· We've got the coast cov~red - City of Newport Beach


Transcript of · We've got the coast cov~red - City of Newport Beach

# . .,

Fron1 Huntington Beach to San Clemente .. .

· We've got the coast cov~red


SUNDAY,. APRIL 3, 1988


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WHAT DID 1 00 ?

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by Harold Ledoux




. . ' .

I . SE.QUEffC! Q! l!DNTS 10: ~ You enter Cabirteti Room·. sit-cbm in ct..J~ bl unbutton coat (op~). DO I& nm:we shoes.

10:.,7a.m.: You leave Cabinet Room t.hraah same door. Return fD Owil. Office. Sit down .

10:40 a.m.- · '1 · 6 :28 p.m.: Free time.



- - How abQ1t thOee ~rs? -- Geor:-9' (Shultz.). M}:!'thing happening

) on tf'ie world ecene ? ~ (The Secretary will report.) ~




11-iAI lf\Ju· NE.VER Ff¥) ANQ Af"f'E.N1iON 10 WHAi ANQONE EkSE 15 FE.El/~.'






FUNKq ,,,

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i ~ 'f E.u.' ME I HOW 00 ~ lX)() FEEL ABDUi ME ~

. by Ferd and Tom. Johnson

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6'HO,~R1 FefCH M'{ rlLJS~t\J&' HLJN1"6R'S HANV'EJOOK.


Re:nem.ber, future. Bride, your I!ubby.to-.be is likes. lurnp of d.ough,that ~u must knead i!".to the shape~ want .


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© 1988 United Feature Syndicate Inc.

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by MacNelly ·

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Q. HM ..,_ _.. 18 wm a Olcar! -M~ Wzlliams, Jadcson. Tmn.

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--Pat SlaJr. H~ Tmn.

l Barta, 64, .. bad a pldc of doll" while arowina up in Million, S..D. 1M Pria Is

Rjglil boll 4Ui1 the Mill USA and Mill UniYene IJllmD1I baas they \lie lell fUr ooets. His pet ~ aniJD11 bNhiO•t in eota1ainmcnt and l'CIClldl. Siisr/Kttess Wyler, .S6. fi>unded an animal mehel- in Wm wick. N.Y .. after ~ one the c:aDs ... medieval ch~" As a kid in Io.;.;.na,

• bmer Polia oman p ffoltinwn, 60, bid a ~ pis. rooster and duC:k. He's been president Of Acton IDd Ocben For Animals fiJr 10 )INl'I.

Q. 1 ... 1, t.c•NewY.nMm .... ~ C11•1• 11 ...W. Mt/ ""'?

-Mal'C Hmat. ~ CIJJij:

l Two. boch iw best supponins 1Ctres: Patty Duke at 16 for l 96Ts ~ MiradL

Worlc6, and Tatum O'Neal at 10 b l 973's Ptijiir Moon. YwiWif nomiocc:Jiiitill Henry-

• at 8 for best supporting actor in l 979's IV'am6 vs. l<ramLT. He k>st to the late Melvyn Dou8las, 78, of &mg ~- (This )'eats~ oomint1':' lfroodca.st News' Holly Hun1a', JO.)

1 ~23. 1WlCl Manica Harris, 20, in' N~ vember in a 1av;m manooy with 10 ulben ad 10 . .

Q. WM.,.... die "LA LAW'~ ... t. dlt a11 • a aeiMll ftl die u. Lo ..-1

- Tom JrWlid, Rapid City. s.D.

l .Ricbani N"Jederberg. a Studio Qty, <Ali(. ~ (what die?) who 11=11 a ""nominal"

ie b l1S me. The air ~ (not N"~'s) is an '87 XJ6 J...-. An Lt Law pme is due this month.

•••z•n ....

~USA ,·.~~KHJ;J

N>llhed by o...a Co. Inc. -•.-....-.- aw

... H. ....... C*abll• .,.... .1. Ctclllr. "• ••• •a mo

....... D.C..-. ........

PS II Cl I I JaflnC. CMnn ...,_,Jafln_ 0 .......... ....... ._ ... ....

• ..~-:-:..~~· Ulltd .... _ ... _ Pl ....... • , ...... .... 'f SS 7 a: • ...._--., a-.a : iiilr=t-m:;•:o..: c.:

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Sincel960, honnone levels 0 Pumpi ng iron has teplaced

flower power. Pinstripes have replaced paisley. And Wall Street has replaced Woodstock.

But of all the major changes that have taken place since the 60's, one 1s hardly visible at all: the change that bas ukcn place in the Pill.

In 1960. the Pill contained as much as 150 mcgs. of the hormone estrogen..Joday, it's down to 35 mcgs. or less. That's afracti011 of the original dosage.

Yet, today's Pill is as effcetive as yesterday's. to fact. it's still the most effective birth contro l available other than steriliz.ation.

But is the Pill right for you? You shouJd see your doctor to help you answer that. If the answer is yes. then the ultimate decision is yours. And it's important that you learn all you can about oral contraceptives.

First and foremost, what are the risks? Does the Pill c.-,use cancer? WiU it ma.kc )'OU less ferule? Do )'OU

need to take a rest from it? These are just a few questions that have sur­rounded the Pill since 1960. Ques­tions which must be addressed by )'OU and YoW' physician.

What about the Pill and breast cancer? Although there are conflict­ing repons concerning th is issue. the Centers for Disease Control reponed that women who took the Pill, even for 15 yean, ran no higher risk o f breast cancer than women who didn't. The CDC also reported that ovarian and uterine cancer are substantially lt.ss common among __ women who use oral contraceptives.

The Pill has been shown to have other health benefits as well. Pill users are less likcly to develop pelvic inflammatory disease (tubal infec­tions), benitn breast disease, ovari­an c:ysu and iron deficiency anemia, not to mention mensuuaJ cramps.

But if the PiU is so effective at pre­ventina pn:pancy, can it later p~ vent )OU from havina at.by when you're ready to have one? Studies


in the Pill hM indicate that if you were ferti le before you took t.he Put, taking it will not affect your ability to 'have children later. Some women may experience a short period of read­justment after discontin uing the Pill Even so, most women usually become prqnant SOOD.

One piece of advice )'OU may have heard if)'Ou' re on the Pill is that you should take an occasi6na.I rest from it. Yet there's no mcdicaJ t.sis for this advice. Funbermore. a rest could tum out to be anything but ttstful, since switchina to a less effec tive form of birth con t rol inc reases you r chances for un­planoed-precnancy.

Now that you know what the risks aren't. you should know what the risks art. For example, if you a rc ta k ing the P ill , you should not smoke. 'Especially if you are over 35. Ciaarette smoking is known to increase the risk of serious and pos­sibly life-threatening adverse effects on the hean and blood vessel.s from Pill use. What's more, women with cenain conditions or medical histo­ries should not use the P ill

Even if you're alrtady on the Pill, you sbouJd see your doctor at least once a ~r. And read the patient infonn&tion rqul&rly.

Taking the PiU is easy. Decidina whether or not to talc£ it isn't . Tbat's why it's so imponant for you to mm an informed decision. Contin­ue readiq everythina Ye>u can about bin.h control methods. Seek out rdi­able sources. Talk to your doctor.

You've already takrn a step in the

-right ditt1e1ion. Just think. sintt you bepn readina this. there's a good chance your knowledae I~ about the Pill has increased. Considcrabl .

A "'~from tllr A.ssoci11t101t ef Rlpro(/11((1~ Htaltlt Pro{nsi0110/1 tltrouKh 011 t'dut'Ot1onol rr11111 from Ortllu f'ltaffnOC'nlttco/ COTporotiOlf

- -.


1-, I I I




anything in bwlJall be more m:itins 1hlD playins b­tbe New Yort Y--..r -BiD Oullicboa is lboul flO find out.

As rhe 1988 -.on opem around rhe globe. rhe 29-)ar-old .. -binder will . be mabas rhe kq. slow walk flO rhe mound in a &r dili:n:nt pilce, the Tot,o Dome. 11e·s rhe ma USA pitch-


.............. ................. ............... ,. ... .....................

- - - ~- - - - ---- - - --- -

Catholic Hiah Scbool; be .. the teOODd pick in ,die USA in die 19n batebaD drd. He then spent three upad-dowli . . )lall'S m die mmon at West Palm Belch, Memphis and llmWF.

1bm came die dilcovay lbat be -~Since

~=6r'be~ met to dlily 1IR two insulin shots and check bis t*>od - bJr times. son, DOW c:alls_i1!df'dle BEPC. h

But that same year, be went studs b' Big Fa PillCben Oub. 10-S with die Momrea1 Expos. TbeGiants~istbe~ sand out 18 Chit¥l Cubs in cndary Stdt!!!ra who .bit one pme. wt w named ~ 868. home nms in bis career. (By

"These people are just ~about baseball."

1ional I.ape Rookie Pilcher' of · oomparison, ~ Aaron's ma­tbe Ytar by ~Sporting fl~ jar.ape record 11 7SS.) Kan- fuse ~ He bad

~~dram IS a ttmner on Gntlic:bon toll knnc:kJebeDs in • • • • • • . • • • • • • the lie.Id, always-is available to t.niDs pnclic:e.

ttanslate what Ob •ys. 8ul Ob Maybe, Ob said. opponents and some Gianls pla)'a'S lcnoiN - will look b knnc:kleballs the teSt "I thought Japan would be a gaeat

experience. We're young enough to find it an adventure."

• • • • • • . . . . . .

enoup Enstisb words to com- of the )UT. • muruca1e on t.tet.D maners. Tbrouabout · · ·

Some kid Gul1ic:bon about be also told ~ ~= ~ battina. ~ •How many and .. ttme himldf at the pace bi& lalllJe home runs?" , be was umt to in the u~ "No ~wo." hurry," Ob l8id in English Ob tdls Gullic:boo that Jape- "Show time. April 8." .

nesc players need to deYdop a more •miivc style of play. lie • Whet'• new -on CIP9"inl allo came up with a nne to ooo- dlr In .. &$, P911114. ..

UlllYI IDl.IT: n.--~· &lltttl 119 I .......

THIS MONllt'S .. . . ... Ri(i; ...... .

Helywood and ------- Movie fans IT. E.Elf. can now CAUi. toast a silver-

screen star with a soft red wine bearing her name. wen. sort of.

If MM isn't ·available in your area, the St Helena Wine Merdwits will shi anywhere in the USA. c:fl (707) 963-7888 or write 699 St Helena 'Hilbway, St Hele­na, Cali£ 245.,4.

Marilyn Merlot (say ~ low) is made by Nova Wine Partners and is available in San ~sco. Los ~ and m some stores in New Yort. New Jersey, Mmachu­setts and Connecticut

Adorned wi1h a picture of MM benelf in a fur boa; the '85 mcrlot sells for S 10 to $13 a 7 SO.ml. bottle.

If you're bca~inJ for the Derby on

May 7, don't mils ~ ville's fine dinina (more Der­by~ peee 11): But mm reservations now. Couri6· Joumal food editor Sarah Fritschncr sugests:

WD-40's versa- c:-1 tility has always been perfect for solving household ll!::J problems. But now there's one use for WD-40 that could take you right out of your house. And send you on a mystery tour of England.

F!. .. AWD 40" - Just study the three ll1U • S ·WD-40 uses pictured in this m-i~clno use" ad. You11 ~e that WD-40 ~llJC, silences squeaky hinges.

aild you maw Removes tar from cars. And cleans scuff marks off

find vnll~ the floor. [fij ./"~~ But there's . m· y· ,....,.ndon afourthusethat's .

.1.A1 • not shown in this ad. To locate it, look for a hangtag on WD-40 cans at a Missing Use Sweepstakes display.

Discover the missing use on the hangtag, and you 11 be eligible to win a trip to the most famous mystery locations in England. Like Baskerville Hall.

Sherlock Hohnes' address. Plus 'Scotland Yard. Or you could win a VCR, an exciting mystery video or a murder mystery game.

So tear out this ad now. lt11 help you find a WD-40 display at participat- [I] · retailers. -~ere you • just might tum some­thing that's missing into an incredible find . .

--­E I , *-

• 610 Mapolia, where chef r..d Garber's eclectic F.ast-meeb-West food veers from traditional (beef fiJet in aeam and oognac) to exotic (spicy shrimp with Thai noo­dles). Around $100 for two, with drinks, Wt, tip. • casa Grisanti, where

you can feast on veal and pu­ta. TablHide ooolcina "ls a specialty. About $70 for two.

• C.afe Metro, where the fish is fresh and the deslerts are the best in 10Wn. Don't miss the~( . me­ringue with~ or a rich slab of Chocolate Vdvct. No reservations aaiepced. the place stays mobbed, but it's worth it About $50 for two.

•The Oak Room and Cafe in the Seelbach Hotel,

·where chef Jim Henry turns out such dishes as grilled

• Oank .U in a bourbon mar­inade with an onion marma­lade. About S60 for two.

A hot llllcll cellbo .__, Campbell

Sou{> C.O. is servma up a

new twist on the old S£UJ> and sandwich. Now in ~ area nwkets: Miaowaveaf>le Souper C.Ombos.

The frozen line includes eisht combinations, like chicken noodle IOUP with grilled bmHnckbeac and aeam of mushroom soup with a breaded cbidcen patty sandwich. F.ach combo oosts &oms 1.99 to $2.49 and heats up in 5.lh to 7 minutes.

.. It's doq very · well, and we're loolrina at ways to ex~ pend into other rqpom in the. Midwest," sa David Hack­ney of eam=n•s.

Texas-sized met

Oiiier f9' to fry ---- OWk it up -~to a love of

British pub fare: (lief Jeremiah Tower ~ just opened a fish-and­cmps tahout ldjaclenno-ms acclaimed restaurant, Stars.

Starfish dispenaes only fish and chips in a roll of news-­pint, an authentic worlcing­class touch. To drink splits of cbampegnc, a Stylish Tower touch. Starfish's Kathleen Shy says the fish - mainly 'Alci6c fin &re - dwss daily and is ooobd '° ordC:r, in half ($3) and full ($5) por­tions. Add a dash of mah vin­*1" for an elcp.nt picnic.

... 'JM' food ....r _,. Chalk this .... , one up to

that trend to­ward .. ial.. food: Square Meals. a new HD•• spot serving stufled ~ and fruit cobbAers. And rocker Ted NtJll:llt •ys he'll open a I.Ge~ spot called Red Meat Ooes that mean he'll replace James Gamer in tbo9e beef Ids? . . . Alice's Res1aurant, the 'tiOs eatery immortalizld in 90 1'Y Arlo

~~=:: but look fbr it now u La Rtt Chez v ous reslaUrlnt and tabout. ... J. Paul's, one <X Wllhinp>o, D.C 's beudiest spotS. opens I new branch May 1 in the Btdtad le()o

tion <X MlllllL OP the menu: buqa1 IDd arll c:am. both rated• '"belt in town" by W~ms1 1ine

_,......_, 0 In

The Twelve Mollths of Roses The twel vc most beautiful roses of all bloom forever in fine bisque porcelain. Each petal and bud individually formed by hand. $29.50


The daring crimson Amtrican Btauty . .. the delicate pink Painter's Rost ... the creamy white Rosa A/"4. The twdve most bca~tiful roses of all now brought together in an extraordinary collection of handcrafted porcelain sculptures. "The Twelve Months ofR<>ses."

Herc is the beguiling Yor* and Lanauttr rose. The vivid purple Cardi""/ dt Ridttlieu. And Olil Bl11slt -the bc:auti{UI rose from China that graced Empress Josephine's famous rose garden at Malmaison.

Herc, too, is the faintly-tinged Swtttbritr, also known as Eglantine-its beauty lauded in the great plays of Wtlliam Shakespeare. In all. twelve different rose sculptures that will be issued at the convenient rate of one each month.

Each rose will be handcrafted in the finest porcelain, "With each petal and leaf individually formed to create a flower of astonishing beauty and realism.

With your collection you will receive a custom-made wood display stand-at no additional charge-which will show all twdve roses in one dramatic arrangement.

To enjoy the vivid color and fascinaong • variety of these fine imported porcelain

sculptures yoursdf. or to present them to someone special. you need only sign and return the applicaoon below. But please be sure to return it by April 30. 1988.

r-------· suasc1urTION APPLICATION--------., I I

: P/~ moil by April JO, 1988 1

: Li"'it: Ott tolltOiOff /H" SMbscribcr I I I I I

The Fnnklm Mmt Fnnk.lin Center. Pmnsylva.n1.a 19091 PlcaK enter m y subsa1pnon for "T he Twelve Months ofRosn .. porcebin sculpture collecnon

I need send no moM'' u this nmc My rollec­noa Wlll be sait to me at the rate of one Jculprure per month. and I will be b11le-d W SO- ior each pnor to shipment.

With m y collection I will also receive an 1.' l~ gun wood display stand n oo add1uonal charge.

• Pftu •r ,..,. ..in .... -' SI fa- • .,,...,-'~-.

Mr./MN / Min


C1ry. Sa1t, l.tp---11414-1~



SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serioos Risks to Your Health.

0 :• .......... At ....... ..... u ...................... . .... -=, ... 'Wll ................. At ............ u ............. ... ............. 1 ... -wu ......... DT ••-=1 ... -.·u ... --. .... ... 9'RC......_

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He's in the Navy now, but bis eye's on the ball u he shoots for Olympic gold

What do basketball fans ba"Ye in com­mon with David Robi.mon, former l.J.S. Naval Academy hoop Siar and fUture cen­ter. the San Antonio Spurs?

FITNESS Just like the specta­

tors. the superstar is wald>i•-- not playing - the Na1ioniJ ~

lmdJ9I) A9ociation ~ toWIJd the playc6 that becin this month. - ~it'• been toulb sittq Oil the~ lines wald>q my mends play. That's what I kM to do, and it can be fiusuating sinq 00 the sidetira, .. says the 7-tOot-1-incb AD-American center.

Robimon, 22. currently is fi•lfillq a two-)al' post~ oommitment to the Navy, wortcina as a civil ,,,.;nerr.

Like a lot m m,--be's tied to a desk, which leaves little chance for him to ., ODOaHJDe with ID)'QDC in bis lmpe.

But the bmdlCd twlcdblll dayer bas two pxt rea10D1 to saay lblrp: _NBA mr­dom wilh the Spun, 10 dazzled ht his · abilities they sipd him fix' $26 .;fmon and are waiting out his Navy ICr'Yioe; and bis quest for Olympic Pd this ICll!lmel'.

"f m looking forward to the clJance to . play in the Seoul ~ .. be •ys.

1be Olympics are an incremble op­ponunity beca111e they are to 8ceting. The oppocnmity to ., and leptC9Cl'lt your

- COUDtl)' is IO special" When tr)'oU1S for USA~s Olympic bas­

ketball 9QUlld becin on May 18, Robinson •ys be11 be ready.

How? By ~ I fitness regimen that's a kiDer. sprint drills - aptly called "suicide" drills; ~and shooting prlCtioe. It's a rou1me that can ~ even recrationa1 atblrtr.a oompac wdl m !CV­eral spans. be says.

.. &.m:ile illl't the IDOlt fim thq in the wodd, bul il ii one m the IDOlt fun thiqp in the wodd .ma the JaUhl. mng younelf'- lllOQlel'ad tmer. It mns to show up in~ )IOU do, wbedler it's bmtdbd or loftball or tennis. .. · His wortmuD mn't b the &int of bmrt or wmk of lrc.

11lellllltltmllJt111• rlll 111111 JIS CIZlj Is

. • lflllll 11'1...._ r~ IM II a'

......... -& ..

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n­S. n-

a­is l8 • lC


t's lg 1-

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'P'°'*say tllerdol't

• 11-becilse tller're too bay. Bat,. daitbecme it's wlllt JOI llMtodo.'

Tt ......... lllM .......... .... w .................. .. =•1IJ;.._ ........... .. _ .. .,. ...... /1 ... .. I I JJ .. 111'1.llr' I··= ........................... .................. ...__ ...... ai1•••• ,,...,,.._ ..... ,...~" ..... .....,_ ........ .... ......... ,. .......... u ... ...... ,.. ................. .. ........................ llllt .............. ,...

11 ,..,. ........... .. .......................... ..................... ........... 1m .......... 111 ... ......... 111 ..... , .. ,.. .............. ......... 111 ........ .. .............. ............... ,.. ..... ..... .... ,... ............. lllllt .... _ ........... r. .... .. -~ .. / ........ ...... _ ..... .....

. - - -- -- - · --· --- - --·-- -- - - -

LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED The best thing you c•n give • bedwen.r •nd ttie rest oft~ tamily, too. 11 an enc:t to this senoos pr~m. •nd m•ke no mistake bedw.aing is serloos. It can caute i.ck of aelf· e.teem and I.ck of sell 11Nge that can l&at • litetlme. 11'1 ao ~ becauM bed wetting. when not c•used by orgamc

defect or disease. can be ended. Send for our fr" brochure. ~Bedwetting . What It's All About •nd How To End It" No

• • cpst or obligation.

"1..-Ny EftediN tw Adults"

r-;;.-.;p~-~TIONA~LTo~--------------~;~,-• 555 Birch S1reet/ Nekoou. WI 5'457 I

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UN ENSAVlf a,.ts c.- .......... ....... .._.. ... ............................ ........... .. mlilll .... ... "' _,,__~-~._ ...... ,...... ... .....,, ..., • OllSAWll • .. """ .. .............. ,.. ........... T•­.. ..... ElllDft ii ...., ,..... "'* EllUWll Ill ~111) mMiltl .. Ill l . l l .... m r 111 1·~--m 1·· -- r .. , .-. diicl ·~-- llr350tllnS 1 "' _...tf:'odjliilie Products SSIO~lllMI Or. • P.O. 8o1 81l0

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It's April. the SUD is out and the ice is l'>inc. .US or pie. In Ala*a md New E..,.nd, dial signals the relUm of the salmon. In Blurlras oountry, it means lhorouabbreds are ~ -for money. For the~ OD what's bot in swf and nm: check out the April mues of Vwmoni Life, AJasJca and ~m-Df'£

• ,,....., L#/6, in its sprq issue, covers the ~ of the Atlantic salmon - a species that bad dillp­peared from New Fipncf~ ~riv­ers. For the first time in decades, the salmm are raumina to the Cormccti­cut Ri"W:r to spawn, rehna~ &om the laVl(P of wa1er pnlhnion

The m:: 1leDs wbm: )QI CD watch the of the salmon • 1bey battle their way up the Cclmlcclicat River, ski11pi~ up a mies of mnatte 51eps around tbt V cmon Dim. just south of Brattleboro, or tinber nonb at Bdlows Falls.

The run saans in April. with the heaviest~ offilb rmiliaa tbrou8b in May and June. But don't plan on ~ any home. Filbq iJr the aecow:ring breed is ilklaL

•AIGU map­zine gives areat fish­ing its due in ab­ture by Alaska edi­Ull" Ron Dalby, who highlights two of the swe's finest 6sbina 1t a ' flotQ>ltne 1o Prince of Wiles Lodae in the 10WD of Klawock cm Prince of Wales~ in extreme southeast Alaska. on the c.a­nadian border. Your 1uide (two tra'Yder1 share one) will • )'OU. out

~'= ~up 10 400 pounds, aeelhald and cuttbroll 11'0UL

Raia. incbwtq lbrce Dall • • run &om $16S b lbrce days of~ guided &sbq to $2,900 b leVal days of plidad filhinl.

And b what's oonsidcred the best kini salmon &lbiDI in AIMb. elm into the Great Alalb Fish Camp on the Kenai p....inPJla, which is . 90Ulb of Anda JUSl

The ~~t OD the lbore of · the K.emi . , ID you falb b .a..

on and 1rOUl mm your' hDI ,.rd. For ,more of a wiJdaam apeaiewi, the Jocile will fly you IO lanale mountain Jam. If it's -..... filbiaa JOQ"re

c 1 ........

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8COll .. .,, ...... .._ Pam •'-DDD•ll -I z•www•....,lp 1•1 .............. _ ..

_. ............... .... cull I 1D-ln. Jlllla. .... C:W.flwtM.IM •• . ..-.a.11.-

... NL ...... ~ -.1...-.wwwpwi.lrul._ Of 10-pk. fOM • & -......._ __ ~ .. ....-

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A>aAalAmectla• ..... ...... ,.....,.-•... 11..9 ... , ........ ~ ... b • fMnlc:u9d look. - ..

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- -...;;:.. ~ . ' . -. ~ -3SUl-

GREEN THUfll8• S.- CMln-DriW9 ,,.., witti 13¥1- ln. 9'alMt tlnee that ~st to proYlde tilling widths from M to 25 inc:ML RU999d Brige1 & sntton engine. Coneo6e hllndle. - all.al

llONIANTO Rouftdup' Con­D L ' lf-.1 Kllar. Pint (Not __...In Cclnnacticul) - U7 ....,_lb-UM. 24 oz.- 2.M

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--~·Nrca.-.t ~.cu. ll ....-c:epedty.


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GIUDT a IENNETT' Ceder uwn l!d91"9 In 6-ln.x 10-tt. pene6a. WICh g9tvaniad- I: ftft ..... wire. - .• bdli ...

ARNOLD Power Reke 11 a lhatdllng blade ettectiment tor mowef'S. 1&.ln. blllde. U8 llDnQwahera.-

ml.NQR• .......... flaw ....,., witti batlery-PQWefed pump. Poiy.thytene ... an .... hotda 1 gel - ~ ....

TllW n ...... • •¥A..C11t. Ft. llliDlr ............... " .. Is rustproof, easy to Z'A an ctMl'I Built *°"QI - .... ......... _., .. ________________ ~ .... ,.. ............. _ ......... ____ .._ __ . -



looking for, gujdes will take you into Cook Inlet off the Pacific Ocean to go after a bi~ halibut A week at the lodgie, which includes a gwde (two VlSl· tors share one) and three meals a day, costs around $2,(XX).

At both lodges. fisbcnncn are so -pampered that gwdes even clean thC1r fish for them.

•If horses draw your interest, U.­isYilk magazine coven hones.. horse breeding, horse lore and horse 5CDS( rn its April issue in anticipation of the I 14th running May 7 of the Kentudcy Derby at Cliurcbill Downs.

For the full Derby story, the maga­zine sugest.S a visit to the Kcnruclcy Dcrtiy Museum, located adjacent to Cliurchill Downs..

The museum is devoted to the hls­tory of the Derby, great tra.incn and jockeys as well as the great hones and their breeding.

The mvorite exhibit is the museum's spectacu.lar 360-<icgree panoramic view of the Derby. The %-slide extrav­aganza puts you m the middle ofOiur­chill Downs and the Derl:J)r action.

1l>c museum also includes comput­er-simulated races on wtucb to boo( )'OW' hlndic::appln& skills before the real run for the roses: You even can mount up in a simulated electronic starting pte and watch it fty open. But don't worry, this hone siays ~

But for I taste of the real .~ tJx mU9CWD otJm a full tour of Oiurcbill Downs. Stroll around its &moos in­bdd. Dia your toes into the wor1d-dm track. Wander around the stables that have bdd some of racina's most (de. bratcd steeds. .,, ......

You Ve ·got.

weve got.

SO Ille SO Ille new.

. ...


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Helpilg kids cape ·--A new book is ttaebi~ kids and

adults bow to aa::ept their Mi• about separation, ~ and. remar­riaee. USA WEEKEND interviewed

. - 1JllYthololjst David i:assler- about Changing- fam­ilio.· A G1'iM for

Kids and Grown-ups (Waterfront Boob. $14.95), which be OC>-wro1e with Michele lash and Sally Ives:


Wlllllt ... ,.... ... ...., One out of every llX children under

the ll)e of 18 is a *PChiJd and on&­~.:.__--ll-Ut.111' ll--0&-.aD kids imder 18~Ye­



wi1h both biolosiCal .-rents. ~cYPw....,....._fllllla

1n 'WI I ~ Not DOC •rily. If there is coaftict m the or-.. family, children may be bdra' of livi with . vq onepment.

Wlllllt se killl' ~ ...... c1a••;.:t-::n~ kids believe_ that they ~ somehow to blame for the chaoss · the mm- J

. ilies: lf ~ bad be­haved better, their I JJll'CDIS would have • suym ~· We - NP• need to bdp ~ &1111 ... dren understand they didn't cause the breakup.'

How ....... , .. , ............. dhwoe ........... ? Provide booest information llbout what' i Ila . at a level the child CID


~ They need wncacte iDbmation lbaut where they're.-. to JM ml wbm tbey'U be .... to ll'hool. 'Ibey need to know it's OK to be ooafillrd or -.ry.

Wlllllt mw - ..... dllt a cMIP 11 ...... JI... .. 11 Poor ICbool wortc. fiequent b:C?.eS or stomlldl .-._ mms m or witbdlawn.

Wlllllt ...... ,. ..,. .. --

c: c ' · ....... , - , a v

:r.i'lC~:5:~ lclical pmad. And don't tftl to win afliaioD witb lifts. . •i

a...-.,... ••• ·­,.. wwkt 11 h1 We ..... c:bildrell 10 rad il with cmUw nllll wbo CID .. moad semitivdy 10 1beir COUllDtidll. We want c:billhD to wmllllDd 1b1t lbeJ'renotaloae. And we..-.... md c:bildml to l'flllile .... tbe ..... of divorce and~ .... not be 1nUDWric If 1be cbild U( 11 fully maa1as tbele dw..,.. dwmes are he'll be a~ .tuit. ---........... ..... ,.,.1-l•

ELBmC Ima ... ""'"*=··-•• I ... .,............. .. ....

dude Eric Clapcon, Linda ROl.'SIMt, Ella James. Hail! Hail! hid limited rdeale in thmlcn last

fall; video will 6mlly live it the wide -'ie•e il deserves. MCA, S79.9S, PG.

• II"*""""' LiN-' S.dir'. In a 1971 show, Pryor- faces an audience that doesn't know what to make of this anpy, fi>ul..moulhed romic. A few job:s fail milenbly, but durinl his Slftlet­unc finale, you wiUleSI a sm beins born. V es. tron, $59.98, l 98S. •W-. c;.o,. ... In her one-woman en.d­w.ay show, Wboopl plays

UR • .ar: ........... I.. Slrals his !.ys:;1~'== These April fools will oant Valley girl \Lib: rm tickle your funny bone PG"). VCSU'OD, SS9.98. 198S. •All E,... W"d .._Gd#

For thole wbo lcM ex>medy in ..., - sa.. ... ... ' This the raw, the plricle to find it is oo a screechina. stammerina. sweaty cona:n 1a1Je - just a~ a li\IC comic is an .:quired 11111e. ~ 11Mtiencle and DO net. Many of~ Bobcat's bizarre revdations: .. Ani-day's top film ooe1e1iem plid their mals are our fi'imds. bul they woo't duel in ~tbanb '° video. pick ~ ~ at the airport. .. v~ .... mty ~ )i\IC 00. troD, "9.98, 1987. Cw.mils , ... bar um:m- a~ ....i; .. '{,°= iored W1rm are not b the bds.) -· • a..,

HR'1 a lllDplq - and what SarMrday N;,111 LM campi-&ne iJoll dae monall be: la1iom aipture the comicl in tbeir •• E ...... WM .,... WI- Not-Read~or-Prime-Time -. Roctia' Robin plays wi1h . Tbe by Ill' is Mehj's, ~ 1tea11 driab and rips ~ °"S1murai Deb"'" and the dlr-- 90 mi•M 11bout ~ ~ doial Sotll Man. ~ Piii. ma md dnlp \CO- Warner Home ·video, $19.98,

0ilc::s,: °'~.: 1985.~ ct... '1:.-c=: =-= Ct Elmer "A"aditWa. =:. $19.91,~ (]me does 8nlCe SDriW. Panmout, bis Lind Slmt ad ........ ~ Sl9.9S, 1"2. - \ aid Fonl Larinm, Sl9.9S. 1'87.

****• ··- '*** ... ,,. ,,, ........... *°""' .....

•nru .... tst&r **** Dil!aor- Brian De Palma is t.c:k m fi&bt­ing fonn with this brutally stylish account of fl­iot Ness (Kevin Costner) and b.is crime 6gbim.

• Paramount, $89.95 VHS, $29.95 Beta. R.

·~Ufe••Dor ***This Swedish film, a-swa:t-and-sour look at growing up, won a spot on many aitics' top.10 lim. A mischievous young charmer must deal with the impendin& death of bis mother. Para­mount, $79.95 VHS, $29.95 Bela, not rated ... So_,., eo W.ra\ OM- Me ***Tom Berenp- and Mimi Rosrs make a compelling oouplc in this romantic thriller about a Queens cop who protects a ric:by-ricb murder wimess. RCA/Columbia, $89.95, fl •L41rn...aro ** Tbcrc_arc lhrccICaSOns DQl tojust say no to this slice of yuppie anpt"in the LA dnlllie &st-lane: lloOert ~ Jr.'s harrowing~f a cokt>-addled addict, neon-stick y and• lf'el.l sound track. ~ 89.9 , R. ... 1lit l'id-U, Anbt ** Robert Downey Jr. apin. this time as a womanizrr who meets bis much in Molly Ring­wald. ~OA, $89.98, PQ..13.



AT SUNRISE: Eas-W ter worshipers will

=~~~= doeh Valley ur:~ 7 o'clock annual iQterfitith sunrise ser­vice. .. About 2,CXX> people usually tum out, .. says Betty Jo Slayton. a local resident .. Ifs quite inspirational." The im . ~ strucr ture. ~ widC and 215 feet high. joins two mountains and ~s a national hilb­way.~ndians, who called it .. the bridle of God, .. once worshil)l)C:d it ... Many of the strollers along Manhat­tan's Fifth Avenue today c:ouJd become momentarily famous. The annual Easter Parade - an n~ni'l'Ni

mcnade of ~~tl;i; C:::Y 6nery - always at­m hordes of DCwspll)CI' and ~ne pbotoppben and TV camaas. Plus. it's a

... • - Is .... - perfect time to .. enjoy the av-enue and lake in the air," ays Jack MacBean of the c:ttts oonvmtion bureau. The tmdition, suncd by Sunday wonbipen at fifth A venue cburcbes decides ~was made famous by lnlls ._.,_ sooa .. Eas&er flnde."

ri1li HONORING KING: Members of the Southern Olris­L!J tian l.eadersbip CoUrence will pay ttibu1e to the memo­ry of Dr. Manin Luther Kina ll a 0000 rally outside the Lor­raine Mocd in Memphis. King was brad of the SCl.C when be was aswsi•ted 20 )alSIS> todly while llaNti"'C on a~ nx at the motel Aftt.r die rally. i:l£ ci«ri•h will been a pilgrima(IC to Marts, Mill.. where Kini lmmc:hed bis l>ool­People's C,am . in 196&. Marb will 6e me &rat Oil I towr of~ where SCl.C members will SfltS stoe-.,.. ins" in poor neighborhoods.

lwl HOWDY, MATES: W The Houston Internation­al festival kicks oft" I 1 G<iay 9-fute to Australia's bic:mlelmial at a noon oemnony in Qty Hiii Pim. MaJW .... , w...... will welcome Austtalia'a °""1 Prt.e ~ lJlml ··= and a lute contqent of Allllra-lian enter1ainen. Some mp.. ~~~~ Cllltf· .............

=-~~~i:::t. 'rr.J:l~°: . down10Wn HOUlloD. IDbma1ion: (713) 6S4-80.

rM f'REE WEEKEND: If you're mtea1ainin& 1hia wedc­lil.J end, me N8lioall C.ouncil Oil AJcollioljpn ..... )'OU aw )'QUI' peill DOIHiloobolic drinb. Tbe council II JNOllM>t· ill& iii A.kxiltol-FtW W..rc-1 IO iucaOlllC public ....-enaa of dlePfd*n11m1JG11atwilb~._ ""Wmllld.Dlpeo. pie to llbl1ain iJr 72 .... md tbiDt lbout die role MmOI is pllyiDa in tbeir Jiva." 11)'1 die CXJUDcil'i Alm Hau I . _ .......

While Bill Gullicbon (cover story) learns baseball Japanese­style, USA tans can expect some new wrves in the same at borne. For opening day Monday, we sum up some changes cuDcd from baseball aficionado Roecr Angell (S«l­son Tick.tt: A IJas«JQJ/ Com­panion) and othen:

• Fewer fights, more fam­ilies at games. Beer sales are~ ing cut off after the 7th inning in.. more ~ and ~ are more no-drinking leCtlons.

• Locll runs. A tiabter mike ~give batters a bet­ter cbaooe to bdt one.

•More fatbells. Umpires

llfdtll SUIES

are getting strike-stingy. So: fewer breaking balls, more pitches straight down the pipe.

• Convertible domes. Mon­treal's dome now can be cranked open in nioe weather, dosed in inclement

• Commentators like Tim McCarver (ABC), Jim Palmer (ABC). Tony Kubelc (NBC) arc ,etting more insightful, telling what goes on ant! why .

• Better Astroturf: softer and more forgiving. ~ The·bunlc factor hits baso­

~thore~per-pia.)'.'15.b;!­mg WI weights, ,etnDg .

. _ .... Mn

F•eless smglasses: A smmer siPt? Make a spectacle of

younelf this summer in sunataws billed as the first flexible, fiamdels sbldel. .. RoUens" are hittinl- the ~ and could be a fun. ~ able hit with cool dudes.

The btber-liaht plu­tic shades come coiled like a roU of film. Un­roUed, they stay put on yow: noee with a sliaht Clll ms: ,.tlMI •1111 teDllOD at the temples. ~ They can be worn under regu- are small enoulh to saow in a 1ar 11astes. shirt pocket. Colt $299-SS at

WGclG Inc. says the shades 7-Elevens, dn.w and be8dl offer 100 p:rmit ultraviolet stores, sporU dubs. protection, block infrared rays. - • ,.......


,. Cll 1111,..., to fw 1111 flltlll: Get tboee phone m.n

rady. folks: ln1ef11Ctivc TY cte­bu1S Monday wjtb -rEL& Quest," I ~ trivia pme show With cash prizes for studio and home pla)1en.

TELE-quest warb like this: Three on-air ~ ~­

pete to answer UlVIA questlOnl while viewers It home oom­pete with other viewers in the area where tbey"Je •tchi• ~t now. that'• Dmwr, M•nnrapntis, ()klahoma Oty, Pbilaclelpbia, Baltimore. Gr..t ~ IDd Dayton, wilb more c:omilll.

At-bome conu 11aa• ~ tbeir wwm fi'om am~ choice list that is number-met.



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TO .. * '


••• and We'll Proue it to lbu · ·· ••• RlSK·FBEEt

Did JOU know that moet foot pn>teme are c:aued bf a ••••Ip- , meat ol tbe boaea ID JOUI" feet? 8acb a ••=•lpsne11t can occur for....,. reMDG9 ••• 11d9anclDC •. Improper eboe9. lack ol eaerdee or _.....,bf spending long boun oo JQUrfeet.

Foot pain Mltna when the foot"• helence and natural eluUctty ia .,_. Coma. c:all11H8, bwalona. eten IM•mertoee can de¥dop. Toe c:nmpe. fllDeD arcbea. banailll Km. tmder bUMen, n..lrf'll ad cbeftnl ..ult. Ankle .... knee, hip eftD Iowa' becll plda, call reealt ftom lapropel' foot •Hpment. Wben 1'0'll' fillet lnut JOU hurt all a.er.

It doeen"t lllMllll'wbedlier)'OU are a woman or a-. ...a.erJOUf' feet are size 4 or 14. wMt wldda your foot la, bow low ........ ,om' uchea are, bow old,.._.. arllow kJaC JOUW had foot ..... ---­Featbenprtac Poat l4pm111 are cuatom-lllllde;caMla• tfm' your feet-and tar,._-J191lonlyl

Unlike .,....n,-m1t1 eboe8 or dnJCatore *' medtee, ~ lonDedl'lafble ~ ectnally reRDc'e aa4 ........ tbe . elastic Mlppoft)'OU Md .... ~ ...... J'OUlllU· Undl JOll IUtmft tbat ~ no«hl ... wlll belp. Allll tlaat'atbekeyto~

The claims we make aboiut P1eldble Peatherspring Foot~ porta are DOt eaaentecit - -- . 3.000.dOO .. u.&d ~are proof poeltift. If you are bothered bf aches and paina of the feet. ieCa or lower bM:k. we state ftrmly tbal Peatberapriq will briDC JOU leUd mtantly and forever or you"* nothing.

PleMe. do DOt turn tbe .... wWa tbe 6dea tbal JOU .m come

beck tlO It later. CUtoattbe coupoaaow and mail It~ day. Make u pl'OftOGI' atetemenla Youbllft nothl ... to loee bat,.,.,. footpala.

c:1y ______ 21p __ _

The story's out. Now Merjt Ultra Lights comes in a box. Witnesses report a oonvenient Aip-Top• and sturdy construction. Reliable sources

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COVER STORY 2 / Daily Pilot April 3-April 9

Jane Seymour stays. busy on the home screen If the re 's one thing

or which Jane Sey­, ..... TV Lot mourcan'tbe accused

these days. it has to be inactivity .

For two full years. the British-born actress has been moving from project to project almost non-stop. thouJh the bulk or that time has been occupied by a single piece or work: the forthcoming ABC miniseries " Wa r and Remem­brance," in which she assumes the role of Natalie Jastrow Henry. played in the ori1inal " Winds of War" by Ali MacGraw. However. twoorseymour's other credits both hit the air this week. On Sunday. she portrays Wallis Simp­son - the American .divorcee who scandalized England in the 1930s by · havinc an afrair with King Edward VIII (played by Anthony Andrews) - ip the CBS drama "The Woman He l.4ved." Then. on Monday (in most areas). she appean as host and narrator or a new PBS documentary series with a self­explanatory title. " Japan."

Viewers rnieht recall the PBS drama of 1everal years ago entitled " Edward and Mn. Simpson." which concerned the same subJect as ' 'The Woman He Loved," but Seymour stresses what she deems to be a major difference in the new version. " This is really Walli.s' story," she says, "and I think that makea it even more interestin". Wallis

Md ... King-lo-be always has been depicted as this terri­ble, manil)Ulative woman who jeo­pardized the monarchy and stole the Prince of Wales. but I think we show all the sides of her. There were definite shades of gray. and we also see the circumstances under which she ended up with the King ... and he manipulated her. too.

__. 'The really faadnatini part for me.·· Seymour continues, "ia that it's the story of the naivete of a very smart. very chic American woman livina in Europe, and not really understanding that the memben of the monarchy are powerlesa. They don't have the right to cban1e the rules that, say. the Presi­dent of the United States has. They hllve

Through the c:enturtea. fine wood ~ ... becolM ~aynonymout wtth tuxury & good tW. Todey, llltwood ltU·

tera gNel . .,, eMy elegMce to My Interior ffom Colonllll to Ultra modern.

No -- window ClOVWlltg performs tta function .... IUCll ~ & ..... ShutWa ..._ llghl with an illln ... _..,al ..,.... reduce Q19N. blodl out .... cold, ............ *" end~ lnMrton ..................... ~ --window,,...,,.._, ...,...,. i•cn•• your.._..., ......

Wltft ' .... wood ShutWa you ,.., d'°°9e LouwW .... al 1~. 2"' 3~. 4-A'.

We 8llect ... fin.t WOOda •cl' Ne & dllf a JllCllDn al calaraOI .... and ....... ,OU 8llect ...... dlllp tDr '°" ....... a llklnll QIW doOn.

to live a nd abide by the rules a nd regu­lations that the people have stipulated for them. and the government can tell them who they may or mar not marry ... Indeed. the royal reaction to Wa llis Simpson's1wo previous divorces forced the King to make a staggering choice: either to end his romance with her. or to abdicate the throne of England.

Seymour a lso enjoyecl the role of Simpson because it required her to change her physical appearance dras­tically. " I look enormously like Wallis in this. and not at all like me. People kept-saying,...::.How -eoulcl Abe_possibly play Watris?' Well, first , you lose 10 pounds. Then: having starved yourself. you remove most of your eyebrows: you paint these ugly lips on: you stick a mole on your chin: and you wear runny. flat hair. It was really a great challenge to re-create Wallis. I meta lot of people who knew her. and I had an enormous amount or research material that I could work rom. so I really was very fortunate~"

ON THE COVER J•n• Seymour Md AnthonJ

Andrew1 .._ • .... anQJMlft •nd"9tulure ........... Vlllln ''T'MW01M111te~··....,·1 new CBI•••._. ... ,... .. l'OIMftCe ................. nd.

Daily Pilot April 3-April 9/ 3


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.. .. .. .

from Armstrong

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. ... _ ..... . .. . - ,. .

• . : :: ! . : .• . . ,. , . . . . . . : .

.,. . ~-: .... ; ... ~.·:-.·~:.·;·/·~.:_:·.: _ .. :-~ .: ..... ··::. ~ . ~, : .. . :. .: . . ·: . ~. : .:· ~ . .. .. : ·. ! ·."• • :

-· · . .. ..... .. .. . - . . . , .. .. · .·,, .. ~. ;,· ... ·•· :._ .... . . ... . . . . . . . -·· ... . : . . : .. -.· .... ·.· . .:: ·.·'-..... •·. :-·· ·.:.... . ··•· .-.. ·..... : . . .. ... .

~·. ~ ·> •"': ..... . .!."" .

Now on sale through April 30th

..... StMI Act ii Dectr1titt flllrill! Natural gran1tr and stoneltke tedures They re at>Otar1ng everywhtre In thf latest #111 coverings. laminates. tabr1C.s . iind dishes And now this "stone aee·· is captured 1n thret of Armstrong's tu~st floors · Destcntr Solarian• U. Designer Solarian. and Crownt Corlon"! The GRANITE COLLECTION from Armstrong floors desicned tor decorating

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llAX C1nemax 22 15 30 • HaO Home Bo• Offtee 21 22 M M

TMC The MOYie Channel M • IMOW Stiowt1me . n 11 25 5

DIM Otsney CtiMlnel 25 M 32 21

MAYO • • 40


USA USA Networlt • • J1 • c• Cat>te News 10 10/11 a 10/31

HPN Sports I • 21 • c.,... eongras . • • 11 , MCIC Nlcite6odeon • n • 20

AM Arts & Entertl!lnfNnl 21 11 • 17

WPIJ( New y ()flt ,. "°" New y Oft! SS M

LR utietime • 11 • 11

C. ChnstiM • • • • W•thef • • • SS

MTV Mu9ic T~ 11 11 II 12

... Ctlbgo • 22

WTaS Attenta . 11 • 12 17

z • Fest1V81 .,


OWE "5>0t-C ' 8L£ ~II












,. 8'P lllA

"" 11

SUtaY MORNING -1.•A.M.­... (R)

"' ....... " Amrta ...... ...., =:.:-. ... , ........ ............ ...... • 2 ...... ... ,.. 1llllr I l.11111 D ... ''Under CIP12

oam" •• (1112) U.. Harrow •

i:f:..:.:: . , .......... ...,. llCMI: "Sweet Uber· iy" •• (1.., .AWi Aide, MldmtC...

.. l 111......, Cllllll .....

1111 ....... TII

=t..':9.: .. =--.... -l:OI A.M.-(TMq ... ' 'The Sky AlllM ... Mud Below" •••

-RII 11 -1:1IA.11. -

CNTCIQ .......... -l:JOA.M. -=.:-...,,_ ............. .......... ......... ... _, a *' .. , .... ~

~.c..ecc.. ::U, '=""I .... 11-CIMD'lt llCMI: " In llMrdl of ............ . (19IO) John ..._ ... tn, Jotln ~.

I ...... ($) = Ct .....

-UIA.M.­CWT911 _.._

-1-A.M.­...... ............ .... , .. _ .. , 7 £""' ..... ,_.. =•:1• ··­... .., . ........ (CC) ...... ........ IL ...

(WOIQ ...,..., (WPDQ ..... (R)

-7:GI A.M.­(WTU) leM ....

-7:10A.M. ­(CNN) Oii .....

-7:30A.M. ­(I) ...., ...... (CC) (WON)~ ..... ....."- ..... a..,,-. v.1. ,.-:: , , .....,,..., ............ .,.,.. ........

CC8N) Onl ...... (CNN)• a ...., 111111 .... ·.a... CE.....,TllllWlllll ..... (NICK) ..... ,_ (WOR) ....... ..., (WPIX) LMM . (Z) llOWII: "t4e• nland" ••• (1971) Rip Tom. Conchita Ferrel.

-7:35 A.M.­(TlllC) MIMI: "Except for Me and Thee" * * * (1975) Rich­ard Kiiey. SNrtey Knight. (WT91) -- " Spartacus" *** (1980) Kir11 Douglas. La\AIU Olivltl'.

-l:OOA.M. ­._.,,..., ...., ....... ...... = ~.'; ......... ~(CC) ...... ._., ~ ..... llllrtlr'I

...... a. === ....... (GALA) C..-. = 1111 liU211s1*m.•• If T•

(LR) eu·1.,...,. CNICK) -. r. ....... a----(IHOW) ....... l1try

(UIA) Cutlll ---(WON) 11CM1: ''Four for Texn" *** (1913) Frri Slnetr1. DMn Menln.

-1:10A.M.­(CMQ , .........

-l:JOA.11. -

~·/D.;:J ..... ........ (£ ... .. Ct 'I 'Wt Ct s• (CCI

==~'="' = '• 1 ==-~ .. ,... .._ ........... a:. ~~1= ~ '""*· Nicol9I

~·· -''W.:.: ~ .. .. (1117)

fi:&ft::r· -1:11 A.IL -

...... ........ Fomua 0.. ...... Or8"d ""-

-t:GDA.M.-u,... .......... Mir•" urn111....., <RI ...................... Onl ...... . ...... .... 11111111,,... (CC)

=-~ (AM) --= .. ~ SNngNI 0.SU." • • (19' 1) Gene Tiemey. WlllW Hulton.

fC8Nt "' 2 .. "' ........ .. .................. tCNMt ......, la:' ....... - ea.Miii ...,....., .... .... CQALA) .,., ... .,.,, llCMI: ''Hot*ytonk ....,,.. • (1112) Clnl & llt: wood. Kyte Eattwood . &:: "••111111' ,.....,

(NICK) ............ (UL) llCMI: " leglfld" •• (1115) Tom Crulle, Mill S.1. (WPtX) --= ...... of. HMtt: A Boyt Town s.ory·· •• (19M) Ar1 Cerney, c...y Stemaszko.

-t:10A.M.-(Z) LI AllDt '8111111 .....

-t:30A.M.­..., .. ,._ (CC) '• C7llMt II Cllllll (CC) (R) l .C.Ftllll ....... Cflll :i::1.:..: .. ..., .... ..,..., ...... c.llrt ......... ..., ........ .......

fl1Dll II 11

-10:00 A.M. -

I AO '5 tC ..... -=- ... I .. Aunl Miry''

*'* =-JNn ......... ..... . ... ...,...,....., ...... ........ ...., Mzllr (CC) ,_ ....... ..... --..... -..... .... Ml ...... ........ 1111111 .. ........ .....,,.. ....,.... ..... ---e .u. ......... Cllata' ·1 ..... ..... ...... .. ..... Ho .. , .......... ~ .

Qedlll~ .... .

4 / Daily Pilot Aprrl 3·Apri l 9


l ~~:-F ......... ............... (CNN)._..llllllea (LIFE) Aell ..,_min (NtCK) T\e &lflr Cllllr (SHOW) MCME: Ellmtn•, ton * (1996) AoOrew Pt1ne, Patncil Aeyriolds. (WT91) .... U.W II .. .....

-4:00 P.M. -1 *._

fr~~......_. T_ hi., llllOWI(; T oP Cat & the

Bevetty HillS Cats·· * * (.!_987) • ....,._ · IMwalk

l '.t.. ...... --~ ,_ ......

(AH) Al er.....,_. I s... 2

(IUVO) l'&ltllle II Ill s.,.... (c.Q Clealll9 (CNN) ..... """' IC1'All) Pttlll la C.... (Ollll) .,.: "S.ve IN 0ogr · ** (1_, Cindy Williems. T~Aandel. (E .... C I (HBO)Mldl ..... 11-? (Lft)f..., ..... ..... (NtCK) ...... l; Ir l1ifll (TMC) MCMl: ··n. Boy itl

Blue ** (1918) Hlcr:Ms

~~o.a...~., .. ** 119n1 JOe Don a.er. t yne Daly (l) MOWll: ' The Lut lime I S.W P•ns *** 119SC) Eliz M>ettl Tlyler. V#'t Jonnson.

-4:30P.M. -

l 2 .. ,.... .. ...,.... r..,.. ......

(C8Nt AllllllllllMrta (CNN) ..... ....., .....,....., r=,:t:.


l i~-----........ .......... ... (WNC)lllff9* ......

.... ICCl (A)

I:: ........ ........... (CC)

==-~~ '° c.neooi." ••• (1117) fC8Mt ... , .......... ~'1:1 ... ;;.;;;:.. ....... ~ IGAU) ... ''Simofl lllenco'' AneoNo ..... V~Trujllo. · IMIOI .. . .._U.-ty" •• ,,. Mn Alda. MlcflMIC.... ....., Pits'' ' ,....


1=. 7'11111Wll*(SI --= "Ulle Houle: Loe* 8edl toy....., .. ....

• ( 19131 Mlcf'9lj lAndan,

I~= MCMl: 'Wien the LA92 -- Ole" ••• (1972) ~ WO . Wldmaftl. Frederic ForNet.

I Qlltll II a.wt lCC) If'} .. ...... 111111: "Xanedu" •

l19IOI OIM9 ~ Gerl9 Kelly

I .......... .._(CC} ...... z. ........

~--­... (CCI CMal M ...., I .. ..... (C9t) .. , ... (CMMt '111Wll*ll ...... Cllllli) ..... .., (CCI CL.ft) CURI& .... (MCI() . . ..... .... (TllC) --= "The .... . (19MI MiC:t\MI Plf1la. Geofge c. Scoft CUIA) , ............ ...., ~ .. .....

• 0 = ............. , .. ==~., ...... c... Clllm$lll .. .....

-1:11P&­. .......... ._

[~::.:: ............... ................... • ~~t,ai:a ............... .... .... ......... ..... = ....... ..-. ~ .. .. ..,., .. """'11 f •• ;z .. •• (1111) ,.,,,, ..... -..,__ _ .. , ... -.., .. , ... ...

Daily Pilot April 3-April 9 / 5

___ , ... _


• 1·

:;11 _i '° I . ::s ;ti 0) ~ (' ~ ~ l~

•11 ·f !p lR


~ · ~ :,,..,-~ ~ .~ ::r -ii: "' ~ _o - ~ 1:1 g~ ~·

·~~~I~~. I!. if JI 11 !l~"IE~il!LJ"~~ ti ~ ~ I ~ l I I

l: . ~r fr r ~ -~ f tt Er ( '~'·f i(fflf f f ~: ~

~ 0 Q)

-= .• I JIJUJH!)r•1n11J'Pil!J:n:1;; I !~Bmlof UUF.J~. i.illl~IJiiiJi'111•1i1~!~~!1';!liii u11: ~ 1'1 ii I i 'r · f t ~ ~Jr I• Jil I fjr ii• ~i !HI hfli = t ,i !fJ: a~? a~!· ' ;

~111 J~ 11 -111, 11 ii sll ~~- J ~'•~f: l1·r ti ii ~! 2 l~~ r · -ai~~ii!if ~


IA lllt ep .. , ., 111 Ith ..

I ·

I $

(C8N) ....... 111 a. CCNN) " ;uwt (R) (111111) lllMl: ''The Kid From Lett ,Field" ** (1953) Dan Oaoley. Anne Bancroft (Ell'H)~ (GALA) llril AlmctMI (MAX) MCME: "Once Upoo a Time in Ameuca (Long ver· slon)" * * * (1984) Robert De Niro, James wooos. (NICK) ._.. ...... (TMC) lllMl: ''Oedl on t1'le Hie" ** (1971) Peter U.linOV. Bette OeVll. (UIA) ,......,,..... (WOR) ...........

~· Clwlllll ea...·. -11:15 P.M. ­. ................. -11:20P.M. ­

• """'-Hiii. - 11:30 P.M. -

• '1111 ••• (J) ....... Celli: ......... ~R)

l=.=·,r::..... .......... .... Ulllf 1111 Jr. !SJ

~'==~ CMAYOf lllMl: "SWimmfng to Cltntlodll" * ** ( 1981) CCMO ._. L.llllllllt fCll'Mlt t.-r .. ••111111°11111' llllfl•• (E8'N) ......., (R) (NICI() Tiii .... CIMOW'I lllMl: 'Ehmina·

CllTl llll llTllllll ·

TillE-UP SPECIAL ·• Replace spwtt

plugs • Scope end Mt en­

gine to tectory _ spectfic:altOM

• Roedt•1



One customer per tr-.c11on. ,,_,,coupon at time of wrlt9-4'P. Expif9' Aprtl 10, 1911 . Miltubithi end Ctwyl6ar1Mlt9ubiatll ¥lflidea only. Not v.ald with any °"* ..W:. epec191 0t coupon.

Daily Pilot April 3-Aprit 9/7

t0t1" * ,,.., ~ PYtne.

r=:.-c:·... . Point" ** (1'77) 5rwtey w.a..n.. Anne Bencrol\.

{WTU) a.., ... ~·> --= " MeMn end Howard" *** (1980) Paul LeM1t. Jason Roberds. (Z) llO¥ll: " The Tumilng

- 11:45 P.M. -L. .................. '*=A~~: Beail

11ir::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:::::::::::::::::!-~"=~.==~~~~-·--· ~~~--~~~~~~~~~-..i--~--'--~..:;__ I

' . ;

I !B .. ,ie•a11•11111u I B I lj I JJJ!B411,§~l1J•••11111•1~·1

Ji -i ;p1!1~ ·'•f '!;1 i'' i:r1 !~ 11 lil!f 'rir,1 1f llii"'I i1Jlli:1 ; ; .. 1,·, :t I 1. I ;I_ 1; ,; ,. I l · i '1 I I J 1;2' I I I -:1 J ' . I I I 1' i B I ' J, . I . I ! . .

··1·~····· JJ1r111n~111111 1111 1121n11nrEu~n11•11•a- · · _ ! 11

1'11,1:;11 !•1 1i11, 1 'f II , •ni i rHQ 1i dinu!n l 1111~ ~ •'1111!11 iG

g ~ I 1 ; 1:s; ~ • • I 1 ; ·,. J•f 1 1 ' . ;s , I ~ Sf: rll::s! . ·> a B I 1 i ,~f !i ·1 !i~ !! ~( • jff f~ J i l _., el .. --. 1-C r . ~I .r f M h I I ff ~ . I

·. 1. I I~.

f ~f ~= 0 oo . fr 11J Q 111 . I ; J~ f r~

f I~-· a • ~ > 1nm1•••••• 1-:1 1i1r1~11s1:11n11 · 1111?11•••••• ! • ~ ~ 1 ;1 ~ t'°4\ f ·!_ ••• J!~I~ I ,~I 1 ~-~ l -!'l~i~.~llJlil~fC!l 1 U!J~ Hl'81 I t t .... cs ..... I ~.1 .=·= ~~I I i•ffli'i r !; it~' ~i;f; ~l~,1~; 111', ' '~~ 1~111 •. I'•'' - Ct 1-::!r 'I . •' i-: 2: !Iii I i I 1 -::gl f I I - ' . JI J: I ~j~ I : I - f ~I . !!

. 0 1D11•,mtmnljJ•••riJ••i!•••• JJJ1ilJJJ1•••••·~- 1-::~ 1~11111?IJIJJ1•i•••••••1• 11.. ~ ,.... f:i1• J!i!~P I'(~ ~l•P.r.r ! ll!1 !ilPf ir~p• 1. 1~ 1 i,r. ' .JI.ii , !irr 'If fr s 1 1 ~ J lllpf Ill s:ill ·~·I: f Uf ;rf ! ff I:- 1ff 1!f ;1,t1 L If i!U~tHl'U •:JJJ;1 Ii f 1

11 ;: j !

l! I ! f 1 I '~ .- -::I i I fl( I ~ I ~I ~1·· I I f (I ~ I• I~ 1: iti I j t: 1 ~ ~ l ~ :


Tll 1es

•• ian

.. :a

. "'

- 12:11 P.M. -~ T• I Jerry's

-12:30 P.M. ­u n. .........

1:1 •au':". I " cc-. ...... Olllll .......

fQALA) c..... fllAX) llOWll: ··Deieru ol IN .....,,. *** (1 9851 Gabrl9I Byme. Gt eta ~. (UIA) ..,.... .. -., (WON) n a 11 a (Wl'tX) IJ, -

-12:35P.M. ­~ AFi.w

. - 12:40 P.M. -(Z)IA,_.. ...... ....,.

l..g==-·-r.: Ull .. LM

....-: ··a.rgoyies ** (1972) Comal Wtlde, Jennifer

Sall.:::, Ull .... .., ...... =:.,-:..:~.,..... ~-= ' 'The End of the Wortd Man'" ** (1915).J<>M Hewitt, L.unne o ·Malley. fQALAJ M ..... (LIN) --= ··s.crets . * (1977) ~ ..._.ely, Roy Ttlinnel. (NICIQ ............ (T'MC) llOWll: ··~ay •• (1.., Elin• • Presley. Heney Sinn-a. ~Litt .........

~· ... (WOR) .... ... CWlllJQ ....... .... (Z) ....... Ssn Fr•nciKo GI· anti et Loi AAgeles Dodgers.

-1:GIP.M. ­(WT91J R I 11

-1:31P.M. -

I =..-:..._.., •z;r• ~ .......... (llllNt Clllll I ' A 1·1 ESPN"10enl8of"9YNr (A) fQMAJ 7 °1 01 ....... "'°' ... "The Boy Wl'lo Could ,., .. ** (1MI} Lucy .,...., ,,., UNe!WOOd. '9CICI ..... .... ~ ........ 111 ~ T I Ali

-J:JIP.M.­CWT'81t .........


L==• &: "',a,;..,,., -­......... _ .......... =..-• II - . ..., a.11'9

Clementine **** (194&1 Henry F~. ~ Darnell (NC«) TM19a ..... (USA) .... ,_ (WON) G.l.M (WOA) TJ . ..... ~·) l ........... ,.,..,.

-2.-0S P.M.­(WTM) Tiii.._.

-2:30 P.M. -

l:'9':J g!11•11•u

T1118"' ......... .. ... ,...... Mr. H

(I All) Ctlll U, t 111111h-(Dllll) o.i..·. ~ (GALA) MCMl: u Montana de! Otablo ~Art9ro (NtCI() ..,...... c-.. .. GIN (USA) "-' Y• LIO

(WON) --2:35P.M. -(TMC) MIME: . The Oel1a Force ** 119861 Ctiuck Noms. LM Marvin. (WTIIS) '-- • lllWtly

-3.-00 P.M. -........... ....... (A) cw. .,,,......, (CCI ===· (R)

=~ T•&• ......"*" ........ ........... ,...... ..... .......... 11111n1._. • MIME: .'TM Hoa• ** (19721 e.u Ewing. Frank Bonner ' (AU) ........ , ......... (~ Cnly Liii I fer cc.... ..... ,..., c-. ........... c... (llPN) ......... (Ult) c..• (NICIQ ........ (9ILt --= -~·· * ( 1917) H9rwy l(Of'INn,

CNr1eS Strdon. (IHOW) "" ....... c....­........ .. ...., ... (UIA) TkT• ..... (WQM) , ..... Liii.,

Daily Pilot April 3-Apr.11 9/ 1

-1-0SP.ll. ­{WTIIS) ..

l,..~M.-Dllllll ......

=c..ct (CCI (AM) ...... . (CNNt ........... . (Cll'Mt Cll-tl .....,,.... ............ CU"t> lllCM ,.... ,.. ......... (H90) --= PlattPua Cove * * (1913) Paul Smotrl. CanMn e>unc.n (tCK) ............. (USA) ....... (WON) ...... c-..... (WPtX) Tiii J I WWW

- -J:36#,M. ­(WT11SI lllw .._.. I II .....

-4:00P.M. ­...... .... ..... .............. .... ....... ..... c.t ..,...., ,cc, RlllT 8 I I n..-.. ... (CC) Lwl C1 fl ........ I.Ml ..... 0.TY (CCJ (AU)..., ........

(<*It RI ' $ .... (CMt ..... ~n.i....T ... CU"t> .... c ••• fQALA) --= "'De au. Color Ea .. vien.o . Hector Suarez. (LR) •1 ••·~ CllAlQ -= ''Hooelets" ... (1•)~~ Blrt>er'I ~-~ Y• C., II Tlllt 11

C1MOW) , .. , .... Liii* (CC) {S) CU1A1a.. ...... CWGllt a-. "'°" ·-- ,,..... ™11· ·~ Pnv• Func­b " **(1 .. )~P9'in. ...,. 9"1111.

-4:05 P.M. ­(WTIIS) ..., ...

I ::~;; '·~· -....., ... T_ a-. ............ ............

(AU) ........... tcNMt c....... ..., ...... o.a ...... == llCAA Ct1 .. ' 1 ,...,

(NICK) u..111 Lii* (UIA) ............. (WON)...., .. (WOR) ...., .. (WfltX} ....

-4:35 P.M.­(WT9S) .........

-4:45P.M. ­(H901 ..... TrNsure IS· lend. ** (1972) Orson w.ln. Walter Slezak

-5:00 P.M. ­.... ... .... .... .... ... ..__ ... . ......... -....... .......... 1CC1 ... 111T..., ...... , ... ,....-..1s1

~--c-Avot llOWll: The Times of~ Milk *** ( 19M) ~ .... ....., CC...~ Ci CCIPM» , ........ Dey .......... ...... CiJllll ...... Aruo­ne M Amona State (LIN) c...., • llllY (MCIQ ,,. ...... (llLJ llOWll: ··0ver me Too * (tW7) SylYeswr Stanooe. DeWI Mendenl'I•• C9MOW) llOWll: ' Tuck e._. tasting•' *** (19111 Fred A ~. Maf91191 ~ . (T'MC) MIME: Fool tor Love ** (llaS) Sam 5ner>ard. Kim ......,

An~~ "°"'Ann.... . . . , ··1 feel good about myself . " Folowtng my dOUble mastectomy. I d~~ c 1~ • •mt rKonstruct1ve surgery In· nead, l d«•~dtoweM CMflP/AmMna brNStfonns. nwy·re unusualfy ltke your own bfent ms~. They ~co~ w arm Wtth you and tney~re ve,.Y p11~. Tney ,..._a Nltunll e• tPfls1on of

(USA) 1-. ""° UIA (WON) -= ·•Murfow ** (1985) 0... J . Tf8¥81111. Dabney Colem8n. ~) h8lllcl ...... ~ U.S, .......... ........

-S:OIP.M.­(WTM) MCMI: "Red 5or1t9·• • (1985) 8r9"t ........ , Arnold Sdlwar:r• legglll .

~=:cr-l.we Ult - ..... .... Clllla .. ~ .......... ( =-Cll 57 (NICK}_ .....

(WOA) M1 5 I TllllM tSI (Z) MCME: -£mer~· ••• (1933) Joe e. ~­P1tncia E:Jhs

-5:45 P.M.­llNS" I DTV


• (I) C-. I , .. NCAA T~~ onsl'llO Game ..... ..... ~-- ~ AIC .... tCC) n..·ac....., ......... ... ... ..... ..... • .... (CC) Ll'-T .. -~tfC.... Mr. M

(A&l} MIME: '"The Wanllfl ._ IN Window"*** (1...,fd,. wardG ~-­BeMett ~ n.111a. (CNN) LMy ... lMt (Diii?) ....-: 'H8lcl' s .... * (1 912) fQALAJ .... a 'Q

(LR} -- ''The = Gir'ls Get Mimed"' * (1111 Robert Reed, Ra1w1o9 HenOerJOn (IWI) lllMl: " l<Jng: AIMii ~d .•. Mot..,...._, II» Mempflie' ••• {1111t


younttff My choice 1s Amoena M'fll• OlmtMICalrlnl• btHstforms I rttommend ,..., -. LMlllJll.. ~toanywom.nwno'sh~a •- lalltv.9eJ.CA._ ~omy •• ""'....,.

MORNNG ---A.11.­....... 11111 ...... ........... Tlll19CM • .... 11111 ..... (CCI ......... #"

Clllllm ,_., ..... ,.., • • = :..··· ......... . :i.; ~,, ..... .. .... ._ ....

(CMl)=--CM = .... OrMW Ol•llbolo Open, ThWd Round. (R) =' ";.: ''Platypus eow.·· ...... (1113) ...... Smlfl. Cenftln Duran. ..... =.. ..... (NICt(),.... .. = ..... (WOR) ............... (WPIX) .....

-tcOIA.M.­~ ............

-1:11A.M. ­(NICK) ...........

- t:ao A.JI. -

:.,-r.~ c ,,..... n a ... ...... ....... _ ....... ........... :.., ..... ............ .......

111111 ~Jllllllltlll ·

~ ~S.,n11Q111• In IN Aocldee" *** (19U) Blay~. Jatln ..... (NICt() ..... -.. CUM> ...... .... =,.., ....

c.t' ...........

''--1: .. A.M. -..... ~7:GOA.M.­

• 11111 ......

l ·T-(S) iil•a I I

l);;;: ...... -.a

lllllclll c_. ...... :::-' Alllldll ........

(ME) MCMl: " Blunt' * ** (1918) l•n Rlch• rdson,

=,,_~~ ==.......,, (QA.LA) llCMl: "S.C.. S.V• y Sol" Jorge Negrete. Glona M•rln. (U"I) ,..... Cl"1 (NICI() Llelle (attOW) T.r Tllll I Lltlll* CUIA) C.....E.-(WQN) ~ . ....... (WOllt) ..._ ...,, M.D • .

·~ ..... . (Z} llO¥ll: "The Wings o f & · glet" ** (1157) John Wayne. ~ureen O'A•ra.

-7:0IA.M. ­(WTM) MIMI: "The Lott Honor of Kdvyn e.etl '' ** (1914) Mano thom.1. Kris Knstofterson.

l7-:~.:M. -..., ....... ..!._,_...,.

-."L-::-.. ,.... c.. ·~ "' ......... ,. ~ .... ....... (TlllC) MDIII: ' 'Black and Wtlitl in Cotor" *** (1977) JMn c.met. c.1her1ne AolMI. CWCIMt ,,., ... (WPCX) .... , .... ,_

-l:OOA.M. ­•sswKll (CC) ........... mM ............ 11111

:!.i!.. 1cc1 ~ .. .. . ........ _...

(CMI) ..,.... ~ ................. ......... (E....., ..... fl (HBO) llCME: "Shott Circuit" ** (1 9861 Aly Sheedy, Sieve Guttenoerg. (UR)....._ . (MAX) MIMI: 'Seconds'' *** (19ee) Rock Hudson, Salome Jeni. (NICK) Dr . ..... (SHOW) MIME! "The Allnighter'' * (1917) SuMnN Hofts, Jotwl T~. (WQN)~ ..... (WOft) ,.... ... , ......

(WPIX) ""' --1:30A.M.-

u*"'Detl ............. ., .... ,., .............. .............. :i:;:::•:.,

............ a.. . ......, ... , ............. (NICK),...,.. .......

-t:OOA.M.­CI) ....... ...... c...., LMllll .......... '-""' • .._ (A) ILMllllr ....... .._.._. (CC) ...... , .. ) ......... H ·1C...... (CCJ MDIII: "The.. F.-.lc

PlaS1ic MecNne" ** (1.., ~ Young, Bob McT1vllf\ . (Ml) LM_...., (ceN) ..,..., .. (CNNJ ...,. u. .. LA. ................ -= ....... of

· :~(1:4 .... (GALA) .... ft Old f (I.ft) ...... .., (NICK) ........ (T'MC> MDIII: ··eome Beck. Utlle SNtle" *'** (1952) Bur1 L.MCaw. SNrtey Bool\ . a:;-... (Z) MDIII: "BMa .. °""" Slowtv" *** (1173) AObert De Nio. Mk:Nel Monerty .


, 20o/oOFF 2 Piece Action Wear - Pant and

Short Sete, and Jumpeuits

Somethin1 Special feminine fashions

w~ ~i•hi• •n tasllioM b 1~ 1111Hy '"'"*'"•·•t. -"°petlees 250 E. 17th Costa Mesa. • Hillfen Square • 64 5-5 71 I

I / Daily Pilot Apnl 3-Apnl 9 . Taylor. (WOlt) U.Cl I la

-11:00 A.M.-• (J) Tiii , .......

I~,__ .,. ....... =:uu•....., ... ..., .... ....... n IJ'....,

I ........ _ -.c-.-. == =:·=·-~ 1117 ..... ,_

Clftr ...... ..... (NICIC) - Ula ...... El-...... ... (UIA) ...... (WCINI MV."111 (WOR) .... , ...... (Z) lllllMI: ''From Noon Tll Tine" •• (1977) CNrtn BrOMOi'I. JIM INIMd.

-11:01A.M.­(TMC) llCMI: " F{X" *** (1918) Bryen Brown. 8l1an Dennehy.

