EVALUATION OF CHESS GAMBITS JAMAL MUNSHI ABSTRACT: A dual engine experimental design previously described (Munshi, Evaluation of alternative continuations of chess openings, 2015) is used to evaluate the effectiveness of chess gambits by comparing ten gambit continuations with their closest mainline non-gambit twin in terms of the probability vector that generates chess game outcomes. Six of the gambits were found to be failed innovations because they changed the probability vector in favor of the opponent. The other four gambits were found to be benign innovations with two of them showing no change in the probability vector and the other two showing that the probability vector was changed in a neutral direction. More than these specific findings, however, the real purpose of the study is to offer an objective and quantitative method that may be used to evaluate any gambit 1 . 1. INTRODUCTION The Queen’s Gambit is a famous opening sequence in chess in which White offers Black the c-pawn, an offer that Black does well to decline (Ward, 2012) because its capture gives White a positional advantage that exceeds the value of the sacrificial pawn. The success of the Queen’s Gambit offers chess analysts the tantalizing possibility of other pawn sacrifices in the opening that can achieve the same kind of positional advantage. A large number of such opening sequences, called “gambits” have been devised and surely more of them will be devised in the future. Few gambits have enjoyed the success of the Queen’s Gambit but a large variety of gambit innovations continue to be played at all levels of chess (Shaw, 2013) (Eric, 2012) (Keene, 1993). It is argued that gambits may be used to surprise opponents and force them into board positions with which they are not familiar or to lure them into traps and early checkmates but no objective and rational measure exists for evaluating the merit of gambits in terms of the probability of winning ceteris paribus. It remains a contentious issue in chess whether the positional advantage gained by the pawn sacrifice compensates for material loss 2 and this issue is the essential research question of this paper. A method for comparing alternative continuation lines of chess openings was described in a previous paper (Munshi, Evaluation of alternative continuations of chess openings, 2015). In this study we show that the methodology for comparing alternative continuation lines may be used to evaluate gambits simply by describing the gambit line and its closest non-gambit continuation in the opening book as two alternative opening line continuations to be compared. The method is demonstrated with ten gambits selected for this study. A wide range of evaluations is observed in the selected gambits. The findings are mostly consistent with expert opinion. More than the specific findings, however, the real value of this work is the development of an objective methodology for the evaluation of chess gambits in general. 1 Date: April, 2015 Key words and phrases: Albin Counter gambit, Blackmar-Diemer gambit, Englund gambit, Benko gambit, Budapest gambit, Danish gambit, King’s gambit, Elephant gambit, Latvian gambit, Evans gambit, chess gambits, chess openings, bootstrap, Monte Carlo simulation, computational statistics, numerical methods, chess engines, engine analysis, chess analysis, trinomial process Author affiliation: Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, 94928, [email protected], ssrn.com/author=2220942 2 other than the Queen’s Gambit




ABSTRACT: A dual engine experimental design previously described (Munshi, Evaluation of alternative continuations

of chess openings, 2015) is used to evaluate the effectiveness of chess gambits by comparing ten gambit

continuations with their closest mainline non-gambit twin in terms of the probability vector that generates chess

game outcomes. Six of the gambits were found to be failed innovations because they changed the probability vector

in favor of the opponent. The other four gambits were found to be benign innovations with two of them showing no

change in the probability vector and the other two showing that the probability vector was changed in a neutral

direction. More than these specific findings, however, the real purpose of the study is to offer an objective and

quantitative method that may be used to evaluate any gambit1.


The Queen’s Gambit is a famous opening sequence in chess in which White offers Black the c-pawn, an

offer that Black does well to decline (Ward, 2012) because its capture gives White a positional

advantage that exceeds the value of the sacrificial pawn. The success of the Queen’s Gambit offers chess

analysts the tantalizing possibility of other pawn sacrifices in the opening that can achieve the same kind

of positional advantage. A large number of such opening sequences, called “gambits” have been devised

and surely more of them will be devised in the future. Few gambits have enjoyed the success of the

Queen’s Gambit but a large variety of gambit innovations continue to be played at all levels of chess

(Shaw, 2013) (Eric, 2012) (Keene, 1993).

It is argued that gambits may be used to surprise opponents and force them into board positions with

which they are not familiar or to lure them into traps and early checkmates but no objective and rational

measure exists for evaluating the merit of gambits in terms of the probability of winning ceteris paribus.

It remains a contentious issue in chess whether the positional advantage gained by the pawn sacrifice

compensates for material loss2 and this issue is the essential research question of this paper.

