Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)

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  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    Management of Acute Manic and Mixed Episodes in Bipolar Disorders

    Terence A. Ketter, M.D.

    Po W. Wang, M.D.

    Over a period of 24 years, the U.S. ood and Dr!g Ad"in#istration $DA% approved thefirst three agents for "onotherapy treat"ent of ac!te "ania&'ithi!" in ()*+, ch'orpro"aine in

    ()*-, and diva'proe $a pro#prietary for"!'ation ofva'proate% in ())4 $Ta/'e 0#(%. or "!ch of 

    the ()*+sand ()1+s, 'ithi!" and first#generation antipsychotics ere the "ain treat#"ents for 

    ac!te "ania, /!t this changed as the efficacy 'i"itations of 'ithi!" and to'era/i'ity 'i"itations of 

    first#generation antipsychotics /eca"e "ore ev#ident, and ne treat"ent options e"erged. 3y

    the 'ate ())+s, diva'proe had overtaen 'ithi!", and in the 2+++s, second#generation

    antipsychotics overtoo first#generation antipsychotics. Th!s, since 2+++, five second#generation

    anti#psychotics $o'anapine, risperidone, 5!etiapine, iprasidone, and aripiprao'e% have received

    "onotherapy indications for ac!te "ania, and fo!r $o'anapine, risperidone, 5!etiapine, and

    aripiprao'e% received ad6!nctive indications for ac!te "ania. 7n 2++4 a proprietary /eaded,

    etended#re'ease caps!'e for"!'a#tion of car/a"aepine, and in 2++8 an etended#re'ease

    for"!'ation of diva'#proe $diva'proe 9:%, received a "onotherapy indication for ac!te "ania.


    Table 6-1. Evidence-based treatment of acute manic and mixed episodes

    Manic episodes Mied episodes With or



    Agitation associated

    ith /ipo'ar disorder 

    Mood sta/i'iers;ithi!"- ()*+ # <

    Diva'proea ())4 <

    Diva'proe etended#re'ease 2++8 2++8 2++8

    =ar/a"aepine etended#re'ease 2++4 2++4

    Typica' antipsychotics

    =h'orpro"ainea ()*->a'operido' < < <

    Atypica' antipsychotics

    O'anapinea 2+++,2++- / 2+++,2++- / < 2++4:isperidonea 2++-,2++- / 2++-,2++- / <

    ?!etiapinea 2++4 /,c <?!etiapine etended#re'ease 2++1 /,c 2++1 /,c <@iprasidonea 2++4 2++4 2++4 d

    Aripiprao'ea 2++4, / 2++1 / 2++4,2++1 / 2++4 2++0Asenapine < <

     ote. Dates signify year of initia' approva' in the United States.

  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    the approved agents, the first#generation antipsychotic ha'operido' and the second#generation

    antipsychotic asenapine have "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o# and active#

    co"parator#contro''ed dinica' tria's s!pporting their !se in ac!te "ania.

    The DA#approved treat"ents are genera''y s!pported /y at 'east to "!'#ticenter, rando"ied,

    do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed c'inica' tria's. 7n "ost instances, these are -#ee inpatientst!dies of "onotherapy in patients ith very 'i"ited psychiatric and "edica' co"or/idities. 7n

    these tria's, in aggregate, the previo!s'y "entioned agents ith DA indications for the

    "onotherapy treat"ent of ac!te "ania have yie'ded response $at 'east 8+F i"prove"ent in

    "ania ratings% rates of approi"ate'y 8+F, as co"pared ith approi"ate'y -+F ith p'ace/o,

    th!s representing a/o!t a 2+F increase in response rate $ig!re 0#(, 'eft side%. Patients receiving

    either active treat"ent or p'ace/o a'so received additiona' s!/stantia' psychosocia' $ac!te

     psychiatric hospita'iation%. and "odest phar"acotherapy $as#needed /enodiaepine for 

    approi"ate'y ( ee% interventions, acco!nting for a portion of /oth the active dr!g and the

     p'ace/o responses. Si"i'ar'y, in aggregate, the response rates for to#dr!g co"# /ination therapy

    $ith o'anapine, risperidone, 5!etiapine, or aripiprao'e added to 'ithi!" or diva'proe%

    eceeded those for "onotherapy $ith 'ithi!" or diva'proe% /y a'"ost 2+F $ig!re 0#(, right


    Treatment of Acute Mania: Balancing Benefits and is!s

    =o"parisons s!ggest that "onotherapy response rates are "ore si"i'ar than different across

    individ!a' approved agents and across "ood sta/i'iers co"# pared ith atypica' antipsychotics

    $ig!re 0#2%. >oever, as noted ear'ier, so"e

    "igure 6-1. #ver$ie%of 1&acute mania studies' %it( pooled response rates and numbersneeded to treat )**Ts+ for response.

    Poo'ed data fro" (4 recent "onotherapy G'eftC see ig!re 0#2 'egend for dtations% and 4 recent

    co"/ination $second#generation antipsychotic HSIAJ p'!s'ithi!" H;i ordiva'proe HDLPEJ%

    therapy $rightC Sachs et a'. 2++2C Tohen et a'. 2++2/C Lieta et a'. 2++1aC atha" et a'. 2++4% ac!te

    "ania st!dies. Monotherapy yie'ded approi"ate'y a 2(F increase in poo'ed response rate co"#

     pared ith p'ace/o $approi"ate'y 8(F vs. -+F%. Active dr!g and p'ace/o rates are in part re#

    'ated to /oth gro!ps a'so having ac!te hospita'iation and a fe days of resc!e /enodiaepine.

    Monotherapy co"pared ith p'ace/o had an T for response of 8 $i.e., (++N2(.8B4.*&8,

    ro!nded !p%. =o"/ination therapy yie'ded a/o!t a 2+F increase in poo'ed response rate co"#

     pared ith "onotherapy $approi"ate'y 02F vs. 44F% and an T for response of0 $i.e., (++N

    (1.-B8.8&0, ro!nded !p%. =3@Bcar/a"aepine.


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    differences are seen in the esta/'ished efficacy profi'es of the approved agents $Ta/'e 0#(%.

     everthe'ess, adverse effect differences a"ong individ!a' agentsappear to /e "ore noteorthy

    and are noted 'ater in this chapter and descri/ed in detai' in =hapter (-, QMood Sta/i'iers and

    Antipsychoticsand =hapter (4, QAntidepressants, Anio'yticsN>ypnotics, and Other 

    Medications,R of this hand/oo.

    7n addition to data regarding "ood sta/i'iers and atypica' antipsychotics, there have /een

    "!'tip'e contro''ed tria's of other anticonv!'sants in ac!te "a#

    niaC hoever, as disc!ssed 'ater in this chapter, to date, on'y divaproe and car#/a"aepine and

     possi/'y ocar/aepine appear effective.

    7n this chapter, e revie the treat"ent of ac!te "ania, e"phasiing find#ings of recent

    contro''ed st!dies. S!ch or is he'ping !s to refine o!r no'edge a/o!t 'ithi!", diva'proe,

    and car/a"aepineC to appreciate the !ti'ity of sec#ond#generation antipsychoticsC and to

    !nderstand the 'i"itations of other anti#conv!'sants in ac!te "ania. Th!s, in addition to the "oodsta/i'iers 'ithi!", diva'proe, and car/a"aepine, e consider to "ain categories of potentia'

    ne treat"ent options for ac!te "ania second#generation antipsychotics and other 

    anticonv!'sants. Second#generation antipsychotics genera''y appear effective for ac!te "ania

    $Ta/'e 0#(%. 7n contrast, other anticonv!'sants appear to have diverse psychotropic profi'es, and

    a'tho!gh $ith the possi/'e eception of ocar/aepine% they are not effective for ac!te "ania,

    they "ay have !ti'ity for other aspects of /ipo'ar disorders or co"or/id conditions.

    A "our-Tier Approac(

    7nterventions for the treat"ent of ac!te "ania are revieed !sing the fo!r#tier syste" presented

    in Ta/'e 0#2. This syste" is a hy/rid approach, co"/ining ev# idence#/ased "edica' infor"ation

    a/o!t efficacy and to'era/i'ity ith "ore e"pirica' constr!cts s!ch as fa"i'iarity and patient

    accepta/i'ity to prioritie treat"ents in a fashion /road'y consistent ith orth A"erican c'inica'

     prac# tice and treat"ent g!ide'ines.

    Tier 7 treat"ent options have DA approva' for ac!te "ania and are s!p# ported /y the "ost

    co"pe''ing evidence of efficacy. >oever, to'era/i'ity 'i"i# tations $partic!'ar'y in the 'onger 

    ter"% of at 'east so"e Tier 7 treat"ents "ay 'ead c'inicians and patients, after co"paring the

    riss and /enefits, to con#sider other treat"ents.

    The Tier 77 treat"ent option $asenapine% 'acs DA approva' for the treat#"ent of ac!te "ania /!t has co"pe''ing evidence of efficacy and to'era/i'ity advantages that "ight "ae it attractive

    for a s!/stantia' n!"/er of patients once it receives approva'.

    Tier 777 treat"ent options in "ost instances 'ac DA approva' for the treat# "ent of ac!te "ania

    and have s!/stantive to'era/i'ity $i.e side effect% 'i"ita#tions andNor 'ess co"pe''ing evidence of 

    efficacy than do Tier 7 or 77 options. 7n genera', treat"ent g!ide'ines do not consider these

    "oda'ities to /e first#'ine interventions /!t cite the" as inter"ediate priority options. >oever,

    so"e Tier 777 options have "itigating advantages that "ight "ae the" attractive


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    Poo'ed data fro" controUed tria's of the "ood sta/i'iers 'ithi!" $3oden et a'. ())4,2++8%, diva'proe $3oden et a', ())4,2++0%, and car/a"aepine $Weis'er et a'. 2++4a,

    2++8% and the second#generation antipsychoticso'anapine $Tohen et a'. ())),2+++%, risperidone $>irschfe'd et a'. 2++4C Khannaet a'. 2++8%, 5!etiapine $3oden et a'. 2++8C

    Mc'ntyre et a'. 2++8%, iprasidone $Kec et a'. 2++-/C Potin et a'. 2++8%, and aripiprao'e $Kec et a'. 2++-aC Sachs et a'. 2++0%, as e'' as p'ace/o $3oden et a'.

    ())4,2++8,2++0C >irschfe'd et a'. 2++4C Kec et a'. 2++-a, 2++-/C Khanna et a'. 2++8C Mc'ntyre et a'. 2++8C Potin et a'. 2++8C Sachs et a'. 2++0C Tohen et a'. ())),2+++C Weis'er 

    et a'. 2++4a, 2++8%. Ts for response for individ!a' agents ranged fro" 4 to *, re'ated to differences in response rates for active dr!gs and p'ace/o across st!dies. Poo'ed st!dies

    of "ood sta/i'ier "onotherapies co"pared ith p'ace/o yie'ded response rates of approi"ate'y 8+F and 21F, respective'y, and a poo'ed T for response of 8 $(++N22.-B4.8

     &8, ro!nded !p%. Poo'ed st!dies of second#generation antipsychotics and p'ace/o yie'ded response rates of approi"ate'y 8(F and -8F, respective'y, and an T for re#sponse

    of * $(++N(0.-B0.( &*, ro!nded !p%. Th!s, a so"ehat higher poo'ed p'ace/o response rate in st!dies of second#generation antipsychotics co"pared ith "ood sta/i'iers

    yie'ded a so"ehat higher poo'ed T for response for the for"er, despite si"i'ar response rates for active dr!gs. Aside fro" 'ithi!", >s for sedation are co"para/'e to Ts

    for response, ref'ecting the sedative actions of approved treat"ents hen dosed ag# gressive'y as in ac!te "ania. =ontet of effects is cr!cia'&sedation of etre"e'y agitated

     patients ear'y in the treat"ent of ac!te "ania "ay not yie'd prohi/itive pro/'e"s /!t "ay /eco"e increasing'y !naccepta/'e as "ania reso'ves and discharge approaches.


