att37024.pdf - North Lanarkshire Council

NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL To: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM NO ..... e.. kk.. Subject: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SERVICE PLAN 2001/04 Date: 9 January 2001 From: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Refi PJ/JD 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek this Committee’s approval for the Departmental Service Plan 2001/04 of the Department of Community Services. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 2.2 Service planning is a key element of the Council’s corporate planning and management process. Service Planning provides a mechanism whereby departmental action, resources and personnel may be linked directly to the Council’s corporate priorities, service provision requirements, the budget and community needs. Service Planning also provides an opportunity for Service Committees and their respective Departments to discuss and approve operational action proposals for the coming year. In previous years, Service Planning was completed on an annual basis with departmental Plans approved in the spring following the determination and conclusion of the Council’s budgetary process. This year however, as a consequence of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review, the Council has received settlement figures for the period 2001/04. This has enabled the preparation and approval of the Council’s Three Year Financial Plan and Revenue Budget Process. The Service Planning timescale has been extended to reflect this. For the first time financial and operational planning are combined in a single process. 3. SERVICE PLANNING PROCESS 2001/04 3.1 The Service Planning process for the period 2001/04 was considered and approved by the Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 19 June 2001. The Committee noted that Service Plans would be produced incrementally and would contain information relating to current service provision, together with a review of progress against key actions identified in the current Service Plan (2001/02), detailed actions for 2002/03, and indicative proposals for 2003/04. The approved Three Year Financial Plan and Revenue Budget Process also provide the opportunity for the departments’ detailed Revenue Estimates 2002/03 to be linked to Service Plans. The Director of Finance will report separately on detailed 2002-2003 Revenue Budget matters. 3.2 In future years Service Plan activity areas will be reviewed, detailed proposals for the forthcoming year will be brought forward, and outline proposals for the third year of the Service Plan will be described. Detailed Revenue Estimates for the relevant years will continue to be the subject of separate reports submitted by the Director of Finance. I:\COMMITTE\COMSERV\GENEUL\9 Jan ZOOZ\Service Plan 2001-04.doc

Transcript of att37024.pdf - North Lanarkshire Council





Date: 9 January 2001


Refi PJ/JD


1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek this Committee’s approval for the Departmental Service Plan 2001/04 of the Department of Community Services.




Service planning is a key element of the Council’s corporate planning and management process. Service Planning provides a mechanism whereby departmental action, resources and personnel may be linked directly to the Council’s corporate priorities, service provision requirements, the budget and community needs. Service Planning also provides an opportunity for Service Committees and their respective Departments to discuss and approve operational action proposals for the coming year.

In previous years, Service Planning was completed on an annual basis with departmental Plans approved in the spring following the determination and conclusion of the Council’s budgetary process. This year however, as a consequence of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review, the Council has received settlement figures for the period 2001/04. This has enabled the preparation and approval of the Council’s Three Year Financial Plan and Revenue Budget Process. The Service Planning timescale has been extended to reflect this. For the first time financial and operational planning are combined in a single process.


3.1 The Service Planning process for the period 2001/04 was considered and approved by the Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 19 June 2001. The Committee noted that Service Plans would be produced incrementally and would contain information relating to current service provision, together with a review of progress against key actions identified in the current Service Plan (2001/02), detailed actions for 2002/03, and indicative proposals for 2003/04. The approved Three Year Financial Plan and Revenue Budget Process also provide the opportunity for the departments’ detailed Revenue Estimates 2002/03 to be linked to Service Plans. The Director of Finance will report separately on detailed 2002-2003 Revenue Budget matters.

3.2 In future years Service Plan activity areas will be reviewed, detailed proposals for the forthcoming year will be brought forward, and outline proposals for the third year of the Service Plan will be described. Detailed Revenue Estimates for the relevant years will continue to be the subject of separate reports submitted by the Director of Finance.

I:\COMMITTE\COMSERV\GENEUL\9 Jan ZOOZ\Service Plan 2001-04.doc


3.3 Service Plans, and progress in achieving the key actions, will be monitored and reviewed on a quarterly basis by the Community Services Committee through submission of Performance Monitoring Reports in accordance with the Council’s Performance Management Framework.


4.1 The Service Plan 2001/04 for the Department of Community Services is attached as Appendix One to this report and the Committee is requested to consider the Plan. The Service Plan has been produced in accordance with the Council’s approved Service Plan Guidelines. Whilst significant alterations to the Service Plan are not anticipated, the Committee should note that there may be minor amendments resulting from finalisation of the Council’s budget. Details of any such amendments will be reported to Committee as part of the first Quarterly Review Report.


5.1 The Community Services Committee is requested to:-

i) ii)

Approve the Community Services Departmental Service Plan for the period 2001104; Note that any minor amendments arising from finalisation of the Council’s budget or other factprs will be reported to Committee as part of the first Quarterly Monitoring Report; and, Otherwise note the contents of this report. iii)

Local Government Access to Information Act For further information on this report please contact Jean Douglas on 0141 304 1816

I:\COMMITTE\COMSERV\GENERAL\9 Jan 2OOZ\Service Plan 2001-04.doc


cornrnuriity services


North Lanarkshire will be a Council which: - 9 9 9 9 9 9 P


serves and involves its communities

acts strategically and leads partnership working

embraces social inclusion with equal opportunities for all

exploits opportunities for economic and environmental regeneration

acts corporately to provide Best Value services

operates to the highest standards, is open, transparent and accountable

values people, treats them with dignity and respect and meets their needs

is forward thinking and strives to be the best in all it does

North Lanarkshire will be a Place where all people enjoy access to:

P good quality housing

9 a pleasant safe environment

9 the very best employment, education and training Opportunities

P responsive, caring and co-ordinated support and health services

9 attractive and varied leisure and cultural facilities

This Vision will become a reality through the achievement of the aims and actions contained within the Council's Priority Themes as detailed below:

1. Stimulating Business & the Economy

2. Promoting Social Inclusion

3. Encouraging Lifelong Learning

4. Improving Health, Well-being & Care

5 . Improving Housing &the Environment

6. Promoting Community Safety & Development

7 . Developing the Organisation

This Service Plan provides details of how the Department will contribute to the achievement of the corporate priorities of the authority.


The Department of Community Services will provide

quality services and opportunities to enrich your life

and meet your needs through environmental, leisure

and com mu n i ty based activities.


Cleaning and Related Services

Community Resources

Sport, Parks and Transport

Directorate & Support Services

TOTAL = 2001 - 2002 Revenue


B u i Id i ng CI ea n i n g , J a n i to ria I and SchoolCrossingPatrol Services Catering Cleansing

Arts and Venues Careers Services* Community Centres Service Development & Review (Culture) Museums and Heritage Libraries and Information Community Education

Countryside and Landscape Grounds Maintenance Service Development & Review

Service Development & Review (Parks) Sport and Recreation Transport Services


Directorate Finance Human Resources Policy and Development





f 11 3,961 .OO


857** (593.2)**

1189 (1006)

5630 (3545.09)

* This Service will no longer be operated through the Department of Community Services from April 2002 onwards.

** Figures are exclusive of Careers Service


The Department has identified 22 issues. These have been grouped by external, corporate or service related issues.


North Lanarkshire has embraced the principles of Best Value and is committed to providing quality services, which represent good value for money. The Departmental Best Value strategy was launched in June 2001 and aligns to the corporate framework and the direction received from the Scottish Executive and the Accounts Commission. Best Value calls for a fundamental culture shift in local government. It is about clearer and closer accountability to citizens and customers.

The Department is committed to the main principles of Best Value, which include a strong focus on continuous improvement and an emphasis on stakeholder involvement in planning and review of services.

The Service review rota will require specific service areas to be subjected to comparative assessment with the objective of ensuring that these services are providing best value for quality and costs when compared with other providers.

The Scottish Executive have announced the intention to place Best Value legislation before the Scottish Parliament in Autumn 2001, with the intention of enacting the legislation during the course of 2002.

Strategic Aims

$ Undertake functional and crosscutting reviews in accordance with the Service Review Schedule recommended by the Chief Executives Department and approved by the Council.

$ Sections will undertake the process of customer consultation and self-assessment, using the European Foundation Quality Model, in order to progress toward the overall improvement of services.

The Council is preparing to develop a broader community leadership role. North Lanarkshire welcomes the Scottish Executive's initiative to give local authorities a statutory power of community initiative. This power goes beyond the delivery of specific services to enable the Council to promote the well being of communities, to pursue crosscutting approaches to service delivery and more effective partnerships.

The North Lanarkshire Partnership (The Council, Lanarkshire Health Board, Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire, Scottish Homes, Employment Services & Strathclyde Police) has published its first Community Plan, following consultation with the local community. The Community Plan sets out a shared vision and a holistic approach to address the social, economic and environmental needs of the area. The Community Plan vision is that "North Lanarkshire will be a place where partnership working builds on the existing strengths in our community to develop services which meet the needs of all our citizens creating a sustainable environment and better quality of life". The Council will make its full contribution to the success of the Plan.

Following the publication of the new Community Plan, the Department is required to produce a strategic plan for Community Services, using a consultative approach.

Strategic Aims

$ The Community Learning Strategy and the Children's Services Plan are integral to the overall plan and the Department is a major contributor to the development and implementation of these.

The development of new policies and legislation by the Scottish Parliament will influence the corporate strategies of local authorities and subsequently, strategic and operational issues relating to Departments. The policies of the Scottish Parliament may also potentially impact on the relationship that the Council has with partner organisations.


Strategic Aims

$ The Department will respond positively to new policies and legislation from the Scottish Parliament.

The Department will need to examine all avenues to optimise the resources available for the provision of services while ensuring a balance between quality and cost.

The evaluation and possible implementation of public/private partnerships will be a significant element in the management of the Department over the period of this plan.

Strategic Aims

$ The Department will contribute to and take part in public /private /community/ voluntary organisation partnership developments where they have potential to improve facilities or services available to North Lanarkshire residents.

The imminent introduction of the EU Directive on waste disposal and SEPA’s National Waste Strategy for Scotland will mean that over the three years of this Service Plan consideration will need to be given, in conjunction with Planning and Environment Department, to the production of a waste strategy which will satisfy the needs of North Lanarkshire Council.

Strategic Aims

$ The waste strategy will address issues such as sustainability, recycling and re-use of waste materials and will involve partnerships with other Local Authorities and/or private contractors.

Part Ill of the DDA comes into force from October 2004, where providers responsible for the supply of Goods, Services, Facilities and Premises will be required to make “reasonable adjustments” to the physical features of their premises to overcome physical barriers to access. Since December 1996, it has been unlawful for service providers to treat disabled people less favourably for a reason related to their disability. From 1‘‘ October 1999, we have been required to make “reasonable adjustments” for disabled people and this could include providing extra help or making changes to the way in which we provide services.

Strategic Aims

$ Undertake an audit of existing service provision to ensure compliance with the DDA.

$ Prioritise and implement Improvement Actions arising from the audit.

Following the recent Human Rights Audit carried out by the Department of Administration, Community Services will take steps to ensure compliance with the Act and fair and equitable treatment of all.

