Handout Liquid Penetrant Test Level II August 2009

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Transcript of Handout Liquid Penetrant Test Level II August 2009




    PT. INSPEKTINDO PRATAMA Jakarta : Gedung Wisma Raharja lt. 4, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav-1, Jakarta Selatan 12560,

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    Rev. 0, december 2011

    Page 0






    Basic Principles

    The Nature of Discontinuity

    Surface Conditioning


    Commercially Available Liquid Penetrant Materials

    Chapter One Review



    Surface Preparation

    Detergent Cleaning

    Vapor Degreasing

    Steam Cleaning

    Solvent Cleaning

    Rust and Scale Remover

    Paint Removal


    Ultrasonic Cleaning

    Mechanical Cleaning

    Stationary Penetrant Test Equipment

    Portable Penetrant Test Equipment

    Black Light Equipment






    10 11 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 20 21 22

    Page 1

  • Penetrant Material Combinations

    Penetrant Testing Materials

    Safety Precaution

    Chapter Two Review




    Penetrant Application

    Penetration (Dwell) Time

    Penetrant Testing Processes

    Leak-through Technique

    Filtered Particle Technique

    Fixing and Recording Indications

    Chapter Three Review



    Post-emulsifiable Penetrant (PE Penetrant)

    Lipophilic Method

    Hydrophilic Method

    Developers Application

    Dry Developers

    Wet Developers

    Guidelines to Choose Developer

    Chapter Four Review

    23 24 26 29 28 28 28 29 31 33 37 37 38 39 40 40 40 43 44 45 45 46 48 49

    Page 2




    Interpretation and Evaluation of Indications

    Typical Indications in Penetrant Inspection

    False Indications

    Nonrelevant Indications

    True Indications

    Depth Determination of Penetrant Discontinuities

    Post Cleaning

    Quality Control of Penetrant Process Variables

    Aluminum Test Block

    Sensitivity Test

    Meniscus Test

    Ceramic Block Test

    Water Content Test

    Viscosity Test

    Fluorescent Penetrant Fade Test

    Water Washability Test

    Developer Test

    Portable Equipment


    Chapter Five Review

    50 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 56 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 61

    Page 3



    Categories of Discontinuities

    The Origins of Discontinuities

    Casting Discontinuities

    Processing Discontinuities

    Working the Billet

    Forging Discontinuities

    Service Discontinuities

    Chapter Six Review



    Identification and Comparison of Discontinuities

    Training and Certification

    Chapter Seven Review



    Controlling Liquid Penetrant Tests



    Written Practice

    Sample Specification Penetrant Testing Process

    Chapter Eight Review


    62 62 62 63 64 66 66 68 73 75 76 76 76 77 79 80 80 80 80 80 82 83 90 93

    Page 4



    Liquid penetrant testing is a nondestructive

    means of locating surface discontinuities

    based on capillarity or capillary action. Capillary

    action is responsible for both penetrant entry

    and exit from discontinuities.

    In the liquid penetrant method, the liquid is

    applied to the surface of the specimen and

    sufficient time is allowed for penetration of

    surface discontinuities. If the discontinuity is

    small or narrow as in a crack or pinhole,

    capillary assist the penetration.

    After sufficient time has passed for the

    penetrant to enter the discontinuity, the surface

    of the part is cleaned. Capillary action is again

    employed to act as blotter to draw penetrant

    from the discontinuity.


    Pengujian cairan penetrant merupakan pengujian

    tanpa merusak untuk menemukan diskontinuitas

    permukaan berdasarkan prinsip kapilaritas.

    Kapilaritas bertanggung jawab terhadap masuk

    dan keluarnya cairan penetrant dari dan ke dalam


    Pada metoda cairan penetrant, cairan diaplikasikan

    di atas permukaan spesimen dan diberikan waktu

    yang cukup untuk menyusup ke dalam

    diskontinuitas. Jika diskontinuitasnya kecil dan

    sempit seperti pada retak atau lubang jarum,

    kapilaritas membantu penetrasi.

    Setelah waktu mencukupi bagi penetrant untuk

    memasuki diskontinuitas, permukaan spesimen

    kemudian dibersihkan. Gaya kapiler sekali lagi

    bekerja sebagai penghisap yang menarik

    penetrant keluar dari dalam diskontinuitas.

    Page 5

  • Liquid penetrant inspection is a physical-

    chemical process. Application and reaction of

    the penetrant (chemical) is dependent upon the

    nature of the test article and the discontinuity it

    contains (physical).

    The ability of penetrant to spread over a solid

    surface is referred to as the wetting ability. The

    wetting ability and contact angle between solid-

    liquid are inversely proportional. The higher the

    wetting ability, the smaller the contact angle.

    The contact angle determines the wetting


    Pemeriksaan penetrant merupakan proses fisika-

    kimia. Aplikasi dan reaksi cairan penetrant (kimia)

    tergantung pada sifat artikel yang diuji dan

    diskontinuitas yang terdapat padanya (fisika).

    Kemampuan penetrant untuk menyebar di atas

    pemukaan benda padat disebut kemampu-

    basahan (wetting ability). Wetting ability dan sudut

    kontak (contact angle) antara benda cair dan

    padat adalah berbanding terbalik secara

    proporsional. Sudut kontak menentukan wetting


    Penetrating capability of a liquid penetrant is

    controlled by:

    Surface tension.

    Contact angle.

    Kemampuan penyusupan

    dikendalikan oleh:

    Tegangan permukaan.

    Sudut kontak.

    cairan penetran

    Page 6


    To insure visibility, the liquid penetrant contains

    either a colored dye easily seen in white light,

    or a fluorescent dye visible under black

    (ultraviolet) light.

    A penetrant examination consists of the

    following basic steps, regardless of the material


    Step 1: The test object or spot is

    thoroughly cleaned and


    Step 2: The penetrant is applied.

    Dwell time is allowed to

    penetrate discontinuities.

    Step 3: The excess surface

    penetrant is removed.

    Step 4: Developer is applied

    Step 5: Indications are evaluated

    and accepted or rejected.

    Step 6: After the penetrant test, the

    test object or spot is



    Agar dapat terlihat, cairan penetrant diberi pewarna

    merah yang dapat dilihat dengan cahaya biasa

    atau pewarna fluorescent yang dapat dilihat

    dengan cahaya ultraviolet.

    Pengujian penetrant terdiri dari tahapan-tahapan

    berikut tanpa mempertimbangkan material yang


    Langkah 1: Pembersihan dan pengeringan

    benda atau lokasi yang


    Langkah 2: Aplikasi penetrant. Dibiarkan

    beberapa lama agar menyusup

    ke dalam diskontinuitas.

    Langkah 3: Pembersihan penetrant sisa

    di permukaan.

    Langkah 4: Aplikasi developer

    Langkah 5: Evaluasi indikasi, diterima

    atau ditolak.

    Langkah 6: Pembersihan benda atau lokasi

    setelah selesai diuji.

    Page 7


    Discontinuities that are subsurface in one stage

    of production could be open to the surface at

    another stage, such as after grinding or


    Nonmetallic inclusions and porosity in the ingot

    may cause stringers, seams, forging laps, cold

    shuts, and the like as the billet or slabs is

    processed in the manner shown below.


    Diskontinuitas yang terletak dibawah permukaan

    pada satu tahapan produksi dapat terbuka ke

    permukaan pada tahapan lainnya seperti akibat

    penggerindaan dan permesinan.

    Inklusi nonlogam dan porositas dalam ingot dapat

    menyebabkan stringers, seams, lipatan tempa,

    cold shuts, dan sejenisnya saat billet atau slab

    diproses dengan cara seperti di bawah ini.

    Page 8


    Anything that could block the penetrant from

    entering the discontinuity must be removed.

    A list of contaminants that must be removed

    would include DIRT, GREASE, RUST,

    SCALE, ACIDS, and even WATER. The

    cleaning solvent used must be volatile

    (readily vaporized) so that it easily

    evaporates out of the discontinuity and does

    not dilute the penetrant.

    Surface preparation by mechanical cleaning

    such as wire brushing, abrasive blasting, emery

    cloths, and metal scraping are not generally

    recommended, but there are times when they

    must be used.

    When they are used, discontinuities that are

    open to the surface may be closed as ilustrated



    Semua kotoran yang menghalangi penetrant untuk

    memasuki diskontinuitas harus dibersihkan.

    Jenis kotoran yang harus dibersihkan meliputi


    bahkan AIR. Solvent yang digunakan untuk

    pembersih harus mudah menguap sehingga

    cepat keluar dari dalam dikontinuitas dan tidak

    mengencerkan penetrant.

    Pembersihan permukaan secara mekanis seperti

    memakai sikat baja, abrasive blasting, kertas

    gosok, dan alat sekrap umumnya tidak

    direkomendasikan, namun ada kalanya cara-cara

    tersebut harus digunakan.

    Apabila digunakan cara-cara di atas, diskontinuitas

    yang membuka ke permukaan dapat tertutupi

    seperti gambar di bawah ini.

    Page 9


    Historically, penetrant inspection was called oil

    and whiting method. The oil and whiting

    method used in the railroad industry, i.e.

    locomotive parts, etc. (axles, crank pins and

    couplers), in the early 1900s was the first

    recognized use of the principles of penetrants

    to detect cracks.

    The oil and whiting method used dirty or dark-

    colored lubricating oil that was thinned with

    kerosene followed by the application of a

    whiting or chalk coating, which absorbed oil

    from the cracks revealing their locations.

