Quality of good parent

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Transcript of Quality of good parent


OUMH 1303









A) Written Assignment

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am………………., The founder

of the Brainy Montessori. I am deeply honoured to be given the

opportunity to talk about what it takes to be a good parent. I

will be focusing on the characteristics of a good parent.

Being a good parent is one of the toughest jobs in the

world. It can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling

experiences of your life, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Children nowadays are exposed to modern technology which provides

them with unlimited information. They are easily influenced by

the behaviour of the people they see such as artists or friends

and family members and often try to imitate them. This is the

reason why parents needs to demonstrate good characteristic

because parents are the closest person to the children while they

are growing up and what the children learns from watching them

will last a lifetime. Although parenting tactics change from

person to person, some essential characteristics remain.

What makes a good parent? What qualities should they have?

What would they say to their children? What do they do to be a

good parent? These are the questions we will be asking ourselves

when someone ask us “what makes a good parents?” Here I will

lists a few characteristics that a good parent should have. These

characteristics are essential to parents in order to be a good

parent to their children.

Loving is one of the most important characteristic of a good

parent. Providing a child with a loving and secure environment is

the main goal of all parents. Children need to know they are

loved, no matter what the circumstances. Good parents demonstrate

unconditional love by addressing the behaviour and not the

character of the child when applying correction. However, they

express forgiveness when their child shows remorse for a misdeed

and this reflects good character. As the child grows up, the

child develops these traits and build a solid core, thus it

reflects the love and kindness within the home.

Respect is another characteristic of a good parent. It is

essential for parents to show respect to their child even while

disciplining them. Good parents know that it is possible for them

to be respectful and also firm at the same time. For instance

when children make mistakes, parents should punish them but they

make sure that it’s not in front of the child’s friends as this

will humiliate the child and shows that the parent doesn’t

respect the child’s feeling. Parents might find it very difficult

to control their emotion and not let their anger out on the child

right away but all the effort from the parents will be worthy of

the result. This is because children learn from watching their

parent’s behavior. Parents that show respect to their children

will help to instill a healthy self respect behavior in their

children. The child will grow up to be a respectful person

towards others and also to their parent.

As a good parent, being empathy is one of the most crucial

characteristic. Children need someone who listens to them,

someone who understand their situations and also their feelings.

Being empathy allows the parent to have open communications with

their children. The children are able to share their thought,

their problem and also their feelings with their parent. Parent

should put themselves in their children situation and try to

guide them through their problem instead of trying to solve it

without even understanding their child feelings. The ability of

being an empathic listener to their children helps to build a

strong relationship between parent and children. A good parent

treats their child with kindness and respect, giving praise and

encouragement when they have the opportunity. They are able to

express interest in their children and involve themselves in

their life. They create an atmosphere in which their children

come to them with a problem, however large or small.

Trust is a characteristic that a good parent has. A good

parent knows when to trust their children to make choices. Parent

instills a level of trust to allow children to make their own

decision and take consequences from the decision that they make.

By trusting a child to make an age appropriate decision, parent

empowers the child and helps the child to become responsible. It

provides the children with opportunity to make their own decision

and take responsibility for the choices they’ve made. As the

children grow up they gain experience from the choices they make

and become more mature in making decision.

An experienced parent knows when their children are old

enough to make decisions for themselves; they encourage them to

make the decisions. For instance, they allowed their children to

choose which extra - curricular activities they want to do or

what friends they want to play with. Unless the parent thinks the

activity is very dangerous, or the playmate is a very bad

influence, good parents trust their children to figure things out

themselves. By trusting the children to make decisions for them

they are able to learn that their actions have consequences that

are good or bad. This helps them to become a good decision makers

and problem solvers so that they are prepared for independence

and adulthood.

A good parent has good leadership characteristic. Parents

play the role of a leader in a family. A child usually modeled

the leadership shown by the parent. This is why it is very

important for the parents to have good leadership quality so the

children can learn from them. It keeps them healthy and safe.

Parent shows leadership by being firm when it is necessary and

instilling rules to be obeyed by the children even when they

don’t agree with it. An experienced parent does not back off

their decision even when they are emotionally threatened by the


Good parents with leadership characteristic convey the

importance of these traits everyday in their life. The fairness

and equality displayed reveal consistency and reliability. As

their child matures, the child surrounds themselves with the

traits and values that they’ve learned in their youth. Therefore

it develops a solid core within the child so they can relate to

these qualities during their adolescence and become a balanced

and realistic adult.

The next characteristic is courageous. Good parent shows

courage when they instill values, rules and limits to their

children. The decision that the parent make might not be agreed

on by the children but still the parent stand by their decision

and the children has to obey it. This is what courage is all

about. Good parent also show their courage when they allow their

children to make choices and take consequences from the choices

they’ve made. A courageous parent allows their children to try

their choices and face the consequences as this is the process

for the children to learn to grow.

Gratitude is another characteristic of a good parent. They

show it by praising their child for their accomplishment. Good

parent appreciate their child as they are and accept the present

moment with open minds. By showing gratitude towards the

children, parents help to build the child’s strength. Parents

have more positive influence in their child’s life. Being

gratitude makes the parents more approachable to the children. A

good parent that shows gratitude towards their children gives the

children self - confidence, it empowered the children to be

independent in life and adventurous to be out in the world on

their own.

Gratitude also helps to build up child’s self esteem. It is

another essential characteristic of being a good parent. Poor

self esteem leads to problem behaviours and difficulties with the

child’s relationship. Good parents raise confident children, by

avoiding solely focusing on their negative behaviours. If a child

is behaving in a positive way, they praise their child. They

boost their child self - image by making a big deal when their

child accomplishes a task.