Strategic Aims

$ The Department will develop and update policies and procedures to reflect the requirements of the Human Rights Act.

The Scottish National Cultural Strategy (adopted in 2000 by the Scottish Executive) provides a framework of action that will underpin the development of Scotland's cultural life over the next four years. Local authorities are key players in public sector cultural provision and the Department will look for opportunities to enter into partnerships with other agencies and community and voluntary groups.

Strategic Aims

$ To play a lead role in the production of a North Lanarkshire Council Cultural Strategy which will dovetail into the National Cultural Strategy.

The Scottish Parliament is committed to ensuring social justice across a number of sectors to ensure that services are delivered in a fair and equitable manner and to narrow the inequalities which exist in society. Many of the issues cut across the services provided by the Department.

Strategic Aims

$ The Department will continue to work with other Departments, agencies and partners to develop the social justice agenda.

$ The Department will continue to progress community safety initiatives in conjunction with our partners.

$ Continue to introduce appropriate facilities for young people to assist in addressing this agenda.

$ Work with community organisations and the voluntary sector to encourage personal development, community capacity building, and engaging individuals in the democratic process.

The Scottish Executive's strategy document "Rethinking Open Space" will impact significantly upon how all open space within North Lanarkshire is planned and managed. The Department will require to work towards preparing comprehensive open space strategies involving cross department thinking and working with local partners and communities, stakeholders and appropriate external agencies.

Strategic Aims

8 Provide sustainable green networks of accessible, high quality open spaces where appropriate and enhance existing ones to a suitable typology

$ Protect existing open space from development and ensure that new developments either include appropriate open spaces and or contribute to the enhancement of green open spaces

$ Prepare locally based open space policies for inclusion within the Council's development plans which link strategies for open space planning to their longer term management

$ Deliver long term value through the effective management and maintenance of open space, coupled with strong community support rather than the planning system

$ Link open space planning policies to wider issues such as community involvement,

$ Focus upon delivering agreed clearly stated open space outcomes.

$ Move away from quantitative standards to an emphasis upon the quality, accessibility, resources and sustainability of open space

$ Integrate the Council’s open space strategies with other local authorities

8 Promote economic development and social inclusion I

$ Include open space within both the Best Value process and Local Plan reviews.

$ Give a high priority to new greenspaces of sustainable high quality.

$ Ring fence financial sums commuted for the maintenance of the open spaces to which they relate.

8 Approach open space as a cross cutting issue capable of supporting and assisting the renaissance of urban areas in local plans


Following stakeholder consultation the second Corporate Plan became effective from April 2001 and runs for a period of three years. The Plan matches the Council’s activities to the environment in which it operates and to the resources it expects to have available over the next three years. The Council is committed to working in partnership with the community to deliver caring, open and efficient services. The Plan will make more effective and joined up service delivery a reality, especially when tackling social inclusion. The Plan provides a focus and framework for the planning and management of council services and sets out the main aims and actions that need to be taken to achieve quality services.

Strategic Aims

$ It will be necessary for the Department to ensure that the focus of service development is aligned to the aims of the Corporate Plan.

$ Improve integration with other Departments and partners

The Council is committed to improving service delivery by ensuring that services gain accreditation to recognised quality awards, such as; Charter Mark, Investors in People, IS0 9000 and service specific quality awards.

Strategic Aims

$ The appropriate Sections will make provision in the service planning process for obtaining the appropriate quality award over the course of this service plan.

Social Inclusion aims to ensure individuals are not discriminated against or denied access to opportunities and an acceptable quality of life. The Council is committed to removing barriers, which exclude people and communities through its Social Inclusion Strategy, “Promoting Social Inclusion - A Comprehensive Approach” from 2001 -2004.

Social Inclusion is a key priority for the Council, the Scottish Executive and the government. This Plan seeks to establish an integrated approach to tackling all aspects of disadvantage and poverty across North Lanarkshire. Given the diversity of the services provided, the Department is a key player, at a local level, in encouraging social inclusion and achieving the national strategic vision.

This may include:

Widening participation in and demand for lifelong learning

Tackling specific barriers to participation individuals face, including ill health, low self esteem, homelessness and drug misuse.

Eliminating discrimination on the grounds of gender, race or disability.

Reduce inequalities in health.

Tackling inequalities between communities by empowering and regenerating deprived communities.

Promoting a culture of active citizenship, in which self-development, participation in community and civic life and caring for our disadvantaged neighbours are key features.

Strategic Aims

$ The Department will play a lead role in three of the milestones from the Council’s Social Inclusion Strategy.

$ The Department will play a supporting role in a further twenty-four milestones from the Council’s Social Inclusion Strategy.

Through decentralisation, the Council is aiming to provide more effective and responsive local government, provide quality services which people want and need and increase public involvement in decision making.

Strategic Aims

$ Provide support for Area Committees and Community Forums.

$ Develop the management capacity at an area level to plan, implement and review developments in a corporate way and respond effectively to local issues.

$ Maintain linkages between decentralisation and community planning.

$ Encourage local user involvement in the development of local community learning plans.

$ Support and encourage young people to become involved in local youth forums, the Scottish Youth Parliament and the Youth Strategy Group.

“Greening” of transport operations is now clearly established on the national and international environmental agendas (Ref: Rio Summit, Agenda 21, etc.). The impact of vehicle emissions upon the environment is well documented (Damage to Ozone Layer, Global Warming, etc.). Current national strategies in terms of transport usage, i.e. cars in cities, policies on public transportation systems and excise duty on fuel are clear indicators of the way ahead.

Strategic Aims

$ North Lanarkshire Council’s internal Transport Strategy will recognise this and develop more efficient and effective usage of transport and thus fuel across the whole Council.

$ The internal Transport Strategy will continuously drive towards solutions which encourage greener vehicles and fuel emissions which meet improved standards.

In line with the government commitment to the outcome of the Rio Earth Summit, it is necessary to continue to work towards sustainable working practices at all levels of the various Divisions. Clerical and administration tasks, building and energy management, project organisation, procurements systems, sports facilities and open spaces maintenance and the implementation of the Local Biodiversity Plan - all of these functions will need to be addressed to ensure the adoption of sustainability criteria.

Strategic Aims

$ To identify and implement working practices and procedures that comply with sustainability criteria.


There are a number of issues, which will continue to affect the Department over the course of the Service Plan.

Strategic Aims


$ Encourage employee participation and empowerment in the development of services.

$ The phased implementation of the Single Status agreement.

$ The implementation of standardised manual core conditions of service and the European Working Directive.

8 Rationalisation of service provision in a transparent manner in consultation with the workforce and their representatives.

8 To encourage joint working between sections of the department at a local level.

$ The development and implementation of an employee appraisal scheme.

Training and Development

$ Development of an integrated training plan.

Health and Safety

,$ The Department will continue to develop Safe Working Practices.

Over the period of the Service Plan the Council will be able to plan with more stability over the longer term. The Scottish Executive has changed the way local authorities are resourced by introducing three- year budgeting; breaking away from the short-term annual process of the past.

Strategic planning can now be undertaken within a medium term financial framework enabling the Council to take a longer-term view of its resources and investment proposals. The Capital Programme was prepared to meet this three-year horizon, in tune with the priority themes outlined later in the Corporate Plan.

The Council is confident that service users will soon see the benefit of three-year budgeting in the form

of improvements to council property and service delivery.

Strategic Aims

8 Rationalisation of current facility/service provision to ensure that resources are used to maximum effect.

$ Develop partnership approaches wherever possible to assist in the raising of funding to supplement existing financial provisions.

8 Where possible, provide assistance to voluntary organisations in securing external funding to improve the quality of life of North Lanarkshire residents.

In line with the Modernising Government Agenda, major initiatives are underway to overhaul the way the Council conducts its business. The Government has set a 100% target for the electronic delivery of council services by 2005. The Department has produced the ICT Strategy, with the initial investment being placed on the introduction of a booking and point of sale system. In addition, e-mail, the intranet and internet will continue to be rolled out to further improve communications and flow of information and electronic access to services.

Strategic Aims

$ The ICT Strategy will be further developed during the course of the Service Plan.

$ Use ICT to improve access to services and streamline procedures.

8 Use ICT to improve performance, develop communications systems and achieve Best Value.

$ Contribute to the development of the Council website and fully encourage community participation in gaining access to the internet.

$ Continue to augment locally based ICT facilities for young people and adults, utilising funding from a variety of sources.

Income generation is an important area for consideration by the Department. We require to find different means of increasing income to off-set costs of the services we make available. Generation of additional funds will enable the Department to enhance its existing services as well as being able to consider new ones.

Strategic Aims

’$ To continue to develop existing and explore new income streams.

The Department has created and continues to build an identity by which we can be recognised and associated with our mission. The consistent application of this logo will increase public awareness of our departmental facilities and services; encourage maximum use of our facilities and services; and confirm our presence both within and outwith North Lanarkshire.

Strategic Aims

8 To update the current Marketing Plan.

8 To continue to increase the focus on marketing and income generation.

The Department will continue to give greater emphasis to public relations, developing communications with the media and building our image and awareness of the service.

$ To continue to develop both internal and external communications.

$ To continue to produce internal communications such as, focus.comm, Director's Update, North Lanarkshire News and Inside North Lanarkshire.

$ To continue to explore innovative, nova1 and effective methods of promoting the services which the Department provides.


A full list of the Departments Key Actions has been included as Appendix 1.


The following Priority Actions will be achievable through the implementation of the Department’s Key Actions as identified in Section 5. These Key Actions have been cross- referenced to the corresponding Priority Action.

Identify and limit the effect of barriers to participation

PA2 Implement life-long learning initiatives

PA3 Manage and conserve the local environment

PA4 Undertake a programme of quality initiatives and ensure implementation of improvement action plans

PA5 Review and implementation of revised Departmental Marketing Strategy

PA6 Identify community needs and link to service provision as far as practicable

PA7 Maximise the impact of available resources through partnerships

PA8 Align service provision with health, safety and lifestyle develop men ts

PA9 Implement organisational development, including the Department ICT Strategy

PAI 0 Complete an audit of existing service provision to identify areas to be addressed to ensure compliance with Disabilit) Discrimination Act 1995


March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003

March 2003


2 ,7


Resource proposals cover:- Human Resources Physical Assets Modernising and Technology Capital Projects Finance

7.1 Resource Proposals: Human Resources

As can be seen in our key actions section, the Department is committed to the development of our employees. We are in the process of identifying training needs and producing a departmental training plan, commencing with the introduction of a management development programme, whilst continuing to address the immediate training needs of front-line staff.

We have also produced an employee handbook, which was issued to every member of staff. The handbook contains useful details on the Council, the Department Service Committee, Management Team, Employment Information, Employee Welfare details, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Communications, Annual Events, Diary and Employee Leisure Pass Scheme. With this handbook, a Suggestion Card was issued and any ideas to improve facilities, services or the department as a whole were submitted to the Management Team for consideration.

The department is aware that absence from work due to poor health or illness is costly in financial terms and disrupts service delivery, therefore, we launched a departmental review of absence management procedures and practices, including Human Resource workshops and discussions with Service Managers. Staff have also been alerted to the need to improve in this respect by means of an article published in the departmental staff newsletter.

