an analysis of cohesive device on students' writing essay of ...


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The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training













The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Advisor I : Monalisa, M.Pd

Advisor II : Shynta Amalia, M.Pd

Adress : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training The Islamic State

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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The Islamic State University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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JAMBI” by Intan Hartama, 205173315 , English Education Program is approved for

thesis defense as partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree

(S1) at English Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at

The Islamic State University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

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this thesis be a great benefit for the religion and nation.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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The Thesis entitled “The Effect of Using Story Pyramid Strategy on Reading Comprehension at Eighth Grade Islamic Junior High School DarulUlum Jambi”

has been thesis defense by Education and Teacher Training Faculty (FTK) UIN

STS Jambi on :

Day : Friday

Date : June05th


Time :09.00-10.00

Name : IntanHartama

Place : Online (Aplikasi

Zoom) Student‟sNumber205173315

Title : “An Analysis Of Cohesive Device On Students‟writing

Essay Of English Education Department Of UIN Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi”

Has been improved as the result of thesis defense above and has been accepted

as part of the thesis endorsement requirements.

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Dr.Hj. Dewi Hasanah, S.Pd., M.Ag


(Examiner I)

June 25,2020


Reni Andriani, M.Pd

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(Examiner II)


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training


Monalisa M.Pd

NIP. 197505152000032004

(Advisor I)


Shynta Amalia, M.Pd

NIP. 1989062320015032006

(Advisor II)


Education and Teacher Training Faculty the state of Islamic

University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi

Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd



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The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training





Alamat: FakultasIlmuTarbiyah dan keguruan UIN STS Jambi

Jl. Jambi-ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Muara Jambi 36363


I who signed below stated that the thesis that I arrange as a requirement

to get undergraduate degree which is entitled “An Analysis Of Cohesive Device

On Students’writing Essay Of English Education Department Of Uin

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi” is originally and truly my own work.

As certain parts of the thesis which I quoted from the work of other

people, I have written the source clearly in accordance with the norms, rules and

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If later found that some parts of the thesis are not my own work or

indicated any element of plagiarism, I am willing to accept the consequences in

accordance with rules and regulation prevail. Therefore, in writing this

statement, I am in good health and mind.

Jambi,Juni 2020

Intan Hartama



The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training


Alhamdulillah, Firstly, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the

lord of universe. Because of His blessings, the researcher could finish this thesis as one

of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education Programme of Education and

Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin


Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW

who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed without the

help, advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity the

researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to following parties for their


1. Prof. Dr. H. Su‟aidi MA, Ph.D Rector of the StateIslamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd. as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of

The StateIslamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as the chief of English Education Program.

4. Monalisa M.Pd as my first advisor and Shynta Amalia M.Pd as my second advisor.

5. All lecturers at English Education Program and all lecturers the Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training of The StateIslamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Jambi, Juni 2020


Intan Hartama



The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training


Alhamdulillahirabbil‟alamin, thank to Allah SWT because the writer

could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting

undergraduate degree (S1) in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of State

Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi by presenting a thesis entitled:

“An Analysis Of Cohesive Device On Students’writing Essay Of English

Education Department Of Uin Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi”

The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance,

advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this

thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. My beloved parents , my lovely father Jajang Shaleh and my lovely mother

Cik Langsa and also my brother Anjar Afandi

2. My friends who always support me the mostto finish this thesis , big thanks

to Ira Sofhia S.Pd , Nelly Nurdiyansyah S.E , Rohayati S.Pd , Rahmi

Octaviani S.E , Destry Hastiary S.Pd , Bella Utary S.Pd , Arum Kristiawati

S.Pd , Hartono S.Pd

3. My beloved enemy on struggle Rizky Afja Amalia and Yeni Lusiva

4. All the students of English Education Department Batch 2017 Class A.

Thank you for have been being so cooperative and giving me an opportunity

and support to collect the data for this research.

5. The last My beloved almamater English Education Department Education

And Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi thanks for your


May Allah Subhanahu Wata‟ala bless us Aameen

Finally, the writer expects this thesis will give contribution for the

teaching and learning process of English especially. The writer hopes critics and


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

suggestions of the readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT

always gives guidance and blessing for me and readers. Aamiinyarabbalalamin.

Jambi, Juni 2020

The writer

Intan Hartama



The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training


Name : Intan Hartama

Major : English Education Program

Tittle : An Analysisof Cohesive Device on Students’ Writing Essay of

English Education Department of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


This research aimed to describe cohesion devices used by the fourth semester

students in English Education Department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training in State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. This research was

conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The technique of data collection used

in this research was documentation. This research used content analysis in analyzing the

data. The subject of this research was the fourth semester or the second years students of

English education department. The result of this research showed that the fourth

semester students were able to use all the grammatical cohesion items in their writing,

except ellipsis, and they were also able to use all types of lexical cohesion, except the

synonym and general word.

Keywords: Analysis, cohesive device


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training


Nama : Intan Hartama

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : An Analysisof Cohesive Device on Students’ Writing Essay of

English Education Department of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmendeskripsikanperangkat kohesi dan yang

digunakan oleh mahasiswa semester empatjurusanpendidikanbahasaInggris pada

FakultasTarbiyah dan KeguruanUniversitas Islam Negeri SulthanThaha Saifuddin

Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan

data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini

adalah Analisis Isi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa semester empat

jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa

semester 4 jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris mampu menggunakan semua item kohesi

grammatikal dalam tulisan mereka, kecuali elipsis, dan mereka juga mampu

menggunakan semua jenis leksikal kohesi kecuali, sinonim dan kata umum.

Kata kunci: Analisis, kohesi


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training



OFFICIAL NOTE .............................................................................................

THESIS APPROVAL.........................................................................................

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................

DEDICATION ...................................................................................................

MOTTO ..............................................................................................................

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................

ABSTRAK ..........................................................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 14

A. Background of the Study ......................................................................... 14

B. Problems of the Study .............................................................................. 15

C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................................ 15

D. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................ 16

E. Significance of the Study ......................................................................... 16

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEWS ................................................... 17

A. The Nature of Writing ............................................................................. 17

B. Cohesion .................................................................................................. 17

1. Grammatical Cohesion ...................................................................... 19

1.1. Reference ............................................................................... 20


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1.2. Substitution ............................................................................ 22

1.3. Ellipsis ................................................................................... 22

1.4. Conjunction ........................................................................... 23

2. Lexical Cohesion ............................................................................... 25

2.1. Reiteration ............................................................................. 25

2.2. Collocation ............................................................................. 26

C. Previous Studies ...................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 33

A. Research Design ...................................................................................... 33

B. Setting of the Research ............................................................................. 33

C. Data Source .............................................................................................. 33

D. Technique of Data Collection .................................................................. 34

E. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................... 35

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 39

A. Findings ................................................................................................... 39

B. Discussion ................................................................................................ 41

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 58

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 58

B. Suggestions .............................................................................................. 59

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 60

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 62


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Table 3.1 Data Abstraction .............................................................................. 28

Table 3.2Data Codes............................................................................................ 30

Table 4.1 Number and Types of Cohesion Items ............................................ 33

Table 4.2 Types of Reference ......................................................................... 35

Table 4.3 Types of Substitution ....................................................................... 37

Table 4.4 Types of Conjunction ..................................................................... 38

Table 4.5 Number and Types of Lexical Cohesion ......................................... 39

Table 4.6 Types of Reiteration ......................................................................... 40


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Appendix 1. Research Documentation Student‟s writing


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A. Background of the study

In the process of teaching and learning English,students are required to master

four basic skills; they are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. From those skills,

writing is considered the most complicated one to be learned. As Brown (2004: 218)

says that among the language skills, writing is the most complicated and the most

difficult one. This is supported by Richards and Renandya (2002: 303) who say that

writing is considered as the most difficult skill for second language learners to master.

