patagonian - The Patagonia Museum

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Transcript of patagonian - The Patagonia Museum



~ ! .' -- .

'Vot.. Vl,

Farley DecIdes to Become a Soldier

After Issuing Defy l"lll'Iul of "Inie Ilrnl'{l(l lllf' .J, .JOhn

)· ... 1('1 •• tI~lleti I. W. W. "Jbt' rl'nt ... hto h .. u.-, ,, nr"'. ' I',1 In NOVIII •• 011 Ihl! ,bur, at I~.d l ll¥ li111 tlrate ".deco, will lWI .... "1 10 , 'Amp . 'lInJlOI:I a\ •

!tItllllar o( lli ll N ll tlonll l army .",j jll,la1n. frolll hi, .. . " r.,,,o • • ",.\le 10 .... 11 . 1 III.! Otllllln.U I of Jill ' lea II III '''flllill thai •• .. rI.,. "ill Let OP, •• booII ... , un ( IV'-'" tor lb. Allif:a.

W ..... 111_ ..... 1 .. ,1 .ber • • boll\ 'WO

wee" ..llel "ar~1 ..... 11(10111" to III:", 1\I"ted ••• Ihl h , . .. II r t ile bur .ln o( ilL. tOUI I,,._ II. 1I(J1II' ~ wllllnji: III .. , •• III Ih .. ara:tr. TIiIh, ll, VIII (lw.r1I, of lilt DfIMlt I""1I 1 of J llt l, ,", ,I.' r.rlty ,I, 1'111,. \(011 bIo t .. "I''' ,lib. _Itt lll, 'I ,ll. 11,,'1 PlMeJll r' or k­I., prOlMllt .. 1 tOr ( . ,111111 to tetllrl' 'I. 1'111 .. ,11" •• &1,.. II .. H-" m,. cbOMl

"r\'~'" .... rle,. I. !4 ytaU of Alfl' I ''') (Ilm~

to NOII.lel lro. t;Ulln.bu'K, Wau,I"I ' lo • •

Nogales News WlmIlLD&.BAT&8

W .. llle .. hl,)' ot lu , wl',,1I .t th, ho., or Mr • • "tI M, .. lIero ',1 L. io"'it htt fit T .. non, M,. Ch'''lu A. Wbt l'le., Ibo ,1O""lA. hIIliU"1 cI . hlu 01 1111 ."'i .. 1 NIII •• 1 H •• II. 01 :>;.I" .... ,lli' .. E\·. L. 8aJh . .. 110 (0, • 10llk 11.111' hu bH. I'mploYf1II , Ihe ball., ""I'''' I' .. ied ' . ..... rlf\! t. Ihe I>' u.-.,,· 01 . few "'.'"u .,.) l"um.11 (,11'1<1 ..

tt.v. ". n. IJcoI'OO. ur Ibe :So~alU 'lIl"I., ,ku.tll ~lmlr,. .. 1 Itl TOIuo, 10 p..I'.JIl Ihf . , .I ..t lll . f fl elnO",.

TtMI JIUI"1 ttl,,".I. of 0.1' b.iJ t .... 1 b;i,JcoLl'O(rm wMI Ihem IU 1111 Jo, Ih .. 1

Il'iluMod III. u" brln • • ~. yOIlIl¥ t .. u))lfI will rt'IOI, _hh 3.1 ••

Wh.,.It" ·' ,uolhC! f Oil U' lUId . \ ·I.IIU". No­ph'"

)Jr.. Llbl, II II'MB' utt ('allllill W411 a No •• I,. vblto, I"" ""~k.

H III 01,1 HINt :SOK.t"· , will IIO/) II I,a \'o a b,"llIu~' collc"o,

WI. Mlll oll! '",,::-,"",-,C,-=r m,be., i. III,· IUIlIl hfl' \)filll.t" Jlldite t'. J Dllffy III

No,a' •

w. ".tt, wbo , ,....e llll , IIOl.I bl. 10' '0 ... ,1. Ill' Ru r, I" . 'ura\!u't eolltpa .. y 10 W. O. fJowm. ", .... ",III'''.) Irom ..... ".,,111&.

(1a.,I~ A )'!lI lfr 01 )to"'1 . .. ,1 ON'" I::""t ll ot Wa~"I . .. lo!l l. ... p .... ,. SOIIII .. a yulton I." Th"notI.,.,

"" T. lIalf,. ' pt'tI.1 l lo." lIl ot Ih' WI' T,.....lf 00.,,1, hili "'lNbll.h~1 hI.· .olt I. bla ti l''' otrtu In NOII'I I",

),I,t. (.' ' l L . " o,..I~, all,' l1li11 1",1 .,all.h.o~, ('hrtrl~ N V. alill l 'harl t-. V" Jr,. t"ell\ ",,,..,111 lla,. t('ntltly III )}em· lOll N. M., vblth'lI II.~ (1111111, uC k:,1 no ... ,


'RI. telldenu ot A. C. O.lton reeent. 11 .... de.troytd bl fiN .... hl('h II be· nlYid to hnl tlftn ot In('lndi..,.,. origin, n.. ~ bad bcwtnu1\O«uried for80me dml, but ,.~I,", tUMI been Iblde bl M., Dalton. pNp."torl to hll rt:monl there wlUl bw famll,. Th.,. w.a DO lnau.· a_

Raft'lOa FrI,G, who wu .hot M"eral • "'III'ao. hili reeoV'~' Uti Will at. b), Dr. "'Ittl of p.u.goni • .

Mr, and MrII, 'l'' hive retllmod from • NOI.III hll.plt.1 to Iheh h()me no .. ElgIn, M •. Tllrney II IIlfiht ly 1m· prov.d III II l1al ~h .

W, II , Collie Ind lIumer &/wlU'dl motor.d to Noltlihul WtdneldlY·

An elllirtalnmtlni w\1l be glvt'n .t Can,lIe .' ebrll. ry 16. and .n exlenllv. proIT.m •• lIppe' I nd a roy.1 good time ar, pro1nlJoIld. The pfO«ed •• re to be lind ww.nI t he pUfehue 01 • plano l or tbe: Kboolhollll!.

lIullh OWHr Dr. Fltll ... u here Wednetda, In" .. t lr.111I1I' .... po.ted D.H 01 .Ul-peeted .... rlet fn'er. It wu • drug ruh.

Th. Counl". dub 01 El,ln will ,dye • d.nN S.tunt., evenln", r . brulirY 2, .t Fniltl.ud h.II, Ih' proceed. of whk h 'fllill be don.ted to lhtl Elgin coh.ptt..ol lh. RI!d Crow. Good mlllle.nd I lI:ood time &NUNlII all who .ttend.

Tilt' 11"lllIn .. 111'1' ero!, I " r 11111 Will :10 t ,,, r Ulll~ boluw 1111: lIu' rlll" ',

PnAOOS"IA. 5.u1T ... Cain Col1lfT"l'. AaIZUHA, r a.Il"". Feb. I. Itl

'--'---;==== No.

Redwine and rcher Declared Inllocent

"\flu Ilt h llf Otl ~ Ju.t ,.IM ,·n n,\nll i u 1111' jury h. tb t' ~a.11 li t Ihn HII/tft "ll­

Ie . n . IIMwlnll lI u ,1 ,I . W A ro·hll ' . '1' ! " .nu,l II \·",,11,' 1 To" ~'l •. v u1llhl lI t 1101 "lI l l1y IIn ,1 tJ, d" (" ntl'" IR w~rt J ;»flu!llfcd,

Re.}",III(I lind Arfhl" 1II'l'rl' . 11 1' 11 (" \ 10 lun ' \! IlIlum n. .tt'~ r hU1 1I 1'111 W,I.:ht

fnlln. ,..hom t hl'.1 hlhl l, ret·\ulI.I)· Inti cb • .cod u tl lt, It III " _hown III I ~" I.ial Ihll l 11,,111'1111' ... 01 At,·h.., Ita I 1111' , ('1,. n ' tllrll",1 " " .. ",Ir.lrt hl" t l"l'r fl.1I<i tlt"hntt",1 1I lor 0 •• flf •• 11.11,1 tr,III",III'.

'I'be (Nt! IraJ troof'1I It"'rl • • hi Ihr loul court l ot ",\'1'1,1 ~'f'''' Til. d~ Icmlull .... f"' rfl,rf'K"IC'oI I,." Dllffy alul Pll r,h~ .. 111 1111 .. JII'IJc. l a.rn'l. ot l'bOfIlb: llN: i&Ie.1 In lb. l'fOM'C:1I110R.

LOCAL NEWS ~OTES Th!! Amttlt ' n OIU' gll w,lI ,",OM! a l I:!

o'dOf'k noon S~'. I;ly 11 111 11 1 •• 'R , )Ion • 1\ 1\, In {ullitt'. 11.1 "1\' ,, Ih.· 1"O I "I~ to r. III

UI'I'0,tu RlI y tu , ... ~ " r~w hOllu I',,,, h wN:>k .-.\ ,lv.

II. 1 ,I' lI'i ~ o( I 'n , k ~r I .. ui~ 1I WI,. 1·lIl · '~OU UI "Miut 1,,.1 ~ on"Ny.

lint. J , .. k rail •••• 1 Mt .. l'h rl. WllMO jollrn t,.t'.1 to !\o.:"I". llItl ~oe"I'.v, ."ra M .... t" lI, ,ra. !Cnlll l",1 I IIiH","U (r11rcl

Ja. 1t .'alt.... Who I, f\'f\ iI" 1011111 HI fOjj' .. ~tloa . Ih Ilt t ","r-Itt _" II .... '11''' of lI is parlllH h. Ihl' hlatll •• llh blUinl'o


Elmo WiI.oft h .. lM't- 1I "" tnln, from ch i l'Ir. ~Il P(Ui fOI I'f~t ral II.YI, b ut. II now oul . 11 ,1 " t llrl,. ' It(o\"('tl'. I,

8hNn,a .. nlutl' lIr t u( I) I"l\J~~ lItI "u • btl.loul t' I.ll o. 10 NII".I~~ T UI,., I.)' , ~toJlpil\lC in 1'lllII!;"" I ", (ill 1,1. '1'l lI rn ,

I"" lJf 01 ro",1 trUII' Nlro 10 1II, bl" " , U'~,I' bPinJ tholo1lJu t bi.ltlr •• for Ih .. wOfk .

.\If. A. V, I>III1UOII, ",ho wit h hi. ,,1ft b .. lIl'en v.,ltllljt l t t ... ,I ) 1,... C. L . Norl her"l , hu III"ji.lItl r,1 , ,,. "StoW \'0110:. .bt'." he will remlln (1.1' IIOmfl Ihnt )S, ... 0110''', In Iht> IIIefl!ll illl", w,1\ rOIl'

tiD.lle./lu vl,.1t wil k ber .11.' MI,. Nll rt b'


1'ho ~n ht'~ ,. 00. Of th l' Urllb lt ,· It!nvll'lI." "hUll! ~h.lterl lllt n'f IU~rnl11 oblll l' riliod Ihf! Germl n U('i"I .. Irt'od l IInli dll"ooi l\OI' lUon. In ""llIlIlIeN wh«!n SI. DoUilIR' HIIIC pl't'Metl fOfWII!'d 10 Id'llel'lt ht, ~ k.'tIJro­!Jonlluer victor!!'.. 00 !lie ,UIl carr1ale In rl'n . ut tb l' brf'l!"(ll , ... t'IIK' pro­lcectlln relult t or loodln:;.


Wld.( Adopllon of th. P,..cU,* II R_ omm.nded by French N'IIII Phi,...

mlcl.t, Hultll Adllll\tI;u..

II tin 10ftJ bettt I euftom In ~tn pIlrtl of F'N.1K'e to make 0Jl the doqtl for bnad with ,"·w.ter InatNI1 of ,,1111\" .. I. nmOIllIU7 , fre5b ... ·!l lar. willi the I"dltlon ot WI reqnlred 10 1I11k~ bruit both bN ithtnl lIud .~ IIdn .. , an,. Ole Literary Dh:et¢. }f, Abf'rt SIIlnI !komln, • l"'rmeh 01"11 phllnlleclMI 01 Ihe Ill'll daa ur,8 the t\III('.. ndopllon of lhe (lMlttlct. wbldil 1111, .C®rtlln" 10 blm. ~"I!ral od,"'· til",..: Iho bread teepll mohrt lona-er. owtnl 10 tllI~ nmnlll tor wOler flO" ,M!K'd bl Ib t. nlllgneBllIM chloride IC!I-1I'nh' r Cflnlnlnll; It 18 v('rl wholf'llline. ,InN It IJI'Mldell not I)nl, Ihe I'Mori/lei ot III)(!lollJ nnd mll.J:narlum, bnl nilier mlnerM IlUb~ l tlDCH wlllr ll tile bod.r t:Illl 11M! ot.

The " .. Ier must be colleaoo . t II MUitable dllli note. fmlll IlInd IIUll l houht htr t.keft from I deplh of ~.J. o. ,,"fin Ilirds Ir poulble. The ,..alt n'n. ~ be IIN'tMU-.d 1I·Uh I~ wale . Ind Ihe ", U " . Itr 1IlM'd tor mlK!D,1b.e dou£h, The F'reftdt ...-rltft" .ddt:

" Srtt.d .. de ... UI .n. _ter. QH tul for ",'erybodl'. I. to be t'eC'OmlDeodtd

Prlv.tI, Un.blo to l pa.k ~"Otllft. GIll .. I lpll ll lllofl Afte r HI.

StcOlid Reprlmlnd.

A pr1 Y1l e or tortiif' nlrtCUCID ~ unll, I IlI_n>d .t ,.....111. .·llb bit O"trtOGt UUbIlUnllf'd. ronnlnl r, 10 ,.... ollDon., nllll,. • ntall'flWfnt Nrl"+­.JK!~dl:oL n .. I"(>Ion.,I, ... ·L" hIIpJII"nf'll to be on the 1('('11". ·11C'l'd dUI dt. tupAOC1; be roll .. 1 Ibo min 4/ut ·.of Ih.o mnk .. tool: '1m 10 bll or.1ce Ind 1i",l h'(lfl.'(I • at rft. 'Inr" on tb" D~ III, of 1II11110r, unrtltud t>. DurinlC .be lu lmooltlon Ihlllrt'"Ie 1II0lnlnlno:'11 II (1I lloln(l(! IUen('f!, W iI(,D lhe ~lltnl! l luul OIlI.hl.'I l, hll l)(li m ed 10 till! door, 'tllll luun WI' I(I 0 111,

'llle rollowln l1 moru llll; 1111 nppeor E'd III r(we l11 c wi ll. hill «lil t u_lIfn \llIhUI' t Oiled, Whr D til , 10rrn" llI, Wh Nn­el uded. Ihe captain collOll hhu· t o one .Ide,

"OldD'1 tbl' colanI' I If'" I OU to keep TOur ron l loll tlMII'd T' hI! dl"lOandl'l1.

Tbe prl"lIIr> rfpMIf'd him bll,nkl" "I .,. dHltt't Ihl' rulllnci leD ,01,1

to Ii: f'If't) I l'Iur N1II IIUllun"l r' 'I'M men IlIlIli;lI!d .t thor oftlC'tf .... t.b

Q fluwtd orspreuloo. "lie DO ' 1)111 F.olllab," btl .fIIrmed

wll lllT,

T. ~II.IIU of 1'" I"'r l·.n~ltll JIII ... ,·.1 ~pc!ot l alll ror If'01I'ln.r chlldreo. for Clme,.. l~nM' W.nud, l1r rolljl:h l'IIIIl:OUj, T llr .. I., ou bl' WI~' tOD .... ll'IIM.'taLt. aud for all Ibo8e ... ho T1H" Cnllf'll !illal'" .lcu.I.ctII"lJI' luIa 10 Nog.lf.t. wherft hI' III ""1 10 run-hltH .! nevd 10 f1'Pfllr tho WU tN doe 10 fenr I",urd an .M .... I to III .. olll·ne" of .11 11r/C@qulhtll, of fl"l!'lf"'hl't".,·k. orI0 11an.1 __ '_'_bo_'-_-____ hlrlq:rlldf mme.... TIlt' "'llIal ('(tf1l!l

needa d lt! If~ (lr thl'lr !Jlorhln ... for Will Y(l lIn,. fOil 0' Ll ll llt ' YOUII" •

etu l .. mall wll(l l'I! , a n. h I. nn. Orralt r ,' jJl ~ . 111 .. 1 1I It h " III'rlo\\. "rtl· l ~nl ltoh . r tk, wht n hi' \fo rM' ','11 wh llr hI' wa. rllnnlll~ r altllO. Mr. ," IIU II"'" It'll w~~ broken (lR,1 h~ Will h,null'" to l'l\ ln ~on ln

and I. 111 Ih~ home of "ulf" " nU III:, hl_ uncle. IInlle'lttIlnlr I urll:leal It;,llmenl at lhe h.nd.of Dr, f'l l ta.

Fllvlne .. AlltlMptle F.II.. "'If wlIrl\:, It II kllo"'u Ihllt til" l 'lIll· F1ovlne. o r lIC'rlft.,,1ue. whl r b htl l re- ec1 Stall" burl'1lo o r IllnntlnroJa bA.

·I'nll,. ~n tri Ll ed the \denl onllSf'pt1c ~I,"~ Ihll pMflll'm lit mODIlIDeturlnll tor u.e In 9;ounllt. I. unf!q Il I\'(>euU,. hl¢l.cnad(' IIr,ltNlI ,InQ fur nl",nan runllulI1l1C!d by LI('uL Alplmntlt'. Flem· Cllm,1"1I. I ~n"'" hUI 1'I 111)11",nlll ch.)' In!; of Ihe nrlll ~ 1I Army all"(\lclIl t"~ connot bo (lrtlduco'd In Qllunllt, flt"l .tter • ~rtl'll of experilll(,OIIl " 'llft I. ", I'O,lll llh til r 'l lil fl unr nl'(' t uf II lrlllnlltt. errel' l upon 11111 1)1\1( hlood, UI 'UII ... 1· l'h~ !'nll l·d " I III\'~ hn. 111\1"111' b lO" 1i II rfollel nn(1 U\101/ 11UA. Tile Lllne~1 rub- II"fl '1I1 ftl' lli for Il1 n,l1 rllr IIhIllOllr ullh.'".,. lI ~ hCl hili 6""Perlmtlltl In dl'tnll, nnd , nil .ht.! (' tl rl' II Inr,,11 lIumtwl' of hl.rh. hll tonclu.loM lire thllt !!tro ll)! II(Ilu· t:r.HII! fo;UrOfM'IIDIUn\1 .. 11' n ~/>' /ll'lItt"rl'd

W, J . MltI'heliol Mowr)' w •• ln toWII ,l eon. ot ft ll lino " ""'9 u. mo.e tl .... ,I"ll"" .'''lliI Iii" CUlutlll. Th,'" Itn_t. Iho Wednesday .Hemoon, U"Cl " l'u on on (1)<0 blood th !!. n on l he .1~ntll (f)rpl 'I'\"Ilnll 10 bUI. J.,{lDI f o-

mlcrobH, II nli t'hnl weak IiOlnl ltlM ru~ len1'o{'11 worl;llIl lit IUflC" ,pl'nur"" Rlrrl Frie.r o r Ihe S," Rat.ol nlley hne no .ntlR pUe I"trt'Ct \"onb men· I arC! Ihlt onl, k'nll 1I'bl~h un bll U o!d.

UODl o,,"

• ., in P.tqollil thll w"k . --Jaijii;--:;;:~::;:::_,~;;:;~;---;:;:;:;;;::~"il Mr . • nd Mra, F. A. Stone moloNd 10

Notell ... WtdMId.y tlve oinll: for. _loll tall .t the nom. or their, M". Ollie Ston. Brol_

J .. iule Lonl Netherton. d aurhlc.r of Mra. lIenr,l\anCl. I. eonYlltllfln r f rom an .t~k 01 bron~hllia.


l'n rr hNl ('(Inm~o' II Ihe tutllre ot Ibcst! ext'l!tleul wht"lIlh~ b'lII'lIltL ""to tllp con lln ... l~u .. h.1f • t\lf\­la pili In • • hAllo,.. ))In (lll t:'l"Il In tI,. 0\'0" nfld aurrl"d tNqut nll , IIn lll It .... dt!UNIIQ br,.",,,. l ·thl olher lu.~ .,Itutl .m a IH',M)lIn or _ II. , <up of I_nUl IlUlle. I nri OIle ,,, jl • h.t t C:IIPS of "Ier. ),". Ihtl ~"'U htt l· 'rr, ... lfI •• nd .. It 'lid bl'lL Wil li ' OWl! mis luf Cl I, bOI ", Ir In I"e mul .. hl r h .btlllld ,Ito be h"L 1\0'11 1 t ho", OUllhl , . " '1 tIou.;h /lbllllid he! or Iud, ('On lll.'llenl', t hai It rail IIf' drolllH'd from • 1I1"' .. n. Itll kr In 11111111 R lu" In l\P u:lIi:I'M'I .... 1 1,,, 11 . TIll" luAku 18 hl«Ults. ",.('11 III ... ·hld, COt· ,u.lnll ~ .. 'Ixtb of lin QlInN' ot umu·lfI .

