UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer

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Transcript of UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer





    -Khwhnhe Vjrtheyhhe Nudu Vjebjogohhe Lesthohsl Dgaputjr Dhrhebhe Npd%

    Rhmyu Eurkhyh RD/ SP/ A%Dga ,

    GOJM ;



  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer


    8ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    3ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6% Zetud ajeuekheb djeyhahehe djrkh `hoha ruheb dgaputjr/ pjrjechehhelesthohsl yheb sjpjrtl hph yheb mhrus He`h rjechehdhe kldh He`h h`hohm

    sjgrheb ahehkjr yheb mhrus ajebhanlo djputushe djnlkhdshehhe hths

    lesthohsl ruheb dgaputjr7

    Khwhn; Zetud ajeuekheb djeyhahehe djrkh `hoha ruheb dgaputjr/ ahdh

    pjrjechehhe lesthohsl yheb shyh pldlrdhe ojnlm djph`h pjrjechehhe ilsld%

    Vjrjechehhhe ilsld `l slel h`hohm pjajeumhe pjrhohthe/ pjrojebdhphe/

    leirhstrudtur `he ihslolths yheb mhrus h`h `hoha ruheb dgaputjr% H`h pue

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    0ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    :ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    9ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6,^uheb pjelekhuhe^uhebhe lel `hpht `liuebsldhe sjnhbhl tjapht cgetrgo quholty nhbl

    nhblhe prg`udsl hthu sjnhbhl tjapht dgetrgo `he vhol`hsl `hth nhbl

    nhblhe pjebgohmhe `hth%

    83,Pjapht pjrduapuohe djrkh^uhebhe lel `lpjruetuddhe djtldh h`h djblhthe jvhouhsl hthu ageltgrleb

    pjdjrkhhe yheb hdhe hthu tjohm `llapojajethsldhe% ^uhebhe lel kubh

    `hpht `lbuehdhe gojm ahehbjr uetud ajohdudhe rhpht tjetheb djahkuhe

    nlsels pjrushmhhe%

    80,Pjapht pjeylaphehe nhrheb^uheb mhr`whrj ajojebdhpl pjrjechehhe lesthohsl ruheb dgaputjr%

    @jebhe h`heyh ruheb mhr`whrj `lmhrhpdhe hdhe ajau`hmdhe `hoha

    pjebjogohhe pjrhwhthe pjrhebdht dgaputjr `l nhblhe hthu uelt

    pjebgohmhe hth%

    3% Djtldh pjrushmhhe He`h hdhe ajejrhpdhe slstja dgaputjrlshsl/ thmhphehph shkh yheb mhrus `lpjrmhtldhe hbhr pjrjechehhe lesthohsl dgaputjr

    njrkhohe sjsuhl `jebhe tukuhe pjrushmhhe7 Njrldhe stu`l dhsus sjhe`hleyh

    He`h ajaloldl sjnuhm pjrushmhhe( Kjohsdhe thmhphe yheb hdhe He`h

    khohedhe `hoha pjebjanhebhe dgaputjrlshsl pjrushmhhe He`h(

    Khwhn; Phmhp yheb mhrus `lpjrmhtldhe hbhr pjrjechehhe lesthohsl

    dgaputjr njrkhohe sjsuhl `jebhe tukuhe pjrushmhhe yhltu; -8, Phmhphe

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    2ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6, Phmhphe pjeuohrhe4 -3, Phmhphhe Vjebjththe4 -0, Phmhphe

    letjbrhsl4 -:, Phmhphe h`alelstrhsl4 -9, Phmhphe pjahthebhe%

    Stu`l Dhsus; Alshoeyh shyh ajaloldl pjrushmhhe `jebhe ehah CY% Cjrlh!

    Prhes% Vjrushmhhe lel h`hohm pjrushmhhe yheb njrbjrhd `l nl`heb Pgur he`

    Prhvjo% Hwhoeyh pjrushmhhe shyh lel mheyh ajaloldl dhetgr pusht `l

    Nhe`ueb `he shtu dhetgr chnheb `l Khdhrth% Ehaue sjdhrheb lel/ sjohle

    dhetgr chnheb `l Khdhrth/ su`hm ajaloldl dhetgr chnheb `l Nhetje/

    Clrjnge/ \gbyhdhrth/ Ahoheb/ `he Surhnhyh% Sjtjohm ajajrmhtldhe

    pjrdjanhebhe `he pjrtuanumhe pjrushmhhe/ shyh sjohdu pjalold/ `lrjdtur/

    `he sjdholbus pjalaple pjrushmhhe/ njrjecheh ajejrhpdhe slstja

    dgaputjrlshsl ph`h pjrushmhhe shyh% H`h pue rjecheh thmhphe yheb hdhe

    shyh tjapum `hoha pjejrhphe slstja dgaputjrlshsl ph`h pjrushmhhe shyh


    h% Phmhp VjebjehoheVh`h thmhp lel/ djblhthe dgaputjrshsl `lrjechehdhe tjrpusht ph`h

    hpoldhsl yheb ajebhrhm djph`h pjeburhebhe nlhyh/ sjpjrtl pjanuhthe

    wjnsltj!pjrushmhhe/ pjejrlahhe `he pjebjouhrhe djuhebhe/ pjanuhthe

    `hithr bhkl dhryhwhe/ `he ohle sjnhbhleyh% Spjslholshsl `lrjechehdhe

    auohl tjrnjetud `jebhe h`heyh khnhthe!khnhthe gpjrhtgr dgaputjr/

    prgbrhaajr/ `he heholsls%

    n% Phmhp VjeuohrheVh`h thmhp lel/ aheihht dgaputjrlshsl hdhe auohl `lsh`hrl gojm dhohebhe

    ouhs CY% Cjrlh!Prhes% Hpoldhsl pue auohl njrthanhm/ sjpjrtl hpoldhsl !

