Amnte Nofre - Newsletter 7


Transcript of Amnte Nofre - Newsletter 7


Newsletter n.7



Copyright © 2015 Amentet Neferet


Newsletter n. 7


CDXV-CDXVI Great Year of Ra

Cover: Detail from the "House of Eternity" of Userhat "First Prophet-priest of the Royal Ka-spirit

of King Thutmosi I", West Uaset-Thebes (TT51):

the wife (Hatshepsut, "Lady of the house" and "Chantress of Amon", at right) and the mother

(Tausert "Chantress of Amon", at left) of Userhat drinking the water offered by the Sycamore-


Painting by Norman de Garis Davies.

Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ


Dear readers, it is with great pleasure that we present the seventh issue of our newsletter where you

can find an overview of the Egyptian religious festivities of the next months, with a summary of the

researches completed in the last months, together with suggestions and links to interesting and

useful studies and web-sites. The Appendix of this issue is dedicated to the “Feast of the Victory of

Horus”, with all the scenes of the “Sacred Drama” and some translations of the ritualistic texts.

Am(è)nte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ, (Jmntt nfrt, whose conventional pronunciation is 'Amentet

Neferet' (“The Perfect and Beautiful Land of Am(è)nte/Am(è)nti”, the Elysion of the Egyptian

Religion) is a reconstructionist group of religious research devoted to the Ancient Religion of

Egypt, whose aim is the study and the reconstruction of the Religious Tradition of the Two Lands of

Egypt. The sources and the foundations of our religious reconstructionism are only and exclusively

the ancient texts and also the studies of the modern egyptologists. The eternal value and utility of

the study and reconstruction of the ancient egyptian religious traditions for the modern world, as it

is for all the ancient religions (the so called “pagan religions”), is to regain that union with the

Divine and with the cosmos, that state of highest knowledge, spiritual blessing, moral beauty,

prosperity, and happiness that comes only from the Gods and from the devotion towards Them, as it

was in the days of yore before the arrival of the barbarian and abrahamic invasions and the

consequent destruction, ignorance, oblivion, materialism, and misery both spiritual and economic of

the contemporary age; to return, despite the typhonic assaults of unrighteousness in all its various

forms, to that sacred path always present and at hand for all human beings.


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

Many thanks from the heart to all those who follow our publications and who support us, may the

Gods be always in your hearts!!!

For anyone wishing to contact us, give us advice, suggestions, ask us questions, cooperate with us,

and for further contacts and informations,

our blog:

our facebook-page:


and our twitter account:


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

Call for collaborators:

we are searching for translators, especially for Italian>English and German>English translations, to

cooperate with us in our work of study, reconstruction, and spreading of the Egyptian religion and


If you are interested, please contact us!


For anyone who wishes, it is possible to give us free donations to sustain our work of study and

reconstruction of the Egyptian religious tradition. Every religious and cultural association depends

on the generosity of its supporters to continue its work: donate according to your will anytime you


Click here to make a free donation:


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI


Pró season: 'Shef-bedet', 'Rekh-wr', 'Rekh-nedjes', and


Researches and works completed

Iconographic researches



the “Sacred Drama” of the Myth of Horus from the Temple

of Behdet


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

scenes from the "House of Eternity" of Userhat "First Prophet-priest of the Royal Ka-spirit of King Thutmosi I", WestUaset-Thebes (TT51); Userhat lived during the reigns of Horemheb, Ramses I, and Sethi I.

(to the right) the Goddess of the Sycamore Tree (identified with Nut and Hathor), wearing on Her head the image of thesacred tree and standing on a pool of water, gives food and water to Userhat, to his wife Hatshepsut ("Lady of the

house" and "Chantress of Amon") and to his mother Tausert "Chantress of Amon" (to the left, seated in the SycamoreTree).

In front of the Sycamore Goddess, a T-shaped pond; on its top, the human-headed ba-birds (representing the souls) ofUserhat and his wife Hatshepsut drinking the water and eating the food offered by the Sycamore Goddess.

On the top left, the human headed ba-birds (the souls) of Hatshepsut and Tausert.In the lower register, the journey of the blessed dead to Abydos:

to the right, Userhat and his wife Hatshepsut making adorations to Anubis;in the middle, two images of Userhat and his wife Hatshepsut in the sacred barques;

to the left, the arrival at Abydos, Userhat and his wife Hatshepsut making adorations to Osiris. 5

Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI


The New Moon of the end of December (22 December 2014) marks the beginning of Pró (prt,

whose pronunciation has been preserved in Coptic as ⲠⲢⲰ), the season of growing, that is winter,

the second season of the Egyptian Religious Calendar, from 22 December 2014 to 18 April 2015.

Each season of the Egyptian Calendar consists of four lunar months, for a total of three season and

twelve months. The four lunar months of the Pró season are:

'Shef-bedet', 'Rekh-wr', 'Rekh-nedjes', and Ermouthi.

The most important religious festivities of the Pró season are:

the Feasts of the Navigation of Hathor celebrated in the second half of 'Shef-bedet' and at the

beginning of 'Rekh-wr',

the “Feast of the Victory of Horus”, celebrated in the second half of 'Rekh-wr',

and the “Feast of the Divine Birth of Horus” celebrated during the month of Ermouthi.

Moreover, the month of Ermouthi of this year marks the beginning of the New Year of the Great

Year of Ra (the CDXVI year from the beginning of the last Sothic Cycle in the 1599 CE) according

to the Civil Calendar: the first day of the New Year of the Civil Calendar is the XXIV day of

Ermouthi (12 April), and the five days before it (7-8-9-10-11 April) are the Epagomenal Days

dedicated to the celebrations for the birth of the Divine Sons of the Goddess Nut (Osiris, Haroeris,

Seth, Isis, and Nephthys).