    By the 1940s, fluorescent or visible dye was

    added to the oil used to penetrate test objects.

    Following is stages of oil and whiting method.

    Experience showed that temperature and soak

    time were important.

    This started the practice of written instructions

    to provide standard, uniform results. The use of

    written procedures has evolved, giving the

    ability for design engineers and manufacturers

    to get the same high standard results from any

    properly trained and certified liquid penetrant

    testing technician.


    Menurut sejarahnya, pemeriksaan penetrant

    dulunya disebut metoda minyak dan kapur. Pada

    awal tahun 1900an, metoda ini digunakan dalam

    industri perkeretaapian untuk memeriksa kompo-

    nen lokomotip (batang torsi, batang penggerak,

    dan coupler, dll.), yang merupakan awal mula dike-

    nalnya prinsip penetrant untuk mendeteksi retak.

    Metoda minyak dan kapur memakai minyak lumas

    hitam yang diencerkan dengan minyak tanah,

    diikuti dengan aplikasi bubuk kapur di atasnya

    yang akan menyerap minyak dari dalam retak

    sehingga dapat diketahui lokasinya.

    Pada tahun 1940an, zat pewarna merah dan

    fluorescent dicampurkan ke dalam oli yang

    digunakan untuk pemeriksaan.

    Berikut adalah tahapan metoda pengujian minyak

    dan kapur.

    Pengalaman mengajarkan pentingnya mempertim-

    bangkan suhu dan waktu celup.

    Hal tersebut memicu diterapkannya penggunaan

    instruksi tertulis agar hasil pengujian menjadi

    standard dan seragam. Pemakaian prosedur

    tertulis diharapkan menjadikan pemeriksaan

    penetrant akan memberikan hasil dengan standard

    tinggi jika dikerjakan oleh teknisi yang terlatih.

    Page 10



    The liquid penetrants used in nondestructive

    testing can be categorized by the type of dye

    they contain.

    1. Visible dye penetrants contain a colored

    (usually red) dye.



    Cairan penetrant yang dipakai di dalam NDT dapat

    dikagorikan berdasarkan jenis zat pewarna yang


    1. Visible dye penetrants mengandung zat

    pewarna merah.

    2. Fluorescent penetrants

    fluorescent dye

    contain a 2. Fluorescent penetrants mengandung zat

    pewarna fluorescent (hijau-kuning).

    3. Dual sensitivity penetrants contain a

    combination of visible and fluorescent


    Penetrants can be further categorized by the

    processes used to remove the excess

    penetrant from the specimen.

    1. Water-washable penetrants, are either

    self-emulsifying or removable with plain


    2. Post-emulsifiable penetrants require a

    separate emulsifier to make the penetrant

    water washable.

    3. Solvent-removable penetrants must be

    removed with a solvent which is typical

    when using visible dye in pressurized

    spray cans.

    The basic liquid penetrant classification system

    is shown in Table 1.1.

    3. Dual sensitivity penetrants, mengandung

    kombinasi kedua zat pewarna, visible dan


    Penetrant dikelompokkan lebih lanjut berdasarkan

    proses pembersihan sisa penetrant dari permu-

    kaan spesimen.

    1. Water-washable penetrants, mengandung zat

    pengemulsi atau dapat dibilas dengan air.

    2. Post-emulsifiable penetrants, memerlukan

    pengemulsi terpisah untuk menjadikan

    penetrant dapat dibilas dengan air.

    3. Solvent removable penerants, harus

    dibersihkan dengan solvent khusus jika

    menggunakan penetrant visible dalam

    kaleng bertekanan.

    Sistem klasifikasi cairan penetrant dapat dilihat

    dalam Tabel 1.1.

    Table 1.1. Basic liquid penetrant classification system.

    Page 11

  • The flowchart below illustrates the processing

    Diagram alir berikut memperlihatkan urutan proses

    sequence with visible and fluorescent dengan penetran visible dan fluorescent.


    Page 12

  • Dual sensitivity penetrants would follow a

    processing sequence similar to that shown


    The selection of the best process depends


    1. Sensitivity required.

    2. Number of articles to be tested.

    3. Surface condition of part being


    4. Configuration of test specimen.

    5. Availability of water, electricity,

    compressed air, suitable testing area,


    Dual sensitivity penetrants mengikuti urutan proses

    yang diperlihatkan diagram alir di bawah ini. Pemilihan proses terbaik ditentukan oleh:

    1. Sensitivitas yang disyaratkan.

    2. Jumlah artikel yang diuji.

    3. Kondisi permukaan komponen yang


    4. Konfigurasi benda uji.

    5. Ketersediaan air, listrik, udara bertekanan,

    lokasi pengujian yang sesuai, dll.

    Page 13

  • Penetrant testing is succesfully used on most

    any materials, including metallic and

    nonmetallic objects.

    Metallic materials include aluminum, magne-

    sium, titanium, cast iron, stainless steel,

    powdered metal products, copper, brass, and

    bronze, as well as most other common alloys.

    Nonmetallic materials include ceramics, plastic,

    molded rubber, composites, and glass.

    Penetrant testing is limited by its inability to test

    materials with discontinuities that are NOT

    OPEN to the surface or having extremely

    porous surface.

    List below indicates the penetrant systems,

    ranging from the most sensitive and expensive

    to the least one.

    1. Post-emulsified fluorescent.

    2. Solvent-removable fluorescent.

    3. Water-washable fluorescent.

    4. Post-emulsified visible.

    5. Solvent-removable visible.

    6. Water-washable visible.

    Pengujian penetrant secara memuaskan dapat

    diplikasikan pada kebanyakan material, termasuk

    material logam dan nonlogam.

    Material logam termasuk aluminium, magnesium,

    titanium, besi cor, stainless steel, produk serbuk

    logam, paduan tembaga, kuningan, perunggu,

    juga paduan-paduan lainnya.

    Material nonlogam termasuk keramik, plastik,

    karet, komposit, dan kaca.

    Pengujian penetrant tidak dapat diaplikasikan

    untuk menemukan diskontinuitas yang TIDAK

    MEMBUKA ke permukaan dan permukaan material

    yang berpori.

    Daftar berikut menunjukkan tingkat sensitivitas

    sistem penetrant, dari mulai yang paling senfitif

    dan paling mahal.

    1. Post-emulsified fluorescent.

    2. Solvent-removable fluorescent.

    3. Water-washable fluorescent.

    4. Post-emulsified visible.

    5. Solvent-removable visible.

    6. Water-washable visible.

    Page 14


    _______ 1.

    _______ 2.

    _______ 3.

    _______ 4.

    _______ 5.

    _______ 6.

    _______ 7.

    _______ 8.

    _______ 9.

    Nonmetallic inclusions and porosity in the steel ingot are commonly found using liquid penetrant inspection techniques. Type II penetrants, according to our test, are those containing a fluorescent dye. Because of the capillary action of penetrants, this process of inspection works well on parts with very porous surfaces. When doing a liquid penetrant test, the configuration of the specimen has little effect on the effectiveness of the test. Liquid penetrant inspection can be used only on metals such as aluminum and steel. The penetrant inspection method is used only on the finished product. Oil and whiting are the names of the two men who invented the penetrant test method. The first important step in penetrant testing is surface preparation. One of the most common contaminants in the penetrant method is water.

    _______ 10. The most common method of surface preparation for penetrant testing is


    _______ 11. Chemical etching Is sometimes used to remove smeared metal from a surface to open discontinuilies.

    _______ 12. Some subsurface defects can be tested with the highly sensitive Type II


    _______ 13. Blow holes and gas porosity may be detected with the penetrant method.

    _______ 14. Solvent cleaning is a common method of surface cleaning parts before penetrant testing.

    _______ 15. The one major limitation to penetrant testing is that the part must be


    _______ 16. Grease and rust would usually be considered a contaminant on the surface of a test piece.

    _______ 17. To locate a defect with penetrant testing, the defect must be open to the


    _______ 18. It is considered advantageous for a liquid penetrant material to have low tension and high capillarity.

    Page 15



    This chapter discusses the equipment and

    material required to perform the various

    penetrant test and the required PRE and POST

    test cleaning.


    As discussed in Chapter 1, there are SIX basic

    steps required for a penetrant test. Surface

    preparation is entered on the flow diagram

    below as step one.

    Surface preparation, including proper cleaning

    is essential to liquid penetrant testing for TWO


    1. If the specimen is not physically and

    chemically clean and dry, penetrant

    testing may be ineffective.

    2. If all tracess of penetrant materials are

    not removed after the test, they may have

    a harmful effect on the specimen after the

    test object is placed in service (chlorine

    and sulfur may affect some alloys).

    Selection of the cleaning process breaks down

    to the following basic factors.

    Type of contaminant.

    Composition of the base material.

    Degree of cleanliness required.

    Availability of cleaning equipment.

    Cost and time factors.

    Unless the cleaning methods and chemicals

    are known to be compatible with the penetrant,

    a final cleaning should be done with the solvent

    recommended by the manufacturer.


    Bab ini mendiskusikan peralatan dan bahan yang

    diperlukan untuk melakukan pengujian penetrant

    serta pembersihan material SEBELUM dan

    SESUDAH pengujian.


    Telah disampaikan dalam Bab 1 bahwa ada ENAM

    langkah dasar pengujian penetrant. Penyiapan

    permukaan dimasukkan sebagai langkah pertama

    dalam diagram alir berikut.

