TABLE OF CONTENTS. :\scos!rs, Ilnal•I uf— \l.lrn lgical (1L,.rz;nry l'uhlic Notices ..................... 10!,02 I .\bstract '1 krttist, "' for the Week nlllcvur and \llie!I Ilospitals— 1•:rnlin0 ti,t!1!u!he 11, I'1l1',... 1039_ \linulcs of \L clings !!f hoard of \lunicitcrl (';I it Serve- ('„mm'sxi! n— T rosters. .Isilt' 13. 20. 27 and 25. Public Notices ..................... IrIi9M. 190) .......................... 10578 Not Ice to ('gnu ractor................... 11(600 '1',stl!!.als .......................... 1059( I ]theist] li s t ,ltglt Iape.................. 109„ 1 2, . and errstings ....................... 10594 r llficial I)ircctorp...................... 10593 I:ridgcs, Department of- - ul(iciu l I'al•l 's ........................ 1059', Propo=ats .......................... 10596 Parks. I )rpartmcnt of— Ilrn„klpn, iiurough uI— I'row, <ala ; . ....................... 11)GJ I al. ........................ . Report of the President 10597 Police I)cl ,a, leI — I n hccr. \\'anted f. r Lost Prnhert~-. 10(02 ILort for the Retort \Peek EndilIg .\ugust 21 , 1909.. 10577 I'roc )0 ) tq of S It Hi b, r Il and 1.1, 1 )n9 1' .......................... Change of Grade I)antagc Commission— I'rup,!sals .......................... 10!,02 Public Notice ...................... 10596 10593 Reports of Sanitary ('!nnpanv (B!lil- Changes in I)cpartments. etc...:....... Cr 5 tiad) for Septcmher 9 and ('s 'rrectso'i. Department of— 10, 1909 ...................... 1059() Auction Sale ...................... 10600 Public ('hariticsDepartment !If— R,pIIrt of TransactionsAugust 23 I'roie'aI .......................... IOo02 Is 2`). 1909 ...................1039'. Retort for the \\cck EitLng Sep. 1)!ockc and f,nics. Department of— temhcr 11. 1909 ............... 1'ttlslic Scrlice C'ommissum fsn' the First 10592 Proceeding. !!f August 31 and Sep- I)istrict— trmbrr I and 2. 19(19 .......... 1J59i C ale ndar of 1Tcarings.............. lo5; i I'rois(sal+ .......................... 10600 Richmond, Ii rough of— Fducatiort, Iierartmcut ref— l'r'!posal........... ........ .. 106)54 Propssal, .......................... 10603 Ropurt of Iltu'rau If llnil!Lngs f..r I'stimate and .\PP"rti.lnmrnt. Board ! ,f— the Week Ending tcptemhrr 4, Public Notic,•s ..................... 1060) 1'109.......................... 105)1 Exrcnti, e 16 partment--- St tee t ('leaning, Department of - .\pp!iotmcnt by the Mayor......... 10593 o,p,.sale .......................... 10003 Finam•r, I)cpartnte'lt of— SI•Prcmc ( Tort. First I)r,,artnnnt— ('nri ratism Sal_ of flu ildi tots , etc. 105911 .\cgqstring 'Title to Lands. etc...... 10604 lot,-rest on lt, it,nd; amt St',ck.. 10598 Suprtme ('sort, Ss-e!md 1),parunent— Notice of ('.!minty,tiun of \tanhat- .\r•quirins; 'rith' to Lost Is. etc...... 10'0+ IcIt Fax Salt .................. 10599 Suprvmc ('sort. Third Judicial Di,tricl— Ns!tice t. , 'raxoavers ...............1059') .\cquiriuc Title to Lanst". etc ...... I9(03 X,!li:,s In I'r!.prrtl• U',nrrs .... 105'18 Soprcm,- (''sort. Ninth ln,lical1)i,trct— Sttr,'t:t's Rl'!(Iltrl•1l sit Various ((asses .\e!Illtr'Irll I itic t I I.a:'..I't. t't:• ...... 10. 0' !,f ( .mtract' .................. 101 0() Notices „f .\Prlicati!, n: f,or the .\p- Pirc I)ctartmcnt— p! ,inlmrnt of Commissioners of al .\t!nrai ....................105 On I'n,ts,.al. .......................... 10600 Vs at , r S,wply. L~anl of— llcal!h. It, l''Irttmnt ,.0 - I'r. , 1160 t Ir~q~,,.al. ............. ............. I !!~' I ~\,I. r Oils, I ;a. tw l F'e,tricite. Is'. \lantntrlsl. Ii,naur;h .,f— nartu:cnt . , f -- 1•r.,u' .......................... 10603 I'r '1, :tk .......... ............. 1u59 , PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT, THE CITY RECORD. Vol.. XXXVII. NEW YORK, MONO: \Y, SEPTEMBER 20. 1909. NUMBER 11060. THE CITY RECORD, Permits Passed—Tap water pipes, 75; repair water connections, 43; sewer con- ___________________ ncetions, 49; sewer connection repairs, 24. Total, 191. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Cashier's Department. Published Under Authority of Section 1526. Greater New York Charter, by the Moneys Received— Repa ing over water connections .................................... $526 55 BOARD O F CITY RECORD. Repaving over sewer connections .................................... 229 15 GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYoi. Repaving over gas connections .......................................129 59 Inspection of work clone he corporations ............................. 11 Si) FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CoarolATtox Couxsaa. HERMAN A. METZ, Corrraou.ea. Extra paving........... . 4 00 Special paving ...................................................... 107 70 PATRICK J. TRACY, Suraavtsoa. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, 10 cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. Published at Room 2, City Ball (north side), New York City. Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. No. 154 \.tuo s ' STut:r'r, \ t:\\ \'nlcr, ('try. C:\LENI ):\R OF III:.\RI NC;S. The following hearings will he held (hiring the week cl!nmtencittg \Iinola), Sep- t.'ntLcr 211. 101)9: 'sInnrlav, September 211-2:30 lt, n).—R! not 305,—Cass No. 11311•—l.nxr; Isl..tNt l:.\IL. ROAD luMr.\N\'—'' \Itpllcatirnt for rlisc!mtinuance of Calarntts l sail t rossiiig."( omtllissit!ncr Bassett. \\'ednesdav-, September 22- 2:30 p. in. Room 3(15. Case No. 1161). Pknvx (;.\S AND EI.taTtttc Co\tt•.\N) "_\P11IiC,tti!m for approval of an issue of $1.5111111(NI hlm(ls.'—Cnnmtissinncr \IltLir. Thursday, September 23-2:311 p. nt.—Room 3115.—Pass' \n. 1145.—MAT'rek III Tnnln :\vl:xt - t: h.\n.Ru.\u l ntlrnxv.— ('h;rrurter. extent, If cation and value of structures, facilities and prnitcrtirc"--('rnnmissinncr 1I till tic. Friday. September 24-2:311 p. ni.—Room 305.—('all• No. 1131.—Lnxc lsl.\xu h.\tl.- Ro.\n C0511'.tN\'.—(;eorge ('!,uk. ('nntpl;tinant.— Kehe;trin) as ill ade- pate protection of crossing at 1)iv'isi, , n ntrntte, Riellnt!rttll hill."— C mutt issiotter Bassett. Negular meetings of the Commission arc held every Tuesday and Friday at 11 :31) a. m., in Room 310. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. REPORT OF TIIP' PRFSIl)ENT (II TIIF POR )U(;II OF" ItROONLYN FOR Tllh: A4EEh 1:Al)I AUGUST 21, 19(19. BUREAU OF PUBLIC' BUILDINGS .\\1) OFFICES. During the week ending .\ttl;tist 21. 1909, this Bureau issued twenty-twit orders for supplies and sixteen orders for repairs. Bills aggregating $3,045.67 were signed by the Commissioner and forwarded to the Department of Finance for audit and payment. BUREAU OF I\CU\11th:AXCES .INI) PERMITS. Complaint I)epartnlent. Mail, 7; office, 7: Inspectors, 30; Police 1)eparttnent. 5, Total, 49. Classification and Disposal—Trees and limbs removed, 24; stop cocks rentovcrl, 4. Total, 28. Inspectors' Department. Complaints made, 30; complaints settled. 76; slips settled, 82. Permit ]Department. Permits Issued—Building material, 33: cross walks, 26; vault, 1; repairs to vaults. 2; cement walks, 17; driveway, 1; gas companies, 147; electric companies, 42; railroad companies, 6; special, 127. Total, 402. Total amount ............................................... $1,008 49 IBUNE.\U OF SE\t ERS. \II!nrts re eived fur setter permits. $7112.71). \unll,cr if perrnits i.sttcrl, 90: for nca' Sewer runnecti!ms, (il ; fllr old sct\'cr con- necti!Ins (repairs). 29. hcrinisiti!!ns drawn nn Clnnptr!Ilier. 0: apprl!llriati!!ns, $11,835.86; funds, $7.146.59. Linear feet sewer Intilt, 24-inch III 90-inch, 2 1A1; linear feet pipe sewer built, 944. Tntrll number of feet sewer Lnilt, 1,234. Number of manholes built, 5: number of llasins hnill. 4: number IIf Ilasins repaired, 5; linear feet of pipe sewers clean(-(], 29(11X): linear feet of sewers examiner]. 37,450; ntttuLcr of basins cleaned, 534: number !,f basins exanlined. 1.(143; nianh!Ile esters put nrl. 2; nutnbr•r of basin pans set, 15: nnntlser gallons sewage 1!utnpetl. Twetltv-sixth 1\ an, 64,702,8(K): number gallons sewage pumped. Thirty'- lirst Ward, 41 .523.741. Iahnring Force Elllpl lv e!1 I )tiring the \\'vek. Sewer Repairing and ('lt•aning. Pa%rlllls and Suplilies—Inspectors of Constrttc- lintt, 4: Inspeclurs of Sewer Cnnneeti!ms, 10: I'!,renten. 7: Inspectors of Sewers and Basins, 9: \lcchanics, 4: {,shivers, 83: h(,rses and carts, 3(i. Street Improvement Fund—Inspectors of Construction, _29; Mechanics, 2; Lal,r,rr•rs, 23, Twenty-sixth Ward Disposal \1 arks—Laborers, 19, Thirty-tirst Ward Disposal \\ -arks—Foremen. 2: Mechanic. I ; Laborers, 20, Cleaning Large Brick and Concrete Sewers—Pnrenten, 4; Laborers, 42; horses and carts, 15. PURE:\U OF IIIGI11\'.\YS. Division of Street Repairs, 1V!Irce Enlpl!'cerl Im Repairs to Street Pavenunts—Mechanics, 107; Laborers, 258; hones and Crag! no, 58: Ii' roes and carts. 14; Foremen. 311: teams. 31. \\'ork Done II\' Crntncctinn Glues—\\'ater and sewer connections repaired, 30; I'Icctrie light crntnectinns repaired, 34: hangers us holes repaired and made safe, 224; complaints received, 285 ; defects remedied, 60. \\'nrk Done ip' Repair Gangs Coitnec- Repairs. tions, Total. Square varrls T. & G. granite .............................. 1.173 73 1,245 Square earns ,and, granite ................................ 3.227 3ts3 3,5911 Square yards Itelgiatt ...................................... 537 4 541 Square yards csillslrsbinc .................................. 182 4 186 Square carols ineTina ...................................... .... R 8 Coln;ire c'ar<ls 1,rick ....................................... .... It) 11) Square earn: tcl!nll blocks ................................. .... 11 11 Total ........................................ 5,118 473 5,591 Six-inch rsln.•rote ......................................... .... 248 1liscclI;stu'1!u: \fork-20 linear feet wood drain laid: 18 linear feet I)ipc drain laid one cesslIuIlt cleane!I : 72.321 square yard: oil sprinkled : 200 miles streets sprinkled, water: cicaning IV allahnttt Market : cleaned lit iscellanentls paved streets: care of )'ards: filling bridge: sand removed, West Twentc-third street; (tiling trash!lut. Total number of square carols of pavement rel)aired, 5.591: linear feet of curbing reset, 748: square fret of bridging relaid, 318; square feet of (lagging relairl, 11,446; square feet cement walks, 347. Asphalt Plant. Es rue at Plant—Superintendent 1; Foremen, 2; Engineers. 2; Stokers. 3' :\uta {ngincer, I: Asphalt \\ - nrkcrs, 17. Plant Product-262 boxes W. S. mixture, 87 boxes hinder nlixtttre. Vs ree on Maintenance—Forcnien, 6; Engineers, 4; Asphalt Workers, 53: tracks, 11). Material Laid-1,917 cubic feet IV. S. mixture. 634.5 feet binder, 76 sq't' yards concrete. Farce Restoring Openings—Foremen, 3; Engineer, 1; Asphalt \\ orkers, 24; trucks. 5. 273.71 square yards asphalt laid : 175.74 square yards concrete laid. Linear feet curb, concrete foundation. 390. Vs I.mpinverl on Macadam and Unimproved Rnadwat s--Steani rollers. 4: Mechanics, 19; Laborers. 139: horses and wagons. 20: teams. 30: sprinklers, 26; horses and carts. 5: Foremen, 17. Miscellaneous paved gutters, 511 square yards: dirt roadway repaired and cleaned, 21,858 square cards : gutter cleaned. 2,180 square yards, sidewalks repaired, 245 square yards: ntacadani repairs. 4.513 square yards. Loads Material Rattled—To work, 1,491 ; to dump, 1,076. Operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn, for the Week Ending August 21, 1909. Plans tiled for new buildings, brick (estimated cost. $] 246,0(10) ................ 251 Plans filed for new Ituildings, frame (estimated cost, $374,650) ................. 100 I lans filed for alterations (estimated cost. $115.345) ........................... 61 littilding slip permits issued (estimated cost, $12.7.4)) .......................... 37 Bay window permits issued (estimated cost, $4,840) ............................21 Violation cases filed .......................................................... 101 Violation notices issued .......................................................101 Violation cases referred to Counsel ........................................... 45 Operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn, for the Corresponding Week Ending August 22, 1908. Plans filed for new buildings, brick (estimated cost, $886,850) .................. 107 Plans tiled for new buildings, frame (estimated cost, $210,950) .................. 56 Plans filed for alterations (estimated cost, $49,115) ............................ 70 BIRD S. COLER, President of the Borough,

Transcript of BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. - The City Record


:\scos!rs, Ilnal•I uf— \l.lrn l„gical (1L,.rz;nry l'uhlic Notices ..................... 10!,02 I .\bstract '1 krttist, "' for the Week

nlllcvur and \llie!I Ilospitals— 1•:rnlin0 ti,t!1!u!he 11, I'1l1',... 1039_ \linulcs of \L clings !!f hoard of \lunicitcrl (';I it Serve- ('„mm'sxi! n—

T rosters. .Isilt' 13. 20. 27 and 25. Public Notices ..................... IrIi9M. 190) .......................... 10578 Not Ice to ('gnu ractor................... 11(600

'1',stl!!.als .......................... 1059( I ]theist] li s t ,ltglt Iape.................. 109„ 12, . and errstings ....................... 10594 r llficial I)ircctorp...................... 10593 I:ridgcs, Department of- - ul(iciu l I'al•l 's ........................ 1059',

Propo=ats .......................... 10596 Parks. I )rpartmcnt of—

Ilrn„klpn, iiurough uI— I'row,<ala;. ....................... 11)GJ I

al. ........................ . Report of the President

10597 Police I)cl,a, leI — I n hccr. \\'anted f. r Lost Prnhert~-. 10(02 ILort for the Retort

\Peek EndilIg .\ugust 21 , 1909.. 10577 I'roc )0 ) tq of S It Hi b, r Il and 1.1, 1)n9 1' ..........................

Change of Grade I)antagc Commission— I'rup,!sals .......................... 10!,02 Public Notice ...................... 10596

10593 Reports of Sanitary ('!nnpanv (B!lil-

Changes in I)cpartments. etc...:....... Cr 5 tiad) for Septcmher 9 and ('s 'rrectso'i. Department of— 10, 1909 ...................... 1059()

Auction Sale ...................... 10600 Public ('haritics• Department !If— R,pIIrt of Transactions• August 23 I'roie'aI .......................... IOo02

Is 2`). 1909 ...................1039'. Retort for the \\cck EitLng Sep.

1)!ockc and f,nics. Department of— temhcr 11. 1909 ............... 1'ttlslic Scrlice C'ommissum fsn' the First


Proceeding. !!f August 31 and Sep- I)istrict— trmbrr I and 2. 19(19 .......... 1J59i C ale ndar of 1Tcarings.............. lo5; i I'rois(sal+ .......................... 10600 Richmond, Ii rough of— Fducatiort, Iierartmcut ref— l'r'!posal........... ........ .. 106)54

Propssal, .......................... 10603 Ropurt of Iltu'rau If llnil!Lngs f..r I'stimate and .\PP"rti.lnmrnt. Board !,f— the Week Ending tcptemhrr 4,

Public Notic,•s ..................... 1060) 1'109.......................... 105)1 Exrcnti, e 16 partment--- St tee t ('leaning, Department of -

.\pp!iotmcnt by the Mayor......... 10593 o,p,.sale .......................... 10003 Finam•r, I)cpartnte'lt of— SI•Prcmc ( Tort. First I)r,,artnnnt—

('nri ratism Sal_ of flu ildi tots , etc. 105911 .\cgqstring 'Title to Lands. etc...... 10604 lot,-rest on lt, it,nd; amt St',ck.. 10598 Suprtme ('sort, Ss-e!md 1),parunent— Notice of ('.!minty,tiun of \tanhat- .\r•quirins; 'rith' to Lost Is. etc...... 10'0+

IcIt Fax Salt .................. 10599 Suprvmc ('sort. Third Judicial Di,tricl— Ns!tice t., 'raxoavers ...............1059') .\cquiriuc Title to Lanst". etc ...... I9(03 X,!li:,s In I'r!.prrtl• U',nrrs .... 105'18 Soprcm,- (''sort. Ninth ln,lical1)i,trct— Sttr,'t:t's Rl'!(Iltrl•1l sit Various ((asses .\e!Illtr'Irll I itic t I I.a:'..I't. t't:• ...... 10. 0'

!,f ( .mtract' .................. 101 0() Notices „f .\Prlicati!,n: f,or the .\p- Pirc I)ctartmcnt— p!,inlmrnt of Commissioners of

al .\t!nrai ....................105 On I'n,ts,.al. .......................... 10600 Vs at , r S,wply. L~anl of—

llcal!h. It, l''Irttmnt ,.0 - I'r., 1160 t Ir~q~,,.al. ............. ............. I!!~'I ~\,I. r Oils, I ;a. tw l F'e,tricite. Is'.

\lantntrlsl. Ii,naur;h .,f— nartu:cnt .,f -- 1•r.,u' .......................... 10603 I'r '1, :tk .......... ............. 1u59 ,



THE CITY RECORD, Permits Passed—Tap water pipes, 75; repair water connections, 43; sewer con- ___________________ ncetions, 49; sewer connection repairs, 24. Total, 191.

OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Cashier's Department. Published Under Authority of Section 1526. Greater New York Charter, by the Moneys Received—

Repa ing over water connections .................................... $526 55 BOARD O F CITY RECORD. Repaving over sewer connections .................................... 229 15

GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYoi. Repaving over gas connections .......................................129 59 Inspection of work clone he corporations ............................. 11 Si)

FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CoarolATtox Couxsaa. HERMAN A. METZ, Corrraou.ea. Extra paving........... . 4 00 Special paving ...................................................... 107 70

PATRICK J. TRACY, Suraavtsoa.

Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents;

Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, 10 cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section.

Published at Room 2, City Ball (north side), New York City.

Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City.

No. 154 \.tuo s ' STut:r'r, \ t:\\ \'nlcr, ('try.


The following hearings will he held (hiring the week cl!nmtencittg \Iinola), Sep-t.'ntLcr 211. 101)9: 'sInnrlav, September 211-2:30 lt, n).—R! not 305,—Cass No. 11311•—l.nxr; Isl..tNt l:.\IL.

ROAD luMr.\N\'—'' \Itpllcatirnt for rlisc!mtinuance of Calarntts l sail t rossiiig."—( omtllissit!ncr Bassett.

\\'ednesdav-, September 22-2:30 p. in.— Room 3(15.—Case No. 1161).—Pknvx (;.\S AND EI.taTtttc Co\tt•.\N) —"_\P11IiC,tti!m for approval of an issue of $1.5111111(NI hlm(ls.'—Cnnmtissinncr \IltLir.

Thursday, September 23-2:311 p. nt.—Room 3115.—Pass' \n. 1145.—MAT'rek III Tnnln :\vl:xt - t: h.\n.Ru.\u l ntlrnxv.— ('h;rrurter. extent, If cation and value of structures, facilities and prnitcrtirc"--('rnnmissinncr 1I till tic.

Friday. September 24-2:311 p. ni.—Room 305.—('all• No. 1131.—Lnxc lsl.\xu h.\tl.-Ro.\n C0511'.tN\'.—(;eorge ('!,uk. ('nntpl;tinant.— Kehe;trin) as ill ade-pate protection of crossing at 1)iv'isi, ,n ntrntte, Riellnt!rttll hill."—C mutt issiotter Bassett.

Negular meetings of the Commission arc held every Tuesday and Friday at 11 :31) a. m., in Room 310.


Tllh: A4EEh 1:Al)I AUGUST 21, 19(19.


During the week ending .\ttl;tist 21. 1909, this Bureau issued twenty-twit orders for supplies and sixteen orders for repairs.

Bills aggregating $3,045.67 were signed by the Commissioner and forwarded to the Department of Finance for audit and payment.


Complaint I)epartnlent. Mail, 7; office, 7: Inspectors, 30; Police 1)eparttnent. 5, Total, 49. Classification and Disposal—Trees and limbs removed, 24; stop cocks rentovcrl,

4. Total, 28. Inspectors' Department.

Complaints made, 30; complaints settled. 76; slips settled, 82.

Permit ]Department. Permits Issued—Building material, 33: cross walks, 26; vault, 1; repairs to vaults.

2; cement walks, 17; driveway, 1; gas companies, 147; electric companies, 42; railroad companies, 6; special, 127. Total, 402.

Total amount ............................................... $1,008 49

IBUNE.\U OF SE\t ERS. \II!nrts re eived fur setter permits. $7112.71). \unll,cr if perrnits i.sttcrl, 90: for nca' Sewer runnecti!ms, (il ; fllr old sct\'cr con-

necti!Ins (repairs). 29. hcrinisiti!!ns drawn nn Clnnptr!Ilier. 0: apprl!llriati!!ns, $11,835.86; funds, $7.146.59. Linear feet sewer Intilt, 24-inch III 90-inch, 21A1; linear feet pipe sewer built, 944.

Tntrll number of feet sewer Lnilt, 1,234. Number of manholes built, 5: number of llasins hnill. 4: number IIf Ilasins repaired,

5; linear feet of pipe sewers clean(-(], 29(11X): linear feet of sewers examiner]. 37,450; ntttuLcr of basins cleaned, 534: number !,f basins exanlined. 1.(143; nianh!Ile esters put nrl. 2; nutnbr•r of basin pans set, 15: nnntlser gallons sewage 1!utnpetl. Twetltv-sixth 1\ an, 64,702,8(K): number gallons sewage pumped. Thirty'- lirst Ward, 41 .523.741.

Iahnring Force Elllpl lv e!1 I )tiring the \\'vek. Sewer Repairing and ('lt•aning. Pa%rlllls and Suplilies—Inspectors of Constrttc-

lintt, 4: Inspeclurs of Sewer Cnnneeti!ms, 10: I'!,renten. 7: Inspectors of Sewers and Basins, 9: \lcchanics, 4: {,shivers, 83: h(,rses and carts, 3(i.

Street Improvement Fund—Inspectors of Construction, _29; Mechanics, 2; Lal,r,rr•rs, 23,

Twenty-sixth Ward Disposal \1 arks—Laborers, 19, Thirty-tirst Ward Disposal \\ -arks—Foremen. 2: Mechanic. I ; Laborers, 20, Cleaning Large Brick and Concrete Sewers—Pnrenten, 4; Laborers, 42; horses and

carts, 15.

PURE:\U OF IIIGI11\'.\YS. Division of Street Repairs,

1V!Irce Enlpl!'cerl Im Repairs to Street Pavenunts—Mechanics, 107; Laborers, 258; hones and Crag! no, 58: Ii' roes and carts. 14; Foremen. 311: teams. 31.

\\'ork Done II\' Crntncctinn Glues—\\'ater and sewer connections repaired, 30; I'Icctrie light crntnectinns repaired, 34: hangers us holes repaired and made safe, 224; complaints received, 285 ; defects remedied, 60.

\\'nrk Done ip' Repair Gangs

Coitnec- Repairs. tions, Total.

Square varrls T. & G. granite .............................. 1.173 73 1,245 Square earns ,and, granite ................................ 3.227 3ts3 3,5911 Square yards Itelgiatt ...................................... 537 4 541 Square yards csillslrsbinc .................................. 182 4 186 Square carols ineTina ...................................... .... R 8 Coln;ire c'ar<ls 1,rick ....................................... .... It) 11) Square earn: tcl!nll blocks ................................. .... 11 11

Total ........................................ 5,118 473 5,591

Six-inch rsln.•rote ......................................... .... 248

1liscclI;stu'1!u: \fork-20 linear feet wood drain laid: 18 linear feet I)ipc drain laid one cesslIuIlt cleane!I : 72.321 square yard: oil sprinkled : 200 miles streets sprinkled, water: cicaning IV allahnttt Market : cleaned lit iscellanentls paved streets: care of )'ards: filling bridge: sand removed, West Twentc-third street; (tiling trash!lut.

Total number of square carols of pavement rel)aired, 5.591: linear feet of curbing reset, 748: square fret of bridging relaid, 318; square feet of (lagging relairl, 11,446; square feet cement walks, 347.

Asphalt Plant. Es rue at Plant—Superintendent 1; Foremen, 2; Engineers. 2; Stokers. 3' :\uta

{ngincer, I: Asphalt \\ -nrkcrs, 17. Plant Product-262 boxes W. S. mixture, 87 boxes hinder nlixtttre. Vs ree on Maintenance—Forcnien, 6; Engineers, 4; Asphalt Workers, 53:

tracks, 11). Material Laid-1,917 cubic feet IV. S. mixture. 634.5 feet binder, 76 sq't' yards

concrete. Farce Restoring Openings—Foremen, 3; Engineer, 1; Asphalt \\ orkers, 24;

trucks. 5. 273.71 square yards asphalt laid : 175.74 square yards concrete laid. Linear feet curb, concrete foundation. 390. Vs I.mpinverl on Macadam and Unimproved Rnadwat s--Steani rollers. 4:

Mechanics, 19; Laborers. 139: horses and wagons. 20: teams. 30: sprinklers, 26; horses and carts. 5: Foremen, 17.

Miscellaneous paved gutters, 511 square yards: dirt roadway repaired and cleaned, 21,858 square cards : gutter cleaned. 2,180 square yards, sidewalks repaired, 245 square yards: ntacadani repairs. 4.513 square yards.

Loads Material Rattled—To work, 1,491 ; to dump, 1,076.

Operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn, for the Week Ending August 21, 1909.

Plans tiled for new buildings, brick (estimated cost. $] 246,0(10) ................ 251 Plans filed for new Ituildings, frame (estimated cost, $374,650) ................. 100 I lans filed for alterations (estimated cost. $115.345) ........................... 61 littilding slip permits issued (estimated cost, $12.7.4)) .......................... 37 Bay window permits issued (estimated cost, $4,840) ............................21 Violation cases filed .......................................................... 101 Violation notices issued .......................................................101 Violation cases referred to Counsel ........................................... 45

Operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn, for the Corresponding Week Ending August 22, 1908.

Plans filed for new buildings, brick (estimated cost, $886,850) .................. 107 Plans tiled for new buildings, frame (estimated cost, $210,950) .................. 56 Plans filed for alterations (estimated cost, $49,115) ............................ 70

BIRD S. COLER, President of the Borough,



July 13, 1909. The Board went into executive session to consider the report of the Finance Com-

mittee regarding the ?rrcgularity in the bill of Ilahnenfeld. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the Finance Committee prepare charges against Mr. Eckstein and

Mr. 1\ hite and that the investigation be continued and a report be presented at the ad-journed meeting oil July- 20 for further action.

- -.•.*


An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the staff room of Bellevue Hospital „t: Tuesday. July h), 1909.

Present-1)r. Brannan. the President• in the chair; Messrs. Sachs, O'Keeffe and Robbins, Trustees, and NIr. Hchherd, Commissioner of Public Charities.

Chi motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved. To approve of the matters taken up at the meeting of July 13 and to

spread them upon the minutes of this meeting. The following bills were presented for approval, and, oil motion, duly seconded,

it was Resolved. That they, having been dul%, examined by the Finance Committee, be ap-

proved and forwarded to the Comptroller for payment : J. I). Fowler .......... .. ...... $192 80 hull. Grippcn & Co.............. 12 35 Theodore W. Morris & Co....... 24 00 (e. rge \V. Benham .............. 3 25 J,'hn \1'anamakcr .............. 81 00 I lily ontingdale Brothers .......... 4 5(1 :Armin & Co ..................... 10 00 G. Borger ...................... 471 73 I Earns & Harrington ............. •4O 00 Frank 1). Cole.................... 46 80 Charles A. Foersch .............. 9 55 Jesse I). Frost .................. '520 00 John \\'anamaker ............... 431 99 Lincoln To l and Supply Cont- Becton, Dickinson & Co.......... 30 00 I pang ......................... 39 60 George W. Itenham .............. 1? 15 l.tmiere North :\merican Cont- Bloomingdale Brothers .......... 4 91 pang . ......................... 73 34 Brown's Insecticide Company..... 90 00 F. B. Mevrntritz ................ 9 10 Burton & Davis Company......... 500 New York Diet Kitchen Assucia- Charity Organization Society..... 1 50 lion ..........................63 84 Dennison \IarrufacturingCompany 6 00 1. nis C. t)wcns ................. 4 29 Department of Correction........ 4 25 1•:ugenc 11. Tower ............... 7 50 Eimer & Amend ................. 56 69 (;corrgc \'ausc ................... 14 80 Charles A. Foersch .............. 4 37 Kish• .'C Mueller................. 44 35 Jesse D. Frost ................... 3 70 Lincoln Tool and Supply Cont- Gallup Kttntyss Company........ 3 60 1'a,lY ......................... 4 30 Hull, Grippen & Co .............. 10 30 .'ladiut hardware and Supply

K E. Kennedy & Co ............. 10 00 i U mpany ... ..... ........... 5 80 25 ny-Schccrer Company ......... ' 17 67 1. L. \I,-tt Iron Works...........

Madison Hardware and Supply Nati~mal Elevatoor (ompany...... 30 30 Company .....................25 56 Sibley & Pitman................. 23 37

E. B. Mevrowitz ................ 39 30 J. 11. _\tlainsott................... 65 00 George Murphy ................. 30 82 I Gla<g, wc Iron Works and Supply William B. Riker & Sons' Com- Company .....................150 00 pare• .......................... 29 50 Kipp Wagon Company........... 203 50

G. A. Schmidt James K. Shaw .................

10 09 I 37 10

\V. K rtes ...... .............. William Lang9,ein & liens.......

45 Ut) 19 00

Siegel Cooper Company.......... 25 76 Waite & Bartlett Manufacturing V. P. Siler ...................... 9 0)) („mpany ..................... 12 00 John T. Stanley ................. 66 21 Stcphen A. Welch............... 125 00 George Tiemann & Co........... 23 50 1. B. \\ illiams & Sons........... 5 35 United Electric Light and Power Standard Oil Company of New

Company ..................... 16 50 York .......................... 19 13 George Vansc ................... Waite Bartlett

18 50 \': cuum Oil Company........... hny-Schccrer Company .........

17 68 156 65 & -Manufacturing

Company ..................... 8 0(1 ' J. L. Ratlerntacher............... ;1 75 John \Vanamaker ............... 177 80 Junes I). Clow & Sons........... 8 25 Richard \Vehber ..... ... .. 465 45 Ilarlcm Rooting and Waterproof- S. S. White Dental Manufactur-

ing Company .................10 19 ittg C mipany .................232

1). K:thnwcilcr's Sons............ 88

3 W \White, VP n Glahn & Co......... 15 36 I. lwarul J. McCabe .............. 85 00 George F. Blake Manufacturing Madison Hardware and Supply

Company ..................... 12 00 Company ..................... 15 00 Chapman Valve Manufacturing I.erler'e Laboratories ............ 31) 00

Company ..................... 15 00 Siegel C- oper Company......... 54 81 Cavanagh Brothers & Co......... 1 72 Il,ctkm. Dickinson & Co......... 30 01) Duparquct. Huot & Moneuse Com- ( ,c rye \V. Benham .............. 7 (A) pany......................... 8 50 G. Borger .................... 453 65

De La Vergne 'Machine Company. 30 25 Ihcrton & Davis Company........ 2 04 Thomas C. Dunham ............. 16 08 , ]'rank 1). Cole.................. 49 91 Harrison Safety Boiler \Yorks... 33 15 I Cornelius Daly .................. 7 00 Charles 11. Heinsohn ............. 19 60 1)cnuisurt Manufacturing Com- Knowles Steam Pump 'Works.... 24 01) pang ......................... 5 25 A. C. Laurence .................. 9 50 l)enti,t;' Supply Company....... 1 25 1 Lincoln Tool and Supply Com- (. harlc A. Foersch .............. 58 43 pane ................. ...... 72 82 ,ie-se 1). Frost...................1.835 80

Madison Hardware and Supply Ii. <l ital for Scarlet Fever and Company .. .................. 3 15 Diphtheria Patients ........... 108 57

Henry Maurer & Co............ 240 00 Rnv-Scheerer Company ......... 7 90 Theodore W. Morris & Co...... 11 70 II. Kohnstamm & Co............ 13 50 John Simmons Company......... 26 53 Lincoln Tool and Supply Com- White, Van Glahn & Co......... 8 32 parry ......................... 29 05 J. H. Adamson .................. 30 00 \1adi.cin Hardware and Supply Bramhall, Deane Company.......

I 24 00Contp:uty .....................

Merck 8 65

Burdett, Rowntree Manufactur- & Co ...................... Newman

13 75 1 ing Company ................. 65 43 Clock Company........ 160 00

George Fox's Sons .............. 10 55 M. O'Brien & Son............... 99 95 75 00 Harlem Roofing and Waterproof- 1'. J. O'Reilly ..................

Davis Co.............. ing Company ................. 67 50 Parke, & 2 40 William Horne Company........ 96 00 William B. Riker & Son Com- Madison Hardware and Supply pany ......................... 2 50

Company ..................... 3 50 SSahury & Johnson ............. 68 00 Joseph Miller ................... 8 50 \\'. 1'. Siler..................... 5 20 Daniel Murphy ................. 28 80 J. S. Sills & Suns................ 12 94 Otis Elevator Company.......... 306 00 ( ;c,)rge Ticmann & Co.......... 28 75 J. L. Radermacher ............... 20 10 Tower Manufacturing and Novel- Remington Typewriter Company. 28 00 tY• Company ........ ....... 6 77 The Yale & Towne Manufactur- t'ndcnvood Typewriter Company 132 25

ing Company .................1 53 John \\ artarnaker .............. 111 23 Bankowskv Brothers 45 50 \Waiters Laboratories ........... 57 60 Barrett Manufacturing Company. 52 25 Richard Webber ................ 3 25 Joseph P. Carr .................. 51 95 S. S. \\•hire Dental Manufactur-

William Lally ... ............ 44 00 ing Company ................. 5 49 Liberty Compound Company..... 43 73 Whttall, Tatum Company........ 30 22 Vacuum Oil Company........... 68 85 George P. Clarke Company...... 23 08 The White Company ............. 24 20 Hull. Grippcn & Co.............. 4 10 Woodhouse Manufacturing Corn- Jenkins Brothers ............... 1 62

pany ......................... 10 50 Kalt Lumber Company.......... 35 40 Ciccarelli Brothers .............. 5 00 Madison Hardware and Supply Mrs. M. Hook .................. 40 00 Company .. ................ 17 20 The White Company............. 200 00 W. M. Schwenker............... 7 80 Mrs. M. Gilday .................. 64 00 George G. Babich............... 58 00 Abramson Engessor Company.... 9,961 15 Emergency Baggage Repair Com- P. J. Carlin & Co ................7,395 00 pany 2 50 Contingent Fund .............,,... 300 00 Gillis & Geoghan................. 79 12

Harlem Roofing and Waterproof- Otis Elevator Company.......... 105 00 ing Company ................. 521 00 I. Timberger ....................SO

1lo.pital Supply Company........ 63 00 Rex Fire Extinguisher Company. 1 00 Knv-Schcercr Company ......... 15 50 The White Company............ 7 52 1•:rnst Leitz ..................... 10 00

1)r. W. H. Smith, the General Medical Superintendent, reported as follows: From June 27 to July 10, inclusive, 54 operations were performed at Bellevue

hospital, 18 at Gouverneur Hospital, 55 at Harlem Hospital and 20 at Fordham Hospi-tal, at all of which the attending Surgeons or their Assistants were present.

A fire drill was held at Bellevue Hospital on June 29 and July 6, at Gouverneur Hospital on June 30 and July 7, at Harlem Hospital on July 1 and July 7, and at Ford-ham hospital on July 1 and July 7.

A full attendance of the visiting Physicians and Surgeons at the various hospitals during the month of June is reported.

]n order to properly isolate and care for several cases of vaginitis special Nurses were engaged. At the request of Dr. Hitrrot a special Nurse was authorized to care for a post-operative case, and a Nurse was authorized to care for a member of the house staff. Dr. \•erington, ill with tonsilitis. Approval is requested for the services of these Nurses.

The supply of diplomas for outgoing members of the house staff is exhausted and unless there is to he some change in the form of diploma it is recommended that an additional supply be ordered.

Submitted herewith is a report from the Supervising Nurse of Harlem Hospital showing that the institution is having a great deal of trouble with the Atlantic Hotel Supply Company, contractors for meat.

A letter has been received from Dr. Charles Norris, Director of Laboratories, rcc,mtmending the appointment of Dr. Wiener as voluntary Assistant to the Patho-logical Lahoratory for three months.

In order to hasten completion of the new gate house and the alterations to the reception room of Bellevue hospital, it is recomntenrled that some competent architect he engaged to draw plans and specifications for these changes.

:\ttcntion is called to the Kirker-Bender fire escape, which is now in use in many sehu, t is, hospitals and other institutions. It may be worth while to consider this form of fire escape in relation to the proposed new Iruildinvs of Bellevue Hospital.

In regard to the recommendations of Dr. Miller, Director of Tuberculosis Clinics, the following report is presented :


More clinic space. Although additional space is much needed, it is believed that it cannot be provided in the present buildings of Bellevue hospital. It may be possible to ]case space ill one of the buildings opposite the hospital in Twenty-sixth street and it is recommended that this be done if the space can be obtained.

2. While it may be desirable to have paid physicians in the out-patient clinics, the question presents itself as to whether or not it is wise to start to pay the Physicians of Mme clinic before n,akin¢ provision for Physicians of the other clinics. :1s to the salaries proposed by Dr. Miller. they are entirely reasonable and proper.

3. Nurses' salaries-3 clinic Nurses and 1 ward social service Nurse are pro-posed at $75 a month. Inasmuch as we are in a position to furnish maintenance it is recommended that the salary he fixed at $50 a month. These Nurses are visiting Nurses attached to the tuberculosis clinic and it would seem that the same criticism miht be offered here as in the case of the Physicians' salaries in so far as relates to the other clinics. Extensive plans are made for visiting Nurses for this clinic while no provision is made for other clinics. It is recommended that two Nurses be allowed instead of four.

4. A Clerk at $60 a month is not approved. 5. $500 for incidentals is approved.

Estimates for Bellevue Day Canip. 1. Salaries for two Nurses at $75 a month. It is recommended that the salaries

remain as at prescut, $50 and $60, with nta jut e iii nice. The fact that the balance (to make up $75 a month I is paid for by the auxiliary is strictly their affair and nut (airs. \1"e otTer the Nurses maintenance and if the auxiliary prefers to pa} an allowance f,r them to live outside it is nut our affair and we should not be expected to pay Nurses for living outside when we have accommodations fir them.

2 and 3. 1 nrce Orderlies at $30 a month. It is recommended that 3 Orderlies be ,Il, iced at $2)) a month, with maintenance, and also the Cook as proposed at $20 a

ntottth. 4. Food and drugs estimated at $5,475 for the tear. It is not practicable to

charge the Bellevue DaV Camp for food and drugs in this manner as it would make it necessary fur 1''ellevne ]hospital to pay the bills and in return render bills against the l)av Camp, chargeable to this fund.

5. Repairs and alterations estimated at $1,000 approved. It is recommended that $5,000 be asked for.

Proposed New Clinic It is proposed to establish an additional clinic somewhere between Houston street

ton the south .std Fourteenth street on the north. It is recommended that this clinic he nut undertaken be this I)epartment but by the Department of Health.

Estimates for Gouverneur Clinic. 1. More clinic space. The recommendations are approved. Repairs and altera-

tions estimated at $400 appears to be small ; the estimate should be $1,000. As to recommendations 2 and 3 the salaries proposed for Physicians and Nurses

are approved inasmuch as conditions at Gouverneur are entirely different from those at Bellevue. We do not expect the -Nurses to travel to Bellevue and an effort is being made to pay the Physicians in other clinics.

4. The proposed Clerk at $60 a month is also approved. 5. Gouverneur day camp, boat, "Westfield," is also approved.

Estimates for Harlem Clinic. 1. The same criticisms as to the Physicians' salaries in the Harlem clinic are

offered as at Bellevue. 2. Salaries for two Nurses at $75 a month are approved, inasmuch as we have

no adequate accommodations fur the Nurses at Harlem Hospital and can therefore offer no maintenance.

3. A Clerk at $60 a month is not approved. From July 11 to July 17, inclusive, 35 operations were performed at Bellevue

I ospital, 16 at Gouverneur Hospital, 20 at Harlem Hospital and 15 at Fordham Hospital, at all of which the attending Surgeons or their Assistants were present.

A fire drill was held at Bellevue Hospital on July 12, at Gouverneur Hospital on July 13, at Harlem and Fordham Hospitals on July 15.

Special -Nurses were supplied at the request of Dr. Draper for a delirious cardiac case. A Nurse was also requested for a case of gonorrhoeal conjunctivitis, anal two for post-operative cases. Approval for the services of these temporary Nurses is requested.

One of our Nurses was taken ill with diphtheria and was sent to the Minturn I hospital.

In a conversation with the Corporation Counsel it was learned that we cannot advertise for supplies before serving notice upon the present contractor. Notice mast he served and the goods purchased elsewhere during the period of readvertise-ntent.

In the matter of the report from the Commissioners of Accounts regarding the heating system at Bellevue Hospital it is found that at the beginning of the year Mr. Jones, then Supervising Engineer, reported that extensive repairs were needed, par-ticularly to the so-called Paul system. Estimates were obtained but it was decided to leave the matter until the spring. Nothing was done. The present Acting Super-vising Engineer has been over the ground with a representative of the Paul system. They both state that our heating system is in bad need of repairs, but in view of the fact that the present system will probably be in use for only a few years longer, it would not be economical to attempt to make the extensive repairs throughout that are needed, but that the most essential repairs should be made, and it is estimated by the Paul system that these repairs could be made for the sum of nine hundred dollars.

Several letters from John Early's Sons, contractors for silver for the new Nurses' residence, have been received. The last letter states that they still wish the Board to consider one of the two samples submitted.

Mr. White, the Bookkeeper, reports that a transfer should be made to the ap-propriation for repairs and replacements by contract and open order for the year 1909 from the aooroorlation for Salaries and Wanes (31_(1(1[))_


A further report is herewith made regarding the recommendations of Dr. Miller, Dr. Miller having agreed to several cuts in his original estimate. The only additional features involved over the existing conditions are : In l;ellevue, 3 Physicians at $600, 3 Assistant Physicians at $3(N) and 1 Nurse at $600; boat "Southfield," provision for repairs and replacements, food, drugs, etc., which are now paid out of special appropri-ation Revenue Bonds, but provision has been made to include these features in the general schedules of the Departmental Estimate: Gouverneur Clinic, 2 Physi-cians at $600; 4Assistant Physicians at $300; 1 Nurse at $9IX); boat 1. Westfield," provision has been made for repairs and replacements, food and supplies, in the general schedule of the Departmental Estimate ; Harlem Clinic, 2 Physicians at $600, 4 Assistant Physicians at $3tx), 1 Nurse at $9(X). These represent the extra Physicians and features to be provided for in the present Budget and it is recommended that they be allowed.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the action of the General Medical Superin-tendent in authorizing special (temporary) Nurses at the request of the visiting Physi-cians was approved.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the General Medical Superintendent was authorized to order a supply of diplomas (blanks) for the house staff of Bellevue Hospital.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to await the reply of the Atlantic Hotel Supply Company to the letter of the General Medical Superintendent complaining of the quality of the meat.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, I)r. Isidor Wiener was, upon the recotn-mendation of Dr. Norris, appointed Voluntary .\ssistant in the Pathological Depart-ment for a period of three months, dating front July 1, 1909.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the matter of appointing a competent Archi-tect to prepare plans and specifications for a temporary reception office and transfer room was referred to the President, with power.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to refer to the Architects for report the suggestion of the General Medical Superintendent that the Kirkcr-ltcn-der fire escape be considered for the new buildings.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to refer to the President and the General Medical Superintendent for dclinite recommendation the suggestions of Dr. Miller. Director if Tuberculosis Clinics.

On notion, duly Scc -,nilcd and carried, the action of the General \Ici lie stl Superin-tendent in supplying special l temporary) Nurses lur urgent case, at the request of the attending Physicians and Surgeons was approved.

On motion, ditty seconded and carried, tine General Medical Snperintendent waS directed to obtain estimates on the work of repairs to the heating system in Bellevue Hospital.

On motion, duly- seconded an il carried, it was decided to refer to the Committee on Supplies and the General Medical Superintendent, '',ith power, the matter of the silverware to he supplied by John Early'; Sons.

(iii motiiat, duly- secon(lcd and carried, it was decided to ask the Board of Esti-mate and Apportionment to make the transfers reque~tcil Iv the Iluokkecper.

On ntutilin, duly seconded, it Was Resoilved. To refer to the P d resient and the (nenerul \IciliCal Superintrndclit, With

power t-) include in the (Budget the amount of money rcyui I for the tuberculosis clinics with the request that provision be trade also fir tnLrrcnl-nnis work at l'ordhain I1ospital.

On mution, duly seconded and carried, the rue immend:ui-~n if the (icncral Medical Superintendent that the pr~ip~ised clinic between Ilomston and l'omrtecnth s'reets be not undertaken by this Department, but that it he left to the I)e part men of I lealth, was

approved. With the approval of the Committee on Supplies, the lowest hid in each case was

accepted on the following: Linen damask slip covers, Bellevue l lospit:tl—

Jp ,hn 1\ anantaker .... .......... . ........ 8123 20

13 lights glass, steamer '' estlicld.•' and lnntyin; ~.tltcr gla-' (2 bids asked, 1 received) —

The odire \liurns 24 00 Repairs to machine No. 4(157 (valves, guide<, plugs, l'rit! :. etc.). I )orlon

lospital— I )e La \'ertme Machinery C, mtl,any (nail u In' tn run ) ................. 3(1 2;

Surgical instrtnttrnts. lk'llevuu llo>pital (3 bids asked. 2 received)— F. It. Ylry rowitz, (owe t ............................................ 33 40

Knv-Scheercr Cnmpanv .. .................. -13 h5 Cantor;, per sample. l;ellev'ue Iiospital (3 Lids asked, 1 received)—

White-Van Glum n (_amp:uly ......................................... 1 2 %

48 white duck coats, 1 dozen khaki suits (5 bids asked, 3 rcrciv d)— Joseph \Weil, towest ................................................ 108 0)

Bloomingdale Brothers ............................................ 130 211

Fancy groceries, haricot hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— Austin Nichols & Co.. Does........... ............................. (i2 80

Lewis l)eGroff ........................................................ 68 • 40 1 dozen white enameled pails, with c.)vrs, I larlent Ilosp ;tl 3 , a,kc

2 received) — Kny-Scneerer Company, lowest ..................................... 13 21)

John \\-anatuaker ................................................. 19 5;

Electrical supplies, Gouverneur hospital (3 lids asked, 2 receivccl)— Stanlev & Patterson, lowest ........................................ 10 34

E. B. Latham & Co ................................................ 11 1.1

Fancy groceries, Gotiverncur lluspital (? bids asked, 2 received)— Austin Nichols & Co., lowest ....................................... 39 20 Burton & Davis Company (inr nnplcte I ............................ 33 13

Lumber for Bellevue hospital (2 bids asked, 2 received)— Dowd Lumber Company, lowest. .................................... 19 (ii) W. P. Youngs Brothers ............................................. 32 50

Awnings, Ilarlem Hospital (2 bids asked, 2 received)— George Valise, lowest .............................................. 220 (N)

John Wananiaker ................................................. 225 45

Engineers' supplies, Harlem Hospital (4 b ds asked, 4 received)— Lincoln Tool and Supply Company ................................. 83 88 Hemphill Engineering Company ..................................... 133 85

Water coolers, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked, 2 received)— Madison Hardware Company ....................................... 19 3a John Wanamaker ................................................. 33 60

Carting clay from Twenty-eighth street dock to Bellevue hospital (1 bid asked) —

DanielMurphy ................................................... 28 80 Repairing hole, cutting out cement and putting in new riot, Iharlem Ilus-

pital (2 bids asked, 1 received)— A. F. Duffy ........................................................ 20 00

Sponge holders, etc., surgical (4 bids asked, 4 recetved)— J. E. Kennedy ..................................................... 10 0(1 E. B. Meyrowitz ................................................... 10 2(1

800 pounds of soft soap, Harlem Hospital (5 bids asked, I received)— john T. Stanley ................................................... 35 (R;

6-bushel rattan baskets, Harlem Hospital (4 bids asked, 2 received)— J. T. Stanley, lowest, per dozen ..................................... 25 t~5

Julius Towle ........... ..... ....... .......................... 39 90 Repair roofs, Mills Training School (1 bid asked)—

Harlem Roofing Company .......................................... 168 00 Crockery, Harlem Hospital (1 hid asked)—

John Wanantaker 55 44 Iron corners to protect plastered entrance, Harlem Hospital (1 bid asked)—

Thomas Dimond .................................................. 49 75 Repairs to 200 bed trays (1 bid asked; manufacturer)—

Hospital Supply Company ..................... ............. 40 00 Repairs, 11 casement doors, Gouverneur Hospital (1 bid asked, 1 re-

ceived)— J. H. Adamson ............................ ................. 82 54)

Oak bulletin boards, Gouverneur Hospital (1 bid asked)— J. H. Adamson..,. ........... .................................... 40 00

Iron plates for runways, Itellevue Iluspital (1 bid asked,)— Lincoln fool and Supply Company ................................. 17 90

Druggist supplies, Goimverneur Hospital (1 I'id asked)— Einter & Amend ................................................... 30 02

Surgical supplies, Bellevue Hospital (1 bid asked)— George Tiem:ut ................................................... 14 50

43 window screens, Itellevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 3 received)— Thcodore Miller, lowest ............................................. 90 00 Porter Screen Manufacturing Company ............................. 120 40

One-half dozen garbage cans, Gouverneur Hospital (4 bids asked, 1 received)—

North Star Ash Can Company. $6 each (special size) ................ 36 00 Plumbing material, boat ''Westfield" (3 bids asked, 3 received•)—

Joltn Keller 1C Sons, lowest ......................................... 36 65 1'. J. Mccabi ....................................................... 40 00

X-ray tubes, silver, anode, etc., Bellevue hospital (2 bids asked, 2 re- ceived)—

F. Matchlu ft & Son, lowest ......................................... 38 70 Waite & Bartlett ................................................... 46 00

X-ray supplies, '.t•ad screen, etc, I oniili un 11u~pital (3 bids asked, 3 receive<I)—

\ aite & Bartlett, lowest ........................................... 64 0O E. It. \Icvrowitz ................................................... 65 (JO

Painters' supplies, htellevue hospital (3 Lids asked, 3 reccived)— (,eor_e \1'. Cr it' & C') ............................................. 60 00 John Lucas & Co .................................................. Incomplete 'I'. C. IJunham .....................................................Incomplete

De'ntists' supplies. ILIlevttc I1-:sl,ital (2 bids asked, 2 received)— he I)cnlists' Supply (ompany, luwe;t .............................. 12 07

S. S \\•bite' t)ental Manufac,nring C~,ntp:tny ........................ 15 21 S~-t come light glas:;, Mill, Training Schnu,l (2 bids a>kcd, 2 received)—

T. C. I)unhant. 1, west .............................................. 10 75 Thc~udorc W. M orris ............................................... 16 50

I-mnbcr, (;uuvcrnc;tr I luepital (2 bids a-ked, 2 revived)— V. I'. \'ouimmu L'n thers, L,wea .................................... 32 87 C. HI. heir;,hn .................................

Crockery, Ilellrvuc llbu;pital (3 (bids asked. 3 received)-- Jnines K. Shaw. lowes...... ........................................ 88 76

John \\-an:unak~r ................................................. 113 96 Awnings and curtains, 1'orihhant I luspital (1 bill asked )—

t;eurge \'au:,• ..................................... ............... 384 (it) Furniture• Nurses' Training; School Iselecteil L_v Mrs. Brannan)-

1,4111 \\ :uiamakcr .................................................184 50 'Toilet Supt li •s, (;,,utrrneur I i,,sl,ital ( I I id asked) ; marufacturer)—

J. I.. )ii it In,tt \\~,rks ............................................. 14 78

Surgical instrtnn •tits• l.ellevuc I hospital I I bid asked)-- Knc-Schtc•rcr (, ntl,any . ...........................................21 80

New 10(1') plates. Itcllccue II--sl~ital 13 ( ,ids asked, 3 rcceived)— Nl. ( •tlrirn. l cr 100 patio ls ......................................... 2 16 Richard \\'e'hls-r. per 1(4) p~nntils .................................... 2 33l-

Six electric lights, I':nilions :\ :u+l Ii, :uljustahle l3 hi, ls asked, 1 re- cciceil I --

'flue I•:n,,s ( mpany ........ ....................................... 114 (X) Il,.se reel, eater coolers. etc. (4 hills ask • 1, 2 received

\lad isum Hardware t Company, I.,icest ................................ 29 35 U. If. \1„rris,pit .................................................... 34 70

23 lights, glass am set, Nurses' residence, Itcllevuc Ii.ispital 12 bids asked, 2 received I—

Tlteudorc \V. Morris, lowest ........................................ 18 75 N. ( men s SI,nt ............. ...... ..... .. .......... ..... . 2(] 0I)

Heavy ci-il, heavy I lack ir n fir refrigerating l~l;ant, l;,,u -rc-rncur hospital (1 Lid ask-u !, 1 received: nlanufactw'ers)—

Steel,- & Coedict ................................................... 48 00 ('n,ekery anal biros •hl,l tucnsils, aule('tcul iv \Irs. M. J. l'iickard—

J in \\ anamakc r ................................................. 15 75 Repairs. 2 engine's. G.,uverncur I lu,spital t2 (bids asked. 1 received)—

Marinc Engine and Machine Cuimpany .............................. 50 (X) Repairs, electric cluck systeni, Ilarlem Ilospital (I bid asked; ntakers)—

Stan~lard I-Jectric Tinic t•u,mpttnv ................................... 40 (X) Repairs to skylight amid roofs, Mills' Training Sch,l (3 Lids asked, 1

received )- 1Iarlcm Rooting I_ utnpanv ........... .............................. 35 00

RL-Ijairs• I ii iler• 1” rclh:mt hospital (1 Lid asked, 1 reccived)— C„rge box's Suns ................................................. r 10 55

Electrical work. ltordham Iluspital (2 bids asked. 2 received)— Tucker Electric C unstructiun C nm panv....................... ....... 79 50 Ideal Electric ContractingCu ('umpany ................................ 175 (JO

Repairs. steam ptnp, Pavilions :\ and II 13 bids asked, 3 reccived)— \1-clls & Newt ii (',on,pany, lowest .................................. 52 IX) Blake & Vi illi:tnis ................................. ............... 73 40

Furnish and set 1 l u kcase', Gouverneur Iluspital (1 bid asked, 1 re- ceived )—

J. II. .\dam, ~n ....................................................130 00

\Vindow catches ant_ sash lifts, etc., Goanvcrncur hospital (3 bids asked, 1 received)—

Madison iiardcrane Company ...................................... 17 40 Zinc and wire netting. Ilarlcnt lliuspital (2 bids asked, 2 received)—

Richard ,lurris in, lowest ..........................................38 75 Madison l lard ware (' , npany ....................................... 41 12

Fancy groceries, Iiehlcvttc lbuspital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— Austin Nichols & C,., lowest ...................................... 149 35 1". H. Leggett & Co ................................................ 155 18

750 Patients' car([ holders, Bellevue hospital (4 bids asked, 3 received) — Iilurintingdale Brothers ............................................ 73 50 Madison Hardware Company ............ .... ... ... ..... ... 112 70

Repairs to flooring and doors, Gouverneur Hospital (2 bids asked, 2 re- ceived )—

J. II. :\damson, lowest ............................................ 12 00 C'oltun & Turner ................................................... 20 00

19,5(X1 pounds potatoes, 16 boxes oranges, 84 dozen bananas, Bellevue

Hospital, for month of July (3 bids asked, 3 received)— M. O'Brien & Sons, lowest ......................................... 424 80 S. E. litttttcr ...................................................... 441 43

300 pounds floor wax, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked, 2 received)— F. C. Dunham. lowest .............................................. 63 00 George Vi'. Grote & Co ............................................ 67 50

Gang plank. steamer "Westfield" (1 bid asked, 1 received)— J. 11. Adamson ........... ...... ... .. .......... ........... 35 00

Repairs, Fordham Hospital, Ambulance No. 3 (3 bids asked, 3 received)— Charles Barry, lowest .............................................. 166 00 Kipp Wagon Company ............................................. 212 00

Surgical Supplies, for Supply room, July 4 (1 bid asked)— George Ticntan ................................................... 45 00

Installing electric light clothes room, Bellevue hospital (3 bids asked, 3 received)—

Charles L. Eidlitz, lowest .......................................... 365 00 M. Schwicgcr .....................................................400 00

Pillows and mattresses. Bellevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 3 received)— John \Vananiaker, lowest ........................................... 62 58

J. L. Radermacher ..................... ................. 65 92 Fire hose, complete, steamer "\'4estfield" (1 bid asked)—

Edward J. Scully .................................................. 17 00


Pitchers and plates. Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked, 4 received)—Siegel-Cooper Company ........................................... John \\ anantaker .................................................

14 boxes lemons, Bellevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— Richard Webber .................................................. S. I. limiter......................................................

60 feather pillows, 1(t0 yards gingham, "\1'csttield" (4 bids asked, 2 re-ceived )—

John \Vananiaker (selected by Miss Goodrich) ...................... 11. Altman & Co...................................................

Barrel Kill Bug, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked. I received—Brown's Insecticide Company, per gallon ............................

2 oscillating fan motors, Bellevue Hospital (3 bids asked. 2 received)—Western Electric Company, $O each ............................... General Electric Company, $21 each ................................

Engineer's supplies, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked, 3 received)— John Simm ns (., mpany...... ..................................... \\ ells & Newton t '̀ tinpany .........................................

Fixing Tennis Court, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked, 3 received)— P. slay ........................................................... Thomas Flvnn (worked but one-half day) ..........................

Plumbing, steamer "\\esttield" (1 hid asked)— EdwardJ. Scully..................................................

Laundry supplies. Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked. 2 received )— if. Kohnstantm Company ........................................... T. J. Stanley................................................ .. ....

Harness hangers, stable, Gouverneur Hospital (2 bids asked. 2 received)— Colton Turner .................................................... J. H. Adamson.....................................................

1 16-drawer tiling cahinct. Fordham Hospital 14 bids asked, 2 reccived)— The Macev ( o mpany .............................................. . Library Bureau ...................................................

Repairs. I wheel stretcher, Bellevue Hospital (1 hid asked, makers) — Knv-Seheerer (. nipanv ...........I .............................

Incandescent lamps, ;(R), I1e1Icvuc ll pital 13 bids asked; 3 received (— United Electric Light and Poser Company, 13 cents ................ 11nd-.m Electric ,mipane .........................................

Electrical goods, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked : 2 received)—

Sil1ev & Pitman ................................................... Copper wire anal iron p, , ts, Bellevue Ii ospital (3 bids asked; I rcceivcd )—

Madi"on II tedware C,mpany ......................................... Ladders, cl thc< n m, 11e les tic Hospital t 3 bids asked ; 2 received )—

J. 11. .\dams,n .................................................... C. W. Klappert's S'ins ..............................................

Engineer's supp'Ie , Bellevue Hospital I I hid asked ; manufacturers I—Jcnkins Br titers .

Sheet inn work to kc done at Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked; 3 re-ceived I—

Glasgow lr%n \forks ...............................................

Repair . three liler~. IF„r lhani lI- ,,pital l3 bids askctl: 2 received I-- \lcl'.< & N tt C-mmpanc ........................................

(iilli & Ge ghcgan ................................................. 140,IUt l,. unds p-,ta es. lentns. oranges acd bananas, Harlem Iiuspi:al

4 hid, asked; 2 received )— Ricltarl Welber .................................................. S. E. limiter.......................................................

Two 24-inch rubber tired wheels, truck, . nil hithcatrc 12 b us asked; received I—

Hnipital Suppt.v Company.......................................... fin)-Schecrer G,nlpanc ...........................................

Two l~ed"tea~l. for D, ct--rs, Gouverneur hospital (3 bids asked; 2 ree-ccic: d

J hn \\anantaker ................................................. F. A. h all ........................................................

Canna( g--,,d-. Itellctuc Ili spital (4 bids aske~l; 3 received)— Austin Nichols & C................................................. Burt it & 1)avi. ....................................................

Felt fir mangle•, liellevue flu-pital 14 bids asked; I received I— J„hn T. Stan'cc ...................................................

Remake 72 hair pillow-. 12 hair mattresses, (it ,uverucur Hospital (3 bids asked : 2 received )—

Tohn I.. Radcrntacher, lowest ...................................... John \Vanamaker .................................................

New Potatoes, ranges, lemons. bat:anas, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked ; 2 received )—

M. O'Brien & Son, lowest ......................................... Richard Webber ..................................................

Elevator door hinges. Fordham Ilospital 1I Lid asked; manufacturers)— Otis Elevator Company ............................................

Repairs to ice machine, morgue. Bellevue lit spital (3 bids asked ; 3 re- ceived)—

\-ns: Ice Machine \Works, loves.. ................................... Glasgow Iron \1•,irks ..............................................

Brackets and toggle bolts, etc.. Har:eni Ho=pital (3 lids asked; 2 re-ceived )—

\\'hite, Van Glahn Cu~mpany ..... ................................. \ladi,on hardware Cnnipan .......................................

Safety gate,, fit elevator ( New Nurses' I1mtme) (I bid asked, emergeccy)— The Peelle Company .......................................

Surgical supplies, Bellevue hospital (3 bids asked; 2 rcceived)— Kny-Scheere•r Company, lowest ...................................... E. B. \Ievrotvitz ..................................................

Canned goods. Harlem hospital I3 bids asked: 3 received Austin Nichols & Co.. lowest........................................ John S. Sil:. & Sons..............................................

Lumber, red ash. l-Iarlent Hospital (4 bids asked; I received) — C. 1!. Rents,hn ....................................................

Painters' supplies. Harlem Hospital (5 bids asked; 3 received)— Harrison Brothers, lowest.......................................... T. C. Dunham ......................................................

Surgical instrunten:s, rcedlcs. probes, etc., Bellevue Hospital (1 bid asked)—

George Tiernan .................................................... Awnings, balcony, Harlem Hospital (I bid asked )—

George Vause ................................................... . Curtains and fixtures, Harlem Hospital (1 bid asked)—

GeorgeVause ...................................................... Linea;eum for kitchen, "Westfield" (5 bids asked; 1 received)—

Siegel-Cooper Company ............................................ Two refrigerators. Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked; 2 received)—

Monroe Refrigerator Company...................................... L. H. 'face & Co..................................................

One electrical fan (oscillating), Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked; 4 re-ceived )—

Sibley & Pitman................................................... Manhattan Electric Company........................................

Surgical instruments. Gouverneur Hospital (4 bids asked; 4 received)— J. E. Kennedy & Co-) .............................................. E. B. '.lieyrowitz ................................

Two electric fans. Fordham Hospital (4 bids asked; 3 received)— Manhattan Electric Company, $12.25 each.......................... Fletcher-Stanley Company, $13.50 each ..............................

Kitchen utensil , Fordham Hospital (3 bids asked; 2 received)-

9 85 John \Vanantaker ................................................ 17 19

10 56 Siegel-Cooper Company (one item missing) ......................... 17 06 Calmed goods, Fordham Hospital (4 bids asked; 4 received)-

80 50 F. H. Leggett & Co.; lowest ........................................ 56 (19

91 00 Austin Nichols & Co .............................................. 57 48 Repairs to oven stock pots, etc., Bellevue Hospital (1 bid asked; ntanufac-

tttrers) —

60 20 Duparquet, H not & Moneuse Company .............................. 46 00 W 00 Potatoes, 21l,011(1 pounds; ltimons, 2 boxes; Fordham Hospital (3 bids asked;

2 received)-

75 S. F. Hunter .............................................. ..... 4610 Richard \\'cbber ................................................... 52 50

40 ()() •I'wo barrels soft soap, Ilarlcm Hospital (3 bids asked ; I received)-

42 00 E. L. Pearsall, 8(X) pounds at 5 cents a pound ......................40 (10 I ose carriage :u:d nuzzles, Fordhain Ilospital (5 Itids asked; 2 received)-

23 (4 Eureka Fire Hose Nlanufacturing Company...........

27 53 Progress Equipment ('nntprnny ...................................... 107 W \trnittg and curtains, Fordhant Hospital (1 bid asked; I received) —

90 00 George Vause ................................. ....... 103 74 40 W :\wnirg frames over top balcony, Fordhant Hospital (1 bid asked ; 1 re-

ceived )-

10 (JO George Valise .................................................... 256 00 Engineer's supplie=, Harlem Hospital (5 bids asked; 2 received)—

Iohn Simmons (-nntpa fly, lowest .................................... 25 60 39 57

40 5 E Na son tIannfacttt ring Contpant• I part ;al bid) ...................... 8 25

ngineer's supplies, Fordhant 1lospital (4 bids asked; I received)— 40 W

Lincoln 'I'o a o1 ml Supply Cnntpant ................................. 1)1? all (Xl Ot:c dozen white duck coats, Dental Clinic, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids

48 asked; 3 received)—

35 75 Joseph \Weil ...... ................. ......... 18 (10 .... .................. John \\'anantakcr ................. ................................ 21 (M)

4a 25 Two pairs side lamp brackets, Fnr<lhant I lnspital Ambulance (3 Lids asked: 2 received)-

13 W Kipp \\'aeon Company ............................................... 11) (Xl Charles Barr% . .................................................... 13 (Xl

65 (I) Screens delivered and installed, •I-ownsend Cottage (4 bids asked; 3

81) Ot' received)— Porter Screen Manufacturing Company ............................ 21 (M)

32 68 C. \V. Klai,pert an l Snits .......................................... 37 (1) 33 82 100 pounds floor wax, I"nrdham ITospital (4 bids asked: 2 received)—

J. Falcon I)onovan ................................................ 17 75

12 93 T. ('. I)nnlrant ..................................................... 21 OO Ltmther. Ilellecne hospital (3 bids asked; 3 received)-

1511 (11) Charles 11. ) leinsnhn ..................................... . ......... 11) ;0

19,1 UI) Vi . P. Sungs & Brothers ........................................ 13 30

91 KU The Building Committee, to which had been referred the bill of Messrs. Parish & Schroeder for contmission. rec~mtmendc(l that the bill be paid, and, oil motion, duly

cnntIed and carried. this recommendation was approved.

25 (t( I 1 • lte Building Committee, to which had been referral the application of 'Mr. Louis 3~) )Y1 C. Frees for an increase in salary. recnmmemled that Mr. Frees' salary he increased

to $24110, provided the rules of the Civil Service Bard permit such increase, and that 135 IN) there are available funds front which to pat- such increase.

159 W The Committees of the Month and the Committee oil Offices and Employees rc- purted tltat they had c.antineil the list of changes in the help, and, nn motion, duly

4 ~ t- -cc'mdet! aml carried, the following changes in the help were, upon the reel minenda- ti1~n if the Committees, approved by the Board of Trustees:

52 U4 App('intntcills, Gouverneur IIna tit al.

Mar 1. 19119—Herman Schultze, Hospital Helper, $24O; vice Pete Bide. $2411,

111 ((II 11a, 1, 19119—\1- illiatn I Iuilson, I(ospital Helper. $24)1; vice Ilcrman Ililnter. $244).

11 _)) \lac 1. 1P)19—Jahn Kinrtev, 111)gpital helper. $1811: rice \lane l(rah~,nrv, $181). \lac 1. 19(M)—•I-ltmas \1'ilson, Hospital helper, $Mull; printed fnmm $3(d), Mar (. l901)—.\clam lialtcrsnn, hospital Ilclper. $24)); vice William Rehn. $244).

13 ((I \l: 6. 191)9—John McC llnugh, Engineer, $4.5(( a day; vice Eugene Beaein, $4.5).

17 01) 'lac 17. 19419—Roland Mac(iowan, II spital Clerk ) tentpitrary (, $011); vice Daniel O'Rcard, n. $300.

2181 (i0 \lay 17. 19((9—Mamie McCartlty. ITo:pital Helper, $1811; vice Rosic Regler, $181).

21 11 Mar 17. 1909—James Dnnnhuc. Hospital Helper, $240; %ice Franz Ititto, $240. \lac 21, 1909—Patrick Cullen, Hospital Helper. $4,80; additional (coal passer).

158 13 slay 23, 1909—Mary Taylor, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Ellen Ford, $180.

Dismissals. Resignations, etc April 30—Pete Bitto. hospital Helper, $240; illness. April 30—iherntan IIilmer, Hospital helper, $_2411; resigned. April 30—Fntma Po<t, Waitress. $216: illness. April 30—\\'illiani Rehn, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 6—Eugene Beagin, Engineer, $4.50 a day.

Transferred to Department of Public Charities. May 10—Daniel O'Rcardon. Hospital Helper. $360; resigned. May 16—Rnsie Regler. 1lospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 16—Carl Lemke, hospital Helper, $244); resigned. Max' 16- -Frank Bitto, Hospital helper, $2411; resigned. May 21—William Keating, Hospital Helper. $240; intoxication. May 21—Ellen Ford, Hospital Ihelper, $180; unsatisfactory.

Appointments, Harlem Hospital. April 22, 1919—Carrie Davis, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; vice Edith Sigafoore,

April 23. 191)9—Clara 'Newington, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; additional. April 24. 191$9—Jennie Tiernan, Hospital Helper, $11); vice Margaret O'Neill,

$180. April 24, 19,19—Nara Biyhee. Post-Graduate Nurse. $360; additional. April 25, 1909—James Dowdcll, Hospital Helper. $240; vice John Adapts, $240. April 2/`, 199—Carrie Davis, "Trained Nurse, $6110; promoted from Post-Graduate

Nurse at $300; vice Jean Hert cy, $600. April 28, 1909—Elizabeth Collins, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; vice Carrie Davis,

$300, promoted. April 29, 1909—)Tannah Courtney, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Harriet Reynolds,

$180. May 1. 1909—Julius Freeman. Hospital Helper, $240; vice Robert Beaty, $240, May 1, 1909—Charles Canfield, Hospital Helper, $240; vice William H. Jackson,

$240. May 1, 1909—William Howard, Hospital Helper, $240; vice William Hamilton,

$240. May 1, 1909—Mathew Martin, Hospital Helper, $600; vice Oscar Steitz, $600. May 1, 1909—Edna Towle, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; vice Charlotte Alexander,

$300. promoted. May 1, 1909—Charlotte Alexander, Trained Nurse, $600; promoted from Head

Pupil Nurse at $31X); vice Adelaide Thomas, $600. May 1, 1909—Agnes Morgan, Hospital Helper, $240; additional. May 5, 1909—Maurice Dougherty, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Thomas Gough,

$240. May 6, 1909—George Montgomery, Hospital Helper, $240; vice James Scott, $240. May 8, 1909—William Pixton, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Henry Hull, $240, pro-

moted. May 8. 1909—Henry Hull, Hospital Helper (Mechanic), $480; promoted from

Helper at $240 (additional). May 11, 1909—Thomas Shanley, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Maurice Dougherty,

$240. May 12, 1909—Maurice Ordmann, Apothecary, $750; vice John G. Brennan. $750. May 12, 1909—Charles Bock, Hospital Helper, $600; vice William Stumps. $600. May 13, 1909—Annie O'Connor, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Alice Harris, $240.

