Kekiongan 1962

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Indiana Tech's

Transcript of Kekiongan 1962

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The new McMillen Library, dedicated May 19, 1962



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E • • •

The students and faculty of Indiana Tech proudly dedicate

this yearbook to Mr. Dale W. McMillen in deepest appre­

ciation of his most generous gift a gift which has made

and will continue to make a vital contribution to the intel­

lectual growth of all students who come here, not only from

the United States but from many countries throughout the


Mr. McMillen, right, formally presents library to Arthur Fruechtenicht, Chairman of Board of Trustees, May 19, 1962.

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Dedication of Dale W. McMillen Library, May 19,~~»~•" · ~

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Arthur Fruechtenicht (right) , an d Carl Pierson , Vice-Chairman (left ), are admiring this new portrait of Dale W. McMillen which is to hang in the library.

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The main reading room

The carrels above are located behind the stacks shown in the picture above.


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Steve Breiner, President of the Student Council, presents "Thank You" book con­taining student signatures to "Mr. Mac."

Paul Taylor, President of Kappa Sigma Phi, presents Recognition Award from the fra­ternities to "Mr. Mac."

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Students checking out books to complete assignments

On the floor below the reading room there are smaller rooms available for seminars and study.

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Don Temp le , President of the Alumni Assoc iation , presents a Distingu ished Service Award to "Mr. Mac" honoring him as "indu striali st , philanthropist , and humanitarian."

I"' a

Mess rs. Dana and McMi ll en , left and right , advise Robert R. G ilruth , Director of Project Mercury, as to procedure in acceptin g Honorary Doctor of Science Degree .

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Even before landscaping was completed, the students lost no time in making use of " Mr. Mac's" generous gift to further higher education in Fort Wayne for the many students who come here from a II parts of the world .

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The Th eme of Dedication Day for t he new Library is d is played at the luncheon on May 19, 1962.

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Plans to build a new library were launched by

Mr. Dale W. McMillen, founder and president of

Central Soya Company, in February, 1961, when

he pledged his full support for the new building.

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President Archie T. Keene, at left, shows Robert R. Gilruth, director of Project Mercury, the Indiana Tech campus. Dedication Day, May 19, 1962.

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C. A. Overholt Vi ce-president and Treasurer

Ralph W. Young Dean of Faculty

John B. Crane Vice-President for Funds Development


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Robert C. Ruhl ~=-•L~~ ._ . R d II ~ on an a

Dean of Eng ineering Dean of Students

Mac A. Fuelber Oren B. Huffer Business Manager and Director of Purchases Regist rar and Director of Admissions

Page 19: Kekiongan 1962

Harold W. Belt Assistant to the President

Richard D. Dermer Director of Research and Development

Robert Large Director of Placement

Meredith Sprunger Director of Freshman Division


Evelyn M. Bo~Nyer

Assistant to the Reg istrar


Page 20: Kekiongan 1962

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Benjamin L. Dow H ead, Aeronaut ical Engineering Department

The Aeronautical Engineering Department a.l Indiana Technical

Col lege strives to have the student we ll prepared in the basic sciences

before the advanced aeronautical topics are undertaken . A g radua te

with a B.S. degree in Aeronautical Engineering may enter many phases

of the aerona utica i field. The ever-increasing advances in the field

of aeronautics, such as the earth satellite program, will continue to

offer a challenge to the engineer of the present and f uture .

Kenneth Strong

William S. Hazard


Page 21: Kekiongan 1962

Tod B. Dixon Head, Chemical Engineering Department

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One of the newest branches of engineering. Chemica l Engineering

has advanced rapidly . Practically all industry in some stage of pro­

cessing. development or manufacturing. must depend upon men with

a knowledge of chemistry. Today there are highly specialized and

diversified fields such as Gas. Metallurgical. Ceramics and Petroleum.

Because of its being the basic technology underlying the develop­

ment and operation of virtually all industry . Chemical Engineering

wi ll realize even greater growth in the years to come .

Joseph W. Cranmer

John Cochran



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Robert C. Ruhl Head I C ivi l Engineering Depa rtme11t

The development in the various branches of engineeri ng has created

new problems in the design and construction of building s. highways.

airports and other structures. The Civil Eng ineer is meeting the d e­

mands of ou r present age with new methods and ideas. Even though

C ivil Engineering is the oldest of the fields of eng ineering I it con­

tinues to grow and develop and provide opportunities for men of

• •


Howard B. Dillon

William D. Shrader


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Walter J. Williams, Jr.

Head , Electr ica I Eng i nee r ing Department

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Electrical Engineering can be generally divided into two main cate­

gories : controls and electronics (communications). The graduate

elect rica I engineer may find himself working in the f ields of radar,

guided missiles and satellites, atomic energy, electronic computers,

radio communications, television, control system s, power generation

and distribution, and other numerous specialized phases of Electrical

Engineering in commercial, industrial and military f ields.


Clarence Cain

Richard Dermer

Earl Devlin

Ray King

Arthur Price

Morris Simmons

Peter Sorenson

Norbert T orzyn

Page 24: Kekiongan 1962

Ivan A. Planck Head, Mechan ical Eng ineering D.epartment

The field of Mechanical Engineering is so broad that no man can

be an authority on all of its branches. Consequent·ly , mechanica l

engineers tend to become specialists in chosen branches. Therefore ,

the student is given a thorough ba ckground in the basic sciences.

This field is very extensive, for practically every manufactured article

requires the se rvices of mechanical engineers both in the design of

the machine on which it is made and in t·he production of the article

on those machines in the factory.

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Simon Kuo


Howard A. Macklin

Robert Marshall

Erwin Horiak

Cleo J. Quinn

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Norman 0. Long Head, Ch emistry Department

Chemistry is one of the fund ame ntal sciences, important both in

that it underlies all phases of modern living and in its own right as a

fie ld of employment for the several hundred thousand American

chemists . Its scope includes everything from process control and

analysis to the "glamor" fields of nuclear science and rad ioactive

t racer technique . biochemical resea rch and organic syntheses of vi tal

d rugs . plastics and explosives.

Warren Hoffman

Laszlo Szeg edy

Bernard Richardville

Edward P. Guindon


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-Mary E. Weimer H ead . Eng lish Division

The primary ob jective of the English Department in an engineering

college is to teach the engineering student the best methods of both

oral and written communication. This is essential in order that the

engineer may more effectively express himself socially and technically.

Joan Crane

Helen Dinius

Margaret Huff

Helen Riordan

Rosemary Delancey

Herman Mackie

Alvin Steinbach

Darrow Fox


Page 27: Kekiongan 1962

Charles Carr Head, Department of Mathematics

In our complex society, scientific progress depends on the mathe­

matician, the engineer and many othe r scientists whose primary tool

is mathematics. The Department of Mathematics offers a wefl-rounded

cou rse for the young mathematicians. as well as the essential mathe­

matics for the enginee rin g, physics and chemistry students .


Hugh Harp

Richard Sarber

Fred Croninger

James Dohner

Robert Leeper

Hugh Landis

Harry Mellin

Donald Henderson



Page 28: Kekiongan 1962

Kozaburo Miyakawa Head , Department of Physics

If, as has been said, " this is the atomic age," then t his is t he age

of physics . Nuclear weapons and machines are prod ucts of the physics

laboratory. Each new day finds the physicists of our nation ever widen­

ing horizons of man 's knowledge. Therefore, Indiana Technical College

meets the need for training in physics by offering basic and advanced

courses designed to prepare a student ei+her for d irect participation

in industry, or for a scientific career of the more t raditiona l type.

Ralph Bracht

Daniel Dwyer

Leonard Etter

Dean Garrison


Page 29: Kekiongan 1962

Lee Bernhardt Head , Engineering Graphics

Dwight Case

Engineering Graphics is a descriptive graphica l language used by

engineers and designers throughout the world to express, develop

and record their ideas and information. Men of industry have indicated

that Engineering Graphics is not only important , but absolutely neces­

sary. Students need a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of

science and communication, and should be trained early in the engi­

neering approach for the so lution of problems . They mu s+ have training

in space visualization; they must develop their powers of analysis and

synthesis; they must be given experience in creative thinking at the

start of their college work; and their abilities to develop and record

ideas must be constantly chal lenged.



Page 30: Kekiongan 1962

Carl Basham La w, Economics

James Pringle Histo ry

Phillip Kennell Histo ry, Physical Ed ucation


Meredith Sprunger Psychology

Robert Macy Ath let ic Directo r and C ooch

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Sue Mclay Librarian

Staff members shown in receiving room: Helen Cook, Mona Belle Turpin, Mariorie West, and student workers.


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Rafique V. Ahmed, BSEIE; Sylhet. Pa kistan; Presi­dent's List (I); Electronic Engineering Society; Pakistan Student A ssociation. President.

Nicholas J. Albanese, BSM E; Hempstead. New York; Iota Tau Kappa (I); President's List (6); Hon­or Ro ll (I); Mechanical Club. Secretary; Student Council; KEKIONGAN Staff { Veterans Club; Student Instructor. Graphics Lab (6); Varsity Golf.

Gerald W. Allen, BSEIE. Math Option; T ulla­homa . Tennessee ; President's List (I ); Electronic Engineering Society.

George W.~i~_~n, BSCE; Coudersport. Penn­sylvania; Pres-ident's List {I); Association of Civil Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Stu­dent Co u n c i I ; R i fl e C I u b.

Francis D. Bader, BSEIE; Columbia City. Indiana .

Gordon L. Bailey, BSEIE; Ossian. Indiana; Presi­dent's List {3); Electronic Engineering Society; Nucleus Staff; Intra m u ra I Softba II.

Jay N. Ballentine, BSEIE. Math Option; McClure, Pennsylvania; President's List (I); Electronic En­gineering Society.

John E. Bartus, BSEE; New Haven. Indiana; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity. Assistant Pledge Mas­ter; Bowl ing Club. President. Vice- President; I.T.C. Bowling Team {1 ). Team Captain.

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George C. Beck, BSME; Scottdale, Pennsylvania; President's List (6); Caswell Award; Mechanical Engineering Club, Secretary (I), President (2); Intramural Sports.

Wayne E. Beck, BSEIE: Scottdale, Pennsylvania; ;Student Council ; Student Instructor, Graphics Lab; Baseball Team.

Myron Bennett, BSEIE: Southampton , New York; President's List (5}; Electronic Engineering So­ciety: Newman Club: Intramural Golf.

Steen Bentzen, BSEIE, Math Option; Pilemuset Sorup Fredensborg. Denmark; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (8); Electro nic Engineering So­ciety; Phi losophy Club; Lutheran Student Or­ganization.

Merlyn L. Bloom, BSEIE. Math Option; Oak Har­bor, Ohio; President' s Li st (5): Electronic Eng i­neering Society. Sports Chairman; Student Coun­cil; Luthera n Student Association. Vice-President; Glee Club.

Lawrence F. Case, BS Physiccs, Math Option; Chicago, Illinois; President's Lis+ (2): Physics Club; Student Council; Assistant Physics Lab Instruc­tor; Cheerleader (2); Kappa Sigma Kappa, Chap­lain, Historian.

Joseph P. Chamberlain, BSEIE. Math Option; St. Petersburg. Florida; President's List{l} ; Electronic Engineering Society.

Donley J. Corkery, BSEIE, Math. Option; Mani­waki. Quebec, Canada; Iota Tau Kappa: Presi­dent' s List (II); Honor Roll {10); Electronic En­gineering Society, Publicity Chairman; Student Council (6}: Nucleus Staff: Chemistry Lab Assist­ant(!).


Page 36: Kekiongan 1962

Kenneth R. Crowe, BS Physics, Math Option; Montpelier, Ohio; President's List (7); Physics Club, President (2), Vice-President. (2); KEKION­GAN Staff; A ssistant Physics Lab Instructor.

Fred Davis, BSEIE, Math Option ; Van-couver, B. C" Canada; President's List (2} .

Sergio Diaz, BSCE; President's List (I ); Associa­tion of C ivi l Engineers, Trea surer; Chess Club; Soccer Team (2 ).

Lawrence J. Dilworth, BSEIE; Princet on, New Jer­sey; President's List (5); Honor Roll (I); Electronic Eng i neerin~~c~.ty; Alpha Omega Tau, T rea s-


urer. •

Dean M. Gates, BSEIE; Fa llent imber, Pennsyl­vania; President' s List (3); Electronic Engineer­ing Society.

Gary W. Gilbert, BSAeE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List (4).

Alan S. Gould, BSChE; Miami, Florida; Chemical Engineering Society, Secretary; Chess Club, President; A ss istant Chemistry Lab Instructor (I).

Arthur L. Headlough, BSEIE; Akron, Oh io; Elec­tron ic Eng ineering Society; Flying Club; Varsity Club, President; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Presi­dent; A ssistant Physical Education Instructor (5}; Varisty Baseball (3); Intramural Sports.

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Richard T. Hill, BSME: Sut herland , Iowa; Presi­dent's Li st (7); Honor Roll (I); Society of Auto­motive Eng ineers .

Bob G. Hodge, BSCE; Fort W orth , Texas; Asso­ciat ion of Civil Eng ineers; Varsity Ba seball; lntra ­mu ra I Sports.

Emery S. Horvath, BCE; Easton, Pen nsylvania; President' s List (5); Association of C ivil Engi­neers, Treasurer; Intramural Sports.

R. Lawrence Huff, BS Mat h; Fort W ay ne , Ind iana: President's List (15); Honor Roll (1 0); Technician Staff; Student Assistant to Dean of Students, Pl aceme nt , Public Relations.

