Beasiswa Guru SMP

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Transcript of Beasiswa Guru SMP

  • 7/26/2019 Beasiswa Guru SMP


    Beasiswa Guru SMP/SMA/Sederajat

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    ILEP yaitu beasiswa yg disediakan Biro Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Departemen Luar Negara

    AS lewat International Research dan Exchanges Board (IREX), organisasi non profit yg berbasis

    di Washington, DC. Penerima beasiswa IELP bakal magang di sekolah menengah di AS &

    berinteraksi dengan cara aktif dengan guru & peserta didik.
  • 7/26/2019 Beasiswa Guru SMP


    Persyaratan :

    1. Guru SMP/SMA/sederajat yg mengajar bagian bahasa Inggris, ilmu sosial (IPS), pendidikan

    kewarganegaraan (PKn), matematika, juga sains (IPA).

    2. Mempunyai pengalaman mengajar 5 th atau lebih

    3. Warganegara Indonesia4. Sanggup posting & berbahasa Inggris dibuktikan bersama score minimum ITP TOEFL 500,

    IBT TOEFL 60/61, atau IELTS yg setara

    Pendaftaran :

    Pengajuan beasiswa guru SMP/SMA/sederajat 2016 dari IREX bisa dilakukan dgn dua cara


    cara pertama, Kirimkan dokumen penerapan berikut lewat kantor AMINEF :

    1. Formulir (klik link website penyelenggara untuk mendownloadnya)

    2. Satu halaman Statement of Purpose yg ditulis dgn terang

    3. Curriculum Vitae

    4. Isi dua formulir rekomendasi pula formulir dukungan institusi

    5. Copy card identitas (KTP atau paspor)

    6. Copy score TOEFL/IELTS

    Kirimkan dokumen penerapan komplit tersebut ke alamat :


    Intiland Tower, 11th Floor

    Jl. Jend. Sudirman 32,

    Jakarta 10220

    cara ke-2, ajukan pendaftaran online :Seandainya pilih mendaftar dengan cara ke-2, pelamar mengajukan penerapan beasiswa ILEP

    dengan cara registrasi online di web IREX :

    Buatlah akun terlebih dulu di web tersebut, lalu lanjutkan mengisi formulir serta upload dokumen

    yang dibutuhkan (format Pdf) yg diminta berikut :

    1. Dua surat rekomendasi & dukungan institusi (formulir mampu didownload terhadap

    penerapan online)

    2. Identitas diri (KTP atau paspor)

    3. Ijazah & transkrip

    4. Score TOEFL/IELTS5. Curriculum vitae

  • 7/26/2019 Beasiswa Guru SMP


    1. Please list other international exposure you have had including working with international organizations

    or foreigners in your home country. Please provide your response in 250 words or less.*

    0 Words2.

    3. During the International Leaders in Education Program, participants often have roommates from other

    areas of the world. What steps would you take to successfully live with a person from another country? Give an

    example of a time you had to demonstrate flexibility interacting with someone from a different culture. Please

    provide your response in 250 words or less.*

    0 Words

    Additional Education or Professional Experience & Activity: Please list what activities you havepursued inside and outside the classroom to maintain your professional training as an

    educator. In addition, please list professional organizations that you are a member of and

    relevant work in your community outside of school. Please provide your response in 25

    words or less.*

    0 Words

    !escribe the opportunities or challenges for girls in your community to receive a "uality

    education. If applicable, describe how you have e#panded or improved opportunities for

    girls$ education, or addressed other important issues affecting girls in your community.Please provide your response in 25 words or less.*

    0 Words

    1. Statement of Purpose: Your Statement of Purpose is the most important part of your application. Your

    response will give the selection committee an opportunity to better understand you as a teacher leader and your

    desire to participate in the program. Statements must be clearly written in order to be considered.*

    In the space provided, please address all questions inno more than 500 words:

    Why do you want to participate in ILEP?

    Describe an occasion when you were a leader or set a positive example in your school.

    What skills and experience do you hope to gain from participating in ILEP?

    How will your community benefit from your participation in the program? Describe at least two

    ways you will share what you learn with your school and/or community.

    Identify a challenge or pressing issue you seek to address in your school or community upon

    returning home from the International Leaders in Education Program.

    0 Words

  • 7/26/2019 Beasiswa Guru SMP


    2. Additional Space

    Please use this space for any additional information. Include any responses that did not fit elsewhere in the



    1. ess than 200 words, please tell us briefly about your school and the community it serves: Who are the

    students? What do they do when they leave school or complete their studies at your school? What kind of work

    do their parents do? Please briefly share any other important information about the school community here.*

    0 Words