With regards Health and Safety, we have introduced a comprehensive risk assessment and Portable Appliance Testing programme.

Future initiatives include ongoing implementation of the Single Status agreement, continuing contribution to the Job Evaluation Scheme, developing absence management initiatives and progressing our training and development issues.

Employee Appraisal Scheme to be developed, after full consultation and in accordance with Corporate Personnel guidance.

7.2 Resource Proposals: Physical Assets

The Department of Community Services operate, or are responsible for over 600 properties. Due to the diverse nature of the services provided by the Department, facilities such as libraries, swimming pools, museums, a cinema, community centres and many more, all require to be effectively managed with regard to their routine repair, planned maintenance programmes, security, capital investment and so on. Such work is required to ensure that these physical resources are maintained in a proper condition to enable the effective delivery of the services to the community.

General building repairs are the responsibility of the Department of Housing and Property Services. However, service departments are required to ensure that sufficient funding and an adequate investment programme is identified and put in place to ensure the long term sustainability of the facilities within their managerial control.

The Department acknowledges the current work being undertaken by the corporate property utilisation working group and will ensure that every assistance will be given to the members of this group to ensure that the Department’s properties are fully taken into account in all their strategies and future specific action plans.

The Department is in the process of undertaking an initial audit of all its buildings. This will identify the current condition of the properties, with regard to their structure and their wind and watertightness. Upon completion of this project, which is anticipated by the end of December 2001, an analysis will be made of the situation. From this audit, effective decision making can take place with regard to the priorities which require to be addressed immediately, whilst identifying potential problems in the years to come. Such information will then influence capital allocation submissions over the period of the next three year budget cycle.

The Department is also aware of the many facilities it operates, now located in areas, which may no longer require that level of service. Similarly, there may exist two or three nearby facilities, which, had they been constructed at the same time, would have been more effective to operate and more attractive to the community had they been constructed as the one building. Therefore, a review will be undertaken of all existing facilities with a view to the rationalisation of the properties, taking into account, local community needs, usage patterns, condition of the building, investment required, operational costs etc. This review will be completed by July 2002.

Opportunities will also be fully explored through the potential development of subsequent surplus properties and the land upon which the facilities are situated. Any capital receipts generated by such a rationalisation process will be sought to ensure a rolling programme of investment and refurbishment of appropriate departmental facilities. This prioritised investment plan will be prepared by March 2003.

This property strategy will therefore allow the Department to better cater for the needs of the community through the effective long term planning of the general upkeep, planned maintenance and investment in the properties for which it is responsible.

7.3 Resource Proposals: Technology

The Department is committed to improving front line services and backroom systems by improving Information Communication Technology to meet the needs of citizens and business.

The main focus of ICT resources over the next three years will be the development of an integrated Departmental Booking System. Phase I of this project is currently operational in four areas - Community Centres, Strathclyde Country Park, Airdrie Leisure Centre and the Passport to Leisure/Employee Leisure Pass Scheme. A business process review is currently being carried out to assist in developing the implementation plan for Phase II of this project.

The results of this implementation should be a high quality, efficient booking service across all Departmental services.

7.4 Resource Proposals: Capital Projects

The Department has an approved capital budget of f5,251,000 covering the period 2001- 2004. We have identified a major need for upgrading and improving our facilities and have, therefore, targeted a substantial proportion of capital to asset maintenance including sports facility repairs, Time Capsule repairs, investment in Civic Amenity Sites and upgrading of play areas. Investment in these areas will assist in bringing facilities to an acceptable and satisfactory condition for both residents of and visitors to North Lanarkshire.

Details of the Department’s 3 year capital programme have been attached as Appendix 2.

7.5 Resource Proposals: Three Year Revenue Budget and CSP Movements

Information in relation to three year budgeting.and CSP movements will be provided following rationalisation of financial information.

7.6 Resource Proposals: Income

As budgetary constraints continue to create problems for the Department in maintaining existing services at the required standard and developing new services to meet changing demands we have looked at various innovative proposals for income generation. Some examples of these are:






The introduction of new initiatives into the School Meals Service including the Digi Dude concept in primary schools and the Web-Bite concept in secondary schools. These addressed a number of issues raised in surveys with users and staff leading to an increase in the uptake of school meals.

With the introduction to the Department of the GE:MRM Booking technology this allows greater and more effective processes to be implemented, credit and switch card payment along with deposit and provisional booking ability. In addition, by April 2003, it is envisaged that access to the system will be available via the internet.

The provision of new state of the art conditioning gyms at the Tryst Sports Centre, Airdrie Leisure Centre and the Aquatec will not only improve the service provision, enhance customers general well being and health, but also significantly increase income levels.

Investment by Transport Services in a brake tester at Wardpark depot.

Resource Proposals: External Funding

The department recognises the potential for achieving improved services in North Lanarkshire through external funding. We are identifying and applying for external funding for both large and small projects, where appropriate.

Examples of external funding received include:

> ORBIT project - €472,000 from European Regional Development Fund and Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership

> Museums Discovery Boxes - €2,417 from Scottish Museums Council P Countryside Rangers Service - f339,525 from Scottish Natural Heritage.

A complete list of funding received, and bids in progress at September 2001 are in Appendices 3 and 4.

Many external funders do not fund local authorities. We are therefore further developing our network of and support for community groups to encourage and enable them to apply for funds for much-needed projects and facilities in North Lanarkshire.

7.8 Resource Proposals: Efficiency Savings

The Department has submitted proposals to meet its Efficiency Savings Target of f 1,300,000. Details of approved savings will accompany the first quarterly Service Plan monitoring report to Committee and be incorporated thereafter.

7.9 Resource Proposals: Additional Funding (Growth)

Growth will be determined as part of the Budget process. Should the Department receive approval for growth, details will accompany the first quarterly Service Plan monitoring report to Committee and be incorporated thereafter.


The department will monitor and report on financial performance in accordance with the corporate framework.

An outline of this framework and the frequency of reporting is attached as Appendix 5.


A departmental Performance Management and Planning Framework has been established. This covers:

0 Monitoring of key actions 0 Complaints monitoring 0

0 Improvement Plan Monitoring Statutory and Key Performance Indicators

An outline of this framework and the frequency of reporting is attached as Appendix 6. framework will continue to be refined and developed.




m 7 Secure our contract with the Police. March 2002 Police tender for cleaning services put on

hold. A revised SLA will be agreed between the Service and the Police.

Department PA4, PA9

PA4, PA9 1.




To develop a Service Level Agreement with Social Work for the provision of a cost effective domestic service which is relevant to the needs of Homes for the Elderly (HFE’s) and Day Care Centres.

Consultation September 2002

participation in Benchmarking Group for HFE’s - results from 3 other authorities compared.

Social Work restructured area teams. Contact to be made in August 2001.

Meeting pending between Heads Of Service re: single status, recharging methods and development of service level agreement.

Staffing arrangements in all HFE’s and Day Care centres subject to review on staff turnover.


Integrate the School Crossing Patrol Service and aim for self-sufficiency in service provision.

Department March 2002 Integration completed for payroll and administration functions. Mobile Patrol Pilot successfully introduced and made permanent. Mobile Patrol extended from 20 to 30.

PA4, PA9

Best Value Service Review

March 2004 Detailed in Business Plan Key Task Update and Best Value Improvement Action Plan.

PA4, PA9 6, 7 Implementation of Best Value Improvement Plan.

D 5 3 SD S

U 3.

Train the workforce in safe systems of work.

6, 7 Department September 2002

Review of Safe Systems of Work commenced.

PA2, PA4, PA9

Development of Window Cleaning Service. I I Department I March2002

Assess impact of Education PPP on our services and restructure to meet future I service delivery requirements.

Partnership August 2004

Continue to review the variety of catering services provided including methods of service delivery, and recommend options for development with cognisance of both current and anticipated resources - Phase 2 of 2.

3, 6, 7 I PA9 I Service introduced to schools. Ad-Hoc expansion to other departments.

PA9 7

Questionnaires which were sent to Head I PA1, PA4, I 4, 5, 6, 7 Teachers, parents and pupils, have now been analysed. The results will be used in conjunction with a menu review from the Catering Managers to change the services if required. This will include Web-bites, cashless and Digi dudes. A meeting with the managers from the Regen units has already taken place. From that meeting menus have been changed and snack options increased. A questionnaire is being designed in conjunction with the Leisure Manager to give to Kuppas customers. Targeted date of December.

A draft NLCH3 form for Social Work has been drawn up and will be piloted in one unit. Still no progress on the Leisure form.

Financial information will be looked at during Nov/Dec.

PA6, PA8

To continue to manage the implementation of the strategic agenda of the Diet and Nutrition Policy.

Phase 2 of 4

Phase 3 of 4

Training of staff

Nutritional analysis

Phase 4 of 4

Review of results

Nutritional analysis

Monitoring and evaluation of the policy

Healthy Eating

0 Develop emphasis of healthy eating within Leisure Units, Civic Catering and employee catering

Development of new healthy eating concept for secondary schools using web-bite theme.

eating within vending in all areas of catering

0 Further development of healthy



April 2001 - March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004


Dromotion of fruit and healthy food iptions are being processed via the oyalty card promotion which will have :aken place in each primary school by 3ecember 2001 and via the new Sports 3ars (14) which are now up and running in the SIP’S areas of North Motherwell and South Coatbridge.



To establish a process of service review that facilitates improvement planning.

Best Value Service Review

I I ~ ~ ~

To develop and introduce a clear stakeholder focused strategy, supported by relevant policies, plans, objectives, targets and processes.

Phase 2 of 2

Review and develop Leisure and Social Work catering services for future Charter Mark submission.

Best Value Service Review

Government Initiative

To submit application for Charter Mark for Leisure and Social Work

Kildonan Street

Government Initiative


To investigate ways to increase free meal uptake

To continue ICT development in the following areas:

0 Microcache

0 Palm Pilots

0 Web-Site

I Department

March 2002 Ties into review of services as detailed before. Once the review has taken place, standardisation of service and menu will be agreed and a specification manual for each service drawn up.


March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

The process of applying for Charter Mark for Education has involved consulting with all of our stakeholders and reviewing our service on the basis of that information. Once Education has been completed, Leisure and Social Work will follow the same process.

PAI, PA4, PA6, PA8

PAI, PA4, PA6, PA8

April 2003 - March 2004

March 2003

PAI, PA4, PA6, PA8



April 2002 - March 2003

April 2002 -



5, 7

To address the issues associated with recycling waste materials involving partnerships with other local authorities or private contractors - Phase 1.

Government Initiative

Harmonisation of conditions and systems incorporating the impact of the single status agreement on services and employees.

Undertake customer/citizen surveys in the following service areas:

Domestic Waste Collection

Special Uplifts

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Continue to measure performance against reliable and comparable internaVexterna1 benchmark (both private & public sector):

National Benchmarks - ADLO etc.

Other Bodies i.e. Accounts Commission, Scottish Office, etc.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Government Initiative


Best Value Service Review

March 2002

March 2002

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003


4 number of schemes and additional Facilities for recycling of materials are planned to come on stream later in the year.