    hpoldhsl djsjkhmtjrhhe dhryhwhe/ Hpoldhsl Pldjtleb!Geolej/ `he ohle!ohle%

    Dhryhwhe pue ajaloldl khnhthe yheb ojnlm tjrspjslholshsl sjpjrtl

    systjas prgbrhajrs/ scljetlilc hppolchtlge prgbrhaajr/ systja hehoys/

    `he systja `jslbejr/ yheb uauaeyh ojnlm njrgrljethsl ph`h djogapgd


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    =ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    86ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6, Kldh djnlkhdhe yheb `lsgslholshsldhe tjohm `l HCC/ ahdh shyh hdheajeuekud tla dmusus yheb njrtubhs ajohdshehdhe `he

    ajesudsjsdhe djnlkhdhe yheb tjohm `l hanlo%

    3, Ajrjechehdhe `he ajejthpdhe h`heyh hdtlvlths ejj`hehoysls'heholsls djnutumhe sjnjoua djnlkhdhe `lrjholshsldhe%

    Heholsls djnutumhe lel uetud ajolmht hph!hph shkh mhr`whrj/

    sgitwhrj/ Suanjr @hyh Aheuslh -S@A,/ `he leirhstrudtur slstja

    dgaputjrlshsl yheb njehr!njehr `lnutumdhe nhbl pjrushmhhe%

    0, Ajaleth tla dmusus yheb uetud ajohdshehdhe heholsls djnutumheyheb tjohm `lchehebdhe%

    :, Ajaleth tla dmusus uetud ajrhecheb `he ajohdudhe jstlahslnjr`hshrdhe heholsls djnutumhe yheb sjnjouaeyh tjohm `lohdshehdhe%

    Jstlahsl lel ajolputl jstlahsl hebbhrhe nlhyh/ whdtu/ S@A/

    sgitwhrj/ mhr`whrj/ `he leirhstrudtur yheb `lpjroudhe%

    9, Ajrhecheb `he ajejthpdhe Sthe`hr Gpjrhslgeho Vrgsj`ur -SGV,djrkh uetud ajrjholshsldhe djnlkhdhe%

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    88ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    8>ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6 Vrgcjssgr Letjo Vjetlua Cgrj @ug

    3 Mhr`lsd Sjhbhtj SHPH 3>6 BN

    0 Ajagry Ylsl Vrg @@^> 8 BN

    : YBH Genghr`

    9 Sgue` Genghr`

    2 OHE Chr` Genghr`

    = Gptlc @rlvj Shasueb @Y@ ^R< Vgrwjr Suppoy Sthe`hr

    Bhanhr dgapgeje!dgapgeje dgaputjr ph`h thnjo `l hths h`hohm

    tjrsjnut sjnhbhl njrldut;

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer


    83ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6, Ajapjrslhpdhe uhebheShyh hdhe ajohdudhe pjrhdlthe dgaputjr `l ruhebhe tjrtutup `he

    njnhs `jnu% L`jhoeyh `l ruhebhe njr!HC -hlr cge`ltlge,% Shyh kubh

    hdhe ajeylhpdhe ajkh djrkh yheb cudup ojnhr uetud ajehrum sjauh

    pjrhohthe `he pjrojebdhphe/ sjrth ajehrum sjnuhm dursl yheb

    eyhahe% Vh`h whdtu ajrhdlt shyh kubh tl`hd ajrgdgd/ dhrjeh hnu

    rgdgd nlsh ajebgtgrl `he ajrushd dgapgeje VC/ tjruthah prgsjsgr%

    Hlr aleua kubh shyh khumdhe `hrl ajkh djrkh% Vh`h shht njrdjrkh/

    shyh kubh ajebbuehdhe ohapu `jebhe pjejrhebhe yheb cudup duht%

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    80ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    8:ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    89ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    82ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    8=ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >6ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >8ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >>ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >3ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6,Ajahsheb YBH `he Sgue` Chr`Dhrjeh dgapgeje YBH `he Sgue` Chr` yheb shyh rhdlt njrsliht