III.ili hnll r/lr lll.Io Il·1! 110 ,' ('_I'" '' fit r"U. b tufr8 Irl .'oron lt il'o " ' w"r \\Jlh Ihr , ' " i " ',1 1"11111\" n" ,1 I"<lu,,'rl,·, n •• udfll .. ,1 \\'I II! th,'nl 101 I"l' ... ,H.

'.' ""ff -,' •. ' ••

':I-wheat use more corn

2-meat - use more jlrh 8. heaRS

3-Cats use just enough

4-sutar o use syrups 8 • ' Q." • •

and serve the cause offreedom

u. s. FOon I\IlMINI~' l'Il/\'nON

Mexican Cavalry to Purslle Yaquis

Facorable Vote Is Given Road Bonds

in Rrcent Election \I.'ll,·i\JI "Il"air)lnt'u .1t,ltl".1 from l·hU,,,.h,lIl hi ::>t,III1rf1 In a •• I.1 ./\ ,uh ,llIlnil \"':I(IUI t.I,lrrt ar" ,Iu,' \0 IIttll.. ··n,,·, tllr 1"1' "" ,,11.111" "'"Crr.> III z.."i:"lIlc~ ty.llo,l,." Uti \lIII"'''y, nr .. ",,' .Inll lit u ... "'jI ... ·llHIt!l1'" tl11J,tllMI .... ,I '"iI 11,1 Ul1otfirIJl1 oIl'l"h'III'M 1t·~e'~".1 1."11,1 ,,"'tllu~ .llIrI, .. u IIf/,1 I" ~ltlla lu S"I:U"" \\"(',11"',,1 .. , I hI" r'm,,11 1"" l'ahlt.I<l1 Ollh, .n.t

'rb'" ttuIII .... ,..,n I,.,d 11,,""~h 11.1' luul •• lt1,1i """ '" .1"R,I,,"rOIIl, I., I'blt.J SIIItrA in ""11. ' .1101 1.,., ,1' l,lt .. \'1+1 ... WitT"! u.'. """ lilt' ... f", t)ll'

('>lIt. ~I,..t'o ... 11.1 1· ...... r.,1 ..".110." Ib, 1'''''1' ... '< II "'., I .... 101 IIo.t Whll,. r, ':"111 lof<l" If,1 I" til" I.,hlll I .. ",hh 1'10.1 \1.10 I. fllu,t .-.11'" 1 ... J ........ 11 '\I'I,II~_I'O' hu ''''''II ~,I. 10 1.",lu,l .. ~"'.I 11l~1 tlt .... 1 I,y I.", • _1111 •• Ib~ l"n"lI.,. vf Ih,. ... : l'~r""A III ~II .. J"'!" J., .. I, lb. l""'"1 • •• t II" ,,,.,,h 1Itll '"" Ollt Iv Mllr, lb. l·g.toN );.1.111,,,. III II I. ", .... , 110:>' II r tlwfllI'1 r.,r CM'1 ....... 1''"11...-..1 Lut u,~ ."Mlr,. •• 1 .... 1 t.I ..... bM". _11 .... 1

'Iirk to the ;",b WIllI til. \'.'1111& " Tt", "'I"""~. '.r1 ~I.., •• tl .. ht IIIqu,.be.J. b... ' IW.... 1'lft1.i1l, ....

a T". II. ),1, •. ,., ".ar""IIIIO, 11".1 .. I ~1 •• .uti, ... 11 h .... ill~'.ll", .....

~",,! .. lIulon ... hlM- II'. , .. " ... ,h,,1I' till f,1 Tl .... ..".1 (ef ........ ,n_ItIIlI.I.>" • lit.

~"lnlr .. 'u'tl I~ '11.'''''' I ... 1I11 ... t, ,,1111> .. ,... Th .. rOIl,·~",,·tI'·(' .. r """"'!C ••• ' •• h) 1,11lI'" III "Litb h'lo4'lI,1 ",'V'1i til,. "'III I ... of ' ~"I'tll I .. th(lllo.' n .... I ... " lIu. t ....

ut work. TIr~ ~"lIIum.' ot hilI' hilI: )'out 'iu. ,,, Irtlltl",1 ,. It Ir.htfe 1101 III I,,'

ulI,.I'KI1t ('o t 11.,·, ... ,III"~ ,of b'lCll I ,rlt" •

W" ... i11 buY(' tltld""1 wur1tIU"" .1 Ihi. Illuinh •• alhl 0"" " .~IIU 1t"1 110" "~1I11 ~'IIU "·,11 hr Ihn 1I"'I1I1l'r hy n,AI'" a Mv .. ,1

.1<)1111' +'\.J".


\\':1 ~.IU:.\IS. 0 1 tu\·j.I .. oI 1>1 I'"

r"ltl " ,.10 nr .\n ·'1.' .. "'1".' ~:\. tWrr· IlMI _'"';", 11,.\1 III .;." • .... 'r .h.1I ... , _,1(1 to., I'roo 1a1li.1"11I .d ..... II .. ;I {trtllA j.,3, hi I..: U~l'<lll •. \.t .. !J" 0 ... ;

\1,111 at~,\}4 .\ ,~f.I"'" '4 .t"1'" ~I""'I aal (.nft ,.". ut ,.."1 I"" .... tit I. ·a,.J "r.U Ib, .... "Iit' I .• lit t.f'lu",n ralko, CIt 1',,\lIi#- !:",tllIl·l ••• " 110"'''0 •• h,...- .,n.1 t'llh,· 1"'I'"""'lIntl tit I,rh.:.-<'61" ... /lb,1 I\,al a.U ,,,,,, wo.1t .10 .. 11 I .. .111'",) ... 1 IIr lito., r,·.."r .. ' l'I'''''I"I.t'' I" u.~ 'I"fll 0' .\ .hM II".·

SOW. TIH:fi l';FtHIf:, I, tn.II \\" I'.

Ilt'ST, Um'nnllr (II Arl"'I'1 11.\' \,"tI" ot Ih ~ nuthtl , lh' \"~~le,1 ht TIll' I" I,IW ,I .. Ilt'TI'\':o' 1"l\I:lullll 1 •• \1 Ill" n",I" ,·, .. !lI,.. Ih!' -"Ih .I.~, III Pt'uruary. " 11. IIIIM. 111 I ... ,,"" .. th·,' .. Ad,or ".~ In Ih,' I 'I" 1/ ... uf \'~hi.r (111_, 1I,.t, .... , U.· .,,1>'1', Marlro,-, j'i.t!III. )"i ... I, \:J'nll IN" .lIoJ ),,,n •• ,, I 011( rl.1r1h .. , p,od,lIn ,11,1 .. l &· ff1.I •.• ·, II", lUll 'Iny 01 ''\1".1." (1

\lI\Ii, 10 be o~."\of.1 .~ Atl •• , nl,. II

Ih l' ,"'Ii,·. 0' '\I",!k·. l'kOIl'"O, "' .. h.,,. :\""IIJ.l _ ... j \'11\11"'·

It u. "TII .... II\" 'rt .. "I .... ",11'ti Ib.t 1>" I .... ,I.y. Ih"~ ... 1 '1"" 110 .. 1"",111"". 11 •. 1 1'11.1-· ... ( \.t .... , 1"100:- .hllI t.. t'l' li'l>:!y , .. If''' •• I. I .• nil I, .. I,I,,~ tr.\lI. .rtd pal"OI'loi.u • hGOb b .. Ih. "1I\.I'''It.t .uIlIlM.,. .. , .. ,rI ....... Io, I~"..III.I .. t .. II,. Ulln,b or th~ dlll.",n , .. ' l,rMdll. \1.1 I,.

.,'." f·1 tr, ..... "' .. I ......... M·IIIl .. 11 •• ,. I_ ,,,,,IUU'om or Ib, fUf"" •. "",1 r,,,,., 110 ..

1,11"1111,,11>: "~.I 1""I"rI'"" .. f 1"'11, ~',,"I .. IIR" \nol· •. ,,1 ... ,1'1 ... Iht' ('1.1\1""_ ... , rouu,I,,,~ .lIdl -rh., ,I~ 1"II,t I, .. 11111.1,,,,,1

IIM,I l"·~,,t'fJ!'·I.

It i. IlkrOliw "'11,',1111111 " .. r'3· fllh" 1I I1 I Ilr,it'r, rnl.· "filM".,,,,,,, '~'I 111.110.·1 Ilul ,·1111"" KIt~J1 .'ut~r '1+111 Ih .. "1,1,,1 ", \ ,1>1)' U".I. ,I. 1"·,,·lul,,.1 "~,' ,1",111,,111'.1, .u" I~ I"" "., .• 11"'''''''1''''''''',1 t" Ihr "1l'11~~II'" "lItHI Ull ... tol,·h W\·lhl' ",II.' I .. • l .... ul>I> ... , ",,,I IIIa·I,. ",,·r.· ("ulrul, .n.1 !!ut' 1,,.. ... 1· til." • III nlllC" In. I I ...

""~'""".L I"\: "'T:">it;. ..... >i \\ilLRt:uf. I I, .. t

.... '""Ul" •• ""I ., .1. I ... I .......... II, • 1,1<'1 K ... I "f the ~l"'" IIf '\"&1111" 1 .. 1 .. .f(Il' ... 1.

Iltoll,·.1 1''' ... 1\11. II,r I'., ,1,,1, 11>1. 'hi ,hI' vr JUr.r::I.".,.\ 11 11'1"

I.~E\I.' can \\".1' 1I1"T, .\1' , • ..,vtr" ... ·1 "I."

~trISt::\· I' UlOlM)ItS

IIlAHUT ACTt1BJNO r ..... ·~. MUST BE tnnu:a OUAAD

""nll'ltrl"r~ "'· .. '1I1II1f "II 0,.10"" r,lf II •.

I!l!l'" •• .". t b I

'_ ..... lfl 0 It ..... au ".W't.1 rr '" II •• t.. ... 1 .. -1'1" llir. ... • .. IhN' •• jOl""I. 1,,,1 II In ..... ,,, ...... Iu, ..... f,,,'; Ihr .. I , I~" ••• 1_.1 1_." .. In I. "I h'''I~ l 110,1 II'''' ot ot tl" U1dh

"'tl1 Itflt •• "", • •• t til l""lrf,l. t' It t •• Iof' ho)~1

e"" ",,1:00- ... hJrtllf111 III Ill. 1_, ,,, \tI.1

It 111 t"" .1".11 t4ol " 1r 'n •• ' ... ,uk ,.n " .. • llIIle '''1 fl1l1,"UIl, 11111 11111 ~"o""b tno Ih~ "11111,,'" or I"'rm .. ,), til_I" 1 .. ,l1y 'II fle.·.1 I" Ihal ,""' 1 '"'1"",,",1 itO.),.



),1 •. '. \J.II ••• " I .. \ 110..,11\' It T,,~ I

C~ ... ". Mi,loP .....

h, Hr, oJ It ...


T .. .... 1 "",,", ... 1 lI:OO,\a1 fro", I"~', ... 11" .. " ,._ II I. 1·., .... 1. ,,.,. _I'tli .t." I .. Ir ., .r,., III .... 11 ot I.h ... I"'t\ "."rl., ,. .. 1",.1 .... lIl' h ",In t • I" II _ l"rUt ..

All .... " .1 ... "1 .... ( ... ,,,, .. ,1, • "'" 1 .. 1 nt 1'.l.II.lfUIl:l'" II Joco .... rrolllt )$11 ... 1 .1 ,"" n,."". tllltr ....... t.. ",I ," I:"r_,l a ... t ",I",. '. ",I" .. " .. ,., l.ft,Nt"'" w,tll 11,,10" ~ .... ! 611,111,(' k &.1111 'II Hul .....

r'UI''', IoJ\. I.trl." i-rt .. look III': tltt, l,r"I" t1<t ... "' •• ",1 .,.. "'I .. ~II .,1t .... ·1 _llh lb.· I,nl't_t 11111 'I'l""~ II ..... 'Itri,lt,1 t(l ,1t'~rl"I' II 10 If, I .. I"u'" 11 ... 1, r .. llh III it. ".it ....... nll""'AII'f ... lur".t,

"lI.lo",'~' , l.fOwl., 1'1.,1. Ihtu. f", .. ., ... " •• ' ... 11 ..... ' f l'OTJl 111'" ,h,l. ttl, ", .... t.. 011'11', I .. It ... ,'fta.I, _1111" 01 111./11111,.. II Ih,' III •

J ...... \1"11 .. ",, "f ,,,,, 1· ... Il' ..... rrollC' fIr "UII.~ rill I .. '. ,,",r l'_t~r::Oa •• '" 10 •• ( .. , • lull. r."" ,,_ u.. ",,.1 "o! .t .. I .... '

n. ~"'''l:l'l ,.,.ur ..... , ... I'I""-tr.I b" , .J "_,It. •• 111 I ..... lloo.lflrt.. I' •• , In" I'" t,,..,hl •• IhplU'u-rr l./J .,tlro­,..". II) 11:0 ••• tll ...

At 1111, II". f.tIlOWI old 1110..,,"­'lIr~1I ('jWtllUIr. ~ .. .ral mon ball. bHlI IlUl In wo,k .tv'1 olhton "m be addlld 10 lh" fl)rfiI It tut .. pl.~ nn be mad. !(lr lhem Mt. W J. MItcl!eU. ,UpI,IRllJId.fII ot Ihtl nllne. reporu th. l ,hlt •• rt "'10'01".1 h,,"rir~d toni 01 10lld 0"' .... d, fo r .hlpmML MIl11~' I1CfC\ I" Ih. IIndt-'ltroun<1 prOduct th." 111111 illIl:(luen (lU ~ of lbe old wor\I"I' .ht'n .e,",.,. mlmnll: I.fg(n.,


J"l'Dm "'''11 .. ,, ... 1 .. ~ ,~ I III

• uU" .. l'" I'.t. " h'"nn"I ••• j,u "". ,.1\ I ", I I" '"IM'I" .. , 1111", r-rr" ·1 .t , , ..... '" -Mel' I. 1111 f,.,,1rt • \' r '"lc"~J:: • 111...,..1 Or;"llll .. th .,. "rubl, ... '''mutt, .... 1t 'he 1",_ e.a

I"" fit f ... Ua.l~ '.p'C""Iloit .11 ....... 1"1 "II '''11'' I, ••

• n.. , .. ,., ,_ I" thO ""11"" nf'Cl"

I .. , 0 h:a .... t "t .... 1'. '" .... 1. hvl .... ,. "1' ~ IlfIllt" Ill.,...' 1".1 \\,,1

lIlI ••••• II",. D"I r tI, ..... , •••• JOI' ." Ih ........... n .. 1 .IIlm·'y In .~,"'I

,," U" "I' _. Iou I~ '''''II to, l'1"j .... ,,,

.. ,,".,1\,,- .. NO' 1 .. "" r I .. II, .. ~h"fJ'· or t""li nr "I",llt I', "I .. ,,' ..... , lint ... ( .. , 1111111.1· 111,,1 "~r lltll"~ .IUIII'" Nil"" out ui' I'nll' 111111 Ih~I' t,·"" .. Tit,·" 1""h'I" It ... 111 I, .. ~II Iii .. ",Qlllinuniloll ... t tlli'

IIn'~ nr" r"'lu\,.'·IIO ).tu" I,'" """""11'11 ~",I ,I~tl~'·. II! 1"M,·tl 111I'lr 111"",_ Alhl

1"'1""" 11.1,'\ I h.· IItlrll h. I"')""··. 1".ln_ "'I"""I\~". hrh ... r "'11' 1111,1 .. t rtll'IU"

nlku •. 1·1 .... " r"'III'''1 II!! '/ Mm_1 "'1",,1 "II" ""n lor .,.", .•• ,I ,,,,·1 Ih .. f"!· ••• t .. ,· ..

lI+1' ,·l"u .. ~! 'I', ""lIblrv .. t I.irll,. '" IIlitll ."",, IIr 1111, ".,1""... .t '''' 111" ... "1" I ... 'h. ,I ..... ',.. rn, I' ·lIt.

Tl .. \I, ~ ... o. ,..1", oil", .1 t I 1:111.101..1 r t "ru 1"'''1 1 •• "'11 hoi "0 '" ••

.. ,tI".""J,II,1 1II11.'''I'~II,.tL'fltfll.I'' ",' ,, --" , 'I' .... ,r. ".,., .............. ,.. ". ,.J.",'"r,,' III 1'~I".1 I' I. " •• I., .1 l"', , T"'" a.', n 'r'" ,.", Ih" ~vl~ ...... , r,·"" " .... ' ,.·1.,. .n \" • • • t· In I", 1" .. ,_


1='''''' \1 n ... 1,.llr Ih. 11.,..,1,,,« , .. " .... I'. II I ,,~It ", .. hlll.1 tI" ,1,_ .... _ '11 .... ,," _____ + ___ _ I .... .:hl I .. r .... 11r .. ""01" '" "Uti" ,a lIfO 1'1' II

l: I Ifn.J",~. I,,,,, It .. I ...... ""'1' ,I t... . .... " t h. •• .. •• , f po-t>~11 IV.II

, , /C' '~'._.Ihr'u ,,'ib I a

I., I •• f, ~ II Ih"",.. I I II' ~ 'I, .. 1",..".1 hi 1'1'~':'

• "I ". r .... 1 hQ' ."". " , -.n .. I,

I" ht I'rt.. .,"' 11.. 1' ... " !o1,1 til II": I.I~· ,'_I,. ~'I II I~"

1;'" ,I", II, II ~,. I"'" " .. ,. v!Wr

n.·,j j·r" •• It'l '''1 ,."11,,, fur" 'ir ill .".". r, "" ~,.,.HlI .. , I. 1111:, I" Mil I,

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SA.J'JTA ("nuz P.\ 'I'.vm~I _\N

King of the Khyber Rifles A Romance of Adventure

By TALBOT MUNDY CO'IIJ'rlJlIl bJ' U.a Bobb ..... rr1n eo..."DJ'



8yf1o,.l--.At Lbe lH'ctnnlnc of the worltl wnr Capl. All1tllWu 1001 of lbe DrtdA ID4IIU IJ'1n1 -ad DC Ita 1h!(rt!1 Multt'. III vrdt'rN to Delhi to mHt T"mIDI. , dllbt'et. lad CO wltb btr 10 Kbln,.n 10 QUlti lb. emUI"" {brA wbo are II&Id 1)1 .-pl" to be pnoPllrlOr.: folt • JlUd or boU WII'. oa bl. "'II to DeIhl Klns qwtU, folll a pl.a 10 ...... nat. him IDd ~ •• "I!I~~ tbat Yumlol w.tter bltll, 11", m~ R .... Ounp.. Tllllmlnl '. mlln. "00 .. ~ abe baa .Iread, (ope oorth. Iud It h~ lown 11011 .. wltDMIIPI qOfof:r d&al"el. Il1nll1. In Afrldl, lwo­com" hi. bod, ~"·.nl .nd IlrotktOr. De ~"" toml ot VltmJnl'. blllm"'D .od lilt" IlIt'III nortb ,,1tb hitt!. trltkln~ ttl' Uu,,, luU) lOin, ......

CHAPTER VI-Clntlnuld. ....... II ,.. •• not. lona Jolurlll'l, Ollr. ,t'r'1

do,.. onlt" for tht'1'C! "'"' nothlu&: 10 blodl II,. wal UM'pl oco11i1Ol1ll1 10"11 wltb nllll(l, wbo euarded euh·" rl. IUld IIIUe brlll,A It " ' 1111 low tid" until''' tbe Ulillal.,.... Tht Itood tbat WAI /lralo.ln" IndIa ot lIt'r Irml'd IIIl·n hnd I.n Jlnlrud hllh Ind dt, willi. IInle nonlhl~rtpt fore. 'Irlndl'd thorl. a, It wlr .. unde, • Drltl.h major and lOme naU". ol'lll.'t'n. Fro1lV1l101 over IIDIM we ... thl I",all "lllIll:' 1~'Oplfd by lbe ftercell a«buoe CI(!D on tflrtb. Iltd tb, doud. m.l bun, o"er Ibl Kby­~. f!OUl'M WV, .11 .cetot to Ib, "'" . ...,..

Bat 10.0, IRDllrd merrily u be JomPf(! OUl of tha 1,.1'11. lod R"" Ounp, wbo WIll Ib""e t o meet him, adnll(9d wtlh 01l11lNlehf'd b.lld Ind • mil. nUll woold 11. .. , m",lled mow on Ihe dlallnt pealt, It bl bid 0tll7 loolted lbI otber WI)'.

""'eJeoma. lUDe ... blbl" he lIUlht'(t . trllb the Ill' of •• 1I111e(! fenc.r '\!I'be) 14ml," .ootller. beU,r one, "I Iblll II'now beilf.r aDoth",r Ume Ind Il' t JOII tHO 10 tront ot mel I trult JOU hid I tomlortlhle Jnurnt',r

"'l'hlllnlll," IIIIld Klnr, IhlklllK hl.lIl11 " ' Itb 111m. and thto hlmln« Iwa, 10 un· loclt lhe t'Ilrrl..-e dOOr! thM heM btl ortlOIIOI'I In. The1 ".'Ire bnylng no'" 1111:8 wol't'l to b., tNl9, and lhey.urled OUI, 1111:. wuh ... tram a nile. 10 damn, round fb. UIIDe. r. Ptlwln, blm an" '",II~nl 10 be th' tlret to •• k him QU~llnQL

"NI,. ,. roouot.'11 JItIODle: n., I" b. '"Ulbid, "1. too, em trow Ibe 1'l'.ID.1 Wbat do I "now or JOur t.mlllH or .t lOur Irt t'Od" Am 1 to be tOni to ptflftl to mate a muir

At tbat lIImail Illtmerf'(!. wltb tbe alO of .0 •• b pIa biDdie, (hao~ rouDd beIId. lb. traelL ho,Mne" tf 0111 .lIlIIe tbiol" w.. 1M ITNt"1 Jok. Imqtaabl .. nllWII Ouo,. ft'll loto • tnde bHld. Kine Ind led blm 1 .... ,111 the cttrettloo 01101IM leot&.

