Bahasa Inggris Di Sekitar Kita

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Transcript of Bahasa Inggris Di Sekitar Kita

Belajar Bahasa Inggris di kehidupan sehari-hariKumpulan Kosakata Aktifitas Sehari-hari Bahasa Inggris

.Adakah Kumpulan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris tentang Kegiatan / aktifitas sehari-hari? Jawabannya pasti banyak karena di sini menyediakan kosakata bahasa Inggris kegiatan sehari-hari dan terjemahan (artinya) ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Kegiatan / aktifitas sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris disebut daily activities / daily routines pasti sangat berguna untuk menceritakan tentang kegiatan kita sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika kita tidak mempunyai kosakata bahasa Inggris yang cukup, alangkah baiknya jika kita mencoba memperkaya / menambah kosakata bahasa Inggris (vocabulary) kita dengan melakukan cara sederhana menambah kosakata bahasa Inggris (baca: 7 cara memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris)

Lalu, apa sajakah kosakata aktifitas sehari-hari itu? Pasti jawabannya sangat relatif karena setiap orang sudah barang tentu memiliki perbedaan latar belakang sehingga kegiatan sehari-hari dari berbagai manusia bisa sangat bermacam-macam. Untuk itu, di sini saya hanya memberikan beberapa kosakata bahasa Inggris yang sering dikerjakan oleh orang luar negeri, baik itu kosakata "yang" benar-benar di lakukan sehari-hari di dalam rumah, di saat kerja, kegiatan rutin mingguan dan bahkan kegiatan rutin lainnya.

Contoh Teks Daily Activities (kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah)What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?(Apa kegiatan sehari-hari yang sering anda lakukan di rumah?) I wake up at 7am every morning. I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to have a shower before I get dressed. My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair.

It is important to brush your teeth, and some women like to put make-up on. After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually make dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm.After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I watch television. On television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes. Our children feed the dog and the cat before they go to bed and I tell them to go to the bathroom too. If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas and set the alarm so I wake up in the morning. The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed.

Vocabulary :

Wake up : bangun tidurPress the snooze botton: tekan tombol snooze (tidur sebentar)Turn off the alarm : mematikan alarmGet up : bangun (dari tempat tidur)Have a cup of coffee : menikmati kopiMake breakfast : membuat sarapan pagiRead the newspaper : membaca koranHave breakfast : sarapan pagiHave a shower : mandiGet dressed : berpakaianBrush one's hair : keramasComb one's hair : menyisir rambutBrush one's teeth : menggosok gigiPut make-up on : berias, dandanGo home : pulangCook dinner : memasak makan malamMake dinner : makan malamDo one's homework : mengerjakan PRWatch Television : menonton TVWatch the News : nonton beritaTake the rubbish out : membuang sampahWash the dishes : mencuci piring (kotor)Feed the dog and cat : memberi makan anjing dan kucingGo to bed : (Siap-siap) tidurGo to the bathroom : Pergi ke kamar mandiTake one's medication : Minum obatGet into one's pyjamas : memakai baju tidurSet the alarm : mengatur waktu alarmLock the door : mengunci pintuTurn off the lights : mematikan lampu

Contoh Teks Daily Activities (Kegiatan Sehari-hari di Tempat Kerja)What are some daily activities that you do at work?

I go to work at 8.45am every morning. I usually drive to work. I always check my emails when I get to work, but I don't always reply to them immediately. I take a taxi or a train if I have a lunch meeting. I never take the bus because it is too slow. When I am at my desk I usually work on the computer, even during morning tea. At 1pm most days I have lunch. At 3pm we have afternoon tea, and that is when we usually talk and eat cake.

When you are in the office you probably have a lot of papers. It is important for you to file your papers, and so that you can find them again you need to organise your files. When I work I have to make telephone calls. If an important issue happens I ask my secretary to organise a meeting. Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe you have to report to your boss more often. I usually write a document that my boss can read.


go to work : pergi bekerjadrive to work : mengendarai (mobil) ke tempat kerjacheck one's email : memeriksa email (surat elektronik)reply : menjawabtake a taxi : naik taksitake a train : naik kereta apilunch meeting : pertemuan di siang haritake the bus : naik biswork on the computer : "komputeran"morning tea : waktu istirahat pagi (untuk sekedar minum kopi.)have lunch : makan siangafternoon tea : waktu istirahat sorefile one's paper : menyimpan arsiporganize one's files : menata arsip-arsipmake telephone calls : meneleponorganize a meeting : mengatur pertemuanreport to one's boss : melaporkan pada pimpinanwrite a document : menulis dokumen

Contoh Teks Daily Activities (Kegiatan Sehari-hari Lainnya)What are some other daily activities that you do?