18 52 74 76

79 6(1 83 4! )

3n (N)

221 (N) 251) II)

12 37 14 93

67 50

36 85 41) (N)

47 55 51 79

39 00

53 51 55 25

24 tsb

194 50


11 58

214 (Xl 250 (X)

15 73 17 W

26 85 3080

24 50 2700


$ May 15, 1909—Margaret Ryan, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Margaret Connors,

180. May 15, 1909—Arthur MacDonald, 1-Iospital Helper, $240; vice Robert O'Reilly,

$240. May 16, 1909—Theresa Gunning, Pupil Nurse, $95; vice Mary Sheffield, $96. May 16, 1909—Emma Gibbons, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Pearl Arbing, $96.

240May 17, 1909—Gunnar Rasmussen, Hospital Helper, $240; vice James Dowdell,

$. May 17, 1909—Kate Currie, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Sadie Murphy, $180. May 17, 1909—Frederick Troll, Hospital helper, $3111); additional. May 18, 1909—Isabel Clark, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; transferred from Bellevue

Hospital; vice Johanna Jensen, $300. May 18, 1909—Annie Flowartson, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Anne Jesse, $180. May 20, 1909---Andrew Il:utn, 1-lospital helper, $240; vice William llowar.l, $240. May 21, 1909—Edward Daly, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Robert Mitchell, $2441.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. April 23—Margaret O'Neill, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. April 24—John Adapts, Hospital helper, $240; resigned. April 26—Jean Hervey, Trained Nurse, $600; resigned. April 28—Harriet Reynolds, hospital Helper, $180; resigned. April 30—Robert Beaty, llospital helper, $240; resigned. April 30—William H. Jackson, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. April 30—William IIamilton, hospital helper, $240; resigned. April 30—Oscar Steitz, Hospital helper, $6110; resigned. April 30—Adelaide Thomas, Trained Nurse, $6(1); resigned. May 4—Thomas Gough, Hospital Ilelper, $240; resigned. May 5-1argaret Reilly, Trained Nurse, $6(X); resigned. May 5—James Scott, hospital Helper, $24(1; resigned. May 10—Maurice Dougherty, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 10—Johanna Jensen, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; resigned. May 11—John G. Brennan, Apothecary, $750; absence. May 12—Alice Harris, Hospital llelper, $240; resigned. May 14—Margaret Connors, hospital helper, $180; resigned. May 14—Robert O'Reilly, Hospital I lelper, $240; resigned. May 15—Mary Sheffield, Pupil Nurse, $96; finished course. Nay 15—Pearl Arbing, Pupil Nurse, $96; tini~hed course. May 15—James Dowdell, Hospital l helper, $241); resigtte,l. May 16—Sadie Murphy, hospital helper, $181); resigned. May 16—Anne Jesse, 1lospitai Ilelper, $18)); resigned. May 19—William Iloward, hospital IIelper, $2.1O; resigned. May 20--Robert Mitchell, I lospital I lclper, $2249; resigned. May 27—Gertrude Giles, Post-Graduate Nurse, $311); resigned.

Appointment (.onverncur hospital. June 1, 1909—1 rcderick Smith, 11 spital helper, $240; vice John Ilenckc, $240. Juste 1, 1909—Nellie Sullivan, (ook, $192; vice (;ussie l lenckc, $192. June 1, 191)9—\\'illiant ltevans, I Iuspital l ie)per. $244); vice James Dunuhuc, $240. June 1, 190)—Eva Iluniphrcv, Trained Ntu•<c, $6IX); vice Jane Ruvcroft, $611). June 1, 19(Y)—Alexander K.u-clla, hospital Helper, $240; vice Carl Lemke, $240. June 1, l9(19—John Kinnc , hospital helper, $244), promoted from $180; vice \Vill-

iatn Keating, $241). June 1, 19(9—Katie Connelly, AVaitress, $216, promoted from ]helper, at $180; vice

Emma Post, $216. June 3, 19I)9—Ilarry O'Neill, Driver, $61X); additional (for vacations). June 12, 19(r)—Jent•.ie Taylor, Hospital 1lelper, $140; vice John Kinney, $180, pro-

ntoted. June 15. 19I )—\Mary Dillenherg. hospital ii ]per, $140; vice Jennie Taykor, $180. June 17, l9) )—Thomas Ktnur, Il;pital I Icll,cr. $241); vice )'red Meyer:, $240. June 23, 1909—\Mary Shan Ilex, lluspital I felper, $180; vice Katie Connell}-, $1811,

promoted. 1lismissals, Resignations, etc.

I\fav 31—J hit Henske, I I--,pital helper, $240; resigned. May 31—Gussic Ilencke, Gook, $192; resigned. May 31—James Donuhne, I Iospital I ielper• $240; resigned. May 31—Jane Roycroft, Trained Nurse, $64X1; reigned. June 13—Fred Meyers, hospital helper, $244): iii xnhortlinatinii. June 13—Jennie I aylur, I hospital I helper, $184); resigned.

Appointments, Fortlliam Hospital. April 25, I(9—:hippie Rantcler, Ilospital IIelper, $180; vice Mamie \Whalen, $181). April 28, 191)`3—:Vice McKay, Post-Graduate Nurse, $304); vice Sara Little, $300. May 1, 1909—Margaret Wellington, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Laura Pears, $95. May 1, 1909—Jane Linton, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice \laud Taylor, $96. May 1. 1909—Joseph Goodman, hospital helper, $2441; vice l:Iward Bast, $240. May 1, 1909—Frances Detwciler, Supervising Nurse, $1,2(1(1; title changed from

Assistant Superintendent Training School ; vice Carrie Gray. May 1, 1909—Ida Marsters, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Margaret Costello, $300. May 2, 1909—Katie Reed, Hospital helper, $180; vice Alice Ashenden, $180. May 2, 1909—Mary Bolger, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Sadie llaggerty, $180. May 3, 1909—Sam Armstrong, Hospital helper, $240; vice John Ilul hen, $240. May 6, 1909—Frank Karpels, Hospital Ilelper, $240; vice Joseph Goodman, $2411. May 7, 1909—Johns 1"avre, Hospital Helper, $61X); vice August J. Sinn, $600. May 8. 1909—Peter i:raeles, Hospital Helper, $240; vice George Stevens, $240. May 10, 1909—Katie Sullivan, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Catherine McManus,

$180. May 10, 1909—MMini;ie Stoliker, Cook, $360; vice Lucy Parker, $360. May 12, 1909—Mary Otto, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Kate Doyle, $180. May 15, 1909—Elko Powers, hospital Helper, $181); vice Katie Sullivan, $180. May 19, 1909—Alfred Fowler, Ilospital Helper, $300, promoted from $240; vice

Michael Martin, $300. May 19, 1909—James Ilaggerty, ]hospital ]helper, $240; vice Alfred Fowler, $240,

promoted. May 20, 1909—Katherine Hughes, Cook, $360; vice Minnie Stoliker, $360. May 22, 1909—William Cunningham, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Raymond Wesely,

$240. May 22, 1909—Minnie Stoliker, Cook, $360: vice Katherine Hughes, $360. May 26, 1909—Florence Monroe, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Lowe, $180. May 26, 1909—Fred Waite, Hospital Helper, $244); vice Patrick Doyle, $240. May 28, 1909—Joseph Hausler, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Herman Glaubatz,

$240. May 29, 1909—Mary Gay, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Ellen Powers, $180. May 29, 1909—Kate Brady, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Otto, $180. May 29, 1909—Martin Collins, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Sam Armstrong, $240. May 30, 1909—Catherine Campbell, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; resumed duty. May 30, 1909—Edward Clark, Hospital 1-Ielper, $240; vice Edward Powers, $240. May 31, 1909—James Collins, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Matthew King, $240.

Increases in Salary. May 1, 1909—John Amatrano, Hospital Helper, front $240 to $360. May 1, 1909—Carl Hanson, Hospital I-helper, front $420 to $480.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. April 24—Mamie Whalen, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. April 30—Laura Pears, Pupil Nurse, $96: finished course. April 30—Maud Taylor, Pupil Nurse, $96; finished course. April 30—Erma Doughty, Post-Graduate Nurse, $300; illness. April 30—Alice Ashenden, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. April 30—John holden, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. April 30—Edward Bast, Hospital Helper, $240: resigned. April 30—Sadie Haggerty, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 4—Joseph Goodman, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 6—August J. Sinn, hospital Helper, $600; resigned.

May 7—George Stevens, Hospital Helper, $24O; resigned. play 8—Catherine Cantpl,ell, I'ust -( ra~luate Nurse, $3(N); leave of absence. May 9— .\lice McKay, fort-(iraduate Nurse, $311); leave of absence. \lav 9—Catherine 11c11anus, Hospital helper, $181); resigned. \rac 9—Lucy Parker, Cook, $36)); resigned. Mae 9—Charli•s Walters, hospital Helper, $2440: resigned. Mae 11—Kate Uorle. Ilo.spital helper. $18(4; resigned. May 12—Katie Sullivan, Hospital Helper, $18)1: resigned. XIay l6--Michael Martin, hospital Ihell,•r, $304); absence. May 17—\lary Lowe, Il„spital llcll>er, $181): absence. Mar 19 Minnie Stoliker, Cook, $300; resigned. May 21—Raymund \'i escly, hospital Helper, $240: unsatisfactory. May 21—IKathcrinr Ilughe•s, Cook. $364); unsatisfactorv. May 25--Patrick l)orle. hospital helper, $2411; r,•sign,•d. May 25—I':ntnet Kchrig, fast-(;ra lttatc Nurse, $31X); linishcd course. flay 27—I'llea O'Brien, hospital helper, $1811; resigned. Mar 27-1:11vn 1trcrs, Hospital Helper, $1,41; resigned. Mar 27—Ilcnnan (.laul,atz. hospital Ilelper, 241); resigned, Mar 28—Mary (ltto, hospital helper, $180; resigned. \Lav 28—Edtvaril Powers, Hospital Helper, $24)); resigned. \lay 28--S:n .\rnistrung, Hospital Ilelper, $24)); unsatisfactory. \lav 29--Martin Collins, Hospital Ilelper, $2.31); resigned. Ala) 311--\lattliew Ding, Ilosl,ital helper. $241); resigned. Ma y 31—Kate Brady, Hospital helper. $1811; resigned. Vay 31--Mary \le(iarry, I.aun,lress, $244); resigned.

.Appintinents, 10 rilhant hospital. Junc 1, 19(1)—h Irene.' Biddle, Ilead Pupil Nurse, $3110; vice Catherine \\'. Berry.

$3114. June I. 19(9--:lnnir l;ishup, "rraiiicd Nurse, $610; t,runwte l front Head Pupil

Nurse, at $31!)), a~l~litional ( for vacation I. June 1, 19J81—hilauchc Swan, Trained Nurse, $615): additional (for vacations). June 1, 19119—Michael Nial,me, Or~lcrlr, $24(1: vice Martin Collins, $24)). June 1, ]'AM)—\I; rc Knight, Laun,lress, $24)): tier Mary \IcGarrv. $240. June 2, 19($)—:hypes \lurrar, II sl.ital helper, $1,41; vice \linnit IL,ntcler, $181). June 3, 11)(x)--1•:nen (':tll:tlhan, Ck, $311): vice \Ii,mmiic Sty lik,•r, $30)). June 3, 191)9--Jennie ketl,lick, Iheal Pupil Nurse, $3(N); vice lapis U„ughty, $311). June 5, 1969—Mary \ - ')tiny;, I sl,ital helper, $181): vice Ellen I)'llricn, 5181). June 6, 191)9—.\,la .\Itertn, l lust ital l IcIper, $18)): vice Mae Mack, $1811. June 9, 1OI1)--.\lice \Irka), IIc-ul Pupil Nurse, 5315); resuntc'I dtIte. June 13, 1')110--.\lexan,ler Allen, I)r~lerle, $24)): \ice Michael Malone, $2.I4). June 13, l91N)---\pale lisp, IIspital Ilelper, $18)): \ice Date ]trade, $1,11. June 18, l9)9—.\nnic'Murray, ]Hospital Ilciter, $1844: vice Man- ]lamer. $180. lone 18. 19119-1•:lizalteth Cr,ucs, lT„spital helper. $1811: vice Mare 'noting. $l$I). June 18, 19(Y)—:\,tnic Kerns, Iluspital Help •r, $1.(I: vice Katie l'iee,l, $181). June 18, 11919—Mir an J„hnson, Ilusl,ital Ifell,er, $24)); vice James Schrugsl,ire,

Tune 20, 19(9— ( harks I\(illc, II spital Ilclper. $244): vice James Collins, $240. June 21, 1"I$)-.-.).lacy I)uffe, Hns),ital Ilclper, $18)): vice -Annie kcan, $181). June 23, 191$) - ('larks \\alters, I1,-spital Ilelper I Mechanic, $2444; reappointed. June 24, 190)-..I.izzir T:ts;gart, Laundress, 5216; vice Gertrude Terpenning, $216. June 24, 1918)--I%sther 7-a c1 r, l.aun,, $244); vice Mare I: night, $244).

Dismissals, l.csignatiuus, etc. June 1—Minnie kanteler, Hospital helper, $18)); resigned. June 2-1l ionic Stoliker, Couk. $3011: resigned. June 5—Mae Mack, hospital helper, $1811; resigned. June 11—\lichae•I Nlalnnc, Or,lerl , 52.1)): nrgliuence. June 14--Fhtalu•th C. .\very, Tran cal .\arse, 5111; resigned. Jane 14—Catherine Marine, Trained \urse. $445): resigned. June 16—Mare li„lacr, 11sl,ital IIeIper, $1t')); resigned. June 17--Mare 1 ,nng• I l.,spital IlKll,cr. 51811: resigned. June 17—Katie Neil, II.,spitul IIdper, 181); resigned. June 17—James Schrogshire, I )n ht rly, $24)): resigned. lime lM—.\nnic I:tan. Hospital 11.1)er, ;18(1; resignr,l. June 19--James l ,Alias, ll.,sl,ital Helper, $2.341; resigned. June 21—Gertrn~Ie 'I'erpentiing, I.aun,lress, $216: resigned. June 22—\h are Knight. I.annlnss. $24)); resigne 1. June 24---:\nnie Murray, I r,spital hell er, $180; resigned.

Appointments, Ifarlem Hospital. June 1, 1919—Sarah Ilaule}•, heal Pupil Nurse, $3110; vice Isabel Clark, $314). June 1, 1909—John Laug:ut, Hospital ]helper, $240; vice Charles Canfield, $240. June 1, 1909—Henry Spring, Huspital Helper, $240; vice \\ alter Lawsuit, $244),

promoted. Jttne 1, 1909—\\•alter Lawson, Hospital Ilelper, $300; promoted from $240, vice

George Lowther, $300. June 1, 1909—hose Shentield, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Erhardt, $180. Juste 1, 1909—Edward kasch, Laudrentan, $24(1; vice \lax Krauss, $240. June 1, 196)—Matthew Gross, Laundryman, $600; vice Matthew Martin, $610. June 1, 1909—\Villiam (ike, Hospital Helper, $241); vice Herman Fast, $240. June 1, 19(19—William Bcarntan, 1hospital llelpc•r, $241); vice Julius Freeman, $240. June 1, 1909—Julia Schoentneld, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Matilda Pennenga,

$240. June 1, 1909—Catherine IIillman, Hospital Helper, $180; title changed from Cook,

vice Agnes Zimmer, $180, transferred. June 1, 19(19, Agnes Zimmer, Cook, $180; title changed from hospital Helper,

vice Catherine Hillman, $180, transferred. June 2, 1909—Rose Henry, Hospital Helper, 5180; vice Annie Huwartson, $180. June 2, 1909—Frayne Norton, Hospital Helper, $240; vice .\rtltur MacDonald,

$240. June 3, 1909—Lillian Boyer, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Gertrude Giles, $300. June 4, 1909—James Catirey, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Gunnar Rasmussen,

$240. June 4, 1909—Theodore Blunk, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Edward Daly, $240. June 4, 1909—Jennie Cole, Hospital Helper, $IRO; vice Dora Gray, $180. June 4, 1909—Joseph Julio, Hospital Helper, ,420; vice Ldward O'Connor, $420. June 11, 1909—Mary Fair, Laundress, $1811; vice Kate Currie, $180. June 12, 1909—Gertrude Joyce, Hospital Helper, $114O; vice Rose Henry, $180. June 12, 1909—George \1•allon, Hospital Helper, $2411; vice Andrew Haun, $240. June 14, 1909—Mary Bracken, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Agnes Morgan, $240. June 15, 1909—Carolyn ]Williamson, Pupil Nurse, $9O; additional. June 17, 1909—Harry Lynch, Hospital Helper, $240; vice George Montgomery,

$240. $240 June 19, 1909--James Dowdell, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Frayne Norton,

June 19, 1909—Fred Gronenmeyer, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Felix McKen-ney, $240.

June 21, 1909—Anna Boyle, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Bridget Kenny, $240. June 21, 1909—Harry Lee, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Harry Scherry, $240. June 21, 1909—Margaret Rigney, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Margaret Reilly,

June 22, 1909—Frank Perry, Hospital Helper, $240; vice James Carlon, $240. June 22, 1909—Mary Egan, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Pearl Brown, $300. June 22, 1909—Alice Stenholm, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; additional, June 24, 1909—Nora Leahy, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Julia Schoenfield, $240.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. May 31—Isabel Clark, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; resigned. May 31—Charles Canfield, Hospital Helper, $240; incompetence. May 31—George Lowther, Hospital Helper, $300; resigned. May 31—Mary Erhardt, Hospital Helper. $180; resigned. May 31—Max Krauss, Laundryman, $240; resigned. May 31—Matthew Martin, Laundryman, $600; resigned. May 31—Herman Fast, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned.


May 31—Julius Freeman, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 31—Matilda Pennenga, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. \lay 31—Annie Hotvartson, Hospital Helper, $180: resigned. May 31—Arthur MacDonald, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. June 1—Gunnar Rasmussen, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. June 2—Edward Daly, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. June 3—Dora Gray, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. June 3—Edward O'Connor, Hospital Helper, $420; absence. June 9—Rose Henry, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. Jttne 10—Kate Currie, Laundress, $18); resigned. June 10—Charlotte :\lexander, Trained Nurse, $600; resigned. June 11—Andrew Hattn, Hospital Helper. $240; resigned. June 12—.\gases Morgan. Hospital Helper, $240: incompetence. June 1(i—George Montgomery, Ilospital Helper. $241): intoxication. June 16—Frayne Norton. Hospital Helper, $2411: resigned. June 18—Felix McKennev, Hospital Helper. $240: resigned. June 20—Bridget Kenny. Hospital Helper, $241): resigned. June 20—Harry Scherry. Hospital Helper, $240: resigned. June 21—James Carlon. Hospital Helper, $240: resigned. June 21—Pearl Brown. Head Pupil Nurse. $3411): resigned. June 23—Julia Schoenfeld, Hospital Helper, $240: resigned.

Appoin;mcnts. Rellevue Hospital, Week Ending .\pril 24, 1909. April 18, 1909—Prank Richmond, Hospital Helper. $240; vice John 'McWhirter,

$240. April 18. 1909—Margaret Laden, Hospital Helper, $180; additional (Nurses' resi-

dence 1. April 19. 1909—\\'illiant McElroy, Hospital helper. $240: returned to duty. April 19. 1900—Saralt berry '1 rained -Nurse. $6(X); additional (new Training

School). April 19. 19t)°—Mary Halpin, Hospital Helper. $141: reappointed. April IQ. 19K)—Catherine Herbert. Ilospital Helper. $18I); vice Mary Kratt, $180. April 19. 1t5-- MichaelCarden, Hospital helper, $240; vice Anthony Seratules.

$240. April 19. 19cM)—Mary Kenny, Searustrc•ss, $240: additional (new Nurses' resi-

(lence ). April 19. 19;)9—Lila Day. Pupil Nurse, $90; vice Grace McNally. $96. .\pril 29. 1u09--Lloyd Johnsen. Trained Nur-c. $6111) ; rice John Costello, $600. April 2(1. 1'11)9—Margaret Lynch, Trained Nurse, $6111); vice Nicholas Romano,

$600. April 0, 19 99—Ellen Sullivan. Cook. $300; Nice Mary Pagan, $300. April 211, 1'A 19—\Lrry \lurraY. No. 2, Laundress. $24(1; vice Delia Kelly, $240. April 11. 19111—lames 1'. Dugan, Clerk. $4811: vice Francis Haherstroh. $481). April 21, 111119—Mary Daniel, Hoosp ta! helper. $2441: vice Kate Arnev. $241). April 21, 101"—\Mary O'C, nn r. II spital Helper. $181); vice Lizzie \lcGuff. $180. April 21. 19iK)--liriclgc; Burns. Hospital Helper, $1811; vice Johanna Ambrose.

$18(). April 21. l K)—Sarah Kane. Hospital Ifelper, $1841; vice Clara Markey, $180. April 21. 1c K)—Edith Van Horn. Pupil Nurse. $99; re;unted duty. April 22. P111)—Kate Burn:, Hospital helper. $181); vice Margaret ' Monahan,

$180. April 22. 19(19—Ellen Stuart. Hospital Helper. $Mill; vice Annie Sullivan, $180. April 22. iurt J, hauna Ambrose, hospital Helper. $180; vice Margaret Clayton,

$18(). April 23. H))0--1 h,mta.s Shepard. hospital Helper• $240; resumed duty, .-\pril 23. 1999-.-Susan Lowman. Hospital Helper. $181); %ice \lart• Mack, $180. April 23 1—Maggie Clctmons, He spital IIelper. $18)); Nice Annie Martin, $180. _\pri' 23. 1'4$t—]t era Klingel, Hospital Helper, $36); additional (new 'Training

School I April 23. 19,0—I•Jizabeth Ilantilton, Trained Nurse. $611); Nice Nellie Fitzsimmons,

$.00. April 24, 1909—Margaret Claytem, II- spital helper, $180; vice Agnes Patterson,

$189. April 24. 19(19—Mary Kennedy. Hospital helper, $180; vice Mary Uppstrand, $240.

I) niE,a1 , Re<ignati ms. etc. April 1S—\fare Kratt, Hospital Helper. $180; re<igncd. .\pril ]S—Anth nv Scrattiles, Ilo-pital helper. $244); in<ubordination. April 18~Clara \larked•, 11 pital 1lclper, $180; re<igrned. April 19—Niche la: R-,mano, Trained Nurse. $0)43; reigned. April 19—Mary Fagan. Cook. $3(0; resigned. April 20—Ether McLarney. Il pital helper, $180; intoxication. April 20—Johanna Ambrose, 1lo~pital Helper, $190; absence. April 20—Thomas Shepard. Hospital helper. $230; illness. April 20—Annie Sullivan, hospital Yelper, $180; resigned. April 21—Margaret Claytrn. hospital Ilelper, $1811; resigned. April 21—Annie Martin. H,,:pital Helper. $180: resigned. April 21—Mary Uppstrand. hospital helper. $240; rc>igned. April 22—Mary Mack. Hospital Helper. $18(); incapable. April 22—Agnes Patterson, Hospital Helper. $180; resigned. April 23—Katie Griffith, hospital Helper, $180: absence. April 24—John O'Borne, Pupil Nurse. $120: illness. April 24—Herbert Jamison. Trained Nurse. $641): resigned. April 24—:\gne. Thomas. Head Pupil Nurse. $300; illness. March 6—Mary Pendergast, Pupil Nurse, $96 : dismissed. March 19—\Villiam Schirmer, Pupil Nurse, $120; resigned.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week Ending Max' 1, 1909. April 27, 1909—Ruth Pentland, Trained Nurse, $6(10; vice Mary Foley, $601). April 27, 1999—Catherine Mack, Hospi-al helper, $181); vice Sarah Breslin, $180. April 28, 19119—llenrietta Kelly. Hospital Helper, $18); vice Kate Holligan, $180. April 28, 1909—Mary Brady, No. 1, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Katie Griffith,

$180. April 29, 1909—Sue Knelly, Pupil Nurse, $96; resumed duty. May 1, 1909—Annie Grant. Hospital Helper, $180; vice Rose Lynch, $180. May 1, 1909—Rose Jackson, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Mary Pendergast, $96. May 1, 1909—Dynagh Dolan, Pupil Nurse. $96; vice Teresa Davis. $96. May 1, 1909—'nary Kiernen, Laundress, $240; additional (new Training School). May I, 1909—Kate Lamb, Laundress, $240; additional (new Training School). May 1, 1909—Margaret McGowan, Laundress, $216; additional (new Training

School) . May 1, 1909—Lizzie McGuff, Laundress, $180; additional (new Training School). May 1, 1909—Margaret Jordan, Laundress, $216; additional (new Training

School). May 1, 190Elmar Savander, Cook, $720; additional (new Training School). May 1, 1909—Gretta McMahon, Hospital Helper, $240; additional (new Training

School ). May 1, 1909—Stephen Gallagher, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Nelson Gerard, $600.

~iay 1, 1909—Eva Bickford, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Harriet Daugherty, $300, promoted.

May 1, 1909—Anna Lassen, Waitress, $240; vice Josephine Kernan, $240. blay 1. 1909—Mary Ward. Hospital Helper, $180; vice Ida Smith, $180. May 1. 1909—Lawrence Ryan. Hospital Helper, $240; vice Julius Henggi, $240. May 1, 1909—Helen Drumm, Hospital Helper, $180; additional ("Southfield").

Increase in Salary.

May 1, 1909—William Ward, No. 2, Hospital Helper, from $240 to $300.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. April 25—Margaret Woolhopter, Trained Nurse, $600; illness. April 26—Sarah Breslin, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. April 26—Ida Smith, Hospital Helper, $180; intoxication. April 27—Kate Holligan, Hospital Helper, $180; insubordination. April 28--Mary Kearnen, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. April 30—Carroll B. Kelley, Pupil Nurse, $120; resigned.

April 30—Amos Stone, Pupil Nurse, $120; resigned, April 30---William McLaughlin, Hospital Helper, $240; position abolished. April 30—Steven 11. Gallagher, Pupil Nurse, $120; finished course. April 30—Mary Rembach, Hospital Helper, $180; position abolished. April 30•—Katherine Kenealy, Hospital Helper, $180; position abolished. April 30—Rose Lynch, I-Iospital Helper, $180; incompetence. April 30—Mary McGarry, Ho3pital Helper, $180; resigned. April 30—Teresa McKimmcy, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; resigned. April 30—Martha Scott, Trained Nurse, $720; leave of absence. April 30—Henrietta Kelly, Hospital Helper, $180; absence. April 30—Josephine Kernan, Hospital He!por, $240; resigned. April 30—Lillie Kernan, Hospital 1helper, $1.80; unsatisfactory. April 30—Teresa Hodge, Hospital Helper, $180; unsatisfactory. April 30—Max Seidman, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. April 30—Julius Herigg, Hospital Helper, $2411; resigned. April 30—Margaret Downing, Pupil Nurse, $96; finished course. May 1—James Lynch, Hospital Helper, $240; intoxication. May 1—Susan Cummings, Hospital Helper, $216; incompetence. May I—Edward Stark, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week Ending May 8, 1909. May 2, 1909—Theresa Broderick, hospital Helper, $240; vice Susan Cummings,

$215. May 2, 1909—Edith Erickson, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Teresa McKimmey,

$3W. May 2, 1909—Elizabeth Kenny, Head Pupil Nurse, $3Q0; vice Agnes Thomas, $300. May 2, 1909—Evelyn Walker, ]lead Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. \Iay 2, 1909—Ethel Adams, Head Pupil Nurse, 300; additional. May 2, 1909—Mlarguerita Christman, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. May 2, 1909—henry- Reilil, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Edward Stark, $240. May 3, 1909—Jane Thompson, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Henrietta Kelly, $180.

240flay 3, 1909—William McLaughlin, hospital Helper, $240; vice George Alvert'-, $.

May 3, 1909—Anne Mahoney, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Lillie Kernan, $180. May 3, 1909—Mary Malone, Hospital helper, $180; vice Teresa Bodge, $180. May 3, 1909—I-carry Roche, hospital Helper, $234); vice Max Seidman, $244). May 3, 1909--Mary Murtha, Lattnclress, $!W); vice Mary Kearnen, $180. May 3, 1909—Elizabeth Devennie, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Elizabeth Hamilton,

May 4, 1909—Pauline Katz, Ile spital Helper, $180; vice Mary McGarry, $180. May 4, 1909—Armand L'uttthillier, Hospital Ilelper, $240; vice James Lynch, $240. May 4, 1909—Kate Kenny, 11uspiial helper, $181U; vice Annie Grant, $180. May 4, 1909—John Terry, Hospital Helper, $240; vice George Kane, $240. May 4, 1909—Cora Stuart, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Ella Moore, $96. May 4, 19O9—Mary Capron, head Pupil Nurse, $300; resumed duty. May 4, 1909—Elizabeth Breslin, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Margaret Hobbs, $240. May 4, 1909—Margaret Doyle, hospital helper, $180; additional (new Training

School). May 4, 1909—Mary Grippen, Ilospital Helper, $180; additional (new Training

School). May 4, 1909—Mary Murray, No. 3, Hospital Helper, $180; additional (new Train-

ing School). May 5, 1909—Miles McMIorrow, Hospital helper, $240; %ice William Maloney, $240. May 6, 1909—Nellie Biggins, Hospital helper, $180; vice Katherine (.oncela, $180. May 6, 1909—Edward Adams, Hospital I-ielper, $240; vice Leo Pellerin, $240. May 1, 1909—Ruth Clark, Trained Nurse, $721); additional (Southfield). May 6, 1909—Johanna Christenson, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. May 6, 19119—Annie Gaffney, hospital Helper, $180; additional (new Training

School). May 7, 1909—Mary Kelly, No. 1, Waitress, $2(*1; vice Helen Anderson, $264. May 7, 1909—William Keane, Hospital Ilclper, $244); vice James Moorhan, $240. May 7, 19(19—William Iteckley, hospital 1Iell~er, $24l); vice Albert Scully, $240. May 7, 1909—\\'infield Croft, Pupil Nurse, $120; vice George Moll, $120. May i, 1909—John McLaughlin, hospital I Riper, $240; vice Edward Ashley, $240. May 7, 1909—Edith Ilanson, 1 lead Pupil Nurse, $AX); reappointed. May 8, 1909—henry Dixon, Hospital 1-helper, $240; vice Albert Cole, $240. May 8, 1909—\Villiant Jordan, Hospital Helper, $240; vice George Bernklen, $240. May 6, 1909—John Kenny, No. 2, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Frank Clendening,

$240. May 8, 1909—Nellie Fogarty, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Catherine Mack, $180. 2e1;ry 8, 1909—George Kan_, Hospital helper, $24O; vice John McDermott, $3(4). May 8, 1909—John Martin, No. 2, Hospital helper, $240; vice Joseph Osterberg,

240. May 8, 1909—Peter J. Mulvany, Hospital Helper. $240; vice Harry Mertz, $240. :\lay 8, 194)9—John Leonard, Hospital helper, $240; vice John Mulkern, $240. May 8, 1909—Nellie Filan, Hospital Yelper, $180; vice Josephine Nelson, $180. May 8. 1909—Donald Thomas, Hospital Helper, $244I: additional (Special orderly). May 8. 19(19—Thomas McDonald, Hospital Helper (Laundryinan), $240; vice

James Mooney, $240. May 8, 19(19—Eugene Kiernan, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Christy Baldwin, $240. May 8, 1909---John Kelley, hospital Helper, $240; vice Martin Callahan, $240. May 8, 1909—William Burns, Hospital Helper, $240; additional (new Training


Dismissals, Resignations, etc. May 2—Annie Grant, Hospital Helper, $180: incompetence. May 2—Winifried Noon, Trained Nurse, $720; resigned. May 2—George Al'erti, Hospital Helper, $240; unsatisfactory. May 2—Helen Anderson, Waitress, $264; resigned. May 2—Edith Hanson, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; absence. May 3—George Kane, Hospital Helper, $240; unsatisfactory. May 3—Ella Moore, Pupil Nurse, $96; finished course. May 4—Katherine Goncella, Hospital Helper, $180; absence. May 4—William Maloney, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 4—Elizabeth Devennie, Trained Nurse, $600; resigned. May 5—Leo Pellerin, Hospital 1-helper, $240; neglect of Nut)'. May 5—Albert Cole, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 5—William McElroy, Hospital Helper, $240; intoxication. May 6—George Bernklen, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 6—James Moorban, 1-hospital Helper, $.40; unsatisfactory. May 6—Allen Gullstrand, Hospital Helper, $240; illness. May 6—John McDermott, Hospital Helper, $300; unsatisfactory May 6—Albert Scully, Hospital Helper, $240; illness. May 6—Edward Ashley, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned, May 6—Margaret Markham, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned May 6—Mary Mildrum, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 7—Joseph Clancy, Hospital Helper, $240; insubordination May 7—Lizzie Keegan, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 7—Rose McLaughlin, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 7—Lizzie McLaughlin, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 7—Maggie McKearn, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 7—James Russell, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 7—George Miller, Hospital Helper, $240; undesirable. May 7—Frank Clendening, Hospital Helper, $240; intoxication. May 7—Mary Halpin, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. May 7—Catherine Mack, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned May 7—Joseph Osterberg, Hospital Helper, $240; unsatisfactory May 7—Harry Mertz, Hospital Helper, $240; unsatisfactory May 7—John Mulkern, Hospital Helper, $240; absence. May 7—Fritz DeBruen, Hospital Helper, $240; absence. May 7—Josephine Nelson, Hospital Helper, $180; absence. May 7—James Mooney, Hospital Helper (Laundryman), $240; resigttel. May 7—Sarah Johnston, Wait:ess, $180; absence. May 7—john McArdle, Hospital Helper, $240; absence.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909. THE CITY RECORD. 10588 May 7—Kate Taylor, Pupil Nurse, $96; illness. May 7—Mary Capron, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; illness. May 7—Christy Baldwin, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 7—Martin Callahan, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. May 7—Mary Kane, No. 1, Hospital Helper, $180; incompetence May 8—Alice Thornton, Hospital Helper. $180; resigned. May 8—Thomas Buckley, }lospital Helper, $240; illness. May 8—Fred Burke, Hospital Helper (Laundryntan), $240; resigned. May 8—James Murray, Hospital Helper (Laundryman), $300; intoxication. May 8—John McLaughlin, Hospital Helper, $240; absence. May 8—William Lancing, Trained Nurse, $GW; illness. May 8—Patrick Gallagher, Hospital Helper, $240; intoxication.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week Ending May 15, 1909. May 9, 1909—Martha Scott, Trained Nurse, $720; resumed duty. May 9, 1909—Albert Scully, Hospital helper, $240; resumed chtty; vice hrttz

DeBruen, $240. May 9, 1909—Frank Drought, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Thomas Buckley, $240. May 9, 1909—William Hewitt, Hospital Helper, $240; vice James Murray, $300. May 9, 1909—Fannie Iicaly, Waitress, $180; vice Sarah Johnston. $180. May 9, 1909—John Tunny, Hospital llelper, $240; vice John Mc.\rifle•, $240. May 10, 1909—Crad Evans, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Joseph Clancy, $240. May 10, 1909—Delia Logan, Hospital Ilclper, $180; vice Lizzie Keegan, $180. May 10, 1909—Mary Whelpley, hospital Helper, $180; vice Rose McLaughlin, $180. May 10, 1909—Mary '11:tlluy, hospital helper, $180: vice Alice Mattison, $180. May 10, 1909—Marcella Kelly, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Alice "Ihuruton, $180. May 10, 1909—\\'illiat» Blake, Hospital helper, $240; additional (tent pur:tr}'). May 10, 1909—James llrodel, Laundryman, $240; vice Fred. Burke, $240. May 10, 1909—Mary Maguire, Laundress, $180; vice Mary O'Brien, $180. May 10, 1909—May ltingel, Hospital Helper, $414); vice Arthur Sheehan, $240. May 10, 1909—Elizabeth I)evennie, Trained Nurse, $(tlN); vice Sarah Berry, $6t)U. May 10, 1909—Mary Capron, llead Pupil Nurse. $3(N); restuncrl ,luty. May 10, 1909—Mary Ryan. 'l'rained Nurse. $72)): additional (new Nurses' Ilunte). May 10. 1909--John OStier, Ihospital Helper, $2411; vice Peter \lailden, $240. May 10, 19(9—filar) Ilaydock, hospital helper, $181); vice \I:rry Kane, No. 1, $181). May 11, 1909—Mary Robinson, 11 °spital helper. $181); vice Maggie McKearn, $180. May 11, 1909—Mary llanon, 1lospital helper, $110): vice Mary Ilalpin, $1811. May 11, 19(19-1 lenrietta Kelly. hospital Helper, $180; vice .\nnie Morph), $181). May 11, 1909-1 lannah Peterson, Ilospital Helper, $18O; vice Mary McGuir,

No. 2. $180. May 11, 191)9—William H Mahoney, Hospital elper. $240; vice William Sexton, $240. May 11, 19119—Mary lirassell, Hospital Ilelper, $180: vice \lctry Ili-st»an, $184). May 11, 1919—Margarct Cushing, hospital helper, $184.); vice Kate 1''rennan, $181). May 11, 1909---Eclw•,frd 1\lulhall, Hospital helper, $241); vice Joseph L. Blanch-

arcl, $240. May 11, 19(19—George I1. Temple, Hospital Helper, $480; vice John F. Cas-

sidy, $480. May 11. 19(19—George Norton, Hospital Helper, $240: vice Frank Perry, $244). May 1,1, 104 ) —Charles Ila»nscher, Hospital l helper, $244); vice Joh„ 'Funny, $241). May 11, 1919—Agnes Clark, Co,.k, $30O; vice Julia Brown, $301). May 11, 19(K—Annie \Va!son, Hospital helper, $184): vice Maggie Franniva, $180. May 11. 10419—Mary Dugan. Hospital helper. $110; vice Annie llesley. $184). May 12. 19(19—Annie Reilly, Ho=pital Yelper, $180: vice Julia I)eery, $180. May 12, 19(19—John Rockfort, hospital helper, $240; vice Clinton Griffin. $240. May 12, 19119—Fred Downes, hospital helper, $240; vice Albert Scull), $240. May 12. 1909—Fannie Mealy, Waitress, $240, promoted from $I8)); \ice :Anna

Lassen, $240. May 12. 1909—Edward Kelley, Hospital helper, $240; vice William McFlroy, $240. May 12, 19119 —Mary Cowan, \\'aitrcss, $180; vice Fannie Mealy, $181). I,rumuted. May 12, 19(19—\ ra I laves, Waitress, $184): vice Mary Malone, $18)). Ala 12, 191N)—\fare McCoo i)le. hospital I helper. $1N); vice Bella Cardona, $180. May 12. 19119—George Morton, I lospital I I.Iper, $2411: vice 'lb ntas Slater, $211). Ma'.' 12, 1909—Mary Kane. No, 2, I lospital Ilelper,$180; vice Mary \1'hclpley,$1RU. May 12. 1'); N)—J :clth Shannon, ] Inatit:tl I helper. $240; vice \1'illiain Keane, $244). May 12, 19119—I•:,lwanl Coleman, I luspital Yelper, $240: vice Allen Gullstrarnl,$230. May 12. 1909---Lizrie Finigan, hospital IIe)per, $180; vice _Annie O'Gainer, $18)). \Iav 12. 19(19—),1ar Woods. hospital Helper, $1N); vice Imili't Gallagher, $180. May 12, 19119—Delia Quinn. Hospital Ilelper. $180; vice Mary \lildrun. $180. May 12, 19(19—Rose Gonerty, Laundress. $216; additional (new Nurses' residence). May 12, 191)9—flay Donohue, hospital I lr, (per, $216; aciclitinnil (new Nurses'

residence). May 13, 190—Mary Malone. Hospital Helper. $114): vice Lizzie McLaughlin, $180. May 13, 1909—Josephine 'McMahon. Hospital Yelper, $1840: vice Ellen Stuart, $180. ,\lay 13, 19(19—Mary Reed, No. 2, Hospital helper, $181): vice Maggie Cooley, $180. Mav 13, 19119--Caroline Feitzinger, Trained Nurse, $6110; %-ice Amelia Massa-

post, $660. May 13, 1909—_Tames 'Murray, Hospital Helper, Q24)): vice Patrick Gallagher, $240. Mae 13. 19(19—Bernard Quinn, Ilnspital I helper. $244); vice George Katie, $2411, May 13, 19119—Patrick Omera. Hospital Ilclper• $240: vice .Joseph Shannon. $240. May 13, 19110—Annie Dixon, I hospital Ilelper, $180; vice Annie Payson, $184). May 14, 1909—Mary Brady, Na. 2, Ilo=vital Hciper, $180; vice Margaret Sulli-

van, $181). May 14, 1909—Sarah Rielly, Hospital Helper, $180; arklitiunal I tentp,rrary). May 14, 1909—Annie Smith, No. 2. Hospital helper, $(till: vice Alan, I lanm, $180. May 14, 1909—Annie O'Brien. Hospital helper. $180; vice Mary Kane. No. 2, $180. Mae 14, 1910—Julia Decry, Hospital helper, $184); vice J„hanna .\nihr sc, $1811. May 14, 1969—Margaret Woolbopler, Trained Norse, $,611): re-noted duty. May 14, 1909—Bridget Duggan, Laundress. $240; vice Mary Stitrnlon. $240. May 15. 1909—Charles A. Moller, hospital I helper. $240; vice George Uwycr, $241). May 15, 1909—fury Mannering, Hospital 1l.-!per, $1811; vice Jane 'Cho,»p.-m, $180. May l5, 1909—Mary Keegan, H',spital 1helper. $180; vice Mary Smith, $181). May 15, 1909—\1'illiam Strobridgc, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Joseph O'Con-

nell, $240. May 15, 1909—George Skinner. Hospital helper, $240: vice Frank Walters. $240. May 1, 1909—Julia Marlborough, Trained Nurse, $600: additional ("Southfield'). May 1, 1909—Thomas G. Anderson. hospital Helper (Supervisor), $720, reduced

from Trained Nurse at $800; vice Philip Smith. $720. May 2, 1909—Elizabeth Henderson, Pupil Nurse, $95; additional.

Increases in Salary. May 1, 1909—Nellie I-Iarrington, Waitress, front $180 to $240. May 1, 1909—Kate Hogan. Hospital helper, from $180 to $240,

Dismissals, Resignations, etc., Week Ending May 15, 1909. May 9—Alice Mattison, Hospital helper. $180; resigned. May 9—Ellen Stuart, Hospital Helper, $180: resigned'. May 9—Maggie Conley, Hospital Helper, $180: resigned. May 9—Margaret Sullivan, Hosptal Helper. $180; resigned. May 9—Julia Decry, Hospital Helper, $180: resigned. May 9—Arthur Sheehan. Hospital Helper, $240: resigned. May 9—William Sexton, Hospital Helper, $240: intoxication. May 9—Mary O'Brien, Laundress, $180; absence. May 9—Mary Bissman. Laundress, $180: absence. May 9—Anna Lassen, Waitress, $240; resigned. May 9—Mary Ryan, Pupil Nurse, $96; finished course. May 9—Jennie White, Trained Nurse, $600; re-igncd. May 9—Harriet Van Sickle, Trained Nurse. $720; transferred to boat "Westfield." May 9—Peter Madden, Hospital Helper, $240: intoxication. May 9—Mary Hanlon, Laundress, $240: position abolished. May 9—Mary Stundon, Laundress, $240; resigned. May 9—Mary McGuire, No. 1. Laundress, $240; position abolished. May 9—Katie Johnson, Cook, $300: illness. May 9—Charles A. Hebard, Hospital Helper. $240; resigned. May 10—Annie Murphy, Hospital Helper, $180: absence. May 10—Mary McGuire (No. 2), Hospital Helper, $180; absence.

May 10—Clinton Griffin, Hospital Helper, $240; absence. May 10—Kate Brennan, Hospital Ilelper, $18)); absence. May 10—Joseph L. Blanchard, Hospital Helper, $240; absence. May 10—John F. Cassidy, Hospital Helper, $480; resigned. May 10—Frank Perry, Hospital Helper, $24)); resigned. May 1O--John Tunny, Hospital Helper, $2411; absence. May 10--Julia Brown, Cook, $30)); intoxication. May 10—Maggie Franniva, Hospital Ihelper, $180; intoxication. flay 10—Amelia \hassopttSt. Trained Nurse, $61 It); resigned. May 10—Mary \\'helpley, Hospital helper, $1811; resigned. May 10—Annie Payson, Hospital 1lelper, $lr'll; resigned. May 10—Emilia Gallagher, Hospital helper, $1811; incontpetettce. May 10—Annie Iesley, Hospital Helper, $1811: intoxication. Alay 10—:1una Mcl.aughlin, Ihousekeeper, V(AN); leave of absence. Dlay 10—Prank Walters, Hospital Yelper, $240: resigned. May I1—Albert Scully, I hospital Helper, $24)); illness. May I I—Mary \lalunc, Hospital Helper, $111): insubordination. May 11—George Dwyer. I hospital I helper, $240; absence. May 11—Rolla Cardona, Ihospital Helper, $180: unsatisfactory. May 11—Thomas Slater, hospital Helper, $24O: absence. Alav I1—Vs ill iani Keane, Husl,iOil Helper, $2411: incompetence, M:iy Il—Annie O'Connor, IfIrs(,ital Helper, $181): resigned. May 12—George Katie, hospital f helper. $240: illness. May 12—Joseph Shannon, Ihospital Ilelper, $24)): intoxication. May 12—.Vice Hawkins, laundress. $18)): resii.rueil. May 12—I•.Iizal,tth Breslin, I hospital f lell,er, $24)); resigned. . May 13—Jame Thompson, IInsl,ital ]feller. 51N): al,sence. May 13—Mare Smith, Hospital I helper, 518)1: al,scnce. May 13—Mary Itannn, Hospital Yelper, 818)): resiL'nerl. May 13—Mary Kane (Nu. 2), Hospital Helper, $1811; incontpetcnre. May 13--Johanna Ambrose, Ifnspit:tl IIelper, $184): resigned. May 13—Rosahcl King, licacl Pupil Nurse, $3))'): resigned. May 14—Joseph O'Connell, Ifuspital Ifelper, $240: resigned. Max' 14—Monica Lt•nch, 'mined Nurse, $61): bays' of ahscnrc. May l4—Fdwarcl Sullivan, hospital Heftier, $2411: illness. May 15--1 rank Feuerlian, Pupil Norse, $120; resigned. ' May 15—Mary Keegan, I hospital I helper, $18)): al,scnce.

Appointments, Boat ”\\'estlicId " \\'cck Fo,lin,t; \lay 15, I9)9. May 10, 1909-1farrict \'an Sickle, Traincl \arse, $721; transferred front Belle-

vue Hospital. May 1)). 19(19—Pauline 1,,oerliardt, Trained Nurse. $601); ad' hitirmal. May 15, 1909--Lizzie O'Keefe, Hospital Yelper, $240; additional.

General .- dministratirm. Resignatiwi, Week Ending \I ay 15, 1909.

May 15—Bell V. Pickett, Stenographer, $750; resigned.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week IErtding May 22, 19;19. May 16, 19O9—Jcaine \Beeler, Pupil Nurse, $96: vice Mary Ryan, 90. May 16, 1909—Edith t Meyers, Hear) Pupil Nurse, `3110: vice Rosabel King, $3110. May 16, 1909—.\nttie Beanie, lfeacl Pupil Nurse, $3141; additional. May 16, 19(19—lsahel (-lark, Iliad Pupil Nurse, $304(): aclrlitio nal. \lay 16, 19(19—Mabel %lttrray, (lead 1'ttl,il Nurse. $311)1; arlrlitional. May 16, 1919—Bridget O'Brien, hospital helper, $110): vice \I;iry Keegan, $180. May 17, 10419—Kate Cleary, Laundress, $216; ad,litiOlMl (new Nurses' residence) May 17, 19119—Laura Kennedy, I'upil Nurse, $96; vice Margaret I)wnin„ $)6. May 17, 1909—Mary I'utccrs, '('rained Nurse, $611); vice Jen„ie 1l lute, 36(N). May 17, 1909—Catherine Cluytic, I lospital I helper, $24(1: arlclitional I temporary). May 17, 1419—I' rankSchuler, Hospital Hrlper, $24)); \ice 1- tarry Ruche, $2140. May 17, 19)11—Mary Nlcl)nnough, Laundress, $110I: \ice :(lice Hawkins, $18)). May 17, 11.11))—C'olunthia Crudup, Trained Nurse, $611): vice Elsie Hill, $NA). Mae 17. 1'109---Katherine 1•:nicrv, Trained Nurse, $6119; pr anoted front Head

Pupil Nurse at $311), vice llarriet I)unghcrtc, $6111. 11 ay 1.(, 19(19---Johanna :\nihnrse, Ihr,3pit:tl Ilelper, $150: Nice .Annie Wolte, i&. Mar 18, 1909—Monica I.\nch, 'I'rainerl Nurse, $(ill); resut»erl rlut•. ,\lay 18, 19119—late Welsh, 1luspital helper, $110); additional (new Nurses' resi-

(lence ). Mat' IS, 19)19—Kate West. Laundress, $110U; vice Mare ()'Connor, $180. '\lay 18, 104N)—.\rmaml I'el loin, I l ;l ital I Iellcr, $2411: 'ice LO-marl I inlay, $24O. Ma- 18, I1I19—Della \\'aril, flosl,ital Ihelper. $181): vice Catherine l'itzgerald, $184). :\lay 19, 1'(K)—Harry 1lettnessev, 11 spital llcller, $24)); vice JulioNfcl.auglilin,

$240. May 19, 1909—Mary Mulligan, Hospital Yelper, $180: additional (new Nurses'

residence ). May 19, 1909—FIlen \funingar, Ibr ,spital helper, $180: vice :Annie Delaney, $180. May 19, 19119—Nora Burns, II sl,ital Yelper, $1811; \ice Nellie I ogarty, $180. \lay 19, 191)9—John \Ic(;rate, hospital helper, $24U; vice Ge rge N rt it, $24(1. tIa)' 19, 1911')—Herman keisman. lfr,spiOil Heller, $240; vice J..sei,h Kelly, $24)). May 20, 1911—Katie 1Zvan, Iluslrital Ihelper, 52411: Nice Margaret \lark'harn, $244). Ma',- 2)), 1910 \(arc Reg:ut, hospital 1Ir•It,er, $1,0: Nice \Iar)- Dugan, $18U. Max- 20, 1909—:Annie \V'ulfc, Hospital Hi•Iper, ;]NU: vies' _Annie 1)ixIn, $18)). May 20, 19(19—:Annie Schroder, Hospital helper, $18)); 'ice Ellen Vwtingar,

$180. May 211, 19)19—Mary Hughes, Huspial Helper. $110U; vice Nora I)urns, 518)1. May 211, 19;19—V'illiani Sc.,tt, Hospital Hclter, $241); vice IMMilrl Thr.ntas• $241). May 21), 19)19—Ellen Purcell, Hospital Helper, $18)): vice Mare Me' cr,, $114). May 21, 19119—Bernard Finlay, hospital Helper, $240; vice I:dwarrl Sullivan,

$240. May 21, 1909—John Noonan, Hospital Helper, $2411: Nice Fred Clinch, $240. May 21, 19A19—Joseph Lc,tr,x, ll, rspital, $24)): ',ice Jr'seph Let -, $240. May 21, 1)1!9—Jessie Martin, Hospital Helper, 518(1: vie' Mart '%IcCo tcille, $180. May 21, 19)9—Mary hill, Hospital 1 helper, $151): vice Lillian I'.11is, $18)). May 21, 19119—Mary Bissntan, Laundress, 5180: vier it„se Reilly, $180. May 21, 19(19—Louise Wagner, \\ •aitress. $24(1: \ice Annie (•arty, $24)). May 21, 19(19—John Keith, Hospital Helt,er, $480: additional (new Nurses resi-

dence), May 21, 19119—\\'ittifred Gray, Hospital Ihelper, $180: \ice Jennie Tate, $18(1. May 90 22, 19—Mari Hosing, Hospital Heller, $110; vice Lizzie Hcfhr'ran, $180. May 22, 1909—Uno Elinstrom, hospital helper 524)): vice \\'illiam Burns, $240. May 16--harry Roche, H„sl ,ital 11ell,er, $2411: illness. May 10--Mary 1)tigan. hospital helper. $184): unsatisfrtctury. May 16—Afars' Towers, Pupil Nurse, $96: finished course. May 16—Ilarrict I)r,ttghcrty, Trained Nurse, $(d)l): resign.rl. May I6—Frances Lynch, Pul,il Nurse, $9(,: leave of :tl sence. May 17—hate Fiselen, 1{nspital helper, $24(1: I,n;itinn abolished. May 17—Annie Wolfe, Hospital helper, $180; absence. May 17—Gertrude hill. Trained Nurse, $011): resigned, May 17—Isabel Clark, Head Pupil Nurse. $3(H); transferred to Ilarlent II„spital. May 17—Mary O'Connor, Laundress, $181): illness. May 17—Bernard Finlay, hospital Helper. $24(1; resigner(. May 17—Catherine Fitzgerald. Hospital Helper, $1N): resigned. May 18—Joseph Levy, Hospital helper, $240: resigncrl. May 18—Nellie Fogarty, Hospital helper. $180; absence. May 18—Annie Delaney, hospital Helper, $181); absence. May 18—Donald Thomas. Hospital Helper, $240: al,sence. May 18—George Norton. Hospital Helper, $240; absence. May 18—Joseph Kelly, Hospital 1-helper, $2411; resigned, May 19—Annie Dixon, Hospital Helper, $1811: resigned. May 19—Fred Clinch, Hospital helper, $24O: resigned. May 19—Ellen Muningar, Hospital Helper. $lit((: absence. May 19—Nora Burns, Hospital Helper. $184l: absence. May 19—Mary Meyers, Hospital helper, $1810; unsatisfactory. May 19—Lillian Ellis. Hospital Helper. $180: insubordination. May 19—Mary Kenny, Seamstress, $240; resigned.


\lay 19—\lar) 'Mulligan, Hospital Helper, $]ti); resigned. \lay 19—:Annie (.'are), \Waitress. $24)); resigned. \lay 19—Marlin Black. Pupil Nurse, $(Xi: leave of absence. May 20—\lary McConville, Hospital Ilelper. $181): illness. \Iac 21)—Lizzie llefferan, Hospital I let per, $181); intON teat toil. Vag' ?II—lose Reilly, Laundress, $181); resigned. May 21)—Patrick Reilly. I lc spital I lclper. $240: resigned. \la) 21)—Jcnnic Tate, Ili,spital Helper, y181l: illness. Ala} 21—Hugh 1.. Brooks, Pupil Nurse, 12l; resigned. \I a} 21—:Annie Schr eder. hospital Ilelper. $180: absence. May 21—William Burns. II sl,ital Helper, $240; resigned. May 21—Michael IlickeV. hospital letter. $240: resigned. May 22—Jessie Martin, Il,1spital helper, $180: unsatisfactor%. \lay 22—Henrietta Kelley. hospital helper, $180; absence.

.\pp intmcnts, Boat "\1•estticld," Week Ending Ma % 22, 1909.

)la)- 17. 1(1119—John C',m•ley, l l„spital I lelper (additional l. $3t)0. Mar 20, ]4)9—Louis -\verilla. Hospital helper (additional), $240.

I Dismissals, Resignations, etc. Mar 17—Pauline Eberhardt, Trained Nurse, $60O; resigned.

nietit General .\din mist ratic n, \V cek Ending \fa}' 22, 1909. lax 19, 19) )—(ic„r e II. Ilchrntann, (leek (acl liti,mal, tcmpc,rar' ). $9110.

Dismissals. Resignations, etc. 1fa) 17—Saran et I. Jones, Su lie rtising Engineer, $2.) tO)) ; removal on char cs.

1ppintmcnts, Bellevue Hospital. Week Ending May 29. 191)9.

"lay 23, lul)9—.Annie Delaney. Hospital Helper. $181). %ice Jessie Martin, $180. \lav 23. 1'A$)-1•'.- ,bcrt I. Renner. II-sl,ital helper. $2411, vice Michael Ilicker•, 3M).

Ellis. I I spital I Iclper. $18)). Nice I lenrietta Kelley, $14). Mar 24, 1t--Lillian May 24. 1'9)5)-1•:dtcard Sullivan, I lnspital 11, iper, $ 24)), resun e l duty, %- ice _Armand

I'elquin, $24)). \la) 24. 1'>t9—Claude )•k I'. II att. II spital helper, $240, %ice \\ill4am Jordan,

$240. \lac 24. 19[19—James C \Ie. H„sl,ital Helper. $24'). Nice Edwin (amphell. $240. Ma' 24, l?—T helcrc llrtuarcker, 1 I spital I t ell cr, $24)), vice John \lcGr tw,

$240. May 24, 11))x9—Pra:ik F. Lynch, lf.,spital helper, $24Il, Nice \1. 11. Stewart. $240. May 25. 1 )9—\Mar Gotinod. II,-spital helper, $181). \ice Mary Flannigan, $180. \la, 25, 1t )9—.(Michael Langnn, II„sl,ital helper, $2411, %ice Timothy O'Keefe, $240. \lay 25. 1)—.Anna Nicl.aughlin. Il usekee er. 't It), resumed duty. Mar 25, 1'.Kt_Julia llalligan• Il ispital helper. IF18)). vice .\unie Schroder, May 25, 191)9-1)elia Murphy, hospital Helper, $1N), vice Mary ttratly (:\o, 1),

$1810. 1\ tar 20. 1900—Williani Lancing, Trained \arse. SoflO. resumed duty. \la\ - 2,,, 191)9—Patrick I)„Ian. II„spital Helper, $24)). \ice Thomas \I,mahan. $240. May 20, 19159—\Mildred Sprecklev, Bead Pupil Nurse, $3(KI, %ice Katherine Enter)',

$3)K). pr iii tel. \lac 2n. 1909—Catherine McManus, \Waitress, $180, vice \„ra (laces, $18). \lay 2). 1t))9—Th„mas I)uughert)-, It spital Helper, 7241), vice Robert McGraw,

$'41). Mar 20. 10[19—.August Schliecicr. 1! sl,ital helper, $240, vice Claude Dell. IIyatt,

$240. May 20, 1909—:Anna Sweeney. Trained Nurse, $6O. vice Margaret Staintorth,

$6110. \lad 2n, I9tl9—Alan Le,mar~l. II--spital Helper. 51Q0, vice Mary Mulligan, $180. Mar 27, 1909—Sophia \\ ag--nhc ,ffer, Trained Nurse, $(110, vice Elizabeth Decen-

nie. $ntiI. Jlav 27. 1O,19—\L•try Laden, Scanr•.trc•r, $240: [-ice Mary Kenny. $240. Mar 27, 11A —Mary l„Ice, "1 rait:c~l Nnr<c, $( 1); vice Gertrude Hill, $600. May 27. 19154—J ,hn ilnllie. I1„-l,tt:,l I Idler, $2411: vice \\'il'.iarn Blake, $240. May 27. 19;81--Clt tale ltnt!er, I1"<l,ital Ile(; cr. $244): vice Edgar Wd, $240. Nk!y 27. 1909--\\'illi:un Ilartnc_e. fly,-t,ital Il-'ll,cr. $241): ahliti,mal tf„r vacations). \Iav _'g. 1 0119—Frank 1 )tert, ;, I1, :pica! Ilrlrcr. $2411; vice Patrick I)elamiev. $240. Mend 28. 19 x)—I:IizabctL Sncnce. I lt ital He!l,cr, 518:): vice Maud 1 tallev. 5180. \1sv 28. 19'.x)—Mary McConvia.•. 1to-pit-tl Hclin-. 8181); vice Rise \IcG;inchry,

11111, May 28, 1909—Margret McMurray, 11 opital IIclner, $216; vice May Donohue,

$?16. \Iap 28. 1909—Annie R gat[, !Io<pital Tf••'.p.r, $1g1); ;tdditi,,nal (new Nurses' Resi-

dence ). Dismissals, Resinatiins. etc

Mar 23—Th, mtn- \I,,nahan. Hospital :1elp.'r. 524)1: re-igucd. Mac 23—\Vinitrcl Gra,', ll, ,=pital llelh,er. $1811: rci_r.r i. \Ia}' 23—.(Mary t,rhv. N. 1. 11 ,:punt IIcl),cr. $181); reigned. Mar 23—.\rmant: I':lrtnin. If,,>lntal IIelpvr. $24)1; "e'iened. May 23—William J,,r~l:an, II !pital IT,lper. $2411: incompetence. May 23—Edwin Campbell. llpitnl helper. 5224): resi¢t,ed. May 23— McGraw, Hospital I!elper. $24'): int(.xicati,,n. May 23—Catherine Burke, Trained Nurse $721): rc<iined. Mar 23—Elizabeth liamilt ,n, "1 mine l Nurse. $(IN); resigned. Mar 23—W. II. Stewart. II -pital Hither, $2411; intoxication. May 23—Max' ItiT'gel, Hn'pita! HO•ller. $484); illness. May 24—Delia Quinn. II.:uital helper. SIMI: rc,igncd. Mar 24—\Ian I ';m titan. H4,<pital Helper. $181): illness. Mar 24—Timn;,tht O'K.efe. II•pital Helper. $240; illncs;. Mar t4—C lumbia Crnclun. Trained Nurse, $OK); resigned. Max25—Nra hare,. \1'aitrc-s, $180: illnes=. May 25—R„bert McGraw, II spit;tl Helper, $24)); re-ignecl. May 25—\\'illiam ll aka. II :I,itnl helper. E241); imn xicatiott. Ilav 25—Claude I)el'. IIvalt, Hospital ITel!,er. $244); re ig .l. Mar 25—E,Igar AV- ,d. IIuspttal Helper. $24)): resigned. May 25—Kate 1\•cl-h. H <vi!rt! Il 1per. $181: resigned. Mar 26—Patrick l kl•tnec. H„-pit'tl Helper. $240: resigned. \I:nr 26—Rose M[cGlinchev. I I sm ital I lelper. $181): ahsecc. Mar 26—Elizabeth Onirk. Head Pnni! Nurse. r-,W): r signet. Afar 2(r---Mfargar,'t Doyle, Iincpital helper, $1811: rc'signel. Mar 27—William Lancin<e, "('rained \ttr,e $`)4): illne':<. Mar 27—Maui I1allc'tt• Ifnspital Helper. $1811: alrence. Mar 27—Mar 7)rmolttte. Ifospital Helper. $210; rc<ivnc'l Mav 27—Delia Sheridan. Hnsuital helper, $216: resigned. Mar 28—Mare Kelly. No. 2. Hospital l Irlper. $216: resign 'd. May 29—Flizibe'tt Spence. Hospital ITc!p r. QVW: resigned. May 29—Mary McI onr,ngh. Laundre,s. $18)): resigned.

Appointment. Boat "W est field.

May 25, 1909—Am;nic Gill, Hospital Helper, $24)); a,1~Iiti, mal

App intmcnts, Bellevue TIo<pital, \\'~•ck Ending June 5, 191)9.

May 30. 1909—Maud Hallett. H, •cpital helper, $L'))): vice Elizabeth Spence, $180. May 30 1909—Emma Gribbon. Waitress, $240; additional (temporary, for vacs

(iuns) . May 31, 191)9—Elizabeth Spence, Hi';pital Helper $1R1): vice Annie O'Brien, $180. May 31. 1909—Rtbccca Kroner, Trained Ntu-se. $500; vice Mary Powers, $600. June 1, 191))—Mary Smith, Hospital helper, $180: vice Mary O'Neil. $180. June 1, 19119—Anna Christian, Trained Nurse $600; vice Jennie White, $600. June 1, 191-9—Mile, Snell. Trainer( Nurse. $6110: vice Gun Ross. $600. June 1. 19O9—Bert Wilcox. •trained Nurse, $645): vice luhn Murphy. $6110. June 1, 19119—Re,- a Wilson. lead Pupil Nurse. $3110: vice Isah'1 Clark, $300. June 1, 1909—Alice Mann. Trained Nurse, $600; vice Columbia Crudup, $61X). June 1, 1909—Thomas M. Timlin, Hospital Helper, $300; vice William W. Shee-

han, $300,

June 1, 1909—John G. Brennan, Apothecary, $750; additional (for vacations). June 1, 1909—Nehemiah Gray, Trained Nurse, $600; reduced from $800; vice Wil-

liam Lancing. $600. June 1, 1909—.lhraham Lunn, Trained Nurse, $800; vice Nehemiah Gray, $800,

reduced. June 1, 1909—Alfred Secor, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. June 1, 1909—Reginald Kinsman, (lead Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. June 1, 1909—Timothy Shea, Ilead Pupil Nurse, $31111; additional. June 1, 1909-1?rncst Hover, !lead Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. June 1. 1919—Mary Mulcahy, Waitress, $IFO; vice Fannie Smith, $180. June 1, 1909—P. 1'. O'Dwyer, Chaplain. $450; vice Joseph L. McCabe, $450. June 1, 1909—I"awrcncc 1). Flanagan, Chaplain, $450; vice Denis B. O'Connor, $450. June 1, 1909—Katie Holland, hospital helper, $240, promoted from $216; vice

Bridget McNulty, $240, reduced. June 1. 19119—Della Burns, Laundress, $240; salary increased from $180. June 1, 1111—Bridget McNulty, Hospital Helper, $180; salary reduced from $240,

vice Katie Holland, $216. June 2, 1909—Tessie Gallagher, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Kate Lavin, $180.

240June 2, 1909—Janus Sheehy, hospital helper, $240; vice James Cunningham,

$ . June 2, 1909—Cecile Finch, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Kate Taylor, $96. June 2, 1909—Alice Burst, Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Mary Powers, $96. June 2, 1909—Georgia Daggett, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Nora Phillips, $600, June 2, 1909—Minnie Kttehl, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Elizabeth Quirk,

$3C0. June 2, 1909—Sclnta I.iljedahl, IIead Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Myrtle Morris,

$300. June 2, 1909—Charles \V. Clarkson, Engineer, $4.50 a day; vice Michael J. Har-

kins, Acting Supervising Engineer. June 2, 191)9—Gec,rge :Vrerti. H„spital Helper, $240: vice Uno Elmstrotn, $240. June 3, 19119—("rank Taylor, Hospital I helper, $240: vice \a'illiant Johnston, $240. June 3, 191)9—Bessie Mertz, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Johanna Ambrose, $180. June 3, 1909—Mary Rocks, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Sarah Katie, $180. June 3, 19('9—Marc Flannigan, Hhospital helper, $180; vice Bridget O'Brien,

$180. Jane 3. 19119—J„sephine McCune. T.aunclress. $190; vice Mary 'McDonough, $180. June 3. 1)119—\lard• Holden, T.attndress. $180; vice Roma Kramer, $180. June 4. 191)9—Nara Flaherty. Hospital Helper, $1F0: vice Tessic Gallagher, $180. June 4, I91Y)—Gc„rge Flavin, Hospital Helper, $240; promoted front $180, vice

Alexander Ilisilion. Q241). June 4, 1909—Joseph Strehar, Hospital Helper, $180; vice George Flavin, $180,

promoted. June 4, 1909—John Gormley, Hospital Helper. $240: vice George Skinner, $240. June 5, 1909—Rose Penny, Trained Nurse, $600; vice A.tta Sweeney, $600.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. May 30—Annie O'Brien, Hospital helper, $180: resigned. May 30—Mary O'Neil, Hospital Helper, $1,A); illness. Mar 30—Sarah Kane, Hospital Helper, $184); absence. \lay 31—Kate Gmnxay, Hospital Helper, $3()0; position abolished. May 31—A\ illiant Johnston, Hospital Helper. $24)); resigned. Mar 31-1\•illiant W. Sheehan, IInsl,ital Helper. $3)111; illness. Max' 31—Stephen Gallagher, Trained Nurse. 561K): resigned. Max' 31—Fannie Smith, Hospital Hclper, $180: insuhcvdination. May 31—Mary McDonald, Co,,k, $240; position abolished. Slav 31—Rehcca Kroner, Trained Nurse. $&K1; transferred to boat "1Cestfield.” Mar 31—Joseph L. McCabe, Chaplain, $450: resigned. Mar 31—Denis R. O'Connor, Chaplain, 54511; resigned. Mar 31--Harr• Frith. Hospital Helper. $241): resi}mcd. June 1—Kate Latin, Hospital helper, $181; resigned. Jimmie 1—James Cunningham, Hospital 1helper, $241): resipncd. June 1—M.•rtle Morris. I[eacl Pupil Nurse, $30)): resigne(I. June I—Michael J. Harkins, I:ngineman, $4.5)) a day; transferred to General Ad-

nlittistration. Tune I—Margaret McGowan, Laundress, $216; resigned. June I—Uno Eltustrom, Hospital Helper, $24)): resigned. June ?—Johanna :Ambrose, Hospital helper, $180 ; resigned. June 2---Miles McMnrrow. Hospital Helper, $240: resigned. June 2—Bridget O'Brien. Hospital helper, $181); illness. June 2—Emma Kramer, Laundress, $150; illness. Jimmie 3—Tessie Gallagher, Hospital Helper, $180: illness. June 3—:Alexander Bisilion, Hospital Helper. $24)1: resigned. June 3—Anna Sweeney, Trained Nurse, $110((: resigned. June 3—James Murray, Hospital Helper, $24)): absence. June 3—George Skinner. hospital Helper, $240: resigned. June 4—Crad Evans, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. Tune 4—Mary Racks, Hospital Helper. ;IN): resigned. June 4—I.illian Manning, Pupil Nurse, $96: resigned. June 4—Sophia 1Cagonhoffer. Trained Nurse. $600; resigned. June 4—John Larkin. Hospital Helper. $240: resigned. June 5—Catherine Herbert. Hospital Keller, $180: resigned. Tune 5—Henry Tattssie, H„spital Helper. $3110: absence. Tune 5—Lillian Ellis. hospital Helper. $181): resigned. Time 5—Mary Murtha, T.aundress. $180: intoxication. 1iav 17—Mary Powers, Trained Nurse, $600; transferred to boat "Westfield.”

General :Administration. AppointnLettt.

June 2, 1909—:Michael J. Harkins, I•:ngincer, $4.50 a clay; transferred from Belle- rue Hospital roll, vice Samuel J. Jones, $2.(Xl) (temporarily).

Increase in Salary. June 1, 1909—:Anna M. Duffy, Clerk, from $540 to $600.

Appointntcuts, Boat "\Westfield.” May 18, 1909—Mary Powers, Trained Nurse, $600: vice Pauline Eberhardt, $600. Jute 1. 1909—Rchccca Dreier, Trained Nurse, $6(1); transferred from Bellevue

hospital, vice Mar\ Powers. $6(X). June 1, 191)9—Hay 11•eiss, Hospital IIelper, $240; additional.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. \lay 31, 1909—Mary Powers, Trained Nurse, $600; resigned.

Appointments, Boat "Southfield." June 1. 1909—Thomas Thomason, hospital Helper, $300; additional. June 3, 1909—Jerry Donovan, hospital Helper, $300; vice Thomas Thomason,

$300. Dismissals, Resignations, etc.

June 1—Thomas Thomason, Hospital Helper, $300; resigned.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week Ending June 12, 1909. June (I, 1919—Charles Brady. Hospital Helper, $240; %ice (files McMorroW, $240. June 6, 1909—Mamie Willets, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Catherine Herbert,

$180. June 6, 1909—Henry Roche, hospital Helper, $240; vice Crad Evans, $240. June 7, 1909—Lillian Ellis, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Rocks, $180. June 7, 1909—Albert hielmer, Hospital Helper. $240: vice Francis Hoffman, $240. June 7. 1909—Katherine Costello, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Lillian Ellis, $180. June 7. 191)9—Bernard Gallagher. Hospital helper. $2411; vice William Scott, $240. June 7, 1909—Viggo Woldsen, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Stephen Gallagher,

$600. June 7. 1909—Mary Ward, Hospital Helper, $240; promoted from $180; addi-

tional (No. 223 East Twenty-sixth street).


