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KATA PENGANTAR KETUA PANITIA SENAPATI Ke-8......................................................................iiSAMBUTAN DEKAN FAKULTAS TEKNIK DAN KEJURUAN..........................................................iiiUNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN GANESHA.................................................................................................iiiSAMBUTAN KETUA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK INFORMATIKA.....................................ivFAKULTAS TEKNIK DAN KEJURUAN, UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN GANESHA...................ivDAFTAR ISI.........................................................................................................................................................v

MAKALAH UTAMA........................................................................................................................................1Pembelajaran Adaptif Berlandaskan Asesmen Otentik di Era Big DataI.N Sukajaya........................................................................................................................................................2Inovasi Teknologi dalam Pendidikan melalui Big Data Analytic dan Personalized LearningKetut Agustini...................................................................................................................................................10


BIDANG KEPENDIDIKAN INFORMATIKA/TIK SECARA LUAS...............................................15Media Pembelajaran Matematika Interaktif untuk Siswa Tunarungu: Perancangan dan Validasi

K. Beni A., I. N. Gita, I. M. Suarsana..........................................................................................................16Perancangan Aplikasi Perhitungan Operasi Matriks Berbasis Web Sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran

Harya Bima Dirgantara, Tedi Lesmana Marselino.................................................................................23Uji Coba Rancangan Model CSE-UCLA Yang Dimodifikasi Dengan Metode Weighted Product dan Validasi Instrumen Evaluasi Layanan Perpustakaan Digital Pada Perguruan Tinggi Komputer di Bali

Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, Agus Adiarta, Ida Bagus Gede Surya Abadi...................................28Implementasi UTAUT dalam Menganalisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi VMEET TerhadapTingkat Kepuasan Belajar di Universitas Bina Darma Palembang

Megawaty............................................................................................................................................................35UTAUT Implementation in Analyzing the Influence of VMEET Application Usage on the Level of Satisfaction of Learning at University of Bina Darma Palembang

Luh Setiani, Ketut Agustini...........................................................................................................................40Persepsi Guru Terhadap Pengembangan Profesionalisme Melalui Pelatihan Media PembelajaranBerbasis Edmodo

Noni Agustina, Ratnawati Susanto..............................................................................................................44Desain Sistem Personalisasi E-Learning Berbasis Felder Silverman Model Untuk Materi Animasi2 Dimensi di SMK Negeri Singaraja

G. N. Pardomuan, Ketut Agustini................................................................................................................49Analisis Kecenderungan Gaya Belajar dalam Rancangan Emodul Berorientasi Modalitas VAK(Visual, Auditori, Kinestetik) pada Siswa SMK TKJ Kabupaten Buleleng

I Nengah Eka Mertayasa, Ketut Agustini..................................................................................................Analisis Personalized Learning Berorientasi Motivasi Belajar Siswa

Kadek Agus Darma Yadnya, Ketut Agustini............................................................................................57Pengembangan Evaluasi dan Penugasan Online Berbasis E-Learning dengan Moodle pada MataKuliah Media Pembelajaran Ilmu Komputer

Siti Husnul Bariah............................................................................................................................................61Hubungan antara Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Sosial Guru PPL Jurusan Pendidikan TeknikInformatika terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMK Se-Kota Singaraja....................................................67

Dewa Ayu Putu Candra Santika, I G. M. Darmawiguna, G. S. Santyadiputra, L. P. E. Damayanthi .. 67

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BIDANG TEKNOLOGI INFORMATIKA...............................................................................................72Analisis Kualitas Koneksi Jaringan Internet 4G XL dan Smartfren di Wilayah Kota Palembang

Irwansyah...........................................................................................................................................................73Implementasi Sensor Kapasitif dan Piezo-Electric pada Bilah Gamelan Elektronik sebagai MediaBelajar Tabuh

I Gede Eka Wiantara Putra...........................................................................................................................80Rekayasa Sistem Tata Kelola dan Layanan Informasi Proses Perkuliahan Berbasis Multi Platform

