Arif Suryawan 10081108 Adimas Wahyu P. 11081017 Meutia Wahyu R. 12082056 EMOTION

Transcript of EMOTION

Arif Suryawan 10081108Adimas Wahyu P. 11081017Meutia Wahyu R. 12082056


In psychology, emotion is often defined as a complex state of

feeling that results in physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behavior.


James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events.

According to this theory, you see an external stimulus that leads to a physiological reaction. Your emotional reaction is dependent upon how you interpret those physical reactions.

The James-Lange Theory of Emotion


We feel emotions and experience physiological reactions such as sweating, trembling and muscle tension simultaneously.

More specifically, it is suggested that emotions result when the thalamus sends a message to the brain in response to a stimulus, resulting in a physiological reaction.

The Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion

Also known as the two-factor theory of emotion, the Schachter-Singer Theory is an example of a cognitive theory of emotion.

This theory suggests that the physiological arousal occurs first, and then the individual must identify the reason behind this arousal in order to experience and label it as an emotion.

Schachter-Singer Theory

Emotions can play an important role in how we think and behave.

First, it is important to understand the three critical components of an emotion. Our emotions are composed of a subjective component, a physiological component and an expressive component.

These different elements can play a role in the function and purpose of our emotional responses.

The Purpose of Emotions How Our Feelings Help Us Survive and


Our emotions can be short-lived, such as a flash of annoyance at a co-worker, or long-lasting, such as enduring sadness over the loss of a relationship.

But why exactly do we experience emotions? What role do they serve?


When faced with a nerve-wracking exam, you might feel a lot of anxiety about whether you will perform well and how the test will impact your final grade.

Because of these emotional responses, you might be more likely to study. Since you experienced a particular emotion, you had the motivation to take action and do something positive to improve your chances of getting a good grade.

1. Emotions can motivate us to take action.

Naturalist Charles Darwin believed that emotions are adaptations that allow both humans and animals to survive and reproduce. When we are angry, we are likely to confront the source of our irritation. When we experience fear, we are more likely to flee the situation or threat. When we feel love, we might seek out a mate and reproduce.

Emotions serve an adaptive role in our lives by motivating us to act quickly and take actions that will maximize our chances for success.

2. Emotions help us survive, thrive, and avoid danger.

Our emotions have a major influence on the decisions we make, from what we decide to have for breakfast to which candidates we choose to vote for in political elections.

Researchers have also found that people with certain types of brain damage that impairs their ability to experience emotions also have an decreased ability to make good decisions. Even in situations where we believe our decisions are guided purely by logic and rationality, emotions play a key role.

3. Emotions can help us make decision

When we interact with other people, it is important to give cues to help them understand how we are feeling. These cues might involve emotional expression through body language, such as various facial expressions connected with the particular emotions we are experiencing. In other cases, it might involve directly stating how we are feeling.

When we tell friends or family members that we are feeling happy, sad, excited, or frightened, we are giving them important information that they can then use to take action.

4. Emotions allow other people to understand

Just as our own emotions provide valuable information to others, the emotional expressions of those around us gives us a wealth of social information. Social communication is an important part of our daily lives and relationships, and being able to interpret and react to the emotions of others is essential.

It allows us to respond appropriately and build deeper, more meaningful relationships with our friends, family, and loved ones. It also allows us to communicate effectively in a variety of social situations, from dealing with an irate customer to managing a hot-headed employee.

5. Emotions allow us to understand others.

Charles Darwin was one of the earliest researchers to scientifically study emotions. He suggested that emotional displays could also play an important role in safety and survival.

If you encountered a hissing or spitting animal, it would clearly indicate that the creature was angry and defensive, leading to you back off and avoid possible danger. In much the same way, understanding the emotional displays of others gives us clear information about how we might need to respond in a particular situation.


We express our emotions in a number of different ways including both verbally and through nonverbal communication. Body language such as a slouched posture or crossed arms can be used to send different emotional signals.

One of the most important ways that we express emotion, however, is through facial expressions.

The Expression of Emotion

You have probably heard that body language signals and gestures sometimes have different meanings in different cultures, but does the same idea apply to facial expressions as well?

Do people in other countries and cultures express emotions in the same way?

Are Emotional Expressions Universal?

In his 1872 book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, famed naturalist Charles Darwin argued that human expressions of emotion were both innate and universal across cultures.

Researcher and emotion expert Paul Eckman has found that, for the most part, the facial expressions used to convey the basic emotions tend to be the same across cultures. While he has found that the human face is capable of creating an astonishing variety of expressions (more than 7,000!).


There are six key basic emotions.

Researchers have shown photographs of people expressing these emotions to individuals from different cultures, and people from all over the world have been able to identify the basic emotions behind these expressions.

The ability to express and interpret emotions plays an essential part of our daily lives. While many expressions of emotion are innate (and likely hard-wired in the brain), there are many other factors that influence how we reveal our inner feelings. Social pressures, cultural influences, and past experience can all help shape the expression of emotion.


As you have learned, our emotions serve a wide variety of purposes. Emotions can be fleeting, persistent, powerful, complex, and even life-changing.

They can motivate us to act in particular ways and give us the tools and resources we need to interact meaningfully in our social worlds.

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