kd 1.2

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smp kelas 8 semester 1

Transcript of kd 1.2



Mata Pelajaran:Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester:VIII / 1

Alokasi Waktu:4 X 40 menit (2 x pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensimendengarkan1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarB. Kompetensi Dasar1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian KompetensiMerespon ungkapan :a. Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer.b. Agreement and disagreement.c. Compliment and congratulate

D. Tujuan PembelajaranSetelah mendengarkan dan mempraktekan diharapkan peserta didik dapat merespon ungkapan :a. Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer.b. Agreement and disagreement.c. Compliment and congratulate.

E. Materi Ajar

1.Fakta:Ungkapan tentang mengundang , menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui , memuji, dan memberi selamat.

2.Konsep:Ungkapan tentang mengundang , menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui , memuji, dan memberi selamat di gunakan saat kita menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah pembicaraan.


Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer

Inviting(mengundang)Accepting(menerima ajakan)Refusing(menolak ajakan)

Lets go.. Will you come to. I invite you to. I invite you to come/join Would you come to. Would you like to come to. You are invited to. Would you like to join . Lets come to.. Lets join Thank you. Sure, I will. I would not say no. Id love to. Sounds interesting. Great. That would be lovely. Thats good idea. Yes, I will come. How kind you are. I will join you. Sorry I cant. Im afraid I cant. Im so sorry. I cant. Well thank you very much, but.. Id love to, but. Thats great, but I hope I can , but. I wish I can, but..

Agreement and disagreement

Agreement(menyetujui)Disagreement(tidak menyetujui)

I agree Thats true You are right Im in line with you Youre absolutely right Im of exactly the same opinion I think so I go along hat line Im with you Thats right Etc.

Im afraid I entirely disagree I cant agree with I dont think its very good Uhm I dont think so Surely not I (totally) disagree Not way I dont think so I see what you mean, but. I dont approve of it. Etc.

Compliment and congratulate

Congratulating (ucapan selamat)Complimenting (pujian)

Congratulation ! Happy birthday ! Happy lebaran day ! May I congratulate on.. Id like to congratulate you on. Please accept my warmest congratulation. Congrat ! Welldone ! Good job ! Great !

Good grades ! Good job ! Good ! Very good Welldone! Nice one ! Nice try ! Nice work ! Fantastic ! Excellent ! You are smart. Youre brilliant student. Keep up the good work ! You are a good friend ! You have beautiful .! Your dress is nice ! You are great ! You look healthy ! You look beautiful ! I love this car ! What a nice dress ! How beautiful day it is Etc.

F. Alokasi WaktuBeban BelajarWaktuBentuk tugas

Tatap Muka (TM)160Classroom activites

Penugasan Terstruktur (PT)40Create a short dialogue


G. Model, Pendekatan, Metode Dan Teknik Pembelajaran

1.Model:Three-phase technique

2.Pendekatan:Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses

3.Metode:Conversation Method

4.Teknik:Tanya jawab

H. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran1.Media:Cd (rekaman)

2.Alat:Komputer, in focus

I. Kegiatan PembelajaranLangkah-langkah pembelajaranPertemuan 1KEGIATANDESKRIPSI KEGIATANWAKTU

PENDAHULUAN1.Salam pembuka dan meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin berdoa.8

2.Mengecek kehadiran dan kesiapan peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

3.Menyampaikan KD, indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.

4.Menginformasikan alat bantu, media pembelajaran dan sistim penilaian.

5.Apersepsi: Dengan tanya jawab peserta didik dapat mengingat kembali tentang ungkapan-ungkapan yang pernah dipelajari.

6.Memotivasi:Memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik dengan cara tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi yang akan dipelajari : Have you invited to the party? What do you say to accept the invitation?


1.Meminta peserta didik untuk membaca buku sumber LKS (lembar kerja siswa)

2.Membantu peserta didik memahami materi yang ada di buku sumber.

3.Membagikan contoh invitation .

4.Membacakan isi invitation tersebut.

5.Menjelaskan tugas setiap kelompok yaitu dengan mengaris bawahi ungkapan Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer, agreement and disagreement, compliment and congratulate.

6.Membahas ungkapan-ungkapan yang ada di dalam contoh invitation

7.Meminta siswa untuk mendengarkan dan menirukan kalimat-kalimat yang di ucapkan guru


Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan contoh:

1. What program can the students do individually?2. The competition will last for . . . days.3. "They are, Choir Contest, ........""Choir" means a group of people trained to . . . . together

1.Memperhatikan dan mengamati aktivitas peserta didik.

2.Memastikan semua kelompok sudah menyelesaikan tugas.

3.Meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan kerja kelompok.

4.Meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan kerja kelompok.


1.Memfasilitasi dan membimbing kegiatan presentasi.

2.Memperbaiki hasil temuan peserta didik jika ada yang kurang tepat.

3.Memberikan penghargaan kepada setiap peserta didik atas keterlibatan aktif dalam diskusi kelompok.