"Sblla up the pa_ 11I","d 01 Ul," b, lnuOIln«d., "She WII III Ih" ,,~ II- t • bulTJ'. I CSII a.llre you. 8h", •• nl· tel Co Wilt Ind mtlet 10U, hut DlMIt~rI we... 100 Jnl1, 1'\" 11 IIrS::l'nt. Ind ,..@

Ihl n b.", Obr ball, Wilr' cut out to ('jItrh h~'. ,nu tin bl' ll Dill I b."e " ... ".1111111 tell"7-lf'nu lind beda '11" .to!'f'lt--@v,.".Ullnl '"

KIIII lOOked 0'0' IIle IIhould~r 10 JII.k~ IIlrti Ihllt hmGII WII.ll brlo;!n, til, 1111111 l@oelHlr bUI 010111.

"80 hll"e 1," hI! ,"Hf qull.'tly. "1 IUln IlorM!l: lAid Ihl\\'11 0001',

"and toulN ud-" " Uow did l b. (,nol up 11It' 1\11),'

b("rt' 81n, .. kid biOI, Ilod Ihll nlnpr epar.d biOI • tat10UI IId.,,,,I .. ,11l1lCe!,

"'J'be 'Hilia' "'" lIt't IIK'IIrt, Kin ... -.1Ib. Ibe II O1lltn· •• In tbe 'UtilI.' n.,. lan't • tnllrdulne rumlln wbo "'OIkt OOt U .. dow" ."d lot bfr willt 00 bllIll Sb. md, ."'" .Ione on a thOroupbred to .... ud aha joll, wf'1I lett lIM th' 1Z\oI ..... doubl .. on wblda to follow~, Comll aad lonll:."

Not fIIr rroca _b.".. tbe I"nl)l be4 bMa pilcllfd 10 I clUI",r I Ilft"~ of II."... ",blollied II I piehl rope!. Kine ..... Ibe two rood bo ..... 1 re.4y tor hlOlHlt, lad te.o milia beside th~m tbll would haYtI dOni atdll 10 II1.'f ou,al. Hul ,I the fftd of 1111 lint!, PI1f' In. It Ibe trlmpled ....... wa •• bile. nul .... OIu hi • .,.8 Opell wldp.. Oneil In • lIurulrtd ,""' 0' .0 II "I~ tOl'l CIIIl or I Derby III won by lin ani · mill Ihllt I"4n "Ind lod look lind IDII,e n. tlllt UllN did.

"N""r ..,.., loyl1ll01 better." 10111 .dwltt~<d IUllT'Qd,hllly.

"'rb.,... Ie onl, one 10111'1 IIlte 0111 ooe," I,uabld lbe n.n,ar. "Sbll b .. b.r." ~.t'll JOII lI" tor 011. our

lnoe ,,1I1d him. "NlmCl rllU' price , .. -rtIe mil'" "be.... Too mllAl ""

b",. Who RtI'WI' 8b, 'I ren~rol1& 'TtI"," lJ DOboiIy on Hrlh more 11!IJ­.1'(1" thlo abe .b,n Ihe ctlrN to be. 8r.. wblt JOu WMr 011 ,nul' wrlst I"

-rhat II • IOID," IIld KlIII:', unM"p"" Inc tbI brae.oll'L '" .bIIU lJI.e It blct 10 b.,. wbeo we meet."

'"8H what Alle .,. wbto JOG meet I" Italbe6 lb", nlOrar, lIkln. a d,.rette trom b1J )ewtled C'l.M wltb 10 .'r ud ""llIn, u be IIpttd IL "'l'bere It oar teat. .. hi!)."

WIOI • 1104 ot 41_1 .. ,. Kloe .1.1Id O'H to ta'~1 lb, baadobllf.

"lid Aod.Ia, It much roora utr ..... at """ bI wOllld bue d .... med of pro"ld· til, lor . _hOMU. 'e li t oa. of bl l bllt.k

dl"rtKl~ lunl "lUI 11.1011. I.'lulH'd ~ hind hllll IItrolit'd I)vl!r 10 UI" tori 10 lntc"lew CourteolY, 01. otB«It toiO' mll-odlo&,.

It 80 hnl)l)Cn4!d Ihat Courtenay hft1l I;'one liP the Iliin lbol morulnl" wilJl hiM .hOll>\ln att('r IIUIlII. [10 1:1.,116 bllrk Into vIew. foIl O\\'\,11 b1 11111 lillIe I,' n· lUnD esl:Orl JUIII lUI Klnl n!'lIre,1 Iliu fort, IDd King tlwec! hI. "IIPNlllt:b 110 as to llIel'L hIm. The mw ot Ille t'&COr t ,,'''rtt bl'lI .. lIy hurdl!ufld; balltmlll Moe Ihnt f'r1Jm II <l1.'IInM!.

"I'If!Uo I" be Mid hy Ihll tort pI",. ehe<!rtt1, Ilflrr he ba4 IIllut~ Ind Itllt .lule blct been retlimNI,

·'Ob. h1:'II0. fOliC I GIld to ~ 1OU. RNrct 10'0 wl"r", ('OIDlnl'. of dlUne. AD31hlllg I alO dor

"Tt:11 me lUItlhlu, 1011 k.oo,,"," HJd Kill{. oll'erille bllll • tb"rO(>t, "'bld! ,b. otber 1t't'elll00. Aa be bit ol! lb, .. nd Ib.y .Iood tldne Nth otbl!r, 10 tbl t Kin, toold ~ thl! oa('OO1ln~ ~rt Ind ,,-hat It camed. Cilurtfn., fItod bl. eyn.

''1'11'0 ot m, men I" he MI4. "Found 'em up thl! J)IlU. G .... I work. I thIn • • Tbe, 1I',-,re cut nil 10 plt'Cft,. TII,rll' , II blK I !lahhr J:lHh .. rlnl: IOml':wh.,e In tbe 'Rilla: and \I IIII)t:hl hlH'tt t!e1'n tlone by thel r Ikirmilibetll, but I doo't thin. .....

''WbO'1 ..-uPPOlIl!tt 10 lit' It'lldior It T' "Caln't find (lUI'" auld C()Urtl'nn,l'.

Then he lIeppell nllide 10 ~'o ord!'nI In fhe p~rt. They ell-rrled the dl'R II bodl!!!! Into the tort

''Knlll'l' IInrlhln" of Vumlnlt" l(tnll Mkf't1. wben the mliJor ,,0011 In frnnt ot hIm 1I,tl1ln.

"Oy I't')lollllion. nt mul'llt'.,.... I"n· mllu", J)f'MIOll-fllnl:'l IUt" II hn thul­(\an(e8 like Ihe dtyll-4II'H In 1)(01111-mt'flll berr

KIn.: nod"HI, "Wbl'n dId _he .llrt up the 'j'IISIr b~ .,hd. "gh~ dIdn't 111f11 I .now 11'110 ,.,..,.

liP end who ClQme. down." "Know Inythlhl or a e .. oUlipr

Kille u.ed him. " Not mnf'b. TriN 10 h, hie Mar.,

Stf'u the aolmllil Olull rd 11"" I ,)'ellre Jill' for Ibllt btI"I' II, ",ollldo', s@ 1I .lId 1 dll!:l't blom't hlm.~

"Ue tnld Ole JWlI now," A id Klnllt', "tbat 1'1.nnt1ll w{'n t up Ibe rau unf+

HI RecoGnized thl 81ma StrInG' Scent T hlt H.d Bun W.U,d From Bohlnd V .. mlnl" SlIk,n "'.nll lnll' In He,. Room In Deihl.

corled, moullt~ on II mllre the ypr1 deftd ,pit of the bllcl" 0110 ,uu lilly 'Oil ",.ntl'd 10 buy."

Courtl!,O'y whlaUed. "rill IiOtTy, KIIIC. rm 1OrT1 10 .a1

b~ IIl'(l" 1\101:: Ihrew aW" hIe leD thin 1" lt

totlSllmrd ('hf'fQI)t Ind lll1:', Io llI-rtl'd 10 .... 111: l o~elbt'r IItWllm Klll t'l elllIl'. Afttr a r~w mlnUll'1I lbl'Y IIrrt,N! It • pol"t fn)11I 1I'blt.1I tbeJ l'Oulll II4'f\ tbl' prlaoD~rI lined Dp In I I"(IW ru lo.c: n~ •• Guop. A 1_ "J.JWril'nf't"l'l (',. thaD 1U1lg'1 or CGUrtI'CIJ·' ~uld b." .. rtC'OIlIh.ed th,,' r "dt'll'" of r"'''rt'II' obt!dleDt'e. Within twn mlnHI!'1I Ih" nlnpr .tood f.dn~ Ibtm, look lol more at eue than lb"".

ott WIIS ~oUonlnc IbOM IIMIp1 r" b~ uplll ioed. ""Thl','re 10 "('Orl, hut Iht', oped I tf:mlnder ot Ibe tal.'l . elJlll tbe, mlebt Jon, well Imarine thplll' IM!I".. mountAin ,..,.1. .od Klttilr .moal the 'mn.I'"

n o Orew OUI hll wonllerflll dgll reue C""Q 111111 otf('rl'{l It up"n to (:Onnell"Y. wllo IIp"itll led, lind then h elped him· 1I.1t. Kink rl!tU'lt.'tI.

"MIJor Oourtenll1 bill Jos t lold 10"," Mhl Kia • • "lhlll aobody rtS('nlbUnll Yo. mlnl ha. 100e np tlHI pau fl"Ct!Otly. r"n 'ou HIlI.lnf·

"00 yOIl mello. nn J UJ)laln .... ., Iht! rllJo r failed to He ber? '1>00 lilY 1I')ul. Klnl .. hlb, d'yon want me 10 1,,_ult Ih'" Dlftn' TumlnJ b too Jon, ('I",.,r f(lf' ttl ... Or rOr In, olber mao I I'Y" r 011"1: Ind Ihll mil"""" • m.o, laD·t II", nf' may PIIrll: tht1 Kb,bt'r 10 f'tJ1I ot m.n Ib'l Ihere'e unI, tltaodlnrl"OOUl ond .1111 111,,11 C'O op ""11'1001 his I"' .... It /lhf' (' hMllf'S I Tb"re II 1I0b0d, like V .. mtnl In 1111 tb • ..-orfd I"

Ttl,. n Anp r '11\'11. lookint: put hlm. taMne Ih" In'1t ~r, .. thot 1~1I Iba nnrtll of AIIII Irl1'lIIt' dn .... o Illto 'Ddla lind bllell: .pln wllt'n 1I'I!'II.wer loti UI. Irlbf'e ~rmll. 11111 "JHo hId becomCl 11), ,,,,,.I.d In ,h,. dl l'/ln~ Kille ""00-dflrt'd wbY-ilnd loolled-aod .. w.

ourtl'nJly ""'. too. " 11 "l1lh' I DlIIO antf brlnrlllm berel"

he (lNiprl'd. ' ''101111, lI:N'pln!!: bi ll rtt.lnn~ wltb ""l'll IIntl I'l'p" 1)('('1,11. IlI'nr(\ 11191 11011,

nnd hurrl t'(f ol!. Fltlt"'o IlIlnut~ IlI l'r nn MtJ(1! elM(! lIt'owllna:- In tront ot Ihplll ,,'Uh II 1I111t' 1.111" 10 ft ~Ictl all<'k In hll IllIntt. n~ hl'ltt It out lind Cour­ICOll, look It .nd !lnlll'l'd.

"W.II-I'II lie bl~td' A 001~"­IIntthaltf-"on III't'ntf"d JlIPi'r ' " Sniti'· "'III II'I "('Irrlf'd 110wn Ihe Khyber In I

1111 111 IUC'k I Talle It, Klng-ll· •• 4-drt''Uf''d to lOU."

""nr obryC'd Ind Inltred too. II 1IUIt'1I ot IOm,.thlll.c tar more ublle thin rna,,'" fle rl!t'O(Dlud lbe .. me Iftf'/lntf' "",nt Ihlt hid ~ ... tltd trnlll twhlnd Y •• mlnl' • .nk"D hlnctnp In h .. r room 10 Deihl. M be Ulltmdil'd III" nol_1t .... u not ... 11"d-h~ found lime f or Il ,""ift ~I.nt't' at !te ... GnD' J:1I '. ta~. 'The RIIl~' aeemrd Inter--1'·11'(1 lind amllHd. The DOte, In Eol' 11811 ren:

"De... OUI,.ln Kin .. : Klodl,. '" '1ultll '0 t (lIl(l"," ml, bot .. lI.. th",... 'I ",ut h Ialk ot • luhklr aeU b,1\' ~ .. dJ' tor .. rail!. 1 .h.1I ... It tor r ou In Khlllj.lI. _ hlthar mJ' m .. ",,~r .hall .ho"," the • 11,. Plea .. II' him kIM!) III, rIlle. Tn1,t him, .nll naw .. Ounp. .. nd mJ' lIlhl)' whom )'ou ,,!tl'l "0Ll. Till m"­...... ". n.m. I. Ou,. .. KaIln. YOllf Ill"' .. nl . rurnlnl,"

tie ItataN the note to Courtel1.lY. "'hn r"M II It Mnd P __ lt'd II b.e • •

"I'll nlld out." Ib~ hllJor muttr1't'd, "II"w . b9 (CII up the JIll" ,,'tlbout my I.nnwlnc It, Som~bod,'a tall shall be Iwl_lt'd for lbla I"

tlllt he dId oot Aod oot until Kill' I(lh\ blm. lIod ltu.t wu 1I:lIO, daYI 11I11'r, wbt'n a terrlbl. doud 00 lon..,r th .... t.oed lodla trow the north.


" I think I to..., JOII r wd Courte­n.y.

, '11., '11'.1'6 ,"'fd In COlll'letlly'. frnt, f. ce 10 rl"tt 'M'nQ the low IIbl., nll b CUlUtrlnr \lCh11 betweeD !lOd lI­'1111 \1 11110111.11' the tent balldloe plalH IIml Ililup 10 Court~nI"1 »CI'"VUll In· _I lle.

""uu're II- bollt tbe Orlt wbo bill ad· mllh'tl II," ,/lid King.

N'ul tnr Irom tllcm D bl'rd ot plI('k· ('ull1l'l" gruoted Dnd bubblec1 ntler 1101' "\'1'lllng menl, The e'culul: hrt'('le I!r01ll:hl the smoke of Ilung flrel dowo 1<1 UWIn. IIn,l I n All!hllu-(lOe ot t.Ol't 111111.' cro,, (1 ot trade ... w ho hlld conle 11111\ n " 'lIb t h'" clIllll'la three 1I0url IlJO _anI: u ,,'aHlnt IOnK nboul II'-t lady. 101'1'. 1)\· .... 11"11(1 III ... lIy ", .. like bluck 10'\11'1, \'ll' fl"t'll ,,·1111 .Il\'~r boil'S.

" , 'ou 1tI'I' , 'nu cao' t ('bit aur end ot !ht. bU~llIeIJ' ""t-II'II IIt)tIrt." .. Id ('..,ur"nIlT. """"0 houullons of KII,­bcr rlaN, hired 10 1I0ld Ibe PIS! nc.lut th t'l r 01l'll r (!lllt!nQS. Aplmll Ihf'm e ~1I1'le I)f tlulJdrt'd tllowand Irlbhmt'll. , ·"r, hun.". tor loot. In.ut'd ... 1111 Up-IMlte rtflea. thaw to Ruull 1"lIlfOftlay .od OefllUlny lodey, Illd ell lot'rfl!'('1 ly ... t'll I"'U'" tbnt a world .... " la III PJ'(I(r""" Thllt', SIIOrt, YOII .know -oot the 'Imlllll! .nd IIkm~ ot w.r' IIlnl J orro<:h" I.'Ollcd It, but tbe J'flII r t'll root. Alld you',e CQt a OI)'Bt~ry

Ihrown 10 w (;ho it plquaDcy. I havl'n', founll out ret bOIl' Yasmlol ell l up Ibe pnq w\thQUI my koow)· "ilK". I Ihnullht It WOI I lrIcif. tH.II1 '1 lu' 1I0\'11 I hl" d gUIIl.'. Yet 1'\11 WI Im'U ~ \\'~lIr IlIl' y know . be bllll goue, (lnil Iwl OUI' Or the lll will 0\\'11 to lIuv· 'UI , t'(' l1 ht' r I;ul Wbllt d'you Ullllk ot Ihlll?"

~~I)r a whllt!. II ht' Illo CGorten.,'1 IJNIII'd qunn, Kln/C did nOl .o'''"r, IIUI Ih t! rul'rfl otmll il bnd lerc biB t'fell 1I0ri 1111 1it ... ·uJ~, 1 tnr oaee to be 1,1111.'1" 1.1. mlnll 111,,,11 vo c:outlltlvlla utile, (uO('f'rtll'tl hlU\~.·I'.

"HvlI' l!lItol ml.'O haTt> ,Oil II UII.~ fon T' he ulo .. d It IIl~t .

"Twn lIuotlr."li_U naO,.~" "lJh' '"mr " \\'hlrl th~ UIfI ot tAl!llnCr an­

uI· .. r1'd Courte1lAY. " Tou know ",hal It n1hlll' ... b"n nit'll or II-U 011"0 111-.'Mnd III) tl) )'OU and viII "bell th~, IlAluu'. 'fllt,'r. my 0"'0."

KIn. tw.odticll. "010 "Ith ,ou. ebf' '''1'" tlle 1111 lOin," 1II1t1 Clurlenu,

'lult'll, wllb Ihal l."IIO"IC1lo.Q lb., (lin (lnly be Irrl"e(! .t La one "II, Alld tltnt 1I0t lhe u.I.t.

"rd 11111 alUII,," uJd Klnl". "It,. bI

lon~I, In lilt 'DIU... 0,'1 lUll mvre qu.llr

And Iblt "'lUI ell be tt-"" .,Id .. , no llult IlIbJtoCt, ,b'-D or .1 .u1 ()Ib,,~ tlnl"_

"" hat .:hall )tllI "1) I\,...t afh'r ,(111 reI III' tht 1'11. .... ' 1~1I nn TaliI' 1l ... ,II'I"r lit All aJa.JI,1! 111'. 11\ I, I., II.n .. ", • 101 '" I h" 11m" I' II 1:11 l'lf·r~· "~"I UrI'." IIl1ld KII., "11., anll

mn, DUL 1'01 Uk,. tv""·" hint lI.",n't .... ·11 th.' IIlIf dlllD In • d'>ulit'.1·' a,e. lIaw 14 hl'f'

" \\'.11 t,,1.1 dll)'l 11(1"," .al.J C"urt~ U111.

"HeNt'1I .I,hln, YO\l hlel; \" ,old RIII)I". " II '. Ilwl 10 1'0. "Ir."

Il l.' Pm,. lint.! ('lIl1rt"oll, WQltu'll _lIh 111111 1(1 \I hrrt; hili ItI\M,)' 11'11111'11 In 1\1;0 tlllrk. chllll'li Il, Ihfl 1011,1 wInd whl_· lIIn~ \.lUII'll 11111 Kh"hl·,. n"'I' Ollnrn lill i, IIl1'unl(·t!, lit IlIdr '11'011, Mlh l ('h,~e to him hi ' 1)('1'I';,luII I '1'rnlnt t"'le 1'1' ol hn 1I0r lle. I)cbllld th'llI 1I'1'r", 1\1" ronlHl. .nd IlI,n In • du~lf'r ••• rh ,,1rll II IOIlc! of IIOme f',rl 00 hi. hMld, "'t'fI the thlrl , prbun1' .... aro,1 I_mell Innll dI.rco ot UlI'm ot!lrlon.I,. nal')" Kllan. III ~ m.o "hft b.11 brnurht tbe 11'1lH' dOW1l tbe peltS, krpl dUSt' lit innall

Rlol mOIlDu,,!. and C"alJrtl'Cl&' .hQ(lIl: baod,: lbt'O b, ""'01 to 1~1I" I)unr.'e IIde ami .110011' bluo " '1111. 111m. 100.

.... ·Orwlrd I MlniI; '" KIlle nrdt'red. t..IIC the IItlle J't'fN""IIIdon .urltd.

