2012 Vedic Planner - ScienceOfLight.net


Transcript of 2012 Vedic Planner - ScienceOfLight.net

` ïI— g< saEMy g[ptye vrvrd svRjn< me vzmany Svaha

auà çréà gaà saumya gaëapataye varavarada

sarvajanaà me vaçamänaya svähä


I dedicate this first calendar to my Jyotiña Guru, Pandit Sanjay Rath,

who has taken my astrological studies to the

infinite gateway (anantadvära),

with the grace of Paramparäguru Çré Achyutända Däsa.

Vedic Planner 2012

ISBN-10: 0985012218

ISBN-13: 978-0-9850122-1-2

Copyright ©2012 by Science of Light LLC.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted

in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, without the copyright owner’s prior written consent.



A calendar is a maëòala of time; a yantra that affects the mind when you look at it. By looking at your

calendar, you alter your mental frequency. We want the vibrations of our calendar to attune us to the

Universe, not disconnect us from the natural rhythms like modern life already does in so many ways. This

Vedic calendar is in tune with the Earth, the sky (planetary bodies), and the universe (the stars). It is designed

to align us with the solar and lunar motion and make our lives structured to the frequencies of the stars and

planets moving all around us.

This type of calendar was used by the Indians, Babylonians, Greeks and Egyptians before the turn of

the first millennium. If we had the time and training to be outside observing, we would be able to see with the

naked eye and calculate this calendar, as was normal in the ancient world.

The Vedic calendar is a lunisolar calendar, based on the Sun and the Moon, as well as the relationship

between them. The Sun is the soul and the Moon is the mind. We see the movement of the ‘mind’ all the way

around the zodiac once a month while the ‘soul’ moves only one sign. The mind goes to and from the soul: the

real and the unreal, the truth and its reflection, the state of God and the play of the Goddess, the soul and the

body it walks within. The Vedic calendar connects us to their cycle, in the sky above us, and within the flow of

energy around us.

The Sun is the ruler of the seasons and life itself. The Moon is the ruler of breath, growth, sustenance

and emotion. The Moon rules the tides and the cycle of a woman. The Sun and Moon are the yin and yang,

male and female. According to the ancient seers, the predominant element (tattva) of a human is water (jala),

and modern science tells us we are made of 75% water. The Moon rules over the water element, therefore it is

the most important factor in understanding how, why and when the factors in our life take place. The primary

planetary periods used for prediction in Vedic astrology are based on the Moon and its 27 lunar signs

(nakñatra). The earth itself is 75% water and the changing energies of the earth are intricately connected to the

various moods of the Moon. An intricate understanding of these moods will awaken within us a deep

understanding of the Moon and the manifold energies of the dance she leads us in.

The zodiac of the Sun has twelve signs. Each sign is 30 degrees, which is approximately equivalent to

30 days in the Earth’s circle around the Sun. These were the original months of the year before it slowly

changed lengths of days with the Julian calendar and corrupted even more with the present Gregorian

calendar. As darkness wishes to increase it will take us farther away from the natural rhythm of the earth and

sky. The best way to calculate a solar month would be to name the months after the sign the Sun is within, this

is still done in places in Southern India. The month would begin and end with the changing of the Sun through

the signs. These months are most important for the natural attunement of government, institutions, businesses

or basically for our work. When our leaders and controlling organizations (Sun) are using a month not in tune

with the Earth and sky how can harmony be firmly achieved, how can truth be the end result?

When you put this monthly planner based on a solar month before you to plan, you are looking at a

cohesive energetic time period on this planet. When you turn the page, there is a picture of a different cohesive

energetic time period. It has a different vibration. It has different effects and different plans of its own.

Why use a solar calendar instead of the more commonly used Moon calendars in many systems? The

Sun relates to that which gives us structure. It is consistent and gives the months originally used by the ‘civil’

calendar. Bills, taxes getting paid, and workdays are things you have to do, not things you want to do. They

require a consistent solar calendar that will remain basically the same yearly. The Lunar months relate to the

festival occasions. Festivals are times when you should feel a certain emotion come over you, they are invoked

from the heart, they are things you want to do, to feel.

The months are solar months, so this calendar can be used in one’s work life or one’s interaction with

the world. Tropical signs relate to the solstices and therefore show the months in relation to our cycle around

the Sun, which is necessary for a farming calendar. The integration of the Gregorian dates takes care of that

aspect of time. The Sidereal motion allows us to look up at the sky and know where the Sun is, and the planets

relative to it. Therefore this is a stellar (sidereal) calendar not a seasonal (tropical) calendar.

This calendar is a maëòala of Time that is reshaping our brain to the stellar reality. It is a calendar

designed to align us to the solar and lunar motion and awaken us to the frequencies of the stars and planets

moving all around us. The vibrations of it attune us to the Universe. This calendar is generating a conscious

awareness of the fabric of time.

kälamülamidaà sarvaà jagadbéjaà dhanaïjaya|

käla eva samädatte punareva yadåcchayä||

The entire world is rooted in Time

and will go back to Time.

-Mahäbhärata XVI.9.33

I have made one of these calendars by hand for the past ten years, and often people just made

photocopies of mine as needed. In 2003, I told myself that I would put out a public calendar in 2012. That went

on the back burner till this past November. So with a last minute twist, I breathe a new life into some of my old

writings from 2003 and add some of the newer. Please forgive the grammatical errors as the first edition is

always a work in progress. I present the 2012 Vedic Calendar as a planner; in the way I have used it to plan my

life. May it allow you to make the ‘best of time’ (äkala).

Thank You,

Freedom Cole

Nevada City, CA

Vedic View of Time: The Eternally Turning Wheel

Time is compared to God in the Vedic reality. Time is the force impelling events forward (kalana) and is

measured by change (pariëäm). Time is change. Nothing stays the same except change, which means change is

the only constant.

Time as Creator

The Atharvaveda says that Time is God (Brahman), the father of the Creator (Prajäpati)1. It says that

Time produced all existence, the Sun burns in Time, the entire world is in Time, and Time gives the eyes the

power to see.2

The creation (prakåti) separates from consciousness (puruña) in a moment of Time. Time is a deity who

motivates creation. Our souls are separated from the supreme and given their own time to exist within. Then

the entire creation unfolds and exists because Time turns events in a sequence. Everything that exists or will

exist is in Time.3

Sound creates notes according to its frequency while light takes on color based on frequency. These

frequencies are the number of waves in a portion of time. Therefore, the universe is not just made of sound,

but sound frequencies, which are sound regulated by time. Time takes on a qualitative nature such as guëas

(fast, slow, balanced), sound, color, etc., which lead to emotion, manifestation, and experience.

The time of birth indicates the position of planets. This reveals the karma of the individual, therefore

showing the circumstances that will arise in life. In the same way, the time of starting a project indicates the

circumstances and outcome of that project. The moment of initiation determines the unfoldment of events in

an individual’s or organization’s life. The birth chart is just a picture of time. An astrologer is one training to

read this time.

Time the Sustainer

In the Ågveda, the natural law of the universe is called Åta. It is the way things are, the truth of how

things work; sometimes called divine law. In the universe, everything has a time and a place. Something is in

line with the divine law when in its proper time and place.

The seasons (åtu) are the times of year during which certain actions are to be performed in certain

ways. They govern the proper time to plant and the proper time to harvest. They govern the rituals and the

actions of human life. All things exist and are guided by the proper time (åtu). And all things are in Natural

alignment (Åta) when they happen at the right time and place.

The Sun is the most regular element of time, and therefore it was used to symbolize the natural law

(Åta) in the Vedas. The order of the seasons is made by the movement of the Sun. The Sun is creating day and

night, the months, seasons and years, which keep a steady and constant reality. The Sun is therefore the king,

controlling the time of everything. The Ågveda says that the Sun promotes order (Åta) and has subdued

disorder (anåta), and in this way he is the incomprehensible god (acitta brahman)4.

The Sun is represented as a wheel indicating the Natural law (cakraà åtasya). Ancient texts say that the

Sun is the cause of creation and destruction, of the animate and inanimate, and the past, present and future.

The Sun symbolizes the eternal Spirit (Brahman) which is imperishable (akñaram).5 The Sun is called the form of

god that can be seen with the eyes (pratyakña-devatä).

1 Atharvaveda, XIX.53.2 2 Atharvaveda, Käla Sükta, XIX.53.6 3 Atharvaveda, Käla Sükta, XIX.53.5 4 Åg Veda 1.152.3-5, Wheel of order (cakräm åtasya) 5 Çaunaka’s Båhad-devatä, 1.61-62

The wheel of the Sun, seasons and Natural law are the symbolic expressions of time. Time is a flow, a

rhythm6, and there are seven rhythms of the Ågveda like the seven colors/rays which are the seven horses that

pull the chariot of the Sun across the sky. The Sun ripens everything on earth by means of days, nights,

months, seasons and years7. The Sun rising and setting is the wheel of Time (kälachakra).

That wheel of time urges us onwards and guides our actions, like water in the banks of a stream. That

wheel of time gives us the zodiac (bha-chakra), as well as the wheel of existence (bhava-chakra), also called

saàsära. Everything in the manifest world is mortal; being moved by the wheel of Time.

In the Vedas, this wheel has a center and axle8. The wheel moves forward and everything changes

except the axle. Time spins everything in cycles, like a wheel moving forward around an “unchanging axle”.

Everything ages, deteriorates and goes away, but the axle of time continues, unchanging, undecaying (ajara).

Change is the measurement of Time, therefore everything changes except Time who makes everything change.

This is basically the modern saying that “everything changes except change itself”.

Time is not considered a phenomenon that you may or may not pay attention to, it is the cause of the

world, and the whole world is situated within time and works according to it. Time is the lord of all

(sarvasyeçvara)9. Time is the cause/the driver and the generator; therefore it is the foundation. Time is the

Divine Spirit (Brahman), the power of existence (bhütva vibharti), the supreme being (parameñöhinam).10

Time as the Destroyer

Time transforms us, ages us; it forces us onward with or without choice. Time makes us rise up in life,

propels us forward and takes us to our death. Time (Käla) is the impeller (kalana), who makes everything

happen; he makes us grow weak and forget all we know, cuts off the lifespan, and finally removes our

consciousness11. Everything we have will eventually be taken away. Death is just an outfit of Time, which he

puts on to not be underdressed for the occasion. Time is the great destroyer taking us to our death- who is our

death. Death is when your Time has come, or when your time has run out.

Time is valuable, so valuable that we take it away as a punishment. The judicial system tries to rectify

other’s misdeeds by taking away an individual’s time. Can karma be rectified by taking away personal time?

Jail is bondage, where one has their time taken, they are doing time. Every moment we are alive is a moment of

time that we have. And that time is limited; limited by Time itself.