    genghr`/ kh`l shyh tl`hd hdhe ajanhmhs pjahshebhe YBH Chr` `he

    Sgue` Chr`% Sjnhn/ shyh ajanjol Agtmjrnghr` yheb su`hm

    ajeyjrthdhe YBH Chr` `he Sgue` Chr` sjchrh Genghr`% YBH Chr`

    `he Sgue` Chr` Genghr` nlhsheyh `lpjruetudhe nhbl pjebbueh

    dgaputjr ruahmhe -Vjrsgeho Cgaputjr!VC,% Iuebsl uthah mheyh

    sjnhbhl `lspohy -pjebmunueb, dj ageltgr `he ajebjouhrdhe suhrh hoh

    dh`hreyh% Kldh dgaputjr yheb dlth rhdlt hdhe `lbuehdhe uetud Yl`jg

    J`ltleb/ @jshle Brhils hthu Bhajs yheb nutum pjrigrah YBH tlebbl/

    slohmdhe njol YBH Chr` tjrplshm% H`h nheyhd ajrd `jebhe mhrbh

    vhrlhtli% Zetud sogt -`u`udhe,/ nlhsheyh HBV hthu VCL Jxsprjss%

    Ahdh/ phstldhe puoh Agtmjrnghr` yheb `lnjol ajaloldl Sogt HBV

    hthu VCL Jxsprjss tjrsjnut% Djojnlhmhe YBH Genghr` ojnlm sthnlo%

    Dhrjeh mheyh uetud `lspohy shkh% Njrnj`h `jebhe YBH Chr`

    tjrplshm% Shht sjrleb `lnudh `he `lbhetl h`h djauebdlehe sogt!eyh

    hus hthu rushd%

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer


    >0ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:66

    BN vjrsl SHPH% Vjrnj`hhe hethrh SHPH `he HPH -L@J, h`hohm

    njetud cgogdhe dhnjo/ SHPH djclo sj`hebdhe HPH ojnhr `he tlpls%

    Zetud ajahsheb/ slohdhe ahsuddhe Mhr`lsd% \heb h`h ohnjoeyh

    ajebmh`hp djhths% Djau`lhe htur hbhr ounheb yheb h`h `l Mhr`lsd

    sjkhkhr `jebhe ounheb ph`h chsleb% Duhtdhe `jebhe nhut `he

    phstldhe hbhr phtje -tl`hd njrbgyheb,% Hbhr ojnlm kjohs/ `hpht

    `lolmht pjahshebhe mhr`lsd ph`h bhanhr njrldut lel;

    80,Ajahsheb @Y@ ^R -Gptlcho @rlvj,Nhblhe `jphe sjnjohm hths chsleb yheb `lmhohebl houauelua h`hohm

    tjapht uetud ajeylaphe Gptlc @rlvj -C@'@Y@ ^GA/ `oo%,/ tjebhm

    uetud ajeylaphe Ioggpy @lsd `he nhblhe nhwhm uetud ajeylaphe


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    >:ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >9ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6

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    >2ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6% Njrldhe cgetgm rjho ushmh yheb hdhe He`h djanhebdhe/ sjmlebbh loaupjebjogohhe lesthohsl dgaputjr `hpht `laheihhtdhe( Nuhtohm loustrhsl

    khrlebhe dgaputjr yheb hdhe He`h nhebue uetud ajanhetu `he

    ajau`hmdhe pjebjogohhe `hth pjrushmhhe'grbhelshsl He`h% -Chththe;

    nl`heb ushmh yheb hdhe He`h nhebue sjohle whrejt/ dhrjeh ushmh whrejt

    tjohm `lkh`ldhe cgetgm stu`l dhsus `hoha nudu,%

    Khwhn; Cgetgm ushmh rjho; Ajanhebue khrlebhe dgaputjr CY% Cjrlh!

    Prhes chnheb Surhnhyh%

    h% Vrgilo pjrushmhhe `he bhanhrhe uaua dhsusCY% Cjrlh!Prhes h`hohm pjrushmhhe yheb njrbjrhd `l nl`heb Pgur he`

    Prhvjo% Hwhoeyh pjrushmhhe lel mheyh ajaloldl dhetgr pusht `l Nhe`ueb `he

    shtu dhetgr chnheb `l Khdhrth% Ehaue sjdhrheb lel/ hdlnht pjrtuanumhe

    `he pjrdjanhebheeyh yheb pjsht/ sjohle dhetgr chnheb `l Khdhrth/ CY%

    Cjrlh!Prhes kubh ajanudh dhetgr chnheb `l Nhetje/ Clrjnge/ \gbyhdhrth

    `he Ahoheb% Vjrdjanhebhe tjrsjnut shohm shtueyh `lhdlnhtdhe gojm ahdle

    nheyhdeyh custgajr yheb ajebbuehdhe khsh CY% Cjrlh!Prhes dhrjeh

    pjohyheheeyh yheb gptlaho `he prgijslgeho% Ajolmht pjrtuanumhe `he

    pjrdjanhebhe yheb slblelildhe/ plaplehe pusht CY% Cjrlh!Prhes njrjecheh

    ajohdudhe jdsphesl mlebbh dj Khwh Plaur `jebhe ajanudh dhetgr chnheb

    `l Surhnhyh% Vjanudhhe dhetgr chnheb lel tjetueyh ajajroudhe S@A `he

    leirhstrudtur yheb ajah`hl% Leirhstrudtur tjrsjnut tjrahsud

    pjanhebuehe khrlebhe `l dhetgr chnheb yheb nhru% Sjnhbhl tjehbh LP CY%

    Cjrlh!Prhes/ shyh `ltubhsdhe gojm pusht uetud ajanhebue khrlebhe

    tjrsjnut% Njrldut loustrhsl khrlebhe dgaputjr uetud dhetgr chnheb nhru

    CY% Cjrlh!Prhes yheb shyh rhecheb;

