1998-06-25.pdf - Local History Archives

.~ ,.~ " . pr ~.j!~1; ..:~'-. Patterson aaded, "We're not gomg to try to bUIld a case m the ne\\ spapers " hon In mumcipal court to df'termlDf' If there 1S enough eVIdence to Justlfy remandmg the case over to Wayne County Clrcult court The defendent's exam IS scheduled for Wednesday, July 1 If the Woods muruclpal Judge determmes enough eVidence eXist", the defendents wlll be arralgned In CIrCUit court for the purpose!- of bemg formall)' charged and tned Park MuniCIpal Judge Carl Jarboe handled the arralgn- r.1ent because Woods Judge Lynne Pierce "'as on Yacatlon. She IS expected to be on the beneh for the exam the allegallop" atCo"dlOg to Smutko Camera tre", sana elearomc medla, althou/;h 'JI' hand for th(' aIT3Ignm€''it .... ere demed permlSSlon to fi 1m 10 open court However, In cIting a letter tron> WXYZ Ch,mn .. 1 7 fRleVl- SlOn requestmg pernlls",lon to fL!m, Judge Jarboe acknowl- edg<..--d that the so-called "three day~ ruJe ior fiimmg requestb was dIfficult to comply WIth for ~uch 8 qUIckly scheduled arraIgnment ~fore the court, Gr(.'Sse POlnte Wood;, pubhc safetJo detective Robert KWlatko\'<&lo read the charges agamst the four defendants, pnnClpally' "sexual relatIOns with guls bemg of nunor age {statutory rape}" Ja-rboe then asked Kv.latkow',kl a senes of Ques. bons concerning the nature of the charges,and the.' . the complalDt and b agamst the defend I' thIrd-degree cnmmal sexual conduct "DJd the girls IdentJ.fy the defendants?~ asked Jarboe' "Ye": K"II1atkowsk1 an "wered All four defendants were rep- resented by counsel Deie~e attorney Wilham E Bufalmo II r€presented Granger Bufahno saId In court Wednesday t~at none of tho? defendants had pnor 3rrl:'~t, and that "all four .... ere herl wIllfull~' " ~one of thlo def'..nd"nt' "'.lC taken mto cu<;to<h as ;] rlsult ot the allegatHm<. of lelrm:o '('v- ual conduct One of tl'(. d"fl- dants, James Raymond. "on.\ learned about (thiS) from hI'> uncle: who IS a Woods pohcp officer .,ald Buf.<ihno -~.~ ~'7~ . - j , -<' .... 1'"~'=-~ 'J'oi- .... .. ....,,:l ..... \luote: -I m al\\aV" oroud lO bnni" an exchange ,tll dl'nt her€' a" an arpa J ,'po n .. ('ntmg i\menCa Age:,jl Famil~': Husband. Da\ld Shore. daughter, T.lft') g ... "'~I'J"'~0tt, ...h pc,....""", SPUICLr Sh0rl "tce daughter, Bnttany Shor(' Occupation: Prngram Coordmator of ~F Homestaj. Fnrvgn Excha'1ge. and >\u Pall FoundntlAn HomE': Grosse Pf'lOte P<Jrk Parents aUege 'milieu' of sexual harassment allowed at North High, Page 3A AAUW study fmds ftr -&. _ .. L.f_ ..... .,.., ..- • ....ca.~ .... III~' school girls say they have been sexually harassed, Page 3A Incident casts pall on community, see editorial, Page 6A Psychiatristlphsy- choanalyst Dr. Victor Bloom contributes to discussion, Page 7A I [ !I I",i ....... , - . I Set' <;tory, page 4A .......... ., .... - n::~Q , --------------------------,--/ The parents' report began the lDveshgatlOn which led to the filmg of charges agaInst the four defendants for sexual- ly assualtmg three Korth freshman girls. Woods public '>afet)' director Jack Patterson said that hIS department sent the results of thelr LOvestIgatlOn to the Wayne Count} prosecutor's office on Monday June, 15 The four defendents v. ere arraIgned m the Woods mUniC- Ipal court two days later, on Wednesday, June 17, ",here they were formall:-- charged wlth cnmmal sexual conduct 10 the third degree They are currently free on a $25,000, 10 percent bond The next step m the court process IS to hs\ I" an exammw.- the famIhes of the \'lctlms or the victim'>, restraint wlthm the junsdIctlon of MIChigan; and the prohIbItIOn against engagmg III any other cnmmal actIVlt,. dunng the bond pen- od ForfeIture of bond vr..th bal- ance owed Voould be the penal- ty for hn?Rkmg the r:or>dtt!ol'l!!-, accordmg to .Jarboe'!> rohng Smutko later CIted recent. sImilar cases wherelD the defendants had "the mel1ns to leave" and were thus "flight nsks" He also lH,ked for and received a mIlD/{ from Jarboe that the defendant., be requned to surrender theIr F3'3SPOrts dunng the UhCO\ en and tnal penods Jarboe also !>et a July 1 pre. I1mmary exam for 1 p m In the Woods court The exam WIll mVvlve the prosetutlOn's presentatIOn of eVIdence of probable caU6e for - M. Melissa Treusch ~, ! ilL I C}JU! LIH~ ~dl t~lll,.~ L,.OIU public safety officers that their rlilll:>,hlpr ".,~ Ihrp>llt>nt>n "-tth h.trm by Damci Ravmond If '\'C told an)-one The police report Incidents began in Woods hom.e on New Year's Eve otl1er~, Rn.)mf'l'd By Jim Stickford Staff Wnter The Woods InvestIgatIOn began on June 3, Vo hen the par- ents of one of three girls who attend North HIgh School reported that on two separate occaSlOns, the four defendents coerced sex from theIr daugh- ter. Because of the lOvestlgatlOn and after their June 17 arralgnment on charges of cnmmal sexual conduct in the thIrd degree. four Grosse Pomte Woods area men no", face the posslbhlty of spendmg bet\\ een on\' and 15 Yt'ars 10 pnson W00ds reSIdent Daniel Granger, 18, was charged Wlth three counts ana hI" co-defend- ents, James Raymond, 19, of Hal per Woods, as well as n__ ~1 n ..J in -.... .J V ClUJo li;:'.. H,,")' JUVUU~ .L. ..... , 01.1",,( Robert Cooper, 18, both of Grosse Pomte \~ioods, were "h:lrp-pr! ",.,th nnp (,(,lIrt p ."h Th~ first mCldpnt IS said to have taken place on New Year's Eve In a Grosse POInte Woods home One of thE.' vlctlms claImed sht> was forced to havE' "ex Wlth Damel Raymond The "econd inCident rt:ported .,n .June 3 1<; <;uppo<;ed to have taken place m eariv Jdnuan Thf' Vl('IITI' tOld offiCE'r:- tpat ",hill' at the homp of Damel GrangE'r !-he was glVen alcohol and fOiced to perfonn acts of oral.,ex on Granger and Robert Cooper She saId that a'so pre- .,ent that evening were two " T Ult..!LlUJUg tJdIU~'" Pboto by Rosh Sollars . . "\ 'I, . \ \ 13 accused Istatutory rape' I .. '1. ""T 'I I suspeCIS arralgnea In v\'ooas .... '-' By LlZ Ferszt Staff Wnter One to 15 years m pnson IS ",hat Grosse Po'nte Wood~ res- ldf'nt Dan Grangf'r, 18, fac~, after he was charged Wednesday, June 17, WIth felony sexual assault m the thlrd.deJUee. The charges were brought by the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office m Gro'lse POlDte Woods MUOlCipai Court following aile- gatJoFls brought by the parents of three North freshmen gIrls and sub'5Cquent lDvestigatlons by Woods detectives Granger, 1998 North gradu. ate and class pre~ndent, along Wlth co-defendants and North gaduates James Raymond, 19; DanIel Raymond, 19, and Robert Cooper, 18, entered pleas of mnocent Granger was charged Wlth three counts, while each of the other three defendants was charged with one count crum. ual sexual conduct wlth a llllDor. The Raymonds are first COUSinS James Raymond hves m Harper Woods Daniel Raymond and Rooort Cooper lIve m Grosse PQlDte Woods In settmg bond for 10 IN>r- cent of $25,000, Grosse Pointe Park MumClpal Court Judge Carl Jarboe, who was Slttmg m for Woods MUDIcIpal Court Judge Lynne PIerce, Wednesday, saId "notonety (medIa attention) IS not a fac- tor 10 tms bond." Fourth of Jul d dl . .Tarboe ac..epted Wayne y ea Ines County assistant prosecutor Due to the Fourth of July holiday, the Grosse Pomte News Paul J 8mutko's l'eCn'1lmenda- ofIicee will be closed Friday, July 3, tn.--ougn Sunday, July 5, hons for bond condItions. but aDd. will ftOPen as usual at 8 IUD; OA Mon. day, July 6. ,ruled agami>t the prosecution'" - --,,,... request for'maxlmum bond of ~_~ ~ will remain the same $100,000 ex::ept for the F_tures, SeetWn B, cop)', including Bond condItions !Delude no Entertainment Items, which "'ill be due by 3 p m Thursday, conta/'t, direct or mdlrect Wlth July 2. Hs"'" a "'afIA find happy Tndt'pl'l'lden<'P DAy' Twice as nice Red WIDgs captain Steve Yzerman, lIhown here with the Com1 Smythe Trophy he won .. the outstaDdIDg plaJeI' iD. the StaDley Cup playof&. holds up two flD.- gena tIartDg the dub's victory parade last week, sigDi- fJSae the club'. two stnlght Stanley Cup champi- onsId.-. Hi I I I INSIDE Opution . . . . . .. . 6A Schools 9A Seniors 12A Obituanes . 13A Autos .. _. . I4A Business I6A Entertamment . 6B Sports.. . IC Classi{l.ed ads 4C Grosse Pomte Memonal Church In Grosse Pomte Farms opens lts free Canllon Concert senes WIth a salute to the Freedom Festival per- formance by Ann Arbor musician Margo Halsted The concert starts 7 p.rn A free fireworks dlsplay sponsored by Grosse Pomte Woods begins at dusk The show can be seen from Parcells field at the corner of Mack and Vermer Tuesday, June 30 A special free concert by the Fesbval of Flutes begins at 6:30 p.m. at the gazebo on Kercheval OIl the HIll. For more mformatlOn, call (313) 882-0077 Thursday.. June 25 The Grosse Pomte Village Association's Music on the Plaza senes returns to the comer of Kerch<;l','a! and St. Clarr. The free performance begms at 7 p.m. The Keller/Kocher Quartet is fea- tured. Friday, June 26 The War Memonalls host- mg a conference about tak- mg the stlgma out of mental health Among those attending are state Sen. Joe Young and Henry Ford Cottage Hospital chief of psychiatry Dr Dan Guyer. The conference begms at 9 a.m. and lasts until noon The cost is $5 For more mfonnatlon, call (313) 640- 2244. Sunday, June 28 GI"OllBe Pomte Fanns resI- dents are Invited to Pier Park at 11a m. to attend the dedkation ceremony mark- me: the restoration of the park following the deadly July 2, 1997. stonn. ~ A tree WIll be dedicated to the memory ofthose who lost their lives -dunng the storm Another will be planted to bonor those mvolved mUle rescue efforts For more informatlon, call (313) 343- 2375. Singing the anthe1n carol ADne Perry. 10, of Grosse Pointe Farms, who rec:enU)' completed the fifth grade at Kerby Elemen- tary School, had the thrill of • lifetime last week wben .he SiUagrh~ Natiuual Ai.them bi;foI'f: tt.e Ti5~;Si ga,,~e with the Minnewta Twins at Tiger Stadium. Carol Anne Is the daughter of Mary Anne and Jim Perry and .. t' ~ . hu been "singing aa long as we can remember, tt said ,,:0- e6 . her mother. NShe wasn't nervous at all, but I was a bas- .~(Q)' ~~. Iret ease:' Carol AIme has been perfonning ill talent '" .... shows. select chain at ber school and ill the Grosse I 'lilt' ce Pointe Tele-thon lit GrOllf'e Pointe South She Slot a t;;a. \ .. . t'" chance to sing at Tiger Stadium after her father- sent I I ». ... I the club's communitv relations department a tape of ........... 'I Carol Anne sillglng the Star Spangled Banner before I ~ =~ .. ~~'R .. ~r::.s~~~ ~~~e~~o_~~-?~~~~ :.~~.te~ ~ut~ I' '1 Lh~~;i~-;p~d.th~. T!i~';;" ..;;~ be~;'~~~e" ~~~"3~ 2~ ... .,>t J ,.~, I~ .I I UUt:UUiU I I I t I .. f ! I I. I I I ~. .f I I l .. I i I

Transcript of 1998-06-25.pdf - Local History Archives

.~,.~ " .

pr ~.j!~1;..:~'-.

Patterson aaded, "We're notgomg to try to bUIld a case mthe ne\\ spapers "

hon In mumcipal court todf'termlDf' If there 1S enougheVIdence to Justlfy remandmgthe case over to Wayne CountyClrcult court The defendent'sexam IS scheduled forWednesday, July 1

If the Woods muruclpal Judgedetermmes enough eVidenceeXist", the defendents wlll bearralgned In CIrCUit court forthe purpose!- of bemg formall)'charged and tned

Park MuniCIpal Judge CarlJarboe handled the arralgn-r.1ent because Woods JudgeLynne Pierce "'as on Yacatlon.She IS expected to be on thebeneh for the exam

the allegallop" atCo"dlOg toSmutko

Camera tre", sana elearomcmedla, althou/;h 'JI' hand forth(' aIT3Ignm€''it ....ere demedpermlSSlon to fi 1m 10 opencourt

However, In cIting a lettertron> WXYZ Ch,mn .. 1 7 fRleVl-SlOn requestmg pernlls",lon tofL!m, Judge Jarboe acknowl-edg<..--dthat the so-called "threeday~ ruJe ior fiimmg requestbwas dIfficult to comply WIth for~uch 8 qUIckly scheduledarraIgnment

~fore the court, Gr(.'SsePOlnte Wood;, pubhc safetJodetective Robert KWlatko\'<&loread the charges agamst thefour defendants, pnnClpally'"sexual relatIOns with gulsbemg of nunor age {statutoryrape}"

Ja-rboe then askedKv.latkow',kl a senes of Ques.bons concerning the nature ofthe charges,and the.' .the complalDt and b

agamst the defend I'

thIrd-degree cnmmal sexualconduct

"DJd the girls IdentJ.fy thedefendants?~ asked Jarboe' •

"Ye": K"II1atkowsk1an "wered

All four defendants were rep-resented by counsel Deie~eattorney Wilham E Bufalmo IIr€presented Granger

Bufahno saId In courtWednesday t~at none of tho?defendants had pnor 3rrl:'~t,and that "all four ....ere herlwIllfull~' "

~one of thlo def'..nd"nt' "'.lC

taken mto cu<;to<h as ;] rlsultot the allegatHm<. of lelrm:o '('v-ual conduct One of tl'(. d"fl-dants, James Raymond. "on. \learned about (thiS) from hI'>uncle: who IS a Woods pohcpofficer .,ald Buf.<ihno

-~.~~'7~ . -j ,

-<' ....1'"~'=-~ 'J'oi- ....

.. ....,,:l .....

\luote: -I m al\\aV" oroud lObnni" an exchange ,tlldl'nt her€' a" an arpa J ,'pon ..('ntmg i\menCa


Famil~': Husband. Da\ldShore. daughter, T.lft')g ... "'~I'J"'~0tt, ...h pc,....""",SPUICLr Sh0rl "tcedaughter, Bnttany Shor('

Occupation: PrngramCoordmator of ~FHomestaj. FnrvgnExcha'1ge. and >\u PallFoundntlAn

HomE': Grosse Pf'lOte P<Jrk

• Parents aUege'milieu' of sexualharassment allowed atNorth High, Page 3A

• AAUW study fmdsftr -&. _ .. L.f_ .....

.,.., ..- • ....ca.~ .... III~'

school girls say theyhave been sexuallyharassed, Page 3A

• Incident casts pallon community, seeeditorial, Page 6A

• Psychiatristlphsy-choanalyst Dr. VictorBloom contributes todiscussion, Page 7 A


[ !II",i....... , - . ISet' <;tory, page 4A .......... ., .... - • n::~Q ,


The parents' report beganthe lDveshgatlOn which led tothe filmg of charges agaInstthe four defendants for sexual-ly assualtmg three Korthfreshman girls.

Woods public '>afet)' directorJack Patterson said that hISdepartment sent the results ofthelr LOvestIgatlOn to theWayne Count} prosecutor'soffice on Monday June, 15

The four defendents v. erearraIgned m the Woods mUniC-Ipal court two days later, onWednesday, June 17, ",herethey were formall:-- chargedwlth cnmmal sexual conduct10 the third degree They arecurrently free on a $25,000, 10percent bond

The next step m the courtprocess IS to hs\ I" an exammw.-

the famIhes of the \'lctlms orthe victim'>, restraint wlthmthe junsdIctlon of MIChigan;and the prohIbItIOn againstengagmg III any other cnmmalactIVlt,. dunng the bond pen-od

ForfeIture of bond vr..th bal-ance owed Voould be the penal-ty for hn?Rkmg the r:or>dtt!ol'l!!-,accordmg to .Jarboe'!> rohng

Smutko later CIted recent.sImilar cases wherelD thedefendants had "the mel1ns toleave" and were thus "flightnsks"

He also lH,ked for andreceived a mIlD/{ from Jarboethat the defendant., berequned to surrender theIrF3'3SPOrts dunng the UhCO\ enand tnal penods

Jarboe also !>et a July 1 pre.I1mmary exam for 1 p m In theWoods court

The exam WIll mVvlve theprosetutlOn's presentatIOn ofeVIdence of probable caU6e for

-M. Melissa Treusch

~,! ilL I C}JU! LIH~ ~dl t~lll,.~ L,.OIU

public safety officers that theirrlilll:>,hlpr ".,~ Ihrp>llt>nt>n "-tthh.trm by Damci Ravmond If'\'C told an)-one

The police reportIncidents began in Woodshom.e on New Year's Eve


By Jim StickfordStaff Wnter

The Woods InvestIgatIOnbegan on June 3, Vo hen the par-ents of one of three girls whoattend North HIgh Schoolreported that on two separateoccaSlOns, the four defendentscoerced sex from theIr daugh-ter.

Because of the lOvestlgatlOnand after their June 17arralgnment on charges ofcnmmal sexual conduct in thethIrd degree. four GrossePomte Woods area men no",face the posslbhlty of spendmgbet\\ een on\' and 15 Yt'ars 10

pnsonW00ds reSIdent Daniel

Granger, 18, was charged Wlththree counts ana hI" co-defend-ents, James Raymond, 19, ofHal per Woods, as well asn__~1 n ..J in -.... .JV ClUJo li;:'.. H,,")' JUVUU~ .L. ..... , 01.1",,(

Robert Cooper, 18, both ofGrosse Pomte \~ioods, were"h:lrp-pr! ",.,th nnp (,(,lIrt p ."h

Th~ first mCldpnt IS said tohave taken place on New Year'sEve In a Grosse POInte Woodshome One of thE.' vlctlmsclaImed sht> was forced to havE'"ex Wlth Damel Raymond

The "econd inCident rt:ported.,n .June 3 1<; <;uppo<;ed to havetaken place m eariv JdnuanThf' Vl('IITI' tOld offiCE'r:- tpat",hill' at the homp of DamelGrangE'r !-he was glVen alcoholand fOiced to perfonn acts oforal.,ex on Granger and RobertCooper She saId that a'so pre-.,ent that evening were two

" TUlt..!LlUJUg tJdIU~'"

Pboto by Rosh Sollars

. ."\ 'I,

. \ \13 accused Istatutory rape'I .. • '1. ""T 'II suspeCIS arralgnea In v\'ooas.... '-'

By LlZ FersztStaff Wnter

One to 15 years m pnson IS",hat Grosse Po'nte Wood~ res-ldf'nt Dan Grangf'r, 18, fac~,after he was chargedWednesday, June 17, WIthfelony sexual assault m thethlrd.deJUee.

The charges were brought bythe Wayne County Prosecutor'sOffice m Gro'lse POlDte WoodsMUOlCipai Court following aile-gatJoFls brought by the parentsof three North freshmen gIrlsand sub'5Cquent lDvestigatlonsby Woods detectives

Granger, 1998 North gradu.ate and class pre~ndent, alongWlth co-defendants and Northgaduates James Raymond, 19;DanIel Raymond, 19, andRobert Cooper, 18, enteredpleas of mnocent

Granger was charged Wlththree counts, while each of theother three defendants wascharged with one count crum.ual sexual conduct wlth allllDor.

The Raymonds are firstCOUSinS James Raymond hvesm Harper Woods DanielRaymond and Rooort CooperlIve m Grosse PQlDte Woods

In settmg bond for 10 IN>r-cent of $25,000, Grosse PointePark MumClpal Court JudgeCarl Jarboe, who was Slttmg mfor Woods MUDIcIpal CourtJudge Lynne PIerce,Wednesday, saId "notonety(medIa attention) IS not a fac-tor 10 tms bond."

Fourth of Jul d dl. .Tarboe ac ..epted Wayney ea Ines County assistant prosecutorDue to the Fourth of July holiday, the Grosse Pomte News Paul J 8mutko's l'eCn'1lmenda-

ofIicee will be closed Friday, July 3, tn.--ougn Sunday, July 5, hons for bond condItions. butaDd. will ftOPen as usual at 8 IUD; OA Mon. day, July 6. ,ruled agami>t the prosecution'"

- --,,,... request for'maxlmum bond of~_~ ~ will remain the same $100,000

ex::ept for the F_tures, SeetWn B, cop)', including Bond condItions !Delude noEntertainment Items, which "'ill be due by 3 p m Thursday, conta/'t, direct or mdlrect WlthJuly 2.

Hs"'" a "'afIA find happy Tndt'pl'l'lden<'P DAy'

Twice as niceRed WIDgs captain Steve Yzerman, lIhown here with

the Com1 Smythe Trophy he won .. the outstaDdIDgplaJeI' iD. the StaDley Cup playof&. holds up two flD.-gena tIartDg the dub's victory parade last week, sigDi-fJSae the club'. two stnlght Stanley Cup champi-onsId.-.



INSIDEOpution . . . . . .. . 6ASchools 9ASeniors 12AObituanes . 13AAutos .. _ . . I4ABusiness I6AEntertamment . 6BSports.. . ICClassi{l.ed ads 4C

Grosse Pomte MemonalChurch In Grosse PomteFarms opens lts free CanllonConcert senes WIth a saluteto the Freedom Festival per-formance by Ann Arbormusician Margo HalstedThe concert starts 7 p.rn

A free fireworks dlsplaysponsored by Grosse PomteWoods begins at dusk Theshow can be seen fromParcells field at the corner ofMack and VermerTuesday, June 30

A special free concert bythe Fesbval of Flutes beginsat 6:30 p.m. at the gazebo onKercheval OIl the HIll. Formore mformatlOn, call (313)882-0077

Thursday.. June 25The Grosse Pomte Village

Association's Music on thePlaza senes returns to thecomer of Kerch<;l','a! and St.Clarr. The free performancebegms at 7 p.m. TheKeller/Kocher Quartet is fea-tured.

Friday, June 26The War Memonalls host-

mg a conference about tak-mg the stlgma out of mentalhealth

Among those attendingare state Sen. Joe Young andHenry Ford Cottage Hospitalchief of psychiatry Dr DanGuyer.

The conference begms at 9a.m. and lasts until noonThe cost is $5 For moremfonnatlon, call (313) 640-2244.Sunday, June 28

GI"OllBe Pomte Fanns resI-dents are Invited to PierPark at 11 a m. to attend thededkation ceremony mark-me: the restoration of thepark following the deadlyJuly 2, 1997. stonn. ~

A tree WIll be dedicated tothe memory ofthose who losttheir lives -dunng the stormAnother will be planted tobonor those mvolved mUlerescue efforts For moreinformatlon, call (313) 343-2375.

Singing the anthe1ncarol ADne Perry. 10, of Grosse Pointe Farms, who

rec:enU)' completed the fifth grade at Kerby Elemen-tary School, had the thrill of • lifetime last week wben.he SiUagrh~ Natiuual Ai.them bi;foI'f: tt.e Ti5~;Si ga,,~ewith the Minnewta Twins at Tiger Stadium. CarolAnne Is the daughter of Mary Anne and Jim Perry and

..t' ~ . hu been "singing aa long as we can remember, tt said,,:0- e6 . her mother. NShe wasn't nervous at all, but I was a bas-.~(Q)' ~~.Iret ease:' Carol AIme has been perfonning ill talent

'" .... shows. select chain at ber school and ill the Grosse I'lilt' ce Pointe Tele-thon lit GrOllf'e Pointe South She Slot at;;a. \ .. . t'" chance to sing at Tiger Stadium after her father- sent I

I ». ... I the club's communitv relations department a tape of........... 'I Carol Anne sillglng the Star Spangled Banner before I~ =~..~~'R ..~r::.s~~~~~~e~~o_~~-?~~~~:.~~.te~~ut~I' '1 Lh~~;i~-;p~d.th~.T!i~';;"..;;~be~;'~~~e"~~~"3~2~....,>t J

,.~,I~.I I UUt:UUiU I

IItI ..f






2A News June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News



\\O'.lld t.av" a good chance forclear recepnon along thelength of HIe Shores

"The ordmance 1''111require asubstantial bond or depoSit toguarantee- proper mamtenanceof an\' CO"1mUmcatlOD faclhtva'1d a ~t€'ar down proV1slOn~ Incase the tower operator goesbankrupt. SaId Houghton

VIlla.ge preSident JohnHUl'tteman Ill, {'lung the SWIftad"ancement of (.'.()mmunlca.LJUU~ ~UUUJ.UI!;'y, ~U.o5~.o>'-'C'"askIng the ~hores' engmeenngfirm, HUDoie, Roth & Liar ..., to

invl'stlg!lte alternatives to tow-ers.

"There's got to be a way toskm thiS eat without puttlng\~P l' met'!! tJ;tw.~!" WIth CODespC!mtIng at everybody," he said

Sale Ends August 1


20095 Mack Ave.Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan

IUMMERIALE20-/•••• /.OFFarrDIl ftDCK

~M-F 8-6

'l Saturday 8-5

trustt>t' Dr Rlchard Mertz ,ir3ugge-skd "the POSSlblht)- of a:umt project 'WIth GrossePOlDte- Woctd",: Hlvolvmgshared u>tt!of 3. to\lo £'r locatkdIII the adJOlmng communIty

He also though It would be a.wonderful Idea" to place atransffilSSlon to\'oer at the tiPof the brea1twall farthest fromshore that 15 proposffl whenthe yacht club reveals Its~rthcommg reno"at.lOn plansule CIUU aJreaay nall t""oIIUcro ....ave towers each ban.wlIlg tWO eeiiuiar camers, nes&d

Bt>cause microwaves travelby line of sight and can't bebounced back and forth off theatmusDhere hke radlo waves, atower iocated on the breakwall


(jii«J,Custom Tailoring

WORLD WIDE WEBSECRETSDownload up to $100,000 11

Soltwar8 for FREE, Plus over30 Mind-Boggling 8actels1

1-900-329-1293Ext. 5681$2.99 per min.Must be 18ytS.

ScNv-U (619) 845-8434

Shores to regulate cell towersBy Brad LindbergStaff Vo,••ter

A draft of an ordma'1ce regu-latmg the constmctlOn of ct'llu.lar commUnicatIOn towers wJ.11be mtroduced at the n<:>"imeet.mg of the Grosse Pomte Shores\111age rounrl!

The councll 13 expected topropo3e hmltlng tower om'struchon to mumclpal andrommerclal areas, which wouldr"!,, nnt thO' 1"(1" .. 1 " F\" .... n,.Ford House but mcludE' theiZTOunds of thl'! Gm.~ Point ..Yacht C'lub The COWl.ril won'tallQw (onstruc:tlOo ofmlcro ....-ave towers on propertyzont"d for resldent:tal use

Thank You!The Grosse Pointe Rotary and Grosse Pointe City

woulJ. like to thank the folJowir..g businessand individuals lor their contributions to

the TOT LOT in Grosse Pointe City

Ralph Houghton. corporatecounsel, sald although com-munitIes can't be forced toalcept a tower, he doesn'tt!o",..l... it'" .........,hl .. t/\ '= ........ 1....

forbid them ~ither. "WithoU'tall ordmance, we're vulnerableto Just about anything," even aLOwer PUL u.p in a homeowner's back-yard.

1b cover the costs of review-mg tower applications whiledeterriDg cellular c:ompaniesfrom applying, trusteeBarbara Willett said the coun •cil should consider hefty feesfor to",-er application penmts.

Untl.! an ordmance IS draft-ed, the euuncil said it willextend the moratorium ontower construction that itpassed last winter.

Given the narrow 2 lfl- bylI2-mile layout of the Shores,

~...;U: EytNTS.-rD~~ :u'SC".::.s; AVcno,",; OOj;,1;S 'IOn, ... " .. Mance{~ BaRk ofDlutJll. Broai:s, COlIway. Manmelh Zlggy"ss... Jolla s HeaIlh Sy_ Bus<=u's

CaIl(:U,aub INDIVIDUAl. AVC'IlON DONORS~SPONSORS Oteen ""!be 0..-1 Cliff AsblooAl J...oq Foni. lAc.. CIturdulls Man. A>rou,An VaD Furml_ Como.:ast Ned It 8aUIlelmFerIiro COMInI<:tJOO, lac. CIISlT.aDO BobBasb>n I

~ FIImace Compaay DeWaId ~ Stelleffi MlkeBaslwa -:HeaI1Junarlc I8dtIstnes Compaa)' Do:uott ConvctllJOQ Bureau Marlc &: M,""" BasIle

~~ID:Co By H.tJr Rals:.& Suzanne BastleDolan ~ Coo\paIlv Joe rfEdsel & I'ord House S!e\oe De1ore:o D3S11e

AI1'llP"rn ClPONl;OlK FlI"SIofAmenca Dawn BloomfteldAce ~ler EssenuaIs FleerISk) box lnttmalloaal Co. ~e8<xregoAdIhoch AssocLa'e. Reallors Ford SenIClt P1a)'trS~t\lP Julin rooic<Allcmon'. ~ Company Grosse Pouue AlhIcnc Cl Ben BurnsArt T"" ..et E>.caVlUJlIll. 10<: Grosse Pomte Wood> Preibytenan Olurch \.Ial) Anr. Bu~CrelC CAfponmoo Gallery 454 Chuck CaessDetroll Door & Hard"'1IR: Comraoy GlOnlunal/lll. Consulnng Candace S"een>!XL Glass 0' Grosse Po.nle: Great Frame UL Lloyd Carr'danagemen: 1mpac-.. lac Grosse Pouuc ooc.il So<.et) D.o'e CharvalMcdsiatA.~ Grosse Po,ale SI)eJI Chuck Clu,eRelf C.. bode Tool Company Ha.lrTo1a\ Jack COOauiloobert 1.oorI'.lS &: Associates Hanso.'lS RUM ,ag Shop BIlIDeF~Th: Gabnel Grouc':; [1lC Harleqwn Care A~thony DelucaVanopdenboich on,"""UOO Company Ham"'" CarpelS Tner-esa ThVirg,l

Hamson Palnl JlIl1E,erellINDD'IDUAL SPONSORS Henry fQrd M"SWm FiJ.."Uy Fam,lyClylon and l'alnCla AlaDdl Htddea ValleylOstego 510 Club D:un:1l Pi nkenMan Allen IXLGlass Wilham & L,sa Clay fQrd JrRlCba,.d Allison Insh Coftee J011 and L,,,,, GaodelOlJames 'In4enon Island HOIlSe \.lax Gardner\/Ian: Basile Krn"" Fio\\en Dr J"""" E. GhIlIOl:Ralpll Sasde K Mart CorporallOll l.m Gas,~B"r Koueuer Jewelen Wall GueV3r3John Brooks Lalce"""" ProfeiS'OO Dr Ted Hadg,s .'Be!1 Bum< League Shop MmcHallckThomas Casey Lmle Cae""", P,ua In< PClCT H .. t>"I\"rtd LjlaCk' L.loya uaVla An1l4 .... Dnpcr~,l1

I",alter Crack, u.n, SI"er Oar. Jen",nPaul Dee er :Iolac & Ray> LaL..1T1C Je:ns.enWHham Denier Mack Avenue Dr~ Gordon J,m'!oOnRobert venner M...\II,lh"," Bros Inc Ron Kn,e""John DeWald Metro Car< R., WenenRIchard Do, .. n Nhchlg;>n F'r<l o"d & Safel'o Compan, \.I,ke l.A:f.\,..Peter Do", M,ller &1 Canfield • Dcm'" II1llch LIle<Frnl'1 7 ~()" fp'~ "'r (" , P ...'\.~~.::L.~.. \Vdl,am Cia' Ford \.I u I cr; Mar~el \.l01he "hcE:.achernAMhu, (' .. 11 " .. ghborhood {.lub P4tT"1C,. \le\I,lIan \13eKoolJ ,,,,... Co<XS Opt;eal L, brary Bob M."",,,keDr Walter Gue,ara Op,J,O'lC Gal) &. Kathy MaroW<ike'loci Habere~ Rated Rookle BII. MatT'\ letona lJomlk ROolOlniil, R,,= Cafe Dr J \.leC ...","'!lliam I IIngbe,l Royal Worcheslcr B,II \.IeCoJ"K<: mu~~L1c'lcn S,nb"", ~!e,c &. 'iharon \.le>'I,II1n ..B4. ban L,p.ll Spa.lgle Panra,' Dc<lgn R<>ger ,",'Ne,1~."n~!.. ........ ",_ ... -= .......... u.......

I Stele\. S~c;.,ianal Sm ,ee'LJon "I,ller

Piller; \lade) 1, Jo'>n Mo"naGar. & Kalhy MaTOW\kc :>ludlO I:.poq"C En, MullerJo",p' \loran TCC'tal1 l red Olll,onhmc, \Iormw Jr Tcl"'com Tt't.-hnh..lano:. In~~ ".'101,....\\ R1C"'r:f

Il",", '>h"" n",Cmc Rlchard and JUllyn SandLferFred ',bley The l.a~uc Shop Fred Se'!7crF,.lnk ~il!den The L,lle Bar John She"",\\ 1l,lan, Slon:n Toledo Beach Vaeht Sale< R,eh.rd Sol.~[~~-!-Y :"~('\ll} TUJIL ...O"tu Bdr III II ' 'haferro~I'h'" ...)11" , ......).., Tr~ ,::'....c ..'J TC" M' Thorn p,,'nTrc",~, "'1r~ ....0'> r• 1>..\..:>1:-'1;1:> MiL 11\}~ ,alente ~ormal I"ear Joc Tola" I, " -

I \1 l'k.lIH ... '1 ........ iii .. ,J\, 11.0~ 0.. 1"'\ .......\Jlt,..I .. (:" .....lm 111"~r I •Ar'ond V,nl1ge B"II'o red TrefllrR1m!" ,t.. "nhl~ \\ mil'" '" R.Jf 8. (,,, It 1):1 ""' .....,d T •• J,.,dll

Ifllr h ('~l I 'J..\,.J.I....v. Wol'ennc (1I1 & SlIf.PI> Din') VJkn ...Alur h .. , I"h & 'oc,loooJ W, ~dnam uarde ! Ole, Kit f;l ..nd ( I.UTe V31er,IcolUe Ii,l(), yird & G1rden Harl,n \\ ""hell,n ~liln,..d lohn Wood~ou,ef'o • tl B1 Sl~~S> ALCIIQ:'i OO~()R:' " m 'o.ln~hlo<ldj' oJ"', )'1"

\1o.rk IVnl~IO\\ "~I

- Brad Lm.dberg


5 years ago this week• The Grosse Pomte Public

School Board voted to sell Itsoffices at 389 Sl Clair. Theadministration estlmated Itwould cost $785,000 to repaIrthe building and aboilt $2 oul-hon to completely renovate It.

• A stubborn fire in a bouseon Kenwood required four-alarms and 30 fire fightersbefore it could be extmgw.sh.eciFarms officials believe the firewas caused by heatmg toolsused to remove paint

• Residents on Calvin in theFIlrDIS petitioned the city tosee what rould be done to stopthe oVt:rflow of patrons fromnearby CrackeT Jax bar moothe nelghbOinood

Residents said noise, yandal-Ism, littering and theft arebyproduets of the mght spot~Ir .... __ L~u.11"4.11' '"

,.. .. ,.III'"U"""H U ''''i''

Superintendent Ed Shmeproposed spreading adnums-tratlon offices to North andSouth hIgh schools, Bamesschools, and Dwldmg a vehlclestorage faclhty betundParcells

f )~1I1 7Ii./J~ II

• J8015 E. 8 Mile RoadEastpointe 8: 0.778.4607

• 8469 E.JeffersonDetroit 313.823.2236

, t. ,Uf ~~ .. I HUIlC 101.1.,-,

r,,11 f .RO". 7-:[1."711 In flp"" .nr/r nll""/l'uf 1('('01/11' rodm'Hmo,,,,;,.," ;rlll~ f"lI"""'" Pennl,. rd""~r!~RI.!i.1 ,1110 11/ II 11"i ;"1(/ • ~",rlll' )/1,,,


• Gros..~ Pointe Woods wasnamed the safest crt)' of Its suem the natl.on for pedestrians byAAA. rne Woods WOn lts thmiGrand Award in seven years atthe 34th National PedestrianSafety Inventory

The Woods has a pedestnanmJury rate of only 13 pel'100,000. well below the nation-al average of 50 per 100,000

• The arrest of two cartlueves In Grosse Pomte Farmsuncovered a stolen car ringextendtng from MtchIgan toFlonda

10 years ago this week• The Idea of a '1hll.teii

fons&er to treat the fun6l6 ofthe five Pointes as one largeenVlronrnental Unlty fell by thewaYSIde after the GrossePomte Shade Tree Councilannounced that the five com-murutles involVed couldn'tl'each a consensus.

The plan proposed environ-mental and oost advantages asthe forester would haveaclue\-ed econormes of scale mtreatmg diseases and 1DlleCts.

• The former Bronze Doorrestaurant on the Hill wasappro\'ed to be renovated intoanother restaurant, One 23

• \IJtr:t... ... 1 U w.1:1miJm balai1(\01 on \\ $3 000

-\11\ \\8\ \011 CUI It J(epublw BanI-.rna~e .. \(,lIf monrl \I ark fl'f IOU


Mason's novel playground equipmentThe attractloa wIaleb coutnIctioD materials bo~ for tile Idd8 bas bnntglat IIbout

• Dew departure b playgnnmd fadlities. These sewer cocks reeen.tly mstaDed ODthe IIasoa Scltool playground ue solidly ancbcned III coDaete so they cumot rollover em the little tots. lOss Dorothy Swett is supervlsiDg some of the kinderprten.ehildnlD..

Photo by E.C. Burr. (IIlom the JUDe 24. 1948 Grosse Pointe News.)

a('cc~s Ihe cas'] VlU nren• SeCUl'f' a solid 3'"1<,('arnmg~ rate

• "-rce"" lour earnmg" \\lthcheck-II IllIn~ pm,lt /,1:-<'

50 years ago this week

\dd .,orne "'pdr~l(' 10 Ivur ",mng" portfollo\\ Ilh d DJamonll \lol1e\ \farket \('('ount

. - ~--n .1 S T 1 \ (: T I \ E It I,; R _ 0 \ \ I, B \ \' 1\ 1 \ (~

TheJ~lultj-facete(1SaJlings Gem

Republic Bank'sDiamond I\'ioneyMarket Account

25 years ago this week• Grosse l'omte Woods con-

SIders establishing a curfew to11 repeat of last October'sDe\,rs rught vandalism. Some200 teenagen:; created a nearnot In the drea of BarnesSchool and Our lady Star ofthe Sea

~esterda~'s headlines50 years ago this week

• Park police arrested twomen for ru.nnin2: a bookie ouer.atlon out of a bar. onCharlevoiX. An undercoverpohceman placed a bet withthe ~pony boys" to secure eVl'dence for the arrest.

• Grosse Pomte Woodsmstnlcted its \'l1l~ attorneyto draft legislatIon banrnngbwlders from ",movmg wp soufrom properties on whIch hous-es are to be bUIlt.

C,ontra.:rors ",ere stnppmgtop soil and selhng It back tohGmeo ..,.;nt;{s fur up to $.5 petyard

• Tomght at 8 15, the P1E'l"re;Auditorium curtain nses onthe Booth Tarkington romedy,.Clarence,w the first legItimateproduction t'fthe Grosse PomU!Theatre .•

The goal of the commumt)'group IS to present hIghly com.peten t performances of plays ofwide appeal at moderato! boxoffice pnces, and to glVe GrossePomters a pract1cal workshopfor tramlIlg and expenence mevery phase of theatrical pro-ductIOn.



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111tel m" ul thel r safety. respect,md prutectlOn 1"

Selo.ual har'J.""ment IS cov-ered 1'1 the Grosse Po.nteschool s\ ,tern'.., ~tudellt codf' ofconduct \\ h'~h ,t'pulates con-"equellte", oa~t:d on seventy,mcludmg detrntlOl1, suspen.slOn and expublOn

\Vf>ll •• ,lIrl th"t -nnrl",.. " tn10' cases ....ere reported andmvestllzaLed bv North offirll'tl.thiS ) ear.


-I am not In etema! that thereIS a prohlem \\ Ith sexualharassment, and I am aware ofthe data," said Wells, as !>up-ported by SOCIOlOgical studIes'>uch a& that of the AmencanAsSoclat:on of Umverslty\="omen s 1~:S report on sexualharassment In pubhc schools.

.Unfortunateiy, songs andpop culture seem to portray amore casual acceptance (of sex-uality> which mIght be map-propriate." said Wells.

"l"ve been domg this longenough to know. 'wait untllnext year,'" saJ.d Miller, mdicat--mg that hiS school (South) wasJust lucky not to have theatt~ntion.



ed~lJ bullalng thel etare thesche,o! board hJ.~ not dean'lg-house 01 ~tatbtlcs on the dlstnLt"s sexual harassmellt lnLldents

Roberts al~o s..lId that DrCaryn V"-l'll, pnnllpaJ H:\"orth, "per"onally look~ lOtl!

each reIJon,' but that "om(:times the Ill\ e"'t1gatloll hit;, adeacl end b<>cause kid" don't....ant to be o"t raci zed " TelfOr-nng to the alleged VictimsbelnR pUnished SOCIally bytheir hIgh school peers

Wells said Fnda} that tf) herknowledge there are "no unre-solved cases of selo.ual hara"".ment" at l\;orth

"As. an aU'Dlnlstratlvt: team,we mvestlgate all allegatIOnspromptly,' Said WelL.

Wells also saId that 'sonh"'::t~jc.u.\:) lU~U UCLlU1Uii ple<..essuch as ",deo tapes on teenstalkmg with teens on sexualharassment.

She also ho::.ted a momsgroup diSCUSSIontwo years agowluch asked, "are we domg allwe can for our female students.

North ul :1 \rd,-;;.",,,{810 286. ?n;~

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Roberts, who rl!sponded WIth afaxed statRmE'nt Issued b) theboard

"The school system alv.aysmoves sWlftly and respon'llblyto deal WIth matters WIthin ourJunsdlctlOn that ma) Impactthe health, ",afety, or educationof our student.'i

"However, we are also obhg-ated to protect the pnvacy ofour students. mcludln~ thosewho may be subject to dlSClph-nary actIOn.

"Acknowledgement that anmcident has occurred or thatdiscIplmary aellOn has beentaken could result m a viola.tIon of our obligation

"Arcol'dmgly, followmg theadVlce of legal counsel, we arenot at liberty to respond toquestions regarding mCldentsth.~t h:l ....~ :-c:;ult~d ~L. dl~pl~ ...nary action agatnst a student,mcludmg affirmmg or denymgthat mCldents have takenplace."

Rober..s said Friday that allthe records of sexual harass-ment complaInts are kept at

The problem, researchersconcluded, was a -climate oftolerance" for sexual harass-ment in schools Sexualharassment is often treated as"typical adolescent behavior"m schools and considered as a"rite of passage- for teenagel'5,according to the survey.

-Cluldren who wereharassed 10 school were bJgh.lyunlikely to tell a teacher: Only7 percent of students in theAAtJW study reported theyhad told a teacher about the

't harassment.'"Nearly one quarter (23 per-

cent) of duldren harassed 10

school reported that they toldno one.-

When asked Ifthev were con-sldenng sendl ..g theIr daugh-ter to another school, the moth-er responded, "We haven'tdecIded"

Although the fatheraC'knowledgps that "exualharas",ment IS a cI\-ll Issueunrebted to the pendmg cnm-mal charges, he S8ld, "TherP ISdefimtely a larger SOCIal Is",uelnvolvmg sexual harassment 1nLnl! SCllQQJIl •

He went OD to paraphrasefltJe lX h:ducatlon Act lSSUes

whIch protect romor studentsat pubhc schools receiving fed-eral 81d from sexual harass-ment whl1e on campus

The three female VIctImsmade nv comments nor '<7ereall three present at thearraignment

n.,..tI'f\g~!""! !!!-!'th~!" had. !!~comment to media ill a callmade OD Wednesday mornmg,June 17.

North adminIstrationreferred all calls concerningGranger tv ;;<lhool board Jiuhl.lcinformation officer Kathleen

gtrl!! report-erl tl....t t1'>ey hadexpenenced UDwanted sexualadvances., as compared to 1in 5boys, accordmg to the AAUWsurvey.

The harassment happens inthe hallway (66 percent), in theclassroom (50 percent), on theschool grounds (43 percent), lDthe cafeteria (M percent), onthe bus (26 percent), in theparking lot (23 percent) and inthe locker room (19 percent),according to the AAUW sur.vey.


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and pressunng" freshmen girlsto have sex WIth them, accord..ng to the father

"The ')oclal mllieu of theschool system allows thiS tohappen,~ he saId

The father and the V1('tlffi'Smother emphaSized that "ongo-Ing sexual harassment atNorth" IS not new, and thatthey had done everything theycould as parent8 to bnng thIS,~u...-: LoU ~n:: «t,,-...::uuuu vi' WItt'

North adnunlstratlon."T'lat s why we re In court

now," said the father, whomatntalns IDS daughter carnoo"l:ero culpability" for tht'sealleged acts.

He added that hiS daughterwas c:brectly llivolved ill thecase, And that she had receiVedthnats from some of the defen-dants. sneclficailv mpntlonPrlby prosecutor SiDutko as DanRaymond.

"I l'll1l kill you, (u you pro-ceed with tb..s ~)... ODeoft.hedefendants allegedly said toone of L'1e victims, according tothe victim's father.

Additionally. the U ~Dej?8rtment of Educationrecently issued Its long-aW1Ut-eel '"guidance on sexual harass-ment in the acbools," whichnow stipulates that sexualhuasament is Ii funn of sexdiscrimination prolllbited byTitle IX of the EducationAmendments of 1972, and thatpeer/student harassment isincluded in the prohibition,according to NEAadvoeate doc-uments.

Specifically, nearly 1 1Il 3


June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

Girls' parents, North principal, school adminstration respondBy Liz FersztStaff Wnter

In an anonymous phone mes-sage to the Grosse Pmnte Newsrecorded Thursday, June 11, amale caller cntlC'lzed the GP1I.""scoverage of the placement of anude photo of Dan Granger Inthe Grosse POl.nte North HIghSchool yearbook The caller feltthe story portrayed the mCI-dent as "'Just a prank "~ , ..

........... "" .I~ __ .. "'*) .....cu.a. o...w.~ vv

thIS: S8ld the caller, who lden.tili~ huuot=lr bzt It ~tl parent oiseveral gtrls at Grosse PointeNarth"

On Wednesday after thearrwgnment, the cal!er wa3Idpnhfi~ as t.he fsther of oneof the victlDlS. He then spokeon the record, but WIthoutoffenng hiS name, In order notto Identi1Y his daU2hter.

The father saJ.d the largerIssue in the Granger ease 18"how girls are treated in theschool S)-"'Stem."

Allegedly, there is an infa-mous traditlOn at North ofsenior boys -seducing, coercing

AAUW study: 85% frequency reported by girls

South principal says campus is forum for sexual harassmentBy liz Ferszt negative light on the communi- lem at first, but then aReI' dis- of attendance or sc.l)ool [)Crfor- and make a report, we do It," tlon at North IS a '"thenl but forStaff Writer ty." C:USSIOD, it gets "ferreted-out,'" mance, according to Miller. Miller said the Grace of GOO . .,,: ..

Grosse Pointe South High Miller said that the average according to Miller. On the other hand, Miller "In my OpiniOn, conSldermgSchool Principal Art Miller student doe.. not genatllly "Klds generally bring more said, -we don't call DSS every the allegations of tlns case at.said Monday the campus is the come into a school counselor's problems into school than the time two kids are screwing North, ealling in the pohce is"point of exposure" for sexual office and use the term, -sexual reverse." said Miller. around. completely appropnaw "harassment. harassment." Miller satd that in the past KTNehave to be careful that Miller added that in hIS pro-

"Often. these aituations hap- "They aren't as sophistic:ated academic year, South adminis- we don't make everything a fessIonal experience, the situa.pen otr-eampus." said Miller, as adults, '" ae~d Miller, who tration did not refer any sexual federal case: Miller satd.but th~ schooJ. campus provides explained tBt after talkmg harassment cases to the police. Miller said that he aIld htsa fonun for their revelation. with one of his 8m counselOl'S, ~wever "we did refer some admmistrative team keep the

In regard to the current or. ~ ~ ~.~ lIS8istant to DSS (~partment of Social parents comnletelv informed.alleged rape tase of ~ Norttl PCWQpa.l8, a amerent Picture Servics)," said Miller, referriug and are resp6DBive to the con-students, Miller declined to often develops.'" to sexual abuse allegations in text of each case.comment directly. saying, "rve In other words, students the family of the student, "Wedo what the parents andnot been privy to the details," may not exphcitly came -seJrU~ wtuch may only IDanifest the child ask UBto do. If a par-but the alleged event -shines a al harassment" as their prob- themselves at school, in terms ent asks us to call in the police

ByUzFenztStaff Wnter

In Its landmark 1993 studyun aezua! harassment Inschools. the AmericanAssociation of UniversityWomen reported that 85 per-cent of girls aaes eighththrough 12th ptde esperiencesexual harassment.

Sirrularly, 76 pen:ent ;)f thesame age boys al80 expenencesom~ form of deXUal harass.

The study, "HostileHalhl.ays: The AAUW Surveyon SeJrUal Harassment inAmerica's Schools: (June1993) was based on the experi-ences of 1,632 students in mid-dle and high school.

The survey, conducted byLouis Hanis and Associates,found that although both girlsand boys experience sexualharassment at alarming rates,sexual harassment takes agreater toll on girls

"Girls who have beenharassed are more afraid inschool and feel less confidentabout themselves than boyswho have been harassed."

Moreover, according to"Hostile Hallways," sexualharassment lD school beginsearly, 113 does homophobia.

The II.S. Supreme Courtrecently ruled in favor of aallowmg fiduciary damages asrehef to a student-plaintiff lD

a sexual harassment swt.In Its deciSIJD m Frankhn

VS. G",.'1Ilnett County Schools,the lugh court extended TitleVII nghts to a female highschool ~tudent tram Ut'orgJawho was habitually harassedand sexually molested by aschool coachlfaculty member

PreVlously, while TItle VIIhas protected school employ-ees from sexual harassment,there IS now a growmg body ofcase l..w ansmg under TItle IXof the EducatIOn Amendmentsof 1972 whIch holds that stu-dents are hkeWlse protectedfrom sexual harassment m theeducatIon enVIronment,acco!"dmg to Laura E.Crumpler In the NASB(NatIOnal ASSOCIatIOn ;>fSchool Boards) EmployeeRelations Quarterly (Summer1993)

"Under TItle VII, Franklin(vs Gwmnett Co Schools>makes It crysUlI clear thateducation A~('nCIP'l mU'lt nowrespect the 'rIghts of studenLsto be as free from sexuRIhnra'l'lment as E'mp!oyees,"stated Crumpler



4A News JWltl 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News


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bomowN t<;>rhI' E. tv.zrw ~~'mt'nl~ ~ 01'\ "\lrTmot pnnw ~""'~ "fOR ~'")f'of""'" ().t!0l'~ 8D" .. lrltob o.mm-.".\lIltMldn'l~"'L, "",,- "...,u~ ...... t Ao""R b,ooctt<l~m..-!h\l.-ndnotrolf"U't""'l]

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Mel18A Treusch. program coordinator for EducationFirat. a student ezcluitDge foundation. takes advantage ofthe warm weathu to do paperwork at her Park home,

,""maTlcanl .. "r:!venture, ! tookon my EF Au Prof coordinatorposlhon ,.

Treusch said she was always

The annual art cont.estencourages young people tobectlme famihar WIth themany facets of aVIation andaeronautlcs. TID.s year's ron-test theme was ~A]T ~~rt.g !nthe Oiym;:m:s."

Other contest sponsorsmclude the Federal AviationAdmimstration, the NatIOnalAeronautIc AsSOCIatIon, theNational Association of StateA.,u •• ion OiTIclals, ana theFederatIOn AeronautlqueInternatlOnale,

MAC member BngadlerGeneral Ronald Seely for atour of the air base.

First place Wlnners fromeach state In three age cate-gories have advauced u, thenatlonaJ comp;;tit1:;r6 InWashmgton, D.C.

Michigan's first place WInnerin the ages 10-13 catellorv.Jake Chidester of Bnghton,also captured first placenatlonaUy

HJ.s entr:v was subnutted forinternatIOnal competltlon InEurope this spring.

fall, I heard man) unfortunatecommellts

"And one of my German aupaIrs \\a" actually verballyassaulted and almo"t phYSical.1 \ 1 'II. # •') ~1. d\.l\.t"U \dt. c1 ..:U,t:IJt"! :=J ::tLore

III To:edo),~ Treu'>ch ",aIdE\ldentl), an unkno""n

"oman heard the au pair'sac(.ent In a check-out hne "awher \\Itb her children, and thenorocef'ded to r:lll ~P'l'IJn"t h"l" ,nresponsE.' to the LOUIseWoodwdtd case

Treusch said that most of herchents, however, love and trusttheir au ::am; as part of theirfaml1.\'.

And even though Mhomeslck-ness IS mevltable,~ Treuschft*ls that any sort of foreign",~uul:'m, nonprofit excnange IS

benefiClal to a commuffity as itallows that the expenence isInvaluable

"It wasn't untll 'eIght yearsago that I finally became per-sonally !.!lvol.red tJ-.......'"O'ugh mydaughter's French Back-to-Back experienre.

"Within a year after that

Contest - sponsored by theMichigan Department of'IransportatlOn Bureau ofAeronautIcs

Among the honored artistswas 7-year-old Janna Fuller of

Grosse PointeWoods. •

She washonored with asecond piareaward in thecateogory ofartists age 6 •9.

MichiganAeronauticsCommiSSIOnDIrectorWilham E.Gehmlfn andMACChairmanLowell Kraftpresented theawards duringthl' MAC's bi-monthly meet-mg at theSGI!'rid&c nil

NatIonalGuard Base mMt. Clemens.

FollOWIngthe presenta-tion, winners

and theIrguests joined

Largest Antique Store In Southeastern MichiganA New 40 Foot Contalner From England Rec.eived EvelY 60 Dayslair * English Primitive Pine Pieces' WI

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19717 East Nine MIle, St Oall Shores. Between ).94 and Harper

medIcal and trs\ el Insurance,aIr transportatIon and paper-work, said Treusch

Au paml who WIll care fo"newl:X>rns to age.t~ o/toddlersha"e had certified 600 hours ofmfant care

All vther EF au paIrs havereceIved child care trammgand mstructlon In baSICEnglIsh

All EF au palL; spend fheda)'s In New York City pnor totheir ultimate placement,learmng Amencan culturalpra~tlc6S a.r.L~ Utl~~l :>ol.ld,1

mores, accordmg to 'I'reusch.When asked If the Lowse

Woodward Bntlsh nanny storyhad any reverberations for herwork or home life, Treuschremarkpd thl'lt ..he receivedmany phone calls, some sup-portive, and some just shocked

"When ~tu.ff hIt the fan last

AddItionally au pair faml!l(swho host a French Homestaystudent In August \\ ill re(.el\'ea $250 discount on the $4,000au !Jail VrugI"am tee

Th',? fee ;'1c1~dc:; C;..l,;c!1Ciit

Young artist excels in aviation art contestThe MIchIgan Aeronautics

CommisSIOn (MAC) honored 11youths, ages 6 through 17, fortakIng top places in a recentstate competition - 1998International AVIation Art

Janna FuIler-. drawlag WOI1 boaors in arecent contest.

ChurchThe} al e planlllng n

.t.urapean \ acallOn as a gilt tothe,r daughter, who recenthgraduated from Gro::'!>e PotlneSouth High School

In explammg th( dIfiert>ncebetween " llanny and an aupall', Treusch said nanny IS not.e :::-~bn_l:.::.tcd PC'.lt ..c.o LU dl.cL'mted Stateb "It doesn't meanan) thmg "

AIl au pair IS to be seen asany famllv member or "lIkeyour mece from Cahforma IScommA" to st3\ far thl:' schoolyear,~ saId Treusch

"Au pall'S alt~ culturalexchange studE.'nts on a stu-dent VIsa The} are not 8t'en asemplo~lecs

"It's rompletelj legal and youdon't have to pay Social&-cunty on them" she added.

They are paId Wlth a govern-1U<:Ul. io..eJ rate Stipend oi .:1>135per week, and work an averageof up to 45 hours per week

lreusch IS still lookmg forvolunteer host familles to wel-come and board French foreigne~changc ~t:.:dcr:ts into theGrosse POInte commWlltv forthree weeks thIS summer,'Aug4-25.

CHRIS DYER'S r\CLEANING SERVICE'-'"~~~='{tne', ~ \ CQlIkxt1!$25 minimum - ~PrieIlIg/~,

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;""...area, 'WH/I:ends /

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By Liz FersztStaff Wnter

",,"enssa Tr"usch filld:.French teenagt.!rs homes "'IthUS famlhes, and umtes aupairs WIth young AmericanchIldren

She also loves hf'T \\ "rk,"find,ng It emohonallj Te\\ al d.1nrr "

As program coordmator forEF EducatIOnal HomestayProgram, Includmg EF founda-tIOn for foreIgn study and EFAu t'alr dIVISIon, l'reusch\\orks WIth Grosse PomterslooKmg Jor umque educatIOnalexperIences 10 European\enues, and wlth fauuh~s seek-mg live-m child care and chIldcomparuonsll1p

-EF' standl'> for 'educationfirst' and 'au plUr'means 'equalto',~ saId Treusch

As a 30-year reSident of(l....,.,eo"' ..... D ,.. n...._l~ 1'T\.o ..... ,.._'L_ .......~..._ ~ v J,. <l.4.I,.I't .... c,..wO)\..J..1

spends her profes81Onal timecoordmatmg the host fauuhesWIth the foreign exchange stu-dents, and au palrs WIth fam.-lies 'Wlth young children, in theeon~xt of Imm!gratlon ~!!asand work pernllts.

She and her famJly are mem-bers of St. Ambrose Catholic

Plaotos by Larry Pephn

A_ufe'l.1oir French students8elljamtIl o.bonI. didn't ezpect the ki.- as he was behlg

.wudecl • aold medal for his perfonIumce on a French.Amedcall .... mmtn' team while in NIce. FraIlce. The*'DOOCh came Irma Natbalie Ihnghint, a teacher &om1'Oce, during. brief ceremoD1 at Malre SchooL Osbornwee a puticlpuat isl the 1998 French Back.to-Back stu.dent ExcbaDge Program. His parents are BlaIr lUld NlUlCYOsbona of Gntue PointePark. The second half ofthe 1998 French/Ameri-can Back to Back StudentEzclLange program •• ~completed 011 May 17 withthe departure of 22 FrenchstudeJlts an.d their threeteachers. Their three-week mit to our areab1c1uded 15 field trips, lUldaD participants were pro-vided accommodations InGrosse Pointe area homes.Yost of those llUDe GrossePoblte famiJie. had previ-ously sent their own fifthgrade children to Nice inJ4an:h and April for a simi-lar experience.


Or~ Point~ ~WS(USPS 230.40(0)

Published every ThursdayBy Anteebo Publishers9ll KerCftev11 Avenue I

Grosse Pol~te, MI48236I PHONE: 882-6900 I

Penod.cals Poslage paId at Oet,,,,I,M,cllogan and add,t anal m~,,,naoffJces -

SubscnpllOn Rales $31 per year via.TDCl.. ~ ,.::""wvf Sid:C

POSTMASTER Send .<!dress ct1angesto Grosse Po,nte News 96Kercheva' Grosse Po ~te Farms MI48236

The deac11IM for ~ews ccpy Is ,""on daynoon to Insure Inser'llOO

Advert'slng copy 'Dr SecllOn B' ITU"be In tile advenls,ng departmer' bv

I' ilO a m on Monday T'1e deadline IfO' adver1l$lng copy fOf SectIOnS A &C1S1030am Tuesdaf

COflRECTIO~S AND ADJUSTMENTSRespons,bllllv for d,splav andclass4fle\l aClVe",song error,s IOmlteo II10 Mher <.aoceilallOO of t~e c~a,~ That dream WCUtlO11 1/011 ve alwallS WQ/lled lS closer tha,j eauCIlt101l Plu~ the mterest you pay may be !ax-dedllcflblefo' or a re-ru~ of Ille portion m e"o I 11011 tI,lIlk You can ta"" It U/lth the help of a F'r,t of AIl," 'LU Tu upp;" ~rup Olf lfOur nelJresr Frr<;t 0/ flmenCl1 OfI1ceNo!~lCllloormust be Clven 'n t,me lor H "I d OrcorredlOrl tn 'he follOW.ng ,$tOO We i ome ....qllltv Olm Of lInt at crt It you am IISe lhe eqIII tu ,"11115 7 days II Wf~k at 1-800-.347.LOAN (5626) or tr~1fa.. "mJ nO respoos,bll,!y 01 the m I/our home tv col1<;()lrdilte 1(Ollr hrKh-l/lterest credit card ollr Web "II.' lit u'1(1U!fir~latamerrCll CO'll The sooner !/Oil ""N "_'" '" ',l",~", ,r"'''''~'~",!,l'''''sameaftert"'e1Irstu'\sertKJn hl'r<;H1f('o(l"H"'mp"".mfh'~/~1TW1"""+ hl"n,..",.. "'''f".,urr",., ";:r\ ..J., .... ("~ ,"C''P.,::'' 1110... .::.;-:,.:: .. :-:......::., I .. IJ~H --..... ...,~ _, ....., .......~....'"'f' ... 11.. 1~

IJhe Grosse t-'0l1te News r$serves the ~ I I w.J..111 ...... '" "'u..... ..~ "I ...... ~'"'...,..dr.:lUo':b<"" "loroaonf"'lVTN'l"lI"ght not to accept an adve11-.ers I ""1m4f\f "j""l.,.lt",uvrr~,.'Io: 'I f pl .. pnt'l("1p.alfl~IU"dpt\"""'~rt r:; P t N _ r- ............. ""',-. __ • .-....~ __ I ~l -, .. o~

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onlypubllC3f10nofar adv(rtc::e~er.l I A~CIty~ 1 .. "' .. A'\ • ~ (1;,j, .. rM~ rfll1"",",,"' "ll'f,,,rv--t... ~ ..~ l(' ,.,

I,,;,,;.all con~t tute flMI ~ l..erl.;H re oj • '" ..- w n I '1-"" I

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June 25 199AGrosse Pointe News SA

If: _-...-~:4'~~~u.-~ .... ..".





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Sexual casecasts a pallover PointesThe sexual misconduct charges

lodged agaJnA tour ~oung NorthHIgh School men ha\e ca"t il pallu\er the ldrlllhes Ilnohed as \\t.]]

a~ the entIre Gros~e POinte (Jmmumt\\\ hlle the POlnt<.'s dId p,,<.ape tlw Sl hool

fata]JtJe .. that h,~\e occurred mothercommumties, thb case ha:; aJ"o prompt-ed ",t.,,,,: It'dlUUll [ll'fi..' and elsewherebec.m<;e of the charge:> of se,,"udl rmc;con-du:t b) sen~or men \\ Ith three freshmen_ l .. 1rl,," l ~ ..

b .......'-' ....... """'J \.~j, 1.1~1j.