All manual staff reduced from 39 to 38 hours per week as from OlApril2000.

External consultant final report submitted for consideration.

Team established for undertaking E.F.Q.M. self analysis etc.

Report on special uplift service submitted.

ADLO/APSE year two report received and analysed. Data to be used in Harmonising of Conditions and service performance measurement.






3, 7


Continued expansion of areas accredited to IS0 9002.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Commissioning of Electricity Generation Scheme at two Landfill Sites.

Liaison with Planning and Environment Department concerning Waste Disposal Strategy.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Aftercare Works at Hopepark and Dalmacoulter Landfill Sites.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Continue to change from 1998 C.C.T issues to B.V.R. procedures.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Department March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

Government March 2002 Initiative

Government March 2002 Initiative

April 2002 - March 2003

Department March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

Government March 2002 Initiative

April 2002 - March 2003

Wardpark & Albert Street Depots accredited from March 2001.

Gas collection system in place, Minute of Agreement between NLC and Operators agreed. Site plans and planning application for siting of generators made.

Liaison officer appointed and attending appropriate meetings.

Seeding of Hopepark undertaken May 2001. Remedial works being addressed under maintenance agreement.

Dalmacoulter tenders returned and awaiting final evaluation prior to awarding.

Dual role for Client & Operational Function.








3, 7


3, 7


Continue to increase share of available customer share.

Phase 2 of 3

Continue to increase income from services provided.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Continued implementation of Action Plan from VFM Report.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Participate in the New Deal Environmental Task Force Scheme.

Value for March 2002 Money Review

April 2002 - March 2003

Value for March 2002 Money Review

April 2002 - March 2003

Value for March 2002 Money Review

April 2002 - March 2003

Government April 2001 - Initiative March 2004


Ongoing. Customer losses and gains monitored daily. Marketing strategy reviewed annually.

PA5 7

Ongoing discussionkonsultation with PA5 support services.


Ongoing discussions with support services to implement.

PA5 7

PAI, PA2, 1,2,3,5, PA3

Government August 2001

March 2004 Initiative Departmental working group established. PA9 Consultation document to be discussed at corporate management team.

Implementation of the National Cultural Strategy

Department Aug 2001 1 Will be completed in full by 31 March 2002 r development plans for North

Lanarkshire Arts Network, NL Craft Association and North Lanarkshire Bands Network.

I Aug2001 Department I PA9

Will be completed in full by 31 March 2002

Implement a marketing strategy for the arts programme.

Draft, consult on and produce Arts Strategy as part of the Department Cultural Strategy

Deadline has been revised from March 2002 as Departmental Working Group only just formed

PAI Initiative

I pA’o

Will be completed in full by 31 March 2002

2, 3,4, 5,7 Carry out an audit and produce a report reviewing arts and venues services and their accessibility to disadvantaged groups

Department Mar 2002


Deadline has been revised from March 2002 to fit in with Best Value Service Review

Develop and implement a Business Plan for the operation of all Venues

Performance Mar 2003 Management

7 Prepare and issue staff manuals

maintenance/replacement programme for all Arts & Venues Section equipment

Department Mar 2002 Will be completed in fully by 31 March 2002

Will be completed in full by 31 March


PA4 7 2002

Upgrade conference equipment within all venues

Best Value Mar 2002 Service Review

Will be completed in full by 31 March PA4 7 2002

Government Initiative

March 2002 Phase 1,2,3 and 4 will be completed in full by 31 March 2002

PAIO Complete an audit of facilities in relation to complying with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.


Phase 4 of 4 April 2002 - March 2003

Performance Management

March 2002 Will be completed by 31 March 2002 PAI Review the in-House Performing Arts Groups document and produce new strategy

Department April 2002 - March 2003

PAI 2, 3 Develop and implement a Children’s and Youth Arts Strategy to fit in with requirements of Children’s Services Plan and Youth Strategy

Review the arts class/workshop programme and develop and implement an equality of access programme to community arts services for disadvantaged users in accordance with Social Inclusion Strategy. Phase 1 & 2

Phase 3 of 3



April 2002 - March 2003

PA 1

April 2003 -

March 2004

April 2002 - March 2003

PA4 7 Implement a best value regime.

providers Phase 1 of 2

Best Value Service Review

Departmental April 2002 - March 2003

PA4 3, 7

April 2003 -

March 2004

Phase 2 of 2

Review of Safe Systems of Work to be carried out and training programme to be established for venue technical staff

Phase 1 of 2

Phase 2 of 2

Introduce Ge-Mrm Booking system and new web enabled ticketing system

Departmental April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

1 "MPa'c2Ei 1 Departmental

Develop and implement an ongoing system of customer/citizen surveys and consultation covering venues, entertainment events and community arts services

Best Value April 2002 - Service Review March 2004

Identify opportunities for external funding and implement an action plan designed to increase the level of external funding obtained for Arts & Venues initiatives

Phase 1 of 2

Phase 2 of 2

Partnerships April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

Develop Arts & Venues Service performance measurements that are appropriate to users and implement

Performance April 2002 - Management March 2003

Identify elements of the service for submission for Charter Mark Award and develop corresponding action plan

Phase 1 of 2

Phase 2 of 2

Departmental April 2002 - March 2003

Departmental April 2003 - I March2004

April 2002 - March 2003

Departmental Carry out a review of technical staffing within the venues unit

April 2002 - March 2003

PAIO Departmental Implement measures necessary to ensure compliance with Disability Discrimination Act

Phase 1 of 2

Phase 2 of 2 April 2003 - March 2004

March 2002 Initial meetings taken place with Scottish I PA2 I 2, 5, 7 I Partnership Develop on-line careers guidance services.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Enterprise Lanarkshire.

Team building sessions complete with technical support, SEL Learning Park Development Team and Careers Service Staff. Drafting framework of contents of on-line services.

April 2002 - March 2003

Expand early intervention work - career related learning in primary schools and r On-Track in secondary schools

March 2002 PA2 2 Partnership + Partners hip PA6 March 2002 Participate in a range of partnerships working to the benefit of clients

Review recommendations March 2002 PA4 7 Partnership

PA 1 March 2002 5 Partnership Initiate a Community Intermediaries Scheme

March 2002 Initial building audit complete. Rationalise division wide to take place.

Mar 2002 In progress

Rationalise building provision Department

PA10 4,5,7 Mar 2002 Audits progressed

Mar 2002 Identified refurbishment areas

Mar 2004

Review provision of disabled access to all community centres.

Refurbishment of Jerviston Community Centre and Chapelhall Senior Citizens Centre - Phase 2 of 2

Government Initiative

PA6 4,5,7

Mar 2002 Initial audit complete. Costings being 1 PA4 1 sought.

4,7 Department Produce and implement a planned maintenance programme for safety and security in community centres - Phase 2 of 2

Review fire detection systems and plan upgrade, replacement or installation of systems where appropriate - Phase 2 of 2

Mar 2002 1 Initial audit complete. Costings being I PA4 ' I 4,7 Department

I sought. I I Performance Management t Department

Feb 2002 1 Programme confirmed 2,5,7 PA2 I Increase training programme for all staff

charging structure. I PA9 I Mar 2002 I In progress

I Department Mar 2002 I In progress 5 pA9 I Complete a strategy for marketing the


PA6 1,5,7 Department Dec 2001

Mar 2002

Complete feasibility study on most appropriate use of Colzium House.

Phase 1 of 4

Phase 2 of 4



April 2002 - March 2003

Phase 3 of 4

system - Phase 1 of 3

Performance Management

Mar 2002 PA 9 5 7

PA6 4,5,7

First Stop Shop booking available. Report of suitability for call centre service underway

Feasibility study complete. Concluding building design process.

Mar 2002 To assist the community of Croy in improving current community facility

Achieving Charter Mark Award for 53 Community Centres Initiative


Government Aug 2001

Dec 2002

Submission made

pA4 I 7

Rebuilding of Gartlea Community Centre IIr Feb 2001

Mar 2004

Design to be agreed PA6 1 1,2, 3,4,5, 6 Department

Consultation in progress. Design to be agreed

PA 7 I 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Apr 2001

Dec 2002 Complete external environment surrounding the Pat Cullinan Community Centre

Completion of new Glenmavis Community /Celre Department Aug 2001

Aug 2002

Building work started

7 I PA 4 Develop a Marketing and Development Plan for Cumbernauld New Town Hall I Department April 2002

Aug 2003

Apr 2002

Sep 2003

Complete User Audit - detailed database Department

Department I Mar 2002

Mar 2003

Equipment needs identified. Cost implications and prioritising work to be completed

PA 4 7 Maintenance/Replacement programme for all equipment

PA4 I 7 Ensuring, as appropriate, that all NLC standard leases are issued I Department Apr 2001

Dec 2002

Lease confirmed with Legal Services

Implement the Section Training Programme I Review and Identify areas for future Charter Mark submission

To assist Newmains community in creating a new community facility

Prepare and implement a strategy for young people which tackles key issues identified through community consultation

respond to community safety priorities via setting up of Young People’s Safety Forum and inclusion of safety issues within Youth Work and Community Work Action Plans

Complete audit of departmental grants structures. Make recommendations and implement beginning April 2002

Promote information on funding from external sources for community and voluntary groups - conference plus six open evenings in each of next two financial years (phase 2 of 2)


Department May 2002

Dec 2003

Government April 2003

March 2004 Initiative

Partnership April 2001

Mar 2004

Government Dec 2001 Initiative

Consultation Mar 2002

Value for Mar 2002 Money Study

Value for Mar 2002 Money Study

Training needs identified

Old facility demolished.

Six Youth Forums currently established.

MSYP’s acting as Interim Executive for Youth Council.

Report and proposals presented to Head of Community Resources

Restructuring underway.

Pilot Funding Seminar for Young People undertaken September 2000.

Disseminate information of funding sources.

Support the development of equality networks and identify and co-ordinate policy initiatives.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Support the development of existing community forums via increased officer involvement, particularly community work services

Government Initiative


Mar 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

Mar 2002

Links between Community Education Centres, Community Halls, Libraries and Arts & Venues to improve usage and reduction of duplication.

Develop Home School Partnership Work and redirect existing projects in line with excellence fund targets. Implementation August 2001


Government Initiative

Sept 2001

Aug 2001

Embed Young People Strategy into council work. Develop Youth information points and policy. Provide appropriate training for Youth Work Strategy - organise residential for young people and roadshow for other council staff

I Partnership I Aug2001

Ongoing links with Community Relation Council and Ethnic Minority Law Centre.



Uniform letting policy produced. Policy & Letting guidelines approved by Committee.

Final paper out for consultation. Implementation by June 2001.

Meeting with Head Teachers February 2001. Parent Conference arranged for September 2001



Ongoing - good progress - to official I PA6 council in mid February

Member Officer Group and Youth Strategy Group continue to meet.

Pilot project with colleges to be set up for new term in August.

