Internet Inventor

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  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    Internet Inventor

    Adalah Leonard Kleinrock yang berjasa menciptakan internet. Leonard Kleinrock (lahir di New York City, New

    York, Amerika Serikat, 13 Juni 1934) adalah seorang insinyur dan ilmuwan Amerika Serikat yang disebut sebagai

    Bapak Internet.

    Pada saat itulah sang ilmuwan memperkenalkan teknologi yang bernamainternet.Nah, siapa sangka penemuan

    beliau ini menjadi semakin berkembang hingga saat ini dan banyak membantu kita dalam keseharian. Awalnya

    ilmuwan kita ini menemukan internet dikarenakan kecintaannya dengan dunia sains. Dalam disertasinya dia

    berhasil memecahkan kode digital dan menjadikannya sebagai paket-paket yang terpisah. Inilah yang menjadi

    kunci dalam pertukaran data antar komputer.

    Dan Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, (lahir di London, Inggris, 8 Juni 1955)

    adalah penemu World Wide Web (WWW). Dunia web yang dibangun olehnya telah mengubah wajah dunia kita

    dengan cepat. Arus informasi bisa mengalir dalam hitungan detik ke segala penjuru dunia.

    Pada 1980, ketika masih seorang kontraktor bebas di CERN, Berners-Lee mengajukan sebuah proyek yang

    berbasiskan konsep hiperteks (hypertext) untuk memfasilitasi pembagian dan pembaharuan informasi di antara

    para peneliti. Dengan bantuan dari Robert Cailliau dia menciptakan sistem prototipe bernama Enquire.

    Setelah meninggalkan CERN untuk bekerja di John Poole's Image Computer Systems Ltd, dia kembali pada 1984

    sebagai seorang rekan peneliti. Dia menggunakan ide yang mirip yang telah dia gunakan pada Enquire untuk

    menciptakan World Wide Web, di mana dia mendesain dan membangun browser yang pertama (bernama

    WorldWideWeb dan dikembangkan dalam NeXTSTEP) dan server web pertama yang bernama httpd.

    Situs web pertama yang dibuat Berners-Lee (dan oleh karena itu ia juga merupakan situs web pertama)

    beralamat di (telah diarsip) dan dimasukkan online untuk pertama kalinya pada 6 Agustus


    Pada 1994, Berners-Lee mendirikan World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) di Massachusetts Institute of

    Technology. Hingga kini, Berners-Lee masih tetap rendah hati dan tidak berkeinginan untuk mendapatkan status

    populer. Banyak yang masih tidak mengetahui kekuatan karya pria ini, World Wide Web.

    Salah satu kontribusi terbesarnya dalam memajukan World Wide Web adalah dengan tidak mempatenkannya

    sehingga masih dapat digunakan secara bebas. Pada 16 Juli 2004 dia diberi gelar kehormatan KBE oleh RatuElizabeth II sebagai penghormatan atas jasa-jasanya.
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    Berners-Lee juga dianugerahi Millennium Techology Prize di Helsinki, Finlandia, 15 Juni 2007. Gelaran

    penganugerahan yang baru kali pertama diadakan itu juga memberikan hadiah sebesar US$ 1,2 juta (sekitar Rp

    10,4 miliar) kepada Berners-Lee. Mendapat penghargaan itu, ia hanya berkomentar merendah,Banyak orang

    terlibat dalam perkembangan web. Saya hanya mengumpulkan gagasan dan mengemasnya.

    Sumber: Wikipedia

    Leonard Kleinrock is credited with creating the internet. Leonard Kleinrock (born in New York City,

    New York, United States, June 13, 1934) was an engineer and U.S. scientists called the Father of the


    That's when the scientists introduced a technology called the Internet. Well, who would have

    thought his discovery is becoming increasingly growing to this day and many helped us in everyday

    life. Initially our scientists discovered the internet due to his love with the world of science. In his

    dissertation he managed to break the digital code and make it as separate packages. This is the key

    in the exchange of data between computers.

    PratinjauDan Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, (born in London, England, June 8, 1955) is the

    inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW). The web world was built by him has changed the face ofour world rapidly. The flow of information can flow in seconds to all corners of the world.

    In 1980, while still a free contractor at CERN, Berners-Lee proposed a project based on the concept

    of hypertext (hypertext) to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers. With the

    help of Robert Cailliau he built a prototype system named Enquire.

