SEKOLAH PASCA SARJANA PROGRAM MAGISTER/DOKTOR UNIVERSITAS NASIONAL JAKARTA CURRICULUM VITAE Identitas Diri 1 Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Prof Dr Endang Sukara 2 Jabatan Fungsional Anggota Senat Guru Besar UNAS 3 Pangkat/Golongan - 4 NIDN/NIDK 8876550017 5 Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Tasikmalaya, 09 September 1952 6 Alamat Rumah Komplek LIPI, Jl. Binamarga No. 18, Baranangsuang - Bogor Timur, Bogor Jawa Barat 7 Nomor Telepon/Faks/HP 0811116752 8 Alamat Kantor Universitas Nasional, Jl. Sawo Manila No. 61, Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520 9 Nomor Telepon/Faks +62(21) 7806700/+62(21) 7802718 10 Alamat e-mail [email protected]/[email protected] 11 Mata Kuliah yang Diampu sejak tahun 1980 s.d. sekarang, antara lain: Bioekonomi dan Kelestarian Lingkungan (S2 Biologi UNAS) Politik Lingkungan dan Bioekonomi (S3 Politik UNAS) Bioteknologi dan aplikasinya dalam bidang Pertanian (S2 Universitas Siliwangi) Perubahan Iklim (S2 Universitas Siliwangi) Enzimologi (S1 UNAS) Bioteknologi (S2 UNAS) Mikrobiologi (S1 UNAS) Teknik Bioindustri (S1 UNAS)








Identitas Diri

1 Nama Lengkap

(dengan gelar)

Prof Dr Endang Sukara

2 Jabatan Fungsional Anggota Senat Guru Besar UNAS

3 Pangkat/Golongan -

4 NIDN/NIDK 8876550017

5 Tempat dan Tanggal


Tasikmalaya, 09 September 1952

6 Alamat Rumah Komplek LIPI, Jl. Binamarga No. 18, Baranangsuang - Bogor

Timur, Bogor – Jawa Barat

7 Nomor



8 Alamat Kantor Universitas Nasional, Jl. Sawo Manila No. 61, Pejaten, Pasar

Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520

9 Nomor Telepon/Faks +62(21) 7806700/+62(21) 7802718

10 Alamat e-mail [email protected]/[email protected]

11 Mata Kuliah yang

Diampu sejak tahun

1980 s.d. sekarang,

antara lain:

Bioekonomi dan Kelestarian Lingkungan (S2 Biologi UNAS) Politik Lingkungan dan Bioekonomi (S3 Politik UNAS)

Bioteknologi dan aplikasinya dalam bidang Pertanian (S2 Universitas Siliwangi)

Perubahan Iklim (S2 Universitas Siliwangi)

Enzimologi (S1 UNAS)

Bioteknologi (S2 UNAS) Mikrobiologi (S1 UNAS)

Teknik Bioindustri (S1 UNAS)


Teknologi Pengolahan Sumber Daya Hayati (S1 UNAS) Bioetika (S1 UNAS)

Biokonversi (S1 UNAS)

Bioteknologi Industri (S1 UNAS)

Riwayat Pendidikan

Tahun Lulus Jenjang Perguruan Tinggi Jurusan/Bidang Studi

1976 BSc UNAS Biologi

1979 Drs UNAS Biologi

1989 PhD Queensland University Australia Mikrobiologi

Post Doctoral Training

1 Post Doctoral Research Fellow “Preliminary study on amyloglucosidase of a newly

isolated Saccharomycopsis Sp. TJ-1 from the Indonesian fermented food (tape), Kyoto

University, Kyoto – Japan (1997).

2 Post Doctoral Research Fellow “Production of single cell protein and amyloglucosidase

in a novel single step process using a newly isolation Rhizopus” - Queensland

University, Brisbane – Australia (1993)

3 Post Doctoral Research Fellow “Enzymes and fermentation technology” - National

University of Singapore, Singapore (1989)

4 Post Doctoral Research Fellow “Production and purification of Rhizopus glucoamylase

grown on bubble column fermentor” – IC Biotech Osaka University, Japan (1989)

5 Post Doctoral Research Fellow “Raw starch digestive enzymes production by Rhizopus

mould in liquid culture” – IC Biotech Osaka University, Japan (1988)

6 Post Doctoral Research Fellow “Gas chromatographic analysis of the flavours in

tempehs production by three different strains of Rhizopus” – Kyushu University, Japan


Pengalaman Jabatan

Jabatan Institusi Tahun ….s.d……

Wakil Kepala Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan

Indonesia (LIPI)

2010 - 2012

Deputi Kepala LIPI Bidang Ilmu

Pengetahuan Hayati

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan

Indonesia (LIPI)

2001 – 2010

Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan

Pengambangan Bioteknologi

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan

Indonesia (LIPI)

1997 - 2001

Ketua Komisi Nasional Program

Man and the Biosphere (MAB)

UNESCO untuk Indonesia

Program Man and Biosphere


2001 - 2010


Anggota International

Coordinating Council MAB


Program Man and Biosphere



Ketua Board of Trustee Plant

Resources Asia Tenggara


Plant Resources in South

East Asia (PROSEA)


2001 - 2010

Anggota Board of Trustee Plant

Resources in Tropical Africa


Plant Resources in Tropical

Africa (PROTA) Foundation

2008 - 2010

Anggota Dewan Riset Nasional


Dewan Riset Nasional

(DRN) Republik Indonesia

2005 - 2009

President Asosiasi Konservasi

dan pemanfaatan berkelanjutan

sumber daya genetic ASIA


Associaton for Conservation

and Sustainable Use of

Microbial Genetic

Resources in ASIA


Member of the Governing Board

Global Biodiversity Information

Facilities (GBIF)