A method for comparing alternative continuation lines of chess openings was described in a previous

paper (Munshi, Evaluation of alternative continuations of chess openings, 2015). In this study we show

that the methodology for comparing alternative continuation lines may be used to evaluate gambits

simply by describing the gambit line and its closest non-gambit continuation in the opening book as two

alternative opening line continuations to be compared. The method is demonstrated with ten gambits

selected for this study. A wide range of evaluations is observed in the selected gambits. The findings are

mostly consistent with expert opinion. More than the specific findings, however, the real value of this

work is the development of an objective methodology for the evaluation of chess gambits in general.

1 Date: April, 2015

Key words and phrases: Albin Counter gambit, Blackmar-Diemer gambit, Englund gambit, Benko gambit, Budapest gambit, Danish gambit, King’s gambit, Elephant gambit, Latvian gambit, Evans gambit, chess gambits, chess openings, bootstrap, Monte Carlo simulation, computational statistics, numerical methods, chess engines, engine analysis, chess analysis, trinomial process Author affiliation: Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, 94928, [email protected], ssrn.com/author=2220942 2 other than the Queen’s Gambit



For the purpose of comparing opening lines, chess games may be viewed as a contest between the

white colored pieces and the black colored pieces and chess game outcomes may be thought of as a

trinomial stochastic process described by a three-dimensional probability vector π defined as

Equation 1 π = π(pw,pb,pd)

Here, pw is the probability that White will win, pb is the probability that Black will win, and pd is the

probability that the game will end in draw. This vector has two degrees of freedom because it is fully

specified by assigning values to any two of the three component probabilities by virtue of the constraint

that there is no other state possible at the end of a chess game. The three component probabilities must

therefore add up to one.

Equation 2 pw+pb+pd = 1

We assume that the probability vector π is defined by (1) the opening line played which we may refer to

as the opening effect (OE), (2) white’s first move advantage3 (FMA), (3) the overall move imperfection

rate in the game defined by the level of play (IMP), and (4) the difference in playing strength between

the player making the white moves and the player making the black moves (DIFF). We also assume that

there exist perfect and neutral openings such that OE=0, that is, the value of π is not changed by the


Suppose that there is no difference in playing strength between the two players (DIFF=0) and that the

move imperfection rate is zero (IMP=0). If a perfect and neutral opening line is played (OE=0)

π = [FMA, 0, (1-FMA)]. For example, if FMA=5% we can write π=[0.05,0,0.95]. Thus, in the perfect chess

game where the two players are exactly equally matched and neither makes a move error, and in which

the opening was perfect and neutral white holds a 5% probability of winning and the probability that the

game will end in draw is 95%. Black has no chance of winning under these conditions.

Now suppose that the players are not perfect and occasionally make mistakes but at a very small error

rate of 2%, that is there is a 2% probability that the game will be decisive by virtue of move errors. On

average, White will win half of these games and Black the other half. Under these conditions the value

of the probability vector is π=[0.06,0.01,0.93]. Black now stands a 1% probability of winning by virtue of

random move errors. White’s probability of winning has gone up to 6%. By subtraction, the probability

that the game will end in draw has dropped to 93%.

If the opening is not perfect and neutral then the value of π will be different by an amount that we may

ascribe to an opening effect (OE). Suppose that White selects a sub-optimal opening line that increases

Black’s probability of winning by 3 percentage points. This is the kind of opening effect or OE that our

3 Estimated to be about 4% to 7% incremental probability of winning (Munshi, Pairwise comparison of chess opening variations,



experiments are designed to detect. In all such cases the OE changes the probability vector because the

opening is not perfect and neutral. The value of the probability vector is now π=[0.06,0.04,0.90].

Even if we are unable to identify a perfect and neutral opening, we can still compare opening line

continuations. If the only difference between two experiments that generated the measured probability

vectors is the opening continuation line (CL) used, then differences between the two probability vectors

may be ascribed to the CL. For example if we find that π=[0.06,0.04,0.90] for CL#1 and

π=[0.16,0.04,0.80] for CL#2 we can conclude that CL#2 contains an advantage for white relative to CL#1.

It now remains for us to design engine experiments in which these equations may be applied.


We use a dual engine design (DED) for our experiments with Komodo-8 (Kaufman, 2014)and Stockfish-5

(Romstad, 2014) as our two engines of choice. The DED decreases engine bias and generates a greater

variation in the moves played by the engines (Munshi, A test for engine bias, 2014). It has been shown

with engine experiments that these two engines are sufficiently close in playing strength under the

experimental conditions used so that the opening effect is not likely to be overwhelmed by difference in

playing strength if the openings are tested under identical conditions (Munshi, Evaluation of alternative

continuations of chess openings, 2015). These conditions are as follows.