Arnold E. Huge, BSEIE; Fort Wayne , Ind ian a; I

Electronic Eng ineeri ng Society; W eight-Lifting Club.

Jay R. Kelchner, BSME; Pa lmyra , Pennsylva nia; President's List (2) ; Mecha_nica l Engineering C lu b, Chairman , Treasure r; Pistol Club, Secretary­Treasurer ; G lee C lub ; National Rifle Association; 1960 Science Fa ir and Carn ival, Co-Cha irman.

James E. Kelly, BSEIE; North Adams, Ma ssachu­setts; President' s List (I); Flying Club, Assistant Flight Safety Officer.

Ronald A. Kobiske, BS Physics, Math ; Weyau­wega, W isconsin; Iota Tau Kappa , Secretary­Treasurer; President' s List (5); Honor Roll (10); Ph ys ics Club; Assistant Ph ysics Lab Instructo r (4} .


Page 38: Kekiongan 1962


Walter Langeman, BSEIE; Coalda le, Alberta, Canada; Nucleus Staff, Gold Key Award ; Theta Mu Pi, Pledge Master, House Manager.

WalterS. Leiser, BSEIE, Math Option ; Columbus, Oh io; C o-op Prog ram.

Howard D. Lewis, BSEE; Clarksville, Tennessee;

President's List (2) ; H onor Roll (2) , Electronic Eng ineering Society, Vice-Chairman; Student Council (2); Nucleus Staff, Bu siness M anager.

Samuel · T. Litz, BSCE; Welch , West Virginia;

Preside nt '~M ~t:. A ssociation of Civil Engineers, Sergeant at Arms; Intramural Sport s.

Edmond J. McKean, BSCE; Springda le, Connecti­cut; President's List (2); A ssociation of C ivil En-


Frank Machamer, BSCE; Rome, New York ; Presi ­

dent's List {4); A ssociation of C ivil Engineers; Vet-erans Club, Vice-President; Weight-Lifting C lub.

Frank J. Magyar, BSEIE; Cleveland , Ohio ; Elec­tronic Engineering Society.

Sun On Moy, BSME ; New York; Mechanical En­gineering Club; Chinese Club; Intramura l Bowl-• 1 ng.

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Robert Mozzer, BSEIE; Manchester, Connecticut;

President's List (2).

Guillermo O'Byrne, BSCE; San Salvador, El Sal­

vador ; H onor H oll (I) ; A ssociation of Civil En­

gineers; Ph i Iota Alpha , Vice-President; Varsi t y

Soccer {3); Intramural Sports.

Stanley D. Payne, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana;

Iota Tau Ka ppa; President' s List (IOJ; Honor Roll


Walter J. Peck, BSME; Holgate , Ohio; Presi­

dent's Li st (3); Society of Automot ive Engineers,

Secret ary; Dormitory Governor (I ).

Thomas J. Raiac, BSME; Newport News , Virgi nia ;

Iota Tau Kappa; President's Li st (8).

Bernard Res, BSME; Richmond , Indiana; Presi­

dent' s List (5); H onor Roll (2); Society of Automo­

tive Eng ineers; Theta Mu Pi, Treasurer.

J. Patrick Riddle, BSCE; Springfield, Orego:1;

Honor Roll (I); A ssociation of C ivil Engineers,

President, Secretary; Alpha Gamma Upsilon,

President, Supreme Master, Pledge Master, Ex­

ecutive C ommittee, Board of Directors, Treas­

urer; Technician Staff; Student Advi.sory Com­

mittee; Inter-fraternity Council; Fencing Tea m; Intramural Sports.

William C. Robb, BSEIE; Detroit, Michigan;

President' s List {I); Glee Club; Flying Club; Phi

Kappa Lambda, President, Secretary, H ouse

Manager; Interfraternity Council; Dormitory

Counsellor (2); Intramural Sports.


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Juris Sautins, BSCE; Lakewood, Ohio ; President's

List (2); A ssociation of Civi I Engineers.

Thomas C. Scalzo, BSEE, BSEIE; Fort Wayne, In­diana; President's (I); Sigma Ph i Delta, Vice­

Chairman; Varsi ty Baseball; Intramural Sports.

James M. Scanlon, BSCE; Wh itestone, New York; President' s List (I); A ssociation of Civil Engi­

neers; Newman C lub; Student Council; Phi Kappa

Lambda , Pledge Master; Inter-fratern ity C ou nci l ;

Intramu ral Bowling.

Joseph J. Sena, BSEIE; Long Island , New York;

Electronic ~~ii.~~~ring Society, Newman Club; lntramural lfc5wl lng :

Douglas B. Sutton, BSEIE, Math Option; New A l­

bany, Indiana; President's List (8); Electronic En­

gineering Society.

Stephen E. Thoma, BSM E; Mansfield, Ohio; Presi­

dent's List (2); Society of Automotive Engineers;

Newman Club, Pu blic Relations Officer.

Gerald K. Thomas, BSEIE, Math Option; Buffa lo, New York; President's List (7); H onor Roll (I); Electronic Engineering Soc iety, Publ icity Direc­

tor; Veterans Club; Library A ssista nt {5); Science

Fair and Ca rn iva I Committee.

Ronald V. Trahan, BSChE, Math Option; South­bridge, Massachusetts; President's List (2);

Chemical Eng ineering Society; Student C ouncil;

Newman Club, Trea su rer ; Phi Kappa Lambda.

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Henry J. Vimislik, BSEIE, Math Option; Bingham­

ton, New York; Electronic Engineering Society,

Vice-Chairman , Sports Chairman; Veterans Club;

Science Fa ir and Carnival, Activities Chairman;

Intramural Sports.

Daryl L. White, BEE; Ursa, Ill inois; President's

List (I); Nucleus Staff, Feature Editor; Kekionga

Amateur Radio Club, Secretary-Treasurer.

David R. Warner, BSEIE; Binghamton, New York;

President's List {I); Electronic Engineering So­


Donald E. West, BSEE; C ouncil Bluffs , Iowa; Vet­

erans Club, President.

Richard P. Pokallus, BSEIE, Math Option; Mata­

wan, New Jersey ; Electronic Engineering Soc iety.

Baldwin S. Ray, BSEIE, Math Option; Maracaibo,

Venezuela; Electronic Engineering Society ; Phi

Iota Alpha; Inter-fraternity Council; Intramural


John H. Toombs, BSEIE, Math Option; Nyssa, Oregon.

Thurman G. Busz, BME; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Theta Mu Pi.


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Zeddie W. Alexander, Jr., BEE, Math Option : Fort Wayne, Tnd iana; Math C lub, President.

Muhammad Ashraf, BSME: Wazirabad, West Pakistan; Iota Tau Kappa: President's List (8): Henry Caswell A ward; Society of American Mili­tary Engineers.

Graydon D. Brewster, BSEIE: Morley, Michigan; Society of American Milita ry Engineers, Secre­tary : Flying Club, Treasurer, President.

Roberto Ci 'lt!in~ ~SE I E : New York, New York; President's L i sr ( 2 )': \v e i g h t- Lift i n g C I u b .

David W. Davis, BChE: Clarksbu rg, West Vir­ginia : President's List (4): Chemical Engineering Society, President; American Chemical Society.

David P. DeWoody, BSEIE, Math Opion: Polk, Pennsylvania; Caswell Award ; Electronic Engineer­ing Society, Treasurer; Glee C lub (I) .

Joseph A. Dorn, BSCE: Buffalo, New York; Presi­dent's List (2): Math Club, Vice-President; A lpha Omega Tau.

Satyaiit Dutta, BSEIE: Assam , India; President's List (I) : Electronic Engineering Society: India As­sociation; Student Christian Fel lowship.

Page 43: Kekiongan 1962

Peter J. Eandi, BS ME: Springfield, Illinois.

Michael P. Flanigan, BSM E; For+ W ayne, Indiana; President's List (2): Mechanical Engineering Club; Society of Automotive Engineers; Student Coun­cil (I); Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Vice-President, Treasurer, Pledge Master, House Manager.

Frank Germano, BSM E; Brooklyn, New York; Presi­dent's List (1 }: KEKfONGAN Staff; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, President , Vice-President.

Bryan Grapentine, BSEL, Math Option; Mani­toba , Canada; Honor Roll (I); Kappa Sigma Phi; Varsity Golf (2).

Joseph Gryglewski; BSCE; Phillips, Wisconsin; A ssociation of Civil Engineers; Flying Club; Phi Kappa Lambda, Treasurer, House Manager.

Everett L. Hutsell; BSAeE; Mountain Grove, Mis­souri; President's List {3 ); Flying Club.

Albert E. M. lwaskow; BSM E: Brooklyn, New York; President's List (6).

Arnold Johnson; BSEL; Ridgeway, Pennsylvania; Honor Roll (2): Electronic Engineering Society ; Kappa Sigma Phi , Vice-President.


s s r ,.

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James E. Kennedy, BSME; Buffalo, New York; Mechanical Eng ineering C lub; Kappa A lpha Psi .

Stanley Knystautas, BSM E; Cleveland, Ohio; President's List (I); Mechanical Club.

Odes James Kyle, Jr., BSME; Toledo, Ohio; Me­chanical C lub; Kappa Alpha Psi; Pledge Dean.

Ralph 0. Lambert, BSEE; Flinflon, Manitoba, Canada; Honor Roll (I ).

Clair J. Limrick, BSEE, Math Option; Gipsy, Pennsylvania; President's List (I ); Electronic En­gineering Society; Weight-Lifting Club; Intramu­ral Sports.

Car I S. Mac i o I e k; B S M E; B a It i more, Mary I a n d ; President's List {2); Mechanical Club ; Newman C lub, President; Dormitory Governor.

Gerald J. Monti, BSM E; Rochester, New York; Society of Automotive Engineers; Newman Club. President, Vice-President; Phi Kappa Lambda, President; lntramural Sports.

Ronald Kiyoshi Oda, BSCE; Honolulu , Hawaii; President's Lis+ (2); A ssociation of Civi l Engineers, Secretary; Hawaiian Club, Corresponding Secre­tary and Treasu rer ; Intramural Sports.

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Ralph E. Prevette. BSEE; China Grove, North Carolina; ITEA; Flying Club.

Hernan J. Quintero, BSEIE; Maracay, Venezuela.

Rafael E. Robert. BSEL; San Jose, Costa Rica; President's List (I I) ; Society of Automotive Eng i­neers; Phi Kappa Lambda, Secretary; Tennis Team.

Eugene R. Ricci. BSM E; Keeseville, New York; President' s List (5); Society of Automotive Engi­neers; Student Council ; KEKIONGAN Editor (3 ); Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Vice-President, Pledge Master ; Student Instructor Engineering Graphics~ Basketball Team Manager (I).

Norbert E. Romie, BSME: Fort Loramie, Ohio; Mechanical Engineering Club ; Letterman's C lub; Varsity Ba seball (2).

Donald Rusciolelli. BSEL; Buffalo, New York.

Gerald S. Scott. BSM E: Fort Wayne, Indiana; Mechanical Club, Treasurer.

Joseph R. Smyiunas. BEIE; Shenandoah, Pennsy l­vania; Electronic Engineering Society.


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Peter P. Strucker, BEE; Brooklyn, New York; Stu­dent I n s t·r u c tor Eng i nee r i n g G r a phi c s.

Robert J. Sullivan, BSEL, Math Option ; .. Front Royal, Vi rginia; President's List (7}; Electronic Engineering Society , Publicity Director.

William Arntzen Thorsdale, BEE; Fishkill, New York; Weight-Lifting Club .

Louis L. Treadway, BSCE; London , Kentucky; President's l~~}=fAssociation of Civil Engineers; Kappa Sigma Kappa, President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Pledgemaster.

Howard Vineyard, BSM E: Hudsonville, Michigan; Mechanical Club, Treasurer; Veterans Club.

Dalmer Wagner, BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indian a; Stu­dent Christian Fellowship ; Bowling Team.

Joseph P. Walko, BSAeE; Dubois, Pennsylvania; President's List (4); Insti tute of Aerospace Sci­ences, Treasurer; Newman C lub.

Mark R. Walsh. BSEL; Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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Robert A. Wanner, BSM E; Fort Wayne, Indiana;

President's List (I); Student Council (I); Bowling

Tea m.

Frank Weber, BSEIE; Rosenberg, Germany.

Leonard Williams, BSM E; Kingston, Jamaica;

Mechanical Club; American Society of Military

Engineers; ASM E; Nations Un ited Club.

Peter J. Zegan, BS Physics, Math O ption; New

York, N ew York; Presid ent's List· (7); Honor Roll

(I); Physics C lu b, President, Vice-President; Tech­nician Staff (I); Theta Mu Pi, President, Secretary,

House Manager; Inter-Fraternity Council, Presi­

dent, Secretary ; Physics Lab A ssistant (6); Intra­

mural Sports; Junior Class President.

Sherman Zell, BEIE; Brooklyn, New York; Iota Tau

Kappa; President's List ( 6); H onor Roll ( 6); Ama­

t eur Radio Club; Physics Lab Assistan t (3 .

Delbert DeForest, BSEE ; Laurens, Iowa ; Freshman

C lass Secreta ry; Electrical Engineering Society;

Intramu ral Sof tball and Foot ball .


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Ibrahim Baltagi, B.SM E; Bei rut, Lebanon; Arab Student Club; Nations United Cl ub .

Lowell D. Bayes, BS EE ; Washington , Ohio; Presi­dent' s List (I); Flying Club, Flight co-ordinator; EE Bowling Team.

