inquire Mr. r ls A ^ K

m-rnager. Aaron Ward. Broad ft W4al *ls., or Franco-Amerlcaii, 9 Spritift'Piw ftYft.SALKSOIHL wanted

Harrlaon. N. Ja l ft4ft HgTTlBoa

BTENOGKArHER—Wanted. Toung wmomBtenograuher with executive ahUlty* «k4 •*■

take raplt] dictation and trantcrlbe ooeurM*' ly; ptiBllion permanent to right partgj^ f t t t t age experience ond salary expected. Rinittf- foru Rubber Co., R u therfe^ . N. J.STENOGRAPHER wanted for offles 1D fftfltVO

of Newark; state lowest aalarr and apgr* lence. Addreea Bteno, Box 77. Newi 40*4.9TRlPPERB-ri3lra wanted;

Market ei.clear factory- Tfn

KOVPEW^IRK—Warned, & reliable woman for general housework, In fajnlly of four; no

wftohlng; good reference. Apply 114 North Wal­nut at., Eaet Orange.HOUSEWORK-Glrl wanted, younjr girl to ae-

Blat with ht^uaework and Oftfc for ^ id ry ^ j go home nights. Apply O- PALMER. *13 South Tenth e t . city.

Saal Oriiiifto.HOTB wftnted o^er 18 yi’ors. Apply

H O irn iR BROS.. W Wa^hlnglon liigtoa. "_________

ECKEL- ftva.. Irv-

B u rV fin ia n tuivB wftnlo.b top floor. WlEDEGBFDN A

eervloe;Wanted bf'y i foi rTieseengei*«I1 aU .r 7 > . b._Uli i:ii-_bjnl;____

Bov'w nnlefl lo drlv«SON. liMI rentra l ftve.. East J^range.DOT VniUe.L Ifl or IS yeiirc old. lo drive light

(123 Wurren st , Ro»evllle^______wagon

ANNIVERSARY MASSHAKL—First Annlveraary Maes of Requiem

for tha repoue of the auul of Jowph Hnnl. a t 8t MlOhftel’a Church. Wedneidfiy, t»ctol>er 4. IML 7:80 A. M. Relatives and frJeuds are

l&vlt^.HAVILAND—Annlveraary High Mama of Re-

auUm will be oftered In the Church of the Holy CrogBk HaJtlfton. at 8 o'clock on Wednw- dAy morning, Ontober 4. for the repose of the ftoul of the late Mra. Mary HavSIaad. Relk- tlve* and friends ore kindly Invited to attend-

HE1?D FOR M FM NaER'Y._M _M iyL^^ 3TTRAlYlNO STAMPS bought. ft2 I.flOO,

highaet prices pold for bf»oks, coupons, milk

WANTED—Roll top desk, safe iVr; will l«V lb , prtra I

MR. CASH, fl* Academy riand gent*'


lel. 2.m L Market.

H W H EB T^rlM ^ pnlfl u . . . ccast-off olothliig, shoo* and feathers- faMHol to J mncKER flfl Montyjmerr at.poeiol____ __ _______

I WILL r>av hUh prices for ladlea' and gftnta cTothfnx^fufnlture and -hne-: sen. postal

and I will ^all. FRANK.Jff_Mercer _____dlamocdai

in carry rnt riiing cv-'ii! Imiulre 2H0 I'llnimi ave

tiig and Bundaypaper*

t3i)Y wanted Inoulre SCHLESINOEB’S Meflt Market, I4fl Rherman ave ________ _

MAN—Colored man of Intelllgenoe for special work aiiK>ng colored peopio, tl!^ to 120

ly. AddicM Tntelllg^uce. Box 27, News offlea.MAN-Colored man wanted In small family,

to cook and serve; personal reference re­quired. Telephone MnntclsJr 8371*________m a n —Handy white man about tho kitchen,

one H-bo can help lo cooking. Apply at once. B1 Fourth aviv, Eaat Orange___________MAN. who underMaurti about gardening and

grading Bloomfield av*., Glen Illdce,N. J. _________________ ■ -

YOt'NQ MAN. experlenccHl at relieving on ellver oildUed work: rieady work for oom-

f-eicni and ateudy worker*. Apply ISO Ogden

YOUND m a n , in nffice nf manufaclufet; good opportunity for advancement lu Iho right man.

Adclrees Manufacturer. B'»x 7.1. New* ottlcn-.___YOUNG MAN wanted lo drive retail milk

wagon; eecurlty and experience required. Call at 101» BtuyveMfit ftve.. I r v in g to n ._______YOUNG MAN wanted to make hlmsnlf gen-

iirally ueeful. Cell ft A. M.. Wedneeday. H. UAUllMAN CO., 2B5 Market sL___________

HOUSE'WORK—’ft'hUe glTl wanted tnr general housework; small family: good wogea; r*f«-

ence required. BTRAU8. 79 Lincoln Park. LaGrange Apoiiment.HOUSEWORK’-'Wanted. servant for general

housework: no washing; in family of lw»j; French preferred; wago* »3ft. Addrew BervanL. New* oAce, Bummlt. _____________________

UPSTAIRS WORK—German rtrl fot work end care of two chlldran;

'Willard ftve., BloomOeld. ___


nOUSE'WORK—OlTl. general housework, email family. 818 Hlilftide avs.: take Mi. ProHPect

or Main Line car to Hawlht^me avs., walk lo right two block*.__________________________HOUHHWORK-ObllgIng glr! for housework,

good home; lib a month to *Cart with; bring reference. 108 ML Pleaeant av* , second house from Third ftva. _____ .

MUaiClANS^Amalfur mandolin, banlo and guitar ])lxi’ere are wanted lo )om club. Ad­

dins* lyndvr, Box Ifl. K»wa offloe.___________MACHINIBTS-Wanted.

gencraJ work. Apply Boyd and Sevanteeiuli ftve..

two machinist* for General Electric Co,,

city. _____SLv 1,1 IKU'U tinninit inulo; Bipfrlanoia Fre-

ffrri‘.l 451 WnnHInFlnn i . ________________ROT « ^ « < I In biK'ry. 15! Cbratnut it.,

Nuiley. N. Jj__ ________ ______ ______ - —WantocT bright hoy, HPANJKH. Centri city





ntON a t . ADDHEfifl 0-.

Cl d aOLD, inyir,platinum bought: Tftl Uroad over ^ I t alore. IJALF'V^E. formerly Oonxale*s

gold, allver and fllamondA

WlLfiOK—Third Anniversary High Masa for Oeon« F. WPaon, a t 81. Cscllla'e Church, K«amy. N. J., Thursday morning, 7 o'clock. Relativ,^ and friend* srn kindly Invited to attend.


Conttnintaj^ Hotel. J^Pbone l I T ____ ____WANTED—Uabbftffb by Ibi 100 or 1,000.

llvere.l, nrail not be the brat; ‘’S'* P''*®* P* IflO AiMrcra H . Boa iW. NijrajiffloA_______

At A ^wclAl meeting of lb. offleor* and Olrsoton o( the Seruflty Dulldlnr un4 Loan AaaQolatlon, the Tenth Ward BuiMlng and Loan Aaaoelatloo, th« IronbAiund Dlatrict Uulldlng aod Loon AMOcUllon. iho Ea*i End UullJUig and Loan AaN-jclailon. tho Enhrprlst' Building and Loan Aou'Klallon. the Unpuj Building andLoan Aaaoclflrion ami ihti Kicihlor BuTldlngand Loan AiefJciHO'tn No. 2. all nf i>i« pity of Nswork, N. J., hold Mond^ evcnlns. Octo­ber 2, 1911, th* following rrfolutiinB wereupanlmouaiy etdupietl

W bareaa An ov»r-rullng Prcivltlenrso ha* aud- denly removed from our :uldsi our "oountKtlor," fellow director and poreiiiial friend, Chark.* A, Felok; and

Whereas. W"* d«tr*! to recori our appre- olatlon of hla life and our wjrrow ai hla du-alh; It la therefore

Resolved, That fn the drath of rharlee A. Felck our as.syclai^n* have to*i 'iie whose

WANTED, ciBchlnlH t'wli. by S«iurf.y. n«w or nMOIMl-hnmled; mum bp r«»ion»lili. AJ

(!r«m 79 M-ln it., E»«' Dtan^«;_____________W A N T ir^A n Invall.l oh»Jr 'J ® ', ''* " p”, 'anTI' With one hand: cheap. J. ^V. \RLF.LANi .582 North P^urih^el . clt_y_ _______ _ —I WANT tn buy m/>t-uhoat nn weekly pftv-

mentV. BEDKMAN. M Mrrcer et . JereuyCity- ______ _________________ —


OFI ’ICE-EstahllehMl firm require#

flri!.i-cla*» butcher and (rroo<“iyBirTCHKRvice* of ft

clrak lAmlllor with Ibt RoirvlUi k o U * . *•'- ClnrR. IKU) AildroH RowvIlH, Ho*

MILKEB wanted: young white man. who can milk and help on wagon; good wages. WO

irnluTi ftvi'.. B'dlwllla. __________ .MALE voice* to Join large Catholic chureh

choir; good training. Addree* Organist. Box So, NewB uffice____________ ^OFKirB—<Mub of limited memberahlp begins

to-night and Thursday night for prr^nal In- iinu'ilon In bmik keeping, ehorthand. type- n-rltlrig civil »en-ltx* and commercial branchite; in th! Hub you only have to pay ahareof ihe cost oI teaching, Investigate before en rnlllitK ♦t|»ewhpro: it means office oirtjn dally and evenings,BankcTB’ Hchooh (Wl8 Brood *l

YOUNG MAN to eiurt uh stock clerk In eta- tUincry hou»e: |4.00 to start. Addreae Clark,

Box 2a. New* office _________ _______tOUKO MAN wanUKl for butcher Shop, to eo-

IJcll nrdvri. Corner Alpine *1. and Souih Belmont a .>•. ___

HOUSEWORK—German or Hungarian girl for general homework; must understand cook­

ing and laundry work; good wages. Call W Hillside ave. ___ _____________h o u s e w o r k —'Wanted, flrst-clafts girl fnr

general housework and plain cook; referem?* required, ftftfl South Ftfleenth at., near Clin* ton ave.

V(»UNG MAN wanted for mOOhUi* shop, ply V C. M. Co.. -84 Lawrence *t.


yt'LNO MAN to work Iti grocery etor*. 22(1 C’linton gve . q^or 6:30.


YOL'NU MAN wenled. With some egperlenoS in baking. 8.8 W<!«t t t , _____ .______

saving to you; Merchants Otia

H ELP WANTED— w o m e n

eri’ru’es New’# I fficp.

Bui 1ft.

for ftaturdayIIARUER flrst-olftw. wanted ‘ and flun.ln,; St >alL.bla, nrafly ply at lt.<’h* usill Barber Shop. M7 Kearny

ArllnKlon.ave.,-Half barber nr apprentice ^ ^ ite d ; r Wi-dnoeduy. and Sunday.K2 Hank St-, near^LUMh at,, clty .^

miigt be good _ cor.

N j . ‘ ■

HAIIBKR Steady <

JtGlD.AN _

rrARDFR-Hnlf b»rlier ,shavvr; Ft.-adt work. 114 Franklin *»*.IliirriHAin »i . NuUW j^_________

liA liF liRw i l l ia m s . B North Third et


OFFfUE CLERK—Eperlenced young man. about 21; only thoee who are careful and aeourftte

In lhair work need apply; eta to salary oa- pected. A.ldrasi R e lla^ . Hoa 07. New* office,PORTER—Wonled. ft gfod- airoM, aobar and

wmiiK man. i l porter; m w t b ^Sq wrtHril! rrom iMl jioilOon. C^UIJar mornlnB »t * :». »t Nbw J b w Y TobaccoCu.. 9 Arlington at.________ .. _ _

JOSS HwTleon.

noOD second h»ud roll-iop Desk. Box 14. New* offii:a


Hou«f^old Doods Waniet!AT MU CABU, M Aciilririy 11., m-or WKfb-

UiKWn'tl.. tol, iiaaaL lUrHol W , your Ifu rn ltc rt; buy uvcrylhSc* and nnylhln* ,ii

lAiEO or .mall Iota; rndhlne loo larg» nr (oo i tn ^ l for me lo Handle; «» buy old cnrnelJ. old chalri. table*, at.tvei, iilllowa, Iron bodi rncker. dlibra. mirror, and everythlbl you u'linl tn icH for naib. I c»n give yru more Hum any dealer or any ourll'in hnure tn tti«

-- 1 hfivf nn ngenta or ^ t 'i '0“


wanted ATPlj- *9

Or-’’ ruN T''l M r i^ A T p . 150 Lafayette i t STkinoR w,mled. ra.dy fnr worlt,. *80

ange ei, nu-wr Tlilrd at., city. —L iA nni;!i-vv ;;;;rx irr.t.o i!u .. b u i« r i * « a i

wnrk Avon ave., oily ______ _BAltri'H Flretrifti*

ji^Tgon Pi _BARTENLLn waiiUd;

barber wanted . 78ft

do all oiaanlng

buslncs* Jiidgnipm and p'.iirmH huvr In a very 1 Lj.ViatWrt' to^Pfty cftnrmlMlnn: tTiari why I can large meaeurc cuntTlbulrfl to ihflr mjpcoss; ih* j mfir* fi t ynijr guoils tVe call fttOfflt*ra and dlreutnf* havi> 1 im itn- p»-rs5>nHl ' ^Iih e cln*«-l wagon. tiUHlnsfl* strictlyfriendship uf on«s whose acqusiinifthr'' ua* an 1 (wivnflJfrntlal; g*l my irico Ann bvfnr» tr>'lng Jnsplratlon to sirlvn for iarKt-r an-l better ! ,„hnrn am' ‘ - - •

expeel edflc*.


PAI'EB ■ BGX15S—JCxperieficed! paper outior on .llltln l ois.'bln. - ‘'S' •'’'“ " l

| ccd imy *PI>IY »t «b^ . U ^ K ^ M O H R D BON Paper Bex Oe., 8*8 Kertli Tblnl e>mfleld ''ar ______________ _PLUMBtNO. elertricUf <W bricklayliig taught

III threa munlht; ftVlIfree. Great Kostsm Trade BO So*tThlrty-evninfl si.. New York C i t y . ______





COOK.S-H10H GRADE.Cook* to dQ laundry work and oulat laun«

areflsuis; chambcrmaldt-peamstresses; chamber- malfli-waiirBSsea; waltresees-parlor maid*; gov» ema«s«s, who speak German and French, with superior refert-nfsa; companion nuraea. attend* ent*. uaeful nursps. Infam*' nurses: young glrli CO assist with housework and laundry; kitchen molds.

HOUSEWORK—Nest, honest white girl for general housework; amAll family; no wash­

ing; sleep home. 164 Biuith Tenth at., li t floor. _______

OIHLS, 16 TBAR8 OF AO>AND o v » a FOR in c a n d e s c e n t


CO.. F U 'rH AND aUSSBX STft.i


w a n t e d —A girl (white) for general hotiee- work; no waahlng. 104 Hillside ave., Qraaga,

N. J. _______WOMAN—ijadlps. we have a position fot te-

fln^d womftn: call Wednesday morning befere tl> o'clock. MB. LEWIS. iTft Glenwoed av#.,Bloomfield. ___________ .WOMAN, refined, to asalet with flhUdrsn gad

sew. or ladye maid; good reference. Ad-dr^se M.. Box 24. New* office ________ _____

HOUSEWORK—Glrl wanted for general house* work; sleep home; must be neat and honest;

furnish reference*. Iftfl Muple et. , Kearny.HOUBEWORK—'W^anted. competent woman for

general houeework; no washing; good wtigea. Call a l 0W Clifton ave. co r Delavan ave^HOUSEWORK—Young woman for gpneral

housework and plain cooking; no washing; must have rsforenc*. Call a t 81 Neleon pi.HOUBEWOHK-Reapectable girl for p w ra l

housework * two In family: muet speak Eng- llsb. 2H Fftlrvlew eve., Bnulb Orange._______

HOUBEWORK-Mlddle-sged woman to assist with hoiieework In emull family In countrr*

Address Country, l.iox 37. Newe oflloa_______

YOUNG GIRLS—B righ t In ellk tory. Apply KATTENBOCK ft BTEPHl

B hflrm ai^ve^fln^^

H ELP W .\N TED-M EH AMD W OM IHc a r e t a k e r wanted; pleaeant erfSee » g t

payment In pari for rooms; nuMber tiw wm or daughter, middle-aged man and wife; <»o» well recommended- Addreai Caretaker, BgR ^ Nee-e office. Send etompi '

P LUMBKRft-'^’ anted,-jjuwinn.n.’T - * ' t w o flret-olM* plumh- eta al oner tnusi have gCKfd %»ir. »{>plv hv mall WfllJXiD BROS., Madl-n V 'N rJ .’

Positions—New’ark, Blomfleid. Olen Ridge. Monicliilr. Madison. Morristown. Convent Bta- Hon. Rahwav, tlbori HUl*. MHIburn, Oraugas.


D v s n CHILD'S r e s t a u r a n t .

PLUMBER'S h e l p e r i Call TURTL^TAUB ft

South Orange s»e , olty.

ranted; experience.floWHNlO; PM

PAtTHIETl8-W»bl»lI, M pralraci? rtl*n» glOiSWBre pRckere. Apply Wednettflay^jft *a-

to BUTU;R nRiyrHBRfl. Morgan M d Warren *t«.. Jersey City. N. J.___________ .POLlBHERB-^First-clasa meft wonted for fln-

Ifthlng and polishing <»« '« » • starting allvw hollowware. LEDKUECHER ftOO., & Prospect St.

things; hi* aHso<iai«s in ruBifiL'-'fl haw hfun deprived of f>nv whoH« fonsig'n hn.l oxeruiiie ability them to Tn'-fli oii l . xen-omp ot<-staples thftt svi'rnvtl lasurmnun'fiMi*, nni'l the whole coinrauniiy has ifsi o:a- a liu r”iirviii,-nied the hlghf-st poMihle o( Arrurlr&n cltlJpO'■hips; and It is further

Re*f)Jv«d, That we Mtend our h^nrifplt sym­pathy to tho family nf our* ' .-d frl"n>l, toU 'Wdirector and counsel In 'his tlir hour of ihotr sorrow, and ihai this rus'iiuflnn he ['Uiillshed In the ncwspaiJere of our rHy, and lhai a copy thereof be suitably eiigmsHeu and sent to the family of Mr Felck



ulhnrji. and h<' eons inoed; s 'ttd postaliilirme 1 will call at o c e . MR- CASH 04

Academy s t ; Ip! Mkt.

Bl Nf'HMAKFRfl want.a ( « loill « «mior n-iirk, expiTlenoad help cnlT- c. u.

CO., 2H«-242 Hank e t _____ _________ _nHACEt.FT MAKBRS. W. C. BDDB J iw slrr

4Si) \\ ditiingloTl et-________________ -hit P H ELM A N w 8 n t .

CKARLI'S p a n z e r .Gd Thirteenth 4va,FUHNITT'RU wanted al A MARK'S. 20S

Wiishlnaton H : U-l 4447W MitrK«*1: h.jur©-h<vl«)pi>. lotik lii y<-ur inurofl bt-fuit you well ___ ____your furniture. W** ray for your „ * raitaurant. 176 month; a l» nightfurniture If In gw>l rorKlUUm tN v are tha C ^ moohlnlsts. aJl-round m«b,

buyer* In the i>Uy. ue exphanKP I -nlture for mervhftudthP. that b why we I b^k-ki-ei^r for tu t corporation

PLABTEKFR8 wanted, ce work. V.VN DEWATER

St., Elltabefh. N J.

outside enuent CO., n Frinoe

eCtOKB. |.S042fi: waltrsise*. *2ri-|22; 100houseworker*. no laundry. IM-gSO; Protepl*

ani I sundress and rhaml>ermaldi ISO; nurses, lll'li; rook ft* Newark. |B9. OUTTRUI* 8 Agency, 78 Centre st., Drauge'; we can suit all.

HOUBBWORK-'W'anted. white girl for genval houseworit. Apply MllB. K B ^ E . Ivanhoe

Apiartment. Harrison st.. Eiaat Orange._____ _HOUSBWORK-Ntat girl for general house-

worh in family of two. 1124 Broad et., bed- oral Apartment TROWBRIDGE.h o u s e w o r k —Gin wanted for general houee*

work; small family; no washing; good home. Coll Dentist 068 Broad sl _________________noUBEWORK-Glri wanted for

work. 4W CHnion ave.. top floor; walk right upstalri, over dnig etpre.

CXDtTPLE-Wftnted married cougl#. oooh fltid butler, for family of four; expytence gftd

reference* required. Apply S30 HtgWsfld Orauge._____COUPLE to take ear* of phyaielan** offtfls tft

exchange for i^^it heat and gae; speaking preferred. « tt High st.MEN AND WOMEN agents to handls

•itlon which sell* a t eight; two to al*,** almost every home; customers arefor It; write to-day; J mNAIRN Merchandising Co.. 44 N*in» w Newark. N. J-MaN a n d w i f e wanted to do

work for family of four; refcmioM reftWlM. Apply 10 Llncaln Park, city.

EM PLO YM EN T W A N T E b -t tW i.

HOUSim’OHK-aratnaii gW era) housework: good boros. 626 Central

SV0.. corner Ninth *t._____.

COOK, who will do the Iftimdry work; family of three; good wagee; reference required. Call

46ft Main s t . Orange. ______________COOK—Good plain cook at <moe; no washing;

sleep homo. 8S EftM Perk »t.______COOK—Experienced cook for private board-

tng-houee. 6H James et. __________OOOK -German

Clinton av*.girl wanted 122

PAINTER AND PAPER-HANQER, with own toole; wftgf* •2.66. AflflTWss Painte*. News

office, Harvtenn. N- J.

Fay more than d^-alera. 8cnd l-c.etal or 'pfione. , ---- ^,.„ i ngll a ,,. . A .MARICS, lOS W ..b- | f - V ^ i o n A n . ' f l e a l . r

" r r-T flr.1 ciAii raitaurant. porwr (ni niarrl-l nma a , dairyman, g e n t l a w •

tor Iniijranca company. ooiintBT

Iiiglun »l. i 1*1 444iV\' Marktri.

stenographerman to

forAT MR. CASH. fl4 Agmjd'my ist Do you know i rufe.

Mr. Cash t Have you an\ thln»{ li' »vll f-ir | fxrm cash? I hftv* th* cash N"ll\liig i<io hiR <»r loo irnali; a whnl< house or half n h-.UB 'i fur­niture. catTvl* or anything j u vp gm . so.* me first; you will like my m 'lnny-lis tdg en-t good, Telebboiis mv, 2H.'i:iL MhiIi*!. 1 kRvj atSg A *Academy st , and I buy aii.vililn*( and pry thing: bueliieae strtcily OA jinJentlal, wp call a l once wuh vioi-


Httfl; between Newark and ZllxaWth; oft Main Line Irulley route, farp ft idMiiH. not a alock oompany: mrncy ai ent in Inn luvrn.eni*. beautiful section n.-centl.v 'uid oul: pertUHnenl care un lawn plot und Uwjn crf*Bi lot*, cash and partial paymance AddroPH HENRY U. Lo o k er , Sui'erluteudem, Klliabeth. N. J..

a l w a y s the highest price* paid for fvjrnliurq of every de*.Tlpi lyn; we lidv retnlPiilK f!i(

itare* aJvl niirehnntll8<>. we wlii mphiI 'Ur agfn| or crIJ pursimally, and wi* will paj vru nit re than fttiy ■ thPt hout*o In i%- rjiy; t-cTit fnr k". S1M>>N, the man wliu pays I' 'U nanh and deals

i Ciilr and squuro; send (Kistal. F B1MJN, 73 I Academy it.; teJ. SML Markvt.

oull*'* i ' ............ —mun 'forfiir Madison N .1 In'lj). a\f'ry cftpiiriiy

__ _ married man,other vacanoles for capable

PAINTERS »n4 I»I»r-h«ig irt ; mBilb« Brit-oliti. Cgli gUif S. U l BouUi E tlhth

Ift. ___________PAINTEH 1ilUlt«a. AWlP <W flgPinth » « ..

R n i i v i t l a . ___________pAPi,R~HANOim *ni ta tiw f

cUm mtn only n«*d Applr '■ D*“ **™ f Co., 12 BillroAd Pl.. BMI OrWH.____________PAPERHANOBMS m 4

gfira 5 o-ciMfl »t B* aoiiMi Or«n«» • « .;open shop. ____ ______

CHAMBERMAID-WAlTKBttB — Bmall family needi scrvlcei of a good, reliable girl, as

chambermaid and waltrfss: comfortable room for OW'D us^; good wages Address Girl, Box 2Ti. News office. __ ___ __________CHAUnERMAID—Wanted In private board­

ing-house, one that undsMiands waUlng; must be neat and clean and ‘experienced. 1S9 Washington it. ____

HOUSEtVORK-OIri for general housework- German, flweds or HungeriaDi smal! familY

CkU 177 Roeevllle a v e . ______________ ___IIOUfiCWORK-WhIle girl for general house­

work: must be good, plain cook. 4M Parker, cor. of Abiitgten ave, _____________ ______HOUBBWORIC-Young girl to

housewofk. 15 or Ifl years old; call. UO Un> coin ave, city., ____________HOUSEWORK-Womar. wwted

house. Apply ABIfWORTU B, I Bloomfield. ____

f^r generalft Orange ati.

a c c o u n ttn o by_^Booki opened, clnwi), eudlteil, in ta A M M Examinations. Invesllgatlon*. systems. Our ipeclalty. nimnthiy_RAfsrencee. Dun. Ursdstreeta. wSrt CONSTAM AUDIT ___7omided bulJdlng. Telsfkffti iMarket ____ _______ _


(OT'moatwfjUM rrliion^

ACCOUNTAKT-B^pert, -™ - clowd; gudUed,.

enwngleuiente gdlualed; order »nd iK»t ey item i;;h»rgeV 'rea*oPSW». rt-Broad « t.; telephone TOBT ItaiWh

HOFBEWORK—Wanted, girl to a i i l i t at gen- era! houeework. Call after 6 P. M., HOT

Broad I t ™HOUBBWORK—'Wanted, a neat girl for gen­

eral houeework: reference. 83 Falnriew ave..Orange. ________ .■■

CHAMBERMAID—Wartted. a capable colored girl for chamt'ermold and to OMlsl waiting.

lEw Nnrih Seventh st.

HDU8EWORK"Wanled gtri for light hqu»<v work. C^tl ihla eveclng, 67 Hlxoa pl.> Bouih

Orange _____ ____

GKHM .•‘‘MRRICAN a g e n c y ,Kn.lre sv .T-d IU>ut Ifl 0«d«

vew J^rs^S_________ -n i \U F r ¥ r u i i ; Blriile man of

wag...' . X " " ’n r i ^ t . * r w e r

lin st ____ ■

CIQAF ROLLER B wanted on tucilofl to b l^ for long and short filler bunches. C. C. T.

OO., Mfl-242 Dank at. ___

PA HER HANGERS and painters vented. N. PliJ'>EBflEN. ft® tlarrlsoti ave., Weet QroBga


GLEN RIDGE CEMCTERY-HIncmfield; tel.1648J Blooinfleld: four ami six fflo up.

single grave* aJulte, |14. Trenjpfer from any oar from Newark tu or'jsatown ciir, IHoomAeld.ARLINGTON CEMETERY.ARLLN'OTUN N.J.

'Phone 17 Take Ketirny cars iq Ariingtoa Depot, ibence five mlnutee' walk to ceoietery-


siores houBes and fttkts or anythlnp you have to •all. bought for cash; CA-nsvilt ue Iwfi re s-'i. Ing; estimatfH cbeeriully glwn. send ooiui or 'phone 3tt23 MHricst.

KEID Auctl>‘‘n Ro'imTemporary oildresB, H Ai'liugo n st . near Mkt.

rH A U F t’UUR-A npit. chA^-ft*uT I'<r hl;ch-frrade car; miisl

Ily ejepfrit-nc''. nn>l have reff-rom'i' rcqulrpil News omce. OnmK^

New York Addreas Owner.

license;Box a.

c e m e t e r y m e m o r i a l s

OSORGE DROWN ft CO. SsisbUehed Ifl&O. Designera and Manufsclurers of

m o n u m e n t b , m a u« ileum b a n d g e n e r a l c e m e t k r t w o r k IKGRANITE. MARBLE AND STONE.

ftTfl-1174 Belleville ave.Opposite entrance In Mt rirnsant Cemetery.





pay hlghetl pri.t' f r all klnJe fiirnjturfi. car­pet*. or aiiyihlni? you ha'*® Phone 47Ufl Market. VVaBhlngtim *1 . piurago. f ; up.

W. Vt’N O tna p p l y

rA lirU T LAYER.SNYPl-TR -.n. r e q u ir e lAPUKT LAYER AND CUTTER

Ti;i srPT.

rtl FRKP- 7.iV»0 railway. inaiU pOStoffice. cue- tfme mall C'ftrrlGrs: Newark

tloiiK ivi'iiinp friv sanu'le questions. hTwnlim InBiliui-' I'^-pt. 231-J. RfM-.heeter, K. Y _____

POl ISUER wanted on Jobbing work In bras* ihop HEDGER ft liRQ.. ta Rwilroad pl.



t h e DAVm STRAUS CO-, sai-flBT BROAD OT..

h ig h e s t price* paid f -T eacond-hund furnl- turo. csrpeis and fust hors, postal 1 LEO­

POLD. 158 nioomfleld ave.; tal 5072 B. H.

CLK.RK for bulch-r and grocery !n ' bfl fatnUiar ■with the

Address Clerk, Box 80. NewsKnX’*, mirct furnish reference, office

I PAT roasf'fiehle nrloe* for h'^UKnhohl iP>-<U or office furniture In ■"ondlOon. HUNT,

ttiH Orange s i . 3fl7 Urued Et._ l_hl2L. 13. U.

CAR PLNTKP-Uns* fBrpenter; steady work; new uhil repair lh f^ictriY. _ Apply at

by letUT to rari>en!.«‘r . ........................plvlnji experleiti'e

Fkix O). News office.



r. T , Tal. 7U7R,

MR3, CaRLBOK—LtdlPP only 5<'i’. : '’a!ly. ex- ccot Bu:l£la s; 47 Orebard *t . near K;u<t Kiti- 1 ney «t ; private house, name on d iw ; ,’phone

I 2204J Market.

c l e r k wanted, mu-ii be a gtxid penman; s tate suJurV wanti'il. bUh ngc. Addr#« In own

hiirulwritlnK Ig Am'-liiuue, Box +4. New* of- flee. -

REQUTFBm e s f o r t h e jir SHOE^AND LP-HoLflTKRY b^ARTMJINTS.





« . InumlMtor. s iitn inw el | MttE. MILDRED, m Jams* st.; dally, Batut-gueetlofi^ haBifwritltti. ^ fl* >'e excepted

rn.!i,SEnfi- rirri-rlane uhaear* wanted iarg* rind rmall rterllng stiver boHow^warc,

IJ^BKITECJIUR A ix t. Prospect st.______C7UTTER. .iptrlflncid In itgg horn ic g lii .

good opporonll'y r,-r itogily mftn. Ag^IY ■* OMO, Ul* C. P. SL Co,, lao Broid *t-

PALESMBM.w . y._ *frTl>ER_„ , ______ _________ THOB.


SALEHKF.N-Plfty i*J*iiB*n »r>a iollcltorg w intid Al opci to till th* SAnttAry Vgcuiim

ciothi* WAthw (0 «t iUtlOTiAry tu ta ; t « d moiwy. BAoltAry Hotn*t CampAny, Wt Morrli AV*.. EIlAAhAth, (f. J. BERT HOrPMAN, •Al** DiAnAgei'. bttvi**n 1 And 4 P. M.

CLEANER wnnlod At Ullk D lipsnHrr, Ba- b1ra‘ HoipltAl, lornar Banh And High IIA i

voung while woman wAnted: wngr* ltd per monlh. Firap *1 homo. Apply ImmedlAlcly.





HOUflEWOBK-N«t. young girl to p ^ i j l houseworki sleep borne. Cali a t 815 Hlgn

HOUBEWORK—WAnlrd. womgn to A i^ it withhouiiworki il**p hom*. CaII a1 103 PIaiia it.

HOUSEWOBK—Wnnlwl girl to do gtnsrAl hoOMWorg. OAll CT Morton pl.. Ea»1 OrAjig*.

HOUSEWORK—Woman (or houMwork wanted. MRB ZIOLBB, 2B Pnlterion itr. Orange,

HOUBEWORK—o irt wAoted for gonoral hou*- work. 41 Bt*ub*i| a t . Enat OpangA________

ARTiBT-SkUled In lettering wd QB pOHltlon. Addrese BaperienCM, BM

News office.BOOK'KEEPKR-Ex^ I bO(*i

kept up to date fw flrmi steady bwik-keeper; iBiSerial statements. e n t t tn K j^ « t ja d J t t« ^ opened and closwt.Addreiw Competent, Box News offifl*. __book "k e e **BH-Toung f o a r j p j ^ IJ*

p>»rience; excellent referetia*, seliwnr P » WOLMAN. 67 Barclay at.WM.

n 4 wTBlNDBtt^-Oood worktr; OinHlhUMV* w la S e eT ^ ^ y poeitlon; city W 0 4 ^

try. AddrwiB Bartender, 677 feloonaflelft fiM-r Muntclalfy

■Wimng* N twi offloe. _ _BUTCHUR’-Plrtl-claae. w i i ^ MMdy A

linn; Al tafa«ocA Addriia Butahay, BOBlion; Al rafaiwncA Sa. N*wa oUlwBOT (15). dealraa poaltlo^ ^ « 4 I-ifUI i t , Ai*

,lr*aa Baprrlance, Boi m, Naya oflica.

HOUSBWOHK-Wantad. girl (or gonerai houao- work. Call IM Falrmount avt., elty.______ _

HOUSSWOBK—Olrl wanted for light houan- work; oalt In atora, 407 Haleey it. ___

MOUBBWOBK—OIU (or general or light houae- work. MRB. CAIN, IB Traacy ave.

DRESSMAKER: wamen Wanted on ooata; Alio entuid girl FBINER SISTERS. 41 Haieiy

It.DHESBMAKINO-Apprentloee wanted cm (Ita

work. Apply all week At BBS High et._____

HOUSEWORK-Wantfd, wWt» girl (or general honaework. Call »0 Johnaon ave._________

HAT TRIMMERS wanted on eoft fur hate: union only; eteady work; good wagea, DALY

Hat C5J., 140 Central ave.___________

DREBSMAKJNa-AptTreiltlM and lioptuver wanted Apply B1 Pulton it., city.________

DRAW HANDS (or Jewelry hruehw: ; iteady work nil year. A. F. CONERY, 14 Qllvar aL

DISH ■WASHER-tPoman lo waah diahea.CREAMER'S Home Baking Co., Comet

pioomnelrt and Belleville avea._____________ _DIBHtl'ABHER

Halsey st.for restauroltt. Apply B1

OIRLfl WANTED.WertlTiihouBe Lamp Compgayi Bloocnflelft N.

J., reqalro experivn^ operttors, or leomera In exhauri. MaMng tn. tubuJaUng, etero row­ing and wire fusing operstlon. In the manufac­ture of Incandeecetit lamps. Apply at the fa^ tory. Wateeselna Kiatlon. D.* L. and "w. ttoll- rnad, In the fwtotxni, or at 788 Bread si*. New­ark. eecond' lltoor. tetweeu | and B P. K. qel'T:GIKL wanted lo mind baby |{y^

and moke herself gerKN tf 76 Van NiM pL, Newark. '

HAT TRTMMiiBS—WODtodi union soft hat trlftiiSro;“ t i d y work. NAPIER MFC. CO*,

ftelkrille. N. J._____________________LAtJT4DREB8, fliet-elas*, white, two dayi a

week, Ift private family; must hsve reference. ‘ » Jamee *t« uttiil « P* tt. and after

CMAUFFBUB, mAiTlod, aged n , wIAM »j 4l- Hon In private (Arolly: good raoolw^i tlra

leAti' roferencea; atrlclly aobar; wHIteg M ohliglng Artdroaa J. F. D . 63 Bl4« ^ g t, care ifUHHA^CHAUFFEUR. ItallAn-AmjrltAB. whip

tlon. city or country; gotrf. ogiwMI drt repairing: New York and New Jttmju A^rea* fehauffeur. Bps M, Newa oaBnaCHAUFFEUR, white, temperate, good J r l l ^ . •rtralrea noaltlon with private faenllydo ewa

iwpaTi Irig and tnkee c a r a ^ Add**** w . ALBKRT. 16 Brifcich sL. Orange, N. J.OMATiFFEtTl ftnd machluJet, white, wtlfttf

iiOBltlon; thoroughly know* ths oart of a gJTl-honeri, srelluble; refM^nce If mulred* lUGreen

s s ^CHAUrFFaUB^Tounir Mice, careful driver and able to tMM ftlW »DAtTs. Address Chauffeur. Box 47* NiWl flC-

LAUNDRT-Olrl- to aeeirt on collar mooWne and ihsplftf cflilara. fluperlor Laundry M).,

64 North Nineteenth et.. Bast Orange.


WUNDREWI-Whu* or oerman lamdreffl; llritHtlaia. Apply DOHERTY. 183 Pai* avA.


vato family. Call 63 Baat Park at., Baal Orsnge.IfEfiH BAG IhJkeri,unbreakable meeh. Call 774 South Four­teenth •!.: wtronoe cm Avon avo*MACmNB lewm on ladlag'. B a z a a r ; hTOi

work, ua Cuitar avt,; Mt. Ptoepaol oar. going lonthi call g-ll, W ._______ .MILUNBR-Waat* 4

good pay to right p w tr. dlea' Sampla Bheg, 434 On

giaaoad rntmur; Call at a«ca. La.

Otavaa at.

CHAUFFBITR wl#h*a poeltloii: thoHwihhV *• ble: eight yeara' eapatlwwa ™ t* ! (*»*'*

I, Addreaa Chautfaur. Boa 38. Hawa <4SMliible: eight yeara' eapatlwwai

eiwe.c h a u f f e u r ! eiperitoced: owB BjahW^Si

'narttul driver; prWate (amlly; ejlT <* J f f ** Addreaa ChaBlTeor, Boa IT, Newa <ipia>try,

CHAUFFEUR wlihf* poalHoa; careM H W M and abla to mak* oarn rapaira. , R ttO V R

PATMONT, 30 Blohinoltd at.CHAUrPEUB wtabea OTltloh; pM^ta laaairt'rererenoea. BIMMOKB. 13P ChirltiHi I tCAHPESTBBINO

cheerfully given; Jobbingjromptly I. ROTH * WUCHTBS. » * RaBa Ito. ROTH * -----------------------------

CARPBJTTfflt. Brat claia; timMi* M rataraBoa, wlahea ataady poattMai anlH

noire SI Arch at., elty.



CABIaM-TI roirmx.

ployer. b.MUVKJt,

|«n\bia!i Addrun . N. J.tmrvi \i

■Nevti- I'



all I'l an HusllurJANI'lVlt

lion osMX uve.,IwAW SI


Itrpj'Ut OfttMl. 1 '• elUi r :ii r i i-r-'iif'''offi'-oWAN.

at Hi'ftfi thina. AMEAT LI

llsh. Gp

PAPKH-i Jartl i' ’■

com riHi.- OffifO

PIPE anttiVdlTlon

fto, Ncwa

PA1WTIr stlhlu


irsci h#JjNTT!ll


DO ns p-jtTKNori

enre.flee.^'A l I’KT-

as wriM comitr-. (’.•ui-i mYOUNti

riO’d 1lion «li' euiA all eren-c

TOUNO lion si

tpafid-T0.1 SO

lion, PLI


nvKH ‘I'lTOl S<i

nuir; '■ IHIN rt-N

Y- 'UN''.iili'illi'.

YiiUNL '.Ifni I

F RosT'-T’S’G

w C'tI r dn-A' IMYmTJN'H r ijon w Ktilllln^oiVOU'NO

hUlb "]YOUKCl





WQuIiirest InlirsBint ave., U bpr- IS.C5TAM1

can a Wftltrosiat.. Irv!CflAMl

Itursei dreoB AOHAMl

cliami fcof) r»CHAM I

as ol fearinj;()HaM

Cham don rtCHAMI

ohami•t'Ch a m :



II, Ne'kOOK-

«B 00 kddreeI po k -


tomei» ii tyU2. Np-DRESE


half drees jDATS

want! Areas \DAY'S

work 0 .. BODATS

work way, rDAY'S

'wodb1st flooDAT'fi•hevi»'

DAY’ S Inp E

m t 'Ework

D A taiTHf,

DAY flLlvlr



like f caro ( aftil U Afidrei office.HOUH

wl#h fait illy p3 Nf IHOUB ' an u •k*ei«r S6, N«HOUR


tflaoimt’ ^HOUS

worlVf GUHOU9


iTBDa o t j i


D.. BMriTTf

gene taCt I

I d


0 ^tM *Hlt u td m

)• pnpo-

« « lU u r*«. Th*tim pi.,

»« htttH*


N E W A R K ' e v e n i n g N E W S . T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 3 , l O l t

e m p l o y m e n t w a n t e d — m e n e m p l o y m e n t W ^ T E D - W ^ ^

CARi'KNTKIl WHHl» JitDMnf im rk ii«ld» Or .outildn: ttMm.ttL'ri rurnliihr*! JOHN

n u Hu^rh ***v^Dth <t. _CABlNB^J'-MAltlNO. pnVmhfnp. ■tptlqoft n-

mfrirtv. . ri,.lii >« ynuJi in .-ptoy*P. S. KArii-* LNfl « l i iy l^ fi.. < liy

Sor^\ 1 n , i i , ' i ^ .■iiinmiL.

M U V £Jt,'iK-:' uml K^onrn rtli nYftu Ji I iM'

iTiM. AM jfiiMi-’ w vn ■V. F- ,ii : , ni iH l. I f

Auclre#iii \^.■ 1.-OX

I.'llii l-le, n<iierl*Jli.r<‘1 Jlk** I hlill. A'MiUS .'CUh:,

A4iir>i»« A. M . r> U oi/u'iuJid il .N ^ J . _____ _ .i ^ f V I li iLil,.- *■ -Al hs-H i;

' i llt I'ijfP.i i'

ix m .iT A ll 'h Yi omluru*'-] ii<

BAphvA Ht ii'> I r |i2. N-ws III.' <GHfKTBtV ' u :

All |.iani-h<H s HUill-rf i: X N’l'JANITOU rr.Hll. <-o!"rxf3, w |sI>pa jki- i-

tion *ii Juiit' I- niiiKr! iill tf'r«ilrp ll£* i:s tfts uve.,1-AW S rr i 'K N T h IhI'i-

Afldfi'is A c m n u n i. *”MA\--l»YUiie 1" Tl'*' ''K ini'- »ji

Itrprlai:. I iiini'i 1 1 ' P- f'li ICgMl I'lUUJHrciii i>> hiiti^i Ki

iiiNi r -I 'Oji ‘ I. ' 'poi’i-rop 'P .V'liift** ' I'liijM Ii-nfp£TT''o _____WAN. l!rt, aiiLoi It k-tT ""n

a t Hi.'aft* s iTiir I 'll ■ ' ''A rtiiri'i Ilia

WKAT rCTTMV KI'I ■< I ♦»CH 1 II ,Ilfh. trPrniHti B ur, Mil.ii;, Hill.I

liriuix’A h k Pi,

ivi-rk I" I '■ fl-'ii'i •> I <■ U’ VI II '■■ TU' IS N H. I iff.i ■

ilv.HJt5EiWf>HK“ Two glrin >rlib h;'Ut*w<7rt %a- geUi«r. (>or eook. other chambui in*^ld. luV

iH'iuM’sat *t,H uU flCW O FlH -Tooni girl wlahoa pl*i-e » l*h

aim Jl faJiilly for gtiieral I 11-Iia ldv in at- ____ _ _______} I i - i ? o l i . r < s l wcjurtu w leh^p hwute

wiuk l»y the wv-th. Audrtw A. l i . tk i N py. » ofPCA- ^ ________ _________III «f rrliu I 'll rv, ijprii an a:iil yM « |

• Il I >v. rk wiih vrl'. ili r.\!r, . iV* M

• K Tw«' rtuik ra i l T” .

Ill tl'SI- YY ' iHK Vi.UErf u.lI rk-.-r H

w e d a e s d a y s = S p e c i a l R e a l E s t a t e D a y s =Saturdays

A. CI O R S A L E _O ii l i - l l lL h (6. lX>„

H 'jl -ntrl K'-tiMraivv-rp. I all . r write .''ihi MLi^l''’ rj h

11 ' H K\'i Tiiv Huni?Hruiri ..-il » .i;-rf T K'‘ii*siK| h'»ua<\Vr>i k 'n' Ill'll.-.ii I

Ml *i h i: IM'KK ''Olin-d fclr' V ■.in-p t, iLis.v'A-irlt I l-'l’-x ri-tinlT.iil.iM «t

Hi il!K or kUoheri ■4 '.i hi HIM fik J(*f]prsi ,1

ll«:» '■iI'Aiill,^ -LSijrifil niH f UM-.V IK : i V- .. :

• hunilvrmtliJ;

pin.'a f i r

m i . l - Hill.'i-l I hiim.ui h

F.iuj J'lyir.i pi


h'.M h*rfc;

PAPKH-J-J I. I lar.dliird* I -I ii

eoniravi. a 1 n i. efllreF T p r i l - l l ‘ r ' l

nr]' a. ■' ih ka*f A Pr:ii-n \ N’H ! 1

pr. *m X 'rillPrPR ami •‘iftirn

ti0.l|rl<in in ImyK’« , Ncvi'P C'flkuPAINTING ANH 1‘A rK n H .\N ':SN f, 1 .w .

pottlhla ptii-r-i H M.kIhK;!., Ihb i Va'iini' a \ e . W . SlHHJ. Wjivwiy

r:''<T, iiinrt1-.l, fudiirv, viiii-i'

V. ,ii[i<' r 111 11! jj ’ ‘*'H.r Ij' 111H i:iri*H ^i;IIH 1 . 1 if. i."i..'i li fi'M'i ' r MILE ri Ayi'ccy2 ,1 rij 1I'li: 'i"i .] aVL • I h i i 'i il '1 l'j| w!i|U*

A . tl' i« '• 1,. - 1 ' ' ,1 ft..' U . ' -Ih. '.11.-' li.- .I'.i . ,, |. ii-i- u ■ ■*, . l.y"1 • > '1*11,' \ , 1 ii iJiUi, IrL-iirt.L.'n' 11,' hT ,

' : I 1'; 1 •.. J ■' • *<1. ' . • '■• 1 1 1. 1..-I

.'■f ' . . Hf LiUl-'l 1 hfi

L.'\ 1 t ■K ' 1 1 11' iiiijn K'li '1 i-'iuTi ■Ir, ■ .- ,iy* A' ik '•! .'1 . '!y »VI 1 k

IJ, ,, 1 1,1 1 .'.I VH.-f S m .L .b 'Ns . . ' . 1L,U S [ ' UI . jii**! wJmi'-b work u(

•1-' ' - hi ■r I 'l - r n'TH. AJ.iih ''i


HOT W ATkll H ilU d tS AN»* PlI^KS.t'BP AliHiiltiUTii Eiuimei.

