Give atleast two examples for each command of LISP

1.Give atleast two examples for each command of LISP. a. CL-USER 1 > Car b.CL-USER 1 > Cdr c.CL-USER 1 > setq 1 | Page

Transcript of Give atleast two examples for each command of LISP

1.Give atleast two examples for each command of LISP.

a. CL-USER 1 > Car

b.CL-USER 1 > Cdr

c.CL-USER 1 > setq

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d.CL-USER 1 > Cons

e.CL-USER 1 > append

f.CL-USER 1 > last

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g.CL-USER 1 > reverse

h.CL-USER 1 > atom

i.Cl-USER 1 > eq

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j.CL-USER 1 > numberp

k.CL-USER 1 > zerop

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l.CL-USER 1 > greater(>)

m.CL-USER 1 > lessp(<)

n.CL-USER 1 > plusp

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o.CL-USER 1 > minusp

p.CL-USER 1 > oddp

q.CL-USER 1 > evenp

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r.CL-USER 1 > integer

s.CL-USER 1 > floatp

t.CL-USER 1 > min

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u.CL-USER 1 > max

v.CL-USER 1 > member

w.CL-USER 1 > and

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x.CL-USER 1 > or

2.Write program in LISP for the following program :

a. To find the average of five numbers.

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b. To convert the given temperature in Celcius into Fahrenheit.

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c. To convert the given temperature in Fahrenheit into Celcius.

d. Convert the given hours into minutes and seconds.

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e. To print your name ,class ,roll no and address.

f. To find the square root of a given no.

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g. To check the enterd number is even or odd.

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h. To calculate the area and parameter of rectangle,square and triangle.

i. To calculate area and circumference of circle.

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j. To compute the nth Fibonacci number.

k. To find the factorial of any given number.15 | P a g e

l. To find the root of quadratic equation.

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m. To find the sum of first n Natural numbers.

n. To find the largest and smallest among three given numbers.

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o. To check entered year is leap year or not.

p. To exchange the value of two variables.

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