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    Table 6-,. "our-tier approac( to t(e management of acute mania

    Tier riorit *ame Treatment #ptions

    7 >igh Approved Mood sta/i'iers 'ithi!", diva'proe

    Second#generation antipsychotics

    o'anapine, risperidone, 5!etiapine,,iprasidone, aripiprao'e

    77 >igh >igh#priority


    Other second#generation

    antipsychotics asenapine

    777 7nter"ediate Other Other "ood sta/i'iers


    irst#generation antipsychotics

    ch'orpro"aine, thioridaine,

    thiothiene, pi"oide, ha'operido'

    Other second#generation

    antipsychotics c'oapineAd6!nctive /enodiaepines

    9'ectroconv!'sive therapy

    7L ;o ove' Ad6!ncts Other "ood sta/i'iers 'a"otriginea

    Other anticonv!'sants ocar/aepine,

    ga/apentin,a topira"ate, a tiaga/ine, /

    'evetiraceta", / onisa"ide/ a 

    Ad6!nctive psychotherapy

    a7neffective in contro''ed ac!te "ania tria's. / ot assessed in contro''ed ac!te "ania tria's, as of ear'y 2++).

    for se'ected patients, and in certain circ!"stances, so"e of these interventions "ay /e

    considered ear'y on $e.g., e'ectroconv!'sive therapy H9=TJ in pregnant o"en%.

    Tier 7L treat"ent options 'ac DA approva' for the treat"ent of ac!te "ania and have even"ore 'i"ited evidence of efficacy than do Tier 7, 77, or 777 options. 7ndeed, so"e of theseinterventions have /een proven to /e ineffective in ac!te "ania /!t "ay have !ti'ity for co"or/id conditions. 7n genera', treat"ent g!ide'ines consider these "oda'ities to /e 'o# priority interventions.

    Tier /: Approved Acute Mania Treatment

    #ptions for Bipolar DisorderThe approved ac!te "ania treat"ents inc'!de three "ood sta/i'iers $'ithi!", diva'proe, andcar/a"aepine%, five second#generation antipsychotics $o'an#apine, risperidone, 5!etiapine,

    iprasidone, and aripiprao'e%, and the first# generation antipsychotic ch'orpro"aine. 3eca!se

    of co"p'eity of !se and to'era/i'ity 'i"itations, car/a"aepine and ch'orpro"aine are assignedto Tier 777. As noted ear'ier and descri/ed in greater detai' in this section, Tier 7 options have

    favora/'e efficacy $sing'e#digit TsC ig!re 0#2%, a'tho!gh so"e a'so "ay have safety or 

    to'era/i'ity cha''enges. Th!s, to'era/i'ity 'i"itations of so"e Tier 7 treat"ents "ay 'ead

    c'inicians and patients, after co"paring the riss and /enefits, to consider other treat"ents.

    Mood 0tabiliers

    Mood sta/i'iers are considered fo!ndationa' treat"ents for /ipo'ar disorders, and threeof theseagents $'ithi!", diva'proe, and car/a"aepine% have indi# cations for the treat"ent of ac!te

    "ania. The first#'ine ac!te "ania treat"ent options&'ithi!" and diva'proe&are disc!ssed in

    this section, hereas the a'ternative treat"ent car/a"aepine is disc!ssed in the section on Tier 

    777 treat"ents. The other "ood sta/i'ier, 'a"otrigine, as disc!ssed in the section on

    Tier 7L treat"ents, is ineffective in ac!te "ania.


    ;ithi!" as first reported to have efficacy in ac!te "ania /y ohn =ade $()4)%, as ide'y !sed

    for the treat"ent of "ania in 9!rope in the ()0+s, and received DA approva' as "onotherapyfor "anic episodes of "anic# depressive i''ness in ()*+ and as "aintenance therapy to prevent or 


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    di"inish the intensity of s!/se5!ent episodes in those "anic#depressive patients ith a

    history of "ania in ()*4. 7n the ()*+s and ()1+s, 'ithi!" and first#generation an# tipsychotics

    ere the pri"ary agents !sed in the treat"ent of "ania. As noted in =hapter (+ of this vo'!"e,

    QManage"ent of 3ipo'ar Disorders in =hi'dren and Ado'escents,R 'ithi!" as the first agent

    approved for the treat"ent of "ania in ado'escents $age (2 years and o'der%. >oever, ith the

    e"ergence of diva'proe and atypica' antipsychotics, this changed dra"atica''y in the 'ate ())+s

    and ear'y 2+++s. >oever, 'ithi!" contin!ed to /e co""on'y !sed, partic!'ar'y in

    co"/ination ith other agents. 7ndeed, /eteen 2++- and 2++1, fo!r second# generation

    antipsychotics $o'anapine, risperidone, 5!etiapine, and aripipra#o'e% ere approved for !se in

    co"/ination ith 'ithi!" $or diva'proe% for ac!te "ania.

    9ar'y p'ace/o#contro''ed st!dies of 'ithi!" in ac!te "ania had rando"ied $Maggs ()0-C Scho!

    et a'. ()84% and nonrando"ied $Ioodin et a; ()0)C Stoes et a'. ()*(% crossover designs.

    Despite "ethodo'ogica' differences and 'i"itations, these st!dies consistent'y fo!nd that

    approi"ate'y 1+F of the patients ith ac!te "ania responded to 'ithi!" $Ioodin and @is


    7ndivid!a' ear'y st!dies fo!nd that 'ithi!" co"pared ith first#generation antipsychotics tended

    to have co"para/'e overa'' efficacy, ith advantages 'ater in treat"ent ith 'ithi!" for 

    achieving re"ission of the f!'' "anic syndro"e s!fficient to per"it discharge /!t disadvantages

    ear'y in treat"ent ith 'ithi!" ith respect to rapid contro' of agitation in high'y active patients

    $Iarfine' eta'. ()1+C ohnson et a'. ()01,()*(C Prien et a'. ()*2C Shopsin et a'. ()*8%. >o#

    ever, a "eta#ana'ysis of five contro''ed ac!te "ania tria's $ohnson et a'. ()01,()*(C Shopsin et

    a'. ()*8C Spring et a'. ()*+C Taahashi et a'. ()*8% fo!nd the poo'ed response rate ith 'ithi!"

    $1)F% s!perior to that ith ne!ro'eptics $-1F% $ani#ca et a'. ())2%. 7n so"e st!dies, co"/ining

    first#generation antipsychotics ith 'ithi!" appeared to yie'd enhanced therape!tic effects

    $Iarfine' et a'. ()1+CS"a'' et a', ))8%.

    With ti"e,it /eca"e evident that a'tho!gh 'ithi!" provided i"pressive /enefits in c'assic $p!re%

    "ania, it had s!/stantia' efficacy U"itations in "ied episodes $ree"an et a'. ())2C Ke''er et

    a'. ()10C Sec!nda et a'. ()18%, dysphoric "ania $Sann et a'. 2++2%, secondary "ania

    $Kra!tha""er and K'er"an ()*1%,and rapid#cyc'ing /ipo'ar disorder $K!op!'os et a'. ()1+%.

    =onte"porary "!'ticenter, rando"ied do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria's of other 

    "edications, in hich 'ithi!" as an active co"parator, have confir"ed 'ithi!"Vs efficacy in

    ac!te "ania $3oden et a'. ())4,2+++, 2++8C i!fan eta'. 2++1%, a'/eit at ti"es ith so"ehat'oer response rates than in ear'y st!dies.

    :ando"ied do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed ac!te "ania st!dies have indicated efficacy hen

    'ithi!" $or diva'proe% as a!g"ented ith o'ana#pine $Tohen et a'. 2++2/%, risperidone $Sachs

    et a'. 2++2C atha" et a'. 2++-%, 5!etiapine $Sachs et a'. 2++4C atha" et a'. 2++4%, or 

    aripiprao'e $Lieta et a'. 2++1a%. 7n these st!dies, "ean ser!" 'ithi!" concentrations ranged

     /eteen +.* and +.1 "95N;, and as descri/ed 'ater in this chapter $see s!/section QSec# ond#

    Ieneration AntipsychoticsR%, addition of a second#generation antipsy# chotic tended to yie'd

    "ore adverse effects. 7n vie of these co"/ination therapy st!dies, the 2++2 revision of the

    A"erican Psychiatric Association $2++2% QPractice I!ide'ine for the Treat"ent of Patients With3ipo'ar DisorderR reco""ended co"/inations of antipsychotics and "ood sta/i'iers as first#

    'ine interventions for the treat"ent of severe cases of ac!te "ania.

    The U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation for 'ithi!" reco""ends targeting ser!" 'ithi!" concentrations

    for ac!te "ania therapy of (.+&(#8 "95N;, hich !s!a''y are achieved ith divided dosages of 

    (,1++ "gNday. To 'i"it ear'y adverse effects, 'ithi!" for ac!te "ania is co""on'y introd!ced at

    'oer $0++#)++ "gNday%

    dosages and grad!aUy increased to higher dosages !nti' therape!tic efficacy is ade5!ate, adverse

    effects s!pervene, or ser!" concentrations eceed (.2 "95N; dinicians and patients co""on'y

    endeavor to have "ost of or, if possi/'e, the en tire'ithi!" dose taen at /edti"e to enhance


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    convenience and to have pea 'ithi!" ser!" concentrations, and hence the "a6or /!rden of 

    adverse effects, d!ring s'eep. 9!thy"ic or depressed co"pared ith "anic patients tend to /e

    7ess a/'e to to'erate adverse effects and th!s "ay re5!ire even "ore grad!a' initiation and

    'oer fina' dosages. :esponse ith ade5!ate to'era/i'ity of 'ithi!" in ac!te "ania

    tends to occ!r ith ser!" concentrations /eteen +.1 and (2 "95N;. Ser!" concentrations

    greater than (.2 "95N; yie'd increasing'y pro/'e"atic adverse effects, so that dinica''y it is

    !nco""on to eceed (.2 "95N;, despite (.8 "95N; /eing the reco""ended "ai"!" dosage

    in the prescri/ing infor"ation.

    ;ithi!" 'i"itations inc'!de co""on adverse effects s!ch as tre"or, po'y# ! ria, and po'ydipsia

    that can occ!r hen ser!" concentrations are ithin the therape!tic range $+.1#(.2 "95N;%.

    7ncreasing'y pro/'e"atic diarrhea, vo"it# ing, drosiness, "!sc!'ar eaness, and

    incoordination can occ!r ith higher 'eve's, and severe adverse effects invo'ving "!'tip'e organ

    Syste"s e"erge at concentrations greater than 2.+ "95N;. ;ithi!" dosages 7ess than (,+++

    "gNday are !s!a''y e'' to'erated, hereas dosages greater than 2,+++ "gNday co"#

    "on'y yie'd side effects, /!t adverse effects are "ore c'ose'y re'ated to ser!" 'ithi!"

    concentrations than to dosage. Th!s, the U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation inc'!des a /oed arning

    that 'ithi!" toidty is c'ose'y re'ated to ser!" 'ith# i!" concentrations and can occ!r at doses

    yie'ding dose to therape!tic ser!" concentrations. The prescri/ing infor"ation a'so inc'!des a

    arning to avoid 'ithi!" in patients ith significant rena' or cardiovasc!'ar disease, severe de#

     /i'itation or dehydration, or sodi!" dep'etion /eca!se the ris of 'ithi!" toicity is very high.

    Other arnings in the prescri/ing infor"ation inc'!de the riss of rena' adverse effects, ind!ding

    nephrogenic dia/etes insipid!s, riss of g'o"er!'ar and interstitia' fi/rosis ith chronic 'ithi!"

    therapy, and reports of cases of encepha'opathic syndro"e $eanessC 'ethargyC feverC

    tre"!'o!snessC conf!sionC etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"sC 'e!ocytosisC and e'evated ser!" en#y"es, ser!" !rea nitrogen, and fasting /'ood s!gar% fo''oed /y irreversi/'e /rain da"age

    hen 'ithi!" as co"/ined ith ne!ro'eptics&"ost nota/'y, ha'operido'. This iss!e is

    considered in greater detai' in the section on 'ithi!" in =hapter (- of this vo'!"e.

    9tended#co"pared ith i""ediate#rdease 'ithi!" for"!'ations "ay at# ten!ate adverse effects

    in genera' /y yie'ding 'oer pea ser!" concentrations and feer !pper gastrointestina' adverse

    effects $na!sea and vo"iting% /y de'aying a/sorption /iit can eacer/ate 'oer gastrointestina'

     pro/'e"s $s!ch as diarrhea% as a res!'t of de'ayed a/sorption. ;a/oratory "onitoring of not on'y

    ser!" 'ithi!" concentrations /!t a'so thyroid and rena' f!riction is necessary /eca!se thyroid

    and rena' adverse effects a'so can occ!r. As disc!ssed in =hapter (( of this vo'!"e,QManage"ent of 3ipo'ar Disorders in Wo"en,R 'ithi!" is a'so teratogenic $DA pregnancy

    category D /eca!se of cardiac "a'for"ations in approi"ate'y (F%.