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer


    >=ZPS he ZHS VLD! ny; Shth Hswjo Vutrh -86:6 grheb sjnhbhl sthi djuhebhe/ 8 grheb

    sjnhbhl djphoh chnheb/ `he 8 grheb ohbl sjnhbhl hslstje djphoh chnheb%

    Zetud lesirhstrudtur sje`lrl/ tjr`lrl hths njnjrhph mhr`whrj `he

    sgitwhrj/ njrldut olsteyh;

    Eg Ehah @jvlcj Kuaohm Djtjrhebhe

    8 Dgaputjr sjrvjr-Dgaputjr sthi LP,

    8 uelt Spjslildhsl; Vrgsjsgr letjo l!2/^HA 0 BN/ YBH 8 BN/ M@@ :66


    > Dgaputjr sthii < uelt Spjslildhsl; Vrgsjsgr letjo l!3/

    ^HA > BN/ YBH :8> AN/ M@@

    :66 BN

    3 Dhnjo ZPV :6 ajtjr Strhtjbl pjebdhnjohe Strhlbmt!

    tmrgubm Zetud tlhp dgaputjr dj


    0 Dgejdtgr >: nuhm Dgejdtgr yheb `lbuehdhe h`hohm


    : Cgecjetrhtgr 8 uelt Swltcm yheb ajaloldl 89 pgrt

    9 Sgitwhrj !Gs yheb `lbuehdhe ph`h tlhp

    dgaputjr h`hohm wle`gws 2

    !sjcurlty yheb `lbuehdhe h`hohm

    hetl vlrus `he hetl ahowhrj


    2 Ag`ja Ag`ja yheb `lbuehdhe h`hohm

    ag`ja spjj`y

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer



    8% @jsdrlpsldhe sjchrh slebdht hph yheb `lahdsu` `jebhe Rhrdht(Khwhn; Rhrdht ajruphdhe sjtlhp chththe tjrtuols/ njrbhanhr/ hthu

    tjrjdha yheb njrlsl djtjrhebhe tjetheb suhtu pjrlstlwh hthu mho yheb

    `lnuht uetud ajanhetu lebhthe%

    >% Kldh He`h h`hohm sjgrheb ahehkjr ph`h sjnuhm pjrushmhhe yheb ahslmajaloldl slstja pjebjogohhe `hth ajebbuehdhe pjebhrslphe/ ahdh

    ohebdhm hph yheb hdhe He`h ohdudhe uetud pjebjogohhe hrslp tjrsjnut/

    sjmlebbh `hoha pjahdhlheeyh jilslje `he jijdtli7

    Khwhn; Kldh shyh h`hohm sjgrheb ahehkjr ph`h sjnuhm pjrushmhhe

    yheb ahslm ajaloldl slstja pjebjogohhe `hth ajebbuehdhe pjebhrslphe/

    ahdh ohebdhm yheb hdhe shyh ohdudhe uetud pjebjogohhe hrslp yhltu;

    h% Ajanuht `hithr ihdtgr!ihdtgr yheb ajapjebhruml `hohaajejetudhe pjeylaphehe `he pjebjogohhe hrslp sjpjrtl njshr

    djcloeyh grbhelshsl/ ouhs sjaplteyh djblhthe/ vgouaj surht/ tjehbh

    djhrslphe yheb tjrsj`lh/ `he pjrhohthe yheb `laloldl%

    n% Njr`hshrdhe pjrtlanhebhe ihdtgr!ihdtgr yheb ajapjebhruml `hohapjejetuhe pjeylaphehe `he pjebjogohhe hrslp/ ahdh `lpldlrdheohmnjrnhbhl ahcha slstja pjeylaphehe `he pjebjogohhe hrslp yheb

    sjsuhl `he ajekhale djohechrhe djrkh pjrushmhhe% Ajekhale

    djohechrhe djrkh `l slel alshoeyh hrslp tjrsjnut mhrus `hpht

    `ltjaudhe djanhol `jebhe cjpht sjtlhp dhol `lnutumdhe%

    c% Ajalolm shtu slstja pjeylaphehe `he pjebjogohhe hrslp yheb pholebjijdtli/ jilslje/ sjrth cgcgd `jebhe pjrushmhhe `hrl sjdlhe nheyhd

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    ahcha slstja pjeylaphehe `he pjebjogohhe hrslp yheb tjohm

    `lpldlrdhe sjnjouaeyh%

    Jvhouhsl mhohahe 393Nuhtohm pjrhechebhe slstja leigrahsl sj`jrmheh uetud ajebhthsl ahshohm yheb

    tlanuo `hoha grbhelshsl lesthohsl dgaputjr/ hdlnht nheyhdeyh prgsjs yheb ahslm

    `ldjrkhdhe sjchrh aheuho `he nheyhdeyh hrslp yheb au`hm usheb `he mloheb(

    Chththe; He`h `llkledhe uetud ajanuht dhsus sje`lrl% Bhanhrdhe sjchrh ojebdhp

    pjrhechebhe slstja He`h `hrl auohl thmhp rjqulrjajet djnutume slstja shaphl

    `jebhe lapojajethsl `he pjebuklhe slstja% He`h `llkledhe uetud ajebbhanhrdhe

    prgsjs ajebbuehdhe gnkjct grljetj` hthu ajebbuehdhe strudtur cmhrt%


    Stu`l Dhsus; Vjrhechebhe Slstja Leigrahsl Vjrphdlrhe `l CY% Cjrlh!Prhes

    H%^JXZL^JAJEP DJNZPZMHECY% Cjrlh!Prhes h`hohm pjrushmhhe yheb njrbjrhd `l nl`heb Pgur he`