KOR YoHK rUlUHH. _ .H O SuiWiM. S'* ax F'li’ let! r FheilA*.

PAINT V I'H 'Ji RFKNH Nh W-ftcr«o!i I'd'.ai, (Ir^Hp or Rlnvui^

RlHiFS SS ll.L. SOW HHOSV UY Bl'OTsklltivir ' T P 'l.'f HrtJrit

W AIJ.H, i5i ^IK Kl K O 'N T rTr'^^F' iPMaiv-F.’o, l ak irtii' Sunt^nf or K'vetftnp

_______ F 0 1 i y .V I.E

I lu u s c h o ld ( lo o i l .t a n d K u r n i lu r ’T i, h.’iu t'l i.-?ik IIII.A l i i f ■'■■■.' k ! I.( j :*,! V.'.H bl \*v t'.J

. irvJniiit n

AJH MKATIMJ FT Jl X wiiter he-4iiliig boherv ai;d

Bl/vb ii.Llidl'rB, idl-CjS.

aU'Ani and ivu' . rAOiatOTB- Oil I

Yeni» Hxtie*t i

■''' HI.F; AtMxIA fv'i i: Si-libtfiUifs Sii iv

• iir lUii'M- >iin-1 ttil 11 : J

. our j'.‘ h* -Vii.'Vt r Wua r.j.jul'-.l

f r>TIl *11 U‘ * H ' . hi» JUBl II

fM.niO' I |riJ | Ic. 1« IIIOI- ill . k ' , TM'W. SMC'

-11<* I t’u! (11' Jiti, rlil-'hi'^ u -o li ■■> nlliV

.'ll l.j- il.-r .in.1 - ‘‘S-.IjttilP dlld CAl*-IU plLL't (iMicr P I

' I ■ ,i-i .H I'hnrxO. •' 11 •sviiiutn'o. Tell US >«»uf wuoi#. Our i'riir.»I ivaee you.

m S IN l-t J \ ___ _______V U I IN VK.HTMl’NT IN A U .

UNi ' • - i I -iN tiHs I If i'l . in iM 'n v :a SS ;i,L r r. 1 «ifN D H\ I.- \1 .U N G n \

ss i .N41':k a- I ,■'11(1 iik 'i.vD , Uo■^\l^ yiki nufi

k ' ■■•\ l.l . I'll'' -h 1 i.u ■■« U( * «.tir fu lh Ml''''.1".1 1' '1 r.' iifi>iet‘1*-"t I'Uimji fi 'UIu . \ ,hi)ii H riail. 1rn.'iu.' ,m4 Al'.*'

v' luul idre Ci'vrrriiij. k itchen r^siip* li"*! M A i'H JN r lT ..|i t.-m-l «« ’• n imranyp l.nilpr* »lnk* w«ah ud'j \ hi .‘iPr A \Sj!ri-i ■' ’ . m i .i:'*-M i niu, H

Al'-'i,.v. i« htiili’aad Y. w p iHt-pn tank . lo*e!*

eii.-; ii!i[ Tlin baMi luDt, 'avaiorluB. a fp.i.hi' lu bcEit* paviTb 11'. v:tgi}) ira>'^. “halo ti:l» lomtimril .i .icl* a re an J l«{Hf»i utailP at ii wr/ii tir ' m* C. H

l-irniti^nly s< N- 'SiUk N JLLi>N.sli:i

TmI &7B!, Mk .

FAINTER. |.iAi tii;A!, wnoin work liav or ot.n- tp*i't hn.rilwr*of1 n Bperlallir .''ki <VnirHl bsi»

^AJNTTUrt. poner liAiiAMr, Atki Mr e i , ve.rriL ai lO'Wiiil PPlOPa. JAI-FVl, T!t litoiinirnith *1.

POJlTKli^ man ^ ihIipb a i>'»BlH'*n nfl porier-Jhniinr raJ l ill" n im o n

tTTtNOnRA l-’HI'R dl O t'^" v«mhn f-xp.-r!- «ni:e, A'tflrv-Ba TvpiiwiUer. Rnjf li.'l Nm-w, s t i"


Iw.U'.M >K.l.:s.s w'hjiTp iIrv' s wiMk or WBPlilncI'l ijil.- h ii. . SuBBix UY4 . EahI Oranv-J.

SS.SLKli.JLN.M .S I '! 11

dii) d w rkllmi < liuiH. wl«h>'B woHa; ^ ik>

41) Wj.HhloKt-'iD Ht

W A I T E R - T iuni{ ihatiaa w fiU '-r n 1

c n u iit r . l\>urt Hi

|,.'H nr b .a n t in g

V o f ' S u T M \Ne n ’ j I L g l i ri.

l in n H iu 11 ' -

' il ' 1 1 I - PI

s i i ie a l i - i r ' ■"uf'III, I', ■ l-'lI :vi " ■* 1s r e n - r A i‘ 'i .* . • 1 ; 1 ' , l , - l 1'

T O r s O rr.u ir;f" l W IHht'.Htlo n B l :in> iF iiiiK - c i.i J'U T lir l 1

tPftilf' H r s i M f t ' '■] Ifl'- III llih 'IT Hi

T O J N O M A N ma 1 r in'1 p'»;rr.«llcih , r t irh 1 4J1 if-Hniiir i ' . i l ' 1

A f l i re -™ 1 "Ik 'i (' r. hfjL ‘: l N ew *

T O P S ' ; M . 'N , n iU T rk 'V i. ' 'if>-ik lp ' l ( if in n r'.T 'iv jr-i|■■n 1 ft "

L aiOV: i T R T a I.v ^ tluTir. ihir1y-flv6 oonu i>Alr- .MII.s tiUi I 11. 40 JtanhMn «t

L a l E eurtiiiDH iluoe up -llNta. pa ir. U K B . H fJ F M A N X . 2 M ercer court

vx;wvi len-tfl, furi iftkr **mire oharR-e of1 hli) , .viJliiR nil'! oIOIchi , lippi ' I 1 e f ru r."V ,

•Pv iir r im irv 17 I’liuirli al BhuiiIi flfHiiKa..\ i US 1-. I Ji I III 111 K Irl Id- . l b I M .« ii !i (r ix*-

. 'll. h 1 nk-i . arv E'f I iMr< I . fr.j.n - cl. 4

a l w a y s UN H A N PLai'V' (iUJiii Ky .'f MCOiiil-lMMid I'UiW"

lPi( initeilal. Uin'u#r.ULBh Hii-I ilo.jre

S A.N kK l KEN A 80N , flOJ f-Art.-iAir iVS'tv. LA R I NKWAHlk.

I 'E l^ i'liO N w iWU) liA K ltlSU N

Id. Y'H' |(.t*kuiK for rtiturep nn.-h a* .•'iu:i rg. Muies, «how i.MM'A. RiieUiiig, Rr' i'iib

• II I 's . oir*i fUl lie Imlert . vfl.-r 1-AIp li-' 111 Id. iibliiuiunt I'.iiuri'P; ru ltd iio v.**ritiB *-\ l.'l' T ' hll biiv* (-u - hxlf In PllvIriR fr. ill (■ x I Ilk I'lirr tiHHinji r -m i 'in v , Til Ai i< !-^

'.•] OUJ. .MnrKi-t- i>‘lstur»»i «.n.» luml'i P. \v« hiiv bveryihlriK Ui.ii you 'Ii'Ti'I ni''-i

! l ; . . l . J f.'i llrifi, |J 1-er I II. II'I b '. 'i i ■II .J.N I j tvlllrht ri« -. CHUli-'l f Iiujiildilr I

Id. Aixplijlt N*‘VvHe.t.k i '" f ►'iinl, ri- ,I IiI'h A iB>C per g tl . n*ie Uft fur PV.llinj Ij HL piief. ■I'biine WW fSnverl).

S H .l 'i i l Hl^fUFINH lO .. 17 W right Bla l l ktihlu lyf eooond-luiiA iPilldmg inaieru .

'.r Brtie. Biieji door*. bemlncJt and Em* b.iAr-its. m,fllMi ft, maple flLH.rlD*; bulJdlhJJ#twiighl anil Hiuoved. A. RO W lt, 110 Main »v.oorntir II iliyv'ooil ave.. p>r*iig*, N. Jd■phoPe ____HAlHiAlN In gHB manO*§; A.tHiO W**ltl>#ich \j»-

rjBhi »;kJ Inverted mttnileB. on enie ipiill aclV ai fli; i.r 11 p e r . r^t^uiar S'r- v iliJe don i miM tills chMn e. KL'.NT'S Llii-ht Hii-re, HI ( luiton iL. oIilvBl In N ow arh. 'phone HiioOJ MivrkU.

hi i‘lerWHELAN ■'no ^''iiHi

^ liii i.HauXB __ _ __________________>1 \ dltilnii-room I'hulre and oj,# ruK 0vl2 at

.. bucfi^e. Au.IrbPa t'h*ii», b 'J l HI, S ' »'»111' t:

■\ R No f- ilrovv el

iib-d b' k im^tuhe Irdnp t.iu . N J

»l harnHin

S 'N I'liZNAK \t lU . SK!,L YdH SSHATVi'H M l 'H K d h S i| I. H I i.VIF: \N ! \S I LL IU'V

' . '] | \ T Y'Ol ||■■^"T NFEIS ?trV S A M ' ,.|JA ES'FUS iH lN d . 41! H M'TU nllANHB

r , K H-Hd.S'l* '.MTl MARKET• i:‘ fT finiMH.'IP

le. JH. i li Vllrt Ilk e nav., n <


HAKUMNiA Bill1-viPt K . r

Mlul ; itnii d ’ ,.ru-f.i Call 11/

In iillirhtly w -in

n-i.'ip' garni .-.iiM U’-iUiK'*

f In'hlMrirlU i.-Mln

ii fi.; VI ll.SrtijAlNh 'h < lei’TTir mr'P.iP

K l-.k- Irld tl MhPi I I M.diHiy bl., Nv-VV.i;

II .vH.inM11: Pni“Mj''rii i| ri-i ■ !

.■.i»l I Hill, Ti .-v\ rmill s Hu


A fV'lt l\'k [ r*'n*r

licht ■phone 'L‘i'1'1

le'l (rnri.i i-nf

KlI.lMAHH ano po-'ll tablob. BtippHei. «trv.l t^l.uu. Udiibt, BL'id ajid ihinttKl. rupn-iriiil’

L l'T 'L tJW . laclury. la iM ark'! SI

•*r 'IK a bp«';ialtl|.PPohm llTlm U arkK .

'UhW r- r Hi iT:, MM'inlln

kiii'lh ci( lUknosii HANI'FFiH

OA'KRiiTH y.ji W oM rl!" IT-YOl NG .M ,> N wiiiiiH ]) [h->‘ ’1 "1 n H '•1 f' ■-■aT. 'I

H'l; [ .'Hi' -'ll -f 'ni?! r ■ F-'i--.' LfH ll"i, S 'w

TTiiin r r ri'-i- l,> ntui ■ vv H ISl'^iN , Sfv. k! ' i r i u y

■| 1*'- nr «,1' 1 1„

1 N'i -Ih-t I 'm .l l 111'. V rtli'f 1* 'If.' .. oPi f. ft .r|-k

TOHN-: M.AN -'111. lel u l l ' f r- j.f , . niB f-i i

VC \'l Si iS -1 Sh'-rniH '1 IT'lT 'Nf- ,M\N

iili'tlMna' - V hIi I.’D, c I1« NI v\Yh LNH .MSN. -S,

tlSal li*‘ni Roy Xl N“ m

I*- yniirv, ' Ihcl

■n lphi"» ’’Hll OI

■•VMllnit to YW-lq • '■Ji Ii 1 .AiMfi m P'

li.vl hi;i{ S fhnoHiRble runrrp-^r'-ni I'-rierif'^l e h 'ii‘t ijih+'P ,indi l■f?k'u hh

f.'iMp il y

I,K ’.er P'T. er!nii-'l'

Hox *>2, N.'wa

1UL.L.J.SKL’ p..oi U.l)i«a. A. •’ANKinLH', l«ft» Miirkev ei., rjifre; pni:e» , P .n u b '. e"-.i.

reijLe.I, caeh ur InataltlieDti. «e[i*iJrlr,g sypplut.IP M J< IvKFJI Elt |4 HlarvllilA (leak, Jh daak. *U. tiiKiipaHf. Jll>. Ij'pvWplThr, *12 ciii'ifit ilo , f'ljMis, I*p<' L r. iM l.r.'H'i

il Williarii I

ruu .

d.U lltV • rl fijrr.ilii

' - I* tl turr, . iritT l..i-r(5nlrYH- HI llln< ibil Ht , I'vi'iiIngBSMI.TOS njv P 'I2 $12 'J2 >aM.' veiv*i cun 'll-

111, Kill riine. t.-i.Aii, N ' h ew k Htuvi*. IT.'ih, o.ih .hlfTi.hipr fl^, BhOMr<ui»4 JI >Vi hlllmrdiKi le, 17 Hi SVIlJiiiin wi., near llr-.uil17" fiFlAPfA ».6i1 njwl a rn n ii, *lii" iarne rp.'ki-r

i- bale cheap fiM South Arlln^p n h\ - , Hranie^, seiT-.nd door aouth

4-.I VIIUI llYlMlIMB- IJ'll'klS .1' I vvi'hl .} Il y. u II IIV a I.Ubll'e^H f..rVShNZFl. \ ' M M*H*' Hriiii’l. i- lufl

H i{ro.'-'-r) 't vejpl.H'1^- IhMfkri i>;'i M" tl'.iv ."K M husllies*-* fli'hi fX'* i-.'i hH- III Ih ' will Kiv I' n d '■ I'SU.NXi.l. A iM NMt hldPl, f'MilliH

M O R T G A G E L O A N S - R E A L E S T A T E M 0 R T ( ;A ( ; f * ; L O A N S — P E R S O N A Ll&nhUOu Lo a m

ON HOND AND UuKTGAUE AT B PER CIxNT. IN 81‘Mt* AND F oli JTlUflDS TO flUlT TUK HOHKOWEHi NO ll 'iM 'il OH OiSMMlHdliiN lIX A fT U i; ALL NK'-E4Ua RV PAFEUS 'A U K K l't .l.V P l( Kl'.Mt El ►.

CUAlll.K?' \ FHJ -K.AVCNBEr-dR AT L ast.

ItlidM i ht


NO hO NI’S I It I '■ ■VMlI'i'di-N I HSROKTf OEM W H.HiNKY,

rn iU N s r i .i M \ t f . \ u '


|(I> AND I'I'W AKDW ith nur b>'Bii>ni:} yuu Iihvh the BatlefacHda

' of k n u a liif hcPirenan't juat when your puy- meniB 'YiH cK<b>< ih« moi'.iutu, Aiid n.>w m ail/ piiymeniB H will iiiKe i,> i|.i li. We |>refeh ta

ii'-w .'IJ-.I .11' i» liY iilfvrln^ IniA- rale* rallMT Umn ii> pajliig fur lurgo a idirUne/neni*.

. viur nnxv plan lies r i ,vu.‘IB v 'i lu w.>rry. E-j*>I pinnAthuii* ii'Hi I. i IjIiik h 'lv . All h'l ln•'!Vl urlili I tlite v-i'hi>'Mi>v lb HirU'Uy prlvitle.' Ju«t calL I OKI '• n'pMiij

I I ' .I ^ 1- 11' ilH 'AN r \i . .IIH A .sp u"j v t i l i s F T BT . RLDG.,

I ' l 'M i s r ririL T U so I RCKim un. . t-.n r .M T K i ' h m a r aTORH.

..ain i>n Ik iti( iiii.l iKi>iI>iivU'KIUIV’ .' I ..h Ki-ii,f Bl > I

Uvl.KV in ' F« .1 H liitelM

i . i I H'l**, r« " '‘ ' •MI ieiw<e r .

' ' • . 1- .1 1, rv*u Mix

iry u>wi; fvi tP - i ■I iH'r I plH t-''‘"1 I'.'kJ I ,

s.l'l. in. Imlingl t VV **tv i- in.t JI :hk» W KN'/.t^L A

. >M .'hi.1

|;S ai ' ‘i.uik,'r fur b iU-, rvoi-lpix Utk) l<ni Slaj UM'li*'1lhK Hvvi-ii r.»-.iiia.

j - n iiiv. ' I K.ili- dim ill WLNZ.LL # ',11' I !.i I'.i l i-«intr 7l‘il iH'.'S

rtT TrN TIdN P-|C h i f k e n ahi fine niiii'k M.n"ii-ASPiirl

v'FiH' iiiixi'ij I iiJjfils iu'4 I'euiHrip h* ne IJIf M. II - H litcii.’1II''KK\M Jet

Hiir,1 liu.i>>- fcim lK>h' ■ll

Ml l•♦■Fl1 fUld upWriCdsp in uilol'l ai'B . New

•M I,-' I'H 'S KKV. .'IK.!* in I eii I' til U\ niui' n »■

j : >> \1 eiil I •' 111 tii.i 11' lU' {„’ .In I H in< 'ii''V in-i k •’>

i -S..I I a ' -d I ■ '-I r

V I cri 'i III I'lifi . I'h'tb friiui iiMK rmir r-' 'll"-.

Pal th'iiltvT'H at .'i'U.H :nM


•ndN KU Y , <i \\ > llJlV-Jl r.iHf W KN


iK-i i,| tioilun j;... ll I'FV.

hi- ree

noO.M 72-1M iVFV In

10 *'U l'« ri>ii'> n liiiiHr'l hinmiii!clH im ilE (•: Ml Jit'Ml.KK lU PC. |{..,H » fi.

TO I,OAN I'll N iw aik Mill .Klfl,"' rii'ilKHKi At r> per >>I>;, m'I <i\..Ii- .m

i'> «.j|i Korr^iwer He* tho Nii<i>-<ii ..''•iikhT '..S.i llM4tii elt.hii iHHi I'd l/iA N .n 1'onl un-l lu r',4.iKn Jn

m i n f i i .suH at ft per .-eTii , wiihmi' ix n li. KI'W SICli S HI,,A<''K. , 'Minee'-iT.H'Jn I‘nj'|'’nM,il j(hiH i'lii | , . ia N on Kpi'i'ill ri.'iiiiiM Hi 1.1'Ill'll '

lix- -M .'FiiimnI, iiHn |7"i> ■ '..n- M .d KL '" K d24I U-sh*'* hullitmk. ' iliii'h elMi'NI S T'< L* ’ V N "h tiunit na.l nil rlga^B ,

,H'HN S M -FA dl'IlN 'A17 I’liliiii hulMifitf, Newurk. ^

iii't< P '1 t .1 1 \ \ ,j I* |i. 1 l••':ll ftiei i'i.iiTi,iK't " lil'-nMnl r • s i Ir ie- M M S . P \ 1

T h, «!. I im,-,' ' ^

Jl77iihH‘ Ti . f .M S \ I'M hr*l in'1 ar'i ■iiilit n i i r t - i auKf dtHl Mir* i i r m i l . S WKIHS '.Jlllt West

]'diii1«'y Hi \ i vv . r k

L O A N S \V .V N T i;i) -K K A t. E S T A T EW W 'l r .d (1 .hill- A' '. ,C| ...... .,n, .vl

1 1 "Pt-n V I 'll .-il - n I i' ..•- I II X t . , ,rl II $s . rfe i■riH'il J'»in .............. I r i "r iv 1, \ ?0, N-wB'■fHi * ______

I PawnbroltertI O N E PEEt Ci'..NT ONE P E R CE NT.I ON St sm Hi- foil AMJ St\I .U,

1.1 d i e t *'h Hluimnita,Waioho.' i, ixw*ii> I’rii-iJhul I 'mperty.

ICSl S Hl.l.'illl 11 IHHl . C. HIKHM AN ; i di .Pir j( ,j near Hr.i.itl .iml -<.d'r \S’ A Pnyder Ca.I Uji.-|i ev< M iQ 7 Ilu i ' I _ ft ” (lA >n,

eL lw S O N A Lmi'll'! 1 >. 1 ' 1 1.. Mil' 'lii.v1H III It '• M 1|i 1 h -1»r 1-1

A;, I'l:’,'' .Ih'ir' •«' .tiH-i li't-l-'ii'-'l V " , ' ft I 'c .Uhj :Il 1..

l u r r u i ' M M-U L>IN\ " 1 y ni'-r f' "M -K I'kl'V gill.

"in 1. ft}**-' r.i).,, Itiii'-lltf. ii.,lMhri l.l h u h : miilwift’.

M M i:il PA I’.TtK I ■» Ifl" I MX II IM' I'l

I bl . ink' i .1

'K H KVh!, Mhm Whitx f ii HH e rl)V4ip 4-A

EfFRSW.'SNTl I) S u i 'i lv riMh jip|xi t*"t firK" hj l]

ira ie lu' pi III r -uii l, etaiA p:l-'e A4oi' E«ka. floK T* New 4 ..ihox

VI ■ s i l ' I ' i n Hij.l iiitiNi; 1 l.uP'Xroi'h i-u.-ui -ii*,S,-I» [HBl •l.l'-- I'livllia I'll'*! 11' . ‘ ■•IlH'-

1-1 1 . , ,.f tid*-'I' v'firi* 'I'linki 1 ''ii'iii '-" ' 'fM Ml j4.fHNI I.. d 'id lv , Vi" "•■tr doe' . M-41 i i iv -d p uh 'ii , jT i.i Ik,ri">, AV'iiihJ.'. lesi I'-ii imrili-iiliim He*- W h:N/.i;l. rtc CPJ , ■Mil Hiniid. rxi'niiH IkH-Siift

O l’NT:*' filTTilKhlnti laill*-*" m M ■enlH*' f'lr iil»hliij( liiihliiKSM iin I'llniiHi ikvi'.. f>r biOei

ai Ik ijarKrtln, prSi*' |4«,i'i If h" 1'! thin \t KNJ'.EL A t''«j .Smi IJrL.H I. rihJiiui Itn* 'Ih.A

E l'H N lS H F li rvwm hnueeH for bmI ' . n'l- have H k"(Ail eoiecium nf furiimP**'! r,»‘!n hniera at

p r li 'e fr'etii jfjtio to IJ ftiNp wo I'An sunly «uU Toll AVI:n E1lL -A f d . . Niki Hr-md. r«Kiiiin .'I'U J0&i»K ■ l li.Y aJid huioiier i iMiTif'H« -ni p'eriy hI..

fin xhIb . di'llix II liVixlFirr'd "f J."'..''" W"‘eWlp, ri-iit Jill iiuludiini -i* n.>iro-, pn i JI Tahi id . 'lu 'll i' JMhi « ‘iTh nr HT.K'h Wh:.N/,i;i. A d ' l , 'Hpo Hr IUmI nii'iiiti MH

't> f "'KHV A flrti ' iJiH" <jieli gr -viTF In k'rod fur bhI«. i . 'i i lp ls h..'K' n.'i'kiv prl x

INiBHi, InvHii.irp- will P r \r H ili''i‘at iiiviellKa ::"r; \\ h-.i;'/.!';!, t H'- , ''im l-i"*d, rn' inn HiHiiUb

M O R T ( i . \ ( iK . I . I L W S - C K R S O N A L

■jl H‘K l>',Ah --

JI" irW A H l'H

If vnu n r'' kexpinu hmiex ..mii Punii!i:r*‘, upright pliinoH. r |. ' , Hil l an* ifi'l .<t re.i lycuph to iTieot die clejiiuri,ti< ln< l.t'-iiF.i l ic iMe lime *if ih.' v'‘Hi, m il an i ki ii-- Kipiuin vair up I'l-tide nieili'H.le, of iMi lmg mmev

Tw'.'iiiv \ r'nt'b In y.viir . repiiMil i.rii f.-r r,*lin1-ilii*' ii

1 r V -'ll ■ vv,' jm il l*rr , , |.L r* i'**ii le HD'l U" w'HI p.i>>011 Ill'll'*' m"Ue>.

■ SI I \» :i,.' ii r r iiiii'p Kirl.|."i i .1' i»N S.-Vjih Vliirt'i'iHh *t . XBvoTi'J

B u s ln c u P e r« o n » l iL-SHIKS MAN ‘i S ll/ 'R K D

VH d 'E t AlT-YJil'JL.HiiLrtB -iiiii>]« 1.. Ill >"u>, *1 to t2-Sfl.■'ullH lm*i I'' i ' III y-up pf to IH W

iir i i i'i.i ('ui uii'1 htiefi hy the w*ll-ui.l teiiHlie Lli.-e' 'H iltr m 'R N W n '

O 'H l'IN wh li'i» I -eni iBt iMiuhr-'l In NewFirkMil I' I ‘'|I‘_- tiiii.|i le II irie u,- lo beleci troiiL. H" V 111 'III et'X II .1, } UI b.iiuirilt '.ooiui wh«d, llipii n ,it -"]ij1i! ;■•'l •I t 'P Mini w irtmAR- llil■ ji'iiiriiDi.-.u[, m<iio'y ii'fumled fof RAf*

tJiHuf Jhliiotui y , bli fully cull If roipect- fui!)' *' iliTted. lU New ei . n r i t tp learb«f

I -'ftlllf'A I.H.U*-**' I vei>

11V hn« i‘ii riinl I 'Vir 111! S'luaif .l+-hlin/I w-v hrii'K in V'liir

III* m iih'l jiitvgrief

Jlt'ThllfcN and ecuMpi V"U hl.iv- a. iMlIlitiV

•w.ui' lu ■*e!l. I'all oti Hii'U'i rMUiiB UiH Hm!S

rtiml! 1 une.e w n filed If tiutei i.f n m d h ’UM' v>uiSS I .S /.i:l, A I d .

D o tB: I ' -F ; I *’ t «•'■ re-1 Tr'inh s' ■ "S - liru H n L sjii 11.. bull

wuivF.'l 'KB. JVd' n «#lrp fn til

\ i.lrfs-- J'rml

I S'l I ,N‘d*; F£ A ) 'H Y'Ft. e i pHi iHri'I'A Ae'-lreH I Ti'-n III ■*t-■ iiiXb M'ftT.-Tu’t Ai'lri'F'il X ll-il

1.::. S.-w- - iTii .

w-'>i:-1 llkv K' " I Vi F'T' f'tlll'e

.F-ltii'>n us fif> IA'l.'rr'iB , ,-.r A\iF- ru r:

, S'l l.N'i ‘tl K.A I'll V H flxelreri h 'me'.i 't> I I'p'-'ermiik, H 'l liT, Ni'w

w^rtcI I.nife

T'-PN G .SI-SN r1‘-"ii Tjf V F'H -'i,!. \ Ii,, ir I,- work R' rtMviliiim. will, lif'-n-n e \ ,h

»1n-A' (Piith.inli 'SiV-'L-N-'i MAN. ailleiijf KF-.ithihfe, iIi-hIi .-u n.A'-t- / tjun with H'haiioij of a d . iin --u:ienr, b u i 317, K tiillw ynh. N .1

'■ms fi"mH. ■'Tft t*! H' nu c-m

H S *- ft - s uf-

l'*! *«'-wlng Midrui :!<'fring. .Vf-i.ri

YOf.'NH MAN, 20, folf-reii. ■WiHhee nnflUlnn. In eliib "I i.iii I'HP:i-.Ma N, 1H Stviinrh m "

T o rK ff Man ivi*ho« woik of unv ktruiArtdi'HBB Ai jlllnp . Hm yi, >'*"■'.-■1 ■Ffyiri''_______

t DT-nld liif’ v \I Ir '|, ilr'-x>-:n:4 il M n.jl nrjil .s*' I I'-i-l-F-A \ il- lF ' e- L . H ii"XI n".-1 i: I ■ \ M STH i?SS • S.-amBtreas irtsh'I M - »• ll- l' l',l III- 'liVV, 'll ' 1.1 V! I i|\ 1“:, *.1 'dr ariKt' et

KF;\S IN d- Wld-'V’ w-'tntin 'V' uM like Hewinir U> I '.u u’ h'l .ie SFlitroux SmvIfik- M' X TH News I nMi' .’ "T ■] rlephi.-nr l.'i'MiI, SA iiVt-rly.. SP.'SS IN 'i Pj (l.H Jill ur ai homu i'd per day

SS sa; i l .i.i ' .N r-u i en ir s i ave

g M P L Q V M E N T V V A ^ T K D --V V O ^ lE ^






c m HAM). A im x x b u i l d i n g , o n



O f 0MB AND r^^piL









IM tl TH riiFiir-t iTIli-i'"'* HhL'p for fllle I..' )i. 1 ;v' V ''■! ■» n p r l ''r , FTU1"I :l:.uke

r -.iin '*i,r ' ilnT -tor*' M4 {J'r'-htird hV , Bl'"-mllu! ; ___ ___________liK Llt l^ahst ■ fan i'u« MilWdtuhas Deer, Huh;

cr dark. 11 per yais. ' I ’hune 77fi, Waverly; Benil p"«Uj. -I i; P ltA 6ShK . .-Ityr ir rd ir i:i< 'S ir*- U"' f- r snl'' eniHll f"T

p|-*'iierit - MO'-l'? iiH' ' h''H7' Ai'i'ly tll3 MrIt st , ir.'Vf' ■t.'mii>;iCa s h i-'L'eTt-r. NHdrriFtl '-"PI J12.'S, s*'H f' r

Ltj li.'U" .if'ii iJi-'i II, Hl7>- 4H fex I .Mi{ ' .v s ir s , <M A' II l*-mi St . pii' :if 2.'UtL

I Mnrkut _j L'A SH I{ [■:i;iSTJ7>i I 'f eHh- \Y' A 1>I i ri sdN’S /v ! I I J. 3i'. Pflasn!'’ e(. i v lL ’ri iird prluiii'M • :i lh>* JiUnli' at InV,;

prK*i., 'iirvlB 7'* up. II" sP''Ppv wi'rk KdSJi J'lif-M l 5' Mui'ben>, KFU-IV'I Hr.Htr. ‘ptii'lie 'J!i,"JiKI,.E{’TKIdi;riA. miiK’ic i-urn for nl! ftf-hei an.1

Millie, I urne In 3 min rheurnn'isin. iii'iiruliiia, r*nr - 11 t'Ol. d*-! d. lOW IrvtiiKt'^n a'-r . riu.

ITal.M Auid t>v Meiik alNP MfHler, I'Irbnpe

AT luril Bl f 41 ifiB l.rck'-f i

an I f. « |ef rierh.I f'm l Bt

I 'll . VAUI'LK lUiEHT'ri IliW PlTAL F i ’K l-'VHid A M ' CATH.

Ill, U. I'l Or. hATfi at 'J 'I i 'H*! .’kiW .M*rAet-D li HAi'lEMAN'R

f in d A .Nl I I -.AT HdfiJ'lTA!...H12 HfiKeii II . •j-hruix i:iHI WRvnrly

'• [d d ll M ' piii'M'h 'Tl tl'* 1.1 . lid., i-r.I I Kj' -,.1,1' , .riu>»: >

llr-' rltv-i ' r'-'-iis.

Wlniniig f> 111

h»drri-H H 'ir , 7

!{ SALK A l"Xe «i MU

N'lMirh, N _ JSS •S.N r p i n - S r . ib ln i h n i i i . i l n i'

ini'O not f'j hi- gun el'y ijn<l waih'J tllfl I'flSP S*t1'1 Rl tlflHWBIb21, ri«a>«ptilH''‘. N J

rail e-.t'D- iL d 'b j-i,.

I Ih- g'iiiiiir>' il hi'Ui*'. ami I'l P d Jhix

ULi f'.ir e.l!' we liB in ee I nral . ,. fi'.iu liiMi I" 7■■-iijiurhui wo lan susi Hniuil. r'HiMiK

AiHAN'TS Hi-'-'i rn'U ilji l> l.tB f.'I p.ll'

JI -V"i, if . 'vi wuitr I I I'll) ,L euil' l ull W KN/K I. A Vt;. .Hm .*ii>u

SS!/>fiS’p Itr.TKIJJ A.VH KdAnH i''I'SLS'S !'f I ' ll iFl 111* iri.,rhi''l l" I'liy H BRl'inn

I f t.,avlH .0*1* ■ Ihrii ,-iill Iiiid I'lflk "velI'liF I ' l , we tiTiVi- 111*.' newt x*'l*n Mull li» hot'-' i

Hri'1 yuii .u'e |rut*-'tfil huvlnit f.

MI’T l'A I. LOAN A M ' IS \ L.S'l SfKNT rO .,

H-nom* JS07 fVak Wied hiJlIiJliiK.

(hk'i f r i I in 'ifl Bl

Take I'lOYHlnr I" Pidi 'l.vr

i'h'rn M’ nilii)' e*iiit'ii InV iilul K,iUprJijy niflila


S -S l.l " 'N i'firTu'r ,.......... I ijeli.' >■

J*". \ s i : . s / i d . *

''I«' III, ru'imr IHH :«■!

I) rhUinn,' t" kThtI II, i SklM,! l-’' ’r I n 11 !■ ij 1,1 re

MbI Hr.ia't, r'iUiii.' .HU


fAll hlii'iB rif fiiT rnele mad* to dH*/. RernodnilDM and repiili'InR.I-'Inw line -<f fin n i>f itiy roftAilflottiTOMy eniilti*' iind mink ai4 af «up*r(ur qualllf,]{*<4ieiilijLtili* prji'tl.Kv'nrerli' wlih W M A R EliirDrtl.



n v S l'K d iM JS T , ?0 TICARP EXI'ER* i i :n k St.I. f e m a i .e An.MicNTfl;TH.yIVKH NLllBK IN ,STT I-IN H ANCK; I’U N Sl'l.TA TIdN FIIKB: Hnl'KiiS, 10-8. rilSIiA S 'H 114 1‘FUVATF tJdUHE, 1 2 S WKST IkATll S T , NEW YORK iTTT TAKI^ Fl.KVATRD, HUFUVAY 'U t riS'Rl'ACK CARS TU H6TH ST. Tl r YTION

•/. V. I

" 'N d ' lnei hisii < lujw }>a«!iu! Inuinem*' ie-iet[,|*i JiiNi Wt'fhl>. reiil JS.i, S i. lu 1Itv|; • -'tl n^mie hue Jl.Bl"i nlt.nk lui.v J liia fI'Hur Hie etrii ivwt ln\iJUlgalltm SVLN 4 CO . HiHi PRiu.h i"0iiih Hi'4 Slid

.si-;s\-;.M i X R..

I'‘urnllv .lewlng, J I 10 day. Hox .'<7. NeisK vi'fftc*.

lUlU -idl.T p.r, lllnl'-li,

At t e n d a n t w anla a poaltk'n in (IcrVir'n f.fllea; ftm a Irnliiod ntirei<». w ith U y rn ri'

experletico; ran rnik (H-rmnn: R'an ejierftt* A typewriier: ran give iiej*t nf refyr- •hcoB- Addrflifl Nurse, fto t M. Ni3U*? -ntflcf'. ^OHAMUKTIMAID — tSerman ' American (tirl

would like a plaoe aa rham bprinuld cr wait*' tAtk In a private fajnlly; nan bn *een At imflitnl tmiilOFyer fitiT »>.’.i'iiti av e , ,-nr Fiffhth av*., Belmar, N. J .; 'Itsrhf/atr'vrl hi'foi'* i'lrto- ber- IS. _ ________^TA^^RF:R^fA^P'W.^^TnFHR^Mrnlan*.-\ITl'’‘ i

can ulr! flenlTef prvsltlon aH rliBrnbormuM f 'l'i •ftftrfliM': rnffcrenre, 11-1 Soubh Tw infj at-. Irvlnaion, noFir Clinmn ave.

Vs AuHIS-H -'l HK H lL L IK ft ftQ CliH DRY | 1 I .A I'N rR Y CO- B RFRVIC'a td d b«OH H>

h 'luafk '-‘O'Tt II.I'd of a'lval.da/ ah'! Vianbiv.iman \I Mitf \ .iiv.’fr. !• or A CJ^NTfl A PsH-'NlJ wu do I aji your waBhlug, better wo than tt ', ran be dOTie at liome V.'Khoul extra charpto

v.i* IHmN the bed end fahlB lineiL U.'finel. un- i (len*eur. httif hofit and ha'idkerchlefs. ! The other plete? dried for home flni.-ihliif a t ■ Irleiire Stur'-hirg Inchwlefl h! vI fTINTS a ! pound. TH E H'iLLYER HERVICE Pflpa/atfi yiiiir bed iTnen fi.ira your table Iln»m in tha Q ABhinfr und ynur uudarHothea from both. 10 *hort. ne «fve you Ihe ^ rv ioe tha t particu lar people demand iif (hoir own laundrejw. An eight p«KB ItODkt t. teillng full partloulnrv, mulled upon requeaL Nu oharge lusd thlui W> oenta 1* made. H JIX JER ROCHMI DRY

I^U N D R Y CO.. 416 klarhot s t . ; 'phone 6268 Mtirhet. _______


JuBi think of ihe tunvtiiileuve nf hflvltig nijr WHSon rail, net yimr faT.lly svsiah, return ing Jt In three duvt* iiilHi evuryUilng wnshed clean and while, an 1 a large prniHirtlnn of the gcr'-.Iii Ironed reaiiy fi»r uee, leaving ofijy the fancy pleoea to be fliiishod in homa Wb do a 20- iX'iind waah for 7& ceaui,

W AlU 'ffLL f^TFAM fJSUNPHY.Rfl CroBs ul. ’I’hune U'lfl IJnimih Eimok.

WASHlNCi—Slop Bweailng over the waahtub, lei lh« irNEEHA WET YVA.' H I-AUNUHY.

221 High at., do your entire fam ily w aah for ftp centa; reluirieri within 24 houtH ri-aity for the Una; give up n trial. Te\. IJOTW H. B.W.VSlIfN'G ari'1 jriiiing wanted to do home

by rf'diiBctahlH ivrjriihn: good rprertiifO- 7J Tl- liiTior StWAjSIllNii—Y' diiisb Herman wr-'nian wlaties

wAHlimi? HUd ironing at hom**, 7ol RerROtl ft L'i tl 'Or.W \ riHIN* - SS'i'iTiFir M’ivni* wuuihirh', h-'iipe or

pfTlco olfiAhhig by day MRP, h a h S’KV, IB Wlcklirre Bt.SVAf IIIN’n-fiern-Fin wnman wai'ip tvaabltig

lF!-;ilnB mit 'T r!*anhig. 247 KprSncfteld av*;., third loll.

f" IK SA i ,K - ' o,''f'i-l" I' 'J'* 1 ITU'- V , I i jfi' no to 1*' ri. hl^;l- ID

J„'Ii.UI '1 ;., Up t" l"-liu l' llllllll- 1*-1 , ' flbi)ii' I HA.« MC.MM If-I'.utH.ii, N J . ail l!'. I'-S’-T, ' itrB I*l'>p iH Mii“ fj JI'*■FviR SALE -Peap'-ned wo--'l, oak. hli 1-orr,

muhb' '•iiw-xd III lei'iXlti'i I-' I I ^ >Ill fl’-' I'lhi eA|,;.Jy i.-! WFiix F H \N K vi'iu IiH U 'H , |i'! KHliVS’ ____ ___ _FOK riAI-E- A rr'TTipIf'te e*-f of tJlr-Klnk'i‘s

IfifiJn an,i cliHut rhi-Hi f r d lUl 'k lule. A-1- die!4* IimI', Hon CM Nt-ww ullb_i'___ ^J-AN' T LelKlui. Jiarea, j l per pair, for br«'**d-

Wjg. f'jf niarkel, f'lr prlM itt Li'adw. K-jnijIe Farm. Hoi .Itl, S-S’hUe H'^uee Ptallfiti, N J.GENTLEMAN wlil sell set of oillla id b a l l

.f-.i!ri. Bol'il iviiry UiV ii'-’lms ^""il '-ondltl' n. make b'-si i’ns*n -ipi’r A'Jdr''iK Kllll.irtl, H'H -MS, News oftiro.HANl’bi'MU fevining dri'HPfj' f iie lU aiifl ilS I

etiLli. wiirib will P*-H t2'> satinft\enlnL'' '’"'vi un'l [^**11.1 kit>-i dr'-nHsifnr i»u|e rhrLi;i, n rlia te , ' ‘a l l biMWi-ell HM-. Ih M'HKa- iiuiry ei. ___

F u r sI'l HP renio.|xi#d lHie*i1 mi;, |f"<, I.'Wh- p ri'-’s.

(,rilur 11* w fui gi»rFii'-ii 1B iviiv ni'1 •* •' dfal r-:'s jirufir . w*> mu'uif.i -i ui f*, TTjHFiy turi* ii"jiMBfinr-radlm; uni1*-r L i'o ' nuMf'' i!n ''t ii« h iniil,viir i;eHli. k'’I geniiltii' furp The I.ik k I'm r h ’ji, .'Ip! Thtl*ev. cor I'l-urt .■*1 , M|,.pi MJun il KB

T y p e v p r ite r s a n d S u p p l l r sI-ITT Ub 'iverhaiil y ui* iiiaohinr dtirinit laeaLloti

tlmu. we rent. 12-H pvr month.N CSV S UK r V HE SVK IT KH EXC11 .A N viU,

221 M arket pI . ■Fb« nB. Market 44/«vNl SS’ .SN'O RKHIflLT

Typ*'wrltiTH of al! miikes ■oid and rented.

RTF’AIR ui'i-k Th' 1-eflt In tha liuYAI- ITHYIWKITKH I'OMt^AN?

lS-1 Marhat it ., near lln>Kd, Al.irJtat ikl'W.


t h e ; J 'A M fdS IvlLY RRANH I'lLlVE OJ], DEPuT lb- NESS aRK a RCADIO, UPPOSITB AR' AfiE TtUf.Al'RE, 64» BROAD 6T . 'W H. TURNER.

CflAMHERMAIT) AS AITHEKH nr pr-fHlon Wursery; refereners perainal liufn iv i*

ireHB A M-. Roi: A.1. News "fncA.fTHAMREHMAirv—Cnirred glfl wlshn.*? jpoctl'm, .

xb)iiTihBmii:i.lil or u'ailre->* rH e or c IuilI r*v:

VV.S:’’]! I N l! - U'umjiii vvl.NheS w,:iFli|nff nlirl hoilUB- i-U-.-riing hv the 'lay Kl* A.ililiinnl av e ,

V-JF-ivnii*-'.---- I SS’.AKKINO—4rermun wnm&n would like iMuiie

In I wiiFhltlg 6.1S4 Nurtii .SIkth siI SS .-tSHlNT} and Irtirlni; ’'i iiikr hmna. J4

rh'inrftl.i'n hI . Ujiai ( >r:in|fe

T,AD1j ;S‘ tAllnr«'d aintp. evenlPR, afteitiMon and Itiigrrlr dreRt.i ’p, iinustd. M-iUries pkirt«, hats,

e tr . floiiiF' HH'.fi D'lirn m-iFP than ‘ovpi;ii lini'B, h1! if5 bo narirlflj'ed. bIep PH SprinplSi-ld

____ ______________ __ _ _ _ __

L-MPIP; '•Ifler mill and proa", In y""! order, rof hhIb cheHj' T H. M VJ‘i'J i ET-Ij. Or-

ihBJ*d sC, Hlofnirieifl. _________ ____NOTICE-l.*dles' nr iBigsen' ru lt i mad* t«

measure anti tip: ehlrta, 11 PS and up;we funilBti fn-riiK Ing cuptom i'U>nk and Hull Housi), &T2 rifrlimfl'-!'! ave., Kelwein Twelfth and ThlilF‘*-nlh nui.. iH>en ovonlnps. ^OFi^K E iurm iute and suppHaa, deske. chalia,

laUlea, Uliilig riitdneia, bookuaflcB. Indeic curoa, folderi etc.: le r te stock eAfea. FitrnUur* Iiepi . 'JLVKEK rn ln 'iiig Co.. 2ril MfiH'i-t Pl.ONE hu-ge I'Al'Iago. ruU ur rr>f Baio Cheap/

fi'flo aeveriil g"-"! b a r r t 's -157 Avon avt.PHONOGHAPn and <'ope. w ith from fks tc

cliAmhenniiliJ or waiire-a:*, cHy 'pod ri'fen’noo. 272 Jjttnk si.

ctuiiir'y; ' SS'AriHINC—Oeni’M waiihiFig and irfuuliriK-i High "L.

Mintla. I’onipl'n n iw .sN O E n . ft*>PO< fL TAHLt: fnr

j -IP Clu‘*<lnul f*i.

Mf>; !'l C'lTulitlon.


«*T M P* wb«r, Bdk

>7 '

CH.AMnERMAIT^—Ckjb.'rod inaitj Pinlies aa ohambeTiniild. t<i go h"nie nt iiiKhl. I*

ienDnj/ ut.CJHAMliERMAJD—Colored rlr-] w p '.i* jjoxiiP'n.

chambermaid or wnlire.Hs; n.'fei'enco. Kb Hoy dnn irt,CHAMH!':EtMA!I>-Ulrl wlnbes poplMnn a.**

' nhamliSTinalii. Call or w rite WKi MulYsfiry__________ _________________ ______ _____

CHAMBF.RMAID-German girl w IsheP work aa chamb-^rmflld. lfS6 Orang" ah______ _

COOK—PlnM-olfinp Pr< 'iej»inni cr>ok would Jiki Tjvaltlon jiln h-iardlng-h'SMnf' or ]-rivnifl fam

f ly good roferenos. Afidvesfl ProtoTjtant Hox t l , Ntw» Clflc*._______________________________6O0K “ Good rolored rnok w lshrs a

as oooX In board lug-lioUFft or prlvnln fam ily, ^ddreas 54 fTSnretou bt , Eoiit Orange-jloOK—Hunjrftrlan cook v an la pin re . con prpoak

Oermori Hud lltlla English. H2 R aM ivlnPL'DRTCBBM.SKKR w’ouJf! like a fow mort; niB-

■ tijmarB by the 'Iay or At honie. SH re r day; flU! BH'b bent of rafpreTiceh. Adflresf* li'^x 3B. i s ^ i t iSnice.DRESRMAK^^'sK -F i£pt-.r1oru‘ed flrrspninkor do-

airofl dally engagenieiitB, .A'K1rf.-*s 4-' Htuto £t.

tVnMAN. i-an aew, Ing. after <IM

A-blresa L . TluX 2i

ivlshe* irt loar'n dreeanjak- |I. tiiuil'Tntr T'fiv rTtpv'rlvd ' . Nowk I



Bull' fine rondHIon. ImiiilrB


H P ritiNS A IX)..;il.b HAt^SATC BT.

