2017 Momentum Magazine - Positive Coaching Alliance


Transcript of 2017 Momentum Magazine - Positive Coaching Alliance

Cover photo credit: Long-time PCA Partner, San Francisco Jr. Giants

The “way” and “we” of culture

As a non-profit social entrepreneurship, Positive Coaching Alliance is in the culture change business. We partner with thousands of schools and youth sports organizations, helping them transform their cultures to better serve millions of youth. We want to replace the prevailing win-at-all-cost entertainment sports culture with the Development Zone culture and its laser focus on developing youth into Better Athletes, Better People.

PCA defines culture as “The way WE do things HERE.” But almost all the emphasis is typically put on the “way” things get done at the expense of considering the “we” who do them. Leaders in sports and beyond can align the “we” – the collection of individual teammates – with the desired team culture. The key is to define the identity of the person that each team member can become within a positive, supportive culture.

Once teammates have an identity to which they aspire, they try to live up to what they think “a person like that” does in challenging situations. This often leads to a virtuous cycle of identity and culture.

PCA prepares youth coaches to assume the identity of a Double-Goal Coach, striving for wins and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports. We ask student-athletes to aspire to be a Triple-Impact Competitor, exerting impact by improving oneself, teammates, and their

sport as a whole. Those coaches and athletes who most strongly identify are “Elevaters” (not elevators, which provide passive rides to passengers, but people who actively elevate every situation they face).

The demands of that identity require a supportive environment from coach, team, and the larger school or organization, as well as access to important role models. That is where organizational culture comes in. A youth or high school sports program whose culture honors the identity of a Triple-Impact Competitor provides much of the social support needed to encourage youth to become Elevaters.

Our mission of Better Athletes, Better People will then be fulfilled if athlete Elevaters grow up to become citizens who look to elevate our society. That is why PCA is so intent on helping our school and youth sports organization partners help the youth who are their “we” learn “how” to “do” things “here” on our planet.

Jim ThompsonFounder & CEO

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Jim Thompson at the 2016 National Youth Sports Awards Sponsored by Deloitte


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The massive gathering shown above was just one of 2,500 live group workshops PCA held over the last year in partnership with roughly 1,000 schools and youth sports organizations. PCA Trainer Ray Lokar facilitated this workshop for 600 student-athletes at the Los Angeles area’s La Canada High School.

All the student-athletes were equipped to become a Triple-Impact Competitor, impacting sport on three levels by working to improve themselves, teammates, and their sport as a whole. Also highlighting the last year for

, one of 17 local

Chapters throughout the U.S., was a thriving partnership with LA84 Foundation that delivered resources reaching 20,000-plus children primarily in under-served communities.

Beyond delivering workshops, PCA also continuously improves and innovates every component of its partnerships, including print and electronic resources that reinforce the core training curriculum for youth and high school sports coaches, parents, student-athletes, and leaders. All resources comprise research-based sport and educational psychology, organizational

Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices: Cómo los padres de “Segunda Meta” forman triunfadores para la vida a través del deporte

Los deportes juveniles pueden ser una maravillosa experiencia compartida entre padre y atleta. Pero hay veces que domina una mentalidad de ganar a toda costa, que genera estrés, tensión y frustración, tanto para padres, como para hijos.

En el libro Coach de Doble Meta, Jim Thompson, fundador de Positive Coaching Alliance (la Alianza de Entrenamiento Positivo o PCA por sus siglas en inglés) explicó las dos metas de los deportes juveniles: ganar en el marcador, y la segunda, y más importante meta, usar los deportes para enseñar lecciones de vida. Ahora en Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices, Thompson nos da una guía y herramientas prácticas y fáciles de usar para que los padres mantengan un enfoque de “Segunda Meta” y puedan:

• aprovechar los miles de momentos de enseñanza que los deportes juveniles generan y que sirven para enseñar y reforzar rasgos de carácter positivos

• colaborar eficazmente con el entrenador de sus hijos

• apoyar a su hijo o hija – tanto en casa como en las gradas – para que dé lo mejor de sí, dentro y fuera de la cancha

• resolver efectivamente los problemas comunes a los que se enfrentan los padres con hijos que practican deportes

Cuando los deportes juveniles se realizan correctamente, se convierten en una especie de salón virtual, en el que se construye el carácter y se imparten lecciones de vida. Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices es un mapa que orienta a los padres de familia al recorrer ese camino sinuoso que se presenta cuando sus hijos emprenden un deporte. ¡No vayas al juego sin él!

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson fundó Positive Coaching Alliance en 1998 en la Universidad de Stanford. Ha escrito nueve libros, incluyendo Eleva tu juego: conviértete en un Competidor de Triple Impacto. Jim es Miembro de Ashoka, y tanto él como PCA recibieron el premio inau-gural ETHOS (“Ética de los Deportes”) del Instituto para Deportes, Leyes y Ética en la Universidad de Santa Clara en 2013.

Positive Coaching Alliance

Positive Coaching Alliance (www.PositiveCoach.org) es un movimiento que busca hacer del deporte una Zona de Desarrollo™ en la que se desarrollen Mejores Atletas, Mejores Personas. PCA está causando una revolución en Estados Unidos, al brindar soluciones a los problemas más complejos que se presentan en los deportes juveniles. Para más información: [email protected] ó 1-866-725-0024.






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Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices: Cómo los padres de “Segunda Meta” forman triunfadores para la vida a través del deporte

Los deportes juveniles pueden ser una maravillosa experiencia compartida entre padre y atleta. Pero hay veces que domina una mentalidad de ganar a toda costa, que genera estrés, tensión y frustración, tanto para padres, como para hijos.

En el libro Coach de Doble Meta, Jim Thompson, fundador de Positive Coaching Alliance (la Alianza de Entrenamiento Positivo o PCA por sus siglas en inglés) explicó las dos metas de los deportes juveniles: ganar en el marcador, y la segunda, y más importante meta, usar los deportes para enseñar lecciones de vida. Ahora en Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices, Thompson nos da una guía y herramientas prácticas y fáciles de usar para que los padres mantengan un enfoque de “Segunda Meta” y puedan:

• aprovechar los miles de momentos de enseñanza que los deportes juveniles generan y que sirven para enseñar y reforzar rasgos de carácter positivos

• colaborar eficazmente con el entrenador de sus hijos

• apoyar a su hijo o hija – tanto en casa como en las gradas – para que dé lo mejor de sí, dentro y fuera de la cancha

• resolver efectivamente los problemas comunes a los que se enfrentan los padres con hijos que practican deportes

Cuando los deportes juveniles se realizan correctamente, se convierten en una especie de salón virtual, en el que se construye el carácter y se imparten lecciones de vida. Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices es un mapa que orienta a los padres de familia al recorrer ese camino sinuoso que se presenta cuando sus hijos emprenden un deporte. ¡No vayas al juego sin él!

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson fundó Positive Coaching Alliance en 1998 en la Universidad de Stanford. Ha escrito nueve libros, incluyendo Eleva tu juego: conviértete en un Competidor de Triple Impacto. Jim es Miembro de Ashoka, y tanto él como PCA recibieron el premio inau-gural ETHOS (“Ética de los Deportes”) del Instituto para Deportes, Leyes y Ética en la Universidad de Santa Clara en 2013.

Positive Coaching Alliance

Positive Coaching Alliance (www.PositiveCoach.org) es un movimiento que busca hacer del deporte una Zona de Desarrollo™ en la que se desarrollen Mejores Atletas, Mejores Personas. PCA está causando una revolución en Estados Unidos, al brindar soluciones a los problemas más complejos que se presentan en los deportes juveniles. Para más información: [email protected] ó 1-866-725-0024.






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Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices: Cómo los padres de “Segunda Meta” forman triunfadores para la vida a través del deporte

Los deportes juveniles pueden ser una maravillosa experiencia compartida entre padre y atleta. Pero hay veces que domina una mentalidad de ganar a toda costa, que genera estrés, tensión y frustración, tanto para padres, como para hijos.

En el libro Coach de Doble Meta, Jim Thompson, fundador de Positive Coaching Alliance (la Alianza de Entrenamiento Positivo o PCA por sus siglas en inglés) explicó las dos metas de los deportes juveniles: ganar en el marcador, y la segunda, y más importante meta, usar los deportes para enseñar lecciones de vida. Ahora en Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices, Thompson nos da una guía y herramientas prácticas y fáciles de usar para que los padres mantengan un enfoque de “Segunda Meta” y puedan:

• aprovechar los miles de momentos de enseñanza que los deportes juveniles generan y que sirven para enseñar y reforzar rasgos de carácter positivos

• colaborar eficazmente con el entrenador de sus hijos

• apoyar a su hijo o hija – tanto en casa como en las gradas – para que dé lo mejor de sí, dentro y fuera de la cancha

• resolver efectivamente los problemas comunes a los que se enfrentan los padres con hijos que practican deportes

Cuando los deportes juveniles se realizan correctamente, se convierten en una especie de salón virtual, en el que se construye el carácter y se imparten lecciones de vida. Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices es un mapa que orienta a los padres de familia al recorrer ese camino sinuoso que se presenta cuando sus hijos emprenden un deporte. ¡No vayas al juego sin él!