That Issue \\ a. <; rdheJ In the father ofone ot the) OUllg \\ omen \ wtlms - all ofwhom are mmors - \\ ho contended thatthere IS an mfamous tradItIon at North ofsemor ooys ~t"educlllg-.coercing and pres-sunng treshmen iflrlS to have sex WIththem

Both Grosse Pomte high schools areamong the best m Michigan, as shown bystate test~ and b\ the acceotanCf' of e....d-

lwtP<; to UnlverSlues and co!!eg<:s WIthhigh admiSSIOn :'itandarcl<;

In 011r VIe"" the graduates achievetho;"e rdtmgs not anI) becau"e of the cal-Iber of the educdtlOn they obtam m thePOIntes, but also because of the strongInterest expressed b\ Pomter parer ts inthe schools and In theIr chIldren'sprogress

tsut In toda) 8 socIety, the schools' repu-t .itl()11~ C'lll1lri ~]~O ~ da~:1g~d. b~cu~"€ ofthe nature of the charges m thl8 case andbecause at least one victim's parent hassaId "the social mlheu of the schrol sys.tern allows thiS to han;wn "

In dIscussing this <-ase, the news mediahave relIed clue fly on a faxed statementby the school board that says it IS "not athberty to respond to questions regardinginCldents that h.~"_"e ri:sulted in dis...iiJli-

fi"try actIOn agamst a student .,It pomted out that the school system IS

"obhgated to protect the pnvacy of ourstudentb, mcludmg those who may besubJect to dlsclphnary aetlOn.

~Acknowledgement that an inCIdenthas occurred or that dIsciplinary actlOnhas been taken could result in a vlOlatlOnof our obHp'Mion" "

How~ver, North PrinCipal Caryn Wellsd..hlt,J th~1. "5 to 10 cases were reportedby North OffiCIalSover a year's time.

WhIle she also said that there are nounresolved cases at North, she added, "I:1:.1 ;:;.ot~u Jeu.;'.,J "I'll. lh~r~ IS a problemwith sexual harassment."

In revieWIng the facts in this case tothe extent they can be published, readersmight well bear m nund that a 1993study by the Amencan AssoClatlon of

Umversltv Women reported that "85 per-cent of gJ~ls ages 8th through 12th gradE"expenence sexual harasi>mer,t "

ThIS i>tud), called "HostIle Hallways.The AAUW Survey on Sexual fJHarassment In AmerIca's School!>," wasbased on the experiences of 1,632 ~tu-dents In mlddlp and hIgh school

Oile cOnclUSlv!l the researchersreached was that "'a clImate of toler ance"for f;f'xual harabsment eXIsts Irl school&and that It often IS treated ao; 'typlchladole<;cent behavlOr' and conSidered "ante of passage" for teenagers.

We doubt that the Grosse Pornte •schools ""auld knowmgly tolerate such aclImate Furthermore. we thInk few Ifany Pomte parents would accept the kIndof hPhllv'or th~t nrrll .......ri h" .." R" .... Mt.,

of passage "Un such matters, we WIll defer further

judgment until further court actionsoccur

However, W~ do fear that thIS shockingcase, If the charges are proven, not only 6would damage the reputatlOns of the per-petrators but also the reputations of ourmagmficent pubhc schools as well as thestanding of the people of the GrossepQintes.

New queries about charters

A mix of politics & road funds



thing I find insulting is yourinformant's "1Jun skin- as wellas Ins nusrepresentation of thefacts in reporting them to you.

Firet, lo your editonal, refer-ring to Mc..1'Iiamara's knowledgeof why Grosse POlOters eventu-ally support.erl SMA.RT, youstated "McNamara would haveknown better If he had takenpart in SMART's campalgn forsupport two years ago. If hehad paid attention, he wouldknow t~t many people otherthan n iI.lds come Ollt to thE'PoinLeS VIa SMART." It IS obVI-ous your source IS unawarethat Mr McNamara organIzedthat camPalgn dnve and thatDeputy County Executlve MIkeDuggan was responSible forgomg CIty to city Iimng up sup-port for the millage electIOn tosave SMART. Mr McNamarafuct.d. a battl\:: wu..h d nunH)tJ-r otCltles, espeCially the PomtesThanks to the tenaCIty of theMcNamara adminIstratIOn,SMART IS not a thm~ of thepast.

Your informant was alsodead wrong wheT)he mformedyou that McNalT'~ra may besupportmg a UnIficatIon ofSMART and D-DOT Anybodywho attended the dISCUSSIOnWIll tell )'ou that MrMcNamara clearly stated thathe IS not .n favor of any mergerof SMART and D-DOT at thIStIme

Ifyoll Rrp Interested in InformatlOn 1)0 the SMART system,I suggest that you conta('t Mr.RIchard Kaufman, gt'neralmanager ot ::>MA.NT, who WIll~r,t UUOI t:tJlt:~ Cllt tne facts

Patricia M. Leonardn....('KU~.~ Pol~~!1tc'Woods

EdItor ~ note I belu:ve our"Informant" IdentIfied hlm~plfIn a Letter to thp Editor In lastIteek'~ paper

Ron BlauetDirector of Education

Michigan HumaneSociety

shop for quality children'sclothing, grlts and furniture.

Anne Marie Michael!<Owner, Young Clothes

and Furniture

Thanks from theHumane SocietyTo the Editor:

Please accept our Slncerestthanks for your assIStance inpublicizing the ~bchlganHumane SOClE'ty'S Spring MuttMarch.

The event Pl'Oved to be ourbest ever as close to 600marchers Talscd over $74,000for MRS. Tlus success was duein part to your generosity.

The animals cared for atMichigan Humane SocIety'sthree shelters cannot speak forth'CnJ.::tt:1ve~) W:1i".rcfore It IS OJ}thelT behalf that we offer ourthanks to you for your kmd-ness and generOSIty

Get facts rightTo the Editor:

TI.." Idter IS In response toyoul June 11 ("McNamara'Insults' Pomtes") editOrialregardIng W.1yne CountyExecutIve Edward HMcNamara and commentsattnbuted to him dunng a diS-cussIOn at the Greater DetrOItChambci ul CommPTce -get..t-,.."..,. ...,+'h,.,.,.J'> '\ 1 _...... T I

0-'" ~_. "' .........."""" 100"'<1IIU

rn your edltonal you men-two that your anonymousmfo:Tl1ant wa" IilsuJted bv "MrMcNflmara\ talk" dUrIng',l dls<,usslOnof SMART, the subur-ban bus hne I also attendedthe confcrE'nre a~d the only


<"1.A'iSlfll:.O -1>11'2_IIaJNn YM!loI<k ~



Krlly FJemmcDrncIHughes

MeIaIlie MoII-rJulie Tobia

CI1tCUlAnON • 3C3-5S11"ld>onoh Silven, Manager

Moq Am> StaudtI4a f1Gnz

SupportYoung Clothes10 the Editor:

I would hke to take thisopportunity w publicly thankMs. Regma Gersch for her let-ter to the Grosse Pohte News(May 28, "Have you been to theVillage?), regarding GrossePointe City Planner, BrandonRogers' thoughtless commentin a May 21 article in yourpaper. Ms. Gersch was as per-plexed as many other PolOteresidents regarding his evidentignorance of two children'sretallers that have been servo109 the Grosse Pointes for gen-erations. Indeed, my parents,also both natlVe GrossePOInters, remember visitingJacobson's and Young Clotheswhen they were voungstRn::

Young Clothes andJacobson's have a long tradi-tion of fine merchandise andpersonahzed service In GrossePointe Both of these retal1ershave supported the ~hools,Nelghb:>rhood Club and thecommunIty. Thl:: shunning byM" Rn~ers of these busmessesthat have Invested m theVIllage and communIty foryears IS offenslVe I feel that heowes Young Clothes andFurnIture as well as Jacobson'san apology

Young Clothes would ltke tolet Ms ('.rersc-h know how much"',; "1-'1'1 "'-line her ioyalty. Weknow that she has a newgrandchild, and would hke tooffpr a $100 gJ.ft ccrtlficntc toher to U&f> at Ymm~ (,10th""and Furnl lure t~ p{;rchase aspeCIal g'lft. for that new baby

r ~w. IvvkJH~ fVI Wltl J Lei l heopenmg of stJll another rhll.dren's apparel shop In theGrosse POInte VIllage TheVJllage IS thp place to come t')


M.upe .Ilemf SmIth.A!;slStanl !:.d.llor/~ £<Lb><.

343-5594Child< ~ Sporn E.:htor- 343-559.

W1lbar Elston,. Edllonal Willer. ~S597e-p l' 1MIuop, Copy li<htor

Brad Uodbert. SaJi Wnles". 343-5595J iIIDt$ M SbcktGrd. Staff Wnles".343-SSIn

Lu: FcnD. Stal! Wnter. 343-5;;0J61'lIb1_ W_ by Bei+y 8_ Pn>ofreadet~~ o-Maftih.en-. 1'_ t_, 'II ClI2J6 Ad!nlnlslral)\ ~ AswIant. ~

this school doesn't do it, you tell other pe0-ple and we don't keep in business."

"In short," Winerip adds, "Let the buyerbeware."

in May. Wmerip flew to Hocky Mount,N.C., to see the school where everykindergartner could read, and f01Wdthetruth was they could not read beginningbooks that the writer had brought withhim.

That offered specific evidence of whathe had written earlier:

"The sales pitch that accompanies.,;chool choice dazzles, promising to delivermore, better. sooner, when the reality isthat education is an intncate processfilled with challenges like how to f?SterCuriOSIty."

That gives all the more meaning t.o theMIcmgan state school board's request forlegislation requiring a momtoring pro-gram for all the charter schools.

In fact, we think that might be donebefore any more charters are authorizedin Michigan.

However, the conclusions of NormanAtkins, a co-founder of the North StarAcademy in Newark, also are worth read-Ing in full because of the story he tells inthe Times:

"Charter schools are no panacea, butthey can play the role of public education'sR. & D. arm. They don't presage the col-lapse of pubhc schools, but their renais-sance.

"After all, the great educational philoso--pher, John Dewey. once said that 'democ-racy as an ethical Ideal calls upon menand WU.lht:U Lo build communmes.-

"Charter schools," Atkins continues,"represent the best opportunity today forCltizens to reach for and fulfill such a ch.'"icimperative"

That's his opinion, but not ours.

the giant transportation bill.But It turns out that Shuster IS a first-

class lobbyist - for hunself.The Gannett News Service reported

that buried on Page 287 of a 9I9-page bilI,a bnef item rp(J\lirp~ that thePennsyivama Turnpike for the next sixyears cannot collect tolls in part ofShuster's district.

Actually, the tolls cannot be coll~ted fortraffic that enters and exits betweenRedford and Breezewood, Pa Shusterhves he tween the two exits In Everett, asmall town on Route 30 which runs paral-lel to the turnpike

A Shuster spokesman contended thatbecau<;e of upcommg construction onRout€ 3u, Shuster and other local resI-dents wdl be sWltchmg to the turnpike toaVOld traffic delays Thus, Shuster's pro-PO"8 I was just a way to alleVlate traffict'P~I';"'S, he cl~~:T:.cd

N0t everyoody agrees With Shuster, ofcourse ,Jim CampI, spokesman for(~~tlzen...,A~dJJ I~t Guv~r J UJJeIll. Waste, Sala"'T'\" .,I .. r ~, ,. T.... 'I... ,~:, ""jl-JU ...u. ... U.l. LoUl..- dlJU~i:1JH •.~ 01 DUU

Shu<,tf>r He thmko; hp's abovf' the rulesf'Vf>ryone('Ise hac; to obev"

J.., lhl" thp mAn ~lcJJlgan must thankfor:t :1J:.1ltlOn.11road rllllllum,? What dIdMlChlgan have to do or promIse to do forhIm 10 rf>tum'l

JoAn"" 8urc.u,. Consultant

John MinnisEditor and General

Manager(313) 343-5590

Robert C. EdgarPublisher

Itobert B. EdgarFounder and Pu.bhsher

, ,'1.10.1 '.179\

Vol. 59, No. 26, June 25. 1998, Page 6AGrOSK Pointe ~ws

EveryOOdy S€('ms to want to get intothe srhool reform act, with manyof the proffered proposals being atodds \\'ith what the public school

systems are doing or hdV~ l1un~ in lecentyears.

The New York Times Sunday magazineIS the latest publicatIOn that has givenpublicity to the charter school movement.The title of the article offers this chillingassessment "School ChOIce: A new begin-ning for public education or the beginningofLhe end?"

ThIS tIme the locale is New Jersev withan attractive young saleswoman forAdvantage Schools, IDe, whIch runs twofor-profit schools, descnbmg how welltheIr students are dOIng.

"Every smgle one of our kindergartnersin both schools IS reading," the speaker,Dr Kathleen Madigan, tells her 300,Jersey City parents "Our cluldren onthird level are reading the 'Iliad'; in fifthgrade they read Homer's 'Odyssey ....

"That night," the story went on, "bun-drf>ds of Jersey City parents signed uptheir chrJdren for a school that didn't evenhave a buildmg or locatIOn yet, run by acompany whose entire track rec:lro IS twoschools, each m eXistence for less than ayear"

Later in the Piece, however, MichaelWinenp, the Times ....'riter, gets around totelling some of the other Side in theschool-ehOlce argument.

"While thel'lis eVldence school choicecan produce poSItive results, It's hard tosay whether lt5 better than the manyother reform efforts," Winerip contends

Evidence from hIS article offers proof.When a woman asked Madigan what hap-pens If her child falls by the waySide,Macbgan answered, In part

"I don't have a good answer for you. If

MichIgan'!': governor and lawmak-ers ha"e been competing forcredit for the mcrease m federalhIghway funds bemg allocated to

MIchIganU.S. House transportatIOn committee

chalTman Rcp DuJ .:>nl....,Ler.Pennsylvama Repubhcan, IS often gIvencredIt for helpmg to increase the funds m

Hail to Wings!W mnmg the Stanlf'y Cup for the

second straIght yeM ~eems tohave done as much for DetrOIt'seconomy and n:connaJssance as

the bas~bdll and 'football '>lJorts stadIUmsalready under 'll:J.}

The turnout" of people for the Wmgs'return and for the mUnIcipal parade weretremer.~ous and s~lrely mdJcated a rf'hlrthof mUnJcq:>al c;pml that hac; bf'en dormanttoo long

Even m the POIntes the red flag<; werpf'J ~~b fZ" .... ;;. ~Zu o\...J 1I'1~'"

In fact, many POUltpr" havp a direct per-,>unal InteH,,,t lP the rdJlrth oo""ntov. n1hey fJWn bu<;mc,,<;e<; or work rlowntown,Ill' V... lt medl('dl and dpntal offitc<, Andmu<;t dl"o hilJl the WlIlgc.;

Dick Dixon, a 38-year veteranhehmd the meat counter

"They're cow"

{)r HI, urn I' ( Ilnlcal4. ...."'ull.-aft Pn)/;.-..,..,or of1',;chIQln \\U,ilC ~Irzte( fill-' 161/1 Sdl'J',1 uf A1edlClflelft- .... n nIl" n"Ht'( v( tht-,III<T/{Ufl H"aT! of F',l!IIU/""

nlirf ,\1'~lIrrj/na rIllrl! ,,t F""..J/~:...

uf It/e Ami rua" l''''~GhlC1trt'::A", ..rg lr:tlfJ '" Jh I....Q rrlP17l.hol"'" r..,fIh, Amerlwn Aeadem\ ofP,HhVQlIOI\;.L6 und ev,.rp~fJundlng cdltor of t!lPlr Quar.ter/, Jourrlfll .4.( aaem) ForumHI' UI.I,orn('~ (ommen/s Q"d:JUt ~twn ~at hts e-mail Qddre~sl bi{om fi,c"",'pu'ert C cr m and, t __t'r."'~ 1(" "'~i t .. Chn. ..tc f:;,.-totem LOrn t blvom

Pointe's ownhand laundry

One of lIfe's Httl., guteha"reaclung mto the vegg'le bm atthe Kroger's In the VillageJust as the automatic watenngspray goes on

IBut, With the summer heat\\ave offinalljo here, who's com-plammg?I

Got an FYI tip? Coil Kf>r..Eatherl~ at (313) 822. 4Q91,(P' ,.:rno;l him [email protected]

fIItiIm.9 FM

RiverSide Et1tertalnrnent Center


- Presents-

the market for makmg soup"How come \'ou never ~('e anyother part of the o"(?" askedDoc

She was nght The thoughtImmedlau-Iy '>prang mto mmdof untold tons of other ox parts- ox rump 10asts. ox cutlets,OK hocks, even JUle) filetm~gn.()l;" - Just rnoldenngaway III huge warehouse .. post-ed wlth Lig NO PUBLICALLOWED RlplS

So, With <;0 ma.ny ox tmls.';,'hQt do the"\! du 'I'lM ith th~ rest. ofthe ox? I a';k"d the butch.,,' <IIAJexHndl'r & Polen MeatMarket on :\-Iack

The ans\Vl'r wa<; "lmnl .."They're not really ux: said


An ElegantEvening In The Park




T";"...1...a+C'"nn c",1n ...t,1I Ttrlllf.....,""C' ......" ~",.. ...."I..,,"C 'T~ "'h~~~ h: ;:,h~"~ :::..:'! ~~~ ~"~ ~~~~or to purchaSl:'hckets with no SC1'\lte charge allhe Chene Park Bo~Office M-F,10'00-6'00.

ror \.n<m~e~ana upoall"l, call



June has refined her elementalhandling of day With newglazes and also branched outmto free-fl)'ng Impre~"'lOmstpamtmgs

The taleof Doc's ox

FYI's ex-teacher WIfe habn'tbeen tagged With the sobn-quet, "Doc,~ for nothmg Notonly did leglons of students atSouth use tlJe !>()nonfic to reeogn17E' ht>r lofty status but shealso proves she's a Ph D, by heri'ntqut>nL flashes of mSlght

One of the latest Ill'tolvedthose ox kills you Lan bu) at


t. ~ cr ~~c~~~c~:'"lilt... U'LdUlllll~ leI.

comestibles emponum. If youcan bnng yourself to pass bythe place's shelves and casesfull of delectable goodies, you11see bnght assemblages, myste-nous gates and opening'S, andcolorful gardens you mIght findnght here in the PomtesDeocnptlODS of Susan's workhmt tJ.•O!y have "2, 8eno;e of thesacred" and ~pomt us tcwar':the world's lOner dimensions_ ~(Something like a good meaL)

And at the gallery on Macknear Moross. Farms collagp-melster Henry Kingswellshl:lres soace and synergy WIthsculptor/pamtress JaneMabank Henry puts foundobjects from the POJnte~together With weIrd and won-drous Items from such far-<l!fvenues as Torch Lake andMeXICO to make statementsyou may never forget, whIle

The Op-Ed Page


The Grosse Pomte "-:ews\~elr(jme" ,our L€'ttl'r<; tothe EdItor All jPltpr".,1l0U1U 0(' n pea, doubl('-.,paced SIgned and hmltedto 250 ",ords Longer let-ter., will be edlterl for]rngt h and roll letti'r'i ilrl'"\1~;;ect t.o edIting for con-tent IncludE' .\ da'vtlmpphone numb('r for V!';:'fica-

Kl1n~tn~k- "\\'''p Tl'!llSt !"~!S~thequ~ Ilty of chlld care and makeIt safer and more affordable 1am comrllltted to that Now ISthe hIDE' to act ~

IIt lLer., I

,,, ,3 P m Mond.-tYSpnn !"tt",.. '" Ed:tnr

(tl().,~p POInte N('\'v'>, 9G IK"r, h(', ,11, (,rn~"c Pomte I".trm." ~l1ch 48231) or !:n,them 10 (,311J RH2-15S'S

- .__ ..l

!lon for such strange behaVIor~Could be the work of a senalplumber,~ SdYS Chns

Our own polIce reporter has-n't been able to track thiS onedown, but FJ:'l IS sure of in~thu.g "''hoover the B&E cuI-pnt IS, a lot of folks aroundhere are gomg to be putt1ng outIlllik and cookies tor him

Art, manneredand pretty wild

Twu widely di~ergent artexhlhits currently on here-abouts, ~ut b lth ~lth strongPomte connectIOns - one atThe Upper Crust, the- ot'Jerat the Mack Avenue Gallery

The first IS an extensIve col-lectIOn of palntmgs by theCity's Susau AlexanderShipman, "artlst-m-resl-dE'ncc' at the Hill's upscale

Use our web site.. - -~- "

mllllon \lorklng fam,)w" tohelp them pay [or chIld care

• E'ltabhsh a tnx credn for"ta) -at-home parents WIthchIldren under the age of four

• D,)uble the number of chJl-dr~n rpcelVmg child care ,1i>"IS-tance

• Pro\lde after school carefor up to 1 nuillon chIldren per)cnr

• TmproH' chIld care .,afi't,and quahl> anrl l'nhanCl earhC'}1,Jrlh'lod dc\ clopnH nt

"1 look f(lI \\.lrd to ,\ orkmg\I Ith thE' pres:dt'nt ,'nel Iir<;tlad) and m,>, C'ollengue., In

Con~lt'''''' I" p"", mf'amngfulcmi(l C''lr(' i"((hlill\OJl - ~,1\(l

June 25, 1998, Page 7A

Grosse Pointe N~ws

fx_i t _


Crime hasa big drop

It was one of the oddest pub-he safety reports thiS wnterhas seen lD years of coveringthe Pointes, and it had to be mone of thosepapers thatcomes to yl'Ul"door once amonth'A~cordmg tothe story. anumde!l t1fiedlady on StPaul lD theCIty calledpohee to saythat while she was out, some-one entered her house - andfIXed a leaky faucet

With Ius usual WIt, Cup-a-Cino regular Chris Reister,of the Farms, has an explana-

Kilpatrick joins first lady, Shalalain support for child care bill

US Rep Carolyn Ch£ehKJ!patlh:k (D-15th Dl,>tnct ofMIchIgan, J01''1ed first l~dyHillarv Rodham Clinton ,mdSecretary of Health dndHuman. Scr.lce, Donn:lShalala at a pn:-" cc,lferl'nreto announce hE'r co-sponsorshlpof a landmark bIll tnat 11111help worlung fd.T1l1hes Pd) lorcnlld care, lncrea,>e the numbtrof qualltv after-school programs, lmprme the "alet) andqualll) of carp ,mcl promotelearnmg

"Quahty child care "hould bea nght for worKmg parents:saId K11patnck ~My first-handexpenence tel]" me thaI qU,dl-ty day ~are Ilnd nflpr-,choolcare can make :l profound dlf-ference m chll<irl'n'" !lye .. :lndglve parent., real pl'acp ofmmd That I" \Ih) I am pll'n", dto co.spon,>or thl,) bill that wli I........... "",rll"l hoof +,. ..... ,..h 11~ ,... "'n l'r...~ v .......... ~ ~... ....

MichIgAn" famlhe~ ,'\ he DemocratIc I. h1la I. an

Bill WIll• rntrea~e t~x cn,dlt~ for l

North students 'statutory rape' case: Primitivism or refinement?ReCtent allegatIOns of sexual nomepon of r,tgmg tll>nn(ln~~ domg Vloat "om,> u:,nagel" do I I l)f'!"rt> Till V,Dr"t ('(ampl( ~ III t"Ll d;!11 ~ ,h \HII a., pTi .,Id",nts

and alcol-lOhc \\ rong-dolng <ire "nJ th"ll/PI I; bl tlrtV(' "r,l The) "pdrt) , ~O\\ the word I n (l nl III \, - q pUI h h I'l bum 10 nt't III <i"ll"'l !J(J\\( r And to oebelllg hotly debated Hl the lIon 111\ ~nd Impul"l,el) not mean .. T"1U~lt dancing, altohol, J....,. thE llJI1d rn<1"~ nIurd( r~ on thl' "UI.,ltl\l tll d'lU canng about

• Grosi>f:- Polntes We don't knu\\ reahLJf,g ~he lOn'f:-quenus of drug .., ')"'x 'rhe mo\'!e grdphl- I ~~'$.... ".1'1001 «ronne!., R"I II" hr! ,., f, l I ~b' ,. ,thd' It ,'i flutall thE' hct<;, but "h de !"nu" diLlI ,tl lull" SilIlll.lrl .. \OllJlg lall) ~IIO,\., a young stud :j tllat rrldnv p"ru t" h,lle turn",d ,11 ngr t tfJ l ,<pimt ('thlr peoplethat the parent:> 01 "orne young gIrl" In( h exp(,-nenlP out don't proudly bl aggmg of hiS accom- G\ 1;1 trn .1(( ullUJ dtlUn pnIC("~ fht ,( le~-fJn, are 'earnedg1rb do not \lallt ,ert:llll yelung lalk wr,u'lt, or ,I ~{'Ih(, of p!l.,hmtnb to a buddY HIS tu thl m( Jld d'ld d- \H \\ III irom th, h ';11, 'I III up and themen to get a",a') With abu.,e of adu-'nture thrllugh r."k lakl'1g method 01 J.voldlllg AIDS I., to I knit.' thE' mub'l h full of ~()< Irlu,t t.>o"erf J, J".,,,on I" thetheir daughter<- 'I'd pll'"",un .,peklng hd\l'st'h '>lth d dr;..'ln He ha., ,r'j \' lu~' "r.u, 1',hJ.:. bUld\l"r ,tnU d",~ ..:dC c.! ~hC'

Part of thE dl",-U",IU1 " th"t TrJl~ Ild~urdl "ltUdtlull O} ,,'" ,,'. Vlah thE' prh and "u ha~ \< JI -< l.,r kl1lr ,rl n dl< ,rdll,.( }J"r, III ~ :')(, ,,,'e the role-"bo)s Illlllv.> boy" - dnd nt, n..eu leln,lgu" lIlu,l h.1\ .. blen tho- d bldO-k l.,ook tull of deflowf:-reci \, k,., rr"JUl', II r l!, dl/ed bl'ha\lOrto make a fu~,,-Mer It Othel'> ,aniI.' 'In.( tl.e .,[Jlll' d,;{ But )Ol:ng gJlh One ,)1 the glrl" 1u.nd!'h to'l.1, ,'It' r<lrc-II''Ii the gn'l- \lere (()lhentm,4 a~ ,Xj,e'Jeme <1LlUllIU],lltd dflU :.:et. an HI': te~t and ,t t"rn"., fprelJ~latf'" them I Une 'lJnpl<.- oruugh' up 10 b" ll( cen: Jadle~Still other::. Sd) thtre I" no ,,1'lOn,llt"" propounded <Jut PO!>ltl\' dnd reahzei> "he an.,wer I" hpred,!\ r.,'Jml kHl., ..llld ~t'lll{ m, r. Th' g-r.l~l'- ,1ft

harm done so \lh, I!> t1wrp l,'e!lager, ",e"e "UPP0::'lJ ~,J:. ... mu~t h ..l\l' got It from thl. are by nature Wild and nlk\(~,>" l,{tk.'lg d., 1<' lotten ('V1dl'nCd.1pJo ..ecutlO'1 and a Jur) tnaP gUIded to <I,old pr"mdtl ..Tl. ,oung Loth::11 l() He ha~ got It and Impu]."ve Tht) don t b) r"gged) duthl'" ,lnd ("rbe::."The la'" IS clear that a gJrl the elltrame Int;) .,exual adl"lt, and h .,pre"dmg the dl;;ease d\HII for long m fan~a~y they ~(>(l'11lng 1 her< I" an undl-age of 16 or le ..s cannot hn...... Hl<,lOn 1'a<; "heloln th"t far and Volde _ ..... ", .. ~...... ,'u, '" """'" • " ,,.,,,' v,"O-'ll~t:ll~W "exuaJ ,nlerwur,l' teePdge """udl <lltl\ It) oft~n The 'TlOVleh an eH~ opener, '0 the) lo~e a cel tdm ~en"e uf pr,mltl\ l'nl -." indudIng multIThe la\l ,s called •.,t"tllt"..... r"",lt- >n t'''gtd' '::'!''''' .. :..~, b..:t ::'vtv':::, "'/L.t" ~u ,,,", 1c reality, ana th"t "ed1It) b thl PIt boct) pI,-rcIPg and tattoo,rape~ and therefore th", ,OU'lg unVl-<inted pregnanCIes ,lnd Watcn:llg It I" ,ery uncomfort. reactIOn of the community and PM'll<', qUltkly dcg-enel"t( mtogirl 15 vulgarly cdll .. d -Jail Un\\,lntld \ entlt:al dl" ..a"l" It able, becau:>€ It 1,,::'0 real Some the lay" and anoth"'r rcailty]:, drun\;:en orgiesbaIt .. I~ well known that many ado- teenagers assocIate WIth the the feelmgs C'f the mJured par- PdrCI1t~ ..huuld kn0\~ \\ lIer"

If the young men are found I~"cen:s deny t!).e realities and mO\I!', Sa)lng that It showed tie" theIr thlldn'lI i\le Parent'>guIlty, they face Jatl sentenct:s ratIOnalize "e"tenslv€ sexual the way thmg<., really are, and 1 do beheve that to " iUI ge s\lOuld spend time expl'ilnmgThe quel>tlOli IS, consldenng dctl\1.ty They thmk that noth- others say that theIr g-roup degree parents nowadays I,d\{' about hormone., and the ten-these times, does one such mg bad can happen to them doesn't act that way, feel that neglected or abandoned theIr dency to recklei>"ne"s }',Hent~"mIstake" d€serve a Jail sen- We knoVv t.hev are often way or thmk that way. rellpomnblhty to parent thelr "hould 'nrulcat ... "1'0'[<1, d'la

tence and the nnnatlOll of a wrong The mOVIe, ~Klds: bo U1ere are the "good kIds" children Therefore, children ~pn"ltl\ IT' tn nthPr" On ..!ll;:" 'reG,ag"!,,, <mH}>""t: d pht:- ~nowea real teenage actors and the ~bad kids. What <hf- are domg thmgs they never d'd moral I'oorth keepmg for

• What Us. cargoSh.ould ~ sentinto spacecna

Chinese. rocket ? ..

fI •


8A News June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

Trip to Cuba proved to be a thought provoking experience ,



For more PublIC SafetyReports see page 17A

and who benefit from "free"cradle-to-gTave medlral care,are convinced that hftmg theblockade 1\111 solve Cuba's eco .nom'c problems

However, a debnefing byUS State Departll1ent Offil.J.lsst!ttloncd .InHa'. 3:...1 helped thegroup understand that, whilehftmg the embargo would eer-tamly make more food, goodsand servIces aval1able to('"'l .... 'h~r. ,..,,+-, ,r ..."'lC' ." ..... rI ~1f}""1""l,,('lo

Castro of hIS excuse fo; hiS

~J: os;:, iLUlblJ.Ji::tUo.~t:::.1.ut:a_ ...t, - 1t

will not solve all of Cuba sproblems

Trymg to avold chaos andmamtamlne: oohtlcal and eco-nonuc stahlhty when Castrodeparts the scene IS the majorchallenge faClllg the U.S. State!?epartment persollnel In\..IUUi:I

In contrast to such seriousconcerns, an afternoon at L':1eHotel Aicha on \'n...---adcroBt.ne.."lpI"OVlded some needed respIte.

Even here, pohtics intrude.The only Cubans here areemployees. The only guestshere are from Europe, Canada,Mexico, etc.

Well over a milhon tourtstssun thems.:llves on Cuba's mag-nificent beaches every year,but only a very few areAmerican.

The hot.els on the long water-front are owned only by nOD-American firms.

Somethmg is wrong Withthis pIcture.

The group echoed the sentl-ments expressed by Bill andGinnie Rice: "Overall, our viSItto Cuba was educational.enhghtening and a lot of fun'"

a sw.penrled license on Friday,June 19. at 10:41 p.m

Police observed a 32-year-oldDetroit man drivillg whatturned out to be his girlfriend'scar between 15 and 25 mph inthe left lane 00 east boundLakeshore between Moran andKerby.

When police 8topped hun forpossible dronken drivmg, hesaid he had to take hiS femalepassenger to the hospitalPoliee determined there was noemergency and picked him up

("'.oIl _J.-n .. ~ .....,._ ...._ .........y ....." .........6u~ll~In a relatively rare theft of a

ceUular telephone SInce GrossePointe Fa."'1llS police busted apair of teenage phone-nappersin May, a Motorola PC550 cellphone was stolen from anunlocked car parked at NeffPark in the City of GrossePointe on Thursday, June 18,at 12: 11 p.m_

-Brad Ltndberg



groups and talk WIth otherCub"ms We met In the homesof Joca~ Citizen;:, some of whomwere profes!>lOnally successfulpnor to 1959, others who haveknown no other governmentthan that of Castro's

Dr~ '\'il~lam und \"lrginlaRice espeCially enjoyed makmgrounds and talkmg Wlth med-lcal l*rSOr4 Tlel

SaId Dr RIce, "It was ObV1'~ .."C" .. \., +-"h _"'"./" , .,.,..,

very well edu~a~d- We werew"h HnprtJ"sN with ~he ljuah-ty of (.8Ie glven to patients,even though there were hmlledresources compared to U.S.hospItals Lack of supphes andeoUloment prE'venls them fromprovidmg -servIces they arecapable of performmg."

The embargo, which pro.hiblts the exportation of goods

~ • ",. "Ia:uu ~I. \l'u.,t:::" Wl..1UUJ,Ut; .t1..1'.,)U

and nltJdical :.upplies, from meUnIted States into Cuba, wasof major concern to groupmembers.

It was obvious to all that thefallure of I"Omm'.1nism and theembargo, as Thck Kay put It."has had a devastating effecton Cuba. Havana IS a Citycrumblmg in nuns. Once great,beautiful buildings are wastingaway beyond repair-

•Ron Lamparter noted that"Cuba's Socialistic economy isobviously coUapsing, butCastro retains the support ofthe Cuban people by blamingall of Cuba's problems on theAmerican blockade"

Indeed, those who were poorbut received therr educatlonfrom kindergarten throughgra8uate schc-ol under Castro

night m jail and were releasedon $100 bond.

Kid shoplifterA 12-year-old Grosse Pomte

Farms boy is slated for prose-cution after ahopliftmg sixPl'cks of cigars from a drugstore on the Hill. The incidentoccurred on Thursday, JUDe 18,at 125 ~.m_

Wendy's againA feud betweeo two female

employees of Wendy's on Mackescalated on Tuesdav. June 16at 10 p.m when faImly memobers of one party showed upoutsIde the restaurant to

1mttuudate their relative'sadversary. Although the war-ring parties didn't come to


blows, a report was filed withpolice.

Lane excuseA man who tned to use Ius

girlfriend as an excu..se for baddnvmg was arrested byFarms police for driving Wltb

The "'l!Ul.1r Cd) COUIl<1Imcel>ng was calIe<IlO order by Ma) oc Ktlltlclh A PO'J1leT" 7 30 P III

RO!1 CALL All Coo"",1 pen<lm were Jl'C'Cn'.

MOTIONS PAWDI) To receiVe. allpIV¥e and file !he ml""t"" of the Reg.1at City Coontd M.... ng held JUBe I

1998 lIl'd I\Irther:nor-e recelye aDd fil. the IlllnU'" of the l.Ibrary 8=d "leehn~ t>:1~ Apol16 1998and the m'lWIcsofthe ll<:a .... rlC>lJonCornm .... on Mcet,nghel~ Mav 271m

2, To r... ". aM file !he JIlIIC. 1998 Progra. Reporr <N11hec,ry CcunrlJ , Goal ScttLng Prograt'\., subm",ed by the CIlY Manager

'l ThaI !he agenda of !he regular e,:y Counc,1 m<f:t,ng hOYlng been acle~ UI"'" 'he oo«lmg I<

hereby ooJO"med 3l 7 S3 p m.

RESOLUTIONS f:ASSW]1 Ap'p'0"'~ Lhe (0110\\1"8 Items 00 the Con..c;cnlAgenda I) ApPtCHW AcC ....,UufS Pa;alJle ll~t

,"g for Cne.:k i'o_mbc" 4936S 1hrooih 4949S IC, the :unOUl\t of S424 7~ I 41 os 'ubmllttd OJthe- CII~ \l!a~.Il.ger and ell) CootroUer aJ'fli:! runner audlonze Uk' MayO("and Clt)' Oerl.. 10r;;u!,n~'Ie !l,tons 21 To rete".:md iile for audil!he Cash '" Tr"","-e" Repon for "lay 1"98 ,jApprove payment to \\a)'nC' County In the amOOr)[ of $0450.266 60 fOt the' operallon ~nd m.:unlC'"""'" or 1I'e M,lk Rwer lXaIn lor the rnoolh of Jllne 1m 4) Approve the p""ha.", of e ~hle ~ ..) .... t...,I'.'I'.", :l.n 'I~ UdlllCV"U OldilTKlnw: rrom ~ilZl-ONl XecreOltlOt\ S)"l('m~ lnc n l~

:UIlOU"lt of S 108100 5) 4.cC"epllhc bid suhmltted: by Apollo FlTe Equ~PPlent In the :nrount or5180000 for II'w' p'Jr(hMl: or I ....tmy (20, fl\C ~alloo conWlne~ (r Aqutou ....Film F'orTrllngh.am (or En,gme'J b) Ap'l'ro\-e payJTloe'nl In lhc I1m~u.nl of 53 01040'0 1he '\11 .. ~IS3nSwpt'C'n'lt' Coun FH\,lnC't om"e (or SC'r'VIC"" ~endtn:d dlJrH1.~ Apr.l h.ne 199~ .. Arrrro\oep.:l.)ment '0 Hudt;on s Rest"'ul"'.IIn. In rhe .. mOUn! of S3 877 00 for lhe: 'Oil of tt\,: M"lyorE~I,.h.an.be Day d,n.nCT ..... h ~2 21000 1('> bot blllc-d ro Ihe: C,-o!o"e P'omlc commun191C'r;; ,81Appro\e p.;:!"m':flt 10 S,tQ,[tWllX Security Transport m the amount or 54 9"3 ~8 for prlsontrlodgm8 and lr:ll'\S~lf\aIlon d.inrJg th~ month of A.pnl 199.s 9} ACC"C'pl lhc )('1\\ bId ....ubrr jTlcdbY Frank McMullci1 BUli ncS'liForm5. H\ Iht: amounl 0' $1 34500 for the purch~"C' 0" lex) cnoI,.Onllrtuouo;, f~ Vo<lltr bltls 10) ApprO\e iXl)mel"lt 10 Shc:m n N'U~ne .. roc In IhC' lmountof $1 D6808 for thlL! purchal;C of TurtJl,.c Q\J~ck Dr ...........lIh $2'"'040 to ~ [ Imbur...cJ tCl U~ b)lhe HOlrpt'r WOt.'Jd<;"chool DlslnC1 ll) "pprOlle: pJ..,.~nt 10 11" M'1("h1lP:m Vlunl pa' Ul.g ....r:Il'Ilh J.moonl ('If S2 12575 for Fire IAtU[.:n.1nl and Sc:rge.an! e~.a'TIlnalL' n fee\ 12) Au.eplthe 10'~ bid 'iL"bOUHl:d~}' ~u Appc.aranct Hl (hoc amoul1l of Sl 9~f) 00 for t'e 199& WccJConi n:'lJ Pro~r d m

21 Tr- rnlrl.>ducc and rl.(l('~ f('l FU'lil Rtddlnp Qn ordmance tnlillcd An OrdlnJ(\ce to A"TlendC!-}:l;,r"'r c;; -\rt "I .. II ""'dIOO ~ 200' IIIC CuJe l)f Oru n.,afile ... lo Rcdcrl"l<: lhe Ron"}d n( \::lj"'l(' I..,10 t~ Lonr"mJCIIOn BOolW nr Appellh :l.nd lunhcr dlrtLt It ~ CI') Clerk 10 I"'Ub I~n a n(':lce"ofIn li:U"I"I( ("rw-rl,ro,.I' I , ....,~ .. r r...... ~"'1"'''''''

~) To lntr\~u-cc '00 P!.::Jce (, f hr--c ReadmE 1n ord nancc erH lIed An On",In:l.rcc t{ A(1J J '\,c\ioArtlclc \ HI to ('llapier 5 of the ('Ity (ode of Ordlnanc:es lo (fC':;,te <rnd r ...l:J~l ...h :J.Comtructl(ln Board 01 Appe.al~ 0100 10 RC'f"Cal Ch~~~r)1 AI1I"1c tl 0 E ... '''1. ... III Dill J Jfto..fnllmum H(lU'I1~ AP1't"3b :and further dlrecl the OIV Cll!!fk 10 ;>tIhl ..h:l lotio.I. of 1'1 , HlJ"cor l;1nce ""lth ell ....Charter fe-qmremen[\

J, To rnlrndu"t 1nd P ;(1,. ... (C..'f r-It''' RCJdlM' ~n ordm4nce cntll1c.d An OldlnJnc<, t'1 An1l..rtJo\f! de III A of Chilptcr 5 of the- ....0I.1c of OrdlnOloce .. l() Adort b'\l Rcfer(JH..e' 11K InlCTf"olllron1!

I l.f ...."Ii .. I.. II C'Ot' 99C'l ""ltn I\mcn,.rnrl'lo;, lnll lUrther Olred rhe CI } Cler;.. (J PU~II<i .a"'('11 .. of ,I-, .. .., ""r r"~"r~Cl y,.l'~ It. ... (' 1 [U ... 1 r rL41.1Hcm .....m'

Illi) 10 IntroJucc: ;J.pdPklCe fa hr!lo! RLad rg an 1rdW.il.lI,.C en tilled An OrCU'lln ..c II A lend

~ 11~~N '4'i .. Ar1I ..le"l~ to' thc (ode of 0rdlntnceli: tt) Acfl)~t lw R...fcH"nl C It'>r 1[)lrrn 11 .... r.. ... .........L • rt Jno Ilnn.,r Jm'n I~C Clt) Ckr~ m puollli:h a ltfllllL It thl .. In ilu.(ll'

(; Int.t Wllh rl!'1 C"h....ncr ~QUIrCnl~nt~

I I () h .Ipprm p~ymenl t) l...1C4r11.ConmllUlon Irl l"l rhe .iiJmounl or 54 W "'6092 t,H r'ro)..R\~1)'ncrl '\10 2")0 I~ I99RCorxrC'lc Pl'C'r1loen Rep311' Pl~ram

I r

\( lP~ l\l\f" P1} mCn! 10 t IC1rt""C CCrrK.1I1 c..om~a1'1 In lhr omou'll of (,211 ~c,... ')..! fo Pr 1 r( ...,

p ) m.;o!1 \1~1 1 )"'n lhc Wr,;; I on{ re!e- Rl.pl.Keri'crt Pr "'bon", '

Kenneth A Poynter, Mickey D. Todd,I \1a){1 (11\ (ld~L P'fJlkC rrnlllrln ()(.,V)!\

6000LF8.02~ L F7900LF1070 L F

I OUI'C \\arnkelIly Clerk

CITY OF 'lARPER wooosMickey D. Todd,


-The prVf,'Tam ga\ e membel sof the delegatIOn the opportu-nity to ",orshlp WIth CubancongregatIOns. to talk I'Ilth fI

\ <ine!" of f'ubilll church leau-er" an'd to dl"cuss the POSSlblh.hes for future relatIOnshIps",~ 11d Dr RlgJon

Added retired Grosse POInteSchool t~achers. Jan ..nd DIckKd" ~The cong! egatlOll and Itsleaders opened theIr hearts to

us and made us feel welcomeIt was one of the most thoughtprovokmg, heart rendIng trav-el experiences of Our hves"

Bob Edgar observed that,"Our few days in Havanaenailied us 00 Spilt 1000 smaller

over a 33-year-old man fromCeresco, a httle town nearBattle Cn-ek, who was weav-Ing Ins car along Mack nearMcKinley. Another vehicle dri-ven by his 22-year-old femalefriend from Redford a1J;ostopp..d

It turned out that both dri-vers were drunk The man reg-Istered a blood almhol contentof 14 percent, and the woman18 percent The dnver's ht'l!lls-

es of both suspects weredestroyed as they spent the





C'h of<:SrnSSe ~ointe ;NIoolls, \f",h.gan


&aled propo,al, ....,11 be reccned at the offices 01 Ihe Cll) CIerI... CJlY ofGro ....e PO'nle Wood, 20025 \1:ack Plaza Gro<,-.e Pomle Wood~ Mlchlg:ln,48~1tl up to, 00 p m Local TIme, W.:dnesda) Jul) 8. 1998.31 which lime[he, ,,111 De puhiKly opehed .md read for Ihe deamog and TV m'pecllon ofcOlT'hmed ~e,""er~ III back)ard easement~ 10 the Clly of Gro,o;e Pomle Woods.'III1\hlgan

One "ueh ~,hmk~ l~ theSupport for the Cuban Peopleprv]ect Imthlled b) the U S....t 'te to develop" 8) S to ('"tab.h"h non.pollural contactsbetl'l ",en Cuban and Amencan< ltllens

The He\' V Bruce fultdonsenIOr pa'tor of Gros:,e PolOte:\1",monal Chun.h, relent!) led1 group (Jf 14 for a week's SWy'n Hava.na

Togelher "Ilh additional hC3\\ cleJn ng ,I) reqUIred complete Inspecllonlor, and orhcr ntt\ccllaneo'" lIem, ot .\ork

The appro~'matc quanlltlc~ Imohed In thl~ ''''rl.. Me a' fotlo ....,

C1ca",~g ane TV In,pecnon 8' - 12' C'ombmea ~ ..... ersCleanmg and TV In,peclIon 15 21' CombmeJ Se"cl"\Clcdmng and T'" In ..pccth)n c" ,(j Comhmed Sc ....eNCleantng and T V In,pcd,on l' 42' Combmw Se,""cr,

Thc drdWI~g, .lnd ,peclll\alJon\ under "llI\h Ihe "ark ....111be done may bec\ammed dl Ihe ofiice ot the elt, Clerk dod cople' lOa) be oblamed on orafrcr 'III()od~) June 29 1?98 12 00 No{tn at [he office of Ander;on. Lck'lemdml \\e'<Ilck Inl ~I ,01 'ichoenhcrr Road Shel!» Town,hlp. MIchigan4~;I~

The "Kce"ful ~lId<kr \,,11 he tcqUired to Iurnl\h "31"f.lctor~ PerfonnaneeI;OIlU I "IX>r "11\.1 ;":"1' f1.1 hona' ,no i'<1dlnlcnanc<. t~ond each In lite full..1111 h L 01 III\. CUIILIl-ll,.\

1 ne'c W II tle • ">LUUU~J~J;J...J.2j).atll-.t. charge ror eden ..Clot COnlrac[dcO\ument, receIved BlfJdmg <.!ocumCnl' "tli be llliIlk;j 10 bldde" ~p(mreceipt of $2~ 00 per <~t non refunrla.,le Each proDO,al ,I-all be acco""pa.nled b) J propo'al gua'anr~ 10 <In amount al lca,[ equal [0 live percenl (5%)nf the 3mounl of Ihe Pr"po ..al 10 the IorIO of a c",hler, chc,k. cenlfied .heckor btd bond made pal .ble to the CII~ Trea,urer The Proro'al ~hall be ,good..."J '~n tdt h--... .;., Ilhd".l,.l, r fvr« r..ci Ivd \ f ...IX; ¥ (60} calcnJar dUJ" afterre\llt'! )1 rhr h .. h

j t 1... :11.., H .... t"I\ol.tJ py PH, C"1l" 01 {nO"l' h1lrliC wOO(J'W~H ...(Crt Jni 010te' reJell lnv tlr .11 Old.. 0, to ",m e ''Tegulanllr, 111 anI bId 'II toc he"l mter,)( of the (IIv

The tnp was arranged byformer Grosse POlOter. DrRobert Everett, president ofU S Exchanges. The groupwas hosted by the LuyanoPresbytenan Church 1'1H"VdJ1d.

Price of loveLoyalty is a Vlrtue, but It has

a pnce when It Involves drunk-en dnvmg

On Wcd.'"'lCSday, Ji.iiiio 17, al2 24 p.rn, City pollce pulled

NOTICE IS HEREB) GIVEN l!IOl all raxlenlS of lbo CIlY 01 Harper Woods who """" "'" f~qualificaDons by July 6. 1991l. st.alI be <IIl1!1cd to be tqllSOOtOd as .. elector In the pIOCIDCt .. _ beor W _ for "'" Pnmory E.Iw.lOll scheduled f;x AllgUSt 4 1991l

*SboII be. c,,,,,,, of !be Unlled Sales"SlIa!lbelll_18yew.;<>fagc,"SbalJ be .l<:Sldetn <>fdw< Slate,"Shall be • __ of Harper Woodo f"" at _ 30 days

Intercotcd .1Id qllallrlCd pawm may male appIlcalloo to bcir;DRlC a ~_ vCClOtIIlbo Clly Clak ,Off= Monc:ay 1IIroo&h Fnday between "'" """" <>f8.30 • III '" 5-00 pm"" .. y Mlc:lug08 S«r<uryl>l ~ otflCO. The last day to ~ter fur lilt: AllgUSI4 1991l Pnmary EIe<lIoc> will be MOlIdoy July6 1998 Ifyoo an: unable 00 ,~"'1hea!x»e ume .. or If)ou .... 1 doub< .. lO!he ....... <>fy<Q tqllsumoo ple.>se wi 343 25lC

deputy ch1ef Dennis Van Dale.The suspects wt>re stopped

by patrol officers, their beertaken away, and issul'd tickets(if open mtoxicantS 10 a vehicle,The dnver regl8tered 01 per-cent blood alcohol level.

G P"'Jr~ Coru-"",""" 06I1&l98 <it 06125 '98POSlE) Jun.: 18 1998



ClIJ of H"fTlLl" \\~

Mickey D. Todd,l.ll' 0",'1.

Pictured from left to right at the Presbyterian/Methodist/Eplseopal SemiDary .blMataD.zas, Cuba, arc Dr. V. Bruce Rigdon. pastor of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church: Dr.VlrgiDia F. Rice; Alfred B. Thomas: Janice Kay; Louise P. Thomas; Patricla Metcalf;Rouald C. Lamparter: Mary L. Lamparter: Dr. WUllam Rice: Rev. Ham, father of Dr. Car-INI Ram. pastor of the Presbyterian Chu-~h In I.-uya..no!!!1d who vra..=t!:.~ Cwo..1=: ho&t forthe Americ:an group: and Robert G. Edgar. pab1l8her of the Grosse Pointe News.

Not pictured is former Grosse Pointer Dr. Robert Everett who eliCorted the group.Everyone is a Grosse Pointer ezcept Rev. Ham and Patricia lIIetcaH, who joiDed thegroup from Texas.

demandCastro rmls agamst the dol-

lar and black markets, but hashad to aJ!ow them to eXlst

Chinks are appeanng In thewall that has separated ourtwo countnes Slnr'" 1959.

T-shirt and khaki shorts"We'd really like to get this

guy," Sald James Fox, a detec-tive With the City polleedepartment

Open your eyesYou know those big black

unmarked pollee cars that any-one Wlth a bram can spot froma nule away?

The concept proved too muchfo!' two 22-year-old Red Wingsfans who were heading down-town to the Stanley Cup V1clo-ry parade on Thursday, June18, at 1036 a m

As tlit? j.itur drove downJefferson dnnkmg beer In agreen Jeep, they somehow did-n't nohce stares from two big.conservative loobng menwearing dark SUlls In a City ofGrosse Pomte police car m thenext lane, namely cluef of pub-lic safety Al Fmrhl:'.m and

./'\11 j il..<.l HIt-'" '0\ II ) ... I l-hJ I •

COT'1dll"'On Heanne Ro"m 402\1 r n II• oJ. ~ l ...... \ .... ~ oJ .... I'll I ....




Juh 1.3 IW~.:u7tOpm arodAl.gulJlCJ 199~J,t~'\Opm

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe CommIttee or \"a), and "1edn~of Ihe \\a) ne Count, Comm,,"on \'111~old Camm'l1ee o~ \\a), and "vIean, ¥Jeellng, Bud~e[ Hc.mng, and PubltcHeanngs \Iolth \ancus sldnd,ng Comrnt"I('>n committee, It) dl'cu" Ihe proposed 1998-99 Appropnallon and Bl.dget Ord,nance, a, It'led belo ....

Tue<Miav Julv 7 1998 9 ()() a m 400 n mJoonl meeting. Commlttee on EcOll(\mlC De\ elopmcm . 9 00 • mPub1Jc Heating at 10 ()()a m

Joml -neenng. Commlllee on En\lfOnment . J ()I) P '"Public Heanng at 2 00 P m

Wedne>oday Jul) 8 1998 900 a m - 4 00 P mJoant meellng. Commlllee 01 Road, A1fll0"' dnd f'Lbl" 'ienlcc,Pubhc Heanng a; .000 am

Thur<;(Ja\. Jul" 9 1998 9 00 a m 4 ()(}P '11

Jomll'1eelmg . Commlllee on Heanh and Human Senlce~Public Heanng at J 0 00 d m

Fnday Ju" 10 1998 900 a m 400 pm

Tue,ddv Augu,t 1\ 1<)98 lOOp m 400 pmThursday Augu<,J I, 1998 I ()(J pm. 4 00 pm

Tue~day Augll't I ~ 1'191\ I 00 P '" 4 ()() P mWednl'~da\ Augu<,[ 19 1998 'l (Xl a m 4 ro p m[hursddY Augu<,J20 I~~ IOupm 400pm

Cuba \\ a~ onc€' a fa\ 01 JtepIA Y!P'ound for Amen'dns \\ holazed on her bedutlfuI beaclle~b\ da) and enJo)ed Ha\an.1'sglltt~nng club" and gamblmccasinOS by mght

But that '" a" 40 ) ear" ago.befor~ fo'ld('l Castro <iT'd hisragged band of re\ ulutlOr..ane"0\ erthrev. the corrupt Batl"tareglrne

Rebuffed b) our gO\ emmentwhen he first turned to theL nltt-a :'tates tor heip Ca~troapproached the formf'r SOVlf'tUnlOn for ""slstance Eager fora foothold m the Western r.eml-sphere, the l'SSR ""a" qUIck tocomply

Thus bf-gan the communtza.lIOn ot lhp Canbbean Islanddosest to Amenca's shores and40 years of Isolat1On from thel'mted Sta~s

Wealth v f'llh"'1<' ,,,,tl Thh"tasupporters fled theIr country,taking their money and valu-ables wlth them Many greweven wealthier m our countrvand became a potent pohtlcaiforce as well. Cuban eXIleswere mstrumental In the U.S.Congre8s, establIshing theembargo that remams m effectto tlus day

When the SaYlet Union col-lapsed and withdrew financialsupport, the ECOnomICsItuatIOnm Cuba detenorated rapidly.

Castro clmgs ~tubbornly toIus Mamst philosophy wlulehaVing to allow hiS peopleaccess to dollars through Jobsm the tourist industry, connec-bon wlth fanuly abroad andany other means they canmuster

For example, group memberRon Lamparter eAPlains the

Addltlon.l 'nf0T"T111IOnmal be oblalned tn c nr.' n. 'I eComm,,"on Clerk, OlflCc 400 \\a\ ne ('ount\ BuddlT e IlU) Ra~dl IphDClrnll MI 4822l'> r" 1) 224 ()901 GP, OIl12~i'I~

Punk snatcheswoman's purse

A 77-year-old woman fromGrosse Pomt.e Woods waspushed to the ground and herpurse snatched as she walkedto her car in a muniCIpal park-109 lot in the 17800 block ofMack 10 the City of GrossePOinte

The robbery occurred onSunday, June 21, at 11'12 8.mPohee were unable to locatethe suspect, who pollee thinkgot away in a velncle

The woman was treated andrP]PA~pn fro!!! Bnn Secour~HospltaJ for lnJunes to her leftarm and both hands. She lost$60, credlt cards, IdenWicationalld glasses.

Pohee desenbed the suspectas a black male 10 tus 20s, 5feet 8 mches tall, 175 pounds,medium build, weanng a wlute

NonCE JS HEREB'\ GI\ E.....!h..l.! UlC' rl..uper \\oc:w:h C.l\ Coon.c.l tt's...bedu.ed Ll<; Juh 3.00 ..\u,glJS.lmet'lJng'" from the flnl 3nd lh rd "'-10flda\ 01 ~b.0S0t momhs"l "I: ~O P m In ]..Is1 ,he :'le..ond '-1ooda, 01boc:h Jut\ and. Au:gu.q 11 ... ,0 r m The' mt'"ehn~ ""l1 be held 10 too CI(Jo Cot. rlCl I Cballocr ...at ;he-aho\t 2ddre'~:!lo 'The e.LlCt d,:ut .i..~dhn-.c of 'h~ rnt'e(II1g.~ <ire as (ollov.",



bul d0b not deal ..."th thelJecu1uir ..:uJL"rJ. .... In\ uh HlgthE:' !r,krnu ur :lim medIa

Th", h -} n ',dc,t p: (Jpr".lv,ould 0P]V I'""eu\nn "'«.aIlpr...,that choo~f'" ilJ l ~""l"\ t'H..!L..1t r~ '"'td109 mdtenal t(J dl<,pld' It III

ar~"" of the ~trJre \I hKh "reII:.,tntLed

Wlll th<:re be Objl:(l10n, , Am,

JfLchael HarriS lS ExecutweDIrector of MLchLgan FamtlyFOTI'm, a rum profit researchand educatIOn organzzatwnbased En Lansmg

Bloomfield Hills ... , (248) 258-5300Mack Ave., Grosse Pomte Fanns

. (313) 882-6400

Open a new Signature Pluscheclmg account toda, and talcadvantage ot our SpeCial CD rate'For more mforfYlatlor, call

Kercheval Ave., Grosse POinte ~arrns................ (313)41--5210

Farmington Hills ... (248) -r-044-!


5.75 % MY Bose CDRote.25 Basis Points When YouOpen A New

Sipoture Plus Checking Account6.0% APY Bonus Rote


MichIgan Family Forum hasproposed leglslatlon whIch WIllregulate adult readmg maten-aI, and whIch, If enforced, WllIelimmate:: th\: vlew:..ug vf ~ul".hmaterial by mmors The bIll,sponsored by Rep Paul Baadeof Muskegon. regulates onlyadult readmg matenal, thatwhich IS sexually ell.phclt The

Law proposed to preventkids from seeing pornBy MIchael HarrisSpecial Writer

How du "'I- pn:vl-nt mlOorsfJ om g( ttJn~ dU.b' t,-, "dult-Llnil mdtln"I' While each pubk";lOg medIum hi,,, It'> O\~n

pl-tubar th"ractefl'Ucs andth"J]er.gp;, "S~ocl&ced wIth reg-J.l...ltmg ..dull rndtendJ. then I"probahly no area '" h(-re the......• r .... .,., ~ .... ror" ...l I..

'lble to TrllOOr" In :-.rlcnlgan to bn.hhmg t}oe r J r,t6. L.. _ ~ _ # I ""', I"

.. ~u .. V~~ H1"'6"'"" lU\.. I (.u......'" 4U lL,oI.,eUu""tU ...IJL HIt-LalLI L '- (}} i..dt.

Pdrty ,tore:, d11d other retaJJer, lllPdla get exuttdf-omt. THaders do the oobt A~ g\.ldrdldn;, uf tnt:: } Ir"t

po<;!'.ble t<tmg b) refusmg to Ame:.dment, the pre;,,; arecarry "exuall) e) pl:Clt maga- al wa)s concerntd - nghtfull,:.Line;, \lu"t, ho\\;e\t:r, all .• "Illl ,,0 But till" prup",al duB" nutlUg to carr) tne matE-nal bdl', doe.. not cen"o' and Jo"sbecau<;e of the tremtondous not regulate thh matf!laiprofits In.oived and the challu~ except to hmlt Its VIe\Hng b)of makmg other bales to tno;,e minors T"us thp forum ISUIawli 0) Lilt:: Il1<ltenal. really aJIIlmg at a cons,,,tent

l:nfvrtunaLely, a number of apprr,ach to ploteltmg theret.al1ers, especIally the party phySIcal ami emotIOnal puntystores, SImply dIsplay the uf mInor"matE'nal on racks where It IS The appropnate response toaccesf:lble to everyone regard- such an objectIOn IS that theless of age posslbhty of cnmmal or CIVIl

Many MIChIgan parents hablhty IS the "ery thIng whlehhave had the embarrassmg W111enforce thIS beneficIal lawand degradIng expenence of F1lrther, publIshers are gener-gOIng to a fillIng statIon, bait ally not held hable for the fall-shop, or party store Wlth theIr ure of theIr retailers to appro-kids, and encountenng thl~ pnately dlssemmate the mate-revoltmg matenal In plam nalVIew as they enter the store Hopef.lily, thIS pIece of legts-ThiS IS hardly a famlly-fnendl) latlon WIll become a bi.partl-SituatIon, and one which we san effort to clean up an area ofpropose can be easl1y resolved MIdugan that badly needs ItWIth legIslatIOn lhere 18 no cost to the taxpay-

ers assoCIated With It, and thp-burden on bU!hneSS IS mlmmalThere is certamly !tttle to loseand we nave the wel!-bemg ofour youth to ga;.n.

0001 ""'.''9' ,,.\l r lI"Il ,,~K!IV" ' ~ "'" , ,~Io (~ 1II1hoo.< ,,"', 'I roJ"""",,,,,, !lo'"'' .' _ P,""'" I", ,0+...'lld 0lJQi ~,,~11' ~klr1q r~rf\SI 00010 "l't':l'ltIuro """ " .... SIO!),)1 "''''''''''' i>oIe, •• \"M~I ... OI<I ~r'l1('(hc,!<\

A. Rate That Makes YouAbout YourMon~

Service ThatMakes ~uFeel Good About Us.Open J ne\\ Signature Pluschcckmg JlLOunt to(1:1\ Jnd getthiS special CD bonus rate-(i0% APY for 16-months! .\10reriIan lUSt J -,He, nlgn-interest1m estmenr for \ ou. It gJ\ e~ us achance to demonmatt' trulypersonal hankmg \Xnen IOU

open a Signature Plus aClOunt.

\ eltl II sa dO\\ n .u a Je~k, III acomrortahle chalf. and meet \\ lchyoul oum persOlUlI ballker-,O'l1COne rI ~dk.i'la [() bctddmg1 reiaIlOmhlp \\ I'h \ (Ill

~()me(lne redd\ tp !Jlc..'n Jnd !c,m1ahour YOllr hnan, 1.11 need,

Regina - Oct. 24

I Regina High School classof 1973 announCP& Its 25thyear reunion celebratIOn,With dmner and dancmg atGmo's Surf, 37400J<!fferson, lD 8t ClaIrShores, on Sattu:lay, Oct24, 1998 CocktaIls are at7'00 p m (open bar); dinnerat 8:00 p.rn

Respond With check forcJl A 1:'1_ _1 0.,.. ....., '"qonn'::':J;Uo"~ vi ~JVJu.. aplt: vyJuly 30. 1998 to Jo~ceAubrey Nolan, 616:.1tllstone, Rochester H~lls,Mll'h , 48309



7_1-(..-'~ ...-""'"

Siu 1!l31


sarah Lewis and Stenhani,. RtM'hl (Alhnv.. l anti M"ganWatkins and Lucia MazZola wlUk the runway at ULS

Coast GuardAcademy accepts:ulmlCl.Sl" nnCl.... -... ...... & .......,. "" .......u

The Umted States CoastGuard Academy 18 now except-ing apphcatlOns for the servIceacademy for the class of 2003.

Appointments are based onan annual natlonWlde competi-tIon with no congr~sslOnalnommatIOns or geographH.'alquotas

ApphcatlOns must be sub-mitted to the Director ofAdmisslO!ls pnor to Dee 15.

To obtam an apphcation orfurther mformatlOn wntRDirector of Admissions. U.S.Coast Guard Academy, 31Mohegan Ave., New London,CT06320

Call 1-&10-883-8724


COMPANY~--.;-\. • \. -- _ .. --=-=-~

- "" .... - ~, -

All Hcann~ .. v. ill h<' h,'ld 111

('ommls'Ion Hc~nng Room 4(12

\\ "jne Count~ Budding600 R~ndolph. DetroH. \1lchlgan


~urTJJng '0 ""'III and fitThe SpnnblSummer Fa~hlOn

Sno\\ wa~ held on FrIday, Junej .t the home of Cltv of GrossePOInte re"ldentb Kerry andDenJ~( Cren;,haw. ;"Ino!>ed'lUghter E'llily, dIrected thE'fablnon ,how

Students walkrd the run",ayto the sounds 01 tethnDpopcomoukr musIc and reCPlYf-r1lugh mark" fr(lm invIted gue~tsand parents

"Out senr<lrs do vanous oro-Ject~ In the commumty such asworking In lawyer's offices ann. ... . .. .... -'uv...,t'.Io~,"j;;;) .1.1.-6«1..1 t ,., "~&\'U&.::.'

has an mterest HI fashIOndestgn, so she put wgether thISsho\\" saId Duff) Ress, ULSdIrector nf onhh ...,...1"'tu...."

