September 14, 2010 - Perdana Leadership Foundation

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Transcript of September 14, 2010 - Perdana Leadership Foundation


September 14, 2010

1. Mr Lee Kwan Yew, the Minister Mentor of Singapore is three years my senior. That means

he and I practically grew up in the same period of time. That also means that I have been

able to watch the progress of Mr Lee, and in fact to interact with him on various occasions.

2. His assertion in his interview with the New York Times that "Race relations (would be)

better if Singapore (had) not (been) "turfed out" (of Malaysia) is worth studying. Is it true

or is it fantasy?

3. Before Singapore joined the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia, there was

less racial politics in the Federation of Malaysia. In 1955 the Malays who made up 80 per

cent of the citizens gave a large number of their constituencies to the few Chinese and

Indian citizens and ensured they won with strong Malay support. As a result the Alliance

won 51 of the 52 seats contested.

4. The Tunku then rewarded this willingness of the Chinese and Indian citizens to support

the coalition concept by giving them one million unconditional citizenship. This reduced

Malay majority to 60 per cent.

5. In the 1959 elections the Alliance of UMNO, MCA and MIC won easily though Kelantan

was lost. PAS with only Malays as members was rejected. Racialism even when implied


6. In 1963 Singapore became a part of Malaysia. Despite having promised that the PAP will

not participate in Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak politics, Kwan Yew reneged and the PAP

tried to displace the MCA in the Alliance by appealing to Chinese sentiments in the

Peninsular. Of course the slogan was "Malaysian Malaysia" which implied that the Chinese

were not having equal rights with the Malays. If this appeal to Chinese sentiments against

the Malays was not racial, I do not know what is racial.

7. But the Peninsular Chinese favoured working with the Malays in UMNO. They totally

rejected PAP in 1964.

8. Following the Malaysian Malaysia campaign a few UMNO leaders tried to rouse Singapore

Malay sentiments. There were demonstrations in Singapore where before there were none.

Kwan Yew accused Jaafar Albar for instigating the Singapore Malays. Although I never went

to Singapore, nor met the Malays there, I was labelled a Malay-ultra by Kwan Yew himself.

9. By 1965 racism had taken hold and the Tunku was forced to end Singapore's

membership of Malaysia. But the seed of Chinese racialism had been sown, so that even

after the PAP left, the "Malaysian Malaysia" war cry was picked up by the DAP, an offspring

of the PAP.

10. With the background of Singapore's activities in Malaysia in the short three years of its

membership, can we really believe that if it had not been "turfed out" race relations would

be better in Malaysia?

11. But proof of what would have happened was shown by the politics leading up to the

1969 Election. The MCA began to criticise the Sino/Malay cooperation especially on so-called

special rights and demanded for a Chinese University. UMNO then began to clamour for a

greater share of the economy of the country. The UMNO/MCA conflict resulted in the

Alliance faring very badly in the 1969 Elections.

12. DAP and Gerakan, a new party largely made up of MCA dissidents made gains. The

Alliance were shocked and rattled.

13. Then the Gerakan and DAP held their victory parade near the Malay settlement of

Kampung Baru, hurling racist insults at the Malays. The result was the 13th May race riots.

14. Till today the racist slogan "Malaysian Malaysia" is the war-cry of the DAP. Racism in

Malaysia is clearly the result of Singapore's membership of the country for just three years.

Can we really believe that if Singapore had not been "turfed out" Malaysia would have no

racial problem.

15. While Kwan Yew talks about his belief that all ethnic communities should free

themselves from the shackles of racial segregation in order to promote fairness and equality

among the races, he also said that "once we are by ourselves (out of Malaysia) the Chinese

become the majority".

16. Singapore's population is made up of 75 per cent Chinese and they own 95 per cent of

the economy. It is therefore not a truly multi-racial country but a Chinese country with

minority racial groups who are additionally much poorer.

17. In Singapore dissent is not allowed, People who contest against the PAP would be

hauled up in court for libel and if they win elections would not be allowed to take their

places in Parliament. Whereas in Malaysia opposition parties invariably win seats in

Parliament and even set up State Governments (today five out of the 13 States are ruled by

the opposition parties) the PAP in Singapore has to appoint PAP members to represent the


18. Whether the PAP admits it or not, the party has always been led and dominated by

ethnic Chinese and have won elections principally because of Chinese votes. The others are

not even icing on the cake.

19. If Singapore is a part of Malaysia the PAP can certainly reproduce the Singapore kind of

non-racial politics because together with the Malaysian Chinese, the PAP will ethnically

dominate and control Malaysian politics. No dissent would be allowed and certainly no one

would dare say anything about who really runs the country.

20. Amnesia is permissible but trying to claim that it is because Singapore had been "turfed

out" for the present racist politics in Malaysia is simply not supported by facts of history.

21. Lee Kwan Yew and I saw the same things and know the reasons why.

180 Comments By Netizen-1 on September 21, 2010 1:45 PM

Salam Semua,

Salam Tun,

I admire your political astuteness Tun. You’re the only one by far who dared spoke out against MM Lee without the fear of reprisals. The simple fact is, your arguments are based on facts not fantasy. Being a Singaporean malay/muslim myself, I need to be specific and objective in my world view. We all must. I understand clearly what both Malaysia and Singapore stood up for. Beyond reasonable doubt, neither country is right or wrong.

Tun Abdul Razak, once PM, fought hard to ensure a well-balanced economy where all racial groups deserve a portion of the country’s wealth and that every community is given the opportunity to contribute to nation building. (Correct me if I’m wrong).

Things are very much different in Singapore in this respect. The idea of Meritocracy is an idea where every individual are given the chance to succeed regardless of racial background. The disadvantage with this concept however, is the potential threat of social imbalances i.e. Income Inequality Distribution as well as a situation where a minority group may not even be able to slice a portion of the country’s wealth.

One must understand that when we talk about Meritocracy, it’s about work performance, appraisals and rankings in office which can be very Subjective in ‘nature’. I’m very sure, that leaves a LARGE room for biasness to occur. Biasness can happen anywhere right?

Without racial quotas, without the promise where every racial groups are given a fair opportunity, there will always be economic imbalances, be it in Malaysia or Singapore. I’ve lived in Singapore my whole life and I certainly know for a fact what’s like to be a malay/muslim down here.

Now that Singapore’s long been ‘turfed out’ of the Malaysian Federation, we lack the political capital and voice (like yours) to speak up for our plight (if any).

I’ve personally seen your interview with History Asia. You said; you had not succeeded in changing the mindset of the Malay society. Actually, what you say is very true, not only in Malaysia, but also in Singapore. We seriously need to start changing our own mindset and be more forward looking or else, we may never be able to catch up with the rest of the world.

May ALlah be with us all. :)

By difefu on September 21, 2010 12:31 AM

Dear Tun,

I refer to ve'aken's posting of

Wonder how you could explain the close relationship between Spore and Brunei, even though Msia and Spore is much closer geographically and in blood ties. How come Brunei never complains abt Singapore?

My observation is, politics. Some politicians have been using Spore and race issues to gain votes. Hope you are not one of those.. : |

By redrose on September 20, 2010 5:09 PM


menerusi pembacaan komen2 di sini nampak sgt kaum yg sama dgn LKY kebanyakannya akan membidas tun.. saya bukan anti-cina.. tapi mereka yang anti-melayu.. kebanyakan nya.. kalau nk huraikan satu persatu amatlah rumit.. kerana kadang-kala apa yg kita coret banyak terhasil dr perasaan tidak puas hati dan 'hanya kita aje yg betul'. itu lumrah manusia tak kira warna kulit..

namun, nk diingatkan kpd yg komen singaporah lg bagus dr malaysia dr segi ekonomi dan kebersihan bla bla bla.. eh, singaporah adalah lebih kurang saiz melaka ye dak?? ermm.. dlm masa 53 tahun kalo malaysia tumpu perhatian sepenuhnya kt melaka ajer mungkin lebih gah dr singaporah.. pakai otak sket la..

saya rasa yg anti-melayu tak marah dgn komen saya ni kot.. sbb sesetengah mereka bukan pandai bertutur bahasa melayu pon.. belajar bahasa melayu sekadar nk cemerlang dlm peperiksaan ajer.. dah nak mati kat malaysia pon tk faham bahasa melayu... dia ajer yg bagus... dia aje yg kaya.. ermm.. bagi saya islam itu adalah lebih kepada kesederhanaan.. tidak perlu terlalu gah.. namun bukan utk dipijak2..

satu lagi nk sokong salah satu komen kt sini.. yup! bangsa LKY mmg hidupnya adalah kerana kekayaan ajer.. ini org cina sendiri cakap.. 3 perkara paling kritikal utk guna duit yg banyak iaitu lahirnya anak.. berkahwin dan juga mati... jadi mereka akan carik duit banyak2 tk kira macamana sekali pon... itu matlamat hidup mereka berbeza dgn yang islam... muslim ada rukun iman, rukun islam untuk dipatuhi supaya rohani dan jasmani terisi.. kubur LKY nnt tak tahu la sebesar mana ye??

By checker on September 20, 2010 1:30 PM

Salam Tun & Fellow bloggers,

In every election campaign, LKY will remind Singaporean without fail to elect PAP to be the Government agian if not the alternative will opt for Singapore to rejoin Malaysia. So he has to paint a bad, really bad picture about Malaysia, so that Singaporean ( of course the majority Chinese ) will feel worry about their life within Malaysia. No choice but therefore better support PAP. PAP will rule Singapore indefinitely by making Malaysa as PAP bogeyman.

LKY keeping close touch with his brainchild DAP, provide moral support, what else only God knows, wishing that the time would come if PR take over as Government of Malaysia, Singapore may be re-admitted back into Malaysia so that he can become .... his BIG DREAM, PM of Malaysia. scary scenerio? possible? why not. Think about it Malaysians.

May Allah bless us and protect us all... ameeen

By Oracle on September 20, 2010 12:12 PM

Assalam oalaikum Tun,

Thank You for your description of historic facts. I also enjoy Your book The Malay Dilemma. Our respectful MM Lee Kuan Yew is an very old and not always so respectful in his taughtless utterings. Anyone who make him irritated can expect anything come out of the mouth without thinking before. Sometimes when we reach high age our mind is not so logic anymore. Mouth will be controlled by feelings. Remember - Singapore is our little brother who is hungry for Malaysias natural resources, he, he. But all praise to PM Lee sien long who want to have good relationsship with Malaysia.

By zulkiflee_Arif on September 19, 2010 9:01 PM

Assalamu'alaikum Tun,

saya melihat ada banyak kebencian terhadap apa-apa yg berbau Melayu dan Islam diblog Tun ini.begitu dalam nya kebencian mereka hingga terpancar kata-kata provokatif seperti tulisan gunse007 dan kaum sejenis nya.hilang sudah apa pun kebaikan yg kita tunjuk selama ini.dimulut,mengaku rakyat Malaysia.tapi berkiblatkan Singapura.

mereka lupa kedatangan datuk moyang mereka sebagai pelarian ekonomi yg tidak kita kehendaki.dan mereka anggap generasi mereka yg lahir disini punya hak yg setara dgn mana-mana Bumiputra kita.padahal sejak beribu tahun yg silam,manusia telah ada definasi jelas tentang sempadan bangsa.anda tinggal dalam sempadan kaum sebangsa anda,itu lah tanah-tumpah darah anda.kalau anda meninggalkan sempadan bangsa anda,masuk ke bumi milik orang,untuk selama-lamanya anda tetap di anggap sebagai orang luar,tak kira berapa generasi pun.lihat Amerika.bangsa Eropah walau pun menguasai Amerika secara mutlak,namun mereka tahu mereka hanya lah orang luar dibandingkan dgn kaum asli Red Indian.

hari ini orang-orang asing ini,walau jelas dan terang tahu bahwa mereka hanyalah orang-orang asing yg dilahirkan di bumi kita,cuba untuk mengubah definasi yg telah terpakai sejak sekian lama.mereka mengacau kebijaksanaan kita dgn slogan-slogan yg menipu...Malaysian-Malaysia,Meritokrasi,atau seperti kata seekor dari mereka All races are one race,Human Race.kata-kata nya manis,bunyi sedap dan kedengaran logik.tapi hanyalah berisi racun,seratus beratus penipuan.

contoh paling baik ada didepan mata.Singapura.bumiputra menjadi minoriti.bangsa pendatang menguasai bukan 99%,tapi 100%.orang Melayu hanya jadi hiasan poster keharmonian kaum.hilang segala upaya untuk mempertahankan hak.budaya dan agama pun hanya setakat yg dibenarkan LKY saja.dari soal tudung kanak-kanak sekolah,pasar-pasar makan yg menderetkan makanan halal dan tidak halal bersebelahan,semua nya orang Melayu tidak berdaya bersuara.dan jgn lupa bagaimana Singapura bersekongkol dgn Israil dan Amerika dalam banyak hal yg menjejas kepentingan Islam dan Melayu misal nya beriya-iya benar menhasut perpecahan Timur-Timor dari Republik Indonesia.

kata LKY bangsa cina punya hak seperti Melayu sebab 50 hingga 100 ribu orang cina terkorban dibunuh tentera Jepun semasa Perang Dunia Kedua di S'pura.itu yg dia jadikan logika memberi nya hak mutlak untuk berkuasa.padahal besar kemungkinan nya kalau tidak kerana dia dan bangsa nya,Jepun mungkin tidak menyerang Semenanjung Tanah Melayu sebab Jepun pada mula nya hanya menyerang Negara China,tapi kerana ramai yg lari lintang pukang ke Nusantara,maka Nusantara pun turut diserang.

saya tidak begitu mahir mengumpul bahan untuk dijadikan hujah penulisan.harap-harap ada saudara-saudara kita yg lebih berkelayakkan untuk tampil dgn bahan-bahan hujah yg boleh diketengah disini.kita perlu bersatu tenaga menentang diayah kaum tamak yg tak kenang untung ini pada tahap kelantangan yg sekurang-kurang nya sama dgn kelancangan mereka.

semuga Allah s.w.t menganugerahi Tun umur yg panjang dan kesihatan yg baik dalam usaha suci Tun mempertingkatkan kesedaran Bangsa Melayu terhadap bencana yg sedang mengancam kita.dan semuga Dia yg Maha Pengasih merahmati Tun sekeluarga dgn keberkatan yg Dia janjikan kpd pembesar-pembesar yg adil.

terimakasih Tun.

By wanzah on September 19, 2010 5:14 PM

Dear Tun,

Bagi memenuhi hasrat rakyat Malaysia yang sekarang berdepan dengan krisis keyakinan kepimpinan politik, terutamanya umat melayu yang telah berpecah mengikut lokasi, kepartian politik, gaya percampuran dan sebagainya. Adalah diharapkan satu NGO atau pengkaji dasar ekonomi dan politik yang berkecuali dan profesional dapat mengeluarkan atau menganjurkan suatu forum yang melibatkan golongan NGO, pemimpin politik, dan keseluruhannya membentangkan kemelut kuasa politik melayu dan ekonomi yang sekiranya tidak diawasi akan luput mengikut arus emosi permainan politik yang menghancurkan bangsa.

Ekonomi melayu tidak dapat bergerak bukan sahaja disebabkan persaingan yang tidak adil dengan bangsa lain tetapi apabila kontrak ketrisan diberikan kepada kroni politik yang secara mudah menjualnya untuk keuntungan mudah.

Bangsa lain walaupun mereka lebih terkedepan masih lagi tidak berpuas hati sehinggalah mereka dapat menguasai politik dan membuat atau sekurang-kurangnya mempengaruhi dasar. Inilah yang berlaku sekarang.

Seeloknya terdapat carta perbandingan pencapaian ekonomi kaum di singapura dan Malaysia, termasuk pembahagian penjawat awam. Kita di Mlaysia sekarang ini nampaknya sudah giving kepada desakan politik perkauman pembangkang dengan membuka jawatan tertinggi kepada bukan melayu bukanpun mengikut merit tetapi lebih kepada kaum mana menjadi menteri. Perkembangan ini dalah merbahaya, harus dihentikan segera. Lebih menghampakan apabila soalan peperiksaan untuk sekolah vernacular diberi gred yang rendah bagi mengangkat pencapaian mereka, suatu penipuan kepada orang melayu yang perlu menjawab soalan yang lebih susah.

Saya sendiri cenderung kepada PERKASA, kerana melihat kaum lain amat rsis di dalam menuntut peluang yang lebih walaupun mereka sedia menguasai jauh kedepan.

Lee Kuan Yew adalah typucal chinese yang kan provoke sesiapa yang menjadi musuh untuk kaumnya menguasai rantau ini. singapura lebih dibantu oleh pedagang yahudi sebab itulah mereka dapat berdepan dengan krisis ekonomi.


By Collin Ng on September 19, 2010 3:59 PM


You are reacting for the sake of reacting, the moment our MM Lee made some remarks on Malaysia state-of-affair which were not to your liking. If I remember well, you made more unpleasant remarks targetting Singapore's Malay in bid to unsettle racial harmony in Singapore which, of course did not work to your intention than our MM Lee on Malaysia. All our MM Lee needed was an international platform, this time with NY Times which reaches an international audience. Your futile attempt to 'put right' at best can reach domestic audience, or more specifically the Malay audience. Even most of your articles posted in your blog did not get to be published in Malaysia media, reason you should know best. Let the world form their own opinions about the two countries, or more precisely, the two leaders, you and our MM Lee. To me, you are just a retired politician who has lost all supports from those who had supported you during your tenure as PM. While our MM Lee could have stepped down as PM, he remains effectively powerful in cabinet till present. You should know from him if you wish to remain vocal in the political scene in Malaysia and internationally. Try getting a slot to be interviewed by NY Times so that you can counter your view...if only, they wish to interview you, that is. Time to retire gracefully, Tun.

By aaaa on September 19, 2010 2:37 PM

pemikiran2 para pendatang yg menentang hak bumiputra,menpertikai perlembagaan, hak bumiputra dan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi sebenarnya disengajakan... mereka memahami semua tu... tapi dgn sengaja buat2 tak faham... mereka pendatang, tak puas hati kalau balik jer CHINA.. Apa susah?? asal pun sana kan?? kalu tidak pun, carilah negara lain yg rasa sesuai untuk diri sendiri... pemikiran2 sebegini sebenarnya sebahagian dari cara2 baru penjajahan.. mereka akan terus mempertikaikan sehingga berjaya.. melayu sekarang pun dah tak mcm melayu dulu...makin modern makin jauh ilmu agama.. dekatkan diri pada ALLAH.. didik anak2 mendekatkan diri kepada ALLAH... Insyaallah, musuh akan gerun dgn kita..

By blastwave on September 19, 2010 2:05 PM


By Red Arrow on September 17, 2010 7:22 AM "After all the long story, whether who is true or false, whether for personal gain or otherwise, the fact remains one is a world renounced first world country, the other still third world and going down further, one is world respected statesman, the other?"

First World country...but strangely, Singapore got- 1. families living on the beach in tentages because they cant afford to pay mortgages.... 2. families living hand to mouth not knowing when their power supplies will be cut off 3. voted as the country with the most unequal distribution of wealth by British researchers recently ... 4. voted as the country with the least happy people on the planet... 5. 1 million migrants(thats 1 migrant to every 4 Sinkies) against which its citizens have to fight for jobs & even to take public buses & trains.... 6. old retirees having to collect cardboards to make a living and worse, having to fight with China garbage collectors for those cardboards....

7. public housing flats who's prices are skyrocketing they dont even know if their children can afford a flat 8. 12% of its households earning $1000 or lesser ($1500 is the poverty line) 9. a growing number of its people wanting to leave the country.... and finally, 10.a Professor from the LKY school of public policy who recently came out to say that the influx of migrants are depressing wages for locals!

"First World" certainly has its price...sometimes too painful, but its citizens have to bear in silence

By RA on September 19, 2010 1:44 PM

Assalamualaikum wbt Tun, Malaysia tidak memerlukan sebarang idea, pandangan apatah lagi sebarang bentuk nasihat daripada Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (mantan PM dan menteri mentor Singapura)dalam urusan politik dan mentadbir urus negara Malaysia. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO/BN sudah cukup berkaliber, berintegriti tinggi mentadbir urus politik dan negara Malaysia. Negara Malaysia adalah negara berdaulat, merdeka dari sebarang bentuk penjejahan. LKY jangan cuba menjajah minda rakyat Malaysia dengan idea-idea yang seratus peratus bertentangan dengan aspirasi majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai semangat jati diri yang utuh dan kukuh. Malaysia telah berjaya dibangunkan dengan acuan kita sendiri yang bersesuaian dengan iklim, budaya dan gaya hidup rakyat Malaysia.

Parti politik DAP mengamalkan politik ala parti PAP Singapura yang banyak berpaksikan sikap kepentingan sesuatu kaum tertentu sahaja. Parti Pas dan PKR sudah terperangkap dengan mainan politik DAP dan seolah-seolah sudah tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa dan hanya menjadi pak turut kepada segala kemahuan DAP semata-mata. Pas amat teruja pasca pilihanraya umum ke 12 kerana mendapat sokongan kaum bukan Islam khususnya kaum china, manakala PKR pula untuk merialisasikan cita-cita peribadi pemimpin tertingginya mahu mengambil alih Putrajaya sanggup pula bersekongkol dengan DAP untuk mendapat sokongan. Sebenarnya yang merosakkan iklim politik kita di Malaysia hanya dicetuskan oleh citarasa dan impian politik pakatan pembangkang untuk mengambil alih kepimpinan sedia ada dari UMNO/BN.

Isu-isu perkauman, agama, raja berlembagaan menjadi senjata utama pakatan pembangkang untuk meraih sokongan rakyat memihak kepada cita-cita mereka. Isu-isu sedemikian (kaum, agama dan raja perlembagaan)merupakan isu-isu yang amat sensitif untuk diperkatan, dan ianya tidak akan membuahkan hasil yang positif, malah akan memporakperandakan hubungan kaum, sensitiviti agama dan meruntuh semangat cintakan sistem pemerintahan beraja di Malaysia.

Jadinya Mr. Lee Kuan Yew amat tidak wajar mengambil kesempatan campur tangan dalam urusan dalaman negara Malaysia. Hubungan kaum di Singapura lebih teruk dari Malaysia. Oleh kerana kaum minoriti di Singapura suara mereka terbatas, maka begitu mudahlah kaum majoriti (khususnya kaum China)menguasai segala urus tadbir negara dan rakyat Singapura. Suara kaum majoriti sudah tentu lebih memihak kepada kepentingan mereka dalam segala segi keperluan hidup, dan ianya boleh dianggap sistem demokrasi terpimpin atau demokrasi yang terkawal oleh kepentingan sesuatu kelompok sahaja. Contoh sedemikian tidak boleh ditiru sebagai suatu sistem untuk diaplikasi di Malaysia. LKY tidak boleh mendakwa bahawa perpaduan kaum di Singapura sebagai yang terbaik bagi negara yang dihuni oleh berbilang kaum.

Sekian terima kasih dan wassalam.

By shaik mohd jaafar on September 19, 2010 1:30 PM

asskum to all kenapa harus kita bertegang urat dan bergaduh sesama sendiri kerana ingin memuaskan hati kaum cina yang tamak ( bukan semua yang begitu mereka juga manusia sama macam kita sifat tamak adalah jantung manusia )jika ada dikalangan mereka mahukan keadilan dari segi ekonomi, pelajaran dan apa apa sahaja "berikan sahaja" apa kemahuan mereka jika tidak kita akan dilihat sebagai penindas bangsa atau kaum lain , kita melayu sebenarnya tidak begitu , ini hanya gimik politik mereka telah pun dapat apa yang mereka katakan dan mahukan . lebih dari 70 % pengkuasaan ekonomi jadi maknanya apa ? kalau kita sudah kaya mahukah kita menghantar anak anak kita ke univeristy malaya atau ukm atau uitm sudah pasti tidak , pastinya yale , oxford atau mana mana university yang lebih jemana dari yang ada , kalau gua sudah kaya ,gua mesti menghantar anak anak gua ke university yang terbaik where money can buy ( kata kawan cina saya ) apa bikin malaysia belajar tak boleh jadi P.M pun. dari segi ekonomi pula mereka telah pun dapat sejak penjajahan british lagi hanya orang cina/sino dan british sahaja yang boleh menamam getah , melombong timah , membuat perniagaan import export dari sebesar besar perniagaan sehingga sekecil kecil lesen sehingga lesen mengutip biji getah pun kita tak dapat ( menjadi suatu kesalahan mengutip biji getah tampa lesen )jadi kalau ada lagi lesen yang mereka tak dapat lagi berikan lah sahaja , ini cuma lagi satu gimik yang dimainkan oleh ahli ahli politik melayu kononnya membela bangsa melayu lesen lesen ini tak boleh diberikan kepada bangsa lain dan ahil politik cina pula mereka akan perjuangkan lesen lesen ini sehingga ketitisan darah terakhir , mereka kaum cina telah pun miliki kekayaan sejak beratus tahun sebelum merdeka , dari segi kira kira bodoh saya populasi mereka tak sampai 30 % akan tetapi penguasaan ekonomi mereka 70% , melayu 60 % tetapi pengkuasaan ekonomi tak sampai 30 % apa lagi lesen yang mereka tak ada ,lesen lesen class a sampai lesen class f sudah habis melayu pajakkan kepada mereka kalau ada pun cuma berapa je yang tinggal . jangan jadikan isu lesen perniagaan ini sebagai batu loncatan politik , bukan kata kerajaan terutamanya umno tak tolong melayu pas tak tolong umat islam mereka buat kerja sekuat kuat nya apa yang ada sekarang adalah hasil dari usaha mereka terutamanya kerajaan yang ada sekarang 1 malaysia adalah satu program kesaksamaan rakyat jadi semua isu isu tadi akan terungkai ,tampa panjang lebar biar saya terus ke point sebenar kenapa saya disini, apa pun siapa pun kerajaan umno ke pas orang melayu akan berada dititik yang sama seperti hari ini walau seribu tahun lagi selagi melayu terus layu , bercakap tampa membina memang tak guna , satu sahaja cadangan saya jika melayu ingin mengkusai ekonomi 70 % ialah dengan memulakan dari diri sendiri bukan kerajaan , tidak akan ada kerajaan yang mampu mengubah keadaan yang ada sekarang menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang , BELILAH BARANGAN BUATAN MELAYU itu sahaja yang mampu mengubah sinario ekonomi malaysia bukan sahaja 70% yang pasti kita capai 700% pun kita akan mampu capai . cakap tak guna tembak tak kena , kita orang melayu majoriti kita 60 % buying power ada pada kita , mereka hidup dangan hasil dari kita bukan kerana mereka merompak kita kita yang bodoh serahkan dompet kita pada mereka lepas tu kita nak salah kan kerajaan , kalau kita mulakannya hari dengan beli barangan buatan melayu dalam masa 3 tahun sahaja dari sekarang kita mampu mengubah angka angka pengkuasaan ekonomi 70 cina;30 melayu kepada 30 cina ;70 melayu ,memang dari segi modal melayu masih kalah macam mana melayu nak cari modal buat meniaga , kalau nak pinjam dari bank dan kerajaan untuk buat meniaga kita semua mimpi , masih mimpi dan terus mimpi , kita tubuh kan koperasi modal perniagaan melayu , memang ada pnb ,asn, asb dan lain lain tetapi mereka tak akan memandang kita , ceo ceo mereka cuma

mengejarkan keuntungaan 1st q lah 2nd q adakah mereka akan melabur didalam perniagaan kita ? jadi bagaimana mereka mendapat keuntungan mereka akan melabur wang yang diamanahkan untuk menolong kita ke bskl dan luar negara membeli aset aset mewah yang tiada kepentingan kepada kita disewakan kepada kaum kaum lain semata mata untuk mencari keuntungan dan mengharumkan nama sendiri . dengan koperasi modal perniagaan melayu kita mampu melakukannya kumpulkan modal kita sendiri dan kita uruskan perniagaan kita dan kita beli barangan buatan kita sendiri , kita mulakan secara sederhana mulakan dengan barangan makanan yang kita perlukan sebelum kelain lain perniagaan seperti pampers ,pakaian , servis kereta dan lain lain perniagaan , kita ambil contoh lain perniagaan berkonsepkan keahlian seperti avon , cosway ( avon dan cosway adalah suatu contoh yang baik dan mereka banyak membantu meningkatkan pendapatan isi rumah serta tidak perkauman ) dan banyak lagi mlm yang beroperasi di malaysia yang mana pengguna nya adalah melayu kenapa kita hanya manjadi baduah rascal kepada mereka yang kayanya mereka dan kunco kunco mereka kita nak jadi apa cuma menyalahkan orang lain tampa ada usaha dan idea untuk meningkatkan pendapatan kita . fikir fikir lah sendiri saudara saudari kemana kita nak pergi jangan cakap tak serupa bikin , melayu masuk angin keluar asap , asslammulaikum semua agar semua nya terus lena

By RA on September 19, 2010 9:34 AM

Salam Tun, Bagi saya Lee Kuan Yew LKY)tak perlulah nak campur urusan negara lain dan terlalu berbangga dengan hubungan antara kaum di Singapura. Hakikat sebenar perhubungan antara kaum di Singapura tidaklah seperti yang LKY cuba war-warkan. Jikapun Singapura kekal dalam gabungan Malaysia, suasana negara Malaysia sudah tentu akan berubah berasaskan konsep "Malaysian Malaysia", yang diantaranya mengamalkan konsep meritokrasi yang hanya menguntungkan sesuatu kaum sahaja sepertimana yang berlaku di Singapura hari ini. Kaum China merupakan kaum majoriti di Singapura, menguasai 95% ekonomi dan 80% atau mungkin lebih kuasa politik yang diterajui oleh kaum China. Selain dari itu dalam sektor awam dan swasta juga dikuasai oleh majoriti kaum China. Amat sedikit peratus kaum-kaum lain yang menjawat jawatan penting dalam sektor awam dan swasta. Persoalannya mengapa menjadi sedemikian? Jawapan mudah bagi saya ialah kerana konsep meritokrasi yang menguntungkan hanya suatu kaum yang sudah sedia terkehadapan dari berbagai aspek kehidupan dan sikap cauvinis yang diamalkan oleh kepimpinan PAP. Jadinya suasana politik dan sosio ekonomi, budaya dan sebagainya di Singapura amat jauh berbeza dengan Malaysia.

Parti DAP di Malaysia dari awal kewujudannya mengamalkan sikap cauvinis dengan bertopingkan perjuangan berasaskan demokrasi untuk semua kaum. Buktinya sudah amat jelas baru dapat berkuasa di negeri Perak sudah mengambil tindakan yang banyak menguntungkan kaum China. Begitu jugalah apa yang yang sedang berlaku di Pulau Pinang. DAP terlalu terikut-ikut rentak dan gaya kepimpinan PAP di Singapura yang amat tidak bersesuaian dengan suasana kahidupan berbagai kaum di Malaysia.

Majoriti rakyat Singapura adalah terdiri dari kaum China. Singapura adalah negeri pulau. Kaum minoriti Melayu, India dan lain boleh dikatakan tiada kuasa politik dan ekonomi di Singapura. Kaum minoriti di Singapura dengan sendirinya tiada suara dalam tadbir urus negara Singapura. Oleh itu amat mudahlah bagi LKY pada awal pemerintahannya merialisasikan cita-cita politiknya yang hanya menguntungkan sesuatu kaum sahaja. Suasana di Malaysia amat berbeza.

Majoriti melayu (80%) pada awalnya dikurangkan sehingga 60% dengan memberikan ruang dan peluang menambah peratus kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia oleh gabungan pemerintahan berkonsepkan perikatan antara parti-parti politik dari berbagai kaum. Inilah keunikan di Malaysia yang sepatutnya dibanggakan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi kaum bukan melayu. LKY mungkin berasa amat cemburu dengan apa yang telah dan sedang dicapai oleh Malaysia dari berbagai aspek kehidupan rakyatnya dan kemajuan negara Malaysia sendiri. Kepimpinan negara Malaysia dahulu dan terkini telah berjaya mencipta arah tuju negara Malaysia mengikut cita rasa dan acuan kita sendiri. Tun Dr Mahathir telah dengan jayanya menjadikan negara Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara industri dengan kesinambungan kepimpinan terkini untuk mencapai negara maju melalui wawasan 2020 yang diilhankam oleh Tun Dr Mahathir.

Kita rakyat Malaysia tidak perlulah terikut-ikut dan terpengaruh dengan idea dan pandangan LKY. Kita hidup dan maju dengan cara kita sendiri. Tidak ada apa-apa yang baik yang boleh dijadikan contoh dari Singapura untuk diaplikasikan di Malaysia, khususnya dari aspek perhubungan kaum.

Sekian, terima kasih. Wassalam.

By 6 Jahanam on September 19, 2010 8:30 AM

Kemenangan PAP,LKY bukanlah dek disebabkan mereka bagus, Ia lebih pada cara mereka mengambil langkah kiasu semasa election. Dengan membawa pendatang dari China,memecahkah concentrasi penduduk melayu,memharuskan quato bagi setiap kawasan GRC adalah punca kemenangan PAP bukanlah gentleman punya style. Perbezaan kecermelangan Pemimpin bukanlah kerana LKY bagus,Mahathir tak bagus.LKY anak 2,Mahathir anak 50.

Saya tak yakin LKY mampu duduk di tempat Mahathir. Porak peranda Malaysia dibuatnya

Hebatnya Mahathir walau dengan ramai anak, susah susah Malaysia,hina hina Malaysia,istillah kita tak mati kebuluran,matinya kita seumpama, merpati mati diatas padi. Orang Singapura banyak mati kerana cengkaman kuku pontianak, stress beb,tangan kanan belum masuk duit,tangan kira dah keluar duit,sampai muflis.Heart attack,banyak yg terjun,banyak bankruptcy. Bandingkan statistic mereka yg terjun dengan ratio penduduk kita.