    After leaving CERN to work at John Poole's Image Computer Systems Ltd, he returned in 1984 as aresearch fellow. He used similar ideas that he used on Enquire to create the World Wide Web, which

    he designed and built the first browser (named WorldWideWeb and developed on NeXTSTEP) and

    the first Web server called httpd.

    The first website Berners-Lee (and therefore it is also the first website) located at (archived) and put online for the first time on August 6, 1991.

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    In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the Massachusetts

    Institute of Technology. Until now, Berners-Lee still remains humble and does not wish to get

    popular status. Many still do not know the power of this man's work, the World Wide Web.

    One of the greatest contributions in advancing the World Wide Web is by no patent so that they can

    be used freely. On July 16, 2004 he was given the title of honorary KBE by Queen Elizabeth II in

    honor of his services.

    Berners-Lee was also awarded the Millennium Prize Techology in Helsinki, Finland, June 15, 2007.

    Gelaran conferment held that the first time it also gives a prize of U.S. $ 1.2 million (approximately

    USD 10.4 billion) to Berners-Lee. Received the award, he was only modestly commented, "A lot of

    people involved in web development. I'm just gathering ideas and packaging. "

    Source: Wikipedia
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    Leonard KleinrockDari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

    Leonard Kleinrock

    Leonard Kleinrock bersama dengan

    Prosesor Pesan Antarmukapertama

    Lahir 13 Juni1934(umur 80)

    New York City,New York

    Tempat tinggal Los Angeles

    Kebangsaan Amerika Serikat

    Bidang Teknik,ilmu komputer

    Institusi Universitas California

    Alma mater Universitas Kota New York,Institut Teknologi



    akademikEdward Arthurs[1]


    doktoralChris Ferguson,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    Dikenal atas pengembanganInternet

    Penghargaan Medali National Ilmu Pengetahuan

    Leonard Kleinrock(lahir diNew York City,New York,Amerika Serikat,13 Juni1934;umur 80tahun) adalah seorang insinyur dan ilmuwanAmerika Serikatyang disebut sebagaiBapakInternet.Seorang profesor ilmu komputer diUCLAHenry Samueli Sekolah Teknik danSains,ia membuat kontribusi penting beberapa bidang jaringan komputer, khususnya untuk sisiteoritisjaringan computer.

    Ia dikenal karena kontribusinya dalam dunia jaringan. Karyanya yang paling terkenal dansignifikan adalah teori pertukaran paket melalui makalahnya pada tahun1959dan padatahun1961tentang pertukaran paket dalam kaitannya dengan paket teknologi.


    Pada tanggal 29 Oktober1969ia menciptakan salah satu penemuan terbesar menjelang abadmodern yaitu Internet yang secara tidak sengaja berhasil memecahkan kode digital danmenjadikannya sebagai paket-paket yang terpisah.

    [3]Leonard Kleinrockpun adalah salah satu

    pelopor jaringan komunikasi digital, dan membantu membangunARPANET.[4]

    Daftar isi


    1 Pendidikan dan Karier[3]

    o 1.1 ARPANET dan Internet

    2 Penghargaan

    3 Lihat Juga

    4 Referensi

    Pendidikan dan Karier[3][sunting|sunting sumber]

    Kleinrock lahir pada tanggal 13 Juni 1934 di Kota New York, ia lulus dariBronx High School ofSciencepada tahun 1951 dan ia menerima gelar Sarjana Teknik elektro dan ilmuKomputer1957dariCity College of New York.Pada tahun 1959 dan 1963, ia mendapatkan gelarmaster dan doktor (Ph.D.) di bidang teknik elektro dan ilmu komputer dariInstitut TeknologiMassachusetts.Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan ia kemudian bergabung dengan fakultas diUniversitas California di Los Angeles (UCLA), Sekolah Teknik dan Sains Terapan dimana iabekerja di sana sebagai profesor ilmu komputer.

    ARPANET dan Internet[sunting|sunting sumber]Pesan pertamaARPANETdikirim olehUCLA,mahasiswa programmer Charley Kline, pukul10.30 WIB, 29 Oktober 1969 dari boelter Hall 3420.

    [5]Ia dibimbing oleh Kleinrock. Kline

    ditransmisikan dari Universitas KomputerSDS SigmakeStanford.Dua huruf yaitu LO diketikpada keyboard di Universitas California, Los Angeles (UCLA), dan muncul pada layar di StanfordResearch Institute, 314 mil jauhnya. Para ilmuwan komputer bermaksud untuk instruksi LOGIN,tetapi sambungan ini hilang tepat sebelum G.