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson fundó Positive Coaching Alliance en 1998 en la Universidad de Stanford. Ha escrito nueve libros, incluyendo Eleva tu juego: conviértete en un Competidor de Triple Impacto. Jim es Miembro de Ashoka, y tanto él como PCA recibieron el premio inau-gural ETHOS (“Ética de los Deportes”) del Instituto para Deportes, Leyes y Ética en la Universidad de Santa Clara en 2013.

Positive Coaching Alliance

Positive Coaching Alliance (www.PositiveCoach.org) es un movimiento que busca hacer del deporte una Zona de Desarrollo™ en la que se desarrollen Mejores Atletas, Mejores Personas. PCA está causando una revolución en Estados Unidos, al brindar soluciones a los problemas más complejos que se presentan en los deportes juveniles. Para más información: [email protected] ó 1-866-725-0024.






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culture practices, and accumulated wisdom and experience from 100-plus top athletes, coaches, academicians, and leaders on the PCA National Advisory Board.

Among the greatest innovations within the last year was PCA’s first release of Spanish-language materials (right) in the translation of PCA Founder Jim Thompson’s book, Positive Sports Parenting.

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Not only does PCA innovate, but so do the schools and youth sports organizations that partner with PCA to provide workshops and other resources. For example, Wisconsin’s Neenah Soccer Club helps the youth athletes they serve through an essay contest, in which players explain how their coaches embody the Double-Goal Coach® approach of striving for wins and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports. NSC President Marti Coan, Coach Andy Zeigert, and essay-writer/soccer player Ashley Zachar are all winners!

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PCA had a record year for media reach, starting a second year of FOX Sports Supports partnership during the Super Bowl with a 20-second public service announcement (PSA). FOX Sports Supports covered the cost of production and airtime, placing PCA in a sweet spot between the end of Lady Gaga’s halftime show and the start of the second half. The Patriots broke records in that second half, but here are even more meaningful stats.

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The Daniels Fund, a long-time PCA supporter, underwrote

’s “Dare to Chill” video. Created in conjunction with Boulder-based social change agency Fearless Unlimited, the sports parenting satire drew 276,000 Facebook views in its first month. To view, visit positivecoach.org and search for Fearless.

Department store chain Boston Store melded its Green Bay Packers sponsorship with funding for 20 PCA workshops for MPS. Packers star Micah Hyde co-led a workshop at this Riverside University High School kick-off event, highlighted in Boston Store TV ads during Packers coverage. CBS EcoMedia brought Boston Store and PCA together. To view, visit positivecoach.org and search for EcoMedia.

A Twitter exchange and resulting phone call with @MichaelHaake in response to a FOX Sports Supports PSA featuring PCA National Advisory Board Member and FOX Sports soccer analyst Alexi Lalas prompted Michael to use his position at the Total Traffic and Weather Network to offer PCA free radio time! The radio PSAs have run nationwide since Summer 2016!

Extending reach through national and corporate partners

PCA’s reach to millions of youth each year depends heavily on partnerships with corporations and national sports organizations.

This year PCA made huge strides with SureID (box at left) in a program to protect children by keeping predators out of youth sports. PCA carefully aligns with companies that contribute to the greater good and actively support PCA’s mission. That is most evident at PCA’s National Youth Sports Awards Dinner and Benefit Sponsored by Deloitte, a partnership entering its second decade, due largely to our organizations’ shared commitment to ethics.

PCA and the youth we serve also benefit from the depth and breadth of our partnerships with national sports organizations, including major advances in the past year with the NBA and Major League Baseball.

The NBA partnership entails PCA delivering live group workshops for coaches within Jr. NBA programs throughout the U.S., including recipients of the Jr. NBA Program of the Month award. PCA also gains a presence at NBA events throughout the season. For example, during the NBA All-Star Game Weekend, PCA National Director of Business Development Jason Sacks moderated a

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As a Corporate Partner, SureID supports PCA financially and supports our mission by providing high-assurance identity solutions that help make youth sports safer and more secure. PCA is introducing the SureID Certified Edge™ solution for identity-assurance needs to partner schools and youth sports organizations. Below, SureID representative “Rudy” Ruettiger – the inspiration for the film “Rudy” – announces the recipient of a SureID-sponsored scholarship at s Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship Awards Celebration.

Extending reach through national and corporate partners

panel on inclusiveness at the Jr. NBA Coaches Forum. Additionally, PCA assists with the Jr. NBA’s Coach of the Year program and provides educational content for Jr. NBA coaching manuals, practice plans, websites, and social media channels.

PCA’s NBA work also extends to local levels, such as the San Antonio Spurs’ Silver and Black Give Back program (pictured above), a signature partner of , one of our newest Chapters. Also for PCA-Central Texas, R .C. Buford – President of Sports Franchises for Spurs Sports and Entertainment, Silver & Black Give Back Board Member, and PCA National Advisory Board Member – recently led a chalk talk for Chapter supporters before an Austin Spurs D-League game.

Meanwhile, work with Major League Baseball includes joint event appearances (box at right) and an extensive series of workshops for MLB’s Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI). Plans call for a combination of PCA, MLB, and the Major League Baseball Players Association to train and certify every RBI coach as a Double-Goal Coach over the next two-plus years.

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Thanks to PCA’s partnership with Major League Baseball, star outfielder and PCA National Advisory Board Member Curtis Granderson joins PCA National Director of Business Development Jason Sacks in addressing sports parents at an MLB Play Ball event before Game 4 of the World Series. Granderson, a Chicago-area native, upped the ante on supporting PCA even further, announcing from the stage at ’s scholarship awards celebration that his Grand Kids Foundation would fund $15,000 in PCA student-athlete scholarships.

A whirlwind tour of PCA Chapters reaching youth

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has partnered with the Portland Trail Blazers and their Rip City Academy, a community-driven program serving youth basketball programs throughout Oregon and Southwestern Washington by providing kids the opportunity to grow their love of the sport and have a positive early experience playing in organized leagues. PCA-Portland’s unique partnership with the Trail Blazers has led to co-creation of a custom “Trail Blazers” version of PCA’s Double-Goal Coach Workshop.

’s partnership with Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) served 2,700 student-athletes nominated by coaches or ADs for PCA’s Character and Leadership Development Program. The launch at C. Leon King High School brought together student-athletes, HCPS Superintendent Jeff Eakins, Triad Foundation Board Member Troy Fowler, Caspers Company/McDonald’s CEO Blake Casper, mascots from the Rays and Lightning, and a camera crew from FOX Sports Sun/FOX Sports Florida.

A whirlwind tour of PCA Chapters reaching youth

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partners with the Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) to train all 2,500 coaches in the nation’s largest school system. Funds from the New York Yankees Foundation enable workshops for PSAL coaches, ADs, and student-athletes. Spearheaded by Chapter Board Member Brian Smith – the Yankees’ SVP, Corporate & Community Relations – this innovative partnership has impact on the playing fields, as well as the classrooms and hallways of New York City public schools.

The tour continues on pp. 14-15

’s partnership with the Boston Celtics enabled Scott Markovich, a 2016 winner of PCA’s Double-Goal Coach Award Presented by TeamSnap, to bring his players to the Garden for a special pre-game access event.

participated in the Fiesta Bowl Charities Youth Football Clinic, a free, non-contact clinic for 9-to-14-year-olds led by PCA-trained coaches. The day’s skills-and-drills sessions helped players learn and grow in the areas of confidence, work-ethic, and positive motivation.

Photo credit: Dam

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Future Chapter expansions










Whirlwind tour of PCA Chapters continued...

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Chapter Executive Danielle Moorman injects immense energy into the Dallas area. When she is not handing out Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship awards, she is generating impact in other ways, such as overseeing a Dallas Independent School District partnership that in the last year trained nearly 900 middle-school and high school coaches.

said goodbye to its original Chapter Executive Director Deborah Edwards, promoted to director of field operations, and hello to her successor, Amy Sinclair. A Chapter highlight was the Impact Awards Celebration at US Bank Stadium during its inaugural season, honoring these Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship winners.

is the organization’s newest Chapter, launched in October 2016. Dan James, Chapter Executive Director, brings to his role coaching and sports management experience honed throughout his career at the United States Tennis Association, including a stint as National Manager of Wheelchair Tennis. The Chapter launched with seed funding from the Seahawks, Sounders, and Mariners, as well as several individuals.

hosted its 8th Annual 7-on-7 Football Camp and Tournament, drawing 16 teams from the Houston area for a free competition among public, private, and charter schools. Student-athletes thrived on the unique opportunity to compete against teams they would generally never have the chance to interact with in their regular football seasons. The event also includes a Triple-Impact Competitor workshop for the student-athletes.

Whirlwind tour of PCA Chapters continued...