    Prhvjo% Hwhoeyh pjrushmhhe lel mheyh ajaloldl dhetgr pusht `l Nhe`ueb `he

    shtu dhetgr chnheb `l Khdhrth% Ehaue sjdhrheb lel/ hdlnht pjrtuanumhe

    `he pjrdjanhebheeyh yheb pjsht/ sjohle dhetgr chnheb `l Khdhrth/ CY%

    Cjrlh!Prhes su`hm ajaloldl dhetgr chnheb `l Nhetje/ Clrjnge/ \gbyhdhrth/

    Ahoheb/ `he Surhnhyh% Vjrdjanhebhe tjrsjnut shohm shtueyh `lhdlnhtdhe

    gojm ahdle nheyhdeyh custgajr yheb ajebbuehdhe khsh CY% Cjrlh!Prhes

    dhrjeh pjohyheheeyh yheb gptlaho `he prgijslgeho% @jebhe djahkuhe yheb

    h`h/ ohanht ohue tlanuo suhtu pjrahshohmhe `l sjtlhp dhetgr chnheb CY%

    Cjrlh!Prhes% Vjrahshohmhe tjrsjnut njruph ahshohm pjrphdlrhe `l sjtlhp

    dhetgr chnheb yheb tl`hd tjrtln/ hdlnht nheyhdeyh custgajr yheb sudh

    ajanhwh dje`hrhhe sje`lrl/ `hrl `he ajeuku dhetgr CY% Cjrlh!Prhes%Sjnjehreyh CY% Cjrlh!Prhes sje`lrl su`hm ajaloldl ohmhe phrdlr yheb

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    cudup ajah`hl uetud ajehapueb dje`hrhhe custgajr/ ehaua dhrjeh

    dje`hrhhe custgajr yheb ouahyhe nheyhd sjrth slstja pjebhturhe `he

    pjebjogohhe pjrphrdlrhe yheb ahslm aheuho/ ahdh ahdle ohah phrdlr pue

    ahdle thd njrhturhe `he durheb tjrtln% Djdurhebtjrtlnhe pjrphdlrhe lel

    dhohu `lnlhrdhe tjetueyh hdhe ajebhdlnhtdhe djtl`hdeyhahehe ph`h slsl

    custgajr `he ohanht ohue kubh hdhe njrpjebhrum ph`h pje`hphthe `he

    dlejrkh pjrushmhhe% Gojm dhrjeh ltu pjrou `lpldlrdhe sjnuhm pjrjechehhe

    `he pjrhechebhe pjrphdlrhe yheb `hpht ajehbbuohebl pjrahshohmhe yheb


    Slstja Leigrahsl yheb `lusuodhe; Slstja Leigrahsl Vjohyhehe Vjrphrdlrhe

    yheb `lusuodhe ajruphdhe slstja Leigrahsl njrnhsls dgaputjr `he

    `lmhrhpdhe `hpht ajanhetu pjebjogoh `hoha mho pjrphdlrhe% @jebhe

    slstja leigrahsl yheb `lrhecheb `lmhrhpdhe pjebjogoh phrdlr `hpht

    ajahethu mhslo phrdlr tlhp mhrleyh/ ojnlm cjpht ajebjogoh dje`hrhhe yheb

    hdhe ajebbuehdhe khsh ohyhehe phrdlr/ `he yheb ojnlm pjetleb ajanjrldhe

    rhsh hahe `he eyhahe djph`h pjalold dje`hrhhe'custgajr% @jebhe

    `jaldlhe/ ahdh ohpgrhe!ohpgrhe `hrl pjebjogohhe slstja phrdlr yheb

    `lusuodhe hdhe khum ojnlm jijdtli/ jilslje `he hdurht/ sjmlebbh pjruaushe

    ahshohm `hpht `ligdusdhe ph`h `uh pgle uthah yhltu;

    h% Nhbhlaheh ajanuht slstja hpoldhsl phrdlr hbhr `hpht ajanhetu

    pjebjogoh ajebjthmul kuaohm dje`hrhhe yheb ahsud `he djouhr `he

    sjdholbus pjejrlahhe uheb phrdlr%

    n% Nhbhlaheh ajanuht pjtubhs hthu gpjrhtgr phrdlr `hpht ojnlm cjpht

    `hoha pjeb!leputhe `hth dje`hrhhe `he ajekhale djhahehe dje`hrhhe%

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    8% Rgrdiogw Vhrdleb Slstja

    GpjrhtgrDje`hrhheRgrdsthtlge Systja











    80 8:




    Rgrdiogw dje`hrhhe Ahsud

    8% Ajechtht egagr poht dje`hrhhe ahsud

    >% Ajrjdha `hth leputhe -egagr poht/ kha/ ) ehah gpjrhtgr,

    3% Ajecjthd tldjt phrdlr dje`hrhhe

    0% Ajejrlah tldjt ahsud phrdlr

    Rgrdiogw dje`hrhhe Djouhr

    :% Ajebl`jetlildhsl dhrcls `he ajechtht egagr poht dje`hrhhe `he kha ahsud


    9% Yhol`hsl `hth dhrcls phrdlr `he ajebmltueb tgtho nlhyh phrdlr

    2% Ajehaplodhe kuaohm nlhyh

    =% Ajanjrlthmudhe njshrhe nlhyh

    % Ajejrlah strud nudtl phrdlr `he djanholhe

    Rgrdiogw letjrhdsl Vjebjogoh

    83% Ajebhdsjs'ageltgrleb `hth trheshdsl -olmht'cjthd,/ `hth gpjrhtgr/ kuaohm

    dje`hrhhe djouhr `he ahsud/ kuaohm dje`hrhhe yheb phrdlr/ ohpgrhe djuhebhe

    -pje`hphthe phrdlr, `he djnlkhdhe thrli phrdlr

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    80% Ajehaplodhe'ajecjthd `hth trheshdsl/ `hth gpjrhtgr/ kuaohm dje`hrhhe

    djouhr `he ahsud/ kuaohm dje`hrhhe yheb phrdlr/ ohpgrhe djuhebhe -pje`hphthe

    phrdlr,/ gutput thrli phrdlr

    Rgrdiogw letjrhdsl H`alelstrhtgr

    8:% Ageltgrleb `he ahletjehecj slstja

    89% Gutput ageltgrleb `he ahletjehecj slstja

    >% Djnutumhe IuebslgehoEg Dg`j @jsdrlpsl Djnutumhe

    8 ^JX!866 Ajebjogoh ogble usjr

    > ^JX!886 Ajebgohm dgeilrahsl usjr ehaj `he phsswgr`

    3 ^JX!8>6 Ajebgohm pjshe

    0 ^JX!>66 Ajebjogoh dje`hrhhe ahsud

    : ^JX!>86 Ajechtht egagr poht

    9 ^JX!>>6 Ajecjthd dhrcls phrdlr

    2 ^JX!366 Ajebjogoh dje`hrhhe djouhr

    = ^JX!386 Ajechtht poht dje`hrhhe ) dhrcls phrdlr

    < ^JX!3>6 Ajehaplodhe tgtho nhyhr

    86 ^JX!336 Ajebup`htj kuaohm dje`hrhhe yheb ahslm phrdlr

    88 ^JX!066 Ajebgetrgo hour djrkh slstja

    8> ^JX!086

    Ajehaplodhe `hth ohpgrhe -gpjrhtgr yheb njrtubhs /

    kuaohm dje`hrhhe yheb phrdlr `he pje`hphthe pjr


    83 ^JX!0>6 Ajecjthd ohpgrhe phrdlr

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    80 ^JX!036 Ajebgohm mhd hdsjs gpjrhtgr

    8: ^JX!006 Ageltgrleb slstja

    89 ^JX!:66 Ahletjehecj slstja

    82 ^JX!:86 Ageltgrleb slstja

    8= ^JX!:>6 Ajebgohm mhd hdsjs usjr

    8< ^JX!:36 Zp`htj `hth slstja



    Dgeilrahsl L@ ) Vhsswgr`

    Ajebgohm pjshe

    Ajebjogoh dje`hrhhe ahsud

    Ajechtht poht dje`hrhhe

    Ajecjthd dhrcls phrdlr

    Ajebjogoh dje`hrhhe djouhr

    Ajebl`jetlildhsl Eg% poht ) dhrcls phrd lr

    Ajehaplodhe nlhyh phrdlrr

    Ajeb!up`htj dje`hrhhe yheb ahslm phrdlr



    Ajehaplodhe `hth ohpgrhe

    Ajecjthd ohpgrhe

    Ajebgohm mhd hdsjs

    Ageltgrleb slstja


    Ahletjehecj slstja

    Ajebgohm mhds hdsjs usjr

    Ajebup`htj `hth slstja??lecou`j55














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    >% @lhbrha Hctlvlty


    Dje`hrhhe Ahsud

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    Dje`hrhhe Djouhr


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    3% Sjqujecj @lhbrha


    Dje`hrhhe Ahsud

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer




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    :% @lhbrha Cgapgejet

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    9% @jpogyajet @lhbrha

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    Phnjo Vjebuklhe

    Vjebuklhe Phnjo Vjtubhs


    @hth Zkl Mhslo yheb

    @lmhrhpdhe Gutput Pjstleb


    VjebuklheELV EhahWVjtubhs Nhblhe ZsjrWEhaj Vhsswgr`

    8 -Euoo, -Euoo, -Euoo, hrl `jihuot Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    > -Euoo, Shetl H`ale shetl `jihuot Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    3 >68 Puduo Gpjrhtgr tuduo `jihuot @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD0 qwjrty Jdh Gpjrhtgr jdh `jihuot Jrrgr Sudsjs Levhol`

    :>8> Khdh H`ale khdh `jihuot @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    383 Khdh H`ale khdh `jihuot @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    9:66 ^hrh Vjebjogoh rhrh `jihuot @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    :66 Hebbh H`ale hebbh `jihuot Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    Vjebuklhe Phnjo Dje`hrhhe