Time is compared to a grinding wheel, crushing everything. In a grinding wheel the grains closest to

the center do not get crushed. Therefore, Gorakhnath says one should chant the divine Name and be close to

the center12. That center, which is the immortal turning axis. The Çvetäçvatara Upaniñad says, ‘the soul (haàsa)

circles around the wheel of creation (brahma-cakra) confused, thinking its inner spirit and the turner of the

wheel are different. When it is inspired by That, it experiences its immortality (amåtatva).’ The realization of the

true nature of the axis is the way to the transcendence of Time.

Sometimes we have great moments of inspiration and clarity and then the next day happens, and the

next day, and then you remember that you had a great moment of clarity. Time helps you forgive and forget.

The power of Time’s movement is Kälé who drives everything onward13. Kälé is the dark form of the Mother

who represents the power of Time. She brings everything into existence, impels it forward, allows its own

6 Dandekar, R.N. Åta in the Ågveda, p.2 (article in Traividyam edited by Mukherji). 7 Çatapatha Brähmaëa X.4.2.19 8 Asyaväméya of Dérghatamas (1.164), Atharvaveda (XIX.53-54), and Atharvaveda (X.VIII.4) 9 Atharvaveda, Käla Sükta, XIX.53.8 10 Atharvaveda, Käla Sükta, XIX.53.9 11 Lakñmé Tantra 17.51 12 Babaji Gorakhvani, see also similar thought in the Praçna Upaniñad 6.6 13 Ahirbudhnya Saàhitä IV.48

nature to manifest and then takes it back into herself. Nothing can ever stop; she is pushing it all forward.

Even if you wanted that great moment to last, she covers it up.

Her husband is Çiva and in this regard he is known as Mahäkäla, Great-Time. He stops for no one and

crushes everyone. Young or beautiful, wise or rich, he doesn’t care; he crushes everybody in his wheel of time


Çiva is white and Kälé is black, the white day and black night.14 There is no night without day and no

day without night.15 Their dance together is imperishable Time, the days and nights are endless and these two

while rolling on, obtain everything.16

They toss, day and night,

like a pair of dice

and move men like pawns-

‘Time’ plays a frenzied game with Kälé,

his partner in destruction17.

The Sun and Moon play with each other in the heavens, and toss day and night like a pair of dice, as a

game that almost makes one forget the ever-present death that Time is churning. Life and everything in it, is so

fragile, that at any moment you can lose it. At the throw of the dice, it’s over.

In the Mahäbhärata, it says Çiva, as Time, slays all people18. His mouth is like Kälägni-Rudra, the form of

Çiva as fire, who destroys everything at the end of a great age (pralaya). Even the most powerful warriors or

those who have the power to live hundreds of years are devoured by the mouth of Time. ‘As herbs are

pulverized into a powder, they are crushed in the teeth of Time.’19

Time as Divinity

In the Bhagavad Gétä,20 Arjuna received the divine eye (divyacakñu) and was able to see Kåñëa’s

supreme form (parama rüpa). He gets a vision of the lord of all (viçveçvara), whose form is the universe

(viçvarüpa). Arjuna sees all he knows being devoured in the mouth of the all-pervasive One, and is told “I am

Time, the great destruction of the world”. In the vision of God’s greatest all-encompassing form, he names

himself as Time (käla).

Time is God. The Sun is God21. Time is the creator, the sustainer and the destroyer. And there are so

many other forms of the divine. The clock has so many pieces to make it work, but it is One clock. The Vedas

say all these different realities are really one divine truth, eka sat, one reality. The Upaniñads say that Time, the

Sun, Viñëu, the Creator, “he is all these, the lord, the witness, who shines in yonder circle22.” The Vedic seers

were sages with expanded consciousness. These concepts need to be meditated upon for the nature of Time to

be able to reveal the Supreme.

14 Ågveda VI.9.1 ahaç ca kåñëam ahar arjunaà ca 15 Jaiminéya Brähmaëa I.207 na vai rätryä åte’har na rätrir åte’hnaù 16 Jaiminéya Brähmaëa III.357 ete ha va aparyante yad ahorätre| ye te vä idaà parivartamäne sarvam äpnutaù|| 17 Miller, Barbara Stoler, trans. The Hermit and the Love-Thief: Sanskrit Poems of Bhartrihari and Bilhaëa. V.171. 18 Sutton, Religious Doctrines of Mahäbhärata, p.194 19 Bhagavad Gétä XI.25-27 20 Bhagavad Gétä XI.8-32 21 Maiträyaëa Upaniñad, VI.16 22 Maiträyaëa Upaniñad, VI.16

The Calendar

There are three different levels of time for body, mind and soul; the supreme level of Time as a deity

who motivates creation, subtle time creating the building blocks of reality and perception, and empirical time

that is perceived in units. The calendar is the final manifestation of time in perceived units.

A map of space will show you the terrain and the pathways and the rivers and other attributes. This is

a map of time showing the paths of planets and rivers of hours and other attributes of time. Most people are

familiar with the quantitative nature of time, but here we also explore the qualitative nature of time. This

calendar lists the days of the week (vära), the lunar phases (tithi), and the lunar signs (nakñatra). The day relates

to fire (tejas), the lunar phases relate to water (ojas), and the lunar sign relates to air (präëa).

The day (vära) will show what actions will have energy that day. It shows what actions can be done

with health, strength and vitality. Each planet has its own energy and gives each day its own flavor. Monday

relates to Moon and is soft, while Tuesday relates to Mars and is strong and harsh.

The lunar phase (tithi) will show the quality of the desires that day. It shows the nature of the passions,

desires, love and the nature of relating. The Full Moon is filled with energy and is a good time for community,

while the dark Moon is a better time to be alone. The fifth and tenth phases have a strong desire for learning

and intellectual pursuits, while the eighth phases and the new Moon have a quality of dishonesty associated

with them.

The lunar sign (nakñatra) will show where the focus is. The präëa goes where the mind is directed, and

the mind (concentration) goes where the präëa is directed. It shows what things will have problems and what

things will have success and therefore longevity; what things you will want to continue happily and what will

not be able to continue for long. For example, Açwiné is associated with health, so activities related to health

will be successful. Bharaëé relates to transformation and activities that involve shifting gears will be very

successful that day.

Any planet changing solar signs or retrogressions are listed in the calendar. The chart at the time the

Sun enters a new sign is on the upper side panel, which is used to predict the world of affairs. The chart of the

New Moon is on the lower side, which is used to predict the natural environment.

It can take a number of years to learn the specifics of this calendar, but simple things can be learned

quickly and an intuitive nature will quickly grow around the qualities of the day. It soon becomes apparent

why a good day is good and a bad day bad after just following the calendar for some time.

Solar Day (Vära)

There are seven solar days that together make the

period of time called the week. The days of the week are

based on the seven physical planets visible to the naked eye.

The days of the week are the same in many cultures;

our Monday is connected to the Moon, as the French Lundi,

and the Sanskrit Somavar, all literally mean Moon’s day. The

connection is very obvious as we look over the different

languages. Sunday is obviously the Sun, Monday the Moon,

Tuesday comes from the ancient Germanic war god, Tiw,

connected with Mars. Wednesday comes from the Germanic god, Woden, connected to Mercury. Thursday

comes from the Nordic god Thor who is connected with the Greek god Jupiter. Friday comes from the Nordic

Goddess Fria, and Saturday is obviously Saturn’s day.

For the beginner to this area, I would suggest one start with these energies first. Working on paying

attention to them and their effects in one’s life, noting good and bad days, seeing correlations and beginning to

# Day (English) Vära Planet

1 Sunday Süryavära Sun

2 Monday Somavära Moon

3 Tuesday Mangalavära Mars

4 Wednesday Buddhavära Mercury

5 Thursday Guruvära Jupiter

6 Friday Çukravära Venus

7 Saturday Çanivära Saturn

plan life accordingly. As everything in Vedic science is to lead us to greater awareness, take this information

and use it to be more aware of the energies of time that we exist within. Be more aware of Mother Time and

the arms that she holds us close to Her bosom with.

Use this calendar to have a mandala before you that helps attune you to natural rhythms of the Earth’s

journey around the Sun, the Moon’s journey around the Earth, and their relationship with the stars. Become

aware of the Universe around us and it’s movements and watch how the macrocosm effects the microcosm.

And if you get in tune enough you just may be able to see that there is no separation from up there to down

here, that it is all one, interconnected universe, more entwined with itself then you could have ever imagined

being able to perceive. We can easily say it’s all one, it’s another thing to perceive the universe acting as One.

Lunar day (Tithi)

The Moon has 15 phases in the waxing half

called the bright half (çukla pakña). The 15 phases of the

waning Moon are called dark half (kåñëa pakña). The

New Moon is called Amäväsya, which means to dwell

together. Amäväsya is when the Sun and the Moon are

together, which is seen as a conjunction of the

luminaries (K15). When they begin to move apart, with

the Moon surpassing the Sun, the waxing Moon begins.

The waxing eighth phase (S8) is the half Moon. The last

of the waxing phase (S15) is called Pürëimä which

comes from the word Pürëa meaning full, complete,

abundant and satisfied. It is the Full Moon when the

Sun and the Moon are 180 degrees apart.

There are 30 phases (tithi) related to the 29.5306

days it takes the Moon to go through one synodic cycle

(New Moon to New Moon). The Lunar day is

approximately .9483 that of a solar day. It is calculated

by the 12 degree motion of the Moon from the Sun. The lunar phase is calculated by subtracting the Sun’s

longitude from the Moon and dividing by 12 degrees. This is to calculate how many 12 degree portions (tithi)

the Moon has moved forward.

The fifteen phases are ruled by the planets in the order of the days of the week plus Rähu. Sun

(Sunday), Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), etc and this repeats twice through each half lunar month (pakña).

Lunar Phase Tithi Name Ruler

1 & 9 Prätipad, Navamé Sun

2 & 10 Dvétiyä, Daçamé Moon

3 & 11 Tåtéyä, Ekädaçé Mars

4 & 12 Chaturthé, Dvadaçé Mercury

5 & 13 Païchamé, Trayodaçé Jupiter

6 & 14 Ñañöé, Chaturdaçé Venus

7 & Full Moon Saptamé, Pürëimä Saturn

8 & New Moon Añöamé, Amävasyä Rähu

Lunar Constellation (Nakñatra)

We live in a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way. Our Sun is one of 200 billion stars that constitute our

Galaxy. All objects in the Milky Way orbit their common center of mass called the Galactic Center. Our solar

system is located toward the outer part of the Milky Way. In the diagram to the left, notice the Galactic Center

relative to the location of our solar system’s Sun.

We are about 28,000 light years from the Galactic

Center. Because of the disk-like spiral shape of

our galaxy it is perceived as a milky trail

through the night sky. From our perspective, the

center is in Sagittarius, specifically in a section of

the sky called Müla, which means “the root”.