    Pembersihan permukaan sangat penting dalam

    pengujian cairan penetrant karena DUA alasan:

    1. Jika spesimen tidak bersih secara fisika dan

    kimia, pengujian penetrant menjadi tidak


    2. Jika semua bekas material penetrant tidak

    dibersihkan setelah pengujian, maka akan

    merusak spesimen setelah benda tersebut

    terpasang (klorin dan sulfur dapat merusak

    beberapa jenis paduan).

    Pemilihan proses pembersihan ditentukan oleh

    faktor berikut.

    Jenis kotoran yang dibersihkan.

    Komposisi logam induk.

    Tingkat kebersihan yang disyaratkan.

    Ketersediaan peralatan pembersih.

    Faktor-faktor biaya dan waktu.

    Jika kompatibilitas antara metoda pembersihan,

    cairan pembersih dan penetrant tidak diketahui,

    pembersihan akhir sebaiknya dilakukan dengan

    solvent yang direkomendasikan oleh pabrik


    Page 16


    Immersion tanks and detergent solution may

    be used as an effective method for removing

    surface soils, particularly when employed as a

    hot tank process.

    However, since the solutions used may be

    either acidic or alkaline in nature, precautions

    must be taken to ensure that the selected

    detergent is noncorrosive to the article being


    When thoroughly rinsed and dried, detergent

    cleaning leaves a test surface that is physically

    and chemically clean.


    Vapor degreasing is effective in the removal of

    oil, grease, and similar organic contaminants.

    This method does not remove solid contami-

    nants such as varnish, paint, scale, or oxide.

    However, this method is considered as the

    most effective means of precleaning a test

    item prior to a penetrant test

    Safety and environmental concerns have

    virtually eliminated vapor degreasing. The chlo-

    rinated solvents employed (methyl chloroform),

    if acidic, can be harmful to certain materials

    such as nickel, stainless steel, and titanium.


    Steam cleaning is an excellent method of

    cleaning large articles, or portions of large

    articles that cannot be washed with detergents.

    It removes inorganic soils as well as many

    organic contaminants, but it may not reach to

    the bottom of deep discontinuities. A follow-up

    solvent soak is often recommended.


    Solvent cleaning may use immersion tank, or

    the solvent may be sprayed, brushed, or wiped

    on and wiped off. Solvent cleaning is the

    process most commonly used for spot


    Solvent cleaners should only be used to

    remove organic contaminants, and are not

    recommended for removing rust and scale,

    welding flux or spatter. Typical solvents are

    kerosene, paint thinner, alcohol, benzol, and



    Tangki perendam dan larutan deterjen dapat

    dipakai sebagai metoda yang efektip untuk

    membersihkan kotoran permukaan, utamanya jika

    memakai proses tangki panas.

    Namun demikian mengingat larutan yang dipakai

    dapat bersifat asam atau basa, harus diperhatikan

    agar deterjen yang dipilih tidak mengakibatkan

    korosi terhadap benda yang dibersihkan.

    Bila dibilas dengan bersih dan dikeringkan,

    pembersih deterjen menghasilkan permukaan

    yang bersih secara fisika dan kimia.


    Uap solvent efektif untuk membersihkan minyak,

    gemuk, dan kontaminan organik sejenisnya.

    Metoda ini tidak menghilangkan kontaminan padat

    seperti pernis, cat, kerak, dan oksida.

    Namun demikian, metoda ini dianggap sebagai

    cara yang paling efektip untuk membersihkan

    benda sebelum diuji penetrant.

    Masalah keselamatan dan lingkungan telah

    melarang penggunaan metoda ini. Chlorinated

    solvent yang dipakai (methyl chloroform), jika

    bersifat asam dapat merusak material seperti

    nickel, stainless steel, dan titanium.


    Pembersihan dengan uap air merupakan cara

    yang unggul untuk membersihkan benda beruku-

    ran besar yang tidak dapat dicuci dengan deterjen.

    Cara ini menghilangkan kotoran organik dan

    inorganik, namun tidak dapat mencapai dasar

    diskontinuitas yang dalam. Pencelupan ke dalam

    solvent setelahnya seringkali direkomendasikan.


    Cara ini dilakukan dengan pencelupan,

    penyemprotan, penyikatan, atau pengusapan.

    Pembersihan dengan solvent merupakan proses

    yang umum digunakan untuk pemeriksaan


    Solvent pembersih hanya untuk menghilangkan

    kotoran organik dan tidak diremomendasikan

    untuk menghilangkan karat dan kerak, flux

    pengelasan, atau percikan las. Cairan solvent

    contohnya minyak tanah, thinner cat, alkohol,

    benzol, dan trichloroethylene.

    Page 17


    Rust removers (descaling solutions, either

    alkaline or acid), pickling solutions (acid), and

    sometimes wire brushing are used to remove

    rust and surface scale. Wire brushing is

    accomplished with a minimum of pressure to

    avoid closing surface discontinuities or filing

    them with smeared metal.


    Dissolving type hot tank paint strippers and

    bond release or solvent paint strippers may be

    used to remove paint in precleaning.


    Etching is normally required on soft metallic

    materials (such as aluminum and magnesium),

    materials that tend to smear (such as titanium),

    and materials which have been mechanically

    process-ed by machining, grinding, or similar

    procedure. Etching is accomplished with either

    an acid or an alkaline solution to open up

    grinding burrs and remove metal from surface



    Ultrasonic cleaning equipment is useful in the

    cleaning of large quantities of small test

    objects. Ultrasonic cleaning is often combined

    with a solvent or detergent bath to improve

    cleaning efficiency and reduce cleaning time.

    The method works best with water and deter-

    gent cleaning when contaminants to be

    removed are inorganic, and with solvents when

    contaminants are organic.


    Cleaning processes that are not generally

    recommended include abrasive blasting (shot,

    sand, grit, or pressure), liquid honing, emery

    cloth, wire brushes, and metal scrapers, but

    there are times when they must be used.

    These processes tend to close discontinuities

    by peening or cold working the surface of the



    Penghilang karat dan kerak (larutan penghilang

    kerak, basa atau asam), larutan pickling (asam),

    dan kadang kala sikat baja digunakan untuk

    menghilangkan karat dan kerak permukaan.

    Penyikatan dilakukan dengan tekanan rendah

    untuk mencegah penutupan atau pengisian

    diskontinuitas permukaan oleh gram.


    Pengelupas cat dan pelepas ikatan memakai

    tangki pelarut panas atau solvent pengelupas cat

    dapat dipakai untuk menghilangkan cat saat

    pembersihan awal.


    Etsa biasanya disyaratkan pada material logam

    lunak (seperti aluminium dan magnesium), material

    yang cenderung teroksidasi (seperti titanium), dan

    material yang telah diproses secara mekanis

    melalui permesinan, penggerindaan atau sejenis-

    nya. Etsa dilakukan dengan larutan asam atau

    basa untuk membuka bekas gerinda dan

    menghilangkan gram dari permukaan diskonti-



    Peralatan ultrasonik dipakai untuk membersihkan

    benda berukuran kecil yang jumlahnya banyak.

    Pembersihan ultrasonik seringkali memakai bak

    berisi cairan solvent atau deterjen untuk mening-

    katkan efisiensi pembersihan dan menghemat


    Campuran air dan deterjen merupakan yang

    terbaik untuk membersihkan kontaminan inorganik,

    sementara cairan solvent untuk membersihkan

    kontaminan organik.


    Proses pembersihan yang umumnya tidak direko-

    mendasikan adalah abrasive blasting (pelor, pasir,

    atau tekanan), cairan pengasah, ampelas, sikat

    baja dan penyekrapan. Namun ada kalanya cara-

    cara tersebut harus dilakukan.

    Proses ini cenderung menutup diskontinuitas

    dengan cara pemukulan atau pengerjaan dingin

    pada permukaan spesimen.

    Page 18

  • When mechanical cleaning must be used,

    closed discontinuities can be reopened with a

    chemical etch that removes a very slight

    amount of material from the surface.

    Saat pembersihan mekanis harus dilakukan,

    diskontinuitas yang menutup dapat dibuka kembali

    dengan pengetsaan yang akan menghilangkan

    lapisan tipis material dari permukaan.

    Table 2.1. Mechanical cleaning processes.

    Table 2.2. Chemical cleaning processes.

    Page 19



    Stationary equipment is that equipment which

    is normally located in one place. The equip-

    ment varies in size and is largely dependent

    upon the size and type of the test specimen.

    Depending on the type and process used, a

    stationary system could include the following:

    1. Precleaning Station (usually remote from

    penetrant test station)

    2. Penetrant Station (tank)

    3. Drain Station (used with penetrant tank)

    4. Emulsifier Station (tank)

    5. Rinse Station (tank)

    6. Developer Station (tank, dust chamber,

    or spray equipment)

    7. Dryer Station (usually an oven type)

    8. Inspection Station (enclosed booth or

    table with lighting facilities)

    9. Postcleaning Station (usually remote from penetrant test station)



    Peralatan stasioner maksudnya adalah peralatan

    yang letaknya menetap di satu lokasi. Peralatan

    tersebut ukurannya bervariasi yang bergantung

    pada ukuran dan jenis spesimen uji.