    @hth Zkl Mhslo yheb @lmhrhpdhe Gutput Pjstleb



    EgWVoht KjelsWDje`hrhhe

    8 -Euoo, -Euoo, Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    > -Euoo, Agnlo Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    3 @ :3

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer



    Vjebuklhe Phnjo Dje`hrhhe Ahsud


    @hth Zkl

    Mhslo yheb

    @lmhrhpdhe Gutput Pjstleb




    sud PhebbhoWAhsud


    ud EgWVoht ELV

    8 -Euoo, -Euoo, -Euoo, -Euoo, -Euoo, Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    > -Euoo, 63'68'>683 83%66 @ 0::9 BM 868 Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    3 8>6 60'68'>683 88%66 @ 333> I] 86> @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    0 qwjrty 62'68'>683 86%66 N 0:92 MK 836 Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    :>6: 8>'68'>683 8:%66 [ >>33 OD >88 @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    >89 8>'68'>683 8:%66 [ >>9: OD >88 @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    9368 >9'68'>683 6=%66 NH >300 A] >3> @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    368 >2'68'683 66'68'>683 6=%66 @ 0::9 GD ^p :666 803 Jrrgr Jrrgr GD

    3 3>8 >8'68'>683 60'68'>683 8>%66 @ =22= DK ^p 86%666 >30 @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    :32'68'>683 89%66 N >322 BMK ^p >6%666 >>8 @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    066 >2'68'>683 89%66 N >329 BMK ^p >6%666 >>8 @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    90>6 >683 82%66 @ :93 LZ ^p 8:%666 33> @ltjrlah Sudsjs GD

    0>6 36'68'>683 8=%66 [ ==3< jrrgr jrrgr GD

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer



    Jvhouhsl mhohahe 32=Nuhtohm jstlahsl pjrhechebhe prgyjd slstja leigrahsl sj`jrmheh yheb tjohm

    He`h djrkhdhe sjnjouaeyh ph`h jvhouhsl NHN YL (

    Khwhn; Njrldut Jstlahsl Vjrhechebhe Vrgyjd Slstja Leigrahsl Vjrphrdlrhe CY%


    H%Jstlahsl Kh`who VrgyjdEg Phsd Ehaj



    -@hoha mhrl,





    8 Vrgyjd Slstja Leigrahsl

    Vjrphrdlrhe `l CY% Cjrlh!Prhes >92 `hys

    > Phmhp Vjrjechehhe 38 `hys

    3 @lsdusl 2 `hys

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja



    ajr 84Vrgbrhajr >

    0 Stu`l Djohyhdhe 80 `hys 3 Hehols Slstja 8

    :Vjanuhthe `he Vjebhkuhe

    Vrgpgsho 86 `hys 0 Hehols Slstja >

    9 Phmhp Heholsls 08 `hys

    2 Vjebuapuohe `hth 8< `hys

    = Vjebdhklhe Ohpgrhe : `hys : Hehols Slstja 8

    < Survjy ohphebhe 80 `hys = Hehols Slstja >

    86 whwhechrh 9 `hys

    88 Djnutumhe Slstja 36 `hys

    8>Vjebdhklhe S@A 2 `hys 86

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    83Vjebdhklhe Mhr`whrj 9 `hys 8>

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    80Vjebdhklhe Sgitwhrj 2 `hys 83

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    8:Hebbhrhe 86 `hys 80

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    89 Phmhp Vjrhechebhe 96 `hys82 Vjrhechebhe @hthnhsj >6 `hys 8:IS$3 @hthnhsj

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    `hys H`alelstrhtgr

    8= Vjrhechebhe Sgitwhrj >6 `hys

    86 `hys


    `hys Vrgbrhajr 8

    >6 @jshle Ohpgrhe >6 `hys 8

    >8Vjrhechebhe Leirhstrudtur 80 `hys >6

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    >> S@A 36 `hys

    >3 Vjrjdruthe S@A 36 `hys 8: Hehols Slstja 8

    >0 Phmhp Pjstleb 0< `hys

    >: Pjstleb @hthnhsj : `hys


    Pjst Sthnlolths 0 `hys >8





    Pjst Djhahehe 3 `hys






    >= Pjstleb Sgitwhrj 80 `hys

    >< Pjst Djhahehe 2 `hys >2 Vrgbrhajr 8

    36 Pjst Ogblc 2 `hys >< Vrgbrhajr >

    38 Pjst Nub'jrrgr 2 `hys >< Vrgbrhajr 8

    3> Pjstleb Leirhstrudtur >6 `hys 38IS$6/:ages


    H`alelstrhtgr4Vrgbrhajr 84Vrgbrhajr >

    33 Phmhp Lapojajethsl =9 `hys

    30 Lapojajethsl @hthnhsj 33 `hys

    3:Vjejetuhe VLC : `hys 3>

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    39Lesthohsl 80 `hys 3:



    32Lapojajethsl `hthnhsj 80 `hys 39



    3= Lapojajethsl Sgitwhrj >= `hys


    06 Lesthohsl 80 `hys 3< Vrgbrhajr >


    Lapojajethsl Leirhstrudtur >6 `hys


    : ages



    ajr 84Vrgbrhajr >

    0> S@A :9 `hys

    03Vjeyusuehe @gduajethsl 2 `hys 3> Hehols Slstja 8

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer



    0: Phmhp jvhouhsl 80 `hys

    09Jvhouhsl Pjrmh`hp `haphd

    Vjrushmhhe 80 `hys 00

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    02Jvhouhsl Pjrmh`hp Djohechrhe