Iktibar yg perlu kita amabil,ini bukan persoalan perkauman, orang cina ada yg baiknya,melayu ada yg busuknya. INI persoalan manusia yg jenis tamak,yg berbaik dengan kita bersebab,tak ikhlas.Inginkan sesuatu dari kita, lepas itu disalahkan kita .Seperti nasib orang mealyu sana,sudah dirompak hak mereka,dipersalahkan pula,dituduh melayu jenis pemalas,untuk menutupkan kenyataan discriminasi PAP terhadap melayu.

By Tamhar1862 on September 19, 2010 2:01 AM

Dear Anaconda (Dengan izin ayahanda Tun)

1. Few years back I was visiting a used car dealer (owned by Alex's own kind). A few of Alex's countrymen were talking bad things about Proton & most of them are car dealers. I told them straight on their's faces, since the 90's most if not all of them (Used car dealers) benefited from Proton direct or indirectly and have become millionaires. 2. I further told them if not because of proton they will still selling old Fiat or Alfa Romeo and making around RM5k per month until they die. 3. But imagine this, once the Proton's CEO are Alex's own kind, suddenly the Proton car will be the best in the world. That is what they wanted. That what will call propaganda. 4. Its same like corruption, if the taker are Malay then it is corruption. But if the taker is Alex's own kind, whoa!! Its become business kind of thing. 5. Malay are muslim, and majority don't drink, gamble and don't worship money as God. I wonder who is the real culprit was? Who worship money, no halal nor haram in their upbringing. 6. The moral of story is, whatever has Malay on it everything is bad. 7. So we Malay don't have to listen much of what they say, it "look down on the Malay" kind of thing.

By dtan on September 18, 2010 11:45 PM

Saudara Zulkiflee,

Per Lee Kuan Yew's treachery. Water Agreements are just that Water Agreements. Malaysia signed an agreement of her own freewill that was not amicable to the country. No one forced Malaysia to sign a Water Agreement deemed to be unfair. I also read Singapores response about selling treated water back to Malaysia at a loss. So both sides have grievances. You can argue about who is more guilty if you want to engage in moral relativism. Water itself comes from God for the benefit of all peoples. Funny you should equate as stealing from Malays. The contracts ends soon and you will have your day in the Sun when you can gloat on how Singapore will suffer. So much for Muslims who always brag about how kind and benevolent they are? I see Surah 9:5 coming to life as you punish the Kafir's for their unbelief.

Per Chinese stealing monies from Indonesia. May I remind you what happen in the last decade. What did Extremists in Indonesia do to the Chinese in their Churches, Homes and Businesses. They took what was theirs and left because the Extremists were so kind to them. You see oriental entrepreneurial success as evil. On the other-side of the fence. I see someone who took incredible personal risk to develop business acumen. Of the thousands who try only a handful make it to the top. Unless money churns in an economy you cannot create a middle class with high paying jobs. They create the goods and services that drives the engine of a local economy. I would argue that they liquefy the economy by expanding the monetary system. So, they didn't steal what they created in the first place. Don't equate stealing with jealousy.

A Towkey has to continually monitor his/her cash flow and assets. If he/she screws-up they lose their 'underwear'. Stealing is what Ministers (family & friends included) siphon money from Mega-projects through bribes (kick-backs) or run Crown Corporations that lose millions or billions every year without accountability

May the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you. May the Lord make his face shine on you in Jesus Name.

By Shah2010 on September 18, 2010 7:29 PM

Assalamualaikum and hi Tun Dr. Mahathir and all readers. I have been following this issue which is about racial problem. As it has become more and more intense when it comes to discussing it, I feel like expressing my opinions. I do not know whether my opinions are correct or not,so correct me if I'm wrong.

Based on what I understand, there are some non-bumiputras who want to have the same rights as the bumiputras. In this case I believe no one will deny the fact that there are reasons why the bumiputras have the rights. The history can explain it. I am sure if the history were different(there were no immigrants came to Tanah Melayu), there would be no such thing as "The Rights of Bumiputras". This term really exists today due to the existence of people who are originally from other countries. Thus, for everybody to have the same rights is not quite practical because of the fact that by ethnicity and history, they are not the same. They also believe in different religions. Moreover, they practice different culture. In addition, they use different languages as their first language. These matters make things are not the same for everybody.

I always believe that Malays are the people who can be said the people of Tanah Melayu. I do not know where they can claim they are from if not Tanah Melayu (Malaysia or the neighbouring countries).

I put myself in immigrants' position. If I were to live as a permanent citizen in a foreign country in which I am not related to it in terms of ethnicity and live my life by believing in a different religion,practicing a different culture and speaking a different first language, I think it is hard for me to ask for the same rights as the people who are not immigrants there.

Therefore, in my opinion, Malays deserve the special rights in Malaysia.

Thank you Tun Dr. Mahathir and all readers.

By Antikaisu on September 18, 2010 6:40 PM


orang cina nie tak boleh di percayai, lagi baik mereka, lagi kita akan di tipunya, depa nie macam kaum zionis juga, sentiasa nak bolot dan menipu orang lain. Cakap mereka tak boleh dipercayai , tengok kita pada sejarah negeri china masa dok sekolah dulu. Itu sebab orang dulu Jepun pada perang dunia kedua cukup jaki dengan kaum depa nie, habis di pancungnya semasa perang di china, korea dan Asia Tenggara.Itu sebab kita kena belajar sejarah, sebab sejarah tak pernah menipu kita.Depa ingat orang Melayu mudah di perkotak-katikkan, orang melayu nie kalau dicabar, pasti dunia ini akan bergegar," biar putih tulang, jangan putih mata".

Tun, jangan risau orang kita dah mula sedar dan bersatu, Insyaallah pilihan raya akan datang, kita sapu habis semuanya. talibarut2 DAP semua nya akan kita akan lenyapkan dari bumi "Melayu yang keramat" ini. Amin.

By nahar on September 18, 2010 3:16 PM

Apa khabar Tun, bertemu lagi.

Orang Melayu di S’pura telah hilang hak ketuanannya. Tanah air nenek moyang mereka telah bertukar tuan. Orang Melayu S'pura menerima secara paksa-rela(kerana tidak boleh berbuat apa-

apa)TUAN baru ini setelah British keluar dari nusantara. Tuan baru yang asalnya pendatang telah mendominasi tampuk kuasa. Kini orang Melayu S’pura seperti Melukut di Tepi Gantang.

Itu lah pencapaian yang dicapai hasil slogan yang dilaung-laungkan oleh LKY sejak 50 tahun yang lalu. Keadaan semacam ini lah yang dimahukan dan menjadi idaman orang-orang seperti Alex, Andrewtay, dtan dan banyak lagi golongan Ultra Kiasu seperti mereka.

Semasa kemerdekaan dari British dan menyertai Malaysia, hak ketuanan Melayu telah ditentukan bahawa tampuk ketua Negara mistilah orang Melayu, yang mana Yang di Pertuan Negara(Yusof bin Ishak, berasal dari Taiping adalah YTN dan Presiden S’pre pertama) sebagai tampuk ketua Negara.

Apabila S’pore keluar Malaysia dan menjadi sebuah republik, jawatan YTN ditukar kepada Presiden. Tetapi apabila PAP berkuasa ketentuan tersebut diketepikan dan perlembagaan dipinda. Hak kesultanan Melayu yang terletaknya Istana Kg. Gelam tinggal nama dan telah tenggelam ditelan zaman. ( )

Apakah keadaan yang sama akan berlaku di P.Pinang dan disusuli kemudianya tampuk pemerintahan Malaysia yang akan berubah ketuanan nya?. Mungkinkah hak ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia akan lesap di telan zaman seperti yang berlaku di S’pura.???.

Jika Melayu masih dalam keadaan tidak sedarkan diri, kemungkinan tersebut boleh menjadi kenyataan. Maka terima lah nasib tersebut; seperti mana saudaranya di S’pura yang akan menjadi Melukut di Tepi Gantang. Melayu akan hilang hak ketuanannya dan menjadi Melukut di Tepi Gantang di Tanah Air sendiri kerana kuasa dan hak ketuanan itu bakal bertukar tangan pada orang lain.

Wahai Melayu pertahankan lah hak dan ketuanan mu agar tidak dirampas orang lain, yang kelak akan memalukan anak cucu di kemudian hari. Kelak jangan ada Melayu sendiri yang memperlekehkan hak ketuanan Melayu ini.

Ada puak kononnya perlu ditukar atas nama Islam bukan atas dasar bangsa(hak pasal Islam ni semua orang Melayu tahu, tak payah qhoyak la). Entah apa jenis Melayu yang semacam ini(siapa lagi PAS la) sebab puak ni, dia tak akui diri dia tu Melayu. Jadi mereka ni bangsa apa.?? Mungkin mereka ini asal dari planet lain kut, iaitu tempat asal usul Cik Siti Wan Kembang.

Biarkan Si Luncai Terjun dengan labu-labunya. Biarkan…!!! Biarkan…!!!.

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By zaki_77 on September 18, 2010 12:51 PM


>> Do you use current economic and socio-political layout to support your 'spin'?

Nope, I believe Tun used past economic and geo-socio-political layout to support his very definitive 'opinions'.

Racism in Malaysia flared up because of PAP's involvement regardless of their so-called good intentions.

By Alex on September 18, 2010 12:48 PM

Tun, Izin saya balas tulisan Zulikifee_Arif,

Saudara, ada ker benar saudara kata kan kalau mana-mana pemimpin melayu diberi peluang untuk memimpin Singapore maka Singapora tetap akan maju seperti hari ini ? Saya rasa saudar masih dalam mimpin siang hari, macam takn nampak atau buat-buat tak nampak apa yang berlaku di negara Malaysia.

Baru-baru ini, bekas Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Musa Hassan sendiri mengaku ada campur-tangan pihak ketiga dari Kementerian Dalam Negeri dalam urusan polis. Bekas Hakim Makamah Persekutuan, Tan Sri Gopal Sri Ram pun mengaku Badan Kehakiman di Malaysia gagal menlaksanakan keadlian bagi pihak minoriti. Badan kehakiman dan Jabatan Polis kita sudah gagal selama ini.

Anda tidak tahu perkara ini berlaku, saudara ???? Ada ker ker saudar kata Tan Sri Musa itu bukan pemimpin melayu yang bersih dan jujur ???? Saya tak mahu komen ini biarlah saudara gunakan otak sendiri buat pernilaian. Saya cuma berasa tak puas hati kerana Tan Sri Musa sudah tahu ada campur- tangan dari pihak ketiga kenapa tidak bersuara awal-awal lagi ???? Ada ker kerana hendak menjaga kedudukannya sahaja atau atas kepentingan dirinya ????? Bagi saya ulasan dari kedua-dua orang yang saya sebut kan di atas sudah terlambat kerana sudah lama rakyat Malaysia tahu mengenai perkara ini, pasal itu rakyat menolak BN pada piliharaya 2008.

Itu lah yang dilakukan oleh Kerajaan Bn selama 51 tahun memerintah Malaysia sehingga sekarang, rasuah, kalau boleh segala hak-hak istiwemah dikekalkan sehingga masuk liang kubur. Lihat Jepun sudah, selepas kalah dalam Perang Dunia yang Kedua, mereka menggunakan lebig kurang satu dekad sahaja bangun kembali sehingga pada suatu ketika America pernah berkata Jepun adalah gurunya.

Kesemua kejayaan ini tidak ada apa-apa sangkut dengan mana-mana kaum pendatang, kesemua

itu adalah dari sikap dan budaya sesuatu bangsa. Kalau budaya sesuatu bangsa adalah pemalas, ego atau tak erti kemajuan tetapi cuma tahu panggil orang balik ke negara asal maka sampai bila-bila pun bangsa itu akan ketinggalan.

Saya sendiri ada ramai ahli perniagaan melayu Singapore yang datang bukan kedai di Malaysia, mereka datang menyewa dengan memebayar sewa duabelas bulan terlebih dahulu, bukan bayar tiap-tiap bulan seperti apa yang berlaku di Malaysia. Tindakan mereka amat mengejutkan saya sekali, mereka mengatakan apa ker bezanya sebab pada akhirnya tetap dibayar juga dan mereka tak suka buat masa untuk buat bayaran tiap-tiap bulan. Ini adalah orang melayu Singapore, yang paling menyentuh hati saya ialah mereka minta saya jangan samakan taraf melayu singapaore dengan melayu Malaysia kerana tarafnya amat juah sekali. Ini bukan saya yang mengatakan tetapi orang melayu dari Singapora sendiri, mereka kata apa yang dicapai oleh melayu Singapora hari ini adalah kerana system yang ada di negara tersebut yang menjadikan mereka lebih kuat dari melayu Malaysia.

Tak habis-habis kata orang tak erti berbahasa Malaysia, cuba anda cakap bahasa Cina, sudah 53 tahun duduk bersama-sama tetapi masih koblok tak erti cakap bahasa lain. Sombong lagi, fikir kan supaya tak jadi bahan ketawa dunia.

Rakyat yang cintakan negara saya Malaysia.

By victormc on September 18, 2010 12:08 PM

Dear Tun

When LKY got Global News coverage, you got jealous. This is understandable.

Its time both of you sit down, enjoy your good golden days - carrying grand children, enjoy holidaying.

LKY already said " At times, I made mistake, but its for the good of the nation". Likewise, i dont think Tun you dared to say you are faultless; i believe your mistakes are also for the nation.

South East Asia is fortunate to have both of you as Elder Statesman during the early days; as your IRON fist rules brought peace and prosperity.

The only different between you and LKY is that LKY brought Singaporean out of POVERTY, while a big numbers of Malaysian are living poor, waiting for hands-out. As such, your policy had failed and you should give Najib a chance to save Malaysia.


By 6 Jahanam on September 18, 2010 10:50 AM

I kind of stupid now, Don,t know what so proud of LKY selfsaid progress. Singpore food you buy 1 plate,we can get 3 plate here.Same quality. Goerng Pisang,Singapore 1 sin50c.Here 3 for 1ringgit.

1 Car there,here 5 car.That besides the road maintainance,etc There car die first,owner later,here owner die car never die.COE Even maid levy also they suck from the poor sweats.Nearly 1/2 their salary goes to levy. Chewing gum they ban,rokok don,t want to ban,because of lovely tax not of the citizens health as they always excuse of the price increase. Lives in a pigeon hole,expensive somemore,no money to pay,no home, sleep by the beach also kena fine. Aaaaah many more lah if I to mention.

The fact is I find most of my friend there lives like miserable zombies. You can seee the businessman there walk like zombies,many things in their brain to pay. Actually we Malaysia are much luckier under UMNO rule. Regardless of we are not much develops as what they claim they are We have everything here,UMNO did not squeeze us till dry, nor they interfere with our privacy.

Honestly I pity Singporean,lives miserably under PAP fists. Work,work,work still not enough,How to enough,they have a strong vacuum mechanism there. Read animal farm,by Gorge Owell,it,s happening there.

By kittensmallcat on September 18, 2010 1:12 AM

Salam Tun,

First, I like to say that this comment is a generalization. I had a Malay classmate for 10 years from primary 1 to secondary 4 who was always among the top 10 in class. He went on to Junior College, University and then at a relatively young age, a manager at Hewlett Packard.

Second, I like to say I am a Chinese but I have no animosity towards Malays.

Malay versus Chinese, yours and everybody's favorite perennial topic. So I like to join in the fray.

Look at the big picture.

A cat is a cat but there are many species of cats. There are race horses and there are farm horses.

American whites are good in swimming. Afro-Americans are good in basketball.

North East Asia(Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam) are very competitive societies. The pressure to conform and perform are very great. Korea and Japan have high suicide rates.

Most overseas Chinese do well in their adopted countries. Generally, NE Asian students do well in American Universities.

Malays are peaceful and contented people. PM Najib recently use the word "hungry". He said Malaysians must be hungry, break out of their "comfort zone" for Malaysia to achieve WAWASAN 2020.

But Malays are generally not hungry people. They are happy with what they have, their status quo.

This is explosive, many prominent Malays in Malaysian society are not "true" Malays. In their family tree, they have, Arabic, Chinese, Indian and other blood ties. (I read your book, The Malay Dilemma).

What I am trying to say is this, Chinese may be rich, but they may not be happy. Malays may not have great material wealth, but they are healthier and happy. There is nothing wrong to be peace loving and contented. I was at Tanjong Pelepas a few times and noticed that the clerks there looked very happy, driving their Kancils

I am not rich, I am a bus driver, but I am not jealous of the rich.

Best Regards ! KittenSmallCat

PS. You have done a lot to promote Malay confidence, supporting, climbed Mt Everest, going to The South Pole, a Malay astronaut, Proton, Petronas Twin Towers, etc. I sincerely hope young Malays will get your message. Melayu Boleh !

By Alex on September 17, 2010 11:09 PM


Minta izin untuk saya balas tulisan anaconda,

Hi Ananconda, saya bukan melenting tetapi cuma menyatakan kebenaran. Saya adalah rakyat Malaysia yang setia dan saya tak ada apa-apa sangkut dengan negeri Cina, negara saya adalah Malaysia. Begitu mudah anda katakan orang melayu mengambil rasuah adalah kerana orang Cina yang memberi ???? Saya hendak tanya kepada anda rata-rata orang melayu di Malaysia ini beragama apa ???? Semua orang melayu adalah muslim sejak dilahirkan, apa yang Nadi ajar kepada nada semua ???? Saya percaya Nadi tak ajar rasuah tetapi kenapa apabila orang Cina memberi rasuah anda semua terima ???

Tidak ker anda semua yang dianggap sebagai muslim sepatutnya mengikuti ajaran Nadi dan bukan tawaran daripada orang yang dianggap kafir oleh anda semua ???? Bagi umat yang betul-betul ada iman, dia tak akan terima walau sebesar mana sekali pun rasuah yang ditawarkan. Jangan salahkan orang yang memberi jikalau tangan anda tidak sudi atau sanggup menerimannya, tidak ada orang boleh paksa anda jikalau anda betul-betul tolak dan laporkan kepada polis.

Berkenaan dengan komen anda tentang kereta Proton, samada sesebuah kereta boleh tahan digunakan bukan diukur dengan berapa tahun kereta itu sudah digunakan tetapi kekerapan kereta itu digunakan. Contohnya kalau kereta isteri anda hanya dipandu sebanyak 5 ribu atau 10 ribu kilometres setahun, anda tidak akan tahu ketahanan kereta tersebut sehingga kereta itu betul digunakan.

Saya bukan kata kereta Jepun tidak pernah rosak tetapi jarang rosak, ada ker anda faham bahasa

yang saya gunakan ???? Kita di sini bincangkan tentang kekerapan kerosakkan pada kereta Proton berbanding kereta Proton. Apa gunanya beli kereta baru Proton jikalau selepas kereta itu didaftarkan dengan JPJ dan mula digunakkan di atas jalaraya tak sampai sebulan terpaksa balik pusat servis untuk perbetulkan kerosakannya. Bukan sekali tetapi berulang sehingga mekanik di pusat servis pun sudah pandai menjawad " ini kereta Proton mah, kalau tak rosak tak panggil Proton dah ". Siapa tak marah ? Kita sudah buang masa kerana terpaksa membawa kereta balik walaupun kereta yang kita baru beli adalh kereta baru, mereka pulak perli kita macam tu.

Kalau ada pun kereta Jepun yang ada masalah yang saya sebutkan tadi, jumlahnya amat sedikit tak macam Proton. Kita beli kereta baru tapi macam kereta secondhand sahaja. Anda tolong rujuk balik tulisan saya yang terdahulu kerana malas nak ulang benda-benda yang sudah saya sebutkan berkali-kali tetapi otak melayu memang lembab sungguh untuk faham bahasa yang bergitu mudah yang saya gunakan.

Rakyat Thailand boleh beli kereta yang sama dengan kita tetapi dengan harga lebih murah RM30,0000.00, ada ker itu masih dianggap sabagai cemburu atau cuba rosakan impian Tun ????

Saya amat berharap Tun sendiri dapat jawab tulisan saya.

Rakyat Malaysia yang setia.

By zamree on September 17, 2010 10:54 PM

salam Tun,Saya berpendapat Tun telah gagal membawa Melayu ke platform yg sebenarnya walaupun telah diberi peluang selama 22 tahun sebagai PM.Tun dianggap Ultra Melayu sebelum itu tapi menjadi liberal ketika ditampuk kuasa PM.Kini Tun kembali menjadi Ultra Melayu selepas melepaskan kuasa.Apakah menjadi hero Melayu hanya ketika Tun berada dlm situasi 'play safe' berbanding ketika menjadi PM dahulu yg perlu menjaga hati semua kaum.Tepuk dada tanya selera..Bagi saya Tun hanya berjaya 'mencipta' segelintir Melayu berjaya saja sedangkan majoritinya ditakuk lama.Segelintir Melayu berjaya itu dihasilkan dari eksperimen tergesa-gesa Tun yg berat sebelah,tanpa muafakat dan mengutamakan stail'one man show'Tun yg diktatorship.Antara kaedah segera Tun adalah sistem tender tertutup,siapa kenal dia dapat,kroni dan Umnoputera yg menguntungkan minoriti semata2.Hari ini Tun kembali menjadi pembela Melayu semula ketika tiada kuasa apa2 sedangkan ia sudah terlambat kerana masa emas Tun sudah disia-siakan selama Tun berkuasa.Formula 'Dilema Melayu' Tun yg hebat itu kembali dibelek tapi sudah tak relevan kerana jam tidak boleh ditukar ke belakang.Maka jadilah ia sebuah buku jurrasic tanpa direalisasikan sehingga kini.Tun memprotes pentadbiran pemimpin hari ini sedangkan ia adalah lanjutan daripada legasi korup Tun sendiri.Tun mahukan mereka menyambung wawasan Tun sedangkan Tun membuang wawasan pemimpin sebelumnya.Akhirnya Umno tewas pd PRU 12 hasil campur tangan Tun sendiri tapi Tun nafikan.Adakah Tun sedar betapa serba salahnya pemimpin hari ini kerana sikap masuk campur Tun itu.Umno sanggup mengambil risiko besar berdiam diri hanya kerana menghormati Tun.Saya tak nafikan Tun telah membawa Malaysia kearah yg gemilang tapi amat sedikit utk Majoriti Melayunya.Bukti yg paling nyata adalah pengakuan Tun sendiri di saat akhir mengakui

gagal utk mengubah Melayu.Jangan dikambing hitamkan Melayu utk menutup kelemahan sendiri kerana Melayu telah banyak berkorban selama ini dan hanya menjadi Mr Yes Man ketika era Tun kerana percaya dgn wawasan Tun.Salam ikhlas dari saya..Maaf andai terkasar bahasa..

By andrewtay on September 17, 2010 9:30 PM

To all Malays here

We'r are not here to steal your wealth. We dont even want to be involved in Malay politics. You guys can do what you are best at, berpolitik. That is your "talent".

You want to have NEP, hell, take it. You want to have tanah exclusive to only Malays, hell, take it. You want to get married with 4 awesome wives, hell, you have nothing but my respect.

I guess its just fair to let the non-malays and even the other bumis to enter to universities. You cant just deprive people of education. Its just blatantly wrong and equally outrageous. I dont care how the government makes that happen, hell, spend 1% of our measly GDP for higher tertiary education. Train or import more lecturers or build more universities. Just get everyone a quality education.

Why spend so much on nonsense on defense? who is going to invade us? Singapore? Indonesia? Please, if they want to, they could no matter if we have 2 subs (if they can actually dive at that time) or 18 sukhois or a 40 MBTs.

Sg has F15 strike eagles and AIMs to go with that. And with their superior fighter pilot training ie attached training with the Americans, there is no way our pilots can be equally as good against them. Im not saying our sukhois aint great (they are top grade shit) but we dont have fancy missiles and capable pilots. And whats the use of having MBTs where the SGs have apache..wait for it..longbow!

Do you know how many mujaheedin suckers have died from those awesome helicopters? Thats the point, you wont know ever because they are DEAD.

But yeah, they cant occupy the whole of malaysia but they'l just land grab Johor to piss ya off.

And the indons, they dont even have to send an army to invade MY. They'l just send ri0t frenzy university students to whoop your ass. Yeah, and the funny thing is, they hate Malays. Now, that sucks knowing that 240 million Muslims-hating-Malays trying to kill you (thats going to be a mixture of land invasion and heaps of suicide bombers FTW!) Now tell me again, what did you guys did to them? Oh yeah, you guys stole their culture, claimed it to be yours and encroached their territory. Well, thats pretty nifty pissing off the largest military in ASEAN. Jesus, even the Aussies are afraid of parang-wielding Indons and their suicide bombers too.

Now since they'r in Malaysia, they probably kill us chinese too just for the sake of it. Thanks guys.

By khairi ali on September 17, 2010 7:33 PM

Salam Tun, walau apa pun yang telah berlaku, apa yang paling parah dan menusuk kalbu Melayu adalah seperti berikut :

Sebelum merdeka, Melayu hidup secara berkelompok dan bersanak saudara. Tapi selepas merdeka, bila Melayu tolong adik beradik, dikatakan sebagai nepotisme; bila tolong sahabat taulan, dikatakan kronisme; bila tolong dan bersama satu kampung atau daerah, dikatakan sebagai kedaerahan (parochialisme); dan bila membela kaum sendiri dikatakan seabgai pelampau atau pun rasis. Semua tunjang temunjang Melayu dirobek dengan nilai baru nan Barat. Masalahnya, semua itu tidak dibantah oleh Islam, walau pun dilihat sebagai tribalisme!

Sesungguhnya ibadah orang Melayu adalah mengikut landasan Islam, bukan Barat atau pun pemodenan!

By klate oh klate on September 17, 2010 7:17 PM

Salam semua.. terutama orang2 cina tak sedar diri dan tak sedar untung. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun, semoga sihat selalu bersama keluarga. Sudah lama saya tak komen kat laman ayahanda.

Sebenarnya, Adalah lebih baik Singapura keluar dari Malaysia. Ketika di luar pun mereka menganggu gugat kedaulatan Malaysia. Bersama-sama berusaha menjatuhkan ekonomi Malaysia. Singapura adalah musuh Malaysia. Kaum cina adalah duri dalam daging. Jika diberi pilihan, suka saya mahu semua orang cina di bumi bertuah ini berpindah ke Singapura. Walaupun mungkin mustahil.

Sebenarnya segala punca kerosakan di bumi bertuah ini adalah disebabkan orang2 cina. Sebut apa sahaja... rasuah. curi balak (curi hasil bumi), merompak, jual perempuan. judi haram dan bermacam-macam kegiatan negetif semua dimonopoli kaum cina. Orang Melayu diperalatkan sahaja. Orang cina sudah menipu orang Melayu sejak mereka pijak bumi bertuah ini lagi. Hingga ke saat ini pun mereka masih terus tipu orang Melayu. Apa pun nak cerita pasal cina ni.. buat panas hati je...cerita banyak tak guna. Saya dah lalui macam-macam dah dengan manusia cina ni.Mentang2 mereka mengusai ekonomi negara. Saya nak tunggu je masa... Kalau boleh jadi macam 13 mei dulu... Sebab kat Kelantan tak sempat jadi macam kat Kuala Lumpur. KEPADA ORANG-ORANG CINA... JANGANLAH KAMU TAMAK..DAN JANGANLAH KAMU MELAMPAUI BATAS. KEPADA MENTERI DALAM NEGERI.. TEGASLAH SIKIT. JANGAN SAMPAI CINA PIJAK KEPALA MELAYU. WALAUPUN HAKIKATNYA MEREKA SENTIASA MEMIJAK KEPALA ORANG MELAYU. TETAPI KALAU DAH NYATA SANGAT... AMIKLAH TINDAKAN. SEKIAN JUMPA LAGI SALAM.

By majnd on September 17, 2010 4:56 PM

Tun, apa yg disebut oleh Lee Kuan Yew tidak semua betul atau pun tepat..jika ada org mengatakan bangsa Melayu diSingapura lbh bernasib dan dilayan dgn baik adalah palsu semata2..saya ada sedara mara, rakan dan kawan satu pejabat yag bertugas di Singapura ..sdh ckp menceritakan bagaimana org Melayu ditindas dgn cara yg paling halus..mereka ditekan secara tidak sedar dan sedar..Jika nak naik pangkat dlm mana2 Company atau pun kerajaan mesti fasih dlm Bahasa

Mandarin dan jika terlalu kuat pegangan Islam alamat org Melayu diketepikan secara halus..ssh nak naik pangkat..kiralah berapa ramai org melayu dalam kerajaan Singapura??..berapa yg berpangkat didalam Angkatan Tentera dan Polis Singapura? ..jika ada sekali pun diperingkat bawahan..itu pun bukan dlm jawatan yg penting..ini adalah fakta..Jangan harap nak ada org Melayu dlm SB atau Intelligent di Singapura..sbb kata LKY org Melayu ssh nak dipercayai?? Jika sesiapa nak mencabar atau bikin protes kpd kerajaan Singapura alamat jadi penghuni lokap la jadinya atau terus ditahan bawah Akta Keselamatan Dlm Negeri ISA..malah ada yg dibicara di Mahkamah hingga jatuh muflis!! Ingatlah semasa Singapura keluar dari Malaysia , LKY dgn angkuhnya telah mencabar org Melayu disana utk berfikir samada utk keluar dari Singapura atau berikrar jadi rakyat Singapura..mereka diberi tempoh 2 minggu sahaja.Ini mengakibatkan ramai org Melayu yg msh ada sedara di Malaysia atau di Brunei pulang ke negera masing2..yg tidak ada sedara terpaksalah melalui pahit getir jadi rakyat Singapura sehingga sekarang..Cuba kita lihat mana dia kampong org Melayu di Singapura ? Ada lagi ke? apa dah jadi kepada Istana di Kg Gelam? Mana dia keturunan Raja Temasik?? Cari lah ada tak penempatan org Melayu lagi ..? sudah dipecahkan supaya org Melayu jadi terpencil..Apa yg ada di Geylang Serai? Arab Street dan byk lagi kawasan yg dahulu memang majoriti penduduknya org Melayu..

Ingat tak .. kenapa kita begitu baik membiarkan LKY dtg ke Malaysia tempohari dan berjumpa dgn ramai pemimpin pembangkang disini? Apa agenda dia? Sedar kah org Malaysia..kes rusuhan dan demo di Singapura yg lepas2..siapa puncanya? Saya bukan nak ungkit kisah lama tapi sedar lah wahai org Malaysia..tidak semua yg berlaku di Singapura itu melambangkan mereka sdh mengatasi kita atau sudah berjaya..NO WAY.. Kita masih terdapat kawasan yg mana penduduknya majoriti bangsa Cina, India dan juga Melayu..dan tempat ini wujud tanpa beri sebarang masalah..dan jgn lupa ada byk tempat..samada di bandar atau pinggir kota yg mana penduduknya dari berbilang kaum..mana ada isu besar..malah komuniti penduduk lbh damai ..yg bikin mereka ini gusar adalah elemen luar spt ahli politik yg dengkel otaknya cuba mengapi2 penduduk tersebut. Sbb ada golongan luar..kumpulan pelampau..radikal..budaya politik sempit yg amat gemar mengadu domba rakyat dan mencurahkan bahang emosi perkauman dan sebagainya..

Usia saya sudah menjangkaui hampir 60 tahun dan saya masih rapat dgn rakan2 saya yg berbangsa India, Cina,Sikh, Iban,Bidayuh dan lain2nya Sbb kami telah melaui pahit getir memerdekakan diri dan bersatu utk memajukan negara Malaysia..Kita tdk nampak faedahnya utk melaga2kan bangsa atau kaum dinegara tercinta ini..Peduli apa org lain kata..ini negara kita marilah bersama2 memupuk semangat bersatu..Jadikan negara Malaysia ini dihormati dan aman damai..Insyallah

By tokwan on September 17, 2010 4:06 PM

salam.. sekadar ingin mmberi satu link. harap Tun bca klau ada kesempatan.. link ada dibwh.

By victormc on September 17, 2010 1:18 PM

Dear TDM,

I am from Singapore.

While I must appreciate your 22 years of IRON FIST rules that brought about peace and prosperity in Malaysia and the region - you are living during the era of Thatcher & LKY and that is where IRON FIST works. However,I must comment you had failed to get the Malays out of poverty, the poor malays are still badly poor - and the reasons why they are still poor is because they are still waiting for hands out, and because of your generosity in giving out freely during your reign, your people failed to capatilize on your giving and to stand up on their own is because they are waiting for the next PM to dish out freebies.

The others are different, the less you give or the more you marginalize them, the more they want to prove you wrong. These are the Chinese "Never say die" attitude.

By tanah on September 17, 2010 12:33 PM

Hoi Alex ... "Jangan sesekali salahkan Lee Kuan Yew atas apa masalah yang berlaku di Malaysia"

Siapa yang start dulu? apek LKY kan yang keluar statement dulu. Chedet tak salahkan apek tapi kena la balas balik statement dia. Kalau diam je korang nanti lebih2 pulak.

Pegi la MalaysianInsider tempat korang lepas geram. Kita takde kacau pun komen2 yang sangat2 racist gila kat sana.

Selamat Hari Raya Tun.

By Abbas on September 17, 2010 12:04 PM

Dear Mr. Lee Kwan Yew,

We are all aware that you, Mr. Lee Kwan Yew is one the descendants of Li Bloodline, one of the 13 satanic/illuminati bloodlines. And you are the only Li bloodline which are using "Lee" spelling. For reference,

We are all aware that the separation of Singapore from Malaysia, is not just happened by coinsidence. You made up the racial problem during the separation which provide the reason for you to get out from Malaysia also not happened by coinsidence. Indeed, it is truly because there was extremely well planning according to the New World Order, the mission of the 13 illuminati bloodlines to conquer the world. Mr US President J.F. Kennedy had been murdered after few days he tried to expose the "New World Order" in his speech.

I don't know how many decades or hundreds of years the illuminati bloodlines have already planned this (Singapore separated from Malaysia). And we, Malaysians and Singaporeans "were" and "are" busy "fighting" each other over decades for the reason that they made up for us.