[:t=.::_ .. ** (117$}

15..:: "' ................. Cllllllr ..... Clllll I a.. (S) a .......... :W."", ....

c..,.. n 1' •an NMC,,... Al-America o.n.. (A)

(NICIQ ='-= =: (WPOQ ,_


I ,;;.1.,.,.11.­~z:. .. u.. i:F.,CIMll ---(A) .. "ttl:r-ieclON

....,... ••• (1"4) °",..... ece.t. an

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l!llii~liillil~il ilf!fl~- ,~,-1,,· ,· 1J[i~,li1~i!111:;:·1i1l1 iJ~!!!!I !•ILflllillf fll f ~ ,, .. J -f;,J ·~ .. i i~:1; •! 1~111- ;I Ii ij ,,~tl!li, IJI g J : • S ~if mi ii ! I - I,. I ~:: ,. I ~ · V P H ,. , ,. f 1 f ~ •

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11a11118Ji1r•1-er~-"'Rli .... · , ... jii- 0 j1fjJ-- -11111 ~ 1:is!JE~ ~!~E!!~:!J, lffiJllff~filf 1 i, ~1!Ai .•.. § ~jl!ffff 1!1 J1~r1r; ~ iJ11f t•J !~1~'J11~ ! ! 1! r'~IJil. •!f11i 'i!'! , I! I i l f Ji (~ ' 'Iii . , ii i ~ !~ 1_1 ~t 'i ! ii r ~ ~ . ~ I I . : ff • . Ji f

fi!f JlJl1i~11iii!1U11rrrnnrr1rr , 1~1 . 1 i 1 JJJJJfil111iiii;:; , 1 , ·

· i! !I f ;1'!i• ·!111~1' n' fir r ' ! !!~! f ! rnfl §1(!1r !a ! •1! 1 s. ~ ~ ¥ i ~ ( ' • ~ (j; "' ~ ~ ~ • ~ r ~ f If i ff r I ~ ~ ~~ c -:;;§ (J)1 f ..!' - !) I " : I I I I I o.,- i• &i > - ~ ~ Si ~ o.m -i ~ • - 0 Ji ~ ~ f 8. Cjl fl ~ . ~

flifli'l•J-ajf•2- s~• - : •B?iJj111111 ~ ·! fl• i::ii ; i1E !i!!~J J ~!r5:1~~1r•~1pi:s 1 ... I 1 D!1. ~81Jllfii, ~1• 1 . :j111- !

qf ~ · 11•11 11: 'i~ 1ill1rJl1 _ .111U . ! w:r f I• 1!~l!J1~~ ;Jf !~I ~

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~~--------~~----------------·----MONQ\Y PflME TIME 10/ Daily Pilot April 3-Apni ~

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the Ofy"' IMy ,... test, • lo unlll •out


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Daily Pilot Apnt 3-Apnl 9 / 11

low Offices of


AU INJURIES 0 A uto-A ir Cycle

0 Uninsured M otorist Claims

0 Wor~ Related

0 Slip and Foll

0 N o ReGovery . N o Fee

-t:OS P.M. ­(WTBS) ........ &111,.ic h · ,..,.. Pvt11ns of tt'9 Atlantic. record-m.ic1ng helium !>ltloon ta.grits: elephants '" Triat1and. Sovtel and American lls11et · men ot IN Bering Sea tR)

-1:30 P.M. -8 ~W1111111Reese·s maeho attempt IO prove h1$ ht· ""' r~s '" 1 nean 1n1c1<

i ) (R) ............ ....., .... (C8N) Jeci ...., J~ hes 1 close encounter With a Ilene­nan c.nat (GALA) 2• ""'8 (NICK) 0- "'911 Dorine sells pocltles to make up a charrty CleflClt (WQMl MCml: ··rne ANer



531-5900 Serving All of Orc nge C ounty

** ti 98A) Met G•t>SOn Sissy Space« (WC>f') Cn ._... I Frina

- 10:00'P.M. -8 Ollllcy. M.E. A retired magi­cian s tDon Amec:ne) assistant dies wrufe pertOnT\lng fl!S mentor s most tamoys 1llu · SIOO Guests Menin t<<Mt Ann 9 lytfl e ...,.. F1sl'lmen. Carl . (I) ~"......., a11s....-

v u11on Pasuge fl Wll SlldMf Tri. Flip Stele' Rot>on LH Cll ' Gary Coleman Jiy Thomas t ChMts l. oo­me<11an Catny Laaman. singer Dion Mla l (RI

I ._. Redell.er . Wilde" ..... Malloy. RutleOge Til'TMly ~ ... -astei-•·

Peter Cononta~ (Jo Arm Cas~ & An Ounc.nl

t<awliza (Chlr1.. Pnde). 9oot>y & Cissy dence to

Sunny Hoo tn rebblt suns • Tiii F ..... Two COl'\Sptre· tors marl< Ktmbie to tne 11'18 !>lame tor a stoten insurance payott Guests Angie Otcto:mson. Rooen Ouvau. Lars Swenson (AM} MOW: The Woman "' the Window *** (1944) EO· ward G RoOmSO(l. Joan e.nnen (CBN) .......... lCNH) ._.. '9llcl • (RI ftsl'M) Mic '*Y c.i .... (QAU)FFuash ..... (HBO) MOW: The Boy WhO Could" Tiy * ('1988T ~ucy

Deakins/Jay Uridelwooo (lift) lie I 111 ...._, (NICK) ~II

(WO") - ffllldll ('nil() T ...... z.. -10:30 P.M. -

• AC.,... Allllf Host Maury PovlCl'I

I::."*" C9l'A YO) MOW.: The Times ol Harvey M ilk' *** (1914) (emit) ........ ..... (CNH) Niu F ... 1 '--

(ESPN) ........ II '""' T""8 (NtCK) Cw M . .... Aft Y11? (l!l) FIOWIE; Amao.\ls 0

.......... (19M) F Murtty Abraham, Tom Huie. (WPIX) UIA . .llllllt


:***.,.**********: • • JIDJ!P.!1111111111 , l~I 1 nui 1))1JiJ'f 1'11n 41 ~~·- . ; ! ~ 1 I 1 .:. _.:lftlfllUl 11 !_I! I "'I~. I!-·•••"~;. i:!,..lllfllf~~lli : . ~ · : ~~ r111•a:1 nt•rr~ f'.~1~ f1~~ 1 • u ;r y•r11r"1.··r·· .. ~1 .. , ~ ~ 1 1 1• if 11 ~ 1 ~~ 1 1 • u 1 I -- ~' r I Ir : • • : I I I f : , Jc, . i i £2

· ' i ! ~ - f i .. ~: .. JJIJ:(111111ee Hfi!]JJ~1••••: i~JJ ' {3JJJJJjpf~!IJJfii1111113:' : !~ i }lJ~!f =: 111111!1 1Hll~ll !•11t11i111t: , 'U•Hjiri !~1rnnr•11:111u d'l1

1!f 1 rl Hi ~ ifl IP' r1f - ~di 1 B ii ,S;i 's . ~r i '.J 1

; 1 1: :~ b! l"rf 1 1iidl 1 Ji I I • rs r , . , ~ t1" ·I & , I i r ' , : , ~g = . . , e, I

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1111111 1:n1~18.11.1•• s ~B1JJJi"lf 0111111 a 1im•••••• ~s.1 1111-cr1 ---- ~~ ~~- = 'I'~ 1I,1~.s . __ u ____ !l .nrrrr~•Uil81~,11 ._:1rr•u, t .;JJ • .sn11!J ..

is,, '1 '_1~;. ·•1ur'rut1 .. 1. 1HJ~ ·~· ··;1·,-· t~~·!it;~!~· I -~ ' ,,., i;iJtl!'I IL • •1• ·1~ - - ?

. J I ! I Jf ·~ f I I I<: 1:11~ ~ ~J I I I I J I f JI I ' · , f • . • iii · . If .. ' I

11111•:11!ifr-., f e111101np1miu:-1·i11•••c, Ji111•:::·:, 1~J, 111f~J!~l~!~111•:;· l!l!Jlf, .~~I J~li f!~~1-,:~'r1, · Jlli~l~1,I r;~lf~ !ii1!l11!1~1':;. 1~11 1,1• i1t~11~l1[fli1I 11 '1·· 1-

5 r-f ; r~ifl ii !. ~, =1: I · f I ·~ f 11 r r ·~ ~~ ~ h !~i 1~11~~ fB · ..

~ l : I . Ji l ! I : I I ' I I I ~ ~ I ~. ~l : I ... · f • Z l i. 111 • i . I t j~ , l ! • i ~

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ilnn1r'nfR}1nnr.1na.-4:111111· ~ lis~.r111-1• n i11-s1:1151Jvi 21ll-r:•J!!!•••• ~ ldUlf .!I 1~ at.vi •~!l!~rr!l.!.n•, I, JJ~~ ~i~Dlri (iij , IJ, ~ii~ ~ B,-:~ -:::! ~- fi'f;-.; ll,.i•l 1 ~ ~

2 · )>

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- ·'I' i=-i1~ •r•,•11,.,r;i· ·~ :~! ·,-- f :·-~111•11i • 11: ,.,i- ~! ~ ; . • -<~1 J i I I . I I I I ~ . i f J (I) I i . )>

! Jf f ~Jj.- r li . . , ff I ! f ~: Jii f~ !

:>nl 9


in" ..,




-u•'·•­CWTWJ .. , ... _ -1:»,.M._ ...,.., ...... ........ ...... n• .,...._ ..

~·511111111'1111'111• ..... .............. CUM) ........ ? 111 CWQM) ,,_, -·

-1:31,.M. ­(WT91) ..........

-2:t0,.11. -

L~S· r.. ............ ...... ........... - I .. Clllllllll CAM)=..-- . =::- 9 ...............

tlMJQ ~Io ' ' CCCI (SJ fl9C*) T ...... __.. (9MOW) -= ··s.. SpM­gled Gll1'" *. (tt7t) ~ Duncan. Tony ~ CUM) ..........

(WQMt-IJ. "' ..., "'.J. -­='Ult ........ - 2:11 , ..II. -

(WTWJ 1111 ...... - l:Jl.P..11. -

_._, .... _ ..... ... ... ....... ,,... ... -- 1 ""'

U-· 9

0 ra ..... ...... .................

........ Nlllt ... ....... a... ........................

(QM.Al --= '"UN ROM Sollr9 II A.ng . Ml H11c•M. tlMJQ --= .. ...,.,.,, -........ - ****•'• ~Alen. ... Fenow. -- ....... m. .. CUM) ,_ ,_ lll9' -----l:a , ... _ CWT-..._ • .,..., _,., ... _ -·­....... (CC)

CllPa ........ (CC) :-:c (R) =--,..""' n s~• n ........... .......... -....... ......

· I 7lllllt "Yau ..., YOlll MaMf' ** (1111) ..... ...o-=--.-.=,

I;'.~ . .:---..... ,... _ .... e.. 1'9F• -· ....... ~ ""~ m.. on ,....., * =.:: 0. .... ..... ~- . ,_


.... ...... (CCI

..... 7 1 • ·-­............ '-IC a ........... ........ ft (CCl ..,..., ........... .... ~ .....

E T;ill; "*' fM.Aa '= ~. *­...... 0..... °""*'· ,...,. . ._., !!!f. 8 I i!1 IU.. ~-C.1111'111• ..,.,a.. .. . tuua .. ...... ==-......... .....,..._ _ .. , ... -CWTmlt .. .,.

-4:Jl,.11.­... ::.': ,...__T_ - . _ ..... tee> ----.. ..... !!·= ... ..... ................

.... .,.. .. a '' •• .............. ............. ·c...•f. ~--&: ....,.._ ...... m.·..:i£~-

Daily Pilot April 3-April 9 / 13

-... i H! ; fl f ~ %~J1' r -i!~ !15:

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g .51 rW'lz ... --;:~ wa.>

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11 r i~ ~ 'i Jfi~I J 1iPI~ ~ 11111!1. 1. ''lilfl1lf ~Hlf1

1r:ur!r.!1~ I !f1J!!1'DllDJf p11nu~,-,11:Ht: I JJHJJJ;!Jill1illwj 1 . lff~Q ••J ltlh I p~:fiJ .. j r1:·1f1i'!ri11·l1 !I if a:lfp. 1111 ,J :fl/;gf111 i ! f ~ ;;~=

11;! .,·1.r 1:~1 .. !i•fi1!1· ill~~,-•! ,; J~111 1!1·11 !f 11 !!~··1rub11n~~ '• 1~!J11;nt1•1 ~

r j, I 1. tt nl 1 11il , I lJ J1 .. If ' ii ~I 1,, J1! 111 -J1¥s .! f:I ... ~11 I ~ ~ • - .. I. . .• • I


" • .. I

• "

l (NICt() C. M .... a.. T•l Lucllle tleCOfMS I blonde to empress TOOOy (Wl'UC) ... , .......

- 11:00 P.M. -... .... ca-a (CCI ISi ... .... ...... ... "8 ' ' w .. , ..

llOlll: 'C.IV8ggl0

*** (1!118) N1g1f Teny, 5-1

IBMn 5.-... a.: ICt) ............. IC8N) "' - a. ·-• •11'1 • .......__ (UPN)~ (Mell)"' ...... (T'lllC) llOlll: "Out a' Atnc. .... (1115) ~ ~. RobMt Aedtoto (USA) ..._. (S) ~ ..... .... (WPtl() ....... "._ (Z) llOlll: ''Julie.. * ** * (19n) .,_ Fondl. VenMN Reogr-

Daily Pilot April 3-April 9 / 15

I "8 Ull ... ISi ... .... ... ...... Racing From

S.....AM& cc-. ..... ~ ..... llCMI:: Sc>tingtime H'I

..... Roc*ies' *** 11~} 8eCty Grliele'. Jann P1~ Cl9'Mtlt4idt•1 ....,, --= . POiiet Aade-my • Ot\Len5 on PwOI * {1917) s.... aun.no.rg . 8ubbe SITllln CMC*) ..... ..., ..

- 11:35 P.M. -·---11!45 P.M. -19MOW) ..... 'The Delta Force '** (1!118) O'l&d ~L.a..MIMn_

-11:t0 P.M. -(WT'M) ..._ O..r Delk· 11"9 ** (19711 &enc!.1 VICCWO Men 0Nn SnyOer

-12::00 A.M. - •

I ftl HiliWj I --= Throw Ovl 11'9 ~ ** t 197SI Oona


"'--, ... ~,..

...... u.. ................... C...ltllilile 1S1

CAM) .... n.-c.e.

llnn1111••••••n•••• • DJI . 1 n 11111~1·1•n11111111e11111 ·~!&' . 11•111 ... I I 1 ·~ I 11•1111·u I ! I 1-.1 , s~,-~,i'r ~, 19"1!1~··· .

I 11 •• I I . I !~ ii I I J if • ,.. I 1:r Jr•~ .. '7 ;ri1"-: 11 • r~ ~ r lfli' I b1 •1 · ~· ;s~ ,~ 1! ,·, 1111111 , 11111•••1•• I ,1 • I] ~. ·If II f 11 I . I 1 1 •1 I I J 1 1 1 1 1 I f I I' r 1 i f I Ii . I I I I I ~ '.r • B

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DJ!!!I " . ir&• iJ!Jl!iJJP111:

11 DDJJ!JJP91'11!1~:' Jlf f iJJIJD:t1111: J~J

qf!U 1,•iP~I11,rlrt• . r~q'il~ 1r1~,!f jlll1l'n'I" :~111!, ~Hl1dl !•,: ,~·1i, ,·;ftl I ·uli. J1 hf!'' ,fi ) , ''~ U'1' ~•• I i-~ 'i . iri !'~ i ri~ i -!~ .. fi ' . , ~ !'~ 11

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Ii 111 · 1~1·1~1~ti•"r'1_i . llL'li~ I~ 'J-'rii~ft~· ·:tr••t~ ·~ ii'!rl~ i~ a ·11tf 3ioi • i~i ~-ii~ r~ ~] · 11 ~ I • • -1 t 1 . . -f;0 ' 1 1 f •j ri 1 1 · Ji f ~ =J ~ I ... I 1 I , ~

:::t , 5' I 11 f 5 ~... • : ~ I i.' ~ I ~ I I ~ ""! . : l • ~


,. . ..,

Daily Pilot Apnl 3-April 9/ 11

~YER SALE ~ . ii.a . .b r-r~ Carpets t1111. ,,G . Spe111p -•••· ~\~ Sa11iNa.1 .11.11 11111.1 7'

WlllllW nD'lllEITI l 0 0/ WIWIPll . . /0' OFF

~ .. k .. Cllll .. "

=,..,_Lia ...... Ctlic8go Cubs

-~ ....... CZ) ... .._Aaell_fl91Nt'• .., ....... ,, ...... ,.,. '°"· JatWt CHU••••·

-l:JIP.M.-~ ...... Ctlicego Cuba. M9nla .......

-a.P.11.­..... m

-MOP.II.--·-...... .... ........ (CC)

r':C-"'· =~ ... .., ·11Vt ....... ......... .......... .... ......

IL"!!!!'! ~

(114) 847-2129 ...,, Linda Koztowlkt C\llA) TIITK ... (WPIX) ......

-3:30,.M. -

l ..... ,c.. ....... -. ::::-Celllll (CC) .. r:::.. •T•

ft90t ••T• ... (NICK) .... .... (IHOW) ....... ..., (TllC) ... "Haunted Hoo•1moon' * (1• > Getlt Wld9r, OllOe "*"* . =.~ ....... - .... , .... -...... ....

'9 ....... ,..... . .... rATll ........ ~ . .,.,"':' ....... ...... .., a-c1 a .......... ...... ftlCC)I ............ =Twm = .. ~--lllGldl ....... Nwero. ... ~ . .,..~

I ..... c..,.. " . · ~ f t ...

~ ....... ' -7391 WARNER #F HUNTINGTON BEACH

(8MVO) .... Down by I

Law'' ** 11•1 Tom Waits. JorW'I Lune. (CM) ........... II =. "h... :' .. °" ~--­(\.ft) c...., • l.-y CNIC*) n. ...... Cini MOWll: "Sweet liberty ** (1-1 Alen Alda. M4CNel c.. = ..... hm: .....

(TllC) --= " My UnOerc::icw­., YHrs Wl1TI !he 1(1(1( ••

(1979) Don ~. Ed LIUW. CUMJ ........ . CW"X) ......... n.~ ..,....__ (Z) ... ''The um. °"""" ""'Girt" ••• (1~) Olene KeMon. Yorgo Vo,eges

-5:20 P.M. ­(WTa) .,_ 1't1t Stratton Story <Cotorl · I 1 Mt) Jemes SteWan. June AllJSOn

-5:30,.M. ­....... C8MOtnie Mgllll

1-~.n;: ... . -- . CAM> .... a... flllll , .. tc-. ...-. fA .... <"I .-.r111,. .. r ... ...,, ......... ... ...., .. ....

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Daily Pilot Aprtl 3-Apnl 9111

Pl..nlDDfiJll.llll llfll • BnllJl 1 l! i)j1U:1?1f)J'Gji1

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111,111.IP.l'll nn!llllll ff'! RBi!Jf)ir.·· ?llf)li ___ iflif ~~c~>1Jf111111 ~ (Biij II 1111. 81 ~. Jlllf! I J 'J 1 I: . : I ~i~ .!llJfil~f81 I · 1~ l;ll~fJ,~ 1111@ Ii I -AJ -·

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1!iDl1f3ft11'J1111ililleilll!llll I iJ11~2~11111:1•JJJillllllf;lll 'Jifi'JJI r11a' ''' '~lii11· !J ~~ it!il!1•1•r-.r.1, ~ s 'tm,1if .,n !rn.rrip• 1 ~ E si

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1• ~ 11 11· I · •I ill 't' I fi11 l11 J~ df 1~.1 1~1 -11 · !(il2f Ill ii 1~J i I~• • 1• ~ I I i (.2 I I I<: • a · '·I · I I · J~ .

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....... Los~ ~Aller"88raves

I =.. "7:;- . ............. CMll ............ (CNNJ c:...IPt c-. ........ ,._ CUM) ...., NHl P!eyofts• OivlllONI s.m.tin.t. a.n. Two (Time .,..,,.I CMCK> ..._.um (TllC) ~ '"Some Kind<" Wonderful'' • • (1187) Enc Stoltz. Mary s-.t MM-.on «'*> ,._,_um CWGNt...., ... ~ ...... New Yortl ...... MonWN~ (WPUQ ...... MIMMotl twins -at New YOf\ Y..-..S .

-4:31 lt.M. ­CWT91f ....... Los Angeles Dodgafs .. Alllnta .......

-5.-00lt.M. ­.... .... ....... .... .... ..... _ .... -..... ......... (CC) .... . _,_ ............. _ .. _.. ... (S, ' .. -..... .....

tlMvot -- ''Tiie pg-., ..... Qlory" ... (193.1)

--- Trecy, Callier\ .... ...'-,,

Daily Pilot April 3·Apr1I 9 / 21

The Su~ leaches out natural oils and resins. which causes curling, cracking and .splitting. Moss. fungus. dirt and debris on your shakes retain moisture and cause dry rot. Both con­ditions lead to premature failure of your roof

We clean. repair and preserve shake roofs at a fraction of the cost of replacement

PAIETIME 22/ 0atly Pilot Aprtl 3-Apnl 9


• • #

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tt I )

" I le

• II

a I ~ I , 0

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,. I .. Jl 5

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s )

Daily Pilot April 3-April 9 / 23


32107 Allpaz San Juan Capistrano

(Behind Capistrano Plumbing)

(714) 413-4591 (714) 830-2520 Hour~ Mon.-Fri. 9:00 am - -'4:30 pm

-9:35 P.M. ­(WT9S) MCM!: " Man of tne West · *** (195810.ryCoo­pei. Jullfl Londoo

-t:40 P.M.­(IHOW) hWlt ~

-10:00 P.M. -• Cl) ..... u..e Ollv1a be­comes~~­oroken rwnon.n.p With Harold. Jill c::ommuet '* plot to oel\JOe Val "'8t Ben Wiii ,.. turn soon !CCI

BATH COLLECTION Featuring International

Designs by EUer eu~r commission~d int~rnationalty famous d~sig~rs to cr~at~ bath­rooms for today. Th~~ bath d~­signs. l ik~ th~ o~ shown abov~, ar~ now pr~mi~ring in our show­room .

•• 1 ~

• • LA. LR Kuuk s t •· wl.. Ind Van Owet1 "'-"' luncrt. Slfuen"'9 rec>rt MOtl I wom.n who -.s r8')ed 11 a pollct officer S1000 bY (CCI !Al .... "Flltlman c.n

. . ...... "'° a.Illes W11h governmeltl offl.. Clals wtlO went him to ~ lfUIJl'lent "' • '"' "'*" who WH ~ inflKeCJ lf'I b crun of • tllP MCnt p1er1e


...._1'1111 ...... ........... 1111111 Cllll I. .... 1'1111 .... (CC)

C =.....(RI ..... ....., DI I I I

::..•••••111r111r ............. ........... CAM>,_ ....... .................. ==:--a. ......, ........... . .....,_ S&ate Tournament. ~Glfne (R)

~--- . fLft) ... CIMJQ lllME: " HetMll"'

*** (1112) John Wayne. Ella ....... 4MC*)C..... ..... .............. c--. ..... CWOlll I,._ ........ (WIX) ......

~l:OIA.M'.­c-1 a.a .........

- 1:11.A.M. -CMCK> ..........

-l:JOA.M. -

:.,*:ltt Nlllllllll(R) -.. .. .............. ........... ,., ........... ............. ... ... ,.., .... .........

~··· -==·""* CWIK»''"" . -l:llA.M.-...,. ...... -MIA.II. ­. .._ -1•A.11. -

fi;1> ................. .... , , L -· & a; ',; :' 1t"rccr--- . -= ·-.......a.

0111t ... True" ** (1.., Dant1111 O'Connor; MIWt

1::;-... . ''Vl&tl

;;~~~:: =:.. ..... (1111) '--..... ..... ..... . ==:: ... .

CWORt ... ..., .... (WPUC) .... .

-7:0IA.M. ­~ MIWll: "TheMof LO'le ** 1111S)Jemn0.· Mf. Dlcll y.,, Oyt!•

I a.t 1.:a A.M. -""'8 .. I Wlf ....... ... .... .......

, 'gU ...

IJ ........ ......... .......... c...

4E8'11tTll ,, .. .... = TlllM: ...... ,.

(ICIC) U..Mlll (IHOW) ... .. ,..,,..,........., .. .. (1117)

·~a:::"Y· (WPIX) .... T.a II,_ (Z) -..: ' 'Oolely Wa:hecl Trains" *** (1 ... ) Vedev N«:lter. Jllca a.ndl:wL

-NIA.M.-t ... (CC) =:. .. ..... ........... &Ill T .. ..... ._ ... (CC) ........ .... flllll .... ,...... ...........

S,'r,;-.... ...... ..., ... ....... ...,. _._ (HiiCij ... ''The Com " GIMn" *** C1t1'1t ~~- Ian =--· ==-= Cwallt ....... , ..... CWIK»,_,_

U~j7-..... ....... :C.::'.., _.. ......... ..,... ____ ......

CIMJQ -= . .,,. Kerlll l(ld ...,, . .. .. ,,.., ....

Macc:No. ..... ' 'Pair' Mortlll. fllCIQ ,..,.. ....

2 ---A.M.-

~:a:-= ... .... .......... ...... ·-"' . ._ ... ~-- .... -...__(CC) ..._ 11.ta._,tcCJ _, ........ M ... ~ ... -·~·

"== llllillllfllU. __ .... _...,111 ...

24/ Daily Pilot April 3,Aprll

1~-­--=:..= .....,., 1:-c: ;;f:t~ =' ......., ...... ...., ........ .-..-.Lllil"-'•& ...... ... .... ..... ..... .... =­=:.: v: Sea Wohes" ... (1110t °'99D'Y "9c*. Roger Moor9 .

. - u:a A.M. -

1 ...... = "A DNlfl of lnno­_._ .. *** (1971) 9f"'9y

U~ .. Kannedy . =-­....=:-.... ... .... ... .......... =~ .... _ ...........

... ... Mud "-*'!! S,111 ow.

· ~-- ''Thellib6e' ' * ,, .... MicNlt P9rb. Oeotge c ..... =-=· ===-AFTERNOON _, ... , .... -r-.:. .. u...

£'-­=: ;;: ::. ......... ·i;:-=--.."The~ln

. *** ,, ... , fd. ... ............ ...... ...... --" 7 ,. .. _ ........ ........ -. ...... .. .. ... ...... -a s (S) ___ , __ --.. ·-n. ... °' ,.. .. -** ,, ....... -.ICllr1 ........ =--· ..... H

-y:=;. .. ...... -...



....... SonJ•


I Your ... ~ .. I Mna·



-2:JOP.M.-t*t: .. ,. 1111 ......... ........ ,...... .. -

) llCME: " Pobre Nino Aico" ...,, llCME: ''Rd)oy'' * (1-) Sor*• l.OCM. 'AoOat1 Townaend. (IMJC) llCME: "The OfesMr" * * * '( 1913) Albert Finney. Tom eour.nay. g:r> •u•taw mm" (WCIN) ...

-2:31P.ll.­~ u.ne• ......

-2:40P.M.­..._.,, -J:OoP.M. --·-....... ...

........ (CC) === (R) =--, .. .., Pl 11('*• I I ............ .......... _, ...... ........

...... 0.TW (CC) CAM) Cl'allllllr cc-t~ ..... =,;;::, .... CllPNt ..... Cl '1 fQM.A) llCME: " Nuestro Jur.,,_.,.. Aoutla Yant Aide Enc:inat . . (LR) ........ u. ~J Y• C., Da TUI •

(IHOW) ......... ... CUM) .... ....... (WCIN) a-. (WORJ ·--,,...... (WPIX) a-.

-4:11P.ll.­C'rf9S) ..., ...

-4:11P.M. ­............... -4:10P.M. -

~:-. r ....... Loi Angeles ~ M9nta Bfaves .

I= .. "::. ............ fj7.;;0=. .. .... (M90t 11118 9 f f ..... (llM) ... ''Mind o...·· * (1117) Kim Bnlngar. 8Nca Willa. C**) u.1111 Ll1* CJMq ... ''Eacept lot Me __. TIIM" *** (1975) Rietl­erd Kley, ~ KnlgbL tulAt ..... ,_ Liit (WCIN) ...... Olicago Cubs -~Expos. CWOR) ...... ,_. Yort Mala .. pt .. ~ PMies. CWPUI) ...

-4:i1P.M.­(WT91t ....... Los AngMea Oodgara • Atlanta Brwn.

-1.-00P.M. ­.._ ... ...... ... ... ... _ ... -..... Mi 11 (CC) ... ,.,..., Ms II (CCI .......... ($)

CAii) ... ''The l(nedl'' ... (11e} Alta T""*'I'*". "- lrooQ. (IM~ ... "A Greet Wr/I'' •• (1.., ,... w.ng. ........ .... .... ca.-1111 ... ... ... .. ~ .. ,-. .......... ..----y_·--

........ !HM f' 1 • .

1:4~'-' -- ·--au,.·· · .,.,.,, DeWD. Joe -­'1'.MJ • • I.,, .. .. (1117)

=-~==-· . .

«W"X) ......... (Z) llOWll: 'Defence of IN ~·· ·~ * (1985) Gabrial Byrne. Gteta Sc.a:ht

I ::....:=~~~ ....... c:......., Cllraaiclla

(Dllll)~ IS) ~)llaRacla (USA)--

EVENING -1:00 P.M. ­.... .... ...... ....

Cll .... (CCI T.J. Nlalllf AIC .... (CCI ....,...a-. ......, ...... ......, • .... (CC) ,..... I. ,.,.. ...... Mclallllll'• .,.. • .,..

••. &I CC*f) "' 111 a. (CMf) Uny ... UN! (Dllll) ••'I lfl 11 IJ I C-' (SI (EWN) ..... Tracy ~ n Jeff F,...,, FNthll~ts. (GAL.Al ..,_ A1•rl1f1 (H90) llOWll: " Honky\OM Man" * (1 9112) Clint Ent· wooo. Kyla e.11wooc1. (Lft) MO¥ll: "Pumping lfon II: The Women" ·~ (1916) R.chel Mcu.tl. Bell Francis. CNICll) ,... ...,.. (UIA) c.....r.-(WPtX) ---= ' 'The a.cs Newt .,..,.... *** (1971) Walter M.nhau, T..,.. O'NMI

-l:IOP.M.­Cll .... (CC) ..... (CC) .... .... .... ......... ......,.... ........ a-. ........ ..,, .... , .............

(llU) llCME: ''TN ~ Voyege °' s.nt>ed" .... (1- Kerwin ~. :=:r:::: ...... (IMOW) --= ''Mr. Mom•' ** c1• Mlc:Mel Keeton • Teri <Wr. (NC) --= ' 'The Dlr1y Donn" ••• (1917) Lee Mervin. E1Nlt aor,,w..

-l."40P.M.­e....1111111._11,... _,., .... -. ...

1 '*'1 IT11171M ------ (CC) .. _.. '-IC 7 ............ ... 11 ...... (CC) ............ ........... :::.; a ..... _... .......

Daily Pilot April 3-Apnl 9 / 25


aalOll ,,.. ... ,.., . ,._ ..... ,, ........ Mtl.C. ..... ,. ..... ...... " .... ....... ,,_ .... ., ..... ........ " ... _, ... ......, .... ..._ It ...... II K ......... ......,_ . , ...... ._ ........... ...... ~ ·--~ · ·-n..au..· ......... ......... ,.... .......... ............ ....... _ ..... • 'T If 1111 .. -•

:=...Tl ·-.. u.. ... ..... .. .... _ ..... ..,... .. .......... " •TF 'I If ..,..... a

-~-~ 11Mlfl ..... ~-• a .,_ ........

00... 1-~ . .......... ......... •Wr I IS-1....., ... 1....,, . ...... , ,.., .... ...... ·- .... .. .. ··-I·- ... a 11 r ,. c...i....,.. " .... ..,. .....

11 ..... ... 110..... .... ~ ,. ... II ....._ ... " ...... ,, ""'* "' • ..... c..-. . ·- •.... ,, c.... ·=----·· ===~ • "\.eat ..... -· . ...... •LeeM• ....... .. ""' . ...,_. • ·- Ul9 .. LM"

·~ ......... ,... . ANSWERS

LI l I I J L tJ LI lJ tJ lJ fJ lllJl il l t-llJlllllJlilJLJ lll!l :t~ t11 1t:ai IJ IUJ lll I I r1111 l ' I! lll J ll t ll t I l.r l lill lJ lHl . ltl: ltPt~1r1

. t tr ~ t a:11 Ill f P'I ~.I II' tit! t1t 1a1l1 P'l l.I I: l l f1' 1 I I I l,a1 I l:llll IU lt l t t l l. l lll l l ll tll.l t:. l l Jl :l '. lJl:

l 1lllil.l: lll .t l t-Jl J

e_,____........_.._ ,.. ..............

FRIDAY PRleE TIME ... 21/ 0aily Ptlot April 3-Apnl 9

. l




Daily Pilot April 3-April 9/U

-11•P.M.­.._ ... a... (OCl(SI ... ... .... ... cc-... .... ,_ .... ............. ............. ~ ... Cll9 ............... ......... ,. flllUa ... _ ..... ...., .. ..... ...,., ........ (S) ~ -- .. ....,Med­,... .. * {1 ... 0.,,. 0 en.n. DoralhJ~. CWOllt ... 'Sen Joen" * * (1•7) Jeen Seberg. Aic:tl­erd ~ ...., ......... Tiii ..... .......

-U:JOPA-• (I) Ill...._. TCUM-

, .. 1'1 .... II C.. If')

!.~(CC) 1'I Liii-_ !SI ... -....... ..... . ........ , .... - .... !Wing From S...A1.-

ICl9' .... ~

FllQ\YLATE MGHf · )12:00)12:30J1:ao 11=- 12:00 I~ I s:OO Is=- 14:00 I 4:30 1 s:00 1 s:JO I



y .......... ~ ....... ..... .......,

I Olf S. Dllfl (R) T• Tiil (RI ............ U.,la•"'4lc*I , ....... ::rt*

I ,...,I laall (ME) 1111 .. Cwl•U•1C;11 ..... (C8Nt .. ,.......~ .... (CNN) .... .... fDllllt Y• ... Ml. ICM =£: "-'! ... llll•ml1I INnP'ley W ( I (MCK) c....aa..ee (UIA) ._.lmc-1(R)ISI (WON) Clllrlllllt CWCJR)---(Wt'IJ() 111111 .... (A} (SJ (l) lllMI: ''The Aough and IN Stars" ** (1138) e.rt>era StMIWyek. Preston Fcm.r.

-1:05A.M. ­fWTM) ........ a .. ,.-EJ. .. <Al

-1:10A.M. ­(CNN) r11azsa

-1:1SA.M. ­CNICK) ...........

-1:30A.M. ­._. -~ ... -

I tllle ff Alf11 ILFt 1-- •ca I IJL111 (R) ,.... ~ ........ (CC)(fl) ,....,., ....... .:=.::-....... CC*> R1 ;sNt CW>• clw ............ Ull ........ ~ MIN: "TrNt&n IS· lend" •• (tt72) Orson Wellee, w...., Slezell. (MAX) MON: " lvlnhoe" *** (1912) James Meton. Ar/llttot'f Andrwws (MCK) ...,_ ........ ....... (WON) ............ (WOlt) ......


I !t:=(CC) I I' ,

......... ff -. ........ ICC"-•--

I :.-:\.":....

....... (CC} ,,,, ..... ..... II,_., ........ ml! . .. 1'111'11 =---= ,..., e-· ... e.u.

l\~'.r:~: ~, ..........

(WOR) Tine ....... (WPIX) s..t T•

-7:10A.M. ­(CNN) ~-­

-7:30A.M. -I ~ IHltl (CC) , : =""""' ICC)

~ ... '""" ~ ......

I an,.11111

~-~ , . ... ""' .. KiMll (Mf) ...... C1llrdllll: VliPI ,..,.. cc-.,._, ... (CNN) Style Wltll (Ill llltttsctl (.,..,.) DlllllM's Clrcn (flPN) s.,. .... " ...,. TrtN (Unf ..... Wlkll . (NtCtQ ..,..r ... (USA) Wllef1Tlleft's1 Wiii (WON), a.,-. (Z) MOVIE: "The M1ntiettan PTo,ect" ** (19e6T John Llttlgow. Chftltopher Collet

-l:OOA.M. -

U...""""" 91 lllty "'..._ (CCI , ... Ullwtt1t T• Tiii ............. ...... ,..... FllllClt Cllet 0..., I &eldl NewU.., !CCI ,.....

(AH) A Wiii f"-tll .. -c..a.y-(CeN) Laee= (CNN)-.... (DISN) a. ........ Minty! == ...... ...,. ~ .... ·.oa, . , (NICK) ..... i.1.,.·ao· .... """ (1HOW} llOVlf: "Go for &ollel" *** (1951) Ven Johnlon, Giame Cenele. (TMC) MCMl: "Come Beck.

Utlle Shebe" *. * ( 1.862) sun u nce••. SNn.y Booltt. (USA),.._..,,...._ (WON) a. n.s =.. WWf .,.....

(WPtJC) ..., ...,.

-l.-G6A.M. ­(W1'99) ... "" .......

-1:10A.M. ­CCNN) 1ct-t1c11-..

1.:.:.::) ...... (CC) ... a.,._. =a:: r:~J;:: a.ea\._ ... .&.'.%,...,,__, c.. ..,. *'* (~ Lucy

eC1•t'i.":'~ ..... .. _,.. .... ......

-t:oo A.M.­(1) ,. ...... ,..,..... I. Alf (CC)

I ;,.~,. (CC)

~·"-- . I I l.W.A.T. I I """"' fin

"9ctSdleel C#de ..... . ,.... ......... ...,,., ..... ,. , ................

(AIE) MOV1£: ' "The t<~" *** (1965) Rrta Tusningtlem. Rey 8rook1 (C8H)a...... (CNN)......, (DfSll) DeuN Olla ,,_... . (ESPN) htw ...... Amtr1· cen lnvrtational (UFf) ... , lltfb! (MAX) MCMl; "The ~ Holly St0ty' *** (1979) Gary Busey. Don Stroud (NIClt) .,..... ....... (Sfl) MOVll; " PrOjeet X" ** (1987) Matthew & odendl. Helen Hunt (USA),...,..., (WON) s..t TrM (WOR) Illa S...., .....,_ (WPfX) G.LO.W.

-t:OS A.M. ­(WTN) llOWll: . 'Eecape From IN Plenet of IN Apes" ·*** (1971) ROddy ~cOowall. Kim Hunt•

-t:30A.M. -t Cl) ....., .... !CC)

TilllW.11 ......

21/ Datly Pilot April 3-Aprtl 9

I !l:·~- (Cc} Ollll91fLMI....,

(CNN) .. J' I ....., (Hllltif) .................... Mc:Oonald' t ~ CWtic. ("90t llCMl: "Legend" •• (1tl5) Tom en... Mia S... (\.ft) .... ..... (NOQ ...... .... (USA) Te II ft 11f

-11:00 A.M. -~-Wll (CCI

~=-Cna-1.LO.W. ............. .... !.­....... llCMl: ''Fumy Car Sum­

mer" ** (1973) Jtm Dunn. (AU) ... tlllWllt (C8N)lll ..... (CNN) ........ (CIPMI .....

c .. --(...,1111 ................ (GAL.A) llCMI: "cn.noc.,, .. Isle de IOS Muer1os" (LR) a.1-. (MAX) MIN: ''Hooeiers'' ••• (1- Gene HeduNn. Bef1*e Hershey.

~-'· C.1 Dt Tilt1 • (lnJ llCMl: .. , ..... um. OMdtnd" ••• (1951) ~ Tracy, Jo9r\

(CMt) ,_...,

~'l:- ..... ~ · ''The TrD., (1_, t<ns KntlOfferson. Marti MoMt (UR) c...., • &.Mey (NCC) .......... (IHOW) MCME: Allen Ouetermeln end IN Lost City of Gold" * (1917} Richerd ~. SNron Stone (TMC) MCMI: "The Boy 1n Blue" ** (1918) NICOies e-oe . ~Oele (UllA,) Dtlll ,.., USA (WON) l?OW1I: ''Beneef'I ttle 12-Mile Reef" * * (1 tsl} Rob­ert Wegrllf. T.-ry Moore (WOR) ..........

-12:11P.ll. ­........ ~, gemes. New YOtlt Mets at Phi!· edelphle PNllees or Toronto Blue Jeys et Minnesole Twins

-12:30P.M. -• Cl) Ill Metters Touma· "*"· Tiw6-Aound

I =-~J:, ........ ....... CI Jl•t ..... ......

= ......... , -"'''

T•T Deeter""

,..... - AMII I .. a.i,.t ...

Benneft. (UIA).._,.._ .........

__ (WOI) ...... ,......

0..Wey&Me ,.... ........ .(CNN) Enes I .,.. (DCU) 1111 "-(S) (Un) ClllN AMI {NIQ() TWU, ,......._ (SHOW) MCM(; "The Molly Meguwes" ** (1970) Sean Connety. RICNrd Harris. (USA) Keys .. ._ (l) MW: "Sun v~ S.... nede" ••• (1941) Sonja ...,,._, John Peyne.

-10:00 A.M. -

I Cl) ...,. I S. (CC) • T .... Flmily Circle


L:;;=: I =~ ... .. tellW• .,,... c...,

L za.:. """ (CNN) ......,

=."': ......... CMCIQ "' ...... (Net ... "Ouna Ho" ••• ,, ... Mldletl ec..ton. Oedd9Wetel .... ='t.":. ... .... -...... C... -= "MMllO"e It

:::.~·= Meury. _, ....... _ I (I) Ill 2 .. _ ...... .. "'.

(Z) llO¥ll: "Ordinery People" •••• (1tl0) DorWd SulNttend, r~ Hufton

-11:01 A.M. -(WTWI) llCMl: ''The ....,., S'°"f (Colol)" (1141) Jemn Seewttt. June Mytoti.

- 11:10 ..... -(CNN) II S ..


c.;;..,. ,cc, I ~ == ......... ...._ CCM) ..... ... .,.. .... ........ ...... ,..., CMIC*) ... ~ ........... ...,



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·1·1 11(:11 .• 1,1 'l!'rf 1·j~1tf! ~111~ . ,1~ ~~ 1.!~1,1 I '"'I l1l §J~ 1iil1 : 13Ll• ~1,B!·i iJil! ~ •• ..• 11 ~ ..... Ii •i' . i~ Ji ( .e J a I H "'i ,.1!Jrf ~"'~f i UI Is ~ if' ;;if:!i ·11 1j,IJI Bli ;I!' f 1 II' I! n JI . l 9nm~;;' Hr ~i h~ !HI' i

l ., • t

___..____._._ l_. . ....

SATURD\YFAIE TIME 30/ 0aily Pilot April 3-Apnl 9

Qlences" •• ,, ... ) Aictwd Glnouna. John ... . ~ .... .,, 0 11'1 e n._,

-- ''The P9enut ~ .. .. (1985)

....... Mec*ay. Mid* Mellot. ~ ...... iili'.:.: ~a:: Kind of WondlfM"' •• (1911) Enc 811*1. Mery SMt1 ...... IOI\. •

..,., -- "Merl ~end .. Lost City

°' O." * c. Adwd ~. kine. (Net ... ''The~··

***'* (1'71t Hin ..... Lindi... -_ .. , .. -CWT-. ... bllfll ($) __ , ... _ . ...... ,,......,..., ....... ~-­Ml~ In ..... car.py. ICC) (ft) ($)

• ,.,....: .. JIM J .... (C8N)llilltllrys,edll (CNN) 5""' i.,........ (ESPN) HlcUy NHL Pt1yolfs O.vtllONll S.11'11ftnal. Game ThrM (Al (NICK) Tiit ....... (WON) Allie ...... (WPUC) 5* GIN (Al IS)

-11:45 P.M. -e MCMI: ··Lion of 1t1e o. sett' ••• (1981 ) Anttlony Quinn, Oliv9' AMd.

- 12:00 A.M. -

I c.n.·1 c_. Cllaks llCMI: "The Wedding

Nigtlf ' ** (1935) Gary Coo-

i. Amt Sten ..., .. ~.-...

(AIE) ............. (CIN) ,,....lllLM (CNN) ......... (MAX) n-... (NICI() MIME: "The Stork Clut>' * * ( 19'5) Betty Hutton. Rot>en Bencflley. (WON) Al lie Mewlel: Tiit AcM­_,..,.. (Z) llCME: "'How Funny Can S.JC Be? ** (1978) Giancarlo .Gtannm1, LaUJa Antonelli.

- 12:05 A.M. -(WT81) ...... Tfleb (SI

-12:25 A.M. -(SHOW) MIME: .. Ctltientie

Cflene ( 1980) Bert• Cat>re, Mtdla K1¢etlfl

-12:30 A.M. -• ......., ..... Nd!' fl· ..... (A)

I T.J . .... ...., .. . , ... , ...... (CMrf) T1lla ._ II J.,._ (Cl'M) · Nile "*' c ...... (Dtltl) llCMI: ·ni. Prtsone< of Zendl' *** (1952) Stewart Gl'tnger. o.t>oran l(.,r. (GAU) llOVIE: " HHtl Que P9'dl0 Jlll$CO" (SEL) MOVIE: " Jo Jo Dtncer YOUJ Ute Is Ctlltng · ** (19861 Richard Pfyor, Debbie Allen (USA) ...... f'lllM (SI {WC)ft) MOVIE: · F11t-W1llung·· ** (1982) James Woods. Kay Lenz. (WPIX) llOVll: ''Mean Dog Blues" ** (1 978) George Kennedy. Gregg Henry

-12:45 A..M. -e llCME: .. ,n tl'l9 King of PrvsSll" ** (1982) Martin Sheen

- 12:50 A..M. -(HBO) llCMI: " Fltshpoent" ** (1984) Kris Knstonerson. Tre1t W~ (MAX) MOVIE: "House of tl'l9 AISing Sun·· ** ( 1987} Frank Annese. Jamie Barrett.

Dally Pilot Apiif 3-Apnl 9/ 31

Carmel Retirement Village i1 a private community for active ·senior• in a secure environment.

••• -~ .. ·~ .. ·~~ .. . ·-'?~ ..

We're acro11 from Mile Square Park and the golf course. Cottvenient to shop­pinlJ and Fountain ~alley Community Hospital:

Wa~m#I .11,u;~,,,,,,, .,,.,,or -

_ 714/962-6667


(Iii Ii J §II "!i 1; fo (wfi 1 J; • i•(1t~ tI I ~lif s! · I 1.•ntlitlilt 1•1~ 11; J; rt!lff • 1• ,llJ !il(1~,. 1• l f afJ- l!!~o(f f il-4l·,• 1;H;, i~• •• !

11 ii I ' . I I (I I I r I I I ~ ~I . > I 1 r-4 i 'I' a A I~~ i I I~~' i t I I ' i (, . . I • 11 !rlai . ~ ,~ .i 11ja!. ~1~,~ff Ji ' ·:lilif1

I!) n 111 JI ·~ ~1n il)f• ij! ii! 11111 I ,,. Jiii) Jli ~· r. . ~j~• ~s ~· Jf_ I l~.r' . In' I' a! l i~ 111 · l lU ll 1' m II J J 1; I l'l 'I !IJj I If jf I H!81"' .I Jll ... I 1 3~.1• Jlf · J• •1= 11 f I i ~ f; I (1 -4 ··11 l i fl I II• 1• j. •• l•J; ~al; I' f• a • a i• rfj~ ; I r; i ,f ~; I I• If• ~J ~-$i'JW ~I It

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II• 1· af;'f• id; J '•1'~11;1Jd1u1; i; II bl ~ !; :;'1• 1•l1;~111·ii• 1·1 t·;11• II JJI :' il~' . I I i~ .1' ' 'J§ll . ~'if ~I 1' ... 1 I I I' I _I i ·I t

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1, ; 1 11 11. ~ 11 if :n A , 1 H 1 i' ~ 1 d i 1 1 1 l . HJ 1, , ·;~ ! • .. . t .i • . . a i . tll . . . . . f i i (C



. /

C. '

Oa1l"Y Pilot Apr tl 3-Apnl 9/ 33

"' (WON) Tue 930 om ~) "CNIOreft of.~ Oocr *** , , .. er-)~ Hun A tll~tr at 1 Maine ICnool for IN deaf tlll 1r1 ~ wttn I C)llttcl 9fl0Wtll '°"'Cl WOMIS ~· n a,.,.,, 8-91 <1C1•ess Otca• •or Mat1111 cR> 1 tO m (TMC) Sun 2 om 9 p m 1CC 1 VCAI "'The CftoMll'" * • * P 981 Otama) Roooy Benson T "° OOy~ oecome !'r.enos on 19'0$ BroollJyn oesp1e er- ,. triers I Zionrst P<OffftOf I nd I HISAOIC raoo. From !ht no•• • ~ C1111m PotC!it tPG> 1oe m (OllN) Fri- 9 pm ' Im (VCAI •. • ~ 5'oty" ••• 11983 ComeoyJ ~ £Mhngsiey 1-tOr~MVMO llttte RMptl• wants a A.a R)09r 88 gun tor Ovtsmlas on t 9'0J .,...,,_ s.tltll ....,. no !PGI 94 m l lllAlC) Fn 8 om ICC) (VCRJ '"Clocll-" * * C 1986 eom.dyl John C1MM A ounetu­al 8r1tlSI\ ~'* mt•- hit ~1111 Md rT-.s e rMd oasn. W11n ""° goris. to rMCtl 1 "-""O on""" (PGl t 7 m '"901 Mon II~ om (CC) (VCA) "'CloMfrW*MdTrMlt" *** l1966 ~) Vacla v Necllar A 11- lrlln Otspetot141f C>ec:orMs 1 IO\ler ano •.!WO on Worlo Wtt II Ct«:notiov-..._ 09cet tor best IOreogn Nm 90 m fl) Fn 1 30 1 m (VCR) "eoc..ine Md ... l,.." •• 11113 Cnme cnm.10 J Simpson A 5-11 Franeisc:o pnv.,_ ~looks tor I OMO di-_ .. , ,, ..... ·- ~--- """'•• - ~rw"IQ'Mlby'pi'OIM•K--zens IO<I m (Uft) Sat 2 om ' 'Codel- W ....... " ** (198e ~I Lewi$ Colins A mwcenary Call" ,... *"' rteo IN IC> C.lled Goloeo T ,,.. of SovlhMs1 AN to a..roy I !In­gle QC>IUITI refinery (Al 101 m '"901 Mon I 20 am Fn ' am (SJ tvCR) ·-c- leek. u.. ........ ... ( 1952 ~-1 9un uncu111 A ITl<Odl9-A9t0 nou_ .. ano ,.., llOohollC l'll.lso.no '"'' 1 soare room to a ~ stu0ent a.- ac­tress asc.t tor 8oou\ 99 m (MAX1 Se1 ;J p m (Ill.I Tu. 3 P m (TlllllC) Mon 9 I m , 9 p.m Sa( 8 Liii , 3 I m "Conduct UnbecolM• " •• (1975 er-) Mlc:tlOel Yont. A Brltllll omc. on COIOrlill ll'IOla ~ I 11i11ow <>'­llCOf on ~ Dy n.s llMt'S tor a:sseuning anocr. oMcer r. WIOOw 1PO) 107 m. Woo 8 om "Conlro(' ** 119911 Or1mal Bun l.ancaftlt A "l.dMr SOtnllll has c:ontrOI of 15 StTl"9'fl polCS '° llve on I t>omC> Sllel!er '°' 20 cays u •Ifft S2 m '"90) T uo 1 Op m fCC} ISl(VCRI · "Tiie Cop "' ..,_ ,,_. .. t * I 1971. er-~ Jec:ll P11anc:e Alt unoorco..er °"'°" in Rome 1o1ows 1 cnzec mo«> CIOSs 10 • DneleaM lull of m11c1ns en sltllen ~ t2 m. TIA 12 30 I m (VCR) ··n. Com 11 ~ .. ... t' t79 er-1 ~ HepOorT\ A S()lnSI*' ICllOOllMCnOI ab ... I glftloO 9'\I' Cltnt among --.111 mtrW1 on 19909 Wliel Orectoo by George C...~or 104 m ("90) Fn 8 a m

"C~" **'*' (1 971 Susc>enMI Anfluf KtMeOy 4 mtOOle·lged ~ iet 1 ~ fixer M 1r1 "*' en~ 7• "' • Tue 1 om ' 'C<acodilo DuftdM'" ••• c ·- Comeoyl ~ Hogen A ncn-g.rt teporter '°'" h AusYMln 0Ulb90! WIWI I ,_. man c::rocoo... r>un• ltlel'I onngs"'"' oeeti to.....,,..,, i PG· l31102 m CSE~) W«1 3 pm (VCR) 0 c- ere.es .. ••• 11913. Blogl1C111J Mer) s-r.. ~ Mat)Or..,. i(innan R.-.gs ..._ ..._ y~ .,. 1928 IO 1!Ve '" ll"e Ronca~ t110 ....... IN "Oo'9I The YN ""'9 Otract90 Dy ~ Alfl (PG) 122

m ISHOW) W.o 6 pm !VCR) ··c-°' h l.Mnf c.,,..·· ** 11• . ~ .-., Watrtf\ Wiien I ~· I OOt'PM CbaoDNr'l ll'om ""' 9' ..... "'' '"""" ,..,., lt\et"' ~., mMo ~ '°"" ONlntled INN~ 84 m • 5-f_ I ~ I "' (VCR,)




.I - ·

:i, ' '

' I








MOVIES 34/ 0aily Pilot Apnl 3-April 9

Daily 5?1lot April 3-Apnt 9 / 35

•1'lltl.~l·1~.~~lffii~i1,11,'ll!J~~jj,;•1·f lli;i ~~~11:~1~111f J~i,'i!!f'~,1~~i~1'~f~fij$~:1~:~1!f~lil " jli l.!il!~l1i!lll!I~ !II l1l1iil!ill~1I( .:~i~I ll!l!J!i. ~f-~!!l~!:l f n~i~ •• f I ••~ l~JJJ :s=

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iH i~ 1t1uu111 urrdti un umm mt ~1nm~1mm !nmn~nmu m~:u u ti~ II~ i·11~ 1·1J-S..a·1r ~1a !fll 1

1ii ~Ii :11;;~11• :iii ;11~~11)11-fl ~11; 1~11~!fj!~11rs•;1 s1:i §f ~ 9 ifi . 1 ' Ji ' Jr. a ,. .~ oilJ 1111~ . rt 1!" ~~ ~ II ,, ~,tJ ilJi i!.l ti~ 1,,. ~l:1i ~~ lU J !


!lfl'i'J;fJt~~~·i'i'J!l'I ;~s,f;IJf. f!fis111!§:11~!1)4fl!l1111lf!l~!f~~·1'=!J'!l''!'l'j~IJ'JI l:i!lt• !If !illi;!f !!iii~ 11.~!ir:JJ~~.1! l:l~IJ!§lli! !f~~~i!f !lli~!~ipf !1f f,~~I iii 1

• " 0 ~


•sl a • • fi;ftJ 11 i 1 r ;!1f E.f~I- ; . ~ ;tf; ;l1 rf ~I!- ~ii 1~1 I f f, ~I 1i£ ii! ~ ~

Daily Pilot Aprtl 3-Apnl 9/ 37


----- ------------------------------""--~----------------------------------.... ---------------------------------'

MOVIES 31/ Daily Pilot April 3-April 9

Motlologuisl ~ Orey _..,.. r-.c, lliec:dl*s from t-s Mte and a~ In Theilend .. Ill actor In ' 'Th9 Ktlltng Fields ' Olfac:tad by JonMNn Demme 17 m CMAVO> Sun s pm .. 11·30 pm. CVCAI




Daily Piiot April 3-Aprtl 9/ 31


STN 1n Pertnership with JCPennev Fulfillment brings you better programming. benet hoets. better information. bettet metchan<Me. benet MfVice and better values. And to make it.,... benet. S5 otl your lfll ~·

CClllCAST cac aw.i JS llOCillS CAil.£ TV CHMlll 11

2't0m ..... , ..fll>AY 4.;J!Mll.11.:llm Sl~~--t•=--~ ...


1 '

• ,.,, a: I ,. I . : ... t . ....

• j

• I • I


Third Auto Gallery employee held Corona el Mar man booked by Newport Beach police on charges of gran~ theft

dealership. on West Coast H11hv--a) . rcpon cdl} v.as the front for an elaborate em bezzlement scheme that bilked 95 people of nearly $2 m.ihon.

were the ones v.ho !loet the pollC'~ and enfor«d the pohq ·•

The dc.tcetl\ c 11.o uld not sa\ 1f adc:ht1onal arrcsu v.er(' hkel\ to be fonhcommJ. but ~1d rh(' in~csup­t1on 1s conunuing.

held ~ on ssoo.~ bail. Sllld Panncnt1tt.

ANknon was preif<knt of the compan\ , wh1ch opened for business in late 1986 and sh~t down in Janua" ofthas~caraftttt~all~ 11lcpJ111~ aJ JENNDl'Ell WEBER •a.._ .......

Houn after~ Beach Pohcc announced they arresltd the master­m ind of an rcponedl" phony 'car deaknhjp. they •~~ted another principal in the allcgt"d embezzle­ment scam.


Oklahoma heed coach Billy Tubbs was puzzled byaslowstart, but his Sooners rebounded to defeat Arizona and join KMS8S In an alt-Big Eight Anal Four.

Coast Newport-Mesa schools ratecf below national me­d'-' in guidebook that ranks 500 metropofttan 9dM>Of districts./ A2

Callf omla Arefighters mobilizing eartier than ever for the firestorm they believe again faces parched atate./CI

lndez -About.Employment Ann Landers Births Bridge Business Classified Crossword Entertllinment HOl09CGP9 Homes Opillk>f'I p..,_.m Public notices Sports Style Wecldlnga. • :

- C7 86 86 86 06

C.-8 85

84, 5 86

C1-3 A8

82,3 C3,D5

01-4 81..S


Brent Edward Oem was atTCSted without inc~ent at ahout 5 p.m. Friday at his Corona dC'I Mar home. He was released at about I a .m. Saturday in heu ofS2S.OOO bajL

Clem. 31. was the h~t manager of the Auto G allery 1n Ncwpon Beach. Ort. Doug Pa rmentit"r said . The

Lido Isle pre~Easter egg hunt astnash BJ JENNIFER WEBER °' .............

With his stockpile of Easter eas huddl('d d ose to his · side. Matthew Sina« hunched over in concentra­tio n. smashin& the bn ghtly ·colored shells on the ' bnck walkwa) and dumpmg its contents into his w1ckcr basket

Sin$ff. 7, wasn't pa)1ng too m uch auenuo n to v--hat v. as gomg on around him. More important issues were at hand. Like ho v. m uch candy and ccrul and raasans he'd manaacd to coll«t during the hunt at Jud ith and Wilhs longyear"" Easter cg hunt.

- ifs ~.at." he said of the annual eYent as he smacked ano ther shell on the pavement, cupped the goodle'\ 1n his hand and poured them onto the srowing pile 10 the basket -v ou gets lots of thine. tots of candy. Every one tets better . .

Sinter speaks like a V<'tcran. and he should. lie·s been goiQ& to the Lonarcars· house on Holy Saturday for the past fi~ years. Hc·s not alonr - some of the srov. n-up partygocrs have bttn at the Longycars' ever) Saturday before EastC'r sin~ the) were Singcr·s qe and )Oungcr.

This is a t rad it ion on Lido Isla nd . one that has made a 1*'1d of the couple. ~ir fn ends sa~

Clem 1s the third (l(rson 10 be a rrested in connection WJth the dealership. Parmen11er satd. The president and Clem's '>Uettssor as ma~r also fa~e cha rgC'S of gra"d thcft ..n connection v. 1th th<' scheme.

.. What we·,<' done 1<. co ncentrate on the maJor pla)ers: · Parmentier said . ..The three of them basica lly

On fhursda~ FBI ag('nts in Hav.a11 aJTt"St('d James -\nderwn. 311 of l'ev.pon Beach -\nde~n •~ be1n1 held b' aufhon11es •n Honolulu pcnd 1ng eurad111on procttdm~ and police hope to ha' c h 1 m 1 n custod) b~ Tucsda) or \\ t.-dne~· He v.ill be

v. err '"'' eal('d Betwttn Juh and Dc-cembcT I 9 -

dozens of car o"ncrsarranged to ha ' e their Pondle-s BM " Ftrrans ar\d Roll~Ro'~ sold ~' .\uto Gallen The cars ·v.ere gt' en ·to the compan' to be sold on consignment bu1

.... ._..,_ .. -..... It all s.taned m I %5. when the Longwclls' two toddkr ~ns went to an eU hunt with their o lder C'OUSIOS and came home •1th nQth1ng. The

(Pleue eee EGG/ A2) So••nse a ..... et • .a. aad Cuolya &rl&. 9, at J.Utla aad Willia i.e.oeu·• ailaal compare Euter bukea ... booty coOected S.ater ea 1a-t.


Spring break eDds.on fairly quiet note · Police units from three cities respond to bottle-throwmgtnctdentatAltsoEier

BJ JENNIFEll WEBER Ota.._ .......

Spring break, the wave of student re\1elcrs that thrcaten('d to break into chaos last Wttkend. C'bbcd toward a quiet close Saturday alo ng the Orange Coast

The ooc ripple on an o thcl"Wlst smooth surfact broke out at I 0:20 p.m . Saturday near tht" AJiso Beach Pier when drink in& tern.qrrs stan('d throwina bttf bonks at Lquna Beach of'ftttrs who were trying 10 brak up thdr pany.

No one was 1n1"1'Cd in the alter­cation. but the office" d id request

help from shcnffs dC"pUUCS and Ne""1>0f\ Beach Pohcc m d tSpening the crowd oflSO to 300 ~ouths.

- 11 was never rcall} flut of control. but it was right o n tht' edge ... said Laguna Beach Sgt. Grett Bartt.

A 17-\ car-old bo) v.as aJTC'St('d on suspmon of assaulu na a polict' offie« after he all~y punched an offi«r. The bo} ran back into the cro~d of younasten and another 'ollc~ of bottles ~l't' thrown at poliC'C. ·

O fficers broke up 1he crowd an about balfan hour. Bartz said.

Other than the ntght fighL life­guards at local bcac'hn re-poncd

moderate. v.ell-beha' cd cro.,ds On the nonhcrn sands. N":ichgocr v.ent home earh ~ust of<-uff v.'lnds La~ ucks_camc v. 1th ~tl1rda} ·s full

moon. and th~ l('d to npude-s Lifeguards l't'pon('d a number of f'C'5Cue dToru to pull S"'1mmers v.ho v.ere unaccosto mcd to th<' undc-nov. from the v.11ter

In other p:lns ofthC' Ora~ C'oast. ch1ldl't'n scam~d under bushes and around trttS as pan of ~1ghborhood and clwb Easter C"gg hunt~

The high in ' ev.port Beach "''aS a b31m~ t>-' dcgrcn. v. i h Saturda~ ·s low mar\.cd at :

The Easter Bunn~ w 3 s e\ pected to make his annu31 ap~·aran« toda~ under a mosth unn' . h~ sic\ ForttastC'rs v. ert \."alhOI for la t(..m&ht a nd mommg lov. l<'uds and fog through \ fonda' H igh~ • 'lll be 1n the


m1d-60s to lov.« -0s s m tht' mtd~ to lov.tt -

Fan v.-ca t her a .mc a<. good nc-"S to l<X~I ~ planrung fnr lht:s.mom· mg s Easter Stf'\ 1cn.

Less ~elcome .,as thc ixv.~ that d3' light sa' 1np Uml" l1clcd into cthcl ~ th!S moma"\g. The ~ J>C\."t of war flocl s fo~rung to S<'t their docu an hour ahead v.orncd m1nistcn that church-gOCTS would shov. up to SCf\ 1cn an hour late.

Saturda) ·s lov.4.e~ f~hng amc m sharp contrast to last v.ttl end's near n o t 10 Hunt1ng1on Bae

PolK't' arrcst('d a Btllflov.rr Yt'Oman M&rch 5 .,ho all~!\ had bttn enpgmg 1n st\ v.'lth an unknown panncr on the ~nd. p('h« said. ~"hen four Hunu.,gton Beach

pohC'C offittn un,ed.at H ununcton . (Pl-• .. SPaDIG/ A2)

Nortpwood boys hoping to repeat the dream season Little Leaguers swing into action this week

0" nt'n ~CCCI\ cd no money a f\cr the a~ v."Crt' ~Id

Pohcc ~•'cd 1.omplatnts about alleged v.rong-doang at ~uto GaUcry a~ earh as June but a formal '°' csU&ituon v. ;ss not la unched wttil ' o' ember The s11U"*t1" n came to a head v. hen a '.'<onh Hollvwood BMW dC'alcr sent I of the nn to Auto G a lk>n and l't'C<' l\ed a ~52.000 . hC'\ ·v. 1:hvut thl" prOJ'C1' scnaturcs and .,..11ho u1 suffic.ent fu nds to sup-

(Pleue eee TBmD/ A2)

Coast pilot breaks record Capistrano youth youngest ever to solo across county

BEDFO RD. \1a.ss ( ..\Pl - A 9~ 'c!ar-ok1 C'ahfomia ' landed his fathl"r·s tv. in-engi ne plane 1n th as Boston uburb Saturd.1~ . becoming the ~oun~t pilot to compktc a tr3n onu nenut.I JOUmC'' Ton~ -\hengcna of San J uan

Capistrano tou he'd dov.'tl at 5 45 p m at Ha'"'-om -\1r Field to break the rt'C'Ord set last .\ugu<a b~ l~}car· old Oanstop~ Ltt \tarshall of Occano . offioa.ls satd

.. , bl e to th w l v.-ant('d to break 1t. - the ~foot ." pa lot said after he was crtttcd b~ his parents and ~ v. P'e him a tr0pb~ •n aviators scarf and a glass of cham~.

!'auon.al .\.eronauu<' -'ssoaau on obsen cr Don Ta,lo.r . .,'ho atto!n· panaed Ton~ ,mficd that lht' bo~ • <as at the ontrols throughout the uansc:ion u ncn tal fl a&ht

.. rm gomg to cafl Washinglon on ~londa} and t('ll thC'm it's a 10 ... Ta,Jor satd

Clmstophcr ne"' a pb ne from San Luis O bispo Count~ to Fort u udmialc. Aa . to RJ.!!bank.. the longest tnp b~ the 'oungtSt ptlot If Ton' sucrttds 10 his pl:tn to fly bed

(Pleue eee PILOT I A2)

Shelter tries to rebound from thefts 8~ J~'NIFD WEBER O' _O.., .......

'i 1.-s. \ '1r&Jn1.1. there 1s an Easter Bunn~ Yoa muall~ caJ1 1t the Ora• Count ' Transit O.stnct

Pt'( · hm1tz.. the d artttor of the lr 1C'rtaJth Shelter. open('d her maal f '1da' 10 find I SO bus tickets.

It was the dtStncfs contnbuu on 'lo the - .)..bed. non~pro61 shelter for

,1'.lld C'SS fam1llCS.. ln tcrfatth fell Vlt­\1'"1 to t v. o buralancs 1 n thrtt days r('('C'nt l} l~ng its IRM pttt0nal .. 0m putrr. pett) cash. contribut1on .- heel~ and bus passn.

\. ~, t.3 \1csa poll« have no sus:pc:cts or cads tn e1thtt cast . .. hich Schmitz th " L.s al't' related.

1 'ic first burglar) V.'3.S March 23. -. "iC':i mcoDC' bro e a WJndow an4 st1c' C' thl" computC'r. S 120 worth of "3<.-6 and S I QI 1n petty cash. The ~hC'hc r v.ould gi'e the money to hl1mcless pr-oplc to do lau.~ and mal.c phone c,alb - CS!ienuah 1n JOb hunting - or for lr3.Jl~Uon to v. C'l f~ officn

9, ~1arch ~5 . the romputn was st1 ll OM. but l ntC'rfa1th h9d retr1wd S I ~l m donauon chcc'b - mclud-1 ni \)ne for s I QI to ~plaoc the petty cash fund. ThC' shelter had Sll.SO in cash and another $120 worth o( t.s pas.scs b~ tMn

The ni&ht v.as hol and the staffkft the .. 1ndov. open v. h1k-~ went to

(Pt••n-. ma. TSa/A.2)

.. 81PRTM••n .............. ~'fta Nlwpari-Meta Unified School •let ~ved I ICOf'e well below * national median in 1 first-time ~ that ranks SOO metro­llDlitan school district~ acrou the CDUnU)'.

.. Public Schools USA" rates the disuicu on 1 scale of 0-100. The median score nationwide was 58. Newport-Mesa. rceortrdly the only Oranee Coast distnct to be included ia the 366-pqe book. was &i ven a ~of38.

California tchools aenerally ranked towards the bottom of the scale. Oakland had a score of 13: Fontana, 17: Bellflower, 20; Pasadena, 23: Los Aqeles. 28: and Pomona. 29.

The h•ghcst score by any district was received by Bri,tlton. N.Y .. with a score of 98.

The author. education writer Cbarles H. Harrison. rated each district. using 22 statistics gathered from mailed questionnaires filled out by the districts themselves.

Harrison used IOofthe 22 statistics to devise his .. effective school index."

Publisher John Williamson said that Newport Mesa got a perfect scort of I 0 in the category for averqc daily attendance. with 99 percent of New­port- Mesa students attending class every day.

The district, with about 16,300 pupils attendin& school in Newport

PILOT ••• From Al to CalfGmia this week taking the long way home he says he wilt beat the djstance record, too.

Tony. who 1s known as .. Buzz." completed the lonacst lt1 of his four­day trip Saturday after takina off from Memphis. He had to land twice - in Bristol. Tenn .• and Cambdrid&e. Md. - because ofa stomach ache and was two and a half hours late in arrivillf. He spent five hours in the air Saturday.

When his father. Gary. asked why he didn' t stay on the ground if he feh sick. Tony replied: .. I wanted to make it here."

··rm very proud of him." said his father. who is from Palmer.

The trip bcpn Wednesday when Tony took off in his father's ,twin­cngine Cessna from John Wayne Airport in Costa Mesa He plans to return to California n<.'xt Saturda)'. spending four to seven houn alol\ cacJ\ day except Easter Sunday. when he visju rclattves in Palmer.

With him 1n the rockpll were Taylor and his fl ight instructor. Ed Fc~tt..

Tony. who uses a boo~terscat toser over the control panel. is to fl y to Wuhinglon on Monda~ to receive an award from the National Aeronautics Assoc1auon for being the world·s youngest pilot.

Beach and COiia Mesa. IOI I 1COre of five for current ~Y ex penditurn of Sl,412 per llUPIL

For a dn)pout rate that 1Qeeedly has reacbed 26 perttnt. Newport Mcu received a score of Rro. However, that statistic was disputed by a local tchool ofrlcial.

Fony-six percent of Newport Mesa students took the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. and the distriC't recie1ved a aradeofsix in that cateaory. l'Mlocal students made an l'Vn-IJC score of 953 on the SAT for 1 pdc oheven.

In the catcaory on ttKhcr-studcnt ratios in the elementary schools, Newport Mesa recieived 1 score of three for a ratio of one--t~27. But the district received a zero in hi&h school teacher-student ratio of one-t~29.

The district also nuived zero scores for iu counsdor-studcnt ratio of one-to-430 and for the number of pupils per music specialist in the elementary schools. onr-t~ 1.200.

Ncwpon-Mcsa also received a score of seven for offering seven advanced placement courses.

Ncwpon-Mesa School District Trustee Jim de Boom said Friday that many of the scores arc dependent on the amount of money that the districts receive from Sacramento "and that the governor and the le&islaturc control the pune striDJS." ~ewpon-Mesa and other Cali­

fornia districts receive about $2,SOO less than districts j n tome other states. skyrocketing ratios in

clauroom siJ.e, counselors and music instructors, de Boom uid.

.. The impoc1ant calCIOf'ics are how many of ow students take SAT and how they tcOre. Our students arc unbeatable in that a~:·

De Boom 11id that the author of the book is "dead wrong" in statements about the -Newport-Mesa dropout rate. The author said the rate is 26 percent. But de Boom s.iid the rate is less than 2 percent.

Comment.s that PT A memberund other members of the community made to the author of the guidebook uid they rated the qualjty of instruc­tion for additional teanrina op­portuni•ics in Newport-Mesa from fair to good. but for low-achieving students. it was only fair.

The curriculum for rollegc-bound students was rated excrllent, but the curriculum for the non-college stu­dents was fair.

The instances of d ic;ruption and vandalism were rated v~ry low.

One of the observers wrote that Newport Mesa olicial~ .arc doing a · good job with the money that they have. ·

The author of the book. which is scheduled to be off the presses in about three weeks, said the tome is meant as a consumer pide and was not a scientific study or survey.

More information about the book can be obtained by callina Wil­liamson Publishing at (800) 3S6-8791 .

Mild, warm days will continue

U.S. Tempe "°""'°" 11 .. catlf. Tempe Extended ........ 71 .. .... _. ...... 74 II Molle ... ar.,. eo-. - -""" ...... lowa•flllp,M, ....... ..... _.. n 17

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Four die in rash Of accidents By 'l1le A...aale4 Press

A fivc-ar pile-up killed one pcnon and hurt I 0 others on the Santa Monica Freeway and three other people were killed in a rash of separate Southern California traftk accidents Saturday. iuthoritics said.

The pileup occurred 1n the east­bound lanes of lntc"tate 10, t~ Santa Monica Freeway. ~honJyaftcr4 p.m.. said city fire depenmcnt spokesman Jim Wells.

A California Hi,tlway Patrol diJ. patcher said one person . still unidcn-

tified late Saturday. had been killed. but he couldn' t provide further details.

AJ about the same time, another motorist was critically injured in a collision with a truck in Sherman Oaks. a suburban community in the San Fernando Valley.

He was flown by helicopter to St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank.

In Anaheim. a 27-y~r-old woman was booked for felon y drunk driving and manslaughter following a fatal accident Saturday morning. Anaheim

Police Sgt. Gordon McConnell said. A car driven by Debora Sue

Johnson alleaedly ran a red hght and rammed the side of another car at high speed. McConnell ~1d .

A passenger in the other car, Darla Janelle Lam. 24. was pronounced dead at Anaheim Mcm0nal Hospital, McConnell said. The driver of the second car. Nedra Lynn Whl\e, 30. was taken to the l 1nivers1t} of California-Irvine Medical Center. where she was listed in Stable <.'On­d ition.


SHELTER TRIES TO REBOUND ••• Prom Al distribute towels to th(' niaht's ten­ants. When they retumccf. staffers found a screen pushcc1 in and an envelope contain1n1 the' cash. checks and passes 1onc.

" h's a littk bit disconcen.ina when you think these are people who already don't have anything." ~hmitz said. referring to the ~c!ta·s· clients. · I/

raisin&," Schmitz said. Two people have called the shelter

and offered to help get a new computer. A replacement is likely to be in by early next week . she said.

On the whole. Schmitz said the community ha.s been very supportive of Interfaith in response to the

buralaries. That has been good for the staff. but hasn' t filtered down to the people who need it most -- the homeless.

The burglaries arc "k ind of a blow to the people here. I think they feel a little betrayed and discourqcd ... Schmitz siid.


She speculated thlfl thf ' burglar probably needed the money badly and that worries her. too.

"It concerns me that a person SPRING BREAK ENDS ••• From Al

next year the couple derided to have a practice hunt for the boys and their friends.

The Saturday event. as 1t 1s popu­larly considered among the neigh­bors. drew about 150 people decked out jn their spring finest

Amona the adults. the gathenng was a chance to catt"h up on t.M­nciahborhood gossip. But for the cbifdren who raced around the yard. pokina under bushes and pccrina over walls. it was a chance to sec how many of the approximately 50 doz~n bidden eras they could uncover.

.. The kids love this. every year.·· Sandy Warncke said. protecting her infant's face from th<.' sun while ll&Smirina her son's egg collection. ~·re hyped. totall> hyped."

No one could accu~ 8-ycar-old Emily Barker of bcmg subdued m her ewthusiasm forthe pam .

Winning Lotto numbers picked •1 ne A1see1aae4 Press

Herc arc the wmnmg numbers picked Saturday night for the Cali­fornia Lottery's twice-weekly "Lono 6-49 .. game: 13. 41 . 21. '6. 17, 43 and the bonus number. 10.

Players who correctly suested 111 till numbers will share a prize pool of $4. 7 million. lottery officials said.

All those who picked five numbers plus the bonus numbn' will divide amona themselves a JWizc ~ of Sl.296 million; five ofsix wdl share 1667,000; four of si~ will share $607.000.

The " Win and Spin·· lettcn were .. p,•• .. Z.., Ind '"S."

OAANGE .......

COAST --· rml U.OfflCE *30 Wei 9ay $1 ec.ia ..... CA .... 4'00r ... Boa IMO Ccl9IA ...... CA 92ea

" I think it's totally radical, dude!" she said.. After a conversation with her mother. she returned to a visitor and said she'd like .to amend her opinion . .. I think it's very nice of Mrs. Longycar and I apprcc-iate what she docs very much."

What Judith Lonaycar docs is collect 7. shells;-tops- C8rdutty broken 0: all year long. She arts a little help from neighbors. who put aside their shells for her too. Lonnear stores the shells in cartons, whicn she keeps in boxes in the praae.

[)yjna the shells is a fiv= affair. Whikmostoflhemarcdi in vats of dye. othcn arc subject to a more elaborate artistic treatment. Some conscientious children. buckina for an invitation to the next year's hunt. tt1um these once the tape covering the hole is carefully removed and the contents emptied.

A few of those special shells already showed up on the dining room table

would be that desperate:· she said. Saturday afiemoon. Fruit was a big But the hardest part of all may have theme this year for the painted shells~ been havina to tum away people who a watermelon with a slice cut out. a needed money or bus passes when lemon with "Starki st" printed on the Interfaith had neither. sjde. a strawberry. Insects were popu- The staff called donors and advised lat, too: a bee on one with "bee·s thcmtostoppaymentonthcirchccks. knees" printed beside it and an arrow. Some people have m;ide out new l. spider edging along a thread - checks to the shelter, but there is no actually:.-mtt on 1hngsh~t1:- -guarantee all those donors will write

Every year. the Longycan have a an9ther check. pre-party dinner. inviting friends The bigest loss is the com1>'4ter. over to help them stuff~ empty wh~c~ l~terfaith used to storcl ts shells. The morning of the hunt. four ma1hng hsts.

Beach Pier they saw Linda Deleon. 21 . exposinJ her nude body to a crowd of about 300 onlook<.'rs, who had pthered beneath and on the pier. said Sgt. Lloyd Edwards.

As police arrested the woman. onlookerGrcaory Ham ilton •lleaedly began, " leading the crowd. chantina 'riot' and refusing to dispenc," Ed­wards said.

Fcarina a repeat of the Labor Day riot of 1986. offlC'Cn quick~nnted Hamilton, 26. of Long h. on

suspicion of inciting a riot. a misde­meanor thft landed him m jail in heu ofSSOO bail.

Officen first responded to a com­plaint that Deleon and a man were havin& sex on the bcarh near Max­well's Restaurant. Edwards said. The man sl~~Y inJkcrowd when

ice amved. She then allegedly n cxposina herself to the crowd, ards said.

Deleon was arrested on suspicion of beina drunk in public and amult­ina a police officer. a felony. people hide the eggs around the yard "That really is a blow to our fund-

and along the sidewalk. ,-------------------------------------------------------------~----~~----------The pests stan coming and every­

one. children and adufts alike. start hunting for the eggs. Th is party is for everyone.

It showed. This yc.ir a woman propped her baby on her hip and tippled a Coro na. Life imitates life. and like a shadow, the baby guzzled a smooth cold one. too - a bottle of cranberry juice.