    Tergantung pada jenis dan proses yang diguna-

    kan, sistem stasioner terdiri dari bagian-bagian:

    1. Tempat pembersihan awal (jauh dari lokasi


    2. Tangki berisi cairan penetrant

    3. Tempat pengering (digunakan bareng

    dengan tangki penetrant)

    4. Tangki berisi cairan pengemulsi

    5. Tangki pembilasan

    6. Lokasi developer (tangki, dust chamber, atau

    peralatan penyemprot)

    7. Tempat pengeringan (berupa oven)

    8. Tempat pemeriksaan (bilik tertutup atau meja

    dengan lampu penerangan)

    9. Tempat pembersihan akhir (jauh dari lokasi


    Page 20



    Both visible and fluorescent dye penetrants are

    available in kits which can be used at a remote

    location, or when testing a small portion of a

    large article. The liquids are usually supplied in

    pressurized (aerosol) spray cans.

    A visible dye kit usually consists of:

    Solvent cleaner or penetrant remover.

    Visible dye penetrant.

    Nonaqueous wet developer.

    Wiping cloths and brush.

    A fluorescent dye kit usually contains the


    Solvent cleaner or penetrant remover.

    Fluorescent dye penetrant.

    Nonaqueous wet developer.

    Wiping cloths and brush.

    Portable black light and transformer.

    Hood to provide darkened area for

    viewing indications.



    Baik penetrant visible maupun fluorescent tersedia

    dalam bentuk paket yang dapat dipakai memeriksa

    di lokasi terbuka, atau saat menguji bagian dari

    benda berukuran besar. Keduanya dikemas dalam

    bentuk kaleng semprot bertekanan.

    Paket penetrant visible terdiri dari:

    Kaleng berisi solvent pembersih.

    Kaleng berisi penetrant.

    Kaleng berisi nonaqueous wet developer.

    Kain lap dan kuas.

    Paket penetrant fluorescent biasanya terdiri dari:

    Kaleng berisi solvent pembersih.

    Kaleng berisi penetrant fluorescent.

    Kaleng berisi nonaqueous wet developer

    Kain lap dan kuas.

    Lampu ultraviolet dan trafonya.

    Tudung kain hitam untuk melakukan


    Page 21


    Black light equipment is required in fluorescent

    penetrant testing since it supplies light of the

    correct wavelengths that fall between visible

    and ultraviolet, i.e. 365 nm (3650 angstroms)

    to cause fluorescent materials to fluoresce.

    For correct test results, the lamp should

    produce an intensity of at least 1000 W/cm2

    (microwatts per square centi-meter) at the test


    Fluorescent penetrant dyes are usually in the

    range of 475 nm to 575 nm, which is in the

    visible spectrum of green to yellow.

    The deep red-purple filter is designed to pass

    only those wavelengths of light that will activate

    the fluorescent material. Provided that the filter

    is not broken or cracked, there is no danger of

    injury to the human eye. It is suggested that the

    filter be checked prior to each use.

    At least 5 minutes of warm up is required to

    reach the required arc temperature when using

    mercury arc lamp. Once turned on, the lamp is

    usually left on during the entire test or work

    period, since switching the lamp on and off

    shortens bulb life. If the black light is switched

    off, it may take up to 10 minutes for the bulb to

    cool sufficiently to reestablish an arc.


    Lampu ultraviolet diperlukan pada pengujian

    penetrant fluorescent karena menghasilkan cahaya

    dengan panjang gelombang 365 nm (3650

    angstroms) yang mengakibatkan material fluores-

    cent berpendar.

    Agar hasil pengujiannya akurat, lampu tersebut

    harus menghasilkan intensitas cahaya minimum

    1000 W/cm2 pada permukaan benda yang


    Zat pewarna fluorescent memiliki panjang gelom-

    bang antara 475 nm sampai 575 nm, dapat terlihat

    dengan spektrum warna hijau sampai kuning.

    Filter berwarna merah-keunguan dirancang hanya

    untuk dilalui cahaya dengan panjang gelombang

    tertentu yang akan mengaktifkan material fluores-

    cent. Asalkan filternya tidak pecah atau retak,

    lampu ultraviolet tidak membahayakan mata. Disa-

    rankan agar filter diperiksa tiap kali akan dipakai.

    Minimum 5 menit disyaratkan untuk pemanasan

    jika memakai lampu mercury. Setelah dinyalakan,

    lampu tersebut sebaiknya dibiarkan menyala

    selama pemeriksaan berlangsung karena sering

    mematinyalakan lampu akan memperpendek usia

    pakai. Jika dimatikan, lampu ultraviolet perlu waktu

    10 menit untuk pendinginan yang cukup sebelum

    bisa menyala lagi.

    Page 22


    Penetrant testing materials can be used in a

    variety of combinations. Most materials are

    available in either pressurized spray cans or in

    bulk quantities.

    The flow chart below illustrates the different

    material combinations. However, care should

    always be taken to assure that manufacturers

    specifications or company procedures are

    closely followed.

    Among the combinations, DRY DEVELOPER


    Material untuk pengujian penetrant dapat dipakai

    dalam berbagai kombinasi. Kebanyakan material

    tersedia dalam kaleng bertekanan atau cairan

    berkuantitas besar.

    Diagram alir di bawah ini memperlihatkan kombi-

    nasi material penetrant yang berbeda. Namun

    demikian perlu diperhatikan agar selalu mengikuti

    spesifikasi pabrik pembuat atau prosedur


    Diantara kombinasi tersebut, DEVELOPER KERING

    should not be used with VISIBLE DYE sebaiknya tidak dipakai dengan VISIBLE DYE

    PENETRANT because of the poor contrast

    provided by the thin coating of very fine


    PENETRANT karena kontras yang jelek antara

    lapisan tipis serbuk developer dengan cairan

    penetrant yang berwarna merah.

    The most sensitive developer-penetrant Kombinasi developer-penetrant yang paling

    combination: nonaqueous-fluorescent.

    The least sensitive developer-penetrant combi-

    nation: water suspended-visible.

    sensitip: nonaqueous-fluorescent.

    Kombinasi developer-penetrant yang paling tidak

    sensitip: water suspended-visible.

    Page 23


    Penetrant materials are often restricted to

    specific groups. The established groups of

    penetrant materials will use the following in a

    variety of combinations to obtain the best


    1. Water-washable penetrants contain an

    emulsifying agent which makes them

    easily removable by a water rinse or

    wash. This penetrant material can be

    obtained with either a visible or

    fluorescent dye.

    2. Post-emulsifiable penetrants are highly

    penetrating, oily visible or fluorescent

    penetrants which are not soluble in water.

    These penetrants must be treated with an

    emulsifier before they can be removed by

    a water rinse or wash.

    3. Solvent-removable penetrants are oily

    penetrants that do not contain an

    emulsifying agent and are removable

    only by solvents specifically designed for

    that purpose.

    4. Emulsifier when applied to a penetrant-

    coated specimen make the resultant

    mixture removable by water rinse or

    wash. Emulsifiers have low penetrant

    characteristics and do not remove

    indications from the specimen surface.

    5. Removers (solvent) are designed to be

    used in conjunction with specific

    penetrants. Typical removers are

    available in bulk or pressurizes spray


    6. Dry developers are a fluffy, absorbent

    white powder that is used in both

    fluorescent and visible dye penetrant

    tests. It functions to draw the penetrant

    inside discontinuities to the surface thus

    making them visible.

    7. Wet developers function similarly to dry

    developers except that they are a mixture

    of a developing powder and water.

    8. Nonaqueous wet developers differ from

    wet developers in that the developer

    powder is mixed with a rapid-drying liquid



    Material penetrant seringkali dibatasi dalam

    kelompok-kelompok khusus. Kelompok material

    tersebut menggunakan kombinasi di bawah ini

    untuk memperoleh hasil terbaik.

    1. Water-washable penetrant mengandung

    zat pengemulsi yang membuatnya mudah

    dibersihkan dengan bilasan air. Material

    penetrant ini dapat dibeli dalam bentuk

    visible atau fluorescent.

    2. Post-emulsifiable penetrant memiliki

    kemampuan penetrasi yang bagus, berupa

    minyak fluorescent atau visible yang tidak

    larut dalam air. Emulsifier harus diaplikasikan

    pada permukaan penetrant agar dapat

    dibilas dengan air.

    3. Solvent-removable penetrant berupa

    minyak penetrant yang tidak mengandung

    zat pengemulsi, dan hanya bisa dibersihkan

    dengan solvent yang khusus digunakan

    untuk tujuan tersebut.

    4. Zat Pengemulsi jika diaplikasikan pada

    lapisan penetrant di permukaan spesimen

    menghasilkan campuran yang dapat dibilas

    dengan air. Emulsifier memiliki sifat penetrasi

    yang buruk sehingga tidak menghilangkan

    indikasi dari permukaan benda uji.

    5. Remover (solvent) didisain untuk

    digunakan bersama dengan jenis penetrant

    khusus. Remover tertentu dijual dalam

    jumlah besar atau dalam kaleng semprot


    6. Developer kering serbuk penyerap, halus,

    berwarna putih yang dipakai bersama

    dengan pengujian penetrant visible dan

    fluorescent. Fungsinya adalah untuk menarik

    penetrant dari dalam diskontinuitas sehingga

    tampak di permukaan.

    7. Developer basah fungsinya mirip dengan

    developer kering, hanya saja merupakan

    campuran serbuk developer dengan air.

    8. Nonaqueous wet developer berbeda

    dengan developer basah, dimana serbuk

    developer dicampur dengan cairan solvent

    yang mudah menguap.