1. The experiments are conducted by the Deep Shredder GUI (Meyer-Kahlen, 2014).

2. The engine parameters are set at the default values as shipped.

3. Eight threads are specified for both engines to match the number of physical CPU cores.

4. The hash table size is set to 7.68 gigabytes for both engines.

5. Time controls are set to 30 minutes for the first 30 moves and 10 minutes for the rest4.

6. There is no time increment per move. Each game is completed in 80 minutes or less.

Under these conditions the search depth reached by the engines in the first engine move after the

specified opening sequence had been exhausted was 25 to 30 plies for Stockfish and 22 to 26 plies for

Komodo. The search depths gradually increased as the game progressed. A sample size of 100 games

per opening continuation was selected for the experiments to strike a balance between statistical power

and the ability to complete the experiments in a reasonable length of time. It was also a consideration

that small differences in opening continuations detected with very high statistical power may not be

relevant to games played by humans. The move imperfection rate (IMP) in human games is likely to be

too high for small differences in opening effects to be important (Munshi, Pairwise comparison of chess

opening variations, 2014).

4 Many of the opening sequences tested are very short consisting of two to four half-moves and therefore it was deemed

necessary to front-load the time specification and give the engines more time to compute the opening continuation moves.


Ten gambits are selected for testing – five from a queen’s pawn sequence and five from a king’s pawn

sequence. The selected gambits and the move sequences tested are shown in Table 1.

Gambit Gambit moves Gambiteer Non-gambit twin

Albin Counter Gambit 1. d4d5 2. c4e5 Black 1. d4d5 2. c4e65

Benko Gambit 1. d4Nf6 2. c4c5 (3. d5b5)6 Black 1. d4Nf6 2. c4e6

Blackmar Diemer Gambit 1. d4d5 2. e4 White 1. d4d5 2. c4

Budapest Gambit 1. d4Nf6 2. c4e5 Black 1. d4Nf6 2. c4e6

Englund Gambit 1. d4e5 Black 1. d4d5

Danish Gambit 1. e4e5 2. d4 White 1. e4e5 2. Nf3

Elephant Gambit 1. e4e5 2. Nf3d5 Black 1. e4e5 2. Nf3Nc6

Evans Gambit 1. e4e5 2. Nf3Nc6 3. Bc4Bc5 4. b4 White 1. e4e5 2. Nf3Nc6 3. Bc4Bc5 4. c3

King's Gambit 1. e4e5 2. f4 White 1. e4e5 2. Nf3

Latvian Gambit 1. e4e5 2. Nf3f5 Black 1. e4e5 2. Nf3Nc6

Table 1: The ten gambits selected for testing and their closest non-gambit twins

In six of the ten gambits, the gambiteer, that is the side that initiates the gambit, is Black. In the other

four gambits, the gambiteer is White. Each gambit line in Table 1 ends with the signature half-move that

defines the gambit. A special case is the Benko Gambit which is normally considered to be defined by 3.

d5b5 but it is defined differently for this study as 2…c5 which mirrors the non-gambit sequence 2…e6.

The move 2…c5 triggers the d5b5 sequence and in fact in all 100 games both engines played 3. d5b5. We

therefore take 2…c5 as an alternative to 2…e6 as the signature half-move of the Benko Gambit.

The gambit variations are compared with the opening book mainline continuations (Jones, 2014) shown

in the column labeled “Non-gambit twin”. The difference between the two sequences to be compared is

highlighted. Further continuation moves of the gambit lines are not specified because that would leave

open the possibility that the results are an artifact of the continuation specified rather than an

evaluation of the gambit itself. The reference non-gambit twin line is set to the same number of half

moves as the gambit line.

We compare the gambit and non-gambit lines as alternative continuations of an opening line (Munshi,

Evaluation of alternative continuations of chess openings, 2015). Each of the seventeen7 unique opening

sequences in Table 1 is tested in an engine match of 100 games between Komodo-8 and Stockfish-5

under controlled experimental conditions with each engine playing 50 games as white and 50 games as

black. The primary data recorded for each experiment are the number of wins by White and the number

of wins by Black. These two values serve as a two-dimensional measure of the effectiveness of the

continuation line being evaluated and are used to estimate the corresponding probability vector that

generates game outcomes under the specified conditions.