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’s highlight from the last year was its Girls in the Game event, featuring Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist and PCA National Advisory Board Member Summer Sanders (near right) with Chapter Board Member Jen Enos – who spearheaded the event – and several of the young women the event inspired. In addition to meeting an Olympic hero, female student-athletes gained education and empowerment to be the voices and leaders of the future.

honored the San Jose Jr. Sharks Youth Hockey Organization with the Humanitarian Award at the Chapter’s Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship and Awards Dinner. The 340 PCA supporters in attendance sat riveted by a video focusing on the Jr. Sharks’ impact on the Nguyen family’s joy in the sport as a respite from economic hardship.

was a beneficiary of The John Henry Mile, a run named for John Henry Felix, Chairman and CEO of Hawaii Medical Insurance Association and former Chief of Staff to the first Governor of the State of Hawaii. Chapter Executive Director Jeaney Garcia (near right) provided an inspirational opportunity for youth by coordinating activities between the run and a companion World Record Camp loaded with Olympians.

’s Conversation with the Cavs event provided a precious father-son moment, the opportunity to pose with the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy that the Cavaliers earned during their historic 2016 title run. The event also included a panel discussion among Cavs executives so that attendees could learn about the inner workings of an extraordinary team.

You can find story updates from PCA-Los Angeles on p. 4, PCA-Colorado on p. 7, and PCA-Chicago and PCA-Central Texas on pp. 8-9.

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T hank you

Thanks to the individual donors and foundations listed here for the support necessary to fuel PCA’s impact on youth over the past year. Our ability to impart information and inspiration on the power of positive to youth and high school sports coaches, parents, leaders, and athletes would not be possible without these generous gifts.

Daniels FundDavid Weekley Family Foundation

Morgan Family FoundationS.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and Stephen Bechtel Fund

The Tapeats Fund

Colin CorganHillsborough Education Foundation

John Templeton FoundationSureID, Inc.

Tom and Jodi CassuttForever Strong/Matt McWright

Cynthia King-Guffey and Alan Guffey

Warren LichtensteinMark MertensOmaze Inc.Lisle and Roslyn PayneMindy and Jesse RogersTriad Foundation, Inc.

The Chicago Parks Foundation

Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation

Kevin and Gayla ComptonDeloitteTamar and Patrick PichetteRGK FoundationSagicor Life Insurance Co.Steve SchiroT.W. Lewis FoundationTeamSnapLarry and Robyn VarellasDan and Katharine WhalenElizabeth Wong

CBS EcoMedia Inc.DDRFootball Northwest LLC d/b/a Seattle Seahawks

Karen Francis DeGolia and Rick DeGolia

Irv GrousbeckGlen MatsumotoWendy and Tim McAdamRays Baseball FoundationSteve Zuckerman and Debra Meyerson

Beverly Hills Basketball League

CFP FoundationScott and Celeste Chapman

Stanley DruckenmillerLinda FlanaganDoug and Suzy GalenHawaii Community Foundation

Franklin and Cathie JohnsonLA GalaxyLA84 FoundationDave and Shelley MalcolmJulie McCleery and Marc Brown

New York Yankees Foundation

Rick and Melinda OsterlohPlayer’s HealthTimothy RanzettaRocky Mountain Hospital for Children

The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region

The Spurlino FoundationJim Thompson and Sandra Hietala

Christopher VillaJason and Robyn Wheeler

Lillian BeanMurry and Polly BowdenCargill IncorporatedCleveland Indians Baseball Company

Aaron FinchIBMInsperityJoe JolsonJon JonesBrad and Lauren KoenigScott LeberLos Angeles Dodgers Foundation

McInerny FoundationMinnesota Wild FoundationKevin NagleNew York KnicksSacramento Children’s Home

Glenn and Lisa SolomonThe Learning CoalitionThe SZ FoundationWells Fargo FoundationAndrew and Emily Wright

Adidas America Inc.APi Group

Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation

Bank of the WestJeffrey and Jamie BarnettAneel BhusriBob and Candice BowlsbyPeter and Devon BrigerCalifornia Family FitnessCentene Management Company LLC

Terry ClarkDennis and Gloria O’Brien Foundation

John DonahoeFenway Sports ManagementFootball Northwest LLC d/b/a Seattle Seahawks

Golden State WarriorsGoodwin ProcterHarrick Family FoundationRick and Suzanne HerreroHill Ward HendersonHillsboro HopsBrian HoganDavid HullHurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trust

Phil JacksonAvery JessupJet IndustriesCraig and Nikki JohnsonBillie Jean King and Ilana Kloss

Thomas and Liz LaffontSteve LarsonKenneth LeikamKen and Jeanne LombardiLos Angeles ClippersDavid MasseJonathan MeltzerNational Football League

Mark NewmanNike Employee Matching Gift Program

Mary PencePortland TimbersPortland Trail BlazersLeo and Nancy RedmondMark SakaloskyJohn and Diana SalterSan Jose EarthquakesRichard ScudellariJeff SerotaSilicon Valley Community Foundation

Smikis FoundationGreg SpiersSports Medicine OregonTrey Starkey

Sullivan & Cromwell LLPTeamCo AdvisersThe Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation

The David Winton Bell Foundation

The MST FoundationThe Wade Smith FoundationThe William V. Campbell Family Foundation

Thiry-O’Leary FoundationTRIA OrthopaedicVCJ Family FoundationWashington Trust BankOwen WestPeter and Deb WexlerWindward Health Partners Inc.

Eric and Jill AafedtAmy Roloff Charity Foundation

Tony AvilaAvison Young (USA) Inc.Lon and Ellen BabbyJim and Lisa BaileyBank of America FoundationHelena and Jim BarahalTom and Deb BarndsBoston Bruins FoundationTom BradburyRobert Brown and Kirsten Hoefer

Sandy and Bill BryanChris BryantDavid and Kelly BurkeGlenn CarlsonChampion Charities

ChipotleMike ClouthierJim CoffmanEli CohenDon and Sandra CraigheadTodd CrockettCronin Family FoundationBrendan CullenGreg Dalton and Lucia Choi-Dalton

Edward DardaniAlison DavisJoe Donahue and Kat Alfond

El Pomar FoundationNoel FentonFidelity InvestmentsLarissa Fontaine and Peter Langenfeld

Bill FrimelFulcrum Property Corp.

Bryan FunkhouserDoug and Suzy GalenShelly Goldberg and Ryan McCauley

Goldman Sachs - SF BayGoldman Sachs & Co.Goldman Sachs & Co., Matching Gift Program

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

Jeremy and Jean GordonGourmet Provisions LLCPeter GrauerGreater Houston Community Foundation

Jamie and Marrijte GreeneScott and Deidre GurneyHarvard Group InternationalHawaii Bowl FoundationHawaiian Electric Industries Charitable Foundation

Paula HendricksonHildebrand FoundationGary Hornbeek and Susan Miller Hornbeek

Howell Electric, Inc.Carole HuntsmaniHeartMedia Management Services, Inc. - Radio

IMC Financial MarketsKurt and Sue JaggersLauren JohnsonAlbert Johnson IIISteve KayeRich and Gina KelleyCarson KipferKissick Family FoundationKohlberg Kravis Roberts and Co.

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to our donors

Mark KristiansenLisa KunkleLA Lakers FoundationBrent Lang and Beth Van Schaack

Bruce and Amy LangerDorothy LazierPatricia LeicherJoellen and Steven LeturnoGary and Julie LuckasenKeith and Julie LundquistMedtronicMinnesota Vikings Children’s Fund

Minnesota Vikings Football, LLC

Robert MinorSanjay MoreyJeb and Kitsy MorrisonDale MorrisonCorey and Jennifer MulloyMichael NambaNYSE GroupOates Family FoundationPhil OatesOmnova SolutionsOutback Bowl

Gary and Kitty PetersmeyerBret PetkusMike PovedaKevin RabbittRaymond James and Associates Inc.

Brian and Jennie ReganRodger Rickard and Diane Talbert

Jeff RobinsonAndrew RosenSacramento Kings Community Foundation

Salem PartnersTerry SchallichTaylor and Koryne SmithJulie SmithSperamus FoundationLaura and Gregory SpivyRobert StanskyLinda SternJohn and Ladawn StoneBrian and Yvonne StromDonald and Erica SweeneyLisa and Brandon SweeneyAnne and John SyerGene SykesTad TaubeThe Adcom Group, Inc.The Chernin Family Foundation Inc.

The Gage Family Foundation

The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc.

The Olympic Club

FoundationThe Roles Family Foundation

The Walton Family Foundation, Inc.