June 7, 1909—Winfield J. Ryther, Trained Nurse, $480; vice Howard Crispell,

~8 June 7, 1909—Isabel Stewart, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Elizabeth Hamilton, $600. June 7, 1909—Bessie Brady, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; additional. June 7. 1909—William Arkins, Hospital Helper, $240; vice John Larkin, $240. June 8, 1909—I11ary Lamb, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Ward, $180, pro-

moted. June 8, 1909—Lihbie Parhurson, Laundress, $180; vice Annie McNulty, $180. June 8, 1909—Sadie Lamb. Laundress, $180; vice Mary Murtha, $180. June 8, 1909—Adelaide Mollenhatter, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Grippen,

$180. June 9. 1909—John Kelly, Hospital helper, $240; vice Paul Schinicl, $240. Jttne 9, 1909—Viola Friedman, hospital Helper, $180; vice Susan Lowman, $180. June 9. 19O9—Jerry Donovan, Ihospital I-felper, $240; additional (A and B)

transferred from boat "Southfield." June 9, 1909—Ada Spear, Trained Nurse. $6410; additional (for vacations). June 9. 1909—Mary Griffin, Head Pupil Nurse, $3(14); additional. June 11, 1909—Martin Connelly, No. 2, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Edward Mul-

ball, $240. June 9, 1909—Flizabeth Pingrec, Housekeeper, $600; vice Emily Bartholomew,

June 10, 1909—Charles Hurst, Hospital Helper. $240; vice James Corbett, $240. June 10, 1909—Jennie Tate, Hospital helper, $18): vice Margaret Doyle, $180. June 11, 1909 -Mary Murray, Trained Nurse. $600; vice Alice Mann, $6(10. June 12, 1909—Patrick Gallagher, Hospital Helper, $240; vice W. II. Thompson,

$240. Increase in Salary.

June 11, 1909—Joseph Gedalecia, front Hospital Helper at $720 to Interpreter at $1,000.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. une 6—Annie McNulty, Laundress, $180; resigned. une 6—Francis Hoffman. Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. une 6—William Scott, Hospital Helper. $240: absence. tine 6—Howard Crispcll. Hospital helper. $480; resigned. tine 6—Susan Lowman, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. tine 6—Mary Grippin. Hospital Helper, $190: resigned. tine 7—Sophia Reynolds. Trained Nurse. $720; leave of absence tine 7—Alice Mann, Trained Nurse, $600: resigned. . une 7—Josephine McCune, Laundress, $180: resigned. une 8—Harry Kingsbury, Pupil Nurse, $120; finished course tine 8—Paul Schimel. Hospital Helper. $240; resigned. line 8—Emily Bartholomew, Housekeeper, $601); resigned. tine 9—James Corbett, ITospital Helper, $240; resigned. tine 10—Edward Mulhall, Ihospital Helper, $240: absence. tine 10—Margaret Costello. Head Pupil Nurse. $300: resigned tine 11—Philip Reilly. hospital Helper, $240: resigned. tine 11—:nnic Sheehan, ITospital Ihelper. $180; resigned line 11—Rose Penny, Trained Nurse. $6410; leave of absence. line 11—Christine Lantp, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; resigned line 11—Jennie Tate, Hospital I helper, $181); illness. line 12—Anna Clarke. Trained Nurse. $600: resigned. tine 12—Mary Murray, Trained Nurse, $600; resigned.

Appointments, General Administration. June 7. 1909—Theodore Ilagenjos, Clerk, $540; additional (vice C. D. Buckley,

transferred). June 7, 1909—Margaret J. Pattison, Stenographer, $750; vice Belle V. Pickett.

$750. Appointments, Boat "Westfield."

June 9, 1909—Kate O'Neil, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Annie Gill, $240.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week Ending June 19, 1909. June 13, 1909—Rose Penny, Trained Nurse, $600; resumed duty. June 13, 1909—Sara Allen. Trained Nurse, $11(1); vice Mary Murray, $600. June 14, 1909—Dennis G. Donoghue, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Henry Taussig,

$300. June 14, 19(19—Charles F. Rover, hospital Helper. $240; vice James Murray, $2411. June 14. 1909—Jennie Middleton, Laundress, $180; vice Joseph McCune. $180. June 14. 1909—James Carr, Hospital helper, $240: vice Philip Reilly, $240. June 14. 19(19—.Annie I)ix(m, Hospital helper. $180; vice Annie Sheehan, $180. June 14, 1909—Hugh l;eaton, Pupil Nurse, $121): vice Fred Graul, $120. June 14, 1909—Mary Roper, Trained Nurse, $600; additional. June 14, 1909—Margaret Dunlcary, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Jennie Tate, $180. June 14, 1909—Charles . nagares, Hospital Helper, $240; vice George Alverti,

$240. June 15, 1909—Kate Francis, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Alice Keely, $180. June 15, 1909—Annie Lynch, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Bessie Mertz, $180. June 15, 1909—Charles Dunn, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Bernard Gallagher,

$240. June 15, 1909—Leon Battiste, Pupil Nurse, $120; vice Nelson Gerard, $120. June 15, 1909—Mary McDonald, Trained Nurse. $600; additional. June 15, 1909—Ernest Miller, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Forrest Blood, W. June 16, 1909—Mary Malcolm. Hospital Helper, $180; vice Kate Francis, $180. June 16, 1909—Edward Cronin, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Marcus Driscoll,

$240. June 16, 1909—James Purcell, Hospital Helper, $240; vice John Osner, $240. June 16, 1909—James Quinn, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Henry Dixon, $240. June 16. 1909—James 'McGrath, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Charles Hebard, $240. June 16, 1909—William Olsen, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Thomas Dougherty,

$240. June 16. 1909—Henry O'Connell, Hospital Helper. $240; additional (for vacations). June 16. 1909—Rose Reilly, Hospital Helper, $180: vice Kate Martinec, $180. June 16, 1909—Bessie Corwin, Hospital Helper, $180; additional (for vacations). June 16. 1909—Peter Lally, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Patrick O'Mara, $240. June 16, 1909—Marion Black, Pupil Nurse, $96: resumed duty. June 16, 1909—Rose Carroll, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Bridget Hvnes, $180. June 16. 1909—Delia Hogan, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Maggie Murray, $180. June 16, 1909—Annie McKeown, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Jennie Farrell,

$180. June 16, 1909—Katherine Finn, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Margaret Costello,

9. June 16. 1909—James Dolan, Hospital Helper, $240; vice John Kelley. $240. June 16. 1909—Andrew Quinn, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Edward Coleman, $240. June 16, 1909—Della Burns. Laundress. $180; vice Mary McManus. $180. June 16, 1909—Gottlieb Halbedel, Laundryman, $240; vice William Hewitt. $240. June 16. 1909—Thomas King, Hospital Helper, $240; vice John Gormlev, $240. June 17. 1909—Tennie Kelly. Hospital Helper. $180: vice Ellen Sohm. $180. June 17. 1909—Timothy O'Keefe. Hospital Helper. $240; vice Lawrence Ryan. $240. June 17. 1909—George Skinner. Hospital Helper. $240; vice Frank Taylor. $240. June 17. 1909—Jane Cherers, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Nellie Higgins, $180. June 17, 1909—Jennie Young, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Annie Smith, No. 2. $180. June 17, 1909—James Black, Hospital Helper, $240; vice William Hartney, $240.

June 17, 1909—John A. Smith, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Fred Downes, $240. June 17, 1909—Ann Connell, Hospital Helper, $180 additional (for vacations). June 17. 1909—Mary Whaicn. Laundress, $180: vice Anna Reed, $180. June 17, 1909—John Penny, Laundryman, $240; vice Martin Connelly, No. 1, $240. June 17, 1909—James Rogers, Laundryman, $240; vice James Brodel, $240. June 17, 1909—Margaret O'Hare, Waitress, $216; vice Lizzie Looby, $216. June 18, 1909—William Dixon, Hospital helper (Oiler), $360, promoted from Hos-

pital Helper, at $240; vice Peter Clarkin, $3611. June 18, 1909—William Burns, Hospital Helper. $240: vice William Dixon, $240.

promoted. June 18, 1909—Mary McDonald, Hospital Helper. $180; vice Mary Reed. No. 2,

$1811 June 18. 1909—Ellen Sohn). hospital IIelper. $180; vice Mary Malloy, $184). June 18, 1909—Nora Foley, I lospital Helper, $180; vice Maggie Clemons, $181). June 18, 1909—Annie Pentelten. 1lospital Helper. $1811: vice Lilli:i n Ellis, $18l). June 18, 1909—Mary Malloy, I hospital helper, $1841: vice Kate Burns, $180. June 18. 1909—John Tunney, Hospital Helper. $240: vice John Kenny, No. 2, $240. June 18, 1909—Josephine Walsh, hospital Ileloer. $184): vice Della Ward, $180. June 18, 1909—:Mary '.ltayr, Hospital Helper, $184): additional (fir vacations). June 18, 1909—Teresa Rutledge, Trained Nurse. $720: vice Catherine Burke, $720. June 19, 1909—Katherine Dunn, Pupil Nurse. $96; vice Teresa Rutledge, $96. June 19, 1909—Susan Drew. Trained Nurse. $601); vice Sara Allen, $(AX). Lune 19, 1909—Robert Floutin, Hospital Ilelper, $240: vice August Johnson, $2411. June 19, 1909—Patrick Bradley, Hospital Helper, $240; vice William Ward, No. 2,

$3001 •„ , June 19, 1909—Michael Lally, Hospital Helper, $240: vice Harry Hennessey. $241). Jobe 19, 1909—Annie Rogan. Laundress, $240. promoted from Helper, at $180; vice

Della Burns, $240. June 19, 1909—James Lais, Hospital Helper. $180; vice Annie Rogan, $180, pro-

moted. Dismissals, Resignations, etc.

June 13—.Alice Keely, Hospital I-helper, $180, insubordination. Tune 13—Bessie 'Mertz, Hospital helper, $180. incumtpetence. Tune 13—Bridget IIvnes, Hospital Helper, $180, nt ixicati ii. June 13—Bernard Gallagher. Hospital Helper. $240• absence June 13—Mary McDonald. Head Pupil Nurse. $301), resigned. June 13—George Alverti, Hospital Helper. $240. incompetence June 14—John Osner, Ihospital 1lelper, $240, resigned. June 14—I,]len Sohn. Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. June 14—Alargaret Morrison, Ilead Pupil Nurse, $3111. resigned June 14-1)ella Burns. Laundress. $240, re,iened. June 15—Kate Francis, Hospital Helper, $180. absence. June 15—Marcus Driscoll. Hospital helper. $240. resigned June 15—Henry Dixon, Hospital Ilelper. $240. resigned. June 15—'I hnmas Dougherty. hospital Helper, $24(I. un:atisfactory June 15—Kate Martinec, Hospital Helper, $181). resigned. June 15—Patrick O'\fera, Ihospital Helper. $2411. resigned. June 15—Fred Downes, Hospital Yelper, $240, absence. June 15—John Martin. No. 2. Hospital ITelper, $240. unsatisfactury June 15—Thomas Shepard. hospital Helper, $240, absence. June 15—Maggie Murray, Hospital Helper, $140, absence. June 15—Jennie Farrell, Hospital Helper. $180• resigned. June 15—Ruth Pentland. Trained Nurse. $600. resigned. June 15—John Kelley, Hospital Helper, $240, resigned, June 15—Edward Coleman. Hospital Helper, $240, resigned June 15—Anna Reed, Laundress, $180. misbehavior. June 15—'.Mary McManus, Laundress, $1841. misbehavior. June 15—William Hewitt. Laundryman, $240, absence. June 16—Charles Carlin, Hospital Helper. $240, absence. June 15—EiItvard Kelley. Hospital Helper. $240, absence. June 15—John Gormley. Hospital Helper, $240, incompetence. June 16—Lawrence Ryan, Hospital Helper, $240. resigned. June 16—Frank Taylor. Hospital Helper. $240. resigned. June 16—Mary Reed. No. 2, Hospital Helper, $180, resigned June 16—Mary Malloy, Hospital Helper, $180, absence. June 16—Nellie Higgins. Hospital Tfelper. $181, absence. June 16—Kate Burns. Hospital Helper, $180. resigned. June 16—Annie Smith, No. 2. Hospital Helper. $180. resigned June 16—Della Ward, Hospital Helper. $180. ab cnce. June 16—William Hartnev, Fhospital ITelner. $240. intoxication. June 16--Sara Allen, Trained Nurse, $600, resigned. June 16—Martin Connelly, No. 1, Laundrvman, $240, resigned. June 16—James Brodel. Laundryman. $240. intoxication. June 16-William Ward, No. 2, Hospital Helper. $300, neglect of duty June 16—Harry Hennessev, Hospital Helper, $240, resigned. June 16—Lizzie Loohv. Waitress. $216, resigned. June 17—Peter Clarkin, Hospital Helier (Oiler). $360, resigned June 17—Maggie Clemons, Hospital Helper, $180, resigned. June 17—Lillian Ellis, Hospital Helper, $180, absence. June 17—John Kenny, No, 2, Hospital Helper, $240. absence. Tune 17—Teresa Rutledge. Pupil Nurse. $96, finished course. Tune 17—Martha TTorrigan. Trained Nurse, $600, resigned. June 17—Mary Malcolm, Hospital Helper. $180. resigned. June 17—August Johnson. Hospital Helper. $240, resigned. Tune 18—Herman Knies, Pupil Nurse. $120. resigned. Tune 18—Elizabeth Spence. Hosiital Helper. $180: illness. June 19—Matid Hallett, Hospital Helper. $180. intoxication. lime 19—Peter T. Mulvaney. Hospital Helper. $240. absence. Tune 19—Annie Lynch, Hospital Helper. $180, absence. Tune 19—Mary Brady, No. 2, Hospital Helper. $190. absence. June 19—Mary Murray, No. 2, Laundress. $240• absence. Tune 19—Mary Holden. Laundress. $180. incompetence. June 19—Jennie Middleton, Laundress. $180, resigned. .Time 19—Frank F. Lvnch. Hospital Helper, $240, absence. June 19—Mary Daniel, Laundress, $240, illness.

Appointments, Bellevue Hospital, Week Ending June 26, 1909. June 20, 1909—George H. Cree, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Peter J. Mulvaney,

$240. June 20, 1909—May Bingel, hospital Helper, $480; resumed duty. June 20, 1909—Charles Carlin, hospital Helper. $240; reappointed. June 20, 1909—Edward Kelley, Hospital Helper, $240; reappointed. June 21. 1909—Sara Allen, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Sophia Wagonhoffer, $600. June 21, 1909—Columbia Crudup, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Martha Horrigan,

June 21, 1909—Johanna Kelleher, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Elizabeth Spence, $180.

June 21, 1909—Nellie O'Shea, Laundress, $180; vice Mary Holden, $180, June 21, 1909—Catherine Burke, Trained Nurae, $720; vice Winifred Noon. $720. June 21, 1909—John Biski, Hospital Helper, $240; vice Frank E. Lynch, $240. June 21, 1909—Maggie Clancy. Hospital Helper. $180; vice Mary Malcolm. $180. June 21, 1909—Annie Healey, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Annie Lynch, $180. June 21, 1909—Mary Connelly, Hospital Helper. $180; vice Lizzie Finnigan, $180. June 22, 1909—Dorothy Ross. Trained Nurse. $600; vice Rebecca Kroner, $600. June 22, 1909—Mary Butler, No. 2. Hospital Helper, $180; additional (temporary). June 22, 1909—Delia Hogan, Hospital Helper, $180; resumed duty. June 22, 1909—Susan Kelly, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Margaret Cudmore, $180. June 22, 1909—Mary Brady, Hospital Helper, $180; reappointed. June 22, 1909—Annie Lynch, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Jennie Young, $180. June 22, 1909—Nellie Higgins, Hospital Helper, $180: vice Mary McDonald, $180. June 22, 1909—Cornelia Kruger. Trained Nurse, $600; promoted from Head Pupil

Nurse, $300; vice Anna Clarke. $600.

;180June 22, 1909—Kate Purdy, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Adelaide Mollenhauer,

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. June 7, 1909—.\nnic Gill, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned.

Appointments. Boat "Southfield." June 9, 1909—Patrick Quinn. Ihospital Helper, $3(X1; vice Jerry Donovan, $300. June 11, 1909—Thomas Monahan, Hospital Helper, $300; vice Patrick Quinn, $300.

Dismissals, Resignations. etc. June 8--Jerry Donovan, Hospital Helper, $3011; transferred to Bellevue Hospital. June 10—Patrick Quinn, Hospital Helper, $300; intoxication.


June 23. 1909-Isabella O'Connell, Laundress. $180; vice Jennie Middleton, $180. June 23, 1909-Lizzie Leddy, Laundress, $240; vice Mary Daniel, $240. June 23, 1909-John O'Brien, Hospital Helper, $240; vice George H. Cree, $240. June 23, 1909-John Westbrook, Hospital Helper, $240; vice William Beckley, $240. June 23, 1919-Horace Evans, Hospital Helper. $240; vice Owen Quinn, $240. June 23. 1909-:\gees Hanley, Trained Nurse. $600; vice Sara Allen, $600. June 24, 19119-Jennie McCotter, Laundress, $240: vice Vary Murray, No. 2, $240. June 24. 1909-Eliza Quick, Hospital helper, $180: additional (for vacations). June 24, 1909-Alice Thornton, Hospital Helper. $180: vice Maggie Clancy, $180. June 24. 1909-Mary Dunn, hospital Hclper, $180; vice Jane Cherers, $180. June 24. 1009 -Margaret Cudmore, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Mary Kennedy,

$180. June 24, 1909 -Mary Capron. Trained Nurse, $600, promoted from Head Pupil

Nurse at $300: vice Ruth Ptntland. 5600. June 24, 1Ut19-Mary Knight. Lattndres_,. $240; vice Annie Rogan, $240. June 25, 1909-Michael Lyons, Hospital Helper, $240: vice James Dolan, $240. June 25, 1909--Edward Brady, Hospital helper, $240: vice Paul Bats, $240. June 25, 1Q09 -Thomas Dougherty, Laundrvman. $240; vice Frank Eargone. $240. June 25, 191)9-Maggie Manne}•, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Ellen Sohm, $180. June 25. 1909-Mihran Aramian, Hospital Helper, $240; vice William Kennedy,

$240. June 25, 1909 -Gustave Hagborg. Hospital Helper, $240; additional (for vaca-

tions). June 25, 1909-Annie Rogan. 1-hospital Helper. $180; vice Kate Purdy, $180. June 26, 1909-Margaretta Cooled•, Head Pupil Nurse, $300; vice Christine Lamp,

$300. June 3, 19119-Mary McMurray, Hospital Helper, $190; additional (new Training

School). Reductions in Salary.

May 1, 1909-Julius \•oscn, Cook, from "l to $720. May 1. 1909-Fred Rossman, Butcher, from $720 to $600.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. June 20-Delia Hogan, Hospital Helper. $180; illness. June 20-Mary McDonald. hospital Helper. $1$0; incompetence. June 21-Jennie Young, Hospital Yelper, SI 0: incompetence. June 21-Lizzie Finigan. Hospital ITc]per. $180; ab=ence. June 21-Margaret Cudmore, Hospital helper, $180: unsatisfactory. June 21-Owen Quinn. Hospital Ilelper, $240: resigned. June 21-Mary Kennedy. Hospital Helper. $140; absence. June 21-Tennis Dawson. Pupil Nurse. $96; illness. June 21-Sara Allen. Trained Nurse. $600: resigned. June 21-Aule'ai~lc \Iollenhatter, Hospital Helper. $130: unsatisfactory June 22-George H. Cree, Hospital Helper, $240: unsatisfactory. June 22-Wil.liani Bccklcv, Hospital Helper, $240: ah<ence. June 22-William Kennedy, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. June 22-Tames Dolan, Hospital Helper. $240: resigned. June 23-Tames Smith. Fireman, $3 a day; illness. June 23-Maggie Clancy. Hospital Helper. $180: incompetence. Tune 23-Jane ('l:crers, Hospital Helper, $180: incompetence. June 23-Dorothy Ross. Trained Nurse. $600: resigned. Tune 23-Columbia Crudup, Trained Nurse. $600; resigned. June 23-Annie Rogan, Laundress. $240: resigned. June 24-Paul Bals, Hospital Helper. 5240: resigned. June 24-Frank Eargone, Latmdrvman. $24'); laziness. June 24-Ellen Sohm, Hospital Helper. $180; resigned. Tune 24--Kate Purdy. Hospital Helper, $190: resigned. June 2f--Ralph Fischer. Hospital Helper. $240; absence. June 26-_\nnie Lynch. Hospital Helper, $1811; absence. June 26-James Black, Hospital Helper. $240; intoxication.

Anpointntents. Bellevue Hospital. Week Ending July 3, 1909. June 23. 1909-Frank Sweeney. Hospital Helper. $240: vice Ralph Fischer. $240. June 24. 1909-Mathew Egan, Pupil Nurse, $120; vice Herbert Jameson, $120. June 28. 1909-Merman Von Eichnald. Pupil Nurse. $120; vice John Williams,

$120. June 28. 1909-Bridget Hynes, Hospital Helper, $180; vice Annie Lynch. $180. June 28, 1909-Addis Fowler. Hospital Helper. $180; vice Johanna Kelleher, $180. June 28, 1909-Joseph Kelly, Hospital Helper, $240: vice James Black, $240. June 28. 1909-Henry E. Ilopkir.s, Engineer, $4.50 a day; vice Charles W. Clark-

son. $4.50 a day. Tune 29. 1909-Chris Koko;. Hospital Helper. $240; vice Thomas King, $240. June 30. 1909-Kate Kir.g. Hospital Helper. $180: vice Nellie Powers. $180. June 301, 1909-Evelyn Fraser, Trained Nurse. $6110: vice Columbia Crudup, $600. June 30, 1909-_\nnie Gaffney, Waitress, $216, promoted from $180; vice Jessie

Gibb. $216. July 1, 1909-Katherine Piffer. Hospital Helper. $180; vice Addie Fowler, $180. July 1, 1909-Thomas Dtvyer, Hospital Helper. $240; vice Edward Cronin. $240. July 1. 1909- Antoinette Mills, Pupil Nurse. $96; vice Jennie Dawson, $96. July 1, 1909-Fred Graul. Trained Nurse. $600: vice George Outwater, $600. July 1, 1909-Raymond Gorcline, Trained Nurse. $6000: vice William Young. $600. July 1. 1909-Sophia Wagonhnffer. Trained Nurse, $600: vice Agnes Hanley, $600. July 1, 1909-James Campbell, Hospital Helper. $240; vice Joseph Papa, $240. July 1, 1909-Mary Johnson, Hospital Helper. $180; vice Nellie Higgins, $180. July 1, 1909-Susan Taylor, Hospital Helper. $180: vice Annie \McKeown, $180, July 1, 1909-John Browne, Fireman. Q3 a slay: vice Tames Smith, $3 a day. July 1. 1909-Frances Lynch, Pupil Nurse, 96 resumed duty. July 1,'1909-Beatrice Hoskin, Pupil Nurse. $96: additional. July 1, 1909-Irene Ford. Head Pupil Nurse. $300: vice Mary McDonald. $300. July 1, 1409-Nellie Brady. Waitress. $180; vice Annie Gaffney, $180; promoted. July 1, 1909-Joseph Reddy, Hospital Helper, $240: vice Tames Coyle. $240. July 1, 1909-Joe Weiss. Hospital Helper. $300: vice Patrick Dolan, $240. July 1. 1909-Addie Fowler, Laundress. $180: vice Lizzie McDuff. $180. July 2. 1909-Ruth Candler. Trained Nurse. $600; vice Dorothy Ross. $600. July 2, 1909-Frank Kielt, Hospital Helper, $240: vice Jerry O'Rourke, $240. July 2. 1909-Charlotte Jackson. Pupil Nurse, $96; vice Lillian Manning, $96. July 2, 1909-Hedwig Althoff, Pupil Nurse. $96: additional. July 2, 1909-Johanna Fuchs, Pupil Nurse, $96: additional. July 2, 1909-Betty Robson, Head Pupil Nurse, $300: vice Margaret Morrison,

$300 July 3, ]9019--Harry \West, Laudrvman. $240: vice Thomas Dougherty, $240. July 3, 1909-Joseph Egan. Hosnital Helper, $240: vice Michael Lyons, $240. July 3. 1%)Q-Pridget O'Brien, Hospital Helper, $180: additional (for vacations). July 3, 1909-Thomas Monahan. Hospital Helper. $240: vice Edward Adams. $240. July 3, 1909-Reuben Moore, Trained Nurse, $600; vice Herbert Baker, $600.

Increase in Salary. July 1, 1909--\Michael Hanley, Hospital Helper, from $244) to $300.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. June 27-John Conway. Engineer, $4.50 a day: leave of absence. June 27-Johanna Kelleher, Hospital Helper, $180: incompetence. June 27-Agnes Hanley, Trained Nurse, $600: resigned. June 28-Edna Marsh, Trained Nurse, $600: leave of absence. June 28-Thomas King. Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. June 29-Charles \V. Clarkson, Engineer, $4.50 a day; resigned. June 29-Nellie Powers, Hospital Helper, $180; absence. June 29-Annie McKeown. Hospital Helper. $180; resigned. June 29-Jessie Gibb, Waitress, $216; unsatisfactory. June 29-James Coyle. Hospital Helper, $240: intoxication. June 29-Patrick Dolan, Hospital Helper, $240 ; resigned. June 30-Addie Fowler. Hospital Helper, $180: resigned. June 30•--Edward Cronin, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned.

June 30--Toseph Papa, Hospital Helper. $240: insubordination. June 30-Jerry O'Rourke, Hospital Helper, $240; resigned. June 30-Nellie Higgins, Hospital Helper, $180; incompetence. June 30--Patrick Nlc. rdle, Fireman, $3 a day; transferred to Fordhant Hospital. June 30-Winfield Croft, Pupil Nurse, $120; illness. June 30--Emma Gribbin, Waitress, $240; no longer needed. June 30--Timothv Shea, Head Pupil Nurse. $300; resigned. June 30-Katherine Emery. 'Trained Nurse, $600; resigned. June 30-Lizzie NlcGufl, Laundress, $180; resigned. July I-Edward Adams, Hospital Helper, $240; transferred to "Southfield." July 2-Thomas l)ougerty, Laundryman, $240: fighting. July 2-Jlichacl Lyons, Hospital Helper, $2411; resigned. July 2-Rose Penny-, Trained Nurse, $600: resigned. July 2-Evelyn Fraser. Trained Nurse, $600; resigned. Jul ?-\'cllettia Shuttlewrrth, Head Pupil Nurse, $3(X): resigned. July 2-Mary- Marren. head Pupil Nurse. $300; resigned. July 3-Lizzie Wallace, Hospital Helper, $180; resigned. Juf}• 3-Rose Covert , Laundress, $216; illness.

Appointments, Boat "Southfield." July 2, 1909-Edward Adams, Hospital Helper, $300, transferred from Bellevue

Hospital; vice Thomas Monahan, $300.

Dismissals, Resignations, etc. June 30-Thomas Monahan, Hospital Helper. $300; resigned. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds recommended that the room adjoining

the X-ray- room at I ordham Hospital be devoted to the X-ray Department, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, this recommendation was approved.

Dr. Brannan recommended that fourth year students be admitted to the wards as Medical Clerks and Surgical Dressers, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, this recommendation was approved.

The Budget Committee presented the following recommendations, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, the recommendations of the Committee were approved:

\ Plumber, at $5 a clay. Civil Service Telephone Operators, at $600 a year. .\ \\ atchman, at $7211. An increase in the salary of Mr. John Lennon (Acting Storekeeper), from $720

to $900. _\n increase in the salary of Mr. Cornelius Buckley, Clerk in charge of payrolls,

from $900 to $1,200. A balance of five thousand dollars to allow for increases warranted by length

of service. To employ Orderlies from the Civil Service list to act as Stretcher Carriers, at

$600 a year. An increase in the salary of Mary Law, Hospital Clerk, from $600 to $720. To employ Ci%il Service Elevator Men, at $61X). An increase in the salary of Paul FranzLI. Property Clerk (Hospital Orderly),

from $720 to $900. An increase in the salary of George J. \Iullen, Junior Clerk. from $600 to $900. An increase in the salary of Anna Duff, Clerk, from $600 to $750. An increase in the salary of James Masterson, Junior Clerk, from $604) to $750. An increase in the salary of Theodore Hagenjos, Clerk, from $540 to $fifty). To provide for the painting of the interior of both Gouverneur and Fordhani

Hospitals To provide for an automobile and chauffeur for the Department.

Gouverneur Hospital. To provide for a Telephone Operator, at $601) to replace a Hospital Helper, at

$240. To provide for a Carpenter at the prevailing rate of wages or a Hospital Helper

(mechanic), at $600 a year. To provide for a painter at the prevailing rate of wages, or a Hospital Helper

(mechanic), at $60-i a year. To provide for three Oilers. at $3 a day. To provide for two Coal Passers, at $2 a day. An increase in the salary of the Supervising Nurse, from $1,200 to $1,500.

Harlem Hospital. .\n increase in the salary of Owen Connattghton (\Watchman), from $360 to $480.

Hospital Helper. An increase in the salary of Abraham Huyler, from $300 to $480. In increase in the salary of James Dowden, Property Clerk and Cataloguer

(Hospital Orderly), front $720 to $900. .An increase in the salary of Lillian Guilfoyle, Hospital Clerk, from $600 to $750. An increase in the salary of Frank Catalina, Hospital Clerk, from $30 to $480. To provide for 3 Oilers at $3 a day. To provide for a Housekeeper at $G1)0 a year. To provide for one extra Laundress at $240 a year. To provide for an Anaesthetist at $750. An increase in the salary of the Supervising Nurse, from $1,200 to $1,500.

Fordham Hospital. An increase in the salary of Emma Murray, Junior Clerk, front $600 to $750. An increase in the salary of Elizabeth Regan \Vilson, Junior Clerk, from $600

to $750. John Amatrano, hospital Clerk, from $360 to $490. An increase in the salary of Laura Brown, from $720 to $80). An increase in the salary of Carl Hansen, from $480 to $500. An increase in the salary of a Hospital Helper (mechanic), from $240 to $360. To provide for an Anaesthetist at $750. To provide for an X-Ray Photographer at $1,200. To provide for 3 Oilers at $3 a day. To provide for 1 extra Hospital Clerk at $480. To provide for 3 post-graduate Nurses at $300. To provide for 2 additional Hospital Helpers at $240. To provide for 1 Hospital Helper at $180. An increase in the salary of the Supervising Nurse, from $1,200 to $1,500

Nursing Department. An increase in the salary of Florence Ryan, from $720 to $800. An increase in the salary of Philip Bock, from $720 to $800. An increase in the salary of Lucy Costello, from $600 to $720. An increase in the salary of James 'Norris from $600 to $720. An increase in the salary of Nehemiah Gray, from $600 to $720. To provide for 2 additional Nurses in the Social Service Bureau To provide for 2 additional Waitresses at $216. To provide for an additional Hospital Helper at $300. To provide for 2 additional Hospital Helpers at $240. To provide for 4 additional Hospital Helpers at $180. To provide for 1 additional Waitress at $216. An increase in the salary of a Cook, from $360 to $420. An increase in the salary of a Hospital Helper, from $240 to $300. An increase in the salary of the Housekeeper (Assistant), from $600 to $720 An increase in the salary of James Rooney, from $240 to $300. An increase in the salary of Alfred Hansen, from $240 to $300. An increase in the salary of Michael Jennings, from $240 to $300. To provide for an additional Hospital Clerk to keep the records in the alcoholic

ward for men. Mr. Robbins, of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, reported that estimates

had been received from three firms on the work of covering pipes and installing ex- haust fans at Gouverneur Hospital, and recommended that these bids be rejected and new bids asked for on each piece of work separately. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this recommendation was approved.


Mr. Robbins, of the Committee no Buildings and Grounds, to whom had been referred the bill of L. Perelson for tixtu:es in the Training School for Women Nurses, reported that Mr. Perelson appeared before the Committee and stated his reasons for not completing the work within the time specified. Mr. Robbins recommended that, in view of the reasons presented by Mr. Perelson for the delay in the work, an extension of thirty-three days be granted in addition to the live clays already granted and that his bill lie paid in full. On motion, duly seconded and carried, the report of the Building Committee was approved.

1)r. Brannan reported on the crowded condition of Ward 34 and recommended that the ward be enlarged and that additional Nurses be provided for this service. Dr. Brannan reported further that the necessary changes would involve an expen-diture of about $1,000, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to take steps to improve this service and enlarge the ward.

Dr. Brannan recommended that the balcony rails at 1larleut Hospital be made higher, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to obtain estimates on the work.

Dr. Brannan reported that lie had received the following bids on July 7: Coal for Bellevue Hospital.

Davies Brothers ......................................................... $5 79 Curtis-Blaisdell Company ............................................... 5 35 Pattisun& Bowns ....................................................... 5 93

Wire Guards, Railings, etc., Gouverneur Hospital. A. L. Alldridge & Co .................................................... $2,100 W Joshua Ilorrocks ....................................................... 2,390 00

i Electric Lamps. —~ E. B. Latham & Co ................ ect'r ........... .................... $3,126 64 Western Electric Company .............................................. 3,126 64 Stanley & Patterson ..................................................... 3,126 64 Sibley & 1'itntan ........................................................ 3.129 49 Bryan-Marsh Company ................................................. 3,129 49 Manhattan Electrical Supply Company ................................... 3,129 49 Rooney Electric Lanip Company (three items) ........................... 277 50

Canned Goods, Groceries, etc. F. If. Leggett ........................................................... $1,795 47 W. 1'. Gillutt ........................................................... 1,451 17 J. F. Gylsen.. ....................................................... 569 81) Siegel-Cooper Company ................................................ 268 61) A. L. Ilirsch ........................................................... 284 41) 1-1. T. 1.)akin ............................................................ 22 39 J. F. 1)onovan .......................................................... 359 00 S. E. liunter ........................................................... 5,549 4N1 R. P. Lawless... .................................................... 450 IN) Bloomingdale Brothers ................................................. Sri 18 J. Wanamaker ......................................................... 11 14 James K. Shaw ..................... . ................................... 22 83

On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved. To award the contract to the lowest bidder in each case, and i ,n such

items on which like bids were received it was decided to give the contract to the firm giving the better service.

Dr. Brannan reported receipt of the following bids on July 16: Alterations and Repairs to Wards 18 and 25.

The Kenney-Rcnncr Company ............. $6,528 00 .............................. Crescent Construction Cutupany ......................................... 6,800 00 Concourse Construction Cunipany ........................................ 6,973 (IJ Vsilliam llorne Company ................................................ 7,070 00 J. M. Knopp ............................................................ 7.175 00 C. L. Doulcy ............................................................ 7,490 U) Neptune B. Sntyth ...................................................... 7,570 00 William Werner ....................................................... 8,442 00 George Dellen ......................................................... 9,860 W

On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to award the contract for alterations and repairs to Wards 18 and 25 to the lowest bidder, the Kenney-Renner Company.

The Finance Committee, to which had been referral the preparation of charges against Mr. Eckstein and Mr. White, reported the following charges, and, on motion, duly seconded and carried, the report of the Committee was approved:

Charges of misconduct, incompetency and neglect of duty preferred against Frank Eckstein, Auditor:

(1) That on or about May 11, 1909, you certified an alleged bill of H. Hahnenfeld. No. 540 Third avenue, fur supplies to the amount of $21.03, as having been examined by you and found correct, whereas you had never examined the original bill of the said Hahnenfeld, but had accepted an alleged typewritten copy of said bill, which in fact had been changed from the original, with the result that you permitted a falsified account to be presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(2) That on or about April 21, 1909, you certified an alleged bill of A. Merolla, No. 484 Second avenue, for supplies to the amount of $8.71, as having been examined by you and found correct, whereas you had never examined the original bill of the said Merolla, but had accepted an alleged typewritten copy of said bill, which in fact had been changes from the original, with the result that you permitted a falsified ac-count to be presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(3) That on or about April 14, 1909, you certified an alleged bill of A. Merolla, No. 484 Second avenue, for supplies to the amount of $8.19, as having been examined by you and found correct, whereas you had never examined the original bill of the said Merolla, but had accepted an alleged typewritten copy of said hi I, which in fact had been changes from the original, with the result that you permitted a falsified ac-count to be presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(4) That on or about March 15, 1909, you certified an alleged bill of Charles & Co., No. 44 East Forty-third street, for supplies to the amount of $12.48, as having been examined by you and found correct, whereas you had never examined the orig-inal bill of the said Charles & Co., but had accepted an alleged typewritten copy of said bill, which in fact had been changed front the original, with the result that you per-mitted a falsified account to be presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(5) That on or about May 20, 1909, you certified an alleged bill of A. Merolla. No. 484 Second avenue, for supplies to the amount of $11.75, as having been examined by you and found correct, whereas you had never examined the original bill of the said Merolla, but had accepted an alleged typewritten copy of said bill, which in fact had been changed from the original, with the result that you permitted a falsified ac-count to be presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

Resolved, That a copy of the charges, signed by the President and attested by the Secretary, be served forthwith upon the said Frank Eckstein, requiring him to submit his explanation of the same to this Board, in accordance with the provisions of sec-tion — of the Greater New York Charter, at the rooms of - the Board on July 27.' 1909, at half-past 2 o'clock.

Charges of neglect of duty preferred against George A. White. Bookkeeper: That on or about April 22, 1909, you permitted an alleged bill of H. Hahnenfeld.

No. 540 Third avenue, for supplies to the amount of $21.03, to be entered in the books of this Board as a credit to the account of the said Hahnenfeld, whereas you had never received the original bill of the said Hahnenfeld, but had accepted a typewritten copy. alleged to be a copy of said bill, which, in fact, had been changed from the original. with the result that, through your neglect of duty, you participated in permitting a falsified account to be presented to the Finance Committee of this Board, and to the Board itself, for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(2) That on or about May 10. 1909, you permitted an alleged bill of A. Merolla. No. 484 Second avenue, for supplies to the aniount of $11.75. to be entered in the books of this Board as a credit to the account of the said Merolla, whereas you had never received the original bill of the said Merolla, but had accepted a tepewritten copy. alleged to be a copy of said bill, which, in fact, had been changed front the original, with the result that through your neglect of duty you participated in permitting a falsified account to be pre ented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(3) That on or about April 6, 1909. you permitted an alleged bill of A. Merolla, No. 484 Second avenue, for supplies to the amount of $8.19. to be entered in the books of this Board as a credit to the account of the said Merolla, whereas you had never received the original bill of the said Merolla. Nit had accepted a typewritten copy. alleged to be a copy of said bill, which, in fact. had been changed front the original, with the result that through your neglect of dotty you participated in permitting a falsified account to be prc cntecl to the Finance Conttnittec of !his Board and to the Board itself for ai:dit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(4) That on or about '_1l arch 11, 1909, von permitted an alleged bill of Charles & Co., No. 44 1•:ast Forte-third street, for supplies to the amount of $12.48, to be entered in the books of this Board as a credit to the accotint of the said Charles & Co.. whereas you had never received the original bill of the said Charles & Co., but had accepted a typewritten copy. alleged to be a copy of said bill, which, in fact. had been changed front the original, with the result that through your neglect of duty ynu par-:icipated in permitting a falsilied accotutt t be preented to the Finance Gxnntittee of this Board and to the Board itself for tttidit and certification to the C.,mptroller for payment.

(5) That on or about May 10, 1909, yon permitted an alleged bill of A. Merolla. No. 484 Second avenue. for supplies to the amunnt of $11.75. to be entered ill the books of this Bard as a credit t„ the :recount of the said Mler,lla, whereas \ -,,u had never received the original hill if the ::till Merlin, hut liad accepted a typewritten copy, alleged to he a copy of .aid hill, which, in fact. had been :hanged front the original. with the result that through v,nn• negect of (lilt)' on participated in permitting a falsified account to be presentell to the Finance Cunlrnitter of this Board neil to the Board itscif fur and it and ccrtilicati 'nt to the Comptroller for p:;vment.

Resolved, Flint a c ,1 of the c!iarge', signed by tin' l'n-sidcnt an,l atteste•rl by thr Secretarv, I ,e served forthwith upon the said (ieurg,e A. \Vhite, requiring him 1.) sub lint his c•xlrlaration of iii.- s'tm,• t,, this ll-,;lnl in acr,r,Lince with the nrutisiun at section — of the Greater New York Charter, at the minis of the Board on July 27. 19119, at half past 2 ()'clock.

Resolved, That, ilrismuch as the C, mintissiune•rs of Acc,unts have, since the last meeting of the lioanL commenced sit irnryttiry into the matter of the financial irregular-ities in ;he h s kk quint; dcp'irun,•nt of the hi-p tad. -o,t wliiclt the-c char is are based. ibis Bard c,1n,idcrs it proper to defer farther inquiry p. oiling the me-ttlt of tlt:tt insti •ute•d by tht Commissioner; of :\rcuunt..

Resolved, That the ('umntis.iuncr, of .\cc,nrrts he r(qui rl to furnish tilt, Board with a copy of the report of their tinili,iur and of the t,•-tuu"nv taken in their inquiry as soon as practicable, in order that Ihi, It,,ar,l may hr it: a positi,m to take' sttcit further action as iliac scent to it nee •s::trc \c}t, ii all fact; have been ascertained.

Cuntmtmicat iii,. .' communication called July 8, 191 t9, was rcrciVc,l from the ].;rn Ih-partrnent

regarding the removal of Mr. Samuel J. tones, the' t Iingir.crr. On motion. duly sccorded and carried, tai', eontnntnic:ttiun way placed on tile.

A c'.mlrltut;icatil~n tl:tted jt!ne 29 refs received from \>. Gillis & ( wham with hill for work ;it (fume •rnenr I hospital; also i cnrnmunica';,m dated Jtn:c 23 with two estimate,. On m -tiun, dull sc_„ruled and carr.c,l. th •; • counmunicati~Ins were referred to the Building Cutnntittee for rccunlmenit:,tion and tip r:.

A c-nntuunicatiun datc,l J:tly I wv:t receive,) fnlut the' sr- \IcKint• \I (ail & White asking that the Bo:tri} of Tru-tees write to the I )c;•artntc:,t 'If llncks amid Ferries reque'ting the disruntiuttvtce of tilling iii inside -of tlt • bulkhead wall of tar new L''lle- ne I ,sl,it;t!. (In iii, 'ii !t. r!it]'v seei:lded and carrieel. the c,,rrcyu nrlence of the Presi den± in this matter Wa- apr,tr,,c,,l.

A c, ntatuuicatiun ,hut' it fulc 12 was rcrc•il,01 from \l '. r<. I'ari>li & S;hrocder with a certificate' ::nd bill fruit I.. 1'rrrlsun ;unb :)'.,ill for ti224.S2 for co:tnnisstnn. On muti„n, (hthv seeoll(IL ci and carried, this c, : mmutticati u :iii enrlo.ures were n•ferred to the I,;rilrlitu* ('.mt,nittce for r•c„!nnl,-nilati~,n nnib rep. ,rt.

A cope of the law prat i,lint; f„r the creeti, m mid n!aintrn;lncc ,f an additional public hu ,spital in The City of New \ ,rk was received mid t,l:ice(l .m tile. ,\I,u a Copy of :he law i ❑ relation to : Ill]Illkincc 'ercice tea: recciveil :~n,l place l ,on tile.

,- c..ntlntuticati„n clot, rl Ittlt• I w;,: ri•criccdl fr1:m the' Director if the' Pureau (it \lunicipal Re'oacch re ar,ling tilt, nrcllarat ,,n if the ISo,Iget estimate. f , .r the \ear 191(1. ( let motion, drily' .c, nn l,•d ant c:oirria d. ;his co!nimm:c::ti..o seas Irlarc l ..n tile.

A cntn:nttnicati,ni lat,•il Jane 36 w:t , received fruit: the it einl of I•ttmatc and :At,porti nnx•nt with a ccrtilic,l cope of a n's"tu!i,rtt ❑ utln , rizing an issue if Corporate Stuck to proci lc means for the in.tallatloll of a fire' alarm .t strut in Bellevue and Ilarlcnt hho•pital-. On motion, (Ittiyv see in led and carne!, this c~rm:nttnicati: n was placed oil tile.

A communication dated July Ill wa.s.receit•rrl from mfr. L,mis C. l"rees• General Inspector of C~mstruc!tu n. apl lying for :on inen•:t"• ill salarv. ()n urn ti ,n. duf)- sec ondeel and carried. this appt.ication was referred to the Building C( mntittee for recom• mcndati, m and report.

RRpurt; of the progress on till- work of the Pathological 'lcpart lieu :t and tunic• dnrmitur'V, repair work at Gotn•erncur Ilospital, boiler house of new Pcllcvuc llos tidal. new fence and training sch.,ol for women Nttr,•s, se- ere received from the In-spccturs of Construction, and were, iii mutin:t, tlttlti seconded and carried, placed nn tile.

A contnnmi eat ion was received from Dr. Ellsworth Eliot in explanation of his absence during the month of June On iii it r,n, duly sec mudccl and carried, this cont-municatiou was; placed on tilt'.

A communication dated July 10 was received frnrtt 1)r. Carl C. Burdick applying for appointment to the vacancy caused by the death of I)r. Garrigan. Oit ntuti rn, duly secondsed and carried, I)r. Burdick was directed to scud his application to the'eIeaical Board.

A communication dated June 30 was received from 'Messrs. McKim, Mead & White with an offer of Messrs. Byrne & Murphy allowing $210 on the sinks in Pavilions A and B. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this matter was referred to the General Medical Superintendent for conference with the Engineer of the Finance Department.

A communication dated July 16 was received from Messrs. McKim, Mead & White in the matter of the new Building Code. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for report and recommendation.

A communication dated July 13 was received from 'Messrs. Parish & Schroeder with a fixture rider to certificate A-84687 and a certificate from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity for lighting fixtures in the new training school building. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

A communication dated July 19 was received from Messrs. Parish & Schoeder reporting that they know of no law prohibiting the erection of a wall such as is placed for the training school for women Nurses. Oil notion, duly seconded and carried, this matter was referred to the Committe on Buildings and Grounds for con-ference with a representative of the Borough President's office.

A communication dated July 9 was received from the Art Commission with a certified copy of a resolution relating to the designs for the new pavilions of Belle-vue Hospital. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

A communication dated July 14 was received from the Budget conference asking for a statement of the Department's needs and offering assistance in obtaining appropriations. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

The minutes of the Bellevue Hospital Medical Board were received from the Sec-retary, Dr. C. J, Strong. On motion, duly seconded and carried, the suggestion Qf the Medical Board that an opinion be obtained from the Corporation Counsel in the matter of calls from the District Attorney's office for examination of patients by physicians of the hospital was approved, as was also the appointment of Dr. Frank 5 Fielder to serve on the Social Service Bureau as representative of the Out Patient


Department, and the request that Dr. Frederick Peterson, Professor of Psychiatry, bt permitted the use of the amphitheatre for one hour on Tuesdays during the months of October, November and December, and that a short term diploma be granted tc Dr. Robert C. Kimbrough. The nominations of Drs. Harold C. Bailey and D. Clifford Martin, and the report on the application of Dr. Simon Baruch for appointment as Instructor in Hydrotherapy, were referred to the Conference Committee for recom-mendation and report. Upon the recommendation of the Medical Board the follow-ing Internes were appointed to the Third Division: George Slattery, Miller Edward Trask, Eugene Fairchild Russell, Charles Emerson Jones, Charles Alfred Morris, Albert Charles Rice, Frederick C. Harms (one year), and Daniel J. Byrne (one year) and Hunter C. Jones (one year). Second Division.

The minutes of the Executive Committee of the Medical Board of Bellevue Hospital for the meeting held on July 14. reporting that Dr. Carl Burdick had been temporarily assigned in charge of the clinic (to the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Garrigan ), were received and placed on file.

The minutes of the Harlem Hospital Medical Bpard for the meeting held on June 29 were received from the Secretary, Dr. R. Van Santvoord. The resignations of Drs. Frederick B. Humphreys and John J. Slevin were accepted: the recommenda-tion that an additional position be created for an adjunct Assistant Visiting Physician was referred to the Conference Committee: the recommendation that diplomas be granted to Drs. Jtoeckel and Healy was approved: the assignment of the Adjunct Assistant Attending Surgeons to the hospital service during the months of July and August was approved on the condition that the Attending Surgeons shall assume the responsibility for the duties performed by them ; the suggestion that tents be pro- vided and placed on the lawns for convalescent patients was referred to the General Medical Superintendent for report as was also the recommendation that the hot air apparatus he removed from the cellar to a room on the third floor.

The minutes of the Fordham Hospital Medical Board for the meeting held on July 1 were received from the Secretary, Dr. Alexander Nicoll. The nominations of Drs. Kahrs, Roberts and Ginsberg were referred to the Conference Committee: Drs. Grossman. Hov, Carey and Steiner were appointed Internes: and the recommendation that Drs. Lordi and Riley be granted diplomas was approved.

A communication dated July 8 was received from I)r. E. L. Kellogg regarding his bill for $30.8O for taxicab hire. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this matter was referred to the General Medical Superintendent for comparison with the records of operations.

:\ communication dated July 12 was received from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity requesting that suitable provision be made in the Budget for the year 191(1 for renncating and improving the present lighting equipments of Gouverneur, Harlem and Fordham hospitals. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for report.

,\ communication dated July 15 was received from the Board of Estimate and :Apportionment with certified copies of resolutions (1) requesting the designation of an official to act as a member of the Board of Conference Committee for the purpose of standardizing the supplies furnished to various departments, (2) transferring $7,170 within the appropriation made to the Department of Bellevue and Allied Hospi-tals for the %car 1909, l3) approving of changes and modifications in the salary schedules, and l 4 i authorizing an issue of $ 5(10,00) Corporate Stock to provide means for the erecti m of Pavilions I, K. L and M of the new Bellevue Hospital. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this cmiununication and resolutions were placed on tile, and the General Medical Superintendent was appointed a member of the Conference Com-mittee for the purpose of standardizing supplies furnished to public departments.

A communication dated July 16 was received from Dr. E. L. Dow, Secretary of the Committe of Clinical Records, regarding the revised nomenclature of diseases and conditions. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

Reports on Bellevue, Gouverneur, Harlem and Fordham hospitals were received from State Board of Charities. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was de-cided to send copies of these reports to the members of the Board of Trustees.

Unfinished Business. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, To fill as soil as possible the position of Bookkeeper at $3,000 a year,

the Finance Committee being appointed to receive applications and make recom-mendations.

Regarding the brick fence in front of the Nurses' Home. which the Inspector of Construction reported in violation of Building Laws, it was, on motion, duly see-onded and carried, decided to refer the matter to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for conference with a representative of the Borough President's office.

A motion to adjourn the meeting to Tuesday, July 27, 1909, was seconded and carried.

A. M. ROBBINS, Acting Secretary.


A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals was held in the staff room of Bellevue Hospital on Tuesday, July 27, 1909, at 2.30 o'clock.

Present—Dr. Br:utnan, the Prestdent, in the chair; Mles-rs. Sachs, O'Keeffe, Rob-bins, Trustees, and Mr. Hebt erd. the Commissioner of Public Charities.

Dr. 11'. 11. Smith, the General Medical Superintendent, reported as follows: Front July 18 to July 24 inclusive 52 operations were performed at Bellevue Hos-

pital, 13 at Gouverneur lio>pital, 2 at Harlem Hospital and 13 at Fordham Hospital, at all of which the Attending Surgeons or their assistant, were present.

A fire drill was held at Fordham and Harlem Hospitals on July 20, at Gouverneur 11ospnal on July 21, any at Ili'llevue Hospital on July 22, 1909.

The service, of special temporary Nurses were authorized for a post-operative case and two case, of vaginitis, and approval for these is requested.

The heating >ystem'at the \I ills Training School building has for some time been inadequate. The gas heaters f,,rtncrh• used were ordered out by the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Something must be dyne to prepare for the coming winter. The Acting Supervising Engineer reports that in his opinion a satisfactory one-pipe Paul system could be installed for about $2,000.

The asphalt in front of the stable is in very bad condition and needs extensive repairs. Only one figure has thus far been obtained and that is approximately $450. It is recommended that other bids be obtained and that the contract be given to the lowest bidder.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the action of the General Medical Super-intendent in authorizing the services of special temporary Nurses for urgent cases at the request of the Attending Physicians was approved.

On motion. duly seconded and carried, it was decided, to install a one-pipe heating system in the Mills Training School building in order that the rooms may be properly heated in the coming winter.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the General Medical Superintendent was authorized to obtain bids on the work of repairing the asphalt pavement in front of the stable and to accept the lowest bid on the work.

With the approval of the Committee en Supplies and the Committee on Buildings and Grounds the lowest bid in each case was accepted on the following: Welsbach gas lamps, steamer "Westfield" (3 bids asked. 3 received)—

Welsbach Gas Lamp Company .......................................... $182 25 Knickerbocker Heat and Lighting Company ................. ....... .. 207 50

120 pounds white castile soap, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 3 received)— Austin Nichols & Co ................................................... 16 20. Francis H. Leggett & Co ............................................... 17 40

2 lights ground glass, delivered and set, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— C. Dunham .......................................................... 10 00

Theodore W. Morris & Co ................. 10 78 1 dozen brass door stops, Gouverneur Hospital (4 bids asked, 1 received)—

Madison Hardware Company........ ............. 13 30 24 green shades. Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 3 received)— B. Altman & Co......... ... 44 75 John Wanamaker ...................................................... 45 40

Water coolers, tacks, washboards, picture wire, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)—

Madison Hardware and Supply Company ................................ 9 85 John Wanamaker ...................................................... 14 20

Painters' supplies, Bellevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— George W. Grote & Co .................................................. 15 40 T. C. I)unhant ............................. .. .............. .. 17 55

Repairs, 5 lamps (ambulance), Bellevue Mospital (1 bid asked; manufacturers)— N. M. Coach and Auto Lamp Company .................................. 10 00

Repairs, leak, roof, Gouverneur Hospital (4 bids asked, 1 received)— Harlent Rooting Company ............................................... 25 00

%\ -ire bottle racks (38), B.Ilevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 1 received+)— Joh„ 11'ananiaker ...................................................... 28 50

Repairs, 20 horse power C. & C. motor, Gouverneur Hospital (1 bid asked; nlanufacturer)—

Garwood Electric Company ................. 20 36 Handrail ou main building roof, Fordham Hospital (4 bids asked, 1 received)—

Wells & Newton Company .............................................. 38 00 4 rubber coats, Ambulance Drivers, Fordham Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 re-

ceived)— P. J. Constant .......................................................... 14 30 John \1'anamaker ...................................................... 15 40

Laundry supplies, Fordham Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— J. T Stanley ........................................................... 20 00 11. Koltnstamnt & Co ................................................... 23 33

4 electric fans (2 oscillating), Harlem Hospital (4 bids asked, 3 received')— Fullerton Case Company ................................................52 Fletcher- Stanley Company nsp~1 ............. ................................61 00

4 plate glass (assorted sizes). Bellevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— TheKny-Schcerer Company ............................................ 25 45 Hospital Supply Compan ................................................. 27 50

Repairs, 2 food trucks, 1 ice truck, Bellevue Hospital (2 bids asked, 2 re- ceived l—

Hospit.~1 Supply Company .............................................. 28 50 Kny-Scheerer Company ................................................ 31 00

12 nets fr laundry use. Bellevue liospvta! (3 bids asked, 2 received)— J. T. Stanicv (dozen) ..................................................7 50 H. Kohnslamn, & Co. (dozen) ..........................................Fl 00

Kitchen utensils, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked. 1 received)— \lac:ison 11ardware and Supply Company ............................... 16 9,i

1 barrel soft soap, 40(1 pounds, B,llevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 3 received 't— Cavanagh Bros. & Co .................................................. 16 92 J. T. Stanley ........................................................... 17 50

285 yards material (like sample, tan, for visiting gowns), Bellevue (4 bids asked. 2 received)—

John \%'anantc,ker ...................................................... 25 65 B. ,Altman & Co ........................................................ 27 78

216 inches 115-volt fans. (;ntverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— Westernt Electric Company ............................................. 24 54; Fletcher & Stanley ..................................................... 27 00

Furnish 6 awnings, flames and hardware, Ilariem Hospital (3 bids asked, 1 recc ived 1—

George \"ause ......................................................... 21 00 160 racks for bedside cards. Fordham Hospital (4 bills asked, 3 received)—

Madison Hardware Company ........................................... 27 60 Hospital Supply Company ................. ..... .. .. 28 80

1 reducing valve and attaching same, Ifarleni Hospital (I bid asked ; manu- facturt-r)—

Kielvy & Mucller ....................................................... 15 00 Repairs, electric ambulance, Bellevue Hospital (1 bid asked; manufacturer)—

The \\ bite Company ................................................... 40 71 200 feet -foot rubber hose, nozzles, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 2

received )— Mad.son Hardware Company ........................................... 20 00 John \1 anamakcr ......................................................40 00

4 new birdies attached to old truck for 1-ton coal trucks, Bellevue Hospital ( 1 bid asked; Manufacturers)—

C. W. Hitt Company .................................................. 275 00 I gas instrument sterilizer. Bellevue Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)—

The Kny-Scheerer Company (se( Order No. 3676) ......................36 9:1 Painters' supplies. Gouverneur Hospital (4 bids asked, 3 received)—

T. C. 1)unham ......................................................... 73 50 John Lucas 4incontplete) ............................................... 61 80

Recalling and repolishing 10 armchairs, Harlem Hospital (1 bid asked)'— I. Timberger .......................................................... 12 50

IOU yards table damask, Bellevue Hospital (4 bids asked, 2 received)— John 11 anamaker ................... O'Neill-Adams .........................................................82

16 crocks for steam tables, Gouverneur Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received)— 50

Abraham & Strauss .................................................... 22 40 J. K. Shaw ............................................................. 32 00

15 white window shades, Harlem Hospital (3 bids asked, 2 received— John Wauamaker ......................................................14 H. E. Morey............ ............................... 18 20

5 pairs of window sashes for Doctors' kitchen and diet kitchen, Bellevue Hos- pital (4 bids asked, 4 received)—

J. C. Lorbtn ............................................................ 30 00 J. H. Adanison ......................................................... 48 00

Communications. A communication, dated July 22, was received from Messrs. Stanley & Patter-

son, requesting permission to withdraw their estimate on lamps. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to inform Messrs. Stanley & Patterson that their request will receive consideration when the Board of Trustees has a reply from the Corporation Counsel regarding a modification in the contract.

A communication, dated July 26, was received from the Supervising Nurse of Gouverneur Hospital, reporting the night visits of Dr. Kellogg to the hospital. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to pay the bills of Drs. E. Eliot and E. L. Kellogg for taxicab hire. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was further decided to refer to the General Medical Superintendent the matter of pro-viding conveyances for the visiting surgeons called to the hospital at night with a view to finding a more economical method of furnishing conveyances for these phy-sicians.

A communication, dated July 24, was received from the Department of Finance, with a copy of a report from the Engineering Bureau advising the acceptance of the "Blue Ribbon Underwriters Hose." On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to accept the "Blue Ribbon Underwriters Hose," upon the recommendation of the Department of Finance, and to have the fire expert make a test of the same as soon as possible.

Dr. Smith reported receipt of a communication from the Ideal Electric Company regarding the payment of its bill for electric light globes supplied to Harlem Hospital. The amount of the bill was $12.50, but was not passed by the Inspector of the De- partment of Finance who considered that $6 was a sufficient charge for the globes. The General Medical Superintendent reported that the order was given to the firm in question because its bid was the lowest of the five bids received. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to ask the Department of Finance for advice in the purchase of this article in order that the Board of Trustees may in the future have the benefit of the lowest possible figure on the same.

The General Medical Superintendent reported receipt of an application from Miss Hagen, Stenographer, for an increase in salary. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to refer this matter to the Budget Committee with power.

A communication, dated July 26. was received from the office of the Commis-sioners of Accounts regarding their report of the examination of the financial irregu-larities at Bellevue Hospital. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this com-munication was placed on file.


A communication, dated July 22, was received from the Department of Street Cleaning in reply to the letter of the Board of Trustees requesting the removal of the clump from the foot of East Thirtieth street. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

A communication, dated July 26, was received from Dr. Samuel W. Lambert, re-garding the appointment of fourth year men as Medical Clerks and Surgical Dressers in Bellevue Hospital. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

A communication, dated July 24, was received from Dr. J. Clifton Edgar, request-ing leave of absence (luring the month of August. On motion, duly seconded and carried, Dr. Edgar was granted leave of absence.

A bill, dated July 12, was received from Messrs. McKim, Mead & White, for $35,00) on account of commission for preliminary drawings. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to approve of the payment of this bill.

A communication, dated July 23, was received from 'Messrs. Siebrecht & Son, re-garding the balance due on hills for work at Ilarlem and Fordhani Hospitals. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this matter was referred to the General Medical Superintendent with power.

A communication, dated July 26. was received from Messrs. Parish & Schroeder in reply to the letter of the Board of Trustees, regarding the bill of L. Perelson. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this communication was placed on file.

A communication, elated July 23, was received from the Enos Company with a certificate from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, covering its installation of fixture work in Pavilions A and B. On motion, duly seconded and carried, this ccnnntnnication was placed on file.

A ccmtmunication, dated July 26, was received from the Supervising Nurse of Gouverneur Hospital in reply to the report of the State Board of Charities oh the inspection of Gouverneur Hospital. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was decided to inform the Medical Board of Gouverneur Hospital that if the visiting Physicians and Surgeons find it necessary to make their rounds at the noon hour, they will have to dispense with the services of the Nurses in charge of the wards so that the needed time and attention may he given by the Nurses in the proper service of the meals. ()t motion. duly seconded and carried, it was further decided to have this same rule apply to all of the hospitals of the Department.

Report of Committees 1)r. Brannan, to whom had been referred the matter of procuring an architect

to prepare plans and spud ilicatiI Its for the lieu- rcception office and transfer roost, recommended that \Ir. \ an I)er Bent of the lirin of Mc Kim, Mcad & \V bite he engaged to do this work, and, on :notion, duly seconded and carried, this recout in end atiill was approved.

The Building Committee, ti which had been referred the report that the fence ( brick wall in front of the Training School for Women Nurses was beyond the building line, recommended that the architect's attention be called to this fact and that the' secure the necessary permit before they pr(,ceecl with the work in order that the Board of Trustees may be properly protected in the matter. On notion, dul.% seconded and carried, this red om tile' ndatiun was approved.

The linil(Iing Committee, ti which had been referred the communication front the Departnten: of 'Water Supply, (;as and Electricity recommending that provision be made iu the littdgct for intpruv.ri lighting at the allied hospitals, reported in favor of accepting the figures of sail Department in this matter, and, on motion, duly see' tided and carried, this rue, .nmenclatimm of the Committee was approved.

The Finance Committee, tr, which had l,eett referred the matter of filling the vacancy for Bookkeeper, reported progress.

Mr. Robbins recommended that a flag pole be placed oil the Fordhani Hospital building, and, on motion, drily seconded and carried this matter was referred to the General Medical Superintendent with power.

The Budget Committee reported as follows The increase in supplies over the appropriation for the present year is $40,139.48,

which includes $15,51N) for the cost of intprr,ving the lighting system of Harlem, Frordahm and Gc,u yen' cur 11(,spitals recornnieuded by the Department of Water Sup ulv, (;as and Electricity, and $10,0(X) for atttumobiles.

The total increase in salaries over the appropriation for the present year is $60,(Y4), which is more than acronnted for in the following list of new features: Contingent Salary ]turd ................................................ $111.1(X) 00 Assistant Medical Superintendent ....................................... 3,5(X) (X) Assistant Medical Superintendent ....................................... 2,50O (X) Resident Physician, Alcoholic Wards ................................... 1,5(X) 00 Clerk in Bookkeeping Office ............................................600 00 Physicians in Tuberculosis Clinics ...................................... 9,900 Of) Physicians in Gouverneur Out Patient Department .................... 6,000 W Anaesthetists, 7 at $750 each ............................................ 5,250 00 Automobile Enginemen, 5 at $1,200 each ................................ 6,00O (X) X-Ray Photographer .................................................. 1,_200 00 Chief Bookkeeper .....................................................3,0(X) (NI Daycamps ............................................................ 5,160 00 Plumber.............................................................. 1,825 00 Chaplains, 2 at $450 each ............................................... 900 W Dietitian ......................................................... 1,000 00 Watchmen, 2 ....................................................... 1,440 00 Coal Passers, 3 ........................................................ 2,190 00 Fire Expert ........................................................... 600 00 Clerk in Alcoholic \lards .............................................. 600 00 Hospital Helper, Mechanic ............................................6(N) 00 Seamstress .. ........................................... 288 00 Laundrymen, 2 at $240 each ............................................ 480 00 Laundresses, 2 at $2411 each ............................................. 480 (x) Waitress.............................................................. 216 00 Laundresses, 3 at $180 each ............................................. 540 (l) Laundryman .......................................................... 300 00 Seamstress ............................................................ 280 W Waitress... ......................................................... 216 00 Hospital Clerk............. ... ........................................ 480 00 Nurses, Tuberculosis Clinics, 4 .......................................... 3,000 00 Nurses, Social Service, 2 .............................................. 1,200 00

$71,242 00

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the report of the Committee was approved and adopted.

Unfinished Business. Mr. George White, on whom charges were served, appeared before the Board in

answer to these charges. On motion, duly seconded and carried, Mr. White was found guilty of neglect of duty, and the Secretary was instructed to reprimand him severely for such neglect and inform him that a repetition of any neglect will result in his dismissal from the position of Bookkeeper.

Mr. Frank Eckstein, on whom charges were served, appeared before the Board in answer to these charges. On motion, duly seconded and carried, Mr. Eckstein was found guilty and it was decided to dismiss him from the position of Contract Clerk and Auditor.

On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, To suspend front duty the Assistant Superintendent, Mr. M. J. Rickard,

and the Finance Committee was directed to prepare charges against him.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, Mr. O'Keeffe was appointed Acting Presi-dent during Dr. Brannan's absence, and Mr. Robbins, Acting Secretary during Mr. Paulding's absence.

On motion of Mr. Hebberd, duly seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, July 28, 1909, at 2 o'clock.

A. M. ROBBINS, Acting Secretary.


An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals was held on Wednesday, July 28, 1909, at two o'clock.

Present-Dr. Brannan, the President, in the chair ; Messrs. Sachs, O'Keeffe and Robbins, Trustees; and Mr. Hebberd, Commissioner of Public Charities,

The Finance Committee, to which had been referred the matter of preparing charges against M. J. Rickard, the Assistant Superintendent, reported the following charges:

Charges of misconduct have been preferred against you by the I'inance Commit-tee of this Board, specifications of which charges are as follows :

(1) That on or about May 10, 1O119, you caused the bill of I3. Hahnenfeld of No. 540 'Third avenue for supplies to the amount of $21.03 furnished on account of this Board, to he changed from the original to an alleged or pretended typewritten copy in which, by your direction, material changes were made from the original bill, with the result that you caused a falsified account to to passed through the Book-keeping and Auditing Departments and presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(2) That on or about April 10, 1909, you caused the hill of A. Merolla, No. 484 Second avenue, for supplies to the amount of $871, furnished on account of this Board. to be changed from the original to an alleged or pretended tyepwritten copy in which, by your direction, material changes were made fruni the original bill, with the result that you caused a falsified account to be passed through the Book-keeping and Auditing Departments and presented to the Finance Conimittee of this Board and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller fur pay-ntcut.

(3) That on or about April 10, 191)9, yon caused the bill of A. Merolla, No. 484 Sec'md avenue, for supplies t-1 the amount of $8.19, furnished on account of this L'r,ard, to be changed front the original to an alleged or pretended typewritten copy in which, by your direction, material changes were made from the original bill, with the result that you caused a falsified account to be passed through the Bookkeeping and the .\ttrliting Departments and presented to the Finance Committee of this Board and toy the Board itself for audit and certification to the Comptroller for payment.

(4) That on or about March 1I), 1009, you caused the Lill of Charles & Co., No. 44 East Forty-third street, fur supplies to the amount of $12.48, furnished on ac-count of this B iard, to, be changed frinn the original to an alleged or pretended type-written copy in which, by your direction, material changes were made from the (original bill, with the result that yott caused a falsified account to be passed through the Bookkeeping and the Auditing Departments and presented to the Finance Cont-ntittee of this Hoard and to the Board itself for audit and certification to the Cornp-troller for payment.

(5) That on or ahnut May 10, 1909, you caused the bill of A. Merolla, No. 484 Second avenue, f(,r supplies to the amount of $11.75, furni~hcd on account of this Board, to be changed front the original to an alleged nr pretended typewritten copy in which. hY )our direction, material changes were made from the original bill, with the result that cur caused a falsilied accntint to lie passed through the Bookkeeping and the :\ttcliting I )e'partments rtnel presented to the Finance Committee of this Board such to the Board itself fir audit and certilicatiun to the Cnmptr,cller for payment.

161 lint .m or about the elates which are respectively set fir: Ii in paragraphs numberO 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of these charges, you caused an employee of this Board, a Clerk by the name of Miss Iaizahetlt \Martin, who was then assigned to duty in the I)epartntcnt under y4 cur charge, tip make the changes in the bills as hereinbefore specified in the said paragraphs numbered 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5.

(7) That nn or about the dates which are respectively set forth in paragraphs numbered 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5 of these charges, you caused another employee of this Board, a Stenographer liv the name of \li s Jennie Casey, also detailed to your De-partmeut. to copy the bills of the dealers liereinbefore named and to incorporate therein the changes in the bills as specified in paragraphs nu mice reel 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of these charges, as the same had been made by Miss Martin acting under your direction.

(8) That on or ah-,nt July 17 last, while investigations l,y this Board and also by the Commissioners of :\cc'nntts were pending, you secured the destruction of the account look or hooks of G. A. Schmidt. No. 475 Second avenue, containing a record of the acenunts of the said Schmidt with this Board, with the evident purpose of con-cealing the facts set forth in the said bnuks.

You will be allowed an opportunity of staking an explanation in answer thereto before the Board of Trustees at the Board Room of Bellevue Hospital, East Twenty-sixth street, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, at half past two o'clock in the afternoon on the 10th day of August, 191)9. at which time and place von are hereby directed and ordered to lie pre~cnt and prepared to submit your explanation.

On motion, (filly seconder) and carried, these charges were approved by the Board of Trustees and it was decided to serve them upon Mr. M. J. Rickard, the Assistant Superintendent.

On motion, duly seconded and carried, the General Medical Superintendent was directed to sign all orders for supplies in the future.

A motion to adiourn the meeting subject to the call of the Acting President was seconded and carried.

A. M. ROBBINS, Acting Secretary.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. September 11, 1909.

The following proceedings were this day directed by Police Commissioner Will-iam F. Baker:

Referred to the Comptroller. Voucher for contingent expenses for Police Headquarters, Station Houses, etc.,

for 1908, $6. Masquerade Ball Permit Granted.

William F. Powel, Astoria Schuetzen Park, Astoria, October 16, 1909; fee, $10.

Amusement License Granted. Millard Dlarcuse, The Westchester Square, No, 73 Westchester square, The

Bronx, from September 10, 1909, to December 9, 1909; fee, $150.

On File, Send Copy. Report of Lieutenant in command of Boiler Squad, dated September 11, 1909,

relative to engineers' licenses granted. For publication in the CITY RECORD. Special Order No. 249, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings of

the Police Commissioner. Special Order No. 249,

l he ful.ow•ing transfers and assignments are hereby ordered, to take effect 8 p. in., September 11, 1909:

Captains-William A. Coleman, front Bridge Precinct C to One Hundred and Sixty-first Precinct: George A. Aloncle, from One Hundred and Sixty-first Precinct to Bridge Precinct C.