THIRD SUSPECT HELD ••• ham Al ponit.

After 1 representati ve of Auto Gallcry'.s... parcn~ company. Laauna Beach Motors Inc., told police and prosecutors about unpaid bills and dry bank accounts. police arrested the man who succ:icedcd Ckm in January as manaeer, Rea,inald K~nncdy. 39. of L.aauna Nisuel. · He wa~ arrested on suspicion of pod theft under faltc ~ICS.

While authorilies now have the major suspects in custody, thcY are still lookins for the S 1.6 mibion. Pannentier aid the police depart­ment hu hired an outside firm to

conduct an audit of the suspects' and Auto Gallery books in hopes that the moMy can be accounted for. Four or five vehicles siancd over to Auto Gallery for sale arc also missing. and police speculate that they were sold to other auto wholesalers.

Still another unsolved question is who actually own' the automobiln sold by Auto Gallery. Parmentier said auorncys from both the tcllen and buyers of the vehicles have claimed owncnhip for their clients, and police are auemptina to stay out of the fray. He aid the matter of ownership would likely be tcttlcd in civil coun.

'Che ifelji:ct °"""'..ct - 942 Wfl -- & eo!oroel "'2-'321 J,,.tc.U 642-8088

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WMt do JOU like.,.._ Daily PUoc? WMt doa"t ,. lilril1 c.11 ... ·--*" ... ,., == will ......... tnwlibid wl ... ' IOtM=-tdilor. 'lllew- =ill~-.ybe

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oems and celetxMEd d!J9l,

As ShcMTl - Priced tan S2375.

~----__..., . I ••


LITTLE LEAG.UERS' DREAM SEASON ••• hem Al . question la 1 toqh.one to anawer, and for 1everal reasona. All but three of the 1917 AU·Stan have moved Into 1 dift'erent aee sroup. lhc Junior/Senior M~or l...eqUc, and so will not have the orponunity 10 deftnd their na­tiona crown, which they won as members of a Lillie Leaaue Majors team.

However. all but one of last~'• All-Stars are still playins base I in Irvine. The one exception, Al -Star second-base-man Didgi t Tunle, bas moved to Lake Forest and will play in a league &here.

So there are really lhrec questions: Can last year's All-Star players 1tt selected for an All-Star team in 1 d ifferent age group,. win the national ti tle ANO win the world?

By most accoun1s. the answeri to all three questions is a resounding yes.

" We stan cd hopina a t the beli• ning of &he season last year. and we' re already h9 pin& again t~is year," said Ryan Jones. catcher/ pitcher on last year's All-Star team. " None of us have really ta lked about it, but I know we've all thought aboutl t."

Like most other All-Stars who have turned 13 since their championship sroson. Rya n will pla) in the fun· ior/ Senior league. which consists of players 13· f 5 years o ld. Ryan's team. the O rio les. will be coached by his fa ther, Bob Jones. who coached last year's All-Star& to the na tional cham-pionship. .

T he organization uf the Jun· ior/Scnio r league actually improves the odds of last year's All-Stars making a repeat performance. ac· cording to league officials. Instead of one select team. two teams will be picked fro m the league one consist· mg of all 13-year-olds and the other a 14· and 15-year o ld team .

lut-.on. The three Oriole All·Stan will be

playina dift'trent positions to start the year. Iona will play fi"1 buc, Tran will play third and - hecause of an injury - Garcia will play shon-stop.

" He's comin• alona fine and hopes to pitch later this ~ason." Jones said of Garcia. who injured his shoulder durina a freak amdent while playina recreational basketball at school.

The first round of games on the road to the nat,onal championships will be played in June. Playen for the Nonhwood All-Star team will be drawn from the nine teams in the Junior/Senior leaple, said Nonh­wood Little Lcaaue President Wolf­Pftl Greinke, also the father of All­Sw catcher/ pitcher Chris Greinke. who will play on the Yankees this teaSOn.

Greinke said that. if the 13-year-

... 21 · 1.

Jones said he expects the pllym who endured ·1he pressures of las& ycat's championships 10 be'btt&er for the experience, and 1wicc u prepared if &hey make toumammt play this year.

'"h wu ceniblc," Jones rccaJlina the day before the world title pmc. " Aron was sick the day before and had a 103-deaJec tcmptrature. With the media coveraar and e vcl)1hifta,. tbe kids didn't have a chance to relax wi\h their parents. We would have been much happier playina in Irvine.

"h was loup but very enjoyable. The kids learned a lot from 1t, and I think lhef re tougher for it," he added. "It S· always hardest 1he first time."

Perhaps lhe most pressure-tested duo on las& year's team was Bob and Aron Garcia. - father. and son.

''We started hopin'f at the beginnlng o the season last year, and we 're already hopin6 again tlds year. Rone of us have really talked about lt, but I .know we've all thought aboutlt."

- Ryan Jones ·

Or.tnQe C099t DAILY PILOT/Sundey, April 3, 1111 AS

.. , pretty muc h think that lhe same players ~ from last yt'ar's ~II-Star ~uad) will be on th is year's ( 13-year­

o ld all-star) team ," said Ryan. Ryan's fa the r. Bob Jones. said he

Ryan Jona &eta blC h-C from Illa father. co.ch Bob Jona, after Ryan pitched l'fortb-

wood team into title pae lD Little i...­World Serles.

believes the 12-ycar-o ld division is o lds make 1t to the world cham· manager and player. Before the hum1hat1on before an intem auonal act ually touiher than the· o lder pionship, they probably have a beller championships began. Bob an· tele-' 1s1on a1.1d1ence of m1lhons. league. and said that gives the All-Star shot at winning than last year. nounced that the 1987 c;cason would Garcia said tt took his son some members a better chance to repeat as '"The Taiwa nese are weaker when it be h is last after 20 years of coaching. time to get over has hum1hat1ng champs. gets to that age group. Americans H e wanted the national and world performance 1n the world 11tle game

" I would say it's m ore difficult at have 'enerally dom inated that age m ies. '"Aron bounced back He's a Hn the 12-ycar-old level," said Jones. group.· he said. Aron was the one IOQked to by mature )Oung mari .. whom I'm ver) .. You have a tendency for ki.ds to just There was no doubt who dom1· · many players and fan~ to lead the proud of. He's onl~ 13 ~ ca~ old. but not stick around (after the 12-ye-ar-old nated the Lillie League World Cham· team to victory. H is aggressive pitch· he's handled e ve11 thin~ hke a young league). to just drop out. There's j ust pionship game last August. After mg and hitting powered the Nonh· man ... said Gama . .. He felt like he let not as many kids. so the odds arr roll ingovertwo American teams (8-I , wood team. a nd brought oµt the best his team down. be-cause they counted better." 13-0) on their way to the Amencan in h is teammates. on him. Even on the team he pfays on

Also playing with R> an Jones on title. weeks of exhausting play and the One of the most poignant pon ra1ts no" . he's like a coach out there." the Orioles are All-Star third· pressure of national mt'd ia coverage of last year's world was a shot of the In retrospect. G am3 makes no basema n Loe Tran a nd pitching ace and hometown expcc-talions took Nonhwood dugout toward the end of excuses for his team: " I don't think -.e Aron Garcia. whose bl ic;tering pitc h· their toll on the Northwood players. the disastrous game. Aron sat on the could have beaten them (Taiwan )." i·ng style and hot hitting brought h im The Taiwan team. bi~er and more bench, head in h is hands. after being he said.

the Nonh~ood team " I lrne"' that one da ' ...,e·d get an

umpire "ho d tdn 't call the come-rs. I lne" that "as the onh thing that could beat us." said Ga rcia. ~ho sull refers to the 19 i .),. Jl-~tan as "m' bo's-'' ·

Gama e '<presscd doubts that this )Car's " onh"ood Lmle- l.«gue .),.II. Su~ - .... hoe' er the' <'re - .... ,11 be able to repeat as nai.1nnal champs. SI) ing that back-to-back repeating team s are " realh rare ..

o f "h.at I sa" . Tho~ • -ett 14 super ballpla~ ers ··

Garcia sa1d he anuc1patcs that a great deal o f pre-ssurc .... 111 be placed on the thrtt 198" -\JI-Stars who~ still an the I ~-, ear-old d 1,·1s1on: Ryan 0 ' T oole. Enc Sobek and Tom Louie.

:.:The~ ·re- going to be placed 1n ~ prt"Ssure posauons. and a lot as IOlDI to ~a l..ed of them - said Garaa... - ~ lot o f .?C"OPlc "'111 el.rcct them to repeat _

<Jarn a htm~lf hopes to ba"e an<'th('r \hot at the ~II - w playcn. He "31d then· 1s a .:hanC'C' he wlll coach ba!oeball at Inane H igh <;cbool some­time \OOr. ~nd an about tv.'O \ears. nine of the ! ~ .),. Ii- t.a~ will itttnd lf'tne H igh )loo! he qid •

moundsofna1ionalmedia,duringlast experienced. rocked pitcher G arcia pulled from the game in the 1hird But Gama and o ther Northwood year's championships. Aron's fat.her, for fi ve runs in the first inning, and inning. His father - who pulled him officials ha ve watched videotapes of Bob Garcia. a lso m~nagcd .last,rear's the Northwood team never got back off the mound - stood next to ham. the game. and feel there were a

---~lca~m!.:·...!:b~u~t ~te~m!!i!:· ~ra~n~I L."r~e:.!:11~re~d~aft~e:!r_!!in!.!tO!;!...!t.!.!he~· .2!.!.m!.!ie"-. ...!T~e_fi!.!.1 !.!Jna~l-'sc~o!.!..lrcL.?wa~s-:s~il~e.!!n!.!tl.z_w::.·!l:atc~h!.!.tn!a-.u.u. t....!.ll ~!L..Je~n~d~u!!:re!::..-.J.Uruuber of factors that worked a nst

··1 " oµld lo 'e to Stt n but 1 don' t think the) ·re going to repeat · said Gan:-aa. ··This was a one--ttme shot \\ e had the perfect coord1nauon of players. the perfect abtlst~ of pla~en. It Just meshed. .. sa.id Gama. .. ~ft.er the fi rst practice. 1 promtSCd rd ~' the m to W1lhamspon . onl~· bccauSt"

. ··w e could ~' e Q,uate a team.- said G a.ma..

BJ States Newt Semee WASHINGTON - HCR are &he votes of senators and local

repfe5Cntatives on major lqislation in Conpess last week. A " Y" means the member voted for the measure; an .. N .. means &he member voted apinst &he measure; an .. A" means the 'member did not vote.

The Senate • .... "* 9elleel

The Senate tabled. 4S-3l. and thus kdled. an amendment 10 the Hiah Risk Occupational DitCUe Notification and Prevention Act that would have required all health and cme1acncy care woi'ken exDOICd to Acquired Immune ~ency Syndrome or to 1.he ~TL V llf virus that causes AIOS to be notified that they face a hi&h risk of catcbina the di1casc. (S 79) ClUttOll (D)-Y WillOll ( ll)-A

TlleBoue' c.cn ...

The HOUie approvtd, J.tS-70. a $47. 9 minion l*Uee that would provide bMt. clodlin.. ahelter and medical supplies ~o the N~ Coe1n1. who have lll'eed to a ~ wwtb the S.Ddin•lll pvernment. (HJ Res S23) -...(ll~Y

='(C~R)-A . "

lunpt~Y Pacbnt(R~y

. Air tnflk ftelnleH The Houic ~vcd.. 234-180. lqislation rcquin-. the federal

~e:k':"t to rehire at teut 1,000 of tlw I l l.400 air tra.tTte controllen t Rapn fired in 1911 after t~ refuted to end a strike. (HR

)396) lldlwn(R}N DIH••;ri (R)-A OarMB( )-N Ltly•(ll)-N Pldllld(ll)-A


Led by the hltttnc of Aron Garcia, left. dartq buenuullDC by Steft llendoail, below, and a cam•raderle relnforced bY tlaelr wtn••n& waya, rl&ht. tbe l'forthwood Llttle t.eacae All­Stan bad an amor&ettable year.

Mesa water district increases rates By JENNIFER WEBER otlMDllllJ ........

Costa Mesa water customers.are goang to be paying more this fall because of a rate increase apprtwed by ' the Mesa Consohcated Water District.

The board of dirtttors granted permission f~r ~ 7.8 pe~ent increase in water rates. T he higher cost~will be reflected in bills sent on or after Oct. I . spokesman Chuck Ha m ilton said.

- The rate-increue means an average ball. which covers two-month periods. will jump from S35A5 to $38.23.

The increase brnks down into two pans: • The basic wa1cr nuc - the a.mount the

district charges whether the customer u~ wai.cr o r not -will increase from tbc currcntS6 fee to S for the standard s1tt meter, Hamilton said.

•1 PAUL dtlDPLBY .............. •

A iwo-year effort to produce and dastnbutc a drua education ,.idco to ever) ekmcn\lry .chool distritt in the nation culminates Monday -..1th the tercmina of " Niahtmarc Oft One Strttt" at • black tic pttmitrc 1n ln'ine.

Laund'M:d by the non-profit Ora• Coest poup c:aJled the Scaft'h Foundation. the ' 1<ko 1s aimed at Fide Khoo& ctuldren befott they act caupt up in dr\11 abutr.

Actordina to fou.ndauon cbatrwoman lkverl} Thom~. the Sloe')' fteturcs three ctuld""n who ~ VK'tims o(~ltd death

" t.1't)'•re ffY1 .. to ftparc out ho'# 1t happened

• The rate for water actually utcd wiU So from 99 cen tS to S I. 0 5 per I 00 cubtc fttt. the standard b1lhng unit for water .

'"The ancrcued ratt was ncccsary to keep the dinnct opcratina U\ the black.·· General ~ Karl Kemp S1Jd .

The increase 1s the first in four years. Hamilton said.

The distnct has S32 m1lho n worth of projCCt.s on the drawing board and is look.int for "''l~'S to pa~ for the improvements. Plans include ""' mer· vo1rs. hncs and welh. ,

Two \lo'tth aao. the water dlStnCt agrttd to charge de'elopcn and l"CSKknts adding e 'tra uni ts onto their pn1pnt)' . Dirttton settled on a St>J c hargr for evef) pllon of v.-ater uSC'd m a minut.e. The - de,·clopcr fee .. lS the fi rst such ft't" Mesa Consohdatcd has e""tt le,·~ 1Pin.st bu1ldcn.

Avef'llf'd out. HJm1lton numated the fet" for

each n~ house or condom101um unn will • St.

\\ 1th the thought that the Cos~ Mna slow­gro .... 1.h m1tt~uv~ could pass.. ho-.-e''CT. tht diftlc.. ton fc-Jt the~ could not""\) on dev~k>per fees IO o&t the rou of the ~ proJttts and opled for htghcr water ratC'S.. Hamilton saad.

~ consultant -.ho 1n1t1all~ propMCd the de'ek>pcr fttS told ahe d1rtt"to rs the~ rouki CCMaftt on SI m1lhon annu.&11' from the cbarse. But if me 1niuau,-~ passes. th<' 'N>aro e'~ constnK'bon -.111 drop and tt .... 111 rt'C'Ct':~ onh a quaner of that. Hamilton said

Tbe d1tt('1on de'Cldied to take the ron9Cf'~'C hnc • 1th the higher -.-.in rate trK'TCaJC

But 1f de' elo~r ftts do ~te more lba S.!50. \eath water ratC'S arc not hkd) to to do-.'1\. Instead. 'Hamilton s.aid. 11 v.illJUSt be~ before the d 1stnct has to ratst them ap.an.


Counsel hit& roadblocks in Ed Meese investigation

Hemming lt up Bria.a &eealaaa and b.la pet,., •-ctaop CJlop•• ride tlae waYee off oalaa'• we9t cout ID

preparation for SatardaJ'• ••wet Pet" aarf meet ID Boaolala.

W ASHINOTON (AP)- lndq>tn· dent COUftlel James Mr Kay's cnmi­uJ investiption of Atto rney General Edwin Meae Ill has nm into road· blocks becauK key witne5KS have refuted to cooperate with the probe.

Amona those who have erected a wall of silence that McKay tws been unabk to t>Cnetrate is 1 central fisure in the probe, lo"ltime Meese fnend E. Robcn Wallach.

The attorney general's former financ ial manqcr. W. Franklyn O.inn - who was introduced to Meese by Wallach-also i1n ' t &alking to McKay. Chinn and Wallac h were indicted in December in the Wedtcch scandal, o ne of the lrt'IS in which Meese has been under invest igation .

Former Wedtcch consultant R. Ke nt Londo n. another indicted in the Wedtcch scandal. also has a lso re­fused to talk to Mc Kay.

The latest fiaurc to stand in the way of McKay's probe is Swiss o il man Bruce Ra ppapon. Sou rces familiar with the probe said he decided at the last m inute no t to gi ve a de-positio n in Londo n. where he had agreed to meet with Mc Kay·s investigators. on ques­t ions of whether M~ may have bee n pan of a bribe conspiracy in

Democratic hopefuls sturrip in Wisconsin em ment - we descn ·e ho no rable leaders."

Rlchardsonjolns chorus callbJgfor resignation

WASHINGTON (AP)- Former Attor~ey General Ell iot ·R1chardst~n . a casualty of the " Saturday N i&ht Massacre' in 1973. added his voic~ o n Saturday to those caJling for Attorney General Edwin Meese 111 10 step dow~:

Richardson said o n Cable News Network's "Newsmaker aturda) p rogram that Meese " has forfeited confidence" and s~ould resign. .. ,

" Too many questions" have been raised, he said . a nd Meese ~as too close to too many questionable dealings," which are being 10 ves11gated b} an independent couascl.

Richardson rcsis:ned o n Oct . 20. 1973. a Saturda}. after refusing 10 can) o ut a n orde r fro m President Nixon to fi re special prosecuto r Archibald C O"<. At the ti me, Cox was investigating the · White House's 1n ,olvemen1 rn the Wa te!'J3te scandal.

Richardson ~id tha t as a private citizen. Meese 1s en11tlt"d .10 full protection o f the law,ju~t as any citizen is. But. he said that as the nauon sch 1ef la~ enforcement o fficial. MttSC m ust be he ld to a higher standard.

" It is absolutely vita l that there be maintai ned the highest poss1bk' public confidence in the intqrity o f the Ocpanment" o f Justice. Richardson sa id.

connection wrth a SI b illion Iraqi pipeline project . The Washington Post reponed that Ra ppa port changed h is mind beca use he was afraid he m1&ht not remember e ve ry­thing accurately.

Federal prosec uto rs dec1deJ to have cnmanal cha rge~ filed against Wallac h. Chinn and London and decided not to grant thrm 1mmu n11~ from prosecu11on to compel thi: ir tesumon) .

Byrd urges president to sign compromise trade legislation MILWAUKEE (APt . - ()(mo­

cratic prcsiden11al hop<"fuls Michael Dukak1s and Jesse fackson cam­paigned Saturda~ for mc-mentum and Paul.Simo n fo ught forsunwal an th is ~k·s W isconsin pnma~ . as the state reclaimed its h1stnn c role as a dccrSJ\e crossroad o n the long no mi­nation trail.

foreign policy speech Saturday at the 1..trmersll) o f Wisconsin a t Oshlco~h . offered sttona suppon for Jsracl'w h1le blami ng Arab leaders forthe failure to ac hieve peace in the Middle East.

In Wisconsin , both cadd1dates have laid do wn a clear appeal to the blue<ollar worke rs who a re critical to Dem ocratic succcs.s 10 the state .

ave~e working men and wome n of Amen ca hold ing the bag." he said in Racrne. By ne Aitedate4 Prat

The two o ther Dcmo~:rats - SCns. . . od d Simo n of Illino is and Albert Gore Jr. ~ASHINGTON -;- Sena te MaJon~y Leader Ro~rt C. B~rd t a) urge o f Tennessee_ igno red Colo rado 10 Pres1den~ Reagan 1.0 sign ~ompreh.~ns1_vt'. trade lc~1sla t 1on .,.,ork~d -out b> fa vor of W isconsin. congrcssr c:>n~I nego tiators this week. Thi~ is not the •.~me for a veto, 8) rd. D-..\t a news confe ren« later.

Duk.abs and Jackson are locked 10 a d ose Wisconsin c0ntcst whose outrome couJd label o ne the front­runner 10 the 1988 racr

Both men v.ere rn Wisco'nsrn and CoJo rado o n Saturda) . prepanng for Colo rado 's precinct caucuses Mon­cU) that v. Ill set the <>tage for the Wisconsin baJlotrng Tul"Sda~ .

Du~akrs said he d isagreed with Jackson's embrace of PLO leader Yasser Arafat and h is position that Israel and the Pa lestin ians att mo ral equ1' alcn ts.

J ackson. who was campaign ing near G rttlc) . Colo .. kept his attac k o n the Reqan administrat ion, which he said has '' the most indictments. the most corruptio n. the hi&hcst sleaze facto r 10 the h1stof\ of Amencan go' emment. we dcsen e better gov-

.. , have argued your case. I've stood with yo u and with the working people of Am en ca.- Jackson to ld a crowd at St. Norbert College near Green Bay late Friday . .. And now I want you to stand with me ...

Dukak1s turned h is fire o n t he coporations.

" If we're scn o us a bout winning the batt le for o ur economic futu re, we' ve got to get control of thl" merger a nd acquisition binge that's .. leaving the

T he la test poll. published Sunday • -W. Va .. said 1.n the _weekly Democratic radro address. Thr trade bill rs ~.stronb in the M ilwaukee Journal showed comprehensive b rll thnt helps Amencan workers help thcmsehes Br rd D ukakis with a 43 pcrtt~t to 35 compl~ ined that ::the prcsi~~nt has don~ noth ing but Cf"\ pro1ect1o n1sm and percent lead over Jackson among w~ve his veto pen ~~.th<' ab1h ty of the l!nited States to .compc11: has e~?dcd . He voters who said the) would vote for. said the ()(mocrats goal has ~n a ball t~at !~e pres1dl'nl .,., ill sign . adding. o r leaned toward. a Dem ocrat ic " We have extended o ur hand 10 cooperation. Under11 comprom1~ worked candidate . Gore recei vt'd I 5 perctnt out by Ho use and Senate nego tia tors Th ursday night. the L trade and Sim o n was fo urth with 5 percent. represen tative w~uld h:ive the a uthonty to 1mpo~ 1mP,On r urh' on. th~ goods The poll. conducted last Wednesday ~f nat1ons who v!olate trade agrccm~nts. The president rnuld "a1H the.: curbs a nd T hursda ) amo ng 845 like ly if he thought therr cost would o utweigh the benefi t. voters. has a margin of error of plus or

Dukak1s. delivering a m aJor minus 5 percentaJe points.

White House rejects use _of ~ilitary force in Pananra By TM Auedaced Press

--n;-Rcapn adm101slrat1o n so far bas rejected using m ihtaT) force to oust Pa nama.ma n stro ngman Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriep. a White Ho use spokesman said C\aturday.

Marlin Fitzwater scoffed at reports of a clamonng wuhin the State Department for to ugher measu rc-s to push Nonega o ut, sa~ ing the Pan­amanian problem bas p.resen tcd a -fenile ground for n ch 1magma­tions."

ScvcraJ nev.'S repons ha ve sard that Secretary of State George P. Shultz

u rged in h igh-level Whtte House -mtttmgs-tt\Al t ' ued S1a1cs a ttempt· to kidnap Nonega. y,lf\o 1s under indictment an this countf') on d rug-trafficking charges

Fitzwater o n Saturday sought to m m1m1ze repon s indicating the ad· m101strauon was we1gh1ng milrt.af) or coven action mo\'es m get Noncga o ut of power.

And Shultz. speakm& with re· porters in Ro me Saturday as he continued a Mideast pcacema kmg m1ss1on. sidestepped quest ions a bout his advice to Reagan.

"We debate various possible o s> uons_·· Shuln. w d ._ .. Rut basicallv. th is is a question ofa person w o no lonier is wan ted 1n hrs co untry. The position of the United States govern­ment is.that he should F-O. Everybody agrtts about that. Hr's ~n 1n­drcted."

Shultz stead fastly rl·fused to get an to a debate about the o ptions he has proposed. saying that " I never co m­ment o n speculative news a rt icles."

The Los -\nge lcs T1mC'S reported m Saturda} ·s edit ions tha t Shultz and Assistant Secretar) of State El lio t

Abram~ also had urged the dispatc h o f about 3.000 .S. mil itaf)' forces to Panama to urther undermine or· 1cga's gnp o n power.

The State Department. it said. was displeased w1fh the Pr ntagon's de· cision to bolster the I J.S. milita ry p resence 10 Panama b} ~nd1ngabou·t 1.300 troops.

But Fitzwater described the deplo)•meo t oft hese fore-cs. beginning early th is week. a s s1mpl. "a continu­a tion" of the U.S. effort to strengthen secunty for -\meric:i ns in t he troubled Central American country

Gates vows all-out Easter gang patrol LOS ANGELES (AP) - Police the cn y and count) governments Plans a rc under wa) to put 1.000 safe ."

Chief Daryl Gates vowro Saturday to proclaim that such a n e mergenc) o fficers o n south-central streets Lt. Charles Massey soud the shoot­dcploy 1,000 officcn on gang-ridden e xists and that it ex~s the where 200 officers u .. ually patrol. ings took p lace o n turf claimed by five south-central streets and keep Easter capab1hties of local lav. enforceme nt Gates s.ajd . adding tha t 300 officers or six gangs, and that the shootings ehun;ha<>cn sa~ follov..lng 1 ~ officials. Brett 111d. wou&d be o uLSalutday night. probably were intended as some type Friday drive-by shooting that left o ne No arrests had be~·n made 10 He also called for night hours at all of retaliation. Police -t>Nie ve a semi-man dead and 12 other people Frida~ ·s shootings. bu1 Gate~ <,a1d couns in onkr to s~ up trials and automatic weapon was used. • ·oundcd. pohcc were invcst1ptin1t leads o n two put criminals behind bars. special · The gunme n shot o ne m an as they

Meanwhile. count) Supcrv1sor m en seen shooting from a Bu1d or courts to handle gang and n1n;otic cruised do wn two block .. of Raymo nd Kenneth Hahn iient a telqram to Cadillac. O ne of those wounded an cases. and a south-c<'ntral Justice Avenue. the n shot a nother nearby Gov. GeorF Dcukmejian ursina hrm the - · 15 p.m . attack wa<> a 4-year-old center . before opening fire on a crowd o f to dcdart a stair of emCflC"C)' in Los bo~ G ates also had harsh words for the people sitting in the fron t ofa home at Ansksa.ndtend in twocompan1cs ~f I he shoot1ngs came 1n the midst of state Learsla turc. saying Assembly 46th Street a nd Raym ond. killing o ne mi6tary polic:c from the Calrfom &a a police crackdo wn on ~alatanggang Speaker W illie Brown :ind _his " lilly- m a'). Gates said . At least 25 rounds National Guard. v1olencc. whrc h o nly ~ da) earlier li vered toad ies" a rc stalling much were fired. he said .

.. TbepeopkofLos An~lcsCounty pro mpted a fi rst call fro m Hahn for needed legislation that would allo w Cmdr. William . Booth sa1d 13 arc incrcas.inaJy Irving in a state of help from the California :'>lational law enforcement to use wire-tapping peo ple were h it by gunfire. O nly 11 fear. No one 1s safe.'' he wro te Guard. against gangs. were accounted for at local hospitals.

25-pound lobster gets Easter reprieve PHILADELPHIA - A 25-pound lobster that nearl> hecamt" soml'bod~ ·~

Easter d inne r has been rescued and will be jett ing 10 Maine on Monda~ to hH' out its old age beneath the Atlantic. Publici ty forced a seafoodlompan\ 0 "' nt'r. a sea fOod lover. an arumal-n$ftts g.roup and the Maine Dcpanml'nl or \1Jnne Resources into an unlikr ly alliance to save the creature. ~ h1l h was e<,11mall·d 10 be between 40 a nd 125 vears o ld. Also saved fro m the: pot ~a!> a I 9' •· round companion. " This was ~mething that strikes you in your moral 1.f;I~ .. ..aid Glona.EelschcrCohen. \'1ce.prcsiden to~ n&htwo.up-.Pll '-"'ot.L.ruciL\ I rn.. .. Here 1s a vel) o ld lobstrr a nd it just seemed disgusting 1ha1 11 \hould t'nd ll~ h If.' to the cruelest p redator - man - iQi.a pot ofboihng water .. .. Shuttle booster rocket panes stress test

HUNTSVILLE. AIJ. -A stress test showed the space shu uie·~ redl'<t1gnl'd solid rocket boosters apparently can wnhstand the weight of lhc o rb11t·r. launch pressures and then sdl'ne. a NASA spokesm an said Saturda~ The structural load test was ano ther .. tep in cen ifying the space shutt le for flight , said Ed Medal a spokesman for t he National Ae rona ut1csand Space Adm101stra11on at its MarshalflSpacc Flight Center. Hydraulic systems were used 10 appl~ pressures toa shonencd solid rock.et booster. The test section was \UbJected to forces equaling 150 perr ent o f those norma lly experienced d unng launch

Ani1n-1 rights group raids hatchery to liberate hens By T1lte A.11eclate4 Pren

G ILROY - The Animal Liberation Front claimed re~pons1b11t 1 ' Saturday for a rajd o n a l•rsc hatchery that resulted in the tht'ft of 28 hrn!> 1n what it call«! an " Easter liberatio n for life." Members of the llnJ cr.ground group bro ke into the Da vis Po ultry Co. & Ea Ranch an rural G 1lro\ late Fnda, , stoic the hens and spraypainted the walls and grounds. said Santa tiara Dcpui, Sheriff Roland Perez. The underground aroup sard it raided the Da"1s Pouhr\ Farms because o f all{'Jcd "atrocious conditions" at the farm such a~ overcrowding and disease, _according to Margo Tannenbaum. prrndcnt of Actio n for Animals in Snn Bernardino . Tannenbaum was asked b> tht' .\LF to speak for them . The A LF claimed it took m ore than 78 la yi ng hens and that the raid occurred early Saturday. The ~uhry farm action was thl' second b' the ALF this Easter season . On Apnl 27, the Jroup raided a rabbit-breeding company in Hayward :ind freed 73 rabbits rn protest over the slaughtl't of rabbtts for medical resei\rch. furs and me.at.

'"The aovemo r is ,.el") concerned " If we wett angf') hl.' fore . we a rc ··Thrs 1s Easter. Th t" 1s the ho ly Rodney Brau. 16, sa1J he saw men about the escalatio n of gang violence e'\Ceedrngl~ a ngr) no .... ... Gates said a t W«kend ... he said. " Wr have a ll this in a Cadillac sto p and talk to a group Detective fool• su•rvart In to surrenderlng in Los Anaclcs County." said Kevan a nev.'S co nfe rence whnt> he blasted shooting go ing o n o n the holy o f people o n 46th Street near Ray- r--Brett. the 1ovcmo r's prc-ss secretal) . gang members as " rot1<'n httle cow- wc.-ekend. People 1n 'IOuth-central mo nd Avenue . LOS ANG ELES - An unarmed detecti ve was able to make a Oceang

However. the governo r wo uld de- ards ... who shoot do" n 4-ycar-Old L. '\. want to go to church to morrow .. All of a sudden thcv just o pened motorist surrender after assumina a shooting stance and pointing his clasped clarc a state of emergen~ o nly after kids·· and we' re going to makl" sure the y' re up:· he said. ha nds toward the o ncoming truck. a uthorities said . " I d rdn' t have a gun. 50 t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d~thefir&tthingmyi n~incts w~me ~ d~··~~ ~t~t1~Jrm Pollock.

Daniel Loya o f San Fernando was arrested for mvcst1ga11on of grand theft. reckless dnving.flld evading a peace officer. Po llock said he had he.a rd about a police pursuit in prosrt'SS and had j ust stepped o utside the San Fernando Valley police station when he saw 1 yellow Datsun pickup truck tum the corner with Loya at the wheel. The detective stepped into the '>tret't. cro uched and aimed his clasped hands at Loy• . who sto pped and thrc .... up hrs hands. Pursuing o fficers blockC'd any exit, and he wis arrested . NOTICE

The width of the count..Y o9k pantry adverti98d In today's .... circular Is incorreci. The correci width Is 21"; not 27 3/8".

The Sony Trinltron 13'' color TV edwrtlMd on pege 8 of today's Tairget Ale cirQMr may not be In at.ode. Thia ia due to the mMUfacturer·s lnabiltty to keep up with an un­precedented demand for thil mercMndlle. RMI checke ... ewil1ble.

We regrwt My lnconven6ence th6a may <*198.




Register Now! Attend class full or pan-time , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA days or eveninp. to earn your COLLEGE OF LA \V decree or certificate. S9S West Lamben ,Ro.ct Finattciol Anhtart~ A voilabl~. Brea, California 92621



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• •


. .

-·sm Palestinians killed bf Israelis as riots intensify

JER USALEM (AP) - Israeli troops shol and k1lk d six Arab protesters Saturday on the eve of U .S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz's visit to the Middle Ea'it. It was the highes t one-<ia) death toll in four mo~th~ of unrest in .the occupied tern tones.

The v1olcnce. coming at the begin­ning of the Jewish Passover holiday. was expected to mkr ~ us toll on Christian Easter celebratlolls as well .

Church officials ha' e said they expect a severe drop in pilgrims attending the traditional Easter Sun· da> Mass in Jerusalem hccause of the unrest.

cupied b)' Israel in the t967 Maddie East war.

The most violent clash Saturday took pla~ in the seaside Gau Strip. where the army- said a png of Palestinian protesters hurled kni ves and metal rods at trOOf'IS patroling a main street of Gaza Cit~ .

An army spokesman said the protesters tncd to seize the soldier's weap0ns. and tro<r,s o pcned'<fin to extricate themselves, killing three Arabs and woundlllg two.

One Israeli soldier 'iufTcred me­d1 um stab wounds and was ta.ken to nearbv Tel Huhomcr hospital. the spokesman said. He 'iaid another soldier was slightJy in1ured .

Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Aprll 3. 1988 A& ......

" Daring escape raises doubts about Philippines military


MANILA. Ph1hpp1nes ,_The danng pm on escape of the le~der of the August coup attempt raised ne~ doubts about m1htar) leadership under President Corazon Aquino's gove-rnmen t. T h.<' flight Saturda> of former Lt. Col Gregorio "Gnngo" Hona~n. with 14 prison guards from an eht<' navy '/ un it. camt' four da> s after the m1htar\ boasted of the arrest of )(\co topo. communtst rebels Hon:i\an. 39 St"n ed'as S«unl \ ch1et \I, hrn Ennlr. now an:, oppos1t1on leader. was minister of defense Stfort: da \l, n Saturda). Honasan~· ned the prison ship whrre ht' had been held since his captuft' in De<'ember. Th~ 14 offi~rs from the na' ~ 's special warfar<' un11 were supPQsed to be auard1nc him. but the' Oed "' llh him In what ma) tx ~Orst' for th<' m1htary's unqie,, spok~man Col Oscar Florendo acknowledgt'd the armed forces learned lasti week of a PQss1ble escapt" attempt and had doubled 1ht guard for~ on the ~ip.; The d1ngh1es had come wnh th<' inlreased secunt\ ; - . ' Iraq clalms thousands of Iranlans killed

ICOSIA. C} pru~ - Iraq said Saturday 11~ forces killed tho usands°' Iranian troops and 0' erran ba!>C\ of Iranian-backed Kurdish rebels 1n mounuunous nonhca~ll'm Iraq Iran ian warplanes bo;mbed an Iraq i gamson 1n the rt'glon Tt'hra n rat110 rePQrt<'d but I ran·~ new~ media had no 1mmed1atc comment on lh<' Iraqi ' 1ctof"\ d a1n Iran's Islam ic Republic News AgcnC)"

Thous.ands of Chnsuans usuall y attend the Mass at the I 2th-century Church of the Holy Sepulchre. where trad1t1o n sa>s Jesus Chnst was crucified and resurrected.

In Bethlehem. army helicopters buzzed a funeral procession for a slain Palestinian and ne\I, ewer the sue where Chris1tans bellr ve Jesus was born.

Troops in the biblical West Bank town of Bethlehem shot and killed a 23-year-old Arab dunnf a battle w11 h hundreds of protesters in the winding. cobblestoned str~ts of the town's main market.


llaaked Paleatlnlan bolch gun to bead of man •u•pected of collaborating with IHaell•.

. rC'PQrtcd that Iraq i torn·' \I.ere lneling tin' l\.urd1sh 1own ofSeY} ed Sadiq in Sula~ manl\ ah pro' inc and It'> 1nhab1tants \I.ere Sttktng refuge in nearby to"' ns Kurd1)h !lc.'Pdra ' st leadc:r Jalal Talabani confirmed there wa~ heavy fight ing dnd ~1d lr..iq '" as " \I.aging a genocide campaign again'>! o ur people through the dad~ u\t 1 001wn gas ..

Rebels step up attac.lcs l~ Angola lht•ir patrols came und(·r a11ac k thl' I hl' J rm, ' 'cr!.1on nl th<' clash 1n LI l:K>' Portug.i - ..\n$olan rebels killed 5', go,emment !>Old1ers and

shot do\!, n a C uoan -ptl • ·d helicopter in three allacks last "' t·el . th<' rebels said in a )l.lt<'ment 1 s~ul'J "lere _ aturda' Th<' "-at1onal l n1on for the Tot.al lndepcndenle 11r ..\ ngo' • 1>. h1ch 1\ tiih11 ng tht' communist government with L' · and Sou1h ..\ln~Jn "acl 1ng, said 11 li..1lled I .r\ngolan soldiers last unda) in Tota 1n thl' nonhl'rn ofTet'-gro" 1ng pro' 1nce oflunda The L'NIT .r\ rebels said the~ {·apt ured 3 '°>t •\ lt't·made .\ 1\.-4, automatic n0es and dcstrO)ed three trulls In anutRer allJl ~ the group ..aid 11 shot down the So'1e1-bu11t Ml-28 hl'liloptn 11. llh ng m ( uhan ere.,. clo!>(' to the !.Ou them tO\I. n of Menongue The slatement did not sa~ h"\I, man) ( ubans w<'re on board or g1H the date of the attad.

Troops also killed a protester in Bell L1q)a. in 1he Wes\ Rank 10 miles north of Jerusalem. and killed another 1n nearby Deir al Su~an when

arm~ SPQkc!lman said . (,J/J .. nn ll1l ll'd \I.Ith •epon s from Pale\l1 n1an reporter\ 1den11fie-d the l ' 111liual\ \I.ho <oa1c1the'1olcnc<'

dcada<,J1had .\ss1. 19frnm lk1t L1q~a t'll:~Jn v.hl·n lo;raehs in c1v1han and Ham1s ~1ahmud -\h ml'd. -l l. cluth 1ng·gu1 out oft..., o rar\ and tncd

Since Dec. 8. 133 Pakst1nians and one Israeli sold ier have been killed in tht' violence in the 1r m1oncs OC· from Ck1r .ii Sudan , tu arrest a Pak~1101an ~nuth

·contras seek to postpone start of peace talks· I 62 drug trafflcers hanged ln Malay-la

MA NAGUA. Nicaragua (AP) -Nicaraguan rebels on Saturday said the) would delay talks with the Sa nd inista go .. emment fo r one week. bu1 the government called on th<' Contras 10 stick to the ongmal timetable f<ft- d iscussi ng a lasting peace

The ht&h· levcl talks between del· eaations Trom the government and rebels, known asContra'i. were sched­uled to begin on WednC'~ay.

A rebel leader ind icated the Con­tras wan1ed more time for technical comm1ss1ons of both sides to ~ork out details of the fi ve · zones inside Nicaragua where rebel forces are to gatQ(r under the provi~1ons of a 60-day cease-fire accord.

Adolfo Calero . one of the top

Contra leaders. said in a telephone dar" of the accord interview from Miami that th-e rebel U .. ·backed rebel and leftist go\ . del~tion will not rr.C'Ct with tht' en ment k aders signed nn agreemcn1 Sandin1stas until April 12 March :?3 aimed at ending the morc

" We feel it's no1 ' 1olaung the 1han Sl-' ·)c:ar \!oar The Sand1n1\ tas accord ." Calero said nf the po~I · met the first pans of the plan b' poncment. freeing I 00 poliucal pn<.oners. hold°-

A government statement Saturda> mg technical talks on the cease-fi re signed b> Depu t) Foreign Minister and formall~ enacting the 6H-da~ Victor Hugo T inoco stres~d It was cease-fire on Fnd3 ) . ''extremely importan t" to compl y But the t\l. O da)'i ol technical talks with the cease-fire pact's timetable . among m t1 11a~ offit·er" from both and slick b) the .\pnl 6 meeti ng date. sides failed to net desired re'iult~ fo r

The statement said the go,ernment the Contras . .\ccord1ng to the ccase­cons1dered 11 "counterproductive to fi re agreement. the rcbel'i arc 10 mo' e postl)Onc the Apnl 6th high-level in to zones dunng the fir<;t 15 ~a' sot mec-11ng." April \l. h1le talk s go on l_or the

Tinoco said the Contras sho\l.ed "a dura11on of the 60-da~ cease-Im~ 1endenC) 10 S)stema11c lack of com· The t\l. O sides agreed •o IJ't' 1ont"s phancc \I, 1th the agrud-uPQn calen- but failed 10 spcClf' their (,Ill' ••r l' \J\ t

- I

UC Irvine regents approve creating 2 endowed chairs

The L' n1, ers1t~ of Cahfom 1a Board of Regents rccentl~ approvl·d 1wo nc\I, endo\l.ed cha irs proposed b~ l 'C'I. bnnging thl' campus touil to nine.

19 4, she has authored .. Human RC'sour('("S ~fanagrm<'nt Handbook: Contrmporaf) tratrg1<'s for '- ursc \1an­agers"

The .\m old and Mabel Beckman Cha ir 1n laser B1omc:d1c1nl' ha'I been e!>tahh hl'd "1th a gift ofS:'5U.UOO from thl' L'( I College of \ kd1nne Board ofT rustee The gift \l.3S matl·hcd Ii~ a$:'50.000donat1on Imm Dr .\ rnuld 0 8(•ckman. ioundl'f ol fk.dcman Instrument!>. and his \l.tfe, for "horn lhl· chair 1\ named.

In the Gradualc ' hool of Mana$Cml·nt. the Waller 8 . Gcrlen EndO\l. t'd Chair 1n Enterpnk· and Soc1e1~ has been estabhs.hcd in Gerken·s honor Wlth g1fls and pledges from fncnd~ and rolkague'> totalling nearl~ $450.000. The lead gift of S I 75.000 wnc; made b) Pac1ftc Mutua l of -..:e""port Beach. \I, hl·rc Gcrl l·n sen eJ a' chairman Jnd chief C\l..'CUtl\ c o ffi u:r for 11 ) cars befon.· rctmng in I 987

~arch comm111ces arl· being fomied 10 recruit top scholar~ 1n l'ach licld 10 fill the.- chairs. Each chair pro' 1dc~ fu nding for research and teal'hing ac11' 1t11:s. e llcluding the professor''> base sala~ . su pported b~ inrnme from a fund established b~ pm<llC gift~ lolalllng a minimum of S:?S0.000

Each chair ma' be filled b' one ind1v1dual tndelin1tel~ or b~ a scm·<. of 1nd1v1dual~ appoin ted for prcM"nbl·d pcnod~ of llml'

Head• atate nanlng group Ellen le\!. 1s. senior associate director of hospital and

clinics and d1rt.>c tor of nurs1 ng at the l T l ~vl<'d 1cal Center in Orange. has been named pres1den1-clcct of ihc Cali· fom1a Soc1el\ for Nur~ing Sen ice .\dm1 n1~tra tors .

\\'11h the appointment. Lr\!." " 111 become pn•s1dent OC\I Fehruar>

The 1.100-memocr state o rga n1za11o n work to promote nurse manag<' rs as equal partners of hospital managcntl'nl tram'I. dc,rlops public policies afl'ec11ng nurs­es and works to 1mprovr ----nursing practices. Lewis

Lewis. an Irvine resident, has a :?7-)ear carur in nursing. more than half of which was spent in !Tlanqement. Since arri ving at the UCI Medical Center in

he also hl'lped de, clop r ntena to ad,anu.· d1 n1ral nurst> specialists into senior tacult~ JX>'i1t1onc; \I. Ith l ( l's College- or Med1c1nc

Engineer joln• UCI faculty Dr . .\lfredo H· . .\ng. an interna1 1onall~ rcno\I, ned

prokssor of c1 ' 11 cnginttnng. has accep1C'd a foe ult~ pos1t1on in thr l 'CI School of Enginccnng cffec11' c Jul} I

.\ng come 10 L:Ct from the Cnl\erslt~ 01 lll1no1s. C'hampa1gn-l ' rhana. \I, here he has been a farult~ mt·mhcr since I 959. He is a member of th<' prest1g1ou'> ' at11)nal .\<;.adem ~ of Engineenng and a fello" of lhl· .\mc:nran Soc1et ~ of (1, ti Engineers. Dr. .\ng has rccc1 \(.·d numerous honor'> 1nclud1ng the .\ CE Walter L Huber Pme. the .\ C'E 1a1e--of-1he-Art '\\l. ard _and the. .\.SCE.­Frcudenthal \ fcdal

.\ng rece1' rd his donorate and masters' d~n~t· in structural enginecnng from lhc- L' ni ,er-<;1 1 ~ oflllin c, 1~ Hl· recel'cd his har hclor's degree in Cl\ ti engtnl'enng fw m the Mapua ln<.11tut{' of Technolog) 1n \ lani la lhl' Philippines.

UCI to get flnt cyclotron The ln ·1ne Health Foundation reccnth a" ard.:d :i

$515.000 grant 10 L'CI to be used for thl· ·pun:ha~ \) I

Orange Count}·~ first c~ clotron. a machine U\l'd 1 n advanced brain research and e·q >enmental 'itud1c .. \11

Alzheimer' s d1seaSt' and other disorders. Th<' foundation's grant to the College of Mcd1c1ne.

Depanment of Ps} ch1at~ ·s Brain Imaging Center. \I, 111 go toward the pun:ha~ of lhe SI 5 m1lhon. :?:'·ton dt'' ice. expected to be insU!ll<'d in mid-1989. said upenor Court Judge David Sills. fo undation board chairman

The C) clotron product' pan1cles nt'eded to operatt' a positron emission tomog:r:iph' (PET ) scannt'r. a de' ice which produces comput<'r-<'n.hanced images of a h' c brain. UCI own a PET scanner. but· currt'nt l} hips 1n cyclotron-produced partkh:s fro m L'C Da' 1s.

The cyclotron will tx housed 1n a spcc1all~ constructed ~ment vault \l. lthwalls more than one }ard 1hick in the Nelson Rescan:h Bu1ld1ng at the Collt"ge of Medicine.

<Nappij l?illtMaj to all our patients with April birthdays

from I

Dr. Les Starnes and Staff Genoa fvller .. .. .. .. .. • . '- 1 ,..... IDlmocedo . . . . . . . . • · 2 Undloy Schubert .. .. . . . . • · 8 )oteph Copenhower . . . . . . . 4- 9 Bonnie '°Po . .. .. . .. . . . . •· 10 Jmon ~ .... .. . ...... • ·10 Shotif Mohomed . . . . . . . . 4-10 ltochel ~ ...... ... • · 10 ""'tip Giwm. . . . . . . . . . . . • · 11 Sorah Hotc'her.. .. .. . .. . . 4-11 lrad letberiori .. • . .. • . .. 4-13 ...... lecktnan . . . . .. . . .. 4-13 .._. lobh, ...... . . · · •·1' .....,Ow~-·-···· 4-14'

Chrysio ~foraste .. '-15 Keith Mifler .......... .. . '-15 Nathan Tong ...... .. .... '-16 Jim Oui.tieen . . . . . . • . . . '-16 Mort6y Neben~ahl .....•• . 4-17 Timothy Nuanft. . . . . . . . . 4-1 I Michoel Yuhot . • • . . . . . . . . '-20 Tony Moctwco. . . . • • • . • . . 4-20 loiM Kontos . . . . . . . . . . . '-20 Samuel VMde .........• . '-21 John HoffMr .. •.. ,. . . . . . . 4-22 .... Joefver ....... ... .. •22 Joton ~. • • . . • . . • • . . • -23 lrondoft lfay . . . . • . . . . • . 4-23


Sarah,..,.. . . . . . •2• Abi90il Rosdlmonn ....... '-26 laura Stollinot . . . . ..... • ·26 ~"°Ve' ..... ...... •26 Robert ~ .. .... . • ·26 Ciftdy Girod • . . . . . . . . . •26 ,..,,..., Pool ... ... .. ... • ·27 Adam loftMr . . . • . . . •28 Summerty Ho~. . . . . . 4' 28 ~lido Porit., .. . • ·29 Shetty Orolle . .. ........ •29 l(.W, Hin .......... .. -· '-~ '°"" JohMOft . . • • • • • • . . •·29 Sortna ~. . • . • . • • . . . , _,, •

hl\.'1tmns :--.or did thr' \o\Ork out upc.·raung gu1dchncs '~h i.le the rc-txls rl·ma1ncd 1n the Lones

The: 5and 1n1sla~ repnnc:dl~ \I.ant tht· ( on1ras w la' do\!, n their arm s a mml' tht· rl'OCI). "3\ th'°' \I. Ill O<''Cr do · ·

( alcroalso l harged the and1n1SLa!> had ' 1ola tc:d the agreement b' no1 freeing the pn oners rhc' had re· quested ·

KL -\L..\ Ll'MPl R Mala:-s1a - .r\tx>ut one-third of th<' 185 dru"g trafficl ers '.>Cntenced t0 death 1h Mala)s1a since 19"~ have bet'n hanged. a Mala ~s1an offi cial said aturda~ ldns Ibrahim. who is dC'put~ prt"s1drnt oh Mala~ s1an anti-drug o~a niza11on . said 6:! people had been hanged and another I 09 \I. ere a.,. a1 tmg dC<'1'i10n!> on their dnth-sentenct' appeals. ldns did not comment on the status ,,fthe rema1ninf 1..i people on death ro.,. He did sa} . ho\l, e' er that ::?99.peopl(' \l. Cre ~n 1ng 1fc 1mpn M>nm.:n1 In 1975. \.1alays1a passed a la\!, under \I, h1ch con' 1cted drug traffickers rr-ce" ed a death ~ntencc or li fe 1mpnsonment In 1983 Parhamen1 amended th<' la\!, mandaung tht' death '>t'nl<'nce for tra tliclers On Jul\ " IQ 6. l\l. O .r\ ustrahans con' 1c1ed of heroin trafficking bccarne the fi~t "hi1es I ll be hanged in Mala' s1a

Costa Mesa 1988 Man & Woman of the Year Awards

rr..e c.-... · d IAesa CraMoer of CommefCe nv•tes yC>.Jr nc>r"'1na1!0'1S tor 5 • 388 ~.Aa r & •/'r:r·.ar -· :"'e "'ear A.wards , ' ~'a": r:; , ..,, .P' ee· ser •<:.€ 3"C eaoe<sn•C N''itf' '"e Corll""1.Jf'l~ )'

":- _a· '<;~"a '" as ..,...a ... , ".ar::x>< area ·esioen!s as f OU to.e el ceo' pa~ .., "'~S • _,, ·-~ "''d' -:: a .... ar: __ _,, ............ ___ --e !:'as" :-e"rc! ...,... ~~ se eetlOfl Qt •rie-M~ ~ .. vt i:'le ~~

• L ... n<; • s•::: . :,• CO<"""'lun1• f sen.-ice

• • ,.,,...e .... " severa j +<e•e"' ' aieas : • comrxin >- seN'ce • ~e- :er· :::• ·• e ".a·x· a·ea ·o- a ::ors 'Jefat>ie 'll.""'De' ::;· vea·s • ~ •t'"o:>:: ·'2'1:.::\:" zec eaoe•sn•( h · ' : ' ' , ••

• >'ie · l\ '1.w r 0) d ;iuoc 00 ... >CY 01 'le CO'Tlrnun1T). • .a· e!1 a nC "'le'I' :; ' vOIUntee< 'X)" :::.a C sef\-ICeS C()I''' Qv ec ' C ' 'it' : ;)r"XJr )

Ooease corrie>ete an<! suom11 your n()r"l1'\dhon5 cy 1 p m Fnoay Apn . : . 988 •o the Costa Mesa Cnarnoer of C-- ..,.er:e r c;.u1te ·35 ot Pac1fte Sa"'ngs Plaza at 190 Newport Blvd Costa "-Aesa CA 926~ -


- .... . ?e? •.1a" !. wrrria,... c· 'l'ie 'vea• A1'd''.JS l.urcieor • J.,'1e ·s·

Slf'ICe1 e·~ Pa r <: ia MaSOI" C !'\a "V. O!"a'

• • 3C qecep!•Of' • '.jX)r -....i"C.,eo"' $25 • Rec L'or ,, .. • Ccsta Mesa

•988 Ma" & w'.Of"lar ~· •ie •ea· : ..... ~ .... :·.,..,

Nomination • Costa Mesa 1988 Man & Woman of the Year PERSONAL DATA



MEMBERSHIPS Civic • Fraternal • SeMoe ... ~ ~TQ'; ~ :~ ·..:NS ,



. ~-\:


. ..


Respectfully SUbmitted By: ______ _._,-~~-------NOl1W\i10t I$ Name



• t


Widening of CanyOn Road, . South Laguan horising vote

To the Editor: Your editorial introduced me to a

i"lew political tenn - silh season. You wtre right the fir;t time. Jt is much too earlv in tht' 40th Con· gressional District ran· for such a term .

Most people know that m y concern about Laguna Canvon predates m :y dec1s1on to run forConiress b) a long shot. There is a connect ion however. Most o f the problems I care about solving cannot reall} ~ handled at the local le' el. We need a good representat1\e in Congress. Fo r e\­ample, the R eagan Ad min1strat1on ts silting on S6 btllton specificall} designated for the purchase of open space. The laguna \an}on Con­servanc} knows v. here to spend that mone) .

About the ca~~~}0Most of us v. ho ,___ .._.._, tagumr · '" Road-know ho v. man\ lives ha\t~ been lost and we drh e cauiiousl} . But we also knov. we are most vulnerable an the straaght­av.a)s. When Lara plants has white crosses. most a ppear bc.'tv.een the El Toro Road intersec tion and the 405 Freewa' . 'Hov.e\C:r. I did not assume that Big Bend v.as safe W hen the subJeCI of v.1denang Big Bend came before the council. mnn)· v.ho h\t~ lilong the road tesufied that the Caltrans plao v.ould create more safet~ problems than 11 would soh e. I asl>.ed the c11~ enginct'r to plot the location of the acciden t<; on the road. Tre resul ts v. ere graphic. an subse­"quc;nt analysis ofCHP "ta11st1cs bore them out.

Let's sec 1f we can get the numbers right this time. In an I I-year period fro m 1977-1988 there "ere 36 fatal­ities along the entire len!tth o f Laguna Canyon Road. from P\H to the 405 Frttwa)c. Three of tho~ occured at Big Bend. the s11e " f CalTrans· widening plan. One cc,11dus1on \Ou might reach is tha t Bag Bend IS safer l han straightcr. Wlder st!'t'tt'hes oft~ road. probaf>l) because pc-ople autO­maticall~ slov. dov. n It v..as thC'


Daily Pilat ~ .. ~ r ~ ,.= P-.-P .. a, iu , • ,;

J .- :. Sa, ~ · : '•P • ~. • -.> ~ ! A l 't . , up { r ; .... ,. r£ • ~ •

• i,.,r ( ~·o MP~ct C. .-.. • ~ •

simple presentation of facts like these that persuaded the Coastal Com· mission of the foll} of the Caltrans plan.

Now that the safety l)sue is. at the very least. open to question, Caltrans brings in new infonnation about liabilit) cases. The y say there are 33 ha bili t) cases regardint road design. We are nov. invest1gat1ng this issue. .\re those all in the Big Bend area? Is the state winning or losin3 those la"su11s? The Cit) of La~una Beach 1s sued e'er) )Car b) hundreds of people, and most of tho se cases are later dropped. When we have the tnformat1on. v. e can n ·aluate Bag lknd again.

Earl} o n an the game. I spoke to two traffic engineers rep,.onsible for Crov. n Valle' Parkv.a' . Mac.\n hur Boule\ard and Do\er' On\e. roads

m tl1l r- te t.ag\Jna {'"an ~n Roa<h-One­o f those engineers sa1c1 ... You don' t ha'e a problem w11h the road: vou ha' ca problem" tth tht" press.·· What v. e ha' e here 1s a classic example of a propaganda tech1n1que knov.n as the bag lie. W hen )OU repc-at something o'er and OH~r. 11 becomes percei ved as true.

The question then lx'Comes. wh ) a rc Caltrans and Supervisor Riley so concern~·d about Big Bcn'tl? The real ansv. cr 1s ··capaci t) :· I suspect that housing and commencal develop­ment planned for La~na Canyon Road are con11ngen1 upon increasing the capac1t) o f traffic Onw. especial!~ once the \Oters pass the Sensible Grov. th ln111at1ve. Thr pressure on Supervisor Rile). who probably has had to depend o n devt"loper do llars. must be enormous.

Perhaps }Our editors will see every­thing I do through the prism of m ) run for Congress in the 40th. That is }Our prcrogat1\ e. It v.nn 't keep me from being full) involved in m y wo rk as a member of the Laguna Beach Cit) Council. _

On one thing we agree: It is too earl) fo r a .. s1 II) seasnn" - and I

Don f tl9ey 'l l j I

T1111 C1-N•• £ J '" Cr-c Shttt

;>tA.1 1\ [J I •

llobfrt Cllltret

Tom Tiit

Cd llost Advtrhs.ng ()11ec to1

''"··· • o1u1lltd [)1ecto• Guy ftrr•• .

l".>0~ • on 0111'< to•

: 1,~laf10n 0.rector Cryslll Arill-aad

BuS1rim Ottice ~nactr

might add . a ··sill) season" editorial. LIDA LENNEY

Laguna Beac h Cjt) Council member

- • • • T o the Editor:

I had always regarded State Senator Bergeson and Supervi ~r Riley as fncndsoflaguna Beach . Their recent sta nd against Laguna Beach's wishes on v.1dening Laguna Canyon Road has dispelled this illusion. As the old sa)tng goes ... With friends like them. v. ho needs enemies?''

To the Editor:

WJ . PLUMLEY Laguna Beach

• • • · In South . Laguna . as an most California beach towns. there are man~ mmi-cuhurn hvmg close togther. The) have livt'd here com· pa tumJQutJtrs. Now a.special aspccL of this area. and the peorle who live in it . has formed the b:lSis for two strongl> antagonistic groups. This aspect as that a large number of extra II' mg units exist in the area and the) arc filled with people.

Une of these antagonist cultures contends that the extra units are illegal. that the>. should he eliminated as soon as possible and that the peo ple in them be sent awa) .

The other culture contends that the Cit) should legalize thr<ie un its. one v.a ~ or another. so that these people ran sta~ in the area.

Elements such as rarking, city habil1t\ . fire access. hnw and when the UrlllS o riginated, C'tC. arc side issues because thev are otherwise sol, able. This whoie thing resolves do v. o to a single question: Shall we get rad of these people. or not?

The Laguna Heach City Council wall be deciding this fundamental ques11on on April 5. regardless of whate"cr -else is discu~std irt-ihdr findings.

Poet Wtlham Blake ( 1757- 1827) wTote ··A dog starved at his master's gate. Predicts the ruin of the State:·· Blake is saying that when a master' s conscience no longer urges him to respect his dog. the whole society is in decay. With this. it Sttms important that a statement be mack by the council in respect for diversity tn the catizenry of the Laguna area. Other· wise we will be mark in, the start of a shde by this society into oppressive mediocrity.

THOMAS E. HANES South Laguna

WIJ~t ls your favorite Easter memory?

VldlrtaV..onllle 1111111& .,..

.. When I was youneer. we Ud this picnic ac r...pna Nipel -S my best fncnd wu~theft. We .a dreutd up and ate 1 lot nd Md tbispat Easter-em hunL h .. I rally old-W.ioeell ~.•

Miiie EetJ ....... Clnls

.. My t.voritc memory is of my brother Ind I colorilll tlP and one year when we tlnw tbt dyt 1Jt over the lau~ room ...

.... ,_. GI II 1•1r 0.. .... ·~ ... Easacr.qa_ ....

•IDi•toct.maewtY~ of my lifr ... it j• ........ be !...er ifl dida"1 IO to ct.rda.."'

"Perll•~tonllrlll-~ldoUJrot.vlbtheprtsm°'my run for In the40th. That la your PNZ.iwe. n won't keep me from bellW Wly Involved In my1'0t'k ua mem ottheLagunaBeach CltyCouncll."


lei -···~ett:r~·--

i: lUH Q \ F 0 R u M -1 ... illlilm

Jetcol11mn, (logso~ the beach, boatmrdrawreaders'barbs · To the Editor: To the Editor:

I resent Greg KJerk, 's immature Crujser and future crWsers read and flippant handlina of a serious this and beware. issue for all Newport ~ch residents. This is a story of bureaucracy that of the titlinc traffic over N~- ' opcratin1 --al" its usual level of in­port Beach. He included one sentence competence. And blatant disrqard indicatina that he was aware of the for the rights of the individual.

• concern of Newport &-ach residents In February of I 98S I sailed out of of jet noise. however, he ignored two Newport Beach aboard the .. Con other.m ore important is"aes, safety of Todo" oo a cruise that was to last the people on the pound and air scvcra) years. possibly forever. But pollution. He obviously was not in fate decreed otherwiS('. and I was the area when airpla~ parts rained forcedtoreturninthemiddleofl987. on houses below the fli~t patterns. The ··con Todo'" was put on a and.apparently was oblivious to the pcnnanent'mooring in La eaz. BC'S. tragedin- in other cities such as Mexico and offered for sale. And. lo Cerritos. Having an airport in your and behold. When tht- new buyer back yard is not always a blessing. checked with the Oranp:e County tax

He said th.at Che rt"Sidents who a~r to obtain clear t itle. he was backed the an11-no1se ~uircments told that there were three years would change their minds if they personal propert) tu (plus penalties) experienced a takeoff such as he did. due. Does he think that the pople who live Alton Cannon, chief of the Marine near the noise pattern sit in their Ojvision for Orange County, inter· houses and never Oy to other places? prets the state tax law to read that a Most of the people have taken those boat cruisinaanywhcre in the world is same flights. trading the discomfort in transit and must pay tax to Orange of the Otght for the convenience of County. Even if ~ou cruise for 10 having it a \'ailable. We. as Mr. years and the boat 1s your permanent

erki. have the option of going to home. Alton Cannon claims the right ng Beach. LAX. Ontario or even to assess personal propt"rty taxes.

Burbank. if we arc too terrifcd by the This is not the proper_ inter· takeoffs. If more people chose to go pretation of the law. I consider this elsewhere to Oy, Newport Beach position arbitrary. unrt'asonable and mi&ht survive Playa del Rey's fate. absolutely without logic.

We also have the c hoice of moving When I left Oranp:e County. I elsewhere. which most o f us do not severed all ties with the state. No bank wan,to do. When most of the homes account. no mailini address, no affected by the dangers of the airport residence or ownership of any kind. were built and bought. John Wayne The tax assessor has a letter on file Airport was Orange County Airpqrt that the boat was permanently leav­and had no jets. &-cause of its ing the country. By what convoluted location and the siu of the the logic can Alton Cannon claim me or runwa)s. it could have l'lttn assumed the boat as part of the Orange County to have remained a sleepy s~I tax base? airport. As a wa~ of improvina his Our taAcs are used to support perspective. I would sugest that MrA schools. roads. fin. stations. police. Klerkx try talking on the phone whefl etc. If you arc not using. and don't a jet goes up and over almost any intend to use the services. what are house in Dover Shores o r the Bluffs or )OU being taxed for'? Thi\ idiotic tha t he assume the ta~k of keeping attempt to m isuse the law is a prime patio fumitu.re free of the greasy example . of the bureaucratic residue from jet smoke. He mipu philosophy.· 1f he owns a boaL he can change his mind about the anti-noise. afford it ... tax ham. anti-pollution agn-cments.

MARGARET H PETERSON • • ;l'h~-Beactr T o the Editor: •

ALEX HARDY Newport Beach

Throuah frustration and m) 11 year-old grandson. I wri te. ThC' issue 1s the dog on the beach <atuauon .

I am carina form) thrtt vandson' Yorkshire terrier. I walk him tv.tet- a day and carry my pl:lsllc bag and paper towels. One da) I wt'nt to the ocean at the proper time - beforr q a .m . I received a ticket hc<'ause l haJ dropped the dog's leash to pick up the dog droppings. The )Oung v.oman came up in a jeep. I thnught sht> h~d stopped · to wish me a beautnul morning. Then she said she had 10 give me a <; itation.

I took the ticket \O the courthou~r before 8:30 in the morn ing. Outs1dl' I had to stand in a long line. tht-n ~a~ told the fine would be S76. I wasgoang to set' the j udge anywa~ B) the time I had the j udge laugh at me becau~ I ~ot caught. it was noon. He asked me 1fl was guilty. I said I had d roppc-d the leash to pick up the dog pile The judge acted like he wa" doing me a fa vor when he reduced the fine to S 19

In my walking and tallung to other dog owners. I talked to Ltt (65 ~ears old plus). She said shr got a ticket when she dropped her dog's leash to tie her shoe.

Just this week I talked to a man that had been on the beach v.1th his big dog in the surf - without a leash. He was surprised to hear what had happened to me. He didn' t know they were serious. He go t a warning. •

I'm going to see an anorney and find out if m y grandson,.· dog. who as never off a leash and is never left a lone. could be considered restrained by command. He comes and he sits. This d~ is too valuable to run loose.

I su&iested to the officer that she could make he r quota for the da) one· half hour after she goes off dut) . The bag dogs are all out. but then again. they don't have a li ttle o ld lad) a long.

I suggest the )Oung people on the dog patrol be put to ..ome use in juvenile work to earn their pa~ because whate"er the~ are supposed to bedomg. at does not work. The doe. droppings on the be:tch arc: di\· vacefuJ. ----M""'R¥-M:-BeeLH


Hart vs. Ferguson furor To the Editor. •

For the past two wC'e ks. it seems hardl~ a day has passed that the Pilot hasn' t rcpeatedl) playec1 up. in glo.w­ing and often fro nt p.'\ge accounts. E'el~n Han's dcc1s1on to run against Assembh man Gil Ferttuson in the Re publican pnmaf) . -

Nov.. the fact that Han would do so JUSI when Republicans arc about to close in on the Democrats' majority is certaanl} big news in this con· scrva11ve. h ighly Republican District. especial!) since Fergu"<>n is a key leader working to d isplace the Demo­crats before the next reapportion­ment.

The amount and espc"·ially the type of treatment the Pilot i" giv1~ Hart. however. sugests her candidacy has become a fixation for your cdjton and your reporters.

Whether or not your staff will be able to ' ote for or contribute money to her doestl ' t really matter. as you have already lavishC<1 on her a fonunc in free advenisina which. gi ven her lackluster S<'rvi~ on the Newport Beach City Council. she hardl) deserves.

Some of us will be waiting to sec if the Palofs " in-kind contributions" to her campaign will be dulv reported on her disclosure forms to comply with the fair political practkes law, which y_Qu regard as sacrosanct and insist on for everyone e lse.

~--- . ............... ''" ... .. , I I I t•lller IOiill tO ,_. v- .... my ...... wt .,,1 ............ . lllOIOlva,lkl. ..

I trust you will also send your bill. for services rcndettd. to the Re-­publican Party state anct local, for all the sage advice and counsel you have deltvered on your~- i.e .. how to remain the minority pany forthe nellt decade .

To the Editor:

DON DU BOSE BaJboa Island

Much has already been said with respect to Evelyn Hart's couraaeous decision to challenge incumbent Gil Fersuson in the 70th Assembly Dis­trict. A peat deal more needs to be said. ho~ver. and I'd like to do so by applaudirlg Evelyn for giving us an opportunity to vote for hctter govern­ment in Sacramento.

J llappen to be one of1bil larac bod)' of pcopk who think it's absolutely appropriate to look to our elected ofllclals for leadership and effective representation . We subscribe to the preposterous notion that those who live up to these standards ckscrve our continued support; those who fai l to do so. reprdless of their party affiliation. unequivocally do not. Indeed. it is the essence of our democracy that each of us has the f'isht to dtno1e between offerin~ such support or withholdiq it. For Gil Ferguson or anyone else to abropte this ri&ht - evm in the cause of such a wonhy effort as Project 90 - is both a qd commen·

Jw Pllilll:rllli Au 7 7 o.. ....

· 1 acwaaber Ill the .-a E11Ur"fll hats, I llilf do IMm."

tary on their vision offrt·cdom and an · affront to the intelligence of the electorate.

But before the furor c;u1Tou nd1ng this political battle g1 .. es thr 1m­~1on of impt"nd1ng open warfar(' mt~ Republican camp I submit that perhaps not all is lost. There ma' be a way to avoid the .. problems" created by thechalle nge Mrs. H11n poses .\nd the beauty is that 11'~ man1feo;11\ simple. a .. win-win" solution fo·r e veryone, and completC'I ) wnhin Assemblyman Fe rguson's pov.er to implement. All he h:ts to do is withdraw from the pnma~ (precasel) the option he and others ha' e apparently urged Mrs. Hart to ex­ploie}!-'Ihiutatcsman-1~~-aet b. the incumbent "S~lTlblyman would enable the Republican Pany to aven the financial pro01gan he en"1s1ons in t~ event of a contested Re­publican primary. a nd it would fret him to focus h is cons1dC'rable energies on Project 90 - a n issut he has seemingly accorded a higher pnority than the effective representation of his Orange County con!'tituents. Best ofa.11. it wouldgivethe rnidentsofthe 10th Assembly D1stnct a dedicated public SCTVant who fC'presents the best in Republican le:\dersh1p and ideals.

DICK ALLEN Newport Beach

........... ._ ........ 7 ., ..... -o.t-1-- ......

-----~·--..,.-&11• _.. o.._alkt 1t. It ----·---­~- .... -....., ....

TU'l'llAlf-811AaaL Tamara Micbdle T~tman of Cor­

ona ckl Mar and Theodore Ltt Shankel of Loma Linda. who will paduak in Way from Loma Linda lJnivenity. School of Medicine att plannina to marry Mny 30 u ' the Sherman Foundation Gardens. Cor­ona de! Mar.

The bride-e&ect is th<' dau&hter of Mr. and MR. Thomas R. Testman of Corona del Mar. She is a graduate of Pacific Union Collcae.

Her fiancc. son of Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Shankel of Loma Linda, is a gradu~te of Walla Walla College in Washington.

LURSWA Y-PRENCH A Sept. 3 wedding in the First

United Methodist Church in Colo­rado Springs Is plann<'ii by Hunt­ington Beach residen ts Nancy Lunsway and John French.

Their parents are Sam and Vera Lunsway of Colorado Springs. Mildred French of Huntington Beach and Ro~rt French of !'4ewpon Beach.

The bride-elect 1s a graduate of Mitchell High School in Colorado Spnngs and Colorado C\tate Univer-sit) . '

Her fiance 1s a grad uate of Hunt· ington Beach High School and Cal State Long Beach.

DA VIS-BALOONI Mr. and Mrs. Wilham K. Da vis of

Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their dnughter. Erin Kathleen Davis. to Rudolph Joseph Baldoni. son of Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Baldoni of Newport Becich.

They are planning to marry on June 11 in Our Lady Que\•n of Angels Church. Newport, Beach

The brjde-to-be 1s a g.raduate of Newport Harbor High School and UCLA. Her fiance 1s an alumnus of Corona del Mar High S<'hool and the Uni versity of Southern Californ ia.

80011-SDllNSKI Mr. and Mrs. F. ·Anton) Boom of

Corona del Mar have announced the engagement of their dnughter. Hen­nette Alexandl"JI Boom. to Dr. James Thomas Siminski of Charlottesv11le. Va.

· The bride-to-be is a graduate of New Canaan High School in Con· necticut and the Unt \'rrsit) of V1r· ginia. Charlottesvi lle. ·

Her fa.ance. son of Mr. and Mrs. ChesterSimmsk1 ofMrrrillv11le. Ind .. is a graduate of Andrean High School in Merrill v11le and Indiana Univer­sity.

They are planning a May 28 +---~w~~·1=ng~1 - nreummunrty Church

Congregational. Coronci del Mar.

BAKER-BREN Thais Baker. a ninth generation

Califomtan and direct descendant of Santa Barbara founder;. and Steven Bren ofNewport Beach are planning a' summer wedding. which will follow a long tradition of marrying in the historical Santa Barbara Mission.

The future bridegroom is president of Newport Auto Center. and for the past few years has been racing many types of formula cars. He is the son of Donald Bren. chairman of the lrvtne Co.. and Diane Bren a Newport Beach resident.

His fiance is the daughter of Bayeux Baker ofMont« 1to and 4iandra Baker of Montecito and Mal ihu. An eques­trian and Jumper. she was a fashion model in Europe and now is an interior designer in Newport Beach.

The engaged· couple attended Crossroads Preparato~ School. ~he graduated from MaD mount .High -Sciloo'-and UCl::A:1111d-he-S1udied a ~cppcrdine Univcrsil)-

CARL-llASSARO Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carl of

Corona del Mar have announced the engagement of their daughter. Michelle Suzanne Carl. to Charles Michael Massaro of Linderhurst. N.Y.

They will ~married May 28 In the Newpbrt C~nter Unitt'd Methodist Church in Corona del Mar.

The couple att graduates of Cal State Fullerton. The bride-elect is also a Corona dcl Mar High School alumna.

Robert E. Schmitz, •. o~ 11'1C.

_ announces the certification to offer the


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For more Information, can (714) 886-7681

AU for llUJ SoUe1

--­,· 111 • .

Tamara Tatman and flance Theodore Sbaakel

John Frencb and hla fiancee· Nancy Lunsway ·

Julie M. Albri&ht of Newport Beach bcca_me the bride of M ichacl B. Hesscn of M1am1 during a ceremony on March 13 in ~aeon Ray. Newpon Beach. A reception followed in the bride's home.

She is the dau&htcr of Jackie Albri&ht and Allan Albri&ht. The' bride wore an art deco ~tyk gown of lace over silk, which was adorned with seed pearls. sequins and bugle beads. Her shoulder and tea lcnath veil has held by a headpiece of silk flowers with pearl and head trim.

Her attendants were Candace La Pierre and Susan Leone

Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hessen ofM1ami and he was attended by Ro'-E.rt Rahun and Brad Albright.

The newlyweds ar~ living in Miami. where both arc employed. The bride is a graduatr of Newpon Harbor High School and Orange Coast College and attended Cal State

- Fullerton. •

llEATBER-CUNLIFPlt Dr. and Mrs. Loren Heather of

Newpon Beach announced the mar­riage of their son. John Fden Heather. to Ellen Gra) Cunliffe on March 19 in San Francisco.

The bnde 1s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R Cunliffe of Hpuston. Texas. She received her undergraduate degree from the Uni­versity of Wisconsin anrl is a mem~r of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.

The bridegroom graduated from the Uni versity ofColorndo and was a member of Phi Delta Theta. Both received their M.B.A ·s from the American Graduate School of Inter-

. national Management 1n Glendale. Anz

The newlyweds plan tu pursue their careers in Japan.

llr. and lln. Beeeen


Manin B. Greenbaum and Jodi Cadenhead. both of Nrwpon Beach. were married March I 3 in an Or­thodox Jewish ceremorn under the tradiuonal canop\ 1n the garden court of the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. Rabbi Mendel Duch man of C'habad of In inc Jrw1sh Center conducted the ceremon' .

Separate receptions nn the terrace for men and "'omen Jlreceded the marriage. which was followed b) a kosher dtnner and trad iuonal separ­ate men and women's circle dancing.

The couple are at home in NewP<>rt Beach. She is ed1tor_of Newpon 71 4 and he is with in the Nr wpon Beach la..,. firm of Greenbaum and Feren tz.

- lltlllLHAUSiR-HETZLltR Linda Hetzlerof Hunungton Beach

and Siegfried Muhlh:iuser. Costa Mesa. exchan~~d wedc1tng vows on

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, April 3, 1988

lln. Jobn Heathe r

. Jan. 16 in the Springs \ount~ Club. Rancho Mirage. where a r«ept1on fo r 150 guests followed.