SVAITKC.ri-''—I’nlnrciil Tvoiiian wlsh'^a p,iritloTi aeWiiliresH or unsknitipriiifili! *J2fi l’rr"*ni Bt

YfiLNCJ womiin. r*»fir*‘d. wIbIi- h n-'fillb^n u lu re n it riaftsed a# R+ rvnm , ran a-'PlJiit h"U>»eW"rk,

pl:i1n r>v)k!ng or Mowing, '■'r iuke ra re of Jijhco f,ir rnujiiH, n'lerence. .Siltlresk R.. U "i “•F N'l ft H officeYnTN't; SY'HM.SN, nfti'nhiB, tleslrep posItloB

nf rt'Kiionsihlllrv ; ten yc«F!-' of ofvprlanrH ipgeiPTu' ojlir*' vi sirli, gni'd |■''ftJ■enco furiilphed A'idrewp rnimble. Ron 4.*i, N'eun ufSre.VnUN’G woman, mfinod, wnnid like coBlifrn,

fi'W hours riailv, llghi housework, inking uara Of iiRioa '■)i‘ HtivlbluB eitnllMr, rufenrncB. .'S.rt- tlreaa Cntialile. Hfh tn, Newa ofRre.YfiUNG NsYiMaN waom U[«lalrH work or take

car* of ehiidi-en <ir IlRht houfip'a'ork; ha#> go-icl TefereOFH. khJ! 17;'l Dullevllie ava,, or phone 6217^ HraiU’li HrM-k.


] fe t PofTw mlllfl. equJpiwFd w ith th e pat*Tit ball I bearlngp: aaf''’’ tha t are ftrsproof and have [ bradp ineka anil handles. McaleH, even balancB,

iilirlng and tealeJ by the cityK«a]eT-

ALIj TUIAN’CHE? OF HARW APB-rU N l-T E K A r<lI.l,T ,RD CO,, soil tTi'l M irk it «t., rlty ,

"Tho II mo of Gi I'd H arw nre."4xfl~CAMHRA, tft: n j'iigbi oinii". Sin'', aiwi lot

of naiT0*J R-'i-k and l>'ghorn hm a fnr Hale rhftap. 4.1 Elllt-'l sttSft OXTUON’OR, V irtory No, 2; nriv, lliiih

u?ed; sflil |I2 . AflilrraB fixylonor, Rot 41, News ofilce

TVHKSS'illTBK. Rll-kenwlorfiT. IubI Ilk', new: oftTH-r hds H" UHB fur ■-irnB. a bargain A

];u rN N K R 441 Rouih Eleventh sr

W » te h * i n n d J e w e l r yH A PvG A IN-• Sti'ik pill. 1.1 dlanvTiuiB, IliSft

N'l' Jtll* AlidjfT'B T'Sn. Ri>* t-lH. Npwf eflife.I»1.-SMijNI'.4. In-wB t-r mounlerl. 20 p-r oeni

iofttir than retail, aond i'nntaf fi>r im-rviesv. C H- flE lliN TM I'lzrt... ?4 WT-?: Kinney nt.t'N CRI-JDll-I'iiiiiiom ls. w niuhtl. jewi'JiV. pay

|1 weekly: busirtjiB confldenllfO: Bu referetii?* rciixilred AGAR, UU Y ’fal H le t Pt., N. T.


"5 T 'J IW C:,\1UIIED IN p-TOCIC: W IIJ. l i r v BKl.l, OR KXi'HANUB. NEW- ARK. BE' I,N'I1-HANI> MACHINERY CO,, U3 r i i E B T s r r p t . ___ _BA FES - OFTir-m AND HOIIBE; B F ai


I .a d d e r s . D e r r i c k s a n d F la E p o le sCA HU ia D U/VDDEHfl FOR 8AL DIEAP.

PORTI.AND Iw U'D ER ('0.,lSfl " h .(iBBT.. NE1\ARK. N. J , TEI„ SK tllRA N i'H MROOK.FT.'Oi i ’OI.ES I.ADDEHB, BTEl’I.AIIDERS,

F T l.I.E T l'" l.K S M N i: PORTS WF„VTHEH V.VNEP D E P Iil'-E fl i -IAITHES DHTERH. V . II .NuTKli o n . IM Flr«L > t,, IIH B. B

S le n sAH'ITSTIC (.IRT.A thiiw in rifl and N'llorlnp. BT-

.1-\R-VE f’H.INri. Bur. lu >tvn-A-Tal, 7&f> Broart. iiBar Market / ^phone r>miii MtirkeU

S A T /t 'N - I InrriBnn Hve . J-tnrriBnil sellhiK hbv i-Moen h-u*»s iH li.'er 'Ai-'-klj. giKui wiiinkt

Hii.l I'igui ir.i I. , rent L'lft, fi'lo'!; J.'iriii SS'LS Z i.L & I'll . kiHi ffii'H'l, rooms kiS4

HAl^iHK. i"*'iiiral. gfod paying liumties*. ft-|H snil fr^e B iK rrl* 'br for jf Btilil

v -"k , }■'tiT i wti dvr-yeHT IcKs-v HartiyulHi"* at\V L N /E L & n I , wxi Hrfftd, nuiiriH Ai4-.'kH

ST .MAQiVrLAT gTri'PINF.Sri J 'l . tf l '. 'g t )P 4 J ,r , Kl-SriH HOIaK

IF Vm ! \SA.*n‘ TO UTS UKsj-;k si si k , "TH A T'S Ai.r ■

M-V<"k . M i:i:M F?T’B iN'ri in 'I i.u iM H TK! 1 HI K iNTC 2JiSS M \J iK i:r

iMKH' I ’USTI'MT-: 1MR1.0FJ Heari r.f iKiil *'HH h.r 'll,I, 'i.jving Idu .SI . ;j"ii.'iii''rB anil ifn

II.*: <A ijiij. F ruiiy *<v-rv day, I'ni’i-tiiin a'^er-Hgf ............. v ' . ' i J y , ivii l H ' l loMK luia*-, | 2 fiiHi

, Hii>. H I'iu-JS' ' ■lUuim'B ltsUiJr>'H iiijd fiiriiiiiirv., 'riiM Us j.i 'hie. going ubiou') M.Si’K, I'l/e

mab a bullituiK

rON* Ttl-.'i K HI 'I I .iH N't: Hi >n ' K rpiinufn' lur-liir l•U7«lt >1s, $2.ibhi iA"rih of atotk fiml iiu

I hlO'-i-}. nni*-ii>-'l Hill! uJiTlnlsh-i'l sv"rk. n.'i* run wiUi 'jf-'I'-ik . i>t1lri- aiLf' lyrinwrltM', itLin i fii-ciiiring I'UiKIuik l lg yar>l. p r l" ' {2 .'inD M-\,t'K, l-'ti-eirii'ri'» Inill.iing

MILK and muatirix-fn farm prontoriO*' rvery'' fi-ot imiFlirfom Ki-sunJ,

L>u H iih-'ila rive i ing b,ofi i2n nitwli.IF Ilk diiiiy, iw 'j horseF, wak"ti. natiB hniileB,

'■ pariiiHi wSt>i ranh for half tnipitiitM ,\i 'K F'li'vinftu * liullilliiK.

litLSIiLINU ,Hlnbl«, fine n-hail'-e ft ir a llltle money, 22 i-'.aile. lu or 12 Uoiir'l*rB «,l pnn

rni i 'hH lie;i;i-ii Ht. *tid SlKtecnih avc-, r+>'d el "Tf, for Inf'-riiiaMoii-

II.SKKRT, a gn<itl otih; a-iP| on anroutil Hleii- jiBhH, rfliil S'??! whole hnuae, nine mnma al^o

bakf Bhoji; htg r-rivliita, etfK'k ariil HAUK, FirfjJtion'B bullillng

H im 'U R Hfid egg lisipln*.'*"; flnw *LifH I uayaocUnn. rant $:i0 : Jhhb- rhiBe ,'eHj>r. iveii

aifH.'kef] anti up Ici dnih • nnh r'-aieinr, *-v.'r, Uilng 1 i>iiifi|Hie, reccIjiiF g2,1ii waok. prU'e 87.'p, asLar hUHlm'Ha M A i’K I’lie-nain a building

ROAUUiNi} }H>t'Kr, n -n r laar-kawiinnn f'Hp'it,H nl'’e iiMiiiiK ti jf !• IbIk-iI r--ni|'l'-lm, nil k,j

r'P'VpmHMlF rent |fiO. r*H’*'lpti* a-.eru*if JllD wf-nkty. jiri'’- *M>b M.-\rK, Pir*»meT! b f.inldir,i;

f-'i RNlBHKIi lU-room Rmad at : ('*it(iii liKtp-d 17 vi-Rrn nlr*ly mi'l neatly fmnlPFi.'i

reri'ipis f il l) muTith. r-n t giV> r ii ie luuu ,M .-\rK, FK-'iiian B building.

F flL M filir.U ROOM H O rSK : a.'.Tne rUiiA,[>rb H* JI r.iKi, rent Ml moiiifl, »|p;im h'»;ii

#'d Idi-nJ I ('llIm] locail' 11. r-i'-lpf.** S2fX! luonili M AST< l-'lreni'.'ri h liiill'lllig.

M n N PJ V I. C' A N K D.T 1>

Tl O U H K K PJ K H K R B,W O K K 1 N 1.1 M K N

A N DH A L A It 1 L D

W .M H L u V IC ri * M» A N D U H W A » 1)

V'Mi Will find tha A M JC It J C A N

a BtirprlRlngly dRfurent I n^t 11 UL ion from tha >ir Im.iry ioun rompan) you liia r or ruAil kbnut ! .iiindaiitlal ileahnfn. lUl k BtT\ Ire. cciurn'"UH rmvUni es. tiright, rheerful «>t|i'f'H. oiinaPlerale Ireal- nieiii ra ifh you can aff'ird to aa r. make us iJlffcreiit.If v«/U Imvi; never bor* ri'weit or if ycur e ip n l d ice witli iiiher cntiipunlBB lijH nri( tu-Mi entlndy pat infui'tury I’li'n ierall on iie.

Ly-t wb •■xplaiu ih» Atni'i'lcan RyHietil, U wli| |iil'HR4. YOUi Hi I, w ine nr ‘ph'iue

A M K R I f A N 1. I'; A N n M H A N Y

Heconil floor,■Phnna Alurkw

T b 7 R it 0 A n ST. r U n N K U M A H K K T

I ti'cn M'm<Uv, SVi' lneidii y atnj Hiilurduy (iVunilijiM.

U S L IIl\ O L 7, H A U K 11 HD Jt IJ U S T U H L





T>H M ANDIES ILLF, Bperlallai. nm Rrnadii\4‘r ' ‘bUda'M ivieniv yt'AfA* e in ‘'rli’ni'B ah h

a]x‘i-la iiBT xn nil .'hnnilc dloMBi'P of men and w<-iiiY*n, i .iiHrTh, her'OUi (llflBfiHeti. diRoOHee "f hniiri kliliw*)" atumarh. llv*>r nr tiUidder, rheu- rUHtiJim. Urinary htS'I Bit lung •liBeee-C*.

N.'H 'e^ nm.-e bnnrv 2 to 4 I ’ M nrii! 5 (i- 4 H M nl’*' Tii.“»'1bv imd Friday tin'mitig, ii tn U. f.FfTU'.e ch>H-d PnhJtvH and SWilnoHduva.

A l'V IfT KKFin

ruiM i'irUDUIT.M F Sri.KRY, Jh riCUAR ST

M aulrnrlng. fail' Rii'l ei'-ol]) mHiitage. HliartT'lEiiiiiig aiiil Iih.1t ilreMltig, wItTi a full Hoc ofpair ux'Wlh


G rrr yntir rnrppf meaning and yotlr tlphr>'- alering done wln^re you grt nuantlly ano

quality for your itnmey. Glnbe t ’arprt ri-nQ lng and UpholFtcrJng Co . 0-13 Camp­bell a t., form arlr 84JJ Jlroad a t


W aHe M 'iIph otirl RlrthmiTk" rcmrived forever by e ln crl' liv, 21 vpiira' nHig-rlntiite

M M F. W 1 !HT R H S' K I ,T Hf iW MER,21S S^'anhlTiginn at

H iTU’riT IT.\!.IAN OLIVE OIL Gerulm- HuniUgJhnri <-b''i*(it' lmfioria.1

sjiagh*‘tll I'UnnViia'H r!irK-n|nii>H uprl nil nther ItallMn "pr., iulil**«. WILLIAMS ft M.SGNANt, & H»»|leviile : phone U. [T,


from lii<lig-'eil "Tl iiiid i|yTi|..*prt|ft, -a hnii I giiar- (iiiier- a I'lppijy which n il/ r ’dii'i '’ you. and IB ,'j dnll>'ii>ii>< fifiid and itii'rwy Ba\‘i.>r, parLlculara.

WM SHAW lot iTIADWICK AVB^____MATTItlX‘'JHK’'S niJi'lP it» onU r nl cuBtomer'l

rt'FilJi'Tii'r-. fri>m f1 lu up: tiHBt work guaran* ti-e<l wi nell bi-'L Biirlngn. inAtlri'iutea at fac- li.rv pN'BH 1 IwONDA, 2Sd Hprtngrtfldi ave.M i d w i f e H rltate numliiR. cimflnemeTit; afl‘>p'

til ii; moiher'e care I .lT 'W in , IkH ISlgbCMiitli f t \p , corncT TTierMoih flt . first flr*or; tAk# Sprlngfli'iii ur i-’lnijh rd. enr to TwenttiiA al.

, [.AW ("fiMw'tlrint*. n" chnr*p unl-HH Hucreafful; I2fi Innn kAn vaeklv I ''Wilirt. lu, lUimugOB biMlPcHB and dnmpatiflSft |u.iji Ufio ft'eekly -HTfi’i lib'?, riul'-k, l•lln^blf!mlul adjii«tm*' Jyiin-*1 4fl weekly , ' ' U"t 271. N.-\s-irli ^ __

'ijpfH rr'Il.'i'lpil ; noc'Hvflll, i-'imillNhl >fl IrflHle, .S lili J'Fifl iT'iriipt nolurne.

l ie Irian— weekly Ifi loan—.&y*i. weekly 2h Joan—TOc, weekly

II f2 Itii) ]f yc,u have a loan elnewherB, bring In your U 'SI' I ' lM H , fM'Treceipt# ajifl wi* tv 11 wh'vw you hmv imjch you i ' bnicc uii.i b-* can wsve by h'lrn-wlng fmm us. Having lonm I iiiHln st^^iuMiini Pi"]"

pr.-s ru >"ur g'lllji^f I H V ^ '0 Ni'MB Ufli'olsewlitre (Jiles here

ChedU nnca entahllshecj witli si« la us gnrx] a# a T-ahk n -f-u iu in nine of nepii.

Our m il’ll Slid pliips hnv« prrrved lo be ih* beat because uur cUtKomeri aiii jchol tu come again-


Room HIM Hi heuei Jiulldlng, eighth floor.Curn*-r fiium] and romriiercp sia

Oppoalta HiiBii'trice. T-Irphnne 4017 Mafkat.Oi>cn 5 to b dally. Batur-lay to & J'. M.

iNrirf-TvS'l'l' 'N rK l;l* j-0* i pmhy treaim nnt !iI y -u r h' rni'B or -Dp Relirvllle ave., Naw-

iirli Uranch nf iiudium (iHypftlhor C o.Nl'fi Hr'Kid Kt

rrilN IS H IN K S nml I-hj>«‘ cl nil J- f.Hr'kii ft u ririi I >• i ■ il ;

ynjifh. prii-w fb'iO Cirjirbuilding.

I-I room be use v1 rent i/jme usnMA' K F'reriirn s

FHRNIPUKr> H rfwirii honw, nesr Mllltaiy Hark rniii J'-ioo liml over^Thing rigbi, i '‘

ceii'iH giiBi .iTii w il flAA monthly, pH'C .’[•'I'* M .Al ‘K . I*’l rcmyi,' s hu! liJIpg.

T H f ll ir modni fiiiTiiiv hi^firillTig and r hour*-Fi viU 111 H row fdon! lof’sl.lcm. II nil.i-

iiIhH fr'Tlri Urriftil m ,| M arket. IM, UJ r sjin-. all beautlfiiilT fur l l■^l'•'l, jecoiptH uvaruge S ;fu! werkb , r*'pl fl-’;- i iFig |cHiif s-n rlflceA f I ,'."o w'oMh donbb' g " i k n'-ulb Sf-e MACK, F.i"- men'H bliildlnR

' ij l'n 1,11JEJ!AL Ht.ANn’Hkr'N 11 "HS.'. fi>r iin» cjii- t(i ImrnTW frntn UI BFiy Hini unr from fH' npwjii-<l ui a few hours’ ni’dlcc 10 raiii ■j I aJI Mndr liMleUtedneMs

IIKFtF’R rilK H'lINTj If ' nu own Hous'">iold UoodH Hlanna em , I ft- ivlll mar, vmj i |ir i |ir . j j " ur rimr'-i at a

very i-en stmiihl <r'fii, finrl voi! ciin repas llH In BmFili arnountH each wc-jI; nr monUi nn you prefer.

A I>IurCflAl. JlHHATFir V, hat Tve all'>w If yjii pin up before iKs i i

I [ilruflon lyf th** iin

I lOEH your Bt'winp machine need n'lVilTlng?If Ho. Hcnd jKistal to Mit M JT 'T U il.U 40

Thirtc- nth B\»' U" rnmlrB all makenDlL MTTO SVF:NS0N. surgeon chlropiidlflt;

tti-tlsepHc methruis. fHHT M.iln Ht., Fn*| fir- HTigo 'F*h<'ne 11^111.

fiS.i'J IviMf, rrnv iT'iilFirl Oll'intiil iTPhri ddSi’eil «1|T'T'ltik bug lie/nv i-.irvci] ullvi'r Hip iilid

'-haln, fi Viinl H-diiiTi !u ifU-*. K. T' D f K - M 1 H iD I’lif Iin ihi'V pi

r'KK'I IIT ' \ I F- L'Si 'ir miHliii'1 rertiflru te nf lf.-!U ihsTiiiif )iij|li1iiig I,'UP, ei'i teii 'JA, iTO-'k

■.ili'iLi ift'< hliiiri'i' I I I' iiviiiy III Ilia M-iy Rolm, I' -iH'-t iii'iifv ''i lS H ,1, HELM J.’l iinuigi' ave.. It '.-iFigion

T f ' r y ' l WOM.SN with Inn yi-Km' eaperlencp dciiu'ea H fK'. Hl'Yn mh lypcwTiiBr '■ir gannrrJ

olTlce ft-nrk: 'Uilfli-y. |9 Addreaa TvnJel, l i x 1 |. New« offic'e.Y i'I'N C a-opinr living In Buburbs wiBhflf clpr-

UiUf w„rk nHK-hh,„h«.d Elm A'i- T;'. * ''dre** Amarlnan. Rpt wl. NewB offlci'. I _______ ____________ __ ___ ________D A T S W O B K -V o i c'tiT ' 'O '''" " ' I«y,

wants work bv day or wfleh; sleep hujne. A<1- OrimB Worknr, Pox 24. Njiwb-oliu-e. ^DAY'S WORK—W anted ity h iiTvedlBb woman,

work by the day, i leaning ofll' CH. Addctt-^s O.. Rftat 9l. New# officeD ATS WORK—Colored woman wlRhos day 'a

'For)^ Monday and luftnflny. Ad Heller p a rk ­way, roftf. ___ ^ _D A TS WORK—Woman wlshca day '" wniA:.

'washing and imiung. ti2 B<-imont a \& , uiiy;]#t floor. _D ATS W'ORK—W'lrr-Hfi wui-ui day 's , work.’’hauMOleanlng. MRS HTOKl-.R 24 YT'am-n pl

D A T s WORK.—Woman w ants wnishlng. Imh- Ing and cleaning by day. 217 Kim si.

DAT'S WORK—c,.|orert w pm n v-lJiheB day 'swork. V* High at . p. C'irid ho* t

wlal>‘ S i'iii«lij'in for nil -4,1 StiimcPHOt gt.

kln-1n hciUHewr-cR.

YOUNG WOMAN to lake charge cf hakBr?': al* years' eitiverleiioe. Addrea* l-1aJcery', Rox SB.

Nuwg nffU’e

YOUNG YVOV-SN hourn' w-?rk ’ft'anteffiFnlly bv Vi'iint ftimnari- MILLER, ftSTI South

J'-.leventh Ft.

E M I 'L O Y M E N T W A N T E D -M E N A N D

tXIl^PljE. white, wish fXTHlI lou. butler, n e tfu l;wife ctxik, r'-feranf©fl. Addi'ow '"apablo, Boi

Tfi. offirs.

DAY'4^ WORK w anted, w.-iahlng and cJean- Infr R>2 Elm st., hr»i rloor

DAT^fl WORK—W<iman wlehna day 's livtirtt. Living a t Badgar av-i*

* DAY'S WORK—Woitiiin wlshe# day*9 work. Can 27 Negbm *»t.. city. ^

HOHSEkteKPl'lR — fteapeciable, mlddle-A,E!;'‘dM'oroafi- StAOvI 10 nTiUiAgiiig 'vu’ii horn*. v,'uuid

Ilka position, a# hniitvkvHjiei' or wr>uj<l fske

C O rl’LR iiTerman), ajicak Englluh. wtsho* positloi! on Jnnlti r. 2d Heuslnr «t.

f l A C H LNERY F O R S A I .ENEW AND Universal and plain milling

machln«#. screw outting. speed and Bninnlng laltiea. single iiM multlyis BptntJle drills, fool and poivur |>russeH, drop humtnera, sharerfl, planerB, hand werw machInPH. monitor 1-ithes, agwmuiilr: forming niachines. gp.'i. enginea, elet>- irif motora, bolliTB. englnei, nurnps, blovvero, la c k tt WstMes, forges, emery grinders. fKillshlns fiplnrllef, vlssp, hangers, shaftlhg, ptiUeyH, bell­ing end mlMiBUkhcauir other torjis, i>ntlre plantacsro Of ■IcS J.crtr.n, wn„ki ,|s plnli, rm.klr,* ,h . rw t purchainl cart,

and u k a Ohai'gc- of hiune for fliQHlI tninlLv. ond-Hand Machine Co.. IJ3 CTibsIAddress Hrrtrtly ReBpeclable, Bo* Tl, qffina.H O U H EK EEPEn^lddle-ftK iiti German woman

wlshea pf^ajilon aa bouTVogeeper lu widovver's fam ily, one or two children, or as nurss. fO N ceth Wirlo» St.. Tf.mliiulr,HOUSEKEEPER—MJddle-aged American wnm- ■ an vlshea yosltlon in small fam ily ns hvAniie-

Bper or gensn ‘ 'N«wa nfttca.

'^OUREKFEPER—Mldd)e-aged ^om an. house* keeper, for widO'wePB hoin« nr cary for In-

Aralldi- good raf-arence. Inquire lOti Lafayntie

. — . ----------- -------- N ew ark iieo-, ond-Hand MachlJie Co.. 113 CliBstmit st.N«-wa I — - ---------------------------- —---------------------------! NEW JERSEY MACITINRFIY E X C nA N G ll

------- 1 8-19 Market st., — " ■ -Garvin No. 1^

or generaJ houeoworh. Adtli»wi H .. Ro*

HOUfiETWORK—Young ■woman, reilned, wlahea |4aae in omAir fam ily: no washing nr Iron-

l<g. Address Refined, B ox ftS. News ofRcfl.HOUflEUCClRlC—y.->UT»f woman wiBhen house­

work with a child 2 years old. Call IfK S. MfGUIRE. 17 HhmUton at., Newark-HOUircWORK—T a o

8-19 Market at., opp. Penn. RaJiVoad’ Stahori. Garvin No. , I'nlversBl milling tiiaclilne, Milwaukee No. 2 Universal m illing m achine with vertical allachm cnt. SiMnnh shaper. Stiles t'uiioh press No. B. Dardon ft 011vf?r screw ma- ch!n«. Drown & Sharps aurfai'e grinder, 3^-4 - Bi'lndio drill prBBses, foot. po%ver, screw and drcif- presaca, woodworking m achinery shafting, hangent*. pulley#* belting; entire TilarrtB bouji^tfor uash-

Fsework; good reffrencra. Call 254 Bruce, tfK: tel. 924R. W averly,

n l k . t u S r i tan M.

frtenda w an t general^ .......... . gooa re f----------

/ . DROMlS o tjeO w O B K —Young woman, m arried, wlsnea - te a eral hotuewerk; sleep liotne. MH& AN'NA

W ROPB, 7ft'■Adam s st..-BO UiircroRK —Reepef table colored slrl w ishes

Ujjplt houswTwork; small famlty. R O SA 'TILL * w W , ta Tictienor lane.HOUSEWORK—Oennon girt wtatosa gaiuvra]

kedsew etk; good cook. Mandrsx#. Addmas B ., Bet X , News oflkw.HOTfftRWORK—Young girl d e e l i^ pJact nk ^I^Aenat m a l l (ugitily; go w u ^

TWFJN’TY' •■S1"-"IB" Binger henda wlUj hesd tranfmlfisinTi. eost |2ft. tvIU sell for IlfF each;

offie Impartul huUon*ho1a machine, oost tl2ft. will pnlb for 140: two double-needle TtTieeler & ■Wllsnn, rest $rtO. will sell for Addrcae A.R,, Box iM. News efflce.

b o i l e r s , engines, boiler feed and ree^lver punihs, Rlr cnmprvaanr#, two t - ln n h Khto-

m atic screw machines, surface g ra d e r , blower with Kteam coJle, for betting, a t very low prloeo__________ ____________ I l WARD BT.

GREWEBS-BCTrLEllf?—Maohlnery, all k lndi oak, csrlar ami enamel cask tanks-, copper

kettles, all 11s. coolers, Alters and a ir oom> nrenaf'ra; Imller feed, acfd and liquor- bumos. FRANK SCHAUfi & flCNfl CQ., gg Clay s t.

EI.Hf^rRTC mutfirs bougttt. sold and ren ted : elfiftrlral tepalri pronjptly - attondeU to-

6 F KLEY Riectrtc fQ-. 20 MsTcgf; tcl.SagJ Jg k t .

o o r a a a BOLTEN H A O flN EIR T CO.Mil and buy a ll kinds of «acond-han4 machln* <yy. ,2B artd ' ^ Caraflaid it.WOOD m jd tlo f HKila, isundry e ^ o fp iM f,

H o n sp h o M r .o o d s iinH F u r n i tu r ea t a, M.VHKS. 20‘< 4\'aHhinpF'in st , cnrFier

.Vf-vlemy. '■Vf' 'h e la.r£;i-flt st-'inniJ-hHJulfu in iiu rf lioiiH' In thn c ity ; ftJinIMji'h fllgfitly iis-fil stHil J-r: ttiaii half ran s.-eft:i ynMT*(-lf. vnainel crigL J'J, we sfI!Hm- Jlfti'. .lirunw-iivim tai»]'‘». SlFih-'i: Uii pi: v.-ih!l Hiaiii!". fowl ti 7f»0- , piUl'F Hi Ol'F. fl'lHl JU ft'Ithi-hen ri\DkT»- rnsi IIS, wi- ppH for tft, Hui'i- iKii'i r#Jijre '•'■-U 15. ft t A< ii |;i; laryT*biiinan, with inrg-> gluvs, i-i.fl we hpIIfoi H3.45, ihrr'> t'H'Cv parl -r suK. I'-, r'-i'kcj'fl, She. itii'l uji; f '/ith e r pllJows, SA-:. and up, tiK'l a mmiy thingfi I <o n u itrtf uk to menTkjii, at A. M.MfK ri. 2iw 'W'flshlngion st.. cor­ner Aoa<1‘'m y m . _______________

ALMOPT n 'ft' itjil2 Axinlnifier rujr, I'OAFionYiM": I'Ihii Indv'fl ti’ii,? rhnvl'it, tn'C s-iyln suit, fine

cOMrliLlim. rl'.vH; r ’all NUNN 17*- Plane et.

ALWAYS liiivv bargains In Welsbach gaa maj3t1f.*g. KLNT'R Light Store. 24 CllnLcn

at., <nUle.'A In Now*rk.

PUT vmjr ftirnlHire. carpet or anything you tnflv want at aurllon tipines, That's thn way

to save mutiey, N EW ARK AUCTION riALliS- ROOM Wnnhlngton Ht. 'P b . nn 470d Mkt.R U A rT lFU L Imffst. rosi 1*5 'llrjlag l.- -

hli'', tl4 rst; J’rliKeei* rlrc-dsvr, fll.,V». VH’uft lift. wAiJ imI b, lilmtry tahle. value tls,1011 riprlnsfleld ave.. I n l n gton.CAIIHKT your flo-r for (3; rfivorsll'la ruga;

beautiful wnoH Jiunriosn. Orleni.Bla. Ken- slnglnn rui,'S IftO Irvliifit.m a v ^ , BoiKh OrgF.igi.]>Hl';riyMAKEtt'F' slarwl. 3ll; hoUH‘*hul.'l arilclet

far sale. Top floor, 22 'fYiFipan f t.. Kcnrn\FTiR SALK- Party huvlng no use for dark oik

(IHtiiiH-m'.-m fui'iiitur*?, '■vill st'll same rh'-fLij;Tl iHiiS'^naMs enter rrfut.uii. l.'ail 'WodnpstlFiiy

aftt’Div'cn, 127 II'U yw " itj ave,, p>iai (.Jrjn^e, near C rnnal _______ ^__________FOR SALE -PuMland m nge. kllc-hm t.’ahlti"l

and P'iH p!>ii< i' fiM bK wr*ek. a fte r fi n'rlovb, Td Wallace kI.. Omnsti-'.______r<-iU SALE -Kli-clicn range, in good condlL 'a

with waterhack. 7t N orth Park st.. E iih Oraiipte. ___FOR JLU-E--Sma)l Mie D andy oook bIovb; 18.

1<il Hawkliifi st . n ivn n iN IT U R E ftjr rale, two ruga, two harj

slTlDB. '>nu brass hvl. one bird'a-Bya dresser; all nearly dciv. GARLAND, Sh3 Seventh ave.HANDSOME dlning-rCH'm chAlra aud ijd':-

board. cut gioae ami p^G lerei. Call 463 High st. _____________________________LlRKAflV SET, oonsjjilng of four chairs,

table, on Sinnilurd Encyclopaedia; to go at almost ■ price. 70 Forty-first st.» Irv- ington. ___ _______________m a h o g a n y Inlaid hf:*1 and flretiicr. with

beautiful mlrrur. f a l l a ll w'eek, "3 Elghtf^ ave., near Broad et. _

RAKKRY-'HIOi LF7Y-A w«*H-pji;'trig and long- v/!talills.h<-<I < anh tiakf>ry aiiri Ki"'.Bry bUBliuaft

In Iiiang'.' A-lflrCHS Hak'-ry. Ftu* 2l> Nbwn fiflVieRARj:f-lR HIK'H f'tr « ii '' g''<"l Uvatlou. r« -

[•■(iUjtF ilh . n-' 'ffer ri-fuK'd. Inrjtilrft K4' Ninth ave,. nt»a Hlfft-emh HtOijI-i n FL'R Hh'ip f'*r sale, an old, rrlliihle

Riend, "!■ traffic r<ir«-Di; owner in aji'.'ther ] biismcsa w'Tkly Incomo S-iO, oOnh trade, will sbM trj qui k buyer. Ba« agejil, 89 llafthlnn Ht,. 1st flf'nrCORNHR h'it'“hcr an'1 vegetable m arket for

Pftlr 'h-'rii gcod tiftl'" . J2i'i rent. vi-lih Iprjh, for piiiir aj.-1 IhreB living; rorans. lo-julfe In sir.If. .S:; H 'ilhliiU st , r- : N ^ _ V n rk ftVi .____rt'M H T^irniLT furntHh'*.! lO-nxim bouT**, In

H'. ij ii--iili 'U: all III I" ivrmeiit.*, and tiionny n'.iiW*-rru V

rONHECTlONHI-tV ton HIM "pf-H'-ri r

ir.i'lu'led, I'l'Hijilf'ii JI H) ft’Bokly , ivei; a I'jrprrM'n'B hiilHIng

r i HfWl HUTK iirm rbis* r bolt on Ciinloii

iiirMlemiB rent, If' v*'H- ture-s: beautiful f 'OiiUil-i ]''iremen * hulf’dlnf

KATjGON- F*"n'''n<l;r1 pavi ifir line; l■-rr■ll.'■•

niBhsd hI it ImvI , ni'*li i- gi :b, pir , rent mi "il.tu IP*"*u|ifB in '-iH tf' S"2-gain Flt m-i <

f ’AFT A rjin,,!:. i- 'i-svlrli ai*inM' rJii«s m

i-icn?;! ri''giiApM'R, '''■Hri *T,' ilire*' llvliig ruijneM'"-' , ipieijiiB guui-iinl'•'d II i!'"l price M \( K

I r>’ rt fo r ie rv h ii" i| i'c '' SUOfi is.-.-k .

li'H'*'* f'li'f.iiii MlI I'lirKuIn M V K

r • RI r,i) rrnfS’ \i u H h 1 r i in t i l i iK . f 'jr If" (nnklliR uT'- li • I* lu I UC- fi 'OJi IJ \ . RL|ii ui n« l-ar

: UK

THJuRL ARE M A Yrf'iHSon* why vnn Hhuvji-I 'lull ftUlb US. hut thfi I’!r*'ati-Bt Heae'iii w« ''ITmT I# \Vp kI'/*' yi«\j a ftrl'icri n p y Bhnvviriic vu..r ■iHdaui In plain figure*. th'S miitHini ilip nnii'biui fo>pr» I'rtl'l ra rh OT rh a i 'i fair;isn 't It?

Y4 rc AHF-: IlLI I.Vlil R\A>'ie lipf-ij estah iH'.'-'l !i' 7 " "n ik fur tw in-

ly-tft- and ha.+i "t,K lljii'-ft-n t}, | r ' ' i t 'N(lerlli ."n! ii i Ht-igi* 'if i'lii;. lit; ,iii'ii*y Vi tiiki' J l- ,i pj-ht'’ In ' ur <iulf'k, ui.i'*', UJ'-tu-Jille rnUUrrr j r.f flnliip F.uelneeM Jf iinfiLif i.- -all, wrU'- ot I'h' r,i- i.\t,irkpl 4Ut;.’ii /iiil . 'ir r e |rr'’Hf u I n li r a

WI inl .... . fUfilnlTi "111 I'iiii 'f> yiHiHI'k il-r.E'K Li'AN ANN ii>b'Ki;KAnB ,

Rk'iHi 4'iL fl'M f Nlii»;:ita M,'!g ,Market wi

I'fiG UiHl pNllny n- ruing AIrrtdBle puggv ; ' mu!" Ian ftllli Mai k Nutl lfi'; »lrav"i| frvirn

li .mi* iPtt-:iri] I 4 I 'hIFa HT .Ii \S'lnthft ppl , MHiilpfti'f'l N

I'l'rij L'-'HI. ["-iiiiter l..> pjii ' V ft K'* bn •<

In lin '* ri He . RTil et 11 .V \ S

'AIN l '^ ^ r'ljiiim !) I" II 111' I ll.UH, ,DI ,

I 'i riiin Hse

vii Mii-jii, ft-urpuri '"I **e|[, an iiuriv

ii-'i 4;;:! Muihf-r^y

iin fiii| W.-*tpriunn IH ITuHi'i t i-iir ' fi

I H'-wurd II re tun i''!

I.' -N v|,"1 |r(*n.; . I" V. It r

' aJi'J ii;h' '•11 N'-''i I Fif-itl '"I rlii'l"-

s Pn'iM ahii M ark 'l, !>’■ itimriiuul mift" Inchen ||•Il ; Ir'iii

.•wur'1'*fl M'NKVIN,

S blresa No A g.nls, Uux 88, News of- p,,„„____ ________ . 1 ri‘'e |iit5 t-r-iik’-'' $

I'i.Ali* ^nrlniu-ry, . n ii ly and dry goiyls v-■' k , p i'rp .11 'vDi!ii K r.ii ntcoURi I'f e'cLriifs :•* ownsj Ad-

FAok 27 Nl vi'Ku-u hb|i for I rtr-t-sIJ fiir Ht. I s.-M.K. -HftLall haniw are arid paint bnel-

iiHrtR . '.i-iiH'hed |H y--irs, inwn 'Ju-ifO, in vifUii'.'S-r gurul h>fl-'<’ and Ii>ca!l'fi, reusI riiii'ii I- I evf\rytl-.iiiK In Horfcoi f;ionlnn or- .,](, If >1' -i 'I'lfcltly, t’gn le h''Hghl. f"i A KT l-:jl nih-‘rbHh. "1-1 iiiM liiveiiilKiii'V A'lilrcR.n HardwuP'. , l:,-n ,'kj, N"ftH "fflee. '

Mt lALHdrfJl-l '"ill*"* n K''" •

ft in-kl\ M“kf-f'r'iF 14M ilnllv I"' Ji M.\' K, Hl;-

-nnklriB . ' r ,<!i I’i'-ludiiia "ijf!-. rn i|. ft-' , t

Ml hal^"K I..

KLi:irinM‘i-'t '"I'l^ K'iih" :


yoH R FtK.riT FRIKNT' M-INEY.tYHh TniUi'-y yi'U rail buy fM'u.tHhip 'T Hi

Bfiulvairnt The iii..«t you get fi ,m frlendB le ' liiptt!h> - IJU'I IH poor uuinfi.rt if I ha landlord

la Hi yuur d ■! " r the coal bln empty,IT TAKES .MONET TU MAKE GOOD.

Fie iTirUtp'^nileiii abd orrariie rtu- mnney on jo " i " * u rtui •lir-IMIliy. <lH inmjKh u, ji«y i.ffth'-*e llillu .mu lug MHh. I 'h' v-.Lirsf if In a [...■•Uiiiri ftliHTo vuu can turu ar'.im.l nii,) pay b.i k In fl in t or n,-.rjTliJy ituni"* lu uulli JI irH-'.iiif-

t h e riF.APOVH HF;m a N'T'=(

-l ! I" I l f ' ' *'.■■ V (11 S

1 " T t - ; 1 'p ) ii ir i[ iK HHlI' II r tn t'iu iV n(I’ l- -M' V , <>n S''lU 'll T w i'l lT h HI n ftiir M .1 'I L u n

H ' " iO n . l f r ft'i l l r t t ' j i •! M U -! ' ' w 011.1..7i'^ ri " i l l 7 -'M ifH . -lu 1 1 l■l•• i\'- r*'W ftiii f>r1.';* ir K " , U ir-H .

F O :i '' ' U T ' M l" 'K L 'p l r i i I 'll h ly n ik li!1 ' ■1 fill n Em-'ll t; ,i'> f M . fill M l . Pl-' .K-

r I ■ hi r tfiuiij. U'li 1 II t 1 t"*"k . .rU a1 t ,' ' 1 1 IVvrt Ir,' •111•' HI I ' '' > • 1 1' Elii'H *e

' 'M ■' '•' 11- 1 .iirii-'i F . ri ' ■ R I M . I ’ r ij-

g <■ g r-a t '■in i"."•ryiii flv h'jiitiW'l '^nd uthf!

1-1 iFifR ivuii hJn nnd 1 ihing*


F'''K s 1.1-7 - H^auilfuMy fiirnlshe«1 houft'*, l'"ir...... larg-w, light nviin", n'-ar tHPinlna. t-n-

iriiu'* fi’M'd wHh deHlr.ibl' roomcTh, m-nriI , | . , t ; . Ti- iulre 2ft I '‘Hire m

pl K FNikerv. on c n\nilfle!on - call ad!a ;eMs«in -r iiinch, ft i hivpm "r\ ;

.V'l'lresH KAlfil lU-lied. Ib ii X, Newi*offU-p. '■'tanc'*

11 \'iu,r l'"-lrv T' ‘NV NVwiu H'h 1 iilon Iniiiillny. '-ij4<ih Uf.'YR r-.iufD, i,-Tif'

dry ft'J2M, wllh f''u- I-'' ii'K 1' N'lRTNN ft, N'-HT'iN

F O R HAFj F cu t a l o n e yurr l liUflineeH.

7t N orth Perk st.. 11 Hi

ON ACCOUNT of m-iving, wlU sell five-piece parlor suit. wHli nweTS. newly Uphotstarod,'

cheap: also other ih ingr 2.T2 Sm ith sL 'PARLOR B U rr tJ5 ; leather coueb. fO; Igather

divan. W; uornei chlrui closet, |18, oost buffet. t34A cost ter>: m uod u b le . J7: kitchen cabinet, jiJ: r'«ik drcjMier. $H; chiffonier, |8;. marble top d re n e r SI.75; sm all oak dresser. S-1.5l>; liook CRM. $4.-'*lL m ahogany bookcase, 119. cost 185: 10 yarus ing ra in riurpat, $3.76; pro-rru>Bpl mg, $4; finj8»el rug, < lh: Portland rsnge. $10; gas range. $8; o ther odd pieces cheap. 08 Orange a t - _______F R I ^ A t^ SA U L-iTum H w e, ' l i ^ ' ffljptaliaJ

, . .............. gr'H’idfHying pru; -iM.-n: owner Inw "Uier buelnesH '

1mtrp>!r«. Adilr''H“ A. R.. H’X 71. News uf- flvp _ _ ____________h ''H riALK f'liTv steam Isun'irv In town of

5,'iHi. in \erU K 'tl'll hivlicil, K"C-1 reafr-m fur HO,ling. Afiilrrsh Uux News ofHf*. __________ ______________

Ff.iR SALE fuGy ecjulpT'^ct- Fnr fur-(her n^rtlculkra uH'ly ii Rm.VHv.'iir Oarage,

Rorkawuv. N- -L _fkjR SALK. flrHi •rla.‘=B l iirheT Bbr.i', rHawfrn for

Hi-Uing. iBHVlTig f um ry. yw .tG L R . SliriH'inv Ft ____I-TUN-lriMKT' w,>i**n n m brlrk 1.. uen, nejir

iji'ilutticp, rniii Ell ti:i liniTri’.-:.,. iii*. $i,-»0 C'rtHli «nr| UtVJ on Hin- ft " it » y i" i 'lotmcni. Ad'lff'eii 7 . Boi IH, N '.fts oiUrpf’i1!'i''?!HY' anil lf-j|ciiT''-i?."n ututP f.u hbIb with

f lur iiNiuirt hnd bi*ih duInK J I. -ul rjmh huKincfuj. flu** locailorj. S4'i" t*' ’|uJ k Ifuycr. 41I . lU le t r i l a \ r . ^

fUMirYTRY Blni-p for sal'3, in l'M‘*h n*Igh-' burliood, RO*iil rp«-ion foi fl"rfc; FJiijiilro

II. \A‘i':fSMAN. .8dO Soiiih Eighth M.. nnax Hlftncnth .isr1 W ll .L e?cpi:hnge a lot. vHiu*i S5i»h. for %

cash paying vT'-ir-cry store. A'1i1rev Kxohangfc, r-nX 44, N'-wm I,.rice.OLD EriTAHLIrillEX'' ccnfprrJ'"n.-rv. 'n tallonerf

.'iiii gr^ri’T'. HiTOEB frum a larg" Hchupl if Lr.iiO ch tld -'n s'.^re n n i 4 trlnsn p.-onir; rt-m $15, giiod rpn 'm fur .‘*elli1ng, A'idrcuh A , IJi'i Cl, Nftft'B olfi'-e __PAlNTFiiR will ftxchang-B Tvurk with dijnltut to

amount of Si-'h Addrees I'alm er. 723’ North Blxih ot.KEAl. EriTATE- Wanieci. Jn eaiAbllohed rgul

pftiBtti bu/'inojiH. Or»rig»j, a«oucliii^ Dart-ncr, m ust be mai: -'f high cbaracUir end fa- mllla: with ili-i bu3lnp»s. jlm? mipfo-iuplty for Tight man to foifo butlnf^a ronn'fiJtlon,AildresR ('rii;fiifentiiil, Ik'g 19. News office.REri' for ren t: best Iwatloti to the

city; ax rn .th ing complete eri'l ready fi»r busl- nesa: rent aJmnet free. Ad'lmoa RastauraiiL yjni ]fl. New* offlre.__________REHTAURANT an'4 Jutich room; best bUBluBes

block It) l ^ i t Orange. Address Retiring, Rox 76. News '"dtee.

!4hO n rY S K n-l ['iiy rn t"'‘k’lC, .V .1 ! ’

Chi4M!Khei-; -in' V'-Jir >• I o-nN .4- HI I I'r

H'Hi n r f l’F s 'i'l r"i ‘ t nJTV . ;»■ rr ■>'1. ' -

li\ l7iu mum? gi'un I . ; .v m HTu N h ii Hui

FiT'Yri ei'iri i'«- ng grTv-en'T*pfpij-in t'-" ‘ t l ‘‘ fHlahllahi'l "

gnitirl om ilU,ir|lt\ N - 'I tT i.N At S * ' \ r ’y 1 'nl iii build ng.

• 'llTi IN A .'i I" ki'-HB h r i| '-r« r it

ft’ ij' iL-nery, r ipn r r 'c i’U'iH is,.

1 , all 'Jlil.r-. , f I'ntori bull'! 11-If

imher .■5h..|.!■- ■ tpif* JlVVl, r.'i ■

■ I 'Ivlfll' T' -'Mlf ■' I'r. . n liUMrlirt’

r ' " ' ’pr> Ht .r- '- rent t'.'-'

"'•rr -iriily. N'nriT' ' .11 Milk

P E I l . V m Hri TO UK VI I :R t.

Ij 'I IIH kn< w V. 'If Wjinl.- f ir l .r .i . . /i'l l-n ' 1 11, I'l-diiy "U'l "iJ' ! i I'l'-.H'-r r.i r -■ I'J I'rLil

litiJiifilUlely.Th*' fm 1 ibat ) u f t ' kei'i Ihk iiinj«' .-n'HleH

you t'J OUl Ct'Ti i t*'l iMl II NEW IKHHI V

' L n. ‘Ph'ine I7.M1. t'en tliry bulldMig

lAK.S’ I f l .112 \ljirket i»l


K I N - ; L " * t W'-' I'l I'l t' ' ' m:r,. ,M

» 1:.' 1 !, ! t

L |! •'

'■'.Vl l- ft - 11■ ••' ' Ij

I VI ML i- 1 J . \ ■ • . ri ' il. !.■

1: ■

1 '-r.-l' 1 . 1 •' .{ r '

W V ’'1 ■II L ■' -

r<‘ •'. a n '

u \ r r

11 1

H 1 f t .a . '1; f . 1'1 u. r , . ' ' ft 1

M It . ' i r i - . f .KH .'■r. W Jr- :i i

in I'l mi 'if pn-rrr.l M'-D'^Vn' ri

-'fn' gi'M rwu' h. f u i.'''‘t)«akp; I"!! .( f ir.uiK*',mi iT'-iTi

■ t If r'-hiiii4^ U)

'.I'h i ft

■ k V

''111 I

J7WI HUTS birtchr-r thn' 117; bfUi Mih;.'