To take effect 8 p. m.. September 10, 1909: Sergeant Frank P. Kenison, Eighteenth Precinct, Iransferred to Sixth Inspection

District and assigned to :kitty on motorcycle. To take effect 8 a. n-., September 11, 1909: Sergeant .James E. "I'ro)•, "Thirty-first Precinct, transferred to Central Office Squad

and assigned to duty in Chief Inspector's office. To take effect 12 noon. September 12, 1909: Patrolman George M. Renselaer, Ninth Precinct, transferred to Central Office

Squad and assigned to duty in office of Second Deputy Commissioner. To take effect 8 p. m., September 13, 1909: Patrolman Joseph Wasserman, from Thirty-sixth Precinct to Seventy-seventh

Precinct. The following temporary assignment; are hereby ordered: Lieutenants-Charles Northrup, Central Office Squad. assigned to Traffic Pre-

cinct B, from 3 a. m.. September 11, 1909; Lawrence J. Collins, Ninety-ninth Precinct, assigned to command precinct (luring absence of Captain Patrick Murphy on sick leave, from 3 p. m., September 9, 1909; John McLaughlin, Sixty-first Precinct, assigned to


command precinct during absence of Lieutenant in Command Charles E. Patton on sick leave, f , oni 11.1.5 a. in.. September'.), 19119; Frank J. Rohrig, Seventeenth Precinct, assigned to command precinct during absence of Captain Donald Grant for five days, from 12.1)1 a. nt., Septiutbcr 11, 1909; John C. Schmid, (inc Hundred and Sixty-fifth Precinct. assigned to command precinct during absence of Captain Isaac prank on sick leave, from 8 a. in.. September 10, 1909; Richard Duffy, One Hundred and Seventy-second Precinct, assigned to ccmmatfd precinct during absence of Acting Captain George G. Darr on vacation. from 1201 a. In., Septenther 11, ltx)<I.

Sergeants—Thaddeus \l. Jon', Central Office Squad. assigned to command Public Office Squad. during temporary assignment of Lieutenant Charles Northrup at Traffic Precinct B. from $ a. m.. September 11, 1909; Charles N. Farley, Sixty--first Precinct, assigned a, .. :ting Lieutenant in precinct during assignment of Lieutenant John :\Ic-Laughlin in command of precinct: front 11.1 a. in., September 9. 1909; Andrew Dagner, Fourteenth lnsptctio,t District, assigned as Acting Lieutenant in District office during temporary assignment of Lieutenant Michael R. Si; der at Traffic Precinct C. from L( a. nt., September 10. 1909; Jant;s V. Cahill, Ninety-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting Lieutenant in precinct during assignment of Lieutenant Lawrence J. Collins in com-mand of precinct, front 3 p. in., September 9, lc)1t9.

The following Mounted Patrolmen are temporarily assigned to Thirty-third Pre-cinct. wi:h imr:es and equipmcpts. from 12 noon, September 14. 1909:

William 11. 11oeft • j'wo Ilundred and Seventy-fourth Precinct, with horse Halifax; Frank T. Baldwin, Two Ilun ired and Seventy-fourth Precinct, with horse Brigadier; John J. Lowery, Two 11undre(l and Seventy-seventh Precinct, with horse Bunco; George loch. Tito Hun'lre l and Sevent)v-seventh Precinct. with horse Superman. Henry K. Both. Two tlun.lred and Eight'-third Precinct, with horse Bullet; Ernest J. Mayer. Two Ilundred an,l Eight)-third Precinct, with horse Jamaica; James Crozier, Iwo Hundred and Eighth-fifth Precinct, with horse Steady; James McNaughton, Two Hundred and Eighty' fifth Precinct. with horse Tatt.

Patrolmen \1 illiant G. Sexton. Fortieth Precinct, and Thomas J. Moors, Sixteenth Precinct, assigned to First inspection District. duty in plain clothes, for five days, from 8 p. m., Septenthcr 11, 1919; William J. Butler, Onc Iitutdred and Fifty-second Pre-cinct, assigned to Ninttt In<pcetiott District, duty in plain clothes, during absence of Patrolman Edward L. Wardell on vacation, from 12 noon, September 10, 1909; Fred-erick C. Rcichwein, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Precinct, assigned to Ninth In-spection District, duty in plain clothes, during absence of Patrolman Thomas A. Dw>,er on vacation, from 12 noon, September 10, 1909.

l'he following extensions of temporary assignments are hereby ordered Patrolmen George Burnell and Charles F. Patton, Sixty-fifth Precinct, to Third

Inspection District, duty in plain clothes, for tell da*\s, front 8 p. in.. September 10, 1909; James Pellegrino. Twelfth Precinct, to Second Inspection District, ditty ill plain clothes. for ten days, front 8 p. ni., September 1(1, 1909; John E. Livingston. Thirty-first Precinct, to Central Office Squad. for ten clays, from 8 a. m.• September 11, 19119; Joseph Pueciano. Bro.,khn Dctcctive Bureau. to Central Office Squad, duty in Police Commissioner's office. for fifteen days, from 8 a. nt.. September 12, 191)9; Charles \Iclnto-h and Jeremiah Mc\lah nn, Twenty-sixth Precinct, and Joseph Guer-niere, Twelfth Precinct, to Detective Bureau. Manhattan, for thirty days. from 8 a. m., September 11. 1909: Joseph F. Farrell, One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Precinct, to Ninth Inspection District. duty in pain clothes, for ten days, front 12 noon, Sep-tembcr 12. 1909: John P. Ilarron. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Precinct. to Ninth Inspection District• duty it plain clothes, for ten dues. from 12 noon. Sept cut b,r 14, 1909; Timothy J. Connell, Two hundred and Eighty-fifth Precinct, to Twelfth In-spection District, duty in plain clothes, for ten days, front 12 moon, September 13. 1909.

The following members cif the F rce are excused for eighteen hours as indicated Captains Thomas Palmer. Eightieth Precinct, from 7 a. nt.. September 22, 1909,

with permission to leave city : David Evans. One Hundred and Seventy-first Pre-cinct, front 8 a. in.. September 15. 19(19, with permission to leave city : Thos. H. Mur-phy, One Hundred and Forty-fourth Precinct, front 8 a. tn.. September 11• 19119: Lincoln Gray, One Hundred and Sixty-second Precinct, front 8 a. m.. September 11. 1909.

Lieutenant in command Frank J. Rohrig, Seventeenth Precinct, from 2 p. in., September 15. 1909. with permission to leave city.

The following leave of absence is hereby granted with full pay: Captain Donald Grant. Seventeenth Precinct, for five days. from 12.01 a. nt..

September 11. 19(9. with permission to leave city, balance of vacation. The following leaves of a1 ence are hereby granted with half pay Patrolmen Harvey J. Kiefer. One IItutdred and Fifty-third Precinct, for one-

half day, front 12 noon, September 11, 1909; August F. Purden. One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Precinct, for one-half da%', from 12 noon, September 10, 1909.

The following leave of absence is hereby granted without pay: Patrolman William Schneider, Traffic Precinct C, for one-half day, from 12

noon. September 9. 1909, with permission to leave city. The following applications for full pay are here-bv granted: Patrolmen Max Mangold. Traffic Precinct A. front 7.45 p. nt., August 8. 1909, to

12.01 a. m.. August 22, 1909: Thy nias A. Coughlin, Seventh Precinct, front 10.50 a. in., July 12. 1909, to 12 noon, July 16. 1909.

The following Special Patrolmen are hereby appointed Leopold Albers. for Holmes Electrical Protectit e Company. No. 34 East Four-

teenth street, Manhattan ; Edward Connors, for New Casino Theatre, Flatbush ave-nue and State street, Brooklyn.

W-NI. F. BAKER, Police Commissioner.


September 13, 191)9. The following proceedings were this day directed by Police Commissioner \Villiant

F. Baker: Referred to the Comptroller.

Schedule of vouchers, General Supplies, 1909, $7,639.07.

Granted. Application of Charles Baer, pensioner, for increase of his pension, and increase

of $37 per annum awarded. making a total pension of $325 per annum). Application for pension of Ann Sheridan, dependent parent of John Sheridan,

Patrolman. deceased, and pension awarded cif $1211 per annum. Petition for increase of pension of Annie Mitchell• widow of John J. Mitchell,

and increase of $20 per annum awarded, making a total pension of $200 per annum.

On File, Send Copy. Report of Lieutenant in command of Boiler Squad, dated September 11, 1909, rela-

tive to engineers' licenses granted. For publication in the CITY RECORD.

Masquerade Ball Permit Granted. J. Keating, Tammany Hall, Manhattan, September 18; fee, $25. Special Order No. 250, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings

of the Police Commissioner. Special No. 250.

The following transfers and assignments are hereby ordered, to take effect 8 a. m., September 12, 1909:

Transferred to Public Office Squad, Duty at Part II., Special Sessions. Sergeant Thomas Connelly, Twenty-ninth Precinct. Patrolmen John Fay, Second Precinct; William H. Nash, Sixth Precinct; John

Maher, Thirty-second Precinct; James Baldwin, Twenty-ninth Precinct. To take effect 8 p. m., September 14, 1909: Patrolmen Charles Krummel, from One Hundred and Sixtieth Precinct to Two

Hundred and Eighty-second Precinct; Henry Cullen, Harbor Precinct, assignment changed from Station B to Station A; Henry Schorske, Harbor Precinct, assign-ment changed from Station A to Station B.

The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: Lieutenants Edward J. Armstrong, Thirty-first Precinct, assigned to Twenty-

fifth Precinct, until working quota of Lieutenants is available in said precinct, from 8 a. m., September 13, 1909; Michael B. Snyder, Fourteenth Inspection District, as-

signed to Traffic Precinct C, for desk duty, for thirty days, front 8 a. nt., September 10, 1909.

Sergeant Eugene Moger, One Ilundred and Sixty-fifth Precinct, assigned as Act-ing Lieutenant in precinct, during assignment of Licuten:utt John C. Schmid in command of precinct, front 8 a. nt., September 11, 19(19.

Bicycle Patrolman George Andrews, Traffic Precinct C, assigned to Central Office Squad, duty in plain clothes, in Chief Inspector's office, for one day, from 8 a. in., September 12, 1909.

Patrolmen James F. Ilantton, Nineteenth Precinct. assigned to Third Inspection District, duty in plain clothes, during absence of Patrolman George Trojan on vaca-tion, front 12 noon, September 11, 1909; George I'ri lac, line I lundred and Forty-fourth Precinct, assigned to Eighth Inspection District, duty in plain clothes, for five days, front 8 p. tn., September 10. 1909; Richard I) inc lan• One flundred and Forty-seventh Precinct, assigned to Eighth Inspection District, for clerical dttty, for five days, from 8 p. m., September 10, 19(K); Robert Essclborn. Ninety-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting Doorman in precinct, during abscnee of Doorman William J. Ryan on vacation, from 12.01 a. nt., September 9, 19(19; \\'iiliant C. (;ilby, Eighty-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting Doorman in precinct• during absence of Doorrn:ut Patrick F. Noonan on eacatiou, front 12.01 a. in., September 13, 19O9; William Haves, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Precinct, assigned to Eighth Inspection Dis-trict, duty in plain clothes, for five (lays. front 8 p. nt.• Septenther 10, 191)9; Patrick G. Hannon. Eighth Precinct, assigned to District Attorney's office, New York County, for five days, from 11 a. in.. September 11, 1909; James F. Shetylin, Forty-third Pre-cinct, assigned as Acting Doorman in Precinct, during ah•encc of Doorman Ber-nard F. Cassidy on vacation, front 8 a. in., September 10, 1909.

The following extensions of temporary assignments are hereby ordered Patrolmen John E. McHugh, Thirteenth Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Man-

hattan, for thirty days, front 8 a. nt.. September 13, 19119; George F. \Tyne amid Iry-ing E. Schramm, One l lundredand Forty-fourth Precinct, to Br, oklvii Borough Headquarters Squad, duty in plain clothes, for tell days, fry nt 8 p. ni., September 12, 1909; John \V. Earle. One I-hundred and Forty-fifth Precinct, to Brookhn Bor-ough Headquarters Squad, duty in plain clothes, for ten days, from 8 p. in.. Sep-tember 13, 1909.

The following members of the Force are excused for eighteen h ours, as indicated: Captains John J. \Ic\ally. Seventy-seventh Precinct. front 1.31) p. nt., Septenther

16, 1909: John Becker, One Ilttndred and Sixty-fourth Precinct, front 2 p. in., Sep-tember 14, 1909.

Acting Captain James J. Savage. One Ilttndred and Forty-seventh Precinct, front 8 a. nt., September 16, 19119, with permission to leave cite.

The following leaves of absence arc hcrehv granted with full pay: Captain Henry Halpin, "Iwo Htmdreod and Eighty-first Precinct, for one-half

day, from 12 noon, September 11. 1909, to he deducted front vacation. Patrolman John J. Ilogan, 'Traffic Precinct C. for three days, from 12.01 a. in.,

September 9, 1909. The following Special Patrolmen are hereby appointed: To take effect September 10, 1909: Walter F. Heins. Percy J. O'Brien, George F. McVeigh. James T. Frampton

and \\'alter Requa. for White Express Company. Park avemte and Ravin and street. Brooklyn ; Joseph B. Yost, for Interhorough Rapid Transit Cotttpany. Manhattan.

The resignation of the following Special Patrolman i5 hereby accepted, and lie is. reappointed:

Charles Daly. for Long Island Railroad Company. Long Island City. The resignations of the foil wing Special Patrolmen are herc'bv ace ept iii : Herbert E. Chapman and Eliot T. Lane• emt!o yerl by :1lanhattan Beach it 'tel,

Manhattan Beach; George Feeney, employed M• Bernard K enig. Myrtle acenne and Van Thyne avenue, Glendale. L. l.: John Eltrrich. tntploYed by St. John's Guild, No. 103 Park avenue, Maui haualt: Ju ten R. Barnard. tntt'i employed in J ten \1"anamaken, Eighth street and Broadway. Manhattan: 1 seth J. (-nrran. employed Lev I lot cl Bres-]in Company, Broadway and Ttsent_y-ninth street. Manhattan: Samuel FTi psi ein. em-ployed by Lafayette Trust Gmtpanv, Nostrand and Gates avenues, Bra o klvti: \\•il'.iam B. Frawlev. employed by Joseph C wail, Classouu Point. The Bronx; Nathaniel W. Moorehead, employed by Manhattan Beach 11 itel, Manhattan Beach.

\\')1. F. B.\KFR. P,,lice ('commissioner.


Sanitary Company (L'iler Squad), September 10, 1915).

To the Police Conttttissi..ner: Sir—In eontpli:utce tcith ,order; relative ti engineer,' certificates issued by the

under section 312 of chapter 314) of the Laws of l$$_' as amended, the following report will shots the names of the persons to wh,-nt licenses were issue(], class of license and location for the same, during the twenty-four hours ending 12 midnight, Scptem-her 9, 1909;

First Class. Willis C. Hand. Ni. 1121 Broadway; Joseph Maginnis, No. 226 West One Htut-

dred and 7'wcnty-I;fth s:rect; Joseph 1'. Lynch, Eighteenth avenue and Fifty-fifth street, hint kl\n; \l:uty l re,l• No. 41 1.'nion square; William J. I'iercy, No. 25 South Fourth street, llrooklyn; Louis Ilufini:'t~, No. 175 Imlay street. Br' klyn.

Second Class. Wallace L. 7:n'.: r, No. 97 East Ii 'uston street; Jam,-s Reardon, No. 31) Bridge

street, Brooklyn; Jo11n W. Runyon, Mlaspeth, Li ug Ishard: Richard G. Casltutan, Ninety-ninth street .noel Sc eon !avenue: Charles I. Drtcell. No. 100 Seventh av'entte; J_ohm If. \West, Pier 25, North River: James NlcKendr\, No. 17 \\'illiam street; Charles L. Nelson, No. 268 Conover street, Brooklyn.

Third Cass. August Gletz, Nos. 79 and 81 Forsyth street, Albert \V. \L", No. 84 Avenue D;

Herman Naps, No. 188 Plymouth street. Broo'llyn: Bernard Culkit, One Hundred and Eleventh street and Lenox avenue; Hans H. Krintni, Ni. 769 Manhattan avenue, Brooklyn; Heinrich B. Schncithorst, No. 176 Grove street, Brooklyn; William Vance, No, 2291 Third avenue; J:,hn "I' Brennan, No. 9 West End avenue: Robert Biller. No. 429 East Seventy-fifth street ; Patrick J, -Mockler, No. 620 West Twenty-fifth street: Harry A. Keegan, No. 314 Madison avenue; Patrick Hanlon, No. 234 West Thirtieth street; Charles Hahersaat. No. 3560 'Third avenue; Terence Sheridan, No. 1386 Broadway; \\'illiant A. Doty, No. 140 East Forty-first street; Lawrence Rice, \o. 63 Wall street ; John It, Beil, No. 83 Roosevel, Street; Seneca L. Battey, No. 501

Fifth avenue; Frederick Berwind, No. 401 Bond street, Brooklyn; Patrick Barry, No. 3614 Third avenue; Michael Stein, No. 5 Sullivan street; Jacob Olson, No. 143 Liberty street; Peter G. Kirschbaum, No. 217 East Fifty-fourth street; John J. Murphy, Jamaica South, Long Island.

Special. George W. Fackner, No. 99 Wooster street.

Respectfully, HENRY BREEN. Lieutenant in Command.


Sanitary Company (Boiler Squad), September 11, 1909. f

To the Police Commissioner: Sir—In compliance with orders relative to engineers' certificates issued by etc

under section 312 of chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, as amended, the following report will show the names of the persons to whom licenses were issued, class of license and location for the same, during the twenty-four hours ending 12 midnight, September 10, 1909:

First Class. Gustave F. Smith, No. 254 Columbus avenue; Sydney J. Walsh, No. 190 Bowery;

James Quinn, Cypress avenue, Ridgewood, L. I.; John Fogarty, Belmont avenue and Berriman street, Brooklyn.


Second Class. Emil Ericsson, No. 242 Chestnut street, Brooklyn; Peter Noonan, No. 536 West

Twenty-third street ; Samuel L. Jones, No. 992 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn ; George W. Lee, No. 84 Evergreen avenue, Brooklyn ; Charles Brash, No. 361 Seventh avenue, Brooklyn ; Robert \V. Creighton, Metropolitan avenue and Newtown Creek, Brooklyn.

Third Class. Charles E. Lulihcn, No. 1472 Bergen street, Brooklyn; Gustaf A. Nelsson, No. I

West Sixty-eighth street ; Lawrence Phelps, One hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Third avenue; James Murray, No. 346 Carroll street, Brooklyn; John C. Suter, Metro-politan avenue and Newtown Creek, Brooklyn; Alfred Keating, Two Ilundred and First street. near Ninth avenue; Prank dlovirzo, No. 222 Degraw street, Brooklyn; Charles \lonaghan, No. 45 Broadway; Louis Deutsch, No. lh2 East Fifty-third street Michael Gattus, No. 207 Lafayette street ; Charles liunckrow, No. 282 East One I [un-dred and Thirty-tifth street; Edward Lane, No. 1508 Broadway; Martin Sontag, Amsterdam avenue and One hundred and Thirty-sixth street; John J. Sharkey, No. 35 Chambers street; John A. Carroll, No. 550 \lest Fifty-seventh street; William 11. Trainor, No. 153 East Eighty-sixth street; Benjamin B. Marco, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Rider avenue: Daniel McCann, No. 215 West Thirty-third i street ; Theodore Anderson, No. 39 Cortlandt street ; Edward Rourke, Springville, S. 1. Michael J. Rafferty, Concord, S. 1.; Paul Foss, No. 616 Vest Fifty-first street; John R. Roberts, No. 95 1ludson street: Luke L. S. Hempstead, No. 620 \Vest Twenty-fifth street; John A. Kelly, '<Vest Brighton, S. I.; Charles E. Curtis, No. 494 Kent avenue, Brooklyn ; Patrick Tiernan, No. 14 Verona street, Brooklyn ; John Kicley, No. 109 West Fifty-sixth street: William Jones, Laurel Bill, L. I.; John Cooney, Rockaway road and Locust avenue, Jamaica South, L. I.: James Green, No. 30 Church street; Jacob I'orr, Eagle Building, Brooklyn ; John Shivers, Prospect Park, Brooklyn ; George Price, Twenty-third street and Broadway; John Johnson, Vernon avenue, Graham avenue, Long Island City; James Lang, Thirty-eighth street and First avenue; Tricvalc Pierce, No. 140 Cedar street.

Special. Andrew G. llicknian, No. 71 Gale street, Long Island City; John IT. Donaghy,

No. 503 \Vest One hundred and Thirty-ninth street. Respectfully,

IIENRY BREEN, Lieutenant ill Command.



I herewith submit a report of tile operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Bor-ough of Richmond, for the week ending September 4. 1909: Plans filed for new buildings (estimated cost, $19,75O) ....................... 8 P1 all s tiled for alterations (estimated cost, $4.695) .......................... 7 Plans tiled for plumbing (estimated cost, $1,910) ............................ 4 Violations of law reported ................................................... 2 Violation notice. is~ttcd .................................................I.. 4 G,n:truction inspectinits made ............................................. 284

In,n and steel in~pectinns made ............................................ 51

Violation inspections made .................................................. 2 lintel inspections made under Excise Law ................................... 17 Plumbing and drainage inspections made ................................... 1 Demolition permits issued ..... .................... .............. .... .. 1 Modifications of the law allowed as regards concrete footings tinder founda-

tions................................................................... 3

JO I I N SEATON, Superintendent. James N lat. Chief Clerk.


R1:1 IRT 01: TR.ANS:ACTIO\S, .AUGUST 23 TO 29, 1909.

C„mmunicati„ns Received. hrou Public Svrrice („mmissi,m—(hicf l:ngiu(cr If ('omtunissi-~n transmits a

suggestion in regard to, replacing pavenu•nt nn Centre street sole of (itv Prisctn. Matter referred t-I I)epartment Inspector. Report and diagram submitted by Inspector, who approves of the reel ni lie ndati-Ill that sidewalk he granolithic instead of flagging. but with the proviso that the entire block Lye SI paved. (ulpy of Inspector's report sent to Public Service (onunissi n with request that it lie given careful attention. The Commissioner approves of the suggestion that sidewalks around entire prison be granolithic.

From I)epartnten t of fluter Supply, Gas and Electricity—In regard to inspection of electrical installation at City Prison, Ravntond street. Brooklyn. As all wiring for electric lighting and power in men's prison is complete, current for additional installa- tion is asked for.

From President. State Prison Cmmntissi,m—Acknowledging receipt of specifica- tions for new penitentiary, Rikers island. On tile.

From I lea ds of Iii sti lit i 115—Rep„rting that treats, fish, bread. milk, etc., for week ending August 21, 19119, agreed with specifications of the contracts. Oil file.

From Ileads of Institutilms—Reports—census, labor, hospital cases, punishments, etc., for week ending August 21. 1909. On file.

Front City Prison—Report of tines received during week ending August 21, 1909: From Court of Special Sessions, $140; from City Magistrates' Court, $98. Total, $238. On file.

From City Prison—Reporting attempt at suicide on August 20 by William A. Green, who had been that day sentenced to State Prison for nine years. Attempt dis-covered and ambulance from Hudson Street Hospital called. Life of prisoner saved and lie was transferred to prison on August 21, 1909. On file.

From District Prisons—Report of fines received during week ending August 21, 1909: From City Magistrates' Courts, $250. On file.

From Penitentiary, Blackwells Island—List of prisoners received during week ending August 21, 1904: Men, 34; women, 2. On file.

From Penitentiary. Blackwells Island—\Varden transmits certificate of Prison Physician in the case of August Kilcafin, a prisoner, who is supposed to be insane, and asks that proper steps lie taken to ascertain the mental condition of said prisoner. The Corporation Counsel requested to have Examiners in Lunacy appointed by a Judge of the Supreme Court, etc.

From Penitentiary, Blackwells Island (Manufacturing Bureau)—Enclosing cer- tificate of release for purchase of goods in open market by the Department of Public Charities. \pproved. Certificate trutsmitted.

From \Vorkhouse, Blackwells Island—Reporting the following fines paid at the Workhouse: $175. Of this amount, $150 was paid over to the Board of Health. On file.

From Workhouse, Blackwclls Island—Death. on August 20, 1909, of Jacob Schroe- ber, aged 36 years. Friends notified. On file.

From Medical Board, Department of Correction—Secretary of Board transmits minutes of meeting held June 21. 1909. Recommendations: That present Attending Physicians of Board shall constitute the Surgical Staff, and that Doctors S. Tynberg and E. Podvin lie appointed Visiting Physicians, Attending Physicians and Surgeons (except specialists), to make at least two visits per week. Rules for government of House Staff of Hospitals. Recommendations approved. Rules for House Staff to be printed and posted in hospitals.

From City Cemetery, Harts Island—List of interments made during week ending August 21. 1909. On file.

From City Prison. Brooklyn—Report of fines received during week ending August 21, 1909: From Court of Special Sessions, $25; from City Magistrates' Courts, $63. Total. $88. On file.

From 'Messrs. D'Oench & Yost, Architects—Submitting proposal of J. T. Brady & Co., contractors, for work at City Prison, Brooklyn, to substitute reinforced concrete slabs to cover pipe trenches, instead of brick arches, as per contract, Archi-

tects regard this as an improvement. Change to be made by contractors without additional expense to the Department. Matter submitted to Department Inspector and recommended by him. Substitution approved.

Communications Transmitted. To Heads of Institutions, I)epartntent of Correction—It has come to my knowledge

that the rule which requires all property found on prisoners to be turned over to the Warden's office for safe keeping is not strictly complied with. hereafter, this rule must he strictly carried out to the letter in both male and female departments, and non-compliance with it will I,c severely dealt with.

To Dr. II. R. M. Leipriger. Supervise r of Free Lectures, I)epartntent of Educa-tion—:lsking that arrangements lie made for a winter lecture course for boys of the Reformatory, Harts Island.

Leave of absence without pay granted to Frank A. Sheppard, Keeper, at $X(K) ter annum, at the New \'urk City Rctnrmatury, I larts I sland, from August 5 to 19, inclu-sive.

Dismissed. Thomas 1F. Mulcahy, Orderly, at $240 per annum, at City Prison, Brooklyn, to

take effect August 1. 191)). Cause, absence without leave. \lichac1 Ryan, Helper, at $15(1 per anntnn, at I; ranch Workhouse, Harts Island,

to take effect August 13, 191)). Cattle, absence without leave. JOHN J. BARR\', Commissioner.


New York, August 31, 1909. The 61 lowing communications were received, action being taken thereon as

noted, to wit From the Municipal Civil Service Commission (82933)—Authorizing the reas-

signntent of John Rode, Dockbuilder. Rode ordered reassigned. From the President of the Borough of Manhattan (82894)—Stating that a per-

mit will be issued to this Department to make sewer connections to the toilet and wash rooms at the East Twenl -fourth Street Yard. upon personal application to the Permit Clerk. Filed.

From the Taylor Dredging Company (8284(1)—Requesting an extension of time on Contract No. 1154, for dredging on the North River. Granted to and including September 30, 19)9.

Front John Arbuckle and Bernard Dougherty (82671)—Transmitting rental for Lot No. 4 of Block 13, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, and requesting permission to occupy the area. Privilege granted revocable at the will of the Commissioner, but not longer than May 1, 1912, rental to be at the rate of $2.4(1 per annum, payable in advance to the Cashier.

From William Gross I82a1 II —Requesting permi iun to erect an ice platform in the ferry slip, between Grand and Broome street.:, I'a.t River. Filed, the application having been withdrawn.

Front the Chief Engineer- 1 (82932). Reporting that Contract Noo. 1(182, Class 2. for broken stone, was

completed August 27, 191)9, by Jacob E. Conklin. Cnmptrollcr ttotifiecl. 2 (82931). Reporting that Anthony F. I loffutan, Leveler, was reassigned to

duty August 30, 1909. \lunicipal Civil Service Commission requested to approve the reassignment.

The Auditor reported that the following were audited and forwarded to the Finance Department for payment

1. Payroll of the Municipal Furry Force for the month of August, 1909, amount-ing to $61.334.68.

2. Payroll of Contntissioner's Office, Repair and \Maintenance Forces. Construction Free, and officers and appointees for the month of August. 1909, amounting to $41,747.32.

The Cashier reported- 1. That the revenues from Staten Island Ferry privileges for :\ugtut, 1909,

amounted to $4.902.22. 2. That the revenu<s from Thirty-ninth Street Ferry privileges for _\uguct,

19(19. amounted to $242.07. 3. That the Staten Island Ferry receipts for August, 1909, amounted to $77,-

835.05. 4. That the Thirty-ninth Street Ferry receipts for August, 1909, amounted to


The Chief Engineer reported the following work supervised under Bureau orders—No. 7289. Dredging in slip, between Piers 32 and 33. North River, by the Central

Railroad Company of New Jersey. No. 7494. Dredging at clumping board on northerly side of pier, foot of Thir-

tieth street, North River, by :\lhert IT. Ilastnrf. No. 6458. Erection of structures nn pier, foot of Thirty-fifth street, North

River. by the New York and Long Branch Steamboat Company. No. 7429. Dredging at dumping hoard on south side of pier, foot of Thirty-

ninth street. North River, by s1icliael Egan. No. 7589. Dredging at dumping 1,oard at inner end of south side of pier, foot

of West Fifty-fifth street, North River. by Henry Steers, Incorporated. No. 7698. Removal of tipper structure of scow "Florence.” front the foot of

One Hundred and Tenth street, •North River, and the removal of the scow from the foot of \Vest One Hundred and 'Thirty-first street, by Thomas Stokes & Sotts.

No. 7437. Construction of porch around boat house south of One Hundred and Fortieth street, North River, by the Colonial Yacht Club.

No. 76(11. Building of extension to boat house, foot of One Hundred and Forty-seventh street, North River, by New York Motor Boat Club.

No. 7678. Redriving of about twelve piles around float north of Dyckman street. North River, by C. K. G. Billings.

No. 7426. Laying of water pipe oil One Hundred and Thirty-second street, be-tween Park and Lexington avenues, Harlem River, by the Hanover Contracting Com-pany.

No. 7115. Occupation of Lot No. I of Block 18. at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay. Borough of Queens, by George Diener.

No. 7470. Occupation of Lot No. 12 of Block 3, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by Jos. G. Kenn.

No. 7514. Occupation of Lot No. 2 of Block 111, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by Herman Hoffman.

No. 7577. Occupation of Lot No. 3 of Block 111, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by Neil J. Skott.

No. 7579. Occupation of Lot No. 8 of Block 28, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by Geo. J. Van Nostrand.

No. 7658. Occupation of Lot No. 3 of Block 47, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by W. J. Casey.

No. 7580. Occupation of Lot No. 17 of Block 15. at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by George Kinder.

No. 7374. Construction of board walk over Lot No. 8 of Block 22, at Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay. by Edwin Severin.

No. 73(:7. Extension of board walk in rear of Lot No. 17 of Block 34, at Broad Channel. Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by Gustav Hoppe.

No. 6489. Occupation of Lot No. 410, at the Raunt. Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, Iwv the Kensington Rod and Gun Club.

No. 7502. Occupation of Lot No. 122, at the Raunt, Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, by Edw. J. McGlynn.

No. 7295. Construction of two jetties into the Atlantic Ocean, one foot of Dickerson avenue and the other foot of Rue (le St. Felix, at Wavecrest, Far Rocka-way. Borough of Queens, by the Banister Realty Company.

No. 7507. Occupation of space, between Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth streets, Flat-lands Bay, Borough of Brooklyn, by C. Winchester.

DENIS A. JUDGE, Deputy and Acting Commissioner.


2 p. m. 1 m

to 7a. M. 99 P. m. 7a.m

\Vs\V NW N\\' 62 61 N SW SS\V 42

\C S S 71 S \1: NSF S tt q R'SW Est•: SsI•: 33

ro! 1:sE E NSF 35 I:sl: 45



Sunday, :11 onday, Tuesday R'ednesdaY, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,


New York, September 1,1909. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY OF THE The following communications were received, action being taken thereon as noted,

to wit: DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Front the Municipal Civil Service Commission- __________ 1 (8?95rol Requesting informationtmentfr etite to rain employees.Ineratti who have been

off the payroll of this 1)rpartment for more than thirty days. Information furnished. Absnac o/ Registers front Self recording Instruments for the Week Ending September 11, igog. 2 (82954). Authorizing the transfer of Frank A. Cassidy from the position of

Ticket Agent to that of Gateman. Cassidy changed to Gateman. at $80 per month while yed• to take effect at once. Central Park, The City of New York-Latitude, ¢o° 45r 58' N. Longitude, 73° 57' 58" W. (8-195

3 (S_9 5 . Authorising the transfer of John F. Dalton fLont the position of Mate Height of Instruments Above the Ground, Above the Sea,feet. S53 feet; 97 to that of Deckhand. Dalton changed to I)cckhand, at $60 per month while employed, to take effect at once.

BAROMETER. From F. E. OIcott (82945)-Requesting permission to construct a ba_t• window on _ the northerly side• outer end of the shed on the pier foot of One Hundred and Twenty- - ninth street. North River. and to make certain changes in the interior arrangement of 7 a. in. 2 P. M. 9 P. m. Mean for

the Day. Maximum. Minimum. the ticket office in r-mnection therewith. Permit granted• the work to lie done antler DATE. the supervision Of the Chief Engineer and in accordance with plans submitted, the said - Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced bar window to revert to and become the property of The City of Ncw York upon the p p September. to to to to to Time. to Time. expiration or sooner termination of the lease of the premises, or. if the Commissioner Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. of Docks so elects, the shed shall be restored to its original condition whenever so - ordered.

From the New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company (82842)-Re- Sudda ' 6 Monday, 29.738 30.104

29.814 30.056

30•000 30 042

29.85' 1 30.030

30.067 30.to6 12 9 9

a a. m.

29.730 30

r a. in, 0.030 o a, in.

questing permission to construct an oil house at the outer end of Pier 38. East River. •Tuesday SVednes~ay, §

31.040 30.196

30.002 30.176

30.090 30.044 3o.too 12 p. m. 30.002 s m, Permit granted, the work to be done under the supervision of the Chief Engineer and P g 3o. t;{ 3o.t : 7 30.200 q a. m. 30.100 a. o a. in. in accordance with plans suhntitted : all regulations of the Fire Dc artntettt to be Com- K P• Friday,

Thursday, 9 to

30.140 30.004

30.098 29.9oz

30.096 29.868

30.111 29.925

3o.t 5o 30.068

o a. m. o a. in

30.068 29.852

t4 p. m. 12 p. M.

plied with and the structure to remain onit• (tiring the pleastire of the Commissioner. Saturday, it 29934 29996 30.092 30.007 30.140 12 p. m. 29.852 oa.m. Front the Texas Company (8'625)-Requesting permission to occupy berth at the

pier foot of West Forte-eighth street, North River. for unloading gasoline. naphtha. ..................... Mean for the week .............. ......... 30.025 inches. etc.• in barrels. Privilege granted for the south side of the pier, revocable at the will Maximum •' at 9 a. m., September 8 .................... 30.200 of the Conttnissioner and expiring by limitation of time April 30, 1910, rental to be at 5................... 29.730


e Cashier, it being a condi- the rate of $75 per month, payable nnthl~~ in advance to tile Minimum at to a.

m.,"" September

"'•"'•• 5"" m Range """""• "'...........•

tion of the nermit that no material will be allowed to remain on the vier.

I r,. nn unr,,,tn, .stn ,unrnr ,(' .,»r- iyu u,"• t,t„ up, ,,nu. IS

as Lot No. 6. heretofore occupied 1w him with house at AVentic U and Fifty--ninth street, Flatlands Bay. Brooklyn. Privilege granted, to continence as of May 1. 1909. revocable at the will of the Commissioner and expiring hw limitation of time oil May 1, 1912. rental to be at the rate of $12.14 per annum. payable in advance to the Cashier.

From the Massachusetts Brntding and Insurance Company (82847)-Requesting an extension of time on Contract 1152. for sand. Granted, to and including August 4. 1909.

From the Storm King Stone Company (82792)-Requesting a credit account for wharfage. Granted.

From the i'nite,l States Fidelity and Guaranty Company (43942)-Requesting in-formation relative to the cancellation of the bond of Samuel Ackerman. Financial Clerk. Information furnished.

From A. \t'ancer (41857 )-Requesting permission to occupy a plat of ground. about 2.518) square feet in (linlensions. in the vicinity of .\venue V and Sixtieth street. Flatlands Ray. Brooklyn. Answered that permit will be granted upon payment of rent at the rate of $30 per annual.

From the Chief Engineer (82941)-Reporting that Michael J. Crowley, Dock Laborer, died August 29, 1901). Name taken front list.

From the Superintendent of Ferries t 42943)-Reporting that John A. Martin. Deckhand• died on August 29. 1909. Name taken front list.

The permit i 8)895) granted to John C. Grub on March 1, 1909. for the occupation of Lot 7 of Block 35. at Broad Channel. Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, was can-celed, to take effect as -f Nlai- 1. 1909.

DFNIS A. JUDGE, Deputy and Acting Commissioner.

New York• September 2, 1909.

The following communications were received, action being taken thereon as noted. to wit:

From the President Of the Borough of Brooklyn (82871)-Calling attention to the damage done to the bulkhead along the northerly- side of the Eighth \\'ard Market, in the vicinity of Thirty-sixt}t street. Brooklyn, alleged to be due to the dredging opera-tions of this Department in the vicinity, and requesting information relative thereto. Information furnished.

From the War Department. 1'. S. A. (82 901 )-Stating that steps have been taken to remove the sunken barge "Kaa;er>kill No. 2" front Newtown Creek, near Penny Bridge, Borough of Queens. Filed.

From the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey (82918)-Requesting permis-sion t.i berth the steamer "Ashur• Park" on October 1• 1909. at the outer end of Pier (new) 54• foot of West Fourteenth street, North River. 'Privilege granted, the regular rate of wharfage to be paid to the Dockma<ter of the district.

From the Chief Engineer- 1 182953). Reporting that Edmund D. Johnstone• transferred from the Depart-

ment of Taxes and Assessments an.] appointed as TI ipographical Draftsman in this Department, was assigned to dot\• September 1. 1909. Filed.

2 (82955). Submitting report relative to illness of William J. Duggan, Marine Sounder. Department of Health requested to; make examinatiun.

3 182961 ). Submitting plans, specifications and form of contract for renewing and repairing Pier 42. North River, foot of Morton street. extending said Pier and de-positing riprap thereat. Ordcre,l printed as Contract No. 1199; Board of Estimate and Apportionment requested to authorize advertising and award.

From the Superintendent of Ferries (82952)-Recommending that the title of Michael Dalton, Rudolph Fischer. Felix Fox. J, hn Pryor and John Walsh be changed from Dock Laborer to that of Doorman. Municipal Civil Service Commission re-quested to authorize the changes.

The Municipal Civil Service Comntis~ion tca regtlt- teal t,, authorize the reassign-ment of James Clark, No. 1, Dock Laborer, to duty.

Permission (82996) was granted the Citizens' C''ntntittee r-f the Iludson-Fulton Celebration. Borough of Richmond, to use the northwest portion of the concourse at the upper floor at the ferrvhottse at St. George. Borough of Richmond. to include a space of about 250 feet by 50 feet. on some evening between September 25 and Octo-ber 2. 1909. it being understood that the space shall b: used in such manner as not to interfere with the operation of the Municipal Ferry.

Sealed bids or estimates were received and opened for preparing for and laying granite and iron slag block pavement on portions of the marginal street between \Vhite-hall and Broad streets, East River: granite block pavement between Albany and Lib-erty streets, North River: between west Thirtieth and 'Uhirty-thing streets; and for laying a granite crosswalk along the southerly line of West Twenty-second street, North River, under Contract 1186. as follows:

Class I. Class 1I. Class 111.

Whitehall and Albany and W. 30th, 33d, Total.

Broad. Liberty. 22d.

Dunbar Contracting Company........... $6.764 00 126.045 00 $24.472 00 $57,281 00 W. J. Fitzgerald ........................ 5.276 40 29.456 00 28.051 00 62.783 00 'F h.' Asphalt Construction Company...... 6,550 00 29.800 00 27.600 00 63,950 00 Charles Meads Company ................ 6.100 00 35.100 00 30.000 00 71,200 00 Atlanta Contracting Company............ 5.645 00 30.000 00 14,000 00 49,645 00

Action deferred.

DENIS A. JUDGE, Deputy and Acting Commissioner


7 a. m. s p.

DATE. , a l .6

m. q p. m. Mean. Maximum. Minimum, Maximum.

.c a a_ 1 .6 .6 .6 .a a .6 - a l a

September. y q a 7 an a a a W rd I M q C2 Ct y 0 d rA

a 0 ai

t' i Q tZ G F .c.

Sunday, 5 69 67 69 Monday, 0 56. 5t 68;

6t ;q 5463660 6 ; 7 12m. 70 to a. m. 5712 P. m. 6o 05 bo 63.0 ;7.o 73 4 P. m. 63 5p. In. 541 5 a. M.

52 Sol

tap. m, 119 12 M. 5 a. m.,120 2 M. p. Tuesday ; bt ?6 '3' 6.1 68 6567361.6 74 ; P. m. 671 ; p, m. S9 6 a. m. 5;b a. m.i t r, t p. m.

Wednesday, 8 63 6o ;g Thursday, 9 6, 63 78.

66 70 67 69.0 1,5.0' 77 4 P m.! 70 51'. m. 62 6 a. m. 69 70 6,- ;1.666. ; ,-9 3 P. m.l, 7t 3 P. m. 66 (,a.m.

591 63~

8 a. 01.1114 2 P. m. 7 a. m. 115 z p. m.

Friday, to -0 67, log 6S' 68, 65 6q.3 66.6 7111 a. m. 6q a a. in. 68 tz p. m. 653 S p. m.', ;, 2 p, M. Saturday, ii 67, 63 76 i~

68 72 6771606.0 7;' 3 P. m.! 69I

3 p. m. 66I

6 a. nt.'

i Ili 63 II a a. m ' 126 2 p. m.

Dry 8nit. 11,1 Bulb. Mean for the week ...................... 68.2 degrees.................. ............ 63.3 degrees. Maximum '' at 3 p. m., Sept. 9.... 79 at p. m„ Se tember 3 P 9.......... ;t ttlinimum at a. m., 6.. Sept.t Ss at 5 a. m., September 6............ 5o Range .. ........... z; ..... 21 'r


Velocity in Stiles. !Force in Pounds per Square Foot.

a.m. to


2 p.m. to


Distance' forthe Day.


0 4P.




82 94 238 0 3.00 p.m. 31 51 124 0 0 0 54 7.20 p.m.

30 46 15867 0 00

I 0 0 Ys S 6.5o p.m. 23 47 103 0 0 0 I5 5.20 p.m. 311 34 107 a 0 0 3ht 3 P. m. 76 44 165 0 3fi 0 4% 11.10 a.m.

Distance traveled during the week .................................... 980 miles. Maximum force during the week ..................................... 5 pounds.

Hygrometer. Clouds. ( Rain and Snow. Ozone.

Force of Vapor. DATE.

Relative Clear, o Humidity. I Overcast, to Depth of Rain and Snow in Inches. p

September. c E E I E E 8I E E E 6 d °o

.. a 1,, 00' ̀~ a d o• Etc - 6 0

- - - h. m. in. in. to

- - - Sunday, 5 .6 .430 .351 .47'

- 89 6o 70 73 to 5 C ir 0 4.15 .27 0

- 1.45 a.m,

- 6.00 a.m.

Monday, 6 .308.411 .451.390 68 6oi 73 671 0 0 0

Tuesday. 7 !•3831 •4'6 .577 .478 71 59 84 7' 7 Cir. to ......... .• .............I...... o Wedn'sd'y,8 4781.60; .622 .5h8


,3 ................. ............. o

4 I 1 Thursday, 9 522.588.6a2 .578

83 7z 85 8° 2 C ir. Cir o

83 7t 8 _,

o o ro .............. .................

........... ....................... 0


Friday, io .622 .658 .5 .619 S5 90 84 86 10 to to 7.00 a.m. rt p.m. 16.00.74 .... 2

Saturday, ii .5221.5771 .593.564 79 64 76 73 8 Cu. r Cir S Cir. Cu .......................I........ o

Total amount of water for the week ......................... t.or inches. Duration for the week ........................................20 hrs. 15 mins.

DATE. 7 a. m. a P. m.

Sunday, Sept. g Mild, pleasant. Pleasant, s.indy. Monday, 6 Mild, pleasant. Warm, pleasant. Tuesday " Wednesday,

7 Mild. pleasant. 8 Mild, p leasant.

Warm, pleasant. Warm, pleasant.

Thursday, 9 Mild, hazy. Warm, pleasant. Friday. to Mild, drizzling. Mild, drizzling. Saturday, tr Mild, cloudy. Mild, pleasant.

DANIEL DRAPER, Ph. D., Director.



List of Changes in the Department of Public Charities During the Week Ending September 11, 1909.

Septemter 6-Bahia, Icanne S.. dropped. Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training School, Blackwells Island, $1110 per annum ; graduated.

September 1-Bergstrom, Augusta, appointed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, Blackwells Island, $360 per annum; certified September 1, 1909.


STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open

for business and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn as well as the places where such ufhces are kept and such Courts are held, together with the heads of Departments and Courts.


No. 5 City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, 9 m. to 12 M. 'telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Mayor, Frank M. O'Brien, Secretary. William A. Willis, Executive Secretary. James A Rierdon, Chief Clerk and Bond and

n arrant Clerk.

BUREAU OF WIIGHTS AND MRASU CBS. Room 7, City Hall, 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays a. M. to 12 m. 'l'elej hone, 8020 Cortlandt. Patrick Derry, Chief of Bureau.

BUREAU OF LICENSES. qa. m. to 4p m. Saturdays, 9 a. to. to tarn. Telephone, 5020 L'ortlandt. Francis V S Oliver, Jr., Chief of Bureau. Principal Office, Room I, City Hall. Branch Office, Room 12. Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Branch Office Richmond Borough Hall, Room 23,

New Brighton. . I. Branch Office Hackett Building, Long Island

-ity, Borough o? Queens.

AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. Room 207, No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor, 9 a. m. to

p. in. t Telephone 1942 Worth.

The Mayor, the Comptroller. ex-officio. Commis mioners fohn F. Cowan (President), William H Ten Eyck John J Ryan and John P. Windolph; Harry. tb. `'alker, Secretary; Walter H. Sears, Chief En-gineer.

ARMOR)- BOARD. Mayor George B McClellan, the Cumptrcller

Herman A. Metz, the President of the Bard of Aldermen. Patrick F. McGowan. Brigadier-Gen eral George Moore Smith, [irigadier General John N. Eddy. Captain J. W Miller, the President of the Department of Taxes and Asses,ments, Iaws.m Purdy.

Harrie Davis, Secretary, R„om 6. Ila<ement, Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets.

Office hours, 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.: Saturdays, 9 a on to 12 M.

Telephone, 3900 Worth.


City hall, Room 21. Telephone call, ii,)I Cortlandt. Robert W. de Forest, Trustee Sletrnp„litan

Museum „f Art, l'resident; Frank L). mli(let, fainter, Vice-President: John B. ('inc. Secretary: A. Augustus ilealy. President of the Brooklyn Institute of Arty and Sciences; George B. McClellan, Mayor of the City or New York: John Bigelow. President of New 1 irk Public Library: Arnold W. Brunner Architect; Charles Howland Russell, Frederic B. Pratt, Herbert Adams, Sculptor.

John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary.


Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-shah street and First avenue.

Telephone, 4400 Madison Square. Board of Trustees—Hr. John W. Brannan. 1'resi

dent; James K Paulding, Secretary; James A. Farh•y, Samuel Sachs, Leopold Stern, J, hn G. O' Keene, Arden M. Robbins, R,.bert W. Hebberd, ex-officio.

BOARD OF ALDERMEN. No. it City Hall, ro a. m. to p. u:.; Seturdayc

to a. m. to 12 M. 'feleph,,ne, 7560 Cortlandt. Patrick F. McGowan, President, P. J. Scully, City Clerk.

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. to; Satur

days, 12 in. Antoni„ Zucca. Paul Weimann.

William It. Kennedy.

William Il. Jasper, Secretary. Telephone, 29.: o and 31 Worth.

BO.AItD OF ELECTIONS. Headquarters General Office, No. 107 West Forty-

first Street. Commissioners—john T. Dowling (President).

Charles B. Page (Secretary), James Kane, John L. Smith

Michael T. Daly Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2946 Bryant.


No. 112 West Forty-second street. William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk.

The Bronx. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Mott

avenue (Solingen Building ). Cornelius A. Bunner, Chief Clerk.

Brooklyn. No. 42 Court street (Temple Bar Buildings. George Russell, Chief Clerk.

Queens. No. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City, Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk.

Richmond. Borough Hall, New Br'Ighton, S I. Charles M. Schwalbe, Chief Clerk. All offices open from 9 a. In. to 4 P. m.; Saturdays, 1202.


The Mayor, Chairman: the Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, President of the Borough of Manhattan, President of the Borough of Ilr„ok- 1yn, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Presi- dent of the Borough of Queens, President of the Borough of Richmond.

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. No. 277 Broadway, Room Lio6. Telephone, 2280

Worth. Joseph Haag, Secretary ; William M. Lawrence

Assistant Secretary. Charles V. Adee, Clerk to Board.

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Nelson P. Lewis Chief Engineer. Ni,. 277 Broad

way, Room i4o8• Irelephone, 2281 Worth. Arthur S. Tuttle, Engineer in charge Division of

Public Improvements, No. 277 Broadway, Room r408. Telephone, ai8r Worth.

DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Nos. 13-21 Park Row. Tames W. Stevenson, Commissioner. John H. Little. Deputy Commissioner, Edgar E. Schiff, Secretary. Office hours. 9 a. m. to 4 p. to. Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 m. Telephone, 6080 Cortlandt.


Pier "A,” N. R., Battery place. Telephone. 300 Rector. Allen N. Spooner, Commissioner. Denis A. Judge, Deputy Commissioner Joseph VI . Savage, Secretary. Cfiice hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 to.


BOARD OF EDUCATION. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street Borough of

Manhattan, 9 a. m. to 5 p.m. (in the month of August, q am, to 4 p• m.); Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 m.

'telephone, 558o Plaza. Stated meetings of the Board are held at 4 p m,

on the first Monday in February, the second Wed

Harry P. Nichols, Engineer in charge Division of Franchises, No. 277 Broadway, Room Bor. Tele, phone, 2283 Worth.


Rooms 6027 and 6028 Metropolitan Building, No. r Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. m t q p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 1202.

I'elepmme -R4oGramercy. Warren A. Conover, Charles Buek. Lewis Hard-

ing Charles G. Smith, Edward F. Croker, William A. boring and George A. Just, Chairman.

Edward V. Barton, Clerk. Board meeting every Tuesday at 2 p. m.


Office. No. 148 East Twentieth street. John J. Barry, Commissioner of Correction,

President. \1'm. E. Wyatt, Judge, Special Sessions, First

Division Kuhert J. Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessions, Second

Division. Frederick B. House, City Magistrate, First

Division. Edward J. Dooley, City Magistrate, Second Divi-

Sion Samuel B. Hamburger John C. Heintz, Dominick

l)i Dario, James F. f3oyfe. Thomas K. Minnick, Secretary.


Herman A. Metz, Comptroller. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Cmmsel, Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of

Taxes and Assesvments. Ilenry J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart

ment. No. 280 Broadway. Telephone, i2oo Worth.


Office, No, 299 Broadway. J, hn A. newel, Charles N. Chadwick, Charles A.

Shaw, Commissi.,ners. Thomas Bassett, Secretary. J. Waldo Smith, Chief Engineer.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Rooms 114 and u; Stewart Building, No. 280

Br 'adway, 9 a. to. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 4315 \y urth. )ohn Purroy Mitchel, Henry C. Buncke, Com-


('ll.%%(:G 0I' 1:11 %DE DAMAGE ('417 MISSION.

TWENTY-THIRI, ANI, lWIiNI'1 YOU 11TH WARDS. Office of the C,,mn;issi-,n. Rum 210. No. 280

II roadway (Stewart Building). Borough of Manhat-tan. New 1'ork City.

Commissioners-William F. Stillings. George C. Norton, Lewis A. Abrams.

Lamont M I., ighlin, Clerk. R,-4ular advertised meetings on Monday, Wednes- and Friday of each wick at 2 o'clock p. m,

l'1'l'Y ('I.I9R K AND l'I.l' ItK OF THE 1SV.tRI) OF ALDERMEN,

City Hall, Rooms 11, 12; to a in to 4 p. m.; Sat- inlays, rc a. m ti, 12 M.

Telephone. 7500 C',rtlandt. P. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of

Aldermen loseph F. Prendergast. First Deputy. 1„hn "L Oakley, Chief Clerk of the Board of ldermen. 1„seph V Sculley, Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. I'humas J. McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

, of Th Bronx William R. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, Bor-

ug h of Queens. Joseph F. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

.,f Richmond,


BLANK BOOKS. Supervisor's Office, Park Row Building, No.21

Park Row. Entrance, Room 607, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m 9atnrdays, o a. m. to lain.

Telephone, 15o5 and r5o6 Cortlandt. Supply Room, No. 2. City Hall.

Patrick J. Tracy, Supervisor: Henry McMillen Deputy Supervisor C. McKemie, Secretary.

COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. Office, No 277 Broadway. John N. Bogart, Commissioner. James P. Archibald, Deputy Commissioner. uhn J. Caldwell, Secretary.

Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to, 12 01.

Telephone, 2825 Worth.

t'OiIMISRIONERS OF SINKING FUND. George B. McClellan, Mayor. Chairman: Herman

A. Metz, Comptroller; James J Martin, Chamber lain: Patrick F McGowan. ('resident of the Board of Aldermen, and Timothy 1'. Sullivan, Chairman Finance Comrnittee, Board if Aldermen, Members N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy Comptroller Secretary

Office of Secretary , Room I2, Stewart Building. Telephone, 1200 W- 'rth


CENTRAL OFFICE. No. 148 East Twentieth Street. Office hours from

9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 1202. Telephone, 1047 Gramercy,

Ghe J. Barry, Commissioner. eorge W. Meyer, Deputy Commissioner.

John B. Fitzgerald. Secretary.


September 7—Blake, Margaret T., dismissed, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hospital, $216 per annum ; conduct prejudicial to the good discipline of the institu- tion.

September 8— Carne. Alary, dropped, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training School, Blackwells Island, $180 per annum; own request.

September 2—Canning, John F., dismissed, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hospi- tal, $240 per annum ; absence without leave.

August 18—Cannon, James, dropped, Hospital 1lelper, Metropolitan Training School, Blackwells Island, $180 per anntvn; overstaying pass.

August 23—Chapman, Joseph 11., appointe(I, Hospital IIclper (Music Teacher), New York City Children's Hospitals and Schools, Ran(lalls Island, $720 per auntun; certified August 23. 1909.

September I—Collins, Esther, appointed, Hospital 1lelper, New York City Farm Colony, $18)0 per annum: certified September 1. 1909.

September 1--1)clahanty, Mary, appointed, Hospital Ilelper, New York City Training School, Blackwells Island. $240 per annum ; certified September 1, 1909.

September 3—l)oherty, Robert J., dismissed, hospital helper, Kings County Hospital, $300 per annum ; absence without leave.

September 2—Donnelly, Julia, leave granted seven (7) days without pay, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training School, Blackwclls Island, $180 per annum; to end September 8.

September 1—Duryea. Anna M., promoted, Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training School, Itlackwells Island, $144 to $18(1 per .ntunt.

September 14—Farrell, Sarah Jane, resigned, Hospital helper, New York City Home, lilackwells Island, $190 per annum.

September 15—Flynn, Elizabeth, resigned, Trained Nurse, Kings (utility Hospital, $6()0 per annuni.

September I—Garstang, Sarah J., reappointc,I, Hospital helper (Trained Nurse), New York City Training School, Black wells Island, $(AN) per annum.

September 7—Gilbert, WilliamA., resigned, hospital J-Iclper, Kings County Hos-

pital, Q240 per anntun. August 31—(;rcelish, \1'inifred S., dr,rpped. Illrspital IIelper (Kindergartner),

Kings Counts I-[ospital, $fi(11) per anntutt : r,wcn request. August 22—(;riftin• Annie, leave granted 14 days without pay, Seamstress. New

fork Cit Children's Hospitals and Schools, Randalls Island, $204 per anntttn; to end September 4, 1909.

August 31—Hall, James, resigned, Hospital Helper, Storehouse, $180 per an-

nunl. September I—Ilansen, Claus, promoted, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan hospital,

Blackwells Island, $150 to $240 per anrnttnt : certified September 1, 1909. September 1—Johnsotl, Joseph, dropped, Iii spital IIelper, City Hospital, Black-

wells Island, $240 per annum : resigned. September I—Kchuc, Daniel, prn nun tcdl. Hospital helper, t let ropolitan IIospital,

Blackwells Island, $150 tI, $240 per anntn: certified September 1, 191)9. September 1—, Michael J.. appointed, Hospital Helper, City FarnI Colony,

$240 per annum : certified September 1, 1909. September 7—\IcCat(erty, 1'rancis, position as Ifospital Helper, Faros (stony,

$300 per annum, trade pertnanent. . ugtlst •31—Miller, Frank. dismisses(, IIr)spital Helper, Metropolitan Hospital,

Blackwells Island, $ 240 per anntml ; absence wit ho mt lease Septen)ber 7—Murphy, Charles, appointed. Hospital J helper, City I-hospital, Black-

wells Island. $24O per annual: certified September August 7—Olcivinska, Camille. leave granted eight (8I days without pay, Trained

Nurse, Kings County Hospital, $6(N) per annum. August 31—Priggins. Matthew J., resigned, Hospital Helper, Bradford Street

Hospital, $484) per annum. September 1—Nader. Winifred, promoted, Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training

School, Blackwells lcland, $144 to $180 per annum. September 1—Rising. Edward, dropped, Cook, City Hospital, Blackwells Island,

$48) per annum ; re.igned. September 1—Roonev, John. appointed, Ihospital 1-Ielper, Storehouse, $180 per an-

num : certified September 1. 190?. September 6—Ross, John, dismissed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, Blackwells

Island. $300 per annum : absence without leave. August 17—Sherry. Mary K., leave granter) seven (7) days without pay Hospital

Helper, Kings County Hospital, $24O per annum : to end August 24, 1909. September 1—Sutcliffe, Edith I.., promoted, Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training

School. Iilackwells Island, $144 to $180 per annum. September 7—Tovev. \largaret. dropped, Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training

School. Black wells Island, $1RO per annttn) ; gradaated. September 6—Utz, Joseph, dismissed, hospital Ilelper, Kings County Hospital,

$ 244J per annuni: absence without leave. September 6—Vernon, Margaret. dropped, Hospital Heiner. New York City'

Training School, Black wells Island, $240 per annum: instiliordination. September 4—Yankovitch. William, appointed, Cook, City Hospital, $480 per an-

num; certified Seoteniber 4. 1909. J. MCKEE BORI)E , Secretary.


No. 256 Willoughby Street.

Borough of Prookl)n, New York, September 8, 1909. Description t,f unknown man from font of Metropolitan avenue—Age, about 45 years: height, 5 feet 4 inches: weight, about 135 pounds : color, white : eyes, blue ; hair, brown ; mustache, brown ; heard, none : teeth, good. Clothing : Gray sack coat, blue flannel vest, gray and black striped trouser, black cotton outing shirt, gray woolen underwear, black cotton sucks. black congress gaiter shoes, size 7: black leather belt around waist. Condition of body, good. P. 'Maguire. Superintendent.

TIVE DEPARTMENT EXECU ' —'Reinstated (Discharge Rescinded) Sep-

City of New York, l I tenuher 13, 1909.

Office of the Mayor, } Bernard McAdams, Park Laborer, No.

September 17, 1909. J 314 East Twenty-first street. The Mayor, under date of September 10, I

Resigned. 1909, appointed James Byrne, Plaza Hotel, g a Trustee of the College of The City of I September 11, 1909, Diary N. Wood, New York, to succeed Henry W. Herbert. School Farm Attendant, No. 210 West resigned, for the term ending on the 1st Eighty-fourth street, day of July, 1913. September 15, 1909. James T. Delaney,

WILLIAM A. WILLIS, Climber and Pruner, No. 611 Sixth avenue, Executive Secretary. Brooklyn.


BOARD OF EDUCATION. September 17—John V. O'Connor, ap-

pointed as temporary Clerk in the Bureau of :\edit and Accounts on Jute 25, 1009, ceased service in said Bureau at the dust of business on the 16th inst.

I)1{I'ARTMMENT OF PARKS. Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond.

September 16—

ReinstatecJ September 13, 191)9. John Larkin, Climber and Pruner, No.

232 East One Hundred and Twenty-third street.

BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room

O, David E. Austen, Receiver of Taxes. John !. McDonough and William H. Loughran,

Deputy Receivers of Taxes. Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, Third

and Tremont avenues. John B. Underhill and Stephen A. Nugent, Dep.

utp Receivers of Taxes. Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building, Rooms

2-8. Thomas J. Drennan and William Gallagher,

Deputy Receivers cf Taxes. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson

avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. George H. Creed and Mason O. Smedley, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes. Borough of Richmond—Borough Hall, St. George

New Brighton. John De Morgan and F. Wilsey Owen, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes.


Borough of Manhattan, Stewart Building, Room

Daniel Moynahan, Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

Richard E. Weldon, Deputy Collector of Assess ments and Arrears.

Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building Rooms 1-3.

James J. 1).,novan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As-sesements and Arrears.

Borough of Brooklyn—Mechanics' Bank Building, corner Court and Montague streets.

John M. Gray, Deputy Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City.

Nos 13 to 21 Park now. 9 a. m to 4 p. is. Telephone, 3863 Cortlandt. William H. Edwards, Commissioner. James J. Hogan, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Manhattan. Owen J. Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Brooklyn. Julian Scott, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of the Bronx. John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk.


Hall of Records, corner of Chambers and Centre streets. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in ; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 m.

Commissioners—Lawson Purdy, President; Frank Ravntond, Jantes II. Tully, Charles Yutzel, Hugh Hastings, Charles ] McCormack, John J. Halleran

Telephone, 39oo Worth.


Nos. r3 to 2r Park Row, q a. in. to 4 p. m. Telephones, Manhattan, 85zo Cortlandt; Brooklyn,

f~eo Main: Queens, 439 Greenpoint; Richmond, q4 umpkinsville; Bronx, 62 Tremont. John H. O'Brien, Commissioner. M. F. Loughman, Deputy Commissioner. 1. M. de \'arena, Chlet Engineer. George W. Birdsall, Consulting Hydraulic En-

gineer. George F. Sever, Cunsuiting Electrical Engineer. Charles F. Lacombe, Chief Engineer of Light and

Power. Hubert S. Wynkoop. Electrical Engineer. Michael C Padden, Water Register. Manhattan William A. Hawley, Secretary to Commissioner. William C. Cozier, Deput y Commissioner Bor-

ough of Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn.


nesday in July, and the second and fourth Wednes days to every month, except July and August.

Richard B. Aldcroftt, Jr.; Nicholas J. Barrett. Charles E. Bruce, M. D.; Joseph E. C' rove Frederic R. Coudert, Francis W. Crownin field. Francis P. Cunnion, Thomas M. l)e Lanev. Horace E. Dresser, Alexander Ferris, Joseph Nicola Francolini, George Freifeld, George J. Gillespie, John Greene, Lewis Haase, Robert L. Harrison, Louis Haupt, M. I1.; Thomas I Higgins. James P. Holland, Arthur Ilollick, Yugo Kanzler, Max Katzenberg, Edward Lazansky, Alrick H. Man, Clement 'tt:uch,blitchell May, Robert E.SIcCaffert •, Dennis J. McDonald M. I1,; Ralph McKee, Frank W. Meyer, Thomas j, O'l)onohne, Henry H. Sher man, Arthur S. Somers, Abraham Stern. St. Samuel Stern, Cornelius J. Sullivan, James E. Sullivan Michael J. Sullivan, Bernard Suydam. Rupert B. Thomas, John R, Thompson, George.a.\'andrnbotl, Frank I). Wilsey, George W. Wingate, H:-erton L. Winthrop, Jr., members of the Board. One vacancy)

Egerton I.. Winthrop, Jr., President. John Greene. Vice-President. A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary. Fred 11. ohnson,Assistant Secretary. C. B. J. Snyder, superintendent of School Build-

ings. Patrick Jones, Superintendent of School Supplies. Henry R. M. Cook, Auditor. Thomas A. Dillon, Chief Clerk. Henry- St. I.eip ziger, Supervisor of Lectures. Claude G. Leland, Superintendent of Libraries. A. J. Maguire, Supervisor of Janitors.

BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS. William 11. Maxwell, City Superintendent of

Schools, and Andrew W. Edsi,n, John H. Haaren. Clarence E. Sleleney, Thomas S. O'Brien. Edward B. Shallow. Edward L. Stevens, Gustave Strauben-maller, John H. Walsh, Associate City Superin-tendents.

CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS DIVISION. Daniel C. Potter, Chief Examiner of Accounts of

Institutions, Room 38. 1

OFFICE OF THE CITY PAYMASTER. No. 83 Chambers street and No. 65 Reade street John H. Timmerman, City Paymaster.

ENGINEERING DIVISION. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway.

Chandler Withington, Chief Engineer, Room 5S.

DIVISION OF INSPECTION. William M. Hoge, Auditor of Accounts in Charge

Room 39.

Thomas A. Ileaiy, Deputy Collector of Assess-ments and Arrears.

Borough of Richmond--St. George, New Brighton. John J . McGann, Deputy Collector of Assessments

and Arrears.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, Room t41.

Peter Aitken, Collector of City Revenue and Superintendent pit Markets.

David O'Brien, Deputy Collector of City Revenue.

BUREAU FOR THE EXAMINATION OF CLAIMS. Frank J. Prial, Chief Examiner. Room 'Si.

BUREAU OF THE CITY CHAMBERLAIN. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway

Rooms (.3 to 67. James J. Martin, City Chamberlain, Henry j. Walsh, Deputy Chamberlain. Telephone, 4270 Worth


Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.

Burial Permit and Contagious Disease offices always open.

1-elephone, 4900 Columbus. Thomas Darlin)tton, M. D., Commissioner of

Health and President. Alvah H. Duty, M. D.; William F. Baker,

Commissi, mners. Walter Bensel. M. I)., Sanitary Superintendent. Eugene W. Scheffer, Secretary. Herman M. Big's. M. It„General Medical Officer. J ames McC N1iiller, Chief Clerk. William H. Guilfoy, M. D., Registrar of Records

Walter E. Spear, Chief Engineer. John W. McKay, Assistant Engineer in Charge,

Bormleh of Richmond William R. McGuire, Water Register, Brooklyn. Charles C. Marrin, Deputy Comtnissioner. l;or

ough of The Bronx, Crutona Yark Building. One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third avenue.

Thomas M. Lynch, Water Register, The Bronx. Charles C. Wissel, Deput y Commissioner Bur-

ough of Queens, Hackett Building, Long island City.

John E. Bowe. Deputy Commissioner, Borough of Richmond. Municipal Building, St. George.

EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMI1F.RS. Bartholomew F. Donohoe. President; John J

Moore, Secretary: John. Dunn, 'l'reasttrer; ex-officio, Horace Loomis and Matthew E. Healy.

Rooms Nos 14, 15 and t6 Aldrich Building, Nos. 149 and 151 Church street. Office

open during business hours every day in the year (except legal holidays). Examinations are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after I p. in.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted

runs 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 12 in.

HEADQUARTERS. Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man-

hattan telephone, 640 Plaza, Manhattan; 2653 Main,

Brooklyn. Nicholas J. Hayes, Commissioner. P. A. Wllitney, Deputy Commissioner, Charles C. Wise. Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs

of Brook1%n and Queens. William A. 1-arney. Secretary; Mark Levy, Secre-

tary to, the Commissioner; George F. Dobson. Jr. Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner, Bo[unghs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Edward F. Croker, Chief of Department. Thomas Lally, Deputy Chief of Department in

charge, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Joseph L. Burke. Inspector of Combustibles, Nos.

157 and Iqq East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. '1elephune, (140 Plaza.

Peter J. Oaigley, Secretary of Relief Fund, Nns. 1)7 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. 'I elephone. 64o Plaza.

Peter Seery. Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhat-tan. The Bronx and Richmond.

William I.. Beers, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brooklvn and Queens.

Andrew 1'. Martin Chief Inspector, Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond.

Timothy S. Shah' ' ney. . in charge Telegraph Bureau 1 Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

\t-iltiam'1'.Beggin.Chief of Battalion in charge Bweauof \'iolatirms and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Boroughs or Manhattan. The Bronx and Richtnund Nos 1;7 and ISo East Sixty-seventh street, Manhat-tan. tiruukl y-n and Queens, Nos. 355 and 367 lap street, Brooklyn.

Central uftice open at all hours.


OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL. Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets,

6th, 7th and 6th floors, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays q a. in. to 12 m.

Telephone, 3900 Worth. Francis K. Pendletr.n. Corporate ,n Counsel Assi',tants—Theodore Crnnr,ly, Ge„r,e L. Ster-

ling. Charles D. ()lendurf, William I'. Burr, R. l'erc; Cluttenden. David Kuino'y, William Beers Crutsell. f',hn L. (I'Brien. 'i erence Farle}y, Edward J McGoldrick. Cornelius F. Collins, John F. O'Brien Edward S. Sta6,ne, Edwin J. freedman, Curtis A, Peters, Louis If. llahlu. Stephen O'Brien, Frank It Pierce, Charles A. O'Neil, Richard H. Mitchell

hn Widdecnmbe, Joel J. Squier, Arthur Sweeny William II. King. George I'. Nicholson George Darold Falwell, tlartord Y Walker, Alfred W. Ilmn'raem. I. Gabriel [tritt, Francis J. Byrne, Francis Martin, Charles McIntyre, Clarence L. I;arher Solon derrick, James 1'. O'Connor. William II. r cksun. Edward Masson, Elliott S. Benedict, Isaac i'hillips. Edward A. McShane, Eugene Fay, Ricardc H. DeAcosta, Francis X. McQuade, Ravuu.nd I) Fosdick, John M. Barrett, I. Townsend Burden, Jr.

Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund Kirby.

Chief Clerk—Andrew T. Campbell.

BROOKLYN OFFICE. Borough Hall, zd floor, 9 a. in. to 4 p. in. Satur

days. q a In. to 12 M. Telephone, 2q. 8 Main. James D. Bell, Assistant in charge.

RCREAU OF STREET OPENINGS. No. go West Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Satur-

days, 9a.m.to12m. Telephone, 8190 Cortland, John I'. Dunn, Assistant in charge.

BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OF PENALTIES. No. fig Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Satur-

days 9a. in. to12m. 'I elephune, 4'26 Cortland, Herman Stiertel,Assistant in charge.


No 280 Broadway, 5th floor. Office hours for pub- lic. 9 a, into 4 p. m ; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 m.

Telephone. 4555 V. orth. Geo. O'Reilly, Assistant in charge.


No. 44 East Twenty-third street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to is m.

'Telephone, Ig61 Gramercy. John P. O'Brien, Assistant in charge.


Office, No. 17 Battery place. George A. Super, Ph. D., President; James H. Fuertes Secretary; H de B. Parsons, Charles Sooysmith, Linsly R I1 ii' Barns, M. D.

Telephone, r6g4 Rector.


No. agg Broadway, q a. m. to 4 p. m. Frank L. Polk, K. Ross Appleton, Arthur J

O'Keeffe. Frank A. Spencer, Secretary. John F. Skelly, Assistant Secretary.

Labor Bureau. Nos. 54-dc Lafayette street. Telephone, 2140 Worth.

MUNICIPAL EXPLOSIVES COMMISSION. Nos I5j and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Head-

quarters Fire Department. Patrick A. Whitney, Deputy Fire Commissioner

and Chairman; William Montgomery, John Sherry, C. Andrade, Jr., Abram A. Breneman.

Telephone, 640 Plaza. Franz S. Wolf, Secretary, Nos. 365-767 Jay

street, Brooklyn. Stated meeting, Friday of each week, at 3 p. M. Telephone, 3530 Main.