Adi Chandra Syarif, Farid Hartono Gunawan, Erick Alfons Lisangan............................................85Penerapan Image Enhancement Algorithm Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Citra Tak Bergerak

Phie Chyan, Sean Coonery Sumarta...........................................................................................................92Pengaruh Seleksi Fitur Terhadap Hasil Klasifikasi Fase Plasmodium vivax Pada Citra Mikroskopis Digital Sediaan Darah Tipis

I Md. Dendi Maysanjaya, Md. Satria Wibawa, I Md. Agus Wirahadi Putra...................................96Sistem Informasi Reservasi Hotel dan Villa Berbasis Web Pada Villa Seganti Setungguan Gunung Dempo Pagaralam

Helda Yudiastuti.............................................................................................................................................102Implementasi dan Analisis Perangkat Pengirim Data Sensor melalui Modul A6 GSM/GPRS berbasisMicrocontroller

I Gede Eka Wiantara Putra, I Ketut Putu Suniantara, I Nyoman Satya Kumara.......................109Implementasi Load Balancing Pada Openstack dengan Metode Round Robin

I Made Aga Satya Darma, I Gede Oka Gartria Atitama.....................................................................115Desain E-Tourism Big Data MPD Untuk Edukasi Pelaku Pariwisata di Kabupaten Gianyar

I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, I Made Sunia Raharja................................................................................120Pengembangan Aplikasi Game Satua Bali “I Belog” Berbasis Android

I Putu Sugi Anantra, I Made Agus Wirawan, I Ketut Resika Arthana...........................................123

Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Peramalan Pendapatan di Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PelayananPerizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Buleleng dengan Metode Least Square

Ni Ketut Ayu Indra Cahyani, I Made Putrama, I Made Agus Wirawan........................................129Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Markerless Teknik Dasar Prenatal Yoga

I Gst Putu Bagus Naramas Wahyu Prayoga, I Ketut Resika Arthana, I Gede MahendraDarmawiguna..................................................................................................................................................136

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UTAUT Implementation in Analyzing the Influence of VMEET Application Usage on the Level of Satisfaction of Learning at University of Bina Darma Palembang

Megawaty Universitas Bina Darma

Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No.12 Palembang [email protected]

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Abstract— Utilization of technology in teaching and learning activities is inseparable in this era, therefore technology is a supporting tool that can help learning facilities can be more optimal. One example of learning by adopting technology is online learning through VMEET teleconfrence video applications. At Bina Darma University has been using and using VMEET application for special class of sekayu. Where in the application of students and faculty are not face to face directly, because it is done online this application is very dependent on the internet connection and of course will affect also audio and video that is displayed application that will affect teaching and learning activities become obstructed, This is what initiate researchers Examined the effect of VMEET video teleconfrence application on the level of satisfaction of learning by end users at Bina Darma University Palembang by using UTAUT method. The benefit of this research is to know whether the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence on the implementation of Video Teleconfrence VMEET and can provide recommendation to the University in improving the quality of technology more optimal

Keywords—Analysis, Learning, VMEET,UTAUT

I. INTRODUCTION (Heading 1) The use of VMEET video teleconference is applied to all PJJ class theory courses, while for practicum course is done in Bina Darma University's laboratory, in operation each user either lecturer or student has an account (username and password) used to login in this application. Lecturers will invite their students to join the learning process. The features contained in this application are chat, presentation menu, and so forth. VMEET telecoference video application is also very dependent on the internet connection, in other words if there is disruption in the internet connection then the learning process will be impeded, the connection will affect the image display is not good quality and even lost, other impacts will also affect On audio / voice becomes unclear. If that happens it is very detrimental to the users, because the learning process becomes less optimal because of the constraints that often occur, therefore this is the initiative of researchers to examine the influence of VMEET video teleconference application to end user satisfaction level using UTAUT method. Utilization of technology in teaching and learning activities is inseparable in this era, therefore technology is a supporting tool that can help learning facilities can be more optimal. One example of learning by adopting technology is online learning through VMEET teleconfrence video applications. At Bina Darma University has been using and using VMEET application for special class of sekayu. Where in the application of students and faculty are not face to face directly, because it is done online this