Dear all Singaporeans,

Believe me, your Minister Mentor, Mr. Lee Kwan Yew is actually one of the family of Li Bloodline. All illuminati bloodlines are worshipping satan. Not by metaphore. It is literally that the 13 illuminati bloodline indeed worshipping Lucifer, the satanic father. From Muslim view, it is 'Ifrit who didn't want to make sujud to Nabi Adam. Again, I want to highlight, we still keep fighting each other just because of the stupid reason that they made up for us.

For whoever that think that I am bloughing, please think that why Singapore is located in the middle of "Pemerintahan Islam akan datang" (Future Islamic ruling region). In the meanwhile, their mentor country, Israel is situated in the middle of "Pemerintahan Islam Masa Silam".

Dear Mr. Lee Kwan Yew,

Congratulations to you for your extremely well planning. But, please be noticed that Islam will arise from the east. I know you, along with your mission are working hard to prepare for the arise of Islam from the east. You guys really have faith in the hadith of our beloved prophet that Islam will rise again from the east.

We will never be hindered by the agenda of racial problems that you've made up for us to keep fighting each other.

You still have time to repent to God. Fear none but Allah because the torture in the hell is extremely far more painful that what you can think...

"Wa makaruu, wa makarallah.. Wallahu khairul maakiriin"

By anaconda on September 17, 2010 9:24 AM

Salam Tun, Salam 1Malaysia untuk semua pembaca blog cekdet sempena menyambut Hari Malaysia 16th Sept. 2010.

Izinkan saya jawab komen saudara Alex.. Hi Alex, marah nampak..??. Baru test sikit dah melenting..? . Soalan saya tentang identiti anda pun tak dijawab. Sebenarnya saya bukan lah tidak bersetuju 100 peratus apa yang anda katakan. Tetapi tahukah Alex yang mengajar orang Melayu rasuah ialah orang-orang seperti Alex sendiri. Orang-orang seperti Alex ini sanggup gunakan wang untuk menutup kegiatan haram mereka.

Melalui pengalaman, orang China sanggup buat apa saja asalkan kesalahan dan kegiatan haram mereka dalam perniagaan boleh diselesaikan dan terlepas dari tindakan. Wang tidak jadi masaalah bagi mereka, asalkan kegiatan tidak sah mereka diberi laluan dan tidak diganggu-gugat kegiatannya.

Lihat saja dekat pejabat-pejabat kerajaan dan agensi-agensi lainnya seperti JPJ, Kastam, Imegresin, institusi kewangan dan sebagainya. Golongan manakah yang banyak berurusan secara pintu belakang..??

Jadi kenapa Alex kata begini “… Saya cuma boleh katakan melayu paling pandai belajar ialah rasuah, curi tulang, gunakan peruntukan Undang-undang untuk hidup malas, dengki, cemburu dan banyak lagi..”. Jadi hendak salahkan siapa. Siapakah yang menawarkan dan membelai mereka semua ini kalau tidak orang seperti Alex..??

Alex harus ingat, jika tiada yang sanggup memberi masakan ada yang sanggup pula menerimanya. Kesimpulannya kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia harus ingat memperingati antara satu sama lain. Siapa saja yang bersalah tetap lah bersalah, jangan cuba untuk cari lubang atau Cable untuk cari jalan melepaskan diri dengan apa cara sekali pun.

Saya ingin bertanya Alex, kenapa terlalu benci sangat kepada Proton. Bukankah Proton adalah antara usaha-usaha murni yang cuba dilakukan untuk kebaikan Negara. Apakah buruk sangat kereta Proton, sehingga terlalu teruk sekali dikutuk oleh Alex. Isteri saya juga ada pakai satu Proton, dia dah pakai sudah 9 tahun masih lagi bagus. Asalkan kita kerap buat maintenance.

Apa agenda tersembunyi yang Alex hendak sampaikan. Adakah kerana Alex telah menerima upahan lumayan dari pihak lain itu untuk lakukan provokasi terhadap Proton.??.

Atau Alex sakit hati kerana yang melakukan usaha tersebut adalah terdiri rakyat Malaysia yang 80 peratus daripada mereka adalah Melayu yang sedang gigih menjayakan Proton, maka Alex berasa benci dan cemburu lalu kempen habis-habisan untuk turut serta menjatuhkanya.

Apakah sikap Alex sebenarnya..???. Tahukah Alex bahawa kereta buatan Jepun pun bukan semuanya perfect. Jangan terlalu sokong sangat gimik pengedar-pengedar tersebut. Mereka ini adalah pesaing-pesaing yang telah nampak bahawa Proton satu hari nanti akan berupaya mengugat dan menyaingi perniagaan mereka. Jadi perlu dicantas dari awal-awal lagi. Syabas Alex kerana turut serta menyokong usaha mereka itu.

Saya juga pakai Honda Accord, pun begitu saya masih menghadapi masaalah, baru 4 tahun system elektronik dah rosak. Kerosakan tetap ada selepas beberapa tempoh, kerana benda-benda ini adalah buatan manusia. Tiap-tiap yang buatan manusia tidak semuanya perfect, misti ada cacat celanya. Kecuali ciptaan tuhan.

Alex pakai kereta apa sekarang..?? . Apakah kereta yang Alex pakai itu tidak pernah rosak langsung. Kalau begitu tak perlulah orang Jepun bersusah payah keluarkan alatganti untuk jual kat Malaysia ni kerana pasti tak laku punya, sebab kereta Jepun jarang/tak pernah rosak.

Bijak sungguh Alex berfikir. Tetapi tidak oleh rakyat Malaysia yang telah pandai menilai mana cakap-cakap yang benar dan yang tidak benar. Cuba lah Alex malu sedikit pada diri sendiri, jangan terlalu kondem orang lain kerana semata-mata nak tegakkan benang basah puak/kaum sendiri.

Terima kaseh lah Alex kerana sikap chauvinist anda itu, tq. & tq Tun.

By musato on September 17, 2010 9:15 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

LKY 3 thn lbh senior dari Tun,dan practically Tun dapat melihat perkembangan LKY dengan mata kepala Tun sendiri.

Bagi orang muda macam saya dah tentu apa yang Tun dan LKY dapat lihat dan tahu sama-sama sepanjang 1925 hingga sekarang,saya tak dapat lalui.

Tapi dalam pengajian Islam terdapat satu topik menarik yang mana senantiasa ditulis oleh ulama'-ulama',iaitu tentang Rasulullah s.a.w

Walhal mereka-mereka ini bukanlah sezaman dengan Rasulullah s.a.w.Bagaimana mereka tahu tentang ciri-ciri dan keperibadian Rasulullah s.a.w dengan terperinci?

Kita selalu membaca tentang mimpi bertemu Rasulullah s.a.w dan adakah anda seorang Muslim yang percaya tentang perkara ini?

Mungkin ia satu mitos bagi kebanyakan orang,tapi ulama'-ulama' tidak menulis sesuka hati melainkan apa yang ditulis itu betul.

Ulama' menulis bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w sentiasa 'hidup' di antara kita.Apabila kita bersedih dan memerlukan panduan,baginda akan hadir dan memberi pelajaran bagi yang memerlukan.Mungkin itulah maksudnya dalam sepotong ayat Al-Quran yang mana memberitahu bahawa seseorang kekasih Allah itu tidak ada kesedihan bagi dirinya.

Terdapat golongan yang memperlekehkan Rasulullah s.a.w seperti tak mahu sambut maulidur Rasul atau memperendahkan Rasulullah s.a.w sebagai manusia.

Kita boleh bercakap,tapi taraf manusianya Rasulullah s.a.w sebagai hamba Allah s.w.t adalah amat jauh sekali dengan tarafnya manusia seperti kita.

Kita boleh menulis bahawa kita seorang yang baik sangat kerana dapat melawan makhlus halus tanpa berubat.Tapi maksumnya jiwa Rasulullah s.a.w tidak ada orang akan tercapai.

Rasulullah s.a.w itu hebat.Begitu juga aliran darah keturunan baginda yang diresapi dengan ras-ras kemuliaan yang dikurniakan Allah s.w.t

Saya bertanyakan nenek saya 'bakpe orang ini (ulama' dahulu kala) boleh jadi macam tu?',dan katanya 'sebab darah tertemu darah,yang jauh menjadi dekat' - apa yang dimaksudkan dalam buku Ahlul Bait (keluarga) Rasululullah s.a.w dan Kesultanan Melayu.

Begitulah kemuliaan ras-ras keturunan Rasulullah s.a.w dan kemuliaan ini dipanjangkan dalam ucapan doa standard dimana kita berselawat ke atas Rasulullah s.a.w,keluarga baginda dan sahabat-sahabat baginda.

Dalam Pemuda UMNO,Khairy Jamaluddin meninggalkan selawat doa seperti ini.Mungkin dia terpengaruh dengan politik Syed dalam PKR atau pun PAS,tapi Ahlul Bait (keluarga Rasulullah s.a.w) yang 'tulen' masih hidup dan mungkin dia boleh pilih nak ingat Syed dalam PKR atau pun PAS sahaja atau pun selawat ke atas keluarga Rasulullah s.a.w

Ini adalah hak yang dikurniakan.Mungkin ia tidak dituntut oleh yang berhak,cuma sekadar ingat-mengingat antara satu sama lain.

Salam sejahtera ke atas Rasulullah s.a.w

Terima kasih Tun.

By FidelCatstro on September 17, 2010 8:59 AM

Am a Singaporean here, hope no matter what the reasons were, i love to fill my bike with cheap malaysian petrol and do shopping in Jb. I love my Singapore 'Chicken coup' 4 room flat.. so lets not bicker anymore.. Racism exists everywhere... no one started it first.. it existed the day man was born into different creeds,colors and religions.Hope both LKY and Mahathir will shake hands and make up during the sunset of their long lives..Kiss kiss and salam to all.. FidelCatsro

By rarunasalam on September 17, 2010 8:32 AM

Dear Tun

LKY to me is just another Dr. M - strong willed, opinionated, driven - all qualities of a leader.

He is also (like you) stubborn, relentless, impatient - qualities that if a leader uses responsibly, they can get results.

And like you, he likes power - he clings on to it...some say that you have retired, but you still pull strings...just subtle ones. LKY, with his mentor minister title, does it a little openly.

So when LKY gives his comments about Malaysia and how race relations could have been better...he is just being opinionated. Its the same like how you paint that picture that Singapore doesnt truly practise're being opinionated.

The question is - are you both being factual. Both of you just keep slinging your comments about each other ...where do both of you actually present facts.

Your blind followers read your blogs and they think it's factual - excuse me...what is the data you are using to present the facts? Care share with us Tun - you bring your spin on how history has played out...but isnt' that just that - it's your spin against LKY's spin? Do you use current economic and socio-political layout to support your 'spin'?

Also, you and LKY have always differed in your views - Fact!

So, I dont expect either of you to just turn up one day and start agreeing to views expressed by the other.

I do however want to highlight - when tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.


By pepatung on September 17, 2010 8:29 AM

Salam Tun,

Allow me to comment on posting by bc2233, he quoted:

"You may said anything you want about Singapore or Malaysia race matters, but one must admit the Malay in Singapore is better treated than the Chinese in Malaysia. One must also admit that in Asia the Chinese is economically more smart than the Malay. So you may said anything you want in your little brain there, Malaysia will never become a develop country unless it is willing to accept that everybody is equal and given special right to Malay can only hurt them more than help them! Go out and look at the world, if us can elect a black president and Canada has a black governor general then why is Malaysia is so afraid of it's Chinese population!"

Dear bc2233, I am a Malay and YES we afraid with a Chinese who has a great power in their hand. You study

your own history back in China. A Chinese who had so much power will strangle others clans, killed them, burnt their home and made them fugitive. Even the good like Confucius was sent in exile and became fugitive. That's why China took THOUSAND YEARS just to merged thanks to Qin Shih Huang.

Just lokk at Penang on how a typical China-man managed a Malay population there and to my surprise you even appraise on how DAP doing to Malay community. I guess you are close-minded person and not open up as you should be. Dont read only DAP/PAKATAN media only but also read mainstream media as well. We, Malay are being oppressed by DAP in Penang and yet you say, it is GOOD? It seems that you only see it from your own deep-yellow skin that make you blind the bad things happened to us, the Malay there?

Nobody is equal in the reality of this world. So naive you point is. Dont you read even a Muslim Chinese in China are not been treated equal? That's is inbetween the same Chinese but different in religion only. What make you think a Singaporean Malay, a Singaporean India and a Singaporean Chinese are been treated equal in S'pore? From what perspective that justify your claim? You are truly blind and no wonder you are still blind towards Malaysia's Constitutions. What you score in your History subject at school? You are just a coward Chinese who only know to condemn but never know to understand and appreciate others, just like your DAP brother who is now "power hungry obsession". I believe you dont even have a good Malay friend and if you do have, you are too coward to raise the matter you wrote here and tell him in his face.

Yo bc2233, you can make a fortune and even be a billionaire here in Msia but again as history of Chinese people, they just love to make fortune and wealth, after that they run away to other country and tell the world how bad Malaysia is. A Chinese is good and efficient ROBBERS. Malaysia is the only place in the universe where the 2nd Class citizen (like you) can become a billionaire. If you are not happy there are always a door to "BALIK CHINA" OR wherever you like.

In general, a Malaysian Chinese is so greedy ( already 70% richer still want to confiscate the Malay 30% wealth), cant even speak a simple good Bahasa Malaysia ( Bangla and Nepalese is better than you), low self esteem but only know to bully and discriminate a Malay when work together, well educated but so inferior, blind towards Malaysian history and many more...

By hbsSpore on September 17, 2010 8:09 AM

Quote By 6 JahanamAuthor Profile Page on September 16, 2010 3:23 AM

What so great of Singapore progress. They are no 1 in many,yet no Singaporean gets any. They are born lives to work not work to lives,and yet they get nothing. You could'nt have a decent meal or coffee in Singapore. My day, I eat 1 plate of mee rebus,cost me $2-/ But when I went to retrieve my vehicle I was fined $30. That makes my mee rebus $32-/ Besides this even having coffee with my friends in Singapore,they always worries about their parking.

I agree with you 6 Jahanam,I'm a S'porean,my day when I was having my Soup kambing cost me $4.00,at Gelang Baru,My motor-cycle which I park does'nt cause any obstruction was fine for $70.Waa really heart pain... not only that, I wanted to buy bread for my friend at Delifrance cost $5.I left my bike for a while and rush for less that 10 mins, you know I was fine for $70 also and many more fines I had...You know people always said Singapore is a FINE COUNTRY..... a bit..a bit FINE !!! Sampai you bangkrup or pokai.....

By Red Arrow on September 17, 2010 7:22 AM

After all the long story, whether who is true or false, whether for personal gain or otherwise, the fact remains one is a world renounced first world country, the other still third world and going down further, one is world respected statesman, the other?

By mattradin on September 17, 2010 5:57 AM

SALAM SIR, MR LKY is just a big joke !!! SALAM SIR !!!

By manmaldini on September 17, 2010 4:40 AM

i'm tired of hearing americans saying that their country is not racist just becoz they elect Obama the first black president..well let me ask u proud americans one thing, wud u have elected obama if he's a moslem? and please answer truthfully..all the american presidents are christians. I don't have anything against christians, its their religion n i respect that. BUT PLEASE, don't keep bragging about this n telling people that yur country treated all race n religion equal...selamat hari raya my beloved TUN

By zulkiflee_Arif on September 17, 2010 2:38 AM

Assalamu'alaikum Tun yg dikasihi,

saya harap Tun dapat mengulas topik ini secara panjang lebar dan terperinci.kalau boleh jadikan ia matapelajaran wajib di peringkat tinggi.sebab amat penting untuk kita tahu sejarah Bangsa kita.kalau tidak,LKY dan pengikut-pengikut nya akan sesuka hati memutar belit fakta sejarah dan membuat versi nya sendiri.dan dia sentiasa ada banyak pengikut untuk menyokong apa juga penipuannya.

dtan,s.tan,andrewtay dan yg sejenis mereka,termasuk ravi,cina yg dari India,akan terima apasaja kekata LKY sebagai suatu kebenaran yg penuh hikmah.suatu hari nanti LKY akan kata dia yg dayung Singapura dari Negeri China ke Nusantara lalu orang-orang inilah yg akan membela pembohongan nya dgn penuh takjub dan taksub.

mohon izin mengulas Bc2233 1)Malaysia will never become a develop country unless it is willing to accept that EVERYBODY IS EQUAL and 2)given special right to Malay can only hurt them more.3)go out and look at the world.if US can elect black as president and Canda has black governor general then 4)why is Malaysia is so afraid of it chinese population!

let me answer you point by point.point number 1)do you really think we need your permission to make Malaysia a develop country? do you think without Chinese participation,Malaysia can never be a develop country? as long as you dont sabotage us,the Malay and the Bumis are always

capable enough to rise steadily in a slower business-as-usual paces.we are not hungry immigrant like you people and we have soveriegnity to protect,thus a bit slower and safer route.if you want equal right,just pack up to America.European have transformed it as a vast land for immigrant where everyone are equal.but dont try to enter the Red Indian reservation land.unlike your LKY,the great United States really respect the rights of their poor Natives. land are provided for them to lived among themselves and they can still freely choose to opt in or opt out.

if Malay are not given special rights,then we will have to accept LKY or LGE as our Yg DiPertuan Agung? is that what you mean? you really dont know why we the Malay are so afraid of the Chinese immigrants? look at LKY.what have done to the Malay? in Singapore,he marginalised them skilfully and he make them amazed at him for doing that to Malaysia,he cheat them with water agreement and many other things that with money and military might,he's able to interpret and propagate his version of Indonesia he robbed them billions upon billions of Indonesia's wealth.dirty money amassed by the chinese immigrants there are sent to Singapore for safekeeping.very amazing,right? so you understand now why we are so afraid?

my little friend,we not only has given you the prime ministership long before Obama but we also give a whole country for you to own.Singapore is our gift to you as trust,to prevent enmity and a platform for's not a small remote's a center of gravity in Southeast Asia money-map,even before your LKY or Sir Stamford Raffles.with or without your LKY,Singapore will always succeed.any clean (not corrupt)Bumiputra Minister can bring same result because Singapore is strategically situated in shipping return,we expect friendship,take good care of our Natives brothers there,protect their cultures,language and most important,Islam religion.but did LKY do that? he skilfully do the opposite.if you want to find more,do a fair study with correct up your brain to accept the fact that you are an outsider.that way,you wont demand so much about equality.

ketika mendapat tahu Tunku pulang dgn membawa perjanjian Merdeka untuk Malaysia,LKY kemudian membawa dulang perak mengadap pegawai tinggi British memohon kemerdekaan untuk Singapura.tapi diherdik kerana dia bukan Melayu.LKY kemudian merancang ikut masuk ke dalam Malaysia,yg bererti merdeka secara automatik dgn penyertaan kadalam Malaysia.dia kemudian merancang helah membuat Tunku menendang Singapura keluar dari Malaysia.ini cerita dari mulut kemulut yg selalu kita dengar.boleh kah Tun mencari keabsahan nya?

Tun,kalau tidak keberatan,desak lah Datuk Seri Najib untuk mencari punca kenapa saudara kita di Indonesia begitu mudah benar mengambil sikap bermusuhan terhadap kita.saya,seperti kebanyakkan kawan-kawan lain mengesyaki ada pihak yg mengambil kesempatan melaga-lagakan kita.pelik tapi benar,sengketa kita Malaysia-Indonesia selalu nya jauh dari Selat Melaka.kenapa ya? seolah-olah kemarahan saudara kita di Indonesia dikawal oleh remote control.

p/s terimakasih saudara parameswara2.selamat hariraya untuk anda sekeluarga.begitu juga saudara wajaperak.dan Terimakasih Tun.

By golami on September 17, 2010 2:01 AM

a'kum Tun & semua

saya seorang pelajar uitm dan saya baru mahu belajar meng'comment' di blog ini walaupun telah lama saya mengikuti perkembangan blog che det. Kepada Bc2233, saya tidak rasa awak mengetahui kesusahan orang melayu sehingga you mencadangkan bahawa equality dan sebagainya dilaksanakan di malaysia. di sini saya ingin berkongsi maklumat yang saya dapat walaupun sdikit semasa semester 1 saya masuk uitm thn 2009, seorang penceramah bernama 'pak radin' tak salah saya dtg memberi segala fakta dan ceramah tentang hidup, pelajaran dan banyak lg termasuklah tentang Singapura. saya tak rasa bercakap tentang singapura sesuatu yang salah untuk membuatkan student sedar tentang fakta yang menunjukkan 'the truth of singapore'. mengikut cerita beliau, beliau mengatakan bahawa singapore's government telah mengambil tanah bapak beliau dan mengusir mereka dari tanah/rumah mereka walaupun itu tanah mereka secara legally DI SINGAPURA ketika itu. dari satu contoh ini sahaja menunjukkan betapa 'UNEQUAL'nya dan 'UNFAIR'nya singapura terhadap orang melayu termasuklah di singapura sendiri.

dan tantang the admittance of chinese is smarter than malay in this asia is quite untrue. just look the way malay's previous leader until mahathir's legacy make malaysia one of the greatest country in third world country. learn the way tunku abdul rahman nego with british to achieve the independence day. learn the way mahathir manage our country when it was his time. kau tak pergi sekolah ke?? and if you went to school anyway, i think you're lack of HISTORY KNOWLEDGE

in my opinion, whoever lack in HISTORY knowledge in Malaysia, they tend to be RUDE because they dont feel the pain of malay and also other chinese and indian in the previous day ESPECIALLY MALAY

thank you

By zaman on September 17, 2010 1:27 AM

Assalaamualaikum Tun,

Tun you simply the best, teruskan perjuangan Mu,Kami sentiasa menyokong MU.

God Bless Tun.

By Ayam Human on September 17, 2010 1:17 AM

Tun Dr M.

I would like to thank you for your contributions to our country.

The infrastructure that we have today, may it be economic, transportation etc are all thanks to your brilliant vision when you were leading Malaysians.

You've made us competitive on the international scene too.

The policies set by your team and you led to the birth of many Malaysian professionals today.

Some of them however, only know how to complain and are just plain ingrates.

We are all humans, no human is perfect.

Tun, I take my hat off to you.

It is undeniable however, in terms of progress comparatively, LKY has made Singapore a bigger success story.

But then, Singapore is just as big as Malacca, more or less.

I'm sure if Malaysia is the size of Malacca, you would have made Malaysia as successful as Singapore too.

Also, LKY didn't have to deal with the many different ethnicities, numerous different demands etc. that you faced while leading Malaysia.

I noticed one thing about you, you only defend and you are never the aggressor. You set the record straight always.

Unlike LKY who makes it a habit to comment about Malaysia.

Undeniably both LKY and you are great statesmen.

Both of you did whatever was necessary in order to execute respective visions for each nation.

Any lies, manipulations etc. are all part of politics.

LKY, I salute you Sir but please stop interfering in Malaysia.

LKY, you need to let go of your siege mentality.

The people of Malaysia and Singapore have relatives on both sides of the divide.

None of us ever want to harm Singaporeans and I'm sure the feeling is mutual on the other side of the Causeway.

Let's move on and focus on the challenges that are coming our way.


I am worried for our country.

South Korea focuses on electronics and automotive. Japan too focuses on those two industries. Germany is famed for its engineering. Thailand focuses on tourism.

When you initiated the MSC, I thought IT will be our main focus.

However, now, I feel that Malaysia does not have a plan.

Malay, Chinese or Indian, I guarantee you that should blood be shed, it will be red in colour. Should there be loss of lives, a mother, whether Malay, Chinese or Indian, will cry for her son.

Let's learn from Bosnia. Let's focus on Malaysia's plan.

What is our plan?

By ekompute on September 17, 2010 1:08 AM

KZSO: "Whenever the Old Man speaks, it is about the Old Times. Yes, it is about the sixties and the seventies, although we are now in the 21st Century."

Singapore is now in the 21st Century but Malaysia is far far behind. Even our currency is not even half of the Singapore dollar when 50 years ago, it was at par. And do remember that Singapore has no natural resources but Malaysia has even petroleum. So which Old Man are you referring to when you are talking about the sixties and seventies? LKY or Mahathir?

By wan712 on September 17, 2010 1:07 AM

Salam Tun, semoga sihat selalu.... Apa yg dikatakn adalah benar sama sekali.. Saya bersetuju 100%.

To Bc2233: What you mean "Malay in Singapore is better treated than the Chinese in Malaysia"? What your proof to said that? You said why we Malay-sia afraid of Chinese population? Because the Black in US, Europe, Canada etc are more better than least they don't Ultra Kiasu....Look at Singapore, why there only had 1 Malay P.M.??? What the Malaysian Malaysia (or Singaporean Singapore) mean???

Before you critic Malay-sia statesman, you must go to school and learning back the Malay-sia History (Sejarah Tanah Melayu)....

You must think deeply in your little, little, little brain before you critics our Malay-sia Legend Statesman.










By kamel on September 17, 2010 12:14 AM

Salam Tun. Amat sedih melihat gelagat orang kita Melayu yang tak sedar-sedar lagi. Masih berkhayal dan bermimpi 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu dan 12 bulan setahun. Seolah-olah mereka akan kekal berkuasa selama-lamanya; dan Melayu akan terus kekal sebagai bangsa majoriti di negara ini. Amat memilukan kerana bukan sekadar bangsa ini sudah berpecah-belah malah amat jelas sudah hilang pegangan dan haluan. Ajaran agama tidak lagi dijadikan pegangan hidup tapi hanya sekadar ditonjol dalam kad pengenalan. Justeru ramai Melayu mengutuk/menghina Melayu, Melayu memperlekehkan agama secara terang-terangan sekarang ini. Parahnya, ada pula Melayu yang "BERJUANG" keras untuk menghapuskan hak istimewa Melayu!!!! Atas semangat dan gagasan "Malaysian Malaysia" ?! Kalaulah ini terus berlarutan, saya khuatir Melayu akan menjadi orang pelarian di negerinya sendiri. Wa-na-u-zubillhah...

By curryayam on September 16, 2010 11:48 PM

Every time when LKY whispers a word about Malaysia, Tun will go ballistic. Why so much enmity. Why Tun so upset and only Tun will know the real reason.

Tun you said, Malaysia racial woes is the result of LKY and Singapore being accepted by Tunku in Malaysia in the 60s. How could it be? You are such a great and visionary leader of Malaysia for 22 long years, why didn’t you do anything to rectify the problem. Don’t you think it’s rather late to lament on this issue if you did not do anything during your 22 years as PM.

And the racial divide is not getting any better, how about Tun use your wisdom on how to build a more harmonious country instead of blaming others for the sad state of affairs.

By ekompute on September 16, 2010 10:40 PM

QUOTE: Before Singapore joined the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia, there was less racial politics in the Federation of Malaysia. In 1955 the Malays who made up 80 per cent of the citizens gave a large number of their constituencies to the few Chinese and Indian citizens and ensured they won with strong Malay support. As a result the Alliance won 51 of the 52 seats contested.

Credit must be given to Tunku Abdul Rahman for less racial politics in the Federation of Malaysia and credit should also be given to Tun Mahathir for more racial politics in Malaysia. At the end of the day, no one can doubt that Tun is the champion of Ketuanan Melayu in Malaysia and insyaallah, he will probably also continue his mission to create a Ketuanan Melayu in syurga. Good news for all Malays!

By pepatung on September 16, 2010 10:39 PM

Salam Tun,

To a Malay, what we need is just pretty simple, do not mess with us and we do not mess with you. Hundred years ago when the Chinese immigrants came to this Tanah Melayu, those immigrants made a fortune almost immediately. Those Chinese opened many cities and Kuala

Lumpur as we know by Yap Ah Loy. And majority of the Malays still worked in kampungs as farmers, fishermen etc happily.

Then, there were hard times that made several smart Malays awoken, realized and they woke us up that the British and the immigrants were threatening our Mother Land with their colonial powers and money. Only the Malay fought for the independence from British and yet we had to accept the immigrants, the people who are not the same skin color, tradition, language, culture from the other Mother Lands ( India & China ).

Now, those immigrants become so rich and control 70% of our wealth. The Malays just wanted to control 30% but those immigrants who are become Malaysian, a 2nd class citizen who are richer, who are having better life than us, are intending to dominate the 30% of our Malays wealth portion. It seems this 2nd class citizen become so greedy, selfish, kiasu and always thinking they are much better than us, The Malay. No wonder it takes few thousand years just to unify the Mainland China. Now, this 2nd class citizen wanted more. They want to take control of this Tanah Melayu by accusing our Special Malay and Bumi Rights in the Perlembagaan Malaysia. To these look smart but stupid Chinese immigrant Malaysia citizen, they thought by born in Malaysia, by having better education and having more money, they can claim this land as theirs like their Singapore cousin. The answer is NEVER.

Dear MY IMMIGRANT MALAYSIAN CITIZEN CHINESE, you might have all the wealth but do not have a SOUL. Because you do not have the soul, you want to conquer the land, you want to robe everything, you want to have it all but you can let others poor and die because you know, THE LAND IS NOT EVEN YOURS. If you, my immigrant Malaysia citizen really have the SOUL why don't you embrace, share, respect our language,our culture, our Islam, our tradition, our Rights??? Those Malaysia citizen originated from the immigrant knows well that deep inside their brain, this is NOT THE LAND OF THEIR ORIGIN SO THAT IS WHY THEY WANT TO CONQUER IT.

The Chinese in Malaysia have many Billionaires among them and what they usually do are, migrating to Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Canada. They make their billions as a Malaysian here yet the other country they embrace. Those Chinese billionaire are ALL ROBBERS so do others self proclaiming 2nd Class Malaysian citizen. Can any 2nd Class citizen yet become billionaire in this world???

To my Chinese friends here and outside, if you are not happy here in this lovely Malaysia you can always " Balik China". Bring all you wealth and fortune together with you because we, the Malay does not need your wealth and fortune. The land is our fortune. We do not need another conqueror to fight with like our fore father used to fight with earlier conquerors the Portugis, Dutch, British, Japanese and now with so called, Malaysian Chinese. If you have so many complaint towards the Perlembagaan, the Malay Rights, the History and feel unjust, heartache, angry, discriminated, unprivileged we are most welcoming you to " BALIK CHINA ". Dont be like a dog who bark the trees, just go ahead and migrating somewhere else. We do not welcome the ungrateful people to be a MALAYSIAN.

By non partisan on September 16, 2010 10:21 PM

Salam Tun, mohon laluan,

i)To Bc2233,

quoted - "Malay in Singapore is better treated than the Chinese in Malaysia."

** What are you raving about my friend ? Did you ever aware how many goverment grants and incentives enjoyed by malaysian chinese own companies in Malaysia over malay entreprises?

" One must also admit that in Asia the Chinese is economically more smart than the Malay."

** Very true and it is because the well connected community of chinese after great diaspora and clan protective economy policies practised, comparative with malay polynesian small population which very much young enjoying unity between them. If it is "intelligent benchmark" one must admit that the Jew is the smartest in business despite the fact that their population very much lesser than billions of chinese all over the world.

"So you may said anything you want in your little brain there, Malaysia will never become a develop country unless it is willing to accept that everybody is equal and given special right to Malay can only hurt them more than help them!"

** So Mister with BIG BRAIN so-called. Malaysia is a develop country just yet to become rich country. Have you ever ruled a multiracial complex nation for over 20 years and progress to gain the credibility to insult Tun Mahathir having little brain ? Good GOD ..what a great tongsan joke you have.

ii)To Alex,

"Lihat apa yang kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat buat selepas cuma dua setengah tahun sahaja memerintah Pulau Pinang, 51 tahun tak boleh buat apa-apa, orang lain boleh buat sesuatu dalam masa dua setengah tahun sahaja. Bukan ker itu sesuatu yang rakyat Malaysia perlu fikirkan sejenak????"

**Boleh saudara Alex jelaskan dengan spesifik apa yang YB Guan Eng dah sumbangkan begitu hebat ? i-Pertambahan pelaburan ?? ada statistik ke ? ii-Toleransi kaum makin meningkat ?? ada soal-selidik ke ? iii- Keadilan lebih baik ?? ada rujukan sampel ?

ataupun lebih banyak duit haram "tiger money" masuk dari luar ke penang?

Pandangan anda kelihatan sama nada dengan radikal tipikal melayu iaitu syok sendiri atas persepsi sendiri.

Masalah kaum melayu dengan sifat easy going memang menjadi punca mereka kurang maju tetapi merombak secara radikal status quo perlembagaan dan hak keistimewaan orang melayu tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah malah akan memburukkan masalah kepada semua pihak. Jangan taksub mendengar idealis sempit satu pihak sahaja terutama chauvinist DAP.

Bagaimana anda harap etnik melayu dan Islam menerima agenda DAP dominasi etnik cina sedang budaya dalam DAP sendiri tidak boleh dipercayai. Korup, elemen triad, autokratik

hipokrit seperti PAP yang menekan pandangan golongan muda ahli mereka sendiri.Tetapi tidak dinafikan kita perlukan pembangkang yang aggresif(yg tahu limit yg realistik) membuat counter checking supaya pemerintah berwaspada dan telus.

Apa yang saya lihat di depan mata melalui persekitaran sekarang, sikap membuta tuli menyerang hak orang melayu menjadikan iklim hari ini semakin ramai orang melayu dari pelbagai paksi politik menjadi berang dan prejudis dan begitu sebaliknya etnik cina kepada melayu. Saya sendiri yang mempunyai pertalian etnik melayu turut merasa bahangnya dan meluat sikap jahil radikal cina ini. Jadi, apakah hasil yang kita harapkan dari sikap, pandangan counter-produktif yang dimomokkan oleh puak radikal ini. Adakah kita menunggu reaktif radikal pula dari pihak ke-tiga ? Bersediakah kita ?

Manusia taksub menjadi semakin biadap. Manusia biadap merangsang manusia marah. Manusia marah merangsang menjadi dendam. Manusia dendam menjadi tidak waras. Maka seterusnya ..chaos..So apa yang kita yang bertamadun ini akan dapat dan untung ??