-Ok, 1I1.n ot tb" '11111.. " l/)j.k ".e ,hottl-Ulte IrII ... ·1Inl 1'11.1$1"" ~red COurteDI.1. u lb.y aU filed raIl blm. "Y. look IIlte II .. d CII'II, cothl' 10 be Judrl'<ll"

Nobnd, .n~"'~red. Tile, ttroda bt'hlDd thl' 1I0tJlf'l, wllb Ih ...... Itl. DI. tP1I1 .trld". ot nu'n "'110 aro ,!lIn, hume lu Ilia " lIl11.:" but IIfl'n tbe"

HI Fired "rllght It Ihl 81u. LIght.

bom to the " 11111." IDd lmowlQ,J tbtlD .. II wOIt'llIclt k.llO". Itl bundn, lrouatl, l\eNt IWM hI Iba ,Io.lfb of Kb,ber mOlllb Ib"d. tilDt'1 "I)IN "' .. Lb. flNI to b,...k 1M IUeD~ IDd be did DOl lpeak unll! Cu\lr teo&J' WU OUI ot eUlhoL 1'IIt'a:

.. ",~ or Ibll '011111'" b, (:I1IId. " Kud! dar win 11111"

"Nlhla bill IIlb I" abuated lIaull "ScI ~'11I:a I blan I U ..... Iblt. ,e mouowo follll II •• , .. 'Tbl''' I.a no IUch 11111\( u t.r I'"

Jo bl. P'1It'e In the I .. d. Kloe 1'I'b1 .. 11f\llOOfll, tu hhUII.'lt; but bt tlMlw In aUlumlllc: j)1~101 trom lUi DiaN! b.­l'le/lU, hi. IIrlllll" And trlnatetrtd It 10 ft r"/lIII (' r JlDllltlon.

.'~ II ' or bO ftar, 1tb,11~r moutb I, h llt1Atf!t.! litter (hlrk hI lilt! mrn wbose blood rcud. if. 100 reeklolt rllw to 1,,1 tltem dAr(! ItO h'JlI'lI! 111111 tu r whom the Brlll i h hliOltlflll 1l "l'rl IIkl,l,)' Willi. n mil. nr two tlHUlI'r IOlIlh. It II une n t the few plll!'''~ In Ihl! world Il h,. .. " A JlI ~ 1 1'I 1 I. beth'r Ihnn a Ihlt'k IItick

Houltlt'r, ('!'ul And IouII<' rnet tsdt>d 11110 ,Iollln b(,hlnll: III trnnl un ""11i hand. ruJrf',>d hili_Ill ... """ ... II .. ~III1IDJ: to (ItN In: allli thl! "'loti "buIIII II III AIIIII' .... rulIe hp.(\, wbl.1I1'd II It _"tc.b~d bu",l, Illluoe Ih hllrolt ,.vlll"". 11I.n Ill"t'tIf'tItll the Ibadow ot th .. tbqllUlnl\ rolOt-hl,b Klubt'r Willi. b(·pa 10 (.'\I'er tbeta.

Mtt r a wflll, Klnt'a fLl'root "W.nt out, '0" be till'''''' It ..... y. .. little IlIt« Rewa Ouu,. 11Iro'w 11111'1, blll eiprette, Atlt'r tb.t Ibtl "rlat flY~ r",Nld Imllne tb. z.... KlI.I .. wlI('hln.r .1"'!f\I .... II'U the rllD of II(OtfIIl .tulle ".·.tc:b tOw ro r, t'tiuld bl"" tnkl'o I)lIth thal Ihll K"IIJ"""" "nhur· 1('(1 dl'lId w"rll pro""lIn, In "lIrcb of .,mllt)' .r .. ~ I 'rohllilly Ull'lr un· 1:II110Y 1111'.001 wt. tll~lr !'H'_t Ilfol('('o lion; out n U\\' ll OunJ:1I dl" II to bren.1r It IIftt'r Il Umo,

"KID!! o lllbl" III) t'fIllt'd ,nflly, rf. pI'ltllll:" It louder lind 111111'1' loudl )' un· III K lur hrnrd him, "SI\I\I·I, I NOlllO fll,,11 The~ ure flIPn 1l1U1\nk IhOlle 1)I,uldl'l'8, IUd to !;U 100 to~l l. 10 "like Ibl'm think )'ou Ira .'ru11.l1 To .el'UI

orf'llld IJI to lu"lt~ aUlldl f CaD '11111 drt . od our~'ft!l, with tL~1:' n,...ann" bf!.1"·W'0 II.' Look I Wbat III

The, "!"er. It thl ~IDt ,,·" .. re Iht' fOOtl bt'a:lo. to Il'ftd uJl-blll, ... ~t"ard. 'ra"lnc !be b«i of • NlriDI'! aotl I .. I't'T111Iu~ 10 ',lin tb., bil:lm, \oullt to, Rrtllab I'n,l;lnt'f'l1I. 84010 ..... 10 Ittl .nd rllfll. ..... IIII·m(,lIth ~1'Klm. 'luId,,_ Dmld thado ..... tull ot ""'r1A "bl.r .... • Inl:1I. llId KIDI' rl1l lb. ~tlnrt hllir nD hI, nn:t bt'rllI 10 rUt-. Ill'! urr>'d Ill. h,\~ forward. ThIP n.ue.r r"lIo_1'\1 111111, dOlI IU). lod hntli hun' .ud wltre 1l'1IIet1 cxdl"IOI'IU,

"Look, .. hlb I" Atter • lletolld Cl r ~'O 'III (tIughl

• ,11mPI' o t b11111lh aDro~ tb., all~b~ luddeal, . lId dlod IIpln. IIlfOe. II!!,. below C. Ibll rtahL D6a all It UGCl!

th. JIaJu,. t,t:tmed brldlll'T uti " .. 4-I"r Iud ..... 1:111 to muve ItId tn ,",".

"Hall II'" Kln~ lbOlkJr1l"11. lII.j WJ; ~~ ""11. r.b.ur" .DJ IID..-1J'f'f1ed .. I j'lIltDI m~·It. Tlil. W1UI ... ,~..uuoc tao­,11,1., IIIIt a 01." ~DIJ lIrll:l_1 ,..,r­frel '011011111' fur o .. n .....

, b .. bille IIPI ('''IIUIIOf'd flD • lit' '.:t>1r t'tIll"e. I. It I tIMID ,1.t'N' nannllle "".'"1 bo ... ld"rt: Wllb an uno ual .... rl I" t"rrb; an.1 .. II,..,.,. ... ~. n'1 10""11' h:lnt \.Ire" lIt. {II-I"!, 1(11'," al,o'\.l Ibltt, 11('('1'''1'''' .Im ud nt'~I. U. tiff'11 ,lnsll:l,t II IPlt' "'lie IItbL

II vIIOI"llt .. ) In,l\loUy. Into mUlfur." Il'J~ "llIck; aHto(t'.

"Nnw lQU'l'1 )1,11, ... , " dl)oe It, hnvf'n·t Inu t" the Itl liPr toul/h ... 1 In hr" l'lIr. "Thill WUII h('r 111116 1';111-\·lIl'tulIIl'. ,"

11 WAIl 8 mllll"", h. tOlt Kinl( liD' '''· ''nod. ((lr Iwlll IInlmll" wl'r", all 1101 rrnnlk "lIh Ibrl, ~rn~e (lr UI,,) r 1'1l1-en' atlltt! ot mlnll: 11 Dt'f'41rod h'lf'IIf'­IUllnllll" 10 ,1:'t !bem bark uUlltr ~""Q­IN,t,

"Un" ti~ ,UII lInow ",bu .. Ii,cbl It ... ... r Klo, d~n_II&Ddtd. wbf'1l th .. Il tlne Illd mate wu. bead lu bnd ......

"It ... f'Hi,",II.pd. Sh ... lI",m~ I'lII a ..tillil " Ibr polllL It(b",.. I alii to I"."e !bf' tnl'! f"

KJolC' dR'''1 bo- Ib spaf'l bl)!1I" lad 1M bl. OIl ... UIlIl-l" bol'M '0 Rn&mllllJl, do)wllw,rd ., an 10,11 b. eaold Qo.t

CUI'''' 11110 bl.('.to,.. bl ('Ou111 real. trullinc the co ftnd I foutln, ,..b"e h1s 0'11'(1 "1ft touJd GMh out outhln,.

To bl., dl!avst be beard OIl Rill' Car Immt!'l,. To bl, e'"' fUllrt dl',UJlt Ibe bhlek Illll't o\'t'"(II'," WID. Alld '''tn Lb~a, with bla 0"-11 GIIIUOI . tul\lbllng .lId nelltl, "ll rl\ ln, 1111lI h,'ndforeloost It ,,"t'b IUr<:II, hI! w •• t or t't'd to IIdmlro th ll nlllri!'1 1111111\11,' 11,11111. fOr sbe dl'IIC't'lld(>d IntD Inv rUflle In ruonlnt 1'''Il .. lIel'''r IM'lIjlllt n wroDI tont. When be .nd hi' 1Io1"H rCI"b«l Ibe bOttom et IUt he fouod thf' lIao!:nr WJ.lllolI' for bllD"

"1'b.l' "fVI~ •• hlb'" The ot.zl be knew eJl-ub f rom 01 ..

bl.ek IJllre'l h\'dl ,..t're 1r;\t'lIlne up In fl'f>al (If bbu, Ilid I ,,1101 riO' IlId 11,·,,10 ,urb III be bid 1If'",r y"I dl't!lml!d. ot 'Ibtra .... no alt:h!tI' liP, t01' lbe bladt mIN ~uld pU .. p two to hla bOfM'1 00.; but bf .... 1 b.I,t tt't'UI 1Ul4 foUllwltd 1010 IIOnd n1llht, trustlae ear, 1!14'. PNIW'1t1t anlt Ole cod of Ibe ItI'M'ft. HI"tI'l~ mrfl, who IOTet the ~tl ....

ODte In I'YU7 two rulo.tllM bll taucbt IIt:bt f.,r I IH"M\l pf Ihe .-ua. L10e IlrPn IIcbt Ihln b.ld .tl.r1,t<J lb" tIIt't. Ue "~j1('('lfiI wt L111':"" "'''' wAny tordles pIAC~ 11 laif"e..IJ.

III. Inrn lIulW d",,. .. lop"11 • JJIff'\ .nt.! .'nrulnn be Md. uoc IIIJIJlff1..-d. Ind. I)ffililhly Ibe Ranpr dlt! out ..-s· leoO Ihl! mite 10 lIt'r Umlt 10 tll" Iln .. k: lit III f!\'PUIa. t ur 11m, ruhll' • ntteeo, nlluut" bf bN'1I1111eu ,ullfJr· lUI b l! 1100(llt /j rll". (lr II, bl'll' InC' Iho IIno,or cllbu wlUllo al,bl or lOuoll .

Out tht-Q We l,tI.rI' .w~f'\'(:4 IflId· (11'111, bphlnd I holll'llll"'r anll WI. IfIn" lie ' llUrred round Ihe .. m", crt'at f(.rlt • mloute Illter. lind W" tacr<1 tlJ I 11111'111 w.1I or lholll that br01lll:ht hi. berM up III all.lldlD~ It IN n..." till f01' I tllounod f~t 10 th .. alttlllll'. Tbl're ..... not 10 mud, ... • tullt· tria to ab.:!'II' !n whlcll U1rrcU('a tb~ 11111 ... bad J'QIle. oor I MlQod uf aa, lI:Iad to (1I.Ide bla.

Uf' dlllDouolN aod ItcPlbltd .bo,ut Db toot. tor Ibuul It'D mloll'" _,,1'1 bl. e)'H two tt'et '",m 1lI" .. nh. I,.,. til, to flad 1OtlIC> tn.ce 01 bwt. n"" b, l1I:l('of'd, wIth Ill. fIIIr 10 111" jp'OlUId. Tb.A 'If" 110 .... ull.

De kDtw brlll'r thlG (0 .b"ul Arter ..... m~ Ibouellt b, mooot"'" 111,1 \.o""no to bunt Ill"" "al ",('It, r .. nlr," tsnlnjJ Il1rtl1 ond twb·1I \\1111 a £'Ifl tor dlrt!('tloQ Ih.1 tlIHIl'('.I Inlll'llI ",.·11 IIlIve "o1llf'l'l him. Ue fnurnl hll "n1 bllu to Ille !tIIlt of tilt; I'I.I4d III I trOl. wh('re nlnetY'blnr mcn (lilt I,r III (l\11~t lillY llIlO,lrt,1I wouhl hll~01 IH'1'U IIIIot hvpcl,,_5Iy; ond tlOilu to 1l1l' ,.,,,,tI Iw f)v('r l ,)Ok Dorla h'bntl. hllltllln" hi. rIO\' 1I01l larille about U.e I ''\II~luu 01 hn,.

"Did roo 6tw"1 lhal blu\! ltC-lit. IUIII thla ,"II/O['lnll' ."'"),)" bi: a~"td.

··~'r. _bill: , Im;o'" 01.Ul1.II11 tot II' J ... tuJd 10 I""d 1.11. W"J tu Kbln· J'II."

"CelIO. 00. tht'o I" 00 lb. Iltl:'el Nld a!>Me Klnll1arrd

Ibout bllD laJ tfolt t.n bil JlfI<:It.I' fur • t~1I rtt,·"'JoItt. n. Illna'lc • mClf{h t..IId "'Ic:b~l h til .... I\I.nI hi. J.IJ111 did IIOC ablltt btlo,,,, b~ IIfWlII:r. I> mlo mutt t'OmlhAd bI.tIue1f ""fur. trJIDK It 00 utb" ....

"Wben .~ Ihll olbM'lr bfo utm wben be 1I'U ('C'rtlla uf blmMlt

"'Cootll" boorof'd 1.ru1.1l. Kin, look a dosen pull.a " tb.

dlt!fOOt aod IllIr..d abolll .pln. la Ib ll milltllf! ot Ihe rHad afOOt! hll tfi'o

uod lIon;e, and Ibrt"l llIulu "'\lh hll hlla.rnlie, 11It'lutllnil lhe unmllrlt"d 11I("(111,;lnl1 ('hut. ClMe 10 Ihrm ",.,e Ihr~ nwn, mali.lng I!IUlllrly no,," Dill, elX /III (1)ld. 10" lullilll Dlltya Khan, hlmllM nntJ lallluli.

"OllUI) whither?" laflllll·. "olce W'I .. Ioqu"nt of llIne.ked .urprt~t!. "'I'b", fottow-tIl I W.., it \lIf'1l Ib, I'upcr 01.1 tbe otber moled Wt'r'!! Ibe, tb, menl Tbe)' led the mol". and went r

"Who onI~nod tbl'm t' "AlIllbl !'~ th. ollbt be ordtH4

10 r .. llI.1f the d.I,r "And 11I .. ur "1 am tb, 11110 I She 1I1d~ 01. lit

111' &Illn '"." ntI tbeR r ..,." Ib"1II1~ Kia, bctb:our;bt hllll of ~l. WTI~

that WUOI b"'7 with thol! "'''I'1lI .,r !!Old OD II. Oe drItW bad!. bl. ,I",,,t' uod beld II liP,

")11,.)' ODd be with thHl" bnoUl~ an Ave mea It 00("f, and lbl Kls,bft' nlebt ca •• baa their 'tOIrII, lJ.e th • t'dlllinc ot • w~l

lU", &00II Ilia ttlU aDd 1110\1.11_

"\fbl CIO'II'r mf'fl I.Folln. JIltltlac< 'li Ute 1""IIo .. t "" Ibal I'll "ptdftl •• lill U"II ... rti.."",r rtI.Ir,.. •• 'f r'I'larl!'" .. I) fiil(&.,

el"n,,\"" II .. brft" In ... t • fIltfJ II_I """.

I_II l"Id!PI u.. ~ t.or. lAd: III.'J) I-lee OW _uta .1"", . ez, .. ']ot rut 1\ It&. .. b" wu .,. ... a'll" "1It ,r I .... rlrlll,..., ,I,.., h~>k'" II .. (lId THlllmftlI ptlrterrlaa bur­".ln~ "'II Itt .4",,1 u ~-plrtN In tbe. 1I11&lnl.o IUtoI .. ot I l"Mf'lt10>11 ....-1111 j,·.lIlhJ1 f"rlll",,-.-/:1 ll1a. CIUTl" 10'- • II.II'-eod 0,,11. I •• 111, to ",hi .'r "I!.

·'·"r"lInlr ",'''lf1I 1-1n.lI. "Wltb Ifll.. 111111'1 It I. .'.r 'furww,rd f II Ih1 rl· r ... I'b~r r ..... t lIor rO"N,l II .. , .h .. 1"'l\lId,tnlldnsl 111111 ' ·1' laQ' Ullt'" "'1' Hom" (of Ilmhl llfJ1' tho' IlIWN" 'nll{lt I U,..t tl11 I'~ bl)",,"" ~o In ".INi. wau 1II0llol"bl. WOI

I"d Ibtm '.'rwlrd, .tnl&ht Ul' Ihe 1.1IM'"".ln, CVI~. b"I"",,1I ~1I ft'. duat ..... _" t .. tra, tbol! .,.,., bIIao,. at t!WI .". lip ~lItd • d" .... el),1'f4 "I tbl' ,1_ .•• 1/ ~ _~ ocr 10 u.. NnllhlUla, rvr a _tb I IJIl'T't wah ...,.,.D,"'I,I .... t ,bm. .at.o.I bt' ... _, ~'·IIfMNI l'I,uld I,.". 1',,'ICt4J III tU-Dl UkI CUt-.J ", fta ""1 t'lIjI>11-br blOl ... 1t.

'1'hlt lUa," .aCltPl .. , I_II ... 111011 him, '11 lI.I·t p "tbl'1' alUN , It .... !l1MP1I. 11. hI .... tlUa .... 1 If,. will dn UGrIl dtod \Ilion I"

""""""nI'" Klnrr ,.11,.. to ~ thlnloll'i' clIf, "·1 r .. rs'81111J11111o 'Tot-­.. nJ. IQ"O tit lb. 'Hm"r"

An"" a ts .. ", Klal1lriM bt. 1111,... to I J'" "",t ano1 Ib""l I"",t •. " r"twlNt IInlll 111" 11>'1' tot 11'11' 'Kb""1'r 1'I,'t .. a lit .rd", "". nllrrnl .... nl\ All :\la>lJIII fott "nulll nllt hll' mUl'b "I"r., Ulan .. mU. /I"lf, III till' '1"\111'.' IUrl1" n"n KlIIII ,lr"\I" I'f'In 1Ul,1 III"'nl'luhh..-1 t,l, li .. ""ulll hA .... tlWII rhllll, 't ..... , b,,1.1 b" rltlot,'11 n,'u'b tlll'lll .. r. A rhAlI"n," la Ihli Irb)'!"'r .fl'r '!Drk n.o".J"ts 14",. r"loty uC I " II...,. III ...... 1'1 ralln' . ...."b Ihl'" m~re "" ,N. d' ......... nl, lAd tJi. "I,. m~n I."" P'I'~"U .. n"

"'Illl' _1111 H,. rou&.." I'Bf''' '" b. Of'o d""",t1, .rvt tJI. fIIIO 11110 rvoOd •• 4 ., • .....a. 1)1".. fihl., I •• t.lnl OIl tt. nol,. rill .. In " ... 1l'I-rtJ'. 11'1cu..1 lib I po , .. mtlll,Ih..., I\to~

'''l'f1:Il,.: .. ",,,If'd hlll.lI, t.-~rtn: r>I\" c-qor .... ! •• lit • (lID' .. ",,"1 "LIIIOI. MII,I_ IrIln I!I •• _If II IU u... IIllMT £:ncll,hrora,"

'·w.", ,.'11"'" bitten b, ooer .... ,1 ...... 1 ",bo •• 1000al1

"flo4 turll\d '" ""h"Q (, II' tI1th Ibi ra~

bum '" I-,nllll boo,..n tn" ,. ""l'bo~1 (.."nl "r Ih' m"mf (rM

Ihlt III whll nt".a libln ''If'tUl.l,j What I. th, talllncl"

"Oatil'll,!!,," (l"uh1rl, b. ""I'If"rwl "Dill ail~ lint '''n'' 0"1" I'lelf 110"·0 th. Jl-llltI to be • ~nl<1" It "h .. "Y. I aro h.llra"a, .hlll! .UIY "Yl1h" 11 ... ,..

,,' '"T llllou art IInl'lIrk"r "' mul .... hUN',·,.-I" In.,, ,",....1 fO".-. "0. a:-tn r"

For .n"" .. t \I, .. t, 1\ ..... trllln~ tn'tII ,..t 1'1 I'"r .'l'1 IIoru,,' the ri4c!: ham'l r",....-.rG 11l"'1~0111. KIIiI. _lUI. til. 1116"1'"11:01 lit d,·,,,rnt.l.Aal\.o that alO.D.D

tIIlk~ .... lIln .1.r"IU 'ft ro~ I:OD~g. 1I1(~, II,..w up hi. ~"""""" '~Yl' lb' "'ria,. At Ihlt Wiant 111. tnOI1OC1 Quna Ibnotllb u.. _Itot IDol til' COld "t'lct'IH ,1111, r.od It, It,. trIftIl,alltbf.

"11..,. U,NI ... "lIh lheott" .hl "Lurd "t Ih~ RI","," It fll)t'O' An" Wilb",t .n!tllll'r W1of'd "" laId tia.n !Ja nIl • " 0" ."at I" tI .. ,. ,,11'·'1 If ''''_ Qlw...

Kin, "'r1,~t add" Inll ~ MIt\. I,. l!.Qt fur. "IIiD .. t .t-to1JQ Iblt '11ft. Ik-rIA, hll f\flde b ..... tIld .... pod:.