The ancients watched the motion of the

Sun and Moon. There were 12.3 synodic Moon

cycles in a year (New Moon to New Moon). The

constellations the Sun was placed in during

these Moon cycles became known as the 12 sun

signs (räçi).

The Moon takes 27.3217 days to

completely circle the zodiac. The ancients

watched this sidereal motion of the Moon and

correlated this to 27 constellations which they

called the lunar signs (nakñatra). These lunar

signs overlap the Sun signs and the two zodiacs exist together. They are harmonized by the frequency of 108.

The lunar constellation are the domains of the gods and goddesses (devatä). It is their energy that rules

over that particular portion of the sky. Understanding their mythology reveals the deeper workings of the

lunar signs, and opens the doorway for

intuitive understanding of the native’s


There are various levels by which to

perceive the deities. They can be seen as

natural forces, mental tendencies, or cosmic

archetypes that are sometimes personified for

ease of human grasping. Each of these levels

simultaeously includes the other and it is the

responsibility of the astrologer to not only

perceive the multi-dimensionality of these

energies, but to also comprehend how they

influence every aspect of an individual’s life.

Understanding the deity will help one get a

‘feeling’ for the devatä so as to understand the

nakñatra from an energetic standpoint, instead

of as a list.

# Constellation Deity Energy

1 Açviné Açvinikumar Healing, rejuvinating,

2 Bharaëé Yama Dying, death, transformation

3 Kåttikä Agni Burning, purifying, clarity,

4 Rohiëé Brahmä Creating, culture

5 Mågaçiras Chandra Growth, ojas, procreative power

6 Ärdrä Rudra Anger, power of destruction

7 Punarvasu Aditi Learning, understanding, Expanding

8 Puñya Båhaspati Knowing, awareness

9 Äçleñä Sarpa Deception, illusion, over confidence

10 Maghä Pitri Authority, karma

11 Pürvaphalguné Bhaga Relationship and sexuality

12 Uttaraphalguné Aryaman Love, marriage, and family

13 Hastä Savitre Waking up, realizing

14 Citrä Viçvakarmä Building, planning

15 Sväté Väyu Movement, strength to build

16 Viçäkhä Indrägni Alliance, support systems

17 Anurädhä Mitra Friendship, fine detail

18 Jyeñöhä Indra Sensory control, controlling urges

19 Müla Nirriti Breaking

20 Purväñäòhä Apah Feeling, searching

21 Uttaräñäòhä Viçva-deva Noblity, good character

22 Çravaëa Viñëu All-pervasive, expanding

23 Dhaniñöhä Vasu-deva Fame, shining, being seen

24 Çatabhiña Varuëa Punishment, repentance

25 Purvabhädra Ajaikapada Tapasya, penance

26 Uttarabhädra Ahirbudhnya Unseen, hidden

27 Revaté Püñän Nourisher, safe and fruitful journeys

Integration of the material:

There is the solar zodiac, the lunar zodiac, the solar month, the lunar month, the solar day, and the

lunar day. We need to look at all of these factors and take them all into account to get a final understanding of

how the energy of the day manifests itself. To do this we need to understand what affects which areas of our

life and which elements take prominence over others in what areas of our life. For example picking out an

outfit would be suitable to look at the day ruler. The prayers or songs sung would be according to the lunar

phase, the decision on when to leave would be primarily on the nakñatra (and then would next take into

account the day and tithi). The more important the venture is, the more important the time. For daily planning

slowly learn what all these calculations means and enjoy the time.

Lao-Tzu, the famous author of the Toa-Te-Ching which is about how to go with the flow of the

universe was a court astrologer. We use this info to help make decisions more in tune with the environment,

we use it to help us flow, to help us be in inner and outer alignment. We don’t use it to get stuck. We flow and

we pay attention and just expand awareness.

Choosing a Time (Muhürta)

The time of initiating an event is compared to an archer aiming at a target. The archer’s presence of

being at the moment the arrow is released will determine how it hits the target. Once released from the bow, it

will fly upon its course (according to the aim of the archer at the moment of initiation). The sky shows the

present, it shows the intentions. The proper choice of moment gives the proper state of mind to begin which

will insure the highest possible result.

There are seven qualitative divisions among the nakñatras. They are used with the Moon’s transit to

determine the quality of actions on a particular day. For example, putting out rat traps is better on an ugra

nakñatra to ensure the removal of rats. Introducing yourself to someone you want as a friend is better on a

mådu nakñatra if you want them to like you. Below is a list according to Varähamihira’s Båhat Saàhitä.

Quality Nakñatra Nakñatra karma guëa adhyäyaù [97]

Dhruva (fixed): indicates that it is

good for stable, permanent and

persevering results





Commencement of coronations and new job

positions (abhiñeka), remedial measures (çänti),

planting trees (taru), benefits for the town (nagara),

dharmic works (dharma), sowing seeds (béja), etc.

Tikñëa (Sharp and dreadful): A

cutting nature, ability to make

decisions, and executive ability





Success in: attacks, retaliation, arguments

(abhighäta), spells (mantra), working with ghosts

(vetäla), imprisonment (bhandha), hurting or killing

(vadha), terminating an employee, breaking

unions/relations (bheda-sambhanda), etc.

Ugra: (fierce and severe): when

action must be aggressive or harsh






Success in: destroying, ruining, interrupting (utsäda),

destruction/removal (näça), deceit/ dishonesty

(çäöhya), imprisoning (bandha), working with poison

(viñada), slaughtering (hana), work with weapons

(astra), injuring (ghäta), etc.

Laghu (light):

not heavy, quick, active, prompt,

graceful, easy





Business/ trade (paëya), sexual enjoyment (rati),

pursuit of knowledge (jïäna), jewelry, decorative

clothing, adornment (bhüñaëa), practical skills/arts

(kalä), artisan/ skilled labor/handicraft (çilpa), use of

herbs/medicines (auñadha), travels and journeys, etc.

Mådu (soft/ mild/ tender):

indicates easy going nature and

bhoga (indulging in pleasure/






Gaining friends (mitra artha), delightful activities,

sex (surata), rules, ordinances (vidhi), clothing, new

outfits (vastra), jewelry, adornment (bhüñaëa),

anything auspicious or ceremonial (maìgala),

singing (géta), etc.


(Soft and hard): Combination of




These nakñatra will give miscellaneous or mixed

(vimiçra) results.

Chara (moveable/ ephemeral):

easily changing nature






Good to benefit one’s own or other people’s welfare

(cara karmaëi hitäni).

Sunday Monday Tuesday

January 8 January 9 January 10

S January 15 T January 16 U January 17

Sunrise at 7:24 Sunrise at 7:24 Sunrise at 7:24

Hasta until 11:05 Citrä until 9:45 Sväté until 8:23

k7 until 14:09 K8 until 12:07 K9 until 10:04

moon >> li 22:25

0 January 22 A January 23 B January 24

K14 until 0:50 U. Ñäòhä until 2:02 Çravaëa until 2:00

P.Çäòhä until 2:32 Sunrise at 7:21 Sunrise at 7:20

Sunrise at 7:21 Mars Retrograde 16:46 moon >> aq 14:10

moon >> cp 8:22 mercury >> cp 17:26 S 2 until 22:46

K15 until 23:40 S 1 until 22:56

F January 29 F January 30 G January 31

S 6 until 4:15 S 7 until 6:50 Sunrise at 7:15

Sunrise at 7:17 Sunrise at 7:16 S 8 until 9:30

moon >> ar 10:24 Açviné until 13:26 Bharaëé until 16:30

Revaté until 10:24 moon >> ta 23:14

L February 5 M February 6 @ February 7

Ärdrä until 0:24 Punarvasu until 0:41 Puñya until 0:18

Sunrise at 7:11 Sunrise at 7:10 Sunrise at 7:09

S 13 until 16:04 S 14 until 15:18 S 15 until 13:54

moon >> cn 18:41 moon >> le 23:22

R February 12 Äçleñä until 23:22

K5 until 2:28

moon >> li 4:01

Sunrise at 7:03

Citrä until 15:12

Sun entering Capricorn

New Moon Chakra


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

January 11 January 12 January 13 S January 14

Sunrise at 7:25

U.Phalguni till 12:22

K6 till 16:07


Sun » Capricorn 11:29

V January 18 W January 19 X January 20 Y January 21

moon >> sc 1:21 Anurädhä until 5:41 K 12 until 4:06 K 13 until 2:20

Viçäkhä until 7:01 K 11 until 6:01 moon >> sa 4:27 Müla until 3:22

Sunrise at 7:23 Sunrise at 7:23 Jyeñöhä until 4:27 Sunrise at 7:22

K 10 until 8:01 Sunrise at 7:22

C January 25 C January 26 D January 27 E January 28

Dhaniñöhä until 2:29 Çatabhiña until 3:35 S 4 until 0:18 S 5 until 2:01

Sunrise at 7:19 Sunrise at 7:19 Purvabhädra until 5:19 Sunrise at 7:17

Sunrise at 7:19 moon >> pi 22:50 Sunrise at 7:18 Uttarabhädra until 7:37

S 3 until 23:12

H February 1 I February 2 J February 3 K February 4

Sunrise at 7:14 Saturn Retrograde 4:49 Sunrise at 7:12 Imbolc 2:13

S 9 until 11:59 Sunrise at 7:13 moon >> ge 10:37 Sunrise at 7:12

Kåttikä until 19:19 S 10 until 14:01 S 11 until 15:27 S 12 until 16:08

Venus >> pi 21:00 Mågaçiras until 23:24

Rohiëé until 21:41

N February 8 O February 9 P February 10 Q February 11

Sunrise at 7:08 Sunrise at 7:07 moon >> vi 1:57 K 4 until 4:54

K 1 until 12:02 K 2 until 9:48 Sunrise at 7:06 Sunrise at 7:05

Maghä until 22:01 Pürvaphalguné until 20:23 K 3 until 7:23 hasta until 16:52

mercury >> aq 10:41

Uttaraphalguné until 18:38


Sat. January 14th Sun. January 15th Mon. January 16th Tues. January 17th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

S Ṣaṣṭī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī


Wed. January 18th Thurs. January 19th Fri. January 20th Sat. January 21st 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī


Notes Sun. January 22nd Mon. January 23rd Tues. January 24th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā


Wed. January 25th Thurs. January 26th Fri. January 27th Sat. January 28th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Pañchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Notes Sun. January 29th Mon. January 30th Tues. January 31st 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā


Wed. February 1st Thurs. February 2nd Fri. February 3rd Sat. February 4th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Notes Sun. February 5th Mon. February 6th Tues. February 7th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā


Wed. February 8th Thurs. February 9th Fri. February 10th Sat. February 11th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Pañchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