    Physio'ogica' conditions, "edica' disorders, and dr!g interactions can in crease ser!" 'ithi!"

    concentrations, potentiafiy yie'ding toidty. Th!s, ser!" 'ithi!" concentrations rise ith

    dehydrationC sodi!" dep'etionC advanced ageC rena' diseaseC and conco"itant ad"inistration of 

    angiotensin#converting eny"e inhi/itors, "etronidao'e, thiaide di!retics, and nonsteroida'

    anti#inf'a"# "atory dr!gs.

    7n s!""ary, 'ithi!" is a traditiona' treat"ent for ac!te "ania. Despite 'ithi!"Vs to'era/i'ity

    'i"itations and the e"ergence of "!'tip'e ne treat"ent options, 'ithi!" re"ains a fo!ndationa'

    treat"ent for /ipo'ar disorder. As dis# c!ssed in =hapter 1 of this vo'!"e, Q;onger#Ter"

    Manage"ent of 3ipo'ar Disorders,R 'ithi!" a'so has a 'onger#ter" /ipo'ar treat"ent indication

    and is considered a high#priority "aintenance therapy /y "!'tip'e treat"ent g!ide#'ines. Th!s,

     patients ith ac!te anti"anic responses a'so "ay /e good candidates for 'onger#ter" 'ithi!"


    Divalproex. The anticonv!'sant diva'proe has /een avai'a/'e for the treat"ent of epi'epsyin the

    United States since ()*1. Diva'proe received DA approva' as "onotherapy for "anic episodes

    associated ith /ipo'ar disorder in ())4 $3oden et a'. ())4%. 3y the 'ate ())+s, diva'proe had

    overtaen 'ithi!" as the "ost co""on treat"ent for ac!te "ania, in part /eca!se of enhanced


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    to'era# /i'ity and in part /eca!se of a /roader spectr!" of efficacy. 3eteen 2++- and 2++1, fo!r 

    second#generation antipsychotics $o'anapine, risperidone, 5!etia#pine, and aripiprao'e% ere

    approved for !se in co"/ination ith diva'proe $or 'ithi!"% for ac!te "ania. 7n 2++8, a

    diva'proe etended#re'ease for"!'ation $diva'proe 9:% received a "onotherapy indication for 

    the treat"ent of ac!te "anic and "ied episodes $3oden et a'. 2++0%.

    Diva'proe appears to have a /roader spectr!" of efficacy than does 'ithi!", yie'ding /enefit in

     patients ith histories of 'ithi!" fai'!re $3oden et a'.())4C Pope et a'. ())(% and 'ithi!"#

    resistant i''ness s!/types, s!ch as patients ith dysphoric "anic $ree"an et a'. ())2C Sann et

    a'. ())*% and "!'tip'e prior $Sann et a'. 2+++% episodes.

    To "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, active#co"parator st!dies s!ggested that for 

    diva'proe co"pared ith o'anapine in ac! te "ania, diva'#proe had a "odest to'era/i'ity $'ess

    sedation and eight gain% advantage and o'anapine had a s'ight efficacy advantage $Tohen et a'.

    2++2aC @a6eca et a'. 2++2%.

    :ando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed ac!te "ania st!dies have indicated efficacy hen

    diva'proe $or 'ithi!"% as a!g"ented ith o'ana# pine $Tohen et a'. 2++2/%, risperidone

    $Sachs et a'. 2++2C atha" et a'. 2++-%, 5!etiapine $De'3e''o et a; 2++2C Sachs et a'. 2++4C

    atha" et a'. 2++4%, aripipra#o'e $Lieta et a' 2++1a%. 7n these st!dies, "ean ser!" va'proate

    concentrations ranged /eteen 04 and (+4 pgN";, and as descri/ed 'ater in this chapter $see

    s!/section QSecond#Ieneration AntipsychoticsR%, addition of a second#gener# ation antipsychotic

    tended to yie'd so"ehat "ore adverse effects.

    7n another "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed st!dy, va'proate co"/ined

    ith antipsychotics $pri"ari'y ha'operido' andNor peraine% as significant'y "ore effective than p'ace/o p'!s antipsychotics $M!''er#Oer'ingha!sen et a'. 2+++%. 7n this st!dy, cotherapy ith

    va'proate as associated ith 'oer antipsychotic doses and as genera''y e'' to'erated, ith

    asthenia as the on'y adverse effect "ore co""on ith co"/ination therapy and a 'o rate of 

    discontin!ation for adverse events $2.)F vs. -.+F ith "ono#therapy%.

    7n vie of the co"/ination therapy st!dies descri/ed ear'ier in this section, the 2++2 revision of 

    the A"erican Psychiatric Association $2++2% QPractice I!ide# 'ine for the Treat"ent ofPatients

    With 3ipo'ar DisorderR reco""ended co"/inations of antipsychotics and "ood sta/i'iers as

    first#'ine interventions for the treat"ent of severe cases of ac!te "ania.

    :ecent st!dies are he'ping to refine f!rther o!r no'edge of the dinica' !ti'ity of diva'proe in

     /ipo'ar disorders. Th!s, diva'proe ora' 'oading $initi# ating at 2+#-+ "gNgNday for 2 days and

    then 2+ "gNgNday% rapid'y yie'ded therape!tic $8+#(28 pgN";% /'ood concentrations and

    appeared to /e rapid'y effective and e'' to'erated in ac!te "ania $>irschfe'd et a'. 2++-%.

    A 'arge "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed -#ee tria' in patients ith

    ac!te "anic episodes and "ied episodes, ith and ith# o!t psychosis, fo!nd diva'proe 9: to

     /e effective ffo" day 8 onard $3oden et a'. 2++0%. Diva'proe 9: as ad"inistered once

    dai'y in the "orning, starting at 28 "gNg, increasing /y 8++ "g on day -, and ad6!sting to

    ser!" va'proate concentrations of18#(28 pgN";. Mean ser!" va'proate concentrations

    greater than (+8 pgN"; ere associated ith "ore ffe5!ent gastrointestina' ad#

    verse effects. The a!thors cond!ded that ser!" va'proate concentrations genera''y sho!'d not

    eceed (++ $igN"; for "anic patients ith ade5!ate dinica' i"prove"ent. ='inica''y significant

    eight gain $at 'east *F indrease% as "ore co""on ith diva'proe 9: $)F% than ith

     p'ace/o $-F%. Diva'proe tends to /e so"ehat /etter to'erated than 'ithi!" or car/a#

    "aepine, ith =entra' nervo!s syste" and gastrointestina' pro/'e"s /eing the "ost co""on

    adverse effects. The prescri/ing infor"ation in the United States has /een revised to add rare

     pancreatitis to the prior /oed a"ings ofter# atogenidty $DA pregnancy category D, d!e to

    spina /ifida in approi"ate'y 'F#2F% and rare hepatotoicity. As noted in =hapter (( of this

    vo'!"e, recent data s!ggest that rates of "a'for"ations ith diva'proe co!'d /e higher co"#


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


     pared ith rates ith 'a"otrigine or co"pared ith rates ith no anticonv!'sant epos!re

    $A'sdorf et a; 2++4C =!nnington 2++4C La6da et a'. 2++4%. Other arn# ings in the prescri/ing

    infor"ation inc'!de the riss of hypera""one"ic en# cepha'opathy in patients ith rare !rea

    cyde disorders, increased so"no'ence in the e'der'y, and thro"/ocytopenia.

    7n 2++1, the DA re'eased an a'ert regarding increased ris of s!icida'ity $s!icida' /ehavior or ideation% in patients ith epi'epsy and psychiatric dis# orders for (( anticonv!'sants $inc'!ding

    diva'proe%. 7n the DAVs ana'ysis, anticonv!'sants co"pared ith p'ace/o yie'ded

    approi"ate'y tice the ris of s!idda'ity $+.4-F vs +.22F%. The re'ative ris for s!icida'ity

    as higher in the patients ith epi'epsy than in those ith psychiatric disorders.

    As noted in =hapter (( ofthis vo'!"e, for "ore than a decade there have /een varying reports

    regarding a possi/'e association /eteen va'proate therapy and po'ycystic ovary syndro"e in

    o"en ith epi'epsy $7so6arvi et a; ())-C :asgon 2++4%. To recent st!dies in patients ith

     /ipo'ar disorder reported the possi/i'ity of a 1F#'+F ris of po'ycystic ovary syndro"e in

    o"en ith /i# po'ar disorder treated ith va'proate $offe et a' 2++0C :asgon et a'. 2++8% andhave indicated the need for prospective tria's to assess this iss!e syste"atica''y.

    La'proate has so"e dr!g interactionsC it can inhi/it "eta/o'is" of other dr!gs, inc'!ding

    'a"otrigine and the active car/a"aepine epoide "eta/o'ite. Moreover, va'proate is s!scepti/'e

    to eny"e ind!cers, so that car/a"aepine decreases va'proate ser!" concentrations. Additiona'

    infor"ation a/o!t va'#proate is provided in =hapter (- of this vo'!"e.

    7n s!""ary, diva'proe is an i"portant treat"ent option for ac!te "ania that "ay have efficacy

    and to'era/i'ity advantages over 'ithi!". As disc!ssed in =hapter 1 ofthis vo'!"e, a'tho!gh

    'acing an DA 'onger#ter" treat"ent indication, diva'proe has s!fficient evidence of efficacyto /e considered a high#

     priority "aintenance therapy /y "!'tip'e treat"ent g!ide'ines, so that patients ith ac!te

    anti"anic responses a'so "ay /e good candidates for 'onger#ter" diva'proe therapy.

    0econd-2eneration Antipsc(otics

    7n ())4, the second#generation antipsychotic risperidone as approved for the treat"ent of 

    schiophrenia. 7n the 'ate ())+s and the ear'y 2+++s, second#generation antipsychotics overtoo 

    first#generation antipsychotics in treat"ent of schiophrenia and then ac!te "ania, pri"ari'y

     /eca!se of to'era/i'ity concerns regarding the o'der agents and the i"pressive efficacy evidence /ase acc!"!'ated for the neer dr!gs. The !se of second#generation antipsychotics in "a#

    nia is descri/ed in the fo''oing s!/sections, ith additiona' infor"ation a/o!t neer 

    antipsychotics provided in =hapter (- of this vo'!"e.

    O'anapine. O'anapine received DA approva' for the treat"ent of schio#phrenia in ())*, for 

    ac!te "anic or "ied episodes associated ith /ipo'ar dis#order as "onotherapy in ad!'ts in

    2+++, and as co"/ination therapy $ith 'ithi!" or va'proate% in ad!'ts in 2++-. Despite

    contro''ed evidence of efficacy as "onotherapy for ac!te "anic or "ied episodes associated

    ith /ipo'ar dis#order in ado'escents ages(-&(* years $Tohen et a'. 2++*%, this !se has notyet

     /een approved /y the DA. This iss!e is disc!ssed in =hapter (+ of this vo'!"e. A rapid#actingintra"!sc!'ar for"!'ation of o'anapine as indicated for the treat"ent of agitation

    associated ith schiophrenia and /ipo'ar 7 "ania in ad!'ts in 2++4.

    =ontro''ed tria's a'so indicated that o'anapine had!ti'ity in other phases of /ipo'ar disorders. As

    noted in =hapter 1 of this vo'!"e, o'anapine received an indication for 'onger#ter"

    "onotherapy for /ipo'ar disorder in 2++4. A'so, as descri/ed in =hapter * of this vo'!"e,

    QManage"ent of Ac!te Ma6or Depressive 9pisodes in 3ipo'ar Disorders,R in 'ate 2++-, the

    co"/ination of o'anapine ith f'!oetine /eca"e the first treat"ent approved for ac!te /ipo'ar 



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    S!/stantia' evidence s!pports the efficacy of o'anapine in ac!te "anic and "ied episodes.

    M!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tri# a's indicate that o'anapine is

    effective in ac!te "anic and "ied episodes /oth as "onotherapy $7/hen et a; ())),2+++% and

    as ad6!nctive treat"ent $added to 'ithi!" or va'proate% $Tohen et a'. 2++2/%.

    As noted ear'ier, to "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, active# co"parator tria's s!ggestedthat in ac!te "anic and "ied episodes, o'ana# pine co"pared ith divaproe as s'ight'y

    "ore effective /!t had s'ight'y "ore

    adverse effects $Tohen et a'. 2++2aC @a6eca et a'. 2++2%. O'anapine a'so has /een assessed in

    head#to#head co"parisons ith 'ithi!" and ha'operido' in ac!te "ania. =o"pared ith 'ithi!",

    o'anapine as so"ehat "ore effective /!t yie'ded "ore eight gain $i!fan et a'. 2++1%.