Youth Strategy Group to join Learning Strategy Partnership


Continue ICT development for young adults. Seek external funding. Work corporately to achieve increased access and more choice of programmes. Bid to be submitted to Learning Direct Scotland, New Opportunities Fund, European Social Fund

Develop new programmes on Higher Still Courses. Train staff to high level. Link with colleges and other providers as necessary - 12 courses over financial year

Development of Best Value training, development of IIPcSQMS and self evaluation training in line with government guidelines. Introduction of new PIS when published. Best Value seminars January and June 2001. Best Value working groups January 2001 and March 2002

Community Learning Strategy and Community Learning Plans -develop mechanisms for auditing need. Work corporately towards meeting defined needs. Set up appropriate monitoring evaluation and joint staff development programmes. First two learning plans in place by September 2001. Thematic learning plan in place by December 2001. Further three plans to be instigated by June 2001 and completed by March 2002

Expand early intervention work to parents of 0-3 year olds. Surestart project fully operational from April 2001 - annual evaluations


Government Initiative


Government Initiative

Government Initiative

Mar 2002 Computers purchased and installed in two sites. Three others in planning stages. Purchasing for third site in progress.

New computers purchased. Two new sites identified.

Mar 2002 Meeting of Learning Plans ongoing. Training for participants arranged.

Mar 2002 Programme ongoing Best Value Days taken place.

IIP Group now in place. New induction pack for staff and policy paper completed in draft.

Mar 2002

Apr 2001 Project now up and running








One thematic community learning plan in place by August 2001 on Essential Skills

Government I Initiative

IIP by March 2002. IIP working group establish and operate by May 2001.


Develop an Area Letting Plan. Plan to be submitted to management by May 2001


Identify opportunities for external funding and produce a plan for informing and assisting community groups in obtaining grants

arrangement for use of council facilities by young people, that provides incentives for use and which is part of the Young Scot Initiative

Phase 1 - Discussions internally

Phase 2 - Ongoing discussions with external partners

Phase 3 - Implementation


11 Construct a concessionary/smart card Partnership

Increase the amount of international youth work in particular activities related to our twins and long standing European partners

Phase 1 - Organise with MSYPs and Twins European Conference in Motherwell to discuss Youth EmpowermentIActivity Citizenship

Phase 2 - Organise working group with St Denis


I May I May I Sep 2001

January 2002 -June 2002

January 2002 -June 2004

January 2002 -June 2004

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - August 2002

NOV 2002 - Jan 2002


pA2 I PA9 I 7

pA9 I I 5, 7

1,5,7 =-I----


'hase 3 - Youth Exchange - Airdrie and 3 Denis

:onsolidate the development of Youth ,nformation Services and ensure suitable iuman and financial resources are :ommitted to this

'base 1 - Create discrete budgets for financial year 2002/03 and 2003/04

Phase 2 - Apply for funding from Modernising Government, Social Inclusion Fund, SIP, Scotland Against Drugs etc

Ensure the establishment of Youth Forum in all areas and commit resources to support these initiatives

Phase 1 - Create discrete budget to support this initiative

Phase 2 - Forum in place by August 2002

Consolidate and expand literacy work to new areas in line with the plan of action to be submitted to the Scottish Executive

Phase 1 - Acton Plan to be submitted

Phase 2 - New posts created

Phase 3 - Annual evaluations complete

Partners hip




August 2002 I

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - March 2004

Jan 2002 - March 2004

N0~2001 - August 2002

August 2002 N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 -

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - Jan 2002

Jan 2002 - June 2002

Dec 2002 - March 2004






Initiate more focused agenda for support to primary school parents via the Home School Community Partnership programme in line with recently approved guidelines

Phase 1 - Publish Home School Policy Document by March 2002

Phase 2 - Parents Conference January 2002

Produce joint marketing with libraries section on ICT provision on offer to the communities of North Lanarkshire

Phase 1 - Publicity and MarketingNVebsite

Phase 2 - Joint staff training

Phase 3 - Joint funding submissions

Continue to seek accreditation and badging of ICT facilities from Learning Direct

Continue with libraries and colleges to seek funding for development of ICT courses in line with ESFINOF funding deadlines

Self assessment on Youth WorkTraining with a view to submitting the service for Charter Mark Award

Application for Charter Mark Award - Youth Work Training

I Partnership




N0~2001 - Mar 2002

Jan 2002 N0~2001 -

N0~2001 - June 2002

April 2002 - June 2002

June 2002 N0~2001 -

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - March 2004

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - March 2004

April 2002 - October 2002

NOV 2002 - March 2003










Self assessment on Designated Area Office management with a view to submitting the service for Charter Mark Award

Department April 2003 - October 2003

PA4 I 7

Department NOV 2003 - March 2004

7 PA4 I Application for Charter Mark Award -

Designated Area Offices

Self assessment on Designated ICT Provision with a view to submitting the service for Charter Mark Award

Department April 2003 - October 2003

PA4 7

Department 7 PA4 I Application for Charter Mark Award -

Designated ICT Provision NOV 2003 - March 2004

Develop Family Support Project in Burnhead area.

Department Mar 2002 Group has experienced problems due to resignation of Chair. New Chair now in place. New members of group to undergo Committee Skills training. Training to be undertaken by Community Work staff.

PA6 4,5

Identify services for disabled and disadvantaged users to allow them the same levels of access as all other users

Government Initiative

Mar 2002 Discussing possible services to be used in conjunction with other services. Expanding current book delivery service to cover other needs of the housebound.

Disabled access to PCs will be provided at selected libraries as part of People’s Network Roll Out

PAIO 2 5 7

Implement phase 2 of Dynix Implementation Plan -Phase 2 of 2

Partnership Mar 2002 I Funding allocated by Management Team. Software and hardware delivered.

Upgrade Libraries & Information Service to meet COSLA standards

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Develop a Community Learning Network for North Lanarkshire - Phase 2 of 2

Develop SVQ programme at level 2 & 3 for all appropriate Library & Information staff

Assist in Maintaining and developing Community Learning Network

Develop Bookstart Programme. Identify source of funding to provide books for all new born babies in North Lanarkshire

Implement Action Plan arising from Best Value Service Review of Libraries and Information

Develop Housebound Mobile Library and Book Delivery Service

Develop programmes to promote reading in North Lanarkshire

Department Mar 2002

April 2002 - I March2003

I Partnership I Mar2002

Best Value Service Review

Mar 2002

Partnership April 2002 - March 2004

Partnership April 2002 - March 2004

March 2004

March 2004

Department April 2002 - March 2004

Funding needs for stock fund have been identified.

CALL bid prepared and submitted to NOF. Bid rejected.

Pilot bids for North Area being finalised with Cumbernauld College and Partners.

Further CALL bid submitted. Results awaited. Finance for a pilot Community Learning Hub in Motherwell North SIP obtained

Initial discussion with Training Services Unit. Programme will be developed simultaneously with ICT NOF Programme from April 2001.




PA9 I 2,7



PA4 7

PA2 I 2,3,4,5,6,7

Provide Uniforms for all front line staff I Department

Continue to develop Minority languages collection - providing a wider range of languages in more locations


Review, self-assess and submit Charter Mark Application


Initiative Continue to implement NOF ICT Training

Investigate appropriate involvement in PPP Projects

Implement recycling of books, newspapers and magazines

Co rpo rate


Investigate use of Dynix Library System in H Secondary Schools Department

Review provision of museum services to ensure adequate local community delivery.

Performance Management

Undertake audit of services in relation to the provision of museum services to people with special or minority needs

Best Value Service Review

Investigate and implement improvement programme at Summerlee Heritage Park - Phases 1 & 2 of 3


March 2004 April2002- I I pA4 I 7

March 2204

March 2003 April2002- I I PA4 I 7

Sept2000- March 2004 I 2,7 I PA9 I March 2004 Aug2001- I 1 PA7 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Oct2001 Mar 2003 - I I PA3 I 1,3,4,5,6,7

July2000- Mar 2003 I Mar 2002 Following reduction of service at local PA6 7

level, now reviewing outreach services over winter season.

Feb 2002 PAI 5,7

Mar 2002 Restoration of Glasgow Tramcar - work ongoing:

Electrics part complete Wheels, etc. at foundry Ironworks - pathway almost complete

l Sawmill - work ongoing

, Joinery part complete

I Phase 3 of 3

Develop and implement new programme of special events following recommendations of review


Implement Phase 2 of Dynix Implementation plan to allow web access to museum cataloguekollections - Phase 2 o f 2


Conduct an audit of working practices to improve visitor experiences and implement associated staff training

Performance Management

Complete an analysis of departmental staff development needs


Undertaken audit of museum collections to improve community access as identified in the Community Learning Strategy and Children's Service Plan


Initiate museums and heritage forum Partners hip newsletter to improve communication

Review local studies provision Department


Establish appropriate evaluation and Department monitoring procedure for all temporary exhibitions and events

April 2002 - March 2003

Jan 2002 - Dec 2003

Mar 2003 Extended completion date from Mar 2002

Dec 2002 Audit complete. Training programme underway at Summerlee Heritage Park.

Grant aid application to SMC for additional training budget submitted Extended target stop date from Mar 2002

Jan 2002 Staff questionnaire complete

January 2003

April 2003- March 2004

April 2002 - June 2002

Jan 2002 - Jan 2003

April 2002 - April 2003


PA9 2,4,5,7

pA9 ' I 7

PA6 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Conduct gap analysis on Archive Services in line with submitting Charter Mark application

Department April 2002 - Dec 2002

PA4 7

Prepare and submit Charter Mark Application for Archive services

Department I pA4 7

Investigate opportunities of PPP developments March 2004 I Partnership I April2001 - I 1 PA7 I 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Implementation of Action Plan drawn up by Adapt in relation to prepared Access Audit

Partnership Sept 2001 - 1 Dec2002 I PA1 Continue discussions with South Lanarkshire Council on archiving records management for the purposes of dual operation

Partnership Sept 2001 - March 2004


Develop work-based programmes for SVQ levels 2, 3 and 4 for appropriate staff. I pA2


Identify alternative sources of funding for the provision of new facilities

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Department Mar 2002 f 30,000 funding awarded for youth shelters. Additional f18,000 for Youth Shelters from SIP Fund.

April 2002 - March 2003

PA9 4, 6, 7

Support Mount Ellen Project in the development of a new play area by attending 12 meetings

Department Mar 2002 3 meetings attended. Funding application submitted to lottery. Others in preparation


Support Gartlea Children Playing Project in the development of a play area via attending 12 meetings to plan out the production of the community park design including play area and multi-sport area and also make funding applications

Upgrading of play areas identified in audit - 10 play areas as capital budget permits



Revise strategy for the development of play services

Revise procedures in view of changes in legislation regarding working with children and health and safety guidelines for the Summer Event Programme

I Department

Government Initiative

Establish statistical output system from libraries in required format - Phase 2 of 2

Complete work on the rationalisation of Community Services Grants Scheme



Continue to examine all external funding possibilities for the department in order to maximise available resources and increase/enhance services


Mar 2002

Mar 2002

Oct 2001

Mar 2002

Mar 2002

Sep 2001

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - March 2004

4 meetings attended. Design & Costings near completion. €50,000 funding obtained from NL Forward. Other funding applications submitted

Equipment ordered and fencing being measured. 8 Play areas to be upgraded as only €75,000 available



No progress 1 PA9

No progress PA9

7 I pA4 I System established but requires some adjustment.

Rationalisation of grants system for users now completed and in operation, and departmental grants administration system specification written and agreed. Cannot progress admin system further until IT writes programme for it. Awaiting confirmation of timescale from IT




Develop sport and recreation service level agreement using quality function deployment.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Identify sport and recreation customer improvements using gap analysis (Servqual).