At TII.t 1"llInt tho Mool) thon. T"Nlugh thl Milt .nd ttll Gold 8"'(11. \ 01111,",11 In Ihl Moon"lIhL

('ted tIll' brlt"lt't Ih(,11.1 lI.IId UlfllI arid h.,\1 rl'fu .. ,~1 uo 1\ "or It opl .. 1101 el h. 'Wllllt,1 bill 1111lfl'l bo (I'fl'tbeattl t.. IU.II ,"'>\ I

''01.1'011 r"r UlNf 11ft filld au,tIt tb .. , fibto,U",rt In III1Jlb .... I'DI .. , II," tonl"

"I (Ji.<r-, II .. , , •• IlIQtlfte4 tl'Ufl Kb.a.Il. "I, I~." IlaJd 1 ..... 1. •• ~ aha.lI b.

tlttnnt 0 .. 'II' ... 1t dlGI But n...w It I.a 1'0<'11 tol r.t .. , l1e I.a .0 odt lI:Ia. 1(1 dl .. ,,*, I"

"lot,., bllll lIotll rJ,e ... ,. CrM, Ulna" -",eob'''' {"'t)ll DI.IL

'·BtU .. r t .. , I"-r" ...... 1 1...uL

Kino _tt 1'11 1 brol"-r at All MlfJl!III fort; In. Ihl, hOl4 • _ ""tllbll (jOnl.r..-nc .. T .... rlll,,, uptajll 1IIIII1,,.e ... In lit. da.rk­" .... "!IIi a .tT."OII "Itl" mall. eln, m.n tA-k .. hla plMO.


One 01 the Be.t Ever Harvested. '" Tbe Hrul era;;; WN tt!m CAn.d.

tor 1011 w .. Ib" 1I101t .. 11I.hlo ooe .nr banl'!eted: Ih. rCllurnl 11"010 .11 tl.1IHtI ot II •• Itotlt hll •• bt('n It(jUIU, I "111(al'I0I'7. TIIiI wool l'1I1\ Willi not (lol,.relter UlIlll ln lin, pre,lou. 1"ur, bUI Ihe prll'fJ (Ihtnlnud ....... double lIun or 1010, " 'hleh In lurn Will CllmOlt Ilollble lIutl of till! rlllr hl'tM!'.

M WII the ClIo'" In lOU) IIn(1 uno.. rolO, fanullr. 'fII'f're I IIII! 10 Ild1 for Olelr Il.ud oulrlaht wllh Ihe I~II or ih~Ir 1\1'11 ltu·. l'NlP. I;'urlher (wi· dCDH or Ibe Pf'OIIOt"rtl)' vI W"~I(>1'tI Canoda II Ill(IwO b, lbe tll t t 1111.1 on. 10 Uti". tlff'nt1 Gt Ihe VOllul/uloo .. DOW' the o"ot-r 01 .D IIUlomohlle, 1f Ibl r.nnlor f'(lIDMonlt.1 .Ione I. Illtt-a. II will be found thlt the proportiOft of IOlolJl()bUe on.,.. I, ,UII nfll",. The banll t\I'Ir1D.111 ot lb. Ie..dln, roll"" .. t Wlliem caUd.1 WIN ftln 1.ltol\J'

. ~1l1~ Ibl" Ih", were In Ih to f'O~

..,.. I!J)Ondlnl Pt'rlodl of una, Ind tb~ lilt', were hllhu Ihln lilto , .. r pl'ffMln.c. 14 Wlnul!'ltl 1.'IOO,00Cl.0fI0 mort WI' tleortO In Ih. ] I meoth. rOlllne No­,.tm~ ao than 10 Ih 11m. IUOpW • ,." I.lOo

Th. eat,., ot th~ Unllpod AlaiN 1010 th, "'"r hilt 'tl'('n .. lh~II'-'iI Ih. bol'lWl tM.l\OV~n Ihllt C!Ountl'J .nd "anlllln. We Ire oow wotkln, InjJl!lhl'r f or Iho Mm. entia. TbOllO who .... M t flKllllng Are nrol:lloUnc It 1ri'lIler l,ro(lurlion or f oodll\Ul'I' .. 10 IhI. ronn(l(lIlln Wetlcrn (lllnndll orr('1'1 Il woMl'rtul 0 PllOrtu· alt,. Not olll, Cilil l'Utor QIII1I1IIII C!.1 ot .'lIpl, ftl()(i _I Ilf!'1I bo prl)(lul'eIl. but lhe ~t o r productiOn 111 10\\«:, lind Ib~ J'fI'OUnentiOD IT't!II I' thllo ",'h(,nl lind t. ruOhl esp!nli"lI. No t wlll, ,"ndlnt th, tllrt lhat Ihft Ilrl~ 0' tlll'm prod. uttl h .. doublild durhul: Ille ,,"I tllrw ,Hn, tll!'r. Ire Inlllinu. of Il'f'tll ot 1II'II>Ie lind In W" ll'fU Canlilio "bleb tin IOU be booa:bt It " low price.

"'"tem Cen.d. ha. In fIiOrttKlU. .tttI,. Pftt)Iffil tor IN'flllllr 10 ,,'hN t III 101& It lAIl.rrt' r thlO 10 1011, .nd

~IU problbl, lurlll" tho rf't"/Ird 1Irt'a taut ln to t!'(ln 10 the ,Mr 1013. whl'n tho I.~t ~p enr known 10 the WNt "' .. hl,.,efled. 1't1e , •• , 101" IlbGuid 11110 .... turtbtr Increue to II,. itOt'il: 'M.lritt.

rllnae,. lin. b~n IMUIIII' ('Ootid· IrIblt tum. In nUll: Ihe I""h price. ee<:ured 10r wnol lind mutton hne oPf'nl)(1ll1e ., •• or \\'l.'I lero '(1 rIlle,. 10 lb. poealhlllHel ot Ihl!4'1l, " nIl Mud, Will the dl'llUUHI 16r hr~I .. Ullll' onlmnlll IlI lIt hll lI,at It "'II 11I111(1",lhle 10 IUtet II Idrqunlely: tbo CIUnl lltlliu tor Ilr~lIttr hO, prodllCllo lI II ulll'Cl eti '0 11fld lUI InerNIfI ot bt twecn ~ lIad 00 f)t' r ul In lOIS,

ThOllft ,,'ho II ... ~ntC\hlJ)lltln. ('(Imln, t(l W etlern {'Bnllil. I"Ilnnltt dll tuoller IhlD ~me .. lrl1 In Ih~ I prlne whl'o IJI" ~n nUllo .. ('n'l1\ Ind !tlfY"t " In the r.IL In tldl wa,. Ih"y will be able to lehl~Te IIOrot'lhlnc Ih. t ... 111 DOt Obi,. M of I(1'eIII lwud\( 10 llie ro-11('1,."- but 1I!I(t til Ihe ntllt C'lU!I4! f(or

..J/II .,bltb Ibe .Allie.. Inthldlnl Ih~ Unll"" 81alN, .... DOW .ll.pUol,-AdTtttt .. tndl.L - ---

£JIp'n.l.,." "1 IIh lU 1<1011 . 1 Ihll blll .. I." "W n,.r' ""1'1 .. IIN>I'rlrl ul' 1Il11.e .. 0'41 It'4'l u It

I """nl'(l Ihl' I)I.~." "Well, atler tf'"'~(O flIthl "flur bill

'OU ",III fl'4'l IhOt lOll ~ul!Jll I" owu Ih* pllet, Wllf'lh., rOll '10 ur 1101."

Ol r l S.nk P .... ld.nt. A . Irl Il .... ' IIIl'Ul Ih·t'. In Clel'elllntl ,

0 , 8 11 .. I. 1" 1:'116"01 ()f 11 h/lllk , 11110 I. onl, "'''('nlet' '' J l'ur,. old. TIl+' hunk tlu &'10 d(l\)H~lt()\'lI 1111(1 I <'11 111111 ot tlM.roS. 'MIll d (1)OII IIClU IIr" mrlUllf'l'I ot Ih. I't)unril t'dun!ltonll l ,,1""IIt'l', "" .... 1La'1l IIII'll' mOI'''Y h ' hll)' Ll l!4'My IOQn bond .... ('ft lloll •• ml 1,"'OO(>n ll, Tbt< dl"llMItII ('01l' t! In l)efllll..... Sum\' IlfrllOOll III..,.U,. hatll '"Only. f'l'Ut 10"",,"

----n.,.'t .,...u.w. Alit fOf' RN "'­

BIt: III"" WI"'" bMlllltaI .blu tSotb ... ., ,11 IIOOd VON"" AtI ...

V.a, or ellrl.t'. Ilrth, III .hll')' leUI \II Ihnt fur rJOO ,. ... MI

Uitl Clu11111nl bAIl no <'S leoanr lit Itlt·lr 411\'0. but 1'f'('lu)t)td the )'t'"'' Irrof"llh)J: t () Ih~ ('I1.fllml tlf Ihl' nJ,U IIIUI 10 "hleb Ibt1 be lou .. f't\. ""! U"nHu, t'llrI~lhll'. u~.'(1 Ihl' "AlIllll Prill" ('!IIltlhln,'" ", lf1nr tlf IIII' rUlllltl1nll of /( oml.', 10 MIHII

.. from : nlhar. I'nllll1' ~1 Irum IIUl r,'IUII or l ')IIII'IHltw, {'oIUtlll " "nil' 1':1'11 "r II,.. Mnrl y ... ;" II'HI 11\111 O1It.'r" 1111\',1 Ih, ' ,," lpllllllr lit .It,· ('(\111.11 IIr I':~)'I'I . III II'"

.... 1'\'lIlurr, 0 ",,1_ thl' 1,IUIt'. n (ln~'k JUlinII' lI.hlK In HNnt', tluhh' II 1' .. lt'nol .. , ('()Ulllh'lf Irtl l1' Ihl' In"II 'IIIIII",I, II", 1111'" lit 1\\llth 111' l\;u'IllII i NI A P . I '. f11' l\l' e.1mnKlnl, !lilY Ihn l U"lnl' 1\'111'

t!)ollll l'd lu 7:.:1 11. I', Jr.1 Ilt t' Io"l1l1l11lnl: 'il l Ilttl I'!alhth .... t·nlllr)', Ih,' \'\'llO'ro"',' Ilf'd. IWllnl II nlll Ih lll 1111. 110'" 1111 hi"" lon(al hhlUllrr. lIut n" I:",,,,rnl ", .. Ill'\! " .. IlIkl'lIl,r llh. I'nIII'I_III. nll,llhl' .,rnlr hi. r'unllnlu .. 1 III Ihl. dlj' . III" t!tnt' tnt'u Ila\'(I "'11,1,10'1"1 m,IOI"rn .. {'h"l· I,. t" Ih'I"",,I., ... ",ltllull! mul'l, I'''~' atMUly M lIoulll , 1111' I'lo.M ""jtr lOr Ih., binI, (If J,~u. nnl1 1(1 1IIIINlII II " h ili Wfl rail G It f'.

~ BRONCHIAL TROUBLES ~ UIe 1"' .... 0.. . 1Id ,.. ........ U. 4it'-o Dol """II qlle", .114 .~ .. I, -tor.....,u, I0<Il .. , ilfpncUlNe""r-


The Housewife and the War WESTERN


I Po .... er or Me".,.. 11'"0"" tn,,) I tp'IUWIL Tb .. ~ ....

It f<·I'r .... ,," IIlJI.I 1-. .tIQ~c't. _,.. I n .. "..] "rilt'r. "'~I ." tI, 1""", .. ,01 III (lr.... "r lin, •• lb .. r p"'~ ... 1 •• r 1.1 I"",,, I'll)' I. III,u,,",. .\nd 11lI'''' I". t ... ,. ro, Iar)' IIID)' I", fit 1'\. r1 ... 1 Ju_t I" 0'., I"" In.' ,,'btl' ''''ml1I1 'I' t.",11J;l, 11,"11'" Irul IMI I. 11"1 II ... _I .,' I,~.~ II 111101"',. ""1 11:1< rt" IlllIl\ It.llll\,,~ '1", I" 11".1.; .1 nn, I \..Il!'r i~'''M' Ill' '1,,"111." {If ""raull hlllllrt·IIoIIIII.,:. I 1\>00..,1 Ii· IIlI'r f"r II,"~I "t. III.



Iy-ProoilU1 Lydia E. rialt· ham·. V.,.w.1e c. .. poud

c.. b. Relied Upo .. W •• I".N·"·I'_""I., ., ••• ~,.I .. P,IUI for MII,I •.

too,· .... '·urk-l.t." .ltll)l. t. I~'I nllT "'1I1\·r-~;'\,c. l·ou,,,'r-'~:l17\t. SI. I.(,ul. - MIlI'II'" ,,;,,11"1 III) lIuuld ,·, -Tunj;~'''1\ l'''llt ,'nl rll''''. 00

pt'" rl'nl. , ~:. ,.tI~, :!1.t.'1 I"'T unll, "ru,ltI ur"I, r,11 I, .. r ""111 •• ~~ 'LIIl) ~r.III'. %!. i,,'r Ct'U', II:!t"IGlI ~ 5u III Il"r r'·III • • ~ hi tJ 1:.21,1 110'1 IInl!


Tbf\ 84'1111110".1 UII 1'O>1I'J,llIn~ hllll "!'''u rorlU'~ /I.. OIlI"'l1n I.,. dnll lor ull In 11'11' I'hllL<I ,.11",.

l:nh ... 1 \,en!.. t.:xl .. u.I'lD \lInin. Conll .. n}, II I, ulld.,ntlOOtI .• hll.I,1 h, tWh'n ".IOO",IIij" IWI1 'i,,,,~.otlll I~nlod lu Hit i. n" d,lIl troM tb .. :,)/1 "".,.1 Of Ih_

~'rjll4'l'l (;01,1 mIll ... III KIIIII:'u'n h .. , tH:cn drh"n on Iho ~"III I 'It~_nl' of alloUI 1111 110' lind I. no" III .,tlll or"

For Pimply Fae-.. To ,\ ... plml'Io'''I 11013 1011l1'kb .. llltSl IItflrllr tlll'w wllh CuttCUnl Olatnll'nt. \\ n8h nf!' In 1'!I·t! mlnUI~ with Cuueu", Bon!) 0011 hot wIII .. r. I,'M II''''' .IIIII!)II'" n,loIrt-lll NCl.lllcuru, Dl·IIt. X. HIl",np" .AI drU,l:21.11 lIud III mllii. soap ~ OIDtIDtlit :.<:i lind III).-Ad • •

Or'gln of ......... 11\, .. TIl .. l11"1n; 1,,,,,101. h (lr I, ,,IID" 1"'IUI',

tnr ,.111t'1i 1:tl.l\lln'l \1111 1'111 IIth)o IIII'll l,rlI'o·. II,,· lfIH'" "., "Ut ..... 1. "II" ... 111:' Th..,.. tI.""!" MloI,,, f,. 1 t'tl (lrit:It'lIlIr II .'Cr.1 .ot1. I) In I'~ .... MUll'_ 1.,,"l1on I·hr,-ulrt«. In tl, .. h·ltnlh .hIU".. nMIII"I ... ·r •• f ,," h 'll'f'r" Wh]..r It .. " ,t hi 1,.1 .. 1-..1 '

Th. One-OliN\ M"I I, Not. M)'tll--H .... I. Wh.t Gael Into One '01' Fin Plr'on .. Proportion. Given a.lo ..... : F llh, POlltoclt Carrol .. 011 ion, .. Llttl l Pork, Milk, Fl."", PepPI"

Wurt! .IJ r'"4'''h'',1 In Kln,mllA I" (I"t "\,"171111011: hI r.>AlJIl'~' "lIb,' \\'r1I{IP), :llIlphhlo min ... II) 1 .... ln tl,1t .Inkhlll "f Ill<' M, Ihllfl fNUU Ihl 3" 1 III fh~' "'\I If,vel


10 Ih. Ir rill. f '11,"""J r,' ... 111011 'n~>o

\II 1"·n ... 1MaI,, II,,' nlft" ,,''''C1*'1 ,I, ..... 11'''' ,,,·f.,,. 11.0 ..... rum"". ""1''' "Ot .111 , .. ,,,,riM·tIl Ib, II' t:r't·I'.·I"" 1 .. 1l:. Ih"1 ", .. r.' ,;:1" .. n hlUbl><b. 1'1 "h\(ob "!.l·Y II. to· l!ot"un I"'" 1l IIln,1 "f I'('­

.,"~)' ,.r Inl"xll'il'"'' If',~ II.., "' • ." I'JIU.~I "nll~hI~I'hl.· "WUI b. II"" I' 'II"·.... 'I'll, \1 .. ,.1 I, .. "u,' ,'Drl f \\, • .,.1. ru ll1m:ult.:'· .... lol\~ '\I'~ lI'n"."'') In", "u 1I~.~lu •. " _ ...... . ,. • ,. • rt


Good. Satisfying Meal Whole Family Enjoy. Is Wanted.


Som~hl" 1iI Hot., Savofll, lEIey to Cook Illd Serve Ie Alwl,.. III On:llr­

Three Retlpu Olven to H.lp SUlY HouIH'wUe.

"wu.t J.hall ~'e b"fI for dlna@rr­th@ tlaU,. quettlon Ihtll nenr IroW. ohl. Well. you Wl1l11 II SOOt! ••• tllfrlnlC Ult'II l whleh me ""'hole fllhlll1 wil l en ' Jor. It OIWl'l be cheup lIud t.'1UIJ' I" toUk ouil \Dun IUPt)I, whal )'\lur iJlltll,,1f oeed 1.0 helt) you tlrOII', nud to ht'IV YOU w(lrk Qr pia, nou kllt.'p wurm. Any, 11 Iho I plrlt of wllr l uc rlt! re IIh"" '1I lu your l\uuS4!h()l ll, Ille 11ll'lIll1hQuld reOl'ct )lIur fQojd $I\\'lul> cf!'Qrl&

I'L'(tpl(> o( 11 11 II l1tlunl hll"1i! u .. 'tI rom· bllllltlOll1 ot toad. l'OOkl'll 10jj:l'thcr hi one d' i h . I'erhlljll you !'nn r.!JU!'II)b,'r .uch dlDtll!rs Lo rour .. rondUtulh~r'. hOOle. Why po t renew tllI~ CU~tolU 11011 aer,'e Jour faOllly ""Itb • UOlrlllou"" olH""dlab dillau lM.'CI.alonllir. tor 1'IIrl. ~tJ' a t ICdtl For , ueb I dlooer )'UU OIlltbl kt\"~ I tilll dlo\liler. IIrN ILia. J, dJallC'J' III one dllIh. s ure "noulth. Ttll. oue. lad the others thlt fOlltlw, mikes 1'00UCb tor tin pt<f*KI';

FI.h Chowder. 1'" Itt., t,.b nab. 1 ~pf\l1t ~'OI"

ICOC!. Iutdol:\X"lI. C"UI In pI~ .1('.) Of' ,. l b ... II ~ l b. -.II pOflc, or Uned Olh, , cunt'lll, mill.

• POUlION r-I.-d K ItuIIOOaNI IMP' and r ut III Im.1I Illr. I'L_.. II,bl_oornhiLa tIour,

I onIon ,Ueed. CUt pork 10 .101111 ple«<l . od ir1 ,,·IU.

t he eboppe(l 00100 for rive nlluUlell. I'llt IlOrk, onlool, carrotl oa ll POI~lflI.'S In ke\l lll und 1'O\'e.r wllh Imlll .. " wltli'r. Cook until "cE:elnbll!fl IIr{l lenih·r . M ix thr~ Iliblet!poontull or nQ1l1' with 01111' hnlt cUllful lit the COld IUllk nOtl . tlr la Ibo IIquld III Ule pot t t) Ihkk!!o II.

i·'~~~~~·Z;:;~;;~:,· ~~;"" CARRY WAR FOOO HINTS

W.r rood 'U"II'H lloOI fur American bou~"" u. 11rt'11flr«! In fouf'-PIIftt1 "Uoltt.'d SI!lleoI ~'ot,,1 Le4fteu" b1 f OOll lpeel.II.I. ot the d"Pln,nenl ot .(f'lrultul'f', Ihe food .dwl oilltrllliop nlttll!ltlltc rt'preteDlIll\'eIo Ire Oftw t'NI(l), to diltribule. The 1t'lln!?I" l,.,r, the coonlry'e el:perl !IWU11it "0 rOoOd oooSl'..M'lIllnn u '1ullllIll'lllolu popular Illngullie. roll .. hAll

hOulle ..... \fe.. 8"\'l'n IIr" DUll' 11'111· Illi h ... lptul Whl' WQUlIII! r"r the I I

"hle. More will 101110""'. "M'"tl lhe 011), Rh::ht W\lh n 0,,01.1 lirtlkrIlSI," II food II'unl'! Nil. 1. Oll1eNJ uow r .. ullr nr,, : "Do \'011 1 I\I)OW Corn Meu"" "A Wholo ntlllll!r 111 One nt~I' ," " ho(\3t' :. \'I'"r Food Wisely." "~hl ke " +

+ Little :\lent 00 0 Lroujt WII )'," "Do \'ou KnOlW O,ul1wnIT' .... ·nml tor \'our Chlldr"n.'· TIIl'-l' h 'llt· It'll lite d(,lIlE:nMI t o IIllI11,lt'lIlI'lIl "Ih(>r 111110 r" plD('tI till' dl'l",rt Ul('III', publll'ft liullt ' )0 f'''''"' enll other hUUle probll'ln~ Wllb Ihl' fuul11 ut lUi dl i<pMlIl III ... dt'rmrt· meol of ICri('1tltur(lo wlI\ 1)fI .1,111 +

ito IftIppiy Lbt'''t'' Il'ftnel" l\lr\'4'111 :. (101), to le.ders .nll .ctl .. " .... ,,1'10;. : m In the food NIl"Cr l'llllIn.! lUOl'f!lDl'-Ott.. ..

