Surabaya System Description D210245en-B

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Transcript of Surabaya System Description D210245en-B

Automated WeatherObserving System (AWOS)untuk Bandara Surabaya



D210245en-BMaret 2005

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Daftar Isi

BAB 1INFORMASI UMUM.............................................................................................3Tentang Buku Manual..................................................................3Informasi Versi.............................................................................3Manual Terkait..............................................................................3Singkatan yang Digunakan.........................................................4Keselamatan.................................................................................5Kebijakan Peraturan....................................................................6Trademark.....................................................................................6Perjanjian Lisensi.........................................................................6ESD Protection.............................................................................7Garansi. ........................................................................................7Dukungan Teknis.........................................................................7

BAB 2AUTOMATED WEATHER OBSERVING SYSTEM .............................................8Penjelasan Umum........................................................................8System Layout ............................................................................10Field Instruments and Siting ...................................................10Main Meteorological Station (CDU) and Workstations ............11

BAB 3MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS ................................................12Atmospheric Pressure PTB220 ..................................................12DewPoint Sensor HMP243 with Temperature Measurement...12Wind Speed, Anemometer WAA151 ...........................................13Wind Direction, Wind Wane WAV151 .........................................14Transmissometer MITRAS with Background LuminanceMeter LM21 ....................................................................................14Cloud Height, Ceilometer CT25K .................................................16Data Collection Unit AWSS301.....................................................17

BAB 4UNIT PEMROSES DATA .....................................................................................19Main Meteorological Station (CDU).............................................19Hardware and Operating Environment......................................20Aplikasi di CDU..........................................................................20

________________________________________________________________________________ 1

Deskripsi Sistem __________________________________________________________________

Workstation and printers ...................................................... 21General ............................................................................... 21Application for Graphical presentation of data.................... 21Applications for Observers.................................................. 21Wind Displays ..................................................................... 22Printer ................................................................................. 23

BAB 5SPARE PARTS ............................................................................................ 24Spare parts and consumables.............................................. 24Test equipment and tools ..................................................... 24

BAB 6DOKUMENTASI............................................................................................... 25

2 _____________________________________________________________________D210245en-B

BAB 1 _________________________________________________________ Informasi Umum



Tentang Buku Manual

Dokumen ini menjelaskan komponen dan fungsi dari MIDAS IVAutomated Weather Observing System (AWOS). Sistem inididesain untuk Bandara Padang Indonesia.

Maksud dari dokumen ini untuk menetapkan pandangan umum dari sebuahide desain dan sensor yang digunakan pada sistem ini. Untuk informasiteknik lebih detailnya mengacu pada user manual atau gambar.

Informasi Versi

Tabel 1

Revisi Manual

Kode ManualDeskripsiTanggalrev1.0Peluncuran pembuatan dari manual,dikirim bersama dengan kutipandokumenD210245en-AVersi dengan lebih banyak detailinformasi (version ini), untukdiverifikasi FATMaret -05D210245en-BKoreksi kesalahan pengetikanSeptember -05

Manual Terkait

Mengacu pada daftar dokumentasi pada akhir dokumen ini.

________________________________________________________________________________ 3

Deskripsi Sistem __________________________________________________________________


Untuk informasi mengenai penggunaan kolektor data, sensor, atau

hardware yang terpasang lainnya, lihat manual perangkat yang sesuaidan gambar.

Singkatan yang Digunakan





Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications NetworkSensor kecepatan anginAir Traffic ControlAutomated Terminal Information SystemAutomatic Weather Observation SystemAutomatic Weather StationCentral Data Unit, komputer utamaAlat untuk mengukur tinggi dasar awanReport of monthly values from a land stationCentral Processing Unit, main computerDigital DisplayDew Point ( Titik Embun )Electronic Industry AssociationFederal Aviation AdministrationU.S. Federal Communications CommissionForecaster WorkstationGraphical User InterfaceInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationIntegrated Graphic Weather DisplayInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationKnotsLocal Area NetworkLIght Detection And RangingLine Replaceable UnitAviation Routine Weather Report by WMO306Meterological Optical RangeMean Time Between FailureNotice to AirmenNational Weather ServiceObserver WorkstationAtmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevationAtmospheric pressure reduced to mean sea level byusing ICAO standard atmosphereRemote Control and Monitoring WorkstationStandard 232 (serial interface)

4 _____________________________________________________________________D210245en-B