Writing is one of language skill which is important in our life (Saragih,2014:

p.57). Through writing, we can express ideas or feeling to others in written form

(Atmono et al,2015: p.1). In addition, White and Arndt in (Safitri,2015:1) assumed that

writing is important experience where we are able to share ideas, arouse feelings,

persuade and convince other people.

According to Hairston as cited in Atmono et al., (2014: p.1) stated that the skill

to write could make people are able to collect or find information, to see connections

between ideas, to organize ideas into an explainable concept, to absorb and process

information, to learn actively particularly in written form. Thus, writing is one of media

to communicate with others where through writing the people can convey some

information, express their ideas, feelings and opinions in written form.

According to Almaden (2006: p.127) in Seken et al., (2013: p.2) mention three

good writing requires namely, unity, coherence, and adequate development. Similarity

Andayani et al (2014: p.1) stated that “to achieve a good writing, the text should be

cohesive and coherent”.

Furthermore, writing a text that can be understood by reader is not easy. It needs

long process and a lot of practices. According to Jim A.P (2010) writing skill is

complex and difficult to learn. To make connections between what are currently said

and what want to said in a text, the use of cohesion is demanded. Moreover, cohesion is

considered as one of important components of writing skill which are crucial part and

virtual guarantee of writing quality. This component is one of seven standards for text


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

textuality (the property of being a text) Renkema, (1993) as cited in Anom et al, 2012:


In addition, Halliday and Hasan said that cohesion refers to the relation of

meaning which exist within a text. It is an important tool in English language

production. An appropriate use of cohesive device will result in a good arrangement and

coherent text. Otherwise, an inappropriate use of cohesive device will result

misunderstanding to the readers.

Based on the phenomena illustrated above, the writer is interested in analyze

cohesive devices on writing essay which belongs to the academic writing such as

compare and contrast, cause and effect, and process essay. The present research will

analyze on students written when the students in the 4th

semester, and currently they are

in sixth semester among these types: the comparison and contrast, cause and effect or

the process essay.Therefore, based on the explanation above, the researcher intends to

conduct a research entitled“An Analysisof Cohesive Device on Students’ Writing

Essay of English Education Department of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi”.

B. Identification of the Problem

As what mention above, cohesive is an important element in English writing,

because every sentence needs to be connected one another.Hence, it needs to know

about cohesive devices especially in what are types of cohesive devices they used in

their writing essay.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher focuses the study on analyzing the use of cohesive devices in

students writing essay. The researcher just concerned in analyzing types of cohesive

devices. These types included grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation above, the formulation of the research is:


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

What are types of cohesive devices used by the fourth years students of state Islamic

University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi in their essay?

E. The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is:

To find the type cohesive devices manifested in students writing essay.

F. Significance of the Study

Significance of this research is:

1. The students

This study can help the students get more information about cohesive devices and

can improve their perfection on cohesive devices and be able to apply in their writing.

2. The researcher

This study will help the researcher to expend and improve the knowledge about

cohesive devices.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training



A. The Nature of Writing

Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the

inscription of signs and symbols. In most language as cited in Sartini (2014: p.4),

writing is a complement to speech or spoken language. Within a language system,

writing relies on many of the same structures as speech, such as vocabulary, grammar

and semantics, with the added dependency of a system of signs or symbols, usually in

the form of formal alphabet.

Linderman (2001: p.10) as cited in Suningsih(2016: p.12) defines writing as

process of communication that uses a conventional graphic system to convey a message

to a reader. It means that writing is process to sending the message by using letters,

punctuation, words or sentences as a graphic system. Therefore,Suningsih (2016: p.12)

stated that the process of communication can be said successful if the reader and the

writer understand the language being used in written communication.

According to Alexador and Cooperinas cited in Zetira, (2015: p.12) state,

“Writing is a process of discovering and shaping meaning”. They add experienced

writers rarely gather and understand immediately all the information they need. From

the definition above, writing needs a process which must be surpassed by the writer, and

writing is tools of human beings to share information or stories to others because

someone can read it by several times.

In addition, Raymond as cited in Zetira, 92015: p.12) defines that writing is

more than a medium of communication. It means that writing is not just the way to

communicate to each other but also as means of ideas and emotional expression.

Writing makes word permanent, and thus expands the collective memory of human

being from the relatively small store that we can remember and pass on orally to the

infinite of a modern library.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that writing is

communicating a message to a reader for a purpose. It is complex skill used by people

to communicate in written form to express their own express their idea, thought,


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

opinion, belief and provide information. Writing skill should be acquired by students in

order to use English perfectly.

B. Cohesive Devices

1. The definition of cohesion

The definition of cohesion is familiar in the study of language. It is part of

system of a language. (Halliday&Hasan ,2013: p.4) stated that the concept of cohesion

is a semantic one. It refers to relations of meaningthat exist within the text, and that

define is a text. According to Gerot and Wignell as cited in Nurhayati,( 2012: p.17) “

Cohesion is the resourches within languge that provide continuity in a text, over and

above that provided by clause structures and clause complexes”. Cohesion helps reader

or listeners to understand some missing pieces which are not present in the text

necessary to its interpretation.

Moreover, Eggins in Badrul (2015: p.7) defines the term cohesion refers to the

way of the part of discourse art related together. Cohesion dinotice certain features of a

text like the semantic tie in a text, the consistency of participaned and the connections in

terms of lexical selections. Similarity, Halliday & Hassan in Badrul (2015: p.7) have

decribed that cohesion is “Semantic relation between an element in the text and some

other elements that is crucial to the interpretation of it”.

Then Richards and Platt in Thankiengsirsin (2010: p.5) states that “Cohesion is

defined as the grammatical and /or lexical relationship between sentences in a text”. In

additon, Yule as cited in Lestari (2015: p.11) argue that cohesion in text must have a

certain structure of single sentence.

Based on the definition above, it is clear that cohesion is part of the system a

language. It is a crucial part to connect between the sentences or paragraph and to helps

reader easy to understand what the writer meant.

2. Types of Cohesive Devices

Schriffins in Nurhayati, (2012: p.19) argue that“Cohesive device arclues used by

speakers and heares to find the meanings which underline surface uterances”.

Futhermore, Al-Farra in Lestari (2015: p.11) defines cohesive device as the words that

are used to find sentence or clauses with each other to created a coherence text such


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

conjunction , pronoun (anabora and cathabhora) which the researcher would like to

identify their effect on the students writing. Additionaly, Halliday & Hassan as cited in

Badrul, (2015: p.8) classify cohesion in english in to categories : Grammatical cohesion

and Lexical Cohesion

a. Grammatical Cohesion

Grammatical cohesion in the surface marking of semantic link between clauses

and sentences in written discourse and between utterances and turns in speech. In

grammatical cohesion, the relationship between and within a text is signed by means of

grammatical elements. Based on Anom et al., (2012: p.3), grammatical cohesion is

devided into four types: reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Each of them

will be discussed below:

1.) Reference

Reference is one of Grammatical cohesion. According to Renkama in Efendi

“Reference is the act of referring to preceding or following elemen, deals with a

semantic relationship”. Then, according to Richard & Schmidt (2002: p.450) as stated in

Lestari (2015: p.12), they said reference in its narrower sense is the relationship

between a word or phrase and a specific object, e.g a particular tree or a


In addition, according to Gerot and Wignel in Nurhayati (2012: p.7) said that

reference refers to systems which introduce and track the identity of participants

through text. Moreover Halliday and Hasan in Badrul (2015: p.10) define reference

refers to items of language that instead of being interpreted semantically in their own

right, make reference to other item for which the context is clear to both sender and

reciver. Reference shows relation between the language and the world.