+ .......................... Alld the rest ot Ille milk .ml IllO' n~lt,

.... IIkh hua lIl'en reI'''''' I'd trllm 0011". lind ('lit 1.11 IIMl1 (»t'Ct'tI. l'(lok' 1111111 U, .. 6sb II l l'.nil l'f'-1llNut 1t'1I tulnUI,,~. II .. Il Ash IJ \l$Cd. toRk tirst. 8,' r,." bot.

Till. on@ dill, nlnk~ " !l3l1lf,.ln" mcnl served wltb crl i ll l'!'lIck!.'r. or tol1l doogeu wltll II IC"'ed trull lit Jim

tor Ihe "~olUcthlag IIweet" lOU lII(e \I!tll ),our 11I~1I1 ,.

NOli' .hnt n'~lIt I •• 0 111.II·p1'l r('/1 yO> 1I Ilk .. to nUl lie II MumlL WUUlUllt gO U8 fnr II I ponltlil'. A IU CU I IIIOW l'IUl bl' 111011" ve ry " 1111t'Ullng nnd wllh p rOllcr t'llro I II 1111' kl t'<' Ihm 01 1)'1.' lugredlcDt.s 10 "(lI"I"nl' wll h U,e mf'!lt rou WILY make lIolllhl'r (l1I .... lllh 0''''11.

Hilt Pol ot Mutton and Blrle),. I pound mu!tC»l • POlelOM. Ito rUllruJ DIAllaoci t onIon ..

bArl.,. eel.,., lopt or otber I ~"lnllOOGfUI .. It. __ Ina ~rb&

l'lIt ",II mutton 10 !lUlII1 piet'etl Ind tim"·", ,,·lth th(! oolop 10 fit eut IMrll '''(,AL Thll w\ll h"'11 milk. t1u!' M('Ilt 1~'O\I~r lind IlIIpf'O"~ tht' no,·or. Pour lil l.luln I ro\'~rt!d .. uc;,IVUl. Add two qUlr" tlf "'lIh'r . 0U Iltt! ,*1'11',.. Slm· 1114'1' for l'lI4' (lull on~"hAIt hount. Tnt!! add Ihe putalou nn 10 ql.llLftUI', HI' lOuin, b"rb .. Il.Od I(!UOllIac, Iltld cook OUt'·halt hnur lonlft.

Thl l I. 1110 C,lOO ~rved al " ahe~ l"'rd'III,111 "lIh ulll5htSi J'IOlntol:8 !lolot:' IlItI dl 'lI lod plied tID 101" fOf I ('I'U.I. "Iw ¥II'W I. 111l1I~r I( thkkeued with • IltlLl! !lour In Ihl. ('lUll! \lefor\! Ciddln!t 10 Ihl' nUI ~11l'1I l)I'lllll,' eru~t.

Or ,our o llu-dllih weill tnlJlhl be or II rh'O IWIlII (O r !.Jt!11Il8 11I1I1('1u\ 0 1 ment or lI~h l'tJIUII'uf·t! ",lib 0.111'1' I'eg{'tubletl. IIt'r!! II n h~II,I )' tlllIl! IIl11dt' If''1U 1'1111t 1'('1'111. Mnu)' klndll oJ dried IK'IUI o r I'enn. coulU be utM'd In lhl' IlUoe WI1 ~

Spilt P .... Rlt. lnet Tomatoe .. I~ ('Ullt'lll. 1'11'1 ... lu~nlul pcp. I !'lnt .pUt IM'- ptor • onll)n.. : ""01,,1. ot ",mato 1 IlIb~"1IO<'ntlll .lIlt (f ... h or f.lnMd),

80.11; Iltll o\'u I1lgb t In t ... o qUlrlJl ,,1 ('0011; 110111 ttuder In "'Iter In "hil'b 111(',. IIlt1kf'd. Add ntt', on· 10Wl, tOlllltlOd "aa I('UOmng,t. and 1'1.1(,11; ~ mlout ...

Such mHola Ire I help to tht! bu,. hOu ..... lIl1e 00 Hpe(irtll,. bo.)' dl,.., IIIp1 .n' ",lfr lO P"'-111f\' lind IlIlIke but '"w dllh" W "'lib.. Wllh brelld lad Imltl'1' .11(1 JII'II. Jl'!rblll)l, o r .tewed trull •• n1 ont' of tbl'D!!l a well· chluot·t\ oUirlU1l1U1 ml'JlI. Ir Lbere IN! dllllll'<'n lu thll tlllllll, gh'li! tllch oDe II IIIRIll of I11l1 k bM;ltll't. Sllrh II oleol will tII lllf, lilt! \)ocb"1 nero. III well til J, Illore e llillorlUe Q11t.

CoUlga Chena SII.d.

Nutrllluus 1" luti IUll k!!1l II Mood dish for II ho me IUIICI' IMIIl .... S th!!y fire rit'll III I.rot('hl. e h eClM! 1IIIIId i IRkt' Ille place 01 \'<Ild IIII'll tllllheL The toilO,,·lug 18 10 IIIttpl'nt.ln, nutritious COltage ch('t'''(' .. Iod:

111.1: Ihoroughl, " aC' fI'OUnd M ell_f'.

An UI)l'n ... Intl'r IIIIIhi ul"nl~ nt /1r ., .. Ioplnon t "'Irk jlfOtt" til',. ,"l' t'l •• 'u llt til Ill" (',11,,,1. ('r",'k dl~l~kl

lI "lum~ 1,,,uI II ,·ltr "r l"ru,h' oro' n" ct'nlly Hhhll)/'jl fmm II ... Nf II !Jlllnill 1011 OI ln"1 ft,\ Ollhlr Inn IItl\l"" 01 Ilro\llll1 nOt!,

Tb" Mlllliu II Mlnln. r"IllLIllllr. In corponw'd It 811111, whh I "111111:11 nl 1l{l(l,OIlO. will d"v4'lop Ih. nub ('AI IIIln· In. I'lalm,

EI P • ..., 011 ('111ll"'''r of ,'''lnra(11) Sprlnll hili OI.I,·rllll I)n 1111 1tTU"ml for U. "4'11 11t'1l1' RUllI! .n,1 oIrllllnl opooratlonl .. 111 b .. '1.,nNI

Th .. Annl'2 min,. h, 1 .... , (;lIlfh "II pin rnul)l,. ;an tiM dllK'U\" t'/ thai 11 ... 1IIIn loll,· tor) "'1'1, II I"'·\D. rl'o'11+ nf'tl br W II (lloor." Ind \\ ,. Trll'" 01 Grell FIl't.. MOIII

C. II lillY_ lit I'.rk .. n,"urlf, .l'llftte tor th .. £1 f'uo F.XlfOU,luu j·tllupan,. " .. tallf'o II t\t",,.,,,,,r "''".! I,ul I ....... un the 11I1I1'lI minI', "n.! '"'111'('1. 10 elart. ile"'I'I()IItIIl'''~ .horll,.

Th" re(lort I,f Pr ... hl'·n~ A II: C·nrl· Illn fll Ih" ('r"NUIi C·"n.lllhllth·d Urold. Mini"" lind M.lllulL' ('(1111 111111),. mnll .. '1 IItocklwldt'rII .... 1111 ChI! n"r"mhN ,11,.1, Mnd rhl'e"", Ith'''' 111111111. I,r II diR' eOl'pr), Ilf Ott' runnln" Oil hla;b U Ihl r. IY' l h r l'p ountl'l .. "hI. liT .~;;n /I Il)n, 10 #I'm\' Bampl ... , 10 " rll l ~,. t"'I"" "U Ib" fm4"'nlll I1lId f'IUllhJ!Ilb 1 .. 14'1,

MDlltA" •. North .. m 1oI(1nlll'" SO.IullIl 0 ..

C'omplUlr h.. b., n 1111'111'111","'''.1 by \·It .. I'r ... hl,·nl ""II), aud ",1" r oUI dill of.h "'"on,n,11 ("'lIl"r CUll) pin)'.

A fK'Ord for ,lrlltIU('1.1"u of "(Inlallll ~l'1'II1 til ___ all ... '.1,01",11"" In lb. ,'nltr,! S,., ... In t&l7, lloe GI'OInt!I".1 ~urtf" . nnnun!'..,I, Ibt' flolput III .3 ,1.000 bln"I ..... ~t'f\f'dlnll' thllt lit III" boIoo,'r ltlr. 1"3, loy o ... rl, 1,G'''I,'''''1 loanrl.

OUlIl' 1Il'1S 8up.'rlur ('ofllJltinr !'IIm .. ,1 bfl"'l'C'n' .nd" n .. r I""r" I.~I ,....r. Thl' romll'''' p1Ild flul ,11 2:, I"'r ,bu" 10 dl'ldf'nl1l. Ib .. ,,,, hll'l'l". boo. n nl) 111-· bUI'IBn,rnlll durilla; tllll tlO1L1 'Iulut .. r of 1911 o1l'ln" to r"~'rlllllilite (l1"(/,·t luu"oJ. by Monuao rour(,

Kl'on('cott {'npllllr protluoll'u In Alalka In n(>rt'nlb .. 1' Will uf! III Ih" normal lll'!urn M UVt'T 7,t'jIlO.UOlI poullilll n lUonlh, 111 11 Iltuounh'l1 IIJ 7" n~r.,""/'I pound", IItlllh,., 7.1 t=,1)1'I1I In S'uvrmlwr Itnll 7,IIII.tI(~1 III Ol'lnh('1" TI,,, oulnul lor Ihu Y!'IIr {r(1n, .h .. ... 1,..lIa prnlll'r!11'. 'Willi ,,\.~r;Il.or+n

paUIII", 1l8111n~1 ,..~.~1:t,IIOtl In 191t'

Th" 011111 C'oUlpoln .. 1,11'1', ("""0"'" liD D·· ..... Off' III" Ill" PIII'Uil wll,,· lit '10-l:ol1nn,

-~-=-=-GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Iu, ,, 110"'11 It h"Il",'h"I<1 h'Il],·,I,· nil "1"" IIII' rJVW"I't1 II'IOrhl (ur In"r.· Ihun luM II ~"·.!I1lfY fill' .~" .... tlIIUII"u, Inlt··1111111 11'1,,,101,'''. lOrpt,1 1I\lf lIu,1 Uti' jl"ntrullJ Ilt·llr,·~·.'d h't'UIlt,; tbn1 nCI'''WI'IIJtI,·. ~Ul'll .IIIW,r,,"'r"-. Il I_ II m'HlI vnlllol,II' tll" .... I), rul' lutJl~l.,qI"n ur nt·n.on_ ,ty. I" I"Ln IInti h~l!I' lfUII!.!t·, l'rh1o:1111; • n 1l,·ll/lurllt'-'. romlul! 1,11' lit ttlt"). 11II11'L1I1' II"u uf 11"lIrt ull,1 l!ilIn,. .,I!\t·r ,,,uI' tonI&, AI"" d,.".. (of' A!leI'''1 ~1" .. r ",III lillflll '1L1l1t'1)' ,,11 .. ,.,· P'1l. It I~ • lI~l1lh.' 1.'lIlt,.... ... It rm,r drnrrtrt ~"I,I In .n "1t'1IIu-d t:'"unlr1,. -AllY.

Wht,e C"nts .. re PDpulll'.

!-lId 81mU.r ".ll+no. .\I1.'n It ... d" "Iit t , .. ,n " ...

IWI'I s.:I·I. ILIIII '") lIu_I'lIn,1 1O.,,'ltr •• lit, ,,, ""lilt ,.""

Itthllo'" 1" .. ", •• 11 rl~lII . """" "', do I ... Ut ..

TI11 g,'I Problem. ['r.I""h ""I'll " ,.,,' I.; .'11 , ... .,

",.,1.," '\.I. I I 11111

Wf'nUItl I , .. " ~" I", , ... ,.. ... ""I,

u~I,""I'IIl"r .. f.t kI I t/l"lk II,

Th .. "" I 1,",1'1,11,1)',,01 t.,.unlrr In Ih .. '" "Md "". ~ t\Jl' u. .... "r .... a1kln. I<U' 1o.1I It '" pn('mJ .... In lil .. rlll",,1 Kllla d"m. l'r.1I CIC'ltlly "\'l'fY 1111111 nlrtlt·· I 1'110". lUll "o11 II, Itt, 101\111 •• to.llill .... but lila" III Ib,· \·",mLr, •• nil. 10 .,111 1I'1Il, Ib",,, I. ft IIIn:,' tl 'lllllh'l (/It IOlIlk III .. "Idlt f"r ~'(lm"n. Ih,.,.,' "dna: 1I~",1 '·T!<·n .. ht·l, I" 11 ... '''Hln.t~· 111),1 III •• 't1

"hl~ r,· ... r"', IIllt n'J! W n .'1'l'01 t').I"UI

In .h" clllt'~. PI.TENTS ~~,!=.:t!!~l;: '1"110' IIlnt!'t ,"ronlh" Ilr" al~n)'. millY ,.

nnll ,'\"11 Illll'lnl! ,Itt' ~tlmHh't tl'" w"ulh I .'r III "IIl'n I.·ry un"'lIIHI, 101' tlu" Ow Dcnv r Directory u~" "f UUtl'j"I·ILI1.\J t~ 111,0 IInu~lItlJh _ t:TI"11 Till"'" ('1""1111",," IIb\'" ,,"111., \lIP 11I11011ll1rlUft "f u"",r4'''rr., no,l 'I 'dkl~ ,\Jdu IIU Imp.'rlnlll 1.\I,ltVltr1 III Ih" nrtll~b 1~1,,~.

"frJt ... Ibl! IUlIId,.... baM'.-thlt'. Rtd ~ IL'« ",1M'. MJ.u. 1 .... 1 ,11111 elMt .,I:u~ clotb~ All n.od ~ Ad •.

Not &0 Muth Work. lIr, Hllnr"" \\ tIIuun. h,"t· J(lU I.~

1/."0 .n"lt,~r ~n",,? Wliliani Y.; loll! 1 IfIt .• "'n'

t"rtun .. l. Ihl1 tltBO'. It Clnly ' III t"n T,Io ......

)'Ir, I"'n~(,f'-~ 1"0 C"\II 11",1 ''(''r' 1lII1I1Ir." ,1., ,,)01'

WUllum T ..... .,{r; )I'f/: I"IIro't I!nRd'lt· .. hili" 1".lit,·,. It I I" 1,1 .... Ih"m nl' _ht'n 1.11,.,. hr ... " Inln II hun.ln'll 1,1 .. 1'"

SELF DEFENSE Defeat Backache

Trouble With

The Oxford Hotel DI . NVf.U. CUI.O

lOll ".~ .... _ .' eo ...... ... " .. ...... Q •• ~~ ' .. ~ ... " .. "" ..

: Sot HAlf ILOCK IImll \lIIDti DEPOT

Tbe Platre River C.lfle Co, nlL.C. .......... c:.. PUTtE IUD HER£roaD

aUlU FOR SAUt O""I .. M ... I~_

........ _loo' "".

K dak DEVELO •• HG o S .. nd PRINTING .. , ... ea.I, .... .. ".. " • .,.., .... 1.1 'not ___ ................. c." Lot.o.o c...... t... Ql &MIo a...... 0-.. ~

W, N U .. OINV£R. NO J. "'L

O£T ,TRONG.,' J' II' ..... t,("to! \lilt

lb", IlfN'pl. In thl.

., train tl1'unl.l ... m~:~~i:~~~~,::EE: II snd h .... found OUtt .,,0:--, .. 1"111 tfn,KI,. 10 Vallllul .nol: d.\n"~",\4' .Um .... ....

01 I"" ,1""," ." .. ~,n. "'lib I".. 1' •• "... r.,. .. ,. ll,. 1'10 "I''"''''' ,\a,1 .1 "'ll .. ,f (ft' ." ,n) 'f ... 11,.1 le'''rl''III'' or ,1,_.lh,.}(I!I1 ,'1 .... 11 '.1' th, ... I.. 111111;:0-

I, loll/Itt '"" .... ,. ........ ·.nrlb. ... ,1 10 1IfO'''. ___ 11_'_ 'rile '11<11'1 ...... pl. III'_ ~ ... 1uI hll ...

Ih,_ '" lb. baof _lotiIII I, .... nritt "'Clore. tt... I,,..~t_ ,.,.,.,III .. . Gd..-

IIIlI\ ... 11 I'" .. 11Ift1 l1'li __ .... ,... •• r

OliO Ind 1l0l'-hllif tlll.lplq)()f)uflllot (It r ... ·llm. on!' IIbL~'''1JoOOu{ul of ~hj'r'p\...t 1""''''1, lin() SlIII I" '11_11', f'ir<l'l r1ll II rt'('l lInJlul.r tlo uwht .... lIh cold ...... t .. r I .. 1'/1111 .lId 1\'''1 t1l~ IUri.("\'. Atler '''·In(lI'ln..: Iht! ... tl'r, lin,. IlK- 1"'Ltoo, IIf Ih, mull! wllb'd '.I .... r: th"a 1'1llk the eb«11' 10 thrn> hl}!·I"!'!. put· Ilnl IW,. or lhne pamlM ,.tr1,>1 tit 1,lIlIl'1l10, l .. ttUtf, 1('1It. Ilr "'OPIlO."I1 nllllO. "~ l"' .... u l'r"rL t',,\'t'r ,,'Itll \\1U.:ed pllf'l'r .nd ~'I In • <.'001 l'llee UUIII re..d, 10 Ie"e: Ihen rno • !flllt", IIl'IlIInl i lh l' IIfl~ nod IIIU'I'I Ihl' II\ulil. 4'UI III .lIr~ Itnd I(! r \'e lOll leuu!'@ 1"11\'('. wi lli ,,'rl"ol'h dr~~lnli: I1n,1 wuf· ('MI, Mlnl'l'd nltVl'1I tuN,. I I(> IIWtJ In· .a·n(l or Ih l! IIM~II''', 1111\1 1'llCI l.pM null Uhlll IllIlY h I! QdtlftJ.

SIIff"e4., ,,<It w"o .r. It .. w ... 11 ~._ Ih,y no.d. d ... 11.,...· ... am'". lllnaj III lUI, .. 10 ~t It •• I. ,",,,1010 W1lh U,.t .... lIdert'li. I'lrW d~ HOY lit Dr 1'I'fT". ull"'" .......... ~ .. ,dau.bk .Ir.",. J. T ...

TI., )I"lmllnn 'lIn .. ('nlllltl.u)' lOG, "'"",jd pr_I"ly hllCd I"," ..... I'1IIpC'. .. ". rJ'4'''r'l , I' III· "" nn' of Ib I "lilt ttf .. 11"" •• N> diu," .pooH •. lou ..... ' ...

'" , lf1'totr\Ilar1,l'''' Ih. ''''01<1 "" til. M:llr, I

,*>JItC'I. wit. 1"'111.. , .. d '" l....-fofOl1.lY ,",.... .. '"" _lIl " ," ,I,. t~ .,.tu, h...,. , .. r,... . .., .~ ..... """.II_ ..... I •• lIlv~ .'.1 .... w. 1111\1'1' 10 1\.10 11"10".. ' twm •• 01 rl1._null ....... 11 ..... ,. 11,1""

~hlnml'n'~ hi'" \JItoI'1I ",~ulU"'l fl'ortl ~ .. ~ To ~"'I" -., _ .... r--'bJ,s Ito, r..c.,d .... 1.1 ... T.Mph ~

. •. cLa""..,....., I\o~ of \lid".,. cu..r.. . ..-." Ibl" Iwn dl'f'I')'IlI. 111 Ih" GaLlLft. dll"llI· U til" .. ",. "'" .... "" In rn .. "~&I .. r It " ... 1!lIna In Torrant. Ind lJnMln I'OIUO' •• at "'Iklll r.llef tou, II "" ... II) unt .....

If J ...... 1 \I .. ""I,t r. ...... ! toll .... _II .of It"'''' U .. r-.' 'n ,_ .,. .. 1 .... 11 ""' ~"'l ......... u ........ _I lit' 111, no • a_I", I lu,~".1 • ."" •• Ill-I . nl'll .. wc.I •. o, tIIiId ('f, Pl'-fT •• hl ... I .. '.' n,,·

tI,'~. "c.r .hllll/O·,1 br 110 .. ".11,1. Min· 1 .. 1 nllff"". S Y. 1', , ... , lJ1.1 pilI' 'rl<l, trUI: ('Onlllln)' r""111 "omn .. til W·ol ,111(1 "",1 I' ro~. \11.1 "An",k" tllmUUIIH tlfld Atl"r ."I'b I. I ArlOlld I, ,,, .... hlIlJl"d IA:ld .. hot ..... IfJ' mel" I'llpt'.

_",_I '.1, tllIW .... .w...

"Jo'IIII~'k," 11I~1"3 10 1{tOil oft"n pI'('­.'t.'111 11111 Ulf.(' lit mlln1 "olulI\ol" IIUth'rI . ,, 1_ Ilhl" b ml\!\It II .. 11\ '" ,nl'IInli nr li!QI·· 11111: 1IIt'II"1. 1.)00'1 litkk I'''' tl lJ~t'11 tl) hllb'l!l "Oill'1l~lhml In lilt' '~I you PilL 'rry IlI'\\' dilltil" (l(·I'II"luIIUlly.