Global Biodiversity

Information Facilities



Anggota Komisi Nasional

Bioetik (KBN)

Komisi Nasional Bioetik


2014 sampai sekarang

Vice President Asosiasi Bioetik


Asian Bioethic Association


2017 – sampai


Anggota Inter Govermental

Bioethics Commission (IGBC –


Inter Govermental Bioethics

Commission (IGBC –


2014 - 2015

Visiting Professor pada Kyoto


Visiting Professor 2013/2014

Visiting Professor pada the

American University for

Sovereign Nation

Visiting Professor 2014 sampai sekarang

Anggota Biro pada Subsidiary

Body on Scientific, Technology

and Technical Advice (SBSTTA)

CBD (mewakili Asia dan


Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technology and Technical Advice (SBSTTA) CBD

2014 – 2015

Member for SDSN Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN), Indonesian Chapter

2015 sampai sekarang

Anggota Akademi Ilmu

Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI)

Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI)

2015 sampai sekarang (anggota seumur hidup)


Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Tahun Judul Penelitian Pendanaan Publikasi

Sumber Tahun Publisher Link

1 2020 -


Strengthening the responsibility

of Local Goverment on

Conservtion and sustainable

used of Plant Biodiversity in

Wallacea Seasonal Forest

Region – Biosphere Reserve

SAMOTA Nusatenggara Barat


Ristek Brin



Unlocking the potential of

Seasonal Forests to underpin

Wallacea’s green economy

Kerjasama penelitian antara

Universitas Surya, Pusat

Penelitian Biologi LIPI,

Universitas Cendana, Kew

Garden dan Oxford University




2019 Atlantis


2009 -


Biodiversity Survey for Energy

and Health Solutions

Kerjasama riset antara LIPI,

Puslitbang Hutan Kementerian

Kehutanan (FORDA), ITB, UC

Davis, UC Berkeley, dan UC

San Francisco

NIH 2013 Mycosophere Online – Journal of Fungal Biology

Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 5 Tahun Terakhir (termasuk narasumber & moderator seminar atau instruktur dlm workshop/ lokakarya)

No Tahun Judul Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

1 2015 -


Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI) Konservasi

keanekaragaman hayati

2 2004



Ketua Juri Program Fellowship Woman in Sciences Program L’Oreal -


3 2015 -


Anggota Juri Habibie Award

4 2011 -


Anggota Juri Internasional COSMOS PROZE Japan


Pengalaman Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Artikel Ilmiah Volume/Nomor/Tahun Nama Jurnal

1 State of the art of Indonesian agriculture and the introduction of innovation for added value of cassava.

Online ISSN 1863-5474 Print ISSN 1863-5466. Published online 28 February 2020.

Plant Biotechnology Reports,,

2 Biodiversity Risk Assessment of Flores Island Using Local Ecological Footprinting Tool (LEFT) for a Sustainable Land Use Planning.

The 5th FANRes Template for Atlantis Press. 2019

Atlantis Press

3 Leveraging ethno-botany to unlock the green economy potential of Flores through local textile industry.

Annual Conference on Environmental Science, Society and its Application,

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 391 (2019) 012047, IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/391/1/012047

4 Upgrading Indonesian local ethnomedicinal knowledge with molecular phylogenetics.

The 5th FANRes Template for Atlantis Press. 2019

Atlantis Press

5 Biodiversity risk assessment of Flores island using local ecological footprinting tool (LEFT) for a sustainable land use planning

The 5th FANRes Template for Atlantis Press. 2019

Atlantis Press

6 Tropical Forest Biodiversity to provide food, health, and energy solution of the rapid growth of modern society.

Procedia Environment Sciences, 20: 803 – 808.


Lain-lain (bentuk kolom dapat disesuaikan)

dapat diisi dengan data sebagai berikut:

1. Buku dan Haki

2. Penghargaan

3. Tulisan di media massa (media cetak atau media online)

4. Pelatihan profesional / kompetensi

5. Pengalaman Editor/Reviewer

6. Dll


Buku dan Haki

No Tahun Author (s) Judul buku

1 2017 Sukara, E. and

P. Lisdiyanti

Exploring Indonesian Microbial Genetic Resources for

Industrial Application. LIPI Press, Jakarta

2 2014 Purwanto, Y.,

Sukara, E.,


Susyafrianto, J.,

dan Munawir,


Indonesian Biosphere Reserve – to linkage biological and

cultural diversity for sustainable development. Direktorat

Kawasan Konservasi dan Bina Hutan Lindung: ISBN: 978-


3 2013 Sukara, E., D.


and S. Astutik

Konservasi biocarbon, landsap dan kearifan lokal untuk

masa depan – Integrasi pemikiran multidimensi untuk

keberlanjutan. UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun

Raya Cibodas LIPI. 200 hal.

4 2006 Soedjito, H. Dan

E Sukara

Mengilmiahkan Pengetahuan Tradisional Sumber Ilmu

Masa Depan Indonesia. Dalam buku: Kearifan Tradisional

dan Cagar Biosfer di Indonesia, H. Soedjito eds. 118 hal.

5 2002 Dart, P. J., I. H.


and E. Sukara

Indonesia – in Persley, G. J. and L. R. MacIntyre (eds)

Agricultural Biotechnology: Country Case Studies – a

Decade of Development, Biotechnology in Agriculture

Series, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.

6 2003 Mellyawaty, R.

and E. Sukara


Indonesian Patent Granted.

7 1987 Sukara, E. and

H.W. Doelle

A novel one stop process for the production of single cell

protein (SCP) andamyloglucosidase by newly isolated

Rhizopus species UQM 186F. Australian Patent No.P1

2143 submitted on the 26th of May 1987.