CENTRAL OFFICE. No 300 Di ulberry street, q a. in to 4 p.m. Telephone, ztoo Spring. N\ilham F Baker, Commissioner. Frederick I I . Ilugher, First Deputy Commissioner ('h;Irl,s W. Kirby,Secund lleputyCommissioner. Josiah A. Stover, Third Deputy Commissioner. Alfred W. Booraeut, Fourth Deputy Commis-

sioner. William H. Kipp, Chief Clerk.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. The Public Service Commission for the First Dis-

trict Tribune Building, No. t54 Nassau street, Manhattan.

Office boors, 8 a. m. to IT p. in., every day in the year, including holidays and Sundays.

Stab-d public meetings of the Commission, Tues-day's and Fridays at 11,30 a. m. in the Public Hear-ing Rnum of the Commission, third floor of the Tribune Building, unless otherwise ordered.

Commissioners—William R. Willcox, Chairman; \' illiam McCarroll, Edward M. Bassett, Milo R \laltbie, John E. Eustis. Counsel, George S. Cole-man. Secretary, Travis H. Whitney.

'1-elephone, 4150 Beekman.

TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT. Manhattan Office, No. 44 East Twenty-third street. Telephone Gramercy. Edmond J. Mailer, Commissioner, Win. H. Abbott, Jr., First Deputy Commissioner. Brooklyn Office (Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens

and Richmond), Temple Bar Building, No. 44 Court street.

Telephone, 3825 Main. John McKeown, Second De uty Commissioner. Bronx Office, Nos. 28o4, aSo6P and z8o8 Third Ave

flue. Telephone, 967 Melrose. William B. Calvert, Superintendent.


BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Office of the President, corner Third avenue and

One 11 undred and Seventy-seventh street; 9 am, to 4 p m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to I2 M.

Jr,hn F. 11Turrav, r'resident. Henry A. Gunrhleton, Secretary

Commissioner of Public Works. John A. Hawkins, Assistant Commissioner of

Public Works. J usiah A. Brigrs, Chief Engineer. Frederick Grel .•nlrxg, Principal Assistant Topo-

graphical Engineer Charles 11. Graham, Engineer of Sewers. Thomas H. O'Neil. Superintendent of Sewers. Samuel C. 'Thompson, Engineer of Highways. Patrick J. Revllie, Superintendent of Buildings. John A. Mason, Assistant Superintendent of

[luildin s, Peter 3. Stumpf. Superintendent of Highways. Albert H. I-iebenau, Superintendent of Public

Buildiu 's and Offices, Telephone, 2650 Tremont.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. President's Office, Nos. 15 and 16 Borough Hall, 9

a. m. to ; p. iii.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 M. Bird S. Coler. President. Charles Frederick Adams, Secretary. J ohn A. Ileffernan, Private Secretary. Thomas R. Farrell, Commissioner of Public

Works. James M. Power. Secretary to Commissioner. llennis. Dno uv.ul, Superintendent of Buildings. James Dunne, Superintendent of the Bureau of

Sewers. Joseph M. Lawrence, Superintendent of the

Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices. Patrick F. Lynch, Superintendent of Highways.

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Office of the President, Nos. 14, 15 and r6 City

I Lill, q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. John F. Ahearn, President. Bernard Downing. Secretary. John Cloubgl en, Commissioner of Public Works. James J. Hagan, Assistant Commissionerof Pub-

lic Works. George F. Scannell, Superintendent of Highways. Edward S. Murphy, Superintendent of Buildings. Frank J G, od',vin, Superintendent of Sewers. Jm'hn R. Voorhis, Superintendent of Buildings

and Offices. Telephone, 6725 Cortlandt,

BOROUGH OF QUEENS. President's Office, Borough Hall, Jackson avenue

and Fifth street, Long Island City; 9 a. m. to 49.02. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

Lawrence Dresser President. John H. Cragen, secretary. AItred I)entun, Commissioner of Public Works. Harry Sutphin, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-

lic ACorks, Patrick E. Leahy, Superintendent of Highways. Carl Berger, Superintendent of Buildings. Cornelius Burke, Superintendent of Sewers. Arrow C. Hankins, Superintendent of Street Clean.

lnb+. Edward F. Kelly, Superintendent of Public Build'

ha 's and Offices. *1'elephone 1900 Greenpoint.

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. ('resident's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. Gc„rge Cromwell, President. Maybury Fleming, Secretary. Louis Lincoln '1'ribus, Consulting Engineer and

Acting Commissioner of Public Works. William R, llillyer, Assistant Commissioner of

1'ablic Works. Bureau of Engineering—Topography. Theodore S. Oxholm, Engineer in charge, Bureau

of Engineering—Construction. John Seaton Superintendent of Buildings. H. E. Buel .4upenntendent of Highways. John '1'. J•'etherston, Assistant Engineer and

Acting Superintendent of Street Cleaning. Ernest II. Seehusen, Superintendent of Sewers. John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public Build-

ing; and Offices. Offices—Borough Hall, New Brighton, N. Y., 9

a. m. to 5 p. in. Saturdays, 9 a. M. to lam, Telephone, i000 Tompkinsville.

CORONERS. Borough of The Bronx—Corner of Third avenue

and Tremont avenue—Telephone, rs5o Tremont and 1402 Tremont.

Robert F. McDonald A. F. Schwannecke. William T. Austin dhief Clerk Borough ud Brooklyn—Office, Rooms r and 3

Municipal Building, Telephone, 4004 Main and yoo• Main,

)Itenry j Brewer, M D. John F. Kennedy. Joseph McGuinness, Chief Clerk. Open all hours of the day and night. Borough of Manhattan—Office, Criminal Courts

Building Centre and White streets. Open at all times of the day and night.

Coroners: Julius Harburger, Peter P. AcriteIB, George F. Shrady, Jr., Peter Dooley.

PRINCIPAL OFFICE. Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 a, m. to 4 p. in.

Saturdays, 12 m. Telephone. ',,o Madison Square. R,,Lert 1\'. Ffebberd,Commusioner. Richard C. Baker, First Deputy Commissioner. Thomas R. Hynes, Second Deputy Commi+-

sioner for Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. ,27 to 331 Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Telephone, 2977 Main- J. McKee Borden, Secretary. Flans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Repairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 a. m .o 1 p. in.; Saturdays, 12 rn.

Bureau of Dependent Adults, foot of East Twenty sixth street. Office hours, 6.32 a. m. to 4 p. m.

The Children's Bureau, )\o. 66 Third avenue. Office hours. 5.3o a. In to 4 p. In

Jeremiah Connelly. Superintendent for Richmond Borough, Borough H Hall, St. George, Staten Island.

DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE. Telephone, loco Tompkinsville.

Mortimer J. Brown, Appraiser of Real Estate Rooms tot, 103 and Icy. , DEPARTMENT OF STREET CI EANING.

Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton street Tanlaica.

John H. Barry, M. I)., Assistant Sanitary Suprr. intendent; George R. Crowly Assistant CIneI Clerk; Robert Campbell, M.D., Assistant Registrar I Records.

Borough of Richmond. Nos. 54 and 56 Water street I Stapleton, Staten Island,

MAIN DIVISION, H. J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room r1, John T. Sprague, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Super-

intendent; Charles E. Hoyer Assistant Chief Clerk. BOOKKEEPING DIVISION. ) D Walter Wood, M. ., Assistant Registrar of

Records. Frank W. Smith, Chief Accountant and Book-

keeper, Room S. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. AWARDS i)iVISIVN. Henry Smith. Cnmmi<;ioner of Parks for the Bor.

Jese h P K. Kenny Bookkeeper pe in Charge, Room I. oagh. ; ( Ma:,(iattan and Richmond, and President Park board.

CONTRACT DIVISION. I William J. Fransioli, Secretary, John 11. Andrews, Clerk in Charge, Room 86. I Otnces, Arsenal. Central Park.

Telephone, soa Plaza. STOCK AND BOND DIVISION. Michael J. Kennedy Commissioner of Parks for

f cBorou hs of Brooklyn and Queens. - Brooks James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, I the g

Room a5. Ugs, Litchfield Mansion,Prospect Park, Brook. 1yn.

BUREAU OF AcniT—MAIN DIVISION Telephone, 230C South. P. H. Quinn, Chief Auditor Of Accounts, Room 27 1i Joseph 1

h . The

Berry. C

ommissioner of Parks for the

LAW AND ADJUSTMENT DIVISION. I'111ce, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Unite hours, g a. m. to 4 p. m, ; Saturdays, to M.

R Jeerreemiah T. Mahoney, Auditor of Accounts, telephone, 26;o Tremont.


Charles S. Hervey. Supervising Statistician and Examiner, Room rdo.

ay.a,ugu U. mauuauan, DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS. Traverse R. Maxfield, M. I)., Assistant Sanitary

Darwin L. Bardwell. William A. Campbell. John Superintendent; George .\. Roberts, Assistant Chief I. Chickering . John W. Davis. John Dwyer, James Clerk. il. Edsall, Matthew J. Elgas, Cornelius t). frank Charles J. Burke, M. D., Assistant Registrar of fin, John Griffin, %I. I).; John L. N. Hunt, Henry Records. W. Jameson, lames Lee, Charles \C. Lyon. James J. McCabe. \t ilium J O'Shea. Julia Richman, Borough of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue. Alfred T. SchauiHer. Albert Shiels, Edgar I1ubs Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D., ActingAssistant Sani-

C. Sti r, Seth T. Stewart. Edward V. Stitt, Grace tar • Superintendent; Ambrose Lee In., Assistant C. Strachan. Joseph S. Taylors Joseph 11, Wade, > J. U'Leary, M. b., Assistant Evangeline E. Whitney. (Bc • ca;auc).i Chief Clerk; Arthur

Registrar of Records. BOARD OF EXAMIS FRS.

William 1T, Maxwell City Superintendent of Borough of Brooklyn, Nos. 36 and 40 Cli ton street. Schools, and lames C. ~lyrnes. Walter L. Iiervey Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D., Assistant Sanitary

A. Jerome O'Connell, George J. Smith. Examiners. Superintendent; .Mired T. Metcalfe, Assistant Chief Clerk; S. J. Byrne, M. D., Assistant Regitrar of Records.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 a. ro. to c p. in.: Saturdays, 9 a. at. to r2 In.

Telephone. i zoc \\-,:rth. Herman A. Sletz. Cump troller. John H. McCooey and N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy

Corn kStrollers. Hubert L. Smith. Assistant Deput y Comptroller. Paul Loeser, Secretary to Comptroller.

MONDAY, SEPTE,lJ,J':R20, 1909. THE CITY RECORD - 10595

Julius Harburger, President Board of Coroners, acob E. Bausch, Chief Clerk.

Telephones. 1094,cor7, S058 Franklin. Borough of Queens-Office, Borough Hall, Fulton

street, Jamaica, L. I. Samuel I). Nutt, Alfred S. Ambler. Martin Mager, Jr., Chief Clerk. Office hours from 9 a. m. to Io p. m. Borough of' Richmond-No. 44 Second street,

New Brighton. Open for the transaction of busi- ness all hours of the day and night.

Matthew J. Cahill. Telephone, 7 Tompkinsville.



COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Room 127 Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway, q a. m. to 4 p. m. Thomas Allison, Commissioner. Frederick P. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner Frederick O'Byrne, Secretary. Telephone, 241 Worth.

COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. Office, Hall of Records. William S. Andrews, Commissioner tames O. Farrell, Ileputy Commissioner. amen J. Fleming ,Jr. Secretary. 'elephone, 3900 Worth.

COUNTY CLERK. Nos. S, 8, q, Io and ri New County Court-house

Office hours from 9 a. m. to q p. In, Peter j. Dooling, County Clerk. John F. Curry, Deputy. oseph J. Glennen, Secretary. elephone, 870 Cortlandt,

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Centre

streets. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Saturdays

9a.m.to12m. Wm. Travers Jerome, District Attorney. John A. llenneberry, Chief Clerk, Telephone, 2304 Franklin.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No. nq Nassau street q a nt. to 4 p. m. William M. Hoes PuIlic Administrator. Telephone, 6376 eortlandt,

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours from 95. in. to 4

p. m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 In Iluring the months of July and August the hours are from 9 a. m. to 2 p, m.

Frank Gass, Register. William H. Sinnott, Deputy Register. Telephone, 3goo Worth.

SHERIFF. No. aqq Broadway, 9 a. In. to 4 p. m.• Saturdays. q

a. m. to tam. Except during July and August, q a.m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. n,. to 1210.

Thomas F. Foley, Sheriff. John F. Gilchrist, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 4984 Worth.

SURROGATE. Hall of Records. Court ripen fn ,m q a. rrn tr, 4 m., except Saturday when it do s at r2 n..

During the months of July and August the hours arc from q a. m. to 2 p. m.

Abner C. Thomas and John P. Cohalan, Surro-gates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk.



J County Court-house.

Jacob Brenner, Commissioner. Jacob A. Livingston, Deputy Commissioner. Albert B. Waldron, Secretary. Office hours from 9 a. m to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

from q a. m. to 12 m. Office hours during July and August, 9a. W. to 2

p. m.; Saturdays, q a. nt. to 12 In. Telephone, 1454 Main.

COMMISSIONERR OF RECORDS. Hall of Records. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., excepting n; nths

of July and August, then q a. M. to 2 p. in., Satur days q a. m. to 12 m.

Lewis M. Swasep Commissioner. D. H. Ralston, Deputy Commissioner. Telephone, 1114 Main. Thomas D. Mosscrop, Superintendent. William J. Beattie, Assistant Superintendent. Telephone, lodes Main.

COUNTY CLERK. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, q a. m

to 4 p. m.; during months of July and August,q a,m. to 2 P. m.; Saturdays, n a. m. to lam,

Frank Ehlers, County Clerk. Robert A. Sharkey, Deputy County Clerk. John Cooper, Assistant Deputy County Clerk. Telephone call, 4930 Main.


County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms, ta, 17, t8, as and 23. Court opens at ro a. nr daily and sits until business is completed. Part I., Room No. 23; Part If., Room No. to, Court-house. Clerk's Office, Rooms 17, IS and 22, open daily from q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays 12 m.

Norman S. Dike and Lewis L. Fawcett, County Judges,

Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 4154 and 4155 Main.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn.

Hours, q a, m, to 5 . m.

Bohn F. Clarke, District Attorney. I lephone number, 29557-Main.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No, 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, 9

a. in. to 5m. Charles E. Teals, Public Administrator. Telephone, s84o Main,

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours, q a. m. to 4. m.,

excepting months of July and August; then from q a. in. to 2 p, m, provided for by statute.

William A. Prendergast, Register. Frederick H. E. Ebstein, Deputy Register. Telephone, s830 Maui.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Brooklyn, N. Y. q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 m. Alfred T. 1lobley, Sheriff. James P. Connell Under Sheriff. Telephone, 6545, 846, 6847, Main.

SURROGATE. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert T. Ketcham Surrugate. Edward J. Bergen, .'hief Clerk and Clerk of the

Surrogate's Court Court opens at io a. m. Office hours, 9 a. m. to

p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. rn. to is m. Telephone, 3954 Main,


COMMISSIONI It OF JURORS. Oflice hours, 9a. m. to 4 p. m.; July and August, 9

a. M. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9a. m. to rx m. Queens County Court-house, Long Island City.

nlin 1'. Balbert, Commissioner of Jurors. Rodman Richardson, Assistant Commissioner

Telephone, 455 Greenpoint.

COUNTY CLERK. No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica, Fourth Ward

Borough of Queens, City of New York. Office open, q a. m. to 4 p ni ; Saturday, 9 a. m. to

12 111. J ohn Niedercsein, County Clerk. Frank C. KIirge,brck, Secretary. Henry Waiter, Jr., Deputy County Clerk. Telephone, ill Jamaica

COI NTY COURT. Temporary County Court-house,l'.nn • Island City County Court opens at to a. m. Trial Terms begin

first Monday of each month, exceyt )ply, August and September. Special ferns each Saturday, ex--eot during August and first Saturday of September.

County Judge's office always open at No. 336 Ful-ton street, Jamaica, N. V.

(curt1 um prey, County Judge. Telephone, 216 Jamaica.

DISTIti('T .4TTOIRNEY. Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island

City, q a. m. to p. m. Frederick G. I)e Witt, District Attorney. Telephone, 39 Greenpoint.

PI'BI,IC ADMINISTRATOR. No. t7 Conk avenue, Elmhurst. John T. Robinson, Public Administrator, County

ofueens. Tlelephone, 335 Newtown.

SHEIt1FF. County Court-house, Long Island City. q a. m. to

4 p. in.; Saturdays. q a. ni. to lam. lierbert S. Harvey Sheriff. John M. Phillips. Under Sheriff. Telephone, 43 Greenpoint (office). henry O. Schleth, Warden, Queens County Jail. Telephone, 372 Greenpoint

SI'RItOGATE. Daniel Noble Surrogate. Win F. Ilendrickson, Clerk. Uftice. No. 3414 Fulton street, Jamaica. I.xcept on Sundays, holidays and half holidays,

i he office is ripen from q a. m. to 4 p. ni.; Saturdays, Id. mm q a. m. ti' 12 In.

The calendar is called on Tuesday of each week at io a. in., except during the month of August.

'Telephone, 397 Jamaica.


COMMISSIONGR OF JURORS. Village Hall, Stapleton . Charlrs I. Kui1 nan, Commissioner. John I McCaughey.?.scistant Commissioner. Office open from q a. m. until 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

rum 9 a. in. t , , 12 In. Telephone, Si Tonipl,;ns=ille.

COUNTY CLERK. County Office Building, Richmond, S. 1.,ga. in. to

4 fl . m. C. L. Bostwick, County Clerk. County Court-house, Richmond, S. 1., q a m, to 4

p. m. Telephone, 28 New Durp.

COtNTY Jl'DGI7 AND SIRROGATE. Terms of Court, Richmond County, rgoq. County Courta-Stephen D. Stephens, County

)ude, Firr

st Monday of June, Grand and Trial Jury. Second Monday of November, Grand and Trial

Jury Fourth Wednesday if January, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of February, without a jury. Fourth \Wednesday of March, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of April, without a Jury, Fourth Wednesday of July, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday lit October, without a jury. Fourth Wednesday of December, without a Jury. Surrogate's Court-Stephen 1). Stephens, Surro-

gate. Mondays, at the Borough H all, St. George, at 1o.3o

o'clock a. m. Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at 10.30

o'clock a. In. Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond

at 10.30 o'clock a. in.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY Borough Hall, St. George. S. I. Samuel H. Evins, Telephone, So Tompkinsville.

SIIERIVF. County Court-house, Richmond, S. I. Office hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m Joseph J. Barth.



FIRST JUDICIAL DRPARTMENT. Court-house, Madison avenue, comer Twenty-fifth

street. Court opens at I p. m. (Friday, Motion day at 10.30 a. m.)

C.dward Patterson, Presiding Justice; George L Ingraham, Chester B. McLaughlin, Frank C. Lgughltn, John Proctor Clarke, James W. Houghton Francis M. Scott Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk; William Lamb, I'ueputy Clerk.

Clerk's Office opens at 9 a. m. Telephone, 384o Madison Square.


County Ccart-house, Chambers street. Court open 'rom 1o.19 a. M. to 4 p. m.

Special Term, Part I. (motions), Room No. r6. Special Term, Part If. (ex-parte business), Room

No. t3. Special Term, Part III., Room No. rg. Special Term, Part IV. Room No. so. Special Term, Part V., koom No. 6. Special Term, Part VI. (Elevated Railroad cases)

Room No. 3t. Trial Term, Part II., Room No. 34. Trial Term, Part III., Room No. as. Trial Term, Part IV., Room No. 21. Trial Term, Part V., Room No. 24. Trial Term, Part VI. Room No. r8, Trial Term, Part V I I., Room No.-. Trial Term, Part VIII. Room No. 21. Triai Term, Part IX., l!ioom No. 35. Trial Term, Part X. Room No. Trial 'Term, Part XI'., Room No. 27, 'trial Term, Part X I I., Room No.-. Trial ferm, Part XIII., and Special Term, Part

'hl., Room No. ,6, Trial Term, Part XIV., Room No.28 Trial Term, Part XV. Room No. 37. Trial Term, Part XVI., Room No. -. Trial Term, Part X V 11., Room No so. Trial Term, Part XVII I„ Room No. sq. Appellate Term Room No. 29. Naturalization )bureau, Room No. 38, third floor. Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor

northeast. Clem; in attendance from Io a. in. to 4 p. M. Chris's Office, Special Term, Part I. (motions),

Ro„n- No. it. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte

' usiness), ground floor, southeast corner. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Calendar, ground

Floor, south. Clerk's O,iice, Trial Term, Caleudar, room north-

eagJ corner second floor east. Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest

orner third floor. Trial 'Term, Part I. (criminal husiness). Criminal Court-house. Centre street. Justices-Charles H. Truax, Charles F. MacLean,

Henry Bisciwtf, Leonard A. G'e erich P. Henry Uugro Henry A. Gildersleeve, James Fitzgerald lames A. O'Gorman. farness A. Blanchard, Samuei Greenbaum, Edward K. McCall Edward B. Amend, Vernon M. Davis, Victor J. towlingt Joseph E. Newburger, John W. Goff Samuel Seabury, Ill. Warley )'latzex, Peter A. Hendrick, John Ford Charles W. Dayton, John J. Brady, Mitchell L. Erlanger, Charles L, Guy, James W. Gerard Irving Lehman.

Peter 1. Dooling Clerk, Supreme Court. Telephone, 4580 *ortlandt.


Kings County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn N. Y.

Court open daily from io o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p nt. Seven jury trial parts. Special Term for Trials. Special 'term for Motions.

fairies F. McGee General Clerk. Telephone, 5460 Main.


B,tiIdiug for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, White and Franklin streets.

Court Opens at 12.30 a. ni. Peter 3. lluulin.;, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll,

Special Deputy to the CGera. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m, to 4 p. W. Telephone, 6064 Franklin,

COtIIT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre

Elm, White and Franklin streets. Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Thomas C. T. Crain, Otto A. Rosalskv Warrtn

W. Foster, Thomas C. O'Sullivan. Edward Swann Josei F. Mulqueen, James T. Malone, Judges of the Court or General Se„iuns Edward H. Carroll Clerk. Telephone, tsar Franklin.

Clerk's t Ithce open from o a. m. to 4 . M. During July and August Clerk's Office will close

at 2 p. m., and on Saturdays at is m,


Nu. 3a Chambers street, Brownstone Building, C it Hall Park, from io a. in. to 4 p. in.

Part I. Part 11. Part I11. Part IV Part V. Part VI. Part VII. Part VII1. Special Term Chambers will be held from so a. m

to 4 P. m. Clerk's Office open from I) a. m. to p. m. Edward F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice; Lewis J.

Conlan, Francis B. Delehanty, Joseph 1. Green, Alexander Finelite Thomas F. Donnelly, John V McAvoy, Peter Sc{tmuck, Richard T. Lynch, Ed-ward B. La Fetra, Justices. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk.

Telephone, 6142 Cortlandt.

COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street be-

tween Franklin and White streets, Borough of Man-hattan.

Court opens at io a. m. Justices-First Division-William E. Wyatt 'Xil

yard If. Olmsted, Joseph M. Reuel, Lorenz seller ]nnn B. Mayo, rrauklin Chase Hoyt. William M. Huller, Acting Clerk.

City Magistrates to sit in the Court of Special Sessions until November 30, 1909-Charles W. Ilar-ris, Joseph F. Mass.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4p. in. Telephone, soga Franklin, Clerk's office. Telephone, 6or Franklin, Justices' chambers.

Second Division-Trial Days-No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays, Thursdays and Fri-days at to o'clock; Town Hall Jamaica, Borough of Queens, Tuesday at to o'cloc'k; Borough Hall, St. George, Borough of Richmond, Wednesdays at to o'clock.

Justices-Howard J. Forker John Fleming, Mor-gan M. L. Ryan Robert I. Wilkin George J. O'Keete, James J. 111clnerney. Joseph L. Kerrigan Clerk; John. Dorman, Deputy Clerk.

Clerk's Office, No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, open from g a. m to 4 p. m.

CHILDREN'S COURT. First Division-No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan

Ernest K. Coulter Clerk. Telephone, $3t §tuyvesant. Second Division-No, toe Court street, Brooklyn

William F. Delaney, Clark. Telephone, 627 Main.


Court openfrom 9 a. m, to 4p. in. City Mgistrates-Robert C. Cornell, Leroy B.

Crane. Peter T. Barlow, Mattiew P. Breen, Joseph F. Moss, Henry Steinert, Daniel E. Finn, Frederick B. House, Charles N. Harris Frederic Kernochan, Arthur C. Butts, Joseph E Clorrigan, Moses Herr-man. Paul Krotel, Keyran J. O'Connor, Henry W. Herbert.

Philip Bloch, Secretary, One Hundred and Twenty-first street and Sylvan place.

First District-Criminal Court Building Second District- e fferson Market. Third District-NJo. 69 Essex street. Fourth District-No. r'r East Fifty-seventh street. Fifth District-One ?Iundred and Twenty-first

street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Sixth District-One Hundred and Sixty-first street

and Brook avenue. Seventh District-No. 314 West Fifty-fourth street, Eighth District-Main street, Westchester.

Second Division.

Borough of Brooklyn.

City Magistrates-Edward 3. Dooley, James G. Tighe John Naumer E. G. iqginbotham, Frank E. O'l1teill Henry I, Furlong A. V. B. Voorhees, Jr., Alexander H. Geismar, John F. Hylan, Howard P. Nash.

President of the Board, Edward J. Dooley, No. 222 Clermont avenue.

Secretary to the Board, Charles J. Flanigan, Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, and No. 648 Halsey street.

Courts. First District-No, 318 Adams street. Second District-Court and Butler streets, Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. Fourth pis r' Bedford tct-Ao. 186 Bed urd avenue. Fifth 1)tstrtct-No. 249 Manhattan avenue, Sixth District-No. 495 Gates avenue. Seventh District-No. 3, Snider avenue (Flatbush) . Eighth District-West Eighth street (Coney Is.

and). Ninth District-Fifth avenue and Twenty-third

street. Tenth District-No, 133 New Jersey avenue.

Borough of Queens. City Magistrates-Matthew J. Smith Joseph

Fitch, Maurice E. Connolly, Eugene C. Gilroy.

Courts. First District-St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island

City. Second District-Town Hall, Flushing L. 1. Third District--Central avenue, Far kockaway,

C.1. Borough of Richmond,

City Magistrates-Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel Marsh.

Courts Firt District-Lafayette place, New Brighton,

Staten Island. Second District-Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten


MUNICIPAL COURTS. Borough of Manhattan.

First District-The First District embraces the territory bounded on the south and west by the southerly and westerly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of Four-teenth street and the centre line of Fifth street from the Rnwery to Second avenue, on the east by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifth street Second avenue, Chrystie street, Division street and ?atharine street.

Wauhupe Lynn, William F. Moore, John Hoyei, Justices.

Dooms O'Connell, Clerk; Francis Mangin, I)evuty Clerk.

Location of Court-Merchants' Association Build-ng. Nos. 5q-6o Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from

a. ni. to41).nt. Additional Parts are held at southwest corner of

Sixth avenue and Tenth street and at Nu. 128 Prince street.

Telephone, 8030 Franklin.

Second District-The Second District embraces :he territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue and on the south and east by the southerly and easterly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from rourteenth street to Fifth street, Second avenues Chrystie street, Division street and Catharine street.

George F. Boesch Benjamin Hoffman, Leon Sanders. Thomas P. binnean, Justices.

Jaynes 1. Devlin, Clerk; Michael H. Looney Dauuty Clerk

Location of Court-Nos. s64 and s66 Madison .street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q a. m. to 4 Pin.

Telephone, 2596 Orchard.

Third District-The Third District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fourteenth street, on the east by the centre line of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifty-ninth street and by the centre line of Central Park West from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-fifth street on the north by the centre lineut Sixty-fifth street And the centre line of Fifty-ninth street from Seventh to Eighth avenue, on the west by the westerly bound ary of the said borough.

Thomas E. Murray, James W. McLaughlin, justices.

Michael Skelly, Clerk; Henry Merzbach, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court-No. 314 West Fifty-fourth street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q a. m. to 4 p. nr.

Telephone number, 5450 Columbus.

Fourth District-The Fourth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the centre line of Irving place, including its projection through Gramercy Park, on the north by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street, on the east by the easterly line of said twrough • excluding, however, any portion of Blackwell's ls~and.

Michael F. Blake, William J. Boyhan, Tustices. Abram Bernard, Clerk; James Foley, Deputy

Clerk, Location of Court-Part I. and Part 1I., No, r51

East Fifty-seventh street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m, to4p.m.

Fifth District-The Fifth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Sixty- fifth street, on the east by the centre line of Central Park West, on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the west by the westerly boundary of said borough.

Alfred P. W. Seaman, William Young, Frederick Spiegelberg,J ustices.

James V, iltoon, Clunk; John H. Servis, Degaty Clerk.

Location of Court-Broadway and Ninetty~~ street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and holidays excepted) from q a. In. to 4 p.m.

Telephone, 4006 B.tversade.

Second District—Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, except the territory described in chapter 934 of the Laws of 1695. Court-room, southeast corner of Washington avenue and One Hundred and Sixty second street. Office hours, from 9 a. m. to 4 P. m Court opens at s a. Co.

John M. Tierney, Justice. Thomas A. Maher, Clerk.

Telephone, 3043 Melrose.

Telephone 189 Jamaica. Clerks Olt ce open from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in. Court held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

at 9 a. m.

Borough of Richmond.

First District—First and Third Wards (Towns of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil-

Sixth District—The Sixth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street and by the centre line of Ninety-sixth street front Lexington avenue to Fifth avenue, on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue from Fifty-ninth street to Ninety-sixth street and the centre line of Fifth avenue from Ninety-sixth street to One Hundred and Tenth street, on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street. oil the east by the easterly boundary of said borough, including, however, all of Blackwell's island and excluding any portion of Ward's Island.

Herman Joseph, Jacob Marks, Justices. Edward A. McQuade, Clerk; Thomas M. Cam-

bell, Deputy Clerk John J. Diets, Frederick ~. Stroh, Assistant Clerks.

Location of Court—Northwest comer of Third avenue and Eighty-third street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9

a Telephone, 343 79-St.

Seventh District —The Seventh District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of one Hundred and Tenth street, on the east by the centre line of Fifth avenue to the northerly terminus thereof, and north of the northerly ter-

Fourth District—Embraces the Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth Wards thatortion of the Twenty-first and Twenty-third 'A ards lying east of the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and east of the centre line of Schenectady avenue, and that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward lying southeast of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens and the centre line of Central avenue, and southeast of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre lines of Central and Bushwick avenues, and southeast of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the oentre lines of Bustiwick avenue and Broadway.

Court-room, No. 14 Howard avenue Thomas H Williams, Justice. G. J. Wiederhold

Clerk. Milton 1. Williams, Assistant Clerk. Clerk's Office open from is am. to 4 P. m.

Fifth DDistrict—Contains the Eighth Thirtieth and Thirty-first Wards, and so much of the Twenty second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court-house, northwest corner of Fifty-third street and Third avenue.

Cornelius Furgueson, Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary, Clerk .

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in. Telephone, 407 Bay Ridge.

Third District—Embraces the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh- teenth and Nineteenth Wards, and that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward lying northwest of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens County and the centre line of Central avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre lines of Central and Bush- wick avenues, and northwest of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the centre lines of Bush- wick avenue and Broadway. Court-house, Nos. 6 and B Lse avenue, Brooklyn.

Philip D. Meagher and William J. Bogaashuta, Justices. John W. Carpenter Clark.

CMrk's ofce open from 9 a. m. to 4 D. a Comm opens at g a.m. Telephone q9S W iiis msburg.

l-A,,'tT Nfrl CUcHLllr, Clerk,


Morning—"The Sun," "The New York Times.”

Evening—"The Globe," "The Evening Mail."

W,•ekly—"Democracy," "Tammany Times."

German—" Staat s-Z sit ung."

Designated by the Board of City Record, Jan-nary 22, 1905. Amended March 1, 1906; Novem- her 20, 1906; February 20, 1907, and March S. 1908.


dire til n the coons of the Harlem river, on a line Sixth Distract—The Sixth District embraces the contertnioous with the easterly boundary of said ixtr- Ninth and Twenty-ninth Wards and that portion of

the Twenty-second Ward line north of the centre of by the uugh. on the north and west northerly and westerly boundaries of said borough. Prospect avenue also that portion of the Eleventh

Phillip J. Sinnott, David L. Weil, John R. Davies, and the 'twentieth Wards beginning at the intersec- Justices. tion of the centre lines of Bridge and Fulton streets;

Heman B. Wilson, Clerk; Robert Andrews, thence along the centre line of "ulton street to Flat- Deputy Clerk, bush avenue; thence along the centre line of Flat-

L'Ication of Court—No. 7o Manhattan street. bush avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence along the Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi- -entre line of Atlantic avenue to Washington avenue; days excepted) from 9 a. M. to 4 p. no, thence along the centre line of Washington avenue

Ei hth District—The Eighth District embraces Bu I to Park avenue: thence along the centre line of Park

avenue to Waverly avenue; thence along the centre the territory bounded on t e south by the centre Inc of One etundred and street, on the west

line of Waverly avenue to Myrtle avenu-• thence Tenth by along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to Hudson

the centre line of Fifth avenue, on the north andi east by the northerly and easterly boundaries of

avenue: thence along the centre line of Hudson ave-flue to Johnson Street; thence along the centre line

said boroufh, including Randall's Island and the of Johnson street to Bridge street. and thence along whole of VI ard's Island,

loseph P Fallon, Leopo.d Prince. Justices. the centre line of Bridge street to the point of begin-Din

William J. Kennedy, Clerk; Patrick J. Ryan, Lucien S. Bayliss and George Fielder, Justices. Deputy Clerk. Charles P. Bible Clerk.

Location of Court—Sylvan place and One Hun- Court-house, Nto. 611 Fulton street. dred and' Twenty-first street, near Third avenue Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal Noll. Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces daS•s excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. tile Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-second

Wards. Telephone, 31)5o Harlem,

Ninth District—The Ninth District embraces the Alexander S. Rosenthal and Edward A. Richards

Justices Samuel F. Brothers, Clerk. territory bounded on the south by the centre line I of Fourteenth street and by the centre line of Fifty-

Court-house, corner Penncy!vanta avenue and Ful-

ninth street from the centre line of Seventh avenue ton street (No. 31 Pennsylvania avenue),

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. ii . to 4 p. in ; Satur- to the centre line of Central Park N est, on the east day's, 9 a, in. to 12 m. Trial days, Tuesdays, Wed. by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. -entre line of Irving place, including its projection I through Gramercy Park, and by the centre tine of

Jury days, Tuesdays and Fridays. (lei s Telephone, 004 East New York.

Fifth avenue from the centre ine of Ninety-sixth Court Telephone, 905 East New York. SReet to the centre lineot One Hundred and Tenth I street, on the north by the centre line of Ninety sixth street trim the centre line lit Lexington avenue AoronRh of Queens, to the centre line of Filth avenue and by One Hun- First District—First Ward (all of Long Island City

' dred and Tenth street from Fifth avenue to Central Park West. on tile west by tile centre line of Seventh I

a.rmerly composing five wards). Court-room, St. Mary', Lyceum, Nos. try and 117 Fifth street, Long avenue ant Central Park West

Edg. r

Lauer, Frederick De Witt Wells, Frank J Island City.

D. 5tutge,, William C Wilson, Justices. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 P. m. each

William J. Chamberlain, Clera; Charles Healy, I day, excepting Saturdays, closing at to in. Trial day-n, Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays. All Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court—Southwest corner of Madison ' other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs days

avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Clerk's Office open ; iaily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from

Thomas C. Kadien, Justice. Thomas F. ICennedr. Clerk.

9 Telephone, 3873 Plaza. Telephone, 2376 Greenpoint.

I Second District—Second and Third Wards, which Borough of The Bronx. Include the territory cf the late Towns of Newtown

First District—All thatpart of the Twentyfourth

and Flushing. Court room in Court-house of the

of corner of and Ward which was lately annexed to the Cty and late Town Newtown Broadway Court street. Elmhurst, New York. P. O. Address, County of New York by chapter o14 of the Laws of

18q- , comprising all of the late Town of Westchester Elmhurst. Oueens County. New York

Ana part of tee Towns of Eastchester and Pelham, I

William Rasqu,u, Jr , Justice. Luke J. Connor' ton, Clerk Wiiliam Repper, Assistant Clerk. including the Villages of Wakefield and Williams- James B. Snediker, Stenographer. bridge. Court-room, ToNn Ha.l, No. t4to Williams

bridge road, Westchester Village. Court open daily Trial class.Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Jerk's (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), from q a. 110 to n. m. Tnal of causes, Tuesday and Friday 4 of

C pfhce open from 93, M. to 49. W. Telephone, 87 1`ewtown.

each week. Third District—Fourth and Fifth Wards, com- Peter A. Shell, Justice. I Prising the territory of the former Towns and Vii' Stephen Collins, Clerk, ages of Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway Office hours from 9 a. m to 4 p. m; Saturdays Beach.

closing at 12 M. James F. McLaughlin, Justice, George W. Damon, Telephone, 4S7 Westchester. Clerk.

Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica.

lage Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second Street, New Brighton. Borough of Brooklyn, Thomas C. Brown, Justice, Anning 5. Prall,

First District-Cool rasing First, Second, Third Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Tenth and Twelfth Wards and

Clerk. Clerk's Office open `tom 8.45 a. M. to 49. in.

that portion of the Eleventh Ward beginning at the Telephone, So3 Tompkinsville. intersection of Inc centre lines of Hudson and Myrtle avenues. thence along the centre line t,f I

Second District-Seccnd. Fourth and Fifth Wards (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield,.

Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, thence Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Staple- along the centre line of North Portland avenue to on. Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of George R' Stake, Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk. Flushing avenue to Navy street, thence along the centre line of Navy street to Johnson street, thence

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. Court opens at 9 a. m Calendar called at to a, in

along the centre line of Johnson street to Hudson Court continued until close of business. Trial days, avenue, and thence along the centre line of Hudson Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. avenue to the point of beginning, or the Borough of Telephone. art Tompkinsville Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner State and - - Court streets. Parts 1. and I1.

John ,j. Walsh, justice. Edward Moran, Clerk, CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE Clerk s Office open (ruing a. in. to 4 p. m. COMMISSION. Second District-Seventh Ward and that portion

of the Twenty-first and Twenty-third Wards west of centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and the centre 1 \\ 1:NT]'-TIIIRll \N I) TWENTY-FOURTHthe

line of Schenectady avenue, also that portion of the WARDS. Twentieth Ward begtnrting at the intersection of the centre lines of North Portland and Myrtle avenues, 1 1)t esc:\ XT TO THE PROVISIONS OF thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to' Waverly avenue, thence along the centre line of

chapter 537 of the Laws of 1893 and the acts Alm ndatory therer,f and supplemental there-

Waverl avenue to Park avenue, thence along the line Park avenue to Washington avenue,f;nnmi centre of

t,,, notice' is h,-reby given that meetings of the

thence along the centre line of Washington avenue 15cld sioners al-points-d under said acts will be

at the office of the Commission, Room 219, to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of I Flushing avenue to North Portland avenue, and

N„- 280 Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough .,f oil

thence along the centre line of North Portland I Manhattan. New York City, Mondays,

Wednesdays and Fridays of each week, at 2 avenue to the point of beginning. o'cl.'ck p. in.. until further notice,

Court-room, No. 4q5 Gates avenue. I Dated New York City, July 27, 1909, Gerard B. Van Wart and Charles J. Dodd I WILLIAM E, STII.1-INGS,

Justices. Franklin B. Van Wart, Clerk. GEORGE C. NORTON. Clerk's Office open from 9 a in. to 4 p in LEWIS A. ABRAMS.




S1,:-'t'1111)5 OR ESTIMATES WILL BE rcceivcd by the Commissioner of Bridges at

the above office until 2 o'clock p. m, on



The contractor will be required to begin work within five days of the date of certification of the contract by the Comptroller of the City, and 1. ill be required to complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the Commissioner soil in ac-

dance with the plans and specifications on or 1+I fore the expiration of four (4) calendar months from the date of such certification.

The amount of security to guarantee the faith-ful t,crformance of the work will be Seven Thou. sallll Dollars ($7,000).

The right is reserved he the Commissioner to reject all the bids should he deem it to the intrrest , f the Cite so to do.

Flank forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Bridges.

1. W. STEVENSON, Commissioner, Dated September 15, 1909.

s16,29 ,t•- See t:s'nernl Inslructlons to Bid-

drrn on tire- lust unpre, last column, of Ili(- •' ('il)- Record."



received by the Board of health of the Its-;,:,rtmrort .if Health until Ill „'clock a. nl. oft


kFi W lkl(IO. t;Rl l( ERl" til"1'1'1.11•:x. (Y).\I. .\NI) PuRAOE TI) Tlit{ TURI':RC'UDISIS S.\N-\TnRll - \t \T aIl-\'tl.i.E, OR.\\t;F. it ('\'1')', 11?11' YORK, 1)L'Itl\l; TILE YEAR I''Il 1,

The time for tile delivery of the supplies an,l the per f,,rnl;ltlee of the contract is during the roar lilt,

The anlotmt of security required is fifty pr'r cent. 1 50'';- 1 of the amount of the bid.

l:id, will he c.,ntnared and the contract awardnl t , the l,o'e,t hid her for each class as indicat,d by the stteclticat,oits,

Itlank f tins and further information may be •Obtained and samples may be seen at the nthee f the ('his-f Citric of the Itcnartm,nt of Health,

-.nnhtcr>t e''rner of Pifty-fifth street and Sixth ;nruu,. Er ugh of \Inuhattan.

TMINIAS )).A1RLING'l'ON. M. T7„ President;

\r.\'AII if. DOT1-. M. I)., WILLIAM F. 11.\KEIt,

l;,ourd of Ileallll. S, I'Ii mb. r 18, 1909.

18,o1 ;t "Rem (iei,•rnl instrnetfons to Bid-

ders on Ilie lost Poore, last column, of flat- '' Pity Ht-cord,"

lti'.it7It, ('CIRNIR of Fin e-1,1 lit lI COLr AND 11 xn( \VIN it, li ,ROUGH OF \L\Nt.STIAN, ('icy nF Ness' ItORK.

SF.\l.l{It IIIttS, OR ESTIM.\ -1'ES \\"ILL. BE n-ccicc'l by the Earl of Health of the

Its i.artm,nt of lf,-pith mail 10 o'clock a. in. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909,


, IR IN'- I.\I.I.I\t; 5"f E:\\t 111•:.\9'I\1; :\1'- I'\R\Tt'S IN CERTAIN PWII'1tiNt S Al' I ill-: 'I (Atl•:l<t'I i t)NIS 5.\\.\TOR1t'\[ 1T II ISVII.l.E. OR-\N GE COUNTY, N. 1-.. FOR

l iiF: III•:1'.\RTJlI•:N'1' OF HEAL'rii, Cl-fY OF NEW YORK.

11w time fir the completion of the work and the full perf., rmance if the contract is forty-five 149) cousccutive working days.

The amount of security required is fifty per rent. (5o'-) of the amount of the bid.

ltis:l ard will

be c ed at a lump tt and the contract


Blank forms and further information may he }ttaincd and the plans and drawings may be

ret n at the office of the Chief Clerk of the I Ilepartment of Health, southwest corner of Fifty-tifth street and Sixth avenue, Borough of Man-hr'an. ('itv of Ni-,c• Y.,rk, ,.r at the T%me-„n tl..u~c at the T',Ihr:cu!„-;; Sanatorium at Ott--i';. ')rater ('knots, N. Y.

-I l is tM \5 D.\k1.1 NGTON, M. D., President; \!.\".\H 11. 1)5 'TV, M. D., WILLIAM F. It:\KER,

Board of Ilealth. hatc, l "IthtrtIler IR, 1909.

s18.o1 g 'See General Instructions to Bid-

di-re on the last page, last column, of live '•('Ity Record.”




S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Board of

Trustees at the above office until 2 p. m. on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1909. FOR Till- ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS a


The time allowed for doing and completing all s the work included under the contract will be not more than forty-two (42) consecutive work- it:g days from date of award of contract. F

The surety required will be Five Hundred Dollars ($500).

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum to the lowest bidder as soon thereafter as practicable, trrnrrlina to law.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of he Contract Clerk, No, 419 East Twenty-sixth ;trcct, Borough of Manhattan. where bids and Ieposits are also delivered.

JNO. G. O'KEEFFE. Acting President of f the Board of Trustees. Bellevue and Al- lied Hospitals.

Dated September 2, 1909. 04.21 . a

LI See General Instructions to Bid- c germ on the last parse, mat column, of it the "City R.eeordlr ti



received bythe Commissioner of Water Sup-ply, Gas and lectricity at the above office until 2 o'clock p. m, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1900. Boroighs of Manhattan and The Bronx.


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and the performance of the contract is one hundred and eighty (180) calen- dar days.

The amount of security will be Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000),

The bidder will state the price per unit of each Frill of work or supplies contained in the specifi-cations or schedule, by which the bids will be tested.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded for all the work, articles,materials and supplies contained in the specifications or sched- ule attached thereto.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the Department, a copy of which, withthe proper envelopes in which to enclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the specifi- cations, in the form approved by the Corpora-tion Counsel, and plans which are therein men-tioned or contained and made a part of the specifications, may h- seen or nhtsined at the office of the Chief Engineer. Bidders desiring any explanation of the plans or specifications must apply therefor to the Chief Engineer.

Dated New York, September 9, 1909, JOHN II. O'BRIEN,

Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.

810,22 ')-°' See General Instructions to Bid-

dere on the lust price, last column, of the "City Record.—


BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. "The Bronx Star," "North Side News," "Bronx


BOROUGH OF RICIHMMOND. "Staten Island World." "The Staten Islander,"

BOROUGH OF QUEENS. "Long Island Star" (First and Second Wards).

"Flushing Ev,-ning Journal" (Third Ward), "Long Island Farmer' (Fourth Ward), "Rocka-way News" (Fifth Ward).

BOROUGII OF BROOKLYN, "Brook!vn Eagle," "Brooklyn Times," "Brook'

yn Citizen," "Brooklyn Standard-Union," "Brook' yner Frcie Presse."

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. "Real Estate Record and Guide" (Harlem Dis-

rict). "Manhattan and Bronx Advocate" (Wash-netrn II ights, Morningside Heights and Harlem Districts). Designated by Board of City Record June 19,

906. Amended June 20, 1906; September 30, 907; February 24. 1908; March 5 and 16, 1908, and March I6, 1909. -


MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE Cowulsatote,t No. 299 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, August 17, 1906.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications will be received from


or the position of



The subjects and weights are as follows: thysical development and strength......... 50 dental test ...............................SO

The subjects and weights of the mental test re as follows: temorr test .............................. 2 ;uvernment .............................. 5 .ocalities ........ ..................... I Irithmetic ............................... 2

Seventy per cent, will be required on the nental examination, Seventyper cent- will be required on strength. Seventy per cent, will be required on physical

'.eve lo pme nt. Tile minimum height for applicants is 5 feet inches; the minimum weight, 140 pounds; the

ninimum chest measurement, 3314 inches. Applications will not be received from persons

vho are less than twenty-three (23) years of ge on October 11, 1909, or who are more than Dirty (30) years of age.

Applicants will be required to submit with their pplications a transcript of the Records of the iureau of Vital Statistics showing the date of irth of the applicant, or in lieu thereof, a tran-cript from the record of the church in which e was baptized, signed by the pastor, under sal. All foreign-born applicants will be required to

ubmit evidence of citizenship;naturalization apers should be attached to application. Applicants will be notified later of the dates

f the physical and mental examinations. Application blanks can be had at No. 299

troadway, Room 1119,

F. A. SPENCER, Secretary.



UBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OP all competitive examinations two weeks in

dvance of the date upon which the receipt of nplications for any scheduled examination will lose. Applications will be received for only tch examinations as are scheduled. No applies' on will be accepted at the office of the Com-


mission, by mail or othertvfsr, after the closing hour for the receipt of same, set forth in the advertisement.

When an examination is advertised, a person desiring to compete in the same may obtain an application blank upon request made in writing or by personal application at the office of the Commission. Room 1119.

The Commission cannot guarantee that applica-tions mailed in response to written requests will be received in time to permit of their being pre- pared and filed prior to closing hour.

All notices of examinations will be posted in the office of the Commission, and advertised in the CITY RECORD for two weeks in advance of the date upon which the receipt of applications will close for any stated position.

Public notice will also be given by advertise. ment in most of the City papers.

Wherever an examination is of a technical character. due notice is given by advertisement in the technical journals appertaining to the par - tictrlar profession for which the examination is called.

Such notices will be sent to the daily papers as matters of news. The scope of the examine tion will he stated.

No information will be given by telephone, and the Commission will not be responsible for such if given by employees, either as to date of filing applications or upon other subjects.

Specimen questions of previous examinations may be ohtamcd at Room 1108.

Unless otherwise specifically stated, the mini- mum age requirement for all positions is 21.





received by the President of the Borough of llrooklyn, at the above otlice, tnrtil I1 u'chck a. 1(l. on


N. 1. FUIt RI•:(;UI..\"1'IN(; .\\1) RICI'.\\'- 1N( \1'ITII \>I'll.\1, 1 I:UI(K I'.\\'1C\II':NI-

UX .\ ('(,N('kl•:T1•: I (lt'Nl).\'I'I)\ I'IIIC

RI I.\ I)1\- .\Y (11. Ilk) It(KIAN .V EN FRrlid l'RU,sPE(I' 1'I".\l l: I E.\STERN I'.\ItK- N'.\Y, "1'1)I;I•:'I'llER \\ lTll -\LL WORK IN- II IIE\'I'.\1, 'I'llEltl•:"I'u•

The Engiuct i- s estinlale of the quatttiti ,•s i, as follows:

5,590 square yams of a=pltalt block pavement (five year,' maintenance).

20 square vards of old stone pavement, to tic retail].

8tA cubic yard, of concrete, for pavement foundation.

1,310 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con-crete,

1,310 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

8 noiseless covers and heads, complete, fir sewer ntanhnles, furnished ail set.

The time allowed fur the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is forty-Osc (45) working days.

The anlnunt if security rcgnired is Six Thou-sand Two hundred Dollars I$s,200),

N. 2. I UR l(b:(;('I".\TTNG .\NI) Rh1'.\\ -I\t; \\"1"rlI ASI'll,\I.T 1'.\\'I:9II:N.I• ox \ 111\(12111. ht)I'XIt.\'1'111N "1'111•: lU.\I)W.\1• 1)1. llh:1111•: -flit{I:-1', I IU1\t t.\1IL\Itl\I. ST111-i..."r(1 \Il)Rt;.\\ .\\ I[Xl'f•:,"I'Uil':"I'lllat 11'1111 .\LI-\11)Rli 1\(11)I•:N'I':\I-'1'lllill.fl).

The Engineer's esliu•. lie, f the quantities is as follows:

2,040 square cards of ash 'halt pavement (five year S' maintetlance).

285 cubic yams of concrete, for pavement foundation.

1,210 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

20 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in con- crete.

5 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is twenty (20) working days. The ann,mrt of security required is Sixteen

Ilnudred Ih ,liarc (5l,t(i(I). No. 3. 1118 Itl-GUb..\7'IN(: \\I) RI{1'.w.

IN1; \1'1'1'1) -\til'IIAIA' P.\\F.\1ENT uN ,\ IiINF RI•:"1.1: PUt:NU.\PION 'riii•; Ill .\I/\1.\\ (Ii I;Ito\1•: s"Iltl:1:l. Jl((1\1 Ik\'I\t; .\\'I?- Nt -1: Tu BURO) (;T[ LINE, 'rrll;l•:11u•.k \1'1117 ALL WI Ill K 1\(II)l:.', r.1 T. ill 1.111:fU

rho, I•:ngiuccr's estimate of the quantities a as follows:

3,620 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years maintenance).

20 square yards of old stone pavement, to be relaid.

505 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

1,950 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

220 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in. concrete.

11 noiseless cut- i rs and heads, complete, fur sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The time allowed for the cun)plcti,nt of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty (30) ,corking days.

The amount of security required is Two Thou. sand Nine llundred Dollars ($2,900).

No. 4. FUR lfE(ULATIN(: \NI) kl:E':\\'-INF; WITH A51'il.\1.'I' 1'.\\'E\IE\T UN A\ CONCRETE Ft it:\ll.\T1ON ...IIE lt(1.1U\I'.\1 OF IEl-1 l:Il5O N OFRl•:E..., PRUJI H.\\IL'l'kt; A\'F:\CE 'r(.1 IR\ 1\t; .\\'1•:Nt i:. Till;t•:flll(lt \\ 1111 \1.1. WORK INCIDENT:\L "1.11NR1:"lu.

The Eoginecr'.. eStimatc of the quantities is as follows:

4,310 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

20 square yards of old stone pavement, to be rclaid.

600 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

2,460 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

130 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

12 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty-five (35) working days.

The amount of security required is Thirty-five Hundred Dollars ($3,50)).


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

5,030 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

10 square vards of old stone pavement, to be relaid.

700 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

4,090 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

220 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

21 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnisher) and set.

The time allowed fur the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty-five (35) wnrking days.

h, amnnnt of sec•'n'ity required is Forty-five I li r 1 Dollars ($4,51(0).

N. (. I't)It' Itlt(i('t..\TTN(; .\NI1 RF1'.\\" IN(; \111.11 .\51'11.\1.'1' 1'.\\•I•\II•:NT ((N A Itl\('Ul-'11•: PU('NlI\'I'IU\ '!• III{ R1(.\U\\'.\Y OF \IU(II11•: s,rRI•:i:"r, PIlU]I JW':I1\\'1( •K \\'I•:\l'I•:'I1) P.U(;.llr S1Itl:I-:r. T01 1:I'ItfIl \\'fill .\L!. \\ORK INFIDEN'f.\L 1'lll•:Itl{'1'U,

The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

4,8t,0 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

675 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

2,470 linear feet of new curbstone. set in con -

crete. 34)) linear feet of old curbstone, reset in

critic ret c. 14 noiseless covers and heads. complete, for

sewer tnanhoIcs. furnished and set. The time allowed for the completion of the•

is irk and the (till nerfurnl:uiee of the contract is Ihit v-five (39) ,v nrki ne days.

lilt •un''unt of security rrr)uired is Thirty- cct, 11 Iloch, 'I llollnrt ($35110).

N . 7. I nit Rl I;l'L.\'l"I X(; AN REI'\\'- INt; \\I'I'11 .\`;I,[I\I.'1' 1'\\'1:\II•:\"l' n\ 1 tv l\tIfFI'1? P(tt'] 1) \•I'fON "!'III: Itl t \1110 \1' (tf NI:\C•I'U\ s]- I11-:1-:T. Fltrl\I Ii) hi! .\\1 \\'ENt'1: "r" l'Nt-,I:R'r :\\ - E:xrl•:'r(lr,E"FIIER \\rrlr .\l.1. WOR: 1N(- Tn1:N'r.\I.'r11F:I(E'rO

Iii, 1•:ncinctr's estirrlate r,f the quantities is as („11ne':

1,41(1 square vardc of asphalt pavement (five \toe,.' train - tl.•inee).

10 =gnarc yards of old stone pavement, to he rr-laid.

205 cubic yar,ls of concrete, for pavemnt foundation.

8-t0 linear feet of new curhstone. set in con- crete.

4,1 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in o,ncrctc.

5 nni<rlc"s covers and ltearts, complete, for .; a-cr rimnio lcc, fnrni.h,•d and set.

The time :tlln,ve,l for the conlnletiout r,f the 1%ork :unl the full oe,fnrntancc of the contract is

•t,', ntv (20) workinc laws. 'Ir b amn„rrt of ', curity required will hr Twelve

Illnnlrc,l I1„Il:n-: ($1,'(Inl.

N,,, H. PUR ill(Ct'L\'r!Nc :NI) RFP.\\•- T](; \Gi'l'd \<I'Il \T."I' T\\- tiIl:NT U\ A

(tI I'RFTE FOI'N1)\'I'1(1V "1'111' RIt\I)\\"\\"

OP c('I11•:XCK :\\'I•:\l'I:. I R1(\t I \\l.\11' \

\\•I-'NI'I: 'I'll .\'I'L\NTTC .\\•I.NT'E. •I'O-t {hI'I1III \\'l111 ALL \COR1: INCIDENTAL -Fl IIcIlFTO.

'nc~ h. ngineer's estimate of the quantities i; n- follows:

5,120 square v'anis of asphalt pavement (five years to ai ntenan cc).

20 square yards of old stone pavement, ti' he rclnnl.

715 cubic yawls of concrete, for pavement foundation,

2120 linear feet of new curbstone, set in Con- crete.

ISO linear feet of old cnrbstnnc, reset in concrete.

16 nui'cless covers nil heads. complete. for sewer manholes, fun: Kited and set.

The time all,wc,l for the completion of the u,:rk and thefull performance of the contract i thirtyfive (35) working days,

[hi arnn'nrt of --city required is P.-ur Thnn- saml Dollars ($4.nnn/.

N.. 0. 11)11 IllUil't..\TIXC .\N It Itl`PA\' I\I; \\'1'l,Il .\81,11 \L" I \\'1?\11•:NT UN .\ I,()X(RE"11•. 1•(1I'NI1.\I10N 'I III-. lift.\11\\ \\ ((F V2N St('I.E\ .1\1:\1'I:, I'RI I\1 1 \\I \Ir' \

"hi) .\'tl..\NFII' AVENI•I:. TO- (;1'.I 111.12 \\ I I lI .\1.I, WORK INI.IItENT.\f. 'Il l I(IoI:r O.

'Fine Engineer',, a>limatc of the quantities is as folln,rs:

4,550 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' mai t Penance).

20 square yards of old stone pavement, to he relaid.

635 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foil tidal ion.

2.590 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con-cretc.

140 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

14 in ii u-heSs covers and heads, complete. for sewer manholes, furnished and Sot.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty-tire (35) workiog.days.

The amount of cccurity required is Three Thousand Six Iltrtldral Ihollars ($3.6001.

The bidder will state the price of cacti item or article contained in the specifications or sehed-tdes herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear foot, square foot, square yard. cubic yard or other unit of measure, by which the bids will he tested. The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a hump or aggregate sum for each contract.

Itlank forms and further information may he obtained atilt the plans and drawings may be seen at the office sf the Bureau of ITighways, the Borough of Brooklyn, No, 12 \lunicipal Pnildiug, Brooklyn

IIIR[) S. COLER, President. I )at ,d September 14, 1909.


R '•• See Cenerul instructions to Bidl-4lern on the lust Pnu'e, lust column, of the 'r ('it - Record,"


SEALED RIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE rrccivcd by the ('resident of the Borough of

Brooklyn at the 'above office until 1I o'clock a. nt. on





'1-he Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

1 pumping station. 2,670 linear feet 36-inch pipe sewer. 1,495 linear fe,t 30-inch pipe sewer. 300 linear feet 22-inch pipe sewer. $80 linear feet 20-inch pipe sewer, 897 linear feet 18-inch pipe sewer. 140 linear feet 12-inch pipe sewer.

11,600 linear feet 12-inch pipe subdrain.

300 linear feet 12-inch cast iron force main, 9,000 linear fee-. 6-inch house connection drains.

46 manholes. 153 standpipes.

135,000 feet (11. M.) foundation planking. 700.000 feet (11. M.) sheeting and bracing.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract is three hundred (300) working days.

The amount of security required is Thirty-five Tbmisand Ihollars ($35,000).

The bidclr•r will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications or scheduh-s herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear foot, font board measure or other unit of meas-orc, by which the bids will he tested.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for the con- tract.

1:1ank forms and further information may be obtained and the plans and drawings may he seen at the of ice of the liureatt of Sewers, No. 215 Montague street, the Itoroltgh of I;rooklyn.

iii Ill l 5. Ci)LEII, President. Dated August 13, 190),


te;' See General Inxtruetlona to Bidl-derN on the last palee, last column, of (lac "City Record." -_


SE.\I"EI) RIMS OR ESTDI.hTI•:S Will. BE reccltc.l by the 1'rcsiuh•nt of the Bor,ugh of

liuuutklyn at tl;r above ulfic,- until II u'cl,,ck a. m. „n

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1909, Borunsth of Brooklyn.

N. 1. Foil rt IINISIIINt; AI"T.T(lE L.1BOR AND >1:\•1'I:ILL.\I.', NE('h:SS:\R1' FUR BUI1.1)-1\'r; .\N E\IIl.\NK)lENT. WITH :\LI. AI'- I'I'It'l i(X \\l 1Cs. 1- XLII:R Till Ill \( OF rllIC 1:1'SII\1'I('K L'Il\X('11 of TILE LONG ISI.\\I1 IIAII.ltu.\U :1X11 Allf.\CI•:NT TO Shirr AND hinxi1105K AVENUI-:S, IN ('n\Nl-.CTI(IN \YI"1'H •1'llE CONS'I'RU('TTO\ (II ' \ ~I•:1\'I•:R IN SCO't-'I' 1\- ENI•E, I ROI>[ XI•:\\1'(111'\ ('RI•:EK, \UR'rll OF 1TE"I'RO-r(11.IT.\N .\\'1:x('1•:, TO S'r NI('11U1,AS \\'l-Y('F. I:'I'('.. IN 'rilh ('ITY OF NEW 1'nllh, ROkU1'(;11 OF ItIt0OKLYN•

The time allot,( l for the cnntph-tion of the wl,rk and ((ill perinrmancc of the cuntlact will be sixty (601 enn"cut ive working days.

'rhe amount of secants rcuuircd will be Three -rhnneanrl Dim u- ($3,000).

The bids will he compared and the contract awarded at a lump re aggregate slim.

-hank f., rnls and further information may be ol.t❑ in, d and the Plans and drawings may be scent at the office of the Bureau of Sewers, the Borough of IIrooklyn. No, 215 Montague street.

III Ill) S. ('ULI?R, I'resirlcnt. latch 5.-f t. ml,cr 0, 1'109.


g ' See (n'n,•rnl tnstrnetions to Bid-derta on the lust pttu,'c, Insist column, of the "lefty it. cord.'-


r, ccicel by the President of the lturnugh of Itr,i ,klyn at the abuse office until 11 o'clock a. m. on


FOR Ft•IINISIIIX(; ALT. LABOR AND 11:\-IFRI:\1. Rlit_)l - IR1:1) FUR Ctl\a'1'RL•C•I'1\t; SI•:1\I.:ks I\" tit\T1•-PIRS'1' S'I'IiI:I:-r, 1111'>I .\INI. II A\'ENI - I% TO IIIE 1•:\I1 IIF TIlE I•:XISTING SI(\\'I•:R, 295 1- 1:1:-F F..\ST ()I; \I \'I II A\'I:\t 'I-:.

The Eugi (let r'' preliminary estimate of the i1ltatltlties is as fiulhown:

276 linear feet of 12-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, including all in- cnlent{Ils and appurtenances; per linear f,,ot, $1.60,,....,. $441 60

145 linear feet of 6-inch house con- nectiont drains, laid complete, including all incidentals and apinatenances; per linear foot, 70 cents ............. .... 101 50

3 manholes complete, with iron heads and covers, including all incidentals and appurtenances; per manhole, $50.00.. , , ..... 150 00

Total .................... $693 10

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract will be thirty (30) working days.

The anlmtnt of security required will be Three Hundred and Fifty ]lollars (53501.

The foregoing Engineer's preliminary estimates of the total coat for the completed work are in each case to he taken as the 100 per cent, basis noel test for bidding. Proposals shall each state a single percentage of such 100 per cent. (such as 95 per cent., 11(0 per cent., or 105 per cent.), for which all material and work called for in the proposed contracts and notices to bidders are to he furnished to the City. Such percentage as hid for each contract shall apply to all unit items specified in the Engineer's preliminary estimate to an amount necessary to complete the work de- scrihed in the contracts.

Blank forms and further information may he obtained and the plan' and drawings may he seen at the office of the Bureau of Sewers, the for' rough of Brooklyn, No. 215 Montague street, Brooklyn.

BIRD S. COI.ER, President, Dated September 8, 1909.


$i9 See General Instructions to Bld-derw on the Inst page, last column, of the " ('ity Record."


SEALED BADS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the !'resident of the Borough of

I)rooklvn at the above office until 11 o'clock a. m. 1n




The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

3,260 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

20 square yams of old stone pavement, to he relaid.

455 cubic yards of concrete for pavement fotmdation.

1,850 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con-crete.

100 linear feet of old curbstone, react in con-crete,

7 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes. furnished and set.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty (30) working days.

The amount of security required is Twenty- five hundred Dollars ($2,500).


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows: 11,510 square yards of asphalt pavement (five

years' maintenance), 20 square yards of old stone pavement, to

be retail]. 1,600 cubic yards of concrete for pavement

foundation. 5,480 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con-

crete. 610 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in con-

crete. 27 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for

sewer manholes, furnished and set, The time allowed for the completion of the

work and the full performance of the contract is fifty (50) working days.

The amount of security required is Nine Thousand Dollars tuil ($'1,000).

No. 3. Pull Rr?(;('I..\"rIN(; AND REPAVING WIT11 ,\S1'IIAI:1, I'.\\'E\IEN'I' ON A CON-('Itl•:11•: I III'NlI.\TION TITS ROADWAY OF ('f"INTO\ <'I'Itl•:I-:'1'. FROM ATLANTIC


'Iii- 1•:ngincer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

790 s.)uare yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

10 square yards of old stone pavement, to he relaid.

530 cubic yards of concrete for pavement foundation.

1,720 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

90 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in con- crete.

12 noiseless covers and hearts. complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The time Ill.nvc,l for the completion of the ,v,,tk and the full p,rformance of the Contract is thirty (30) wrlrking days.

The :,mu Out! of security required is Two Thou- sand Nine Iltmllred 17nllarc ($2.900).

No. 4• Filll RE(;UI"ATING \\I1 REPAVING WITH .\SI'll.\I'T I'.\\'E>IEN'r ON .\ CON- ('111:-FE 1'ul'NI1.\TION Till: RUAI11\'AY OF I'h1, Sl I•:( .1' I'1 ACI-:, Fitn\t S(,III•:\ECTADY \\"1:X1'1: TO UTICA AVEN('E. 'I:O(;I?THER WI III ALI, 11'Ol(K INCII)1•:\TAL -1'[IERE- Tr1

"1'h,• I•:ngineer's estimate of the quantities is as f, ,lb,ws:

2,73)1 sgoare yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintc nance).

10 square yards of old stone pavement, to Le retail].

300 cubic yarks of concrete for pavement foundation.

1,330 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

110 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in con- cretc.

8 01'iseless covers and heads, complete, for sister manholes, furnished and set.

The time allowed for the completion of the sr-u rk and the full pt rformance of the cuntract is t1liriv (3))) working da'-s.

lie amnnnt of security required is Twenty- 'tutu- flundrorl I1„Ilarc ($2,100),

No. 5. Pllk !1lea;t'I,:\"1'1NG AND REP.\\'- IN(; \IITII :151'll.\1.'1' 1'.\\'I:\II•:Nr ON .\ I (IxCR1:'rl-. I r11- \II.\•IION THE klJ-\II\\-:\Y M. tit\"1'\'-5I:\'ICNTII STREET, I,RI)%I Pt lI'Is h II \\'I•:N( ;I'. '1'O F]PTII A\"I:NI - I,, T(II (:111 ER WITH ALL \h'O12K INt'IUI•:\T- .\L "ill Kitl'"TO.

'Fhc Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as folln,vs:

2,510 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

350 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

1,480 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- Crete.

20 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

7 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The tunic allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is twenty-five (25) working days.

The anronnt of security required is Two Thou' sand Ilnllars ($',0)0)•

No. 6. FOR RE(;CL:\TING AND REP.-\V- IN(; \\ ITI[ :\5rll.\1.'r PA\'E111':\T (IN A ('ONlltl•:TI-' F(1('.\1).\I ION 'I'IIIC R)>.\U\\'\1' OP SO("1'II I'UR'I'L:\NU A\"E\t'l•:, FRU.\I IIE K.\1,1I .\\'IC\('1•: TO 1I:\NSON PLACE, Ttl(;I-:'1'IIEIt WITII .\LL WORK INCIDENT-.AI. 'III I.:R1•:TO.

The l:ngiulcer's estimate of the quantities is as fnlhnvc:

5.100 square earls of asphalt pavement (five years` maintenance).

30 square yards of old stone pavement, to be retain,

750 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

2,600 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- crete.

140 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

11 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty-Live (35) working days.

The amount of security required is Four 1'hou- sand Dollars 1$4.000).

No. 7. PUit Ith:Gt -L:\TIN(; :\XI) REPAV-IN(; \\'1Tlb :\SI'IIA[.'r 11[.O('K I':1\ - E\MENT ON A t'UNCRI-:lI•: FOUNDATION 't'HE RU.\DDW.\Y Oh- 'rENTI[ STREET, FROM I-I -'r1I .\\'ENVE. TO Pill SI'E(-r PARK WI{S'r, T Ii; l-:1'11]•:R WIT11 ALL WORK. IN- ('I11N\'I':\1. TIIER1•:To.

The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

9,570 square yards of asphalt block pavement (five years' maintenance).

10 square yards of old stone pavement, to be repaid.

1,460 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

5,620 linear feet of new curbstone, set in concrete.

120 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

24 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set,

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is fifty (50) working days.

The amount of security required is Eleven Thousand Fnnr Ilundred Dollars ($11,400).



I x i t'IRSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF TILE lireater New York Charter the Comptroller

(1h, City of New York hereby gives public n,•u.r t,i all persons, owners of property, affects-1 by the f'dlowing assessments for LOCAL I\I-PR()\ - EMENTS in the BOROCGII OF BROOK-LYN:

T\\'ELFTif \WARD. SECTION 2. I\ML.\Y STREET—SEWER, from summit

south of Commerce street to Commerce street. Area of assessment: (loth sidles of Inlay street. ext,-ndioe afoot 210 feet southeasterly from Com- merce etrrrt.


A\ - ENUE—EWER BASIN at the southwest corner. Area of assessment: East side of Madi-son street, front Stuyvesant to Lewis avenue, and south side if Stuyvesant avenue, from Madison avenue to Putnam avenue.


FENCING VACANT LOTS ON BELMIONT AVENUE, south side: on PITRIN A\ENCE, south side, between Snediker avenue and limo' dale tr,et: ,in HINSDALE STREET, we-t side, between 1'itkin and Belmont avenue-; in L11:-}:RTv AVENUE, north side, between Van Sin-tierin and Snediker avenues; on AL-h11A\M.-AVENUE, east side, between - Sutr and (flake

n aveue: on 1\'.\TKINS STR Sutter ET, west side, he-

twsetl r.'emmore and Liberty avenues: on T. \I.\RKS \\ - ENU'E, south side• and EAST NEW YORK AVENUE, north side, between the junc- tion of these avon tiesand Rockaway avenue: on I.IVONI A AVENUE, north side, between That-('rd an-1 (+h;irn street': southeast corner of IDUMONT AVENUE AND STONE AVENUE. Area of assessment: South side of Belmont ave-nue and south side of Pi:kin avenue, between Snediker avenue and Hinsdale street; west side of Hinsdale street. between Pitkin and Belmont avenues; north side of Liberty avenue, between Snediker and Van Sinderin avenues; east side of Alabama avenue, between Sutter and Blake ave-nue<; west side of Watkins street. between Glen-more and Libertv avenues: south side of St. Marks avenue, and north side of East New York avenue, between the junction of these avenues and Rockaway avenue: north side of Livonia ave- nue. between Thatford and Osborn streets; south-east corner of Dumont and Stone avenues.

TWENTY-SIXTH \\'.1RD, SECTION 12. RECEIVING P,:\SINS. at the northeast and

'nutheast corners of IIINSDALE STREET :1ND IlL.\RF: .\VENUE; northwest corner of IIINS-DALE -"TREE'(' :\NU Iri'\IONT AVENUE: northeast and northwest corners of HINSIDALE STREET AND LI\'ONL\ AVENf'E: northeast and northwest corners of DINSD.\LE STREET AND R7\'ERD\LF. A\ - ENUE. Area of assess-ment: Roth sides of Hinsdale street. from Blake avenue to Riverdale avenue; east side of Hins-dale street. from Blake to Sutter avenue; south side of Sutter avenue, and both sides of Blake i avenue, from Hinsdale street to Williams ave-nue; both sides of Dumont avenue, from Snediker avenue to Williams avenue: east side of Snediker avenue, extending about 206 feet north of Dumont avenue; both sides of Livonia avenue and north side of Riverdale avenue, from Will- iams avenue to Snediker avenue.


lantic and Ridgewood avenues. Area of assess-ment: Both sides of Lincoln avenue, from At-lantic avenue to Ridgewood avenue. —that the same were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Sent.-mher 14, 1909, and entered September 14. 1909, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collec-tion of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest

is ill be collected thereon, as provided by section ]019 of the Greater New York Charter.