    Liquid oxygen (LOX) compatible materials must be used when articles inspected are subjected to contact with either liquid or gaseous oxygen.

    Page 24

  • 9.

    Liquid oxygen (LOX) compatible

    materials must be used when articles

    inspected are subjected to contact with

    either liquid or gaseous oxygen. These

    materials are specifically designed to be

    inert when in the presence of LOX.

    During manufacture and testing of the

    article, special care is taken not to

    contaminate the article with combustible


    By itself, liquid oxygen is nonexplosive,

    but whenever it comes in contact with a

    combustible material, a spontaneous

    explosive situation occur where the

    slightest spark could set off a violent


    Material yang kompatibel dengan oksigen

    cair (LOX) harus digunakan saat benda

    yang diperiksa bersinggungan dengan

    oksigen cair atau gas oksigen. Material jenis

    ini khusus didisain menjadi mulia saat

    terkena oksigen cair.

    Selama pembuatan dan pengujian artikel,

    perhatian khusus harus diberikan untuk tidak

    mengotori artikel tersebut dengan material

    yang mudah terbakar.

    Berdasar sifatnya, oksigen cair tidak mudah

    meledak, namun saat terkena kontak dengan

    material yang mudah terbakar, ledakan

    spontan dapat terjadi akibat adanya percikan

    api yang kecil saja.


    10. Low sulfur and low chlorine When small

    quantities of sulfur and chlorine are

    ionized and come into contact with

    austenitic stainless steels, high nickel

    alloys, cobalt alloys and titanium alloys,

    corrosion may result.

    This corrosiveness is accelerated when

    the alloys are used at elevated tempe-

    ratures and/or under residual stress

    resulting in intergranular corrosion,

    hydrogen embrittlement and stress


    Sulfur and chlorine are not essential to

    penetrant systems but they do exist in

    trace amounts in the raw materials.

    Nuclear and boiler codes specify from

    0.5% to 1% by weight as the maximums.

    10. Kadar sulfur dan klorin yang rendah Korosi

    akan terjadi apabila sejumlah kecil sulfur dan

    klorine terionisasi dan bereaksi dengan

    austenitic stainless steel, paduan nickel

    kadar tinggi, paduan cobalt, dan paduan


    Laju korosi akan dipercepat saat paduan

    tersebut digunakan pada suhu tinggi

    dan/atau terkena tegangan sisa hingga

    terjadi korosi batas butir, penggetasan

    hidrogen, dan korosi tegangan.

    Sulfur dan klorin bukan merupakan unsur

    penting dalam sistem penetrant, namun

    mereka dalam jumlah kecil terdapat dalam

    bahan baku penetrant.

    Codes untuk nuklir dan boiler menyebutkan

    batas maksimum sebesar 0.5% hingga 1%


    Page 25


    In general, the materials used in penetrant

    inspection can be flammable and can cause

    skin irritations.


    spectrum of light rays generated from the

    mercury arc lamp can cause sunburn and

    may be injurious to the eyes. However, if the

    proper filter for fluorescent dye inspection is

    used, the harmful rays will be filtered out.

    Personnel who use ultraviolet lights to

    perform penetrant tests with fluorescent

    penetrant that glows in the green-yellow

    range should consider wearing yellow

    glasses to block ultraviolet light from their


    FIRE many penetrant materials are

    flammable. Occupational Safety and Health

    Administration (OSHA) regulations requires

    that penetrant materials used in open tanks

    have a flashpoint of greater than 93C. The

    higher the flashpoint of a material, the less

    fire hazard it presents.

    SKIN IRRITATION skin irritation can be

    avoided by preventing unnecessary contact

    and by the use of gloves, aprons, and

    protective hand creams.

    AIR POLLUTION the developing powders

    are considered nontoxic but excessive

    inhalation must be avoided. Exhaust fans

    should be installed in any confined area

    where dry developers or vapors from

    penetrants are present.


    Pada umumnya material yang dipakai dalam

    pemeriksaan penetrant mudah terbakar dan dapat

    menyebabkan iritasi kulit.


    ultraviolet yang dihasilkan oleh lampu mercury

    dapat mengakibatkan kulit terbakar dan melukai

    mata. Namun demikian jika filter lampu

    digunakan dengan benar, sinar yang merugikan

    dapat disaring.

    Personil yang menggunakan lampu ultraviolet

    untuk melakukan pengujian dengan penetrant

    berwarna hijau-kuning sebaiknya memakai kaca

    mata pelindung warna kuning untuk

    menghalangi masuknya cahaya ultraviolet ke

    dalam mata.

    KEBAKARAN kebanyakan material penetrant

    mudah terbakar. Peraturan OSHA mensyaratkan

    bahwa material penetrant yang digunakan

    dalam tangki terbuka memiliki titik nyala lebih

    dari 93C. Makin tinggi titik nyala suatu material,

    makin rendah bahaya kebakaran yang


    IRITASI KULIT iritasi kulit dapat dihindari

    dengan mencegah kontak yang tidak perlu dan

    dengan pemakaian sarung tangan, baju

    pelindung, dan krim pelindung tangan.

    POLUSI UDARA serbuk developer tidak

    beracun, namun menghirupnya secara

    berlebihan harus dihindari. Kipas penghisap

    udara sebaiknya dipasang pada daerah tertutup

    dimana terdapat serbuk developer atau uap



    Penetrant waste should be collected and

    treated. This can be very expensive; the best

    way to reduce this cost is to control the

    amount of penetrant materials used.

    Buangan penetrant harus dikumpulkan dan

    diolah. Hal ini bisa sangat mahal; cara terbaik

    untuk menghemat biaya yaitu dengan mengen-

    dalikan jumlah material penetrant yang dipakai.

    Page 26

  • Page 27

  • Page 28


    _______ 1.

    _______ 2.

    _______ 3.

    _______ 4.

    _______ 5.

    _______ 6.

    _______ 7.

    _______ 8.

    _______ 9.

    Wire brushing Is a common and acceptable method of surface cleaning a test part that is to be penetrant inspected. A good exhaust system is recommended when working with cleaning solvents. Vapor degreasing is often used to remove oxidation, rust, and scale before a part is penetrant inspected. Parts that have been painted usually cannot be inspected with penetrants because suitable paint removing techniques have not been developed. Detergent cleaning is acceptable for postcleaning but should never be used for precleaning because it may affect the emulsifier during the penetrant test. Etching is often effective in precleaning a part that has been machined to a specific tolerance by surface grinding. Only visible dye penetrants are available in portable kits because fluorescent dyes will not function in pressurized spray cans. Dry developers are usually only used with visible dye penetrants. Emulsifiers and solvents are both commonly used in penetrant testing as postcleaners.

    _______ 10. Wet developers should never be used when they will come into contact with

    gaseous or liquid oxygen because of the results caused by oxygen and water mixing.

    _______ 11. Emulsifiers must have high penetrating characteristics to emulsify

    penetrants that lie in fillets and corners.

    _______ 12. The black light used in fluorescent penetrant inspection is not hazardous to the human eyes if the correct filter is in place and not broken or cracked.

    _______ 13. Penetrant materials are often placed in groupings that will assure a valid test

    with materials that are compatible with each other.

    _______ 14. Nonaqueous developer refers to a powder that is applied dry.

    _______ 15. Post-emulsifiable penetrants are usually soluble in water after the application of an emulsifier.

    _______ 16. Water-washable penetrants are cornmonly used with either a visible or

    fluorescent dye.

    _______ 17. Flashpoint refers to the lowest temperature at which vapors will ignite when exposed to flame.

    Page 29



    This chapter discusses penetrant application.

    As discussed in Chapter 2, surface cleaning is

    the first step prior to the penetrant application.


    The effectiveness of liquid penetrant testing is

    based upon the ability of the penetrant to enter

    surface discontinuities. All paint, carbon, oil,

    varnish, oxide, plating, water, dirt, and similr

    coating must be removed before application of


    Liquid penetrant placed on the surface of a

    specimen does not merely seep into

    discontinuities. It is pulled into them by capillary

    action. This is the reason one can cover the

    under surface of an item with a penetrant and

    still have a valid test.

    The following are typical cleaning methods

    discussed earlier.

    1. Detergent cleaning

    2. Vapor degreasing

    3. Steam cleaning

    4. Solvent cleaning

    5. Rust and surface scale remover

    6. Paint removal

    7. Etching

    8. Ultrasonic cleaning

    9. Mechanical cleaning


    Bab ini mendiskusikan aplikasi penetrant. Seperti

    dibahas dalam Bab 2, pembersihan permukaan

    adalah tahap pertama sebelum aplikasi penetrant.


    Efektifitas pengujian cairan penetrant bergantung

    pada kemampuan penetrant untuk menyusup ke

    dalam cacat permukaan. Semua cat, karbon, oli,

    pernis, oksida, lapisan, air, kotoran dan cat

    sejenisnya harus dihilangkan sebelum aplikasi


    Cairan penetrant di atas permukaan benda uji tidak

    semata-mata meresap ke dalam diskontinuitas.

    Penetrant tertarik ke dalamnya oleh gaya kapiler.