Phase 2

Seek Quest UK quality scheme certification with a view to improving and enhancing the quality of sport and recreation service provision.

Phase 2

I) Phase3

Develop sport and recreation service performance measures and appropriate methods for reporting to stakeholders. Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3


Best Value Service Review

Best Value Service Review

Best Value Service Review

Best Value Service Review

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2004

March 2002

March 2003

March 2002

July 2002

March 2004

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2004

QFD model utilised in BV review, which will be further utilised by the Operations Section.

Analysis completed of previous servqual survey. lnfo to be posted on customer focus boards. Next survey to be completed March 2002 for comparative purposes

Analyse results and amend action plan

Appropriate staff training completed. Tryst SC preparing for self-assessment prior to involvement with external verifier.

Sport Dev unit achieved Quest and will seek improved score

2 other facilities to seek accreditation

Statutory Performance Indicators and Best Value Indicators being collected and reported to stakeholders.









Analyse and review benchmarking information obtained for the sport and recreation service with a view to identifying best practice.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

To investigate public/private partnership arrangements in relation to the development of synthetic pitches

Phase 2

Phase 3

Measure demand for sport and recreation facilities to ensure service and facility provision in undertaking the Facilities Planning Model in conjunction with sportscotland.

11 Phase 2 of 2

Undertake an audit of all sport and recreation facilities to identify sport activity areas for new provision and existing areas for refurbishment.

Phase 2 of 2

Best Value Service Review

I Partnership



March 2002

April 2002 - March 2004

March 2002

Jan 2003

Sept 2002

March 2002

Dec 2002

March 2002

March 2004

Best practice being identified in conjunction with the Southwest Scotland Benchmarking Group.

Policy & resources committee of 19 June approved proposals to move the proposal forward. Work underway in preparation for business plan and staffing arrangements

Agreements reached and building works commence

All facilities open and operational

Facilities Planning Model completed by Sportscotland and Edinburgh University in November 2001. Report will be submitted to committee.

Work on conversion of TSC bar to conditioning gym will commence on 7 Jan 2002 for 8 week programme

Currently providing info and proposals for Education PPP scheme which will rationalise some facilities








March 2002 No progress on this issue. This key action will not now be carried out by Sport & Recreation

PA8 Department To devise strategies for the successful implementation of the Diet & Nutrition policy.

PAIO To develop sport for people with disabilities within North Lanarkshire at all levels of the Sports Development Continuum through integrated activities or through provision of specialist programmes for people with disabilities.

Phase 2 of 2

Department Actively involved with disabled sport agencies, groups and clubs from the assistance with the Wishaw Games to the advice and guidance of the North Lanarkshire Disability Forum and it’s activities. (Phase 2)

March 2002

Partnership Mach 2002 Meetings established with Education Department to enable this to proceed. After school programme has commenced and Phase 2 will see use of sports facilities

PA2 Increase the links between Community Services and Education to assist with the planning and development of after schools programmes and events.

I I April 2002 - March 2004

Partners hip March 2004 Currently involved with Lanarkshire Health Board, sportscotland, Area Sports Councils, etc.

PA7 1 organisations involved in the provision of sport and leisure opportunities.

Phase 2 of 2 Support provided by designated Officer through the Area Sports Council.

PA6 Department March 2004 To provide resources and support to assist in the development of local sports clubs.

Phase 1

March 2002 Continuing to arrange for the provision of NCF courses and training courses for club coaches. Actively involved in assisting work of Area Sports Councils.

PA2 To provide opportunities for coach education and volunteer training to increase the numbers of qualified personnel.

Phase 2 of 2


To advise, encourage, support and assist local athletes, not only in their participation in their chosen sport but with regard to the many support functions required such as refereeing, coaching etc.

Phase 2 of 2

To enable local area sports councils and local sports clubs to provide the necessary support for local athletes.

Phase 2 of 2

To establish partnerships with key agencies having a direct input into specific events.

Phase 2 of 2

To develop a strategy for the provision of sporting events throughout North Lanarkshire.

Phase 2 of 2

To extend the Physical Activity in Primary Health Care Scheme by involving all medical practices throughout North Lanarkshire by the end of the year to increase current usage levels within the sports and recreation facilities from appropriate patients attending their GP.



March 2002

March 2002



March 2002

March 2002

Partnership I March 2002

Continuing to advise the Area Sports Councils accordingly. Continuing to operate the Talented Sport Pass scheme allowing free access to training facilities. Partnership with West of Scotland Institute of Sport

Continuing to advise the Area Sports Councils. Sport Dev Officer designated to this task

Continuing to develop such partnerships in events such as the Wishaw Games with the Rotary International, etc. (Phase 1 )

Events calendar produced for inclusion in strategy document. Exchange of information with Dept of Education completed to provide one info base

Get Active scheme expanded throughout North Lanarkshire with increased customer base within facilities generated. Cardiac Rehab courses commenced. Part of Physical Activity Task Force







4, 5, 6, 7


Promote and develop a programme of health related exercise to encourage a healthier lifestyle for all sections of the community, particularly within the areas of social need.

Phase 2 of 2

Review the operation of coaching/ instructor staff

Phase 2 of 2

Ensure the Sports & Recreation facilities continue to provide activities and resources for their specific target markets in accordance with the Section's marketing strategy throughout the year.

Identify staff training needs and prepare a plan of action, related to service.

review report completed December 2000.

Department March 2002



March 2002

March 2002

Best Value March 2002 Service Review

Best Value March 2002 Service Review


Ongoing initiatives with Lanarkshire Health Board and in particular the SIP areas.

BadycheckBus launched in September 2001 by Deputy Minister for Health in the Community, Malcolm Chisholm. The bus will specifically target SIP areas in terms of health checks.

Draft procedures prepared and to be amended for Operational staff.

Continually being monitored

APT & C training needs analysis completed. General issue of training being discussed with Human Resources Mgr. Several courses arranged following needs identified

Progress being made for identification of needs of manual staff independently

All actions incorporated into Business Plan for implementation








To continue to develop income generating opportunities through partnerships/attraction of external funddeffective use of resources.

Assess the allocation of resources within each facility to ensure a fair and representative spread by age, sex, ability, clubs and casual use.

Encourage the use of and generally promote the service to maximise the use of the resources available.

Prepare 3 pilot landscape master plans for priority sites, within urban settlements across the council area.

Phase 2 of 3

Establish a routine maintenance regime and programme for the countryside sites for inclusion in the planned Grounds Maintenance arrangements.






March 2002

March 2002

March 2002

March 2003

March 2003

Healthy Living Project attracted f 2 0 , O O O for Shotts LC. Family and Youth Leisure cards agreed with Asst Chief Exec. Ongoing discussions with SIP reps for other initiatives. Retail development has increased income as well as 2 new agreements with external advertisers

Continually being monitored.

New Wishaw SC brochure being produced and overall review of all current brochures to take place

Broadwood Loch Master Plan complete. First Phase of works at implementation stage.

Dumbreck Marsh LNR Plan in preparation.

Third site to be determined as part of the review of the Open Spaces Strategy.

Continuing review of routine maintenance regimes for the countryside sites for inclusion in the planned Grounds Maintenance arrangements.









= 3, 5,

3, 7

Implement a programme of infrastructure improvements and repairs in all three of the Council’s country parks.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Prepare a comprehensive strategy to encourage a range of appropriate land uses in urban fringe, corridor, greenbelt and countryside areas of North Lanarkshire.

Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

Complete the preparation of a Woodland Management Strategy.

Phase 2 of 2




March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

March 2004

April 2002 - March 2004

March 2002

AS AT 30 SEPTE 2001

Progress in line with target timescale.

Landscape improvements at Strathclyde CP Camping Site complete; Conference facilities upgrade in progress; Road surfacing repairs complete.

Refurbishment of Children’s Farm area at Palacerigg CP largely complete, Visitor Centre display feature refurbishment work in progress.

Parking and Traffic calming and Visitor Centre reception upgrade works at Drumpellier CP at design stage.

A comprehensive strategy is now likely to develop from the determination of a number of distinct strategic issues.

Access unit progressing implementation of the Council’s Public Access Strategy.

Feasibility study commissioned, with partnership support into Core Footpath Network development in Kelvin Valley/ Croy Village/ Kilsyth area.

Discussions/ Presentations in progress with potential developers related to selected projects at Strathclyde CP.

Programme underway.




3, 7



Continue to implement service improvement (S.M.A.R.T) plans resulting from the SD&R operational tasks in the Service Plan (*) specifically : -

0 Implement a quality assurance system

Establish and implement procedures identified by process mapping

(*) Rationalise land holding accounts to improve efficiency of the management and maintenance of

0 Consult relevant departments and agree base budgets for maintenance of their open spaces Phase 2 of 2

(*) Develop Service Level Agreements for the Grounds Maintenance Service for each internal customer.

Draw up service level options.

Consult internal customers and align service level options to budgets.

Phase 2 of 2

Establish a Community Services Land Inventory Map Base

Best Value I March 2002 Service Review

Best Value Service Review

Best Value Service Review


March 2002

March 2003

March 2003




Completed - 3 key procedures established and published on the intranet

Progress dependent upon a decision on the strategic management responsibility for open space.

A service level agreement for grounds maintenance of schools is under discussion with the Education Department. Discussions with the Roads Division have commenced. The target date for this phase has been rescheduled to March 2003 so further meetings can take place to discuss proposals and finalise agreements.











EOOZ -zooz VJeW


Implement the findings of the Cemetery Service review of the cemetery service


Review the parks support to community based events e.g. gala days

Establish and Implement procedure

Establish a planned programme of improvement works to parks, open spaces and countryside sites.

Phase 2 of 2

Implement work ticketing for estate maintenance.

Introduce pilot work ticketing system

Phase 1 of 2

Consolidate work ticketing system

Phase 2 of 2

Best Value Service Review





March 2004

March 2002

March 2002

March 2002

March 2002

March 2003

AS AT 30 SEPTE 001

Project team established

Framework for the development of improvement plan established.

Project team established.

Analysis of events 2000/01 in progress.

Proposed additions to package reported to Committee.

The existing plan to implement a programme of improvement works requires to be revised to take account of the Scottish Executive’s recently published “Rethinking Open Space” strategy document. This task will therefore be raised as a new key action within a future Service Plan as and when the new PAN on managing open spaces is fully established.

In implementation





PA9 7

Establish a work ticketing process for grounds maintenance in cemeteries

Introduce pilot work ticketing system

Phase 1 of 2

Consolidate work ticketing system

Phase 2 of 2

Continue to implement service improvement (S.M.A.R.T) plans resulting from the Grounds Maintenance service review, not individually featured as SD&R (Parks) operational tasks in the Service Plan (*) specifically : -

Survey External Customers.

