Kampar Ring Plantations, Indonesia

Kampar Ring Kampar Ring Plantations Plantations Adding value for conservation, Adding value for conservation, community and economic community and economic development development Jogya, 7 December 2009 Jogya, 7 December 2009 NF Presentation to Gov Riau – Jan 2009 1

Transcript of Kampar Ring Plantations, Indonesia

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Kampar Ring PlantationsKampar Ring PlantationsAdding value for conservation, Adding value for conservation, community and economic developmentcommunity and economic development

Jogya, 7 December 2009Jogya, 7 December 2009

Tara RukmantaraTara Rukmantara

NF Presentation to Gov Riau – Jan 2009 1

Bagaimana APRIL membangun sub unit pengelolaan Kampar Peninsula (Ring area), sebuah kawasan rawa gambut di Riau, untuk menyelamatkan landscape Kampar yang luas (700 000 ha) melalui pengembangan sistem pengelolaan hutan berbasis kelestarian.
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Overview: Kampar Peninsula Plantation Ring Planning

Meranti Estate (South Ring)

Tasik Belat Estate (North Ring)

Total concession area of 56,000 ha

Plantations : 35,000 ha

Conservation : 15,000 ha

Community : 6,000 ha

Unit ring Kampar adalah sebuah unit kecil dengan luas bruto 56 000 ha berada di tepi-tepi landscape kampar yang luasnya 700 000 hektardengan posisi seperti ini maka mandate yang diemban oleh unit pengelolaan Kampar-APRIL bukan saja hanya intervensi pengelolaan secara lestari terhadap kawasan sendiri, namun memiliki peran bagaimana penyelamatan landscape Kampar Peninsula secara utuh, terutama kawasan yang berada di tengah2 landscape (Dome) yang memiliki simpanan karbon yang tinggi serta merupakan ekosistem fragile.
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Results of SBMS Project – Degradation in Kampar Core

HydrologyStill intact forested Core area, not impacted by hydrology degradation

Based on 300 sample points

0-50 cm

> 50 cm (>100 tCO2/ha/yr)

Hasil penelitian SBMSP menunjukkan adanya proses pendegradasion di tingkat Landscape yang dimulai dari seluruh arah pinggir batas landscape yang ditunjukkan dengan perbedaan water level pada seluruh area.warna merah menunjukkan tingkat degradasi tertinggi akibat rendahnya tinggi muka air sedangkan warna biru adalah intack forests dengan water level 0 cm.proses degradasi tersebut terjadi disebabkan oleh illegal practices yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya kanal-kanal liar (Hasil assessment Tropenbos) yang memotong kontour untuk pengaliran air dari atas ke bawah dan transportasi kayu. Proses pengeringan gambut ini menyebabkan emisi CO2 yang sangat besar.Unit pengelolaan Kampar Ring-APRIL berada di ring bawah dan ring atas landscape........yang sangat berpotensi memberikan perlindungan terhadap kawasan landscape utuh melalui intervensi pengelolaan hutan lestari.
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Facts: Forest Trends Under Business as Usual

saya sangat yakin sekali bahwa dibawah "business as usual" akan terjadi kasus-kasus seperti beberapa slide yang telah terjadi disekeliling Kampar seperti pembakaran, encroachment, illegal logging, dll.
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Forest Encroachment-Kampar

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Forest Encroachment-Kampar

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Forest Encroachment

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Forest Fires & Haze

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• APRIL is opposed to all forms of illegal logging

• Preventive action against illegal loggers in Tesso Nilo together with multi-stakeholder task force

• Reactions from logging gangs:

– Road blockades

– 9 logging trucks burnt

– Forest rangers murdered

• Since 2002 APRIL is the only company in Indonesia to havea 3rd party audited Wood Tracking System to ensure legality of its wood supply

Illegal Logging

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Avoided CO2 Emission from Kampar Ring Peatland through Eco-Hydrology based Sustainable Plantation Forest Management

Degraded Kampar Ring forests

•Illegal logging


•Uncontrolled drainag

•Forest tree die-back

• Forest & Land Fire

= 60 ton/ha/year CO2 emission

Managed Eco-hydrology based Plantation Forest


•No forest & land fire

•Productive acacia plantation

•Managed water level

•Hydrologic buffers

•Protected Conservation Areas

= 45-55% avoided emissions

Berdasarkan data: APRIL, Delft/SBMSP 2009; Swedish Env. Research Institute (IVL) Oct 2009