Saya lebih setuju kalau hak dan perlembagaan tidak diganggu lagi tetapi peruntukan kepada komuniti lain ditambahkan secara praktikal menuju kumpulan sasaran. Tetapi hairan sekali bilamana perlaksanaan tersebut pasti akan mengheret isu hak orang melayu dan Islam yang langsung tidak nampak relevennya dan diperbesarkan dengan cara bodoh dan tidak bertanggungjawab.

Tetapi bagi anda semua yg sudah mendapat pendidikan yg cukup sokongan kewangan asasi, berjuanglah untuk berjaya. Pergi ke luar dan bersaing terutama sekali dengan bangsa lebih maju seperti Jews dan Jepun(banyak kita boleh belajar dari mereka ini). Tetapi rata-rata suara lantang malaysian samada melayu mahupun cina masih tidak habis menyalak tentang siapa yg tertekan dengan masih berminda subsidi tetapi berlagak angkat bakul diri sendiri. Dan paling nahilistiknya menyalahkan orang lain dan komuniti lain.

Kalau kita cina ni bijak dan dominan sangat, apa jadahnya MCA selama lebih 50 tahun duduk bawah ketiak melayu UMNO dan masih tidak boleh mendominasi politik ? Takut ke ? Kalau takut macam mana nak memimpin ? Cerdik lagi panggil orang gila dan syok sendiri dari DAP nak ajar semua orang tentang apa yang betul dan salah macam PAP. Bodoh sungguh pemikiran sebegini. Maaflah kalau terkasar bahasa tetapi renungkanglah dengan lebih ikhlas, vertikal dan horizontal..kalau tak reti lagi cuba tanya Tun.

By andrewtay on September 16, 2010 10:08 PM


Kenapa marah ni? You takut the Chinese will rob the Malays of Malaysia as how they did it to Temasek? Well, all of us have been arguing about the equity ownership of the Malaysian economy. As far i can remember, the largest portion of the pie is owed by foreigners. The second group is the Chinese. Im pretty sure, although not entirely, the Singaporeans own the largest share of the foreigners' share.

Therefore, they do have substantial equity in our Malaysian economy. So they are already "robbing" Malaysia. Yes be angry and rage.

JJJ, why are you a second class citizen? Because you are poor? Why are you poor? Did the Chinese broke into your house and stole your wealth or because you lack the will to succeed?? Or are you pissed because you just dont know how to compete? Have you lost your competitive edge? You have no one to blame but yourself. Being competitive is like evolution. If you are not expose to the tough and scary world, you wont evolve and might actually end up at the bottom of the food chain. Yummy!! you might actually taste good but not as good as your money :)

Tales of Chinese horrors will spread like wildfire. Chinese taukehs portrayed as a horde of zombies with insatiable hunger for wealth. The horrors of their success will be passed on to your children like fables only to remind them of the scars of your battle which was of no avail.

Dont sleep tight tonight, we might be looking right at into your pockets. Booo!

By adik adik on September 16, 2010 9:57 PM

Tun. Get TV3,RTM and Malaysia news to steps into Singapore, like they have their CNA here to (kepo) our business.

LKY is forbia of outside news to represent the truth,like the Herald,AlJazeera that they are banned. LKY feared truth as his life is covered with lies.

By JJJ on September 16, 2010 9:52 PM

salam Tun,

I find it amusing as many commentators here cannot accept the fact that Tun is spot on in his observations regarding LKY.

They will try to spin tales about Tun being a racist when in fact the accusers are the real racist bigots.Please show proof or shut up.

Stand up and take a bow Tuacheng,andrewtay,overseas expat,phony kerbauogos and co.

You people refuse to acknowledge or keep silent on Singapore's joke of a democracy,handling of dissents,opposition parties and the media.Not to mention the systematic dismantling of Malay rights enshrined in the constitution over the years.It is subtle and a work of art.Nowadays many Singaporeans could not even fathom the lyrics of their national anthem Majulah Singapura.

That fact alone my friends is proof enough of Singapore's racist policies.

FEED THE MOUTH TO KEEP THE MOUTH SHUT best describe them.They are cowardly when it comes to standing up for the truth.They will happily accept what their government wants them to believe.In short they have no spines.

LKY and many stupid racist bigots here know it is only a matter of time when we overtake them in terms of economic achievements.Build PTP and we already cut PSA's income by 10%.Remember the Maersk Sealand case?

Build the bridge and we hold their economy by the balls.

It is inevitable and imminent.LKY knows this.That was why he spooked the consciousness of his people when he declared that Singapore might have to rejoin Malaysia in 50 years time.

At this point in time brag all you like.It is only a matter of time before we prevail.


By JB on September 16, 2010 9:42 PM

Dear Tun,

Racism is everywhere and it'll always exist.

Even among the same race/religion there are prejudice and intolerance.What more among people with different races or religions?

Have a nice day.

By ve'aken on September 16, 2010 9:16 PM

Salam Tun'

Saya dari Brunei

Setiap kali ku terpkirkan Lee Kwan Yew pasti ku teringat kepada Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin III, sultan Brunei ke 28.

Kerana mereka telah berusaha untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara mereka yang merdeka dari Malaysia.

Lihatlah berapa eratnya hubungan kedua-dua buah negara dari segi ekonomi dan ketenteraan.

Link dibawah ini ialah sempena lawatan LKY ke Brunei sempena majlis 'Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Memorial Lecture':

Saya sangat bangga melihat dua negara (BRUNEI DAN SINGAPORE) yang berjiran dan hidup harmoni serta menpunyai pemimpin yang berwibawa.

By thinktok on September 16, 2010 9:06 PM

To Solo Bear. Not this Singaporean. We thank God that LKY and not Mahathir came our way. My friends and I have a lot of respect for LKY and we wish him long life for the interest of Singapore.

By ray2467 on September 16, 2010 7:41 PM


By Freddie Kevin on September 16, 2010 7:03 PM

Salam Tun,

Quote HBT from the LKY interview

"11. Mr Lee: “Well, yes, because otherwise they are running around and causing havoc playing on Chinese language and culture, and accusing me of destroying Chinese education. You’ve not been here when the Communists were running around. They do not believe in the democratic process. They don’t believe in one man, one vote. They believe in one bullet, one vote. They had killer squads. But they at the same time had a united front exploiting the democratic game. It gave them cover. But my business, my job was to make sure that they did not succeed. Sometimes you just got to lock the leaders up. They are confusing the people. The reality is that if you allow these people to work up animosity against the government because it’s keeping down the Chinese language, because we’ve promoted English, keeping down Chinese culture because you have allowed English literature, and we suppress our Chinese values and the Chinese language, the Chinese press, well, you will break up the society. They harp on these things when they know they are not true. They know that if you actually do in Chinese language and culture, the Chinese will riot and the society must break up.”

So, should we lock up the all the Indian and Chinese leaders should they protest, IF the Govt, with the intention to unite the rakyat, abolish vernacular schools?

Because "They know that if you actually do in Chinese/Indian language and culture, the Chinese/Indian will riot and the society must break up.”

Lets give MM LKY a Cabinet post to advise DSN on national economics and unity with that proven formula.

Thank you Freddie Kevin

By parameswara 2 on September 16, 2010 6:52 PM


1-I have always respected that old man .He is so simple.No Datuk,no Sir although he has got all these sufficient it is for him to be a mere Mr Lee Kuan Yew.How modern and unfeudalistic!

2-And his guts and wisdom to do away with vernacular education in the schools.The Global language English must be the way into the 21st century.Tun did the reverse.

3-Lets admit it had he not been for him Singapore could not have been this good.He has the right determination,passion,vision,energy,morality and will to see things through to realization.

4-.Only if he could remain humble and not try to teach everybody (he even have the guts to teach the Japanese!)and not ridiculed his neighbors...I would have respected him more than I respect Tun.He would have been my no I.Serious.

5-The Japanese and the Germans are actually proud people too but can you blame them being the people who have delivered to the world most awesome cars you can name Porshe,BMW,Mercedes,AUDI,VW,Hondas,Toyotas,etc?

6-But they don't humiliate you or make you feel like a fool just because they are great.I deal with them regularly in my business.

7-But from my personal experiences with the Singaporean on the other hand they have always managed to insult and ridicule my country as though they have come from the greatest country in the world.

8-But I have met a few nice Singaporeans too,one originally from my hometown Ipoh the other from Port Kelang.

9-If the greatness of the Singaporeans is their ability to deliver a squeeky clean country using the third world technique of imposing of fines..aiyah,like that any country so small also can do one.You need to be a genius to come up with this?

10-Be proud only when the day comes when the Singaporean can be clean because of their own world class mentality only.No need to fine also clean.This 'fine country' title they are so proud off is a real joke..

11-If only they could be humbler or at least don't offend the neighbours they actually are OK one.Being Kiasu is positive ,its good but is it necessary to be boastful and ridicule the people you have beaten?

12-Singapore is a Confucian nation and the teachings of Confucius promotes humility.Confucius asks his disciples this qstn "why do the rivers rush to the ocean?" The answer?Confucius say because the ocean lies low!!Singaporeans don't know meh?Maybe they have become too banana already.

13-Any fool can be proud but it takes a real great person to be humble.Here is where my respect goes to Dr Mahathir.

By shaka on September 16, 2010 6:37 PM

salam aidilfitri n 1Malaysia buat Tun.

pada sy kita rakyat Malaysia x perlu lah asyik salahkan Tun aje..pd sy sepanjang pemerintahan Tun dulu kita rakyat Malaysia aman damai dan berbilang bangsa.sikit kacau bilau tu biasa la.negara mana yg x da masalah.negara mana yg x da corupsi.kalau semua jalankan tugas i.e diri sendiri,ketua keluarga, ketua kg,ketua daerah n segala ketua menjalankan tugas pasti Malaysia akan lebih maju.semua bangsa pun ada perangai kita semua manusia.mmg ada buat silap punya.lg bila dah ada kuasa.apa pun sy bersyukur sy lahir di Malaysia.semua bangsa boleh beribadat tanpa halangan dan boleh menyambut perayaan berbilang tu.byk la yg bestnya kat Malaysia ni.jd jgn lah kita asyik nak salahkan Tun je.dia pun manusia.kira bagus la skang ni kita still bleh keluar p shopping n jln2 dgn aman damai.proud to be Malaysian.

god bless u Tun..

By siapsiaplah on September 16, 2010 6:30 PM

Read it for yourself

Extract from :

In Malaya, it has always been politics based on the communally segregated party. You know, all Malays

form one party, all Chinese form one party and all Indians form one party; and then leaders of the Malay

party nominate who they will cooperate with in the Chinese section and in the Indian section

Well, in Singapore it is completely different. We consider all of us to be Malaysians regardless of race,

language or religion, and we think it is the only way in the long run if we want a Malaysian nation to survive.

And the impact of our multi-racial politics where the issues are social and economic policies, and not

Malays unite of Chinese unite or Indians unite -- has been such as to generate a great deal of frenzy amongst the Malay ultras, ultra nationalists. And this

has created problems for the whole country.

You mention now racial politics in Singapore, Mr. Prime Minister. It would be true to say that your party

is a primarily Chinese party, I mean, even if it is the only because of the population in Singapore.

Yes, the population in Singapore 75% Chinese and our party is more Chinese than any other race between it

so happens that is the composition of Singapore. But the point is this: that in the last elections in

1963, in three predominently-Malay constituencies they returned our party candidates for the first time

in the history of multi-racial politics in any part of Malaysia. And this, I think, is really waht the ultra Malay nationalist does not want to see. He does not want to see Malays

suporting non-Malays or getting absorbed in one political movement with non-Malays.

Is this the reason then that is behind the remark that your Deputy Prime Minister made a short time ago

when he said that the Chinese base of the PAP was in fact a draw-back in expanding into rural Malaya?

In a way yes because as we came to life, so to speak I mean, get going as a political movement based in

Singapore over the last 15 years, so they are able to present to the rural Malays that the fact that my party is predominently Chinese, which happens to be

really an accident of history.

The expansion of your party Sir, is this likely to promote racial suspicion on the peninsula?

Not unless people actively set out to work up racial suspicion. Here we are preaching the unity of all

peoples of Malaysia regardless of race and actively, by our social and economic policies, giving a boost to Malay standards of living emphasising the

importance of education and skills, acquisition of skills and training of the Malays and it is because

our policies were effective that we were able to win Malay support.

In short, then you see socialism as the answer to covering over and stabilising communal relations

throughout Malayisa: That's my particular belief. But I would say that we would welcome a right-ing party preaching individual

enterprise and capitalist policies on a multiracial basis as a counter to our philosophy of a socialist economy.

Mr. Prime Minister, there is the situation which at the moment where the Central Government in Kuala

Lumpur has as its opposition the ruling party in Singapore. Now, do you feel that Malaysian politics have

the sophistication to stand the strain of this particular difficulty?

Well, this particular difficulty need never have arisen because we tried very hard not to be even

technically in opposition. In fact, we don't occupy the Opposition seats in Parliament. We've always lend them support on all national issues.

But a number of the ultras in the Government group are insisting that we should be the Opposition and

they keep on not only treating us as such but provoking us as such. I would say that, as of this given

moment, whilst we are still technically in Opposition, we spend most of our time trying to help the

Government to put over Malaysia not only externally out internally.

Does this mean then, Sir, that any strain between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore is in fact due to just

purely personal disharmony?

Oh, I wouldn't say personal diharmony. I think there is very little basically personal about these

differences. If they were, then in will be easily solved because then either one or the other side could

make adjustments and the positions could all be resolved, all the problems could be resolved.

I think it is something more basic and fundamental. We believe that Malaysia is a Malaysian nation

consisting of the various peoples who live in Malaysia. And they believe that Malaysia is a Malay nation

in which Chinese, Indians and others, who migrated there and setled there for generations, are also allowed to exist. I think there is a fundamental difference of approach to this. I don't believe that

Malaysia as a Malay nation could survive. It's either going to be abosorbed by its neighbour or it will

break up from within.

You know, can I put it in New Zealand terms. It is as if you have 4 1/2 million Maoris and 4 1/2 million

white New Zealanders with, say 2 million Fijians and Indians and others, and into that millie power has been invested primarly in the Federal

Government with the Maoris, and the Maoris say they are going to set up a Maori nation in competition with the Cook Islands or something.

Well, I don't think in the long run it's going to work. I mean, a New Zealand leaders of a socialist bias

would find it very difficult selling this to New Zealands whether they were Europeans or Maoris.

So, this is also a substantial ideological clevage then between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore?

I don't think it is Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. I think it is leaders in Kuala Lumpur. I don't think

Kuala Lumpur as such, you know, the people as such....

Well, now how, for example, do you, your party, how do you differ from the Kuala Lumpur leaders on

matters of development?

Well, considierabluy in that in the long run, we believe that economic development, unless the benefits

are well-spread over the whole community, is unlikely to create political stability, and economic development which creates a wealthy entreprenuer

class, a small but wealthy class, is unlikely to be of value in generating that climate of optimism and progress which gives a sense of wellbeing to a whole community.

By siapsiaplah on September 16, 2010 6:26 PM

Read it for yourselves

Extract from :

In Malaya, it has always been politics based on the communally segregated party. You know, all Malays

form one party, all Chinese form one party and all Indians form one party; and then leaders of the Malay

party nominate who they will cooperate with in the Chinese section and in the Indian section

Well, in Singapore it is completely different. We consider all of us to be Malaysians regardless of race,

language or religion, and we think it is the only way in the long run if we want a Malaysian nation to survive.

And the impact of our multi-racial politics where the issues are social and economic policies, and not

Malays unite of Chinese unite or Indians unite -- has been such as to generate a great deal of frenzy amongst the Malay ultras, ultra nationalists. And this

has created problems for the whole country.

You mention now racial politics in Singapore, Mr. Prime Minister. It would be true to say that your party

is a primarily Chinese party, I mean, even if it is the only because of the population in Singapore.

Yes, the population in Singapore 75% Chinese and our party is more Chinese than any other race between it

so happens that is the composition of Singapore. But the point is this: that in the last elections in

1963, in three predominently-Malay constituencies they returned our party candidates for the first time

in the history of multi-racial politics in any part of Malaysia. And this, I think, is really waht the ultra Malay nationalist does not want to see. He does not want to see Malays

suporting non-Malays or getting absorbed in one political movement with non-Malays.

Is this the reason then that is behind the remark that your Deputy Prime Minister made a short time ago

when he said that the Chinese base of the PAP was in fact a draw-back in expanding into rural Malaya?

In a way yes because as we came to life, so to speak I mean, get going as a political movement based in

Singapore over the last 15 years, so they are able to present to the rural Malays that the fact that my party is predominently Chinese, which happens to be

really an accident of history.

The expansion of your party Sir, is this likely to promote racial suspicion on the peninsula?

Not unless people actively set out to work up racial suspicion. Here we are preaching the unity of all

peoples of Malaysia regardless of race and actively, by our social and economic policies, giving a boost to Malay standards of living emphasising the

importance of education and skills, acquisition of skills and training of the Malays and it is because

our policies were effective that we were able to win Malay support.

In short, then you see socialism as the answer to covering over and stabilising communal relations

throughout Malayisa: That's my particular belief. But I would say that we would welcome a right-ing party preaching individual

enterprise and capitalist policies on a multiracial basis as a counter to our philosophy of a socialist economy.

Mr. Prime Minister, there is the situation which at the moment where the Central Government in Kuala

Lumpur has as its opposition the ruling party in Singapore. Now, do you feel that Malaysian politics have

the sophistication to stand the strain of this particular difficulty?

Well, this particular difficulty need never have arisen because we tried very hard not to be even

technically in opposition. In fact, we don't occupy the Opposition seats in Parliament. We've always lend them support on all national issues.

But a number of the ultras in the Government group are insisting that we should be the Opposition and

they keep on not only treating us as such but provoking us as such. I would say that, as of this given

moment, whilst we are still technically in Opposition, we spend most of our time trying to help the

Government to put over Malaysia not only externally out internally.

Does this mean then, Sir, that any strain between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore is in fact due to just

purely personal disharmony?

Oh, I wouldn't say personal diharmony. I think there is very little basically personal about these

differences. If they were, then in will be easily solved because then either one or the other side could

make adjustments and the positions could all be resolved, all the problems could be resolved.

I think it is something more basic and fundamental. We believe that Malaysia is a Malaysian nation

consisting of the various peoples who live in Malaysia. And they believe that Malaysia is a Malay nation

in which Chinese, Indians and others, who migrated there and setled there for generations, are also allowed to exist. I think there is a fundamental difference of approach to this. I don't believe that

Malaysia as a Malay nation could survive. It's either going to be abosorbed by its neighbour or it will

break up from within.

You know, can I put it in New Zealand terms. It is as if you have 4 1/2 million Maoris and 4 1/2 million

white New Zealanders with, say 2 million Fijians and Indians and others, and into that millie power has been invested primarly in the Federal

Government with the Maoris, and the Maoris say they are going to set up a Maori nation in competition with the Cook Islands or something.

Well, I don't think in the long run it's going to work. I mean, a New Zealand leaders of a socialist bias

would find it very difficult selling this to New Zealands whether they were Europeans or Maoris.

So, this is also a substantial ideological clevage then between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore?

I don't think it is Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. I think it is leaders in Kuala Lumpur. I don't think

Kuala Lumpur as such, you know, the people as such....

Well, now how, for example, do you, your party, how do you differ from the Kuala Lumpur leaders on

matters of development?

Well, considierabluy in that in the long run, we believe that economic development, unless the benefits

are well-spread over the whole community, is unlikely to create political stability, and economic development which creates a wealthy entreprenuer

class, a small but wealthy class, is unlikely to be of value in generating that climate of optimism and progress which gives a sense of wellbeing to a whole community.

By Mis_bah on September 16, 2010 5:14 PM

Assalamu Alaikum Tun,

To Bc2233,

Only blind and mad people and thos who uncureble ilness in heart will think the way you think. I think your place is not among human being but in an isolated island..

By lanmohamad on September 16, 2010 5:02 PM

Salam Tun... Bangsa cina kat Malaysia ni dah melampo...kurang ajor. Hormat dan Beradab sikit wahai bangsa cina. Orang2 Melayu beragama Islam akan pastikan bangsa cina kat Malaysia ni merempat dan tiada tempat di bumi Malaysia ini walau seinci.

By adik adik on September 16, 2010 4:46 PM

Assalamualaikaum Perlu di ingatkan bersama,dalam kita umat Islam berjuang menentangi musuh musuh kita, musuh dalam selimut mahupun musuh yg berpura pura baik dengan kita, seperti Singapura,baik pun dengan kekuatan kezaliman Amerika,Israel dan sebagainya,walaupun kita lemah,kekuatan mereka bukan senjata kemenangan mereka,mahupun kita yg lemah ada senjata sendiri yg kita tidak sedari,senjata bagi melawan mereka.

Rasullul S.A.W, berjaya menakluki Dunia Kafir,menjinakan musuh baginda yg ganas sehingga memeluki Islam, bukanlah kerana Rasullulah S.A.W mempunyai balah tentera yg hebat, bukan kerana beliau mempunyai kuasa Vito,kuasa Nuclear,Apache atau sebagainya.Beliau berjaya kerana AKHLAK beliau yg mulia,yg sabar, yg tak perlu kekerasan bolih melembutkan Raja Raja yg zalim semasa zaman berliau dahulu. Inilah kemenangan Islam. Justeru itu walaupun kita,tak mempunyai apa, harus dan wajib kita tetap berjuang.Amin

By sikenit on September 16, 2010 4:16 PM

Salam Tun and readers all,

1. Come again, how many people are there in Singapore? 400 million? NO!!? 40million? NO!!? oh,oh! ONLY 4 million?

2. That's chickpeas la.. Tun. If LKY is so proud of doing a country with ONLY 4 million people good, what is there to be proud of??? Let him try his hands at 30 million...with more than 30 ethnic groups each claiming their share of the economic cake??? haa.... then we'll see if LKY is SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.... Let us then see how he managed with meritocracy. but then again, that's not to be; right? And THANK ALLAH The Almighty for that.

3. So, those stupid people who like to compare Malaysia to Singapore, go do more readings before writing here. Can one ever make true comparisons between butter and belacan? :)

4. But Tun and readers all, allow me to jot down here something of more interest than the old man LKY.

5. PKR is again gearing up to choose their row of Party lineup- and no prizes for guessing if Anwar is going to fight for the president's post or not.

6. The self-proclaimed VOICE OF DEMOCRACY said he's not competing. OMG!!! The coward is not willing to see whether or not he is THE democratically elected person for HIS PARTY.

7. Of course, he is ABOVE the elections. He is TOO GOOD for elections in his party. So, what does that make him? A dictator? Noooooooooo........ never...... He is THE Voice of Democracy.

8. Don't know about yer all, but the farce and bigotry of this Anwar guy is making me wonder, are all those in PKR blind to this man's lies and manipulations?

9. And Woe be to all who have any relationships to Tun MM and hold party positions or government positions, or who may be a bit successful at business- but

10. if it is Anwar's WIFe and DAUGHTER who holds party positions, If it is LIM KIT SIANG and KARPAL's sons who hold government positions and party positions, and if it is LIM KUAN YEW's SON who is the PM of Singapore while the retired Father is still the MENTOR MINISTER- it is MERITOCRACY Everyone!!!!!!!! MERITOCRACY.... hahahhahahahhahahahahhahhhhaaaaa......

May Allah SWT keeps us all in His good safekeeping. Selamat Hari Malaysia.

si kenit

By deoxin on September 16, 2010 4:16 PM

6. In 1963 Singapore became a part of Malaysia. Despite having promised that the PAP will not participate in Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak politics, Kwan Yew reneged and the PAP tried to displace the MCA in the Alliance by appealing to Chinese sentiments in the Peninsular. Of course the slogan was "Malaysian Malaysia" which implied that the Chinese were not having equal rights with the Malays. If this appeal to Chinese sentiments against the Malays was not racial, I do not know what is racial.


are you saying that it's better to keep quite if feel being discriminated ? are you implying that voicing our feeling of being discriminated is a racist thing to do (bcoz it invokes racial sentiment) ?

or, are you simply saying that Chinese had equality at that time ?

is there equality now, Tun ?

who is the racist one, Tun ? it the one who discriminate against ? ..or the one are being discriminated and voicing it out ?

By wajaperak on September 16, 2010 3:28 PM


Semoga Tun sudi mengizinkan..


[[Lihat apa yang kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat buat selepas cuma dua setengah tahun sahaja memerintah Pulau Pinang, 51 tahun tak boleh buat apa-apa, orang lain boleh buat sesuatu dalam masa dua setengah tahun sahaja. Bukan ker itu sesuatu yang rakyat Malaysia perlu fikirkan sejenak????]]

Alamak alex..tepat sekali apa yang anda perkatakan!!Saya amat setuju dengan anda di mana setau saya Lim Guan Eng amat baik orangnya dan amat bermurah hati!!Dia sedang cuba "meminggirkan" orang-orang melayu Pulau Pinang ke tepi-tepi laut..Baiknya hati Lim Guan Eng..kenapa?

Sebab Lim Guan Eng tak sampai hati nak tolak orang-orang melayu ke dalam laut!!

And about cap thinking for a moment I agrees about it too..Lim Guan Eng does his best in turning Penang what is the most appropriate to describes and label this scenarios?

Turning Penang to another Sinkapore? or

Turning Penang to another Israel?

Tuan penasihat Israel anyone??

Ribuan terima kasih Tun..

By roslijantan on September 16, 2010 3:27 PM

Thank You YAB Tun, for this very informative article. This should be an eye opener to the malays especially the younger generation, who are oblivious to the historicle development to the formation of Malaysia. In whatever format the struggle for the development in this country, its is related to the races first, UMNO for the Malays, MCA or DAP or Gerakkan its for the chinese, MIC or the others related to indian base parties are for the indian community whilst PAS is now a bit confuse in its marriage of convinience with PKR and DAP in order to be strong to form a Government in the near feature. PAS situation is akin to Koumintang forming an alliance with the Communist Party of China in its effort to form a fronth to face the Japanese invasion.

Eventually the koumintang was driven out of China. Hopefully PAS is aware of this danger and should not sell the malays/islam because they are now becaming to engross and fanatic towards this objective. Nik Aziz is now menghahalkan ape yang haram, dan mengaramkan ape yang halal.

Anyway, YAB Tun permit me to comment of sept.16 entry by Bc 2233, rather then commenting about other nation, I would really like to see one day, a malay being the prime minister of Singapore, instead of it becoming a heritage of the LKY family. So Bc 2233 is this a possibility in the near future? What about the representative of the malays in the present singapore cabinet, does its really reflect that singapore is not a racialist country? Tks YAB TUN, salam aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin, and please continue with the strugle TUN, u are the only hope for the Malays now.

By checker on September 16, 2010 3:27 PM

Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,

Oh I just forgot to mention another point when LKY said that Malays are also "kaum pendatang". That's why people should refer history which never lies. Or purposely done, he tried to confuse ignorant people.

The Malays did not want to dispute at that time because "nak jaga hati" - that's Malay "weakness". Does LKY ever acknowledge alreday the existance of Malay Archipelago comprises of the entire Indonesia, part of Philipines, Borneo and Tanah Melayu. Now we are left with Tanah Melayu. That's also changed to Malaysia. Keretapi Tanah Melayu also changed to KTM and left only Askar Melayu & Raja2 Melayu. So " what else you want? " said Tunku in tears when addressing the people through TV in the early morning of 14th May 69.

So please Gunse007 do not make such wild comment that " May 13 was caused by UMNO and maybe chinese DAP. UMNO is so proud of killing Chinese that it keeps on repeating May 13....well done ". That's remark is very irresponsible and uncalled for. Lucky you are in Malaysia and not in Singapore, you know what I mean?. I was there at the Petaling Street KL at about 6pm on May 13th itself and I saw everything so horrible but Allah protected me and saved me and I wish that will not happen again. Still you should be carefull about what you said as expressed by Malay proverb " Ikut hati mati ikut rasa binasa " and " terlajuk perahu bolih berundur terlajak kata binasa padahnya" ( or you still do not understand Bahasa after more than 50 years of independence ). So word "amok" is not there for nothing.

So the question is why LKY still highlighting to the world the problems in Malaysia? Why he is concerned? He is actually begging for the world symphaty and talking in that way is part of marketing/propaganda. Simple, it is pure JEALOUSY AND GREED FOR POWER as his once dream to be the PM of Malaysia was shattered to pieces when Tunku made the biggest sacrifice by "kicking" Singapore ( economically well-off )out of Malaysia. Actually he should thankful for allowing him to single-handedly "rule" Singapore as the alternative will be to put him under ISA.

For those who strongly argue that meritrocracy will ensure that Malaysia will improve economically, they must be kidding. What and whose guaranttee we have that will happen. Forget it if there is no unity amomg Malaysians.

My view of UNITED MALAYSIAN is the KEY and that education is the driver to achieve progressive Malaysia. So can we have the supporters for meritrocracy to agree to a single education ( school )system? Come on don't be shy, said it loud and clear only then the Malays may believe in meritrocracy. So far in Tun's blog, nobody has dare to admit it that's where to begin before we can do any changes, tackling the issue at young ages. The Malays who "support" meritrocracy ala LKY are blind and a betrayal to his own race. They can do that because of their already well-off position forgeting their root merely for personal greed of powerr and wealth. Don't easily be tricked and to regret later, my brothers.

I challenge anyone who can come with description of a true MALAYSIAN that is acceptable to all. Even LKY may not be able to except on his own terms.

May Allah protect us from this treachery and deceit.

By roslijantan on September 16, 2010 3:26 PM

Thank You YAB Tun, for this very informative article. This should be an eye opener to the malays especially the younger generation, who are oblivious to the historicle development to the formation of Malaysia. In whatever format the struggle for the development in this country, its is related to the races first, UMNO for the Malays, MCA or DAP or Gerakkan its for the chinese, MIC or the others related to indian base parties are for the indian community whilst PAS is now a bit confuse in its marriage of convinience with PKR and DAP in order to be strong to form a Government in the near feature. PAS situation is akin to Koumintang forming an alliance with the Communist Party of China in its effort to form a fronth to face the Japanese invasion. Eventually the koumintang was driven out of China. Hopefully PAS is aware of this danger and should not sell the malays/islam because they are now becaming to engross and fanatic towards this objective. Nik Aziz is now menghahalkan ape yang haram, dan mengaramkan ape yang halal.

Anyway, YAB Tun permit me to comment of sept.16 entry by Bc 2233, rather then commenting about other nation, I would really like to see one day, a malay being the prime minister of Singapore, instead of it becoming a heritage of the LKY family. So Bc 2233 is this a possibility in the near future? What about the representative of the malays in the present singapore cabinet, does its really reflect that singapore is not a racialist country? Tks YAB TUN, salam aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin, and please continue with the strugle TUN, u are the only hope for the Malays now.

By sant2728 on September 16, 2010 2:54 PM

To Syed Akhbar and others who are deluded by LKY,

Singapore abolished Malay and Tamil schools, but Singapore DID NOT abolish Chinese schools.

Chinese schools took on another guise. They are now called Specially Assisted Plan Schools (SAP).

Some of these schools include the Chinese High School, The Dunman High School, Chung Cheng High School, River Valley High School, Nanyang Girls High School, Catholic High School, Maris Stella High School.

These schools teach Chinese and English as a medium of instruction. If you want to be in these schools you need to know Mandarin and English, which effectively exclude non-Chinese.

Unlike Malay Muslim Madrasahs in Singapore, these schools are funded by the Singapore government. Drive along Bukit Timah Road and you will see huge spanking new buildings which house the Chinese High on side of the road and the Nanyang Girls High on the other side of the road. Look at Madrasahs in Singapore and do the comparison. Then evaluate MERITOCRACY. If you still think Singapore is meritocratic, you need to get your head examined.

For your information, Singapore never never never had or will ever have Malay Ministers who hold strategic ministerial portfolio.

There has never been a Malay minister holding the post of Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Trade and Industry, Minister of Defence (hahahaha), Ministry of Infomation and the Arts, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister of Development, Minister of Finance (hahahaha). For the past 50 years Malays have been tokens in less strategic ministries like as Minister for the Environment and/or Minister for Community Development and of course Minister in charge of Malay Affairs.

In the 50 years of Singapore there has only been one Malay President (Yusoff Ishak). He was at the time, not surprising, also called the Yang diPertuan Negara, and took office at the time of Singapore inclusion in Malaysia. After separation there has never been a Malay President!!!!

Malays have never held top civil service positions in Singapore. Only recently( after 50 years) did Singapore get a first Malay BG and he is close to retirement.

There has never been and will never be a Malay that will hold top post in the Singapore Airforce and Singapore Navy. You are lucky if you can point out to me top officers who are Malays in the Airforce and Navy.

The first Malay pilot that the Singapore government was so proud of, ended up as a "Transport and logistic" pilot not in the more strategic "fighter" pilot.

Malay has never been the Assistant Commissioner of Police or any post close to it.

Browse through the National University of Singapore faculty members and you will be lucky if you can count more than 20 Malay faculty members in the whole of NUS. And please don't count the Malay Department as it is a no brainer.

Go through the list of who's who in Singapore and check out if there is a Malay that LKY apologist can be proud of.

Count the number of Malay millionaires in Singapore and see how English-educated Malays that LKY is so proud of are really faring.

Walk through Singapore's proud Central Business District. You will see Malays. But most often are despatch riders, clerks or low appointment officers. They are probably in the gondolas cleaning windows.

If you are lucky to spot a successful Malay, most usually, he/she works in a private, non-Singaporean, non-Chinese set up.

If you have the chance to be in Oxford and Cambridge, count the number of Malay Singaporeans doing undergraduate and postgraduate courses. You are lucky if you can find more than three, perhaps five.

Compare Malay Singaporeans in Oxbridge and Malay Malaysians and non Malay Malaysians in Oxbridge and see how English-educated modern Malay Singaporeans as concocted by LKY are really getting on. It's pathetic. Believe me, I know.