February 12 S February 13 T February 14

K 6 until 0:09 moon>>sc 6:44

sun >> aq 0:29 Sunrise at 7:01

Sunrise at 7:02 Viçäkhä until 12:26

Sväté until 13:42 K8 until 20:10

K 7 until 22:03


Sun » Aquarius 0:29

Y February 19 Z February 20 0 February 21

Sunrise at 6:55 Sunrise at 6:54 Sunrise at 6:53

Uttaräñäòhä until 9:46 Çravaëa until 10:06 Dhaniñöhä until 10:50

K13 until 14:35 K14 until 14:23 K15 until 14:35

Moon>>aq 22:25

E February 26 F February 27 F February 28

Sunrise at 6:46 Mercury>>pi 2:35 Bharaëé until 0:33

Açviné until 21:26 Sunrise at 6:45 S6 until 1:35

S5 until 22:53 Sunrise at 6:43

Moon>>ta 7:20

Venus>>ar 17:53

J March 4 K March 5 L March 6

Moon>>cn 4:28 Sunrise at 6:35 Sunrise at 6:33

Sunrise at 6:36 S12 until 8:12 S13 until 6:37

S11 until 9:01 Puñya until 10:19 Moon>>le 9:21

Punarvasu until 10:32 Äçleñä until 9:21

Q March 11 R March 12 March 13

Sunrise at 7:26 Sunrise at 7:25

K4 until 14:14 K5 until 11:30

Sväté until 21:21 Moon>>sc 13:55

Viçäkhä until 19:29

Mercury Retrograde 23:42

Daylight Savings Time begins


Sun entering Aquarius

New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

U February 15 V February 16 W February 17 X February 18

Sunrise at 7:00 Sunrise at 6:59 Sunrise at 6:58 Sunrise at 6:56

Anurädhä until 11:23 Moon>>Sa 10:36 Müla until 10:03 Purväñäòhä until 9:46

K9 until 18:31 Jyeñöhä until 10:36 K11 until 16:00 K12 until 15:09

K10 until 17:08 Moon>>cp 15:44

A February 22 B February 23 C February 24 D February 25

Sunrise at 6:51 Sunrise at 6:50 Sunrise at 6:49 Sunrise at 6:47

Çatabhiña until 12:00 Moon>>pi 7:12 Uttarabhadra until 15:50 Moon>>ar 18:28

S1 until 15:16 Purvabhädra until 13:40 S3 until 18:10 Revaté until 18:28

S2 until 16:27 S4 until 20:21

G February 29 H March 1 H March 2 I March 3

Kåttikä until 3:37 Rohiëé until 6:20 Sunrise at 6:39 Sunrise at 6:38

S7 until 4:11 S8 until 6:26 S9 until 8:05 S10 until 8:58

Sunrise at 6:42 Sunrise at 6:41 Mågaçira until 8:30 Ärdrä until 9:56

Moon>>ge 19:30

@ March 7 N March 8 O March 9 P March 10

S14 until 4:23 S15 until 1:40 Uttaraphalguné until 3:23 Hasta until 0:56

Sunrise at 6:32 Pürvaphalguné until 5:43 Sunrise at 6:29 Sunrise at 6:28

Maghä until 7:46 Sunrise at 6:31 K2 until 19:26 Moon>>li 11:43

Moon>>vi 11:09 K3 until 16:15

K1 until 22:37 Citrä until 22:33

March 14 March 15 March 16 March 17


Notes Sun. February 12th Mon. February 13th Tues. February 14th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

R Païchamī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī


Wed. February 15th Thurs. February 16th Fri. February 17th Sat. February 18th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

U Navamī V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī


Notes Sun. February 19th Mon. February 20th Tues. February 21st 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya


Wed. February 22nd Thurs. February 23rd Fri. February 24th Sat. February 25th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

A Prathama B Dvitīyā C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī


Notes Sun. February 26th Mon. February 27th Tues. February 28th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī F Saptamī


Wed. February 29th Thurs. March 1st Fri. March 2nd Sat. March 3rd 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

G Aṣṭamī H Navamī H Navamī I Daśamī


Notes Sun. March 4th Mon. March 5th Tues. March 6th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī L Trayodaśī


Wed. March 7th Thurs. March 8th Fri. March 9th Sat. March 10th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

@ Pūrṇimā N Prathama O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā


Sunday Monday Tuesday

March 11 March 12 S March 13

Sunrise at 7:23

K6 until 9:09

Anurädhä until 18:00


Sun » Pisces 22:21

X March 18 Y March 19 Z March 20

K11 until 4:05 K12 until 4:22 K13 until 5:03

Sunrise at 7:16 Moon>>aq 5:49 Sunrise at 7:13

Çravaëa until 17:19 Sunrise at 7:14 Çatabhiña until 19:55

Dhaniñöhä until 18:25

Vernal Equinox 22:14

C March 25 D March 26 E March 27

Açviné until 5:39 Sunrise at 7:03 Sunrise at 7:02

Sunrise at 7:05 Bharaëé until 8:46 Kåttikä until 11:56

S3 until 14:18 Moon>>ta 15:34 S5 until 19:38

S4 until 16:59

I April 1 J April 2 K April 3

S9 until 1:39 S10 until 1:12 Sunrise at 6:51

Sunrise at 6:54 Mercury>>aq 3:24 Maghä until 19:22

Puñya until 21:06 Sunrise at 6:53 S12 until 21:49

Moon>>le 20:37

Äçleñä until 20:37

S11 until 23:54

P April 8 Q April 9 R April 10

K2 until 5:01 K3 until 1:35 Anurädhä until 1:41

Sväté until 6:34 Viçäkhä until 3:57 Sunrise at 6:41

Sunrise at 6:44 Sunrise at 6:43 K5 until 19:51

Moon>>sco 22:35 K4 until 22:29 Moon>>sag 23:55

Jyeñöhä until 23:55

Sun entering Pisces


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

T March 14 U March 15 V March 16 W March 17

K7 until 7:13 K8 until 5:45 K9 until 4:45 K10 until 4:12

Sunrise at 7:22 Sunrise at 7:20 Sunrise at 7:19 Sunrise at 7:17

Moon>>sa 16:59 Müla until 16:24 Purväñäòhä until 16:17 Uttaräñäòhä until 16:36

Jyeñöhä until 16:59 Moon>>cp 22:19

0 March 21 0 March 22 A March 23 B March 24

K14 until 6:08 Sunrise at 7:10 Uttarabhadra until 0:04 Moon>>ar 2:42

Sunrise at 7:11 K15 until 7:38 Sunrise at 7:08 Revaté until 2:42

Moon>>pi 15:18 S1 until 9:31 Sunrise at 7:06

Purvabhädra until 21:48 S2 until 11:46

F March 28 F March 29 G March 30 H March 31

Venus>>ta 1:51 Moon>>ge 4:17 Sunrise at 6:57 S8 until 1:13

Sunrise at 7:00 Sunrise at 6:59 Ärdrä until 19:30 Sunrise at 6:56

Rohiëé until 14:55 Mågaçira until 17:31 Moon>>cn 14:29

S6 until 22:03 S7 until 23:58 Punarvasu until 20:43

L April 4 M April 5 @ April 6 N April 7

Mercury Direct 2:05 Sunrise at 6:48 Mercury>>pi 3:48 Sunrise at 6:45

Sunrise at 6:50 Uttaraphalguné until 15:02 Sunrise at 6:47 K1 until 8:39

Pürvaphalguné until 17:27 S14 until 15:51 Hasta until 12:17 Citrä until 9:24

S13 until 19:05 S15 until 12:19

Moon>>vi 22:53 Moon>>li 22:51

S April 11 T April 12 April 13 April 14

Sunrise at 6:40 Sunrise at 6:38

K6 until 17:47 K7 until 16:20

Müla until 22:42 Purväñäòhä until 22:06


Notes Sun. March 11th Mon. March 12th Tues. March 13th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

Q Chaturthī R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī


Wed. March 14th Thurs. March 15th Fri. March 16th Sat. March 17th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

T Aṣṭamī U Navamī V Daśamī W Ekādaśī


Notes Sun. March 18th Mon. March 19th Tues. March 20th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī


Wed. March 21st Thurs. March 22nd Fri. March 23rd Sat. March 24th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya 0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā


Notes Sun. March 25th Mon. March 26th Tues. March 27th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Païchamī


Wed. March 28th Thurs. March 29th Fri. March 30th Sat. March 31st 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

F Ṣaṣṭī F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī H Navamī


Notes Sun. April 1st Mon. April 2nd Tues. April 3rd 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

I Daśamī J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī


Wed. April 4th Thurs. April 5th Fri. April 6th Sat. April 7th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

L Trayodaśī M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā N Prathama


Notes Sun. April 8th Mon. April 9th Tues. April 10th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

P Tṛtīyā Q Chaturthī R Païchamī


Wed. April 11th Thurs. April 12th Fri. April 13th Sat. April 14th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