    Vrgyjd 80 `hys 09SS

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >

    0=Jvhouhsl Pjrmh`hp rjhdsl

    pjebbueh 80 `hys 02SS

    Hehols Slstja

    84Hehols Slstja >


    Kh`who Vrgyjd ph`h thnjo `l hths/ hbhr ojnlm au`hm `hoha pjebjogohheeyh/ ahdh`lgohm ajebbuehdhe Alcrgsgit Giilcj Vrgkjct >662% Njrldut Jstlahsl kh`who

    prgyjd `hoha AS Vrgkjct;

  • 7/22/2019 UTS dan UAS Pengelolaan Instalasi Komputer



    Chththe; yheb `lthe`hl `jebhe whreh dueleb ajruphdhe djblhthe!djblhthe yheb

    `lohoul gojm khour drltls%

    Djslapuohe; @hrl mhslo gohm `hth prgyjd ajebbuehdhe AS Vrgkjct >662/ `hpht

    `lslapuodhe nhmwh; -8, Rhdtu yheb `lmhnlsdhe auohl `hrl thmhp hwho

    -pjrjechehhe, shaphl `jebhe thmhp hdmlr -jvhouhsl, h`hohm >92 mhrl4 ->,

    Pjrolmht nhmwh thebbho auohl prgyjd >= kheuhrl >683 s'` 83 Kheuhrl >680/

    njrhrtl sjdlthr 8 thmue whdtu djrkh -su`hm tjrahsud olnur, yheb `lpjrbuehdhe

    uetud ajrhapuebdhe Vrgyjd Slstja Leigrahsl Vjrphrdlrhe CY% Cjrlh!Prhes lel%

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    N%Jstlahsl NlhyhSjtjohm ajohdudhe gohm `hth `jebhe AS Vrgkjct >662/ ahdh ohpgrhe

    rleclhe jstlahsl nlhyh uetud prgyjd lel `hpht `lolmht sjnhbhl njrldut;

    Djslapuohe; Pjrolmht nhmwh tgtho hebbhrhe hbhr prgyjd lel `hpht tjrohdsheh

    h`hohm sjnjshr ^p 0:0%

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    ajebhdlnhtdhe ahehkjaje slstja leigrahsl pjrushmhhe He`h njrkhohe `jebhe

    nhld `he jijd `hrl ltu h`hohm pjrushmhhe He`h `hpht ajohdudhe pjebgohmhe `hth

    `jebhe tjpht uetud djahkuhe pjrushmhhe(

    Khwhn; Ohebdhm Djnlkhdhe yheb hdhe shyh ohdudhe uetud ajekhbh jdslstjesl

    slstja leigrahsl ph`h pjrushmhhe shyh h`hohm;

    h% Ajeyh`hrl `he ajebhanlo djnlkhdhe nhmwh slstja leigrahsl sjnhbhl mhoyheb shebht pjetleb `hoha djrhebdh strhtjbl pjrushmhhe%

    n% Ajejthpdhe Strhtjbl Ahehkjaje Vjrunhmhe Slstja Leigrahsl yheb Pjphtkldh suhtu whdtu slstja leigrahsl yheb h`h `ltuetut uetud njrunhm hthu

    `lpjrnhldl% Mho lel `lohdudhe dhrjeh `hoha hdtlvlths nlsels tjr`hpht

    njrnhbhl ijegajeh pjrunhmhe/ cgetgmeyh kjels pjrunhmhe yheb `lehahdhe

    `jebhe ogcholsj` jxpoglthtlge/ letjreho letjbrhtlge/ nuslejss prgcjss

    rj`jslbe/ nuslejss ejtwgrd rj`lslbe/ `he nuslejss scgpj rj`jileltlge%

    Ijegajeh nlsels tjrsjnut `l `hoha pjrushmhhe sj`ldlt nheyhd hdhe

    aje`grgeb slstja leigrahsl yheb h`h uetud njrunhm hthu `lpjrnhldl/ ahdh

    `hrl ltu `lnutumdheohm Strhtjbl Ahehkjaje Vjrunhmhe Slstja Leigrahsl

    yheb tjpht%

    c% Njrushmh ajecjbhm `he ajekhumdhe slstja leigrahsl pjrushmhhe `hrlijegajeh hpoldhsl thanho suoha% Mho lel `lohdudhe dhrjeh pjebjanhebhe

    hpoldhsl sjchrh thanho suoha ajebhdlnhtdhe tjrkh`leyh pjeuruehe ph`h

    duholths slstja leigrahsl sjchrh slbelildhe%

    `% Ajebjouhrdhe djnlkhdhe uetud ajebletjbrhsl `he ajeilotjr sjourum `hth`hrl whrjmgusj% Mho lel `lohdudhe hbhr `l`hphtdhe `hth!`hth yheb njrautu/

    leigrahsl yheb njrduholths `he degwoj`bj'pjebjthmuhe yheb tjrpjrchyh