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Perancangan Arsitektur IV

STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR VBANGUNAN KOMERSIAL(COMMERCIAL BUILDING)BANGUNAN KOMERSIALDefinisi : Suatu obyek (bangunan) untuk mewadahi berbagai kegiatan yang mendatangkan keuntungan bagi pemilik maupun penggunanya.Macam-macam Bangunan Komersial :Perdagangan : Pasar; Pertokoan; MallPerniagaan/Bisnis : Perkantoran, Kantor Sewa, BankHunian : Apartemen; Hotel; ResortFasilitas Kesehatan : SPA; Medical CentreApalagi .. ? coba sebutkan . BANGUNAN dengan NILAI CAPITAL INVESTMENTBANGUNAN YANG MEMPUNYAI RUANG DENGAN FUNGSI UNTUK MENDAPATKAN NILAI CAPITAL ATAU PENGEMBALIAN BIAYA DARI PENGGUNA BANGUNANBANGUNAN DENGAN FUNGSI-FUNGSI YANG MEMPUNYAI NILAI EKONOMI ATAU NILAI KOMERSIALPERSYARATAN RUANG MENYANGKUT BUILDING COVERAGE (BC) DAN FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) HARUS TINGGI DIMANA PEMANFAATAN RUANG HARUS OPTIMAL (TINGGI), BAIK HORIZONTAL ATAUPUN VERTIKALPEMANFAATAN RUANG UNTUK KEBUTUHAN SECARA EKONOMIS HARUS TINGGI DIPERKIRAKAN PROPORSI PENGGUNAAN RUANG-RUANG EKONOMIS DIATAS 60%PEMANFAATAN UTILITAS UNTUK PELAYANAN FUNGSI BANGUNAN TINGGI HARUS SESUAI STANDAR BANGUNAN TINGGI DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN TEKNOLOGI SECARA EFEKTIF DAN EFISIENPENYUSUNAN MODUL RUANG YANG OPTIMAL SECARA EFEKTIF DAN EFISIEN DENGAN MEMPERHITUNGKAN OPTIMASI FUNGSI, STRUKTUR, MATERIAL DAN TEKNOLOGI BENTUK BANGUNAN YANG MEMPUNYAI NILAI EKONOMIS DAN KEKINIAN ATAU BAHKAN MASA DEPAN > SUISTANABLElanjutINVESTMENTINVESTASI = PENANAMAN MODALPenggunaan Sumber yang diharapkan akan memberi imbalan yg menguntungkan di masa yg akan datang, meliputi :1. Modal yang ditanam2. Biaya (Cost of The Project)3. Manfaat (Benefit) : Jangka Pendek Jangka Panjang4. Jangka Waktu / Umur Ekonomis (Economics Life)PERKANTORAN (OFFICE)Definisi : Suatu bangunan yang mewadahi transaksi bisnis dengan pelayanan secara profesional.Merupakan fasilitas perkantoran yang berkelompok dalam satu bangunan.Kegiatan yang dilakukan bertujuan mendapatkan keuntungan, maka : Perkantoran EFISIENKLASIFIKASI KANTORBerdasarkan Modul (ukuran ruang)Small Space (1-3 orang; 8 40 m2)Medium Space (Group; 40 150 m2)Large Space (Banyak group; > 150 m2)

Berdasarkan Peruntukan (karakter kegiatan/fungsi)Kantor dengan Fungsi Tunggal (Jasa)Kantor dengan Fungsi Majemuk (Jasa; bisnis; administrasi; komersial; bank)LanjutanBerdasarkan Jumlah Penyewa (Tenant):Bangunan TunggalLantai TunggalLantai Majemuk

Berdasarkan Pengelolaannya :Tenant Owned Office BuildingSpeculative Office BuildingInvestment Type of Office BuildingTailor Made BuildingBerdasarkan Pembagian Lay Out Denah :Celluler System (sel)Group Space SystemLandscape Open Plan system