NullTON ftil I'm Iekl? I - !F T27A;

NfFtT'lN ft

$lfVn Mtn'ri higiii-'d liiiFtni-*'

1 tih II Ipiiil.'ln;;

$2 UHV- UJJ V I' *V ' i-il,

I Khe S 7 V >- "i '- i- "R tf-N 1,11

'••r O -n In Hocp’-lllw 'l-ilng V ^ 'R piN .4, N'h h T 'iN m i

*.«i I'-lvuig IrnkPry fn ' ,, ’ •’ I • “ J4ffl. rcuf iri" ' iV Nl ' lf’.T ' i N: >n tiiill ling.

Y nVERT n i r - ' i )M T o i T l iTf.M''

^N H' y,S.\ K WI !.r. Ht ‘Y VO f fiON 'T '4 \N 'I FHOM

ALSO I 'f iN t lN S t 'F riTORKri AN!) HO 10H1H.S H^'H UMT ‘Tl HAriJ! i2 >». I'TU O B -'N O f : PMOS'E 2071 MARKPTT

\ (M V . '! ; ,\i .'• ft\ .'II- In H 'l- k

i n k " 1 '.fffh . :i. f - ■ inMtl 1•' V ■ S . '

uHtabUshod curpoTH rlu’gnixl HAfary; cu'i ' tci. :

F-'I win li'm Addrek* i*’nnfliit'” i '-’Kia

t.fl r*o T' !to ! i

IliinDO IKHino. LUA.NED TO ' 'MM.'JG HKnl'I i: H ALL

Ul,.VriSl.h 'M I ’LAIN .V I I L.S Nl • .Mi'K'l 1..Ml IM ioU riU l .So i'HULl! j 1 V,NihMliNO I ! lii TlTwr*.

|>pK-e»»l rBf'F It' Ih" i'lty uiiil "iief'ent l>ny-Iri'-nTf \\ « ft Ml l"-.sUiv. ly huh .iM.-, 11,nr . ur empii'yer, frii-ruie ir mlmlvi H iii'i'.i m-.' r kni w .

' Yi-iJ gi'i in- U'y t.tir ftniiif- 'lay vi dj .-aU o a M w i’* o m ; w u r iK

NfclW JLllriKY l'TNAN''F'7 ID., lUJiTL :u2 -nn ri<'MEi'j'.n u r iL i iNG,

UHo.HD AND C uilM l H' E ril ri 1Oppoille l-'iieiulllL'e. T"l. kftH Mnrkel ;

l o .vs' s o n r r u M 'i i!K |.s'KWwVKK I ' l u n Jlil ST l.u \ \ -,1 if i sT[f rS‘ 1

U "Pius T.l I•.s 'n biill'l't'^ Miir-niu ri '( 'j iruou iihd Iti'U-11 hIh

I'fre.ili'ni .lui 'H r ltljj|i*- I .'io 'ijf-i ' S niriiu 't.

M'-, ' I'rf-Fkli'nI JiBMjaI' If i-' 1; V \-iti"Fi

J' rma.S'ir'-r F >&• -1 II M'- Newark Unnhlng

t' L Viin I'J' Nliuiwi:' ' ' vvtTl K D ri-F I . Tl '

All romrai-tP fitudn I'H i»; wU! I'*‘jir ii.t*r»f' at 1 '; !•< i

Th' 1 r'.*l ll.l'-r'iet 'llJU lf'l PT' nii'Dilis in hk oh $5i' M Mill on *H1 fln. FtiMiLoam Jifi'-d fru"' n '.f i (IfT'Cr II- lira ft B" A M t • •' H M

F O I N DI'T.i'igp uve., '- '!i rnOTiHv;"g itnipirny.

M O l U k i | ( IwIbS VND B IC Y C L E Su Hi.i.i - w'ii:i-:i.ri

M"',' l.-M, I'J l ; 'i :sM f i r - - ' ‘ l " K LS F . - t r iT E l iN X T A T E S .M - 1.1.1, ' '• -'i .n 'I ' .S', ' -irk fi'Tkm UiiTn-I, M' I; 111 i 1'■ 'i|i, ‘I'llum i'la,

' i i - . i . j i i n H " I r.i I i f' irt). ri t^ort ift . Wnvuri}i ',

• : S.*' I ' \\ V t lrra* '

g u i:( 'Ml u I

'r-lock I fiI leHl. S.i-

' I.S

WMfJKI • .4. ' iri I ' fi' , ,t-i: miti Tri"gH, .11'1 riil' 'n'liM B until in,1 I|s 1 Eri.

- ' ' 1 I- s i ; - ", I; :' i;il ,ir in n'"V : ' ' [ ' .1- y ;i.’w Ti-ib'jii'', "lie \e^ r

S.' ■'- -M *- I'i - r.'-'diiiH. T”' ■ ;! ■!'’ I , I'r " ‘ii , '-oi'-'-T ’vpalilng ;

• nr •"■, ■ ' . i: 1/ g l- an£..H'.hTIS,

■irn'i' li iTiint rirodli..:ii,' It. i!il ‘ *-M"UJi -Jiftt? t?. B.

Ipn iii'iMi''

r-t T.mJihfi

m1" mr.uOi'.v' :iPH'* 1»il li'nji.

r A j r i ^ T OF.'VTE.STH, DaBiftf'S, Trade-AIarltP, Copyrights.

ricTi'l fi>r my buok, "How to Gn Theio ' mrillH l H. H HI iTTR. Patent Ijiwyer. 306 M -,ia til ’.‘..■vBUingtfu; uaip tiJiHUtntu Bt., Hhll-eoeiphia, >ii S Hearburn at., Chicago.

J l/)ANri ONFU R N IT h A - PJAM 'ri, iloKSPri. Y'AGOSa.

We m B k * ll rih raaj ae [/<'KeiI,|" ffif h*ineel [e.>pje I.' (tl* biiaineaa ft|:!i uh, V\ •' 'n :ir''';'iitB the fact tha t vVmry p*Tt"Ul nf pii,!'* !c"trf;S 'u keep ihjilr pHraniiKl affulrB privati*, auil we "an premies and guanm lpe to «uch aba''lLl'4 cutih- descs In all Iranaju-ilotis L-tinducttiJ t^iih u*.

W E TliHriT TO r.will open a '^oafldenilal cre<Jit acenunt with

you. I( yuu are In neei) of in'in>*y '',iM nt our ofllca. Tmrr account wlH b** wulcomcil, and once opened can away* be uecd. Vuiu huvs use of bi3th mnnuy and gnoda. Money In few Qdurfi a fte r aj^plylng. D<i ti <4 fail to crH and get our terma l<i*f"re doing hualrit H* plsewbera.

BECl’RJTY U M N (VMHa NY. l!W MARKET FTT. ■«?!.. 24l>8 I. MAllKBST.

U ON ET to loan on hauieiiold gw>da anrl per-* •OQOJ property, without removal, our n itfs

ore the lowea* In the rity; Quick, cunfidenllol and reliable; come and gel uur terms and b« eon Vince d,'

M ITCH ELL'S. lOd MARKET ST.Rnom 33. over Van Orden Corset atore.

e r a ENTZEL R lfliA H D S ' F’liietil Ijiw,riU i'lirrs u' r ri and fo jrigu [tatenui. trade

tiuirka. rni'>Tlghta, 745-7 Brnod el., Fe<!efal Trust Illdg . : eatab liq h ^ jgS5, tel. IjBril Mkt,EVWRETT. BL'SBFLL M . patent lawrysr; all

m attrre relating to Invenilgne. tr.idejnarka fln«i copyrtghtf in the patent office unci rciurta. C em fr liiond and Mapket: let. rilMiSR Murkei.



1: \ Ft'l.U.N^. J</-fu:.\ iN s,All u'jr U'U II must jc" regardl<'PS

nf prli f *'• Tl a1»'‘ r'r rn for niir 1912 mcdi hH.I Y-.-i piiii'l l i t 'n ! t ' 1’ an npprnnnU y like

UriR (■''■■nf’ a'.'l H..tF*irv viiur^f-lft full to s*; the IklL’ miKjel. r**ady

rjfitcyrvA UWiT Filin',rti* mil'lMnp. 2 ti H. P.. ch»in

' drU '-n. In -\ 5 I ''ri'lMS-'ri S I.'.R I'^Y i'L r'^ Ail Mvh vin 'h’ h|cv.ilea; Paytnn.

Du-labn, ilnv'-rfi'ril jitTl Hji'kanT: i^'kl 'O cn'ih *ir 'f - iU t' ."’n'l f.'T- - iir Miue!r'ni«*‘d (ninlngit e

' KI I f"'‘ri -J • "'•ri r l •'nli’U.'" ■F‘h-'*nr Ltl.vW Sfku JF,'V EK FO LI' '•Y' l.i: H4A Pri>;id ?t.

uri'-ra E'iiii fi'T- B*H"iMlh;im1 bloycl-’S m il n’ftf ir' C'-l'K Drii'i Liii u iK'?tal aiul we »vlH I 111 Wh i-.'fcaln nn.| remll. __________

j 47 SOUTH (HtANGli: A V E .-L arge o v en t^ -k I >f $.7.fl hli’iflen. which we win neH for nT,5f> : for A Hhnrt timu vrily. $7 pitll puru-uire I tlrns. $1 II'' eanh: posItJ^iPlv unly one pair to

euch cu.s|nmer: o|ien evsjilng.'*. S^'llUT/IJJCyi-lery. 47 Soutfl Orange ave No connectl-'n w ith any other wfore nn avrnue.

N E \V A U K ^'~ ib '1 |>n--'YPLE* MATIT.The famnua flying M“rkel haa r^ u e v d tho

prk:e r . j on all iti'NleSs. come and »ee the ruiTilon fram n; u^ed machln-H etorage: egpert repairing .TFHLF._Jh7 Uiilsey si.MOTOBCyF l*;S sold


IN S T R U C T IO N I N S T R U C « ( ^

M u sic.i d s f p i i i n b nA S S P .rr,U im MARY ......... , -

I'UltHirc •fxi r^i<arlOii'i'. IS.■lu.lln. l»(l K...irlli f i r . r lly ____

w»ii«s4>ys=Special Real Estate Days=s>«iw.R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E — O U T O F F A R M S F U R S A L E


A rlin i^ o n

5 BAROAIN'. n»4iF A lU ntic O tif . ny^r two of fRum I'ifirt; wlH Rnll for flJfli hI**'

HiT»‘R for tio


4U t* p o M ^

a y v i 'U t^ tn in .

UUiir Co . lln*»d it.





W ,M \\ I NS*'M I'AA jr^iumvd plant, Iri.ll ml I''!'* ai h i. .id.ll,. i n Swilli EU hlh •!

7 ■ lf«n«>ii UI At MM hiMFt'

IM i.N O S A N D 0 I ;G A N BH uiJj' Jj IHKCT IH I'M h'*i-TlJRT

H O K S K S , C A U ltlA l.K r i. E T ^ R E A L E S T A T E A G E N T S

a . . . . 1. . «n.i h.srf tiiuiiihJy it«>iiWiHR; no iti1iT4-»i nr tHsr»-*il imi»ro>rm^nlR •» '! h «■ 7g o tu r » nt , urnn***: ts*l, SI..m id\ r«uii »ml rtowrr L:_L°----- - 1 -------—------------


■ i l ;

BtqHT-RCH} m tiita ; ren

CaII S4 Rutu

all In • flva inlnui^i to » i.itnn Cowntrv nsf 'onm en i U>rurn! . l-iio# M.,VtO. in o rn a f* •! 6 Cdmmnrrrs KAH-MsS AnyMti*r*.juM t r n l Iruiulff M i'A \lN b > . FArmFri,I liiRinUl I*! , \itln tto n

'IRVLNOTO^ IM ; w v i J

Ay»., nffcr "

t>LU>Nl£ T40

i.o i 'f f f ' ><cinar-:^»iNnn:n. me., rn i«n i_B j< ir H tll HAIaK -Tm fti-iRA. .•ulUVRiril land: iuUed

rornmon Sebool, a j K 'l l .e l i .n l» l r>r»»l»S. t M ' J” ” ' *•

Aieoununcy.•*Wir«lMA" iBoyt)

IHVIN F JUNTMil.Vir i-uumi Hhtdlii Irt hFrtL-h m N V

Mi'nd^>«. y tior-ilh i KHlAA'iH i-'i.ntiHlt' >1.4 1 I ll.-nn* «’ >

i;iM» Ml Fv*>rr ptAnn., und I'U yrr HunArf:



WHK T ' 'Fiichifm

Lurst fi

*BND t o -d a y f o b BOOKl.KrSI

A, T0Y>'N81!:ND. IJ iK ^ 'l™ * ' Ulrwilor.


D sn e tn KK H -T yfN t* MAN- IN 'I *

l>U Kr-.. 1 < W-'nIw Ml, >ill'. fiuv«> « u i-.ii

s uri J Rfitrinl tn pK lY-s>f T iii-s Ih) s-vi-iioin I iRs- .■|.»■rl i;; JN Fiir\n,

I .Ik ; II nn I 11* I* ■•'

I Allfl AA W fri'UlT I ' iSm ' '( h « v j ,

j I 'l . in r riuniM. I f Til NAai “ h

.III I- mmi" ii|»nti- I , ,„p ,.r i .ii-d ."■■ ' ' !,io?rLi';’'ui;r.i"'n“

‘' • ' " ' " ■ j ait IH I 'O I .l . A SONS ino.\ H< ii.ry \Vhref‘-' 0 ».

NfWMili ^ -> HI MV HIlJ H' ' i'1

•lltJ'F Hhil miJj IIIUIyI'

. IA n.l>r| lUI I ,fnlhni ■ ii|-nsS.*i lASKhii'n'it nstf>


join It Mlltll"1 4) ift' t> HI '*•, To- mIh Aclmtp"

Kmn >i .v:m .\N s ^Tlt IN.V!. HT-SiSKf*“.

. il.LKliKY m I •

1F!K ffAWti OV Ua Ni ')N*J,1 H.L V l.jf IU J.r.N W a in C lH

ri'A i III K." MW |tAN*’IN(J l i ( I \ S IK |JH-...ris .'HI (HIIN-Jjhj, Allh .

M.iitt Htiij iM<v kii»ii r»4i'hDitr^'l In *>t I<-hiw>iis, iiH> 'I .vi-rhu, I ' ut'i’olnlni^iil AU flBSi*e« ii.w .iiii'i I'lHilO* 'O f JotO Al »iM> tlun-■ Mhakia I ;ci,‘iiiiif r s MiO'lav. mlVYin<»'‘l, ’lU '>ilrt , |, 1 III. Hi linrii-s-H, I'h*- I JM 'I* 40*1Ur,. ,\ hi M 1 ' , I. Find u , , (.1 IHil H H

IWT Alrirkfl w p FlA.NtJ^.

l i i ’HT bK o u t .H>,flAHI'I.FlJS OK VAl.UEl.


jn 'K U RP A HONfl H\ M AlUfTT «T . N'FWARK.

KVKN' <'*NPXT I'd’Fi** lN-4. I> \V AN1>HOM'-VV .M-TOniiH INI-

[Sh^riliBii‘l Hiii


I Mil 11rniir«A-i fiimni* Il mt. nii i i - ' nl..

- ■ ■ liraofhit., 'T il l H -rv |rf pH"w rlilrf Kuli*i Tn»m*lo?- TrIrirrYi'iliy nnd n^rTnwnUKSittAMl-K I'taSITFONil WHliN yTAl.JKIFvD

rail nr »T,f. for AnnlYMMrw ‘

lit- I m t i S Yl;im hiK • IDI AiVi. Mil 1 Sh I ir>1iii eifiili'M UI Ml Iirlill irl n Ml il. N. ■l'■<i| 1(1 N>*v I l i a I w I Mi ffi

H IF |IH1 V> l.i- II w.M I M. I

III ' ^it I \Vi-itn)*"itii V

r% < . D y 111.7 I11

\\ I'^^M' Itil N >:Ab K

,H' J M' I M- W-

. Ii'* ni. 'Hi -•I.'. 1 Minia r k . kw>' >i|ji i.rl-. HIf 1 'T(''ilUl *«' I.'i rrvHrRlUKlianrp-* ifililfhi |tiU'

' ‘ r, fiiG 1.. f|,i i"ii II* w

rhi I • .•,1 fill- 1-

flrtafH.I JjiiriiJil »n.l )«>«kt*l(i '«'t"**"'**' : i-ST 111 t. . -K .-.upmaN lt\»%r*iA>y ,

W*dna#diiv and Krt-Iny ♦vanln«*. t'OWCIfAN NATIo N a Ia FO'HINUHH I’Ol I.KOh;

Ac-*d«i»iv and t't* Nrrwfirk'.aBf M-ya! of I'ORlotllfF^

OjiF block norlh nf PimlntTgrr *^OtlN K l'O l.I'U l JK-, r*H!N<'irAL.

M I'iN


III ilaoT low i JIIKytI Iii'ih-ItiMs-H n ' *ft.iF.< r II W '-’Oer il l K' N-niiik N ' .A I ^VJ■:ltf‘, I'oK NiiU'iii nvF- Kll.-a

I 'tillm ll"0 K •

,M <«v r> v- hi r**-•t,i S' 11 u I IT, it-"R ' ’O'

jjhi ** “ i ri. c.i» i ■ 'o* ■ -'iir's

n tiiiOUi

V-H'P, ri'‘b I'rlishralF'it rifin l n*w


I1I1I.I.8 IIRA Ii ('5MM1M-I',N Tlia Urf.iPKl llu l.a -l'«"l'* I" N '* J .rM J

t»f, till 111,-a I 'II 'r l-n la ‘H r . n" Yll""*-

cmiiineio tnu af 1 ' » t A. “ ■ ^mFiiol. Urns wr *

Hiai IIM UI I'K lw Ili"iHIlf Iiii lira. rliitJS'llS. -r „ .

b'liiw from th t funna of ^I jFiIm. UitilniJA V\ritUila undInaitucirO bv "Ur fchll'l r r t m M'' 'Ui*'*a Floras'll f*> Itlr biKb'‘-t

WUli ft»'h MlA KtH-S DUf / i J J .onls-F. wFiliili hur»» 1* stwti-i 'r»4^n!^il 'i: n ' B«ie. ♦...t a inw

lOO sE rn N iF i:A.M> ,Gs-'H^rany [lUl up at au-ilou a t

Tb'’*^ Fiors's lire ltruJ*bt h*rn 4»jf l.’f firms Fliol illJIMj»i3la , T i

g i :r o l ’ A u A hNT KK f j u n U i hVTil' M i'>r.^ ^J-I) IF Y iir AFiJ-iFIETJ W ITH Y 'llT i F ''. '" , '," »

H,'iiH. lIulHH. W at, ni and 'ctliiitl frwii *liv Ti- 1* ""nilaaluii. Hlllinr al I." , ,n "rHorF**n for »aln or i l i l.tiiitfe ai f*h

&u Hfta of ns-w Mum.- iya fur pfsIb n;{"elt- THUS II H -'V ifU 1

; i! MORKIJ' -1 .-i; .4S mW IIX IA M bAFO.Hl FlHr. niupm en.J. b. WILLIA.M-. AunlonneF


ftK A l. r.S‘[ A'Jw a in RKflFiV Ui [LLUM#.


KST. lh«B. ^ FHMNB. »-E K. HOKU * .

HKAl, laH'! .VTK • IN Sl'itA S K ^ - I j AANB. IIKMUYNU TU 7W UKUAD Bl.,


Sihrtol of liiinc idiinsn And Mrsim BhoriKAad ond Tom h TyiwwrUlnE

liK FillV a l‘FAN‘ 'IN*(J flCifiXil. kM BiiAil a r . fipp, Central RaMrsiRil

i.|tr'ii fins s" s-nlng fi-r bAfflnorr!*, iI.iuciOk [^hrIiI s i 11 ■hould b», rail Of wrba fur rln:u lar

NEW /KIUIET BUSINfit'H r o l l.KUh:.TrilH TT NlNTH VaAlt

Uop( FivoraW y Known llecauw K I 'Idc«l location; ftno equipment, ih-wnilFi In-

• tn K ( l« : t w r n l nr.rt FpwciiJ c o u rm »«■• t$fm n w 8|Wfi. Bivenlni P'fliem MnmlAy, wFd- ne*d«V Wd Friday PvenlftifE. Bparltl attenll'mriven In bnekworrt f tod ta l* »nd m forrlin blrih wbo dtwlrk no »fads*mB Ivnjjiiili m im n r

Tuition nUM ci»oder*lr. peynbiA by ti» momh nr lAMW. WrlM. 'phrmf or call for ra lan n u a End pArtlculara, correr Market and WnihlnKi'JU tie.. 9H Harltot at


(k lu r W hUmora'i Bebool).■>*m >iNO AND DAT DKPARTMKNTB.

ne-opeiia ThurndiT. Bepttmbw 2H.I f l Clinton KY* BrtabUahkd 14B1.

TMK‘ H rH '’KMAn|>T At'ADlCMY l-'MR 1>AN<’ INH h; a Hriiftil at n**f r |ly hall; IF.Mi

ernaon "p fia Bnpfi mb^r 11: IwiflTiDerR ran Juln artvavenlnr Apply ev^nltigt aiflrr fteptarnbrr 1

t)AV'" fN’ii (oarania-"1 In a f*w iwKafis katoiia T Mal!iii«nl a \a neiu- M[ir1n*f1e|i| hkh ITIMF.

I, liR II.r. inatnirtiit i.>ii*ti cvpiilnff^

F-MNI'.iir nil'-

Mllllll I'itF"iiurlrli'. 7 1 •• ''1,.. . in r , i , ",■,1,11.1, . ■r,ii irii iHar«. ...... I a, -ti[ ,, ■■;■■ ■uiTiiiii rii'i' « iiai,ih ,|••"' ‘" ''i-,.|,l,ill- lil.n.iii l■.l■llfl "I I-

IIHNHV l l . ,H S l ‘ M -T.UI- M K- tJ'h 'IrHOr-r M • •• THtll-'l

Ih iN'T f a y UBmAD ht l‘RIKM:rl. NKW r i 'I U 'lU T PIAN'^H


H .UtllA IN P IN I'BBII P I\N ,)S ,ro?iN n r u n G F

#ft sp n iN fjF n :T .i» a \ k . c o n n m n ht OF^FN KVFNINHJ*

K.jwflrrl at.

liVMirT A riRU.. \ fJ\\ A R N

M iu-:a w87 4-1 l'nTI>'3K !*T

IK.I.F.f'UMNF: li* VAFilvKT

to,,---- HvjH-'l-'fl----- 2‘Ar





B lo o m fie ldA F'I'I.KI'm N BcmJ. lurtnUiK from WiriaiT i lure

l(j llhl»'*sS»‘ aiM-nu'-. BUrruumlsul by i-hulve real- denitiil liiirtiea. a iir« ali'‘rl w h l'h n ll l J"‘ rull> rc-arrlctsil for sm«l*' fainllv ti"ue4* nod *'^*'t*Rrx'rn ntre new ii<iuas(fl nis" aliruns cuiiM’t'’lei‘ , aume lur i-iaa*-Ba|nn l»> Oiiolser iJt,iiuiisea ••nntiiln aev«-ii ruomi AtiU bath ; price -------- -t.'i laat up; nh;e niormi und twi« haiha. price Ai'TlKr* l!>»uei" Kani. guirifi laii.tflUkai. tefma to suit hUyvCa ri,invenien''e, ?wu ............. - - • ’iiiiuMi'a will be reniM with prli Hare lu I'Ur^.?,mse; well iMmJtrU< tn l -iii-l h III La decoruiail t 1 suit buys'ia; no hnuar mure than ac'Rn TiLihuina' walk of I^ckutiM nna. conci*le aidi*-

EUUera ahd <-iirb urul marsimmUr-l j-lierlB will be i'OtnplrlFsl WlihuUt BdillllOI'Hl I L.Ai Ifl buyer. For fiiitli*T iiariicuU ra i‘s-r:it(iK Iheae, and oilier offertnirn. conavjlt irrsassi; fFiPsi, and oihef off''r!nKa, ■•.-uauli NA- T liS N Kl'SSEU -, In 4l \VrsMnp:u.'nf tv Mlonmlli-liJ. -N 1 , -T-! lUdfecuHid a i t , i;i<Mi Ft'uK*., N J __

ik j i ik k i - B T O in E N b c r i 'i i i .KEa L FHTATK ANU INBI’RANCK,

\ F aV’T t/h T y\N H KAf’TOHY HITF.H k-tJl llroai! a t . room M, ‘ fbotic 4hM MafkuL

hUAHLiEK'i iW y-iKOl-t'R.HI'AI. ESI ATI-: A M ’ F m R INMURANCfil.

KENT (Y iLl-l'' Tli>Nli.So C’LJ-NTON 3T.

\V r. So a«rieia) r<vil -et ife himiii'’*": y.lur ii-ade, ruHTHUtee SHUaricil'n. rKANrs.-

- - .............. . . . . ..." .yxg I,r„aii ,t., co r U k '.U N F. MAYO * CO..

lOt b«Rt qii.illtv d iJft r*r,Dra! purpooa h.-rira. II-P 1.26- f poundi.


FFUVATE F-'AMILY muni aell a maNuSuny uprjflil plaiifi, aa tivW , ner«n iiii 1 '-i'

hnFf oi^tave, very p o w rfu l ati<\ iweai it,Hk"T'a full ruarnnU u'; Myrlln alisl\»HT-n MrnORs' nnd WHrrs-n «in

MT PROSI’K'-T AVK.ftO----Mri.FT® _B0

welahFnir 1 fkFi io l.r.fWi i.uMiidt , .................................. ....... ...A)90 rm‘elv«l earifla'! iif <rui\rti n'.anv m a i^ Si'lnjuli-l I'liiLlina pl--'tR I'' reahU-rii

pairs. siilJaM - / ‘W '-•xpr''aa »t'd a^ner -J .lem ary ^ nrYTiv.iii.-fii tu all railway sUilon by i ----- cloaa iMjlIt, brigtii and acilvs.

F.hW A nU H. l.l'M .42? PHC I'F N T lA l. Ml’ll.n iN O .

Rsiil l.p'-it*-, I ria . I iiiiiiF nnd AiMiralnnla^

JOHN .1 0 ^ ‘lNN _____Ri.M a v e . t f i -

JN S ritA N ^ 'F » F a1. F^STATF. r ,^ N H BKAls EHTATE Al.ONO the T-ACTt A W a MN A-

E, c. mm um kr a g e n c y ,HUMMIT, N. J

I foi fruit anil nnullry fiuti>. n*’’ I'lill'MtMfn, uua ti.lL freu" ninri.iti; JOin* M ll.r.KR. F irst N*- ii(in,i| Hhi K liullilmK S im pisM ^'____________ ____f’Alt.MS Ifl wii*': ilF hlfi'ls. iiivl Msi* ap-clul

baTKniTi* I*' itirn i' 1-h-ui >» n-i»i Saluii'y I’nrk, N J fur Hi.1 it H r‘Vl.l-. bufinAk*I-F i|U;i'li'lil .N J ____ _

lots off-nil juiiultiB l.tiH'k prii-e II L'Fa' Appiy

HKM tV S i'IM S T /. :IT!» O umIwIi K *11.'-HKVI'NTHFN -H'l' f-ii'U’ bou^e Itt r<i#irns: all

(mrin-v-meiitM: •ne tn'le fr-m H-m*rvllle.■I"11N rH -Ov'i UuM'-.i \


Ml i- T F S' Bi’ld at OTKe. If Llloonifleld. ft buliA- ,r i; l< nil |mpm \ nnil'Ti'*: «iuiu untied ittl*',

i, I 1 ■ ti JHtlfi: no reaaoriaLiU- oTr-r n fused If■u : lit Aildr.'M W . Hoi Ufl, N ' o t f - n

M I. FARM f. T sub' -r h i m « loiusc, tl 'n roimn i‘llv vu;iii'r. f>iu.ilii* r-i ii' Uliry hiiF'.-

nf'ss. liiquFr.i JA*'m : ( ' [ M ,M i: H KIT HL>iuinrM,

k a k m s w a n t e d

B a s t O r a n s ellb-.v! M K ; li ntTF 1 w o-fninlly b'>iisiv ’ o Cib'n

wuuhI I’l . f-‘ «' diH'ia w ‘Hi -.»f F'runp'-. I ki . h U riHHb'ri! h'lOn^'H'»if‘i t i i . aspinarf’ * iiira ru ‘»'n, a**p- aro te p u n II lnAi**rp, thro* irilna ' ‘s « » lk tV'ihfx a i I t''U ii>iiii.ii.‘B to rallr.Ya-l "laiL'C,^ a liu rK 'i if r ' f u 'jiik iM ii'T , rnftnonnhlt- l••r.l'P In­q u ire f ' lF M l- l 'H - ‘oriiiirarli'ii, 142 M fitk -t atNi-Mark __ ____IP iM { 'S I ''■ I. I It • * nt to aflil n e iP itil b>ui“e4

1,1 I-' nlllK-s, tFPThHiii one iv lll pmly ,.,j. ,o , k .... . Iirl. t's: le rv l l lH r rnmis-irM.pjh-eil, «riM ' (oi il*' Adiimaa L’rl-.a te nw u-er n ..i '2:\. "ffb'C.

K R l-U --Q i:] Kl.Y KX 'U A S tltt.Yotir farm or rciintry hf*me Country 0*Pt* I /R 'IS BCHFF-i^lNUEl; Inc L'nlun buim lti^

F A l 'IO H Y S U E S W A N T E D

1.1.‘ T V'.tll U -iPfv i.r uiTi,-~ r ■

fi r ^ale n. t#niwith flits I.tlli . t\ r -VI 1 \: i4k-* .111 IT,>PT dimo

JnH) a'. i,r HTt.i'f .t'K- il .1 li. ■m tltrt* Io(Ifvir ruT . r I'h.. iA<- 'i«‘i ►.*<!■ U illslMli'lyh, 1 l>r iiiiMv .

;li.HvHl'l'. r M. > i;i n»l Ar'T' li'lV

Md m u l-M) S'l -I ' ’-ir i m t m k N'i I ■ ]; i; i- 1 iMkI MM.

F i ^ T O i l ‘ 1 5

rtlLA L E .S T A T E F O l M S A i^ E r ^ ^I-'ovtiii Hill iH iir lc l-

able, Bri'<>ti>l-banil Fiorncn. wl.L b I'*'**■ ala fit reasiJimblY- prlceB >>



L a p f ru F fe sTHR BERLITZ ftt'IlfX>L OF LANOHAORS.


*i P. (’AVmHELRNiJ.ttP A N lS F l h u ir u ' l io n riHlIvr; p rlva ta ' and

Hflnp lensonn' reas'inalil**; learn Hpan'sb thin w tn in r. r ir ru lu r U R f iF Q l ’ K H A P A , 7“ ! HroHd

' HKA fTIFT’l . t'ine. alnaiant «'*si». uuiVioanni' i Iii.nmu |.l»H". f « l B- II. W, nil!' ;

I'.Bli Iiircr InliHB II <'“ ll III lt " '' '“ ' ' I" ■! iiuus" I'lo'k ws*j«i "f cunhoiicH


riA N O T l 'N E It I 'm /'t!''*! p^ano nmHnr,polrtn*. al) brun'-hea: new strings, n

K W f’ASN, 112 Hrmuiwlrk at ; ulul-IAVMH l I N r H t-i-|.(y1M’.3 t ’s;Vi

pi-r 1- 11. i ’I mph , v» iirl. < ‘1 .N i f 1.IImS'I’IT *1 I. tlH It svY lUe IID '' ' III t: It

i r , , r v i ln i. 'V P«y T f«r yi,«r d-Bd or rM - dfm i,,.l h " r <\i* »H 1,'H' ‘■■>'"1’"KUHt f ir hiiililiiji;]

1 ryxl i|/’,,i1 or ■• in-)rnin*d horses w-- k

Hun cnnv-iili,!ii l,j nil TUllH.y » l.ll™ by bIwhi wmU s <w"I Tri'lloy lin rt, a|i|>olnttn*nti oniy. J. W a FU) SMITH 44 B‘>N. PrudentU l bull-Utis-tiM -Y I2.tKt0 rn.^Ji. balunre moriffaqA

y-esrs, bui s Bna bunmei* iiroperty on M Kinns-v ,u-ur FU.«.I T"Mn lb I lb P^r y « r . I'urlU 'iiUrs, H.l lreas S J . Hoi »). News (if-

WII I. SKI,I. lEV headitful new two-fsttiUyImiii-s- i-nono n[ l-lnni 0ran«i-'n Pretiv str.-pin,

i r r v rhefip, Pir fp ntniiy rooms,. _ V k'.1 L. u

AdilM'S* l)wn-Etoi Vi offlicp, Oranite.

H R U ^ T im . iwo family house and barn for •ale lot f-iixMMl: fi-loe only H Ji

A J HWEIK. .'iitrn Bt . ftranjfi.

TIIR |i>ur-f'.AU'> toil k b... 'Mna. *1 oud -Il it . iJ.ifc CIL>. aui.i.* 4-iiU , IbJht,

bleh baid-neijt. M -I'kM ilu-ew ay uidIat p an of builwlUK. *i<»i luii, uiimJ iio-ir, lu i j in a *«»u una 2li2' 'MHTUct s i . auhfibie lur illibi niirtn-nlact'irlN* Indulie .MAUCI.H VVAHURoom JV'L K ss-i buCdItie C iin'nn at

hi*A FINR modem Ml i-n proreriy. doing ele-

Kuiil businm a, ii s|ii*;n‘li'l iiiveainient, Kuarnn- i-.-l | “i ;iBi lY-nl , w*:i l.'iised ArMn*«s Not i l f l . Ft'ix I, News 'iilbe

[rvlnN rtonBlOGlEBT liftisnlu I" Irilng lun ; we’l built

bi.iiSH Sewn fuunis Bfd hath; kti'ani hrmt, l a n e 1-^r IHU'v m sh. ram (nrrne; price *:uht : in *f mlae thls AI.RX FIHH. HI Wlll-Ihmi St lu-Hi Hroml. N ew ark ___ _______

« 4 [-r Nrw one-farnlliy; eleven ronms: hII huprovemerta: rorner li l. one

hlorU fiom oatu, school.r-\irilelli St. JACliH KKKNhT^ JIL__________

N l;w JF.I<b-.KV HAll.Ut'OM .t V K i hrre-st'Fy brlrk Inrt >r> . r u ' i i i-'" en t b'Ms "t All

dliTienal-'iip, suUuMe f . r ,il Ulnd urn- 1'lAi li.irige H'-all ' ' 'c , I.i' UiClljllJU Ht

,f Tuuiiufac- F>i iki-iH, 45

loF T H V’ i m roSVFRa m j b t k a u h e a t .

WAiJlHNCTi'N V 'I’-S-lN. .1'i I A t^T r'N ^ '^ ?T

.I.'-'.''- f-'*' Wlld ' -.s ini all ^ l'^nl, plllt* nbl*' KkFiI iiKiti'i/ui"11 :ru* |•>l^'”N'■H. |2 IlM I

lim Hi Of" I'll - k ........ .Sifilli I inii.i.;'H'.rI Ui h I 'I •m :.''. !'■ Ni \i Nl

.MO. n».iir

w A N T r: T'iii.i 1-i.V.P 1

Oraduatai of tha prepara torr oaurat anter laddliur eollairea tvanr v u r os th* achool c tr-

In tenufd lttfi and Prlm »ry Cuai-aia.Faetmv of tnoroufrt) and axiiertancad ipaouL

l«t« for iDiSlvlduat trutning.NMlYO taarberk of thP langaatea. Art,

M uitc BkKdttki:*.Oyriimilum a(>eelaliil, gotnao, folk-dtooeA

ram lotM ta on r « u e o 4 .______________________

S h o H h a n d a n d T y p fw riH n RPlU'iH I I I ' t M ' ivpew rhtng srFun>l of V"UOi

tVnrnen'B ChrlM hii AnwNiJntion, ]4 KhhI Hatb Bt Auplv at F'-hitol frum U f" 12 A, M . ’=T 1ti l.rlnrHml I ' KC.NNf-UiV. Hi Wright aK

I’lAVKII I’lANM liafHiitn, Mniuluil iui--ailuM ua iTU'S p‘ -l.'l" . *■'(ii> t I

.,i| Ir- SB I'biD". fU'X fSii'WS ofll'

d r a k e c o l l e g e ,NEWARK.

Day flcbcKi]. klotaa now. hX-anlng Hchool. BI'BINEHB.LO O K -K C tF IN O , CORREKFONDENCB, SHORTHAND.

A c a d e m ic a n d C o l l e g ia te S tu d ie sPH I\ ATE ItMlni-iloii in llie above. '-1 Ml,

I'leiiSttut fiM' . a iiulunra lutme. H. D HILL­MAN. A It., A. M . l ‘h. IK

D r a m a t ic a n d E lo c u tio n

T Y PH m H IT IN a, “ OLJBIb n o U h h .

Writa, eall or 'phona for partleulRrs h n W 'D G. HRANDT. I^rlnrlpal,

«T* BriAd at., i t Waal Park ilNBW ARK ACADBUT.

ItiotMFAa B iptam brr BO. l i l t

rO U N D B D 1702.W IIb ON FARRAKD, h e a d MAfTBR.

T borM th pM piritJo ii for any ooliMa ar M l' «aUBo iCDOO], i r to r btialnaaa Uf«. CTymnaaluTn and ith le tla flaid. Catalogua on appllcillca.

T in iCaaB U a a ^ wUl m a t tha AoBdamy from t to 1 d a t lr 4ttrtng iba waali haaton tn t •e p taaab a rlL _____________

(i V OLMSTICAD. KIX>f’UT10N nna STAfiK TH.UNlNG I'rof'-ssluuil C«nch Amateur

iben trlrn li snrt vrtU'levIll* acts cr.ftehed rliil niienHorj 1o ELOrHTION Hlulrfi’s Rtudlu 20 New at.. Hd noof: f|ourt 1 W h, Mat.


I |)Nll 1 j.lirM,

,«« , M dH udA N v "I''’'" '','imiiin f i l l ‘.l■l"v-, mil. K'li"- I 'll'' " " 1“"

ll.'Uliir. » |U .| I 'l.n ti- IBi. I ',y-ltlV-VI'K KAMII.V Hill " 'll "llBlllly

111 aillirm . I'lBll mill, IK-IIII "I" I, vinl," - I » liiij-.jiHl___|^ T U K i J i l n n . i y ^ ____

pr.m ptlv HtieiuJed. A 11- . ^WuiiiaomMrv at ; T'honp iFi>K.lW Mnrk*'i

' iH’iii HlAYl'lH T'IANm ns rv>i'-. IjlieHl devl.e: giuirauVer.'i Hiso 24 m ils Piu-i.- miiliogany

bem-h, fiwu Kdleonia I'o., fu HiiI"hv al.____wf^MNKIl .al.liu-i yroii'l pl-M"- '" ’U

d lti-n : f .r stile ‘ hmin'i i»'K"r nrb>r I 121 New l.pR

Hri nil I KPrY'tr

AT IT F \ r ‘H.

*. nialii mil Jay- t ’O .fu’h w a r z m uijj

lluo Hwrni!"n » U\\AHS\. N. -J

T li'.iif , 22l'i

I-U T tot sub* uti W,jlrtiin avi' . beMve#',, HiuU’yt jihil lelji'T. •J-Iiiuu. lo'iib I" quick luyer.

Aii|-1> HMl'Ll^ & M'.' 4+u nilTft^e^h H-J* _'J W M bui* ml iiuiiiovriui'DlB. S’ lliiO I'JTri; iw

'jr.Yl'J.'. f .r A .'Im-hp P . H'-x 111N.-Si,- iilti <■

D w e ll in g s

m H i'K UKLlVFHY.RO H r . .1-iiieed, BlidtnH gear trm ns. r-w

piinH bully; will carry l.fJOU I)>b. 4u iuII'Bp<‘T h'lur, bargain .....................

Biilrk. M-'del 17, (oiirlrig. (itmpl«'e Hubk. M'ulel 10, lOy tonneftii. ouun'Ieii-Ford tm jr ln g ..................................................Reo ruiuiboui. |•ll|lll>le.............................

W'Altli r o , 4rt IlnrrlsL-ti st.. li^ael urangA- Open vvtnlnKa


WII.I. ■B'-Tltlri' J||< Ml«l I"«l','f""y T ' . t ' ; '■" ■ ^ aobl this

STBVttNB a c n o o ut t a v B N i iH R T rru T B o r t b c h n o LiOo t .

■ I w I t , twt, K h ju id M ■II., H oliokn, N. ).M o p iD m s w r a . i l . » > i.a w lilr lU D n i]a>, im t . t.

ttKm to r •OmlwioB. BBpt. A T. 9.

|K>N T ' hII 111 rrad llilB. liBV" - in' "I iltYf, tobea. colls, uai'bureKini, mJhU'ua.

rIjiH im .iliis.'horiia, larnpa. premu tunkn, k*‘h unrlichiYTtM'ifli tuid I'uTta of various earn, e v r '•nin •* •*jih-ie mditurs, iransmlisW ua. etc .; 1h>'11i'S, seat'., l ip* nrul tunny otlisr thln/gs whicFi we wkh <u cbJHe uut. ATlln*;i'jii Avenue 'lamaH, r"tni?i Wiih*tmiin anil Arlliigiun avi-* . rUy.

blano f-ir Icat than half, week r iii; 4 12 Hi*:h si prlynle h"uee_______iHiHl MAlHKJANV Tpilal’t F'lAllo BlSybll.T

I I',in yrentesl biifM'nlii nffereil l',.11>ii>ulii < inn.pftliyi nr HilNey at ; o p '''‘ eveulTigi* __HAROAIN -iswi mHb.'L'Finy player-punn. Jlke

new. used ulna m oniha, will sell ah-diHiYii llHrypIn, Hn^J-**. "ffice. _ _

m a h u Ta v y rLiTY Kii r iA N o sh v*''**,;;'?.’/ , iv uaeil; |22f.: Jtreiit hnrfralii, H.DIbn'.i-v

CO.. B7 Halaay at . Nu'wnTk N. Jfin'- i uDiUtlon : eultn Lie f- r

teacher o r’ pupil, will s'-ll very s-Iji ul. '■’’ TiLa gr call, .1. O.. out) SuinTD'-i _

1 fwi rtpAil or rorJemnerl hoT"en ere pTo- (JUi-el In N-’-viiik iirJ M.iri'i> iil-uit e'-cry t i i h m : M"N . HS _

Why Pifl\erl1*r for tb l ' n in.her wfe«l\T VV e ifk e rill we esu fC’

lu /I.I.A K.-< I'M' hiin-1 r'Hy .ibV’FN | —

|rt.4iioUrtigHlp ( T rro l gTifTBl c'OiilrfiCtorH o

biilM 2 ', h'liry fr.imu luiiMInRa. nil Intpdi ex- I >•! t sK'um ben!. Ij-'bI malerliil ueM. stie 22x.'D iii i'Mi 'i, p.ip'T 'ii, Hi'b'J ilouhle !»'T'hui, pitixaae, pfuiriufi piriim Hiu1 epeolliratlona f ijrnlsihnd; i'Ib' i im.' Kimlly liojftri, IS.libO; Hir'^e-famliy tD'UHiv M HJMi Tuorltl h-'UB’* u bc *«‘cn. KAl* K.VN I IfoS, ''•.Tl Hnutll 'I'wclfth *1.

n \ 'F . K-tMTI.t' six ri»om house. In Irvlngltm: .a\\ |ru|ini«'emeniB, two iriiTiutef wBtk from Lf)y-Tfi..r, no«i ...piarp r» ' 'U'l .u \»1y-

riln ltiii live car, cheap, leime reaaonoblo. Ad- | aroum l; h*ic*t tm or i * u icn 'e . new niUl-cott- JiSNB H M'>x H2, N’ewa ofllc#*. la troci.-d . Kmi-iU-l buii-lbii: Z.*-" 2S4 I'l.ine au

li,«ju!r< I'Ti'fr ii-f'i . . . . .- nnc-ftm ilylRVINHTr}N, .104 PluyvciMinl fl\ e •house atx iiHuiis iistl bath, nil Inipri'VY-iru'rt ,

Hfiftv ti^ruia: wbl Biicrlflce. a ba'^'aln MiMvrr, H'is uTtnimlnpe st . Irvlng^^n__ ___ _llt;7ilTE s it roonie miJ Isoih, lot Thu I .-

j:i‘J0 S' M FHLR. IkkF Htuyveeaut imh Hprlnaflslil ave.

2.C100 SQL A h i ; f.JnlTV t r , 114 111 f ' I'

rpTit. •Hiiltrili'i- foi' 1"

‘ P .■atraiji ii.'iil a n i ' -ili'h . d'liBonahltt 1711 \\ :Mhini3::oti it .

p’’li enear

1 HHRF-FS'f'iHV l ;i l< f.ici irj, i,b' 'ir in.nun w|I fest, \s p II l•|■Ll•|ll ci'Miii'l Tl I, iHCi i.'aan!i- 'fillip Al ,il‘ ' 01 li‘’tlii n .no! \ 'v ( * e ^ i r ______

KFA F4NYK e a rn y

Two faml'j- brick l io u f

17 W

Rpttic.*,.* piiniH |,rrin11illy f|nl p:’ v o' cash. I'..«.-I , h-- I-- " • “ ''be .hi fiM 'r I'e-*Try US ir D' t HiiihHih.l where ^'|U Jijve >«eri


I-Wi TARH h'ly* new two-famllT house; full \o1; ci'iiar Cl Min* plaeiered: porcelain wflHB-

iiib-i: 1M iieriirufud tiud ready to move In; te n hn Hci 0 utiv duv and Piindny afternoon. F.iC!lh iiT-Hiiae Rve. and Plunk mpd c o r ^ o Hcuirh SIvlcHuth et , Iheii short walk to No. M'4, oviin r '.Ji rreiiilBcB.


‘Phone H177 Mkt. F. Ti. Hnx 2Nfl. Newark. N- J.

IF vutir nutonif'blle rnlflee, i>r your i-riKh"'

M rST iiU'TlfW’'0 niv b("e .iil^ul plfiou f 'r ?•’*.perfect order; a i-d eiumB lone, n biirgum

fiii flnlipy it i i p f U i i l f H _______ _________

.ratorjr to UnlvaraUlet,co e ^ Law in d HtdU

I ra ta ot tuition la |150 per yatr.

'B W 4M *B LffABINO B U tIN B M RCHOOL.— -- - cirUHBW4IUL*B __ _______ - -rw iM ir^ lil B M itb iB i. Bncilah

Barvtod Coursai. aUo

B o n t r a n Day aeho

t mootha. N tiM 1 Thuraday avealnjr^ nr B rooDina. Bend fc

Sb4 B tobom plilo Cotmaa- SIntar aaany ttraa.