In short, do not live with the myths that LKY is propagating. It is a lie.

To all those who are LKY apologists and see him as the penultimate leader, I just have one word for you guys - racists. May be another word - ungrateful. Maybe another word - greedy.

I do have a deep respect for LKY for turning Singapore around, but that does not discount him as a racist.

He might still be a bitter man, but I really think he needs to move on and stop responding to questions on Malaysia.

Stop treating Malaysia as a bogeyman. His comments does not help race relations in Malaysia. Please old man, STOP.

By Antikaisu on September 16, 2010 1:39 PM


Nak bagi nasihat kat orang pulau mutiara..lah nie.

Nana, mami cuba hang tengok nanti macam mana keadaan singapura bila LKY mati ?.. habis porak paranda negeri tu bila diktator tu sudah tiada lagi. masa tu lah..orang singapura sudah berani bersuara dan kecam kerajaan secara terbuka. kalau tak percaya, tengoklah nanti.

Peringatan Orang Penang nana dan mami semua !..hang semua orang melayu kat sana, jangan jadi macam kami di singapura,sudah kena tipu oleh LKY dan cina komunis hinggakan tanah dan kampung nenek moyang kami habis di rampas dan di paksa jual oleh pemerintah dengan harga murah.Hang semua kena bersatu padu, jangan dok ikut kata-kata sidajal (AlJuburi) tu, nanti hang semua putih mata. " Biar sial dulu ada pendapatan, sesal kemudian tak ada gunanya". masa tu dah jadi bubur lambuk....tapalah.. berdoa ha banyak-banyak dan cuba bersatu kembali, masih belum terlambat lagi, macam tunku dulu masa menuntut kemerdekaan. " Insyaallah pilihan raya akan datang, orang melayu akan memerintah semula P.Pinang nanti. hang semua tak perlu risau lagi.

By adik adik on September 16, 2010 11:50 AM

He talks like a true man. Being able to converse malay he has cheated many malay. (Lebih pandai cakap melayu lebih banyak tipu melayu)

He always critised the malay as to weaken them,also its give him a good reasons of his discrimination towards the malay. Malay are not just discriminates in their NS lifes, it starts from primary educations.

Much of the malay land has been acclaimed. Much of the malay populations has also been accliamed. Much of the malay digniti has been acclaimed. Now,not just the Azan could be heared,every mosque friday prayers there will be lots of parking summons issued,there is no sufficient parking lots,the next lot is to get parking summons.

Are we going to allow him here. If Tungku is alive,HE could be spank.

By alfresco on September 16, 2010 10:49 AM

Assalamualaikom Tun,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

True facts about Meritocracy Policy by the PAP government in Singapore

1. Ensure that the Malays will always be lagging behind the Chinese in education.

2. Ensure that the population of the Chinese will always be 75% more than the Malay, citizenship will be given easily to any Chinese who wants to be a Singaporean.

3. Ensure that priority is given to the Chinese when it comes to promotion in all the government organization. Malays has to be three times better than the Chinese in order to hold the same position.

4. Ensure that the local newspaper talk about justice and equality for all the citizens of Singapore. Tell the people that the PAP government is a caring government that cares about the plight of its citizen.

5. Create a documentary and portray Singapore as a Chinese country for overseas media coverage information.

6. Ensure that the Chinese get the necessary help from the government in order to achieve excellence.

7. Sideline the Malays in Singapore, they are not needed to develop and work together to build the country and share its wealth. Many more, etc, etc.

Malaysian Malays should be glad that they do not have to face the hardship that Singapore Malays are enduring with the many unfair policies of the PAP government.

Let’s hope that the new generation of PAP leaders has a different mindset and start to abolish those unfair policies towards the Malay community systematically.

By Bc2233 on September 16, 2010 10:35 AM

Sir, You may said anything you want about Singapore or Malaysia race matters, but one must admit the Malay in Singapore is better treated than the Chinese in Malaysia. One must also admit that in Asia the Chinese is economically more smart than the Malay. So you may said anything you want in your little brain there, Malaysia will never become a develop country unless it is willing to accept that everybody is equal and given special right to Malay can only hurt them more than help them! Go out and look at the world, if us can elect a black president and Canada has a black governor general then why is Malaysia is so afraid of it's Chinese population!

By kzso on September 16, 2010 10:09 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

This is what happened when we have a "sleeping pm" (previous pm) who nearly destroyed or maybe has destroyed what our ancestors have been fighting for..

As for LKW...who is LKW actually?

Pls read comments from Singaporean themselves..

Same old broken record from broken Old Man at 10:25:00 AM Whenever the Old Man speaks, it is about the Old Times. Yes, it is about the sixties and the seventies, although we are now in the 21st Century.

He speaks about the race issues we had in Malaysia. He speaks about the race issues we would have if we didn't do this or that. In fact, he speaks about..... nothing else! Ever since he stepped into politics in the 1950s, Old Man's favourite topic, heck let me restate that, Old Man's ONLY topic is all about race, race, race.

Come on Old F*rt, surely you don't want the young generation(s) to remember you as race bigot.

View among young that S'pore can be put on auto-pilot still concerns MM Yes, I have bolded to highlight the racial points in the report.

Here are my comments on his never ending racist ideas.

"In a wide-ranging and revealing interview with The New York Times, he spoke of his regret over Singapore being 'turfed out' of Malaysia and the determination of his generation of leaders to take a different path than what has happened across the causeway." Isn't it amazing how Old Man still tries to lie that we were "kicked out", when in reality, it is now known it was the Singapore side who planned the separation in the first place? Yes, a planned separation by the Singapore side, perhaps even before the merger itself! Here is what I posted earlier. Did LKY Lie We Were Kicked Out of Malaysia?

It was reported in Old Man's own eulogy that Dr Goh Keng Swee was the one who mooted the idea of the separation. How then could it be that Malaysia "kicked us out"?

'But not as much, because it's a much broader base,' he was quick to add. But he went on to explain: 'We would have improved inter-racial relations and an improved holistic situation. Now we have a very polarised Malaysia - Malays, Chinese and Indians in separate schools, living separate lives and not really getting on with one another. That's bad for us as close neighbours.' I will never understand why Old Man keeps living in the past. Haven't we left Malaysia about more than 40 years ago? Why is the Old Man carrying the baggage of the past? Isn't he weighing Singapore down?

'We will not as a majority squeeze the minority, because once we're by ourselves, the Chinese become the majority,' he said. This is a big lie. A really blatant lie that is so obvious, but hardly anyone dares to talk about it. While Old Man pokes fun at Malaysia being a racist nation, because of its bumi policy, Singapore has its own racist policies favouring the Chinese over the other races. The racist policies include the racially divisive CDAC, Mendaki, Sinda funds, the SAP in schools, the race quota in HDB, just to name a few. Below are some articles about racism in Singapore, which I wrote earlier.

PAP's Racist MT Policy, Part 1 - The Sidelining of other Races and Cultures

PAP's Racist MT Policy, Part 2 - PAP is forcing Han Culture, not Chinese Culture, on us

Chinese Chauvinism Rampant at Heart of MT Issue

Race Discrimination in Singapore? Who Doesn't Know That?

Resistance against PSLE MT Change - It's all about Chinese Chauvinism, isn't it?

Singapore's PR Policy is about Racial Demographics first, Talent second

Let's Face the Truth - We ARE a Racist Nation

Racist HDB Quota Policy begins to show its Effect

More crap from Old Man Lee – what integration talking he?

Not ready for non-Chinese PM? Who is PM to speak on our behalf? This article is about Old Man's son aping racist remarks like his dad. Chimp of the Old Block?

Racial Quota for HDB is for PAP to stay in power – and it is racially discriminatory

MM Lee does what he does best – play the racial card game

If I told you Singapore has racist policies, would you believe me?

In conclusion, we can safely say that we have our own racist policies in Singapore. So who is Old Man to take a dig at others for their race policies? It appears he cannot move out from his racist talk. He thinks he is still in the 1960s.

We don't need leaders who carry baggage of the past. We need leaders who are relevant. Unfortunately, his staying in power too long is the biggest stumbling block. Labels: Racism, Singapore Heartland Issues

By checker on September 16, 2010 9:47 AM

Salam Tun & Fellow bloggers,

We should not consider any comparison made between Malaysia & Singapore and introduce "cut & paste" solutions, because;

1. We are truely a unique multiracial-multireligion and multiculture country. In Singapore, it is more of window dressing for the world to see. 2. Singapore government ( hopefully not the singaporeans )are arrogant/kiasu. "Cakap tak serupa bikin". 3. They have placed themselves highly in the eyes of the world because of "good" media coverage / publicity. 4. Singapore in many ways look down upon its neigbour especially Malaysia & Indonesia ( why? ) shed crocodile tears whenever have presented the opportunity to appear on international TV such as BBC, CNN, CBS etc. They should be pitied because it is surrounded by "hostile neighbours" - so happen Muslim countries - Does it ring the bell? as what Israel is facing? 5. Opportunist of the highest level, clearly shown during the Asian financial crisis. Even Habibie once made remarks, " if that is what it is, we do not need an enemy " when seeking and turning down help from Singapore. 6. All in all Malaysia especially should be weary of Singapore because the threat being the "Israel of the East" surrounded by the Muslim terrorist nations. Negotiation will last forever until in their favour ( Head I win Tail you lose kind of scenerio ). 7. In Singapore, meritrocracy imposed by the majority is alright but in Malaysia meritrocracy demanded by minority to take control of the majority is asking for trouble. 8. Singapore has always described Malaysia negative pictures because they know sooner or later a united Malaysian will threaten Singapore position in economic among others. Singapore's strength in the financial sector will be eroded by Labuan Offshore financing, KLIA and Senai airport, Tanjung Pelepas & Pasir Gudang Ports at each end of the Island.

Before I end, I just wonder how come Najib can "rellah solve railways land and water issues " only after a few meetings when you have years a hard time to resolve it. Something, is amiss. Maybe Tun should look into this issue. Singapore is so shrewed and cunning that it cannot be easily trusted. Habibie's comment should be well noted.

May Allah bless our nation safe, in peace & harmony .... ameeen

By HBT on September 16, 2010 9:25 AM

Good morning Ayahanda Tun,

1. According to wikipedia, our Malaysia Day 16 September 2010 is also Mr Harry Lee Kuan Yew's 87th birthday (birth date :16 September 1923). He has two sons (Hsien Loong is the eldest son) and one daughter.

2. In his memoirs, Lee refers to his immigrant background as a fourth-generation Chinese Singaporean: his Hakka great-grandfather, Lee Bok Boon (born 1846), emigrated from the Dapu

county of Guangdong province to the Straits Settlements in 1862. Lee Kuan Yew was born at 92 Kampong Java Road in Singapore, in a large and airy bungalow.

3. His wife's root of origin is Tong'an District (Chinese: 同安区 Pinyin: Tóng'ān Qū), a northern

mainland district of Xiamen which faces Jinmen. Tong'an is located on the southeast of Fujian province. Her mother tongue language is Min Nan Yu (Bahasa Hokkien) of Southern Fujian, and it is also the main mother tongue language of Taiwan.

4. From the interview Seth Mydans had with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, for the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune which was held on 1 September 2010, 15 days before to his next 87th birthday.

5. Mr Lee: “Thank you. When you are coming 87, you are not very happy..”

6. Mr Lee: “That is my trouble. So, when is the last leaf falling?” (Remarks: in Chinese proverb, it meant "Lok (fall) Yip (leaf) Kwai (return) Kan (root/soil)" in Bahasa Guangzhou.

7. Mr Lee: “Let me give you a Chinese proverb “do not judge a man until you’ve closed his coffin. Do not judge a man.” Close the coffin, then decide. Then you assess him. I may still do something foolish before the lid is closed on me.”

8. Q: “So you’re waiting for the final verdict?”

9. Mr Lee: “No, the final verdict will not be in the obituaries. The final verdict will be when the PhD students dig out the archives, read my old papers, assess what my enemies have said, sift the evidence and seek the truth? I’m not saying that everything I did was right, but everything I did was for an honourable purpose. I had to do some nasty things, locking fellows up without trial.”

10. Q: “For the greater good?

11. Mr Lee: “Well, yes, because otherwise they are running around and causing havoc playing on Chinese language and culture, and accusing me of destroying Chinese education. You’ve not been here when the Communists were running around. They do not believe in the democratic process. They don’t believe in one man, one vote. They believe in one bullet, one vote. They had killer squads. But they at the same time had a united front exploiting the democratic game. It gave them cover. But my business, my job was to make sure that they did not succeed. Sometimes you just got to lock the leaders up. They are confusing the people. The reality is that if you allow these people to work up animosity against the government because it’s keeping down the Chinese language, because we’ve promoted English, keeping down Chinese culture because you have allowed English literature, and we suppress our Chinese values and the Chinese language, the Chinese press, well, you will break up the society. They harp on these things when they know they are not true. They know that if you actually do in Chinese language and culture, the Chinese will riot and the society must break up.”

12. Mr Lee: “Well, first I regret having been turfed out of Malaysia. I think if the Tunku had kept us together, what we did in Singapore, had Malaysia accepted a multiracial base for their society, much of what we’ve achieved in Singapore would be achieved in Malaysia. But not as much because it’s a much broader base. We would have improved inter-racial relations and an

improved holistic situation. Now we have a very polarized Malaysia, Malays, Chinese and Indians in separate schools, living separate lives and not really getting on with one another. You read them. That’s bad for us as close neighbours.”

13. So this interview is about unity of Malaysia: Peninsula, Singapore, Sabah & Sarawak after having Singapore turfed out of Malaysia; and I agreed point Ayahanda Tun:- 21. Lee Kwan Yew and I saw the same things and know the reasons why.

14. What the political party leaders and members of all races are doing now is mainly for own race protection; and it has nothing to do with Mr Lee KY and Singapore Government, and if they continue to harp racial issues of cultures and tradition; it will be bad not only to Government; PM; DPM, Cabinet, Political Parties and 1 Malaysia; it will affect Singapore as close neighbour.

15. What will happen in future we can only make the best predictions and planning.

16. I have a feeling that Singapore is no longer our enemy; and there are things that we should learn from one another especially on national security; economic and socio issues.

17. Good day and have a pleasant Malaysia day Ayahanda Tun especially with your beloved family. By the way, Tiu Yu-tai Island (Pulau Pancing Ikan) conflict between Japan, Taiwan and Mainland China can never be solved due to historical, geographical, political and economic issues inflicted by universal human-intelligence, stereotype and norm.

P.S. For Chinese, the number 9 represent permanent or forever. I did not introduce myself to Dr MM & Tun Dr Hasmah and their children Marina and Datuk Mukhriz when I shaked hand with and wished them Hari Raya Aidilfitri at their open house at 58, Jalan Kuda Emas, Seri Kembangan due to Malaysia company culture and protocol. I am sure Dr MM and Dr Hasmah will understand the raw culture and protocol of company organisation chart as Chinese.

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is my favourite story book in Literature; and I was taught the techinques to derive facts and issues to learn Literature by an Irish Lecturer when I was in Toronto doing my Grade 13 pre-u diploma to enter post graduate study in Canada.

Guelph University in Geulph, Ontario, Canada was my 1st choice; but I selected the 2nd choice university instead.

By Alex on September 16, 2010 9:25 AM


Jangan sesekali salahkan Lee Kuan Yew atas apa masalah yang berlaku di Malaysia, yang paling penting sekarang Singapore adalah negara maju tetapi apa terjadi kepada Malaysia yang sama-sama membangun pada masa yang sama ? Bukan itu sahaja Malaysia penuh dengan hasil bumi yang berlimpah-limpah, ada yang katakan kepada saya bahawa Singapore adalah sebuah negara kecil sahaja jadi senang diurus.

Saya berasa nak tergelak besar kerana Malaysia adalah terdiri daripada 13 buah negeri kecil, setiap negeri kecil(kecuali Sabah dan sarawak) adalah negeri kecil seperti Singapore, negeri

Pulau Pinang adalah contoh yang terbaik. Apa kerajaan BN buat selama 51 tahun memerintah Pulau Pinang sehingga terpaksa diserahkan kepada Pakatan Rakyat selepas Mac, 2008 ?????

Lihat apa yang kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat buat selepas cuma dua setengah tahun sahaja memerintah Pulau Pinang, 51 tahun tak boleh buat apa-apa, orang lain boleh buat sesuatu dalam masa dua setengah tahun sahaja. Bukan ker itu sesuatu yang rakyat Malaysia perlu fikirkan sejenak????

Apa yang sedang dialami oleh negara Malaysia sekarang adalah atas kegagalan dasar-dasar yang dilaksanankan oleh kerajaan BN selama 53 tahun yang lalu. Dasar-dasar yang tidak " productive " yang akhirnya dirampas oleh kroni-kroni sahaja. Kalau cara sedemikian berterusan sampai bila pun Malaysia tak akan maju malahan akan terus ketinggalan di belakang berbanding lain-lain negara Asia Tenggara seperti sekarang.

Kita sedang memikirkan tentang masa depan negara dalam dunia globalisasi ini tetapi apa yang orang melayu nampak saya tak tahu, asyik tak habis-habis dengan hak istimewah mereka. Apa gunanya hak istimewah itu kalau negara sudah jatuh bankrupt ???? Apabila economi sudah jatuh dan ketinggalan, dari mana lagi kerajaan dapat cari sumber kewangan untuk penuhi hak-hak istimewah anda semua ?????

Ibarat seperti sebuah kelaurga besar tinggal di dalam sebuah rumah, cuma satu atau dua anak sahaja yang terpaksa berkerja kuat untuk menampung perbelanjaan keluarga tersebut, yang lain-lain cuma perlu buat kerja biasa dan sentiasa disokong dengan kemewahan atau kemudahan yang dinikmati oleh anak-anak yang berkerja kuat tadi.

Apa akan jadi kepada kelurga tersebut ??? Lama kelamaan anak yang berkerja kuat pun akan lemah semangat dan akibatnya hasil mereka pun berkurangan. Apa akan jadi apabila hasilnya mula berkurangan ??? Sesiapa yang ada otak boleh berfikir sendiri, kalau kaedah ini terus digunakan lama-kelamaan keluarga itu akan jadi miskin dan anak-anak yang tak perlu kerja kuat tadi akan mati kelaparan manakala anak-anak yang mampu berkerja kuat tadi boleh terus lari dan mencari keluarga baru yang betil-betul faham menguruskan keluarga.

Renungan seketika wahai melayu.

By sh_cheah on September 16, 2010 8:51 AM

You sir, are the "Father of Racism" and you STILL have the cheek to complain about others who are far more superior than you. Have you known no shame?

You have retired, and you have done your share to the society. stop destroying this country. PLEASE, I beg you!

By shahrul on September 16, 2010 7:36 AM

May be he want to built his own dynasty in Singapore..Dynasty Lee

By chhs on September 16, 2010 7:02 AM

Good for LKY and Singapore. Right or wrong, it was a good overview of the past but it is time to move on. I am of proud of what our Malaysian government has accomplished over the past 30 years. Could we have done better? Sure.

The recent racial debate and the coverage by the press has been interesting. The freedom and courage for one to express their thoughts have been refreshing. I trust that we would continue to respectfully exercise this "right".

Thanks again Tun for your side of the story and Selamat Hari Raya.

Detroit Michigan

By difefu on September 16, 2010 4:17 AM

Dear Tun,

Interested and thus I followed the link you provided and read the article. I have to provide a fair opinion after reading your story and his.

MFO is, he had the mindset of 2010 when he was in the 1960's, and you have the mindset of 1960's when you are now in 2010.

His accomplishments show up convincingly after 50 years. but you only quoted the chaotic period in 1963-1965 to prove your point, and the source of the chaos is not necessarily from his party until you could provide connvincing proofs.

His universities educated so many bright students rejected by your universities.

How convincing are your stories to the parents of and to these people? Action speaks louder than words.

Malaysia as it was in 1963 could have been a very strong and well respected nation now, but unfortunately the extremists won and Tunku lost, and we all lost. You bet, we love Tunku for his open-mindedness! I can assure you that 9 out of 10 of ppl I know who used to respect you changed their minds after reading the recent news about you. It's about how others perceive one and not how one perceives himself. See how a simple and logical statement like "Malaysian Malaysia" could be distorted as a racist slogan. Even a young child knows the meaning! No wonder I heard the truth that for one to be allowed to move upstairs one needs to be like a child.

So many kind hearted people of the other races wanted to help the country to become strong, but could not afford even to help their own children, and get adopted by a kind neighbour who is now labeled as racist. What a pity. Really, there is no more truth if adoptions also can be distorted as racist. Where do you expect the orphan to go??

Maybe one day we will be hamba earning 5 figure ringgit and thought that was high salary, like one in your blog, not realizing that it was only equivalent to the starting pay elsewhere. Katak di bawah tempurung.

By 6 Jahanam on September 16, 2010 3:23 AM

What so great of Singapore progress. They are no 1 in many,yet no Singaporean gets any. They live like (Baruah terhormat) honorable slaves. They are born lives to work not work to lives,and yet they get nothing. You could,nt have a decent meal or coffee in Singapore. My day, I eat 1 plate of mee rebus,cost me $2-/ But when I went to retrieve my vehicle I was fined $30. That makes my mee rebus $32-/ Besides this even having coffee with my friends in Singapore,they always worries about their parking.That besides also the no privacy,with crowd of people,absolutely no fresh air. Every steps is about rules and regulations and is about taking your money. In simple words : In Singapore,they are too organised,too many money ruling,too many threatening sign,you fear so many that they did not have life of their own. Is this what they call success.

By dtan on September 16, 2010 3:09 AM


MM Lee said this over 45 years ago:

"Of course there are Chinese millionaires in big cars and big houses. Is it the answer to make a few Malay millionaires with big cars and big houses? How does telling a Malay bus driver that he should support the party of his Malay director (UMNO) and the Chinese bus conductor to join another party of his Chinese director (MCA) - how does that improve the standards of the Malay bus driver and the Chinese bus conductor who are both workers in the same company? If we delude people into believing that they are poor because there are no Malay rights or because opposition members oppose Malay rights, where are we going to end up? You let people in the kampongs believe that they are poor because we don't speak Malay, because the government does not write in Malay, so he expects a miracle to take place in 1967 (the year Malay would become the national and sole official language in Malaysia). The moment we all start speaking Malay, he is going to have an uplift in the standard of living, and if doesn't happen, what happens then? Meanwhile, whenever there is a failure of economic, social and educational policies, you come back and say, oh, these wicked Chinese, Indian and others opposing Malay rights. They don't oppose Malay rights. They, the Malay, have the right as Malaysian citizens to go up to the level of training and education that the more competitive societies, the non-Malay society, has produced. That is what must be done, isn't it? Not to feed them with this obscurantist doctrine that all they have got to do is to get Malay rights for the few special Malays and their problem has been resolved."

After 45 years it is still the fault of others why the Malays are left behind. Well, at least your cronyism and nepotism has made a few Malay billionaires just as he predicted.

God Bless You Tun

By Daniel on September 16, 2010 2:57 AM

Dear Tun, Please see the following documentary ....through real challenges in life, a malaysian rose to great heights, most of the richest in malaysia, started out from poor and by their own. We use to be the strongest, until instead of teaching us to learn, you told certain people, the government will feed and pamper you...and just look at the differences now..

By hisham76 on September 16, 2010 2:54 AM

Dear Tun,

Meritocracy in Singapore at best is a misnomer, at worse its a damn lie.

By kolarbiru on September 16, 2010 2:52 AM

Salam Sejahtera buat Tun dan semua pembaca blog ini.MR.LKW sudah banyak kali melakukan "PERANG SARAF" melalui media keatas pentadbiran terdahulu dan semasa tidak terkecuali tetapi kali ini "SERANGAN SARAF" MR.LKW agak tersusun dan kena pada waktunya.MR.LKW ibarat pandang sebelah mata terhadap kemampuan "TAHAP BERFIKIR" orang Malaysia terutama orang MELAYU dan boleh dikatakan "SERANGAN SARAF" LKW melalui media baru-baru ini ibarat mahu menguji sejauh mana HEBATNYA peluru saraf buatannya sekarang.To MR.LKW , TUN MAHATHIR telah MENYELIDIK & MEMBANGUNKAN ( R&D ) sistem "PERTAHANAN MENTAL" paling SERBELENGKAP serta mendahului zaman dan "SENJATA SARAF" MR LKW HANYALAH KENA PADA MASA DAN WAKTUNYA SAHAJA TETAPI TIDAK MENEPATI SASARAN SERTA TIDAK MENINGGALKAN SEBARANG KESAN.Saya seperti TUN adalah rakyat Malaysia kami tidak suka pihak lain CAMPURTANGAN urusan pentadbiran Negara kami dan kami BERHAK mempertahankan kedaulatan Negara Malaysia kami walau dengan apa cara sekalipun.RAKYAT MALAYSIA TIDAK MAHUKAN PEMIMIPIN YANG HEBAT BERCAKAP APABILA DITEMURAH OLEH MEDIA dan MEMPUNYAI SERTA MEMILIH PEMIMPIN YANG SEDEMIKIAN ADALAH AMAT MEMALUKAN SERTA AKAN MENYUSAHKAN RAKYAT DAN NEGARA.

By Freddie Kevin on September 16, 2010 2:36 AM

Salam Berhormat Tun,

Here are two interesting links:


"(Lee) Kuan Yew wanted Singapore to be in Malaysia desperately because he wanted to expand his power base from the red dot to its hinterland from where he could speak on behalf of a larger constituency as he trotted around the globe as a US-sponsored leader in the region. He did not feel constrained to negotiate with Tengku to oust the MCA from the Alliance coalition and replace it with the PAP so that he could speak on behalf of the Chinese"


"The two sides have been negotiating the issue [extradition treaty]on and off for more than three decades, although the issue became particularly heated after the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, when a number of ethnic-Chinese Indonesian businessmen absconded with huge amounts of cash they allegedly illegally deposited in Singaporean bank accounts"

Yes, we Malaysians have short memories, I remember very well the outflow of funds from Malaysia to Singapore, in the same said crisis.

It was an outflow motivated by greed, to take advantage of the very high interest rate offered by Singapore, at that critical time.

Neighbourliness or Opportunistic?

How your good self remedied this was an outstanding masterstroke!

Best regards and wishes Freddie Kevin

By JJJ on September 16, 2010 1:45 AM

salam Tun,

to young stupid people,a second class citizen is someone who is deemed poor in his own country,just like the Malays in Singapore.The Chinese in Malaysia are the richest people and they get the best of everything that money can buy.

Whats the point of fighting for your independence and dying in service to protect the country from the communists when you are poor in your own country?


By MalaysianPatriot on September 16, 2010 1:41 AM

Two words, Barry Wain. I wonder what they can do with monies from oil and gas. I've seen what we did, not exactly impressive breaking the piggy bank all the time is it?

By JJJ on September 16, 2010 1:37 AM

salam Tun,

A gentleman retires completely.

An ultra kiasu wants to be seen as retiring when in actual fact still pull the strings from behind the curtains.

Practically wants to die with them boots on.

LKY cannot hold a candle to a gentleman.



By CommonerNinetyNine on September 16, 2010 1:24 AM

whatever that south cunning man did and does, will be praised.

you will never be that lucky, even if you do the same thing, you will be condemned.

this is the double standard world that we are living in.

ethnicity means a lot, or may be everything, to many people, denial will never defy this reality.

when he shouts meritocracy to the people, it happens to be his son is the prime minister, no other capable man in the entire singapore?

well, not surprising that the dap here also having the same thing, the top 2 fathers and sons teams.

family business is what they mean by meritocracy!

By JJJ on September 16, 2010 1:07 AM

salam Tun,

stupid people claim cars in Singapore cheaper.They obviously never heard of C.O.E..gantries and E.R.P. Not to mention the prohibitive oil prices there.Stupid people never wondered why Singaporeans fill up their tanks to the brim here?

stupid people claim Malaysia is lagging behind Vietnam.Please refer to latest economic developments.Don't make stupid unsubstantiated comments.

stupid people claim Singapore is not racist.hahaha what a joke!They practically elevated racism to an artform.Ample proof can be provided upon stupid people asking.


By admirernbasher on September 16, 2010 12:56 AM

I have tremendous respect for Statesmen Octogenarians, who continue to think and write lucidly in the endeavours of nation building. Tun is one such person who can present his arguments persuasively to win over ordinary folks to his side. He was the most intelligent and smartest of all the PMs Malaysia hitherto had. Surprisingly and regretably he achieved sweet little (compared to his predecessors) for the betterment and long term interests of the country despite his supeior intellect and enoromous power he weilded during his 22 years of reign.

Let me respond to his observations in relation to two matters that interest me.

(i)The status of Malays and Non-Malays in pre and post independent Malaya:

Tun claims that in 1955 the Malays made up 80 per cent of the citizens or population. I am not sure if this was correct. According to 1947 Census, total population of Malaya was 4.9 million comprising 49.5% Malays, 38.4% Chinese and 12.1% Others (mainly Indians and the rest). In 1951, the population was some 5.3 million and the racial percentage was more or less the same.

In other words around these periods the Non-Malays outnumbered the Malays marginally. It was only after Independence in 1957 that there was big inflow of Indonesians that pushed the Malay-Muslim population into a fast growing majority

He says that the Tunku offered the Chinese and Indians one million unconditional citizenship in exchange for their support for the Alliance in getting Independence, which reduced Malay majority to 60 per cent. What makes Tun think for sure it was the Tunku who took this decision and not the British who could have brokered for this from behind the scene to ensure that the Chinese and Indians were not left high and dry in the process. If there was no fair deal given to the Non-Malays to secure their future the British would probably not agreed to granting independence at that juncture. It was the British who were in control of the Sultans and their states through the office of British Resident General whose advice the Sultans were bound to accept under prior agreement. Any Sultan who defied the British did so at his own peril.

(ii) Comparison between LKY and Tun:

Shorn of race-tinkered bias attributed to them, LKY has laid solid foundation for the prosperity and progress of Singapore for the present and its long term future, whereas Tun has left Malaysia in shambles with high corruption, divisive society and weakened institutions of the State.

Take the last 4-5 Cabinets in Singapore. The Ministers were of top talent – brilliant and highly motivated. Almost all of them were from outside of the PAP. They were head-hunted, put on the ground to learn the ropes of grassroots works for a short period of time before being fielded as PAP candidates in the subsequent election and made Minister of State and later a full Minister.

What about Tun? He wrote so much about the culture of inbreeding amongst the Malays in his ‘Malay Dilemma” and yet it was the very same culture that he was dead against, that he practiced in his 22 years of rule as PM. It was the same UMNO corrupt politicians he appointed and re-appointed ad nauseam as Ministers. Rarely was a Malay Minister from outside of UMNO. He experimented with new talent by bringing in Anwar Ibrahim and Tun Daim and both fell out of favour not because they were ill-suited but because they were too smart and independent to his liking. The fate of his DPMs was no better as they too exited office unceremoniously without serving their full terms. Tun himself appeared to have acknowledged his ultimate failure, when he openly sobbed before an UMNO Assembly after announcing his intention to step down as PM. The sight of seeing his Ministers shedding crocodile tears must have hurt him even more as he must have thought what a bunch of corrupt back-stabbers they were.

Unlike LKY, Tun never groomed second line leadership. There is nothing for LKY to learn from Tun but there is plenty for the latter to learn from the former.

By JJJ on September 16, 2010 12:55 AM

salam Tun,

Our democracy is on a much better track than Singapore's.Their media is a joke.They are practically A HAPPIER VERSION OF NORTH KOREA! FEED THE MOUTH TO KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT.THEY ARE HAPPY THAT THE


Of course some stupid blind people like ekompute,ray and many other racists cannot admit these facts.Ptuii!


By Nothing But Wind on September 16, 2010 12:33 AM

Dear Tun Dr M,

Happy Malaysia Day wishes to you. Similar greetings to Pak Lah.

In your blog, you quoted "The Tunku then rewarded this willingness of the Chinese and Indian citizens to support the coalition concept by giving them one million unconditional citizenship". I am sorry, but does't that amount to bribery. By the way, were the reciepents of the citizenship mentioned by you are direct migrants of China and India? If that is the case then I certainly would appreciate the generocity of Tengku. However, if any of them were born in Malaya then, I think the the Malayan Citizenship is their right according to international law and the law of nature.

By JJJ on September 16, 2010 12:22 AM

salam Tun,

Tidak ramai orang yang mengingati peristiwa ini.Saya pun bertuah dapat mengetahui peristiwa ini baru beberapa minggu lepas.Semua orang Melayu terutama yang lahir di Singapura seperti saya wajib mengingati peristiwa ini dan jadikan ia sebagai pembakar semangat dan motivasi jatidiri kita semua....(sila betulkan saya jika terdapat kesilapan fakta peristiwa ini atau jika anda lebih mengetahui secara mendalam)

Sehari selepas Tunku mengisytiharkan Singapura keluar dari Malaysia,ribuan orang melayu berkumpul di Geylang Serai dalam keadaan terpinga2 kerana dijajah semula.Terlalu singkat nikmat dikecapi untuk menentukan nasib bangsa melayu di Singapura ini.

Beberapa tokoh politik tempatan memberi ucapan dan apabila M.Bakri menyanyikan lagu 'Sumbangsih' maka tak dapat ditahan lagi rasa sedih dan hiba maka airmata mereka yang hadir jatuh kebumi mengenangkan nasib bangsa yang menjadi korban umpama 'pawns in a chess game'.

Saya seru semua pembaca agar fahami luahan perasaan bangsa melayu Singapura melalui lirik lagu sarat bermakna ini;


Oh sumbangsih jiwa kecewa Nada kasih lagu bahgia Nan kurindu masa ke masa Tapi kecewa dilanda cinta

Oh rembulan tempat mengadu Kami insan dahaga rindu Ingin bersatu hidup bersama Mengenang cinta mu yang mulia

Kini semua hancur dan musnah Niat bercantum badan berpisah Kembang mawar beri pada mu Lambang kita pasti bersatu

Oh sumbangsih hati ke hati Nada rindu luhur sejati Kami insan rindu percantuman Kami rindukan kan keadilan.