    O'anapine co"pared ith ha'operido' yie'ded si"i'ar efficacy and feer etrapyra"ida'

    adverse effects /!t "ore eight gain $Tohen et a'. 2++-%.

    A'so, a "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, active#co"parator tria' s!g# gested that ininpatients ith ac!te "anic and "ied episodes, o'anapine co"pared ith risperidone had

    si"i'ar anti"anic efficacy /!t an advantage ith respect to depressive sy"pto"s and so"ehat

    different adverse effects $Per'is et a'. 2++0%. O'anapine co"pared ith risperidone yie'ded

    significant'y "ore eight gain /!t significant'y 'ess hyperpro'actine"ia and se!a' dysf!nction.

    Ad6!nctive o'anapine $added to 'ithi!" or diva'proe% as effective in ac!te "ania tria's and

    as approved /y the DA for this indication. >oever, ith co"/ination therapy co"pared ith

    "onotherapy, the efficacy /enefit as acco"panied /y to'era/i'ity 'i"itations s!ch as

    so"no'ence, dry "o!th, tre"or, and s'!rred speechC increased appetiteC eight gainC and

    discontin!ation /eca!se of adverse events.

    7n contrast, ad6!nctive o'anapine $added to car/a"aepine% as no /etter than ad6!nctive

     p'ace/o added to car/a"aepine in patients ith "anic and "ied episodes /!t yie'ded "ore

    eight gain and higher ser!" trig'yceride concentrations $Tohen et a'. 2++1%.

    O'anapine is avai'a/'e in an intra"!sc!'ar for"!'ation that is indicated for the treat"ent of 

    agitation associated ith schiophrenia and /ipo'ar 7 "ania in ad!'ts $Meehan et a'. 2++(%.

    7n ac!te "anic and "ied episodes in ad!'ts, ora' o'anapine as "onotherapy is started at (+#(8

    "g once dai'y and titrated as high as 2+ "gNdayC hen co"/ined ith 'ithi!" or diva'proe,

    o'anapine is started at (+ "g once dai'y and titrated to 8#2+ "gNday. The reco""endedintra"!sc!'ar o'anapine dose is (+ "g $'oer doses "ay /e considered as c'inica''y indicated%

    and, as necessary and to'erated, can /e repeated after 2 ho!rs, and repeated again after 4 "ore

    ho!rs, for a "ai"!" dosage of -+ "gNday. The "ost co""on adverse effects ith ora'

    o'anapine are so"no'ence, dry "o!th, diiness, asthenia, constipation, dyspepsia, increased

    appetite, and tre"or. So"no'ence is the "ost co""on adverse effect ith intra"!sc!'ar 

    o'anapine. Mai"a' dosing of intra#"!sc!'ar o'anapine "ay yie'd s!/stantia' orthostatic

    hypotension, so that ad"inistration of additiona' doses to patients ith c'inica''y significant pos#

    t!ra' changes in systo'ic /'ood press!re is not reco""ended.

    The U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation for o'anapine inc'!des a /oed arning regarding theincreased ris of "orta'ity $pri"ari'y cardiovasc!'ar or infectio!s% in e'der'y patients ith

    de"entia#re'ated psychosis $an antipsychotic c'ass arning%. The DA has stip!'ated changes in

    the o'anapine U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation to ref'ect the ris of hyperg'yce"ia and dia/etes

    "e''it!s, and the report of a recent consens!s deve'op"ent conference s!ggested that the riss

    of o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia ith this agent $and c'oapine% are greater than ith

    other second#generation antipsychotics $PhysiciansV Des :eference 2++1%. Th!s, c'inica' and $as

    indicated% 'a/oratory "onitoring for o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia appears pr!dent for 

     patients receiving o'anapine. Other arnings in the prescri/ing infor"ation inc'!de the riss of 

    cere/rovasc!'ar adverse events, inc'!ding stroe, in e'der'y patients ith de# "entiaC ne!ro'eptic


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    "a'ignant syndro"eC and tardive dysinesia. To date, o'an# apine has not /een associated ith

    congenita' "a'for"ations in h!"ans $DA pregnancy category =%.

    O'anapine has so"e dr!g#dr!g interactions /eca!se certain eny"e in# d!cers s!ch as

    car/a"aepine and to/acco s"oing can decrease ser!" o'an# apine concentrations. 7ndeed, in

    a co"/ination therapy st!dy, car/a"aepine yie'ded 'oer than epected /'ood o'anapineconcentrations, and even tho!gh this as addressed in part /y "ore aggressive o'anapine

    dosing, the efficacy of the o'anapine p'!s car/a"aepine co"/ination as sti'' not significandy

     /etter than that of car/a"aepine "onotherapy in the treat"ent of ac!te "ania

    $Tohen et a'. 2++1%. A'so, to/acco s"oing as associated ith poorer o'ana# pine response in a

     post hoc ana'ysis of three o'anapine ac!te "ania st!dies $3er et a'. 2++1%. 7n contrast, so"e

    eny"e inhi/itorss!ch asf'!voa"ine "ay increase ser!" o'anapine concentrations. =oncerns

    have /een raised regarding the riss of ecessive sedation and cardiorespiratory depression ith

    conco"itant ad"inistration of intra"!sc!'ar o'anapine and /enodiaepines.

    7n s!""ary, o'anapine, as /oth "onotherapy and ad6!nctive therapy, is effective for ac!te"ania. Moreover, o'anapine has a 'onger#ter" /ipo'ar treat# "ent indication, so that patients

    ith ac!te anti"anic responses a'so "ay /e good candidates for 'onger#ter" o'anapine therapy.

    >oever, sedation, eight gain, and "eta/o'ic pro/'e"s "ay 'i"it the !ti'ity of this agent,

     partic!'ar'y in 'onger#ter" treat"ent.

    :isperidone. :isperidone received DA approva' for the treat"ent of schio# phrenia in ())4,

    for ac!te "anic or "ied episodes associated ith /ipo'ar 7 disorder in ad!'ts as "onotherapy as

    e'' as in co"/ination ith 'ithi!" or 

    va'proate in 2++-, and for ac!te "anic or "ied episodes associated ith /ipo'ar 7 disorder as"onotherapy in chi'dren and ado'escents ages (+#(* years in 2++* $PhysiciansV Des :eference

    2++1C httpNN.fda.govN//sNtopicsN9WSN 2++*N9W+("'%. The 'atter is descri/ed in

    =hapter (+ ofthis vo'!"e. :isperidone a'so received an indication for irrita/i'ity and /ehavior 

     pro/'e"s associated ith a!tistic disorder in chi'dren and ado'escents ages 8&(0 years in

    2++0 $Mc=racen et a'. 2++2%. A 'ong#acting in6ecta/'e for"!'ation of risperi# done as

    approved for the treat"ent of schiophrenia $/!t not /ipo'ar disorder as of ear'y 2++)% in 2++-.

    The active "eta/o'ite of risperidone $pa'iperidone% as approved for the treat"ent of 

    schiophrenia $/!t not /ipo'ar disorder as of ear'y 2++)% in 2++0.

    M!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria's esta/'ished the efficacy of risperidone"onotherapy in ac!te "ania $>irschfe'd et a'. 2++4C Khanna et a'. 2++8%.

    As noted ear'ier in this chapter, a "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, active#co"parator tria'

    s!ggested that in inpatients ith ac!te "anic and "ied episodes, o'anapine co"pared ith

    risperidone had si"i'ar anti"anic efficacy /!t an advantage ith respect to depressive sy"pto"s

    and so"ehat different adverse effects $Per'is et a'. 2++0%.

    7n addition, to "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed st!dies confir"ed the

    efficacy of ad6!nctive $added to 'ithi!" or diva'proe% risperidone in ac!te "ania $Sachs et a'.

    2++2C atha" et a'. 2++-%.

    7n ac!te "ania in ad!'ts, risperidone is started at 2#- "g once dai'y and ad# 6!sted /y ( "gNday

    as necessary and to'erated, ithin a range of (#0 "gNday. The "ost co""on risperidone adverse

    effects ith "onotherapy are so"no'ence, dystonia, aathisia, dyspepsia, na!sea, parinsonis",

     /'!rred vision, and in# creased sa'ivation and ith ad6!nctive therapy are so"no'ence, diiness,

     parinsonis", increased sa'ivation, aathisia, a/do"ina' pain, and !rinary in# continence.

    :isperidone a'so ca!ses hyperpro'actine"ia, so assess"ent of se# r!" pro'actin "ay prove

    !sef!' in patients ho have "enstr!a' irreg!'arities, ga'actorrhea, or diffic!'ties ith se!a'

    desire and fi"ction.


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    The U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation for risperidone inc'!des a /oed arning regarding the

    increased ris of "orta'ity $pri"ari'y cardiovasc!'ar or infectio!s% in e'der'y patients ith

    de"entia#re'ated psychosis $an antipsychotic c'ass arning%. The DA has stip!'ated changes in

    the risperidone U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation to ref'ect the riss of hyperg'yce"ia and dia/etes

    "e''it!s, and the report of a recent consens!s deve'op"ent conference s!ggested that the riss of 

    o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia ith this agent are inter"ediate, /eing

    'ess than ith c'oapine and o'anapine /!t "ore than ith iprasidone and aripiprao'e

    $PhysiciansV Des :eference 2++1%. Th!s, c'inica' and $as indicated% 'a/oratory "onitoring for 

    o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia appears pr!dent for patients receiving risperidone. Other 

    arnif'gs in the prescri/ing infor"ation inc'!de the riss ofcere/rovasc!'ar adverse events,

    inc'!ding stroe, in e'der'y patients ith de"entiaC ne!ro'eptic "a'ignant syndro"eC and tardive

    dysinesia. To date, risperidone has not /een associated ith congenita' "a'# for"ations in

    h!"ans $DA pregnancy category =%.

    :isperidone has so"e dr!g#dr!g interactions /eca!se certain eny"e ind!cers s!ch ascar/a"aepine can decrease ser!" risperidone concentrations.

    7n s!""ary, risperidone is efective for ac!te "ania, /oth as "onotherapy and as ad6!nctive

    therapy, /!t 'acs a 'onger#ter" /ipo'ar treat"ent indication. Sedation, eight gain, and

    "eta/o'ic pro/'e"s "ay 'i"it the !ti'ity of this agent, partic!'ar'y in 'onger#ter" treat"ent.

    ?!etiapine. ?!etiapine received DA approva' for the treat"ent of schio# phrenia in ())* and

    for the treat"ent of ac!te "anic episodes associated ith /ipo'ar disorder, either as "onotherapy

    or as ad6!nctive therapy to 'ithi!" or diva'proe, in 2++4. Patients ith rapid cyding and "ied

    episodes ere not in# c'!ded in the origina' ac!te "ania st!dies. :ecent contro''ed evidences!ggests efficacy as "onotherapy for ac!te "anic episodes associated ith /ipo'ar dis#

    order in chi'dren and ado'escents ages (+#(* years $De'3e''o et a'. 2++*%, /!t this !se has not yet

     /een approved /y the DA. This iss!e is disc!ssed in =hapter (+ of this vo'!"e. 7n 2++0,

    5!etiapine as approved for the treat"ent of /ipo'ar depression $=a'a/rese et a'. 2++8C Thase et

    a'. 2++0%, as descri/ed in =hapter * of this vo'!"e. 7n addition, in 2++1, 5!etiapine added to

    'ithi!" or va'proate as approved for the 'onger#ter" treat"ent of /ipo'ar 7 disorder $S!ppes et

    a'. 2++)C Lieta et a'. 2++1/%, as descri/ed in =hapter 1 of this vo'!"e. An etended#re'ease

    for"!'ation of 5!etiapine $5!etiapine E:% as approved for the treat"ent of schiophrenia in

    2++* and in 'ate 2++1 received indications for "onotherapy or ad6!nctive therapy of ac!te "anic

    or "ied episodes, "onotherapy treat"ent of /ipo'ar depression, and ad6!nctive /ipo'ar "aintenance treat"ent.

    M!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria's esta/'ished the efficacy of 5!etiapine

    "onotherapy in ac!te "ania and 5!etiapine E: "onotherapy in ac!te "anic or "ied episodes

    $3oden et a'. 2++8C Mc'ntyre et a'. 2++8%.

    7n addition, "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed st!dies confir"ed the

    efficacy of ad6!nctive $added to 'ithi!" or diva'proe% 5!etiapine in ac!te "ania $Sachs et a'.