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

Shef-bedet (22 December 2014 – 19 January 2015)

The first lunar month of Pró is called 'Shef-bedet' and is sacred to the God Min.

Among the religious festivities of this month we remind you:

-the “Feast of Neith, the Great Feast of Heka and the Feast of the Child at Sais”, 8–11 January

-the “Feast of the Navigation of Hathor”, 9-11 January

-the “Feast of establishing the Great Divine Cow in the presence of the Majesty of Ra”, 15 January

-the “Feast of the Establishment of the Offerings of the Gods of 'Behdet' ”, 15-17 January

-the “Feast of the Navigation of Hathor”, 18-23 January

-the “Feast of Erecting the 'Teret'-Tree”, 19 January


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

Rekh-wr (20 January - 18 February)

The second lunar month of Pró is called 'Rekh-wr', whose meaning is “the Great Flame”.

Among the numerous religious festivities of this month we remind you:

-the “Feast of the Navigation of Anubis”, 20 January

-the “Feast of Raising the 'Djed'-Pillar for Osiris”, 25 January

-the “Feast of Lifting up the Sky” and the “Feast of the Great Flame ('Rekh-wr')”, 28 January

-the “Feast of Neith in Sais”, 30 January

-the “Feast of the Victory of Horus”, 9-13 February

- the “Feast of Ptah Who protects the Great and Golden Winged Solar Orb”, 12 -19 February


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

Rekh-nedjes(19 February – 19 March)

The third lunar month of Pró is called 'Rekh-nedjes', whose meaning is “the Little Flame”.

Among the religious festivities of this month, we remind you:

-the “Feast of Lifting up the Sky”, 19 February

-the two“Feasts of Khum”, 28 February-1 March and 4-8 March

- the “Feast of the Male Winged Sun (Horus) and of the Female Winged Sun (Hathor)”, 14 March

-the “Feast of Osiris at Abydos”, 18 March

-the “Feast of Entering the Sky”, 19 March


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

Ermouthi(20 March – 18 April)

The fourth and last lunar month of Pró is called Ermouthi and is sacred to the same Goddess

Ermouthi (Rnnwtt , whose pronunciation “Ermouthi” is preserved in Coptic and attested also in


As we said previously, the month of Ermouthi of this year marks the beginning of the Civil Year, the

CDXVI Great Year of Ra, that is one of the most sacred times of the Year:

- 6 April is the last day of the CDXV Great Year of Ra,

- 7-11 April are the five Epagomenal Days dedicated to the birth of the Divine Sons of the Goddess

Nut (Osiris, Haroeris, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys),

- 12 April is the first day of the new Civil Year, the CDXVI Great Year of Ra.

Among the numerous religious festivities of this month we remind you:

-the “Feast of Entering the Sky”, and the “Feast of Sokar”, 20 March

-the “Feast of the Divine Birth of Horus”, 21 March-9 April

-the “Feast of Chewing Onions for Bastet”, 23 March


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

limestone stele of the Goddess Isis-Ermouthi (Rnnwtt), with a serpent body, holding Horus-Sobekrepresented as a baby crocodile; on the top left, a crouching lion.

From Tebtynis (in the Piam/Phiom region, p3-ym, now known as "Fayum"); II century CE, now inthe Museo Nazionale Romano


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

Researches and works completed:


CDXVI (2015 CE)”,

the Complete Egyptian Religious Calendar for the current year 2015 with all the religious

prescriptions and the sacred festivities for every single day of the year. Available on

(click on the image to open the link)

The Complete Egyptian Religious Calendar for the year 2015: the most comprehensive publication

of the lists of the festivities of the Egyptian Religious Tradition (dated for the year 2015). A

practical application of the Egyptian Religious Calendar for the current age.


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

The sources used to reconstruct the Religious Calendar and for the dating of the Sacred Festivities


- the “Cairo Calendar n. 86637” and the “Sallier papyrus IV”;

- the list of the religious celebrations dated to the Middle Kingdom;

and the lists of the Sacred Festivals from the Temples’ Religious Calendars:

- the religious calendar of King Thutmosis III from Ipet-Sut (the Precinct of Amon-Ra at Uaset-

Thebes, "Karnak");

- the Temple of King Thutmosis III at Elephantine;

- the Temple of King Ramses II at Abydos;

- the Temple of Millions of Years of King Ramses III, West Uaset ("Medinet Habu");

- the Temple of Horus at Behdet ("Edfu")

- the Temple of Hathor at Nitentòre (Dendera);

- the Double Temple of Haroeris and Sobek at Ombos ("Kom Ombo");

- the Temple of Neith and Khnum at Iunyt ("Esna")



the Calendars of Ancient Egypt

the Civil Calendar

the Great Year of Ra

the Religious Calendar: the Seasons, the Months, the Days of the Month, Favorable and Adverse


-Egyptian Religious Calendar,

List of the Festivities for the year 2015, CDXV-CDXVI Great Year of Ra


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “La Pronuncia dell’Antica Lingua Egizia” III parte:

(click on the image to open the link)

We are very glad to present you the third part of our study (in italian language, as soon as possible it

will be translated in english and shared) dedicated to the reconstruction of the phonetic system and

the pronunciation of the Ancient Egyptian language. The subject of this third part are the glides 3 ,

j , y , w , ˁ .

Siamo lieti di presentarvi la terza parte del nostro studio dedicato alla ricostruzione della pronuncia

e del sistema fonetico della Lingua Egizia. L’argomento di questa terza parte sono le

semiconsonanti 3 , j , y , w , ˁ .