Robert J. Bey, BSAeE; Nekoosa , Wisconsin; President's List {I); lAS {2); Student Council {2); Kappa Sig ma Kappa, Se.rgeant at Arm.s {2) , Pled gem aster, Treasurer, Chaplain , Glee Club; Libra ria n ; I n tram u r a I Sports .

. James E. Bodette, BSCh E; Wisconsin Rapids, W isconsin; -~~rfirtal Engineering Society; Phi Kappa Lambda; Newman Club, Treasurer (I); Intramural sports.

Jerome R. Bodmer, BSChem; Appleton, Wiscon­si n; President's List (I); Kap pa Sigma Phi; Ameri­can Chemical Society; Lab Ass istant (2).

Robert W. Bonsall, BSCE ; Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada; Association of Civil Engineers; Presi­dent' s List ( I ) .

Angelo A. Boscolo, BSME; West Haverstraw, New York; SAME, President Vice-President ;


Theta Mu Pi; Intramural sports.

Harold J. Braun, BSC E; Baltimore, Maryla nd ; C ivil C lub, Secretary; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (5); Dean's List (4); Student Council (2); Cas­wei.! Drawi ng Award .

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Henry R. Buthmann, BSME; Hempstead, New York; Mechanical Engineering Club; Society of Automotive Engineers; Student Luthern Associa­tion , Vice President.

William J. Buyers, BSM E; Livonia Michigan; Presi­

dent's List (3); Dean 's List (5); Theta Mu Pi , Vice­President (2); Society of Automotive Engineers, Treasurer (2); Track team; Intramural sports.

Thomas D. Callahan, BSAeE; Oreland , Pennsyl­vania; Dea n's List (1); lAS; Sigma Phi Delta; Fly­ing Club, President, Secretary; Weight-Lifting

Club; Sky Diving Club.

Rudolph Chung, BSME ; Brooklyn, New York; Dean's List (I); SAE; Student Council; Senior Class President; Theta M u Pi , Pledgemaster, Ser­geant at Arms; Chinese Club, President; Bowling

Club, Vice-president; Intramural sports.

Sam Y. Chung; BSEE; Brooklyn, New York; AlEE; Chinese Club, President; Bowling Club, Secre­tary.

Norman D. Cowder, BSEI E; Clearfield , Pennsyl­vania; President's List (3); Dean' s List (8); Elec­tronic Engineering Society; Secretary; Student Council, President, Vice President; Sophomore Class Secretary ; Nucleus Reporter ; Science Fa ir

and Carniva l Committee Co-Chairman.

Joseph J. Cozzolino, BSME; Belleville, New Jer­sey; President's List (2); Society of Automotive Engineers; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Treasurer, House Manager, Social Chairman; Student Council.

Lane M. Cunningham, BEE; Jackson, Missouri ; Intra m u ra I sports.


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- - - --

Franco D'Agostino, BSCE; Caracas Venezuela; President's List (I); Association of Civil Engineers.

Gerald L. Davis, BSM E, Math; Portsmouth , Ohio; President's List (3); Dean's List (8}; Math Club; Meehan ical Club, Society of Automotive Engi­neers; lAS.

Charles L. LeMarsh, BSAeE; Dayton, Ohio; Presi­dent's List (3}; Flying Club; Nucleus Staff.

Richard ·J. DeRuby, BSEIE; Rome, New York ; President's ~(~~_. AlEE: Newman Club; Va rsity Track, Baseball; Bowling Team; Weight-Lifting Club: Intramural sports.

John A. Dixon, BS Math, BSAeE; lAS ; Flying Club, Secretary; Student Council.

Peter Dombrowski, BSEIE; Chicago, Ill inois ; AlEE; Kappa Sigma Kappa, Sergeant at Arms, Scrib9, House Manager.

Robert J. Dykman, BSEIE; Poughkeepsie, New York; Electronic Engineering Society, Dean 's List (3 }.

Robert C. Elander, BSEIE; Kingsburg, Ca lifornia; Dean's List (3); Electronic Eng ineering Society.

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Peter Erdenberger, BSM E; Math Option; Olden­

burg, Germany; President's List (I); Mechanical Eng ineering Club, Treasurer; Weight-Lifting

C lub.

Norman Ferguson, BSME; Elmont, New York;

Dean 's List (6J.

Kenneth F. Ferrari, BCE; Tovey, Ill inois; Associa­

t ion of Civil Eng ineers; Flying Club, Treasurer ;

Intramural sport s.

Charles Fiorenza; BSCE; Association of Civil En­

gineers; Sigma Ph i Delta, Sports Director; Bowl­

ing Club; In tra m u ra I sports.

Robert G. Foggan, BSAeE; Seneca, Pennsy lvania ;

Institute of Aeronautical Sciences; Flying C lub.

Richard W. Gasdorf, BSEE, BSME; Lima , Ohio;

President's Li st (2) ; Mechanical Engineering Club,

Treasu rer; Student Council (3}; Governor of Max­

well H all (3 ); Tech Manor Club, Board of Gov­ernors ; Student Christian Fellowship ; Lutheran

Student A ssociation, Vice-President; Gamma

Delta A ssoc iation of Lutheran students.

Kevin M. Gaul, BSAeE; Institute of Aeronautica l

Sciences , Treasurer (I). Secretary (2); Bowling

Team; Intramural sports.

Robert 0. Gavitt, BSEIE, Math Option; Electronic

Engineering Society; Iota Tau Kappa, Vice·-Presi­

dent ; President' s List (9); Student Counc il (3);

Nucleus, Editor.


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E. Rick Gesue, BS M E; C ortland , O hio ; Iota Tau Kapp, Pres ident's List (5), Dean's List (2); Dorm Scholastic A wa rd , 60-6 1 and 61 -62 ; Student Council Board of Governors; Dorm Governor; V a risty Baseba II; Letterman 's C lub; Int ramural Basketba II .

Honed Ghogawala, BCh E; Calcutta . Ind ia; Chemical Engineering Society.

Shawkat A. Ghumrawi, BSME ; Tripoli , Leba non ; President's List (I); Mechanical Engineering C lub; Arab Student C lub, President, Treasurer, Secre­tary.

Kenneth J. Gricius , BSEE; Chicago, Illinois; Elec­tron ic Engineering Society, Secreta ry ; EES Bowl ­. ~~- ~ .. -mg team. · ·

Will iam F. Halpen, BS EIE; Brier H ill , New York; Electronic Engineering Society; Student Council; Vice- Presiden+. Junior Class ; Kappa Sigma Kappa , Vice- President, House Manager, Treas­urer ; Intramural sports.

Roy S. Haugen; BS Math; South Portland , Ma ine; Math Club; Electronic Eng ineering Society, Treas­urer; Student Council, Secretary .

Paul W. Herrick; BAe E; Math Option ; Parish, New York; Inst itute of Aeronautical Sciences; President's List (3); Dean's List (I); Intramura l f.ootba 11 .

William S. Hill , BSEIE; Math O pt ion; Cleveland , Ohio; Iota Tau Kappa , President (2) ; President's List (I 0); Coolidge A ward in Physics ; Electronic Engineering Society, Chairman (2); Nucleus Staff ; Chemistry lab assistan t (I ).

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Willy C. Hou, BSEIE; New York, New York; Presi­dent's List (4}.

Raymond L. Hudson, BSEIE; Math Option; Pon­tiac, Michigan.

Earl H. Hummell, BSEE; AlEE; Student Council.

Walter D. Hunnicutt, BSAEE; Huntington, Indi­ana.

J a me s P. Hurt Jr., B S C h E ; De a n 's List ( I ) ; Am e ri­ca n Chemical Society; Chemical Engineering So­ciety ; Student Co u n c i I ; Wei g h f.-Lift i n g C I u b ; Chemistry Lab assistant (I); Weight-Lifting In­structor (4}.

Mohd Farid Jadoon, BS Math; New Keha l Abbot-•

tabad . Pa kistan; Theta Mu Pi; Pa kistan Student A ssociation, President.

Charles N. Johnson, BSCE; Dean 's List (3) ; A sso­ciation of Civil Engineers.

Sheldon D. Jordan: BS Math , BS Physics; South Fork. Pennsy lvania ; President's List ( 12) ; Dean 's List (4); Physics Club; Math Club, President, Vice­President; Ph ilosophy 'Club; Weighi-lifting Club; Nucleus Staff.



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- - -- --


Mahendra Kamdar, BSCE; Bombay, India ; Presi­dent's List (I)~ Association of C ivil Eng ineers.

Edward M. Keener, BSCE ~ Cornwall, Penn.syl­vania; President's List ( 2)~ Association of Civil Eng inee rs ~ Kappa Sigma Phi, Treasurer, Pledge Master ; Freshman and Sophomore Class Presi­dent; Intramural Sports.

Lawrence T. Kitsuki, BSEIE; Hilo, Hawaii; Hawai­ian C lub.

Ralph L. LaFollette, BSM E; Wabash, Indiana; President's List (I)~ Dean 's List (I); Mechanica l Engineer~ ~l.ub, Chc.i rman, Vice-Chairman,

• •

Secretary, Executive Committee; Camera Club , Resident Counse l or~ Intramural Sports.

David A. Lambert; BSCE; Fort Wayne, Ind iana; Association of C ivil Engineers.

John LaReddola, BSEIE; Hig hla nd, New York; President' s List (2); Dean's List (7); Intramural Sports.

Joseph Longo, BSEE; Wh itestone , New York; So­ciety of American Military Engineers; Ind iana Tech Electrica l Association; Theta Mu Pi , Secre­tary; Newman Club ; Glee Club ; Intramura l Sports; I FC Delegate.

Dean S. Loose, BSM E; W illia msburg, Pennsyl­vania; Kappa Sigma Kappa, House Manager; I ntram u ra I Sports.

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Don Luke, BSM E; Brooklyn. New York; Mechanical Engineering Club, Secretary; Chinese C lub; Var­sity Baseba II (2 ).

Robert 0. McCarthy, BS Physics, BS Math; Syra­cuse, New York; President's List (2); Dean's List (4); Ph ysics Club; Theta Mu Pi; Sergeant at Arms , Historian , Chapla in; Phys ics Lab Ass istant (2 ).

Dennis J. McCook, BSEIE; North Manchester, In­diana; AlEE.

Hugh R. McSweyn, BSEIE; Shelton, Washington; Dean 's List (2); Sigma Ph i Delta , Pledge Master, Historian ; Vice-President J unior Cla ss ; Student"


Council; In tramural Sports.

David J. Marshall, BS Physics; Colurr,bus, Indiana ; President's List (2}; Kekionga Radio Club , Vice­Presiden t, Treasurer.

Virgil W. Merkel, BSEIE: Birdseye. Ind iana ; Ph i Kappa Lambda, Vice-President, House Manager.

Robert E. Morgan, BSCE ; President's List (5); Association of C i vi I Eng i nee r s ; I n t r a m u r a I Sports.

Richard A. Morrow, BS Math; Fountain City. In­diana; Dean 's List (5).

. ..........


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Thomas K. Noll, BSEE; Fort W ayne, Indiana; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (9 ) ~ Dean's List (4); Indiana Tech Electrica l A ssociation, Secreta ry ; Fencing Team {3 ) ~ Captain {I).

David L. O'Brien, BSCE ~ Ma rietta, Ohio; Asso­ciation of Civil Engineers; Dean's List (3 ); Int ra­mural Sports.

Richard H. Oldenbuttel, BSAeE; Hempstead, New York.

Martin J. Petersen, Jr., BSEIE; President's List (6) ; A udio .Engineering Society, Vice- Pres ident ; Ke­kionga Radio Q .ub.

~~· ~._ · - - -•

Jarsel M. Pursell, BSEE; Fort W ayne, Indiana; In­diana Tech Electrical Club, Treasurer {3 ), C ha ir­man (2); President's List (4); Kappa Sigma Ka ppa, H istorian; Flying Club.

Larry Quigley, BEIE ; Des Moines, Iowa ; Dorm i­tory Scholast ic Award; Dean 's List (5).

John E. Raffoul, BSEIE; Tripoli, Lebanon; Iota Tau Ka ppa ; President's List (4); Dean 's List (6); Elec­tronic Engineering Society; Arab Student Club, Secretary, Vice-President, President; Student Council; Nations Un ited C lub; Phys ics Lab A s­sista nt {2 ).

Philip R. Rappleyea, BEIE; Modena, New York; Dean's List {4); Ka ppa Sigma Kappa , Sergeant at A rms {I), Secretary {2), Treasurer (2 ), G lee Club (1).

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Richard J. Repka, BSME; Nonora Pennsylvania; Society of Automotive Engineers; lTC Bowling


S. Gerard Ripple, BSEIE; Queens, New York; Dean's List (1 ); Student Council (4); Theta Mu Pi;

Intramural sport s.

Donald L. Robeson, BSCE; Toledo, Oh io; A sso­ciation of Civil Engineers; Varsity Club; Weight­Lifting Club; Bowling Club; Basketball Team ; In­

tramural sports.

Ronald R. Rothermel, BSEIE; Reading, Pennsyl­vania ; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (9); Dean's List (9); Coolidge Award for Physics; Caswell Award for Drawing ; Outstanding Electronic En­gineering Student; TM C Scholastic Award ; Out­standing Freshman Award ; Electronic Engineer­ing Society; Student Tutor; Student Council.

Warren Rushton, BSME; Churdan, Iowa; Presi­dent' s List (4) : Mechanical Eng ineering Club; Aud io Engineering Society; Weight-Lifting Club;

Vice- President Sophomore Class; Kappa Sigma Ph i, President, Chapla in; Intramural sports.

Wendelin Schmidt, BSME; Thornbury, Ontario, Canada; Iota Tau Kappa, President's List (9); Dean 's List (7); Zoltani Memorial Award.