Halliday and Hasan as cited in Anom et al., (2012: p.3) classify refrence into

two kinds, namely: „exophoric‟ and „endophoric‟. Exophoric reference directs the reader

out of text. In this case, the reference items are outside of a text. In addition, as said by

Halliday and Matthiessen (2004: p.552) “exophoric reference means that the identity

presumed by the reference item is recoverable from the invorenment of the text, a in the


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example just give above”. Here the reference links the text, except indirectly when

references to one and the same referent can function in an anaphoric and cataphoric

way. Anaphoric reference points the reader „backward‟ to a previous mentioned entity.

On the other hand, cathaphorical reference points the reader „forward‟. It draws the

readers further into the text in order to identity the elements to which the reference item

refer to Halliday and Hasan in Anom et al., (2013: p.3). Moreover, Halliday and

Matthiessen (2004: p.552) argue that “Endophoric reference means that identity

presumed by the reference item is recoverable from within the text itself – or, to be

more precise, from the instantial system of meanings created as teh text unfolds”

There are three main types of references: personal reference, demonstrative

reference, and comparative reference as proposed by Al-Farra in Lestari, (2015: p.12)

b) Personal reference

Personal reference is reference by means of function in the speech situation,

through category of person. As proposed by Halliday and Hasan in Suningsih (2016:

p.21) here are three classes of personal reference: personal pronouns, possessive

adjectives (possessive determiners), and possessive.


My husband and I are leaving. We have seen quite enough of this unpleasant.

From example above, there are two kinds of personal reference which my as the

posessive determiners that refer to the speaker. I and we shows personal pronoun. I refer

to the speaker and we refer to my (speaker‟s) husband and the speaker (1).

c) Demonstrative reference

Demonstrative reference is reference by means of location on scale of proximity.

Sekenet al., (2013: p.3) argues that it is essentially a form of verbal pointing, as said

before the speaker identifies the referent by locating it on scale of proximity.


Last year we went to Devon for a holliday. The holliday we had, there was the

best we‟ve ever had.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

The demonstrative reference in example above is there which has the function of

far proximity. It refer to Devon that is located far from the speaker now. In addition it is

indirect speech.

d) Comparative reference

In comparative reference, Halliday and Hasan recognize two types general

comparison and particular comparison. Halliday and Hasan define comparative

reference is indirect referenceby means of identity or similarity (Swastami,2014: p.16).

There are two kinds of comparative reference: General and Particular comparison.

General comparison deals with comparison which is simply in terms of likeness and

unlikeness. Meanwhile, Anom et al., (2012: p.5) states that particular comparison means

comparison that is respect of quantity and quality.


(a) We have received exactly the same reportas was submitted two months ago

(b) He‟s a better man than I am

The example consist of general comparison reference. In (a) same means, the report is

like the report that was submitted two months ago. Same is identity general comparison.

In (b), better is particular comparison which better i an epithet.

2.) Substitution

Hidayat (2016) stated that substitution is a relation within the text body. A

substitute is a short of couter which is used in place of the repetition of a particular item.

A word is not omitted, but is substituted for another more general word.

Moreover, substitution has various types. According to Halliday and Hasan (1997),

substitution is divided in to three types.

1. Nominal substitution

Nominal substitution is perceived as substitution one/ones.Example :The car’s

price is too expensive. I can only buy the cheaper one.

2. Verbal substitution

Verbal substitution substitutes the noun in the sentence use of does, did, doing,

and done.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Example:You think Sue already drink. I think everybody does.

3. Clausal substitution

Clausal substitution substitutes the clause in the sentence used of so and not.

Example:It is going to rain? I think so.

3.) Ellipsis

According to Seken et al (2013: p.4) ellipsis is an omission of an element

required by the grammar which is assumed obvious from the context and need not to be

raised. In other words, ellipsis occurs when some important elements are omitted from a

sentence or a clause and can only be recovered by refering to an element in the

preceding text.

In addition, Thompson (2014: p.216) assumed that “ellipsis is the set of

resources by which full repetition of a clause or clause element can be avoided, and by

which it can be signalled to heares that they should carry offer the wording from a

previous clause”. Futhermore Halliday & Hasan in Andayani et. al., (2014: p.3) assert

that there are three types of ellipses: nominal, verbal, and clausal.

a. Nominal ellipsis

Nominal ellipsis is with in the nominal group, where the omission of nominal

group is serverd common noun, proper noun or pronoun.

Example :

Would you like to hear another verce – I know twelve more

b. Verbal ellipsis

Verbal ellipsis refers to ellipsis with in the verbal group where the elliptical verb

depends on a preceding verbal group.

Example :

Have you do you read very much Kafka? – I am try in

c. Clausal ellipsis

Clausal ellipsis function as verbal ellipsis where the omission refers to a clause.

Example :

Who taught you to spell ? – Grandfather did


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

4.) Conjunction

According to Halliday & Hasan as cited in Suningsih, (2012: p.2) conjunction,

since it is not simply an anaphoric relation, is rather different in nature from other types

of cohesive relation, from both reference and substitution and ellipsis. They state ,

conjunction elements are cohesive not in them selves but in directly, by virtue of their

specific meanings they are not primarily devices for reaching out into the preceding (or

following) text, but they express certain meanings which presuppose the presence of

other components in the discourse.

Moreover, according to Thompson, (2014: p.225) “Conjunction is concerned with

transition between message, managing progression as the text unfolds”. In addition, by

Bailey (2004) state that conjunction are words and phrase wich join part of sentence

together (p.25). on other hand, Grot and Wignell in Nurhayati, (2012: p.25) argue

that“conjunction is the semantic system where by speakers relate clauses interm of

temporal sequence, comparison and addition. Unlike reference,substitution, and ellipsis,

they use of conjunction does not in struck the reader to supply missing information

either by looking for it else where in the text or by feeling structural slots.Halliday &

Hasan as cited in Suningsih, (2016: p.29) state that conjunction can be devided into

additive, adversative, causal, temporal and other conjunctive items (continuatives).

2. Additive

Additive conjunction signal the presentation of addition information such as:

and, or , and also, nor thus, in addition, futhermore decide similarly likewise, by

contrast, for instance.

3. Adversative

Adversative conjunction is conjunction which moderates or qualifies the

information in the following sentence of a text with the information in the preceding.

For example: but, yet, however, instead, nevertheless, at least, actually, thought, only, as

a matter of fact.