1- Le quattro semiconsonanti 3 , j , y , e w

1.a- Mutamenti nella scrittura risalenti al Medio Regno


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

1.b- Pronuncia e mutamenti fonetici:

– j, y, 3, w che precedono direttamente la vocale accentuata

– j, y, 3, w che seguono direttamente la vocale accentuata

– gruppo di semiconsonanti (j, y, 3, w) che seguono direttamente la vocale accentuata

– j, y, 3, w in posizione pretonica

– j, y, 3, w in posizione post-tonica

– Valore consonantico di 3

2- La semiconsonante ˁ

2.a- Pronuncia e mutamenti fonetici

2.b- Mutamenti vocalici causati dalla semiconsonante ˁ


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “Egyptian language: phonetic system and pronunciation” I part:

(click on the image to open the link)

The first part of our study dedicated to the reconstruction of the phonetic system and the

pronunciation of the Ancient Egyptian language.

The conventional pronunciation, as it is written at the beginning of every grammar of hieroglyphs,

is simply a conventional reading invented by the scholars (the "e" between the consonants and the

reading of the glides, like the 3 and the w , as fixed vowels, as it is for example for 'Netjer/Netjeru'

and for the names of the Gods such as 'Heru', 'Aset', 'Djehuty' and so on), and it does not reflect the

real pronunciation of the Egyptian language: only thanks to the Coptic and to the transliteration of

Egyptian words in other languages it is possible to know and reconstruct the real pronunciation of

the Egyptian language, and this is exactly our line of research.

To give you some examples,


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

- Nṯr , "God", is pronounced "Noute" (in Upper Egypt)/ "Nouti" (in Lower Egypt)

- Nṯr.t , "Goddess", is pronounced "Entóre" (in Upper Egypt)/ "Enthóri" (in Lower Egypt)

- Nṯr.w , "Gods", is pronunced "Entèr" (in Upper Egypt)/"Enthèr" (in Lower Egypt)

- Ḥr(w) , "Horus", is pronounced "Hór"

- Km.t , "Egypt" (literally the "Black Land"), is pronounced "Kéme" (in Upper Egypt)/"Chémi" (in

Lower Egypt)


- Introduction

- Introduction to the Egyptian: stages of the language, the writing systems, and the Coptic

- The Coptic alphabet and the pronunciation of the letters

- The pronunciation of consonants


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “La Pronuncia dell’Antica Lingua Egizia” I parte:

(click on the image to open the link)

La prima parte del nostro studio dedicato alla Ricostruzione della pronuncia e del sistema fonetico

della Lingua Egizia, già pubblicato nella Rivista Hellenismo- Elaphebolion 2790


- Introduzione

- Introduzione all'Egiziano: fasi del linguaggio, sistemi di scrittura, e il Copto

- L' Alfabeto copto e la pronuncia delle lettere

- La Pronuncia delle Consonanti


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

- “La Pronuncia dell’Antica Lingua Egizia” II parte:

(click on the image to open the link)

The second part of our study (in italian language) dedicated to the reconstruction of the phonetic

system and the pronunciation of the Ancient Egyptian language. Already published in the on-line

italian magazine “Hellenismo”: Rivista Hellenismo- Thargelion 2790.

La seconda parte del nostro studio dedicato alla ricostruzione della pronuncia e del sistema fonetico

della Lingua Egizia, già pubblicato nella Rivista Hellenismo- Thargelion 2790.


- Sillabe e Accento

- Le Vocali Formative e le Vocali Ausiliarie, le regole di base del sistema vocalico della Lingua


- Le teorie sulle sillabe

- I tre stati delle parole


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

gold finger-ring, bezel in form of (from left to right) Sarapis, Horus the Child, and Isis as human-

headed uraei with tails entwined300-100 BCE; now in the British Museum...


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

Iconographic researches:

- “the Place of honoring and praying to all the Gods”

new album of photos with full description dedicated to the triple bark shrine of King Sethi II in the

Forecourt ("the Court of King Sheshonq I") of 'Ipet-sut' (the highly sacred Precinct of Amon-Ra at


- “the Court and the Chapel of the New Year at Behdet”

new album of photos with full description dedicated to the “Court and the Chapel of the New Year”

of the Temple of Horus at Behdet.


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “Napata and Meroë, the Throne of Amon”

more than 70 photos have been added to our album dedicated to the Upper Kush/Nubia


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

gold ear stud with three standing figures of the God Bes. The rim is decorated with alternatingpapyrus flowers and buds.

30-170 CE, from the western Necropolis of Meroë (Beg. W 125); now in the Museum of Fine Arts ofBoston...


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI


- “Rivista Hellenismo” - XXIX numero(click on the image to open the link/cliccare sull'immagine per aprire il link)

we present and recommend to you all the XXIX issue of the italian on-line magazine "Hellenismo"/

Ventinovesimo numero della rivista online ‘Hellenismo’, buona lettura!


- Sugli Elementi – cenni teologici

- “Omaggio ad Aconia Fabia Paolina” – II parte

- Rituali per la generazione e la nascita


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

- Le immagini del ricordo. L’iconografia funeraria nella regione di Hadrumetum in età romana

- La pronuncia dell’antica lingua egizia – III Parte

- Le belle figlie della battaglia. L’immagine delle amazzoni nell’arte classica

- Appendice PDF

- Proclo, Commento al Timeo

- Appendice Iconografica

“Per il mese delle Nozze Sacre” – iconografia antica e moderna: Coppie divine e mortali


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “Calendario Religioso: Tradizione Ellenica” (Italian Edition)

by Hellenismo-Comunità Hellena Italiana

We are very glad to present and recommend to you all the book “Religious Calendar: Hellenic

Tradition” (in Italian language). The book is available on amazon.

Siamo lieti di presentare e raccomandare a voi tutti il libro “Calendario Religioso: Tradizione

Ellenica” (in Italiano). Il libro è disponibile su

(click on the image to open the link/cliccare sull'immagine per aprire il link)

Ricostruzione e guida pratica al Calendario Religioso della Tradizione Ellenica.