Rodney F. Schrader, BS EIE; Namistee, Mich igan; Dean 's List (I); Student Cou ncil; Sigma Phi Delta, House Manager, sports d irector; Varsity Soccer; Intra m u ra I sport s.

George John Schulte, BSCE; O xford , Ind ia na ; A ssociation of C ivil Engineers; President' s List (2 ): Dean's List {I); Intramural sports.


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- ~--~-

John Semelsberger, BSME; Clearfield , Pennsyl­

vania ; Presiden t's List (I ); Varsity Baseball.

Gerald H. Siebert, BSChE: Celina, O hio; Presi­

d ent's List (7); Dean 's List {3); Chemical Engi­

neering Society ; American Chem ical Society .

Thomas H. Smith, BSCE; Albany, New York;

President' s List (5); Dean 's List {I); A ssociation of

Civ il Eng ineers, President, Vice- President, Secre­

t ary; N ewman C lub; St udent Council ; Bowli ng


Ronald E. Sterba, BSEIE: Tulsa, O klahoma; Phi

Kappa Lafn.~~,.~nter- Fratern i ty Sports.

Robert T. Tanaka, BSC E; Honolulu , Hawaii ; Presi­

dent's List (6) ; Dean's List {9); A lpha Gamma Up­

silon Scholarship Award ; A ssociation of C ivil

Enginee rs; Hawaiian C lu b , President, Athletic

Chairman ; Intramura l Spo rts.

William C. Taylor, BSEIE: Harr isbu rg , Pennsyl ­

vania; Phi Kappa Lambda , Secretary .

Walter F. Wilm, BSEE ; Medford , Long Isla nd ,

New York ; Iota Tau Kappa, President; Outstand­

ing Freshman Award; C aswell Award for Draw­

ing; American Institu te of Electrica l Eng ineers;

EE La b A ss ista nt; Research Project s for Research

and Development Laboratory.

Ronald E. Zaucha, BSME: Avilla , Indiana; Presi­

dent's List (I ); Mechanical Engineering Club, Sec­

retary {I ), Treasu rer (I).

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Rafael Robert, BSEIE; San Jose, C osta Rica;

Phi Kappa Lambda, Secretary ; Newman Club.

Paul D. Anger, BSEIE, Math Option; Worcester,

Ma ssachusetts; President's List (4); Electrical A sso­

ciation; Amateur Radio Club.

Wallace B. Anthony, BS EIE; Kenmore, New York;

Dean 's List (1); AlEE.

Sergio Ayala Gonzalez, BSME; Cardenas, C uba.

Edward L. J. Barkson, BSChE ; Spring field, Vir­

ginia; Chemical Eng ineering Society; Am erican

Chemical Society ; Newm an Club ; T ecn M anor


Hernan Beschiroff, BSME ; Medellin , C olombia,

South America ; President' s List (I ); American So­

ciety of Military Engineers.

Dale H. Brown: BSEIE; Monessen, Pennsylvania;

Electronic Engineering Society.

Jerome J. Brouwer; BS EIE; Fort Wayne, Indiana;

Dea n's List (5); President's Li st (I); Amateur Radio Club.


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Thomas A. Bubp, BSChem ; Fort Recovery, Ohio ;

President's List (I 0): American Chemica I Societ-y,


Thomas C. Callison, BSCE; H untingt on, Indiana;

President's List (I); Dean 's Li st (I); Association of

Civil Engineers, President .

Bohdan Chaplynsky, BSEIE: Philadelphia , Penn­

sy lvania; American Institute of Electrica l Engi­

neers: Glee Club.

David Chemelewski, BSEIE, Math Option ; Peru,

Illinois; Preside_nfs List (2); Student Council; Vice­

President F~~~nrah C lass; Sigma Phi Delta, Busi­

ness Manager; Dormitory Counsellor; I ntramura I

Sport s.

Marcelo Cisneros, BCE; Cuenca, Ecuador ; Dean 's

List {I).

Allen N. Cooper: BSEIE; Mahanoy City, Penn­

sylvania; Electronic Engineeri ng Society.

Lawrence T. Dreiband, BSEE; Fort Wayne, In­

diana; President's List {I) ; Audio Engineering

Society, President, Treasurer, and Secretary: Kap­

pa Sigma Kappa , Treasurer, H ouse Manager,

Cha pia in, Director of Pub lic Relations: Intra mural

Sport s.

Kenneth H. Dupree, BSEIE; Ona, Florida ; Bowling


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Stanley Dyer, BSEIE; Grayson, Kentucky; Presi­dent's List (I); Dean's List (5); Sigma Phi Delta, Chaplain.

Danny B. Falconi, BSEIE; Bradford, Pennsylvan ia; President' s Li st (2); Deans List (4); Electronic Engi­neering Society; Student C oun cil ; Intercollegiate Commission; Weight-Lifting Club.

William T. Farley, BM E and BCE; Syracuse, New York; Association of Civi l Engineers, President , Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arm s; Mechani­cal Club ; Society of Automotive Engineers; Theta Mu Pi , Vice-President, Secretary and House Manager; Newman Club, President ; Intramura l Sports.

Sibte M. Farooqu, BSME; Karachi , Pakistan ; Pa­kistan Student Association, President.

Arthur L. Firtion, BSEE; Ridgefield, New Jersey; President's List (I); American Institute of Electri­cal Engineers; Math Club, Preside nt, Vi ce-Presi­dent, Secretary-Treasurer; AI ph a Omega Tau, President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Chaplain ; Varsity Tennis (3); Most Valuable Player (2).

Thomas Gardner, BSME; Springfield, Ohio! President' s List (4); Intramura l Sports.

Edward J. Graham, BSME; Oreland, Pennsylva­nia ; Alpha Omega Tau .

Clifford H. Gustafson, BSEIE; Chicago, Illinois; Dean 's List (3) ; Dorm Scholastic Award; Junior Class Secretary ; Physics Lab Assistant; I ntramura I Sports.


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Arnis Hildebrants, BSEIE; For+ W ayne, lndiana7

Dean' s List (2).

Irvin A. Hoffman, BS Math; Rockford, Illinois;

Dean 's List· (7) .

Robert J. Howard, BCh E: Antwerp, Ohio; Presi­

dent' s List (I}; C hemica I Engineering Society,

Trea surer; American Chemical Society.

Robert R. Hubbenthal, BSEIE, Math Option; Lu­

cerne, Indiana; President' s List (I}; Dean 's l ist (5}; Electronic Engineering Society; Kappa Sigma

Kappa, Presfttllnt~ ~Yice-President, Secretary; In­

terfraternity C ouncil, Secretary: Varsity Club:

Varsity Basketball (3}; Softball (2}: Intramural

Sports; Physical Education A ssista nt.

Manzurul Huq, BEC ; Da cca, Pakistan; Pakistan

Student A ssociation, President; I ntram u ra I Sports.

M.A. Husain, BSEE and BSEIE; Kara chi, Pakistan;

President's List (I); Electronic Engineering Society ;

Ameri can Institute of Electrical Engineers; Pa kis­

tan Student A ssociation.

Horace A. Kerley, BSM E; Taylorsville. North

Carolina; Mecha nical Club.

Koondar Lee, BME; Kowloon , H ong Kong , China ;

President's List (3); Dean 's List (5); Weight-Lifting

C lub, President ; Ch inese Club, Vice-President.

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James C. Krieg, BSEIE; Rochester, New York; Electron ic Engineering Society.

Donald J. Lepage, BSEIE; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

David F. Lewis, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List (2); Varsity Baseball (4); Varsity C lub.

Ray E. Lowry, BSEE, Math Option; New Holland, Pennsylvania; President's List (3); Dean 's List (7); Electronic Engineering Society; Veterans Club, President; Engineering Graphics Lab Assistant (2); Varsity Soccer; Intramural Sports.

Stewart A. Macleod, BSEE: Endicott, New York: Electronic Engineering Society; Veterans Club.

Robert G. MsGonegal, BSEE; Jackson , Michigan; Iota Tau Kappa.

Kirit P. Mehta, BChE; Bombay, India; President's List (1}.

Nick S. Metaxas, BSEIE: Sa lonica, Greece; Presi ­dent's List (2): Dean's List (5) ; Electronic Engineer­ing Society ; Electrical A ssociai ion, Audio Engi­neering Society.

, :"!St-


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Rafeek Mohammed, BSEIE ; California, Trinidad ; President' s List {I); American Institute of Elec­tri ca I Engineers; Technician Staff ; Varsity Fenc-• 1 ng.

Carl W. Morrison, BSPhysics; New York, New York; Physics Club ; Physics Lab Assistant (2); In­tram u ra I Sports .

John B. Nelson, BSCE; Ka nkakee, Illinois; Dean 's List (2 ); A ssociation of C ivil Engineers; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Presid ent, Pledge Master, Ser­geant at Arms ; Varsity Club ; Varsity Ba se ball (2) .

Larry T. Oglesby, BSAeE; Delavan, Illi nois; Dean 's List (6); President's List (3); Sigma Phi Delta; Stu­dent Council (6); Flying C lu b.

David K. Palmatier, BSME; Genesee, Pennsylva­nia; Mechanical Club; Society of A utomotive En­g ineers; Intramural Sports.

Jacob Henry Partenheimer, Jr., BSEE; Marion, In­dia na; Electrica I A ssociation , Secretary.

D. Pisitkasem, BSME; Washington, D.C.; Society of Automotive Engineers; Thet·a M u Pi.

Erwin I. Pone, BSEIE, Math Option; Minneapolis, Minnesota; President's List (3); Deans List (9).

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James P. Rusnak, BM E; Boone. Iowa ; President' s List (I); Theta Mu Pi ; Newman Club.

Jorge Salazar, BSEE: Bogota. Colombia ; Presi­de n f s List ( 2) ; De a n · s List ( 7) ; V a r s i +y Soccer.

Joginder S. Sandhu, BCE; Punjab. India; Asso­ciation of Civil Engineers ; Varsity Tenni s.

John R. Seely, BSChem ; Atlantic City. New Jer­sey; President's List (2); Dean 's List (I); American Chemical Society. Vice-President; Chemistry Lab Assistant (1).

Fahim Ahmad Shamsi, BEE: Karachi. Pakistan; President's List (I ); Electronic Engineering Society.

John P. Sverha, BSEIE ; Shenandoa h. Pennsylva­nia; President's List (3) ; Electron ic Engineering Society.

Paul D. Taylor, BSChem ; Ashtabula , Ohio ; Dean 's List (5); American Chemical Society, President; Kappa Sigma Ph i, President; Chemistry Lab A s­sistant (6).

Merlen Teal, BSEIE; Winner, South Dakota ; Elec­tron ic Engineering Society; Student Council ; Vice President Sophomore Class; Sigma Phi Delta; In­tramural Sports.


. : ~


Page 66: Kekiongan 1962

...,; ft~ 4 :


Theodore N. Wagner, BSAeE and BSME; Fort

Wayne, Indiana.

Cecil Victor Ward, BSEIE; Sugar Grove, North

Carolina; Flyi ng Club.

Phillip J. Willcox, BS Math; Fa ll Term; Fort

Wayne, Indiana; President's List (9); H onor Ro ll

(3) ; Physics Club, Secr.etary-Treasurer (2); Presi­

dent (4); Physics Lab A ssistant; Ph ysi cs Instructo r

(2); Math Instructor (2) .

Douglas E. Witherspoon, BE ; Cauthron , Arkansas.

Edward Woo, BEIE; Brooklyn, New York; Presi­

dent 's List (3) ; H onor Roll (I); Electronic Engineer­

ing Society; American Institute of Electri cal Engi ·

neers; Chinese Club, Secretary.

William L. Woodfill, BSME; Greensburg , Indiana;

President's Li st (4); Mechanica l C lu b ; Intramura l

Sports. ·

James R. Ziler, BSAeE; C umberland, Maryland;

President' s List (I ); Institute of Aeronautica I Sci­

ences; Veterans C lub, Secretary; American Rocket


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FALL Jack G. Barker, BSM E; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Society of Automotive Engineers: Letterman's Club; Kappa Sigma Kappa, President; Varsity Baseball (3), Cap­tain (I). Batting Trophy (2), All Conference (I): Physi­cal Education A ssistant (I). James C. Berg, BSC : Dunkirk, Indiana: A ssociation of Civil Engineers; Veterans Club.

Gerald H. Chaffee, BS Math; For+ Wayne, Indiana: President's List ( 7). Donald E. Cochran, BSC, Math Option; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Iota Tau Kappa ; President's List (8): Theta Mu Pi.

Cecil Donique, BSME; Wauseon, Ohio; Society of A utomotive Engineers, Treasurer.

Robert C. Gagnon, BSEIE ; Dover, New Hampshire.

Jose A. Herrera, BSCE: Valencia, Venezuela; Intra­mural Sports.

Robert E. Jones, BSEIE: A sheville, North C arolina; President's List (I); Electronic Engineering Society.

Wolfgang Kamecke, BSEIE, M ath Option; Giessen, Germany: Ameri can A ssociation of Electri cal Engi­neers.

Michael Katovich, BSEIE: Balt imore, Maryland; Presi­dent's List (2): Sigma Phi Delta; Intramural Sports.

James J. Kershaw, BSME: Attleboro, Massachusetts; President's List {2); Mechanical Club; Intramural Sports.

Donald H. Komito, BSCE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List {4); Honor Roll (4); A ssociation of Civil Engineers.

Anthony J. Kubit, BSEE: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; President's List (7): Honor Roll (I); Caswell Engineer­ing Drawing Award: Veterans Club.