5 Both 2…e6 and 2…c6 are played but we have chosen 2…e6 as our baseline in this case.

6 The moves 3. d5b5 were not specified but were played by the engines in all 100 games.

7 Three of the non-gambit sequences are used twice.


Each gambit line is compared with the corresponding non-gambit line in two dimensional Cartesian xy

coordinates with x = number of wins by White and y = number of wins by Black. The Euclidean distance

between the two continuation lines is used to determine whether they differ with respect to their effect

on the probability vector π. Both the magnitude and direction of the distance vector are important and

so the comparison is made in a two-step process. In the first step we determine whether the distance is

large enough; and if it is, the second step is necessary to interpret the distance in terms of its direction.

Designating d as the observed distance in the sample between a gambit line GL and its corresponding

non-gambit twin NGL, and δ as the true distance in the population8 between GL and NGL, we set up a

classical inferential hypothesis test for the magnitude of the distance δ. The null (H0) and alternate (Ha)

hypotheses for δ are stated as H0: δ=0 and Ha: δ>09.

We test the hypothesis at a maximum false positive error rate of α=0.001 as suggested by Valen Johnson

(Johnson, 2013). The standard deviation σ of the sampling distribution of d is estimated with a Monte

Carlo bootstrap procedure that creates one thousand simulated repetitions of the experiment. We then

compute t = d/σ and use the Student’s t-distribution to estimate p-value = the probability of observing a

distance ≥ d under conditions of H0. It is noted that ten comparisons are necessary in this study and that

the study-wide false positive error rate is likely to be much higher at approximately αS=0.01 according to

what is called the Bonferroni principle (Holm, 1979). The Bonferroni principle implies that there is a 1%

chance that at least one difference will be detected in random numbers if ten comparisons are made at


In each comparison, if the p-value < α, we reject H0 and conclude that δ>0 and that therefore

π(GL)≠π(NGL), that is, the probability vectors that generate chess game outcomes for the gambit and

non-gambit lines are different. To understand the nature of this difference it is necessary to interpret

the direction of the distance vector according to Figure 1.

Figure 1: Direction map for interpreting δ>0

A distance vector from the non-gambit continuation NGL at the origin to GL located in the first quadrant

of the Cartesian coordinates shown in Figure 1 indicates that the π(GL) contains a higher value of pw and

8 Between the unobservable probability vectors that generated the sample data

9 The magnitude of the distance is an absolute value.


also a higher value of pb and that therefore there is no difference between NGL and GL in terms of the

relative advantage of either color although it implies a higher probability of decisive games in the gambit

continuation. A similar neutral interpretation can be made if GL lies in the third quadrant relative to NGL

in which case pw and pb would both be lower for GL indicating a lower probability of decisive games for

the gambit line without a difference in relative advantage for either color. Quadrants 1 and 3 are

colored in yellow in Figure 1 to indicate that they are neutral directions in terms of relative advantage.

A very different situation arises if GL lies in the second or the fourth quadrant because these directions

imply that the ratio of pw/pb has changed to favor one color over the other. Figure 1 is arbitrarily color

coded from White’s perspective. The second quadrant is colored red because this direction implies a

reduction in White’s relative advantage. In this case, π(GL) contains a higher value of pb and/or a lower

value of pw so that GL offers a relative advantage to black when compared with NGL. The opposite is

true in the 4th quadrant and it is colored green because it offers a relative advantage to White.

To determine which quadrant represents the direction of δ we look at the 95% confidence interval of

the angle subtended by the distance vector. If the interval lies wholly in one quadrant then a decision

based on direction is possible but if the interval straddles two different quadrants then no quadrant can

be inferred and no decision based on direction can be made. For example if the direction interval is 95o

to 165o we can identify the direction as the 2nd quadrant and a decision based on direction is possible.

However, if the interval is 165o to 200o the direction interval straddles the 2nd and 3rd quadrants. In this

case, the direction cannot be identified and the test is therefore inconclusive.

It is noted that although our α-level has been set to α=0.001 for the magnitude hypothesis, the

confidence interval for direction is set to α=0.05. This change was made because at lower values of α,

the direction intervals are mostly greater than 90o which makes it impossible to identify the direction in

terms of a single quadrant. The test for magnitude is our primary criterion for the detection of

differences in π. The angle is a subordinate measure used only after a difference in π is detected. It is

used to estimate a general direction of the distance vector. There was only one instance in which the

uncertainty in direction was a factor in the evaluation of a gambit10. The standard deviation of the

direction is computed with the same Monte Carlo bootstrap procedure used for estimating the standard

deviation of distance. The computational details are included in the data archive for this paper (Munshi,

Gambit paper data archive, 2015).