Comprende: un'introduzione generale; schemi e spiegazioni per l'applicazione pratica (calcolo di

anni, mesi e giorni; mese intercalare; divisione interna di ciascun mese; giorni della settimana);

giorni sacri e propizi dei mesi lunari; descrizioni dei mesi e delle principali ricorrenze per ciascun


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

mese; un calendario perpetuo universalmente valido.

Le fonti antiche (iscrizioni, testi e scolii) sono state indicate di volta in volta per ciascuna

informazione presentata, cercando così di fornire uno strumento sia filologicamente corretto sia di

facile consultazione ed applicazione nella vita quotidiana.


- Introduzione

- I giorni sacri di ogni mese lunare

- I giorni secondo Esiodo

- Feste e sacrifici del Calendario

- Calendario perpetuo

Reconstruction and practical guide to the Religious Calendar of the Hellenic Tradition.

It includes: a general introduction; outlines and explanations for the practical application (reckoning

of the years, months and days, intercalary month; internal division of each month, days of the

week); sacred and auspicious days of the lunar months; descriptions of the months and the main

celebrations for each month; a perpetual calendar universally valid.

The ancient sources (inscriptions, texts and scholia) have been indicated from time to time for each

proposed information, thus trying to provide an instrument that may be both philologically correct

and easy to read and applied in everyday life.


- Introduction


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- The sacred days of each lunar month

- The days according to Hesiod

- Feasts and sacrifices of the Calendar

- Perpetual Calendar

- “Eleusis 2021”

Eleusis Candidate City for European Capital of Culture 2021 (Greece)

Ελευσίνα Υποψήφια Πόλη για Πολιτιστική Πρωτεύουσα της Ευρώπης 2021



Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

- “Save Nubia Project”

“The mission of the Save Nubia Project (SNP) is to help raise national and international awareness

about the pending flooding of the central areas of the ancient Kushite and Nubian civilizations in

the Sudan. There are a series of dams (from the 2nd through 5th cataracts) scheduled for

construction, each of which will cause the Nile River to back up and create a reservoir and flood

countless ancient archaeological sites and displace well over 100,000 local Sudanese people. Thus,

the Save Nubia Project’s task is to document that the dam construction areas in northern and central

Sudan are valuable World Heritage Sites that are in danger of being destroyed, and should be




Youtube channel:


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “HinduPAD - Every thing about Hinduism”

“(Hindupad) is a daily online portal which updates with Hinduism-related issues. Hindu Festivals,

Pujas and Vrathas, Temples and holy places,Jatras and pilgrimages, Gods and Goddesses, special

tourism offers from Government operators and private agencies, etc. are the main focusing areas of

Hindupad. Hindupad provides each and every information on Solar and lunar eclipses (Surya

Grahan and Chandra Grahan) – scientific evidences, pregnant care and child care during eclipse,

and timings of Grahan in various places of the world.

You can also contact Hindupad at [email protected] for Advertisement and sponsorship details.

You can also become an Associate for Hindupad by getting the Status of Associate of Hindupad.”




Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

- “Ancient Hellas (Greece)”

Ancient Greek civilization and its contribution to the mankind




Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

- “Reproducciones Arqueológicas Herakles”

Colecciones de reproducciones arqueológicas de alta calidad y de gran interés cultural, ejecutadas

por maestros artesanos y asesoradas por especialistas.





Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

- Egyptological studies and web-sites:

“I am Horus the Savior”. Representations of Horus-Harpokrates in Roman Dacia

by Cristea Stefana

“Blood of the Pharaohs: Discrimination Practices against the Coptic Minority in Egypt”

by Virtuous Mahad

“Le nom du dieu Bès et ses implication mythologiques”

by Dimitri Meeks

“A New List of the High-Priests of Ptah at Memphis”:

part I

part II

by B.E. Sharkawy

“Ancient Egyptian Religion”,

Part 1

Part 2

by Gregory Mumford

“The Temple of Soknopaios and Isis Nepherses at Soknopaiou Nesos (El-Fayyum)”

by Paola Davoli


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

“Il tempio di Soknopaios e Iside Nepherses a Soknopaiou Nesos/Dime (El-Fayyum)”

di Paola Davoli

“Innovation and Creativity in the Reign of Hatshepsut”

by José M. Galán, Betsy M. Bryan, and Peter F. Dorman

“Egyptian temples and priests : Graeco-Roman”

by Willy Clarysse

“An Egyptian Priest in the Ptolemaic Court: Yale Peabody Museum 264191”

by Marc Le Blanc

“The Egyptian Game of Senet and the Migration of the Soul”

by Peter Piccione

Myth and cosmography: on the union of Re and Osiris in two types of religious discourse

by Jens Joergensen


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ



Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI



written by Luigi Tripanitranslations by Luigi Tripani

plates from E. Chassinat, “Le Temple d'Edfou”, t. X


- The “Myth of Horus”

“Myth of Horus” is the name given by the scholars to the set of four sacred texts related to the

myths of the contendings between Horus and Seth and the final triumph of Horus, inscribed on the

interior side of the Girdle Wall (west and east walls) of the Temple of Horus at 'Behdet' (Bḥdt , the

capital city of the II nome of Upper Egypt, the “Throne of Horus”).