The WMN FoundationToyota Financial ServicesStephen TrauberTrollcoTudor, Pickering, Holt & Co., LLC

University Hospitals Sports Medicine

Jaco Van Delden and Jennifer Raams-Van Delden

Chip and Courtney Wadsworth

Jack and Sheila WeinbergWarren Woo and Carolyn Suda

Gina and Brian Wood

A. Teichert & Sons, Inc.All Access Ortho LLCApple Matching Gifts Program

Jones Day - LAColin KaiserKat Builders, Inc.Ron Katz and Libby RothMarc KennarPat and Stephanie KilkennyPatrick KohlAndy KohlbergLandmark BuildersLeagueapps, Inc.Rick LearLeo Burnett Company Charitable Foundation

Mike LesageLaura LiangClint MagnussenMammoth Mountain Ski Area, LLC

Debra and Jim McLeanMatt McWright and Anne Morrical

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Miller Nash Graham and Dunn

Minnesota Timberwolves Basketball

Minnesota Twins

Shannon and David Seeberan

Separovich/Domich Real Estate Development

Sidley Austin LLPSkadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

James and Kaye SlavetSquare Two FinancialStanford Department of Athletics

Michael StanleySteel SportsErika Stein Rosenhagen and Kerry Rosenhagen

David and Kim SterlingPaul and Melissa StewartJody and Darren StowellRichard and Ginny StrockSummit OrthopedicEd and Courtney TauriacThe Albertsons Companies Foundation

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

The Golden 1 Credit UnionThe Raine Group LLCThe Robert and Teri Crosby Restricted Family Fund of the Longview FoundationTuxedos by Hale Niu, LLCUnited Health FoundationUnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign

University Sunrise Rotary Service Foundation

Rod and Linda VerhulpKeith and Breana WellsTobias WeloJill WinterHilary and William Wynperle

Andrew Zelter

Kenneth and Susan AbramsDaniel AbramsRick AguirreAkron RubberDucksJordan AlajovAmerican Solutions for Business

Robert AndersonAtlanta HawksAudi of America, LLCBabrown & AssociatesDennis BaierJeffery BakDusty and Melissa BakerBAM Nutrition LLCDoug and Leslie BarryEllen and Chad BasilicoJames and Hong BassBe Youth Sports FoundationAndy and Kim BealRussell Becker

Daniel BeckerLee and Lelia Beckleman Family Fund

Heather and Tim BergesonBruce Bilger Sr. and Carol Bilger

Jose BlancoUnited MechanicalBNBT Builders, Inc.Sandra and Dick BoyceDavid A. Brandon Foundation

Teresa BriggsJohn and Tamara BrownBryan Cave LLPScott BryanBuffalo Wild WingsCache Valley Electric Co.Phil and Mandy CapinJohn CarlsonDavid and Julia CarverChris CasalenaRich CaseyGregory ChabollaBrandi Chastain and Jerry Smith

Norman Chen and Noriko Honda Chen

Cirries Technologies, Inc.Clackamas Baseball Booster Association

Carl and Joyce ClappBrian CloudClubCorpJerry and Joan ColangeloColorado RockiesCommunities Foundation of Texas

Connie & Bob Lurie Foundation

RoAnn CostinGeorge CrawleyNancy CritchfieldNancy CroninGary and Sylvie CrumMark DaschbachRoger and Marjorie Davisson

Michael DementKathleen and Ken Diekroeger

Phillip DingleJames DischJay DobrutskyKaren DurkinEDRSDeborah and Kerry EdwardsJeff and Vicki EdwardsBrad EhikianRobert and Dianthe Eisendrath

Elk Grove DodgeChris EllisJennifer EnosLinda and Daniel EpnerNick EpsteinEtzel AgencyBradford EvansVictor Fann

Ariel InvestmentsAtlantic Trust Co.Ashley BanfieldBarracuda NetworksKim and Tom BeckettBuzz Oates Commercial Real Estate Services

California Community Foundation

Capital Christian CenterAlison CarlsonCase Western Reserve University

Chicago BearsChris and Linda ColemanComerica Wealth and Institutional Management

Elizabeth ConslikCox, Castle & Nicholson LLP

Deloitte - PortlandDenny GrantRobert DevensDPR ConstructionEPIQ Partners, LLCGloria FergusonJohn and Laura FisherKevin FlynnGreg FlynnChris and Julie GeorgeLaura and Brett HazlettPatrick and Ronnie HeeJudy and Steve HoltJake Flynn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Chris and Jack MorrisonMorrison Sund PLLCMark and Laurie MurphyNFL NetworksBill NolanNOVO Construction, Inc.Simon OsbornAnthony PaduanoLisa ParkerWendy Petersmeyer and Dave Bagshaw

Phoenix Suns CharitiesMark and Laura PitchfordPolyOne CorporationPricewaterhouse Coopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Providence Health & Services

Kati QuigleyEmily and Courtland Reichman

Ellen RobbinsRopes & Gray LLPKarri RozarioCynthia Safford and Scott Mulcahy

Salesforce Matching GiftsSan Francisco 49ersSan Jose Sharks, LLCSand Hill FoundationSchulte Charitable Foundation

Ed and Chris Schweitzer

p. 18 // Positive Coaching Alliance Momentum Spring 2017

FanTagDevcon ConstructionScott FinkFritz and Lynn FischerPeter FischerChris and Margaret FormanGeorge and Debbie FosterIlan FrankFredrikson and Byron p.A.Bill FriederPaul FurlowMarc GallagherGardner BuildersTerry GarnettGeico Philanthropic Foundation

Genovese Burford & Brothers Wealth & Retirement Plan Management, LLC

Joshua GentineGlobal Brand JordanGlobe LifeSeth Goldman and Julie Farkas

Stuart GordonJack GrahamEJ GrimmerRobert GruskyHackett Family FoundationTheodore and Jill HalkiasFred HarmanMeghann and Paul HartleyHawaii Management Alliance Association

Healthedge Investment Partners, LLC

Tom and Bonnie HermanNick HessHewlett Packard EnterpriseGeorge HickerLionel HollinsAnne HollowayTeena HostovichNancy HuangScott and Barbara HurstHyundai of New Port Richey

Teresa Iglesias-Solomon and Shelby Solomon

Thomas IzzoDr. Ross and Eve JaffeJohn JagerJoe JanuszewskiJenny and Jim Elkins Family Fund

Jiffy LubeMarc JonesJohn Jorgenson and Sally Van Dyke DeGolia

Kalakaua FoundationDavid KaufmanJim Keene and Farah Champsi

KeyBank FoundationTim KeyesGreg and Karen KingTom and Kate KleinSteve Knaebel

Dave KnappKohl’s Department Stores, Inc.

Corey and Shannon KoskieDavid KrauserLa BonitaKelly LeachGinny and Dan LeeMichael and Catherine LeeChristopher LeinesClaire LessingerSteve Leube and Summer Verhoeven

Lisa LevineJohn and Nancy LindahlLinkedInBrian LitvackLocations FoundationLos Angeles RamsLos Angeles SparksChris LovrienLucy and Bob Mitchell - The Longview Foundation

Casey LynchLyons Orthodontics Inc.-El Dorado Hills

Macayo Restaurants, LLCCarter MackChristopher MahowaldWilliam MaloneyLynda and John MarrenJames MasonScott MastroJoel MaturiDavid MaurerMaxPrepsJeffrey MayDon McammackMcCorriston Miller Mukai Mackinnon LLP

Kevin McMullenMark MelitoCharles MelloSteve MerdingerEdith and Henry MeyerDave and Pauline MiddletonMidwest Orthopaedics at Rush, LLC

Trygve MikkelsenMikko EnterprisesMinnesota State High School League

Bob and Toni MitschShawn MooreHelen MorrisonHarold MottetTim MottsBernard and Elizabeth MuirMelvyn and Karen MukaiChristopher NawnAndrew NeuharthSheila NielsenJosh NisbetDavid and Janet NolanNorthwest BankTimothy NortstremDennis and Gloria O’BrienDeborah OlsonOpen Door Foundation

Ostercraft Homes, Inc.Palmer Kazanjian Wohl Hodson LLP

Ron PelusoGregg and Julie PetersmeyerPam Peterson FronkBilly PieperKiha and Kalihau PimentalPlainsCapital BankPolk Bros. FoundationEdward PritchardJeff ProutyNick and Patty RallyAndrew RayburnRBC Capital Markets, LLCRobin and Jake ReynoldsDoc RiversDoug Roberts and Ginelle Sakima Roberts

Anne and Kyle RockeyAdrian RossMary RotelliSteve and Mary RudolphSacramento Municipal Utility District

Sacramento Region Community Foundation

Sacramento RivercatsSacred Heart PreparatorySafeway FoundationJustin SawyerJean and David ScheibleRichard SchmidgallGreg ShannonDavid and Amy ShapiroMark ShapiroSilicon Valley Mechanical Inc.