. The bride. daughter of James and Barbara Hetzler of Huntington Beach. "'ore an 1\ 0r') satin go"' n. fashioned w11h long slee\ es. a lo"' l;>ack and straight sl.. 1n w11h a chapel t rain.

Her attendants ""ere Oawn Dogga . Tami Schnurr. Caroh n Dos.sa. \ '1l l..1 MuehlhauS1:n and Kl:lh Goml'L

Her husband 1~ the snn. of V. 1lham and Gisela Muhlhausd· A.1tend1ng him "' ere Pett"r Muhlhauser Peter Hardash. John Hetzler Enc Lampel and Jeff Whitaker

.\ ~ter a heli<..0pteHk11ng hone~­moon tn Bnttsh ( olurP b1a. !'he ne""-1} weds are at home 1n Costa.:#tesa. The bnde 1s emplo~ 1·d b~ I n 1ne · Unified School D1s1 ri.:-t and her husband is with Eckman Steel


llr. and lln. llablbamer




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SUNDA¥, Niil 3, 1988

B,YIDADEAN Of the Dailv NQt Stoff

Al lhot_gitters in the closet is not

necesscriy mom's fancyevt11i' ~·· . !ittleplsoregoilg for ........ too. ''It started last year on ~b the

yQ11g1t girts and now it shines on the cressy dolhes," soys Kitty lellie, fmhion coordinator for fmhion Island llares. ,,~~ ofteswMtoloc* .. big

sist• and they ore mili cf'*'ltheW .,., fancy bal gowns," odds t•.

The "Easter Parade" b'8 ~ set should be one Of the llCJlt lp(lrkling in years. . "~ore oddingiutons, bows

and rhinestones lie never before," soys Vdaee Wr:M., inanager al Kiere, o girts and j&nors shop in falhion Wand. Metalc

, ~ llmhon SOM ~and sequins ~onolhen. .

Fobris ore 9hining in the spring and sumnw fOshion liniup for the )40U9W .

female set. ''T offelo cresses are poph . for East• along with chintz," soys Yw.tte Hatch, mmaoger of the Red 8aloon in FOlhion Island. Other trends she noted

· were puffed.._, hand s.nOcking and Ewopean styles in longer~ And, just lie aoas; the yoqer girts go for the · tdJble cresses.

"We c~ infants to women cresses. . .I have the SOM cress fOr the mother and the ~.,'' odds~Hat=ch~ .. :!..-..------, · s.n.cobsarevbaM-hot shadesolpK, ytlow, ~, 8*tric blleand Pie we-. floral pritts are

. significant b the school set. The flowers ore brilhilg on al styles and lhe trend is expected to com. ii the tal. _ Chti-eo' s orCMscries for the total k>ok_

are impomnt -~ sondcis, hcJi.. decoralOlsond fwt.fied "gift• ~ch­es" for cress-up, and ulglasses and SU1

v;son for play. "littte boys know what they like and it's

comfort,'' soys Claudette Al>ert, llCJI09lr and buyer tor For .. Chti-en,-ar.c;.

By JUDY CHAMBERLAIN Doily Not Restcuant Critic


faDooJDdllore. The~iqsare ~tow foworitedesigns. ''wt.the finds a style he likes, it's IDd to get hill to change. One .:w IOld •her IOI has 0

favorite pair of 9horts. She walled to find the some kind because she was washing thenl Mry day."

i.tkethe_big~. the~onescn

- -

dlOOSing baggy pants_aodpants with pleats. "The roled cuff is 'in I at this hnee and the finished cuff is 'out' , ,, says Al>en.

"Thi layered look is very good now f9f the boys," she added. "~here it's ~·because they con odd a shirt for extra wamth or take off a shirt wt. it gets womt '' The st«e is aimbining printtirl

shirts foi~edJool ond:Shirts OV«

sweat tops. Shirts get their shore of color-ooe

solicfcolored sports style is brq,tened with different colored buttons and button haes. "l ittte be¥. love red," Aben soys, "and color is important this season with denin pants showiJg"' in the br9't shades.

lost~, Sptichol, the chef consultant Accord1"9 to a spoieswomoo for the with the rest of the chefs thol brings lhem to f°' the Regency Club in\ Vest Los Angeles, Newport Harbor M Museum, Splichol, come to C:Xonge Cwity fcx what hos wowed the opproximot<:ly 250 culinary who acts as food coordinator for the~, become, for a neophyte eYent, on devotees at the first 11 Ar of Dining'.' witfl a lets the other chefs choose the courses they ~showcase fcx the international deceptively simple but devastatingly good wen to prepare. "They al get fint choice COITlnU\ity of food.

.Playing up.to the Easter &nny 1ri dressy stY/es ore atalie Cieri, 5, doughier of Donna and Doc Clarf of Corona def Mor, weor1rg a hand­smoded cotron French f Jsh1on from ied BollOOfl; Monique V/ong, 12, daughter of Susan and E :Jwa1d Wong ol f\/ewportBeoch mar ~I-over. toHera, gold-accented c•ess from

, K 1ere; ond Beth Godbe1 8 0, daughter of Mary and i ·=* Godber of Newport Beach, outfitted in K1ere 's Spanish-mode Chiqv~G;sMe detailed with sequins. David Do , 5, son of NeP and &ioo Dohn of Coronc_del Mar, toles a more cosucl view of Easter dressing with the 1ayer"ed looJ. of Basic Elements seporc es from Foreve'r Children. PhotogrOphy by lee Payne.

Srripes are also hot 10< the young men, said Abert, refemng ro one shirt with different cgk>red-- stn~ gomg in three d~edions. .

W05hob~ity 1s one !actor mothers 'of young children ore int£: ested in. "Now they .con ltnd cotton double breasted blazers and pants in the 'roditionot dress-up

"The blazers are unlrned. eosy to wash, but they do hove to be iror.~d."

The kids getting the best grode$.in fashion at school in ttie lol will be the ones in plaids - dame plaids, bright plaids and plaids in pastels. ·

The oloids, according to Warkr, ore i~eted in a YOriety-Of ways - 'Oii ~ · prints, overprinted with cabbage rose, trims and in o wild mix of plo~ds.

. . .

Scotties will be the most popular dogs in town tflis hiJ. They show up on all types of sporty outfits. 8'oci and white hoondstootfl fnoturollyl, tartan aod almost any plaid muc wel~ifhthe_Scottie.dog theme · _ _ _ _,

.. "The Art of Dining I" was such o success

that the Newport Harbor Art~ did it again lost weekend; and O!K' again Joochd Splichol stole the show.

"Thot littte den,'' said 0 "foocie.,, \\lost year it~ the salllon in phylo. h 1oundecho ordinary. And now he's done it -again with the Mnips. ,,

~salmon in phvlo postry. This yea at ''The ondhewab hisrec~ar<Mdwhat!:;) AloinOucosse Rew in from the Hotel de Artof Dining II," he stopped the show at ~elsewonts:" soid Kathy Bryant, Paris in MonteCOOC>. from Biarritz ccne Four Seasons Hotel in Newport 8eoch with who added, "I <b' t know how he Potimrie Maftdion' s Ancre Mandia\, who

The chefs who port1opared m " The Art of Dmmg JI 'weie, bod fOI\ leh to right Jimmy 'Schmidt, Joachim Splichof Gerhard Mich/er, Jeon-{o,11s PolJodin and A/om Ducasse; front row, /eh ':J right Michel Pteton, Michel i 1chord, Aide Mood1on and Christophe CitossNi. M1ssm9 fr""1 the ·p1roto rs Esther Carpenter. Photc1!1ophy by Koth1 K.etit i1ley

.. .

sorwething he called "mini turnipntuffed- • up with these Things." arri* juSt il lime to whip up an mialte with wild mustrooms ond pooley sauce." h's Sprdd' s 1or9tanding friend\~ ll'leose see 'AIT'/ BJJ


llarrlett 0... -ted at tea table with Eleaadr Gall•P­(left) and Slalrl~ Geldert.

..... _.. •• 'C! ... Jw Coaaell watcla ~Ion parade.

~ Jolm aad IAnae Preltu renew .oft.

. ~

Leonard of Paris designs modele<lfQrNHAM Council Sponswcar with matching print

•nis shoes. cocktail a tt ire a nd a Widal 1own were in the fashion tiMup for the 75 guests anending the champagne tea a t s..tra Beisel'• Big Canyon home.

Scvent)•-two Leona rd of Paris spring fashio ns were m odeled at the annual event sponsored by the New­pon Harbor An Museum 's Council.

Whe n not fashio n watching. guests were visi ting the attractively ap­pointed table set with t<'a . coffee and punch services a nd a nd centered w1th a spring floral a rrangement by mem , ber Nora ~mu. The food created by council mem bers was gett ing raves. especially Giaay Sbw's petit fours.

Harriett Ga1e was chairwoman for the pan) . .\ssastang were Jae O.Ovaa. Eleuor GaJlaper, Jeyce GalftUlle, s.irley Ge141ert and Ju

Seymoer. Honored guests wcrl' AM 8-ar,

Alu Browa, Gwea c.mas, Ju Husea, Mary ales, Nacy ~ JMJQ Loqyear, Barbara Ma .... ElaiDe Matiilews, Carol Moere, Au Puce, LorralM Robiasoa, Saua Seifert, AU Siena, Renee West and Loeise William.

• • • A heany lunch of barbec ued

chicken, co rnbread and ice cream bars was served to the 400 people a t the annual benefi t held hy the T roja n League of Orange County. The event was staged on the l ' SC campu!i: beginning wit h a pro~ram in Bing Auditorium with Jollul MeKay, Crail Ferti1, director of women's athletics Barbara He.tie• and quanerback RodH)' Peea.e as speakers. a nd con­u nuaog to a big tent for the lunch.

T he theme for the da) was ·· 100

Nataral atraw abloom with roea.

Hats are back on top The bag-brimmed hat has made a

btJ. comeback an both romantic a nd tailored -styles. --

Designer Frank Oli 'e sees the flowered bat as an Ed":irdaan confec­tion. \I.1th a deep cro" n and upturned bn m oradlang a group 0f pink roses at one side.

His flowered crea11011'> "ere among the new spring St>lt'' he showed during a recent v1s1t to Neiman­Marcus.. fashion Island

.. I believe the hat to be the quintessence of d ress. It as the most personal statement of a woman's wa rdrobe. A hat create" the m ood of the m oment a nd allows for a vast arra~ of atti tudes: · said Oli ve .

.. The an of wea ring a hat can \ransform a woman from JU St a no ther i tt racti ve face in a crowd -into an

·Cxcating personaht> ~•th a sense of ~rama:·









...... FUNNY CAIOS - FOf all occOllonl.. bl""°°V. OM"'9'90f'f. llfftOI. !owfl6 .......

Ml8UI' GAG. CMTS - N..o IOfNfft'"9 hYIMtout tot tf'«lt apeclat fnencl, ' ........ btftfldar•. hc>lldoya. °' ;utt '°' "'" w. ho¥9 ,,,. 10r99*f •••ctton .,,...... (§'--..

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Founi86o Vlley, CA 12708

c1 1~) nS-ase


Years A Million Cheers.')withGluer Oduer as chairwoman for th~ celebration. Ochsner c:ippcd off the afternoon by prescntin~ "-Orr, the assistant d irector of athletics, with a S 15.000 check from the OC group.

Seen in the crowd were Hyla Bertea, Allee and J• Davis, Bever­ly and Paal Sala&a, Danlle Dalap, Betty Shemore, DouW and aut.ara Ward, Lyu Mapr, Au Marie Broderick, Krista Halett. Geer1e Oe~saer, Darylls DePaele, Dodie Sadatiiro a nd Dottle Del.-cll.

• • • Lorene and Jolla Freitas reaf-

'ft rmcd their marriage vows ata recent celebration marking the 50th an­niversary of thei r · wedd ing. which took place in Santa Ana. About 85 fnends a nd fam ily members wit­nessed the · rite performed by Pastor John Duncan of Lake flsi nore at the

Huntington Beach ho1T1e of dauahter and son-in-law c&rleH and Larry lleuedy.

As they were 50 year; qo. NMiM and a.a.tes GierUM were attend­ants for the Freita~. Nephew Jim Newkirk of Laguna Beach toasted the celebrants.

Daughter Jou Pase and her hus­band Darrell Pqe were at the party· with th~ir sons Jeff, Ttts and Tnnr alona with the Kenned~-s· sons. Job and lteny.

The golden anniversary couple now make their home at Lake Elsino re. · • • •

More than 360 Kappa Deltas and their guests a ttended a fash ion lunch­eon a t the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel to raise fund" for ProJe-<:t Sham rock. a ch ild abu~ prevention program supported by the sororitv.

Buffums ~ provi.d ed fa s h ions modeled by members. Juice Hut was chairwoman, and ltarea Law ... was m istress of ceremonies .. . . . -

A th~tloral extravaganza will be held A{>fil 15. I 6 and 17 by Libros Y Artes m the courtyard of the library in San Juan Capistrano. All manner of plantings and installa­tions. including a sumptuous orchid pavilion. will delight gardeners and flower aficion.idos.

The upcom ing event "The Flower as An : a Scnson Realm" was the topic of d iscussion Monday as Nlae­tta and Gavia Herbert hosted a luncheon at Casa Pacifica .

G uests talked a bout lectures being held in conj unction with the extrava­ganza. Nuey Goslee Power, a land­scape designe r who is Los Angeles edi to r o f Hou~ Beautiful. will spea k

on " The Intimate Garden" : Oonst Cllff Flllkersoa wall reproduce an 18th century flo ral arrangement in the lavish style o f flemas~ Ooral painters; and Sybil Coanolly wall fl ~ 1n from Dublin to ta l~ about ln sh gardens. .

On the final day. the gardens at the Herbert home (once Nl'rnn's Western White Ho use) wi ll he open for touring. Those purchasing tickets ($50 each) will be adm itted through bus transponat1on rrov1ded b' Libros Y Anes.

Aue C.1ie d iscussed the pan~ plaQned on the eve of the extra' a· ganza. Music. champagne and food will be served among the flowers an the counyard. T ickets are $60.

Further details on schedu ling. prices and reservation~ !llrlf\'3ltabk b} calling 496-2 132.

Dangers of wearing sunglas$es at nigbt . RecentJy Style published a picture

of some cute sunglasses - j ust the acccssor) to wear at nipht to the next dance o r part) .

Dr. Bernard-Simon <;ends us some informa tion sa} ing sunglasses are not sampl) a fashion acces.,.ory.

"The~ should never he worn in any restricted light condi110ns. ,including nighttime or indoors.'' <;a id the Costa Mesa optometrist.

· " Wearing sun&lasses at night won' t harm your eyes. but they restrict ¥our ability to see a nd are espcclally da ngerous if you a rc d riving."

Shades a rc meant to protect the e yes against the sun's ultraviolet rays. infi::arcd rays a nd glare. to add com fo n duri n~ sun ny-c1ay activ ities.

Howe' er. Simon sa) c; at is im pon ­ant to know that not :ill sunglasses offer a ppropriate protertion fro m the s un. and some may even impede good. clear vasaon.

If you need new sunglasses .. either with a correcti ve prescription or the piano (no co rrective power). the best

¥111 DEii

lens color. he says. is @ray. The nellt best is green. The two colors he recommends least interfett with color preception.

The len~ should be perfectly matched in color. " Look for f.lasses tha t have solid co lor lenses. · The ones featuring fadeawar colo rs -dark at the top and fading a way to nothing at the bottom - let too much light in at t he bottom. Simon said.

If you need a p~scription . of course. you arc going to a doctor. Simon also notes that ~ doctor of optometry can help you select the righ t kind of non-prescription sunglas.ses as well as offer current

fashions. However. if you J re a do-11-

yoursclfer. read on for more ofh is taps before you go grabbing a pair off a rack.

for proper protection: I. Check out the tag or frame - 1t

should say that the~~ will screen out ultraviolet and infrared rays.

2. Make sure the lenses are ground and polished to be entirely .free of disfonion and imperfection. A simple test is to hold the glasses a t arm's length and look at a straight line (such as the comer .of the room) and ro tate them. lfthe lane'" d istoned it's no t a good lens.

3. Look for lenses made of shatter­resistant material.

4. Select a frame that fits. Eyelashes should not brush again"t the lenses.

5. Get glasses large e nough to pro \ ide ample protect ion. The tem­ple width should be less than one-half inch if any pan of the temple piece exte nds below the horizontal center of the lens. O thel"" ise it could

interfere with lateral 'l\1un. c\­pecaa lly when drh 1ng.

Simon .sa)s persons wearing rnn­tact lenses a re often more St'ns11t' l. ltl the sun and should makl' sure thl'' arl' wearing a good piano.

• In another column \\Ith mah ·up

pointers by George M;m ers. I \\rote that a good ma tt(" C}r shado" ~ a\ ha rd to find . A letter comt·i; fro m makeup a·n ast Richard ~te' en\ sa~ 1ng that he . like Masters. U"C" onh maue shadows. and he onh sells mane ($7.50 each). He has -n o!) . cobJlt blue. b lack. rose. gra)bbro~n . smoke y amethyst. khaki and On(•

- ca lled Burgundy Night ~k~ . ~<"Y can be m ai l-ordered from has Bt·, erh Hills salon. (213) 854-0 ~3 ·

.. , think m ost makeup anists arr goi ng to the matte shadows no" and they should be easier 10 find an the future.'' he says . .. Sometimes I "'ll add a little sparkle around thee~e . hut it is a separate product from th <" shadow ."

'Jungle Fever' and Oscar night parties upcoming In' auntons iSSttcd by the Sound of

Music Chapter for its April 30 "J ungle Fever" event are in black. gold a nd salver with a touch of leopard-print velvet and a pro mise of an C).citing evening a hC"ad .

The Orange County Performing Ans Cente r benefit is being held at the Newpon Beach Marrio tt Hotel. but pre~ident Bal'Mra Glabmu says $Uests will be .. transported" into. a Jungle and even mert "Dr. Liv­ingston''. African danren will per­form during the 7 p.m . cocktail hour and after the d inner.

Mary Ra)'moad is chairwoman for the event and Suri Euylu. 760-8665. will take reservations ($ 125 each). The pany is black tic o r BT a nd pith helmet.

• • • For the eighth time. the National

Association of Caterin1 Executives will ho ld its " Evening with Oscar" dinner on Academy Awards niaht. April 11 . To accommooate the grow­ing crowd. the event is moving to the Anaheim Marrio tt Hntel. A silent auction will be held a nd the presen­tation of awards in Hollvwood will be

STAMP SALE New 25¢ Stamps

ONLY 2°'--

shown on large screens T op auction prizes include an '89 Honda-J>relude. tickets to Madrid and a baker's doze n d ine--0ut packet.

Tickets arc $50 car h and reser­vations can be madt' with Sally Sal•aaa. 750-8000. Ext. 5230. Proceeds goes to NACF s foundaj ion. which contributes to universit ies to futher education in the catering profession.

• • • • Reservations arc bei"- taken at

26 1-2680 for the April I 5 • Woman of the Year" awards luncheon being


The Fircfoxes. th~ good-lookina Orange County firemen ~ho appear in the annual firemen's calendar, will model at the 11 a .m . Saturday fashion show presented by the OC Unit of the American Cancer Society at the Irvine Hilton and Towr rs in Irvine.

Actress , and . model Shelley Hill Grant will attend as special aunt and speak on her cxperiencc- with cancer.

Diana Edmunds is ~irwo~n of the beMfit and Bonnie Jaros is her co­chair.Numm>us prizes will be awarded and a silent auction will be condutled. •

Tickets are $40 per ·person. The IOcicty office, 7 5 I -OM l. will take raervations. '

OLD WOllLD M>MN«:a AA.OAT aoun.t bn8retJ w/c~ & roses. lltVINE COAST CHAITEIS 615~704


This Space Can Be Yours - For Information Call

Aboard Luxury Yacht. M HfVkes arranged. llVINE COAST CHAlfrEltS 675~704

. ...,, 642-~321 .

held by Ora nge Count' M agaL1ne at the lm ne- Hilton and 1'owers. l r>r1 ne. Five women will be honored for thc11" community sen•1cc. Proceeds from the luncheo n wall be 1hstnbu1ed to OC chari ties.

Pinky's Ham burger Grill in the Markctplatt. across from UCI. "111 host its first community chant> night from 7 to 9 p.m. Monda y as a benefit for the Newpon Theatre '\rts Center. A percent.age of thee' enang·!> rere1pts will go to the center. Scrnng on the committee for the rrnter arc Rae Cella, Mary Slack, Patti-Gue Sampsoa ud MieMel f brlsllaasen.

A diSh for every ta-ste at 'TheArtofDining II' By VIDA DEAN °' ... ..., .........

"Each o~e of you j ust consumed 1,400 calorics," chef/d inner coordi­nator JM~Jm S,Hcul said at the close of .. The Art of Dinina II "

Eigh t world-class chefs had prepared th~ e1$ht<ourse dinner, each. presenting his or her particular spec1ah)'.

It was no place for ca lorie counters. and the 430 d iners roared with lau&hter at Splichars rc-port.

"Hc' s joktng, .. commented Geor1e Arpro1. " There wert> more than 1.400 ca lories 1n that dinner: :.

" I think he mean t that many ca lorics in the last dessert. "said Sudra Reigel. 'Tm a dessert person and I ate evef) bite of the chocolate."

T here seemed to be :t dish to suit C\ er. 1ndt \ 1dua l fa nc' at the New­port · Harbor An MuSt'um black-lie benefit last weekend a t Four Seasons Hotel. An appropriate wine accom­panied each dish. Sa1c1 wi ne expert Mlc~acl Mercado, " We have had SJ0.000 worth of "ine donated tonight and e"erybod~ has to drink the tr share.")

" The turbot (a creation by Alaia Duca11e of Hotel de Paris. Monte

Carlo) was very Jood and I don' t even like fisn ," said J .. y Hemley.

"The cranberry sauce on the pheasant mousse was areat." Wial Voe1elia said of the first course by Michel Picton of Four ~asons. " We have a copy of the recipe." Each auest also received a souvenir dining apron to wear while tryina out the recipes.

Roast duck prepared by Jimmy Sc~ml4t of the Rattlesnake Club. Denver. · was Pam Gehlltel•'• favorite, while husband Sam. chair· man of the event. likr d everythina. He had Sttn samples of the dishes prior to the thrtt· hou r dinner. and and thou&ht Splichars mini turnips filled wit6 mushroom puree looked very intefesting. Stated with the Goldsteins were longtime fnends arid former Studio Cit y ne1ahbors Jame and write r Earl Hamner (of T V's "The Wallons" and "F:ikon Crest"). " We came to the dinner last year. so 1t didn't take any arm tw1-;ung to get us 10 come this )Car ... said Hamner.

The delicious turnips turned out to be o ne of florist Xavier'• fa vorites. along with the chocolate 1n chicory sauce in a honeybee nest by chef AMre Mu4• of Biarritz. France. Xavier's d inner partner. Liada

'ART OF DINING 11' ••• From Bl chocolate dessert. Jimmy Schmidt ~cued 1n from The Raulesnake Oub in Denver: partner Michael McCarty was on the guest hst with his wife but was a no-sho"' .

G erhard M1chler fro m San Fran­cisco. Jean-Louis Palladin of Jean· Louis 1n the Watergate Hotel tn Washington D.C.) and ~1chel Rich· ard from Los ~ngeles' Ci trus rounded out the hst of star chef-; who Joined Spltchal and Fo ur Seasons' own Michel Picton 1n the kitchen of the Newpon Beach Hotel.

An}one who had dared to venture beh ind the dining room doors ~uld ha ve come upon a scenl.' to nv~,.any

· Marx Bro thers movie

ready for a feast. With everything scn \.•d separately

in small courses. thl.' menu had something for everyone. Fonner Four Seasons executiv<' chef Esther Carpenttr teamed up with new chef Picton to tum out a first course of wild pheasant mousse which had somehow been dubbed "quenelles' '.

Actually these little morsels. n1ctl> turned out of barquette pans. more closely resembled mini-mounds of pheasant pate: the) were served wtth toast points and a sweet. dribbl). wonderful cranbef'T) sa uce made 1n saucier heaven.

Sc~ee4er. admitted to being a chocaholtc. too. (Xavit-r donated all of the more than 50 varieties of flowers. and he and Schroeder created 45 centerpieces, each of them d 1f· ferent.)

"The museum 1s very lucky. My job was to get the food donated and most of II was eithe r donated or we were able to get It at cost.'' said comm111ee member . usan Pon er .. Four seasom ga' e us lots of cooper­ation and "'ere' c~ help(ul.. It seems that l' \e been on the r hone for t\.\O months. I missed last 'ear's d inner and "'as reall) looking fnr.Aard to this one:· she said .

"The sccn.~ t to i:atine. at a dinner ltke th IS IS tO cat SOmt• Of everything but no t all of each d1c.h ." said Au Stern. seated"' 11h an1~ t Majie Mesa. " Wolf IS 1n thl' ho~ptt .1 1 JUSt like he "' a') last 'car "'hen "'e had th1s d1nner. and he 1s 1n fo rthe \Cl)~ t htng (a disc problem). I can't helteve 1t."

" I tasted e' t.T\ cour,e." said Lois CUDoD Aldrin, ~h1le husband Buu com mented that he "'a' comi ng down w11h a mid and rnuldn' t taste an)· thing.

" I especially liked the Santa (Pleue Me NHAll/84)

Brenda and food annoancer Bob Carrie.

Telephone ezpert Saaan Porter with bu•band Frank Ca put.

Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, April 3. 1988 llS


..................... Jane and Earl Bamoer (center) attended d.lnlq aped•• wttla Pam aD41 a.m Goldateln.

Committee members Lllllan Fluor, Cheryl I!eraon and Gl~rla Schick.


The If\ 1ne Branch of the American .\)M>C1a11on of L' m verstt) Women "' 111 feature pm ate and public an colle<t1ons on u s tour fro m I to 5:30 pm .\pril 10

"The an to ur 1s a once-in-a-hfet1 me opponunll) .- said bra nch pres1drnt Elisabeth Dungan ··sm~ t"'o of the stops ar~ pn' a te homC"". some of the an ~111 ne,er be a'atlable for public ' le"1ngaga1n ..

The cost 1s S 11 per person. Exact addresses and a map oft he tour route art' pnnted on ucket.; Tickets are a' a1lable at the In 1ne Fine i\rts (l·nter 4601 Walnut. Irvine. on tho da' llf 1he e' cnt o r 1n advance at (iraph1cs Wc'>t Galle~ rn the Market­plac~ T 1moth' John~on:s C ustom F.raming at -Hi:-l Barranca Parkwa}: \ 111.lgc (1alk0 l-l37l• Culver: or by l J ll1ng ( Jrolee \\ orle' .., 6-8585

An occasional c1garl.'tle. a bit of wine, some serious clowning around and the 1mmed1atc camaraderie of assorted relaxed . confident cooking ~tyles _kept the chefs go ing between 1nterv~ews with the press and o ther annoying interruption~ The a ir w~s thick with shared respe<'t and admira· ti on.

Next came Michel Richard's egg· plant and bell pepper tr rrine. " It fell apart this morning." gri nne'1 Rich· ard .. " I almost died. But I fixed 1t:· Asked to elaborate on his fixing process. he declined to explatn. then Joked " I put it 1n the freezer:· · 'T "e made that temne hundreds of

times in m > restaurant ." said the C itrus chef. "and it's never failed before - but. fo r a"' hile there. I thought I "as going to have to SCf\ e temne salad."

Delly "-' ,.._., ·-·-...,

Someofthegreatchefaat"TbeArtofDlnlng II' llld around ln the kitchen. • • •

( oastlinc B' na1 ff nth \\ omen will ml'Ct a1.., JO pm .\pnl 12 at the Great \\ es\ern ~' tn~ C ummuntt~ Room. \\ alnut and JefTrt-~ Road. lf'' tne. \ k mber'>htp 1nformatton an be obtained from 5Q--l4"' ~ or ... 6-1 ~04. The kitchen over at the Pacific

Mutual building had been a~ propriated for the da} but nobody seemed to want to :ibandon the surprisingly uncramped quarters at the Four Seasons. And somehow. everyt~ing was read}' to be served by " post time."

The capacit) crowd of 430 was


This offering. consomme of red and green cabbage prepa red by Jean· Louis Palladio. realh did ha'e q ue nelles (appropnat~ly poached pike. o r wh itefish). alMg with 140 poundsofSa nta Barbara shnmp. " l~s the fi rst time rm making It. •

confided Pa lladtn. ··v eah." .sho t back Richard . ··ifs the first time 'ou're

·making 11 "' 1thout fro1en shrimp ... The consommc was superb.

Fillet of turbot. .\lain Ducasse·s contribution. featured ~'20 pounds of turbot which didn' t srem tO ha\C suffered a t all from Jct lag in the fl t&ht from Holland. The pre<.entauon (ea­turcd a coarse tomato coulis '-'llh a fresh . ast ute inteJtn,l\ .

CLOTI-IING FOR A LIFES'IYLE. M F.a: r Comfonablc Sc)ic ~ uw., nus b What Harold' 1 All ·


·• ,,r:e • ;- . _., JC:''~ ti.. " "" I ' ~ .... _.. • • .

1"- --~-'.. .~ ~ --------



Thro u&hout the da} nnd e 'en1ng.. the chei~; persohaht1es emerged Pallad1n the msugator Richard the candid. outspoken clo"'n. phchal the ham t"d papa. pla~ ine leader to ht !> flock of" 1ll1ng henchmen.

Wine no~cd ltke \.\ 3ler \.\ Ith each cou~ Not C' ef' bod' l1 lu•d a ll of 11. and t"' o in pa rt1 ular.drt'"' c n11c1sm from man ~ . 1nclud1ng 'nme eptthets not pri ntable her~· 8ut "llh S30.000

of the stufT donated ~ho could complain"

Dessen "'as a mat ..elou plum coni~t1on "'tth hghth poached plums and a gentle plum " trle ~rbet 1n a cnsp cornet. th<' creauon of Gerhard Mtchlcr and a • ifkedh 5\.\.eet <bordering on sluui~h l c:hoc·. olatl.'·filled tu1lle 1opred "'Ith an ro1t>k. \Uga~ llttk 'iurT'hk Noe madt h~ .\ ndrc~nd1on

• • • The n Clemente Chnsttan

\\ uman's Club wlll mttt a \ 9:30 1..m Thursda' at "' allo" "5 Cove m San Clemente Kath' \\ 1shne' . 492· 7366. has tunher 1n(ormat1nn" about the m·~ group

For Profes~ional Secretaries Day, do something special_ for the people who help organize you and run your o ice. Put their pictures· on a special page that will give them public recognition for all they do. Just supply us a picture, your secretary's name and your company ~ame-we'll do the rest. Yes! H's that easy.

• Cost: 54000 WHICH WE WILL BILL • Deadline: Monday, April 18th • Publish: Friday, April 22

(714) 642-5678

• .. .

Ot ... ~ OM.Y N.OT/ Sundmy. April 3. 1111

. IUIAll BENBJl'.IT ••• ..... ..,_. 1bnn1P CW•!GJiite diet Jn ' 1111 Pn%t'I offtri.,. .. com­mented ... N1l11n, who_. llill flehti . Ill from her Ausaralian tnp. ~ I was tbett I vililed the winery and am_pled one oft.he wines we bad IODiahL '

After a welcome IO 1be .. foodies" from maeum director K..t. C-,, board praideat Bepe BemleJ and chairman Golds&ein. a.. c.rle in­tn>duced each course and pvc beck­pound oa tbe chef pttparina it . .. rm called a food announct'f, .. said Cur­rie, an attorney who beloncs to a lot of gourmet societies. - .1 do some cook-

~ but have been known IO bum thaap, .. be said. ''My wife Brenda does the eounnet cooki"I-..

'1lais dinntr made s100.ooo:· Qoldsirin said ... It cost $40.000 IO put on ... it's a pricey even1. and without the help of Men:ado and Four Seasons it would never have hap. pened .. .it would have cost S8S.OOO."

Goldstein said the museum wiU ~ive $60.000 in proceeds.

-or course we are ~oini to have 'The Art of OiJiina Ill., We are on a roll,·· the chAiinlan added.

So were a lot of others. Sptichal said I .~ rolls were ca1en.

Works of toP playwrights staged Three of America's ~ dra­

matic suns - E.dwanl <\lbtt. Anhur Miller and William lngr - will be rolled out this werk. alona with Enaland's answer to Neil Simon -Alan Ayckbourn-as four new staat productions lift 1heir curtains..

day matinefl at l p.m. April I 0 and 17. Call S&2~S6 for ticket infor­mation.

•ffow tbe Oda Half Loves" al tht Harlequin will featutt ly,ian Phillip Seibel. Ann Walker. Rnn Kuhlman. Kate Zcntall and Mic'hdc 8uftOne undd the direction of~ How-ard. .

3 and S:JU. Sundays a1 l and 8 P m. until April 17.

6__... .~

• .,... I a ...... .._- at UK"

~'J)Ort Theater Arts Center. 2SOI Cliff Drive. Newport Beach (631-0288). Thursda)S through Sal­urdays at 8 p.m .. Sunda}-S at 2:30 (afta today) until April 24 . .A Albtt's "Seatcape" is the new

produc1ion of the Altemative Reper­tory Theater in Santn AM. while Miller's '11lle Prke" makes its county ercmiere a t 1he Gem Theater. lngr's

1'r:i~=i~~~~==~~=j~jiiri~======~~ 'Ceme Baek, Uttle Slleba" takes up j brief residence a t Saddkback College

under the dirt'Ction of JC'f'Ome Guard­ino. Performances are ICheduJed Wcdnndar through Saturdays at 8 p.m. unti May 1 with Sunday staaings April 10 and May I at l p.m .. ;\pril 17 and 24 at 7:30. Rnervations 636-72 13.

The Ayckbourn comedy will play nightl)' ex~ Mondavs at varyina curtain times throu&b May IS at the Harlequin, 3SOl S. tlartU Blvd .• just north of Cos1.1 Mesa. Re9ervatJons a~ taken at 979-SSI I.

........ AfnW •• •irOala Weell!" at the Gankn G ro'-e Com­munity Theater. St. Mark Stred al Chapman A venue. G:udcn Grove {897-S 122). Fridays and Saturdays at i p.m. throush April 23 wath a matinee next Sunda)' ar 2:30.


CftlbJries ago it WU forel.old there will be 5e\lef1 signs.

The 5e'\ellb sign will be a WOIIWl.

Her hope is all we hJve left.



MICHAEL BUlf.\ n1}l1C8 ~'

~ •• ~ .. . • a:11•1JLSm&111

QllTAmlA • fUU111T91 •IAMlllA •- -UA-1 uA:...- ~ 1-I 1'ltC 1-S.... allC -.... _ ~ B'teoll ··.(633 ~ "'"' a-...o..... ..

139036 El,,_ ·~ llotlOI •IA..... 13· .n<CI '••1~""0 ..-mi -­<IA-

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Ill.Olli II.UIS "°u1 THI SIClll'f Of

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~---­.............. oooe.a••• ,,,.,., .... D.O .A. •

Tux laws ~ changed this year. And tax forms are different. So it's-smarter than

ever to file now and file accurately. If you need help, call or visit )UUC local 1RS office ASAP.

And make your taxes Jess taxing.

Make~truces~ taxing DethemASAP.

and Ayckbourn's .. Bow die Odler Half Loves" 1s tht new offering a1 the Harlequin• Dinner Playhouse. all opening Frida) night. • Patnc1a Terry. arusuc director of ART. 1s staging ··Sease-ape." wi1.h a cast composed of Thom Weiler. Karlene 'on Szclisk1. A.my Larson and And) G . Pan . The shov. will pla) six to eight weeks at thl' theater. 1636 N. Grand A , .e .. with curtain al 8 p.m. Thursda)s through Saturdays and 7 p.m. Sundays. ReserYationsare taken a1 836-7929.

··The Pnce:· v. ill spotlight Daniel B~an Canmell. Bn-t Conwa) . Thomas Murph) and SheUey Pone~

By LANNY LARSON McCWdi1 .... ...,,..

There doubtless are m1lho ns of Americans who'"e ;llread) had enough of the Vietnam War because

· of the past year"s blnz of movies and 1cle\ is1on shows dra matizing the subject.

It's too bad. lx-cau>e HBO airs toda) perhaps the most imponant and one of the bl'sr mo"ies about the v. ar. ··Dear America: l etters Home from Vietnam:·

Based o n th<.> book of the same name. the film 1s a r hronol<>Jical documentaf) of th~ war made nvet· ing b~ "ell-read excerpts from leuers of U.S. sen icemen and women in Vie tnam to their lo' ed ones.

The letters. read off<amera by a stream of big-name ac-tors. att elo­quent bl'~ond their si mple words and deepl) moving. The humanity makes you v.ant to laugh. CT)' and scream.

Here's a sampling of the letters: ··1 am unhurt and h:we not been

touched. but v.1th au the death and destruction r, e seen in the past week

Aora Burke and Thomas Klein star an "Come Back. Little Sheba" on the main stage of Saddlcback's McK.in­ne) Theater. with H. Wynn Pea~ d irecting. Others in the cast a~ Michael Paul Lawton. Chet VII) Fossen. Greg' Rosentrctcr, Mark Mvlraie. Shelby Phillil>'\. Sandra Or­chin. Jimmy Cusick. John Morpn Ford . Roben Ballard and Glen P<.>1erson.

Cunam times arc 8 p.m. Frida>. Saturda) and April 14-1 6. with Sun-

Only one local ~ product.ion completes iu run this week with final performances of .. A_. 0.. _. i.e.-" on the main Stair of South Coast Repertory. 6SS Town Cnner Drive. Cosla Mesa (957-4033). Fiul pnf°onnanccs are today at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. and Tuesday through Thursday at 8 p.m.

Still holding fonh throughout the rounty a~:

• .. V Ir V OalJ" on the Second St.agt of South C0as1 Rcpcnory. 6SS Town Center Dr ive . Costa Mes.a (957-4033). playing Tuesdays through Fridays at 8:30. Saturdays at

r, e aged grcatl). I feel like an old man 18 or 19 ye.ars old like myself. is killed nov. . r "c seen enough of war and in act ion ... Stt ya if it's God's will. I destruction. I'm scared by it. but not ha"e to make it out of Victnam scared enough to quit. I'm a Marine though because I'm luckv. I hope. Ha­and I hope someday to he a good one. . ha. Love. Ra) ... Pvt. Ray Griffiths Please pray for us all here at Khe wrote this to his sister. heforc be was Sanh. Your son and Marine. Kevin." killed in action July 4. 1966. He was

.... "I am unhurt and have not been touched. but with all the death and destruction I've seen ln the past •eek I've aged greatly. I feel JUre an old man no•. l•ve seen enough ol•ar and destruction. I'm scared by It. but not scared enough to qult . ..

•'"'Ille P..a.utkb" at the South­ampton Dinner Theater. 140 A\'C. Pico. San Clcrmnte (498-7S76). Wednesdays and ThuNiays at 8; IS. Fridays aod Saturda)'S at 8:4S. Sun­dayut I:)() and 7: 30 throu&h May 8

• .. La Cace au Fella" at IM Grand Dinner Theater 7 Frccdrruan Way. Anaheim (772-n 1.0). negbtl) uccpt Mondays at varymg curt.am. aimcs ahrough Jul) 17. •

• .. ear..wt" at Elizabeth How­anfs Curtain Call DinRCf" Thca1~r. 690 El Camino Real. Tustin (838-1 S40>. night!) excep1 Mo ndays at va~mgcunam 1imcs through Ma) 8.

holida) gm:ung to has mother. sent b) ..\rmy Sgt. Ra) Wahl

·-r,c ne,cr seen such bra'el') and guts before. and rm stunned b) it You shoulda seen m) mm fight. The) were gomgafter v. oundt'd men no one else v.ouk1 go after. You shoulda sttn m\ bra' e men. lfd g1 ,e )OU &OOSt pimples." <\rm) ht Lt. Jim S1mmen v.TOlc this to his brothc-r after v.-atch· ing a man lose his 11.'g.

.. Platoon:· ··Hamburger H111:· ·· full Metal Jacket:· ··Good Mom· mg. Vietnam" and .. Tnur of Out)·· arc dramau c rcprcsent:111ons of rcah­l) .

··Dear :\menca." though. cont.ams the v.ords of that fnend neighbor or

---------------------------- -rclau'e v.ho "'enl o tT10 warm the

Cpl. Keyin Macaulay wrote 1h1s to his parl.'nts,dunng the s1cgf' a t Khc Sanh in 1968.

··1 tell you truthful!) I doubt if rll come ou1 of this ali ve. In my original squad. rm the only one left alive. In m) platoon. there' s only 13 of us. Seems every day another young guy.

19. .··rm spending Chnstmas Eve tn

good or bunker 110. I've got guard duty again. I always wondered what ii must be like 10 be at war and far awa) from home on Christmas. Now I know. I caQ imagine how Pop felt during World War II ... This was the

pnme of hfe and returned marked or IJlUlllatrd - or not at all.

Among the aclors v.ho read letters arc Bnan Denneh' . Rohm Williams. Kathleen Turner. Hant'' Keitel. Elizabeth McGo,em. Judd • elson. Michael J . Fo:\. Tom &rcngcr. Manin Sheen and Rand) Quaid

Cootrolhng your blOOCI pressure cari reduce your ~ Of tleart d•~ase


~tteartA Altoeialon,,

•CL TOM> ....... ~ •ITMTO.. =""" ~c......~ =~ ... r- 1..:.m:::-aiiil ,..., ___ ,..~_ ,


'Milagro= Irs wonderful Don't miss itr' - Sftwm '°"" rox NFTWOIUC

. '

''Whal an inaedible astr beautifully direded. ·

~gro'. wonderful

I •. -w•

I loved this filmr -)1111~


T ~H E


, .. ) r

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- •cmT•-.... -~ ----•n..9!0 ., .... ~ ecmTA-1111_..... -----~ ,., .. ,.. _,.. ~ ...-........ ,....._o... ........ .,..... ... ...

IWWWWWWWeuoteu-.. -a..c.. ..... , .... 1114'11 ID-tl11 ..... ~------- - ... Qm ..... , • -m1 eu- ._..., .. ....... -~llllllt .. .- ...., .

·:;~- j,:u..=.j I.! •• I w .. 1c111m1 .... -... u ••


"11IUMM UP! •• .-A Wf OF MUGllS!' ---·-··-"WONDmUL..BOJJ WJGHS!" ...... -•""5


--­..... o..-. .... . -----..ca.... ..... - . - - - -

--- • ... I .J

• .


·-Of.nge Coeat DAILY PILOT/Sundey, April 3. 1988 -~-__,,.

Ocean's 'GetOuttaMyDreams'getsintoNo. J ., ... ,. .. ..,._.. (~l

0. "'SelN KllW • ~-.., .._., CMCAI M "'Tiie 0.0. .. 1M 9ev"' MkNlll .......


•s.-o.c. "°""' ... eou.. -- .C»\41 (~l 16_•?111k ea.llK'' MMel4 C.. CEMI· ~)

17 ·~ Y- '--'' T~O.,... (#tltel ,. .. ,,.._ ~ G I ... You l»" •o .. iew

ClltCAI 1

1t." ON S. Ult" ~ s.t'._._,, ICot­_.,..., JI ··~ FOii YOU"' C.Wla E•..._,, ~ ~ SOuftcl MKHne CEllk l

TOP U"'S I " 'OWfv DMafw' Souftolr9dl" ClltC AI··

llWMum (Mont "*' ' mill1oft """' ...._, 1 ''Falltl'' <>-• MidlMI (Coiumlll91· •

PWinum l-....... ModlMI ~ tE.Cl·· .... ttflUm • "'t(idl" ltll l(S lA...,..ic: )--~ S ·~· TillMv IMCAl-...._ilut'I '-"Mare 'DirTv o.ndlll' ~·· tlltCAI 1 ·""°"' en11 left" llt-1 ..._ ce-enie1 • ·-s-~· O.wid LR •°"' rww-er°' , ' · H~111·· o.t ~·o CN'efOl'll··

~ le.' 'Owl .. llW ...... o.ele ~ (A-.eicJ·

·~ ll " 'GeM ...,...., ~ --- ....

I A&M>· -0.. ,..,.. ._ --..- ...._, 11 ' ~ ... D911rYC:'ltr'' G4.a & ....

(~)--0. 11" .... TIW ._ ... Ace~ .. T9"111Ce

T .... o·~· T..,..... T,.... o·.,..., (c.t· umoie)

U!'TIW '--•~ Jlallme" JefWI c...,. Mm•IC.WN (Merc:Yry) ....... ~

1.S..,.W..c• You ,._., S.+ I ..... , •lea ,......., ( ltCA )- -Gold

1'."IC~ c--· Ki.oont c- r....,. oor>

17.' ...... U. Y- Vlo.o" AC· OC IA*"'°C I " ' "T....... .. ~.. .,~ Slw\llateMI

IC_,,...., • • ,...._ ""~ 1t L.nl Few_.. K-. s-1

IV"'-tail-11 ) --Gold • • .......,.,,... ........, ~ ( # .... )-

..... """"' COWfftY~I 1 " F_,. ~' Worell ol • Fool" C.-..

S"-'t I.NI( A I 1 ··1 w- 0.- Wlltl Yo.I'' EOdle llt.-m

l lltCAI

1 "1, ,.._. .. C... a.at" I( T o.111 llltCAI '-" ""' """. ~ ..,... . ...... Cr .... ~ ·-c.- cc.,,,.., s ·~ ... TrueL-'' TN~ (WW-9ral

• " Crv. Crv. Crv" H..,_ • ., ltl IW.,._ 9rOl l

1 " SW81W91'' ANlll" Hell¥ 0 "'"" IMT¥1 I ' 'Tiie 1..tiJ llt-1" T GlllMfT'I .,.._

IC-'loll ' " II'• °"'"' Meae ........ ltOMle MC,eo.....

CC"'1>1 'IO "I'm~ Gel You" ECJO¥ • • - l llCA) II " L- Wll Flftcl Ill Wev 10 You" ....

McE.mlre CMCAl 11 " Evw""'°°"' ' S ....... o'1' ' Vince Gil

llltCAI 1.l." Yeuiw C-lrV" ' Hat1'< #~ Jr

IW.r,.· Cur1tl ' 14 .. ._..., I'm y_..• s..._. Wei- IMCA l IS .. ~ .. Moe ~v CC"'1>1 14 " If Ole ...,,._ COU6CI °"'" See V• Mow"

#eVIOlll ~ IMCA ) •

...... , t .''I Gel Weill" ...._ C.. li ... (MCA) lO ' "T ..... hOt IO llW .....,..-· S..... W'--d

( ltleftd) 11.''F..._ F_,." CO-.. IWdlMI (CAI·

umDie) lt.''Gel Oulte Mv ~. G9I lfllO M't Cer"

• ...,~ l.llw) l) " SN' l l.Jli,e lf'9 WiftO" PeWW:ill SW.~ & ~Fr- (lltCAI

I• "T- ff-om 'L A Lew'" M IU PM! (PolYOOr l ..

lS." I Don' t Went lo Uv• Wllftelul You FOt'..,_ IAtlentic )

1'."C)ul of IPW lllue'' OeliOle G,_ (Allenlic ) 17 " Set ,.,. Nlehl to Mull<" Sl.enfMe (lltCAI ll " P!ieno In "'9 0.IL" ., ........... £Joe

E-ito (A£M) 1' '~ We WM F•" ~ .. Herr!Mlll

IOer'IL HorMl ZO " You Oon' I It-" k .,tetl ~ lleO ,..,.,,...,,

17 " Seme Fe" Tiie ~ 9rOI IMC.A· M.AQ( ~S CUt'l>I l " Ooo Le Le Le'' T- Merle IEP>c

14 " Hite elld 0.¥" Al 8 ~e! Cw.r- er..t IS "~ c.dllec' ' Nel.t1- C.. (EMI·

MeMetten l 16." l 'w .... . FOOi FOii You" .........

(lllendl 17."Golnl 8eck to Cell" U. Coe! J lo.t Mfft) 11 " Herl C- Ille ........ MellM ..,_.

ICMMt•I lt " Doll' t You 1(-" .._vii 0 ~ Ttw 9en

IMCA) 70 " Fl.,_, .. Mor<K Dev cw.,,_ .,._.,

TOP POP C.,_.A(T DeSl<S I '"Olrt'I' Oenclne' ~redt" ( lltCA) 2 .. ...-._., Telkilll l4HOl <Sire ) > 'Now en0 l.en" •°""t '"'-"' CESl'-A1191111cl • " PHI Melterl , Vo4 11" Tiie ....... (c..IMll 5 " Fellfl" Gew• Mlc:Nel (~) • "'PHI Me.11er,_, Vol ~" ~ ...... .(~ 1 " IC.ICIL " INltS IAtlenli() "· • a " 88CJ" ~ Jectno" CE.Cl . t " Intro Tl'te ~erdll"9 • ccor.-... IO T.-' •

Trtfll 0 Aro, · Te <renc. Trett! 0 ' "'1W Cc.I-' • II/TIN) :

10 'More ·oor1v Dencwv' So~ .. (llCAJ • It " Slle' l No LeOv' ' L A Lo•etl CMCA•Cllr1>1 1 " WltNOI W..-' TereN:" Tr9'11 0 Aro• " """"•~1-iecl'Ntl\OOW\' PllttvLO¥tlleu IColul'nolel II NolPwne LIU ,,,. ~ .. siw. ! AA.Ml

IMCAI l " Gel Clune MY Ore.m <At Into All• Ce< 12 ~ Allornino Vlet,..l\'I' ~ .. 20 -Trw Fec1orv ltenn• lt<ieet• l lltCAJ •~ ~ (J lvel c/4M AIMA.T COWT~AllY ~·s 4." 0. ·~w· E u IEMhMe""'8ttenl l l Never o.. YOUtle" .,,,.. T...W ' ''Wtler• Oo &rollen ........ Go" WNtNV $ " Wet11' I I Gooo IO y . .... O.' ltr••" C.O<IOI ICOluMOl• I ; ~ IAr,.te l 6 ''Lovill' Ofl Ne•I To Nofl\&t>t' Giecsn l(.ntOf>t • I• ·L - .1~·· JoM ~ ~ •

2." Mel\ onlheM./tOf ~Jadl-~ ~ Tl19 Pi91 (NIC:A t <.- Mer<.4'V • l "'AIW1tlllle For You' GIOr • E llefen & Mlern• 7 ·s . ....,r Senwt- · Lever< Aflenhc IS Koneoom Come K.'"90.,,., Come , ...,. '

SolN ~ IE O<Cl • "'Al In,,,., M.NJ' Full F orce ICCMu~ CIC>< : 4 " E ..... u ~ Ho9!1ts llllOIMO M¥• 9 " Tiier , Wl\llt L- ll MIO. - • •O 1' SavKr- · Oe viCI L- ·- C~

Ferguson to substitute at Playboy J azz.Festival ,.,.. DailJ Pilet Witt set •k'a

Vinuoso trum~ter Ma) nard Ferguson and his ~\ <'n·p1ett clec· tronK fus1on band High Voltage ha,·e bttn s1&JX'd to rcpl:\CT Michael Breckcr on the ~lent lineup for this ycar·s 10th Annh•cnaf) Pla~bo) Jau Festival at the Holl)'-wond Bo"' I. June I S..19. Brecker was forcc'<1 to drop ou1 due to a scheduhng conflict.

Tbrtt-time Gramm~ nom1ntc and continual Dov.nbeat award winner Ferguson made h IS ti rst Pia)' bo) J az:z Fcsuval appearance " 1th his or· chcstra 1n 198::!. and m umcd to pcrl'onn apan in 1986. earning a

standing o'•auon

Ferguson 1s now travehn& and recording Yttth has High Volt.qt band.

The 10th Anmversar~ 1988 Pla) -00\ Jazz F~t1val wlll he held on the wttkcnd of June 18· I 9. The Saturday ltncup will indude: Kenn)' G. C'armcn Mc.Uc. Larry C-arlton. May­nard Ferguson &. High VoltagC. the Fabulous Thunderbirds. K..ing Sunny ~de. Ra) Brown Tno World Su­ophonc QuartcL Bob Florence and the Limatcd Edition. and the winner of she Western Sates )azz Festival.

The Sunday hneup features: Ra)'

(EMl·~!lefll (Allel'llic l 8 •0\ • Charles. the Raeltns and the Ray s .. ...._ Gor>N G••• vo.. u o· • 1ei. ,.,...., 10." You Are MIO 'fo.. Love c; • .,.,. o PT1en1om °' ,,,. <>Pel'• Orielftel ~ :

Charles Orchestra: Diny Gillespie tllt~~.1...._ 0 ,. YOUt\9 J•,._ re"'°' (COi· '"'",~~~~~~~~·;~··• E01C C•11~ •Pr.;::1 °' Love· • • .JCe s.w.._....

and has All-SW Big Band. under the urnoi.1 • 12 " f!Ntl 1n ,,,. AA•rr"' ~~ Jeo.M>fl 1 COivf"nO<• • d1rcc11on of Jon Faddis· Spyro Gyra: 1 "'Wiie' • w~•u1 w°"° LOUt• " ' ""''"'- 1Eok1 " TM • Oo_, T- w .. , .. ..., ~ • Bobb M F h J aJ ( /4MI I ) "'Wflere Oo lloaen ~•'ll Go Wftl!MY (J1ve1 )' c ernn: A mad am : a " One s1ec1 uo &rue• SorlntKt"" tCOI· Houston tArb1e1 10 Tne ~ Tree" v2 11~1 .-

Latin Jazz '88. saning Freddie .------- ---------------------------------­Hubbard, Aano. Flora Purim and Dave Vatcn11n: the Timeless All­Sars. featunng C unas Fu.Iler. Billy Higjns. Bobby Hutch<'rson. Harold Land. Cedar Walton and Buster Williams: Jeann ie and J im my Cheatham: and the winner of Hen­nessy Jazz SeaTCh.

The master of cettmonics for both days will once •jn b) Bill Cosby.


ACROSS 76 Is without

1 Headquarters 77 Excite 78 Lemonhke

5. Like an egg 79 Raves 9 Exc:Nnge 80 Garden toots

13 Chee9e 8 1 Soetety of 17 " Family Ties" Jesus member

character 82 His: Fr. 18 Yearns 83 Dry measures 20 Capttal of 84 Discharged

Idaho 85 Specialty 21 Cause to 86 ~entucky De<by

descend et al. 23 Harvest 87 Flies 24 Utaptan 88 Ba!'8nna's 25 Actress skirt

Burstyn 89 Resor1 ,26 Layered rock 92 Ghost 27 Vafley 94 More harmful 28 Canadian 95 Taverns

provinoe 96 Doe's mate 31 Got up 97 Atlow 33 Margarine 98 ThtCk 35 Buddtng Site 99 Toy 36 Mr Fleming 100 Irk ~ 38 Adam's garden 101 Solitary 39 Steeptes thing 42 Force back 102 Stitched « Ch<>tr voice 104 Strike 46 Hoosier st 106 came to earth 4 7 Domesticated 107 Future lice 48 Fl)'lng rodents 109 Pat 49 Farm units 110 Shade tree 52 Manservants 111 Fuzz 54 $"'55 112 Snoozed •

mountains 114 Regina's 55 Sets of toofs provitq 56 Sedate 120 Heron's cousin 57 Shor1 bfeak 124 Honor debts to 58 Born l26~4-59 Quote 127 Wear away 60 Exhaust 128 Churcti'Seetlon 61 SpMks 129 Slip 62 8w'5 130 Devoured 64 Body part 131 Cut '"two 65 Liquid 132 Ardor

measures 133 Be impudent to 66 Confederate. 134 Hurried

for short 135 Lairs 69 Wantess 136 Gave

r8Cllhorse temporarily 71 Metel fastener 72 Shabby DOWN 73 Allot 1 Poet 74 Aemowd 2 Protected from 75 Raps. e.g .



the Wind 3 Pinniped 4 Investigates 5TNnks 6 T eleYislon 7 Afresh 8Small

brochures 9 Vended

10 $hall's kin 11 On the ocean 12...Cents 13 C>Yemead

railways 14 Capital of

Qatar 15 ConSCtOUS

16 Tunes 19 Single-masted

Mitboats 20 Actor Gazzara 22 Feets

indignation at 29 Shoshonean 30 Newsman

Rather 32 Concludes 34 Uthered 37 Innovation 39 Comedian

Laurel .aw .. 41 ~b•rlng ~2 Axed cherge ~ Moat recent « Actor Danson 45 Toothed Mrs 48 Orifl parts so Argot

..5l Unburdened 53 Bandleeder

Brown 55~ 56s.cr.I ...... 57 S...-nt and

colonel 58 U.llk:al symbol eo oa.1e·s stops 11 Tift.vl* ...... 13Aroma .. Droope .15 W• ed beck

and tor1h ee Asl(ed tor

67 Needle cue 68 Root vegetable 69 Bulk 70 &..cculent

plant 71 Sk.ting

surtaces 72 Seizes 73 Haze 75 Gem surface 76 Big 77 Lima's country 79 Quoted from

memory 80 Washes lightly 81 Trifting

amounts 83 Capit.al of

France 84 Evergreens 85 Roi up 86 Edge 87 Was victorious 88Yam 90 s:Urtece (a

roed) 91 M.....S 92 Elders 93 Setted lnec:ks 94 TllkeatpOUSe 95~ed 98 Guard 97 Pool

-~ 99 Cupe and uuc:ers

100 Gr9'k god 103 u.d to be 105~o.vis 108 Stwmhips 108 Aeddilb-Orown 111 u..9ed 113F.._. 115 Clnctl 118 SIMI hewk 117 Mimicked 111-

Commendments 119 Macle on • IOQtn 121 lMge bundle 122Mr. ~ 123 Shipped 125 AtftrmatNe

... nu NICa'• (N) s1.-s...-.e•

11 •S t es. 4 es. I~ M \J:B

INQtlU9 tU~tJM JM JM• It• 91G an- (9t)

IUI. HI. t.11 1'• "5.114'

"•-w• ooor (NQ) .

1 .. ,.,..,.,.._

'1IOllCI .CM I f F tNt ti. •• ....

"VICa VUISA" CN) ....... -181\.1.-­

"' 11 .• ,. ......... _





~~ 21-April 19): What bes,iDs u routine Monday will aoon evolve in.lo theories. testint. eaHMiouJ involvement. Love re&ationabip intensifte&. You"U bavt chance to increue income or hit financial jackpot.

TAUSUI (April 20-May 20): You pin ldded ~ition f'rOm unusual IOUl"Cft. Focus on publicity, wider KIC!qMance, ~ alain. marital SlatUI. You'll be relieved of burden, love will cate to be a ltfUler." Arin featured.

GDllNI (May 21-June 20): You'll make fresh SW1 in "difrcreat" direction. Emphasis on ability 10 cue fOr pets and dependents, wort methods. .;_ ___ _... ____ ...__ emetoyment. A .. new love" coukt be on

Husband needs to admit he's addicted to Sex

IANOPIGNft ... llAL ,......,!I P*-" ti Mr. and Mn. James Jontt. Corona April Yoakum and Darrel del Mar, boy Carmichaei. San Juan Capistrano, Mr. and Mn. James Lockhatf; Kunt-airl inaton Beach. airl

P*-'7 H Mr. and Mn. Harold Gardner, Costa Kimberly Ann and Craia Paul Mna, boy Card'ff. Nardozza, Dana Point. boy Mr. and Mn. Christopher 1 •

,...,_,, U Irvine, airl ulana and John Tranbera, San ,...,_,., U

horizon. Leo will play outstandina roae. CANCD (June 21-July 22): Jntui-

s lion rinp u.. ~ is to rise above petty DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently you ran a letter from •• ~nizina in Lafayette, Ind.," a wife who dis­covered that her husband frequented massaae parlon and to pless bin and

~ Clemente, airl · Mr. and Mn. Jimmy Duncan. New-___ _.________ Abipil Webb and Robtrt Wiahtman. port Beach, airl

San Ckmente, boy ,......, U

YD.Ey annoyances. d ifferences. "office (>Oh· tics." Lunar accent on sensuality, vanety.

01111 ditc0vny, sex appeal. Another Cancer native is in picture. • ••liil•lliiilll••• LBO (July 23-Aua. 22): Divenify. look beyond the immediate. become

more aware of watdrohe. ~iaht. body imqe. You'll aJIO learn more about property. basic issues. and plans family member has for location. rnidence. lifestyle.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be willina to tear down for ultimate purpose of rebuilding or relocating. Attention centers around relatives.. ideas. concepts, possible necessity for short trip. Taurus, Scorpio play roles.

UBRA (Sept. 23.0Ct. 22): Di& dctp for infonnation. discern motives.. refuse to accept superficial explanations. Take care where flirtation is concerned - cbuld be more serious than you desire. Virao plays panmount role.

SCORPIO ~c;>ct . 23-Nov. 21 ): Moon in your sign ~ncides wi~h init~ative, origmahty. ab1hty to transform apparent ,defea! anto n;>,u.sma vact~ry. SiJnificant changes occur on home front . You 11 be tempted an connecuon Wlth purchase.

SAGITI' ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Be open-minded, not aullible.- Aura of deccpuon exists. clandestine arrangements ha_ve been ~ "behin.d yo~r back ... Member of opposite sex wants to ··wane and dine you. Piscies as involved .

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan .. 19): Circumsta~ ~1\1 •U;ddenly in y~r favor. Moon position accents fnends, _hopes. uperatJon5, bri&hter fi~ picture. Romance plays role. populanty zooms upwards. You could win


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Finish what you IW1. refuse to be~ by one who lacks talent. faith. Envious auociate ~ -~' ~ permitted to dampen amb1uons. Lo"e will play important role. Libra is an pactwe.

visited prostitutes. ~ She wrote, " He doesn~ ~rink.

smoke or use drup." and then went on to describe the symptoms of a man suffering from addiction to sex. Often people who have thi' illness lead double lives. hidina tht"ir inability to control themselves. The problem frequently comes to light because of an arrnt.

We don' t know as m uch about this iUncss as we know about other compulsi ve behavioral problems, such as alcoholism or gamblina, but pravess is being made and help is available.

The first step is to stop all sexual activity outside of n committed relationship. Goin& to massage parlors and topless bars is verboten. As with other addictions. denial that the problem exists and blaming others arc common.

If you see yourself in this column. I suggest that you find a therapist who is knowlcdaeablc about sexual addic­tions.

•• lMIUS

f Ho.eym14!Mn ... ae•IJW ... ex­cllldff.)

• • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: God bless "A. Truthteller in Arkansas." When I read that letter. 1 stood up and cheered. At least tberr is one other person out there who \nows the truth about those "poor, forsotten okt folks whose rotten children never visit."

Like " Truthteller" I am no lonerr youni. but my mother can still make my life (and the lives of everyone she knows) miserable. So why should I feel guilty because I can't stand her'?

Please don't tell me to be com­passionate. That woman has used up enough compassion for 10 lifetimes. and she appreciates none of it My only consolation is knowing that, in spite of my mother, I have made a decent life for m yself. and that my children love me.

Obviously you have never been in this spot or you would realize that ridding oneself oftheSt" fctlinas is not easy. · '

,....._,, n Mr. and Mrs. Duane Thomas, Costa Dana and John Currier, San Juan Mesa. girl Capistrano, girl FeWurJ ZS

F..,_ry U Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wiebold. Kathleen and Christopher Weiler. Huntinaton Beach, bo)'. . San Clemente, Jirl • Mr. and Mn. Grqa Mallett. Fountain

F~ H Valley. girl Laurie and Marlin Malk-r, Capistrano ,.........., H Beach, airlebecca and Juraen Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. James Montfort. New-San OCmente, girl • port Beach. boy

MAM.. Mr. and MB. Kevin Barney. Hunt-Tatiana and Richard K.islins. San inaton Beach, girl Clemente, boy Mf. and Mrs. Dale OfTstein. Newport

Mud I Beach. girl Guadalupe and William Kinstler. ,.........., n San Clemente, boy Mr. land Mrs. Thomas Wqner. Costa

Mard7 Mesa.boy Valerie de la Cruz and Francisco ,..._.., U Afuilar. San Juan Capi,trano. airl Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kilmer, Irvine. Kimberly an~ Jeffrey Ducharme. boy Dana Point, girl Mr. and Mn. Stephen Briaht. New-

MWION BOSPIT AL REGIONAL port Beach. boy MEDICAL CENTER Mr. and Mn. Harumi Iida. Irvine.

Fetwury II · . I Denise and Bill Caras. Dana Point, flr. and Mn. Douala~ Ammerman. girl Corons del Mar. girl

HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Fellrury !t Februry 17 Mr. and Mrs. William Rerwin. Costa

Mr. and Mrs. John Wriaht. Hunt- '" Mesa. girl ington Beach. boy Mar~ 1 .

. Febreary 18 Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Welche. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rousselot. Irvine. · boy girl Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson. Irvine. Mr. and Mn. Takehiro Narnie. boy . . Huntington Beach, girt Mr. and Mrs. John G urr. Irvine. 11rt Mr. and Mrs. Medhat Azzazy. Maid Z Laguna Niguel, boy • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rhyme. Newport PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Communique from ofTsprina or young

person dominates sceftllrio. It could lead to chlnae of ~s. new start._cootaet with individual who helps you embark upon "career. Leo, Aquanus play

The next step is to join a sup(>Ort gro up such as Sex Addicts Anonymous. This orpnization prac­tices a 12-step program of recovery. similar to Alcoholics Anonymous and Overeaten Anonymous. The address is P.O . Box 3038. Min­neapolis. Minn .. 55403. A self-ad­dressed. stamped envelope will be appreciated. You will receive a brochure that includes 21 questions. The answers will reveal whether _you have this problem. - Ph.D. IN PHILADELPHIA.

Please. Ann. don't ix' so hard on us "bad children.·· We have already bad enou&h misery for one lifetime. -TRUTHTELLER'S RUDDY IN

Februry It Beach. boy 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant. Irvine. Mard3

roles. ~

IF APRIL t JS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are independent. dynamic. and you set high standards for yourself. It is likely that you were on your own early, that you were separated fr:om one or bot!l parents ~Y or in ~ychol<>Ji.cal sense. Taurus. Leo. Sc9 rp10 peop!e play important~ an yo~r life. Dcc1s100 is re.ached tbis month in connecu on wtth home. famaly. possible purchase of property. Vitality returns. vigor will no longer be a stran~r. October will be memorable for you th1'i year.


Febreary H


DEAi\ P .! I ar1e uyOH wllo fWs ~self er Mnelf llftdla1 a. 1114 ... e la sex senraJ times a day 1e 1et ltelp.

DEAR BUDDY: It 11 DO secret &Mt aU mo&Mn aree't lovable: ht keep worttac at for1M•1 Mr. It wlll be a sreat vlcS.ry, ud YH wlll bemeflt frem It. 'Bat lead of 'atre4 Y• are carryla& 1• '•rtiD& yot1 more llaaa It'• hrtla&kr.

,.&... .. . "°~ ~:... 754-6262

Mr. and Mrs. G regory Smith. Irvine, Jirl Mr. and Mrs. Cunis Bttsley. Costa Mesa. girl

Februry %1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McWalters. Hunti ngton Beach. bo~

" I lur I •P"''"m,. t rrutrf. fl, ·.,,ulh '

R E A L E s r A r E

10081 Talbert Fountain Valley

Brookhurat/Talbert 754-6262

SINFULJ..Y PRE1TYY-Super sharp bdrm beac h home in great area near frwy., mall, etc.! Looks great, earth tone decor, din ing area, new baths, fireplace , roof! Marina schools! S179,900! # DP-78

SPREAD OUTl-Sharp 3 bdrm/ 2 story home with bonus room and extra bath! Enclosed front courtyard, separate laundry, cozy fireplace, super area of Fountain Valley! $216,0001 # DP-80

OM ~Beautiful 4 bdrm customized exec home with 1or1eous faimily room, extenWe oak detaiilins, cozy brk fireplace, huse master suite, hu1e den, formal dinlns, lar1e inside corner, central HB location! $279,SOOI #DP-82

S12,ISO DOWN! . SlH,500! Super 2 bdrm newe r beach condo with frplc, dining area, large master, comm pool & tennis court!.Easy financing! #OP-84

SUPER STARTER! $152,500! l ovely 3 bdrm home with step down family room, fireplace, hdwd floor, wood covered patio! # DP-86

PARTY TIMEI $159,ooot Dynamite 3 bdrm home with heated pool. & sep ec room! Eirej!lace, dining_Jtr_ea, hdwd Jlrs, sep

laundry & cul- e-sac loci # DP-87

SPACIOUS POOL HOME! $15t,900! Affordably priced! Sharp 3 bdrm pool home has family room, used brk frplcs, d ining area, cov patio, huge lot! #DP-88

CHEAP STARTI - $115,000! Great 3 bdrm home with fireplace, dining area, block wall, patio, etc! Nice neighbochood! # DP-90




HCMMm llGNI ""• a 4110/ll

Come To AttJ of OUr Open Howie And We'll Supply You Wltli A U.t

of All the other HGUlll It.Id Open., ........ Eat8te

INVESTOR STARTER! SllS,000! low priced 2 on 1 lot with 2 bdrm units each, dbl gar, etc! New paint & yard trim! # DP-91

RE.ADY FOR YOU! Sl94,000I Vacant 4 bdrm pool homel Family area, frplc, dining area, nice area near .South Coast Plaza! # DP-92

FORMER MODEU $274,000I Gorseous 2900 sq. ft . S bdrm mansion with jacuzzi tub an huge master, fam rm, immac landscaping, etc! #DP-93

HIU.SIDE LOCATION! sm.­lovely 4 bdrm exec home with fam rm, wet bar, lrg ~ter, forJNI dinins, huge lot lushly ~dsapedl #DP-94

SEACUFF ON 11tE CREINt $l41,oMI Enjoy country club 1tmmphere close to the oceanl Custom UPlraded 4 bdrm model with 2 fr pies, tile roof, 1uarded pte comm! #DP-95

"When You join Star Real Estate, you become a member of an elite real estate team."


"10 I °' \ Oft our but bPMhn localf'd au ov•r town

FAMILY AT'(JUC170M-lovely 4 bdrm home in mature, treesy, Costa M~ area near South Coast Plaza, frwy ., etc.I Cozy fireplace, family kitchen, enclosed patio, huge separate master suite, new pain..!_ in & out! $189,5001 #DP-79

LARGEST MODEL IN TRAC'n-Super 4 bdrm exec home with family room, formal dining room, fire­place, huge master suite! Great FV park community with pools! $229,9001 # DP-81

l'ffOOICIOCJS l'ALACD-Maniand fV nee m1n­sion with 5 spacious bdrms, l blths, ~. ~, deck, oak pi.,,k floor, 2 fireplaces, near beautiful lusn park I $365,00o! #DP-83


Mr. and Mrs. Grqory Knapp, Cor­ona del Mar. boy

Mardt Mr. and Mrs. Alista ir Waddell. Irvine. girl Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Engle. Hunt­ington Beach. boy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Utley. Irvine. girl




Both vulnerable. West deals. NORTH •A J 5 4 9 k J <> 7 6 4 • k J 51

WEn £AST • t 7 1 • k Q II I 6 J 9 Q7 9 61 <> t 1 <> k II I • A Q I 7 6 4 • It J

SOUTH • Vokl \J A J JO 9 I 5 4 0 AQJ53 .,

The bidding: Wat Nortll East Sotlt' r .. 1• 1• 6 9 r... r.. r ..

Openina lead: Ace of • Defense is a difficult art .~ cor­

rect solution to West's problem was found the day after the band was played!

South 's biddina was strictly for the birds. He miaht have ended up in an unmakeable 1ix-heart contract when seven diamonds wu an abso­lute laydown. As it wu, he was mosc unfonunate to rand that much of hi1 partner's values wu in the preaoptive bidder's suit and oppo­site hil void .

Wat aot his side off to an excel­lent llart when be cbole to lead the ace of clubl rather than a spade. Eut followed with the ten. Since a spade shift WU obviously futile, Wat continued with a club in tbe hope that it WU hif. partner who held the siftpecon. Dedara "* witb tbe kiq of clubl and WCICel .. fully rmmed the .- ;act of dia­monds. The ace of trumps wu followed 'by a trump to .. kiq, fellina the queen. Wben boda de­fendcn followed to the repm dia­moed n-e and tbe queen bcld, the ..... bome.

Tbe key to the hand wu to re­lbtct dedanr•a ability to take two cthzQ11l11 n.-. A shift of only OM .ut • trick two will prewDt dedanr from ..... Ible to do tbaa. Obviously. me md of .._ bleck - pwa cledlrtr tbe ..... ...., for two ctincoad Ill II It la ......, ..,,.,. tMI • • ..... lb6ft doll c1ec11rw•1 wort for ..... . '1111 .., mil wtalda ..... ... cledars ii a tnlmp, pDI...,. wri­ftcml • trkt .... die q-1

Nol •Pfw >Jb', we kl CM Id DO ., .. , ...... w' I ........ ... .............. ,.. .... ,

ntlAt -~ ..... ........ t• W 'M1 , ' . .

__ ..................

! I I



G .M. Peters gives first-time buyers a chance to own

Half the units at new S1ttral Terrace · in Long Beach have bcin \old, and

sales continue briskly toward the midpoint at sister development. Sig­nal View. according to developer G ar) Prters.

Signal Terrace 1s a co mmunity of 24 two-~room and two-bath con­dom iniums at 1629 Chen) Ave. Signal V1cv. compnscs 61 two­bedroom and two-bath units at 2507 East 17th t.

Pnces at Signal Terrace began at $76.900. No un111s pnccd hi.Jhe rthan $88.900. Prices at Signal View range from S77.900 to $88.900. Included arc two bedrooms and two full baths with tub and showe r. washer and d r)er pair at no additional charge and m ore

Both prOJects feature enclosed . pted ground floor parki ng and ~ur-11) access. Fast sales of first floor (the floor abO\e the garages) and top floor units has created an Qpportunity for second floor ownership at a time whe n such prime units arc custom­a ril} sold out.

Each condo man1um comes with drapes. ca rpets and li no leum and 1s move-in read). Kitche ns feature bu11t-1n range. d ishwasher and dis­posal. plus hardwood cabinets. ;\ balcon) with pn vac) facmg as m ­cl uded. Sha rrd amenities include full ­S('('unt} access. garden coun) ard v. ath spa . indoor b1c~cle storage and a w1ndo v.ed elc,ator.

..\nd. unlike o ther projects an the area . Signa l Vac v. and Signal Terrace offer a cho ice of units 1n a ll price ranges. not JUSt one o r l\o\ O at the " leader price." With S2. I 50 do"' n. payments can be as low as S576 per

<i -

Slgaal Vlew Develeper: G.M. Peters. Type of development: C on­dominiums. Price ruse: S77.900 to S95.400. NIUDber of floor plaas: Seven. Squre foo&age: Fro m 925 to 1.180. Flaucillg: FH ~ V .\. con ven­tio nal. Sales office: (:! 13) 4 39-5974.

. Signal Terrace Developer: G . M. Pe te rs. Type of development: Con­dom inium s. Price range: S 76.900 to $88.900. N•mber of floor plus: Two. Square footage: From 9 17 to 950. FinuciDg: FHA. VA. conv~­t1o nal. Sales office: ( 2 13) 59 1-2784.

mont h.. , Bo th de' elopments arc rep­

resented b~ ERA First Class Realtv. a nd both are the latrs t o ffenngs b~ G. M. Peters Dc\clopmr nt Co. of Hunt-1n~ton Beach. builders o f m ore tha n I ._00 condo m iniums. townhouses a nd apartments in and around Long Beach. Fo r fun her information about Signal Vu:v. . call 213-439-5974 Fo r Signal Terrace in formatio n all 213-591 -~ 7~4 . Sales o ffices a re open dail~ from I 0 a.m . to 5 p.m

s ==lllllJ=SU===NO=~=y =AP=R=ll =3. =,988=s=

Stcnal Terrace off en flnt-time bayera a 1reat chance to own a bome.

Protecting yourself from home burglaries By II.ENE SCRNElDER ._ ... oeu __ ._.