On the west wall,

-the text A , on the middle register, is entitled “the Book of the Destruction of the hippo” (Edfou VI-

114,2), and contains the mythological account of the fightings between Horus and Seth and the

triumph of Horus

-the text C , on the lower register, is the ritualistic text of the “Feast of the Victory of Horus”. It is

known as the “Sacred Drama”, and its title is “the Vindication of Horus against His enemies”

(Edfou VI-61,2). This text notably contains the account of the two dismemberings of the body of

Seth. Each scene of the “Sacred Drama” corresponds to a scene of the mythological account of the

text A


Amnte Nofre – Ⲁⲙⲛⲧⲉ Ⲛⲟϥⲣⲉ

On the east wall,

the text D is both a mythological and a ritualistic text; the mythological account begins from the

declaration of the pregnancy of the Goddess Isis, then follows the birth of Horus and His childhood,

and then there are the fightings of Horus against Seth and the final victory of Horus. In this text

Seth during the fightings assumes the form of a red hippopotamus that at the end is sacrificed by


the text E is a mythological account entitled “Knowing the day of the birth of Horus” (Edfou VI-

219). It begins from the birth of Horus, then follow the fightings between Horus and Seth. This text

notably contains the account of the “first peace” between Horus and Seth, when for the first time

Egypt was divided in the Two Lands (as it is said also in the “Memphite Theology”): the kingship

over Egypt is divided between the two Gods, Horus rules Lower Egypt and His capital is Memphis,

while Seth rules Upper Egypt at Shótep (Šȝ-ḥtp, the capital city of the XI nome of Upper Egypt,

whose symbol and name is the animal of Seth, the Šȝ ). Then it begins another series of combats

between the two Gods; in the last combat Horus assumes the form of the Divine Youth, while Seth

assumes the form of red donkey, and after His victorious triumph Horus cuts off the foreleg of Seth

(represented in the sky by the constellation of the Big Dipper, called Msḫtyw).

- The “Sacred Drama” of the “Myth of Horus”

The “Sacred Drama” (text C) contains the texts of the rituals performed at 'Behdet' during the

“Feast of the Victory of Horus” (five-days festivity, from XVII to XXI 'Rekh-wr', the II month of

Pró [prt], the season of Growing, Winter) dedicated to the sacred celebrations for the Triumph of

Horus over Seth: according to the instructions given by the inscriptions, the second dismembering

of Seth, that is the concluding act before the ending words of the Chief Lector Priest declaring the

triumph of Horus, is to be celebrated on the twenty-first day of 'Rekh-ur', that is the last day of the

“Feast of the Victory of Horus” according to the Calendar of the Temple of Horus at 'Behdet'.

It consists of seven parts, for a total of eleven scenes.


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view of the Girdle Wall of the Temple of Horus at Behdet, inner face, west wall:in the lower register, the “Sacred Drama” (text C) of the "Feast of the Victory of Horus over Seth";

in the middle register, the text A


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- First part:

From right to left:- Isis holding the 'Ankh'-Horus (wearing the Double Crown) holding an harpoon and the rope in His right hand, and the 'Ankh' in the left;-Thoth (wearing the 'Atef'-Crown with ram's horns), recites the “Prologue” of the rituals from a papyrus.-On the barque :Isis; behind Her is represented Horus 'Khenty-Khety' (Horus of 'Kem-Ur'/Athribis, the capital of theX nome of Lower Egypt, the Athribite nome);Horus of Behdet (wearing the Double Crown), holding the rope in His left hand; with the harpoon in His right hand He spears the hippo/Seth;To the left, the King (wearing the Triple 'Atef'-Crown), pierces the hippo/Seth with His harpoon

Texts from the First Part [cfr. Edfou VI-60-61]:

-Words of Thoth (represented by the Lector-Priest):

“Long live the good, beautiful, and perfect God (the King), son of the victorious Horus, excellent

offspring of the Lord of 'Mesen' ('Tjaru'-Sile, in the 14th nome of Lower Egypt), brave hunter,

mighty in the chase, the one of the first Lotus-leaf, Horus the fighter, the one able to seize the

mooring-post in the water, Lord of valour, Son of Ra, the King Ptolemaios may He live forever,


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Beloved of Ptah!”

-Words of the King-Priest (the Priest representing the King):

“Praise to You and a merry rattling of the sistrum to Your barque, O Horus of 'Behdet', Great God,

Lord of the Sky.

I adore Your name and the names of Your Executioners Who are with You,

I invoke Your Harpooners,

I bow down to Your spears that are in the 'Emanations of Ra' (the Sacred Texts),

I worship Your harpoons.”

-the Title of the Ceremony:

Beginning of the bringing to pass of the Vindication of Horus against His enemies, when He rushed

to slay His enemies, when He went forth to battle to annihilate Seth.

Seth has been judged in the Tribunal of Ra, and Thoth says:

-Words of Thoth (represented by the Lector-Priest):

“This is a beautiful and perfect day, O Horus, Lord of this Land, son of Isis the Lovable One,

winner of triumph, Heir of Osiris, offspring of Osiris Onnophri Whose Word is Right and True,

Whose power is great in every place of His!

This is a beautiful and perfect day which is divided by its minutes!

A beautiful and perfect day on this night which is divided by its hours!

A beautiful and perfect day in this month which is divided by its fortnights!

A beautiful and perfect day in this year which is divided by its months!

A beautiful and perfect day in this eternity which is divided by its years!

A beautiful and perfect day in this everlastingness!

How it is pleasant when they (the divisions of Time) come to You every year!”

-Words of Horus (the King-Priest):

“This is a beautiful and perfect day! I cast anew my harpoon! A beautiful and perfect day! My hands

(holding the harpoon) have pierced His (Seth's) head!

I cast the harpoon at the female-hippos in the water! I cast the harpoon at the Bull of the Marsh

(Seth) in the water!


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An harpoon-blade, a rope, a shaft being in my hands, the Youth.

I cast my harpoon standing in the barque on the water.

I hurl the harpoon with my right hand, I spin the rope with my left hand, as does a brave hunter!”