_____ itrawoa S a a n ln a tlo u .I ^ y aettool, dally, |U par isMiithF

achool, lionday, Tuaa. I t .50 par mouth;

l>nBHn«i'’hm S i. Ibsv are w orn; lieu -r Im.* uk) ruRFinguiiy upriKhiri-iunr* m.xile Ibia' timn break down InM-r und new; u cFinnce for inrn» one. vni! 1. Il cur H iM-avler bH'- <’ur auloniobMe rvpHirs ai* furtuvv etandiinl; Ihev alve lifna aerilr-e. TML- MAC iX>Mt*ANY. kTiO ^ t i t h ft.. N cw ti;k____AlJTGt’AR Tutuibnut. Inlo muriel, in tludlrg

top, wind shield, four hew tires and new extra Hre, four Imu-r tulieH; In good oomil- HolV. til'lnjc cur e--erj day . reanon fur B'-llln*, want to buy llve-pu«iM*nger. Imiulro anv lime. M JKDEL, 2H3i ftomh Rlalh at.

[,00 for B naoDtha. Band for co talw . KBW AJIK UUttlNEBi COIXBOB.

^ i M y usd W arran a u .ACOOONTANCl INBTRUCTIONI

FALIe T iJ iM o r TH Er, J . SCHOOL OF a c o o u n t a n c t

C M B ^ fta rfd A y •vaulAf. O oifbar fi. Cot M m m I wlwTihat flv an n Naw York. For M B o s u lu f i t t dM criblns douraea in detail, i

ONE type No. Ul Hult-lf,- three BeDld. Jn^ilral dnae ahapv. gfirk); oT)e"typg F Hub'k. Iwo

ryllniler, In flral-t^liiap »hape, <S7iO; 1 ne IIM2 l-'lnn'h'rs wIlFi top, wind ehli-bl iiiul fuMj .quipped, for ttViO, 1 H Wll.HMN ilai'bjj-, Ma.1ls..n. N. J . tcl 12UL.


cFiance foring 45 Rlllot *1._______ _KtiHF\Vf)OD'’'eigU A nR F-IANO in r-ud

Hon $10 Edlaonla I'o , fnork. N _ J .________________ . _ .FUNUS^ TFN K U like new. H ^K

HFI'KOE. tl:' 8pHPKt1e|{l_nve. :OHLAN- A fine parlor oirhu f"i Jin Hr-r-

%tn Bt . clly.

.M US'21UHH.


BEST H'ORK, « l ' | i ‘K WORK.


KANTFSAM,,|IF r n r I'B.

FHINEA!- .1, M !H A- . ""'i -^l"'l<"' "'- !![. Ui" d rlv .w iy . 'S'l,-,iios 1571. I5TY

Ri-a : K'-t rK

H liiFi sT neftr ( '■•lun *1— Hrick anil stnufltlM-cIMPa, «!H| ffllcHRe or alJibl.

I'll Tear uf hi(, friiiiing uii Shipnian at.: h.trC .hi f'lr ipi'i k tiu i'T , Wt Jiwt et'lri iIwcMIiik; pii.pi'liy ii' \L uiair uO'1 Hr.* Uaiklrsg t^ir in*’ liii-« T f.'T iHe imp, tkprolmni''iiiK only. J \N.\HI> S.M iril til StlN. J’nlsleni liil Lu1)dln«.( ' \ \ \ l ' ; l { b'lM in^ for Ihe Sunlh by 15th, will

.;ii, [:iu c jihn'tsl new well ranted wliifnmlly Il (1i->- In "V .-ili'ni nrlBhhDrhfH'il, pays "0 per ,-i-iP III. itn ••.Himrnt Alier all sxpcnHfts d< .111 I -il. InipilrH INfi ll'isi'ville Bv*’ __

’ 'U 'U»,LftthB iia 'P rlri. tienr <1*w park $r. (H.i'i.

.1AMF14 LAl'M llLlN. 13 Boulh Seventh . M.-vi aril

I TV,'M 'hr. 1.1I mst'.L.i* ;c»

w . r. j.iN v i

Ii-n1. «1rv*jito'; ,'iinv'lifiialv.

I 'H it .1 M 11 p.'. rK . . ■ -

find h .- 't . *riMl I. A S .w n i-

• r . 'i I, o ILh powi'fItM n-u.r.iii'aofurina

• 1 rT ) #;

LyoTiR F a rm *lirN 'lA lA jW rl.'lK 111 Ilo llj;'''""!

anil up: "" irc'll"!': 31 mlnu1"B (ram .Mar*"'

FIRT' I’RlKiF I s Ih LIc.

m k.'. 'Tfl' Ft 4 nil' f’-ei :and im: uu irollpy; mmutca Mum a . . - _ ^ i MRrJT I ! ■'i..n 4 [ton f -e i : n-w n

find Rroail, plistB anid on monthly paym ents | « | i Swit ; uw er(IKO. roM FTON. Lyons c w r t r t B _______ __ D;.e r e . eu-it? PFurmin it.

building; pasa

l,OT 40x110. very cheair. on car line;w alk i. M-iiter. x^ i; resirloted to replclencs

onlv (IRoHHE rOMPTON, Lyone Fiirtne.n rir^T lb.r.r.

,1A- N SnS ' ' .s .rcm e erg.

N m ie yl-TiR PI New liouFH, flix rcioms and hath .

h.,.1 mi.i lolfl waM-i. eH'am hea t. k«" h'hI •’l^v- irlc l lx h " : all Imi'CovemeniH;BtuH''n. Mie mlnul* tu ca n . Apply 27 \nu i- him » i . NiUicy. N. J.

r e a :.

H IL l-’ l l 'I ' A \’R.-Tw.i-fiimiiv ; 14 rnon^s and bath, h.H'Hraia Iv’fttors; k.i 2f>lcHl0. fr“e nnd

K....1 iiiveslnicnl , :n!fhl ■cichanxe^ forrcntifilly Irda: liricp $4.J<lO.Iinraiiln. li-ix 111. New'* otIUe,____



T U F RF.r. lU H I

H4'l F'l.AMv s r .

'P l [ N FC T'-dl I M-\ ILK |-;T

1 Mh ■ F.'VMILV house; all Imrrovem ents; ftt vniir '.lAn Raure, n* m uii leave lown; 11

di.’i'^’ live., block hclow SiH-r»'iway: ^^utFi M rinec ave. car. Inquire JAMEH EP'ROSS. 4d Stirllnx it. Telephone.

H a n o s a n d O rg a n a W a n to ilftOOD uprlltl" l™*')' K"""l 1""":, " i" ii- ,l .

HRle [mrlli-ulani -m l "n"""! j.rl ', tor uikIi .AildrsiiH KVANH. IK.ii 17, 'IR.'"

rO R S A L F -im a UHl t«jy-ionru-au Cols :«», ..m> im t Tunaltfiut, Cols :«», 1W'« lOlO biiirliiK cni’ .

ToIh .Ih. one IWPU Chalmers; all fully euwlpfed.__ ._i __ -niiv 11.- i i r *i'«Tr Tiif

W A STFD To itiirc piiin' w-lili |iri\a te famhv nil chlblreu Ad.lrces P .

p tm o s u l u m dM criblns M u M h in i 'w fo m u tlo n al oouBtiiitor. addraai H. A .t o w n b e n d . Im 'S f^rtatLan ANoalattoa, Newark, n

Couraa ro ­

undutlon about profeualdir o< t a ­rn H. A .T O W N B ^ cT Touftf


LL. B. IN TWO TEARS._ for i s n , 11 gradtiAtet ta k tn f bar

ilBUttoA to TrantoO Ip February 10 b tlnglo e i to fo l , and 7 g raduatea taking lha bur aa- M itoullao to JuM , all aacceanfui. h — fH M * to ty »Bhoola opan Baptamber BQ.


tiM S Vurnmn Iborthund, Typew rlttui. Hook- kaeping, L«acuagea.

ALL IN D IV ID ltA L I.N'BTRUCTION. ^ P ^ a BML. H arkat.

T ' Bt. Clulr. Wulffir A, Ooodrloh-

overhauled bv us THE WALIaACE Olfi W ILDE C’O . Cnic 30 d lstfibu ton . tlin tu ti andAvon nv>a,, Newark _____ _____ _________W IIaL ^ r n i i n t ’K If aold a t r>n<-p. Kur'l niu

about; Hulck. SLulsi IT. tounii« cur Hulck

I fnr uae; enrsIlox lit. Nbwe umc>.._

two-cyllrhler tmirlng. In flrst-clasa uhepu. J»achanl SO louHim iitr. ao u ii vHFHi*tigfT I'OOKT^ Oftragi' and Uvtillug I ’u.. U Wrlabt siFI\E-FA SSK N H l'H t toiirlnu car. Hen. IWHI.

fully euiilppcd with extra slices iiud lubcH; a *lilendii| motor 0 t\<l i>nlut X''<id us new; J:Ii»U. W. n . W II.U .^ aMs . E‘'ur'‘Sl live,'i'hone »I2H Mimtulfllr.

a u c t i o n s a l e s

F»'It HAl.P Twonic hciii if her"**' itTii! iiuib'S HX'-e H I" 12 \fur-< H'l

I iiM> t<. 1.5IHI !>.* ; (inicnx rli'-iii s’''i 1 ii.n l In-rBi'B, H ' l i u t ' i "= X'’ t

tnn n*flVV. ight

. 1 n ij ;inoo.l

R(!SK\ ILLE—L atfa t au 'la nite-farally nine-room Blurco housea; haMwiuHl floot's. tilled

bathronius: lot SfixIOO.72H FriKlenilal building, or 3S5 HoaevHla tve .,Newark. _ _ _ ____ _______ITIKK ir id ’clenr loii In ail sec-tloos; exchange

ffic lric'uu(' pr'ip'*i*ty ur second morlgag^B, If

S o u th O r a n g sa t Hm IT H M n.tNnE. ten minutes from depot

und FiouHi ilrangr five iriiiley—HeauMful.y uliimicil place, aiNixribO, modern hous*?, eight UJrrx.niH. ll■rd'[vnoll rrlmmed, Biflble and 'mU- FvoiiBcs Ijeaullful trees and fthrubs- Apply W i F l ’HLN ii JMHN -tON, I2ft W rsl Tlilrty- Hi Bi et . New York ' 'Ifv

E S IA T K W A N T E Dij i ii .U L i:.''nW \K i;e : m a m I'.M'-i i aFK.-:

Seilli-il I;|linlllt/B lllrU-S,BiriuKhh n auul H'lpi'ivit, u ls . r<>d 1ns

iT.Y.NKd Cn ,‘i|. r< IS iiiul M-n>-is, 2'J c iln icn *l

r» Wourc vvnll!!.

Uij\V-VNTl'T> (in^i fiiiiilb . ub'»''i eii.lii r-'nntB; I'H

1 m] ''O'. • iTicnti*. w j th L'-i! 'lit-’f-l lix'iU Ib.iMll. ei n I : L, I I i ■ P il.t(;M\'F-,KN 1-12 Miirk"i -i

nfrAlJy loCHl-ilUi'B. .1AMK..-J

S o m e rv i l leF i i R RtiLIC House i f eleven rnnm* iinil liRth:

ali mtnlurn Improvemcnis: mosi R«leci restden- tlul BfcMon of Pom m ’llk, N. J ; ftne well BharlpHl lawn, Iftrae Rarnen; lot; If sold qui.-kly wm sell for $7,74X); this Js fl rare bar- a a ln ‘ buslh*"s compels owner lo move to an- otlKT city n . N. 11K^1SL1■:R. Hcmervllle. N- J-

» , .J ii.ii i rn-rsi'B, " - im." ' ►. . .. r. ir... inconif pr'ipf-n? .Ijiiisi- r.<r Itttb ' nii-nev, Hti-'k i^ enii triu kinun pnvf. anything to s'xOiuuge, list it w ith msiiiil d‘vi 'f , cr'iitrACtcr m ;uiy busines.", tHsc\\ Bgors liiirnnAi.i. o |i'.. ‘n il ’ i ctiiTii>Hn\ "Inc*Hlivl rV y^*" stiitilCB, D'IITH l/irnloirdv 1)1*1 w-'- n .\tlniill-- nti'l Ihcnil ?tN ; lel 4 P>\V Mh: If '

Kjichunx^ H^aity t*o . 4fl i ‘'.lnloB *t-

COMPl-’J.SOHV HALF. Ii«Ialt modal K M F llu ’-pnsB’ngtir lou rln f. all equipment^ ex-

fopt wlud Rhirld; naarvat offvr lo |4fHl iici'n.l- ad Ibrntu 7t?0. Flraiiipu e building, pliune tUiJ*Murkei

rM T K I ' HTATRS MBTHH"! ' '" I HI'. I'lHT U n ' T (IV' NV'.W .IMRI-V.' I" H'" m " ." - ' '7

14 H'-. niBn 1 '!-> iK'iAlA ' li""kL"i, i

ru i'l w ill "- Il II'" ["II” " '" " ' 'I " " '" I " ''........KHKiu «mi '■[["'■u "[ ""VI

r„!"l»l-|( '"■"lll'I'-'J l'> WlKl l""l'(! "I'l I Kurln«ll''W Bvirmi'-, \ " " « r k , N J.. ' ■■•

(,r M mHlilii*" ("I' .... .. " """" ""V ', IijinileTW'*ar ■■■U'O K'J'^dn cioii.niK

WVi'.nS'.-: RU'l iMi' k.H fi r xrr.'or. t‘'U''h'‘r.r.lumi-er or m.v klU'-l "f bti-lnen-; new stuck

and p r ic e lew . nil..... . ?in'l t>uairv«'S buggleRfind p1iflel.«iis In six ■IlfT''!' ill Rtvles: depots, till rev* rlinBl'iiiiH ut I l.iscd cjirrliige^ b.rpleasure diM ' X. ibis i* a11 m*’w siuck. hucI On L'cionnf '•! II' viiiK FeTU«‘in'-ei I our Hfock will be irdd lit ■■'SI inhtiei- -Iren piP on wl'll#i yon Wlilt J Mnl.Vl-'p A ' IJ •■2U ilrilscy ST _

Kl.r [NT! "I i"U \rTMMMHli.Ri4.;-'V:i.!.l \ '

TO M \N i: Il ■ it:P l.\i

.All ^ ■ 'livl-tLiiii-i .

W A 'U 'SS ••. n-c. iiii'l ser-

(iRI.F.-VNH ST —One fntully hrlrk ; utne Tuoms find bm h. hot alT heat, g w i m ust

Ilf Boltl t I sptile BBtfite; firlcc p 200: large lot.Addr'S* 1‘ Btnte. Hnx 2o, News ' ______ _OWNKHUiubI *ei1 brand-n'i'iV Mvo-fHmlly ho'iaa,

de’cmiiled uud all mod-rn lMiDrovem"T.t*- prF e tY.lUMi, will iiccepl L’.fiu caBh AnASo'if? H"’: Hn, Neu* ofI|c*

W est O r a n s rT W i' foiir-rfinilly hmisw fi'ir s a 'f ■ _

W .tSl'K D Tw■>!'an.l^ h- m en t'', go.jil I iJiiLili;|i>ii. > ■

\ii\ Lji.-h. li'calb^TiNeWf • tike

V. nil improve- Itrilll, I.JC,licit; will

,\ il I: . B "l

w VSTIHI-Twcefamllv hoiiRr witlii Improve- ni.-ntp. near MM: stvllvU, wiUfp«y n tp , near M kl:

AdJicRH (I M LSSJM rFH. L'A S]iiuce Bt.LuTS In \ ’all*burKh aectlnn; m ast bO chaap

ff,r cn"!i- RLA'-KI/DCK. '.1 riln ton s t_____ ^II.W E THsh Miyom your p r c p i 'r t y " h e a f l

R uulck deal aaflureii. Hl APKLaJCK, a i r;iniL»n si. --------------

Inipru'^smeiilf «'xcef gain lo rivilcjF^-'ityf’T. 4SE Frarkhllfr fivp.. W

xcept Fieat; nil rentivl, a bar- ?T. Applv to tiFS HAASE. Weal pranxe. ot all agetita.

CHrJif’E FJARtiAlN-SM^oom houa«; near Llewellyn F^ark: ca r; call U P«rk terrac*:

easy paymep'.^^snmp a* rent'. rom». _. —

R E A L E S T A T E W A N T E D — O U T O F T O W N



FAST f'J: S i* 0 'n l onA NO K .TVKST o r . Ni'HTH SIDE Mj.' STREET PR E- l-l-'Ulil-Mt M lrii M jM . L i’-TOiPATEj

R E A L E S T A T E F O B S A L F -— O U T O F i kti , t " i n h .m .v’ w c ' I v

t o w n — M IS C E L L A N E O l 'S

___ 1T7HHLA\D AVR. Lackaw anna Ptallon. fHtH A N FfU Ii AVP5-, S2ft New bouae j rlallv Ticslrnhlp cornier; aeven large

$■» &.V) for qiilclt anle; eaiale prepeny; - -* •- -cn’»h refiMUfl'l; near South; Orange bvo. car. C R tN F , j)2fl I'-wsex h u l l i l l n g . _______ _____

LXTKA Just received, artolhep birge shli inenr "f {lii.fitr Rapid T'Trn aioruge him il-a. Hut

moM wi-nderful K> bnrga Im e\ iT fiffer- d Fleo, mb' Velitule liSTage, *Jtt4 iLHscy SI-, Newark, N. J.

ICIBB ORAVBM*8 Sohiyol for Qtrla, Via Broad v t , ruopeau T h u rtd ar. Saptembsr kinder-

gultaiL lu in u ry t Inlertnodlate, academia and auUagu p ru n ru io n r dspurtm anta; a limited utnabur tit oo ja recalvad In the lowar depart- tMftto» Cuttiflguau on upptleutlen.TUB TOWNBBND flCHOOL. M P ark p L -

P fln u iT , InUjrmedlata and academlo dapart- jU tto , Etigllah und college ornpanuorv

*• • * ’ >ol in whlubW ufdibg and day achool■ ■' — lo aver: ___

JULIA ROE O W Iti,tndtvMuul Attention la Ulvan to every

upply lo MRS. ...........

COLUMBLA UNIVWRBITY.UVWABU (TENTRB, M WAKT PARK BT. Cliaaua In English, French. Hpaniah. Math-

antatlou and Kdui’aUon ■'■pen hb'iUamber 2Xfiend fo r cuuii^cufi.uvuntegu.

Oflioe open dally and

BHORTHAND. typew rttln i. booh-keaplng. olvll poaltlona weekly paymenlf.aorrloe; poeltlona aura wceaiy puynienu.

BOWDEN'B OoJlage. M Centre at. i Uiiflk Hkt.

ArTM fJRNtH'rt *w*iiaing. hntken pun* of euiu- rioblles; mai’hlnery. automobile eprlug* mset

ami rejiklTcd: Iruu forgings made ty unler. U. .A■ . .............................. . . . . -n." .....Htlici lAN, H70 Haleev *1-: 'plume t>l27 Mkt.a u t o TmI'H.W INI) HFSIFLDH.KFAT fTVVFRS.

I*AHHl:sT AHTO TOP StANl.'FArTITH'HHIN N, J. N Y. AHTn TiH ' ft F1FI')*T»Y t.*0, i.‘iJ7 I1AL.^LV ST., TFL . IWM MAHltFT.PNBMIKH llvB-)ja*aeiig«-r; hrai .•laM cunditlon;

prlvftie iiwner, Jeavlng tuon.. win BJicrlhre In quick buyer, save cominleeloii itiid get a bor- giiln 7f> f'druegle ave , Ibasl O ian g e_______

<P i rv i 'l lN 'F l 'H S T . nesr linllfivllle a '* ’ - ^ e - f'TTr'h H r> omh nrid balh; I'Ukc In t;

luc-vmc STtfi. f 'tlcf Sb.SHHl. AddrofiB Ffisy Tcrma, Hcix V<. NfA-R nlllca. _ ________

i; J»b"'ibi'm rJisoDabie ' lirick Ii iuph. pIx mtitus all Imi-Mivo-^ffvrH M 111 I-'* M fn'"d ■•all. miik^- an offur | nn’ntfi t.ui h -u t : soiiili

rilF . ' F’ N THM. VVI'.Im .N WOFUsS, | pinm .nT, bi-liime lUorlBHte Uwner, I-n Mt--..................... . . . - 1 TpofilHTt pli. '

util [s rM M F K YVR , best re .ilnu; rilne.rocm houKc, bjok^’n ■ »i; inMU'u- Micni! . i:i orrl^r; t*..S.KI.

nf rill oM -1* fHtu. HlllDSALI.. tl Stuilh Sevonteenlli *!.. F hbL Urpr1 Tlve iru e fie r . 'e in ^ s tht- rlxb« I'l M'm*-A ................. *................... ’

rtuv and all . ,v ■ I T. ii

bkc m e , T 'c'r.tiir.d rm ifil; wm

lot*' ■nail locRtP'l on mountain *!op»'; lini ro\ed «ir.*i*tB: reBldl‘t tlaT: MAHYOTT, IH Mt. PruipiT( pl.N'F'ARI/T new five-room house, wllh two Urge

Iritii floslrfll'lc loLatlfm. nve-ceut car fare. 20 minutvB out: only w<^rth t2.u0fl; punCKPh. Adilres* T. iV Box 7‘i, New'i officfl.W fl.L sell 10 quick buyer a lot duxIftO, near

Ttk'D Fudge fit H price; muei have $30 caat. nt onr.^ .Addtear p . T f K fV'-, NeWi Office.


. . . ............................ .\N1> FRA1B«ll'U 'oK W ll'H Al.Mi I lit Ri.SJMH, b a t h \N I i M L 1\1LIIM\ FMLNI VK'-K- IlNiH 'iH y I A lts : LMT A130J Jl^Hixl'rti r t r i ’ T A M I MI ST ^tJNl'TK^; MF T lO 'LL Fi. 1 h VS YTillN t^ Tu F IL L A HOVE RI-7gi_lRE- Ml'N'Ts RKND PllUTCl AND I 'lllC E TO iii>l SK EJQX J' NF.S\3 OFFH R ._____.< \*r-F .\M IL Y house, with gr.ragc, In the Or-

Hnxefi Mfiplewfiijd or iilcn lUdC':- wanted In /■xrliwnxP tor chMf.e l'>l* In K tafU i. Exchange Itcaliy !■£».. 4.1 < linpin *i. ^ro rN 'T n V rei'ld''it'‘e. "'10' a-rresge.-" within

cummutliiK distance wanted In r^'-hange for free ami e lia f Newark lots. I'.xuharigq HaaJfy Co.. 43 i lintiin at. ^

,.'» I,.,I" . / ' - . I ; - - h . i ..n ."

Iwul-R of h ’ A

thedale -jf wile, iip'JU Hu- af< r''r‘H!d priiol. -r

’I tiB Kulrt proiierlJ will i"* »' bl ai putdu II..n al Hio e/M'1 prem!*''!- I'ri \\ f. nrtii day ><t Member, hill fit h' till. f.ireUiKiu. Appllnulon ft.r .•unflrnuiJ'ii ■A III l-e made l.rf.'rc Hoii l':dw|n 1

a ’ i4aiiki'iipi''VbilU'lliiX. ' lilL' 'tl fb 'l U' =*'N T ThureilH). MiUnt*ei H'll

! tpli. k blivet b.ll'

J.l It- I IT- 1 I Ilix rrm>l?l'T . Cil'lp"! b( ]..'r M\ b*. Iilb;,' find laMiiM , SAHi i i

Arii|j'H8H II .1 hdtST '■’■ik*'cl I '‘n lial (ra!u. J.ebDIl' n.

iiTYS cnxv n hoiMp; bath ; all impis . great bargain; little caali. balapea

renl ' HAS. W. CtPHFN 1|05 Firemen * hllj^



a.\TIAiU': ROOM Rueclal riricn fijr dead »lar- .nga; we do |•ePHl^itlIt on hut car and build

iu to dallverv l.>rxlleB. It JUH Am>SON, 48 Or- a rg a . iHeohone tWlFl.MnrhMOVFHl.AND njoaboul, hUI model; complete

ivIMi M-P speedointier horn, exhniist wlllfiUe. rl''Ck, i'4iia ivibe*, o f . a luirgalii to quickbuver 413 I '- r t r a l ave.

.Arlrtti,-*-■lilt ^ref-me. r« “»’X ,.i .-iT'i'tH Newurk,


TriMte«-4ji U:Hiki'ib'' v.Ure-1. NewmA N sT

IIM' C L S ll.l i 1C M'« r lie\ i f I I .’IM> llTfUdMay, Ne

S T l'i: i ' 'l l l l 'M M:i|'I'IjKR #b '. IWu Runnl n|.c!i lit ' i

g.'b. (.Il l ST' ' in-', .uijiiu; I'ln xccC' m ilk -I iM.-l eluE

I 'ifvd

$L*.' 1-iir't iu 'kIb'l.

V, I I It I IKXiapsUM'*

bf i ■d I 'li.T lAv .\ h{'<‘l Mib-

I fiMOD Investment, an eight-mom hnupfi, part j ' linpro\emctitM: SarX'' yurd; nIeUlt (II.OCHI.

Tgotie 1 l^J^irifiird nt. Iru|uTe at TiU Martforil jit.FOR HALF^Hotiee: flT3 Hlph et ; 10 rooms

ami garage; all mo«lein Impro^eiTienls. Ap- i>lv D. WOLi-'F. MfirkPt "t ________

lulll b" Il

■ ,M ,'.!iT Si)''iiiLrl,. Id

I I Hfo

York MLly

M.'i any hvlit hunlnt-sfl. J.dfl: H'l li>n - r .n itec wwgun, MY;

I.lrtrfi.i in C Iiri'ioirer'i' \'ivn -i ?4r. lir-a^ ?,-«|ivln« I,], !-1b, lixht :i!.'iim g U>|.ruen atm n Ll,''

ihgle hariicK"A r r - r i ' l \ S-u Tk i;x 'l K A 'ilililS A H T : I.1IMI.7 ■'■la ' f ' " ' 8 '" h»ni'-''R .n KALV; '"■■ V I 'H N ir rH H ANU ' AIII'ETK. ■ W iirrm

A ’I'^nON Ri'OMS A t 41 ' ' F I mI RI F Mai HviibhAVK. .at II M-i-LOMK. . VAN T'.N A X. : F 1J U Id. Mir> •

a it wnK"i>Itcrx' n Hi , n'’Hr

TiOAt.'HKH for clas-work Ad-irH * ]; Dleclptme, Pox 0«. Nows offloe.



A epwNtHy school In ihs higher a r t of pianopluvial. Thorough, aystem auc Inatruotlon, fto-

irdli • ' ............... .............................cording to p lani of foremost European conser vutoTleu.

Acudftitilo depurim ent for elementorv and pr*-purutbiy wnrk.

C-ertlAeinS^rtllfraleii npd dlplmnaa to grsdLiBlfiS III BormUl. BiTlsts’ and pnst graduftin I'liutsea praparatlBn fur concerts and reCUhln a f.-ature. T a m begins Sept. 18-


IkUt OAhLANf> niuslMMir nml Hill fli-haehl ilemonaiiutlug dellveiv cur, perfect '‘djiiIi

tiuii Ph-ne 4I1TH Market HHAY’S M i'br f a r Co . sa3-L!S3 Halsey st. ________ _ _Mi i IU ;l it , Rulck I'.urlng rfir. als" H'ht F-

A L cm , bolli In llrKt-dass curuilU"ii, V"H' ctiulcb f- r Arlliigiun ave ciwuhi Wuke-tnmi a \e clly __i'ACKAIUi ruautKiul arid touring c*'* ui vfiv

utirfi'nl'ii* pibeH; IH-B In van [In.- iiiiiilMb'". f'jllv l'■|•ll|.:.e.! 1‘n.rner A'dhigtoii fiiul Wake, mull R\e» . cUyF I\ IC H'H

Xond * taiilH ' *n . "" pHi N'-rtb ''d ht

iili.K rnr fnr s.'iie, Inleii'iiX iibioii'l lijqi.lis

'|ihiiii« I 1 n Hrivnr h

AV1<1. ............Ai r I I' iN J- I .Ft «C11 Hell I he f'dl cijmiH-t ijiLin.l rp r lg t.l riiiiiii, one i lu ee-quir- tr r Hlire I'l rlxJH I'IkUU. fine loi "f .Mah-|K«iD im.liiK £Uid Heil FtmiliUM'. in :i -.h 1 e.ja.FlHir aii'1 MolL-h MaHresws. lnt.i-e, |011111" Ftookers Miiri'lfi Cluilrs. i uiicbes, i................. .'naeH. WrltluK Hm-"-*t-ijk < bin, liU-r* SlileboiiT'ilH. Hiiffi'ia, ' Inrui Ck.’spi.-* Mti 1‘a il'ir . IHnInx i\u'l r.i^'lnximliviBH ii.w-. i-tc.l Hlfios: large l»i of Lhn.J.'niu iHii.l Mibl"Mi iiml genenil line i.f ii^ fn l ,bold k*'"1h rr.i miiner'>tJS bi Ml»e.‘in ' t 'o u ,Hie b"l'.li;K f -r niHl-clUfH gu'Od* f>T V'Uir bume.

I.... .. au.l up Ui date. ATtcT.d mV caieHi.w-i V WKbM H.liiV mid Httlunlav 1 h" I'H-r'H.m V>\V‘F*‘ \ At r.cnlve a KquHre -b'H M ‘i. iilni.'H .......... ... lUiAiev « IU be r'-fuml.-l IfPiitierl.d ^•m1 ynur imrchiiie Ah klndH of ^

fr.'in reabUii. e« \Vdl 1*e .dken (fl.,[ !0 b« Hnl'1 at HUctlcD ut 111 ; - l IIII" ilaV after sale. ciimt-M? if hi •l•■'H,

........... .m l /bit* b.-Uglit fur 'HSl' ' AN r - ' / 'N \K KMl'-Ttl! lillCllDTierr Hlld H|>|'lfii''''r ti‘.ll'h-l ■ fin Sufi-t\ CinriiHii) 1-1 ’.■■ara I"

fftTrlrtga Co . I*.I'lrimge and San­

ford H\i»'i orffT^ gram ii;u,u-.iln* m w m fn-ik# rr.i,iii f I li'-iv -H'cl(, irui-k- mid waKfUi*, euH- uIiIm for iiiv l-iiHlrieH".. lAill he aob\ al c5.-«t: |n\e^nall''■ f-ir vniirsetf an l ■«■? big rFranet*

DNH F a m il y heiii^e nml Imtli; nil ruodfim lmr>rovemenii. H-liI P.^verlv i t . ; term* tc

suh. Inijiiire 11* Edmond s t . _______ _$300 IHiWN buv* twn fftnillv bCiise. lb r""m*

ajid b ii ti; l-'f TrixKHl. A'idrees Traveler. H>-x S2. .N'liVH office _MN'r. FAMILY hiiiisa seven rourrtf*. HTuall

iti-u: down. Imlanca as rciii LRN. -*ta'hrn.i'i ____ __ ____ _____________ _Mill SF *'f e i '" p ’i rixime: iwo ims. Hli:h‘m=<l


■ P'1 nx»mp: iwo Ints.lUius'c F:ii'i 111, ^ 'euB nn~ii~

Hl'H'lRFl • • |ia 'S .ll> iiiit on Hrul repair h' jII.1 end mslilou

veh‘f|n !;rea wa use l l r f i r ii| niLher i-niv; Ihev wr«* the best; low: work dunsWl;.;« •. CrV \v |ll,

,U1HN a .MtdRICEL CM rrln n s stf;n . iTl v-rlc nihc*., lf-0 .b-rsn, s;ill .-iriv 1 pM

bii'^irics'*. two gniji! air.c ilrlylng i" r.u-'anini J-'.'i 1 *rs« liurtc I'M htuI Inp RruL c r*

.uim ?. .s. driving I ■ n' fsl oflbirTU'**.W.-lgliM.tT**-!-I Ir.-d t" Held avs.

u'jakv, mi'Jc Ido. 61»: Spiing-

■ .-.lHiini-f;c, Ml v s

flj«l l'T '-1•! Hi'H’k)

Jhtfi li'US g •1 i tih ‘-nlli

! erso: $4A Ivivspi'iiile rat ivui\I • nr SpidJigdcbi

R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E — R O S E ­V IL L E

JI HT runiiib‘T“il , 2-fnmlLy. Poston filftii. wide hit; |iaiqii-'t fl‘ioi-4; sej^nrfiie Impts.. hand-

soum- dv,'f.riiib>n‘i. idmiidellers; ItttH yearly. M I' l'CHt.KR c c ,Ui.~i HosHvllle nv^.

■ 7^W A L L I ' E E N U J ‘A I^ E H H ^ N 1

H’ YOt* Inieiul to luive niiy paper hanging or tmlmhip don** h u lh certainly prove to y n i '

T l i r REi ’T’RITY HT'ILDTNa AND LOAN AHHM' iATlfJN of Newark. New .Ii^rsey, * Hi sell nt nuvilon to !h* highest bidder. THUR'^- [lAV MCTMhVTU FIP'TII, NINKTKRS HCN- ]H{1*'It ANI> FLFVI-;N. st t w o P M.. nil the f.remlse.a. ih r threfi-story. one-family. n!n*' rt'.n i fiamo dwellliix. Bath sn 'l fill Impro-e- n i'n ta . l-'ffite.l m PARKMlHlRT PTRNF.T. NFAVAHK. N. J. Ijm la iwrnty-flve fe^i by #.'lB!ity-fl\e frfit m il n'lru? Inches

M. inTJ'»EHR.A.S*T. AiictlnnasrWVl MetropCilHan BMg.

N ew ark. N . J.

H O U S E S T O L E TTIU PD AVE.. J33—RrloK i'wplllrig; ten rooml

Hlld bath! ult im provfinuiits; hot water hw i.BUMMER AVK.. 1!44-Jit li:k dwelling; 4J»n«

rociBB and ba th , all liripiovcnienlH; stesm

I'ovH.SIDE ST.. 27I -F ;f in !0, ten r-joins ongba th ' al) lmpnn'eni('‘nlH: fiicam hcat.

A- U lF F 'JU n FLUME.2'J chnliin fit. ___

jil.u n M F lF U J AVF.., I l b - l t ‘ii roiuuB ba A an,J laundj'i; all .litipiuvi i.u-nls; icjii $.1. . -lO.

jh )SV LA.M> ^’t* IH-Rix loiiiiis. bath and lau*- (!fy. all Iniinovcirieuts; rwH ♦-.i

IN g lllK E iSlb.i I l'7Mi.K.IfiS MAHKI'.I S ________

HMARl’IN li-lIO l l-iE f)lt DU EUHNO av t,. nnar High » t., 1 rtwiuui; n o l■

<ru xm**i«i yilll rciiiuln; fiirhuuro h* fi'qulrrci, K«"d-i.8>int ,>rnp.".ition;\ lew liv appobitmviit only .L VlAllL) SM llM^ Ht.iN, PrrnJemlHl huiMIng

by lilt MmD.i'ilurBa In Hd* i4t' 'I'll.'ha tJilTI

’WEionaTiOTi A-ncAL .'»t v i >imh.

A. Aomijlal# education f«>r the Singer

fintietior Training at M'WlerBie R<n*-e-

Wrlto for h-'Kiklet. tfarnegl* Hah, Nm? Y' tkI t

the HO' 1_____ ------------------ I MiirktC _ _ — . . . -----------I'.IU K'lK.lll.1'711 I■"^1I1B " f " " " f"r 1-K 111'.!' ----- 1 I-((‘'F i iVv M A N ri'A ' "n HKII

h n lf "[ II'" " r '8 l '" l l "" -I ...........1 ra r („r ll lt l ' ' 1 |,.|v V V h '|.-s J.S11 M 8CIII N7'"'7 '.I,T \illi i« l. " »"'l Wahrmnn »v.., , ([• I'M"" ....... .

' ' iK"r, f" lira .,.,r rai fill! ! " r - .f , '' ' . HI,.,in * I'Iiaj" ' ^ "ll'l'-'III), ,.f " tl ia a . k," Jlfn,'!' ''".'ll ' " IT T . I.."nt'li I.

Ima.. H 'l II1'"I Pmclul'"! l,K 'hi- . r.'al- t'.'IlH ", 'l '" i" l ' , ,

r n 'M I n s imrT"l», I'r"l> lt i" i" t '.i* "••.I Ulna Fiirnni’ca. I bit nud A\ lie

a t h \M iJl|i!H-turi

duii.M ■' *'•

•IN M' fuV’A , i1"liTi|l- 11"

< uvrci


rurm ' 1'

1 nl«« igcri ■

' . —,.nr b''-

Hii-Hriiiixe to give ua a cbII find liDok Over our bn*' "f ibc Ifih"' stvl^n and designs. YV* {•jiiT> Hi'* newest, tlncft nni! largefit nH.vinioont I'f wiihi'tu'i-i!* and •■‘fid H'lri.a *l factiwy prlo-a. iiur si"‘, l " l I 'l '.. [("''■ lini'""* (nn fo t fc«(ItipllnUi-d firywbPfs nt .l.iuhle the nil.’*. We

__----------------- I itjil KUnratdee to do jtfitr (mperlng n 'lJ paint-'•nrt Fiddor • urT-i-. lass ‘n ■* •p v re^spcct a t prices. lower

pti»=llent ‘-•■11 ; ifim otberv, JOeMiTtnire ifiesrfulij* fut-ffl.“h»'3. Mjnripi* , Mall m write

------ - S. co iiB N ,v; Bound bUd j "j. 1 -jiMiin M:iTkfii l!8l YLv’-ket Pl.m ess: a fl'i'J

1 'iMb nv.‘,

MAT f. iir i.'i •'.pil prlu’iLt tl Htiaps,

I'M.-' rn<*r vrUiigton end WuIcpiuhii Hve* ,.■Il-HI: /ft

Ahltrut u+f lb L "

i.:id biiPtU' rnsivlfig I

'•M.. nr, Ti

. ' "flgnn* li i hire;

1 I fhli^rv fit.

Sr,tK> V 1 I'lM iti-fil rlBS* rhtuJlMcn. fullyJ H\ir,in. Kbixiin hi-rn. cb.ik iSrnVd-lrevi MiirMfiin H o t iP N f I omci

) "reihleUl'iwsr*

1 Hh-U"T'''

h l ’L C M '

.Hlmf'itiK \ 1 •i“*.A. J. HMid.YWOOH,

OffUThrt and cholfniHPif'. Si J hitim' s Chilrt-Fi. Inetrurli.jLi ill

Tlano. Organ. Voice Btudloe. 1-a.utei liuhdlng. ii.'T hrfimll et

Pctinlngiim m.

H C. i|i V-VI |■'-l1l uHPiM-nKer F'rir'1 mi ndjufit- i' . -,.j,L l .ju i, fs-r laiHlaesie Ciill

1', . -Tiirii!. U.l Magfirtne «1 , NVwuik, N .1

FLORBNC'E ARTHUR [tearher fur three y«;irs aX ihs Lnndtm I'cuii'arviii.fry of Muslf); slug

Ing ttta llan metb''jd).. \nioe j»biolug.URge othI opera, pletio hhJ violin lultlon, Washlugvon a t.; tel. 9fklL Market.

A n . 'M l Ip] 1.1 ■^Mtl1.’I(l ami HtoniUium paiTi.ulH.i bi.-k-n mil' ...... TV ric|iHlt'"l f\ uti-vgenoUJ

I \V I'l.lmx <‘.i . :t"rt IhMso) at. 4d.'.riW Market,


U m 'A KNiiX HANNA Y, PI.ANISTK. ha* r*«uibed teaching at h«-r etuiilrj In the (4unth*r building, S7b Urt-id m. Hri*ldenf« studio. 22 Oraton si. Tel, lH2h^l hr. hr

N. VON SEYFHll:!!.Voire Oultut«*. I'laiio Inairuvllon.

will rekliTtK; (>rt‘diHTHMinIdo avo

H;llll.-l I-nl, N .1 'lei I F'AV IIKA 1. bnitsul

':ii iitK I'nr. Ifite HU I . fu i'r IIISMLK. h'li Ne\-.en ' 'UI :kiu U ram riry, s Y |

bllo 1 IrcM find hibt*-' ''lillldlri: Tlrp TiOi;

I* In "HOi-ond" automu- fiperl Mrs and tube v ui- ■ 'll 4d YVllUnin *1.

r->u HAl.F. Uui kHTd TTiiirlhg car, tn Al mn- 'h tiiii i ' l F F * C \M P IU U d.'b iiBnig"

U'l-el l.nJ N J . iJi puaUe flepcb

llA ltP Inaimntion by m nceri hmiii.M uiut teacher, in Newark one flay rncli week For

i-rm s ad-lresp ANITA C LEACRK Wd W m IWRh Bh, New York

THOMAS lU.iTT, TE.Ai'HER MF FINijINL Studio nl U iuter r ia n .' C'

Residence. 1?P Ml. I ’leweafil « .f , I hnne iF'RBranch S rw k- ___riA N O inaiructloii; few pti| b" 4p. und F.y p i -

perlpnced teacher, ri-aHutiHl.le in'-*" TIIKKI.A A. HOLER. 25 HUWlde a \e . ncm- itTIhlnn ava., 'Kawark.

I N 1,0 for Riiruk'e nr Btornge honae;■ ant unlv .'I fh-N'i" I'ouTtlvius* Inquire

• t ‘ .jiiiui'r. » *f h 7.A/,7"ALl_____ _____AI'TU ii'PH .nade Mi ■■rder; priree most rt-a-

1-mtebir I' MATT ft I'O 4111 WHstilnk' n (M , L M '1‘bonH 47x71., Mh i1i;'‘1. _____1 iM O rsiN K l-‘bie txvlv i.n A dc II U iliasptp;

,'HM I'c bnuaij; at l"w hgur- i':id.iH M 'tf'r■’Yif . 1-4 iVriHliingtjn m .

Mill- Mmiil’ ronU. H-III"*.,.,r ■■JK.'.l, ("1,1 MLK’l-lm'ry .1. fl "il.l .1 I " '

Ilnll M iir'in |■,.rah1Tla,l"n "HI. 1; '»lar '■11""!''. "'.’ll ami I " ' '"P I’"" '' • r„ |,m "l8 . IniM" iiuam llv H - i . 'r ‘ l I -" .I '" ' H,,i,s HwlvH, ' ' " ‘I"' ■„ ,- lu n - 1...IHS 111" '-nllr" .>qiil|'m""l ' I " ir.uti.^fwitir•'I it'MrIhg. . ..

£ \ ' . . k 1'"?,N.aK A C C T I"S '7 i ' I i -,.1|. w 'l,:l 'M -!.l '..V . IX’T. ■, :it II ; Mt,o 'Ihil .\ '. 'n if t..n Ml.. NcabTk N .1

'I'u be s.'t-i !■' I"le f'lr SnifnPniatP^n'if'.'h ___AT'” A r < l h ' \ .A IrtVgv itnd » I' nn hm-k ■■!

m rverics b'.ijH.dunilsIiliig y"''„ I V. '.M \V "U^'tl ini er k :.x S\ •- I-

il" ,..... . m il a t i"'""C in i" . ' K -I ......

llonr ["""''■l 8‘"" " '- ,ir I,,,11-11" .......... "”«P* I"" .'''"" ' ■■'' ■'

r," two I.'" I"” .-- "'["•tu -" ., il '- l 'l i 'K aol'rr ',1 ml! ________

•'l l' ■T lin K i

HVN''*E- Vu' "lu’ nc^'dlrc grn>d' rk tinm'- jit rcnpnfitible p»-1cc

..ic Kt . •■Ill fi. ■ N'-Vsi.'irii or il‘ .m ry hursef,; price

•■f, m ' ; V'7 A I'fTTT'tlVR rn HI.. Si ' iiri'Mi _______.'Mlfi- r. rii Imr ie. wugon and

' S.s'i H'lM \KU-\NTS. 14 F‘r*Plk ____

TIIK "HIM INAL ''H V S I'TRENBLIU:. reilablr.Pflipt.-r nml .Iftiorntor m noved from N«'W et

tj II M'Tiftr fit . m'Hr Br'clngdeld Hve. Hefoie *,,.,lrifr lit Sfuii r..ntrni t fnr pnp'T hnnglng.

N V M.\ i;........... a •

jiRiiS c T Ftutgen Pi. and six- ti.inr<hi't Hi.ibicfi; also h h IIs lo[ \v (< k ‘

Interior >>r evierb-r painting suud postal nr ■plu'Tin 'Ji'l^ Miirket iimf I will cull, at v“urrun-. l■lllP!lC !. with pamtilcp Roome popared as Ifiw n® >1 fid «■ rk giiHifiiitcerl; mi rom>cciton u lili vti' • liter (Irni b»*[irlrig mj’ name. UHAS. i : u i :M 'i : i : t ; n Mw-ict-*i _______SVF: \<" blRh-grade d co rnung . poinUng and f hfinglfig, latcfii il<.H]Htui •'’h Fiflnd; work giijijMiiff 1 10 be drat-i-IJiHK, prlccfi teeeifriable; rc |'i'i*sfnla 1 Ive will (fill, write or phone,

H RMMANOrF,•I'tifine r.?->W If. h- fKl? R 'arren at.


THE lU O N noiN 'D LIRTTU n' m-IT,DlNO AND U.^AN ASROrlATlON OF NEYVARK- NEYV ,1|i:RBFT, win sell ^ auction to lha idjbcftl bidder. YVKI>NF3ST>AY. OCTOHKU FttUFlTII. NINETEEN ITirNDRF.D ANI> KLES'EN, AT TWtF I’ M . on the premise*, th t Iwn and oti«'hnlf st^rj’. one-fatnlly. froma (Iwfclling honse having leu roortia. AU im- prcumenlH. T.ot fifty-two faet by oh* hun- liied and thirly-flva feet- l e a f e d et M.'I IIIXON PT.ArE, FMUTli ORAN aE. LEW ,i i ;t is e V-

M. nil.riK B R A N T. Auctioneer&*& MeirulKiIltan Bldg..

Newark. N. -I

HOUBE-One nf beet lacBlIonp lu N ew ark; v ^ y ctmiral; suUably for prlvnic funilly or hrard-

jnx-housc. ah Improvemenifi; One cOiidUion, owner leavliiB town, itumedlole posaesHlon. 4fl New st. ______ __ ,,W liU . (iwidtii la r j ! 1'2-rocin hgut".

room unrt Improvomrnts, n t H KBSt rhanic H .! roii'ilrii will he mnil'. o suit ContraUTiieate Thlcu. & CJuvcr Jllil pl., Ai-.oni- Clair.ONM-PAMH.Tf' house, nl'nr BiiW'l If.—SovSB

i-i-jms n " i h>lU. nil I 'oprovem nils: W8 n mqiuh' fll"o other housen In hllTefem Im ru or the city. O EISER & ri.U M , Wtn Broaii It.

llll.nr7HHANT.IT * ■ Auclloneeri. olTlee.Mi;, .Uetrop'illinn will l"t[ ■" the high

f Kt blikler. m; oflfi/ larmfi Satnrdav. Octobei 7 Hi 2 R M , on the iiTenilse*. ib* n lu , m ost­ly new, iwo-ffittilly, all ImpTOT’emtinls, 12-ruompouBf. 570 Ueshlni? a>a Sale posltlve.cTZ

F O R S A L E O R E X C H A N t ^

HUM K t l.S II ■ r


e.iiind find gcnlle, g-^d for light ditvliig h id''' llftt Woid^bip ave ,

d live.