Watkms 'plat1s to attend theUOlH'rslty of MichIgan thISfall. and WIll try to sell ~me ofher clothmg to Ann Arbor bou-tlques specializmg In unusual<:outure

The Commmee on Ways and Means of the Wayne County Comrru~",onWI:! hold Cormmtlee on Ways and Mean, Meetings. Budget Heanngs.and PublIc Heanngs WIth vanous standlllg CommiSSion comnuttees todiscuss the proposed 1998-99 Appropnatlons and Budget Ordinances ashsted below

Tue~da) JuJy7.1998- 900am -400pmJomt meetmg - Commltttle on EconomiC Development 900 d mPublic Hearmg at 10:00 a.m.

h:d.!). Jull 10 1'198- Q 00 am

Jomt rnef"lm~ Committee (m Em lrur.ment - i 00 P mPubhc Hearing at 2:00 p.m.

ThllrcJ,I) 1,j1~9. 1998 900 a 11' - tOO P mJOI.1Imcc'mg C0mmlllee on Health and Huma'1 SCfl 'cc,Puhllc Hearing at 10:00 d.m.

\ ~..I "H' I Inl(')rln dl..)'1n"'1) h~ ,ht~ '~J ~\ ...cpt, ..~ '1'; 111..:' C00Jml ,"lOT

( ICIi.. c Olliu: W(l \'"l)n~ (nulll) Buddin:; (lOO Randol~'11 DLlnlll \114~22(, « 1"1}224 0901

\\,;dnclda) Jul) 8 1098 - 9 00 a m ~400 P mJOI!II meetl!l,;! - CommJUee on Road,. Airports and Public SCfI Ice,I Public Hcaring at 10:00 a.m .

Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 8.30 a.mJomt meetmg - Committee on Publtc Safety a.'ld JudICiary and Count>ClerkPublic Hearing at 10:00 a.m.

IWednesda}. June 24, 1998 - 10 00 amJOim meeung - Committee on General Government

County Clerk, ReglSler of Deeds and TreasurerPublic Rearing at 10:00 a.m.

Tll<:.,d~) -\u.; ..,t 11. 1998 - lOOp m 4 00 r mT" r,', \lI.ell-ln 199<'-IOOp:, .. .100['11I ,- ,Tuc,da\ Au!!u'>l 18 1998 - lOOp m - 400 P m\\CdIJC,dl\ <\ugll<;t 19 1998 9 iYl am .. 00 p In

Thur.,d"y f ugu,t 20 1998 - i 00 pm .. 00 r m


St. Clare book saleThe St. Clan: School PTO is now coDectJDc books for-

its 14th annual used book sale, to be held Sept. 16-20.Hardcovet, papelback. audio, and video materlaJa .mbe tH:Cepted. No teztbooks older thaD three ,ean,Reader'. Digest Condeuecl boob, mecum .. , or UIUe-paired books are uceclecl. Boob may be deposited mthe bill IDside the cuport of the c:harch -7 daybefore 2 p.m. can 882-4330 for more lDfonuatiOD.

June 25, 1998Grosse Poir.te News

By LIZ FersztStaff Writer

For :"1egarl \'v,ltkm, there-julred ~U1101 pl"jl d <ItUm\( I:>lt\ Llggt'lt b( huol 1'1 a"anythmg but drudgE n

The L L3 ~elllor prf'paredand pre"ented a fabhllJll "ho\~of her ongIndl de.Hm, ,I'> morl-".eu lJ~ i~ I'U\\ l L::-> ,tUGenbKa) K'bhpj Sar,lh Le\\ls.LUtla ~au()la, StephdnIeRoehl and MIICke Teltge

Watkmc, bald her de.ngnswere fro:n patterns \I hlth "hethen modified tll her tasteslI'clurl'''''~ 'liE ",,~t ...1.._v.,," \ ...fabnc~, ;,uch a~ Spandex

An unu"ual ha'tPf top andsk:rt set "'a" madr f,nm dl"-carded neckties "My dad liasthrowmg out hI" tIel, fw<-RIlWhIS effie-€'"'ent to dre",,, ca"ualJ thought the} were cool Iandrecycied tt>em', Watkm!> <;aId

She added that the tIe cle-atlons wen> the most tlme-con-

Company offersparents a newway to test teensfor drug use

The Parent.'! Home DrugTestm.l!' Comoanv IS a firmdedICated to helpmg par-ents keep theIr kIds offdrugs, whIle preservingtheir sense of pnvacy

fhls company sells homedrug and dIagnostic testluts that are tllvaluabletools m the ongOlnl'l' fightagamst illICit drug and alco-hol abuse.

The "Parent" Info Cent.er"sectIon of the web SIte offersadVIce a" to poSSible SIgnS achIld may be using drugs,commonly asked questIOnsby parents about drugs, spe-CIfic drugs and theIr effects,what parents should knowabout drugs. what parentscan do about drug abuseand how parents canbecome Im-olved

There IS also an extensIvedrug and alcohol referencehst where you can go to getmore mformatlOl1

For thOSE ohou ...ho arenew to drug testmg. EMITtests are a common t) pe ofunne drug test conductedbj a cllmcal laboratory andare used by phy"lclan<;, cor-rect-onal instItutIOn", lawenfor('empnt agencIes andeven emplo) ers \\ho \\ ant tf'..... .... ........ T.- ..... ,,~t"t::=0)l". tJlV~PC\..ll""!'" "JUpAV.)Il".!o....:o

Wnlle E:vnT te ..ts gener-all} cost around $35 theParents Horn€' Druh Te<;tmg-kIts start at $9 95

III addItIOn, the compa-ny'" drug testmg kIt:-. <Ire

,eG In your o"'n home \\Ithno unnc samp]p, to send toa laboratof)

The tE'"t re ..ultb areImmediate rehabk andcompletely confident:,)l

rJ~ dUOIUUJI llt ut ......, t.. ........ 1

Jn~ kIts, th .. P"renh Ho,TIeDrug Tcstmg ('0 al~o ,ell"dlu~lpe .. - a dC~lCC tllatdetect .. drug rC<;ldue on an),Urf1fP. two type ...of akoholtrst, prCgTl.lDC\ te,l, :mdtlle ont. FD \-.lppro\l'dhorne !1r'~ If ....l f...IL ~old II}

.. }:~ T .......... ::'1 c.::f .,tc'"For more 1l1formntl'Hl.

\1,11 the e-omp",,\ , '\E'I> "tE'.it \I\\;W Il0mE' dnl!-'"tE'~l com

Or ('"II P<lrent. HomeDnlg Te ..tJn,.; Co toll fn'c <It1-~00 J97 Hh'lO

..ULS senior showsCllstOlll fashions


10A Schools June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News





• l



I I. I

Stock MarketGame is awinner withstudents

non"" & Co d Xt;y. Yurk Sto.:kE)'lna~ge broKerage firm,announced \lInners of 't5 stockmarket game m the fifth g1 ade atRichard Elementary ::lchool

Ail"on ('OU7pn'l \fA "rpf>n

Kellett McKenzie Ma~er Andv"'f~n~ndn. ('"~"'~!I\~h-:-r \T~l!~ \,1 c:~for their successful mock 1m ~st-menb mto such NYSE stocks asPepsI, Amencd Online, ReeOOk,Kmart, and General Electnc

The object of the game WM; toaChlf'VC a 10 percent return overa 10 week perIOd, whIch equatesto a 52 pt'rcent annual rpturn

Their teacher at R1chdrd was'4' ...-+.L~ C'l~'L ....., ('n....... '" ...... .1..10 H•.U.Vt'd.1 .. £.'CJJ,IJ1;;J.b vll41J. J,.

Warezak of Roney coordmatedthe game. mcludmg a field tnp toher office, and a thermal Roneylunchbag for the wmners.

Oar Lady Star of the Sea student Marie Venaeke andl.anpage Art8 teacher Linda Berge; ~how off Ver-vaeJr.e'. poem, HA Dream is a WIsh... wJUeh was select.cd as ODeof the state's top 10 entrlll6, Vern.eke wmreceive a $50 Hv1Dga bond for her accomplishment.Berger l& also an accomplished author ba'V'hJg beenpublished in the "Journal of Adolt and Adolescent IJt-eracy."

Cityl)f~rOSsr Joint.e JIf arms, Midllgan


Pictured are winners of the Roney &: Co. StockMJ\!'k4!t Ge..m~lr ~!!! P..!a!::.-:! Ele.=err.tas" Si;:::'uv:fifth grade: Alison ~, Maureen Kellett,McKenaie Maher:, Andy M'anardo. ChristopherVelia. .t1d llnn~y fin!1!!c!el consultant ShariWarezak.

Star studentis star poet

Present on Roll Call Mayor Danaher. Council members Waldrnelr. Knetser, &honcnberg, Gandelot. Westand Gaffn ..)'

Th~ \A'ee~r:g \\ 3:l. cJ..1~~Jlu vrder at 7 3u p m

Also Pre~ent Mes~p.. Burge~~ Cot) AHOrne), Solak, City Manager. Reeslde City Cler!.. DeFoe. DIrector ofPublic ServIce, Ferber. DIrector of Pubhc Safety

M<lyor Danaher pre'loed at the \feetmg

Folio\\ .ng a pubhe heaP-ng on the maner th .. CouncIl adopted a resolU!lOn acknowledgmg the lakeSIde SewerDl,tnc: Combined Se\\er O~erflow <\bate-ment Program PrOjeCt Plan, and fUl1her. dl',ee \\-lU> me Project PlanrecommendatIOn of Sewcr Separation as the cl1o~en alternatIve tor the Lak",slde Sewer Dlstnet and further.:::gree to pr0Cced w1th the Propo~ed Lal..eslde Sewer Dlstnct Sev.cr Separation Program a, outlined m theProject Plan

The 1l,1mute~ at the Reg ...ldr Meetll1g held on \1ay 18. 1998, were appro\ed a~ ~uhmltled

The Council, actmg as a Zonlllg Board of Appeal, appro\ed the MIIIUlC, of the PublJC Heanng held on May1S i 99R, granted the appeal of Co,eLle Camphell. 41 Beverly Road to con,iruct a 7 foot addition to he,attached gJrdge. granted the appeal ot John Pend)' 34 McKinley Place. to wn,truct a t\\ 0 ~IJr. addlllOn to thercar of hi, eXI<;t1ng dy,ellmg. granted the appeal of Keith Geyer 370 Belanger 10 COnqrucl a one ,tor; .lddl-lion to hi'. }..llchen and to lOn'mUC! an .ltlachcd garage Yo ItI'. se"ond ,tol) on the CJst 'Ide of hI, hOll,,". \uhJcctlO 'f'Cclfic condItIOn, the appeal 0' Chn,t .lmga~, 3 Ba}..cr Lane \\ia, \\1t'ldrd\\i1 b} the appcllam at thiS 11m.:

The Council apprO\ ed the hhtailrncn: Purcha,e Contracts for lhe Kroger Parcel as pre,emed by the Cm'\tt"t"'T"\"n...,.~ -.J

TI>e COllnc,l appro\ ed the ofter tll purcha-e cm C1\\ned lot by VIr &. \1r, rolca''ln <ubJcct to Jdml"l,tr"ll\':re\ le\\ ,md apprO\ a I

Our Ladv Star of the Sea7th grade language arts stu-dents entered a poetry con-test sponsored by CreativeCommurucatlODS .

The class bas been nof;lfiedthat Star 1S ill the top 10 Fer-cent of the 300 schools par-tl0patmg and has been g1vena PoetIc Achtevement Awardfor 1998 entr-'?ll of "ex(1'p-tionally hIgh mt'!rit ..

Enc Wmes, Enn Tobin,Meredith Ka)-e, Mik€TIndall, Renee Russo,Nathan Mikula, BmmGerlat'h, KatIe ScherVlsh,Sara DeMars, JamneGreene, Jenmfer Metes,Alvssa SImon, PeterCracchIOlo, Chns Ahee, AnneMane BadalamentI. FreddyMoore and Mane Vervaeke'swork W111be pubhshed In theanthology, "A CelebratIOn ofMH:hlgan'o; Young PO('ts:

Cadillac Coffee CO.KONA BLENDirom the ~Iand oi Hal'idll

_~ $799tB




~aLdd~m\ ..Irt'"llld, "HI Jr,e!c'dedrchlmg P..l1rJIJn6lollagl.' textileseel aillll" 'l uJp-tune and photogrd-I'h ...rro: ......'.;,:-

Crhltl\ e \\-ntlllg,Fl eIw;-. btnng

m"tl'urll€'nh hteraturt> andnature cia"s,,!> \1 III dl~o De heldH II I~ lilt" "'UlIllllt"1 1I11lHLa~

C:lll.HJ-086-1221 ior moreInlormatHlI1 (\r to regJ~ter

&;ademy sports camperZoe Berkery worb theropes during rappelUngtnIining last summer.

At St. Paul'sSt Paul Cathohc School bas-

ketball camp ran t'Wo sesstons,June 15-19 and JWle 22 26,from 9 a m tIll noon

The camp ,- as rt..m by JnhnAgbay. St Paul's P E teacherand coach, Wlth 22 of ye<trs pro-feSSIOnal educatIOn expenencE'

Oth!:T summer offenngs atSt Paul's Involve a youth mmIsh")' program called Teen:::>PlTlt, whIch meet<>W"dnesdayOIghts from 7 p m to 9 p m

Call 88 ..'5-7022 for more mlor-mation

Gr055e Ple's Favorite Beer

STRDHfS.12 pt aIlS


Granny SmithAPPLES

1"""-) ......... 9-~~'..,} Y f/.• LB

Ovshmsky campdIrector, salQ rap-pellmg IS anoptIOnal actn,ty,but -most of thechildren love It ..

Ovshmsky 1S anAcademy gradu-ate who teachespre-school In WestBloomfield

She srod Fndaythere are open-mgs available forthe weeks when:>ports camplnciudes l'ap-pelltng

Accordmg toBartIk, the campIS .....ery userfnendly for par-ents" becausethere IS beforeand "fter care,and fleXlbihty 1Dweekly Ch01C€S

GPA also offersSaturday mghtcamp, from 6 pmto mldmght, Wlthrates based on aslblmg: dJscount

Rappeliingsports camp runsfro!"l Julr 13.17andAug 3-7

GPA also IS

otTering an €Clec-~''" \..UIJ.H ..u:unl ofsummer academICand arts shortcourses, such as

The Counc.! Jrprol cd pa) men! of the ,t:lIement of attome) , fe.:, frolll dle lJI\ rlml 01 Dlckm,on. \\ nght.Ivloon \JnDu,cn &. Fleeman CoumeJlor'i J( L"w, m Ihe tOlal amount of $2 'ill2 00 for IJrI( U~ labor matter"rendcred on behalf of the City

The ('(,lIncil apprmed tlJe purcha~e 01.160 La7('r Rldmg Mo\\er for Ihe Puhhc \\or}.., Dcpanment Ir'hc Cotlrell ap1'ro\ cd the lo\\- bid at ABC Paling Company m thc amount of $159 i64 2'\ torthe 1998 ,:reetrc'UrfJClllg program •

If,c- C ( v: • Jl .. q'r' \(:.1 the ' ')')~~ (uri> C "'c h 8,."n & SaIL""J!)... Rcf' IIr progrJm be Jv. <!nkd 10 A,phalt tControl CorporJtlon

The Puhlll ')akt) Derartment Rcpon for Ihe month of M.l) 1998. wa' rClcl~cd hy the COllncll Jnel orderedplaced on tik

L,pon pft per mnlJon nw!e ,urr0rtcd 3nd .1IT:cd t'l': :'\-1ccllng IdJoumed .II q ,0 p m IIf flj ......fX T RHlt'Li\R \11'+ rr .....c Of TilE CITY c:)t .....elL \\ III AI:: HH D OJ', 'v1CJNDAY JLLY 1'1 IJ')'J'I t\f i ,01'\1 Ii\ THF crn COl '\('11 ('H '\MBr R<., ':10KfRBY RO \IJ (,RO')')f:, POI7'Hl 1AR'vl'\

()!ifMni) ., .. l ,. 5na.l~";'~ \lIr1..fI(' A" I • ICTD A'Ai'~tDDI~C I - KI WI UlllLJDfVHAC I! J(JIIn~. Udlldhl;!r S_ha_"_e_L_.R_c_eS~'d~-.J IJI ~\r"1ULI\I\lLJ J~ "IVJIII\VVlfIJ

~ ~~ MJY('r ('11) ( Ier}..

;j' 99~~1~ 0 4/99~~l99!'PH (,I'>" Oflf2V'J'>L- _

Principatof'llAnnrn'L1l\l nlL'I"lTUlI1l\UVI' '/'\1, f11'Vi


Ocean Spral


;1$379~ ~4D7


tJ $399, B


La CremaDr .. AT .. AIIl CII ~VI ,'VI/\ 0:



VERNORS8 pk, 20 OZ,



~'MS 8vfARl@T I.:: ,;' j ,: , • ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 I~ ~ !,i'" or r.l.<'f"i>~ FISHER RD WE --- IV-R 882 5100;"..,,.,,,,.;.,,, ~ "fr ' '1 !""I'- 355 _ UCL 1:0 •

*,,~l """'" • ,

. ;"i, :''''',~l ~j OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 8 am .7 pm Closed SundayUPS PICK-UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD JUNE 25TH • JULY 1ST

Amish Frtsh Ground G,eal-on--The-crill

WHOLE LAMB RINALDI'SFRYERS PATTIES ~g~~~~..:--.-.$119l1 $499LB $229lB

Dill Lean& Tender s~ ~J~U~M~~RirST~KS CEWR CUT ~

Grell.Slde-Voh PORK CHOPS$399lB $499LB $349LB ~4991B




~Summer sports fun continues at~G.P. Academy and St. Paul School-: By LIz Ferszt I l: StaH Write; ~

- I' \ I"" '''',II,.,unul /" jl fi.~," ~~.~_ SsUen



:-.; I .+ j ~ <, l,d ....tl. " 'ulll" t..r ., .

: 'elk, ( 10 'f 0' tll, jolloa'TI<{ t: 1: "'''' (If ,,,' fr',T Ca\ (ump I ~/ [.~ I: (l '11,. j f ~ .. 11f

l,Z 6n rr flllt) f:du 1 -'_ ~ v~~ I:tal't..~ lffe"'l'l~'" Ealh L..eek. _ !II

: {" l< ',GI'/r, a d11t<rt'llt ~ltt': )lllU C(lilUnf.nf ... art:' l.4f:!{CGme Shore ...: The rappeJl.n~ Unit last>. t\\O.. r-:, r("-~"" p .;~.,.."~h,...J,...._ ... ~C"".J .\ ... , , ,

:: Blut> Streak '\';ports Ca~; mg <if' Intraductol'} cour-!' on= ' '.l~ f'C' .......... t ...~.....l ")of _.Le;:ll... ,.~t..kl:l, lU~'C'::' d.d.Q. DI1C1ge~

: but dJ\ CdmpE-r<. Lan choose The sec, "ld da) r"ampers 1111:- one-II eek '" gments at a time. don safet\ harnesses wIth: InCluding a sessIOn featunng clamps. r;eavj glo\ es, and:: rappellmg. the spnrt of gomg otner chmbmg gear dlle! ",:11= \t:'t"tIc'ii t..eth~T 13.0".':1 ~ 30 ft ~t..(1rrlJld-;: IIere I pn exclleu to ofter mg-hke free-"tdndlllg struc-= thl- actn!t'l said Karen ture. to the call'pUS lav.n: BanIk. GPA Dubhc relatlOns belO\\: dlfhtu[' "They bUIld up the platform,

lhe spt)n" camp lIS() fea- and then the kids each take= tUrE'S archeI'}, floor hockey, soc- turns domg free rappelhng and= eer tenms 'loftbail and 'lVdm- hOll""f> rEppel!lllg.~ ::J.ld= mmg each day at Lake\lew Bartlk= HIgh School 10 St ClaIr Sasha-------------------...............-----------.....-------------------- .-E~:1,-------= Academy st".ldents rappelled down_platform at Blue Streak Sports Camp=last year. The structure was 30 feet tall,::bunt on-site at the GPAcampus.--

June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News News 11 A

~".et~ & IT::::: :~ r~$ ~;;wvMONDAY JUNE II T~RU SUhOAY, JUNE ~ I9t/I



M!CHJl.EL KE!'lYO!'l\( Iln~ DCrll!\ ( Ie 'I-.

rO\\ Ihlll!, 01 (,rll"C f\HIlIL

I .IJ..C f(,,, ",I Ii'

SHANE l. REESIDECll) ( Icrl-.

Cn\ 01 (,f(h,e POll1tc 1~n'1,

Instruments WIll put you Inperfect harmony WIth yourCdmera

/0,,1.:10 'hrC'ugh \'[1 '\ 10.1 m III 'j 00 P Tll ,lIle! ,InJuh 6 8 ,0.1 m to ~ (K) P 11\

'v1on through fn q 10 J. m 10 ~ (X) P III ,h\d'1I1

Jul) 6 8 10 .1 m to ~ on p 111

Man throu£h I n ~ PO .1 III tn.j '0 p m ,\lId (\'1

J uh () i:I Ou .1 rn to.j jn p 111

1l ;"SDAY Il',,"1:. ~O 1991\Heanng Room 40: 11 00 ~ III

WJync Count} Bulldln~(.()() R...:.r:'!c'Ir'"= D...~rr...' \41


Mon -Tue\ Thur' -Fn 8.,0 a m to .. 10 p III

\Ved 8 30 a m to 6 00 p m and on Jul~ 6 8 10;l m to 4 30 P m

!\lIon -T~e, -Thur' Fn 8,0 J m 10410 p III

Wed 830 a m to t> ()() p m .md on JUl\ 6 S 30 J 111 W -1 10 P m

G pr-, 06/2519t'

COP1~' ot th~ abo\ e It~m ma) be obtalncd or r.:\ 'ev. cd ,It thl::Comml"lOn Cierk', Orfl .. .: 4(J6 Wd)U" C, Ulll) BuildllI,. (JLld

Randolph DetrOIt Ml .. 8226 (3n 1224-()<)O'

eraAs m all good photograph),

pay attention to proper Pll.p<l--

'lure, depth-or-field, and. ofcourse, watch your hack.groUDOS

Try for plam, unobtrusIvebackgrounds SQ that attentIonIS keyed to the mstrumentsthemselves

But at. times a backgroundcan help your pIcture. On arecent trip to VISIt new fnendsIn FOn!st, Ontann. ! saw tluscharmmg chaIse in front of aplant-adorned WIndow

The adchtlOD of a vlOhn andbow was JUst the nght touchfor the photograph shownhere

So strike up a new chord'wIth your photography thcotwtli earn you a standmg ova-tl.:>n Photographmg murncal

IThe \1,") s .md MeJns CommlltCt: of the \\J~ nc ('"un!' COmml,,),m "Illnold d pubh(. Ilt:..Hlng Ul (.IJn"'lu"::f J. p ...opu~C'u JhJIII,J,II",l",. LU rr.,;uh1H... Illr..

u,e 01 Ta'( lucremf"nl hndlKe AUlhontlc,

." ..tr-"' .. , ... ~.. I-I.I'lIl;; gL~J1V I

ell\ Ckrl-.( II, ,,! (,rO"l P"'llIC 1',Irl-.

(In 01 GRO:'!"! POI" TE PARK1'j II 'j I:. Jcllcr,C\!'8~2 6200

<.. H\ \lar1r,gcr ( II) ClerJ..Ci,\ (,f (,ro,,, POll1t~

GRO'>"E POlr-. TI ro\\" '>HIP79~ LaJ..c Sho'c8R4.0~,4

LOUISE WARNKEe<l) cr~rl-.Cll\ o! (,ro"c POll1te \\ ood,

CITY 01- GROSSE POI:-' TE17147 Maumee885-~800


For the abo\e purp(he~ Clty Offices wIll be open dunng office hOUN a~ lollo,,", ,

NonCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all qualified elector; of the City of Gro~~e Pomte Park, CIty of Gro"ePomte and City ot Gro~se Pomte Farms. CIty of Gro~~e POinte Woods. Gro~se POinte To\\ nshlp and LakeTo\\n~hlp \\ho are no: duly regl~ter('d and who des1!e to \lote II' the Pnmal) ElectIOn on Tuesday. Augw.1 4.1998 must regIster \\1U1 the Cily Clerl...on or before MONDA \. JULY 6.1998 WHICH IS THE LAST DAYLPON "'HICH REGISTRATION OR TRANSFER OF REGISTRATIO'liS MO\YBE M-\DE.



AUof the elements of the composition worked in p«:rfect harmony to produce thisdelightful musical instrument phnt,ogtapb for Monte Nagler'. C''lmera

Musical instruments can beimpressively captured on filntBy Monte NaglerSpecial Wrrter

Do you have the photography blues not knov1ilng v.hatnew and eXCltmg subjects YOUcan shoot?

If SQ, perhaps a bolo pe!for-mance IS In orderPhotographmg musIcal mstru-ments can be Just the tIcket foryou

MUSICal Instruments can bedramatic subjects, mdeed.Takp ~u:tnllS7 rAT !nsta'1ce

A close look WIll reveal anabundance of geometncdeSIgns comnstmg of curvesana angles all surrounded bythe she-en and gram or pohshedwood.

Behmd thE' keyboard are pat-terns of stnngs and hammersdwaltlng your photographicvIsi{)n All of the<;e can bt>Impressively captured on film.Look for an unusual canJeraangle that w1l1 enhance yourshot

Change the tempo <md 100:"at other Instruments, too.ReflectIOns In a polished brasstuba. lookmg straIght lOto tilethroat of a trumpet, or a close-up of the stnngs on a "'lolmWIll all reward you WIth a shotof which you WIll be proud

Don't overlook the Intimacyof a harp How about makm.g abang WIth your pictures byshootmg detaIls of percussIOnInstruments? Look closely,they and many more OpportLl-mtles are aWaltm.g your cam-

CITY OF GRO<;Sf POI'lTF WOOD,>2()()2~ \I.l~1-. Pl;l/r,

• 3.n-2+l~

L \KF: TO\\ \1SHIP! 79~ Lake Shore



12A Seniors June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

Senior citizens have and do give much to societyA cartoon appeared rec( ntl) the number of \\ orkmg people I I who feel that they are unjustly empty ne!>t fills up agam Wlth

In a ne\\spaper shov. lIig a f"m- purpol t" that thpre \\III be an burdened by Social Secunty chIldren who return home11\ lookmg at a pamtmg It '"a" msufficlE'nt numbel of y.orkmg taxes to ascertam If they would because they can't afford hous-Whistler" -Arrangem~llt 1Il people to support semors I plefer gOIng back tc the day" 109 I _'

l~':,':". al d Gr"'~" '11M" nfterl fn a report -The C0mmon I htlfore Socldl Secunty It take.,; a lot 01 aomg to

Ieferred to a" -\\ /))"tl",r s Stake" pubhshed b, the P' T' mamtam harmony wIth 3 gen-\!nlh"," nn_n~'~l~._, So ...,: "f ~1 m--e Im- e As late as 1920, man) state" eratlOn that sees nothmg. It \'11'0 1 "Ih T.lth"r nomt. ~~~;;;~~:V~;H:('f th~ ~uthor_, 1••111 1 rdt It neces"ary to strengthen wrong III hanng a fnend of the

Il'"'' commentaf\ It b not B3rbdra Hlrshorn Ph D, I eXlstmg statutes reoulTlng opposIte sex spend the mght.lI.no\\ n \\ hethe~ \\i hlstler <; pomted out that cIllzens of all I grown chIldren to support their The pIam fact IS Iuds owe Itmothu \\a" neh, pOOl, depen- ages ranging from 18 !AI 65 parents because the) either to theIr parents to help them ~d"nt or "uffielt'nt unto her"elf "aid the) \\ould prefer cuts I~ By Marian Trainor couldn't or wouldn't through theIr old ageHo\\e\er the cartoun did alert defens" spendmg o,er cut!> III 1.... .-.._----__ The old-fashIOned type. of...l~l'" t lh'?,ot"'l, th It ,l-..:> .....P n."1C.tC "' .......~............... tp.nn~ Anf4 O'(\PO;: (\T'\ tn ~s:;II,rt'hq+ at" 1Oo~ ... 11 thlO ..... 1H~~4.: tauui\' uu~ ~\"'U1Ut;' !C1.lt=', ~Ud.'" ~LcU. ~u.Ju.y ~uu .::..It:wc..tU.e

\ rUlllbhng "'n!ong l{l"0UP" ('ne Ther~ 'has been some grum- thiS IS not tl'lle But the propo- Everyone requires assls, ,ntergeneratlonal household help tht> worlung generation to:"''1:.t cu .. ld erupt Into .... Liulg ah.v about the economIc ;';C:-.t3 ,.f .:-.tc.e;c .. c • .::;.t.v:. tance trom others at some wnel'e elderly parents reSIde repay theIr debt to thelt eldersgroundsv.ell unll'ss mean" art' status of semors [t IS true that meqult) would bke to make It pomt In theIr hves - as chII- With theu' children and grand- It IS Important to focus ontaken to COITeettht' Im~conn'p- the po, ertv level among the new stereotype of elderly Qren when the most help to chIldren people and their net"dstlon that fedt'ral mont') IS semo.s has decreased as It has people Once a stereotype IS survive IS reqUIred, In the The elderly say the" dr,n't througl-out hfe, to take care ofht'mg unflllrl)' dIstributed tr for all Amencans regardless of pstab!lshed, it IS difficult to event of senous Illness or &0- want to be burdens on theIr off. both the young and tile old and"upport S'lCldl Security, age break down nomIc catastrophe, III the mId. spnng Their adult children not argue over meqmtles~tedICdrf' and Medicaid Howe"er, there are millIons The concept that Benlors are dIe years, In the event of debIl- say they would rather not have Certaml,)', no one should zeroDls!>ldents contl'nd that the of older people who contmue to takers. not gIVers, leave!' out ltatmg 11Ine"s in later years Mom and Dad move in WIth In on a system that has digni.voun!o: are bemg shoIVhenged !lve at near poverty level and some Important considera- One study showed that more them fied old age by KJ,vmg backapd that the systt'm IS runnmg who are also suffenng from boos than 80 percent of older people It is a hard plll to swallow for some of what older Citizens",hort of fund!> chromc, oeOllltatmg chseases. Semors have contnouted telt an obhgatIOn to proVIde a older people who have been have contnbuted over long

The concept of mtergenera MSome people lDcorrectl;; :::.nd continue to contnb1.lte coliege educatlon and housmg mdependent and try to change years.tlonal mequity 1$ threatemng generalize that because some through their taxes, through to their adult chIldren who their ways to SUit the lifestyles There are many who haveto diVide advocates. pollcy. senIOrs are better off financial- the reanng and education of could not afford It. of others gnrcn so much tha~ they havemakers and famules. The the- ly, all semors are financially theIr chddren and through It would be interesting to MIXing the generabons IS a nothmg leftSISbased on future :.ncreases in Independent,~ tl,e article con- asslstmg theIr fnends and rel- conduct a survey among those catastrophe even when the


Park council faces question of giving variance flJ.r handicap housingBy Jim StickfordStaff Wnter

Tt was a difficult questIOn.Should the Grosse Pointe ParkCity Counctl grant a vananC>:!that would allow a man con-fined to a motonzed wheelch81rto hve m a converted garage Inthe back of a home In the 900block of Berkshire.

The variance request wasmade by Joseph and CeeehaThomas on behalf of theirbrother James, who has polio-lnd has u.nde~n.r trPatmentfor .::.ancer The -Thomas familytold the councU that because ofJames' condttlon, gettmg upand down staIrs IS difficult andplaCing a bathroom and otherhandicap access features sucha'l a ramp or ch81r 11ft 00 thefirst floor of then home ISImpractical

The easIest solutlOD is toallow James to hve in the poolhouse that was converted from0. &lTagc City urnla""i.O-i'ces for-bid the construction of whatare called acces~ory structureson lots zoned as smgle fanuly

homell WIth the exception ofgarages for the storage ofmotor vehicles.

Last year, the Thomas fanu-ly applied for pernussion toconvert their garage to a poolhouse after bemg notIfied bythe city that they were tllegallydo~ the conversion WIthoutseekmg the proper penmts.

City bwldmg inspector RonCarmona eventually grantedthe permit to make the conver.sion based on his readmg of

~....J '1: ., .....Ci~V v. Ull.lIlnce!>. wnlU1 allOWfor "accessory buildings anduses, customanly incident toany of the permitted uses."Seme of the uses mentioned inan earlIer part of the ordinanceincluded recreational faClhbes.

But Carmona faIled to notelater on in the ordmance, aclause statmg that Wlth theexceptIOn of garages, anyaccessory budding constructi/mreqUlres the permlSSlon of theCity COUJn.ll itLtlll~ iiI! t.h~ zon-mg board of appeals

Once the garage was con-verted to a pool house, James

Thomas moved m, which IScontrary to city ordmanceswntten to prevent overcrowd-mg and the dmumshing of sm-gle family homes lD areaszoned for that purpose Someneighbors compl8llled to thecity administratIon, necessitat-109 Monday's vanance hearing.

Bdl Shield, a neIghbor of theThomas family, saId he con-sulted WIth a real estate expertand was told that by havingwhat amounted to a smallaD8nment bmidinp' m II np,l'fl-bOrhood of single f~aily houSeswould reduce the surroundingproperty values

Another neighbor said thatthe Thomas family has fourcars, wluch can no longer beparked in the garage and arenow kept ouf.fllClt'Itll thp tlmp

CounCilman VemonAusherman asked thl' Thomasfamily how much th"y spentconvertmg the garage. He wastold the COSt oi the project wasabout $20,000. St>veral coun-cllmembers wondered whetherthat money would have better

been spt!nt making the mainhouse handIcap acceSSible.

Councilman Dan Clark S81dthat while he had great sympa-thy for James Thomas' condi-tion, grantmg the variancewould set a great precedent.There are a number of peoplem the Park With handIcapswho might Wish to convertthE'lr garages to hving spacesas well He also noted that thefamily did not originally seek apennit when they began thernnvP'r"gilJn P'!'O':'!~EI. frr)m !!garage to a pool bouse. The cityhad t.o notIfy the plumb1!rdoing some of the work that Itwas Illegal

Clark also asked the faIIUlyif the intention all along was tobulld housing for James. Hewa<: told no, Q!1g!Dll.lly the pro-ject was for a pool house. Onlywhen JalDes became Ill, dId Itbecome housing.

Councilman Greg Theoke:;asked tor a two-week adJOurn-ment so that the Thomas fami-ly could prOVIde the ~uncilWlth medJ.cal records

"I would like mformationbefore I am asked to vote onthiS van ance ," saId Theokas."'\\7111 Mr, Thomas get better,worse? Is he undergoingchemotherapy, IS he tenomalWill he remam m a wheelchair.We are being asked to grant avariance for medical reasonshI., we do not have the mfor-mation we need to make anInformed deciSJ.on If we grantthIS, will people be seeking avariance because someonebroke an !U".kle Will va....1ancesbe sought on the shmmest ofpretexts?"

Mickie Shield then spoke.She said that two years ago,another Thomas Sibling movedinto the house while using :l

wheelch:ur. The family at thatume did not have trouble pro-vidmg a ramp for a~ess to thehouse.

At this pomt, CecehaThomas spo~e up, saYIng thatshe couldn't believe what wasgOIng on She saId, before sht'left, that uthe cIty sent of'ticertto eject her brother from the

pool house, she would makesure that every newspaper andteleVISIOn station in the areawas on hand to see how thePark treats Its residents.

"We aU must fear God," saidCecelia Thomas. "My brotherneeds our help and this is thebest way to do It. What's wrongWIth thIs country? No onewants to get SIck, but we allwtll. When that happens, fami-ly has to help We must answerto God"

Clark made a propoa...a! thatMr. Thomas be allov.ed to stayin the pool house for threemonths, whtch would give hisfamily time to find an alterna-tive, which could be a conver-SIOn of the main hOUBe or per-haps assisted living

In the end, the council adopt.ed Theokas'motion to delay thevote for a few weeks to give thefamdy bme to proVIde the cityWIth med1C:.a; records

But by the tune the vote wasmade all the members of theThomas family had left. themeetIng.








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10 ~ched,.le a l(iII r

Meet our residents'best friend

J!jjlJ') i a~t \\am.n Detroit

St •.Iohn-8o!'!secm.!r! senior Community

(TTr'\U~T")1)Vl11""H•• III. _.,.1...

Our center feels lIke bome

Toby, RogeY and Bandit are three of our newe.,tresldentb OUf pet Coltat'd dal:'y pup~ bnng nev"He to tht' Center, along With the aViaries and~f"lll.,r"lm Of c01..!r~c 0U:- pets .:lren't the rn2l!'l :C25:J-n

that fan'llies choose the Senior Commumtv to carefOf their loved one:. The 1110:.tImportant reasons aboplov:dc comfort - our altent" c staff and :,uppOr1lVCrontlnllljm or C:lre to !T"::ct changing 'leer!"

........... ..!..4'"J" A (If"rlp nf ff1f'r"ld ...:;.M,- J 'JWllnim or (are

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)terllnl!' Tea Sets, FI31'\\ are I ;::. I -.1[flt1Li1ls fr7J1lc .,-Walt c..

Graaullte Gemolnf}'"t OIl ,1ilaff I ..I'




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1 OO~RN t:t!\!,cl~: Automatic gale openers~ 776-5456 ~: 29160 GratIOtAI/p c


American are now living longer and enjoying their lives to the fullestBy ft,Iatildtl Charles It good lIfe, free or relatively Um\lerslty of Pennsyh.arua In dlsabihty IS postponed and ring m people who have had de-cddes, before it's triggered to

AccordIng to an artIcle In a free of dlsa.blhty or discomfort 1962. In 1986, tins group was compressed :010 few years chicken poll. usually In chud- produce the shingles symp-recent New England Journal of The kIcker 18,those who do find surveyed agam, and then toward the end of bfe ~ hood - the VIrus can hide In toms.M"d.eme, Cited III th" May themselves 10 the select com- annually thereafter They • the cells for years, even Kmg Features Syndu:ate. IIIssue of the UnIversity of Texas pany of healthy l<>ng-lived found the alumm WIth the SHINGLES A reader saysLifetime Health Letter, seniors tend to be the guys and highest health risks were her 82-year-old husband devel- Woods sets up summer shuttlelongeVIty IS ....orth achievmg gals who got off to a good start among the emokers, the over- oped shingles, and IS having aThlS findmg by researchers at 10 theIr middle years by not weight and the sedentary very difficult time deahng Wlth As part of an effort to make SerVIce for senlor citizens.Stanford Umvt!rs.t) School uf :.molung, by eating their veg- These people had tWice the the condition She wonders Lake Front Park more aceeSSl- and the handicapped began onMedICine punctures the myth etables, by exel'Clsing regular- cumulative disahtlity of those why It seems to be a dl..Sea.Se hIe to residents dunng this hot June 15 and ends on Sept. 4. ItLhaL all longevIty does IS gIve fy, by staYIng shm and tnm, Wlth low health risks that attacks mostly older peo- summer weather, Grosse runs from 9:30 a m _ 3:30 p,m.us more years of pam and dls- and generally doing all the The researchers concluded. pie Pointe Woods has establ1shed Those wishing to make a reser-ablhty. nght things for themselves. "Not. only do persons WIth bet- The answer IS It also occurs curb-to-eurb shuttle bus ser. vation should call PAATS at

The fact IS, longer !lfe can be The researchers surveyed ter health habits survive m younger folks, but because vice to the CIty'S park In St. (313) 343-2580, Monday- Itover 1,740 alumm of the longer, but In such persons. it's a reactive disease - occur- CI81r Shores. Fnday EnJOy the ride.




June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 13A~

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Bl;>thlehem St,,!!' .n.] worb (~,,'; a mallufdt tUl ~r ] r pn "Pr!tatl\ e fl")r ~f'\.(. r81 (.( n1p tnH ...,lrmetro DetroIt

Mr Bf>ll enJO) ed dOing U' ',-\\ord pUl.71es III 'nk and ]O,(;Nplaymg bndgf'

\fr B€'lI ,- ..unIH.d bv twoddughter'l . .\-tar: Black .ll'dSusan Tompkl'l~ n ~on. ,Johr:\.t Bell thre'"' ",,,t,"15, :\r!alvln<1':;e- '1, Octa~l'I Cosle\;o 1< 1(J...

elizabeth Lee' and In e grandchlldnm

Interment IS at -\.rlJ ngtop-:"l'atlOnal Cemettn 1'1

Arlington, Va •:MemOrIal cOl'tnbut,rmc ma\

be made to the ,John PurdurClub at Purdut L nlH'1 'oltV (1to thl" :\!,mnu'" Church, 171\East Jpfferson. nl'trolt l\llo:h

The c]oang'''s werf> Iecommendl'd 0\1 Clh OfF"19l1~ \lr,lhapproval' h) th" Vtllagt-Merchants A~suClat!(l'lRepre~entatl\"f'S from the ell:and busJness commumt" \~111lJ1"et ql.l<lrt/:'Il" m a tont;nlImgl:ffort to Impro\ {' the ,hoppmg:dlstnct ~ parkmg ~ltuatlOn"aId Su-an \\ heeler ma\ or "fthe Clt~

Due to e,pnnded -\(,re hlJUJ _that eXL... tl ""-\1"'; 111,,1.. ,operatlOns \"'lk "lid tn" ('lb

1~ con"Idl:f1ng -hdtHlg th.11Our:, of Tnf'tl'l OpC'1 at ,I 11 fJ' fll

8 a m - 5 P m to~)., m . ~ p iii

Home and C">Clldt(,n V't,lllChappi

\1em l'lal contnLutwn, rn,IVbp rTI<ld,' I () thl Filrl" r ,hOIJP( h

VLll1l(' Cundullpr_ ~1j{) ":>dr'CdY r\H 'veIlILl', Fld n2\!2

George Ohio BellA 1'1emcn,d , ..rdll' Yo I, held

10 tlle \lar1Oer" ChUrl!> PI

lJ( trolt (yn rue~d<l) r l."ll 2 l

for forml'r Grosse POinte PdrKresldent George Ohio Bel!, whodIed In hiS home In 8t ClalrShores on Thursday. June 18,1'+98

Mr Bell, 85, was born mBarberton, OhIO, and mo~ed tothe DetrOIt area when hl~father was hired as a const'.u:ti\m :,u(lt:rJull:mhml. at thf.Edsel & Eleano,' Ford Hou~e In

Grosse POInte ShoresA football ami baseball star

at Eastern HIgh School, MrBell was recruIted by PurdueUmverslty to play both "ports,at a tIme when that meantwashmg dIshes and hanng thetram tnp to the s"hoo! paId fOl

Tummg a profit wIll allowthe CIty to qualIfy for bonds mcase It needs to fund major pro-Je...ts, he Bald

Rates for attended parkmglots and the parlung structurebehll1d Jacobson's are going up40 P"''!'Cent from 25 cents to 35cents per hour.

The C1ty IS also ralsmg feesfor monthly parkmg Ratescurrently rangIng from $2250to $39i5 per month ~'IIIncrease to $26 to $43 50

On the down!\lde, vahdatHlnstamps Villi drvp ,n \ alue fr<)ln35 to 30 cents per hour

Louis NormanHerman

A memOI wI servIce wa~recently held for fm mer Clt) lIfGros"e POinte re:'ldent Lou''>Norman Herman, II flO dl',d In

Bon S(;rour:, Vemce Ho!\pltaJ In

NokomIS, Fla , on Fndav June5, 1998

Mr Herman, 82, v,a& born In

Detroit and workea ill theChrysler Corp. purchasmgdepartment for 40 years, retIr-Ing In 1973.

An actIve member of thecommumty, he belonged toFIrst Lutheran Church ofGrosse Pomte, the LotusMasoruc Lodge ()f Detrmt '\~dthe Grosse Pomte Semul Mt:u'"Club He also enjoyed barber-shop sInging

Mr Herman IS survived byhIS Wlft:, ShIrley SuzanneHerman, a daughter, BarbaraHerman, a son, Larry; and onegrandchlld.

Funeral arrangement: we"ehandled by the Farley Funeral

Albert O. Van Hooren•

Francis M. Hurley•

•Donald J. Birmingham, M.D.

•Louis Norman Herman

r Obituaries - June 25, 1998I George Ohio Bell

Parking rates double in G. P. CityBy Brad I..indbergStaffWnter

On Sept. 1, It WIll cost tWlceas much for metered parkIng mthe CIty of Grosse Pomte

To help softt'n the blow, theCity is consldenng free park-109 dunng hohdays and specIalE'Vents. said Bnan Vick, admm-lstrative assistant ~ Ith theCIty.

"The City parlung sy';Uoonhas been losing more than$70,000 per year for a handfulof years, ~ explamed Vick. "ThISIncrease should gIve us somerevenue"

POInte Wood.., on Thursday,June 18, lor Woodt- reSIdentDonald J Blflnmgham, M D ,\\ho (bed Monday, JUJ1l;> 131998, m Holrper 'Hospital In

DetrOItDr BITlII,IlgIldr1l, 06. Wd~

burn In Youngstown OhIO, andreceh'cd hIS undergraduatedegree from John Carro!!l'nl\Phlt\, ",here he was pr{'~-Ident of the otudpnt Ufllon from19:35-1936 He received hiSmedl~J.1 degree Irom St LOUISUtlIH'r,lt) School of MedlclOe11lH.; UIU }J'.) ..... gldUUd"'t: l'¥vlJ\. ~u,

Nev. 'lurk UnIversIty .BellevueMedIcal G/:'nter In the skm andcancer umt

A lecturer at Johns Hopk.msUmvf'f!lIty, the BellevueMedIcal Center, the Universityof Cmunnatl and Wayne Statet:lllver:'Ity, Dr Birminghamwas also senior attl'ndmg andchtef of dermatolOgy $el'Vlce atDetrOIt General HOSPItal, asso-Ciate III the departmE'nt afmed.Icme - sectIon of dermatologyat Harper-Grace HospItal, asweB as an aSSOCIate at Hutzt>iHospItal and a consultant atthe RPhablhtatton InstItute mDetrOit and the VeteransAdmIDlstration HospItal mAllen Park. He served III theU S PublIc Health Service asan assistant surgeon III 1941.He stayed WIth tllc Servlct:until 1964.

Dr Birmmgham was also amember of several profeSSIonalgroups, Including the board ofdIrectors of the AmericanAcademy of Dl'rInatology, theAmencan College ofPhYSICIans, the AmencanDerml'ltological AssO<:J.atlOn.the Amencan OccupatIOnalMedIcal AssociatIOn and theAmencan Academy ofOccupational MediCine whl"rPhe was a fellow In 1988, hereceIv~d the Aml."ncanAcademy of Dermatology'sprl."sIdential CItatIon for out-standmg contnbutioDS III thefield of occupatIOnal skill di.s-eaSt'

Dr Bnmmgham IS surVIvedby hili ....,fe, L<!Ulse; a step-daughter, Nancy Bathen, ason, Donald, and eIght grand-chIldren

h,terment IS at Mount OhvetCemetery 10 DetroIt Funeralarrangements were handled bythe A.H Peters Funeral Homem Grosse Pomte Woods

Donald J. Blrmlngham

cbr<itcd at 9 ,10 <l m onThur~d,IV, July 9, In StAmblO~C (' dtbolK Chu' eh In

(;ro~"p POInte P-1r" lor JormerPark ,e-ldent Albert () V.lOBuonn, \\ ho died un Sundd",.J"m 7 i9"'3 111 th( LakePlacId, Flond'l Health ('<lfeCenttr

~lr Van Hooren 8:2 \\ ,1~ a~Tadu"t(, of St Amhro~c I-!JghSlhool and ,,>pned 1'1 the CSArm) Air Corp.., "tmUg;l Ii,lcommand for almu~t fivE' yearsdunng World War II H~

, 1 "_... ......... ....... ..... ... ~." oJ ... ~lluJ~t J.11o-

v,as d..,soclated \~lth th .. St,"idlr inn Corp ana emplO)edas an aClOuntant b) Ross RoyIne at the tIme of hI" retire.ment

An aVId golfer, :\1r VanHooren scored three hole,,'Jn'one dunng hiS lifetmlt' He "'asa member of the Port HuronwllfCluu In MIlhlgan and TheSun and LaKes Count!) ClubIn lo'Jenda

Mr Van Hooren IS sumvrotly two sIsUor.,.m-law, BarbaraGnffill dnd Suzann", Verblest,and several OIeces andnephew".

Funeral arrangements werehandled by thf'Fountam/Chandler FuneralHome of Lake PlaCId, Fla

Memonal contnbutwns maybe made to the Capuchm SoupK1tchen, 1780 Mount Elliott,DetrOIt, MIch. 48207.

Donald J.Birmingham, M.D.A funeral MOl"" was cele-

brated III Our Lady Star of theSea Catholic Church in Grosse

Albert O. VanHooren

A memonal Mass WIll be cel-

Francis M. HurleyA fune~al !\(>f"\.1Cev. III be held

on Fnda), June 26, <It 11 amIn Grosse Pomte MemoTictlCl1UI_" III Gro~!\(;' PomteFdrm:, :or Grosse Pomte Park.resIdent FrancIs M Hur!('y,who dIed In her home onSundr.v, June 21. 1998

Mrs Hurley, 93, wa:. born mKansas eIt)', Mo, and was agraduate of WashIngtonUmversltv in 8t LouIs Anacb ve me~ber of the commuru-ty, she belonged to the PomteGarden Club, JUnior groupGoodwill, the Theater ArtsClub, the DetroIt SymphonyOrchestra Hall VolunteerCounCil, the Grosse POinteSymphony, the DetrOItInstItute of Arts, the DetroItAthletic Club and the DetroItBook Club.

Mrs. Hurley IS SUrYIveo by adaughter, VirgInia HurleyDanforth. a SIster, VirginIaReed, a brother, Harold WayneThompson, two grandchIldren;ann fivp m-eat-ln'andC'hlldT'Pn

Interni.'ept ~ IS at theWoodlawn MausoleumFuneral arrangements werehandled by the ChasVerheyden Funeral Home InGrosse Pointe Park

Memonal contnbutlons maybe made to the MichiganCancer Foundation - MeyerPrentIl> Cancer Center, 110East Warren, DetroIt, MIch.,4>l201.9989.

i •It.''i:c~~;or







FOUR-DAY SALETake an additional 20% offour everyday low prices on select merchandise!

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OUTSTATEAn'lAroor Coonnodp' (734) 7611002(( )r (- sp ""1~"'1nw(r y ..\~,j WI <;. nl R~ lr\1o 0('1!i t-./nGrond Rapids 8lc'or Vilogl' Mol' (611l) 9~7 21~5(Br,lo r 1 l'"">eJB )"0 ' ReJ Open ~undO, <I

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Heslop s Four-Day Sale and you II discoverSignificant savings un our entire collection

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Thursday, June 25-Sunday, June 28METOO DETROITSf Clolr Shores, (810) '78 (,1.' 7'J1429Hoco/\vc. (I\yjt ufEql1;,1o, 'd)~olborr'IPcg~I~"'1 ~_ / .("'1"'\??1~?llr(For,i Rd hptw0('n Inksl"l anrJ B('cch 00 y)llvonfO Men F "p 010 • (Ill) :oIl I d:oO(On' orne' 01 Five 'v1, c an<1 M..'r man)Novi "Jov Trwn Cr.,fC", 741'\' ~49 tl09rf(OCneSler v t UU )VV~... '-"y:C"..1......

(;1,,8) ~75 (J8/:'

14A Automotive June 25 1998Grosse POinte News




l'hl ,\, rI t 11"d. 1J<''''''lb]"tLrougH H.ll k.I c..l \.\ ul h. ofdbOut "1)(' \ VIJJ tll l'

lc" .1 f "1'1' ~ D,l\ 'I Jd,HOd \\ltrj iut hi! Ult-> lqldt.-

f"m l, ' •.\ld Ho>\ rdlrdl.dt'lot gerlt" .' ,hdlrm,lD ofE\( ....on \ "ld"'~ll 1J-e"""h""'n It1<., bHn " tll lId,l ttl" 1\ the\,,1'lll\ ul \-LIU<.H;,,"- t"dllfrtLl.O

e\l n tl'JIlg fz orn L ld~"'I<' tour.Ing dnd. (\l'l(.epl ( If,:.-to '10trud" motoH\tl"" al\d Plth.UPtruLI-.,>

1'111:' • \ I'm I" d1'0 ,in uppor-tt~t"1H.~f) ltll. a.r ....!6n <'0!f..!nU

mt) mdudlllg OE:'>b and supplre~", tll illl' ,1na Dllngle in afnendh non-(,>rnp<'tltn e ern I-

ronment d;. \\ e 1 e:CO!rr\lZ€ thetalppt thcc e .....pPrT''\ ... "nd thp

......r \ u;:')'n don UlltU.IlH/.O 11\

ll,~"'\t rim ul Lu"\uf\PJ't\It.lI""lbllk_

1n the ] J \ P lr, -"IIlLl:' th'c'\E'llt 1\0.- !,lUlllhld <\, 10_\",un the llt.lb'>IC" III tn, pdl "dIglot Jt thl (rro"",{' POHlte~LdJon) It hd- 1!.1Ilea mtl'!"

, -.. ~ ... "- ... t-> jj.... .lot .l. I I ....

jea' about 270 \( hld,.~ \\ele

J..,-}Jl",,,eu Oil tnl ~l O.lnO", 01the Ed",,,l .s. EledllOI 1:\lrdHOU'\l> or. Ld,e:-,t \ la11

Tru", prcmll;l autumot'\ t?

(.\€nt 1.....:':.It.. In..tJUf fundrcu"'lngeffort ealh \ car !UI thl' DellU'tIn:.::tlt .lte of Ophthalmology anIJ1dependenl lIon-profit organi-zatIOn d..,oted to rl.'scarrhparaprlJ1es~lOnal trammg andhIe asslstancp program" tobenefit the. "'uall) Impa.Ired

fht'),ft !LUn \\a", ,bo a'lli-np\'\.,.:J ...... ,..,....,""nlQ~O h .. ;;",.

I ')11 lo,t III tho ,,' t'LPwnl

,,1-0 ,I II uodw dnd, ," 0\\ nedb\ I I Ill;" r (/'1 r lid r"I' ',1'(

",I II ,- ".ll t l I thl II OUdlc\\ JgoP dl .....pi l\

A,J.." ' t~ t \\ ItJd1P \"d~0rl

J~}\\ \\ t"'" 1 ')1 \1t rl'l..d\ Sld.tlon\\ 12'''1' (J'.I 'll d],' -\1 '\ault 01tb<. <'n, of (,I ,''< POlPt>:

tht 49 Fwd Both rord und;"10' un bodl"'> lIJ 1::1')1 \\ere'e~"entlalh un( hanged fr(;m1~49 I In reLent \ ear~ the~lj4Y "i] M'-f( Ul\S !la\(; g"medp/Jpuldnt) dmong collector"

Thi. '50 Ford F.) plcll:up truck is cnmed by Bill Sprlet. 01 Grosl5e Pointe Farms.

!" at a Fure. II hen It \\£1"b:1 It but m tl-jt !al1'.'j 110...., .... ..t... ':-rl 1 1 ..

..."'.....~..... v Uabl.4al j.c;1i K LA.

Sa]OU!l ":,-,,p]":-l"d at tne ,;ho\\b) Y B Bl,ba.: ,,( Gt,),,~e

,ncluded a oC>J. ....tl/ul -lU ::--",hhl(lUpP

lrrllo"t' POliltu", IHlc 1,,111, pl'e,el't,d dt tht- ,ho\\ <lndt\\O Pvmt<.t_ \"hlll(- \Illt' 'It

tne Geurl't" \\,Ill,,' u'k, t'o:'.J 'i() FUId r l pld,up t' uu,o\'rnl~d b\ BIll Sur/.(..it 01 G,()",~t.POInt ....Farn', dnd d :; 1 ford('<luntl.) ~qUIl e -wtWl' I' J.~onone of the ld_t of the true\\ uOOIe, 0\1 'It'd b\ r I dnk

FItLgel ala oj th<."Clt\ (If

Gro",>e POlllt,Walh.( r h'ld " h,md In ,>unlp

of the nost me'!l1orabl" 1"01 dde'>lgn;: 'Jf th", pu",t \\urld \\',1/

II penod, mcludmg the famed'49 Ford, the "car that sa\ cdan emplre,~ the first t", ()-seater '55 ThunderbJrd andthe first F-Sene'3 pickup truckmtroduced 1Il 1948 and no\\.t~e largest selhng \phJc!c 1Il

AmencaAnother Grosbe POinte car

m the sho ....was a 1948 FordSuper Delu..xe StatIOn Wdgon

\~ .. "" ..'l. a ..pI ......' u \\ou01e .=,td11011 \\,;"un- unl vI tlH' ldrgest.Jlld ,110-, "\ldt -r<Lllpng ,(,]jec-

f ,V t.~ .... l I L ), t

tlO!lS of these magmficentvehlcJe" I h.he ever !>el"n

Aba of particular mterest....as a dlspla\ of \ehlcles,rnnstlv Fords, lD honor orthefeatured de~lgner, GeorgeV.;alker. first Jt=blgTI chlef atFord Motor Co We !€:arnedthat }wfofe JOlrnng Ford"'hen> he dId the bulk of hi';'\\.ork, ne had deSIgnee vehl'db for :-\'a"h The exhIbIt

()np ('If t},~ r}..",.:, ..... r-.. "-made th....-E,,-, l 1 I '.'--,tDes:gn" -hUll .j llhlJlJr lIt Il'

e\ er;. Fathel _ D'::.I tI'I' It <11_


was the 11th I is the wa~ thecars are displayed III cate-gones ""hll:h change each vearand" hleh are mformatn eabout vanous aspects ()f ourautomot!Y(' hentage

Thl<: ypaf 1fl"t~f'ld t)f::l feotured marque the show high.hghted a \ehlcle t)pe - thepIckup truck And thf>re \\ ereman) tnlere,t'ng pIckups In

surpnstng \"anet\


U9811 BRAND NEW ~/ . ~IEXPEDITION XLT r:lI~f~UIPPED 'rJ t1.~-'4MO' Lease T 1~

... ~ FOr As Low As ;4,

I - $336.31** !1~,..jt::1=IC1~:-lp~~ I ",".I' I , lU!2.al J JH ~

, .

"~..~ " ....re1.,~""Ii' l

___ • C'I{Ff'K wrn~ T ~ --<--. ON THE I"TER."In FOR A WEUAl Df:.AL --:>----..Ii!!P ./1..-- ton! comid<:al.~,,~.obn<-a.--~

AT ALL TIMES~ We are an

Authorized Ford S v T Dealer-::'-"'7'i.. ......... ..::;: .. """'""",..........,.;;... _~J:...~...... ....... - ~


- ~:~ . ~ - ~

~.- \>'-'


14 MOt Least ~For As $187 81** ~LowAs J •• _-F"l...V t"GlJP?En-X~T A,,'OMP:


~ 14 Mo. Lease For As Low As $187.63**t:=~:I~i:I

June 25, 1998Grosse POinte News Automotive 15A


A r alJto~"'t c one;,owne.

Abu.r~ ....uH !!ler ...nntft:r-uffrd\

t-'l{::'r~ \\ r , pla! (J'1 ~td I,lr ..g 1'"

r~..Jtt: ......, "T'"J(/' (l~ J'" fc'"lurt ....

Ov\\ f' '"lllbhth - L4 Ut:'I cent 1!

19,,". .c:~ " ...rc. ',~,' ':197Ur ..:1\.t. ....ct~t' f'" ,VJr '- ..'" v.ld

t;d ~ ..1. dlJY1t it'::. "-- 't Z"d '"J ~1(iLl.dd \

tt ..dn ld~t \ Ldf r Jr a gc.. .J"" (Jfga"

Bdo,,,,d (m '"E-l,u"",,t, '"H "l've:1lor "ut(, dub TourBuok"T,....;-- .... to. ~ .................. ; r

sUnJmel ae"tm"tlon" fUI ~!>,.~Jf _\.. ,, __ I

.., ............,..ou. ....... .1. <.I." 'l;..J. .... l .., u.J't.

1 r rankenrnuth2 V-d\t;r"e e!1.'I,3 Mackma .... C\t\ '::'I1ackllta,

IslaI'd .4 Mount Pled-,mt aDd,., r- ...... ... ...v ....dU.~l ~ ..t" A\old.J t::"

Tounsm In ~lch!gan I!> est!maced :0 be a $9-blll.un-a ..edrmdust!), and "he <taL(- remalr.~one oi ~ne least casu) to \bIt1 he official i8~hour holidaypE:rlOd DEo-gJns at 6 p rnThl:r,rl,,~ .Tvh 2 and l"'..l!'- tr~J...ja:;.,ght :')unclc.l) JU1) ;j

AIV'. )1.(.h.g"L.'": remlnd~ tr:n.elers to thlr.l< bafet\- - buckleup keep Il safe folJov,lng dls,Ldnce be mmdful of road con-structlOfl zones don t mIX alco-hol and dm mg and always beread) for the unexpected

For th<> 34th year, A.A.!>":'vl:1(:h,gans "Bnng 'Em BackAlI\e'- HolIday ~e ....s SerVJceWIll help steer holIday tralel~er", to their destmatlOnsthroughout the fourth of Jul~hohday penod WIth houThtraffic, safety and toun"m bul-letms amr>g on 120 radlO stabans state'" Ide For detourmformatlon, updated bourl)dunng the holJday penod call'bVUIl\AA.MllH

Le.l~Mr runn"9 bOaros PWIPl tiltcr ...lse Or-IV:2 C(1 m jeS

2.1 million Michiganianshave travel plans on Fourth

Fur tr.... "~c()l a tIme t 'J I

".1n mer d" l"Uffidt.ed 2. 1 mI!-lL ...n ,j.11'...bl~arl'ar .... a"t t.i\jJ(::(tt:d

h t"!"'l " huiJdd\ trq; "" thi;r "tIG[ le!e')"",te, tr,," thrlee do.,} )unh vj ~u." \Hl':-'eIlQ .Juhj - ,~v" -\AA :'Ldl1gd[. Th-iltvt&l ':' dPyr()Xl!Yldt~l) tne

"dmt; a" tne dutu Uti/) '" ""u-mate for the M,-rnor aJ Daj\',eel..end apd 1[1 lIne ....lth tf)e

WHEN Irs AUTO RELAn:D il *WEOOrTALL' 0, ~I ~ '"

";;ROSSE PQ'!'.jE" O':'~ I~ ~I 2 !I-t'LL &ER\1CE GArl.!"Gr. UL ~~15103Kercheval. IN THE PARK

822 3003 p,e;' t" Ii. [)'I.«~• "'''I''''! tl'ArCI o.Nf'

• :E0PEIt: 110ft. • Fri. 7:30 • 6:30


Acwrumg tv an auto club; I.....r"e~ vi ~O(J 5t.&t~ 1t';:'Jd~I1t::,.

<-ad) In .Jun. 1)1 peru'ot ofUlU"" tr::l .. -hng art; headml' toa cle"tmi'l'wn A't!: n ~VJ:l'h>5an~a.:~--, -.c.;":-t..-~L:::~ ..... t tJt..ri:t- ;".l.t

&ge-pomt lllcreabe over lastj ear, \I hen ),:; perl.-ent saidtney \lould tnnel \\Jtrun the~""dLt:" Tht:: Uld..JO! I L), O~ pen.,E::'nt.,will tr<1"",J bv auto truc!<- orrecreat.lOnal y~i1lcle

AODroxunatelv fh e out of 10f'\fthQ::'p. "un eye-.4 ~';lIl"~ .. he"l' ,.~.1'~xt~nd - thel.r \ a~;~'o~o-'b;')~~dthe Fourth of Juh \\eekendThe al erage tnp Je~gth will ~four da) s S,xt I p<=rcent !>ala

the) plan to adJust theIr plansto accommodate heavy trafficThe maIn adJustment ~lll be tulea,e earl) lD the day

Most of the MIchIgan tra,eldesttnatlOns .....lll be 1TI thelower penmsula (77 percent I

and these are most hkely to beIn the northVve::.t 139 percent)reg:ton

fraderi}{V campmg IS upo....'r last ,ear The number oftra\"elers ~ho are "roughrng It~IS up 7 percentage pomts o\erthe prevIOUS year - 18 percentIn 1&9&, .,s. Il pen:em m lW /.

Genuine Chevrolet. ~The Car~ ,lAor£'Arnencans Trust ~


19500 Harper Ave""a pc ....\oCods M""';a

Cr'1 5tH"\( CP:j veber ....eer V>o~r e &. Me. ...SSl

(313J ~4~.~443 I $I~~~~~~;DEDUC"BL~~ I .S TOP DOLLAR PAID ON ALLTRAn~.IN~1~ ..