    Inilah mengapa permukaan bagian bawah dari

    suatu benda masih dapat diperiksa dengan

    penetrant dan memperoleh hasil yang valid. Berikut adalah metoda pembersihan permukaan

    seperti didiskusikan sebelumnya:

    1. Pembersihan dengan deterjen

    2. Pembersihan dengan uap solvent

    3. Pembersihan dengan uap air

    4. Pembersihan dengan solvent

    5. Penghilang karat dan kerak permukaan

    6. Penghilang cat

    7. Etsa

    8. Pembersihan ultrasonik

    9. Pembersihan secara mekanis

    Page 30


    Since penetrant application is step two in the

    process, lets add it to the flow diagram.

    Almost any liquid could be considered a

    penetrant, but modern penetrants must have:

    1. The ability to hold a dye material in


    2. The ability to spread the dye evenly over

    the surface.

    3. The ability to carry the dye into any

    discontinuity open to the surface.

    4. The ability to bring up the dye as it is

    coaxed back to the surface.

    5. The ability, when desired, to be easily


    There are two types of dye used in modern


    1. Visible or color contrast a brightly

    colored dye that is highly visible under

    normal lighting conditions.

    2. Fluorescent or brightness contrast an

    almost colorless dye which emits visible

    ligh rays when viewed under black light.

    A dye with dual sensitivity, or dual-mode, or

    dual-response contains a combination of

    visible and fluorescent dyes.

    The visible color is generally a bright red and

    the fluorescent color a bronze-orange or


    The combination permits penetrant tests to

    be made under visible light and question-

    able indications to be resolved under black

    light; hence the term dual response.


    Aplikasi penetrant merupakan tahapan kedua

    dalam proses pemeriksaan.

    Hampir semua cairan dapat dianggap sebagai

    penetrant, namun penetrant moderen harus


    1. Kemampuan menahan zat pewarna dalam


    2. Kemampuan menyebarkan pewarna secara

    merata di atas permukaan benda.

    3. Kemampuan membawa pewarna ke dalam

    diskontinuitas yang terbuka ke permukaan

    4. Kemampuan membawa kembali pewarna ke


    5. Kemampuan, jika diinginkan, untuk dibersih-

    kan dengan mudah.

    Ada dua jenis zat pewarna yang digunakan dalam

    penetrant moderen:

    1. Visible atau color contrast pewarna merah

    yang tampak jelas di bawah kondisi

    pencahayaan normal.

    2. Fluorescent or brightness contrast pewarna

    yang akan memancarkan cahaya tampak

    apabila dilihat dengan lampu ultraviolet.

    Pewarna dengan sensitivitas ganda atau mode

    ganda atau respon ganda mengandung kombinasi

    pewarna visible dan fluorescent.

    Pewarna visible umumnya merah menyala dan

    pewarna fluorescent berwarna kuning-perunggu

    atau biru-hijau.

    Kombinasi ini memungkinkan pengujian

    penetrant dilakukan di bawah cahaya biasa dan

    indikasi yang meragukan diperiksa di bawah

    cahaya ultraviolet.

    Page 31

  • Penetrants, either fluorescent or visible can be

    applied by any one of the following means:

    1. Spraying usually using a conventional

    low pressure spray guns or from

    pressurized spray cans.

    2. Brushing or swabbing usually applied

    with rags, cotton waste, or brushes, when

    testing a small, specific area of the


    3. Dipping or immersion the article is

    generally lowered into a tank of

    penetrant, then raised and allowed to

    drain. This method is impractical when

    dealing with large articles, and is wasteful

    when only small areas of a large

    specimen are to be tested.

    4. Flowing or drain-dwell the penetrant is

    simply poured over the surface and

    allowing it to drain.

    The terminology used in penetrant application

    is listed in Table 3.1.

    Penetrant, baik fluorescent maupun visible dapat

    diaplikasikan dengan salah satu dari cara berikut:

    1. Penyemprotan biasanya menggunakan alat

    penyemprot bertekanan rendah atau dari

    kaleng semprot bertekanan.

    2. Kuas atau kain bisasanya diaplikasikan

    dengan kain lap, kapas, atau kuas, apabila

    menguji sebagian kecil/lokasi dari suatu


    3. Pencelupan benda uji dibenamkan ke

    dalam tangki penetrant, lalu diangkat dan

    ditiriskan. Metoda ini tidak cocok untuk

    benda berukuran besar dan merupakan

    pemborosan apabila hanya daerah kecil saja

    yang diuji.

    4. Penuangan penetrant dituangkan di atas

    permukaan benda dan setelah itu ditiriskan. Istilah yang digunakan dalam aplikasi penetrant

    dapat dilihat dalam Table 3.1.

    Table 3.1. Liquid penetrant application terminology.

    Page 32


    The period of time during which the penetrant

    is permitted to remain on the specimen is a

    vital part of the test. This time, known as dwell

    time, is directly related to the size and shape of

    the discontinuities anticipated since the

    dimensions of the discontinuities determine the

    rapidity with which penetration occurs.

    Tight, crack-like discontinuities may require in

    excess of 30 minutes for penetration to an

    extent that an adequate indication can be

    expected. Gross discontinuities may be

    suitably penetrated in 3 to 5 minutes.

    The temperature of the specimen and

    temperature of the penetrant can affect the

    required dwell time.

    Warming the specimen accelerates

    penetration and shortens dwell time.

    However, care should be taken not to

    overheat the specimen since too much heat

    may cause evaporation of the penetrant

    from the discontinuity, and thereby reduce


    Dwell times are based on the assumption

    that the penetrant will remain wet on the part

    surface. Additional penetrant may be

    applied during dwell time.

    In each instance, dwell time is determined by

    the anticipated discontinuities and the

    penetrant manufacturers recommendations.

    Typical minimum penetration times are shown

    in Table 3.2.


    Jangka waktu dimana penetrant berada di atas

    permukaan benda uji merupakan bagian

    terpenting dari pengujian. Jangka waktu ini dikenal

    sebagai waktu diam, yang berhubungan langsung

    dengan ukuran dan bentuk diskontinuitas yang

    dicari mengingat ukuran diskontinuitas menentu-

    kan kecepatan terjadinya penetrasi.

    Diskontinuitas yang rapat, seperti retakan

    memerlukan waktu penetrasi lebih dari 30 menit

    untuk terbentuknya indikasi. Diskontinuitas

    berukuran besar memerlukan waktu penetrasi

    antara 3 sampai 5 menit.

    Suhu benda uji dan suhu cairan penetrant dapat

    mempengaruhi waktu diam yang disyaratkan.

    Menghangatkan benda uji mempercepat

    penetrasi dan mempersingkat waktu diam.

    Namun demikian perlu diperhatikan agar tidak

    berlebihan memanaskan spesimen karena suhu

    yang terlalu tinggi menyebabkan penguapan

    penetrant dari dalam diskontinuitas, yang

    akhirnya akan mengurangi sensitivitas.

    Waktu diam didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa

    penetrant tetap dalam kondisi basah pada

    permukaan benda. Penambahan penetrant

    selama waktu diam diperbolehkan.

    Pada tiap kasus, waktu diam ditentukan oleh jenis

    diskontinuitas yang hendak dicari dan

    rekomendasi dari pabrik pembuat penetrant.

    Waktu penetrasi minimum untuk kasus tertentu

    diperlihatkan dalam Tabel 3.2.

    Page 33

  • Table 3.2. Typical minimum penetration time.

    Page 34


    We previously mentioned the two types of

    penetrants: visible and fluorescent. For both

    categories, there is a further breakdown.

    1. Water-washable (visible or fluorescent).

    2. Post-emulsifiable (visible or fluorescent).

    3. Solvent-removable (visible or fluorescent).

    Water-washable Penetrants (WW Penetrants)

    WW penetrants have a built-in emulsifier, or

    what-so-called self-emulsifying penetrants.

    The penetrant is soluble in water and is easily

    removed by a water rinse.

    Care must be taken to insure that the spray

    volume and force does not wash penetrant out

    of the discontinuity. A solid stream of water is

    not desirable. A coarse droplet size provides

    optimal removal. Water pressure should not

    exceed 40 psi.

    The recommended temperature range for water

    rinse is 10oC - 38oC. Water temperatures above

    38oC are not recommended because this may

    speed up the evaporation of the penetrant.

    At angles of 80-90 degree, the spray droplets

    will rebound into oncoming spray, which diverts

    the droplets and reduce velocity. Generally, an

    angle of 45-75 degree is most effective.

    The sketch below represents the steps in a

    water-washable penetrant test.


    Telah disebutkan sebelumnya ada dua jenis

    penetrant: visible dan fluorescent. Kedua jenis

    penetrant tersebut dapat dirinci menjadi:

    1. Water-washable (visible atau fluorescent).

    2. Post-emulsifiable (visible atau fluorescent).

    3. Solvent-removable (visible atau fluorescent).

    Water-washable Penetrants (WW Penetrants)

    WW penetrant mengandung zat pengemulsi, atau

    dinamakan penetrant self-emulsifying. Penetrant

    ini larut dalam air dan mudah dibersihkan dengan

    bilasan air.

    Harus diperhatikan agar volume dan kekuatan

    semprot tidak sampai membasuh penetrant dari

    dalam diskontinuitas. Aliran air yang pejal tidak

    diinginkan. Air dalam bentuk percikan kasar

    menghasilkan pembersihan yang optimal. Tekanan

    air tidak boleh melebihi 40 psi.

    Suhu air pembilas yang direkomendasikan sebesar

    10oC - 38oC. Suhu air melebihi 38oC tidak direko-

    mendasikan karena dapat mempercepat pengua-

    pan penetrant.