application is very dependent on the internet connection and of course will affect also audio and video that is displayed application that will affect teaching and learning activities become obstructed, This is what initiate researchers Examined the effect of VMEET video teleconfrence application on the level of satisfaction of learning by end users at Bina Darma University Palembang by using UTAUT method. The benefit of this research is to know whether the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence on the implementation of Video Teleconfrence VMEET and can provide recommendation to the University in improving the quality of technology more optimal

A. Formulation of the problemAs for the formulation of the problem in this study are:1. Is there any influence of performance expectancy on VMEET video teleconference implementation in Sekayu Students and lecturer of Bina Darma University Palembang2. Is there any influence of expectancy on using VMEET video teleconference at Sekayu Student and lecturer of Bina Darma University Palembang3. Is there any influence of social influence on the use of VMEET video teleconference at Sekayu Students and lecturer of Bina Darma University Palembang4. Is there any influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence on VMEET video teleconference implementation on Sekayu Students and lecturer of Bina Darma University Palembang

B. The scope of researchThe scope of this study will be limited by the following scopes:1. This research will analyze the effect of VMEET Video teleconfrence application to end user satisfaction level using UTAUT method at Bina Darma University Palembang2. Respondents in this study are college students and lecturers who teach using VMEET. The respondents in this study are students - PJJ semester 4 students amounted to 11 people and lecturers who teach PJJ amounted to 6 peop

3.1. Research purposes

The research objectives to be achieved are:

The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of VMEET Video Teleconfrence application to end user satisfaction level using UTAUT method at Bina Darma University Palembang

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3.2 Research Benefits

The benefits of this research are expected to know whether the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence on the implementation of Video Teleconfrence VMEET and can provide recommendations to the University in improving the quality of technology more optimal


2.1 Model UTAUT

A number of theories from the field of behavioral psychology have been partially successful in explaining why individuals adopt new information technologies. Separately, empirical tests have found several theories to account for as much as 50% of individual variance used and / or intent to use IT. Researchers recently tested 32 total constructions of eight models, 2 theoretically simultaneously to identify which construction has the greatest impact on the use of IT (Venkatesh et al, 2003). Longitudinal studies are designed to overcome the limitations of previous individual studies by collecting data from subjects presented with similar IT applications. Data collected at three points: immediately after training but before the introduction of new IT applications, one month after introduction, and three months after introduction. Researchers developed survey instruments consistent with methods used in previous studies involving each theory.

2.2. Analysis

Analysis is an investigation of an event (essay, deed, etc.) to know the true state (causal, sit, etc.) the breaking down of a subject over its various parts and the study of the passage itself and the relationships among the passages in order to gain a proper understanding and Comprehension of the whole meaning, chemical investigation by describing something to know its substance etc., elucidation after the best studied, problem solving beginning with allegation of truth


2.3 Teleconference

The notion of teleconference or teleconference or teleseminar is direct communication among some people who are usually remotely or not in one room and are connected by a telecommunication system. So a teleconference is a meeting conducted by two or more people who are done over the phone or network connection. The meeting can either use sound (audio conference) or use audio-video (video conference) that allows

conference participants to see and hear what is discussed, as usual meeting. In teleconferencing it is also possible to use the same whiteboard and each participant has control over it, as well as share the app.