Setiap kali saya dengar lagu ini airmata saya mengalir kecewa mengenang nasib bangsa yang jadi hamba di tanah air sendiri dengan segala peluang dan masa depan ditentukan oleh kaum golongan pemerintah.

Pada masa yang sama saya amat marah dengan golongan orang Melayu disana yang menyokong perpecahan pada masa itu.Senario seperti ini sedang berlaku sekarang di sini terutama di Pulau Pinang.

Orang Melayu senang dibeli.Apabila LGE beri duit sedikit semua puji dan sorak gembira.Selepas itu LGE akan potong dan hakis sikit demi sedikit hak dan kampung orang melayu dan semua akan terkejut beruk padahal perkara ini pernah berlaku di Singapura dahulu.

Kita sedang saksikan 'action replay' apa yang berlaku di Singapura dahulu sedang berlaku sekarang ini di Pulau Pinang.Orang Melayu akan dihiburkan dengan konsert Dato CT sementara LGE membuai mereka secara halus dengan lemah longlai sampai mereka lalai,kampung tergadai,,undi bersepai akhirnya membawa pokai.

Dia diapit oleh barisan si-kitol zaman moden yang berpelajaran tinggi tapi tidak bermoral serta rela di cucuk hidung macam lembu.Mereka ingat mereka betul tapi sebenarnya merekalah dalang perosak bangsa sendiri.

LKY berjoget dgn LGE dalam tandas meraikan kemenangan DAP kemudian keluar berpura2 tiada apa2 berlaku.Sesungguhnya mereka lah pakar yang menjadikan polisi rasis mereka diangkat ketahap seni.

Peringatan untuk orang Melayu secara amnya.2011 genaplah 500 tahun peristiwa Tanah Melayu dijajah.Baru 53 tahun mengecapi nikmat kemerdekaan dah nak tergadai lagi?

Wallahualam Wassallam Lu pikirlah sendiri


By difefu on September 16, 2010 12:03 AM

Dear Tun,

Whatever he said in the western media, you couldn't make a defence on the spot. Same here, whatever you say in your blog, he couldn't make a defence.

I suggest you and him have a series of live debates broadcasted over the national TVs, and have the revenue from advertisements donated to a fund used for the reclaimation project of the Tebrau staits, and name it "Iskandra", and use it as a land base for .. uur.. un hq for east-west civiliation peace center?

By kwing on September 15, 2010 11:59 PM

whenever there's minority, there'll always racist rants around, can anyone tell me a place where there's no racism cry? But the truth is Singapore is doing better than malaysia and that's cold hard fact (for now anyway. there's only 1 solution for this, made GDP per capital as high as singapore while keep rich poor spread at minimum, then there will be no racism or mininum at least!

By PROFESSIONAL MALAY on September 15, 2010 11:28 PM

Bravo Tun, berani kerana benar.....kerana kita mempunyai keimanan dan tahu dosa/pahala. Jika tidak, kita akan jadi orang yang unscrupulous dan kiasu. LKY tidak boleh terlalu ego dan sombong dengan semangat chauvinisnya kalau dalam sejarah telah adanya the biggest embarrassment of chinese civilization in 20th century melalui PUYI, the last emperor dan penghinaan bangsa terbesar dalam sejarah oleh bangsa Jepun ketika WW2. Hakikatnya kita semua adalah manusia mukabumi yang tamaddunnya dibentuk melalui persekitaran dan sejarah. Jika kita percaya dengan keadilan dan keamanan dunia yang hakiki, maka kita harus respect dan tolong menolong di antara satu sama lain.

Masaalah terbesar politik di Malaysia adalah kerana sebilangan pemimpin2 Melayu yang berkuasa telah korup di peringkat tertinggi dan tidak mudah untuk dipadamkan walaupun walaupun majority orang2 melayu telah meluat dan menyampah dengan mereka. Majority orang2 Melayu sayangkan UMNO tetapi telah dihijack oleh golongan ini maka kini tertubuhlah PERKASA persatuan alternatif keramat untuk orang2 Melayu...biasalah tu, ingat Melayu ni bodoh sangat macam dalam fikiran LKY.

Orang2 Cina di Malaysia pula sedang disogokkan dengan pemikiran LKY secara terancang ketika orang2 Melayu sedang berpecah disebabkan golongan Melayu BASTARD di atas.

Secara general, orang2 Melayu dan Cina di Malaysia kini berada di persimpangan atau crossroad......

Tetapi kita semua harus jangan lupa sejarah baik di Malaya ataupun serata dunia.....iaitu jika Malaysia mau selamat, kedua2 pihak harus bertoleransi dan bekerjasama.

Pada pendapat saya, orang2 Melayu mestilah melakukan perubahan drastik terhadap UMNO eg thru PERKASA dll supaya golongan melayu BASTARD ini dibuang.

Orang2 Cina mestilah jangan menangguk di air keruh seperti pemikiran LKY ketika orang2 Melayu sedang bermasaalah. Mereka boleh memesongkan undi tetapi itu hanya akan mengentingkan keadaan dan membakar perasaan orang2 Melayu seperti pepatah "yang dikejar

tak dapat yang dikendong berciciran". Apalah salahnya jika buanglah sifat KIASU mereka dengan sama2 bekerja dengan orang2 Melayu yang lain untuk membuang golongan Melayu BASTARD tersebut seperti memberi kata dua kepada UMNO melalui persidangan tertutup untuk UMNO melakukan perubahan drastic dll. Segala pressure groups baik dari PERKASA, MCA atau GERAKAN akan membetulkan balik UMNO kerana pada umumnya majoriti orang2 Melayu dan mungkin juga sebahagian besar golongan Cina yang rasional akan menyokong 100% gerakan ini. Tak usahlah mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan saudaramu di bumi MALAYSIA yang bertuah ini. Kiblat kita semua adalah Malaysia yang muhibbah bukannya LKY dan Singapuranya.....

By JJJ on September 15, 2010 11:25 PM



By andrewtay on September 15, 2010 11:22 PM

Funny how you suggest the Germans are humble. They are from my experience nothing but humble. They are a proud race.

Anyway, back to LKY. I totally agree with Parameswara 2. Singaporeans are proud snobs. They have a right to because getting dumped by their once bigger brother but only to come ahead of them is nothing less than a great achievement. One which i admire a lot.

There is nothing detrimental by being kiasu. You dont punish the hardworking competitive people. That is a value to be encouraged on the contrary. Kiasu is a label which other envious people use to mock hardworking people. it should be stopped.

However, being a snob after achieving success must be discouraged.

LKY was just being spiteful. He knows that the Chinese in Malaysia is being slightly marginalised in some aspects by the government. IMHO, he feels the frustration of the Chinese community therefore he was making provocative comments.

Being a Malay in Sg can be as frustrating as being a Chinese in Malaysia. I guess the majority can never understand the plight of the minority until you'v experience it. Sometime i find it easy to relate to Sg Malays than the Malaysian Malays. They are hardworking but lack the opportunity to excel. But no doubt they are still in a better position to achieve more income and experience a higher standard of living in SG compared to Malaysia.

The Malays in SG are better equip to compete globally than their counterparts in MY. They have better access to Asia's top universities in SG, they have higher prospects to find jobs in international coys and firms and they command better English than the Malays in MY.

Malaysia needs to change. NO one cares whether SG is a mixture of social-democratic country, no one cares if they are kiasu and certainly no one care if the Malays in SG is marginalised. What investors care about is whether the country's politic is stable, their manpower is skilled and their government is rich.

In the eyes of the world, Malaysia is notorious and synonymous for corruption, incompetent government, unwilling to change, lack of skilled workers or low quality skilled workers, secretive government, weak judiciary system, lazy civil service workforce, weak prosecution department, lack of transparency government,Minister who go on Al-Jazeera, cant speak F english and couldnt even argue with a girl, etc etc etc.

Tell me anything good about Malaysia please. Make me happy. For all we know, the very foundation which breeds corruption and lies which this administration has openly practice may forever be a cornerstone of our Malaysian way of life. How sad, how sad.

Someday where Malaysia is completely turned around, people are going to dig around for the truth and the ugly truth will come out. At that time, all the previous glorified leaders will be stripped of their honour and left with nothing but mockeries attached to their names.

By pak jack on September 15, 2010 10:56 PM

SAlam Ayahanda Tun, good write up.. any formula for MALAY TO BE SUPREMEd. how to remove the bad hats and talibarut in UMNO??

By noname44 on September 15, 2010 10:21 PM

What I see from this article is you telling lie. Singapore Malays are living better than Malaysia Malays. This is fact and truth.

By mohd_uda on September 15, 2010 10:14 PM

I've studied history in school but how come never been told this important part of history?

By aragorn on September 15, 2010 10:06 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

I just came back from a holiday in Pulau Pinang. Along the stroll, I saw the traces of historical buildings. I counted, along Jalan Gurney along, nearly 20 lots of mansion (that must have been owned by the kapitans in the 1800s). History speaks for itself!! For decades (all thanks to the British rule and divide policy), the Chinese have gained strong foothold on the economy. And with their foot in the economy, they leave no piece of cake for others to share.

And from my observation, the Malays are living by the edge of the island. Detached from the urban area. Living in a small kampungs,in wooden houses. And in this are too, the DAP want to exterminate any trace of the Malays and to eliminate the 70 years of historical Malay village.

And the Chinese are saying the Malays are taking it all?!! The Chinese are the most ungrateful beings. Fully absorb in their own concoction of race supremacy.

And some Chinese still have the thoughts of saying the Malays are pendatang? And that the Malay race doesn't exist? Long before the colonisation, the Malay archipelago stretched far from the Pagar Ruyung, Sumatera up till the Philippines island. The Malays are not pendatang! These

archipelago is our land. Our homeland. Our motherland. For this very reason, we are staying true and loyal to our motherland.

I don't hate Chinese. It's their attitude that I hate. And I am not racist, off this comment, I observe a person not by race but by individuality.

And to LKY, you can fool the world by trying to change the facts and bending history to suit your taste but the truth will never change and it will prevail even more.

Salam Aidilfitri Tun, I pray to Allah that you will always be blessed with good health and may Allah shower you with His grace. You are the last of the leader that the Malay can still trust and follow your lead.

By Overseas expat on September 15, 2010 8:59 PM

Dear Tun,

Since you said that the Singaporean Malays are suffering in Singapore, why are they still in Singapore? I am sure all of the unhappy Malays there would have moved to Malaysia by now after more than 35 years suffering?

And, you sincerely know what actually happened on 13 May 1969, that was covered up.... Datuk Harun.

By anakbudu3 on September 15, 2010 8:08 PM

Asalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun & Bonda,

please allow me

at one stage, i became 'frozen' when i read through lky's view -'a very polarized Malaysia, Malays, Chinese and Indians in separate schools, living separate lives and not really getting on with one another' but then i asked myself, who in the first place let this happened and why is this still going on? was it the choice of the malays? or the chinese? or the indians? who made the decision to keep this go on and on? all of us?!!

you see, at the primary level, the pupils are separated. many come together at the secondary level. then some still be together at the varsity level. but see how many more go separate ways to private secondary & high schools? private institutions? private universities? the government is trying hard to bring people together through education that caters for all but some parties are taking it away from the children. they put the children at vernacular schools...where is the ending?

two different ends will never meet. i mean, at one hand, we want to be united but on the other hand,..we are still separated by the vernacular schools system. so i'm in the opinion with many other viewers & bloggers that 1school-for-all should be implemented if we want to exercise unity. start with that first. the rest will be at its place if all of us are sincere...unity cannot be delayed!!!

and this really fascinates me, "We made quite sure whatever your race, language or religion, you are an equal citizen and we’ll drum that into the people and I think our Chinese understand and

today we have an integrated society. Our Malays are English-educated, they’re no longer like the Malays in Malaysia and you can see there are some still wearing headscarves but very modern looking.”

see how when indoctrinated, again and again, people would start to believe in it. lky propagated to his people that they are equally treated but in many ways the malays are not at the same level as the chinese, then indian, in s'pore. the malays are the minority & they have no choice but to accept what has been told by the government. they have to live & die with it. can they make a change to the condition? no way! read what other s'pore malays have to say besides very few successful malays whom we used to see commenting here.

this is the same in our country. you tell people every day that malaysia is in a dire state, they will start to feel shaky. that's why we should learn from both sides of the story. do not fall into the trap. unlike the s'pore malays, we have the chance to make a change but please make sure that we do not lose our right in making so.

a very simple thinking of lky putting the s'pore malays as educated just because they speak some english & looking very modern while still wearing headscarves!!! so, we dont have this in malaysia, eh?

you're totally wrong gunse007!!! who killed the malays mercilessly by burning them to death in a cinema & many died unable to escape???!!! who brought along the brooms while marching to sweep away the malays? please read the history again gunse! and you too, clear conscience! you are wrong if you regard what this 'lingam mabuk todi' rambles along in this 'self-made-nothing-to-do buo-goon video' has something to do with Tun. my question, who was at the end of the line? do you know, for sure there was somebody?. imagine if a drunkard uses your name to get attention from people who were watching him (happenned to be buo-goon & his father) as he was 'somebody' in the picture & he is claiming that you were at the other end interacting to him whereas you were not there at all!! would you admit it to have happened??? i guess you would also cry out fouls! please dont be so blind to see the drama set up to tarnish Tun's name. the people directly involved are happily getting away with the baseless accusations (and alot of maney for selling the crap!!) while we are still making assumptions of what really had happened.

Wasaalam Ayahnda Tun & Bonda. May God bless both of you & the respected visitors...

just my brain wave...

By nswamy on September 15, 2010 7:59 PM


It is important to keep this an arguement and rightfully said by you based on Facts.

LKY 's premise is if we used Meritrocratic principles , Malaysia would have been the richer for itself. One Absolute Statement , not considering circumstances and times they live in which is evolving.

Tun, Yours is Malay's have a parity issues, other bumiputra's lumped in. Think carefully otherwise the chinese will take over. Again absolute statements

Lets Understand the Malaysian's of chinese descent - now in atleast 3rd generation and a lot of them into the upto 7 th Generation and Malaysian of Indian Descent are all have high drives. Thanks to the so called affarmative action they either have end ed up far in front or far behind.. we have a few of them stuck in the middle with a lot of Malay stuck largely in between In terms of Will for survival , unfortunely if we kept the pendatang bumiputra equation you will keep getting results that you have now..

Now what LKY is saying , based on today scenarios should be making more sense. Peter Ferdinand Druker wrote in his Book - Managing in 21 st Century "Dr M invited me in the 1990's to look at the conditions of Malays, getting parents to keep kids in school and thriving on thenceforth. My immediate observation of a standard malay in kampung told me the had land , chooks, and govt affarmative why work. Why do they need to earn the keep" This is man respected as the father of management consulting.

so Tun M, there may minor points about Being Turfed out etc but really the purpot is unless you created policies that are economically viable, sustainable, market sensible and people who are driven to upkeep the ethos ,you have a problem at hand . Clearly Malaysia has a problem. Old methods need heavy revamping if not clear restructure. Preaching Partisan politics maybe you way of preserving the Old, something of a Roman Empayer, Putrajaya sort of thing..however the world is leaving you behind, Otherwise you will have more and more young people be in whichever race seeking oppurtunties elsewhere, This has happend in Many places before eg Ireland, in West Bengal and Kerala. The last 2 spots have had some of the higest litrecy rates in the world. Later at one stage the People returned to Ireland and they phenomal growth in late 90's. Today they have problems of heavy borrowing another capital problem

In any case, being driven, being thrift has never hurt any one or any country. When your policies do not mould such people you have no chance in hell. Seriously Spore has a lot to show in terms of a seriously educated world class city with no resources...what has Malaysia to show. Go On blowing your pipe, in time to come the Malays themselves will ask the Dr M , the father of Malaysian Modernization was also the father of Malaysian Destruction. I cite Malay , because you seriously do not care for Malaysia overall do you? Or in fact do you even care for Malay. It is your political-socio believe your are contending - that structure is crumbling , really unsustainable. You have to ask why . to Rest of Malaysians , now from a x Malaysian choose PR in the next election , create a two party system, revive NGO, Unions. Creating an ability to have dialogue question the leaders. Change PR to other options if they do not perform deliver, Do this and survive as a Develop mind that exhibits a developed country and continuing developing. Develop Dr M and Perkasa..well that will be another story awaiting to be told and i won't bet my money on that one

By fasdeen on September 15, 2010 6:48 PM

One of commenter say malaysia have first class and second class citizens. I do not find anything wrong on this.

Even Singapore also have but it doing it behind the scene.

By TCY on September 15, 2010 6:24 PM

Dear Dr.M, instead of going into the semantics of what constitutes racialism, it is more useful to measure Malaysia and Singapore's progress in every field since 1965, when Singapore was "turfed out" with no resources, with nothing to survive on. I can think of many aspects where today's Singapore is renowned to be way above/better than Malaysia, but I can hardly think of any single aspect in which the discerning neutral observor will say that Malaysia is better. Just look at the crime, corruption, debt ratio, GDP/capita, you name it. Are you seriously saying that Singapore is badly governed all these years in comparison to Malaysia ?

By Syed Akbar Ali on September 15, 2010 5:51 PM

Dear Tun,

What surprises me most is Lee Kuan Yew abolished Chinese language education in Singapore. There was only one Chinese language University in the whole of South East Asia which was Nanyang University. Lee Kuan Yew got rid of it and made it part of the National University of Singapore or NUS. There are no more Chinese schools in Singapore at all. There are also no more Tamil schools in Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew abolished them all. I believe we should have done this too, abolished vernacular education in Malaysia and stuck to one school system only. It is still not too late to do this.

Syed Akbar Ali

By nahar on September 15, 2010 4:27 PM

Apa khabar Tun, bertemu lagi.

Ketuanan orang Melayu di S’pura telah hilang. Tanah air nenek moyang mereka telah bertukar tuan. Tuan baru yang asalnya pendatang telah mendominasi tampuk kuasa. Kini orang Melayu S’pura seperti Melukut di Tepi Gantang. Itu lah pencapaian yang dicapai hasil slogan yang dilaung-laungkan oleh LKY sejak 50 tahun yang lalu.

Semasa kemerdekaan dari British dan menyertai Malaysia, hak ketuanan Melayu telah ditentukan bahawa tampuk ketua Negara mistilah orang Melayu, yang mana Yang di Pertuan Negara(Yusof bin Ishak, berasal dari Taiping adalah YTN dan Presiden S’pre pertama) sebagai tampuk ketua Negara .

Apabila S’pore keluar Malaysia dan menjadi sebuah republik, jawatan YTN ditukar kepada Presiden. Tetapi apabila PAP berkuasa ketentuan tersebut diketepikan dan perlembagaan dipinda.

Apakah keadaan yang sama akan berlaku di P.Pinang dan kemudianya akan disusuli tampuk pemerintahan diMalaysia?. Apakah akan berubah dan ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia akan lesap di telan zaman seperti yang berlaku di S’pura.???.

Jika Melayu masih dalam keadaan tidak sedarkan diri, maka akan terima lah nasib tersebut seperti mana saudaranya di S’pura yang telah menjadi Melukut di Tepi Gantang. Peribumi di Malaysia akan hilang ketuanannya dan menjadi Melukut di Tepi Gantang di Tanah Air sendiri jika kuasa dan hak ketuanan itu bertukar tangan pada orang lain.

Wahai Melayu pertahankan lah hak dan ketuanan mu itu agar tidak dirampas orang lain, yang kelak akan memalukan anak cucu mu di kemudian hari. Kelak jangan ada Melayu sendiri yang memperlekehkan hak ketuanan Melayu ini.

Ada puak kononnya tidak setuju tentang istilah ketuanan Melayu, mereka canangkan perlu ditukar atas nama Islam bukan atas dasar bangsa(itu semua orang tahu la, tak payah qhoyak pun). Entah apa lah jenis Melayu yang semacam ini(siapa lagi PAS la) sebab puak ni, dia tak akui diri dia tu Melayu. Jadi mereka ni bangsa apa agak nya.?? Mungkin mereka ini asal dari planet lain kut...!!!

Biarlah Si Luncai Terjun dengan labu-labunya.

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tq Tun.

By wannabe on September 15, 2010 4:16 PM

Salam ayahanda Tun,

I was a seafarer in the 80's, I remember meeting an old lady who claimed she was LKY's Law lecturer while waiting for the train at the London Kings Cross Railway Station. We talked about so many things about LKY as her favorite student.

It was rather interesting to note that when she recalled LKY told her that his real ambitions was to have his very own country. He really was Singapore's Prime Minister which made her feels very very proud indeed.

Just to share my brief encounter which relates to LKY's life event. Have a nice day ayahanda Tun and thank you again for allowing my post to be shared by all.

By anak johor on September 15, 2010 3:55 PM

Salam Tun!

Saya adalah seorang indu malaysia, di sini saya ingin berkongsi penggalaman saya di singapura dan juga di malaysia.Iaitu negeri cina singapura sendirian berhad.Mr.Lee kata tak da racis kat negara itu?kepala otak dia tak da rasic dia 100 kali ganda lebih teruk dari Tun.Negeri comnis yang tak nampak,saya bergalaman berkerja sebagai anggota polis trafic di negara itu walau pun saya adalah seorang warga negara malaysia,saya ada penggalaman yang pahit sekali dalam hidupan saya pada masa itu.saya masih ingat team trafic kami telah kena tanggap dengan alasan menggambil rasuah jumlah anggota kami 32 orang.28 orang adalah rakyat singapura berbangsa

melayu, 2 adalah rakyat sabah(cina()dan 3 adalah rakyat semenajung malaysia(indu) termasuh saya.Yang sebenarnya yang menggambil rasuah 10 anggota yang berpangkat sarjan keatas,tapi kami yang hanya lance copral di paksa menggaku semua salah yang di bacakan oleh pegawai rasuah mereka(CIB)walaupun takda bukti,di kerana tak tahan seksa oleh pegawai penyisat rasuah di negara itu, ramai rakan saya (melayu)berkata dengan saya "ini singgapura bukan malaysia kalau kita tak buat salah pun mengaku sahaja lah"berikutnya ramai rakan-rakan saya telah menggaku salah yang tak buat itu,dan mengambil hukuman selama enam bulan hingga 9 bulan di penjara negara itu.saya heran sangat dengan perangai melayu kat sana yang cukup takut dan tak berani nak pertahankan diri sendiri walaupun mereka tak buat kesalahan itu,tapi saya lain kan! anak malaysia yang cukup berani mati, oleh itu saya berfikir untuk lawan balik dengan kerajaan itu maka saya melantih seorang peguam yang di namakan SINGA MAKKAMAH yang bernama EN.Subas Anandan....nama ja singa makkamah tapi kat dalam makkamah serupa ayam betina,saya di arahkan bayar semua yuran peguaman sebelum bicara di jalankan iaitu lebih kurang S 20,00.00ribu.bila masa bicara peguam itu menasihat saya supaya menggaku sahaja kesalahan rasuah itu dan dia juga kata mereka ada bukti yang kukuh.saya tertawa dengan peguam itu lalu berkata jika mereka ada bukti suruh mereka tunjuk, tapi peguam itu kata kat singapura lain kalau team awak ada 10 orang disahkan ambil rasuah berherti semua angota adalah terbabit. lihat Tun! undang undang manakah mereka ikut kan undang-undang comnis itu...ok..saya juga tak setuju dengan nasihat peguam itu,dan saya suruh dia lawan sahaja. pada masa itu saya duduk di kandang makkamah tapi Peguam itu kata susah nak lawan kes ini sebab kes ini, dengan alasan kes ini lebih besar dari kas bunuh..he.he..he..lagi pun penguam itu nasihat saya,iaitu di juga kenal dengan Tuan hakim jadi dia boleh bincang dengan Hakim supaya dapatkan hukuman yang rendah selam 6 bulan.Saya dah rasa marah dan saya kata kalau saya sanggup ambil hukuman 6 bulan tak perlu melantih lowyer. memang standat 6 bulan itu minima hukuman singapura, sebab saya ada lebeh penggalaman sebagai aggota polis di negara itu.jadi saya ambil keputusan lawan tetap lawan sebab saya tidak bersalah lagipun saya rasa marah sangat dengan kerajaan itu,iatu semasa pegawai rasuah menyiasat saya, bukan saja mereka seksakan saya malah mereka juga menggutuk Tun dan Anwar ibrahim yang pada masa itu PM dan timbalanya,barang kali mereka kata Tun sebagai mulut besar dan timbalanya sebagai kaki main bontut,saya tidak dapat terima bila seorang pegawai cina kata,jika orang malaysia jumpa 1 dollar kat dalam tahi, pun mesti ambil.satu lagi cina kata Your all counry are corrapted dont tell me that you never receaved any money from the puplic even now my county malay admid their took,so beter you just admid you as a malaysian lagipun mereka kata saya,sebagai orang malaysia sepatutnya tak boleh pakai lencana negara itu,bukan saya suka sangat nak pakai,sebab itu undang-undang negara mereka, sebab cina sana semuanya sudah jadi pondan(GAY)jadi dia orang tak dapat orang nak kerja sebagai polis sebab itu mereka nak pakai orang malaysia,lagipun singapura itu kepunyaan malayu, bukanya kepunyaan cina comnis.ok..sekarang saya datang kat makkamah,saya lawan habis-habis lalu saya juga menang dengan kes itu,pada masa itu saya juga percaya di singapura pun ada keadilan tapi kerajaan mereka tak senang hati,lalu seorang dari pegawai CIB berkata mereka tetap akan mohon kes itu di makkamah Supprem nanti lagi-lagi pun kesemua 31 anggota telah manggaku salah dan menggambil hukuman kecuali saya sebagai anak malaysia telah menang kes itu.selepas mereka mohon kes itu di supreme hakim besar sinapura satu lagi tauke comnis kata kes ini tetap mesti charge balik,apa lagi peguam saya minta lagi s30.000 ribu dengan alasan kes itu adalah besar.saya pun ambil keputusan muktamat selepas fikir negara itu adalah negara comnis dan balik ke malaysia untuk buat perniaggan sendiri di tanah air saya.selepas 7 tahun seorang peggawai BPR Johor yang berbangsa keling telah memujuk saya

datang kat pejabat dengan alasan,minta bagi stadment yang saya buat aduan menggenai seorang ahli politic MIC yang bersubahat dengan rasuah ,dengan cara cakap baik melalui talipon saya pun datang ke pejabat BPR johor yang terletak kat tingkat 14 Wisma persekutuan Johor Bahru.selepas saya hadir di pejabatnya pegawai keling itu yang di kenali En.Rajes lalu dia juga tahan saya dengan alasan saya ada waran tanggap di singapura lalu di juga terus gari tanggan saya lalu colek saya ke singapura tanpa pengetaan ahli kelurga dan kawan-kawan saya.selepas saya tiba di singpura pegawai keling itu menyerahkan saya dengan pengawai di negara itu.saya juga di tanya oleh pegawai sana"buat apa u datang sini kami tak perlukan you lagi lagi pun kes ini dah 7 tahun waran tanggap hanya hidup selama 6 tahun sahaja" Lihat lah Tun apa yang terjadi kepada seorang insan yang biasa di Negara kita? ok...di singapura pula dia orang kata selagi you dah datang ke singapura, kami tak akan lepas kitu sahaja nanti you akan sued kami. jadi you tak perlu lantih lowyer lagi dan membazir ja duit baik menggaku salah dan ambil hukuman 6 bulan semuanya akan selesai..I say ok lah dan duduk kat dalam penjara singapura selama 6 bulan balik tanpa passport sebab masuk kat negara itu tanpa passport(kena colek)oleh pegawai keling malaysia,saya juga kena bend masuk ke negara itu seumur,takpa lah saya pun tak minat nak masuk kat negara itu tapi duit CPF dia tak nak pulang,dia kata umur 55 baru boleh ambil.kalau saya umur 55 pun tak boleh masuk kat negara itu juga,pulang aja lah duit saya.mereka tak perlu saya tapi duit saya mereka perlu. ok..selepas saya balik kat malaysia semua perniaan yang saya buat dahulu itu sudah pun hancur pedagai dan isteri dan anak balik kat rumah bapak mereka....sekarang jawap Tun.macam ini ke seorang rakyat biasa kena derita oleh kerajaan singapura,dengan undang-undang comnis. mereka tak layak nak sindek negara kita .SALAM TUN!

By TuaCheng on September 15, 2010 3:53 PM

It is quite funny, looking at your response to MMinister Lee.

After 45years of separation, yet you still blame our problem was caused by Singapore & MM Lee.

Why cant we admit, during BN ruling, BN failed to resolve some inequality and achieving 30% equity as per NEP claimed.

Similarly as a bigger brother then Singapore, we fail to beat them in business, efficiency, integrity and development.

Singapore is clearly corruption culture are minimal. While Malaysia, are quite notorious.

Nobody can shame us, unless we let people shame us. So if we are polarized, don't blame others. I find, there are more unity in Singapore. Everyones speak English and all of them are rated base on their best capability.

So far no bangunan runtuh or paip bocor in newly built buildings. Look at Putrajaya.

By Riza Ahmad on September 15, 2010 2:46 PM

Dear Tun And Readers,

Living in comfort makes people stay i.e. no change. Everything moves towards equilibrium. So, when it is not balanced, people will make changes to survive. There are reasons for every change. Check the roots whenever the leaves turn yellow...

By amin tan on September 15, 2010 2:02 PM

Dear Tun,

Generally speaking the Chinese are better in Mathematics, worldly and more materialistic than the Malays. These are their characteristics. The Malays are more easy going and most importantly muslims. What Lee Kuan Yew said about the Malays controlling the military, police, judiciary and civil service is true. It is nobody's faults really. Everybody tries to find their own level. The Chinese want to be rich and naturally they go into business. Doing business means profit maximization, try to grab everything from every angle. Predators. In the long run, the poor immigrants decendents make it through their single minded goal of making money, solely worldly. Duniawi semata2 like Lee Kuan Yew.

The Chinese and Malays can coexist and live peacefully in prosperity and tolerance without having to be negative, hostile and beligerent towards one another. The Malays should try their best to dakwah the Chinese like the Prophet did to his enemies.

Lee Kuan Yew is a brilliant man, like Abu Hakam during the time of Prophet Mohammad. Inspite doa by the Prophet, he remained non believer and Rasullullah nicknamed him Abu Jahal, The Ignorant. May I suggest Tun Mahathir dakwah to Mr Lee Kuan Yew to convert to Islam. Present to him a copy of English translation of Quran. If he still do not have hidayah, at least we have done our part.

If Mr Lee Kuan Yew becomes muslim, it is equavalent to Abu Sufian conversion to Islam, before the fall of Mekah into Muslims' hands. Thus surah Al Falah. No joke.

amin tan

By Kak Long SJ on September 15, 2010 1:57 PM

Dearest Tun,

I have been to Singapore numerous times. Most times had talked to the taxi drivers, mostly Chinese. You’ll be surprised how appalling their thoughts on the authoritarian and selfish kind of rule in the country. No freedom of expression and economy controlled by the ruling family. They too felt the hypocrisy of Singapore, not only the minority other races..


By musato on September 15, 2010 1:49 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Datuk Zam dalam buku Dr Mahathir disebalik tabir kata Tun Mahathir silap,tak cerdik sebab tak pegang jawatan lepas jadi PM.Tapi LKY cerdik sebab jadi Menteri Mentor S'pore lepas jadi PM.

Tapi tajuk ruangan artikel Datuk Zam dalam Utusan dah tukar jadi 'Masa itu sudah berlalu' dengan gambar mesin taip lama.

Jadi harap-harap LKY tak buat silap yang sama macam Tun Mahathir.Jangan fikir anda tua.Tolong jangan mati atau amnesia.Teruskan perjuangan anda.Ha Ha Ha...

Best menuruti baca karangan Datuk Zam yang penuh dengan pengalaman kewartawannya.

Terima kasih Tun.

By Adam on September 15, 2010 1:46 PM

Just to inform that, if your FB is blocked, it was not from YAHUDI or anything, it was because of some KIASAU leaders that we have in our soils reported you. lol.

Like I said, they cant be 'wrong', unlike the Japanese who admits defeat and start once again, the...*coughs* you know who, cant be wrong at all! I have to suggest one special post for them then.. start with G..

By Halu on September 15, 2010 1:23 PM

Dear Tun, Stop blaming. Malaysia is not the 1st year or 10yrs independence. It's 53 years for god sake!! Now it's still a failure in managing the country. And YOU!!! TAKE 22 years of ruling the country. And your result? SAME!! Is not u do the best last time. Is because u control the media well. That time, the internet usage, email, blog is not popular among the malaysian. Thus u can hide your darkest face and reveal your fakest angel face to us. U r sick for blaming LKY. I think bottom of your heart, u scare him like a mouse meet a cat.

By krishna on September 15, 2010 1:14 PM

malaysians are not been taught the full history of our country.

the communists were very powerful in the late 1940s and 1950s. They had to be defeated and the british colonial govt finally succeeded in defeating the communist with the help of Tunku who was smart in mobilising the people of malaysia in a democratic manner. in order to get the support of chinese and indian communities, Tunku had to offer them citizenship otherwise these 2 communities would have no reason to support Tunku against the communists.

Lee Kuan Yew and the PAP party are made up of urbanised and westernised city slickers while the majority of malaysians were rural folks in the 1960s. this is sure recipe for quarrels.

Tunku was wise to let singapore go in its own way as malaysia socio economic development was the urgent and pressing need of malaysia esp rural malays. it cannot afford racial strife. yet may 13 happened.

The genesis of PAP laying the seeds of racial strife while it was part of malaysia between 1963 and 1965 is quite true despite PAPs vehement opposition.

the DAP,PPP and Gerakan parties in the late 60s was different than they are now. lets call that they ahve evolved or matured.