    Pada tahun1988,Kleinrock adalah ketua kelompok Jaringan Penelitian Nasional untuk KongresAS.

    [7]Laporan ini sangat berpengaruh dan digunakan untuk mengembangkanComputing High

    Performance UU tahun 1991[8]

    yang berpengaruh dalam perkembangan Internet seperti yangdikenal saat ini. Pendanaan dari RUU itu digunakan dalam pengembangan browser web tahun1993 Mosaic , di National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA).
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    Sekarang ini Teknologi internet hadir sebagai media multifungsi. Komunikasi melalui internetdapat dilakukan secara interpesonal (misalnya e-mail dan chatting) atau secara masal misalnyamailing list. Internet juga mampu hadir secara real time audio visual seperti pada metodakonvensional dengan adanya aplikasi teleconference.

    Penghargaan[sunting|sunting sumber]Dia telah menerima banyak penghargaan. Kleinrock dipilih untuk menerima penghargaanbergengsi yaituNasional of Science,sebuah kehormatan ilmiah bangsa, dari Presiden GeorgeW. Bush diGedung Putihpada tanggal29 September 2008.mendapatkan penghargaanThe2007 National Medal of Sciencedalam memberikan kontribusi fundamental kepada teorimatematika jaringan data modern, dan untuk spesifikasi fungsional switching paket, yangmerupakan dasar teknologi internet generasi mentoring.


    Lihat Juga[sunting|sunting sumber]


    Plan 55-A,sebuahpesan switchingsistem dianalisis dalam tesis Kleinrock.

    UCLA Engineering School

    Computer Science

    Nerds 2.0.1- 1998 dokumenter di mana Kleinrock memberikan wawancara panjang

    Internet pioneers

    Referensi[sunting|sunting sumber]

    1. ^Leonard KleinrockdiProyek Genealogi Matematika

    2. ^[

    3. ^abc[


    4. ^[1]

    5. ^[

    6. ^[2].

    7. ^[].

    8. ^[3].
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    Leonard KleinrockFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Leonard Kleinrock

    Leonard Kleinrock and the firstInterface Message Processor

    Born June 13, 1934 (age 80)

    New York City

    Residence Los Angeles

    Nationality United States

    Fields Engineering

    Computer science

    Institutions UCLA

    Alma mater City College of New York,MIT

    Doctoral advisor Edward Arthurs[1]

    Doctoral students Chris Ferguson

    Known for Internetdevelopment
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    Notable awards Marconi Prize(1986)

    National Medal of Science[2](2007)

    IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal(2012)

    Leonard Kleinrock(born June 13, 1934) is anAmericanengineerandcomputer scientist.A computerscience professor atUCLA'sHenry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science,he made several

    important contributions to the field ofcomputer networking,in particular to the theoretical side of computer

    networking. He also played an important role in the development of theARPANET,the precursor totheInternet,at UCLA.


    His most well-known and significant work is his early work onqueueing theory,which has applications inmany fields, among them as a key mathematical background topacket switching,one of the basic

    technologies behind the Internet. His initial contribution to this field was his doctoral thesis attheMassachusetts Institute of Technologyin 1962, published in book form in 1964; he later publishedseveral of the standard works on the subject. He described this work as:

    "Basically, what I did for my PhD research in 19611962 was to establish a mathematical theory of packet


    His theoretical work onhierarchical routing,done in the late 1970s with his then-studentFarouk Kamoun,

    is now critical to the operation of today's worldwide Internet.



    1 Education and career

    o 1.1 ARPANET and the Internet

    2 Awards

    3 See also

    4 Works 5 References

    6 External links

    Education and career[edit]

    Kleinrock was born inNew York Cityon June 13, 1934 to aJewishfamily,[4]

    and graduated from the

    notedBronx High School of Sciencein 1951. He received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree in1957 from theCity College of New York,and a master's degree and a doctorate (Ph.D.) inelectricalengineeringandcomputer sciencefrom theMassachusetts Institute of Technologyin 1959 and 1963

    respectively. He then joined the faculty at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), where heremains to the present day; during 19911995 he served as the Chairman of the Computer Science

    Department there.[5]

    ARPANET and the Internet[edit]

    The first message on theARPANETwas sent by UCLA student programmerCharley Kline,at 10:30 p.m,

    on October 29, 1969 from Boelter Hall 3420, the school's main building.[6]

    Supervised by Kleinrock, Klinetransmitted from the university'sSDS Sigma 7host computer to the Stanford Research Institute'sSDS