-Words of Isis (represented by the Priestess and Singer):

“The pregnant ones among the hippos will give no birth, not one of their heifers conceives when

they heard the tearing noise of Your spear and the hissing voice of Your blade, like the thunder in

the East of Heaven, like a drum in the hands of a child:

Horus, seize him! Horus, seize him!”

inner side of the Girdle Wall (west wall) of the Temple of Horus at Behdet: in the upper register, scenes related to the foundation of the Temple;

in the middle register, scenes from the text A; in the lower register, the “Sacred Drama” with the rituals of the “Feast of the Victory of Horus

over Seth” (in front, at right, the First part)


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- Second part

The II part, the “Ritual of the ten harpoons”, consists of five scenes, and each scene contains two

battles, for a total of ten battles: in each battle Horus is represented standing on His boat together

with one of His Divine Harpooners (“Daimones”, “Divine Spirits” of Horus), smiting Seth

(represented as an hippo) with one of His sacred harpoons.

The “Ritual of the ten harpoons” celebrates the ten victories of Horus against Seth on Earth, in ten

battles that took place in Egypt, from Upper Egypt (the South) to Lower Egypt (the North): in the

first scene Horus fights against Seth in the region of 'Behdet'; whilst in the fifth and last scene (the

IX and the X battle against Seth) Horus triumphs over Seth in the Eastern regions of Lower Egypt

(near the border with Asia).

I scene:


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II scene:

III scene:


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IV scene:

V scene:


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Texts from the “Ritual of the VII Harpoon” (IV scene, first from the right) [cfr. Edfou VI 72-


the celebration of the Victory of Horus against Seth in the central region of Lower Egypt (the


On the boat is represented Horus of Mesen (to the left, crowned with the Double Crown) snaringthe hippo/Seth with the rope, and piercing his testicles with the harpoon (the seventh harpoon); the

hippo/Seth is lying on his back. Behind Horus is represented the lion-headed Harpooner (a"Daimon", a "Divine Spirit" of Horus) Whose name is "His Word is Fire", with an harpoon in His

right and a knife in His left.

“Praise to Your face, adoration to Your power, O Horus of 'Behdet', Great God, Lord of the Sky,

Strong Wall of Egypt, rapacious Falcon, O Powerful One, greatly feared, He Who smites the one


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who tries to wound Him, Hero of great strength, He Who protects His Temple, He with the sharp

claws, He Who protects 'Mesen' ('Tjaru'-Sile, in the 14th nome of Lower Egypt) unceasingly.

Your valour and Your strength are around Your Temple, eternally”

-Words of Horus, Lord of 'Mesen', Great God, Lord of the Sky, Lion Who presides in 'Tjaru', Falcon

of great strength, Lord of Upper and Lower Egypt, Guardian Who protects Egypt from the desert

countries, Wall of copper around His Upper Egyptian 'Mesen' (that is 'Behdet'), He Who watches

over His Lower Egyptian 'Mesen':

“The Seventh Harpoon pierces his (Seth's) body, it severs his limbs, it digs the body of the

hippo/Seth from the belly to the testicles.”

Isis, the Divine Mother, screams, speaking to the fatherless Child Who is fighting against the animal

of Seth:

(-Words of Isis, represented by the Priestess and Singer)

“Be of good courage, Horus my son. Look, You have grasped this enemy of Your father. Do not

spare him!

With the harpoon in one hand plunge it inside his hide! And use Your rope with the other hand: Your

spear has bitten his bones, and I see Your blade in his belly and Your claws fixed on his bones!

O You Who are in Heaven and on Earth, fear Horus!

You Who are in the NetherWorld, honor Him!

He is appeared in glory as a Victorious King Who has conquered the Throne of His father!

The right arm of Horus is like that of the young hunters.

Eat the flesh of the foe, drink his blood, and say to Those Who are in the NetherWorld:

He is the God of 'Sekhem'/Letopolis (capital city of the II nome of Lower Egypt), He Who slays the

enemies of His mother Isis.”

Isis the Divine Mother comes, and She founds the hippo/Seth standing on the ground on his feet.

She gets on the boat and says to His son Horus:

(-Words of Isis)

“Look, I am here, as the Mother from Chemmis (in the 6th nome of Lower Egypt), for you I am

going to destroy utterly the hippos, I'm going to destroy the nest of their marsh!”


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“The boat is nimble, and He Who is in it it's only a child, yet he who is grasped by your rope is


Horus, seize him! Horus, seize him!”

(-Words of “His word is Fire”, the Divine Harpooner represented behind Horus)

“My eyes are ablaze, my eyeballs are blood-red.

I repel anyone who comes with unrighteous and evil intent toward Your Seat:

I devour their flesh, I drink their blood, I burn their bones with the fire!”

- Third part

The celebration of the Victory of Horus in the last battle against Seth in the eastern region of Lower

Egypt, next to 'Tjaru'-Sile (in the 14th nome of Lower Egypt)


Newsletter 7 – Pró Season CDXV-CDXVI

In the large ship, Horus of 'Behdet' Lord of 'Mesen', crowned with the Double Crown, snares the hippo/Seth with the two ropes in His left hand, and pierces his snout with the harpoon; in the bow isrepresented Isis snaring the hippo/Seth with two ropes.On the shore (at left) is represented the King (wearing the Triple 'Atef' Crown) spearing the head of the hippo/Seth with the harpoon. Behind the King are represented two Daimones/"Divine Spirits" ofHorus, each holding an harpoon and a large dagger: They are called "Royal Children, the Crew of Horus, the Harpooners of the Lord of 'Mesen', the valorous Harpooners of Horus of 'Behdet', ThoseWho annihilate all His enemies" (cfr. Edfou VI, 79)

Texts from the III part [cfr. Edfou VI 79-80]:

the “Chant of the Royal Children” and the “Exhortations of Isis”.

(-The Chant of the Royal Children)

“Come on, let's run to the Lake of Horus, that we may see the Falcon in His boat, that we may see

the son of Isis in His boat like Ra in the 'Mandjet'-Boat (the Morning Boat)!