'aid section provides. in part. " If any sucl asessmcnt shall remain unpaid for the period o sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall br the duty of the officer authorized to collect anc receive the amount of such assessment, to charge. collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centttm per annum, to be calculated t the date of payment from the date wirer such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 159 of this act provides • • • "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected therehv ten days after its entry in the said record."

The above assessments are payable to the Col. lector of chmessnnetrts and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the Mechanics' Bank Building, Court and Montague streets. Borough of lirooklyn, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. in., and on Satur-days from 9 a. in. to 12 tu., and all payutcuts male thercon on or before November 13, 1909, will be exempt from interest, as above provided. and, after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven Per centwn per annum from the date when such assessments became liens to the date of payment.

IIER\I.\N A. \IE'I'Z, Comptroller. City of New York• Department of Finance,

l'ntptroller's Uti'ice, September 14, 1909.



I I't'ItSUANCI-: OF SEC I'JON 1018 OF TIIE t~teatcr New York Charter. the Comptroller

f The City of New York hereby gives public 11:100 to all persons. owners of property, affected Lv the f„hawing assessinent for LOCAL 1)1-1'RU\ E\ILN IS in the BOROUGH OF ttUI-ENS:


nry avenue to Eighth street, and 1•:IlalIlI S'l'REE'1--SEWER. front Ludlow avenue to l.antont avenue• Area of assessment: Both sides f i.udlow avenue, from Charles place to Eighth

-t rest, and both ides of Eighth street, from Ludlow avenue to Lamont avenue, --that the same was confirmed by the Board of .\.-essors, September 14, 1909, and entered Sep-tetnber 14, 190'), in tine Record of Titles of As-

•seutents, kept in the Bureau for the Collection of .\svessmcnts and .hrrears of Taxes and As-sessments and of Water Rents, and unless the am,'unt assessed for benefit on any person or l'r,'perty shall be paid within sixty days after the he of said entry of the assessment. interest will he collected tlhereott, as provided in section 1019 of said Greater New York Charter,

raid section provides, in part, that "If any -crh assessment shall remain unpaid for the I-cti„d of sixty da_ts after the date of entry thereofin the said Record of Titles of Asses,- tnents, it shall be the duty of the officer author-ized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collet and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated to the date of payment from the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act.”

sectLn 159 of this act provides • * • -'\n assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thee,-by ten days after its cntrl in the said record."

The above assessment is payable to the Cl-lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arr,are ,,f Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents. at the Ilackett Building, No. 51 Taekson avenue, Long Island City, Lor,ngh of Qlueens, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. no., and on Satur-days fr.'m 9 a. nt, until 12 m . and all payment made thereon on or before November 13, 190v, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of intr-rest at the rate of seven per eentnm tier atmum from the date when above asses•mcnt became a lien to the date of payment,

HERMAN A, Mi-;TZ, Comptroller. City of New York Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 14, 1909. s16.29


IN I'l'RSUANCE OF SECTION 1019 01' TIlE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

The City of New York hereby gives public r,ice to all persons. owners of ttroperts', affected h; the foll,iwing a-sessntent for LOC.\I. I(I-I'Ru\ - E\IEN'1'S in the BOROUGH OF RICII \1ON D:

FIRST WARD. SEWER in JAY STREET. from a point about

aw feet north of South street to the junction of r'ttiv e,ant place with Richmond terrace; in IL\\IIIA(IN A\'ENCE, from Jay street to atuyvc,ant p;aeet in WALL STREET, from Jay street to f„mt•kins avenue; in DE KALB STREET, from Jay street to Stuyvesant place; in STU1'\ -ES.\\T PLACE. from 1)eKalb street ti Ilyatt street; in HYA1'T STREET, from )tuyve,ant place to Central avenue; in SOUTH ~T REF I', from Stuyvgsant place to bulkhead crib of the Department of Docks and Ferries, and in an casement through the property of the Staten Island Rapid 'transit Railroad Company, from Jay street, opposite the foot of Hamilton avenue, to the bulkhead of Pier 4 of said rail-road company, and a separate sanitary outlet thence to the head of Pier 4• Area of assess-ment: Butte sides of Jay street. from South

I street to Richmond terrace; both sides of Rich-niond terrace, front Stuyvesant place to Nicholas street; both sides of . ,nth street, from Stuy- vesant place to New York Lay; both sides of Hyatt street, from Stuyvesant place to Central avenue; both sides of Stuyve,ant place. from S ,nth street to Richmnd terrace; both sides of Carroll place, from Wall street to Ilamilton avenue; both sides of Tompkins street. extenrl-ing southerly from Hamilton avenue about 135 feet; south side of Hamilton avenue, from Daniel Low terrace to Tompkins avenue; both aides of Hamilton avenue, front Tompkins avenue to Jay street; both sides of Wall street, front Tompkins avenue to Jay street: both sides of DeKalb street, from Stuyvesant place to Jay street; cast side of Jay street. extendine north upon the land of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad Com-pany. --that the same was confirmed by the Board of Assessors September 14, 1909, and entered on September 14, 1909, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collcc-tin of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefiton any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest shall be collected thereon, as provided in section 1019 of said Greater New York Charter.

Said section provides that " If any such assess-' merit shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and rc-

ceive the amount of such assessment to charge collect and receive interest thereon at the rat( of seven per centmn per annum, to be calculates to the date of payment from the date when sucl. assessment became a lien, as provided by section. 159 of this act." Section 159 of this act provides • • " An

assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said record."

• The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, at Borough hall, St• George, Borough of Rich. mood, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. nt., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 in., and all payments made thereon out or before November 13, 1909, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the date when above assessment became a lien to the date of payment.

HER\1:\N A. MEI'Z, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 14, 1909. s16,29


INTEREST DUE ON NOVEMBER 1, T I'10'), on the Registered Bonds and Stock of he I. in- of New York will be paid on that day

by the Comptroller. at his office in the Stewart Building, corner of Broadway and Chambers street Iltnozn 85).

'I he transfer hooks thereof will be closed from September 311, to Nucernbcr 1, 1909.

- 'Ile coupons, that are {payable only in New

1~irk, for interest due on November 1, 1909, on Bonds and Stock of the present and former City ,,f New York will be paid on that day by the (;naranty 'frost Company, Nos. 28 and 3J Nas- -au sir, et.

The cuupous, that are payable in New York e in London, fur the interest due on Novent-

!„ r 1. 1' 0't. on Assessment Bonds and Corporate Stock of The City of New York, will he paid on that day, at the option of the holders thereof, either at the office of the Guaranty Trust Com-t,:utr, Nos, 28 and 30 Nassau street. Nett' York, in h'ottod States money. or at the office of Messrs. Seligman Brothers, No. 18 Austin Friars, Lun-don. E. C. }:ngland, in sterling money at the rate of $4.8780 to the pound.

The interest flue on November 1, 1909, on ('„m,,,n 11 Ot Is of other corporations now included in The (-ity of New York will he paid on that day at the office of the Comptroller.

The interest due November 1, 1959, on Regis-tcred and Coupon Gold Revenue Bonds of The City of New York will be paid on that day by tIts' Guaranty Trust Contt,atty. Nos. 28 and 30 Nas-au street. New York, in United States money, or, at the option of the holder. upon three t,cckc' prior notice, as stipulated in said bonds. by Messrs. T. S. Morgan & Co., No. 22 Old Rrnad street. London. Englan,l, at the rate of $4.83 to tlt, pound.

i1ER\I.\N A. METZ, Comptroller. City of \cw York. Department of Finance,

l'om;dn-ll,r's (Itfice, September 15, 1909. s16,nl


A T TILE REQUEST OF THE BRIDGE Commissioner, public notice is hereby given

that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by scaled bids all the buildings, parts! of buildings, etc., standing up, in property ,u-ncd by The City of New York, acquired by it for bridge purposes, in the

Borough of Manhattan being all the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., ,,andmg within the lines of property acquired for the purposes of the Manhattan Bridge, being nnre particularly designated as the property knc,tcn as the Kenw•ood House at No. 31 Bowery, which is more particularly described on a certain map on file in the office of the ( ollec. :or of City Revenue, Room 141, No. 280 Broad-way, Borough of Manhattan, f'ursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners

if the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held tune 30. 1909. the sale by sealed bids of the ibove described building and appurtenances there-:o will be held by direction of the Comptroller on


at I1 a. m., in manner and form as follows: Srah-,l bids tblank forms of which may be

Lt ained upon app lie atiu u) trill be received by the I.,mptroller at the office of the Collector f City Revenue, Rootn 141, No, 280 Broadway,

It - ruug h of Manhattan, until 11 a. m. on the 39th day of September, 1909, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent, of the amount of the bid, ex-cept that a minimum deposit of $50 will be re-gtured with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- turned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in frill and given security, and those of successful bidders ma be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the suc- cessftd bidder to further comply with the require- ments of the terms and conditions of the sale, as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of noti- fication of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (t) the number or description of the building or buildings hid for; (2) the amount of the bid; (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed to properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Sep-tember 29, 1909." and must be delivered or mailed in time for their delivery prior to 11 a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room 141, No. 280 Broadway, New York City," from whom any further particulars regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be obtained.

The buildings will be sold for immediate re- moval only, subject to the following

TERMS AND CONDITIONa. The buildings and appurtenances thereto will

be sold to the highest bidder, who must pay cash or a certified check drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York, and must also give a certified check or cash in half the amount of the purchase price as security for the

faithful performance of the terms and condi-tions of the sale. Where the amount of the purchase price does not equal or exceed the sum of $50, the sum of $50 shall be the amount of the security to be deposited. This security may at any time after the expiration of the contract period be applied by the City to the cost of com- pleting any of the work required under the con-tract, but unfinished at the expiration of the contract period.

The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause or Permit the building or buildings, etc., pur-chased by him to be used or occupied for any purpose other than that of their speedy removal, nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue for the use of either the land or the buildings, etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or any of these conditions shall forthwith void the sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur-chase money and the security deposited for the faithful performance of the conditions of the sale. The Placing therein or permitting the oc-cttpancy of any such building by any tenant free, for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary watchmen or the workmen engaged in the actual demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of the above conditions of sale.

The sale will be as of the condition of the property on date of delivery thereof to the pur-chaser. The City of New York will not be responsible for any change or loss which may occur in the condition of the buildings or their appurtenances between the time of the sale there- of and the time of delivering possession to the pur-chaser, after being properly vacated of all tenants. The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made as nearly together as the circumstance of vacating the structures of their tenants will permit.

All the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with their exterior and interior fixtures, appurte-nances and foundations of all kinds, except the exterior walls of the buildings and their founda- tions and the sidewalks and curb in front of said buildings extending within the described area, shall be torn down and removed from the premises, None of the dirt, debris or waste re-su Iting from demolition shall be allowed to re. main on the premises, except old mortar or plaster only, which may he left, but not higher at any point than 2 feet below the curb opposite that point. The exterior w-ails and their founda-ti,ins shall be taken down only to a plane whose elevation shall be the level of the curb in front of the building. Where there is no curb the elevation of the surrounding ground shall be con. sidered curb level. All wells, cesspools, sinks, etc., existing on the property must be filled to the level of the surrounding ground with clean earth.

The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw arid - remove all abandoned water taps and old servce mains, and in place thereof cause to be inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in the street, in compliance with the rules and regu- lations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Department of Water Sootily. Gas and Electricity that this has been performed.

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house sewer cnnncctions to the main sewer in the street, and the opening of the main sewer in street shall he properly closed in compliance with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers, Borough .of Manhattan, and furnish the De-partment of Finance with a certificate from the Ilarcau of Sewers that the work has been properly performed.

The permit for all opening in the street to he obtained by and at the expense of the pur- chaser of the building.

Failure to remove said buildings, appurte- nattces or any part thereof within thirty days from tire day of possession will work forfeiture if ownership of such buildings, appurtenances, or Portion as shall then he left standing, to- g,ther with all moneys paid by said purchaser „n accotmt thereof at the time of lb.' sale, and the bidder's assent to the above conditions being understood to be implied by the act of bidding, and The City of New York will, without notice to the purchaser. cause the same to be removed, and the costs and expense thereof charged against the security above mentioned.

The work of removal must be carried on in ev, ry respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner, and must be completed within thirty days from the day of possession, and the suc-cc-.ful bidder will provide and furnish all ma-terials of labor and machinery necessary there-to, and will place proper and sufficient guards and fences and warning signs by day and night f-r the prevention of accidents, and will in- h•mnify and save harmless The City of New fork, its officers, agents and servants, and each of them, against any and all suits and actions, claims and demands of every name and descrip-ti-,n brought against it, them or any of them, and against and from all damage and costs to tvirich it, they or any of them be put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the performance of the work, or in guarding the same, or from any improper or defective ma-terials or machinery, imply-m, nts or appliances used in the removal of said buildings.

Where party walls are found to exist between buildings purchased by different bidders, the matt rials of said party walls shall be under- stood to be equally divided between the separate purchasers.

Party walls and fences, when existing against adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken down. All furrings, plaster, chimneys, pro-jecting brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls are to be taken down and removed. The walls shall be made permanently self-supporting beam holes, etc., bricked up, and the wali pointed and made to exclude wind and rain and present a clean exterior. The roofs of adjacent buildings shall be properly flashed and painted and made watertight where they have been dis- turbed by the operations of the contractor.

The Comptroller of The City of New York reserves the right on the day of sale to withdraw from sale any of the buildings, parts of build. inns and machinery included therein, or to reject any and all bids; and it is further

Resolved, That while the said sale is held under the supervision of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized to cause the sale to be advertised and to direct the sale thereof as financial officer of the City.

IT. A. DMETZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 10, 1909. 913,29


rN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter the Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PRO\'FMEN'1'S in the BOROUGH OF QUEENS:


GRADING, CURBING, FLAGGING AND LAY. ING CROSSWALKS, from Jackson avenue to Flushing avenue. Area of assessment: Both tides of De Bevoise avenue, from Jackson avenue

The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

4 720 square yards of asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

20 square yards of old stone pavement, to be relaid.

660 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

2,790 linear feet of new curbstone, set in concrete.

40 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in concrete.

14 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for sewer manholes, furnished and set.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is thirty (30) working rlays.

The amount of security required is Three Thousand Eight hundred Dollars ($3.800),

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications or sched-ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear foot, square foot, square yard or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested. The bids will be compared and the con-tract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract,

Blank forms and further information may he obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office of the Bureau of highways, the Borough of Brooklyn. No. 12 Municipal Building, Brooklyn.

111RD S. COLF:R, President. Dated September 7, 1909.

s22 X' - See General instructions to Bid-

ders on the last page, last column, of the '• City Record."

BOARD MEETINUS. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment

meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City Hall, every Friday, at 10.30 o'clock a. in.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary.

The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City (tall, at call of the Mayor.

N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Deputy Comptroller, Secretary.

The Board of Revision of Assessments meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room Is), City Hall, every Thursday at 11 a. m., upon notice of the Chief Clerk.

HENRY J, STORRS, Chief Clerk.

The Bard of City Record meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room lo). City Hall, at call of the Ma)or.

PATRICK I. TRACY. Supervisor, Secretary.




side of Sedgewick avenue, from Jerome avenue TWENTY NINTH WARD, SECTION 16. to the junction of Lind avenue; east side of EAST SECOND STREET-REGULATING, Lind avenue, from the junction with Sedgewick GRAI)IKG. CURBING AND LAYING CR- avenue to a point about 77 feet north; both sides IENT SII)EIVALKS, from Greenwood avenue of Ogden avenue, from Jerome avenue to One to Vanderbilt street. •lrea• of assessment: Both Ilondred and Sixty-fourth street; both sides of sides of East Second street, from Greenwood One Hundred and Sixty-second street, between avenue to Vanderbilt street, and to the extent Wood y•crest and Surnntit avenues; both sides of of half the block at the intersecting streets. tine Ilundred and Sixty-third street and south VANDERIIILT STREET-PAVING between side of One Hundred and Sixty-fourth street, East Eighteenth street and Gravesend avenue. from Wuudycrest avenue to Ogden avenue; both Area of a,sc.sntent: Both sides of Vanderbilt sides of Summit avenue, from one hundred and street, from 1•:a-t Eighteenth street to Gravesend Sixty-first street to One Ilundred and Sixty fourth avenue, and to the extent of half the block at th• strict,

\VF:S1' ONE 111 7 NITRED ANT) SI)tTY- intersecting streets.

STS'fII S'1'RI:l:'f-Itl-:t;U ,:\'1'IVt;, GR.\DIN(;. 'IllIRIIETIt WARD, SECTION 17. ('1'RP.IN1;, f`1-\t;t:[\ti, 1.\1•IYG CR(1SS- 111"I'Y-'1'l1IRD STREET-SEWER, between 1\'•\LIDS, BI'ILUINt; AI'l'RUACIIES AND 'Iliirtcenth and Fifteenth avenues, and FIFTY- 'Ri (It N (IING S'I'II''s from Jerome avenue 'till Rh) 's1RFE•1', OUTLET SFWER, between to Lind are nue. .\era of assess111Piit: Iti th sides I ifhruth and Seventeenth avenues. Area of c f One hutndred and Sixty-sixth street, from Jerome

assessment: Both sides of Fifty-second and Fifty avenue to Lind avenue,and to the ex- hid ,s trtreets, from Fourteenth to Seventeenth ave- tent of half the block at the intersecti ng ace- nue; both sides of Fifty-third street, from IFour- nttcs. tccnth to New Utrecht avenue: west side of TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, SI•:CTION 11. Seventeenth avenue, both sides of Sixteenth, Fif

11Uti1I 5"1'RI'.I I-Rt I Ill \'1'It(;, GR: 11)hNt teenth and east side of Fourteenth avenues, be- twcen Fifty first and Fifty-fourth streets, and west SETIANG CUliB';1'ONk',, 1'L\(;(,IN ,1111: side of Fottrtccnth avenue, both sides of Thir- S11)1•:W:\LKS, LAYING CROS5W:\I,KS, teentlt avenue and cast side of New Utrecht ave- 11t'1T.1)ING API'It(C\LIIh•:S AND PLACING title, between Fifty-second and Fifty-fourth I•; NI' ES, from Anthony avenue to the Grand streets.

Ituulevard and Concourse. Area of assessment: 111111 sides of Bush from street, Anthony avenu e THIRTIETH T WARD, SECTION 18. to the Grand Boulevard and Concourse, and to BATTERY AVENUE AND DAIILGREN the extent of half the block at the intersecting I'I.ACE-SEWERS, between Eighty-eighth and streets. Ninetieth streets, and OUTLETS L,-t%veen Nine-

CIR1•:S'1'ON AVENUE-T'AVING AND CURB- ti,th and .Ninety-second streets: Area of assess. IN G• from Burnside avenue to East One Ilun- ❑mini• Both soles of Battery avenue and Dahl- dred and Eighty-flrurlh street. Aria of assess- gren place, from Eighty-sicth to Ninety-second m,-tit: Both sides of Creston avenue, from Burn- street; south side of Eighty-sixth street, both sides side avenue to East One hundred and Eighty- 1f Eighty-eighth and Ninetieth streets, from Gat- fourth street, and to the estcnt of half the ling place t0 Parrott place. hick tit the intersecting streets. S1•:\'ENh'cN"I'\'S1•:\'l-.NTHI STREET - PAVING

['.\It l: \II•:1V 1'f.:\('I: - RIi,CL.\I'I\(', NN Rl.('I - ItUllNt,, between Fourth and Fifth GRADING, ('UV BI\t;, FL:\G( IVi". I,:\1"ING a` ̀ 'cures. \r,a of assessment: Both sides of ( RO D NE, LFS• Bl'll.l)IVG \I'I , Rc).%t Ill,:S Scveut,-.ev,nth suet, from Fourth to Fifth AN'D PLACING FENC•:S, fr.,m 11'e\t One av`nu`', and to the extent of half the block at Hundred and Ninetieth street ill lee Taw is ('lint. the Intersecting avenues. Area of asscs=uu'nt: Both sides of Park View TIIIR7'IETII WARD, SECTION 19. (dace, front One hundred and Ninetieth street to I ee'law avenue• and to the half the extent of TIhIRTEI•:Nl'II AVENUE-SEWER, between block at the intersecting streets. Severity-ninth and Eight )•-second streets; and

I•:I(; III 'Y-SEGO\1) ST Rh I:T-00'1'11•;'1 SI;W- I' R (I S I' E C 1' AVENUE - PAVING 'TTIE I•:It, between Thirteenth and Fourtcenth ave- Rt)Al)N'AY AND SI•:'fl'IN(, (-fi1tB• from ire- noes. .\rea of assessment: Both sides of Thir- munt avenue to East One hundred and I•:ighty- te•cuth avenue, front Seventy-ninth to Eighty- nintlt street. Area of assessment: Both sides of second street; both sides of Eighty-sccund stre, t, Prospect avenue from Tremont acentte to One fi,nn Thirteenth to Fourteenth avenue, and b<,:li 1111,111 red and El t1ty-ninth street, and to the sides of Eighty-first street and south side of extent of half the block at the intersecting Eightieth street, front Twelfth to Thirteenth streets, ave-


TWENTY-FOUR1'Ii W-\RD, SECTIONS 11 -tl'at the sante were ennfirrited by the Board of AND 13. Revision of \ sessments on September 9, 1909,

CRI•:STON A\'E\UI•:-1':\\•ING AND ('l/RB- and entered September 9, 1909, in the Record of 'Titles

ING, from East One IIunrlre, Iand Eighty-fourth of .\vicessmrnts, kept in the Bureau for the

(',, 1, ction of Assessments and \rrears of '!'axes to East (Inc Hundred and Ninety-eiubth street. and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless Area of assessment: (Toth sides of Crest„n aye- the autoulit assessedfor brnetit on any person or cue, front East tine II ml nd red and Eightp- fourth property shall be paid Wit in sixty days after the to East One hundred and Ninety-eighth street, and to the extent of huhf the block the iu- at

late of said entry of the asst„mints, interest tcr=eeting streets.

w ill be collected thereon, as iv ii by section

IFUI lIES •\\'I':NliE-P:\\'ING AND CURB 1019 III the Greater New York ( -hartr-r.

IN(:, from Trenlout avenue to the prol1erty of Said "If suction provides, in part. any such

ass,sstticnt shall retrain unpaid for the period of St. ,lobo's College. Area of assessment: 11oth sixty .lays after the date of entry thereof in the 'Tremont ,ideS of 1lughes avenue. from - avenue to sail Record of Title s of Assessments, it shall be the property of St. John's ollege, and to time the duty of the officer authorized to collect and extent of half the block at the intersecting recricc the amount of sneh assessment, to charge, streets. Collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of

TWENTY-FOURTII WARD, SECTION 12. sevcl7 pu't' ccntunt per annum, to be calculatc;l UN \I\I:'CY- 1N -1.1C O\E H1,\llRGD

to the date of payment, from the date when NIV'l'I[ S'1'KF'F-"I'-RI-.t.1 L.\TI\G, GRADING,

NG. such ass,ssnlent became a lien, asprovided by 'cI•:'I"1'ING CURBS TONICt,, Fl.A(.GING THE " Section 159 of this act.

Section 159 of this act provides •• "An ~II)h,V..\LK5, 1.:\YING CROS5\VAI.KS, shall become a lien upon the real Ill'1[.UING API'RO.\CIIFS ANT) PLACING e'lai

tats affected thereby ten (lays after its entry PF:\CE5, from \1'ebster to Marion avenue. iu flu,. sail record." sail

\rea of assessment: Both sides of East One The above assessments are pavahle to the Col- Hundred and Ninety-ninth street, from Webster

to Marion avenue, and to the extent of halt the lector of :\ ,ses:nlents and Arrears at the Bureau

block at the intersecting avenues, for the Col heel ion (if Asses<rnents and Arrears

-that the same were confirmed by the Board of •!'axes of and Assessments and of Water Rents,

in the \[echanie, Bank Building, Revision of Assessments September 9, 1909, and Court and \ton- vague streets, Borough of Brooklyn, between the catered on September 9, 1909, in tire Record of 'tours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. nl., and on Saturdays Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the from 9 a. in. to 12 tit., and all payments made Collveliun of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes tut"rcon on nr hi-fore Novem ber 8: 1909, will be and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless auov

alter the amount assessed for benefit on any person or xem pt from interest as above provided, and after

that date will be subject to a charge of interest property shall he paid within sixty days after the late of said entry of the as=sessments, interest will

,ct the rate of seven p, r centum per annum from

be collected thereon, as provided in section 1019 the (late when such assessments became liens to the date -tit. of pavan

of said Greater New York Charter. HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. "If Said section provides, in part, that any City of New York, Department of Finance, such assessment shall remain unpaid for the Comptroller's Office, September 9, 1909. period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess- sll 24

ments, it shall be the duty of the officer author- ized to cullcct and receive the amount of such NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. a'sessenent to charge, collect and receive interest thereon atthe rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated to the date of payment from the (late when such assessment became a hen, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 159 of this act provides • • • "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said record." •

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the Municipal Building, corner of One Hun-dred and Seventy-seventh street and Third ave-nue, Borough of The Bronx, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all payments made thereon on or before November 8, 1909, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the date when the above assessments became liens to the date of payment.

HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 9, 1909. x11,24


I N PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affect' ed by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOK- LYN:


four corners of VERONA STREET; at all four corners of COMMERCE STREET; at all four corners of BOWNE STREET. Area of assess-mettt: Both sides of Imlay street, from William street to Summit street; both sides of Bowne street, from Conover street to Van Brunt street; east side of Conover street, extending about 260 feet north of Bowne street; east side of Conover street, from Commerce street to Bowne street; both sides of Commerce street, from Conover to Van Brunt street; east side of Conover Street from Verona street to Commerce street; bot~ sides of Verona street, from Conover street to Van Brunt street, and east side of Conover street extending about 220 feet south of Verona street,

IN PURSU:\NCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE (treater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAT. INII'Itt)\'1?\IENTS in the BOROUGH OF (BROOKLYN:


-SI•:111{It • between Plaza street and Underhill avenue. Area of assecsmci!t: Both sides of St. J1rhns idwe, bcuvicen Plaza street and Underhill avenue.


henry street and Hamilton avenue. Area of as-,cssntent: Loth sides of Huntington street, from henry street to Hamilton avenue.


Glenm,,rc avenue and Pitkin avenue. Area of assessment: Both sides of hemlock street, be-tween (,lcnmorc and Pitkin avenues.

T\Vh-;N•CV-NINTH \V:\RD• SECTION 16, SEWER BASINS at the north-act and north-

West corners of E:\ST FIFTEENTH STREET :\N1) I)OR('11 ESTER ROAD. - Area of assess-mcnt: Both sid,s of East Fifreenth street (Ntarh-lu, rough road), from Cortelyou road to Dor-chester read, and the northeasterly side of Dor- chester road, from Rugby road to a point about 110 feet cast of Fifteenth street,


Eleventh avenue and Fort Hamilton avenue. Area of assessment: Both sides of Fifty-third street, from Eleventh avenue to Fort Hamilton avenue, and the southerly side of Fort Hamilton avenue, from Fifty-third to Fifty-fourth street.


FENTTI AVENUE-RECEIVING BASIN, at the northerly corner. Area of assessment: South side of New Utrecht avenue and north side of Eighteenth avenue, from Eighty-fifth to Eighty' sixth street, and easterly side of Eighty-sixth street, between Eighteenth and New Utrecht ave. hues.

EIGHTEENTH AVENUE AND BATH AVE-NUE-SEWER BASIN at the northerly corner. Area of assessment: South side of Rutherford

MON[):\Y, SEPTEML'ER 20, 1909.

to Flushing ay.nue, and to the extent of half the ];[OCT. at the intersecting and terminating avenues.

GRAND AVENUE-REGUL:\ -r1NG, GRAD ING, CURTIING, FLAGGING AND LAYING CROSSWALKS, from Steinway avenue to Old flowery Bay road. Area of assessment: Both sides of Grand avenue, front Steinway avenue to Old Bowery Bay road, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

PEARSALL AVENUE-STORM SEWER, from Hunters Point avenue to Newtown Creek. Area of assessment: Both sides of Pearsall street, from Hunters Point avenue to Newtown Creek; both sides of right of way of Long Island Railroad Company: Review avenue; Star avenue; Bradley avenue, Iniween Greenpoint avenue and Pearsall street; both sides of Gale street, between Greenpoint and Borden avenues; both sides of Borden avenue, between Greenpoint avenue and Pearsall treet; north side of Grecnn ltnt acce.uq between Gale street and 11(1 titers Pon: avenue. and wv,t side of II linters Point avenue, between Greenpoint avenue and Pearsall etreet.

FIFTEENTH AVENUE-SEWER, from Broadway to Jackson avenue. Area of assess- ment: Both sides of Fifteenth avenue, from Broadway to Jackson avenue, including foots Nos. 2, 3, 4, 19, 20. 21 and 22 of Block 215; Lets Nos. 5, 6, 7, 62, 63, 64 and 65 of Block 229• foots Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Block 215 ant Lots Noe. 7, 8 and 9 of Block 230.

SISTEF.NTII AVENUE - REGULATING, GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, Iron Broadway to Graham avenue. Area of assess-ment: Both sides of Sixteenth avenue, from Broadway to Graham avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets. -that the same were confirmed by the Board of Revision of Assessments September 9, 1909, and entered September 9, 1909, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall he paid within sixty clays after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest will he collected thereon, as provided in section 1019 of said Greater New York Charter.

Said section provides, in part, that "If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the Hate of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess-clients, it shall be the duty of the officer atnitor-ized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to he calculated to the date of payment from the (late when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act." Section 159 of this act provides • * ' "An

assessment shall become a lien ur'on the real estate affected thereby ten days aft;r its entry in the said record."

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Acsescmcnts and of Water Rents, at the Hackett Building, No. Sl Jackson avenue, Lone Island (-itv, Borough of Oue,ns, between the hours of 9 a. nl. and 2 p. tit.. and on Satur-days from 9 a. m. until 12 m., and all payment; made thereon on or before November 8, 1909, will be exempt from interest as above provided, and after that date will he subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the (late when above assessments became liens to the date of pavment.

ITERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. City of New York. Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 9, 1909. x11,_24


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of Tire City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessment for 1.O(. AL INI-1'ROVEN1F.\I'S in the BOROUGH OF MAN-IIATTAN:


-REG[ I..\TIN(;, GRAVING, CURBING AND FLAGI;ING AND Ct1NSTR(1Cl'ING NECES-SARY RETAINING W.V-I., from Broadway to the Harlem River. Area of a~=essment: Both sides of Two Hundred and Twelfth street, from Broadway to the Harlem River, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues. -that the same was confirmed by the Board of Revision of Assessments on September 9, 1909, and entered September 9, 1909, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau fur the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or propert}, shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon, as Provided in section 1019 of said Greater New York Charter.

said section provides, in part, that "If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess-ments, it shall be the duty of the officer author-ized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to he calculated to the date of payment from the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 159 of this act provides'• "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said record." • • •

The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, Room H, No. 280 Broadway, Borough of Man-har.jn, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p, m., an 1 o.; Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m. and all payments made thereon on or before lIovember 8, 1909, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the date when above assessment became a lien to the date of payment.

HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. City of New York. Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 9, 1909, 611,24


place and north side of Itathavenue, between Bay Seventeenth street and Eighteenth avenue, and westerly side of Eighteenth avenue, between Ruth,-rford place and Birth avenue. --that the same wire confirmed by the Board of Assessors on September 7, 1909, and entered September 7, 1909, in the Record of Titles or Assessnunts, kept in the Bureau for the Collec-tiotl of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as provided by section 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

Said section provides, in part, "If any such assessment shall remain unpaid fur the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centunt per anttunt, to he calculated to the date of payment from the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 159 of this act provides ' • • "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estal•: al,•, t-d mi teel,y tel cloy,, after its entry in the said record."

The above assessments are payable to the Col- lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears crf Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the 31,-c)tanics flank Ituilding. Court and \Tontnguc streets, Borough of llrooklyn, between the hours ,f 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Satur-rlav, from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all payments rust- thrre'In or or before November 6, 1909, will b,- exempt from interest, as above provided, :n:l after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rata of seven per centum per annum from the date when such assessments became liens to the date of payment.

ITER\I:\N A. 11 ETZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Denartrnent of Finance,

Cumptn,llcr's Office, September 7, 1909.



T IIF INTEREST DUE ON OCTOBER 1 1909, on the Registered Bonds anti

'ct, ,cks of The City of New York will be paid art that day by the Comptroller, at his office I'd thin' Stewart Ruilding. corner of Broadway and I hcambers street (Room 85).

'Fir Transfer Books thereof will be closed from September 15 to October 1, 1909.

The interest due on October 1, 1909, on the Cr.upnn Bonds and Stock if tire present and fr:rme•r City of New York will be paid on that day by the Guaranty Trust Company, Nos, 28 and 30 Nassau street.

The interest due on October 1, 1909, on sou tmn bonds of other corporations now in-cluded in The City of New York will be paid on that day at the office of the Comptroller.

II ERN!AN A. METZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, September 1, 1909.

s2,o 1



T.\\P\1- I[RS WIIO DESIRE TO OBTAIN their bills promptly should make immediate

written requisition (blanks may be procured in theI-rrough offices), stating their property by section or ward. block and lot or map number, staking copy of same from their bills of last year.

If a taxpayer is assessed for personal tax, the rev uisition should also request bill for such tax.

Each requisition should be accompanied by an cuvelnpe bearing the proper address of the ap- -iileant. A\ND WITH RETURN POSTAGE PREP'.\ID.

In case of any doubt in regard to ward, see' lion, bl.,ck or lot number, taxpayers should take their deeds to the Department of Taxes and Assessments and have their property located on the maps of that Department, and forward to the Ilcputy Receiver of !'axes. with the requisi-1-n, a certified memorandum of their property, u liieh will be furnished by the Department of Faxes and Assessrnents.

Taxpayers in this manner will receive their bills returned by mail at the earliest possible montent, and avoid any delay caused by waiting in lines, as required in case of personal applica. tion.

'Tile requisition must be addressed and mailed t,. the Deputy Receiver of Taxes in whichever Borough the property is located, as follows:

Icnhcn J. McDonough, No, 57 Chambers street, Borough of Manhattan, New York.

John R. Underhill, corner of Third and Tre- mont avenues, Borough of The Bronx, New York,

Thomas J. Drennan, Municipal Building, 6orougll of Brooklyn, New York, George II. Creed, corner of Jackson avenue

and Fifth street, Long Island City. Borough of Queens, New York,

Jlrhn De Nlorgan, Borough Hall. St. George, Staten Island, Borough of Richmond, New York.

After receiving the bills, the taxpayer will draw a check for the amount to the order of the Receiver of Taxes and mail bill and check, with an addressed envelope. with the return post- age prepaid, to the Deputy Receiver in which. ever Borough the property is located.

NO REBATES ALLOWED. Checks should be retailed as soon as possible

after the bills have been received by the tax-payer.

DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes. x1,30



IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affect. ed by the following assessments for LOCAL I3f-PROVE\IENTS in the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:


STREET-REGULATING. GRADING, BUILT). ING STEPS, ERECTING RAILINGS AND LAYING DRAINS, from Summit avenue to Sedgewick avenue, Area of assessment: Both sides of West One Hundred and Sixty-first street, from Ogden avenue to Sedgewick avenue; east


TIIE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID taxes, assessments and water rents for the

Borough of Manhattan, as to liens remaining un-sold at the termination of the sales of June 7. 10, 17, July 1, 15, and August 19, 1909, has been continued to

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909, at 10 a, m., pursuant to section 1028 of the Greater New York Charter, and will be con-tinued at that time at the Aldermanic Chamber, in the City Hall, as heretofore.

DANIEL MOYNAHAN. Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

Dated August 19, 1909. a20,s20

U NTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM-panies will be accepted as sufficient upon

the following contracts to the amounts named:

Supplies of Any Description. Including Gar and Electricity.

One company on a bond up to $50,000. When such company is authorized to write that

amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated September 16, 1907.


One company on a bond up to $25,000. Including regulating, grading, paving, sewers.

maintenance, dredging, construction of parks, parkways, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aqueducts, repairs, heating, ventilating, plumb-ing. etc.. etc.

When such company is authorized to write that amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated September 16, 1907. ll1.AI:',,r-%RTIkS of nlc 1:,e DEPARTMENT OF Asphalt, Asphalt Bock and Wood Block Pave- •rite I' TY of Ntw YORK. Nos. 157 AND 159 EAsr


Two companies will be required on any and 111E CITY OF NEW YORK, every bond up to amount authorized by letter 1?,\I-EIS BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL Ilk of ('ornptroller to the surety companies, dated reel ice l by the Piro ('nntnlissioncr at the September 16, 1907. above , Meier until In.30 o'clock a. in. on

Dated June 19, 1909. HO\D:tY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1009, H. A. METZ, Comptroller. Borough of Brooklyn.

Ni I, FitR I ('1:N'IS.111No. .\ND T)ELI\'- ERING VINRI(t('S 51'1'1'1_lEt. 'I'll 7'11E RE-I'-\IR SHtll''.

The tine fir the d liecry of the articles, toil--iii! the performance of the

contract i- he I,ri-.c, 1'ec,-mher 31. 1901). The an•, ,Olt i tic•Ility re,luir,•iI is fifty per

cent. lclr I ,f till am.u,lt ,of the bid or esti-mate.

SEALED BITS OR ESTT\L\1'ES WILL BE Borough of Queens, recciced by the l'.'tnri=si , .If Docks at Ni tt)it 1 ('R\l'cti1\(; \Nl) DELI\'-

he above I tTic iatii 12 'clock nt. ou NRIN1: V `NRlttl'e -.l'i'l'I.ii- - 71) 'rill•: RE- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1000, 1'.0110 SII01'5,

Borooith Manhattan. of time fur the delivery of the articles, matc- - as tals and supplies and the performance i ,f the

(- t I\"TR.Vf l' NO. I t O-.. contract is by or before December 31. 1009.

FOR I'1 - R]I~II1\li \1.L 'I 111- L \1N tR .\NI) The amuutit of security required is fifty per `•`•lit. (:U'i) of the amount of the bid or csti-

>L\l'F:RI.\Lti IiF.l11'1RF:11 I tIi 1'Rh:l'.\1:1\t; I mate. FOK .\\It L.\1'1\t; cal\"111: :\\I) IRO\

ON The bidder will state the price of each item t.L.\l: PLtI('li 1'\\'F:?II'N'I- I't1RT-U\: ,ii article contained In the specifications or %cif d-

"l 111- i_iF. \L\Rea\.\i, ~TRF:F.'I' Pf:'I'111'.i:\ tries herein contained or hereto annexed, per 00111TE11.ALl. VAIt Itktl.AI) t'I- RFF.l . 1•:A:`T ; I"'nail• t m, dozen, gallon, yard on other unit of RI\ - F:R. UNI)I'R l'1,.\SS 1. tiR.\\IT n:,a:nre, by which the bids will be tested. The BLOCK 1'.\\'f:\1RNT 111"I 00I-I N \1.1;.\N\ extcn>i , ms moist be made and footed up, as the \VI) LIBFI:f1 r'1'ItI:F:'f~. \IIRI'II kI\F:1.

ER I--tn `tits will he read from the total for each claw

1'NIlla: . .'sN It LI:'f\CI•:I \ 0% l'1 zmA awards made to the lowest bidder on each

Tv.- 1.11T1h!TRTIF:'I'It \\It \\'1:x'1 'IIIIRT\'-"1 11'lB

R f - KR: or the bids will be compared and the con. 1'~. N I FF' R1\.\Nut L

TNt; .Il-

\ t{K\NI1'h i'lWSSliVoIL1: \LO\t; THE tract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum fur `'ac1, contract.

S(tl -TIIVRl,l' 1,IN1{ ttP \\ • I'-I "I'1\'F:\ 'fl'- Del'ry will be required to be male at the t)VI) STREEI. NORTH RIVER, UNDER time and in the manner and in such quantities CL-\SS 3. as may be Ofcretcd.

Thu time for the completion of the work and Illatik forms and ftt ether information may be the full performance of the contract and the obtained at the office of the Fire Department, amount of security required are as follows: N 157 and 159 East Tisty srvcn e t I stret, \fan. ('lass 1-30 calen,lar has. , ... , ... 4',nnn 00 hattan. Class 2—St calendar lays......... 10.000 00 NICHOLAS T. TLV1'I:S, (-..tnn:i<,i,mvr. Class 3-80 calendar days, ...... , , 10,000 00

1)ttcd tncptcmbrr 14. I' ̀. ltidderc shall state a price for furnishing an-i el r.27

delivering all labor and material and doing all I X - - See General Instructions to Bid- the work called for in any class upon which a tiers on the last pnt:a•, bat column, of hid is submitted. and each class, if awartiol• wi'i the •• (it y itec'urd.'' he awarled as a separate contract to the In,c, -t I --- bidder in the class whose bid is regular in all 11,:C n, ,; 1FTORs „l: THE FIRE I )I:PARTNENT OF rest-cc's 01 1'. t Ill' OF \Iw' : \,R IK, NOS. 157 AND 159 EAST

1\ irk tlst he done at the time and i n 1'. ,• m e 11 sI:vENT11 STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN mann,r and in such ouantities as may he direct.'). Ii:: ( ITS' OF NEW YORK.

Blank f runs and further information may 1 ' o btainc~l and the mans and drawings may be

5,1: `,1,1'1) Illl)5 OR Ft. rI\L\TF:S \TILT, I't: seen at the office of the sail I)epartment. I `eO ̀'e`I he the Fire l -, .tnnti-sn-nrr at the

.\LLF:N N. SI'(ll)\'ER. i:it, .1, "If:rc until 10.'I ' 'clock a, nt. ,it

C •mrti<si flier of I)„ck-. i WI•:U%ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19(10. 1,.: ' - , i Buroug;h of Queens.

;t 'See G.-n.•rnl Instrnetionn to Did- I N. I. ItI: 11- RXISIIIN(; AND 11}(10'- ders nu this Inxt pa n tt'e, Inst eulnn, s 01 - RIN G 11 Mill I -0 (\tl '.\NIES 11

l< \N 1•'L(; I1) 'its ch. / Ret,,rd." INt; AND (()1,1-E(GF, J((\'.

--- ------ --- • The time fur the delivery of the articles, mate- rials and supplies and the performance of the

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. .:iimract is by or before January 10, 1910. -1 he amount of security required is fifty per

Iter,u: Sit tit ..r, Ni 148 EAST c`'tlr. Itu'i) of the amount of the bid or esti- Tars 'II!Ilt ,'k,I,t. ]I, 't,t,nii vF \l-\tILAlIAN, Iltatt',

IHE (.:iii of NEw YORK. \„ 2 1(1K FURNISHING AND 1)ELIV- I•:kIX . 1L\\', STR\\\'. (l's h- BR. \N 1X1)

AUCTION SALE. till. \Il?.\T. II ',R Ct)\TC,\NIES A'f I:\>L\IC.\ AND Rlt'IIA1nXI) HILL.

THE UEI'-\RTSIENT OF CORRECTION The time for tire delivery of the articles, mate- will sell at public auction six cundemne•d vials and supplies and the performance of the

hrr~r~, at the II ;ta:ttvent Stable.. No. Sub East contract is by or before January 10, 1910. llccntieth street, ltr„ugll if .\lanhattan, on The amount of security required is fifty per

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1909, ant, tSo';) of the amount of the bid ur esti

at 11 a. nu.: I N.1. 3 FOR FURNISTTIN(; AND DELI\•- Lot No, 1, Horse No, 2n. 1 EI(INt; 11.\Y, SF] 100W. DA'I'S, RIO ON AND Lot No. 2, Horse No. 22. ()It. \IF:AL FOR ('l)\II',\NIES AT \RVERXI:. Lot No. 3, Horse No. _- R(iCK\\\'AY BEACH AND FAR ROCK- Lot No. 4, Ilorse No. 26. A\NAY. Lot No, 5, Horse No. 27. The time for the d(livery of the articles, mate- Lot No. 6, Horse No. 30. rials and suppli,-s and the performance of tire

TERMS OF SALE. contractn is by r before January 10, 1910. The amount of security required is fifty per

The purchase money to be paid in cash or cent. 150'; 1 of the amount of the bid or esti- certified check at the tune if -aft, mate.

The horses will be required to The removed by The bidder will state the price of each item or the purchasers immediately after sale. article contained in the specifications or schedules

JOHN 1. B.\RRY, Commissioner. herein contaimd or beret-s annexed, per pound, September 14, 1909. "In, dozen. gallon. yard or other unit of measure.

x15,28 tv which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will he read from the totals. The bids will he com

FIRE DEPARTMENT. pared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract.

ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested. The exten,ions must be made and footed up, as the bids will he trail from the total. The bills will be compared allot the contract awarded at a lutnp or aggregate suns for each contract.

Ik-livery will be required to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Rlank forms and fnrthcr information may be btaincd at the office of the Fire I)cl.;u-ttncnt,

Nos. 157 and 1°) East Sixty-stsruth street, .lan-Ila:tail.

Nl(.'l OI..\ti 1. 1L\flit, Commissioner. I t:tt - t't it, ,nh, r ,


)t -

'See General Inlrtructloon to tlid-da•rn din the lust poke, last colunsn, of the •' ('it,v Record."


T)ra'.1RTstt\r or 11ntK5 AND Fz.RRtr's, I'tER "A," E ti,IT or B.ITTFRY 1'LAtF, NORTH RIVER. BOROUGH OF \fANtt.sTrAN, T11E CITY or New YrRK,



SE.\T.EI) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE na-ice-1 by the Fir,- Commissioner at the

abuv, ', tfice tretil II',: k a, m. on

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1900. Boroughs of Manhattan. The Bronx

and Richmond.


The till, fir the delivery of the articles, ma-terials ant >tippli- and the performance of the contract is sixty (60) days.

The amount of security required is fifty per cent, l In'; 1 of the anrouct of the bid or esti-mate-,

lloroaarhs of Brooklyn and Queens. No. 2. FOR FCRNISIIIN(; ANtI IELI\'F-R


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and the performance of the contract is sixty (60) days.

The amount of security required is fifty per cent. (50%,) of the amount of the bid or esti-mate,

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications or schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound,

1)elleery will be required to he made at the time and inthe manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Fire Department, Now 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan.

NICHOLAS T. IH.\YES, Connnissioner. Dated September 10, 1909.


tom' See General Instructions to Bid-ders on the last page, last column, of the ••City Record." ----


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Commissioner at the

above office until 10,30 o'clock a. m. on



The time for the comidction of the work and the full performance of the contract is ten (10) days.

The amount of security required is fifty per cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid or esti-mate.

Rids will be compared and the contract award-ed at a lump or aggregate sum.

Plank forms and further information may be obtained and the plans and drawings may he seen at the office of the Fire 1)cpartntent, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan.

NI('ltOI-:,S 1. 11,\YES, Fire Commissioner. Dated Sel,tcnIbLr I0, 1909.

x11,22 t35'See General Instrnctlona to Bld-

dera on the lint paa'e, last column, of the ••('ii' Record."


N ttflt f: IS lIElil:I;Y (;1\'EN 'fll.\'1 '1111•: 1 '„Inmittcc of ICn};inre rs appuintcd by the

C.-ard of Estimate and .'suit tiuunt. lit ,it July. 2, I'+Ott, to consider standard , pccilicatiutls for public se irk under the jot isllictiun of the lturough 1'rc.ident., %lilt pur;ttaut to the inaruclins con- I:,nl.-~1 in the sail resululi„n of July 1ouv, give

hr wring to repro—Illalicrs of the General iiiaetors' ,\c.nciatout an l to all uthcr cott-

truco rs who may desire to appear bcf„rc the (', nttnittec ti discuss stanllar,l sp citicatinns rc-hning to .rwcr anti:, such hearing to lie given in tic Uld (',ntncil ( •hamber, Rnnt ]o, City Hall, utt

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1009, ::t 2.30 I,, m.

It)>I:1'll I1.\.\l., Secretary. sIs,24

N Of10E IS HEREBY GIVEN 'l1IA'r AT the meeting of the Board ..f Estimate and

,\ppartiuunient held on June IS, 19U9, the fol-1,iwstng resolutions were adopted:

\Whereas, The Board of Estimate and :\ppor-tionmcnt of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to tl c lauds and prcmiscs required for the It tong and extending .,f .\venue J, between \Vest street and Ocean park war, in the Borough of Brooklyn. City of :New York; and

\\ . hereas, The Board of 1;stintate and Appor-tionntent I, authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess- ment for benefit for said proceeding.

Rc•ulved, 'that the board ,I Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the oruvisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ce'ding:

I:ioluded on the north by a line midway be. merit Avenue J and Avenue I and by the pro-lunKatinn of the sail line; on the ,-ast by a line midway between Ocean parkway and East Scventh street; Ott the south by a tine midway be' Iween :\venue I and Avenue K as laid out east of (let-an parkway. and by the prolongation of the said line; and on the west by a line distant 100 feet westerly front and parallel wide the westerly line of West street. the said distance tiring tmcas- urcd at right angles to \Vest 'trect.

Resolved, That this hoard consider the pm. 1•n;cd area of assessnuut at a meeting of the Board to he held in the City of New York, Bor-'uFh if Manhattan, in the City Halt, on the 24th Ilit v I.f September, 1409, at 10:30 a_ nt-. and that at the same time and place a public hearing there-on will then and there be liar]. '

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all Persons

be , , fTtctcd thereby t( rpublished in the CITY R[cnRo and the corp.,ratiun newspapers for ten days prior to the 2411, day of September, 1909.

Dated September 11. 1900. 1OSEPT1 HAAG, Secretary,

Na 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Wirth.


1`T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'THAT AT 1 the meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment held on June I8, 1909, the fol-I

„ring resolutions were adopted:

\W'hereas. The Board of Estimate and Ap1ior-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the lands and premises required fur the Opening and extending of McKinley avenue, from Railroad acenac to F:ldcit's lane, in the Riniugh of Brooklvn, City of New York; and

\1'hcreas, The Board of Estimate and :\ppnr-tionment is authorized and required at the time ,of the adoptiun of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess- ment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-purtionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New 'sock Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro- ceeihing:

hounded on the north by a line distant 200 feet northerly from and parallel with the north-erly line of McKinley avenue, and by the pro-It t:gatiotts of the said line; on the cast by a line distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Eldert's lane; on the south by a line distaat 200 feet southerly frotn and parallel with the southerly line of McKinley ave-nue and by the prolon)eations of the said line; and on the west by a line distant 100 feet west-erly from and parallel with the westerly line of Kailroad avenue.

All distances are intended to be measured at right angles to the lines to which they are re- ferred

Reslved, That this Board consider the pro. posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to he held in the City of New York, Eon-ouch of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 24th day of September, 1909, at 10:30 a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing there-on will then and there he had.

Resolved. That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY REconu and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the 24th clay of September, 1909.

Dated September 11. 1900, JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.

sl 1,22

I OTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the meeting of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment held on June 18, 1909, the fol- ly ing resolutions were adopted:

Whereas. The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering :he advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of East Fifty-first treet, front Flatbu-h avenue to Avenue G, in the

Borough of Brooklyn, City of New 1-orb; and Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the ytstitution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area nr areas of assess-ment for benefit for said proceeding,

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portiomnc•nt, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro- cecdmg:

beginning at a point on the southerly line of I'aertlegat Basin where it is intersected by the prolongation of a line midway between Utica ave-nue and East Fifty-first street, and running thence eastwardly along the said southerly line o l'aerdegat Basin to the intersection with the pro-h,ngation of a line midway between East Fifty-tirst street and East Fifty-second street; thence sntltltwartlly along the said line midway between East '. ittj-first street and East Fifty-second sit sit, and along the prolongation of the said line to the i,tterscction with the northeasterly line of Flatbo,h avenue; thence southwestward)p at right angles to Flathuslt avenue a distance of 200 feet; thence nor thwestwardly and parallel with Flatbuslt avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to Flatbush at enuc, and passing through a point nit its snttthwesterly side where it is intersected by the prolongation of a line mid-way between Utica avenue and East Fifty-first street: thence northeastwardly along the said line at right angles to Fl at bush avenue to its south- westerly side; thence northwardly along the said line midway hittwee-n Utica avenue and fast Fifty-first street and along the prolongation of the said line to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved. That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City of New York, Bur-cttgh tuf Manllattan, in the City II all. on the 24th day of Ccptcm her, 1909, at 10:30 a, m„ and that at the same time and place a public hearing tltere-ott will ml- enand there he had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons atTecteil thereby to he published in the CITY ILt:CORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the 224th day of Septemlter, 1909,

Dated September I1, 1009.

TtlSEPIT 11:\:\G, Secretary, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406.

Telephone, 2280 Worth. sl 1,22

N(YI'ICE IS IIEREIIY GIVEN THAT AT the mecting of the Board of Estimate and

\ppirtinnment held on June 18, 1909, the fol-I,.tcing resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The hoard of Estimate and Appor-t hut ntrnt of The City of New York is consider-iug the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Avenue P. term Ocean avenue to Nostrand avenue, in the B.,r„ugh of Rru, Id cut, City of New- York; and

\\'Itcteas, 'The 1L,ard of Estimate and Appor-tiumnent is authorized and required, at the time .,f the ailoptimt of the resolution directing the institution of r,rocecdings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing impr,ove-tnent, to fix and de•terntlute upon an area or areas of a.-eminent for benefit fir said proceeding.

krsnlved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-p.,rii'nment, in pursuance of the ll ovisions of <ccti,.n (ISO of the Greater New 1 orb Charter, hi t rehy gives notice that the fllowimug is the pro-p.aed area of assessmeru fur benefit in this pro-cee•ding:

Bounded on the north by a line midway be-tween Avenue 0 and Avenue I' and by the pro-1nnFatirsn of the said line: nn the cast by a line distant 11111 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Nostrand avenue. the said distance being measured at right angles to Nos-trand avenue; on the south by a line midway be-tween Accnue I' and Avennc O as laid ant west of Nustrand avenue, and by the prolongation of the sail line, and on the west by a line midway between Ocean avenue and East Nineteenth street.

Resolved, That this 11. ard consider the pro- ,ose l area of assessment a: a tartin t e g of time Board to lie bell in The City of New York, 11..r-Iugh of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 24th day of Sentcmher, 1909, at 10.30 a, m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing there in will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these res.,lttti,its and a notice to all per- sons atTectc'I thereby to be published in the CITY I?;:coRo and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the 24th day of September, 1909.

Dated September 11, 1909.

JOSEPH H:\AG, Secretary, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406.

Telephone, 2280 Worth. x11,22

N OTICE IS ITEREIIY GIVEN THAT AT the meeting of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment hield on June 18, 1909, the fol-lua ing res.,Rttions were adopted:

\Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment 0f The City of New York is eon-,ide-ring the advisability of instituting proceed-ings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of West One hundred and Seventy-sixth street, between St. Nicholas avenue and $roadway, in the Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York; and

Whereas. Tim Board of Estimate and Appor-ti.,mnent is authorized and required, at the time .,f the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required fur the foregoing itnprovement, to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for saidproceeding,

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro-posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro- ceeding:

lie-ginning at a point en the easterly line of Broadway nudway between West One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and West One Hundred and Seventy seventh street, and running thence castwanlly along a line midway between West One hundred and Seventy-sixth street and West One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street to a point distant 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of St. Nicholas avenue; thence southwardly and parallel wilts St. Nicholas avenue to the intersection with a line midway between West One hundred and Seventy-sixth street and West One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street; thence westwardly along the said line midway between West One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and West One hundred and Seventy-fifth street and the prolongation of the said line to the inter-Iection with the westerly line of Broadway; thence westwardly at right angles to Broadway a dis- tance of 100 feet; thence northwardly and parallel with Broadway to the intersection with a line at right angles to Broadway and passing through the point of beginning; thence east- wardly along the said line at right angles to Broadway to the point nr place of beginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the T',nard, to be held in The City of New York, Iii-rough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 24th day of September. 1909, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-


sons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the 24th day of September, 1909.

Dated September 11, 1909. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the meeting of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment held on June 18, 1909, the fol-lowing resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-ttonmcnt of The City of New York is consider-ing the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Nott avenue, from Van ])am street to Calvary Cemetery, and of Anable avenue, from Van ]lam street to Calvary Cemetery, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionntent is authorized and required, at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement, to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ceeding:

Ilegtnning at a point on the prolongation of a line midway between Covert avenue and Anable avenue distant 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of Addison place, the said distance being measured at right angles to Addison place, and running thence westwardly along the said line midway between Covert avenue and Anable ave-nue, and along the prolongations of the said line, to the intersect iii with a line midway be-twcert Moist street and Van felt street; thence southu'ardly along the said line midway between Ilulst street and Van felt street to the inter-section with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Anable avenue with the prolongation of the northeasterly line of Hunters Point avenue as this street is laid out between Van Dam street and Greenpoint avenue; thence northwestwardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection H'ith the prolongation of a line midway between Covert avenue and Arable avenue; thence west-wardly along the prolongation of the said line midway between Covert avenue and Arable ave-nue to the intersection with a line midway he-Iween School street and Van Dam street; thence northwardly along the said line midway between School street and Van ])ant street to the inter- section with a line midway between Nott avenue and Thomson avenue; thence castwardly along the said line midway between Nott avenue and Thomson avenue as these streets are laid out between Van !lam street and Lowcry street, and along the prolongation of the said line, to a point distant 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of Jessie place, the said distance being measured at right angles to Jessie place; thence southwardly and parallel with Jessie place and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with a line distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Nott avenue as this street is laid out between Fitting street and Jessie place, the said distance being measured at right angles to Nott avenue; thence westwardly along the said line parallel with Nott avenue to the intersection with a line parallel with Addison place and passing through the point of begin. fling: thence soutlnvardly along the said line parallel with Addison place to the point or place of beginning. Resolved, That this Board consoler the pro-

posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board, to be held in The City of New York, Itnrough of Manhattan, in the City Hall. on the 24tht day if September, 1909, at 10.30 a. in., and that at the saute time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there lie had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby to he published in the CITY Recoan for ten days prior to the 24th day of September. 1909.

)ated September 11. 1909. JOSEI'fi HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the meeting of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment held on June 18, 1909, the fol-lowing resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-ti,atnient of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac- quire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of North street, be- twcen Jerome avenue and Aqueduct Avenue East, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tiOnment is authorized and required, at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement, to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding:

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of therovisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Bllounded on the north by a line midway be-tween North street and \Vest One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street and by the prolongations of the said line; on the east by a line midway be-tween Jerome avenue and Walton avenue: on the south by a line midway between North street and Evelyn place and by the prolongations of the said line, and on the west by a line midway between Aqueduct Avenue East and Aqueduct avenue.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board, to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 24th day of September, 1909• at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had, Resolved. That the Secretary of this Board

cause these resolutions and a notice to all Per. sons affected thereby to be published in the CITY REcoRD for ten days prior to the 24th day of September, 1909,

Dated September 11. 1909. ,JOSEP}I HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the meeting of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment held on June 18, 1909, the fol-lowing resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The Cityof New York is consider. ing the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac. quire title to the lands and premises required for

the opening and extending of Milton street, from Maspeth avenue to Flushing avenue, in the Bor• ough of Queens, City of New York; and

Whereas,The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionnient is authorized and required, at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement, to tix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said ~p roceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionmrnt, in pursuance of the~ provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ceeding:

Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Flushing avenue where it is intersected by a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Milton street as laid out where it adjoins Flushing avenue, and run- lung thence southeastwardly at right angles to Flushing avenue a distance of 180 feet; thence soulliwestwardly and parallel with Flushing ave• one to the northeasterly right of way line of the Bushwick Branch of the Long Island Rail• road; thence northwestwardly along the said right of way line to the intersection with a line midway between Furman avenue and Milton street; thence northwardly along the said line midway between Furman avenue and Milton street and along the prolongation of the said line to a point distant 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of \!.specti avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Mas-teth avenue; thence castwardly and parallel with .laspeth avenue to the intersection with the pro-longation of a line distant 100 feet easterly front and parallel with the easterly line of Jfil• ton street as laid out between Frederick street and \Iaspetlr avenue; thence southwardly along the said line parallel with Milton street and along the prolongations of the said line to the intersection with a line parallel with Milton street where it adjoins Flushing avenue and passing It rough the point of beginning; thence castwardly along the said line parallel with Milton street to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro. posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Hard to he held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City hall, on the 24th day of September, 1909, at 10.30 a, m., and that at the saute time and place a public hearing Thereon will then and there be had. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board

cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the 24th day of September, 1909.

Dated September 11, 1909. JOSE['II HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT TIIE, meeting of the Board of Estimate and Ap•

portionment held on June 18, 1909, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, 'fhc Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advi ability of instituting proceedings to ac- quire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Weirfield street. from the line between the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens to Wyckoff avenue; of Hancock street, from the line between the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens to Myrtle avenue; of Jefferson avenue, from the line between the Bor- oughs of Ilrooklvn and Queens to Cypress ave- true; and of Cornelia street, from the line be- tween the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens to Fresh Pont! road, excepting from the above-men-tioned limits of each of the aforesaid streets the right-of-way of the Evergreen branch of the log Island Railroad, in the Borough of Queens. City of New York; and

Whereas. The Board of Estimate and Appor-Iionmcnt is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the in-stitution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess- went for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- pouch area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ccrding:

Beginning at a point on the line between the Borough of Brooklyn and the Borongh of Queens where it is intersected by a line midway between Putnam avenue and Cornelia street, and running thence northeastwardly along the said line mid- way between Putnam avenue and Cornelia street. as these streets arc laid out between the said Borough line and Forest avenue, and along the Prolongation of the said line, to the intersection t+ith the centre line of the Lutheran Cemetery branch of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company; thence east warrlly along the said centre line of the Lutheran Cemetery Railroad to the intersee-tinn with a line distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Fresh fond road, the said distance being measured at right angles to Fresh ]'ond road; thence southwardly along the said line parallel with Fresh Pond road to the intersection with the prolongation of a line mid-way between Cornelia street and Hughes street as these streets are laid mit between Forest ave-uue and Fresh Pond road; thence westwardly along the said line midway between Cornelia street and Ilughes street, and along the prolonga-tion of the said line, to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Cornelia street and Silver street as these streets are laid out westerly from Forest avenue;thence south- westwardly along the said line midway between Cornelia street and and Silver street, and along the prolongations of the said line, to a point dis- tant 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Myrtle avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Myrtle avenue; thence east-s ardly and parallel with Myrtle avenue to the itucrsection with a line at right angles to Myrtle avenue: and passing through a Point on its south-crly side where it is intersected by the prolonga- ti mof a line rnidwav between Hancock street and \Vcirtic•ld street as these streets are laid out be-tween Wyckoff avenue and Myrtle avenue; thence sonthwardly along the said line at right angles to Myrtle avenue to its southerly side; thence southwestwardly along the said line mid. way between Hancock street and Weirfield street, and along the prolongation of the said line, to a point distant 100 feet northeasterly from the tuortheasterly line of Wyckoff avenue: thence soittheastwardly and parallel with Wyckoff ave-ntte to the intersection with the prolongation of a line n'i.lwav between \Vcirfield street and flal-sey street; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway between Weirfield street and Halsey street, and along the prolongation of the said line. to the line between the Borough of Brooklyn and the Borough of Oueenst thence northwardly along the said Borough line to the point or place of beginning.

Some confusion exists as to street names in this vicinity, and those used in the above description are the ones appearing upon sections 29 and 30 of the final maps.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro• posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York,

Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 24th day of September, 1909, at 10:30 a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved. That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby to he published in the CITY I,ECORD for ten days prior to the 24th day of September, 1909,

Dated September 11, 1909. JOSEPH ITAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406, Telephone, 2280 Worth,


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TTIE Iloard of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map nr plan of The City of New York so as to change the grades of the streets within the territory .,,minded by Tilden avenue, Bedford avenue, Albemarle road and Lott street,Borough of Itronkly n, and that a meeting of said hoard will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City [fall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on September 24, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change will be considered by said hoard, all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolu-tions adopted by the Board on June 18, 1909, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as amended, deem- ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grades of the streets within the territory bounded by Tilden avenue, Bedford avenue, Albemarle road and Lott street, in the Itorough of Brooklyn, City of New York, more particularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the Commissioner of Public Works and dated January 19, 1909.

Rc=olved, That this Board consider the pro-pissed change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 24th day of Septem-ber, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of tt,;, Board cause these resolutions and a notice to alt per- sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 24th day of September, 1909•

Dated September 11, 1909. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 ]!roadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TII:1T TIIE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the grade of \[anida street, between Garrison avenue and Lafayette avenue, Borough of The Bronx, and that a meeting of said Board will he held in the Old Council Chamber, City IIall, ]torough of Manhattan, City of New York, on September 24. 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., at which such proposed change will be considered by said Board, all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolu-tions adopted by the Board on June 18, 1909, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as amended, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of Manila street, between Garrison avenue and Lafayette avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, more particularly shown upon a map or plan hearing the signature of the I'eesidcnt of the Borough and dated December I5, 1905.

Resolvcrt, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 24th day of September, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. m. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board

cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days con-tinuously' Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 24th day of September, 1909.

Dated September 11. 1909, JOSEPII TT:1AG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TILE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it fur the pub- lic interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as-to lay out a street system within the territory bounded by Newtown avenue, Crescent street, Grand avenue and Van Alst avenue, and establish grades there-for, Borough of Queens, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chain-tier, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on September 24, 1909, at 10:30 a. m., at which such proposed change will he considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the follow•ing resolu-'tions adopted by the Board on June 18, 1909, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as amended. deeming it for the public interest so to do. Proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York, by laying out a street system within the territory bounded by Newtown avenue. Crescent street, Grand avenue and Van Alst avenue, and establishing grades therefor, in the Borough of Queens. City of New York, more particularly shown upon a map or plan signed by the Prest- dent of the Borough, and bearing date of January 14. 1909.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City Hall. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 24th day of September, 1900, at 10:30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby that the proposed change will he considered at a meeting of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and 'mlace, to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days con- tinunttsly, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 24th day of September, 1909.

Dated September I1, 1909. TOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 146. Telephone, 2280 Worth. au,23

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the lines and grades of Castleton aveuuc, between Jewett avenue anti Columbia street, Bnrongh of hTichmonrl, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on September 24, 1909. at 10:30 a. m., at which such proposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and describer] in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on June 18, 1909, notice of the adop-tion of which is hereby given. t-i;:

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as amenderl, deeming it for the public interest so to do. DroPoses to change the map or elan if The City of New York, by changing the lines and grades of Cactleton avemie, between Tewett avenue and Colombia Strrel, in the P,nrnngh of Richmond, City of New York, more parficularly shown upon a map or plan siened b}• the ]'resident of the Borough. and dated March 6. 1909.

Rcsnlvrd, 'fluid this Board consider the pro-pnsed change at a meeting of the Board. to he field in the ('its Hall. B,-rnngh of \lanhattan. City of New York, on the 24th day of September, 1909. at 10:30 O'clock a. m.

Recnh•crl. That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thcrehv that the proposerl change twill he considered at a meeting of the Board, to he held at the aforesaid time an,1 place, to lie pnblishrd in th" CITY RErnsn for ten days cnn-Pinuonsly. Snnrlays and legal holiday, excepted, Price to the 24th day of September, 1909. [fated Septenther 11, 1909,

TOSEPTT TL\:1G, Secretary. No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406,

Telephone. 22 260 Worth. sll,22

To TICF, IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ltnard of Estimate andApportionment of

The City of New York- deeming it for the pub- lic interest 'a to do, proposes to change the map or plan of Thr City of Nc,v York so ac to in- crease the width of West Thirty-second street. from P.rnadwav to Seventh avenue, Borouch of \lanhattan. and that a meeting of said Board will he held in the Old Crnutcil Chamber, City Tfall Born+teb of Manhattan• City of New York, nn Srptembrr 24, 1909, at 1030 o'clock a. m.. at whirlu such proposed chance will he considered by said P,-nrrl; all of schich is more partictt-L•uly set forth and drscribrd in the foltnu•;ng resn lit inns adopted by the Board on July 2, 1909, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, All :

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap-porti,mmrnt of The City of New York. in put. 'nature of the provi,ionc of Section 442 of the (Creator New fork Charter as amended. dretnine it fr the p-tblir interest 'o to tin, nrnnnsrs to chatv,r the map or plan of The City f New York. by incrrasinc the width of West Thirty-second Street, from Prn'i,l,p-,iv to Seventh avenue. in the Itornuvh of \lanbattan, City of New York, more particularlv rl,- c'•rithrrl as fellows:

The width of West Thirty-second street, from Brnmluar to Seventh avenue is to lit' inereased from 60 fret to 1n0 feet by adding 20 feet on ^rh sill- ,f said street. R, =n'rrrl. That this Beard consider the pro-

r, -cJ chancy at a 'meting of the B at h. to be in the Cut'- Hall. Bnrnneh of Manhattan,

(- it,v of New- York. on the 24th day of September. nn11. at 10 :3 o'clock a. m. Re—Teerl. That the Secret'ry of this Board

- once t',cce resolutions and a entire to all Per-a tir•cte'l thorrhv that the nrnpnserl droner

•+- ill hi- ''.o-iii•rcd at n meeting of the Ttoarrl, to hr tnt,l at the of resaid time sod Place. to he m,l,li.hrd in the CITY Bye s , for ten dnvs eon-'ir.nnn-ly. G,n,lavc an,9 lroal hnlida,•s excepted, nrl.,r to Or 2lilt clay of Se'tcmber, 1909•

hated September 11, 110'). 1r79I-PIT IT \ \1, gccrrt;trv.

V- 77 T:n,.i hip, IT --'iii 14,16. Ti-.-1 I r. u 11",rth.


(]:rice. OF rite DEPARTMENT IF P.sRvt, ;\R(1e\AL P,UH.ntsc. FtrrH Avr%uF AND StxrY-FnrRTH S-uar.ET• BORo UG11 OF s1.1NIIATrAN, THE CITY OF 5s r.N• YORK.

S I- V.HI) 1tI11S nR ES'TT\1.1TES \1'IC.T. PE re-ic vl by tin' 1':n'k Roam at ihr a'„t-e

nl)ic,- of iii, It,;,ar;nis-, t „i I'nrl:; tiiil S nrl: ,.n


Borough of Brooklyn.

FOR Fi'1:\ISIII\I; .\Nt) Iul•:T.IVFRINr; TEN (10) 1R[tOltlt't'f.TI'ITIS"I'F' \V.-\t;UNS.

The time fir the comil, tiun of the contract is fif v (50) days.

The ammtnt of security required is Fifteen TT ❑ndred Dollars (81,500).

The hid; will be compared and the contract atearrlyd at a lump nr ntcrceate sum.

Blank fnrrn< may' he ob;ain.d at the Office of the Department of Parks. Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

IIENRY SMITH. President; 11)Slil'IT I. ]tE.RRY. \IICIf.\ET, T. KENNEDY.

Cou iii isi.0Ir s of Parks. a10,23

t3' See General Insfruetfonw to Bid-dcrn on the lust page, Insist column, of the " ('icy 111 t'eord."


;E:1T.E1) BI11S OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park It"aril at the above

office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock p. m. on

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1909. Borough of Manhattan.


The amount of security reqTired is Two Thousand Five hundred Dollars ($2.500).

The time allowed to complete the whole work will be fifty (50) consecutive working days.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.