    2++4C atha" et a'. 2++4%.

    7n contro''ed c'inica' st!dies, the 5!etiapine dosage "ost often as (++ "g on day (,2++ "g on

    day 2, -++ "g on day -,4++ "g on day 4, !p to 0++ "g on day 8, and !p to 1++ "g thereafter,

    and the "ean fina' 5!etiapine dosages in re# sponders ere approi"ate'y 4-+#8++ "gNday for 

    "onotherapy and approi# "ate'y 4-+#8*8 "gNday for ad6!nctive therapy. This approach is th!s

    the reco""ended regi"en in the U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation. ?!etiapine E: as

    started at -++ "g at /edti"e, increased to 0++ "g at /edti"e on day 2, and s!/# se5!ent'y dosed

     /eteen 4++ and 1++ "g at /edti"e.

    The "ost co""on adverse events ith 5!etiapine are so"no'ence, diiness $post!ra'

    hypotension%, dry "o!th, constipation, increased a'anine trans# a"inase, eight gain, and



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    "onotherapy yie'ded "ore so"no'ence, etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"s diiness, agitation, and

    discontin!ations /eca!se of adverse events.

    @iprasidone is avai'a/'e in a rapid#acting intra"!sc!'ar for"!'ation that is indicated for the

    treat"ent of ac!te agitation in schiophrenic patients for ho" treat"ent ith iprasidone is

    appropriate and ho need intra"!sc!'ar anti# psychotic "edication for rapid contro' of agitation, /!t intra"!sc!'ar iprasi

    done has not /een approved for the treat"ent of /ipo'ar disorder. >oever, intra"!sc!'ar 

    iprasidone appeared to yie'd /enefit at (+#2+ "g $!p to fo!r doses in 24 ho!rs% in psychotic

    agitated patients ith /ipo'ar disorder $"anic or "ied episodes ith psychotic feat!res% or 

    schioaffective disorder, /ipo'ar type, in a s!/gro!p ana'ysis of to si"i'ar'y designed s"a'', 24#

    ho!r, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, fied#dose st!dies $Danie' et a'. 2++4%.

    7n ac!te "ania st!dies, ora' iprasidone as started at 4+ "g tice per day ith food, increased

    to 0+ or 1+ "g tice per day ith food on the second day, and s!/se5!ent'y ad6!sted as neededand to'erated ithin the range of 4+#1+ "g tice per day ith food. 7ntra"!sc!'ar iprasidone

    has a reco""ended dosage for agitation in schiophrenia of (+ "g every 2 ho!rs $or 2+ "g

    every 4 ho!rs% as needed !p to 4+ "gNday. 7n c'inica' practice, 'oer $e.g., X1+ "gNday%

    co"pared ith higher $e.g., at 'east 1+ "gNday% ora' iprasidone dosages "ay increase the ris of 

    aathisia $Ora' et a'. 2++0%, so that opti"a' titration of this

    agent "ay invo've avoiding 'oer dosages to prevent aathisia or a/r!pt'y increasing to higher 

    dosages if aathisia deve'ops at 'oer dosages. Ad6!nctive 'oraepa" !sed in c'inica' tria's "ay

    have decreased pro/'e"s ith aathisia.

    The "ost co""on adverse events associated ith discontin!ation of iprasi#done in ac!te "aniaere aathisia, aniety, depression, diiness, dystonia, rash, and vo"iting. The "ost co""on

    adverse events ith intra"!sc!'ar iprasidone in schiophrenic patients ere headache, na!sea,

    and so"no'ence.

    The U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation for iprasidone inc'!des a /oed arning regarding the

    increased ris of "orta'ity $pri"ari'y cardiovasc!'ar or infectio!s% in e'der'y patients ith

    de"entia#re'ated psychosis $an antipsychotic c'ass arning%. The DA has stip!'ated that the

    iprasidone U.S. prescri/ing in# for"ation inc'!de the riss of hyperg'yce"ia and dia/etes

    "e''it!s, /!t the report of a recent consens!s deve'op"ent conference s!ggested that the riss of 

    o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia ith this agent ere si"i'ar to those ith aripiprao'e andere 'ess than ith other second#generation antipsychotics $PhysiciansV Des :eferettce 2++1%.

    Th!s, c'inica' and $as indicated% 'a/oratory "onitoring for o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia

    "ay /e pr!dent for patients receiving iprasidone. Other arnings in the prescri/ing infor"ation

    inc'!de the riss of ne!ro'eptic "a'ignant syndro"e, tardive dysinesia, ?T pro'ongation, and

    s!dden death. 7n a recent epide"io'ogica' st!dy, c!rrent !se of first# and second#generation

    antipsychotics as associated ith dose#re'ated increases in rates of s!dden cardiac death $(.))

    and 2.20, respective'y% $:ay et a'. 2++)%. A'tho!gh pre"areting st!dies s!ggested that

    iprasidone yie'ded cardiac cond!ction de'ays, post"areting eperience to date has fai'ed to

    indicate c'inicaUy significant pro/'e"s ith cardiac cond!ction. To date, iprasi# done has not

     /een associated ith congenita' "a'for"ations in h!"ans $DA pregnaney category =%.

    @iprasidone has so"e dr!g#dr!g interactions /eca!se certain eny"e in# d!cers s!ch as

    car/a"aepine can decrease ser!" iprasidone concentrations, and so"e eny"e inhi/itors s!ch

    as "acro'ide anti/iotics "ay increase ser!" iprasidone concentrations. The dinicai significance

    of these interactions re"ains to /e deter"ined. 7n addition, co"/ining iprasidone ith

    antiarrhyth"ic "edications is not reco""ended /eca!se of concerns a/o!t the potentia'

    for additive cardiac cond!ction de'ays.

    7n s!""ary, iprasidone is effective for ac!te "ania /!t 'acs a 'onger#ter" /ipo'ar treat"ent

    indication. Sedation, eight gain, and "eta/o'ic conce"s appear to /e "!ch 'ess pro/'e"atic


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    ith iprasidone co"pared ith so"e other second#generation antipsychotics, a'tho!gh dosing

    co"p'eity and aathisia "ay 'i"it its !ti'ity in so"e patients.

    Ar ipiprao'e. Aripiprao'e received DA approva' for the treat"ent of schio#

     in 2++2C as "onotherapy for the treat"ent of ac!te "anic or "ied episodes associated ith

     /ipo'ar disorder in ad!'ts in 2++4 and in chi'dren and adoiescents ages (+#(* years in 2++1C asad6!nctive therapy $added to 7tthi!" or va'proate% in ad!'ts, chi'dren, and adoiescents in 2++1C

    and as 'onger#ter" "onotherapy treat"ent for /ipo'ar 7 disorder in ad!'ts in 2++8 and in chi'dren

    and adoiescents in 2++1. The !se of aripiprao'e for ac!te "anic and "ied episodes in chi'dren

    and adoiescents is descri/ed in =hapter (+ of this vo'!"e. Aripiprao'e as approved as an

    ad6!nctive treat"ent to antidepressants for "a6or depressive disorder in 2++*. Arapid#acting

    intra"!sc!'ar for"!'ation of aripiprao'e as indicated for the treat"ent of agitation associated

    ith schiophrenia or /ipo'ar disorder, "anic or "ied episodes, in 2++0.

    M!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria's esta/'ished the effi# cacy of aripiprao'e

    "onotherapy in ac!te "ania $Kec et a'. 2++-aC Sachs et a'. 2++0%. 7n a poo'ed ana'ysis of ac!te"ania st!dies, aripiprao'e "onotherapy appeared to have a /road spectr!" of efficacy $S!ppes

    et a'. 2++1%. Th!s, aripiprao'e had co"para/'e /enefits in patients ith "ore severe $/ase'ine

    o!ng Mania :ating Sca'e HM:SJ score21% or 'ess severe $/ase'ine M:S score X

    21% "ania, ith "anic or "ied episodes, ith or itho!t psychotic sy"pto"s, and ith or 

    itho!t rapid cyc'ing.

    7n addition, a "!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria' assessed aripiprao'e co"pared

    ith ha'operido' "onotherapy in ac!te "ania $Lieta et a'. 2++8%. 9fficacy as co"para/'e, /!t

    aripiprao'e co"pared ith ha'operido' yie'ded feer etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"s and 'ess

    aathisia. Other adverse events o/served ith /oth agents inc'!ded tre"or, headache, depression,and inso"nia.

    To "!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o# and active co"parator#contro''ed tria's indicated

    aripiprao'e "onotherapy co"pared ith 'ithi!" "onotherapy $Kec et a'. 2++*% and

    ha'operido' "onotherapy $Sanche et a'. 2++1% in ac!te "ania yie'ded co"para/'e efficacy and

    to'era/i'ity, a'tho!gh ha'operido' yie'ded "ore etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"s.

    A "!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria' indicated that ad6!nctive aripiprao'e $added

    to 'ithi!" or va'proate% as effective in ac!te "ania $Lieta et a'. 2++1a%.

    A "!'ticenter, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed st!dy reported the efficacy of a rapid#acting

    intra"!sc!'ar for"!'ation of aripiprao'e for the treat"ent of agitation associated ith "anic or 

    "ied episodes $@i"/roff et a'. 2++*%.

    7n ear'y ad!'t ac!te "ania st!dies, ora' aripiprao'e as started at -+ "gNday and co!'d /e

    red!ced to (8 "gNday for to'era/i'ity if needed, ith "ean fina' dai'y dosages /eing

    approi"ate'y 21 "gNday. >oever, in 'ater ad!'t ac!te "ania st!dies, ora' aripiprao'e as

    started at (8 "gNday and co!'d /e increased to -+ "gNday for efficacy if needed. The U.S.

     prescri/ing infor"ation for the treat"ent of ac!te "anic and "ied episodes in ad!'ts s!ggests

    starting ora' aripiprao'e at (8 "gNday, hich as a'so the reco""ended dosage, /!t if 

    necessary and to'erated, the dosage co!'d /e increased to as high as the "ai"!" dosage of 

    -+ "gNday. 3eca!se of concerns a/o!t adverse effects, and the 'ac of additiona' /enefit ith

    doses higher than ).*8 "g per in6ection in c'inica' tria's, the U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation

    reco""ends ad"inistering intra"!sc!'ar aripiprao'e at a dose of ).*8 "g $rather than (8 "g%

     per in6ection, or 8.28 "g intra"!s# c!'ar'y if c'inica''y indicated, and repeating ).*8#"g $or 

    8.28#"g% intra"!sc!'ar in6ections as often as every 2 ho!rs as necessary and to'erated, ith a

    "ai"!" of-+ "gNday.

    Perhaps /eca!se of partia' agonist effects at dopa"ine receptors, na!sea and vo"iting can occ!r 

    hen aripiprao'e is started. To'era/i'ity "ay /e en# hanced in patients ith gastrointestina' or 

    other adverse effects if aripiprao'e is initiated at (8 "g or 'oer in divided doses for a fe days


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


     /efore /eing increased to as "!ch as -+ "gNday. Ad6!nctive 'oraepa" !sed in c'inica' tria's "ay

    have decreased pro/'e"s ith aathisia. So"no'ence and constipation "ay /e en#

    co!ntered ith aripiprao'e, /!t eight gain is 'ess of a concern than ith o'an# apine,

    5!etiapine, and risperidone.

    The U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation for aripiprao'e inc'!des /oed arnings regarding theincreased riss of (% "orta'ity $pri"ari'y cardiovasc!'ar or infectio!s% in e'der'y patients ith

    de"entia#re'ated psychosis $an antipsychotic dass arning% and 2% s!idda'ity $rdated to !se of 

    antidepressant dr!gs in patients !p to age 24 years and /ased on an antidepressant dass arning%.

    The DA has stip!'ated that the aripiprao'e U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation inc'ode

    the riss of hyperg'yce"ia and dia/etes "e''it!s, /!t the report of a recent consens!s

    deve'op"ent conference s!ggested that the riss of o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia ith

    this agent ere si"i'ar to those ith iprasidone and 'ess than ith other second#generation

    antipsychotics $PhysiciansV Des :eference 2++1%. Th!s, dinica' and $as indicated% 'a/oratory

    "onitoring for o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia "ay /epr!dent for patients receiving

    aripiprao'e. Other arnings in the prescri/ing infor"ation inc'!de the riss of cere/rovas# c!'ar 

    adverse events, indnding stroe, in e'der'y patients ith de"entiaC ne!ro# 'eptic "a'ignant

    syndro"eC and tardive dysinesia. To date, aripiprao'e has not /een assodated ith congenita'

    "a'for"ations in h!"ans $DA pregnancy category=%.

