Buku Pedoman Pelaporan Insiden

Practical English – Surabaya Hotel School


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Transcript of Buku Pedoman Pelaporan Insiden

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Tim Instruktur Bahasa Inggris Surabaya Hotel School





  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Seiring dengan berkembangnya pariwisata dunia yang juga merambah Indonesia pada abad ke 21 ini, maka perkembangan hotel-hotel modern juga tumbuh pesat di kota-kota besar utamanya di daerah tujuan wisata seperti Bali, Jogyakarta, Jakarta, dan Surabaya.

    Guna menunjang pelayanan prima Industri Perhotelan tersebut dibutuhkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang terampil, tangguh, dan professional. Surabaya Hotel School (SHS), sebagai pelopor lembaga pendidikan di bidang perhotelan yang selalu peduli terhadap kualitas SDM, terus berupaya meningkatkan ketrampilan mahasiswa melalui pelatihan berbagai macam disiplin ilmu yang dapat menunjang karier di Industri Perhotelan bertarap internasional. Salah satu penunjang karier di Industri perhotelan adalah How to speak English fluently

    Sesuai dengan arah pencapaian Tujuan instruksional buku ini yaitu agar mahasiswa mampu berkomunikasi secara aktif menggunakan bahasa Inggris, maka latihan-latihan dialog (Speaking activity) yang berhubungan dengan istilah-istilah Industri perhotelan menjadi prioritas utama

    Buku ini sarat dengan tugas-tugas baik untuk dikerjakan di kelas maupun di rumah. Kemampuan mendengar (listening ability) melalui dictation, pemahaman terhadap bacaan dengan menjawab berbagai pertanyaan , membahas masalah melalui discussion, mengenal idiom, dan berlatih mengisi teka-teki silang (puzzle), dan contoh-contoh berbagai macam surat disertai dengan latihan-latihan, diberikan kepada mahasiswa agar mampu mengembangkan ilmu dan wawasannya dengan bimbingan instruktur.

    Penulis telah berusaha maksimal, namun demikian penulis juga menyadari bahwa tiada gading yang tak retak, oleh karena itu pada kesempatan ini penulis menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada bapak / ibu instruktur SHS yang telah konsisten memberikan kritik, saran, dan koreksi terhadap buku ini sehingga akhirnya dapat dijadikan buku pegangan mahasiswa SHS.

    Akhirnya kami berharap semoga buku ini bermanfaat.bagi para pembaca

    Surabaya, April 2010

    Tim Instruktur Bahasa Inggris Surabaya Hotel School


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School








  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa memahami kata-kata dan ungkapan dalam bacaan dan dialog yang berhubungan dengan perkenalan

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris

    - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan perkenalan secara lisan maupun tertulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan benar

    A. READING Study and read the passage below correctly


    Immediately after an introduction is made, there is usually a period of time in which impersonal or trivial subjects are discussed. This type of conversation, called Small Talk, is important because it often helps to maintain conversations and it can lead into interesting discussions. Usually speakers initiate small talk with such questions as: Do you live in this town?, How do you like living here?, or What are you studying?. It is also common for people to ask What do you do? which means What is your job? but it is uncommon and considered impolite to ask, How much money do you make? or How much does your home cost?. Other questions such: Are you married? or How old are you to an adult are generally considered too personal for initial meetings. In an introductory meeting, maintaining a conversation is easier when two people find that they have something in common. Here, small talk takes place until the speakers discover that they share the same experience.

    Questions : 1. What can lead into interesting conversation after an introduction is made? 2. Do you think it is polite to ask a status or an income of someone in starting an

    introduction? Explain your answer. 3. Can you give some examples of polite questions for beginning an introduction? 4. Do you think Small Talk is important in an introduction? Explain your

    answer. 5. When you meet your new guest, how do you introduce yourself?

    adult = dewasa trivial = sepele introductory = pembukaan discover = menemukan share = membagi immediately = segera initial = awal lead into = menuju kearah impolite = tidak sopan maintaining = memelihara


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    EXERCISE : Complete the following sentences using words in the box on page 1

    1. He has many ways to .. the discussion becomes interesting 2. The child is growing up to be an boy 3. We hope the hotel will be opened ..after being renovated 4. The engineer a new way to finish the building 5. An speech is usually made by the teacher before beginning the lesson 6. Dont speak roughly and loudly to your parents, it is 7. Asking many questions to new comers should be denied for . Meeting 8. It takes a period of time after having an introduction to discuss subjects 9. After knowing each other, the two people can ..experience 10.The students are .. a discussion in order to solve problem together


    DIALOGUE 1 : The way to introduce

    INTRODUCER RESPONSE A RESPONSE B Lani , Id like to introduce Henry How do you do? How do you do? Hartono, Id like to introduce Brandon Glad to meet you The pleasure is mine

    Fredy, Id like to introduce Tony Pleased to meet you Pleased to meet you Dedy, Id like you to meet Patricia Glad to see you Ive heard so much

    about you

    DIALOGUE 2 : Self - Introductions


    More formal Hello, Im Rani How do you do? Im Jane

    Hello. Im Obama Pleased to meet you Mr. President Im Rianto

    I dont think weve met. Im Hong Sing Nice to meet you. Im Rani

    Less formal Hi. Im Mike. Whats your name? Hi. Im Margaret, but everyone calls me Peggy


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    SPEAKING EXERCISES Practice the dialogue below in pairs

    DIALOGUE 1 Dina : Arent you Niken? Niken : Yes, thats right. Dina : I believe we met at a Trade Conference last year. Im Dina Niken : Oh yes, I remember. Howve you been? Dina : Just fine, and you? Niken : Im fine, too

    DIALOGUE 2 Yeni : Wendy, Id like you to meet Samsudin, my brother who just came back from England Wendy : How do you do? Samsudin : How do you do? Wendy : What do you think of life in England Sam? Samsudin : Its very nice but I feel pretty homesick for several weeks Wendy : I think its bound to be strange at first

    C. DICTATION Listen carefully when your instructor reads the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    Starting a conversation When you are traveling, attending a party, meeting, workshop, and other

    activities, you will sometimes want to make conversation with other people. How do you start?

    Well, the obvious thing to do when you meet a stranger is to ask questions. Dont go up to someone and immediately say: Where do you come from? or Whats your name? This kills conversation. It will be better to ask these questions later.

    It is recommended you start with questions like: Isnt it a lovely day?, Its beautiful beach, isnt it?, This is a marvelous hotel, isnt it? etc.


    1. Excuse me, / havent / we met / before? / I met you /

    Im not sure, / have / we? / you?

    2. Well, let me introduce you, / Heny / this is my friend, Rina / Miss Tini / this is my manager, Mr.Rahmat Its very / nice / to meet you Im very / glad / / pleased / 3

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    3. Dani, this is / my sister , Helen / my brother, Rendy Ive known / her / for / some years / him / since / 2006

    D. WRITING Letter of Introduction

    ADA MULTIFARIOUS SERVICES First Karang Menjangan Street

    Surabaya, Indonesia

    To : Mr. Kong Guan, the General Manager of Kong Sie & Company Ltd 10 Stanley Market Street, Hong Kong, 10001 Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 From : ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya-Indonesia Facsimile : 6231 5930051 Date : August 3rd, 20 Subject : Letter of Introduction

    Dear Sirs,

    We have great pleasure in introducing to you, our Sales Manager, Mr. Berlian Tama, who is taking a business trip to Hong Kong.

    Mr. Berlian is visiting you to promote our business turnover for our mutual interests and advantages. We convince that Mr. Berlians business mission will result in more imports by us and more exports from you.

    Any assistance you may render to Mr. Berlian will be deemed as a great favor to our company.