Victor Kulmala, BSEIE: Brooklyn. New York; Elec­tronic Engineering Society: Alpha Omega Tau, Secretary, Cha pia in.

Ralph D. Preble, BSCE: Fort Wayne, Indiana; Presi­dent's List (4}: Association of Civil Engineers.

Om P~ Singla, BSEIE : Fort Wayne, Indiana; Presi­dent's List (5): Honor Roll (2): Electronic Eng ineering Society; Indian Associat·ion; Fencing.

William D. Treece, BSME: Lucasville, Ohio: Presi­dent' s List (3): Society of Automotive Engineers ; Vice-President; Student Council: Senior Class Vice­President.

Joseph M. Tretter, BSM E: North Tonawanda, New York; President' s List {I); American Society of Mili­tary Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Flying Club, Vice-President, Safety Officer, Flight Co-Ordinator ; Weight-Lifting Club, Secreta ry; Can­terbury C lub.


Charles K. Vickers, BSEIE : New Concord, Ohio; Elec­tronic Engineering Society.

Paul Warner, BSChE; New York, New York; Chemi­ca l Engineering Society ; Kappa Alpha Psi.

WINTER Richard Brubaker, BSEE : Greenwood , South Caro­lina; President' s List (9).

Rodolfo Carillo, BChE; Caracas, Venezuela; Society of Chemical Engineers; Ameri ca n Chemica I Society; Phi Iota Alpha; Soccer; Fencing .

Robert A. Gruesbeck, BSM E: Roanoke, Indiana; In­structor of Engineering Materials and Processes.

L. P. Hartman,Jr., BSME; Utica, New York; Honor Roll (I); Mechanica l Club ; Newman Club, Trea surer; Bowling Club.

Stephen M. Hatch, BSEE ; For+ Wayne, Indiana; Kappa Sigma Kappa. Secretary, Director of Public Relations; Varsity Basketba II, Team Captain : Physi­ca l Education A ssistant.

John B. Moore, BSChE; New Haven, Ind iana; Chemical Engineering Society.

James J. Moran, BSEIE; Oak Park, Illinois .

Aubrey D. Newman BSCE: Vesta, Virginia; A sso­cia tion of Civil Engineers, President, Secretary. Treasurer ; Intramural Sports.

Roberto Pumareio, BSCE: Barra nquilla , Colombia; President's List (I) : A ssoc iation of Civil Engineers; Phi Iota Alpha, Trea surer, Vice-President, President ; Varsi ty Soccer.

Frank Rockas, BSEIE: Northampton, Pennsylvania ; Fl ying Club; Alpha Gamma Upsi lon, Vice-President, House Manager, Sergeant at Arm s; Bowling Club, Vice- President; Intramural Sports.

William J. Schoene, BSEIE; Cincinnati, Ohio; Elec­t ronic Engineering Society.

Robert M. Silvis, BSEIE ; Youngwood, Pennsylvania; Flying Club.


lshwar Pal Bansal, BSME : Patiala, India: Iota Tau Kappa; President's Li s+ (5); Dean 's List (4); Mechani­ca l Eng ineering Club; Society of Automotive Eng i­neers.

Eugene Berkey, Jr. BSChE; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Chemical Engineering Society.

John Blakley, BSAeE: New Haven, Indiana; Presi­dent's List (2); Institute of Aerospace Sciences; Kappa Sigma Kappa, Treasurer; Fl ying Club.

Page 68: Kekiongan 1962


SPRING William F. Ferguson, BSEIE; Electronic Eng ineering Society; Bowling Club. Treasurer; Phi Kappa Lambda. President ; Bowling Team, Sportsmanship Award; Intramural Sports.

Kenneth W. Holsaple, BSME; New Haven , Indiana; American Society of M ilitary Engineers; Kappa Sigma Kappa .

M. Terrance Hughes, BSAeE; Feura Bush. New York; President's List (3); Institute of A erospace Sciences; Newman Club; Phi Kappa Lambda , President; Glee Club; Dorm Governor; Student Counci l; Cheer­leader (3); Intramura l sports .

Henry M. Kostin, BSME; Wayne, Michigan; Veterans C lub, President, Treasurer; Varsity Golf (2) ; lntra­m u ra I Sport.s .

John W. Kurtz, BSChE; Fort Wayne , lnd·iana; Chemical Eng ineering Society; Co-op Program.

A bd u I Satta r Maw I a w i, B SEE; Trip o I i. Lebanon ; N a­+ions United Club; Arab Club.

Stephen A. Nemeth Jr., BS Math; Raleigh. North Carolina ; Physics Club; Weight-Lift-ing C lu b, Treas­urer, President ; Instructor Weight-Lifting.

Gerald S. Powell, BSME; Clarendon, Jamaica; Me­chan ical Eng ineering Club; Society of Automotive Engineers; Nations United Club; India~ Students A ssociation.

Toby D. Richards, BME; Marion, Indiana; President' s List (I); Varsity Golf {2).

Richard D. Schinella, BSEIE, Math Option; Bronx. New York; Theta Mu Pi.

Robert L. Sterling, BS Math; Deshler, Ohio; Dean 's List (2); Student Council; Secretary Sophomore Class ; Glee Club; Kappa Sigma Phi , Secretary.

Michael T. Sutton, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List (I) .

Chester E. Topp, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Me­chanical Engineering C lub, Secretary; Veterans Club; Va rsity Golf; Intramural Sports.

Joseph D. Van Sickle, BSCE; Carson City. Michigan; Dean 's List (9 ); A ssoci at ion of Civi l Engineers; Kappa Sigma Phi.

Richard A. Weymouth, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List (I); Society of Automotive Eng i­neers; Glee C lub; Weight-Lifting Club.

.. SUMMER Roger H. Allen, BSCE; Morrisville, Vermont; Asso­ciation of Civil Eng ineers, Vice-President, Sergeant at Arm s; Intramural Sports.


Bakr Bernawi, BS; Medina, Saudi Arabia: Organiza­tion of Arab Students.

Lawrence E. Berringer, BSCE; Strongstown , Penn­sylvania; President's List {3); Association of Civii Engineers; Kappa Sigma Kappa; Pledge Master, Sergeant at Arms , House Manager, Vice-President: Intramural Sports.

Neil L. Brown, BME; Rock Falls, Ill inois; Student Council, Secretary.

Remi L. Daigneault, BSCE; Quebec, Canada; Theta Mu Pi.

V. N. Damle, BChE; Bombay, India; Chemical En­gineering Society.

Harry H. Honeycutt: BSEE. Math Option; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Dean 's List (3); Electrical Asso­ciation; Intramural Sports.

John L. lwaskiw, ~ BSEIE , Math Option; Elmhurst, New York; Electrical Association; Ukrainian Student

Club; Chess Club.

Roger J. McGee, BSEIE, Math Option; Oakfield, New York; Dean,s List (7).

Jim MacPherson, BSChE; Kensington, Connecticut; Chemical Engineering Society; American Institute of Chemical Engineering; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; Social Chairman, Athlet-ic Chairman; Intramural Sports.

John C. O'Donnell, BSEE, Math Option; Hewlett, New York; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List {9).

Byron V. Parshall, BSEE; South Bend , Indiana.

Thomas C. Schauer, BSM E; Janesville, Wi.sconsin; Mechanical Club; Student Council; Sophomore Cla ss Treasurer; Sigma Phi Delta , President, Pledge Master, Secretary; Flying Club; Intramural Sports.

L. M. Shan, BM E; Calcutta, India.

John B. Theders, BSEE. Math Option; Connersville, Ind iana; Dean 's List (3).

John Tymoczko, Jr., BSEE; Herkimer, New York; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Electrical A ssociation , Vice-Chairman. Membership Chair­man ; Intramural Sports.

Dalmer Wagner, BEE; Benton Harbor, Michigan; Honor Roll (3); Christian Fellowship.

Forrest Williams, BSEE; Roxbury, Massachusetts; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Kappa Alpha Psi, Reporter and Keeper of the Records: Student Council; Intramural Sports.

Glen E. Wilson, BSEIE ; Buffalo, New York; Caswell Eng ineering Drawing Award; Dean's List (1).

Page 69: Kekiongan 1962

Don Temple, President of the Alumni Association, conferring Honorary Membership on Dr. Marshall M. Porter, Justice of Appeal , Supreme Court of ·Alberta, Canada, after he received Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree at the Fall Commencement at which he gave the Commencement Address.

Jackson R. McGowen, B.S.Ae.E., 1939, receive d the Hon­orary Doctor of Science Degree at Spring Commencement. Dr. McGowen is Vice-Presid ent and General Manager of Aircraft Divisio n of Dougtas Aircraft Corporation, Long Beach, California.

Doctor Albert W. Hawkes, former United States Senator from New Jersey, delivered the main address at the Spring Commencement.


Page 70: Kekiongan 1962


Sergio 0. Diaz B.S. C. E.

Virginia , Min nesota C ivil Eng ineer ing

Associat ion of C ivil Engineer's C lu b

Robert 0. Gavitt B.S.EI. (Option Math) Fort Wayne , Ind ia na

Ed ito r of The N u c I e us

E. Rick Gesue B.S.M.E.

Cortland , Ohio IOTA TAU KAPPA Scholast ic Award

Athlet ics Hyash i Awa rd

A ll -Co nference Baseball T earn

Thomas A. Bubp B.S.CH.

Fort Recovery, Ohio Sci ence Department Award

C hemistry

Paul W. Herrick B.S.A.E. ( 0 ption Math)

Parish , New York Ae ro na utica I Eng i nee ring

lAS Award Scholast ic Award

Thomas D. Callahan Ill B.S.A.E.

Oreland , Pennsylvania Aero na utica I Eng ineering

Schola st ic Award Outstand ing Student Award

fo r year

Arthur L. Firtion B.S. E. E.

Ridgefield, New Jersey Athletics

Most Va luab le Player Award , Tenn is

Emery S. Horvath B.S.C.E.

Easton, Pennsylvania IOTA TAU KA'PPA Scholastic Award

Page 71: Kekiongan 1962

Thomas J. Raiac B.S.M.E.

Newport News, Virginia lOrA TAU KAPPA Scholast ic Award

Gerald H. Siebert B.S.Ch.E.

Celina, Ohio Chem ica l Eng ineering

Maharajh Awa rd

Robert T. Tanaka B.S.C.E.

Honolulu, Hawaii IOTA TAU KAPPA Scholastic Award C ivi I Eng i nee ring Maharaj h A wa rd

.. ...

Eugene R. Ricci B.S.'M. E.

Keeseville, New York Ed ito r of Kekionga n (9 term s)

Walter F. Wilm B.S.E.E.

Medford , L.l., New York Electr ical Eng ineer ing

Outstand ing Stud ent in EE


Ronald Rothermel B.S. El.

Reading, Pennsylvania Electrical En gineering

Outstand ing Student in EIE

Wendelin Schmidt B.S.M.E.

Thornbury, Ontario, Canada M echanical Engineering

C harles L. Zol ta n i M emor ial Awa rd

Thomas A. Smith B.S.C.E.

Albany, New York C ivil Engineering

A ssociation of C iv il Eng ineer's C lub


lshwar Pal Bansal B.S.M.E.

Patiala , India IOTA TAU KAP PA Sc hoi astic Award

Aubrey D. Newman B.S.C.E.

Vesta , Virginia

C ivil Eng ineering A ssociation of C iv il En gi neer's Club


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The new building grew steadily during the fol­

lowing months of 1961.

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• •


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c. I •

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First Row : Lewis, H ., Sen ior ; Og lesby, L. , Jun ior ; Cheme lewski, D., J unior; Sci be lli, R. , Junior; Wr ight, C. , Sophomo re; Bre iner, S. , Junio r; Meyer, H ., Sophomore; Carro ll, T., Sopho-


• \.

more . Second Row: Ripple, J. , Se nio r; C orkery, D., Sen ior; Dra ll, J., Freshman ; Scha low, R., So phomore ; Dixon, J., Senior ; Schrader, R., Jun ior; M cSweyn , H., Junior; Beck H. , Junior.

The Student Counci l is an organization composed

of elected students of each cla,ss. It serves as a

lia ison orga nization between the administration,

the student body, and other colleges in matters re­

lating to student activities .

Page 75: Kekiongan 1962

The Inter-Fraternity Council is the judicial body

which governs the standardization of the pledging

program , and promotes cooperation among the

fraternities in both scholastic and social affa irs . It

is composed of representatives of each fraternity

on cam pus.

First Row : M cSweyn, H ., Sigma Ph i De lta ; Tomko, A ., Phi Kappa Lambda; Zegan , P., The ta M u Pi; Henderson , D., Adv isor ; Longo, J. , Theta M u Pi ; H artman , H ., Kap pa Sigma Phi. Second Row: Bust illos, F. , Ph i Iota A lpha ; Nelson, J .,


A lpha Gamma Upsi lon: Sa ll es , H. , A lpha Gamma U psilon; W i lliam s, F., Kappa A lpha Psi ; H ubenthal, R., Kappa Sigma Kappa : W hite , G., Sig ma Ph i Delt a.

Page 76: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: Fatoora chi, B., Fatoorachi, Y. , Tod jarieh , T. Second Row: Shahverd ian , A., Aynessazia n, B., Naghd i, J.



The Iran ia n Student Club is an organization of -

students from Iran now studying at Indiana Tech-

nica l College. Its purpose is to promote better un­

dersta nd ing between themselves and the American

people, and to assist the students in coming in

closer contact with one another.