    Aripiprao'e has so"e dr!g#dr!g interactions /eca!se eny"e ind!cers s!ch as car/a"aepine

    can decrease ser!" aripiprao'e concentrations and so"e eny"e inhi/itors s!ch as "acro'ide

    anti/iotics "ay increase ser!" aripiprao'e concentrations.

    7n s!""ary, aripiprao'e is effective for ac!te "ania and has a 'onger#ter" /ipo'ar treat"ent

    indication, so patients ith ac!te anti"anic responses a'so "ay /e good candidates for 'onger#ter" aripiprao'e therapy. A'tho!gh seda# tion, eight gain, and "eta/o'ic concerns "ay /e 'ess

     pro/'e"atic ith aripiprao'e than ith so"e other second#generation antipsychotics, aathisia

    "ay 'i"it its !ti'ity in so"e patients.

    Tier //: 4ig(-riorit 5napproved Acute Mania

    Treatment #ptions

    As noted ear'ier, safety and to'era/i'ity 'i"itations $partic!'ar'y in the 'onger ter"%Y of so"e Tier 

    7 approved "edications for the treat"ent of ac!te "ania "ay 'ead c'inicians and patients to

    consider other options. When assessing a'te"ative treat"ents, one approach is to consider  potentia''y approva/'e "edications, s!ch as ne second#generation antipsychotics. One s!ch

    agent&asenapine&has not yet /een approved /y the DA for the treat"ent of ac!te "ania or 

    schiophrenia, or "areted in the United States, /eca!se the pivota' tria's descri/ed in this

    section are sti'' !nder revie. 7t is anticipated that in the near f!t!re, asenapine and possi/'y

    other ne second#generation antipsychotics i'' /e approved.

    To positive "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro''edtria's s!ggested that

    asenapine "ay !'ti"ate'y /e approved for the treat"ent of ac!te "anic and "ied episodes in

     patients ith /ipo'ar 7 disorder $Mc'ntyre et a'. 2++1%.

    7n a poo'ed ana'ysis of the to pivota' st!dies, asenapine and o'anapine ere /oth s!perior to

     p'ace/o, yie'ding Ts of 1 and 8, respective'y $ig!re 0#-, 'eft side%, /!t /oth a'so ca!sed

    eight gain, yie'ding >s of (* and *, respective'y $ig!re 0#-, right side%. >ead#to#head

    co"parisons indicated that o'anapine co"pared ith asenapine as "ore effacio!s $TB ((C

    PX+.+(% /!t yie'ded "ore eight gain $>#''C PcO.OO'%. Th!s, for o'anapine co"pared ith

    asenapine, the efficacy advantage as offset /y a co"para/'e to'era/i'ity disadvantage. Th!s, for 

    o'anapine co"pared ith asenapine, for every additiona' responder, one co!'d epect an

    additiona' patient ith dinica''y significant $ *F increase% eight gain.

    3a'ancing /enefits and riss is a cr!cia' co"ponent of treat"ent se'ection. or so"e patients

    ith very ac!te and very severe "ania ho 'ac s!/stantive eight or "eta/o'ic pro/'e"s, the


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    efficacy advantage of o'anapine "ay "ae it "ore attractive. 7n contrast, for other patients ith

    'ess ac!te and 'ess severe "ania ho have s!/stantive eight or "eta/o'ic pro/'e"s, the

    to'era/i'ity advantage of asenapine "ay "ae it "ore attractive.

    Tier ///: intermediate-riorit #t(er Acute Mania

    Treatment #ptions

    The "anage"ent of ac!te "ania is s!fficient'y cha''enging that dinica' need "ay o!tstrip the

     previo!s'y disc!ssed evidence#/ased treat"ent options. 7n this section, e consider other $in

    "ost instances !napproved% treat"ent options ith to'era/i'ity 'i"itations andNor "ore 'i"ited

    evidence of efficacy co"pared ith the Tier 7 and 77 treat"ents. These a'ternatives inc'!de other 

    "ood sta/i'iers $car/a"aepine%, first#generation antipsychotics $ch'orpro"aine, thioridaine,

    thioth/cene, pi"oide, and ha'operido'%, other second# generation antipsychotics $doapine%,

    ad6!nctive /enodiaepines, and 9=T. 7n genera', treat"ent g!ide'ines do not consider these

    "oda'ities to /e first#'ine interventions /!t dte the" as inter"ediate#priority options $A"erican

    Psychiatric Association 2++2C Ioodin 2++-C Ir!ne et a; 2++2C Kec et a'. 2++4C S!ppes et a'.

    2++8C atha" et a'. 2++0%. >oever, so"e Tier 777 options have "itigating advantages that "ight

    "ae the" attractive for se'ected patients,

    "igure 6-. T(ree-%ee! double-blind asenapine monot(erap versus olanapine

    monot(erap versus placebo in acute mania.

     !"/er needed to treat $T%, n!"/er needed to hartn $>%, and response and c'inica''y

    significant $*F increase% eight gain rates are shon. Asenapine "onotherapy $/'ac /ars% and

    o'anapine "onotherapy $gray /ars% co"pared ith p'ace/o "onotherapy $hite /ars% had

    s!perior efficacy /!t yie'ded "ore c'inica''y significant eight gain. or o'anapine co"pared

    ith asenapine, the efficacy advantage as offset /y a co"para/'e to'era/i'ity disadvantage.

    M:SBo!ng Mania :ating Sca'e. PX+.+(, PX+.++(, +.+++( vers!s p'ace/o.

    Source. Adapted fro" Mc'ntyre et a'. 2++1.

    and in certain circ!"stances, so"e of these interventions "ay /e considered ear'y on $e.g., 9=T

    in pregnant o"en%.

    #t(er Mood 0tabiliers: 7arbamaepine


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    Despite car/a"aepineVs having approva' for the treat"ent of ac!te "ania, co"p'eity of !se

    re'ated to dr!g interaction as e'' as to'era/i'ity 'i"itations and 'ess co"pe''ing evidence of 

    "aintenance efficacy 'ed to this "edication /eing considered as an a'te"ative rather than a first#

    'ine anti"anic agent. everthe'ess, se'ected patients ho report inade5!ate efficacy andNor 

    to'era/i'ity ith Tier 7 or 77 options "ay find car/a"aepine a orthhi'e a'te"ative.

    The anticonv!'sant car/a"aepine has /een avai'a/'e for the treat"ent of epi'epsy in the United

    States since ()*4. 7n the ()1+s, contro''ed car/a"aepine st!dies !sing active co"parator and

    on#off#on designs provided pre'i"inary evidence of efficacy in ac!te "ania. 3eca!se of 

    econo"ic conce"s s!ch as patent protecdon 'i"itations and the high cost of o/taining DA

    approva', a car/a"aepine indication in ac!te "ania as not initia''y so!ght in the United States

     /!t as o/tained fro" agencies in =anada, apan, A!stra'ia, and severa' 9!ropean

    co!ntries. As noted a/ove, the a/sence of an DA indication and co"p'eity of !se 'ed

    car/a"aepine to /e considered an a'te"ative rather than a first#'ine intervention in ac!te "ania

    $A"erican Psychiatric Association 2++2%. >oever, event!a''y "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#

     /'ind, p'ace/o#contro''ed tria's confir"ed the efficacy of a proprietary /eaded, etended#re'ease

    caps!'e for" U#'ation of car/a"aepine in ac!te "anic and "ied episodes $Weis'er et a'.

    2++4a, 2++8%, yie'ding an DA indication for this for"!'ation in 'ate 2++4.

    O'der st!dies s!ggested !ti'ity for car/a"aepine co"/ined ith 'ithi!" $Kra"'inger and Post

    ()1)% or antipsydiotics $O!"a et a'. ()1)% in the treat"ent of ac!te "ania. >oever,

    car/a"aepine can increase the hepatic "eta/o'is" of "!'tip'e other agents, potentia''y

    co"pro"ising the efficacy of co"/ination therapies $Ketter et a'. ())(a, ())(/%. 7n a s!/se5!ent

    st!dy that ree"phasied this point, car/a"aepine yie'ded s!/stantia' decreases in /'ood

    risperidone concentrations, co"pro"ising efficacy of the co"/ination in the treat"ent of 

    ac!te "ania $atha" et a'. 2++-%. 7n another co"/ination therapy st!dy, car# /a"aepine yie'ded

    'oer than epected /'ood o'anapine concentrations, and even tho!gh this as addressed in part

     /y "ore aggressive o'anapine dosing, the efficacy of the o'anapine p'!s car/a"aepine

    co"/ination as sti'' not significant'y /etter than that of car/a"aepine "onotherapy in the

    treat"ent of ac!te "ania $Tohen et a'. 2++1%. >oever, o'anapine p'!s car/a"aepine

    co"pared ith car/a"aepine "onotherapy yie'ded higher trig'yceride 'eve's and "ore fre5!ent

    c'inica''y significant $S *F% eight ga'n.

    To 'i"it ear'y adverse effects, car/a"aepine is co""on'y introd!ced at 'o $(++#4++ "gNday%

    dosages and grad!a''y increased, !nti' therape!tic efficacy is ade5!ate, adverse effectss!pervene, or ser!" concentrations eceed (2 ZEgN";. 9!thy"ic or depressed co"pared ith

    "anic patients tend to /e 'ess a/'e to to'erate adverse effects and th!s "ay re5!ire "ore grad!a'

    initiation. A' tho!gh response in /ipo'ar disorder does not appear re'ated to ser!" concen#

    trations, the 4#(2 pgN"; range fro" epi'epsy "ay /e considered as a /road target, and ser!"

    car/a"aepine concentrations "ay /e !sed as phar"acoinetic checs for etre"e va'!es.

    =ar/a"aepine has severa' i"portant 'i"itations and has /oed arnings in the U.S. prescri/ing

    infor"ation regarding the riss of serio!s der"ato'ogica' reactions and the > ;A#3(8+2 a''e'e,

    as e'' as ap'astic ane"ia and agran!'ocytosis. =ar/a"aepine isa'so associated ith co""on

     /enign 'e!openia, hich in rare instances "ay /e an ear'y indication of serio!s /'ood dyscrasia.Other arnings in the prescri/ing infor"ation inc'!de the riss of teratogenicity and increased

    intraoc!'ar press!re as a res!'t of "i'd anticho'inergic activity.

    7n 2++1, theDA re'eased an a'ert regarding increased ris of s!icida'ity $s!icida' /ehavior or 

    ideation% in patients ith epi'epsy as e'' as psychiatric disorders for (( anticonv!'sants

    $ind!ding car/a"aepine%. The re'ative ris for s!icida'ity as higher in the patients ith

    epi'epsy co"pared ith those ith psychiatric disorders.

    As disc!ssed in =hapter (( of this vo'!"e, car/a"aepine has the potentia' for teratogenicity

    $DA pregnancy category D%, ind!ding craniofacia' defects, fingernai' hypop'asia, and

    deve'op"enta' de'ay in approi"ate'y ((F&20F and spina /ifida in approi"atdy -F.


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    =ar/a"aepine is a'so associated ith co""on /enign rashes, hich in rare instances "ay /e

    har/ingers of rare serio!s rashes. >oever, in occasiona' patients, car/a"aepine "ay /e /etter 

    to'erated than other agents, and data contin!e to s!pport the notion that one potentia' advantage

    of car/a"aepine is the re'ative'y 'o ris of c'inica''y sig# nificant eight gain $Ketter et a',


    =ar/a"aepine dr!g interactions can yie'd car/a"aepine toicity $e.g., hen erythro"ycin or 

    va'proate is added to car/a"aepine% and inefficacy of other "edications $e.g., hor"ona'

    contraceptives and "!'tip'e psychotropic dr!gs, ind!ding severa' neer anticonv!'sants and

    seeond#generation antipsy# chotics%. Additiona' infor"ation a/o!t car/a"aepine is provided in

    =hapter (-.

    7n s!""ary, car/a"aepine is an option for ac!te "ania that has dr!g in# teraction and

    to'era/i'ity 'i"itations. 7n addition, in contrast to 'ithi!" and di# va'proe, evidence s!pporting

    the !se of car/a"aepine in the 'onger#ter" "anage"ent of /ipo'ar disorders is 'i"ited. Th!s,

    car/a"aepine is considered an inter"ediate#priority ac!te "ania therapy /y "!'tip'e treat"entg!ide'ines. everthe'ess, se'ected patients, partic!'ar'y those ho are not taing "!'tip'e

    "edications and report inade5!ate efficacy andNor to'era/i'ity ith Tier 7 or 77 options, "ay find

    car/a"aepine a !sef!' treat"ent for ac!te "ania.