SEAT.F:I( 1111t -z t)R IFSTI]I \TES \\'ILI. P,E n:cicc.'. ',, :l-- l )cavtm,-,:t of l'uhlic ('hari-

„r< at the :iii , , ,c .,c n:t:il _.. 'cl -ck I,. m. „n

WEDNESD_1Y, SEPT1•:)IBER 29, 1990, Ft ,R I-l - RNISIITN(; 'ill. TilE T.AIlOR VNI)

il.\'FER1.\l.S lit{tH tE;-:U Petit 'ill F. 1•:Itl-:(--TIO\ t(F \N .\UlilIIIIN I')) Till: LAIN. DRY AT 'Till: NEW YORK CITY Iltl\IE FOR 'I'IIE \tEI) :\NIT INFIR\l, Ill. .\('IC- \1'F:LLS ISL.\NI), '1'11F. CITY ()F NF:1\ YORK

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract is one hundred and fifty (150) consecutive work-ing days.

The surety required will be Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000).

The bidder will state one aggregate price f-,r the while u'nrk described and specified. as t-le contract is entire and for a complete job

Blank fortes and further infnrntation may he obtained at the office of the Architect of the De-partment. f-, : --f East Twenty-sixth street, The City of New 1'.iris, where plansandc •' i specifications may be seer.

R(tI1EIIT \V IIFi:PFltl). f'. Dated S..'o.c'„ -

x16 '9

.t"' Sea' General Inatrnetinns to Did-ders on the lust paste, last column, of the •• (hr H.'s ord."

Ili I, iV Nc>r --I P:.I'•• - ("It)Rr-I ;-, 1- ",T or I:t,cr 1'r+t.NTy-ais.! SIIr, NESS • 1 r,K.


I'Ri1I' (5 \I.S FOR BIT)S OR 1 STI\L\ f I -r.

S.\ F. PII , OR 1':S7 L L\ ITS N tli S1LI. I tell by the ]IeVa.t.r,..;t -i 1'uhlic lhari-

ties at the ab„cc ,tfic, :rat!! -clock p. ni. on

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1901), 1- (lt FI - ItNlrllINr; \I.!. IIIF. LARt1R .1N11

\[A'FERI \T a RE(WIRF:L) 1)1k THE (uhf. I'l EFF: RE\IOI)ELINI; (II' 'f11E ltl'hl.iliAr, NO 124 EAST FIFTY-NINTH STREET. BOkt)1- t;Il OF MANHIATT.1N, 'l1IF: CITY OF NEW YORK,

The time allowed for the cmmtiletion of the wink and full performance of the contract is One hundred and twenty-five (125) consecutive working days.

The strcety required will be Ten Thousand Dollar, ($10,000).

The bidder will state one aggregate price for the whole work described and specified, as the contract is entire and fir a complete job

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Architect of the Be. partment. foot of East Twenty-sixth street, Itor-ough of Manhattan, The City of New York, A•here plans and cOecificatinns may be seen.

ROBERT \V. TTI(ItPERD, Commissioner. Dated September 16, 19r 9,


8t'see General instructions to Bid-ders on the last paste, last column, of the •- ('fly Record."





SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT. BE received by the Department of Public Chari-

ties at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. m. on



The time allowed for the cnmuletion of the work and foil performance of the contract is two bun,lrcd (200) consecutive working days.

The surety required will be Sixty Thousand Dollars ($10,000).

The bidder will state one aggregate price f, .T the whole work described and specified, as the contract is entire and for a complete job.



SEALED T:IDS OR ESTIMATES 1YILL BE rr:c:cc I at t us ,fticc --f the IYepartment of

I'uL;;; ('l.arltics, fnca of I(a.t Twente-sixth street, I; Ir. ,;igh -+f Manhattan, in The City of New 1,:k, artist 2.30 o'clock p. m. on



The time allowed for the completion of the work and full perf.,rmance of the contract is twenty (20) consecutive working days.

'I 'he surety required will be One Thousand I) -liars($1,000).

The bidder will state one aggregate price for :Ise whole work described and specified, as the

stract is entire for a complete tub hank f.lrtns and further information may be

,htained at the office of the Architect of the cpartment, foot of Last Twenty-sixth street,

It rough of Manhattan, The City of New York, ,there plans and specitica;ions may be seen,

ROI:ERT W. IIEBBERD Commissioner. I T 1tcmbcr 0 19 9 .


o -- See General Instructions to Bid-dera alai (lie last pullet lust column, of

• th, ('sty It. cord.”


l'Itl.IC NrI'I'II I{ IS I11;ITN.I:\' GIVEN 'II) l:.r . „r ,.,cnc:: „f n!I hr,use, and Intl,

inn; , rnc,l or unimlru,c,I for is atfected thereby, that the following proposed ayse>smcnis hate keen c 1111-lcte-1 an,l are I,-heel in the utPec „f the Ii.-it:-1 ,-f .\ •'r-..,r: f,,r ,oamiva'i,,n by all

lilt, rcac l, viz:

Borough of Manhattan. l.i-t ?”, 1. here gut at :11g. regrading,

curbing, :,. curl,: g. 1laggi:;g an- I rct!agging \\'tat One hundred and P•rty -eighth ores-I, from a i int 225.7- feet west 0f L'r,,a-Ittay to the easterly line of the Riverside drive; t,'getlter with a list of awards for damages caused by a change of grade.

Borough of The Bronx. List 632, Nm,. 2 Sew,rs and apptvteuatices

iu 1luhegan asenue, fre,m East IInc hundred and Seventy-sixth street to East Uue 1lundred aril Seventy-fifth street.

List 634, No. 3. Receiving basins at the n• riheast and southeast aunt•rsof \\ -alt nn avenue and East One 1lundred and Sixtv-niutb street.

List 1,33, No. 4, Rcccistng basins and appur. tcu«nces at the notthca-t- southva•t, northwest and '-.uthwest corners if East One llundred and 1-„rt c-se- cond street and Rnhbins a%en ue.

l.i't 9543, No. 5. Regulating, grading, curling, erecting fences and constructing steps and drain, in West One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, from Sedgwick avenue to the easterly line of Cedar avenue, and paving between Cedar avenue and a point about 160 feet east-erly therefrom, together with a list of awards for damages caused by a change of grade.

The limits within which it is proposed to lay the said assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated on—

No. 1. Both sides of One Hundred and Fnrh•-eighth street, from Broadway to Riverside drive, and t.. the extent of half the block at the in-tcr•ecting streets and avenues,

No, 2. Both sides of Molicgan avenue. bctwe,rn ( our hundred and Seventy-fifth and One l Jun - 'Ired and Seventy-sixth streets; south side of One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street, and north ,ids of East One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street, from Mohegan avenue to, 3larminn avenue.

N,,. 3. Both sides of One Hundred and Six-tv-ninth street, from Walton avenue to Grand Ilnulerard and Concourse; west side of Graml koulevard and Concourse. between Clarke plans-an 1 Une Hundred and Sixty-eigh,h stee,-t', east rid,- of V4'altun avenue, between One hundred and Sixty-eighth street and Clark place,


Plans may be seen and blank forms may 1e obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, Borough of Manhattan, Arsenal, Central Park.


Commissioners of Parks. Dated September 10, 1909,

s10.o7 82T' See General Instructions to Bid-

ders on the last ltna'e, last column, of the "('Icy Record."


received by the Park Board at the above office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock p. M. on THI'RSD.1Y, SEPTEMBER 23, 3909,

Borough of Manhattan. F' 1k FURNISIIINI; .\N1 DELI\'ERING


The time allowed for the delivery will be as required before October 31, 1909.

The amount of security required is Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000).

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, Borough of Manhattan, Arsenal, Central Park.


Commissioners of Parks. Dated September 10, 1909.

x10.23 8 'See General Instructions to Bid-

ders ore the Inert pnaKe, last column, of the ••('it)- Record."


I)erARTMrsr I F Ilk- CHHARITIES, Four or EAST Tv%F.NLl-el\111 "TRFFr. NEW YORK.


Blank forms and further information may be Nn. 4. Blocks hounded by One hundred an(I Obtained at the Office of Ilelmle & Iluherty. archi- Forty-first street, St. Marys street, Robbins avc- tests, No. 190 MOnla$ue street, Borough of Brook- nue and Powers avenue; cast side of Robbins ly'n. The City of New York, where plans and avenue, from One Hundred and Forty-first street specifications may be seen, to St. Marys street; both sides of One Hundred

ROBERT W. IIEBRERD, Commissioner. anti 1'"rtv"econ I street, front Robbins avenue to Dated September 14, 1909. Concord avenue.

s15.28 No. 5 • L'oth sides of One hundred and Seventy-sr•truth street, from Sedgwick avenue %s+' See General Instruction■ to Bid- to tine I larlem River; both sides of Cedar

tiers on the last pane, last column, of avenue, from Sr hg,t irk avenue to a point about the •' City Record." 307 feet nurthea,t ,,f (Inc ]hind red and Seventy- seventh sire -I; both sides of Sedgwick avenue,

1)1. PARTMFxT nF Pu ELI CHARt TIES, FOOT of between Cedar ac c our and Burnside avenue; Ease TwEX7s-slxrlt STREET, NEW YORK. both sides of Un,hercliff avenue, bctwcclt (Inc

Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and Scdgwick I OIt( It I ho OF BROOK I.1'N AND Ql FI•:N, avemtc; both sides of '1'rctnont avenue, bet%%ven

--- \lontgmncry rtvcnue and Sedgwick avenuo; both sides of l'a!inedt.s place. for its entire length;

TO C R. ONT\CI'ORS. Loth .iolc, ,:f Popham avenue, between Oue llun- lrcd :ui.1 Seventy-sixth street and \ I,mtui,nnrry

1'Rl)l'OS.\LS FOR 1111)5 OR 1:;"1'I\L\'l'1:S. "`'o u`' aalso, Lots Nos, 1, 50 an,l 5K of Block

All l,crsons whose iuterest; arc affected by the SEATED BIDI, OR ESTIM.\TF.S Vi 11.1, BF: ab„ec-named tn ,poscd asst' ii,ents and tvho arc

toe';' cd by the I)'-t art ment of Public ('hors- „pl,,,l to the same, or either of them, are re- tics at the alit, ninth ice instil _.30 o'clock p, nt quo-sted to present their objections, in writing, t, "o ilie Secretary of file Puard of .\a<cscors, No. 321)

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1000, 1;roaduay, Nest York, on or Js fore t)cloher 19, I'IOv al 11 a. m., at x'hich ti:nc and place the

FOR FI'RNIS11IN); 'ill. TIIf•: I..\BI)R \Nil said objections will Ile heard, :,td tr.timony re- \I.\l'I:RI.\1.I, El-Oh 'IREIt I(Ik 'I III- IItI•& rived to reference thereto. 'I'PIN AND ENI'IRF: (n\11'1.1{l'IUN OFNI•:\1' \\"I't NIO 7I-C(':1, IlR.\IiFOkI) STREET II( ,Sl'1'I'.\L.IIORt I't;Il 1'.\t'l, WFI\L\XN VI'

BROOKLYN, '11111 ( IT1' OF NI Vs 1'ttRl: J.\ill:, II. El \\ Itl', Ti.,. time allowed fir the completion of the I3uard of .\s<c,sors. work and full per fofm once of the contract i, WILLIAM IT. JASPER, Secrutau- y, three Hundred (3)5(1) consecutive working day's. No. 320 Itroadwas-. The surety required will be Ninety Thousand City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Dollars 1$90,000). September 17, 1909.

The bidder will state one aggregate price for s17 28 the whole work described and specified, as the contract is entire and for a complete job. p t'RLIC NO'T'ICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN TO Blank forms and further inforntatinn may he the owner or owners of all houses and lots, ,.htained at the office of llelntle & Iluhcrty, archi- improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, •cots, N,,. 100 Montague street, Born ugh of Crook- that the f i n ln sin po,pi,., d assessments hays Icn, The City of New York, where plans and kern complei. I :nnl ;Ile 'lied in the office of pt-cheatinns may h; seen. the It'ar I of .\ fist' examination b all

R1111FR'h' \C. IIFMIERD, C, n:mi;-i,nncr. l'e'mons Intern-,Itd, vii.: y- Datc.l jel ,tcn:'c r Ii, tiu',.

sl - Borough of Brooklyn.

%r'See (:cueruI Instructions to Bid- List c.20, Nu. 1. Sewer basins on New Jersey tiers on the in at puAte, Inlet column, of avcn lot the nuuthw„t corner of h1,gltland the uu v leard, at the northwest n corner of I•.vc rgrce •• City Iteeord." h

Place and at the northwest corner of as time,


list 625, No, 2. Sewer in Sixty-first street, between Fifth arid Sixth aecnacs.

List 650, No. 3. Sewer basins at the suutberly anti easterly curtters of Forty-third street an,l First avenue; also on Forty-fourth street, at tic castand south corners of First avenue.

List 162, No. 4. Sewer basins on Mill-n! street, at the norlbvaa and northwest c,rtv m-r-,f Belmont avenue, and all four corners of Sut-ter atenuh-.

Li-t 664, No, 5. Sewer basins at the not'thrrly and ca-ti rlv con c ' t rs of Ninc ttcnth avenue and 1•,iehtl'-hflh ctrect.

li - t ,.i.7, Nn. 6. Sewer basin at the non thwc=t r-tin,-r of Snrdik(r and l:lake a%enues.

Li't 668. No. 7. Sewer basin at the northrrly c-' ruler of Stockholm street and St. Nicholas arc-', nnc. 669, No. S. Sewer htsins at all four con-hers of Seigel and White streets.

'I lie limits within which it is proposed to lay the said assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated on—

No. 1, Both sinks of Evergreen place, from I'ellingtnn place to New Tcr'Uv avenue; west side . , f New Tersev avenue, from Jamaica avenue to Ilichlanil boulevard.

No. PtIt siesofSixty-first ctre t . Ernm Fifth to Sixth avenue: ca't vile of Fifth acr-nnc and west si,lc of Sixth avetnte, front Sixtieth to Sixty-tint street.

Nn, 3. East side of First avenue. from I nt'ty-Ihird street to a point ahnut 1n0 feet moth of Fort)- -fnurdt str.-ct; west side of Second avenue, fnmt Feely-third to Fumy-fifth street• bath ci lr: --f Forth third and Forty-fourth strci to, from First to Srr,md avcnt:e.

No. 4. Both sides of Sutter avenue, extending ab.'ttt 100 feet west of \Iilf„rd street and about 70 feet cast f Milford street; both sides of Mil-f, rrl street, front Satter avenue to Pitkin avenue; both sides of Belmont avenue, front about 100 feet rast of Milford street to about 1-0 feet west , f Milford street; south side of Pitkin avenue. i- in Montauk avenue t, about 100 feet east of uhf fed r street.

No. 5. Both side% of Nineteenth avenue. front t-iRhty-fourth to Eighty-fifth street: north side of -:ighty-tililt street, commencing about 250 feet

east of Nineteenth avenue and extending to about triS feet west of Nineteenth avenue.

No. c;. West side of Cnerliker as-critic, from Blake avenue to Sutter avcnuc, silt! it itds of Sutter avenue and north inhe of Blake avenue, fn , tn \'an Sinderen avenue to Snerliker avenue.

Ni,. 7. North side of St. Nicholas avenue. front Stockholm street to DcKalb avenue; south =ids of Cypress avenue. front Stockholm street t, 1)chalh avenue: west side of Stockholm street, from St. Nicholas to Cs-press avenue.

No. R. South side of Siegel street. from Bush- wick avenue to White street; north side of Siegel street, front Bin slrc.'ick avenue to Tin Bart street; west side of \\')tile street, from -Moore street to Siegel street.

.\ll persons whose interests are affected by the above named proposed assessments and who arc oppnced to the same, or either of them, are re-nuested to present their oblectinns, in writing. t the Secretary of the Board of :\ssessors, No, 3'rl Broadway, New York. on or before Oct her 13. 1909, at 11 a. tn.. at which time and place the said nhiectinns will he heard and testimony re - ceived in reference thereto.

ANTONIO Z1'ICA, I'.\t'f, \\'EI\I:\X\. TAM 1:5 II. KENN N111'.

P,-aril of -\sscsso'rs. \VILL1.1N 1I. J.sscra, Sccre:ar,.

No. 320 Ilrr,adway. City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Scp-

:cnther I1, 1909. s15,25



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIM:\TES WILT. BE received by the Police Commissioner of the

Police Department of The City of New York at the l:n,nkk, eper's OtTict, Central Del artment, until In ,'clock a. in. on


(CTED ILY NEW YORK STEAM FI fTIN(; CO\I 1'.\N\', FEIlIl('ARY 1g. 1905. WHIlilt W.1°. I>F:):r.:1REr, .\1:.\NItt,NF:U. -Oit FI'R-NISH1Nt; .\(.l. '['TIE LAL'Uit .\ND I-FIt'11511-IN(; AND ERECTIN(, •1L1. '111E M.1TE-RIAI.S NECESSARY TI) 1NSTA1.r. 'fill: IIF::\TI\t; AND \'F.NTir.'iTINI; SYSTI-AI. Ht Fll.l{k., .\ND STE:\\I I'IP'IN G IN -1- Ill•: NEW lil'It.If1NG TO BE EREI TED ON '1'i1E I11.00K BOUNDED BY GRAND, CEN-

.110ND \V, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909.


The tints allowed for th; erection and com-pletion of the entire work will be thirty (30) working days.

The amount of security required will be fifty per cent. (50;{,) of the amount of bid or cstt-iii ate.

ltiddcrs are particularly requested to examine the plans, specifications and location of the work before bidding, and they are expressly notified that nn deviatiuu from the specifications will he allowed unless the same has been previously authorized by and written permission therefor ubtaincd fn,n, the Police t'ommissioner.

For particulmo; as to the quantity and quality of the suptnlies or the nature and extent of the work rrquin d or of the materials io be fur-ni.hed, kidders are referred to the specifications and lists of materials, supplies and apparatus lr. be furnished. and to the plans on file at the office of F. I.. V. Ifnppin, Architect, No. 244 Iifth avenue, Borough of Manhattan, where blank forms for making bids or estimates, with the Proper envelope in which to inclose the same. may be nhtained.

'fhe bidder shall state one aggregate price for the whole work described and specified, as the contract is entire and for a complete job.

TYdders will write out the total amount of their estimates, in addition to inserting the same in figure,.

\CIT.T.T\\I F. B\FER. Cornntissioner. None 'irk. September 15, 1909.

x15,27 85T' See General Instructions to Bid-

ders on tise Inlet page, last column, of the "City Record.”


Clerk of the Police Department of The City of New York, No. 300 Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the following property, now in his custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, boats. shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of money taken from prison, rs and found by Patrolmen of this Dc-partment.

WILLIAM F. BAKER, Police Commissioner,


Clerk of the Police Department of The (":ty of N. w York—Office, No. 209 State street, it'(note It -+f I:rooklvn—for the following property, now in Lis cnstodv. without claimants: Boats, rnpr, inn- lead, male and female clot I, inc. hoots, shoes, wine, hlankrts, diamonds, canned goods, !iqunrs. etc : also small amount of money taken In II ,nris,,ue rs alld found by Patrolmen of this hepartm not t.

WILLIAM F. BAKER, Police Commissioner,


Drr.sRl']1F_or ,,r Enl',l'InnN, LCRXr'R OF PARK vtisl'F. AND I ';rTY-X1xttt STRFI.S, BOROUGH OF \LsNnnriAX, CITY uF New YnRK.

SH.\I.1•:I/ ItIIIS (1R I:Sfl\l:\'1'1? 1\'1LL BE , -is ,l Ly the Suncrintcndent of School

Sri; :''i• t.o A.'.ve uihire of the Department IIf h--!--: to ..atil 3 p. in. „n

l•'1itD. Y, SEPTEMBER 21, 194)9. 1 tilt I ('ItNISIIINC; .\NI, ITT-;I.1\'I•:ItINt;

Ilkl(t I' I'' l-:At II S('ll(n ,l I'tl0l-5, I.\Rent\leIRY .\l'I'.\R.\Tt'tI, 1:111--I- klt'\1., I ItIN I'I\e;, t'.\Ill\L' I'-\I.\IiIN(;, I'I I''ill l\I , \I.\('IIINF 511 Ii', sIT\>l. CIVIL .ND 1-,1.1'("IItlt'.\L ENe; INF1:1,1N(: .\ND \I1S- t'I:11,\NI•:((C'S Sl'1'1'l.11•a Ft11t 'I TIE EVEN- IN' II t II : 'F\ \ \ ' I R\1 ! \ ,C:\ 'rluN.\L \Nu 1•:\'ENIVt; Er.E-\I I \ 7 \ hY ;,C IIOol.S OF TIIf: CITY OF NI\\ )tll1C.

sir trope t r the delivering of the articles. ma-!> ai:,l -ul-lOiea and the performance of the con_t Tact is by or before December 31, 1909.

1 ite attic- unt of the security required is fifty to, r cent. (SO'"; ) of the amount of the bid or c.timat c.

The hu der will c tl stale (lie 'rice of each item or t article contained in the specifications or schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, by which the hide will be tested. Award will be made to the lown-st hi, ltier on each item. whose goods are rinal to the sample furnished for inspection or referred to bycatalogue number.

Ileliscry will be required to be made at the time and inthe ntanner and in such quantities a nrav be directed.

lihank forms and further information may he -htained at the office of the Superintendent of r'chnol Sit lq,lies. hoard of Education, the Bor-ough of Manhattan, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street.

PATRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies.

I)at, d ' eI,tctubcr IS, 1919. s14,24

1 --r' See General Instructions to Bid-ders un the Inst page, last column, of the "City Record."


rut- tint by the Superintendent of School 1;nil,liogs at the ah„ve it Office of the Department .f F:nhirati„u until 3 o'clock p. m. on

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1001). Borough of Manhattan.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be thirty (30) working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is One Thou-sand Dollars ($1,000).


NI'F:, I1OR000II OF MANHATTAN. The time allowed to complete the whole work

will he ninety (90) working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is One Thou-sand Five Ihmdred Dollars ($1,500),


INIONO.\V, SI':i'TV.Nlrl':i: 21), I9). THE CITY RECORD. 10608

The time allowed to complete the whole work will be ninety (90) working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is as follows: Item I ...........................$5,000 00 Item 2 ........................... 7,000 00 Item 3 ........................... 2,000 00 Item 4 ........................... 1,200 00

A separate proposal shall be submitted for all of the work of each item, and award will be made thereon.

On Nos. I and 2 the bids will be compared and the contract will he awarded in a lump sum to the lowest bidder on each contract.

On No. 3 the bidders must state the price of each item, by which the bids will be tested.

Blank forms, plans and specifications may be obtained or seen at the office of the Superin-tendent at Estimating Room, ninth floor, hall of the Board of Education. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan.

C. It. T. SNYI)ER, Snperintendcnt of School Buildings.

Dated September 9, 1909. s9.20

See General Instructions to Bid- ders on the last pumee, last column, of the "City Record."


MAIN OFFICE OF TILE DEIARTMF:NT or S-rREET CLEANING, Rtinit 1403, Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK Row, BOROUGH OF ItI.%NHIATTAN, CITY OF New YORK. ST:.\l.l:It 1:111:; OR 1:,STI]I.\I'I•:S \\'IL,1. 1:1:

teccitcd by the C,,nrui.,n mcr of Street (leaning at Cllr at nrt' ill dc until 1_' ,1'rl0ck in. nn

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909. Borough of Manhattan.

(tiN'IR.\t l' Fltl( 1'1'I(NlsIIIN(; All. '1111: l..\lF it \NI) ]I.\'ri-:RI.\I.s RI•:nl'lRl:U FORt F1'ItN14ItlN(; \Nl) 1\si.\l.l.I\'t; .\ Rl'It 111511 (ll\1I•:1'Itlf AT '1'l1E \\- F.... PURl'1'-SI•:\'1C\'I'll '-1I:I(1:'I I\('INI[R.\'1'1\G 1'I..\VI (N' -flit: 111:1'.\lf r lI•:N'I' OF <'rlfl•:I•:T C'1.E.\NIN(;. AND :\I St) FOR TIIERE IN-ST \T.1.1N(; .\ I:.\I.INI; PRESS.

The tittle fir the conlldcti-m of the work and the full performance of the contract is sixty too) days.

The amount of security required is One Thou-sand I toll at-s ($1,0001.

hint twill lie c,anparcd and the contract award-ed at ltint, or segregate sum.

The bit'kr will state the price for the entire work, by which the bids will be tested.

(:lank forms and further information may he nhtainc-I at the otlice of the I)evartntent of Strcot I leaning, the P,,,ruugh of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to _'1 lark row.

\1'\I. TI. I'It\1' \RI)S, (',,mini,sioncr. l late it S i, ml ,-r 1 5, 1tn 1,


1' See General Iuslruetion, to 1114-ders on the lust linwe, lust eoluutn, of t lie " (II y Kceord.'------ -------

MAIN OI VIty. nr Flit : 1)t-:1'.sRTom tNT OF STREET CLEANING,, ROOM 1403, NO,;. 13 To 21 I'..RK Row, Tt1,Rnl'GIi OF CIA\If {TTA N, 'I't1E CITY OF NEW YORK.

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE reecitcd by the l'i,nlnlissiner of Street

('leaning at the ui -sc utficc until 12 o'clock till n on

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1909, Borough of Manhattan.


The time for the delivery „f the articles, ma-trrials and supplies and the performance of the contract is by or bef„re IJecenlber 31, 1909.

The armoll't ,If ecnrity rcyuired is fifty per cent (bo') of the aulvunt of the bid or esti- nlate.

Borough of The Bronx.


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-tirials and supplies and the performance of the contract is by or before December 31, 1909.

The am,,unt of security required is fifty per cent (50'.;) of the amount pf the bid or esti-mate.

Borough of Brooklyn.


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-ttrials and supplies and the performance of the contract is by or before December 31, 1909,

The amount of security required is fifty per cent (50',x) of the amount of the bid or esti-mate.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications per hun-dred pounds or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must he made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total for each contract, and awards will be made to the lowest bidder on each con-tract.

Delivery will be required to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed,

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Street Cleaning, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row,

WM. 11. EDWARDS, Commissioner. Dated September 8, 1909.

s9,22 r4 See General Instructions to Bid-

ders on the last page, last column, of the "City Record.”


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Street

Cleaning at the above office until 12 o'clock in., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900.

Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING ALL THE


"Form No. 1," as designated by resolution of the hoard of Estimate and Apportionment of June 25, 1909.

The time for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is by or before April 15, 1910.

The amount of security t tQ wired is One Hun-dred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000).

The compensation will be at a rate or price per cubicand of snow and ice, computed_ by

the actual depth of snow and ice in the place or places where work under this contract is carried on, by the area of the street or avenue which is cleaned. The depth of snow and ice shall be determined by the official reports of the New York Meteorological Observatory of the De-partment of Parks, Central Park. in the City of

New York, or by the official reports of an ob-servatory or observatories established or tlesig-nated by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning; the area of the street or avenue shall be taken from the area neaps on file in the Department of Street Cleaning, which have been drawn from the original surveys and have been made by the San-horn Map Company for the Department of Street Cleaning.

Compensation at so much per centum of the above rate or price will be allowed for snow and ice that has been piled but has not been removed because of the work being stopped by the Com-missioner of Street Cleaning after the snow has been so piled and before it was removed, and at so much per centum thereof for rough cleaning because of the work being stopped by the Com- ntissioner of StreetCleaning after the piles have been removed, leaving a certain amount of crust or a film of ice on the surface of the street to be removed.

This price and these percentages must be writ- ten out and must also be given in figures.

The contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest bidder per cubic yard without taking into account any estimate of the probable amount of piling or rough cleaning.

Itlank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Street ('leaning, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row.

\\'\I. 1I. ED\V.\RDS, C.,mntissiuner,

Dated September Ii, 1909. s9,23

9-: Fee General LIislructlons to Bid- ders on ilia• last pnare, last column, of the "('Ity Record."


received by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning at the above office until 12 o'clock m. on

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1909, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx.


" Form No. 2," as designated by resolution ,if the hoard of Estimate and Apportionment of June 25, 1909.

The time for the completion of the work and the full perfi,rluance of the contract is by or be- fore April 15, 1910,

'f he amount of security required is One Huu- dred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000).

'The compensation will be at a rate or price per cubic yard of snow and ice actually removed from the place or places where work under ibis contract is carried on. Cnlilpcnsation will he allowed for snow and ice that has been piled Mott has not been removed because of the work being stopped by the Commissioner of Street (leaning; this compensation will be at a rate or price per cubic yard of snow and ice piled, c, nupttted by multiplying the area of the street or avenue upon which the snow and ice is gathered in heaps for removal by two-thirds the actual depth of snow and ire. The dr'ptIt of snow and ice shall be determined by the official report ,f the New York Meteorological Observatory, Ilepartntent of Parks, Central Park, in The City of New York, or by the official reports of an observatory (Cr obscrvatnries c'tahlished or desig- natcrl by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning; the aria of the street or avenue shall be taken from the area maps on file in the Department of Street Cleaning, made by the Sanborn Map Com- pany for the Department of Street Cleaning.

These rates or prices must be written out and must also be given in figures.

The cant,act, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest bidder per cubic vard, without taking into account any estimate of the probable amount of piling.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Street ('leaning. the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row.

\V\f. IT. ED\W.\RDS, Commissioner. Patch September 8, 1909.


g<s' See General Instructions to Bid-ders on the lust page, last column, of the "City Record."

M:iTT ()Eden: OF TILE DEPARTMENT OF STREET Ci-r•..sNtNG. Root 1403, Nos. 13 To 21 PARK Row, ItnRnt-cll OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY or NEW YORK.

SI::\T.I:D B1T)S OR ESTIMATES WILT. BE o rc,-iced by the ('omiititj-iiitter of Street

Cleaning at the alive oilier- until 12 o'clock m. on

TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1909. Borough of Brooklyn.


"horns No, I," as designated by resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of Jitne 25, 1909.

The time for the completion of the work and Ill' full performance of the contract is by or before April 15, 1910.

The amount of security required is One Hun-dred Thousand Dollars ($100,000).

The compensation will he at a rate or price per cubic yard of snow and ice, computed by multi- plying the actual depth of know and ice in the Dlac- or places where work tinder this contract is carried oil. by the area of the street or avenue which is cleaned. The depth of snow and ice ,hall be determined by the official reports of the New York Meteorological Observatory of the I)t artinent of Parks, Central Park. in The City of New York. or by the official reports of an observatory or observatories established or desig- nated by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning; the area of the street or avenue shall be taken from the area i,taps on file in the Department of Street Cleaning, which have been drawn from the original surveys and have been made by the Sanborn Map Company for the Department of Street Cleaning.

Compensation at so mach per centum of the above rate or price will be allowed for snow and ice that has been piled but has not been re' moved because of the work being stopped by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning after the snow has been so piled and before it was removed, and at so much per centum thereof for rough clean- ing because of the work being stopped by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning after the piles have been removed, leaving a certain amount of crust or a film of ice on the surface of the street to he removed. This price and these percentages must be

written out and must also be given in figures. 'fhe contract, if awarded, will be awarded to

the lowest bidder per cubic yard, without taking into account any estimate of the probable amount of piling or rough cleaning.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Street

Cleaning, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row.

W\[. II. EDWARDS, Commissioner. Dated September 8, 1909.

s9,23 Lily See General Instructions to Bid-

ders on the last page, last column, of the "City Record."


SE:\I.ED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Street

Cleaning at the above office until 12 o'clock in. on

'THHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1909, Borough of Brooklyn.


" Ponn No. 2," as designated by resolution of the Hard of P_stimate and Apportionment of June 25, 1909.

The time for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is by or bcfnre April 15, 1910.

'flee amount of security required is One Ilun-,lr,,l Thousand Dollars ($100,000),

t ire compensation will be at a rate or price per cubic yard of snow and ice actually removed form the place or places where work under this Contract is carried oh, Compensation will be allowed for snow and ice that has been piled

it has not been removed because of the work icing stopped by the Commissioner of Street I.lea iii ug; this compensation will be at a rate or price per cubic yard of snow and ice piled, cimputed by multiplying the area of the street ,,r avenue upon which the snow and ice is gathered in heaps for removal by two-thirds the actual depth of snow and ice, The depth of sn•,w and ice shall be determined by the official report of the New York Meteorological Ob-servatory, Department of Parks, Central Park, in The City of New Yuck, or by the official reports of an observatory or observatories established or designated by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning; the area of the street or avenue shall be taken from the area maps on file in the De-partmcnt of Street Cleaning made by the San-hnrn \lap Company for the Department of Street Cleaning,

These rates or prices must be written out and nntst also be given in figures.

the contract, if awarded, will be awardedto the lowest bidder per cubic yard, without taking into account any estimate of the probable amount of piling.

Blank forms and further information may be Obtained at the office of the Department of Street Cleaning, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to .11 Lark row,

lVl. if. I•:I"V':ARI)5, Conmti-sioner. I )ate,( Siptcn-:bcr 8, 1JUi.

s9, 23

A !- See General lnsiruetfons to Bld- ders on the last tissue, Inart columry of the "City Record."


(Iii( I: or 1111' hill.\T ,.r 'lilt: Il'I...... if nF \IAN n.AI r.ts, (lit ILA(.!., '1 iii: CITY ti' New YORK,

Sh:\I.Ia 1111)5 ((If 1•:Sfl\t\'l'Ii5 \VlT.T. I:IC n : icril I,% the Ill,'6lrnt .-f the T:,,rough --f

\I: ul'•rn: nn. al tote (ity Ila!1, It.unn Ii,, until 2 li'cl''ck p. it .m


\~, I. I'uit 1-h:N('INf; Plft tl'uSl:ll I'L AA' l;la)t'Nlt (Ci 1'.0RK A\'h:\lI{, I Ito\l 7111: VttRfll 51111-: oh t)NI•: Ill Nllltt(11 ANI1 'f\' I:N'1'11-.'fll tiINJ: :'I' Ti) '1'111: 5011 II 5I1(IC t)I ONE lhl'\hREU AND T\VENT''

f:nginecr's c_,tin ate of the amount of work In

1,190 linear feet of three-rail iron pipe fence, 4 feet high.

Time allows-d for cluing and completing the a! iii c work will be twenty (20) working days.

\nowt of sccurity required will be 1\v•, li•,Ir'1rr l arld Fifty f)ollars 1$250),

file hildcr will state the prier of each item or I-lirle contained in the specifications or schednlc- It -r:-iu c,oitained or hereto anncxriI, pr foot,

iii or other unit of measure, or article, by which the bids trill be tested. '(lie extension mu<t be made amt fatted tip, as the bids will be rteal from the total.

Blank fi tilts and specifications may he ha,l at Ili,• office of the Commissioner of Public \I'orkc, Neu. 1.1 to 21 Park row-, Bureau of highways. R ii,imt 1(07, 11. on,ugh ..f Manhattan.

It ill F. AI1EARN, T're:idt-nt. "I lie City f N, -iv 't irk, Septcmbcr 1,,, 1 )09.


X'[' See General Itastructions to Bld-ders on the last page, last column, of the "C'Ity Record."


received by the President of the Borough of Manhattan, at the City Hall, Room 16, until 2 o'clock p. m, on



Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be done: 16,100 square yards asphalt block pavement (ex-

cept the railroad area). 12,300 square yards asphalt block pavement.

within the railroad area (no guaran-tee).

5,250 cubic yards Portland cement concrete, including mortar bed.

9,650 linear feet new bluestone curbstone, fur- nislied and set.

650 linear feet old bluestone curbstone, re- dressed, re'ointed and reset.

63 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for sewer manholes. furnished and set,

I5 noiseless heads and covers. complete, for water manholes, furnished and set.

27,300 square yards old stone blocks, to be pur-chased and removed by the contractor.

The time allowed for doing and completing the above work will be one hundred (100) working days.

The amount of security required will be Twen-ty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000).



Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be done:

1,190 square yards asphalt block pavement. 240 cubic yards Portland cement concrete, in-

cluding mortar bed, 650 linear feet new bluestone curbstone, fur-

nished and set. 50 linear feet old bluestone curbstone, re-

dressed, rejointed and reset. 3 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for

sewer manholes, furnished and set. 7 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for

water manholes, furnished and set. 1,170 square yards old stone blocks, to be pur-

chased and removed by the con-tractor.

The time allowed for doing and completing the above work will be twenty (20) working days.

The amount of security required will be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).

No. 3. FOR REGULATING ANT) RI., pAV-INI; WITII :\S1'll.\1-'I' IBLt)('K PA\'1•:\lEN'I' ON CON('LETE 1'O1'NI):\'1'ION Till ItO.\U-\V:\Y OF ONI? Ill:\UI51•:hl ANI) EiI;11'I'-I-A-INTIT STRI•:E'f, 11(051 TIIE WEST Sll)]-- O1 1'.\RI: \\'ICNI'E TO VIE EAST SIDK OF 101-'f1I AVI•:Nt i:.

Entinccr's estimate of amount of work to he d,mc:

P7(( sit tare yariis asphalt block pavement. 55(1 cubic yards Portland cement concrete,

includinit m„rtar bed. 1,570 linear feet new bluestone curbstone, fur-

nlshetl anti set. 70 linear feet ol,l Bluestone curbstone, re-

dressed, rejointed and reset, 10 noiseless Iteatls and covers, complete, for

sewer manholes, furnished and set. 4 noiseless heads and covers, complete, fur

water manholes, furnisl.ed and set. 2,720 square yards cld stone blocks, to be

lmrchased and removed by the con-tractor.

The time allowed for dying and completing the above work will be thirty (3(1) working days.

The amount of security required will be Two Thousand Five Ilundied I loll art ($2,5(10).

Ni. 4. FOR RIUi('LAIING AND Rf:l'.\\'-ING WITff .ASlit.AT_T Rf.00K 1'AVEAIENl' ON CO NCRET1, lot'VU.A'I'luA '1111•: ROADWAY (IF sh:t 1)NI) A\ - l-:NI:I'.. 111(051 TIIF- NIIR'1'fI SII11•: OP 'f Ill iO-V-SKVEN'i'Ii S'FlflIl(T TO '1'11K N0RTIl 5I1)E Oh- FORTY-11111311 STRI•:1•I, AND FICO\I 'I'l1E. NOR'I'II sIU1, ()f I1IPTY-TIII141) S'1'Rl':l-;f 'fO A I'tINT r6 FEET NOI('I II O1' Tell•: NOI4TII C1'RB LINE OF FIFT1--EIGIITII STREET.

Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be dome. 16,250 square yards asphalt block pavement, ex-

ccpt within the railroad area. 1,590 square yards asphalt block pavement, in

the railroad area (no guarantee). 3,300 cubic yards Portland cement concrete,

inch oiling mortar bed. 5'00 linear feet new Bluestone curbstone, fur-

nished and set. 250 linear feet old bluestone curbstone, re-

dressed, rejointed and reset, 11 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for

sewer manhol, s, furnished and set. 17 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for

water manh„les, furnished and set. 17,225 square yards of old stone blocks, to he

purchased and removed by contractor. Time allow, d for doing and completing the

above stork will be sixty (60) working dasi. Amount of security required will be fifteen

Thousand Dollars ($15,000). The binder will state the price of each item

,r article contained in the specifications or sched-nles herein contained or hereto annexed, per foot. yard or other unit of mca=ore, or article, by which the bids will he te•'t,d. The exten-sionc must be made and footed up, as the bids trill he read from the total.

Blank florets and sprcilcatinns may be hail at the office of the C:mmmtli-'t,,nt-r of 1'nthe \\ 'irks, Not. 13 to 21 Park row, Bureau of highways, Roust 1607, Borough of Manhattan.

JOIN F. ATIE:\RN, President. The City of New York, S,ptcmher 9, 19(1°,

5 1,20

t” gee General Instructions to Bid-dcrN on the last page, lost column, of t6c "1'ily Record."



SE.\I.E..I) BIDS WILL RI? RI:CP_I\'IiD IIY the Board of AVatcr Salily, in Room 910,

\ii. 2,19 I;coadway. Nets Y„rk, until It a. in. on


for furnishing and delivering either or both of the following classes of supplies:

CONTRACT N. ('lass N, No. l—FVItNI'I'URE (SPECIAT.). Class N, No. 2—FCRNITURE (C II A I R S,

T.\MILES, ICI'C.). The quantities of the various items of supplies

are stated in the hid or proposal. and further information is given in the Information for Bidders, (reining part of the contract. At the ab,%e place and time bids will be publicly Opened and read. The award of the contracts, if awarded, will be made by the Board as soon thereafter as practicable. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

A bind for the sum of thirty-five per cent. O5`'~ 1 Of Ilse total arrtnunt of the contract will be required for the faithful performance of each Clintlact.

No bid will be received and deposited unless accnmpauied by a certified check upon a Na-tioual or State bank, drawn to the Order of the Comptroller of The City of New York to the amount of Two Iluudred Dollars ($200) for each class bid upon.

Time allowed for the ciimplcti , •n of the work is nine (0) months from the scr%ice of notice by the Board to commence deliveries.

Pamphlets containing information for bidders, forms of proposal and contract, Specifications, cue., and sets of contract drawings can he ob- tained at Room 1510, at tl:e above address, upon cut plicatiI n. in person or by mail, by depositing the stun of five dollars ($5) in currency, or check drawn to the order of the hoard of Writer Supply fir each pamphlet or set of drawings, This dcpn;it will be refunded upon the return Itf the pamphlets and sets of drawings in acceptable condition within thirty days from the date on which bids are to be opened.

TWIN A. BENSFI., President; C'llART.11S N, C1IA1)WICK, CHARLES A, SIl.\\V,

Commissioners of the Board of Water Supply. yT,,. WALuo SMITH, Chief Engineer. 1 tiOMAs HAssETT. Secretary: Note—See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the CITY REcoao, so far as applicable hereto and not otherwise pro- vided for.




SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Water Supply, in Room 910,

No. 299 Broadway, New York, until 11 a. m. on




The work consists of laying about 1,300 feet of 24-inch vitrified sewer pipe, and driving about 6,200 feet of tunnel in earth and rock.

An approximate statement of the quantities of the various classes of work and further infor-mation are given in the Information for Bidders, forming part of the contract. At the above place and time bids will be publicly opened and read. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made by the Board as soon thereafter as practicable. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

A buni in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) will be required fur the faithful per, formance of the contract.

No bid will be received and deposited unless accompanied by a certified check upon a National or State Bank, drawn to the order of the Comp-troller of 1-he City of New York to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5.000).

Time allowed for the completion of the work is twenty-four months from the service of notice by the hoard to begin work.

Pamphlets containing information for bidders. forms of proposal and contract, specifications and contract drawings, can be obtained at Room 1510, at the above address, upon application in person or by mail, by depositing the sum of ten dollars ($10) in currency, or check drawn to the order of the Board of Water Supply, for each pamphlet. This deposit will he refunded upon the return sf the pamphlets in acceptable condition within thirty days from the date on which bids are to be opened.

TOIIN A. BENSEL, President; l'll.\RLES N. CHAII\\'ICK, U 1l.\RLES A. SHAW,

Commissioners of the Poard of \Water Supply. T. \\'ALou ntITu, Chief Engineer. THOMAS 11s s iT, Secretary. Note—fee general instructions to bidders on

last page. last column, of the CITY RECORD, so far as applicable hereto and not otherwise provided for.



SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS WILL BE received by the Board of Water Supply in

the office of toe l;''ard. No. 299 Br_,adwav, New York, Ito. ti 1 , nosh Hoar, until 11 a. in. ou



TWO 12,500,uv0-G.ALLON ITI-.N_AI IL it I'L'MI'S. TN'U 225 11URSE-POWER


.\n approximate statement of the quantities of the various classes of work and further in. i.-rmation are given in the Information for Bid-ders, forming part 0f the contract. At the above place and time bids will be publicly opened and read. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made by the Board of Water Supply as soon thereafter as practicable, The Board re-serves the right to reject any and all bids.

A bond in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dol-lars ($20.000) will be required for the faithful performance of the contract.

N0 bid will be received and deposited unless accompanied by a certified check upon a National or State bank, drawn to the order of the Cump-trol:er of The City of New York, to the amount of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900).

Time allowed for the completion of the work is nine (9) months from the service of notice by the Board to begin work.

l'amphlcts containing information for bidders, forms of proposal and contract, specifications and contract drawings can be obtained at Room 1510, at the above address, upon application in person or by mail, by depositing the sum of five dollars ($3) in currency or check drawn to the order of the Board of Water Supply, for each pamphlet. This deposit will be refunded upon the return of the pamphlet in acceptable condi-tion within thirty days from the date on which bids are to be opened.


Commissioners of the Board of Water Supply. J. 's't svDo Su:nt, Chief Engineer. THOMAS BASSETT, Secretary.- Note—See General Instruction to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the CITY RecrtRD, so far as applicable hereto and not otherwise pro- vided for,




received by the President of the Borough of Richmond at the above office until 12 o'clock in. on

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1909, Borough of Richmond.


The Superintendent's estimate of the quan-tity and quality of the material and the nature and extent, as near as possible, of the material required, is as follows:

1,000 tons of 34-inch broken stone. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is thirty (30) days.

The amount of security required is Seven Hundred Dollars ($700).


The Superintendent's estimate of the quan-tity and quality of the material and the nature and extent, as near as possible, of the material required, is as follows:

1,000 tons of 44-inch broken stone. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is thirty (30) days.

The amount of security required is Seven Hundred Dollars ($700).

The contracts must be bid for separately, and the bids will be compared and the contract a,,ardod at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the ]'resident, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the speci-fications, in the form approved by the Corpora. Lion Counsel, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the said ]'resident.

GEORGE CROMWELL, President. The City of New York, September 1, 1909.


t3Y See General Instructions to Bid-ders on the last page, last column, of the "City Record."



In the matter of the application of Tile City of New York, relative to acquiring title to certain real estate, tenements. hereditautents, corporeal or incorporeal rights in the same, and any and all rights and interests therein not now owned 1,v The City of New York, situated in the Sixth \1'ard of the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of Ness' York. duly selected and spcciled - he the Commissioner of ]fridges of The City of New York, with the approval of the hoard of Estimate and Apportionment of said City, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 712 of the Laws of 1901. for the construction of an extension to the westerly or Manhattan terminal of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, for the better accommodation of pedes-trians. vehicles and railroad passengers using said bridge or terminal.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Till' report of Edward G. \Vhitakcr, Michael

l' semen and Samuel Kahn. Commissioners of Estimate and Appraisal, duly appointed in the above entitled proceeding. wkich report beans date the 9th day of July. 1909, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York and Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, No. 277 Ilroadway, Manhattan• on the 19th day of July. 1909. and notice is further given that said report will be presented for confirmation to the Sunrente Court of the State of New York, First Judicial Dis-trict. at Special Term, Part III., to be held at the County Court House in the Birough of Manhattan in The City of New York, on the 4th day of October, 1909, at the opening of the Court on that day, and then and there, or as soon as counsel can be heard, a motion will be made that said report be confirmed.

Dated New York. August 31, 1909. HENRY C. S. STIMPSON.

Attorney for William E. Sutherland. No. 42 Broadway, New York City.

s1 6,o4


In the matter of the application of The City of New York, acting by and through the Com-missioner of Docks, relative to acquiring right and title to and possession of the wharfage rights, terms, easements, emoluments and prn ileges appurtenant to Pier (old) 36, or Market Slip Pier West, East River, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, not now owned by The City of New York, and all right, title and interest in and to said pier, or any portion thereof, not now owned by The City of New York, and all wharfage rights, terms, easements, emoluments and privileges appurtenant to certain bulkheads, dock or wharf property on or near the south-erly line of South street, in said Borough and City, lying on both the easterly and westerly sides of said Pier (old) 36, or Market Slip Tier \West, not now owned by The City of New York, for the improvement of the water-front of The City of New fork on the East River, pursuant to the plan heretofore adopted by the Board of Docks and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION-ers of Estimate and Assessment in the

above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and unim-proved lands, pier or wharf property, and all persons interested therein, or in any rights, privileges or interests pertaining thereto, affected thereby, and to aU others whom it may concern, to wit:

First—That we have completed our estimate and assessment and that all persons interested in this proceeding or in any of the uplands, lands, lands under water, premises, buildings, tene-ments, hereditaments, pier and wharf property affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Rooms Nos. 401 to 404, No. 258 Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 29th day of September, 1909, and that we, the said Commissioners, will bear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on the 1st day of October, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day.

Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by us in making our re- port, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Opening in the Law Department of The City of New York, at the office of said Bureau, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said City, there to remain until the 9th day of October, 1909.

Third—That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan. in The City of New York, on the 18th day of October, 1909. at the opening of the Court on that day.

Fourth—In case, however, objections are filed to any of said abstracts of estimate and assess-ment, the notice of motion to confirm our final re-port herein will stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified, and of which notice will be given to all these who have theretofore appeared in this proses ling., as well as by pub• lication in the City Racoap, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 656 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Sep- tember 8, 1909.


Commissioners, JOSEPH M. SCHENCIK, Clerk.



In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher- ever the same has not been heretofore ac- quired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the opening and extending of PLEASANT AVENUP: (now Olin avenue), from (lull hill road to East Two Hundred and Nine-teenth street. in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER-sons interested in the above entitled pro-

ceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First—That the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed their estimate of dam- age, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditamcnts and premises affected thereby, liav-ing any objection thereto, do file their said oh-eel ions, in writing, duly verified, with them at

their office. Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in file Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 29th day of September, 1909, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will he in attendance at their said office on the 4th day of October, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m.

Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of bene-fit and that all persons interested in this pro-cecding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with him at his office. Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway. in the Borough of Manhattan. in The City of New York, on or before the 29th day of September. 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at his said office on the 4th day of October. 1909. at 3 o'clock n. In.

Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 8th day of July, 1907, and that the said area of assessment inciudes all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and Premises situate and being in the Borough of The Bronx. in The City of New York, which. taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz:

Bounded on the northwest by a line 97.5 feet ' northwesterly from and parallel with the north-westerly line of Olin avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Olin avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line; on the northeast by a line distant 100 feet north- easterly from the northeasterly line of East Two Ilundred and Nineteenth street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of East Two Hundred and Nineteenth street; on the southeast by a line distant 95 feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of Olin avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Olin avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line; and on the southwest by a line distant 100 feet southwesterly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of Gun Hill road, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Gun hill road.

Fourth—That the abstracts of said estitrtate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to-gether with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Esti-mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Iaw Depart-ment of The City of New York, Nos. 99 and 92 West Proadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said City, there to remain until the 2d day of October, 1909.

Fifth—That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented tfor confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Depart-ment, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to lie held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 14th day of December, 1909, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess. ment, or to either of them the motion to confirm the reports as to awards and as to assessments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 658 of the Taws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, June 9, 1909.


Commissioners of Estimate. ANDREW J. KELLY,

Commissioner of Assessment, JOHN P. DuNN, Clerk.



In the matter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the open- ing and extending of AUSTIN PLACE (al. though not yet named by proper authority), from St. Toseph street to intersection with East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, in the Twenty-third Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION-ers of Estimate and Assessment in the

above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby., and to all others whom it tray concern, to wit:

First—That we have completed our supple-mental and amended estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this proceed. ing. or in any of the lands, tenements and here-ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 21st day of September. 1909, aad that we, the said Commissioners, will bdW parties so objecting, and for that purpose

will be in attendance at our said office on the 22d day of September, 1909, at 4 o'clock p. in.

Second—That the abstracts of our supple. mental and amended estimate and assessment together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by us in making the same, have been deposited in time Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City of New York. Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough ofManhattan, in said City, there to remain until the 1st day of October, 1909.

Third—That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of Nfw York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the easterly side of the Southern boulevard with the middle line of the block between St. Tnscnh street and Crane street; running thence asterly along the said middle line of the block

between St. Joseph street and Crane street and it.; Prolongation eastwardly to the easterly side of Timpson place; thence northerly and northeasterly along the easterly and southeasterly sides of Timp. son place to its intersection with the northwesterly side of Whitlock avenue: thence southwesterly along the said northwesterly side of Whitlock ave-nue to its junction with the easterly side of the Southern boulevard; thence northerly along the easterly side of the Southern boulevard to the point or place of beginning; excepting from said area all streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof heretofore legally opened as such area is shown upon our benefit maps deposited as afore' sail.

Fourth—That• provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be Presented for confirmation to the Funreme Court of the State of New York, First Ucnartment. at a Special Term thereof, Part III._ to be hell in the County Court House in the But. ought of Manhattan. in The City of New York, on th,• 18th day of November, 1909. at the opening of the Court on that day.

Fifth—In case, however. objections are filed to any of said abstracts of estimate and assessment, the notice of motion to confirm our final report herein will stand adjourned to the date to be here-after snccified• and of which notice will be Riven to all those who have theretof,,re appeared in this Proceeding. as well as by publication in the CITY REcnpn, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chap• ter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated B,a,ntgh of Manhattan. New York. May 13. 1909,


Commissioners, Touts P. Dux:. Clerk.




In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been hcr, tuture acquired, to the lands, tenement; and hereditamruts re,luired for the opening and extending of A\'1•:N( E X, hrtween Ocean parkway and the e;t terly• line of I•:ant Fifteenth street; au~l A\'ENI'1•, 1-, be-tween Gravesend Itasill and Uceaiu avenue, in the 'thirty first \\ and, Baruugh .-f l;runklyn, 'fhc City of New York.

N OTI('1: 10 HEREBY GIVEN 'rIl.\T BY AN order of the Supreme Court, hearing date

the 24th day of April, 19U9, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the (-uunty of Kings at his office in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. on the 26th day of \prir, 1959, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, we, John C. Fawcett, Moses J. Harris and Nicholas 1). Collins, were appointed Commis-sioners of Estimate for the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners. lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the land,. tcnenients, here-hut atitenis and premises required for the pur- pu~e by and in consequence of opening and ex- tending the above mentioned street or avenue, the sane being particularly set forth and dc- snibed in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 2Cth day of April, 1909, and the said Moses I. Harris was appointed Commissioner of Assess-Iucnt fur the purpo,e of making a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the re- speedve owners, lessees, parties and persons re-spectively entitled to or interested in the respec-tive lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of 1•:=tintate and Apportionment and not required for the purpose of opening and ex- tending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 26th day of Aatil, 1909, and of ascertain-ing and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supple- ntentary thereto or amendatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claim- ants may desire, within ten days after the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 6th day of October, 1909, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such further or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proof of such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York. Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New Work,


Commissioners. JAHEs F. OCILi.Ei, Clerk.





ltt the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the open- ing and extending of SEVENTEENTIi STREET (although not yet named by proper authority), front Queens avenue to Oak avenue, in the Third Ward, Borough of Queen$, City of New York.

WE,THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION. era of Estimate and Assessment in the

above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First-'That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaurents and premises affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, Long Island City, Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, on or before the 11th day of October, 1909, and that we, the said Conuuissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be to attendance at our said office on the 13th day of October, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. in.

Second-That the abstracts of our said esti-ntate and assessment, together with our damage and befit tit ❑taps, and also all the affidavits, esti. mates, rum Is and Other documents used by its in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart-ment of The City of New York, No. 252 Jackson avenue, Long Island City, in if,e Borough of Queens, in said ('ity, there to remain until the 11th day of October, 1909.

'third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate, lying and being in the Buruugh of Queens, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and clescribeul as follows, viz.:

Commencing at a point on the southerly side of Oak avenue, at the centre line of the block between Seventeenth and Sixteenth streets, and running thence northerly and along said centre line of the block, and parallel with the westerly line of Seventeenth street, to the northerly side of Queens avenue: and thence easterly along the northerly side of Queens avenue, or nearly so, to a point at the centre line of the block between Seventeenth and Eighteertth streets; and thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of Seventeenth street along said centre line of the block to the southerly line of the said Oak ave-nue: and thence westerly along the southerly line of Oak avenue to the point or place of beginning, as such area is shown upon our benefit maps de- posited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That, provided there he no objections filed to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Sec-ond Department, at a Special Term thereof, for the hearing of motions, to be held in the County ('ourt (louse, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 8th day of Dc- cember. 1909, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed to any of said abstracts of estimate anti assessment, the notice of motion to confirm our final report hrrcin will stand adjourned to the (late to be hereafter specitir,l. and of which notice will be given to all those who have theretofore ap-peared in this prneceding, as well as by publica- lion in the CITY RECORD, pursuant to sections 981 and `).4 uI the (beater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 68 of the Laws of 1906.

Isatcd lturnueh of Manhattan. New York, Su p-Iennber I.S. I019.


Commissioners. Joins P. DUNN, Clerk.



In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to closing and discontinuing I)E ItRI'YNS LANE, front Berson avenue to ('rup ev avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward Bor- ough of ltruuklyn, City of New York.

N O'I'ICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT THE final report of the Commissioners of Esti-

mate and Assessment in the above entitled matter will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Depart-ment, at a Special Term thereof to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 29th day of September, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and that the said final report has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain for and during the space of five days, as required by law.

!late(] Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep-tembr-r 17, 1909.


Commissioners. JAMes F. QUIGLEY, Clerk.



In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title wherever the saute has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- ments and hereditaments required for the opening and extending of REMSEN STREET, front the westerly terminus of the street as now in use and improved to Furman street, in the First Ward. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER-sons interested in the above entitled pro-

ceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im- proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First-That the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed their estimate of dam-age, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and Premises affected thereby, hav- ing any objection thereto, do file their said objec- tions in writing, duly verified, with them at their office, No. 166 Montague street in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The Cityof 1Vew York, on or before the 4th day of ctober, 1909, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so ob-jecting, and for that purpose will be in attend- ance at their said office on the 6th day of Octo-ber, 1909- at 3:30 o'clock n. m.

Second-That the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of bene- fit and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and

hereditaments and premises affected thereby. having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing duly verified, with him at lit s office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 4th day of October, 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so ob-jecting, and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at his said office on the 7th day of October, 1909, at 3:30 o'clock p. m.

Third-That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 10th day of April, 1908, and that the said area of assessment includes all those lands, tenements and heredita-rnents and premises situate and being in the Bor-ottgh of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and de- scrihed as follows, viz.:

hounded on the north by a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north-erly line of Remsen street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Remsen street; on the east by a line midway be-tween Henry street and Clinton street; on the south by a line distant 100 feet southerly front and parallel with the southerly line of Remsen street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Remsen street, and on the west by the easterly line of Furman street.

Fourth-That the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to-gether with the damage and benefit maps. and also all the atlidavits, estimates, proofs and other dctnncnts used by the Commissioners of Estimate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in mak-iug the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City of New York, No. 166 Montague street. in the Borough of Itrooklvn, in said City. there to remain until the 16th day of October, 1909.

Fifth-'That, Provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second De-nartment, at a Special Tenn thereof, to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Itrooklyn, in the City of New York. on the 23d day of November, 1909, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth-In case. however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-ment, or to either of them, the motion to con-firnt the reports as to awards and as to assess- ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter. as amended by chap- ter 658 of the Laws of 1906. Dated. Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep-

tember 16, 1909. JULIAN D. FAIRCHILD, LEROY W. ROSS.

Commissioners of Estimate. JUT.IAN D. FAIRCHILD,

Commissioner of Assessment. JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk.



Lt lilt matter of the application of The City of Ne,v York relative to acquiring title, wherever the saute has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and hcreditantcnts re- quired fur the Opening and extending of Sl-;N.\TOR STREET, front First avenue to

ill It avenue, in the Thu rtueth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

W li, TILE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION-ers of Estimate and Assessment in the

above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all Ill sons interested in this proceeding, and to the cwner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

first-That we have completed our amended and supplemental estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditantents ..nd premises affected thereby, and having objcc- tions thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, ill The City of New York, on or before the 4th day of October, 1909, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said ( Rice on the 7th day of October, 1909, at 2 o'clock In. m.

Second-That the abstract of our said amended and supplemental estimate and assessment, to-gether with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by us in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of 'lime City of New York No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until the 11th day of October, 1909.

Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate, ling and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Fifth avenue where the same is intersected by a line drawn parallel to Senator street and distant 100 feet norther]" therefrom, said distance being measured at right angles to Senator street; run-ruing thence westerly along said parallel line to its intersection with the easterly side of Fourth ave-r.ue; running thence southerly along the easterly side of Fourth avenue to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to Senator street and distant 100 feet southerly therefrom, said distance being treasured at right angles to Senator street; run- ning thence easterly along said parallel line to the westerly side of Fifth avenue; running thence northerly along the westerly side of Fifth avenue to the point or place of beginning

Also beginning at a point on the westerly side of Fourth avenue where the same is intersected by the centre line of the block between Senator street and Sixty-seventh street; running thence westerly along the centre line of the block be- tween Senator street and Sixty-seventh street to the easterly side of Third avenue; running thence southerly along the easterly side of Third avenue to the centre line of the block between Sixty-eiglttlt street and Senator street: running thence easterly and along the centre line of the block between Sixty-eighth street and Senator street to the westerly side of Fourth avenue; running thence northerly along the westerly side of Fourth avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Also beginning at a point formed by the inter-section of the southerly side of Sixty-seventh

westerly i e of Tit street with the s d Third avenue: running thence southerly and along the westerly side of Third avenue to the prolongation of a line drawn parallel with Senator street and dis- tant 100 feet southerly therefrom, said distance

being measured at right angles to the line of Senator street; running thence westerly and along st,id parallel line to the easterly side of Second avenue; running thence northerly and along the easterly side of Second avenue to a line drawn l arallel with the northerly side of Senator street and distant 100 feet northerly therefrom, said distance being measured at right angles to Sen-ator street; running thence easterly along said parallel line to a point distant 100 feet northwest-erly of the northwesterly side of Senator street, said distance being measured at right angles to the northwesterly side of Senator street; running thence northeasterly parallel with the northwest- erly side of Senator street to the southerly side of Sixty-seventh street; running thence easterly along the southerly side of Sixty-seventh street to the point or place of beginning.

Also beginning at a point on the westerly side of Second avenue where the same is intersected by the centre line of the block between Sixty- seventh street and Senator street; running thence wester( and along said centre line to the easterly side OV First avenue; running thence southerly and along the easterly side of First avenue to the centre line of the block between Sixty-eighth street and Senator street; running thence east-erly and along said centre line to the westerly side of Second avenne; running thence northerly along said westerly side of Second avenue to the place of beginning.

Fourth-That. provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be presentorl for conlrntation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second I)partment, at a Special 'term ❑ thereof for the hearing of motions, t., be held in the County ( curt (louse in the Borough of 1lrouklyn, in The City of New York, un the 23d day of No- vember, 1909, at the opening of the Court ort that lay.

Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed to either of said abstracts of estimate and ascrns-mcnt, the notice of motion to confirot our final report herein will stand arliourned to the date to be hereafter specifier(, and of which notice will be given to all those who have theretofore appeared in this nruccrrling, as well as by publication in ir, the CITY Rrrusn and in the corporation news- Iapers, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dater( Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep-temher 16, 1909.


Commissioners. JAsrrs F. Orret.Ey, Clerk.

slS, o2




,lshulean Reservoir. Section No. 13, Towns of Olive and Hurley, Ulster County.

In the matter of the application and petition of John A, Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick auul Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York Iu acquire real estate for and on behalf of 'flue City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amcorlatory thcn-u.i, in the Towns of Olive and hurley, UI>tcr County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesuume water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVIIN that the order of confirmation of the first

separate report of Charles \V. Mead, A. Win-throp \\'illiantis and Henry Brady, who were all' hut jilt cd Commissioners of Appraisal in the above entitled matter by an order of this Court made at a Special 'Term thereof, bell[ at the City Hall ill the City of Albany, N. Y. February 27, 1909, was filed in the office of tile Clerk of the County of Ulster at Kingston, N. Y., on the 31st day of August, 1909, and affects parcels numbers six hundred and fifty-five (655), six hundred and forty-four (644), six hundred and eight (608), six hundred and thirteen (613), six hundred and thirty-seven (637), six hundred and twenty-three (1,23), six hundred and forty- live (645), six hundred and thirty-nine (639). six hundred and thirty B ((3011), six hundred and twenty-seven (627), six hundred and twen-ty-eight (628) and six hundred and fifty-fortr (654), shown on the map and supplemental maps in tills proceeding.

Dated New York, August 31, 1909. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, New York City.




Town of Olive.

In the matter of tile application and petition of John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A, Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory there- of, in the Town of Olive. Ulster County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an ad-ditional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREIIY GIVEN that the first separate report of William J.

Del.antater. John Joseph Dwyer and Isaac N Weiner, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above-entitled matter, by an order of this Court, made at a Special Term thereof, held at the City Hall in the City of Albany, N. Y., upon the 27th day of February, 1909, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ulster on the 2d day of September, 1909, and affects Parcels Nos, four hundred ninety-one (491) four hundred ninety-three (493), four hundred ninety-seven (497) four hundred ninety-eight (498), five hundred four (504), five hundred seven (507). five hundred eight (508), five hundred nine (509), five hun-dred twelve (512), five hundred thirteen (513), five hundred fifteen (515), five hundred sixteen (516), five hundred seventeen (517) five hun-dred eighteen (518). five hundreb nineteen (519). five hundred tw.ntv.five (525). five hus-dred twenty-eight (528), five hundred twenty- nine (529). five hundred thirty-two (532), five hundred thirty-three C (533-C), five hundred thirty-seven (537) and five hundred thirty-nine (539), shown on the map of this proceeding and the supplemental maps filed in this proceed- ing.

Notice is further given that an application will he made at a Special '1'erm of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. to be held in and for the Third Judicial District, at the City Ifall, in the City of Albany. N. Y., on the 25th (lay of September. 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, ?or an order confirming said report and for such other and further relief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated New York. September 2, 1909. FRANCISK. PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Office and Post Office address. Hall of

Records, corner Chambers and Centre streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.




Town of Hurley.

In the matter of the application and petition of lubu A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick and ('harles A. Shaw, constituting file Board of Water Supffly of The City of New York, to acquire real estate fur and in behalf of Tire ( ity of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory thcrcuf, in the Town of Morley. Ulster County, N. Y., for the purho sef providin n g a additional sup- ply of pure an,l whtul,-';nrnc water fur the use of 'l he lily ul New Yurk.

1) UREIC NOTICE IS IIER1:ItY GIVEN litat the ti rst separate rel'nrt of T. Rider

Cade, Edmund \I. 6Vilbur and Thomas J Cultun, tchu, trcre appointed Commis>ioners of Appraisal in the above entitled matter by an order of this ( ourt, made at a Special Turin thereof held at the City (hall in the City of Albany. N. Y., upon the 221 day of May, 1909, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ulster on the 28th day of :1ugust, 19119, and affects Parcels Numbers eight hundred and eighty-two (882), eight hun-dred and eighty-six (886), eight hundred and ei);hty- nine (887), eight Ii ondred and ninety-nine i.99), nine hundred (900), nine hundred and two (902), nine hundred and seven (907). nine hunched and eight (908), nine hundred and f , .nrtcen (914), nine hundred and twenty-two (922), nine hundred and twenty-four (924), nine hundred and twenty-Gve (925), nine hundred and twenty-seven (927), nine hundred and twen- tv- tin c (929) and nine hundred and thirty-two r 932), shown on the snap of this proceeding and the supplemental maps filed in this proceeding.

Notice is further given that an application will he made at a Special Term of the Supreme (~nnrt of the ',late u,f New Yoork, to be held in an ,l for the 'Third Judicial Ilistrict, at the ('ity hall, in the City of Albany, N. Y., on the 25th (lay of September, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as cuunsel calf be lteard, for an order confirming ,aid Tel and for such other and further re- lief as may be iust.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the ronftrmation of any or all parcel; :-'ntaincd in said report.

hated New York ('its'. Augnet 31, 1909. FRANCIS K. l'i-;NiILE i-ON,

('nrp„ration Coun.rl. Oliirc .pet I',etu, lii ,• .1,Lhcs. 11a'I if 12r-

nrl', r more l lintel,, u u:.1 l -, :1,' '..,,tom, F ur- ,n:~h ui Alanl,altan, N. 1-,. ; k (it.


NIN'fl1 111111 1.\1, hilt-I HIt T.

\Y}:srllttsi cut ('euart'.

11)ll View Rcsncoir, Section Vo. 2.

Sixth Separate Report.

In tit,- mattrcr of the application and petition of I. F. start Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick an'h Chorus ,\. Shaw. cunstitutinu the Buanl ('f Water Supply of The City of New York, to ac-quire real c-tate for and un belualf of The City of New Y,ok, under chalrter 724 of the of 1005, awl the acts amcmlat,,ry thereof. in the City of Yonkers, We-ichc,ter County, New \'ork, for the purpose of providing an addi- tiuual sului,ly of pure and wb„Icsuntc water fur the use 'Cu The City of New York.

pL'Ihi.IC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the sixth separate re pnn't of Joseph I'..

Merriam, Gcorga Van Skal and Frank E. Rue''ei. who were appointed Cnmmi,sioners of .\p-1-clmnal in lire above cntitleul matter. by an order .1 this Court, made at a Special 'ferns thereof, held at the ('uurt Huttse in White Plain,, 1Vcsl-etesler ('„unty, N. 1'.,nt thy 4, 1907, was filed in II it' office C of the Clerk of the ('nttnty of AVest-cl- , stcr nn the 2,1 day of Jut', 1909,

Said rcltr,r't bears date July 1, 1909, and affects ('amens Nos. 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, G7, 68, 69, 71, 74 and 8I, shown on the map in this proceeding.

Public notice is further given that an applica-inin will be male at a 'Trial 'Perot of the Supreme (-,curt of the State of New York, to be hell in atad for the Ninto Judicial District, at the Court Il'uuAe, \\'hit,' Plains, N. Y., on the 11th day of I)etuiber, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of firm lay. or as soon thereafter as counsel can be Itcard, for an order confirming saul report, and i r such other an ,l further relief as may be just.

hated Siptcmbcr 13, 1909, FRANCIS KEY PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Otrice and Pout Office address, hall of Records,

'rncr of Chambers and Centie streets, Borough -i Manhattan, tfcwv York Citv.




Kensico Reservoir, Section No, 5.

Fourth Separate Report.

In the matter of the application and petition of J. EuLvard Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and i'Itarles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The ('ity of New York, under chapter 724 of the laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Town of Mount Pleasant, Westchester County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fourth separate report of Cornelius

S. Pinkney. George A. Slater and John J. Brown, the said George A. Slater and John J. Brown,




10606 THE CITY RECORD. MOND):~Y, S! 1tTEMBFI R 211, 191'),

01,' weir :1i.i pint, it loinini..i 'ncr; .•t . \pl,rai>al in the abnrc cutitl, 1 matter by an or,ler of this I',.urt. made at a Special ''cent thereof, held at the ('ours House in \Vhite Plains, Westchester Cetutty, N. Y.. tin July 211, 1907, together with Isaac Bell I:rennan, and the said Isaac Bull Brennan haling since departed this life and said Cornelius S. I'inkney having thereupon been ap-pointed in place and stead of said Isaac hell Iltennan, by an order made Llecenrber 14, 1905, and entered in the office of the Clerk of the County ,f \\'cstchester on the 23d day of lie-cru'her 1908, wa+ tiled in the office of the Clerk ..f the fount y of \\rstchester on the list day .'f June. 1909.

Sa,d report hears date June lit, 1909. and affect. Parcels No,.. 25$. 341,, 350. 353 and 354, .h. wit un the map in this proceeding.

I'uhl is n nice is further given that an appliea-ti„u will he made at a Trial Tertn of the Supreme

urt f the State of New fork, to he held in aunt for the Ninth Iudicial Itistrict, at the Court lluuse in White Plains, N. V., on the ] Ith day '.. of Uct„brr, tiff's, at to o'clock tit the forenuun f that day, or assoon thereafter as counsel

call he heard, for an order c.,ntirming said report, and for such uth,-r and further relief as may be j list.

sated September 13, 1909. Fk.\NCIS KEY 1'ENDLETON,

Cor1ssration Counsel. Office and 1'„<t Othice .\ddress. hall of

Record,, (',trier of Chambers and Centre Street, It 'it of \lanhat tan, New York I.

sl Q,t'l l

NI NIB ICltlCI.\l. ItISfRl( I

\VeSrt H ESTER C,)tS 11'.

Kelts:o R:s:rt -vie, S,c:irr: .,.. 12.

First Separate Report.

Io the matter of the app'''ication and I'etit'on of john .\. ltensel. CItar!c. N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, cumtitutinF the hoard nt Water Suple' of The City of sew• York. to ac-quire real estate for and en belt alf of The City ,'f New York. under chanter 724 of the Laws ,'f 1905 and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Towne of Ilarrison and North Castle, Westchester County, New York, for the pus t-use of providing an additional supple of pure nr; wholesome water fur the use of The City i Nem York.