    Yours faithfully,

    Agung Pranoto President Director


    Suppose you are a General Manager of Surabaya Amazing Tours. Your Marketing Manager is going to visit Malaysia to undertake market research. He would like to see the Marketing Manager of Malaysia Tour & Travel, Mr. Abdulah Baduwi, to collect some data. He will leave for Malaysia at the 24th of August for ten days visit. Write a letter of introduction to Mr. Abdulah Baduwi


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami kata-kata dan

    ungkapan didalam bacaan dan dialog salam pertemuan - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang

    digunakan untuk memberi ucapan salam pertemuan - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan secara lisan maupun

    tertulis untuk memberi ucapan salam pertemuan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan benar

    A. READING Study and read the passage below correctly

    WELCOME GREETING When you are greeting someone who youve never met before, you should draw on and say How do you do? and shake hand. The answer to this greeting is also How do you do? Anyhow, when you are greeting someone who has just arrived after having a long journey, you should be able to draw up some expressions like: Did you have a good flight?, Did you have a good journey?, You must be very tired, Is this your first visit to Surabaya?, What would you like to do?. Would you like to go straight to your hotel?, Would you like to look around the city first?, Would you like to have a drink?, Would you like to take a rest? , etc. After having some questions above, it will be easy for you to draw down a serious dialogue with someone you are accompanying. Consequently, it will be running smoothly all business you are handling.

    Questions : 1. When you get a greeting How do you do?, what is your answer? 2. Is shake hand important in your first meeting? Explain your answer 3. Can you make some examples of your own expression to welcome your guest? 4. In your opinion is there any different way how to welcome guests in your

    country and abroad? Explain your answer 5. Can you give a reason why people need appreciations from others?

    EXERCISE : In the following dialogue, you welcome Mr. David Lee, a Chinese journalist, who just arrived at Juanda International Airport by Cathay Pacific from Hong Kong. Below are Mr. Davids expressions. Complete the dialogue with your responses. Use the appropriate italics expressions in the paragraphs above to help you.

    You : Are you Mr. David Lee from Hong Kong? How do you do? Mr. David : Yes, Im. How do you do? You : Mr. David : Yes, thanks. It was very enjoyable You :


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Mr. David : No, Im all right, actually, Ive been asleep almost since I left Hong Kong International Airport. You : Mr. David : No, last year I had been here to attend journalism workshop You : Mr. David : No. Id like to have a drink first because Im very thirsty. We can go to the hotel afterwards. You : . Mr. David : Fine, I think its a good idea. Ill join you.

    B. SPEAKING Study the dialogue below

    WELCOMING GREETINGS RESPONSE More Good morning Good morning Formal Good afternoon Good afternoon Good evening Good evening How nice to see you! Yes, its quite a while What a pleasant surprise! How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Howve you been? Pretty good What happening? Not much How are you doing? OK Less How you doing? Not bad Formal Long time, no see Yeah

    EXERCISE Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words / phrases in the box

    shopping = berbelanja something = sesuatu favor = kebaikan hati to sleep a lot = banyak tidur to go straight = terus tired = lelah pick you up = mennjemput Did you have = punyakah kamu fine = baik

    Miss Liana : Hello. How are you, Mr. David? Mr. David : , thanks. And you? Miss Liana : Pretty good. .. a good flight? Mr. David : Yes, I did Miss Liana : My General Manager asked me to .. at the airport. I think you must be very Mr. David : Not really. I managed . on the plane Miss Liana : Oh, good. Would you like .. to the hotel or seeing in Surabaya first? Mr. David : Id quite like to go to Royal Plaza first Miss Liana : All right. Ill accompany you for . Mr. David : Thanks for your . Miss Liana : Dont mention it.


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Listen carefully when your instructor reads the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    Pick up a guest at the airport Miss. Liana, the Public Relation of Surabaya Grand Hotel, was asked by her General Manager to pick up Mr. David Lee, a Chinese journalist, who arrived at Juanda International Airport at 10.40 a.m. On the way to the hotel, Mr. David asked her to accompany him to a plaza for shopping some of his belongings left in Hong Kong. She advises him to buy them at the nearest plaza on the way to the hotel.


    1. How are you / this morning, / Mrs. Brown? / this afternoon, / this evening,

    2. How is your / mother, / Jane? / brother / sister

    3. I am / very well, / thank you / fine, / not too bad,

    RECOGNIZING IDIOM OF DRAW Draw = seri Draw a bead on = membidik Draw aside = mengajak berbicara secara pribadi Draw away = menjauhkan diri, pergi menghilang Draw back = mengundurkan diri Draw down = menyeret kedalam Draw in = mengempeskan (perut) Draw on = mendekat, menjelang Draw out = mendesak untuk berbicara Draw together = mempersatukan Draw up = menyusun

    EXERCISE : Study the following sentences and then translate them into Indonesian

    1. We were glad that finally the funeral could draw together a long conflict among the family

    2. I should be able to draw up the words on the puzzle correctly 3. I draw aside my sister to explain her problem immediately


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    4. Dont draw out the time. You should pay back your loan right now! 5. Its difficult for him to draw in his stomach because he is very fat 6. I hope you will not involve my sister draws down your complicated problems 7. People ask the minister who is suspected as a corruptor to draw back from his

    job 8. Since he was suspected as a thief in his village, he drew away so that none

    knew where he lived 9. He draws on you in order to solve the problem wisely 10. Its not easy to draw a bead on him as a corruptor

    Make ten sentences using idiom above with your own words

    D. WRITING Letter of Announcing a visit

    ADA MULTIFARIOUS SERVICES First Karang Menjangan Street

    Surabaya, Indonesia

    To : Kong Sie & Company Ltd 10 Stanley Market Street, Hong Kong, 10001 Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 From : ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya-Indonesia Facsimile : 6231 5930051 Date : August 23rd, 20 Subject : Announcing a visit and asking for Hotel Reservation

    Dear Sirs,

    We are pleased to inform you that our President Director, Mr. Agung Pranoto, will arrive in Hong Kong at the 28th of August with Garuda Indonesian Airways on flight number GA 707 leaving Surabaya at 08.40 a.m.

    Please kindly book hotel accommodations for Mr. Agung for three nights. We should also be much obliged if you would pick him up at the airport. You can discuss matters with Mr. Agung upon his arrival.

    Thank you for your assistance rendered to our President Director.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dian Paranita Executive Secretary


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Suppose you are the Marketing Manager of Surabaya Amazing Tours. Make a facsimile to your friend who is working at a Travel Agent in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tell him that you will make a market research in Malaysia for ten days. Ask him to reserve a single room for ten days in some hotels in Kuala Lumpur with an inexpensive rate. You will fly to Kuala Lumpur by Malaysia Airlines, flight number MH 38 from Jakarta. It is estimated that you will arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 16.20 p.m, as you will take a Garuda Indonesia Airways flight number GA 708 from Surabaya to Jakarta at 07.40 a.m. You plan to leave your country for Malaysia at the 24th of August.


    1 4 5 8



    2 6



    3 7

    Right wards 1. Look for, try to find 2. One of flat surfaces of a solid object; there are six of a cube 3. Tidy; in good order with nothing out of place; done carefully 5. Place where one lives 6. The opposite of hard 7. Part of a tree which is normally in the soil and which takes water and food from it

    Down wards 1. Adverb of manner; in this way; thus : 2. In a short time 4. It is able to fly in the wind at the end of a long string 5. Hey, (US) Hullo 6. Having a sharp taste like that of a lemon or unripe apples 8. Prepare another persons writing for publication (book, newspaper)


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengucapkan salam perpisahan

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengucapkan salam perpisahan

    - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan secara lisan maupun tertulis untuk memberi salam ketika berpisah dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan benar

    A. READING Study and read the dialogue below correctly

    Mr. David Lee : Look, there is no need for you to wait here too long. I think the plane will not depart soon Miss Liana : Never mind, Ill accompany you until the plane takes off. Mr. David, I hope you always contact me if you want to travel to East Java in the future Mr. David Lee : Ohof course. Ill call you at least a week before leaving Hong Kong for Surabaya Miss Liana : And dont forget to stay only in my hotel Mr. David Lee : Dont worry; Ill remember your help for good. I think it is hard for me to stay overnight in other hotels. I think your hotel personnel are good with their task and they have good conduct. I have already decided not to stay in other hotels during my trip in this city Miss Liana : Listen, please. There is an announcement that all passengers of Cathay Pacific flight number CA 035 should go through Flight Departures on the second floor to the final lounge. The plane will boarding at 10.40 Mr. David Lee : Okay Liana, you have given me a lot of assistance. Thank you very much for your good deed during I stay in your hotel Miss Liana : Dont mention it, Sir. Ill always try to do the best for you. I hope you have a good flight Mr. David Lee : Thank you, Liana. Good-bye Miss Liana : Good-bye, Mr. David. See you later.