4. Causal

Causal conjunction interprets the relationship between the cause and

consequence such as : because of this , for , so , it follows , because , hence , therefore ,



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5. Temporal

Temporal conjunction expresses the relationship which exit when the events in a

text are related interms of the timing of their occurrence. For example: first, then, after

that, next, in short, in conclution, just then, at last, finally.

b. Lexical Cohesion

As proposed by Gerot and Wignell in Nurhayati, (2012: p.26) lexical cohesion

refers to relationships between and among words in a text. It involves the repetition of a

noun phrase, or the use of another noun phrase which bears a relation to the antecedent

noun phrase. Accoding to Eggins as cited in Seken, (2013: p.4) lexical cohesion refers

to how the writer uses lexical items such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to

relate to the text consistenly to its area of focus.Halliday and Hasan define lexical

cohesion as “the cohesive effect achieved by the selection of vocabulary”. Moreover,

Anom et al., (2012: p.5) divides lexical cohesion into two main categories: reiteration

and collocation.

1) Reiteration

As proposed by Halliday and Hasan in Anom et. al., (2012: p.5) reiteration is a

mechanism of producing cohesion in a text by means of repetition or two more lexical

items that are observable at the surface of the text. Halliday and Hasan in Tanskanen,

(2006: p.32) devide reiteration into four types.

a) Repetition

Trianasari (2013: p.116) states repetition as a restating item in a sequence of

sentences. Example:

There‟s a flower in the vase. The flower was bought from a market.

The word flower is repeated in the sentence.

b) Synonym

Synonymy used to express a similar meaning of an item. In addition, according

to Riemer (2010:151) synonymy is a part of the metalinguistic stock-intrade of ordinary

speakers of English: we often refer to words as „having the same meaning‟. Example:

Jack is a seaman


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Jack is a sailor

For establishing that seaman and sailor are synonyms.

c) Superordinate

Nurhayati (2012: p.28) states that superordinate includes the use of general class

words. Example:

Henry bought himself a new jaguar. He practically lives in the car. The word

car refers to the word jaguar as jaguar as the brand of a car.

d) General word

General word used to refer back to a lexical item like: person, people, man,

woman for human nouns; things, object for inanimate,concrete countable nouns; stuff

for inanimate, concrete uncountable; place for location...etc (Nurhayati,2012: p.27).


The computer should be replaced. That old thing works erratically. The word

thing is the general word referring to computer.

2) Collocation

Collocation is achieved trought the association of lexical item that regularly

cooccur. As cited from Andayani (2014: p.4) collocation pertains to lexical item that are

likely to be find together with in the same lexical environment. Example :

In a theatre review we would expect to find words as actor, director, audience,


Each of the bold words is collocated one to another.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

C. Definition Essay

An essay is a written argument or discussion. The purpose of an essay is to say

something about an issue or a topic in a clear, logical manner so that the reader

understands the writer's points and is convinced that they make sense.

1. The three parts of an essay are:

A. Introduction

B. Body

C. Conclusion

2. Functions of the Introduction Paragraph

a) It attracts the reader's interest, encouraging him or her to continue reading the


b) It supplies any background information that the reader may need to understand

the essay.

c) It presents a thesis statement which is a clear, direct statement of the main idea

or central of the essay. The thesis statement should (1) identify the topic you are

going to discuss,(2) your point about that topic and (3) your plan of

development. Your statement can appear at the beginning or end of the

introduction paragraph.

CORRECT THESIS STATEMENT: The installation of the security cameras

would help the schools have fewer fights, fewer thefts, and fewer intruders.

INCORRECT THESIS STATEMENT:There are advantages and

disadvantages to installing security cameras in schools. (Don't take BOTH


d) The plan of development which "previews" the major supporting points the

writer will discuss in the order they will be presented in the paper. However,

writers can sometimes choose to use a basic thesis statement which does not

preview the major supporting points.

3. Common Methods of Introducing Your Topic

a) Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your

thesis. (Eases the reader into the thesis statement by first introducing the topic.)


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b) Start with an idea or a situation that is opposite of the one you will develop.

(Surprises the reader, then intrigue them by the contrast between the opening

idea and the thesis that follows it.)

c) Explain the importance of your topic to the reader. (Convince readers that the

subject in some way applies to them, or is something they should know more


d) Use an incident or a brief story. (Appeals to the reader's curiosity and usually

grabs the reader's attention right away. The story should be brief and should

relate to the writer's main idea. The incident in the story can be something that

happened to you, something you've heard about, or something you have read

about in a newspaper or magazine.)

e) Ask one or more questions. (The question should be thought provoking meaning

you want the reader to think about possible answers, or you may plan to answer

the questions in the paper.)

f) Use a quotation. (This can be expressions you've heard, read about in a book or

an article. This lets you add someone else's voice to your own.)

4. Body Paragraphs provide supporting details for major points

a) It includes a topic sentence which is a complete sentence that states the

paragraph's main idea.

b) The features of an effective topic sentence are:It controls or guides the paragraph

so that readers know what to expect in the paragraph.It is something specific and

contains one idea, not two or three.

Make sure your supporting points are distance. In the following example,

two supporting details overlap; "fewer thefts" and "fewer robberies" are

basically the same think, NOT distinct points."The installation of the security

cameras would help the schools have fewer fights, fewer thefts, and few

robberies."It contains transitional words or phrases that help guide the flow of

ideas in the paragraph and between the paragraphs.

c) It contains supporting detail sentences that are related to the topic sentence and

the controlling idea. These sentences give information that supports the topic of

the paragraph. Effective supporting sentences explain, describe, give reasons,

facts, and examples to prove and/or illustrate the point being made. They answer

the questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how to help prove specific

detail.Supporting details can include:

Real Life Examples - tell the story of an incident that actually occurred to you or

someone you know. Make sure the incident you use actually provides evidence

for your side of the argument.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Weak Example:

Topic Sentence: Secondly, with these cameras, not only would there be

fewer fights in schools, but there would also be fewer thefts.

Evidence: At my local White Hen, there was a camera installed to

prevent theft. One time I was in there and a couple of high school kids

were stuffing candy bars into their pockets. Once they saw the camera,

they ran out of the store.

This evidence is weak for two reasons. For one thing, it goes off

topic. The issue is security cameras in schools, not in retails stores. Make

sure to relate your examples directly to the prompt topic. Secondly, the

example is not clearly tied back onto the argument for the cameras.

Stronger Example:

Topic Sentence: Secondly, with these cameras, not only would there be

fewer fights in schools, but there would also be fewer thefts.

Evidence: At my school, my physics teacher used his expensive laptop

for class. One day he couldn't find it. Some students stole his computer.

He had no idea who would have taken it from him.

This evidence ties back to the central argument, if they wore a

camera in his room, the thief would have been caught. Or if everyone

knew a camera was watching, the theft might have been prevented all


d) The concluding sentence is the last sentence of each supporting detail paragraph.

Its job is to bring that paragraph to a logical conclusion by:restating or

summarizing the main point.making a prediction about the point that was


5. Concluding Paragraph

a) This is the last paragraph of the essay.

b) It restates the ideas contained in the thesis statement.

c) The topic sentence of the last paragraph should signal the reader that the essay is

drawing to a close.

d) The supporting details of the concluding paragraph should highlight what you

want the reader to think about after reading the essay.

e) Do not add a new supporting point in your conclusion.

In that semester, the students are learnt in writing essay which belongs to

the academic writing such as (1) compare and contrast, (2) cause and effect, and

(3) process essay.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

1) Compare and Contrast Essay

This type of essay is aimed to dwell upon on differences and similarities

between two objects, events, things, etc.

2) Cause and Effect Essay

This types of essay make readers understand the cause of things,and their effects

on other things.