Building Sustainable Forest Management in Kampar

dari sejumlah fakta dan kondisi serta trend laju kerusakan yang signifikan tersebut maka adalah suatu kebutuhan untuk dilakukan intervensi pengelolaan berbasis kelestarian baik ekonomi, ekologi landscape dan sosial. HTI merupakan salah satu intervensi manusia yang dapat menyelamatkan dari berlanjutnya kerusakan2 tersebut diatas.Mengingat Kampar adalah kawasan rawa gambut, maka pengelolaan tata air (water management)menjadi crusial untuk didesain sebaik mungkin dan hati-hati.seperti juga unit-unit lain yang telah dibangun, maka pembangunan Kampar ring merupakan proses transformasi kawasan degraded menjadi terkelola.....
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Sustainable Plantation Forest Management

• Full compliance of existing laws and regulations.• Science Based Forest Management :

– Leaf Carbon Ltd (Australia): assistance in making a master plan for carbon emission and financial model.

– Delft Hydraulics (Renowned Dutch company): Water management and drainage system

– University of Helsinki (Finland): assistance on monitoring carbon emission.

– ProForest (UK institution promoting sustainable natural resource management): technical assistance on High Conservation Value assessment and management, and conservation planning for the Kampar landscape.

- Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Tropenbos International Indonesia and WWF Indonesia: ecological survey and HCV assessment in Kampar.

dengan tipologi kawasan seperti dijelaskan diatas, maka pengembanagan pengelolaan hutan di Kampar bukan saja hanya comply terhadap tata aturan kebijakan pemerintah, namun juga harus terlebih dahulu dilakukan sejumlah kajian-kajian science dan partnership sebelum membangun perencanaan pengelolaan.beberapa kajian yang telah dilakukan sebagai berikut:
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Science Based Peat Management ProjectAPRIL in partnership with NGO and Academic stakeholders

• Monitor water & gas stock & flux in large acacia & jungle areas

• Derive an annual water & Carbon balance • Construct a hydrology process model• Predict seasonal water surplus & deficits • Preemptive control adjustments to keep the system

at optimal water level• Understand the subsidence & Carbon release


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Al Hooijer (Delft Hydraulics, Holland), Dr. Susan Page (Leicester University, UK), Dr. Ruth Nussbaum (ProForest, UK).

• Expert Team on Peatland Management (Science Based Management Support) supporting APRIL/RAPP in undertaking responsible peatland management through Kampar SBMS Project - “Sustainable Peatland Management”.

• Forests and carbon sinks in peatland can only be sustainably managed if the hydrological system is protected or rehabilitated. Aside from being of critical importance for conservation, this is also vital for long-term economic production on peatland

• Degraded land presently contains low Conservation Value and is of marginal potential for agricultural cultivation, but holds huge carbon deposit.

• Such land need to be properly managed to minimize forest and land fire and carbon emission.

• Consequently, a new approach must be developed through the establishment of buffer zones (to balance water requirements and investments on water control infrastructure development)


PRODUCTIONStatement: Sustainable Peatland ManagementPeatland Science Based Management Support Project June 2008

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Eco-Hydro Ring Management Carbon Protection and Peat Conservation

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Mosaic Plantation Forest:Solution to Production Forest Loss

High Conservation

Value Production



Production Forest

Secondary Production


Protected by Mosaic Plantation

Managed and Developed

Managed and Developed

Acacia Plantation Conservation Area

Vigorous plantation forest and mosaic landscape protect biodiversity, provide ecosystem services, and uplift community well-being

Acacia Plantation

ini adalah beberapa contoh hasil pengelolaan hutan lestari di beberapa tempat lain dalam unit pengelolaan APRIL.
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Mosaic Plantation Forest Harmonizes Environmental, Social and Production Objectives

Conservation Area

Acacia Plantation

Acacia Plantation

Tesso West

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Sustainable Peatland ManagementEco-Hydro Management for Sustainability

Water Gates to Control Peatland Water Level

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Indigenous trees (also functions as hydro buffer to river conservation areas)Livelihood zone (for

community agriculture)

Production (with hydro management in canals) Livelihood zone (for

community agriculture)