Bab 1 _________________________________________________________ Informasi Umum





Runway Visual RangeRunway Visual ValueRunwayMessage created with Forecaster WorkstationSwitch Over Unit in duplicated systemAviation Selected Special Weather Report, definedby WMO Manual on Codes No. 306Surface Weather Division in VaisalaReport of surface observation from a fixed landstationTerminal Airport Forecast (Pesan yang dibuatForecaster)Transmission Control protocol / Internet ProtocolTouch Down Zone in RunwayTrend type landing forecast (ICAO Ann 3, sec 6.3)Uninteruptable Power SupplyUniversal Time ConstantVery High Frequency (30Mhz 300 MHz)VisibilityWind direction sensorWorld Meterological OrganizationWeather View WorkstationTwisted Pair Ethernet


Pada buku manual ini, ada beberapa pertimbangan keselamatan pentingsebagai berikut:



Perhatian tentang potensi bahaya. Jika anda tidak membaca danmengukuti instruksi dengan hati hati, produk bisa rusak atau datapenting bisa hilang.

Catatan informasi penting tentang cara mengguakan produk.

________________________________________________________________________________ 5

Deskripsi Sistem __________________________________________________________________

Kebijakan Peraturan

MIDAS IV dirancang sesuai rekomendasi Otoritas Lalu LintasUdara Internasional seperti yang disajikan pada sumber sumberdibawah ini.

Rekomendasi Internasional yang Diterapkan Pada SoftwareMIDAS IV AWOS.


Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, danWindows XP adalah trademark terdaftar dari Microsoft Corporation diU.S. dan/atau negara lain.

Perjanjian Lisensi

Semua hak atas semua software dipegang oleh Vaisala atau pihak ketiga.Pelanggan diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan software ini hanya sebatasyang tertera pada kontrak berlaku atau Perjanjian LisensiSoftware.

6 _____________________________________________________________________D210245en-BNama DokumenTahun PembaruanManual on Codes. Volume 1.1 (Annex II to WMOTechnical Regulations). WMO No. 306.2004Meteorological Service for International AirNavigation. Annex 3. ICAO. 15th edition.2004Aeronautical Telecommunications. Annex 10. Vol.II (Communication procedures).ICAO. 5th edition,July.2001Manual of Runway Visual Range Observing andReporting Practices. DOC9328-AN/908, ICAO.2nd edition2000Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice.DOC8896-AN/893/4, ICAO. 5th edition.1997ICAO Abbreviations and Codes, DOC8400/5,ICAI, 5th edition1999

Bab 1 _________________________________________________________ Informasi Umum

Perlindungan ESD

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) dapat menyebabkan kerusakanlangsung pada sirkuit elektronik. Produk Vaisala dalam penggunaannya, terlindung baik dari ESD. Namun, ada kemungkinan produk rusakdikarenakan pelepasan elektrostatis ketika tersentuh, dipindahkan,atau kemasukan suatu peralatan tertentu.

Untuk memastikan anda tidak terkena tegangan tinggi statis:

- Tangani komponen ESD yang sensitif dengan arde yang benardan ESD yang terlindung. Ketika hal itu tidak dimungkinkan,ground-kan chassis alat sebelum menyentuh papan. Ground-kan dengan kabel dan sambungan yang resistif. Ketika hal tersebut bisa dilakukan, sentuh bagian konduktif chassis alat dengan tangananda yang lain sebelum menyentuh papan sirkuit.

-Selalu pegang bagian tepi papan ESD dan jangan sentuh komponen.


Masa garansi dari peralatan yang akan ditawarkan adalah lima belas (15)bulan dari tanggal pengiriman atau dua belas (12) bulan dari tanggalpenerimaan, mana yang lebih dahulu. Garansi meliputi pemeliharaandan perbaikan.

Dukungan Teknis

Untuk dukungan teknis, pertanyaan atau komentar tentang buku manual, dapat menghubungi Vaisala:


[email protected]+358 9 8949 2789+358 9 8949 2790

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Deskripsi Sistem __________________________________________________________________



Penjelasan Umum

This is a general system description of an Automated WeatherObserving System designed for Surabaya Airport in Indonesia. Thesystem collects, processes, monitors, distributes and archivesmeteorological data measured by a dedicated set of meteorologicalsensors located along and outside the runway area. Observationsperformed by the system are to be used:



Menyediakan data meteorologi yang diperlukan ATCSebagaimana yang tertulis di rekomendasi ICAO.Mendukung data pegamatan untuk pertukaran data meteorologi

pada jaringan regional dan internasional.Berikut ini pengamatan meteorologi yang dilakukan secara otomatis:


Kecepatan & Arah AnginTekanan Udara (QFE, QNH)Suhu UdaraTitik EmbunPresepitasiJarak PandangRunway Visual RangeTinggi Dasar Awan

8 _____________________________________________________________________D210245en-B

BAB 2 _________________________________________ Automated Weather Observing System

Observations listed above are displayed on high quality monitors.Reporting interval is adjusted depending on the importance of theweather parameter. Weather parameters having sudden changes, suchas wind, request a more frequent reporting.