By 6 Jahanam on September 15, 2010 1:12 PM

Much seen You are not afraid of reporters interview. I have seen you in TV,being intervier live and you are vey much capable of facing it. LKY is different, He made sure he get the questions first, prepare and keeping his image kiasuly.Never seen him,braves to handle truth.He make sure everything is prepared.

What a show if you could openly debate with him live, no censor,no threats,let,s the truth reveals. And not forgeting the rational neswcastor. Not from mediacorp,not from RTM,probably from Al Jazeera.

By dasdas on September 15, 2010 1:10 PM

salam tun, great to read your rebuttal of that apek claim. he is nothing compared to you. take care tun

By Daniel on September 15, 2010 12:51 PM

Greetings Tun,

I am a Malaysian Chinese, and if what you have said about LKY is true enough, then Singapore does not deserve so much respect, but they are still mightier in terms of wealth and technology. We must not do the opposite of Singapore, if Singapore is a Chinese extremist country, we on the other hand should learn and implement a more common stance. It is not that if Singapore is a sidelines the Malays, in Malaysia we should side-line the non Malay. Malaysians talk too much and do too little.An example, UM ranking has fallen, the top officials instead of taking blame and seek improvement, said, we shuld not be obsessed with the ranking. This is the attitude of the top officials? Please stop all this racial topic, and start producing result. For instance, your NEP has failed, vision 2020 seems far reached. After given you the time an dyet you still failed Tun, why not give others a chance to try to change the system. If within this timeframe, we failed, then we shall go back to the drawing board, and try other options. Malaysia is founded on diverse background of population. This is our stregth, althugh this may sound lame, as mentioned always. However, being diversed is definately better than being one of a kind. Everyone in Malaysia has to be professional and ready to discuss matters of races and religion with others in a diplomatic and professional manner. We have to, be able to critise and accept

critism, and not just critise and protest. I don't understnad why you are continuing to spread this racial based politics, with your comments, and posts, and association with PERKASA. There are many things going on around the country which does not make sense, and the people on top assumed, everyone is so dumb to believe in it. Even as mentioned in the comment earlier, the lingam case NFA no futher action, the top notch assumed no one remembers it, and is as dumb, as to accept that. Why not we all just shut up, and work to produce the result, start by opening up the education system, education should be free to all policy in Malaysia. this will leapfrog our research and education. I like the Malays, and Indians. let us just SHUT UP and start working, don't play racial politics, just SHUT UP!

By matanahair on September 15, 2010 12:45 PM

Dear Dr. M,

1. I was born and raise during your era of administration.

You ruled this country well overall, but we still have LOTS to be improved.

2. Ya, you can claim the newer generation don't appreciate peace (that's your claim only) in actual fact, we see news from Youtube, Internet,,, etc. We see war, we see peace. We would like to compare ourselves for betterment, we are not interested to compare ourselve with Monster.

From information these days, we dont need ppl tell us what to appreciate, what not. Information now adays are overflow, and it has trained us to be able to think independently, Don't you worry of our mentality, don't you undermine Malaysians. - Aren't we live in BOLEH-land initiated by you, crafted by Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing?!

3. There are certain things which you need to admit: after 1999 election, after you get the support from Chinese, which they think you deserve the support. They "Su Kiu" (petition) from you, you name them "communist". They dont like to be labeled "Communist" just like Muslim don't like to be label "terrorist"

4. You basically can remember most of the incidents during your tenure, EXCEPT the Court Case of Lingam. You forget everything. Do you have SELECTIVE memory problem? or you really choose to be that way?

5. You gave a promise that there is no censorship of internet. But in your previous blog, you TRY to influence censorship of internet by using porn as an EXCUSE, this is the beginning (later leads to blog censorship). The new generation of M'sian doesn't really trust what BN say.(cakap tak serupa bikin). New Generation know your AGENDA, and these days they read between the lines, and they think INDEPENDENTLY.

6. Go read the "I, too, am Malay" - but i doubt you read this kind of book, you said you like light-hearted fiction. And IF you do read, compare it with your "malay dillemma". Maybe you will find what is the real definition of RACIST - or Malay Ultra as claimed by LKY

7. Dear Dr. M, we loved you UNTIL you start talking about all the above, and start turning yourself from a charming PM to a ULTRA RACIST.

8. Putting ONLY race first, infact you can encourage Race Relation Act and enforce it, isn't this BOLEH Land? we see how little you are as compared to other world leaders (exclude Bush, Blair, we all know you hate them).

Finally, you live in fear. WHAT'S your fear??

Do you think other race has nothing else better to do than to take over M'sia and SCREW UP their own country? (while there are more than 1mil illegals immigrants, another 1 - 2 milions given citizenship - fr Philipines, Indonesia etc) to make more of so called Malay? We dont define Malay that way.

By difefu on September 15, 2010 12:45 PM

Dear Tun,

Singapore joined Malaya, Malaysia became Malay"SI"a. Singapore turfed from Malaysia, why is it still called Malay"SI"a? Could it be that the old generations still hope for a reunion?

Why can the european have no borders yet we small countries have? Maybe you seniors can do something good for both countries, before you migrate upstairs.

Sit down, relax and talk. Remove the checkpoints, block the two narrow ends of the Straits of Johor, remove the sea water in between. Make it MEGA project! Create JOBS! Make joint development there and let the people of both countries FLOW FREELY. We can INTEGRATE economically, and become a strong and influential twin-nations in the world, and serve as a role model for many countries.

Just some of my wildest dreams..

By Kadok on September 15, 2010 12:37 PM

Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,

Sebahagian besar perjuangan LKY daripada tarikh hendak merdekanya Malaya adalah untuk British disamping untuk kaumnya sendiri. Tidak nampak pun tindak tanduknya untuk kebaikan bangsa Melayu.

Penghinaan setiap harinya kepada bangsa Melayu didalam Dewan Rakyat Malaya dengan mengatakan bangsa Melayu adalah dari kaum yang tidak bertamaddun dan disokong pula oleh rakan rakyat Australianya mengatakan kaum melayu adalah berasal dari keturunun lanun. Sentimen2 penghinaan ini adalah salah satu agenda nya untuk membawa Singapura keluar daripada Malaya. Dia berjaya membawa Singapura keluar daripada Malaya sambil menangis kegembiraan (sedih kononnya)dihadapan kamera RTM. Tetapi sehingga kini, topengnya masih mengatakan pemimpin Melayu yang zalim dan racist sehingga sanggup menghalau keluar Singapura daripada Malaya.

LKY bukanlah seorang pemimpin yang besar pada pandangan bangsa Melayu. Ianya hanya diwar-warkan sebagai pemimpin yang hebat oleh media dan kerajaan Barat yang berkepentingan di bumi ini.

Sehingga kini hajat bangsa Melayu semenjak dahulu lagi yang ingin meruntuhkan Tambak Johor itu masih lagi belum kesampaian.

Sehingga bila agaknya Melayu lanun dan tidak bertamaddun ini akan berdiri gagah meruntuhkan Tambak Johor..

By pakbelalang on September 15, 2010 12:24 PM

Dear Tun,

Di bawah adalah petikan akhbar kenyataan Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha.

Kong: Links with extremist groups won’t help Barisan

PETALING JAYA: Barisan Nasional will fail to win public support through its association with extremist or xenophobic groups as the coalition needs the mandate from all ethnic groups, said MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha.


Even if BN (UMNO) does not associate itself with extremist groups the public particularly among the Chinese have shown their inclination not to support BN. So it makes no difference. The results of the last election and by-elections indicate a clear trend that particularly the Chinese support for BN is slowly dwindling.

The MCA should direct its energy to convince the Chinese to support BN. What else the Chinese want? They have everything they want in this country. This country is peaceful, stable and prosperous under BN rule for the past 50 years. The Chinese think they can be more comfortable if there is a change in government. They are DEAD WRONG !!! Make no mistake about it. Lets reflect and be realistic in assessing the current political scenario. You may think that there could be greener pasture if there is a change in government but I think it is just a dream which will never materialise. It would only be just a pipedream!!!

People may think that I am a strong BN supporter but based on logic, I personally feel that currently there is no credible alternative to make me feel comfortable for a change in government.

Some people may have different opinion but it is alright for me to have different views.

By sivarajah arasu on September 15, 2010 12:08 PM

Sir, At the end of the day,its the results that matter and we can clearly see where Singapore is today viv a vis Malaysia from all angles,be it economic,race relations,stability,wealth etc.On all counts,malaysia is behind.Why??They must have done something right and we have not.

By joehenry on September 15, 2010 11:50 AM

Tun, LKY's tendency to betray his comrades is well known. He betrayed his Communist comrades in the early part of his political career. Later, he betrayed Tunku after agreeing with Tunku not to send his men to contest in Peninsular Malaysia. He also betrayed the Chinese in Peninsular Malaysia by agreeing to take Singapore out of Malaysia to satisfy his itch to become

an emperor. He also betrayed his father and his own principles. He used to bar the setting up of casino in Singapore on the ground that he did not want Singapore to suffer from social ills created by compulsive gamblers like his father. But when he noticed that Macao's economy was performing well after the setting up of a few casinos there, he changed his mind and now claims that his decision barring the setting up of casino in Singapore was wrong. This shows that he will not stop at anything in order to do anything according to his whims and fancies. It is completely preposterous for someone to believe that a society lead by leaders like him who is a bigot and who cannot work with anyone else can produce a more stable society.

By Ramli Ismail on September 15, 2010 10:52 AM

So we are back bickering about the marginalization of Singapore Malays? The reason Singapore Malays are silent is not because any form of dissent has been suppressed. We are silent because there is nothing to complain about. LKY's meritocracy worked. My God, have you all been? Come stay in Singapore in our HDB heartlands and see for yourself! Btw, talk about Malays in the SAF is stale. There are now more Malay senior officers in the SAF than ever before. We even have a Malay General who used to head the Commandos.

By Hj M Zin, A Gajah on September 15, 2010 10:43 AM

As Salam'kum & interesting scenario YAB Tun,

"Race relations better if Singapore not turfed out?" Are we to learn from MM Mr Lee, and bring in more immigrants to sustain meritocracy/ race, huhuh?

"Singaporeans have become 'less hard-driving and hard-striving.' This is why it is a good thing the MM says, that the nation has welcomed so many Chinese immigrants." (25 percent of the population is now foreign-born) -- January 2010 issue of National Geographic

(Hj M Zin, PERKIM Melaka)

By pakpandir08 on September 15, 2010 10:36 AM

It happened again, this week the topic from Tun is to hate the chinese ...

Singapore chinese is Singapore chinese, not relevant to Malaysia chinese .... not sure why Tun always like to make use of Singapore to scare the Malaysian about chinese in Malaysia ....

If everyone is irresponsible like Tun, i think people will relate terrorist with Muslim, which is actually WRONG.

May be Tun is bullied by a chinese boy during childhood, which is the reason for the situation today .... full of hates ...

By cokangla on September 15, 2010 10:25 AM

Dear Tun,

I totally agreed with al-zarqawi view,tq al-zarqawi, me myself an ex-malay-muslim-singaporean with own eyes & ears have seen or heard the 'silent malay discrimination' that are being played in singapore.

i urged the blind malays in malaysia to thoroughly see the developments of malays in singapore and ask this question :- -how many malay(s) that are represented in the singapore parliament? -how many are the percentage of economy slice that the malays are holding in singapore? -are there a 'ceiling' position for the malays in the singapore arm force or police force?

finally if you are a malay in malaysia, ask yourself if you want your grand children to live in an environment like singapore?

By non partisan on September 15, 2010 10:19 AM


May I correct your prejudice statement. The recent BN political party is the failure, not Malaysia and Gov. Comparatively by geographic and cultural scale, Singapore is not in any league with Malaysia. Don't tell me a tiny island with autocratic leadership of majority chinese ethnic have the same parameter with multicultural, states and racial as Malaysia.

We are extremely bored with singaporian zealots citizen boosting artificial snobbish over Malaysian. I've been working with few singaporean before and my findings their kiasu is more of specialties over perfections in performance.Their so-called perfectionist outcome is either overrated or much of advertisement hype.

Spend more of your time worries the "Bubble of Singapore artificial stability". Singapore might be the next scam shit in SEA just like Greece in europe because they will never be alike Japan neither Israel in terms of economy and military.And at least Tun Mahathir produce more variances opinions citizens rather then a bunch of helpless zealots breed of LKY regimes- flock of sheep dependent and easily to be fooled by the master.

Yet I do respect Lee Kuan Yew as much as Tun. You'll did your best.

By milshah on September 15, 2010 10:14 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun and Selamat Hari Raya,

I wonder why all these years LKY was not labeled an ultra Chinese. In the end, that is what Singapore has become, Singapore's population is made up of 75 per cent Chinese and they own 95 per cent of the economy. If Malaysia were to apply the same rule, then by right the Malays which made 60 per cent of Malaysia's population should at least own 80 per of the economy. But of course, in Malaysia we are very generous, we let the minority own the economy. Of course this generosity is never looked upon by anyone.

Now, Perkasa is being labeled as ultra or extremist. Why is it Perkasa is being labeled ultra when all Perkasa is doing is defending the rights of the bumiputras as written in the constitution? Was it not the foundation for the formation of UMNO in 1946 if not to the defend the Malay rights? Has UMNO strayed so far from its original struggle?

Tun said that BN should not alienate Perkasa because it could cause BN to lose malay votes in the form of protest votes. He never said anything about alienating non-malays. Both votes are important and BN cannot lose any votes. As it is, we all know the the Chinese voters will vote for the opposition whether Perkasa exists or not. Why blame Perkasa for something which is not Perkasa's fault?

For those in UMNO who feel that UMNO should change from its original struggle for the Malays, then may I suggest they change UMNO to allow non Malays to join? They should also change UMNO to reflect other races as well since UMNO by the acronym means United MALAYS National Organisation. And if these liberals in UMNO fail to get other UMNO members to agree to do this, then they should resign from the party and create a new party which is multiracial just like what Jaafar Onn did. At least he is a man of principal.

UMNO was formed to uphold the struggle of the malays in this land, its members consists of malays and it get its main support from the malays which give the party the "Amanah" to protect the malays. Anyone that does not agree with this should leave the party.

Reading the comments in this blog, and reading politicians from the government, I feel it is inevitable that we will follow the path of equality and meritocracy. What is the use of equality and meritocracy if the majority is poor? If meritocracy fails, if the minority controls the economy, if the the gap between the minority rich and the poor majority widens, then I fear for the worst for Malaysia.

History has shown as in the French revolution, the fall of the Russian Tsar and China to communists, the fall of the Shah of Iran, 13th May 1969 incident that whenever wealth is owned by a select group of people or minority, the poor majority will rise up to take control, often with bloodshed.

A famous scholar once said if we do not learn from history then we are condemned to repeat it. Malaysia cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.

P/S : I do hope Perkasa will come up with list of people who are against the Malays rights. If last PRU we see the power of the Chinese and Indian voters, then next PRU we should show the power of malay voters.

By al-zarqawi on September 15, 2010 9:31 AM

Dear tun , Being an ex Singaporean with a Chinese mother and a Malay father I totally agree with you on the treatments of Malay Muslims in Singapore. Even after 50 years of Meritokrsi in Singapore the position of Malay Muslim have change little since 1965. In Singapore's MINDEF there are certain security points which states "Muslims Not allowed Beyond This point". Malay Muslim have little to show politically and LKY recently stated that Malays are lesser hardworking then other races I guess to justify Singapore 45 years systematic discrimination of Malays and Muslims there. Regardless TUN i thank you for I am currently a Medical Doctor educated in Malaysia from UPSR to MBBS in UM and will do my best to serve Malaysia's interest. Its an achivement some young Malaysian Malays would take for granted but not for me I have seen the heartaches of many my cousins across the causeway for being rejected in courses that they desire especially Medicine and law. Even though they scored 5 to 7 A in A levels.

There is a sense of political awakening among young Malay Muslims in Singapore as they realize that somewhat a bias meritocracy system is being practiced in the republic.But there is little the Singapore Malays can do politically, LKY made sure of that when he did the HDB policy and relocate Malays in the 1960's. I hope malays in this country would see the bigger picture as I personally do not trust PAP or any of its progeny.

By Faizal Muhd Faxel on September 15, 2010 9:16 AM


This is very interesting info and issue to discuss about todays' dilemma. May this issue can open up an eye of racism polemic among Malaysian and Singaporean later or sooner. However, Singapore like to label others with his own taste but never try to assimilate when people talking something about them. They are always right at any place no matter how and why.

Racism polemic in Malaysia now seem a chaos and cancer among society which basically was carried out by Singapore when try to deal to replace MCA in Alliance. Singapore will never say it, they know the consequences if try to arise it.

When talking about Freedom of Speech and Democracies, every single unit in Singapore shows that they are very good to deal with it. But the reality is totally reflect the main idea. When people try to talk something heart to heart, they will never accept nor to repent this action. Court will determine their democracies and freedom of speech. When the champion of freedom of speech and democracies in Asia bring up a comment in court, we'll know it better. The poor Malaysian believes that Singaporean much open rather than Malaysia itself. When Singapore try to look that they are very good in democracies and urges others to follow them, we forgot about one thing - Can Singapore "Cakap Serupa Bikin?"

We never and should never talk about Singapore and its leader. Why? If we're multimillionaire, yes we can talk about it. Otherwise better be silent and listen to them, accept and believe their values - please don't. Their so-called democracies and freedom of speech hold and put in court. LKY, will never repent for his statement as a statesman.


By Izmi Che Ismail on September 15, 2010 8:25 AM

YABhg Tun, your #20 is spot on, HaHa.

By zorop on September 15, 2010 8:07 AM

Your last sentence chedet seems to tell us that both you and lee knew about some things which were not recorded in history and that unless one of you reveal it, nobody will ever know about the truth?

By cwong on September 15, 2010 2:54 AM

Dear Tun, Don't blame Spore for the failures of Msia and its govt. Msia has been independent for more than 50 years, still riddled with corruption and mismanagement.

By Konpunboyong on September 15, 2010 2:34 AM

Dear Tun, Both you and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew are nearly 70 years my senior. I do not know nor do I care what was happening in the past between Malaysia and Singapore. What I do know and care is that to-day in Malaysia we have first class citizens and second class citizens whereas in Singapore all citizens are of the same class. A racist country by any definition is one that treats her citizens differently, based on the colour of their skin and creed.

Have a great Malaysia Day! Malaysia Boleh!

By Antikaisu on September 15, 2010 2:29 AM

Salam Tun, Hari ini saya terbaca di suratkhabar the sun, yang selalu memperbesarkan issue seorang menteri di jabatan Perdana Menteri yang amat terkenal "tak ada kerja" dan kaki bodel pak lah sewaktu masa dulu seperti mana yang selalu kita kedengaran dari perbualan orang ramai di warung-warung kedai kopi hinggalah di hotel dan di kampung-kampung hinggalah di bandar-bandar besar. beliau lagi sekali membuat kecoh dari issue "kalimah Allah" hingga sekarang issue "Perkasa". Saya tidak tahu kenapa PM masih simpan beliau lagi dalam anggota kabinet dalam kerajaan..Beliau sanggup mengadaikan maruah dan hak orang melayu yang termaktud dalam Pelembagaan negara sewaktu terbentuknya Tanah Melayu ataupun Malaysia, semata mata hendak menunjukkan sifat liberal dan mengampu orang bukan Melayu. Beliau perlu faham sebenarnya Perkasa adalah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang terbentuk demi mempertahankan hak-hak orang melayu di bumi sendiri seperti mana yang termaktud dalam pelembagaan Malaysia, bukan untuk cuba merampas hak-hak orang lain bukan Melayu sepertimana yang dapat di lihat terdahulu cuba di lakukan oleh parti-parti cina untra kiasu (racist)sama ada dalam BN atau pembangkang di Malaysia semenjak peristiwa tragedi 13 Mei. Mereka ini umpama seperti "Udang di sebalik batu" dan "Talam dua muka". Jangan salahkan Tun, Orang cina harus berterima kasih kepada Tun yang telah banyak berjasa dan memberi banyak peluang perniagaan hinggakan kaum cina dapat hidup mewah dan aman di Malaysia. Nasihat peringatan Tun sebenar tidak mahu negara ini menjadi porak peranda kerana sifat tamak sebilang kecil peminpin utra kiasu ini yang boleh memusnahkan masa depan kaum mereka sendiri tanpa kesedaran mereka. Sekarang ini sebilangan besar orang Melayu yang cintakan tanah air dan Agama Islam mula sedar dan insaf telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda kuat akan menyokong Umno di pilihan raya akan datang, Saya amat pasti orang Melayu sekarang lebih bersatu dan kuat sekarang jika di bandingkan masa dahulu. " semoga Allah memberi kemenangan dan kejayaan kepada orang Islam dalam menentang musuh-musuh dan sekutunya". Amin...

By Joe Therapist on September 15, 2010 2:23 AM

Dear Tun,

I was waiting for you to jump in after reading the comments made by Mr Lee to the New York times. It was inevitable.

Whatever said and done. Whoever the majority is. Whichever party is running the Country. Just look at the Results.

Singapore had no natural Resources, petroleum, national car etc, but the Economy is so strong now. I remember how Malaysians used to Flock to Singapore in the late 70's to shop in Singapore as the RM$ was so much stronger. Now the S$ is nearly at par as the AUS$. We were the top producers of Rubber in the world, Top tin producers in The World. Our land is so fertile we can plant any type of Agriculture from Padi to Palm Oil to kangkung. We are members of OPEC. Our education is sliding so far behind. Our Students are not able to Speak Proper English when at one time the Spoken and Written command of English was to be Admired. Where is our Economy headed? Where are our Children Headed?

We are still bickering about 30% equity, 60% Majority (But not really a majority as this is divided into 3 groups, so actually is a minority) needs more of the Economy. Otherwise there will be dissent. Religion is still a sensitive subject. Our Children are growing further and further apart. The Ongoing obsession with the National language that nobody uses (Personal experience from yours truly attending a malay wedding where every thing was in english).

After 50 years are we better off? You can justify it whatever way. But we have idiots running the country who are more concerned about being popular than doing the right thing. So Mr Lee had every right to say what he did. The best way to silence him is to prove it by Action. Take back our place at the forefront in Economy, Social, and Racial Tolerance. Where a malay community can have a temple in it's neighbourhood and it would be alright. Where a non malay can go into a mosque and say a few words of encouragement and not be branded as unclean. Where people don't decide to Burn down or desecrate another persons Place of Worship just because they feel like it ... Prove it by Action

Your move.

By pakbelalang on September 15, 2010 2:14 AM

Dear Tun,

Bukan Melayu sahaja mudah lupa tapi Cina pun lagi mudah lupa.

Bila semua dah mudah lupa apa agaknya akan terjadi?

By doktorfirdaus on September 15, 2010 1:54 AM

Tun, Just to inform you that you have been banned by Facebook. I can no longer link you up on my FB site. It shows the DAP/Jewish conspiracy is alive and kicking

By Singa on September 15, 2010 1:47 AM

Dearest Tun

I have been waiting anxiously for your comments on this disparaging remarks about Malaysian politics. I am glad I don't have to wait long for your most insightful perspectives and response. More Allah bless you with good health and longevity.

By helmykl on September 15, 2010 1:46 AM

Salam Tun,

Yes, I agree and support your views on the events you mentioned based on historical facts. LKY always thought that he was the best head of government when in fact he was an oppressive and evil man. His PAP winnings were all artificial because when you go on the ground there were a lot of dissent and hatred towards the PAP. Singaporeans simply fear the PAP government especially the minority native Malays. They fear that if they voted against the PAP, they will be victimized as shown by the many actions of the PAP government. The PAP will loose one day and I hope to see that day.

By 'Manusia Biasa' on September 15, 2010 1:12 AM

Salam YABhg Tun,

The so-called "a trip down memory lane" in 2009 was nothing more than seeing opportunities that he could possibly grabbed with the new state's leadership. Obviously there was a no go under your leadership. We had enough of tolerance with the water supply, sand and air space. It is just like sleeping with an 'enemy'.

Manusia Biasa

By kulupali on September 15, 2010 12:47 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun. Selamat Hari Raya untuk warga blog chedet dan salam merdeka untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Puak ultra kiasu ini membandingkan S’pura yang kononnya telah berjaya mengamalkan merit, dimana lebih 90 peratus bidang pelajaran, pekerjaan, perniagaan dan lain-lain bidang ekonomi dikuasai oleh puak ultra kiasu di pulau itu. Itulah sebenarnya wawasan PAP(Malaysian Malaysia) oleh LKY satu ketika dulu. S'pura kelihatannya nampak tenang seolah-olah semuanya bagus tiada isu rasis, tetapi sebenarnya orang Melayu di S’pura tidak berani bersuara untuk menzahirkan perasaan tidak puas hati mereka terhadap kerajaan. Rekod lampau membuatkan mereka menutup mulut, kerana jika mereka berbuat demikian akan menerima akibatnya (dituduh anti kerajaan, kumpulan berhaluan kiri dan mungkin akan dipenjarakan). Orang Melayu di Malaysia tidak rasis seperti Ultra Kiasu di S’pura; buktinya ialah, kebanyakan pelanggan kedai Cina di seluruh Malaysia ada lah orang Melayu, tetapi sebaliknya orang Cina tidak/jarang membeli barang di kedai orang Melayu. Kenapa terjadi demikian..??, siapakah yang sebenarnya rasis…??.

Sistem Merit yang dicadangkan oleh pihak Ultra Kiasu itu adalah bertujuan untuk membolehkan kaum itu monopoli bidang-bidang penting, khususnya pendidikan, perniagaan, pemilikan harta(asset) dan sebagainya(secara halus) tanpa sekatan di bumi bertuah yang kaya ini.

Adakah Meritokrasi itu bagus..??. Bagus dan ada yang tidak bagusnya. Yang pasti meritokrasi adalah cara halus puak Ultra Kiasu dan Ultra Meritokrasi ini untuk boleh memonopoli khazanah Malaysia seperti mana yang dilakukan di S'pura.

Jika Sistem Merit dilaksanakan di Malaysia, puak Ultra Kiasu akan berpuas hati. Tetapi jurang perbezaan ekonomi akan semakin ketara, kerana akan ada sifat seperti Enau Dalam Belukar Melepaskan Pucuk Masing-masing. Jadi siapakah yang akan menanggung akibatnya..???.

Sama-samalah kita fikirkan. Hayatilah lagu WARISAN (Anak Kecil Main Api), lagu ketika kursus BTN. tq. ( ) ( ) ( ) tq.

By Greyskull on September 15, 2010 12:43 AM

Yes , Dr M is correct, a Chinese state. We cannot consider as multi racial country. Beside that, the politically ideology adapts semi communist -socialism which portray by LKY in his early days and slowly moving subtle western hybrid socialism & Capitalism which focus and encourages individualism in the citizens' hearts and mind..

By truthseeker on September 15, 2010 12:17 AM

Salam Tun and fello bloggers,

1. That apek tua is good at making sure the chinese are in charge; a. in singapore, he ensures that the malays are treated badly until the malays really believed they are dumb, they're pendatang, they must appreciate the chinese for giving them shelter and place in singapore. Can u imagine, at early primary school level, they have screening, the excellent and non-excellent students. Guess who are bundled into the moron group? So what can the malays in singapore change? They're already in that 'moron' group. In California, all schools were told not to use IQ test, because the blacks always scored low and psychologically think they're the stupid race...another scheme by the red necks (mat sallehs anti colored people).That's what the apek tua is doing to the malays there. b. my aunty was in geylang many many years ago. When anyone mentioned geylang, you could know it was the malays' area, seranggoon the indians, but the apek made sure there will not be malay or indian dominated areas, therefore break them more malays in geylang in big number. c. so, why singapore govt allows prostitution in geylang? so that many many years ahead, the malays will be disheartened with their own race,,,geylang means malay, prostitution is in geylang, therefore the malays are prostitues or the descendants of whores! u think this is sheer coincident? d. the apek succeeded in making the malays in singapore looked down on malaysian malays by thinking they're more superior than the malays here (here there are such thing as special priviliges, therefore stupid malays are holding important posts but in singapore, the malays worked hard cos of meritocracy, in their dreams!). But when the malays in malaysia and singapore stood together on religious matter

(when israel's president visited singapore many years ago), the apek formulate something to dilute the islamic freeom of religion, malay christian priests, etc.



By Hazman Abu Bakar on September 15, 2010 12:01 AM

maybe this fact needed to be air and made public Tun. Hardly any young generation knew this fact.

By parameswara 2 on September 14, 2010 11:57 PM

Dearest Tun,

1-This man Lee Kuan Yew is great that we cannot deny.But the problem is he thinks he is the greatest man alive that I must deny.

2-The mark of a great man is his humility and this is where uncle Lim is short.As the lord of the Kiasu he is the most arrogant man around.

3-He was only lucky he got Singapore,the world's 4th biggest port with a GDP second only to Japan at the time of separation.She was Malaysia's link with the international community.She was so rich and powerful that it made her swollenheaded bullying Malaysia most of the time.It was only after the Tunku kick the Singapore ass out the federation that Malaysia became a truly independent nation.

4-He was afforded an overwhelming Chinese majority, people who are economically strong and whose forte is making money.True tun,Singapore is not a multiracial country that it claims to be.The Malays or Indians there cannot pose any threat to them.

5-Had Singapore a majority of 80% Malays people who are economically backward and still he managed to deliver Singapore into what it is today then I would judge him differently.But can LKY practise meritocracy in the midst of such demography?Easy to talk lah..

6-Sngapore is a great country that I truly admire and have always wanted Malaysia to emulate.But I do not want the Malaysians to emulate the Singaporean behavior.

7-They are really like their Kiasu boss.. they think they are the greatest people around..I have not met more prouder people than the Singaporeans.There are times they really make me want to

vomit.The Singapore Malays are really like their Chinese counterparts the moment they open their mouth.

8-Well until the day they can learn to be more humble like the Japanese or German that means they are actually still having third class mentality.

9-What so great about a nation where the average majority can only afford low ceiling HDB flats and can't even dream of buying a car?In Malaysia even in the low cost flats the parking space is always full to the brim.Thanks to LKY the average Singaporean are happy to be confined to these pigeon holes in a small rich boring country.If not for LKY the whole of beautiful Malaysia is still theirs.

10-LKY is smart in obtaining the WEST to give her all their utmost support to make Singapore a success to spite their common enemies the muslim terrorists in his neighborhood who he feared will threaten her as well as the western economic interest in the Straits of Malacca.

11-I do hope LKY will not live to see his great Singapore humbled alongside the collapse of the USA.This is usually the end of arrogant leaders and their arrogant people throughout history.Sad should it happen to our neighbor.

Thanks Tun.

By DarrenBen on September 14, 2010 11:45 PM


By kerbauogos on September 14, 2010 11:40 PM

All readers must really examine carefully Mahathir's statements. Due to its uncompetitive, financially unsound race-based policies, Malaysia is now slipping behind Indonesia and Vietnam as an investment venue. In the past, Malaysia was way up there. I will not be surprised if Malaysia is a Greece in the making. Each time a problem crops up, the powers that be will ratchet up the racial rhetorics to distract the rakyat's attention. Mahathir and the world clown Ibrahim Ali will only make Malaysia become increasingly unattractive for investments. Malaysia has become the laughing stock of the world - what with the Anwar sodomy saga, Kelang Port corruption scandal, Altantuya murder, Teoh Beng Hock episode, Scopene submarine episode, missing plane engines, royal families that are good for nothing except squander the rakyat's money and abuse their power, etc, etc, etc, eyc

It is just like Mahathir to blame everybody else for Malaysia's declining performance vis-a-vis Singapore. I am actually very insulted by Mahathir's comments. Fortunately, we Malays in Singapore do not stand on crutches, and know how to earn our keeps, instead of just wait for government handouts. It is ambarrasing to be associated with Malaysia & its downward spiralling economic and political policies.

By adik adik on September 14, 2010 11:32 PM

Wow Tun You are a brave man. If you are nobody certainly in Singapore, Lky will sue you for defamation, and definately you end up a beggar. You are the untouchables.

By Rimba Emas on September 14, 2010 11:24 PM










By Mahasitua on September 14, 2010 11:21 PM

"He was full of is usual shrewd observations about world trouble spots..."

"I always found him most perceptive about China".

"Lee Kuan Yew is of course by origin Chinese himself: I used to tell him that in many ways I wished he had stayed at home - that way China might have found its way to capitalism twenty years earlier"

"At this time I received further advice from someone whose experience in dealing with the Chinese I knew to be unequalled. At the CHOGM in New Delhi I discussed our problems in dealing with the Chinese with Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore".

"In fact, I got on rather well with Dr Mahathir and developed an increasing respect for him. He was tough, shrewd and practical. He had a refreshingly matter-of-fact outlook on everything that related to his country".

Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years 1993

By mangodurian on September 14, 2010 11:12 PM

It would be surprising that Dr. M doesn't respond to LKY's NYT interview with his own spin of opinions. I'd sure like this to be followed up by NYT interviewing Dr. M as a follow-up!

In any case, great spin on the subject Dr. M. I'd never would've come up with such a spin on the word, 'racism' by just adding another adjective.

By HBT on September 14, 2010 11:02 PM

Dear Ayahanda Tun,

I copy-paste this piece of news from the original link provided by Malaysian Mirror:-

Transcripts – New York Times/IHT interview Lee Kuan Yew Posted by theonlinecitizen on September 13, 2010 42 Comments The following is the transcript of the interview Seth Mydans had with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, for the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune. The interview was held on 1 September 2010.

Mr Lee: “Thank you. When you are coming 87, you are not very happy..”

Q: “Not. Well you should be glad that you’ve gotten way past where most of us will get.”

Mr Lee: “That is my trouble. So, when is the last leaf falling?”

Q: “Do you feel like that, do you feel like the leaves are coming off?”

Mr Lee: “Well, yes. I mean I can feel the gradual decline of energy and vitality and I mean generally every year when you know you are not on the same level as last year. But that is life.”

Q: “My mother used to say never get old.”