    Pada sudut 80-90 derajat, titik-titik air akan

    memantul kembali dan menabrak titik air yang

    datang sehingga mengurangi kecepatan. Sudut

    semprot yang paling efektif adalah 45-75 derajat.

    Gambar di bawah memperlihatkan langkah-

    langkah pengujian water-washable penetrant.

    Page 35

  • Water-washable penetrants are usually

    preferred for use on articles with a rough

    surface or if they contain threads or keyways.

    The built-in emulsifier provides the best

    penetrant removal from blind holes and other

    hard-to-reach locations, but has the

    disadvantage of poor reliability in detecting

    wide or shallow discontinuities.

    Post-emulsifiable Penetrants (PE Penetrants)

    The penetrants employed in the PE process

    DO NOT contain an emulsifying agent. The

    penetrant is NOT soluble in water.

    PE penetrants require a two-step removal

    process. Excess penetrant is removed by

    applying a separate emulsifier to make the

    penetrant water-washable. The emulsifier is

    usually applied by dipping/immersion,

    spraying, or flowing. The amount of dwell time

    in the emulsifier is in the range of one to four

    minutes in accordance with manufacturer

    recommendations and the type of defects


    The resultant penetrant-emulsifier mixture is

    removed by water rinse.

    Solvent-removable Penetrants (SR Penetrants)

    The solvent removable method employs post-

    emulsification-type penetrant. But instead of

    using an emulsifier and water wash, excess

    penetrant is removed by a solvent.

    SR penetrants have the advantage of portability

    and can be used outdoors without using heavy

    complex equipment.

    They are excellent for many maintenance

    inspection and for checking portions of larger


    Water-washable penetrant biasanya digunakan

    untuk memeriksa benda yang permukaannya kasar

    atau benda yang ada ulir atau alurnya.

    Emulsifier yang ada di dalamnya mengakibatkan

    penetrant mudah dihilangkan dari lubang buntu

    dan lokasi yang sulit dijangkau, namun memiliki

    kelemahan dalam mendeteksi diskontinuitas yang

    lebar dan dangkal. Post-emulsifiable Penetrants (PE Penetrants)

    Penetrant yang dipakai pada proses PE tidak

    mengandung zat pengemulsi. Penetrant ini tidak

    larut dalam air.

    PE penetrant memerlukan dua langkah proses

    pembersihan. Sisa penetrant dibersihkan dengan

    aplikasi emulsifier secara terpisah sehingga

    penetrant dapat dibilas dengan air. Emulsifier

    biasanya diaplikasikan dengan pencelupan,

    penyemprotan, atau penuangan. Lamanya waktu

    diam untuk emulsifier adalah satu sampai empat

    menit mengacu pada rekomendasi pabrik

    pembuat dan jenis cacat yang dicari.

    Hasil campuran antara penetrant dan emulsifier

    selanjutnya dapat dibilas dengan air.

    Solvent-removable Penetrants (SR Penetrants)

    Metoda solvent removable menggunakan

    penetrant jenis post-emulsification. Solvent

    digunakan untuk menghilangkan pentrant sisa

    yang ada di permukaan benda.

    SR penetrant menguntungkan dari segi portabilitas

    dan dapat digunakan di luar tanpa menggunakan

    peralatan yang berat dan rumit.

    Cara ini sangat memuaskan untuk pemeriksaan

    pemeliharaan dan untuk memeriksa bagian dari

    suatu struktur yang besar.

    Page 36

  • Penetrant is often applied from a pressurized

    spray can which makes the system very


    After the specified dwell time, the excess

    penetrant is first removed by wiping with

    absorbent towels and then cleaned with towels

    dampened with solvent.

    Solvent is NEVER applied directly to the

    specimen as it might wash out or dilute the

    penetrant in the discontinuity.

    Table 3.3 lists the preferred processes for

    various penetrant test problems.

    Penetrant seringkali diaplikasikan dari kaleng

    semprot bertekanan yang membuat sistem ini

    sangat portabel.

    Setelah waktu diam terpenuhi, penetrant sisa pada

    mulanya diseka dengan lap penyerap dan

    kemudian dibersihkan dengan lap yang dibasahi

    dengan solvent.

    JANGAN PERNAH menyemprotkan solvent secara

    langsung ke permukaan benda karena akan

    melenyapkan penetrant dari dalam diskontinuitas.

    Tabel 3.3 memperlihatkan macam-macam proses

    pengujian penetrant dan kegunaannya.

    Table 3.3. Process selection guide.

    Page 37

  • 1. Water-washable

    2. Post-emulsifiable

    3. Solvent-removable

    Page 38


    The leak-through technique is well suited for

    finding leaks in such articles as tanks, piping,

    tubing and hollow castings. There is no

    knowledge concerning other quality characte-

    ristics of the specimen is obtained.

    The sketch below illustrates the liquid penetrant

    leak-through test as used on a large plate



    Filtered particle testing uses small particles

    suspended in the penetrant liquid. In most

    instances these particles are fluorescent.

    The size of the suspended particles varies and

    depends upon the porous nature of the

    inspection surface.

    When testing a porous surface with filtered

    particles, all of the liquid penetrant will be

    absorbed. There will be no excess requiring

    removal. Where a discontinuity (such as a

    crack) is present, the increased area created

    by a crack (its walls, etc.) will cause more of the

    penetrant to be absorbed there than elsewhere.

    The crack will filter the penetrant, leaving the

    fluorescent particles on the surface. Since more

    penetrant will be absorbed there, a greater

    buildup of particles will be found at the site of

    the crack. This particel buildup provides an

    indication of discontinuities open to the



    Teknik perembesan bocoran sangat sesuai untuk

    mendeteksi kebocoran pada tangki, pipa, tube,

    dan cor-coran berongga. Tidak ada informasi lain

    yang diperoleh mengenai karakteristik kualitas


    Gambar di bawah memperlihatkan pengujian

    kebocoran dengan penetrant untuk memeriksa

    bagian dari suatu pelat.


    Teknik ini menggunakan partikel berukuran kecil

    yang tersuspensi dalam cairan penetrant. Partikel

    yang dipakai biasanya fluorescent.

    Ukuran partikel yang tersuspensi bervariasi,

    tergantung pada kondisi pori-pori permukaan

    benda yang diperiksa.

    Saat menguji permukaan berpori dengan cara ini,

    semua cairan penetrant akan diserap. Tidak ada

    langkah pembersihan penetrant sisa pada teknik

    ini. Pada tempat dimana terdapat diskontinuitas

    (seperti retak), penambahan luasan akibat retak

    (dinding retak, dll.) akan mengakibatkan penetrant

    lebih banyak terserap di daerah tersebut.

    Retak akan menyaring penetrant, meninggalkan

    jejak partikel fluorescent pada permukaan. Karena

    lebih banyak penetrant terserap di sana,

    pengumpulan partikel lebih banyak terjadi di

    daerah retak. Pengumpulan partikel ini menun-

    jukkan adanya diskontinuitas yang membuka ke


    Page 39


    Fixing and recording indications can be carried

    out by:

    1. Photographs digital photography

    provide excellent permanent records. In

    addition to photographs, video cassette

    recorders (VCRs) and closed-circuit

    television cameras (CCTVs) are used to

    record indications.

    2. Special wax and plastic film developers

    have been developed to absorb and fix

    the penetrant indication to form a

    permanent record.

    a. Strippable lacquers are sprayed in

    several coats over the indication and

    when dry can be lifted to provide a

    permanent record.

    b. Special fixers are sprayed over the

    indication and when dry are lifted with

    transparent tape.


    Pemeliharaan dan perekaman indikasi dapat

    dilakukan dengan:

    1. Fotografi foto digital merupakan cara

    terbaik untuk merekam indikasi. Disamping

    itu video kaset dan kamera CCTV juga dapat

    digunakan untuk merekam indikasi.

    2. Lilin khusus dan lapisan plastik developers

    dikembangkan untuk menyerap dan

    mengawetkan indikasi penetrant dan

    membentuk rekaman permanen.

    a. Lapisan lak disemprotkan beberapa lapis

    di atas indikasi, dan setelah kering dapat

    dikelupas untuk menghasilkan rekaman


    b. Fixer khusus disemprotkan di atas indikasi

    dan setelah kering diangkat dengan pita

    transparan (isolasi).

    Page 40


    _______ 1.

    _______ 2.

    _______ 3.

    _______ 4.

    _______ 5.

    _______ 6.

    _______ 7.

    _______ 8.

    _______ 9.

    A dual sensitivity penetrant contains a special dye that is visible in white light and will fluoresce without the use of a black light. A part being penetrant inspected must stay immersed in the penetrant tank for the entire specified dwell time. The liquid penetrant leak-through test refers to the ability of a penetrant to spread through the dry developer evenly. Visible dye penetrants are usually considered to be less sensitive than fluorescent penetrants. Water-washable penetrants have a built-in emulsifier that permits good results in penetrant removal from parts suspected of having wide or shallow discontinjuities. Solvent-removable penetrants are available in both visible and fluorescent dye. Excess post-emulsifiable penetrant is commonly removed by spraying the surface of the part with cleaner (solvent) and then wiping with a lint-free towel. Water washable penetrant systems are usually very portable because the materials are commonly used in pressurized spray cans. Warming the specimen to temperatures up to about 20o C tends to accelerate penetration and shortens dwell time.

    _______ 10. For the dwell time to be accurate, the surface of the specimen must stay

    wet with penetrant for the entire time specified.