If the p-value > α, we fail to reject H0. In this case the evidence does not show that π(GL)≠π(NGL) and the

direction of the distance vector has no rational interpretation as we must allow for the possibility that

δ=0 and that π(GL)=π(NGL). The data do not provide sufficient evidence that chess game outcomes for

the gambit and non-gambit lines are not driven by the same underlying and unobservable probability

vector. If the p-value is sufficiently high, we may use a form of Bayesian logic to accept H0 and conclude

that π(GL)=π(NGL). For this study we have somewhat arbitrarily set that probability to β=100*α, or

β=0.10. When using both α and β, our complete hypothesis proceeds as follows: if p-value < α, reject H0


The Evans Gambit


and conclude that π(GL)≠π(NGL) and if p-value > β accept H0 and conclude that π(GL)=π(NGL); otherwise

fail to reject H0 in which case the test is inconclusive.

Additional data are taken to assess the variability in the opening moves computed by the engines after

the specified moves in Table 1 are exhausted. The opening variability (OV) of the engines is measured by

counting the number of unique moves played by the engines from the end of the moves specified in

Table 1 up to the 10th move by Black in the 100 games played in each experiment. The opening phase of

the game is assumed to consist of 20 half-moves for this analysis.

As an example, three half-moves are specified in Table 1 for the Albin Counter Gambit leaving 17 half

moves to be computed by engines in the first 20 half moves of the game. In this case, a value of OV=17

would indicate that there were no variations played and the very same 17 half-moves were played in all

100 games. By contrast, a value of OV=500 would indicate that a great variety of moves were played by

the engines in the opening 20 half-moves of the game. High values of OV serve as a subjective measure

of the extent to which the experimental results were not influenced by engine bias. In addition to a

numerical value of OV for each continuation tested we also present the actual opening moves played by

the engines in an opening book format so that experts and analysts who have studied these gambits can

more easily check the engine moves against their own analysis.


The results of the 17 engine experiments are summarized in Table 2. The data archive for this paper

contains all 1700 games in PGN format with the first 20 half-moves of each experiment also presented in

BKT format (Munshi, Gambit paper data archive, 2015).

Gambit games won NonGambit games won

Gambit Gambiteer White Black OV White Black OV

Albin Counter Gambit Black 45 3 398 19 10 1253

Benko Gambit Black 34 12 969 17 17 1490

Blackmar Diemer Gambit White 11 31 970 21 16 1320

Budapest Gambit Black 42 6 317 17 17 1490

Englund Gambit Black 83 2 470 16 22 1293

Danish Gambit White 14 16 635 25 26 1267

Elephant Gambit Black 53 3 264 25 26 1075

Evans Gambit White 24 10 546 27 25 811

King's Gambit White 27 28 695 25 26 1267

Latvian Gambit Black 72 6 188 25 26 1075

Table 2: Results of 17 engine experiments with n=100 games per experiment11

We compute the Euclidean distance between each gambit and its non-gambit twin and use a Monte

Carlo procedure to generate a simulated sampling distribution of Euclidean distances to determine


The 20 results tabulated represent 17 experiments. Some non-Gambit results are used more than once.


whether the observed distance could have occurred by virtue of sampling variation even if H0 is true and


For example, in the case of the Albin Counter Gambit , the Euclidean distance observed in our sample of

100 games is d=√((45-19)2+(3-10)2) = 26.93 games which may be represented as 26.93% of sample size.

However, if we repeated these two experiments, it is unlikely that we would get exactly the same results

and the same distance.

In fact, by using the sample data as our best unbiased estimate of π, we can run simulated repetitions of

the experiments to see how different the results and the distances could be. Figure 2 is a screenshot of

such a simulation. It shows for example that a repetition of the non-gambit line could yield 25 wins by

white and 9 by black. The variation among the repetitions is a function of sample size. Smaller sample

sizes yield greater variation and larger sample sizes may be used to control this variation and gain

greater statistical power. The variation shown in Figure 2 derives from our sample size of n=100 games

per experiment. In the few simulated repetitions in Figure 2 we see that the observed distance could

vary from 18% to 34%. For this study, we generate 1000 simulated repetitions and use the standard

deviation of the 1000 distances as a proxy for the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of

distances. The Microsoft Excel spreadsheets used to create these simulations may be downloaded from

the data archive for this paper (Munshi, Gambit paper data archive, 2015). There are two spreadsheets

in the data archive, one for the 1. d4 openings and one for the 1. e4 openings. Figure 2: Screenshot showing simulated repetitions of the experiments

Figure 3 through Figure 12 contain graphical depictions of the simulated replications of each pair of

experiments. The gambit continuation is shown in red and the non-gambit continuation is in blue. The

simulated sampling distribution of distances between them is used to test for a difference in π with the

null hypothesis H0: π(Gambit)=π(non-Gambit). The testable implication of this hypothesis is that δ=0.

