The Face of Dictatorship

Post on 27-Jan-2023

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Transcript of The Face of Dictatorship

The Face of Dictatorship

James Harvey-DavittAnglia Ruskin University

Missing (Costa-Gavras, 1982)

Chile, Obstinate Memory (Patricio Guzman, 1997)

Tony Manero (Pablo Larraín, 2008)

Thursday till Sunday (Dominga Sotomayor Castillo, 2013)

Play (Alicia Scherson, 2005)

The Maid (Sebastian Silva, 2009)

Young and Wild (Marialy Rivas, 2012)

The suggestion perhaps is that the nation was already in a state of somnambulistic denial...even before the coup

(Romney, 2011)

Post Mortem (Pablo Larrain, 2010)

NO (Pablo Larraín, 2012)

The Close-Up• Balázs’s “strange new dimension”

[The face], isolated from its surroundings, seemed to penetrate to a strange new dimension of the soul. It revealed to us a new world – the world of microphysiognomy which could not otherwise be seen with the naked eye of everyday life.

(Balázs, The Spirit of Film, or. 1930)

• Levinas’s face to face encounters

• Deleuze’s affection-image

• Evocation and propaganda

• Doane: “an attempt to salvage spectatorial space”

(Doane, 2003)

The Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1928)

Earth (Alexander Dovzhenko, 1930)

Gloria (Sebastián Lelio, 2013)