Phillip SimonEd SimpsonHeana SimpsonSkyline ConstructionSandra SmithStephen and Susan SolcherJoel SorinskySt. John’s SchoolDave St. PeterStar Floors Inc.Tony Stayner and Beth CrossStewart Title of SacramentoBill StimpsonJ. Stephen StoltzShawn SullivanBrenton SullivanSutter Medical CenterSwinerton BuildersScott and Shelly TaylorLaura TaylorJordan TaylorTexas Rangers Baseball Foundation

The Fahey Family Donor Advised Fund

The Fat Tire FoundationThe Ludwick Family Foundation

The Village SchoolJorge TitingerMichael Torres

TOSA FoundationUniversity of PortlandUnlimited FitnessJames Van HorneVenocoJason VerdugoPeter and Dee VesanovicVirginia Force BasketballVon Housen Automotive Group

John and Allison WallaceWalter and Haverfield LLPAlexis and Jeffrey WeltmanChris WerleMark WhitingJoseph WickwireKC WilderMarcellus WileyScott WineLarry WongJimmy and Jeanne YagiRichard and Pennie YoungJustin ZavadilNikki Zollar

Coke AafedtAcacia Property CorporationAccess Data Supply, Inc.Daniel AlbertiAlexander & BaldwinPaul AlexanderHarvey AllenStephen AmesArizona Business BankAXA FoundationKarlene BeckBel-Air Country ClubJoan BennettKrishna and Alan BerkesThomas BethelFreeman BladeEileen BocciSteve and Sarah BourdowDenvye BoyleKelly and Samuel BronfmanJoel and Lorraine BrownJames BrownEmma BullockMike BurbankJohn BurnhamKrista CanfieldJames and Michelle CatalanoArthur ChaseStephanie and Brian Cipresse

Peter and Lynda ClarkBill and Mary Ellen CoffeyComcast Sports Network Bay Area

ConstellationKathleen CorreiaMarisa and Chris CozortTerri and James CrocillaDavid CrosbyChristopher Culp

Philip CussenDan J. Epstein Family Foundation

Michael DavisAllan DavisJoseph DeeryDan DematteoAbbie DorosinManish DoshiJonathon DuesShalyn EasonEric EisendrathShirley ElyDino EwingPeter FaheyThomas FayeRobert and Noreen FisherDave and Linda FlowerJohn FowlerBrad and Robin FoxJen FraislRich and Jeaney GarciaCarl and Laura GieslerMartha GilmoreEdward GlassmeyerPeter GoddardGoddard School LakevilleJessica GoffGregg GoldfarbKenneth GoldmanCathy and Marshall Goldman

Richard GoldsmithGregory GordonDick and Anne GouldKylie GrenierMichael GrossmanWati and Michael GrossmanGU Energy LabsDr. John GulonHalf Moon Bay Golf LinksWilliam HalldinScott HarkeyBrett HarrisSarah HartleyPeter and Teresa HartmanTamako HayashiTom HeimsothChad HenkeHillday Public RelationsSteven HiltonDavid HinesDavid and Martha HoDan HoltRobert HornDavid HornikBeau HurtigWard HusethIBM - SacramentoIntel CorporationBrian IwashitaRichard and Ann JaffeCindy JamiesonRichard JenkinsChristian JohnsonTrennis JonesTim JordenEd KageyamaJulie Kahn

p. 19

Martin KandesRobert KantStephen KaufmannDave and Maria KavalChop and Annette KeenanMichael KelleyKendra Scott, LLCJason KerbyDavid KiddTeresa KraemerAshvin KumarRandolph LambTerry LarsenLaura and Gary LauderLaw Offices of Ian W. Craig PC

David LaxerMatthew LeatherwoodLegends FurnitureMichael LevangieBob and Louise LeviDavid and Sandra LevisonJohn and Marcie LindvallJim Lobdell and Colleen Anderson

Thomas LydonDominic MangoneGrainger MarburgMark KahnJames MatthewsAlycen McAuley and Mary Rooney

Patrick McDonaldHarry and Christina McKinney

Ronald McQuateDaniel MedinaBill MeehanChuck MelendiRaymond MeralaWilliam MillerScott MillerMaxx and Jay MillsDavid and Lisa MitchellBeth and Marty MordarskiRob MullensRobert and Ethel NewellRuben NievesJohn and Paula O’NeilCaitlin ODonovanPaul and Debbie Olschwanger

Owens Harkey & Associates LLC

Vinay and Aarthi PaiKristi PattersonReed Payne and Anne Kerwin-Payne

Matthew PayneAlfred and Jonna PegueroWayne PetersenYouli and Melissa PetkovLaurie and Wade PhillipsTimothy, Alice and Timothy Pidgeon

Geoff PodgornyLinda PonDavid and Beth PoplerThomas Rash

Pamela Rattner and Patricia Kraegel

Anne ReaThomas and Mary ReesJohn and Beth ReimboldDarci ReimundWilliam RellerAri RichterMary and John RicksenJohn RogersLaurie RoodKevin RoseMichael and Amanda RossRound Table PizzaRussell InvestmentsJack and Jodie RussiS D Flooring, Inc.Sacramento Republic FCVince and Ellen SakowskiSamantha SalviaParker ScheneckerMike SchonenbergBeverly and Ira SchulmanKeoni SchwartzRay SealsScott and Tammy SeculesTina ShermanLauren and Prairie SimsKaren SipprellDanielle Slaton and John Albers

Jennifer SmithKit and Margie SmithJeffrey and Elizabeth Spaulding

Sportseddy LLCGeorge Stein and Betty KayRonald Stinebaugh and Grace Kaye-Stinebaugh

Stream Realty PartnersThe Streight FamilySun Angel FoundationSara Syer and Tom Bodenheimer

Tina Syer and Jen BabikBrister ThomasJohn Todd and Annette Shelby

TopGolf RosevilleDoug and Cristina TudorCurtis VandenBergRobin VaronPaul ViolichGwyn WachtelJohn WadsworthMitchel and Chelsea WaldSamuel WaldChristopher and Aileen Wheeler

Whitney FoundationKris WiigDan WinterWard and Polly WolffKevin WongJeffrey YocomKorrine and Jan YoungYouth Policy InstituteJamie Zaninovich and Karen


Linda AbrahamAdam AbramowitzAce Charitable FoundationDarren AchesonKathleen AertkerLeilani AgenaMark AgnewGeoff AkersDavid AlbrechtJay AlexanderBarbara AlhouseAll Over MediaAll Pro Classics, Inc.Benjamin AllenAloha United WayAloha Youth Lacrosse Association Inc.

Stephen AlpertSalem AlSudairyJudith and Israel AlterLisa Alumkal and Paul Markovich

AmazonSmile FoundationBassem AmmouriPaul AmosJ. Carter AndersenCarole AndersonJason AndersonAmy AndersonJohn AndersonMarina AndreevaColeman AndrewsCoral AndrewsKatharine AndrewsDawn and Gary AngeloSusan AntrobiusDana ApanaJohn and Kathy ApostolChris ApostolJamie AppelApplied Materials Foundation

Brian ArchibaldThomas and Lisa ArchieJanelle ArgirosArizona United Soccer Club LLC

Fred and Romana ArnoldJennifer ArnoldDan AronsonBrian and Dana AscherJennifer AtkinsonLisa AustinMatthew AveryAvi Resort & CasinoBridget BairdAlbert BanduraVincent BantilanMichael BarbaroJames BargonDoug BarkerBarney’s MeatsJeremy BarnicleSandra Bartosh

Regina BasdavanosPouria BastaniJason BattleRobert BaxterDavid BaxterChase BeelerKathryn and Walter BegleyJoe BelanoffBelkin International, Inc.William BellBonnie BelsheJohn and Virginia BemanKelly BermanRich and Kathleen BerraGeorge BerryKristin and Michael BicoccaRoger and Linda BishopSteve BishopAndrew BlachmanShelley Blanton-StroudDennis BlockRicardo BoggsAmy and Scott BokkerLydia BorbinMegan BowenJohn BowenPaige BowieJason BoyerBrian and Susan BradleyChris BradleyLeslee and Patrick BradyAnne BreckenridgeAmanda BreckenridgeBrenda Bredemeier and David Shields

David BrekkeMichael BrennanDerek BrennerDaniel BressJohn BrewRobert Britton JrJohn and Theresa Brockelman

Michael Broderick and Maile Meyer

Mike BrodyNancy BrownMichael BrownKristin BrownDaniel BrownBert Brown IIIDavid BruniRobert BrunoFrank and Marijean BrushTravis BryanRobert BuccolaElizabeth BuchnerKaren BuckenheimerTrevor BuksteinWard BullardBrad BullerRobert BuonoElisabeth BurchKevin BurkeEric BurkhardCatherine BurrFrank and Ruth ButlerTim and Jacqueline ButlerPaula Butts

Lisa ByingtonThomas CaddenNicole CadwellGary Caine and Lori Feldman

Sara CampbellMarjie and Bill CampbellTom Sawyer CampsKari and Jon CanfieldAnnabelle CanzonaCapitol Realty Group, Inc.Will and Sharron CarletonGretchen CarpenterMichele CarrCraig and Lisa CascioJohn CaseyCaroline CasinoLillian CassuttRoger and Marlene CastleGeoffrey ChaitVictoria and David ChangJohnny ChangJayne ChapmanCharles D. Gooden Consulting

Pat ChavezTom and Leah CheliSpencer and Sharyn ChenTravis ChildsGary ChilesKathy and Tom ChouWilliam ChristopherNikki ChungRobert ClarkGary ClaytonCleveland CavaliersJames and Linda CleverRob ClossWilliam and Kathi ClossCarol CloudRonald CohenPhyllis CohenMartin ColeJustyn ColeShawn CollinsTerence and Elizabeth Collins

Karen CollinsTrip ConantCatherine Conover CovertMichael ConteBruce CooleyTom and Diane CopelandKatherine CowanRyan CraigEdward CraigKevin CraigBlair CrawfordShirley CrawleyCrest Theater Sacramento, Inc.