If we find that π(Gambit)≠π(non-Gambit)then we classify the gambit as A=successful gambit if the

difference in π favors the gambiteer and as F=failed innovation if the difference in π favors the other

color. If the difference in π does not favor either color or if we do not find that that π(Gambit)≠π(non-

Gambit), then we classify the gambit as C=benign innovation, that is we have no evidence that the


gambit innovation changes the probability that the gambiteer will win ceteris paribus. All data and

computational details for all ten hypothesis tests presented in Figures 3 through 12 are available for

download in the data archive for this paper (Munshi, Gambit paper data archive, 2015).

4.1 Albin Counter Gambit: Classification = F

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The 95% confidence interval for the angle of the Gambit is 271o to 300o. The Gambit variation lies in the

4th quadrant implying that the Gambit offers a relative advantage to White. Since the gambiteer is

Black, the Albin Counter Gambit is classified as F=failed innovation.

Expert opinions

Despite its apparent weakness, the Albin Counter Gambit may offer an attractive option for Black to test

the opponent’s skills in what may be an unfamiliar board position for many chess players

(thechesswebsite, 2009) (Martin, 2014). A specific strength of the Albin Counter Gambit is that it

threatens White with the Lasker Trap (ChessNetwork, 2012).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Albin Counter Gambit experiment, the engines played 3. dxe5 followed by 3... d4

or Ne7. In the 3…d4 line 4. Nf3Nc6 was played. In the 3…Ne7 line the Queens were exchanged off with

4. cxd5 Qxd5 5. Qxd5 Nxd5.


4.2 Benko Gambit Classification = C

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value > α fail to reject H0 Since p-value < β fail t accept H0

Decision: The test is inconclusive.

The data do not provide sufficient evidence that (Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

The angle of the Gambit is irrelevant in this case. The evidence does not show that the gambit has

changed the probability vector π. We therefore classify the Benko Gambit as C=benign innovation.

Expert opinions

Our failure to distinguish between the Benko Gambit and the mainline 2…e6 is consistent with the

opinion of some analysts who have identified specific strengths in the Benko Gambit line (Alburt, 2012).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Benko Gambit experiment, the engines played 3. d5 b5 followed by 4. Bf4, Nf3,

Qc2, or cxb5.

4.3 Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Classification = F

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)


Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The 95% confidence interval for the angle of the Gambit is 116o to 176o. The Gambit variation lies in the

2nd quadrant implying that the Gambit offers a relative advantage to Black. Since the gambiteer is

White, the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit is classified as F=failed innovation.

Expert opinions

Some analysts promote the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit as a more aggressive game than the mainline

Queen’s Gambit (thechesswebsite, 2010), while others are less enthusiastic (Dzindzichashvili, 2014).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit experiment, the engines played 2... dxe4 followed by

3. Nc3Nf6 or 3. Ne2e6 4. Nbc3f5.


4.4 Budapest Gambit Classification = F

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The 95% confidence interval for the angle of the Gambit is 275o to 313o. The Gambit variation lies in the

4th quadrant implying that the Gambit offers a relative advantage to White. Since the gambiteer is

Black, the Budapest Gambit is classified as F=failed innovation.

Expert opinions

An advantage of the Budapest Gambit is that if the White player is not familiar with this opening there is

a possibility of an early checkmate by Black (thechesswebsite, 2009). Some analysts recommend this

gambit for players at the amateur or club level of play because of the number of ways in which White

can go wrong in this opening (Seirawan, 2013).


Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Budapest Gambit experiment, the engines played 3. dxe5 Ng4 followed by 4. Bf4,

e3, Nf3, Nc3, or Bd2. All 100 games in the engine experiment are available for download in PGN format;

and the first ten moves played are also available in opening book format in the data archive for this

paper (Munshi, Gambit paper data archive, 2015).