111(4 W ALLPAPER RALE-:.Hlarkfi 2Uo , gilt*. 3c *rrsltoPscd, two-

lone «M veloura for l6c-; varfiteli Hies for i2V*c . j-Hpertnx f-"inp for $3; painllng a t low i-rb ee Nf R tiT ilM rsii:. 0 Boulh Orange av*. ; fill our work nuarAnteed.

j $:.M - J - 'mkI.' '

! '■ ' .......j;;ii iiM

«7d bii'p ' hard

good ho ^ t , j S\M

el«hi Old wcTl! hor!"'. must hoH4 Newrtrk Kt nvar

ji ilh r i llrc i; good rvinnlnx oMi t ; fiiiri cie. chett]'. J'lorlHl. > Tijb-

biO ^^^^■| v o ; u , e ,

■ tlonorr. '" H. TU'' ' ' I ' " '" ' " ^

lu ll I'MKitE.fN liirpc.lit Jr-mi n'-trntlng cer ■ plUipf'l ipplv ''.■rie'ta M"( r r« P ‘r<> of

S. rt 11—I' i . 14 Hranfnru y!

THOROUCJil. •vstem allc imlntriK piano play- log; bw lnnera or advauFeO, 'Rily twac-her;

tOC.-ll. AddrfM roirn 'etenl. lUrt hS. News of­ficeO L ll'E B. 'MltAsS, acronipnniTit and pianisi.

boa reeumed mstr^icilun iii piiHiofurlH; prlvais accom panjing Ptudlo, h5 Avon sve.; ‘plione'RAGTIME and rnuMc; bs my rnarve]-

OUB "Jocetl'm svsteni" b»*Klhh<-n i.lfiy bj/ not* « t once. p aL U ':s , 17 Hutn*: m., Nj^wnrk-P A N J O .” m a n d o l in . GUITAR. VIOLIN

lOMons, $0c.; insii'uments for sale. 'Ph'tii* A J. W E IPT . 45fi WnvhlngiOh el., ro t Klnn«>.

ylN’ i: 1USSLN<:EK I’u 'katfl gi ixl [•uiulUhm, r'lienp v. .Tob'k b^iver Cfinier Mb' find llrhlge

ptn PcdisiPU ^ _________ ____ ^W ILL w-il’ (hi- week. IblO touring cfir Ilk*

II.'W }4rii> .\dilrM«n Merchanl. Hon 42. N'-wt ,.rv-r ■ _ .

(i vHAnF wanted f.'T B-U! cnr» central, stale r* III AiliircflH Quirk, Buk .'.7, ;^wn ■oitii^e.^

HI’- 'i d!‘li\cr'j' im ck for sal* che*l^ HAS rt<,iuth S is 'h ht

AT a T'OTTONund ih l id r .n

l..,..le U HK1I.J. au'd.iy O it'd 'ot , c.iiumenclng »i b'..ui ill 14 A tling im . i'*ar Market. rhJO pHlrs m en's HixidyeHr wtll^, Ufst miikc* I f'l'Ht jn lrs w.xTnenjt anJ «l .h r " . »I"I '" . '' '" r* . '■“« I"*"'" '■■■""'" ’nhoc*

■an be bough i ch'*ap

. mniii I* ' B U S IN E S S N O T IC E Si hll-lrcT

H O R S E S . C A K R IA O E S . E T C .HUi MroTiK *oTk horse, work Single nr duui-i*.

weighs 1500. p ri'^ HttU. Irtftl allo«efl Ai-'o loo bw r bottler's «flgnn aiifl ham ew iheni- WILLIAM HUHAEFF-II. fl«fl BfUlh rwentleTh

*ni , pi'Hi S prlnglk i'i Ri.e, call a fisr 1 F’ M

S \ ' 'K Rum'^v t’i' iuivhiiit iiH refiriRh you illvor- chcr'i-'lifiT-* atiti brasa bndrtead*. mak-

b e thern HHe ne^ . anything In Ihs metaJ line ■ , . t ' t-'K'd Kii>l r..*palr*d a|nr silver p<»ilahI "h 'Vrlle or idion* :ill-.7I SRW.UJK N l'.'K Fl- ri-.\T IN l} (TO,,, Rear SS and 40 W alnul il.

10 T'KH CENT b' ioTv olheTH; 20 f-er cent, b e t­ter :lin;i oitunfl* as low a* 12 iwr room;

rterv-n and sir^ip piinellTiK in nil Die laieat desietit eMlmotcji free. DOTldC. 4H'J W ashing' ton fitR H iab 'W . IT21.'/ Belmont av t.; w m a paper-

I'd si'lefi and ceiling. |5 up; ,w{irk guarfut- b-etl. t'fiimipp. ilc'ojratlng, kaieoitiFnltig, I'^w-esi [■rices, ehMmarc* nlven. Tel. in7ft!l W averiy.I, WIT r.NLNV, S« W ashington ave.. will p a p »

rooms, J- fki, t.eal paper: work guaratlt^e'd; pairNtiny ilejr>rat1iig, kalaornlnln ' pricpfi. ►'fifimalee glvuri

T H F ilRnt^KLY'N WALI^VAPER CO. will poficr rooms frunt $2.W up; pain ting and kaleomin nx done al verv .-a iijn i^a |irtcaa. Bend poital nr chTF at ^“ 1 Buiiit et.RELTABI.E ilficrraiing comjmoy. M WAX, p»-

petlng ri'.urui S'J .'xj up; paint 12 up: Freem an

KUITTV of $40,000 io business bnlWIpg In tral imrt of city to exchange fo*

UidNTON HIT.Ir—Whole bouses, eight r<tom% bnth HUmiii. all IrnpiovemcnlB. $!Ul; twelve

rouma, biDi $42; rholco location So* or teie-phcib? OIBB. r’'«> Brcmd st ^ __________

bathIrAHHC com fnrlabb’ nlne-roomt' and Fi0uac;'all »mpTovcment». on a v ^

W'ooJHidP scL’ilon, fine localiun. ORBEN, lJ0f» FUvmen'H bUlWlng.iN THE EIGHTH WARD, ooe block

Elellevllle ave .-S ix-room bouaa, with bath and lauiwlry; reduced rent to May 1, ivl*" H* quire 2(J Taylc-f s L ______SUMMER AV'E.. beat section; nine-footn "hnuHo: nil IrnprovcmeriU; excellent ordw ,$28. HIRDSlALU South aeventaetitb at.. Koiil Orange. ___________ __

w o o D siD K .""" tl '? Iy .'jr .. L/V.84.'.7Il IJ. I J OV...".!.! - . .seven rooms «nd bath : large JoL ■m Hlc'hUml avo." ^ r e * t Hlff. < ity-m

Btortenge o® ifro|n»rty; Im'ume froro building pays 8 |iet cent, n^t on luveatinMR: pHnclpals,illy. AddrHfii EouUy. P o i



MONTH, i n q u i r e 10 CEDAR BT. . itC lJKTtThr T n7,l.r-B ight rooma and

hardwuod irltn ; G'le bathroom, etc., 9m to$ao. F IN I.E T; tel. £l2tU. 'WaverlY.

FRfiiK ahd clear iota in all tectiona;f<r In.oins properly or oecond iiu T tg n s« . “

Acu Imv® unyllifhg to exchange IM It with tis. K.irhange ReiiUy Co.. 4B Ulinton at. ..a n y one wishing to ei'Chnng* raal en tita ^ y -

whera can f* t excellent oppo rtun jaw ; Wtin pnrtlcnlar* of property and want*. ^ iR R A T

R E A L E S T A T E F O R E X C H A N G E - O U T O F T O W N

Inliig: lowest•Phone IMISL B. B.

W ILL exehxnge for led*. Roaevltia or Oranges, Hjtiliy of IH.SIMI. In three Just cnmpletetl rwo*

ffinilly hdieei In Eaat O ranfo: TentaH2.filk> an- iiimllv Address Builder. Boa M. N*wn ufflc*.FINK two-fAtnlly houee* w*ll fehtad. Cast Or-

anga. etnall one-fa nrilly or lots. Addreaa iKuT la. News Offic*'

H o rS B lo let; 135: elBtu rmim* ana ta lh | near Clinton gva. Apply t*Monmouth st., near

H SHa FEH. 9 F rnnkim It.a n t ’TH t w e l f t h ST., fi and 46-O ctober 1,

io and 9 rooms; all Improvements; $3S. QUO.E" VAN DYN^ 4ftfi Orallga a t _________j X i c ^ Three-room dwelling; Interior

Walls and woodwork newly painted; fB. :

_________ H O U S E S W A N T E Dw a n t e d to rent, with Ihp privilege Of buy-g__ _______kniT«ia wUHmabli'- cornvr brn/'^rred: iouthern part of city or H lli MJotlOTi. C. DOEER, U Vflnaerpool lUSMALL house: all Improvemerilb: heaL; small

fa m ily adults; m M erate run i. Roseville -sec­tion preferred. AddtL*** Adults. Hoa BS. News

F O R S A L E O B T O I .E T

A LOSING propoBltJon. when your property ram alns vacant; avoid tr. Hat with u*; wa r Z ? to i l. NORTON BROTHERS. 31 Astor

VIOMN and fiano lessons at hum* or studio;'*Bo!1et location ayilem*’ used fixcliislviily.

MI98 ADA LEE. ?M Ctiestnul su, Newark

.\u tO R io b ile a f o r H i r eAUTf'H 1.1 hlic tlsv nr hour; fiperlal m tfn il.n

lIOftflKS* htiriMHi. lioTwfi. Just received a of d raft and generM pUrpuav Iuth. b

f. v«i m W T L F S and lights; why do you buy ' \rai- nrlintinfi gas llxhu lasting luU a shnri

n - .l ' trpT the hppt nn<l cheiipeat In th* end. t'Kl! <r writ# KKNT'3 Light HliiPe. 24 <’Ilnton

i honfi 29d0.l MarkeLJii Newark.f r ! TH F ^•K^V.\nS^ QT’ILT kST> MATTBKSFi CO..

M id i JULIA M. BPIHNGER. I'lauo Inetrurtioii, C arrsno metbOiJ: teriufl niodernte. u-frlunsrs

rective special rIW H ob. afkl BeUevlUe v* __rO R N E T . trombone. 'chUu. Imsso Instrui-tlon.

C, MANCKiLD aludlo. Jfil Betfnn st , neartHrliUs ttw nge , itiflrnitaebie^for eolo. __M llB BUKICE HUNT, leachfr of 'the Dolle*

Location System'* for violin and piano; home • r Stofilo. W ftpsevUlai ave.. N ew ark .______prA N o"Itaaotis glYen sypt^mellcaUv at hnm*.

atodSO' afieottl attention to beginner*, lady teattbar; W « a 44 Thiru-ervth aw . _____

|.4 ril**s anil huntinit psrlles. iGrliulina t’tjlilr uogK ami ca r. T MAXFlKLlJ,*R1 I'-Trvnklln al . Bbnm fleld; trl. 101&J PSfdFTVe ' a ND HEVEN PASfiKNGER PACKARD

CAFift I‘'')R RENT 440 CENTRA^!- AVFi. FAST rtRAVCE. TE L iWU O R A N G E ^____n e w 7, and 7 pessengrr tonring ears In reul.■ oky ..-r nlxht. GUAT’B M.'tor Car CYi. 'pheru*4U7fi M srk-t Halsey at.

A u lo m o h i l ^ W n n tftdgPtYT cash f"f anything in tho luitiTUOiiii^ ' Hop fn-in. n complete car to ♦» colter pin Arllniron Ave. Gartige. oor, Arlington and \Vak*msn av es. city, 'phufi* 20514V B B

Bale IH ♦•Ki’bange at th« lowtjit market y rh i i at iil i' l.EWlB'Tl fiUiUle*. 44& fA fhteenth i v* Tel. W aterly , ______j r S T rectl-vfd «'Uiii>a'1 welt seleoied Pt*nns'..

\tin!a hoTsei, to w luld at the l«,iwrst nveih>'i price, la ir tria l Rlvi n TARRY f'FBN RCA lb i. ftO Union av*.. liVlngton: 'pFion* SuS W averly.R rU B E R t i r e s f it all vehicles. S'UJil or

cushicn: Intarnal ur "Id* w ha, roselUnC and reLifttrlugi ovary tlr<* is tcsbul and giiftraiil<"’d J l.r i iW R 4 . In c . rau^floM st- __Iflfi B l’TS cartHintpr'a or plumber's wngi>r; $51i)

imvs rubber-tlrt-<l tnp luigkjy, JLYB*i Ilf harnfiss; S2ti buy* lop wagon. il2 iv-iuih au iee tilh st . near SpriraPclcl ftve- ______

>iA 'ifiiy nlR''o lO the m aniifaclureri . f.I0V.U <\ :VtR liftlr ntaBr'-SHCf. feather had* and■vib.wh riBtlf and ren>n.^e all work gunrnu- t<w'..1. 27- Lank st.; 'phnre 3Sft3W MarkeU“ ^ a u -nin-g" ^ w iN rn n w s h a d e s . fpr store.'*, oflices fthd il<veiimg*, at manufac­tu rer'* f.tlroa, Rivnlnx" taki'ii U’ wn, sP'TpiI and repalrv.l hi rvasonablr piii’es. Y9fU* b-r 'pb-jaa4hW\^Y Mel Hb.tde Co.. 29 B ^ t n * st- WHY ri'-t aiqilT B metal cell1n| over The oTaokefl

pUBM In iHir kHohen. hathrooniiS. storr. atr.1 nK M lY IL TllAl'TW RlN. Metal ' elllag ( ->11 tractor. LtO resliliu* ave.! tel. 21779 W

at. nrul VrUpv road , tej. 47T.T Wfcst Dra.ngft.W E r-filni y'Uf r'.ni7ia, $3; paper-hanging and

miiatile Iioump t'ftiuDng, rtxsfinfible; tend poa- IK] or c.nll L RnSF.NPFRG. fi“ West vt.___

rO REPT HILL. Highland nv*. 73f»-OnB-fa«- lly h&uas; aeven rooms anil baih^ Int STHx

100: all In good order, pleasantly situated. ujulre^^^ir^mlsejA

dn our best i t

T O L E T — O U T O F T O W N

M ANIIa T T a L' I" '" ra ting Co.; '*1, 07SJ MM..[.a[ivrln>! •‘I'om*. J‘J.60 up: painting, $1.7B: t.ut-

Blde wrirk. S WAX. Prop., 19 CHitil-*!! « .


PA lN T lN t; imri'i hfingln*: lowext THees; fill work Kuar.trueed, giro ma ji irlaJ. W EiSS.

2£M P'T.ulh (irnn^f «ve.; tal. flUJIU Market,

EAST ORANGE—R fiu tlfu l houaei; will ran t vou and credit same a t first payment R

buv: new Idea: let «■ tell you. C I .!^ . **-n R R K ? L ^ ]0 5 W Jre m S 2 i.^ iii liiM ip ^ i-S -2 E ^ "

r A P r i i lN i ; ips u m J *2 flO up: paljulng, $2 ;nu^*il.- u ,rk rt-.i-onable; work guH.rante*?d.

Jv.VRV^i 'K II..SHH. 7tsi Sprlngrtelti ave.

M K . C M A R L E S F . K l f ’ H H O R S , " T h n m M «r., iM tfue tw nf rtoB", 'T*»n. lit™ ofy . '*n®.

• t t u / ai>5 la iu f -TTAU-ArR t a KON, vocal oaUora. I f

nWNETl win "vchangc gooil orp.rsmll.v tiO'iw.well located tn T3ait Orango. for aulf^momlc.

A riJr«" MRS. Q...BOV IM), N»wa nfflef

V aaf-'l^rk i t . R"»-. 3#® C l l tm av*. TaLt B. S . Volca irla l (rt*.

15-AifTBD-HI»5-«ri*> tonrlna cloaad bortv; alao roadater. Adfraaa 6TUAKT.

Bos 41, N«w« offloaa

Xr>0 711 TS fotnl wlmPcl ■f'lrk hOMfi one bus'- ne*s horee. ha-nv*^ and low-*vhee|nd runn-

bduL two gfwxl buAlnrss hnrses Avon uve , lu s r S fn a te a n tl^ s i ____________________q ilR R E horses fnr *fi>; owe big. h lark hnro*.

*226■ one b'fick horoft $90; one gray horer, s*6 MrNAMARA RROfi . Bergen *l. and Six­teenth av f.

rU lM N F T S rebuilt, rhimneya rlenne.l from ton to l>nui>m I" flue: plas(*rlpg, ilaaKing

and fill kind.. Jrhhing A. HARRIS!. Hh Alex­ander s i., tel. 12flS\V MarkeL^_____ ___ ___m a so n w o r k -flilfnrioTs i-epa1r*d. rebnilL

niaslerliig. allerailnui and Jobbing a Bperlaliy, T. IL DERMOPY, Idl tlalscy a t.; tel. soei l -CHIMNEY9 that lirok*. .rtftvi* (hat ^ o n i

bak*v repaired; W3?1i gnarantiMMl. R SAM­U EL. Ifih Charlioa at., Nawarka F . J.

OODD HorM and buggy far av*., eo n ia t Elavamti at.

n la . 006 FtfUWutom e t a l CEtLlNQB AMO WAlaLS__

erected in t i l kinds nf b u ild in g J A U M I* M A G U m E. 818 lUiBCT it , . Naw irk,

B r i s i l L R ' . t We do painting and i>apar- hanglng with r'-.isonable pries*. IW Rlgeiow

rii/ui.- Wavprly. ______J. RAI.TZliFRO O '. . pM ntlnf ah'! paper-ho lg -

Itxg; I ffu;jrcinit'e tha b«a* wurk; seflAl pcafala1 win .’al! H YVeet st.

S T O R A G EF L 'R N n l ’n E rmd olanoa moved In ^ d d e d

vans siored in clvans siored in clean dry ventUatad hoorpi, - - a.A4 Plane at.

T H E A T R IC A LY'AUDBVILLR arts and fkiualo furnlahod, aR

occaainnt; ij>dge and eTtopeh work a opacUiUr. Newark Bonking Oflioa, U orkat it .TOU can gft OB Oil f to f i j road •‘Th# V ^ t i ^

'• - " I- It tfeila l» 7r ; pfte* m , « » *


TO RENT, a ban»>n. rn rtirf house;*.*«rl«n IMalnfltJU: 12 minute* from atatlon,r tc fi'tlf iia lly uouil t j " '"hall. kUchen. to u r . hrfrniimB. h a tj. iS fvS^ra' room; all larac rooma. 1 la -e ta a ia ijitiip lot. Ail trnpruvflmenta. Includlfig hot « , I r a i-o f to lla l" '“ '1 *“* - c2l"’ Teoanl m ust move and to f""'* auii-U j will mBh" oonccMlnii 1- "^ fR T iaisaae expires. OuU cr phone J. B. u.i .k i i b ,__ _ luij Vnvih iiv-e.. i’tolnfletd, N. J.

vfi'trqT VI'TLEY*. T2H Bloomfield »ve.H I|?r ^ a . InriV li r - jo n ; .nv"„h

.... ....... . from trolley. FtHtlor*: ren t $!- - aJ*o a ® ^hura Fa, tevcoToom nouw. barn, outbuild^ ^• .......... - — two ;^ypSy YYinTEHOUSK. _________

KARU 0* Berea, 'J.7 nerca cu lU v a l^ , > ^ b land ' [run and veselablea, *'Vb ■■hllM„tr?“

rlatlon, eleht uillea from li^atort or Phllllpa-

in ia ranri irtlWementa. «ag,jna. haT '"*"* '. hors’ea seven rifwis, ilucka;- three la rx ay ^ about ' HAl c h l o k ^ j prloe $*.!*», "fri on.',. Hr, i CT r** if * ■

m ortgageiT S a i, ‘»<:«yd" m iu h aV e '^ lv ™ ! f ™ , ' ' , , , ™ ; 'L UMU tl.'cl Ae}«»v. u«.o.c, - ini —— la,to go In hla luialnieBa here and la willing w Kell this yalnablfi farm below ,

HOUSE of alxU rge aarden and placa fnr ^b'vh'lW . r i g- -iTc Anoly « Bleb a ... lruin*too. M

rtraaa F. F U r 'iC s ril 'lb jiM'~Bt., 'H aw a r h ._ j< ^te ACRES, fu o i holldin»a, « p or

trac*. ioanf » » d ; convanlent to « b o o t a™ church, a (o 3Uj ratlaa of •J*.'® ";.•i eowa. plga, farm ing i S S f r i f ?for 12.HOC; H.WJO oaah. J . B- ModONIOAl.* SON. rio i'tr. Dal, __________POn.TRY and dairy torm * t e "5" 'ffi.^2? 'aa near hotala, aumioor cotugoa ana r l ”* ^ ® acraa; maB-rconi benaa; lv f» '^*W 2Sf'i£KS; rtHaty ntw(i» fraWai tlroWr; running hrooll. MAHTOTT, IS

rc'aioriabTc. Apply « Bleb a., Wl Pacific at.. cUy.W EST OHANC.E. lA-ntchnng nva.. l ^ S f n n -

rooma and bath : nil Improvcmonta; re n t,r .n - S fw c A rtd l7„-J. A, BKIKNEH, M ,eo*d«!U-eonahle.

•I-. F ast Crgnae.W O O ORID O B-Rle hoiiae. grounda. atnble; t »

monthly; moving orpenaoa i» to i ona m onm 'r e n t f ta a f a CK ^SM A N , 1ST ureeiiw lch, Near ¥or». ' / ______________ .,■W EST P R A N O B -fh lT " f t

Enovnrnanta; only SEN- Call V R. BT-QIWN, UF u k tam oa. o t OSB3CN. 1V06 jniw M a'n BMIh jg.

BIFOR amall

«H WInihri y in th ro p at.

8 T 0 K £ S «BANK and

tow choice «ru onnvenlf vloa; rent reiBAHHLH »

Ipadfi, <vi, oonabla rehi ■un premlavsB H iriC OAT

H alae/ sunof yterm of y##j

LEblRA RL] building •

vat/jf an.I JjDKBK-ROOl

7Ul: furnli efflce aen lc*CAKAUi!: a

Of 6Tafi HlgLA RO F BT<

of two I'D hienla. Han ave.

■TORB ID acan t or

naer. 54 Bo

M FT. FRC roomve all

gooda; hnui near Cliniqr

S T O R E S ,


renovated; gtale for ba a sd lodgOB.

- 26a s d lodgbuilding.


APARTIIEnoffan t,

to b# appa iig]Air and 1 _

bolgbborhot aorvfc# au| nn lre Jauilt South Bevi



APAHTM3 der our t

||f ic # i; plat h im ltu re ; 1 ■Alof and ■Ivuii eala Tn«.. 113-84APARTM E

hrvuae: h m enta; pU convenient South ElevAPARTME

and bath, hoi water; end floor; ' *Pbone 9WAPAllTML'

rooma; a] CDurthcuae. claaa ardai hiiTk#:.APARTMF

and balh will devora N BTT ft 1

APARTME rooms, t

oervlce; h* irom Cllr.ti

APARTME five mild

tnenta: nea

AFABTUE rooma or

QUomaa #i

p an trv j re ing ranamBERG EN

floor, neF . TRUNlBEAUTIF

inode-.'q tlgbta; conBARCLAY

rooma; a fialet hoiii

BALDWn dia floor


apartm* hd aland alJ n

tog. hot ' B" ICBYECLINTON


c l jn Y otrooma,

a«*r. hoat

COBKBR bath; t


W« hmto tb« cBg b o o r


•a th g t ,




iilllO rr>iis'ly

.t;rI :>;in of> u(ld

TO j o y i yKAflT ORANQ1E. n*ar Main urt.-Heven-rctom

bouae: taa< water and 120. Imtit*-pnawHwIon. Apply M Uatn at.

KIQHT-KOOU hntiae; J»taam heat; all improve* rninia; rent vary re«aunab]a to guud tenani.

Call M HuTvharrl ava , hlaat Oranfe.TBVUJOWW-viiHjiie, w1tir#i7Vypn?a^ lu t Wx

i40\ twm |!M N. WEHKU. W»> muyvanant

______ ^ ! 1 ^ in g :^ t o ______FOR amal] idiPp or aerage. rent reaaonable.

Qb WlnlhTop at. Inquire K- HCliONBR. 70 y tn th rop ai., or TW tiruail it.

S T o f e OFFICES, ETC., TO LCTBANK And Waahiniinn tia., Okin bulMIng-^-A

faw choke offlvea. alngle or en auite: all mod'«m oonvanletirea; *laVHiut4 llghl: Janitor aer- vletj rent reaaonahlc: open aveniaga- Boom 20&,MAHHKH HTIOP, (uNy equipped, eaUhlithed

trade, fcp ri Theatre bim i-tlK. to k l Tt rea- •ontWe rent. NAlUAN 11Ylv=lU. a fm d fl.»T. on premlat-iiB B irK OABAUK. lOxflP. L'anhaid at., hetwecu

Halaey luicl ft aAhinifton a (c . to 'euae for i term of yaara. Inquire Market at.DEfsK ROOM nnil <lvak In vui >• nUractIve

ortlco; flue view, tDlophoih-, aieniiRraplier and ♦K#ry fonvenlcnct!; |1'J inrmihij- iHiu Flr»rnpu‘a P T d g . ______________ _________________ _]jKhlB-^*tLK ofllcee to let In th« i£xchanie

building. 4l> Cllntuh it i electric light* ela- vator anil JanHo^ iervlce; r«nti reaannabla.DEHK-llDf>M 10 lei: Klremen a building. rcKifn __ ____

701; furnlibed; telephono. aten<»grai>hlc and JoaNbON A\ K olBrt aervicv: rent reaaf»nabl*

IMJII*I >11 ticiir

111 allle *U

and •nahle on jit.iw>i,sri!i-


pnwi*r ul'Ing- '


nahlG,e Hr«.

» V\<1wnll!!.

hb; fill locHi • lAME*-

niirove-•d; Will.. Bill

nprove-y ca?h.

f cheap: k * 27


HP, ba Ann.

Uid lane-

and bettai Appty

October I, I3S. G£0.

R; Interior!; 1?___ _

?go of buy-# ouae. with )art of cMy iderpool •!.heat;- atnall taevIHe aec- X ]5. Newa

ir property ith ua; wa S. 31 Aator

d ave.—Six nutea" walk o a fl H. P.

Bold obea^.—------t—<iprovemanta;kknna: reutrylngtoo, a i

.. 16J-Nlha'‘"> la? rent . D a- U 34 .

a liable: Stt one tnonili epwiob, Nevr

iouae; afl Ifb*bto-wk. I t

remxa'a Bldia

CAKAOE and Btabia (or eiktit huraa*. Kuar

of flTfl High it Apply 1173 High at-_____LARGF UTORB. beat Incktion, next to corner

of two I'or lines, with rooma; all ImprcM- hienta ParilcuJara NOLAN. :i3-S South Ornageave. _ __________1«AR(1R, tight stoTv; goiHl li»catlon on avenue

Inquire srMLESlNOEFVB Motil Market. 146 Shermao avv _____ __1>a' k g k ato»'e. wiih living-D>onii: eultahle for

any buiineaa* rent reiaonabte. Weal KlO' fieyit. _____ ____________TENNlNdTON ST., near Broad, doctor or df:n-

tlet'e olflc'd, with r',»omB: all imprnvementa; flne Irvcation. ruxlarato rent. Exchange ReallyCo.. 46 Cllmnn at. ________fiTOBE. thru living rooma. 36 llambtlj-g pi.;

lullable far tailor, Bhonrnakor, inHiiufHdturrr'B ajreht. confectioner. LAWSON, 34 Httnibnrg pi,BTORB ID lit: eulrHble for maaura<:.furi>r'«

agent or axperlmantal vorlt^ Addrwaa ftogi* ne*r. 24 Bouiflaot ns m a l l up-to-date store to let: aulteble for

gellcateeaen. hardware or ihoe store. 139 Elm at., city. _ ______ ___________________ ,TO LET bualneaa apertmenia. auftabte for

jnercaiulle and pmfeaalonal bualneei. at It and 10 Weat Vark at. Apply to J. WIHB A b^7f!t. 66A Brood at.S3 FT- FRONT; large atore; Only ene left; live

rooma. all lmpr*jv?menta; heat locality for dry goodi; houiefurnlahing: t4C. 646 Bergen at.. near p in io n aya^

8 TOKE8, OFFICES. ETC.. TO LET,_________

COLORED—Eaal Orauge. 3u Brlncelon at.: fot grocery or laundry; tlA: hey ^iTcnd (iL'dr

§NOVER. irrv Mujberry ai.. NiwarkDESK RCX)M for real ealale agen t; line light:

cotninodloua More on Main at.. Orange. rent very cheap. Addreaa X., Bnx p(i. News oftlceTO LET—The iargeat and Anest aioff in S itn-

arvllle. N. J.; county seat; rnre npfu-.rturilty for a good bualnea* man. 1). N. MEKRLEH, Bomervllle. N. J ._________________ ________TO LET, store, three living roums, wllh rrllar

on good husincaa corner. I'HAit A. Hb'K- MAN, 726 Harrison ave., Hiirvlscn, 'phene


LODGEROOMS AND H ALjii TO LETIROWLOlS HALL. aeatlnK capnitiiy 40U. newly

renovated; now open for engagamenti. uult- etale for bangueia. weddings, dances, lecture!End lodge*. F. W. H r'rfF N lU C H . Irogugla

UlUHhi. 260-2flil Waihlngton at


AHAHTMENTS-EONA a n d LILLIAN Boueh Orangt ave, and Sdulh Revemh at.

Attractlve and high cUea bulldlnga; aaUd eomforti ready (or occupancy: no aervantprequired; beautifully BJtuatecl; lO to 16 min- utM to all SfAtioae, six and aavsn pleasing, airy rooms; plenty of light; tiled bath; heat, hot water; Janitor eervlct; fln« garage, must ba MOQ to be appreciated; plciure and diagram ox requen. Telephone 43Z3J, Market, or IQ- qntre 646 Thirteenth ave.^A R T M E K T The iTureL l01-iO3 &. Tth at

A CHi^NCE.Ragant, high-daaa aparimenl; must be seen

to bf a^raclated; solid comfort; plenty of a ir and light; seven rooma and balh; vary fln* baighborhood; staam heat, hot water and best larvlc* supplied; avrvania not requiral In- aalr« Janitor or 845 Thirteenth ave.. corner Booth Bevanth at.



APAKTMTNTB- Cbntepta moved or iiprisl un­der Our guarantee ip do good work at loweel

plane movers for platioe; padded vans for furniture; packing experts; wlndiaaa trucks for ■afeg and machinery, esilmatea cheerfully ■Wan: established 60 years. JOB DE CAMP. Tnc., 112-84 William at.; telephone 4A2 Market


FlVi;-HOC>M flat to Jel, liwi BiunawUk ■! . | I 0 . Aiply MRS. GEtIMM___ ________________

W rU rf>nn‘a and beth arul cloavil porch; hot and raid water and all unprcveiuanw: rea-

aortshle rent. »*0O Falritifuini *ve„ Newnik. b’, J . _______________________________f o u r or five light rooms: all

renl cheap. Inquire of Jnnliur, 661 Bpriag Held sv*-. or JOS OKIN. OJOii _____FO l’R large, light Dmme. I'iRiry; ga*. *•■1’

mbs. I'liiiM, quiH li-iu*r; fgf ^idulta tmly aoH lielmam ave.. near *va.rO l’H rooms, batli^ hot and cold

South Orange sv* ., only |14. Inquire rlEl>- LER Corporation, 142 Maihol at- ^FO rR lo-ime; ■Wa^erly fv e .. all’ linpp'vcmentii

rxoeut lAih; for colored p«gi»Hi - hU uv- Ingeton ai. _KEKRy AT., 114-Four large hBhi looms,

third flOGT, near «' U. ft. Station, dealrablelenenta only; rent IH-iW. _____________FIRST ST.. 17.'4-Fiiur ulri*. larK * Dionis U» let.

on Aral fliH'r. rent |12 Inqulro 7J rongreaa at,. Aral flooi. ^UlLiJilDE AVE second floor, flv# rwm* and

bath, all impru%eiixeuth; als'' 'Hher aiiart- menta In dlrterenl i»arla u( the riiy, UKlriLH A I’LUM. 645 Broad at.HUNTERDON BT.. flSS. n « r fllnton tiva.-

De*|r«h1e fliila In three fumlly house; Im' provemants; 6-fl rooms ann bath; rent |lB'*3u.H ERE it la. five fiMmii, tniprovemenU. w4th

large garden, near troIUv rent tl2- »oe MRS. HIGOINSON 47U Flfi*'CTith_rtve.______

122-Unter and Inww floor; all Irnprovemcnts. aieum heai. electric light

and gas; upper flo ir, k ri)Oine. lower. 7 rooms; r^nte |?W> entl 1.35. Inqulrr II. LOEFFT-KR. 14 Hedden terrace, iwu mlnutPb Irom Ml. I ros- pect. Mein line or Clinton «ve, car.JOHNSON AVK . UW Six and seven rorqn

fltte. MVrt-fnmlly hnutf. ro'ima handaomely iJe<-orftied. sll motl4'rn tmprovemenia; beam ro!ln*ra, eUvIrk liahie. eejiaraip etiirances. r'-m reasonahle to imall family Inquire prem la fl ___

Wedaesdayss Special Real Estate Days=saturdays.4PARTME.N re. ROO.MS AND FLATh

TO LET—OUT OF TOWNEAST ORANGE. Central ave.. idll—Choice

ond fliyjr. Boston plan, parquet floor, wixkJ trim. etc,. Janitor service,, also 1#7 Orn* leal ave., f»»r doctor or dentist, four parquet flnora. hardwotid trim, heat furbished Janitor servU e, or will i"Wit for hacneior i aparlmful or light houaekeeplng.

Jt'HNSON AVE. lJ2-L)ghl. cheerful, ateam heated in private family: without

chllflren; aelci-l n<*lghborhoijd, modaraW rent;refereiiCfB. fAlRN'S. _____________JAMKH ST.. 88- One flat, second fl^ r ; flva

ploaeant rooms and balh; near LarkHwatiti* Htsilon; lialle Jatillored; I'JO. McCRACKEN. kOO Broad ii ^ _____JAOGU ST,, 67. continuation of Ninth at —

Four large rooms, modem jmprovemenia, rent III. _LITTLETON A '’F . Tfl—FlegatJt nelghborhixxl;

elx very light, pleaaanl and comfortable notne rnd huth. all Improvements, ateam heat Inqiilrf within, nr 345 Thirteenth ave.. cnrnoT i^fventh at.LIVIN08T0N HT.. 221-Thrta uke. large

rooms: ai! Improvements; also large plazaa, reasnnAble r4>ni; |9LEWIS ST . 45—Three rooma. JN. ___McWlinRTRR ST . 144 Rent »I2. four and

five Muma. at Walnut Inciulre Owner. Jnll Sprlnphabl ave,. or IS William at ______MALNOt.U HT . lit)--FLc li^hf roomrt. all

Itnprovcnjenia; Ihrav-famlly nouae. Inqiilre nest tlci'ir, groi'ery.

KkBT ORANOU. Girard grs.» T»-Tft-n.Dodd St.. ooa block from irollsy.

tchocl, nofti' 0pragus'a» ulso Croeksr-W bM lsr. Amp«rw-Na« iwo-famny hous**, J ^ 6 rocm* and bath; claam l^ a i: ? ? " J!?-Inqutt* preirlaw#* MR- M lL L tK n-a g e n t ____________________ _e a s t tHtANGF of ala r ^ n w in

new lni.-ramll> UiMise Olenwuod pi a few rtreire e .'it of Pros|N'ct at . all lo te il int tmivpnn-nif. itertm he.ii convenient tu if®'’*?' and rni Piui’l atilioii Inquhe next door, flttifl'iiT ■.'tl tJli'TlWHHl p]EA.4T ORANGK. LHtnii p! . Hb-KIrst flOPr

of tWD-famlly apaiiinenl eight room s, a I im prtiveniem r. statin: heat, wlili owner i ri 2;d44\V O t w i i g e _______ ________________U trtT OiT.tNtlE i>Titral a \ e . 34 Nice flat,

s 1| im iTfvem ente; rent reaeouable. two-fam - I1> house. ______ _________EIGHT and 1*U room at'ariinen la, st^af"

alt TiioileTii im pr'ijcn iem i; rent I2il to l8o. near Ansi^rf Slnllrjfl. Call North BIxteenth at-Ati'l Heciirul ave. ____________EIGHT ri-nne. baih. all Impruvemanta. steam

he.Ti gne iiml ^Ir^lrlr tight, half block to Clinton nw . car. Ingnirv 156 South Grove at..Irviqgii^i __ . ____FOR I'lilA 'RED. 3fi7 Anilicrat at . F a s t Or-

ungv four roDitva. fl 'c rretms. n^wly decor- a i d m w l'SA l.L , 11 BoUlli Srvenievnih ai..East tjm tigf ___ _______ _____ _ ____I'TVR r.MJini to let. hm and coM w ate r. Sta-

llonerv tubs and rang*. iSfl Rlei-hen at.. Bellevine. __ _______ ^ _______F IV E ro^'mc all Improvaments; ateafh h^at;

and store to ift 5 Wnahlngtim H-. East O r­ange __ ____ __ __ _______________ ___FLAT In lei s t 170 Narih I'enlre st

Im WM Ma HLKE Ih ^ D ly *t FO U n'aftd five rwtiiB to let Inquire HI l e m ­

mings al . Irvingtfm ___IR\'IN'GTt.iN-SiiiciHlLil Hal. eix large.

com er room*. Springfield uve. A, C.PED RICK. uwper, PrudrniG l b l ^ Newark.^R^■lNGTON, Florence ave , IJ2, IM, fMV-aix

ri'oms and hath; all Improven’senis. will dec­orate 10 euU; 'phorn* 62l»W W'averly^________

Lfgnfe-, Orange

Ml'NN AVK... 17-Flve rt>oma; m enti: steam heat; |18.

all Improve y, |


NFIjHON P L . Sm--Two-family house. hIx large rnomB. Incluflhig flrat and aecimfl floora,

Imnrovemenfs. Innulre within, or No 20NEW RT.. 2S~F1at, »1x rooms and harJi, all

Improvwmenla. heat furnished; BuHuble fop y light Dualnepa, Inquire H ILLS Plano

lore. _____________________________NOLAN, 35ft South Orange ave . will show

you alx large rrom#, hath: $11 Inijun'Om ents; elnne hulhllng; two iroilRye, rent llfiNORFfiLK ST,, 14. near Orange $1 Ki»e light

r<>on\e and bath . Inoutre 36 Newark atON first and aei ond floors. In twn-fmnlly lii^use;

all Iniprovnmchia except heat tiled bath and Bled veathnile; at-parate enlr-inotf, take P"Uth Orange av«. ca r to fliuyvesanl ave, In ­quire 3fi M*-ad Bi, ___________0 LIV?;R h i*. l lh -F m ir clean roofiis'. hot nn<i

oold w ater, $1 0 ; ai-cond flo<»r; 1hrv?e rooms wlrli range, flrsi In-iiilre liwer i-iliPLANE ST., ft3 -Two flals, one sev4»ii rfiom«

nd hnth. su itab le for fumlihed roonre: also four-rf>om flat. V, JA^’i>Hy, «6 Brunawlck

tel, 1477W' W averly,

IRVINGT^'N N. j . -T o lei. six light rooms on •eoond floor, with all lmi'rovemOn.ta; oor.

Myrtle adiJ Avon ave* On __ ^IRVINGTON Fuur r'mm$; waler, gns. flrat

floor, rent *12 Jn.iulie 273 t'uUage st . Irv)hgi<iiv ______IH \'IN O T' N Three or four snmll rf>orns. light

aii'l Jilrj , gas. wRter. a.luIlH K5 Park avenlt.W f;!. r:n-Hi l.-ijil.r;, seven fv^unt, bMh

KTi ,in5 Im-hi nenlv .le .'o rati'I. ijp^talrH fljil L's w,,r!h f<;i* I'artUularx. 25 Derwiek

FCH.\ISUED ROOMS TO LETNB'K Urge aaaond-ltory room; aU iu3Dv«n-

lencea, near Irollay kbJ ^ u ih St. ftihilon i''‘l'si*‘ family; aolaot nelghborhOinl Inqulj^* 5b Hpruce. cor. ^'aihlflgtnfi at. and Lincoln Psjk. __ _____________________________'iJOELY furnlihad room; ceniral, private and

resaiinabLe^ parmaoenl, give {farilrulars AU ifrea» i \ |C,, lk>x 17. News office


VKLtk>N PL., IB—Wloalr furnlahad. w*ll-h*at- ed, large frt'Pt nwm; 3 windows, all Impruva-

fnetita. trlephonoi private family ____NEW 8T.. Iflfl-^olce of IWO housekeer^ii*

naoTT.i. 12.60; running waler. launJrv. veiy c»nirH| and roaaoruibla ^'1H1.KANS ST.. 42-Newly furnished hmi*.

l>*-rplTiK suB* of 51 ronms, ala>> elugle m.un» fi-r R'-Mbmaq; ateam heal, bathn-om uUInln Ihg h.u and cold waier; 5 minulel fr»m i- a • ■ITi e Rjng third bell to right, rau-s rciisi-n Sbir ______________OKAiNf'.E BT.. 4I> l.arge iml imall well

nishfd rooms; all Injiirovumems stenm li-ai . >n'euieni t.> Hroad at, rttiil rallr'iad aialloti‘’HrK.4R’]7*BT,. 143 Large and aniall roomy

steam heated, i l l Improvementa. near LincolnPark and South Station ____ _‘ •Tti h"aHD ST.. 21 -To rent, furiilsherl, Isrg.

wT iPuall rooma. »lih Ml lmprni«'<n»ms; prl- 'Hir family. ___lT ,\N t: HT . J42 Fine large hou-ekeepln^

soil ileeping rooma, nawly Ueconued: first and ifh'ond floors; gas ami bath, clna* centralClin,PLANE ST Ibl Nicely /umishul ronm*,

daht ho'jaekeeplng, ail Improvenienla. also single room; central b>catlon>rL 4N E i t . . 154“ Fiirnlahsd moms for light

houiaicerplng: all misirovemeitlSj reea^mablerent, repirallv locsfo-l ___ ___________I'I..*NK ST, -HHt T'Vii newiv furnished rooma

for light housekeeping; hath, heal and Itihg uiih pm ale faml'i _PLANE 8T ITb- NIcelv furnished room, ateam

heat; tiled bath; piivata; rln | first bellright. _ _______1'ARKnrRST HT . 74. aecond door from Brnad.

two mlnuioa South St, Station—Steam-healed, front, alcove rtiom also smaJl room, _I’L f l l HT.. 20—Lnree from room; niewly fur-

nlahed; also Bmall rooin; all Improvamania; \-ery c<*ntral; reas-'tiahl*. _ _ ______f’EHHINE .W E , 154. near t-Bnton—Funilih-

ed room for |vnil*man: ad Iniprovementa. t*ei’ond boll. _ ____ROSEVILLE. New Court apartmenis. flC North

Ninth S t-N eatly furnlahed frnnt aleam heai. all laieal lmprov«ro*nta. HALL. Thoftf 3ft4R i<. B ^R^iREVILLK Private family have three fur-

nlahe.l HKims for houickaeplng; steam heat gas $n>i laundrv Addreaa ComfmlaM*, Box in NewH odiceft< « K \I l.I.l-' V‘- I' |n5 -Furnlshsirl n'-m, all

.-.'nveniejv es t>l.cir1r hghi.s <'rHf minut« frrjinstation Gr l“o:|e . g-ntlemen preferred J-L.VVT|T{MAS __

UOARO WANTEDMan and wife wish ooa or tw*o furnlahed

riMiina with board. In quit! buardlna-houao >r private fumUv; near Itruad and Markat sta. Addres* Ikm'rJ. Boa flft. News office.B'.klM and board wantad by aamitman with

refined private family; ofnixal. Addr*M Re flned, B)Lt 8f«. News (ifllce. _

y«'ung iiM-n. ImBhere. with no bad hnblis. would like aud bwid for few niomhs.

I>rh-aie fumii> prsfarrwl: conirally lix'atad; be*t referen e gi>.cn: give full iMti ih ulars. Address Rr-'ilhers. lu.n 82. New* tilfl'-e■fTl'n biisiiiesa wnmen want Imard. central

IrM’Hllon, state terms Address Business, Me* Vi N'cSsa .office __________ _________

B O A R l)lh(i^)U T Cl- TOWNMi»\Ul Axldi ■ H'

In pri\Hie famllv In aulnirha; nc ob- i.« children. I'honc 2fll7J M arket

K Hi'X 74 News officeLAHI tiltANGK N J,. 4T Roulli W alnut st.

I'5>i;siii,1i furtilahed iiH>tna, aepartte or *n suilT nelghlu'rhoGtl, sioam hear; threem inui'h from tn->lifv aril Ijickaw anna S tation , i r i ia i t i,Mih If desired, also lahic gueata gi:' I ■'irn,.i.i* 'I'd . r^aaunablc |*ti>\‘FR1^KA.«:'I tiH sN O K , Washington s i . Hit—p riva te

f.U!.Si\ wi;i teni hUthcMw ft"ni riomis tn c«’ntlt IJPT1 tir rnnrrleil coupL with b-igrd If deiiirct, r.invcniem It' D , L and W . andErie >iTati,.n« iTcl ft5.'*.L)-K V'1 I 'HANGF Ni.rth ltiirn ''ii •' , I'J J^utiuy

frort itKim. south and wcm exposurf; steHiti liem I'lrgi- rh<sei. sinaU r«'<ini c'inne\'tiiig If iiiilri'.l tabl* guM ta. home louklng, m od­erateKAHT ' 'K aN OE—Private family, having two

fine i-nnnnctlng rtxinit. offer uiuiaunl hom* 1 I i-oijpi,-, e a c d le n labie. Address IT L ate , Flo* 71. Nbws ofll! eKAHT n K A \‘GE. t’roap*et at., 11- N bw man*

agement, alngle and douhl* rooms, axcollent table term s raaaonable. 7«l. 2401W. Oratiga.