Page 77: Kekiongan 1962

The As.sociation of C ivil Engineers of Indiana

Technica l College is an organ ization of students and

faculty in the civi l engineering department.

The purpose of this organizat ion is to attempt to

communicate to the student some of the diffic ulties

he will experience in his chosen field. This is ac­

compl ished by inviting as guest spea kers men from

different branches of the civi 1-eng i neeri ng field.

First Row: Saut ins , J ., Komito, D., St. Den is, H ., Oda, R., Sm ith, T., Solomon D. , Stephan , H ., Tam hid i, R., Yodushock, K., Todjari·eh, T. Second Row: Tan aka, R., Stillwagon, W ., A cheson, J ., A llen, R., Farley, W ., Litz , S., A t kinson, G.,



Braun, H. , Cassidy, T., Fiorenza, C ., Castro, F. Third Row: Shahverd ian , A ., Horva t h, E., Callison, T., Preble, R., Hayes, F., Robeson , D., Ferra r i , K. , M o rg a n, R., M a cham e r, F. , Newman, A ., Diaz, 5., Scanlon, J ., Hamm , G ., Kizer, R.

Page 78: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: H o ffma n, J ., W el t y, N., J ones, Perry , C ., H ope , D., H ope , R., W o lfe, L.


M. Second Row:


The purpose of lTC Inter-Varsity is to provide

Christ ian fe llowship and Bible Study for students of

Indiana Technical College. The lTC Inter-Varsity is

a non-denominational group affiliated with the

Inter-Varsi ty Christian Fellowship, which is an in­

ternationa l organization. We welcome all students

and fa culty of Indiana Technical College to attend

our meetings.

Page 79: Kekiongan 1962

The Chemical Engineering Society is open to any

student in Chemical Engineering. Its purpose is to

he I p develop the student in his ion by dis­

seminating knowledge relating to the practice and

theory of chemical engineering for him.

First Row: King , D., Macpherson, J . Second Row: Cran mer, J., M oderator; Ghogawala , H., A lbright , R., H oward, R., Davis, D., Ham ilt on, J., Siebert, G., Wright, C., Dixon, Dr. T., Depart-


ment Chairman. Third Row: Damle, V. , M ehta, K., Wa g le , A ., Berkey, E. , Goul d , A., C onsul tant Engineer; Barkson, E., Hurt, J., Bod ette , J ., Kurtz, J ., Trahan, R.

Page 80: Kekiongan 1962


• •

First Row: Blank R., Devli n, E., Purse ll, J., Tymolsko, J ., Nol l, T"' Kamecke , W., Eng , W . Second Row: Woo, E., Lee, D.,


--... .

Partenheimer, J ., Gecks , D. , Stebbins, P. , H oneycutt, H., Longo, J., Prevette , R. , Mohammed , R.

The Indiana Technical College Electrical Asso­

ciation is an association devoted to promoting pro­

fessional growth in students in the field of Electrical

and Electronic Eng ineering. It prepares the student

for his profession by field trips into indus try and

guest speakers from industry in these fields.

The association is an affiliate of the American In­

stitute of Electrical Engineers , and membership is

open to any student enrolled in the electrical or

electronic departments.

Page 81: Kekiongan 1962

The purpose of the Electronic Engineering So­

ciety is to bring together all of the electronic en­

gineering students in order to promote interest in

e lectronic engineering and to advance it and its

a II i ed fields.

Th is society provides members with the oppor­

tun it ies to hear qua lified spea kers from this field of

industry and to tour plants which design and pro­

duce electronic equipment.

First Row: H uge, A ., Di lworth, L., Seag raves, D. , A llen, G ., Gates, D., Bennett, M . Second Row: Sulliva n, R., Lewis, H., Soren son, Prof. P. F., Faculty Advisor ; C orkery, D., DeW oody, D. , C owder, N. , Bentzen , 5. , V im islik, H. Third Row: Deforest ,


D., Doyle , C., H ill, W ., Surp rise , J., W oo, E., Eng, W ., Bal ­lentine , J. Fourth Row: C hewey, G. , Lowry, R., H ubent hal, R., Ba i ley, H., Dykm an, R., Sutton , D., Bloom, M ., Gavitt , R., Sena, J .

Page 82: Kekiongan 1962


·.- -·-··-' ·"--' -·-

First Row: Robert Fogg an , Ken Strong , Facu lty Advisor; Mike W arren , J ose ph Wa lko. Second Row: James McCracken, Kent O lson, Andrew Tomko, Kevin G aul, R. Ash by. Third




Row: Larry Oglesby, Alec W il der , Tom Ca II a han , Barry Gartman.

The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences is the rep­

resentative soc iety for engineers, designers, and

techn ica l specialists in a ll of the sciences related to

the design and development of airborne craft.

Student membership provides the student en­

gineer or scientist with broad opportunities to en­

gage in activities associated with his future career

in avia tion .

Page 83: Kekiongan 1962

The M e c h a n i c a I Eng in e e r i n g C I u b is a n a ffi I i ate

of the Fort Wayne section of the American Society

of Mechan ical Engineers. Membership is available

to students enrol led in the Mechan ical Engineering


The purpose of t his organization is to advance,

promote , and teach new phases of mechanica l en­

gineering. This is accomplished by speeches by

experienced eng ineers and field trips to area


First Row: C artwright, R, Zaucha, R., Kennedy , J., Sheffer , R., Ga sdorf , R., M acio lek , C ., Rushton, W . Second Row: Ferg uson, N ., Ku yst antas, 5. , H ite , S. , Beck, G ., Q uinn, C . J., Faculty Advisor; Buthma n n, H ., Pa I mat ier, D., Flanigan , M. Third Row: Busti I los , F., C ook, H ., Kershaw, J ., Ghum rawi, S.,


Pa tri c k, J. , Kelchner, J. , W illiams, L., M oy, S., Powe ll, G . Fourth Row: Topp, C ., La Follette, R., Kyle, 0. , W oodfiel , W ., Enden berger, P., Scott, G ., H artm an , L., A lbanese , N ., Fa r­ley, W ., J ones, V.


Page 84: Kekiongan 1962


First Row: Peck, W ., M ackli n, H ., Faculty Moderator; Res , B., Buyers, W ., Farley, W ., Leonard , A . Second Row: Thoma, S., H i ll, R., W ebst er, J., Bi se, T., Dominique , C.


The Society of A utomotive Engineers at Indiana

Tech n ica I C ollege is a st udent branch, affil iated with

t he national society. It is sponsored· by the M e­

chanical Engineering Department and is open to

all engineering student s who are interested in the

adva ncement of the automotive industry .

Page 85: Kekiongan 1962

The Society of American Milita ry Engineers has

made membership in its organization avai lable to

any full -time student. It is a national organization

whose purpose is to advance the knowledge and

understanding of the science of military engineer­

ing in connection with its service to the United

States of America.

First Row: Scott , G ., C ra nmer, J . W ., Modera tor ; Boscolo, A., Brewster, G. Second Row : Longo, J ., Ha rsh, G ., Jones, V., Bailey, H ., Ripple, J.


Page 86: Kekiongan 1962


Bohnke, G. , Meyer, H ., Osborne , J ., Wa ite, D., Jacobson, C.

82 •


- \


.! .

The Kekionga Amateur Radio Club 's objectives

are to promote amateur radio activities among

interested students and to bring together students

who have an interest in the practical application

of com munications.

To qualify for membership. a student or faculty

member must have a Federal Communications

Commiss ion License rang ing from novice to ad­

vanced. Instruction for these licenses is provided by

the qualified members to those who wish to take

the examinations for them.

Page 87: Kekiongan 1962

The Indiana Technical College Fl ying Club was

formed to give members an opportunity to fly , to

obtain their licenses and to learn to fly at minimum

cost. Day and night, local and cross-country fl ights

are made at slight expense of the member.s. The

org anization has two planes: a Cessna 140, and a

Cessna 120, both of which are hangared at Smith

Field . Membership is open to al l students and faculty

of Ind iana Technical College.

First Row: Lonq , J. , Dixon , J., Fogg an , R., Brewster, G., Fer­rar i, K. , Bayes, L., Dow, B. , Facul ty M oderato r. Second Row:


W ard , C ., Ca llahan , T., Prevette, R., J ones, V ., M ichae lli s, W ., A cheson, J ., Tepper, J ., Olso n, J .

Page 88: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: Blaney, T. , Ca llahan , T., White , G . Second Row: Ca rey, E., Long, J. , Nemth, S. , Ca ssid y, T. , Young, B., C li ne, H ., Sa d lo n, M. Third Row: Cormkan, J., Lil ja , J ., De Ruby, R.,





• ~

M oringiello , D. , Thorsdale, W., Deer, 0., Brewster, L., Brayer, R., Van Ert , J .

The Indiana Technical College Weight-Lifting and

Body- Building Club began in J anuary of 1958. Its

purpose is to promote physical culture and further

sportsmanship and teamwork. Teams from the club

have entered and have placed satisfacto ri ly in col­

lege competition . Membership is available to any

stude nt who is not on scholastic probation.

Page 89: Kekiongan 1962

The goal of the Physics C lub is the advancement

and diffusion of knowledge pertaini ng to the science

of physics and its application to human welfare.

The organization has acquired a labo ratory for

experimental projects . Bes ides these projects, the

organization's goal is reached by trips in to industry

and noted lectu rers in the field of physics.

First Row: M iyakawa , K., Facul t y Advisor: Peters, J., Zegan, P., W illcox, P., Kobiske , R. Second Row: M orrison, C., Johnsto n, R. , Crowe, K., Marsha ll, D.


Page 90: Kekiongan 1962

,...... ....-· ~ - .....


First Row: Adra , A., Da ghe r, 1., Ghumrawi , S., Raffoul, J., Balta gi , A. Second Row: EI-Sa leh , J., Da lla l, E. , Hamoui, F .. Sa lloum, A., Abbas, 0 ., Mawlaw i, A.


The objectives of the Arab Student Club are: the

promotion of better understanding with the Ameri­

can people, the dissemination of true and adequate

information about Arab people, the extension of

help and guidance to Arab students at Indiana

Technica l College, and the securing of scholarships

for the benefit of Arab students. Membership in

this organization is available to any Arab students

and any students interested in the Arab world.

Page 91: Kekiongan 1962

The primary purpose of the Hawaiian C lub is to

be of helpful assistance to the members in t he ir

undergraduate studies at Indiana Technical C ol­

lege. The state of Hawaii is the only state repre­

sented by a student organization at Tech . Membe r­

ship is open to any student in good standing.

First Row: Oda, R., Hagihara , C ., Kitsuki , L., Nazaki, E. Second Row: Tanaka, R., Kawabe, K., Moon Hi , J., Morimoto, R.


Page 92: Kekiongan 1962

~-~ ~--- - ---

First Row : Pate l, C ., Korad ia , P., Sanghvi, J., Thakka r, V .. ld gunji, N., Pate l, C. M. Second 'Row: Dam le, V .. Duba sh , P. , Sh eth , S., Sh ukla . P., Singh . S .. Sheth . M .. Shah. H .. Ghog a-



wala , H. Third Row: Gandh i. N .. Mehta , K., Wagle , A .. Gangar, N .. Vyas, P .. Datta , B., Ga glan i, J .. Singh, J .. Sheth . B.

To promote mutual understand ing and social and

cultura l relations among the Indian students at In­

diana Technical C ollege and t he non- Ind ians. and

to assist the Indian students in coming in closer con­

tact with one another are the funct ions of the India

A ssocia t ion. Membership is available to any Indian

st udent and his or her spouse. and any non-Indian

upon acceptance by the executive committee .

Page 93: Kekiongan 1962

The purpose of lTC Veterans Club is t o promote

educational and social activities and to relay cur­

rent information pertain ing to vetera ns of the armed

services attending school here.

First Row: Ma chamer, F. , Kost in, H., Marshall, Prof. R. , Fac­ulty Moderato r; West , D., Kubit, A. Second Row: Vimisli k, H., Vineyard , H., Bornmann , L. , Zile r, J. , Topp, C. , Thomas , G.


Page 94: Kekiongan 1962



First Row: Shamsi. F., Jadoon, M., Ahmed , R. Second Row: Huq , M., Khan, N., Husain , M.

The purpose of the Pa kist a r. Student Association

is to interpret the culture, problems and aspira­

tions of the Pa kistanis to the campuses and com­

munities of America.

Any student or trainee who is a citizen of Pakistan

and who is enrolled in any Fort Wayne institute of

higher learning or attached to any organized train­

ing group is eligible for membership.

Page 95: Kekiongan 1962

The Student Christian Fellowship is a non-denomi­

national religiou s progra m designed to promote re­

ligiou s growth and to enhance the spi ritual life of

the student . Membership is open to all students.

First Row; Ga sdorf, R., Laszlo, P., Reverend Advisor; ld­gunji, N. Second Row: Bentzen , S. , Wagner, D., Ca se , L., Hamoui. F.

Page 96: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: C lark, R., Copits , R., Dixon, J ., Large, R. , Sm it h, G ., Charbeneau, J ., Stee le, J. Second Row: Smith , V., Carey, E., Finnigan, J ., Karlso n, C. , Blank, R., Gasdorf, R., Kirkland , R.


The purpose of the Tech Manor Club is to pro­

mote the self-government of dormitory students. to

represent dormitory students to the College ad­

ministration. to promote scholastic attainment . and

to promote the social development and general

welfare of the students. Membership consists of all

male students living in the do rmito ries at Indiana

Technical C ollege.

Page 97: Kekiongan 1962

The Newman Club is an organization for Catholic

students designed to help the student in his religious,

social, and cultural life. The club is guided by a

chaplain appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese.