4.5 Englund Gambit Classification = F

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The 95% confidence interval for the angle of the Gambit is 280o to 293o. The Gambit variation lies in the

4th quadrant implying that the gambit offers a relative advantage to White. Since the gambiteer is Black,

the Englund Gambit is classified as F=failed innovation.

Expert opinions

Despite its recognized weakness, there are some lines in this opening that can trap White players who

have not studied the Englund Gambit and that may be sufficient reason for Black to try this opening at

the club level of play (Jeffreys, 2007).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Englund Gambit experiment, the engines played 2. dxe5 followed by 2…Nc6,

2…d6, or 2…a6.



4.6 Danish Gambit: Classification = C

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The direction interval of the Gambit, between 180o and 264o, lies entirely in the neutral 3rd quadrant. The

effect of the gambit is therefore simply to lower the probability of decisive games without a change in

relative advantage. The Danish gambit is therefore classified as C=benign innovation.

Expert opinions

It is claimed that in the Danish gambit White has little to lose and much to gain at the club level of play

in terms of trap opportunities (ivanovitchs, 2009) (JonesMaster, 2009). The Danish is also considered by

many to be an important part of the opening repertoire for all players because of the inherent strengths

of certain lines of the opening for White in terms of rapid piece deployment and early attack

opportunities (jrobichess, 2007) (Matojelic, 2011) (Lutes, 1989) (Butler W. , 1966) (Goldner, 2015). On

the other hand there are some who feel that after 1. e4e5, black can gain an advantage if White does

not follow the Ruy Lopez line (Bologan, 2014).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Danish Gambit experiment, the engines played 2… exd4 followed by 3. c3,Nf3, or

Ne2. After 3. c3 dxc3, 4. Nxc3 was played in all 100 games. The interesting sequence 3. c3 dxc3 4. Bc4

cxb2 Bxb2, of which so much has been written, was not played by the engines.


4.7 Elephant Gambit: Classification = F

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The direction of the Gambit, between 295o and 326o, lies squarely within the 4th quadrant which

indicates a relative advantage for White. Since the gambiteer is Black, the Elephant Gambit has failed

and is therefore classified as F = failed innovation.

Expert opinions

Expert opinion is mostly on the downside for the Elephant Gambit with the most positive aspect claimed

being that at the club level of play it could be used to surprise opponents who are not familiar with the

book lines for this opening (Flear, 2010) (Harding, 1997) (Kenilworth Chess Club, 2012). It is generally

recognized that the Elephant Gambit can lead to some very entertaining and unusual move sequences

(MatoJelic, 2011) (Seirawan, Elephant Gambit, 2014) and that for players who have not studied this

opening, there are a number of ways for White to go wrong and hand Black an early checkmate

(MatoJelic, 2011b).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Elephant Gambit experiment, the engines played either 3. Nxe5 or 3. exd5. The 3.

Nxe5 line continued with 3…Bd6, 4. d4 dxe4 5. Bc4 Bxe5 6. Qh5 Qe7 7. Qxe5 Qxe5 8. dxe5 and the

queens were exchanged off. In the 3. exd5 line 3…e4 4. Qe2 Nf6 or 3…Nf6 4. Nxe5 Qxd5 followed by 5.

d4 or Nf3 were played.


4.8 Evans Gambit: Classification = A

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The direction interval of the Gambit between 215o and 282o straddles the 3rd and 4th quadrants. The test

is inconclusive because the direction of the distance vector is unclear. It is classified as C = benign gambit

because the data do not indicate a strength or a weakness for the gambiteer.

Expert opinions

Expert opinion is universally positive for the Evans Gambit with many analysts suggesting that it is a

stronger line than the conventional Italian game (Moody, 1995) (Schiller, 2013) (Rohde, 1997) (Kelley,

2012) (Butler, 2009).

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the Evans Gambit experiment, the engines played 4. Bxb4 followed by 5. c3 and

5…Ba5, Bd6, or Be7.

4.9 King’s Gambit: Classification = C


Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value > α, fail to reject H0 Since p-value > β, accept H0

Decision: δ=0 Conclude: π(Gambit)=π(non-Gambit)

Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The direction of the distance vector is irrelevant in this case.

Expert opinions

There are strong opinions on this gambit on both sides of the issue. The King’s Gambit was refuted by

Bobby Fischer in his article “A Bust to the King’s Gambit” (Fischer, 1961). More recently chess engine

programmer and International Master Vasik Rajlich used an extensive computer based study to support

Fischer’s position (Chessbase, 2012) and Grandmaster Eugene Perelshteyn, a recognized expert and

frequent commentator on chess openings, has described specific weaknesses in the King’s Gambit

(Perelshteyn, 2015). Yet, the gambit is seen at all levels of play with many analysts viewing the gambit as

an aggressive game with great diversity of playable lines many of which offer specific advantages to

White particularly if the opponent has not studied ways to defend against them (thechesswebsite, 2009)

(Kelley, King's Gambit, 2012) (Gallagher, 1993) (Johansson, 2005) (Hooper, 1996)12.