I exercise at least three times a week. I usually go to the gym before work, but sometimes I go after work.I meditate every morning so that I feel less stressed during the day.


Exercise : berolah ragaMeditate : meditasi

Contoh Teks Weekly Activities (Aktifitas / Kegiatan Mingguan)What are some weekly activities that you do?

I go grocery shopping once a week at the local supermarket. My family does the housework together every Saturday morning. I usually do the washing on Sunday morning and when the machine is finished I hang the clothes out to dry.

On Sunday morning we go to church, and if there is lots of noise coming from next door, sometimes we fight with the neighbour.

On Saturday night my parents stay at home and I go out with friends.Even my friends that live at home call their parents each week.

Every evening, I water the garden.

I usually pay someone to wash the car, but my partner says I should do it, so sometimes I argue with my partner about that.

If we are angry at the neighbour, we seek vengeance by annoying his dogs.

I work in an important office, so I have to shine my shoes each day.

Sometimes we hire a movie, because we don't like to illegally download music and films. I make sure that I synchronise my iPod so I always have new music on it.

To get our shopping, we go to the mall in the car.

Last week I forgot to recharge my travel card, and I had to argue with a bus driver. I couldn't call the office because I forgot to recharge my cellphone!


Go grocery shopping : pergi belanja (di toko grosir)Do the housework : melakukan aktifitas rumahDo the washing :mencuci pakaianHang the clothes out : menjemur pakaianGo to church : pergi ke gerejaFight with the neighbor : bertengkar dengan tetanggaStay at home : tetap di rumahGo out with friends :pergi bersama teman-temanCall one's parents :menelepon orangtuaWater the garden : menyiram kebunWash the car :mencuci mobilArgue with one's partner :berdebat dengan rekan kerjaSeek vengeance :balas dendamShine one's shoes : menyemir sepatuHire a movie :menyewa filmIllegally download music and films : mengunduh musik dan film secara ilegalSynchronize one's iPod :Mensikronisasikan iPodGo to the mall : pergi ke MallRecharge one's travel card : mengisi tiket perjalananArgue with a bus driver :berurusan dengan supir bisRecharge one's cell phone : mengisi pulsaTerima Kasih telah membaca Kumpulan Kosakata Aktifitas Sehari-hari Bahasa Inggris, semoga bermanfaat

Monday, December 5, 2011Bahasa Slang : Definisi dan Contoh

.Bahasa Slang dalam bahasa Inggris sudah sangat populer. Bahasa Slang yang lebih dikenal dengan bahasa Inggris gaul telah tersebar luas juga lewat internet. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada salahnya saya berbagi mengenai definisi dan berbagai contoh bahasa slang sehingga kita bisa menambah ilmu mengenai beberapa ragam bahasa.

Menurut Swan (2005: 526), 'Slang' is a very informal kind of vocabulary, used mostly in speech by people who know each other well. Dilihat dari definisi slang menurut Swan tersebut, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa bahasa slang adalah jenis kosakta yang sangat informal, yang biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan oleh orang yang saling mengenal dengan baik. Jadi, jika kita menggunakan bahasa slang dengan orang bule yang tidak kita kenal, itu namanya kita sok akrab, :-)

Contoh Bahasa Slang Inggris

Can you lend me some cash?He's a real prat.Let's chill out.My shoelace has bust.Those boots are real cool.How are the kids.

Vocabulary :

Cash : Money = DuitPrat : Fool = DunguChill out : Relax = SantaiBust : Broken = RusakCool : Fashionable = KerenThe kids : Children = anak-anak

Catatan : Slang expressions are not usually written, and not used in formal kinds of communication. (Ekspressi dalam bahasa slang tidak biasa ditulis, dan tidak digunakan pada jenis komunikasi formal.)

Bahasa Slang Berhubungan dengan Perasaan Yang Kuat.

Many English slang expressions relate to things that people feel strongly about (e.g. sex, family and emotional relationships, drink, drugs, conflict between social groups, work, physical and mental illness, death)

Banyak ungkapan slang berhubungan dengan kuatnya perasaan akan apa yang orang rasakan. (contoh: tentang sex, keluarga dan hubungan emosional, minuman, obat-obatan, konflik antar grup sosial, pekerjaan, sakit mental dan fisik, serta kematian)

Contoh :

She's got really nice tits.I spent the weekend at my grand'sGod, we got smashed last night Can you get the sitrep to the MD by five.I've got some sort of bugHe's lost his marbles.When I kick the bucket, I want you all to have a big party.