1_ \ II - -- - ------- - -._- ...... _- ••••• _- ••••• T IIIT. ~ust add tax title olates All r~hrl~p, tr rjp:1ler

Another true woodie wagollis this '51 Mercury station wagon owned by AJ Nault. ofGrosse Pointe.

Also 01310llQ from Chrysler Heritage Museum was this '41 Chrysler Newport Dual Cowl Phaeton.

f')pt't ....ood I.d' ,m Indeperl-dent wo,llhbutlaer 01 bodle" forT .." .........,1.... P 1~... "', .....-v.,. ..1,. 'l~JU

Due"enbt;rg <-h'b'J" bt;fort' It~ ............ __ L.. 1' .., .. II ...

....... > .l"'U,l H ....~'I::;U U)I V ...\'l 111 l.~",:>

and mOl ed to !Jetr(>lt

, ~ ~~ --,-_. - _ .. ~- .. -- - ~~---~.-.. -


~4..utos---<-antnbutllJfl" Of tfll dle "Igl.C0mrnurHt\ ~

Othcl dl "lgl' l dtlg(Ir'l"lTKiutled lh. (>\'JI<.lI.vl u! the((Inett" ""11th .'1d\..dld '~hl

mo"l wmpletl 'c 1 of ( 01\ l'1tl'-

fron' 1~53 ~h l\ e- ",,'embledIil<illd d "dut~ t) l!1( hunured

cOd.lhbulldpr FIPPt\'.uud

From page 14A



~ 1 ... A!,lIJ'1g note\o\O! th} lar" on~ d\spla) ",ere d 31lhn"leri lmpenal Dual <'"....) Phaf'ton\ once 0"ned by altre." Myrna, Lo~, <1 '30 C'adllldc \"-16i Murph) convertIble "euan, Lhe1 onl} :vlurph) t,,>o) V-lb l'J"lown

I to eXist o"oed b. JohnMcMullpn, 0(' Lapcf''" and d'.4 1 r'l ....J 11..... r n ['l ,a ""J;.L .... UU ..UC),\. uv o..J'~""ld!

tDurham Town Car, also ownedby McMullen, once ov.ned b"actress Bette D<lI"s

• •f





June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

,~'\ ~ ~~-///7'~/7 i. ~? E(...;c-" CA'Zeu:.eea 'L--~ I "

111 • ' • ,. ., ... • .... - ~ - - III:. ~.~__,,~._.._.._..._.....,-__.._..~,r.,.I.



~U@;!!!! Shet'er haS' beennamed general manager of the FarmmgtonHills Rohday Inn

She bas more than 18 years m the hasp.tall-ty industry, and prevlOusly \Il,orked as assIstantgeneral manager of the Crown PlazaPontchartnun in Detroit Before that, she wasdIrector of sales and marketmg at the OmmHotel ,., l)etrcit.

Sherer is a graduate of OhlOState Umversltyand hve m Grosse Pointe Park,


Kent AitehillOD. has l'eJomed Ogilvy 81 Mather AdvertIsing &ssemor partner. executive creaU're director. He previously wasexecut!\'e creati\'e dIrector at McCann-Erickson He also ....orkedIn the creab.ve departments of Campbell-Ewald snd Young &Ruh1cam

AJtduson IS a graduate of the UmveTS1ty ofMlclnpn and hvesin Grosse Pomte Park lIlnth hIS wife. NanCf' JUld !>On.AJex:mdcr

In the good old summer time - when will the market rally?Summer actuall~ began B~ the: J.l:-'s end. the game I~as r.>sel"' ed lmtlall\, t{) the ,!doanpse \\ ere successful m

last \It>et..end ",!:t"n the "'as a t<'IIlporan success, '.11th Lei's a..1k...STOCKS ,tates cdptunng lIle !'!dl:d,"U1l reached Its the Hn up ') percent'" thE:;l1I Durlllg ;he Confederatwn Thanh God th<lt I\:'IS ;lot ne,'-

n0r:"trl:- zt'mth. pau.."i'd dJlc1 $CS Penod 1:-~1-.."9,. the federal "",,,'In LT~ hd~.' .H::l\~all Jol-then lelsure1, begal' 1:- ""uth. Wl11,'h gc,t LTS t{) thmKmg rt>qUl-,uon uf mOnies fr;.m the 13~~ 'on h,s .\ WI! 'short"ard tN'k '" hat s the dIfference ~t\\ et'n stilte' IIas onh partIal h met ...n,1rter

The -sum. RunHln's -;:narke:,;. currt>nC\ per,::"nt hm:l mO'1e\ In Amen('a 1'\,ltlonal [on.mce" J'rohe d01l11 fh(' 'lorO -dolll!' lOr -daler-I'lt'r "obtJc,,~ Trt:asuT) bonds al.d fcre.in 11Ir" ll'\,',ro, (,'iI'I1.)! n: \IIll Pnur to th.. Al1lt'lt.lll Ccllll}Jlet<:,l.:. 'n 17~2 r.qulf,ng.1 ,t'Ill' ~ tlOll, the Gt'rm.ln ~ta!<.'r-IIWmer-ks the e'xchang€') nl)r ('P:Vl ....l. rht" r~~u-ed :.;::~ X... ,:u~,,'-:-. ~:.lL- ...t:"'J~j,(,.'" u..>t'o (Jt~H l.U l'.l tilt:' ~t:'conC1 \\nlCn 1~ ~n,l:"t hIT r:nelane;est penod r After a" tht'~ ",r", JUSt plece- 0'" c()lbtera! tIlt' Dr"J..er~ge Engl,:"h curren, \ alor;g- \\ Ith C0'l.tltut;onal Com eotlOn In J,l,ldllm"th"ler cOllled IIIuf sunshine at of pape-r IIIUI no ,--uHaterat and hau:"", 1\111....,)] aLlt ellough of tobaccO,) Il1 lhe Carohn.ls and 1787 Bonenll<lan~ northern II orth or.h tr.e cost of the paper the .'"liat"r .1] at th<>1TI:l1J..el at some Sp-" 1•• ::' C,'ln" In th" The ll('V, C<.Dctl' utmn, elff>(" TC'da\ the dollar and dlllautude and the pnotmg thereof thai tml<:- r,. PR~ d(m n the loan "authero terrlton€'" U'.e m 1789 ....a\.e thl' ft'deml other ~orlcl cur-enCl"" ttadl'

H.,.,... "... \.2! ~: _:: _: ::._ ~:._ ... _. '- JU"" 1<)lIIt"t'l .lIt:' m.Il,mum reqUIre-- 1he 1- Ir't C on,;:t1t ut IOn2.1 go\ ('rnm~nt pall er m thE' sol",1\ on the ('onfidenl.'e of the-~trolt at 42 IOes v.hlch ~ou accept ment:- COnlentJOn 1m 1774, emoow. fin:mce area. t{) leV\- taXE"" lilnrl m~rl."trlp~~,:< 3'J t.<..<>u.,,~ ~"'U "d'" t:\lmicience m Let .1> looh bath bnefh. at ered tht> federal g'mernment W dutJe~. to burro\\ mone~ and to Dunng the EuropeaIl cnslsmmuu,,~ north By Joseph the Issuer the hlStoD of currenC'~ .and borro\\, but not to t.1"t, '" hlCh mmt comage at 1991 9.3, George Sun.1~ h",dg~'latitude the lleaagden Confidence that the Issuer .~exander Hamdton \\ as fund broke the Bank ofl(lngest da~ <If thereof has the .ablht\ and WIll. appomted the fil st secret..l.r) of England hy antIcIpatIng ItS.,1995 sa", sunshme for 15 mgne..<;st(1 repa\ the debt when th" n:?w Treasury Department forced de\ alt'atlOn of th€'hours and 17 nunut-:s dlJe 1'n,I., .. t!,:: ~ .....UU1Ug Act or pound

~~::- !O'..:: :-.:-::;-:;~~.. ~~ ... - Aug 4, 1790. all prevIOus . Fed ..ral R.:~l"\e vfficials In

Several \\eek.s ago aft~r the ent from a secured note at a lIldebtedness of the federlll 1996 e"tlmatt'd !hilt about 6(lBy Shannon OiJfresrnt SSlIlatra funeral, LTS pulled bank. or a home mortgage. go\ern.ment and the state!>. percent of all C currenc)r: d both f h -'- 11 I Protect V(lur elderl' lovw onE''' from falhng VICtlm to tel£'- ....' .•rom our \'1 eo library the 'J W l"n are co atera. ~ .:.duu •••g a"'" u.eu .u"",n"..l .. d" \\as ne/a o\er~ea". some ot\"l<ieooJ.sc ot uuvs and Dolls: IZed C suaH)I tb: ","":lateral • pi:lOne inwQ \\-"ltn ~ese threc tipS com'ened, at par, mto new fE'd. II hlch financed tl]e \\ orldw1dethe claSSIC'1956 mOVle about a pledged to secure thE debt has • Most eHerly AmenC'.ans are \..ctmuzed because they don't era! debt dnuz tradegambl('r tMarion Bra"d.... II a mllrkpt \'111> ... I" ~'tl'eSS of the pel'l:d\'~ -he te!e!n3.!'ket.cr en the ofr..er end uf ,hI:' phone as a All except the $78 illl!lwn of LawveTS ten LTS that It 1SSal,atlOn A.l-my lSlrl {Jean debt cnTlllnal For most people, .t's natural to gJ."fF people the ben- Contlnl."ntal ("urrc:1.C"\', v.lnch nut uncommOl.l to find an enve-SImmons) and a DAmnn fn thO' ""'~ nf! ~e..":;"~ !=..", tf:t oft..":..,dvubt was orJ" funded at ; rate of lope full of currency In the safeRunyon-esk ebaracter who ran at a brokerage hou&e, the But sometlmes. it's not ....ho ~(lU thmk It Ii' 100 old fur one ne\'\- He:1.ce~>:(' depGi'lt box ofa deeedent, e,e..a floatlng crap game {Frank Federal Rese~'e bmlts the The elderly need to know that 1I1egal telemarkebng is a old S8)'lng' "Not worth a the larger.stted 0.110;; issued •Smatral. amount loaned to not more (TIme pUnishable by hea\')" fines and long prison ~Iltence.;; C'ontmt'nta!'" pre.1932, \\hlch \\on't fit mto

During ~\era; gambling than 50 }X'roent of the coUater. SIt <1oVIlI and explam thIS to your loved one T... finance the <AVlI War, the tOOaY'8wallets.scenes, LTS noted that "mark. al pl~ to seeure the loan federal government ISSUed LTS agr~s that a safeen;" were given by bettors, who Most brokerage firms won't g'(\ Your goal 1$ to get him or her to hang up on the callet' before $450 mllhon unsecured ~green. deposit bo't IS better than thewere temporan!yout of cash. It that bIgh, u..<nng an in.hou..<:.e getting pulled m to a scheme backs." wh.Jch were not mattress or a shoe box In thewas e""Ident tha\ these "pIeces lunit of 40 percent.. to a"Old a • Many phone seam artlfts use cheap pnzes or shady redet'mable in spec1es (go!d\. closet.of papo!r, IDltialed by the bet- "margm caW should the mar. lD\'estments to pull the purse stnngs of the elderl} The "~nbaeks" depredat- But the key lesson, here IStor," were accepted like curren. ket decline t.:nfortunately, many semors get caught up to the exCIte- ~d severely compared to the that currency, depos1ts orrlf A "margin call" is the phone ment ofwhat seems to be a sure thmg. gojd notes, depending on the fixed.mcome obligations are •. Last week's jomt V.S and eall from the broker to the Remind your loved one that by law, you do not need to pul" outlook for victory by the never a store of "alue. over

Japanese intervention to sup- chentlborrower informing the cila..o:eanythmg m order to WID a prize m 8 contest or sweep. Northern troops. tune.port and then prop-up the yen investDr that more collateral or stakes •.>\nyone who tells you otherwise is tI)-ing to scam )'OU At one tune, the "green- Inflation has not dIsap.with telephonic eonsuItations cash must be depooited tv m~t • KeeJ,ithe lin~ of commumcation open. baeks" traded at a discount of pe.a1"Prl fro!!" tbe planet, y~tlbet .....~n President Chnton and the Fed's 5Q percent ~ The If you notice that your loved one is receiving a lot of Junk 161 percent to gold! The purchasiug powel' ofPrime Minister Hash.Jmoto, margin loan was "under water" mail for contests. "free~ tnps, pnzes and sweepstakes. take After the Chi! War, wroch paper currency. worldwide. wiresulted 1Il the world's largest becaUSE' the market declme s~Jl is referred to. tillS day ~ deprE'Clate The citizens ofcrap game. invoh-ing over $5 redueed the value of the note. Also. If he or she starts actmg secreb.ve about phODt' I <li.mn ........nr nnp!",,!!san!n.es~ th~e ~t.:.~tr::~s Hbcr::.red !:;j'inUlon. pledged collateral below the 50 ,,;;a;i;;. U"'J' WilYbe iAJu lil>hamed tv admit they nave been I by CItizens of the South., th~ U.S. armed fu~s in W\\'11--------- -------------- scammed. federal government repudiated buned U S. dollars andlor.

BUSI-ness Peo~le At thIS point, h..lp your !ov'<!done report the fraud to the all ¥bts and currency of the Amencan Ek'"-press tra,,'elersI state or local consumer protection agen\.}. or to the Natlonal I Co~t'racy and its s;tates checKS m Milson jars under theFraud InfornwtJon (VI'lII.'W.fraudorg) After the Pearl Harbor back !"')rch.

Elder fraud IS a serious crime. Et.COUf8kin&an elderly atta~k at the begmmng of Those dollar bills, today, an!

floved one to ballR up on telephone sohatahons that seem 50S' WWII. all U.S. currency circu- worth about 10 cenU; on thepiCJous 15 the best adVla.>you can gIve to prevent It from hap- lating m the Hawaitan 'lslands dollar!penlOg in your fllUllly was overprinted '"HAWAII" Paper money, checks l!nd

For more mfonnation on fraud and other PE'rsonal finance The 'l'l'1:illS\l!j' Departmt>nt cre(bt cards are ani)' a mediumIQ;UeS, VISit OUTweb Sl\.t: www dollar4dol1ar ..'Om was prepaNd to repudiate all of ex.eban~ not a store uf G

sucil mark~-d currency If the ..'alue'

~tslGrosse Pointe Shores resident John W.Armaly Jr. has been elected to a one-year termas chairman of the Nahonal House,,'ares

Ci Manufacturers Assoc1atlonAnnalv. uresident of rA'!!.!'y ~')':~:cd......-.:uc;lj

I . Brands of Walled Lake, preVIously served thellSSOClauonas ~r and Vlce chRlnnan

Armaly IS also founder and president of Hold.It Products, manufacturers of Band Jt elastic

.AnDaIy loops and Qwck Stuff sacks.

Attorney WA)"Ile C. Shehan has earnedmclUSlon U1Who's Who m Araerican Law, 1998-99.

Shehan, who has an office in St Clair Shores,gradll.l.ted from the Fnivenllty of Detrolt LawSchool ann f(l('>.l!es en f:l.:::ilj; r..,;;J e:..... w ll.::llipen;onal inJury law,

He lives in Grosse POinte Woods with h.Ls WlfeSherrin

The Amencan College of Endocnnolog) has mducted CharlaBlacker of Grosse Pomte Park as a FeJlo\ll,

The deslgnatlOo means Blacker has achIeved a level of tram.mg and expenence consistent \\-,th th .. hIgh "t,:m,;a"'ds rna.n-tamed by the clinical endocnnolcgy specIalty

J. Kay Felt has been honored by the MIchigan BUSiness andProfeSSIOnal AssoclstlCm's annual Women's LeadershIpConferenee for her contnbutlOns to thE.' advancement of .ssuesrelated to women In the busmess world

Felt IS s<mlor partner WIth the law firm of Dykema Gossettand speCIalizes In health care law

She lives In Grosse Pomte Shores

Grosse Pomt€ Wood.;;reSIdent Lisa PInkos Howle "' .." ;,\\-urnIn i1S 'In attilrne) WIth the state bar of MIchIgan

Howle l'l a graduate of Grosse Pomte North High SC:lOO! andreceived her law degree from the UmversItv of DetrOIt Mercy

Her arbcle, ~CampaJgn fInance Refonn,~ was published In thefall 1997 Issue of the Ut1lverslty of DerrOlt M",rc\- Law ReVIew

Rpth F.lrod rp('f>nth )Olnf>O Flrmi R"n"lit <::t.. "tPg"a" .. ,

Harper Woods, wher" she I" responSIble for the marketmg of"'-. .....I""~ "..".. '" ....."'~ 1 ...."'" ...t"- ................." ..1....... " 11

Eirod ,'l !l recent graduate of the Un! "er~lt) of MIchIgan andlives In Gro'lse Pomte Farm'>


June 25. 1998Grosse Pointe News News 17A


- Brad LIn.fo( "t!

.Irr{ ,to d for drrlnkt n dr!\ 1n,;Hh \ehlcl" lId,> ImJA)U'.-j, (J

.ne ht ,pt 'Ot lhl flight \ll j," I

Foul ban hits carA \\,11 rt '1 r11L rell. \cd "

\I! \~ t'l~ UnJt ..,( U\ l.rllr \\ ~,l.. I I

foul ball ~m,'~h«l th., ngh~ -Idlrt-'a'" \ If'"\'' ldlll(lI of h .... 1q.::Jh\1.rLun C'O'lgrlrXH 7 \\r.1< It\\,\ .... 011\11"; t"l~.' ttH. b 1. (I) 111d'inlond on Kl "lh, ".I 1 lO

\lc\!dlaf1 ()1' \\cdtH''1. \ T,l"

11 at 7 10 p m I hen \\ L ~ t,\ l rd (Hi \\ ht;th~r the- nin .. ' ~('r h.t

....\ 7 . .,~ar-uld bv.. l~11In

Harn»o~ TownshIP w;" caught-hI "lIftmg In l" store 'f' ",_

Village on Thursda) ,June 11at 1.W pm The bu\ ....do,'(.(".)Mpamed in hiS l)rotr.er..md d COUSIl" from the ClI of0rol>se Pomte. both 11 "~"'r-old

The stnre dIdn't fi1e (h;\rge.,<lnd the 00)- W3'" released to hi"parents

... tth~ ~ lnd 1 r,rr"t \'T T"~lV\l

-rll"')"ll 1,,~,(u,na ( Ir !udtf.c I\llld-!.Il Jd -11 "-1,ul 0\ d

Park car stolen\ :"1~1 J PI ~ l,. H BlJIlIlt..~ Lill

......t .. h.lu I \.l t u'Ll1 l'd b

I1U'll'} d l,t rt 1 tl, lOonbHtlh. ut \1dr\ LlnJ \\ .1 ....... l(Jie~jb' t II II n ~J )(l P '1. \Iund'l\.June 1.-) :ll'd")(1 a III

lUl. ......%,l\ tJdnl. I'",

- J'I'I :VIi I ford no 1 1 l)Ut"1unu!.~u

The. red" '" mdO\, (If, 1~u 1 IDriver bagged d'l<1r rO\(lta CaMta: p,lrkr d ,n

th •. 300 blocl. of :.Ioro~~ \ ,10Snore~ po!I('t' b:lggpd d <llla,hed \qth a 3.r'ng \ <It <.~

(trl1nl.. .....n rllnu,.. "h,,),... ,'h~. punc:l c1urlng th .... nl,glt (~lme-tlgdted. bldc!,. 199~1l\\,~ S<lturda~ Jum- 13 Then ..r.d )(lr Che\~ Bia.':er -t0pped at a no .,u,pectsYC HtP-\ bJ' n~ JT1g :l!~h t onLdke-hOJ'" and Vell'ler on II~d.-u..J start::>atwday. lune. 13. 'It 2,15 am'"

Th~ dn'\. er. a 3~-~ .....1. -oldman from Madison HedlhtsadmItted drlllhmg- "hlCItpolice alread\ »uo-pc('t",dbl:>cau<e of hl~ bloodshot ews<inti ,lurl ~d ~pt't;>{:p P'lilceas;"pd the ~ubject to staT10 WIth"ne foot up In the :I.lr and countbackwards He agreed In addI-tIOn to lookmg foolls". heS\\ awd. stumbled, louldn'thandle the math, regIstered 15or. the breathahz~r. and '" as

\\~h"..n n.\lll"',p. nf.>l t:. l tl."

J~b(~"'l lhl\ 1.1.t1(.(1 \\ 111 1]1:2'"

l(11)\.Jt not c:. ukl",.; II r. le t 1"

Ingthll1ld ....t. t,..,Thl "'U'PtJ~ \\1..., I..ll~lr~"t}d

\\ t 'l ()J..>(~r,it,I,~ t I uh! \ t.'hldt\\l1lh- IlJld,r thp lIlilu<:P(( 0'

ntCj>..~(cltln~ IIqU{I .... Hl J'" tre.:Nt ::-"1) bond pepdlpg ,nUl':l'-

H.t'nl1l1 (ourf

\"loods B & F.""1. ..J,I t.UltJjlJ\ t. ... I 1 i"'c,,} \ .. lot ....r 1

lIOn 111 th 2GI)\,(} bl"'h )1\1,1.",1rrl\ I'd .it I\()rlr. puh\\.edne ..da\ JUnL 1; 11 t'lllU

the front door lo th", nU".Jr-e--OPO, WLtm h{ ,e,lrch ..d lhcmlt;nor of the serYl/ C' ".10p hel .J \ ...... - '"' •

........ I,..l,!. t. It U .u.JU~U ~.l 11., Il.l .......,.,:-1 I

ml~s\ngWoods otlicer~ rpc"ll "eelllg a

l-.cr""'n Jel(."'\V,lt'l " record (IthrP:l kl nEt '""Inri p"tpnng !t'l tl\o

area Just il ronple of nightsbefore T~e inCident remam"

Park vandalsT'-'oA"O ca~s parh.td UII tIlt;'

street 1Il the 1100 and 1000block" of \\llltllcr ill Gro,,~~Pomte Park were \'1.ndahzedbetv.een 8 p m TUesday, .June16 and 9 am Wednesdn). June17

One car had the 11'.0'-'

-\ Lu~t,nner Ju ....t I, .1\ ln~ aJellt'ln »I')re 11' th. :2ullJOblocl,. at :.l..lrl.. 'n Gro~-~ P(nnte\\olld"at lbclul44')pm onFnd,,~ JUlk 1q repurt<?d thatJII"; ,1'1 t) ~t-.< gIlt 11110 Ill'''' (.11 ,I

'1"',1'" gr;;,,- L ...d. f... h'L I p\... ......L

ih-r \,ll..UHI t"l ,bUl u. ~jlL

pur" b,lCk 1.I1d \\ ,I~ dl.l"gl duUt of !H?r '.. 'lI dnd ",U'fen. d C~

~ut IIp The pur~l' C'ont,lll1edbll) r nJ!" that \\en' lu,t pllkedf.tjJ It o III lI't' It'\\(',er~ t'acn"c'rt h about $3,301.1

I'he \lCtJrtl de-cnb€d theman a~ about 2; \b,ir~ old,With ..l m~d'um n;npl"'lOrl\\'ltn<:~,l.''' In the ,1rl.:J r.-plJMed:-f'.'mg .1 m,i1' \\ho mo.1td,ed trt>" .... ld.lI.. ... U(. :-Clpu~nl t:'fll.l;"rHJ~ .to

gra:- (',.dlllai' and dn, lI'~ a',\a~from Ih{. ;;rel'E.'

Jewelry theft inG.P. Woods

BumOPf C'ar~.. -UI'OSbl' Pomte Woods public

safl.'l \ .,rf.cers arre"t.ed 11 72-year-old DetroIt man In <l park-109 lot at thf' corner of Mackand Hampton at about 8 dOpm Fnda), June 19

Thcv '" ere called to the scene::u"ter the "U "p"'ct hIt three can.while tl')1ng to ('Xlt the lot Abreath test te\ealed a bloodalcoholle\el of about .114 Thevlcbm also Mid that he v, astalong \-anous medicatIOns

School newsGrosse POlnt ... Wood". publtr

:",Ifet:- officer" r(,l~l \ ed s('\ ('I dlrE'ports on Thur:..ds\ June 11re!;>led lo lr>cld",nt>. that to(l!-place on the last da\ of ~cho()ldt ~orth HIgh School

:\!v"t report." ...."'r<.' mmor <il,d("(,"('('tned thmgs like \\ <'I 'ballI/on fights .md iil t:'crac:"t'r~bt,'Ln& )!5'1llted

Till;" Htt.I:,l ;:,t;1n{)u~ rppOI tll"'\ol\ed ,I tre"pas~lI1g ThemCIQl'nt took place dt about545 Pin '1'\\.0 \out,,~ \IPre

~E'en ent~"ng lhe' back \ .ird 01a home In the IblJU block ofHampton When policE' arn\f"<lat the scene. the t\\O :-outh"fled on foot

Pollee captared one of thesuspeds m a parkmg lot near acondominIUm development on~riu,fiIre

Tl,e youth had ~n dnnk1ngand ""as turned over lo the ;,us-tod~ 0fhl~ father TIlt' matter II>

n.n'H' bcfc:rt jt:.lri;:ru~i ~u.:h\J.l'lies

Just not sportingA resldl'nt In the !<DO hlO('k; of

HIdden Lane In Grosst' PomteWoods reported to puhh(' AAfl'tyofficers that a lU>d Wings Jer-sey bemg dIsplayed from aflagpole attached to lus housewas taken sometime dunngSunday. June 21.

lust some gardenvariety vandals

Gro".,e POlOt;;> \\ood~ puhlh."alet\ olll,er" r",cel\t'd t\\Orepor'!.S of gardt'n" b..'mg \ .:;n-dabzt-d tx>t \\ ec'!. 1.11< Sunda\JUlie 14 and earh \1ondd\.June I:> BOlh lIlcldent<- t{)(;kpi,ILl' .n lhe 1300 blt'll... of"t:'~ ~a"'lth-

• Or-H. ~H"UU;,U\"l Ht r rt::'port.flO. th..lt four !1('lII<'1 pOL" \\eIC

:..mashed and a neighbor" hOl>e""as turni'd on and pl1l( I'd in

hIS flO,,"CI l:>eJ

I Anotnel resIdent on lhe~me block report~d that four

IceramIc deer \\ere "ma"hed

.Makiug an ash


of yourselfGrosse Po.nte Woods fire-

iight.ers ....ere called to all al:e)

,H' rh,,;, l03flc) 1 _()d~.cf ~,bck ~tabout 2.45 p.m on Monday.June 8, to put out a car fire.

JThe lUCldem began wren a

; passenger waltmg m a car f'lr apatron at a nearby haIr salondeclded to have a smoke

I The passenger thought she~ lhcked the Qgarette out thl'

"..mdow, but 1t apparently hItthe wmdow and fell under theseat, causmg a small fire,whlC~hwas put out Without anylroubl",.

Club. and the Grosse Po,nteSmoke HQuse ~The Gru~"ePomte Po~er Squadron wouldhl.r t .. put '.'-1 ~ u,-t>...huu' :::..:.~...presentation: said Fmcham

The smoke house IS B t\\ 0-

stOry structure that teaches~ople how to escape from asmoke-fill!>d hurnrng bUlldmg

"In case of fire. people shculddrop to the floor to escape heatand pOl"onous gass:<!s. L1,er>cru\\ 1out<lde tv a prE'des.gnated m~tmg pl3~ The smokehouse alMl u>arh~s ~ople tot~! to:" ~ca! ~a..fc~-: U;:;l. r"ULA;

dosed d(J(lll,.~ "aHi the chIefBOdt 1n"pectlons ....JlI h"

a\ dl\able he s.J.ld

a safe

By Brad LindbergStaff Wnter

Interested In hanng"'um~cr?

Marine Safety DayJune 27 at Neff Park

~ 24Hour Emergency ServiceFOR FOll8GIWI1ESTt AUTO SEIMCe

1M AltHaE LOCl( t:lIm5 ~ OPES ~lol1• Fn 9. 5:j{J PJILI ~ Set 9 - 3p,m.

, 881-8603' 1 SS4 Mack • Grosse

Then take part In ManneSafety Da\ at Ndf Park Tn theen) . of -GJ'("'",e POlnte onSaturdav. ,T:.me 27, from noonto4pm

~Resldents from the Clt\' ofGross.e Pomte are m ..,ted tolearn all aspects of ....ater safetv: and more. sard Al Finchamdlrt.'l" or of put-he safety f'lr theell\

Partlclpatmg dbl)l1ClefoI incl~d,=, the Coa ....t Guard

Auxlhan Wa'-ne or MacombCount) manne dl\'I:"lOn, theClt:. of (-rosse Pomt.,. Boat

~~Vandals rip Rite-Aid...~ statue off foundation


By Brad UPdberg said Ca\'3.nagh, who helped~ Staff Wnter police lift the artwork mto aff Rite Aid's effort::. to beaubt). patrol car

•• - the Hlll W"n;: llit w1th liIlother Fohce toOK Lh.. l<tJtT1,p tn the I

-,- setback last weekend when station for saft>keepmgvandals uprooted one of twn 'It's unfortunate that some-brom:e statues and med to one would destroy the statutldrag It away. wblch Rite Aid donated for thp

Just one mor'b after ~?me. el\loyment of everyone In therd one ":~faced a statue of a boy <:ommunlty. We feel certain,s: sitling on a skateboard, It hap- though, that thiS vandalismpened agam, only worse. was the work of one or perhaps

On Saturday. June 20, a few individuals and In nobetween 10 alld 1055 P m .. thf' way refiects the ieehngE: of thestatue was nppt'd from its entlre commumty." saidfoundabon. Beverly Lyomi. a represents,

&rau:hes iil the ne"'ly t.... ur Rn.e A1d's reglOnai officemstalled bnck. walkway next to In Waterfordthe store rerorded the mad;ent The statue was Ol\e of twoas vandals draggt'd the 300- valued at $25,000 that werepound stlltue to the alley commIssIoned by the store as Ibehmd the ston.", where Il was part of a beaut.lficatlOn project Vi, -."'2"_ , ...... fth... At Heme I"f);" Co•

..; a.bandon~ ca.rnM out 1n rP,;znnn~ to ~ I I ~iiii V ..,...The cnme was Tf'ported to reqUl'st by the cIty .•

, Farms pollce by Wayne County Last month, the Farms LlA"''''G "'OU'fti1t C...mrrussionel Chm,topner announcNi 8 $1,000 re ....al'd lor , nl-l.,II.' , l n

Cavanagh, who came upon the mformation leadirur to the con- rRONT DOOR nA .'NT~lJ?• discarded statue whLle leaVIng victlOD of vandals who tore Pho'o b, Brad uno; ....,.,. rJ r"'.1 I ~; •

Junmy's restaurant Just before away a portion of the now- UDlli last Saturday night some time between 10 and 11 HAVE YOUR HARDWARE11p m mlS5mg statue p.m •• this scene includ.ed two statues. Just one mODth

~ ~Sow~u.. ripP"Q off and Anyone Wlth mfOrmfttlOn on after the statue of a boy sitting aD a skateboard was van- POUSHED AND SEALED

Idragged tiway the httle statue. the matter should call the daUzed. the piece was uprooted aDd.dragged d.own thisI don't see how anybody could Farms pollee up line at (313) walkway. leaving scrape marks along the blick_ The stat-

~ get a lock out of domg that: 885-2627. De was recovered. and is in the hancls or Farms pollee.


~Park begi~s first phase of SUillll1eI street repavingBy Jim Slidctord layer of asphalt. we are askIng summer," Kra)mah. saId. "Both usually spent but becaus ...

,~ Staff Wnter that rcsldo<'::lts .....ho normally streets need somi' work Jnd much of the Clt~ \\8S torn upThere's good news and bad park on thv.se streets t~ find they are bolh major through last summer for thE se\\er sep-

news for Grosse Pomte Park somewhere else to park,~ streets We ha ....en't deClded aratlon proJect. man~ street~ resldenl.:> On the good ne ....s KraJmak sald -That WIll alloy. whIch one wlll be paved)et' repaIr projects \'.ele delayed

SIde. Park contractors has been us to get the Job done qutcker. I The cIty IS spendmg a total of -There's no reason to fix uprepaVIng a number of <;treets know that thIS IS mconvement, about $600,000 thIS bwnmer to stret'ts one summer onl~ to see


' across L~e city On the bad but we have to fix the roads repaIr .;;treet, s,ud KraJmak. them torn up for a sel\ er sepa-news slde, residents will haye ;;ometlmes" ThIs IS about tWice whdt ,5 ration proJect," KrajUJak said

• to find another place to parkr dunng the work Once the first phase of con-t. "Begmnmg today. Thursday, structlOn IS comDlete saId~"c-" June 25, we WIll be putting OD KraJnl8k, the -contractor,~ ~ the final layer of asphalt on a CadIllac A;.ohalt, WIll return

number of streets,' saId Park to the elt) later m the summercIty manager Dale Krajmak to do phase two"These streets mclude Among the streets that WIllKensmgton, between Jefferson be worked on mclude portIons

U and Mack. as well as YorkshIre, of Barrmgton and sen.'ral~ between CharleVOIx and alleys south of Jefferson.

Jeffpr~on .. These p~r+....s of t"h~ Clt} \\sro\:The CIty WIll also be repaving chosrn, In part, because (If the

the 1000 and 1200 block.;; of recent s.ewer hne ccr:;;t.-uctlonBl~hop. :l" ••••ell :IS the 1200 and It's no\\> safl' to pa\e therf',1300 block~ of H3n'ard and saId KrajUlokGra"1.on, bet\\>een St Paul and .We are consldenng paVIngVernor maJor portIOn" of either St

"When we put down the final Paul or Kercheval later 0.1 thIS

18Am News June 25, 1998

Grosse Pointe News.

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G\RO[,\ ('I'<."tu b..ans


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R(lCHE~ ItR HILLSCds-sman

VISit lOut LocalMetmDetrmt

Men:ury Dealer.

PL"~lt THHines P"drk

1. , 4. ~ j ~I

I \R\I1'(,TI)'Bob DUMeau

~..l II, F' l-t

)f1 RIIV, HIK,HT'In.'!l>i

have been finah.led, but heexpecb there wlli be JIvemus c But not to W(lrry, he;',lld It won't b" a loud band,m..,tpad hE' s,l.ld It should hebV'1lcthlr.g In the order vf a gm-tar pld)er or f~Lltlst

III ca"e of raw, tnE: pdrty WIllbe held m the church basement ..bet ....een 1 and 4 p m

Anyone With questlOils cancall the Glrodats at (313) 882-

For l.urrentG.\f Ford lnJy l' ,Lineo 11 :vlC'rcury

, - orongmal O\vner~

d dUl1k tank dnd the ll»uallh: ee-legged rales

l'hf' pdnsh \\ III pro\ Ide thehambul ger~ , na ho' dog.., anddnnk. and tht pan"hlL:nen\~111prO\I<le the r<:.,t

'\\t "re "endIng uut 1f!lltd-

tlun" to resldentb \\ ho 11\e bythE' ehun.h Glrodat :>ald -WeII ant thenl to knOv. the, are apart 01 our e:-omrnumt) ,,'

Glrf,dat ~airl thnt nn rl;.ir"

M,I\ OJ P dhl\l r Hl'ellan "'cudtlldL dll !Jall..,l\ ii,,, OL>I'OU"IId .. l'wr1~t1 <It<:d \-,ll e and um"lder.Jt1on gl\.eTl ,\ht"re )t \\dnt ...

"l tv Id the bltKh. p,l' 1\ andthdt he thoug-!,t It \\d~ .l goodIdea

1hL U.n,Jntlt L1tjinlrJ}lj~l ...l.).I J-lJ.l Iu\ ui 1m lhuru\ ~ Tl:ljUt'bl

Glroddl "nd h), ~\lie '-'.lI1d)are C'J thalTlng tht e\ en! l'he\SalU there "'1.1 act1\ltW. fur~hlJd""(n nod ~du1t~ 1n~lu(hrH=

I '


'lonh to south bet"'een ~treet-Lh~Chl.1r~L'''vJ.~ arlJ I\.en.h~"d]

~The propob",d part' I" totake platt' on SLlndd} ~ "aIdKral llla I. Th.:re arp no hu.e'"runnmg on that da\ dnd.(hools are out so the demand.of tlame ~houldn t be th,]t~ .~b(t.Q,.1".

GlrO(1dt said that all thetables 1\ l!j be "el up on one "Ideof the street so emergenc)',;{'h~clcs can g(t t,)


The styhsh ~1a,:ur) Moumamca1S one capable \\.'a\' to get aroundl:L)\\ 11 It ha~ an avaIlable V 8tons of to\'\ mg power dnd IoaJsof passenger and ..argo spaceA. nJ nght no\\', It'S even m..xc,u1ordable So 'iee your ;\ktro

Detroit ~1en.Ur)' deJkr t( xiJ) for

a gr~t \ alue on J great \-ehh.k

VtI' "~I Y

FC.1[urc, znclu.d" 5lIL\rsetlglnt. .T\\l)V,a\ llflgatt: '4\,h_dur'- ';lllll\)..~r U\.L::-.' .....l.lIJ \.fS -r....,ll, ...I\-....t\'i;i =\..l\.' .k' ...~lllr(,,) ..JJ~I\\JIH:...t.x...h

• Se..-unL:cK p4S1>l\~ .nn rh~!l '\ ,1em • hng.:rttl' 'J:'<.~'" "'I.m'>! \\ It~ 1T ur I.lr J,lI\ n t~,l(urc: • C.~l .1luil1l'lum':h c:rJbh \\1l<:d'

PEP 655.4 feature-. Runmng!:o,:urd,. Fh.""'I1'...lt, • Lugg>s' r,lc,," • t1c:,'tlll''''1.-;'wur Itn.lud:' l'\ 0 r:mi'lld ..., \ It*', • \\1 f\!'itcfc,1 ..b-atc: ,n~k CL'"L!\a

Al :l1Llhl.. • \ppc,~ur:,c Gr,'ur 1-111<:c1' 'doe r <l " ., IYcmk \\ i'C:cl, • f, ,.h "J,I.1r-;: ,lr.,,<.

The Park CIty CouncIl con.bld.ered. th<> chunh s request atthe June 8 meetmg S,,\ eIalrouncJlmernbers werp Lon-cepled about traffi<. becau<;eCharle\ OlX IS a mam th: oughstreet

CIty manager Dale KrdJllldk~e.~d!h~! Ch~:"lc~.c..;:.....3 ':'ri l.,.t.-O..,twest street

In the past, the elf) ha~ onl)granted permiSSIOn to hold ablock party on strcctf go~n~

IIIL _--.J I

-I -,-('-\-'-, ,-,t-h-;-3-( -\\-\-1-\-1-1-,-R-l-(-C-,-I-Tlc--: -, -N~ I1((1' -,llhl ) ''''~-" ':, ,,,,. 1I_,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,j'l't"''';I~'''lJJ\rnerlt1d',dondltr.\~l I ,

I I :JOI r !J, 11 ,I 1 " "'i'IIIII/.d ,,"1 'I )' 'II ,,' \hR.1' t I '" 1'11,11 'l I J 1 I'lL [) 11I11ik'_11 11 IIII(>LI. 1 ~ ~i\ 9\ I qr 'p--u,lI IL,,,\- Term, ',1nd "R"dld,dl '[,Lill [),~", )~, ';11,(,11>111«111< lli'llllll 11'11" ""1,1 ,'llll~,n rl 11,1,11', Ir"lnd,,,kl,l,,u hI --'IX ld~ lItk ,1IhaICC'd.rl- ,

I " , , n ""' , , " I I ." h r \ no> ,0> (, I " I,. " '" I II J) I -<~~ leiLinl 'n<l, ,11 Ilf, 1" I', I I, It! It , 'i "I 1'11,,,111 \1 r,111, lII,l("nl',1 \1":,,1' .:hd" Pr""t 0; ollnlf,hl[" II I I • , fU.JIIII, I ), .Ie ,I. - II , I 'i'l d I \I >I >\ !/I/( oliin/( I( III \ ( ')m IL~~__I ,_1_


_'[ _'.-=--=--=--=--=--=--=- . --J'/

St. Clare of Montefalco parish to hold a block party in JulyBy Jim Stickford~ " u,_'"-_- 1 •• f t.t::J

Calling It a \\ay to e:-elebrateboth pansh life and neighbor-hood life, St Clare ofMontefalco Catholic Church mGrosse POinte Park .....lll hold ablock pBrt\ on CharlevoIxbetween W}l1H ",. ~nA '1'hr""Mile, on Sunda}, Juh 12' ..

"We've always had a piCniCdown at Wmdmlll POintePark," said event co-chaIr Don~" -- .......... uVU4lL, LJut rr ,11.111:

McCornuck thought havmg ablock party mIght be a goodIdea The thmkmg behmd hiSsuggestion that thIS IS anactaVIty for the pansh that WillbrUJg the young and oldtogether and also prondE' achance for the pansh to meetthe commumty and the panshto meet the commumtv.

But closmll down a streethke Charlevotx requires morethan good mtent!on~

Woods appropri-ates $60,000 fornew computersBy Jim StickfordStaff Wrrter

Justlce doesn't come cheapSo It stands to reason that acomputer system desIgned torun a Clty'll court system won'tbe cheap

Just ask the Grosse PomteWoods CIty CouncIl. whichrecently appropnated $55,600to purchase a new JustIceInfonnation System (JIS) com-puter network for the CIty'SmUnICIpal court

CIty manager Peter ThomassaId that the CIty IS bUVUl2 JIS.ro ~ LL -"-_L_' ........._ -'--"'"= _l1UJ.U u....t:: Olo(l~ ~ ,",Uu.l '" C1u.1J..1.....UJ,o-

trator's office The packagemcludes both hardware (theactual computers) and soft-ware <the computer programsthat make the system work.}

"One of the biggest thIngs welike about tlus system IS that Itwon't crash when the year2000 rolls around,~ S8ldThomas

The programs of many older-....,.~.'t4....Oo .. ~Co't- r ...._ ... _ ...

...............y ...._ .. "'J"'~-".I."'" "" .... ",,, 10.1.

m such a way that when theyear 1999 ends, the computerswill not reg1Stel" the year 2000.Their mtkrnal docks WIll tW'J'lback to 1900. It's all expensiveproblem to fix

The new system WIll alsogive Its users access toMlL'TOsofi Wmdows 95 Officesoftware, saId Thomas.

~le ~..u ..hiv be n.llc"'r":~d tcadd laptop computers to oursquad cars If we want," saIdThomas "This would allowofficers to enter and get infor-mation from theIr squad cars.Rl.ght now we have no plans' forlaptops, b'lt now the option ISaVaIlable ..

The system will also help thecourt clerk to keep better trackof rec<lrds, process and preps.relett.e!'S and Improve the pro-cessing of parlung tickets.

The computer system is partof the 1998-1999 fiscal yearbudget It should be ordered bythe begmnmg of JulyInstallatIon and staff tra1IlU1gis expected to be completed mSeptember.

1'hP Wnotl.. ,'c'uncil alsoappropnated $7,000 to pur-chase a computer system thatwill enable officials to dIrectlyfeed messages Into GrossePomte Cable's publIcannouncement channel

Thomas Bald that the WarMemonal has recently pur-chased a recPivpr-playpr thSltallows CItIes that purchase aspecIal computer to use thesystem's access channel 5dIrectly from CIty ha:l.

Currently, If 'Ihomas wants,for example a messageannouncing what day theFourth of July firpwork" dle;-play takes plac~, someone fromthe CIty has to contact someoneat the War MemonaJ Th's person In turn has to '" nte themps ..llgp on War 1\.fpmo..,,,1transmlttmg equlpment

"Now we can wnte our mes-sages and deslgn our owngraphiCS to gI1fe the message ahttle pllz.?ZZ," Thoma" sale.



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IMetro Detroit's love of hockey

goes further tlum the Red Wings'19fr7-1998 ~!LGQ!!!!!! eY!de!!eed.inlIODle of the .ouvenirs aroandMarge'. Bar bl Grosse Pointe Park.

Bti uwner Jimmy DePuys IWIcoUected a variety oi hockeyitem.l from around the hockeyworld reJIectiDg Dot ODIy current8ucceu but put glories. lnc1wUDgpictura. jene:v- IIDd. sticka fromthe WIngs' famed Production Une.lIS weD U mlhDCJltOll &om. arouadthe NBL and miDor league hockeyteama .

Durwg ,;aiUe fOui,Channel 50 News andthree redio statlOOS wereat the bar

"I can tell you we werea lot more preparerl forthe crowds thIS year,"DePuys saId "Lastyear, we were caughtoff guard. We'velearned how to handleand serve the crowdsthat come for aStan1eyCupgame."

One down-side of the RedWings' success,DePuys Sllld, ISthat he nolonger has thetime to actual-ly go to thegames.

"It takes alot to get th..1iplace gomgdunng thehockey seasonThe W"LDgS' suc-cess haa madethe bar 100busy for me toget down to thegArn~lIt

stJp at the restaurant forlunch before a game O'ConnellIS now the assIStant general~.ager of the Bruins

..~C.,f/, ,,','c don t get rrw.i:'i:r otthe pls)'e ... commg in," DeP...l:,'ssllld. "But we 8tl11get viSitsfwm odbl oiavers T saw PaulYsebaert her~recently GlenHanlon reeently came m andsaid that he couldn't believe wewere sllll herp They're bothformer Red Wings"

Recently Marge's has beenattractIng the attentlOn of oth-ers besides local hockey fans,DePuys saId

"Dunng the 1997 Stanley('up finals, we receIVed a callfrom the people at ESPN; heSllld ''They wanted to conle Inand take some crowd shots .Well they get here at about 4p m. and there was no one inthe bar The game doesn't sta...-tfor severa! hours and mostpeople are still at work.. I tellthem that tros IS a neighbor-hood ~r "'1'0 to) rome backdurmg the game and that'swhat they do."

The Marge's they returned toVtCll'l qww. different from theone they 8&W that ath~monn,DePuy8 SaJd. .

"The place was packed Wlthpeople and One ofthe ESPNguys &ald that It was the great-t'lit ~purtll bar he ev ..r saw.-

DePuys Bald that because ofthe ESPN exposure, the medlPhG.a. ~ 'PLD-:"'_ '" 'n.+- •........ t"W,1 LI-&& _ ..v .. & .... VL~

bar is filledwill.•• • ••• III-."fti'• •••• :1•

hockey memorahilia':.f n tickets Hl~ mother ~1...,rgADe Puys, \',as the owner of thebdl"

.ct-;.._ 1 .... ~U ....:otlll.~"';

eame" ~ ~f'ar ~ Df'Puy~<;-,,~~rl "Ireally bCQ\rne a fan of the::port and \\ ouid see un theplayer;, I dc-cided to spon~r ahockE'Y team myself .n localleague play We nIJw have thed.llnual Marge's Bar Hoeke)Tournament for playe, 5 over25 Most of them are over 30.But we have a lot of fun"

GOlllg to a hockey motif Inthe 19805 was que<;t!onp.d bymany of DePuys' fnends.Dunn&, the 1985-86 season, theteam won only 17 games. Theylost 56, tied SIX.

"It all began to come togeth-er for the Wings m the early19905," DePuys said

~When they started wuuung,back In 1992, people were reai-ly gettmg mto hockey. Also,when the USA Cable 1';etworkstarted hroadcastmlt e:ames.and then ESPN and -Fox,that helped ralse the expo-sure uf the sport. ~

Marge's has been ntllt-e-d by severnl Red Wmgs

players over the yeai'll,DePuys Bald, includmg SteveYzerman and Sergei Fedorov

He credtts Mike O'Connellfor being the firm Red W.ng tvvurit O'Connell, a BostonBruin and Red Wmg, used tohvp on WhlttlPr ... nd ...ould

barIt all began in

1982 when JimmyDePuvs bought Red Wings lWR.-

•I.. I•t !tt~!lQ! mllch to leek ::t ;- .... ::.~

I ly

l-It's small Kmd of beat up

But If you W~'lt to t!'!k abouthockey vn.th people who knowthe sport, Marge's Bar, at thecomer of Mack and

,of Beaconsfield in Grosse Pointel Park IS the place to be. That, " .- wasn't always the case

The bar and restaurant hasbeen around smee 1966. Itwasn't untll the 19808 that Itbecame metroDetroit's pre-mier


TERMS OF SALE All SnIE'~ Fllml Nn Phnn" (')rrl<>r< " ro.J" I ")'~"~)" "-Ie ~:'u".d~Alterations charged at tailors cost 'Navy Blazers 10t included

Save 250/0on~Iens


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AVATAR -" " .• -. .








28 Pride of the Pointes June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News


Mendlun(ulll'ge. In

tor the ",pl'mg


Katie Blakf' of Gn,,,,,~POInte ,10, ood", J.nd HlChal d 'I.",oInt'!\ oj the CIty of (,to"""POllltC: \\Ple IL,IJlled In 'h ...dt..ln'" Ir"t for thl "pi ](,,,",ne,t,! .,t 1]-, 1 nl\p",I) ,fNo!" D" ow

hUll or" atCommuIlltvMfondlall. MI"l>",eme~ter

.lillian Malis.t:ewski ofGros"e POintto' ParI,. ha" bt-"IJ<.ho",en a", a student ,1Inbas-sador to :\ustraha .lnd Nev.ZiP~ll ..;J,nn ~1p.f"h ...r1 nv ....~'lnf.,;a rfl

People. an international, non-pnrtl~<ll>. pnv1'ltto'-~"ct<Jrorgam.zatlOn founded by PreSIdentEI~enhower '0 1956, to fosterinternatIOnal good will andunderstandmg

Sean Stevenson of GrossePomte Woods II> as appomtedmarketing and pubhc relatIonsIntern at the Edsel & EleanorFord Hnm.f> for th .. SUTTlmer of1998 He IS a student atMlclllgan State Umverslty'sEh Broad School of BUSiness

Grosse POlnee News & The Connection96 KerchevalGrosse POinte Farms. Mrchrgan 48236Attention KIm Kozlows"-I. Display AdvertiSing

19877 Mack Avefor an appointment call


Dale Meyersnow at

Jennifer L. Slone II <1;,

named to the de.m , h"t fr I lilt-"pflng "eme"tel ilt Vandt'llJlitl'1l1 I er"'lt)' She I", the d..wghtelot Dr and :'>11" Ch.rl,', RSlone of th.. {':n of Gl (,:>i>ePOinte

T"' ~ • ...

,It''' • h ...n.....u ........" .....1. l,.I.~ ':,IV.1111 .1 1~'='.lUl.j11. "'I J.ol ....L III ...,,1 1 1... 11 II

HeIdI Jo Hallmann ofJaneece Anderson Wd" Uro":>,, 1'("nte ~olld~ ......1"

nan!c -I t\.l tl.t-' d~dU';:' Ubl for ~he )€cern Iy J1allu:a to the

LarlOl! LIll\cr;,lty ~he I~ thedaughtel ut Dr 8pd Mrs LarryC AIIcler:>on of Gro""e POI'ltePark

Meredith J. Atkin", 01

Glo."se POll1te F.ums andKaren L. Wittstock of Gro"..ePOlDte Park \\<e:-enamed to thedean'" !1st fer the selJndl:lt'm~l>U'r dL noUtj \OllpVp

Esther Farkas of GrossePornte Park and Robert P.Hostette-r of the Otty of GrossePomte were named to thedean's hst at Duke Umverslty

Joseph B. "\'lasak oj thLCity of Grosse Pomte graduat.I'd from the Clt.adel on Mav 9With a bachelor of arts dpgree10 Engllsh

_ Exp Date _

Send photo andSI 000 toIT\'\fIn.I. S !5 00 please S '"done photo of each child)

lhe tollol\ mg :>tudlul:> y,en~n.lmed to th" pi ",,,,,:1enl,, !IlJIIorroll at Wa!sh ClJllege for thewmter semester JudyAcmaly dud Jeffre) Foor ofthe Clty of Gro:::se PomteMalk Matheson and KeJIiVanoverbeke of GrossePOinte Woods; and ThomasMotschall of Grosse POInterark

Wd!;,h Cullf'g<, CandiceKel'by .md Valf>rle Woutersot the Cll\ of Glo/>/>e PomtR,Mark Carrier LInd MichaelShea vI GJo""e POinte .,'dlm"Gerald Ambro ...). Coref'nBuehrer, Nancy Franks dndDonna Lockhart 01 GrOSH'POInte rad. and AlanBlender of Gll)~"'f POll1te\l,'wJs

Anfhony E. UILaura grad- Katherine E. Ronan ofuated from CalvlD College on Grosse Pomte F drms graduat-May 23 Wlth a bachelor's ed from Fort LeWI/> College on

Caroline S. Jeffi; of GrossePOlIlle Farms gJaauated cwn!aude from DePauw Umversltyon Mav 2.3 WIth a bachelor ofar'_~ degree m Enghsh

Ashley E. Peacock ofGrosse POinte Park graduatedfrom DePaul" Umverslty onMay 23 WIth a bachelor of artsdegree ill computer scIence

ThiS tablOid WIll be p\JbJ,shed January l8, '999 (our child 5

picture along With other 1998 area babies. Will be the mainattraction] News and advertiSing about clothing, feeding, educatingand cc:mng for your child WIll also be Included It Will be veryInformative as well as a commemOriltlVe echtlon for youI

Grosse POinte New~ and The Connection newspJper~ are plannrnqtheir 4th dnnual speCialeQlllon featUring the babies of the past yearWe hope you (and the httle one) Will parllClpate by supplying U5 Witha ptlotograph of your chrld (only 1998 babies, piease) for publIcationIn th 15 section

The lollo'rl j ni' ,.,tudent:, degree In lIl.ltl1l'1I1J.tlcS HI.' I'> :\1a};: ....Ith a b lehdOl ul d It,recently recel,t'd uaeht'lor of Tht> fOllov.mg ",tudent" ....ne the ",011 01 Paul J.lld LlI1dd degree In "ouv!Ob'Y '.lfJd hcl,'IJ.11"uence degrees from Pll! due named to th<' dt"dn", hOIlC'l rull DILa.ura 01 (,I o~",e Po III It' ~<'rvlce.,TJnl\ ...).r"nh ~~......-- -.." !,:L"~t~ ... ~ th ,\l,.1117'"(1' ~l '\. ....t ..... .;.~ \u ..........:....,

January 8 1999)

We lonk forward to prodUCing our anrual Baby EditIOn"and are sureyou want your little one Included A limited nLlmber of extra copIesWIll be ;wallable for purchase ,0 give to family and friends

The Grosse POinte News & The Connection reqUire a $ 10 00 fee tocover prodUCtiOn costs Plea~eInclude a meck money order or credItGIrd number With Yo,Jrphoto

Call or Drop by the

Gr",se Point~ News~,~

Brin.my A. Reevel> vi thlo"City of VI u"",t: POInt"', Iecelltl}I <:\..1;'1 I ed d bachelol' of drt~degree trom PurdueL"Ol. ers.lt)


of Gro",se POlllte Pdlh. ;lndDa\'id P. Guaresimo a'1dMichael A. K10buchar ....Ithhlghe"t dl,tm<.tlOn) of Glo""ePowtt' Woods

Please send a cute. clea.- photo Icolor or black & ""h,.eSlUd!o produced. preferably smaller than a 5xl) to Grosse POInteNews 6. The ConnectIon. 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte Farms Michigan48236 Attention Kim Kozlowski, DIsplay AdvertiSing Complete theInformation slip With your chIlds fUll name. date of birth and hospItaland return It With your photo PleasePrint your name on the back ofthe photo so you can pICk It up at OLf office after printing

Your picture must be received In our office no later than 1uesdayDecember 22nd, earlier would assist our production schedule /LateNaverrber and Decerrber b'r'!h p"'otC! may be subMItted until



Thomas M. Drummy, Jr.ot Gros.,e PO'llte Fal m",Il;'ct'ntl;;, lect'!\L.d an d,,"'()UdL~'of S':lence degre<: trom PUI duel'nl\er:>lt}

23712 Gratiot. Eastpointe, MI48021Nor1h 01 9 Mile

Moo - Fn 9-5 10Sat 10.3


96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236Attention: Kim Kozlowski, Display Advertising

13131 882.3S00 FAX 882.1585

Tbe follo\' lilg "I..Idel,b werenamed to the d~an's hst tor th",spring semester at PurdueUmver",lty Jason E. Kesterof Grl)"",p Pomte i?drK,Jinttany A. Keeves of theCIty of Grosse Pomte MichaelA Klobuchat of GrossePomte Woods and Ian B. Halland Kelly G. Prysak ofGros~Pornte Farms

Cl111d~ i,Jdl Ile:; (r"~l & Lc,~LJ _

P?lrents Name (FIrst &. La)tL --~ _

Visa 3I Me" # _

D.?teof Birth Hospltal Phone _

TiuBoile.! 01199&Please Prim

Lori Strehler earned abach.elor of arts degree m rell-glon from Hope College She ISthe daughter of JosephineStrehler-Clpnano of ShelbyTOwllShlJ) and John Slrehler ofthe CIty -of Grosse Pomte

S,gnature ._. _

Thank you <lnd please return no lilter than December 2~~d. 1998 • De<.ember , h photos accppted until January 8. 1999

Sharon A Klar and DaraG Klein recently received doc-tor of vetennary medlCmedegrees from MIchigan StateUmverslty

Tristan Guevara of theClty of Grosse Pomte recently~e!Ved a d~tor of osteopathydegree from Mu~hlgan StateUwverslty

Steven R. Greening ofCrosse Pomte Woods recentlyreceived a mll~t.pr of S<'H.mc"degree from MIchIgan StateUmverslt)

The folloVVl:Jgstudents wererecently awarded bachelor ofscI'!!nce degrees from MIchIganState Umversity' He.:l:ther C.Dalby (WIth honors), <..:had S.Hepner, Elizabeth ALeleszi (WIth honors),Matthew J. Masek, Holly A.Ruttan and Bridget M.Ziegenhagen, all of the CItyof Grosse Pomte

The follo ....lng ;,tudent/> \\t'lerecent!) awarded b<lchelor of::trt~ degrees fro!n Ml< 11lgan~t ...tP, yT"' ....nt..>r ... '+-~ A,"=" Q

Buckler. R... h"...d C.CvlvwLu, :".~jModi et S.Finkelmann, Jessica L.Fortier (.nth nonor"l, ,Jill K.Garvey, Jennifer A.Granger, Matthew R.Hambright, Jennifer M.Harmount. GeofTre.1 E.KirlE's, Anne M.Krappmann, Mark T.Levine Rebecca A.iricLoUJ'Cly, MeredltD L.Michaelson, Stephen R.Olzark, Renee M. Rossman,Heather B. Smith andSuzanne L. Ulicny, all of theCIty of Grosse POInte, andChristine K. Kurap (Withhonors), of Grosse PomteFarms

Gro"se POlOte Vwods, II> ereIlam"d tv the dean'" Ii"t atAlbIon College tOI the "Fl mgseme"ter

•Jeremy Burmeister \\ 111

attend ('oncordla LanguageVIllage" Frt''lch \\ll.1ge'n Jul)He I;' tne son ot DaleBurme:"tt'l and Gall \'alga ufGrosse }'omte Farm~

The followmg students werenamed to the dean's hSt for thesp!"!ng seme~toer .at MH!!!!.!

UU1VerSlty Sarah R. Childs,Todd J. Dunlap, Meehan M.O'Loughlin and Kathryn M.West of the CIty ot GrossePOinte, Andrew M.SChumacher and Valerie M.Slowik of Grosse POlOteFarms, and Jessica J. Fosseeof Grosse POinte Shores

Jeffrey F. Adams of GrossePomte Farmg achieved a per-teet 4.U gral1e pomt average atMIamI Umverslty for thespnng semester

James G. Willett wasnamed to the dean's hst for thespnng semester at ColbyCollege. He IS the son ofGordon and Ann WIllett ofGrosse Pomte Farms

•Jennifer L. Chopp,

Elizabeth A. Karber andAaron J. Zurschmiede, all otthe City of Grosse POInte, werenamed to the dean'/> !1st for thewmter semester at GrandValley State Urnverslty

Sara Colleen Delaney oftroe l lty or llrO~'L t'o,ntr, wa."nM:wrl tu tlw honor roll for the"prlnv '1'rre"!f'r Ilt thpUnlver"lt, of Oklahoma

The follo ....mg ..tudentsrecentl) rl'cel\ed bachelor ofarts degrees from WesternMichIgan UI1IVerslt}Julianne M. Cassin andRobert G. Duden of the Cayof Grc sse Pomte, andKarolynn B. Earl of GrossePOinte Woods

The follOWing studentsrecently receIVed bache lor ofsCIence degrees f(om WesternMichIgan Unl\.erslty StephenR. Tucker of the Clt)< ofGrosse POInte, Amanda J.Pangborn of Grosse POInteFarm". and Nadia Tremontiof Grosse Pomte Park

Steven J. Meathe ofGro~"ep;).;JU- Wood~ and Geoffrey R.~1aler uf th,-, Clt) Gf Grc~scPO'""ltc, :-cccntly recf'lved bachelor of bu"mes" admmhtratlOndegrees from WE'stprnMlchlgan UmverSlty

Isaac T. Johnson of Grosse

J. VH,U ..,", t.,,)Jl.Ult;:~ 1.1.0::' ~t:u .LH;UU~

to the dean's hst for the spnngsemester at the Umverslty ofXorth Carolma-Greensboro

!)::" ....~~c:": t'~: ..c:'..)~t I ,):.u~vi.Hallie Burkhart will be:,tud;;'lng In England •.lllderButl<>r t-mver<nt) for thl' t"lI1998 M'mester She IS thedaughter of Rlch9rd Burliliartof Cle\'eland and A...m Ho'...e ofthe elt} of Grosse POinte

Fornler Grosse POinte reSI-dent Stephen L. MeasE-HereceIved a bachelor of artsdegree JD Lattn-Amencanstudies from Colby College onMay 24. He IS the lilOnof SusanMeaselle of New York andRI.:hard Measelle of Chicago

Kati> F.. Hu ..U...m..n nfGrosse Pomte Shores andChristina M. DiLaura ofGrQs:::e Pomte Woods, havebeen named w the dean's hst attne Umvcl"lllty of Notre Dam!:!for the spnng semester

David Gracey has reeeive-dan internshIp In WashmgtonDC, workmg at the Alummnffi ••p f]f tt],e rJn!"er~lty ofMichigan He was /jlso award-ed a scholarship from theUkraInian Amencan CenterFoundation DaVId IS the son ofIr pne and Paul Gracey ofl>rosse Pomte .l'STIllS

Tbeodore J. HHI andHeather L. Hill, both ofGro;,se POInte Farms. havebeen named to the dean's hst atBucknell UnivenlJty for thespnng semester. They are theson and <laughter of Robertaand Howard HIll

All FOIc(' i\J1 man Marie N.Ma"su rt':pntl) gr~duatedlJJlI. bd»l, 'llIlltdr) tl,'lmng atT 11 1 '" 'f"'I T"\ ... ,

..J. l..il-l\.jdlJ.U, ..""\..1 ..f' OJ It; Od:,t:' ;:,neI' the d.,ughter of Gt'0ll;'" C!>Iassu of Eastpollltt: and~orma M House, of Oro""l'Pomte Park

Rebecca Anne Simpsonwas named to the dean's hat forthe 1997 fall semester She IRthe daughter of Lloyd andDiane SlmoRon of GrossI'POIOI.t:Shores

Henry Cooper Ackerman~! aduated from Ds\ ld"onI'olle~e on 1\1a)- 17 Vv"ltha bach.e'''r ,f .,~t"degl<?e 111 EnglishHt I:> the son ot Mr and MrsHenn Ack!'1 man of Gro",:;;ePomte Pdrk

Paui D. Anderson wasaWaJded all outstandmg thesisand dissertatIOn award by('entral Mll'hlgan Uwverslty.He IS the son of Dr Oran andMary Anderson of GrossePomte Shores He and hIS WIfeJuhe Toma Anderson llVe inWIlhamston.