No Tahun Jenis Penghargaan

1 2014 International Alumnus of the Year, Queesland University - Australia

2 2011 Australian Alumni Award

3 2008 ASEAN Meritorius Award 2008

5 2007 Satyalancana Karya Satya 30 year Service (Civil Service Awards) from the

President of the Republic of Indonesia 2007

6 2006 Bintang Jasa PRATAMA (High Degree Honour from the President of Republic

of Indonesia as Head of State) 2006

7 2000 Satyalancana Pembangunan (Development Service Awards) from the President

of Republic of Indonesia 2000

8 2000 Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 year Service (Civil Service Awards) from the

President of the Republic of Indonesia 2000;


9 1996 Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 year Service (Civil Service Awards) from the

President of the Republic of Indonesia 1996;

Pelatihan Profesional / kompetensi

No Tahun Jenis Pelatihan Judul Pelatihan

1 2001 Leadership

Training Course

Executive Development Program Crown Agent - United Kingdom, 5 – 15 September 2001

2 2000 Leadership

Training Course

Leadership Development Program CSIRO – Australia, April 1999 – March 2000

3 Leadership

Training Course

Leadership Training Course for Echelon 1 (Spati), State Administration Agency 2000 with certificate and honor


Training Course

Leadership Training Course for Echelon 2 (Spamen), State Administration Agency (LAN) 1997 first rank with certificate

Tulisan Ilmiah

International Publication

1. Sukara E., S. Hartati and S. K. Ragamustari. 2020. State of the art of Indonesian agriculture and

the introduction of innovation for added value of cassava. Plant Biotechnology Reports,, Online ISSN 1863-5474 Print ISSN 1863-5466.

Published online 28 February 2020.

2. Rosaria, H. Rustiani, L. M. R. Kahu, and E Sukara. 2019. Biodiversity Risk Assessment of

Flores Island Using Local Ecological Footprinting Tool (LEFT) for a Sustainable Land Use

Planning. The 5th FANRes Template for Atlantis Press.

3. Ramadhanti S A, H Rustiami, L M R Kaho, Rosaria and E Sukara. 2019. Leveraging ethno-botany to unlock the green economy potential of Flores through local textile industry. Annual Conference on Environmental Science, Society and its Application, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 391 (2019) 012047, IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/391/1/012047

4. Brazia AC, LT Adi, MR Kaho, Lindawati, Rosaria, H Rustiami, E Sukara. 2019. Upgrading Indonesian local ethnomedicinal knowledge with molecular phylogenetics. The 5th FANRes Paper Template for Atlantis Press.

5. Rosaria, H. Rustiami, L. M. R. Kaho and E. Sukara. 2019. Biodiversity risk assessment of Flores island using local ecological footprinting tool (LEFT) for a sustainable land use planning. The 5th FANRes Paper Template for Atlantis Press.

6. Sukara, E. 2014. Tropical Forest Biodiversity to provide food, health, and energy solution of the rapid growth of modern society. Procedia Environment Sciences, 20: 803 – 808.

7. Sulistiani, Abinawanto, E. Sukara, A. Salamah, A. Dinoto. And W. Mangunwardoyo. 2014. Indentification of lactic acid bacteria in sayur asin from Central Java (Indonesia) based on 16S rDNA sequence. International Food Research Journal, Vol 21 (2): 527 – 532.

8. Kanti, A., E. Sukara, K. Latifah, N. Sukarno and K. Boundy-Mills. 2013. Indonesian oleaginous yeasts isolated from Piper betle and P. ningrum. Mycosophere Online – Journal of Fungal Biology – ISSN 2077 7019, 4(6): 1015 – 1026.


9. Tanaka, M., M. Yoshimura, M. Suto, A. Yokota, K. Asano, E. Sukara, and F. Tomita. 2002. Production of lepidimoide by an endophytic fungus from polysaccharide extracted from Abelmoschus sp.: Identification of the product and the organisms producing it. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol. 93 (6): 531 – 536.

10. Sukara, E., R. Melliawati, and S. Saono, 1992. Amylases production from cassava by indigenous yeast. ASEAN Journal Sci. Tech. Development, 9 (1) : 157-168.

11. Sukara, E. and H.W. Doelle, 1989. A one-step process for the production of single cell protein

and amyloglucosidase. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology : 30 : 135 – 140.

12. Sukara, E., and H. W. Doelle. 1989. Optimization of Single Cell Protein Production from

Cassava Stach (Rhizopus oligosporus). Acta Biotechnol. 9 (2): 99 – 110.

13. Sukara, E. and H.W. Doelle, 1988. Cassava srach fermentation pattern of Rhizopus oligosporus.

Mircen Journal 4 : 463 – 471

14. Sukara, E. and H.W. Doelle, 1988.Optimization of cassava starch to single call protein

conservation by Rhizopus oligosporus. Acta Biotechnologica, 9 (2) : 99-110

15. Sukara, E. and H.W. Doelle, 1988. The production of single cell protein and amyloglucosidase

in a novel single step process using a newly isolation Rhizopus. In Recent advances in

Biotechnology and applied Biology (S. Chang et. al. eds.). The Chinese University of Hongkong

pp. 543 – 553.

National Publications

1. Sukara, E., and R. Melliawati. 2014. Potential values of bacterial cellulose for industrial

application. Jurnal Selulosa, 4(1): 7 – 16.