Patricia CroneMichael CroninMonica Cullis and Howard Shiroma

George CurryThomas CusickScott DahlJeff Dale

p. 20 // Positive Coaching Alliance Momentum Spring 2017

Jan DaleHoward and Kerry DallmarWilliam Damon and Anne Colby

Dark Horse Golf ClubScott DavidsonElizabeth and Juan DavilaJeff DavisRobert DealySkye DelanoDustin DelleraJoan DePreeSteven and Linda DesimoneZachary DickenBruce and Donna DickinsonTyree DillinghamLance DoalsonRobert and Mary DodgeCheryl and James DodwellChristopher DohertyMatthew DolanMary DolanAndy DolichBrandon DollMark and Louise DonohueJason DowiakKevin DriscollBen DudleyBobby DulleCynthia DuncanGary DunnMichelle DurginBrian DuvalEast Bay Community Foundation

Len and Margaret EdwardsTim EllisWendy EmrichDaniel Endy IIIJoanne Engel and Ellen Haller

George Englert IIIePath Learning, Inc.Jeffrey and Mary ErdmanMark EricksonJim EricksonJames EvangelistaChris and Hedy EyreVictor FangioMaura Farden DriscollDavid FarleyMaria FattalLeland FaustAshley FehrmannRich FellerTom and Randee FennerAlex FerreiraJoseph FieldStephen FiliosEric FischerSharon FishJack FitermanTaylor FlanneryMark FlesselMark and Diane FlynnEllen Foley and Ken MacLean

Jacob FolksLaurie Foster

Doug FosterJoe and Cynthia FowlerMartin FoxJustin FoxMichael and Pam FraneyMark and Nancy FranichJoan FreemanMelissa and Blake FreiJonathan FriebertStephanie FritzMary FryGayle GabrielskiJames and Susan GaitherLori Gano-OverwaySteven GansfieldManuel and Pat GarciaHoward GardnerKristen GarlinghouseBrian GarrettAlexis GarrettLeslie and Martin GatesAnnamarie GeorgeThomas GeorgeCamilla GeorgeDawn GerdtGene and Kea GillisScott GlaserLouise GlennDan and Kristin GluntGofen & Glossberg LLCCharlie and Mary GofenEric and Aimee GoldbergLen Goldman and Jayme Gallagher

Janet GoldmanGolfTecRona Gomel AsheDeborah GoodmanAndrew GoodrichGoogle Matching Gifts Program

Sean GothierRob GoughKristy GourleyWilliam GraceJason GraceLarry and Sharon GrayJeff Greenfield and Marilyn Keller

Mallory GriffinKevin GrimesDanny Grossman and Linda Gerard

Barry GruttemeyerKatie GuayKimberly GuichardEric GurnaIra HaberPatrick HahnSteven and Susan HaileyLaura HalldorsonCoren HalperinAzim HameedJane HamiltonChip HammondKenneth Hand, Jr.John and Sondra HanleyNora HannahAndrew Hansen

Peggy HarariDavid HardingJeffrey HardyKathe HardyKen HarkenriderJohn HarmanOliver HarperMichael HarperRocky HarrisMichelle HarrolleHarry OschipJames HartjeSheila HarveyMarc HatchVirginia and Sherwood Hatch

Brian and Teresa HauswirthGraham HearnsJohn HeathThomas and Susan HebertRoger Heegaard and Cheryl Thomas

James HeegerMichael and Braeda Heffernan

Charles HellingsDeborah Hellman and Derek Brown

Steve and Cindy HendersonPaula HendricksonJohn HennessyVanessa Hernandez DalePeter HessBrian HetheringtonPeter HewittRalph HietalaRichard HigginsDavid HirschmanCraig and Noel HirstKhoa HoBrianne HobbsDavid HoffmannMark and Holly HoganKellie and Marshall HoinessJeff HollandDiane HoltSeth HolversonDana HooperSarah HornerDaniel HouleDiane HouleJohn and Sandy HowardCindie HubiakTodd HusakChristopher HutnickIolani School Ann IparraguirreTerry ItaliaPatrick and Kimberly JabalJune JacksonWill JacksonChristine JacobsonGeorge and Mary Lou Jacobson

Celeste JanssenJelly Belly Candy CompanyBrett JohnsonEric and Oksana JohnsonCheryl Johnson

Sharisse JohnsonJenise JohnsonRebecca JohnsonDenise JohnsonEric JohnsonAngela JolieDeborah JonesLauren JonesLandon and Sarah JonesChristopher JonesChuck JoswiakMitch JunkinsK. Hauch Enterprises, Inc.Kalele FoundationJeff KaneHilary KaoJeff KarnesPaul KasterKawaileleohi’ilaweLewis KellerLisa KelleyShirley KelleyKempner Cougars Athletic Booster Club

Edmund KendrickDavid KennedyVeera Khare-AsherKeith and Sherry KilgoreShane KimRichard and Mary KimballJames and Hazel KingAri and Nicole KlionskyGregory KnoxDaniel KoniecznyJeffrey KoseffGil KouryAmelia and Nicholas KramerBill and Donna KrepickGreg KurowskiRene and Joyce LacerteAnthony LafranoTyler LaGrange and Catherine Bartolotta

Luci Lagrimas and Suzi Sutton

Vic Lamanuzzi and Anita Woods

Steffen LandPeter LandesSimon LandonWhitney LaneDr. Richard LapchickPaul LarsonRick LarsonKenneth LeeJames LeeKevin LejaGil LemmonLenny and Larry’sJames LesherLevi Strauss & Co.Sue LevinMatthew LevineTamsin LevyAlan LevyStephen Lewin-BerlinHarold LiebermanSteve LiebermanShellie Liles

Jason LilienMartin LillisJonathan LindsayLinkedIn Matching GiftsLinks at Squaw CreekChristopher LisowskiColleen and Gustaf LittleCorey LloydMark and Sharon LockareffTiffany LoewenbergWallace LogieSteven LongMichael LongakerKathleen Longo and Jay Pluimer

Tamara LoomisPete LopezJohn LopezAllen LopezLisa LorenzAllen LorenziLos Angeles LakersRonnie LottSteven LoucksSharon LovejoyLTS Chicago LLCTony LuciaPete LukichBarbara LumpkinNathan LuntYvonne LydonJon MacDonaldRobert and Odette MaceCraig MacLeanJohn and Kathy MaddalonEric MaguireLucila MahalchickCharlie MaherCornelius MahoneyNicholas MaioranoScott MairsTom MalgesiniTom and Donna MallonMichael MallowRamin ManshadiLou MarchettiDavid and Valentina MarkDaniel MarkhamAlan MarkmanJames MaroccoDon and Elizabeth MaruskaAlan MatsudaGary MatsumuraEric MattsonJim MaurerElizabeth MaustAndy MaytsJoe McAleerRyan McAlisterAmanda McCannPaul McClureGeorge and Karen McCownBrian McDonaldVictoria McDonnellMike McFaddenBob and Glenda McFarlaneJames McGillicuddyConstance McGonagleBruce McGonnigal

p. 21

Justin and Erynn McKayJohn McKeeTeri McKelvyChris and Beth McLachlinEdward and Patricia McLaughlin

David McNellisJoe MendozaKevin MerkleMarcus MernerJan MerryweatherMichael MetzJonathan MeyerChad MeyerMike MezrahDaniel MickelsonMico Mechanical Corporation

Fred Miller and Karla Wenzel

Dennis MillerDebbie MillerDon MillerSteven MillsGina MinzenmeyerMiracle Springs Resort and Spa

Jamie MirandaAndrew MiskMatthew MiskovichJeff MitchellDavid and Lynn MitchellAndy MittlerMeghan and Matthew Moake

Dr. Joel and Mary MoakeJohn MoberlyMatthew MochelTyler MoeningEric MoffittLily MoledinaRichard MolinskiLeslie MongelluzziSteve MoniaciEmily and John MonleyWilliam MonsenLenny MonsourDanielle MoormanDavid MoosmanJudith MordarskiBob MorikuniAdam MorrisKelly Morrison and John Willoughby

Cynthia MorrisonSteve MorseDean MunroLisa and Matt MurphyJohn MuseMegan MyersLila NastroTyler NeedmanLisa and Scott NelsonMaria NevarezMai NguyenThomas and Christine Nickels

Darryl NirenbergZachary Nixon

John and Joyce NolanThomas NordlingJudd NorrisMistene NugentDana NunnBill O’BrienBrien O’ConnorBeth O’Neill MaloneyEugene O’SullivanShelley Oates-WildingChristine OchsnerJaneen OldsFane OppermanDionicia OrtegaLeslie Osborne and Ricky Lewis