S Ṣaṣṭī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

April 8 April 9 April 10

V April 15 W April 16 X April 17

Sunrise at 6:34 Sunrise at 6:33 Çatabhiña until 1:40

Moon>>aq 11:18 K11 until 16:38 Sunrise at 6:31

K10 until 15:42 K12 until 18:01

Dhaniñöhä until 23:58 Moon>>pi 21:13

B April 22 C April 23 C April 24

S1 until 2:53 S2 until 5:31 Sunrise at 6:22

Sunrise at 6:25 Sunrise at 6:23 S3 until 8:07

Bharaëé until 15:09 Kåttikä until 18:18 Rohiëé until 21:20

Moon>>ta 21:57

G April 29 H April 30 I May 1

Puñya until 5:12 Moon>>le 5:27 Maghä until 4:55

Sunrise at 6:16 Äçleñä until 5:27 Sunrise at 6:14

S8 until 14:53 Sunrise at 6:15 S10 until 12:34

S9 until 14:08

N May 6 O May 7 P May 8

Sunrise at 6:08 Sunrise at 6:07 Sunrise at 6:06

Moon>>sc 9:13 Anurädhä until 11:41 Moon>>sa 9:13

Viçäkhä until 14:29 K2 until 13:13 Jyeñöhä until 9:13

K1 until 16:49 K3 until 9:58

U May 13

K8 until 2:54

Dhaniñöhä until 6:01

Sunrise at 6:01

Sun entering Aries


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

April 11 April 12 T April 13 U April 14

Moon>>cp 4:03 Sunrise at 6:35

Sunrise at 6:37 K9 until 15:19

K8 until 15:30 Çravaëa until 22:47

Mars Direct 19:45

Uttaräñäòhä until 22:08


Sun » Aries 6:50

Y April 18 Z April 19 0 April 20 A April 21

Purvabhädra until 3:47 Uttarabhädra until 6:16 Sunrise at 6:27 K15 until 0:19

Sunrise at 6:30 Sunrise at 6:29 Moon>>ar 9:02 Sunrise at 6:26

K13 until 19:38 K14 until 21:56 Revaté until 9:02 Açviné until 12:02

D April 25 E April 26 F April 27 F April 28

Sunrise at 6:21 Mågaçira until 0:06 Ärdrä until 2:26 Punarvasu until 4:11

S4 until 10:30 Sunrise at 6:20 Sunrise at 6:18 Sunrise at 6:17

Moon>>ge 10:46 S5 until 12:32 S6 until 14:01 S7 until 14:15

Moon>>cn 21:48

J May 2 K May 3 M May 4 @ May 5

Pürvaphalguné until 3:37 Uttaraphalguné until 1:41 S13 until 4:04 S14 until 0:24

Sunrise at 6:12 Sunrise at 6:11 Sunrise at 6:10 Sunrise at 6:09

Moon>>vi 9:12 S12 until 7:25 Moon>>li 9:52 Mercury>>ar 8:37

S11 until 10:18 Hasta until 23:14 Beltaine 19:13 Sväté until 17:28

Citrä until 20:27 S15 until 20:36

Q May 9 R May 10 S May 11 T May 12

Sunrise at 6:05 K5 until 5:03 K6 until 3:35 K7 until 2:52

K4 until 7:13 Purväñäòhä until 5:52 Uttaräñäòhä until 5:11 Çravaëa until 5:14

Müla until 7:14 Sunrise at 6:04 Sunrise at 6:03 Sunrise at 6:02

Moon>>cp 11:38 Moon>>aq 17:32


Notes Sun. April 15th Mon. April 16th Tues. April 17th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī


Wed. April 18th Thurs. April 19th Fri. April 20th Sat. April 21st 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya A Prathama


Notes Sun. April 22nd Mon. April 23rd Tues. April 24th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

B Dvitīyā C Tṛtīyā C Tṛtīyā


Wed. April 25th Thurs. April 26th Fri. April 27th Sat. April 28th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

D Chaturthī E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī F Saptamī


Notes Sun. April 29th Mon. April 30th Tues. May 1st 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

G Aṣṭamī H Navamī I Daśamī


Wed. May 2nd Thurs. May 3rd Fri. May 4th Sat. May 5th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā


Notes Sun. May 6th Mon. May 7th Tues. May 8th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

N Prathama O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā


Wed. May 9th Thurs. May 10th Fri. May 11th Sat. May 12th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

Q Chaturthī R Païchamī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

May 13 V May 14 W May 15

K9 until 3:38 Moon>>pi 3:00

Sunrise at 6:00 K10 until 5:00

Çatabhiña until 7:30 Sunrise at 6:00

Venus Retrograde 6:30

Purvabhädra until 9:34

[Saìkränti] Saturn>>vi 18:04

Sun » Taurus 3:41

0 May 20 A May 21 B May 22

Moon>>ta 3:58 Kåttikä until 0:17 Rohiëé until 3:14

Sunrise at 5:56 Sunrise at 5:55 Sunrise at 5:54

May 20th Annular Solar Eclipse Solar eclipse begins 13:56 Mercury>>ta 9:22 Moon>>ge 16:37

Partial Eclipse 13:56-19:49 K15 till 16:48 >>eclipse peak 16:54 S1 until 19:14 S2 until 21:27

Total Eclipse 15:06-18:39 Partial eclipse ends 19:49

Eclipse Peak 16:54

F May 27 G May 28 H May 29

S6 until 2:01 S7 until 1:41 S8 until 0:42

Sunrise at 5:52 Sunrise at 5:51 Sunrise at 5:51

Moon>>le 12:15 Maghä until 12:21 Pürvaphalguné until 11:48

Äçleñä until 12:15 Moon>>vi 17:33

S9 until 23:03

June 4th Partial Lunar Eclipse @ June 3 N June 4 O June 5

penumbral 1:48-6:18 Viçäkhä until 1:22 Lunar eclipse begins 1:48 K1 until 0:46

partial 3:00-5:06 Sunrise at 5:49 S15 until 4:12>>eclipse peak 4:03 Sunrise at 5:48

peak 4:03 S14 until 7:48 Eclipse ends 6:18 Müla until 17:31

Anurädhä until 22:34 Sunrise at 5:49 K2 until 21:38

Mercury>>ge 6:01

Moon>>sa 19:54

Jyeñöhä until 19:54

S June 10 T June 11 U June 12

Sunrise at 5:48 Sunrise at 5:47 Sunrise at 5:47

Çatabhiña until 14:34 Moon>>pi 9:44 K9 until 17:58

K7 until 15:17 Purvabhädra until 16:13 Uttarabhadra until 18:31

K8 until 16:18


Sun entering Taurus

New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

W May 16 X May 17 Y May 18 Z May 19

Sunrise at 5:59 Sunrise at 5:58 Sunrise at 5:57 Sunrise at 5:56

K11 until 6:52 K12 until 9:07 K13 until 11:37 K14 until 14:13

Uttarabhadra until 12:06 Moon>>ar 14:58 Açviné until 18:02 Bharaëé until 21:11

Jupiter>>ta 21:05 Revaté until 14:58

C May 23 D May 24 E May 25 F May 26

Sunrise at 5:54 Sunrise at 5:53 S4 until 0:46 S5 until 1:41

Mågaçira until 5:55 Ärdrä until 8:16 Moon>>cn 3:43 Sunrise at 5:52

S3 until 23:20 Sunrise at 5:53 Puñya until 11:30

Punarvasu until 10:09

I May 30 J May 31 K June 1 L June 2

Sunrise at 5:50 Sunrise at 5:50 Sunrise at 5:49 Sväté until 4:07

Uttaraphalguné until 10:37 Hasta until 8:52 Citrä until 6:40 Sunrise at 5:49

S10 until 20:49 S11 until 18:03 S12 until 14:53 S13 until 11:25

Moon>>li 19:49 Moon>>sc 20:04

P June 6 Q June 7 R June 8 S June 9

Sunrise at 5:48 Sunrise at 5:48 Sunrise at 5:48 Moon>>aq 1:30

Purväñäòhä until 15:34 Uttaräñäòhä until 14:12 Çravaëa until 13:33 Sunrise at 5:48

K3 until 18:59 K4 until 16:55 K5 until 15:35 Dhaniñöhä until 13:40

Moon>>cp 21:10 K6 until 15:02

V June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16

Sunrise at 5:47

K10 until 20:09

Moon>>ar 21:17

Revaté until 21:17


Notes Sun. May 13th Mon. May 14th Tues. May 15th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

U Navamī V Daśamī W Ekādaśī


Wed. May 16th Thurs. May 17th Fri. May 18th Sat. May 19th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī


Notes Sun. May 20th Mon. May 21st Tues. May 22nd 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā


Wed. May 23rd Thurs. May 24th Fri. May 25th Sat. May 26th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Notes Sun. May 27th Mon. May 28th Tues. May 29th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī H Navamī


Wed. May 30th Thurs. May 31st Fri. June 1st Sat. June 2nd 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

I Daśamī J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī L Trayodaśī


Notes Sun. June 3rd Mon. June 4th Tues. June 5th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

@ Pūrṇimā N Prathama O Dvitīyā


Wed. June 6th Thurs. June 7th Fri. June 8th Sat. June 9th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

P Tṛtīyā Q Chaturthī R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī


Notes Sun. June 10th Mon. June 11th Tues. June 12th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī


Wed. June 13th Thurs. June 14th Fri. June 15th Sat. June 16th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

June 10 June 11 June 12

Z June 17 Z June 18 0 June 19

K13 until 3:46 Sunrise at 5:48 Sunrise at 5:48

Sunrise at 5:48 K14 until 6:04 K15 until 8:03

Kåttikä until 6:35 Rohiëé until 9:26 Mågaçira until 11:57

Moon>>ge 22:45

E June 24 F June 25 F June 26

Sunrise at 5:50 Sunrise at 5:50 Sunrise at 5:50

S5 until 11:19 S6 until 10:33 S7 until 9:18

Maghä until 18:05 Pürvaphalguné until 17:55 Uttaraphalguné until 17:17

Saturn Direct 22:29 Moon>>vi 23:48

L July 1 M July 2 @ July 3

Sunrise at 5:52 Sunrise at 5:53 Müla until 3:54

Anurädhä until 8:29 Moon>>sa 6:09 Sunrise at 5:54

S13 until 18:01 Jyeñöhä until 6:09 S15 until 11:52

S14 until 14:52

S July 8 S July 9 T July 10

K5 until 4:00 Purvabhädra until 0:12 Uttarabhadra until 2:03

Sunrise at 5:56 K6 until 4:35 K7 until 5:54

Moon>>pi 17:51 Sunrise at 5:57 Sunrise at 5:58

Sun entering Gemini


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

June 13 W June 14 X June 15 Y June 16

Sunrise at 5:47 Açviné until 0:21 K12 until 1:14

K11 until 22:38 Sunrise at 5:48 Bharaëé until 3:31

Sunrise at 5:48

Moon>>ta 10:17


Sun » Gemini 10:16

A June 20 B June 21 C June 22 D June 23

Sunrise at 5:48 Sunrise at 5:49 Sunrise at 5:49 Sunrise at 5:49

S1 until 9:37 Mercury>>cn 6:08 S3 until 11:25 S4 until 11:36

Ärdrä until 14:05 Moon>>cn 9:24 Puñya until 17:01 Moon>>le 17:47

Summer Solstice 16:09 S2 until 10:45 Äçleñä until 17:47

Mars>>vi 11:36

Punarvasu until 15:47

G June 27 I June 28 J June 29 K June 30

Sunrise at 5:51 Moon>>li 3:31 S10 until 3:00 S11 until 0:11

Venus Direct 7:03 S9 until 5:30 Sunrise at 5:52 Moon>>sc 5:19

S8 until 7:37 Sunrise at 5:51 Sväté until 12:53 Sunrise at 5:52

Hasta until 16:13 Citrä until 14:43 Viçäkhä until 10:46

S12 until 21:09

N July 4 O July 5 Q July 6 R July 7

Purväñäòhä until 1:53 Uttaräñäòhä until 0:16 K3 until 5:13 K4 until 4:13

Sunrise at 5:54 Sunrise at 5:55 Sunrise at 5:55 Sunrise at 5:56

Moon>>cp 7:26 K2 until 6:54 Moon>>aq 10:53 Çatabhiña until 23:05

K1 until 9:10 Çravaëa until 23:11 Dhaniñöhä until 22:45

T July 11 U July 12 V July 13 W July 14

Moon>>ar 4:31 Sunrise at 5:59 Sunrise at 6:00 Sunrise at 6:00

Revaté until 4:31 Açviné until 7:26 Bharaëé until 10:33 Kåttikä until 13:38

Sunrise at 5:58 K9 until 10:13 K10 until 12:46 K11 until 15:17

K8 until 7:51 Moon>>ta 17:20 Mercury Retrograde 18:10


Notes Sun. June 17th Mon. June 18th Tues. June 19th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