Former Grosse Pomte resI-dent Matthew R. MillikinreceIved a bachelor of artsdegree In pohtlcal &Ience fromWashmgton Umverslty-StLOUIS on .May 15

•Peter D. Jacobs and

Robert H. Kalogerakos, bothof GfOsse Pomte Farm:., gradu-ated from MichIgan TechUmverslty on May 23 JacobsreceIved a bachelor of sCIencedegree m engmeenng technolo-in', Kalogerako", received abachelor of sCience degree Inapplied ph}slCS

Landon Lawrence Tracyof Gro"~e Pomte Farms wasav. arded a bachelor of artsdegree trom ConnectIcutr81l:'b~ G~ \~~j 2'3

Jeffrey Ronald Swantekof Grosse Pomte Park gr .lduat-ed cum laude from GracelandCollege ~ Ith a bachelor of SCI-ence In nursmg degree

Miguel Piecuch IS a IJ1em-ber of the Clllt<.lral commItteefor the Muskmgum CollegeCenterBoard campus orgamza-tlOn He IS the son of Mr andr..1rs Kevm PIecuch of the Clt)of Grosse Pomte

~Ia A. TaormIna <llldLaura E. Somogyi, both of

'Ihc foUr .\mg "tudent"n ,eived bachelor of artst1 ...rrrI'P~ frrom AlIllon ('o]lf>ge on~1av~) Anne K. Brucf' of theCay of Gro"sl 1'00nt<', AndreaM. Salamy of Gro""c PomtelJdr,< and UUVlcI ~. !Vianelnluf G, O,,"LPUIntL Wood"


American Heart 0"-Associatiolb.F'fP'ng IIeI flsease


Mary ClaireKucharski

GaI) and Valene Kucl1arslc.of Grosse Pomte Park are theparents of a daughter. MaryClaIre KucharskJ, born May28, 1998 Matemal grandpar-ents are Ken and CecJie Blockof Grosse Powte FarmsPaternal grandmother ISVU-gJ.ma .t<uch~rskl of ClintonTownslup

Taylor Elizabeth GrayKevin and Moily Gray of

Walled Lake are the p~rents ofa daughter, Taylor ElizabethGray, born Aprll 28. 19983iclternal grandp,uents areLt;;.{.:~n c.r40j ~1~C1r) Ai,€r-i ufFarmmgton lhll& Paternalgrandp~rentl< aTe Wallie andCarol Grav of Grosse PomteWood.. Great-grandmothersare .Martha Gray andCathenne Re",b, both ofColumbus. OhiO




Assistance League4itAI .... _1.... ... r::: () .. , .... ..." .... ,..tanll\..,:) JV yt:.UI::>

Memben of the BoD 8ecours Assistance Leaguegatherec:l May 19 at the Grosse Pointe War Memorialto ce1ebl1lte the league's 50th a.DD1versary. Ralph J.Kliber. chairmaD. of the Bon Secoun Foundation. atthe right, presented FlotlllDaelWber. president or theAss"lanee League. with a commemorative plaque.

The Assistance League is made up of more than450 women whose fundraism.; efforts support thehospital.s mis$ion. rhe league also runs the hospi-tal's gift shop.

Nicholas ThomasBoesiger

Bob and Laura Boeslger ofGrosse POinte Woods are thepatents of a son, ~tcholasThomas Boeslger, born Ma} 181998 Maternal grandparentsare Thomas EgUI1. of GrcS3f:POlOte Woods and Mimi li:gllnof Harper Woods Paternalgrandparents are Robert andJoanne Boeslger of HarperWoods Maternal great-grand-mothers are Jane Egan ofWarren and Angehne RItter ofGrosse PomlA) Woods

Olivia Rose KensoraDr Kevlll a'ld ~hprrv

F"-ensors. of Grosse P01!'\t~

Woods are the parent~ of adaughter, Ollvm Rose Kenwraborn May 8, 1998 Maternalgrandparent.. arp Robert andCarol Verbeke? of Grosse FomteWoods Paternal grandparentsare Jerry and Marge Kensoraof New Baltimore

www ford home org

Call (3 (3) 88qJ122~ for fiders and info.

Edsel & Eleanor Ford House Presents:the 8tn 8nnual


July 7rIJ lIle Music of Gemini

July fI'rh f!faGfer Sfc.ryfeffer laRDn MiI/;ams

July 2 f 8f tile Magic.of J.R. ftidifes

July 28rIJ Joslt and Roo 8 famify Adventure

8riii9 a pk.nld$6 per peroon

(;(J(/M ('('Pn 11( 6 fl f1")

8hooJs Marl af 7 p.m.

Przekop-1lK 1_

lVlUrpnyCharles and Delphme

Przekop of Comstock Park,announce the engageme:ot oftheir daughter Ehsha Przekopof Grosse Pomte Farms, toBnan Murphy of HarpPTWoods, son of John and AnnaMurphy of Shelby TownshIp AJuly weddmg IS planned

Przekop earned a bachelor'sut!gree from Western MIchiganUmvcr'Slty, and her master'sdegree from the Ll1lverstty ofMlchIgan.Dearborn. She 15 ateacher

Elisha Przekop e.ad BrianMurphy

Murphy eamed a bachelor'sdegree from OaklandUmverslty and a master'sdegree from the University ofMlchtgan-Dearbom.

He IS an assIstant city man-ager


DFTROIT, "'i,CH.821.3525


Among those who attended the celebration party forUoivenity Uggett School's 1997-98 lUmual Fund are.~~ !=~ ..!..~! !!:-:~er ~t4"~~ !!,. ~j' a:l~ ..A..nnU"

81 Fund co-ebairmeD Dr. II. Michelle Pierron and JamesE. Decker.

ment of then' daughter, CherylBlonsky, to .Jason Wltulski, sonof Frank and Sandra Lleata of


MOn? people have it than I

know about it, IILupu\ Erythcmalo~u~ affcd~ anC\lIm,lIcd 2 million Amal~.ln~ I" '\11 Hl 1",. II." mnrc" Irw)lIf II h\i



Lr ur ,......a....,.:;" .., U\.J'I""I.;' ..

Blor-sky IS purs~U1g a nurs-mg degree at MacombCommumty College She IS apatient care techmcian at StJohn Hospital.

Wltulskl 1'3 pursumg a nurs-mg degree at Wayne StateUOIverslty He IS a radiologyattendant at 8t John HospItal

MafJone and GeorgeParson" of the City of GrossePOinte announce the engage-ment of their daughter, LauraParsons, to Rod Mlllott, son ofBruce and Conme MIllett ofMelbourne, Australia A July1999 wPddmg IS planned.


Parsons IS completing herbachelor's degree In professlOn-al commumcatlOns at theRoyal Melbourne InstItute ofTechnology In Melbourne,Australia

1hllott IS a graduate of theUmvcr'3lty of Melboume and ISan accountant at DelOitte andTouche In Melbourne

- Marg/#! &tns Sl'1llh

for theIr ml~Sl(Jn tv pIOVldebheltRr, dothmg <.Uull.,dmg,edUl.-dtlOll retredtl,maJ ldull-ties to! De(re)lt'., Je," fortuHa!epl'ople w~t)eM the eHntraJ!>ed n ,rh $,,00,000

Mo. C thd~ $~b,OOO In Je"el.r:..Yr ll! b'l:" raf!1 ..-a. ~dl In\ I LJdl n~tt~i! f'ir~~pn.!e, 3. l~d)' ....d_u~mond nng vdlued at morethan $14,(J{)O

For more IllformatlOn, call(:; L3) 886-4600

Goal reached:Unnerslty LIggett Slhoolrecently completed Its 1997-9tannual fund, whICh exc~dedIts $480,000 goal 51;' week!>aMad of schedule

A VICtory celeb:-atloI' "ash",r1 at the Grosse POinteHunt C1UO So tar, more than$492.000 has been glven orpl .. d .....rl Tn FT.<;;

Cynthia Lea AndreaLaogedock aDd R.icha.rd

PaulTeranesUmversIty WIth a bachelor ofSCIence degree In mechamcalengmeenng and from OaklandUniversltv With a master'sdegree In physical therapy SheIII a phYSIcal therapist

Teranes graduated fromGrobl* PomLe Sou~h HIghSchool He IS manager of Bikes,Blades and B'lards.

Jerry and Lmda Blonsky,formerlv of GT"fl'lRP PomtpWoods, -announce the engage-


June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News Faces & n_Ia_c_e_s 3B

17th annual Souper Summer Celebration to be July 10The 17th annual Sou per

51.:.1 ..r...."'1 (;(,..1t:01 adon,"Caputhm Band Stand: wIllb;>gm at 7 30 p m Fnday July10 at the Hlllcre~t BanquetCenLt:r, :;0:' tiroe!>l>etk In

Muunt Clemenb1'hp hJnt"h al~'" f/lr the

C'apurhm Corn mUnltv (' ...nf.PTof DetroIt I~ presente'd eachyear by Edmund T AheeJeweler~

Se~en ddft!Tlmt bar.ds -_ I I """1

O~o~h;~;;a:~~h~nyBl~h;t~.&Company, The T~n Angels,Royce and The J-n'aln - WIllproVIde hve entertammentChuck Yee Wlll host a dancecontest and Video Kl'IraokeWIll be available Chuck Yee",,II "" th.. n.r (;;n",.-le" "' ....co:nphmentary and a cash barWIll be available

Adnll.sslon lS fn>e All rampproceeds go directly to theCapuchm Cc ....mumty Center

Engag_em_e_n_t_s _Tishkowski-R lr"Alaransn.t

Dr and Mrs. Bernard E.Tlshk9WS!o of Orchard Lakehave announced the engage-ment of therr daughter, AllillOnTU:lhkowski, to DaV1dBaran:~n, son of Carl andDolorp" Baranski of GrossePointe Woods

Ttshkowsk., attendedHillsdale College and theUniversIty of Detroit DentalHYglene School She IS a dentalhygienist with the West MapleDental Group In WestBloomfield.

Barsl.nslu attended RETSElectrolllc Trade School He isa conllultant with MeI


Andre and ChnstlsneLangeaock of Harper Woodshave announced the engage-ment of their daughter,CynthIa Lea AndreaLangedock, to RIchard PaulTeranes, son of Paul andBarbara Tcranes of the CIty ofGrosse POinte A Spptemberweddmg IS planned

LangE-dock graduated fromLawrence TechnologIcal

,"YouWant TheBesfCafe~For theone You-Love"I If l'ou arc m ~ng iO balance 1!Ie demanas of woo-\. and family ~hlle canng lor yOJr p~rcnlI Call us today for full details .•. or drop in and visit

ICALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS,A Center of Lutheran '111'iSocial Services of Michigan I I:4950 Gateshead inear Mack and Mora".. 881.33741 I

I Parllall funded b








48 Churches June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

'The- Pres.bytenan (1UTI ..h (U:-',.\}

SaDday8"00 a.m Holy Euchmst10'15 am Hal) Ew:banst

Saturday5.30 p m. Hol) Eudlanst

TIle members ofFirst Church of Christ,

Scientist282 Chalfonte Ave.

Grosse Pointe Farms,cordIally invite you to

Jom us aloorSunday Services 10.30 a mSunda)' School For Students

up to the age of 20 10.30 a mWednesday Services 8 00 p m

flit English Ev.1JdtMm CtvchVemlCT Rd at Wcdgewood Dr

Gr~ POUlIe Woods884-S040

9'30 a.m. Worslup7'30 P m Thursday WorYupDr Waller A Sl.hnlle:t~ Pal.lOr


Chnst Church 5rasse rpomte)+:: -. ('EpISCopal)

"""'"• .. ...... T~tngte wayto meet

meet the needs ofour membersand to serve the larger commu.mty~

Rlmb_ was assistant to thebishop of the SoutheastMll"'}-\lgan ~yn""'d and he- li:p"vpdas pastor of St Jam€sLutheran Church 10 Grosi>ePomte Farms, pastor of 8traul Lutneran t..nurcn mVaHey Stream, N Y and execu-tIVe aSSIstant to the proJectdirector of the Inter-LutheranCommiSSion on Worslup

He earned a bachelor of artsdegree from ConcordIa SeniorCollege a..ld '" (U.."iA:l vl uivuu-ty degree from ChnstSemmary-Seminex

The Smgle Way, a group ofinterdenonunational Christiansmgle a<iults, will feature out.door games of volleyball, cr0-quet and badminton at its nextgeneral meetmg at 4 p m.Saturday, June 27. Teens andkids are welcome. The cost is$3 for adults; $1 for children.For informatIon about thegroup and the locabon of themeeting, call (810) 776-5535

Selective SinglesSelective Singles social and

travel ..tub, a group of busmessand professIOnal adults 45 .mdolder, will meet on Friday, June26, at Bravo's, 29047 Utica mRoseVIlle for cocktaJJs. conver-sation and dmner at 6:30 p.m.For reservations, call Ramonaat (313) 884-2986 or Bob at(&10) 777-6508.

10'00a.m.. Il.30 a.m. Supen~ XUl'iery ProVIded

61 Oro... PoInte Blvd.(313) 885 4841

A STEPHEN MINISTRY and LOG,OS Congregation16 Lakt.'Shore Drhe, Grosse Pointe Farols 882-5330



9:30 a m WorshIp


\J/ 2047581: Parknear Locbmoo!' CluhGrosse Pointe Woods

A Fnendl)' Church forAll Ages

211 Moross Rd.Grosse Pointe Farms

(Nursery A\ :u1abJe)

884-4820Grosse Pointe




8 30 am- Lake<;lde Worship ServiceIe 00 am- WorshIp ServIce -Sanctuary

815 1115am -CrrblToddlcrCarc

The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church

Sundayg-oo a.m Holy Euchamt

)(,30 a.m. Slor)I Hour (Swnllll:r)10-30 3 m 010<aJ EIlchanSl

_1 _

J:11dJ.1~~ UIUllU::C


The Southeast MichiganSynod of the EvangelicalLutheran Church m Amenca,Ull'UY.K.,J that the RevRobert A Rlmbo, semor pastorat AntIOch LIlt}lPran Church lPFarmmgton Hillb, has beenelected hlshop, effective June15 Rlmbo IS a reSident ofvrosse romte rack

The Installat10n wll1 be at 4pm S,mday. JLlDe 28, at theEpiscopal Cathedral Church of8t Paul, 4800 Woodward inDetrOit. Bishop H GeorgeAndE."rson,presldmg bishop ofth~ ELC ..A~ \\1.11preSide o"t::l thi;mstallatlOn

Bishop-elect Rimbo Will beone of 65 ELCA bishops in theUmtPrl ~Ultp'l SInn W111 nv .. ....-the work of the Lutheranchurch m an ll-oounty area ofsoutheast M1clugan.

"T'nese are exchmg yet chal-lenging times for the church,"RImbo S8.ld, "and I look for-ward to working with our con-gregatIons as we contInue to

The Grosse Pointe SkI Clubhas planned a variety of sum-mer events, including a tennisparty on Satu:rdsl.y, June 27,With lunch afterward at Jack'srestaurant, a day at the polomatches; a golf outing; and anew member barbecue.

Pointer elected bishopof Lutheran church

GlOP. Ski Club

m GRACE UNITED+ CHURCH OF CHRIST"l~.!'KercheValat u~.ewm[e""-....- Grosse POinte Park If.22-3823

Sunday - Worship 10 30 a mTuesday. 100ft SI10p lO 30 • 3 30Wo:dneSday - Amazmg Graa Semon


Redeemer UnitedMethodist Church

20571 Vermer jllSl W of 1-94~ H~Woods

'-' 10.30 a.m.~orSIIlP

For more information, callJack Cotalmg at (31a' 886-5972




"Keep Your Eye, on the Road"to{)() A M FAMILY WORSHIP


Rl'v E A Bray. Pastor


Nursery Services Available


8 15 & !(}-45 a.m WOlSIup SemI:<:9 30 3 m Sunday School &

Bible C1~

Next ServiceJuly 12

Mack ai Lochmoor884-5090

Grosse Pointe UnitarianChurch

Raady S. BoeIttr, PaslnrTIIIlOlb) .\. HoIIerIaDd. .use. Pastor

~~:J1=Me: :...•~ I PRESBYTERIAN

199so Mack (oelWee!1Moross & Vernier)

10:00 a.m. Worship

1030 am servICe & Church SctJooI17150 MAUMEE


Christ the KingLutheran Church


For more informatmn or topreregIster, call (810) 779-7900between 9 a m. and 4 p m.Monday through Friday.

trol and momtor glucose levels.Upcommg tOPiCS mclude

"Exercise and Diabetes," to beheld July I, and "CreatIveSnacking," to be held Aug 1.

J;1""'J4 ,.~ .....;::~ ~,..,. 'iI' -J'~ t:-

W 0 R S HIP S E<R v1C'NOOl!

The Holy Eud1anstf!Wrj Wednesc!IIy

The Rev. Richard W. In~alls,Rector

".nneth J. Sweetman,Or~amst and (holl"lna.,r.r

3 B-159-22Oti

SLNDAY8 30 J m • Hoh C{)mmJ.n1or1015 am. Adult B'ok SlUd\1 J l.M a m Moh l..OmmUnlon

&. ","!'oCr)

THt'RSD~Y12 lOp m . H"h Commun,on

,"-c C'1. tA ,(~ C""v(M.-ed C""'lAA~9'Clw,,""'/vC\'~H"" ~~("f'c1 (-1-'\. "'«'~1~.xft.(''''',.+''I~/ C'7)("~.l.. Irt-(.c.-+l-t.t;;

SV L"i ScLvol 9/ ..5;\"

Su"d","i ~ol">h f' 'i 00 ,',M?1336 Mac~ !,,¥'t"t V~ C:::,Y"o~~ei-Jolrte WouJ~

Phone (313) 881 3343

11ann,,..' 011 Hart PkJQz at th, TUlllltI

Frtt ~'C"rtd Parllng. Fnrd (iarag,""ltr DJ Wood"ard & Jeff,,..an

St. James Lutheran Church; 70 McMIllan Ad nea' Kerche'/alGrosse Pomte Farms. 884-051,

930The Holy Euch.ln~

A rr t.orr4.Jtw"rd

A HOUSE OF PR 0\YER FOR 0\1L PEOPLEThe j 928 Boo~ "r Crymmon Praver

Bon Secours offersdiabetes support group

I Nf.~ :~n...~?~H.... ta1 N.... ta1 ~t ••. 1sift Care Unit (NIetn ReUDIon wu held recentlv in thehospital.s Courtyard n:sta1ll1lDt. .

The party was a eelebn.tiOD. of life Cor NIeu gradu-ates, who an spent at least a month in intensive careafter birtb at St. JolUl Hospitai and Medical Cen~er.

More than 500 people attended, lacludlng 175 for.mer NIeU patients ranging In age from 3 months to 20years old..

Among those who attended were the WIIbenti.agquadruplets: their mother, Libby WIIbenti.ag of GrosePolnte Fuma; and their grandmother, Ruth Keoghalso of Grosse PolDte Farms .• \t the left Is Dr. All Jtab.bani. dlreetor of Pec5atrics at St. John Hospital.

Bon Secours Hospital willoffer free monthly supportgroup meetings for people WIthdiabetes and their familIesfrom 6.30 to 8 P m. at the BonBrae Center Classroom, 22300Bon Brae, St. CIaO"Shores

Participants Will diSCUSSexercise and dJ.abetes, how tocount carbohydrates and con-

Mr. and Mrs. JamesRichard Kohloff

Better of DallasThe nngoearer was Hnan

Hoeper of NebraskaTI-,emother of the bnde wore

a be.ge slt:e."eless dress andJacket and a whIte orchId cor-sage

The groom's mother wore agold and IVOrypant SUltand awhIte orchid corsage

Scnpture readers wereKdthy Belter and CourtneyKohloff

The bnd" earned a bachelorof SCIence degree In cnml'1alJustIce from Wayn(' StateUmverslty She IS a chumsadmmlstrator ,1\ Ith CIGNAInsurance Co

The groom earnE'd a harhelnrof <lrt" degree In public admm-u"l!d\.IU1i d[IJ d Ld( }ltdOI of df t..,u€'gr€'eIn political scwnce tramMIchIgan State linlVerslly HeIS a cImm" manap"'" ",dthAmensure Insurance Co

The couplE' trav€,!pd toDisney World In Froneta They!lve In St Clmr <;;hnT""

The bnde wore a white SIlksatm sleevelei>s gown WIth aaeep V back, a beaded walst-hne and an A-hne skirt HerfingertIp sIlk Illu'>lOnveIl washeld by a beaded crown Shecarrled a bouquet of whiteGerber dals.e~, roses, mml car-natIons and l\'Y.

The maId of honor was thebride's SIster, Lmdsey Martmof Gros~e Pomte Woods

Bndesmatds were the bnde'sSister, Cheryl Littleton of '!'roy,and MISSY Cavagnetto ofRedford


The Pastor's Corner

The Elijah syndromeThe Rev. David H. WickGrosse POinte Baptist Church

E,er.' thmg wa" g'Olng well for my fm'nd H, hana great Job and was makmg more money than hekne\\ \~hat to cia wIth

He actually saId. "1 don't know what to Jo with allthe monel' I'm makmg."

1a never heard anyone say that before or sinceHe had Just gotten engaged to a gIrl With whom heW'l~ m'lrllv m lnvp

"I'm woi-ned," he confessed to me "I'm sure It", .. " "UIJ!JU,,~J ~u Lt: t1u" t:<1::» lor a Chri.,tldo Vvtlt'ndo 1 have w face tnals and tnbulatlOns'}"

1couldn't have known the answer from exoerlencebecause thiS was 25 years ago and I didn't havemuch expenence. It might huve been a lucky guess,O\lt J said the truth. "Don't worry, }OUI turn .....llcome."

My prnphPl"Y began to prove tr.le a few monthslater when lus fiancee broke theIr engagement sndhi; adviJted "rr~~JtLtt:nk Ho~l" as hl~ Lheme song

In the 25 intervening years my mend fell in loveagain and mamed and has faced the usual lot oftnals and testing that one might expect WIth hav-mg three children and going through a couple ofcareer changes, at least one of them forced on him

He has weathered it all very well. He still has abuoyant Christian faith. He has found that GOO isfaIthful through times of trouble and testing.

Come to think of it, I've been through some deepwater myself m the past 25 years. I've also foundGod faithful, although sometimes I lose sight of Hisfaiihfuiness in the middle of the trouble.

I'm like the prophet Elijah In his one moment ofweakness. Having defeated the prophets of Baal ina mountaintop showdown, he fled in fear of his lifefrom v.'icked queen Je.tebel. HlCling out in thewilderness, he collapsed in exhaustIOn and depres-Slon, convinced that he was the only man with faithm God and that God's work in the world was defeat-ed

God asked Elijah a penetratIng question: ".Whatare you domg bere, Elijah?" ("'Here" being theWIlderness.)

Then God sent Elijah right back into the thick ofthe fray, giving him the task of anomtmg two newkings and appointmg Elisha to be his successor.

Elijah had lost sight of the truth that GOO wasstill actively at work in spite of - and even in -Elijah's personal problems God's question and HisassIgnment to Elijah were a reality check.

The way out of trials and troubles for Elijah wasto see what God was doing, and to latch on to hiSrole in God'6 work.

I'm trying to learn from Elijah and from experi-ence. When trouble starts coming down so heavy Ibegin to Hunk I should wear a hat I try to remem-ber that God is sull m control, W ask what He IS upto in thiS partIcular situation, and to hear fromHim what It is that He wants me to do.


Chnstme Mane Martin,daughter of Carol Ann MartmcfCt.vssc POii"~tc\VUud.:; dJul th~late John L Martin, mamedJames RI,..hard Kohloff, son ofMary Alice Kohloff of St. ClalrShores and the late RobertPaul Kohloff, on Sept 27,1997,at Grosse Pointe MemonalChurch

The Rev R Michael FoleyoffiCiatedat the 5 30 p m cerE"mony, whIch was followed by areceptIOn at the Grosse PomteYacht Club

rr'ho ..,,,~. n,..f'n'l"': H~ If' .........1..o .......••• ~&J

Crowe of EastpomteAttendants wore black and

white '>leeveless crepe columndrei>ses and carned long.stemmed r(>dGerber dal'lH'<;

The best man was DomIniCDeMana of Clmton Townshll>

Groomsmen were theP'l'onm'<; h,.nth"'T<: Tom Rnhlnff'of rlmton Town'lhm i1no TimKohlofT of Royal 'Oak, and....... ...... • l r""l ~t..:::..urgL ,;:)Ul)(lH Uj \..dUILUU

TownshIpU,:;hers were Ken Hofmanr.

and Mark CeraucJo, both of St(,h'T "hn,..." "",Ii W,lh"m

June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

Health 58

........... +"" -J ..... .- c;;:.." .......... J:o'\'\r T"r.iICI

27~~t'th~S.tp;~iSch~l~f~:tena, 170 Grosse POinteBoulevard m Grosse PomteFarms

The Fourth of .July hohdayperiod has tramtlonally been achallenge for the Amencan RedCI'05S to mamtain a sufficientblood supply. Donors are oftenoccupied W1th hohday traveland vacatIon plans.

Walk-m donors are welcome,or call (iH3, 417.2698 for anappointment.

St. Paul Catholic ChurchKmghts of Columbus Wlll spon-sor Its first blood drive from 9

mahon, call1248) 551-5580

Blood drive slated

al"d l'Tutnttonal Medl~me nBlrmmgham; and FerndaleHealth Center For mo!'~!nfor-

workers do not proVIde medicalcare

~o pnor "xpenence I:> neces-san, but applicant', mu",t beage 18 or oldel Access to rell.able t"'a~sFc~at)(}n I ~ :-~ecedDavtime work hour", are avad-abl~ "e,en da}s a week

The hourly wage 11> $7 33 perhour, plu;, mlleagt: palU lUrtransportatiOn

l' or more mIormatlOn, or anapplH.atlOn packet, call (248)551-0305 or (248) 51.>1.0711Monday through Fnday from 7am -5 p m

• Reguiar Bone Density Tests• Reguiar visits and Eva!uauoll~

• Inve»llgational Drug• CalCIum & Vitamm D 5upplemen\5

For More InformatIOn CaU.m...... i'M, ....


ProgressllV! medldne lJ'rfll the human rouch

WIlham Beaumont HospItal,3601 West 13 MJle m RoyalOak, 16 SE'Cklng Indiv:dualsWlth hIgh blood pressure to vol.unteer for three research stud-Ies of new medications.

Male or female volunteersage 18 and older are neededFemale partICIpants must be ofnon-childbeanng potentlal

All laboratory tests, phYS1-c.ais, EKGs and study mOCIca-tlOns are free of charge for par-tiCipants

StudIes are bemg sponsoredby Beaumont's Division ofCard10vascula.r Services 10Royal Oak, ClmIC ofPreventlve

Volunteers are neededfor blood pressure study

WIlham Beaumont Hm,pltal1:> st'ekm~ mtere::.ted mdl\ldu-als [or Helpmg Hands a non-profit progra'TI managed LyBeaumont's Department ofOid"r AJulL S...nH.L:> \Vorkerscan provlCle companIOnship.a"sl::.tance and transportationto Independent-hvlng andhomebound sen lOr cltlZtm" mthe commUnIty

S€rYlces prOVIded by HeilJulgHanrls mclude a<;slstance Wtthbathmg, shoppmg, meal prepa-ratIOn, housekeep ng andtransportatIOn Helpmg Hands

Helping Hands programneeds more workers

From mtimate bIrthing suites to one-on-one nursmgcare for Mom and first mate. Educational classes for the entire

family - ev~n grandparents. Everythmg is designed to helpyou and your baby sail through the entire birthlJ.gexperience. Jom the crew at Bon Seeaurs BlrthCare.It's ':;;11oothsailing all the wayFor additional information, or for a physician

referral: ples'ie call Bon Secours Women's HealthCarp.

cheek or ton/:Ur Remove tbl! plEa!QW.Y If they are on the surfaveP-i8Il~~u au: ~ un tt-IC' ~un~ $'fea

& call your cienl18t.2 • If a wqtb appean to be

knnclsed !lilt, qwddy try to Iotate thetooth IffouDd W1lJunlO-15 mmutesgentlY place 111 the empty soc::ket,M"" th.o ,"",lit hnltl thP tMth underthe ~ or pIaoe Ina g!3lis of IXlllk.Immechately call thi! derJ:lSt.

3 • Dc, rot pargc, Keep calm. andassunr the cIuld tIll'y will be 0.1\.

4. HayeX-BaysTakmTechnology In denbstty ~ amaz.

mgl So when )'O'.u' "StevIe yzerroan.comes to YOll Wlth tooth m hand.remember these up!! & call yourdent1st.

Ik Kevin Prush: 810-775-2400

For more mfonnatlon or topren.gJl;ter, call Bon Secours

The class. conducted by aphYSICian who speciahzes ininfechous diseases. will be heldon Wednesday, July 1, from 6-7pm, 10 the Bon SetoursHospItal Board Room, 468Cadleu>.. Gro~ Pomtc Th~co~t IS $10 a per50n

Premarital AIDS counselingCommumty Health EducatIonat (810) 779-7900 betwe>(>n 9a m and 4 p m Mondaythrough Fnday.

Bon Secours HospItal IS

offenng- counselmg on sexuallytransmItted diseases thatmeeu. new state requirementsfor marriage hcense apph-cant.'l

p.m In the Bon SecoursHospItal pnvate dmmg room(lower levpl1 CO'5t1S $12 a per-son. For more mformation or topreregister, can Bon SeroursCommunity Health Education

"By Word of Mouth"Dr. Kevin Prush, D.D.S.ThIs n.ally IS

Hq;kgyIpwn: TheRsd~""'IJL""~ Cup tor !befIOOOn<1 straight yearand the Umversttyof Mlclugan wonthe NCAA NabooaJ

'U' ........ _~ ("'1,. ... )'10'" ~'W ~ t'hl:lln

;;;;,-~-~ an ;~ulal1ng the SteveYzermana and Seqe Fedorovs.

As a hockey fan, 1apJlftoCU\~ the funkids are hawJg. Aa a deDtIllt, I _ thelhp S>de. \\brned parent5 bnng th<!lr dIll-dren inlO the of6ee with a dupped, fractured or knodred out toolh.

NOT TO WORRY! Here'. what to 00I • Look. at the clJild"9 !.tJOth d{lSdy If a

tooth IS fi:actw:ed or clupped, check forpieces t.'urt may be embedded U1 the hp

Nursitl~ scholarshipsThe Bon Secoun. AalstaDce League awarded three

naralllg scholarahlpe to Bon Seeours employees whoare purtnllng their DurstDg educatioDs. From left. arescholarship recipients Mar8ha GrlftilI and Anne SteW-art, both ti' C1lD.tOD ToWilBhip; aDd Deborah Rudd ofGrosee Pointe Woods. At the far right is FloramaeX1lber, president of the .-\ssis+..:ne~~a:-..le.

The scholanhlp fund was Nt up In 1988 to ensurethat "lovlDg, professloDal care" would continue to beadmlDis1ere4 by BOD gecoms nurses. The premlse isthat "investing lD. people is as important as donatingfunds for such thIDIs as equipment and special pr0.-


Nu~tion classis Monday, July 6

A free semmar about healthyhvmg the natural way will !>eoffered by Dr DaVId Jantz andDr Kenneth Hutcheson andnutntlOmst RoD Kosloff Thesemmar Will be presented at7'30 pm Monday. July 6. atChrist the King LutheranChurch. 20338 Mack in GroSSf'Pomte Woods Th make a reser.vatlOn, call (313) 881-7677

CPR class will be July 8Learn how cardIopulmonary

resuSCItatIOn(CPR) can save alife by SIgning Up for BonSecours Hosp1tal's mfant/chIldhfe support class ThIS classcovers "one-rescuer" life sup-port skills, mfantJdnld chok-ing, along .....ith busie anatomyand phySiology.

The class will be heldWednesday. July 8. from 6 to 10

to famIly-centered childbIrth inmetropolitan DetrOIt.

When the time is rIght to add to your precious family,welcome aboard your new arrival at Bon Secours BirthCare.We were the first Eastside hospital to offersingle-r.oom • •m,~ternlty --care And, with some of the area'sbest doctors, nurses, educators andother specialist~ on our RirthCtre team,wt:'rt:: ~uillllllc:l dllt:dJ wllcll ;t ':00;'::':;

Bon Secours BirthCare.Clearl~ .. Just Miles Ahead.

Understanding asthmaBy Dr. Ralph E. OiLisloSpecial Writer

Fourteen millIon people In tIllS country - vne-thll dof them children _. have asthma, a chrome lung dls-eabe that mhlblts a persoll's ablhty to breathe freelyYet mallY don't r~ahze they have It, and that can bea lIfe-tnreatenmg SltudtlOn In som~ Cd.l>t:b

The most common symptoms of asthma are recur.rent wheezmg, shortness of breath, a feeling of tlght-

1 1 ... ..J ... .-\... \.. 1... "" f'~....~",...n. ...l,"='"'f"I11""':'':' .all. "'I.t~ "-11'1...,,:)'" "-" loA U vlWob' .." _ - ~~~

a week It's easy for the ummtlated to dIsmIss thesesymptoms as sImple bea:oondl dllt't I:.i~" Ut tr..: "ft"rcffects of a cold. especially If tht: symptoms are ~Id orgo away quickly.

The trouble IS If the asthma goes unchecked, themsease may get progressively worse, and the patientmay require escalatmg doses of med.lcatIOo or evenhOspltahzatIOIl to control It.

We- doctors don't know precisely what causes asth-ma, or why some people are more prone to get It thanothers. We do know that a person can develop as~hmaat any age. aad that airway inflammation 1Sthe has1ccause of symptoms.

During an asthma attack, a person's airways swellon the inside and constrict on the outside, whichblocks the flow of air and causes the wheezing that ischaracteristic of asthma. This constrictlOn also causesthe airways to narrow, making It even harder tobreathe, espec1ally when duck mucus clogs the small-er airways.

Asthma often is tnggered by a vanety of externalallerg~lIb. &uu~ of t~..~ must COi".1inOncnC3 ::'TC melds,animal dander, dust mite particles, sulfites (used aspreservatives in both foods and beverages) and cer-tam medications, includmg aspirin or penictllin.

Other non-allerglc tn~rs that cause airwayswelling and narrowing and the production of mucusinclude tobacco smoke, smog, wood smoke. paintfumes, exercise and changes in barometric pressure.

If you experience any of the classic symptoms ofasthma, it's important that you discuss them withyour doctor as soon as possible. Many asthmatics whohave mild coughs or episodic wheezing may not needto do much more than make adjustments 10 theirhomes and offices to eliminate potential triggers.

But for the 20 percent of asthmatics who make upto 14 million outpatient vis1ts each year, and accountfor up to $80 million of the annual cost of treatingasthma, a more concentrated plan of attack is neces-sary.

After discussing your symptoms and possible tng.gers with your doctor, he or she W1Il help you treatean asthma management plan tailored specifically foryour own needs. Part of the plan win mclude the useof one of the new anti-lnflammatory, ora! controllermedications like Accolate, Smgulair and Zyflo, whichprevent and even reverse airway inflammation and8ellEltivity. Dry powder corticosterOld mhalers likePulffilC'.ort also may be prescnbed for controlhngmflammatlon.

Once prescnbed, take your medications faithfully toprevent future asthma attacks, don't stop takingthem when you feel better. Asthma is a chronic ratherthan an acute disease and requires contmuous dosesof anti-inflammatory medication to keep it in check.

Yaul1 also be introduced to a hand-held, self-man-agement tool called a peak flow meter, wluch mea-sures how fast you can expel 3.lr from your lungs.Thir. deV1ce is used to warn you of an upcoming asth-ma attack so you can take the appropnate relievermedication and stop 1t from happening

One of the m3.1n goals of the asthma managementpla.Tlis to allow you to live as normal a life as poss1-ble. When your asthma 1Sproperly controlled. youl1hi> ablE' to participate in all of your usual activities,including sporte and exeI'Clse. It's a common m1scon-ception that because exerc;;lse;.;:c:an::::tn:.:gg::er:::as:th::ma====attacks, people with the Idisease should avoidstrenuous activity.Exercise will actuallyimprove your lung func-tion, and lf your asthmaIS properly controlled,there's virtually nothingyou car.'t do.

Although asthma can'tbe cured, it is highlymanageable If your asth-ma has been hard tomanage, there's helpavatlable right 10 yourown ne1ghborhood TheSt. John HospItal AsthmaCenter offers a W1derange of semces to peo-ple who have a difficultt1me managlng the dis-ease The asthma centerWIll prepare a Cl",tomasthma managementplan tallor-made to theindiVldual patient andpro\lde a wntten rt:!ferr<11Ito the pnmary carephYSician The patumt IS

then referred back to hISor her primary phySICIanfor follow -up care.

For more mformationabout the Asthma lPntRr,call (313) 343-3475

• DILts'o I:; a pulmonalagIst an staff at St JohnHJspltal and Medlca[Center and th.' a.~thmacenter

" .

... .

.. -


• i •r,

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68 Entertainment June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News


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In an "ggressl\ I;' - bomt:would say "re\ olutlOnary" -mdnner, I.hargmg a mere $10over wholesale for torkage(Standard lIldnstry practl(.e ISto once a rt"~taurant bottle attwice retal! •

FIrst mtroduced \\ Ith theMarch makeover. ,JimmY's hadbeen bellmg top plch --= like a199-4 Opus One Cabernet or al::1l:111L lIatealJ. LeO\ IllePovferre Bordeau.< - for le~sth;n $100 These bottles couldeasIly go for $200 at the'Snake The June wme menusbll sho"-" "wl.st Jlmrr.y pays"loftl'n le<;:;;than retalll thp $lflcvrh.agt; ft::t:, anJ. '"what youPdj" (do the math), but theselection lS much 12ss ambi-tious than last spnng Wecountf'd two houl ..",lwpr ~fi(),a dozen m the $20 rarlge, andthe vast maJonty In the teensand smgle digits TIlls makesthe "$10 corkage" practice lessmvitmg; I don't want to knowthat Junmy prod $6 98 for my$16.98 bottle of Round HIlimerlot. On the ot.her hand, Ilove some of the hard-to-findbms on thIS eclectIC hst - likethe fruity Folie a Deux calx-r-net ($17.78 + $10 = $27 78)and the woody Chalk HillSauVlgnon Blanc ($13.58 +$10 = $2358).

The Saturday mght dmnercrowd was just starting to thinout when the folksy amplifiedgultar-and-bass duo startedtunmg up. The entertammentis meant to be amblent, butlike the fond, it puts out a fewtoo many decJ.bels. By 9 30n m th,:. TI"l.11c:!:1MQnC ......",.1

~l~~.ti;~- d~g;.;-; savefor my table and one other,plus a few bar stools In theback. Even the servers hadstopped C1rculating, so we hadto go looking for our check

Jimmy's IS giving off lIllXedslgnals: come, go; stay; leavebetter than ChIanti, but It'sstill not Rattlesnake East

ments I also en)ojE'd the por-tobella burger ($595), an aldeNe tour-Inch cap, btre ....nWIth heady ,'oabled garhc,omonb dnd peppersPortobellas are natur<1l1y hIghm gluta!l'atf''' hf'nce theirmeaty taste I got a stale bunWith thIS one, but It m.ghthave been a fluke

Grosse POinte lo...es Its lake, ..p.....l."-UJ -u.a/Y. tJUUUlyo ut::H\~r:>

Wlth a mess of pan-fned filletsplam \;i,15 !:ItI), or atop a nestof angelhatr potatoes, them-selves plied high on a moundof garhc mashl"d potatoes,Wlth a puddle of caper-en amS3urp for uood TT1o::11O'J1~'~"''''''

($16 95). SPelld-~h;-;;;trabuck for this fanC1ful presenta-tIOn, then bask In the butterytenderness of the fish con-trasted 'l\'ith the crisp brownshoestnngs and the nch gar-licky mashers. No doggy baghere

Dally specials highlightsteaks and chops four days aweek, mterspersed WIth shell-fish. Jrmmls grill fare has Itsmoments. A s.mple 8 oz clubsteak ($11.95) was second onlyto the perch and left room fordessert. Rattlesnake babYback nbs ($14.95) are tenderand meaty, but r wasn't keenon the pnckly ketchup-basedsauce. And lamb loin chops($18.95), a tour de force at the'Snake, were thinner thanexpected, wluch may explamwhy they were also overdone- a tragedy •

Desserts are Schmtdt's Spe-cialty We Imgered over blue-berry cheesecake (t4 9!i\ R

flaky, light and fluffY cloud -so much claslner than a bnckof cream cheese - garnishedwith whipped cream and freshberries.

SchmIdt's signature choco-late ravioh are available($5.95), four spare porkets ofwhIte chorolate "pasta"enveloping a dense bittersweetmousse. Chocohohcs willappreciate the chocolate cake Jimmy's($4.95), two tmy wedges of 123 Kerr:r.evaldense, tlourless cake and a (313) 886.81()1scoop of Edis vanilla Ice Mon -1Ues. 5-9 pm.cream, all bbe1'll1ly dnzzled. Wed-Thurs 5-10 p.rnwith caramel Fn .Sat 5-11 p.m. Bar OJX'1!

Jimmy's IS presentlng Wlnes one hour longer

:\Ihbles and entrees breakdown In a dozen ~ategorles onthe meandenng retro.stylLdmen u. Schm Idt s fine (r acker-\-rust PIZL"!., are Intact, a" arethe calamarz and d (uuple ofthe pastd" The re:>t IS clubfood -:l mCOI"e balad, a BLT,brOIled whitefish and steaksFiftIes-era cocktaIl suggestlOnsfollow the current fdd toward"",., -..+ .. ~. C" ~'!....""":~:.:.......:-_ :.:-..lCo<;mopohtans

SeUic d... ~~.xd.Ju",u lu~h-brows from the RattlesnakeClub are eVident In thesmoked pheasant quesacbllaappetlzer \$7 95) and thespmal.h.shntake cold poachedsalmon ($15 95) But thiS ISmuch more ot a casual-cor,-cept-Wlth.destmatIOD appeal1 than a tine dlnmg estabhsh-ment

A chunky artichoke dIpappehzer ($595) surpnsed thesmuses WIth a healthy helpmgof horseradIsh - not unwel-come, but certamly unf1>xpect-ed. Skip the accompanymgsourdough toasts and np off ahunk of Jimmy's comphmenta-ry garhc bread to scoop It up

Toppmg the calaman arefned zuc<:huu chIPS ($5.95), abrimmmg bowl of cnsp tempu-ra coms WIth a couple mid-dlmg dips - the house ranchdressing and a .swaml" cock-taIl sauce Once your elbowlearns the path from bowl tomouth, It Just goes on autopi-lot: our threesome dew uredthe zukes in minutes.

We looked forward to thesame lIght breadIng on theGumness battered onion nnJtS($3.95), but alas, the kitchenused fresh beer, wluch foamson com.aet WIth the fryer tocreate an oily sponge Theyreally should use flat beer.

I saw a lot of burgers andwme glasses at JImmy's, andmdeed, the double steak burg-er ($5.25) was a real treat.FIrst off, you can really ta3tethe meat. ThIs may be off-putting if you're not expectinga heaTty steak flavor m abUl~er Jlmmy's gnnds CPTtI-fled angus beef dally, thenpiles two puck-SIzed pattIes ona seeded bun WIth a range ofgourmet a [a earte condi.

01 opemng hIS fouI"th ChiantITuscan Gnll In ROlhester, aprospectI\e customer war,-dered In "ad asked hIm If It\.\.~~gnp....g to be non OhveGarden Tt.>be falr. OIIV€'Garden was runmng a Tusc.anpromotlOn at the time, andChIantI had been pGbltlOned,aiter all. to respond to the gaphctween the checkered table-('10th ,Inn "..h,t .. -],,,.,n Tt .. ], ...... "

By openmg day, theHf\I"'ntJolO:t.:li.,. ot0!"e ~~~~':'

"Sm1tty's." The lIdl store fol-lowed SUit and the Ann ArborChIantI has also been convert-ed.

(AskeJ hI:>plans for thetlagstup t.outhlield Chrnntl,Schmidt Just laughs )

The Slze of the patty is up toyou I ended up Wlth 11three-inch cakes. One wouldbe mce as an appetIzer; twowould serve as an entree

To cook the sockeyesalmon cakes, heat a non-stlck sklliet to mecbum heat.Add a tablespoon or two ofohve or vegetable 011 Youmay also squeeze a littlefresh lemon juice into thepan Place the l.'8.kes m theheated pan and cook on eachSIde untIl golden brown.

Lowe .. the heat and contm-ue cookmg for a feowmoremmutes so the cakes areheated throul!'hnut ~rvl>Wlth a fresh ~mon wedgeand either of the followingeasy sauces:

To mayoIUla1.Se add freshlemon juice and dned dIllweed for a juicy tWlst oneveryday tartar sauce.

Or, for a ZlPPIer sauce,combme equal parts mayon-Drose and ketchup and add afew drops of Tabasco or yourfavonte hot sauce.

If you end up WIth more orless than four cups of flakedsalmon, SImply adjust thefiller IngreWents accordingly.You may also substItute scal-hons for the onion or celeryfor the peppers

Tn,Cl' .,.O"';:_~ " ... I!' _ "- ........ _ ... -:.-._.- ...... _ .. 1"''''' 4u 11. u-o...,,".:..~

you can be creatlve WIth ItPick up a whole saJmon,poach it for dmner, and turnthe leftovers mto salmoncakes for a future dinner.

Iv\\ t:J Lilt: lhe(.~ pn(.e, anamake the eOVlrOllment lessformal, more "run" Schmidtstresses "fun" m hIS descflp-hons of Jlmmv's

"It's a drop-b), ha\e fLln sortof place no more resen atlOns,It'll be mformal " A."kec1,,-hyhe's abandonmg the TuscanGnll concept so soon after It"introductIOn, &hrmdt wouldrather promote hiS new con-cept '"Take a look at whatwe're dOlO!!"Wlth WlnP" wIthcertlfied Angus steaks In thelow to mld-'teens (entreepnces), and fresh-groundsteak burgers "

But clearly SchmIdt .....a:; dlS-appomted wIth ChIantI s fire- or lack thereof. On the eve

mam bone. The salmoJl willbe mOIst from the oIl andmustard The only real laborinvolves plcktng out thesmaller bones

When you think the fish isfree of bones, begIn shred-dmg or flakmg It WIth yourhands mto a medium-sizedbowl. Through tIllS flakmgprocess you will hkely find afew bones you might havemissed

Chopped onion,Chopped red and greeD

pepper (mixed)Plain bread crumbsMayonnaise

, ('nded. up v.ith roughlyfour cups of flaked salmon.To that I added a half cup oft'>iu'1 uf Lht' followmg:

Top Wlth a dash of salt andpepper and mlX well, usmgyom hands

Form the salmon nuxturemto patti~ and set as1de.

Patty cake, salmon cake;Yes you can

Celebrate The Great Lakes


Rattlesnake East, it's not; but Jimmy's has its virtues

It's a seasonal thing Thereare certam tImes of the yearwhen seafood and vegetablesare better buys When theseItems are In season or attheIr peak. you can takeadvantage and turn thesepreciOUS gems mto fabulousside w:>hes or mam courses.

I jumped on some sockeyesalmon the other day atKroger In the Village.Sockeye salmon, also calledred salmon, IS caught mamlyfor c.anmng At $3.99 apound, It was certamly abargain

The downfall - you had tobuy the whole salmon

That ":'lIl.o.'t scare me. I've\\Testled Wlth whole fish mthe past Proudly, Iapproached the seafoodcounter and asked for the bigguy.

They ga,,'e 1t to me - allSIX pounds of It. It's sort ofeXCltmg, as Ifyou caught thefish yourself The guts weregone, thank-you

After cuttmg the fish mhalf. I placed the taIl end onU pIece of tOll and dO:J6ed theInSide WIth some 011 and ahttle mustard I wrapped thefish tv. 0 more times to keepIt from leaktng on the gnll

Coolung LIme Wlll vary,dependmg on how bIg yourfish 15 My SV('keye tookabout 50 mmutes on thegnU, 25 on each :>Ide

After alloWlng time for thefish to cool, open the f01.land.begm by pulhng out the

Lawyers AuxiliaryThe annual spnng membership luncheon of the Grosse Pointe Lawyers Awdl-

lary was held on June 3 at Jack's Waterfront Restaurant in St. Clair Shores. Thegroup appropriated funds tu benefit school children in Grosse Pointe. New offi.cers were installed.

From left, are Marge Deline. president of the Michigan Lawyers Auxiliary;Kathy Kedzielski or Grosse Pointe Shores. vice president; Christy Rickel ofurosse I"Omte~nores, recoreung secretary; Irene Gracey of Grosse Pointe FarmlJ.president; Sheila Gramenos of Grosse Pointe Part, corresponding secretary; andJucU Hurford of Grosse Pointe Farms, trea8~r. Not shown lU"C Shirle-yCnlwiey.parliamentarian; Connie Buydens and GlU'en Foust, delegates.

Bv nl'lv,n'" Rlnn ....SPeCia, Wr-tf>;- -_ .

DmE'rs at Chlantl on theHIli IIerE' surpflsed last --pnngD\ the makeo\ er of a re, tau-rant :>car,'elv three ,elln, oldRespondmg'to the declme In

traffic ....ble mO\lug fo! 118ru

on the \\holesale LOn' erSlOn ofthe ChIantI cham, celeb."t)thef Jlmmv Schnlldt's ~letaRestaural,t Group IS no\\10\.usmg on oJ lIurny s the evo-lutIon of the Rattlesnake Gnll~oncept that "'as ongmallyenvlslon€'d for hIS GrossePomte beachhead

Tl:e Rattlesnake Grlll wasSchmldt's effort to extend h,"c~l€bratt'd Ratt!t".:'ludk~ Cl..tuCUlsme te a WIder audIence,


At the OIACurrently on \'W\\ at thL

DetrOIt I~stltute of Arts,through Sunday, Sept 6, lS theexhlbltlOn Japane<;e Res1st-D"ed Textiles Yuzen andSfubon BeautIes from theBa!>(!ment. Pamtmgs from theEuropean CollectlOn, an exh1-bltlOn of nme rare portralt5,can be seen through SundaySept 13 Runmng throllghSunda), Aug 16, 1S ACelebration of LIthograph)20th CenturY Expans10n andExploratlOn - Th~ DIA crle-brates Its newly renovated18th C€ntury French gaHC'nc8WIth the first permanentinstallatIOn of the world-renowned Firestone Slh erCollection, piUS more than 200pamtmgs. sculptures andobjects dating from 1700 to1820

Museum hours areWednesday through Frida).from 11 a m to 4 p In amISaturday and Sunday, from 11a m. to 5 P m RecommendedadmiSSion l;:lo $4 for "dul~ nnd.$1 for children and student"Call (313) 833-7963

It Will be especlallv !Ote.-estmg to see or hear ho\\);ew York audiences respondto the finesse and subtlet1e,;of thIS productIOn It ISscheduled for a limited run 11l Il'I:o\ember at the City Center IMeanwhile. 1t 1Sbemg pre-sented In repertor') at theA"on Theater through ~O\ 6For tlc1{ets and a "sltor's jgU!de call (800" 567-1600 I





ILl Jt::;:, d.J ~ Vt-"'I~ _~.L\)H.r ..t ..

through Saturday from 10 , rJ

t0bpm L.alll.HjJt\LL-U~)l

Un.sculptureGrosse POinte re!>laellt Pc:( r

n Dun\! IS amOTJg th,c> arL'dIll~t~ fe~tult'd in Lndrfi"nr...;-'Sculpture, on dl"play at theDetroit Art1St'", :,1arket, {OURIver Place, SUite 1650 11.

De~r0't, th"'ough Fr'ld~.: Jllh.17 i-allery hours are Tuesdw,through Saturday, from 11 a mto.3 p nl dlH.l F:rH.ld)' ~ll)Ul 11a m to 8 pm Call (3131 393 ..1770

'1 '""'\r-"'IIVl,..L~'l '-"....................... .... ..... oJ --'

\' ork" In ,plfl ..d b) 1'J' h(Lntllry Earl) Arm nCiHl P(,tl<;r) by ,lohrl (;u(,dl,wI t .\10'1 dl~pl::'J arc I<lnd'l JpE' rellr .." ..t,,,' ""<111 PH'((' WltL (l\,'

tone.., of thc' ,ndll ,t nolI \~ l<.l\'. ( ..,[1,,. (,h"rlp~ T,mm B"l!a'd Tl,,,('( ond floor "tratl',n C,a llen ,graced by Y. hml"rcal yet fur"t 'onal object-> cre'lled l;'Rebecca C Hane\ The Sidl

Sevpral very appropnate andappeallng Shakespeareansongs (a couple borrowedfrom other plays) surfacehere ill 11t:V'i il.u.l:5j..:.al ~ttl.ug5WIth an early 20th centurypop ballad s.yle They aresung engagingly by JohathanW. Monro as Balthasar and1'0 thlP1Y' TT1""milont~ D1VP thp~h~~-a"lmost a mU~lcal come-dyal"

The sets are a l1ll'sterpieceof penod character and sub-.tIe enhancement of theshcur's :nCDd Much of thetime the shape:> of walls,arches and potted plantsappear only in sllhouetteagamst a background scnmrear hghted In peach andblue It IS a stunmng effectnchl) redolent of the twen-t.es and in keepmg \oIo1.ththeshow's concept of recapturedlove

If there has ever been amore umformly delightful-Much Ado," we haven't seenone

DO YOU •••want to be in the metro calendar?

Then fill UUI ,III:> rurn, :>t.IIJ It to 9G Kerche,la: Grosse i'CT':Farms, 48236 or fax to (313) 882-1585, by 3 pm Fnday

Event _Date -- ---- - --- -- ---- ----- - ---ITime ---- - -- - --Piace _CostReservatIOns & Questions? Call _Contact Person

Tom McCamus (m betweenmore strenuous roles mothershows) IS almost unrecogOlz-able as a sultry, malevolentDon John whue Skpht:uOwmette glves us a wholenew perspective on a favonteShakespearean character, theChief Constable DogberryA....n ..tJ " thQ 1,,Q"::20'l:n.~ ('Inl1nt~r............._ 0 ...._.- ..............oJ ... ~ ........ - .. 01

accents of old England, hebnngs a more contemporaryhumor to the Malaprop-mak-mg character With a flappmgtoupee and the unmatchablyfu.ilri.J c~prc:;.s:.c~c cf hl~ r'.]bber face

Another and more unusualhigh pomt of the show comeswhen the second romancebetween Hero and ClaudIO(TIm McDonald) IS spoIled bythe treachery of Don JohnMartha Henry's IMpaSSIOneddehvery of the scer.~ whereshe calls 011 Benedick toprove hiS love \\lth the com.mand, "'full ClaudIO!" IS abnef but telling demoostra-tlOO of her power as a dra.matlc actress It IS a deeplymO\'1ng moment that ISemphaSized by Bedford'sregistry of shock as heexpresses BenedIck's recogOl-tlon that she reallv means 1tThe scene IS mOl'e'convlOcmgand moving than one normal ..Iy expe<'ts m what IS other-Wlse a rolllckmg comedy

ChOOSlOg the 1920's as thepenod for th1S productIOnprovldes e\ en more rewards


Ftll.tLu1..d II. the first floorgallery of Pe",ablc PottE'ry,10125 E Jefferson m DetrOIt,

Exhibits & SalesIconography tour

Explore 'Sacred Byzantmeworks of art and the1r role mthe Greek Orthodox faith \\oltha free, private tour of anCientrehglOus art at TheAssumption Greek OrthodoxChurch, 21800 Marter m St.Clair Shores ReservatlOnsmust be made at least twoweeks ill f>d,,'ance LunchCQn ortea can be arranged 1':1 conjJ.ne-bon With pnvate tours Call(810, 779-6111

Repertory r:!pertolreL')\'~ ~nd f~cnd:;h::p ~..ude :1 '1

unempl(wed workE-r, hiSupwardly mobile Wife and anelderlv mdtnemaUlIdn tin (}ugntroubied times m Canad1;:nplaywnght Frank :\foher'stouchmg Odd Jobs The playdebutc; at the DetrOItRepertory Theatre 13103Woodrow Wilson 10 Detro]t,through Sunday, June 28Performances wrll be offered onThursday and Fnday at 8 30pm. Saturday at 3 and 8'30p m and Sunday at 2 and 7 30p.m TIckets are $15 Call (313)868-1347

,. ,,.tJ" Il\.l",. ~VU"''L'" -'I '1\....(.. ...... v .. " ~.\nu

Sho",uk()\'l( h, Broad ...."J tune"and -"I(ctlO,,' Ir,)J' .\, filmTIlarllc, un Tue",da\, JUlle 'w.it 8 pill, 1TI :,>ll:'t, 0Bl<Jch:-'let roP aI!' 11 W(l:'.letrolJark"" a, ,n :'>11C'l rnelhP'::lIhr.Th. T'r'\ll<::t n h .. th,.. r"i ..crl1'1r... I C)

:\letruPark", \eil,dl ntn p'rm.t lee 0; S15 On Thur"da\July 2, at 7 p m Hl Orche'OtraHall, 3711 Wl)ud ....ald If'

UetrlHt, trll' u')u \\11, lIl.lllJ tL'

Afncan Rhythm" 'SummelIo'e!>tl\al Y. lth a (OnLert I"'aturm~ Sahf Kuta 3TJd the WandaBand Papa Wemba andMolokm and vocahsl~ ChelkhL') "'ld \lanam :\ilur-alTH.h~t""l I d~ o'=' I urn $1 ~ t,) S 1""

Call ,J131 376-5111

by Madeleine Socia

Ml'anwhlle Bedford dell"-


€-,.., a JL(lJpclIl • tl1l\ ..t'\l11 tlHlotamount" to a show btopprrHe lI"veal~ fully a m,'c;tt>rfuJcapacity for playmg <tr'11ghtmd.n

<;'ldl mnl(' ch~s :1ch foll('\\

Shakespeare's many pomtedfil!Ures of speech We hearand have tIme to reg'lsterImportant references to char-acter and past relatlonslups,hke a hmt that Benedick hadcourted Beatnce once before

We dIscover that there 1Salaugh m every Itne and h)the hme Bnan Bedfordmakes hlS entrance asBenedlc .. , the comedy 1Sreal-ly roll.ng Moreover, the paceallows hme to really enjOythe fun And there 1Slots ofit

Once the plot IS under wayto tnck Benedick mto bellev-mg that Beatnce really lo\eshim (and Beatnce that heloves her), the scene wherethe men arrange to be over ..heard by the g-~lhbleBenedick unfolds w1thboundless comrdy In thespmt of the 1920s penod set-trng, they gath~r In the gar-den for cocktaIls whlleBenedIck I:>hidden beh1lld ahedge and WIth every SUCCeS-sIVe martml. theIr behaVIOrand the con\'ersatlOn - eventhough the lines are thsame we have heard manyhmes before - seem to growmore and more otltrage:>\:'sThe scenE' culmmates WithHutl's Leonato almost unableto get out of hiS chaIr andeveryone else, mdlJdmg the

... _ .........~ •i "..:Iau.UJt!I'-~, \ .... "'UI~"VI:)'-'~""

Art of learningThe Detro1t lnstitut(! or Arts,

5200 Woodward In DetrOit, pre.sents a vanety of entertammgand mformatlve programs Thefree \"ldeo PUJa. ExpresslOns ofHmdu DevotIon v,'11lbe shownt:ontmuous!)', through Sunday,June 28, In the DlA's PrentlsCourt screenmg roomArtlstlpnntmaker HarveyDamels demonstrates stoneand metal plate techmquesdunng the free vtdeo presenta-tion, Lithography, shown onSaturday, June 27 and Sunday,June 28, at 2 p.m. Particlpateill the NAMES Prc.Ject AIDSMemonal Qwlt dunng a freeDrop-In Workshop on Sunday.June 28. at 1 p m. Make yourown masterpiece dunng a freeDrop-In Workshop, Thursday,Jul) 2.. fru.ii1 flOOU tv 3 p.wDehght ill an artlst's passIOnfor the big top WIth the freeVIdeo Calder s CircuS, runmngcontmuously m the PrentlsScreenmg Room, Wednesday,July 1 through Fnday, July 31.Prereglstratl0n IS reqU1red forsome programs Call (313) 833-4249On Stage& SCreenDSO notes

The DetrOIt SymphonyOrchestra hIts the beach WIth

Terrific toursEXTlPnf'nr- .. thf' .. If'l:rant 1If..

:>tyle of one of DetrOIt", autoh"r".,~ WIth ~ Vl",t to on.. of"Amenca'" Ca:>tlC'i:>,"tht Ed"el& Eleanor Ford Hou~e Toursare ofTf'red Tue"day throughSaturday, from 10 a m to 4p III and ::'unday, from lI'J<lt! \,u4 pm Adm",slon IS $5 foradults, $4 for semor" and $3for children age~ 12 and underCall (313) 884-4222

,lC"l.UJ. t::", ..,,,lJll\~j IUiJ':' 'lilY ptwi-

formance rlemon"trJ.tlOn" forchildltm, adulh, S(H11Of'"><lndfamllw5 \\ I!I bt> 0ffel ed In theDE'trolt Opera House, 1526Br(liIdwa\ :'>10st fl!Termg-, J.re$ ,0. ~Ju~ a matena]" feeD~..........-.. + ...."'... .... ....n..... ,~.O.~......... \,b •.;)Li .... l,. J. .. ~ '1- .......

CJll (3131874 7237

Mature loversreincarnate 19205 version of fMuch Ado'

State of the Arts

- ~\-J'''U 'LJ.L lJ t ~"ov-

Age and falling in love aresubjects of such perenmalmterest that Stratford's newproduction of "Much AdoAbout Nothwg" Wlth an"older" couple playmgBeatrice and Benedick isbound to provoke lots ofcunoslty. That IS espeCially+...... ')0 ~ " n .... +" ........,... rol__ ,,"'" "' ~ .a. ~ ~

stars, Martha Henry andBrian Bedford, fill the roles

DIrector Richard Monettewhimsically calls It a"Sunset" productlOn In reall-~y,I~ fal:t!s ~]1I:....uLh Llu:ltembers of love and passIOnmay flare up at any age Inthe hands of tlus couple whoopen the actIOn well set Inthelr cranky ways, theunfoldmg romance lS anmsplratlOn They evenappear to reverse the processofagmg

The rest of the cast and theproduction Itself give the paIrJust the nght settmg andsupport to play out theIrhIgr-Jy entertammg and sus-penseful romance as maturelovers G1ven the neh actmbrec;ources of the Stratf0rdcompany that Monette couldenhst to back up the perfor-mance of thIS hIgh-poweredpair, the castmg 1'0outstand-mg throughout Monette didnot sparE' the horc;es

This 1SespeCially slgOlfi.cant here smce only a troupelike Stratford's that has aumform1t,}' of ",tyl.. and 1"cxceptlOnaliy attuned toworkmg closely together('auld pull off the remarkablyconsistent and speCial treat-ment of Shakespeare's scnpt

It lS eVldent m the veryfir 031, ~""t::llt: ,...heft: \\TllliorraHutt, as Leonato, and hiSextended fam:ly of meceReatnce, daughter Hero(Jenmfer (Tould I and brotherAntOniO (Joseph Shaw) makea mea"ured dehvery of Ime ...that arc mOle typIcally "po-ken r<lpld fire

WIth c'mver~atlOnal tlmmgand highly efTcctl\e pau'iCS,fl new rmphas1" IS gwen to


iL.. .... .. .,I

Live & learnCourses & aaventures

Enhance your mmd, body?nQ fpln' b~ ?artakmg 1" thf'courses a'1d adventures offeredby the Grosse Pomte WarMemonal, 32 Lakeshore IIIGrosse POlllte Farms Stretchyour mental and phYblcal agIh-ty Wlth Yoga, Wednesdays, July1 to July 22, from 7 30 to 845p m Tne fE'e 18 $34 Increaseyour energy and feel fit WlthVltahty Plus Aervulcs,Mondays Wednesdays andFriJays, July 1 through Aug28, from B:30 to 9 30 a m orThesdays and Thursdays, July2 through Aug. 27, from 6:25 to7.25 p m. Get fit uSing weIghtsand resistlve tubmg WithCIrCUIt Traming, Mondays,Wednesdays and Fndays, July1 through Aug 28, from 6'15 to7'15 a.m. The ft'es are $35 perclass. Preregistratl0n 1Sreqwred for most programsCall (313) 881-7511.

t).J,/.;J. l'\J1-U'l.(U ~


Thursday, July 2More music

The Gro""" POinte V1ilagcAssoc1<ttlOn\ :\lUbiC on thePlJ£a senes cuntrnues at thecor,wr of Kerchevcl! and 8tClaIr In Gros~e POlOte,Thursdd). Ju1) 2 at 7 pm,I'<lth a free perlormancp byTom Saunders anrt The DetrOit


31 Cruc33 HalIetS34PulJ1um36 Boo-Soo's


38 "Zounds'~3~Splll40 NOlOnCty4"' .._" ..-_.J ~

fI8ttIlCl'44 'UD!l-unh"45 Summer


46 A placeofpnde?




9 WbaI then:wp;-aUi Lc


IIUk.e cluId'splay

1~ ('..onfidc:n-ti8l1t)'hIak.