    Questions : 1. What is the main topic of the dialogue above? 2. Can you explain why Mr. David tells Miss Liana that he does not want to stay in

    other hotels? 3. When you accompany your guest who will back to his home country, after

    arriving at the area of airport do you walk towards departure or arrival gate? 4. What do you like doing your duty? Pick-up your guests when they check in or

    accompany them to the airport when they check out. Explain your answer 5. Is it important to say Good-bye to your guests at the airport?


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    EXERCISE : Complete the sentences below with appropriate words from the box

    accompany = mengantarkan announcement = pengumuman boarding = terbang / naik decided = memutuskan at least = paling sedikit over night = bermalam take off = berangkat traveling = melancong final lounge = ruang tunggu terakhir flight departure = pemberangkatan pesawat

    1. According to the.., the plane will be postponed 2. We should say Good bye. as soon as the plane .. 3. Good luck, Im sure you will get .. a good job and high salary in Jakarta 4. Quickly, please. Its getting late, the plane is .. at eight oclock 5. I hope they will stay . in this hotel again next month 6. The passengers should go through flight departure on the first floor to 7. After checking-in the airport he goes directly through . 8. She will spend her vacation by .with all of her classmate to Bali 9. The F.O. Manager has to improve services in Front Office

    B. SPEAKING Study the dialogue below and then practice it



    More Ive got to get up early tomorrow Thank you for coming formal Well, Im afraid I have to be going Its been a pleasure Yes, Ive enjoyed it It was nice to see you ( not past tense ) It was good to see you Well, its getting late Maybe we can talk again Thanks for coming It was fun Maybe we could get together sometime Sounds good Less Ive really got to go OK . See you formal Got to go now See you again


    More Until the next time Good bye formal Good night, Bill Good night, Jane Good-bye, Hari Good-bye, Lisa Have a nice weekend You, too Less Talk to you later Bye, take easy formal See you later So long, Take care


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    EXERCISE: Practice the following dialogue in pairs

    Mr. Bill : Jane, thanks for your favor during I stay in this hotel. Jane : Oh, Dont mention it. Its my duty as a receptionist Mr. Bill : I hope I get a duty from the office to this city again next month Jane : Yes, and we expect you to stay here again Mr. Bill : Of course. However, I should go to bed soon because I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I must check in at the airport at five Jane : Well, good night. We hope you will have a good flight tomorrow.

    Mr. Bill : I hope so. Good night, Jane Jane : Good night, Mr. Bill

    C. DICTATION Listen carefully when your instructor reads the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    Saying good-bye When Mr. Bill Red arrived at the airport, he still had enough time to say good bye to his guide because the plane would take off an hour later. After the guide had taken out his baggage from the car, then he checked all goods and brought them to the check in area, he asked him to go to Caf shop first. They ordered some drink and meal. Fifty minutes later, they hear an announcement that all passengers should enter the plane through gate 7, so after paying the bill, Mr. Bill said good-bye to the guide. The guide replied saying good-bye and has a nice trip to him


    1. Good-bye / see you tomorrow, / Dani / see you later / see you again 2. Well, I hope you have / a good journey / a pleasant trip / a nice weekend 3. Have / a pleasant holiday / / a good vacation / Bill

    / a beautiful dream /

    RECOGNIZING IDIOM OF GOOD Good . = baik For good = untuk selama-lamanya Goods = barang-barang / harta benda Be good with = trampil dengan Good Book = Kitab Injil Good conduct = kelakuan baik Good-bye = selamat berpisah Good deed = kebajikan 12

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Good egg = orang yang baik Good-tempered = tenang Goody = makanan yang lezat

    EXERCISE : Study the following sentences and then translate them into Indonesian 1. The chef studies a receipt before making meatball so it becomes a goody 2. He is really a good-tempered man, he can manage a bad issue on him calmly 3. Dont worry honey, God will give you a reward for a good deed you have made 4. I will remember what you have done for me is a good deed. I will never forget it

    for good 5. I see many young and old people bring a Good Book to the church 6. The two businessmen agree to reduce the price in order to make good deal 7. She is always good with the handicraft made of dried flowers 8. We can see the activity of loading and unloading of goods at the harbour 9. I think its difficult to find a good egg in a big city likes Surabaya at present 10. His good conduct attracts the Personnel Manager to promote him to higher

    position Compose ten sentences using idiom above with your own words

    D. WRITING Letter of welcoming a visit

    KONG SIE & COMPANY LTD 10 Stanley Market Street

    Hong Kong, 10001

    To. : Dian Paranita, ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya, Indonesia Facsimile : 62315930051 From : King Mie Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 Date : August 26th, 20 Subject : Welcoming a visit

    Dear Sirs, Subject : Welcoming a Visit and Confirming Hotel Accommodations

    Thank you for your facsimile of August 23rd announcing the visit of Mr. Agung Pranoto, your President Director at the 28th of August on flight number GA 707. We will certainly meet Mr. Agung at Hong Kong International Airport as usual. We have booked hotel accommodations for him at Hilton International Hotel for three nights, and look forwards to his visit.

    Yours Faithfully,

    King Mie Secretary


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Suppose you are working at a Travel Agent in Malaysia, please replay the facsimile of Writing Exercise Unit 2 .and state that the room reservation has been confirmed.


    1 7 4 8



    XX 2 XX 5



    3 6

    Right wards 1. Number of printed sheets of paper which contain literary composition, fastened together in a cover 2. et cet-era, and the others 3. Equal to City 4. Preposition, the starting-point 5. The past form of get 6. Condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling in a separate drops

    Down wards 7. Room in which meals are cooked or prepared 8. Speak or write something about


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menerima pesanan lewat telepon

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menerima pesanan lewat telepon - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan secara lisan maupun tertulis untuk menerima telepon dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan benar

    A. READING Study and read the dialogue below correctly Receptionist : Surabaya Grand Hotel, What can I do you? Miss. Karmila : Hello, I cant hear your voice clearly. Can you speak a little louder? I want to make reservation. Can you put through my call to receptionist? Receptionist : Speaking. Youve dialed the right number. Miss Karmilla : But you lift up my telephone too long. Receptionist : Yes Im serving a group from Thailand now. May I ask you an apologize? Miss. Karmila : Its OK. Anyhow, have you got any rooms available at the end of November? Receptionist : Yes, we have. Whats your name, please? Miss. Karmila : Im KARMILA. Id like to stay here for a week, from the twenty-four to the twenty-nine of November Receptionist : All right. Do you like a single room with a bath? Miss. Karmila : Yes, please. How much does it cost per night? Receptionist : Twenty five US dollars Miss. Karmila : Can you tell me the room rate of a single room without bath? Receptionist : Its twenty US dollars, Mam Miss. Karmila : OK I like the one with a bath. I will call you before leaving for Surabaya Questions : 1. How many days will Miss Karmila stay in Grand Hotel? 2. If one dollar is equal to nine thousand and three hundred rupiahs, how many

    rupiahs should Miss Karmila spend for a single room with a bath? 3. If she chooses a single room without bath, how much money should she pay it in

    rupiahs? 4. Can you count the difference between the cost of a single room with a bath and

    without a bath for five days?

    apologize = maaf lifting up = mengangkat available = tersedia given back = mengembalikan leaves for = berangkat ke dialed = menekan tombol telpon hear = mendengar put through = menghubungkan

    received = menerima a reservation = pesanan


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    EXERCISE : Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the box above

    1. I have . the news when you call me back 2. The books have been . before youre going abroad 3. has been made with you before he checks in 4. I have the call centre in order to get your phone number 5. Your telephone has been when the thief cuts the wire 6. I have asked to use the telephone before .. the receiver 7. The General Manager has put a message before he .. Singapore 8. Sorry, I cant . that you have informed me on the telephone 9. She asks an .. because she has dialed the wrong number

    10. Dont worry about your birthday party, everything is

    B. SPEAKING Practice the dialogue below in pairs

    DIALOGUE 1 :

    You : Hello, Is this Grand Hotel, please? Voice : What number do you want? You : 5908759 Voice : This is 5908758 You : Im sorry, I dialed the wrong number


    Voice : Is that Grand Hotel, please? You : Yes. Im receptionist of the hotel Voice : Could I speak to General Manager, please? You : Im sorry, hes out. Could you call him back at three thirty? Voice : All right. Thank you.