Z Chaturdaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya


Wed. June 20th Thurs. June 21st Fri. June 22nd Sat. June 23rd 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

A Prathama B Dvitīyā C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī


Notes Sun. June 24th Mon. June 25th Tues. June 26th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī F Saptamī


Wed. June 27th Thurs. June 28th Fri. June 29th Sat. June 30th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

G Aṣṭamī H Navamī J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī


Notes Sun. July 1st Mon. July 2nd Tues. July 3rd 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

L Trayodaśī M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā


Wed. July 4th Thurs. July 5th Fri. July 6th Sat. July 7th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

N Prathama O Dvitīyā Q Chaturthī R Païchamī


Notes Sun. July 8th Mon. July 9th Tues. July 10th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

S Ṣaṣṭī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī


Wed. July 11th Thurs. July 12th Fri. July 13th Sat. July 14th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

T Aṣṭamī U Navamī V Daśamī W Ekādaśī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

X July 15 Y July 16 Z July 17

Sunrise at 6:01 Moon>>ge 5:45 Sunrise at 6:03

Rohiëé until 16:28 Sunrise at 6:02 K14 until 20:39

K12 until 17:31 Mågaçira until 18:55 Ärdrä until 20:51

K13 until 19:20


Sun » Cancer 21:07

D July 22 E July 23 F July 24

Sunrise at 6:07 Moon>>vi 5:11 Sunrise at 6:08

S4 until 19:43 Sunrise at 6:07 S6 until 16:47

Pürvaphalguné until 23:19 S5 until 18:23 Hasta until 21:49

Uttaraphalguné until 22:42

K July 29 L July 30 M July 31

S11 until 5:47 S12 until 3:16 S13 until 0:47

Sunrise at 6:12 Sunrise at 6:13 Sunrise at 6:14

Moon>>sa 14:32 Müla until 12:49 Venus>>ge 7:20

Jyeñöhä until 14:32 Purväñäòhä until 11:13

Moon>>cp 16:50

S14 until 22:29

Q August 5 R August 6 S August 7

Moon>>pi 2:46 Sunrise at 6:19 Sunrise at 6:20

Sunrise at 6:18 Uttarabhadra until 10:29 Moon>>ar 12:36

Purvabhädra until 9:01 K5 until 18:46 Revaté until 12:36

K4 until 17:43 Lughnasad 19:26 K6 until 20:28

Mercury Direct 21:34

W August 12 W August 13 X August 14

Rohiëé until 0:19 Mågaçira until 2:51 Ärdrä until 4:50

K10 until 6:01 Sunrise at 6:25 Sunrise at 6:26

Sunrise at 6:24 K11 until 7:52 K12 until 9:06

Moon>>ge 13:39 Mars>>li 21:22 Moon>>cn 23:54

Sun entering Cancer


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

0 July 18 A July 19 B July 20 C July 21

Sunrise at 6:03 Sunrise at 6:04 Sunrise at 6:05 Sunrise at 6:06

Moon>>cn 15:58 S1 until 21:39 S2 until 21:24 S3 until 20:45

K15 until 21:25 Puñya until 23:11 Moon>>le 23:37 Maghä until 23:39

Punarvasu until 22:16 Äçleñä until 23:37

F July 25 G July 26 H July 27 I July 28

Sunrise at 6:09 Sunrise at 6:10 Sunrise at 6:11 Sunrise at 6:11

Moon>>li 9:17 S8 until 12:54 S9 until 10:40 S10 until 8:16

S7 until 14:57 Sväté until 19:23 Moon>>sc 12:16 Anurädhä until 16:15

Citrä until 20:42 Viçäkhä until 17:53

@ August 1 N August 2 O August 3 P August 4

Sunrise at 6:15 Sunrise at 6:16 Sunrise at 6:17 Sunrise at 6:17

Uttaräñäòhä until 9:49 Çravaëa until 8:47 Dhaniñöhä until 8:14 Çatabhiña until 8:17

S15 until 20:28 K1 until 18:52 K2 until 17:49 K3 until 17:24

Moon>>aq 20:26 Saturn>>li 20:18

S August 8 T August 9 U August 10 V August 11

Sunrise at 6:21 Sunrise at 6:22 Moon>>ta 1:04 K9 until 3:44

Açviné until 15:16 Bharaëé until 18:17 K8 until 1:12 Sunrise at 6:23

K7 until 22:41 Sunrise at 6:23

Kåttikä until 21:23

Y August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18

Punarvasu until 6:10

Sunrise at 6:27

K13 until 9:40


Notes Sun. July 15th Mon. July 16th Tues. July 17th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī


Wed. July 18th Thurs. July 19th Fri. July 20th Sat. July 21st 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā C Tṛtīyā


Notes Sun. July 22nd Mon. July 23rd Tues. July 24th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

D Chaturthī E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Wed. July 25th Thurs. July 26th Fri. July 27th Sat. July 28th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī H Navamī I Daśamī


Notes Sun. July 29th Mon. July 30th Tues. July 31st 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

K Dvādaśī L Trayodaśī M Chaturdaśī


Wed. August 1st Thurs. August 2nd Fri. August 3rd Sat. August 4th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

@ Pūrṇimā N Prathama O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā


Notes Sun. August 5th Mon. August 6th Tues. August 7th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

Q Chaturthī R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī


Wed. August 8th Thurs. August 9th Fri. August 10th Sat. August 11th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī V Daśamī


Notes Sun. August 12th Mon. August 13th Tues. August 14th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

W Ekādaśī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī


Wed. August 15th Thurs. August 16th Fri. August 17th Sat. August 18th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya A Prathama


Sunday Monday Tuesday

August 12 August 13 August 14

C August 19 D August 20 E August 21

Pürvaphalguné until 5:45 S3 until 4:21 S4 until 2:20

S2 until 6:11 Uttaraphalguné until 4:41 Hasta until 3:26

Sunrise at 6:30 Sunrise at 6:31 Sunrise at 6:32

Moon>>vi 11:31 Moon>>li 14:47

I August 26 J August 27 K August 28

Sunrise at 6:36 Sunrise at 6:37 Moon>>cp 0:19

S10 until 13:51 S11 until 11:59 Sunrise at 6:38

Müla until 19:37 Purväñäòhä until 18:33 S12 until 10:18

Mercury>>le 16:43

Uttaräñäòhä until 17:40

O September 2 P September 3 Q September 4

Sunrise at 6:42 Sunrise at 6:43 Sunrise at 6:44

K2 until 7:09 K3 until 8:10 K4 until 9:47

Uttarabhadra until 19:00 Moon>>ar 20:55 Açviné until 23:23

Revaté until 20:55

U September 9 V September 10 W September 11

Sunrise at 6:48 Sunrise at 6:49 Sunrise at 6:50

Mågaçira until 11:14 Ärdrä until 13:29 Moon>>cn 8:44

K9 until 21:29 K10 until 22:54 Punarvasu until 15:04

K11 until 23:35

Sun entering Leo


August 17th

September 5th

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

August 15 Z August 16 0 August 17 A August 18

Sunrise at 6:28 Sunrise at 6:29 Sunrise at 6:29

Puñya until 6:51 Moon>>le 6:57 Maghä until 6:33

K14 until 9:35 Äçleñä until 6:57 S1 until 7:45

K15 until 8:55


Sun » Leo 5:30

F August 22 F August 23 G August 24 H August 25

S5 until 0:14 Sväté until 0:44 Sunrise at 6:35 Sunrise at 6:35

Citrä until 2:06 Sunrise at 6:34 S8 until 17:51 S9 until 15:49

Sunrise at 6:33 Moon>>sc 17:43 Anurädhä until 22:03 Moon>>sa 20:47

S6 until 22:05 S7 until 19:57 Jyeñöhä until 20:47

Viçäkhä until 23:23

L August 29 M August 30 @ August 31 N September 1

Sunrise at 6:39 Moon>>aq 4:52 Sunrise at 6:40 Sunrise at 6:41

S13 until 8:50 Sunrise at 6:40 S15 until 6:59 K1 until 6:46

Çravaëa until 17:03 S14 until 7:42 Çatabhiña until 16:58 Moon>>pi 11:27

Dhaniñöhä until 16:47 Venus>>cn 17:45 Purvabhädra until 17:41

R September 5 S September 6 S September 7 T September 8

Sunrise at 6:45 Bharaëé until 2:17 Kåttikä until 5:23 Sunrise at 6:47

K5 until 11:55 Sunrise at 6:46 Sunrise at 6:46 Rohiëé until 8:27

Moon>>ta 9:03 K7 until 17:00 K8 until 19:27

K6 until 14:24 Moon>>ge 21:54

X September 12 Y September 13 Z September 14 0 September 15

Sunrise at 6:51 Sunrise at 6:51 Sunrise at 6:52 Sunrise at 6:53

Puñya until 15:53 Mercury>>vi 9:02 Maghä until 15:23 Pürvaphalguné until 14:15

K12 until 23:30 Moon>>le 15:53 K14 until 21:11 K15 until 19:11

Äçleñä until 15:58 Moon>>vi 19:53

K13 until 22:40


Notes Sun. August 19th Mon. August 20th Tues. August 21st 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Païchamī


Wed. August 22nd Thurs. August 23rd Fri. August 24th Sat. August 25th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

F Ṣaṣṭī F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī H Navamī


Notes Sun. August 26th Mon. August 27th Tues. August 28th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

I Daśamī J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī


Wed. August 29th Thurs. August 30th Fri. August 31st Sat. September 1st 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

L Trayodaśī M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā N Prathama


Notes Sun. September 2nd Mon. September 3rd Tues. September 4th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā Q Chaturthī


Wed. September 5th Thurs. September 6th Fri. September 7th Sat. September 8th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī


Notes Sun. September 9th Mon. September 10th Tues. September 11th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

U Navamī V Daśamī W Ekādaśī


Wed. September 12th Thurs. September 13th Fri. September 14th Sat. September 15th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya


Sunday Monday Tuesday

A September 16 B September 17 C September 18

Sunrise at 6:54 Sunrise at 6:55 Sunrise at 6:56

Uttaraphalguné until 12:41 Hasta until 10:53 Citrä until 8:56

S1 until 16:48 S2 until 14:11 S3 until 11:28

Moon>>li 21:55


Sun » Virgo 5:25

H September 23 I September 24 J September 25

Müla until 1:02 Purväñäòhä until 0:13 Sunrise at 7:02

Sunrise at 7:00 Moon>>cp 6:03 S11 until 20:02

S9 until 22:13 Sunrise at 7:01 Çravaëa until 23:31

S10 until 20:58

Uttaräñäòhä until 23:42

N September 30 O October 1 P October 2

Uttarabhadra until 2:44 Moon>>ar 4:41 Açviné until 7:06

Sunrise at 7:06 Revaté until 4:41 Sunrise at 7:08

K1 until 21:34 Mercury>>li 5:11

Sunrise at 7:07

K2 until 23:19

S October 7 T October 8 U October 9

Sunrise at 7:12 Sunrise at 7:13 Sunrise at 7:14

K7 until 11:36 K8 until 13:22 K9 until 14:25

Ärdrä until 21:49 Moon>>cn 17:26

Punarvasu until 23:52

Z October 14 0 October 15 October 16

Sunrise at 7:19 K15 until 5:03

K14 until 8:03 Sunrise at 7:20

Hasta until 20:39 Moon>>li 7:29

Citrä until 18:15

Sun entering Virgo


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

D September 19 F September 20 F September 21 G September 22

Sunrise at 6:57 Viçäkhä until 5:11 Anurädhä until 3:33 S7 until 1:40

Sväté until 7:00 S5 until 6:12 S6 until 3:48 Moon>>sa 2:09

S4 until 8:46 Sunrise at 6:57 Sunrise at 6:58 Jyeñöhä until 2:09

Moon>>sc 23:37 Sunrise at 6:59

Autumnal Equinox 7:49

S8 until 23:47

K September 26 L September 27 M September 28 @ September 19

Sunrise at 7:03 Sunrise at 7:03 Çatabhiña until 0:15 Purvabhädra until 1:16

Moon>>aq 11:33 S13 until 19:18 Sunrise at 7:04 Sunrise at 7:05

S12 until 19:28 Venus>>le 20:14 Mars>>sc 8:16 S15 until 20:19

Dhaniñöhä until 23:41 Moon>>pi 18:58

S14 until 19:34

Q October 3 R October 4 S October 5 S October 6

K3 until 1:30 K4 until 4:01 K5 untjil 6:42 Moon>>ge 5:43

Sunrise at 7:09 Jupiter Retrograde 4:41 Sunrise at 7:11 Sunrise at 7:11

Bharaëé until 9:55 Sunrise at 7:10 Rohiëé until 16:10 K6 until 9:18

Moon>>ta 16:41 Kåttikä until 13:00 Mågaçira until 19:11

V October 10 W October 11 X October 12 Y October 13

Puñya until 1:12 Moon>>le 1:42 Maghä until 1:25 Pürvaphalguné until 0:23

Sunrise at 7:15 Äçleñä until 1:42 Sunrise at 7:17 Moon>>vi 6:02

K10 until 14:40 Sunrise at 7:16 K12 until 12:43 Sunrise at 7:18

K11 until 14:05 K13 until 10:40

Uttaraphalguné until 22:45

October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20


Notes Sun. September 16th Mon. September 17th Tues. September 18th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

A Prathama B Dvitīyā C Tṛtīyā


Wed. September 19th Thurs. September 20th Fri. September 21st Sat. September 22nd 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

D Chaturthī F Ṣaṣṭī S Saptamī G Aṣṭamī


Notes Sun. September 23rd Mon. September 24th Tues. September 25th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

H Navamī I Daśamī J Ekādaśī


Wed. September 26th Thurs. September 27th Fri. September 28th Sat. September 29th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

K Dvādaśī L Trayodaśī M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā


Notes Sun. September 30th Mon. October 1st Tues. October 2nd 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

N Prathama O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā


Wed. October 3rd Thurs. October 4th Fri. October 5th Sat. October 6th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

Q Chaturthī R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī S Ṣaṣṭī


Notes Sun. October 7th Mon. October 8th Tues. October 9th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī


Wed. October 10th Thurs. October 11th Fri. October 12th Sat. October 13th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī


Notes Sun. October 14th Mon. October 15th Tues. October 16th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā


Wed. October 17th Thurs. October 18th Fri. October 19th Sat. October 20th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

October 14 October 15 B October 16

S1 until 1:49

Sunrise at 7:21

Sväté until 15:43

S2 until 22:29


Sun » Libra 17:21

F October 21 G October 22 I October 23

Purväñäòhä until 5:52 Uttaräñäòhä until 5:09 Mercury>>sc 2:20

Sunrise at 7:26 Sunrise at 7:27 Çravaëa until 4:58

S7 until 9:16 S8 until 7:57 S9 until 7:09

Moon>>cp 11:39 Venus>>vi 7:25

Sunrise at 7:28

Moon>>aq 17:05

M October 28 @ October 29 N October 30

Sunrise at 7:33 Sunrise at 7:34 Sunrise at 7:35

S14 until 10:48 S15 until 12:50 K1 until 15:12

Moon>>ar 11:26 Açviné until 13:59 Bharaëé until 16:50

Revaté until 11:26 Moon>>ta 23:35

Nov 13: Total Solar Eclipse S November 4 S November 5 T November 6

Partial Eclipse 11:38-16:46 K5 until 1:37 K6 until 2:40 K7 until 4:08

Total Eclipse 12:35-15:48 Ärdrä until 4:02 Punarvasu until 6:30 Sunrise at 6:42

Peak of the Eclipse 14:13 Sunrise at 6:40 Sunrise at 6:41 Puñya until 8:24

Moon>>cn 23:56 Mercury Retrograde 14:57

Samhain 16:10

Daylight Savings Time Ends

Y November 11 Z November 12 0 November 13

Hasta until 6:38 Citrä until 4:19 Sväté until 1:37, Sunrise at 6:50

Sunrise at 6:48 Sunrise at 6:49 Total Solar Eclipse begins 11:38

Moon>>li 17:32 K14 until 17:44 K15 till 14:08>>eclipse peak 14:13

K13 until 21:04 Eclipse ends 16:46

Moon>>sc 17:28

Viçäkhä until 22:44

Sun entering Libra


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

C October 17 D October 18 E October 19 F October 20

Sunrise at 7:22 Sunrise at 7:23 Sunrise at 7:24 Müla until 7:05

Moon>>sc 7:49 Anurädhä until 10:50 Moon>>sa 8:46 Sunrise at 7:25

Viçäkhä until 13:11 S4 until 16:11 Jyeñöhä until 8:46 S6 until 11:07

S3 until 19:14 S5 until 13:27

J October 24 K October 25 K October 26 L October 27

Dhaniñöhä until 5:19 Çatabhiña until 6:09 Moon>>pi 1:06 Sunrise at 7:32

S10 until 6:53 S11 until 7:09 Purvabhädra until 7:29 S13 until 9:08

Sunrise at 7:29 Sunrise at 7:30 Sunrise at 7:31 Uttarabhadra until 9:15

S12 until 7:55

O October 31 P November 1 Q November 2 R November 3

Sunrise at 7:36 Sunrise at 7:37 Sunrise at 7:38 Mågaçira until 2:10

K2 until 17:47 K3 until 20:30 Moon>>ge 12:37 Sunrise at 7:39

Kåttikä until 19:54 Rohiëé until 23:03 K4 until 23:10

U November 7 V November 8 W November 9 X November 10

K8 until 4:53 K9 until 4:50 K10 until 3:58 K11 until 2:19

Sunrise at 6:43 Sunrise at 6:44 Sunrise at 6:45 Sunrise at 6:47

Moon>>le 9:35 Maghä until 9:59 Pürvaphalguné until 9:35 Uttaraphalguné until 8:27

Äçleñä until 9:35 Mars>>sa 20:10 Moon>>vi 15:22 K12 until 23:59

A November 14 November 15 November 16 November 17

Sunrise at 6:51

S1 until 10:27

Anurädhä until 19:48


Notes Sun. October 21st Mon. October 22nd Tues. October 23rd 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī I Daśamī


Wed. October 24th Thurs. October 25th Fri. October 26th Sat. October 27th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī K Dvādaśī L Trayodaśī


Notes Sun. October 28th Mon. October 29th Tues. October 30th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā N Prathama


Wed. October 31st Thurs. November 1st Fri. November 2nd Sat. November 3rd 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā Q Chaturthī R Païchamī


Notes Sun. November 4th Mon. November 5th Tues. November 6th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

S Ṣaṣṭī S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī


Wed. November 7th Thurs. November 8th Fri. November 9th Sat. November 10th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

U Navamī V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī


Notes Sun. November 11th Mon. November 12th Tues. November 13th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya


Wed. November 14th Thurs. November 15th Fri. November 16th Sat. November 17th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