Hydro buffer (controlled and raised water levels)

Conservation (upstream deep peat)

Plantation Ring Plan – Meranti Estate(Kampar Ring South)

Hydro buffer (for minimal impact on adjacent natural forests)

ini adalah rencana pengelolaan kampar dimana bahkan didalam unit pengelolaan dialokasikan kawasan konservasi...termasuk dome.Mengingat Kawasan lindung didalam unit pengelolaan tersebut merupakan bagian dari core area gambut, maka APRIL saat ini sedang mengembangkan proposal inisiative Pengelolaan Konservasi Landscape secara kolaboratif dengan berbagai stakeholder.
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Community Involvement

Active in social development and poverty alleviation in order to raise the standards and quality of living through the promotion of the following community empowerment programs:

- Integrated Farming System (80 villages; 3,000 families)

- Micro Small & Medium Business Program (development of 1,200 people)

- Community Fiber Farming 30,000 Ha (9,800 people in 32 villages)

- Social & Infrastructure Program (education, free health services for 20,000 people every year, building of mosques, schools, sports and cultural facilities)

- Vocational Training Program (689 trained persons) and Teacher Quality Enhancement Training in several schools.

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• Generate employment opportunities and SME development towards alleviating poverty and upgrading community well-being.

Based on results of 2006 University of Indonesia Faculty of Economics LPEM study:

• Supporting local development through infrastructures (roads, bridges, ports) reaching remote areas.

• One of the biggest export earners in Indonesia – up to US$ 1.5 billion/year, and capital intensive within APRIL Indonesia with total assets of USD 5 billion.

Economic Growth Contribution

*) Output: Market value of goods and services resulting from production activities to supply intermediate and end demands. Figures in table represent economic output/revenue resulting from the presence of Riaupulp in Riau Province

**) Gross Domestic Product - Regional

  Riau PelalawanIndicator 1999 2005 1999 2005

Value (%) Value (%) Value (%) Value (%)Output (Rp billion)*) 6,347 (4.53) 17,400 (7.43) 2,773 (76.04) 9,315 (54.22)Gross Domestic Product - Regional (Rp billion**) 2,405 (2.89) 6,593 (4.74) 1,052 (72.29) 3,533 (51.54)

Family Income (Rp billion) 622 (4.25) 1.705 (6.97) 263 (69.03) 883 (49.22)

Employment Opportunities (people) 137,780 (8.00) 249,241 (9.39) 18,571 (13.48) 36,125 (14.49)

Economic Impact Indicator – Riaupulp Actitivites, 1999 dan 2005

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Investment in Forest Protection and Fire Prevention

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• Quality Management System (QMS) Certification Pulp Production Paper Production

• ISO Certification Paper Permanence

• EMS Certification Integrated Paper Production

• Environmental Management System (EMS) Certification Riaupulp Fiber Estates

• OHSAS Certification Riaupulp Fiber Operations APRIL Mill Operations

• Runner-Up, Environmental Excellence Award – HTI & HTR Development – Conservation and Community Aspects

• GREEN Rating PROPER 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2008-2009 by theMinistry for Environment

Program for Rating Environmental Management Performance

• 1st Place – Best Practice, Social Programs Overall • 1st Place – Best Practice Social Program (Social Category)

• Audit Certification, Occupational Health and Safety Management System

• Verification Statement, Acacia Chain of Custody

• Certification, Sustainable Plantation Forest Management System (LEI)

• Eco-label Certification for Paper Products

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Certification to FSC Standard of Controlled Wood and “Chain of Custody”

(Forest Stewardship Council)

Audited by Rainforest Alliance/Smartwood Program:

FSC Controlled Wood and Chain of Custody (CoC) for Riaupulp, Plantations of PT RAPP (APRIL) and some of the supply partners.

International recognition for Indonesia’s forestry sector.

December 30th 2008-201323

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• Sustainable Forest Management in Kampar Ring is essential for protecting the Kampar Peninsula landscape including core peatland, while reducing carbon emissions by 50% (compared to present condition) and achieving balanced social, environmental and economic benefits in a Sustainable Development context


*Based on data: APRIL, Delft/SBMSP 2009; Swedish Env. Research Institute (IVL) Oct 2009

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Thank youThank you


Balancing Social, Environmental and Economic Imperatives for

Sustainable Development in Indonesia