A good parent is also an understanding parent. This

characteristic is the hardest to develop in parent. But a parent

who has them is generally a good parent. It is the most difficult

characteristic in parent due to the fact that parent has to

embrace their parenting job with enthusiasm, compassion, a sense

of humour and a clear memory of what it’s like to be a child. A

good parent spends time to understand their child’s personality.

Even with a hectic work schedule, a good parent does everything

to be there for the important moments in their children’s lives,

from their birthdays to their graduation day. Good parents

understand that children grow fast and that they’ll be on their

own before they know it. Good parents are there in the important

days of their children lives.

They spend time with their children and careful not to make

them feel as if they are forced to spend time with their parents.

Good parents spend time with each of their child individually.

They divide their time equally if they have more than one child.

They also listen to their children and respect what they want to

do with their life. They attend their children school functions

or do homework with them and attend parental meeting to

understand how their children are doing in school from their


Fair is another characteristic of a good parent. They

understand that each child is individual and unique. Good parent

accept the differences in each child and instill the desire to

pursue their interests and dreams. They never compare their

children with others especially siblings as this gives them the

idea that they are never good enough in their parents eyes.

Parents are able to help their children improve their behaviour,

by talking about meeting their goals on their own terms instead

of telling them to act like their sister or neighbor.

Good parent never compare one child to another as it will

cause a child to develop a rivalry with his or her sibling. Good

parents know how to nurture a loving relationship between their

children and not a competitive one. Good parent also avoid

favouritism. When their children are quarrelling, they don’t

choose sides, they stand to be fair and neutral.

A healthy lifestyle is also one of the characteristic of a

good parent. They encourage positive and healthy behaviour to

their children without harping on it too much or making it seem

like they are forcing their children to eat or act in a certain

way. They let the children come to these conclusions on their own

while helping them see the meaning and importance of a healthy

life. One way parents should encourage the children to exercise

as a healthy lifestyle is by getting them to play sport early on

life, so they find a passion which is also healthy.

A parent who likes to give candies as rewards to their

children may create a bad habit to the child. This is because

once they get older; some may feel they should reward themselves

with candies which can lead to obesity. Good parents start them

out with healthier snacks while they are young. Instead of

candies, a good parent gives their children fruits or biscuits.

A good parent knows that the eating habits that their

children learn as they are younger are the ones they continue to

have so they would never make their child finish their plate if

they say they are not hungry as this can continue throughout

their lives, causing them to finish no matter what portion are on

their plate.

As a conclusion, raising children is not always easy. Parent

sometimes tends to overreact. They sometimes forget that their

children are in the process of growing. As the children grow,

communication tends to break down, rules are not carefully and

consistently enforced, and parents wonder if they’re going to

make it as a family.

Good parents acquire characteristics such as loving,

respect, empathy, trust, leadership, courage, gratitude,

understanding, fair and healthy lifestyle. These characteristic

helps to improve the relationship between parents and children,

as many problems will continue to exist during the time when the

children are growing up. When applied correctly, these

characteristic will help parents and children get along better by

creating a happier environment at home or wherever parents and

children are together; and should difficulties arise, the chances

are great that problems will be handled in a positive,

appropriate way.

Parents should accept the fact that risks are involved in

raising children, and these risks increase with age. When working

with infants and children, the risks tend to be low while the

probabilities for success are high. Instead of being discouraged

by this, parents must be ready for it and be prepared to adapt

their parenting behaviors accordingly. As time goes by, parents

should learn to use a better way to understand and interact with

their children. When that is done, parents and their children

will get along much better.

By applying the characteristic we discussed here, good

parents are able to create a "proactive" environment in the home.

A proactive environment is a positive, supportive, reinforcing

environment that is under parental control. Parents can't expect

their home to be pleasant if they are unpleasant and out of

control. Creating a happy mood in the home is a responsibility of

good parents. By first controlling the parents’ behaviors, then

by effectively applying selected characteristic, parents can have

a remarkable effect on improving the quality of life at home.

Raising children is one of the difficult at the same time

most rewarding jobs in the world while some parents claim to be

ready to face the challenges of parenting; many also find out

that no precautionary measures can completely prepare anyone for

parenthood. There are many things that are still to be learned as

parents guide their child into adulthood. There are many

parenting skills and characteristics that can be learned from

online resources but most of the time, parents have to learn it

themselves to prove if these things could really be applicable to

their situation with their kids.

The characteristics discussed in here are all intended to

help parents to create a kind of proactive environment in the

home, and to learn what the characteristics of a good parent are.

If these characteristics are applied correctly and used

consistently and effectively, that is exactly what will happen.

Their children might not behave in every respect and in every

situation exactly as the parents want them to, but at least the

environment in their home will be under the parents "proactive

control", and parent will learned a better way, a wonderful way,

to raise children. Parents will acquire valuable parenting


Power Point Slides


1. Characteristic of a good parent, (2009). Parentshood360,

Retrieved June 15, 2014, from



2. Power of positive parenting, (2008), Family Consumer Human

Development, Retrieved June 15, 2014, from




3. Characteristics of good parenting, Parenting411, Retrieved

June 15, 2014, from http://www.parenting411.com/parenting-


4. Characteristics of good parent, ask the internet therapist,

Retrieved June 15, 2014 from



5. Characteristics of good parents, (2005), Studymode.com,

Retrieved June 15, 2014, from