Review the management organisation

Review existing and define new policies required to operate Grounds Maintenance service.

Deployment of “Getting to Know You”. 0

I Department

I Best Value Service Review

March 2002

March 2003

March 2002

March 2002

March 2002

March 2002


March 2004

In implementation.

Progress made with Education

Action rests with departmental management team

No progress

Stage 1 completed. Extend to Stages 2 & 3





Implement findings from safety audit of cemetery memorials

PA4 4, 7

Continue to develop and progress a fleet replacement programme that represents value for money and action on green issues.

Continue to implement service improvement (S.M.A.R.T) plans resulting from the Vehicle Services service review, specifically: -

Design Service Level Agreements

0 Design Marketing Strategy

Value for Money Review


March 2002



March 2003


PA4 7


Service level agreements have been established with Council’s PPPs. Drafi proposals have been drawn up based upon these agreements for the Council’s transport users ie Cleansing, Grounds Maintenance, Libraries etc. The target date for this task has been rescheduled to March 2002 so that meetings can take place with these users to discuss the proposals and finalise the agreements.

A brochure has been prepared by Arts and Venues which can now be circulated to target areas. Due to the need to align Transport’s marketing strategy with the Departmental Marketing Strategy which will be reviewed in 2002/3 the target date for completion of this task has been rescheduled to March 2003.




Vendor Rating System Review



Develop Service Portfolio and Information Pack

Lists of suppliers have been received from the Administrative Services Manager. A cross reference is being be made against this list and the list of suppliers produced by Transport's own computer system (SAVE). The suppliers list has proved to be extensive and therefore the target date for the completion of this task has been reschuduled to December 2002.

Discussions have taken place with Arts and Venues manager. The target date for the development of theservice Portfolio and Information Pack has been rescheduled to March 2003 to take account of the Department's Marketing Strategy review in 2002/3

under the vehicle replacement programme A major replacement of the bus fleet is imminant under the programme within the next round of tenders.


The first vehicles have been delivered To continue to review maintenance and fleet management operations - Bus Service.


PA4 Assess the benefitsof procuringhicles by means of capital or operating lease.



Value for Money Review

Value for Money Review

December 2002



March 2002

March 2002




Responding to Internal Audit reports.

managers and the finance department to allow the production of timeous yet relevant information Phase 2 of 3

Phase 3 of 3

To integrate department systems with the financial ledger and payroll system Phase 2 & 3 of 3

11 Rationalise all financial systems within Community Services Phase 2 of 3

Consider various options to strengthen/ rationalise system usage. Phase 3 of 3

Ensure that all managers are financially aware Phase 2 of 3

Internal Audit






March 2002

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

March 2002

March 2002

March 2003

March 2002

m Complete


We have had a working group of managers and agreed a new procedure for the production of the management accounts. The item is therefore now complete.


A number of systems have now been reviewed and preliminary discussions with those involved held.


PA9 1 7








Cedar ledger system. Phase 3 of 3

Review and develop the department’s debt management procedures

Recruit new debtors post, train in new system, investigate reporting capabilities, issue relevant reports to managers. Phase 1 of 2

Review procedures and strategy for chasing bad debt. Phase 2 of 2


Review and develop the department’s financial procedures


Review the information requirements of I Department departmental managers and the corporate personnel division

Phase 2 of 4

Phase 3 of 4

Phase 4 of 4

April 2002 - March 2003

March 2002

April 2002- March 2003

April 2002 - March 2003

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

Issued data capture forms to all employees and input the information for a test group into the internal computerised personnel information system.

On the basis of feedback and policy development, refined the monthly information pack issued to service managers.



PA9 7


Rationalise the provision of the personnel service within the department

Phase 2 of 4

Phase 3 of 4

Phase 4 of 4

Produce a departmental training plan Phase 2 of 4

Phase 3 of 4

Phase 4 of 4

Continue to review the information requirements of departmental managers and the corporate division in relation to Health and Safety Phase 2 of 3 Phase 3 of 3

Phase 4 of 4




March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

Launch of a departmental review of absence management procedures and practices, including HR workshops and discussions with service managers. Staff have been alerted to the need to improve in this respect via an article in the departmental staff newsletter.

The recent pilot staff development programme has been refined and customised to cascade core competency training to all departmental operational managers.

Progression of the departmental Risk Assessment programme.

Development of a COSHH assessment programme.







Department Improve graphic and design capability. I March 2002 Will be completed in full by 31 March 2002 PA9 7

Strategy develop and implement new strategy Phase 1 of 2

Government Initiative

Phase 2 of 2 I

March 2002- Passport to Leisure element will be PA6 April 2003 completed in full by 31 March 2002

Develop and implement a Departmental Research Programme to meet the needs of Service Development, Best Value Services Reviews and Quality Award Initiatives

I Department I March2002- I

~ ~

Conduct non user survey to identify potential customer expectations and needs in relation to departmental services

Development of department wide membership/booking system



Develop and implement an action plan designed to maximise the potential for income generation through the provision of graphic services Phase 1 of 2 Phase 2 of 2

April 2003

March 2003 - April 2004


ExDloit the income Qeneration potential of advertising sales (eg departmental facilities, vehicles etc) Phase 1 of 2

Phase 2 of 2

Develop and implement an advertising and sponsorship strategy Phase 1 of 2

Phase 2 of 2

Develop and implement Departmental event promotion guide to ensure appropriate brand profile

Investigate the potential fur further development of the QLY brand of new brands and implement Phase 1 or 2

Phase 2 of 2

Introduce integrated methods of promoting and Marketing Departmental events

Introduce guidelines for the provision of promotional material in special formats and minority languages to ensure equality of access and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act



I Department

I Department

Government fl

March 2002 - April 2003

March 2003 - April 2004

March 2002 - April 2003

March 2003 - April 2004

March 2002 - April 2003

March 2002 - April 2003

March 2003 - April 2004

March 2002 - April 2003

March 2002- April 2003







Implement department ICT strategy, focussing on priorities of Modernising Government Initiative

Phase 1

Further roll out of membership booking system.

Development of financial and personnel computer systems.

To carry out Best Value reviews in accordance with amended corporate and departmental rota.

Implement future Service Reviews and participate in cross-cutting reviews in accordance with future agreed programme.

Co-ordinate the compilation of departmental and performance monitoring data, in accordance with departmental Performance Management and Planning Framework.

Monitor the progress of the implementation of the Best Value strategy in relation to Phase 4 and with respect to previous reviews.

Government Initiative

Government Initiative

Government Initiative

March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2002 - March 2003

February 2002

April 2002 - February 2003

February 2003

March 2002

Implementation of priority areas of strategy I 3n target.

Departmental Membership/Booking System - Phase 1 locations went live in June.


Programme amended corporately and approved at committee.

Library Service Best Value review on schedule.

Benchmarking for Phase 4 of review programme at initial stage.

New Best Value programme agreed in June. Review scope documentation prepared and sent to Chief Executive’s department.










7 April 2002 - March 2003

PA4 Government Initiative

Monitor implementation of Improvement Actions from 2001 - 2002 Reviews.

PA4 7 Department April 2002 - March 2003

and implement a rolling programme of Mystery Shopping.

7 Department April 2002 - March 2004

PA4 Assist sections in preparing to obtain accreditation to identified quality schemes.

PA4 7 Department April 2002 - March 2004

co-ordinate applications for various nationally recognised award

7 Department March 2002 Framework and approach in place. As new policies and procedures are agreed they are placed on the intranet.

To be implemented across the department through co-ordinating administration group.

PA4 Develop a consistent approach to the documentation of administration procedures in the department staff

U April 2002 - March 2003

Ongoing development of policies and procedures to meet changing requirements.

A number of information systems are currently under review.

PA9 7 Department March 2002 Review all information systems and rationalise within the department.

Phase 2 of 3 PA9 Performance

Management Review and develop Performance Management Framework:

Performance matters now to be reported on quarterly.

Monthly reporting mechanisms to be introduced in relation to key issues

N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 - March 2002

March 2002 N 0 ~ 2 0 0 1 -

Quarterly reporting mechanisms refined.

Departmental complaints monitoring systems to be developed in conjunction with proposed computerised corporate complaints system.

Contribute to and take part in PPPIPFI developments as required

Conduct staff training needs analysis for the section

Implement staff training programme identified in training needs analysis

Support and maintain quality initiative systems and processes agreed in departmental action plan

Establish and implement Mystery Visitors Programme.

Support front line services to progress towards Charter Mark and Quest (where appropriate).

Prepare IS0 accredited services for new standard.

Establish customer feedback mechanisms re support services, to enable them to work towards Charter Mark late 2004.

Conduct and analyse annual staff survey on organisational culture. Devise action plan to improve the culture of the organisation and enhance ownership of Council and departmental services and initiatives.





- Department

Mar 2002 - Mar 2003

March 2004 Sept 2o01- I Feb 2002 - Aug 2002

March 2004 Sept2002- I Aug 2001 - March 2002

April 2002 - March 2003

April 2003 - March 2004

Dec2001- March 2004


PA4 1 7

7 PA4 I PA4 7


Dec2001 - PAI, PA9 March 2004

The department is involved in and supporting 17 Corporate Working Groups, in the implementation of relevant Action Plans.

All Working Performance Dec 2001 - Groups , with Management March 2004 the exception of Elderly and Capital - HRA

PAI, PA2, PA3, PA6, PA7, PA8, PA9, PAIO

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Appendix 2 CAPITAL PROJECT PROGRAMME - 2001-2004


Council Covenants

Upgrading and Improving Council Facilities

Health Well Being & Care

Housing & The Environment

Organisational & Service Development


Approved Budget fOOO







Total Community Services 525 1


All-Age Careers Guidance Initiative

Inclusiveness Project

PartiSIPate - North Lanarkshire SIP

PartiSIPate - North Lanarkshire SIP area

Pat Cullinen Centre ILM Training & Envir. Work

Community Learning Partnership

Motherwell North children's Activity Project







200 U2002

Scottish Executive E1,148 Careers

Scottish Executive &2,350,000 Careers

Scottish Enterprise LanarkshireNorth Lanarkshire SIP E60,OOO Careers

Scottish Enterprise LanarkshirelNorth Lanarkshire SIP E135,OOO Careers

North Lanarkshire Forward ** Scottish Executive &1,000,000 Community education

Motherwell North SIP 1579,789 Community Education

E45,OOO Community Centres











Multi-cultural Youth Group Children in Need &3,900 Community Education

Reeltime Music NL Forward/NL Key Fund E77,OOO Community Education

Young People and Domestic Abuse &23,520 Community Education

Youth Outreach Work Social Inclusion Fund E18,OOO Community Education

Youth United Media Project Lanarkshire Key Fund I525,OOO Community Education

Countryside Ranger Service Scottish Natural Heritage &339,525 Countryside & Landscape

Regeneration of Garnqueen Loch NLF/SEL/Legbrannock Trust/BIFFA/SNH/CSCT E310,OOO Countryside & Landscape

Community Learning Hub Gates GiWScottish executive E50,OOO Libraries and Information

Minority Language Provision Social lnclusion Fund E14,OOO Libraries and Information

People's Network (Wide Area Network) E393,OOO Libraries and Information

Social Inclusion Fund

New Opportunities Fund (CALL)

Note: This list includes all funding sources external to the department, including SIP and other NLC managed funds. Also listed are projects which are community led, but which have been created in partnership with Community Services.