19 Ne.ot.bl,d:20Flldl21 1naIn1Oll2:~~l..23 PImlls'

Un25 Holds26 O&nder27 eon..


29 Satyr's

calling all craftersArea crafters are mVlted to

partake in Reglna HIgh SchoolMothers UU1Jds 22nd AnnualJuried Arts and Crafts Fair,Saturday, Oct. 24, from 10 a.m.to 5 p.m. In Regina High

Wednesday, .July 1 School, 20200 Kelly III HarperAll in good taste Woods Call (810) 776-9652.

Celebrate the many flavors Operatic enrichmentof DetrOIt dunng the 10th Enrich your appreclatlon ofannual Taste Fe~t, Wednesday, opera and all types of musIc byJuly 1 through Saturday, July registering for the MiChigan4, from 11.30 a.m, to 10 p.m, Opera Theatre's Learnmg atand Sunday, July 5, from 1130 the Opera House '98 p-ograms,a.m to 8 pm, along West scheduled for MondaysGrand Boulevard between through Saturdays, from 9Woodward and Thlrd m a m, to 9 pm, July 6 throughDetroit's New Center Area Aug. 2 More than 60 courses,Sample dehcious dlshes from I35 Metro Detroit restaurantsand enJoy top name entert.w.n-

_ t ,. I "

uu::u.... Ul\..lUU..aU!!j, .ut::U.U.l1.lJt:J. 0.

Ziggy Marley & the MelodyMakes, IAlS Lobos and M1chaelPeterson. Barnes & NobleBooksellers of Grosse P:>InWwill he hostmg Cunous Georgeat the event's KidZone Fndnythrough Sunday, from 1'30 to2 30 p ill. TIckets come In pack-ages of nme for $5 Call (313)872-0188.

Tuesday tunesFlIl your Tuesday evernng

with tunes! Stroll up to TheHill shopping dlstnct, onTuesda,}', June 30. from 6:30 to7 30 p.m., for a free concert bythe Fei>tlval Flutes, 111. thegazebo Oil Kcrch~":~! :tndMcMillan In Grosse PomteFarms. Call (313) 882-0077

Church, 16 Lakeshore mGrosse Pomte Farms, Wlll openIts free Canllon Conc.ert seneson Tuesday, June 30, at 7 pm.,With a Salute to FreedomFestIval performance by AnnArbor-based mUS1CIan MargoHalsted A teleV1slOn WIll beproVIded so that the audlencecan V1ew the actIon from theground. Patrons are welcometo dimb the tower and see a 47.bell canllon demonstrationafter the concert Call (313)882-5330.

Tuesday, .June 30Bells are ringing

Grosec POUlt~ ~emf)"\al

follOy. mg we JUlY ;: .l::t::t (storm A tree Will be dedicatedto those who lost their livesdunng the ",torm and anotherWill be planted In honor of themdl\1duals who \\ pre m"tru ..rr'wnta 1 In rescue e!Torts Call

Book signingAuthor George Cantor Will

he 'It R",., ...~ 8... Nohl ..Bookbellers, 19221 Mack mGr~~e~ P~~~te Wf\ndQo, "\nSunday, ,June 28. at 2.30 pm,to diSCUS,>and Sign hiS twonewest works. T:1e TIgers of 68and Old Roads of the Midwest(' ...11(313) 884-ii??O

.oommentoi6 ...ppuLOl49 PuIS

IOFlherSOW"1I:llIeSSSI Verdon of


1*'UC'pan.!2 Beam3 NOIiIcd..... .xu"".

memalll)'5 Cook.cd

out6 FlInn



ACROSS1 SemiteS Large



12 IaIJnd offCahfocma

14 EnIrealy15 Upper


HoIbeln17 Posseascd18 Net

RllIJld.mp20Swmdler13 CWIllte

medntm24 EntwtDIe-25 W"llh



tolls !lIIa34G1ucbo1'

weapon3S ODlhc-

(quarmmg)36 lb1cllcd ap,


IUId lubeC40 Taraet for

~iiy.t.>' ...41 SbIke-


420ramt47 BIItII roof

Last week'spuzzle solved

Sunday, June 28Pier dedication

Grosse Pointe Fanns resI-dents are mvited to gather atthe Pier Park., 350 LakeshoreIn Gros.<le Pointe Farms. onSt.nday, June 28, at 11 am, fora dedlcatlon ceremony mark-mg the restoration of the Park

To market!Explore the past, present

and future of the hIstone rom-mumty In and around Detrolt'SEastern Market during aPreservabon Wayne DetroitHeritage Tour. on Saturday,June 27, at 10 a.m The tourdeparts from ,st, John-St LukeChurch, 2120 Russell 10DetroIt. Tickets are $10.ReservatlOr.s are recommend-ed Call (313) 222-0321

t~~~'p~:eNews Metro calendar 78

.._----------------------------------------------------Thursday,June 25Village concerts

The Grosse Pomte VillageAs'OoClatlOn's :\1USIC on thePlaza sene" return" to th€' cor ..llt:J. uf Kt:l du;:vdl tUHl St Cld.u

.!n Grosse Pomte, Thursda)June 25, at 7 pm. With a fr~epecformance by theKe lIerlKocher Quartet Call(313) 886-7474


Booked upGet all booked up tlus sum ..

mer by JOining III I.htl educa-tIOnal fun of Book Club meet-

II ings at Barnes & NobleBooksellers, 19221 Mack In

Grosse Pomte Woods. Themeeting on Thursday, June 25,at 7 p.m. will focus on a dis-cussion of Kaye Atkillson's ne\\<novel, Behind the Scenes at theMuseum. Call (313) 884-5220

Ancestors at armsDouglas Casamer of Macomb

County's Office of VeteransAffairs will explam llOW to{r:=. .....e yonr a'1(t~l>"'T(ll"" I hnH.!gh

• 'ltate and national records,Thur::.day, June 25, at 7 p mdunng a free 5t Clalr ShuresGenealog) Group program mthe St. Cialr Shores PubliCLibrary, 22500 Eleven Mile mSt, ClaIr Shores Call (810)771-9020


• Saturday,June 27Bargains, bakea goods

Fmd bargainS and bakedI!oods ll:alore at a benefit Yard& Bake Sale, Saturday, June27, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., mTnnity EPISCOPdl Church,

, 30205 E. Jefferson in St. ChurShores, Call (810) 294.Q740.

Family features by Madeleine Socia88Learning fun

l-:n!aln,c \Ill! ,hdd" 1 II, II." 11(,' 111l..H!ln llllln .l,ld pln-l

, ,I "trt'ngth \\ ,!I' \ Ill' LOlli,'"

"\ "p'll"!lte' "lh',,1 II lil.e'10"" [Oll,l. \\.\1 ~l,,,,,n di) Lcl~t:" ....hc)ll 'n l:r'~""'''''t rl!11~al t.1n .... l. ..llll1tll\t) ...l' \\tl! ~ ...ttl

l_~ ....~ to 14 011 in l nIl t lPdPg

,,\pllan.tlon 01 tIll .....~ht ...ll!d~ ~nl ~llnt ... uf (,.)1.-1. 1n....

Int"\ ""'".. i- ~ J (' .. t"'''' ....l I, I\... I. I,.jj "l

t~ ~hll\{'l~ t\ LlI~ llllli,.p

1) 1\ MWHLl\ .Juh tl \tl1ollgn

I-Ild \\ ,Inh 10 Ill€' 1" h

~..::t"i l\~uJlll'~ '1( tor.... 111dl h h ... \.. I l. 'tJ1u tl:.t.d ~~dllt .... dunl1l'T i (~l' ' ......1 n nt.

i'lllldl('l1, Tlw ..l'( I ::'tl'Jlmt:r\\ol~,h()p \1\1<i1\- tlp,\u::::~~'I(Ll\', Juh " t .. ,lu1\ 17){0l.,'l,iratlO,l \\ III h' 1,..Ie: 011

1\\"~1 :<n J,1TH' 3\1 II (1m .l 30 to"' p n1 fot!~ t ,1di. ....l buot ...tu ..dl nt, :lnd :'> In " ,0 p '1J • tOl11 H1d1e <ind 11lgh ,chool stu.(,( nt... rht. fe(l. I" Sl"f, .\.rtlst~,

,,\... 1 ~,.. "H r"'l~ll... 1.,11 "-1'JU~

(', &' It !ye .\rt '", \\ o"kshoP3:\lPlld't\ Juh 6 throughf:.llr"Qm. Juh ~ irom 9 to: P 31) ,"l ll' Th" fee l' ':48( 'f',ltlve Art" Work"hops fort hI\. nt.... age", 10 tl , ,)ugh 13

W\lI he offered 'lD th,,"€' SRmi.'

,1>tt''' fr-:m1 1" 30 \ l~ '( 12 '30P 111 The fee IS S541-'1preglstratlOn 1'" reqUlred formllq C{)urse.- Call (.313) 8.~1-7Jll

Skylands festivalThe Edsel & Eleat:lor FOI d

H(lu<:f>. 1I 00 Lakeshore In

Grus"e Pomtt' Farms, offersfUT1 and musIc for the entirehtlnlly dunng Its "th annllal::'kvlando; ChIldren" Fp"tlvalrunnmg through the month of.July On Tupsd'1\ Julj ";, at ";t'l '"To P:lcl:: ~ rIcn''C :lTld Jc!n 1nthe smg-a-long. folK tales andll<lnd motion tunes of theIt\> 31d-wmnmg ~lusl(' ofGl'lTIlllI l1ckcts arf' $6 TheI!,'tes open at 6 p m (\111 \313\fl'<'l-4222

Fairy tale favorite("hat fmrv tale fa"ont:e Little

H. d Rldm!!, Hood comes to !lfeIII \\',l)ne State l'ol\ersltj'sHilberT) Theater. 4743 C"s~ In

DI,tI,Jlt thr ....ugL T'-ue~d;;; .... luL.

14 Pufolln.llllc, \'lll b,',>11,lI,d :-'1, nd I' till "ughS,ltt.l dd\ ,1t 10 30 .1 m 11cl-eh11,' $1 ClIIIJ!.J> ;,77 2Y72

Volumes of funH, ..dl'll, III Ih, 1'.\11,. 1112'1

hI 1, b, I in ('10 'C Pl)JnteP'lk ('tI'l' \oIUlIl'" of fleeilill fil"d plOp 1n1'- tor ,Inl(11111 L'l \Oll' l11tl" paulOt

pt IIp ...d l .Ul Illat'pl~nat. IK~ VJ.)1>\ 111.l!"ltI .... ' J ed \\ hitI.' ,mdblu, ,t~, \\ h\llel UUI lng tl fr .. e'\ Plel\Cd n l:'rl \\ 0rk ,hop on

'r\1/h ..(1)\ I lnr ~I) 11 11 1""

St UOllll' III gram', 2 through'--....~ .....J' ;-.... G .... ~ ....f 'si:"'u:n\

Wh\t .. then 1Tl IJ...,. rhen O\\n

,{'\ en d,\ lrt- ,!e,-,pmg m an<'gg C.lrtW) bed dunng .1 Fall)Tal, Summer program on11l..zr,da\ J.;.h 2 tlom 11 amto 1H1,m PI eregbtl ,ltlan I;'lequlred f( r mo",t pn'gram~('a 111,)13 ~~2-I5j9

Oh Columbus!A rephw of Columbus' shIp

'"'1"" \\ 111be dnrked apd avaIl-dble for guIded tour;" from 9a m to 7 pIll da!I, throughI'hursda,. Juh 2. atMetroBeach MetroPal k. 31300.\fetropalk\\a) In:Mt Clemensrours are $.3 50 fOT adults, $3for selllor~ and $2 50 for stu.dents !D addlhon to the regu.l<ll" MetroPark., vehIcle entrypenmt fee of $15. Call 1 (800)4';";.3172

Eastpointe festivalTt>styour luck at Bmgo and

black Jack ",hlle the Iods playgames, enJvY ndes and dancedUTIng the Eastpomte YouthFestl\al b€nefitmg area ama.teur sports programs, Fnday,June 26 through Sunday, June2~, 1" Ke!lned.~~Park, at themtersectlon of Stephens andSchroeder In EastpomteFe~tl\al h,jurs are FI'ldd.y from6 p m to ffil(!mght. Saturda)',from noon to ffildlllght andSunday. from noon to 11 p mParkmg and admISSion arefree Call (SIOi 447-2175

Freedom festivitiesCelebrate freedom north of

the border durmg FreedomFe"~1\ al f~.,ll\'llles In WmdsQr,

Ontano, ('.mad,l thlO11"hSUllda) ,)uh ,'" tIlg-hlJghtsmclude d ('<t. [lU dl III Dleppel;,ll dl ,IS. un RI\ ..I ""de atliuel,ette \\ hlcn I~ open d,lll\troll! noon to 10 p m Tilt'e.'tr.lnce I"t: h S I':' fOI ,m .111J 1\ hr,ICc!l't DI ..ppe G,II d,'l"\\ 111 ,bn b" tl.,' 'It I' of fYe'l' Ioncert:, e.llh e\ e'llng <1t 7 I' mCdll151~1 253-03 ..;0

S1fety firstChIldren \\ III learn to put

"afet) first dunng Gro"se'J:.!,..." .. ""'.,.... Q,.,(", ... 'T' ............. __ ~

t"'.. t'I ~......

runlllllg :\ionda) throngh'" 1 1. ,.. , ....1. 1 IU ..'t,) , 1.X:"l,.v,.ct"u ...} alII cillU tJ

pm ,July tl through Au[\' !4Tim, natIOnal programd"slgned to t<:"..h preschoolel sabout traffic. fire and personal,afet) and good cltllensh!p wlllbe offered III rooms 102 and103 of Barnes Communlt\"EducatIOn ('enter. 20090~lolllll.gs1de III Grosso) Pomk\\oods l'he tee IS $115 forGrosse POlfite reSIdents or$119 for non-resIdentsPrereglstratlOn IS requIredCall (313) 343-2528.

Stories & moreFIll your chlld's summer

Wlth the JOY of readmg Wlth atno of programs at Barnes &;...'oble Bookst'Jre, 19221 MackIn Grosse Pomte Woods LIttleones can listen to a readmg ofShJp of Dreams then maKe acraft dunng a free Chtldren'~Storytime, Tuesday, June 30,dt 11 a m. and Thursday. July2, at 7 p m Students In grades1 to 6 can partake IIIa SummerSafan Readmg program.through Tuesday, &cpt 1 J..stpIck up a Summer JournalSheet, record the titles of nmebuok.., comoleted and returnthe sheet to the store for acoupon good for one paperbackbook Call (313) 884-5220.

Summer flicksJunIOr cmema buffs wJlllove

the Grosse Pomte PuhhcLIbrary's free Summer FIlmFestlval. On the silver screen,Tuesday, June 30 throughThur...day, July 2, wtll be a tnoof favontes mcludmg Pocketfor Corduro), Kt:mlll kable

Ihderlt'-s Runawa) Tncycle.Hld H l!lP\ ::-um!l1ur Day"Su eemllg" \\!l1 be ~eld from 1to 2 pm, un Tuesda~ at the\\ ood, HI.mch 20600 Mack III

(hu,""e Ptllllte Woods,\\t-.be~dJ. \ ..It the P..1l kHI,mch 1j~.30 Kel che\ al III

(~r,)s,~ POll1 te Parh. andrhllr,d,,\ at the ('entral13I,ll1cb 1[) Kerchc\ al InGIU~~l~ luililP Fdr!U'-l Cd.i'

Child's play'no "~l \' • ".

.............................. .l. • ..;l ... , .... "4.:J"'U,AIA l",11.

the Detroit Public ~hoolo;, 67E KlrO) 1Il Detro.t, makeslearmng child'" play \Hth a\'anetv of entertallllOg pro-grams Monday, June 29through Fnday, Aug 7, dlsrov-er the hea"'ens through pro-gramb III the Muro€um'e plane-tarIUm. at 1 p m En,)oy adl\'erse serle~ of workshops forI..hlldl en ao 2 p m 011 week-days Featured programs run-mng from Mondav, June 29through Fnday. July 2 WIll

focus on Cmderella, PIerre TheBoy \-"ho Would Only Say IDon't Care, The Day The GooseGot Loose! And Me & Myselffrom the People Could Fly Themuseum IS open Mondaythrough Fnday, from noon to 4P m AdmISSIon IS free butworkshops cost $2 Call (313,873.8100.

Summer safariNature lovers, ages 4 to 12,

can dlsco"er the secrets of acora] reef, explore the world ofInsects and \-enture mtozookeepmg \'Io"iththe Belle IsleZoo and Aquallum'l:! SummerSafan programs, offert'dMonday, July 20 throughFndav Au!!' 14 'RPiip J~lf" ."acees~ible ~a the MacArthurBridge, at the mterseetion of EGrand Boulevard and EJ~fTersoD In DetrOItPrereg1Stratton IS reqUIredClasses are $46 or $40 forDetrOIt Zoological SocIetymembers Call (2481 541-5835

Science funThe DetroIt Selena> Centpr,

5020 John R In DetroIt, offersentertammg and educatIOnal

fdmlly lun The Cybf'rspaceSafan E"\hiblt Lab feature/>hands-on exhibIts Illtegrated\\lth morE' thrtn 40 Intl'rnf't-(onnected computer", Oth~rnew (;xhlblts lIlclud< the~~Illglng Bo ....l MagllelJcTornado Junlpmg RlIlg. Hil-l'WlJ.ecl Gyro<cope. ,Ja{o!>',Ladder and Lase. W,l\ l' GUldl'l{ ow sho\'dng 1Il the Center sl:luL:{ Dome Thedtre, .\londa ...thr"ugh Saturday, Irom 11 a mto 8 30 pm, on ~ TotatInghourly baSIS, at( the excltlllg~1 .......C' P .. "".....,........, co.... _ 1 T"IY' •,..... .._~... --,.. ..::........... ~.......... --dliU lr0PICU! LtaIll[Orebt The,""\ l"'" _Uc'l"LUU .,.)~.U:~:lU..t \"'~ULe.l 1,::.open.Monc'lY through Fndny from9 3U a m to 2 p m andSilturday and Sunday from12 30 to 5 P m AdmISSion tothe Ex...~.bltlon Hall demon-strations and Laser Show IS tafor adults and $2 for SeYllOI'l';

and children. ages 3 to 17AdmISSIon to the 1l'v1A.'- DomedTheatre IS an additional $4Call (313) 577-8400

Exciting experiencesThe Charles H. Wnght

Museum of .<\fncan-Ame-ncanH1StOry, 315 E. Warren In

DetrOIt, offers a host of eXCltmg-expenences for all ages.Explore The LIfe & l1mes ofPall I Robeson, throughThesdav, June 30 TheMuseum IS open Tuesdaythrough SU!lda~, frem 9'30a.m to 5 p.m. AdmiSSIon IS $3for adul~ and $2 fOT chJ!drenages 12 and under Call (313)494-5800.

Detroit's pastRevel In Till.' Scent of

Glamour, a pnvate collectIOn ofperfume bottles anfl :lto:mzers,throngh ~~.!!~~~.Y, Aug. 16.. atthe DetroIt Histoncal Museum,5401 Woodward 10 DetrOItAddItIOnal exhIbIts allow youto stroll through the Streets ofOld DetrOIt, erlJOYRemembenng DowntownHudson's or expenence ACommunity Between TwoWorlds Arab Amerlcans In

Greater DetroIt The Museum16 open Wednesday throughFnday from 9.30 a.m. tu 5 p.rnand :Saturday aud Sunday

June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News ..

from 10 d In to 5 p m The -.ug-ge.,ted admls"lon 1<; $J loradult<; or $150 for .,l'nloro;,rh,lrl,,',..n '"IO'{h.. 1') .=and I1n':ierlllte~ free (.alI13-1 ~ 1153.3-1805

History aliveThe Hem ~ rord Mu,eum

and GIl'cllfi~Jd Village, :l0900Oll-\~o(d III DCdlborn, bru,gbhl<ton to !lfe dall\ flom q :l m •to 5 pm Celebl ~te the g(lod,old fa"hlOnedJoys of the bea;,Dndurmg the 8ummer Fe"tzval,through Sunday, Aug 16

lilt; Lle,PJlt .::oYlTIpllOIl)

01 chestra wlll <lITer <l tno ofSalute To Amenca perfor-mances, Thuro;dav. Juh ~through S,lturdaj. July 4, at 7pm, on the Vlll.lge GreenThese concel t<; feature the ~Umted States Army FieldBand and Solalers Chorus anda fireworks fin"le Ttckets are$18 fur adults and $9 for chll-nlrp.n !:IJJ'~~ ~ tn 1? A~ml~e't\n u::$1250<> for adult!', Si1-S0-- f~;SCIllOI,> <lml $6 23 for clllldrenages five to 12 Call (313) 271-1620

Science n' natureMarvel at the mIracles of

TI!tt'lre 2nd \"2tch the ~t~rs ~come out at the Cranbro"kInstJtute of Saence, 1221 N.Woodward III Bloomfield HillsAromals meet machmes m TheRobot Zoo, featunng cut-a waysand nandl!-on actlvltteSexplainmg how antmalsKwork," through Saturday,.Sept 5.

The museU!ll is openMonday through Thursdayfrom 1u 3 m to 5 p.m" Fridayand Saturday from 10 a.m to10 p.m. and Sunday from noonto 5 p m .4.dmi~~c::: :~ $7 foradults .md $4 for duldren, ages3 to 17, and seniors •Plant>"tlnum shows are anadditional $1 LaSf'T shows art'an addItional $2

The Cranbrook House andGardens are also open for lun-cheon tours, Thursdays, at 11a m or 1:15 p.m throughThursday, Sept 24

The tour fee IS $20 Call ""(248\ 64!'-3200.



Summer is just beginning ... withall the warm weather, sun andchlorine take extra care of your skin.The NOTRE DAME PHARMACYhas just the answer for exactly theright price. Vitabath Gelee is onSALE. Receive 32 oz. (value $40.00)for only $30.00. Plus, specials onseveral travel gift items by Vitabath.Stock up now ... at 16926 Kerchevalin4he-Village, (313) 885-2154.


1M IVfr~m~~qriM~'---.---Summer Special 3 Months

$150.00 Must be 18.- Learn About Conditiom'1.g-

Teen FItness Camp (12-15)

(313) 885-3600

()rganIR UnIimitwf .. I

KISKA JEWELERSLooking for a special gift for that

certain person ...Kiska Jewelers hasa large variety of jewelry, watches,rings, gold chains, braceletsand much more. Stop and see ourfine collection of jewelryat... 63 Kercheval on-the-Hill,(313) 885-5755.


"We're only going to move thesmall things... "You'll be exhausted

I when you get there., Call Joan andAnn for a good ru.oving plan, scheduleand help. Joan Vismara, AnnMullen, (313) 331-4800.


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SOHARROOMwith an open deck

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I PInrrlflrnII In 1'11'"1'-11:ltllllJ\JIIILU

ULS wins Metro Conference all-sports trophy for first tillle

The captabls lIDd coaches of the teams that enabledUDiftnity Uggett SChool to win the Metro ConferenceAil-8ports Trophy for the ftnt tbn~ are &"own with theaward. BoldlDg the trophy ue !tanh Knope. left. a.cdClark Durant. In the fbat row. from left. are Brad CeDko.BW TrlDple. Laura cassin. Stephanie Roehl. NicoleYoUDg. AlaiDa Powell and Ariadne Lie. III the second row.&om left. are Renard Morey-Greer. Juon capen. EmilyCreuhaw. Jeff Mdu. John Stanluewski. Sonny Ford andAndy Adamo. In the third row. from left. are A.J.


By Chllrk I<ll)nlc;eSports Editor

C m\ eriHt) LIggett Schoell

I. ~)It, r '1 1'-- • ....!~ ~,\....... i r:.~".... t 0' ~ "Ill n 'lllt h, \\ 1<., 1)lf th"mnl]... Of' on. 0' hi- pltdlttlun_

.r ......... " >n ~ r ... r .. _ • lJ _.. _ I .J r............ _'- ..1 .........~..., .--,v ~\JI ., ...... o'"J, J ~J l,l. 1,1 n. 1.(1 ...... J.

Arn h. " h;\op\ that hI' W'l~ f()l PH d lhp \1. tro (\" I, n r ('("Art :\L:t;.. thl. athletIc d.r('c- In 1~6k "\\ ,d -d,ti -It, ,- p"

StacbeckJ.. AIlltIonJohDson. Joel FanoU. boys track andCI'OM country coach Philip LeDcford and Matt Nowak. Inthe fourth row. from left, are boyw a.u.d girls socccr ..:oachDand Backbunt . .c)DeybaIl coach Ken Klenk. girls bas-ketbaU coacb John Bandos. softball coach JIm Schmidtand ba&eball coach 'Walter hUn. III the back. from left.ue boys buketbaU coach Bruce Pelto. football coachGary IIWa. athletic dlrector Bob Wood and gtrls trackcoach De:rid Boynton.

flL l. 1t.~H ...1."'""1 <HIlt it. JllU ..Ltll

hf It. lrld 1\\ j"" tt\ln f t( (ff-'" t1....,

mtc, I ("nlu (11" I thr,ught it\\uuld bt ..TT'Ln'" .. j ,.!1\C thf k~r:i-

1. (}l,!n(.f~ tlJ LO!'J)IJLl~ tur ...-1

...'td{llJJH,rl ....hlpA f( II \(~.ll" Jdtu \\ood 1\0-

d].,O IIl,tl umentdl In th,l(d!il.(, adoplHm of dll .ill"!Jurt- troph,

"I thought tl-:at '" as a £treatIdea too but at the ttrn<- I "31dl'n'\lr~lt\ Llggttt SchoolI\ould III \ et (OI,lpete for thl'troph, \\ ood saId -It tool{almost :30 ) eal6 bu' th,,\ find]I. ..........,.........,.l .......,. n ....;\ ....,.,. \l, .."' ......ZI I 1.0-,...

",r:rthlw,tPrrl 1rJ the BIg Tpil

Academlcalh '" e'rE' second tonone, but ....~ still fipd a way toCQrnpete dthletlcally"

After fimshmg fourth In theall'~porti> race last year, C'LSv.on It thli> year by one of the::.hmmi'st margJ.p<; In the hlsto.ry of the d ...ard The Kmghtshad a -:-375 average, whIleLutheran Korth v.a'1 second at7320

.We won three ba'1kpthflllgames by a total offour pomts,"Wood "aId "That's a mIssedfree thro ....' or basket away fromnot ",mmng the trophy Theba'1€ball tearr. Leat LutheranI':orth on the last cia\ of theseason dnd the glri~ "ULLt:'1

team "'on the champlOnshlpoutng'ht when ('nlllbrookupset Lutheran !'orth on thtlast day of the "eason

"'It takes oJ bttk. luck und ~lot ofde{hcatt'd athlete<; and ",ehad both thIS vear I'm not 6ur~our student=athletes realljunderstand \\ hat they'veaccompl:shed thIS y"ar ThIS IScertamly one of the hlghhght"of mv 30.plUi> }can:: as dIrectorof athletICS here llf'LaUSe IfIn\ o]"p., so n1any tfl~n1S ~l

In the 14 sport~ that decIdethl.' all--,port" champion, t'LS

U 'ill" t, 0 I l~ 11, K!)li,hb\\''It (rrtfnr t (hdn)pl0n .... InflJrth,,!l bo\, \)'hKllbalJ :J~.clg,rl- -0('( "r df d ""rt. runnt r~..Ip l!l Lo,,, Lrr);,6 Lountry, t.Oy6'<iller 101 l'yb,ll' dnG tJd~"ball

::->p"lb that l LS'~ lradltlOn-11. "uung In - ho\. ... (,1,[ d glrl..,.

:If'nh lC,- he,d,,), field !-loLke),'d' ro,,,e - Jun t ,"en figurp Intb" ledglle all ,pMh LlJmpetJ-tlCiTj beLau,e rrO'1t 'Pf theKnight, :\1"tr) ('onf<"ren"t'-", aI, don t utTer them

"A<, ,uLce~~ful a" "" ",ereathletlcdlh we contmued to be... ,...,.~ ,...., ..... 'Y" ... ,. ... ~.".'Y'\,,. ....ll~,l':I W"'M

~ald "And that's the wa" It"hould be We had 11 r\atl~nal)1ent semtfinahst$ and our\ aledlctonan, Allison Johnson,\\ as a three-'ipo;-t <1thlete Ourstudt>nt-athletes ha\ e proventhat vou can CQmbme acade-ml(,~ and athletics"

See ULS. page 2C

Local playerexpected to beearly draft pick

Gr03se Pomter DaVIdLegv.and IS expected to be onenf tho> firot pby ......... h"'''en InSaturday'~ :-.'HL Ent!') Draft In

BuffaloLpl!VI-anrl 1'1 rankf'n ~o 2

amD~g ehgJ.ble player!> by bott.1 ""'I""'rr ~ • I ~ .. _

LU~ .l." [1 U '-~IJLr ~:U oU.JU\..l.U~

Bureau and Tne Hocke) NewsLegv.and. a 6-foot-1112, 170-

pound center had an outstand.J"g season wlth the OntanoHockey Lea ,ue PlymouthWhalt' ..~ n 1997.98

Th(' .mh pla)'E'r rankeddhead of Legwand on both ItstsI~ ('<"nt"r Vincent L~cavaher ofRlrnouskl of the Quebec Malor.Junlor Hacke) League

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June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News

GPSA Two 3, GPSA One 0t:.zoal> A J V" l.ln, Slu"rt_ Blohm

Da"d KIttle WPSA 21AssJoU rim &>". 2 .Ieff Gume) 2,

Enk BM<on (GPSA 2)C-'mment' GPSA :.I goalies MIke

Bahr and John S",vaaor combmed forrhe shutout Sttnng def~rsJ\~ efforts(ame from Aa~I" \lot"th NathdnDupe, Jared Gltnn alld Sleve.SeO<lOn. ",lull Robt!rt Del:g,aOlsRabb} '\llour. Da"d Hull "'nd Ke\'1nMorath exert~d off .. n>lve preSbureGPSA Igoalkt:eper D"n KurdzIel had abtrong game Oth<r standouts ....ere for'IlIalU LJ .....I. ~artlll. mJaheJ~er innR<>h'nson and fullback Just>nSudonuer

St. Clair Shores 2, GPSA Two IGoals Mark Mc'Callum, llrandon

Dulle (St ClaIr Shuns), Nathan Dupes(GPSAl •

A"'~~ t..Tnr.nSalvador fGPSA\Comments St Clalr Shores goahes

Raymond Raveau and Bnan Heymesmade several fine ... v.... llJl GPSA for-I'ardsJeffGutne),A..J Vi\r1aDl, RobertDehglllllls, DaVid Kittle, Rabby A,uourand Jared Glenn kept pre.aure onlOOm GPSA mutiielders Adam Morath,Enk &11&00, Tun Ross and DaVid Hullplayed well, willie MIke Bahr, PeterRupye :tC.d StWL-t Blo}-..JDhad otrougdefell8lve games

GPSA Two 4, GPSA One 2Goals, Nathan Dupes, Jeff Gurney,

Mt1te Bahr. Tim Ross (GPSA 2); Ench •Bergmann, Bnan Denton lGP$A 1)

AsSISts Dupes, Stuart Blohm,DaVId Hull (GPSA 2), Alex Drader(GPSAll

Comments GPSA Two capped a fineseason WIth a Vlctorv over GPSA One.Detet\8l\'e standouts for the wmnerswere Peter Ruppe and DaVld KittleForwards A.J ViVl8lll, Jared Glennand Enk Belll\On exerted great pres-sure on goal, wln.le midlielders Steve •Se8slons, Adam MClI'81h and Kl!VlnMorath pl'OVlded excellent supportGoa1keepers John Salvador and Bahrwere outstandIng GPSA One goal.keeper DaVId Mattel llI.8.de severalexcellent saves, wln.le fulJbact.~ DanKurdZIel and Andrew Stwnp werestrong defens,vely

ously.The Redbirds VlSIt the

Mount Clemens Indians for adoubleheader in the MacombAmateur Baseball Federationtoday, June 25, Ilt 6 p m. 'M:teyplay the Metro Hawks In atWlnbill Sunday at Delta Parkin Sterhng Heights, startmg at "5 P m and face the St. ClairShores Sidewmders Tuesday at8.30 p.m. at Kyte MonroeField

field and thre ....out two runners ChnsfaIJeft had two hIts fer tl-,e WhIte Sol<and Matt Hams nad an RBI double

Twins 5, Blue Jays 4Mark boynton pItched a complete

!\lime for the TWillS Bobble Danforthh,,,l two hIts and tv.o RBr and StuBovnton and Trevor 5ehulu- each had •two hlts <.'dtcher Josh Costa threw outthr{lo{'l nlnn~'"co:: ~t~,..mn",,,,,(l' ~"" cot ... "!lmcludmg One In the bottom of!he sev-enth to end the game Ja.-ro<!Chlllnpme reached ba"" three t,m ... lorthe Jays sconng tWIce PeteMarantettc pItched well for the Jay~,Chns DeRo'ler had two hIts and awalk ilnd Matt Lombardo had two hIts

PREp 1.JlVISIONMannen; II, Brewen J

R,...h,., .... »t"t.~c'h p tel-.cd f.l'1.. .....IIJ1ll'

InnJn~q Ul po.t th~ ,.,c!orv Angelo \9Tocco and Che"" MacEarh"rn cach hadt",o eXlra h.."" hIt.< and knocked 'n twoTuns ap l L fur lbt Mdnner'-!o EvanScctt Teddv Srha"fer rhnsMons!i:hlln ,John Grem~ .. and TaylorMora"Qkl al"" hod RBI Da,,>:! Crowand MIke Mulh~ron played .. ell defen.SIVP]Y ror the Brewer'

Arsenal 3, FrlUer 0Mike F"),,d Jllllmv

Jonatha,' RedzlOIal<

Comments R(>d~n mad~ an ~"cellent corn~{ kl( k BJth wan" pia) ~dwell


,\.......,~a.4 Anthun", Rdnuxllu, ArthurRoden (ANenali

Comme'lts Arsenal got outotandlngmldfi~ld play from PatTlck Burke.Roden and Rachel Skybetter GoaheSt"phen Saylor made >oe' eral goodsaves lD the shutout performance.... ,............ t" .... J .. "" ...... , vu U,t:'It::'UOt..

Tornado 5, 1"enD!Daton .l!!Goals Steve Tarrant, Alex

Breltmeyer \\'11 I,a,., Dlckson d(1Omado), Dan Sax John LeHrenz(Tennmators )

Comment>: T'1e Thrnado got strongc1efeoslvt: efforts from Ktran ConnallvNg and Glona Atsalalus.

Tornado 9, Frase ...0~ Goals, G!?na .•~tsalabs, Wllly~1I;.a WllJ.~. i.Jttvu;l. naoer.Ko.rn, Just1:nMcMIllan, Sean O'Donnell-Daudltn,Steve Tarrant, Wilham Ihcksoll 3(1bTll.ldo )

Comments 1llP Tl\rnAdn d'gpray~fine teamwork and passmg


St. Clair Sho..... 2Goals. Stuart Blohm 2, Nathan

Dupes, A J ViVIanl <GPSA), RonLitteral 2 (St. Cla.r Shores)

AsSists DaVId KJttll' , JohnSa!vador, Tim Rosa, Kevtn MorathtGPSA~

Comments GPSA goalkf'l!pel'llSalvador and Mike Bahr each madeseveral fine $Q\'e$ Peter Ruppe led thedefollBlVe effort With support from Inld.fielders Enk Bensou, Adam Morathand DaVId Hull Forwan:ls SteveSemons. Je:rGumey, Jared Glenn andRabby A.DOUT also played well forGPSA. St. Clll1r Shores goahe JaredFoster kept the game d"se, wh.leteammate Dom,ruck 'Ibcco had n stronggame defetlSJfl!ly

Vance, Llcan, Rob Karlik andChris CotZlas also had timelyhits,

In addition to then- efforts atthe plate, Pierce had a soliddefenslve performance at firstbase and Va."'lCC did a good Jobcatclung m the Grosse Powtevictory.

Coach Matt Wysocki saIdthat he was pleased with hISteam's shOWing in the tourna-ment, conSidering it had beentogether for only game previ-

The defenSIve effort was led Potthoff and fullbacksby goalkeepers Inger and Bohannon and Ford

Farms-City-ParkBabe Ruth highlights


The Twms collected 13 hIts andsrored m every mmng but the first StuBoynton, Trevor Schulte, MarkBoyn~n and Josh Costa each had twohJts Chad BlaCkburn pltched threeS<.oreless mnmgs Weathers had stnple and slOgle for the Astros, whIleCarmago and Horn fUt doubles

J WIns 111,UOdgers 4MIke HattJe. had three h,ts and

scored four runs, Sean Ca~sler"anscored three trml"l and Ian MIlhousehad four RBI to lead the 1\<.,ns Josh['o.ta homered and Su-v" Wereley hadtwo hIts and two RBI Ballew hadthree hits for the Dodgen andD.:'Jn:,,~~~....t' rCud,tJ t a:l~ LWH ..~ c::H1d

seor"d a run

iWJM .u, Wnlte ~x -iJo~h lo~tll ~ bat M,d Mark

Boynton, ann len the Tw,n~ to the VIe

tor_ ('MLo WA< q fror 3 Inth 'hr<>e RB!whil" 130ynwl pItched 81l<mlllnp'. undrecorded mne slnkeout., Bovnton also<cored thrt't! times Ian M,lhou,*, hadtwo hIts sno Iwo RBI &an Cas,lrmanhad an outstsndlJ1g l!ame In ccnu>r

an~ Jack Gray and strong d~fens" fromRobbIe Baub.e Tot1<!nham forwardsIan Talbot ..lid Grace D Arc' put nnprt>s"ure bUl th~ Ar""nal defen~1\ eeffort led b, Mark Lapa'l8Ie keptHotspur off the sCQreln.<lrd

Arsenal 7, Leeds 2(;0.1. S""ven Joseph 3 Patnd-.

Kelp,n 3, Lenny LapPIn jA.-senal)Comments ArSl'nal got good mId.

field ,,!a} from Jonathan Chow, Blil)'Schrage and Gregory Jones w~"lePeter Corrado Mark Lapens,e andPllll Martlnez were outstandmg defen.c;IVP~V (;.l"'P(J' ThVi,...,. "'T'..l Tni:'I""'" Q-. ~

also played well at fOl'Ward

Wimbledon 4, Southamptou 3Goals Jeff Remlliet 3, N'cholas

MllliOUI'II$ (Wlmbledon), OJeg KoibosoY,Charlie FIscher, Stephan Pfaehler(&'-utbampton)

Comments DefellSlve pJ'flssure hyV\~unbledoo'sMtke Rob,nson and JohnLewandowsID offset the Southamptonrush by Peter Belerwaltes, 1\mmvQuum and Tun Greewng

A'rWUaft!!1 !:. {"'~a~t!":, ..~Goals Steven Joseph 2, Greg Jones

(Anenal)AssIsts. Mark Lapansle, Jesse

Brown, Gregory DtVieo, JonathanChow (Arsenal).

Comments The excellent defenSiveplay of Ar8ena!'s Chow, Lenny Lappm,Peter Corrado and PhIl Martlnezhelped hand Cowntry Its first defeat.Tbere was alllO outstandmg millfieldplay from Billy Scluage, Joseph andLappin Coventry worked hard andbad several shot..s on goal

UNDER-12El N'mo 5. Stie.kln'f'ab ... 1

Goals Steve~, Josh Busch 5 (EINmo)

ANl8t. Mike KllI'dzIeI fEI NIDo).Comments Demrtn Ke~ had

a good game in goal for EI NlDO, wln.lePatrick Williams played ",ell onclefeDlle

Aneaa1 'i, GPSA One 2Goals Patrick Burke, Jonathan

Redmuak, Junmy DmefIlllO (Arsenal)Aasosts Mike Fayad, Mark

Parclunent, ArtbQT Roden fArsenal)

two RBI. Joe Sullivan had twohits and two RBI, while TimPien:e had a hit and drove mtwo roDS and John Vance had ahit and an RBI.

Paterek, who caught the firstgame ID 9O-degree heat,pItched a complete game m theRedbirds' second contest asthey beat the Boys of Summerfrom Akron, Ohm, 7-4

Paterek helped hun.self withthree hits and two RBI. Pien:ewent 3-for-3 With two RBI,

The Team Michigan MustaDgs won the state girls bocltey Squirt Division cbampf-ollSbip with a 1-0 victory OftI' the Michigan Capitals. 5everal of the Mustangs areGro8se Pointe ~deDts.

PGSA Mustangs '88 get win, tieEliUlbeth Galea scored on a

d1rect kick and set upAIexandna Fortune's goal W1tha comer kick to W't the PomteGuls Soccer AssoclatlOnMust.angs '88 Int.Q a 2-2 t!e

With Rochester in a travelleague game

The Mustangs' offenSIVeattack was led by outstandmgperformances from ElizabethBaxter, Page Lowsell, HIllaryInger and Jae March

Fortune ~md MeghanPotthoff played well In goalWIth support from defenders.!~;:'~J E...,l'i,u,u..cvu, n~t::JLd.J1Urd.

Ford and KrIsten .JostEhzabeth Kossak and JeannieTaylor were strong at midfield

The Mustangs al~() beatBlrmmgham 5-3 WIth Fortuneand LoUlseil sconng two goalsapIece.

Baxter naa the other (iro;ql'POinte goal, while March hadtwo assists and Fortune andGalea picked up one apIece

Other strong offenSIVe per-formances came from Jost andTaylor

Go,lIs Jonathan Gay 3 MichaelC.lrtwnght beott Granger, Jvhn\In.on ILIHrpooJ)

AShl'!.> Cara MISl!rendJno, LaurenHanna RobbIe SesslODS Jeff Stein,bOld.e, G~lIagher Ste\en R\ PPE'IL"elpooi)

l'ommpnts Huppe and MOOlqueSqwer~ team''<! up for the ehut(>",t"II It G"l,agher W3.b a standout orde!en<e Hanni .. , SesbIOns andGranger pa.""d well Ne....castle wasled b) Evan Chase and B.andonBrown WhIle goalie RIchie Allor alsoplayed "'ell

LJ~~rpooI4,Blackburn r.oven 0

Coo,I. M.chael Cartwngh •. LaurenHannll s,:ott Granger, John VlnllOnIL"erpoo"

AssiSts Jonathan GS), RobbIeSeSSions, Steyen Ruppe, LUllkeyGallagher (LIV1i'rpool)

COMments 1.1\ erpool's effort IV...hIghlighted by the strong defellS:lvepia) of Cartwnght, Granger, MeredythLacombe and Gallagher Jeff &em andRuppe allJ'lblned for the shutout. CaraMlserendmo, Hanna and Vill80napplied ronstant off£n& \Ill Pl'PSSure

Anew I, Nottlogham Fol'W& 1Goals Steven Joseph (ArBenal),

rwbt:lt Bl:U~r (Nottmgham Fores;).Corument.a The game featured

strong defl!nSlve efforts from Ar&ena.l',Mark Laparulle, Billy Sc:brage,Jonathan Chow and Patnclt Kelpmand Nottmgham Fore.st's Sam Hulland Yown! aecm AnenaI had fine nnd-field play from Greg IhVieo, GregJ<mes and Lenny LappIn, who poII_boned the ball for forwards Pln.IMa.rtmez, Jease Brown, Peter CorTadoand Joseph

~5,Totteabam BotoIpnr 0

Goals Peter Corrado, Gregory1JJ\TlCO, Jonathan Chow,1E'nny Lappm2 (Arsenal)

Comments AnleDaI got good InJd.field play from Billy Schrage, StevenJoseph and Gregory JflIM!lI, who DlllVedthe hall well to forwards PhilipMartinez, Corrado, IhVieo, Chow,Jesse Brown and Lappm Hot8pur badgood millfield play from Josh Weldon

Redbirds notch victory, tie in Battle CreekThe Gl'08Se Pointe Redbirds

South 16--year-old baseballteam ran into some tough rom-petit10n at the recent Mayor'sNational 'Iburnament in BattleCreek, but still posted a VIctoryand a tie in its six games.

The Redbirds began playWith a 7-7 tie against the OhioTile Hawgs. Chns JanisPltclted the first five IDDingsand Charhe Lican the last two.

Pete Paterek led theRedbirds with three hits and

Mustangswin stateSquirt title

Several Grosse Pomterswere on the Team MichiganMustangs gu-ls hockey teamwhich won the state Squirtchampionship With a 1-0 victo-ry over the Miclugan Capitals.

The Mustangs were unde-feated in the tournament.Amanda Marinello posted theshutout in the tltle ga ..'De andVanessa Zwegers scored theonly goal m the second penod

Mustang forwards EmeleWilliams and Pia Zwegers anddefensemen Kristina Stinsonand Amanda HeikkInen keptpressure in the Capitals' zonethroughout the thud penod.

In the quahfying rounds, theMustangs beat the CapItals 2-1on goals by Casey Cole and AIrMorawslu. Laura Danforth hadan a&Slst arid M1ssy RattI wasthe wmnmg goalIe

In other tournament actIon,Team M!~higan be:!t th~Southfield Aztecs 2-0 on goalsby Kelly Cahill and StaceyCampbell and romped pastMount Plea'lant 8-1 on goals byNICki Betz, Cahill, DamelaMarrocco, Cole and ValenACromn

The Mustangs capped theseason by competing m anatIOnal tournament InAnaheim, Cahf

South grad onall-tourney teamIn MAC baseball

tournament baseball team

Bowlmg Greeu mfielder JayHamngton was named to the~'!lLd .."<IoffiC:"1cc:ln Ccnfcrcnctt aH-

Harrln~on, a senIor who~aduated from Grosse PomtRSouth, was one of SIX playersfrom the tournament champion}< alcons named to the "quad ,

re-IDER-I0Uve11>OO1 6, Neweaatle 0

Horae"" 2, Roekers 0(11 d... BrAe .scnert .. Joe Ll'OlH"

\Iio"net'-\'-"1- ""drel' ::>'llllh uon, Sean

~.l.n"n iftornet.>1CUI!I'lh.I'b SCiUft'f Srr .th

Alt ,a"de, uGCI'ch a.,d '" haT he Culle'I..on b l.ed hJr tPt ~bl1t()ut Mloll\~pt'llrt.l 3r'JO "atkt:'nJIt;> S€...tID.in \"'c"('

df'f ...n .... ,l. ,,' illdoUl'o, And"\ l.11Ql.~r""'~ t-, loll! ~d tht.. !tAker", otTellil.e\\ fll}( J ..-u:-h ~ontg(jmei\ and SteH~nPl"\ ~ pl.!\ cd ~,)Ild ddt'r~~'

UNDER-8Spartans I, LJghclllng 0

HI... I j ..... ovw: I L..JI\. ",~ ••tf t.c'~I='

o\ ......I ...r Tatl. ..1.nd Kochno (~partd.n"l

Comnltnh Th. 'ip3rtan. ha1 e,C\.>!lent gOdlLendmj; ,n the game that "'Sb"t " pia I od on both <Ide.

fu>d WI~ 6, De,"1Js 0Gc .•1- Terr. nee Mdler John

\1:!'rusoh 2, Cale ~b'lne«to E\anllall Ja~ \\Ilh"m. (Red Wmg.)

-\s".!.> Hall 3, Miller Frank SonsefJ.epb £le.,ls IRe<! WingS)

Comments Hall 'lad an outsta"dmgperformanre for the Red Wings Ther."...~/.. l..dU unt: eiJorts trom KeneeKendall and Johnny C<!nway

TIeers 8, Spartans 2C~al!, Erl3n Al.at"1 3 Chad F1s..1;,=r~,

Anth"ny Milano 2, ':00 Castelh(TIgers' Ellie Thomas Chn. ZIlk(Spartans)

A.~Slst. Adam Bre .. ster, Sal"llhGregor) Robm Cook, ReId DIxon<Tlgers)

Comments The Tige~ got excellentgoaltendmg from BeDJamm M,lIer andJohnn} Baker The Spartans got offen.Sl\ ~ pressure throughout the gameKdleen Lang and Zak pia} ed wen

TIcen 5, Devtls 3Goals Chad FISher 4, Joe Castelh

ITIgers , St>awn McLoughhn 2, NIckCullen (l)e~ils)

As!:ISts Ben ~,Uer, Johnny Baker,ReId Dixon, Adam Bre"'ster, RoblDCook mgen~ Cullen (DeVllsl

Cvmments Thl: close matclJ fea-tured exrelJent goaltendmg from theTIgers' Casu-Ih, Cook, Ducon andFIsher and strong defen.lve play byBnan Auty and Muler The DevIls hadgood defens"'e g"mes from OhVlaVandenbussche and Samuel Hu

year long," he sald "The schoolWIll mIss thiS semor class.They're a bunch of characterkids, who've had a mgh degreeofl>ucce~."

But It wasn't always thatway

"When these kids wer-efreshmen they won one fOo)t-ball game and their first. yearof basketball at the varsitylevel they WOD four galues,"s..id WYll basketball coachBruce Pelto, who IS the boysathletIc clin-.etor at the middleschool. "But they did all the lit-tle thmgs that lead to winmng- hftmg weIghts, gomg tosummer camps, pIaymg in aSummer league - and theybelieved In themselves thatthey could get the Job done. It'snot about the coaches, but it'sabout the Iuds, They're theones who had to accept thechallenge

"And there was great sup-p<1rt from the parents and thefaculty and our fans. We hadmore people cOlmng Ul our ath-letIC events than ever before.ThIS IS a major accomphsh-ment for our kids and ourschool We're one of the small-est schools In the conference."

ULS has always been suc-cessful m girls soccer and thisyear was no exceptIOn,although coach DaVidBackhurst wasn't !'ourehe hada champIOnshIp tEoam at thebeglnmng of the year

"Before the season started,Bob came up to me and put aI1ttle pressure on us,"Backhurst saId "He said,\', c':-c countmg on you' I said'walt a mmu'..e 'We're mexpen-enced In goal, maybe one of theother gtrls teams WId pick uptne slack for us thIS year'

"But we had a remarkableseason and came back strong.f,. ..._ !~I;""~.b tc .:.....:.t::. .......l QU ::u!. l,.11

parly In the year It WliS goodto fee! we contnbuted to theali-sports trophy"

Pelto summea up what theypar meant to everyonf' atULS

"If 'I,.:t ~ ~:Hq::..: j'-'~I C'u ..J.one that I'll trcasur!' for a lonj:{time: he !'ald ~N('w there hasbecn n cnaJ't-ng., ",t,. loTto toduphcatf' thl, and I thmk tbe<;pnlOr.,-to-he will take thatchalJr'nge "


Results, highlights from GPSA house league actionl>NDER-6

Panth,,!'>o 6, Eltgl.,. 0l" ,I, h.elh 0 [)onI ell Ddudlm 2

\Lh'H.I rlfllf(\ ......h, R lhlt'> CJ:TrcmlJtJn BUlt- "Iel- ... ' l .lpllZOPJ'lh<"'-

( ... lal l<..JH .... Tn, Panthl '" pl~I ...(d-3\\ut db IPJl Il.d ~ ltll'11 ~"lYl~ ~I.'C~li. n-'jI.e" 1 t'l .. \I.UI\. m lJ b\ \t ltt

t ..I.. .... '""'t. ,,( l ~1nl.. ) d'ie. \i.lUIt '1 rlm ...hl "hill. \11lt-j H I (,""front.l d -\1\ "'~1 Bn .. (J {,,\)11'f,ll.f.d fot tht>

...r n•.) It \\ \rr(", [) 1n 1 1 lu nul th.C\g> •.d ~l{l l.r.... pr,J"ldlr~, "'l!l)"'~"{ ff, n ..1\ I,. thru..,'

P .......l _ • r".... ~_ ..... v

tr\ tl,;;; h.t.ll 0 n..."1n'<"H Ddu.dlln 2-"I~\f'l rt.~rnr \......kl R thlt C'rrnnf 1'1tl,~ t ...)

o\ ..... I...t \1attrt.\\ Ll.tchl2~e'P,lntht-r ...,

('tnnm .."t, Tl;e Panlhe", g"t e~cel1,tlt ode"_,, f pia' Iron \\a.-renD"mm~n Dc"" BUI', :-.ltkae!If'r'u(..v,,skl "'Ino: '\h.h 1\... l..t.plZ." ,\\hl}eCarron \t..:lP T{,MrOy.~:hJ and Ah ...saBruno lUrnt'd m ~OO1t .. o .. s, e/for'''''The ~'o~,;..r, defen""pl.'ed ..ell andthe COUI('1"< il.ld " ~d game at mId


Jaguars I,Warnors 1Goals !>lax Su.mer ' Warnurs IComments ral ..b """"m,,,," An":!

p"t Go~hee pla,ed .. ell for the\\arTlors Jan.s WIse and Justl!lKo' 0 "ere offeuslve <to.ndo\lts forthe" ~J iN' ar,d Da"d Sutton had asolid defensl\e game

Jaguars 0, ~kers 0Commen." Chloe Sreberna.k a"d

Natal'e B"ll pla~ ..d ....ell for theJaguar--

Jaguars 1, PanthE!';o 1Goals Roan :.I,lIer "Jaguars I R,chle

Carro., •Panther<('omments Damel Sutton and

Bnan Hart played .. ell for theJagua"" .. h,le Rell) Daudbn. ~keTernro'" skI and !>ilke CJaffone hadgood games for the Panthers

HOl'Ilets I, Warriors 0GoaJ Joe Leene IHorne~1Comments Flnrnet goalies Scan

Seaman Macl..enzle &>.man N.~h"lasFrtlntczak and Hollv Spen",r combmedOIi the shutout The Warnors were II'dby the effort.., of Ma.." '3tcmer and Nlek>Serametls

ULSFrom page Ie

Wood "aid that the semorclass was most responSIble forthe school's atWelLi' success

"We had an outstandmgsemor class of athletes and aJUnior class that blended wellWIth the semors,~ he said,"Now throw In a few nmth and10th graders \Ioho can play atthe varsity level and you havethe Ideal nux

"The success or fallure ofa!"y athletic team If> dttecllyreiated to the leaderslup. orlack of leadership. It gets fromIts seruors We had an out-standIng seDlor class, but theycould ..1't do It alone.~

When the ULS semors foundout they had a shot at IVmmngth(' all-sports trophy, they tookIt mto their hands as best theycould

"Vle had SOllie semors CQmeout for track for the first tuneand they did It because theyknew If we did well m thespnng sports we had a realIS-tic shot at winning the all-sports trophy," Sald bojs trackand craSb country coach PhilipLangford

Wood talked to threeseniors, who hadn't been trackathletes until thiS year

"I made a speci~l appeal toBnan Bruenton, Kyle Denhamand KeVin Espy to go out fortrack, and we wouldn't havefimshed third "... thout them,~Wood said

Langford saId the Impetusfor the outstandIng yeaz got Itsstart \Iolth the fOOTball team'sg-O regular season record andIts fi, 5t berth In the state foot-ball playoffs

'-It all steam rolled from thefootball season, Langfordsaid "If you don'. ha"e a spir-Ited football team, the othersports won't folloy. A success'ful football sea,>on gets e"ery-one c>xclted I knoy. our crosscountry team "a'> e'(utedrlbout football "

Football coach Grlrv Hill"noticed that the dnvp -for thedlJ-"}Jur., .rupny ~UlleQ tne

athletiC departr.ellt together"Everybody wanted all the

kids partlclpatmg: IfIll" said"And you saw <'upport at thevanous g'i1me" !we,.., body gotbehind thl' thing onc!' Bobmade It clear what It would"" 1.. .. To. ~ ..... h 1.. 1l".:C1I"\~ L"V \"oJII II. 11. ~V'" ~u(.,. V"I'UVJ't'

~LIJCJfll L.<:I1K.JIIg doout '"lPOI1I;j

thll" a~reed that the .,emorshad a lot to do wlt~1 th!' ilthlel-IC succes"

"I knOl, thr 11 <,cnJ(,r, thatpJflypd fontb III stood up all


J'lt! :'>1u rph) dmh(Jl ed th<.Crr}"~l Prill!'" d(len,' "hlleh )\H t-.. d J', r xcdj'>nt gelmEO'at") ...... { t. J l r

'u" ::->dl\ () • lI"ed vU L thepr J1;. .,Cd. ....Ofl \\ 1~ h 1. 5~S tIe

....;" II,. t tht :-{o<.h"sterLI~r.11J111g

Thl 1.1gb tll I f h d ,j.j dft"rl\\"J t..drl) t! '~"J... In tht ::.ccondh ...!f but Ho" ( hrougbt thl-Sd!\O Wlt~ ••• 'JIlL mHJ ...J.)thrrJu:!p the L-llf HId rOnJov,UJ" d tfJe equ ...h.ler dfter:-'1Ulp!n\ ad" ,n},l theLlghtliln>: dd~n,l

l\1J11",r :><-or( d t\\lCP f(Jr theSaho whllp DcLdurd :l1slJ tal-l.pd

Conre) dnd Slandzlk hadthe t:lJl\o.'> otoer a:'''l~t;,

Five win campsin GPSA raffle

The Grossi: Pomte SoccerASsocI3tlUn announced the fivewmners III It::. "occer camp raf.fle

Wmmng one week campswere Kellen Bannon, DanielLaLonde Brad Hancock, GregGumej and Steve DeLorenzo

The camps donated werefrom Oakland Umverslty (248-370- 3190', l\-hdVvest SoccerAcadem) (248-253-0758), Sauklr11 I""'Il _ ..... _

• a.m,,)' 0!JU1 L' v.imp 'O\..'11-~O~-

SAUK) and Umverslty LiggettSchool (313.884-6718)

Lc\c~er,,: "nd Arndfo con'"butfd tiJ thc ,lc1orJ dhng,'Itl' the 'ollc! rnllllicJd pb: ofKln',e Ir L.tl)~ j{,.b<.rtB I~h f.t (..nc p1I1d \J trr.Jielddid <) g Jod J"L ~\\ Itlhlrw from'Ilfl n ,j to de fen,e I'.h,!eIf '1111-I'U ,.d Pdglj J p'lJ ld

lei Ihe ].,-t lJrll- (f ddcll,!:1 h c (' 1'::>.\ ",d, 0 ~H h id t I' I

\' In .. dT1d ~:ll tit-' In l"'(.((.nt

.\llctlJgdrJ Youth SO((( r Ledg,,,kdl D,I hj('n pl.l)

UH ::>clh I) fldll t .....o g(Jd"fr(JI'1 ('hn~L,-n COllT'J\ ...nd onea.Pll'l-C 110m .](.[' GrucllbergBrer-dan Howe Peter L",Adam ....lJllu and .JonathanVd.') SlcleJe In a 7-2 VICtU"" o\erthe Tro) Tn'mol;,

el'd"': :'11>1.,!l,v L,,), 1ldrkS.landzJk CQTll (;V dnd MlchadYakamo''lch wllected as"l"t~

Frank.e Delaura pla,cd a~trnnl1' defer ,1\P ";1m' ...t m"lfield and .Jocy D~StefallU Yl<a..'>

~ohd agam In gOd ID1Stefano wa" outstanwng,

e:>j.ltl-Iall) Jll ~he second naif, asthe Salvo blanked the Oxford-OrIOn Lobes 1-0

Michael DePerro bcored theonh goal aftt'T takmg a finepass trom Conroy Miller andVan SIckle had several goodswnng chances but weredemed by the Lobo goalkeeperG!""U.~!1b!.!"~ ~~d D~L:. ....~~ u.1:;:;had good offen"lve game'>

Yakamo~lch, Szandzlk. Loy

"'.,M is looking forw ..."~t_:~ ~ ~ U-14 & U-13

J ,\~, J '.:: '} ')

~t\l'; - ~ - !p. Thavel Soccer Players~ In The Grosse Pointe/Harper Woods Area

For MYSl Travel SoccerCall:886.6857 orJUtl.71 '.0 -':;'DMt;"n~- - - • --" .AJ ....... ., .. r-zJ"


\ (ldlr of Gl(>"~l Io.ntl'3occrr \<';,OCldtlol' lr,.,< J

('am' h 1,C (JO] e ....LJ! 11' UlldL'

1(1 dctJOn'[ he r;p,,-A. Hur. Il l'''''~ "

~ClOlld Jll the ,"0" undtr 111d'\l~IlW of tlll HI)meO

!,l"'c!dllllll Cup t(;Ulll'llll'1t

IO<'lng to the B" mllli-h,llr!Liul'> .3-L 1,1 thl' (h,JnlpJl;lhl JIm,ttch

'[ he HurrlcdIlc beat Arrn,ldet3-2 dl ftdted RCI<.he-ter 4-1 Mid

L.ll1l\t,.. 1 \ <It ULU 111 .J U tL U10\ l

Into tLe senllhllJI~ Jii.l,nbt:t:01....,Le~tf-'r LJnCt> dg.Hn t:leHurnca.ne dcf"'ated the BUIll

thl:. time 3-0The tournament h'atured

outstanding play III goal b)..~'1dy PD:b~~'::, 'tron~ dc!~c'::'j"t't'work trom swe,eper AlexJendrusma and bpenl-erLogan, Matt Leveren.l PeterSpllla and Chrl<; Sw",nsonIP:1rl1Tlg the W?:y ....n offen:.cwe, e Grayson Heenan, AndrewAmaro, Adam Kmnear,MIchael 1',fal~.s, flJ. "aJJMansfield, Jessica Lt>on'ardand Nathan Kinnear

The Humcane I" coached bvPeter Logan :\!arty DeClerqu~IS the tramer

Earher, the Humcane beatthe Rochester Revolution 3-2as Heenan scored all threego~l" Inrlllrhng th~ ...........!lQ ..

WIth two mmutes remainingThe fine passmg of Logan,



four turnOVf:>rs and was a keypln)er on defense •

JUnior LIbby Wayman ledSouth ....Ith a7 goals

The mo~t Improved player"'as freshman KateT'I 1 j ,

.l. U.l.n.t.l1~I...a~UL,

Next year's team captamsWill be Wayman, JessIeChance) and Dayna Santoro

In addition to playmg "'I'll onthe field. the Blue DeVIls had ateam grade-pomt a\€rage of35

Applicant!> should con lactTom Gau4?rke, assistant pnncI-pal/athletiCS, at (313) 343-2214or obtam & coachmg applica-tIOn In the maIO office at Northbetween 8 a m and 3 p mMonday through FndayApphcatmns are due Monda},Aug 3

Loaded to the brim!

second leadmg "corerVandermale wa<; a "trong

defenSIve pIa) er and plans tocontmue playmg lacrosse at(' alvm College

~.n l1 _ A 1 D ~ \.. ~..................... '-' ..L. ......... O\,.. J.'" ......u~"".l~1

played nearly all the g!lmesand saved 167 of305 shots Shemtends to contmue herlacrosse career at WIttenbergCollege

Another semor, LIZ Sloan,had 10 interceptIOn", furred

North seeks coachesGrosse POinte North IS seek- spnng for a boys vaIblty tenms

~n~ candidatc.t' for sc' ..eral coachcoal-hmg pOSItion,; for the1998-99 school year

In the fall. North needs avarslty cheerleadmg coach anda freshman boys soccer coach

Winter sports opening:. arefor ,arsity and Jumor \ ar<;lty~ H..,t1mg and JunIOr varsItyhasketball

There's dll opemng In the

Drumm, Da,s•••at

--..., ~ ~-........--.----.,., ;1ii, ~~ .. v "'-~. ~

\. A!II!!IB. A. \:. ' ~

June 25,1998 Sn t.G.ro.s.s.e.p.O.in.te.N.e.W.S ~ or s

GPSA travel teams successful

1998 IILNOUEnE GLSLoacIed! Demo. StCc_#2198.

MoS•••P. $2',130!!!!-J Disc .... $4,131

YOUR '23,..ftft~-, '~PRJQi.- _>~

- - 1998 BUYADA SUY,~~~. Absolutely loaded!

:orit.#.l:l3 I Demo.

These seniors, shown with coach Christine Me:2vetz.made important contributionsto Gro1se Pointe South's first girls l=.crosze team The Hlue Dc'\'ils ~.%4ished nfl..h. In tl;.t.state with a 6-8-1 record From left are Laura Vandermale. Alexis Butcher. ChristyPetty. Medvetz. Liz Sloan and Emily Mitchell. Mitchell. Petty and Vandermale werenamed to the All.Stat~ finlt team.

Three All-Staters highlightSouth's girls lacrosse season

M.S.LP. $31,230DrutM, DiscNllf $3,7~5

=$27,495*1998 INTRIGUE SEDAN

Loaded, demo. Stk.#SS91.M.S.•• P. $22,070

Dru_y DiscCHRlt$2,071

~$19,999* .