FIlii WI)'I 10 Food VI.let)'. W .. IllWot lul\'l" food lO 1:1'1.1"'. to kn'11

w .. nll, Illul ttl "ork. QUI' 1(,1(1'1 mu", tw nutrilluuII In Ihlll It du~s ftll III~

!'tor-It d.y Th" o~ tlrn"l1 C.!I pt'1' ct'nl IruII , I ItI r fI,nl ILIICII IInll I .... Ihfto U3 111:1' ('('lit or phO-uh(lnJ • .

Attl'r '''''""In« ,wn )"'IIrli hI t1'~rl oplnK 1111' f"",oul ollll·l\rll.I" min.' In Ihl' ~t"""'l'r<l('k III_lr'!'I, N .. w Ynrk caI'IIftl\~l. 11r" reIHlrt"" to lilli' 'uml'd II", UrlOIJ{'r1), !lol,'" 1(1 fl .. ",." II "uur. 111 .. fQnn"r t'''''',,''r ' rim lI1 ' nll It'IlII ... ,ltl by "!I"r tur It urh!!' f'l'llOflr,1 III hll~" h""n IJ,ul,(Il1,'. 011 .. hkll 111'11",.1 Itt ,lh".n"1! ur til" IlUrch", ~ .. Iltlr .. , •• al,1 I" h,ltt· I".,." IM/oI, In 11111 "Ic:II',," III" ",in" 1\.1. hi'll". a;I,1<1 Mn11 ~LlI' r Dr" dU(',·r. 1111 1I11,,'ul "'I.IIIUI ,,' t.1 11111 IlOn~ of dollut) .. htl" UL,j nn 'I 10, I" Enillt.h .yntllr ... ! ..

Iblur.. It II II.., 1I1'11\.'l1aol Ihat It W),o,"IIIO ~h"lll lI '11.10' ",,,,,,,I. It "III a'" nolrllf' Ollrk II, I' ('OIlIp;ln .. I,u a 11,lal I .. lIer 1"1'11 .. luoll. hUI It '" III tw Ildtl'" "ro<lu. 11011 I" 1.1) ," .,tt I "IU',nlb In 111111 .. ,11 t'1 Ih~ 1"1011)" It It dtJe1l. " "00 tb,·::;"lt I·r .. ~h fl .. 11 "III I ... nI'lr .. hf'llIhful, 111111'<' 11II11I11I101t'.! Th,. OhIO l'Ulnl,lO) I r1r t. U\I ,n lb.' 111111 !>>(If<' nutritious If II lI. \'Uri .. '1L n')r1h \T'l'fII'f'Tfln Iiold "11,1 I ,.lalPI' \IIn"ly Itll')' 1M' ""I'Uff'\1 hy Wll'CIIDI:' ramp has I" 'n pltalilld .. d r"r th., /lilli, dl(ll 1"III(1\lIlnJ: fl'lIft! el ... h W N, Tar),. II IID.I o'h~" .... r .. nth

~~) 11:~'rI:~~O:~~K "~:~I:I~;:I;!l (~~ I::~~ orpnll .. d Ihl' I X L (III .. n,1 1(. floln« ('OOIPIIIIY. hulnJt; 1I,'"lIn«' .n 1'"lum 1111'111. 1'1110(11. !'ht .... !il". n"lI, pel!. IloellnS.

IIull UUlI; (II, Cilrellls; (.I' IWe.ClIl; ,~) do. Klln.&I. \\ynmlnll; lintl Okl"lIunll\, flltll. ....1111 II 10lnl .rrOI.1I of ... ill" In th,

rOW' ' Inlt'l

,. .. t nf .d.&>" ,~d' • fl, .1,1 " 4 ...... " Or. I', rc.e I~al Pti),u

You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free «otbn lands "ftl'J low PI"ka W'hcn)'(>lt ua ....,. c-tI ,.,. lull .. 'IS to lSI pt:r KrW UtatwUI m .. 20 .. 45 .... IIIC P wtlul 10 tile DCl'e-II'a tU)' to brcomf: PlCIIOtI.",... Can.1ralt tU'l"lWn 'I:"~"II lito 8ftI ... "oadertuI ~ of Banr7'" nu. MaM r.,.. til, lit fufJ, as profitable.n Indoarry .. ".,.,n I"II~'" n,. acctieac If&!ICI, fuU of nUtritIOn. are the oot, ftJOd I'tq'\Umt etther lor bed or dlir)' JII,I.JllUIQ. Goo4 kbonIl ..,d d,urdt ... mukell COI\."~DKDt; dlm.IO aceJltoL Wrtltt for I'lenttll,. and p3rticulal"l .. to rtdiJI!'M ...t.i .. , 01 r.. mplicG. OU"WJ, Can.tda. or to

W. V, BleNNUT Roo .... De. Dldlil .. 0..,.-. .. H ....

ran •• II.n O,'~.ran'~111 "nnl

2~====::======:==::========--==;::;:~r= :-_-====S=A~T,' enuz r.1 T.lnon,,,':..' ____ --:======:=== _______ ::-:::-_--:== Dress Goods - I CHARGES GERMANS 'FRENCH GIRLS WORK I

and pattern~U~"""lIIlInlllrn~=§] 1 CRUClf CAPTIVES AS 'CHIMNEY S ~m' == Pays Beller Than Dressmaking 51 Theseason's latest style dress 53 frlQhlful Outrages Perpetrated -Whe. Season End. They'll is goods and patterns have reached == on the Western Front. Take Up Whilewashlng. ~ us, and we can now supply all = § h d k ' d ' § OlIlnl"",. ''''''''plnlt hal b""n ll1tn

I your orne ressma 109 nee s to _== DESCRIBED DY U S SOLDIERS 1l1" III I'Hrl!! lIy , ,," 1/111 .. llLll.· ("',111.


" a way tha t i. sure to delight you., . • ',''''''N'. ""'d ,·I,h,,"·" ""I '"1,·."<, § mllln!' Fh'l1r~', ""\,'n1"I'tI.

'VC Il"Ve all I(l'nds of sl'lk, == A~kl·tI \,hy IIw)' lUlU uD'h'rtIlKrn II. , u ;::::a "If All Ame rica Could H~.r Horrlbl. Ol,,'lIlllln '> ,·l. l1l1l1h ,>U:

I!§ woo!en and cotton dress materials = TlIlu." 8:1yl a n Amerle-I n 80ldlar. "WI' u .. th \'Hrlm l In th,· .,lIJl·' Ilr~~ I§ til I § "Ttlarl Would ae FIve Mill Ion Mtn mnkcr·. I h"I" Th \'11' 111011"",1 111.' :::. in u wide variety of beau u c:;:: T,. rnlno '0' Wa, Ind'Loa"1 Would ,lIrwln"q h,·t."lr I.., flu,1 \lIIrl.. d~ • .,.

~~ colorings; also dress trimmings ~ ee Ov.,eublCribeci by Billion. of when', nn,1 ChU"''' lul'nrJy \I,' 1 .. ,,1 10 M ~ and other dress accesson" .. nl3de - DolI.,L 11", "'!IIh'. 11, tllll"'r I~ II ,·hlllln .. , S ,,,M'I"r hilI ml n h'lvft nil I ..... " "",1,1·

according to Dame Fashion's ~ C'n,rlnslon or t'Dn4dlln and Scot. lu.'t1 '"111 \I,' 0lI'",j!;J h. h .. lp 111111. latest decrees. :::::::: 1I"l! .. ,1.11 ..... II)' (i"rmnm, o n Ibe '1\"(>11. "Ou, I:U-I"I'1I"t!I lno 10 Inrpri .. -d 10

We take great pride ~ the large tine of dress rna· terials that we are now able to show at prices tllO.t we believe '9.111 save you can· siderable money.

::; NU t,,,nl. ,rUh "'bult~ le (lUlnlf('S on tef' 01 .ntl .I&() an rh'~ ,I wllh a'ir :'" IIUIlII In ("1I1'IUN'tI t"f'U \ l 'nL&, IU'e gh'eo \\"rl; Ihlll 1\(, u""'" h "ft" j< /. IU",ul _.. II, ml'lu""ra ur 1111' J;ft'H'alh Unlle,t '<'lIhl~" I..·n ,wl tip. l'lJij'U,' 11_. 4~, ,I == :iIlU~ .:1111'111""" ,, ·::tnll"OI 1.0 lell ... ,.. re- .llIr, .,f "'\"n "11111'11 • Ill' ano) "'0 E-. ''0111'\1 lu 1/11,. NUlllry II. tbe DlUlII"II: (II Wiunn',... .... tou, rrnll'" ",1". III 111'''' _ II II< li'nn"llII~u III"y "X"Jlrt'"llll II) Ot.1l1 III tbe II,.. .... ....-nn\lnk tr.lh· &11,' c .. t tbtftl

::._'.: to a nnlab .no.l 10 elva or" IK.I rtnn'''' .. tin1· qunr!, r. "soot "",lIy ""m" nit. W~ ha". = "If till of Aml'rlta roold benr Ihr I' n l~ to IIlk .. " IUllh 1111,1 ,I... 111 J:"Q

::..: ! \Orrll'l ~ IIII'll IheM' ",rll~~_ leli Aod In a thl'" I', It _I' h'd 11 ,I' II. WIIt'a -. .....~ 1111' ('<Iunl,y IlOOU! ua bl'n:'," 1m)"' ,,1.1, wurk h' ""00 l10t ,.n,· '''11 1,",1 WI' a f>1I1' IfOIl"r. "Ihl're w .... ulll be Ih'o mil. aNt chlmnry ~Irrl" At nr~1 "II f,'lt

It will pay you to make a 6pt."'Cial trip here before the new coods are all pic\(cd

_S.": ""n Am"r1rnn liuldl.., .. Inllnln, tor UII' "n""" 'L'I " f nlmh\l,lt 1\11,1 jl:lllll'II': ~ 1\lI r 111111 \I"r ! OlIO ~ \\",lUld be over- nll"u! IIU ru"r .. I,UI nl1w ... ,·' r ,," 1I~.'1111,1 .:.

~uhlH.'rll ... d lo)' !,lllJllnll." It IIn,1 I'IiJoy h . 3 Maleet the Blood Boll. ";o..·cU ... ,r1Il):. wl'l'n th" 1"I1"l1n"1

over. a Ollt' o r till' urlL rl'rll lit 11\l' n'gfmenl. f\I·':!;::',~I;.~~~I·',. I ' ("I:'·rr: ... "·'""III ~,,~oll,"

In n h' u"r 10 I!olwrl IthlJ;,""IIY I) t Ote 0 '" I. u , ,,I u..:.. u

I IIIIIII~. Iruhlll' ''''1'\' 11'" l'(nnml!l!lf'll. wrute: whit .. •• fie .. '"

f . 1111111 BUY AT HOME 1m "TIIO dt!I'IUllnlt't1 cuulltr), lind "1\. ------

In!!1'1I Ih·~ It·U)'l'll I I)' IIh .. ll lln'. I au~ MARRY THE SOLDIER


~~ w. or. n.utrr too bua" to . ho,"" you .0041. 1"' · ... QlII~t; IM· 1'I"11('I:1l'\1. lIullhe thine-~ and , ." Jlou our p rttA$. Ihul IIIIIk ... Ulle I.toll 18 the "",")\UI"I), "" Home. Soldier" MO\lel\'l~n t R .. I UIUh'l.."t·~,u r, lind 1111111011 dl>fllructl"n .pon,'b', for Double WeddIng.

T wruUl:1It 1'1 Ihe «'tiring nUll. HI. Wl'l~ flllI "~1 til .. "TIIII.I' Uj'nlt·jI·8Cll·

h P t . c) u~lInl \l Otnkrful und c)'lItewatJc m~UI' 0.Ih-r" m,wl'lnl'at! e a a g 0 n I a ~ !"'~ 114,,· b<-i.'11 n!ll,!l1'tI 10 Uli. de'll1'uc- 1 ~I·m. 11nrenm F ... w., 110.' JIIIII .... II"n. \t twit" Ulwnll thllt tun-€' hlrdl,. B. 0 ,,11,.1' o r ("oll'llltln, C', 1!1I1I'MlQ Ill.

e I C tlo'l'n , " ucht'"!l h, .Iht'IIO~ bl"rl' beoen ~-I"llln. ~I ,.,.nl """'" It Yort Omahl.

O m m e rc ,. a 0 l ..... mpl .. l l'l,. d Irft)·,-d b,. d)·anmUt'. WI' lIt'('n~' n ("'\11'1((. I I , 0 nlUl Qillfh<'tl nil 10 lhe t(!W Ituu4lng 1..n~1 J llaUI"" Iht',. .-nil In .. II,'tI to o \\1111" IIntl markHt wttb the .I~ ot lilt> Hli ~rm'ln,. I'lIanl'r It II Mnl" Ilf'll'

o PATAGONIA, ARIZONA 0 .. hllrJ;:t' 'tl h.· UHfI. b""Tld@llU,. nfory the rort.

.~.~Cl~~.=:=:==~I;OCl~.~~~~~'~.~=~.~,~~~~'~O~Cl~O~O~===O~O~Cl~O~ uull"lhC hot! tI''''n 1I,81E'nllllltun,. p...... Ttl·· .... Ih l'",. hI'" 111_ 'I1Il'Il111' ... ".


IT'S A BEAUTY P lace your orders at once, as demand greatly exceeds the

a mount we can deliver.


Phone 93 123 Grand Ave

loom In thqt 1\'11,. lon, La IldflD.t'I!, ,.b,·r IIlul II .. (1 .... 1'lIlo ... ·r, bo,h ut fur bin'll 1111: lip III"'n ",llreml'nl. Frl"mflol. Nt'b.

"So h"nlt'II., ~'ftu!ttu l ('hillt>:lllS. p r- MI~ ... Pnlll1l't "n'! all •• '·lInrh~r '1"" 111'11 '11",,118, ILtll l' ~umme' bot\-('1I .re JlH.J"i'd "I Ih ... m"rrIIIlC" U"'lle" rl' rk', 11 11 bh.IIU U\). Shll'!e t,f't'tl. Ito'll"\'"og omt"e on IInl'f>rlllnl Iou"'nl_ l!'if> '\IIo .. r .. hrulll n~ ('\lC down or the bArk cut. dl\J". 1 'hl' Mml" n tcht. lI'I"Jt,·llht. no-8<1 Ilwln ..... '11"111 die. C<>1IJ.(!teries hp\'e ll(Ot nod Wnr 1UIII:l'd t'Jr" It'\lv\' of nb­lol't'n Ml IlIIIt\"lC\'(t : gT\l"CI and I'!lulu .. eIH'e. flllt' \t MI; bOIl I'" IhrnwlJ nbllut o r 10 A mlnlMll' r J)('rfnMTINllh,' t't.'N·IIUlnlrll IWII)J~ nn CI II.! groulIII. I ho\'(' Il~U Ole Rod II,,' nl'\\"I),'II"I'Il >4 \'I"1' nt 10 " "hn..,. ("·lIlul" rlrs. lhnl tire ""'fuI8Ights: mlO 1'hl'o Ihn h n~I)fl/II!1I 1111(1 In , nt urn HI 1.,l< ly drlUt~1 hnlf,wllY OUI of the enfl k· tll~l t PO"'" nt Io'nrt Omohn lind Ihl. 1'1: colli .... br'II"," 011l'n nod Ihu bon ... ,1 Gi r l/! "I'o"1'ni hllck til l~rNnnnl. trorn iII'\' n, 1 dUIOI"''lI 11110 0111,', E91· '':Tht'y'rl' rurnlnlt" lul/'k \1 11 1'0 W{! I·"t "i'OIly lI,(' IIn('l1u \\\/1< looking t(lr ,uw. ," IO\l\:('r 11'11\" !If /l ... ,·nl' ..... "1'C1/lI'C' {'Ir,. 1111 IIlml)11 0111111'1011 •• or bUlh. ISi'r'''lUlt Will'. 11<' l l('flllly.

'"1'111)'00" tlJln~ Multi OOC 00 dooft .... \lhtilll Ih(l IorIlUII 1~'(11I'~ RO(I ('erml ~Ion SPAIN KEEPS ITS OLIVE OIL nt Ihe om("!'r8, lind Ihe lliing Is 110 C"II1I1 IIIN.· Uill t It "lOk~ lUI IhouJ:h Il WM ReeelU ROYII Duree ForbId, Eltport 1111 • l)oIOrl u! lIa omrio l pffl,:rllm. J or Thl. P".duct. lie"," 11111 hdl,'\~ tht' IJloriee wt' COt In AUlI'rlm I1t Ihu nUlml,'t'... I Il tl\'t' h' 11t'1I1'\(" Ih"n, null'. nll<\ Ihl'1 Ire mnn,. 11111/'01 .",'"","" Ihlln Ih.· liturlt'll thllt I In'lIm Al blimp. ( '{'nH ln C'tUllldlflll lind Sl'nltlllh bollollonM lli leu on prii'oltll'T"I. '11",)" .cl\!' nnd "Ilk nn qUIM{'r. The

A f'P/"('oQt r",.MI 'Ir'f'l'O'\' r .. C'I,I,l. "J:rnn. frnm ~JlIlIIi nt f,\1, .. nil. "'f \lhldl 'Ar.,' 'lullnlllh'" fonnt'rl, "'I'N' Ithl"f1o~1 "'"th I dlr'f"ctl,. .nd \11 f'",IIt¥ anlS Ilnl,. lu Ilw t'nlh~1 ~llIh'~ ,nlS IIlilvr tUfl'ltlI InIlrJr,"," tl"I.m Rltm 111&14 " I joI .. ,·tJIt'. III IKIUlli. rli SI'rltu I.m.lln (' tlll" .. I" II" oUVG (III ludu~I" It>lll I, .... " "." 1m' ... ... ta.nt llOUtff o f ,.11'11"" In II.ft .tt1"' .. .....

~ - ""' ... " "" ", ,,,,,n. n~ ''''','' tin,... ('n!flnIO(J Ib" ('~Dudlno Md ~"'h 1.r1 .... nl'nI aall l.Iotj !hf'!!! abo\'8 th,· In'nrlll'" In ,I.,.. ,t OIl'lr bat· tliltno.. In (IIII,' ,uch cv.u I. Cnolldillo

yeu AN EST MATE wbo eX"I">lI,11"d In t"n"lI"o 1'1 I\"l'r1,' whl.'nN' Ih .. 01 1 "1lJi ,"loa "hl/lllMl 10 tho I'nl"..., Rltllra n~ Itt rl'lIl1, aoo SlIfIolqh pmoh\l'!lhn. 1I.'('<"'lly IIII' III· n 'Ct Up!lrtj t n)lIl ~f\H11I In 111(' l'nllt'fJ Slflll!lI h flVlI h ... rl'u~.,1 nl/lwftlt·Nlblr.

Imllnlliln \\'('nt r lltllt m'l', thtl 1>111 IIft ... r IhfJ lIorltt'1II IIlth"tll onl"l"II. Y .. rj'r ... " for (''l'l"' i.hina the lumber for you!' proposed build ~

mg or anv impro\ ements. When YOI' ge t our fia·

ill urC5 you'lI be lurpriaed at their liulcness, considering

the fact that we deal in hiah gi"'udc Iun\bc r only. We .hull be clod to furn ish figures for any quantity of lumber your plans can for



of tlwlO hn,'O come hod:. A ilrlll"b ('hnilltl ill tuld III!' IlInl h~ !mOIlIl ~r­"'11111 11 )' of II IIdglun C1;IU \'l'lll ... I1(1re Ih£')' fntual thuL OftY'8(l\'(lo Oll t Qf 1"1 )1" 111 )",111(0 11 111111 Im d IIt.'ell \' Iolutcd wlw ll tlto narlll'~ f('\1 bnrk. H.I~ c.UOht In EI Cfotrlc Wrlng.r and

Loob L Ike Wr.lhful Spite. Head Pulled Up to ROlLft ... "I Cflnnot IIndeMllnml "hut lilt'! men- Pdf'll. AII"n Wdr. till" 11 \, .. \H'~l nr

IAI ClJ;N'ullull!I ur proN.'~H'!I fit Ihe n uo I E\'un"""II" rill!. . Ilut! n 1Il1tt"W P"1I11t 1'111\ l it,. I trllII!!)t uu tlf' rSlliud 1\'bot his f rOIil dl'uIII II lwn h"r h!llr \\"1&- rullllll t I ohJ('('1 ('fin bl!. I I mU1i1 be IiiI.' \vmlb- In All rl ... ·tri(' lo;rlllle!"r. I PATAGCN A

J . lUI LET<.\.gl.'r.