2.4 Video

Video is an electronic signal delivery technology of a moving image. A common application of video signals is television, but it can also be used in other applications in engineering, scientific, production and security. The word video comes from the Latin word, "I see". The term video is also used as an abbreviation of videotape, as well as video recorder and video player. (Https://


It is a video conferencing device or video conferencing. Softfoundary VMEET is an innovative video converence and the most secure collaboration system with full HD 1080 quality. Where this softfoundary fits perfectly with online education with streaming and interactive meetings for innovative teaching. (Https://

2.6 Model UTAUT

A number of theories from the field of behavioral psychology have been partially successful in explaining why individuals adopt new information technologies. Separately, empirical tests have found several theories to account for as much as 50% of individual variance used and / or intent to use IT. Researchers recently tested 32 total constructions of eight models, 2 theoretically simultaneously to identify which construction has the greatest impact on the use of IT (Venkatesh et al, 2003). Longitudinal studies are designed to overcome the limitations of previous individual studies by collecting data from subjects presented with similar IT applications. Data collected at three points: immediately after training but before the introduction of new IT applications, one month after introduction, and three months after introduction. Researchers developed survey instruments consistent with methods used in previous studies involving each theory.The analysis helps researchers to identify the degree of influence each of the eight theories of construction have on technology adoption. The researcher then loaded the most influential

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construct into a model that accounted for nearly 80% of the variance in IT usage. The new model is what the author calls UTAUT. UTAUT proposes that three constructs (consisting of the most influential previous theoretical constructs) are the primary determinants of the intention to use IT. This is the Performance of Hope, the level at which the user expects that using the system will help him achieve profitability in work performance. Five constructs of behavioral theory contribute to the former

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Object of researchObject Research is something that became the center of research, while the object of this research are the students of PJJ Bina Darma University.

3.2 Research SitesThis research was conducted The study was conducted at the University of Bina Darma Palembang

3.3 Research MethodsThe method used in this research is quantitative descriptive research method. According to Nawawi (2003: 64) descriptive method of research methods that focus on the problems or phenomena that are actual at the time of research done, then describes the facts about the problem investigated as it is accompanied by a rational and accurate interpretation. Thus this research will illustrate the facts and explain the state of the object of research based on the facts that exist and try to analyze the truth based on the data obtained.

3.4 Population and Sampling Techniques3.4.1 PopulationBefore the research is conducted, the author first determines the population to be studied. According Sugiyono (2003: 90) population is a generalization region consisting of objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics set by the researcher to be studied and then in draw conclusion. The object of this research is the students of PJJ Bina Darma University become the object of this research are:1. The respondents who will be studied are the students of PJJ and Lecturer of Bina Darma Palembang, covering the entire students of the 4th semester of the year amounted to 11 people and the lecturer pjj amounted to 10 people to a total of 21 people. The sample according to Arikunto (2004: 102) is the whole of the population taken using certain data. Citing the opinion of Arikunto (2004: 102) which states that

if the population is less than 100 people then the sample taken as a whole, while the population is above 100 then the sample taken 10% -15% or 20% -25% of the population. Based on the survey field and the results of a short interview with the resource researchers, the sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling technique is sampling technique used by researchers because of certain considerations, the sample is taken 46 students.Based on the survey field and the results of short interviews with the resource researchers then the sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling technique is sampling technique used by researchers because of certain considerations, the sample is taken 21 students

3.4.2 Sampling TechniquesThe sample according to Arikunto (2004: 102) is the whole of the population taken using certain data. Citing the opinion of Arikunto (2004: 102) which states that if the population is less than 100 people then the sample taken as a whole, while the population is above 100 then the sample taken 10% -15% or 20% -25% of the population. Based on the field survey and the results of a short interview with the resource researchers the sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling technique is sampling technique used by researchers because of certain considerations. Samples taken from female students and semester 4 students amounted to 11 people and lecturer pjj amounted to 10 people.