PENUTUP1.Bersama peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.12

2.Memberikan evaluasi (melengkapi teks rumpang dengan mendengarkan guru).

3.Menginformasikan materi pelajaran selanjutnya, yaitu:

3.Menginformasikan nilai

4.Bersama peserta didik menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan mengucapkan hamdallah



PENDAHULUAN1.Salam pembuka dan meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin berdoa.8

2.Mengecek kehadiran dan kesiapan peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

3.Menyampaikan KD, indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.

4.Menginformasikan alat bantu, media pembelajaran dan sistim penilaian.

5.Apersepsi: Dengan tanya jawab peserta didik dapat mengingat kembali tentang ungkapan-ungkapan yang pernah dipelajari.

6.Memotivasi:Memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik dengan cara tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi yang akan dipelajari: What do you think about learning English .....? (mention one of the students name) I heard you went to birthday party yesterday ........? (mention one of the students name)


1.Guru menanyakan tentang pengetahuan awal siswa tentang ungkapan yang akan dipelajaari

2.Guru menampilkan konsep pembelajaran hari ini

3.Guru membantu siswa memahaminya


1.Guru menayangkan contoh dialog

2.Guru membantu siswa memahami dialog

3.Siswa mendengarkan percakapan tersebut

4.Siswa mempraktekannya


1.Guru memberikan teks rumpang

2.Siswa melengkapi dengan mendengarkan guru.


4.Memperbaiki hasil temuan peserta didik jika ada yang kurang tepat.

5.Memberikan penghargaan kepada setiap peserta didik atas keterlibatan aktif dalam diskusi..

PENUTUP1.Bersama peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.12

2.Menginformasikan materi pelajaran selanjutnya, yaitu:

3.Menginformasikan nilai

4.Bersama peserta didik menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan mengucapkan hamdallah

J. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran1.Jenis Penilaian:tertulis

2.Teknik Penilaian:tes

3.Bentuk Penilaian:essay

K. Sumber belajar1. Bima, Bachtiar M dan Lilik Kurniawati. 2005. Lets Talk Grade VIII. Bandung: Pakar Raya

Mengetahui :Kepala SMP N I Bukit Sundi

H.HABIBULLAH, S.Pd, MMNIP. 19681212 199403 1 006Muara Panas, Juli 2015Guru Mata Pelajaran

NENSI ANGELISTA, S.PdNIP: 19780411 200501 2 008


A. Penilaian hasil BelajarIndikator Pencapaian KompetensiKKMTeknik PenilaianBentuk PenilaianIndikator SoalInstrument/Soal

1. Merespon ungkapan Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer.78.33

Tes tertulisessay1. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer. dengan melengkapi teks rumpang.

2. Merespon ungkapan Agreement and disagreement. 78.33

2. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan Agreement and disagreement dengan melengkapi teks rumpang

3. Merespon ungkapan Compliment and congratulate78.33

3. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan Compliment and congratulate dengan melengkapi teks rumpang


No Soal jawabanskor

1A: Id like to have dinner with friends this evening. Will you come?1. Wow, great. Ill be there thank2

B: .....

a. Wow, great. Ill be there thank

b. Well, Ive no idea

c. Whom I come with?

d. I dont think its a good idea

2A: I invite you personaly to my wedding party tomorrow. Will you?2. Its great honour but im sorry I cant2

B: .......

a. Haw can I go There

b. Its great honour but im sorry I cant

c. I dont think I will come

d. Oh really/ Congratulation

3A: The test is too difficult. What do you think?3. I disaggre with you. Maybe you just didt study2

B: ......

a. What a difficult test it is. I can do it

b. There are some mistyped on the test

c. I disaggre with you. Maybe you just didt study

d. You are so smart

4A: You dont have to go by bus. Ill drive you there4. Oh, thank you. You are really my good friend2

B: ........

a. I hope i dont bother you

b. Haw can I go there

c. What time will you pick me up?

d. Oh, thank you. You are really my good friend

5A: That god. I win the speech contest at lastulm the campion now?5. Thats great. Congratulation for your succes2

B: .........

a. Thats great. Congratulation for your succes

b. Oh really? Why do you get them?

c. Youll join aother one

d. What topic do you perfom

6Indra : Hi, Anya. Have you seen The Conjuring movie?

Anya : Hi, Indra. I have not seen that movie. Why?

Indra : ()6. Would you like to see The Conjuring movie with me tonight?2

Anya : Unfortunately. ()7. I cant because I am scared horror movie.2

Indra : Okay if you are scared horror movie. ()8.Shall we come to fireworks party in the downtown?2

Anya : When it happen?

Indra : Tonight, dear. How?

Anya : ()9. Really?2

Indra : Yeah, if you can.

Anya : (.). I like fireworks very much.10. With pleasure, indra2

Indra : Okay, I will pick you up at 8 pm.