2. Sukara, E., and R. Melliawati. 2013. Isolation of Endophytic Microbes from Gunung Halimun

National Park, West Java, Indonesia and Bioassay Their Potency for Eradicating Microbial

Crops Pathogen. Annales Bogorienses, Vol. 17, No. 1 pp. 15 – 23. 3. Kanti, A., E. Sukara, N. Sukarno, and L. K. Darusman. 2012. Cellulolytic yeast Isolated from

Raja Ampat Indonesia. Annales Bogoriences. 16 (1): 27 – 34.

4. Fahrurrozi, S. Ratnakomala, T. Anindyawati, P. Lisdiyanti and E. Sukara. 2010. Rapid

Assessment of Diverse Trichodermal Isolates of Indonesia Origin for Cellulases Production.

Annales Bogorienses, Vol. 14, No. 1 pp. 39-44.

5. Sukara, E., P. Lisdyanti, H. Yamamura, JY Park, Y. Kuribara, N. Sukarno., W. Sjamsuridzal,

K. Ando, and Y. Widyastuti. 2009. Potential of the Wallacea Biodiversity in Bioprospecting –

Honoring the Past – Celebrating the Future. Berita IPTEK Th ke 47 No. 1 pp. 9 – 18.

6. Sukara, E. 2007. Present status and challenges on agriculture microbe bio-prospecting in

Indonesia (review paper). Annales Bogorienses n. S. Vol 11 No. 1. Pp. 31 – 39.

7. Sukara, E. 2007. Three hundred years Linneaus – an introduction (Indonesian). Berita Biologi.

Vol. 8, No. 41, Mei 2007. Pp. 3 – 8.

8. Sukara, E. 2007. Penerapan dan Pemanfaatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi di Bidang

Bioteknologi – untuk Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat. BioTrends, Vo. 2., No. 1 pp. 8 – 10.

9. Sukara, E. 2005. Biodiversity (green gold) exit alternative for Indonesia from multidimensial

crisis (Indonesian). Berita Biologi 7(6): vii-xx.

10. Rosana, Y. F. Ibrahim, J. Susilo and E. Sukara. 2001. Isolation and screening of endophythic

microbes from Averrhoa bilimbi Linn for antifungal compound.

11. Wiryasasmita, R., E. Sukara, Irawadi and A. A. Darwis, 1994. A microbial process for xanthan

gum production using cassava strach hydrolusate medium. Annales Bogorienses 3 (1) : 15-21.

12. Sukara, E., S. Kinoshita, and T. Yoshida, 1992. Improvement of hydrodinamic for a better

production of Rhizopus glucoamylase on bubble column fermenter. Annales Bogoriensis New

Series 2 (1) : 7-11.

13. Sukara, E., T.K. Prana, T. Anindyawati, and S. Saono, 1992. Production of amyloglucosidase from cassava strarch by Aspergillus sp.KT11. Annales Bogorienses 2(2) : 6-11.


14. Sukara, E. 1988. The growth behaviour of Rhizopus oligosporus on different type of laboratory

fermenters. Annales Bogorienses (New Series) I (1) : 1-12.

15. Sukara, E. 1988. Preliminary study on improvement of protein content and the production of

enzyme by mould Rhizopus on solid state fermentation (Indonesian). Majalah Teknologi

Indonesia 11 (1-2) : 69 -76.

16. Prana, T.K. and E. Sukara, 1988. The possibility of improving the economic value of

Amorphophallus spp, through solid state fermentation by Rhizopus. Pemberitaan Penelitian

Tanaman Industri, XIV (1-2) : 59 – 64

17. Sukara, E. 1987. Measuring the maturity of compost with starch as an indicator(Indonesian),

Buletin Limbah Pangan 3(3) : 309 – 312

18. Sukara, E. 1980. Estimation of waste total ammount as guide to environmental solution.

Majalah Ilmu dan Budaya 2 (4) : 394

19. Sukara, E. 1980. Type and condition of house hold waste at three regency Teluknaga, Citeureup

and Pacet (Indonesian). Buletin Kebun Raya 4 (4) : 131 – 137

20. Sukara, E. 1979. Biogas technology a prospect to reduce environmental degradation in rural

areas (Indonesian), Biologica 5 (39) : 15-20

21. Sukara, E. 1978. Can we use garbage and not to dispose ? (Indonesian). Biologica 4 (32) : 15 –

19; 31 dan 35.

22. Sukara, E. 1977. The possibility of isolating and culturing algae (Indonesian), Biologica 4 (29)

: 11- 14

International Seminar

1. Sukara, E. and S. K. Ragamustari. 2019. Implementation of Nagoya Protocol – the Case Study of Indonesia. The 20th Asian Bioethics, Dhaka – Bangladesh, 22 – 25 November 2019.

2. Sukara, E., E. Sinaga, and S. K. Ragamustari. 2019. Current status and future prospect of Indonesian Biodiversity in Achieving Sustainable goals in health. AASSA-PAS-IAP Regional Workshop on Complementary Medicines an Answer to Challenges Faced in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals I Health, Islamabad: 4 – 5 March 2019

3. Sukara, E. 2014. Indonesian Fungal diversity – a complementary note to the six years research coperation between Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) – Indonesia and National Institute for Technology Evaluation (NITE) – Japan. The 2nd Forest Ecosystem Function Colloqium, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, February, 19th, 2014.

4. Sukara, E. 2013. Biodiversity: a common wealth for a crowded planet. The 2nd GGS Leading Expert Seminar, Kyoto University, Japan.

5. Sukara, E., W. Dwianto, Fitra, S. S. Kusumah, T. D. Darmawan, and H. Gunawan. 2012. Biovillage concept for community development: case study in Temiang Village – Riau Biosphere Reserve Area. Proceeding the 2nd International symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere – Balancing efforts on Environment Usage in Economy and Ecology. Lapan Bandung, pp. 161 – 174.