    EXERCISE Memorize and then practice the dialogue below in front of the class

    Receptionist : Hello, Surabaya Grand Hotel. What can I do for you? Raharjo : Can I reserve a room, please? Receptionist : One moment, please. Ill write it in the reservation book. Raharjo : All right, help your self

    Receptionist : May I have your full name, Sir? Raharjo : My name is Raharjo and Id like to reserve a single

    room with shower, please? Receptionist : Yes, for what date? Raharjo : For June 9th and 10th. Can you tell me what time I have to check out on June 10th ?


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Receptionist : Check out time is mid-day, Sir. Do you prefer a room facing the street or the park? Raharjo : Id like better the one facing the park. Can you tell me the price, please? Receptionist : That is 100 US $ including breakfast Raharjo : Whats your fax number, please? Receptionist : Our fax number is 6231-5930051 Raharjo : Would you repeat that, please? Receptionist : 6231-5930051 Raharjo : Okay. Ill send a facsimile to confirm the booking. Thank you


    Listen carefully when your instructor reads the dialogue below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    DIALOGUE 1 : Put through the telephone

    Secretary : Surabaya 5930051 (five-nine-three-double oh-five-one) Voice : Can I speak to Mr. Bill Red, please? Secretary : Just a moment, please. Ill put you through Bill Red : Hallo, Bill Red here

    DIALOGUE 2 : The wrong number

    Voice : Hello? Bill Red : Could I speak to Mary Brown, please? Voice : Mary Brown? There is no Mary here. Im afraid youve got the wrong number Bill Red : Oh, Im sorry Voice : Thats all right


    1. Good morning / Can I / speak to / Mrs. Jane Blue / please? Good afternoon/ May I / / Mary Brown Good evening / Could I / / Bill Red

    2. Im afraid / youve got / the wrong number I wonder / / the wrong address Im sure / / the wrong hotel

    3. Just a moment / please, / Ill / put you through Wait a minute / / / connect One moment /


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    D. WRITING Making room reservation

    KONG SIE & COMPANY LTD 10 Stanley Market Street

    Hong Kong, 10001

    To. : Reservation Clerk of Hilton Hotel, Hong Kong Facsimile : 852 03 72444199 From : King Mie Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 Date : August 24th, 20..

    Subject : Room Reservation

    Dear Sirs, Please reserve a suit room for Mr. Agung Pranoto, the President Director of

    ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya, Indonesia for three nights from 28th to 31st of August

    We would like to inform you that Mr. Agung will fly from Surabaya at 08.40 am (local time) by Cathay Pacific Airways flight number CX 123, and the estimate time arrival at Hong Kong International Airport is about 14.00 p.m.

    Please confirm this reservation by email immediately.

    Yours sincerely,

    King Mie Secretary


    Make a facsimile to Shangri-La Hotel reserving two standard rooms for your uncle with his wife and two sons in Makasar who will come to Surabaya and arrive at Juanda International Airport by Merpati Nusantara Airlines flight number MZ 321 at the 9th of September at 09.10 a.m. Ask the hotel to provide the room with connecting door for four nights.


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui kata-kata dan ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam menangani masalah pemesanan kamar

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang berhubungan dengan masalah reservasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar

    - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan secara lisan maupun tertulis kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan masalah pesanan kamar dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar

    A. READING Study and read the dialogue below correctly

    Voice : Good evening. Can I book a double room for tomorrow? Reservation Clerk : What time will you check in, Sir?

    Voice : About ten oclock in the morning Reservation Clerk : Im sorry, Sir. Were fully booked for tomorrow morning Voice : However, can you give me the room in the afternoon? Reservation Clerk : Wait a minute, Sir. Let me see a check out list for tomorrow By the way, if you check in the hotel at four in the afternoon, we can give a hand. Well provide you one double room Voice : Okay. I reserve a double room and a baby cot for tomorrow afternoon. Dont over hand the room to other guests Reservation Clerk : All right, Sir. Ill do the best. See you in our hotel tomorrow Voice : Well, thank you then Reservation Clerk : Youre welcome, Sir.

    Questions : 2. What is the topic of the dialogue above? 3. Can you explain what a double room is? 4. Is the hotel full of occupancy? Explain your answer 5. Can you explain what a baby cot is? 6. What time will the guest check in?

    Translate the sentences below into English 1. Saya telah memesan kamar itu minggu yang lalu, tetapi mengapa kau berikan kepada orang lain 2. Dia telah menggantikan tugas F.O. Manager sejak empat hari yang lalu 3. Sudahkah pelayan kamar membersihkan kamar nomor 345? 4. Pak Reinaldi telah memesan sebuah kamar standart untuk tamunya dari staf Kedutaan Inggris 5. Apa yang bisa saya bantu? Tamu tersebut telah menunggumu selama satu jam 6. Sudahkan kamu terima kwitansi yang salah itu? Saya minta maaf atas kejadian Tersebut


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    7. Saya yakin, saya telah mengisi formulir pendaftaran sejak tiga puluh menit yang lalu 8. Saya tahu bahwa kunci kamar telah diserahkan kepada tamu tersebut oleh petugas penerima tamu sejak satu jam yang lalu 9. Mereka telah menghabiskan waktunya di lobi hotel sejak hujan lebat turun 10. Rombongan tamu dari Singapura telah menikmati minuman Selamat Datang di Lobi Hotel

    B. SPEAKING Memorize the following dialogue and then practice it in pairs

    Reservation Clerk : Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to Surabaya Grand Hotel Mr. Bill Red : Do you have a reservation for me?

    Reservation Clerk : Let me know your name, please Mr. Bill Red : Im Bill Red. I think someone from East Java Government Tourism Service has booked a room for me Reservation Clerk : Wait a minute, Sir. Let me check todays arrival list first. Im sorry, Sir. Your name is not on the list Mr. Bill Red : Is it true my name is not on the list? Reservation Clerk : Yes, its right, Sir Mr. Bill Red : I dont know what has happened. Perhaps something has gone wrong Reservation Clerk : Did you receive the confirmation from our hotel, Sir? Mr. Bill Red : No, Someone asked me to check in directly at this hotel. This is Surabaya Grand Hotel, isnt it? Reservation Clerk : Yes, it is Mr. Bill Red : Anyhow, do you have a spare room for me now? Reservation Clerk : I apologize, Sir. The hotel is full occupancy today, however, be patient, please. Ill contact another hotel in the similar type, if a room is still available for you. Mr. Bill Red : OK, do it now, please!