Anya : Thank you, Indra.

Total 20

Pedoman Penilaian:Analisis nilai akhir belajar Bahasa Inggris dalam skala 0 100 adalah dengan mengunakan rumus dibawah ini:

X 100 (skor ideal)Nilai Akhir (NA) : perolehan skor skor maks

MATERI AJARA. Standar Kompetensimendengarkan1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarB. Kompetensi Dasar1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian KompetensiMerespon ungkapan :d. Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer.e. Agreement and disagreement.f. Compliment and congratulate

D. Tujuan PembelajaranSetelah mendengarkan dan mempraktekan diharapkan peserta didik dapat merespon ungkapan :d. Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer.e. Agreement and disagreement.f. Compliment and congratulate.

Inviting, Accepting and refusing offer

Inviting(mengundang)Accepting(menerima ajakan)Refusing(menolak ajakan)

Lets go.. Will you come to. I invite you to. I invite you to come/join Would you come to. Would you like to come to. You are invited to. Would you like to join . Lets come to.. Lets join Thank you. Sure, I will. I would not say no. Id love to. Sounds interesting. Great. That would be lovely. Thats good idea. Yes, I will come. How kind you are. I will join you. Sorry I cant. Im afraid I cant. Im so sorry. I cant. Well thank you very much, but.. Id love to, but. Thats great, but I hope I can , but. I wish I can, but..

Dialogue 1:Andra : Hello Dian, how are you?Dian : I am alright, what about you?Andra : I am fine, too. I got a brochure that there will be Sheila on 7 concert on next Sunday.Dian : Whoah, I just knew that.Andra : Yeah, thats why I tell you now, because you are a big fan of Sheila on 7. I want you to come to the concert with me if you dont mind.Dian : Sure. Its my pleasure. And please save me in the crowded Andra : Of course, I will.dialogue 2 :Indra : Hi, Anya. (1) you seen The Conjuring (2) ?Anya : Hi, Indra. I have not seen that movie. Why?Indra : (3) you like to (4) The Conjuring movie with me tonight?Anya : Unfortunately. I (5) not because I am scared horror movie.Indra : Okay if you are scared horror movie. Shall we (6) to fireworks party in the downtown?Anya : When It (7) ? Indra : Tonight, dear. How?Anya : Really?Indra : Yeah, (8) you can.Anya : With pleasure, Ndra. I (9)fireworks very much.Indra : Okay, I will (10) you up at 8 pm.Anya : Thank you, Ndra.

Agreement and disagreement

Agreement(menyetujui)Disagreement(tidak menyetujui)

I agree Thats true You are right Im in line with you Youre absolutely right Im of exactly the same opinion I think so I go along hat line Im with you Thats right Etc.

Im afraid I entirely disagree I cant agree with I dont think its very good Uhm I dont think so Surely not I (totally) disagree Not way I dont think so I see what you mean, but. I dont approve of it. Etc.

Example 1:Dina: Hey, Look at my new Ring , isn't it cool??

Bis: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you, your ring is so cool. It perfectly matches with your finger. It must be a very expensive ring.

Example2:Jhon:Hey what do you think about the movie?Edo:I think this movie is really good.:I dont think so.This movie is so boring that I sleep while watch it. The plot is flat and there is not any suspense in the story. I like watching film but this time I disagree with you.

Compliment and congratulate

Congratulating (ucapan selamat)Complimenting (pujian)

Congratulation ! Happy birthday ! Happy lebaran day ! May I congratulate on.. Id like to congratulate you on. Please accept my warmest congratulation. Congrat ! Welldone ! Good job ! Great !

Good grades ! Good job ! Good ! Very good Welldone! Nice one ! Nice try ! Nice work ! Fantastic ! Excellent ! You are smart. Youre brilliant student. Keep up the good work ! You are a good friend ! You have beautiful .! Your dress is nice ! You are great ! You look healthy ! You look beautiful ! I love this car ! What a nice dress ! How beautiful day it is Etc.

Example :Azmi : Hi Izmi ! How are you today ?Izmi : Im fine. And you ?Azmi : I am very well, thanks. How was your weekend at the beach ?Izmi : Terrific ! I was very happy. You should go there.Azmi : Really ? hei, you like nice in that dress !Izmi : Im glad you like it, thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.Azmi : Wow ! thats wonderful. Oh Izmi, I almost forget. Can I ask you something ?Izmi : Oh, sure. Whats up ?Azmi : have you finished working paper we had made last week ?Izmi : Yes, of course.Azmi : oh, thanks a lot. I thinks this working paper is excellent.Izmi : Ok. You are welcome.Azmi : Izmi, This is gown for you. I made it by myself .Izmi : Thats a beautiful gown! You are really a talented tailor.Azmi : Im glad you like it.Izmi : Azmi , by the way how is your library so far?Azmi : Its great! Many people come to my library.Izmi : congratulations! Your library is the most popular one now.Azmi : Thank you, Izmi.