Vocabulary :Tits : breast = payudaraGrand's : grandmother = neneksmashed : drunk = mabukSitrep : situation report = laporan situasiMD : Managing Director = DirekturBug : illness = rasa sakitLost one's marbles : gone mad = menjadi gilaKick the bucket : die = mati

Many slang expressions (eg. cash, kids) are widely used. However, some slang expressions are only used by members of particular social and professional groups, and nearly all slang is used between people who know each other well or share the same background. So it is usually a mistake for 'outsiders' (including foreigners) to try deliberately to use slang.This can give the impression that they are claiming membership of a group that they do not belong to. There is also a danger that the slang may be out of date - some kinds of slang go out of fashion quickly, and when it gets into books and it may already dead. It is best for learners to avoid slang unless they are really sure of its use. If they start becoming accepted as part of an English-speaking community, they will learn to use community's slang naturally and correctly along with the rest of their language.

Catatan :

Banyak ungkapan bahasa slang (bahasa gaul) yang digunakan secara global seperti kids (bocah), cash (fulus). Namun, ungkapan bahasa slang ini hanya digunakan oleh beberapa anggota grup sosial atau profesional tertentu saja. Hampir semua ungkapan slang bahasa Inggris digunakan antara orang yang saling kenal dan orang yang saling berbagi latarbelakang sosial yang sama.

Jadi, salah besar bagi 'orang luar' termasuk orang asing yang mencoba menggunakan bahasa slang. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan impresi bahwa 'orang asing' tersebut sedang mengaku sebagai anggota komunitas yang ia tidak ikuti.

Lebih jauh lagi, ada bahaya jika slang yang digunakan sudah ketinggalan zaman - beberapa ungkapan bahasa slang cepat sekali berkembang, dan ketika bahasa slang tersebut dibukukan, mungkin ungkapan slang tersebut sudah tidak laku lagi.

Baiknya, sebagai seorang siswa, kalian harus menghindari penggunaan bahasa slang kecuali jika kalian sangat yakin akan penggunaannya. Jika kalian diterima sebagai anggota komunitas berbahasa Inggris, kalian akan mempelajari bahasa slang secara natural dan benar.

Referensi :

Swan, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press.

Terima Kasih telah membaca Bahasa Slang : Definisi dan Contoh, semoga bermanfaatMonday, January 30, 2012Vocabulary tentang Bumbu Dapur

.Kumpulan kosakata bahasa Inggris Bumbu dapur? Ah, pasti saya tidak mengerti karena saya tidak tahu cara memasak yang baik dan benar menurut kaidah ilmu masak memasak ala kuliner Indonesia.1. Namun, dalam dunia maya pasti semuanya tersedia. Dan setelah malang melintang mencari vocabulary bahasa Inggris bumbu masakan (maklum malas mengumpulkan resep dan menerjemahkannya sendiri), akhirnya saya menemukannya di bankresep milik ellyza. Sekarang ia pasti lebih pandai memasak dari Ibu saya karena telah mengumpulkan banyak resep dan dia pasti lebih pintar dari sobat, serta dia pasti lebih pandai berbahasa Inggris daripada saya. :)

2. Oke, langsung saja kita lihat bahasa Inggris dari bumbu masakan ini :

Adas Adas Manis Asam Jawa AcarBangkuang Bawang Bombay Bawang Daun Bawang Daun Bawang Daun Bawang Merah Bawang Putih Beras Ketan Bihun Buah Lawang (Pekak) Buah Pala Bunga Pala Cabe Cabe Rawit Cengkeh Cuka Daun Pandan Ebi Garam Gula Merah/Jawa Jahe Jeruk Nipis/Limau Jintan Kacang Ijo Kacang Mete Kacang Panjang Kacang Tanah Kapulaga Kapur Sirih Kayumanis Kecap Asin Kecap Ikan Kecap Manis Kedele Kelapa Kemangi Kemiri Ketumbar Kucai Kunyit Lengkuas Merica Minyak Wijen Paria Petis Ragi Rebung Santan Saus Tir Am Sedap MalamSeledri Serai SounTahuTempeTaucoTaugeTelur PuyuhTepung BerasTepung HunkweeTepung JagungTepung KanjiTepung KetanTepung MaizenaTepung TeriguTerasiTerong Hijau Ubi Jalar/Rambat WijenPutih TelurKuning TelurPare: Fennel: Aniseed: Tamarind: Pickle: Jicamah: Onion: Green Onion: Scallion: Spring Onion: Shallot: Garlic: Glutinuous Rice: Rice Vermicelli: Star Anise: Nutmeg: Mace: Chilli Pepper: Cayenne: Clove: Vinegar: Screwpine Leaf: Dried Prawn (Shrimp): Salt: Palm Sugar: Ginger: Lime: Cummin: Mung Bean: Cashew: Long Bean: Peanut: Cardamom: Lime Paste: Cinnamon: Soya Sauce: Fish Sauce: Sweet Soya Sauce: Soya Bean: Coconut: Basil: Candle Nut: Coriander: Chive: Turmeric: Galangal: Pepper: Sesame Oil: Bitter Melon: Black Shrimp Paste: Yeast: Bamboo Sprout: Coconut Milk: Oyster Sauce: Dried Lily Flower: Celery: Lemon Grass: Mung Bean Thread: Tofu: Tempeh: Preserved Soy Beans: Bean Sprout: Quails Egg: Rice Flour: Mung Bean Flour: Cornmeal: Tapioca: Sweet Rice Flour: Cornstarch : Wheat Flour, Bread Flour: Shrimp Paste