A Prathama C Tṛtīyā D Chaturthī E Païchamī


Sunday Monday Tuesday

November 11 November 12 November 13

F November 18 F November 19 G November 20

Sunrise at 6:55 Sunrise at 6:56 Sunrise at 6:57

Uttaräñäòhä until 11:05 Çravaëa until 10:17 Dhaniñöhä until 10:13

Mercury>>li 13:43 S7 until 18:51 S8 until 18:24

S6 until 20:02 Moon>>aq 22:10

L November 25 M November 26 @ November 27

Sunrise at 7:02 S13 until 1:31 S14 until 4:05

Açviné until 19:08 Sunrise at 7:03 Moon>>ta 4:52

Mercury Direct 14:40 Sunrise at 7:04

Bharaëé until 22:06

Nov 28: Q December 2 R December 3 S December 4

Prenumbral Lunar eclipse Moon>>cn 6:10 Sunrise at 7:10 Sunrise at 7:11

Penumbral 4:15-8:51 Sunrise at 7:09 Puñya until 14:56 Moon>>le 16:35

peak 6:33 Punarvasu until 12:46 K5 until 18:05 Äçleñä until 16:35

K4 until 16:28 K6 until 19:09

W December 9 X December 10 Y December 11

Moon>>li 3:56 Sunrise at 7:16 Venus>>sc 2:02

Sunrise at 7:15 K12 until 11:23 Moon>>sc 4:53

K11 until 14:17 Sväté until 12:49 Sunrise at 7:16

Citrä until 15:01 K13 until 8:03

Sun entering Scorpio


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

November 14 C November 15 D November 16 E November 17

S2 until 6:49 S3 until 3:26 S4 until 0:25

Sunrise at 6:52 Sunrise at 6:53 Sunrise at 6:54

Moon>>sa 17:01 Müla until 14:33 Purväñäòhä until 12:32

Jyeñöhä until 17:01 Venus>>li 21:24 Moon>>cp 18:06

S5 until 21:55


Sun » Scorpio 16:07

H November 21 I November 22 J November 23 K November 24

Sunrise at 6:58 Moon>>pi 5:46 Sunrise at 7:00 Sunrise at 7:01

Çatabhiña until 10:51 Sunrise at 6:59 Uttarabhadra until 14:02 Moon>>ar 16:24

S9 until 18:40 Purvabhädra until 12:09 S11 until 21:09 Revaté until 16:24

S10 until 19:37 S12 until 23:09

N November 28 O November 29 P November 30 P December 1

Kåttikä until 1:12 Rohiëé until 4:19 Sunrise at 7:07 Sunrise at 7:08

Lunar Eclipse begins 4:15 Sunrise at 7:06 Mågaçira until 7:21 Ärdrä until 10:12

S15 until 6:46>>eclipse peak 6:33 K1 until 9:28 K2 until 12:03 K3 until 14:25

Eclipse ends 8:51 Moon>>ge 17:51

Sunrise at 7:05

S December 5 T December 6 U December 7 V December 8

Sunrise at 7:12 Sunrise at 7:12 Moon>>vi 0:00 Sunrise at 7:14

Maghä until 17:39 Pürvaphalguné until 18:01 Sunrise at 7:13 K10 until 16:37

K7 until 19:35 K8 until 19:19 Uttaraphalguné until 17:42 Hasta until 16:41

Mercury>>sc 19:41 K9 until 18:19

0 December 12 A December 13 B December 14 December 15

K14 until 4:26 K15 until 0:42 Müla until 1:24

Sunrise at 7:17 Moon>>sa 4:19 Sunrise at 7:18

Anurädhä until 7:28 Jyeñöhä until 4:19 S2 until 17:33

Sunrise at 7:18 Purväñäòhä until 22:45

S1 until 21:01


Notes Sun. November 18th Mon. November 19th Tues. November 20th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

F Ṣaṣṭī F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī


Wed. November 21st Thurs. November 22nd Fri. November 23rd Sat. November 24th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

H Navamī I Daśamī J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī


Notes Sun. November 25th Mon. November 26th Tues. November 27th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

L Trayodaśī M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā


Wed. November 28th Thurs. November 29th Fri. November 30th Sat. December 1st 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

N Prathama N Prathama O Dvitīyā P Tṛtīyā


Notes Sun. December 2nd Mon. December 3rd Tues. December 4th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

Q Chaturthī R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī


Wed. December 5th Thurs. December 6th Fri. December 7th Sat. December 8th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

S Saptamī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī V Daśamī


Notes Sun. December 9th Mon. December 10th Tues. December 11th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī Y Trayodaśī


Wed. December 12th Thurs. December 30th Fri. December 14th Sat. December 15th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

0 Amāvāsya A Prathama B Dvitīyā C Tṛtīyā


Sunday Monday Tuesday

December 9 December 10 December 11

D December 16 E December 17 F December 18

Sunrise at 7:20 Moon>>aq 6:24 Mars>>cp 1:48

S4 until 12:00 Sunrise at 7:20 Sunrise at 7:21

Çravaëa until 18:57 S5 until 10:12 S6 until 9:12

Dhaniñöhä until 18:04 Çatabhiña until 18:00

J December 23 K December 24 L December 25

Açviné until 1:16 Bharaëé until 4:18 Sunrise at 7:24

Rahu>>li 6:26 Sunrise at 7:24 Kåttikä until 7:28

Sunrise at 7:23 Moon>>ta 11:05 S13 until 21:19

S11 until 15:50 S12 until 18:33

P December 30 P December 31 Q January 1

K2 until 6:13 Sunrise at 7:25 Sunrise at 7:26

Sunrise at 7:25 K3 until 7:34 K4 until 8:31

Puñya until 20:38 Moon>>le 22:16 Maghä until 23:29

Äçleñä until 22:16

V January 6 W January 7 X January 8

K9 until 5:42 K10 until 3:32 K11 until 0:52

Sunrise at 7:26 Sunrise at 7:26 Sunrise at 7:26

Sväté until 22:01 Moon>>sc 14:40 Anurädhä until 17:55

Viçäkhä until 20:10 K12 until 21:50

Sun entering Sagittarius


New Moon Chakra

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

December 12 December 13 December 14 C December 15

Moon>>cp 4:09

Sunrise at 7:19

S3 until 14:30

Uttaräñäòhä until 20:33


Sun » Sagittarius 6:45

F December 19 G December 20 H December 21 I December 22

Sunrise at 7:21 Sunrise at 7:22 Winter Solstice 03:12 Sunrise at 7:23

S7 until 9:04 S8 until 9:47 Sunrise at 7:22 S10 until 13:20

Moon>>pi 12:30 Uttarabhadra until 20:19 S9 until 11:15

Purvabhädra until 18:46 Moon>>ar 22:32

Revaté until 22:32

M December 26 @ December 27 N December 28 O December 29

Sunrise at 7:24 Moon>>ge 0:06 S15 until 2:22 K1 until 4:28

Rohiëé until 10:35 Sunrise at 7:25 Sunrise at 7:25 Sunrise at 7:25

S14 until 23:57 Mercury>>sa 8:37 Ärdrä until 16:14 Moon>>cn 12:03

Mågaçira until 13:33 Punarvasu until 18:37

R January 2 S January 3 S January 4 U January 5

Sunrise at 7:26 Pürvaphalguné until 0:14 Uttaraphalguné until 0:29 Hasta until 0:12

K5 until 9:00 Moon>>vi 6:21 Venus>>sa 2:04 K8 until 7:21

Sunrise at 7:26 Sunrise at 7:26 Sunrise at 7:26

K6 until 8:59 K7 until 8:27 Moon>>li 11:51

Citrä until 23:23

Y January 9 Z January 10 0 January 11 A January 12

Sunrise at 7:25 Sunrise at 7:25 Sunrise at 7:25 Sunrise at 7:25

Moon>>sa 15:23 Müla until 12:42 Purväñäòhä until 10:03 Uttaräñäòhä until 7:36

Jyeñöhä until 15:23 K14 until 15:07 K15 until 11:44 S1 until 8:35

K13 until 18:32 Moon>>cp 15:24


Notes Sun. December 16th Mon. December 17th Tues. December 18th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

D Chaturthī E Païchamī F Ṣaṣṭī


Wed. December 19th Thurs. December 20th Fri. December 21st Sat. December 22nd 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

F Saptamī G Aṣṭamī H Navamī I Daśamī


Notes Sun. December 23rd Mon. December 24th Tues. December 25th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

J Ekādaśī K Dvādaśī L Trayodaśī


Wed. December 26th Thurs. December 27th Fri. December 28th Sat. December 29th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

M Chaturdaśī @ Pūrṇimā N Prathama O Dvitīyā


Notes Sun. December 30th Mon. December 31st Tues. January 1st 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

P Tṛtīyā P Tṛtīyā Q Chaturthī


Wed. January 2nd Thurs. January 3rd Fri. January 4th Sat. January 5th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

R Païchamī S Ṣaṣṭī T Aṣṭamī U Navamī


Notes Sun. January 6th Mon. January 7th Tues. January 8th 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

9am 9am 9am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

1pm 1pm 1pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

2pm 2pm 2pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

4pm 4pm 4pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

5pm 5pm 5pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

6pm 6pm 6pm

:15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45

V Daśamī W Ekādaśī X Dvādaśī


Wed. January 9th Thurs. January 10th Fri. January 11th Sat. January 12th 6am 6am 6am 6am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

7am 7am 7am 7am

:15 :15 :15 :15

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8am 8am 8am 8am

:15 :15 :15 :15

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9am 9am 9am 9am

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10am 10am 10am 10am

:15 :15 :15 :15

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:45 :45 :45 :45

11am 11am 11am 11am

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

:45 :45 :45 :45

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

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1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm

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2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

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:30 :30 :30 :30

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3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm

:15 :15 :15 :15

:30 :30 :30 :30

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4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

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5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

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6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

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Y Trayodaśī Z Chaturdaśī 0 Amāvāsya A Prathama


Sunday Monday Tuesday

January 13 January 14 January 15

January 20 January 21 January 22

January 27 January 28 January 29

February 3 February 4 February 5

February 10 February 11 February 12

Sun entering Capricorn

New Moon Chakra


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19

January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26

January 30 January 31 February 1 February 2

Jupiter Direct 2:48

February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9

February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16


Notes on Calculations:

The Sun entering Capricorn (Makara sankranti), New Year’s, and Christmas are all the same Solstice

celebration. Makara sankranti (January 14th) was the Solstice in the tropical zodiac, New Year’s (January 1st)

was the Solstice in the Roman Calendar, Christmas (Dec 25th) was the Solstice in the Julian calendar and

December 21st is the Solstice in the present Gregorian calendar. Holidays and their importance in the sky have

been disconnected for a long time.

There are many complications that come with a calendar. Time doesn’t like to fit in our boxes and what

we do is an approximation at best. The ayanäàça calculation gives us the exact lines delineating the beginning

and ending of a sign. Variations in ayanäàça calculations change the exact time when a planet enters a sign.

Different schools have different opinions about the exact space the Sun signs begin and end. Though, most

commonly accepted ayanäàça values are in the same general time/space. Below is an example of the Sun

entering Aquarius in 2012 and the different ayanäàça calculations. I have given the common calculations and

less used ones to show the nature of the difference.

Ayanäàça Calculation Time Date

Jagannath (fixed Viñëu Nabhi plane) 00:24:28 February 13, 2012

Lahira (Chitrapaksha) 00:19:58 February 13, 2012

True Chitrapaksha (Chitra at 108 deg) 23:57:25 February 12, 2012

Krishnamoorty (KP) 22:02:24 February 12, 2012

Fagan 21:18:23 February 13, 2012

Raman 14:00:40 February 11, 2012

Our Vedic calendar uses the Lahiri ayanäàça as it is presently the most accepted, and the choice of the

Indian government. When the Sun first enters a sign it is unable to be effective. At this time it is difficult to

accomplish tasks or projects effectively. It is the best time to take an off day. Often work done on the day of

sankranti needs to be repeated because of some error. In this way, it is the most effective day to go to the


The time of New Moon does not have this variability as it is the time of the conjunction which is a

purely observable phenomenon, and not the entry into a sign. We can see the peak of a lunar eclipse at the

height of a Full Moon and the peak of a lunar eclipse at the height of the New Moon. Some lunar calendars are

calculated New Moon to New Moon, while some have

been Full Moon to Full Moon. The Vedic Lunar

calendar starts the first New Moon after the spring

Equinox, which relates to the first new Moon after the

Sun enters Aries. The astrological New Year is when

the Sun enters Aries. In this way, there are many

variations for when we call some place in the cycle the


As the year passes the big dipper spins. The

big dipper fills itself with ghee and offers the ghee

into the fire of the immortal center, which turns the

wheel of time urging us onwards.