3) Process Essay

Process essay is types outlines a process of making or breaking or doing

something that readers understand fully and are able to do it after reading it.

a. Related Studies

There are several previous researches which are relevant with this study.The first

one is conducted byMawardi from GunungRinjani University, Mataram, East Java,

Indonesia. The title of the research was An Analysis of The Cohesion and Coherence of

The Students‟ Narrative Writings in The English Language Education Department of

NahdhatulWathan University Mataram. This research was aiming at elaborating the

cohesion and coherence of narrative essays written by the students of the

NahdahtulWathan University Mataram. To achieve the goal, 20 students of the third

semester at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education were selected as the sample

of this research. The technique of data collection was done in two steps, interview and

administer writing task. And then the data were analysed by using the theory of

Cohesion and Coherence from Halliday and Hasan (1976) and Lautamatti‟s TSA (1978,

in Connor and Fammer 1990). The result in of this research showed that (1) the types of

cohesive devices used by the students of EED UNW Mataram to build cohesion in their

narrative essay writing is reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, reiteration, and

collocation. And then the second result was the types of topical progression used by the

students to build coherence in their essays were parallel progression (53,2%), sequential

progression (27,9%), and extended parallel progression (18,8%). The last result of the

research was some problems of coherence were identified were the problems with

reference, ellipsis, conjunction, lexical cohesion, and verb forms, noun, sentence

structure, prepositions, and structure of English essay.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

After that, Wahyu Dyah Anis Nur Wachidah in 2016. Her research entitled “An

Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in The Students‟ Writing Text” which conducted

in State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. In her research, Wachidahdetermine the

goal as to identify kinds of cohesion and coherence created by the students in their

writing texts. The research was done in qualitative research, and involved 30 students of

the 4th

semester of English Education Department in her college. The data were

collected through documentation, and then were analysed by using the qualitative

content analysis proposed by Mayring (2014). The result of the research showed that the

students were competent enough to use cohesive and coherent elements in their

writings. The students used all types of cohesive items, but ellipsis. And the used all

kinds of coherent items within their writings.

The last one, The third research was conducted by Suwandi with the title

Cohesion and Coherence: An Analysis of The Final Project Abstracts of The

Undergraduate Students of PGRI University Semarang in 2015. The goal of this

research was to reveal the micro-level coherence, how each sentence is connected to the

other to make logical relations, and to discover the macro-level of coherence, the right

use of cohesion devices such as reference, conjunction, substitution and ellipsis to make

the whole text coherent. The data in this research was analyzed by using the Theme

Rheme analysis. The data were three abstracts of the research from the students in 2014

academic year. The result of this study was the abstract written by the subjects still have

not satisfactorily achieved coherence, yet the cohesive devices such as conjunction,

references, and ellipsis were used to link the sentences. Moreover, some grammatical

errors are also found such as the plural forms and active-passive voice. Those previous

studies analyzed the cohesion and coherence in college. In contrast, the result of those

researches is different. In this research, the researcher will also analyze about cohesion

and coherence in form of students writing in paragraph written by the students in

college. The data were collected in form of students writing, which means that the

research will use documentation as the technique of collecting the data. The data then

analyzed by using the content analysis based on the theoretical framework about

cohesion and coherence proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976). Thus, it is obvious that


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

the current research is different compared to the research conducted by Mawardi and

Wachidah. In this study, the researcher focuses on analyzing the use of cohesion and

coherence in students writing in form of essay paragraph in which the students.In

addition, the 4th

semester studentscan choose by themselves type of essay organization

they will use in the paragraph among these types: the comparison and contrast, cause

and effect or the process paragraph.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training



A. Research Design

This research used a qualitative descriptive approach. According to Sukmadinata

(2015: p.72) descriptive research is research to describe phenomena that exist, either

natural or engineered.This research will elaborate the cohesive device made by the

fourth semester‟ students of English Department of UIN SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

in their writing qualitatively.

B. Setting and subject of the research

1. Setting of the research

The research will be conducted at Fourth Semester of English Education

Department UIN SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi on basically the students currently

already in sixth semester.

2. Subject of the research

The subject of this research is the Fourth Semester of English Education

Department UIN SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi on basically the students currently

already in Sixth Semester. The participant of this research were the students of class A

that consist of 24 students. They were elected purposively in which the class A is

selected since it considered as the class in which most of the students gain the good

score in writing.

C. Data Source

Data source is the subject where the data is taken from. Mason (2002) defined

data source as the subject in which the data can be collected. In this study, the data

source is document of students‟ writing. The researcher gained the data of the students‟

essay from writing assignments in their books which consist of 24 students majoring in

English Department. The data used in this study will be cohesive devices items found in

the students writing withthese genre types: the comparison and contrast, cause and

effect or the process form of essay writing. The type of the essay was various

depends on the students‟ preferences. Not just the type of the essay, the title of the essay


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

was also different, yet the students were able to write different title of essay in the same

topic. The researcher will collect the data from the students‟ writing.

D. Instrument for Collecting the Data


In this research, documentation study was used to search data in written

documents. Documentation is much useful too look for some information written data

source to solve problem through documentation analysis. In this research, the researcher

collected the data by taking the document of students‟ writing from the lecturer. The

students‟ essay helped the researcher to collect the data in this research. As stated by

Creswell (2012) document consist of public and private notes that is obtained by the

qualitative researcher related to the subject of the research, categorized as documents

are newspaper, meeting notes, personal journal, and letters.

E. Technique of data Analysis

This research used qualitative data, so it was analyzed by using technique of

analysis of descriptive qualitative. The analysis of descriptive qualitative gives predicate

to researched variable according to real condition.According to Mayring (2014:8) as

cited in Wachidah (2016) there are three steps of content analysis as follow:

1. Categorization

Categorization is a process in which the researcher grouped the data based on its

similarities to build the generalization of the data. The data will be categorized into the

relevant material related to the theoretical framework of the research about cohesive


2. Abstraction

Abstraction refers to the process in which the researcher formulates the general

explanation through elaborating the branches of idea.The process of abstraction shows

how specific or general the data that must be formulated.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

3. Coding the Text

In coding the data, the researcher will read the data from the start in detail, and

look for every line to find the material that related to the main category of the research.

The researcher should fit the items found in the text to the category that have been made

before in the categorization step. It will ease the researcher to found the data that will be

analysed. The researcher makes the coding for this research.

4. Result

In this step, the researcher will analyse the data by categorizing, counting and

describing the encoded data. The researcher will present and reconstruct the data from

students‟ writing. The researcher elaborates the result of the items categorized and

abstracted and the identify the result based on the research problem.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training



A. Findings

The findings below show the fact about the use of cohesive devices found in the

students‟ essay . The data found in students essay then calculated and displayed through

the codes. In addition, the table shows number and types of cohesive devices found in

students writing.