Pl*itl.l Nt)1'ICE IS III-REIIY GI\'EN t1, at Ilie first separate report t'f Jescph Dar-

,,.,r, \\-. 11. l'atlm and 1'. A. McSlauus, olio wire '.,-I Cuumti-siuners of Appraisal in the ,ntitied matter. by an order .,f this (\,urt,

Lily at a St eeia; Terns there, ' t, he1,1 at the 1odge's Chambers in the City of New Roch•. "I. \\'estchcster l',nmtv. N. 1 .,- ;,n September :-

•l!S, wa= tiled in the office of the llerk of thil I'' uunty of \1"cntchcatcr Ott the 5th day of .\ago-1.

11W'). Said r,ts'rt hears date luly 31), 1909, and affects

Parcels N,,:, 858, 51,2, $',4, 865. 8t,e, i+oS, 9, ", $7 1, 574, .575, 582 arid 0.54, shown un the map in tl: ; I .ruceeding.

I 'tithe notice is further given that an api'1ica-tin will he male, at a Trial 'ferns of the Supreme G•urt .d the State .'f New \ urk, to he het” in tel it- the Ninth Judicial Iii-trict, at the Court

]lumc, White Plains. N. Y., .It the Ilth day it lte ther, 1'io". at In ,.'rl,'ek in the furenoem -f slat day, or a; s,,,'n thereafter as counsel can be heard. for an ,'vier amtirmiog said report, ar'I I' r 5ue•h .tlie•r :ue1 further relief as may he just.

I tate,I .1el ti-tithe r 13, 1909. PR.\NC'I KEY I'ENDLE,•lt)N,

l',,rpurati' ,n ('nun.el. 4)ifiee and 1'.,st Office ad'lres-- Ilall ui Rec,'rds.

c,, rrtcr ,f Clambers and Centre strc,ts, l:uruugh if \lanhattan, New York City.




hill View Reservoir, Secii- it .'•,.

Fifth Separate Report.

In the matter of the applicalinu and petition of L Ed%ard Si nun, ms, Charles N. Chadwick anal i harl.'s .\. Shaw. constituting the Board of 11"ater Sulu`-le of 7- hc City of New Y:.rk, 1-Ott it rc real estate for and . n behalf of I I,

try of New 1-irk, under chapter 724 of ti'; „f I''05, :md the acts amcrt,latnry there-.,f. it tie lit' of V',nkers. 1Ccstehc+ter C unty

1, f.,r the purpose 'f i,nnviding an a,I Ii' . -up 4y if pure and wholesmute water i•r .. u i The City of New Y, 'rk.

P 1'I:LIt' N(JTIC1: IS Ill•: REI.V GI\'EN that the fifth separate report 1,1 Bernard P.

\lartin, James K. Apgar anti George -N. Rigby, %c is,, were appointed l'ummissiun ens tof Appraisal in the ah.'ce entitled matter by as l's lcr of this Court, male at a Special Terri there, 5, held at the Court I Lou ,c, in White Planes, Vse>tchester County, N. 1'.! un May 4, 1907, was tiled in the office of the ( jerk of the County of Westchester on the 18th day of tune, 1909.

Said report bears date Julie 8, 1909, and affects Parcel No. 5, shown on the map in this pr_,cuol-ing.

Public notice is further given that an apple cation will be made at a Trial Terns of the supreme Court of the State of New York, t', lie hell in and fur the Ninth Judicial Listrict. at the Court House, White Plains, N. V.. in the 11th day of October, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, for an order confinnirg said report, and for such other and further re-lief as may be just.

Dated Sep tember 13, 1909, 1•'R:1NCIS KEY PENDLETO .

Corporati,,n 1' tinsel. Office and Post Office Address, Hall of Rec-

nrds, corner of Chambers and Centre Streets, Borough of Manhattan, New YurkeCity.




K, nsi, o Reservoir, Section Ito, 5.

Third Separate Report.

In the matter of the application and petition t'f I. Edward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and 1'harle-s A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real eaate for and nn behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Town of Mount Pleasant, Westchester County. New York, for the purpose of provid-ing an additional supply ofure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN TIIAT the third separate report of Cornelius S.

Pinkney, George A. Slater and John J. Brown, the said George A. Slater and John J. Brown

ule, w,?• II'!"' i III 4.,,,umi••oonc rs of Appraisal i;, the adive's' nthl,'' matter, by an order of this l'ourt, nmde at a Slice oil 'ferns thereof, held at the ( uurt House. in \%']life Plains, Westchester l'unntc, N. V., tin July 20, 1907, together with Isaac Bull Ilrcnnan, attd the said Isaac Bell Bren-nan having since departed this life and said Cor-uclius S. 1'tnkney having thereupon been ap- pointed in place and stead of said Isaac Bell Itrennan, by an order made December 14, 1908, and entered in the office of the Clerk of the Cotmty of Westchester on the 23d day of De-cember, 1909. was filed on the office of the Clerk 'f the County of \1'cstchester on the 3d slay of June. 1909.

Said report hears date May 18, 1909, and affect, Parcels Nos. 291, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 3i1 , 31)5• 30't, 313. 329 and 348, shown on the neap in this proceeding.

Public notice is further given that an appliea-tion will be made at a 'Trial "term of the Su-premc Court of the State- of New York, to be held in and for the Ninth iudicial District, at the Court house, in White Plains, N, Y.. on the 11th day of October, 190't, at 10 o'clock in the forcno,tn of that day. or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming said report, and for such outer and further relief as may he lust.

hated Septenihcr 13, 1909, FR.\NCIS KEY PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. IIffuce and Po-t Office Address: hall of Re.-

'+nls, Corner of Chanther,s and Centre Streets, It-n,,uO N of 1latrhattan, Net,- York Cite.




Notice of Filing and of Motion to Confirm First Separate Report.

In the matter of the application and petition of John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A, Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York under Chapter 724 of the l-aws of 1905 and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Town of Mount 1'lea'ant, Vt estchester County, New York, for the construction of Catskill .' queduct and appttrtenauces, from town line near Chappaqua to Kensico Reservoir taking line.

P ULILIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILT the first separato report of Royal E. T.

Riggs, Samuel It. Irish and Ilenry W. IIain,s, the l'unmtisiioners of Appraisal in the above en-titic'l matter, was filed in the office of the Clerk c f the County of Westchester on the 7th day of Augu't. 1909, and affects Parcels Nos. 96o 974, 977, 979, 978, 981, 984, 985, 986, 999 and 1022.

Notice is further given that an application will be made at a Special 'Perm of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, a: Chambers thereof, held in an.! fur the Ninth Judicial District, at No. 300 Pelham road, in the City of New Rochelle. on the 25th day of September. 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereaft,-r as counsel can be heard for an order confirming said retort and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just.

Stated New York City. N. V., August 7 1909• FRANCIS K. 1'ENULETOc,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, Chambers arid Centre streets,

New York City, N. Y. s4,25



Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Greenb rg-

Notice of Application for the Appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal.

P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make ap-lt tcatiun to the Supreme Court of the State of New York for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 as amended, and the acts relating thereto.

Such application will be made to the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial Districtat the '

Nyack, e's Chambers, in Rocklantl' County, :V. V., on the 25th day of September 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. The object of such application is to obtain an order of the Court appointing three disinterested and competent freeholders, one of whom shall rye side in the County of New York and at least' one of whom shall reside in the County of Westchester, to act as Commissioners of Ap- praisal under said act and discharge all the duties conferred by said act and the acts amendatory thereof.

The following . is a description of the real es- tate to be acqu,red, together with a reference to the date and place of filing the map:

.-1ll those certain pieces or parcels of real es-tate situated in the Towns of bit. Pleasant and Gicenburg. County of Westchester, and State of New York, shown on a map entitled "Southern Aqueduct De, artment. Section No, 15. Board of Water Supply of The City of New York. Map of real estate situated in the Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Greenburg, County of We'tchester, and State of New York, to be acquired by The City of New York, under the provisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 as amended, for the construction of Catskill Aqueduct and appurtenances. from Kensico Res' erv, ir, takinq line near Lakehurst Villa Park, to Elmsford.' which map was filed in the office of the Register of the County of Westchester, at White Plains, N. Y., on the 7th day of July, 1909, as Map No. 1683. which parcels are bound-ed and described as follows:

First Part. Beginning at the most westerly point of

Charles street (hetween Adaline and Columbus avenues). and running thence north 13 degrees 50 minutes west 373.5 feet, on a curve of 270 feet radius to the left 142.9 feet, and north 44 degrees 10 minutes west 451.5 feet, to a point in the southerly line of Upper Cross road, leading from Mt. Pleasant Cemetery station to Kensico; thence along said line north 81 degrees 40 minutes east 74 feet; thence south 44 degrees 10 minutes east 402.8 feet. on a curve of 330 feet radius to the right 174.7 feet, and south 13 degrees 50 minutes


east 374.8 feet, to a point in the northerly line of before-mentioned Charles street; thence aloe` said line south 77 degrees 20 minutes west 60 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Second Part.

Beginning at the northeast corner of Parcel No.1009, to the westerly line of Real Estate Section No, 9, Southern Aqueduct Department, I'sensico Reservoir (tile map of which section was tiled in the office of the Register of the County of Vsestchester, at White Plains, N. Y., on the 6th day of April, 1908, as Map No. 1791), and running thence along the easterly lines of said Parcel No. 1009 andParcels Nos. 1008 and 1007, partly clung said westerly section line and partly along the westerly line of Real Es-late Section No. 8, Southern Aqueduct Depart-ncent, Kensico Reservoir (the ma{, of which see-tiuu was filed in the office of the Register. (runty of Westchester, at White Plains, N. Y., un the 3d day of I)ecember, 1907, as Map No. 17671, south 2 degrees 13 minutes east 374.6 feet, South 45 degrees 1,107.3 feet, and due south 411 feet, b• Tarrytown road, to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 1007; thence along the southerly line of same, south 88 de-grres 58 minutes west 264.7 feet, to the sqt th-must corner of said parcel, in the easterly line of a road leading from Valhalla to Pleasantville; thence along the said road line and the westerly litre of said parcel, north 4 degrees 25 minutes west 118 feet, and north 3 degrees 15 minutes west 282.6 feet, to the southeast corner of said road and hcfc•re-mentioned Tarrytown road, in the southerly line of Parcel No. 1008; thence partly along said parcel line, north 47 degrees 49 minutes west 59,1 feet, to the northwest cor-ne r of said roads, in the southerly line of be-fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1009; thence partly along said Parcel line and along the northerly line of said Tarrytown road, north 84 degrees 55 nauutes west 100.3 feet; thence continuing along the southerly line of Parcel No. 1009, and run- ntng along the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. 1010. 1012 and 1013 the following courses and distances: North I degree 17 minutes east 356.2 feet, north 34 degrees 23 minutes west 318.7 feet, south 55 degrees 45 minutes west 497,4 feet; south 32 degrees 16 minutes west 270 feet, north 80 degrees 42 minutes west 230 feet, north 32 degrees 16 minutes east 270 feet, north 80 de-grees 42 minutes west 283 feet, north 9 de-gress, 18 minutes east 50 feet, north 80 degrees 42 minutes west 1,288.8 feet, south 9 degrees IS minutes west 50 feet, north 80 degrees 42 minutes west 115 feet, south 9 degrees 18 min-utes west 275 feet, north 80 degrees 42 minutes west 400 feet, north 9 degrees 18 minutes east 223.3 feet, north 75 degrees 30 minutes west 61.4 feet, south 69 degrees 57 minutes west 362.7 feet, north 20 degrees 3 minutes west 25 feet It.long the centre line of a road leading from \'nlhalla to Hawthorne), south 69 degrees 57 minutes west 1,442.1 feet, crossing the - Harlem Division of the Now York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 206 feet, south 76 degrees 39 min-utes west 70.7 feet, and south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 842 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1014, in the easterly line of another road leading from Valhalla toIlaw- thcrnc: thence partly along the easterly line of -said Parcel, south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 19.7 feet to the most easterly point of Parcel No• 1111x, in the centre of the last-mentioned road; thence partly along the easterly lines of said parcel No. 1015 and Parcels Nos, 1016 and 1017, the following courses and distances: South 31 degrees 39 minutes west 1,744.6 feet, south 41 degrees 12 minutes east 90.8 feet, south 34 degrees 58 minutes east 94.9 feet, south 30 degrees 34 minutes east 473.8 feet south 36 degrees 4 minutes east 201.8 feet, an south 39 degrees 17 minutes east 92 feet, to the most easterly point of said Parcel No. 1017 in the centre of a road leading from Kensico Ctemetery station to \-alhalla; thence along the centre line of said load, and continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1017, south 16 degrees 44 minutes west 30.1 feet, to the most southerly point of said parcel; thence partly along the westerly line of same, and again partly along the easterly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. I1,16. the following courses and distances: North 39 degrees 17 minutes west 109.5 feet, north 36 degrees 4 minutes west 203.7 feet, north 30 degrees 34 minutes west 178 feet, south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 258.3 feet, north 43 degrees 27 minutes west 155.1 feet, north 42 de- grees 30 minutes west 91.4 feet, north 35 degrees

minutes west 54.1 feet, north 14 degrees 9 minutes west 191.8 feet, and south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 2,124.7 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1018, in the northerly line of l-ower Cross road leading from Eastview to Valhalla; thence along the easterly line of said Marcel, south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 46.2 feet, crossing the line between the Towns of Mt. Pleasant and (ireenburg, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1019, in the southerly line of said Lower Cross road; thence along the easterly line of said parcel and partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1021, along the easterly lice of Parcel No. 1022, partly along the northerly line of Parcel No. 1037., along the easterly lines of the last-mentioned parcel and Parcels Nos. 1033 to 1038, both inclusive, and along the southerly line of said Parcel No, 1038, the following courses, distances and curve: South 13 degrees 21 minutes east 106.1 feet, south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 208.9 feet, south 4 degrees 59 minutes west 89.8 feet, south 21 degrees 42 minutes east 261.8 feet, south 3 degrees 42 minutes east 487.2 feet, south 56 minutes west 866.6 feet, south 17 de- grees 14 minutes east 67.5 feet, south 2 degrees 12 minutes east 78.1 feet, south 8 degrees 4 minutes east 138.9 feet, south 2 degrees 6 win- utes west 41 feet, south 2 degrees 29 minutes east 195.7 feet, south 9 degrees 24 minutes east 39.5 feet, south 80 degrees 36 minutes west 23.8 feet, south 34 degrees 37 minutes west 987 feet, cn a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left 453.4 feet, south 5 degrees 52 minutes east 116.4 feet, north 80 degrees 33 minutes east 44.4 feet, north 85 degrees 59 minutes east 11.4 feet, south 4 de- grees 7 minutes east 626.8 feet, and south 85 de- grees 53 minutes west 100 feet, to the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 1038, in the easterly line of See avenue, said point being also in the easterly line of Parcel No. 1039; thence partly along said parcel line and along said easterly avenue line and the same produced, south 4 de- grees 7 minutes east 100 feet, to the southeast corner of said avenue and Payne street; thence along the southerly line produced of said street, south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 25 feet, to the point of intersection of same with the centre line of before-mentioned See avenue; thence along said centre line and continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1039, south 4 degrees 7 minutes east 150 feet; thence continuing along said easterly parcel line, south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 25 feet, to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 1041, in the westerIp line of said avenue; thence along the southerly line of said Parcel No. 1041, partly along the easterly and along the southerly lines of Parcel No. 1042, south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 100 feet, south 4 degrees 7 minutes east 125 feet, and south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 100 feet, to the south- west corner of said Parcel No. 1042, in the easterly line of Bryant avenue, said point being also in the easterly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1039; thence partly along said parcel line and along said avenue line, south 4 de-greea 7 miuntes east 50 feet- thence south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 2S feet, to a point in the centre of said Bryant avenue; thence along

the centre line of said avenue, and continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1039, south 4 degrees 7 minutes east 125 feet, to the south-east corner of said parcel; thence along the southerly line of same, south 85 degrees 53 min- utes west 25 feet, to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 1045, in the westerly line of said Bryant avenue; thence partly along the south-erly line of said parcel, along the easterly lines of Parcels Nes. 1050 and 1051, partly along the southerly line of said Parcel No. 1051, along the easterly line of Parcel No, 1056, and partly along the northerly lines of Parcels Nos. 1038 and 1059, the following courses and distances: South 85 degrees 53 minutes west 100 feet, south 4 degrees 7 minutes east 70 feet, south 84 degrees 38 minutes west 5.9 feet, south 82 degrees 48 minutes west 29.4 feet, south 7 de-gites 45 minutes west 223.1 feet. south 33 de-grees 54 minutes west 124.8 feet, south 7 de- grec' 45 minutes west 15 feet, south 18 degrees 16 miuutcs east 177.1 feet, south 27 degrees 19 minutes cast 384.7 feet, north 81 degrees 49 min- utes east 3 2 feet, south 86 degrees 56 minutes east ,Co feet, and north 86 degrees 41 minutes east 11,8 feet, to the northeast corner of said Parcel, No, 1059, in the centre of before-men-tioned Itryant avenue; thence along the centre line of said avenue and partly along the easterly line of said parcel, south 4 degrees 7 minutes cast 441.! feet, to the point of intersection of sail centre line with the southerly line produced ,f Uitnock street; thence along said produced line and the southerly line of said street and continuing aloeg the easterly line of Parcel No. 11)59, south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 125 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1060; thence along the easterly and southerly lines of , aid parcel, south 4 degrees 7 minutes east 65.2 feet. south 21 degrees 21 minutes west 177 feet, and south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 23.9 feet, to the southwest corner of same, in the easterly line of Endicott avenue, said point being also in the easterly line of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1059; thence partly along said parcel line and along said avenue line, south 4 degrees 7 minutes east 176.5 feet, to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence along the southerly line of same, south 86 degrees west 39.5 feet, and south 85 degrees 12 minutes west 10.5 feet, to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 1063, in the westerly line of said avenue; thence partly along the southerly line of said parcel, south 85 degrees 12 minutes west 19.4 feet, to the mirtheast corner of farcel No. 1066, in the easterly line of Knellwood road; thence along said road line and Partly along the easterly line of said parcel, south 2 degrees 34 minutes west 134.6 feet; thence continuing along said road, south 77 degrees 2 minutes west 2n feet, south 12 Icgrces 58 minutes east 115 feet, and south 58 degrees 35 minutes west 25.5 feet, to a point in the westerly line of the easterly part of said rail, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 1067; thence partly along said parcel line along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1068, 1071, 1072 and 11)73, partly al,,ng the easterly lines of I'ar- eelc Nos. 1074 and 1076, along the easterly line of P'~rcel No. 1077. again partly along the east-erly line of Parcel No. 1076, and along the east-erly line ofParcel No. 1078, the following courses and distances: South 88 degrees 35 min-utes west 31.5 feet, south I degree 25 minutes rant 231 feet, south 5 degrees 43 minutes east 178.4 feet, south 17 degrees 54 minutes east 477.4 feet, south 24 degrees 34 minutes east 219 feet, and south 29 degrees 36 minutes west 1,197.6 feet, crossing a highway, Chester and Cheee,-r avenues and Valley street, to the must snuthe•rly point of said Parcel No, 1078, in the nnrIherly line of hef„re•mentioned Tarrytown road. said p unt hieing also in the easterly line of Parcel No. 1081; thence partly along said parcel line, south 29 degrees 36 minutes west 26 feet, to a point in the centre of said Tarrytown road; thence along the centre line of said road. south 44 degrees 12 minutes cast 215.4 feet, to the most easterly point of said parcel; thence continuing along the easterly line of saidar-cel, south 44 degrees 15 minutes we, 25 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1082, in the westerly line of said road; thence partly along the easterly lines of said parcel and Par-cel No, 1083, and along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1084, 1085 and 1086, south 44 de-grees 15 minutes west 803.1 feet, crossing Fair-ntount, Prospect and Summit streets, to the s,,uthea<t corner of said Parcel No. 1086, in the southerly line of said Summit street; thence ',l-,ng said line and partly along the southerly tine of said parcel, north 45 degrees 45 minutes west 78 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1087; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 36 degrees west 99,8 feet, to the southeast corner of same, in the northerly line of Hartsdale road; thence along said road line and the southerly line of said parcel, north 78 de. glues 22 n,inutes west 54.9 feet, to the south- west corn,r of said parcel; thence along the wct:erly Jive of same, north 36 degrees east 129.7 feet to the northwest corner of same, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1086, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Summit street; thence along said street line and partly along said parcel line, north 45 degrees 45 nrinotes west 121.5 feet, to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence along the westerly lines of same and before-mentioned Parcel No. 1085, north 44 degrees 15 minutes east 250 feet, recrossing Summit street, to the northwest eor- ver of said Parcel No. 1085, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1083, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Prospect street; thence partly along said parcel line and along said southerly street line and its produc-tiott, north 45 degrees 45 minutes west 125 feet, to the southwest corner of said parcel, at the southwest corner of said Prospect street and before-mentioned Cheever avenue; thence along the westerly line of said avenue and its produc-tion, and the westerly line of said Parcel No. 1083, north 44 degrees 15 minutes east 538.2 feet, recrossing before-mentioned Fairmount street. to the southwest corner of said Cheever avenue and before-mentioned Tarrytown road, in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1081 ; thence partly along said parcel line and along the westerly line produced of said avenue, north 44 degrees 15 minutes east 25 feet, to the point of intersection of said produced line with the centre line of said Tarrytown road- thence along the said centre liner continuing along the westerly hue of Parcel No. 1081, and running partly along the southerly line of Parcel No, 1080, the following courses and distances: North 44 degrees 12 minutes west 219.6 feet, north 49 degrees 31 minutes west 723 feet, north 51 degrees 30 minutes west 1,446.2 feet, north 67 degrees 48 minutes west 430.8 feet, north 67 degrees 53 minutes west 111.5 feet. north 68 degrees 40 minutes west 239 feet, n"rth 69 degrees 43 minutes west 64.3 feet, and north 70 degrees 8 minutes west 105.7 feet' tbrnce continuing along the southerly line of Parcel No. 1080, south 19 degrees 52 minutes west 24.5 feet, to a point in the southerly line of said Tarrytown road; thence along said road line and continuing along the southerly line of said Parcel No. 1080, north 70 degrees 8 min-utes west 95 feet, crossing Saw Mill River and the Putnam Division of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence aloes the westerly line of same, north 19 degrees S7 minutes east 49.5 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence partly along the so:thtslg


line of same, south 70 degrees 8 minutes east 200.7 feet, recrossing Saw Mill River and the Putnam Division of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, to a point in the northerly line of said Tarrytown road; thence along said road line and continuing along the northerly line of said Parcel No, 1080 the fol- lowing courses and distances: South 64 degrees 43 minutes east 65.4 feet, crossing Saw Mill River road, south 68 degrees 40 minutes east 238.6 feet, south 67 degrees 53 minutes east 111.7 feet, crossing Stone avenue, south 67 de- grees 48 nrinutes east 454.4 feet, crossing Lawn and hillside avenues, south 51 degrees 30 min-utes east 1,450.2 feet, crossing Mortimer, Good- win, I:varts, Perkins and French avenues, south 49 degrees 31 minutes east 724.6 feet, crossing Robbins avenue, a road, and Knollwood avenue, and south 44 degrees 12 minutes east 95.1 feet, to the most westerly point of Parcel No. 1079; thence partly along the northerly line of said parcel, north 45 degrees 48 minutes east 105 feet, south 44 degrees 12 minutes east 63.2 feet, and north 45 degrees 48 minutes east 97 feet, to the most northerly point of said parcel, in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1076, in the southerly line of before-mentioned V..11ey street; thence partly along said westerly parcel line, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 51.7 feet, to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 1075, in the northerly line of said street; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 206.7 feet, to the most northerly point of same, in the southerly line of Ridgeside street, at another point in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1076- thence Partly along said parcel line, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 51.7 feet, to the southwest corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1074, in the northerly line of the last-mentioned street; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 201.3 feet, to the most westerly point of before-men- tioned Parcel No. 1071, in the southerly line of the before-mentioned highway; thence along the westerly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 1070, and partly along the westerly line of Par-cel No. 1069, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 166.4 feet, recrossing said highway, to a point in the centre of Glenartney street; thence along the centre line of said street, north 13 degrees 53 minutes west 130.8 feet; thence continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1069. north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 36.3 feet, to the most northerly point of said parcel, in the easterly line of the last-mentioned street, said point Iteing also in the westerly line of before. mentioned Parcel No. 1067; thence partly along said westerly parcel line, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east 118.2 feet, north 17 degrees 54 minutes west 525.6 feet, and south 72 degrees 6 minutes west 28.7 feet, to the southeast cor-ner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1066 in the easterly line of the westerly part of betore-mentinne~l Kn,llwnn,l road; thence along the s~ ,ntherly and partly along the westerly lines of said Parcel No 1066, south 72 degrees 6 min- utes west 15.9 feet, and north 13 degrees 53 minutes west 60.4 feet, to a point in the west- erly line of said road: thence along said road line and continuing a;ong the westerly line of Parcel N". 10(6, on a curve of 175 feet radius to the left, 79.5 feet, on a curve of 579.5 feet radius to the rieht. 163.6 feet, and an a curve of 1.035.4 feet radius to the right, 13.5 feet, t. the mn:t ssntherly point of Parcel No. 1065; thence along the westerly and partly along the northerly lines ,f said parcel, along the westerly line of 'Parcel No. 1063, partly along the west-erly and nnrthcrly lines of before-mentioned Par-cel No. 1)163• awl along the wcvterly line of Parcel No. 1062, the following rottrses, distances all,! cure's: North I degree 25 minutes west 146.7 feet, on a curve of 806.8 feet radius to the right. 2229.7 feet: north 84 degrees 48 min-utes east 11 feet, north 21 degrees 21 minutes east I°5.9 feet. mirth 4 degrees 7 minutes west 66 2 feet, north R; Ieerecs 53 minutes east 31.5 feet, and north 21 decries 21 minutes cast 159.2 feet. t„ the molt north,-rly I,nin of said Par-cel Ni, 1062. in the westerly line .f before-men-tioned F.n,iinrtt avenue, -aid paint being also in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1059; thence partly along said parcel line and along said westerly avenue line, north 4 degrees 7 minutes welt 11.2 feet, to the south-east corner of Parcel No. 1061; thence along the southerly line of said parcel, south 85 de- grees 5 3 c

i ii tee tS

t oft± ame, inthetleasterly

0 feet, t

the line of uAbbott

as-enue; thence along said ,vtrue line- the east-erly line if said parcel, and again partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1059, north 4 de- grees 7 minutes west 70 feet, crossing before-tnentione~l flintlock street, to the northeast cor-ner of said street and Al butt avenue; thence along the nnrtherly line of sail street and its uroduction• mirth 85 1egrees 53 in notes east 225 feet, to the point of intersection of said pro- duce•d street line with the centre line of hefore-mentioncel Emlic.,tt avenue; thence along said centre line, and still continuing along the west-erly line of Parcel No. 1059. north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 400.5 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel, in the smttherly line of before-mentioned Porc,l No. 1056; thence partly along said parcel line, south 82 degrees 45 minutes west 4 feet, to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence partly along the westerly line of same, along the southerly and westerly lines of Parcel No. 1057,' again partly along the west-erly line of Parcel No. 1056, partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 1055, along the westerly lines of said Parcel No. 1055 and Par' eels Nos. 1054 and 1053, and along the north-erly line of said Parcel No. 1053, the following courses, distances and curves: North 27 de-grees, 19 minutes west 112.5 feet, on a curve of 450 feet radius to the left 79.5 feet; north 80 degrees 58 minutes west 5&.l feet, north 27 degrees 19 minutes west 109.7 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius to the right, 168.3 feet; north 7 degrees 45 minutes east 396.8 feet, south 81 degrees 58 minutes west 60 feetnorth 4 degrees 7 minutes west 84.7 feet, ant ' north 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 feet, to the north- east corner of said Parcel No. 1053, in the westerly line of Parcel No. 1052, in the west-erly line of before-mentioned Endicott avenue; thence along said avenue line and partly along said westerly parcel line, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 75 feet; thence north 85 degrees 53 minutes east 25 feet, to a point in the centre of said avenue; thence along the centre line 'hereof, and continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1052, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 150 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence along the northerly line of same, notth 85 degrees 53 minutes east 25 feet, to the northwest corner of Parcel No. 1046; thence along the northerly line of said parcel, partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1044, and along the westerly and northerly lines of Parcel No. 1043, north 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 feet, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 150 feet, and north 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 feet, to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 1043, in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1039, in the westerly line of before-men-tioned Bryant avenue; thence along said ave-nue line and partly along said westerly parcel line, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 75 feet, to the southwest corner of said avenue and be-fore-mentioned Payne street; thence along the southerly line degrees 53 minu

produced of street, 25 feet. to the point

of intersection of said produced line with the centre line of said Bryant avenue; thence along said centre line, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west IUU feet; thence continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1039, north 85 degrees 53 minutes cast 25 feet, to the northwest corner of Parcel No, 1031• thence along the northerly line of said parcel, the westerly lines of parcels numbered from 1029 to 1023, both inclusive, partly along the northerly line of said Parcel No. 1023, along the westerly lines of before-mentioned Parcels Nos. 1022 and 1021, partly along the southerly and along the westerly lines of Parcel No. 1020, and partly along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1019, the following courses, distances and curve: North 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 feet, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 616.2 feet, north 83 degrees 57 minutes east 44.5 feet, north 5 degrees 52 minutes west 116.9 feet on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, ?59.4 feet; north 34 degrees 37 minutes east 654 feet, north 25 degrees 55 minutes east 177.5 feet, north 17 degrees 46 minutes west 134.4 feet, north 50 degrees 43 minutes east 99.3 feet, north 1 degree 15 minutes east 698.6 feet, south RU degrees 58 minutes west 148.3 feet, north 3 degrees 30 minutes west 725.6 feet, north 13 degrees 15 minutes east 349.3 feet, north 14 degrees 28 minutes west 320.2 feet, north 22 degrees 21 minutes east 239 feet, and north 5 degrees 28 minutes west 230.1 feet to the south- west corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1018, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Lower Cross road; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 5 degrees 28 minutes west 19 feet, and north 31 degrees 6 minutes east 36.8 feet, recrossing the before-mentioned line between the Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Grecnburg, to the northwest corner of said par- cel, in the northerly line of said Lower Cross read; thence along said northerly road line and partly along the northerly line of said parcel, south 58 degrees 54 minutes east 13.9 feet, s eutlt 56 degrees 5 minutes east 78 feet, south 55 degrees 28 minutes east 100.7 feet, and south 55 degrees 57 minutes east 55.3 feet, to the snuttwest corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1016; thence along the westerly lines of said parcel and before-mentioned Parcel No. 1015, north 31 degrees 39 minutes east 2,183.2 feet, north 13 degrees 56 minutes west 70 feet, north 31 degrees 39 minutes east 190 feet, south 45 de- grees 56 minutes east 51.2 feet, and north 31 degrees 39 minutes east 1,765.7 feet, to the most westerly point of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1014, in the centre of the last-mentioned road leading from liawthorne to Valhalla; thence partly along the westerly lines of said Parcel and before-mentioned Parcel No. 1013, along the northerly lines of said Parcel No. 1013 and before-mentioned Parcel No. 1012, and partly along the northerly line of before-men- tinncd Parcel No. 1010, the following courses amt distances: North 31 degrees 19 minutes '-051 82,4.2 feet, north 13 degrees 21 minutes west 106.1 feet, north 31 degrees 39 minutes east 241.7 feet, north 69 degrees 57 minutes east 175 feet, north 24 degrees 57 minutes east 282.8 feet, north 69 degrees 57 minutes east 310 feet, south 20 degrees 3 minutes east 225 feet, north 69 degrees 57 minutes east 804.4 fret, recrossing the Harlem Division of the New York Central and Iludson River Railroad Company, to a point in the centre of the before-mentioned road leading from Valhalla to Haw- thorne; thence along the centre line of said read, north 20 degrees 3 minutes west 25 feet; thence continuing along the northerly line of l'arrel No. 1010 and running partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1011, north 69 de- grees '7 minutes east 133 feet north 60 degrees 27 minutes west 34.1 feet, and north 37 degrees 36 minutes west 318.8 feet, to another point in the centre of the last-mentioned road; thence along the centre line of said road and continuing a1img the westerly line of Parcel No. 1011, north 17 degrees S8 minutes west 53.5 feet and north 22 degrees 14 nunutes west 120.9 ?'et, to the list northerly point of said parcel; thence nlnnk the easterly line of same, again partly along the northerly line of before-mentioned I'arceI No, 1010, and partly along the northerly line of before-mcntinned Parcel No. 1009, the following courses and distances: South 37 de-gre,-s 36 minutes east 475.7 feet, south 60 de-grees 37 minutes east 66.5 feet, north 69 de- crees 57 minutes east 102.2 feet, south 84 de-gree, 49 minutes east 172.4 feet, south 75 de- grce-s 30 minutes east 214.2 feet, north 80 de-gree's 42 minutes east 205.9 feet, south 80 de-ct,.~ s 42 minutes east 159.3 feet, south 9 de-grrrs 18 minutes west 50 feet, south 80 de-grees 43 minutes east 1,288.8 feet, north 9 de-grees 14 minutes east 50 feet, south 80 de-grees 42 minutes east 271.8 feet, north 57 de-grees 54 minutes east 604.9 feet, north 81 de- grees 22 minutes east 316.8 feet, north 2 de-grees 19 minutes east 217 feet, and north 87 de-grees 7 minutes cast 124.5 feet, to a point in the centre of the before-mentioned road leading front Valhalla to Pleasantville; thence along the centre line of said road, north 4 degrees 46 min- tttes east 206.7 feet; thence continuing along the northerly line of said Parcel No. 1009, south 78 degrees 58 minutes east 1,042.5 feet, to the point or place of beginning.

The fee is to be acquired by The City of New York in all the real estate Parcels Nos. 1006 to 1087. both inclusive, contained in the above description, excepting Parcels Nos. 1011, 1017 and 1080, in which perpetual easement is to be acquired.

The easement sought in Parcel No. 1080, colored blue on said map, is the right to construct and forever maintain a pipe line on, over or through said parcel.

Reference is hereby made to the said map filed as aforesaid in the office of the Register, of the County of Westchester for a more detailed de- scription of the real estate to be taken as above described. The greatest width of the proposed taking

along the Aqueduct is 1.770 feet which occurs across Parcels Nos. 1007, 1008 and 1009, and the least width of the said taking is 50 feet, which occurs across Parcels Nos. 1009, 1110, 1013, 1014, 1015 and 1016. In case any real estate hereinbefore described

is used for highway or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The City of New York may acquire the right to close the same.

Dated August 2, 1909. FRANCIS KEY PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Office and Post-Office address, Hall of

Records, corner of Chambers and Centre streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.




Town of Greenburg and City of Yoskorti

Notice of Application for the Appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal.

P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make ap-

plication to the Supreme Court of the State of New York for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 as amended, and the acts relating thereto.

Such application will be made to the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial Districtat the Judge's Chambers, in Nyack, Rockland' County, N.Y., on the 25th day of September, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. The object of such application is to obtain an order of the Court appointing three disinterested and comupetent freeholders, one of whom shall re-side in the County of New York and at least one of whom shall reside in the County of Westchester, to act as Commissioners of Ap-praisal under said act and discharge all the duties conferred by said act and the acts amendatory thereof. . The following is a description of the real es- tate to be acquireel, together with a reference to the date and place of filing the map:

All those certain pieces or parcels of real es- tate situated in the Town of Greenburg and City of Yonkers, County of Westchester, and State of New York, -flown on a map entitled "Southern Aqueduct Department. Section No. 16. Board of Water Supply of The City of New York. Map of real estate situated in the 'l'nwn of Greenburg and City of Yonkers, County of Westchester, and State of New York, to be acquired by The City of New York, under the 1,rovisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 as amended, for the construction of Catskill Aqueduct and appurtenances, from Elmsford to I1i11 View Reservoir taking line," which map was flled in the office of the Register of the County of Westchester, at White Plains N. Y., on the 7th day of July, 1909, as Map lio. 1864,1 which parcels are bounded and described as follows:

First Part,

Beginning at the southwest corner of Parcel No. 1087, of Real Estate Section No. 15, South-ernAqueeluct Department (the map of which section was filed in the office of the Register of the County of Westchester, at White Plains, N. Y. on the 7th day of July 1909, as Map No. 1863), said point being also the northwest cor-ner of Parcel No. 1088 of the section hereby described, in the northerly line of Hartsdale road (leading from Elmsford to Hartsdale), and running thence along said road line, the north-erly line of the last-mentioned parcel, and the southerly line of said Parcel No. 1087, south 78 degrees 22 minutes east 54.9 feet. to the north-east corner of said Parcel No. 1088; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 36 de- grees west 53 feet, to the northeast corner of Par- cel No. 1089, in the southerly line of said road; thence along the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 1090, and partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1091, the following courses, dis- tances and curve: South 36 degrees west 1,940.1 feet, south 54 degrees east 75 feet, south 36 degrees west 391.7 feet, south 24 degrees 35 minutes west 97.3 feet, south 13 degrees 46 minutes east 1.146.6 feet. on a curve of 791.8 feet radios to the right, 622.3 feet, and south 31 degrees 16 minutes west 711.4 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1092, in the northerly line of Landers road (leading from Woodland to White i'Iainc); thence along the easterly line of said parcel. south 31 degrees 16 minutes west 64.5 feet, to the southeast corner of same, in the southerly line of said road; thence along said road line and partly along the southerly line of said parcel, south 43 degrees 25 minutes west 63.3 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1093: thence along the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 1096, partly along the snutherlv line of said Parcel No. 1096 and along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1097, the following 'nurses and distances: South 31 de- grees 16 minutes west 609.8 feet, south 58 de- grees 44 minutes east 75 feet, south 31 de-grees 16 minutes west 390 feet, south 27 de-grees 5n minutes east 217 feet, south 1 degree 40 minutes west 940 4 feet, south 79 degrees 59 minutes west 1532 feet, and south 1 degree, 40 ntnntes we=t 734.7 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No, 1100, in the northerly line of a road leading from \Voodland to Hartsdale; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south I decree 40 minutes west 54.7 feet. to the southeast corner of same, in the southerly line of said road: thence along said road line and partly slang the southerly line of said par-cel, south 75 degrees 37 minutes west 26 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1102: thence along the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 1103 and 1104. and partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1105, the following courses; distances and curves: South I degree 40 minutes west 444.4 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 271.5 feet; south 22 degrees 34 minutes east 352.6 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right. 935.1 feet; smith 37 degrees 52 minutes west 138.6 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 140.4 feet; south 25 decrees 20 minutes west 633.1 feet, on a curve of 791 8 feet radius to the right, 1964. feet; south 39 degrees 35 minutes west 17.2 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radios to the left. 183 feet, and south 23 de-grees 14 minutes west 182.8 feet, to a point in the northerly line of Upper Sprain road (lead-ing from Ardsley to Hartsdale); thence con- tinning along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1105, and running partly along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1106 and 1107, south 37 degrees 45minutes east 74.6 feet, to the most easterly point of said Parcel No. 1107, in the easterly line of New Sprain road; thence along said road line, continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1107, and running partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1108, south 52 degrees 15 minutes west 193.9 feet, south 33 degrees 7 minutes west 145 feet, south 33 degrees 13 minutes west 492.8 feet, south 33 degrees 10 minutes west 755.9 feet, and south 33 degrees 25 minutes west 285.8 feet; thence continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1108, running along the easterly lines of Par. eelsNos. 1110 and 1113, partly along the east-erly line of Parcel No. 1114, along the east-erly lines of Parcels Nos. 1115 and 1116, partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1117, along the easterly line of. Parcel No. 1118, again partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1117, and along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1119 and 1120, the following courses, dis-tances and curves: South 7 degrees 56 minutes west 233.8 feet, south 21 degrees 7 minutes west 106.6 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 385 feet; south 13 degrees 15 minutes east 432.7 feet, south 15 degrees 39 minutes west 403.2 feet, south 45 degrees 44 minutes west 156.3 feet, south 23 degrees 40 minutes west 93.9 feet, south 1 degree 36 minutes west 252.3 feet. south 14 degrees 42 minutes west 124.6 feet, south 27 degrees 47 minutes west 110.4 feet, south 17 degrees 58 minutes east 113.3 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius to the right, 230 feet, crossing a road leading to Greenville, south 29 degrees 58 minutes west 190.1 feet, south 6 degrees 57 minutes east 99 feet, on a curve of 265 feet radius to the right, 194.2 feet; south 32 degrees 53 minutes west 250.5 feet, sotttlt 15 degrees 53 minutes west 78.9 feet, south I degree 7 minutes east 325.3 feet, on a curve of 781.8 feet radius to the right, 216.3 feet; mouth 14 degrees 44 safaatas

west 298.9 feet, south 6 degrees 36 minutes west 476.7 feet, south 13 degrees 16 minutes east 318.9 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius to the right, 259.7 feet; south 40 degrees 50 minutes west 33.4 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left 318.7 feet; south 12 degrees 23 minutes west 'l8,4 feet, on a curve of 125 feet radius to the left, 86.1 feet; south 27 de- grees 3 minutes east 333.2 feet, and south 39 degrees 35 minutes west 97 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1121, in the easterly line of Platt avenue; thence along the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 1122 and 1123, and partly along the easterly line of Par- cel No. 1124 the following courses, distances and curves: youth 39 degrees 35 minutes west 97.1 feet, crossing said Platt avenue, south 75 degrees 16 minutes west 608 feet, on a curve of 125 feet radius to the left, 100 feet; south 29 degrees 25 minutes west 656.2 feet, south 8 degrees west 137.1 feet, south 11 degrees 11 minutes east 540.4 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 778.4 feet; south 45 degrees 8 minutes west 181.1 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 765.7 feet; south 23 de• grees 13 minutes east 71.5 feet, south 40 degrees 2 minutes east 158.6 feet, and south 32 degrees

57 minutes west 593.9 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1125, in the easterly line of Jackson avenue; thence partly along time east-erly line of said parcel, south 32 degrees 57 minutes west 51.4 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1127, in the westerly line of said avenue; thence partly along the east- erly line of said ['arcel No. 1127, along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1128, 1129 and 1131, partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1132, and along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1133 and 1134, the following courses, dis- tances and curves: South 32 degrees 57 min. rates west 820.8 feet, crossing the line between the 'Town of Greenberg and the City of Yon-kers, south 25 degrees 37 minutes west 419.2 fret, south 21 degrees 57 minutes west 287.1 feet, south 12 degrees 14 minutes west 337.6 fe-et, south 15 degrees 27 minutes west 445.5 feet, smith 15 degrees 52 minutes east 83.9 feet, south 24 degrees 17 minutes east 644.7 feet, south 7 degrees 31 minutes east 1,377.4 feet, m± a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 140.9 feet; south 2 degrees 41 minutes west 400.5 feet, south 87 degrees 19 minutes east 140 feet, south 2 degrees 41 minutes west 30 feet, south 44 degrees 33 minutes west 141.4 feet, south 2 degrees 41 minutes west 893.6 feet. on a curve of 275 feet radius to the right, 141.6 feet; south 32 degrees 12 minutes west 61 5.3 feet, south 25 degrees 19 minutes west 281.5 feet, south 20 decrees 45 minutes east 2_'5.1 feet, south 23 minutes west 419.4 feet, smith 22 degrees 16 minutes west 245 feet, cne'th 35 degrees 20 minutes west 390.4 feet, .u±l± 59 degrees 10 minutes west 3(11.1 feet, ro,th 1) degrees 24 minutes west 250.4 feet, south 7.4 degrees 56 minutes east 196.2 feet, smith 29 degrees 37 n±inut,•s east 10.5.7 feet, ee•uth 17 degrees 31 minutes west 111.4 feet, '"nth I degree 46 minutes east 75.5 feet, south 21 degrees 4 minutes east 483.2 feet, on a curve of 5.537.1 feet radios to the right, 70 feet; north 21 degrees 4 minutes west 626.2 feet, north 72 degrees 30 minutes west 107.2 feet, sot 111 17 degrees 30 minutes west 460 feet, south ' decree 31 minutes east 60.4 feet, south 15 -Tegrees 37 minutes west 454.2 feet, south 55 degrees 12 minutes west 191.8 feet, south 25 d,•grees 47 minutes west 674.7 feet. north 64 decries 13 minutes west 25 feet. and south 25 drgrces 47 minutes west 2,286.1 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No, 1135. in the centre of Tackah^e road (healing from Yon. hers to Tuckahoe); thence along the easterly line of sail parcel, =nuth 25 degrees 47 minutes west 41.4 feet, to the northeast corner of Par- ce-1 No. 1136. in the motherly line of said road: thence partly along the eastrrly line of s.;A parcel, amt alone the easterly line of Parcel 'stns 1140, the following courses and distances: South 25 degrees 47 minutes west 5i feet, smith 35 degrees 41 minutes west 945.2 feet, South 21 degrees 39 minutes west 309.2 feet, south 35 degrees 42 ruintttes [vest 800 feet, south 27 de-grees 44 minutes cast 111.8 feet, south 35 do- gre,-c 42 minutes west 120 feet, crncsing Sprain Pee-k; north 85 degrees 16 minutes [vest 174.9 feet, meet): 35 degrees 42 minutes svect 228.3 feet, south 2 degrees 54 minutes west 46.2 feet, south 35 degrees 42 minutes west 133.8 feet, south 2 degrees 54 minutes west 160.2 feet, south I0 degrees 21 minutes east 350.6 feet and south I degree 12 minutes east 369.3 feet. to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 1140, in the centre of Palmer avenue; thence along the cen- tre line of said avenue, and along the southerly litres of said Parcel No, 1140 and Parcel No. 1141, north 79 degrees 10 minutes west 25.6 feet, and north 77 degrees 43 minutes west 25 7 feet, to the southwest corner of said Par-cel No. 1141; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north I degree 12 minutes west 354 feet, north 10 degrees 21 minutes west 352.4 feet, and north 2 degrees 54 minutes east 45.6 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 1139; thence Partly along said parcel line and along the southerly line of said Parcel No. 1139, north 84 degrees 49 minutes west 26.9 feet, south 35 degrees 42 minutes west 115.9 feet, and north 84 degrees 49 minutes west 116.4 feet, to the se,ithwest corner of said parcel, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 1142, in the easterly line of \\able avenue; thence along said avenue line and partly along said easterly parcel line, south 5 degrees 11 minutes west 527.7 feet, to the northeast corner of said Maple avenue and Palmer avenue; thence continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1142, south 27 de-grees 59 minutes west 67.6 feet, to the north' east corner of Parcel No. 1143, in the southerly line of said Palmer avenue; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, the following courses and distances: South 27 degrees 46 minutes west 1.748.4 feet, south 62 degrees 14 minutes east 50 feet, south 27 degrees 46 minutes west 150 feel, north 62 degrees 14 minutes west 50 feet. and south 27 degrees 46 minutes west 937.6 feet, to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 1143; thence partly along the southerly line of said parcel, north 73 degrees 13 minutes west 2.8 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1144, in the easterly line of Bennett place; thence along said easterly line of Bennett place and pattly along the easterly line of said Par-cel No. 1144, south 27 degrees 56 minutes west 1,068.2 feet, crossing Dunwoodie avenue, and south 15 degrees 18 minutes east 809.4 feet crossing Itlidland avenue, College place and Gunther avenue, to the northwest corner of Par-cel No. 1145; thence along the northerly line of said parcel, nIrth 74 degrees 42 minutes east 59.7 feet, to the most easterly point of same, in the before-mentioned easterly line of Parcel No. 1144; thence again partly along said line, south SI degrees 19 minutes east 26.9 feet, south 28 degrees 51 minutes west 27 feet, south 5 de-grees 52 minutes west 225.1 feet, and north 84 degrees 8 minutes west 95.5 feet, to a point in the easterly line of Seminary avenue: thence along said avenue line and still continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 1144, south 28 degrees 31 minutes west 2,171.5 feet, south 28 degrees 32 minutes west 587.8 feet, and on a curve of 375 feet radius to the right, 90.7 feet, to the most northerly point of Parcel No. 1151;

~ thence along the easterly line of said parcel.


south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 665,5 feet, to a point in the northerly line of Parcel No. 1152, in the northerly line of Yonkers avenue; thence partly along said parcel line, south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 39.5 feet, to a point in the cen-tre of said avenue; thence along the centre line thereof, and continuing along the northerly line of Parcel No. 1152, on a curve of 370.4 feet radius to the left, 89.1 feet, to the northeast corner of said parcel; thence along the easterly line of same, south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 37.6 feet. to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1153, in the southerly line of said avenue; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, and partly along the northerly line of Parcel No. 1155, south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 132.8 feet, north 63 degrees 19 minutes west 87.5 feet, south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 260.4 feet, and north 77 degrees 14 minutes east 16,2 feet, to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 1155, in the easterly line of Orient street; thence along said street line and the easterly line of said parcel, south 26 degrees 42 minutes west 1,141.6 feet. crossing Division street, Belmont avenue and Fairfield street, and south 6 degrees 47 minutes west 55.4 feet, crossing Grove street, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1156, in the southerly line of said Grove street; thence partly along the easterly lines of said Parcel No. 1156 and Parcels Nos. 1157 and 1159, south 6 degrees 47 minutes west 497.5 feet, crossing Holly street, to a point in the westerly line of Central Park avenue, at the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1160; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 6 degrees 47 minutes west 160.9 feet. to the southeast corner of same, in the southerly line of said avenue, said point being also in the northerly line of Real Estate Section No. 2, Southern Aqueduct Department, Hill View Reservoir (the map of which section was filed in the office of the Register of the County of 1Vectchester, at White Plains, N. Y., or. the 18th day of February, 1907); thence partly along said section line, along the southerly ine of said Central Park avenue, and the south-

erly line of s:,id Parcel No. 1160, south 45 de-grees 12 minutes west 64.4 feet. to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence along the westerly line of same, north 6 degrees 47 minutes east 160.9 feet, to the southwest corner of befnre-mentioned Par, el No. 1159. in the northerly line of said avenue; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, partly along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1157, along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1158, again partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1157, and partly along the westerly line of before-men-tinned Parcel No. 1156, north 6 degrees 47 minutes east 579.6 feet, recrossing before-men-tioned Ifolly street, to the most westerly point of before-mentioned ParcelNo. 1155, in the westerly line of before-mentioned Grove street; thence partly along said parcel line, north 6 de-grees 47 minutes east 60.1 feet. to the junction of the easterly line of said Grove street with the westerly line of before-mentioned Orient street; thence along said westerly line of Orient street, and continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1155, north 26 degrees 42 minutes east 1.022.4 feet, crossing Park and Vernon places, another street, and recrossing before. mentioned Division street. to a point in the northerly line of said Division street; thence along the northerly line of said street and con-tinuing along the westerly line of said Parcel No. 1155, south 47 degrees 14 minutes east 13 feet, to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 1154: thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 352.4 feet. north 63 decrees 19 minutes west 37.5 feet, and north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 170.2 feet, to the southwest corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1152, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Yonkers avenue; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 41.8 feet, on a curve of 370.4 feet radius to the left, 41.2 feet, and north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 40.6 feet, to the southwest corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1151- in tl!e northerly line of said Yonkers avenue; thence along the westerly line of said parcel. north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 590.6 feet, to the most southerly point of before-men-tinned Parcel No. 1144, in the easterly line of before-mentioned Seminary avenue; thence part-lv along the westerly line of said parcel, north 36 degrees 57 minutes west 75 feet, crossing said avenue, to a point in the westerly line thereof: thence along said westerly avenue line, and continuing along the westerly line of Par' eel No. 1144, on a curve of 300 feet radius to the left. 128.4 feet; north 28 degrees 32 minutes east 557.9 feet, and north 28 degrees 31 minutes east 2,176.5 feet, crossing Valentine Street, to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 1149; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, and partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1148, north 28 degrees 31 minutes east 8 feet. and north 15 degrees 18 minutes west 144.5 feet, to the north-west corner of said parcel, in the southerly line of Byron place, at another point in the before. mentioned westerly line of Parcel No. 1144; thence again partly along said westerly parcel line, north 15 degrees 18 minutes west 25 feet, to a point in the centre of said Byron place; thence along the centre line of said Byron place, north 74 degrees 42 minutes east 100 feet, to the point of intersection of said centre line with the westerly line produced of before-mentioned Bennett place; thence along said produced line and the westerly line of said Bennett place, and continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1144, north 15 degrees 18 minutes west 796.9 feet, and north 27 degrees 56 minutes east 1,084.5 feet, recrossing before-mentioned Gunther avenue, College place and Midland avenue, cross-ing Orchard street, and recrossing before-men-tinned Dunwoodie avenue, to the northwest cor-ner of said Parcel No. 1144, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1143; thence partly along said line, north 73 degrees 13 min-utes west 2.3 feet, to the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 1143; thence along the westerly line of same the following courses and distances: North 27 degrees 56 minutes east 60.9 feet, north 27 degrees 46 minutes east 937.5 feet, north 62 degrees 14 minutes west 50 feet, north 27 degrees 46 minutes east 150 feet, south 62 degrees 14 minutes east 50 feet. north 27 de-grees 46 minutes east 1,638.9 feet. north 72 de-grees 55 minutes west 101.8 feet, and north 27 degrees 46 minutes east 100 feet, to the south-west corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1142. in the southerly line of before-mentioned Palmer avenue; thence partly along the westerly line of said parcel, north 27 degrees 46 minutes east 33.6 feet, to a point in the centre of said Palmer avenue' thence along the centre line thereof, south 1/2 degrees 55 minutes east 101.5 feet: thence continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1142, north 27 degrees 46 min-utes east 34.7 feet, to the northwest corner of before-mentioned Maple avenue, and said Palmer avenue; thence along the westerly line of said Maple avenue, north 5 degrees 11 minutes east 726.6 feet; thence continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1142, north 35 degrees 42 minutes east 98.5 feet to the most northerly point of said Parcel ?'o, 1142, in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1139, in the easterly line of said Maple avenue; thence part-ly along said westerly parcel line, and the west. eely lines of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1138 and Parcel No- 1136, along. the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel o. 1137, and again partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1736,

the following courses and distances: North 35 degrees 42 minutes east 270.8 feet, north 21 degrees 6 minutes west 39.8 feet, north 30 de-grees 6 minutes west 47.6 feet, north 7 degrees 27 minutes west 290.1 feet, north 35 degrees 42 minutes east 300 feet, south 54 degrees 18 minutes east 250 feet, and north 35 degrees 42 minutes east 700 feet, recrossing efore-men. tioned Sprain Brook; north 49 degrees 44 minutes east 309.2 feet, and north 35 degrees 42 min-utes east 808.6 feet, to the southwest corner of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1135 in the south-erly line of before-mentioned fuckahoe road' thence along the westerly lines of said parcel and before-mentioned Parcels Nos. 1134, 1133 and 1132, partly along the westerly lines of be-fore-mentioned Parcels Nos. 1131 and 1129, along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1130 again partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1129, along the westerly line of before' mentioned Parcel No. 1128, partly along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1127, along the westerly and partly along the easterly lines of Parcel No. 1126, and again partly along the westerly line of :'arcel No. 1127, the following courses, distances and curves: north 35 degrees 42 minutes east 123,6 feet, recrossing said Tuckahoe road; north 25 uegrees 47 minutes east 2,369.9 feet, north 64 degrees 13 minutes west 25 feet, north 25 de-grees 47 minutes east 625.3 feet, north 55 de-grees 12 minutes east 234 feet, north 35 degrees 25 minutes east 84.6 feet, north 15 degrees 37 minutes east 332.7 feet, north 1 degree 31 min. utes west 413 feet, north 11 degrees 21 min. utes east 302.7 feet, north 49 degrees 28 min-utes east 408.1 feet, north 59 degrees 10 min-utes east 282.2 feet, north 35 degrees 20 min-utes east 341.6 feet, north 22 degrees 16 min-utes east 198.8 feet, north 23 minutes east 361.4 feet, north 20 degrees 45 minutes west 243.3 feet. north 6 degrees 43 minutes east 131.2 feet, north 32 degrees 12 minutes east 277.9 feet, south 57 degrees 48 minutes east 15 feet. north 32 degrees 12 minutes east 100 feet, north 57 degrees 48 minutes west 15 feet, north 32 de-grecs 12 minutes east 493.3 feet, on a curve of 125 feet radius to the left, 64.4 feet; north 2 degrees 41 minutes east 1,344.4 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 114.2 feet; north 7 degrees, 31 minutes west 1,355.3 feet, north 24 degrees 17 minutes west 747.6 feet, north S degrees 34 minutes east 315.4 feet, north 17 degrees 40 minutes east 558.3 feet, north 21 degrees 57 minutes east 287.1 feet, north 25 degrees 37 minutes east 225 feet, north 2 degrees east 364.6 feet, recrossing the before-mentioned line between the Town of Greenburg and the City of Yonkers; north 59 degrees 6 rrintttes east 306.4 feet, north 32 degrees 57 minutes east 315.5 feet, north 33 degrees 30 minutes west 275 feet, north 32 degrees 57 minutes east 54.5 feet, south 33 degrees 30 minutes east 275 feet, and north 32 degrees 57 minutes east 156.9 feet. to the most northerly Point of said Parcel No. 1127, in the westerly line of before-mentioned Jackon avenue, said point being also in the westerly line of before. mentioned Parcel No. 1125; thence partly along said parcel lire, north 32 degrees 57 minutes east 23.2 feet, to a point in the centre of said Jackson avenue; thence along the centre line thereof, and continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1125, north 34 degrees I min-ute west 378.5 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence along the northerly line of same, partly along the westerly lines of before-mentioned Parcels Nos, 1124, 1123 and 1122, the following courses, distances and curves: North 45 degrees 21 minutes east 22.8 feet, north 45 degrees 52 minutes east 70.4 feet, north 42 degrees 23 minutes east 60.5 feet. north 44 decrees 12 minutes east 116.9 feet, north 41 degrees 23 minutes east 28 feet. north 46 degrees 55 minutes east 57.1 feet, north 51 decrees 39 minutes east 19.9 feet, north 50 degrees 54 minutes east 98.9 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 788.4 feet; north 45 degrees 8 minutes east 181.1 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left. 125 feet; north 45 degrees 36 minutes west 50.9 feet, north 31 degrees 44 minutes east 27.7 feet, south 70 degrees 54 minutes east 50.9 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left. 455.9 feet; north 11 degrees 11 minutes west 672.8 feet, north 29 decrees 25 minutes east 781 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius to the right, 220 feet; north 75 degrees 16 minutes east 474 feet, and north 39 degrees 35 minutes east 82.6 feet, to a point in the southerly line of before-mentioned Platt avenue; thence along said line. and continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1122, north 49 degrees 7 minutes west 149.7 feet, north 46 degrees 13 minutes west 53.4 feet, and north 15 degrees 45 minutes west 80 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence partly along the northerly lines of same and before-mentioned Parcel No. 1121, north 67 degrees 45 minutes cast 46.3 feet, to the most northerly point of said Parcel No. 1121, in the northerly line of said Platt avenue, said point being also in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1120; thence partly along said parcel line along the westerly lines of hefore-mentioneA Parcels Nos- 1119, 1117 and 1116- partly along the southerly and westerly lines of before-men-tinned Parcel No. 1115, along the westerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 1114, and partly along the westerly lime of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1113, the following courses, distances and curves: North 67 degrees 45 minutes east 30.7 feet, north 12 degrees 23 minutes east 150 feet, north 77 degrees 37 minutes west 25 feet, north 12 degrees 23 minutes east 209.9 feet, south 77 degrees 37 minutes east 25 feet, north 12 degrees 23 minutes east 508.5 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 393.2 feet; north 40 degrees 50 minutes east 33.4 feet, n".rth 28 degrees 1 minute east 57.4 feet, north 79 degrees 56 minutes west 63 feet, due north 30 feet; north 82 degrees east 65.1 feet, north 13 degrees 16 minutes west 428.7 feet, north 6 degrees 36 minutes east 177.7 feet, south 83 degrees 24 minutes east 20 feet, north 6 degrees 36 minutes east 267.1 feet, north 14 degrees 44 minutes east 307.7 feet, north 61 degrees 43 minutes west 12.9 feet, north 8 degrees 55 min-utes east 117.2 feet, north 14 degrees 25 min-utes east 19.8 feet, north 1 degree 7 minutes west 431.6 feet, north 32 degrees 53 minutes east 357 feet, north 12 degrees 58 minutes east 75 feet, north 6 degrees 57 minutes west 70.6 feet, on a curve of 295 feet radius to the right, 186.9 feet, and north 12 degrees 14 minutes east 70.6 feet, to a point in the before-men-tioned road leading to Greenville; thenceartly along the northerly line of said road, and p con-tinuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1113, north 63 degrees 50 minutes east 27 feet, and north 38 degrees 28 minutes east 90 feet' thence continuing along said westerly line of Parcel No. 1113, and running partly along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1110, along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1112, sgs~in partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1110, along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1111 and a air partly along the westerly line of Parcel Ngo. 1110, the following courses, distances and curve: North 5 degrees 51 minutes west 56.5 feet, north 17 degrees 58 minutes west 60.5 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius to the right, 219.6 feet; north 37 degrees 59 minutes west 59.8 feet, north 1 degree 45 minutes east 220.4 feet, north 7 degrees 22 minutes east 193.2 feet, north 76 degrees 52 minutes eat 17.2 feet, north 61 degrees 3$ adta-

utes east 22.4 feet, north 37 degrees 34 min-utes east 29.8 feet, north 43 degrees 3 minutes east 172.6 feet, north 30 degrees 46 minutes east 76.1 feet, north 31 degrees 35 minutes east 33.7 feet, north 15 degrees 39 minutes east 203.6 feet, north 15 degrees 7 minutes east 60.4 feet, north 13 degrees 15 minutes west 413.6 feet, and north 61 degrees 17 minutes west 115.5 feet, to the southeast corner of Par-cel No. 1109, in the easterly line of before. mentioned New Sprain road; thence along the southerly line of said parcel, north 61 degrees 17 minutes west 18 feet, to the southwest corner of same, in the centre of said road; thence along the centre line thereof, and the westerly line of said parcel, north 28 degrees 43 minutes east 124.4 feet, to the southeast corner of be-fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1106; thence along the southerly line of said parcel, north 63 de-grees 3 minutes west 18.7 feet, to the south' west corner of same, in the westerly line of said New Sprain road; thence along said road line, and partly along the westerly line of said parcel, north 29 degrees 11 minutes east 117 feet, and north 28 degrees 3 minutes east 181.4 feet; thence continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1106, north 7 degrees 56 minutes cast 236.9 feet, north 32 degrees 13 minutes east 238 feet, and north 10 degrees 20 minutes west 135.8 feet, to a point in the centre of Old Sprain road; thence along the centre line of said road, north 34 degrees 18 minutes east 460.4 feet; thence still continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1106, south 83 degrees 55 minutes east 62.9 feet, north 17 degrees 38 minutes east 142.9 feet, north 34 degrees 15 minutes east 431.6 feet, and north 23 degrees 27 minutes west 44.4 feet, to the southwest corner of be-fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1105, in before-men-tioned Upper Sprain road; thence partly along the westerly line of said parcel, north 23 de-grees 27 minutes west 25 feet, to a point in the northerly line of said road; thence along said road line the following courses and distances: Xorth 6h degrees 33 minutes east 47.5 feet, north 62 degrees 41 minutes east 29.5 feet, north 55 degrees 27 minutes cast 37.7 feet, north 35 degrees 5 minutes east 45.6 feet, north 21 de-grees 31 minutes east 70.5 feet, and north 27 degrees 40 minutes east 28.4 feet- thence con-tinuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1105, and running partly along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1104 along the ues,erly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1103, partly along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1102, and along the south-erly and westerly lines of Parcel No. 1101, the following courses, distances and curves: North 43 degrees 5 minutes east 168.2 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 223.7 feet; north 23 degrees 14 minutes east 74.5 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 225.8 feet; north 39 degrees 35 minutes east 17.2 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 159.5 feet; north 25 degrees 20 minutes east 633.1 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 173.2 feet; north 37 degrees 52 min-utes east 138.6 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 254.4 feet; north 54 degrees 25 minutes west 113.3 feet, north 25 degrees 2 minutes east 30 feet, south 64 degrees 57 min-utes east 100.4 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 370.7 feet; north 22 degrees 34 minutes west 352.6 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 180.1 feet; north 88 degrees 20 minutes west 190.1 feet, crossing Sprain Brook, and north 1 degree 40 minutes east 513.7 feet, to the southwest corner of be-fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1100, in the southerly line of before-mentioned road leading from Woodland to Hartsdale; thence along the west-erly line of said parcel, north I degree 40 min-utes east 59.2 feet, to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 1099, to the northerly line of said road: thence along the westerly line of said parcel, along the westerly and partly along the northerly lines of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1097, along the westerly lines of before-men-tinned Parcel No. 1096 and Parcel No, 1095, partly along the westerly line of before-men-tioned Parcel Na. 1093, alon8 the westerly line of Parcel No. 1094, and again partly along the westerly line of Parcel No, 1093 the following courses, distances and curves: North 1 degree 40 minutes east 749.7 feet, north 79 degrees 59 minutes east 153.2 feet, north 1 degree 40 minutes east 962.8 feet, on a curve of 816.8 feet radius to the right, 421.8 feet; north 31 degrees 16 minutes east 304.4 feet, south 58 de-grees 44 minutes east 75 feet, and north 31 de-grees 16 minutes cast 571 feet, to the northwest corner of said Parcel No. 1093, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1092, in the southerly line of before-mentioned Landers road; thence along said road line, and partly aloes said southerly parcel line, south 83 degrees 25 minutes west 27.7 feet, and south 86 degrees 41 minutes west 34.2 feet, to the southwest cor-ner of said parcel; thence along the westerly line of same, north 31 degrees 16 minutes east 64.4 feet to the southwest corner of before-mentionet Parcel No. 1091, in the northerly line of said road; thence along the westerly lines of said parcel and before-mentioned Par-cel No. 1090, partly along the northerly line of said Parcel No. 1090, and along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1089 the following courses and distances: North 31 de-grees 16 minutes east 551 feet, north 38 degrees 45 minutes west 292.6 feet, north 31 degrees 16 minutes east 370 feet, north 80 degrees 40 minutes east 229.8 feet, north 7 degrees 30 min-utes west 140 feet, north 13 degrees 46 minutes west 687 feet, south 76 degrees 14 minutes west 225 feet, north 13 degrees 46 minutes west 429.5 feet, north 36 degrees east 792.8 feet, south 54 degrees east 75 feet, and north 36 degrees east 1,819.8 feet, to the southwest corner of be-fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1088 in the south-erly line of before-mentioned )Iartadale road; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 36 degrees east 50.6 feet, to the point or place of beginning.

Second Part.

Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Parcel No, 4, of Real Estate Section No. 1, Southern Aqueduct Department, Hill View Res-ervoir (the map of which section was filed in the office of the Register of the County of Westchester at White Plains, N. Y. on the 18th day of February, 1907) said ~ point being the most northerly point of Parcel No. 1161 of the section hereby described, and running thence partly along the easterly line of said Parcel No. 1161, and the westerly line of Parcel No, 4, south 31 degrees 3Y minutes east 28.4 feet, to the moat easterly point of said Parcel No. 1161; thence continuing along the easterly line of said Parcel No. 1161, and along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 1162 and 1163, south 30 degrees 9 minutes west 580 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1164, in the easterly line of McLean avenue; thence partly along the -asterly line of said parcel, south 30 degrees 9 minutes west 81 feet, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1165, in the westerly line of said avenue; thence partly along the east-erly line of said parcel, south 30 degrees 9 minutes west 852.5 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel, in the fine between the City of Yonkers and The City of New York; thence along said line and the southerly line of said parcel, north d8 degrees 36 minutes west 15.3 f id parcel; theenn" alo

to onng t

he wcornerline of now

30 degrees 9 minutes east 866.5 feet, to the most westerly point of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1164, in the westerly line of before-men-tioned McLean avenue; thence partly along the westerly line of said parcel, north 30 degrees 9 minutes east 81 feet, to the most westerly point of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1163, in the easterly line of said avenue; thence partly along the westerly line of said parcel, and along the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcels Nos. 1162 and 1161, north 30 degrees 9 minutes east 583.2 feet, to the point or place of be-ginning.

The fee is to be acquired by The City of New York in all the real estate Parcels Nos. 1088 to 1165, both inclusive contained in the above description, excepting (Parcels Nos. 1126 1135, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1152 and 1159 to 1165, both inclusive, in which perpetual ease. merit is to be acquired.

The rights sought in Parcels Nos. 1126, 1135, 1140. 1141, 1142, 1144, 1155 to 1165, inclusive, are as follows: In Parcel No. 1126 a perpetual easement to

construct, maintain and use a culvert outlet. In Parcel No. 1135 the right to construct and

forever maintain an aqueduct on, over or through the same. In Parcels Nos. 1140 and 1141 perpetual ease-

ment to build maintain and use a road. In Parcel Ito. 1142 perpetual easement to con-

strttct, operate and maintain an aqueduct and appurtenances under the surface, including tele-ptone wires or other methods of communica-tion and electric power wires, or to construct and maintain said wires above surface.

In Parcels Nos. 1144, 1152 and 1155 perpetual easement to construct, operate and maintain an aqueduct and appurtenances under the surface, including telephone wires or other methods of communication and electric power wires, or to construct and maintain said wires above sur-face.

In Parcels Nos. 1156 to 1165, inclusive, the right to construct, operate and maintain an aqueduct and appurtenances under the surface.

Reference is hereby made to the said map filed as aforesaid in the office of the Register of the County of Westchester for a more detailed de-scription of the real estate to be taken as above described. I ie greatest width of the proposed taking

along the aqueduct is 650 feet, which occurs across Parcels Nos. 1136 and 1137 and the least width of the said taking is 25 Ieet, which orcurs across Parcels Nos, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164 and 1165.

In case any real estate hereinbefore described is used for highway or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The City of New York may acquire the right to close the same.

Dated August 2, 1909. FRANCIS KEY PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Office and Post Office address, Hall of

Records, e,irner of Chambers and Centre streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.





The person or persons making a bid or estimate fur ally services, work, materials or supplies for the Lary of New York, or for any of its depart-units, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the same in a scaled eucclupc, indorsed with the title of the supplies, materials, work or services fur which the bid or estimate is made, with his or their name or names and the date of presentation to the President or Board or to the head of the Ucpartmeut at his or its orrice, on or before the ,late and hour named in the advertisement fur the same, at which time and place the estimates received will be publicly opened by the President or Board or head of said Department and read, and the award of the contract made according to law as soon thereafter as practicable.

Each bid or estimate shall contain the name and place of residence of the person making the ,ante, and names of all persons interested with him therein, and, if nu other person be so inter-ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that it is made without any connection with any other pcioon making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion ur fraud, and that no member of the Board of Aldermen, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thcrepf, or clerk therein, or other officer of The City of New York is, shall be or become interested, directly or indirectly, as con-tractiug party, partner, stockholder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the con-tract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties mak-ing the estimate that the several matters stated herein are in all respects true.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in The City of New York, or of a guaranty or surety company duly authorized by law to act as surety, and shall contain the mat-ters set forth in the blank forms mentioned below.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless. as a condition precedent to the reception or con-sideration of any proposal, it be accompanied by a certified check upon one of the State or Na-tional banks of The City of New York. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the bond required,~ as provided in section 420 of the Greater New York Charter.

The certified check or money should not be in-closed in the envelope containing the bid or esti-mate but should be either inclosed in a separate envelope addressed to the head of the Depart-ment, President or Board, or submitted personally upon the presentation of the bid or estimate.

For particulars as to the quantity and quality of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifica-tions, schedules, plans, etc.. on file in the said office of the President, Board or Department. No bid shall be accepted from or contract

awarded to any person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City.

The contract must be bid for separately. The right is reserved in each case to reject

all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for the interest of the City so to do.

Bidders will write out the amount of their bids or estimates in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank forms prepared and furnished by the City, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, to-gether with a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Coe poration Counsel, can be obtained upon appliea-tion therefor at the office of the Department for which the work is to be done. Plans and draw.

I fogs of construction work easy also be eeest there,