    940host computer. The message text was the word "login"; the "l" and the "o" letters were transmitted, butthe system then crashed. Hence, the literal first message over the ARPANET was "lo". About an hour later,having recovered from the crash, the SDS Sigma 7 computer effected a full "login". The first permanent

    ARPANET link was established on November 21, 1969, between the IMP at UCLA and the IMP at the

    Stanford Research Institute. By December 5, 1969, the entire four-node network was established.[7]

    In 1988, Kleinrock was the chairman of a group that presented the report Toward a National Research

    Networkto theU.S. Congress.[8]This report was highly influential and was used to develop theHighPerformance Computing Act of 1991,

    [9]that was influential in the development of the Internet as it is
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    known today.[10]

    Funding from the bill was used in the development of the 1993 web browserMosaic,at

    theNational Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA).[11]

    Room 3420 at Boelter Hall was restored to its condition of 1969 and converted into The Kleinrock InternetHeritage Site and Archive. It opened to the public with a grand opening attended by internet pioneersOctober 29, 2011.

    [6][12]Kleinrock claims to have committed the first illegal act on the internet having sent a

    request for return of his electric razor after a meeting inEnglandin 1973. At the time, use of the internetfor personal reasons was unlawful.


    He has received numerous professional awards. Kleinrock was selected to receive the prestigiousNational

    Medal of Science,the nation's highest scientific honor, from PresidentGeorge W Bushin theWhiteHouseon September 29, 2008. "The 2007 National Medal of Science to Leonard Kleinrock for hisfundamental contributions to the mathematical theory of modern data networks, and for the functional

    specification of packet switching, which is the foundation of Internet technology. His mentoring ofgenerations of students has led to the commercialization of technologies that have transformed the


    In 2010 he shared theDan David Prize.[13]

    In 2012, Kleinrock was inducted into theInternet Hallof Fameby theInternet Society.

    [14]Leonard Kleinrock was inducted into IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)

    in 2011 as an Eminent Member. The designation of Eminent Member is the organization's highest

    membership grade and is conferred upon those select few whose outstanding technical attainments andcontributions through leadership in the fields of electrical and computer engineering have significantlybenefited society.

    See also[edit]


    Computer Science

    UCLA Engineering School

    Internet pioneers

    Nerds 2.0.1- 1998 documentary in which Kleinrock gives a lengthy interview

    Plan 55-A,amessage switchingsystem analyzed in Kleinrock's thesis.


    Kleinrock, Leonard(May 1961)."Information Flow in Large Communication Nets".Ph.D. ThesisProposal(Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

    Kleinrock, Leonard(July 1961)."Information Flow in Large Communication Nets".RLE Quarterly

    Progress Report(Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

    Kleinrock, Leonard(April 1962)."Information Flow in Large Communication Nets".RLE Quarterly

    Progress Report(Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

    Kleinrock, Leonard(December 1962)."Message Delay in Communication Nets withStorage"(PDF). (PhD thesis)(Cambridge, MA:Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

    Kleinrock, Leonard(1964). Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Design. McGraw-

    Hill. p. 220.ISBN978-0486611051.

    Kleinrock, Leonard(2 January 1975). Queueing Systems: Volume I Theory. New York: Wiley

    Interscience. p. 417.ISBN978-0471491101.

    Kleinrock, Leonard(22 April 1976). Queueing Systems: Volume IIComputer Applications. New

    York: Wiley Interscience. p. 576.ISBN978-0471491118.

    Kleinrock, Leonard; Kamoun, Farok (January 1977). "Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks,

    Performance Evaluation and Optimization". Computer Networks1(3): 155174.

    Kleinrock, Leonard; Gail, Richard (12 April 1996). Queueing Systems: Problems and Solutions.Wiley-Interscience. p. 240.ISBN978-0471555681.
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor



    1. Jump up^Leonard Kleinrockat theMathematics Genealogy Project

    2. ^Jump up to:ab"Eight National Medals of Science Awardees Honored at Gala".NSF.26 September2008. Retrieved 19 May 2012.

    3. Jump up^Rosenbaum, Philip (29 October 2009)."Web pioneer recalls 'birth of the Internet'".CNN.Retrieved October 30, 2009.

    4. Jump up^"Jews in Computer & Information Science".The Jewish Contribution to World Civilizationweb site. Retrieved 5 July 2011.

    5. Jump up^"Leonard Kleinrock's Profile".UCLA.12 April 2011. Retrieved 24 May 2012.

    6. ^Jump up to:abSavio, Jessica (1 April 2011)."Browsing history: A heritage site is being set up inBoelter Hall 3420, the room the first Internet message originated in".UCLA Daily Bruin(UCLA).