: Thai Eggplant: Sweet Potato: Sesame Seed: Egg White: Egg Yolk: Bitter Gourd

moga bermanfaat

Sumber :

Bankresep milik ellyza echa jatmiko

Wednesday, March 7, 2012English Expressions Using "Come" (1)

.Mari kita memperkaya vocabulary, oke.. Jika secara harfiah 'come' bermakna datang, berbeda kasusnya jika kata 'come' ini digabung dengan kata lainnya. Untuk mengetahui beberapa makna gabungan come ini bisa kita temui pada idiom, phrasal verbs, atau English expression lainnya.

Untuk mengetahui makna suatu kata, kita harus sering melatih kemampuan bahasa Inggris kita, khususnya dalam hal "membaca". Dengan semakin sering kita membaca, semakin sering kita menemukan kata-kata unik yang hampir kita tidak mengetahui maknanya. Salah satu kata yang unik dan memiliki berbagai jenis "anak buah" ini adalah kata "come". Langsung saja, ini dia daftar beberapa phrasal verb, idiom, atau other expressions yang menggunakan kata "come"...

Come across = bertemu secara kebetulan Come along with = mengembangkan Come from = berasal Come in for = menerima Come between = menjadi perdebatan Come together = menuai hasil Come around = terjadi secara berkala Come into = menerima Come up with = memikirkan Come up against = menghadapi Come forward = menawarkan (bantuan / informasi) Come out with = mengatakan (secara tiba-tiba) Come apart = rusak / pecah Come through = masih hidup (setelah ada pengalaman buruk) Come down with = tidak enak badan. Untuk melengkapi daftar ungkapan di atas, mari kita lihat contoh di bawah ini..

1. Have you ever come across such a horrible person in all your life? (to meet someone or find something by chance)2. How is Sarah coming along with her photography course? (to make progress or get better in quality, skill or health)3. I'm British, but my parents come from India. (to have your home in a particular place)4. Fast food has come in for more criticism from the press. (to receive something such as criticism)5. I don't want the problem of money coming between us. (to cause an argument or disagreement between two people)6. I've been writing this book for six months, and it's finally coming together. (to finally start to work successfully)7. As I get older, I find that my birthdays seem to come around more frequently. (to happen regularly)8. She came into a lot of money when her grandfather died. (to receive something usually money when someone dies)9. We need to come up with a plan that will make us a lot of money. (to think of something such as an idea or plan)10. In the first week of my new job, I came up against several problems that had been left by the person who had my job previously. (to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant)11. The National Blood Service is asking for more people to come forward and donate blood. (to offer help or information)12. You never know what children are going to come out with. (to say something suddenly, usually something that surprises or shocks people)13. The first time I tried using my new camera, it came apart in my hands. (to separate into pieces, sometimes because the object in this case a camera has been badly made)14. We've had a difficult few weeks, but I'm glad to see we've managed to come through together. (to be still alive, working or making progress after a difficult or dangerous experience)15. I don't feel very good. I think I'm coming down with something. (to become ill with a particular disease, but not usually one that is serious)

Keterangan : Kata bercetak tebal adalah "ungkapan" menggunakan kata come; kata-kata bergaris miring adalah keterangan maknanya. Beberapa makna kata "come" di atas bisa berubah; oleh karena itu lihat kamus untuk mengetahui konteks kalimat. Sesuaikan saja makna "come" sesuai konteks.

Untuk beberapa idiom dan phrasal verb "come" lainnya, menyusul... semoga...Terima Kasih telah membaca English Expressions Using "Come" (1), semoga bermanfaat