~ reported buril.u"\ occun C\ef)' c~~l -.c~ond~ 1r lhl l nued State5.. ( lo'' ~" Pt·rH·n1 11 the burgla~ ~ rq>ortl·d tl tht po Ill. -\bout o~ out ,, I •I.I homn 1n lht lUUntr"\ Wlll be bui~ari1t-d ·

I n <>r.mgc (. uun" J home 1s hkdy tl !lo.. ~urglan1c-J •nl t" an 10 ~c.an T t l 11..dthl)UJ inl rl·.i~ to on« m ~ ••t , •lJr\ 1f thl homl' 1s on a com e r

Hur~l.t r\ luol.. l o r homes v.hcrc t he) lJt 'tt J 1hin~ l·a~11~ . rather than n.•rw' "'1th thl" m~t ,aJuabk th1~ \lur~ than hall of th<' burglars enter a hl•ml through a door o r a v.mdo v. . \ 1u ' t "urglara~ take pla C't" betv."ttn 9 .i m Jnd ~ p m ~hen res1dt'nts are "'"''' h i.. l·h u.1 be a v.a' from ho me ' c.·.irh ll pcnent of the sto len PWPl' n ~ 1' n " t n."CO ' t"f't"d

Hou')l'hold mt"mben a~ p~nt d uring .tbnut 13 per cnt of burg.tan~ In \uch 1 n stan~. '1olcn t rnmn are lom m 1ued 30 per t:C'nt o f the tantt

In ' P•h: o f the alarm an& s!attsttcs.. onh perC't"nt of a ll .\mencan hou'>("holds ha' e an~ type of steUnt) S' "'lC'm T ht' pu bla ·s gc~ral kno wl­ed c of ~irt' as no t good Most f)l'(.l p lc hide ' a lU3blcs an ob' 1ous pl.t ~

\\ hen ho m t"o -. nt' r's consider purc. ha,mg a ~um~ s~ stem. thC')

o uld th1n l.. about fac to rs su h a.s the loca tion of the hou~." thc number of g.l;s,, doo~ and -. mdo v.-s. the 'alu­a tlk ,oll« "llOns tha1 need prol('("taOn. thC' ' .slue of ·a scront~ s~}te~ 1n

(Plea8e .. Plt01'BCTl1'G/ C2)

Growth measures t~·-~e hot topic at PCBC conference Builders to discuss

' o gr<.'~1h .. 1ov. gro-. th the mush­rtX>m1ng trend that csptt11il~ " an­,~~ ·· the \\ c t. ~ 1 11 be the topic o t d ascu saon a t the Pac1fk C03Sl Bua ld~rs Cvnf('renC"t"·s third annual \\ «."Stan Builders Ct>nf~ncc. a -cord ing 10 -\aron l>..ol l..c~ P('8( prci.1d('nl

t-.i '~ J bu t Jc.-r Ile' e lo per sa~ s. · ~g..in th1~ ' car. the \\ estcm Builders l onferencc w drav.-n an e \ ce-p11orwl li neu p of spea k("T'S and the progr.\m v. 111 rc'n'l'C' inpu t form 1ht" pTt"'".tdC'nh and C' \ ecutn ·e o ffte'Cr'S 1rom '>late a~ ·1a11ons throu&bout the I J "'~tern <;Ult"'\ -

ht-dulc:J p.Jnehsts are Dale tuard ' 311onal .\ssooatto.n o f

Hl)me Bu11J el"\ 1 ~ .\H Bl prcSJdent. EJ Torn. l>..e nt l ohon '.\HB e\ecuu, ·e '1 .. -c prt"S1dc n1. \\ ashangton D.C.. \\ d ltlrd nden . .\menc:an Plannan& .\~ i:i 11on Chicago Ill.. Herman

Eut HUI home. lnclade three two-atory Ooor plana wttb lnterlora ranctnc from 3,350 to 3,679 eqaare feet.

" The \\ cstem Bulldrrs ConfercnC't" has aJre3d} made llSt"lf a ~ rr:ldmon ~ d tscuU1ng the current challenge fa 1ng no 1 ont~ home­bu alde~ in tht· Wrst. but also futurt"

m ath j J to rmer '.\HB ~1dent ), ' • tltlna l In tatutc.- for Bu1ld 1ng Sc1-cnl~ \\ ashmgton D C. . auomc' Edgar Washburn. Wast.bum & l>.. C'mp n Franosco. and Don \\ a m-n Red-. ood horn Inc .

EastHill: R(:defining state-of~the-!!!!_ bomcl>u}er a nd v. c<>trm com mun1t1C"S.:· l>..o ll..e' ~" ··Pre, 1ou' 10p1~~~ httn.·.,.clhruh ~ !bl w a r's •\\ 3\er and the \\ cstern iJwrw-

By LIUANA TAYLOR ........ C4ao ; f I

Too often terms hke "state-of-the­art" and " luxur) development" arc used to descnbc new commun1t1es that 1n rea la t) don' t quite measure up to bu)er's e>.pectat1ons.

At J.M Peters Co.'s East Hill developme nt in Coto d r Caza. 1t 1s industr) e \pcrts. local and national publications, real state analysts and most 1mportnntly. numerous m ove­up home buyers who will define the qualit) of the homes bu ilt by the Newport-based firm . according to Julie Ne-.corpb. vice pres1def\t of market in&.

East H ill will compnsc a coll«tion of 67 execuuw homes designed for the d iscemin$ tastes o f those who enjo) a sc1t1ng m wh ich h1ghl~ amenauzcd rcs1~ncn will offer pan­oramic views overlooking the lushly pttn fa1rwa~ s of 1he championship-

~ _...._ ......... ;f

length golf COUI SC . J.M. Peters ..-.111 begin selling the ir acclaimed single-fa m il) horn~ 1n mid-April.

East HHl at Coto de Caza T he conlcrt" nC'('- 'A 1th 1n-a -con·

krcn\.C "'hK h as tx-an prcsentC'd in COGpera11on -. 11h the 'auooal ln-

Developer: J .M. Peters Co. utut(' for Building :"lencn. v.111 ~

Type of development: inglc famil ~ . \kd11aran~an . Price range: Not available.

held on ~13, :5 from I ~ to 3 ~ pm . a t \to~onc C'on,ent1on Centc• an n Frnocasco Kolle~ notn l~t th is H"ar·s conft"rCnct theme 1s mtl\ t Number of floor plans: Three. appropn att" ·· -...;o G ro.,.i h - " h•' \\ ms a nd \\ ho L()S('S"". Square footage:.From 3.350 to 3.o ... 4

The ~0th a nnual PC'BC 1s spon r­ed b~ th(' Cah fom1a Bu11d1ng lndus­tn .\ssoc1a11on tCBl4 ta nd runs from ~{a~ ~.i throu.gh \h , ~.. h 1 ~ tht"

Financing: Convent ional. Sales information: 854-:!500.

.. The re nowned estate reson en­' aronmc nt of the Coto de Ca1a comm unit \ v. 111 set tht' tone for the~ prem ium ho mes. which "'111 combine thl· gr:ind trad1t1on ofcountr) manor " ' ang"' 1th the line tin contem porar) hom e com forts:· said Ne-.romb.

The <.·o llccuo n. designed b) .\ram Bassenaan & -\ssocaatcs. Inc.. m ­clud C's thrl'C t-. o-stof) floor plan"

\\llh li \C: heJroom~ and four..and- o ldest and largest res1o nal bu aldani <.\ne-h.ilf ~ath v. 1th intenors ran11n& andustn ronft"rCnCt' and ne-. produ<'t fro m J..~~(l h .l ' t- -1.1 ..qua rt fC"et O ne e \h1b11 -,n the nauon of the.• tlC.,•Jr\'l\.\m~ l .ln ~ 'On,cned - Wuh cl<>St" to .. 0 ~nov.n grov. th an to 3 J en control mc,asurn being promott'J 1n

The re idcn<.es llffer lots a 'en&IOI Cahfom ta alone. this top as oh II.JAi s. ) ..qua re l('(' t 10 m.il..r the.- most 0 1 1mpon.antt to all 1n\ oh ed an the the, 1cv. \lf thl· golf l'lUrst'dcsi,ned b' -. t"stem bu11d 1"1 1ndu~ and tuture 3 1"C"htt<.'1. t R"'bcn T rent Jones Jr ' ~la~ ttonomte <''pansson of the

(Pleue eee BAST /C(Jl'c-~ est. adds Kolkt) T~ ~n Oiqo-

Keeping the owne~ship dream alive Thebenefitso~WMrship­

to the individual, to society •nd to the «0~y-out"M:ilh the..be~fit.s of rmuna. Howtvn-. t~ Amencan dream ofhomcowncnhip has rc­m•inedjust that-• dream - for many you"8t" and low-income A~ns, statna study released rettntly by the National Association ofRealton.

.. Ouraudyconfirmuhtfac1 that both owners and ren1tnconsider homeowftenhipan imponant value to~ in this country. w~ "°" th es will stimua.tt this nation ·1 pol­kymakm eo.,....eopdons that will http~traftlition from rentcrto ... mid Nestor It. Weipnd, Jr .. pmidmt ottllt a.ocia­tion.

Tbeftndi .. oftbcstudy~ recmt tfbts b)' a numbttof'IMMaliftl inacmt pouP'l and.cti=~ uoul AtlOdation of'll to ronn. new ubOMI tKMial DOlicy ... Wapnd. a lleehor "°"' W'"ldli1a. · K.an.uid.

llwstudJ. ··~p: Key to tht Amnbn Dream ... indudrs

mu Its of a late 1986 suf'vt')' ofl.200 renter and owner houldtolds by Mutct Faru.._aCbicaao bacd rc­SC"arch firm. The analysis. done by NAR rescarchenand tt0nomists. cumineswhy ptOplc do and why people don't own a home.

Oneoflhe t>tant obsucks to homcowncnhip, acrordina to tht


m onth I ~ ho"u~ paymcntsand m onth I\ maintenanc-ccosts. (Man' rcspondcntH1ted m ore than one · p roblem. thus the pcrttntagt"s to tal more than I 00.)

Ncarl) n1ne o ut ofc, er) I 0 i\mencans bchc 'e 0 "' n1nga home 1s pan of t h<'lood hfe - placmurcater value on ho ml'Ov.nersh1p tha n o-.n.

suf\ c~ find an~. sug cst 111 ttme for the fc-dcral go ' C'rnment to implement pmsr:sm' th;a t ..-. 111 help.the .\menan d rt"a m ofhom('()v. nersh1r ~me a reaht\ f<.lr mort fam1hC"and 1nd1\ •d­ua ls. \\ e ti rml) bchc\t' ho u U\1 should o nC'C aptn ~mt the na· t1onal pnont~ •l o OCT ..-.1' •• \\'c1pnd said

Oo•-ni-,-mcntassistantt plan a broadC'Md m onpat re' cnuc bond propam. ta\ cm11ts to cnco,m111t pul"C'haK and ~bthtateoo of ttntral cit) stf'\K'turn and reduetd fTont<nd f~onm~•-nTAfnontlht polK') optK>a$ re' IC''td "' N .\lt' i Sh.cl ~ aJT a \&nn) o(•~>' that a

do•n Jle' ~• assma~ prosram rould be stNC1¥ml ~ npnd e•­pla1ned, SofM alt(mat1\n~ 1ntht-1tud incl•

Pam1W<>ft tonYbk finl-41.IM l\otn(\'tu <'rt to •ithdr ... . • 1at.o.t ptnalt' . 'ltt amounts from I nd1"1dul R(ttr't~nl .\ ntsor40l (k) tal· ddtntdsa'••eccouea fof dlit 00-n pe' nwfttJ °" tM.r homH (Pl•••• .. IL&&HNO/CS)

Redv. ood Cm . On the questio n - " ho \\ ans and

\\ ho Loses.~.·· modca10r W&.rtt:1L rc.-m.&rl.. -·0< C'OUf"S,(' ~ ... , 11 ~ ~d ~ oo-.tt v.mncn .And l~rs an a slo v. -growth confron­l.J'l~n TM dcc1 ion to rontrol natu­'.°3• .~mtc ~llM!\SfOn affects-~ thJn hualdcrs and future homc-..," '' f""> ••

··To J ro"' or 0 0 1 to gro-. also aft'«U :iJu<otf"\ . rnn-chants and ~vcn the rut'ihl S«tor.- V. arrin add The 'l'tC'ran industry ac11' 1st poanu out 1"i.y the lon.1--ranar eff«ts of a no- o r ' 1v. ~srlHt.th mun1c1pal pohC) w.111 nut ,mh result 10 fe ... cr housana .. hl, ... "t'., (or 1he c-om m un1t\ 's children. r-~t. .;i i o decide the fate o f ell) m.aintenanC'C k' els of Pf'C'S('nlffuturc ~ .. , I( '<'' and 1nfr:t truct ure ~~tems.

In u h lluat1ons of k>Q&-tcnn l!fll " th control. both Kolke~ and ml°lderalm \\ a fT(' n bd1c\ e t~ an nl' real " •nnc~ onl\ lose~.

r ,,r m ore anformai aon about PCBC - The ('onfertn~ for Wntttn Bu1ld rr!.. c-all the l'Clnkrcncc officr at ..i i'- s.i~:

Aklu Deftl~t Co. wW be on ,___ .. t1oa ...... ..... .,1ctt.••79ft ....... • •re.tee opeala,I ~ ......... v....1Ad91a la aaaello Saata ~

C3 C2 C2 . C3

. •

t '

Akins offers pre-dew of Vista Ladera homes

Akins Development Co. invites tile roofs. two-car..,... with direct home shooom to a Phase 98 preview home acc:aa and rear yard fenc:fl!I, openina this weekend at the Vista Phale9Bborneswil(bepricedft'om t..dera neishborhood of detached $140.900 and Akins Dcvdomcnt sinaJe-family homes in Rancho Santa encou~ inlttelted home shoppers Marprita. to anive at the preview opcni"' earty

Accordina to Bruce Air.ins. princi- for more deWls in obtainana a pal of the development finn, "We reservation number. experienced such tremendous To auend the Siew openina of interest in our recent Phase 9A release Phuc98at Vista take the Saa that we arc qain conducting a Dica<> Freewal' to the ission V~ pttview openin& fo{ the 20 homes in area and e1ut inland on Alicaa Phase 98 to give prospective buyers Parkway and left on Antonio the chance tQ obtain reterVation Parkway. Turn left .. Marguerite numbers and determine their choice Parkway. right on Santa Marprita oflot locations prior to our acttptin§ Parkway and left on Antonio reservations the followina weekend.' Parkway. Then turn right on Vereda

Vista ladera has enjoyed LqunaandrightapinonAvenidade phenomenal sales success in all of its las Aorcs to the modd home previous phases. the latest of which complex. was completely sold out in only thrtt Sales representatives are available . hours. bct~n .10a.m. a~5p.m. <Wly. For v .... Laden laom•oft• fl'alD 8IM to i.•98 ...... r.af

Offerina two or three bedrooms more 1nformat10. please call •--...a 11_...... . · and two or thret baths, the homes 858-1330. ua~aor ... ...._•pace. scale from 994 to 1,496 square feet of The od •1 • • · ced Prospccti vc homebuyers are in-interior living space in single level or m est y-pn confrotcm- vited to discover watcrscape livina at two-story styling porary arranacments range m . f

Two-story ho~cs benefit from the 1.012 to I ,279 square feet and feature the Phase 2 Grand Opcnana o cl,...•nceofopen staa'rcaseswi'th ti.ered two ~rooms or two bedrooms plus Covina's Stoncbridac. a community

1-- h

1 ... _ . • fi den with two baths. of luxury condominiums situated

Pant s ~ ~cs tn•t a~ ~1Stble rom the_ • The sales office and model homes amona waterfalls, ponds. lush foliqe, formal laving and d!nmg rooms. O~c at the development. located on Grand and tall pine trees. , plan adds a family room. whale A be C · Bo 1 rd The .,and openinft ceremonies, another has a cozy breakfast nook venue t~n ovana u eva slated "or Satu"day wa· rv.--nt th-. · and Arrow Highway. are open from '' • .-·-- ......

Two ~r three ex tenor treatments 10 a.m. to s p.m. daily. for further new split-level Ooorplan models arc available for each of the three information, call J. Lenon Realty ada(>ted from .. best sellers" in the Ooor plans .• all accented by Spanish at (818) 91S-6059or861 -21 so. 01iglnaJ Stooebridac collection.

Accordina to Betty 0 . of). Lenon RcaJty, .. the contemporary Stone­bridae homes, priced from tht low S90.000s, present a uniq_uc at· mosphere, a cQnvenient locauon and outstandina prices to bomebuyers."

StonebricJee's Covina locataon of­fers residents numerous shoppiftl complexes, movie theaters. schools. and easy freeway access nearby, while downtown Los Aneeles lies only 19 miles from the community.

Seatt named Sandling' s Clirector of acquisition i

_:t'* leea was ~ntly appointed director of land acquisition f~r 111. ..:---·a res1denual censtruction company headq~ncrcd an lrvane. announcement was made by cllecutive vtce president. Tom Hardina.

.. Rick Scott's beckaround in houtina. project manqement and acquisition make him uniquely qualified to head up our land acquisition division,", stated Hardina. "Sandlin.a Homes is actively cxpandina our rnidcntial projects in the San Bernardino Riverside, OrarllC County, and north San Dieao areas and Rick's knowledge and prior,experiencc in those markets is a real advantqe ...

In ~is new position Scott will report directly to Ha_rdin~ an~ be responsible for the research. analysis and purchase of rcs1dent1al sates. processing documentation foraovernmenta_pprovalsand in San~hng's master-planned cornmunities. the sales of sates to merchant builders.

He and his wife and two children are residents of Mission V1eJO.

• • • Rldaanl D. EmttJ, has joined D.T. Smldi, lac., as vacc president of the firm's Southwest Division.

.. As vice president. Richard will be in charge of managrng all development projects in Oranac and San Diego Counties ... said Smith.

A 1969 paduatc of San Diego State University. Emery's • affiliations include the Buildin,,- Industry Association. Board of ~ircct~rs of the ~n Diego County Homebuilders Council and 1mmed1ate past chairman of the San Diego Builders Round Table.

Emery resides in la Costa.

• • • The William L1• C.. has appointed Carole Eick• lateriors of Santa Ana .to pro~ide interior desiin for four model homes ?t the new A~b~rn R!dJe neighborhood of single-family detached residences in M1ss1on VaeJO.

. "!"aking ad vantage . of ~ scenic hilltop setting. the models arc h1ghhghtcd by dramatic Views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. which will be shared by many of the 240 homes with in the neighborhood. ·



Quick Quallfler . Real EState Loans

Fixed end ARM'• with 25% Down Purchaaes and Refinances

60 Day Lock in From Application Date No Negative ~mortizatlon

Average Approval In 5 Business Days F .. t Profenlonal Serva

7830 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach, Ca 92647

Prom Cl Establishment of an Individual

Housing Account, with contributions eliaibleforan income tax credit.

Creation of a National Employee Homeowne['ship Prop-am to permit employers to provide down payment assastancetotheircmploytttona basis that is tax advantaacous to both.

"With rcprd to easing front-end monaa.c costs. options to consider

NEEDS IMPLEMENTING " Handt On" consultant& for turn· arounds, start-ups. expansions, CFEE ind etiuity arrangements. CALIBllE MARKETING, INC.

714 752-8378


wo uld include 1denaufyinl ways to The association'srepoJl notes that reduce and for restructure fees that America's homeownership rate slow· create high down payments and ly but steadily declined between 1980 excessive seller costs such as u~front and 1986. afterclimbingconsistcnly mortgage insurance premiums levied - sin~thcendofWocld War II . The by the Federal Hous1ngAdminis- homeownership rate rose from 47.8 trat!on and priv.ate insurers," percent in I 930to65.6 percent in Weigand said. 1980,and then declined 2.9 percent to

Ira Gribin. NA R 's president-elect. 63.8 percent in 1986. who i~participating in th.e Na~ional Graban.a Realtor from Encino. said Hou~mg Ta~k Force. which w~ll make that even moredisturbina than the housing pohcy ~ommendataons to overall decline in homeownership. 1s Congress later this month. also the steeper drop in homeownership stres~d the ncc.d for fede~I govern- rates for people under the age of25 mcnt intervention to alleviate the and those in the prime homcbuy1ng nati~n 's housing problems. ages of2S-34. For people under age

" Since 1981 . th~ federal govern- 25. the homeownership rate has me!'t h.asall b~t dismantled .~he . . dropped from 26.4 percent i~ I 980 to n<1:t10.~ shousingprograms. Gnbin 2 1.6pcrccntin 1986- an 18.2 sa1~. Thenumber~fnc~ federall y percent decline. And forpeopk in the assisted housing units bu alt plum- 2 5-34 age group. the rate has dropped n;ietedfrom more tha!' 200.CXXTin from 55.0 percent to 4).4 percent - er 1 980~oabout25.Cl001n 1987. 17.5prccentdrop. Housing programs funded by the U.S. .• . Department of Housing and Urban Federal pohc1e~ no longer s11mu· Development were cut from more late homeowners~1pas they had in thanS33billion in 1980to lessthan the past. !hcdcchnanahomc-S8billion in 1987-adrastic ow~crsh1prate~ofthe 19~0s arc reduction of$25 billion or 75 per te~umony to this change. Gnb1n cent. , said.

" One consequence of the federal Weigand added: ·· 11 is time forthe government's withdrawal from the federal government to recognize that housing arena has been the plateau of homeownership is beneficial to the homeownership rate, and then its everyone-to indi viduals. to famil­cvent~I decline. " Gribin said. ies. to the economy. to democracy."

PROTECTING YOURSELF ... l"romCl maintaining or lowerina insurance rates and the value of the home itself. They should contact the crime prevention officer of the local police department who can offer advice on the type of security systems needed.

the homeowner and asks for an abon code. If the c<>sic is wrong or there 1s no answer, Westcc not ifies the police and dispatches armed response where available.

Westec Security. h~uartcred in ·~-· . Irvine. begins the process of provid­

ing total security solutions by scndina a security consultant to the home of a person looking for a security system. A written questionnaire, a face-to­facc_intcrview and a survey of the house and groun s give cs l pertinent information to determine the level of protection needed. The company manulactum sytt"ms with 12. 36 or IS protective devices.

Still. the best total security sol ution program ma.y not be cn'ou&h 1f the homeowners allow themsoefves to be easy targets for burglars. Wcstcc. which has been in the security business for almost 20 years. advised that ho!"'cowncrs take the following precautions:




In a rare real estate opportunity. DMdend ~nt Corpo­ration IS asking~ to set the prroe for 59 newty completed Rancho Mtrage homes. Every hOme WI" be 9CJtd regardless c:J price.

...... ofleftllg .... ~ -1.-.. m-. E~ UUloul 2 end 3 becj.

room home at Lake Mirage Racquet Club 1s situated at the shore of a 25 acre lake.The homes haw been deSIQned to be Ideal vacation or primary

--complete f rtness center. locker rooms and kitchen fac1hties.

The spectacular desert set­ting and a purposely limrted

residences. Each has such • Ln1t'T'SU1..- 10 111 i...~ A features as interior atnums. ~ ~red lakeslde terraoes. c5 Counrry Ouh Dm't'

cera~ac hie ~chen floors and ~ • enfnes, f irepfaces with gas :f LaJ..r M1r~ log lighters, wet bars, Whirlpool i Rancho M1,. kitchen appliances incfuding • ~ wv 111 1" m ~ rnll0

refngerator and 1ntenor laundry number c:J homes create lhlS rooms Wlttl Whir1pool washer and dr}« FIY8 versatile floor- peaceful and exdusNe enWc>n-

p&ans range from 1,615 to 2.148 =· :i~~:: ~ square feet c:J IMng space. new Randlo Mirage home.

The richness slated in these homes continues houghouC 8peoill Auction,. • ...._ tis gMei1\*ded ~ Below-nwtet fixed rale financ-Homeowners 8'lPI the ball •no Mt be avMable. Pteaae 89k ~ Wiil 11 ... COU'1I, ~ ... r&Jn881 IWIMI tor incldng 8 8dium court. 11 ~ pooes and .._sailing and rON- • "• Au atlon Praperty Ill on the Ille and aclubhoule ,..,.._. <*r• io 4 racq.llbll oour1s, v. encourage )QI t> vm l.Jlkl

Mirage before auction day. All " properties are open daily from

10:00 to 6:00.The sales office IS located at 72727 Country Club Drive between Bob Hope Dr1Y8 and Monterey /lwnue­just minutes from the Palm Springs airport. For a free auction brochure caM TOLL FREE. within California, (800) 253-4554 or (619) 340-3555. .... Conduclled Br: Nat!Or'tMde Audion Comparft. a licensed Califorrna real estaae broker. AUdtoneer: Melvin A.Giller

SYWDAY APRIL·24lli l:OOfM • 1988

· ~253.4554 ... EQlm"°'*"8~-..-..,i..-r1..,_ £Z ... J_llnallllCXlfl ...

All Westcc security systems are tied into one of the company's four computerized central monitorina sta­tions. These stations monitor cus­tomer systems constantly. In many areas Westec also provides patrol, armed reponse or both to its cus­tomers.

Central monitorina stations also monitor the intcgrit}'. of individual systems to tell theiliffc~nce between a S¥stem malfunction and an in­trusion through a door or window. Individual systems have an indepen­dant abort featutt that allows the homeowner · to tum off the alarm within 20 seconds if it is accidentally set off. After 20 seconds. Wcstec calls

-eon't flaunt-weahh, espeially when it contrasts with the area. •Don't allow domestic servants and prdeners who ·arc not bbnded onto your property. •lfyou hve close to a freeway access. your home is more vulnerable to burglary. •Don't leave cars on lttc street where they are visible to potential intruders. •Don't allow solicitors into your home. •Don't allow newspepc1-s to pthCT on your lawn when out of town. •Unplua phones when you 10 on vacation so potential burglars aren' t clued b~ excessive ringina. •Electncal timers should be hooked up to lights. a radio or television and the air conditioner. If a burglar spotsa house on a hot niaht in the summer without the air conditioner runnina. it's a tipoff that the house is empty.


Amona the luxurious amenities ceramic tile contcrtops and walk-in thatarccarriedthroqhoutththomes closets with mirrored doon. Even with Mediterranean-sty-_~hitec- one of the plans features separate his turc are dramatically desiped fire- and .ten master baths. places in the livina room. family In addition. dual-zoned heatina room and master bedroom and hand- and air conditionina, hand-finished crafted wet bars with oek herri..tM>ne hardwood doon. oak balusters, hand­tops and brass sink with Price. Pfi1ter rails stained that match cabinets, faucets. · desiper-se~ed litht fi1tures in-

Wood-bumina fireplM:es come in cludana rack liP&s and dinina room marble, brick or pre<aJ& ~ dimmer switch, and 7S111Jon water treatments. beaten add to the standinl raideft.

The ma11er bedrooms will offer tht tial eacellency of the East Hill homes. l"1UI}'- of Kohlef- CaMbemn •• &ch Roorplu c6n ~ _.. .. cuamic til< - witll .,.,.,..;,. and ~ clear alass doors. daiper-tdected Plus vinyl tloorins. can ~------------. choolc flom eerunic · WOOd

parquet or wood plank en1ry In addition to lbe IDlf ~ dif

Coto tbeCua c:ommunitJo&s tolM members ol llte a.b lie C.. IM world<lw Vic .... Teaaia Col­lcee an olympic-lilld IWiwn•i111 Po'Oi wt an eq111ttiu cater.

Home 11 d'1ft'I ca vilit "-e model = =-::.":.:r::..'T:.: by Woodward Dille. I& in July. Tiie prices ol &Mc ...... - .. , been relwed ,et.

For Mdiliomll .... , ....... the upccniaa...., o1,.. -.. EMt Hills eoelK& die J.M ..... Co 1t 1'4-2'00. .

.. Or9ftge Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 3. 1988 C3

rta.JC mna: Ml.IC NOTICE NUC NOTICt ACTmOUe ...... flte'"10UI .,._.. ..CTITIOUl llU9MU FICTITtoUI ...... ,temtOUe aJSllII .. ...... ITA~ ..._ ITAT"tmNT ...._STATE~ Nam ITATlmNT NAm aTA~

The folloWll\Q l*tonS 11• Tiie i~ pettonl •• Ttw IOllOW1no ~ton• are Tne fooowing pet.ens are Tri. toloWlng persont ..

Feller-Jn e-appeill t€d-t<J-t8F-Hl on HomeBuildePs Council

~~M ~~M ~~M ~~U ~~-ASPEN MAHAGMENT M8Y ON THE GO. 525 ZOt'.'S OFACE EOUAL· TOWNE • COUNTRY tGf INTL. 328 Alve l ll.,

CO .19700 F•Ohlld Rd 3rd !iof~CIOIL.N •- .. -- r _, 1,,.,., .,.,..U..~ttt 1 .. ".," .- ~.._ .... P.ABJS.... '""" 1" • sl.l.MM&..CA!if 97&27 rlo<w~1ne, Clilif'"V~ nn• • A. Sanse Ana C1J1! 92707 Ova~ " 290. N<IWPofl e .. ch . 01vl0 L GrtllCOm. la

0 Joeepn W.,,te. 1300 Tracy Swan 525 SprfnO- Z~ L Ptopacostas. se<l 1 Cahf 92660 Alv1 In . Coate MMI. Cttllt A<tllf"S, C~ta ~. Calif brOOll ll'Vlne. c.t1! 92714 s R~' StrMI • A Santa R.cna•d AV$1tn Hall 55 92627 _9282& l1sa Barr-oan 7 4 Wino- Ana Cah! 92707 Linda l$le Newpor1 Bealct> This ousoneu 11 con•

This bu&Jneu •• con· jammet 1tv1ne Call! 92714 n111 bu11ness it con· Ca111 92~0 o~eo tty en 1n0111taue1 ducted t>y WI 1n4IV10u.1 This tw11n"' ti c.on ctuct9d D)' an 1n<t111tdual Th11 bvttnHS " con- OavlCI L Grl9C()m O=BeilMI• dvC'ecl by CO·P.,.,~ Zoe L P~acostH ClucieO oy an tndlVlch.taJ ThtS at••- · ......

J.M. Peters G~unpany accounts payable supervisor Debbie Pellerino has been appointed to the Home Builders Counci) of the Buildin1 lridustry Association (BIA) o f Orange County. ..

A 10.ycar veteran of the industry. Pfllerinowill serve a 9 ne-ycar term on the council, which is enaqed in fostering intra-industry and community awareness of BIA activities and programs. Her apPOintment follows a rlcommendation by the nominating committee of che board of direc tors as well as a vote bY. the full 2S-member board.

As ·part of her duties with the new appointment, Pellerino will c0<hair the Council's newslette" commit· tee.

• • • A-M Homes. Newpart Beach, announced the acquisition of 121 homes1tes on 90 acres in the master· planned community of Coto de Caza in the foothills of Saddleback Mountain.

"This site. with bcautifut'views of the Coto de Caza go lf course and the surrounding mountains is an ideal site for the elegant, ultimate move-up homes we build." said To m Hover. president of the Southern California Rcgjon o f A-M Ho mes. "We will take full advantage o f1he site. bui!ding th~ sott o f e xceptionally large and beautifully designed ho mes that people have come to expect fro m both A· M Homes and Coto de Caza."

The new A·M Homes neighborhood will offer four Ooorplans. spaciously sized from approximately 3.000 to 3. 700 square feet . They are planned to include such upscale features as master suites with retreats: his and' her dressing rooms: separate children' s suites: lof\s. dens or

bonus rooms and three car uraacs. . ~ . J.M.C. Development, Inc. of Tustin is the latest

addition to the client roster ofl.avender & Associates a full· scrvice advertisina and public: rclauons firm ~d ·i n Irvine.

Under the direction of qcncy principal Darlene l.ayendcr. the co!Y'pan>'. has already developed .,.aphics. conateral materials. s1anaac. advenisina a nd public relations programs for J. M.C. Development's Arborcreek Estates.

~orkina w!th Lavender on the ac~ount 1s public relal!O.n? executive Ann Ro'!lano. who is directing the pubhcuy effon for Atborcreek Estaces. Ro mano · con· tributes broad-based expertiSt in new-home develo p­ment, master-planned community and commun11v awareness campaigns to the account team. ·

• • • Canyop Crest Hills, a new planned community

located in R iverside. has chosen Hubben Advertisi ng & Public R'elations Co .• Inc .. to develop aod implement a complete advcrtisin& and public relat-t0ns campe1,n. The announcement was made by Geoffrey G raves. senior vice president o f client services.

Neighborhoods included in the Canyoll C rest Halls planned community are Brock Ho mes Canyon Crest Hills. California Communities' Emerald Ridge. and Manzanita by Ahmanson Developments. Inc.

Dana Kovach , vice president/account executl\e will direct the advenisir\g pr~m for Canyon Crest Hills. and Jocelyn Johnson. public relatio ns account executa \ e. will handle the public relations activ ities for the community.

T .ment wu filed Tracy 5._.,, Th1t statement was l11ed Rtc:nat~ AIAIUn l'lall w1\tl the CO!mly CleOt qt Of· wm1 ~ ty C*ll. Of cµ. 'fn• s1atemet11 wu fllecl .. ,,. tile Courtty Ciefk ot Of-. n ... siatemem was flied ange County on Merefl 3, •noe Covnry on Maten 11. w.tt'h IN Cov111y·c 1er11: of ,O<· ange County on u .. ct> 9 wnh the Covmy c ieri. or Of- 1988 1*' ange County on Mwcn 10, 1N& ange Covn1y on Marcil 2• 1 ,-,,_

,,, .. 1988 F~ 1988 . PubllSl\ed Oral'ge ~ Pvbllf.Md Oraf\09 Coas1 Fl141U PublJsneo Orlll"ge eo..1 Fl75710 oauy Piiot Mareh 13. 20. 21.

Daily Pilot Marcil '27 April 3 Pul:>ltShed ()fange Coast Daily Ptlol Ma•ch ?O 27 • PuOhsneo Orange Cou1 Apnl 3 1988 Su· 3IO 10 t7 1988 0.lly Pilot Ma1ch 20 27. April 3 10. 1988 08Jly Pilot Aprot 3 10 17 2•

Sv ... 2.t Apnl 3. 10 1988 Sv-• O.t 1988 l-----------------1 s ... ~09 Su-458 NILIC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE MUC NOTICE

P\alC NOTICE ... ,.; :• FICTITIOUa llUltNEH "8..IC NOTICE FICTmou•.,.... FICTIT'IOUS _,..... NAMI 'STA.,_.,y '

NA ... ITATW•NT FICTITIOUS llUalNlll NA• STATW_MINT FICTITlOUS 8UllNESI rr.e rollowing ~ .,_ The IOllowing oersons are ...._ ITA'R....,. Tl'le follow1ng '*''°"s .,e NAME STATEMENT oo1ng ousmess H :

Cloong bv1tneu as ,,Tt>e rooow•~ pett.Ol'S are CIOfng Dusoneu as The lollow1r19 persons are CARE l" REE TIMES WESTSIDE \llLl AS 135 OOlng Duliness as E ~ER A. L 0 c 0 v E Clo!ng Dvsmeu a~ y AC ... T MAINTENANCE.

Commercial Way Costa RED Hill PARl(WAV YACHTS. 2751 W Coast PC ACCOUNTING SER· 3, 8 N Newo0'1 Bl.-0 .. SI* Mesa Call! 92627 P A R T 111 E A S 4 t O O Hwy N-port Beac,, C111! VICES 15~ (,amino San 113 Newl)Orl ee.dl, Cellf,

Ronald J AmDurgey 21j 6 MacArthur SIYO Suite 780. 92603 Clemente Sari Ciemente 192663 C100la Costa Mesa C•t1t ~ Seacll. Cali! 92660 E K ~"'-n '~ Bto•O· Ca111 i2f. ·~ OonN Cnri.hn Pettrl*I. 92626 Ronald P Toms.c " 8 wfly l 19Una s..cn Ca111 P11H<•li """* 159Camino 17000 w CON1 Hwy .. .......

Anore..., c anct> 135 com- lsabeti. Terr- Cotonaelel 926S l ISdr C e"'t"'e Sar lpori a..chCallf 92913 ,..,.,Cllll 111/ay Costa Mesa Mar Caltl 9262!i MICh- I( H4Kman 209 C~,,. ""'• Coor 926n Tn1a l>V$tnUI IS CIOft'-Cahr 92627 Harry a..~ow1u 2521 • •2no S1 Newpon Beaot- "~ i;.,, "e!>s '' con- duclt>O Dy an lndMdl.lel

This Dusmess 15 con-I First Avenue Corona Oe4 Caltf 92663 ou~11i'c t•. di 1no1.1ouilJ Dorine Pelrlllo oucteo D 101nt 'enture Mar Ca111 92625 This business •S con Pd"•-·• ,J "~ Tt>1s Stal•"*"' - flied

Ronaio1 J Amourgey Tn1s Dusmeu 1i con- ouc1eo b) co-partne<~ ," .: •:.tiemt'<'• "'as 1f1t~ "'tr ltle Covnt~ Ctenl ot Or· Tilt$ s1a1ement N8 $ lt!e010UCted by • o•,,.al part- e K ~an " ' f -0"'"

1' Cler• 0. 0·1.inoe County <>rt Met'Cfl ~4 .

...,11 ,., l'1e C.ount f Cte<~ 01 01 . nership TnlS s1a1emet't • ii' hl&O a"<;t' i:: ..,"'"" or Maret> 2• 1988 ange Coun1, on Maier 1a Rona10 P Tomsic Panner '#1111 tne Cou"1y C1eo 01 <;>• ·«P• F11'l1W 1988 rr.1s s1atemen1 was flle<l ange CO<Jnty Ofl Md1c1 ' 4 f37S753 PuohaheO o • .,. COlllt

F37502t witt> lt>e County Cle<k ot Or· 19&8 "~01.s11 ,.c 'J•c1n~e Coas· Dall; P11ot ... prll 3 10. 17. 2•. Publlsf>ed '.hl"'.Je Coast ange Covniy on MMCl'I 2• F375757 :.. ... P ..... At>• '.l 1;: • 7 24 1986 •

Oallv P,10• Mar~• ~- Apnt 3 I 1988 Pul:>lisneo O•an<Je C.Cla,1 '•SE Sv.....a , 10 1 ~ 1986 FJT57• Oa•I) Pilot .t.Dn~3 1c • ,4 Su-45~ ---------

Su-43 1 Put!hsr>!!'O O•an~ Coast 198e nuollC MnflCE 81-IC 11111'\TIC( Daily P1101 April 3 10 11 2.t ______ __.;.S_ 4_'' __ ,._uo __ ""---- 1 __ ,..;.;;..;~;..;;;..;....;."";.;;;.;..;.;.;;;;......_ __ POO_ll_C_NO_Tl_CE-- 1988 Su 60 P\8.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS 9VSINUS FICTITIOUS .,.. .. _, I NAlllE STATEMENT NAME ITATlmNT



FICTITIOUl llU.51NESS ·..,p !ot•o"'•"'Q person$ a1e Tne 1ooow1ng penona are NAME STATEMENT P\&.IC N0 ...._STATEMENT 'Joi"~ ous.,~s <» looong business • -

Tne lollow1ng oe•sons a>e Tl'\e !Ollowongpe.-ionsare EP GR A M PRO- ESQUI RE BARBER dO•ng Dus1nes~ as FICTITtOUS llU ... SS 00f"9 t>uS•"PSS n :>..iC' •Oll.S .JS A ?050 SHOP 1734 N Tustin Av .

STREE TWISE 1400 Dun-I NAME STATEMENT SAOOLEBACll C.OUR1ei:. Newpe,r• 81.c .: • 1 Cos111 Santa Ana Calif 92701

Unders~nding a~<l shopping for the right title i~~urance firm

n.ng Laguna Beacn Cahf The 40llowing persons are 21392 Fleet ....ane .. uni· Mesa Ca111 92627 Rocna10 Tan 610 Juant'I 9265' ooong ousiness as 1ng1on BeaCTI C.111•• 9204!> ~·C"o'O Counts 2424 SI -=C Costa ~. Celi!

Diane Marsna11 >400 O...n- J&P l"RENCf-1 BAI( ERV OeD01 at> Sue Wien• "lewpen 81ve = 1' Cos1a 9262' n1ng Lagur>a Beacn Gahl 1835 A· 111 New;><>rt Sivo 21392:- F1~1 .., ... .,11ng•o~ Mesa Cam 92671 Tn1s business 11 con· 9'1651 Costa Meu Cah! 92627 Beach Call! 926-46 Tn1i. ous1nesi •s CO(>- ctucted Dy an 1n<t1¥10ual

Detra F101•c 1400 °();;n. Pal• Cit. lOflllec 17601

l'11$ ousiness S ~0'· Ou<'i'Cl th ill' m01v1dua RICtlarO Tan rung. Laguna Beacn ca111 Pomona Costa Mna. Gahl Clucted by .i" •no•v1oua " •c ' a•o CoJnts Thos siatement wu fled

19265 t 92627 ·1 Oebot an S llll~seo • "'•S >tatemt'<'• was filed w1lh 1ne COf.lnty Cletrk of Or·

This ou~•ness s con- Jacous GtrauOet ~3600 Tt>1s statemi">l ·~ 111ee " 'I" 1he C.:>un!y C1eo o• 0<'· 1anoe County on MIVCfl 111. ovc1ed Df co-oa·tne<s I Villa Ave la Ovi"1a Gahl w11n the Count 1 Cieo :11 0- .. noe -ounh O" Marer> is 1988

Diane Marshall This ousiness •S con- af191! CO<J"I~ on Marer 'ii •988 F17C7" By nM JOHNSON lllloC......, ...........

SACRAMENTO - O ne of the most imponant but lca~t und.trstood steps in buying ~ homt' involves the purchase oft1tle insurance.

Few buyers go shopping for it. o r know what it costs or how it works, industry reprcsentativC's say. And o nce homeowners get it. they forget about it - unless something goes


Most homeowners probably don't even remember the name of their title·insurance company, according to Dave M. Bodwell. chief title officer for Chicago Title Insurance Co. in Sacramento. Title insurance. he ex· plained. is a on~time rttmium that provides protection for as long as the purchaser owns the property. " Un· like other insuran~ thac assumes

risks for people. it lim its them " Tn1.s s1a1emen1 was 111eo ovcted Dy a hm•te<I pai-tn~<- 1988 "747'0 I Pubhsl'led O.ange Cour Bodwtll pointed OUt .. • "''tn tne Covnr. Cle1' o! Or- Sl\ip FJ73ttl1 I' JOhsneo OfanQe Coast I Daily Poot Marctl 27 Ap...il 3 ,

TL.- • I . ange Covn11 on Maren 22 1 Patock Lorillet I P ... Dl>S"ecl O<ange Cc..isi Oa '• Pilot Ma•CI'> z· April 3 110 l7 1988 • I II\: ~SOn lite COmpan1es ha ve 1988 th1S Slalemertt was l11ed Da11, P1101 Ma'C" 20 ?7 1\; ' ' •98t S~21

such low public profile.; is that the) F37S380 w1t" the County Cie<k or a .. Apn1 3 10 1988 Su-423 don't aim much advertising a t con· Puollsl'led Orange Coas11 ange Co<.intv on March 2.t I Su-403 P\Bl.IC NOTICE 1--P\ll.--IC-NO_TICE __ _ sumers. Instead. their --ales pitch 1s oa.iv .!'1101Marc" 2' AP"13 I 1

98a n157s1 1 Pdll.JC NOTICE directed primarily toward real estate 10 1

· 1988 Su-U l ' Puo 1i~o Orange Cou1 ' FtCTITIOUI 8UllNESS FlCTITIOUI .._ .. :ao .. ncs. who a ccount for most of their 0

1 all) P•1o1 -'P••l3 10 11 2 4 FICTITIOUS llU ... ss NAME STAnMENT .,,... ITA~ -.- 988 .,.._ STATE...-T ·~ tot10-. "9 ~ns a•e Tr.e fOllowing ~a ere

..referrals. P\alC NOTICE s .. ~57 r,.,. tOllOWong persons are 0 ()1"9 oos•ne» as ooono 1:>vs11·- as In the early 1970s, rrbates to real Ooong t>vsiness as 0 ~ "'POWEPWASHING VIDEO ADV AN TAGE

hed h dal FICTITIOUS .Ul•IS NILIC NOTICE ERIC S YOGURT 24681 10866 WPS1m1.,s1er S1vo t. TO 1t79 Gteon Eyre 5'lite esta\C agcnu reac SUC' scan o us NAME STAT£•NT I La Plaza O< : \20 Dana ' .: 57 Garoen GroYe Caul 137 Li19Vn& Beecn. Celi! proportions that legislatio n was Tne rouo..,no persons are FICTITIOUS llUllNESS PO\f't c ai.• 92660 92~3 9265, enacted tO proh ibit the practice. C101ng Dus1ness as NAME STATEMENT Are•- Zare "e •'a •O D•• • .a,"(' ~ape:. 10866 '1arr~ St.0.. 63~ ThaWa.

Altho ugh the ant1-k1ckback la~ l(AYAK THE GRANO T'1e •0110...,ng persons are lra1aiga· "I- PO'' "'leac• .,.,est,....•"Sl~• 81•0 :S" Gar· Laguna Cah• 926~1 . l TO 224'l Jn•vers•t) 01 oe><ng ousiness as Ca•· 92660 oer C,•,ve Ca• 1 92£>44 Tn1s t>uStneu 115 con-

only mentio ns real estate pro- I : 120 Ne .. port Seacr- Catt• I CAR ..,ro 11. BROWN E I ·,,,5 ous•"es& • :.o~· ·n~ ou$•nes~ s con· oucttMlb)I a 11m11eopart,,.,-fessio nals, sa id Reid '1cClaran. a 92660 AND WATSON J 19 A Air- ouc•e-c::, a,, n<l •• o.,a J...ctee o, af' •no1v•o~•· st>tD Stafl-.attomev With the <;tale [)cpan- Reel O•if>9e Inc Call·1POft loop Drive Costa ll ·e· "''llla ::>ar,. Lch•ne ~apes "tarry Slac.11.

f I · . I d 1 •o•noa 2240 l.Jnh•e<SltV Dr Mesa Gahl 92626 · ., ! >lat~"' .. a~ ,,.._.e Th,, sta1er>e"' .. u h•..C r.,,s s•a1ement was hleo

me nt 0 nsurance, It a <.O was a1me : i20 Newoort Be<lcl'I Caltl RIC11aro Ca•llon Browne " "" 1~ Cov"'' C1<>r. o• O• ,..,,,.the C-Oun1, C1e-• o• C •· •will'> tne Covnl'( Cleo: of Qr. al attorneys.. lenders a nd others an a I 92660 319 • A A1•po'1 \.000 '>·ve a<'ge CO<Jr>h G< Ma•C" 2« ange C°"r '• or Ma•c· '6 af19e Count~ on MaTCfl 18 position lO induce their clie nts tO T'11S l>US•"ess s con·l Costa Mes& Cahl 92626 •98€ '988 1988 •

b · · I Ii fi l ducted oy a 11m1te<l partnet Sammy Mack Watson F375t661 F17tn1 F3'190SI

0 tarn lit e insurance ro m spec• IC Shrp 3 l91 A O.irport LOOP 0<'111e Put>llSl'>ed O<a"ge Coas1 Out S'>eC O•ange C.0.S1 I PvOllSheO O-anoe Coast companies. ' David I( l..ovegren P•es• Costa Mes.. Cal<' 9262f :>a••• P 10• A.0<~ 3 10 , • • .: :>a1h o ,,, ...,.~, ~ r A.t>< 3 Oa11, P1101 MarCh 2? A_pnt 3

Basicall) . there are two k.ands o f oen· Th•s ous r>ess is co"· ·gs: •o ·- •0~~ ·c ·- ·988 ll l le insura nce O ne i<. designed to Tn1s s1atemen1 was •tied ouc1eo o, i ~erat pa•" ~- t6 · SY-'2<

· w1111 the Covntv Cler~ or O• - ~•st>1p pro tect the lender. a nd the Other the ange Covrw, on Marcil 18 R1charo C B•o""'ne ho me--buyer. Usually, they are o f· 1988 r1i.s S1a1eme<\t ...as 11oec fered as a package an res1dent1al-salt.>S F375031 "' '" •he c.o..,M, Cle•• 0 1 O•

Puousroeo Oianoe Coas1 <t"QI! Co...r1; on Ma1cn 24 transactions. oa11y P11ot March 21 -'Pfll 3 I •9&a

Lenders insist o n a policy to pro tect 10. ir 1988 F1nn1 their loan and insure its market· Su-4361 P.JbltStte<l O•ange Coast ab1.hty. Bodwell said . '\n. o wner's ~;;~ P·101 AP•• 3 •o ·- 2


pohq pro tects the o v. ner s equ1 t ~ . fltalC NOTICE Sv-•.i- I and insures against claims others ma~ FICTITIOUl llUSINHI .---------have to the propert~ .. .._ sun•NT rtll.JC NOTICE

lfa bU\_1er"pays $20.000 d OWn On 3 T'1(1 IOtlOWtnQ Qef$O<IS are 000 $80 000

OOfng OvSAneM as FICTITIOUS _,...II SI 00. home and ge" an . Pv RAM•D Pu~HrNG N._ sun•NT m o rtrs8e. the lender wo uld require co 55 • Soutn Coast 1-119n- rne lol10W1"9 person$ are

8 000 I .ti pol c Bodw-11 wa) l~una Beach Ca1t1 oo-ng OUStness as an . 1 e 1 Y· .. 9265 1 I c • 1..1FORN1A. HAWA IIAN explained. To protect hi.; inte rest. the Jenere~ Joseo" Reaioon 1NTERNATIONAL 2221 s buyer would need a S1fl.OOO owne r's 628 Tl'>a11a St Laguna S1anoaro '"'e San1a Ana pol iC} . Beacl'> Cahl 92651 Catr•

If ti.ti• 1·s lost and a bu)·er doesn 't Joyce Anne Reard()I'\ 551 l S1e~r Jett re; Barnes " Soul" Coas1 '1 1gh wav 702 Jasmme Ave CO<ona

have an owner's polic' . the lender Laguna Beach ca111 92651 o.i Mar c.i11 92625 ~ould be paid but the buyer wo uld This o ... s•ness is con-1 Tn1s business •s con· lo ... the pro,...rty and h1' ...,u it\. in It. Clucled Dy tOfnt venture ouc1eo o~ an 1n01.,.0uaJ

.- ~ .... Jett Rearoon SteV1l"' Jettre" Sarnes Coates said. Tn1s statement was 111«1' This sttteme1tt was hie<!

Buyers may ,obtain a hinder pohq w-th 1rie Count) c~ or Or· w<tn the Count) Cteril 01 or-J if they ex"""'l to sell the home within a ll-"Qe Count) on March 18 anoe County on M•re11 10 I

~· t988 1988 few ycan. F375020 Fl7•'147

The California Land T itle Assoc1a- Puo11s !'1ect Ora.noe Coas1 Pvbllst-t'd 0ranqe CC>Ut l tion . a SaCfamento-ba<;(d tradtPan· Oa1f~ Pilot Maren 27 Aprol 3 Oa1ty Pilot MarCll 20 27 dustry orpnization. offers , free l O t 7 1988 su-• 26 Aor11 J to 1988 s.,_. ' l -brochures..about-t~k 1nsuranc:e- aod~~-::-::-:-:-:-;.;=:::::-~-t-"======~======--=-=r-•

closing costs. Rcqu~ts ~hould be sen t P\Bl.IC NOTfCE P\llllC NOTia to P.O . Box 13963. Sacramento. FICTITIOUS llUSMSS Calif. 95853. with· a ~elf-addressed NAME sTATnlf'NT F~~A~u and stamped bus1ness-s1zed ,.,.,e 1o110"'1"9 oersons are The roiio-11>9 Def'l()t\$ ar ~

I .:1om9 t>usoness as OOl!\Q ovsi...s as en ve o pe. AQUA MARINE SAil ANDJ VACHTS UNLtMlf EO


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I CANVAS Cl~~NG l~5 , 11Q 1 Nch~S1 :O H~t-Wl\11t1e1 Costa Mesa Call! 1ng1on Seacl'l Cahl 9264 ~

t. lan "a•O•ng 61 37 ~lrus M van de< Goot Ctyt>O<Jm St ~ .; Caur 1232 Tenntno Long Bea<:h

MORTGAGE-RATE·s Flguree • of Thurtd•y. Mwctt 31


9, 606 Calif 90803 Tn1s business 1s con-1 This busoness. 1s con·

oucteo ov a., 1nd•v•Oual 1 OIJcied b)I an in<ttVldu.l Alan Hll!Olng • Plel!)IS M Van Def Cool ff'l•s s1a1.....-en1 wa.s hie<! T1:11l statement was Med

witl'l the Coont1 Cleo. o• O•· Wlt i' 1,,. County Cieri< ot Or· ange Count• on March 16 ~ C°"'""' ()I'\ Mardi 10. 1988 1988

F374T.M FS?••

You'll hook your 1mit of terested buyers with · ad~ you place in the ctassifieds. And our~ rates won't swamp your profitsl


....,.. Down ........ Locl4n ..... ........ Down ........ L.ctr-lft ~ ..... ..... """ <"> (~) ~ ..... """' ('Mt) (~) ('Mt Leen American lnterat•te S&L 9.875 10 1.500 168 7.375 10 2.000 1 2.750 250 Anchor MOt1g9ge. 9.750 05 2.200 80 188 7.500 20 2.000 90 2 .7~ 500 Bank of America ii 10.125 10 2.000 45 188 ·1.500 10 1.500 80 2.250 168 Brookside S&L 10.125 05 1.500 15 188 9.500 20 0.000 15 2.375 500 Contlnent.i S&L 10.000 20 2.000 45 168 7.250 10 1.500 00 2.500 168

.....,,.-..NL ,.,. " 1.- 00 111 7.790 • 1.- • 2.115 -<Mend• Federal S&L 10.000 20 2.000 30 168 6.950 20 1.500 45 2.500 750

HancodlS&L 10.125 05 2.000 15 188 7.500 20 2.000 15 2.500 188 2.000 i88 7 .250 20 1.500 15 - 2.250 188 HewthOme S&L 10.125 20 -15

HOme Fedefal S&L 10.000 o5 2.000 14 188 8.000 18 2.000 ."5 2.750 500

............. , ....... 1U7I • .... • - 7.711 " .... • 1.790 1" ~S&L 10.125 10 1.500 30 188 7.625 10 1.800 "5 2.500 188 Landm8l1t Bank Mortgege 10.250 . 05 1.500 30 188 -7.250 05 2.500 15 2.500 168

~S&L 10.000 10 2.000 15 188 7.250 10 1.500 15 2.500 300 Nlttonal Benk 10.250 10 1.000 30 1 .. 7.625 10 1.750 15 2.750 800

•11t1FV~ .... • ... 11 - U1I • 1.111 11 1.711 .. ~ =r lonel Bank 10.376 10 2.000 10 1ee 7.500 25 1.750 22 2.500 500

Ptonllr s& 10.500 10 • 2.000 30 111 7.175 10 1.500 30 2.250 188

Oulk• Qty s&L 10.250 10 1.500 00 , .. 1.150 10 1.500 00 2.500 300

"'Plblc F«W• Savtnga 10.250 05 1.000 75 111 1.900 10 2.000 75 2.500 181

···--:=: .... • 1.- • - , ... • ... • um -10.HO 10 2.000 00 1ee 7.750 10 1.000 00 2.250 181 lecurltY SM'OS 10.500 10 2.000 00 , .. 7.500 20 1.000 00 2.250 500 '""'= ... U.S. Home oen 10.125 10 1.100 23 250 7.175 20 2.500 "5 2.250 181

Y~Fedlrllls&L t.ars-- 10 1.IOO 30--- 7.12$. 20 1.500 eo 2.500 500

.......... .....-... -= ............ = ........ 1 ........ ,,.,..., ...................... 0...

..-..._. ..... <" .. ••• ............. _..... ............. - ................ - .......... ...... ....... ,....................................... , ... -................................ ,.._ ..... --.., ~,_.,...,_..,.,to...,.._.•_. M ...... __,._. ..... ...._ • .._.._,

111111..-1.• 1.90 1.n ... e.n 1.•

~ 1.•

L..e...i•--· 1.12 1.12 1.50 1.50 5.M 1.13 1.11 5.t3 I.IS 1.12 1... 1.41 1.n 1.n

..... 11)11C1t .. ,..., •• s" ..... 1)11C1t

c ft •*• t .112 10.1n

1..330 7.AI


•• t ft lQ



_._, •• ._U ... Sll4°M1s .. •C••aaa•1J11•lit•tf~C 5 Al •• _..,__, _____ .._._ ...... -.~,,,,

Puo11s11ec O•anQe Coas1 Da•IO Murray 120 1 ~ Daily P1101 1,A a1ct- r A0<1I J I Ste 370 ~ 8eectl 10 11 1988 I ca~! 92660 _______ s_.,_~_20_ 11 ouDllS1'«l Oraf\09 Gout

..-IC MnTICE D~""' P11o1 Maren 20. 21. CLASSIFIED 642-5678 --"-~--""----! AP<tl 3 10 19&8

Su-'00• , f"ICTITlOuS IUltNISI NA• STATE•NT The lollow•ng oe<"sons ar@

<toong t1us1ness as JOHNS ON-SHEARS

1062 l Calle Lee unit 14 1, LOS Alam11os. Call! 90720

Vte" t J S helrt & W !lliain Shears 908 l omWrCI Covrt Cos1a Mesa Calif 92626

STARTING A NEW,~BUSINESS?? · P-n) JOl'l"son & 1(1n.

J<>"nson 1 192 ~ltcl\efl A\1'4! Apt 111 Tu:s11n Call! 926&0

11"11$ Dustness •S con­ctuctec:I by- a gene<al oan­~·o

VIC1l1 J Shears Thts s1a1emen1 was hleO

wolh I~ COUf'lf\ Clefll ol Ot· -. Count; on Mlll'Ctl 10 19t9

F'S74* Pul>kst>ed o..,. Coat

Deify Ptlot ~Ch 20 27 ~3 10 19M

The Legal Department a t the Oail'y Pilot 19 pteued to an· nounai a new MrVice now avail­able to new buslnesaea.

We w.11 now SEARCH the Mme for you at no extra ch•ge. and save you the time af\d the trip to the- Court HOUM In Santa Ana. Then. of oourM. after the IMfCh ii oompteted we wtfl fite 'f04ll1 ftctlt~ buliness name _ .... ..,, wttti the County c~.

~ once a .- tor tour ... , .. requnct by law aNt ....,, ... ~ proof of pwbfi... catton wtth the County Clerk

Please stop by to '"• YOtff' ftet1trous business stetement et the Daily Pilo t Leg•• Depart­ment. 330 West Bay. Costa Mesa. Calitom1a. If you can not stop by. P1e&M can us at · (71 4) 6~2~321 . Extenlion 3 15 or 3 16 and- we wiM mMI• arrangements for you to handte this p rocedure by mail.

It you~ have any turttw questions. pteue call us and we wlll be more than glad to aai9t you Good tuck In your new bu$inest!!


OrMQe Cout DAALY PILOT I Sundey, April 3, 1988



........ ,. .... ...... ·-............ • .. c.n.. ...... llU C.ta.... 1111 .......... 1111.......... ... .......... ... ..... .... 1•• ~ ••• ········f/&iiiiijl--1•------ 9'' Ill w ENJOY th• bHuti lul ... unw- mlm octtA FRONT ... FFll1111 SLIP •• IO' 1117

•••• I- ... UllL Ill.Mimi•* sunsets from this loY8ly 38R 1BA. Redueed l o Whttewa~~Viooo ... ~ lll'MlllUlll AWl•T-- MIT '8r ,fum . garage. ~~~t· :-:-:-=-:.. ___ .:;-~·:1 UITll ULm Ill 4BR 2BA Harbor Vtcw s 199,500. Connie com k rr' ~ 1241- w/ d. 1rp1e, n-peta ...,,..,

******* Waterfront. 3BR. 2BA. °;et~lt:.~.!~cl~:~~ ~~•:s ~~ 1~11::;~ :::0:. . 631-1268 8

• 59-5080 LOllety rfllmodeted 28drm 38R eon...,.,ed 10 2BR, uveonthe watefwilhyour ~:,~~,/~~s-~:::•Y or

•PmWIT• with 1BR. 1BA unit. Boat So Bay LoYely patto tor ~KP~~ & more ....... ~ IMl & den Ltvlng rm w/ UMd 2BA. BHutllully up- own d0dts lortwo60 1oot Comc>uter ~ ol dock. large lllew deck. Front unit. 38r ~csen. make this a great buy ai _ brick fireplace • 48drm grllded. c:lo9e to beach boats or smali.< boats STEPS TO BCH OeluKe yow proPef1• In peraon Exc:eillent condition. ot- 38a, trple 2nd Unit 2Br 5595•000 Call Pam .. ... WIDll 28a rental Xtnt r91'1tal Catt J o an Carlson SBd<m. 48a of luKury 3 3BR 2BA duplex, shut· or Oller the phone. FREEi '-ad by Oliglnal owner 18a. lrplc, !lkyllte. win· 832-2000 orAt21-2094 2Br • den/ bdrm. 2'M>ll at· potential°' use total as 131-12M °' 957-8650 Areptacea. open entet· ters. frple. gar w/opor. No ob llnat lon . Cell SM0.000. do seats •"'"-9 000 By • ,__..dbl,.., By Owner residence Owner tainment area 1nclud1ng w/ d hie.up St 275lmo Remu • ,. Orange Coon- 142-1211 ow":t.r e1s"-368o . r ... wa s7~ 900 2.0-3188 . 8nKIOUS. Submit all of- 1trH.1m bar . den. formal Yrly 673-8754

WM* ~

ty ·~•nt for 198 711 I ml~ Valley 1134 . fef'S. $695,000 d1111ng rm and gourm4!1 Cenaa ... ••• ll u p:s~.,~K()( ;~~o~E m ~ •UM.b.o S8Kibtiownhome N:W ...,.,, ltack ••• •111-1•• ~ll~~pe~iac:ur;:,st bs:; • 408 SEAWARD 2 Sty •

~ =~•NTe carpet & ttoo<s, trple NWPT HgMs by OllW*' 3br s 1,075,000 2Br 1 ''> Ba lrg encl patto. tft _... - . IRVINE" TERRACE Ntee area, model unit 133t Anti..... Tum·k- 2ba hM 3-<:ar p . frpl, - ••t ., 12 i tr ""'" comm pool no ..... ........ .,~ E wt s 132,900 P/ P 839-4 100 """"' - · ~ i ID $325 000 ..,.._ - • ~ $950 832-46 tS

REALTY WORLD, Utn.l ISlAll E~~ ~~~:~ •••.. ltac• 1a.a1 ~rm~Y1b2~; ~ • a•1;j! J.g. ~ .. ~~ ~~i~t •1 UYW. • 408 SEAWARD 2 St} .

. . . ·. . . NE PORT BE C Captovatinnl 3Br, 28a front - """ ,,..... ~T-.. ·- _.,.::: - 2B 1• B 1 net patio •IUlllTWALI• W A H house--· lBr. lBa Full neighborl'tood 3 trg 8Rs. arate lrom children 's •ll0-1000• r ' a rg e ·

Exp. -.ppraihr. Pro- ..... t.fettlltr 2 BA. sunrm. trptc . sky· • LARGE GRASSY YARD wing, 3-car gar OPEN • frptc comm pool, no 1-•--• .,...,.,_ 1 .. vrs in fhtoOt ILlghtf & airy w1L1h light newly pamled & 28R 2BA. 5 blocks to SA f' 1· 5. Hez_el , 83 1.()680 ..... 111111* IPEI lllSE pe1S $950 , 832-4618 .__,,, .. -.--· ..

1• •-------• c: arm ng eatures g tand~aped corner tot beach, $145,000 -•••••&

area Computerized Info. studlO apt, beam c:eihng 539s.soo. t8l>S)9S4-0JSl Bkr 963-8377 Immaculate & well loved IAILJ 1•1 2 e r 1Ba. front unit 722~37 AllMWI Plml'Tt & SwedlSh frple. G•eat Collect. Owner "••ut1fut 3B-R . .. ~ nr *_.•fNT-RST* hOme in most desirable wl garage WIO plttO 1111

We'll g111e you the down on buy at $565.000 .,.... ""'" -· - p I ally dee J111ftlTAmAll •m w trptc c0tner t"IOUM. V Tiil llT . &Kchg tor a share ol own- • 675-4822• LIWIST PllCll'I' Mddowlat)t Golf Course .... NW• :::ed r~ 8:eled t~ no pets $895 644-7220

Spacious 2br 1V.ba s .c . ership You ' make lht! • • Lg country kit 5187,000 3Br, 2' '18a wlful.t ocean pef'iection For appt call *WAm NW• Of 754 1111 Metro villa. Won' t last at mthty pymts & we snare C.reaa •ti •11 102% REMODELED CAPE COD Memll Lynch Agl Evie view 5275.000 646-5313 or 646-787' tn newer Nooh Bluffs. LJllTI a1ay Ill c·y1 $87,SOOt Sh<>rt escrow apprec You receive JBR 3BA. den. yard 2 car ~pton. 646-87 11 Sotheby's lnt'I Realty Elegant 38R 2'~8A. - 2 Cute bul cozy Ovpte.c posslblel See today! Bkr lOO% tax benefits Must *HPlll• gar $395.000 for app1 David 722• 1488 or HARBOR- Ridge Crest No Agents p1eaM 3BR 2'•BA Townhm frnt Units 2BR 18A 1 car Steve Thatef'I . 979-5828 have clean credit Agl Total remodel 2BR • lBR Jom & Patty S t 759-9070 lniat 1044 Kathy 645-2235 Dynasty tu.c C:Of\dO. 1tlnt crtyrd w/fountam Indoor gar f opic Of1ve by 514

497-8757 Dys Ev Wknds S4 lO 000 Princ:opats L-1--ST--Rl •II J Coombe. Bkr 675-2235 - · $389.000 Onr1Agt Pllll•U ..._, tndry S239.900 A·B Jasm•tW! S900 mo - __;__;__;_;.._s..c.:..•.;;,....;._ only DARRELL PASH IH rlHVS ••• - ... - - --- ...... 19 .. 5 7528011 -···--~· or 702 Begonoa S950 w.sw -•-111t- PROPS 720-9422 1 .. BLOCKS TO BEACH' - w..:w .,...,.. ,. · •

- -- 28R 2BA & ic TURTLE ROCK CREST ..... ,•EST• llPI.. VILU IEITllS mu,"'. -- 2 Bedroom plus Oen 2 ....... OISTI• . neat n e. only 3BR 3 SBA, 2930 Sl f, 2 & 3 Bdrms Available 115-4112 llWPllf.. Bath. Home or great 1n- .$240 000 Call-apl S I SS70K JO. Agt 854•0315 from 52oo.OOO .. LJSWm Sunny & picture pe<fect. -Tlln•R come poten11a11 Under- * Tl..-EI * • • 759-9070•• Sottieby's tnn Ally Spacious 48R 3BA needs All remodeled l987 4Br. BEA UTI FUL 2Br 2Ba ,.._ .s ground security parking Approx 1450 sq It eacn C"i·-·tll lOff Dav id 722 · 1488. J . a family. 180° view Sep 2Ba 2 l lO Sevllle duple t. w maroleO firs

Magnificent penthouse ASKING $280.000 P oe k your co lo rs Tllnl llCI IUI Coombe. Bkr Kathy din . lam l0tmal llv rm 5437 000 Agent-Oartene hplC gare19e launClry pvt Wltll spectactutat v- l9rr WMte lltn $325.000 Eacn Oa"ell WTSI• 1·2 3BR 2BA 1700 st l Green- 645-2235 w/ trptc Loaded wl charm 673-.8700 or 675-6040 beach access No pets ~ ~:,:=-~~~1 :~~ 1~ lli-41H Pash Props. 720·9422 Two detached houses on b4llt v-. pvt spa olf Changing c:11cumstances Balboa tsiand Realty S 1450 mo 675-2370 spacious family room. hv· iiiiiiiiliiiim~---- •CIST--E~ one 101 Darling 2BA lBA MBR New crpt. oak firs & * ICIAll YIEW! * forced sale SSP39 000 PlllTlllSI - . BEAUTIFUL new det&c:tied

lll front house. dbl gar paint Call Agt l Ownr 3-sty 2br 2ba condo. FIRM. Diana osser 8 BR 1ng/d in1ng area plus two Prop. Info. Compyterlled •SllTI If NI* Smat~ lSR lBA tn back Prmcs only. $ 262.500 bonus rm 5197•000 118.') 644_65901760•5000 Deluxe Villa att>oa 1 Saa Cifiatalt 1111 hOme near ocean 3B• bedrooms. den , c a- uPdate Experienced ap- 3 S 646 5550 RfNA( lBA • atcovestudy Cath 2 .ea w •lh tam rm thedrat eeihng skylights pra1set Noobliga11on In Beaut i ful 2BR 2BA w i carp or t B o th Pnll & Eugema S1arke11· 4 rd t. • /Agent Clells, s«ytttes. plantatton OCN VU CONDO By S2800 'mo 673-6175 • and two large decks person / over phone fa bu lous gourmet wlfenced yards An111ous burg 854-8636 1760-5000 - fflllT- ·-/ shutters By Ownei ownr 2BR 2BA. 1 yr nu Enioy the secunty of a CALL 722-6337 ltotcnen woth breakfast osw2".e6rs 0 0Aosk1ngA nonnley n.r MA.V f II * \t·.w "rY"")T ru· '( ·11 s 159.000 (818)355~509 lmac end unit. patoo CHINA Cove condo 2Br gated community and Ille room Catheral ceiling KUIFllll\ 4Br tam/don rm. office • \.\ '\. "- A or (7141645-6927 S 129.750 492-8597 2Ba :?-car gar t Dlock to caretreoe liteatthepoot & HAVE hugemastersu1tew1th McCasland63 1-1266 \t"''"I ...,. 11. ,u_\ .ll 5.,Ba. Plltdock&shp REALTORS " __ _ oeacn Pa110 & B80 spa or walk to the beach alcove Plus a 2BR rental \\ . ....._ ~ Accomooates approK 60. WALK TO BEACH •llilt l•n I S t400 mo 9 79-3084/day Call now for an appoint- A NEED., apartmenL S595.000 REALTORS • boat Next to ., tot gar- ...-T~ • Jaow;z1, 28R • Oen ftr Salt 1100 673-7537 eve •

$4 10 000 • A-..111 -'- • .. -L- I W o t"- ... ftd ~ bl"" Just recently-refurbished. ------.---"'4!nl - .,... • ... den on est side across n '"" -· .,............ ....,. New root windows. paint 1 BLCK TO BEACH CllU CIYE 111-1100 ~eod the closs1f1ed pages ................. TllnftlOI PT. from Lido Yacht Club re'~ 2~r:s& ~:R ~a-: & stucco. $t66,500 2BA 1BA By owne• I WATtlFlllT

GE'"'\[)( ;E El .KJ:'\:S ono ,.ou re sure 10 '' " 11! FI ND Beaut J M Peters con- •T II FUllT PAnDI ~ Blt~•ns frpb, 4 • On the, w • ter •BR S36,900 21851 Newland Ul'l•Que 4 or 5BR 2BA 2 '-"'I.'- temp 2Br 3BA ttott eod Parking tor 4 - ears car gw etc: 5699 950 2• t BA $252.500 130 HB Sat Sun story prvl nome •n Quiet Grubb· Ellis f!: U)\tj'\'') unot sec system trench $1.350000 By Owner • 3BR2BA 1249 s l f walk - 1 lii2J R .. • Lrou-.• doors $3Z9,000 Owner Principals only 673-5373 MltlS IEALn . · $59,995' 3BR 2BA' 2 Stall e c usive community

L~ "" th h I ·1· d 11• ••ti 11• -- to beach. S 164,500 bam' • • Acre• Near Laite I Spacious & verutole floor roug C aSSI re 854·8293 or 250-9520 Please leave message - - - DOCKSIDE RE 722-9730 Pems' Better Homes & ptan Won<>erlul views Gardens/ John Denver Grf"tll front patoo ptenry

- -- . . .


Expect the best Coldwell Banker

Residential Real Estate Services




mVJNE S 149,000 Well-located 2 BR Princeton townhome, beauti· fully decorated in natural color . Quiet end unit for p rivacy. Assoc. pool. spa ..... tennis.

BARBOR VIEW HIL~ S559,000 Exciting 3 BR remodeled on cuJ-de-sac with huge park-like-yard. Bleached hdwd -floors. sky­lights, gourmet kitchen. a very " today" home!

HARBOR VIEW HOMES Hl5,000 Beautifully remodeled _.. enlarged "Somerset" model. 5 BR (one 11ow bei~ used as office) .

="Numerous upgrades. FPi n MBR. Channing!


SANDCASTLE '299,500 LuxurY. single le\"el condo. private yard, custom interiors. plantation shutters, two master suite . comm. pool & pa.

JASMINE CREEK '495,000 Beautiful ocean view from th is customized 2 BR + DEN condo. Beige & white decor. Remodeled kitchen and bathrooms. Large patio.

IRVINE TERRACE S54 I ,900 Beautiful custom home built a round a lovely courtyard + spa. vaulted cei lings with ome ocean view. Walking distance to Balboa + New­port Center.

BARBOR VIEW HIL~ '595,000 Beautiful custom 3 BR 2 1 1 BA home. Located on very private greenbelt. Close to schools, Fashion Island and peach.

CAMEO SHORES '7%9,500 A unique combination of loca t ion. des ign & vaJue can be had in thia 3 BR home complete with a m.-rvelous coastal view.

llVINB TEllACE '735,000 View, view, view from this unique + warm 3 BR + den home. Cozy kitchen, eating area, lg courtrard w/ pool, elegant formal DR. A real value.

8.PYGLASS BILL 1711,000 Night·lishta, mountain and canyon view.. T otal­ly cuatomized courtyard, mediterranean style home with French doors in every room.

.._.,. COii tl,•,811 Incredible combo-hiahelt quality new eonet.ruc­tion DIUI belt view. Or.in boUle w/every huury and 1001\ lot front row ocean. ,, .






" OLDE" CDM 3 BR + 2 BR




$639.000 414 HELIOTROPE


56 OllAKES BAY Oil $729,000 M. DEREMIAH



HARBOR VlEW HIL~ 1218 KEY WEST Clll 3 BR $559.000 0 . GOLDS BERRY



EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Sl89,500 Great sJ,arter home. 3 BR 1 BA. verv large yard with hard w<><>Q deck . greenhouse, ·and lots of fruit trees.

UNIVEISln PA.IK/ lRVINE '395,000 Hard to find 5 BR. 3 BA. Built by Deane in Univ. Park. This immaculate family home overlooks la rge park with comm. pool, spa, ten nis + play area.

BAYFRONT U,050,000 Dramatic three level home on 50' of front.age. Soaring ceilings, lots of glass make this 4 BR home warm + sunny. Gourmet kitchen, family room, bayside d~k add to the ambiance.


CENTRAL NEWPORT l!H 500 Close to the beach, cute Cape Cod type condo. 2 BR, 2 1 ' BA. off street parking, 2 car garage. exceUent cond . Perfect for 2nd home.

BAYSIDE COVE U!0,000 Spectacular bayfront condo w/ vaulted ceilings at an unbelievable value. 2 BR + formal DR. eating area in kitchen, sunny bayside patios.

WESTCUPP '4!6,000 Picture perfect 4 BR, 3 BA remodeled home near Mariners school. All new country kitchen enclosed fro nt brick patio plus pool-sized rear yard.

BELCOU&T 11,100,000 5 BR, 4 1•2 BA home. Examine it ca.ref ulJy for its flawless detail extensive wood work, pool. spa and waterfall. at.ate of the art kitchen. Call today for app't.

BIG CANYON 11,195,000 Overlooking 18th tee & Fairway in beautiful Big Canyon, 3 BR of finest quality construction materials. Great home for entertaining.

llG CANYON 11,llO, ... Panoramic view of 8th Fai~ay. Exciting cuatom home w/generoua UM of warm wood• and brick. Ideal floor plan. Larp rooma for gracioua enter­taininc.

IAYPIONT llr._.11 The counyud o( thil c ... Mta the •tale ror. the unsurpu1ed charm ol thil 4 BR home. T•teful· ly built throushout.

UNDAllLI ....... Spectacular, cont•mporary, remOdeled, beyfront. ~ kitchen, 4 BR, & t~ BA, turninc bMin, VMrW, ..,... llip + eouUa pmtio.