Table 4.1

The Frequency of Cohesive Devices in Students‟ Paragraph


Types of Cohesion

Grammatical Cohesion Lexical Cohesion

Reference Substitution Ellipsis Conjunction Reiteration Collocation

1 10 2 0 5 1 0

2 0 0 0 9 0 0

3 2 2 0 11 1 0

4 3 5 0 10 9 0

5 4 2 0 8 1 0

6 17 6 0 25 3 0

7 6 0 0 13 1 0

8 5 5 0 4 1 0

9 12 2 0 7 0 0

10 5 1 0 5 3 0

11 37 8 0 9 1 0

12 4 5 0 17 5 0

13 6 7 0 7 1 0

14 1 3 0 8 0 0

15 6 5 0 7 2 0


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

16 8 0 0 4 0 0

17 1 1 0 6 2 0

18 4 2 0 0 0 0

19 0 0 0 7 0 0

20 3 0 0 10 1 0

21 19 0 0 6 1 0

22 0 1 0 6 1 0

23 0 1 0 6 4 1

24 9 3 0 7 2 0

Total 162 61 0 197 40 1

% 38.57% 14.52% 0% 46.90% 97.56% 2.46%

Table above shows both grammatical and lexical cohesion which appear in the

students‟ paragraph essay writing. The data in table shows thatgrammatical cohesion

dominate over lexical cohesion with more than 91.11% appearances in total. From four

aspects belongs to the grammatical cohesion, ellipsis is the only aspect which has no

appearance in the students‟ writing. Conjunction dominantly appears in students writing

with 197 appearances. While reference in the second position take 162 appearances and

the remain 3 appearances is substitution.On the other hand, lexical cohesion appears

with total 41 appearances. Reiteration dominates the appearances with 40 and

collocationonly appears 1appearances. The number shown by conjunction is the highest

over the others. It makes sense as conjunction is divided into four classifications those

are additive, adversative, causal, and temporal conjunction.Generally, most indeed of

the cohesive items appear in the students‟ writing is the items from grammatical


a. Grammatical Cohesion

Grammatical cohesion is a tie of meaning through the use of grammatical items.

Grammatical cohesion consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction.

Grammatical cohesion appears 420 of all occurrences in the students‟ writing. The

details of the occurrence will be explained below:


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

1) Reference

As stated above, reference appears in 162 or 38.57% of total occurrences in

students‟ paragraph writing. Reference consists of three classification that is personal,

demonstrative, and comparative. Personal reference appears in 126 occurrences,

demonstrative reference in 13 occurrences, and the rest 23 occurrences is the

comparative reference.

Types of Reference

No. Types of Reference Items

1. Personal Reference They, their, them, his, her, it,

its, we, and our

2. Demonstrative Reference That, those, this, these

3. Comparative Reference Same,similar,contrast, than,

better, more,.

Personal reference comes out as the most frequent reference used in students‟

writing. Most of the students use the personal reference to refers the object and/or the

subject in a sentence that can be replaced with the pronoun. While, the words like “that,

those, these, this” used as demonstrative reference to address the object in term of the

position of the items, near or far. On the other hand, comparative reference appears in

the students‟ writing as the item to show the comparison between the items in term of

the similarity or difference. For example:

1. Many people in this world are smokers. Many of them smoke for happiness and

do not care for tomorrow. (Text 1)

2. Start from white sand beach, we even took a picture together there. (Text 18)

3. She is always better than me.(Text 16)

The word them in the first example refers to the smoker people in the preceding

sentence. It means the word them appear as an anaphoric reference, which refers to the

item in the preceding sentence. The word there in the second example shows the

demonstrative reference, which refers to the items in the preceding sentence, white sand


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

beach. The word therealso appear as anaphoric reference. On the other hand, the word

better in the third example appear as a comparative between mother and daughter which

shows the fact that they are two different type in character.

2) Substitution

Substitution is a replacement of an item with another item. Substitution is

classified into nominal, clausal, and verbal substitution. From the data of students‟ essay

paragraph, there are 3 occurrences of substitution as displayed in the table below:

Types of Substitution

No. Types of Substitution Items

1. Nominal Substitution One. ones, several, many, lot,


2. Verbal Substitution Does

3. Clausal Substitution So, not.

From the table above, it can be seen that appears 61occurrenceof substitution.

Substitution consists of three classification that is nominal Substitution, verbal

substitution and clausal substitution. On other side, there is no clausal appears in

students essay. For example:

1. Plastic is the cheaper one. (Text 6)

2. And if you does not read it, you donot know about it. (text 8)

In example 1, the word oneappears as a nominal substitution. The word

onerefers to the plastic in first sentence. In the second example, the word does take

position as verbal substitution. The word does function as a substitution of the word has

in the preceding clause.

3) Ellipsis

Ellipsis is the substitution of an item with nothing. It means the items supposed

to be replaced is omitted. Ellipsis classified into three types those are nominal, verbal,


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

and clausal ellipsis. Based on the data tabulated above, there is no single occurrence of


4) Conjunction

Conjunction is in the first position as the mostly used items in students‟

paragraph. From the students‟ writing, there are 197 occurrences of conjunction. Those

197 occurrences come from four types of conjunction, that is additive, adversative,

causal, and temporal. Additive appears as the most frequently used items in students‟

paragraph essay as it appears for 103 times, followed by temporal 45 times, causal

33times ,and adversative 16 times.

Types of Conjunction

No. Types of Conjunction Items

1. Additive Conjunction And, or, in addition, for

example, also,for example, such


2. Adversative Conjunction But, in contrast,


3. Causal Conjunction So, because, therefore

4. Temporal Conjunction First, second, third, next, then,

while, after that, last, in

conclusion, finally.

Table above displays the data of conjunction and the frequency of the item

found in students‟ paragraph. In using additive conjunction, most of the students using

“and” or “or” to connect the sentences or words. For example:

1. The birth process can endanger both parties, both mother and child. (Text 7)

2. You do not only enjoy and make a moment, but you also learning with

Indonesia‟s history. (Text 13)

3. Because of this, it makes many people are getting more familiar with it in time

goes by. (Text 6)


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

4. In conclusion,apart from the fact above, it‟s also good idea.... (Text 7)

From the example 1 above, the word and has a function as a conjunction that

connect the idea that the movie not related with the plot and also the title. In the second

example, the word buthas a function to connect the idea, about learn history of

Indonesia. In the third example, the conjunctive element Because of this connects and

build the meaning from the fact above and the result of that situation.

b. Lexical Cohesion

Lexical cohesion is a way to build cohesion through the use of lexical items, or

the items related to the words or vocabulary. Lexical cohesion divided into two types,

reiteration and collocation. Reiteration is divided into four sub-types, including

repetition, synonym, superordinate, and general word. From the data tabulated by the

researcher, there found 41 occurrences of lexical cohesion within the students‟

paragraph essay. Reiteration dominates the portion with 40 or 97.56% of occurrences,

while collocation take only 1 or 2.46% of the total occurrences. The table below shows

the details of the occurrences of lexical cohesion found in students‟ paragraph essay.

Number and Types of Lexical Cohesion

No. Types of Lexical Cohesion Frequency Percentage

1. Reiteration 40 97.56%

2. Collocation 1 2.46%

Total 41 100%

The table above shows the data of occurrences of reiteration and collocation

within the students‟ paragraph. Reiteration takes 97.56% of all occurrences. Although

reiteration occur in many appearances, all of the items only come from two sub-types of

reiteration, those are repetition and superordinate. The table below gives an insight

about the distribution of reiteration items within the students‟ essay paragraph.


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Types of Reiteration

No. Types of Reiteration The items

1. Repetition Young people, Raja

Ampat,Gentala Arasy,Muaro

Jambi Temple,Jambi Paradise,

vehicle, industry, Plastics


Temple,Ampera Bridge,Purti

Kayu,Dempo Mountain ,Family

Time,their family,high

blood,movies,comedy movie,

action movie, detective movie.

3. Superordinate Lake of kalimutu>Tiwu Nuwa

Muri Koo Fai, Tiwu Ata Mbupu,

Tiwu AtaPolo.

Movies > comedy movie, action

movie ,detective movie.

4. General Word Countries, world, places, things,

novels, movies.