    "irst-2eneration Antipsc(otics

    irst#generation antipsychotics, a'so referred to as typica' antipsychotics, fig!re i"portant'y in

    the history of treat"ent of /ipo'ar disorders /!t in recent years have /een s!perseded /y second#

    generation antipsychotics, pri"ari'y /eca!se the 'atter have "ore favora/'e adverse#effect

     profi'es. M!'tip'e first#generation antipsychotics ere approved /y the DA for the treat"ent of schiophrenia in the ()8+s, ()0+s, and ()*+s, /!t on'y one s!ch agent, ch'orpro"aine, as

    event!a''y approved for ac!te "ania.

    7ndivid!a' ear'y st!dies fo!nd that first#generation antipsychotics co"pared ith 'ithi!" tended

    to have co"para/'e overa'' efficacy, ith advantages ear'y in treat"ent for rapid contro' of 

    agitation in high'y active patients /!t disadvan# tages 'ater in treat"ent co"pared ith 'ithi!"

    for achieving re"ission of the f!'' "anic syndro"e s!fficient to per"it discharge $Iarfine' et

    a'. ()1+C ohnson et a'. ()01,()*(C Prien et a'. ()*2C Shopsin et a'. ()*8%. >oever, a "eta#

    ana'ysis of five contro''ed ac!te "ania tria's $ohnson et a'. ()01,()*(C Shopsin et a'. ()*8C

    Spring et a'. ()*+C Taahashi et a'. ()*8% fo!nd the poo'ed response rate ith 'ithi!" $1)F%s!perior to that ith ne!ro'eptics $-1F% $anica et a'. ())2%. 7n so"e st!dies, co"/ining first#

    generation antipsychotics ith 'ithi!" appeared to yie'd enhanced therape!tic effects $Iarfine'

    et a'. ()1+C S"a'' et a'. ())8%.

    7n the ()*+s and ()1+s, A"erican psychiatrists, perhaps "ore foc!sed on the 'ater advantages of 

    'ithi!", tended to consider first#generation antipsychotics as ad6!ncts for ac!te "ania, ith

    'ithi!" /eing the pri"ary treat"ent for /oth ac!te "ania and "aintenance. 7n contrast, 9!ropean

     psychiatrists, perhaps "ore foc!sed on the ear'ier advantages of first#generation antipsychotics,

    tended to consider first#generation antipsychotics to /e the pri"ary treat"ents for ac!te "ania

    and 'ithi!" as an ad6!nct in ac!te "ania /!t the pri"ary /ipo'ar "aintenance treat"ent. >ence

    first#generation antipsychotics ere nottho!ght to /e fo!ndationa' treat"ents for /ipo'ar 

    disorders /!t ere considered to /e pri"ari'y for ac!te "ania, ith !ni"oda' activity atten!ating


    sy"pto"s, so"eti"es at the cost of eacer/ating depressive sy"pto"s. or ea"p'e, these

    agents ere i"p'icated in yie'ding post"ania depression in so"e $K!op!'os et a'. ()1+C

    Morgan ()*2%, /ot not a'' $;!cas et a'. ()1)%, st!dies.

     everthe'ess, first#generation antipsychotics ere co""on'y !sed $often in co"/ination ith

    'ithi!"% for the treat"ent of ac!te "ania on /oth sides of the At'antic in the ()*+s and ()1+s,

     /!t this changed as the to'era/i'ity 'i"itations of first#generation antipsychotics /eca"e "ore


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    evident and ne treat#"ent options e"erged. Th!s, the ro'e of first#generation antipsychotics in

    the "anage"ent of /ipo'ar disorders /eca"e increasing'y 'i"ited /eca!se of concerns a/o!t

    ac!te etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"s $asra''ah et a'. ()11%, tardive dysinesia $Kane and S"ith

    ()12%, and ind!ction of dysphoria $Ah'fors et a'. ()1(%, pro/'e"s that ere "!ch 'ess of a

    conce" ith second#generation anti# psychotics.

    The rapid onset of action of first#generation antipsychotics as partic!'ar'y evident ith

    intra"!sc!'ar ad"inistration. 7ndeed, intra"!sc!'ar ha'operido' $often co"/ined ith 'oraepa"

    to enhance efficacy and diphenhydra"ine to decrease etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"s% persisted as an

    i"portant treat"ent for ac!te agitation even into the era of second#generation antipsychotics,

    a'tho!gh this as event!a''y cha''enged /y the avai'a/i'ity of intra"!sc!'ar f/r"!'ations

    of agents s!ch as o'anapine, iprasidone, and aripiprao'e.

    The !se of first#generation antipsychotics in ac!te "ania, partic!'ar'y ha'operido' $in vie of the

    'arge a"o!nt of data s!pporting its !se%, is descri/ed in the fo''oing s!/sections. Additiona'

    infor"ation a/o!t first#generation anti# psychotics is provided in =hapter (-.

    7(lorpromaine. =h'orpro"aine, the prototypica' first#generation anti# psychotic, as non

    to re'ieve ac!te agitation as ear'y as ()82 $De'ay et a'. ()82C ;eh"ann and >anrahan ()84% and

    as approved /y the DA for the treat"ent of schiophrenia in ()84 and to contro' the

    "anifestations of the "anic type of "anic#depressive i''ness in ()*-. =ontro''ed tria's

    esta/'ished the efficacy of ch'orpro"aine in ac!te "ania as "onotherapy $Posi et a' ()1+C Prien

    et a'. ()*2C Shopsin et a'. ()*8% and in co"/ination ith 'ithi!" $=ooson et a'. ()1(C anica et

    a' ()11%. >oever, the dinica' !ti'ityof this 'o#potency first generation antipsychotic as

    'i"ited /y pro"inent sedation and hypotension, hich res!'ted in increased !se of inter"ediate#

    and high#potency agents, partic!'ar'y ha'operido'.

    T(ioridaine' t(iot(ixene' and pimoide. =ontro''ed tria's a'so reported efficacy in ac!te "ania

    for the 'o#potency agent thioridaine $Post et a'. ()1+% and

    the high#potency agents thiothiene $anicaeta'. ()11% and pi"oide $=ooson et a'. ()1(C Post

    et a'. ()1+%.

    >a'operido'. The high#potency first#generation antipsychotic ha'operido', co"pared ith the

    'o#potency agent ch'orpro"aine, yie'ds s!/stantia''y 'esssedation and hypotensidn /!t "ore

    fre5!ent etrapyra"ida' adverse effects. 9ar'y tria's s!ggested that ha'operido' as effective in

    ac!te "ania /oth as "ono#therapy $Iarfine' et a'. ()1+C Shopsin eta'. ()*8% and as an ad6!nct

    to 'ithi!" $Iarfine' et a'. ()1+%.

    7n ac!te agitation in schiophrenia or "aniai, intra"!sc!'ar ha'operido', 8 "g, co"pared ith

    intra"!sc!'ar 'oraepa", 2 "g, in6ections every -+#0+ "in!tes as needed appeared to have

    si"i'ar efficacy, a'tho!gh ha'operido' yie'ded "ore etrapyra"ida'adverse effects $3ienie et a'.

    ())1C oster et a'. ())*%. >oever, co"/iningthese agents appeared toyie'd "ore rapid/enefit

    co"pared ith either as "onotherapy and perhaps even feer etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"s

    co"pared ith ha'operido' "onotherapy $3attag'ia eta'. ())*%.

    Sevefa' conte"porary "!'ticenter, rando"ied, do!/'e#/'ind, ac!te "ania st!dies of second#generation antipsychotics have inc'!ded ha'operido' as an active co"parator, providing a

    s!/stantia' a"o!nt of data s!pporting its efficacy in the treat"ent of ac!te "ania as "onotherapy

    $Mc'ntyre et a'. 2++8C S"!'evich et a'. 2++8C Tohen et a'. 2++-C Lieta et a'. 2++8% and as an

    ad6!nct to 'ithi!" or va'proate $Sachs et a'. 2++2%.

    =onte"porary ac!te "ania st!dies co"pared ith ear'y st!dies have !sed "ore consistent and

    conservative ha'operido' dosages, ith "ean dosages ranging /eteen 8 and (( "gNday

    $"ini"!" 2#(+ "gNdayC "ai"!" (+#(8 "gNday% for "onotherapy $S"!'evich et a'. 2++8C

    Tohen et a'. 2++-C Lieta et a'. 2++8% and the "ean dosage heing 0.2 "gNday $"ini"!" dosageB2

    "gNdayC "ari"!" dosageB (2 "gNday% for co"/ination therapy $Sachs et a'. 2++2%.


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    The U.S. prescri/ing infor"at" for ha'operido' has /een revised to in# c'!de a /oed arning

    $'ie other antipsychotics% indicating that it "ay increase "orta'ity in e'der'y patients ith

    de"entia#re'ated psyc>osis $Wang et a'. 2++8%. Warnings in the ha'operido' prescri/ing

    infor"ation inc'!de the riss of cardiovasc!'ar effects $s!dden death, ?Tc pro'ongation, and

    torsades de pointes%, tardive dysinesia, ne!ro'eptic "a'ignant syndro"e, teratogenicity,

     /roncho#pne!"onia, and an encepha'opathic syndro"e $eanessC 'ethargyC feverC

    tre"!'o!snessC conf!sionC etrapyra"ida' sy"pto"sC 'e!ocytosisC and e'e# vated serinn

    eny"es, ser!" !rea nitrogen, and fasting /'ood s!gar% fo''oed /y irreversi/'e /rain da"age

    hen co"/ined ith 'ithi!". The 'atter iss!e is

    considered in greater detai' /y Ketter and Wang in the section on 'ithi!" in =hapter (- of this

    vo'!"e. 7n a recent epide"io'ogica' st!dy, c!rrent !se of first# and second#generation

    antipsychotics as assodated ith dose#re'ated increases in rates of s!dden cardiac death $(.))

    and 2.20, respective'y% $:ay et a'. 2++)%.

    7n s!""ary, so"e first#generation antipsychotics $partic!'ar'y ch'orpro"aine and ha'operido'%have evidence s!pporting their efficacy in ac!te "ania, /!t safetyNto'era/i'ity conce"s

    co""on'y res!'t in first#generation antipsychotics /eing he'd in reserve for patients ith

    inade5!ate efficacy or to'era/i'ity ith "ood sta/i'iers and second#generation antipsychotics in

    Tiers 7 and 77.

    #t(er 0econd-2eneration Antipsc(otics: 7loapine

     ='oapine is the on'y second#generation antipsychotic ith an DA schiophrenia indication

    that 'acs an ac!te "ania indication. ;i"ited data s!pport the effectiveness of this agent in

     /ipo'ar disorders, /!t safety and to'era/i'ity considerations 'i"it its !ti'ity.

    After its introd!ction in dinica' st!dies in the United States in the ear'y ()*+s, c'oapine as

    ithdran in ()*4 /eca!se of the ris of agran!'ocytosis and as not approved for c'inica' !se

    in the treat"ent of schiophrenia in the United States !nti' ())+. A'tho!gh c'oapine 'acs an

    DA indication for ac!te "ania, this "edication as of interest not on'y /eca!se it as the

     prototypica' atypica' antipsychotic /!t a'so /eca!se it as the on'y agent approved for treat"ent#

    resistant schiophrenia and for decreasing s!icida' /ehavior in patients ith schiophrenia

    $Me'ter et a'. 2++-%.

    Uncontro''ed reports $for revies, see rye et a'. ())1C @arate et a'. ())8% and to contro''ed

    tria's $3ar/ini et a'. ())*C S!ppes d a'. ()))% s!ggested that c'oapine "ight have efficacy in

     /ipo'ar disorders. 7n p!/'ished reports, "ean c'oapine dosages in patients ith /ipo'ar disorder 

    ranged fro" approi"ate'y (28 to 88+ "gNday.