6. Sukara, E. 2009. Biodiversity and Forest Environment in Indonesia. Keynote Speech on the First International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society. IPB International Convention Center, Bogor – Indonesia. 2nd – 3rd November 2009.

7. Sukara, E. 2008. Environmental Ethics – A Foundation for Sustainable Development. Asian Bioethic Conference the IX, Yogyakarta, 3 – 7 November 2008.

8. Sukara, E. 2008. Indonesian Biodiversity and its Future Value for Achieving MDGs and Adaptation to the Global Climate Change. Keynote Speech for the 4th Indonesian Biotechnology Conference, Bogor. 5 – 7 August 2008.

9. Purwanto, Y. and E. Sukara. Cultural Diversity and biodiversity as foundation for sustainable development. STORMA Stakeholder Workshop, Wydia Graha LIPI, Jakarta 20 – 21 February 2008.


10. Sukara, E. 2008. Biosphere Reserve – A Strategic Concept Toward Sustainable Development, Indonesian Case Study. Proceedings of the First International Symposium, March 12 – 14, Center for South East Asian Studies, Kyoto University – Global COE Program, pp. 211- 230

11. Sukara, E. 2007. Mainstreaming Forest Biodiversity, its prospect for regional economic, social and environmental development program. Proceeding of the 1st Kyoto University – LIPI – South East Asian Forum, Jakarta, Indonesia November 26 – 27, 2007. Pp. 13 – 18.

12. Sukara, E., 2006. Biodiversity – its prospect for regional economic, social and environment development program. International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Utilization, LIPI Science Center Cibinong Bogor, August 29, 2006.

13. Kartika, T., S. Yusuf, E. Sukara, I. Guswenrivo and D. Tarmadi. 2006. Comparative study on seven different Entomopathogenic fungi on the mortality of Coptotermes sp. Proceeding the Third Conference on Pacific Tim Termite Research Group, Guangzhou, P. R. China.

14. Sukara, E. 2005. Microbial Diversity for Sustainable Economic Development – Bioconversion of Carbohydrate and Its Prospect to Indonesian Economic. The First Symposium on Carbohydrates Enzymes Bioengineering, KPP Bioteknologi ITB, Bandung.

15. Sukara, E. 2005. Rhizophus oligosporus and its Industrial Potency. National Training Course on the Identification of Rhizopus spp. For Biodiversity and Industry, Diponegoro University, Semarang (under the Auspice of National Comission to UNESCO for Indonesia).

16. Subroto M. A., dan E. Sukara. 2000. Bioetika dalam bioteknologi dan pengaruhnya bagi keanekaragaman hayati. Meneg LH, Jakarta.

17. Sukara, E. and I.H. Slamet – Loedin, 2000. Agriculture Biotechnology in Indonesia Proc. Regional Conference Agriculture Biotechnology – Biotechnology Research and Policy: Needs and Priorites in the context of Southeast Asia’s Agriculture objectives, Bangkok, Thailand.

18. Muhamad Ismail A.K., Mamat Ali, Son Radu, Zaiton Hasan, Nazamid Saari, Tisno Suwaryo, U, Suwahyono, Made Sri Prana, Endang Sukara, Sebastian Margino, Manabu Suto, Michiko Tanaka, Atsushi Yokota, and Fusao Tomita, 1999. Screening of Microorganisme for Useful Bioactive Compounds in Indonesia and Malaysia. Proceeding The Tokyo International forum on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Tropical Bioresources. Tokyo, Japan, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and Japan Bioindustry Association (JBA) p. 161 - 191.

19. Endang Sukara, 1999. Microbial culture collection and biotechnology. Oresented at One day seminar and Workshop on thw role of Culture Collection dan Preservasi Mikroorganisme – Kerjasama antara ROSTSEA – UNESCO, Puslitbang Bioteknologi LIPI dan Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia, Jakarta, 8 – Maret 1999.

20. Sukara, E., H. Kumagai and K. Yamamoto, 1997. Preliminary study on amyloglucosidase of a newly isolated Saccharomycopsis Sp. TJ-1 from the Indonesian fermented food (tape). The 2 Seminar on JSPS-NRCT DOST-LIPI VCC Large Scale Coorperative Research Program in the field of Biotechnology “Sustainable Development of Biotechnology in Tropics and the 9 Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology on “Biotechnology : An Essetial Tool for Future Development ? Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhonaratchasima, Thailand 19-21 November 1997.

21. Melliawati, R., N.R. Prayitno and E. Sukara, 1996. Isolation and characterization of thermostable inulinase enzyme production. Joint Seminar JSPS-NRCT/DOST/LIPI/VCC “Exploitation and application of novel function of microbial resources in tropics”. Dept. of Biotechnology Faculty of Science-Mahidol University, Thailand 1-2 Nov 1996.

22. Darwis, A.A. and E. Sukara, 1995. Solid State Fermentation for the Economic Improvement of Cocoa Pod Program for JSPS-NRCT/DOST/LIPI/VCC Workshop on “Microbial Degradation and


Utilization of Lignocellulose and Xenobiotics”. Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand : December 6, 1995 to December 10, 1995.

23. Sukara, E. and D. Tisnadjaja, 1995. Microbial Degradation and Utilization of Lignocellulose in Indonesia. Program JSPS-NRCT/DOST/LIPI/VCC Workshop on “Microbial Degradation and Utilization of Lignocellulose and Xenobiotics” Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, December 6 - 10, 1995.

24. Sukara, E., S. Soemitro, A. T. Karossi, B.L. Oei, and S. Saono, 1992. Highlisghts of ASEAN-Australia Biotechnology Project in Indonesia : Carbohydrate Biotechnology, Proceedings of 3 ASEAN Science and Technology Week, Singapore, 21-22 Sept.