Based on the automated weather observations, routine weathermessages like METAR is generated and distributed in a fixed time.Whereas reports for significant weather changes like SPECI report areissued according to the relevant criteria recommended by ICAO inAnnex 3 at the time of occurrence.

Particularly, recommendations published by ICAO in Annex 3 andAnnex 14 are taken into account when designing a system for airportmeteorology. The automated weather observing system is designedaccording to the recommendations of international air trafficauthorities as presented below:

- ISO 9000 series for quality assurance of design and manufacturing- EN 60950 Euro standard for equipment and electric safety- ICAO Annex 3, 10, 14 for data processing and reporting practices- WMO No. 306, Manual on codes for coded meteorological reportsThe system configuration can vary significantly and thus dependsprimarily on the local requirements of the airport. The next Babdescribes system designed to meet these airport specific requirements.

________________________________________________________________________________ 9

System Description __________________________________________________________________

System Layout

Field Instruments and Siting

The diagram below describes the Surabaya Airport meteorologicalsystem field sensors.

Met. Equipment / Staff Room


AFTN line RS-232RSI50 RS-485

Existing Local Area Network (LAN)




8 * Weather ViewWorkstation



Weather View

Modem line

Wind displays


MITRAS Transmissiometer and

Met Site

Wind Site- WAx151


Modem lines from field stations

Background Luminance sensor

AWSS301- WAx151- PTB220- HMP45D- HMP243- RG13



The following table indicates the type of field instruments andinstrument locations as requested. The table shows also how thesensors are distributed along the runway.

Equipment along and outside the runways, and in the Met Station

ParameterWind SpeedWind DirectionAmbient Air TemperatureDew Point temperatureBarometric PressurePrecipitationCloud HeightVisibility

RWY 2811

RWY 1011111111

10 ____________________________________________________________________D210245en-BObserver

Bab 2 _________________________________________ Automated Weather Observing System

Main Meteorological Station (CDU)and Workstations

Meteorological data from the runway and field sensors is fed to theMain Meteorological Station (CDU = Central Data Unit) installed inthe airport facilities.

All optical sensors (ceilometer and transmissometers), Wind and Metsites, that collects wind, pressure, humidity and precipitation data areconnected to CDU via point-to-point fixed modem line. Connectionbetween modems and the CDU is via the MCU111 MidasIVCommunication Unit. The MCU111 contains the necessery modemmodules and transmits the data to the CDUs via Ethernet connection.

The CDU processes data from the sensors and distributes it toworkstations. When the AWOS system is extended to other buildingsover long distances, additional network components or technologiescould be used. High-speed modems and IP routers could be used forcontinuous data transmission and to overcome the distance limitationsof twisted pair Ethernet. Please note that the Local Area Network(LAN) and its accessories such as cabling, hubs, etc. will be providedlocally.

The previous picture also described briefly the connection principle(LAN) between workstation and CDU installed in the airport facilities.

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System Description __________________________________________________________________



The Automated Weather Observing System equipment and outputreports conform to the recommendations of international air trafficauthorities. This bab defines how the meteorological variables aremeasured and processed.

Atmospheric Pressure PTB220

Digital Barometer measures atmospheric pressure. It contains three (3)transducers. The barometer is located at the Met Station, inside theMILOS frame. The following table briefly summarizes sensorphysical characteristics and performance.

DewPoint Sensor HMP243 with TemperatureMeasurement

The HMP243 dewpoint transmitter is suitable for use in outdoor/meteorological applications where sudden temperature changes andwindy conditions can occur.

The Vaisala HUMICAP Dewpoint Transmitter Series HMP240provides fast and reliable dewpoint measurement especially under

12 ____________________________________________________________________D210245en-BFeatureSpecificationSensor typeVaisala BAROCAP, Silicon capacitiveMeasuring range500 ... 1100 hPaResolution0.1 hPaTotal accuracy 0.15 hPa (including 1 Year drift)Operating temperature-40...+60C

Bab 3 ____________________________________________Measuring Instruments and Methods

high humidity conditions where dew would normally form on thehumidity sensor head and thereby cause errors in measurements.

The temperature of the probe head is constantly kept higher than theambient temperature thus eliminating the possibility of dew formationon the sensor. The result is uninterrupted, accurate and stabledewpoint measurement. The measurement is fully temperatureindependent so the warming does not affect the measurement. Thispatented techology has proven its functionality in a wide variety ofapplications.