Berdasarkan Kedalaman RuangShallow Space ( < 8 meter)Medium Depth Space ( 8 10 meter)Deep Space (11 19 meter)Very Deep Space ( 20 meter)Masih LanjutanLanjutan lagiBerdasarkan Tipikal Jalur Pencapaian :Tipe Koridor TerbukaTipe Menara (Tower plan)PERTIMBANGAN PERENCANAAN PERKANTORANEKONOMIAnalisis kebutuhan ruang (dari klasifikasi)Permodalan dan Pengembalian Modal :Harga tanahBiaya KonstruksiBiaya Operasional :PerijinanComitmen feePromotionOffice overhead (administrasi)Loan interest (during construction)Sistim Kepemilikan KantorlanjutanPenggunaan Ruang Kantor :Service floor area ( elevator; tangga; AC central; fire tower; parkir tamu)Rentable floor area :Usable floor (ruangan kantor)Common floor area (elevator hall; koridor; toilet; parkir penyewa)Gross Area System (seluruh ruangan)Net Area System (ruangan kerja saja)Semi Gross System (perpaduan sistem di atas)Masih pertimbanganPengguna KantorPenyewa / konsumen kantorPengunjung / tamu kantorPengelola (tanpa h) kantorService (pihak ke tiga)

Kegiatan Kantor(lihat tabel rincian kegiatan dan kebutuhan ruang kantor, contoh kantor bank) di file lain

KELAYAKAN EKONOMI BANGUNANMinggu berikutnyaBUILDING EFFICIENCY FACTORSFaktor untuk menentukan efektifitas bangunan ditinjau dari faktor proporsi (%) pemanfaatan ruang dalam bangunan :Net-to-gross ratio (NGR) Floor-efficiency ratio (FER)NET-to-GROSS RATIO ( NGR )NGR = 100 x NFA/GFAWhere : NFA = Net Floor Area, [m2]GFA = Gross Floor Area [m2]NFA is the floor area that can be used by the occupants, excluding the area taken by stairs, circulation space, elevators, lobbies, structural columns, M/E equipment and shafts.The NGR usually ranges from 60 to 90 percent. The NGR of highly technical buildings, such as research laboratories, computer centers, and hospitals may even be below 50 percent.The objective in space planning is to improve the NGR while maintaining a proper balance between occupants comfort and productivity, M/E system performance, and initial and operating costs.FLOOR-EFFICIENCY RATIO ( FER )FER is used for office buildings to calculate the rentable space on typical rental floors.FER = 100 x (NRA/GFA) where, NRA = Net Rentable Area [m2]GFA = Gross Floor Area [m2]Normally, an FER of 85% is considered an excellent design.

GEOMETRIC FACTORSFactors used to evaluate economics and energy-effectiveness relative to building geometry and form :VSR : Volume-to-Surface RatioAPR : Area-to-Perimeter Ratio

VOLUME-to-SURFACE RATIOVSR = V / Swhere, V = Volume of Building [m3]S = Total Exterior Surface of Building [m2]

To be cost-effective and energy efficient, the building geometry should minimize exterior surfaces (walls and roof) and maximize interior volume (floor area x height).PEMBAGIAN MODUL

CONSTRUCTION COSTPerhitungan biaya bangunan diperkirakan tidak lebih dari 10 lantai. Perhitungan biaya per-meter persegi untuk lantai diatas 10 diperhitungkan naik 5 sampai 15% setiap 5 lantai berikutnya dan naik 10-15% pada setiap penambahan 5 lantai.Contoh :Jika harga satuan tertinggi per-m2 lantai bangunan untuk 10 lantai adalah $150/sqft dari 25 lantai bangunan. Maka estimasi bangunan sebesar :Average unit cost = [($150 x 10)+($165 x 5)+($182 x 5)+($200 x 5)] / 25 Lt = $173/sqft


M/E system takes considerable spaceThe average M/E floor space in an office building is about 4% of the total building gross floor area25 Lt bangunan : luas total 500.000ft2 (46.451m2) luas kotor, dan seluas 20.000ft2 (1.858m2) sebaiknya dialokasikan u/ kebutuhan M/E.Disarankan penempatan 2 Lantai u/ fungsi M/E pada bangunan dengan 50 lantai gedung dan 4 Lantai u/ bangunan 100 lantai.Penyelesaian secara optimal sebaiknya berkoordinasi antara arsitek dengan ahli M/E.