5. Collocation Acting>protagonist,antagonist

Repetition is the most frequently used items to build cohesion by using lexical

items. Most of the students use repetition in their essay writing. In addition, general

word takes the second positionas the most frequently used items to build cohesion

through lexical items within the essay paragraph written by the students. The examples

below will give the details of the use of repetition and superordinate within the students‟


1. One of my entertainment is movies. There are several types of movies that I

specially enjoy watching. (Text23)

2. I enjoy watching many genres of movies, such as comedy, action , detective

movie. By watching these movies I can...... (Text 23)


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

3. I like action movie, usually shows the protagonist and antagonist act in physical

facts or extended fighting. (Text 23)

From the example 1 and 2, it can be seen that the student use repetition of the

same keywords to build cohesion. From the example 1 and 2, it can be seen that the

student use repetition of the same keywords to build cohesion. The student use the same

word to ease the reader comprehend the idea within the essay paragraph. On the other

hand, the example 3 shows the use of word “movie”. The word movie presupposes the

kind of character in that movie genre.

B. Discussion

The discussion below is presented based on the finding showed on the table

above. To discuss the findings for cohesive devices. As presented on the table,

conjunction comes as the most used items in students‟essay paragraph among all sub-

types of cohesion items. Conjunction is on the first rank, followed by reference,

substitution, reiteration, andcollocation.

On the other hand, when all the sub-types of cohesion merged into two main

types of cohesion, that is grammatical and lexical cohesion, the grammatical cohesion

hold the domination with 420 over the lexical cohesion with 41. From the fact above, it

can be concluded that in building the cohesion within the essay paragraph, most of the

students used grammatical items.

a. Grammatical cohesion

Grammatical cohesion is a type of cohesion that utilizes grammar to build

cohesion. Grammatical cohesion divided into four types, those are reference,

substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Among these sub-types of cohesion, conjunction

is ranked first, followed by reference, substitution, and ellipsis.

1) Reference

Reference occurs when an item within a text, or sentence semantically refers to

another item in a text or sentence stated before or after it. The meaning addressed by a

reference item can be recognized by looking at the sentence structure, and presupposed


The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

via anaphoric or cataphoric way. In the students‟ paragraph writing, both of anaphoric

or cataphoricreference isfound. Reference turns out as the most used cohesive items

within the students‟ paragraph, as same as what found by the previous researchers like

Abdurrahman (2013) who found 1047 occurrences of reference in the result of his

research. According to Wachidah (2016.p.70) anaphoric reference mostly explicit, while

the cataphoric one mostly implicit, but in the present research, most of the students use

anaphoric reference which tend to be explicit. For example:

1. Many young people in the world. They are choosenot to stay at home. (text 3)

2. Many people said that the science book is boring. I think theyare wrong. (text


In the example 1 and 2 above, all of the reference item refers to another item in

the previous clause, which means the reference items address to another item in

anaphoric way. The word they in the first sentence refers to the word young

peoplewhich also occurs in the same sentence, but different clause.

a) Personal reference

As a part of reference, personal reference used to address an item that act as

subject or object within a sentence or clause. Personal reference builds the cohesion by

referring to an item by using pronoun. The item that is referred by the pronoun might

act as subject, object, possessive pronoun, or even possessive determiner within the

sentence. The items referred by the pronoun found in students‟ writing such as people‟s

nationality, name of a country, thing, genres of movie, profession, and so on.

There are occurrences of personal reference found in the students‟ paragraph writing.

This fact is match with Mawardi (2014) who said that personal reference is the most

used items in reference. He found 1047 occurrences of reference items within his

research. Pronoun it is mostly used to refers to the thing in common such as name of

city, a country, or building. For example:

1. Practice can help you to get used to speak Korean language. And also, it can improve

your Korean language. (text 20)


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2. Jazz music contains no preprogramming in its presentation. (text 22)

From the example 1, it can be seen that item it refers to the word practice in the

previous sentence, and it acts as a subject of a new sentence. While, in example 2 item

its acts as a possessive pronoun. The word its attached with presentation deliver a

meaning that the presentation stated in the sentence is a part of the jazz music in the

beginning of the sentence.

The pronoun which refers to a group of people, mostly presented by using pronoun

they or we. This finding is same as what had found by Azzouz (2009:43) as cited in

Abdurrahman (2013) that pronoun „they’ becomes the most used pronoun in personal

reference. But, sometimes the pronoun they and we also used to refers to a group of

things whether it is abstract or concrete things, such as steps of doing something. For


1. First, in Japan there are no people littering. Their discipline is extraordinary.

(text 9)

2. First, Moslem in Indonesia have 8 hours when they are fasting. (text 15)

In example 1, the word “their” indicates the possession of discipline owned by

Japanese. While, in the second example, the word “they” refers to a group of people or

community in Indonesia, which is the Moslem.

From the explanations and the examples above, it can be concluded that in

building the cohesion through personal pronoun, the students mostly use the pronoun

such as “they, we, their, our, them, it”. Those pronouns are not only stand as a subject

or object, but also in some cases act as a possessive pronoun or as a possessive


b) Demonstrative reference

Demonstrative reference is the use of an item within the sentence to refer or to

point to another item found in the text. Halliday and Hassan in Nilopa (2017) stated that

demonstrative reference is basically a type of reference in which the speaker introduce


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the referent by positioning it on scale of proximity. The demonstrative found in the

students‟ paragraph are that, this, those, and these. That and those are used to refers to

the items/objects which is far, while to refer to the item or object that close to the writer.

In addition, according to Wachidah (2016) the word this, and these can also be used to

refer to the quantity of things, this refers to the thing that consist only one, while these

indicate the object that stand more than one. For example:

1. In conclusion, there are some steps that can be used to improve English

vocabulary. The students can use those steps to improve their English vocabulary. (text


2. There are some differences between traditional food and fast food. First, the

place that those foods produced. (text 18)

In example 1, the word steps used to refer to some steps stated in the precious sentence.

While, in the second example, the word those refers to the traditional and fast food

stated in the previous sentence.

c) Comparative reference

Comparative reference used to indicate the similarity or differences between the

things in comparison found in the text. According to Halliday and Hassan (1976.p.76)

there are two major type of comparison, that is general and particular comparison.

General comparison is a kind of comparison in which the things that being compare is

somehow obviously same or different. While, the particular comparison refers to the

comparison between the things related to the quality and also quantity. The items used

to indicate the general comparison is same, different, equal, identical, similar, contrast

and so on. While to indicate the particular comparison, the items that can be used such

as more and less for quantity, and as…as, better and so on for the quality comparison.

For example:

1. She is always better than me.(text 16, sentence 8)


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2. Pop music tends to have softer rhythms because of the use of instrument. (text 4,

sentence 3)

3. Although American and British are almost same, especially their language, but

they still have some differences. (text 12)

The example 1 and 3 are general comparison. Those two examples show the use

of comparative items that used to compare two things that totally same or different. The

word different in the first example indicates that pop and rock are different kinds of

music. On the other hand, the example 2 shows the use of comparative items that is used

in particular comparison. In example 2, word softer indicates the comparison of the

quality of rhythm between pop and rock music.