3.5. Data collection techniquePrimary data collection techniques, namely data obtained by conducting research directly to the location of research in accordance with the problems studied. This data collection is done by:

Interviews are methods of collecting data orally by conducting direct interviews with the competent authorities within the organization.Questionnaire (questionaire) is a way of collecting data by providing a list of questions or questionnaires that have been provided to the respondent. The questionnaire given to the respondent is closed in the sense of expecting a short question or selecting an available answer option.C.Observation (observation) is a direct observation on an object to be studied to get a proper picture of the object of the researcher.The secondary data collection technique is the collection of data and information required by other written records relating to the problem under study.

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D. Library research (library research) is to collect books, scientific papers, papers that have relevance to the problem under study.

3.6. Instrument Research InstrumentThe data collection instrument is a tool chosen and used by the researcher in his activities to collect the data so that the activity becomes systematic and easy, by this research using Likert Scale as a guide of interpretation. Scale L

3.7. Hypothesis3.7.1 Alleged Research ResultsHypothesis in this research is as follows:H1: Performance Expectancy (PE) has an effect on vmeet (IV) implementation at Bina Darma UniversityH2: Effort Expectancy (EE) has an effect on vmeet implementation at Bina Darma UniversityH3: Social Influence (SI) has an effect on vmeet implementation at SMK Negeri kota palembangH4: Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), and Social Influence (SI) affect the implementation of vmeet media at the University.


4.1 Test Validity and ReliabilityIn this study the magnitude of df was

calculated by 21 - 4 or df 23 with alpha 0.05 obtained r table 0.187. If r arithmetic (for r each item of data seen in the Corrected Item-Total Correlation column) is greater than r table and the positive r value, then the item or question is declared valid.The results of the validity test can be seen in table 4.1

Table 4.1 Instrument Validity Test Table

4.2 Hypothesis testingThe results of hypothesis testing in this study are as follows:

Table 4.2 hipothesys testing

Based on the above table, then the results of the above hypothesis test results show that:1. Hypothesis Testing 1Parameter estimation correlation of performance expectancy variable did not have a positive and significant effect on vmeet implementation at SMK Negeri Palembang city was obtained by 0,394. Tests showed insignificant results with the value of C.R =

3.617 with probability = 0.734. Test probability values are

above 0.05. Thus Hypothesis 1 is rejected.

2. Hypothesis Testing 2Parameter estimation of variable of variable of effort expectancy have positive and significant effect to vmeet media implementation on the obtained is 0,472. Testing showed significant results with the value of C.R = 4.250 with probability = 0.000. Test probability values are below 0.05. Hypothesis 1 is thus accepted.

3. Hypothesis Testing 3Parameter estimation correlation variable variable social influence have positive and significant effect to vmeet media implementation at SMK Negeri Palembang obtained 0,570. Testing showed significant result with value of C.R = 5.509 with probability = 0,000. Test probability values are below 0.05. Thus Hypothesis 3 is accepted.

4. Hypothesis Testing 4Parameter estimation of relationship of UTAUT have positive and significant effect to vmeet media implementation at Bina Darma University, obtained 0,131. The test showed significant results with the value of C.R = 4.409 with probability = 0.000. Test probability values are below 0.05. Thus Hypothesis 4 is accepted

Konstruk Item Corrected Item-Total

CorrelationPerformance Expectancy

P1 0.502*

P2 0.535*P3 0.737*

P4 0.477*Effort Expectancy

P5 0.198*P6 0.406*P7 0.200*

P8 0.141Social Influence

P9 0.425*P10 -0.135P11 0.425*P12 0.696*

Implementasi vmeet

P13 0.210*P14 0.396*P15 0.198*P16 0.794*P17 0.508*

r tabel = 0.199


Indikator Loading Factor (p value)


H1 Pengaruh PE Terhadap ISE

0.393 (0,734) Non Signifi

kanH2 Pengaruh EE

Terhadap ISE0,471(0,000) Signifi

kanH3 Pengaruh SI

Terhadap ISE0,570 (0,000) Signifi

kanH4 Pengaruh PE,

EE, SI Terhadap ISE

0.130(0.000) Signifikan

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