Kjin-lar K m lre v1 t t f HKVttt. ^T'UKNTON, Oi't. S ('PmpUfgllt»P^ re-

(SiiUlng from lh«' am oiidm eht (Masod u> the »<-hiXi) law s last w inter nbullBlikitg te g rh ' cr*‘ c ity corllThai('>i form ed the topic of diacuftiilon ui a punferenoe yeeterdky a fte rn o o n between ihe Kiate Board of Ev- amlnerH gnd eeverul r]ty auiverlntendentx of afht.'ola U tags decided to recom m end to the S tale Roitnl ut K tlucntlon an um entlntenl to tVe rules rogulaU ng leach- e rs ’ ccrtlfloateg which would relievo mu-

IclpiillllcH from (he em burruaem enl fiume nf them Lave encrm niered diirlnfi th e paifl fi*w numtlia

r i ’L* xUtJulfnn (lIstMikt'd at the ciiUTfer- ence waa (hat u nuniher of ' toacherfi. prliK’Ipnlly Ihoec em ployed a t hlRh sial- urle* hi gntiie rlllra , w ere luM w llllns lo wait roi- nio BtiUe ekainlnKlIona w likh wiuiiii compel tlirni 10 run the rlek uf falJiMK. b<‘fore tnnking ro n tra c ta w ith the ^)unh-ip.i:l||r^ Tho tegiill. it wftfl atiiled. wag th a t I In? aervIceN of m any com pctotil and avttiidhic teavlicrB had not been ob- (aliipd.

Wlicn the new rule* of tlie S ta te Board of Kdiivatlon were udopiM last w in ter the Mnii^ndmcnl lo (he luw abotlalihig c lly cef- Hflvatea hiid ntu ImcorTif effective, Theie- fort*, the Siftle Uouiil h.ul m atte no pro­vision for Mild; ft cutiUiigi'ncy.

Am ong (hoHe who im ended th e oonfer- en re were: SupeflntcndetK ffen ry S ny­der, of Jergey i^'liy, A. B Poland, of N ew ark : A. J, OfmareHl. of Hoboken; KIcImrd C, Ciemcni, nf ICilaabeth, Kbe- ncztT Mackey, of T ren inn . Janieg B. Brynn, of Cam den; t.i. O W heeler, of J^aN.NaJc: J, II. WHaon, of I’ntenion, and J a m e i M Qreen, principal of ih« SU(o N orm al School. Tren(on.

Inc.APARTMENTS to lat In new hrlck atx-family

hr>uae; five rooma and hath, nil Improve­ments; plenty of light; good neighborhood; convenient to car*; rents *23 to *25. 3-l0-841k foulh Eleventh s(,APARTMENT, eublet: have lenae on fl rooma

and bath. Oct. 1. Ui12: realdent janitor, beat, hot water; 5 minutes Lackawanna Depot: sec­ond floor: 60 Boaeviile ave. HADLEr ROTD. *Pbone &W fi. B.__________ _ _ _ _ _APAUTMI:NT DeLeon. *61 High a lA*

rooms; all convanleneei; janitor Herviee; near eourtheuae, $S6; or furnlahed, *40; In flrst- claas order; poaaaaslon at odcv. T«l 6lHla Ajarkft. ___________________________APARTMENT—TT Lincoln Park; seven rooms

and bath; all iniprovcmants. ti*-at furnished; will decorate. Inquire on promlevs. GEO. LIN- KgTT A BRO.____________________________APARTMENTS—"Lexington;" up to date; six

rooma, tiled bath; nlo-wly decorated. Janitor gerviee: h*at; |20: Ridgewood ave., three dogra Itom Clinton ave.

APARTMENTS, Anaonla. 1156 Broad at.—Four.flve and six rooms and hath: all improve-

gnenta: near Bnuth Bt. Btatlon. Apply Janitor.APARTMENTB PSfiHINE. Clinton Tnd Peao'-

Ine ayea.—Fi.ur and five rooms; all Improve- manta; |1S to *24.APABTMEINT6, flve rooms, all Improvementa,

steam heat, janitor service, fSl. Inquire 6A Wallace a(. ^

Q l’ITMAN £*T , ft- ncBT W i bI Klnnev a t . - Thlril A w r. nevcTi rooms and b$1h, $M Im-

|•.^oveI^eo^B. Inquir* U23 High st., neur M irtoust. _______________RARE T H A N f'E—Two fl.its Ir on* hou**; best

tiplghborhpod, all Improvemema; reasonable figure; n fa r fintlrm and Irnlleys. Inquire at once, M EFK E B . W arren wt_____________ROPEVILLI". Nurlh 8 ev«mli *L. 20, r*ar sla-

lion and three trolleva—Sroond floor; two- fam ily; 7 ro<jnie and hath ; all Improveaieuta. Inoulce flrmt flocr. __________

SKVl-JN airy newly papered andj-rtliit'-il. vsKii-r, intlci and ge*. for only *16

a n i'm b n-'u ftiur Urge Iota; s ite UiOxlflJ, lit Diitj I45U per Id , Park as'e.. Irvington. Aii'HlifT ]-it ;;uxl2!l, for nnly *1.300. half cash. Inquire 2t Hrm'Kaid* uve., Irvlngtcin, N. J.

TUK HA.UILTON. rn rnar Mum and t> n ira l avea .

FAST HBANUK. N j .ItHHdy for tenantr aV»r.ut Geinher I

Nocf you ran he indepenilent of the "rti$1d protilem." Take nieals In the rtlnlrig-ronm In lha hulldlog under management of W kl.T^ KNOWN o n K R E R . OF An full bouseke#-jlnf tn yi'ur ejinrtmenl.

LARaF. -tPARTMl{INTB W ITH TWO HATii.s Lipht biiusokeei inp eul'.en with living T(«OTn, brdri'-m hulhri-Kur fthI knehene* le ; qM sixes 10 r-uH all fMir^ea. |37 &c co *135; or TU O AI'ARTMKNTH f'.tN BE THROW N TG- OETIIEU.

R 'tcf garden, comniuTlhy iauntlry, eiectrlo elejutor, nreSI rhute, telephune In each apart- rneht. l:i»ns. atiHde

TAIJI- nt 'phon# and 1»i ME 1*11 fou all about It.

MARIK L rFTF H P F N ,08 SuHaer Hve , tieai' Grove gt. Depot

rU 'NYoN ST , -:i2. ■*" funilihod room lo 1*5

u lart-i-; private family

iTid fijfOT—A nice, llgh:with use of bath, fur

KAftT iiKANGE, Knuih Pllmon st . fit-I'w o vary pleftSBiil front looms. »Mh or without

lahU' bonrd, home ciiqifurti. nlghi dluncra.

KA8T rmANGR, W'llllam at.. -*64 (Ntloon Hou?v*i--OTiv room: table board: beautlfui

rooma In immedlat* vicinity, ’Phone *fi .

EAST o r a NGK, HalJled ar.. 74-Two ptros- ARt Single raonis. with board: Rear Brink

Church Station, Ceniral ave IrvjllayEAST o r a n g e . North Arlington ave. 13-

RiHims, rn suite iwllh privair hath)' or Single nrsL-i-lasts hoard; near stailonEAST f'RANOK. Boulh rilnton it . 40-Two

dnehaM*' ruoma. ’#1th htiajil; cpovanlent to railroad iTniUqi and in^lleysEAFT ORANGE, 24 North Fifteenth at.

Large fr'>n( rviom. with or a llhout board; tiear irr.iley and trainuRANGK, Main a t . 445-lArR* and nmall

n».in!i T»ith nr wlUi.ut b'*ird wl*o labl* boaril. 1.3 VI. firat-clxHa tab]*, horns comfuna-t.tiniptitn ib ru:?.


£!peci4f AantlM uf (As NSWS.N E W BRUNSW ICK, Oct. 8,-“ A com '

iTiunlcAtJon wkft racelvad by th o Common Council last r{lgh( from A ldortniut Charlea A. Oliver, w ithdraw ing h is res ignation as a m em ber of th a t body, w hich ho sent th e board Replembcr IS. The board, by tm anim oua vote, perm itted him to make the w ithdraw al.


KiJriiuJ « tn -f« of tVe XEWt.JliRHlSY CITY. Oct. 3 ,-N e» rly overy

day toilowing tha p rim ary etactlon laat Tucaday th e re haa been a change in tha vote caal fur lha U em ocratlc cand ldatee for the Aaopiribly tn th e D em ocratlo ticket In Hudson County. Y eatrrday m orning it waa announced tlik i Councilm an Jam es J. .McAtoer, of K earny, had badlen ou t P e te r (£. Jam ee, but la te In the a fte rn o o n the county c le rk 's offlee announced th a t the isvlsed figures showed th a t Ja raea had won.

The error, ll was eaplained , w as m ade liy m khig th e unufflolal figures and ta b ­ulating them. The revised re tu rn e ahpw th a t YlcAteer's vote w as 12,80 and th a t lif Jam es 13,5*6. The ofllrlal vote of the Ollier successful cand idates la g iven as

I fu liow :i'h ar l* t M Egan, 19;716; Cornpliufl Ford.

IMW; Thomae F. A. Grlfftn, 1 8 .^ ; Thom»» F. M arlin, 17,IM; Jam ea C, Agn^w. 16,467; Ueurgft K, B m ialuger, 16.188; C harlea E. S. Hlmpaon, 15,811: Joiteph M. Braneganp 15.- m-. Thrimaa m . Uonneliy, 15,100; PhiRp KieueTWkkl, 13.775. WHIlam B. Davldgon. 13,770.

ttf the e ight Hudson Aftgemblymen who weru renom lnaiad on Tueaday, a ll b u t ofia vc.ifd for Jam va bl. M arline fo r United Htttie Benaior. Tlw exception Ig M arUn, who cftsi hla vole for Smith.

The omclal |J»m ooratic ro ta for lh a filirlpvftity noinlnahon wag as follows;

N. IVi*'r Wedin. lO.aW; Em il G rotll, IpMl; Adolph leAnkrrliig, U toTf* B- Bflrf*kamp. 4,167. And Alexatwler J. Clementfl. 1.811. Wedln'ft phira llly , 1,923.

Through (he aniumncimient th a t he bad been nomlnateU, Mr. MoAtear recelvad Iflftt night and thla m orning m any le tte rs of oonKiatIllation, some from people ho did nol know. When told yesterday a f te r ­noon th a t he bad won. Mr. M oAteer said he would not brlleve It until be got th e ofTIclal uertlAcate.


WERT OflANGK, In Ll^wflllyn Park-.Fnur roomfl In liirg** bovi!i*. uTifuTnlah^ hr fur-

nbh*f1 for hnu(iftk'*i!plng G, SEDGWICK, E’lgf^hill Ks*

FU RNISHED FLAJg TO LCTHRtiAU ST-. 51—Apanmerl furnlahed for light

hi>uj»ekt**rlng ■ all ^provemaTita.

RQHEVTLLE. N orth SevanGi at . 20. nrar ata- tloti atid three tlroileya—Sreunfi floor; two-

fatiilly: T rooms and balh; all ImproT-omenta. inquire first floor. _________________________R T i^V IL IeE . N o rth .F lf th at, lf»T-!.rfirg* flat.

light rooma. newly painted a"lir3 tlerorated; □ear station and tro lley ; excellent nelghbor- ho^.RGSEVtLLE^KIghl-room a(eam-heaied apart­

ment, in two-famliy house; all Imprnvomvita; flne docorallone. ORBEN. 1106 Flremen'a Bldg.RO0EV1LU3. North Ninth at.. 2lft-Spcon-t

flat; iwo-faratly, ateam heat; aeven rtiotna; near station. Oy»h*t. 127 North Ninth at-RIDQFWOOD AVE.. 124—Sarond floor, all

Improvementa; light room*. Apply ALBERT SWES. D ruggist. 8 Belttiont ave.RIDGEW’OOD AVE.. 29-Slegant flal; alt light

rooms. InQ.ub‘e first floor.s o u t h ” e l e v e n t h s t .. 4fl7H--aig IlfhL

large rooma, tiled bath, pantry, iluiuOwalter, all iVerorated: Ivatla furnlahed; between three cars; |17

FURNISHED FLATS TO LET—OUT _______2 £ J ! o w n ^ ____________

F»jR RK.NT 'Furnlahvd aparinwTil; library, r*- rei'tlnn hell dining-room, pantry, kltchon,

laundry. latRe bedroom and hath , m aid 's room tf dttlVvd; handromely furnished; rent reason­able; refetenufta required. Address Home, Box U5. News ofllce __________________________

SOUTH SLEVfiNTH AT . SRI1115—Flr«t floor, live and six rooms, every Imprr.venieni, eleo-

tpic light. McDo n o u g h . T74 Bruad •BOI."rH SIXTH ST-. IlW-Slx rooma, all lm-

nrovementa. quiet family. Inquire 257 South Sixth tt. MRS- LEIJER.

SOUTH TW'ELFTH AT. rooms; Impryvemetil*.

444—Five nice larga Inquire second floor.

APABTMENT-Thomaa at., off Broad; flve rooms and bath, steam heat. Inquire at 44

tPhomos sL__________________ ____ALEXANDER ST.. 4e-Flv« aTi llgh t'large

rooms and bath, *JS-BERGEN BT„ 748—Second flat tn nice three*

family house; containing six rooma, li«th anri pantry; rent only *13. CHRISTIAN BINN, 48 ingranim pi.BERGEN BT.. 689—Four rooma and bath; first

floor, near Clinton ave.. rent *12. Inquire y . TRUNK, ta?.____________BEAUTIFUL FLAT~8ta rooms and U a th i^ l

modo'-'U Improvemems; atuam heat; electric Jlghts; cosYcniaAt to two trolleys, S64 S-' 11th st.BARCLAY ST,, 163, near Rose st.—Four large

rooma; all light; improvements; ascond floor; 41Qlet house; for *12^M. Inquire Aral floor.BANK ST., ISO. near courthouse—Four rooms;

oan only be eeen whan owner U on premises, AO t in 18, ________ -__________

BRUCB BT.. 06—Six rooma and hath; all Im- provomenta Inquire J, R. TRELBA8E. T54

Bergeii at.BALDWIN ST., 01—Five bright rooms on mid­

dle floor; 4 rooma on top. Inquire B6 Baldwin it.CUNTON AVE,. lee^Baat locstloh; elegah(

apartment c«,^ntglnlng eight rooma, two baths and all modern improvementa, including heat­ing, hot water and janitor carvioe.B. IC8YEA. 36 Groen at.

SOUTH TENTH ST., 4A3™Flat to let, flva large rooma and bath; all lmpro-v*nnonts.____

SOUTH ORANGE AVE , 7l6--Flv« rotima and bath: r«nl Il2. Inquire MRS. PTANECK.

2d floor. ____ _____SEVEN rooms to let on corner; ell light, all

ImprovemunU; electric light and bath; ault’ able for dentist or adulU; n so flat of four light rooms, tuba, gas and toilet, On porch. Inquire 4B South Orange aye. __________dlXTH BT., 78ll^Four blooka from Bloomfleld

ava. trolley, opposite Rranch llrLuik Park: wash tuba, toilet In house; three rooms: rMit *7 w r month, tequlr* 7S2 Norih Sixth at., or UETER. ItWSyiroafl. ^ _________i-TX'RiX).M fiats, steam heal and eivrlr:c light;

fleparnte entr^nraa; front and back porch; rent from *18 up. Inquire on premleea, H21 South Sixteenth «l_________________________SYLVAN~AVE.. 217—Second flal. eight rooma

and .bath; steain heat; all Improvements; *22; poaasaalon s t once. SHIPMAN. 477 Hrnad.bV l VAiT a v e .. 20T-Flrai flat, five room§.

bath; iteam heat; all ImurovementB: *18; poi- laaaion October 1- BHTPMAN. 4T7 Broad-0UMMER AVE.. 82—Four roome, third floor.

rent III: store and three rooma; rent *lfl; aultable for any bualneog-_________SUMMER AVE.. 106—Pour rooma. first floor.

rent *12; poaaesalon at once. KIERAN. 22 Clinton at. ____________

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LETAUADEMV' ST., 5? h—Attractively furnUhvd

euttPB. complete for light housekeeping, alti- gle and double roopia; coz]* and clean. xtaaTn hent; bath: 'phone: »ne tilock from pi>aloftce-RRt.>An ST, 23“-Fufniahed or unfurniaivd

pariors eultabla for donor or denilei, nao single ro<nni; brass beda, bath, teiaphi^ne; everything clean nnd neat; reflned surround* Inga. _________ ___________HKGa D st , IIS2 and 25—Two and thro* room

aulles, bachelr-tB and light housekroplng: tmpta ; Janiloi service; laias *5 w»:^k up. FI^I'ER neon; 100:1 Bread, south olijr bailRRGaD ST.. 11Q8. near Lincoln Park—Thn*«

minutes lo finuth Bt- Ftatton; newly ftir- nlabcd; aleain heuiefl, In private family; suit­able for one gentletnan. 'BROAD ijT.. 1167—Ops or two nrwty furnlahad

rooniB. bath, all ImpW; aeporat* fv.nkticaj near Routh Bt. Biatifiti; reawnable:RRGAD PT.. 12U7—Nicely furnlahed room:

steam h«at and bath: in apartment with pri­vate rnmlly, 15. H. KLASE.

heiwfsn Grant st end near l-Ackawonna Deptft -Fur | 1 , light houaekerjilng, *1 5«i

SPUING BT Eighth Jivf,.

nlKhoil rooms,to sa. _ _RTa t i : s t ., 22 N'efllb fiirTilthed fri>nt rui>m,

!*|pam heat; sH tTnprovpmerts. <ine mlnuie fr'^ni Ijicksw anna BtHilon, *1.V» UpBI-RlNGFlUr.l) .W E . 3S. first fliK>r lArgr.

I lean furnished room, with hciih. 11 35 week­ly HOFFMANSI'RINGFIKI.F) A\ F. .

nlsli«il riMom for riMil;71—l.ftrg* fr-'nl fur- also adjoining riMitu

h«>l’Tir TENTH ST., 62ft. near Bprlngfleld ave.Two r^lrely furnished room*, light and airy,

wllh halh ________________T M IR T E E N T H ^ V E . 44 Nicely furolahed

rorm, uae of t>eth; reaannable to permanent gpDtlemen; near rourthoua«:, *2.____________WALNUT MT.. 7ft-*I-arge room, aultable f-’r

(v,o gentlemen or light h'luavkr-'i'ing: aJac alrigl* rtwma. all Impp’VeiJieritB; reBii-nHlile^___WASHINGTON BT . 17s — Nofttly furnPlivd

roorr., all lmprnveinenl*i, tiiliable for one '.«rtwo; rent rrftstinable Ring HGDPGN'S bellW.4RhT n OTON HT.. ftftn- 1-srge frnnl room,

furnlahed for houoakeeplng nr gentlemen: vsr>' rnaa<'nBhle, with gas. Inquire ->40W ^HINGTON ST., 182-lJirge front aScuva

room: suitable for two gentlemen; separata beda, Improvementa; convenlenc«.______ ___WEST KINNET ST . H4- IwftrgB front room.

eieam heated, eleclrtr light; tile balh. private family; central and reaeonable. ___

WKBT KINNEY BT.. 22-Private family, nice­ly fumlihed room, steam heat; all ronven-

tencea. KLICK.____________ _____ ________WARREN 8T.. 72"Larg«, bright bnennent

room*, with water, furnished for houeeknrP' Ing, la.'fO; front. 1arg»-, clean, alcove room. *3.^'ARREN BT.. IH-Nrwly furnished room*; heat

nnd nil Improvementa; three mlnutet to post- omrr. ,41 50 tn *5 ______

tUlANGK. HrivtJer ai . 2 5 -L,nrge, dealiahleronn'B, funilFhr-1 or unfurnif<lu'd. with board;

i]«-*lrahU‘ IcH'atlon. neat staMon and irnllayftOt^TII ORANGE. Valley it . Iftl-L irge from

ruom : fnrnlalied; al) 'mprovemenla; boar*!npdnnftl.THE HAliSTRD Newiv decorated rooms;

talde hoard AH Halsted si., East Orange, tiear_l4rlck_._C]njri'h Dei>ot. ___



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGThe ra te for all clgxalfied adverUga-

tnantH. wiih (he exceptions anum era tail below, Jb oner cent a word (m inim um 10 ceninj.

The average la seven short wonlg to the line.iTheae seven amrdi rapresent an agate I1na.|

FURNISHED B O O l^ W ^ T E J )^RU8TNKH6 woman wlahra small rr>om. light

housekeeping: clean, moderate, near Broad. Addraaa A . Box 26, News office. ___I*ADY wlahen furnished room, private family

preferred; state lerma, which mual he rea­sonable. Addroiw Uentral, Box 88. Newi of­fice.

teachers of elocution (womonl wish two rooms, double paflora preferred; aultable for

a residence siurllo: good neighborhood; near Broad and Market. J. 0., lOfl Orwnwood

No r<^d6cllonA In ra te unleus advertlae- m e rt le [‘tin for one m onth or every o th e r day for one month. Then the ra te It; Ona rnotirh dallv, 11-60 per fine: every o ther day. 80c. per line, m inim um th ree lines

One v ear dally, *1B per Jtne; one yegr every o ther day *9.00 per line, m inim um three Unei.

W here blank llnea or carlU lfi a re tuied e ith e r a t top or bottom oz an edvertJee- m ent. w ith solid ag a te In centre, the ra te la ten retil* flOc.^ per count line. (Cftp^ liala four words to a

e x c e p t io n srhrlstpnlriga AnIversMry Notice Aimulmeni of MarTtaga Confirmatlona Births Eng.iged Marriages nWorced DeBihsAnnlvfraary Mas*Mnnth’B MindMemnrlftl Brrvlc#

Spei'ttii Brrrtrf of lh« S}!W8.IalV ij iUlANUH, Oct. 3.—O rafl chargee

In the acliool bagrd were dlHruxiied a t a H;teclal meetinK of the Hoard of Kduca- il>m yesterdny nflernonn.

F orm er Judge W ilbur A. lleIsJey, who had been in iite il to a tten d ntid explain lilH a iln rk on Ihn school board a t the Ihinrd nf Tritdv dinner a week ago la st S a tu rday nlghl, failed In put In an up- p^sarance, Inslead he sent a le tte r reli e ra tlug . In substance, w hat a form er le t­te r s ta ted reganllng h coal pu rch ase made Iti 1909

The hoard decided to Inglat on An ex- p lannllon from Mr ne le ley .


8av#n Llnoa. (k) cents; avaryeeven addlUnftat words or fractional pan, 10 rants; 50 cents la th* nalDimuA,


EA0T OBANGK. Nttrih Grove at.. H5—'T'w<.pleasant •'rrevma; furnlahed or unfurnlftbed,

steam healed, kilchsn prlvllegM; near ir .b ley and depot. __________

STRATFORD PL., fill, near Avan ave.- Six rooms, bath, staam heat, pantry; moderate

rent. _______ _SIX large, airy room flat, with improvementa.

front and rear porchep, rent 117 748 SouthTwentieth at., near Springfield a\’e. ___bTx large, light rooms: third floor: part Im­

provements; rent *16. 30 Monmouth at.


Flral-clAss, up-to-date apartmentn. PosaeaaioTi October 1. Apply to JOSEPH TlMKR, super- Intendent Habne k Co., or to Janitor, on premises.

Apply A .

CLINTON HILL. South Fourteenth a t. 861- Modttti two-famlly flat; six rooma and bath;

R ta ^ liegleir. every Improvement; *25. MRS. B u y t o f x 'Phone 177.............jg "phone 1T73J B. R CLrN¥oN AVB., near Benren a t-S ix and ulna

rooma, janitor iMrvtce, ateam heat, hot water, new. hAndaomely decorated. 4BlI Clinton ave.C017P1A will rent suite of rooms. In modem

akpartmtDt, for light housekeeping; no ohll- refined neighborhood; central; reaeonabie.

AtU fW PailrahU. Box 67, News ofllioe.OORNBR FLAlVFiTa rooms, bath; all Im-

IMTOvamente; halls lighted and carpeted; eon- Ymleiit to four trolley ijlnes; 57 Uudsnn a t Owner 508 Central ave., East Orange, 'phone

Orange.COBKBR Blm and Union sta.; four rooma,

hath: bails fumtshad; cared for- all Im- y p T ^ e n te except h ^ t; f i7, 2fi BUI at.CORNER, TweQty>ecdond st. and Twentieth

six rooma end hath; all Improvaroenls; "Hfl.flfl; one block from Springfield ave.

COttKER FLAT—Seraa rooms and hath; hot viUer; ateam heat; ibnltor oe premlsee. 76-T8

Iditlatoat aTa.CAMDEN ST.. 40—Four rooma to rent; 1m-

tggvtwenta. Inquire 83 Bruen at., oRy,DESIRABLE flat to let; elx rooms and tiled

MtiirooiB; eeparate ateam boater, 145 Mt. F r e e s t ave.; rent *21.


We h m a Ivge Uet itf flata aM apartmebis to the CUli*'* paotloA a t vailotis reniAia. W eooau i^g tu you will locate quickly.


OOR. FARLOT.________Pennsylvania ave; corner; all

dlirbt reonia; olx rooms and batht all imnrove- BSeaU; pear weal on October 16: rest |3d; ring fleiead ooer hall.

THE C L IF T O N -H igh ctaaa aparirriema. only R'W left; seven roorpa and hath: all conceiv­

able Improvementa; exceptlonHlIy comfortable In the w in te r lim e; rent |S0-*40; equal lo any apartm enia rented for SdO per month. 131*153 CUntMi ave , Ja rtlo r on p ren itie i._______

THE HARVARD. 501 Central av«.. near Eighth at.—Four and five-room apHitmenta.

with up'to-dAl« ImprovfmentB: Bteatn heat and vacuum cleaning furnished, rents *24 lo |88. Owner on pr^^sea .____ _TWO-FAMILY house, flve roonii and bath;

rent *17; all tmproveroenU. Inquire fill Bergen at. ___

RROAP ST., flm- KurniHhed Po-iiTia, complele for light hciuneket'i'lng. all improvementa:

near LickawaTina U^pnt. _ _BROAD ST., 040—Hcirot fumJahtHl rooma; sult-

.Thle for one nr tao gentlemen; Steam hi-at:balh; references. ___________ ____ ^RLFF;<'lsFfl 0T ft9 -Thf rcecliwood; under managemeiu ail newly furniaheti; moat cheerful r'-tniH In thi- ciJtv; ateam heat; gn?: Lath, parlor and piano; 12 to *4 wtiekly; no cblirtren. __ ____CLINTI.7N U IU ^lA rge room wllh four win-

down; furnlahed for one or two gen­tleman- use of hatli: private family; con­venient to Clinton. liprgen and Cllflon ave. cars: reanonable; refeienoer required. Ad­dress ronvenient. Box 3ft, News office,

ORANGE—Two furnlahed rooms, second floor.bath. heal. telephone; central; tw chers.

nurses or pualneBS women preferred. Addrer* HAY lioR H, Nhws office. Orange

COURT .ST., fift-Ronme. tlngln or douhlr;steam heal: electric light; hotel accommoda-

lions; ratefi *2.50 per up, Amorlcan orEuropean plan. Rutel Court. (Tour^at.COURT ST.. 72—Large, clean front room, fur-

nlshLd complete fc»r hovisekepplng; gaa and both; also sleeping room.COURT ST.. l(v-lJirge, neatly furnished room;

all iTiiorovenicriis: rcanonahlo.CHESTNt'T HT , 21. near Broad-Neatly fur­

nished ifioni tor genilenian; aieam he«l; pri­vate family. _____________________ELEGANT and new'y furnlahed room, adjoin­

ing tiled hntli. In prU-air ikiiartmeni; *4 week­ly for couple: pinnn, teJeiihube and elevator; 5 mlnutea' walk from Bi-oacl nnd Market. Ad- drcaa Exclusive. Rnx Ift. News office.EAST KINNEY ST., near Broad—Single or

double, newly furnished with all Improve- mentB; eight mlnutea' walk from Broad and Market.


w a n t e d —Two connecting furnlaheil Trwma for light hnuaekeeplnK: by father and daugh­

ter and baby; near ilepcU. Oretige. Addreea

FL'RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD-n ijr ,_ o in r o f t o w n ______

LARGE front fumlnhed room with U«e of bath and breakfnat If deBlred: two hlocke

from two trpilaya Call 40 Newton pi., Irvlng- 100. ___ _______ ____________

EAST PARK ST., ll-D oub1a rnon a: all hhpiov^manta-^

and single


41-Nlce light houaekeeping

FOUTU AVE, l.'y-NIceiy furnlihwi front at cove rv‘0111. with small kitchen; aultable for

light housekeeping, bath, private house; cmlflrcll. __________ ____FURNISHED rooni for gentleman; «callen t

locality; twelve minutes from Broad and Market. Addreas J . M-. Box ^ e w i offlee.FAIHMUUNT AVE.. fll—Bright, clean, hrated

rooms; 12.W. *3; near two car linee._____GREEN ST-, Tfr-Xlcely furnlihed, connecting

front rooms, lor light houepkeeplng; alao smaller room; bath and gaa.

TW O flate ta let: elx large room* and bath. Inquire Sfll Beytnour av*._______________

TWO and three rooma cheap. 28T BIxteenthg e.

VA1L3BURGH. Brookdala ave., 131 — Four light rooma, bathroam, pantry, stationary

tube, large cblua cioaet. *13.50 to adulle.

WIDOW lady would rent unfurnished room with kitchen privilege to a refined congonlal

erion; terms liberal. Address Rooma, Box News ofllce-?eri

4,WERfiTBR ST.. 231—Coiy flat, four roama,

with Improvement!; separate entranoe; rent |13 and *J4. Inquire 4ft High it.WErBT KINNUT ST.. 158—Two pteaeant rooma

with w ater end gaa; rent *8- ______*16 FOR four rooms, bath, al) Improvements;

five rooms, bath, ail improvement!, only tiT; six rooma. bath, all Itnpravements, only *18; cheapest In city. U you want to rent flats, apartment houasa tee me, rave money. CHA0. fl. QRBSN. 1105 Fl^arara*! tuildlng.

m Woirea at.. Central Ave.... .. jTve-iarge, tight raodig and tiled bath, ftU ttoproTamenta; will decorate to suit,

ImproTementi; elecUio light; rent . flRj Ira fioutb fifteenth el. Inquire 65 goaray a t ____________ .V fW or abc raom fiatai all improvements; rra t

raWsMtoa- Tnflulra Mnltor. T18 Routb S lltr' g a a a t , or JO ^ ORiN, Okm building.FIVB tooaa in ivo^family ..

gaovanaenla; eoiiier houaa; steam b< i n MH Booth Seventeenth a t

houee; siD'leKl


FIVB NVWLT decorated rooms; an improre*memta; *16. wa So u th ^ w e n tte ^ at.

FAIRMDUNT AVR-.^VsilLowtr'* f l^ r '^ tw ^ fhBlly bmias: five largo. beahtlfuJ rooms:

bath, pantry; all infowim aBta; aanarat* ntaiun b r a t € 0 u m

a p a r t m e n t s , r o o m s a n d p l a t s ________ _ jy A N T O D

f o u r -r o o m flkt with improvements wanted by refined Amerietfi family; neighborhood

Monmouth and Court eta., naar High, or would act as caretaker for doetor or nuree'e olfine or private realdence for reduced rent, wife a t­tend to 'phone, etc., huaband tq furnace and grounds, etc., after w orklu boura. Address American. Box 65. News ofiTca.

BIX rooms, bath and all fihprovements; around Clintoti ivo- aection- Addrera Rooms, Dox 10.

Nswe o f f i c e . ___________

HAT.8EY ftT.. 332; also 316 Mulberry and 1IR> Commerce st.—Newly fumlihbd rooma, light

hou*.ck<eplng. connActlng or single; n)so roohis for gentlemen; Improvementa; runtilng water; rate very reaionshlej centrally located.

HALSBY BT.. 60. near Hahne'a—Front houae kecDluK rooms; single or connecting; also

•mellor front room: running water; ratea raasonable. ____ _____________HALSEY ST.. 70—Lftrg« and small front^ooms, ‘ newl^- furnished; u bath on Bume floor.

neW'R- furnished; etfdtrlc lljlilJi ateam. tile - Mflfl. (fARRg

HALSEY ST.. 20. near Ceniral avs.^W ell healed from alcove room: iUltabla for two

genilemen; all ImprovemenlB,MEDDEN TERRACE. MI-ElegaiU large fur

nishad room; ateaiti heat; prlvats bath; all tmoTovementii select nHghborbood; private famllv- two Kenilemen: price *6 week.KTOH BT-, 436—Larj^ auci itn iu eooi aingls

and onnnccting rooinB; light bouiiokeeplng; also sleeping rooms: r^a^onablp.HILL AT.. 2fi. near city hall—Ghearful room

for one or two gsnticmea; ttoam heat; hot water; teJi-phone. _________________HtrNTKHtiON 8T-, 27B. lop floor—Fur&lihed

front room to let; lady preferred.LOMBARDY 'f t ' 2 3 -Newly furnlahed front

room; nicely heated: all Irapfovamehta; verycentral.

WANTED, by mother and daughter, three roome. with email hall room or a(tlc» some

improvetiunta. about *1(X Addrese Qiilet, Box Hswe office.

WANTED—Apartment or > amalt hoitwe in Belleville r amall family, adults. TATLOR,

241 Sixth avs-


«lMn- vt«WBm ro«mi wM : m t 114 « ■M il t a l l r - l i t YYlUow it..

MARSHALL BT.. B. H«r f i t r 1)»1(—NlMljf (urnl’ lird front >nt Mcl: ronini. w-nll kitchen

conn«:(inE, ll»bt hoBMkcpint: runn lsf wnler heated; all Improvements^_____________MARSHALL 97.. 7. near city hall—Nicely fur.

niahed. large room, for light bouae-keeping; heated: till fl«w Broad.MEOHANIC ST.. llS-L«f»e fm * s lM p lu ei

hoviaknDlnk toodii: itnEla «nd connMUac; ronnln* Rater; laumlrv; vary reeeoMbte.

BOAROpiG______HANK S T . 254—Ijirge front ant) bo«.'k parlor,

Bingto r.r uii milLe. newly furulshe<L also Inrge rocuis on set-'otid fltKir, suitable for two. with or without boonl; private Ijoerdlng-house; German cooftlng; central; ‘phons.

LHOAU Hi*u—The Mani>1nn Houee—Thor­oughly rotiiforifible and homelike, si;leci pri- ate bnsrdlng: bright. pleAenot, outeUle rooms;

moderate t\*-^kly rates to pi'rmanQiil gucaii

i;BOAD 8T . 1011—Room, second floor, next to bath: cancllimt table tKisrd; ateam heal,

'tihrmp ecr\'ke. :ront and back parlor for b.ich- If-r apertt«'*o( ____ ________

nrO A F ST.. 3D4, The Terrsf’s—Pltaeent. well '.Ighied bested riMuhk from room,

soulhorn expusuie. all cont'RnleiKea: exceli 'm table.IROAD PT 1135—One of iwp large, fine, nice ly rooms, single or pii suitelio small room; excellent table. Phone.

F*T , Two deeirnble rooms, gnmlfflilril luiToUndlng^; steam hbst; n-f-imOAI' lable:

en neva

BELLEVILLE AVE.. 32ft Desirttble newly d* - oretad n'Cma. w ith running water; first oIubs

table; refinril borne and surToumllnga; con%‘«u- tent to Erie Depot.

Auciiiuft BaleCrnitluyniuiu -Aseftclci U evtlnfspt-rBnnalaBids W»T»t*d Bankruptcy Sal#DliRoluilon uf Partner-

10 cenu per• Minimum

11 nee.


ahlt<Formatlnn of ptftnar-

■hipin M«morlani r a r l of Thanke Lnflf# Noticoa Society Notlt^B

in r^nla j>fr » Mlnlmuiig


line.f l v a

25 Ce-nt.-s, O-ddlLlOQRellRloua NotlcM, 50 • al wordi, 1 urai

rt'urdi or let! «iich.

Kmi<loymtfnl Wanted 1 verii worallaJ« or Feiuala ' Mlnmium

uorde.t e n

ORADKLI.. U«'t. 8. flev. O. f>e Vlncen- tllH has UctMk rit(*(1 by lUsliup JohnJ. O 'Connor |t«Hl(ir of Ht. JoNoph'n Chufeh )iere. tiu wii! ul»"i havp ch arg e of the K alian MIhbIud a t Kmeraon.

ledge av Ml ft fr W alnut at, ST'xKW V iner J. Heddnn lo O range M mitilain

Insurance rom pftriy, Kaftl Clruiige, n a lledden Pi n fr Hlh at. ii5xl48 .

T hom aa W. Wlllln et ux to F ran k FlsclUT Irvington, w h C um m ings Bt B fr fot E tta M. H eadley. Mx9®..

John F. F ranks iM ux to R obert A- Mc.MIflter et ux, Irv ington , w a r n u 81 SCK.I ft D fr ( oU uge el,::5xiJ0 ..........................................................

UaMd Niebuhr (.'nrnpany to John Kelber e l UX, Irvlngloji, n 6 Hcrk- Hhlre pi 17& ft w fr Ml. V>rnonav, 2fixlW..................................................

John Handall et ux to D ella KupBch. OnMih'v, 8 w Snyder at fill ft fr P a rkst. KiOxlW .......................................

AtiKOliiia Dl Benedetto to G raxla Sapurtto , lirdiiKC, u « G ray hI 100ft n fr KjjHt'Tii av, Boxl'JO......................

\^■ut c)n \^'hlllleBey el Ux to John Cfipgalne, W est Orange, e e W ai- Hun av i i i fl B w fr Ridge av, 26x100

MOI1TGAGEf=1,The fnll-iwlng m o rtg ^ u B w ere filed In

the u iutity rrglfttpr's office yeatio’diiy NKSVAKK.

Max November el al to MlUon IL and i.*,, B w for Ifilh a \’ I'Jid B. Gth at, *7,W)0.

A rthur L Lm ihurt e l ux to George Cntiiplun, e 8 4ili at 2fi0 ft n fr 7ili av, $iW0,

Mlc-elliia ]>e Fubrlrlo and huftbund to Mltiiile Vleiisoii, n B t th uv. 3.1 ft w frP a rk e r »t, *T.,rK)h.

.foroh HuhhiovUz et al to IValdo C. Gi-nuiiKi w' 8 S. I8tli Bi 126 ft n fi' 13th

ccun ia will be opened for such. uv tTKf)W hen sending leplies lo advertliifim enta ] > ,.|aio!i H Pe]u>ler to c im rlea F Uii-

^ d reaB o d (0 Neiva hoxen be aura to w rlU n h Lenox Bt :i2T f l w ■ fr Ban-..J . . . A-l•■|■all(' •sl It ( ‘lu lu cc l e l ux tu UrSgIda

Paliltio , N 8 I ’aiml Ml n e oor Jam es llt-artlHlpy e s tu te .

l^'llllum J. Thoni,]>Mon lo G raoe (L (’on- l lev. n a Ci-ntrul a \ iki a w in S. 7tli at,I

AiiiiJf' HliPiiih'k ami t<i JleAi'th-xtonc Ihilldlug ftiul Lmin AN»uciatlon, e a hiJiitrrilon mi ]»D fl a ft Avon uv. and

01 her iracl,Surah lyc'.v uml lurelmmi ii> iHtiar San-

duHfty, 6 6 V 'hcaltr uv UJl ft e fr Wualiing-loh uv, STIlt,

Juj-ej'li .Merzainjj el ux l>t Ir;i J-’, Uruln uni, a b .VlUKuxiiju at \'n 11 m | r I'^erry st, *1,741.

Ihe rhoflcR Hilton et iix to Oeoi-gp VV, WclHH, H t* .Sjji liigfji l J u \ JTj I t w fr W uvei t\ pi. *],.>•■).

Hugo .S.jlor f l ux to I'hlclU s Tru^t i.'o , F .1 Alplm. M( luy fl w fi Sherm an av.

U Gform Iiotln>r H ui in Mui \ Muor'brug- r t Ti fl u fr liujik ui,


^prdai Serrir* of (Ae NE' 9.KLIZABKTH, Uct. 3.—B uying In real

esta te sold for laxee, aaseiiBTTiet^tg and public cbargei, heretofore a field In J e r ­sey for only Individual en te rp riH , Is now to be dev i opod by a corpora tion o rgan- Ired for thu HpecJtlu purpose.

ArticUjji of oorporntion w«*re filed hore (o-Uay with ilib finsiity c k rk by th e Tax Hen Company of Nuw Jeri«*y. T he s ta ted objocia of the conipHiiy Are lo buy In land and real esta te bold for taxes under the Mftrtln act and other public charsflB and (o carry on a general real eBia*e butflness. I'he capital Is ftft.hoo. W llliajn Jeffrey and I-.UIIan lluslsen , of iMalnflejdt and Guy D Peck, of N orth Plainfield , a re the Incorporators.

This is said to be rhe flrst com pany In the S ta te th a t has g o u t in such a bus­iness.

Under the law, taxes not paid a t a proper tim e a re subject to In te rest chargen al the ra te of tw elve per cen t, per annum , and a fte r n epccined parlod can be sold to sa tisfy the tax lien

The owner has certa in righ ts of redemp- Ib'in. but it is postiJble fur the pu rchase r a t u tax Hale tn g e l valid title.

A oornpany sim ilar to th a t Just Incor­porated In Union tk>unty has been In ex- Ibleiice in New York for several yearn, HTKl U Im naid to be very succesful from a ainckhohler'fl s tandpoint, Mr. Jeffrey, who [h cotiecled w ith the Plainfield Board of 1'rurle, and has been active In New JTov'IdPTire 1'nwnshlp fKillllcal a ffa irs , o r­ganized I he new concern, which Is pat* lernt'd very much a f te r the New York company.

full addretM All such advertisem en ts have a word and box m im brr or & le tte r and bo}; num ber, such as "O w ner." B os ' •fl^Newft oliloe. or "A. B Box €0, N ew s ;

Cittiisifled advertlBenrients m ust be r#> celved before IS.16 o'clock for Itjeertlon In all editions of the Fame day A dvertise ­m ents received between (hat hour and 1 o'clock will apppur In an overflow coluaio of the la te editions.

T ran sien t :idvcrTlstTip In The N ew ark Evening News must be prepaid No oo-


QOAllD jiid roems, *4. I4.5G; ons or two men reRprcUhle American lumlly; rliy liuil

AddreM Private Pox 17, News oftlce.

COLUMBIA ST., 80—Large hght room, soiitb- ern expowurr, well heated; ah Improvemenis;

balh; hoi hnd cold w ater; home com fort!> bosTcl optional.

CUNTON A V E. UW—Board and rooms, flrsi claas; besr ruaidcnilsl neishhorhood; nA>Ar

Llncolh Park.

Ci4ESTNt;T ST . 2-' l.«rge fronl rnomf. board; alio tabt^ board; steam heated.

COURT ST.table

TO—Double front room, home

RMMRT ST-. 96-NI-’*lv furnished front room;suitable for one nr i«o gentlemen, with p r i­

vate ranilty; board opiiuTtal. reference.

HAST KINNEY 8T,. ^7. The ArvlIln-fJoard with room, by the week, large light room;

near Broad at.FULTON AT., 47—1-arge front slbove room,

with running water; suitable for two or throe people. tcK:at1oti central. Telephone 4!m4J Mkt.IIIQH ST-. flil—Large front rooiti; suitable fof

couple, or two men. all ImprovsmeniH; beaa- tlfui location; good board; rates reatumsbie.HIGH ST.. 574—large front mom. bay win­

dows, steam hsat, f«r one or (wo geutlemen. bIbo small room: home cooking. j 'LARGE fronl room, aultable for two, In pri­

vate hrarditig-housSj^ Apply 11 Cottage st.HILLER AT.. 24—lArga heated front room and

brard. suitable for couple; also roorn eon- nacling: terms reasonably private fanilijr,

m u l b e r r y bt .. Iftft-NIcely furnlahed front ntom for-UgHt housekeeping; f2.3S par week

no objeotlon M child.m u l b e r r y 8T.. 168—Newly furnlahed rcaros

for gentlemen <mly: all Imprcvemanta. A n tra lHotel;______ ______________________ _MT PLEASANT AVS., R»—Fumlfhed rbOmi,

.......................... . ---------- ----------- realflentialava. .

ORCHARD BT.. US—Large furnished room Oft second floor, near South Bt. Blatlcm and (rol-

ley; will serve breakfaet.PLAN* fiT., 177-Nlceiy furnlihe.l slngls and

double front rooma. ateam heated, near bath, with sac^ltsDt board; Imptovamentt; (erntt raa- scn a b l e . _________ _ _____ROfiSVnjLE, North Beventh i(„ IBB-Urga

itacond floor room, lultible for two of ^hree. with board: running water; ooe minute 10 ato- tlon and trolley. Telephone iStOL. B, 0,

MT. PLEASAflf AVE,., M'W—r\inii»ne« rla, with heat and bath: referenra; rralfl

ysppnd bmiee from ThirdNICELY furnlahed room for gentlemao in

strictly pries!! family; ttaam M at and aU eogveniencwi flneat sectlau Rwerllle a v a : n«ar traliie and tn l)w , M 4 n m RtOgafl, ln « IT* Mews irfHoa ■, - <

ROSEVILLE. North Seventh al,. 51-Nlcely furnished single and double rooms, with good

tahls boaird; 'phone copneotloti.NORTH SEVENTH ST., 88—Three rooma. with

board, from to ap: convenient to station and t r o l le y .____________ _ .THOHAB BT.. 22. near CUmon ava.-Lart«

froat eeeoad-etmr reom, w itt oleore and board: oiao s iH ll room; eoavsntenoes: rras^m-

WAfifUNQTON BT., iOft-^NIge, large i front cee&A ^ t o good hoard flor *«^ Id H aaoh:

piTto* iDiflt; totw INU.


7'he fullouliif? u-cfp nipfi In.’ounty r*jgisii: i H ycwteiday :

NL-;UARKPftniTftXlii t t ux l»» Max \ o -

f.l ill, w • Itilii a v am i S i)th st, 2jx1'Ki

FrMlericU llt-nruT <-t 'tx 1"Axel e t ui. * s llll.-fiile aV 42y flfr iii4,'t*k>w si. ....................

.vliimk’ iti'Tiifnri iin>i liuMl'iin'l In MuoljoLnu !»<■ FwhtU;., n ft jthuv f t W I i UJ<rkei sl. .......

t ln ic e f7- r.unlcy i t al u- W illiam J Thomiisoii. n k i 'ennu i uv EVi f t w If 8 Till Pi, ...........

lientijl- i McTltllPgvr ax l" Jo h n R, |■■runke, p s Majilv us r>3S ft frrtpiliu:ilvM KV, ..........

Atinu M. ^ 'a !1 Horn iind liuvljund to IClixul'Clh 'r<iv.riK'V. 11 h H HHh st !u; n ri- i i ih bv , jtx' u

He n rie tta H Norfnik tu H an y ('oje* m an. c* u t-Hsex Ht s fr (H iiiift' h1,47-\tjb .......................... ..