Mr Lee: “Well, there you will try never to think yourself old. I mean I keep fit, I swim, I cycle.”

Q: “And yoga, is that right? Meditation?”

Mr Lee: “Yes.”

Q: “Tell me about meditation?”

Mr Lee: “Well, I started it about two, three years ago when Ng Kok Song, the Chief Investment Officer of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, I knew he was doing meditation. His wife had died but he was completely serene. So, I said, how do you achieve this? He said I meditate everyday and so did my wife and when she was dying of cancer, she was totally serene because she meditated everyday and he gave me a video of her in her last few weeks completely composed completely relaxed and she and him had been meditating for years. Well, I said to him, you teach me. He is a devout Christian. He was taught by a man called Laurence Freeman, a Catholic. His guru was John Main a devout Catholic. When I was in London, Ng Kok Song introduced me to Laurence Freeman. In fact, he is coming on Saturday to visit Singapore, and we will do a meditation session. The problem is to keep the monkey mind from running off into all kinds of thoughts. It is most difficult to stay focused on the mantra. The discipline is to have a mantra which you keep repeating in your innermost heart, no need to voice it over and over again throughout the whole period of meditation. The mantra they recommended was a religious one. Ma Ra Na Ta, four syllables. Come To Me Oh Lord Jesus. So I said Okay, I am not a Catholic but I will try. He said you can take any other mantra, Buddhist Om Mi Tuo Fo, and keep repeating it. To me Ma Ran Na Ta is more soothing. So I used Ma Ra Na Ta. You must be disciplined. I find it helps me go to sleep after that. A certain tranquility settles over you. The day’s pressures and worries are pushed out. Then there’s less problem sleeping. I miss it sometimes when I am tired, or have gone out to a dinner and had wine. Then I cannot concentrate. Otherwise I stick to it.”

Q: “So…”

Mr Lee: “.. for a good meditator will do it for half-an-hour. I do it for 20 minutes.”

Q: “So, would you say like your friend who taught you, would you say you are serene?”

Mr Lee: “Well, not as serene as he is. He has done it for many years and he is a devout Catholic. That makes a difference. He believes in Jesus. He believes in the teachings of the Bible. He has lost his wife, a great calamity. But the wife was serene. He gave me this video to show how meditation helped her in her last few months. I do not think I can achieve his level of serenity. But I do achieve some composure.”

Q: “And do you find that at this time in your life you do find yourself getting closer to religion of one sort or another?”

Mr Lee: “I am an agnostic. I was brought up in a traditional Chinese family with ancestor worship. I would go to my grandfather’s grave on All Soul’s Day which is called “Qingming”. My father would bring me along, lay out food and candles and burn some paper money and kowtow three times over his tombstone. At home on specific days outside the kitchen he would put up two candles with my grandfather’s picture. But as I grew up, I questioned this because I think this is superstition. You are gone, you burn paper money, how can he collect the paper money where he is? After my father died, I dropped the practice. My youngest brother baptised my father as a Christian. He did not have the right to. He was a doctor and for the last weeks before my father’s life, he took my father to his house because he was a doctor and was able to keep my father comforted. I do not know if my father was fully aware when he was converted into Christianity.”

Q: “Converted your father?”

Mr Lee: “Yes.”

Q: “Well this happens when you get close to the end.”

Mr Lee: “Well, but I do not know whether my father agreed. At that time he may have been beyond making a rational decision. My brother assumed that he agreed and converted him.”

Q: “But…”

Mr Lee: “I am not converted.”

Q: “But when you reach that stage, you may wonder more than ever what is next?”

Mr Lee: “Well, what is next, I do not know. Nobody has ever come back. The Muslims say that there are seventy houris, beautiful women up there. But nobody has come back to confirm this.”

Q: “And you haven’t converted to Islam, knowing that?” Mr Lee: “Most unlikely. The Buddhist believes in transmigration of the soul. If you live a good life, the reward is in your next migration, you will be a good being, not an ugly animal. It is a comforting thought, but my wife and I do not believe in it. She has been for two years bed-ridden, unable to speak after a series of strokes. I am not going to convert her. I am not going to allow anybody to convert her because I know it will be against what she believed in all her life. How do I comfort myself? Well, I say life is just like that. You can’t choose how you go unless you are going to take an overdose of sleeping pills, like sodium amytal. For just over two years, she has been inert in bed, but still cognitive. She understands when I talk to her, which I do every night. She keeps awake for me; I tell her about my day’s work, read her favourite poems.”

Q: ‘And what kind of books do you read to her?”

Mr Lee: “So much of my time is reading things online. The latest book which I want to read or re-read is Kim. It is a beautiful of description of India as it was in Kipling’s time. And he had an insight into the Indian mind and it is still basically that same society that I find when I visit India. “

Q: “When you spoke to Time Magazine a couple of years ago, you said Don Quixote was your favourite?”

Mr Lee: “Yes, I was just given the book, Don Quixote, a new translation.”

Q: “But people might find that ironic because he was fantasist who did not realistically choose his projects and you are sort of the opposite?”

Mr Lee: “No, no, you must have something fanciful and a flight of fancy. I had a colleague Rajaratnam who read Sci-Fi for his leisure.”’

Q: “And you?”:

Mr Lee: “No, I do not believe in Sci-Fi.”

Q: “But you must have something to fantasise.” Mr Lee: “Well, at the moment, as I said, I would like to read Kim again. Why I thought of Kim was because I have just been through a list of audio books to choose for my wife. Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, books she has on her book shelf. So, I ticked off the ones I think she would find interesting. The one that caught my eye was Kim. She was into literature, from Alice in Wonderland, to Adventures with a Looking Glass, to Jane Austen’s Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibility. Jane Austen was her favourite writer because she wrote elegant and leisurely English prose of the 19th century. The prose flowed beautifully, described the human condition in a graceful way, and rolls off the tongue and in the mind. She enjoyed it. Also Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. She was an English Literature major.”

Q: “You are naming books on the list, not necessarily books you have already read, yes?”

Mr Lee: “I would have read some of them.”

Q: “Like a Jane Austen book, or Canterbury Tales?”

Mr Lee: “No, Canterbury Tales, I had to do it for my second year English Literature course in Raffles College. For a person in the 15th Century, he wrote very modern stuff. I didn’t find his English all that archaic. I find those Scottish poets difficult to read. Sometimes I don’t make sense of their Scottish brogue. My wife makes sense of them. Then Shakespeare’s sonnets.”

Q: “You read those?”

Mr Lee: “I read those sonnets when I did English literature in my freshman’s year. She read them.”

Q: “When you say she reads them now, you’re the one who reads them, yes?” Mr Lee: “Yes, I read them to her.”

Q: “But you go to her.”

Mr Lee: “Yes, I read from an Anthology of Poems which she has, and several other anthologies. So I know her favourite poems. She had flagged them. I read them to her.”

Q: “She’s in the hospital? You go to the hospital?”

Mr Lee: “No, no, she’s at home. We’ve got a hospital bed and nurses attending to her. We used to share the same room. Now I’m staying in the next room. I have to get used to her groans and grunts when she’s uncomfortable from a dry throat and they pump in a spray moisture called “Biothene” which soothes her throat, and they suck out phlegm. Because she can’t get up, she can’t breathe fully. The phlegm accumulates in the chest but you can’t suck it out from the chest, you’ve got to wait until she coughs and it goes out to her throat. They suck it out, and she’s relieved. They sit her up and tap her back. It’s very distressing, but that’s life.”

Q: “Yes, your daughter on Sunday wrote a moving column, movingly about the situation referring to you.”

Mr Lee: “How did you come to read it?”

Q: “Somebody said you’ve got to read that column, so I read it.”

Mr Lee: “You don’t get the Straits Times.”

Q: “I get it online actually. I certainly do, I follow Singapore online and she wrote that the whole family suffers of course from this and she wrote the one who’s been hurting the most and is yet carrying on stoically is my father.”

Mr Lee: “What to do? What else can I do? I can’t break down. Life has got to go on. I try to busy myself, but from time to time in idle moments, my mind goes back to the happy days we were up and about together.”

Q: “When you go to visit her, is that the time when your mind goes back?” Mr Lee: “No, not then. My daughter’s fished out many old photographs for this piece she wrote and picked out a dozen or two dozen photographs from the digital copies which somebody had kept at the Singapore Press Holdings. When I look at them, I thought how lucky I was. I had 61 years of happiness. We’ve got to go sometime, so I’m not sure who’s going first, whether she or me. So I told her, I’ve been looking at the marriage vows of the Christians. The best I read was,” To love, to hold and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do us part.” I told her I would try and keep you company for as long as I can. She understood.”

Q: “Yes, it’s been really.”

Mr Lee: “What to do? What can you do in this situation? I can say get rid of the nurses. Then the maids won’t know how to turn her over and then she gets pneumonia. That ends the suffering. But human beings being what we are, I do the best for her and the best is to give her a competent nurse who moves her, massages her, turns her over, so no bed sores. I’ve got a hospital bed with air cushions so no bed sores. Well, that’s life. Make her comfortable.”

Q: “And for yourself, you feel the weight of age more than you have in the past?”

Mr Lee: “I’m not sure. I marginally must have. It’s stress. However, I look at it, I mean, it’s stress. That’s life. But it’s a different kind of stress from the kind of stress I faced, political stresses. Dire situations for Singapore, dire situations for myself when we broke off from Malaysia, the Malays in Singapore could have rioted and gone for me and they suddenly found themselves back as a minority because the Tunku kicked us out. That’s different, that’s intense

stress and it’s over but this is stress which goes on. One doctor told me, you may think that when she’s gone you’re relieved but you’ll be sad when she’s gone because there’s still the human being here, there’s still somebody you talk to and she knows what you’re saying and you’ll miss that. Well, I don’t know, I haven’t come to that but I think I’ll probably will because it’s now two years, May, June, July, August, September, two years and four months. It’s become a part of my life.”

Q: “She’s how old now?”

Mr Lee: “She’s two-and-a-half years older than me, so she’s coming on to 90.”

Q: “But you did make a reference in an interview with Time magazine to something that goes beyond reason as you put it. You referred to the real enemy by Pierre D’Harcourt who talked about people surviving the Nazi, it’s better that they have something to believe in.”

Mr Lee: “Yes, of course.”

Q: “And you said that the Communists and the deeply religious fought on and survived. There are some things in the human spirit that are beyond reason.” Mr Lee: “I believe that to be true. Look, I saw my friend and cabinet colleague who’s a deeply religious Catholic. He was Finance Minister, a fine man. In 1983, he had a heart attack. He was in hospital, in ICU, he improved and was taken out of ICU. Then he had a second heart attack and I knew it was bad. I went to see him and the priest was giving him the last rites as a Catholic. Absolutely fearless, he showed no distress, no fear, the family was around him, his wife and daughters, he had four daughters. With priest delivering the last rites, he knew he was reaching the end. But his mind was clear but absolutely calm.”

Q: “Well, I am more like you. We don’t have something to cling to.” Mr Lee: “That’s our problem.”

Q: “But also the way people see you is supremely reasonable person, reason is the ultimate.”

Mr Lee: “Well, that’s the way I’ve been working.”

Q: “Well, you did mention to Tom Plate, they think they know me but they only know the public me?”

Mr Lee: “Yeah, the private view is you have emotions for your close members of your family. We are a close family, not just my sons and my wife and my parents but my brothers and my sister. So my youngest brother, a doctor as I told you, he just sent me an email that my second brother was dying of a bleeding colon, diverticulitis. And later the third brother now has got prostate cancer and has spread into his lymph nodes. So I asked what’re the chances of survival. It’s not gotten to the bones yet, so they’re doing chemotherapy and if you can prevent it from going into the bones, he’ll be okay for a few more years. If it does get to the bones, then that’s the end. I don’t think my brother knows. But I’ll probably go and see him.”

Q: “But you yourself have been fit. You have a stent, you had heart problem late last year but besides that do you have ailments?”

Mr Lee: “Well, aches and pains of a geriatric person, joints, muscles but all non-terminal. I go in for a physiotherapy, maintenance once a week, they give me a rub over because when I cycle, my thighs get sore, knees get a little painful, and so the hips.”

Q: “These are the signs of age.”

Mr Lee: “Yeah, of course.”

Q: “I’m 64. I’m beginning to feel that and I don’t like it and I don’t want to admit to myself.”

Mr Lee: “But if you stop exercising, you make it worse. That’s what my doctors tell me, just carry on. When you have these aches and pains, we’ll give you physiotherapy. I’ve learnt to use heat pads at home. So after the physiotherapy, once a week, if I feel my thighs are sore, I just have a heat pad there. You put in the microwave oven and you tie it around your thighs or your ankles or your calves. It relieves the pain.”

Q: “So you continue to cycle.”

Mr Lee: “Oh yeah.”

Q: “Treadmill?

Mr Lee: “No, I don’t do the treadmill. I walk but not always. When I’ve cycled enough I don’t walk.”

Q: “That’s your primary exercise, swimming?”

Mr Lee: “Yeah, I swim everyday, it’s relaxing.”

Q: “What other secrets, I see you drink hot water?”

Mr Lee: “Yes.”

Q: “Tell me about it.”

Mr Lee: “Well, I used to drink tea but tea is a diuretic, but I didn’t know that. I used to drink litres of it. In the 1980s, I was having a conference with Zhou Ziyang who was then Secretary-General of the Communist Party in the Great Hall of the People. The Chinese came in and poured more tea and hot water. I was scoffing it down because it kept my throat moistened, my BP was up because more liquid was in me. Halfway through, I said please stop. I’m dashing off. I had to relief myself. Then my doctors said don’t you know that tea is a diuretic? I don’t like coffee, it gives me a sour stomach, so okay, let’s switch to water.”

Q: “You know you had the hot water when I met you a couple of years ago and after I told my wife about that, she switched to hot water. She’s not sure why except that you drink hot water, so she’s decided to.”

Mr Lee: “Well, cold water, this was from my ENT man. If you drink cold water, you reduce the temperature of your nasal passages and throat and reduce your resistance to coughs and colds. So I take warm water, body temperature. I don’t scald myself with boiling hot water. I avoid that.

But my daughter puts blocks of ice into her coffee and drinks it up. She’s all right, she’s only 50-plus.

Q: “Let me ask a question about the outside world a little bit. Singapore is a great success story even though people criticize this and that. When you look back, you can be proud of what you’ve done and I assume you are. Are there things that you regret, things that you wished you could achieve that you couldn’t?”

Mr Lee: “Well, first I regret having been turfed out of Malaysia. I think if the Tunku had kept us together, what we did in Singapore, had Malaysia accepted a multiracial base for their society, much of what we’ve achieved in Singapore would be achieved in Malaysia. But not as much because it’s a much broader base. We would have improved inter-racial relations and an improved holistic situation. Now we have a very polarized Malaysia, Malays, Chinese and Indians in separate schools, living separate lives and not really getting on with one another. You read them. That’s bad for us as close neighbours.”

Q: “So at that time, you found yourself with Singapore and you have transformed it. And my question would be how do you assess your own satisfaction with what you’ve achieved? What didn’t work?”

Mr Lee: “Well, the greatest satisfaction I had was my colleagues and I, were of that generation who were turfed out of Malaysia suffered two years under a racial policy decided that we will go the other way. We will not as a majority squeeze the minority because once we’re by ourselves, the Chinese become the majority. We made quite sure whatever your race, language or religion, you are an equal citizen and we’ll drum that into the people and I think our Chinese understand and today we have an integrated society. Our Malays are English-educated, they’re no longer like the Malays in Malaysia and you can see there are some still wearing headscarves but very modern looking.”

Q: “That doesn’t sound like a regret to me.”

Mr Lee: “No, no, but the regret is there’s such a narrow base to build this enormous edifice, so I’ve got to tell the next generation, please do not take for granted what’s been built. If you forget that this is a small island which we are built upon and reach a 100 storeys high tower block and may go up to 150 if you are wise. But if you believe that it’s permanent, it will come tumbling down and you will never get a second chance.”

Q: “I wonder if that is a concern of yours about the next generation. I saw your discussion with a group of young people before the last election and they were saying what they want is a lot of these values from the West, an open political marketplace and even playing field in all of these things and you said well, if that’s the way you feel, I’m very sad.”

Mr Lee: “Because you play it that way, if you have dissension, if you chose the easy way to Muslim votes and switch to racial politics, this society is finished. The easiest way to get majority vote is vote for me, we’re Chinese, they’re Indians, they’re Malays. Our society will be ripped apart. If you do not have a cohesive society, you cannot make progress.”

Q: “But is that a concern that the younger generation doesn’t realize as much as it should?”

Mr Lee: “I believe they have come to believe that this is a natural state of affairs, and they can take liberties with it. They think you can put it on auto-pilot. I know that is never so. We have crafted a set of very intricate rules, no housing blocks shall have more than a percentage of so many Chinese, so many percent Malays, Indians. All are thoroughly mixed. Willy-nilly, your neighbours are Indians, Malays, you go to the same shopping malls, you go to the same schools, the same playing fields, you go up and down the same lifts. We cannot allow segregation.”

Q: “There are people who think that Singapore may lighten up a little bit when you go, that the rules will become a little looser and if that happens, that might be something that’s a concern to you.”

Mr Lee: “No, you can go looser where it’s not race, language and religion because those are deeply gut issues and it will surface the moment you start playing on them. It’s inevitable, but on other areas, policies, right or wrong, disparity of opportunities, rich and poor, well go ahead. But don’t play race, language, religion. We’ve got here, we’ve become cohesive, keep it that way. We’ve not used Chinese as a majority language because it will split the population. We have English as our working language, it’s equal for everybody, and it’s given us the progress because we’re connected to the world. If you want to keep your Malay, or your Chinese, or your Tamil, Urdu or whatever, do that as a second language, not equal to your first language. It’s up to you, how high a standard you want to achieve.”

Q: “The public view of you is as a very strict, cerebral, unsentimental. Catherine Lim, “an authoritarian, no-nonsense manner that has little use for sentiment”.”

Mr Lee: “She’s a novelist, therefore, she simplifies a person’s character, make graphic caricature of me. But is anybody that simple or simplistic?”

Q: “Sentiment though, you don’t show that very much in public.”

Mr Lee: “Well, that’s a Chinese ideal. A gentleman in Chinese ideal, the junzi (君子) is someone

who is always composed and possessed of himself and doesn’t lose his temper and doesn’t lose his tongue. That’s what I try to do, except when I got turfed out from Malaysia. Then, I just couldn’t help it.”

Q: “One aspect of the way you’ve constructed Singapore is a certain level of fear perhaps in the population. You described yourself as a street fighter, knuckle duster and so forth.”

Mr Lee: “Yes.”

Q: “And that produces among some people a level of fear and I want to tell you what a taxi driver said when I said I was going to interview you. He said, safer not to ask him anything. If you ask him, somebody will follow you. We’re not in politics so just let him do the politics.”

Mr Lee: “How old is he?’

Q: “I’m sorry, middle aged, I don’t know.”

Mr Lee: “I go out. I’m no longer the Prime Minister. I don’t have to do the difficult things. Everybody wants to shake my hands, everybody wants me to autograph something. Everybody wants to get around me to take a photo. So it’s a problem.

Q: “Yes but…”

Mr Lee: “Because I’m no longer in charge, I don’t have to do the hard things. I’ve laid the foundation and they know that because of that foundation, they’re enjoying this life.’

Q: “So when you were the one directly in-charge, you had to be tough, you had to be a fighter.”

Mr Lee: “Yes, of course. I had to fight left-wingers, Communists, pro-Communist groups who had killer squads. If I didn’t have the guts and the gumption to take them on, there wouldn’t be the Singapore. They would have taken over and it would have collapsed. I also had to fight the Malay Ultras when we were in Malaysia for two years.”

Q: “Well, you don’t have a lot of dissidents in prison but you’re known for your libel suits which keeps a lot of people at bay.”

Mr Lee: “We are non-corrupt. We lead modest lives, so it’s difficult to malign us. What’s the easy way to get a leader down? He’s a hypocrite, he is corrupt, he pretends to be this when in fact he’s that. That’s what they’re trying to do to me. Well, prove it, if what you say is right, then I don’t deserve this reputation. Why must you say these things without foundation? I’m taking you to court, you’ve made these allegations, I’m open to your cross-examination.”

Q: “But that may produce what I was talking about, about a level of fear.”

Mr Lee: “No, you’re fearful of a libel suit? Then don’t issue these defamatory statements or make them where you have no basis. The Western correspondent, especially those who hop in and hop out got to find something to show that they are impartial, that they’re not just taken in by the Singapore growth story. They say we keep down the opposition, how? Libel suits. Absolute rubbish. We have opponents in Parliament who have attacked us on policy, no libel suits against them and even in Parliament they are privileged to make defamatory allegation and cannot be sued. But they don’t. They know it is not true.”

Q: “Let me ask a last question. Again back to Tom Plate, “I’m not serious all the time. Everyone needs to have a good laugh now and then to see the funny side of things and to laugh at himself”.”

Mr Lee: “Yes, of course.”

Q: “How about that?”

Mr Lee: “You have to be that.”

Q: “So what makes you laugh?”

Mr Lee: “Many things, the absurdity of it, many things in life. Sometimes, I meet witty people, have conversations, they make sharp remarks, I laugh.

Q: “And when you laugh at yourself as you said?”

Mr Lee: “That’s very frequent. Yeah, I’m reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a vigorous figure and it’s an effort and is it worth the effort? I laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front. It’s become my habit. I just carry on.”

Q: “So it’s the whole broad picture of things that you find funny?” Mr Lee: “Yes, life as a whole has many abnormalities, of course.”

Q: “Your public life together with your private life, what you’ve done over things people write about you and Singapore, that overall is something that you can find funny?”

Mr Lee: “Yes, of course.

Q: “You made one of the few people who laugh at Singapore.”

Mr Lee: “Let me give you a Chinese proverb “do not judge a man until you’ve closed his coffin. Do not judge a man.” Close the coffin, then decide. Then you assess him. I may still do something foolish before the lid is closed on me.”

Q: “So you’re waiting for the final verdict?”

Mr Lee: “No, the final verdict will not be in the obituaries. The final verdict will be when the PhD students dig out the archives, read my old papers, assess what my enemies have said, sift the evidence and seek the truth? I’m not saying that everything I did was right, but everything I did was for an honourable purpose. I had to do some nasty things, locking fellows up without trial.”

Q: “For the greater good?

Mr Lee: “Well, yes, because otherwise they are running around and causing havoc playing on Chinese language and culture, and accusing me of destroying Chinese education. You’ve not been here when the Communists were running around. They do not believe in the democratic process. They don’t believe in one man, one vote. They believe in one bullet, one vote. They had killer squads. But they at the same time had a united front exploiting the democratic game. It gave them cover. But my business, my job was to make sure that they did not succeed. Sometimes you just got to lock the leaders up. They are confusing the people. The reality is that if you allow these people to work up animosity against the government because it’s keeping down the Chinese language, because we’ve promoted English, keeping down Chinese culture because you have allowed English literature, and we suppress our Chinese values and the Chinese language, the Chinese press, well, you will break up the society. They harp on these things when they know they are not true. They know that if you actually do in Chinese language and culture, the Chinese will riot and the society must break up.”

Q: “So leadership is a constant battle?”

Mr Lee: “In a multiracial situation like this, it is. Malaysia took the different line; Malaysians saw it as a Malay country, all others are lodgers, “orang tumpangan”, and they the Bumiputras, sons of the soil, run the show. So the Sultans, the Chief Justice and judges, generals, police commissioner, the whole hierarchy is Malay. All the big contracts for Malays. Malay is the language of the schools although it does not get them into modern knowledge. So the Chinese build and find their own independent schools to teach Chinese, the Tamils create their own Tamil schools, which do not get them jobs. It’s a most unhappy situation.”

Mdm Yeong: “I thought that was the last question.”

Q: “This is the last part of the last question. So your career has been a struggle to keep things going in the right way and you’ve also said that the best way to keep your health is to keep on working. Are you tired of it by this point? Do you feel like you want to rest?”

Mr Lee: “No, I don’t. I know if I rest I’ll slide downhill fast. No, my whole being has been stimulated by the daily challenge. If I suddenly drop it all, play golf, stroll around, watch the sunset, read novels, that’s downhill. It is the daily challenge, social contacts, meeting people, people like you, you press me, I answer, when I don’t…. what have I got tomorrow?” Mdm Yeong: “You have two more events coming up. One is the Radin Mas Community.”

Mr Lee: “Oh yeah. I got it.”

Mdm Yeong: “And then you have other call, courtesy call on the 3rd.”

Mr Lee: “We are social animals. Without that interaction with people, you are isolated. The worst punishment you can give a person is the isolation ward. You get hallucinations. Four walls, no books, no nothing. By way of example, Henry Kissinger wants to speak to me. So I said okay, we’ll speak on Sunday. What about? We are meeting in Sao Paolo at a J P Morgan International Advisory Board. He wants to talk to me to check certain facts on China. My mind is kept alive, I go to China once a year at least. I meet Chinese leaders. So it’s a constant stimulus as I keep up to date. Supposing I sit back, I don’t think about China, just watch videos. I am off to Moscow, Kiev and Paris on the 15th of September. Three days Moscow, three days Kiev, four days Paris. Moscow I am involved in the Skolkovo Business School which President Medvedev, when he wasn’t President started. I promised to go if he did not fix it in the winter. So they fix it for September. I look at the fires, I said wow this is no good.”

Q: “It’s not going to be freezing if there are fires.”

Mr Lee: “No but our embassy says the skies have cleared. Kiev because the President has invited me specially and will fly me from Moscow to Kiev and then fly me on to Paris. Paris I am on the TOTAL Advisory Board together with Joe Nye and a few others. They want a presentation on what are China’s strengths and weaknesses. That keeps me alive. It’s just not my impressionistic views of China but one that has to be backed by facts and figures. So my team works out the facts and figures, and I check to see if they tally with my impressions. But it’s a constant stimulus to keep alive, and up-to-date. If I stop it, it’s downhill.”

Q: “Well, I hope you continue. Thank you very much, I really enjoyed this interview.”


A. Ayahanda Tun, racist, true or fantasy, we should leave it to the management team of Malaysian Insider because it is their rights and rezeki.

B. One prominent newspaper reported that the MI management has problems in sustaining this portal because they are uanble to gain mother goose advertisers from domestic brand owners.

C. To many Malaysians; both Dr Mahathir and Lee KY are junzi (君子 = gentleman)and they

will continue working day and night.

D. Both leaders are very hard working, alert, sensitive, smart, wise and dicipline. In fact we should learn from these 2 expereinced senior statemen.

E. Because of the kindness of BN Government which allow Chinese and Tamil Vernacular Schools in the soil of Malaysia; Malaysians averagely can speak at least 1 National Language; 1 International Language; and 1 Mother Tongue Dialect!

F. As 君子; Mr Lee KY was right, as Malaysian Outsider, because he does not have any direct

personal relationship with any of the Malaysian race base political party, and he spoke his mind by reading Malaysian news in BM, Mandarin, English and so is not suprised that he has this thought....

"So the Chinese build and find their own independent schools to teach Chinese, the Tamils create their own Tamil schools, which do not get them jobs. It’s a most unhappy situation.”

G. Why did Chinese and Indian leaders prefer to have vernacular schools by not giving them jobs?

H. Because our past leaders have had foreseen that Racial Integration is the best system to rule Malaysia so that everyone will be treated fairly and equally today?

I. Today, the ruling Government under PM Najib Tun Razak and Cabinet will make sure all races are treated equally and fairly to march forward Vision 2020 regardless of races.

J. This year, 1 Malaysians will be celebrating 1st Malaysia Day on 16 September 2010.

K. Malay Supremacy will be maintained not only by Malays, it must be maintained by all races in the whole country because Malaysia Royal Constitution of Federal Territory and States are Raja-Raja Melayu Muslim.

Goodnight Ayahanda Tun.

By Melvin on September 14, 2010 9:45 PM

Why Is Lee Kuan Yew Strutting The Length and Breath of Malaysia? - By Matthias Chang (12/6/09)

Friday, 12 June 2009 03:51

To many anti-colonial fighters of the third world, Lee Kuan Yew was contemptuously referred to as “ivory-skin Englishman”. He was and still is perceived as the lackey of the British power elites.

Malaysians can still recall the manner in which Lee Kuan Yew tried to wrest political power from Tunku and how he tried to supplant the MCA as the political party representing the Chinese. He was derisive of Tun Tan Siew Sin as not being a pure Chinese and as such not fit to represent the Chinese community.

However, the Chinese saw through his devious schemes and rejected emphatically PAP’s politics. Lee Kuan Yew thought he could out-maneuver Tunku and become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But Tunku beat him at his own game and he was expelled from Malaysia.

Considering himself to be intellectually superior to Tunku, he could not accept that he was defeated so resoundingly by Tunku. He was devastated. When he announced that Singapore would be separated from Malaysia, he broke down uncontrollably. This was only to be expected as his dreams of being the Overlord of Malaysia, comprising of Peninsula Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah was shattered and he has to be content with being a bully of a city state!

Given such a traumatic experience, and possessing a vindictive disposition, it is a given that Lee Kuan Yew would harbour a secret agenda against Malaysia. And over the years, he has sowed and continues to sow discord among the races in Malaysia.

It was reported that one of the reasons for his recent visit to Malaysia is to find out how the Chinese are faring in Malaysia.

What arrogance!

The Chinese community in Malaysia has no need of a Lee Kuan Yew to meddle in its affairs or wellbeing. The Chinese community working with the other communities is more than able to look after themselves.

Why is there a need for such an elaborate programme – meetings with the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, an audience with the Agong, the Sultan of Perak and more meetings with other political leaders?

The picture of Lee Kuan Yew and the leaders of MCA displayed in the front page of Sin Chew Jit Poh says it all – why, may I add, was he wearing a traditional Chinese attire? And why were the leaders of MCA so willing to honour him when he had tried to topple Tun Tan Siew Sin at a critical juncture of our history?

I take the view that had Lee Kuan Yew succeeded in toppling Tun Tan Siew Sin, and PAP supplanted the MCA, social turmoil would have ensued and we as a nation would not have been able to achieve our present status.

No country is perfect and devoid of problems. We had our fair share, but we are better off without Lee Kuan Yew.

Malaysians must be vigilant. Lee Kuan Yew cannot be trusted and while Singapore is our neighbour and a member of ASEAN, we must never forget that Singapore has never ceased to dictate terms to Malaysia whenever she perceives Malaysia as being weak.

Do not forget the 1997 financial crisis and how Singapore treated us when we were in need.

Today, Singapore is reeling under the weight of the global financial tsunami, but Lee Kuan Yew is behaving as if Singapore has a bottomless vault of financial goodies, ever ready to invest in Malaysia as a favour.

We don’t need Singapore’s money!

Malaysia doesn’t need any favours from Singapore!

And Malaysians have no need for a Lee Kuan Yew telling us how to develop our country!

By gunse007 on September 14, 2010 9:32 PM

If PAP were with malaysia, they would have behaved differently, its a small island. However, I dont agree with PAP political style, its slightly worse than UMNO, but even than UMNO and PAP are the same politically.

However, PAP did very well economically, a small dot beaten the Giant Malaysia with Oil n Gas. What a shame to Malaysia.

May 13 was caused by UMNO and maybe chinese DAP. No wonder English has taken in the word ' Amok' from the malays.

UMNO is so proud of killing Chinese that it keeps on repeating May 13....well done.

By kamal ahmad on September 14, 2010 9:26 PM

Final Fantasy LXXXVII, for old banger LKY.

Salam Ayahanda Tun.

By pochs on September 14, 2010 9:24 PM


Read page 10 of the link BELOW and give me your thoughts.

Read the WHOLE script below if YOU'RE A MAN.This was when LKY was a lawyer in his 20s.


By Shukor on September 14, 2010 9:10 PM

LKY is clearly delusional. Tak malu.

By HOT ZOOM on September 14, 2010 8:14 PM

Pemimpin dulu dan pemimpin sekarang banyak bezanya kan...moga2 pemimpin yg ada bekerja demi rakyata kerana rakyat untuk rakyat bukan untuk diri sendiri

By mr k on September 14, 2010 8:06 PM

salam Tun,

LKY memang tak sedar di untung...mcm doggy tersepit..bila lepaskan gigit tangan org pulak.

screw u LKY. Rumah kata pergi kubur kata mari.

By clear conscience on September 14, 2010 8:05 PM


I am very surprised that you remembered so many things even matters dating back to 1963 (above article) till now but you can't even remember some matters some few years ago in the VK Lingam "correct, correct, correct" case.

No wonder, there is the so called "selective" memory that exists in this "scientific world". It is so amazing that the human brain can remember some events so vividly whilst forgetting totally others.

I wonder God was fair in creating human beings with such flaws amidst the grand perfection that He had wanted in the first place to be in his own image. It really puzzles many in this age of mankind that perhaps, even God can "make" mistakes; now glaringly reflected in Malaysia.

Alternatively, God wanted it being show-cased in Malaysia what "His mistake" was!

By Praxis on September 14, 2010 7:55 PM

A three-year infection has produced a life-long malady!

By Dess on September 14, 2010 7:39 PM

The name LEE KWAN YEW itself is racist. This guy is always a torn in the flesh. Tunku has given Singapore to him for free (although it was a mistake, it was the best thing to do), but he still wants to mingle Malaysian politics. You can imagine what sort of person he is.. It's about time our PERKASA gets some backing from the Malay community, but Malays always fail to study history.. Whether DAP or MCA or Gerakan, all three parties fight for their community. Sadly UMNO never seems to do so.. Umno is afraid to do so because Umno is afraid of being labeled racist... I just don't understand this! Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin to Tun and family. Have a nice day..

By Solo Bear on September 14, 2010 7:24 PM

Evening Tun,

I am a Singaporean. Just like to let you know that many Singaporeans are just waiting for him to be checked in into the World Beyond. To us, LKY is history.

Here are a few articles I compiled about his racist policies in Singapore.

Same old broken record from broken Old Man

Source :