Andrew OserJustin OviattGary PacarroLouise PackardWilliam PageJustin PalfreymanPam PalmieriPalo Alto NetworksAndrew PanosTiago PappasJeff ParellMartha ParishEllen ParkerMichael PasquaTim and Ruth PattersonRobert PattonAlvin and Aidee PearmanRobert PearseJames Pelham BurnLara Alice PenderSamir PendseDavid PeregrineAnthony PerezAlice PerryJenny and Scott PerryJan PersonChristie PesceSusan PetersmeyerThomas and Barbara Petersmeyer

Kevin PidduckAndrew and Sally PillsburyCharles PillsburySarah PillsburyWilliam PimentalGary PinkusKevin PlattVicki and Bob PlutchokChristopher PodaFrancis Pokigo, Jr.Courtney and Saul PollackStuart and Linda PollackWilliam PollackArthur PoppPortland General ElectricScott PowellThomas PriceScott PriceNancy PriorErin ProckoErica ProsserJennifer PruskiPunahou School

Ray and Terrie PurpurWilliam QuinnMira-Lorelei RaduRob RafehGeorge and Melinda RallyJohn RallyTami and Dean RallyDanielle Ramo-LariosKevin RamosSally RandallRick RankinJohn RasmussenMary RedmondDaniel RedmondMelissa ReillyEdmund ResorJamie and Catherine ResorLouise ResorCharles ResorThomas ResorBob and Cheryl RheinRichard Duncan Photography

Laura RichardsMatt Richtel and Meredith Barad

Scott RileGerry RingBrian RiniEmily RisbergDee Ann RiveraStephen RobeEdita RobinsonPeter RoccaJill Roger-VossChristine RogersJennifer RogersKenneth RohlfWendy RoseBen RoseRonald and Amy RossiChris and Lucy RotelliKyleah RozarioMacy RozierAllen and Cynthia RubyTom and Jann RudkinLarry RussellKari RustRyan RutzickBrent RychenerMichelle RyderEddie RymerTom RysavyJustin Sabet-PeymanDavid SabgirDavid and Loretta SacksJason SacksMarc SacraElliot SainerJody SakabaClint and Jessica SanchezDrew and Sara SandersJean SandersonPulin and Anuradha SanghviJody SarchettJonathan ScharlauJoe SchaumburgCynthia ScherrDouglas Schira

Samuel SchlechterHeidi SchleyRyan SchlunzVaughn SchlunzTerri and Michael SchmierR. Douglas and Elaine Schneider

Josh SchoenfelderSusan and Glen SchofieldScott SchrautScott SchrieferChuck SchumacherBrad and Vicki SchwartzHugh ScottJon and Deb SecrestAmber SeeCraig SeidelMark SetterstromBlair and Rick ShaneMichael and Sharon ShapiroElizabeth ShaverGillian ShawShawn JagodzinskiMartin ShellKimberly ShephardTheresa SherryRobert ShieldsRobert SickerMarcia Sidney-ReedRonald SiemensClay and Sandra SiggSteve SiltonSilver Creek DentalMarissa SilverLani SilversidesAlan SilverstoneBret and Pam SimonJohn and Olinda SimonMichael SimonRalph SimoneDuncan and Jessie Simpson LaGoy

Amy SinclairJeff SkaggsRobert SkinnerMark and Christine SkredenScott SlabyRich and Sally SlavinEleanor SmithMaxwell SmithKyle SmithDavid and Sharon SmullinSoccer Centers of Excellence, Inc.

Mark and Valerie SoltauPaul SommerstadRich SondhiGreg SoukupDavid SparksMarc SpencerSteven SpitznagelSusan SpringerJohn StamosSteve StanfordSteven StanfordState Street Foundation, Inc.Hugo SteemersScott SteinEllen Stein

John and Clara SteinhartKen SteinmanSusanne SteinmannJeremiah StevensCheryl StevensSkyler StevensonRobert and Jeanie StienstraMary Jo StoccoLisa StoneElizabeth StopperanMatthew StortzFrancis StowellChristopher StowellJohn StrackhouseTamra StranoJoe StratonSteven StratosPeter StrausCathryn and Michael Streight

John StricklerMegan Subocz-QuinnPat SullivanJon SundalDenise Swanson LutschaunigJohn SweeneyEileen SweeneyWarren Sweetser IVAngela SyDave TamuraElisa TanakaDavid TarrantHal TearseThe Boston Consulting Group Inc.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Magic CastleThe San Francisco Foundation

The Space, LLCAndrew ThielenBethany ThomasMatthew ThomasGabriel Thompson and Daniella Ponet

Julius ThompsonDarrell ThompsonToya Thompson-ThomasGeoff Tickner and Meagan Wilson

Ralph TillittJeffrey ToddSteven TollWendy TomitaJason ToppMike TownJerald TraversieCasey TriggsKaren TrilevskyBrian TriptowJim TroppmannChristopher TruhanDarron TuckerPaul TurbowMatthew TuresCallie TurkJason TylerMichael Unger

p. 22 // Positive Coaching Alliance Momentum Spring 2017

Peter VarellasVarian Partners in Giving Employee Engagement Fund

Paul VeithJoanne VendittoAndrea Vest-EttekalMary and Dave VollmerVSPJenna WachtelKathleen WaddellStephen WadsworthJake WaldTommy WalkerDonn and Tracy WalkletRebecca Wallace (Kaiser)Leslie WalstromLori WaltonDavid WardleworthKaren WarnerMichael and Hollie Vona Warner

Amy WarrCelia WatersAllison and Cameron Drake Watten

Paul WattsScott and Deborah WeaverStephen WeberNeil WeissJane WeissTricia WelchNicole WellerMelissa WestDavid WhalenCathie WhalenMicaela WhiteDavid WhitneyDavid WhittakerJohn and Betsy WiensDr. Steve WIlhiteDavid WilliamsonMatt WilseyMarianne WilsonLeland WimberlyWilliam WinchellEleanor WinstonTedd and Genevieve WinterAlec WiseDonna WishartRobert WittRichard and Karen WolfenWenise WongArt and Janet WongMatthew WoodPeter WrightDavid WurzerLarry and Vickie YamaokaJarrett YehlenDavid Yellen and Leslie Richards-Yellen

Ryan YeomanVan YeutterLee YostBob and Cheryl ZiderDan ZionyZukerkorn Foundation

Elizabeth Zupfer

Karin AbelDouglas AbramsRajy AbulhosnJessica AdamsDavid AkersDavid AllenCarin AndersonWade AndersonGlen AndresenGerald AnthonyBernard ArfinTheresa AristSeshadri AvatharamVanessa AyersBill AyoobRandy BabbJoe BagliereGeorge BaldwinMary BankerJoel BardJosie BarnardScott BarnumTina BarrDominic BarrancoBruce BartonDino BattagliniKarin BauerDorothy BaumanBrian BaxterMichelle BazziniRobert BelluominiAndrea BenzschawelBarb BergsethHoward BerkesDan BerveEmily BestDanny BialoskyMark BieryRonald BillettMelissa BilskySteve BitkerMary BitterKari BjorhusJonathan BodowKenneth BoeseFolke BomanBrandi Bonkowski and Brady Smith

Melissa BoucherAlyssa BouleJack and Jessica BowenJanet and A. BowerLisa BradleyMike BradyElaine BreezeJeffrey BrekasJeremy BrodovskySteven BroudyEvan BrownJordan BrownMichael BuchholzLori BurdettTyrre BurksRussell Burnett

Lisa BurrowsBradford BurtonRebecca BusselmanJeffrey ByeKeith ByronKelly CagleBrian CampbellChad CampbellDanielle CampbellNick Carlin-VogtJohn CarrPhil and Mary CarragherJohn CarrilloJeremiah CarterMargaret CartonJohn CaruanaJoe and Joyce CatalanoKevin CateJoseph CavanaughMelanie ChavezSusan ChermonteChris CherwinRobert ChodoshRakesh ChopraShambrica ChristianCindy ChuangJulie ClarkBruce ClarkHollie and George ClaySandi ClevelandPaul CochrunJon CohnRogg CollinsKathleen ConradMarvin and Nancy Copeland

Susan CorbinKarl CostelloWilliam and Lynn CostelloSteve CoxDan CraneNicole CremonaKim CristofoliJeffrey CrokeAndrew CrossleyMichael CurranBob CwalinaJon DaleBrian DanishevskyElizabeth DaviesDavisco Foods International, Inc.