MetLife Building (59 stories), New York NY USAPierre Laclede Center, St. Louis USAFlattop FloorIntermediate FloorIntermediate Floor NO BANGUNAN LUAS SATUAN KOEFISIEN HARGA SATUAN JUMLAH A BANGUNAN STANDART - TIDAK SEDERHANA :1Lantai 01 855,54 M2 1,00005.000.000,00 4.277.700.000,00 2Lantai 02 855,54 M2 1,09005.000.000,00 4.662.693.000,00 3Lantai 03 855,54 M2 1,12005.000.000,00 4.791.024.000,00 Jumlah A : 13.731.417.000,00 B BANGUNAN NON-STANDART - TIDAK SEDERHANA :1Pek. Elektrikal (incl. genset) 0,100013.731.417.000,00 1.373.141.700,00 2Pek. Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran 0,100013.731.417.000,00 1.373.141.700,00 3Pek. Sistem Penangkal Petir Khusus 0,050013.731.417.000,00 686.570.850,00 4Pek. Pondasi Dalam 0,100013.731.417.000,00 1.373.141.700,00 5Pek. Sarana / Prasarana Lingkungan 0,050013.731.417.000,00 686.570.850,00 Jumlah B (Biaya Pelaksanaan Kostruksi Fisik) : 5.492.566.800,00 Jumlah A + B (Jumlah Total Biaya Pembangunan) : 19.223.983.800,00 CTOTAL BIAYA PROYEK :1Biaya Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Fisik 1,000019.223.983.800,00 19.223.983.800,00 2Biaya Perencanaan Teknis 0,036019.223.983.800,00 691.511.717,58 3Biaya Pengawasan Proyek 0,029719.223.983.800,00 570.842.520,72 4Biaya Pengelolaan Proyek 0,016719.223.983.800,00 320.356.531,73 Jumlah Biaya Keseluruhan :20.806.694.570,03 PERKIRAAN KEBUTUHAN BIAYA GEDUNG SESUAI PER PU NO. 45/2007Lanjut lagiAPLIKASI DENAH


FACADE KANTOR BANKBank Indonesia Building This building used to be named "De Javasche Bank Bandung" during the Dutch colony era. It was built in 1909 facing Kerklaan, which is now known as Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan. Then Edward Cuypers, a Dutch architect, rebuilt it into a bigger building and finished it in 1918. After gaining its independence in 1945, the Indonesian government took over the building and made it became the building of Bank Indonesia in 1953.

Kantor Bank Indonesia

Gedung Bank Indonesia Cirebon yang masih berdiri kokoh, cantik dan anggun, serta terawat dengan baik. Gedung Bank Indonesia Cirebon in sebelumnya merupakan Kantor Cabang ke-lima dari De Javasche Bank (DJB), yang dibuka pada 31 Juli 1866 dengan nama Agentschap van De Javasche Bank te Cheribon, namun baru beroperasi pada 6 Agustus 1866.

Gedung Bank Indonesia Cirebon ini kabarnya merupakan satu-satunya gedung Kantor Bank Indonesia yang hanya mempunyai satu kubahRebuilt at a 90 degree angle after the original was demolished to make way for the Central Bank development. Originally the building crossed the pedestrian walkway to Crown Alley, what is now the doorway to the building on the other facade to Central Bank plaza was an entry through the building. It was planned to rotate the original 90 degrees to allow for the Central Bank to be built, and to that end, the stonework was dismantled and numbered, however this facsimile was erected in its place.

1980 Commercial Buildings, Dame Street, DublinAnother one of Sam Stephensons buildings that was to attract a lot of criticism both for its height and original roofline (in contravention of the Planning Permission) and for its brash appearance in Temple Bar. The Central Bank is a highly assertive building with a bold outline and dramatic styling. It is visible from throughout the city centre but particularly in Temple Bar where narrow streets and gaps between buildings can reveal its strong geometric presence. Originally after construction the roof was highly distinctive with its support members outside of the roof surface. After problems with rain water, this was redesigned and remodeled with copper cladding covering up the roof structure.It is an unusual building for its time in regard to structure. The floors are all suspended from the twin service cores at 12 support points by the steel trusses visible on the facades. During construction each floor was built at ground level and then hoisted into place with all its service equipment and fittings in place.

Ireland - Dublin - Bank of Ireland

Bank of Irland headquarters on Mespil Road

standard bank regional head office Set in an office park peripheral to Durban's CBD, this corporate office complex focuses on the creation of a dynamic, open plan workplace environment with interactive space capitalizing on expressing circulation and activity to facilitate social and visual connection and communication between staff, departments and clients. Externally the traditional of architectural solid associated with banks, is transformed into a composition of layered stone clad blade walls sheltering west sun, noise and weather and contrasting light elements which announce entrances, celebrates primary spaces and promotes transparency internally

standard bank regional head officeThe building which houses the co-op bank of the villages Kiti, Pervolia, Tersefanou and Meneou is located in Kiti, Larnaca district, in a plot at the north end of the village, next to the commercial facilities of the company and close to the local high schoolCOOP Bank in Kiti, Cyprus by amsa

The different functions of the building are arranged in distinguishable groups around the central double height atrium. This ensures the safe function of the banking area in relation with the activities that take place in the other areas.A free helical path is thus created leading visitors from the atrium through the cafe up to the public facilities on the first floor. The internal layout of the building and the horizontal and vertical circulation are projected on the elevations. They emphasize on the separate levels and the internal helical path.

