tugas Kelompok 2 conditional type 2


Transcript of tugas Kelompok 2 conditional type 2

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conditional sentence yang digunakan ketika

result / consequence (hasil) dari condition

(syarat) tidak memiliki atau hanya sedikit

kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition-

nya tidak mungkin dipenuhi dimasa sekarang

(present unreal situation) atau condition-nya

sulit untuk dipenuhi di masa depan (unlikely to


Untuk menyatakan pengandaian sesuatu

yang tdak mungkin terjadi pada waktu

sekarang atau sesuatu yg bersifat khayalan

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These sentences are in two halves (clauses):


MAIN CLAUSE The other part where you can use words such as

can, will, may, might, could and would

If clause + main clause If + Past Simple + would, could, might

ex : If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.

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IF Past Simple Past Future FAKTA

S + were


S + would/should not

+ be + Adj/Adv/N

S + is/am/are not +


S + were+Adj/Adv/N S + would/Should +

be + Adj/Adv/N

S + is/am/are +


S + did not + V1 S + would/should not

+ V1

S + do/does not +


S + V2 S + would + V1 S + V1


1. If You were my girl friend, I would take you to the moon

Fakta : You are not my girl friend so I don’t take you to

the moon2. He would go home soon if his wife gave birth

Fakta : He doesn’t go home soon because his wife

doesn’t give birth

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If + condition, result/consequence

If + simple past(S + V2), S+ would/could/might + infinitive

atau tanpa menggunakan comma (,):

Result/consequence + if + conditionS+Would/could/might + infinitive + if + simple

past(S + V2)

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“Jack wants to buy a house but he can’t do this because he doesn’t have any money. “


CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 (use comma)

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Susan wants to phone Paul but she can’t do thisbecause she doesn’t know his number.

If I knew his number,I would phone him.

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If I had a lot of money, I would buy a big house.

If I knew his number, I would phone him.



main clause:


would + infinitive

The second conditional refers to the present and future. It expresses

an unreal situation and its probable result. The situation or condition

is improbable, impossible, imaginary, or contrary to known facts.

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Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees

You will pass the test if you study hard

I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars

I would have passed the exam if I had studied


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Negatif if + condition

( if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.)

Didalam negatif sentence-nya Were diganti menjadi WasIf + condition, result/consequence

if + S + were, would (could/might) + infinitive


Untuk sebuah pertanyaan kita bisa menggunakan beberapa kata

berikut ini:

Suppose / supposing (that)

What if


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Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence type 2


(+) If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day. (Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.)

but I don’t have much hope it will rain (tapi saya tidak punya cukup keyakinan bahwa besok akan hujan)

If Nisa studied hard, she would pass. (Jika Nisa belajar keras, dia akan lulus.)

but Nisa doesn’t study hard (tapi Nisa tidak belajar keras.)

If I had much money, I would buy a sport car. (Jika saya punya banyak uang, saya akan membeli sebuah mobil sport.)

but I don’t have much money (tapi saya tidak punya banyak uang)

If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity. (Jika saya seorang millionaire, saya akan mendonasikan uang saya untuk amal.)

but I’m not a millionaire (tapi saya bukan seorang milioner)

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Kal. Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence type 2

( - ) If Nisa studied hard, she wouldn’t fail. (Jika Nisa belajar keras, dia

tidak akan gagal.)

If Nisa didn’t study hard, she would fail. atau Unless Nisa studied

hard, she would fail. (Jika Nisa tidak belajar keras, dia akan


If Nisa didn’t study hard, she would fail. atau Unless Nisa studied

hard, she would fail. (Jika Nisa tidak belajar keras, dia akan


( ? ) If Nisa studied hard, would she pass?

If you had much money, would you buy a sport car?

If you were a millionaire, would you donate my money to charity?

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Both conditionals refer to the present and future. The difference is

about probability, not time.

First conditional : real and possible situations

Second conditional : unlikely to happen

First :

If John runs fast, he will win the race.

This is still possible to happen.


If John ran fast, he would win the race.This is unlikely to happen because John doesn’t run fast.

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The difference is about time.

Second conditional : refers to the present and future

Third conditional : refers to the past situations

Second :If I saw a car accident, I would call an ambulance.But I don’t see an accident now. This is unlikely to happen.

Third :If I had seen a car accident, I would havecalled an ambulance.But I didn’t see an accident yesterday.

This is contrary to the fact in the past.

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The if clause usually takes the past simple.

However, it is also possible to use:

Past continuous: If you were coming with me, I`d give you a lift.

Could If I could have the day off, I`d go with you.

Were / was to: If you were to ask Steve, I`m sure he would do it.

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If we had more money, we wouldn`t be

living here.

If we had more money, we could go

out more.

If you asked Tony, he might do it for you.

The main clause usually has the modal would +

infinitive. However, the modals could and might are

also used and the infinitive can be in the continuous


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Inverted word order berarti verb muncul sebelum subject.

Kondisi ini dapat terjadi pada conditional clause dengan

menghilangkan kata “if” dan menukar posisi subject dan

verb. Contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.

Normal Inverted

If I (S) were (V) the shopkeeper,

I would give you discounts.

(Jika saya pemilik toko, saya

akan memberimu potongan


Were (V) I (S) the shopkeeper, I

would give you discounts.

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