MurlivTl lT !•' fUflid 14, iri't-kina, w H S lath ?=! U-i' H .■< fr Hank si. arul in n ’l

rohn «■ Fiftrlc ct a l- l" I'pdf-rfll H and L. .AssnclfitliFii. >* <'lhUun %■ IBi; ft w fr UV'. HnxHlO

Wutfiop W hittlesey cl ir\ lo Hii_ dulph naun ian . w H H ulx'cr av 17y n w fr W atson »v,

\4'cvMmUslr p a rk LniaJ ind Im- prov«-tncnt C’i>. to LouIh Si hncid+*r rt ux. II a Renner av r.'j ft w fiHeymour av, nOxh:*’...............................

Miilthv'a- T. Ghj- et nx 1" riiHip J. Unwers, w s Rroad si .’I>0 ft frW illiam pr. 4Sxlfti...............................

Gu.stavc A. HocillTiK'‘r ft ux tu H en ry UarlPH^. v s Wf*«l Knd av H#7 ft fr fl. Orriii^e :i4xlya .

Bftmuei U rurnlnig ft al to 1» uIh G ross ct, al, w r Huiuerdon at IhT

. ft fr Avon av. &3xl'iC« . . . . . . .Ann K. H yerron to Angelo M

M esre, w a Mt, l''rofli)cci hv 175 ft n fr flth nv. "axioii.

Forest Hill lifiiid 4‘n to t!bailen S. Cooper, n s r>PlavHii nv e fr P a r ­ker Bt. 66x11:7.. ........................

nU T S lH K (IF NEW ARK.Hu rry K aplan H ul tu N urtliern

Tniprovtm eni (''■ , Kasl O range, e s Anilniffil a( H7l Ti fr (.'antj'ai av.inOxlOfi . . ........

Je»blv Uatrniii et nl to .Mary Bm i+*- detto , Brllevillf', - -s A*'me Bt 200 fte Cr Brighton av, iSxlTS.............

JefferMon V7. 'rliuinm ei ul to V ictor L, Burgeanpr cl fl. JiJaBt ''irang#-, !!■«■•« B urne tt ht IJl fl fr Beech 9167x«2............................................ ...............

Lucile OPKO<»lhy Oluver and hua^ band to Mary L. T. Osgoodhy, South Orange, w n 2d s t iSi f t frAcadem y st. 10x115...............................

Qre.vluCK I.*kud Co. 10 F lora K algin And hut“]>aiid, Belleville, "w r t'u roeline s t s fr Greylock av, 2Sxl00.........

L eah J. Krlire t«» Michael J . ’ Lang e t ux B!ooinfieli1. Brookslde pi 542 ftf r BloonUielri «v. 2f»xl22......................

£- DorenuiH and husband lo H erb e rt AuEtin, Enut Orange, w a N Grove st 417 ft fr Sprlngoale av.30x137 ................ :• ■'•■A.........................DavlP ContUrucilun Company to F rederick Neu. liiist Orange, n w B N M aple av ^ ft f r R utledgeav. 52x24.............. ...................................

John B. F ran k ! el ux to W illiam Reil)'itl el ux, Irvington, e s Q raceat 401} f t n fr Cottage lit, 25x100.........

Sam e to Robert Lee, Irvington, w s Coll Bt 325 ft fr Cottage gt, 25xlOO..

W illiam fipecht ux lo Annie Lgs* wlch, E a s t Orange, w s N. QroveHI 34 ft fr i th ftv: SOxlSO......................

M aiUe V. HoUxnian to W illiam J. K dw nrds. E ast Orange, w « G reen- wiiud av 11X) ft □ fr W illiam at.40x106 ..........; ....... .........'-A .....................

L ackaw anna Investm ent Comirany to Roland D. Crocker. E ast Orenge, n « a 4th av 175 ft s e fr N. Ifith at.BjXIOO ............... ......... - .........

N icholas Heald e t ux to Steph Mug- xlo. Belleville, n e cor C linton and Vi im am sift. 2SxW0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H e r l^ r t Auatln r t ux to LIUle B. P o rtonua. Boat Orange, i t Biat-



iMio IJi-ny -1 'ix In Ri i'H.a KHr’dlDr, t n .s Htii st I'v II « fr H im ii \ , *:,iVju.

IK-iiry \V U 'M tf’ lu t?{ir:i'ji i D ough ty . f h Miuk*'! ft h Kllliiioi.' !=il

Heorb’O Stoi7. rM u \ tn \Vhh( N pw-hrk Hulhlii'Mi iLnd [.nan . <> h Y. 15th at 226 fl n f r av,

M ary A. I jvmcm- io A im rli-ar. fissiirancp Cfj., a H ;?t fi<! ft e fi \44lBey al,*]>»>

Adjim F’nh Sr In Mvrci*r Builfliug nrid Loiiii. f H Uiriui- :jv 353 f( n fr S O raiiK ''rt \ .

Jiilifi Lang tn CoRnmn U nnlty Co,, o s S Kith .*il 4fil ft ij fr A von » \ . J ijDIj

.NlnTgarf^l Itfiiily to IKisirin Nf^niitd, n NK'vv !«l ftO ri fl W iiah liig lfin ei Anypln M tu T h irlM o n h Warr)

unil Loan, w s P*roMp»*ci av 17.7 n n f( I'.Ui RV, SL’. JfXi

Sartif* lu A nn K. ItyL-rjhon, Fam e p ro p e rty . *2,.’!U'.

Hvlsniiliiifi T. P*.MitilUKr'.‘<lp e l a l to An lon i'i \n lp e . w H N r-w ark s i .110 fl » fr Sus-'*vx nv, *40".

O U T B ID F f iF N E W A R K ,.fosfpJs 1)1 ItPiiedf'Uo et ux In f-teieii

M f)#i iii aw, B lleH llle, h b Actne st I7:'i ft e fr Urlghlon fiv, *600.

Jnlm .Inlunmri .f r *•! UX to CftJ-lWrjll ll iin<l Ij , hVIls, R s IlrookpdnHV (fir oj(l saw ir.fll |n i, *1,300.

Riihorl IK Lort In ,|u[jn K. F ranke, ir- \ inyinri, w s Cull st 225 ft w fr UottaifP .si, Jl.l-Vi

UU hiirrl B. Uoridlt ('I ux io W est Eod It arul 1,. Ka> t Ui’iUiffe, s 9 R enshiw ,iv ft I' fr fTosiuvt Bt, Jfi,000

Sieplipii Mnxzhi to Belleville H. .ind L I le llri’illf', n c car C linton and Wiillfwn st.-, *i.:o}.

IJlile K. [>oremiiR and liushand to H*’r- \ boi'l W, Arretin. I'hisl O range , s « Hiil-

Iffige riv 211 M o fr W alnu t st. JKOfX).Crrizin .Saparlio and huRbiuid (o Angv-

llTiR i>) HeiiPdetio, Omtigf-. n a fJray .‘■i ItX) ft rt fi I'7af*ex i\\. Jl.TWj,

W U iT lUiDKClN RISAIj fc)9TATli:,


PATKRHON. Oflt. « .-T h o u g h he died tlircifi daya before the p rim aries, John C. Uoylti reralved enough votea to m ake him, hiid he lived, one of the flve D em ocritla iibnihu'es for the Aasembly. H li vote w as firth in order of Use. John McKeon» who rreeived 297 Voteii few er th a n w e r t cant for Doyle, bullevea he Is lAwfulLf nom inated for the fifth place, b u t C ounty Clerk Idlater finds noth ing In the^ tow to

An apsM'al may he m ade to th e courts^ It him bei'Ti BURgeBted th a t application be rniuJi to Suprem e C ourt J u s tlre P o rk e r fur a w rit of m andam us d irec ting thg county Llerk tu place five naniee on th# election biitlot as D em ocratic nominees* No Hiopa to this end have yet been taken.

The county clerk holdn th a t under the law liH niUBl send notices to th e flv# iiH-n rplurtied as having the p rim ary nominal Ion. Since he will receive form al arcepwinrcfl rm rn only four he will, un* li'BH i^peHrlcnlly directed by th e court, place only foiii' nam es on th e ballot a l iJotncii rntlc AsHtiiibly noinlneea.

The nfHfldl vote a l the DemocraU? pririmry fur A ssem bly nom inees for the Mix 'lilKh m en" w as;

I'hurlKH F. Lynch. 3.123; T hom as F. M or­gan. 5,"5H, Wi'Kley Uhiiinberlaln, 2,9l5; H arry Jocison, 2.HH, John C. Doyle*Ji,ihn Mi'K roti, 2,W1.' ----------------^ — .


Spf'rutl ft'm'MT of the .Vfi'fffi.W A HIIlM fTON. N J , Oct. I —Judg*

in. iji (jf fur u derliy hat th a t woe Worn t'j L ii'i-jv "liy m istake" has bean glvfO hv JiiMti't* uf the I ’«*are J- R. L lndabcrry .

Tiic I iiMw !► th a t In which Bteve Ko- inih'ii. f>f ox fo r, rei’ently sued C harles RiiHlu-k. of Miirtln'H fTcek ILashek ad- mlin*d wi-arlrig the hat to H u n g ary in Met vmlivr uf iao9, hut inslstctl l l woe bymi^itiLke.

LAWYER GETER RESENTEHCEDpATFUflON. u c t 3. ' R obert F. O eyer. t

Pau-rBuii hiwycr. was rtciitm ced by Judge Francis flvotl In the F lrcu lt C ourt th is rn"riiiiK< I" th irty (Jays In the coun ty JalL Ueywr was charged with em beialem ent. Hd wan m-ntenced several iiion ihs ago to fttTve iw’n inunlhs in ja il and a fine of tl.'Xki. which decision he appealed to the ( ’i)urt ijf E m irs Ills conviction woe a f­firmed by the higher c%urt. He wo# reprSr «t*nir*d In riourt to-day by fo rm er S enaio r Wood McKee,

Ueyer a ufferiHc was the em beasleraent of fnim Mro. Eitill G etting , In divorce

]ir Dvoedingft H was charged th a t he re- cevied $3,000 irurn Mr. G eering to be paid to th e wifi*, ihai he a rra n g e d to set- Vo with Mrs (.leering for li.ftGO* bu t only piilfl *2,400. PlB hsrm ent proceed lng i for iirosH m laconduct w ere also In iititutsd dgalnsl him.

JERJIEY CITY, Oct. 3 ,-T h « following dcfflM a:nl m ortpages a ffe rtln g property In W est Hudyon were recorded yeste rdsy .

KKAUNY i.’ONVEYANUEfl,Oharleft CroutheiH et ux to M argaret

TiiumaM, w H uf H lghlantl av 150 f i n fr Wood land a t , 'j:rix9B, *1.

Mabel li, and John H. F u iad ay to John D. A rthur, o -s of f'eaoh fit H7 f t 71 fr gu lncy av, loox73^. *1.

W aller ti. H ejnsheinier to ritomaB Duff, w of Brlftliton uv lafj ft n fr Aftun at. Ox no, *1.

KKAHNY M ORl’UAGEN.Eunice E. and John M. S tra d ia n to

Addle M. Connor, e s of GrainJ av i?j ft n fr Locust av, $3,000

George H illm an et ux to W-Uliam H. Nettle, a e cor of Oakwood av and Kick- Di y Ht, Mxion, *5ftj

Donato Hizxolo et ux to M oward Savings in s titu tion , n e cor of Juhnaton and G ran t av«. 3?5fR0. 116.000.

John M cArthur e l ux to H ow ard Sav­ings instU utlon, s s of Jo h n sto n av 2S2 ft w fr K earny av, oOxlOO., ll.dOU.

M argaret Thom as tc; T hom as Crouther*. w s of Hlghlaiwi a v IW f t a Fr Woodland av. 25xW.

VTctor Yodkoli «t ux to W ylie £ . Clark, a P of Schuyler av 20j f t n fi- W’a tk in s ' st. 36x125. *3®. , , ^

A rlington and K earny R ealty and Con- ilru c tltin Company to Roseville T ruat ConiiAny. a a of Elm s t S3S ft a f r Qulney av , l&xlOO, »i,00fl.

A rlington and K earny R ea lty and Con­stru c tio n Company to RoocvHle T ruat Compaiij'i a s of E lts at Z7S.60 ft a fr Ouincy av. 25xlW, |l,00fe'

Thonioa Duff et bx to H en ry B. Helna- helm er, w a o i B ^ h t o n g v 140 f t n f rihelm er, w a o l B rirhAftcm ttj


LLJy.ABE'l'H. Oct. 3.-T h e Union C oun­ty lO’.jrtH oiicned here to -day before flu- pn-me Unurt Ju stice Jam ee J . Bergeo. Thi; < a lcndnr inrludes fo rty -e igh t Suprem e I'ourl oai aM, eighteen C ircuit C ourt and live Justice appeal casee.

J u s ip e Bergen, in add ressing th e g ran d Jury, nald th a t since tha la s t te rm of court no crlnu^ had occurred In the county .r Hufticlenl iniiKirtance to w a rra n t a apo-

rlfll charge, If the ju ry wished to Ittves- itgftic exclafl condltlODfl !n EUxabethj th e {•ourt declared, the f|U^8tlun aolely fo r It lo look Into w as the law enforcem ent.

NO ELECTION INDICTMENTSrA.MDKN. Oit 3,-Contrary to **p€Ct«-

llons uniong Ih'" Ind lc tm en ti preaentB j 10 iMp court yeoterdaj- by the irim iJ ju ry „onc concenied the election troudn In ttw l oiiniy. The urand Jury la In •entlon n(s)n to-day.and It Is Ihought probab l* th a t sev­eral Irullctments (o r v io lation ot tbs sloo- tlon laws win be bunded In.

AmonK tb» true bill* w as ons against Oeorge .VI. Haoon, a law yer. Hs Is Jointly' arcosed w ith Melvin U. G arrison o t em- b e iilln g tunds belonging to Katharine Hiirtar. o t Hoddonfleld, w hose properties G arrison looked afte r.

W ill S u e to G et H o r ee .Sprciol Sen’lre of lb* }ISW 8.

H 08E L L K PA R K , Oct. 3.—Still con­vinced that one of the horses of the team stolen from hla stables In WeatlleW ave­nue, Rooetle P ark , la s t March Is now at the Bull’s H ead stables In Newark, Sam­uel B lack yesterday Instructed hls at­torney, N. R. lAsavltt, to begin eult ag a in st the s tab le proprietor to replevin the horse. B lack alio took the matter up with the county uuthorltleg. Thomas Moy, proprietor ot the stablea, declared yee- lerday that Black was inlstakeB; that the horee he claimed had easts fW*i tae West and va* not the same age as U a stolen animal.



Sale “Sheffield Plate” SilverwareSole Agents

forLadies' Home

Journal Patterns ,

W ta th 0r To-m errow! Probahly f-'alr and W arm er.

I l l L j ^ L W A Y S B u s ' l l


Do Your Sewing

on a Free Machine.


Big Sample Shoe SaleBeginning Wednesday and continuing

until Saturday closing time, we shall offer the following specials in men’s, women's and children's footwear. There isn't a single com­monplace offering in the entire sale.

Sab Women’s Sample ShoesHigh-grade sample shoes from

Smaltz. Goodwin & Co., Red Cross shoemakers, and Lounsbury, Mattliewson Co. patent colt, gun metal calf '1 C indviclkid. Cloth or kid tops; A hand-sewed welted; $3 to $5 val.

In O fjr M en’s S h o e S e c t io n —We shall place on sale to-morrow In our second floor section men’s regular $3.50 storm shoes at $2.05 a saving of fifty-five cents. They are made of guh metal cal , m blucher style with bellows tongues and double viscoUzed soles, calf lined; also i^ ta l calf iace shoes wifh double viscolized soles; ^regular $3.50 per pair; 2 , 9 5

c n A rA a ! S p l l i t lD ......................................... * ............................ ...................... ........................................for spectel sellingBoys’ Sample

Shoes — A, splen­did lot of boys!' sample shoes, , i ’n sizes upMade ,0 f fine pat­ent 9 6 1 1 , Russia or gyiii metal calf;

/'feg. worth from $2.00 to $3,00 per pair, but we shall offer them special

pl’lr . . .


Sample “Foot Trainers”B*bl«a’ ilie s mostly, 4 and 4 'j , hand sewed^

turned soles, worth 75c. to $1.25, a t .............. ;j9cChildren’s siies 6 to 7, hand sewed turned soles,

worth SI.00 to $1.50 pair, a t............................ 8f*CChildren's sires up to 10. hand sewed welted

soles, worth $1.50 to S2.50 pair, a t................ 1.29Misses’ sires up to 1, hand sewed welted sqles,

worth $2.00 to $3.00 pair, special.................. 1.59

W o m e n ’s C o m ­f o r t S h o e s - T h e s eshoes are made with a seam down the centre, giving room for enlarged j o i n t s ; button style, with hand- sewed t u r n e d soles; the regular price is $2 .0 0 per pair,„ special for

1 . 5 0sale

I Salefli 1

400 INew RaincoatsCome to th e jto b erg ^ r s to r^ ^ morn­

ing at 9 o’clock and secure one of these sp l^ d id raincoats. We have four hundred of them (women’sand misses' s i z e s ) which we have divided into t abig lots as follows:

3 .9 8S lip -o n R a in C o a ts , m a d e o f b e s t r u b - 9 . 7 5

Rain b e r iz e d s u r f a c e m a - RainCoats t e r i a l in t a n o r Coats2 . 7 5 g r a y , w ith p la id ■

1 b a c k . F u l l , lo o s e7 .5 0

Sizes for women misses.

'$3.98, special

andRegular A


Smart mannish rain coats, made of the popular double texture fabric, in olive or tanshades; all sewed and ce- sizes for women

and misses; excellent coats that sell regularly ^ C A at $9.75, spec, at ^

Both semi-fitting j12.757.50 and loose back rain 1

Rain coats in this assort- RainCoats ment. Buttoned Coats4.98 high at neck. Made '

of rubberized mo-10.75

........... .

nan Ui apicnuiw neat stripes; also poplin in plain colors—reg. A O S ular $7.50, special

1 misses; i $12.75 I spec, to-morrow

These splendid rain coats are made of finest quality silk finished double texture material, in tan and olive

sizes for women and the regular price Is

1 0 . 7 5

Between Ourselves

Beds and Bedding

Dr. Oskar Na|>el,tof New York, gave ( 0 ihe world yetaerday the gladsome imeUigeince that he had succeeded in frcrfeCiing a process whereby gold may be ex­tracted from the oceoiil

Good tor Dt. Nagel! Hu­manity ni.a;. now turn its atten­tion to the t.rmv deep land make Neptune pnv the toll.

The gold ext;\acting process has been poing orf ever since the world began. Of course, Old Mother liiirth has always been called upon to prodlfcr Ihe virgin ore, but the real gold,extracting process is ont altftgciHrr a mat­ter of SLUICING. It is a case of COMMLIlUAL SKILL pure and sintpic. It hns been the aim of moria! since the begin­ning of lime. tneMract gold from his fcliov-man. Some do this extracting ith a greater degree of finesse tbtn others, but, tak­ing it nil 111:- whole, our modern mctliod.s of pnld extracting are so extremelv 'veil developed, that Dr. Nagel’s Uteaii robbing scheme seems crude in cor.-iparison.

p t(i ll « I lil t 111 |o you t h a t by poiU« 5 iii'k to nhOp. V*’'!

’ A r a th p rf S’OldIne?

Nn?A\'p11 ih ink |t nvpr an d w h a l

conc lu sions you pomfi to .

We are holdinp an im p o rtan t sale of brass and iron beds and bedding this week. Here are some of the o fferings;

Enameled Beds24 mi Whtii’ i:numP!l*ftl

IhtH hmIh .........\V lili »■ KiiJiinf'itJOIlllK SUlP ..................Willi'- Kananittlfdlhl8 skIp ..............W hlU- K n u n in ltdtills Khh’I Whin- [iTnimt-UMlm is Kill*-I Uhli*’ F.iiainpUfi

• ibiF sal**1 Whllf Knain»'W'i1• t hi s salp .............> Whl4P r.nBm4»l8'l• ttils nalp .........

W h ite Kiiflm P i- 'l i Whttp F.nHin, Brd.s

21 -AO,. JT.WtHml.s,iteilB.]HctlK

Herts.. 11 .AO HeilP.1 1.00 tiiS'lR,

0.00 • 7.AO 7.00

PedB . . Berin •

Brass Red.sSB n(l B ib sb Hpd,B, b riK hI n r PflSln

f in is h ..............................ST.rifi Brnafl Firrts. l i r ln h l s a l i n

fin ish gO.lKF2S on nmas nrfis. UrlKht nr rnlin

fin ishllMll! UraB.s H eits. l .r iK h l f in ish .

M ........................ I2-V»SO BriiHH. HpflH. t'fU il'.t '■’1 Mulin

T hink about W s s h d a yl e a d t iiio fil



P F R S IL W3slic3 any and allclothes w ith ou t rubbing and w ithout injury in half the usual tim e. It can not harm anything. P E R S IL w ill m ake y o u rc lo ih es last four tim es as long. P E R S IL w ill c lean se old lace or greasy overalls thoroughly in a few m inutes, and w ill lea v e colored fabrics as bright as they w ere w hen th ey cam e (rom the store.

W e don’t ask you to buy HERE w ithout comparison, tor it’s by compar­ison that our values shine out the bolder— “ like a light house in the fog, to m e lo-day, to-m orrow or an y 'o th e r d.iy look th rough our ,s '® c k s -y o u willnienls^ as great and se lec tions as good as an y w ere in the the land. T he d itference is


W e w an t to prove our claim, and to th is end we are giving aw ay

Your grocer sells



llnislt .........................................-W.AO<n Hii B ran s B+*ds. b i i c h t n r - b P i in

lln isbfit) fin B ra s s F r-n h t " i K uln,

rinlsli . . . ltA-006? 00 H rnas Herts, b r lj fb l o r H uiin

t l n l f t h .................... A2-O02B t»9 B ra s s Bed.s. S q u a re pOnlS-

Bpecliil a t ..............................4l.*>0$5 00 H erts. a ilU ara im s ts .

aperl fil St ................ ■ A0.4HRThOti B rsfis Berts. aoUd b r a s s c o r ­

n e rs . nt 00 .0016 i>n BrBfls b r ig h t o r s a t i n

fin ish , a t ................................ 70-lK* w b i t f K nam i on \'\‘hiTp Enam

Mattressess o n Hoft lo p lincelsH ^r M a ti r^ ^ s .

sperialh prlccij n.t ............2.A0t.Oij Koft top a n d b o t to m R lc e l-

nior Mattress ftl .............F.tiO U iu n h ln a llo n M a t t r e s s , s p e r

la!IV piTrert at . . •T.nn i’.«mblTiatli>n Mftt tre.'JSP'i.

R perjftllv p r lf -e r t 't if •• •lb,rt<i I'oM on Felt

ape<Ufl]lv prlcri:! ut.!*(i“ ‘ ''tfi'M Fell Mr*. I

Hpeelallk priced nt ...............

Steel Bed SpringsR e g 2 in f t i l - s te e l H nJ R rirln g a

H peolttily p r ic e d at Reg 2 7:'. all-ste«l B€d

appoLailv p r ic e d at Reg 4 00 all-steel Bed

specially priced at Reg & Oft all-fiteel Bed

apecUUy priced at Reg fi 00 all stecl Bed

1 Bpectfllly priced at »

1.70Springs,. . . . t.OSSprtnp?H,. .Springs.. . . 4.2A F p rin frs . ..........A.ftO

Half-Yearly Silk SaleWc told you Sunday that this was going to be the biggest silk sale in the

history of our store, and sure enough, it has been. Only two more days.36-in BU:k ‘.'csB.".>;.ie. Satin Duchess, Peau de Sole

and Pc.i.u c'’ f. yRnc, r;g. S2.00 to Se.Z.'i yard. -I.-IH 36-in. P'r.-; Tfiffeta, P o u de Sole and Black Messa-

line Sill., regular Sl.lW yard, special..............79c36-in. I'.isck ChiRon T.ilTeta, Duchess Satin and

Peaii r -iC, rttuiiar SI.25 oer yard, special. -98c 27-in. Black Peau -i~ ‘>oie. Satin Serge and Messa-

line silk, regularly yl lW yard, special..............79cBordered Crepe de Chene, in beautiful effects, 23

inches wide, worth 69c. per yard, special. . . .44c Crepe .Meteor, 24 inches wide, black, white and

besi colors, good $1.25 value, per yard..........79cBlnck Messaline and Taffeta Silks. 32 and 35 inches

wide, value SSc. yard, special sale price..........69c27-in. Silk Messaline, in plain colors and stripes,

•Tegular 79c. to $1.00 "tades, special, yard---- 59t1.9-Ia. Blai’ty .Messaline Silk, strong, firm and lus-

4(1 in, Riveria Satin, street a_nd evening shades,V ill not slip or pull, regular Si.50 yard.......... 1.29

Imported Black Grenadipe, in handsome brocaded effects, 45 ins. wide, regular $.2 yard, special. 1.69

Black Striped Grenadines, 4.5 inches wide, goodvalue at St.00 per yard, special price.............. 59c

All Silk Marquisette, 42 inches wide, 'handsome bordered effects, regular S1.25 yard, special..89c

All Silk Marquisette, plain colors or stripes, 40 inches wide, regular SI and 51.25 yard, spec. -89c

Black Failletle Sole, firmly finished and very lus­trous, 20 ins. wide, usually 79c. yard, a t .......... 49c

19-in. All Silk Serge for waists and dresses, black, white and colors, 49c. grade, special, yard. . . .28c

Black Shantung Silks, in semi-rough weave,latr, - .............. ........... - -n - . ______ , - • io^.wide. 79c. to Sl.iXl qualities, per y a r d . . 5 5 c

23-in. Novelty Silks, in stripes, figures and Dresden effects.'regular 51,'k) grade, per yard.............. 87c_ O.TI. I rm

lUS" Clici,t3, • t. w ginvw, ...................... ., 111. u.<u.n. ................................'"1'”: ' , ...... ,iQ_ i Faiicv Messaline Siik in the latest designs and col-irotts, regular 59c. per yard, special...................28c .

36-in. Salin. suitable for coat lining, good ''ame 6* Crepe de Chene. 42 inches wide, a beautiful, soft,per v®r6, special sale price..................49c 1 clinging material regularly Sl.50 yard, at. . ..1 ,1 9

■in. Satin Messaline, in fashionable colors, regu- - ------ - >-.......lar $1.00 per yard, this sale special..................73c

36-ln. Salin Messaline. new and desirable shades,

7 k36-in

regular price S12S pet yard, special. -.98c

Two-toned Satin Coating, heavy black satin with colored back, 36 ins. wide, S3 grade, y a rd ... .2.39

36-in. Black Satin Duchess, Princess Messaline, Taffeta and Peau de Sole, reg. $1.50 yard, et.1,18

15c and 2 5 c

A42-PC. DINNER SETTo Be Given Aw ay Absolutely



At AllG r o c e r s



iiTM min wSometimes Three Fingers Without

Nails at One Time. Began 25 Years Ago. No Permanent Cure, Began to Use Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In a Short Time Nails Were Well. No Further Trouble,

R eg. $5.00 V alueT h is r n n t l in in i is p o s t c r ih Is r o n -

m r u d f f i o f a lv e i te m p e r e d Irn n , fin- tshefi In h a r d h a k e r t w h i le e n a n ie l tiBU th e adJtiB ta tde . a l l . t ln g s id e t tu it in o k e a II s a f e , , U'.'T.U ~ "with “TtlT'Ri-iOF” vv'^v#'n n $n n u tf l t . n ti r pri< p , o n ly

'JLYour Credit Is Good Here!



"1 Uave from ttie same troubletpaiiiJul Uager iiaLl!il Ll diflefciil periods aJ aiy IKe. 'iU» flr§t lime ot lie oveurreace, rcrlupa twciity-live Jfrari aeo. after irymg hom* c&madiea wilhuul peitiuff helped. I asked my doctor to preicnbe tor mr, but ll WM Dot for a T^T or jour* Htai tr.y tialla and flfteera w r« well. Tlie Inflammaiion and. ... __ V ___ _ -X 4l.^ S.aAn a F i La ',i.%m wrm TYCll. A ixvi i. J ----uppiiratlon began a t Ilia baio of the flrAger

m U Someiimca It wa* ko painful lU t i bad to ft poultSc« to Imliice luppuratlon. After tb* piw wo# rhscharied the iwelilnK wouW JO down until ibo next period of Inflammailon, powlbly noi more tlian a wfpk or two afterwards. Th

THIS ELEfiANT DINNER SETConsists ol 42 pieces^a fincludes the ioilowmg pieces; 6 DINNER PLATES, b u l s SERT PLATES, 6 INDIVIDUAL BUTTER PLATES, b INDI VIDUAL SAUCERS, 6 CUPS, b SAUCERS. 1 LAROEPLA f- TER 1 COVERED DISH. 1 PICKLE DISH, I LARGE BOWL, 1 SMALL BOW L-42 pieces in all—ol thin while porcelain ware, iancy shaped decorated in a neat goid stippled design. It's a sel any housekeeper will be glad to own, and is undoubtedly one o the most useful premiums ever given away with a purchase ofso small an amount. Remember, '% T p ‘ w'itlia'^Dm-We deliver the complete set to your home FREE, with a p rtase ol ^fi.OO or over (Cash OUAR-


or swAi .-'hes* freqiircH IniJam'miTtooi nssultod lu tUo 1 »#* vf lb? nailDoa roiuiiuu ui i '»■ V*

Feebaps te a U t«r, 1 hefan a « i ato lurter from ilia oamo lio u b k . Again Ito lUlTfr JIOIU llio IMkUtv? iixJUi AV. -tried TtrtoYW rem ^diM , ftTnonc itiem a pre- icslptlon from a docto r of a frrtnd of mine, who bad sufiered from ft liko Iroijblf. Tfi • item ed to help Fom ew hit for a tune, pul It w ti m»t n perm ononi euro, Dt*t tried ft PTC-_I- _nta>n vtrvnfnr Kiit ihUfl WftJIWt* HI>V » pri ll x,uixj, - r--'icrlptlon from m j own doctor, but inu ww io frriUtlJlK to ih« seniitlTe, dlsftftood iVlp thill 1 could nol usft It. 1 befftn to um CoU-. -------- Tcum Sortp and OintmonU *CnllcuTft O in tm ent p re r lo u a lj pd P J chil-

’a iCftlp# w ith Eood ifTeot. I did not uae Soap eacluaivcTj, b u t 1 rubbed the Uu

vx.— O inliaoP t in to tho b iM of the n th eve nlfhl thoroughly , and t# orten bjwlde fti - could. I b id n o t us«d It b u t ft,

A r i-g io a r 5S.50 n u im , s Irim R . s ts e l rriiim'-:, hcBvIlv l.rcjnJlB.I, NBlIonill rahrii- Bli-i-l Htifli'k. tw-iK Ki-ecn Ji'iilm

rvsjtt'S a 'u l tio ls te ra ;Dpt riBit II I'' sbelt, ibiBi'U H TOTiif'irtiihlf! co ii''h ‘^'Jr p rlo e . ilif'COTTT* p le tu Dili fU f o r o n ly . . - ■

bftfiiri a?7 flftUa werft betler, ftnd fc ft ih o rl - ••..II Tufretime they wo?# apparently well, th e re w u n* more iuppuratlon, por InflunmatlonL nalLs ffrew out clean aialn . One box of u u i- cum Ointment waa otl that I In etfecltaf ft euTft/' (Blfned) Mri. 1. J Horwn, Kato- nah, N. Y.. Apr, 13. 1910. On Sept. i t . Mrs.nan. n. i., aiu. lo. iwiu. >-«ii •»! —Horton -BTOle; "I h»v* h»ii no fuiUior telura ot ih» iroubl, with m j finf«r ciiUj.

Cutlcurw Bobp ond Olntmpnt .old Ihroufh- Oiit the world. Send to Fotter Drug 4 Chun, Corn 16B. Botton, (or • llbernt BEmpleof e tA , post-free, -with 8S-p. book on Ihe iktn.


Lexington Ave. and 35th St., N. Y.n e w l o c a t i o n n e w b u i l d i n g

E very resp ite for the safety , health and com fort of our etudeote.

N o In c re ane o f R a te sC o m m e rc ia l a n d s te n o g r a p h ic

c o u rs e s . I n d iv id u a l in s tru c t io n s .

Fall Term Opess Tuesday, September 5

Enter at any Time.N o S o lic ito r t

S p e c ia l C o m m n u t io n r a te s to o u r ■ tu d e n ts on a ll r^ illroad i-ijjr iMrV. nuildiiiK ^ tiiiori

w alk fro in th e H u d so n T u b e end P e n n s y lv a n ia S ta tio n .

Dining ChairsR eg u la r $1.25 V alue

T o*m orrow we r ^ e a l o u r la m o u a offer o f th a t sp len d id b a rg a in In D in in g -ro o m C hairs . T hey a re rhatr.h th a t y o u 'll pav |1 JFi fo r In an y o th e r s to re , n icely p o lis h ­ed go lden oak frHTnes: HUbsiantlftlly b u ilt: choice of cane o r cobb ler s e a ts —o u r sp ec ia l price, each,

59cL im it « t» • C ustom er.


T hree sp lend id pieces in one bi^ outfit, including the tollowing;

ONE METAU B E D -VVell cnnPliTutedFieel tem pered Iron, enam eled In white, any slEe

ONE SPRING—All metal, very reslllenl. well svipported and vermin proof.

ONE m a ttress— E X <’ e ! I e n ily m ad e , cloRR tu f te d a n d very (so rn fo rlah le—to ta l valj8.Dfl Our price for the outfit, all com pleie, only

4 . 9 8

0eC€C€ 3 2 0 - 3 3 6 Y P l a n e S t .PJ BC'VV A.F*lt. IV. J.

Be Good to Yourself

CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT FURNITURE CO., 157-159 Springfield Avenue.


PROPOSALS .......... .! f r . a l thp fhy iiall. ViovoBiiU JO be a_c-I ■ ere a i toe cHy nan. - - -I w>mfianlefi by Ihe oonienl. In wrlthiB. of l«o

I ’ - - aurely ■junuiftay qualtneii to oo

Wednesday SpecialThis Exact Imitation LEATHER COUCH

i l l '

-’T III’ ‘ “ I II itil'iii ‘ ‘ V.'iT I

iiniiiimwI f i / f-

hnilnesri In Jerspy, who nhall at the tim'!of nulling In »uch i^roj«wala. fiuallfy an lo lh«»r rc#i>onethGliy In the amouiu of euoh proposal, and bind theniselvei that. If the ComrHCt be awarded lo the person or pertKiHB making tht urotjosal they will, upon Its being so awarded.

'his or IhPlr sureile.. for thi faHlvrul uerformante of said wtith ; and that. If the per^ Ron or ncraonfi omit or refuse lo ea<cule such S m rJc t ihoy Mill v w to the city of New;.rh tin? dl/rerenre between the minis 10 which he or fhev would hitve been eiulllcd upon uompletlon o t^ h 7 biiurucl. unfi lha, "hlch til. city of S.wHrk may bn ohllfieri to pay 111. peraon or lirnon. v.hoai av'h conlrHcta ahatl tw fit-

; " r h l BPBid of a lr r . t aod 'Vatnr Commlalo"- ' «« of Ihe city or Ne-.i'arh rra .iv . lo ili.m-

aelvM I lie right la or reject «nV or all oroposala to[ tlin above work. a . ItiCJ nial’ litem beat (or (ha Intercat of the ntty-

[Udders snrt sureties are hereby mulflca ibat under the prov’lalcni of *.lie rtvent.i »'c- l»on of the law creating tbs Hoard of Surest and NVater Comnilssicners, appiuved March 1*8 1891. that the bond or bonds to ba given

I for iha' rsllhful eiecutlon nnd per(oiki*si’Oft of »std public work, shun first be uppr<*'ert

, S3 to Biifliclency, by the board, and as lu I jm . hv the couiis®! of the board, and iu> k**rtirax.t al.all h . UKiilliig iin Uie £lu. nf rive or operative until such bond )■ *o ap­proved; and the president of the board i m U have power to examine the propowd bondi- men under oalli, It fi. ahall .n ™ •’’VJbe so Inslructed by the bnapd, bat th e .b ^ ra


Tripol dlspatcF

traopa I landed i

LONE Rom a f bom bnr

••At a A dm lra dhlpft ( Fftrrucl to begli B»nede kllom et the lO’B

“At ? first Ah Govarni diat€ly rfFpIled teen c« WES bfti

“The ctireclec tlonn a piled w over al Turfclsl'

A fter for oni Btroywi rulnat.'

‘T h e lieAi’ler ing Tee to bavf palace hfttlpre a t 0 o' (Huh ai T heir s

“The of fire ceiisert

■ DurlI eflectli

•T h e niontln ycstertl 1 educet p ly . t :th e hei ert fire dtapr.oe tlert In

‘T h e T h e It iOOO m

"T he pro ject sfttpfl. fleet di

“The og poi an d w> InjKt. w u n to th e

"Nitr epectat m ount

ROM: m iral i fleet at In s thE h o ip lta only a tion range i th a t th th e cU:

The cause i less bit of non Mo eo x'alfl, i m iral ; to flee a desiT

None ships, ships la rgest F rom plainly re&Uzet m igh t ■Hence cost ol a resu avoid-rem ainabandcbanJmi

ROM to r E r th e g€ and n( Llbie." the lU ful sol

and the world will be good to yon. The way is to keep your stomacli, liver, kidneys and bowels) right. And you’ll find great help in


In bum lOc- •xt 2S«>

Fram es m ade of choice quartered oak, fully upholstered in very d u rab le leather, sani ary construction, b e s t tem pered steel springs, higli class w orkm anship throughout. An unusual o tter. Spec­ial to-m orrow on ly ......................................................

> .9 5

S«H ET.rrwbme.


Carpets CleanedCents p*’'


Telephone 291 Brancb Brook

t € » ^ ________

157-159 Springfield Avenue

RiruciFiJ uy IMCwill iioi be bounrl by any siaiemoni tn*t mS/ bs made by such propuaert bondamen, bm inau havn fyll r>ower snrt ahaoliUu rtiscrsilon in i.he w'bols matter, arfd this prevision shall be in­ferred to In RTiy advffrtlsenient invlliiDj MU* for any such public work.

By rtirscitnn of iho Board* of and wler CommiBslofiars of lh« c

MORRIS R. SHERREUD.Chief Ifiigineer.

PARkl£ih a I a drm for th ships i is bon to a n

PROPOSALS PROPOSALSthe propsriy of th« ctmiracior and sllowimca for the saint: must b« made In bidding for th«npW Dill'SinSht. ^For Tlch-oor iJ m ' Having an<t R epav ing One tfiousaiid a ll tiunilred ll.ltODI -(iiiare yard, of ob'.oni urnnll. l.'li'Ck I'avemem on a BIX> .... . k f.ti Irvilrx 1 in.h ' t nvDn T

OFFICE o r THE CITY CUERK,N.wark, N, J., aeBtambfr 31, 191J.

Sealed nropomla for lunilihin* tho in^klerun and performing th . work required In 'h '(ion of a Hr. apparalui houae in be on (ha northwest co rn ., of Avon avenue and Ttilrleenth itreel. Newark. N. J-, will be re­ceived by fh . Committee on Pubilo Bulldlngi of the Common Council of tbe city of Newark, N, J.. a t a meeting lo he held In the tee-room at tho city hall, on October ». W ll.

TheTommlttee will be In eeaalon to mcelva bid! from 8 to 8;S0 P. M.

■Rida will b« opTifiad promptly at 8 .«» r . W-PmnoBAls properly indorsed tnust be pre*

< e ^ S ^ersoSally and *1 no other time and‘’’separate propoeaH will be received for the‘'’1' -Slrcavitlon; maaonry. lllo and piaalerlng. '‘^^Rooflng and metal work, .carpentry and sla-ainB. hardware.*fl^-Palmlng and varnlshlm.

4— Plumbing and gasoUns atoraie,5— HetAlins work.6— ElectrUi light and power wiring.7— Contractors may make a total eitlTnala

combining and Including all (he work ewer- Ing the arecHon and complallon of tba build-


. iheir 1 advise to abJ th a t tl noon.

Com Conpu «unk i Brltla: with aiderei

xxmBtantl: deitrc flyihE Red I under had r

_ ticket ""the CT

the a< Conau

7 a al- „Tii riP oald for tbe foiiowma- i of ob.ODg i:rannr iJiintj uulard priL-ea cov«Y»’ one (ll) inch concreKi founilalion; i-pven bundrrtTWO (2) no .e u « c^ODcrete; 71W fines 1 fret of '20 by ft IncY. four cut curb,•20 by 4 JSJSotlon complete; one get in concrete: one bundreri iloOl square feetyne bi.OTL aitb couneo BelglBii brltlgmg laid on roncreie. o^o hun*nVw h « J iSi Sfd bwilo; on* (1) man- ' deed GOOY aquarc ffut of granlie brld|rtg UU



I'lly Hall. Newark. N. J.. Septem ber^. IWl. SPuled Mill be received «’ ’b'* offles

from ft.1ft to H:3U TM,r,da>,I i the"'flfVh'’day oT'tAtufJ'T* 1911. ’and opened at I the iHst ntiniL'd hi'ur, a' a pubrYc mertlng "f L thv board ro be held at said time and pl4c«.

, ' liir the iiaUnK anil rrija$-lng of G»« lonnwlng ' privets and hlsF’.ways:■ AVtlS^li-

frnm Watjjgn avenuv lu about eouin-

)H concrete- UTthe following; Three «8) sets of 20 by 6 inen fiiur out onmers. s^t In cohcreie; four JjunarM

: rrly from Hofr-im I. n p.

KIJ’P STHKCT.sireit ij a 'e rin '.'trcri in the t roun.v, tit i-xtih -hI.i. - r.t the s5r«!l raH*sy 7 ' ' ^ ' with ibe exi ebllan of one fool on esvh itGe or sstd trucks. anil

T l' JiRNOR le.ftNF.from Murrav irc-"i to Parkhursi STree?.

The rcUov.'m- !.■« the nrr'ounl of thework to he doc»’. end Ihe materials f 3 be fur* nlshe 1 In tb** conStrucTon and cumpl«tli3» 01 Slid work, and upon ss’blcb olds '■'•ll be coca*^ ^ ^ 'jo b n io n AveaM Paving—Bight httudred oxid thirty («30y wjuare yard* of t«ft fifft

iiolford pavoBieBt; fwo bundled and Un (IW

area iiuuj wqumv !'?«'• Uk Rtu.niT Ukiuutg- r:ri*;;^oovera on chnerete. Htandard prices will be paid for

’’F'„r'’K iEnir«t ■■ ---------- ------- ----------hunarrd a n i «f(y .1,880)pa4emeMt on a sir (o) j%«nv iir m I feet-P'en hundred and f lf^I , 16 bv 8 Inch four cu t c u r t . « t Ih

ir^Rrt^r'uib. basin ^Mlng»-Hh c-onneriIon complet*: One U) o* ■ , ana worn itT wnicu '• “old he:id and slDi with i amount provided fur in the ipecWcaGotl*.OUI b 'ilu one ll) manbote complete, with j propoaal mum be eucloeed Jii a_iD0Sj<BlPH9 rov<ffrS, TietkaviM—Twonty-

Kof rTfffiDKhuysen %enty-Rln*

F ' : r n

It, com-rme: luclurtlu* “w U 7 id lu« oMUbouMmrt'hrrl hunared

'm k {IFElriB. B'e Ml iJMliAICLr, iBgUJ AeUfcgu-.—<4001 lineal feet of new header curb. Mt In concrete: one (H basin with conneoHoa com­plete; one <n basin using old head end sHIl one ll) bend and sill on aid, basin; one (I) manhole complete: about 1.000 SQuaac yarda of old trap rock pavement to be trie ^woperiy of the cojuruftor and allowance for the same w u p fb t made lu bidding for th» new P^vt- ment. . jKIrtdere are not to state any price, for ma­terials and work for which there 1* a fixed

’'’flan* *na ap-cinc»tlooa for the ptooowd building may b , ex«ml“od at the oBtee of the architects. Htfviow & Tuttle, Flfemen e build- fn i" Newtrk, N. J, Said propoeale to ta »c- companled by the coneent, lo writing, of two suretlei or a aurety company auportied to rtn himlneae In thl* Slate. Who shall a t thw, Jim. of pu'uiig in Buch propoaahh qualify a f to their YetponsIWllty In the amlmnl of such Dtoposal aod bind ihemBBlvet. tha). It the cob' ira c ib e awarded to the peraon or P™ «ii m a^ IM the propoaal, they will, upanJtB belM » awarded, become hla or thfir auretlea for tha faithful performance of eald work, and ib»i> If the wreon or pereonB omit or refuse to exel^u!. '? u r t rontrict, they will pay the city of Newark any differeoee between the autna r t which he or ihey would have been entitled ow n the complotlon of the cotitrect and that

, w ^ h the city of Newark may be Obliged lot S ! the -peraon or pereons by whom such con- ■ tract -hall he eaeomed-^ _____________

mouni pruv»l»"'l lUJ 111 UiC •id«XeM,vaaxawas -Each proposal must be eneloted iit a ocolert

envelop*. pr<i|i*r|v inriftraed wl!h [he naro* <7

Blddere will V in t , their rrlcta In wriUng aa | ed (e t o j " ' huwikB furniBbed' ’7 il6de‘re‘m u?”:S ;'H v In Ihelr proposat. that, i lor the purpoa., which « n , l ^ h . d u ^ •M "-

rK?’ l'lr^.S'Vhr;^?lve71 « ! -Th;"

L;;"7-;r'cr«««". b*r'i,.,ihg

wTli M ^’ld'bn ']'•with rtiiner*Inn complete, ona (Jl b a ^ ^ m d alll:Ing old head and alj*S ^

Ob eld bailp, one <l> lo*Sl■lone from lha old m ondam pftvaBmnt to m

ih rv w ju niraj inb-mariv»:» ‘•■tp k ic tb* sani* \k lih ln tb * follow ing n u m b er ofcrnijMciMlv* working day*: ;

Jn b n to n a v s n u r p a v in g .K ipp s t r i c t p av in g , elgblw mF re lln g b u y sen KVfnu* pepavlng, OP* htmdrort

anrt G ilrly (I30> dayfc . _____ .___T4chwnor lone pavbif tud rapftvlngs

V iln a anrt b« ax am ln ad fti th o« f th e B e a rd « f f tp e e t a * d w a t e r com m iiM oa

Ih* '(•^iSnion’ cnuticn rawrv« for t h e m s e lf Ihe right to accept or reject any or all pfo- nosala for the above work, at to walva any f * « i Iherrin. ae they may deem heal for Ihi laterefitft of ih* city of Newark. _ ’ j

By dlfecHon of theBaliding* of fke Coonmon Council of the city mKmikb H. J. jjyitjKJUCK J. naCHBRp *’ - ' ^ ■ ChalrnMB.

■' bo ;circle scrdbi ous I lon\< and ll l»-»-e Italy

As Ig no

, the E adhei yrho tn au when

It I Auali presc Ilia r will exist meal posit



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