    _______ 11. The typipal dwell time for most penetrant Inspections is about 20-30 minutes.

    _________________________ 12. _________________________

    _________________________ 13. _________________________ _________________________

    List two (2) of the commonly used methods of applying penetrants to a specimen that is to be inspected. List four (4) of the commonly used methods of precleaning the specimen before penetrant inspection.


    _______ 14. If you were asked to examine 200 steel bolts, each 3/8 x 3 inches with rolled threads, which penetrant method would you choose?

    (a) Post-emulsification (b) Water-washable

    _______ 15. The filtered particle method of penetrant inspection used extra fine

    fluorescent particles that will not pass through a #120 sieve.

    Page 41



    This chapter discusses emulsification,

    penetrant removal, and developer application.



    This type of penetrant emulsification is

    accomplished by dipping, spraying, or flowing,

    but NEVER by brushing. Brushing makes

    emulsification more difficult to control, besides

    the bristle of the brush may enter the



    Bab ini mendiskusikan proses emulsifikasi,

    pembersihan penetrant, dan aplikasi developer. POST EMULSIFIABLE PENETRANT (PE


    Emulsifikasi penetrant jenis ini dilakukan dengan

    pencelupan, penyemprotan atau penuangan,

    namun TIDAK BOLEH diaplikasikan dengan kuas.

    Aplikasi dengan kuas menyulitkan pengontrolan

    emulsifikasi, disamping bulu-bulu kuas bisa masuk

    ke dalam diskontinuitas.

    Page 42

  • The skecth below represents the steps in a

    post-emulsifiable penetrant test.

    Gambar berikut menunjukkan langkah-langkah

    pengujian post-emulsifiable penetrant.

    Page 43

  • The length of time the emulsifier is left to dwell

    before commencing the penetrant removal

    cycle is determined by the emulsifier used and

    the type of discontinuities suspected.

    If too short an emulsification time is used, not

    all penetrant will be removed, which will cloud

    over discontinuities.

    If too long a time is used, penetrant within the

    discontinuities will also become water soluble

    and be washed away with excess penetrant.

    The PE penetrant makes the water wash less


    The sketches below compare the effects of

    water-washable and post emulsification


    Jangka waktu emulsifier dibiarkan di atas

    permukaan benda sebelum dilakukan pembersi-

    han penetrant ditentukan oleh jenis emulsifier dan

    diskontinuitas yang dicari.

    Jika waktu emulsifikasi terlalu singkat, tidak semua

    penetrant akan tersapu, yang nantinya akan

    menghalangi munculnya diskontinuitas.

    Jika waktu emulsifikasi terlalu panjang, penetrant di

    dalam diskontinuitas akan bereaksi dengan

    emulsifier dan akan tersapu oleh air.

    PE penetrant membuat pembilasan dengan air

    menjadi tidak terlalu kritis.

    Gambar di bawah ini membandingkan antara

    pemakaian WW dan PE penetrants.

    Page 44

  • There are two types of emulsifiers used in the

    removal process LIPOPHILIC (Method B)

    and HYDROPHILIC (Method D).

    Lipophilic and hydrophilic processes have

    completely different mechanisms in converting

    the oil based penetrant into a mixture that can

    be washed.


    Lipophilic emulsifier is applied by immersion to

    prevent mechanically mixing emulsifier into the

    penetrant. In some automatic installations, the

    emulsifier is applied as a fog or mist.

    The mechanism of lipophilic emulsification is by

    DIFFUSION. Molecules of emulsifier enter into

    the penetrant layer while at the same time

    molecules of penetrant enter the emulsifier

    layer. The rate of diffusion increases with

    increased concentration and higher


    The three properties of lipophilic emulsifiers

    that control the washing characteristics are

    activity, viscosity and water tolerance.

    If a penetrant is highly resistant to water, an

    emulsifier with a high activity is needed. High

    viscosity emulsifiers diffuse more slowly than

    low viscosity emulsifiers. Lipophilic emulsifier

    should tolerate 5% water by weight without

    gelling, separating or coagulating and still be

    capable of passing the penetrant removability


    Method B emulsifiers are supplied in the ready-

    to-use form and do not require further mixing.

    Terdapat dua jenis emulsifier yang digunakan

    dalam proses pembersihan LIPOPHILIC (Metoda

    B) dan HYDROPHILIC (Metoda D).

    Proses lipophylic dan hydrophilic memiliki

    mekanisme yang sangat berbeda dalam merubah

    penetrant berbahan dasar menjadi campuran yang

    bisa dibilas dengan air.


    Emulsifier lipophilic diaplikasikan dengan cara

    pencelupan untuk mencegah bercampurnya emul-

    sifier dengan penetrant. Pada instalasi otomatis,

    emulsifier diaplikasikan secara pengkabutan.

    Mekanisme emulsifikasi lipophilic adalah dengan

    cara DIFUSI. Molekul emulsifier memasuki lapisan

    penetrant, sementara pada saat yang bersamaan

    molekul penetrant memasuki lapisan emulsifier.

    Laju difusi akan bertambah dengan peningkatan

    konsentrasi dan penambahan suhu. Tiga sifat emulsifier lipophilic yang mengontrol

    karakteristik pembilasan adalah aktivitas,

    kekentalan, dan toleransi terhadap air.

    Jika suatu penetrant memiliki ketahanan tinggi

    terhadap air, maka diperlukan emulsifier dengan

    aktivitas yang tinggi. Emulsifier dengan kekentalan

    tinggi berdifusi lebih lambat ketimbang emulsifier

    yang encer. Lipophilic emulsifier harus mampu

    mentolerir 5% air tanpa mengalami penggumpalan

    atau pembekuan dan mampu lulus uji pember-

    sihan penetrant.

    Emulsifier metoda B dijual dalam bentuk siap pakai

    dan tidak memerlukan pencampuran lagi.

    Page 45


    Hydrophilic emulsifier is a water based solution

    and is a mixture of chemicals called

    surfactants. They are supplied as a concentrate

    and are mixed with water either before or

    during the removal process. The concentrate is

    required to contain a maximum of 5% water.

    Hydrophilic emulsifier works based on the

    principle to peel the penetrant away or by

    dissolving droplets so they do not redeposit on

    the surface.

    Because post-emulsifiable penetrant is

    incompatible with water, prerinsing before

    application of emulsifier is recommended.

    Prerinsing removes 60-80% of the surface layer

    of penetrant, which greatly reduces

    contamination of the emulsifier. It also provides

    an even layer of surface penetrant.

    Hydrophilic emulsifier is applied either by

    immersion or spraying.

    Immediately following the emulsification, a

    fresh water rinse of the entire part is required.

    This stops the action of any emulsifier

    remaining on the part.


    Emulsifier hydrophilic adalah larutan antara air dan

    zat kimia yang disebut surfactant. Dijual di pasaran

    dalam bentuk konsentrat dan harus dicampur dulu

    dengan air sebelum atau selama proses

    pembersihan. Konsentrat disyaratkan mengan-

    dung air maksimum sebesar 5%.

    Emulsifier hydrophilic bekerja berdasar pada

    prinsip pengelupasan lapisan penetrant, atau

    dengan melarutkan penetrant sehingga tidak

    terdeposit kembali ke permukaan.

    Karena post-emulsifiable penetrant tidak

    kompatibel dengan air, direkomendasikan untuk

    melakukan pembilasan awal sebelum aplikasi

    emulsifier. Pembilasan awal menghilangkan 60-

    80% lapisan penetrant di permukaan, sehingga

    banyak mengurangi terjadinya kontaminasi pada

    emulsifier. Pembilasan awal juga menghasilkan

    lapisan penetrant permukaan yang rata.

    Emulsifier hydrophilic diaplikasikan dengan cara

    pencelupan atau penyemprotan.

    Segera setelah proses emulsifikasi, disyaratkan

    untuk membilas seluruh bagian benda uji dengan

    air bersih. Langkah ini akan menghentikan aksi

    emulsifikasi yang masih tersisa di permukaan


    Page 46


    Some indications may be visible prior to the

    application of a developer, but this step will

    ensure that ALL discontinuities are visible to the

    naked eye.

    Developing is accomplished when a highly

    absorbent powder is applied to the item being

    tested after excess penetrant is removed.

    The penetrant is actually drawn out of the

    discontinuity by the strong capillary action of

    the developer.

    As shown above, the image of the discontinuity

    in the developer will actually be larger than the

    actual size of the discontinuity.

    There are two common types of developers in

    use today dry and wet. Both use a white

    powder and the primary difference is in the

    method of application.


    Dry developer is supplied as a fine-grained

    fluffy white powder.

    Methods of application include the use of low

    air pressure, such as that from a rubber

    squeeze bulb or a spray gun. A soft brush may

    sometimes be used; or, since the developer is

    a very fine powder, articles may be simply

    dipped in the developer, raised, and the

    excess powder removed by gently blowing,

    shaking, or tapping the article.


    Beberapa indikasi bisa saja nampak sebelum

    developer diaplikasikan, namun langkah ini akan

    memastikan bahwa SEMUA diskontinuitas akan

    tampak oleh mata telanjang.

    Proses developing dilakukan dengan mengapli-

    kasikan serbuk berdaya serap tinggi ke permukaan

    benda uji setelah sisa penetrant dibersihkan.

    Penetrant akan tertarik keluar dari diskontinuitas

    akibat gaya kapiler yang kuat dari serbuk

    developer. Seperti diperlihatkan dalam gambar di atas, cit