    EXERCISE Fill in the blank with appropriate words in the box

    necessary double bedded room room rate check in exhausting Actually

    Registration Card any spare room arrived really Reservation Book accompany

    Receptionist : Good evening, Sir. What can I do for you? Mr. Brown : Yes, Im Mr. Brown. We just .. from Sydney Do you have for me and my family? Receptionist : Wait a moment, Sir. Ill check it in the . Fortunately, we still have one for you. Will you see the room first? Mr. Brown : Yes, I think so. Receptionist : Wait a minute, Sir. Bellboy will . you to room 201


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Mr. Brown : Why dont you give me the room on the first floor? Receptionist : Im sorry, Sir. We dont have .. on the first floor. Mr. Brown : Well, never mind, Ill take the room and I think it isnt ..

    for me to see it. Its better directly to the hotel. Receptionist : Would you fill in the ... please? Mr. Brown : All right Receptionist : How is your flight, Sir? Mr. Brown : It was rather ... but my wife and me enjoy it. By the way, how much should I pay the room per night? Receptionist : The . is US $ 75 per night. Here is your key, Sir. Mr. Brown : Well, Thank you Receptionist : Youre welcome.


    Listen carefully when your instructor reads the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    Hotel Reservation When your guest has a hotel reservation, it is actually a good idea for him to ask you, By what time do I have to check in? If he arrives later than the specified time, you may cancel his reservation unless he calls ahead of time to tell you that hell be late. If he wants to cancel his reservation, he should call in advance to notify the hotel.


    1. Id like a / single / room / with / a bath / double / / without / shower / connecting door

    2. Id prefer a / room / with / a view of the sea / a view of mountain / a view of garden

    3. Tony / said (that) / he would / see you again / told me / / meet him soon / come here

    RECOGNIZING IDIOM OF HAND come to hand = muncul give a hand = memberi bantuan win hands down = dengan mudah mendapat kemenangan have a hand in = ikut campur dalam take in hand = mengawasi keep in hand = menguasai play into the hand of = memberi keuntungan kepada


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    lay a hand on = mengganggu lay hands on = merampas hand over = menyerahkan

    EXERCISE : Complete the following sentences with appropriate idioms of hand above and then translate them into Indonesian

    1. A tiger .. to the middle of crowded people on the big show 2. The American troops have .potential cities in Iraq before attacking

    the palace 3. Government to the people of West Sumatra who get a disaster 4. It will be better if you dont .. their fight 5. The US army can against the troops of Iraq 6. Riding fast a motorcycle on the street will .other vehicles riders 7. He trusts and .. his business to his son 8. The pickpocket .the girls bag on the way to traditional market 9. The manager asks me to .. the management of the restaurant 10. His attracts the Personnel Manager to promote him to higher


    D. WRITING Letter of confirming a reservation

    HILTON INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 10 Stanley Market Street

    Hong Kong 1001

    To : King Mie, the Secretary of Kong Sie & Company Ltd Facsimile : 852 03 71718717

    From : Yeyen, the Reservation Clerk of Hilton International Hotel Facsimile : 852 03 72444199

    Date : August 25th, 20. Subject : Confirming a Reservation

    Dear Sirs,

    This will confirm your reservation of a suit room for Mr. Agung Pranoto, the President Director of ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya, Indonesia in accordance with the date and time stipulated in your facsimile of 24th of August Thank you for your trust on our hotel. We hope to be of further service to you.

    Sincerely yours,

    Yeyen Reservation Clerk


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    After getting a facsimile from your friend in Surabaya who will make a market research in Malaysia for ten days such as written in Writing Exercise - Unit 2, then make a facsimile to Fortuna Hotel Kuala Lumpur as soon as possible to reserve a room as he requested. You choose Fortuna Hotel because you consider that the hotel is cheaper comparing with other hotels in Kuala Lumpur


    1 6



    2 5 7 10


    3 XX XX 8 XX XX

    4 9

    Right wards 1. Cold-blooded animal living wholly in water and breathing through gills, with fins for swimming 2. (formal) have dinner 4. Condition of being free from activity 6. Something said or done to cause someone laughs 7. Equal to inquire 9. Place made by a bird for its eggs

    Down wards 1. It can be eaten by people or animals 3. Introducing alternative 5. The direction where the sun rises in the morning 6. Connect two things with a line 8. Above 10. Payment which must be, but has not been paid yet


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk melayani tamu ketika check in

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk melayani tamu ketika check in - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan cara melayani tamu ketika

    check in dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar


    Good image is important in handling check in process and it must be done accurately by Front Desk Clerk. Greet the guests upon their arrival even greet them by name for the returned guests make them unforgettable to the hotel

    .Check the guests reservation against todays expected arrival list and then present the registration form together with the hotel pen or pre-register for returned guest. Go through the completed Registration Card (RC) to make sure every column is properly filled in order to avoid query later on and check the passport. Ask the form of payment he or she will be making, and then get the right type of room which the guest requested and mark down the room number on the RC and double check the room key for the right room number.

    Inform his or her room number with the room rate while giving a key card to the guest, however, it is suggested not to announce the room number while others are nearly, especially to keep the secret for the security of female guests. The Front Desk Clerk can also obtain guests next destination to help them making hotel reservation. Offer bell service and room showing to the guest and thank them for the selection of your hotel and wish them a pleasant stay.

    Questions 1. What is the main topic of the passage above? 2. What is the duty of Front Desk Clerk? Explain your answer 3. What is it meant by clause todays expected arrival list? 4. What must be filled in the Registration Card by Receptionist? 5. Why is the Receptionist advised not to declare the female guests room number


    EXERCISE : Make sentences with these New Vocabularies

    Upon = pada against = pada query = meragukan Returned = kembali pleasant = menyenangkan obtain = memperoleh Mark down = mencatat secret = rahasia properly = sebagaimana mestinya

    Present Future Perfect Tense The future perfect tense is used for an action which at some designated future time,

    will be a past action


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Fill in the blank below with Special Hotel Terms in the box

    luggage cart = kereta barang luggage rack = rak barang message rack = rak u/ menyimpan pesan receptionist = penerima tamu bellboy = pengantar tamu ke kamar luggage = barang bawaan

    luggage pass = kartu barang welcome drink = minuman penyambutan luggage collection = kumpulan luggage book = buku catatan barang barang

    1. will have accompanied the guest at this time tomorrow morning 2. The .. will have been packed at this time tomorrow morning 3. The front desk clerk will have written the name and the total of guests luggage in the 4. The guests luggage will have been loaded using 5. The bellboy will have brought all groups luggage to the when

    they check in the hotel tomorrow morning 6. The receptionist will have asked to the guests when they take their

    luggage 7. The guests things will have been put in the by bellman 8. The front desk clerk will have submitted the message in . to the guest. 9. The Front Office Manager will have planned certain precaution towards the bad image of the service to the guest 10. The Assistant Manager will have provided to the group of guests

    Translate the sentences above into Indonesian

    B. SPEAKING Study and read the dialogue below correctly Receptionist : Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to Grand Beach Hotel Guest : Good afternoon. Do you have a single room for me? Receptionist : Yes, we have one, Sir. How long are you going to stay here? Guest : Ill stay here until tomorrow only Receptionist : All right. Would you fill in this registration form, please? Guest : Okay Receptionist : Why are you staying so short, Sir? Guest : Well, actually I want to stay longer in Surabaya, however, I should attend to a seminar in Bali tomorrow .

    Receptionist : Well, have you already filled the Registration Form? Guest : Yes, I have. Here it is. Receptionist : Mr. Fredi, may I see your passport, please? Guest : Yes, here it is. Receptionist : Alright, here is your room key and the bell boy will help you bringing up your luggage to your room on the seventh floor Guest : Thank you very much for your good service Receptionist : Youre welcome. Have a nice rest, Sir.