    >oever, c'oapine genera''y has a cha''enging adverse#effect profi'e co"pared ith other 

    treat"ent options. The U.S. prescri/ing infor"ation for c'oapine inc'!des /oed arnings

    regarding the riss of 7% agran!'ocytosis, 2% sei!res,-%"yocarditis, 4% other adverse

    cardiovasc!'ar and respiratory effects, and 8% increased "orta'ity $pri"ari'y cardiovasc!'ar or 

    infectio!s% in e'der'y patients ith de"entia#re'ated psyehosis $an antipsychotic dass a"#

    ing%. >ence this agent tends to /e he'd in reserve for patients ith treat"ent# resistant /ipo'ar 

    disorders. 7ncreasing conce"s have /een raised regarding the riss of hyperg'yce"ia

    and dia/etes "d'it!s ith c'oapine and second#generation antipsychotics. 7n deed, the DA has

    stip!'ated changes in the prescri/ing infor"ation not on'y for c'oapine /!t a'so for o'anapine,

    risperidone, 5!etiapine, ipr asidone, and aripiprao'e to ref'ect these riss, s!ggesting a c'ass

    effect for s!ch pro/'e"s. 7n contrast, the report of a recent consens!s deve'op"ent conference on

    antipsychotics and o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia e"phasied differences a"ong agents,

    ith doapine and o'anapine /eing the "ost, risperidone and 5!etiapine /eing 'ess, and

    iprasidone and aripiprao'e /eing the 'east i"p6icated $PhysiciansV Des :eference 2++1%. Th!s,

    c'inica' and $as indicated% 'a/oratory "onitoring for o/esity, dia/etes, and hyper'ipide"ia

    appears pr!dent for patients receiving c'oapine. Other arnings in the prescri/ing infor"ation


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    inc'!de the riss of eosinophi'ia and ne!ro'eptic "a'ignant syndro"e. To date, c'oapine has not

     /een associated ith congenita' "a'for"ations in h!"ans $DA pregnancy category 3%.

    ='oapine has so"e dr!g#dr!g interactions /eca!se certain eny"e ind!cers s!ch as

    car/a"aepine can decrease ser!" c'oapine concentrations and so"e eny"e inhi/itors s!ch as

    "acro'ide anti/iotics "ay increase ser!" doapine concentrations. 7n addition, co"/iningc'oapine ith /one "arro s!ppressants is not reco""ended /eca!se of concerns a/o!t the

     potentia' for increasing the ris of agran!'ocytosis. ina''y, concerns have /een raised re#

    garding the riss of ecessive sedation and cardiorespiratory depression ith conco"itant

    ad"inistration of c'oapine and /enodiaepines.

    7n s!""ary, safety and to'era/i'ity concerns and 'i"ited efficacy data co""on'y res!'t in

    c'oapine /eing he'd in reserve for patients ith inade5!ate efficacy andNor to'era/i'ity ith

    "ood sta/i'iers and second#generation antipsychotics in Tiers 7 and 77 or first#generation

    antipsychotics in Tier 777.

    Ad8unctive Benodiaepines

    3enodiaepines $"ost co""on'y 'oraepa"% "ay have "odest anti"anic activity, partic!'ar'y

    as ad6!ncts to contro' agitation ear'y in treat"ent, and "ay/e !sef!' in the treat"ent of co"or/id


    The !ti'ity of adding 'oraepa" to 'ithi!" $;eno et a'. ())2% or ha'operido' $3attag'ia et a'.

    ())*% for ac!te agitation has /een confir"ed in contro''ed tria's. 7n a s"a'' $24#patient% 2#ee 

    do!/'e#/'ind ac!te "ania st!dy, 'oraepa" and donaepa""onotherapy yie'ded response rates

    of 0(F and (1F, respective'y $3rade6n et a'. ())+%.

    The "odest degree of anti"anic /enefit ith /enodiaepines is doc!"ented /y eperience

    derived fro" their co""on !se as ad6!nctive "edications ear'y in the rando"ied phase of 

    contro''ed tria's of other agents in ac!te "ania. Typica''y, in s!ch tria's, an agent s!ch as

    'oraepa" is per"itted as neededfor inso"nia, a"dety, or agitation, starting at approi"ate'y 4

     &0 "gNday and tapering to ero over approi"ate'y ( ee. A'tho!gh this intervention "ay

     /rief'y atten!ate so"e sy"pto"s in patients i th ac!te "ania, it does not appear to at#

    ten!ate the f!'' "anic syndro"e or syste"atica''y interfere ith the a/i'ity toseparate approved

    treat"ents fro" p'ace/o, consistent ith ad6!nctive /enodiaepines having at "ost "odest

    anti"anic effects. Th!s, in conte"porary ac!te "ania tria's, the contro' intervention of as#needed

    'oraepa", psychiatric hospita'iation, and p'ace/o yie'ds an overa'' response rate of 

    approi"ate'y -+F, and adding an approved anti"anic agent increases the overa'' response rate

    to approi"ate'y 8+F.

    The hypnotic $Andersen and ;ing6aerde ()0)% and a"do'ytic $3a''enger et a'. ()11% actions

    of /enodiaepines can prove c'inica''y /eneficia' in patients ith /ipo'ar disorders /eca!seinso"nia and a"dety are co""on sy"pto"s. or ea"p'e, !p to 2+F of patients ith /ipo'ar 

    disorders a'so "ay have panic disorder $MacKinnon et a'. 2++2%. Th!s, Ke ga/apentin and

    topira"ate $hich are descri/ed 'ater in this chapter as Tier 7L treat"ents%, /enodiaepines donot appear to /e effecdve as pri"ary treat"ents for /ipo'ar disorders, /!t they "ay yidd

    ad6!nctive /enefit in co""on co"or/id pro/'e"s $s!ch as a"dety disorders and inso"nia%.

    3enodiaepines are genera''y e''to'erated /!t can ca!se sedation and ataia, especia''y hen

    co"/ined ith other agents ith s!ch effects. 3enodiaepines appear to /e associated ith

    "inor congenita' "a'for"ations $DA pregnancy category D%. 7n addition, the !d'ity of these

    agents is 'i"ited /y their a/!se potentia' $partic!'ar'y in patients ith histories of s!/stancea/!se% and the ris of disinhi/ition $partic!'ar'y in chi'dren and ado'escents and patients

    ith ='!ster 3 persona'ity disorders%.

    3enodiaepines have so"e noteorthy dr!g interactions. or ea"p'e, concerns have /een

    raised regarding the riss of ecessive sedation and cardio# respiratory depression ith

    conco"itant ad"inistration of /enodiaepines and c'oapine or intra"!sc!'ar o'anapine.

    Additiona' infor"ation a/o!t /en# odiaepines is provided in =hapter (4.


  • 8/16/2019 Pengganti Jurnal (Bahasa Inggris)


    7n s!""ary, /enodiaepines appear to /e !sef!' ad6!ncts to contro' agitation ear'y in the

    treat"ent of ac!te "ania and for the treat"ent of co"or/id a"dety disorders. A'tho!gh /enodiaepines are genera''ye'' to'erated, care is indicated in patient se'ection /eca!se these

    agents have a/!se potentia' and "ay yidd disinhi/ition.

    Electroconvulsive T(erap

    ;i"ited contro''ed evidence s!pports a ro'e for 9=T in the treat"ent of ac!te "ania $M!her6ee

    et a'. ())4%.

    A'tho!gh case reports and case series s!ggested that 9=T "ay /e effective for "ied episodes

    $Ir!/er et a'. 2+++C ;iang et a'. ()11C La'enti et a'. 2++1%, a revie /y La'enti and associates

    $2++1% indicated that there are varying and fe syste"atic data regarding this iss!e.

    Despite the potentia' !ti'ity of 9=T in ac!te "ania, treat"ent#e"ergent affective sitch in ac!te

     /ipo'ar depression ith 9=T has /een reported ith varia/'e incidence.

    =oncerns /ased on case reports regarding the riss of de'iri!", sei!res, and pro'onged apnea

    res!'ted in reco""endations that 'ithi!" not /e co"/ined ith 9=T $S"a'' and Mi'stein ())+%.

    7n s!""ary, a'tho!gh so"e evidence s!pports the efficacy of 9=T in ac!te "ania, it is genera''y

    he'd in reserve for patients into'erant of or refractory to phar"acotherapy /eca!se of the ris of 

    cognitive adverse effects, stig"a, consent cha''enges, or 'ogistica' concerns s!ch as coordination

    of care and after care. everthe'ess, in certain circ!"stances, 9=T "ay /e considered ear'y on

    $e.g., in pregnant o"en ith ac!te "ania%.

    Tier /$: *ovel Ad8unctive Treatments

    Treat"ent resistance or into'erance and co"or/id conditions are s!fficient'y co""on in patients

    ith /ipo'ar disorders that even the a/ove#"entioned ar"a"entari!" "ay /e ins!fficient to

    "eet c'inica' needs of so"e patients. 7n this section, e descri/e nove' ad6!nctive treat"ents

    ith even "ore 'i"ited evidence of efficacy than the previo!s'y descri/ed treat"ents. These

    treat"ents inc'!de other "ood sta/i'iers $'a"otrigine%, other anticonv!'sants $ocar/a#

    epine, ga/apentin, topira"ate, tiaga/ine, 'evetiraceta", and onisa"ide%, and ad6!nctive

     psychotherapy. Lery caref!' consideration of the specific ro'e$s% of these agents in patients ith

     /ipo'ar disorders is arranted. or ea"p'e, for so"e of these interventions, contro''ed tria's

    indicate inefficacy in ac!te "ania /!t potentia' efficacy for other phases of /ipo'ar disorder $e.g.,'a"otrigine for 'onger#ter" treat"ent% or in the "anage"ent of co""on co"or/id condi#

    tions $e.g., ga/apentin and topira"ate for aniety and a'coho' !se disorders, re# spective'y%. 7n

    genera', treat"ent g!ide'ines consider these "oda'ities to /e 'o#priority interventions or not

    reco""ended as interventions in the treat"ent of ac!te "ania $A"erican Psychiatric

    Association 2++2C Ioodin 2++-C Ir!ne et a'. 2++2C Kec et a'. 2++4C S!ppes et a'. 2++8C

    atha" et a'. 2++0%. everthe'ess, so"e Tier 7L options co!'d prove to /e orthhi'e ad6!ncts

    for very caref!''y se'ected patients, after consideration ofTier 7&777 treat"ents $e.g., in

     patients ith pro"inent co"or/id conditions%.

    #t(er Mood 0tabiliers: lamotrigine

    The anticonv!'sant 'a"otrigine has a distinctive psychotropic profi'e co"pared ith other "ood

    sta/i'iers /eca!se it has a /ipo'ar 'onger#ter" treat"ent indication /!t 'acs an ac!te indication

    and appears "ore effective for depressive than for "ood e'evation sy"pto"s. 7n the a/sence of 

    an ac!te indication, dinicians "ay ponder the opti"a' ti"ing of initiating 'a"otrigine therapy. 7n

    "ost instances, this i'' /e d!ring e!thy"ia or syndro"a' or s!/syndro"a' de# pression $on

    occasion, i""ediate'y after an ac!te "anic episode% rather than d!ring ac!te "ania.

    ;a"otrigine as approved for the 'onger#ter" treat"ent of /ipo'ar disorder in 2++-.

    ;a"otrigine, !n'ie the anticonv!'sants diva'proe and car/a"aepine, does not appear effectivein ac!te "ania $3oden et a'. 2+++C Io'ds"ith et a'. 2++-%.


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    7n contrast, do!/'e#/'ind, p'ace/o#contro>ed st!dies fo!nd 'a"otrigine "onotherapy effective in

    "aintenance treat"ent $partic!'ar'y for preventing depressive episodes% in /ipo'ar 7 disorder 

    $3oden et a'. 2++-C =a'a/rese et a; 2++-%. Th!s, as descri/ed in =hapter 1 of this vo'!"e,

    'a"otrigine "onotherapy received an DA indication for "aintenance treat"ent in /ipo'ar 7

    disorder to day the ti"e to occ!rrence of "ood episodes $depression, "ania, hypo"ania, "ied

    episodes% in patients receiving Standard therapy for ac!te "ood ep# isodes. A'so, as descri/ed in

    =hapter * of this vo'!"e, contro''ed data s!ggest that 'a"otrigine "ay yie'd "odest /enefits in

    ac!te /ipo'ar depression $=a'a#/rese et a'. ())),2++1%, /!t 'a"otrigine does not have an DA

    indication for this !se. ina''y, as noted in =hapter ) of this vo'!"e, QManage"ent of :apid#

    =yding 3ipo'ar Disorders,R contro''ed data s!ggest that 'a"otrigine "ay /e effective in rapid#

    cyding /ipo'ar 77 disorder $a depression#predo"inant s!/type of /ipo'ar 77 disorder% $=a'a/rese et

    a'. 2+++% and in treat"ent#resistant $pri"ari'y rapid#cyc'ing /ipo'ar% "ood disorders $rye et a'.