His harpoon is firm in His grip, like that of Horus Mighty of Arm!

He casts the harpoon, He throws the rope, He captures the hippo/Seth, He slays the Bull of the


Rejoice, you who are in the city of 'Djeba' (“the City of the Revenge”, one of the names of



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Words of Isis the Great, the Divine Mother, to the Young Harpooners when She saw Their friendly


“Assault the foe (Seth), slay him in his lair, slaughter him in his marsh, all together! Multiply Your

strokes in him!”

(-Words of Isis to Her beloved son Horus)

“That he may never escape from Your grasp, O my son Horus!

Take the harpoon, Horus, take it!

I, I am the Lady of the harpoon!

I am the beautiful and perfect Goddess, and the loud-screamer (Seth) is under my power!

Appear on the bank! Make shine Your weapon at the back of the beast of prey (Seth)!

Rip open his skin, cut up his ribs!

Come in, people of Horus, to the thick of the fray!

I do not forget the night in the marshes, during the time of the conflict!

Horus, seize him! Horus, seize him!”

(The “night in the marshes, during the time of the conflict” is a reference to the night when Isis gave

birth to Horus in the marshes of the Delta, when Seth persecuted Her)


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- Fourth part

from right to left,-Horus of 'Behdet', Lord of 'Mesen', standing on the shore and wearing with the Double Crown, spears with the harpoon the head of the hippo/Seth;

-in the large ship:Thoth, crowned with the 'Atef' Crown with ram's horns, holding in His left hand the 'Ankh' and a papyrus roll; His right hand is uplifted towards Horus, as a sign of blessing and protection;Horus of 'Behdet', wearing the Double Crown, holding the Royal Insignia.

-on the shore (at left) in front of the ship:the Queen, standing on a podium, and playing the sistra before the boat of Horus;behind the Queen are represented six women chanting and beating drums in honor of Horus: the first three women in the upper register are "the Daughters of the King of Lower Egypt, Princesses of 'Djedu'/Busiris, Those Who rejoice for Horus at His victory" (cfr. Edfou 82)the three Women in the lower register are "the Daughters of the King of Upper Egypt, Princesses of 'Pe-Dep'/Buto, Those Who rejoice for Horus at His crowning" (cfr. Edfou 83)


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Texts from the IV part [cfr. Edfou VI 82-84]:

-Words of Thoth, twice great, the Lord of Khmoun/Shmoun (Hermopolis Megale), He Who has

judged the Two (Horus and Seth), He Who presides in the Great Seat, Great Lord of the Great

Ennead, He Who cannot be replaced:

“How beautiful is Your face when You rise in Your boat, O Horus of 'Behdet', Great God, Lord of

the Sky, like Ra in the 'Sektet' Boat, for You have received Your office (of Kingship) with the

'Heqa'-Scepter and the 'Nekhakha'-Flail,

You are crowned with the Double Crown of Horus,

Sekhmet having power over him that revolts against You,

and Thoth the Great is making Your protection.

Your inheritance belongs to You, O Horus the Great, son of Osiris, as You have overthrown the Bull

of Lower Egypt (Seth).

Be glad of heart, You (Gods) Who are in the Great Seat, Horus has taken possession of the Throne

of His father.”

-Words of the Queen and Lady of the Two Lands, (Kleopatra), God's Mother of the Son of Ra (King


“I make music for Your 'Ka' (the spirit), You Who shine as King of Upper and Lower Egypt, and all

Your enemies are under You.

Rejoice, O women of 'Djedu'/Busiris and You, O Court from 'Andjet'! Come on and see Horus!

Look, He has pierced the Bull of Lower Egypt (Seth), He has drunk the blood of the foe, and His

harpoon has accomplished a swift capture. He pours a river of blood, like Sekhmet in the carnage.”


“Horus, seize him! Horus, seize him!”

(-Words of the Queen)

“Rejoice, O women of 'Pe-Dep'/Buto, and You, O Court from the lakes!

Come on and see Horus in the prow of His boat, like Ra Who shines in the Horizon, arrayed in

green garment, clad in red cloth, wearing His ornaments, the White Crown and the Red Crown are

firmly set on His head, the two Uraei are between His brows. He has received the 'Heqa'-Scepter


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and the 'Nekhakha'-Flail, being crowned with the Powerful Double Crown while Sekhmet is

established on His forehead and Thoth is making His protection.”


“Horus, seize him! Horus, seize him!”

-Words of Horus of 'Behdet' (represented on the boat), Great God, Lord of the Sky, Lord of the

Crown of Upper Egypt, Prince of the Crown of Lower Egypt, King of the Kings of Upper Egypt,

King of the Kings of Lower Egypt, benevolent Prince, Prince of Princes:

“I receive the 'Heqa'-Scepter and the 'Nekhakha'-Flail as the Lord of this land,

I take possession of the Two Lands with the Double Crown,

I overthrow the foe of my father Osiris as King of Upper and Lower Egypt, forever.”


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- Fifth part

To the right,Isis wearing the Solar Crown; Horus of Behdet Lord of Mesen, wearing the Double Crown, stands on the back of the hippo/Seth, spearing his forehead with the harpoon.Before Isis and Horus are represented Nine Gods, each holding a sceptre and the 'Ankh' (Osiris Onnophri holds the Royal Insignia, the Heqa-Scepter and the Nekhakha-Flail); in front of each God there is an altar with the portion of the dismembered body of Seth given by Horus “as a meat-offering” following the instructions of Isis.In the lower register are represented (from right to left)Osiris Onnophri the TriumphantHaroeris (Horus the Ancient, Hr-wr)OnurisUpuautIn the upper register (from right to left):TefnutKhnum-HaroerisKhnumNephthysIsis


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Texts from the V part [cfr. Edfou VI 84-86]:

-Words of Horus of 'Behdet', Great God, Lord of the Sky, Lord of 'Mesen', He Who spears the

hippo/Seth and cuts his flesh, He Who gives it as a meat-offering to every God:

“Raise, O Osiris, Great God, Ruler of Eternity, the one who has rebelled against you has been


-Words of Isis the Great, the 'Hededet'-Scorpion of 'Behdet', Mother of the God Horus the

Victorious Bull:

“Rejoice, O my son Horus, Your enemy (Seth) is overthrown and is no more!”