AU.State honors for semorsEnuly Mitchell. Chnstv Pettyand Laura Vandermale high.hghted Grosse POinte South'sfirst seaSOn of hd ''lng Its Q.... ngirls lacl"()sse team

Fnr th~ l".,.::t(;"0' u.....(" ~,.... H..

had comb~;led -~l~h''G~'o;~~Pomte North tv field a team,but trus year 70 girls tned outfor the South squad

The Blue DeVils {jl1l~hcdfifth m the swte with a 6.R-Irecord and 10 their gameagamst crosstown nval North.South posted an 11-0 Victory

"The de(:hcatlOn, enthusla~mand detemunatlon of thIS learnwas the reason for its succes",~said coach Christme Med\Tpt7"We had players go to summercamps and play m the off-sea-son league- and It made a dlfference In theIr level of play"

Miteh~lI was the learn's onl)four-year \'arslty player andwas onl' of the leadmg scorcr~She plans to play lacrossc atthe Uwverslt} of P.whmond

Petty was the squad's mo,;t....uhmb!e p~a.Yt:r and WU:oJ Ultl



Thursday. June 25,1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection





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UPHOLSTERY work donereasonably Free esti-mates After 500 Mary810-773-2572

AFFORDABLE sewingWlfldow treatments, val-ances, Romal'S, cornI-ces. cusi":orts, pillows."Your Fabtlc, My Tal-ent" (810)794-9208

CUSTOM DRAPER1ESBlinds, carpet wanpape'.Bedspreads & decoratJVe

AccessonesViSit our Sho.,.room at



MIl erogonee!"ng studen,e-ilp8fJ8OCed tutor Inmath, phy5l':$, chemlS.try, SpanISh (313}8810565

Sl>EECH. Language Thef-apy/ Tutonng for stu-dents ovef the sommercan 313-642-18!9

ElEMENTARY leacheravadable tor lutoong, allsub,ec1s (31 3}882-9475. ask for Paige ART gaItety sales. part EXPERIENCED Purchas- FRAMING & sales. &pen-

lime If'CIudIng Saturday. log Agent needed tor enced framer. 32 hoursH.stur'.c Pe ...aboc Pvt. growmg computer net. per ....-eek including sm.181y. 10125 E Jefferson woriong & cabling com- un:Iays. Call Anne atCall Came, (313)822- pany. Computer know!- MalIbu Gallery. 81o-n4-0954 edge (MS Word, Excel} _2_78_7 _

ASSEMBlE arts, crafts, & excellent commUfllCa- GARAGE attendant part10yS In your spare tlme bon skJhs required llme! full time. IlghI du-Earn cash' Ptlo"le wort<., Please send or fax re. tles. A M or P M Villagetyplng. sewmg. electron. sume to ASI 15224 Ker- Mara~. CadIeuxI Ker-ICS, more. Great payl CfleVBl Grosse POtnte chev8J ~ee Phtl

~~orma~l Park. MI. 48230. Fax GRASS cutters, gard..~(SCA NetworK) 313.823-8168 (~3)~36~~rs.

AVAILABLE ~-nmadI31ely EXPEJUENCED Recep HAIR STYlISTSFull time home mamte- tlOOlsl/ Office Assistant BOOTH RENTALnanceI Iar\dscaplng. $8 wanted for groWJng com- St. Clair Shorn S8Ionper hour 313-565-9845 puter networlang and C8II MnI. Hollman

BARBER needed, ~rosse cabling company. Excel- T~ tIvu SatufdayPOlo1e Shop Must be lent COI1lIT1UIlIC8bon & 81o-m-5723expenenced Call 313- ~~Io: HAIRDRESSER and nail686-4888 MS WOfd & Peachtree tech Booth rental av8J1.

CADEUX cafe hlnng walt- preferred. bu!. not re- able. (81D}n3-0996staff & Iatchen help. Pop- qlJlred. Monday- Friday HOSTI hostess Prof8SSlO-ply at 4300 CadIeux 8- 5 Please send or fax naI expene:lCe prefer-

CAPlZZO ConstructlOfl resume to' ASI 15224 red Full time. Rattle-looking for ccnstructlon Kercheval Grosse snake Club (313'567-labor f313)885-(1612 Pomte Park, MI. 48230 4400 '

CASHIER, some expen- Fax 313-823-8168 LOOKING for aence reqUired, Detroit EXPERIENCED short or. new career? jmanna. 18 or older CaI! der cook wanted Must Call and see d you qualify _'between 9am- 5pm, ask be dependable, both to earn $50,000 We havefor Natabe or Joe sn& HalYard GnU, the systems and the(313)824-1982 MackI cadieuX area. schooling to make your

--------- 313-882-9090 dreams come trueCOMMUNITY representa- Call RlChard Landuy1 at

live Enloy fleXIble hour EXPERIENCED waitress. 313-886-5800career, prOVIding gifts mommgs. early after- Coldwell Bankerfrom iocal buslnesses to noons Janet's Lunch SChwe!ttermovers Excellent eam- 313-624-4624 Grosse POinte FarmsIr1Qs Call, (010)573-3540 for interview Wel.come Wagon Interna.tlOnal.lne

DEUVERY person mustknow Grosse POintearea, valid dnvers It-cense Apply In personV.ltisgii: r-V\id r.1ar-"at18328 Mack Avenue

DETECTIVE. inVestigatortrainees Good wages313-927-{)203

OIRECTOR, Home ServI':es. Mack! Morossarea Calvary Center4950 Gateshead, De-trOIt, 48236

EARN up 10 $500 weekassembl:ng products athome No expenenceImormauu[), i '0,,", f;oto'1700 Department MI-

j8***[ ~**-..\•••••• I•••B.I~.T.i\P.HIc~.A~"'Y••• i. _24_86 ---EASY WORK- retiree pre-ierred HandymanSmall yard! home OwntransportatIOn 313-839~I ~ I DADDY _138_5 I

«I -"..,., I , ,.......... !! ~UI.L cnarge 00011 lIet:l~1 • I~ I -;.. I I LU \ I., ! for part time poSII,on II

II ~~ JWEG\ILan" d~'TrXI{YI Mu<;t "'ave com outer

Lknowledge FleXible


nours good pay and se-

I Br~KlTS! cured free parking. _ _ Gregory Boat Co

.¥ ¥....... (313)8231900

Airport Of PersonalLou The Chauffeur 313.881-5527/ 24 hoursGood rates'

109 fNTE~TAI"1f,EtH



FOR the hobbles- I havetwo boat~ for sale Do~ou have a RlC lover If'

your family Call 313823.~943

CLASSICAL musIC for anyoccascon Solo. duo. trio,qUintet, gurtar. WInds.VOICe 810-£61-2241

DINKY The Clown- Facepal1rt1ng, balloons ardma9JC ProfessIOnalmaQlCl8n also available.(313)521-7416

MAGIC of J R McAtee.Named "Best of Delrort"DETROIT MONTHL Y1810}286-2728

101 I'IlA YERS



ZK2 Technologies offersaffordable & profeSSional

web site deSignZk2web@ aol comor 313-885.6133

FAST upgrades, repairssales Fair prtClng, 10..yeal;) t::A~II~II ...t:;; Plo-.Micro Computers 22216Gratlot Eastpointe &10773.7766

REPAIR, trouble shootingupgrade networKingHalf tre pnce of othercompanies 313-331.0792

IN thanksgIVIng to our FEEL good, look greatBlessed Mother and 51 Make 30 Ibs disappearJude B R fast AsK rT'e how 734-


MASSAGE Therapist, 2Iocatx)ns Relax- youdeserve It Lon,(810)774.1997

MASSAGE therapy byBesty Breckels. 11yea'S experienceHouse calis available(313)821-0509


MEDICAL BILLINGBe your own boss Proc-

ess medlCaV dentalcla.ms for doctors on

your computerComplete tralomg


GUITAR, p,ano lessons,, ................ lI=ol ..... !!!!!!!!ItlI All ages, aH 'evels Clas-r BOARD OF EOUCAOON VACANCY' slcal b'3C~ground Call

__ ..i_ ... __ 1 C:~- DanIel 31".886-4803Harper WUVVlt SdNVt ..... 1'., ---------PIANO In lh!' oark Versa. • _

D-.Je to a. resignation. a vace.ncy exi"Jtc; i tie keiboa'dlst leac!'e~on the Harper Woods Board of old! new way BaSICS

F.ilnrSlt1nn Rfl"lltd ..nh. n'th .. ,,"-11'.... claSSical beYond' RavWoods School District interested in 313.823-2'50-- ----------filling this vacancy must sllbmit a. PiANO lesson~, cer1l'led,lett"r of intent iind a resume to the re<'ltille f!,ellVill<; Popu

Ad..dnlsh.",tive om(;~S at 20225 lar class cal, ,",00"/ ,6,11aqes 810.772.5415

R" ....ouaf:i:ld :Uu latei' tLa.. 4..,Ui 'Iii July II_.... .... .. r;-;.~l==: - -.=-: ...~I J., ..1 'tJ::1G .&.Q.~ le"l.e'r UI UliLClI .. oI:U1U l.,aUUlt= II" .,....... - ...-.........~ ....~~ should include backgro'md inlonnation Wood..,area S10! les.

such as education and work experience 1_ son ~~ ~~ 1'~~~ _as well as the applicant's reason for PIANOle<;501'S summer

want1ng to he en the B,""'M Beginners advancedyour homE: cer'tlflea

...J all 313-839.1296 for more informatio E!J teacher (313)8866862

PHOTOGRAPHY- Spa- MASTER the computerClahz.ng In Wedc:bngs & One on one classesAnrnversanes Black! Wmdows, lo1emet, Soft-white & color Reasona. ware AppItcatlon In OUrbIe Benard (313)885- officfl lJm1ted home VIS-8928 Its Children welcome

SERIES 7 Mor Loof<ng 810-778.2213 pagafor a rebred stockbroker _8_1_0_.9_7_4_._5326 _

PARTNER!lnVllSlor war't: to tutor me 313-884- NEED a computer? Weed- Grosse PoInte bar. 5432 WiH finance- even If your8Staulant Reply 10. to TROMBLY'S H8Ir Crea- have been tumed downBox 08018, C/o Grosse nons- Perm SpecIal- before Chance to rees-Pomte News & Connec- Was $45 Now $25 tablist> credrt 1-800-tton. 96 Kercheval, (313)884-'400 531-3717 (SCA Net-Grosse POinte Farms, - -_. -----. ---------- work)MI 48236. WArn: TO REACH


IQU can place your adIn more than

~rbanNe!vspapersreactung more than

8 mdllOl1 householdsaround Nof1h AmerICa

One call & low cost rates'For deta1ts call Elarbara at

Grusse Poinle News &The ConnectJon.313-882-6900 or

Suburban Classrrted Ad-vertiSIng Network (SCAN)

at 312-644-6610

CA1..UGRAPHY: Eleganthand Iettenng for wed-dmgs, partIeS, certifi-cates. ete Call 313-521-2619.

GROSSE Pomte rellldentseeks heated, dry spaceto rent for her extenSIVecostume colleclton Forpnvate storage onlyNot commerCllil, referen-ces 313-884-0128

lONG tlme Grosse POintere5l<ient Wishes summerrental, or will housesrtdunng your vacatron313-822-0002

IlIETABOUFE 356tm, loseweight, gain energy AsadVertlsed Of' the radIO810-772-5153

MICHIGAN WORKSHOPFOR THE BLIND31:J..946. 7660(Onlen I De4 overy,

.Brooms -erusne~-Mop heads & handles(All made bv the olind)

~ofolhercleanlJ19 suppll~s tool


..aId Broom Handles-Whi'e Pam'

(Laquer & Enamel).Rubber Cane T,ps.Palnt Brushes

Can (313)882-60n

with family room,sharp neu' kitchen,

new baths,finished basement.

No 4gents Please »- Door-to-Ooor Service!

378 McKinley • $445,000 ,i\~~ __ u~.~_ c••_.1 e r_.__ ,<0.1- '.111'1 -- ~""pl.' ~~C~~

:; 'OJ'y""" .... VM.'>~ ..nu"""'y .,w.I_ ~..uu" ~.,," 1""'" ~ 'T.JV ..... _ 17~J!J1.!.~t 313-882-.>968 J ,SIO 445-0373••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

To rent 1his space please eel (313)882.-6900

Thursday, June 25,1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection



EXPERIENCED IcKIy WlSh-es to take care of theelderly Days or eve.nlngs Grosse POIntereferences, own trans-portalJon 313-885-6201

INTERIOR extenor paint-Ing house cleaning rub-bish removal Qualitywort<! reasonable ratesReferences Andrew,(810)7'54-4323


~y CARE FACILITIES(Ir>-home & center,,)

'"lUS' show the rcurreri j,cense '0 yOJf

advert ISng representatl\ewhen placl'1g your ads


DAY ca'e In my Ilce'1sed~,OfT1ePart or fu I timeInf"'lts ....elcome Terry"'3-88-"-6%8

LOVING mature lady w'sh-e~ to Moyslt your childIn my !"ome 4 5 daysExcelle'11 refe'ences\.:>1.,1/0000100::

RESPONSlAI ~ YC"J~man, (12) a,allwemornings OccaSional oror' g.)1'1g Refere'1cesSteve (313l882-2688



c.....- c.nwMn provA!rPusona! Care. CI.~ Cook.mg& u~~d"'. l1t."t!......~ ! DaL~ £I..J;'e.$

'-"" It....,------


".A+ Ltve-ins ltd. ~


DAY CARE FAClLITlES(In-home & centers)

must show tretrcurrentllCOOSe 10 your

advertISIng representativewhen oIactng your ads


UCENSEO Harper Woodshome daycare has tod-dler opemnqs. Full timeMeals, actMtles. CPR~tLJfreJ, lefll3=iC'I~.(313}881-1090

ABSOLU iE quality, cleopendable personal cateeompamomtltp GrosseP....ntp fP';,riPnfor: l=.. rteoI-lent cooks 313-882-2079


24 HOUR UVE- INPersonlIII C;noCooIdng~

Ex~. CannsJ,Dependable, Bonded.

248-477~CARE For You Home

Care 24 hour seMceBonded Since 1978(810)403-5116

COMPANION! nanny-Woman lookIng to assistIn these areas Expen-ence In canng. Hoursvary (810)558-4657



Hourly, overntght ratesExpenenced Ifl the

Grosse POInte area.licensed &. Bonded

RICk - SaJIy 810-772-0035Estabbshed Smce 1984

NURSE'S aide seekingWOOL Care 01 SICk andelderly Excellent refer.ences No agency fee.(810)757-<>453, 810-757-1614

n.... _I V"H~





~aian; cornme' S.l"ateUse of Word and LotusResumes 10 Box 01024,c/o Grosse POinte News& Connection. 96 Ker-

Farms MI48236



HOUSEHOLDS?YQU can place your ad

In morelhan600Suburban f\!ewspapers

reacnlng more than8 mtllton househor;"

around North Amenca.One call & low cost rateslFor details call Barbara at

Grosse Pomte News &The Connecbon.313-882-0000 or

Suburtlan ClaSSified Ad.vertIsIng Network (SCAN)

at 312-644-6610



60 years reliable ser"ce Ir

'leed 01 expe' enc..edCooks Nannies MaidSHo"sekeepers Garden-

e's 8<.1I,e's COJplesNurse S Aide", CompanIons and Day Workers for

pm'ate ho'nes10:; "'14 jvid~1\ Av~nue

Grosse Po,,,te FarMS

EASTS,IDE commercial In-du~tn~1 rl(~ng,rtv m~r'\ ..agement flnT" 'ofTer:ngpart t,me POSlttO'1 tor ex-per~enced per$..').,"'l w.t'"secretarial! office rr.&J1'agar SKills non. smoker

Are You serious About Acareer In Real Estate?We are senous about

your successl'Free Pre-licenSing

classes'exclUSIVe SuccessSystems Programs

'Vanety 01 CommlSSlOllPlans

JOIfl The No 1Coldwell Banker afhhale

In the M'1dwestlcan George Smale at


SChweitz:er Real Estate

-Check Our Empioymentlistings Weekly



CHAUFFEUR- handlednl/'lng and errands forprominent executive. FULL tune, days lor childOther opemngs Pnvate Peds expenence prefer-Chef, Caretaker Couple. red Clinton TwpNannies. (liVe-in), and (810}286-5896Housekeeper, (11Ve-m)Call Cmdy at Harper As- NURSES aide needed toSOClates,248-932-3662 care for Invalid woman

Pay commef'tSurate Withexpenence 313-881.0319 St John MedicalIntenSIVe Care Unit. askfor Karen, 313-343-3414

HOUSEKEEPeR wantedfor Mondays and Thurs-days only Duties In-clude housecleanll'lgand laundry Must haveGrosse POinte referen-ces No ct>.ldren 1 catCall 313-881-4348

DENTAL P,ssSI:.trl for exciting comprehenSiveEdstpolnte solo prac..1,ce4 day wl:'ek no eve-n'ngs or weekenos Re-sponSible and excellent4 handed sk,llr:. a mustP'evlo"s asslstmg reterence" req~lred CallChar at 8'0779-7600

DENTAL 11elpneeded partlime 2 3 days Typing,cc....,p"""e .. dcnu..' j..,CI~" .....

313 881-8405

DENTAL r>yg,enlst »OS 1-tlOr, available In ourC"fllp!e'elv reno,aledstate of the an officePlea!>e consider JOIningour team of prever"tlOf1onented professIOnals5ca1r'1g & rool pll.lnnmgexpenence helpful(3131881-2480

DENTAL. hygienist 10 JOinfnendly Warren pnvatepracbce 2 days! week.1 saturday montl1 810-751-0520

EXPANDIHO dermatologyOffICe, seekIng fulV part- __ --------tome Dill s LCt.! s 8: ~ SECRETARYI nouse

keeper Shon hou-s.one e\lenl'lg and oneweek. end day(810}293-7171



202 ItElr WANTED CmlCAl


Cra.1nCommunlcallonsInc has an outstanding

opportunity for in experi-enced E:xec.JtIJeSecretary ThiS high VISibility POSI-lIOn requ,res exc..ellent nlerpersonal & organlza-tIor'al skills coupled withstrong verbal & writtenskills computer Itte-ta,..yar>da profeSSional de-

Ift:anVI T~I~ JJO~ L.O(I dlSO

requires the at"ltl)' to exerelse a hIgh degree of diS-cretion and Intllalive Willhandle confldenMI corre-

EXPERIENCED dental as-sIStant Busy GrossePOinte office, 2 days perweek Comoensattonbased on expenence(313}885-5009





AC' IV' •Y THERAPISTProgressive aSSisted liVing and sk~led nursll19 faCIlity seeking ener

getlC team~orlented IndiVidual to JOinour A.ctlVIty Team I

ResponSibility Includes assisting In planning, developll19 and mplementlng dally therapeutIC actIVIty program for our reSidents.

Qualifications Include.Bae~.I.r'. 1).sr" II RecrNhtll.1 TlI.r.py Ir r.let,. fi.ld-Ex,.nll" ",rlus "II~t~,.I~.rfy-I(.."I'~I',f III."reprlotl ectlVlIli1-hu,tl ..,1 UIlIIIIRIC.li ••• kill.-C.llllllrCilI Orin,',L,ClI .. l"IIr.~I.


Benefits of working on our team Include by j 0 in I n g a wIn n I n g tea m I-F~lIy'III' lIIedlc,l•• ul.l, ,m;r1,Ii,n, fl"'" COfln!' A D I vis Ion 0f S tan ley W 0 r k s.r,ft"".htllrl''' lll. "tlf.1II , •• ".. _

l-eUil .. ,11 ,dl:ItIU ""rf .. :tlll h d S immediate 0 r e n I n g s for-Gmr ... ,"d.tilll' oH ,ro,rl'" SA LE S PRO F ESS iON A LS!.EdHlli,",1 h,.II. rlllll~.rUM.ftl You \\111 mlHl:lge &. build a mobIle sales route. utlllzmg a lap-lop comput.:r

You muSI ~lIccessrull)' complele Ihe 10 Day MAC Dlrecl Tralnmg Program

_ , Interested appliconts please respond. I I THE IDEALr

(' AINDl DATE \V ILL HAVEIII induding sok:Iry requIl ements to: - I ~C<lr0 sa es e\ pcnenccI I St. John-Bon Secours Senior Community • Good lntcrpcrs.>na! 1 People skills ,

III 18300 East Warren Avenue III. rOMmgn ~1l001C(lul.dllon prcicrrw I• Workll1g kno\\ ledge of Wmdows '95


ceticH~,Ml 43224 ~ rr, be Ii kid I &We oller a ,ull eomprell~nsl~e ne It pac age IIIC II ,ng sa a~Attn: Georgette Alexander C0ll11111SSl0n Plca4IC fas )oor rewme & COler letter to (330) 487.5167.

EOE _ IJ care al' 'flU 1/ of'porwmtv CII/rlm er-------- r-.

l WA!'l { m I Al





(!lENSCRA"ERS.Opening at Eastland Center

The countne5 largpst optical retailer IS currentlyInleNlewlng lor the follOWing POSitiOns

Ceneral Manager - Retail ManagerLab Manager • OpticiallS

Apprentice Opticians • lab Teem - Frame stylistBenejiJs mcludl'.

401 K, pension plan hE'althand dental,one wee~ PTO after 90 days.

three wee~s pro after one year,above a~erage wages

Fax resumes 10

Sue Johnston - (734) 453.1591"Applications QVQliabie at ,-ustorner Service'



RESTAURANT time $71 hour to ,>tart, Be a profeSSional nanny' portabon lIelllble hoursSTATf OF THE ART plus paid vacatMls and TOIJr:.alary& benefits 2 days per week

KITCHEN...L Grosse POinte WoodsAIR CONDITIONED holidays )'J:I: Warehouse 686-5057

COOKS LINE stock- Monday- Fl"day MONTESSORI NANNYNOW HIRING Available hours 1 00- TRAINING PROGRAM SITTE~ needed lor 15

Bro,ler Sautee, Partry & 600 or 300. 600 pm (Register Winter Cla:sses) month old toddler In myPrep- CooKs Bus StaH & $575/ 'lour to start Ap- A NANNY NETWORK, INC St Clair Shores home

Gel~eral Utility Employees p'" <.It 25900 Groes (810)739-2100 Thirty hours per weekPremium Pay Day & night beck Warren mlnllnum Nonsmoker"Mts a~...lIilble ::rl~J 'evel PART TIME OR VOCA.L muse leacher (810)415-0625

!='OsrtlOns open Some grades j(- B Send 'e _,"'anagement positions SEMI RETIRED sump to Mrs E B.Jrns SmER needed for 4

sltll available Harper WooJs ~a'T1llv '70 Grosse Pe.n'e month old In are GrosseThe Beach Grill Busmes!, ~Est 1968) 81vd Grosse Po,nte Pomte Woods riVme

St Cla:r Shores, MI Seeking dependabie per. Farms 48236 Monday- Fnaay, 8. 5 I:>eI ,,"'~io'" ,.. ... - _ ... ~ -------- ,."nf\""w'''1 Q-R-QA (.aoVnpr'l ..

SMART busllne roule trom Sklll~" o:.~r:;;;;'~r '~rder nAil t1t;~ ~xpenenceo ence '& references re ra.~;~~';;;;"r~;d ,:~p_[)owntnwn/l=llCllillnrl ...~_. 1'__ n "n __ "'. Nights Short order n,"t'l'lrl nnn- ..mt'Mrpr '''10ClJ,u l"idL""" C""KlIO<lIt:l

~"'" ..,"' .. , ~ ~~ ... " UQ' COOK \.,,()unter person own transportatIOn(810)n8-7600 ext 121 ly/9a m • 3 p m saturday days Harvard Gnll M<Jslhave several years

Ask for Chef Johr Very generws pay plan (313)882 9090 (313)884-7533 related execlJllve le\lel ex-Fax (810}na 7195 Leave message- ----------- penenc~ Lega' back-

--------- Mr Roy 313-886-1783 WAITRESS! Barmaid, full ground highly preferredUBRAAY aide Grosse --_______ or part lime, days, Outstanding I:>enefrtsIn-

POInte PubliC Library. 10 PERSOH tc run errands 3 n'<;ln.s ey::'@"e"ced ASSISTANT to buSiness I haKA->'- I G V Ie - . - F II c.,uomg 1'(0 It S nng, pen-...",,,,va. rossa days! week ellK: pro- COOk. tull or part lune manager u tllTle,n... F send "--da Fda" 5 SK>fl, holiday bonus andr",nte arms 8- 12 VIded resume",--, pay A~h, at IYIV!I y. n Y. <r

\,3VUU ~, A~J ....... Id ha on-SI1e partong Don't nussho~ week shelvrng POBox 189010, Utlca Your Place Lounge. ~lCant s.""" ~ve thiS opportunity Send orrnatenals & wOfkJng on 48318- 9010 17326 East Warren expenence In accoo 11-soectai OfOlect<; ~<;, ~ --~------- 100 or booktc.eeOInQsal- fax resume and salaryhour. Must' ~ reliable, POs..~~Ntl d\ld'i'Ci:~/im -W-AJTST---A~FF--neede<:l---ro-rarY commensurate wrth gUJOElilnes IncontKience todependable, able to or me or busy ~ faClhty In expenence. Please call A. Stefosworil _~ lh ott>E"'5 students MedIcal assl&- St CI81rShores Pnmar- or send resume 10 Human Aesoul'CHand worl< IO::.:........ f"'k, liIrn.l313~"30 lIy weekends. double Chnst Church Grosse 14W woooonoge

.... ""' ", hlft ~"--- tlabIe DetroU, Mf 48207 mffllstratlve, recepllon,Heavy faf1Jng reqtJlred. PROPERTY manager, S S ....... ,,, a'l8 POInte, Ann. Mary Elten Fax: 313446 6488 billetS Expenence pre-Ideal for college student! part tlme. $13.50 per fOf' extra hours Great Brayton, 61 C'1fOSSEl EOElMIFIDN terred Gall 313-884-parent of sehooI age hour. Must be expen- pay. negobable depend- POIr\te Blvd, Grosse 3380, or send resumechildren AppIlC8llons at enced In aU trades Ap- tng on expenence Call Pomte FaJTTlSMI 48236 --------- to 18348 Mack Ave.10 Kercheval ply In peI'SOn, 20870 (810)773-4040 313-885.4841 FULL time posrtIon avalla- Grosse POinte Farms MI

Mack. ThIs Saturda bIe for expenenced per.LITTtE Italy's PIZZa needs 108m 12pm y, WAITSTAFF needed Ap- ---Cl.ER1CAL------ son with secretanall of- 48236

phooe person. PiUa - ply WIttttn Blue POInte Bon secours Hospdal has Iiee management skills, HYGIENIST needed formakers, delivery dnvers. RECEPTIONIST for Doc- Restaurant. 17131 E Immedrale need for part and some accounting for denlaJ offICe 10 HarperCall (313)526-0300, tors<l, office. Fax resume Warren bme Cleffj TW.s+.' Recep- Eas!slde COITotne=aVIn- Woods Please call 313.(810)469-2935 to .. 13-527-5660 or call WAITSTAFF W8.'1ted. bonlsIs. ReqUirements In- dustnal property man. 884-3050

MAIL order business wort< 313-884-9362. eve- Days. rnghts (313)881- elude pt€MOUS cIencaI ex- agement firm Non-from home Need help nmgs 8MO penence and typIIlg speed smoker. salary commen- MEDiCAl. RecephonISVnow, $522 plus, per RECEPTlONIST- Part WANTED- part bme golf Of 20 wpm medicallefTTlI- surate, use of Word & Bitler. Must have elCpen-week part time. $1,000 unat! A'tlicL ScUut-1 cart rnect'.ante. Expen- ,.ukig1 preferred. 11'"'~~ Lot-..!s qest..wne tQ BCiY ~ WIth ~, l"Sur•

to $4.000 pet' week, full- (810)415-8888 encecI In small engmes posrtIons are primanty day 01025, cia Grosse ance companIeS & mon-time. Full training 734- -------- prefefred. 20- 30 hours stlIft WI1tI some weekend PoInte News & Connee- ey 1ransacttons Fax re-397.9791 RESTAURANT week.. Aet1rees we!- andaftemoc:1shrttrotalJon 000, 96 Kercheval, sumeto313-885-4198

_........ A.-.Iu In .......,..,.., Grosse POInte Farms, --------"AU. R 'PIzzeria Cook & Wartstaff come 313-331.1755 ,.........,-.. '"'t'l"7 "'W'W~" ORTHODONTIC Assts-'"""""Oft osas mad or fax resume to. MI48236

needs phone help. Full or Part Trme Apply' WORK from home Grow- H\rltan RelIources tarn, experienced prefer-cooks. W8l1Stafl. pIZza Soup Kitchen 5aloon iI'l9 oommumcatJons 488 CIIdieLol Aa.d LEGAl.. secretary- East. red. 3 days pet week,"~.i"S &. ~,,6t-, paD- (f=~nkftn at ~nc:) \;VIT.piii1J seek..-.g tr"M;ilt-td- Gr'0888 ~ .. 41230 ~ OW"o., cUtM frrril for G1'OSS'9 PO'nt..e Prac-pie Apply after 4p m. Between 2:00- 4:00 !Y. outgOIng customer Fax(313)343-1327 EOE seeks additional, quality tlce (313)884-958515134 Mack RESTAURANT repI'&S8I'I1atI Earn up onanted. experienced OUR Grosse POIrTte dental ------ __

MATURE IlYe f(l care I'II\IAr NIGHT MANAGER to $3K per month. part ClERICAL help needeQ legal secretary Fmn fo. offlCP IS IookJng tc' the SALES OPPORTUNITY,..W' PART TIME time Flexible schedule Must know"""""- cuses on 1I1lga1lon At s.tes lIatlag,"sfor couple In 70's Dear- •• wvuo..... _v. • - nght person to orches- • __ '"'-...... __ a

b:xn ~ Must Apply 2- 4pm' from home 800-746- typing and medtcal ter- traebYe salary and bene- trate our front desk. Ex- ......... --- -_-speak e;;;fs'h'to pass Soup KJt.chen Satoon 3:182 (SCA NetwoIk) rmnoiogy (313i88S-5070 fit pactcage. Equal op- penence IS preferred but TerritcNy S8Ie$--...:-- "'---,,-_. (Franklin at 0r1eans ........._01 - ,sl ~....._- we WIn t~~ the nght II!dSize 1ndu1l1rial1~n__ ", """".......... East of D--"'_) ********* DATA ENTRY' ,.,....--, ............ I""""""~ .~,wages {313}881 14.'31 .-._, anc:eI equal pay empIoy- person Are you a self. stnnnenI rnam.rhlctunlr

, - --------- CUSTOOIAHS RECEPTlONIST er Resumes and reier- directed mdMdual Inter- in W8ITen. MI. iii grow-IIOLLY Uaid needs 1eam SALAD chef and staff so- OFFICECI.EANERS FuAtimepodlonwtth ences to P.O Box ested In malungaCiffer- i~ ~~~~

~I Monday. Fri. pervI80f for downtown fj. FUll • PART TWE growing ...... design 24020, DetrOIt, 48224- ence In a small n.....up ........... _._ .........day. no car reqwred, nanaaJ dIstnct restau- comr-nY. ExperWIICe 0020 ..--- ~ withmedicaIf dental 313- rant. Day shift. 313-886-7797 prefwNd. Fa .-.me setbngfnendly? ~. offerronmena very!to your abilitieS. Send re-884-1...... (313)964- 1717 to: 313 885 0844 or call -p-.-"'T-"-me-,-tat-e-a-'fte-moon--- gr .". 'SUIM- to~1I1t:-- ,,--

...... .... u ~ !earn new skll:S and a • .......... .......-seQ;ETARYI ~ .l1:H85-13M e.ar1y eYenmg and week- l!tJv por8Iion, P.O. Bolt 291,

MR. C'S DEU 1St. Kno Church end rrvvnIrv1Ol. Ask for very compe e com- I:'...o-Inl& III. 48021x IS ae- EXPERteNCEOexecubve .._._.,... pensal1of'l pacl<age ___.No 8JCP8fMlI"ICe necessary ceptJng applK:atlons for Ron $amul, Brol<er Please sendcastHec's, cooks. cIef1cs, the newly created posr DAY care for; 2112,1 112, admInlstrabve 8S$I$f8n1 313.330-1990 or 313- your re- SALES person for pets10ck help. Must be at bon of seere!alyl recep. and newborn Part tane, for one person office, 32 526-6500 sume to Box 02035. c/o s~ 9-00- 6 00 P m. 2-

least 16. Slar1Jng pay up OOl'llst QualifICations In- 2- 3 days, II'l '"Y Ilome hours per week Seeks Grosse POinte News ~ 3 days per week 313-

to::eOO~at~~ elude Windows 95 profi- or out, 9 and Jt.Iferson sell motnrated. detail on- SECRETARY for oown- ~~~5S~ PO:~ 881-9099Dell 18660 Mack G oency Proofreadtng ex. area. Ideal lOt' $!By et entaled person with town Detroit corporatePorte ~arms, M8ck ~ pertise as well as oral & home mom WIth one good phone and 0fglUll. law firm Excellent pay. Farms. MI 48236.Warren, 881.739?, asII for wntten commumcatlof1 chlkt References a zatJonaI sloll$; ability \t) benefits and fIl bu1ldlng PART bme hyglelll5t for

John Or 20915 Mack, skills Excellent organt- must. Leave message or work II1dependently. Job parl<Ing. WordPerfect Eastpomte general den-Gro$$e POInte Woods. za!IOnaI sIaIIs and abtlrty ask for Kim (810)m- Includes typing. book- expenence Resume to tlslry pracII<:e cau

between 8 & 9 Mile to multi- task is expect- 7125 keeping, payroll & filing Box 03034. cJo Grosse (810}773-0820884-3880. ask for Donna ed. AppIlcabons shoold INFANT care needed In Send f88UTTle to Box POInte News & Connec-

IIUSIC <irector. part 'Jme be evangelical Chnstl- my 51 Clair Shores 01023. clo Grosse bon, 96 Kercheval. PART tIme/ tulll1me dentalto coordtnate fTllISIC pro- ans QlJalified candt- home Part time, 5.30 POinte News & Connec- Grosse POInte Farms 85SlStant 28-32 nours,gram for small growing dates should send or fax a m.- 1 30 pm bon. 96 KercheYaJ. MI 48236 evening hours. St Claircongregatlon Redee- resume with expecta- (810)777-0605 Grosse PolOte Farms, Shores area. 810-775-mer UnIted Melhodist tIons to Knox Church -------- MI 48236 WAREHOUSE office defk 3960Church.313-884-2035 25700 Crocker Blvd UVE In babysrtter needed. -------- part lime. 1:00- 500 --------

Hamson Twp MI. 48045 8alary negotiable.. Span- RECEPTIONISTI bOok. pm. Monday_ Fnday R.N. needed part tune.QUAUTY ~rance as- Attention Personnel rsIl spealung preferred keeper neaded fOf the $5 75/ hour to start. Ap- B\.'S'J doctor:; of.o.cc.

SlStant needed. WIth Com 810-469-8500 (313)882-7148 or 888- front IlIle 01 a busy ad- !>lY at 25900 Groes- Please call. (313)885-good orgamzatJonal Fax 810-469.1616 518-7671 rncnastratJveoffice Must beck. W8l'I"¥l. 8070sI<JIIs and attentlon to -II-O-TH-ER-o-f-S-y-e.a-r -old-91-r1 be pleasant, patient and'detall. No expenence --------- needs lovmg, summer professlooal on phones.necessPry ApfAy Pro- WAITSTAFF days, nights, day care help A.lso help Will be respoflSIbIe forducbon P1allng, 23120 lull & part bme No Sun- before & after school, many dally detall Onen1- C1.EmCALI med.cal ass-Gratiot, Eastpomte days or Holidays Lrttte (KJndergarten) In fail If ad jObs 2 years expen- SlStdnt needed ror medt-

Tony's 20513 Mack. ence, with a strong of. caJ cliniC, 81Q-445-3070Interested. 734-207- fice background re-3348 qUire<! Expenern::e in

SITTER needed. well be. unemploymerrt and so-havecl 7 year old gl/1 aaJ S6rvlCe forms a plusDays, fuD tlme Refereo. Great benehts Pleaseces (313}823-4029, af. fax resumes toter 5pm (313)372-2774

WOIDPROCISSING SlCRnARllS• MSW Wllh Windows • Word Perfect 5,1/6.0

• Excel • Powerpomt • Pagemaker • Lotus 1,2,3TOP PAY FOR TOP L.EVEL SKIL.LS

I _ LorlQ and :>hort Term osslQrlments


(313) 871.8122Equal OpporloJO 'y E",p!oyer



Thursday, June 25,1998G!"os:1e Pointe News / ih~ Connection





, .l06 ESq If SALES



.l!lb mATE S:'lES

SATURDA\. JUNE 27111 (10 00 4.(0)138 WINDWOOD CONDOS,


FEATIJR1NG. MaKn,f.ccntuphol.t.r-d n... lurnllurc(H.ndrcdon pc',), matchm~lov......r5,chmaandgla.sware

gaJl'lrt", Ro\al Douhon Fmrfu,h R .....;;: r ~:o ...'"-, :tm4.

eandl''''lCk~a", BaldWin~hetryuPtlJ:h1puno; T.V:,;\ c. R • J..cnddl ehe,r-; t",d'llo"al hcdroom <el, !keonlo.

tftm .., cherT') JmetttL \et, patio P\.~, loidtt" a("ce~~r1t:"IitJ~wdn. lam~ 1o\a~her &: dr,tt; krtchm zfe-moll,

<ofabod lorn. evcryrhlnl1l<lIke new

~~~ ,E4t4te S4tuTHREE SAlE WEEkEND!

FRIDAY.1UN!:. 26rh (900 3 00)32692 RAVINE DRIVE, FRANKLIN, MI




WHOLE HOUSE SALE FEATURING,Smallpecandlnettr OCI. "onderful ..",nberry I_po; da) bal,

ehel'TVehe.t. F.Profa, g!as,wore.barstool •• BEANIE~ABIES. computerd.. k. Mayug waslle,6< d~er.

'" P fndge,rallO pc's.plants:upholsteredfurnltu,e,J:lIn~ good"", and much more



-, 40b ISlA IE SALES



Wll" ( "MPflfl I(313)881-2849 013)882.7865



:-1(atlienne ~moU and associates -:(810) 771-1170


11300 Somerset DetroitSouth off Morang East of Kell~

Fnda\'. Saturda) 1000 4 00


"'prea' <die" Iln somelhn~for e\er)one ~p'ne!h.no Ma"nail & "'endell Trad,"onalDlnln~room<elWIthl••~ebreakfronl MahOj\anldresserBearoom<ets:ar~toakOlr,cede<kV,ctoflanChaITCherI) coffeeTable1920s

Inlild c()ffee ldhlr PTP'<;, R..:-C'kH,~h("h~,y J..I t ~hr ....""L,. ?::: ....;:'h Ianllque<!dckbookcaseManvolner PleCCS needIn!!

<trlporn"andTI (Lrllec',oks ''lclude Franmcao Dese,tRo'. John<on!lro' Roseeh nlz honeehm. cup' and<dUCer,<;hellvHel.e, Orch,d Camblld~e[)~COralorllcm, I ,('nelIr. I'

+OV'ii "amt''ii ~'i;tllJ"1io1 ",1 eFllat,. ill'1c1 milch

II more",ll to h<'une.rthed IIII '1c" hnop, (hn"m3s 186!ApTop,ompuler Tool<"ara~r

II~"odle' ",~e "Z~J m,," lIoln,n~ \mrallhon~I Vlbra~'drpIIIThpn <aho3 lq~1Toronadn/I dnnI Inll' <ale'

nt '-lHt 10<1llrlU H IInO }Otlr HE J"ur(""",nh<'r<q 311on, nda, n~rnmx



Complete ServICeGler and Sharon Bur1<en







Tn plaLe )4.llJr ,h.1 CelliGROS";E 1'C)I~TF.

NF.::wS& THl:C,")"JNFCTION313.882c69CoJ




IRONING. laundry If yOU

cIoo't have time I canhelp yOu (313)885-6977

TLC to your garden DedsIncludes planting weed~~ -

~' .... ~Q.l I l~


, '"OfFiCf ClfANHiG


Featunng art deco. rr1oo,em, ItghtIng fIXtures iu.-

nrture. French doorsgarden Items


EMERALD Isle CleanlngServJCe ProfessIOnalcleaning people to cleanyour Office bur' 'mg 20years expenen..:e. F .lilyInSUred 8101n8-3101

FURNITURE refml~hed ANTIQUE & Colleetlb1f ESTATE sale- 4876 Three DINIrepaired <:tr,p'~" any NG set. Ethan Allen 202n WoodSide. Harper F089 Nelf. MO\fJng sale; ..

tJ=' Auctlo<1 Saturda~ 630 Mile Antique Baby ('herry Quee A r ~!ype of canmg Free es' .. n ,..1I1e a. Woods MO/lng sale Refllgarator, roll- topt,mates 3:3.345.6258 ~:rker~pe;uc5tl:nO P76


l~::nd~~~~~~ ~~r~'~~~ ble 8 chairs 'JU<1t June 26th. 27th 8. 2 desk. eleetne lawn mow

248 661 5520 c board lea cart Hitch ~Isce'lanoous furniture er. microwave, clothes.------ ----- BlueBush Road (do...n- ,:,~ore. Friday Saturday COck twin Dedroom set. & arn"~'ll'('<: ('~Ii ~ :::e"5-8~~~ .~--s

t:t(, If' )'VUI ;:)t:d.rl.fl Of anoroa tow,,} Maybee r-II (11 II.. ~v.. blue Hecla' fOOt ttoard Saturday. 8. 2ble antiques your best mile'S Northeast of Dun EVERYTHING must gol dres'Serl I1"lrrOr desk/ 20401 Hunllngton Harper _Shopp ng expenence (Jep MI EXit #17) Nice BIi?l'k leathgr sofa. Hen cha,r (313)685 8529 Woods Frld<ly- Sunday 584 Lakeland. off Kerehe/'I~III be at Tow') Hall An antique furniture portral! re-jon table Wllh 4 DREXEL Herttage 6 plE'ce 10- 5 Room air condl' al June 27. 9dm. 1pm

DE-e l,ques FifTy of MICh,. I lA, ChairS (3'3)6409310 • I f h tlon:::rs gas dryer yard Wood sWing set Couch,w NDABLE Cleaning gan s fines' ant"que pates .Jarwlck portrait ' S6C,IOr1i'lso a. mate Ing d I h

T I rii";i pecan end table calfee tools Chnstmas New ra 18 arm saw pones,...wo adles :or office 01 oedlers featunng the la,es and rrlugs 2 Ro~- I BR~OKS I table sofa tables Ilk" auto carpet auto man- Gomforters bike Sonye~;-.eI'.~~O ~~r,,'.o~~~~'~rgcs: ~e OIIOr)of qual ~~,,~d~~~;~,,_ ~e~"<1PI'Ulu'IS R~ ,,,,... , /!• .,,,,~~ new $1 0001 hP ...1 uals armv ,eeD trailer eCaq'l1,pCmOrednetr,L S,kiJmogore':W - - •• "Y'" "".jut:" unaer c. ~ v. (313)886.9538 ong nal paint wlth u 0 s •

ll"do\\s a">d'ron''1g t:x reofs O;.'€n 362 days a at Brass cash register UBRAR\ BOOhSTORE --__ spare Gas log splitter. \313}882'5219tra Call for estl"1atE' year lOam 6D>l ....lld boar head bear 248-50' 5.'U'u-. HICKORY wh Ie lormal ped h...._- (810) 4~ ,. ""'VV eqUiP Wit 16 horse 589 S Brys. 2 fan-Illy sale.....'''Ise 416146 (810)75;>5422 205 k h 1IlHvrru"'--_-- .....~J-u. dlllmgroomsetTlara2. \AI

- S In rug w,t head elk "'''1'-_" "'- ;yISCOnSlnengine, elec. Saturday only. 9 to 4EUROPEAN ~or"\an-avall ~O~h ~aln downtown a"d deer antlers lamps At. set c'1erry! walnut. china Inl'" "I"rt N""" .. 1<>1"'1,,,.. f'e __ ._. , •••• _

cw." IVI llvu::.e cleaning ~w c "V ''''-' ClOCKS10l"lgguns Iish r----...... ----. ....,,,"'. "'''''UVdUJ. UVd welder Clothes. toys, f~~t, t~dl~r I~em; ~.Excellent references ,JUNE 27th g to ::; F~ith I~_I!!_-~'!'- _ooK& I pede&lal table 8 chairS ~ ..... _......_. __.._ n __!l1(j.4""'82~" m(] ,lom~ ~""".":c:; _ AR.E. ::,:>,.!OO 313.882-0'54 ~~s'hl'nevvv~ ",,,.., ""'" 596 Alter Road, DetrOIt

uo- ..>U annual an~Que flea (lIke new) 3700 walt .JOHN KING ---M-A-H-OO-A-N-Y-- _~__ "__ .____ Destgner yard sale. SalEXPECT THEBEST rroarket on the lawn of gene t"'" 3'" 3 96'" 0622

H c~ ra or a. '" more • - • - INTERIORS 2048 Lancaster. Fnday 9- urday- Sunday, 1000.European Style HousE" emage ~uare Antique Jack Barker Auctioneer Mlchtgans largest Bor"slore 6 00c1ealung P,oless.onal Mall 36821 Green (734)5872042 • Chp a~ ...~t ..",ad' (Fine Furniture 4 saturday 1/2 off ev. _

laundry !l. ,ron,rd Suoer Street New Ba'hmo'e' -~" A~ Shop) erythlngl 9. 1 Toys. LIt 63 LeWiston Road, FarmsVISed. expenenced hard 25 dealers! Ral" date 506 S Washmgton tie Tlkes, car & t-Ike Saturday 9- 3 ExerCIse ~

wonong Experts Since Sunday Royal Oak, Ml seats. household child. eqUipment. tools, lamps,1985 10 The Grosse POinte --:-LO-C-Y-e-JO-Y-S-A-NTl-Q-U-f-S-ALL sizes sl!eed b!l<es 15blocks NoM of rens clothing to sIZe 4 household & children'sarea Kr1owr1 'or reliability Antique Fumrture $10 and up B10-m- 2 custom pall'lted, wood 696 Freeway all0 Mile 20521 8eaufalt AntJque3 Items and moreefficJencv and depend.-1h'- & ACi'.esones. 1850-1950 8655 comer cab,~ wrtt> TakE'Woodward! door metal tee box 716 Mar1borouoh south ot

,t, Sv,1Ut'U & IIlS.Jrec Open SUnday yoa~ ar-o WOO<:! OOors. ividm Sueel eXIt) iOUlld ':14k parlor stove, Jefferson SOfnethtng forP!edwcall 720E" 11 Mile Road $500 each {313)417. Banquetdlnlngroomtable boys cIo!ll1ng, nursery everyone! Saturday &

(313)884-0721 Royal Oak 9781 Wltn stnng Inlay 45" wide x r!ems. and morel satur. Sunday 10. 3EXPERIENcED house- (<l48}545-9060 2!S comp,ctc system 2 day beds Qooo Condition Co" :o.-.g WIth 3 twen" lrn;n day & Sunday 9- 5 740 Bamngton. Grosse

",,-_ VGA col<;r- monitor. Both tor "'05 (313)882. leaves. approxlrnately 10.......mng soap scum, MARINE CITY keyboard. Windows, .... fee1long Mahogany dm. 20656 Hunt Club Fnday & Pomte Park, Friday, Sat.baseboards wlTldows Anttque Warehouse WordPerfect. QuICken. 2719 mg room table wrth cab- Saturday 10- 6 Hockey urday Chandelter. ArtBehtnd fumlture etc 105 N Falltlan'"- 'M 29) gaMes Oepenoable 9 piece 193O's darlo;, wood nol9. carved I<>n<' WIth bail ""'ulnrnent, skat~~rds. Deco flatware. lots of810-n6-6147 Referen- "" \ ~ '" ~~ -., .,. ~

(810)765-1119 ~135 313-839-4162 dining set Invacare dndclawieet, 44Kx 88" men's, women's & chd. pICtures! frames. desk,ces Monday- Satulday, -------.-- comfort illt- out chair! with 44" leaf. total length $2 bag day All the cIolh- dren's cIothmg BIkes, rrwscelJaneoos Ifeas.

tfOUSECLEANING- tt>or loam.5pm MACINTOSH FB110. power recliner. fully au. 11 teet Many mlSceUane- Ing. shoes. housewares never used car stereo & uresough. reIlable reasona- Sunday 12-Sprn notebook COPlputer and t()rTlabc, blue faonc 2 <>us dlnl"9 room tables. you can cram In a bag, speakers. Sony Playsta. -780---Ba-m-ngt-on---F-nda--y,ble Please call MIKE'S Antiques 11109 sty1ewnter pnntel, S300 yeliow. oack leather of- mahogany bedroom sets, $2 00 10 a m to 2 pm bon, 2 contr1)/\ers, lot's 12.00- 300. Saturday,(810)755-3371 Morang (313}881'9500 313-884-4726 fICa crul!rs Green leath. and miscellaneous bed. Wednesday. July 1st (;f games Plus much, 900- 12'00 CIQthes.

Buy nd --" el arm .::hair 313-885- room PIeces ~, .. ot ma. Grosse POInte Umlanan much more tovs hou-- _ .M ........ 'S Th...... 1$ Just a".,.. anhques 64 hogan Ch h ""' ........."'"uo """" _" __ , 51 between 11 & 7. Y cI1alrs (Ctltppen- Ilrc Maumee & 5t ---_______ -- _.....,."wok C1eanmg ope., .......""' LJle ItemS Onen- daJ Qu An nd C'-'r 20673 Washtenaw- Satur. 7TH annual garage sale to-~1I" tal n ~I tl A"'T." .. r- ......te euno cabL e. een ne a ICU

lOgS for Thursdays & Fn- Arne ugs V>t paIn ngs. 383 Lmcoln, Fnday- satur- .;;vv, so<:.;:de, $200. Palrr other styles) ChlppgndaJe, -________ day, 9-- 5 1/2 off day ber1eflt, Mtehtgan Cham.days In 5t Clan Shores ncan & French fur- day, 9:00- 5.00. AntI- camelback sofas WIng 1 day only. Saturday, 9 to SUnday. 9- 1. House- ber Otchestra, and RE.& Grosse Pomte Refer- I'llture, lamps, much ques, collectibles. exer. of turquoISe, W11h peach '5 20317 Kenosha. nOl'th hold. L.rttle Tlkes. cloth- SPONO Inc Umversrty ....

3 more Hours 10- 8 Mon- CISe anJ ".............. stereo. pnnt channel bad< chairs. secrelary WIth book of Moross. west of 194 ' ..... I Chart Frida 9- '"'lOOeS 13-719-418.3 day 1hru saturday _..w .... ,~,.. chaJrs seldom used case top. buffets. side '"9• ....., a MUEI. yT LC C1eant men's clothes, kllchen $100' Call 81o-m~~ boards, chlna cabinets, ex- ApplIances. fumltUre, -------- 4, saturday 9- 3. IncIud-

•h....; busme ng, restdeo- NICKELODEON year utensils and mUch more 004~- ec ......e des&.- and s--'Ier 5POrIs eqUipment. type- 22555 Marter. (91 Jefler. Ir1Q collectibles, fine c:ht--""" ssI commer. • " __ ' -' _ UUy "" ".... "'" \~.... S ......19 2 ---- th desks Too m...... to I'st. wmers, c::ornpt,1ei. tools. -- j, ~~_.-ay, ur~y, na, LvoKs. vtmage re-aalI construdJQ'1 (after drumf" uf'cym,r:,lIbaJ-" P'ldl'l<.'accoW1r_--e:;-'t-A-TE--SA-LE--- -BAS--Y-D-_"'--~-_"'f-- ......., TV.s M<mu more Items. lOam- 5pm l.arge vane- COftfsfire clean ) Ref : ~nt .......... mat- (248)545-4110 -'I h.l

ces Free e':matoese~ d.on- tnangle- tambour- 2348~~ne Court tress- $500, AntIques Every1hlng must go. 'J" 820 Westchester GfO$SeIenaIs SS nff 1':;"',,,,,,,,, I'le- ~er. Refintshed ..... ~~ _ ~ __ coffee IabIe- $300, sew- -!II"'- -\llUn-•• - •• -~- ..- .. -us-:-;;.,,--..-,.-s..,,---.-.a -1-g1-9--gMf-_-_-om-_-.-s-a-h-,J,.....--i -22-",...oeo--r ...-ml-,-.....-.-,sno-_-_-ott>-.-o*-e POIM> P~rlc. Saturdaybonded (313)331 ~988S---. an<I lmea with new In. '''UI»UdY. r-nuay. ;:)dlur' mg machtne tllbl&- ($25) _.• W- _J d 10- 4 Househoid and mile. between Mack & June 27th 9- 4 Chlld- 'Jhome. (313)752-4536' ~ments (810)9n. day June25th 261tl 27th and SupplIeS cablnet- """ ~ ry- baby Items, clolhesl Marter. June 27th, 9 to reo's ctothtng and ilC- i

f <:<,,, 9-- 5, ead1 day 1-696. ($80) child's .....&n.v. er. office desIc, chair and lmessage South onCoolIdge 10 Oak chaIr: $25, 11't~1;'~ p<lrtJllons. (313)888- toys. 5. Baby fumlture, toys ceo;sores, malemlty, •

......,. HOUSE ..... - p_.t. Manor - 5537 ------- and clothes. clothmg. household.... -KE.THRS ... " ,......... ous tables. Hummel. -- 1099 Grayton. (Park) Items, and moreCl.EAHING SERVICE ~~~ nght to Elatne Court. Ant.. (313)417'1956 QUEEN SIZe bedroom set, Thursday. saturday. 24810 Tappert. off of 10 I

Bonded and Insured -.. ......19-_ - que shop (closed 10 BI:~ set, ........... 6 ptE!CEI$, frurtwood LIke 9:00 a.m. VlTllage, mde between Kefly and 834, Trombley, Saturday, • J... ~- ------- vea. rs.Grft&.a............ -.-.- UVUUIe --_.I $550 F une 27 9AM- 3PM'......,... .. ...... - (--'-l ~'lI""" dresser. chest, noftht. ,-, rench Pro- cIothmg. furmture, co!- Gratlol 9am- 7pm v. •

Resldentlall CommeroaJ --- .. - _. Shop (clo$ed 3 years.) stand & Queen &"~~Il vlOClal irving room set. Iectibles, mISCellaneous Thursday. Saturday Coppeplace .:..~ bnIss_~:. I~~se1 "-::~ ...~--;-- ::=t~~~~_ toed Best offer 313- $1.500. Exceaern conal- -l-l28--V-em-rer--H-uge--mov--. -2553--1-ChaJmers'~--,-WfJ$--t-of-FOSloria....~;;-;;;,:

E-maJI lecbbllr!s- Ooo'lrTlISS Ims 894-8253 bon.810-773-8368 mg sale. men! women Grabel & south of I=raz. ana glass. Elegant de-' !rntgMygri:JekO one! SHElLEY. ROYAL COUCH 2nd loveseat': ~ ~ ~ destgner clothes: craft ho. Rose\Illle. MovIng pnlSSlOO. Iadden;. grill jamet'ltectl.net ELECTRIC stove $SO OOUl TON f.gunnes. blacll WIth vanous color mol" 1Jaa.: ofa .~....... Items. fumrlure & much sale June 26th & 21tt1. (new). !.egos, toys. coI- I

WWW.houloeKeteers com CRAN3CRRY GiASS, ~ $100 B10- - !l .~ -.".., more Don t rTIlSS this 9. 5 V&/lOUS Items 1ectJbles, krtctlen table, C

-------- Gast SIoVeSl20S100WRefog- WATERFORD, SILVER. 776-9851 :~~"'J only31"410-<1 onel Fnday & Saturday chtIdren's clothing, rrwnratures, antJq\.le type.WOULD you MIa your <'ra or ,asher YELlOWARE. LIMOGES. '''YO'V", """ or 8- 2 No early household Items and WTIler. stereo, TV, Tech-

home deaned? St"........ $110 Dryer $95 Deltv. CMlOLE' .......K, ROSEN- COUCH. Hentedon, Ile\U 5449 me rum ......- No$SO _ .... ., 810-293 27 n'" I .......~"'te j( ------~-- 1134 ..._.........-~~ Fnday more .~I_ -, pre-Good references ery 49 THAL, JASPER, GERMA1II vory "t"""'" ry .lng QUEEN SIZe wrought Iron DUGJ< .. ,,..._,, .......,,,

810'725-{I178 Mana NEAR new FngidalrP re- ctllna & rJgUnnes, Czech SIZe bed Please lea"e plantation bed frame and Saturday. 9 to 1 42 Waverly Lane. G~se ---- _fngeralorl freezer, 143 chlna. NORIT"KE, BEL. message (313)B8!:r $600 (3131884-4273 Kids clothes, toYS. stuf. POinte Farms OP Gym- 8SO S OXford. fnday 9- 4~, .. -I ~ ~-_., 'Ccv - __ ,n On1 -----.----_ fed ammals and more pac 1500 Welght sys. Sat\Jrday9-12. House-

I-a: ;;257 U 55 -- ~ I _II.V"",. LJUO\ UI- --''', .......~ waU •.A:Jj,;). SOFA (2) Henredon Full wares chairs ptCture

.... W a,_.lA'-'-, ""'rtJf...... fE:'r 313-884-7524 "ANGEL,)", OEPRES. COUNTRY French couch """"'h Autumn co',-_ -11-7-1-P-d-ge-t-eou-"'-G-r-".,-e.. lem, exert:lSe eqUIp-- anl1"'~ ~ ma'...... y-..... '''''' SION GLASS, SWEDISH and 2 match .... .., .. " ""l>. ", ........,., ment, 3 ~lletter SIZe .. -- _ •••. " -~:-rvate duty nurses aide RANGE, HotpoInte Elee. G!.AS<: C ...._. B lng WIng S300 for P8lr or ~st Pomte Woods (off Falr- ~ dra~Ar h!~ ......-nels. dune. pIl'Ig pong table."E' me c,_" cl I ~, APO DE ",,,,,,rs lue i'.-;nt, C):,(''1:lI. (313)884.6974 holme) Furniture gas .. .." D"""" lteadrrNll th"W6nenced Grosse ......,. eanlng oven MONTE, China & n..,"'~y lent condition 313.343- ~ n .A.....J; • F 12 Franklin MinI Audu- ' games. ClO -PoInte area H<lnest. $100 (313)884-3753 cab. VIcl -'>'-'rs, ~'=, 0317 SOFABED, hke new gn, m"""",aneous n- bon plates. sl<is. golf Il1gcanng ~~bIe ......., - ''J'Y day. saturday. 900- ----- __

• ............... SEARS air COI1dtt1oners co~ & end lables. dilllng DtNJNG beaut."M PlaId rust brown. red 400 clubs, baskets, twin 8&3 North Brys, Fnday.810-28&-9725 before 8.000 8TU's. $100 room set. couch & settee, Chl mahoga- Was $560, sell. $4001 beds, oak twin head! Saturday. 9- 3. Fuml'9a m B10-n4-i'281 a' 12.500 8TU's, $150 rockers. palntmgs. IIthlos. ny ppendale table bel:>t (810)274-9785 1211 Paget Court, (off fool boards. chma, foot. ture, cIothIOg, sportstar 11'1.m M.cheIe 313-884-4726 desl<.s & chaJrs LOTS OF (opens to 10 feet) and 8 ------- - FalrholmeJ Mackl locKers. lawn equiP- cards, toys, 8lr hockey,

JEWELAY ...._-'- D__ L. carved Chairs. 53.850 Grosse POInte W......... ment, custom made more No nresalesPRfVATE duty home care WHIRLPOOL electnc dry , YUUJ\ <>VUJ\s. 7'X4' carved wain'" ""'-'" edge...t..- ....Avatlable 24 hours Ex- er,3 years old. hke new, records, 8ewJngI knrtting & F ench $2 Thursday. Saturday. r, '-'VU--, furnItUre. 946 Westchester (South ofcel!ent references (313)884-8657 artist supplies, clocks. S S ~ armol~;.p .= 900- 3 00 gas gnll. bikes. and Jefferson) 3 falTl/hes-(810)772-2S8G pet:; !.~.-.s, oI.::;,.oo.:l Chippendale 4 DOSter ~2219 Lan~'"e ~'::'" ~..:.:n rr.cre Froda, 12. Toys, clothes, house-

.. ,zeSt ~O""..~s &. ...'tsn.s.~ ....., '>dklJIUc::ty IV-- 4, Sun.. hold goods, a~

more ALLSEAV JNC , =~d ~ ~~ :: FUrlll~,r;.:...~~us. day. g. 12 equipment, tumrtu;;;'r:dDICK & NORAH """""""'""" Fnda SaHEPPARD each Chippendale of. Singer commercial sew. 478 Colomal Court. more y. turday,

ty 15115 .- Jeff (248"''''A "500 flee desks and roll top mg upholstery machine Grosse POInte Farms _9-_3pm _' ':: erson J"""-J desk, mirrors, console Fnday, 8.00 am Fnday. Saturday. 9.00- GARAGE Sale 9- 5. satur-

~~~'o ~~e 81~: -E-Sr-A--'--,-::-sa-Ie-,-a-ntlq-u-es--. tables and more. 248- --------- 4'00 MuItt famIly. CIottt- day. June 20th also fol--, -,. bl Ii 821-5062 19920 Country Club. sat- lng, Jlonnage. toys. mlS' If"IlMUVI weekh-", Junecles, mISCellaneous art!. "",iectI es ISh,ng 9- 2 F P -..,. --_ •. "", '"

.,.----------- uraav Isher nee. celIafU""'uS house hold 27th, 28th. 21702 New.caJes Ail amcf.6:i .;)V1";.:.,., ~.!Ipment, rn $CC!!:::-:c :=con ~~'U~lll'-.e, 4 po5T- little Tykes, toy'S net .:;d It _-..1

IS Cash only OUS Saturday Sunday. er- canopy bed. hand ~ fbint~ ~WS Clothes, kids 0- 5. ladles a y ems ......ue, Harper Woods9am- 6pm 19170 El- carvmg queen Sl2:e -;; 8- 20 shop h-l h ....

.....-------.... khart. Harper Woods $2.000 (313)882-0154 , ...~ fier, morel ''11'', um"",-


1-1 :.. ' t . r SUSAN HARTZ. III L~ GROSSE POINTE CfT.Y, 886.8982


Grosse Pointe Sales, IDe.lOa. 4p F,RIDAV & SATURDAY JUNE 26& 27 689 Rivard, G.P.

23.181 WF..sTBl'RY. ST. CLAIR SHORES. Friday, June, 26(9-4) & Saturday. June, 27 (10-4)4 HOUSE" OFF LAKESHORE [STATE SALE - looHly 5l)fish quality _ ' ........111.... O>..-ry

WliOt.E HOUSE ESTATE S,l,LE FEATURIN{; F4BULOUS ANTIOUES 'emH "Ull'U 1'0"" dlnmg ubI. w/j .. dot dims 3Ild 2 upbolured

j'ndudlllg a P8H' of \llClorlan 9~~ dOO" booI<cases mahogany pier ch P /-. If a,mirror. pelroIlfllaod bcllelor1 chests.rechnll'l9Moms CIllO' oak china ann airs rnnn anlll """ my sofaUlbledr ...... Roil top

eatbineI, MWmq eabi.-t HI orC3nl! seated d,nlll\!chal'" mahogany ~ ..de tab,es ooIf"" table Ife"dn!don sofa : >Cnped clubdI.......*"" cIIIPr spool l!oI.Ible bed SOMe! 00' dresser 2 w,cktr ptanlt... WIltS <hOlT \tart p,ano A.r!ttque brass bed V.'!llt.. W3liled Qu_

I~wntmg de$It ball & cl .... coil .. table '910 Small mahogany bedroom oet 30 ~ t>la:t~ bcdtoom oct V'etman matbl.lq> dr .....dlsk.M1nbedroom~WlthmIA'l'fflnnllr~I~" ....c' ....... ; :''':-,. rodcer f'i7'ld-t"l.:lmtl"ii tnmlr Rnl"'Jo~" ; .... ~, -=~,o;;::J ~:_

I buIkn ClIrf. needle pol"' Icx,!stoo! 2 nt'Sts 01 lab'es 10 pIeC. ITe;tk computer ca!>met IB\f compute- SIgned an worlc Slc-1:ns.~~_~Ch set 1M much mo'. small an'''lyts 'nclOOe$ cr",berry !pr"", Sxll Onental rug. U1r8lt ....."..,. cl<lthmg. At! & a.lft


_ ............ ..., ...... ,'" .,""'" ""JnSSlO<' 9J.a•• ~1)$1""a Arnenca II5UJ'Ph" J..nd1.., ba.oemcnt vacuum. wriJ ... and dryeo-. mudl maeIanq Y~onan Iltvetpllle HI Of Wrogw~ Fenloo beadell pursts Neat ond rlean ""'olen""", Don t ntl.S'I d'

qutIb large cui glass rreastJrtrs be.,. chI" & much mQftCoIlecb!l1ft Includol old \lalenbnes oetto<l streel eat & tunntl !O~.llS "'Iu.. bo.. at 8 JO - Stl"Mt _ bers hcJDared.