25. Sukara, E., H.I. Sukiman, H. Karsono, and S. Saono, 1992. The use of pre-fermented cassava medium to produce Rhizobium biomass. Symposium and Workshop on BNF, can The University, Vietnam.

26. Saono, S., H. Karsono, H. I. Sukiman, and E. Sukara, 1992. Selection of effective Rhizobium from Sumatra acid soils for two new soybean cultivars. Symposium and BNF Workshop, Can Tho Univ. Vietnam.

27. Doelle, H.W., E. Gumbira Said, E. Sukara, and M.B. Doelle. 1991. Socio-ecological concept on microbial conversions for a sustainable development and preservation of the environment, GIAM IX Congress, Malta, 15-21 September.

28. Sukara, E. 1988. Improvement of protein content of cassava and the production of amylase enzymes through a single solid state fermentation step process using Rhizopus mould. Proc. Of the International Symposium on Application of Biotechnology for small Industries Development in Developing countries.

29. Sukara, E. 1987. Prospect of microbes in biotechnology (Indonesian). The Association of the Indonesian Lecturer and Researcher Australia, Brisbane - Australia.

30. Sukara, E. and H.W. Doelle, 1986. Utilization of cassava starch for the production of single

cell protein (SCP), Proc. Seventh Australian Biotech. Con. Pp./356 –360

National Seminar

1. Sukara, E. and I SL. Tobing. Biodiversity base industry and future of Indonesia. Symposium Industrial Biology Research “business prospect of industrial biology (Indonesian). – Cooperation Faculty of Biology National University and MGMP Biology DKI Jakarta”, Jakarta 11 November 2008.

2. Sukara, E. 2007. Bioprospecting Conservation strategy. Proceeding Plant conservation of the Usada Bali and its roles in ecotourism development of Bali (Indonesian), 6 September 2007. Pp. 1 – 7.

3. Sukara, E. 2006. Restructurization and consolidation of Agribusiness Development through agropolitant approach (Indonesian). Jeparatech Expo 2006 and Seminar. Jepara – Central Java - Indonesia.

4. Hermiati E., and E. Sukara. 2005. Conversion of lignocelluloses to ethanol bioenergy (Indonesian). National Seminar on lignocellulosic, bioconversion to useful products (Indonesian). Airlangga University (UNAIR), Surabaya.

5. Sukara, E. 2001. Development of science and technology based on natural resources, challenge and opportunity (Indonesian). Seminar on Bengkulu from the perspective of science and technology capability to empower Bengkulu Region, Bengkulu.

6. Slamet-Loedin, I. H., and E. Sukara. 2001. Biosafety Clearing House and its development. Biodiversity Forum, Jakarta.


7. Jusuf, E., and E. Sukara, 1997. Agriculture biotechnology development strategy (Indonesian). National Biotechnology Seminar organized by the Agronomy Student Association of the Agriculture and Forestry Faculty – Hasannudin University, Ujung Pandang, Nov. 15th, 1997.

8. Wiryasasmita, R.D. Setiarini, and E. Sukara, 1994. The effect on the concentration of inoculum

on amyloglucosidase production (Indonesian). Indonesian Microbiology Association Seminar,


9. Permana, D. and E. Sukara, 1992. Study on immobilization of amyloglucosidase enzymes on various innert matrix tuft granule and alginate bead (Indonesian). Proceeding Biotechnology Research and Development Seminar. Recearch and Development Center for Biotechnology LIPI, Bogor: 14-25.

10. Prana, T.K. and E. Sukara, 1992. Preliminary study on the production and purification of glucoamylase of Aspergillus sp. KT11 origin (Indonesian). Proceeding Biotechnology Research and Development Seminar. Recearch and Development Center for Biotechnology LIPI, Bogor:: 33-41.

11. Anindyawati, T. and E. Sukara, 1989. Preliminary study on starch hydrolysis by immobilized Rhizopus on alginate beads (Indonesian). In Pramono, et al. (eds.) : Proceeding on Indonesian Biotechnology Seminar, Inter University Center for Biotechnology. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta : 196 - 201

12. Sukara, E. and R. Wiryasasmita, 1989. Effect on the addition of solid waste of soy bean oil on fermentation behaviour of cassava starch by Rhizopus (Indonesian). In Pramono et. Al., . (eds.): Proceeding Indonesian Biotechnology Seminar – Inter University Center Biotechnology Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta : 65-72

13. Wiryasasmita, R and E. Sukara, 1989. Comparative Study on fermentation behaviour of Sago and cassava by four different amylolitic fungi (Indonesian). In Pramono et. al., (eds.) : Proceeding Indonesian Biotechnology Seminar – Inter University Center Biotechnology Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta : 73 – 82

14. Tisnadjaja, D. and E. Sukara, 1989. Efficiency of amyloglucosidase application by Ca-alginate immobilization (Indonesian). Bioprocess in Food Industry Seminar II. Inter University Center for Food and Nutrition, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 29 – 30 Nov.

15. Melliawati, R. and E. Sukara, 1989. Isolation and characterization of microbial isolate with amylolytic potentials (Indonesian). The Fifth National Congress of the Indonesian Microbiology Association, Yogyakarta, 4-6 Desember

16. Nirwana, P. and E. Sukara, 1989. Amylase enzyme production and characterization of microbial isolates with amylolytic potentials (Indonesian). The Fifth National Congress of the Indonesian Microbiology Association, Yogyakarta, 4-6 Desember

17. Sukara, E. 1988. Direct conversion of cassava flour to glucose by Rhizopus through submerge fermentation (Indonesian). In Heruwati, et. al.,. (ed.): Proceeding Post Harvest Technology pp. 16 – 23

18. Sukara, E. 1988. Biotechnology and the production of fine chemical (Indonesian). Seminar on the development and application of Chemical Technology. Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya.