Re a 11 y 6 5 7 . 5 1 1 8 c l par ~ ong All new decor 657-8433 - M327 l~ dvl at $3500 mo

LI.UT IEIT 11 ICt SpaetOUs lbf on corner

YIWIEITAU 111-4112

to1 By owner E1tpan- LUXURY CONDO dabte $19.500 775-3152 1B•a•1d new 2Bd 3Ba con--- lllS rempo•ar)' w 1ncred1ble Acnltt Dih ocean 6 cot , lights 9'.34Acres' 2 Paroets• v • P "' s S 3 5 0 0 mo Nea r L ake Per ris' WATE.qFRONf HOMES $20.000 dn' 2 Septic REAL TORS 631 •400

tanks' Water meter ' 2 ·-------• Wells' $115.000' Assum toant Bettef Homes & SPYIUSS LUSE Gardens/ John Denver Newbedford · 4BR Realty 657 - 51 18 tx.<'uS 3 1ullBA oeaut·

657-.8433 Eves f u • $3500 m Mall 657·9•86 : A393 G .. ecge " 20-9800 or

- ;50.5000 Leh ler ·Salt 14M RfNA( Large~~ One \I"\\ I 1..~r I~\ ll premoumv...,.golf course REALT ~ • tot . $895 000 494-8230 l•mllllill•·----• ,_.sun, 1s• suNN" AND CHEER'

Sand Ca'it P COAdC ... 1n mta .. YAUJllTA lrplc Dl1tor .. with (;Ct'iln • PlllTA YALLllTI view 1 Bar.., 2 ca1 oar

Timeshare weeks June 30· age S975 me July 13 Steeps 4 5 Star Memll L , 11c • Rea t 1 resort pool, restaurant 759 £F.C'O S220 yr mainten&l'Ce 22 y• lease Can be rented C..11 ••11 2124 (app(Oll $50/ nogntt or '!"PP"'! _____ _

transferred 10 other 10- 2BR Ouple11 Ou Pl 0" c ations and date s vale lg yaro snaqi·•·aoe $3000 650-2753 (eves) xtra ott street !'ii• ~ ng Enf()y bargain Mexico' 0000 area S78<' "f. J"68

l.L ucU.,. Jiii 2BR • ·BA a~' t"l· -.,,-.

, • ... paint ~ carr.>e' <. •d.•O

a...s- No per~ SQOO mo Trade/Sale 3Br 3Ba ranch 548-2301 Scot11 t"lome with 3•,acres Avocado groves fOf O C •fl 281 1Ba c.atn ce•i condo (619) 321 -4428 dl w w1 0 llli. -up S700 'mo

_ ___ - 752A Center St 1entry on I.I. Wu... H2S east s.oe1 432· "i6"

*•lltD*- • BEAUTIFUL EASTStOE Private Party wants riOuse 28R 1BA rrg yarO' " al'li. .

tn CfM/ NB Under S200K up, ret rog hpl(; garage 722-7537 No Agts $89 5 mo • A ' ~ f or

Jt!an Cr a~ 63 t • 1266 • Ill_,_ 2 REMAX BLACK LOGO ANY HOMES CASH IN 72 HOURS 962·9800 • BRIGHTON SP~1NGS• ... tall Beaut•lul tr •·•vt 2Br t •Ba ·--··-----1 & spacious I Br 1 Ba ~c..les oondo loc. on . a au•el liiiiU'I Jill waterscaped comp lex

Frpic w ·d flirvp POOi I.le NEWPORT BEACH S750-S995 No pets

w Newpof'1 28d $825 CALL Velma 54q.2u 7 Npt Hts 2BR condo t 1200 Bavtronlcondo2B<SS1275 • CON00-2BA 1 •BA •

WATERFRONT HOMES Patto or huge private REALTORS 631_ 1400 yards avail Small 1>41t Oii

Pool CALL 646-2846

1111 *USTsm* **205 Crystat•• 2Br tBa. garage wl d fllt· 2BR 1BA ve-r1y. utollloes ups gardener incl end included S 12so1mo pa t oo $8 25 • sec: 675-6784 Of 760-8731 646-0491 or 675-3432

! ................... .

• Newsp41P9f • · • • !SPREAD ! i THE i I NEWS! : Work In the ever expanding News-

: spaper Promotion field! If you are Mtf-motivated and like working with ! teenagers . this may be the op­t portunlty you've been waiting for.

Thia ts a GUARANTEED INCOME of $400 per week to start with poten­tlel .. m ings of up to $1000 per week.

An IMuted V.,,, wagon pk:1c upllhelll are a MUST. • •

For more Information

Call Mr. Jam• (213) 477-2870

.. ,

• •

Ofenge CoMt DAILY PILOT/ Sunday, Apfil 3. 1988 Ca

llMC..!e llltlULIMO 1111 ••twt .... llH ...... ._. llll ••e• .... lllt l1lh1 Ptaiaaal1 C.U.... 1114 Cetta .... 1114 IAANO ,..._ luJCutY 2·sty UPPER 8.AV 2bt 2ba ·-;;;~;;~===1117=• .,._ .... .....,....,._ _ _. __ l<iiiti*ioiiSiiimiiioa"'"Jl- l;,;;8;.r_ w_tt_n_ troiiptc• • E....- 48A 28A. den. ---

2000 an. huOe ywd. dbl 38R 2BA Ellealtiw l'IOtne

oweoe • 14'5 P9t '* 1ne1 "'°"'· s 12501mo Av1 Me-1264 °' '42·9168 411 Anne McCH ll nO

PllLllPI 48drm & 2 8ettl hotN 2 Car Oat-0- UnturNINd ~va11 4 / 1/H YH rly


UIT condo. 2t>r 2bl hplc Located on I wide tuan flOUM Double ~fl!Qe ~tft'szM retr.g amatl PlllO 11ea C .. 1 11eh 2-ca r 91rage QtMnt>elt ttn e111)atlt111e lwep!Kie $1050,mo No ...::- -=--

EX LUllV( G UA" 1 1395/ mo 954-2171 38 R2' t9A t>Uutyttup- 1>911 8S24 179 pvfeotrane• 8ll 11hlpa10

•~STSIDE r~ 43 1· '2M 2BR Jg Vlld. erld pr-ea, P•t ok Avl now l 1825/mo Ml-4902 •111-l••

GATED COMMUNITY 9fade0 to IUlt me milliOn _ _ I $595 mo 650 S894 Bdrm 2 lettl TOWlw.'IOme Ull - •flrH&Mt 00111r appetJte Sh0f1 or WlllM Lii me ~•n. teeurity P'•· AP&IMITS E SIDE 28R 1 BA d t ='<:,.:;~;' ~v!.~ 2t>r Iba C1tffh1~n- 1S~m-yd toog t1tm !Iii 011 $2300 t BR. eloH t o beach vat• 2 car garage Lll•Q• attraclive •Ptt'" • 190 569!> N~;;!1~ pet.o., Obi GMeee $ t'7 9UIO gar nu erpt1 P•1n• mo lmmeo ocee>y PoH· $750/mo 722·0170 guest parking elevator beautrlvl geroen set11ng Ava11 4 10 135 Albert '-SoHy N> pel t "4.osot l1000t mo 84S· 3363 1ble Doug He1 b11 ViHa BalbOI p<ot oecO. POOi cu11om 1ntenor1 2 Pooti spa g•rage or j 543 5 .. 78 or 55 1 0336

• CUTE 28R EASTSIDE - ~ ~o COZY Cl1t• ~even Retrfft 7ec>-5000 or 720-3980 __ _. .. . _ 28"" 2BA LR OlicOC'!'flLL ~~!00.33:'30 cas·E~EtRSorr,ono 1)@1$ Remodele d Covered ...., NM, "-' bMd\ S8' I I n ' RENAC .......... '"'" ... ~ -· . * v A~ l CAT 10 NS 2B ' .s. S90~ PLUS oe pel lo, " "'Id & _, oil All! 2'"t8 a Clbl p lef-.oed , 28R 2ba condo ~~at· I.lg 2 8R tBA lrptc, 2 cat I FR Oen OR Pool spa 2Borm 2B1 S800 ll0i>1' Ricnard S48 l 128 ,.." "'""'' ""-"::======~ taen.cJ Clouble garage gar HUGE badlyrd lf1 • S..ut vu ocn bl y hies • BALBOA PEN DUPLEX 3911 W W11so11 6J1~ 5583 l'e,,•ana o St' naoll nowl $800/ mo 7ec>-.a862 Yl f d. 5'>1. ft'plc, amt pet ... nuve patio PoollSPI trMSl lfwrs s 1200 mo \ t'W I ....,,. , ... \ ., I Lie s 111001 mo Dy' LOCl hOI' Valve t> Size Espanol! 646-9 19 .. *

3BR 2t>I houM ~ 0 ~ $\2' 5• 646' 65' 1 $1350/ mo Agt 75M389 met grqnr 6A6--9726 \ \ • ~ - '32-8Afl2 Eve 771·0•26 I H19hl•te lh•s 31 000 SQ 11 , Bearoorn $6'101

Perk Kid• OK• No pell miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ••••. •--L-- 11.a• ··--...... -. REAlTOAS f - I dUPlt• Upper 11r111 ' :IBr 12Borm 101 $ 750 2Br 2Ba , 100 I> ' d w g $ 1200/ mo • security I ... _, ... -••-- r WATllFlllT 2 •Ba den ' P ii. 0 301 A•ocado E.42-9850 dtlP lnd•t lre>lc get Avail 414 642-9731 WEITSllE CONDO on aha ho w 38R 2' 18A tip d/ w, dbl ELEGANT Sl800 mo NWPT Terrace 3br 2 '>DI Bayside Cove-Eest 3or 1 unor, Lowe• unn 2Br S8~ me, SSOO ditP Avl

l• goon 2br 2' tba Oen, gar tenceyd S13SOtmo ~38R 2,b1retrea1 condo on grnblt ~ 2D&tdengate<lth1 OCh 2Ba dt'" • i;. au•·O•r t Bea•oom S655 ' 101417383 38R 28• IOWnhOUM, clOse

to bMctl & shopping. comm pool S 1050tmo

YILUS lrp1c all amen111es gar~nr/wltlf 846-9726 Forml OR lam rm Jenn- carpet paint t>l•nos No pool 1ac 'Nater vu e•er1 2 C.•• ga• - ' "8' ""1~ 211 t .,., W1lsor 631-0960 ZBR vt"1

Clear lo• 1 or 2 S 1600t mo 2131592~210 u-..... tire k•t spa t>•tli 2 lrpte I Pl" S tOOO 644- 1480 rrn S3000 mo 673-6 111 spaces •ocateo ' >' e>nt Ill H •r-• At C 1 or 2 yr lse O• lse "°"H l•Ol'T' OC .. d , GRANO OPENING e>e•so••'> 0 1>4!'5 art>Or

•111-l•• 1n11 1111111 lniat • ZIH s:i:'v°::~!~h2~~B:.t1: opt Call Paula 760-5000 nlllllU YUIU W&m Yl-1111111 15525 ooo 135~ E &d1t1<>11 ~' v;~~" t;~~0:.'2 Minei

DEWXE SJ Htlls Twnhse M.,.,ntllc:entv•f!W L"mttr RENtl( 1• L9 3Br 2Ba upper ll-IE BLUFFS 3Br 2' 18a B Chnt Mos.J~ C. dM e• ,

@ ©=.a: ~~~~~~~~ Large 3 Br 2'1 81 2 car

$ 495 • deposi t 1 BR mot>tle hm. no pets Mat adul1&. quiet 1991 New­oon Blvd 646-837l

attached garage. wt d hkups. h plc PV1 y11ds. pool & spa S 1250/mo RESERVE ONE N0 W1

726 W Wilson St For 1ntor call S48- 7001

-• " I OuPle• Nr 8al t>oa Fun ·g mstr 2 Sh nu wnt o/11Utge Rea11, • ~ : ·~ 21:>f 2'>ba. lrptc 2-cer su11e wt encl p<>rcn 3 cir garage community pool parking A v111 now \t'\Xl ::'l)'I" I ~ \ 11 Zone 2 car oa• :>rl!ng crpt sec. 5 Y• •g pai.os PEN•NS..iLA ·EAi< , • $1325/mo Bk r 6'2-3850 $1500/Wk or $4000/mo RE"' TORS , lrplc 3 decks tnor, 2-car ~ar ~ ~~ · cooo 3BA 2BA rr:; • i; .:t-:• )

-- Mtll I A ·-au ....._ hkup 51300 mo LOwet A</' 4 S 9!>0 60-2653 ,_. O no ,,t; CO , 0 , ...... fl •••••1 n~ lllUll 3BR 2BA [)vp1e • S 1200 1 - - •

• 11u• ~ lll-812 I GORGEOUS BAYAIOGE 1• 2BR 2BA 10..,er 2 car Saatl h1 2ll01 S t)!.O '"'".. f-At. ·b4

c. $1395-$1 495 lvrn tunlurh - New condo Wht 1n1 2br garage , blk .to ocn 121 OlJiE*· CONOO 3 BR 201 0PPt<' Ou:>" Avlll now · Executive Uflml... I pool sec gar v. l d 281,., St snort ier m 111 1 Bea~t ~ s.oac•OUS aiea Frplc n e¥> pa·11 > r •• t«" home .,.,,,,, added Iott Gated commvnny 2Br trtdge No peli 5 1125 Juf'le 25t" 5900 ,,,0 28P ?BA P d g • novse •ct.ea-.• ; c . .i Spac1ou5 easy 1tv1ng 2Ba. an l rplc pool spa 759-8065 723-0255 I • Cute 26• tBa 11 Hin g rm G• • ... oc°"'c~~ ,;a5m~ $ 1290 mo 90·, J- ''

8:r.;';2~"~~t~~ S t.SOOmo 760- l275 HARBOR RIDGE P1ve• lg lro"' pat io Pua 54G 31i66 I S650 ,.,. ,ce ' 8• ' ~ Pd ~ ~ BEAUT Harbor Vu Home 3BR FR 2 , BA view cis trplc 2 car :>vts•oe :;ark no c.e•s near ~d • COSTA IESI 2 stry • BR 311BA ln·law 10 pool E•cel oond Av• 1ng S900 mr Sntk C111t •etre 102 E. l•J

3Borm. 2 "ath townhouse w1au lfMla 1141 q var t er s $ 2 7 5 0 4 8 S2850t mo Agnt • Cute Bacf'e•o• ' C•' 21H I ., Baal •---L 21,,.0 FU. 111 2B 19 644-6610 or 673-3174 Eian 644•9060 parking S550 me ! FvR~. tiacne•or • ~,. • Pool. ctose to shopping • -• ,. cozy ' • YILU IEITaiS ;.ap i'BA Condo Carport singe $53 4 '\' ·~· WIO & retng tncl Ask ing S169StM04br}1,bae11ec: Mobile home Util pd 2 -·:::z-·-----·I Hart>or V.ew Homes 3or - POO a.z •ec •oom BeO set .. •'. '-" • • '. S 1200/mo yearly hse 2400s/ t 3-car gar Adults ni smkrs No pets L&aK • lllTll 1954 Pt C1ar1d9e 21:id lll-•I H ""aro S&OO mo M>OO ~ GARA~ 6 ·- ~ ..

FMTll llSCllWTlll



11; 11atr••••• 21r 211 fr•• Siii • '-:s""' '&u 010Q • . « · ~e • ~ .s 36• Apts ••~..-GE C. "" S1~

•• IO-lAAAe lam rm. trpl formal din 4 mos lse S lOOOi mo 151 Oetacfled • BR 2' >BA 1 S 16<.J\ u 1 A 1 °3" -.~"' o ~3 1 5168 """ • 673 59 3 .,,,mo ... o pe 5 v Spacious 2BR •0 ,. .- " 0-'\<' " • • ,.,J ' 01J•et "'e·' ;,.. ' • ·, grdnr El•ine 552-0505 iast " dep · 4 stry nome on beaut iful 4 15 640-0900 720-9218

street Avl lmmed S3000 I Fr pie ,., "'ast"?• "C'"' "t" , ., , ., P, <t>• 201 conoo ar 2BR 26J> ( .,. :o• '\ . .. ,,.p._. """ •1t' ft.J~ l orape~

* llTIEWI• * UI- - lllll HARBOR VIEW HOME 081 ::ioo• spa do" '·Cd• s (, P1aza sec com,.. 0 " ~ ... .. -; . • • i:::> • -·O~ • • 11 eoi .. a1s

) 'i>c C 8S• P.azd 2-sty lux condo 2br I •t>a s.1000 {818)28t-4012

OCEAN VIEW· Charming 3Br 2Ba trplC. 2 decils. garoge fenced, trees. S 1600/mo 722-0537

,....~ 1115" 4BR 3 •BA ;? M'ltr ,u11es I ga• S 1550 "'0 ~2t 7 1~ • 'II D " "' ·1.1P' I ::i a1c enc1 S 14SO "'c 6 ·~ '.., • • '"""'an Y1eW 1 story nome "''-- S 050 546 30li • . a• 'jlt- ;,c.01 11 Ot'tk arect on cul-de-sac street Mm1 j1 V"' d g•dnr '"c1 111e"" nr THE B1u!lio ~r · - td .. ..,o 9ar 1 • 1 1Cet1a1 ~t i Mu 2622 • ••O•»Oudn, con1•01te-o cond Ready lor occpy eipmen•ary4 .s!4

3oo "'0 J"' ~t.- ' "' ''. '+· A t t t'<'"·d '" ""'hSlt''"'S --llr 2~1a L11aa1 litatl 2152 $2700/mo E.stl\er Yan~ 64 · 2 mooe ,.'J : •. : t • • pll •ta 1 2 Se-or( "" • ~.i. S' • Cat ~ • • • t'IO•

BrookhYrsl & Hamilton. NIGUEL SHORES 760-5000or640- t529 L• NOA ISLE 6A •FRO"'T PBlllJ ~.r PE ' S S•4S11 L1'9; ~ •t' r B ••• . ~, • So·-.. '-'t'" E S10E 38• 2Ba house dt>lgara~ wet bar lrplc 2BR oc•an v~ 2-car RfAW 460 h<>m<' Doc• tc,r 2 ier, · 59 • .)9)" eo•" ~"9 1-•a--' •.r:- <'o..- ~"5 ~

Large yard dbl garage aun ew carpe1 paint & c ·~-- SS 00 ... - -- 90C Seo , a• .. c.4.: r · w/ d no pets S 12oormo apphances FirSt & secur· 9arage $975 Ask for I 9 ooats 9 mo S 1356 3Sr 2Ba Duple•

~ee BE.t.R s· 71• Ml-12'• 548- 1120 261 -0144 tty $ t200 monlh Mary Agent 495-4473 I \J\fl :-t.,)'r 1~ · \ ·11 1 R~:~TE~~~~~; ~4~6ES 1 T~~atly re1T<ooe1eo BP Fr pie garage pa1to 0 ... a:~c~ .. ~;;eA~' ;

1 ~;~:

Lll(E NEW 3BR 2 •BA 2 (213J 493-2653 • l~rt le1c• 2119 RE ALT"'°S ' A <1ng1 s•, tieaul ; \a s•ove rein<; cnarm11'\c; '80' r. ' 26~ .lt-' · " ' · I vn NEWPORT Bf'dC' conoo oa•ga • ctl S•fS')mo 213 r · •583 11211N ... &PTS 1U STMITm AT SHt trplc 2 car gar& g lrg MARINE RS WALi< . L1gn1 NVFSHORES • Br 2·.ea ! 2or 2oa ,~on s • ~ • ., c c" d,..,. ~~Pt , 'J • .SM•' • S•800 i::· '!ic..

patto iac tut> more t>•1gh1 a•ry & 1ust a few Spacious 2 story home ~· ~09 ' E".,.. '!>t' po~~ ::>E,.JXE 3 Bedroo..- < •u ••a a I' 1 S12501mo A" 811ao1e 4 4 t>locks from the beach 1blk 10 beach Avt Ma t lllFn Ill LWE gateo CIOSt! to ceacr rr.,..eo ~ccp, Oouc; oat" ,. ,,. gar1t9e v.asn. • &- •• Leave msg on macnine ' 2Br & 3Br Townnom~ 52500 Marge 645 01/4 Or 2BR • Oen. 2 t BA workout '"' POC• ,.,.o ,.;e • o~ t "60-5000 C" e• Clryer n~ ·uP "ean. Re•• • cS • ='

2 s ... """"ng poo1s C10~ 10 Scn004s & Snaps Sma 11 Pt'IS accepteo 645-6930 Vards/ pat1os garages ' . I $1450/mo 640-5664 Bkr pets SlOOO 964 1442 ;20- 3980 675-6219 or 675-333' SlJ'i; mo ·.' &6;i"

ltreplaces & vaulted Cell· 2BR 1BA Ocean View. NEWPORT TERRACE JBr ~ ,, ... &V ~OOM ; 28F- • b A "'""' I/ .~ A MARSEILLES 3 ' ", So B11s1 01

SS' 8200 MESA Verde spacious e•· ings washer & dryer l rplc w ld micro. sec BLUFFS CONDO JBR 2 18a upgraoed conao Kl:l"'nWA lll~el Ptaia1a l1 ::·~ ~ .vt1d•S" • ._ 'I''' ._ ecut1Ye 3000sll park hook-ups840-S870 gale pool. spa tflflntS aen 3BA turn$2l00tUnl l rp l c p oo• !>duna 2'07 s ~·c .. ~ • 5 · ·c· ~-vie:~ near gott courses N petSl k1ds. St0951mo Sl900 Agt 759-8934 L v s1100 mo 968-4' 91 ', 1 \ \; \ l ' 1' \ ·5~. £>485 '.>r4 '"S-8, .. t S23001mo 545-3722 Vear lease 370-2391 Pr"""' Mene F 67J.9333 >JC :. . ' IA'- • 2Bfl ioa ,,pper uM vear- • BES. au~ •

' Bor..- & i'80<m 18& vPP•• Garage Ou•et stree1 Wal~ to shoc>s No pets S570 "D 631-6 l'i>S

.,,.... NWPT Crest conoo g Jor • ') sunoec~ 2 01 ~ s to ocn So ..,, PC.., .Sc·,.. ' 8•

VIEW LOT- BLUFF VIEW 11,115,000 FRONT ROW 1349,000 Dramatic 1ao· views of ocean. jetty. Dana Point harbor. the ocean and Catalina and sunsets Listen to the beyond cit y lights at night . Superior sound of the waves Spacious older level lot. just right for a prime resi- home with 4BR. 56.A. A special CdM dence Cob y Ward opportunit) . Lois lacobs and Linda L

BELCOURT HILL ELEGANCE $435,000 Contemporary 2BR. 21h BA. IM Peters design Light-&p.lcious kitchen, large

· living room. huge master bedroom suite Lots of trees and pn acy Ca ll Stella Shirar

Oeth I BIG CANYON MEDITERRANEAN 11,395,000 Five BR home overlooking l4th gr1:cn Floor -to-ce11ing ptet ure win­do"' s Sfparate children s wing On quiet cul-de-sac. s" eep ing ~olf course. moun1a1n and city ltght \ 1e"'s Danny Bibb and Stephanie Grody .

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY $419,000 Present ing an outstand ing -lBR home ON THE GOLF COURSE $2,450,000 m Harbor Vie" Hills. Corona del Mar Big Canyon with lake view, beautiful You have a chotee of bu~ mg the custom home High ceil ings. '> BR. or ground or remain mg on leasehold to 3BR. elegant 11\ 1ng room. formal dm­take advantage of the low prtee mg. his & hers stud) Pool. spa. cen­Cob) Wart! tra l air . . alarm system Beverly

"°Morph} or Barbara Aune

SERENE SE":ING MIS,000- MODEL PERFECT Slt5,000 Popular Jasmine Creek plan 2. Perfect Countr) French -lBR 2'h.BA. Fabulous locat ion overlookm~ lush home H1ghl) upgraded and custom­gree!'belt. Two BR._2BA. new kit chen ized Lots of French doors and sky· appliances. securrt.Y system ~- lights. Shows like a model Darin) eluded lot Dann) Bibb or Stephanie Bibb and Stephante·Grody Grody

MAGINIFtCENT ESTATE HOME FABULOUS CUSTOM ON 3.5 ACRES 11,950,000 HOME 11,195,000 CredtecfffOm Orange Count) park i n

2 •OB near POOi tenn s No oll-street pa•• 1ng pa1.c. ui•oo•· '• Ptt 19 Avl 511 Obie g arage If you ,. 100111nglor acar n pets 304 . 351" St• tlOM!IS ,,.,.. o•PI llio 5 14001mo lse 544-30419 C1a.H11ieo nas news lor vou J S850 mo 675· 78• u 1 eiet s S950 5•5. '· 46

• Spa • Pool • v iew

* * Waterfront **•Waterfront and Pool

vG 111e Address a t Guard Gate


• 988 Bayside Cove. N e wport Beach 63 - 1266 $520 .000 Sat 1· 5

• 3 1332 Fly ng Cloud Lagun a Niguel 673 -9333 $ 225 000 Sunday 1-5

• 2209 Pac1t1c Drive Corona del M ar 644-6200 $9'75 000 Sat Sun 1-5

2 II ,1us F All Ill tr DEi 3459 Windso r Court Costa Mesa

5 40-7355 $24 1 000 Sat , Sun 2 -4

3 IEDROOI • • • 2308 Private Roao . NB

646- 717 1 S350.000 Sat 12-4 .Sun 10-4

3 IR plus Fii II tr DEi

4 II ,11s Fii 11 er. IEI • v 18 Cherry H ills B ig Canyon , NB

759·18i'i s118S000 Sunday 1-4 30

• 202 7 Commodore Road Baycrest N B 6 44-6200 $369 000 Sa t Sun -5

4520 Contand Or. C a meo H1gntands 759-6600 $650 .000 Sat Sun 1-5

I IEllOOI * • 450 1 Perha m C ameo Shores

7 59-6600 S 1 500 000 Sat Sun 1 - 5

I II ,111 Fii ~·I er IEI • * * 607 Bayside Or Newpan Bea cn

650· 7000 $ 1,075 ,000 Sat 12-5

I II ,11s Fiii ii er IEI 508 Evening S ta r Ln Dover Snores N B

6J 1-7300 $ 795 .000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

l IEll- II lllE ••• 12292 Cmna ttar Tustin H ills . Tustm

6 73.9333 $895 000 Sunda y 1-4

. s;.rx BONUS' Great E· S•Of' •OC LG 1 2BR S59S J~ Cc101e BBO ga1 etc' Sv"\ No pets 631 8427

* •IEUPllES** " ,mall Quiet comple•

" t1st1eo among 1111 t r­t> l• v•sn lal\Oacape Stu-010 or 1Borm like new " :;invate patto Ir~ t .t•t>e>r' pool W>a IOdr)I •r.~ NO PETS SS85 & S6e~ sec Call Velma


•• MESA VERDE •• 38• ZBa pvt pa110 CIOI ;e• " e" crpts paint $990 5.; t '>880 0 9 79-38• 8 E

• • ' ... nnse · type 2BR ' •BA ,,. o hit.up Ga•· dQt' 30 17 Coohdge .. 36 s~5o No pet~ 432· 7767

•IMO 111 11&• Sun"\ pV1 patio tnory rm

111o oe1s 497-4579

*IWlllEW 11MWF


• 1BR l BA $750 • 2BR 2BA $850 e P001 Spa • Garages


• EASTS1DE DUPLEJ< • ~ l"E NEW' XTAA LARGE• 36• 1 .ea nev> ~rpet & appliances trp1 patio ga•ege $950 250-8002

• E side 2Br aoo11e your g1ra9ew ·s1de>drd W 0 rnoc•o Ing S800mo aoutts

no pe1s 642 8760

• Ouot>t & clean 2Bdrm 2Ba Ap• OsnW$1lr ne¥> O.co> ;18•age 1nory rm $79S NO pea 640-2495

SUI Mlacllttlf I Stud•o no krtehen Avall

•l"lmecl•dlel~ t.42 3549

mlelniBAB &PUTIEm

5.., ,.,. '"9 c1ear 1a19e ..>ii•<l .. ,. apt• ~au1 11 .,11y

4"05"d~ec ;· v~o s

:: >c 6 " " " pa• ·o~ oec:11.s ;;• • J9e o• ca•:""' So"'' .. : fl'• ~ • • E 1ERA •• >t. A11QNS Bec ~.-1-- ·

El .. 0 1 "0"' .. s.::.r ... -E4 • ~' ~ "aro i;iua· c

OitC"le lO• ' BeO•OO"' • &or,... • ·Ba

$560 S650 $750 $85.Q • &c•..- : s.i

~ .' Cer'P c;,, . &.: . 14.24

N... '>et:>• • Of'O•oo,.. • &.:i•rn 1 •O• ,~, E 18tn St

• wnt•• S:-ac•OUS :'B"' ' BA nouw

c :>'t ; •'1•0 ... o nlcup ,.. ::>E:s saso mo 329

we re·, j, s ... z 261£ "' ' 48 "{o.lf

SA'r · 1MBE"IS •BG t•plC tat>~ poo :i1• ,. wa ,.,. ,. N"~ 3!X' "" Ba• s· soc.• £SL 635 •

lllllTl•Y :'BP • 8-4 ... $.., • • , Yttra-

.,., as~ ... O• ,P• >\ ~ ups f'OC \;B' clc;lt' rc.(1 1 "10 Q6(l . 6(i1t (>< .,, 1· ~-

CASA Mt 'rOv.JeW• Yf'


Traditional Country French. 5BR. ci ty of Orange Stately 100 year old 6'hBA. home Serene se tt ing on Big pine. ficus and palm trees Six BR. Canyon Country Club's 15th ho le 7BA. spectacular pool and barbeque Lake iew . incredible quali t y area Another home could probably throughout Danny Bibb or Stephanie_ be built ~ 1-7 zoning Barbara Au~e



l••·· .,·1 .. ··1et CIA•D ---­

OLDE COM MANOR- $715,000 Wonderful custom family home on oversized lot. steps to best ocean beaches. Spacious 4BR. 4 1hSA. 3 fire­places. family room and formal d ining room Linda Oeth and Lois Jacobs

2 Clwlc •••••, #I 00 11 .. 110•1 •UGI

RIDGE S1,5t5,000 Beautiful interior design b) " Fan· Spacious. "iBR Dramat ic It mg room wit h cathedral cei lings plus unique go ld leaf dome Dining room w1lh walls of black etched glass Bi-level pool and spa. Ocean. ba) and cit) j· llghlS v ••• ny 62oo- ~


1218 Key West Crcl Harbor View Hts C dM 6 44 -9060 $559.000 Sat 1Sun 1-5

4 IEDIOOI 40 2 E 16th St . East C os1a Mesa

646- 7 171 S320.000 Suooa y 1·5

••••3 100W Oceantront NB 631-1400 -S t fr49i>OO Sat- Sun ~

3 IElllll t 2 6 19 V ista Ornada The B luffs Nv.pr Bch

760-5000 Sa: Svn 1.5

t 26 19 Vista Ornada Ttie B luffs Nv. p• Seti -1.60..5000. SaLSun 1-..._ __ _

• ~g SC'8Ct0US I • I' ~ ... • Bea1.1111111 ia ... osc.aP•ng • C.a•aoes • Sc.• ri:i,"9 poo -• ~d gt> p< •V8!f' Pal•OS • • ,,.•n1st11ngs 1•11labte S' ·r\C •'"'v lf"SI.,,~ ·" e>ne OI ""' ~ - Ct>e>1Ct' Uf'lll f;

365 "- WILSON


OE~..i E 2B• 1.,, TILtTtES P.t. o G•• •,gt _o~ pai .c "" 8'' '" closets

1 s·9s Ca• 0 1( 650-• ios

You c•n now c.11 the D•llY Piiot Cl•••lfled Dept. on Saturday morning from 8:00to·11:30 e.m. to p1.ce your Sund•Y end Mond•J ads.


H0vSE5 CONDOS c;.-.i ..,_,........ -­{_.._ _. , .. _ .. _ , __ --fll-f-\1-. ............ -............ ---"--l--,..,_ ....... ~­_ .... _ ...... 5-0-­--c::.-­s----- ...... ~c--~'­,_

MISC R.E ..... -~ -,.ac;--. 1100 llH 11~

_ ,.,_.,. , _, 1-. , ,,.., - 1 . .. _ 1-. .... s.;,

°"'°' '• ~ °"' ()I '- .. _... ....._,_ 10.­_,._.,. 1-si...e tf lo.-. •t w-


0.-... ''°' ..__ 1106

----- JI07 ,.............. ,.,. c--- ) 117 c-- JU• -...... ,,,. II,.,. 11JJ _ .. ..., ,,,.. ---- 11.0 ~- ~::! i....,...... ti .. ._... J IJQ ._...... 2112 ~.... ,.,, _.,.. 2161 _.._ ,, .. 5-0..... >11• --c...,.. ,.,.

Cl_4SSIEIED INDEX 842-5678


-4-*"'" .... "°'91'" _ , __ , s........_ · ... -

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Goo--~ .'ll' • .,,. s-...,. -·-


..._., .. '-~O;oc ... ..._ .. _ ........ Clad£ _.., ------. 1. w.a

~­-- 10.

PUBLICATION ..D£AOUNE Me>nMy .............. Set 11.30 AM \

ANNOUNCEMENTS ·- ­.-. ._ ... _ --.. Sic~ , ..........


MERCHANDISE ::z.. . .. -... --"' ......... .. ......... -..... ..... ~ ....., .. ,. ..-.. --0-......._ ,._

_,.._ -· -- )} -•<>- .o~ - ~ ~c..- ~

~ - t- . "'*

GARAGE SALES .:;.-.i -----( ....... ..... c--0... ---------·-­·-­.._ ..... --- -~·--· ... -

SERVICE OIRECTOttY ~ ....... '-"'-

• 01

• °"' • er . :~ .. ,. .. ,. · ·~ •'.0 ... , ... ... t l k . ,, ••• . ... .,., t l tD




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~ -•tee .. C•CKYOURAD DNCT • --~ ~ c..

c;e,~ __,.~ _,.., ._. ""'-Tueedey,. ........ ........ Mon. 5.30 PM W«tneedey ............. Tun. 5:30 PM Thurldey .............. weo. 5:30 PM Fr10ay ........... Thurs. S.30 PM

Tal•Mi• S.W. ~"*Y

11)0 AM 4 10 P.M ~~ t 00 A ... 11 )0 A ..

..... ec.... ..... ,,.,, The Dei«Y PIO\~ tor .._.q~ ~ Ho••...,, ocClllllClll.ity enon 0o OCQ#' Ptew .....,, "'*' "f04I eel .. ,._ .,.. "'° cf** '104' ecl ~ Alport error. lfM'illdletllt)' to 142-5111 The Deity PIO' 9COIPtt no llMIMy tor 1ftJ emw WI ., .. ....,...."tor"'*" ft~ be ·~..,.. •Cll!Pt tor ... 0091 ~ ...... IC1Ully oco.-11" byt"-~ ~eel\ onty be~ tot .. tn1 II~

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Sund8y ........... .... Sit 11·30 AM

I 00 AM ...J«> PM



Cl Or9nQe CoMt DAILY P.tLOT/ Sunday, April 3, 1988

C..... 1111 c.ta... llM ....... ..... •t leata Au Mii ltatah tt llaart liatab ...... IHI~ '-= ._.I,._. .. ·1111m• .. ... 'i.mt111iiiiiiiiiiii1i1ii•L Stwp 28R 1BA new orpt -1 ........ ""* ... ---.,-,.---,..,,--1e•1

• ..... --.... a•MA'lllAN1B••'P"'-- nit &::IRY F:mu; = ·AN LOIT blfd SIH C..11111. ~--.-. m IF •••• ---.1100"0fF.;•• & paint. Nr-.., No ga,'bagl ~. 11..,9 • OP!HtHO• AOOMM AT!WANTED· 28Ahm-condo, lul'n/ unt, Hunti n gton l u cK ~Of Hunt. IMClh (AllPoeltiW) F/Tcailar'*• torAt>C>t

Rent brtnes ,... tor .... , peta. 2912 P9PP9f T,.. 10 Nndl lrnrMd oocpyt 38R nouaa ctoea 10 ao.d. Aug 111- Mld Sept In NwPt &toot!""'•' at Atlenta pier. Or~ I ...... ._ ~ t.cotded ,...g 650-2001 _ ._,, t & 28r IPtl rMdy Ln. M25/ mo. 144-5137 1750/ mo, 122.-.1 MODEL OPEN DAILY! ..,.... COilege & W•I· ., .. ~9'-M05 Pfof of1oe IOW 500 elf ~~cNIU.Clll ,..,,... lriio.-.......cs to ....... ..

kw ~ 1550-M&O SPACIOUS 28' upper"''· •W 11•• G~ COMMUNITY rn l n•t • r Mall. uao QUIET F gred lludent ncta & upt ~v:-· Mr ltt-2.:.;..a.,,::,~ r,',!;, i=r.:::: ~ ...... Co. (oq# .. . M\.a W tN dinel•ioe Xlnl ._...Verde IOcalion · + aecunty. A"811. Nnmedl- 'Bf 8'11. CM/ CdMI N8. · n--

1.-& ---....... ~ _..or Pf09 tor

IUWAIPTL · a.rage. ae.50/ mo. ~ F~ ~:-:r~:ve ately . IH·H06 Iv $550. 0og. 14 Y'I· lhof1 LAGUNA BEACH. AeNb LllT•,_lfln ~ ~-.... ... ... - WUW:.eng offiCl8 we 530 W WlllOtl 154-0l89 ""'.. '"'!'' meeuga. ' hr• clean. quiet &75-02M 1000 I.It- 100 IMk CPCti) Low 009l ~,..,.., ,. ArinelCruiee 9t"P Jobi train E xc.at money

TSLMGMT 1,._._~ lU. **Luxury28R2BA Eiit. .. --.. IW31: t Owner S1 .2mll, (213) .,.,r ... Mon-tel M :30. lAllPoeitioftal ~y St•t toda~I 722·""12 or • .a2~ 1-" I,_.... • bllJtf Up,,.,. . FrplC O/ W, - 17t..()3U -. I 0 au-" ... _._ ... ... _. Am·- recorded mag . ..... "715••

- - ...... ....... tea furn, Prof ""· amkr ST AGE ca naa~ r .... ' ·-· - - - r--=1n .. 1o ,....,_,__.. to ---~ ut ll. ~. d/ 'lf. t10 Ian, pool. $895 No pats " " "" alltence Leeoue No F• ._. .---· _. llTTIMTYN eat ok. IMS. 650-7105 722·8140 or 722-8011 • 751 -7222• SS50tno. 17M59t N"PO'l·.~ar11oer2 IQ2

~· h-'~ I rtuMial .....,..,... f7tPns · get youhlf9d or no... aBll:ll 1_,

S 100 OfFl M .--...-,,.,,....-·,Cottage.type home w/gar 2 1x2 4 4 • - } 13-tl3-~7 e10 108 Adv~I Potent., E/ StDE 28' 18a. e>ar. lg yd Dul hiat • B~~~O~a°ve 2:1~0~!~· SHiia CNlt •ttrt new Back Bay. °'*t 146-7141 lam ... HHll 09yl £.,,.,.. & Mend9 • SECRET A'!! d

w/ patto. wshr-l'lkup. new 11T--Bffml SAVE $100 ott rent Ill .... EZoolno M / F $385•\\ - _ _.,,.... •,1+-'tilt ltM 11~ .. ..___.... AIRLINE/ CRUISE SHIP S18K / yr ... ottvate car-atftra Sn5/ mo lo __ .. "" _____ ,,,_I ullf 642-7122 aventng1 ••-..... _ .. ••- •- .,.....,,

1 mature. 50 wpm w/p

.,..... 28R 1ba. ante pat & gar 611 Furnishings 4-salel Lg l BR . pallo. a le, ,,,..---------- Coat• Maaa/ Newport .. llTaJ * For 22·24 el de Ben- J08S (ALL POSIT~ • RECEPTIONIST TSL ~i °'-i:2.1ao3 loulvsingof down~·· 2~:m51s ,,,u11

P8• Avl Now 720-0933 carport , pool. t• cuu i FemM to ahr trg hOUM on border 24-hr accH1. * S ... _.___ nevih Plne8 to Niie, eov- Amazi ng rec or dad S

141(/ yr Mature neat 4o

.... " BLOCKro b4tKh 2br Iba Gated sec Avt S/ 1 Bctl at N. Laguna Bch bus.nan o r personal. How to tert a --at arte & party With active, manage r9YMll infor· · 1&11191 VIII• S 85/mo 49&-3354 duplex Patio. gar. retrlg. S625/ mo 640-6759 Garage. S550 . ~ Dep 12x20'112x30' 548-3878 Home. lnc:t9dlble

1 bookNOWI~ bright, tr~ women. mallonO'*antMdtoget ~B~l-7227

I ... L _ _., 1 n / amk/ pet1. 41M· 7659 complete. Wr •• For delait1 t Jay Kay you lllred or no .... (7 1'41 ___:_._ 2BR. dllhwaaner. enclg•· aat. C• .., d/w. w/ d Yearly 1se Av •a·u. ltal&ll C..•trcial Surfside Pubtlthlng. Si a 12 131498_ 6 M 2..053e . X14S oay.1 •U.ll PIT ~ge~~~o5. ~N301 9pal1 seso 2 BO 2 ba trpl , paUo. wet 4115. $950 549-7897 FEM non·amkr 25-40 to • • •-•itl•lt I 335 Dept P-403 N4tw· . avenlng1/..-end1 - ' · ...... "'" -.. bar. spa, Famrm encl. DeluH 2BR apt by ooean &aa ftA stir quaint CdM 3br 2ba - ..,. • "port Beach. CA 92663 Gentleman 9"iC1 bright · M on-Fr i atternoo~-

Eutllda ht.Jge 18R 1BA garage. $825.tmonth & bay Frplc, 2 car gar. · --------·• hM. Avail now. SS 10/mo la1IMU/ ice Lat attractive lady about llllmt• ~· ;;*gel~ IOI with w/ d hkup5, watk·tn * 962· 1~2 * yrty tease SttOOt mo . E::.~'.u!~r ~::::'°~~:~= •' 'tutll. Et1en. &«-I S

77 Dll ~OO~ ~~: .C:::iz:~:::.~ wm&.llll II. :ur:i':.'~tor~!rietyot closet, garage. No pets 2BR. 18A.lrshty re~. 992•2923pmi 573• 1

257 privileges $350 1nci ut1ts Fam lhr 3e R 28A hm. CM 11§8'10061764 alt I pvt ALL CASH format cuatom ball. Bev. MMD duties AccurKY •must 56951"'°' Call JMI\ or 2nd Fir Adlts only. EASTBLUFF spac1ouS2br Reis 760-1691 N / smk s25o t mo in otc Grnd llr AIC Prof or BUSINESS THAT Hlff1 Hotel In May. Send NEWPORT TIRE CENTER Call Judy. ~22

Craig 631

" 1266

n/ pets S700t mo 160 1 2ba vu apt di v. . encl 2· exchg for tew hrs. assist c•• •os p od ••k RO 1 """to/ notal "" o-.... a.a.a -•2 -~M* M

Female near S Cst Plza/ on 3 dys for teacher In Med No "" ntr .. • • ' ~Qu..... "''~ .,. .ore . . ._..., --& · llllll I Regina Cl.(2 13)254-9796 car gar. pool $ 1050/ mo 405 Frwy Share bath whlChr. 645•2357• Harbor-Baker 494-4429 • Allows you to set the ad • 401 c/o Deity Pilot, BANKING _ -• -T

' . . . 2BR 2B°iC"washerdryer-:-i * 769· 1534 • I hoors Po bo• 1560, C.M. 92626 - I lrM

car garage. t1rep1ace. WESTCLIFF Lrg 2br2ba ~~~3i;~d: ~~~ · J~-1737 FEM to1hr3BR28Ahse WISTOllFFlllLMll • Req1Jlres11tt1e o~rhead p 11

l I it TIUllSILlll IPTll1.MPll• ool ss451mo $650 condo New crpt/drps. in CdM wlfrple, 2 car gar Corner Westclilf & Irvine • Attracts entrepreneurs ti 81 llY C I ....

EAST SIDE Ltg. 28R 18A ~ep · ~!1 411 849'.2454 lrplc Pool 1256 Rutland FEM ntsmkr Furn sUtle. Greet location $433/mo Nwpt Bctl·C01ner Vu Suite trom alt walks ol llfe Mt IJnmedtale oe>enings for lmmec:ti,te Openings Duplex. Bdc. yrd, w / d 1895/mo 832• 1766 gate-guarded bayv1ew Ask lor Robin. 675-8103 Full service • 4 Bllhon Collar Industry .. -'-Yll! · Taller• & Loan Clerks nkups $660 - dep<>s *** * cond o pool $350 F Prof n / sm for t>NU't. Ml-1111 -·- .. Ex~len<:e not required. • Local Area

548-7361 28 R ug patio encld gar UN ISLE w tdomes110 assistance. C 5467 -- --- II you ha~ SSK 10 S20K to HITT• .. On Target but prel8fred, FOi" con- • Top Pay • MW crpt and flooring . $500 w/ OUI 854-51'7 ~tac, u.s,,u_n1, , _dM7 .. ~5! ...... , H 1300 SQ f1 at s 1 / SQ IMrtple invest. call 650-5417 to PRIVATE INVES. TIGATOR • -~a11on. ...&&....... con- • W--'- ty Paycnetks E side h·' sm cottage Bay view 3Br1 $1450 Lse - .. _...,~ f 11 n 1sned b se- ~ ....... .,_..... .,_

Frplc. patlo.lndryfac, no- 5725 962" 1582 avl 6t9-753-0719 Newport nome. 1 Blkto 556-8333/WC>lane net u Y n a flndouthowyoocan 1om · l ocat.. · tact JoAnnY8m&lhifo $550/ 187 ment c • (peted . fire an elite group of success- 24hrs (714) 722-6459 -1Tl•I ••-. Call today 582-3138

peti mo - sec ·--------•I -NEWPORT HEIGH- TS bcn pvt BA. kllch priv. kl s Great ,.. .. M lo 333 E 171 .. St 0 C .. - •-• -E 21 1 645 7234 Hedonist He•ven. chic sprin er vu : tul entrepreneurs . " . • ""· - -s ' • .....-YILUll 2br lba. pool & carport Comm pool l tef'lntS. Mat ,Monarch Bay hm. all luk cation 645-6505 Ground floor oppty. open L1c.AA0126 1S. Chp&S8ve ........ OlllSfl.11

E'SiDE Twnhs 2br 2ba l2IO IFF 1ST IHTI Near Hoag & beach !em prfrd 646


__._ & pr1v1ts. ocn/golf course •UM Ill s.tt.I territories available tn I! tal (lH---1111 Unique career 6ppt 1n New paint & drapes. g•r. Close to beach Beautiful $750/mo 645-9513 PVT rm wl ba Lovely vu, walk to bch, fem AIC Ample prkg, $325 up O.C & L.A. areas .,,,. youth sheller p<ogram 4 frplc $890 666-4019day spacious 1 & 2BR Apts NEWPORT HEIGHTS home 1 nse to b~n Fem n / smkr very nea t 2855 ECst Hwy 675_6900 lmllATillAL tlilC1 Jiii Boats wtlsottper yr Excel t>en-640-2426eve/ witnds• w /pvt pattos OIW m1r· n 1~mk1 S4 50·dep $695/mo yrty. Furn BR .... 11111 .. ams Masters degree re·

Garden A pt spacious rored closers cei ling G~';"g~~ag:.ve~-,P~br d~~a 675-1853 675-4704 Worth 111 248-2975 JOO I 11JI le n BABYSITTER , _ _..OUSE· Boat show attendants quired tnd1vtdval family R t d ns. incl Pool 1ac & rec .. a .... .... ,min _ "ou·= 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE IDYm ... UY KEEPER llve-tn to c:.ra wanted Tamp run hme & group counse1tng ~:bl~d/r~a:~w <t~1 ;:!r rm Close to sl'\Opping $850/ mo 646-7980 - Btttl1/ ••tt la 2'111 ....... ..., ·-- " .... Nw t Bch Agt 541-5032 Listed tn the Nov ,1987 for 2 small children $5/hr Must be over 18 Ellcel superv1SJon train·

6 5 5577 Small pets ok w' dep - L • g u n a N 1

g u e 1

P ---- Venture Magazine as one 968·9580 yrs Call Barbara at ing & hours for 1tcensure 5690 No pets

4 • 19132 MAGNOLIA AVE •••I--• llR •••• ••1 •m N / smk .drugs,d rlnk ing of lhe most prolltable --

01. 1 - LUY 675-3936 btwn 8:30-5·30 Sef'ld resume CSP Youth

- __.. S•OOl mo • utll. 143-9130 EJB.'VIlVE mm£( us .. ~ l.ST•-11 964-5567 wnt •f... Wkly ren tals now avail. , companies m the ,... Shetter 980 Catalon& -• ' $ 147 00 wk & up. 2274 M/ F neat p<ol , n/smkr. High Income potent ial 4hrs/wk l02 EBay apt 6 llATW-' Laguna Sch 9265t EOE I 1IO IFF! BEAUTIFUL 3Br 2Ba apt in ( •t>u~1' one~ commu11<ly h•s N t Bl d c•• 646-7445 shr 3BR 20 • CdM home Over 900 locattons In op- 673-72 12 FIT Eddie ArnOld ' Satl·

I th ou "tJu, waiinu~ rB~ Ao' wp v . m ,... E AK 1111•• 11-PTillllT cree rent Ill 411188 2Br 4 plex. enc gar w1 .. ,., , w / lrplc. wlk 10 b ch. at BIXBY OFFIC PA erallon now Training .and SH boats. 2001 w Coast - •s; 1 •Ba Townhouse Laun- opener. noghly upgra · O.Y.1uwr ''"" ,.. , ~'' ~ •••• 673-3407 m8nagement Aniatance -.. Hwy. Newpor t Beach. Ottice Manager Pleasant ded • '"" 'lq ' • , .. , • 1)11-0 - HSI Al •••• , ..... ·--·- s dry room all bullt·lnS S925tmo 8a2. 7635 lit P• ,,., brK• Sl'Y. Wilt tram UECmYE nms Exclusive terril ory *~·-.. u. A,. for Eddie 142-471& Fashion Island ofhee good toe S7501mo DELUXE Nu Apts Cls to •• ~~ ."'"" ... 18Slmul1~ • SUUll •TEL M / F N Bch 2 story apt to n ·-• 11 CALL JAMES LIER at I •rs Start 1mmed 6'<>-0921

2078 Tnurin • 5hl 2Br. 1' 2Ba. n-smkr AS Tl - l -800-624-7613 or collect F V pub needs FI T lemp. IAl-/ lllll TSL MGMT 642- 1603 Oen 2 & 3 bdrms Pvt Sorry. No PtlS 2274 Newport Blvd. CM pool 21-30 yrs. $360 at 817-756-2122 night shill typesetter & STOCK POSITION DESK CLERK NEEDED

gate un·g rd pr k ing 11t4111 646-7'45 • 646-8580 • • upscale suites to 950sf Exp"d on compu graphic Apply Gitt Sh<>Q. o c . Air- Motet 1n Costa Mesa LG 2Br 1' ;-Ba. frplc. patto pat io s BBO s spa .11--------·1 - I - . • Ample free parking 8•00 Ith 9 86 nra11e y a rd Sh i It

D W $900- 1200 962- 1582 _ VIC It i I a t a ti I M/ F prof nl smkr to shr 2br • .. w power view port Tu-Fri AM. 852· 1 • new carpet, paint. I . • Prestigious new Seat • Tl 1 _ _ _14

req·ci Type 60wpm with __ -- 957-3063 avail • 11 $825/mo • dep - - 1 VE THE 2722 1' •b& E'side CM twnhse Beach office address t•n -• •• T p , c •a••tD P/T -2273 Miner.:: A 645-8161 LOFT Apt 2 blocks rom ABO _..,_ .. _ .. _ .. __ l'l!!'P I Avail now. $400/ mo -·~ A acc1.1racy. op ay on- ..... DRAPERY WORK ROOM

be a e n Fire p l ace ~·"•JU 'u'1'W1•'<l.i"-I JASMINE CRK SUMMER utllltlel 548-446" • FAX. copier. kitchen * WIDOW H'AS SSS· tact Margo 556-9360 Retail nursery needs a Needs specialty persO"

L.'" •18Tw/- balc~Avall 415 $650 l RENTAL 2Br · den. turn _ __ • Atnumpark-likesettmg tor TOsl $10K-up No - - weekend pert time P-k --1 your nrs 111111"• y1s;11 .,..,,, • • ~ ~vo.. lllll. JSR 21• / IH •••• cred V i no pen "-n- AIYEITISlll ...,.._..,. . -28R 28A From s925 Jog · ut11 -8671 t.lc\J• , .,,., .,. , ,.,~, ¥'11 Tennis. pool. galed M / F to share Duplex • · •-• ..,.. cuhler no exp necees· Santa Ana. B3$-5932

10 beach. park-setting --- ~ 2'4I ¥-1 , ~. _,. yr: • ...,.,,.. .m1· SJOOOt mo 720-3776 2BA on Peninsula 25-35, or 2131594-8939 nison Assoc 673-731 1 * Lootllng tor a c:.reer In ary Call tor appointment __ _ 2151 P8C111C No pets W,au ltac ·J\11[' ......... fM. li't-'" •• ,, VANCOUVER B.C. avail ~~ 1~.b6~~ A~:~;1 to 405 Fwy & Seat Ben Blvd Advertising? If IO, the Monday thr u Frldy .Wm/PIZZI 631-6107 or 855-0665 House-ltke lBR. graa1 Sl<S'rrv nr:•wr-: c llT'PI!':• 815-8130. 3Br cottage --- -- •r•AM 1LO Aauaacelltab Daily Pilot has 2 entry- 646-7« 1 MAKERS UP to $ 10/hr

MESA VERDE 28r 28a panoramic view Sult ~ry N.i ... : ...,, ':r... 1.1.1 ""'"" Deep Cove •wi ocean vu. M /F to shr 2br 2ba Costa 95IMlll Aaaeuact•tatl HS level poS11tons 1n Class1- IAl-1 FuU/P/~75-9930 downstrs w/gar Newly SQ~001et ut:;'pa~u. r4e97~18,{;fn m•ng '<Jf(t'll r1·r '' oun wlk to bch $2000 Pets & Mesa nome No drugs. Great 1oc: 11on h in :u~:· hed Advertising. II you P/ T F/ T n-.1.. ... pay. Com· I _,..I WAITll I r~~. blt-ins. waterlurn. r.KQuetOdll'1'-"lCl.<W>ew kidsok (604)929-8215 smkrOK $400 · ut11.Sec tngton eao • · CO MPLETE FULLER llkepeopleandcantype •""" r: aRNUPTOS lO/hr OMV $750,mo 852•85121day. 1-t ltacla lf'<tt>.ition < ..,~!'• .. 111 111t-e -- .. --.. dep reQ d 642-2829 cal/Professional space BRUSH SERVICE. " Say 45 wpm. we'd ttke to talk minions. reliable. w1t1 P t

1 R


9930 7r.11:.9370/ ninht 1;;·-;;-;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;; N....nomorf' leatah It --~au Mstr bdrm w/ ba Condo available lmmedtately Daily Pilot & racelve 6"11 to you Ellceltent ben· tram Apply in per90n ''" ou eq. 'IV" • I Tht r\EV/ 27•.a 700/ l300 slf. FREE park· discount" Call Andy ettts Call Peggy Blevtns Metro Car W.sh. 2950 ORY CLEANERS-ALTER .. ,.,_WT•- ~-=--....,--==---=-=-=::=-! ., w/nara,.... lndry, OIW 1ng All eX.penses inctd 77 I V H bo Bl C t • • G R Im •rEI -·- _.,. AIADV NEWPORT '"'p""ro""i""n·--r~-kr""M-,F-m""•d-2'!!'0!"',s no~ smkr$370 • dep Avl 544- 54 Mstr 1sa Ok for an appoint ment . ar r os a .,,,esa ATION1COUNTER 1 L ~ XCLUSIVE GU AR '°"'" _.. Ask aboul our mo\19 in 642-4321 , e11t 301 JOtln 493- 1807

28R 2BA ffptc. ~I gar· GATED COMMUNITY i714) .644-1900 to shr 3Br NB Duplex 1 4 JS C ~ 963-8217 soec1al Call PSYCHIC READINGS tn El age. all built-ms near pac1ovs 2 & 3Br Apts on ...,_.,l.lf>~-ll!»o block to beacn• $445 Near Deacn Lg PY1- toft in Toro S20 SPECIAL with AIDE. L•ve-m shops. $725tmo golf course FrplC micro. *-lit""' ,_....... 673-8303 Iv msg • H 6 nome All pnv . gar- JOE GlNEL this coupon ADVICE IN Assist disable<. fem prof.

810 CENTER d w wet Dar w/d nkup, 2 q • m &!>"' I N I 1 11t 2t3-461-9483.CSays• ALL MA TIERS 472-0808 Et Sd CM Nice rm • TSL MGM T 642- 1603 F S 875 • N B steps to beach. shr age ull s incl -pe s ----- $350/ mo Eves & wknds 'JIUS-T SEE-LARGE 3Br s:rryg~~ pe;~~44 ·0~ QUIET 2BR 1BA lrg 48r5?5BOa/Su6n50•1. pro, 1 n- Adult' $395 536-6?:~ FOR LEASE 576 sq ft at ..... I,.... nzs olf. F prt Nsmk 6'5-2357

Patio dish wasner no gar- smkr ., w gar Newport Back Bay nuge 65ctsq It Back building ----2Ba gar yard S825 age u 1111 11 es o d 650-3633 or 639-8722 e•ec nse Frplc. Grand 4'0 E 17th SI C M 1021 Valencia (Mesa del sp·-s Al8T 1 •ilt 3 6•5 8523 619/ 3• 6 6366 Mar t No Pets 650-7105 ..,.. .,., . 5850 mo • 673-034 * S330 NB snr k1tc & batn. Piano formaldmtng den • . .. .

llWlYIECHATll 2Br t ' •Ba w/ gar crpts drps bttins fnc.d patio

te leaclt! U2·2Jll Rent Lse g •v• Nwpt parking space. 2 btks to lndry etc Clean ntsmkr LAGUNA BEACH small ot· 1 ' 2BR TROPIC CHARM Conao sec bldg ocean water ShOPS yard BBO S3 75 · ut ils 64 l-5020 f tce space Ocean view Pool/I p ' C& D • b ll·1ns ru 2BP 2BA oen S 1850 64 2-9622 NWPT BEACH M/ 2 rooms w/ parktng appro11 5 I 1 B I If Pl S S I S ti OOn I b l N t st l $660. mo. Jonn Mgr r1gnt nr w c 1 aza n""' a un a ern B~autiful Lanuna ocean vu av• • a e 1n ewoor S775-S850 640-7952 Appt 619· 723-9099 nm Room• 55601mo · , Shores $325' & $4 75 Realonom1cs 675-6700

l BEDROOM STEPS TO Walk to bj!acn lBR & v t•ls N1smk rs t drugs. 650-4872 Steve/ Desrree lilllf Simi BEAC~ WITH PARl<ING 28~ 2BA S6951S895 ' straight neat 499-2794 ........ .......... Garden ottices. prtme 10·

- A ll'- ut •ht•es included Pool spa encl garage CdM 2 story house. nice tOO's of roommates avail cation on Bristol 1000 to

636-4 120 Call 1-5PM 2439 Orange A $750 2619 Santa Ana D $73S 667 V1c1or1a ( 5120


Cal: PllM MlS&lPTS S700imo 6 73-80l8 d "" ~tra parl\ing New- cond Quiet walk to bch OPEN 7 days 557-4000 3000 sq 11 AC. excellent

Large beautiful Studios port Terrace 646-6838 Mt F Avl 4 15 SSOOt mo parking St 15-$ 1 35/ sl ---------

P~~:~~~c~f::;~:~~- F;~~~ }!!=s;~8;~ve FIND C~~ M~r~ ~:~~;2;::E2ba N~~;~:·~ts~~~~:~ N:·~;~:ia:;:~~~; F~!:D 3~~:!:~s :::. SC Plaza & beacnes duple• Ocean view $475 722- 1066 Avl •med RENT Lets make a deal 2·3 yr Old. blk / grytwhl

65 1 Mesa Dr 546-9860 Reap a l>O<.ldnlty of '~~~th h I f ' d S600t mo $600 deposit. - -3

b 3

b Great Coast Hwy loc, 213 833-6629 Nopels al'T*"chan Madn .. ,_ . · thrOU~ c ac;~i te . (714)721-0109 Stpstobch1New1 r a,

--------- fled . frpl / pat io t g ar .. Av&J I reas rents incl ut1I Xlnt FMI ft IOITTlf .

C..nt/ C..crett .;.;.• ... •al.._i• .. 1.._ ____ 1_P_1_i•_•_i• .. •-----miiiiiiiiiiii:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii BR1C.K,CQNCRETE worll DfUAIOIS/...- T&J PATNTING Int /Ed

Prof relrable res rels Clean-up$ FrM est . Beat any reasonable price $2.56 per day Th• t s ALL you pay for

3 lines. 30 day mon1nium tn the


l"REE est 641 ·3283 IAN i days Dave 96'-4768 l.JC : 45630 498-96'4

BR1C1< CONCRETE work L • · Prot reliable res refs 18 ICl•1•1

FREE est 641 ·3283 IAN & Li .. cart Cteaaiaf Stm ct TiEES

Pa1nlmg & Wallpaper Re· moval 20 yrs e•P Clean.

prompt. reas 642-5937

• PACIFIC PAIN TIN~ Meticulous-Dependable

Loe.al refs 966-2098 Joet HouseGleanrng t Oll1ces 10 "?ppeorremove Cleanup yrs P• P Rehabte bondeo ..... •awn/Spnnklr 751-3476

he ·ns a Jenny 548-062 1 DBL-A-TEAM Is~ PllinH 111/ ln CALIFORNIA SWEEP Julian & Yolanda garden- Refs Reas Rates Lie

CALL TODAY" Cleaning Service Englrs'1 ng tiouseclean 6'2·3921 554-3851 7'7-3003

Ill fll Liii Speaking Lie - 1f 6f.i Complete SM" rinkler / VESCO PAINTING ANO Your Bonded $1 0 0 11 rirs1 nstai repair Tr 1m & WALLPAPERING Quahty

Service 011ec1ory C1ean1ng 646-2563 •emo~e clnups. re Free work Free Est 969-6349 Represen1a11ve EXP GEN Hovseclean•no est Valent in 548-61 p .

142-U2111t. 110 l ady Rehaote Refs F'ree GARDENING-CLEAN -up- , .... • .. r_n_•.• .. --.... -­est Call Caror 646·650~ Mo -eoge--tree work -Iott FARTHING INTERIORS

w HANGING/ STRIPPING Piii.JC llTill,..,...,..~..,...., ec1n1~00 ... _t/aS" m aint Reas 66~·5288 VISA-MC 673-1512 me Cil1IPu'bl1t Ut• 111es 1ng 10 yrs "'P .... n •el GARDENING SE'AV Clea11 - • -

Commission REQUIRES owr car Jo 1)4 5 <!866 uos Lawns palm tree Pl11ler/ l t p1u that all used nousehold 5 9 946, - -

d h * Prot Hsclng FREE es ts trim. ~arage Al 4 • tn t t ElCt patch plastering. goo s movers. print I e1r p u c Cal T number. 7 dys wll •o yrs eap rel DUSTY'S Landscape/ lawn custom te•turing quahty hmo 5 & cnaufleur s p11nt Lie Ins 8.l 2·5053 • Mam Serv Wkly/ montht work Problems- No Prob· their T C P number ·n all Electrical 1 time Free eSt 24 1· 1640 lems• = 32666' 554-7831 advertisements .,t If you .......... - ......... """"'!""!!_._ have a Quest!,_ at>Out IEIAll ELECTllC the legality of a mover limo or chaulfeur Call P1,1b llc Ut11t1es Com ­m1a.s1on 714-558·•1 51

Full Serv;ce Gardening No Job 2 Big or 2 Small Plaaua1

Lteen~ Contr 645-3656 Free Est 531 -2507

NEW REPAIRS SERVICE Lttal Senic" No 10Ds 100 small Re11s • DRUNK DRIVING

u-.r11•111-1111 HEATING • PLUMBING

Free est tic d 631-2345 8 AUTO/BIKE ACCIDNT DRAINS CLEAR from $ 15 faucet , Otsposal, Heater PS 646-2227/anytlme Aeeutical te'ilfa11- £a1r1ria1 • DRUGS




consu!,I EXPERT Service & Repair 34 yrs HP 18 yrs 1n area

c,>rywall-Patct11ng-Tax1ure Badges-Custom 1obs Qual - L>c= 409035 964-8919 Lte • 281597 631-9295 work low 01•ces 962-4922 ..... ,, . ___ _ a-u·-- •-.. :1· - P1umb1ng-Roo1er-Rep1pes .....--• -.-. Fnc" MASONRY & STUCCO Watp heater serv/repair

..... _ .. _a.1,_ _ New/ Repair All ty~s Lic - 51\3606 995-6496 _ _. • Ennance Your Properiy Ouahty-Reas-hc 631-2345 _ :

11tOvahty Wood Fencing ._......., Call Jim • 751- t 558 • ilma1 ....... Witie111 M9 in1talled 641. 163 _

ltatral Stnicet *•·1 • .,.... U LI Y o n11ruct1on 1J -----"'l----1 • Comm'I, R"ld'I. Let our ~;;;~Eiifiiiiiii;r Expert Bird Tratner 730- 13S3 exp save you M°"EYt ... dnM•I• Your home Linda * CLEAN & EXPERT Uc Free nt 631·23"5

Hs Weevtng. FREE CON· 850-1563 * 25 yrs axp lie T • 116428

SULT CELESTE9e0-272• I .. ..ASCMOl/ING•.- ·'·Ut~-.. !WW!'l''!"lll ... I ,... Oulek ' Careful T t3804e ceAXUIC SPECtAUSTI

RESUMES that IMPRESS Personal •tt~tlon to your needs Cheryl 54M315

~~AXetBM• FUii MfVICe carpentry

NnOV.,IOf'I ~257 Jottn

CUSTOM Carpentry SpH Tile, FenCft CALL Eric

Gen Contractor 645-9077

rs;;;;-Amdl & Mdttiona. ..... doors. Window.. ea-1na,1-.m

E£. paflOt, p:w;,, .. e. No jot) too emell. ,._ Midi~. 53e-05S3 ..... ~ ......... . ,..__,, ... __ _

"'"""' I 7ISd

Housenold repairs. paint. LO Ft.A TES 552-0410 Top quall ty work by refurb1st11ng. carpentry - - ~ 1tcen1ed profeHlonata

drywall etc Garyl45~5277 •Fl•-· _,,_ guaranteed! 898-9329 • HANDYMAN • Short notlee. 0 I< 1 Boxes, T

Big & aml Jobs-Wortc 11'* packing. loWelt prices -r"''.1:1'illl"l•••r Call Bruce 847..0780 • lJC.r13"~ 545-4843 UtMI mes AMERICAN HANDYMAN *. GOOO MOVES* Finest ~ tree c:ere.

Doors Windows Fencea Low rat• FrM Eat (7 14) ..... 12t3 Drywall Ptu~blng e.ni: Lie C-151192. 545-•454 •tlli!ii '::'~C..~~ry ...... -=~l•

Fr• 911 894-5'81 \j Y ... of H9"Y H.B. Belboa"I Ortg1N1 Window carpenter~rtclan- Cu.torner•- Rieflard ~ Wa.ftlng ~ ..... 2

ma.on. 541· tool (UC. tna. A9fl) 145-7 MARK R081NSON GLASGOW PAINTING UM.• "El

tne /ht 30 ~ _..,., A~ ... - - Avt 1 FENCES-OATES Tr•lttm ,...,IOel_ ... 2-5214 . HAATY & CO . .. t47'7 Dump run.. c M ( H • • rl • II • .,... JHnWttyt•. 142- 7208 AAL~'I ftAINTING. hi.I a.1 1• I S

_.. A ,._ "" w.....-. ltnP. ff• Fr" "' leoetactlorl HOME ...,;r-AI ...-pen· _,_AMI, Lio. 912_.70 1 .-~ l80-l475 try, ptumbtng. rental ----prapet1y ""9126-7245 ....... , ................ .-w.y !fV. Acc .... , .... , Alteretlw! LTimlm MOiCi'. A9t• ,., • .,,

JotlGMIYd ar.e~, Adverta.. ... ............


lmmed' Need stable prof. parking Agt 645-3683 I • , OldeJ. black. 3129 on

good cred•t S550·S600 Ocean view suites. park· Balboa Island 673- 1922 634-8344 241-8943/wrk mg phones hie sec-

SELL through classified


retarial duties sign space avl On Coast HS-.y $3 / sq/ 11 213 592--0833

OFFICE & STORAGE $ 386/ mo 576 SQ ft

Manners SQuare/ Coast Hwy 646- 76' 1

FOUND Waliet & Cash' 12124 Fashion Island area Call & ID 673-8854

FOUND women s p1escr1p. 11on glasses 1n case on 15th St .. Newport Beach


F em111ne IOftl • •• 11ows trom lhoulder'I to hem. Fllalri'Q dlly or '::I ~ • wy to flt. Full lllW. ...... . .... cind ..... of bodoltape lowt1.tr'911drt. ldletln adelc111 print or·~ IOld. u. crepe ded*'9, ~or ,.,an. D11•• P 11 "4"1 '-.....,.. In . . .... -10 to 20. ...... 11.00 pc~ .... •1:1:"~ rm.Send tD: ~-- .. ~-.-~. Pl••• • e.1111111 ..-m ,.,,,..,, (In Ml and NYP11•19dcl .... m .) ,,. Of!PIA·CIOOD THRU lll't 30, 1-







s7500 OR MORE

CONTACT Mr. Phillips PHONE (714) 498-3321


... Orange Cout'OAILY PILOT/Sunday. AprH 3. 1988


Casino.pit boss can sell his people-management skills Deer-. that ~ou r an.

Dear R~aee, • • •


I was visitina som«- friends last wecUnd and rad your column in their~· I hope you can assist rM. I'm a pet bots in Canon City, Nev .• and have bttn for nine ynrs now. The hours att inqular and thctt is li~t~ or no powth opportunity. I'm walh:r to rdocatc and am dc11ttd in li~ra ans. What would you consider as. transfenablc skilr. I'm intcrn1cd !~ .a supervisory or ml'nqcnal pos-111on.

outAAnd•na people skan, .. Oastomcr s.erv1cc superv1wr or m1tft8Fr comn to mind ammcdaatcly. Know~ of romputn- entry as usuaUy a ttqu1re­rMnt alona wath a srrv1tt--0ncntcd work phil°'°'*Y· Career apmudc 1nting 11 a local collcst' is aJwa)'s an

1£1££ .. ~ informataon. Almost alwa}s the) "'111 sa> no and continue on with 1hr inter' 1e"' without pu, hang for an answer

Dear iteett. • • •

Changing Times ml\garine. No­'ember 1987 cd1t1on. '>ummanzes a Labor Department stud' offuture JOb market needs for the Workforce 2000. The stud) concludes that high-tech posauons su h as engint'rtnJ. com­puter and basic sc1enc<· will anc~ase rapadl) . but b) 1995 will numtxr onl) one out of eight JObs. Serv1ce-0nented andum) and manufactunng wall re­main as a significant pan of the econom) The fields offenng the txst career prospects are hl·alth services. hotel management. food service. financial services. and related pro­fessions. Thrrc are othl·r studies and the prOJecuons ma) 'a~ to some degree. so gather all th<- anformauon

In my JOb I handle complaints all da > long. Ho"' do I keer from g~ujn.g down and sta~ 1ng posit ive"

-0.J. DearD.J.

With nine year5 CXP«-ricntt wort­ing in casinos you cenainly mus1 have

op1ion, 100. • • •

Dnrllaft, How shoukt I handl<' 1llqal QUC$­

uons that arc asked during an in1crvicw. such as qU<-Stions about ~ing married or having chiktrcn1 I don' t fttl that I •ant to 'ans~ them. but I don' t want to losr a possible job opportunity bca~ I didn't answer thcm: What do you s~t?


- Unemployed :ind Confused Dear U-. ... ye-4,

If asked (>(rsonal QU<''i.taons of that nature, ask. but don't confront. the interviewer if those q ucsuons are relevant to the JOb descnptaon and if so. )Ou "'ould tx happv to &"<' that

I am a rte'tnt graduate an busmess adm1n1strat1on and h;ive not bttn o' erl) exc11ed about m~ pos111on. and e'en more 1mp0rtant, the prospect of conunuang to work an this career Do )OU ha'e knowl~ge c-f an~ proJC'C· lions of the I)'(>( of care<'~ that wall tx an demand 1n the ne\t IS or :!O )ear\ that can help me decade whejher to plan a carec.-r change".

- BC' Dear 8 .C.

..,._ uo -M.D. ~•r ~v ..

\liihy not make a g;im<' of your assistance role? See ho" many people ~ ou can help and gel to change tltcir compla int to a thank you. What a rc"-ardang cxpenenn: that can~.