IlO'l urds Sttm'<'lOh"""""r1. "~.,.,,., ""'-- ,,_. 'I G..o~~ePoinre Saies, Jnc. II*/lings eroc~ 1In:lfl$.lllnocul.... mclal I,ny car; 8 b'S~';.ck,IiSpllIlO II\ewI WW1 CoM! Guard unl10m I. bed & b3ll1ll,," evtryday rcndlJcted bv

I .:~c.. , .".........."'0'" ",c"",," II '""''1 J tpeoeo or':..e lXJel<sand I I Mar. A.nn Boll .... - ImudlllJOnt Don I n-"ss !IllS wonderful ... Ie of ,t. ""Ilques and ,.". Re,n.~ ~. :1)(01'1_

C~!lII1VOUlteloolo:lfIOrOl'w..Mv.r~n" .. t •• ,.... "." /lll\l!~::! lH'g ... VJjJO~~'I'+'+;)J

I yeom et Ihl S lovely nome _ErChange StreelNumtlersat 9OCamon3a~~rdayOnly




Thursday, June 25,1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection





- -o:;i}o ~\HQMGT'.'JEEPS 1 \!Ilim

1984 Saao 900 turho Sll

ver Isalner ,ntenor140000 miles Nego!Ja-ble Grosse PClnte 313-886-5J29

1987 Saau 144K milesGiatl fnafOun 5 siJeed!:o3000 (Jt3)259-0078

1990 Toyota Cellca GTS,5 speed loaded CDmOOflrocf, very clean,C:~ Qnt"\/ h("l('"' '~<0'"7'?"

1993 Red Mazda AX7,Sport Coupe 5 speed,14000 miles $24,0001oHer 313-882-2197


1988 roya:a CellC8 GTruns great manua'15OK. $1500 (810}415.5594

1~ VolKSwagen Jetta.27,000 miles, excellertcondmon, moon roofCO $12500 (313)822-5463

1996 Volkswagen JettaGLS, fully loaded Mustsell. rece,ved companycar $13,000 3,3-2131436

1996 Volkswagen JettaGL, 51K. excelle!'t con.dltlOn, CD changilr, air•moonroof, 5 speed,$10.4001 best (313)824.5920

1990 Volkswagen Cabno-let whrte! white, bou-tique, loaded, 5 speea,60.000 mIles. (248)370.0535

1988 WI Golf GL. 4 door.5 speed, looks goodruns :real. $2,000 313-417-8053

BMW. 3251$,1990.70,000miles, b1aclcJ leather In-

tenor, manual. $9.00031~0958. leavemessage.

1990 Dodge Ram. fullSIZe, extended cab,loaded, $5,4001 best of-ler (313)885-6970

1996 GMC SubUrban 4X4, TuliV eql..lpped, 38K.$25 000 (313)886.0818

1992 GMC Sonoma,black, extended cab, 43, auto air, $5,700(313)881-0247

1994 Toyota, extra cab. 4wheal dnve, V-S, exlras$48001 best oHer 313-884.6767

1993 Dodge caravan airV6, automatic Very wellmaintained $5,600313.833-2247, after 6

1985 Dodge ConversionV8. loaded, cold airmust see $2,200(313)881'0635

1988 GMC Vandura 2500Very dependable, somerust 124,000 miles$2000 (313)881 1735

1994 Mercury VillagerJewel green, rear heat;air 37 500 miles$12 700 (313)884-8454after 500

1996 Plymouth Voyage;"'" ~LlI ':;C VVU U1Bes

$130001 best offer810-7Q<,.n'l'iQ

1995 Plymouth Voyager ~~lssenger. 4 cylinder

'anv options low rr Ieage Asking $10 400(810)771 5269



1991 RIViera leather dualpower seats, loaded, excellent 891< $5.800best 810-75:'-7525message

1994 SaVill..: SLS r-.orthstar <.Aean pearl whlteltan leather Moon roofCD loaded. 43K milesplus extended warranty$18900 (313)888.2920

1989 Ponttac Sunblrdruns! looks great 118Keverything workl,1$1 3001 best (81OJ 776-2CJ1t>

1996 whole PontJac Flre-VIlU whil 1 LV~~ ~'Ult:owinters Ex:::eltent COndl'!IOn Must seil $ 13, ()()()810-949-0650

1992 White Saturn 4 door.aJr,stereo. 5 speed Verygood condllloo Best of-fer 810-445-2147

SEIZED Cars from $175Porsches, Caolllacs,Cnevys, 8MW s Cor-V6ttes Also, Jeeps,4WO's Your Area TollFree 1.800-218-9000Ext A.5803 for currentlistings

SATURN SU. 1995, only,17,600 miles, dnven byek::lerly man automatiC,atr. 4 door. outstandingCOlldrttOn $9,800 810-264-2954



1995 Mercury sable, loaded, 53.000 nlllo~ Lu(e"ewr blale sale100,000 m'le Ford war-ranty 1n...luCleo ::>9Ow8'041509Se

1989 Ford PrObe GT Tur-bo. 80 LuxOI' wheels,one family owned GoodcondltlOn. must see~2.950 Call (313)823-5605

508 m (,flOOMING

FEMALE York,e, AKC reg-Istered, 6 weeks old,has shots and has beenwormed $600 Beautltul'lIdl~ "dll,try Wltn cageexcellent st'1ger $100

_~_1_0_)3_7_6-_35OO___ ~1--985--M-e-r-C-U-"i--C-o-u.g-a-r,SHEL TIE male real cullie 84 000 m,les AutomatIC

10 weeks tralOed AKC and air Runs great$275 Leave rnes~age __S_1_5_00_{8_1_0_m_8_'_3f'_9_0_810-772 7434 1989 Musrang LX conve'1

b~c: ..> v "'fUl~ yvwcon(lI:lOn $4 900(313)882-9531

1996 Sable LS, white. tullyloaded low mrles war-ranty aodltlOnal~1? c::,oo {'W~~AA2-0?94

1990 $able Q'9.y newt,res air, keyless entry,good conditIOn. $2,800(3131526.4149




RESTAURANT! BakerylIc.e Cream equipmentP-Iced tc selll Good con-iltlon LeXington area\5, vl3SS 6433 pled"":ct'l oefo,e 11am orafter 7pm

412 MlsmLANEOUS, A.RH<l!S

ARTISTS books (35}, likenew, most featunrg wa.tercolor wl'n severa,d'awlng & colored pam;11t~,",nrm..., "01\,018 $750,asking $375 313-8822269

409 GAllAGElY U 0/US£.M£N.T SALE



FREEl(Whon 0 '1 .... fItd G... ~

sa~ Ad b Placed)

GAUGE SALEKITIn<lud.. I"A Rrigl'lt :ilgll

." (.utdt which lncluoo h~lptultiPS for having"

suC('", ..f\JIl(ara~E' $.1IlE-'A~~}f~,:.:n:or~~U"JlUST FOIt 1Ml ...SIUNG

\ Ill" 1"1-.,. .. PW'f'IIl ,,,,,11,,,,1




A huge 5 family garage LARGE garage satesale Fnday, Sallirday, 9 20235 Lennon Offto 4 St Gertrude, south Peerles!> down frCJm0112 I'llle, west 01 Hi:lrp- Poupard SChool Fridaye" !......~ "; ze :~L:e =:-~I,: ~ Sa~~1~a, S .; 7"vV

C(j()le~s, electrolllcs, much too mention'PIng pong table, brand *---new household Items 1327 Ha....1horne

---- ----.-- BASSEIT KII'g pillowtopAAA Booton. EOlson attIC Thursday 9- 3 Hockey rnaltres!> set, excellent

sale 20 s. 70's "Every. card., (1/2 off) children's condition onyrnally BUYINGthing' French sola, clott1es, books, new OIS- $900, now $250 Jewelry, WatchesChlppenc1ale sofa wing covery toys, qames f11'3)64n-1QA"i Diamonds. Gok:l &cnaJrs, deco/ mod hockey skates puzzles SliverLoads clothing! IAwelry, little Tlkes aetl\llty cen- BEANIE Babies, BIThoc~. The Gold Shoppe

.... b FOUND Female brown!aW'f1 furniture, arch de- ter, Power Wheels Cor- ey table. dou Ie canopy 22121 Gratiot and 'I'ohlle Shih-Tzu Attails pnced to.,ell June vette, Beanies bed. Queen Anne dining Eastpointe MI, 4802127th 28th, 10- 4 1465 ., •• _ , table 4chaJrs.coffeela- IR1l)\77~ Cadieux between Mack!

........... ' b! dt W,wc-: (313)881-:;i27W Boston Blvd 53 "'~rpe""r, "2~10 Glen- e, aor con I loner BUYING old furniture. _CnnnI..llnw .lll'Ot TN> (810)776-<'3-'35 nd QROSS£ Fl>,r,,~ 1"\, 1IJ11<1leesr - ~=y'.t-;:y 51.t!-iur~~ -B-LA-C-K-iea-the-r-chaJ-r-a-o-t. ~:~w~:res~; Ite~s C~mc has a female

2 Golden Retriever recentBLOCK Sale- Frazho (be- 10- 5 Baby clothes toman, $200 Humidifier, John, 313--882.564 Iv tnMmeo With TexastwtMHl Lrttle MackJ Harp- ttlfOU9h SIZe 3. walker. $45 Recliner. $15 313- COL.LECTOR pays C8!>h tags, a Red Lab mixer) June 25th 26th. sWltlg, stroller. toys An 881-6141 for 1960's Barble s & ac. makl wItt1 white leet and27ttlj 10-4 condrtJoners, househoki ---- ...------$-20 cessones 313-886- a peach faced Lovet»rd

CL~~ -----' home Items, home ,ntenors BLACK -''''''' chair...-""" """"vrlU -Nood PICllIC table! 4392 With a Qfeen Body

sale 21640 ChaIon, St MAYOR'S HlStonc A1ver.. bench. S35 Air stepper. -FlHE---ch-l-na--dtnne--rw-ar-e (313)822,,5707Clair Suores (betweef\ front Neighborhood, 480 $40 Dogloo dog house and stertlng Sliver flat.8/ 9. east of Harper), Lodge Dr. (south of Jef- $25 Na,1 Tech supplies ware Call Jan or HerbJune 26th 27th 9 3().. f~. 1 mj~ east o' Sic..n2;W7 (8'0)731 ..81393.30. Belle Isle Saturday, _

DEVONSHfRE between June 27'1tl, 9. 4 Fuml' CARPET remnants. $21 GUITARS, banjoS. maodo- SCOOPERV""""'M R. r-haol~'OlX 7 - ture- desks. cha,rs taM yardl up Saturday. 10- kns and uIc.es wenti'd A., 'Y'.1' waste r"'a.~a ~'~to -10~';"'~ •Sa1ur. . bIes, dinette set, lamps, 4 (810)264.9146 Collector 886-4522 Year round

books frames small ap- --------- Com Call for ~ scheduleday. Ram or stllne. Sofa, • , COFFEE table. solid oak. HUDSON Motor Car • 1990 BuICk LeSabre,rocker. men's. wcmen's phances, kltchen tools, 38" x38"! glass top. pany, factOfY badges, 31'2_DDA .A795.........-. bnens, ..... ~~ & dishes, glasses 313- $150 Range. almost ~ lit tu ~ clean, one owner, Gun."""""'" ..-..... 822-6411 ,,~cars. era re, metal gray power locks!OIher good stuff. new, self clearnng! GE Slgf'lS. dealer rtems Any- Windows, cassette ster.

EASTPOCNl'E bloc!<. sale. MOVED to a smaller almond. $100 (313)884- thtng' (313)8e6-9292 eo. and more 88.000on Wilson St One block house' Lot's to sell 7570 IVES Ratlway Circus Tram. 1996 ChfYSler lHS, metal. miles, $5,000. (313)881-north of Stevens. east of 1744 Roslyn &' 27 8- 3 CRAFTSIIiAN mower. partS boxes. literature bc green wrth tan Inten- 2933GratJot. June 26, '0, 28, MOVING SaJe.. Fnday. eleclnc start, self PfOPl*- Large Tm Boats. battle- ~ay 1:= :::~: -1989--Buicl<.-'-Rega--I-, -79-,-000-9am- SpIn. Over 20 Satlrday, 1). 2. 4830 led, excellerrt condition. shtps, ocean Ilners. roof, aiufTllnum wneets. miles, good COI'ldibon.homes! Gra-JIOO Fumoture. ap- 4200 EIectnc edger, partS, boKeS, Irtefature. loaded Warranty, moth- $3400 810-n1-4637 1968 98 Oldsmobile lIght

EASTPOINTE- 22265 Ma- p/iances, clottllng. baby $30. (313)884-4763 (734}284-4828 Gary ers car. nonsmoker, ga- 1994 cavalier RS. teal. blue 313-882-3278nne, June 25th throtJgll items, toys. --------- OLD wooden duck hunllng rage kept Showroom 00.000 miles, automatIC.~ 9:30 kl5 Good MOVING sale' Baby stuff. ~, :r~: decoys and fistvng tack. condrt1orl $18.400.313- alr. cnnse, bit, power -19-n-C8dJ--II-ac-eoo-pe-de-

. fu.nJfUre, rrnsceIlaneous tors regJSter 1#709 also Ie wanted. cash paid 885-0654 lock$, Id<e new Needs Vrlle. Immaculate, cherryEND of the month sale. household Items. Fnday. McGregor tourney'mod- 810-n4-8799. 995 en ~ ...... Ix nothing. Well matrl- red WIth custom white

Fnday & Satl.rday, 9- 3. Saturday, 10- 4pm. el hke new (313)882- SHOTGUNS, nfle$ and 1 30 000 ~~~~. mIned. One owner landau roof Collectors209« Parkcrest. Be- 27629 Liberty. west of s5.i8 hanaguns; Parker, tinted windows. alarm, $6199.810-791-8619 automobile 47,600 ongl-tweet. Harper & Mack. Ryan, south of Martin. --------- Browning, Wrnchester. non-smoker, $13,0001 1994 cavalier, V6, allto, naJ miles. $7,000comer Canton. Ralndate MtA.llPLE family garage JAPANESE Bone Chma, Colt, luger, others. CoI- best (810)315-8171 air, new tJresI brakes, (810)n8-9783ThUlSday & Friday 2nd. sale Friday, Saturday, MiI<asa,,:a...J~...~ lector (248)478-3437 paqer. (810)447-1217 $5.200 or best. 1928 Ch:y$lQ. RS e2 road.3rd. Jut ... 2Git;, 27tt"" 1Gam- ~'$495 -, (;73~' evemngs (810)757-0757 ster. Red, black top,

ESTATE saJe. Fnday, sat. SpIn, 3885 Harvard. 1 ~ . 1995 Chrysler Cirrus LXI. 1985 Ca.aher. Excellent rumble seal. wood 1994 r-.....A' Blazer; 4urday. 7 to 1. 4615 Au- bIoc:k north of Mack, 1 wheels Great condition ~""1~. near Mack. block west of CadIeux MATeRNITY clothes, bIJsl. GOLF clubs. mens Yonex excellent condttlon, student car $1,495. • door. ~er, 70K high-Tools, anlIques. fumt- AntIques, dothes, furru- Il9$C' & casual, SIZe ADX 2.0, graphIC heads loaded, $9,4001 off?or (313)886-3580. after no rust (616)526-6708 l'Iay, excellent condIboo,lure, nuIroad dems, lure. toys. l:looks and large S300 (313\1~aA. & shafts, used 6tJrTlel>.~ (810)m-1U38 6pm. 1959 Jaguar Mark I $12,5001 best. Must seIll

fuu-Y woods, $100 each 9 --.------ -------- Needs work $1.950 or Max. (313)886-1691metal WDItIJng laltle more 7533 IronS, $325 810-294- 1991 CtlrjSler LeBaron LX 1994 Chevrolet BerettaMor&l ONE Wly onIyl Saturday, IIATERNnY clothes busi 8632 coupe, alummum 226. Loaded. 57,000 best offer 313-320- 1999 GMC Suburban Sl1

FRtDAY. Satunfay 9'00- June 27th Barn. 1pm , . ---_____ wheel .. loaded Great miles $9.5001 best. 4336. 2500, 454, alt options,~. 21M Hollywood, onIyI1n4 ~ (off ::SSrge. 'koo~13)= MARSHAll arts protec. condttlon $2,899/ offer (810)294-9369 1972 Mach-I Muslano extras $41500Gio=e PomtB Woods. Mack) FurrdlUie. kids 7533 . tr..e equipment 3 com. 3f3-886-4482 1997 Chevy CavaJl8I" Z24, 351C Air Q-Code Yello,z (313)882-Q070 or 910-Clolhes, )8'W'flIIy, tools, clothes, loy$, etc. No pIet(sm:n- ~~) ;1o-~~ 1995 Dodge Neon, Tur- 5 speed, sunroof. as- Ram .-ur $12,0001 best _948-00__ 70 _patnllngs, baby stuff, pre-sales IIEANIE Beantes are the 0058 --- QUOISe Well mamt8med, sume lease of S260I Clinton. 18 Mllel Hayes 1995 GMC Jimmy 43 s.z~~'S :!$I'l'lS RESALE Shop $3 bag newest ccUectlbles for must sell $7,000, best month or buy for 810-263-3314 per clean, well main.RaIn Of stline saJell.akeshore church sale at Thls n' That for POWER Rlder exerCISe offer (313)885-5421 $10,000.810-783-3884 '976 Mercedes 450SE tamed, full power, 42K.

FRIDAY. saturday, 9:00- Jefferson at 11 Satur: Pets. 19443 Mack 313- mactune tor legs and 1991 Eagle Premier, se- 1991 Chevy cavalier, red, California car great con. (313)882-00783:00. GrtlSSil PoInte day, June 27th, 10 to 2 681-9007 arms, $45. (313)886- mor CItizen owned. 89K, SlJnroof. extras, $5,000 dmon. must see. $4 500 1996 Jeep CherokeeWoods, 959 Woods Monday. June 29th. 10 NAUGAHYDE Iounger 7903 loaded. $2200 or best or best. (313~131-5187 (734,782-3196 Country. RedI tan. load.Lane to 3 $50, 19" Zenrth TV UNIVERSAL Gym. new 313-88&0154 1991 Chevy CorsIca- 84k 1959 Rambler 'Amencan' ed. 6 dlsc changer.

GARAGE safel Fnday. 9 ROSE Cottage BotanICal $125. Huffy stationary S9S0. se'I for $425 313- 1995 Neon, white, 4 door, miles, 4 door, !lit, crurse. Super. 6 cylinder. Call- 31,000 =&: warr~n~to 12. 194 Stephens 1007 Maryland, Grosse !>lke $50. HI'- FI radio 884-7023 automatic, cnJlse, atr, power doors $2,5001 fomIa car extra engine! great 1.10'1 1~.Road, off Ridge POInte ParK. MovIng console (attraelJve cab!- AdS, 60,000 miles best 313.1J82-4907 ~on $2.200 884-6699 after 6p m

Q.UIAGE sale' Juno 27th sale hand crafted jeWel- net) make offer $5,500 (313)886-8409 1985 Chevy Capnce se- 313-521-6671 1996 Jeep Cherokee, like9 to 1. 20269 Danbury: ry, and household de- (810)n4-4667 YB~"''''''''ES under $25 -------- ..... .:_....... 1.,.. _ new Low mileage

25% 50% off J ----------.~ 1994 Plymouth Duster '-"""'. uaJ" ...ue, uruc: $ 3)882Harpef Woods. EcIecbc cor.. . une PIAN(). 5' Grand MedIum Place your ad here for 56.000 miles Excellent cloth, V-6, stra.'gt1t and 16.000 (31 oS2OBmbd 26th, 10 AM- 4 PM. wood. $2.000 Queen only $5.001 Detalls: 313- condItJon. Auto, alr, reliable (313)371-7963 199' Accord EX. 4 door. 5 1994 Jeep Wrangler. soft

GARAGE sale, 21006 THE Great Purge of 981

sleeper sofa. 2 twin 882-6900 power 1ocI<.s, power mlr- 1986 Corvette. red, auto, speed, new batteryl ex- top. 4 cylinder, 63KAlexander St ClaIr Household mlSCellarle- beds Desks. dresser ror. ca~e. New tlras, atr, leather Irltenor, (lX- haust. 105K runs great Must Sf'It, $7,745 313-Shores. F~y and Sat. 005, glassware. clothing. Washer. (313)882.9521 _ , .. JiIlIi ~ brakes; alarm $6 500 ceIIent condrtJon Pam, $4.75Q1 best (313)884' 343-2904un:IaHatper'f ~~s:n :;.~=~tu'::'~REFRtGERATOR, $100. ~ (313)882-9687 (313}884-7811 9117 1994 Jeep Cherokee

--------- 4. MIC:rowave, $50 TWlt1 UNDER S25 I 1994 !';tAllIth RI>IjJ nl'llu In_ I~ .........-. Caiars 1* Bertone( Flat X119, Sport, ""Ct:U.,,1t cond,-GAFt4GE Sale, .1= 27th. THReE family DedI white metal head- 5eJI)'oar odds It tenor. 40.000 ~ m~les. Coupe. aIr, power steer- 49,000 m~es. 5 speed. r~$12,500 (313)884-

28th. 9. 3 5053 Here- Ie Household ~rage board. $50 (313)526- : ends here for only loaded, new llres & ~ brakes. 31.000 alr Mint condrtIOnlford. DetroIt ChIna. hn- sa ems. 4149 $5.00 chrome mags. Great rmIes, 4 new tlres, very $4,200.810-778-6477ens, l:looks, eX6l'ClS8 toys. fumltJure, pICtures --------- condition. $11,900 313- clean $3850 313885- _eq'.llpmetlt, toys. more and morel 34 Elm Court STEP 2 climber, $150 Ex- 250-0544 or 313-417.' • 1991 BMW 7351, blaclcI

(FlSherl lakeshore) ersaucer. $25. many 9401 1811 black leather, phone ALL Junk cars & trucksGARAGE 5ale- June 27th, June 26.27,9- 3 more klds Items. plus • 1985 Cutlass Supr<!me Perfectl 74,000 miles wanted Any day, any

9 to 2. Fumrture, ster- ------.--- metal dnveway gates. ~ BrOUgham 4 door $19.700 313.882.9450 condItIOn 31~~1b/\j80S. Morel, 982 Wash. YARD Sale, June 26th. $50 Call 881-4853 ); Good condlbvn $1,500 ~ __tngtorl 27th, 22605 Raven. .__ f 1$94 Contlt.ental, Execu- (313)881-7118 1991 Honda Accord EX.

GARAGE! T Eastpotnte (off 9 Mile! 1- USED books wanted for Se M t cond -_________ LOaOed, 2 door, Smovmg oys, 94 St Clare's PTO annual if For detds ~~U:" hve nes In I. 1995 Ge<l Pnzm, 1 owner, speed Teal Mlchehns.

fumdure, computer stuff, --------- Ie fly..... tion loaded. moon.rool sl1aIp. 27,000 miles, spotless, everythingmiscellaneous. 9- 1, YARD Sale La-z.boy re- book sa . I phySlCal ~ 313.882-6900 CO $14,000 81o-na- $6.900 (810)nl-4637 newl $7,300 (313)885-saturday, 888 Lake- elmer, TV stanc!. stereo unable to drop off, call 4877,313-882-5019 _pointe. speakers, drapes. cur- Jeffrey at 882-4330 for - 1992 Geo Metro. 5 speed, _1_486 _

tams. books, kltchen ptck.up 1991 Contmental. 75,000 air, like new. $3.2001 1990 Honda CIVIC, 78,000HUGE sale. fumlture. kids >tems, Iawnmower, cloth. WASHER! dryer set, $275 '" mostly highway rrn!es, best offer. (313)885- mItes, outrageously rell.

clothes, toys. eqUIp- ,ng (adult), & more (all 19' lawn mower WIth ~ very clean, burg.Jndy, 6970 able, new IJresl etc:USand~~~:~:good condlbon} Satur- bag $75 2 Window air $7.900 {313)88S-1342 1990 Geo Pnzm, 5 speed, $2300 313-884.9487day, 9- 4, Saturday 9. 1 day. June 27, 9- 2 condrnoners. 5,000 BTU 1991 Escort Wagon. looks! 4 door. ati, new Sony ra- -'-99-1--Ja-g-u-a-r-So-v-e-r-el-gn-20064 Homeland, off Lrt 2101 Country Club. each. $100 All tlp top FREE to good home. white runs great. new brakes! dloi cassette, new ex- excellent condltlor , 68Ktie Mack. south of 13 Grosse Pomte Woods condltlon (313)886- cat. lemale. spayed. tires $27001 best haust, very clean. must W1re wheels, white

6997 wrth all shots, (810}445. (313)372'1045 seel $2,850 (313)881' (810)n2-8320JUNE 27, 28, gam- 6prr 9 4211951 E Outer DriVEl! WEDDING gown, OeslQn- 1970 1994 Ford E=scortLX wag- __ 1 1988 Jaguar XJ6, 4 doorWhlttler Womens, chIle!' 50'S metal k1tche"l cabl- er Approximately size GROSSE P~nte Animal on Air, 5 speed 53,000 1992 Grand Am SE. alf. racing green 80,000

ts th tal I st~~1 miles Excellent condl' 45000 m les excellentrens clothing, furniture, ne W1 s n ess "'" 8. 10 (!Has altered) AcIoptlOfl Society. Pup- I , miles Shaml $7,500R cia nk Great for cottage I tlon $4.800 (313)920- oon.....on co" 00 ' ...accessones am te Sl . Matching headpIeCe Pies, Kittens. Ferrets, "'". ....., 313-886-8372July 11,12 (313)884-3753 Best Offer (313).410- Dvgs ar,.:l Cat;; 3384 (313)6dO-09A3 1987 Mazda AX7 5

SATURDAY. June 27th, 9 ART deeo dining room set 5449 (313)884-1551 1992 Ford Escort stallOn 1992 Lumina Euro. excel-I Ie speed, fire rej. 79Kto 4.1340 Maryland, be. $300 art deco Dedroom GROSSE POinte Animal '/\lagon ow ml age, ex. lent condition, 59,000 new brake~ tires excel.

tween Vernor and Char- set $1500, Jukebox $850 cellent condition miles Great car, 56.900CliniC has small black $4,950 (313)886-2772 810-776.5659 lent condition S240VleVOlx (313)885-8890 ABBEY PIANO CO, male Retnever miX, - ._______ 810-772-4302

ROYAL OAK 248.541.6116 small Silver oloor male 1992 Ford Tempo, tudor, 1994 Olds Cutlass Siera 1978 Mercedes 450SLC 2Poodle large black 81K auto, air, nice con- station wagon. t€:ll,

USED PIANOS mixed breed male, dltlon $2,650 313-882- 58 000 miles $8900 doors Silver automatiC"Used Spmets. Consoles brown medium female 5521 313.882-0154 power Windows sun-

Upnnhts & Grands d I H k roof no rust, runs a'ld.... 09, ma (' us ey mix 1990 Ford Aerostar ex- 1987 OLOS Cutlass 2 dnves €l(cellenl

PIANOS WANTED bnndle male Terner mil' tended. fully loaded Ed- door new brakes! lune- (313)881 1788TOP CASH PAID 2 adult cats females, 1 die Bauer. 115.000 up, some rust $229')

--------- CaliCO 1 TOItre, 3 kit. miles $3 000 313-821- 313-884-0134 1971 MGB convertibleGUITARS. banJOS and tens (313)822'5707 8107 red body and mechan.

mandolins, ukes want- --------- _. 1986 Olds Brougham we'; ICS In very good condl'ed Collector 886-4522 PUPPY. Female, lab & 1989 Ford Escort, stand- rnalntalned reliable liOn, top fair amJ f'11

--------- pointer Vet checked ard shift good condition transpo'1alion $2000 cassette custonlLET us conSign clean, Free to good hOlT'e Runs well $1,500 or 313.886.6199 wheels rol' bar MuS'

serv'ce. sell your band (810)7736712 besloffer 313882.8505 1995 Pontiac F,reb,rd seel Asking $4350mtrument Jerry Luck --- ftStudiOS. (810)775 77~S 1992 GRAND MarqUIS, blacK V-6. T tops auto, (313)822-4804 a e"

black With "all" the loys air CD power wlndowsl 5pmPIANO- Vosp full <;17~ U[')a Aile G~ld!.lr"l 0c''''~\'::-'' DO'1t~ ~ y~~ ...v ...~ t~ 1V\..r\.:;J 'IVll ::JolllVt\t:;:I, CA 1992- N~ssan -Sentra 2

fight Mahogany pups 1st Shots males, Ileve 1?9K Make o~er cellent condItion door! 20 000, hlghw..~$1.2001 best Marty, $350, females $425 Ma''''enance r€,<,0rdc; 4;11 'i001 hpc;t n1~\H'1R ""' ..,,, ...>un- lVUI "" "iJ(313)882.1416 (810)776-9401 _~_va_llabl: 3~3-~o ~942 7169 after 5pm Newer battery 14 !Ires

VISC-O-U-N-r-P-Ig-'t-al-p-lano -G-R-E-AT Oan-e- ~Jpp;eS 1990 LIncoln Continental, 19-82 Sedan DeV:iIeA "1 exhaust, brakes tt",lle-4 years old Excellent cha np iYlShlp blood fully loaded moonrocl mint condllton 53K up $2900 (313)824condition Please call line AKC certl'lf'd 31:). new tires! etc 83K ong n<il Widow owned 2228 even,ngs 313313.8853141 '85.404> $5500 (313)882-0594 (313)881-3272 256-6891 day~

Thursday, June 25,1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection




1995 Seadoo XP likenew, aJurmnum trailer,vest. ate InCluded'itA "3nt\J ~_, J~1~'OO"'oItIi ...... v.... ............, \'" ;..,;J'W J I

5476. after 6pm

1998 Class A motor home •pro\lata!y o....ned Sleeps6, reasonable rates,weekly or weekend rent.alonly 313-417-7319

1997 Honda C8R 110CBlackbird, low miles,$9000 (313)882.0070or (810)-948.0070

1990 Yamaha F.l R600,low mileage like newcondillon Best offer(313)881-3149


Classified AdsDEADLINE:

Tuesday 12 Noon

U"DEO vamahal R:::I??1989, good conditIOn,$500 313-885-5586


1994 Jayco lold oown '87 CrUiSeAir ":-30 classcamper. 21\ full k'chen .. ,u'" ,........ _ ",,,u~'nE"ceUent COOOltK>n n ........".......,1""''1''1 IU,,'9VV

$2.500 313-417-3765 mileage, ge",erator,loaded, double bud. veryclean $22,400(313)884-4669

655 CAM~(RS

BOAT lie space ElectriC,(.~ty water $525 upSouth AII/er Road! Je'.ferson (810}469-3859----------

BOAT well!> up to 22South of Jefferson, AlterRoad area $200 perseason (313)822.3841----~~~--- -

COVERED boatwells nearGrosse POinte Ideal forfishermen or sport:.ho;It~- to ?~' 31 ~ fiR?9268




MARINE WOODWORKCustom deslgned & bUIlt

Gablf'letry Repairs, dry-rot23 Years Expenence

Ha'ffl PUrtfollO

O'OAY Manne, 20' sail.boat Excellent shape.flJlly eqJIPped E-Zloader trailer, Johnsonoutboard engme Cuddycabm Salls ng9lO9, lifeJaCkets cushions, muchmore An at1ordal>le wayto enJoy me lake Mustsell!! $2,500 810-7183040

BOSTON Whaler ;1973)11 teet. llo H~ JOhnsOll.center console, goodconditIOn trailer $5,500(3131AA6-MQA

Oort't Forget.,......ra ,"' ""' I.. I:....h.r........... ~ t~ __ "",

ClapUIed Advertising(313)882-6900

SEANYMPH, 1990 19ftOpen hull, 90hp John.SO'i 1990 Yacht clubtraJlar loaded Excel-lent condllJon LJke newl

MlJst see $8,000 Also1994 Johnson 6hp, trof-ling. e"cellJnt condllJonlike new $1 000(313).372-9588

NEWPORT 27'S sailboat.sloops 5 loaded. lIerygood condrtlOn, possiblepartnershiP, GrosseP"'ul""lh.. "~ri.- r.&I~1l

$14,900 (313)824-4040

ZODIAC- used 1 season99 horsepower 0\Jt.board New $4.300, ask-It".... ~o') ~f\n I~" ~'oo.s=.

~ -,~ ....... \ .... ..,J .... ~ ....


SEARAY, 1995 23ftOIIeml9hter 57litreRack stored SInce newMlflt! $23,000 (313)422-011::4 A o~,..,"".. 01/\ ~.."". :;1 ....

CAL 2~ sa ltioat Qiaatfamlty boat great racingclass Very good COndl-

II000n Call for detail!:(313)882-37701985 Wellcraft Mame Car- ~ _

10, l~ twin Meres. lOWhoors refnaerator mi-crowave, 1 cwr.l;lr, ex-cellent COIldlbon.$2S,OOO/best (313)881-3-t;:;

1983 Sea Ray- 22 225Cuddy Cabln 228 MereCruiser engine, 10""hours, loaded, campertop, excellent condmonGreat day boat for fish-Ing or n. nnl"g about thelake $9 500 313 6407010 or, 313-882-8877

1996 Seado GTI 3 sealere:.ctended warranty, 00mpt1 plus AD!e to waterski and tube, excellentcondl1lOrl $4 2001 bestoller (313\881 7211


'997 UplJrnlSt 5c...1 Beal,$2.250 or best oller(313~ ':818

22' PeafSl)n sailboat Finkeel. awl anD 4 salls75hp Honda trailerReady to 9"1 (313)882-5748

1988 $ea Ray 268 vVeek-~r, ~. h< u,!:..~~~-M:Illll I"OVItUlUUtt, ~UJ.:;)VtJ




1979 Carver 2566 SantaCruz fly bnoge. dualslat"YlS, 260 Merc CruiS-er great family fishingboat, Very well main.tamed $13,500\Jl..l;ml2-0161

1972 ChriS Crait runabout, beaubful onglnalconc:lotlon Ongmal own-er. well mamtalnedr"'.,... ....... -'" I __ n~", ~"",.......... "'"' ....1 Il-Q III u~v ''-oJ



OP AutomoliVe. Wash,wax, shampoo IntenorsPICk. up & Deill/er Ex-penel'lCed (313)371-9535




'1!fII!!t1I'i'!1Ff Fe'AUTO Insurance- Low

down payment. $125Doesn't malter wt,atyour dnlllng rllCOfd'sbtt~ P,l:U'trw::loP'C In~llt:a""'C~


ART'S lowlnn Junk ("""r<; i.trucks wanted Top dol.lar paid (810)773-7039,page 81(}'562-1148

ALL lunk cars ....antedSeNlnq Grosse Po,nl",H£.rper Woods. St ClairShores & Detroit s East.<;,(10 A10-77Q-IHQ7

1986 Four Wu'<ls. 26',sleeP'> 6. m.mmal noursopen at! area surtablefor antertaH'llnQl fishingCustom bUilt tr.dler in-cluded Must seel

$12500 Jeff 313331-

ALL &. any ( ,rs or trucks 1995 Baja Outlaw. 24', _7_9_09 . _wanted Top $$ paid 454 Mag and Loadmas- 1986 Glassport 17, OMC8107795110 te'traller $38,000 810- 120, 150 hours trailer,

784-9046 Sunbrella. mooring cov----------- er (313)885-34401978 Boston Whaler 40hp --------- _

Johnson Trailer, lIery 1995 Kawasaki STS, 1995good condlMn $2,295/ Polans Trader and Be-~st.. (810)231-95771 cessones Very ..."g~~-- ':l ~...


1992 Plymouth Voyagergr.,at work van, recentwork, high miles Best.:'Her (810)772-6022

•Sl8VI[(So fIt! Irrn~'~-;r,:'W"-~7~!I •••••••••••••••••



915 DE(~S P~iIOS

1aI1%ing In decks.tios. fmcat. and

tdoor renovations.Also available.

power washmg adeck stammg.

, 18-581-8396

S & J ELECTRICResidential ComI1MlfCial

No Job Too Small313-885-2930


81o-n6-1 007Emergency SeMoe

Violations, AenoVlltioMDoorbells, Ranges, Dryerssenior Citizen D1ecount

No serlllC$ can charge


Ranges. Dryers, ServtceS.Doorbells



ELEClHICAL, code VJOIa-tions, seMCEl upgrade.aU eteetneal service.<" • \,Nallve Grosse POInter.313-886-5678

POu'fl"E power Wasnmg.Decks, pave"!, fer\CeS,siding, patIOS and ga-rage ftooJs are careMlywashed by matureGrosse POIn1tl retlldenl40 years expenenceStamlf'l9 & sealing ell-pert. Call Rodger at 313-864.588i


5ervtng the POintes 13 )'IS.We BuDd to Suit you

-New ConstNctJOnoRepaJr & RestorationoPowerwashtngI Cleaning.Seallng & Stalomg

Free estimates&

ConsultatIonEd EllIOtt, Licensed Budder





oCleanll'lg .Stalnlng.Llcensed .Insured

., 0 years expenence-Free estln18tes(810)293-5674

q I g CH,MNIY {[f~NING


• Ch,mney Clt'an~ng• CdPS and


~ M<.nar andDdrJIp"r

Rej>alf• Ammal Removal

C'no(,ed ....la'lf'r Sweep

TOM TmlER832-5169

CHtUNEV REPAIRRe- tMlt, Tuck PomlJng,

Wash Caps.Spark Arrestors,

Step Counter AashmgLicensed & Insured



SYSTEMS, 'He.MICH. UC •• n-G5125

Chimneys repaired.rebUilt. re-hned

Gas flues re.lmed.C1eantog Glass Block

Ce:tlfiea, insured(810)795-1711R.A, COOOENSChimneys rebUilt,

repaired or tuck pOinting.Flues, caps repairedChllT1neys cleaned


SAFE Flue Chimney Serv-ICe Crown repair tuck-pombog, liner replace-ment 313-882-5169

~ RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE SPECIALIST ~~ Hand Troweled Finl$h '<'( Footings, Garage Ralsings, Porches ~

~ Y 1) \ .,....... n ....,.,...1A.1 "'T'T"'n""''''''''.'""rr ""(~~ ~"~~..~~~:~~~'~~:~~:~~....~ ~'l~ ~ MARTIN P.EIF GARY DIPAOLA ~

~4268 772-00331



917 PlASl[R~NG


CONCRETE construction'Tuclq:IoIrI' chlmnev,bn<:ks, block. stones.lay patIO slate. Cementsteps 810-779.7619

810-790w 1923



Dri'!5WayS • PatJos.Basement WOferp;-oo:mg - BnCk Pavers

Addrtlons • GClrages"' Il'l'lI\sed/'nttUfed"

~ 1 ~ CARPH;T:<r

AFFORDABLE plastenng:25 yeBIS expenence,guaranteed worlt. freeestimates. Insured. LouBlackwell' 810-n6-8687

ANDY SquIres P1astenog& Drywall Stucco repair.Spray textured ceilings.{81 0)-755-2054

CEtUNG repalrs waterdamage, cracks, palnt-Ir", waJlpaper rerr"oval.plaster. t9x1>Jre orsmooth. LICensed con-tractor Joe 313-881-1085

HISTORIC restorabon. ex-pert rvpalr, porcheS.cmmneys. The BnekDoctor. Rictlard Pnce.L.lcensed. 882-3804

PULCN Con5tNcbOn-You receiVe hOO<JSt,qualrty worlu'nar.stHp Allcement wont, water-proof. ComI'TlefClall resi-dential Free es1Imates-(810)713-3310

QUAUTY bock work.Tuckpolntmg Mortar

GARY'S Carpet SefVlC8 tinted ~o match Sea-InstaHatJon. restTetehtng IIer'S (313)882-0000Aepam; Carpet & pad _aVailable 810-n4-7828 ILL




Basement WaterproofIngSteps

Tuck-PaintlngNo Job to small"Free Elltimiltes




9\! !RIC~ BLOCK \'lORK

ULTRA DECKSDesigned & Built


BULLDOG Buildel5 wm-plete home remodelmgand repairs ueensedand If\SlJrsd Free eslI'nurte 810-285-9121






SEMI- retlrea- bnck layer F1NE ~(mg and PLASTER repairs, paint-WIth over 45 expeoence C8lpE1Otry S81'1/1CElS, IJ- lf1Q Cheapl No JOb tooIr1 masonry trade Rea- Ilfary, fireplace, wall smaH' Call anytime. In-sonable 810-772-3223 cabinetry, entertainment sured (810}714.2827

centers Designed, buil1 _&nd Installed. Free con- SEAVER'S Home Maln1e-sultatton In home by ap- nance Pl3ster, drywall,

COMPLETE home remod- pamtment (2481545- textures. pamtlng 16ellng New home con- 8044 years m Grosse POintestTuctIOn DesIgn and Ii- 313-882-0000.nancmg QvaJlable GARAGE(810)n6-2542. ask lor STRAtGHTENlNGPete And RebuIldIng

RepI8ce RoaefI WoodKM8 Construcboo, Inc - Crack 8r cement ReplIIr

Kitchen and basemeni To Pan CIty COderemodeling drywall, GuafllllteedpamtJng and general Catt For Free Edmete

ANDY'S MasoIy. chimney mIlIntel'l8nCl' I.JcensedI Uc:enMd Insuredrepair 8Ilclt, aU tuck insured (313)88602726 John Pricepotnting, conct'fIte u- IIONARCH (313)882-Cl746censed. InsUred RENOVATIONS(313)881.Q505 SpecIalIzIng In

BRICK rep8trs, porches, ktCcMntl and bIItMsteps, tuc:kpointIng. LiceMed buAdef&mall Iob6 welcome Glen Dr..-I<ewl (810)779-6226 (J13~

BRICK restool1Ion IrtCIud- FlJM Buitding Group- 27trig porcheS, ctvmney. years expenence, N.t!Jdlpoinbng & new oensed. Call for free es-wds. I.JcenBed & 1nIUr- lImales. (810)484-4748ed. l.uIgI F cement. -----------810-294-6449

BRfC1( Wort(- ExcellenceIr1 bnck work SrnaU jObsReasooabIe R R Cod-oens (313)886-5565


Bnclt, FlagstOne Walks&Pabos

POI'Ches RebulltPre-Cast StepsTuck-Poln1mgCementWortt

Basement WaterproofingLIc:en-s Insured


EXPERT Bock RepairTiJCkpOmttng. chimneys,porctles, steps SpeCIal-OZI ng Ir1 mortar, texturalcolor matchmg TheBnck Doctor RIChardPnce Licensed, 313-882-3804

EMPIRE BUilders Drywall. RJM BUilding Group- 21Expert Tuckpotnb09 plasler. framlr.g, electn. years expenence. II-

& Bnck Repair car. new constructIOn, censed. All types of coo.Mortar Texture flrushed basements crete work, bock and

& Color Ma\chlng Drop cedlngs lK:ensedl blociI (810)484-4748Deep DIamond Cut Jomts Insured 810-778-2335for Strength & Long life VITO'S cement work.

We II make your brJd,;work PLASTER & drywall repair porches, dnll8Ways. pa-look Itke newt "-"'5 and painting Grosse 11OS, bnck and btock""' ....1""'", partrtlons. wort(, tuck point InsuredLlcer.sed Ipsured Siding. opemngs, encto- Po.nte references Call

John Pnce (313}882-074S surel> Rough or 'In,sh Charles "Chip. Gibson ~ bonded (313)527-J.W. KLEINER SR. (313)884.1426 313-884-5764 -P-O-INTE---Pa-I/-e-rs--W-a-Ik-- (

MASON CONTRACTOR CARPENTRV- Porches, ways, patiOS. onvewaySERVING THE Doo n~_" Fi h & edges for width and curb

POINfES FOR 35 YEARS rs, ,-""",s InlS CaRough Carpentry Re- ~ ........................",,...,.,,..,,,,~~.,.,,._.,.,...=_<=r.= appeal refl.l. matureBr~ block and stone pGliS & Sinall Joos. ri~ 041,,"": ---: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~",~ ..reLJfl.,t!! am 1::1 e;:,i!!J Grosse 'Pointe resident

work and all types estlmates 25 years ex- Gel call Rodger at 313-884-l.of repaIrs penence 313'885-4609 RfIZIO OttSTRUmOH. HC. 5887 •

Bnck & Flagstone Pdllos _& Walks Porches PROFESSIONAL carper.- RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL.

Chimneys, Tuck POlnllng. ter 30 years expen- DRIVEWAYS - FlOORS e PORCHESPatching ence Roofmg doors. -SRICK PAVERS

V.olatlOns Corrected wmdows, decks porch- GARAGES RAISEO DI Specializing In Small Jobs es Reasonable rates RENEWED & REFRAMED IGRANDE CementlM>rkandRepaIr

Free Estimates/Licensed Call Roger anytime, ~ NEW GARAGES BUilT CONSTRUCTION Pa'oo' Porch. om...wlly

I 313-882-0717 81o-n9-7619 ffi .t--_ & I __ P..-BnckSpect<ri'"~ Jon......... nsar_ ~."""""'Y;ondW"'erp«>oo'lng '1I •• tEI liii..tiiJ1.. "iL;y g.ow ,,:. ,- .LIlt 11 .3 .10-17,...::1010 _ _ """ I""' n, ",'71::" r:n, ,•• iiiiiiiil ~ '-----....-"""""------~


°07 BASEr.IH,'','1 t. 'E?pqOOf IN G


FIIlllJlo.~'Sun \924

• D'AA,n~ ,'IIIt!lhod~ Pe... tone Backf,lI• w..u. SI,.. '!ifilentd• Under PmnollH.25 Yo Luarantee

'L.ght ..Vvy .....; -;OAslag stone & backfill~CIeanup

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Guarantee-Drainage S)Slems

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A ~s Buo" On Hones1V InIeQnty to ~W,tI' Over 20 Years Elq)enel'lC6 Serving The POtntes

Specifications:• f'!y'Ioo.>d atO<J1d ...... a1elI 10 pmIeClla.-.ls<:ape• N' tree> ..... obs bJsheos e1: W!II ~ ~• [,""""Ie (hand digJ area 01 __ , to De walOfPllXlled

• HIM iJ'ORY ad! clay sand -• ReIna... elUStmg ora.n I!Ie .no rOl'a<e """ new dralll 1lIe

I • s......~ "I'l~ ...Ilt!! bn~1C:h .... ;a.11 rPl'lV\\"~:'~ 1'1Il"! ~1~::It ~ t'Ym• t1epa1t all rlCIJOf ~ wm, rryuraunc C8I'J'lOOI• TroweIg<;lde la' dI'Id &-moll ~_ applied 10 waq• Run hose ., ilIeedel'(5) Ie """,e S<l1Ioeol drainage _ snoke_,5' ~r>e<esM'Y

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1""""""'''9~ fOO!""l"~ ......YOOlM'COOe 'No<'< ~ S~ Pord'es

3..31885 ..2097 810/777...3214• - STATE

10 Year Transferable Guarantee LICENSEDA GUA/fAN1EE IS ONl.Y,lIS GOOD AS T'H£GU ...RANTOR


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AND CONSTRUCTION24 Yll8IS ellpellellce

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CHAS. F'. JEFFREVBasement Waterproofing

• 40 Yrs. ExpeoenceoOuIsIde Method or

oIrlSIde l\Aethod.Walls StratghJened

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ollcensed & InsuredoQuaIlty Woriananshtp


"--C-all 882-6900--~------ to Charge yourClassified Ad

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RAY'S AIr CondItiornnqservICe WIl'ldow. CGnlraland wall umts seMCedCall 313-839-4973

G & T Asphalt seat Coat-ii".g Free estlmCltesDnveway. parl<lng IoU>(313)640-4227

Thursday, June 25, 1998Grosse Pointe News I The Conneocticm

973 TllU'JORK


971 WAll WASH1NG




, 97 ~ VCR REPAH~

AA1 CO VCR,lV mICro-""'''lYe HOlT'e calls$9 95 Nobody beats ourpnces Senior c'scounlSlicensed 81G-754-3600

MAOAR MamtenanceHand wall washing andwmdows Free esti-mates & references313-821-2984

ALL types residemlaVcommercial Jacks, com-pu1er, etc Appoint-!'Mnts days, eveningswa<>lc.",rt" 1~1~\AA?-


ROOFING repairs reshm911n9 chl'TInev screensbase",enl leaks plas orrepalfs HandymanW::Jrk Ir ~urcd Seaver s,(313)882-0000

Tear offsCmmnc.v r<:palrs




B.B. CODDEISFanuly BUSll1e5S smce !924

Shmgle RoofsFlat RoofsRUChe. roofs new



521.0726*Free E~ 1,1'Iales

""FUll Product Warranty*Senlor Discount

'" References"'All War\<. GUdranteed

C.E.G Roofing repairs.flat roofs, gutters. SIding,carpentry. chimneys Domy own work 15 yearsexpenenca Free esti-mates Ltcensed 810-757-2542

DOES )'our roof leak? CallS & S Roofing, for yourrepair concerns Freeestimates for New roofsand glItters. Flat roofsand coatingS Valley re-pairs Chimney repairsand tuckpolnlJng Gutter FAMOUS maintenancecleaning (313)881-8985 servmg Grosse POinte

Since 1943 licensedJAMES Smelser Roof Re- bonoed onsured Wall

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Har d wash 'tlIlnwwi:Sand walls Free esti-mates & references313.821.2984

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Fft"'CFfiitlmatC"88&-5565 !ltCJ.7,76400~~~~~~~ .¥¥.¥.¥¥¥¥¥¥.

MICON has the omy 25year roof warranty avail.able Tear-offs recov.ers. licensed and Insur-ed Free estimate(810)447.2236

ROOFINGAdvanee Mainlenance Co Inc.

Tear ofts Re roobCedar Shakes,

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i 0 '719-"'"~1 \I"~~ --03.L 1. IS\ • t\O\..~ f'oLE; ...2r075~oQf E. D. Foley

nome Improvement Co.c,ervmq "the Pomtes- for over 50 yE'ars

TEAR OffS ~fCavER5' HEAVY" fiGHT 5HI"1GLE5<'1'"(,1 f f\ ) ROOf 1"10 • rx~fRT WOKK~'AN511IP

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Repairs, rElfllOdellng, codework, fixtures

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SATIS!'"IED Plumbing- weguarantee satisfactionSpeCialize m generalplumbing problems Waler heaters. drain",. re-pIping Dependable810598-7228

L.S. WALKER CO.Plumbing Dram Cleanmg

All Aepalll; FreeEstimates I Reasonablel




Local &Long Distance

AaentforGIobeiI Von Lines

-811... 00• Lorge and Small Jobs- PJQllQS (our sp8C1Q1ty)- Appliances- Saturday, Sunday

SerVIa• Serior o,scoonlsOwned & OperatedBy John Steininger11850 Eo JeIhnon

MPSC-l. 19675IJcensed - Insured

9~4 GUTnRS

+-I1~lhe,,+ Q"Clldy PAINTINGF.'J'< r.rl\hc'.. W.l!' ('mcnng,

INHRIOR/Pl"~lfR RFrlllRS/f \ T' RIOlo(\('nlll~ (,rO'l\r Pom/r \/11(1 jt;l\l1(\011 Jllr/, ('/JIp , 'I~r /"Uf r 1\ , r

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INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPESSoon~l"g Ragt,l'lg ~pa("kle Dr~grl"~ CMpertryDrywall Plaster RepaIr Kitchen' Bath, Bosemen'Re-nodelmg t>,,,,, Wlndows/Do(l" [)C'c~, Fenc",Pn'(hp, np,,~n


, Small Home Rep;I,rs• Gutter Clea~ & Repa,rs• SmaR Aoo~Repall$• Plumbing RePairS• TV Anlenna F'iertroval• SIdIng & Decl< !O$lallatlon

InsureJfO( more


774 ..0781

AlL JlUUI it\JjH~ ~'A. uJ-lro:eeds with one prc"'ecall Best handymanseMve In The VillageC8J1 Village FIX- II Serv.ICE!. Leave message.3i 3-88i -9000

FAMOUS MaintenanceWlnoow & gutter clean-Ing licensed, bondedInsured since 1943 313-884.4300

GUTTER cleaning! re-pairS, downspout remo\,.al Code Violations Reasonable rales CallSteve, 313-884-6199

SEAVER'S Home Malnte-r.ance GlJlters replaeed,repaired, cleaned. roofrepairs 31~8e2-0000

ATKINS Home Mamte.nance Cement andsidewalk repa''S D"'Ie-way sealing. Tuckpolnt-1119on any bnck surfacePower washing fordnveways, decks. Sld-Ing, cement surfaces

, Gutter cleantng servoIces (313)376-4091

DAD & Daughters HomePepcur. Dl)'Walt. plaster-Ing, plumDlng, aect\S,porches\s, pamllng,kitchen. bath & base-ment remode~ng Mamn(313}884-5821

DEPENDABLE, compe1l-live. Home repairs.painting, drywall. plas.tenng, cleaning, plumb-Ing References. C8J1313-882-6995

EXTERiOR Palntmg. 11years in Grosse Pointe.Bud 313--682-5886

HANDYMAN available,evenings! W8tlkends.Can do almost anythll1garound house. Mark'","MI'lI'W'loPlol\.""'"\;> I;>J'U.' -;>;><>/




oCut -Bag oEdge-Whtp -Haul

trom $24.95With purchase of our 4Seasons \f\imtenance

ContractCall for a sample copy



QuaIrty SeMceC811 Tom 810-776-4429

****ACT1VE TREE EXPERTSTree tnmmIng, tree re-moval. stump removal.

Summer rates.senior dtscounts1-800-544-9383


Lar!d8cape Design •M81ntenence.

Sod 1n&taItaUorl. Shrub8M Tree Trimming(Removal, CINn-upe,Fertilization, Gutter

CIHn6ng,Top Soli, MuIch.& stone

dMIYerieLFREE ES'nMA TlSSLlcenMd .& Insured


ABEL Tree SeMce-- fr1j9estimates, IICSnSed andInsured Tnmrl'llng orcomplete removal oftrees, bushes andstumps 81Q-447-2494

COMPLETE lawn serviceCutting from $15.00Lawn feJ1lhzabon andmamlenance. !IAlke, 810-779-4798


ramovaJShrubbety trimming

and sculptingTop SOli grading

i9ti. ytUfGeorge Sperry81g.;T18-4331

~0¥cOlI I ,~~': I II ~"".....J AL.L In One Home Re-

"78 Oevoosh're Rd GPP pairs Code VIOlationS._ .. ...,-_.... [;ecl( cleaning 313-371-

._- _.- 8326. Jim Bockster"7


9~1 MI~~O~S


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SOB TOMALicensed Master

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GaG FLOORco.Wood floors only313-885-0257

Floors 01 di$tJncbonsmce 1964.

Bob GrabowskiFaundel' / PresidentlJcensed, in8ured,

mernbef of TheBetter Busmess Bureau

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°lastalllnc • SaadiDe,slallUl>ll: &. Rdmislumc

Bill81C-8J2-17STDa 313793-611Z

Aeasonable RatesFree EstllTldtes

Commercial ResidentialNffw, Repairs, Renova-tions, Code Violations,

Service Upgrade

FURNITURE refinished,repaired, smpped, anytype of carung Free es.bmates. 313-345-6258,248-661-5520

GARY ZERtLU Excavat.Ing & LaI'ldsCaplng. Con-crete & removal Water-proof'"9 lnground poolremovill. ete commer-cial, resu:leotial Insured,free estlmates We do Itami Quality. professionalWOfk) reasonable rates81 Q.415-9393

Griffin Fence Company

°All Types Of Fenetng'Sales

°lnstallabOn, Repairs.Senlor Dtscount

822-3000 800-305-9859

MODERN FENCEWhrte Cedar Specialists

SeMng the GrossePOIIlles Since 1955

"Autom8bc Gate Openers.29180 Gratiot, RoseVIlle


DEBRIS dnd rubbish ra BRENlWooD Pall'>tlng! QUALITY lob dt reaSO'1a-mOllal Topsol~ and Wallpapering 30 years ole price Ir.tenoll eXlen-<;hredded bark delIvery of quahty & service to or pamt,'1g Resldent.all

d I I Pomtes Shores Harper comMerc'al Denn.ssSPhrea

bIng aval aD~ Woods Free eS:lrNlteS ~Q176-~~ __

ru remova Bill, 810 7766321 or(313}320'4336 810.771-8014 10% off SAM'S Pa,nN'g Intenor

w th thIs ad and exter;or Hee esttMAHONE Light Hauhng --- males Reasonable

basemenV garagel yarcl BRIAN'S PAINTING rates Ca'l anyW'1eclean up Free esl,- ProfeSSional painting _~ 10)754 6957mates Ed (8 0)774- Inler,or and extenor STEVE S Pamtlng Intenorl8376 Speclallzwg In all types of Exter or Spec allzmg in

_____ paint ng Caulkmg Window p!astenng and drywallMOVING.HAUL.ING glazing and plaster repair repci,rs crack", peelingAppliance removal ~II wor" guaranleed pal'lt WIndow glazmg MICHAEL.. HAGGERTY

Garaqe yard basement, For Free Esttr'lates and caulkinG Also paint old I ,,.. Jh~.6' D'......h... ;'::;:::::- :.C:c1eanouts Cor>structJon Reasonable Rates call aluminum Siding 313- -=---.... -=-.,=-_ .. -__~ _- I SERVICEdeonsFreeestlrrales 81o-n8-2749 374-1613 _ ~ _ ........'n ... '...'.,MR.8'S 313-882-3096 or 313-872-2046 TOMS Palnt,ng Grosse I:,,'"L, 1111"" Y1A,Nlljt.K C'OMMERC'IA~

810-759-0457 C E.G. Pam:!ng PO'ntel "ia'per \}. xls Father & Son."Aft dabl yj' re1erenCfs . Local man Since 1949 TEAR.OFF

REMOVAL OF ALL: m~~nor~a~nt~:.;rl does gOOd I (313,882- blU \tA'iTENPI L\IBER"l'M RESHINGLEAppliances powe' "'a~I)''lg 7383 882-0029 CERTI"IED

Concretel Dirt carnentrv orvwall t.p?LICf>,T10"iSOFConstrue:tJonDebris 20 years expe~lence MODIFIED SINGLE IGarage Demolition Free 2Stlmates licensed I"tenor & Exterior PLY I

Basement Clean out (810)757.2542 • Speclall71ng 10, FLAJ ROOF'NGCan Move! Remove --O-A-Y-..-rr-E-p-Al-NT-I-N-G-&'- ~epmn,.~ ~ BLJ'~:kyh:~::r 6;;~~- SYSTEMS

p~~l~;l~~~'tR Inten~~~~~~~l:nbng, £~~!all:M I r8~)~~-5~~~Insured ~~~~kIwaJlpapenng and removal • Pe.:img pJlllt -O-E-C-K-r-efi-In-IS-h-ln-9t-'-po-w-e-r I

Ceramic tIle Power • WUldow pult)mg h I" I., LICENSED IN"lJRFI1washing. Free estimates and caull..nlg ~ ~;~"~o;~~~r'~, I 8'86 O'520 I

16 '1ears expenence • Power wash.ng shed, patIO furniture, -Insured • Repamtlng old ate using ,Jahty IT'aten- "".======= ......

(248)478-4140 alummum .Jdmg aJs 248-546,7748, oper.--------- • All work & m31enals ated by local studentsEXTERIOR PalntJng' 11 guaranteed

years In Grosse Pomte. • Free E.llmate~ OECKS, patios, pallers,Bud 313-Ba2-5886 313 874-3542 dnveways, houses, en-

INTERIOR! exterior paint. 1 tnes, dlSObedlElnt teen-

~~N ~!~.~~",~~~2t SIEBEN'S ,1 ;;~~'.,cg~~at~'J~~~fr~ '~p;~~-pn~' PRINTIN6 I Radar Cops professlo-(313)881-8985 UEB 15 'UIIS '1llIItn natty power washed

INTERIORS INT~~mt~ ~~~~IU Rodger (313)884-5887BY DON & LYNN INUlfa IEPENDI.U POINTE ALL types of ceramIC Ilie

41Husband-Wlle Team ., 15-114-1119 • POWER WASHING InstallatIOn. 30 years ex-penence Free esb-

ewaHpapenng i:!../f!.m i'!..1f!..ffi Cold & Heated mates! 810-771 -4343Power Washrng


n,9n..~ 1mPIOF£MM. 'Oe<;ks .Patlos -Home:; CERAMIC krtchen OOUI1-V-"<rVV_ ...... Btllldlngs .Stone -eConcrete ters, bathrooms. walls,

J & M Fainting Co. I1'II11rlRlJ (810)761-2471 floors Water damage,regroutl!lg Any type Ll-

Speciatlzlng in: & I~ We'll baa\ any pncel eensed contractor 881-*Extenor/* Intenor. .......................~ 1085.~.................. POWER washrng- Decks.

R~ldentIal & CommerCIal repainngdl1'.1geCIplater, oatlos garage floor<; OLD WOtid tile marble.Palntlng CI'llCIls, peehng pEt, RVs, boats gutters. ceramiC tile Small or

l<Plaster.ng & Drywall window glazing, t8UIIdtIg, clogged downspouts large JObs Nattverepairs .cracks. P8lnlIng lIluIIlInam IIdIng. (313)881-8985 Grosse POlmer 3' 3.peeling paint == 88S-567B

Window glazing, caulklng AlworltGllalCwd. TILE INSTALLA1l0N*W"rhlng & Pal....ng old 1'_'1 ....... _ Floors bacKSplashes, bath-

.... ..., \#Ill .. NIl ALL PRO ROOF1NG rooms. reasonable rates,HANDYMAN, (810)775- alumInum SIding 777-8 81 Professtonal roofs, gutters, free estimates Call Shen

0700 All JObs welcome *Wood StaIning! sldlf\9, new, repaired (313)599-9685btg or small' VBtT'IIShmg FieasonaDle. Rellal)Ie TRAPANI Tilt! & Marble

HANO'IMAN, reasonable, Grosse POInte References 24 yeal'S expenence InstallatIOns, qualitydependable, free estt- eu.,... ... All Wo.1I & Matenal L1CENSEDIINSURED wort<, bathroom tearmates 5eruor dlscounts ea".'.... Guaranleed John W~lIams outs (810)498-9868Call Bob (&10):<:96-0024 Grosse POiIlte Fully I.Jcensed & Insured 313-885-5813

ContraetOlS Free Estimates-HONESTand dependable. IIICItAEL SATIIARY Mike 816-268-0727carpentry, f)alntlng,

plumbing, and electncaJ 313018M155 J.L PAINTINGIf you have a problem or __ ._______ INTERIORIEXTERIORneed repairs or any In- A+ Pamtlng Inlenc" exte. Power Washing

PLANTINGS From The stalling Call Ron 810- nor Plaster & drywall reo RepaintingPark- Plantlll9' maiota- _573-62G4"______ pair Window glaZing. Alummum Siding

V"lll8, DIscover & nance 01 beds, boroenl, JACK'S Handyman HCrlTle power washing & palnt- Vanety of colorsMasteroa1d"~ and s.'1rubs. Pereonllils. AO'''''nI. Palotlng, wm- II"g Aluminum Sldlng Window puttyl cauhung

KELM FLOOR~ annuals, troptCa! Ray do-::- cleaning. Gutters Free esllmates. Insured Grosse Pomte References(313)823-2150 cleaned 810-773-3038 Call Ryan Famtlng 810- Fully Insured

Lay, Sand, FIOISh 775-3068 Free estimates-Staintng Expetts- POtNTE Stump & Shrub _G_od_B1_8llS_' ~_______ 313-885-0146

50 years expenence Removal SpeaaJIZIOg In KITCHEN, ba\tl I'8f11OdeI- A. PAINTING -JO-H-N-Ka-routsos---P-a-m-tJ-n-g"l.Ic:ensIld°'nsured. lnaccesslblo stumps & log. Code VlOlatJoos. IntenorlExtenor Intenorl extanor Custom

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HOURS: Mon. & Thur. 8:30-9:00 • Tue. Be Wed. 8:30-6:00 • Fri. 8:30-6:00