Lines played by the engines

In all 100 games of the King’s Gambit experiment, the engines played 2…exf4. White responded with 3.

Nf3 in 90 games. The usual King’s gambit sequence 3. Nf3g5 is seen in 59 games. The 3. Bc4Qh4

sequence made famous by Bobby Fischer was played in the remaining 10 games.


4.10 Latvian Gambit: Classification = F

Test for magnitude of the Euclidean distance

H0: δ=0 Ha: δ>0 α=0.001 β=0.10

Since p-value < α, reject H0 Decision: δ>0 Conclude: π(Gambit) ≠ π(non-Gambit)


A previous study in this series in which a specific line of the gambit was specified to six half moves had reported a weakness in the King’s’ Gambit with the engine Houdini playing both sides of the board (Munshi, A method for comparing chess openings, 2014). The difference may be due to a combination of engine bias and a weakness in the line chosen. This issue is explored in a forthcoming paper.


Check direction of distance vector for effect of δ>0

The direction interval of the Gambit between 283o and 302o lies in the 4th quadrant. The direction

indicates a relative advantage for White. Since the gambiteer is Black, the gambit has failed. The Latvian

gambit is thus classified as F = failed innovation.

Expert opinions

Analyst opinions on the Latvian Gambit seem to be that the value of the gambit lies in the its rarity and

that therefore at less than the Master level of play it can place White in unfamiliar territory (Butler K. ,

Latvian Gambit, 2014). For example, in 1e4e5 2Nf3f5 3Nxe5Bc5 4exf5 Black gains a dominant position by

making yet another sacrifice (Sturdivant, 2014). Yet, it is precisely in this argument that the fundamental

weakness of the gambit is revealed because the supposed advantage for Black requires White’s

cooperation. However, it is not unusual to find highly ranked players who are attracted to the sacrificing

style of play used by Black in this opening (Kosten, 2003) (Silman, 1998).

Lines played by the engines

After 1. e4e5 2. Nf3f5, White played 3. Nxe5 and black replied with either 3…Qf6 or 3…Nf6. The move

3…Bc5 was not played.


The results for all ten gambits are summarized in Table 3 sorted by Euclidean distance. Six of the ten

gambits are found to be failed innovations because the gambit innovation when compared with the

corresponding non-gambit continuation cedes an unassailable advantage to the opponent. The

Studentized distance shown in the table serves as a measure of the degree of the disadvantage to the

gambiteer in these failed innovations. In all of these cases, the direction of the distance vector lies in the

2nd or 4th quadrant indicating a difference in relative advantage between the non-gambit continuation

and the gambit continuation.

In two the remaining four gambits tested the observed Euclidean distance between the gambit

continuation and the reference non-gambit continuation was small enough to be explained by sampling

variation. In these cases, the King’s Gambit and the Benko Gambit, the data did not provide sufficient

evidence that the population distance δ > 0 or that the two experimental results being compared were

not generated by the same underlying probability vector. The observed Euclidean distance was too small

to reject the null hypothesis that π(Gambit)=π(nonGambit) and in the case of the King’s Gambit it was

small enough to accept the hypothesis that π(Gambit)=π(nonGambit).

The case of the Danish Gambit and the Evans Gambit is very different. Here we found sufficient evidence

that δ > 0 and that therefore π(Gambit)≠π(nonGambit) but the direction of the distance vector could not

be interpreted in terms of relative advantage. In the case of the Danish Gambit the direction was found

to be in a neutral direction that implied that the gambit continuation differs from the mainline non-

gambit continuation only with respect to the probability of decisive games without a relative advantage

to either color. The results for the Evans Gambit are unclear and inconclusive. We know that the Evans


gambit changes the probability vector but the uncertainty in the direction prevented a conclusion with

respect to relative advantage. Further research is planned to lower the degree of uncertainty in

direction for this gambit.

More than these specific conclusions, however, the primary objective of this work is to offer a

methodology that all chess players may use to evaluate gambits. The long run objective of this line of

research is to improve the quality of information available to chess players and at the same time help to

refine the opening book.

Table 3: Summary of results


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