The ins pi ration of Cardina l Newman is the guiding

light of the clubs which now exist at more than 300

colleges and universities in the Un ited States.

First Row: Scheerens, J ., Lyn, D. , Iacovelli, J. Second Row: Spear, E. , Griffin, R., Famulare, J., Ma ciole k, C., De nau lt , R., Bertrand, J ., Ceruo, S. Third Row: Lehman , C., Twenter, J., Prezioso, R., Y od ushock, K., Finnegan, E. , Erb, P ., Madigan,


T., Forbes , D. Fourth Row: Finnigan , J., C arey, E., Essen­ma cher, G ., Staley, R., Wetze l, E., Ley, E., H ogan, D., Wa lko, J.

Page 98: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: Chung, R., Chung, S. Second Row: Sun O n May, Lum, J. , Kuo, S., Eny, W. , Lee, D. Third Row: W oo, E., Lee, K., Ch iang, K., Sum Ya u, C., Luke , D. , Ma, E.


To be a member of the Chinese Club, one must

be of Ch inese origin. The primary purpose of th !s

organization is to promote cultural and social re­

lationships for members. This is accomplished by

participation in intramural sports, study of both

western and oriental cultu res, and insti ll ment of a

worthy philosophy of life.

Page 99: Kekiongan 1962

The purpose of the Mathematics Club -is to pro­

mote among the students of Indiana Technical Col­

lege an active, enthusiastic interest in Mathematics

and its applications in science and engineering.

Regular membership shall be open to any student

or faculty member of Indiana Technical College wht>

i.s interested in mathematics. Honorary membership

• may be conferred upon persons selected by the

electorate for outstand ing contributions to the club

or to mathematics.

First Row: Alexander, Z., Firtio n, A .. Dorn, J. Second Row: Sarber, Prof. R., Hi ppensteele, S. . Pollet, J ., Cohan , L.


Page 100: Kekiongan 1962


. ._._

C. Grant Taylor Ed itor-in-Chief

Kent Kelly Sports Ed itor

Ralph DePaola Grad uate Ed itor

The year 196 1-62 has drawn to a close leaving us with the memories of what will come to be known as those "happy carefree days in college." As the wee ks and months grow into years, we the staff of the 1962 KEKIONGAN hope that this book will help you to relive some of the moments spent in the intellectua l growing pains at Indiana Tech. We have attempted through words and photos to pre­sent a n att ractive record of some of the important highlights of the year wh ich made these pains more pleasurable.

Fra nk German, Writer ; Howard Salles, Photographer; Eugene Ricci, Editor, Fall and Winter Terms. Howard in Darkroom

... 7 .'tj( • -

I -



Page 101: Kekiongan 1962

We of the staff like to feel that we have done a

good job of representing the Tech student. Our

primary purpose is to promote student inte rests, and

to present news and information of importance to

all at Indiana Tech.

We believe in Indiana Tech and its principles, a nd

we consistently .s upport all organizations and pro­

grams which contribute to the welfare and prog ress

First Row: Wa lter Langem an , photo ed it or ; Howard Lewis, busi ness manager; Theodo re Carroll ; R. 0. Gavitt , ed itor; D. J. Corkery, associate ed it or ; W. S. H ill, ed itorial ass istant; Ken Sexto n, sports ed itor. Second Row: E. Spear, Dan Finch,

' -

I '*


n :i': I '' ;; : '*"*

·di-·2' ;


of the college. Wheneve r c rit icisms are leveled, we

intend them to be constructive , and in keeping with

a policy of responsib le re porting.

Regard ing issues of importance outside the lTC

campus, ou r theme is one of loyalty to the princip les

of Democracy and a free society, and of unfl aggi ng

opposition to any ideas or actions which tend to

undermine the Ame rican wa y of life.

Richa rd Morris, Rob ert Kruege r, Wa yne Shoemaker, Edwin Ley, Daryl W aite, Henry Cook, Robert Birman, circulation mana ger; Richard Kizer.


Page 102: Kekiongan 1962


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First Row : E. Loescher, K. Gau l, J. Vesey, R. Kru eger, B. Strou pe , C. Sawe ikis, S. Barasch , B. Ferguson, T. Jones. Sec­ond Row : R. Bracht , J . G ry g I e w ski, Y. U r dent a , J . He r r era , F. Bus t illos, R. Zava la , R. Repka, R. Chung, J. Ripple. Third

Row: H. Vimisl ik, J . Sena , K. Grici us , M. Bloom, G. A llen, W. Gregg , U. Rappleyea, D. Sherwood, F. Jedl iskowsk i, R. Pumarej o, J . Putrich, B. Robb , H. Ba iley.


First Row : G. Lee , J. Ch ing, S. Moy, T. Smith , T. Schauer, C. Fio renza, J. Kruse , H. Fanning, L. Green, J . Curtiss, R. T a n k a . Second Row: R. W a n n e r, S. C h u n g , H . H a rt m a n, S. W ilso n, N. Brewer , L. Bayes, D. Cheme lewski , T. Scalzo, D. Sarber, R. Swindell, D. M. Case, T. Dixon, R. Marshall , H.

~ ---



Nitta. Third Row: D. Loose, R. Bey, G . Gandolfo, L. Treadway, W . Rei lly, B. W illiamson, J. Hoffman, A. W ilder, A . Starr, R. Deruby, K. Ferrari , D. Robeson , R. Preble, W. Farley, H. Meye r. Fourth Row: F. Rockas, H. Beck, J . Steele, J. Dohner, S. Nemeth, V. Pratka .

...,.- -

-. ~ !

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First Row: Mrs. Lepley, Mrs. Jerome Spie l, Mrs. Raym ond Lowry, Mrs. J oseph Boehrer, Mrs. Lloyd Gree n, Mrs . J e rry Feinmel , Mrs. John Updegraff, Mrs. Arth ur Firtion, Mrs. Wa l­ter Sueve r, Mrs. Jam es Acheso n. Second Row: Mrs . James Storck, Mrs. W il bur Bryant , ' Mrs. J ohn Sand ers, Mrs. llko Kowa len ko, Mrs. Daniel Finch, Mrs. Robe rt Krueger, Mrs.

The main objective of this organization is to further social activities, acquaintances, and good

fel lowship among t-he wives of the studen ts of In diana Technica l Col lege. We al so sponsor pro­

grams on topics of interest for the benefit of the

members of thi s organization . . The highlight of the yea r was a hobby auction

and fa shion show. The wives created the articles

that were auctioned and entertained their guest·s by modeling the fa shions which were provided by

McCall's. I'

A banquet was held honoring the wives whose •

husbands were graduating. The officers included: President , Marilyn Green;

Vice-President, J oan Boehrer; Secretary, Rose­

anne Lowry: Treasu rer, Shirley Fei nmel.


• ~

• • •

"' Q ' t •

Theodore Ca rroll, Mrs. Charles Booker , Mrs. Robert McG irr. Third Row: Mrs. Steven Zakrzewsk i, Mrs. Ernest Vyrostek, Mrs . Arth ur Szabo, Mrs . Ronald Hoffman, Mrs. David Durand, Mrs. W ilfred Ma illet , Mrs. Ma rcus Wh itman, Mrs . Michael Giger, Mrs. Aubrey Newman, Mrs. Har ley Ba iley.

First Row: Za hi Pursell, Charlotte Ela nder, Marilyn Green, Rosann Lowry, Pat Firtion.

Page 104: Kekiongan 1962


The cornerstone-laying ceremony was held Oc­

tober 2 I, 1961 •

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First Row: Dr. Ivan Planck, James Kennedy, Frank Rockas , Fra nk Germano, John N elson, Sid ney Barasch, Russel l Boger, James Vesey, Jack Q uinn. Second Row: Robert Krueger, J o­seph Cozzo li no, Charles Sawei kis, Thomas Wong , Ed Ondak,


Be.ta Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Upsilon was

accepted by Indiana Technical College in May, 1932

- the first fraternity installed in the College. The

aim and purpose of Alpha Gamma Upsilon is

summed up briefly in the following passage : "This

fraternity shall be a secret fraternal organization

whose aim and purpose to to promote friendship,

comradeship, and mutual understanding among the

members; to develop character; to uphold the idea ls

of the College, and to toster the highest ideals of

ethica l conduct ond good citizenship." •

Eugene Ricc i . Third Row : James Gadley, H owa rd Sa lles, M ichael Flan ig an , Kent Ke lly, M arion Griffi n, Arthur Head­la ugh, Roger Schmidt.

• ~:

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First Row: Frank Buzzanca , J ohn Schre ibe r, J ames Rood , Ken Coo n. Second Row: Robe rt Marshall, W esley Arfo rd, Paul Taylo r, Anato le Szulg a, Bill Falbe, De nn is Kidd , Conny C ope­lan d, J ose ph D' lta li a , J ohn Kruse . Third Row: John Foster, Harry Hartm an, Edw~rd Wetz, Nicholas Brewer, Lynn Sterl-


Kappa Sigma Phi is a social fraternity of college

men dedicated to the promotion of Fellowship,

Scholarship, and Sportsmanship. The purpose of this

fraternity is to bring together, in close bonds, the

brothers of this frat·ern ity; to assist one another while

in school as well as in the business world. Kappa

Sigma Phi fraternity has a standing membership of

approximately forty active members each term. As

the turnover in membership is usually large because

of the number of members graduating each term,

several pledges are accepted for initiation into the

fraternity each _term.

ing Bryan Gra pen t ine , Warren Rushto n, Joseph Von Sickle. Fourth Row: Donald Cat hcart , Wi lli am Porter , Michael Sona co, Don McGa rvey, Sm okey Wi lso n, Me lvin Mixner, Arnold J oh nson, J a mes Hurt.

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• • ,.

• f • .t

. \~

First Row: J erry Ripp le , Br ian Boehmer, Abel Shahverd ian, Wa lter Langema n, Dan iel Finc h, Rudy C hu ng , James Rusnak, J ose ph Ia covelli. Second Row: Kenneth Sexton, Richard Le­G ra nd, G alen H orsch, A ngelo Boscolo, Lee Bernhardt, Peter


Originally organized at Indiana Technical College

in January , 1957, Theta Mu Pi Fraternity places

special importance on three items: EQUALITY, UN­

DERSTANDING. and UNITY. A constructive pledge

program with no hazing or degradation of any sort,

as well as special stress being placed on high scholar­

ship as a requisite to a successful fraternity , are an

integral pa rt of the program. All members are ac­

cept·ed solely on their own individual worth, regard­

less of race, color, or creed.

Zeg an , H arley Bailey, M arvin Cunn ingham , Daniel Le,e. Third Row: Joseph Longo, Tony Tod jarieh, Dave Pisit vasem , Roy Mask, Robert Stewa rt , Vernon J ones, M ohammed Jadoon, J erry Dra ll, Rudy Schalow, Dearl Seagraves.

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' ~ ~ ":" ~~· ·· ;~~! ; ".:;.

First Row: Kevin Gaul, Ralph Robert, A. C. Steinba ch, Wil ­liam Robb , Andrew Tomko, Virgil Me rkel , William Ferguson. Second Row: Donald Ru sciol elli, Rona ld Trahan, Jose ph Za­leski, Edward Loescher, Thomas Gardner, William Taylor,


Phi Kappa Lambda offers a brotherhood fraternity

for the Catholic students at Indiana Tech. Phi Kappa

was the name selected by the membership to serve

as the outward sign of an organization that en­

deavors to promote conduct consis+ent with good

morals, and an active Catholic faith, creating an

atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellec­

tual progress and scholastic achievement; and also

to promote principles of fraternal loyalty +hrough


McTerrance Dughes, Gerald Monti. Third Row: Joseph Gr.y­q lewski , Eugene Pitstick, James Bodette, James Scanlon, Rona ld Sterba, Th omas Smolarek, Harold Rebert, Mike Shirey.

Page 113: Kekiongan 1962

. .1'


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First Row: Floyd Foust, Bruno Wa llenburg, John Hogan, Ed Smi~h . Second Row: Charles Kern ick, Robert Ba ill argeon, Charles Fiorenza , Arthur Nicholson, Larry Oglesby, Tillman Moss, Haro ld C li ne, Thomas Cassidy, Michael Katovich. Third Row : Merlen Teal. Gera ld White, Thomas Schaue r, Steven


The purpose of Sigma Phi Delta is to promote

advancement of the engineering profession; to foster

the advancement of engineeri ng ed ucation; to

instill a greater spirit of cooperation among engi ­

neering students and organizations; to inculcate in

its members the highest ideals of good citizenship,

C hristian manhood, obedience to law and to

brotherhood; and to encourage excellence in scho la r­


The fraternity was founded at +he University of

Southern Ca lifornia in April , 1924. The membershi p

totals nearly 4,000 engineers and engineering stu-dents. ·

Breiner, Thomas Ca ll ahan , Hug h McSweyn, H. William Engle, Thomas Sca lzo , Stan ley Dyer. Fourth Row: Joe Jereb, Rodney Schrader, Pa ul C olombo, David Bowser , David Chemelewski , Herman Meye r, Billy Young , Larry Cherry, C. Wi lliam Wright.

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First Row: Freddy Bustillos , J o ly Urd a neta, Rafael Zavala, Marion DelVa ll e , Hecto r Tuesca. Second Row: Roberto Pu-


Phi Iota Alpha is a national fra ternity representing

Latin American students in the United States. It

strives for a better union of all Latin American coun­

tries and for closer relations with the United States.

In Indiana Technical College it is an important source

of help for the Latin American students in learning

the customs of· the people of North America . •

mare jo, Gu ill ermo O'Byrne, B. S. Ray, J . A. Salazar, Manuel Pe nso, J. A. Herrera , F. D' Agostino.