    Memorize the dialogue above at home and then practice it in front of the class for the next meeting 25

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Surname : First name Mr. v RAMINO FREDI Mrs. . Miss Nationality : SINGAPOREAN

    Address : Occupation : HOTEL MANAGER

    RAFFLES STREET 9, Passport No.: P.251186 A SINGAPORE

    . Date of birth:

    Arrival Date From 25 / 11 / 1986 JUNE 22nd SINGAPORE

    Departure Date To Form of Payment No. of JUNE 23rd BALI Cash persons

    Credit Card v Company Account 1 Travel Voucher

    Look at the example of registration form above, and then answer the questions about the guest who checks in the hotel

    1. What his name? 2. How old is he? 3. Where does he live? 4. When does he check in? 5. When does he check out? 6. Where does he work? 7. What his passport number? 8. How is he going to pay his hotel bill? 9. Where has he just come from? 10. Where is he going to next destination?

    C. DICTATION Listen carefully when your instructor reads the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    The Procedure of Hotel Registration A good receptionist should be wise and smart in handling check in process. Here is the procedure of hotel registration. 1. First, ask the guest for identification 2. Then, check the reservation on the computer 3. Next, ask the guest to complete the registration form 4. Then, give his room key to the guest 5. Finally, ask a bellboy to accompany the guest to his room 26

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    1. Do you have / a single room / for me? / a suit room / for my secretary? / a baby cot / for my two year old boy?

    2. Wait a minute, Sir. / Ill see it / in the computer Just a moment, Sir / Ill check it / in the reservation book Wait a moment, Mom /

    3. The bellboy / will accompany you / to the room The bell boy / will bring up your luggage / to the second floor The concierge / will take your baggage / from the car

    D. WRITING Letter of Appreciation

    ADA MULTIFARIOUS SERVICES First Karang Menjangan Street

    Surabaya, Indonesia

    To : Mr. Kong Guan, the General Manager of Kong Sie & Company Ltd 10 Stanley Market Street, Hong Kong, 10001 Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 From : ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya-Indonesia Facsimile : 6231 5930051 Date : September 3rd, 20

    Subject : Letter of Appreciation


    Back now in Surabaya I wish to thank you most sincerely for your wonderful reception extended to me in Hong Kong. I am very much impressed in your business organization that is representative of a modern business global.

    I am quite optimistic that our personal contact will lead to an increasing volume of business between our organizations.

    I highly appreciated your kindness and look forward to the opportunity to reciprocate your warm hospitality by receiving a visit from you here.

    Yours truly,

    Agung Pranoto President Director


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    As the Marketing Manager of Surabaya Amazing Tours, you had gotten a lot of assistances when you got a duty from your boss to collect data in Malaysia. Write a letter of appreciation to your friend who was working at a Travel Agent in Kuala Lumpur for his help booking a hotel for you.


    1 7 4 8



    2 5



    3 6

    Right wards 1. Something lent, especially a sum of money 2. Coloured like ashes; between black and white 3. Duty 4. Good 5. Test, examination 6. Bromo Sun,,,,, tour

    Downwards 1. Suramadu is the . bridge in Indonesia 4. For long time 7. The city in America where the World Trade Centre building was attacked by terrorist on September 2002 8. Look at carefully in order to learn about or from


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk melayani tamu ketika check out - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk melayani tamu ketika check out

    - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan cara melayani tamu ketika check out dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar

    1. READING

    The following are hotel security regulations vital for your protection and the various facilities available while you are here Visitors may not be entertained in guest rooms AFTER MIDNIGHT. We

    suggest our public area for this purpose The sighting glass and chain on your door have been installed for your safety Please double lock your door and keep the chain on while you are in your room

    to ensure complete privacy You are requested not to leave cash, travelers cheques or other valuables in

    your room as we not responsible for the loss of such items Safety deposit boxes are available free of charge from the Cashiers Counter in

    the Lobby (24 hours) Please leave your room key with the Front Desk when you check out or leave

    the premises. HK$ 15.00 will be charged for loss of a room key You are requested to settle your account with us when it reaches credit limit of

    HK$1.500.00. Please contact our Credit Manager for any special credit arrangements

    To avoid delay due to heavy check out, please allow 30 minutes for our Cashier to prepare your bill

    Should you need any assistance, dial 5 for the Assistant Manager on duty We thank you for co-operation and wish you a pleasant stay

    Questions 1. Can you take a guest to your room at 02.15 a.m.? 2. If you lose some money in your room, will the hotel give you the amount of

    money you have lost? 3. What happens if you lose your key? 4. You want to check out at 10.00 a.m. What time the latest time to ask Cashier to

    prepare your bill? 5. If you want any helps, what number you should dial to see the Assistant

    Manager of the hotel?

    Special Hotel terms Bill = Bon pembayaran yang berisi jenis dan jumlah transaksi yang

    dilakukan oleh tamu hotel


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Bill Clerk = Karyawan hotel yang bertugas membuat rekening tamu hotel Bill Folder = Lipatan kertas tebal sebagai tempat rekening / bill tamu hotel Cash = pembayaran tunai Cashier = Kasir / petugas penerima dan pembayar uang di hotel Cash flow = Arus kas yang menggambarkan alur pendapatan dan pengeluaran hotel Cash receipt = Nota atau tanda terima pembayaran tamu hotel kepada kasir Cash register = Mesin pengitung uang dengan nota sesuai dengan transaksi

    yang dilakukan tamu hotel Check out time = Waktu check out yang ditetapkan hotel 12.0013.00 p.m Compliment = Tidak dipungut biaya / gratis Credit Card = Kartu kredit (juga bisa digunakan membayar rekening hotel ) Make sentences using special hotel terms above with your own words

    Fill in the blank with appropriate special hotel terms above 1. Mr. Brown called the Front Office Cashier to provide his . 2. . helped cashier to make bill of the hotel guest 3. Bill clerk placed the guest bill in the . 4. Mr. Black recommended his wife to pay the bill in 5. Cashier showed the .. of the hotel to F.O. Manager 6. After accepting money from guests, cashier sent the copy of .. to Accounting Department 7. Cashier counted money he got from guests of the hotel using .. 11. Hotel management decided the latest . of hotel at 01.00 p.m. 12. Hotel management didnt charge baby cot as it was the ..of hotel 13. The businessman didnt pay his bill in cash but he used .. Exercise: Translate the sentences above into Indonesian

    B. SPEAKING Memorize and then practice the dialogue below in front of the class

    Guest : Good morning. This is room 30. Could you tell me what time is it ? I will check out from the hotel at one oclock this afternoon. Is it possible? Receptionist : All right. Now is still eleven oclock, so you still have two hours to prepare everything before checking out Guest : Oh, yes. Could you send bell boy up to help me packaging my baggage?. Receptionist : Well, Ill send him up immediately. By the way, do you need bell boy bringing up your bill to your room? Guest : No. It isnt necessary for him to bring it up because I will pay it in your counter when I check out. So just tell the cashier to provide my bill Receptionist : All right, Sir.

    C. DICTATION Listen carefully when your instructor reads the passage below and then write

    down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book 30

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Cross culture Understanding

    Expressing Gratitude It is a custom to thank the hostess for a very pleasant dinner. One may say anything that truly expresses his appreciation. Common expressions are Good bye, It was nice of you to have me, or Thank you, Ive had such a good time. For larger favors than a dinner party, such as an overnight or weekend visit, it is customary to send a thank-you note, which is also called as a bread-and-butter letter.


    1. Could you send / someone / up / immediately, / please? / bell boy / straightaway, / right away

    2. Could you get / my bill ready / as soon as possible, / please? / immediately, / right now

    3. Ive only got / half an hour / before / the plane takes off / an hour / the train arrives / the bell rings

    RECOGNIZING IDIOM OF LET Let = membiarkan Let alone = apalagi, jangankan Letdown = kekecewaan (kb) Lethargic = lesu (ks) Lethargy = kelesuan (kb) To let fly = melontarkan To let go = melepaskan To let in = membiarkan masuk To let know = memberitahukan To let on = menceritakan To let through = membiarkan lewat

    EXERCISE: Complete the following sentences with appropriate idioms of let above and then translate them into Indonesian

    1. ..he visits his mother every week, once in a year is temporary 2. The director reminds his secretary not every body to his room 3. Think first! Dont like .. bad words to others 4. I ask my father .. all working experiences he has ever executed 5. It will be better not promising something to your children if finally it makes



  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    6. I order the security the visitors on the bridge towards the museum

    7. Would you like ..me the way to Orchid Hotel, please? 8. The animal lovers try hard the protected animals into the forest 9. The farmer is very . after working hard in the rice field 10. His will be better after taking a rest for a while

    E. WRITING Letter of invitation

    ADA MULTIFARIOUS SERVICES First Karang Menjangan Street

    Surabaya, Indonesia

    To : Kong Sie & Company Ltd 10 Stanley Market Street, Hong Kong, 10001 Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 From : ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya-Indonesia Facsimile : 6231 5930051 Date : September 21st, 20 Subject : Invitation

    Dear Mr. Kong Guan,

    I would like to inform you that in developing our company, I will expand new business in traveling.