** In partnership with Planning and Environment



Arts & Venues

Equipment SAC Lottery - Access & Participation __ OR Audience and Sales Development SAC Lottery - Children and Young People's Scheme SAC Lottery Fund - Building Projects NLC (CS Capital Budget)

Attendance by older people at Arts events

Gartcosh Sculpture Project

Motherwell Concert Hall

Broadwood Stadium

Sportscotland SFA Cumbernauld College Landfill ERDF/ESF Coalfield Regeneration

Amount Required ,E 1 00,000




Start date of project

Aug/Sept 200 1


STATUS I - atideastage P - inpreparation S - submitted A - agreed R - refused C - cancelled

x P


On-tr ack I

EU Objective 2 &183,000 1 / 6 / 0 2 I P W A R C

Catering Services

Community Centres

Greengairs Community Centre Shanks McEwan (Landfill) I

Newmains Community Centre North Lanarkshire Forward (IJ

Old Monklands Community Centre Persimmon Homes &3,392 I

Salsburgh Community Centre Coalfield Regeneration Trust I

Castlecary Community Hall Local Capital Grants/EFG 75000/25000 I North Lanarkshire Forward

Pat Cullinan Centre (Logan Road North Lanarkshire Forward

ESF Environmental Task Force

Environmental Improvements) ERDF



Call Centre Training

Cyber Cafes

Designing Web Pages

ICT Core Skills

Medical Reception Training

Orbit 1

Widening Access Programme

Adult Literacy & Core Skills Project

POWER - Pathways to Opportunities, Work. Education and Regeneration Play Development Officer

Funder Ti tie

John Wheatley College - Widening Access Proeramme v


John Wheatley College - Widening Access Programme


EU Objective 3

John Wheatley College -Widening Access Promamme


ERDC Objective 2

EU Objective 3

EU Objective 3

Social Inclusion Fund (refused) Resubmitted to SIP

Amount Required

&564,02 1

& 100,000 &100,000

&394,8 14



-- Start date of project

8 / 1 / 0 2

01 /02

1 / 10 /01

1 / 1 0 / 0 1

07 / 01


R ~


R ~

Caldercruix Youth & Community Dev Proj

Focus Youth Project Building Extension

Croy Miners' Welfare One Stop Shop

Countrvside & LandscaDe

Project Title

13roadwood Loch Landscape & Recreation Development

Colzium Estate Landscape Restoration & Development Community Woodlands Development

Core Footpath Networks

Community Fund NL Forward Children in Need Robertson Trust Local Capital Grant Local Capital Grant Focus Youth Project EFG Croy Miners' Welfare EFG Community Fund Coalfields Regen, Trust NL Forward Local Cauital Grant

NOF SNH Sports co tland SEPA HLF

CSCT SNH Forestry Commission Enterprise Paths for Partnerships SNH SEL

150000 80000 13000 40000 50000 94400 48700 48700 60000 100000 500000 200000 40000 100000

Amount Required &500,000

Start date of project






- R -


Countryside Ranger Service

Dumbreck Marsh Sculptures

Groundwork - partnership

Hillend Loch Interpretation Plan I

Kingshill Woodland 1 CSCT



Motherwell Paths to Health

Strathclyde Park - major events and exhibition site - infrastructure improvements Strathclyde Park Visitors Centre

NLC Community Services NLC Planning & Environment Lanarkshire Health Board Motherwell LHCC CSCT Paths for All Partnership ERDF

Forward Scotland

Libraries & Information

Bookstart - full time project officer

Rural Learning Centres NOF (CALL) I

Open Learning in Shotts 1 Coalfield Regeneration Fund


+ &50,000

&42,000 ---I- '--- E 100,000

- I

__ P

__ P

P -

163,586 1 P I 1 - 1

( I J P

m- __








A ~



A ___

- R

- R








__ R

- R



__ C

"1 I

Safe surfin

&40,000 + staff costs &137,378

Health Information Points Motherwell Library Reader development





Children’s Mobile Library





Jobs & Careers Information

Health Information & Referral Service

Museums & Heritage

Project Title

Extension of Museuni Education / .-

Outreach Services Digitisation of Dalziel Papers

Digitisation of Airdrie Papers

Summerlee Heritage Centre

Summerlee - Development of New Storage Facility Summerlee Heritage Centre - Acquisition of Tram

Lanarkshire Health Board

Sures tart

Referral Service/Coalfields Regeneration Trust Coalfields Regeneration Trust

Resources for Learning in Scotland &2,500 I I

Resources for Learning in Scotland I &2,500



National Museum of Scotland / National Fund for Acquisitions








Sport Development

olds Walking to Health SIP Regeneration Budget &20,000

Sports Development Programme (Cumbernauld & Kilsyth) Sports Development Programme (NL Sports Council Exec.) Airdrie Leisure Centre Technogym

Awards for All

Awards for All

Tryst Sports Centre Modernising Government Fund &549,698 NOF

SDort ODerations

Cumbernauld High School games hall Sports co tland I I

Kilsyth Academy games hall Sportscotland I

Abronhill High School pitch Sports co tland &3 8,000 I

Kilsyth area pitches Coalfields Regeneration Trust I





Shotts area pitch

Town Park

Tryst Sports Centre - Gym

Coalfields Regeneration Trust

Lottery (Sportscotland)

Sports co tland




Appendix 5










27 April 2001

Social Work 30 April 2001 . 16 May 2001 Housing &Property Services 30 April 2001 16 May 2001 Chief Executive 30 April 2001 16 May 2001 Education 30 April 2001 16 May 2001 Planning & Environment Finance General Purposes Personnel Community Services Corporate Report Social Work 25 May


30 April 2001 30 April 2001 30 April 2001 30 April 2001 30 April 2001

28 May 2001

16 May 2001 16 May 2001 16 May 2001 16 May 2001 16 May 2001 17 May 2001 13 June 2001

22 June 200 1

General Purposes 17 Sept 2001 Personnel 17 Sept 2001 Community Services 17 Sept 2001 Corporate Report

20 July 200 1

3 Oct 2001 3 Oct 2001 3 Oct 2001 4 Oct 2001

18 May 2001

15 June 2001

10 Aug 2001



22 May 2001

19 June 2001

24 July 2001

14 Aug 2001

11 Sept 2001

9 Oct 2001




DATE 12 Oct Social Work 15 Oct 2001 31 Oct 2001 2001 Housing & Property Services 15 Oct 2001 31 Oct 2001

Chief Executive 15 Oct 2001 . 31 Oct 2001



General Purposes I 15 Oct2001 I 31 Oct2001 Personnel I 15 Oct2001 I 31 Oct2001

Education 15 Oct 2001 31 Oct 2001 Planning & Environment 15 Oct 2001 31 Oct 2001 Finance 15 Oct 2001 31 Oct 2001 2 Nov 2001

Community Services


\Education I 12Nov2001 I 28Nov2001 1

I 31 Oct2001

30 Nov 2001 Planning & Environment I 12Nov2001 I 28Nov2001 Finance 1 12Nov2001 1 28Nov2001

Corporate Report



IGeneral Pumoses I 12Nov2001 I 28Nov2001 \

1 1Nov2001 9Nov 2001

7 Dec 200 1

SocLal Work 12 Nov 2001 28 Nov 2001 Housing & Property Services 12 Nov 2001 28 Nov 2001 Chief Executive 12 Nov 2001 28 Nov 2001

1 1 I I Social Work I 10Dec2001 I 24Dec2001 1

Personnel Community Services Coroorate Report

12 Nov 2001 12 Nov 200 1

28 Nov 2001 28 Nov 200 1 29 Nov 2001


IPlanning & Environment I 10Dec2001 I 24Dec2001 1

Housing & Property Services Chief Executive Education

1 Feb 2002

10 Dec 2001 10 Dec 2001 10 Dec 2001

24 Dec 2001 24 Dec 2001 24 Dec 2001

General Purposes Personnel

7 Jan 2002 23 Jan2002 7 Jan 2002 23 Jan2002


Social Work Housing & Property Services Chief Executive




4 Feb 2002 4 Feb 2002 4 Feb 2002

20 Feb 2002 20 Feb 2002 20 Feb 2002



1 March 2002

, IEducation I 4Feb2002 I 20Feb2002 1

Community Services 4 Feb 2002 20 Feb 2002 Corporate Report 21 Feb 2002 Social Work 4 March 2002 20 March 2002 Housing & Property Services 4 March 2002 20 March 2002 Chief Executive 4 March 2002 20 March 2002 Education 4 March 2002 20 March 2002

22 Feb 2002 Planning & Environment I 4Feb2002 I 20Feb2002 Finance I 4Feb2002 I 20Feb2002

Planning & Environment Finance General Purposes Personnel Community Services Corporate Report

~ ~ I I

General Purposes I 4Feb2002 I 20Feb2002 Personnel I 4Feb2002 I 20Feb2002

4 March 2002 20 March 2002 22 March 2o02 4 March 2002 4 March 2002 4 March 2002 4 March 2002

20 March 2002 20 March 2002 20 March 2002 20 March 2002 21 March 2002



13Nov2001 I

4 Dec 2001

To be confirmed

Reporting Deadline Dates for Performance Management Framework for 2001

Marketing & Tourism


Delivering & Monitoring Services

Planning Services

Delivering & Monitoring Services


Service Plans

Bushess Plans/ Best Value Action Plans

Customer Care (Complaints and Comments)

Key Performance Indicators (Non- Statutory)

All Quarterly Relevant Annually Section Managers

All Section Quarterly Managers Annually


All Section Quarterly Managers Annually

All Quarterly Relevant Annually Section Managers

18 Apr 2001

18 Jul2001

14 Nov 2001

18 Apr 2001

18 Jul2001

14 Nov 2001

18 Apr 200 1

18 Jul2001

14 Nov 2001

18 Apr 2001

18 Jul2001

14 Nov 2001

18 Apr 2001

18 Jul2OO 1

14 Nov 2001

25 Apr 2001

25 Jul2001

2 1 Nov 200 1

25 Apr 2001

25 Jul2001

21 Nov 2001

25 Apr 2001

25 Jul2001

2 1 Nov 200 1

25 Apr 2001

25 Jul2001

2 1 Nov 200 1

25 Apr 2001

25 Jul2001

2 1 Nov 200 1

16 May 2001

15 Aug 200 1

12 Dec 2001

16 May 2001

15 Aug 2001

12 Dec 2001

16 May 2001

15 Aug 200 1

12 Dec 2001 ~~


16 May 2001

15 Aug 2001

12 Dec 2001





MT S. COM (OR) P&R (Corporate Overview) MP's AC STAFF PUBLIC

i o v , 3 3 2

2 2 2


3 0 0 hl Y

if m