Air temperature is measured by a platinum type (PT100) sensor. Thesensor is installed inside of naturally ventilated solar radiation shield,protecting measurement result from effect of direct solar radiation.The following table briefly summarizes sensor physical characteristicsand performance.

Wind Speed, Anemometer WAA151

Wind speed is measured with Vaisala optoelectronic anemometerinstalled on the instrument mast parallel to the runway at thetouchdown zone of the runway. The standard observation height isfrom 6 to 10 meters. The WAA151 is a fast response, low-thresholdanemometer. In the cup wheel it has three light-weight conical cupsproviding excellent linearity over the entire operating range, up to 75m/s.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 13Feature, TemperatureSpecificationMeasurement range-40...+100 CSensorHUMICAP KC sensorAccuracydewpoint down to +0.5 C,rel. humidity: +0.5 %RH + 2.5 % of readingtemperature +0.1 C at 20 CResponse time (90%) at+20 C15 sSerial output availableRS 232CHousingG-AlSi12, IP65 (NEMA 4)

Feature, TemperatureSpecificationSensing elementPlatinum resistance element PT 100Accuracy1/4 DIN 43760Sensitivity0.385 ohms/COperating temperature-40...+60CHousingABS plastic

FeatureSpecificationMeasuring range0...75m/s (0260 km/h)

System Description __________________________________________________________________

Wind Direction, Wind Wane WAV151

Wind direction is measured with Vaisala counter-balanced, low-threshold optoelectronic wind vane installed on the instrument mastparallel to the runway at the touchdown zone of the runway. Thestandard observation height is from 6 to 10 meters. Infrared LEDs andphototransistors are mounted on six orbits on each side of a 6-bitGRAY-coded disc. Turned by the vane, the disc creates changes in thecode received by the phototransistors. The code is changed in steps5.6, one bit at a time to eliminate any ambiguities in the coding.

Transmissometer MITRAS with BackgroundLuminance Meter LM21

Using three variables; horizontal visibility, runway light intensity andbackground luminance assesses runway Visual Range (RVR). TheRVR System collects visibility data from transmissometers,background luminance data from background luminance sensors, andrunway light settings from a dedicated interface unit. The RVRSystem conforms to ICAO requirements and follows practicesrecommended by ICAO.

Horizontal visibility beside the runway is measured by atransmissometer pair located along the runway. The transmissometerconsists of a light transmitter and receiver installed at a suitabledistance from each other. The transmissometer measures transmissionof white light over the baseline path and converts the measurement

14 ____________________________________________________________________D210245en-BFeatureSpecificationMeasuring range0...360 deg (wind speed 0.3 ... 75m/s)Starting threshold0.4 m/s or better (typ. 0.2 0.3)Resolution5.63 degAccuracy 2.8 degOperating temperature-40...+55CStorage temperature-60...+70CPower10.5 ... 15.5 VDC / 20 mAHousingALSi12

Starting threshold0.5 m/s or betterAccuracy 0.19 m/sOperating temperature-40...+55CStorage temperature-60...+70CPower10.5 ... 15.5 VDC / 20 mAHousingALSi12

Bab 3 ____________________________________________Measuring Instruments and Methods

value to the corresponding Meteorological Optical Range (MOR)value. The transmissometer also measures the window contaminationand automatically compensates for the loss in the measuredtransmittance. A single baseline transmissometer can be upgraded to adouble baseline system by adding an individual transmitter unit and asecond receiver unit when extended measurement range is needed.

Background luminance value, i.e. the brightness of the backgroundagainst which the light is viewed, is measured by a separatebackground luminance sensor connected to one transmissometerbeside the runway and mounted on top of the transmitter unit. Thebackground luminance meter is normally tilted in the angle of 20 to50 referred to the horizontal level. Generally, a 30 installation angleis recommended. Direct and reflected sunlight into the meter must beavoided as well.

The runway light intensity information will be integrated to the RVRcalculation using a separate Runway Light Setting Interface (RLSI)unit. It is connected to the CDU calculating the RVR, but located onappropriate place at the ATC facilities. Optionally the RVRcalculations could be carried out using 100% intensity value withoutan Interface.