    We would be grateful if you and your wife could come to the opening ceremony of our new branch office at 2345 M.T.Haryono Street, Malang, at the 28th of September20, at 09.00 a.m.

    We look forward to your acceptance of this invitation.


    Agung Pranoto President Director


    Write a letter of invitation to your friend who is working at a Travel Agent in Kuala Lumpur to visit some tourist attractions in East Java Province.


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan tamu yang komplin dalam bahasa Inggris

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan tamu yang komplin dalam bahasa Inggris - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan percakapan ketika menangani komplin tamu menggunakan bahasa Inggris

    dengan lancar dan benar

    A. READING Study and read the passage below correctly

    GUEST IS A KING Some guests are some time not obeying hotels rule, for example after booking a room and then they make cancellation without any confirmation. Or there is a double booking for a similar guest. Anyhow we should avoid misunderstanding with them. Guests who stay in our hotel pay all services given to them. We should appreciate what they have already paid. So they must get satisfaction during they stay in our hotel. However, some time they also feel inconvenience. For instance, when they enter the bathroom for taking a bath, they get difficulty in having hot water. After trying to turn on the hot and cold water tap, no hot water come out. So its reasonable if they complain about it. Other problems are for example a guest who can not sleep well at night because of hearing the sound of machine or the noisy from the next room. And also the hotels room which is not free from mosquito. These all can disturb hotels guests and make them feel dissatisfied during they stay in the hotel. As a hotel clerk, we should make effort to be wishful in handling the complain. For the first problem takes for example, we should fix the water tap as soon as possible and asked an apologize. And for the second problem may be we can offer the guest to change the room. However, if the hotel is full occupancy so there is not any spare room available, we offer them to move to other hotel or if they wont, we ask them to wait for a few minutes perhaps there are other guests will check out.

    Questions : 1. What is the main topic of paragraphs above? 2. Why should hotel staffs appreciate their guests? 3. If a water tap of the bathroom is damaged and youre the receptionist on duty,

    what should you do when your guest complains to you? 4. What will you offer to your guests if they feel inconvenience because they hear

    the noisy from the next room? 5. Do you think its important to respond guests complain immediately? Explain

    your answer 33

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Special Hotel terms Appreciate = menghargai Available = tersedia Booking = reservation = pemesanan kamar Cancellation = pembatalan pemesanan kamar

    Confirmation = penegasan dari hotel bahwa pemesanan kamar disetujui Dissatisfied = kecewa Double booking = dua orang berlainan memesan kamar yang sama Effort / endeavor = berusaha Full occupancy = seluruh kamar hotel terisi Misunderstand = salah paham Spare room = kamar kosong yang masih bisa dijual

    Make sentences using special hotel terms above with your own words

    Translate the following sentences into English 1. Kamu seharusnya menghargai pekerjaan orang lain 2. Makan malam untuk semua tamu hotel tersedia di restoran 3. Dia belum memesan sebuah kamarpun untuk pimpinannya 4. Kamu telah membuat pembatalan untuk pemesanan kamarmu 5. Kamu dapat menunggu penegasan pesanan kamarmu dalam tempo dua hari 6. Sebagian besar tamu hotel sangat kecewa terhadap pelayananmu 7. Saya kira kamu telah membuat dobel pemesanan untuk sebuah kamar yang sama 8. Temanmu telah berusaha keras untuk memesankan kamar kita 9. Dia minta maaf kepada tamunya yang baru masuk karena seluruh kamar hotel

    sudah terisi 10. Tamu itu bertanya apakah masih ada kamar kosong yang bisa dijual

    B. SPEAKING Practice the dialogue below in pairs

    Head Receptionist : Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you? Mr. Sandy : Yes, I am Sandy, staying in room no.303 and I could not sleep well last night as it was too noisy. I heard the sound of some machines, dddddd I was really very disturbed by that

    Head Receptionist : I am sorry for that inconvenience, Sir Mr. Sandy : It is possible for me to move to another room as I will stay here for more than two days? Head Receptionist : Very well, Sir. I will find the better one. Mr. Sandy : If possible, it is facing a beautiful view. Head Receptionist : Fine , Sir. How about room no. 426?. It is facing the swimming pool. Mr. Sandy : That will be fine. Head Receptionist : I will send somebody up to take care of your luggage and your other belongings, Sir Mr. Sandy : Its a good service and thank you so much. (English for Hotel Student, p.9)


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    C. DICTATION Listen carefully when your instructor read the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    The Silent Language Culture does not always determine the messages that our body movements

    convey. Contexts, personalities, and relationships also influence them. Therefore, no two people in anyone society have the same non verbal behavior.

    However, like verbal language, nonverbal communication can not be completely separated from culture. Whether we emphasize differences or similarities, the silent language is much louder than it first appears.


    1. Good morning, / Sir. / Welcome to / Grand Hotel Good afternoon, / mom / / Surabaya Good evening, / dear / / East Java

    2. Do you have / a reservation / for me? Do you have / a booking / for him? Do you have / a confirmation / for my room?

    3. Let me / check / todays arrival list / in the registration book May I / see / / in the computer Can I / know /

    PRONUNCIATION DRILL Average . eidj

    average baggage beverage cabbage carriage collage coverage damage engage garbage language luggage manage marriage message package

    D. WRITING Letter of accepting invitation

    KONG SIE & COMPANY LTD 10 Stanley Market Street

    Hong Kong, 10001

    To. : Mr. Agung Pranoto, ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya, Indonesia Facsimile : 62315930051 From : King Mie Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 Date : September 22nd, 20

    Subject : Accepting Invitation 35

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Dear Mr. Agung,

    Thank you for your kind invitation to the opening ceremony of your new branch office at 2345 M.T.Haryono Street, Malang, at the 28th of September 20, at 09.00 a.m.

    We would like to inform you that Mr. Kong Guan and wife have pleasure in accepting the invitation and will be delighted to come. They will leave Hong Kong for Surabaya at the 26th of September by Cathay Pacific Airways flight number CX 473. It is estimated that both of them will arrive at Surabaya International Airport at 05.15 p.m.

    We look forward to seeing you in further information

    Sincerely yours,

    King Mie Secretary


    Replay your friends wedding invitation which will be held at Garden Palace Convention Hall at the 2nd of October, 20. at 7 p.m. Tell him that you have pleasure in accepting the wedding invitation and will be delighted to come.


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami kata-kata dan ungkapan ketika bertugas di Front Office

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan di front Office

    - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan percakapan ketika bertugas di Front Office menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan benar

    A. READING Read the Passage below correctly


    There are four main sections in Front Office; they are concierge, business center, reception and information, and reservation desks. Each of them has its own works to serve the hotels guests.

    Concierge delivers messages speedily as required by superior, helps the doorman with the handing of guests on arrival and departure, handling the delivery collection and storage of all guests luggage efficiently, opens vehicle door for guests and escort them through the front door

    Business Center Clerk receives facsimile and ensures it is delivered to the address, confirming airline tickets, handling overseas calls, guests requests for typing, copying and equipment service

    Receptionist and information clerk handle all guest requests efficiently, friendly, and with a smiling face. Checking hotels guests in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Front Office manual. Handling guest registration, submitting room key, message, and all related matters to hotels guests, and entering all guests folios into the computer immediately and accurately.