-Isis opens Her mouth and speaks to Her son Horus. She says:

“Since You are going to dismember Your hippo/Seth, come to me, draw nigh me so that I may

instruct You.

I say to You:

bring his foreleg to 'Djedu'/Busiris for Your father Osiris Onnophri Whose word is right and true,

deliver his ribs to Iayt (the Osireion of 'Sekhem'/Letopolis) for Haroeris of 'Sekhem'/Letopolis,

and his remaining shank to 'This'/Abydos for Your great grandfather Onuris,

deliver his shoulder to 'Ibty' (in the region of Lycopolis, capital city of the XIII nome of Upper

Egypt) to Your uncle Upuaut,

deliver his chest to Lycopolis for Tefnut, Lady of 'Medjed' (south of Lycopolis),

give his thigh to Khnum-Haroeris the Triumphant, Great God of 'Metenu'/Aphroditopolis, the

Almighty One Who overthrows the enemies, for He is Your uncle,

give his large meat-portion to Khnum Lord of the great oasis of 'Ta-ur'/'Kenemet', the Great God of

the Cataract, He Who has increased the crew of Your boat,

give his rump to Nephthys, for She is Your aunt.

His heart is for me, and also his hindquarters, for I have been She Who rescued the Weary-Hearted

One (Osiris), and His heart, He Whose heart was faint.

Give his bones to the dogs,

his fat to the worms,


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his entrails to the Crew of the Harpooners, and They will know the taste of his flesh,

and give his whole forepart to Their Children, and They will perceive the flavour of his form;

give the chosen portion of him to Your followers, that they may know the flavour of his flesh, they

who glorify Your harpoon fixed in him, O my son Horus.

Divine harpoon, enter in (transfix) him (Seth), he is the enemy of Your father Osiris!

Horus, seize him! Horus, seize him!”


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- Sixth part

The celebration of the Victory of Horus and the King over Kush/Nubia and its confederates

From right to left:Isis holding the 'Ankh' and supporting with Her right hand the upraised left arm of Horus;Horus of 'Behdet', Great God, Lord of 'Mesen', wearing the Double Crown; with His harpoon He spears in the middle of the back the hippo/Seth;the King (wearing the triple 'Atef' Crown) spearing the figure of a bound human captive (a Kushite).


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- Seventh and last part

From left to right:The King, crowned with the Khepresh, the Blue Crown of War, pours grain from a cup into the openbeak of a goose;the “Chief Lector, Scribe of the Sacred Books, Imhotep the Great, son of Ptah” wears a leopard skin and recites from a papyrus;a man, called “the Butcher of the Majesty of Ra who cuts the hippo” with a knife dismembers the body of the hippo/Seth.

Texts from the VII part [cfr. Edfou VI-89]:

-Words of Isis to Her son Horus:

“Your foes are overthrown forever, O Avenger of Your father!

Come that I may instruct You:

Send his (Seth's) foreleg to the Palace of the Prince for Your father Osiris the Healthy Wakeful


while his shank remains in 'Dep'-Buto for Your great father 'Ipy-sehedj'.

Send his shoulder to Khmoun/Shmoun-Hermopolis Megale for Thoth, the Great One in the valley.


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Give his ribs to the Great of Strength and his chest to Unut.

Give a great meat-portion of him to Khnum in the Temple,

his neck to Outo ('Uadjet') of the Two Uraei, for She is Your great mother.

Give his thigh to Horus the Primordial One, the Great God Who came into being in the First Time.

Give a roast of him to the oracular birds of 'Djebaut' (Buto).

Give his liver to Sepa, and his fat to the Wandering Spirits of 'Dep'.

Give his bones to 'Those who do not leave anything', his heart to the Lower-Egyptian female Singer.

His fore part is mine, his hinder part is mine, for I am Your mother Whom he persecuted.

Give his tongue to the young Harpooners, the best of his inward parts to . . . . .

Take for Yourself his head, for he has assumed the White Crown of the royal office belonging to

Your father Osiris.

Burn what will remains of him in the brazier of the Queen of the Two Lands (the Uraeus Goddess).

Ra has given to You the strength of Montu! Jubilation for You, O Horus!”


-Words of the Lector-Priest (representing Thoth):

“Horus is in his full power after having reunited the Two Lands.

Seth is overthrown in the form of a hippopotamus.

The Falcon Goddess (Isis) is come to “the House of Horus” and She says to Her son Horus':

-Words of Isis:

“Your foes are overthrown forever, O Avenger of Your Father!”

-Words of the Lector-Priest (representing Thoth):

“Horus of 'Behdet', Great God, Lord of the Sky, Whose word is right and true, is Triumphant!

Overthrown are the enemies of His father Osiris, of His mother Isis, of His father Ra, of Thoth, the

Master of Hieroglyphics, of the Ennead of the Gods, of the Great Palace (the Temple of Ra at On-


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Heliopolis), of Abydos, of Coptos, of 'Hut-Netjer' (the sacred mound of the necropolis of

Herakleopolis Megale), 'Wtjeset'-Hor, 'Behdet', Nitentòre (Dendera), and 'Khent-Iebt' (the

fourteenth Lower-Egyptian nome), and of His Majesty Himself, the Son of Ra, Ptolemaeus the

Beloved of Ptah, may He live forever!”