The CDU collects visibility and other necessary data fromtransmissometer every 15 seconds via a modem line. The RVR data tobe displayed at the operator's workstation includes normally at leastone minute RVR value and 10 minute average, minimum andmaximum values respectively.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 15Transmissometer MITRASFeatureSpecificationMeasuring range0...100% transmittanceResolution0.02% of transmittanceAccuracy1% of full scale range (FSR)Visibility measuring range(MOR range)Single baseline25...1500 m with 35 m baseline40...2000 m with 50 m baseline50...3000 m with 75 m baseline70...5000 m with 100 m baseline150...10000 m with 200 m baselineDouble baseline (OPTION)7...3000 m with 10 and 75 m baseline7...10000m with 10 and 200m base

System Description __________________________________________________________________

Cloud Height, Ceilometer CT25K

Ceilometer measures cloud heights and vertical visibilities. Theceilometer employs pulsed diode laser LIDAR technology, whereshort and powerful laser pulses are sent out in a vertical or near-vertical direction. The reflection of light - backscatter - caused byhaze, fog, mist, virga, precipitation and clouds is measured as the laserpulses traverse the sky. The resulting backscatter profile, i.e. signalversus height, is stored and processed and the cloud bases aredetected. With the single lens optical design, a better measurementaccuracy is achieved also at lower levels.

The ceilometer is able to detect three cloud layers simultaneously.Besides cloud layers it detects whether there is precipitation or otherobstructions to vision. It detects the cloud base reliably in fog, rain,snow and haze. If the cloud base is obscured, the ceilometer measuresand reports the vertical visibility. The cloud height and vertical

16 ____________________________________________________________________D210245en-BRVR assessment range(usual lighting arrangements)Single baseline100...1500 m with 35 m baseline150...2000 m with 50 m baseline200...3000 m with 75 m baseline300...5000 m with 100 m baseline500...10000 m with 200 m baselineDouble baseline (OPTION)40...3000 m with 10 and 75 m basel.40...10000m with 10 and 200m basel.Sample interval1sTime constant30 or 60 sOperating temperature-40...+55CHousingAluminium, weatherproofPower supply115 / 130 / 230 / 240 VAC+10% -15% of nominal value,45 ... 65HzPower consumption500 W total, 550 W total withbackground luminance meterWind speedup to 60 m/sLight sourceXenon flash bulbSpectral response rangeClose to human eye / 300...700 nm

Background Luminance Sensor LM21FeatureSpecificationMeasuring range2 40 000 cd/m2Measurement accuracy10%Spectral response rangeClose to human eye 400...700 nmField of view6 deg

Bab 3 ____________________________________________Measuring Instruments and Methods

visibility data are sent directly to the central computer every 30seconds.

The operation of the ceilometer is fully automatic. The embeddedsoftware includes several service and maintenance functions and givescontinuous status information from internal monitoring, like windowcontamination. No calibration on the field is needed.

Ceilometer should be located at the final 200 - 1000 m from thethreshold or at the middle marker. Where the ceilometer is located atthe middle marker, installation close to the middle marker antennashould be avoided. A distance of a minimum of 5 meters from theantenna and antenna support devices should be kept. It isrecommended to operate the unit in a slightly tilted angle (10...20from vertical) wherever possible. Unless a tropic window is used, theceilometer must never be directed so that the sun shines directly intothe optics of the unit.

Data Collection Unit AWSS301

The standard meteorological sensors will be interfaced by anAutomatic Weather Station (AWS). The AWS will be located at thetouchdown zone of the runway and mounted on the same mast withthe wind sensors. The AWS could sample analog humidity &temperature, rain gauge, sun radiation and soil temperature sensorsand collects data from digital pressure transmitter and present weathersensor. The AWS processes the raw sensor data and forwards datamessages to Central Data Unit of the AWOS via modem line.

The unit will be based on 32-bit microprocessor architecture.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 17FeatureSpecificationMeasuring range0...25 000 ft (0...7.5 km)Resolution50 ftAccuracy (against hardtarget)2% 1/2 *[resolution]LaserPulsed diode, InGaAs MOCVDWavelength905 nmEye safetyClass 1 in compliance with EN60825-1:1994 and 21CFR1040Measurement cycleProgrammable 15...120 secondsOperating temperature-50...+60CProtection classIP65HousingAluminium, weatherproofPower supply / PowerConsumption100/115/230 VAC 10%, 45 ... 65 Hz /max. 400W including heating

System Description __________________________________________________________________

The AWS enclosure has to be made of stainless steel and paintedwhite to regulate heating from sun radiation. The enclosure shall haveas well adequate radiation weather shield the protect the enclosure atleast from two sides and top. The radiation shield shall be paintedwhite and made of the same material and as the actual AWSenclosure. The top surface of the radiation shield shall be tilted.

18 ____________________________________________________________________D210245en-BData Collection UnitFeatureSpecificationData collection methodMicroprosessor based Data collecting unitwith direct PT100 and Humicap interfacePower supply / PowerConsumption+8+14 (max 30 V) VDC/