DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Wahab, A.S., Julia, M. 2002. Sistem Imun, Imunisasi, dan Penyakit Imun, Jakarta: Widya Medika. 2. WHO, UNICEF, World Bank. 2009. State of the world’s vaccines and immunization. 3rd edition. Geneva: World Health Organization. 3. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1059/Menkes/SK/IX/2004 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Imunisasi. Jakarta: Depkes RI. 4. Pedoman Imunisasi Di Indonesia.Edisi Kelima.2014.IDAI 5. Depkes R.I.2005 . Pengembangan Program Imunisasi (PPI) 6. Dowel, Maloney. Arch Otolaryngol AMA. Diphtheria, 2000. Available from : http://archotol.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/ 61/1/29. Accessed July 16, 2011 7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for the Control of Pertussis Outbreaks. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2000. Pediatric Infect Dis J. 2005;24(6 suppl):S109–S116

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1. Wahab, A.S., Julia, M. 2002. Sistem Imun, Imunisasi, dan Penyakit Imun, Jakarta: Widya Medika. 2. WHO, UNICEF, World Bank. 2009. State of the worlds vaccines and immunization. 3rd edition. Geneva: World Health Organization.3. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1059/Menkes/SK/IX/2004 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Imunisasi. Jakarta: Depkes RI.4. Pedoman Imunisasi Di Indonesia.Edisi Kelima.2014.IDAI5. Depkes R.I.2005 . Pengembangan Program Imunisasi (PPI)6. Dowel, Maloney. Arch Otolaryngol AMA. Diphtheria, 2000. Available from :http://archotol.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/ 61/1/29. Accessed July 16, 20117. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for the Control of Pertussis Outbreaks. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2000. Pediatric Infect Dis J. 2005;24(6 suppl):S109S1168. Lubis, CP :Tetanus Neonatorum dan anak, Diktat Kuliah Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, Peny. lnfeksi, bag II, Balai Penerbit FK USU, Medan, 1989, 21-40.