Richard DayAshley DeanMeredith DedolphJennee DeJonghSteve DenisonFred DePalmSara DermodySarah DesmondPam and Sandy DeutschJon DeveauxJasjit DhanoaBarry DiamondMarie Annette DidierSteve DobinCharlotte DolanJessica DolanSusanna Donahue

Bryan DonaldsonDavid DorschDiane DowdyDavid and Melanie DowneyBill DraytonKristin DuffeyMark and Diane EdwardsLora ElinoffKeetje EllDonald EllenbergerTom ElsnerChris EstreichAlexis FamaBrett FarverChristopher FayMichael Feeadam fellerJohn and Beth FensterwaldAlicia Fernandez and Carlito Lamera

Ben FinkenbinderAnne FinneyAbigail FitzgeraldDouglas FlynnKathleen FoleyAlison FragaAngela FrameKeoki and Jana FraserBruce FreemanGreg FrenchPoutoa FuegaMorgan FullerCarli GallagherTimothy GallagherBruce and Pamela GallaherSteve GarrettMarney GellnerLeanna GeoslingNicole GibbsJames GielenKevin GilbridePeter GilesJosh GilmoreGeoff GirotNathan GistSean GlazeLatoya GlennJohn GlogowskyGeorgia GodfreyAngela GoiesShari GoldbergJoshua GoldfarbVeronica GomezMarisela GonzalezJoseph GouveiaKarly GraceKeir GraffFenix and Malachy GrangeDevin GrayDavid GrayBlair GreimannKassen and Christopher Gunderman

Katherine HaagScott HalesAnson HallStephen HamanoJonathan HamblettAmy Hamilton

Julia HamiltonWilliam HansenCharles HansenTheodore HansonTodd HardingWilliam HartDiana HarveyTara HaskettAmy HatchMaggie HatcherMary HaugenMatt HaydenJoAnn HeeEric HeegaardJen HegerIan HeimbegnerWilliams HeinzerlingBarbara HembergerThomas Henry V.Roth HerrlingerJulie and Neil HershbergerReggie HigashiBruce and Valerie HironakaMitchell HockettPaige HolmAlex HorsmanLaura HorstkampChris HowellKenneth HuntRyan HunterThomas HuntingtonPeter HurleyMichael HydeDiane InmanGlenn InouyeSigrid JacobsenDavid Jacobson and Valerie Liberty

Stan JagodzinskiEmily JensenRoseanna JervesLisa JoelJohnson and JohnsonDonald and Yvonne JohnsonSally JohnsonSteffond JohnsonSusan JohnstonRichard JonesMichael JurkashKelley KahnWard and Leann KanowskyJanine KarasRoger KastnerLeanella KauwenaoleKelly KeefeDavid KellerJames KelleyCatherine KelliherDaniel KelloggArthur KennedyMarwan KhalafDeborah KimesRoch KingJeff KingDiane Kirueshkin-StepanoffNora KletterLindsay KnightRustam KocherAndrew Koehler

p. 23

Cortlandt KoerwitzGeorge and Peggy KohlJoel KonrardyKenneth KornickJulie KramerKaela KramerMike KranceEric and Myra KusunokiJessica LacayoJanna and Michael LaFountaine

Tiffany LamKenneth LamBrannon LambertMatt LaMotteGerald LaneJean LangeKimberly LaRocheJude LaroseRyan LarsenRobert LathamLaura LeFever GonzalezEric LeggAlice LeonardJennie LeskelaBob and Barbara LesterPaul LevyJacqui LewisAaron LipshultzStan LongLori LongGary LovelaceGregg LukenbillChad LundFlora LutherTaylor LydonSA LydonAnnette LynchSally MadsenMatt MagersAlexis MaharamAlexander MarksKimberly MarquezTed MartchGabe MartinezPaul MartucciElizabeth MathiesenDwayne MatthewsTod MattoxPatricia McAllisterScott McBrideJennifer McCannJennifer McCarthyMatt and Jennifer McCormack

Tess McElfreshThomas McGinnisJoleen McKenzieWilliam McLennan Jr.Jason McMahonThomas McWhorterJohn MeadeLeleaga MeredithMegan MesserDavid MeyerMichele MillerJohn MillerCasey MillerRobin Miller

Randy MillerBrett MirlianiSheila MitchellYvonna MolodanofVanessa MontalbanLori MooreGary MooreRobert MooreMichelle MoraleMatt Morehead and Deborah McCoy

Richard MorrisKarl MosgofianJ MumbleauKevin MurphyJerome and Donna NagorskiSteven NarelBill and Lenora NaylorPatricia NealVicki NelmsLuci NelsonHillary NelsonJames NelsonRandall NeuharthChristopher NeuharthRobert NicholsKatherine NiethammerMichelle NighswanderNike Inc.Charlene NishimuraSue and Scott NittlerChuck Nixon and Edith Sookhai Nixon

Kerry and Melissa NixonSuzanne NolanJames NorrisLinda NorthDenise NugentJoseph NunezLiz O’LearyJeff ObraskyAndrew OgdenTony OlneyMark OlsonEric and Mira OlsonBarbara Siss OneyBrett OrmsbyHeather Owen and Maggie Lukic

Marisol PaatVanessa PadronesSandra and Walter PalmerLaurette PayetteAndrew PayneJudy PecklerJames Pederson Jr.Brent PeintnerRita PepeLidvani Pereira PaivaPatrick PerezCourtney PernaGreg and Naomi PeskyKimo PestanaCreed PettitKathryn PhelanDavid PhelpsMaria PhillipsSandra PihlstromGeorge Pillsbury

John PillsburyKatharine PillsburyLeah PillsburyLydia PillsburyMelissa PillsburyEmily Pittman GarciaVanessa PlantRyan PlattCharles and Eloise PollockRachel PolsonAnthony PoponiTony PowersKimberly PowlesonBrenda PriccoTimothy ProutRich PruszynskiLauren QuimbyCarolyn QuindicaThomas Quinlan Daniel QuinnJack and Lin RaffertyLaurel RaffertyBrad RainkoSteve RamonaDaniel RascherPaul RatnerJohn RedmondSamuel RedmondKen ReedMarti ReedMiller ResorJohn RhodesLazarus RiceNoma RichardsonStephanie RigolotMark and Nancy RittSilvia and Salvador RivasTanya RobertsSteven RobertsonJohn RobinsonGabriel RodriguezAngel RodriguezFrank Roepke IIIMichael RoethlerMarion RorichSusan RosenbergIan RossKathy RossCatherine RossiScott RothKelly RoyslandPatricia RuaneBob RumpzaTreva RusiewiczPeter SabinFrancine SachsChris SadayasuMark SaksaSandra SaltielAmy SaltzmanJill SamuelsonBurma SandersMaureen SandersonParag SanghviSteven SawamuraKatie SaylorJustin SchaefferNaomi SchatzRebecca Scherr

Martin ScherstuhlVictoria SchilbLuke SchlaflyRobin SchlosserCaley SchmiererStephanie SchmittThomas SchragMark A. SchultzBernadette SebzdaSarah SegesdyJeff SeifrizSecily and Sarah SeljeskogJennifer SelkeSteve SellScott SellersJoe SelvaggioJennifer SharpGary ShilletJarrett ShimizuChristopher ShinkmanTracy SimmonsJudy and Christopher SimonEugene and A. SimonJason SinnarajahSarah SkarbekBryan SkeltonBlake SloanMurray and Cynthia SmartDerek SmithReuben Smith III and Nelda Smith

Paul SpraycarSpring Branch Independent School District

Mark SpringCraig StaceyCraig StandishConnor StarrsJeffrey SteenFred SteevesHeather StewartOwen StewartKarin StilesTrish StoneLisa Strand-MaaRussell StraubAndrew StroudRegina SullivanMichele and Drew SullivanMatt SvenbyMichael SwiftElizabeth SwordsTampa Bay Rays Baseball Ltd.

Stephen TateSandra Taylor and Herbert Ozer

Marlon TaylorRobert TaylorSandy TaylorMike TerwilligerScott TesslerThe Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation

Ilene ThompsonBrad ThompsonDana and Nancy TomMichael TomDavid Topor

Tiana TozerSharon TraenMatt TravailleMichelle TraversieBrian and Piper TrelstadKelly TrowseHannah TuckerRichmond TwehAndrew TysonCaitlin UdallTorrey UdallEnida UllmannKhalil UmraniBetsy UnderhillTom UngerKyle UtsumiPamela Van der MeerDevin Van HoutNicole VarnellJennifer VogelMargaret WadeEdward WarcholTara WardWilliam WardMelissa WatkinsKaren and Bruce WatsonColin WeaverDrew WedemeyerEileen WesthuesMary WhittakerDennis WiechmannShannon WilliamsBruce WilliamsDoug and Liliana WilliamsBrad WilliamsJames Wilson and Lorrie Peeters

Blake WilsonSteve and Mary WilsonWilliam WitteJennifer WolfK.L. WombacherCarmen WoodsJeff WrightKim WyantBrandon and Ashleigh Yelovich

Marcia Zorrilla

Positive Coaching Alliance1001 N. Rengstorff Ave., Suite 100Mountain View, CA 94043



Billie Jean King – tennis legend, social pioneer, and winner of PCA’s Ronald L. Jensen Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2016 – enjoys a laugh with her protégé in activism, Julie Foudy. The two took the stage at PCA’s National Youth Sports Awards Dinner and Auction Sponsored by Deloitte to bring the successful fundraising event to a rousing finish.