Rnee Mic .. ~/s ls • S..lknt C•lllorni• «'mploymf'nt ¥ttUIUI. Job-r«'l•tfll t•ffti oas s llHM k -'· dress~ to lu ia c•rc- of IW CMl'1 Pilot, P.O. Box 15'9, C..ta Mna. ltltl.

la1h1•1•t, SS• Im I SUI l!q!ez••t SUI laplerwt 5531 l&tl!z .. 1 5531 ._.,._., 5530 Eapleyatat 5530 S.r!epnl 5530 latl•f!tal 5530lE.tl!f!tal ~IM HIRING• Government lllll • 11111 Pllf&n PIS1 lfflC( IHE~ST p T Aes1auran1 SALES Sates Se<.urn1 Otfoee tS


llm'TllY ~obs6e~~a1~ 1~~ llT&lllTIY Fn ptasttc surgery othce Pt TNoexp nee M/ pret d Mon-Fr. 830.\230 .,<>", llSTESS .. TllUllEITUll llSllEIHUIESI 838•8885 EXT 398 E,xcellef'll tyi>1ng stulls. PC RN full M!allh t>enel11s Sta~~l:~2 ~-~ 30 o tlice appeara"c.e Musi Moh .. •e ! e•P o w/oa;,.~- Customer • service Aeps A 1e&0"'9 ~u"li; manulac, STOP WllEI I

With , WOlfd Perfect ex- • e•per~e pensol.~ ~ .. oce. . t>e •e''llt>fe Typ'"g ••c.e ~·P Jack ie or ~'Y Ch a'1teng1ng t;1os1r•OP ur.;1 ,,..,.._ . ar e• p d sell" , pef'ieflee one montn u - "OS()ttat lll-Tllll w1ttt OR ~rub recovery p /T •SS•U I 4 swpm EaP pr et 0 our ~_'.' 0·J,S-' O R~v1era Res· w ori..1119 .. 'Tt" °"' ~ '1..,;.t .tt .. o '"''v•<1v1tl for _ I Tl Slgf'me.<ll in Fountain Val· MSIW&ml-- OHen prof fast_....._.. en· pos .. l ·<>P .. cnectt-s Sandee Appro,, 3 nrsl day W f!fJ ~,11 train Cal• 760•5000 dura r SC. 1aza tomer& and seh1•ce •ecn. •d ~ ' ... ,~, P•C><.t!l>S•rt9 . '- $10 to StO 50/ Hr No 35 ~ 64 t2 O rnc1af'IS Oroer Oe5• ' ~· · ' ' • ,,. ... QJOO P"On .. $7 00/HOUR -,. hr weet. Exp req'd v1ronmer1t Salary up to - anrougn Sun early AM or I R£NA( Re'>tdu•an1 simi lar e•oe"ence d••o ~. •d,,' ... -'~'")' ~', ,.~',e')a·' ",' ",.. oa•"• • . F" PteaM CaM Today" APP!Y in person Mori· Fri s t SOO • BQnus Full t>en- I I 3 11 s11•ft late PM Must t>e over 21 IYST£1 •a•,.... · ·· -PEISll.EL M 'II ,___ I / - .... 9000 te•er;none ""'o"n .. •

vuov H05')41al 66 I et11s lOlf Qualllted appll- 1 1 • & have good dr1v1ng re- reQutteo Call 01 ar;t" • , • ~ , ,.. 1, JP.~s • ~OP QUALIFIED PEOPLE Center Costa Mesa cant Contact Path 38 ""-'-ll Cttarge Nurse cord APP'" Pennysaver \f"Wl "'i1J' jU \ ·1 1 l'o• 1•ewoon Oyster 8 p

.. L . """'~ ' \.\ -....... .. e s G II pet!>On orOef'I s ... . c . . • ' u' ' 11 Sil-<' ~ •<-DS llSTUS/W&ITIEIS Cor~!~~AP:;~ 14 = F ·LY13. •11,. 1660 Ptaoenha C M l q(ALT()Rc:; • a• " ,Conl r"'.)1 69€ Ranoo•::.'' =>e4s~ ca•· Ju•..- ''O f' I PllESTilllllUTD

TempotarySerVICes Neeoed d8y orni9ht Wiii t71'4i 852-8099 Fv"&Par111me I P/T,,...,.&IU Clll A,.,. Clv' " '4 $46';,~ - : _.)• ;,. ...... &sc..:.45 c••••"n•s An H&R BLOCK Company tram Potty s Pies Res- 011~e envir- no 1vn1nn 1 llCEPTIHlST, P T I As~ 10 ' - O)d Tot1e•

11 1 F/ T - ..... , .. ,. '- e>• •rie PEY Rt-staraunt $.;.e,. (7 1.e) 259-7787 tauran t Hunt Beacn Medical • ,. M 0t1 & Tues hr-s vary 1rom tn RE 0 '11ce HS W•ll tra • Sales M anaoemen• •l•M4i• .,.. .....

llPIA-R•llEU• ED. mftl&LR.LDS For medu .. aioons & treat· • 1oam·8pm W 1t1 11am Re· SS nr 963-6969att Bpr- "T P . 6 r,0 ns ava1lao1e I $10 000+ / JR lllTTUllEES rlWWll5 Restaurants Be your own boss $10 hr ment Well s talled 80 bed 1ttees welCOr"e App•,. IECfaTIAalST Sea •ooo e•e>er nee • J . ;:.,u::le.,1.a r ,ndnC•a• Svcs

18&up•Eam$150·S2SOO t•mll&TE 1;"141759-1553 I S N f APPIY Pennysa~ e 1 1660 ,.,..,. App•y Mon.i:ri EmlNllEllS "'aL o• t't'• opc;.1 , s•Sa•t<S ., .. PART TIM£ Dady Part tune pho to AARllllltlt.• .. __ ' _..._ ·- Placen tia A ve c /lt4 I (,ooo, ot'OPle Sk •tl!"> e • 01 Nn 3·5tim al I u-1•R-ir1 lllJll!IS \ •f ~ f'S Momt "'' p nor

modeltng No ei.p No ..-~ ........ I ~ 1.-..... , I •remei . ousy pnone!> ~·oo w 0Geantron1 Na 1 ,.~ - - sa.-• e .. tit" •eQ o since '" WORLD T A LEN T H 1 C.llhr St O• u.I II UL.ES ICA WTUU ~o..,.,;.•1i>1" t1101 i-.M1n9 •s • All sh. It~ available AGENT·LIC !bonded F T Of Pt T split Sllths Newport Lab neeos tern- • S.:


* I f l tnc:ludes proSPeCt•ng Otters pr oi tast paceo en· Re!>tavrani Nationai O&B t.At. '"'"'0 .., •e'• S1ari.n9 ,,a1ar, • f8181986--C316 D<111er s earn grea1 money porary couner tor DVSV telepnone & counter V>ronment Salary up 10 "W UIEI S100 M•fhor - 0"'v,;' · ~?e oOC ,o,.,m Cot1e9e I • l 1 c1inino and

1n newt>us1ness concep1 lat> Brmg OM V p11n1ov1 OPEAATOR I sales Frie ndly p e r- S tSOO Bonus Full oon- Bingo P1ua p T or F - Oe\le •oo "Q s·.,, ....... r .:i eg•etc-tm" ""1oenel1ts b

llllUl lfC/ MCIP Big S1tps PLUS mileage Pleasant woi i. 1ng cone! 11mmeo1a1e o pening E•e>e< sonah ty pos111ve al· et•ls tor ouahtreo appto.' Henry 6,S-9930 Ca1t•o• r.•a ""·•· ~ .-· "., _a, "' '"·a"' 54, 6,.6 01 un1tcnm~ oroy1C1ed Fast growing NB firm sks WJ!h nours 10 suit ~our Call in AM • 640-01 40 • p1et ""'" train 2-10pm mude front o ff•ce ap- cant Conlacl Patt• 38 Resiaurcmt O"lf! 0 1 tne •as·~·~· " t.~· F.ae~ •c scnedule

Gen Olc/ Recep E:ccel hfest~le Witflrain Ne,..por tBeacn6•• ·7050 pearance a musl W1M Corpo•a1e Par k = F "9 •'lOuSl•es .' ''"' T..-~:: "',.'•'~EOE phone mariner essent Call Breni ..cAl t rain App ly in person Irvine CA 9271 4 17141 lllnP£LICU 1990s " "'e'

• Re 11e,.s .ind college s1uden1 s welcume W1llJ1ain on WP N l smkr NUfseprachtioner or pflys- P&llTEl'S IElftl only Tu-F tt 9am-5pm 852·8099 is now ac.cepung applt- Commis~ions :.on_.~.,., >

Cindy 6'4()-4950 IESTllUO 1C1ans a'sslst needed 3 F T Must live tn the Penny saver 1660 cahC>rlS lor o .er• o.es Out 4 ICP HPT. uc1n&1Y .

----~ -- I eves' """ fOif trv1ne diet HS NBtC M area Call Placent ia Ave CM IE~T e•--"; •-...a....-s sa1espeople are ea·'l•"Q ----r- DPIESS program Send resumes l'r3nl( 650· 1210 IUl man •a•1s I Xlnt pnone manner 1-yr ... , ...... ev~ $20 000 ::>er rnontr

Gro·"'""9 e,..,.,, En91nee,.ng e Weell t• p· J ~ - i..an<l Ptannmg r •m I I d 1

Full-Time permanent pos- to Bristol Park Medical · - · I sw1tenoo ekD Ot ner •U.HlaFee4S.ntr C.11' M · :: r- • - • rtJon Good l)flOne i>ef· G 3 l60 A d h 11 PUT Tm MllllD cte11ca t s11 1lls ne1p tu f App ty '" person Tuesday .,6-064 '

Sf't' lt s ~, ~~· t>'lCf'O 9e n-e1 ~· .:>!I"" ~P<•E't~r~ w1t11 • Curr· prehens1 y~ gc.oo i.p1119 compute< &-· · hlfal' I' and sonellty a must Data •ISJ.-1172• c~~~: Meu 92626e ' Dratting gopt\er wor-k tor Great oppty tor sates per- Salary neg Busy NB 1aw 1nr.., ••1day 01wn 3·5

e<ltry hltng hghl typing. CM nter1or design firm son or manage1 to grow o tltce 551 .9300 2131 W. C.Mt lhry II n t smkr . JLlnt benefits ~ Half days lnterlOf oes.gn w esta1> t1 sned IHm Pleasant Costa Mesa of- J()lJUIYMAN RN for famtl)' pract•ce oackgrouno prelerred W' Slrong eust1ng s1att IECEPTmlll I I RETAIL S ALES • t1Ce 6.eS-4496 I pnone a11age Fashion Advanceo int~ oesogn Local ex.ii ,,, Newport · llll •R••R8S P T Grt tor ston1 5,..,,

PRE'°'°UIN Island 644.7i48 s1ont 0 11 Be prep,areo to Costa Mesa or Hvn t - 1 ~• ae•oo1c oout •Que r CM Rl'L lfFICI P/T ~ft sno"" samp~ 01 work ' 1ng i on Bea c:n n e e Fasn1on lslano sa lon Sa• • com,... 548-7515 L ite typing . phones NEEDED •mme<J•atet)' 2 Call Jua, 540-3822 Emphasis w1t1 t>e on re- • 760-6098• 1 ·" .. LI- CLll ~/Hrs wee6l m atler- rne-· Ota,,,_ Coast Oa11y oemons11a1ors """ o are , E R cru11 ng l•atn tng & l •irlllr....,.IST _. - I noon. Costa Mesa area .• ,._ young and O)'f'am•c to m-

1 PLAN1 C APE-IN T XIE mot •~allfl9 Seno rewme


-~ru I See11s P T ott1ce assistant

631_8'480• ~~eo~~~Ota3,,:; lroduce ouramaz•f'lgnew llllamta111plan1sonrou1e ao· =AO tl2 co Daily Immediate open ing for Call tor aopt 675·7100 ..,... product Potent ial w11t11nj Vet11cte supplied gooo ' P•lo t "PO B o • 1560 mature tai.e cnarge per - 1 / •&• irs

GET PAID fOf reading Jou•ne)'man Pressman comp a ny- unllmt! e O drrv•nq •ecoro 1140 e•p CC4ita Mesa 9262& I son to riana1e "S:a" V -books• S 100 00 per htle We have an e 11cellent T1am 1ng prov•Oed Apply nee S6 hr 63 l 6340 ono~s lo• rea• esaa I Ground 11001 oooonun11y Write PASE- 259L be n efits pa c kage lit 1971 So A1tctley - Press RECEPTIO NIST manageme01 c.o .n c a tor t~ r19n1 persons

161 S llncotnway S12 21 Hour Contact Santa Ana 258-0606 F T e x p recept1on1s11 Mesa . 8 30·5 30 ' M -F Business 10 t>usiness N Aur0ta, IL 605'42 llllT neeoeo to• C >...~ tyrnrtu•e 642· 1603 ask tor De · \ ' ' deo 1noust ry pro tecte<l

- (J1•) MJ-4J21 flt s1.r·1f1•A• SIO<e l-leavy pnones terr !ory no compet11ton •••ILD ., ... ..,, ArttSIS Waf\led PO Bo • r~ .... typing ano l19n1 Cle11cal amAL.stlTllT Unhm•teo earntn9 ooten-

FOf v-11an gondolas ,., 583 s o Laguna 926i"' •e<:1u1ted Mature pro- JP . T Saa , Sun 10-6pm 11a1 room 101 aovar1oe-Recrs tcnowtedge of Ne'#- -- - Tne Orangt> Coas• Da••v tessional manner~ Pi'AK NEWPORT APT s ment 497 . 13~9 · 101 oer-


* llSS&T1SflH1? * We nave trie ' 1nes Sa1es Ooot; .n tne USA'


, CO FINANCl!\o(, Y, :>POF TqA .fll lN".". ~O EXPERIENCE

SALESllll -•CllT S17H -

~ ::.• aopt C"all • v • w •11s 'v' r,noa, 12-5 Tuf'\ :..- :.

6:,0-54 1~

SALES PElsil . E•pe••ef'lceo No"' " '"n9

S..1001 tsl'and =lea11y . • E-:;.e·oo •

phone ,.i.. ,us oe.a11 011en· Prnotovee bt'neltt' te<: E• C.Pllent oenef•t5 & • ,_r ., .,~ "'"'"'onm(>"' '" pat • cl?ll aVdllabl<> 5ov .. ' t" ' O•ange Gou" ~. Ser\O "~me IC> Mt F .;t"n•e;, di ~0011 Seit

A .. l lOOA\ I

......, ~,.. ~·o~t iii A!>!>OC. Q• 1\1'4~ 1(. pqOTECTION ·(-.' ·.:. .1· r • ·P.-.,. .. ay "' SEQVICES ' ' '•f' CA o;: · 1E

c:.,,, • •1m-e ~ os l •nr· to• e• c a ... 11ei ~ ••lt'i: .ri wolt-•

EC -> ~ O t.·t h E"!Dlv• M F

port Hatbor Irvine Coast ..., .... , msEIY S&LES F / T P1101 s ~.ng ar> e • · I C<11t Jvoy at 540-3822 I Call Gary 6A4· \900 sonal 1n1erv>ew Cn•ter-s. 675-00'4 ~ See«tng ene19et.c i>erso" I perie nc:eo Pressr oom

--- - to gro w with es1ao11stled Su~rv1sor We ol 'er an -----------------------------••TICIL TllE company Min 1 year re - excet~nl t>ent>hts pac'i< · 1 tall t>llP Sai<irr S900- age $680 a ·~" Please

1 .......... l S l200 ll'lt~v- !>v llpt>t ~taC1 >1CJn t.. at 171'1 PerMM' 10 help witll plal)l­•ng, watering and 9r00".1-1ng plants ._ ........ .......... , .._._....... I <><••Y 646- 14'1 1 540.1 ,.:' belween tne

Garoer>er intenor Of e • · I fle>ufS ot 6pm tl!'d 2am tetlOt plant1n9 ... ater•ng St>oc> 11'e real Ml.Ale DaQM 1 ,

Mon-.frt 673-2261 2•9-2 109 Pfopeny ,OU,,. oeen want· tor tnecat? A call to deaf.

and groommg piants C all I of c:tuslhe<U<>! the vaution


"° room left on tne gat&Qe

- - - l!'9 hed c;.,, ll!!f>

w•1111a The Of9nge Coast Oatly

P110I IS l~ing IOt an , energetic: person to as­Slst our O.Stncl Managen 3 days dvf"lng the ..-. ._.ends and l'IOlidays -'WIJC.ant must have r• ltable car Mth val•d C A drivers tteeose. proof of insurance and OMV pnnt-out Star11ng pay IS S7 00 per l'IOur plus gas atto.ance

Come •n to apply at

Ulw..t..,St. lesta ..... CAUlll t>wtaean~

Ot call Beth •1 642-4321 ext 20S




2 positions available in our cus­tomer service dept.

Must have pleasant phone per­sonality; typing a plus. Learn valuable off ice skil1s and earn $5.00 an hour to start.

Hours are 11 :30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. and Sat. & Sun. 6 A.M. - 1·0:30 A.M.

Call 642-4321 ext. 207 to sched~ ule an appointment. Ask for Ltotanda.


'480 • • •

........ '11111'--.......... , ...... ......... For M.M you can advertise your G•'99 S... in the Oaity Piiot. T'*'- is • ' line minimum and the price is the same whether you adWrt• 1 day or 3 cs.ys. n·a a gr9at way to turn thole hidden treasures into calh.

w ... ...,~••••••1e•an•• ••••ml•• tort•·•·°""' guide lndudee ldW on how to .ctvettlM. hOW to pl8n. what lten'8 to .... ptua ~ tor • better sa-• .-: ...., • pr-oe .... sign. pricing stick ... Information on dtY ~ .-d Hwentery sheet. You cen purdl•• your·G8r9Qe Sale Ktt tor s1.oo wher\ .. you piece your lld at:

...... "'"*"" ,..., - 1:00 Mt'° 5·30 .... .. .... l:GO,.,, - , uo,.,,

- - - - - - ----------------

. \




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C9 <>r.,.. COMt DAil Y PllOT I Sundey, April 3, 1 ...

Long, hot fire season looming IJ ITSVE OBllllNOD t 2 , ........

Fimiahten who buried 10 oom­radn just ai1t months ftlO, after the state's wont fire sieat" in modem times, are mobilizina earlier than ever for the firestorm they believe qain faces parched California,

''This year, we're worse otrtban last year and everybody knows how bad last year was. There arc drought oondnions all over the state and in some areas, utrcme drouaht con­ditions.·· says Jerry Pana in. chief of the state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

"fire season is also startina much earlier, so we'll have tn be on alert even longer:· Partain says.

Fire officials say state crews go on around-the-clock alert Monday in Southern California and within two to four weeks elsewhere in the state because of the return nf the deadlv combination of conditions that in­discrim inately rues fo~ts and sub­divisions alike. Some federal forest fire crews also have gone on alert in the south state.

Lack of rain and snow ha~ already left grass and brush as dry as it would be in June, tbcy say. Temperatures h~ve been un$ea50nably high. strong winds have lashed the state, and humidity has been unseasonably low. Those conditions can only, worsen as summer approaches.

·In the south. desert winds have fanned several small brush fires. Hills grten for St. Patrick's Day in mid­March were already turning brown hues a week later. S.·mta Ana or "devil" winds. which can whip a wildfire into a nightmarish mlemo.

have blown a day or two of each of'the last few weeks.

In the northern forests. more than 400 acra that arc usual!J under snow in the Tahoe National rorat burned in late March when SO mph winds lashed controlled blu~ out of con­trol.

Natttrc may •in pl<&y the role of striking a match to California. of­ficials say.

Liahtnina storms "ith no rain ianited 1,248 fires in Q ntral and

CDF chiefspokciwoman Karen Ter­rill.

Anonists will deliberately strike the match in some cases. Twenty percent of California's wildfites arc arson. The rate clim'bs dramatically when conditions arc ripe for flame and blues have alrt'ady erupted because arsonists become mott ac­t1 ve. officials say.

Meanwhile. many homeowners will skip taldna the prt'cautions that could save their rurnl structures.

''Nobody l•6olng to .alve the fire problem ln callfom£a untll there are comprelJen•lve rerislons In every countygovernmentlocal plan."

- Bob Irwin

Nophcrn California over 10 days 1n August and Scptcmb(or last year. burning at least 730.000 acres of forest and destroying 38 homes.

Throughout 1987, mNe than 9.000 fires burned nearly a million acres. destroyed more than I 00 homes. and caused hundreds of millions of dollars damage.

Humans. in many cases, will ac­cidentally set the match to California th is year, say officials. Ninety-fi ve percent of the state's wildfires are caused by people through. for exam­ple. fireworks. improper ·USC of ve­hicles. trash burning, campfires and smokin&.

''Even when you pull off the road to look at a map, the hot underside of your car could set grass on fire." says

Temll says. State law requires residents of rural

areas to clear combustihle vegetation at least 30 feet around their homes. trim trees back I 0 feet from a chimney. put wire-mesh screen over a chimney, and remov<' flammable material such as pme needles from roofs.

Firebrands, bumina material car­ried by winds or updrafts. are a major cause of residential destruction. The red-hot cinders can land on wood shake roofs and ignite them in an instant.

A firestorm that ravaged a coastal forest subdi vision m Pebble Beach last May 31 destroying 32 homes. dramatically demonstrnting the im­portance of proper precautions. fire

officials say. 0

Some 7 million people now Hvt in so-called "urban interllce" zones. new housiRJ tracts in ~viously undeveloped areas. and many of the projects lack proper protection against fire, acoordina 10 authorities.

County planners have la~ly failed to pcoperly ex.amine and m1tipte fire danaers in the scncral plans thalpide development in their areas. says Bob Irwin. a Tuolumne County plannina commissioner who retired from a career with the U.S. Forest Scrvtce.

• "Nobody is aoina to !<>Ive the fire

problem in California until there are comprehensive revisions in every count)' government local plan," he says.

Firefighters are forced more and more to let forests bum while they save the homes that art' cncroachina into the wilderness, says Dean Cromwell. state Board of Forestry exCCUtl\•e officer. •

The homes often stand in the way of the surest and safec;t method of fighting blazes. backfiring. which · involves starti ng a fire to stop an advancing olaze by creating a burned ar{'a an its path.

Instead. ground ere~ must often directly assault wallsoffire with hoses and hand tools. At time~. they have to flee or die. Some don't have time to flee and have to dive under heat shields while fire rages overhead.

The 10 counties where state foroes were scheduled to go on alert Monday arc ~ono. ln)O. San Bernardino, Riverside. Imperial. San Diego. Or­ange. Los Angeles. Ventura. and

l#Lll _,...,.. ..

California Department. of ForeetlJ (lre"'b•r Jlm En&el bleerta ~b warnln& •lln at ftre etatlon ln Beeperla.

Santa Barbara. Fire sea,.on will open April 15 in Central California and the ~t of the state by May I. says CDF Director Partain.

The declarations triu,er reopening

of scores of stations closed each winter and the annual hiring of2.000 seasonal firefighters tn bolster the permanent 3. IOOsperson force. Par, tain says.

·Brush fires to take an increasing toll of hillside homes CHICO (AP)- TheCahforniadrcam ofliving in the

countr) will end more and more often an ni&htmarish losses of more homes and more forests to wildfires.

, That was t~e tragic conclusion of local. state and federal fire officials at :\ recent two-day fire prevention seminar h~rc.- ·

County planners ~hould revise general plans to require proper prorccuons in and around rural homes and subdiv1s1onSs and \he "tate should pass more require­ments without placing financial burdens on counties. they said. • · · ..,,

But the fire experts said ultimate responsibility for protecting homes hes not with government and not with firefighters. who are often powerless 10 stop walls of flames.

The rcspons1b1ht)' belongs to the homeowner. thev said. - ·

The basic problem 1s that " homeowners resist placement of the burden on them," said Dean Crom well. the state Boar<1 of Fore<;try's executi ve officer. • "We-thmka w1ldirc.- won·t happen to us. Then 1fthe area bums once. we th ink rt won't happen again.

··Ho" shon-saghted can we be? The answer is: vcr) : · Residents of rural areas can help themselves b}

following state laws on clearan~ of combustible

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vegetation and creation of a natural fire bamer. said fire prevention officers with the California Department of Forestry and the U.S. Fnrest Service.

The .regulations r<'Quire residents to clear such material at least 30 feet around their homes. trim trees back 10 feet from a chimney. put wire-mesh screen over a chimney, and remove flammable matenal such as pine needles from roofs.

But enforcement 1s difficult and spoil). fire officials said.

Compliance not only helps the homeowner. the) said. but also can help preserve the very reason they cho5e to live in a country setting - the country. . .

Wildland firefighters say that. more and more. they are forced to allow for<'sts to bum while the)' use their equipment - des1g.ned to fight wildfires not structure fires - to sa' e horn<'" that are encroaching into the wtldcrness.

~PrQ.tccting homes 1s the top pnont}. said CDF Director Jerry Partain . but the structures often stand an the wa} of one of the surest and safest methods offightang blazes. backfiring. m which crews set a fire to burn into the path of an advancing blaze and stop it.

Instead. ground cn·ws must often d1re-ctl) confront towenng walls of flam<''I with pumpers. hoses and hand


tools. he said. At limes they have to flee. or die. When the) ha"e no time to flee, they must dive under heat­res1stant shields and wc.-a thcr the firestorm overhead.

The severity of th1<i environmental conflict between the dream of rural li ving and preservation of Californ ia's forest was never more ('vident than during the lightning­spawned siege of blazes in I 987.

Firefighters saved 4.000 houses and lost just 38. sparing themselves much of the criticism and tremendous polacial pressure that has followed destruction of homes.

But the blues killed I 0 firefiJ!ttcrs. an unusually high number for a single season in Cahfomia. and scared three­quarters of a mill ion ar res of forest in one of the worst onslaught against the st:lte's natural resources in modem time!>.

Firefighters say tens of thousands of acres burned s1mpl) because of the conflict betwttn homes and forests.

" Every year the potential for trouble seems even sreater because more and more people arc buildinthomcs 1 n the wild lands." said Dan Frias. a fire prevention officer in San Bernardino County.

"Usuall) . they don't want to denude the vegetation too much around their houses. so when a fire docs take off it'll take their house out with it." he said.

Orange Count y Fin- Capt. Patrick Mcintosh said his

region "is gcttina so built up the only place to go 1s up mto the hills." But he noted that developers arc rt'5pondmg to requirements that the) plant buffer zones o( fire- and drouJht-resistant plants around new homes.

Statewide, an estimated 7 million peple arc living in so-called " urban interface" zones, new housing sub­divisions in previously undeveloped areas.

The danger stems from the fact more than 60 percent of California 1s covcrrd by natural. and highly com­bustible. vegetation. Exrcrts say com baning tha'l with the state's mild winters. hot and dry summers. and rugged topography, produces one of the world's most hazardous fire regions.

During the past t"o decades. the state's population has increased from 18 million to more than 27 million. Dunng the same penod. the number of wildfire outbreaks annually has more than doubled.

Smee 1960. more than 65 people have died and more than 2,900 homes have hccn lost in w1ldfircs. with damage C$timates averaging about S30 million annually.

With California's population continuing to swell. experts say the wildfire threat to homes and the conflict between rural li ving and protecuon of forests can only increase. '

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Valvano says no to lJCLA position He makes decision after discussions with f amlly

LOS ANGELES (AP) - North Carohna State buketball cOKb Jim Valvano withdrew his name from considera1ion for 1he head coachinajob 11 UCLA, 'IYina i1 was in 1he bes1 interests of his famil y, the uni veni1y an­nounced Sa1urday.

Valvano said in a s1a1emen1 1ha1 he came 10 his decision after mcetina wilh UC LA officials and talkina i1 over wiah his family.

" After meetina wi1h 1he folks from UCLA and discussina 1he si1ua1ion w11h my family, i1 is my decision 10 wilhdraw my name fiom cons1dera1ion from lhe posilion," Valvano said.

" h is a area• job anti 1he people I mel wilh were wonderful. bul I feel it is in my family's

best interes11 10 stay 11 Nonh Carolina Staie. My oldcsl dauahter is a freshman 11 NC Stale and mymiddleda~terisasophomore in hiah school and I think 11 best for them thal we stay where we are at this time," Valvano said.

Valvano announced his decision a day after he and his wife arrived in Los Anieles to discuss the job.

Walt HUDl'd. who helped UC LA win its first NCAA title in 1964. was fired on Wednesday, Ins than three weeks after com­pletina his fourth season with the Bruins.

UCLA was only 16- 14 this season. well below expcctalions for a team comina off a Pacific- 10 Conference championship in 1987. The Bruins finished in a tie for teeond in the Pac- 10. but were upset by Washinaton State, 73-71. in a first-round game of the conference tournament on March f I .

Valvano's record at North Carolina State as 169-93 and his career mark is 30S- 190 in 17

seasons. UCLA Athletic L>lrector Peter Dalis

praised Valvano as a coach and said the sea rch would continue, thouah he dad not name other candidates.

"Jim is one of the best and first available coaches with whom we have had d1scuu1ons about the head coaching posauon ... Dalis said. "and we will continue to discuss the Job with o ther candidates."

In withdrawina. Valvano. 42. said he had " meaninaful and producuve" d1scuss1ons with UCLA officials '"but I want to stress that nothina was ever rcducC'd to a final proposal. '"

Valvano said he wi\ hed to make clear that North Carolina State had &Jven him perm1ss1on to look at the UCLA Joh ·

··My contract did not enter into m) decision to withdraw. rather 11 v.as m' concern fo r the best interests of m) fam1l)'." h


e said The coach added that he lo,cd II\ ing and

worluna 1n Nonh Carolina and was ··1ook.Jna forward to &eadmg 'NC State' s baskctbaJI and athletic proeram to the ~t of rny ab1hty in the futu re."

HUDl'd. who 1u1ded the Bruins to the lcaaue championstup and was named Pac- 10 Conference Coach of the Year for 1986-87. played at UCLA under John Wooden and v.-as the Bruins' fift h coach \Ince Wooden res1&ned after takina the school to t he 197S CAA title - its 10th in 12 )can .

But UCLA has been to the Final Four onh twice since then - an I Q76 unc:kr Gene Dano,. and an 1980 under larT) Brov. n Gas: C unninaham coached the Bruins for tv. o )car\ betv.~n Banow and ~r01~11 and UrT) Farmer held the job betwttn Brown "s and Hauard"s sta nts.

Valvano sucettded S onn loan a!> ' onh Carolina State's head coach in 19 (J Jlm ValY&Do

NCAA 's Big Twoeme_.ges frO.m Big Eig~ht Manning takes over, leads Kansas past Blue Devils and into title game, 66-59

Oklahoma not s lowed down by King's foul trouble in beating Arizona. 86-78 - .. - --

KANSAS C ITY, Mo. (AP) - nattonal fi nal in 1957 and won it.s Kansas may not be a one-man team. only title in 1952. got o nly four points but this was Danny Mannina's one- fro m Manning as a sophomore when man show Saturday as the Jayhawks t he Ja} hawks weAt to the Final Four earned their first tri p to the national two years ago. championship game in J I years. This time. the two-time All-Ameri-

K.ansas sot an 18-point lead on can n01 only scored points. but he fifth -ranked Duke with barely nine rejected six shots. made fo ur steals -m inutesaone. then held on to beatthe both semifi nal records - and had a Blue Devils. 66-59. U\ the semifinals pair of assists in sending Kansas to of the NCAA Final Foui;. the championship fi nal.

The unranked Jayhaw~s held Duke If the Jayhawks win. they would do to j ust one field aoal in the first 11 it with more losses. 11 . than ~ny other possessions. and the Blue Devils shot team in SO years of Final Fours. JUSt 34.3 percent fo r the game. their .. More than anyth ini. our guys j ust worst of the season. to 50 percent for wanted to w1n thc pmc." said Kansas Kansas. f forward C hris Piper. who had 10

.. We came ·out and played .,-eat points. ' 0 The rcvcnac factor was there. defense." said Manning. who scored but we just wanted to get into the 2S points. had 10 rebouf'!dS an4 led.a chmpionship game. and that meant smothcrina Kansas defense - bor· beating Duke: l hated 10 sec a team rowina Duke's trademark ·in beating like ihcifs losc.be<:a.usc they arc a class the Blue Devils and avrngin1 a 1"986 team." . · Final Fo ur scmifint l lo~s to Duke. ' Kansas, 26-11 , ran up a 24-6 lcad an

." We had aru t intensi~ ·and put ·the first nine minutes of the pmc. areat prnsurc on the ball. Manning and this time. they held onto it. Two said ofa Kansas effort tbat included a months ago', ~n)IS.lcd Duke. 28-7. scmifinal·retord ntnc blocked shots . . by IS points in a rqular.-scason pme

C>uke, I~ b y Danny Ferry. twice before losina in ovcrlime. cut the Kansas lead to three points in " We huna togethe'r and competed. the second half,· but each time. an'd that's why we're here:· Kansas Mannina W.s there alon& w1th team· Coach u rry Brown said . mate Milt . Newton". who had W Duke·s ~inl gtard. Quin Snyder. points. to tum•way the Blue Devils. .said the difference m ihc two pmcs

The S9 points. were the fcwci\ was coAsistency. .. scored b y.the Blc:.t Dcv11s this season. ··1 thank an the first ttamc Kansas and it ~s the first tam~ in ~Op~ played well · at times. but didn' t that Duke f\ad lost while holding its sustain It." Snyder said . .. Today. they opponent to'leU t~ln 70 points'. played better for.Jhc whole game.'"

"They attacked us wel~" Duke Ferry sco rc<i the first c;ix points an a Coach M~e Knyzewski said . .. O ur 13-2 run that cut Kans.is' margin to younptcn did a aood job in tbe s 1-46 With 9:28 to pla·y. Duke- aotthe . second h•IP to get us back in. but lead down to ~5-.SJ with si J( Stl'lig~t Mannin. and~ NewtQn hltt. arcit. 1>0ints. fou r b): Ferry. with 4: 17 to pmes. I Just wish we 101 off~o a better • .pl.ay and .agaiA cut it to three on a start. We ~ere very tentative.'~ ~skcl ,by Snyder with 2·29 lcf\:

Kansas will play Big _Eiaht riyal Scodt~r Bany_,t\it twn free ~hrows. Oklahoma on, Monday n1aht for ·the Newton hd 'one and Ktv1n Pritchard championship. . scored twice'..Jllore from the foul line

Kansas. which las~ ,-ent to ttre · f PleUe Me llARSA8/D2) ~·

KANS~S CITY \ fo I .\Pl -Har'\'C) Grant picked '\Jp the s!Aack when Stace~ K.J ng p1ckt"d up his founh fo ul and Oklahoma rcsoned to a zone defcns.c to pick up the pttSSure

The foun h-rankcd <\oonen beat l'o. ~ .\nzona. 86'' turda~ night to set up· an all-Big Ei,ht fi nal v. 11h unranked Kansas a tram the' beat t~1Ce this season. On ~1nnda~ rl lght

Grant and Km g ear h sco~ ~ I points to offset 31 b~ .\nzona .\II· Amcncan Scan Elliot and led the SooMn. 3).3 and the nauon·s ~­ond-h1ghcst sconng tt>am at 104 points per game.

Kang v.asn·1 around for the gamc·s final nine minutes. but G rant v. as there to fuel the offc l'~ while the Sooncrs were confounding .\nzona with first a press and then a matchup zone defcnS<'. somelhang the~ u~ ··tcss than I 0 percent of the tame this season.·· according to Coach B1lh Tubbs

Kang. a 6' I 0 Junior ..:ntcr and the Sooncrs· leading scorer at ~::! Q and the SC ..\ .\ t0Umanl('nt°5 ~ad1ng scorer v.nh 135 points 111 fa,e pmcs. v.-aschargcd v.1th has fou n h foul v. 1th 9: 16 remaining and o~ lahoma lead ­ang. 58--49

- 1 told m\ teammat~ 1tta1 if St.ace' • got 1n foul


trouble rn pick up thr ' slad." S3Jd G rant. v. h "' a l!IO h~d I 0 rebounds ··t ll' e a ll 'Tl~ crt'dlt 10 Stace~ for 1om1 out and ~e'tll ng a ll the foul s.··

K.Jng said he wasn"t -.om t"d v. hcn be ""ent out.

" \\ e kno"" 1f t get 1n fo ul trouble . Hane~ will take- o' er:· l(ang sa1d 01 · the Sooners· ~ond-lc-ad 1ng scorer this season at 11 I

··we·11 pla) an ~ v. a' 11 ~kcs to gr-1 the JOb done:· said Tuhbs. "" ho has said repeated!) that I on points IS his tcam·s magic ni,imber

··w w nt tQJhc...z.o~us.c "" C' v. crcn"t lla\ln& an~ lud. with CSean l

Ell1ou ~ <' ~ere ha ' mg trouble stopping their penetrauon. lt Sttmed to disrupt them a bit It looked hke the th ing to do··

-'.nzo rui v.as taken out of rts pmc b' the Sooncn as the Wtldcats commllled 15 tumO\ Cr\ . nine In tbc fi~t h~lf after a ' eraging JUSl 11 per game this se-ason

-'.n zona ""as a lso fa r from tts usual thrtt-poant shoo11ng te:tm as It made 1ust SI \ of ~3 compared v. 1th a season percentage of J 9.

<\.nLOn.a·s t~ KCJT who made 60 pcrt"cnt of his thrtt-p<>mt anempts dunng the St'ason " a' JU~t : of 13 from the field. ~ of 1 2 on thrtt­po1ntcn

·-rm the gu' v. ho"!> ~upposcd to sh°''' do v.-n the 10ne ... Kerr said. ··t madr- about 30 in a rov. m warmups.. ~a~ be I ust'd them all up··

The Sooners sttmed to take com­mand of the g.a me v.1th an I t-0 run 1n the f1~1 half and th<'' led 39.:- at halftime

.. The~ do trutt to a Im of people .. -'.nzona Coach Lut.c Olson said ·· 1 th1nl 11°\ 1~ p1cal of thcu ~ ear and t~ ptnl of our ' ear V. c had somt' tremendous ruM th1' \"Car--~~­Qb, 1oush the' had m"rc· runs than "" l"dtd . .

··1 th1nl their 1ns1de people rail) hurt us.'" Olson \aid ··v. c made so man' m 1st.alM undt>r tht'1r pressure. Thr' d ad a~1_1ob ofgctuog tbe ball inside Thr-' pla' great dt>fcn~. The IX'tter team " on no Qucstaon aboul tha t The' " crt' qu1c'kcr th~n ~ v.erc

But the \\ 1ldca1s. 35-J. got w1thm 51-4 " 1th I : 51 kft on a thrtt-po1nt pla~ b' Elhott the- ·\Jl- .\mcncan for"" ard "ho It'd the W ildca ts With 31 points

The Sooners t.hen " "nt on a - ·2 spurt appcd b~ R 1ck ~ .Grace·s thrtt­po1ntcr • llh I 0 J;! left that "t' them __ _.

(Pleue Ne OKLAllOllA/02)

FV sp_lltS: ·Gibs_ort h·o ers iii Dodgers~ 7 -2. vtct6ry Anteaters Edisol... -· .. LOS~NbELES- Kirk GibsOn drove1ntwo . . , Make Sc-tOSCla added a tv.~run single ofTrche\Cr swept by

.a. runs with a sacnfi cc fl v and has first home ruo of TO{lay •game Frank D1M1chclc. spnna teaming. and Mike Marshall c~tcndcd ~·s Sutton. patching on has 43rd banhcb~ . strud. F··esno

S ._,,ept hitt1na st~ak to lO gnmes with . a t1e-break1n1 Dodien (H illegas) at Aa1eh (MC'Cask111l out four and .v. allcd t "!\rtt He allo""1'd onl~ an .& 1

W'r i double Saturday ni~t as the ,Dodaers bea t the Tame: 1:05 p:m. - infield ~m&Jc. to Mcuriore

Fountain Valley Hiah's bescball team came close to swcepina a doubleheader fro m Rollins , Hills Saturday. but the Baron~ had to settle for a splh with • 12· '\ win . in the

-5CCOnd pme. The Barons lost the first game. 3-2.

when Steve G rack was thrown out at the plate in the seventh innina. _ 1 .

In the second pme, David Schautschick's two-run•sinale if' the second inttina ' ianited" a seven-run outbunl Ind Jeff Halt •nd Craia Lane combined on a four-hitter. with Hale ( 1·2) ~ttina the win. .,

Scha)IUC1'ick. Jeff Watts.. Jeff Hi&bet and Georsc Hof'f1tacttet: each had two hits for Fountain Valley (6-7) in-that pme.

In the first pme. Rollin& Hills tcored three runs in the ,ixth. but the Barons · countered wi1h two in the 1evcnth on a two-out. two-run homer by "Mark Dodd, FoUowina the horMr,

· · Grack rached Kcc>nd <'n a bunt and ertor but was thrown out tryina to

' ICOre on a 1inale by HiJbee. · Fountain ~alley s1aner -Steve Mon~ (2~) and Lane held

. Rollins Hilb to on(y four hits, but tbt • Baroti1 allO ~ four hit' and just one

thf'OUll\ the fint lix inninp. In IDOlher .fl'CP twin bill: v..... S.:'J; s..... '7-4: The host

. TittrJ · swept the non·leaaue double'-*' with tht help of a = ~-hWDt n1111 and It

la the Arll ..,ne. EdilOft vailed. 1-~t after two iaaiap but lt'Of'ed t-'ce in me tbi'.id Md nened thiap ~on a lhrwftll homer by Matt Wluleher inlhelbwtll.

lclCb -- Ued IO tcOre ..... unitl Valalc:ia e'ftdld the 1111111 W1tb a ND iD dae aialll. T1'c ~(S.S. I) commined eewa mws .. 1M fint ~ .

lalM-.d1UM.EdilOa'1Jaoa s.nlaMtalololMMMnmia&M tllifdlltaS.)Milo91ChWJ ,IMd =--..... "'---... ':.!r.w:n:.. ....... * . ................ ,.... .. h ..... ,.. .........

Angcls. l-2. in cxhib1ti<'n bascbtall. T V: None-. The ~gen 1mpro,·C"d 10 11 · IO thr-1r best The Dodscrs too~ a 2-0 lead an the annual Radio: K MPC (7 10): K..\BC(7<X>l spnng-train1n,-f'C('ord "ince lea,1 ng Brooll~ n an

fr~way Sencs. which · concludes toda) at Monda) ·s games: \ngrls at Chicago 1958 . . • Anaheim Stadium. " White Sox. noon: San Francisco at Dodgen. · Tbe Anecls fell to 14- 14 and arc 2-5 sanCC'

Johnny Ray and ( hah Da.vas hit" consecutive 1:.0.S p.m: · · ° Cook.Jc RoJas rcplaccd the reu~ Gene Mau h on RBI sin&les in the fifth annin1 ~nd Chuck Finley_ ,.- art~. 26. The loss m_!rtc~ the 11th ttme th1c. pitehed--fivrinnmpo ffhrtt-ha f ball for a 2-;l lead:-- . . .. . spnns they h~vc been held to two runs or less

. T~c advantage quickly eyaporat(d af\~r Ray Davis followed w,ttb tht'tr. R~l htts. Dodacrs ~~r Tom u sorda. v. ho It'd ha K,rawczyk · 0.2 caint' on in the si~lh and Leary a llowed four h1tn n fo~r. 1 nnmgs.. team to serond place an 1975 after the-~ rtt0rdt"d surrerid~ttd six rti ns'and four hits. · ' · · G ibsoq. who was hit an.the helmet b) a Fm ) •· their prc,•1ous ~ spnng record of 19-Q. as lool in&

· Don Sutton pik hl·d four intlinas of Qnc,h1t ., ·p ~tch i~ 1he fin~ inning. hit a 2-2 'drll\er) fr m "fo~ard to ~ang lht' me~o~ of consecull'<' ball 10 helptht Dodgers take a I :O lcad into ttic fifth Finley mto the nah1-fir ld scats hrs neu ttme . losm1 campallJls . before ihe AngelS> roughed up ~licver and w1nncr His hnc--dri ve sacra fi~ fl) in the sixth nmg . Sutton's perf~rmance gave Lasorda t'' r-n 'Titn Leary. ·)..(). · · • (1ed the 5c~re. 2·.2. aftrr singles b) Sttwc ~ and mo~. reason to smak. .. .. .

. After living up a. leadoff double to J im Alfredo G nffin: · Sutton pitched llW'I~ Lasorda said He" a EppArct; Leary walked \iark Mclemore with on~ .. Mars~I then doubt~ an tbe go-~hcad run. remarkable ml!'· ~nd ~ s kept 1umsclf in grn t out and stru.ck out Dick Schofield before Ray·~nd M.1'ke Davis doubkd an two mqre and pmch·hltttf' physical shape.

Roj~S Stt .fot (l~bUt~qn_day· ,

He '11 sen Witt to the mound~ . . for ~h~r against White Sox

wtil be set aside. Thafs whal ~"'~I 0.) 1s all about. • A crowd of over 30,000 IJ expected and the f~ as

for sunny, skies with tbt"1emperaturc tn the mtd·SOs. . Coo' te Rojas.. who~ Gtne Mauch a cou~

· of ttcek.s aao. will bc>mak1na his ·l'Mnqmal d'tbut wtt.h the An1elsand has namC'd ri&ht·hander Make Wm. 16-14 last )ear. as his staitina S)i tc~ . Watt has a t0-6 hfeume rcrord 1Pihst the. Whttr Sox. · . . .

Chica,o Manqrr Jiin F~os1 Wlll counter w.nt\ k~­hander Ric\ Horton. who was acqulttd.from the St. U>u11 Cardinals in th~ Jotr-Od.eon tra&. Honon. uted nwnl}' in relief last year. Md an 8-3 rttOnt Wlth w ven .ava..

But befort the) throw a patch. thett wall be the Openina Day ccmnonit"\. · ·

8onnae Blair. tht Ol)""PK Sold mtdal•winntns speedsbtcr rtom C'1aa(rlpa11ft. Ill. wdl throw '!"' ~ ccrernoftial ftnt pin aNI tM loy Sroun of Amenca will add 10 the "'Olympic S.tuee'" "" covtn"' both tmeliMs with ""'o( othrr ClOUl\tria while tlw v1dto accMd»omd NDS ()tymp.c lilieblJlbl d ipa.. · ... *"Konon. the Whnr $()l wtH t.ve two...­

IKa 1n the hftN4). Root1t Lanct JohMOe. acqulftd wttb Hortoa from tbt Cardina~ wtll br "' cen1rr fidd and Din Patqua. who cemt fi'om the Ntw York Yankfts ia the llichlrd Douon tl'ldt. wtU Mn '" left fidd.

TkA..,a. will hl\eoaly0nt MW~ia lbt ...... hMUP - &ft lltftl O uli O.Vll ia ~t fidd.. Drvo. Wlaitr mows·'° c:a1tt ud b1Mt --4 batnnaa k*Bft) by has sbifttd IO left ftdd 90 tNR room b Mart Mcl.ctnoft.

Wally J6YM'r will be It fint. Dd ScWlitkS 8t'shon and Jact. Howdl at third lob loonc wtll do tht caldlu11 and Ina• t>o-a•Q& " tht cksipltcd tutter .

Pepperdine dumps UCI

' ucrs 10.match • 1nr11n1 strca .. came to a ICT'ft'C'h1na halt Sat\lr­da) . is ~ppcrd. anc • on five ofs1l points an sangtcs to take a 7-2 vK'tOr) O\ n- tht "ntratcn 1n rot~ tennis Saturda' at the Ne•l)()rt ltach Tennis C'lub

In each of the WaH·s· ' '1C1one1 in s1naJe-s. the dccu1on" came m 'St~llht sets. Onl> M1kt Bntp.. a product of Corona dd Mar ff.ah. could prtvntt a sw«r an tfiat dtplhmtnt u he de!tated O.' 1d Well~Roth. !"-6. 7-6. 6- '

' 'llw-) took us to .-hool and 11upt ui a ~. •• said a dtap­poinltd UC1 C-o.ch Gttt PatlOft. 1Wbolt 11ltb~ktd Ant<'1lten fdl tO t 7-4. •• 1 *IS hope"' for t.hrtt potnts aft 11..aet &Om o.. 3 tl\roup No. 6. tlut ~ \hq' won It fh ~ a,nd SIA. that waJ ba.calt) ll .. ~ppodtnt ( 17-4 and fUltrd

fifth) col~ nctona &om Robbie Wm1 and Andt"C'tW S.... jder, •ho are c:\lfmn~ '8nktd ft:rM ud aecoftd MlJOUtl) . Wa. cto-..tct era Mart «.a,lu.. 6-1 . 6-2, It No. 1. .whtlt ~ • .. llefld o( TRVOf b••"-7-6. 6-1 .

Red-hot Fresno tatc completed a Pal 1fi Coast .\thlr-uc .\ssocdttOO baSt"ball s• ttp of LT I Saturday. noa h1na a 4--0 '1ctC1~ over the <\nteate-rs at home

T tR- 8u1tdogs-. -n1"'nri>k-C'd,._tt1..,.1 rdlrn1er-- ---"-i oa11on. ampro"rd to 6-t"' in the PCM and 3:!-6 o ' erall. v. h1k dropp11'1 UCI to I· and ~-0- l -1. It was the fourth straight sctba l for the .\ntcatcn.. their longest losing <.trca.k of the sc.-.ason

Frnno freshman nght-hanckr Enc hullst rom . '"'·I. v.~ 1n comma nd

throua}lout. stnl1ng out ll a nd ""a iling JUSI one 1n ~ routt'-t<>•"I performance. l Cl • h1C"'h was hm1ted to fi,c hus. dad not ad,ance a runner pa~t second ba~ an the game.

.\I Rodn&Llt'Z had tv.C\ of the hits -both sanatcs - for UCl. •'htcb entelT'd the pme "" 1th a 218 avcf111f 1n ronfe-renCT pla~

phomort' lef\ -h.andtf' Jcff Huct. 1-6. puchcd ~~11 1n de-feat yackt1na 51' tuts and four runs (two ea.med) an fi,c-plu~ tnntnp of v.-orl(

In o thef collesr action: vc s.. DWp f...t , s.caa c.lhp

l-4: En Gasnn- hit a lhrtt-run homer 1n tht bottom of tht founh 1nn1.na IO suppon the onc· h•l p11t h1na of Josh Johnson as the Vanguards salv.,rd a non-confettncc doubJt hcader 1pfit Y..1th \'151hn& L' C' San [),q o

Johnson allowt'd on\~ OM h11. a flrst;-mn•na t• o-run homer. • ·tulc stnlt.1 .. out Kven and walk.1na thnlt. Gasna's ~r 1n the foun.b ~n1111 wmt down lk ld\-f~ld hnt .... n• the wtnd. Sk'-c Mtl~'s R8l\ 11wk 1n the tt"\mth anon" ~ t1'c .-on• for sec c 12- 1 &\

In a commutHt )' cotk1r ,.me· Gelilm ...... Is e•1hlll 1! The

Rvsden raDIC'ld from a S.O *"°' bduftd t'-e ba\ ol Tnn lladlien to ..,,.w~...-•• ~~

Radlrn..who.at l b4 .• , ... '"two n1ns " ' 1ht "'""' '° ~ Ooadeft ... al ( l s-1) .. ~ 7 ....... nit lldlm bed ICONd . , ,_ .. .. ••ill. ll!Mkd by a~ ..... "' l.C'idl lmto.


. Bead coach, two "' aulstiants nabbed 11ealping tickets

KANSAS CITY. Mo. - ~ bead m ~ coach al Iowa Wesleyan and a.illan& coaches al MonWMI Sulc and North Dakota were among I• ptOple mated for alleaedly 'Calpine tickets to the NCAA Final four.

The coaches were arrested by un<krcovcr offtettS at or near their hotels Fnc:by. They were idmtiflC'd as Jeny Olson of Mount Pfeasant. Iowa: Ron Anduson of Bozeman. Mont~ and r>on .Rockstad of Gra_nd Forks. N .D.

Police said they dad not know if ~he tickets that police confiscated from the coaches Friday wett from the block of 2.400 scats given to the Nauonal Association of Basketball Coaches.

Coaches found scalping uckrts fivcn to them~ the NABCstand to I~ thearucket pnvilqts for future pmes.. NAB( Praidenl E.dd1c Sutton said Saturday.

suuon. an a bnef telephone inlttV~ from his Kansas City hotel room refused to discuss the arrests of the bead coach oflowa Wcsk) an. and assistant coaches from Montana State n1vcrsll) and the Univcmty of Nonh Dakota.

··1 can just tell )OU thC' ticket policy," said Sutton. who is the head coach a1 Kentuch. - The NABC board has a policy thatanyonecaught seliing thetrtid.cts I~ their ticket priv1lcacs in the future: ·

Another man arrested Fnda) identified himself to police as an assistant rollcge baskctbaU c~b. MaJ. William Frazier of the J'OhCC depart~nt's fraud ._nd fugith e di vision said h" would not release the name of the man until he is arraigned earl) this week.

Tickets of th~ arre-sted were confiscated and will be held by the police a5 evidence for trials.

Rockstad, Anderson and Olson. as welJ as most of the others a~stcd . ,.rrc released on S500 bond. If convicted. the) face sentences of 60 da) s in jail and S500 fines.

The face value of one 11cke1 is S50. but paltcc said the' had agrec-d to pa\ between SJOO and S700 to the scaipers. Pohcc made ·1he1r first arrest Thuriaa~ night and 13 more on Fnda) . Frazier said

Quote of the day ~ Lemoas. baske1ball coachfbumonsl

v.ho v.as fired m 198::' as the Texas roach b) Athleuc D irector Delo " Dodds. on re1«t1ng an iO\:Jtatton from current Longhorns Coach ~b Wcltlich to take pan 1n a cercmon) bononng Lemons' 1978 Te~as squad . ~h1ch won the NIT " I ain·t mad at Welthch and ll ~ouldn't be right for me to come tripping 1n there. Now ifl thought someone was going beat up Deloss. I'd just go to visit him in the hospita l ••

Services held for Kluszewski C INCINNATI - Funeral sen ices

were held Saturda) forTed K.Jusze~ sk.1 . the former Cinc1nna11 Red,. slugger and bat­ting coach ,. ho d1cti Tuesda) of an apparent hean ana k at the age of 63.

The muscular first haseman was a naturall~ gJfted athlete ,.,ho dc, eloped his n pphng biceps b~ tossing bea') sacks tn a comst3rch m ill. his brother ttealled Saturda\ .

Fn~nds. fam1l) anJ former baseball greats includ­mg Stan Musial. Tony Pcm. Johnn) Bench and Pete Rose. ~ere 1n attendan\ e as ,.as former Reds pitcher Joe Nuxhall. no" a rad in broadcaster for the team

Klusze,.sk1 had fl' ll red as Cincinna11's minor­kague h1111ng instructor last ~ ear.

Becker reaches $3 million DALLAS - West Gcrman, ·s Sons ~

Becker became professi onal tt>nn1s' ninth triple m1lhona1re on Saturda) b) earning his first WCT ·Finals 11tle " 1th a four-set victor') over toJ)-seeded tefan Edberg of Sweden. _

. The second-seeded Becker. 20. hJS h1~-vdocn~ serve accounting for IQ aces. downed the ...2-year-<>ld Edberg. 6-4. 1-6. 7-5. 6-:!. to collect the S200.000 first­placc pnze

Edberg made SI 00. to run his career earnings near the S4 m1 lhon mar~ at S3. 780. 182.

Becker. ,. ho lost in the 1986 WCT Fmals. has now made S3.044.927 He '" 8-5 lifet1me against Edberg. who had beaten him the last two times they had met.

ACent•a •• oa1dolal• reported )lilEW YOllK -A Tew-hilNI .-t m

named lantt Jay Ludlnict peid ..... IChool •nd coHeer COKliln to ia~ such future NBA pla~'fn u C1afr ~- . . inpton. Rid) Pien'c and Terry Catkdlr to.sen Wida him.~)' ttpORCd today.

In a \k first iasullmma of a ~TIP' a~P':_lt series ahe newspaper said that ~nick. who li~·es m San Antonio and has an off.a m Houston. paid the COIC'hn wit., the u~tanding that they were to kcrp some of the money an<1 that some of 1t was to IO to'

pla~hnid. 37. told ~ paper he has never ~ roaches 10 acquire chentS'or given roac:hcs cash or &>fts · as paybacks for belpma him si&n pla)'Cn. . .

But he said that he has done some &von for frie~ who are coaches. Confr<lnted with check Stubs from bis corporate check.mg account. be adlnowled9cd that be gave 11fts and some ash .s->mcnts tot~ ooachcs.

Loulelana Tech. Auburn meet TACOMA. Wash. - Lou1S1ana Tech m

Coach Leon Barmore has a 3-0 lifetime record apinst J~ Ciams- of .\ubum. but both coaches said Saturda) that btstOr) v.on 't be a factor in toctay·s NCAA women·s championship game brtwun the lad) Tlg!Cf'S and the Lad) Tcchsters 1n the Tacoma Dome. _

" It dOC'Sn' t mean anything.·· Barmore said at a news conference. kin fact. I didn't even kno•· tbaL ~arc some thinp )ClU don •t even think about. Tbat •as one ofthcm... .

- 1 kno w m) teams haven·t done ve ry good_ apmst Leon·s teams, but these kids Wt"ttn•t mvolved tn those games,·· Ciampisaad . .. Thcy don•tcvm know about the (}. 3 record:·

Fifth-ranked Lou1:.1ana Tech will take a 31-:! record against No. 3 Auburn. 32-2. ~.

Barmorc-·s LoutstAana Tech team last met Ctamp1 s Auburn team an 1985. when the lad)' TecbstcrS won a regular-season game. 8~-6S . Louisi'na Tech also • on. 8(}.68. in a 1984 rqular~n pme and 81-54 man NC ~A tournament pme in I 983.

Barmore hu been at Louisiana Tech for I I seasons. ,. (ulc Ciampt has been at .\ubum for nine.

Television. radio TELEVISION

8·50 a.m - Al!l'O llACING: Formula ()I)(' Grand Pm o f Bruit from Rio de Janicro. ESPN.

I 0: 30 a .m . - PllO BAS&ETBALL: Chicago a t Detroit. Channel 2.

I 0: 30 p.m. - NCAA CILUIPIONSIDP PREVIEW: Hosted by .\.I McGuire. Channel 4.

I I a .m. - MEN'S GOLF: PGA Greater Greensboro (N.C) Open. ESPN.

I I a m. - EXJllBITION BASEBALL: New York Me" 's Balumore. WOR.

12:30 p.m. - - WOMEN'S TENNIS: Challenge of Champu~ns ~~ match '-:­Martina ~a' ratilova-8 111) Jan King vs. Chns Even-Pam Shnver. Channel 7. .

I p.m - WOMEN'SBAS&ETBALL:NCAA T ournament final. from Taco~ Wuh .. Chan­ncl 2.

I p.m. - WOMEN'S GOLF: Otnah Shott In' 1ta11onal. from Ram·ho Mifacc. Channel 4.

I p.m - WOMEN'S SWDOllNG AND DIVINC: :-.;('~.A 0t,·1~ion I Championships. from '\usun. Tnas.. ESPN.

I p.m. - EXHIBITION BASEBALL: Dodters at .\ngcls.. Z Chund.

~ : 30 p.m. - BOXING: Virgil Hill vs. Jcan­Mane Emebe in 12-r<'und WB.\ hght•hca\~ ­" e\ght utle bout. from Bismarck.. ~.D. (dela~cd). Channel "?.

4'.30 p.m. - PllO llO(XEY: Tams to be anno unced. ESPN.

5 p.m. - PllO ~Y: Kings al Edmon­ton. Pnmc T icket.

9 p.m. - WOfllEN"S VOLLEYBALL: Los Angeles at San Jose. ESPN.


Dodgers at Angels. KMPC (710). KABC (790). 5 p.m. - PllO ~: Kings at Edmon­

ton. KG IL ( 1260). KM NY ( 1600). 7:30 p.m . - PllO BASKETBALL: Lakcrs at

Sacramento. KLAC (57()). . MONDAY TELEVISION

I p.m. - BASEBAU..: San Francisco at Dodgers. Z Channel. '

t·JO p.m . - COLLEGE BAS&.ETBALL: .. ESp:-.:·s Game of the Yar.- ESP .

MONDAY llADIO :--:oon - BASEBAU.: A•ls at Cbicago

Wh11e So>.. KMPC (7Jt)). I p.m . - BASEBALL: San francisro iL

. Dodgen. KABC (790).

'Devils win tram playoffs New Jersey dumps Islanders, can clinch berth today

Jcrse) from Colorado m 1982 with a one point behind cw Jency and the ' '1ctory tonight 1 n Chicago. Ne" Y ort Ra~ in the ratt for the

The " ictof') also guaranteed the final Patrick Division rtayoff berth. Devils their first-ever non-losing ~II thrte teams fin ish their regular snson. season tocb) .

The losssnappcdthclslanders's1x- The loss p ve the New York pme winning streak and scven-pme Islanders the Patrick Division cham-unbcaten streak. The l\landcrs still p1onsh1p.

f'rem Tk A1secl8&e4 Press need one point to clinch their first "'8kr's t • .,.. ! ; Second-period C laude Loiselle and Patnk Patrick Otv1s1on title since 1983-84 goals b) Ray Ferraro and Carey

Sundstrom scored first· pcnod goals Elsrwhcrc m the NHI.: Wilson backed a 21-save effort by as the New Jersey Devils moved Pwrc I l, c..At.11 I: In land- goaltender Mike Liu& and carried within one victory of their first-ever over, Md .. Mano lnnM>Ull scored has Hanford put viYlills BoMon. "9layoffbcrth with a S-:? victory oVcr banh pl of the pme with SI Fcrraro·sp1atl: IS'laappeda 1- 1 the visi ting New Yort lslanden leOOOds left i.n overtime and Pit-· ' ue and Wilson tcORd nn the powcY" Saturday. llbursh "Sla)'ed alive 1n the playoff pla) at 15. 14 as Haftford won for lht

TM vtetory. a fra nchase-recon:t rxe with a victory ovCT Wnh11111oa. sunh tu~ in the last cigbt ~ founbinarowforthe ~v1ls.gavethe Lemieux broke into the Washing- FIJen l . Nea Pt II 4: la Quebec. Devils 80 points. The~ arc tied for IOD tone from the left side and Mu~) Cravm and Ulla ~ fourth place in the Patrick Division ma,,.., to flip the puck put pl- caducoml twitt to Imel Pbil8ddpbia with the New York Rangrrs. but lead tender Oint MaJarchuk whilt betnc to the victory OVtt the Nordiq1ICS. the ~nttrs on the . txlsis o~ more hauled down by dd'cn~n Larry The loll ealaMkd ~ Norcliqucs· ~ and can chnch their fim Murphy: winktutreak totr'Wll(0-6-1). playoff' berth s1noc moving to New The YiclOfy moves the Palpim C.1 .. m1 I,...._ t : la Montreal. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- Stephane llicber. Rtumi.d'from •

hand injury that tideli hint for

. .

'WAT&· iar....-.,D five pmes. ICOl'Cd duer .. to lead 'ff.ft.&~ & .1;. the Caudieas to the Y1C10rY o~

Buffalo. llJdacr's lira pl at 12: 19 ol tbt

teeoad period. ........ o1 ..... ~ Mootral ia •KI m cecitri )748C .S

C SMyoe 0.- Md lollby tit Wlowed die •KM- ... to

111iancr a ..t-.. w aimd mcr l9SS • .-. km Miu- ...S ........... .­........... , ....... 1: ..

T--. v-.. DaQt 1 Md T_,.._._. • .., ... .._ adltaea ID~ a Cl S tart •Ille ................ ,..,. ..... ·~ ne J.ei6,; ...., e••1,.. • .-e lad .... ti · rlioe 9- •

C'~~=~"':' .,. ~ Sllin llil IO ... wk Cllpry Flames.....,..

Olil.-·•• Daft .... I~ f0< tlae - doqtq tint IWf of llCAA -·· t1ae 1N111 u .&rt..a•e .Joe 1aD61 oa Oaa1 pme ID «an..a City Saturday.


a 58-49 lead. - They hke an up-tempo but not

hke • e like 1t," Gra_re said . .. We al" 'a)S felt in control of our tempo."

King·s founh foul came on the nellt possession and the So<lnen 'Showed the~ can work the ball and be a patient offensive team.

Grace added 13 points for Okla­homa. whjle his And.tt' Wiley. who entered as King's ~mcnt. fin­ished with 11 m 17 minutes.

" I wasn•t worried that we would IC' the job done... said Wiley who a'eraged 5.8 points in 8.7 minutes this season. " I've learned a le t this )car and I • 'U ready to help our team show the •orld what Oklahoma basketball 1s alt .about."

Elliott led .\nzona wn,h 31 points. whale Anthon) Cook had 16.

Oklahoma now faces Kan~s. 26-1 I . a team it beat 73-65 and 9i-87 during the regular sea~n and o ne which beat No. 5 Duke. 66-59, in the othcr"Snnifin:a-1.

ThJS will be the third cham­pionship game played between two members of the same conference.

indiana and M1ch•g.1n of the Big Ten met in 1976 .and Villanova and Georgetown of,thc Big East were both in the 1985 championship game.

The victory was the 200th at Oklahoma for Tubbs. tying him with Bruce Drake as the winningc-st coach in Sooners history.

Ariz.ona took a 9-2 lead as Cook srottd fi ve points and flliott four in the opening 4: 15. but tht' Sooners put on their vaunted press and steals b

Blaylock and Grace brought Okla­homa within 9-8.

Oklahoma took the lead for good at 14- 13 with 11 :25 lefl in the half on a bank sho1 byi<ing;

The teams traded points and after the Wildcats pulled within 20-19. the rest of the half was all Oklahoma.

The Sooncrs went on an 11 -U run with Grant scorin$ ~our <?fthc points. including the dnving 1umper that ended the run with 5::!5 lefi in the half.

Oklahoma took its lirst I ~point lead at 36-22 with 2 : ~3 left on a banker b) Andre W1k'y


Arnona·s tough first half - in wh ich it sho t 39 percent from the tield and committed the n1nt' turnovers -came to an appropriate end when Elliott missed a dunk on an alle~ -oop pass from Craig McMillan. He was fouled on the play, however. and made both free thr0ws for the halfi1me margin of 39-:!7. FromDl

to put K.a'nsas up 66-S9 with 10 seconds left. - "The same thin& haprcncd to us 1n Lawrence (1n February):· Kansas &uard Jeff Gucldncr said.

.. We pla)'cd good defense early .nd grabbed a big lead. Yet. Dukc·s oomcback was in ~vcryhodf s mind. but we ~eren •t gomg 10 let It happen again:·

Ft-rry scored his final three points on a du'CC'-pointer with two scoonds left. pulling Duke within seven as the game ended. Ferry wound up with 19 points. 13 in the second hal( but Kc\'in

Strickland. who had kd the team with a 20.8 tournament averq1C. had just 10.

.. , was just trying to think of an)1hing possible to in the pme ... Strickland said. - My m ind was blank. We anticipated that it would be a touah pmc. but ~ just didn·a ptrl'onn the way that a mature baskrtball team should ...

Mannina called Fm-y .. a p-cal player. He kept his head up and •uked hard. I think he can be player of the year nal year ...

Muning tol two baskets inside and Newton had a tbrec-poin&cr and a fut-break baskd as Kansas ran off to ill 14-0 lead with 15:27 ~ill Id\ int


first half. Duke finall y 1o t 1ts fir;t·baskct. on a

short baseline hook by Alaa Abdelnaby. with4:481one1n the half. Mannina came back with a dunk that stancd a thrtt-point play, and Scooter Barry hit a frce-throw to make it 18-2 with 13:44 lef\.

Ferry bit bis first hasket of the game, a layup with 13:21 left, then added ajumptrto makt it 18-6 before Mannifl8'SCOrcd four points in a six­poinl Kansas run that put the Jayhawks ahead 24-6 at the' m idway mark of the first half. •

On fcb. 20, Kansas had led Duke at Lawrence. Kan .. 23-8. J,ty halftime. the ~ was 28-27 Kansas. and the Jayhawb lost, 74-70. in overtime.

This tjme, the Jayhawks held an 11-poinl lead a\ the half. 38-27. and refused to allow the stubborn Blue Dcvtis to finish their comeback.

Actually. Manning f'('fused. Duke pulled within 24-14 after a run of ci&ht in a row, indudina a thl'tt­pointcr by Greg Koubek.

But Mannina fed Chris Piper for a layup with 7:28 left and the lead was 26-14. Mannina had a j umper in the lane and a layup ovCT the final 3: 56 of me half. finishina with I 5 points.

Duke shot 4S.8 percent from the floor in the first half. Kansas S.S.2.

- ***

*** Sooners use power of press

KANSAS C ITY. Mo. (AP) -Oklahoma sent Arizona to ihe cleaners Saturday night and the Wildcats came back pttSscd - right out of the Final Four.

TMSooners used a stiOing prnsing defense to confound \rizona and tum around an early ctcfici1 for an 86-78 vict~ -that carried them to Monday nigh\'s title game against Kansas. Ari~ona had shot 111 fron t, 9-2.

when the Sooners stoic consecutive in-bounds passes for layµps by Stacey King and [)aye Sieger. The next thing Arizona knew. Oklahoma was in the middle of 13-2 spurt and was leading. 31-19.

.. They play peat defense.·· Anzona Coach lute Olson said of a Sooners' team !hallcdtbe-nation Wl-offcnsc. -

Slow start pr.oved f atB.l to Blue Devils

"They have a tremendous full ­coun press and they chnllenge every­thing. Ifs no t over when you get past the mid<oun lihe. eithrr."

After the Sooners' press had soften­ed up Arizona. Oklahoma spiced it with some selecti ve zones and forced the Wildcats into their ,amc.

"We will play whatever it takes to

Duke dug btg hole early from which it couldn •t recover

. . . ,... win," Oklahoma Coach Billy Tubbs . - ma had kept ao•na the way •t wa~ said. " It disrupted them a bit. It at probebly would have f'nded 12-20. seemed like the thing 10 do •• Dute COKh Mike Krzyttwski said. .

- T'bey came out and atuded us They~ the 5:1me o ld ~ncrs ~n really well. I wish we So' off to a better O~ense, n1rt1n& wt th l 00 points apin. SWt. We were very tentative early. Kin& a~ Hora~ Gra_nt led ~la­

.. You can•t be tentative and play homa wnh 21 P<?1ntsap1~ •nd Kina our ckfefttc. we were ind it opened maMJ!Cd t~at without playana for the tome .. uing lanes for them... lut nanc minutes of the game becautc

The irony of that is brina ten'8tivc of foul trouble. _ was euctly what Duke wanted to When Kina picked up his fourth avoid. penonal, the score was Sl-49. Andre

.. We 1alted about it before pmc/• Wiley replaced him with no notice­l&id Duke's Danny Ferry . .. But we 1blc falloff in production. So the didn't olay •toftl and we dicln"t play Sooncn star sat the rest of the Wly. sman for~fint 10,or IS •Jnuta. .. WewereuvinaStacc for-lhelast You can"t clil~ hole titt tlaat. three or four minut- •• cy ...._ :..i The fint tame lhelt .,.., met. ... .. Tuuv.11iu. Kaw cMll&'d out to 1 2J..l leecl but .. Wiley was playi~ pmty IOC)d. Dulce cut dtc Cll8rli• to OM point It You hale '° brak it up wbeD you Mlftlnlc ud e•cll4111fy won. 74-70. !'-vealOOd~,IOin&. Wbatwthad ia ovenimc. This time. o.ke cut tM aa ~was •na. lfit was 1 one or KMm leecl to dafft' wida four ~ '°'nt ll'!?f· you would have teen .-... ID play, but nrver ~ bun•• tbcft. lk ,.,...... , It eewr ICM thl& do.e 10 lti ..

· 11 -~ ampon.'8:f oft'to •yed ..taeft be w-. TMt ._ fiat • IE*' ~ ~ ....,., wida Arimu's Saa Elioa. ... """ llid. ..... C8lllt - - &ft. ICOllld l'!°""' .... had ......... 'l"Mdelu1fbftlld_.......,... fullwitll~'•bit1111a. ......... 91!1J........... ..,... "'.......___ ~· lide .ol * lllDf,111~ oa lk :£_'!he .;w·-:w;1..:= = lilre a ...... ,..., er for IKm • i..weC10tnbiUuo. lib._ ...... ,, • .•• ,,, '111 =·- .. --. ~!!~~: ... ':i .... ~ ~t..\:===.T: ... 14"0. ,_ _ .. ,....... WtlrJ -- ia .... - ...,.. • ..... We ...... it. ....... , ... •• r •• I~ YOll -.e .. .&..;..

it... ... ... .,a..n... ·-


Alcott take& command . - ~

She takes four-shot

BJ BOW AAD L BANDY .._,...c. u a ~


RANC HO MIRAG E- If she were placina a bet on the o utcome of today's final round of the Dineh Shore LPGA&Qlftoumamcnt. ~my Alcott sayuhewouldn't be1 apinst herself. ·

There are others who feel the same way includina four o r five who have nn outside chance of ovenakina Alcott's 4-stroke lead a<>ina inlO the fi.-.1 tQUnd

Alcott fashioned her second 1traiaht Minder-per 66 over the O ld Coune at Mission Hills CC Saturday with ideal weather conditio ns and is 13 strokes under par at 203.

Colleen Walker is an a1 207 with Rosie Jones at 208, Marta Fiaueras-Ootti at 209 and.Jan Stephenson at 211.

Alco tt's second successive 66 was equalled o n Saturday by amateur Caroline Kcgj and Jane Geddes as the low round of the dav. K~. o ut o f the U'niversity of New Mexico, is in at

· 212 and gallery favorite Nancy Lopez is in at 2 13, some I () strokes behind AJcott.

" This as as good as I can play," Alcon said an describinJ her second :ind third rounds . .. It feels really good. This 1s what 1t is a ll about. ~

" h 's ha rd when you get to the point you are hitting it so good that it's boring. I try no t to th ink about it. I try to keep m ) concentratio n

·· You just know you better e njo) it because we a ll kno \I, 1t 1s not always thel'CA

Alco n then to uch<'d on a bit of sadness and aJso spoke of her future (afl<.' r golf) .

··1 would like to win this o ne for Ann Paulson who is a fnend of mine." she added. "She's 2S and a young. beautiful gjrl who 1sgo1ng through hell with colon cancer.

··1 told her dad, Ur . Richard Paulson. that my first tournament ,win this year would be for Ann to g.ave her strength."

. Al~on then turned to .th~ dogs. " I enjoy beina in the wh11e hghts. My first love 10 hfe 1s Scottish Terriers and' I eventually want to show dogs. Someday I'm going to be a celebrity j udge at the Westminster d<>& show."

Alcon shot identical nines of 33 o n Saturday. "Thirty-three is a aood number for a 32-ycar-old." she

Cllppen ~ Darnell ValeD~ ~ a pue between S.Cn.aeato'a Terij Tyler

taad. Her round anduck-d lbrtt b1rd1cs o n each side wnh 80 ~n& ~ LPGA tournament of the year will conclude today with 16 players at par o r beucr aJtcr two ideal deten days.

GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) - Sand y Lyle surged past stru .. ina Jeff Sluman and took a thrtt-stro ke lead Saturday after three rounds of the SI millio n Greater Greensboro Open 1olf to urnament.

Lyle, a husky Scot who won this title in 1986, came from two shots o frthe pace with a 4-under-par 68 and tted the tournament tc0ring record for S4 holes at 199. 17 under par. ·

" I don't think I could have squeezed much more out of the round," said Lyle a former British Open champio n wh9 is seek.ins his second victory o f the year on the American T our.

Sluman, who led th rough the first two ro unds, sJipped to a 73. He takes a 202 total into today's final round o f the chase for a $1 80.000 first pnze.

" I d idn' t play bad. ft was j USt a day when the puns lipped out and the drivr~ trickled into the rough an funn ) places.'" said the slight. slender Siu man who has )Ct to wan m fi ve seasons of i o ur :ict1v1ty.

Ken Grttn moved into third place at 204 after a 69 Scott Hoch was next at 72-206.

Dr. Gil Mo rgan and Donnie Hammond we re at :W7. eight shots off the ~ct. Mo rgan. who hasn't finished lower than eighth this S<."ason. shot 71. Hammo nd had a 73.

No o ne else was within 10 shots of the leader. Lyle. a winner at Phcxn1x earhrr th is }t"ar and \I, inner

of more than 20 internauo nal utles. needed onl) 1wo ­ho lcs to overtake Siu man.

Lyle lo fted his approach to within s'ax feet of the: flag and made the b1rd1e pu tt o n the first hole. He reached the par·S second in two a nd 2-putted for ano ther b1rd1e that tied I t.

He went ahead when Siu man. playing with ham in the last gro up on the Forest Oaks Country Club course. missed.the green and bogeyed the fift h .

They wentalo ng w11 h pars unul Sluman's 6- iron sho t bounced over 1M green a nd he boge)ed the 12th. gJ\ sng Lyle a two-stroke adva ntage.

It went to three o n the 16th when L)le hit a 180-) ard shot fro m a fairwa y bunker tow1th1n IS fret of the cup and

· made the b irdie putt.

aDd Baroid Preea.ICJ ~artnc flnt qaarter of s.ta.nta, •m,Jat'• aame at Arco Arena.

Some familiar.faces hal!e changedplaces_ A number of major changes featured as baseball opens

World Senes. "It's a different t~ of dub. by desip. lt'i taken us three years to chantc to what we wanted.··

BJ BEN WAI.KER ,,, ....... ...., Kirk Gibson. Jack C1artt and lee

Smith sipal a ~ear of familiar faces in new places while sprinfs hilh hopes tum to reality Monday when R.,­C1emens throws the fir.it pitch of the 1988 ~ball season.

The DodlCn, ~York Yankees and Baltimort0rioleull 11'8de...P chanan durina 1he winter witb Bob Welch , Brett ButJer and Danny Jackson amona thow othen ~ switched 1ea&ues.

The acquisition of Smilh. a top relievtr from tk Chicago Cubs. was one of the cha.nan made in the off season.

Detroit. wiped out by Minnnota in the American Leaaue playoffs. will try to squectt anotlter year out of its veterans. now m inus G ibsOn. who sipcd a frce..aent contract with the Dodtim. Tbe f'.,en. as usual. had the wont tta>rd in the Al during sprina trainins while looking at lou of younptcrs.

Mario S<Mo, bid from two years of injuries, will scart for bolt Cincinnati an hour later •inst St. Louis in the traditional National lapt opener.

Soto wa not expected to make the Reds roster when spriQS trainina bepn. but pitcMd himtelf into the openi .... y AllliptMnt. Jot Ma­pM will start tor lhe NL champion Cardinals, lhe only team to ~ the

World Sencs three time' this decade. The Reds are favorc'd b)'. many to

win the NL West. Thev will have to fend o ff the ~" a nd NL West champton San Franc1scn. who pla) at Ooderr> Stadium in one of nine openers Monday.

The Minnnota Twins, trtHal IO become tbe fim World Series cham­pion ao repeat since the 1977-78 Yankees. stood pat. The only c.._. they made came in tbe financial dep9nment - they now have trven

million..atarplayen. tbemostU.* occ crew ..,.. ~-la S.n Dle60 ~w~c;· ia the most hated word around ,"' Twina outfielder SAN Dlf.00 - Orulr Coat Tom Bnmensky said. ..That's all Collclt Won thn1t nents M die S.. C'\'eeyone ab us about." DiclD o-e. a..ic tor tlae finl time

In BollOn. ahcy are nti~ wkther in IChool bisaory_, ae.tnw elCt. rKC Oemmt mn become ~fin. Ditcher from _..., to nnilh SM .... y M IO win thnlt ..,..., (.) Youne Miaioft •Y· awards. H~ will bcljn tbat dfort Tbc Pin1'I novice eipt mailed to Monday at l:Oj p.111. EDT when the billese mlflin of vectory. fiaiib­Detroit and mner Jadl Morris fact "' i• in a limt of 6:26.S. Secoad..plla the ~tltftal Aed S. at Fenway..llrt California Md a timt of 6:32.t. in the fint llmt old9c ~· la the jtlniof va:2a~=\. OCC

.. We' re promiblJ a ... llllltct.b docMd. 6•27.9 iR II ..POW'" -1hatt we ...._.. 1916." ..... W•+ipt1D8 llMI UCLA. And in &ht

Ma....-John McNMlarallid....,.. hlh,... ftehl. °'8"1' Cont ftn. rins to the Red Soa •m dl8I w ilhed i• a tlmt of 6:32. 1.6 leCOGdl within one sarike o1 winaine the aM.M o(C'alifomia.