    Reservation Clerk handles room reservations by checking the room status first, if the rooms are available the guests reservation can be accepted, however, if the rooms are not available, put the reservation on the waiting list if it is agreed by the guest. But if the guests disagree, offer them to stay in other hotels with the same category.

    Questions : 1. What is the main topic of paragraphs above? 2. Who is handling guest registration in Front Office? 3. Who can help guests typing a letter? 4. What should the reservation clerk do if there is no any spare room for the new

    guest? 5. Can you tell your friends what the function of Front Office is?

    Special Hotel Terms Assist = membantu Collection = kumpulan / koleksi 37

  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    Concierge = petugas hotel yang membawakan barang-barang tamu ketika turun dari mobil menuju kedalam hotel Deliver = mengirim Doorman = petugas hotel yang membukakan pintu untuk tamu Efficiently = efisien Accurately = akurat

    Escort = menemani / mengantar Receptionist = penerima tamu Reservation clerk = petugas reservasi

    Vehicle = kendaraan

    Make sentences using special hotel terms above with your own words

    Direct and Indirect speech When the words of a speaker are given directly as spoken, we mention it

    Direct Speech and when the words of a speaker are not given directly as spoken but are given indirectly, we call it Indirect Speech When a change from direct to indirect is made, the role of sequence of tenses must be followed

    Example : Direct Speech : The doorman told me I am ready to assist you Indirect Speech : The doorman told me that he was ready to assist me.

    When a question is changed from direct to indirect speech, the normal question form is not retained since the resulting statement is no longer a question but a statement fact. Example : He asked, Where does the concierge keep the luggage? He asked where the concierge kept the luggage If the original question does not begin with some question word like where, why, how, then when it is changed to indirect form, the question is introduced by if. Example : He asked receptionist, Does your manager know my coming? He asked receptionist if her manager knew his coming If commands or requests are stated in indirect form, they are expressed using an infinitive. Example : He said to me, Deliver the message soon! He told me to deliver the message soon He said to the bell boy, Dont escort me!

    He told the bell boy not to escort him

    EXERCISES Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech

    1. He said to me, Where are my bags? 2. She told them, Dont assist me! 3. The receptionist said to me, Keep the luggage collection! 4. The lady said to the concierge, Help me bringing the bags! 5. The old man asked me, Where does bellboy deliver my letter? 6. F.O. Manager asked her, Do you know the task of doorman? 7. The receptionist asked bell captain, Does bellman escort the guest to his



  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    8. Assistant Manager said to the accounting clerk, Control the evidences of material purchasing!

    9. The personnel Manager said to me, When do you submit your testimonial? 10. They asked me, Do you buy a new vehicle?

    B. SPEAKING Read the dialogue below in pairs

    Dialogue 1 B.C. Clerk : Good afternoon, madam. May I do you a favor?

    Guest : Yes, I want to send a letter to my son in London. Can I get a stamp here? B.C. Clerk : Yes, maam. How many stamps do you need? Guest : Two are enough with the price of two thousand rupiahs each, and I also need a pen refill. Do you have it? B.C. Clerk : Of course we have, madam. We always make an effort to be able to providing all guests requirements here Guest : Actually I need a copy of this letter before posting it. Could you help me, please? B.C. Clerk : Yes, of course I could, madam. Anyhow, what else do you need? Guest : I think thats enough. Thank you very much for your kinds B.C. Clerk : Dont mention it, maam Exercise : Change the dialogue above into Indirect Speech

    Dialogue 2 Concierge : Good morning, Sir. Can I do you a favor? Guest : Yes. Can you take my luggage from the taxi and bring them to Front Office, please? Concierge : All right, Sir. Ill bring your entire luggage into the hotel Guest : Dont forget to take some bags in the front seat, please?

    Concierge : Dont worry, Sir. Ill take the bags and bring them together your luggage Guest : Okay, thank you

    C. DICTATION Listen carefully when your instructor read the passage below and then write down what you can listen in your note book. Please close your text book

    Attending the Invitation In America if a person is invited to a dinner at 6.30, the hostess expects him to be

    there at 6.30 or not more than a few minutes after. Since she usually does her own cooking, she times the meal so that the hot rolls and the coffee and meat will be at their best at the time the guest comes. If he is late, the food will not be so good and the hostess will be disappointed. When the guest cannot come on time, he calls the host / hostess on the phone, gives the reason, and tells at what time he thinks he can come.


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    READ THE FOLLOWING EXPRESSIONS CORRECTLY 1. Could you explain / the duty of / concierge? Could you mention / / receptionist? Could you express / / reservation clerk?

    2. Concierge can / open vehicle door for guests Receptionist can / handle guest registration

    Reservation clerk can / decide the reservation is accepted or not

    3. Yes, Sir / Ill bring your entire luggage into the hotel Dont worry, Mam / Ill take all of your belongings from the car Of course, Sir / Ill open vehicle door for you

    RECOGNIZING IDIOM OF OPEN Open = membuka To open onto = berterus-terang Open-end = tidak terbatas (ks) Open-eyed = dengan mata melotot Open-faced = bermuka jujur (ks) Open-handed = pemurah, murah hati (ks) Open-hearted = jujur Open house = rumah yang dapat dikunjungi siapa saja Open-minded = tanpa prasangka Open-mouthed = melongo Open-question = sesuatu yang tidak tentu

    EXERCISE : Complete the following sentences with appropriate idioms of open above and then translate them into Indonesian

    1. We ask her not to expect an . from her husband 2. The bus driver is very angry with a passenger and talk loudly with .. 3. Dont worry you can come to my house any time with anyone else. Its ... 4. I like him very much and I also trust him because he always say 5. She likes to assist everyone, she is really an .. girl 6. Im sure he speaks true, it can be seen from his face. He is an .. boy 7. My little brother looks at me with an ..because both of us have never

    met to each other for a long time 8. She can communicate with good and bad people because of her 9. Those who come to his house are .. as he always welcome each

    guest warmly 10. Dont keep silent, everyone is waiting you to in expressing the secret

    D. WRITING Letter of declining invitation


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School

    KONG SIE & COMPANY LTD 10 Stanley Market Street

    Hong Kong, 10001

    To. : Mr. Agung Pranoto, ADA Multifarious Services, Surabaya, Facsimile : 62315930051 From : King Mie Facsimile : 852 03 71718717 Date : September 22nd, 20

    Subject : Declining Invitation

    Dear Mr. Agung,

    Thank you for your kind invitation to the opening ceremony of your new branch office at 2345 M.T.Haryono Street, Malang, at the 28th of September 20, at 09.00 a.m.

    We would like to inform you that actually Mr. Kong Guan and wife would like to attend the ceremony very much, but regret that owing to their previous engagement on that date, they are not able to come. They are sending you their best wishes for the success of the ceremony.

    With kindest regards, Sincerely yours,

    King Mie Secretary

    WRITING EXERCISE Write a replaying letter to your friends wedding invitation which will be held at Garden Palace Convention Hall at the 2nd of October, 20 at 7 p.m. Tell him that you have pleasure in accepting the wedding invitation, however, you are very regret not able to come as you should have been still studying in foreign country until the end of October


  • Practical English Surabaya Hotel School


    Tujuan Instruksional : - Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menawarkan paket tour

    - Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menawarkan paket tour kepada tamu

    - Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan percakapan ketika bertugas di Front Desk untuk menawarkan paket tour kepada tamu menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lancar

    A. READING Read the passage below correctly


    Usually some guests who stay in four or five star hotels think that what they need can be found in a short time. Then they go to Front Desk to ask some information where they can go for shopping, sight seeing, playing golf, joining tour program, etc. Of course the Front Desk clerk says that he will provide their requests as soon as possible and ensure them not to worry as he will make hard