19. Sukara, E. and H.W. Doelle, 1987. Bioconversion of cassava flour to single cell protein through submerge fermentation (Indonesian). Food Engineering Seminar I, Inter University Center for Food and Nutrition Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

20. Basuki, T., E. Sukara, K. Kramadibrata and E. Jusuf,1981. Cultivation of Volvariella volvaceae at house hold garden (Indonesian). Proceeding National Microbiology Seminar III, Jakarta pp. 486-487.


21. Sukara, E. dan S. Brotonegoro, 1981. Adiabatic decomposision of municipal waste at laboratory scale 1 (Indonesian). Proceeding National Microbiology Seminar II, Yogyakarta,pp.46-50

22. Sukara, E dan S. Brotonegoro, 1981. Adiabatic decomposition of municipal waste at laboratory scale 2. Effect of the addition of anorganic chemical with or withoud glucose on the augmentation of waste degradation (Indonesian). Proceeding National Microbiology Seminar III Jakarta pp. 489-492.

Buku/Bagian dari Buku 1. Sukara, E. and P. Lisdiyanti. 2017. Exploring Indonesian Microbial Genetic Resources for Industrial

Application. LIPI Press, Jakarta. 2. Purwanto, Y., Sukara, E., Hartono, Susyafrianto, J., dan Munawir, A. 2014. Indonesian Biosphere Reserve

– to linkage biological and cultural diversity for sustainable development. Direktorat Kawasan Konservasi

dan Bina Hutan Lindung: ISBN: 978-602-17280-4-8

3. Sukara, E., D. Widyatmoko, and S. Astutik. 2013, Konservasi biocarbon, landsap dan kearifan lokal untuk masa depan – Integrasi pemikiran multidimensi untuk keberlanjutan. UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas LIPI. 200 hal.

4. Soedjito, H. Dan E Sukara. 2006. Mengilmiahkan Pengetahuan Tradisional Sumber Ilmu Masa Depan Indonesia. Dalam buku: Kearifan Tradisional dan Cagar Biosfer di Indonesia, H. Soedjito eds. 118 hal.

5. Dart, P. J., I. H. Slamet-Loedin and E. Sukara. 2002. Indonesia – in Persley, G. J. and L. R. MacIntyre (eds) Agricultural Biotechnology: Country Case Studies – a Decade of Development, Biotechnology in Agriculture Series, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.

6. Melliawati, R., W. Y. Komara and E. Sukara. 2001. Fermentation Process for the Production of Acetobacter sp. EMN-1 Biomass. In Murooka, Y. et al. Biotechnology for Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources in the Tropics Vol. 15, International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University, Japan, pp. 432 - 437

7. Tanaka, M., K. Asano, M. Yoshimura, T. Sone, M. Suto, A. Yokota, E. Sukara, and F. Tomita. 2001. The Production of Lepidimoide by Endophytic Fungus from Polysaccharide extracted from Abelmoschus sp.- Identification of the Product and the Producing Organism. In Murooka, Y. et al. Biotechnology for Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources in the Tropics Vol. 15, International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University, Japan, pp. 82- 88.

8. Anindyawati, T., K. Saito, M. Tanaka, K. Asano, E. Sukara, H. Matsui, and F. Tomita. 2001. Studies on Indonesian Endophytic microorganism and their Potentials as α-Glucosidase Producers. In Murooka, Y. et al. Biotechnology for Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources in the Tropics Vol. 15, International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University, Japan, pp. 89 - 97.

9. Sukara, E., H. Kumagai and K. Yamamoto, 1998. Study on Amyloglucosidase of a Newly Isolated Saccharomycopsis sp. Tj-1 from The Indonesian Fermented Food (Tape). Annales Bogorienses n.s. Vol. 5 no. 2. also reported on Annual Report of IC Biotech Vol. 21, 1998, Osaka University pp. 776 – 782.

10. Sukiman, H. I. H. Karsono, S. Lekatompessy, D. E. Rantau and E. Sukara. 1998. Evaluation of Bradyrhizobium sp. BTCC B64 Inoculation Technique on Soybean Seed. Annual Report of IC Biotech Vol. 21, 1998, Osaka University pp. 905 - 915.

11. Fuad, A.M., R. Melliawati, S. Saono and E. Sukara, 1995. Microbial Process Development for Amyloglucosidase Production Using Indigenous Microbes : New Amyloglucosidase Producer Yeast from Ragi Tape. Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur : 90-100.

12. Triyono, B. dan E. Sukara, 1991. Biotechnology capability in Agriculture Industry (Indonesian). Research Series No. 5/9/BP-ISSN 0853-0513. Terbitan PAPIPTEK LIPI, Jakarta, 30 hal.


13. Darwis, A.A., and E. Sukara, 1989. Manual for enzyme technology: Isolation, purification and characterization (Indonesian). Inter University Center Biotechnology, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor.

14. Darwis, A.A., and E. Sukara, 1989. Microbial Technology (text book) (Indonesian). Inter University Center Biotechnology, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor.

15. Sukara, E., T. Yoshida and Y. Fujio, 1988. Gas chromatographic analysis of the flavours in tempehs production by three different strains of Rhizopus. Annual Reports of IC Biotech. Vol. 11 : 432 – 435.