The organic-dynamic design of the six-storey building is based on the principles of nature as a model of harmony between technology and people. The facade bands have modeled the structure of muscle fibers that encircle the building structure in soft form. The soft appearance, combined with a unique facade media production, is an open, friendly and accessible institution, and thus contributes to the image building of the company. The building was designed for the Otto Bock HealthCare company, a world leader in prosthetics and orthoticsThe Otto Bock Building

The Otto Bock Building

Macquarie Bank headquarters

One Shelley Street is an effortto reframe the requirements and performance of the 21st Century office. On behalf of the Macquarie Group, Clive Wilkinson Architects implemented a radical, large-scale workplace design that leverages mobility, transparency, multiple tailor-made work settings, destination work plazas, follow-me technology, and carbon neutral systems. The result is part space station, part cathedral, and part vertical Greek village.

Bank of Ireland HQ Baggot StreetA fine but austere seven-bay three-storey building. Sited on the old Fownes Court, there was a pedestrian shortcut through the building and courtyard to Cope Street. In 1805, it became a meeting place for the Ouzel Galley Society which dealt with ship insurance and arbitration, and later became a part of Dublin Chamber of Commerce. Demolished to make way for Stephensons Central Bank, seemingly the stonework was dismantled and numbered, however a facsimile was erected in its place.Described in 1837 by Lewis, The Commercial Buildings form a plain but substantial square of three stories, constituting the sides of a small quadrangle and wholly unornamented except in the principal front to College-green, which is of hewn stone and has a central entrance supported by Ionic columns.On the left of the grand entrance-hall and staircase is a news-room, 60 feet long and 28 feet wide, occupied by the members of the Chamber of Commerce (established in 1820 to protect and improve the commerce of the city); and on the right is a handsome coffee-room, connected with that part of the building which is used as an hotel. The north side of the quadrangle is occupied by the Stock Exchange and merchants offices, and on the east and west are offices for the brokers. It was built by a proprietary of 400 50 shareholders, and was completed in 1799, under the superintendence of Mr. Parkes.

1799 Commercial Buildings, Dame Street, DublinArchitect: Edward ParkeSugamo Shinkin Bank, Ekoda Branch / Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture + Design The site is located in a commercial district with many stores. The sites closeness to the towns activities also the heavy traffic and narrow sidewalk inspired the architect to express this proximity in the building by merging the exterior and interior. The building is offset approximately 2 meters from the property line, and the timber-decked peripheral space is filled with colorful 9 meter-tall sticks. These 29 exterior sticks, reflected on the transparent glazed faade, mix naturally with the 19 interior sticks placed randomly inside the building. This rainbow shower returns colors and some room for playfulness back to the town.

Entering the building, the visitors would notice that they are still in an exterior courtyard leading to the banks interior. Here also, the inside and outside are integrated. Walking around the glazed courtyard inside, there is a cafe-like open space filled with natural light. The bamboos in the courtyard extend skyward in concert with the colorful sticks. The exterior deck space, interior open space, exterior courtyard, and the interior teller counters compose four layers of spaces. The layers are reflected on the glazing, and, combined with complex shadows, they create depth in the space.

The new office of San Paolo Bank in Baia Mare is located on the Unirii Boulevard, line connecting the new center with the south entrance of the city and featuring newly built buildings, as well as currently under construction ones. The area has no unitary structure due to the lack of an existing consistent building body, on one hand and, on the other hand due to the failure to observe unitary regulations for the already built constructions. Despite the fact that the building does not propose a new function in the context, it brings unusual urbanistic and formal coherence. The proposed scale contradicts the trend of forcing the height and the land take, risking to become a rule in urban areas facing densification. The unit is withdrawn from the street line, becoming the background for an expanding public area.

San Paolo Bank / Baltasarh & Parasite Studio

The Metaphone by Herault Arnod Architects, Oignies, France The scaly envelope forms a porch that protects the entrance and terrace. This lattice of scales extends into a huge overhang that contains a sheet of integrated photovoltaic cells.

APLIKASI DENAHDesign Portfolio New Bank Branch Office Louisville

modern bank office interior design interior design interior

Modul Office Interior Design

Deutsche Bank Steel Sphere In FrankfurtSTRUKTUR ORGANISASI BANK OFFICEStruktur organisasi perbankan