    Retrieved 1 April 2011.

    7. Jump up^Sutton, Chris."Internet Began 35 Years Ago at UCLA with First Message Ever SentBetween Two Computers".UCLA.Archived fromthe originalon 8 March 2008. Retrieved 1 April


    8. Jump up^"Toward a National Research Network".

    9. Jump up^"High-Performance Computing Act of 1991".Retrieved 21 March 2011.10. Jump up^"A Bill of Rights for the Internet: What Should it Have Been at the Outset"(PDF).Retrieved 21 March 2011.

    11. Jump up^Tuutti, Camille (23 September 2011)."R&D in IT essential to help US staycompetitive".Federal Computer Week. Retrieved 25 May 2012.

    12. Jump up^McCarty, Meghan (19 July 2011)."Beginning of the Internet commemorated in newUCLA museum".Southern California Public Radio.Retrieved 21 July 2011.

    13. Jump up^Wileen Wong Kromhout (March 15, 2010)."UCLA Internet pioneer Leonard Kleinrocklooks toward future, helps students do the same".UCLA Engineering. Retrieved March 30, 2011.

    14. Jump up^"2012 Inductees".Internet Hall of Fame.Retrieved 24 April 2012.

    External links[edit]

    "Leonard Kleinrock's Home Page".UCLA.Retrieved 11 February 2004.

    "KIHC: The Kleinrock Internet History Center at UCLA".UCLA.Retrieved 11 November 2004.

    "Bibliography".UCLA.Retrieved 24 May 2012.

    "Network history links".Retrieved 11 November 2004.[dead link]

    "Oral history interview with Leonard Kleinrock".University of Minnesota, Minneapolis:Charles

    Babbage Institute.3 April 1990. Retrieved 15 May 2008. Kleinrock discusses his work on the


    Kleinrock discusses his dissertation work in queuing theory, and his move to the University of California

    at Los Angeles (UCLA). As one of the main contractors for the ARPANET, Kleinrock describes hisinvolvement in discussions before the official DARPA request was issued, the people involved in the

    ARPANET work at UCLA, the installation of the first node of the network, the Network MeasurementCenter, and his relationships with Lawrence Roberts and the IPT Office,Bolt, Beranek and Newman,andthe Network Analysis Corporation.

    "Oral history interview with Howard Frank".University of Minnesota, Minneapolis:Charles BabbageInstitute.Retrieved 1 July 2008. Frank describes his work on the ARPANET, including his interaction

    with Roberts and the IPT Office.

    Video:Interview with Leonard Kleinrock.ACM.Retrieved 7 May 2006.

    Video:Leonard Kleinrock on the first Internet connection.Retrieved 25 August 2008.

    Video:Leonard Kleinrock displays Internet's first router.Retrieved 25 August 2008.

    Video:Leonard Kleinrock on packet-switching, early Internet.Retrieved 25 August 2008.

    Authority control WorldCatVIAF:103867640,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Beranek_and_Newman,_Beranek_and_Newman,_Beranek_and_Newman,_Beranek_and_Newman,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles,_Los_Angeles
  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor



    ISNI:0000 0001 1778 5164









    United States National Medal of Sciencelaureat




  • 8/11/2019 Internet Inventor


    Sejarah perkembangan komputerDari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

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    Artikel ini tidak memilikireferensisumber tepercayasehingga isinya tidak

    bisadiverifikasi.Bantulahmemperbaiki artikel inidengan menambahkan referensi yang layak.

    Artikel yang tidak dapat diverifikasikan dapat dihapus sewaktu-waktu olehPengurus.Tag ini diberikan tanggal 10 Oktober 2012

    Sejarah Perkembangan Komputer[sunting|sunting sumber]

    Istilah Komputer berasal dari bahasa latin "computare", yang berarti alat hitung, karena awalnyakomputer lebih digunakan sebagai perangkat bantu dalam hal penghitungan angka-angkasebelum akhirnya menjadi perangkat multifungsi. Komputer saat ini adalah hasil evolusi panjangdari komputer zaman dahulu, yang mulanya adalah alat mekanik dan elektronik. Berikut inicontoh penemuan komputer.

    a. Abacus . Sempoa atau Abacus adalah alat kuno untuk penghitungan yang terbuat dari rangkakayu dangan sederetan poros yang berisi manik - manik yang bisa di geser. Alat ini digunakanuntuk melakukan operasi aritmatika seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian pembag