16. Sukara, E., T. Yoshida and Y. Fujio, 1988. Raw starch digestive enzymes production by Rhizopus mould in liquid culture. Annual Reports of IC Biotech. Vo. 11 : 436 – 437

17. Sukara, E. 1981. Cara menanam jamur merang (Cultivation of Rice Straw Mushroom). Bharata Karya Aksara, Jakarta, 38 hal

Pengalaman Editor Review

No Tahun

1 2009 External reviewer Global Center of Excellent under the auspice of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 2009

2 2009 External Reviewer to the Research Institute of Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University – Japan 2009

3 2001 Edtorial Board Tropical Biodiversity Journal

4 2020 Editorial Board Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies

Jakarta, 1 Oktober 2020


( Prof Dr Endang Sukara ) )



Prof. Dr. Endang Sukara lahir di Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, 9 September 1952. Ia memperoleh gelar Sarjana Muda Biologi, Bachelor of Science (BSc) 1976 dan Sarjana Biologi (Drs.) 1979 dari Universitas Nasional (UNAS) Jakarta. Gelar Ph.D. diperolehya dari Queensland University, Brisbane – Australia, tahun 1989.

Prof Sukara diberi amanah sebagai Wakil Kepala Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) 2010 – 2012. Sebelumnya sebagai Deputi Kepala LIPI Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Hayati dua periode antara tahun 2001 dan 2010, Kepala Pusat Penelitian Pengembangan Bioteknologi LIPI 1997 – 2010, Prof Sukara juga menjadi Ketua Komisi Nasional Program Man and the Biosphere (MAB) UNESCO untuk Indonesia antara tahun 2001 dan 2010 dan Anggota International Coordinating Council MAB UNESCO mewakili Asia dan Pasific 2015. Prof Sukara menjadi Ketua Board of Trustee Plant Resources Asia Tenggara (PROSEA) dari tahun 2001 sampai 2010 dan menjadi Anggota Board of Trustee Plant Resources di Afrika Tropis (PROTA). Prof Sukara menjadi Anggota Dewan Riset Nasional (DRN) Republik Indonesia tahun 2005 sampai 2009. Presiden Asosiasi untuk Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Genetik di Asia (ACM) tahun 2008. Prof Sukara menjadi Associate Member Governing Board pada Global Biodiversity Information Facilities (GBIF) pada tahun 2010. Anggota Komisi Nasional Bioetik (KBN) sampai sekarang. Prof Sukara menjadi anggota Inter Governmental Bioethics (IGBC - UNESCO 2014 – 2015. Prof Sukara pada tahun 2014 menjadi Visiting Professor di University of Kyoto – Japan. Prof Sukara menjadi Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI) 2015 – 2016. Prof Sukara ditunjuk menjadi anggota Biro pada Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technology and Technical Advice (SBSTTA) CBD 2014 – 2015 (mewakili Asia dan Pacific).

Endang telah menerbitkan enambelas makalah ilmiah yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ilmiah internasional, dua puluh dua dalam jurnal nasional, 33 makalah yang dibawakannya dalam pertemuan ilmiah internasional, 22 makalah disampaikan dalam pertemuan ilmiah nasional, 17 karya ilmiahnya dituliskan dalam buku atau bagian dari buku dan 14 di antaranya ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

Prof Sukara mendapat beberapa penghargaan antara lain Satya Lencana Karyasatia 10, 20, dan 30 tahun, Satya Lencana

Pembangunan, BINTANG JASA PRATAMA 2006, ASEAN Meritorius Award 2009, Australian Alumni Awards 2011, Queensland

University Alumni Awards dan Queensland University Alumni of the Year 2014.

Kegiatan penelitian dan kegiatan ilmiah yang telah dan sedang dilakukan Prof Sukara antara lain adalah: Principle Investigator

for Indonesia on project titled “Unlocking the potential of Seasonal Forests to underpin Wallacea’s green economy” Funded by

Newton Fund, Kerjasama penelitian antara Universitas Surya, Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI, Universitas Cendana, Kew Garden

dan Oxford University UK 2018 2021; Principle Investigator for Rispro on Strengthening the responsibility of Local Goverment

on Conservtion and sustainable used of Plant Biodiversity in Wallacea Seasonal Forest Region – Biosphere Reserve SAMOTA

Nusatenggara Barat (NTB) 2020 – 2022; Advisory to the project “Revegetation of Alang-alang Field for Energy Solution,

Kerjasama rise tantara Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI dengan Kyoto University Japan didanai oleh

SATREPS under the auspice JICA and Japan Science and Technology (JST)” 2016 – 2021; Advisory to the project “Biodiversity

Survey for Energy and Health Solutions Kerjasama riset antara LIPI, Puslitbang Hutan Kementerian Kehutanan (FORDA), ITB,

UC Davis, UC Berkeley, dan UC San Francisco didanai oleh National Institute of Health (NIH) 2009 - 2012; Advisory and

member of streering committee proyek “Taxonomic and ecology evaluation of Fungus and Actinomycetes Kerjasama riset

antara LIPI dan National Institute of Technology Evaluation (NITE) Japan 2004 - 2009; Koordinator Program Core University on

Wood Sciences – Sustainable Forest Production (Kerjasama LIPI dan Kyoto University dan Koordinator Program Kerjasama

Jepang ASEAN (JSPS-NRCT-DOST-LIPI-VCC) tentang Sustainable Development of Biotechnology in Tropics.

Posisi yang ditempati oleh Prof Sukara saat ini adalah sebagai Anggota Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) sejak

2015, Visiting Professor pada the American University of Sovereign Nations Arizona sejak tahun 2015, Vice President Asosiasi

Bioetik Asia (ABA) sejak 2017 dan Anggota Majelis Guru Besar Universitas Nasional (UNAS) sejak 2019 dan Anggota

Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN), Indonesian Chapter.

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