2) Substitution

Substitution is a way of building cohesion within a text in which the writer

replaces an item with another item. Substitution is done when the writer tends to avoid

repetition in his writing. Substitution classified into three types, nominal, clausal, and

verbal. Substitution is in the third position as the most used cohesive items within the

students‟ paragraph. It is appropriate with the result of the research conducted by

Wachidah (2016), and Rahmawati (2015). In the finding of the research conducted by

Wachidah (2016) there are only nominal and verbal substitution and Rahmawati (2015)

found 7 instances of substitution within the students‟ text, while in this research, there

are 3 substitution found in students‟ paragraph writing. One from clausal substitution

and two others are from verbal substitution, and there is no occurrence of nominal

substitution. For example:

1. You do not have to worry if someone will have the money or not (text 13)

2. First, Korea has all four seasons, but Indonesia does not. (text 10)

3. They do some event like ‘sholawatan’, or pray together in mosque. It is different

with Muslim in abroad. They do not do even.

The examples above shows the items appear as substitution items in different

aspect. The first example is the use of substitution item in form of clausal substitution.

The word not substitute the clause will have the money in the same sentence, the

previous clause. While, the example 2 and 3 show the use of substitution in form of


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verbal substitution. In example 2, the word „does’ substitutes the verb has in the

previous clause. In addition, the example 3, the word „do’ replace the word do in the

previous sentence which means that Muslim in Indonesia do not do the event like the

Muslim abroad do.

3) Ellipsis

Ellipsis is a way of constructing cohesion by replacement of an element within a

sentence with nothing. It means the element supposed to be replaced is omitted.

According to Halliday and Hassan (1976) ellipsis is classified into three types, nominal,

verbal, and clausal. Based on the data tabulated by the researcher, there is no any

occurrence of ellipsis within the students‟ paragraph. This finding is suitable with the

research finding from other research conducted by Rahmawati (2015), Rahman (2016)

and Nilopa (2017). The absence of ellipsis within the paragraph is make sense because

according to Halliday and Hassan (1976) as cited in Badrul (2015) that ellipsis is more

likely to appear within the oral communication.

4) Conjunction

Conjunction is element in a text that build the connection between sentences. In

term of cohesion, conjunction build the connection between the text by the presence of

conjunctive elements. Conjunction is different from substitution, reference, or even

ellipsis. Halliday and Hasan (1976) stated that conjunctive items are not mainly devices

for reaching out into previous or following text, but they build the specific meanings

which signal the existence of other items in the passage. In this research, there is 282

total occurrences of conjunction. The total occurrences of conjunction within the

students‟ paragraph make it as the most used cohesive items. There are 153 occurrences

of additive conjunctions, 89 conjunctions 29 adversative conjunctions, and the rest 11

causal conjunctions. This result also strengthens the result of previous researchers such

as Mawardi (2014) who found 353 instances of conjunction and it included all types of

conjunction, and Nilopa (2017) who found conjunction as the most used items within

the text with total 109 instances.


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Additive conjunction appears as the most used conjunction within the students‟

paragraph. This result is corresponding with the result of other researchers who found

additive conjunction as the most used conjunction within the students‟ writing such as

Wachidah (2016) with 107 instances, Rahmawati (2015) found 306 instances, and

Abdurrahaman (2013). Additive conjunction is represented by „and’, „or’ and „so‟.

Adversative represented by but, yet, in contrast, and so on. While the causal conjunction

presented by because, since, hence, thus, etc. The last type of conjunction is temporal

represented by the existence of the items such as first, second, third, then, after that,

next, finally, the last, and so on. For example:

1. Next, the supermarket has a fixed price and can be checked first, so consumers

can estimate the cost to be incurred. (text 1)

2. And digital art make animator simple to draw anime. Instead, manual art you

just need pen, or pencil, or sketch… (text 2)

3. Learning a foreign language will assist you to get scholarship to pursue our

study abroad because English is such a language that is known by people around the

world. (text 7)

4. Last, they have to practice. (text 3)

The example 1 is an example of additive conjunction, the word and give

additional information that the supermarket besides of having a fixed price, but also the

price can be checked. In the example 2, instead is a form of adversative conjunction that

indicates the contrast side between digital art and manual art. Furthermore, in example

3, because indicates the causal connection that English will help the user to pursue their

dream to study abroad since English has been a well-known language in all over the

world. And the fourth example indicates the example of temporal conjunction, the word

last shows the final step to do in a process of improving English skill.

b. Lexical cohesion

Lexical cohesion is the relation of the meaning in sentences by the devices of

selected vocabulary items. Halliday and Hasan (1976) stated that lexical cohesion is the


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cohesive influence achieved via the selection of vocabulary. Furthermore, Halliday and

Hasan divided the lexical cohesion items into reiteration and collocation.

Reiteration is a way of developing a tie in the text through the use of lexical

items that have the similar meaning. Kuncahya (2015) stated that reiteration uses the

words to develop semantic tie in and inter sentences. According to Halliday and Hassan

(1976) reiteration classified into four types, repetition, synonym, superordinate, and

general word. In this research, there are 41 occurrences of reiterations. Repetition is the

frequently used items with 37 occurrences, while the rest 3 occurrences belong to the

superordinate. The same result in which repetition appears as the most used item in

students‟ paragraph is in research conducted by Wachidah (2016), Mawardi (2014), and

Rahman (2016). In contrast, there is no occurrence for both of synonym and general

word. For example:

1. Finally, Raja Ampat is the other place to visit for example, Raja Ampat have

beautiful beach and ......... (text 4)

From the example above, it can be concluded that the writer uses the word Raja

Ampat in the next sentence. Such occurrence is an example of repetition. The writer

repeats the keywords to make it easy for the reader to comprehend the idea that the

writer is trying to convey.

In this research collocation appears only 1 occurrences within students‟

paragraph, while in the research conducted by Wachidah (2016) it appears in bigger

number that 236 instances of collocation. Collocation is the development of cohesion

through the occurrence of lexical items that come as a pair, but in some cases the words

construct the pair has no meaning directly related with the topic. Collocation only

happen when the lexical items appears in the same context.

1. I like action movie , usually shows the protagonist and antagonist act in

physical fact or .......(text 23)

The examples above show the use of word pairs that build cohesion. In the

example , the words protagonistsand antagonist have no correlation meaning with

action, but they appear in the same context related to the movie.


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A. Conclusion

Based on the discussions and the findings in the previous chapter, the researcher sums

up with the conclusions as stated below:

The cohesive devices used by the students in their writing paragraph are

including all types of cohesive items. In their writing, the students used all of the

cohesive items to build the cohesion. Grammatical cohesion leads the number of

occurrences over the lexical one. The only cohesive items which has no appearance

within the students‟ essay paragraph is ellipsis. None of the students uses ellipsis within

their writing. Finally, it can be concluded that the students acquire a good competence

in writing a cohesive paragraph since they can use all the cohesive items within their

paragraph writing except ellipsis.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the researcher intended to give some

suggestions as follows:

1. For the students and other writers, both of them must notice that cohesion and

coherence are two important aspects in making a good writing. They must use both of

cohesion and coherence in order to make their writing is easily understandable and

logic. Before they use cohesion, they must have learnt and understood about them in


2. For the next researcher, the need of a good writing is urgent in this era, since

writing have been not only as a communicative skill but also one of the assessment of

people‟s proficiency in English especially in textual assessment. Hence, it is a must for

the next researcher to conduct other researches related to cohesion and coherence. They

can conduct more researches by using other types of text such as, academic writing,

essay, newspaper, or even background of the research.

For English Department of state Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin

Jambi, students‟ ability in composing paragraph with cohesion inside is good, it will be

better in the upcoming years by giving more enrichment to the students about cohesion

in their class.


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