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First Row : Dennis Bleser, Je rry Pursell, Reny Ca ron. Second Row: Larry Berringe r, Lawrence Dreiband , Phi li p Rappleyea, Louis Treadway, Don Sherwood , Larry Case , W illiam Shrade r. Third Row: Dean Roose, George Gando lfo, W ilson Reilly,


The purpose of Kappa Sigma Kappa is to develop

and enhance the personality of its members, +o en­

courage scholastic ach ievement and good conduct,

broaden outside interests, promote mutual unde r­

standing and increase loyalty on the part of the

fraternity brothers to Ind iana Tech. Membership in

Alpha Chapter is open to a ll male students of In ­

diana Tech.

Dave King , W illiam Halpen , Thomas Jones, W illiam Gregg. Fourth Row: Bob Kos iarek, Dick J osli n, N orbert Jakuszeski, Denn is Ge iger, Robe rt H ubentha I, Ken neth Halsaple, Kent Rohlof.

Page 119: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: A lvin Harris, Odes Kyle, Charles Poig nard , Forrest W illiam , Robert Kirkland . Second Row: James Kennedy, Andre Prioleau , Lou is Cooke, Carl Morrison, Pa u I Warner.

Kappa Alpha Psi, a college fratern ity now com­

prised of more than 200 undergraduate and alumni

chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout

the country, boasts a membership of over 20,000.

It was founded in the school year of 1910-1911 on

the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington,

Indiana. Its constitution is the law of an organization

predicated upon, and dedicated to, the principles

of achievement through a democratic fraternity.

Preparation of the coat of arms was completed

during the summer of 191 I by three of the founders

who solicited the aid of a professor of Greek Art at

the Indiana U niversi+y together with that of a pro­

fessor of Greek at Concordia University. The second

chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered in 1913.


{\ A 'jJ


Page 120: Kekiongan 1962



Iota Tau Kappa is an honora ry engineering fra ­

ternity whose name symbolizes Industry (Iota), Thrift

(Tau), and Knowledge (Kappa). The chief objective

of this organization is to promote and to inculcate

high ideals and attitudes of scholarship among the

members of the student body of Ind iana Technica l

First Row: Rudy Schalow, Rona ld Kobiske, Wa lter W ilm, Haro ld Brau n, Steen Bentzen. Second Row: John Raffoul,

College. In order to become a member of Iota

Tau Kappa, an engineering student must have a

grade-point average of 3.5 or more for four terms,

not necessarily consecutive terms. At least sixt·een

college credit hours shall comprise each of these four


116 \


Wendelin Schmidt, Stanley Payne, W illiam Hi ll , Sherman Zell, Rona ld Rothermel.

Page 121: Kekiongan 1962

First Row: Dr. Ivan Planck , ' J oseph Darn , Lloyd Green , C. David Dow, A rthu r Firt ion, Jack Penn, David Dau gherty, Vic­tor Ku lma la, Peter File. Second Row: C harles Lep ley, Bruce


Browand, Charles Booker, David M cCulloug h, Lawrence Dil­worth , W alter Suever, Robert M cGi rr, M. Lane Fisher, John De Fel ice , Kenneth Pretto.

The Alpha Omega Ta u social fraternity beca me a

part of Indiana Technica l College in January , 1957.

The purpose of this fraternity is to promote fellow­

ship , social , scholastic, and recreational activities

for i+s members.

Page 122: Kekiongan 1962




First Row: Rodger S. St. John, Qonald Lam ont, Russell Steele, Raymon d Den ault , C harles Brown , Bruce Jones. Second Row: James Kane , James Patrick, John Hami lton, M r. R. Marshal, M r. R. J. Swindell, Richard Copits. Victor Sm it h, Richard Kre bs, Harvey Baker. Third Row: David Norr, Ted Blaney, La rry W ambaganass, Ron Siebert , Denn is Pa rrott, Richard


Theta Tau Upsilon Fratern ity was originated on

April 7, 1962, by sixt ee n students of India na Techni­

cal C ollege with t he basic purpose of becoming a

Nationa l Fraternity . The membership g rew until 38

men were gran ted charter membership.

The members t hen resigned themselves to the ta sk

of reachi ng t he in itia l goa l. The Fraternity sta ndards

were esta blished to inst ill a st rong fou ndation and

to make membershi p a true honor and privilege.

The basic idea ls of the Fraternity were to pro­

mote high academic standards, provide a useful

service to col lege and community, to gu ide and man­

age gentleman ly cond uct at all t imes, +o always put

fort h wit h hi ghest moral character, and to develop •

a n unsurpassable unio n of brotherhood. that will serve

as a guide t hroughout a life time.

Blank, David Nash, James Tros ka , Phi l lip Reed, David Du rand , G eorge Smith, Stanley M it chell , Raymond Stutzman, M ichael Klei n, Robert Poo ler. Fourth Row: A llen Price, Dav·e W hir­rett , C hester Pietras, Lewis Bornman, Frank Ella, James Fitz­g ibbons, Francis Kushn er, Barry Gartman, Richa rd Ernsting.

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I "" 4 t .

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Mr. Dale W. McMillen speaking at the dedication of the library




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The new McMillen Library was completed and

dedicated May 19, 1962.

• . I


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Fi rst Row, left to right: Ray Thom pson, John Wineb renner, Skip C loys, Steve Ha tch , Bob Hubentha l, Jack Braun. Second

The Tech Warriors ba sketba ll squad, under the fine

leadership of Coach Macy, completed the most success­

fu l season in the history of the school. Not only did the •

team compile a good 19-wDn-and-6-lost record, but they

placed fi rst in the Mid-Central Conference and were

runners-up in the R.I .T. tournament.

Ron Zig ler was named Most Valuable Player. He was

the leading scorer and led in offensive rebounds. The

Carni Basketball Award went to Dave Hickman and Mike

Giger, and the most improved player award wa s given

to Ralph Spencer.

The Warriors will be losing three top competitors:

C loys. Hatch. and Hubenthal . The loss of these men wi ll

definitely inj ure t he depth of next year·s ba ll team, for

they will not easily be replaced .


Row: Dave Hickman , Ron Zigle r, Dave C a rrol , Fred Adamek: Mike G iger, Ra lph Spencer.

Coach Bob Macy



Page 127: Kekiongan 1962



























77; Malone

93 ; Giffin

87; Taylor

82; Adrian

79; Grace

95 ; Bethel

R.I.T. Tourney

84; Newark

97; Lawrence Tech

68; West V a. Tech

97; Tri-State

65; Hanover

81 ; Marian

8 1; Huntington

98; Concordia

6 7; Tri-State

I 02; Manchester

87; Anderson

I 00; Giffin

92; Indiana Central

95; Tri-State

I 08 ; Det roit Tech

1 06; Concord ia

70; Northwood

67; Huntington

118; G race

*Mid-Central Conference Games















9 1













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TECH 4 1

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- ...



• --,

-.... ..

• •

First Row, left to right: Fe lix lt urbe , Abe l Shaverdian, C arlos Mayorca , W alter Germa in, George Theodore, Rafae l Robles, Richard Baker, Wede li n Schmidt. Second Row: Alex G a rcia ,

The Tech soccer +~am for the past five years has

been gradual ly bu ild ing itself into perhaps one of

the top Mid-West teams. Thei r schedule now con­

sists of some of the top teams in the nation.

Th is past season wa s a poor one from the won-and­

lost colum n. The Warriors had only one victory. but

th is was not ind ica tive of the brand of socce r t hey



, -' ' •


• .. . •

• '


... •

Bohdan C ha plynski, Jeff Davis, Ralph Armstrong, Zafirapou los, Don Forbes, Manoucher Monsef , Schrader, Ravel C oqueran , Coach Bob Leffers .

Vasilios Rodney

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.. .

First Row, left to right: R. DeRuby, J . Reed , K. Benoit, K. Kitz ( mgr.), D. Kiewitt, J. Ma loni, D. Luke , J. Semelsberger. Sec-

W ith only five regulars returning from the previ­ous season, C oach Ph il Kenne ll had to attempt to build a winning team usi ng many inexperienced players. The team compiled a five-won-a nd-n ine­lost record. Coa ch Kennell made his t ea m's victories important ones, as they were all Mid-Centra l Con­ference wins, which · gave the Tech team second place in the C onference standings.

Rick Gessue pa ced t he pitching staff by compi l­ing a four-won-and -four-lost record . Kent Kelly led the team in hitting and also received the M. V. P. Award.

Gessue , Semelsberger, N elson, Lewis and Lu ke will be lost due t o graduation, and it may prove hard to repla ce t hem.


ond Row: Coach P. Kennell, D. Ba ker, K. Sherman, J. Nelson, B. Dan iels, T. Hawk, R. Gessue, D. Helker, M. Bickley, K. Ke lly.










18 ; Tri-State

8; Tri-State

5; Grace

2; Grace

6; C oncord ia

14; Concordia

3; Huntington

4 ; Huntington









Page 133: Kekiongan 1962


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( \



left to right: Toby Richards, Wi lbur Brya nt, Hank Kostin, Robert Ashby, Chet Topp, Woody Sti llwagon, Coach Ben Dow.

The linksmen completed this season undefeated

in match play with a seven-won-and-one-tie rec­

ord, which is a first in the history of the school.

They tied for first place in the Mid-Central Con­

ference and finished tenth in the .Little State An­

nual Golf Match .

Toby Richards was the squad's ca ptain , and

Bob Ashby was named the most valuable player.

Graduation will cla im Richards, Bryant, Kostin ,

and T opp. Th is wi ll be a great loss to the squad,

so Coach Dow will be pressed hard to find enough

talent to replace them.

Page 135: Kekiongan 1962

~~------~ ·~-

First Row, left to right: D. Li ibe ( Epee ) , A. Feliciano (I ta lia n Foil), D. Graham (Epee), G. Wag ne r {Ita lian Foil). Second Row: R. Steffe n (Sabre ) .. S. Hippensteele (Sabre ), L. Bornma nn (Sabre ), H. Wah l, coach .


The Tech Fencing Team completed a success­

ful season, but except ional performances were

turned in by A lvin Feliciano and Danny G raham.

A t the Indiana Divisional Championship Fencing

Tournament, Felicia no won t he first-place gold

metal in open foil col+lpetition, and Graham won

third place in the epee com petition. Bot h men

were invited t o the National Tournament and

awarded membe,rship in the Amateu r Fencers

League of America. This was the first time that

any student at Tech placed in this tournament.



Page 136: Kekiongan 1962



Left to Right: Ray Thompson, Art Firtion , Howard Gray­less , Terry Aeschl iman, Rama Bolla, Coach Ben Dow.

Coach Dow placed an inexperienced team on

the courts this Fall with the exception of Art Fir­

tion. Coach Dow seems to have great hopes of

mold ing this young team into topnotch competi­

tors. Ray Thompson and Howard Grayless im­

proved greatly as the sea son progressed, and

they may possibly be the leaders of next year's


Art Firtion again this season won the Most

Valuable Player award , but he will be lost due to

graduation and will be a great loss to the team.

~This season the Tech team gained only one lone

victory over Grace and placed fourth in the

Mid-central Conference.

Page 137: Kekiongan 1962

E. Murphy K. Gaerte C. McKim

This was the first year that track was a Mid­

Central Conference sport. The Tech team has been

very weak in this sport the past few seasons. pri­

marily due to the lack of depth. This same problem

hampered the team again this year.

new school records, and were just beginning to look

real good when the season came to a close.

Coach Macy did receive fine performances from

each man on the team. This year's team set seven

This team proved they had something more than

what their record showed. When they participated

in the Mid-Central Conference {the final meet of

the sea son). they fin is hed a very close second.

J. Cormican H. Fager C. McKim K. Gaerte E. Murphy R. Zigler J. Winebrenner C. Johnson


High jump Relays 440 Relays


440 {Time-52.4}* 'l2 Mile (Time-2:05.3)* H i g h j u m p ( 6' I -3;4 ") * High hurdles (Time-17 .I)* Low hurdles 'l2 Mile Pole vault (I I' 3"}* Relays

Mile Relay Team: Fager, McKim, Zigler, Cormican (Time 3:44)*

Half-Mile Relay Team: Cormican, McKim, Johnson, Winebrenner (Time I :37.2)*

* School Record

I 133

Page 138: Kekiongan 1962






Contrary to popular belie{ the Alumni Relatio~s Off ice, loca ted on Center Drive, just so uth of the President' s Off ice, is not operated exclusively for Indiana Tech graduates.

On-cam pus students are inv ited to vi si t the offices at any t ime when the staff can offe.r: constructive counsel regarding ca mpus o r alumni act ivities. Any student is we lcome to drop in for a visi t if for no other purpose than to learn what the Nat io nal Alumn i Associa tion accomplishes for its members

Alumni Homecomin g is a big annual event on campus, but graduates and former students are welcome to visit any time.

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Lou Culp is Director of both Public and Alumni Relations for the College, and also handles the activities of the News Bureau. Working with him are Bob Harold , Alumni Executive Secretary Winifred Troyer, plus three part-time student assi stants .

and what is expected of graduates after they have left the cam pus.

The Associat:on looks on each student as a paten-. t i a I a I u m nus, who w iII some day become a vita I part of the foundation on which the College is built. Co ll ege graduates everywhere share the psycho­log ical urge to be identified as a member of the group, which is perhaps better described as the notion of " belonging ." Truly once a student ea rn s the title alumnus, he enters an exciting new part of the brotherhood of man .

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