"0nmeCCoest hasbttn ~(at the C\ulic) at least a dttade.'' 0CC COid Dave Grant said. ·•1t•s a bi& •ri-itr one tchool could win this ....._ o(-e.vaus. for~ COM& 10 win thrft -as feirty H • u.onlinary ...

The CftW C\asstC. the first ~ rcpna of tbe taSOn. dttW "'°"than 70 1ehooh and du~ and l .000 l"OMn.

UCLA won• the ,.= tWtt 1n 6:07.1.c~ tlMM .. UlJ .... , an oar from t~ N"1vy shdl 1ta t1'an a bcMlt·~h from tbe finish tint. Witrons.n wu tttOftd in 6:09.21.

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sundey. Aprlf 3. 1988

. .,.~

Amy Alcott reacta to •inking birdie putt on 16th hole at lliaalon Hilla Country Club en route to taking lead by four.

. UCimen capture meet

The UCI men's track and field unic \lrOn a three· ""a~ meet a nd Cal Pol)i.: an Luis Ob1spo's \I. omen's tcaltt­

\1. 0 n a four· .... a~ comrcuuon in ; collegiate meet a1 the l 'CI Track and Field Stadium :uurda\

The Anteater men fini shed with 96. . points Cal Pol)· LO scored S7 anCt Lo ng Beach late~ I On the women~ side Cal Pol\· LO \I, as fi rst wnh 61 'h po1nt) .\r11o na -...as S«Ond with S9 1~ l C·I th ird \I, 1th \2 and Lona Beecfi tatefounh '-' llh ' (J : l '( I i.ophomore Mike MoralC

" un the hammer thro\I. with a toas Of I ~-2 and the d1scu" al I S4-10. Fre)hman Chns \onrac1 from Mater Dt-1 H1gh "on 1he long jump a t 23-10 and "as '>econd in the tnplc jump " 11h J leap o f Jg. ' •

<Hhtr l CI v.anners we~ R1l"ky \ 1.iri 1ne1 an 1he s teeplechase L' ' ttll 1 R ' an v1llem· ID the hash 1ump•f\- •I R1 hard H11l 1n the 110 h igh hurdk'> 11 4 52). Fred Sammons 1n tht' I ()1 1mr1ers110.6 7\· Joe Sordi in thl' J Oi i rnterml•d1ate hurdles (S3.80); anJ Rud Bm v. er in the 800 meters 11 '2 1 ...

Lo ng Beath Ult('s .\nt hon) Fo rd v.:i' a do ublt· '-' In ner. r aptunng the 2!)(J mc:ters120 99)and the 400 meters 1Jll :ti )

Fo r the \I, omrn. L'C I Junior ~th \ h(irann v. on the 5.000 meters tn 1- 11 2J for 1hr A.nteaters· o nly \ ll IOf'

<.. a l Pol\- LO's Teena Colebrook " t in 1ht> 1· 500 meters 1n 4 : ~3 .8 and th' 00 meter\ 1n 2·09 "'0

Lo ng Beach ta te's Kem Zaleski "J \ also a do uble \I, inner placing first 1n the: 200 mt"ters (~4 9~l and the 400 ml·ter<,.t56 521

Slump continues forLakers Utah hands LA seventh loss in.last 11: Clippers triumph

\h~e v. oodson auded 16 points for the Cli ppen. " hti ralllt'd tro m an I·' ..., de tin t \I, tth 4· SO left 1n tht third Q-"dnt'r ~e1ne 11ed h t\ ~ason high v. 11h 23 points whalt ()t 1<, Tho rpe: added I ' and Harold Prtsslt~ 16 for

.icramcnto 'i•U~ls 1?3. Warriors 187: ~k ' English ..cored 29

From~ Associatf'd Pr~ss point) Lafa,eu e Le, er Jdded :: and Ja, \ incent had 21 Thurl Baile~ scored 20 of his 3' point<. an the ~l ond 10 lead Den\ er to thr "Ctor: " 'er Gold°(.n tatc:

half. Karl Malone StOrt·d I ofh1<, 2: 10 the first hall and h 1.1.as Den,c:r'Hag th straigh t lnumph and lifted the John Stockton· added :n po1nts as the l tah J.in beat the ~ uggets \l. \lhm o ne g.1 me of fim·place Dallas 1n the slumping Lakers 1n al1 Lake C-11~ IOn.Q2. 10 the '\8~ \ 1tdv.e<>t Dn mon Ciolden tate suffered ns fi fth Saturda~ na&}lt cvnsccuu' e lose. and 11 h an a ro1.1. at "1c!': 1 hols A.rcna.

The Lak ... v.ho Jgain pla~ed 1.1.1thout the 1n1ured • \hlhael .\dams c nnected o n a pau of thrtt-pou" Magic Johnson-, ost fc,r the .st'enth i1me in 11 games ~hots for the ' uggets. t''lending his "'8..\ reco rd stnngof T heir 53-1 ... record 1s stil l tnfbcst 1n the and~ B~ , but" game~ \I, llh a t lt-a~t o ne thret'-po1nter to 33 onl~thret'gamesbetter 1hanBoston ·s51.:; 1 a~rSoaics l~l. Saas 107: In Seattle. X<\vttt

B~ ro n Sco tt led thl· uler'\ " 1th 2' po11m a nJ j <.l/TI<'~ ~t . Dan1d o;corc-d :6 porri ts. Tom("hambers added ~3 and Wo nh' scored I .._.n 1n V. 1ll1ams had a .. aret'r-h1gh 2 I as the uperSonics

l'iah lf.d 2- ... , t'nll'nng 1he rinal penud and sull led set .i dub scoring rl'1.0r,' b~ crushing Phocn" b~ se'en \I. Ith JUSI '"er se'en m 1nutt's to g1 Bui Batie~ \ kDan1e1 ""ored points 1n fi rst quaner as the paced an 11·2 run and I 1ah tool a IOI- 5- kad 1.1. 11 h J J 2 vn1l s 1oolc a ' ' ·26 l1·ad and stead 1I~ pulled a\l,a ~ to rema1n1ng. The Lilas ne'er go1 closer than I I po1n u t•l l• D~ the old . uM mad of 14 "' point against Den"cr on

L' tah led 26-2 I alkr o ne penod and ~fall1 nt' ~ored \tJ r.:h I . iq :I 11 points an the ~lond q uaner as the Ja n lnl'reascd the. Bu<'kl 1%) . '\'~ts J 11: Trm ( ummmgs scored )4 m argrn 10 5 -J at ha lf11 me po1nh and re~r,t· l..Jf""' Knstko1.1. 1a added a st'asoa~

l ' tah beat thl· L1 l ers for the r4rs1 llml' 1n fi,e high ::; as ~f 1l" .Ju ;.. trd1· ~eatcd '-e\I. Jersr. the 'lrts" fiftb met'ungs this season con't'(Ull'e ~thad.. ·

In o ther :--: 8.\ games · R1C k~ P1erle added 20 pi.l1n1s and Jo hn Lueti, Cllp~rs 105, Kings 103: The: ( l1 ppers broh· a :;-. another ~uns111u 1e , had 11.1 assists as the Buc ks defeated

gamt' road losing st~al \I, hen L:tm Dn·\I, 's la' up "1th the '-t'l' fo r tht• I 21h c;1 ra1gh t ttmt' at the Milwaukee three seconds left g.:i' t' 1 herp a '1c101' 0 ' er al ramento ' .\ rena

Claude Gregor:· '"0 free 1hro\I, ~ v. ith 5"' q'( Ond~ Ca vaUen 1.08. P1~n t4: In Richfield . O hio. Mark left had g1 ,en the Cliprers a 103-101 It-ad Gr('gOI' sho t Pnu- ~'()t'.ed-a- .. :.1~ g~edDUL ....... __ -'-" the free thrO\l. S for Be nPll Ben1am in. "ho ~ored a game· a!> 1st!> lead1ng Ck, ela"d past Indiana high 30 points bul '-'3S <.>JeC1ed for picl ing up hi~ ~C'ond The Ca"ahers· th rd t•onsecuu'e ' 1c1o n moved technical fou~ 1hrm percentage point' ahead o ft.he Pa ers and into the

The e1ection cam, v.hen BenJamin 100~ !K''eral sl\lh spot 1n the E..astet n Conference pla,ofTstandmp . S '-' 1ngsatSacramenio·~ loe ~leine \l.t'Ll, had ~rabbt-d the Eight teams from the l"onfere nce v. 111 qua hf\ to r the · Ch ppets' center as Rcrtjam1n 1.1. en1 up for J \hN pla).offi.

n}am1n dJd not makt> ron_taet but had to. bn'Cstnuncd b~ St"' t'ral-lea mmat('S a" he ~ept t~ 1ng to gt't at t-.. k1ne Kaidls lt4 . RO<'llets ta: Patncl. E\l,sng scored 2" of

.\ fter Gregor) ·!> fr,·e thrO'-'S. crameoto uc:d the his season-high 3o points 1n the first half and pace«! a score v. 1th f ~ seconds rema1n1ng on Kenn~ "m11h"s 1-. 33· I 5 second quaner ~l'un that ca m <'d "e\I, ' o rk to a foot shqt ' acto~ 0' er Housto n at \.1ad1son uare G arden

Disney group seeking-team - ompany hopffig to attract squad for sprtng tra1nin_g

From Tk AsSO<'l•i.4 Pr~11

The O.sne~ Company a nno unced Fnda) at has b«'omt• an o fficia l corporate sponsor for l\1 ajor League 8aS(ball and that ma' onl~ be the bc&anning.

There ha c been rrpons the 01 ne~ ~pie art cons1denng constructi ng a bastball complex near 01sne) World an Orlando. Fla. and "ould hke to bnna 1n a major leaiue team for spring training. Some of the " nzona teams - including the rtuc.aao Cubs - have been approach<-d .

A thrtt-~ear sponS<\r agrttment was announ~ at a news confrrenet at Walt D1sne) Stud• b) Com­m issioner .Prtrr , ehcrroth and Michael Eisner. chairman of tht board aAd chief e\ ecUtl\'e officer of the Walt 01Sne' Comp.i n)

The .fint olsne) prognm s at a ~ ae.&uc t.llpert l'lrc scheduled April 1-10 with the C'hicaao Wlu~ Seu and wtll be followe'd by prosrams with the Housaon Astros on Apnl 29-lOand Ma) I : the Atlanta Braves on Ma) 6-8. and the New York Yank.ea on May 13-14

Eada O.~ appeann~ at thOK ballpmb will ancludt a Pf!::tin>e enatna1nmnt sptt1ae'u lar. Disne 10Uvnun foftvtr) fan 1n ane'ftdanct. and vacataon trip 11vcaways to Dis­neyland and DISM) Worid between eech 1nn1na. 1t was ann<'unct'd

0 Mite Norn" a f'ormn 10-pmc

ntr. ma) bf l I n t'hc ma1or uts soon. He's M ho~ 1n

0. land •'or\int o n a ~ball and

IS ID shape S oms has not pit .. hro in the

ma1ors sinn: IQ J "' 11h tht' o\1hle11cs. when he ra n into IDJUn~ and l('g31 problems ' ank('('S manager Bilty Man in as kno \I, n to be 1n fa , or ol signing \:oms ,..., ...... .

'\ ankccs ~lJlcher T omm~ John. needing a bat 10 use an an e\h1b1t1on game. sea rt"hcd 1he dugo ut and found lt--R.pn Kmle modrl ··That hould ha, f',a lot of hJlS ltft an 1t .. shouted a teamm ate John went '\. for-~ at the plate.

Yankee fans ma) not 11k<' what the} Stt v. hen the) e\lt the subwa at Yan~tt 1ad1um this \C':\r "'the end of o ne ramp. as a large f'Qstrr o f "'e"' ' ork ~kts p1tchcr ,Q\l.1~ht Gooden

peaking of Gooden. o\tJanta Man· ager Chud Tanner asktd the ump1m to ma!l.e Gooden take ofTh1s go ld neck c hains last \1.-ct'k tn a rnna training pmr . It Sttrt'IS thr glare \1. 85 bothen ng the h1t1rrs

0 Pam Po tema's ho pec; of becoming

the first female ump1rr 1n the big leagues art not ovrr jU~I becaus.t she • o n' t ma~e it this )C.Ar

he ·11 spend 1h1!> sns.on m the .\ mr:ncan <\~oetatte~w.c1t1'1t"1----"'4 for tht first ttme and \l. lll be back W'lth the ~ational l eague next spnng training It 's a good ~ .. he will won at least onr gamr 1n the majors an IQ Q

c The Reds \I. Ill ha vr .i moment of

s1lcnl'."t' Mo nda' before their season opener v. 1th Louis 10 honor of forme r slugger T <'d Kluucwskl. who d ied Tu~) m ( 1ncmnat1.

Tht Reds al wall "'t"ar bi.ck arm band for tht first week of the season 10 honor Ktu~7C'\I. k1.

0 The I. Lou1!> Cardina ls ha 'e often

com plained that the~ don't act an~ re ~t from the NC'o\ Yort Mrts. The' ma\ be nght.

In the '1 Q8 Met media guide. it 's v. n tten that the Mtts are lht onl~ te~m 1n major ka,ur h1StOI') to appear in more than two cham· pion hip scne and gn ·un<kfcated ·(I 96Q, . ... 3 and '86) Well. the Cardinals a rt' also won 1n 1981. '8S

· and·

UCI golf team hosts tourney ~ C l rMn's pf team wtll host Pncr Shoemaker at 78.0

tne ni nth annua ntc1'tt ln~­t1onaJ Monda at 81~ <In on C'oun­tl) C1ub 1n NCll''J'Of1 lk11eh.

Coach tcve .\mshc'' team WQt\ 1u last outina. the Slll C'lll ic March I~ after fin a h1na S«ond 1n four rol\SC'C'Utl' e rompeut1ons

Fmhman hke ~"""'leads the team ~llh ... \; 9tn1 r mt lnabl 11 at 7, 1. sophomore C'hns San:\\lr It 77 2. """"' ~1<'',. P\l<'tc R1 '7 .. ,_ and Jllntor




~ . .. .. mA

Angelt ~---­....,.._ .....

.. sna. CC*f•••a • ---~ l fllcl.

MSaaALL ....... •a.we••™ Sunder .... .... , '

S3 17 JS1 0 " .U3 JI » J3.S n " .m 11 $) -2'3 " SS .tts ................

•·Delle\ .. " •·Den- .. 2' x -Houlton •1 2' x · Utal\ eo 31 Sett AlllOl\lo '11 43 Sacremenro 20 Sl

EASTIE•• CONPa•a..ca

,, ... 1S\>J lO l6 37"'2

I s 6'n

1' H 'n

,._ VOt'I< TOf'OflfO c~ IC- CllV a.ton .-,,,.. Te1t1$ S..llle M~w 0.lef'CI Cl'lica9o

~·· S.ttlmore Detroit

w l 11 10 ,,. 10 17 13 17 13 " ,. 14 1• ,. ,. 15 IS 15 17

" 1' 13 " 11 11 ' 17

10 19

"°' "n .... ..561 ..561 .m •• .. .soo .., ... .• It .m .~ .~

10 A's at Alll* I OS ~ .ir Bm~ 11 10


Aprl .... . tCNQco. 12 Giants at ~ I 'OS



12 ~.t ..... 1~ ~at f>ldres. 1 OS

11 •


---~ll:ll ............ 4: •

I • ••

v·9oston Phi!Mltohle ,._Yori< Welflineton

A-...C DMlilll Sl 21 l1 ,. 32 .., 31 3' 11 $l

,..,, 1' If J2"'2


21 ..... Yof'k MoMrMI Clftc:tilw9tf ~F~ HouslOft

" 17

10 .6n 10 ."'3

•Alllds at suttlf I 35 • Braves al Dedfen I OS

.-,.. al A's, 7 35 P.cties at ~. 7 05

•11111'* at A's. 7 35 Pldfes 1t ..._... 7 OS

A111* 1t A•s. 12'1S l"ldra It ..._.... 1;0S

,... "" c.Mrll Dtwtlllfl x · Oelrolt • 24 x·Afllnll .. 2' C1'lc.e90 n ~ M~M Jt 31 c......,,., )t 31 )ndl- 3l 37

x--ctlnched PliiYott beflh T-dl1th1C1 diV!slon nn.

Slltw9Y'S 5ar°M Utel'I 1°'. lMen 92

2 . ..., 1

13 13

""'*""' C'*-> ...... , ... hie Sel!Dlleo St. Louis A .......

NOTE': Wt..__ ("91, lift do• llOI


" 17 17 17 13 11 10

• eemH couru

12 516 I? 511 t3 SS2 15 .531 IS 5S1 I• .SlS 17 A33 17 ."3 17 l 70 17 .161

In ll• nd·

24 Stattlt at AllCels l 05 ~ at Cta~~ I OS

May 1 •Allcels at lo1on1c 10 35 Cirdut Dodrill l 05


Alllels at l!\01.lns. t 35 Poltsal~ 705



.... at f llftS. C 35 Cubs at ..._,.,, J·OS


4 l!l"'S It ..... J 05 •Teen It ..... 7.11!5 P.-atts JI ....... 1'05..-



• ...... r ...... u s Clr*ll~ 70S

~ . ... 11 ~onto 10 l'O c..tsll ...... 105


~ lOS, s.cr-10 103 C~nd 1• , 1nol1 n. 94 ,..... Yon ICM, Housron .. Mllw•ull• 12S, New Jersev 111 ~ 123. ~" St11e 107 S..llle ISl . Ptloeo\!Jt 107

5atw*Y'I Scaf'ft .,...... 7 . ..... 2 Pltnll<Ktifl • . 8all'"-e 1 ltlcllwnond (AAA) 4, Al .. .,11 I OewNnd I , Cl\ial90 White Soi; 6 l'louston ( H ) 6, PTllladelot" • 2 Delroll 7, &osron 6

To1onto at Allcels I OS ~ at Ga1ds, 11 15

Indra~ al .,_., 7 OS 0Mctn at Cubs, J ·OS

Indians at ..... 1 05 °""" It Cum, 1110

lncNns 11 ..... 71)5

...... it Pnm.4:05

11 ...._, It Pnlls. 4 OS

T .. Y's ~ s.cr- to , , . l..Mer'I. 7:30 0 . ,,.,

Dlllll 1 t Bo\ ton. 9 • .m Cl'liQeo 1 1 Detroit . IO:JO a m Atll!>ta 11 lndl.lnil, 11:JO om W•$/'tlngton 1 1 New Jenev 4 30 o .,.. Sin Allfonio 11 Po<-1 .. nd S o m

--.Y's~ No ga~~

T...-Y',~ Snttle 11 L.Men. 7:30 o m c:a.i..s 1 1 Port .. lld. 7:JO o.m Detroit 1 1 New Je-wv, • lO om New Yoril 1 t Phll1oe10111e 0 0 o ,., Milw1\lllM e t A111n1a 4;30 om Cleveilno 1 1 lndi1ne. S.JO om Wesl'llnoron 1t Olic.• l>O, S lO om Den~ 1 1 HO<Jl lon, S.30 om Ute l'I 1 1 PhoenUI, 1 .)() 0 .,., S.n Antonio e t GOiden State. 7 lO o m

.... YOt'tl Met\ 11, Hous•on ( U ) s ~lrMI S . ...... VO<'k YeJ*Ml 4 Clnc1nneli l. St Lo.;l1 6 ,_ KlllMS Olv 11. N\emOlllS (AA I 6 Mihweull• S, Sffllle • Mlnnaot• I . TMonto 2 Sall FranciKO 7. 0.1111100 6 Tnu 11. ChklOO Culls 8 l.1$ V-s !AM I S. S.t1 Dieoo l

T .. Y', Glmft .,.._... a t ""'918. I P.m . Al .. nla a t GreenvdlP !A,& ' lO:OS • m. '""~ vs. Houston • • ic:iu imnw.. Fte

IO:OS e .m Oelr o11 " ' 8oslon 1 1 Wt<'·rer Heven Fii

l<H>S 1 m New VOCI< Y1 ,,.,ees • • M.:intrH I. 11 • m 811timore "" New Yoro. Mell e l WHl\•nQ·

ion. 11 e m ·

c..... 'PCAA

F..- S..- 4, UCI 0 UCI 000 000 ~ S 3 F r n no Sta te 001 111 OO•-. 7 2

HH Ck. IC.anOelltt 161 e no N~ Sctlo.111\trom end Ml!c:Mll W-Sct>ull\trotn, 7· 1 L-Haect< . 7· • 28-Mitcnetl 1i:s1. How.. IFS)


UC S... 01eea 4, 5aC11 C-... 1 UC S.n Dieoo 201 000 1...-4 I 1 SoCal CollPQe 000 002 C>--2 S 2

A.oemson ena Mertinu, Je<•.,IO • nd s. .. i a r W-Adlmlon, 3·1 L-J1c1n10 1·4 28-Mur""v tUCSOJ F re. (SCCl

Sec9lld Glnv SeCal C-... 4, UC SM Dlell9 2

Chklloo Cuos vs Teus a · Olo.111"°"'1 cov Jan 106, Lahn t2 Ollllt 11 e .m

UC S.n 0- 200 000 OC»-2 1 0 SoCe l COl!elle 000 lOO lOx-<1 S 3

LAKE.RS <n > - R• mOls G-1 0-0 0. Wort"v Cincinne f1 VS SI LOIJ<l a· Lo.;lsvllle t(v Now•' MMgen Ill end Manmei, Jonnson ano H04den W-Jonn\OI\, 2-S L-How•' · S-3 HR~tu1e <UCSOJ G1sner ' SCC I

7- lt • ·S 11, Al>Oul ·J1 1>0er 4·• o· I I•. Mllltlewl 11 lO a m 6-15 2· 2 14, Scon 10-16 2· 2 23 Wavner G- c 0-0 TOf'onto vs M11>MWta 11 Deflvpr , noon O. >A. ~ 2·7 S·I 9 Srnr.-, G-l 0-0 0 Ptff\ :,Urgn vs Cleveland e l Nu,.vll>e. Tenn . °"*' Scerts

USC 12. UCL A l A..C Green 3-8 3-S 9 c • ..,_.. 1-• 1·• s noon Tot11\ )t- 13 13· 3' '17 O.llllnd e l . Sin Fre nc•K Q I om

UTAH (106 ) - MllOne lG-21 2·S 17. la va rOll4 "'-. San Doeoo 11 LH VeQlls <AAA! I -OS om S•111toro \ . Ca 111ornoa S .it,ruona ~·· A•11ona 3 1-1 0-0 1. E aton 2· 6 0-2 4 S•ocllton 7·13 S· 7 ENO EXHIBJTIOH SEASON

20 Ha"W" l ·· 11 1·2 1 8eilev 14· 2S S·6 33 R GrHI! 0- 1 <HI 0, Trtoueke l,· 6 1-2 10. ROI" G-0 <HI 0 Turoin 3· 4 2-2 I Tora ts Cl- • 17·2• 106.

Sew-. Irv ONrten Liken 21 17 27 17- '2 ur.n 26 l1 2• 2._106 ' Tl'lf'• •oolnr - ts-Trooucto. a 7, Scolt SIOC*· ron. Fouled out-None Reoounoi-L.elt ... s Sot (M ~lon IOI Ulll\ 60 (Mltone ISi Aulsts-u• ers 19 (1\1\ettf>f .. s 1> u11" 35 fStocttton 16) Tote f fo..ts-L.e• eo 18 Ullfl 2S Tectiriicel-Lake<"S illeQll oefe"W

A lle!>Cllric-12-"'

. ~ lOS, Kinei 103 C'-'""E•s ( IOS ) - t(.iJe 2· 9 1·2 5. No""' "

• · 13 1·2 9, &eniar•M 12·21 6- 9 lO. Ve len•>N 2· 6 o-o • woooson 6·12 • · • 16 Gr~ • · • l ·7 11. Dr- S· 10 G-0 10 w 11r•e 4· 13 2·• lO Cure ion G-2 G-0 O 8 U1'"1' • · 7 2· 2' 10 Toi e l\ '3· 101 19-31 IOS

SACAAMENTO (lOJJ - Tvie< 3·11 2· 2 I Ttio<oe 7· 11 4·7 11 l<.i.tme 9· 15 S- 6 23. K s.n.111 6• U 1·1 13. P.-nlie.,. S-9 •· • 16. Jecll\O<' )· I 1·2 J P,nc1r,.,.., 4· 11 5· S 13 Nflw¥ 0-0 G-0 0 Hennr 1·' 2-2 s TOl8il ll-C7 2• · 19 103

Seer• ... °"'~ CJi-l 21 2• 27 33-IOS Sac:r1.,.,..,to 26 19 2'J I,_ 103

Thrft- oo.nt llQlll-Prnl~V 2 -... F~ o.;t-Prentev ReDOU'IOs-<ho1>¥s 6' C!Mnlamin 10 Slcf•~•o 61 CTr..oroe 14) A.s•llh-Cll-i 20 <Dre'"' 6 ' S.cra.,,..,to 12 1Tt>oroe Sl Tote 1 !ou'\-<liooe•s 21 Sac-ra~-10 26 Tect>n•c111l- S-..m1,, ? le iecred l

... ··~IV'-1Q J~1


KANSAS (" ) - Newton 1· 14..2-3 20, PiOer 1-• • · • 10. Manning 17•.,I 1-7 1S, Pr le?llrd 7 · 6 2· 2 6. Guetaner 0-1 0-0 0. 81 rrv 1·2 3-'c S Normore 0-0 G-0 0 Ha'fis G-c 0-0 0 MaOdo• 0-0 0-0 0 M ln<I' G-0 G-0 0 Tollls 26· S2 12-15 66 .

OUKE (ff ) - """"" 7·72 , . , It , IC•ng 1·4 1-2 3 . 8r;c.lt pv 1·9 1-5 6. Srvw 4· 10 1·1 9 , Striclli.no S· 13 o-o 10 s""''" o-o o-o o ~'°" 0-2 o-o o. ~ov 1·2 2· • 4 l(ou- 3·S G-0 I Tot11ts 13- 67 10-17 91 .

H1tft1rne-<.1 !>lll ll Du• P 77 TIVM-OOont 9011\-t(1t'Sll , _, !New!O'I 2· 3 P.-•ICf\lrO 0-11 Dvli P 3· U OC ouoel< 1·3 ~ ....,, I · S $nvw 0-3 S1nc ll11tno 0-3• F'oule<:I out-None RP · ~s-K1nsu 36 l~M•"9 10• Dut<P 39 t f'errv l?t A"''1lls-1(1.n~s 16 1Prl1cne.ro Si OullP 13 < Snv~ Sl To1e •oul\-l<1nwl 16 Du1te 10


~ 16, AriJenl 71 ARIZOMA (71) - Coot. 6· 13 •·6 16 f"'°"

13· 23 l·J 3 1 T~ 5· 11 1·2 11....Mc.Mlll&n l · 6 H • IC en ?- Tl o-o 6A i urnt>r o-o o-o o. Lo!Jan

· • 0-0 1 8 ue<l'lle' 2· 7 0-0 ' Ma so,. 0-0 0-0 O To•a•s 31· 17 I · 11 71

OKL..AHOMA ( 8') - G••"' 7-U 7· 10 11 S•eQer 3· 8 l -6 10 1C1ng 9· lj 1·6 21. 8J.evlOCIL J -7 r-1 I G• ece 3- 10 S·· 7 13 MuN·~ 1 • 1 0-0 l Wi!ev •-a 3- l 11 Tot11s 'l0·6' 21·3' 16

'"4 a •!t •f'TIP--Ool""°"'a )9 A • 1one 27 Trw-w · "°'"' ll04•i-Arl1one 6 · 23 (EM·Ol' 2· • McMlften Z· • l(er• 2· 11 Lot•on G-3 0. •"°"'I c-14 Ci••ce 1· 7 Muulns 1-1 S1p~r t -6 ) i=ouieo

::-~•-McM1t11n Reboundl-A• 1one •2 l l~t 13 ()!.llf'lOmll 3' !Gr ant 10 •n•l •s-Arl1one 12 Kef• SI 00<~• 18 Greep I ' To111 1o,ua-A. r11ona 2• 0.. a l'\O"'>a I)

A•tPfld.l~-16 J91


(1t KMMl Citv, Me. I SEMFINAlS

S.IWMV'l k "fl < enin 66 DU'te St Olt. fe ll0"'4 16 Arizona 71

CH~5"1f0 MefldaY'l ~

l<. anws 26- 111 vs Oltllll<'l'l'\6 <lS• l ) 611 0,,,


(It TecerN, Walll.. ) CH~IP TedllV's 0....

:n-1> vi Loufli• M Tec11 (31· 2> 1

YOU.8ftM.L "'••11211111 -

AttMM .... M . U ...,_, IJ-l. • •1S, IJ-l. • H. IM.

o-..n 7, ........ 2 Anoe1$ 000 020 OC»-7 6 1 DoClve<"S 000 106 00•-7 8 0

F iniev icre ... uv• (6 ). 0 1M c~ 16l .. He rvev (6) CITtMJrn 111 1no wv,....., Kneoo ltl . S..tton. Lurv ISi. Jv Ho..,ell 19) eno Demolev. ScioKle (7) W-LPl rv . 3-0 L-Kr1wci.•i. 0-7 11R-Ooo~ Gioso11 ( ll

• Cemmunttv celeee SAOOLEBACK CL4SSIC

<C~l ~Wntl,~ 7 ~ J02 000 ~7 10 I GOiden Wnt 000 006 :zo.-. 9 2


Le11iie11 Mertlnei 161 Avg ''' (7) 1 no Her · ret Tl'lobe ano Lvncti VtlleQe \ <SJ w-TllC»e S-7 L-Marlif>fl 6· 4 28-N Qr-0 (S) Huvler IGWI Re •C'f'erl tGWJ L.U ZIO IGW l HQ- Le V>er IS i

""" KNol M<*· L.EAGUE First Glnw

Afltllb IWl11 16· 14) e • Cl'llCI OO (Horlon 1·31 noon

~roit (Morris 11-111 a i Boston •C~ 20-9) 10-0S .. ,,,

Hlh l. F-.tain V.... l Rellfle ROll1119 Hllll FO<Jnte 111 Vitl'ev Mllw1!.4H tHIQypra 18· 1"1 • ' 8alt•"'ll'e

(8oddlclte< 10·121 11-0S • .,.,

000 003 C>--3 • 2 000 000 2-1 4 l

Toronro l t<:ev 17-81 • ' Ka riws C11v <S.~~ 19· 10 11 JS .....

Ctevf!fll!ICI IC1no1o•t 7 · 11 1 1'1 Te•es I HO<JQ~ ll· ll l S.lS orn

8 reneme'I e nO LP"" \ 1111 ....,l~v Line 16' a no Mo<'enc DoCld '6 t W-8r-ma n L-Montl>0"">('1'Y 2· • 28-~.,. (RH ) "iQ- Oooo IF VI

Secend co-SelttlP 4Llt>OllO~ 19· 1) a' Oe • •e r'IO $ tP,,.,ltrl

20- 131 I -OS om F - in Velley 12, ...... Hih l

Ron.ng H ill\ 000 lOO 0-- l • 2 On1v games S.Cf\e<lule(l i:ouM• •" v a 11e.,. &70 tn · ..--11 t? o

TUESDAY' S GAMES ~-~ 4Vlole 17-101 I I Npw

IR!'IOde11 16 · IOI 10 e IT"


Pa1>0H Ce mOOPoH 2• P'umiev ISi • nel 11u• lPnQa Lt • il " '· H••• Lane !4) I nd Dooo W-H1!e 1-2 L-<emODell 78 -Lt-w•l !RH}

Seen1e ' ""-'• 9- 19 1 e l OaO.la!IO 1S· 91 7 35 o M

(W PICI\ Fln:I GltN V-..cie I , Edhon 1

0..1v gamu scnec!v'P4 Eo•~on t07 400 000-1 5 1 Valenc•a 340 000 001-t ~ 1

WEONESOAY'S GAMES A"""" a I l;l'llCBl>O S 30 0 m Mr11nno1e 11 Ne• Yorll 10 a "' 0e1roi• ., 8 0lion . 1005 a .,., Sell•ie II 0.lo.lll'IO 11 I 5 o m M1tweu .. eor a l S.1t1rnorp t 35 om To•onlO e l 1(1 1\$1$ C .1v S l~ Pm Cie"P'• nd a t TPXU , s 3S 0...,

V•oa ••s Couon 1 I ~af1n SI a na Elb'rom. LIO»O ISi Ne ver•PllP E0• • '<2S (6l I nd G1r ­r e 11 w - Eo wuas L.-Su 1 t ln . O· I 28- N•••'fe lte IV) Reooe IVI 11R-Wf\itcner IE ' '

Sec..w Glime V aleftcll 7, E diloft 6

THURSDAY' S l;AMES Aft99fs 8 I (,,ic.el>O 11 )0 8 n'I

Oe1•01• a l Boston tO OS a ~ Mln~•• a l New Yori>. • 30 o rr M Uw•u'H e l 8ar11more t 3S Pm T O<'on•o a t Ka nsas C ·~ S 35 o m Clevelenel e i Toal S JS o m

Ed1sor 13 1 001 0--. 7 ' Va it'nc1e 301 001 1-7 • 5

Triooe 8 a-r1ne 13' $imonY'" 161 1 no Uvoc Ec»1rom SI Well\ Oeaa (21 Garrell <• > .no Ce mo W-Gerrt•I L-Somon~on , 0 -2 28- Ppncp IE l NavarrPlle IV) Hlt-Seref111 IE ! Leesurt 1 v J

0n1v 111 mH ielleOv•eo HIGH SCHOOL 'STANDtNGS

Natienal LHgue MONDA Y'S GAMES

Sff Y•w LM9M

~" F'ra~ <Dra tte.kv 10-12) e t Oedeen (VeoenzlJf!fe U - 141 1-0S om

St Lou•s !Mlora'le 9 ·71 • ' Clnc>nne11 (Soro 3·2l ll :OS a m

Seoalebec• Elt1nc11 TIJ\tin Cor one OP Mer Newoor1 He f'l>Or Untvrr~1tv

W LT J 0 0 2 1 0 I 2 I 0 I I 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 3 0 ) New 'l'O<'li !Gooden 15- 7) 11 Montreat

tMlrllnei 11-4) 12~ om W~V'S Glfftl'I Qnli; Qame1 Ktleduleo

TUESOAY'S GAMES Newt>Ort 11arl>O' e l Coron,ii oel Mir Este t1c •• a • S.d<ltet>ecto:

S.n Fr1nc1KO (Down\ 11· 91 II D-..n ( Her'Sh!Mr 16 · 16), 7:0S o.m

U"~"" a l Tinlin r"'" Friday's ~

P iltl!>vrllf! (Dunne fl-61 e l Pll1 .. Mlolna t R1..,.,,. 17• ll t, t-.lS om

Chlcll>O !S1J1ctifte ll · 101 e t 6.lte t1ta <Ml~ I · 13}. • :.i P .n'I

Sed<llP1>6c1>. e t Corona oei 'Iller Tustm • • NPWDO"l Herbo' Est1ncia e 1 Uni~1l1v

Sin D~ l WMlon lG- 13) "' Ho.Jllon IScoH 1,-13). ,Sl S om .

Ontv o•mes lCfleevtecl WEDNESDAY'S GAMES

Sen DIPoo a t Houslon. 11 JS a m Chic.loO 1 t Ati.nte , 2 40 o m Ne. YOf'.. et N\ofllrH I 4'05 om SI Lou•S 11 C1nc1nl)e!I 4 3S om P 1nsovr1111 11 Pf\l11oe1on11 • .JS o ,., Only Olmel lcneovleO

OcPan View E01Mlf' Merine F'oun11 1n Ve ile• Hvntlng!Of' Be1c ll Wntmi,,iter

TunclaV'S Gln>e Ocffn V~w 1 1 Ed'~

W LT Ga 2 0 1 2 1 0 . .. l 1 I 1 1 1 0 l 't> I 2 0 1\'J I 2 0 1"'2

THURSDAY'S GAMES ~ 11 Allant1 . • 40 om St Loul\ 1 t C lncinnelo 9 3S a m New Yo•• at Moll!rN l 4 lS om Pitl$Dut.Gll-A1 -~rue-'-li-11.m_ S.n Oleo<> II S.11 F'ra nC•i ' O 1 3S o..., Onlv Qllmet scl\ecluleel

......... ¥',~ Wn tmlntte< a t F ountein Vei.v Merilla e l Hun1ino1on Be1t11

F'*Y's GMM ----CJ:IQ.CICI ~~i.1\11"9~ sa_.,.,_

FO<Jnteln V1llev 1 1 Mer ine I Pm. Oceen vi. ... ~· WHtmlnl lP", I om

Pro golf scores ~ Gf' .. 1lbel• Ooefl Pt tpr JI COC>lef' ~9 - 7'·70-213

, .. ~. M,C. ) - Rooer Mlf•Oi« T0· 1l·n-1n SandY LYie 61· 63-61-19'9 SI- Pa te 73·10· 10-2\J .Jeff Slumen 64-6S- n-20'2 FreoCo.;otei 10-71· n-213 Ken Gr"" 61-67·6,_~ Ronnie 8 11cto 73 · 70· 70-713 Scoo HocP> 67· 67-n-106 L.e rr.,. Rina..- 73 · 71 · 6,_21) Gil MorNn 61·61-~l-107 Jotlll Huston 69· 11· 7)-113 o Hemmono 67·67 · 7l-207 Devt Rvmmtlls 1s-10-..-i 13 L• nnv WHl! tns 71 · 10· .._?0f NI C.la-.cl\le 66-n -1s-211 MarkWlitii- l f ·7T'· ff-l'llf" Da!IR.lllO.>!'R>n 61· 1'0-7S-113 Maril Lv• 73· 66·· 70-20' .Joev Slnoe .. r 10-n-n-2u eoo ~""" ff- 66-7-209 Jim c.,..., To-n-n-11• ltobert Wr""' 10-n· ...... 210 l ruu z.~i,ltl 61· 7• - n -214 Nlllte ltilld 69-71· 7<>-2 10 Cr11Q Stldter 10· 11· 7>-21• I(_... Ptfr'f 11· 70-70--211 E d F lori ff· 7S· 71>-tl• ltuu Cocl'lr• n " 70-11 · 70-2 11 Tonv Sill\ 73- 72-69-214 lollltvo..ri-11 7• · 7H7- 211 l. ~llPr 69-71· 7-21' ~ 8uml 72:6'· 11-212 ltltll F etw ff-.tl· J?-214 OilO a.o 10-70-n-212 Nldl Prrc:. " ·n -n-21s M lt091!"S 69-72· 7l-212 Andv Nontl 14·t1·1>-115 1toc.coMedi91e 61- n -n-212 · ·Mor rll Hatlllkv 71 -71-7>-tlS Tom P\,r1rer 7•· 66-n-:-211 Scott Varlllanll 7•---12-115 S...,. L~ 71· t1•7>-211 It T'-SOll 4'-7t· 7S-2lS t ruce Llet-zlle 6'· 7o-7l-11t WI- L.-rf 72· 72· 71-215 T C. Oien 66-11-1s-212 aooLotw 71-n ·n- 21s Tim~ 10-n-11-iu ~., Gardnef .,.,.1.-21s Keittt'CIHrWlter 69-n - 11- 213 1 1• G6nlOll •n-1.-21' Joe'""'*' 11-10-n-211 Jac11 -- 10-n- 1.-2tt

C*91l ...... ~· JUOVOick- ,,.... ,._, .. , •• ._.. .,..., eenv Klllt n - 19-11-211

Amv AJeon 71 . ... ...,_"203 Na!ICY 9'0W!I ,..71· 71- !lt c-.wa11.er ~- rte:.~ n -n-n--111 1toa1e Jones n..,.,_..__ 0onna WNt9 1•-,.1..-.i ... ~ Fer•-Ootti ,..._,._.. Tamrwllt~ 7S-7>~ll •a .. ,__, .,..,,. ,...,11 Cl'lt'li ...... ,,. ,..,,._,. ~ K'"t 1H1-..-m 1<1m ~ JS-'9-1.-111 Nency L ... t 7Hf>70-21l Ol· Hee Ku ,._,.,._,. DIDOle MnMv 72-41•73-'ttl Shl"-V F""'"' 7H3· 7J-f1' ,,.,. °""' JS- n -...-11• tAure o.vi. ,..,_n-1,. C.191V MclfM n..._n-11• J9MI COlft 7S-1S-*-Jtt OewnCoe n -6M 0-21• JaMC,...., 7•,..JS-1'9 M. l~ 7H1-7,_'1S Hiiie SlecY ,,._,....._21' Sfllrrl T~ 7'••61-!IS ,._.,. ..... 1S-lt-1l-J" M. s..cr·~ •·,..n-1" ..,.. ~ ,...n....,_,,. •OlltlW.-i ,,...._1t-J1' UM_, R-•Jt-229 ....... '-- ,..,..,,_," --~ ,,.., .. ,,...... M. 9en9onl 1•· 11-~211 • LYllll ,a.,. 7•11•,,_111 M • •• 1•n·1f-t11 LMl1.....,_ ,,. ,,.,,_,,. o.~ ,,..,...,,.....,,., ..... ~ ,, .. ,,.,,._,. .... c..- 11·12-11-1» &.Aurtl•-- , •. ,,..,.......,,. ,.,._...._ 17+7t- IJ7 ...... 7>.n-,.....121 °""9 Mecflfll 7 .. 71. ,._ftl K.-W WNl--191 7S-lt-1t-121 Kelfl¥ ,...,.._., ,,.. ... 11-111 °" OenNlll 17· 71•7>-ftl ...,_-... ,,.~ •1¥111ttta n.,..,, ... 121 ,_.,. A.mn. 7>1••7H11 Oea1M,.,.... 17•71· 7>-271

(llr•l Pefrv Lerrv N.+wn St•ve lone$ R•vmono F IOvO ICennv knoll! Ea Oouol'lertv e o0Tw1" 0 E IC'Mftle<Qe<' LPMlt Cllmenll FredWldl-11'1 Aki OMwtcl\i c .. renc. ltow SleveElllinvton Ml'11 0 1 Miler• O.vidO.itl 8".0 Flbel ltMAolli JoM Mafleflev MOil• Oofteld Old: Malt 8'.0 F11t0fl AllChwM..­BobEnlwOocl 0-S.uen A.J. Ouncen HiO Fl'ldo F tJ!lon Allolm _ ....,.

73· 71-11--216 69· 76· 71- 216 14· 7l · 11-216 n -n·11-n• 71 ·74· 7l-716 73- 10-, ,_217 n - 11-1.-111 11>n-1.-211 73· 71 - 7>--211 n-n·~11 73· 71 · 7>--217 7• · 71· N-2l7 n -?>n-111 n-n-n-.,11 71· 72-7S-1'11 71· 72- 7J-flt 72· 72-7*-2" 7'-7•· 1A-211 1 ...... 16-11' 71·71· 7s-21' n-n-1,_,,, 7S-1'o-7.._11, ,,..,. ,._no 11- n -1'-no n· 11-n-n1 n -n -16--211 ,,....,.n-m

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• · NV 1'1an0in Jt 30 10 • - Mt v·W1Shlnet~ JI l3 I M V9 'U7 .. -~ JI l3 • .. 2'0. 2'1 !WW J«W\I 31 J6 6 Ill 2't 2f3 NY rflnoPn 3S J.t 10 101 1'7 2IS Pi"~lll'I 3S 3S 9 1' llS llt

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Jl~ncNcl CloY"ion hlle ~Inched Pllivoff berth

SafwaY'I SC... New ~ S. New Y«1o I~ 1 Hertford • . ~ton 2 Pf\1~• 1, Queoec ' Pitt~9'1 7, Wnl'ti<leton 6 (Of) MontrMI 9. 8uf!llO 6 Toronto S. Detroit 3

T...-S S­K.... 1 t Eelmllflton, S.S o.m. $1. Louis ., W""""9, 12-,35 o.m. Nli,,,_11 1t CelNr'Y, l2:3S o~ New Yon. I~ Ill 8olton. ~ P.m Wntlin9ton •I PN't flf hie 4:t5 o.m. N\ofltrHI 11 U., ~ o.m. Hantord I I ~. U S P.tn. QueOK 11 New YOt'tl R•'-"· ~ o.m New W'wv 1 1 Cf\lcaeo,4S.1S P.tn


ftMX Alm ._LD c..... ,._.. ...... . ...-rs, ...

T-S-. l uo. - · 2. Ce! llolv· San Luis ~ S1.

J . LQIW 8"cl'I St•ie. Sl 100-1 ~ UJCU. 10"'7. 1 e­

(LllSl. 10 7• . l . AenoiCI !L8 Sl 10.1S. °"* UCI .-"""*'. -. s-an. ffl.'5; s SJGIM, 1U1 ' Hll, 11 • ·

ft-1. ~ CAril>. ,..._1, l ""- .,._,. ICPSLO) 151-•, :l MCEldP- IN ILl. U.--6 UCI ~ 7 Gteen. lCll·J, 9 F-.r,..,, 97· H . 10 l(aufmrtn IUC:ll • 1·2

SP-l ~ ICPS!.01. U ·9 , . 1 ~ (Afi:L I .. _. i ~aton ICPSLO> • 1-2. UC:I ~ • I(~, »-S

DT-1 ~ 1.AN. l . ttJ-S. 1 ft'. W!tite (CPSl.01. 1S.-t. 1. ~ IC PSLOI. ISl·I UCI ~- 7 ~. tl"'4 '

2C»-I F Cl'd t LM>. 10..tt. ' ~ tuco. 21.ll , l S........ CUCll . ?t a ~ UCI 0.. ._ ..... fl~· Harri$ • .l2. U . t Hill, 11 lt. telEWPOltT LA9'CJIMG - 1 _,, 6iO

.00--1 FCl'CI (L8 Sl . 61.M. 1 S~oef! ~ '""° O.Sl 210 c.e.ce llnl. 5 roor ll\h (CPSLOl . • n. 3 ~ <C""SrO> . .," UC:I 106 IJO'>•o ), lC<AI>"' 7 ~~ -finr~· S C lav. f9 0 , 6 .. ~. S0.37. mecll~el 7 Bolteno. SI.SO OAV£'t"S LOCll£R - 3 _,,. 221 ......,,~

ll»-1 er- (UCI) 1.$2 1, , 1. ~ MS boftife. 10 roe-. Ml\, 3' ca rtCO oau. •7 ""° (LllS). 1:$3 SS; J S*- (~0), 1:SU7 ~ aa.u. 1.JfS ~_... .. 0 ""'°'" 12 ~ -en UC I ~ 4.. Currv. 1 SS.M. S. HafTG.' t ~ 1:56 .... 6. W!Ctlstrom, l :SU O. I . Houllllate. DAMA WMAltF - t _ ,,. m .,....,..,. l9'l 1:57.11; 11 IC. ........ l:St..O. U ~. 2:01.2, '6. 118n 27 - 10 '1 - o.11 , I S roe& COCI. lCN roo. RlllOitt. t:CD.I. fis1' U mK!<P't'I

1.--1. CrM ICPSLOJ, 3-51"'7. l. ~-( UC.I), l :51M; l. Hou19ate ' UCO. l::Sla. 099' T1'is ....,.., ...._. ..-S UCI m~· • Currv l:Sl 11. S-~ LOS A.MGEUS - lkJ litOCl er.-. Lo-J.s.t.21 , 7 ~- l..SS " · t VOc9ftdo. k r....-. er- "'" " L.U. c.,t, w; ••'°· 11 LaForce. Ul22. lf lmla\'. Ult.7; l1. L_.. Crvs1111 Lel>.e E ht - "' i...o..e Jaai>Mlt> lt•ttaf'V. ••.• i.-e. L - Lelle L •lll• Roca c.-- L•lfle

l .000 ,,,.I~ I M1or1;ne1 !UCO. R oct. tlewrvoir Pueloines- LIAe S.11 Domes .. llM 1 AlwncMI! ICP!>l.DI ._16.lS. 3 ~ It~ '.Safi Geriel RivP l ffSI "'° tior't" (CPSLOl . t:n.ll Ottter' UO tWs"9r 6 '°"') · &r• z.e•lon. N l.n SAWTA BMBAllA -~ L ... e Seftt• ~l. ~ (L8S). 1.C:4S.13, 2. Yl'el R •-~ ( IJCll . t".S&..C1, l ~ (LMI. SAit MlttlAllDIMO - ~ He4llfl ~ l'=5S.V OI'-' UCI ...,_..~ 7 SanOclqf. LAil•. Ho1cX1ornO Cr-. Mooe·~ ~ '"-15:C.l. I ~. \S;SO. l.Mle, Sit- *OOCl L~

110 HH-1. Hill <UCu. U.51 2. HatTt. rucn . SAii DIE.400 - c~ u..e 15-01: 3. K-8"Gfl ICPSL.O> 1UI. •""1t- - CahU i...e . Furr- Llllt

600 tM-1. Sordl (UCll, 53.a; t Cotlm8n Hemet Lake. ~" LMt..e. S<o·- LM.e (CPSl.0). St,56, l . Doud (LBS), SUS. ()trier VIE'lfl'WA - Cnit:at t.et.e Ptru L..llo.e UC• f"llniSltr. ._ ~. S6.ff •YO - Cof'-Ooc! Cl'ftll Ooat ~e

- r--1.1-0fW~Sl•""''· TI:1T."TOCY-"lftdiiiii;iiir;:a-T.~Fra~li'= . .,.~i:-,...fiei'.:-i~uiriflli11~-1 Gold, •1.U. J_ UO a... Ok

IAOO rw-1 UCI Blue. ~-U..5&; 1 ~ 9eectl sc.te. 3.11.tl. 1 Sell u. Ollluo, 3-lt JO Ott.r- UCI Gold. J'21.10.

Hr-I c;...,. !UCO. ._"" 1. ..,.__ (IJCJl. H '1il: 1 C4"1'v <CPSLOI. ~

Lr-1. C-.0 IUCIJ, D · 'IO; 2 F­<UCU. l3-111o; l. HuDlr CCPSLO l . 21• 1 ~ UCI ~ • Pl!flce. 21· l0' •

T J-1 ~ <CPSl..OJ &-l, 2 Colrao (UC:tl, .... • 1 Farmer (UCl). • ' -' °"* UCI fiftisNr: 4.. ~ D-1~

PV- 1.Hont•"' <CPSl.Ol. p . 7•._ t w-..rm <CPSLO>. ~. 1 K ft!YOI' <UCO . ~ Ofl'I« UCI fillisNn 4. Waimceef~ 15-1; I Lirl ( IJO) . M-1• ..

JT- 1. w.,.,.., <CPSLOI. 201-6. 2. Stenvucl (LltSI. 117· 11; 1 "-* t UOI. 10-1 Oftl9r UC1 ~- s. ~. 1'.S-11; ' c.wao. 16-2-4.

HT-1 Mor-. fUCll, 1U· 2; l. MN01Cllef ICPSLOl . 153· 1, l . ~ fCPSLOJ. lll-4..

SP-1 L.uf ( L.8S) , • 3' -a; 1 TUMic:M CL8SI. 6'- le; l. MOrMI (UCfl . O ·Jl. °"'91' UC1 f'~; F-. JS-2">

DT-l Mar.e fUCU. , ,,...... l. ._ <LBS>. lSl- t: 3 w.irac-t t UCI), io-... ~ UCI f'lflisller 6.. Famwr, t1J-i. ---~'--

. Cll.,.._· SM Ulll ~. --1 • ~ l-, ..... 1 uo. » ; • Uft9 ._,. s.-. . •

la.-l. R...oolillfl l Arit..l, HN. 2.. • ...,, <LBS"), 11.lf: l. ,,_ (C:P$LO>. tJ.19. UO ~ 4. ....... 11.M. 5 ~. lUI; • it.--. lt.a i.-t l.alltMJ ( L..85) , 7Ul; 2 Fru-._

(Arlt.), M.tl; 1 r:........ IUCIJ. 2S.11. °"* UCI ~ 6 ~. 25.56.

--1. -l.alaUW-(L.a$),. i'-R, -.i, Y•11tiec (UC.II. S1.l0. l. E'11W <CPSl.01. 5'.!11. Olts UCI ~ 4. EIC!llftwry, 1-.Jl. --1 COllOrOOll !CPSLO), IM.JO, 2. Mc!Au9Hln (~t) . ....... )- HecMtt (AriaJ , 2:12..S&. °"* UC1 ~' no.-. J:l1.jl; i. L.-.1s. n tae.-.t. ~. Mu.

1.--1 ~ !CPSLOl. UJ.I.; 1 •• Iliff IUCU. 4:2S.a. l. TllomM IUCO, 02..U. ~ UC'I fiftisll9n: S. Le.b, f:J7 Al; I. DllM. 4*.Jf, 9, Factor, "42..M; l 3 ..... • Si 1e.s.

1.-.-1. M1Miar <CPSl.01, 9:5a.IS. 2.. ~ (UCI). tt:01..S.S. l C- (Artz..). It.OU. OI"-' .U0 flnilhan· 7 Van Zerft. ~1~ I C"'14'r, lO'h.~: 10. Rover ll :tlt.

S.~I ~,- tUCU 17.1U._ :t. L ~ lceS't.01 1HU; 1. 'IMfb t Cf151, OJ._ 17·19 n on. UCt ~ -. van z..nr. 11-.J:UO.

lto L-1. Fruilr (AT~.1 . ll.'9, 2 ,._ (Ariz ). IUO, ). c- (Lit$), lut. ua f'~ '. Gl9t. IU1.

- L-1. a...... (CPSL OI. 61M , 2. tm (L I SI. 61.M; l. L"'* (Lit$} .._... U0 fifl-

lstcn: 1. --· •..OO; .. ~. tf.Jt '°° rltff-1. ~. 61.1 l. UCI. 0 -1: 1. Cal Palv !aft Luk OllllM, 61.l.

1..- ..._1. Am-. l :SUt; 2.. UO. ~

t0-1. ~ ( Ar'Q. ), S· S. 2.. (fil l ..... (CP$L0) ..... ~ fAl'ia.l. S-1 UC'I flllfsMr: • ~. S-1.

U-1. ~ (CflSL.0), ,,..~ 1. •-..m (LBSJ, II--~ 1 Mc£...,.,, (Artl.J, ... Ya. UC'I ~ s. ..,._,,, '7-11•• : 7. ~ l1~714.

TJ-1. ...,,_ ( L..8$), »-t\I). J. L9 <Cf"SLO>. Jt-~ l. Mdt ..... fNIU, •7. UCJ ........... ~ 5. Ga9t. 15-6'~ 7. ~-. J>-2.

s-... PllO-AM *LAllO ~ .................. ~,

...... ~Oivi-. 1 1 fte1¥ $'9~ ICocoe lff . F=la I. U .000

2.. TOOCI MAiier INe-1 ~) '2.000 l s..... '"'- (Huftr!ne•on 8eec1' \1.-0. 4.. Ctvl\ .,_ fs.t'a ~I 1100 S .._, 8uorow« (Hatliwa. Haweii) "511 ~ Creie Colttt (Maeul. SS on.rs 13. 1•ie1 8'ill'I Pon­IF~ Vllltlr l arid J.eff 9oott> <~ 8-:fl).

••• &El .. DMtl9 1. 0.-. ICim (W._ . .,._ I Sl.S., ?

lkfl S.-- (~I. '700 l. Mille Stew•1 tK-. Ha.-.lrl. U. . ._ ltll" Jer"" l~I Mac °""". S- IWl<a M9ftd!ldl .ts.an. Cllme!!ltJ /J:P~WI f~ 9-dtl , 11 Ori'l eu-w-.n (HuntilW!On 8MN\1.

.... (al .....at CllYI

LIGHTWEIGHTS - ltoekv Loellr id8e won -""'*" d9dlion - Hel'OICI Knlliflt "' 1S· round OOUt .. rwt9ln f8F Ii.tit 'O

Santa Anita, Los Al results SaafaAJdta •l--· ..... -.. ...... .. ---. ................... ... .......... ..... -et••t•l•MI -·--· ---- -- -~ ............... .....

.... ...._, T- -- --.....



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Federateel announces pact with Campeau, Macy Acquisition ts largest In U.S. not involving oil companie~

By JOYCE M. ROSENBERG ,, .......... NEW YORK - Campeau Corp. won its 2-month­

old battle for Fcderaled Oepanment Stores Inc. on Fnday. but R.H. Mil;)'&. Co. lnc .• Campeau'srival for the nauon's fifth ~rgcst retailer, will end up -ilh two of Fedcrated·s di visions.

Campeau will acquire Federated for $73.SO a share. ora total of$6.58 billion. Campeau and Federated said in a statement.

Macy camt" away fronf the fight with the I. Magnin chain and the Bullock'sand Bullock's-Wilshire operation. for which 11 "'ould pay S 1. 1 billion. the statement said.

The acqu1s1tion would be the fifth laracst corporate takeover an U.S. histor) . and the largest deal not involving oil companies.

The purchase of thl' two d1v1sions would Jive Macy an expanded presence 1n California and the Southwest.

Most of Macy's nearly t 00 depenment and specially stores are in the eastern half of the country.

Campeau is elpected to sell off Federated's super­market, discount store and specialty store chains includina Ralphs supermarkets in Southern California. as wellassomeofitsdepenmentstorechains. TheCanadian compeny previously urced to sell the Foley's and Filene's dcpanmcnt stores to May Department Stores Co. ifit won the fi&ht for Federated.

Waller ~b. a fr'tail industry analyst with the investment firm Morgan Stanley & Co.. predicted Goldsmith's department stores also would 10 on the block.

He said Campeau likely would retain ''the core companies that made Federated" - Bloomingdale's, Lazarus and Abraham & Straus.

Federated also owns Burdine's and Rich's depan-ment stores. ·

Macy aarced to terminate a merger •g.reement it reached with Federated last month. The definiti ve agreement signed by the three companies also calls for Macy to be paid $60 million for its expenses in tht' takeover fi&}lt .

Edward S. Finkelstein. Macy's chairman. said his company w•s pleased with the outcome and believed "we

Computer solutions found at International Spectrum Anaheim exposition visitors saw what is available today

orpnization. " This is the seventh annuaJ event in the United

States. but the first time it's b«n held in California, where the show wasconceiyed and where world hcadquaners for Spectrum is located. That's one of the reasons we wanted this homecoming to be our best show ever ...

By rLENE SCHNEIDER DellJ ...... c ....... - ··

Giobbi explained that International SpecJrum is not a computer show or a computer trade show.

Man~ computer soft1Aare and hardware manufac­turers purpon to ha' e the ideal solullon to a gJven bu.sanessperson·s problrm. L' nfortunatel). the busi­nessperson~ften hear the frustra11ng .,_, o rds. ··but 1t won't run on an~one else's computer ··

" h 's a businessperson' s computer show, with demonstrauons of hundreds and hundreds of solutions developed b) computer manufacturers, consultants, value-added dealers. softwart publishers •nd even computer-users themselves." he said. " It's a once-a-year opportunity for people who need to use computers in business. or who want to modernize and computerize. to see first-hand and hands-on what's ava ilable right now."

.\ Sa n Diego-based rnmpan~ . lnternauon~I Databa c Management ..\ssoc1at1on Inc. (IDBMA). has come up with a real solution to that problem. It created lntema11onal Spectrum. a worldwide annual series of expos111ons and conferences for business computer~users .. Eve~ S)Stcm - eve~ piece of hardware and software sho.,_,n - 1s compauble "' llh e 'ery other S}Stem on the Ooor. ,.\ttcndces can shop for solutions rather than computers.

Using Solution Finder symbols in the show directory and on exhibits. attendce-s are able to easily identify the l ) pes of applications and solutions being demonstrated. They can find the widest range of applications shown under a single roof. according to Giobb1.

The most recent e'<pos111on. held tn Anaheim last week. offered more than 100.000 square feet of exhibits and demonstrations of modem and anno"atl\·e business computer soluu ons. The sho"' floor fea tured computer hardware built b) such \ Omputer giants as IBM. Digital

.Equipment Corp .. NCR. Honeyv.ell. Altos. EC. Prime.

Attendees also had the chance to meet tomorrow's com puter stars at The W.re-Housc. a testing ground of new products from budding entrepreneurial companies. The attendees could browse through the International Spectrum bookstore, a collection of bo6ks, manu•ls, magazines. newsletters, directories and workbooks. Many of the •uthors were on hand for the occasion. Fuj itsu and others. as v.-ell as hundreds of proven

apphcat1ons for today's business and government computer-users.

IDBMA produces the annual exhibitions all over the world. publishes computer magazines in the U nited States and various other countries. pubhshes a technical Journal with worldwide c ircula11on and offers an annual business software catalog.

" lnternat1onal Spectrum has become the bus1-nesspcrson·s favontc computer show all O\ er the world." said Gus G1obb1. founder and chairman of ns sponsonng

Health service> firms report quarter, annual profits up mm Dally POet w1re ,.."'

Laauna Hills.-bascd Commnity Pt7cilatrtc Ceaten has announced that eaminp per share for the first quarter of its fiscal vear ended Feb. 29' 1988. were 3 7 een ts com pared with 32 cents for the first quarter of the prior }'Car. a J 5.6 percent increase.

Total rcvcnues, net earnings and average shares outstandm& for the first q uarter of 1988 were S8 t .6:?6 .000. S 16.836.000 and 45.946.000. respcctiveh . compared .,_, 1th $68.421.000. S I 4}i86.000. and 45.:?88.000 for the first quaner of the prio! ~car.

CPC owns and operates a chain of acute psychiatric hospitals. It also provides alcoholic trr atment ser­vices. operates a chain of kidney di•lysis centers. and owns a home hcahh care services bu-;iness. These facilit ies are located primanly in the western and southeast.Im U nited States and an the Unit~ Kingdom.

Americu Heald! Servitts Cery .. a Ncwpon Beach-based operator of o utpati en t d iagnostic imaging centers. has announced its financ ial results of operations for the year ended Dec. 31. 1987.

According to AmenC'an Health's president. S. Lewis Meyer. " With the addition offivc new center operations in the founh quarter and more centers in various sta&e'i of develop­ment. we stfould be •hie to s1gnifi, cantly improve upon our growth of the last two years."

percent to $ 3.0 17. 355 from S 1.818,26 7 in 1986. Oil and ps sales incre•scd 70 percent from Sl .374,303 in 1986 to $2,344,946 this year. Seahawk had a net loss of $671.362, or I I ttnts per share. for the year. compared to• loss of $:\.953,563. or 72 cents per share in 1986.

Income from ccntrr operations (after provision for profit distribu- In Laauna Hills Heidi's Pntet1 tio n) incrused 47 percent .l: YoHrt s\1ppea IK. has announced $647.507 for the year ended Dec. 31. at con<fffionso 1 s ma~tn1\"l-n~hi I 987 __.. · h $4 '9 66S fi h agreement with Nissin 5upr Ma nu-

. compa'"" wit · ort e factunng Co. Ltd. and \. ltoh Metals previous year. Amencnn Health re- & Materials Co. Ltd. of Tokyo have ported a net operating lo'is for the year been met, under which Nissin and C. ended Dec. 31 . 1987. of S4.951.700. I h .11 d I 353 H 'd " This loss inclucks $ ~ .612.600 in to WI eve Op Up to . Cl IS elpensn incurred as a result of Frogcn Yozun .s~~ppcs 1n J~pan . Am~ric~nHealth's inve,tment in the Because t~e 1n1t1al frnn£h1sc_fce-_of clinical research and dC' velopmcnt of $800.q<>O will be rcc<>(!,nizea as m­Trans-Cranial Electrostimulation come 1n M~rch. the company ex~ts Thcra~y (TCET). for which the that operat1<?ns for the quaner cndan& exclusive domestic lic('nsc was~ a · .rch.31 will~ profitab. I~ . quired by the companv in Janua President He1d1 A. Miller com-1987. Corporate opera11ng cxpen . mentcd , .. We arc fort.unate to~ able at ycar~nd, was adverst"ly affected by to. cross-promote the mtroduct1on, .bY. center pre-opening exp<>nscs without sti!I a~othcr company .. of the Hc1~i the benefit of offsctttn@ revenue and Miller s Hard ~y F1.tness ~r 1n income from those new centers. Japa~ ._ In fact. 1n .m1d-Apnl t~

telev1ston commercial"' w1U befin airin& cmphasizina Heidi's winn1na commitment to health and fitness. ..

have made a prudent dttision. Campeau, a Toronto-hued real estate developer that

also owns Allied Stores Corp. in the United States, won Federated followina two meetinp of the retailer's board this week.

Fcdcrited manaeemcnt had sided with Macy in the belief the company's future as a retailer would be more secure.

Campeau's offer was expected to remain open until April 14. subject tp thC' company's obtainina financina commitments. but it mi&ht be eltended until May 12.

Before Friday's meetina. Macy had offered to buy Federated for $6. 73 billion, while Campeau bid S6.62 billion.

Friday's deal ran :\Iona the lines of the "lockup" aarccment between M:l('y and Federated last month. which p vc Macy the right to buy Bullock's and Maanin if the two companies' merger fell through.

Campeau 's winnina bid was SO centH·share less. but a source close to the negotiations said that the two offers were " rouahly equivaknf' for Fedenlted stockholden because cam~u would be peyina all the money at once under Frida)' s qreetMnt.

Macy offered on Thursday to pey $78.92 a share in cash for 80 percent of Fcderated's 89.5 million outstandinJ shares. It offered to pay $60 in cash or exchanae five shares in the ra.ersed compeny, Macy's.­Federated Inc., for each remainin1 Federated share. That would have produced a deal'with an agrepte value of

After Campeau bought Allied In 1986. it sold off most of Allied's store divisions to pay off debt. and ever since Campeau launched its bid on Jan. 25. analysts have predicted the same fate would befall Federated .

"I'm sa<t about the fact that a fine depanment store like Federated is being split up and decimated," Loeb said.

$75. 14 I share. • Federated stock closed at $72.871/i a share on the New

York Stock Exchan~ on Thursday. The stock mark.et was Durina his battle for Federated. Campeau Chairman Roben Campeau announced he would sell another Allied divtSion, Brooks Brothers. to the British retailer Marks •nd Spencer PLC if he acquired Federated.

closed for Good Fnday. · Federated had reached a mef1Cr qrttO\ent with

Macy on March 2 but reopened the biddinJ after Campeau, a Canadian real estate developer. msed its off er last week.

Many anal~ havC' said Campeau wanted Federated because it provided a foothold into shopping malls.


Partners honored byNutri/System

Betty Otte of Costa Mesa and her partner JoM ltnsey of Corona dcl Mar along with MuiuH Balley of Newport ~ach and her partner Jerry Symco1 of Los Gatos have been honored among the country's top N•trt/ Sy1tem. franchise owners. With 10 centers throughout Southern C:ilifomia. the honorees join an elite group of eight franchisees to t'C singled out for superior rrformance nationally. Nutri/ Systr m's 880 company-owned an franchised centers in the U nited States and Canada provide a program of individual superv1S1on. a proprietary meal plan which uses the company's caloric-cont rolled. nutritionally balanced. prc-packa~ food oroducts. beha vior education and mild exercise. ·

• • • The promotion of J.U R. Banes to ·vice president of water

rcsourcesenginecnngat a.bert Bela, William Frost Ir A11oc:latet has been announced by th~· multi-disciplined civil engineering. l•nd planning and surveying firm wnh offices in Irvine. Rancho California and Palm C:X·~rt : ·

• • • StepHll E . Hester ofSouth Laguna has bttn promoted to proJrct


manager for TM Bile Corp. His rcsp~>nsibilities include overseeing development of the company's residential projects beina built in R•ncho NiJuel. the award-winning 600-acrc master-planned community in Laguna Niguel. Hester's construction career bepin in 1974 when he founded n home-building company.

• • • Irvine resident Fru CUToll, assistant vice president and branch

m•nagcr. will superviS(' the activities of 'ne llamaMed C..'1 new Mission Vicjo- loafH)rigination office, The-Newport Beach-based monpae bankins firm is opening its 22nd branch to "accommodate the thrivin& new home huilding and resale markets in south Orange County," accordina to Thomas T . Hammond. prnident.

• • • Directors ofg)T M ... fachlrtq Co. in Long ~ach h•ve elected

Dale J. Geaulel of Irvine as senior vice president and treasurer of this national manufae1 urcr of recreational vehicles and manufac· tured housing.

• • • • , MarlletPnAmertca isdtpandingitsoperations with two offices

in Irvine and laauna Hills and two new staff members - PrttcWa s,IM and Jlm Refer - both communications majors at Cal State f'"ullerton who will araduatc in June. Spinn's emphasis in in advenisina- and Rufcr' co is in public relations. She ha.s written for several ncwspepen and he had ei&ht yean of advenisina typ<?Snphy. Mart.et Pro America handles ~ublic relations. advenisina and rnatkctina for small to medium-sn~ed businesses.

PriCing rebates extended for cars By JANET BRAUNSTEIN ,, .......

DETROIT - Chrysler Corp. says it will offer a $7SO rebate or discount loan financina on its slow-scllina new Ea&)e Premier. while G('neral Motors Corp. said it was extending its buyer incentive pr~m on cutain Buick and Oldsmobtlc models.

Chrysler's new rebate prosram takes effect Friday and will continue indefinitely. The rebate or anl)ual rates of 8.8 percent on loans of up to 72 months may be applied to purchases or teases of the Canadian­built car.

" Eqle is a brand-new nameplate and customers arc still unsure what it stands for." Chris Cederarcn. analyst with J .O.. Power and o\s.sociatcs in suburban Los Angeles. said Thurs-day. •

" New models. when they arc introduced in a market full of incen­tives. need incentives on them now to draw attention," he added. Other­wise, buyers ianorc the new cars and look for m'odels bcarini sale taas. he said.

" Premier needed a level playing field. It has a chance to compete now because it has incent ives on it," Cedcrarcn said.

William Hotlund. a GM vice prnident and uccutiv(' in cha~ of its Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac group. made similar comments eartier last week about GM's new Auick Repl.

Despite pricina that GM con­sidered low for a new model, Repl's sales were disappointing until early March, when GM offered option­packqc discounu of up to $900 on the car. Hotlund said.

Last Thunday, Buick and Old• mobile eltendcd incentives sched­uled to npire April IS until May 11 . followina a similar step by Chevrolet.

Buick utmdcd rebates ranaina from $400 to S7SO on four models anooptlon-:pectqe ditl"ounts-on--six models includina ltepl. Oldsmobile extended similar rebates on four models and option disrounts on six models.

As of March 20. Chr) ster had sold onl,Y S,086 Premier models since the cars introduction late last year, includina 4.894 durina 1988 . Ccdcraren said Chrysler had e•pected Premier to take off slowly.

On the GM products, Bu.ick rebates include $"400 on Skylark and $7SO on Century. LeSabft and "Eeetii-Park A venue. Can must be delivered by May I L Rebetes may be used as down payments or taken in cash.

Oldsmobile rebates include S400 on Calaisand Cutlass Calaisand S 7 SO on Cutlau Cicn. Dclta 88 and Nincty·Eiaht.

()ption-peckqc discounts arc a vailable on all rebate models as well as Buick Rcpl and Skyhawk and Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme and Toronado.

Revenues for the year were $5.615.000. compared with the previous yea r 's revenues of $3.830.000. an incrca5( of 48 percent.

s.Man OU latenatieul lac., an independent oil and p s uploration company in Newpon &ach. rePQned last Thursday its mult 'I for the 'year ended Dec. 31. 1987.

Revenues for the year increased 66


Market's qu8.rtergrade: Not bad

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F'or ..,.,...._ all (114) $29-1155

BJ CHET CUlllUEll drop in inflationary expecuuons. JO iDdustrials "* 9. l l IO 1,911.06, cloaiQI out tbc ,.,....._.,.. But savinp and loafl bo&dina computes, W.querterwidunetpinol49.23points.

NEW YORK - Tbe stock market spent the down 7.s percent. 1ttmed to be sipalina expecu.. <>mer r-dinp for tbe week showed the fl.{St three months of 1988 bealina 10mc of the tions of risin1 intcrnt rates prompted by incrated NYSF1 compaeile iDda up 0.02 at 146.60; llw wounds it suffered last fall . inflationary prnsurcs. NASDAQ compolite index for the over-tbe--

But as the end of the quancr arrived on Still. analystut 10rne of Wall Streei'1 biaett counecr awbt up 2.10 at 374.64, and a.be Thunday. it was still aufferina from the after- brokcrqt firms describe the touchy, cautious Americu Slack Eacbanee martet value index up effects of tbt cnancb that culminated on Black mood of invcston as • sipif1C1Dt plus for the I. 77 at 29&.43. Monda Oct 19 martctoutlookovcrtbcnexthmontbsatleul. Volmne on the Bil~ •\'el'lllDll t4&IO

y · · "We doubt if I medium-tam ,,_ iD tbe miJlioe ......_ a .a..v, -i- I S7.26 -~11~- • ..._ BJ boldint a moderate but stcady pecc of ._ -- ,..., - __. wii; sro-m. t~ economy has done iu pan '° far 10 market will be m8dc amid alWtlQI WOii ia we bdn. rea11Ure invC110n that the mth wasn't an about a aoo IU'Olll or too weak ecmomy," fAlwd Y....U. ecoeamill rr-..W­immediate barblnetr of a recetlioG or worw. maintains Phil Roth. a leebnical analyst at llCk Setwilill, lilll beeB a veal ODdmill lllely,

Vei many f'ristnCMd analysu aad invaton Sbelnon Lehman Huttoa Inc. =· !!._-.dy powt.b ii pombie lw IM Mat seem reluctant to put m11eb credence in the • 1'bele worries keep bu)ills po-er oa lbe ,__ favorable ne--. reuonint tblt tbc martet last tall sidelines nd eabance tile .....,.., tedlnical . Hec:mlndlt.Mtdle~tbe fore11w sometbint tbal batn't yet become vi11blt Polftioe. It ii lllOft lilicty IMI a rml ta, wiU be ~ -~ DOW nat a dliree of to the naked eye. llllde ..._ in""°" • Kit~ buJill llOCt ~ cmr •DM•ic · ·

If tbe economy isn•a toJnt IO slide immedi· dewitt 1'111 ftaltd1n1lll worrill. Eowmywide rw nlw • unliUIJ to •~f into 1 rec:aaion, the pessimiSU lflUC, tbea it At Merrill Lynda. c:Md-'tt wlYll Robcn occur in tltt ftllure." .. ....,.... ... ,. • 1aloas mipt be htati• up 10 much that the Federal Famllcoa~ .. We~d91--lmlllown dm•limilllltDCllltlill.._.llsaadllttDnof lltlrrve will be fOrced 10 tilbten C'l'edit. induciae a unUIUll lddert~ns ....... l• IP• oltM ....... dlle cautry • ... 1iWJ IO occw. buliWMJlumpletaOD. of ... Oclober. ........ ......... , DmJ ....

T1w coef'ulion tat re1ps in die~ OCUC.ofta.iftiWsi8dco.ce1n-...10t.111" 'lii~ lo ii..._, • ...,,• CM _.... is illustmed by tbe twO wont-pcriblati1111 •ock of tJw waft or wony ..... IUOlll ed~ ... lO .,...., .. - .... .. - .... ,.wr poupt in tbe tint qu.ntt Woalla w.da 23, u bcppQI." •• 11' • calculated by 5'aftdanl A Poor-1 Corp. Tlllr _... iMdt w .-.a.,... ie '"<Wea•• nidw.. ?Nmeillwllld

I . l

Gold miniftl stocks wufJued tbe btelNt lbe•weet.w1Uda-cuttofoui'1111 wbydle •••lidoa-...s....-11•-.1uc1u dttline, tallin1l.fpm:ent,pmumablyrdlfcilill1 Oood Fridly holiday. Tbr Dow Joaaa•a• ~ Knuto.._.. • ..._. .. .a._......_ .. , __ _

•• J

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