Mail Orders Promptly Shipped ful aldu. "r" dl 'lIlp!lOInlro. dr(reoetftte ner hlllr \11111 bllnr\njt If>o' IInr1 "II' IIdn tl. I n to lrr' ..... 10 (lu, ullin,. \'1.'1'1 blu l ll "".rlllh!'lIl hl'r al'<'1I. "h.n UI' Itn" "~'lIllnllln('("< (It (;~'""11n bIrth In I('fIrt 111111 hIllr \I 1'1' ('I\uloIhl In Iii .\ rnrriro I \11ll M, Ihll l 011.' Germaa 1\"1"I\I~I", 1I,' r lindy '1\'. r"I!>,1 1111 It I'rl .... nl',. I IUI"e ..... n nppo>or 10 be Um rolle"'- Thl' I't..lru ..... '" thr.··.· • IlIr,,;t'ly n dllI'rrf'nt !.H1t' rrom the ('.c!r- b.·II. 11 .. , bn_hnnlS r"1I1I<1 h., In I

~.....--- rn.n In AIf,rrlrn. Tbt7 look nol of a Ih"rt Ii",.'. rl"'lrlllil lIu.1 UI\. '·n .. , I""

~ - - IlIlrl\('lllnrl, hlt:h Ink'. MajQr __ U", ohlalll,'I.I " l'lllr lit Id IN! ,oj,,1 r·'

S I'AU BA DB E R ':'H OP dOt'll II()I .1:1'( .... "'lUl n,e III tlII5. ill.' 11'1t~ twr 10,. f11l1l1l1f "IT I .. r IlIIlt ulJl.I

~ ,,~ "")II 111' (.'lIn "' ... nmfllll( Iho'm .hi' ('Oua. tlle M'tIrl. 11,.... Wrlr 1\111 r' "" t.

( . t U. ·JH" 0" t'U'al'lltd:r "cl'"o",{',:'X UB~·a·tlt' I·~l·S· J\ 1'11:. ''"'fll'l" Ilr " \I'ry (;('""9n he \'I','r !mew. "TI\ •• prl"'urtl'l11 \\1lL nOI lK-Ul'n .. lhul PLAN MUSCLE RE· EDUCATIOf~ " .. art' /lm"rli'all IrOlII'· ... Tilt)· gr. ·!lin. II I~ ""IM", ... lh"'. !ll1r .uhl.,nrlll<'" Medical Scholll Add. CIIU'" to, AId ot

I I hllvl' 11111'1" .. 1 \III (rom!:! hl"'l\\"~11 /lru .. 1"- M.lmfd SoldlUL

~'E"':::~':":'~:::~~~~~~~~~~::_~ l'fI '"1tt f :u' '' I''': '1'11", l it 11\1' IHI)' with n l'-f(lu<'fll\on {It ,"II"'""'" tI nt'''' IIII' (J,·rUln .. ~"j.f t l'r. I1l1fl I ~UrP<l"" e\'. hrnll('h o r 0",1.11('111 ",·h'Il(',· t1,.\,'I"I"~ , I <~ ~ "r)' nn,' I" O.'rl\lnll~· 1<1 ""pl III Ignor- I'y 1111' wtlr, \\11 1 I,,· I"IoIt 11 111 III' ,'.1111"<,

I1nr.' <.t III ... 1I"!1 \' " IIWIIIIIIl." III ll uhlHmlllln ~',~I1""II'(III"II" lor I'hl1 , Tt-.e fl ld ::;tandby for olldllhh,. In ,·'tT\h,llIllII: Ih,·hl,·I\. \\1111'1

N"RSE GETS HER REWARD bll/l b.·,·u h'~I,"1 III t-: nl:lnn" ,u,,! l 'ftn· r "._-.',I ! ·rr·. MUTTON, v _ ,\fIll, I' N,t"~~nr HulfN 1l1I11i 'II 111" 11 II 'I1UIl PORK

p A • • J • ;':GET ABLES Loft About '10,000 b)' Ma n She Took I" .""·~ hiM ,11:111 urI" ,h,' I1m.,·I,·" .. f Itl!'

C .... Of. I,'n lIrlil n .. ,' III IlMlt l.tu!"!l, 1111) tI~I'h"'"

- •. ,.,. .. ~ MEAT MARKET 1 _""'1',1 • VALEN"UELA SR., Proprietor"


I Tltl' fI .. d.·I>· or 1:11,10·,,1 f'uIIUf('. of flll'lr IlIlnl'ruU'", III Ilt'll IJ "I "n ~ rllll llll"I "lIlu I~ 1:1,1'1\ ~ ' .\NlU In CII"h ~lIt1r l·.);jI,·.II,,·III.) ",,, .. 1111 I ",Iulll,.. rln,1 I"tt .... url:h .!r.~ l rull ... n)· "locks Hllu",1 "' ':!.I~lU It,. thl' will "r Juhn A. ~I. I , 1I .... n. " Ilr, .. 1 I~'ml"'r ,11'f1.1t'r ot " hlh .. I,·11 hili. uII.1 1\lI'lnh'r IIr 1;\.1' e nll)o 1,·,,~\1I'. \\bll I' w11l WD' I'rnbalOO re­f·,·nll)·.

II 1,1\""1'~ I.~ I.I~ hr"lh", rt":lnk " . SI ....


II W E PRt:.P~'1 or FReIGHT TO


T."'·'" .. t I'hll,"I,·II.hl/\ P.WI_IIl. "-,,d i.l .. "rnlliltlll 111111- UII\ .. ,·.M IIi" '<bt· I" I'lliltMI In Ih.· \\111. Folln .\. \\''':;111'' ,.f \'"rrt"'''\III. III ,. rnrlUl"'n .. 1 h' Ih,' I"X· 1"111 tot ' \I"IIrl) ~t",I"'" In t'l1~h flull EIIII.· ..

AtI"r 1IU1l'lr.~I' "r fltl'l,h'r"l! III fl,'''r' iI' hlltl kl1l'~1 h.~ ... "11,1 !,1'11,n"'1 Ifl

r un" III< "" ". 11,,·\ .11 ",,\ .. ",,1 Ihlll M it I" "UlnMrlll \l11:UllItl • ., I ., 11,.1 ~ f'o'tl,llir lI'I:un~1 t", lI.p I ro>l~ II WllR Iii, Ilt'l Itl1\1' .. In ,. II. 1''11 WIt: . wh.·" Ih'" 11111 MINd, .. f t. ."",, .. 1ml ,tt /"0,. Ih.· ,"lo"\" • 1>1." t. ,I thai !.lSl.r!! hD~ 1 ., \I 110 ,I,,'rl ~ .. ,,,,. II.

• I

Furniture Implements H ardware Samson VVtndmil ls

China and GI£lsswa re, Etc.

,1Ii.1 ~ ... ,nr.'t r, "I.


BUrI"y to 00 HII 0.1. I Knll .,,. .• If:'t"_ \1 It" ar .. tll,tl'UIl!1' I

,"uII~'h III Col "1,ln_' !II,. It, .. 1 • \\111

Save Money-Automobile owners cannot be too careful as to the quality o ( "asoUne &.n.d lubricating on thOY put In their cars.


SU~E ??? , , 'oW •

Arc you 1""'" ,)IItlill( foil •• lure yOU won't be poo' til )'0111' Itlel I~"" An' \0'1>\1 IIN,.kllnac f'lf It u' jUal .hP!lIn" 'nol 1r111ftllllt" .I<lnlt wnh n .. r~l.r (If Ut. yt!a"'? It )'11\1 filii '-'I to. Ihnft, aId aiel.' wilt be etuft)'. Tbi' bAnk mllil!ll "PC"" pN.I.","_ ('If ,oung mar· rif'd folb. H\UlhMJ AM Wlf. tart open • "joinl .«VUII1" .,..1\1.:11 Jlt'rtttlh rltntl "" d,.. 0<.11 ~ lkJ>uKlt (uNito. H I"h .... c.- lJuom llRF.lbt, WO\I't t .. i"()(,R I Lb. """"1'1&" or itt, -_._-

The First National· Bank of Nogales,

Nogalea. Arizo:1'"

.\SSE'l'S 0\ m{ :::;~.(I(l().IIOt)"oo

SHOES E lankets Quilts

ChIldren's, Ladies' and Sweaters


Bo\,s' and Men's Mackinaws

Everything in Dry Goods ---

Come in and ask to see the goods.; It doesn't cost anything to look.

Washington TradiJ g ·Co, r·ATAGONIA. ARIWNA



Staple 8\ Fancy Groceries Hardware of All Kinds - --

Wh olesale a nd Retail


Patrtgonia's Up-to-Date Store


NOGALES JUIIIK COMPANY H ighest Market Price Pa id for Hides

\\ l; UU SCRAV 11("'\, ~I 1·\1 A II SH HOUl

". n . ,..nx 268 "'OOA"a.,. A,., . __ ..... ---+------------------.... 0

Mil)ers R,al)cl)ers

Complete line of

Brunswick·Pa1he ~~Sll "01 H

IIiWEIt!' Ttl Phones and Records

International Drug Co. Geo. B. Marsh, Inc.

\'nr1',u~ It ·I.h,·\\·" lIllIl nh\ri,'" IIntl l'lh'r 1'1'I\,rl"ll" lit" ~I .. ·u 1I1~'UI ~.Ik. ,',11"11 111\11 1111" Ilup "r Iri~ ,"'IHIf' I~ I" I ... I,. hi In Irtl~1 1,,1' rh.' 1'1'" ... 11 "r hI. .Iull '\110 r. "r ... l ·r",,".1 .\lI:,'r .. f :\'"r· 11_1<"'11.111110 '111\11111 I", Ih"'1 IIfI"r I,. II" "'111"1,,, I.lilt 1 ."rHI,~I>4 hult u

t\Uf;I\I ,I':... 1'. 1'.I) I \i~"I. Ml!r . .\IlI1.'I~' ','1 \ , I'~". '1"1", I',n l ll

:.....----- --_____ --..: 1' ,I.

III hu\,' 1111' hun ·n •• 1"r1;,. d", \II, 1111 I Il'f i Illn,1 r .. ,,! .f" r'I .... U. '0> I, I' J.I.n ;;ul" f n'lII 'iI .. '1""11,," I,ul+. I !\. I I (Krnllll) 11"1 Ie. II' 1\ I ,."" II h." II "~ 1\111 I unlll .. , llnol ··I.,j,I,!! L!U~' ,'1 1.,," , ~11~ ,,,,r.·,'" "~I 1111111.1 .\, I"." t II I ':i linn:. l'r"II. \\1-, I'", I'rI. rAlil' Il~ !ndh!u 111 '11 lu tl,,· I I,' II 1,11," ."UL! ~. ___ ~'I;:::. ':'I_~ ':. _________ I:I~ .: ___ --!

• S.Ai'\T A (' JWZ P.\TM : ()"\l.\ ~ .

• nA(I]tRllt11' DIU sa .. AA_,:n ~.$datA.~ SIFTING OUT THE SLACKERS .... ," r •••••• • _ . __




Nothil1lf ill IIt(l~k you would be 118h11tnlld UI own or to pr(!~nt to a (rlend or relltli ve.

{ Hoaplt.1 A"I, t'nt, Thrutenlng to Cook AII"'e One p.tlent t~ Obt.ln

Grea". Redue" Siek C.II.

S torlee or how to outwi t Im!'O~ IO I'll wit .. rcpurt I:Ilek In order to lont In IlUfl­plw lt' nr~ nmotlll' till' ol!l l'st lrndlllvnH o( I h~ med lclI. l brAochMJ Of 811 " Irl e~, ~IIYK " wrher In n 1111'<11C111 Jouroul. A ('lunccut IH~f'nIU I')' C()lIectloo ot 1I0t'C­doll'!! showe IJUlt the 11Inlhm".('r WII !! knowo III tllUlKl flu)" lind Curdlnul ti e linn . who lind n hospltnl It \'eret't1 , fO\1nt! 1111 r~lIourees .... ·ere bring Olt· LIen .:vanfl , ManliKer

__ • ____ ...... ~ .... ""' .. " , •• w .... tio«16Id.. I'O",. leI. A,I...... h~llllt ed hy meo of this Iype. Lill !leQt

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IOO I! of his l ubonllunletl- to 10I'C~ tl I{Uh!. ~\f.~,,~~1 'ThlluIIlGn, i'etrlUo h)' onme, who WII' lIometh]ng of n bmnorl l !. dreped him·

a wOO .'L.;::"!i;« . U 1# c;m!;&" I i ' "1_ y-.' "I'lt In Iho rOlll'M ot II phy81c1nn l Oll n&semlJ1ed all !ht' paUeot!! for 8n ex·

Nogales Theater Nogalest Arizona.

Bel.;! T'PII,{ila!wl, MORt ~111t1'(' (' f i 'I("

Pta,yh ollsf' in, the Sou t hw('st

Courteous Lady Ushers Always in Attendance

High Class Entertainment in the Afternoon and Evening

J'lu'n.ishe(t Under the Personal Direction of Pad .Master . ., in tlu; Bu.yincfls

The Last Word in Movies

umlunlloo ot their 'l\'ooods. Tllpn h~ gru\' l'lf tald : "'I'1l"re III el l'llrl )' l)lIt one l'i!medf o«!(tM1 ror Ille euro of ul f'l'n! ot thLH rhnrneter, lind t hat 11111 0 olntm('nt made ot hUlDlin "reuIC. T111~ " er), 11I1y J Inteod, In r oo9e!juenl:e, 10 drnw by lot OUI! eroUi nmong N U, II'ho


11'111 bo plunged alll'6 loto hoillng wn' I ~ r lind cooked tOr the lIul\'lItioo nI nl]''' !ie lzed by fcnr, nil We pnllenu mnd!! halite 10 rcport lhem~h'clI ! ull, rl'col'erell from Illelr uletll'8, and m a' ~!){\ueDtly Ihero Wit!! room In IIIe holt­pll l\ l tlr thMe who rCRlly Deeded care. Ph~~lclnnl todlly. b)' !be use ot :tim·

IIn r rUJeIl. h\lve discovered maD1 "110&­pH81 @laekera."


Out"t Conel.t. of Net, Repi and PilI. ley-All Operator Need Do I.

lo T llr ... Cr .... k.

\Inst nnerntlonl unl1'ndnya ('fto be performe-d by macbloery. TIme 11'111 ,\' I\en Ihe bellt !!1)Ort 10 nngllng WitS

~~;:~;;;;~;;;;;~~~~;;~~;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~ I obtllloed by !be u se Of tl rnpe, ""I th IlntLenC'tl 8t one Eml1 flUd 8 Ilultl\ble !mIt lit the other. The Wldo World MIIJ;:Itr. lne ghl'lI n I"l'vtll(l(] edition of

BUY FOR CASH Satisfaction Guaranteed

, -_.-----

Ihl8 pl ll ll. Here It Is In 011 Ita 151m· pllc:lty:

Yon hnng lin Imroeose t our-eome ... ed oet nn II. rope which PII!I3H o\'er n pili ley. turn n hnndle. ond drop the n(Ot Into the lien. Atlt' r II llroe. whleh muy "nr1 1l('('()1'l110i!: t n Ihl'! mood fnn

This Is Our Winter of Test


§ER \'I~U tMll I. Ii ,~

rat flmllhlln t", filth /'(Immunity. Prim and oP.nn l t~ rille, fut (I \'(U'1 onc caotlot VG

tO nDuhtt t,1. It I ~ n d UI1 rOt ~Ilch ono to NU only ao mlll'h lUI I. netclUllry to rnl;l lntliLo the

~ huronn bo d , IIHHh1 11 nli ' Iron,. TIIII WInter "t lOIS Is tllfl t)t' rlod when I, 10 be !«lttll IlUre 10 AmerlCfl ,. b"l lI · e r our 1}OOIIto ure I,'Ptllilile 1)( \'01-utar, tnc\h. telul\! Io.crlno:. to lUI'" the world. Thnl l. tbe PUI'­fIOH. of tho ollfllnh:aUon of the Uolt e<.! Stules Food A(lruln l.,rtl.­tloo-by 1'olulIlI .. '7 etrort 10.1 lIfO­"Me Ihe rood tbll t ltJe worltl "-U. 8. FOOD ADMf:"(JRTItATtON

tJEED BIG HEnDS Europe's Meat Supply Must Come

From America.

WarrIng Nation. HaYe Oepleted l.tVt

Stock at '0101'1'1"1011' R.llie. F ... e,

I<lIl1ng D.I~1 C. Wo For Food.

AmeriCRn Itocll hreetlera li re heln; asked to eonSCM'e Ihel r nOl'ltR Imd herds In oruef to meet l~lIrUlle'lI tre­mo!lIdOUll dcwllntis tor IU(.'UI. du rlnll' Ole Will' !tud probnbl ), for mll1l1 )'111101 Btter \VlI. rf!

Tlto Uol ted Slatt~. food Itdmlnls­! !'IUon rell'Orl" thllt Anl\: fl ('lln lIotk rollll' l'lI h"ve ~ltown 8 dillPll911111n 10

eo-nllerllte WI th the Roverl\lnent In In· C~Ull l o ar t ht! na tlem', lIuppll of II\'e s tOCk. • Gen nnnr totiay II prohnbly heller lupplled wi th l In, Itl1Ck thnn IIny oth· er Eurol)UO nMlon. WI,en tile Gel'­WII.II Annlee Inllilu thei r hI, luIY.nt:tI loto F rance and Ulen rIllft'1I11'!i 1 \' Ir-

tunll )' all tho ('aftlll In th" Inn\h'o.! terrUory - IIpprUltlmltHII, 1,900,000

PATAGONIA BARBER SHOP W~. FE5SLBk . Pml)· Hot and Cold. Baths I'

S h Oll Clo'l<'d 0 11 ~Ullfh~)'

AGENT TUCSON STEAM LAUNDRY L (l und,.u ,'If'nl un .AJonclof/, "('Iurued :'Saturdall

A. 1", KERR, Pr('lillent.

• . E. 8UTLER Cuhler

W Ii. LA"11 VI -P",,"d~nl



Transacting a Genera l 8 anl(:ng 8 usiness in Nogales, Sant a Cruz C OunlY, A r l2:0na ..,

DIRECTORS ' W. J. NeulII.n. S. I~ek .. r. A fo' I\crt'. J K Wi"l!.


J. A. HIn160n. W 1\ 1,.,td.



.Af crclllr1uii:,·c of fill kin tis l'o.\·ls nLOI''' now tJwn lor­m (, 1'1!1. 1m f lilt a re. sf iI/ .ttl'll. i ng' ~'()fI(lN a f 111(> 11iI(·(· ... t P(Io'~s;lJle morJ!rn uf /I"'~fif

A.S. Henderson Dealer In


All G ods Prepaid t q Y L1.r Sta t1.0rl

• •

6re In lind Ihe qunUl, of the toblt«o you lire " moklng, fOU wlod up the oe t fl lld look Inlo It. It It Is empty. l Oll let Ibe hnndle go a fe w turo l!, lind llrop Ibe net loto the Ilea IIgnlo; It It COII. l oIOlI nny ft!!h you draw It Gnd bal t hem. In !bls WilY ),ou ~uce fishing to 1\ mechnnl('CI.1 6rt. When rOll haul up Ihlll huge net trom the briny de(>p un<l nnll II, the nld ot II. t el~pe thttt It ('Onlalna one tiny, sollulry d llh­" ' \l ua our f'nll~ner In8n), UUljue­(Ol'/I8rul "CtUI!Jr;." YOIl r ejoIce with Jt'J)'

nnspC'tl knble lind eo.ll 10 f Our o.e1,h· barB to We tenst.

lIcllo.!- were (\n vcn b~hlnd thO O.nnau

line!!. li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dut In Enr:ln ll tl-wbtI'Q 2,,100,000 ftcres or pnlllllre hlnllll hllve t,een I1U'I)' ed loto gmtn nelda-Ule ... 1110 h"r(ls ----_._ ..

Nogales Cash Grocery O. H. WEAVER., PROP.

Nogalel, Arizona.


ftr& d(}(':re1IlIlnlt ('01'11(11,. One ot tho ~llllOn B ftl'lllllrc llt ly II UI(, l l ,~d tu ln,. mlU'OIuUl tl rl e» &ell ie II.llol)\f'\1 br tbe l-:n811!!h AIt follow,,: For Seplember,

The King', Beard, $11.76 per 100 pounds; I)ctnb(, r ,t;17.:!8; An Intereetlog IItOry III fo ld In con· NOl'enther an(\ Doe" mil" r, $ l a,OS; Jlln·

ncellon with Ihe Swedll h actor. }o·c r· Iliff . $U .4o. 'l'he plTt'('( ()f t il".\\, prl~s rnsl, who " '88 cnl1ed upon to t ake the wos to dnl'e hl'6t pnlmAI. 00 tho mar­" lI rt or Ollenr I 10 a pIny under Iha t ket 1111 IIOOn n. 11('IS!1\Jlo. nnroe nt Stockholm. Sweden. The neo In I!'mnN thl! lIumber or ('Iu le ••

~~=======:;:;;;::=;~;~;:;;;::~===~==~~ I tor Wil li ordered by the directOr or Ihe well Ill! the quu ll l)' hll.\'& IM\\'II ti n t1[ lt'nt t o make up with 8 rull beard, l' nurtUoua O(!(!llne aUnn>; the ,,'nr, bot dUnog one or the Intermis!lon\l W!Jerc F l'lln{"(l hod 14,607,000 heli ll c> (

ABSTRACTS OF TITLE· he buntM up the t1Iret:tor flnd told him t:RUle 10 IOIB, . he nOw Itlll only l ~,· It is dangerous to buy real estate or loan money thnt Olror l oever WOft' n eb II bcnr(l . OU,OOO. II tiecrl!1Il10 ot 1I\.0 pel' cent.

UnleClI.1 they furnish you an abstract of title. We have :',',~~ lrl! klod oe 8 bellrd dId be bnve, And Fronl'll I,. IOlln1 producing only

po;> L ,- " ono ,nUnll of nl 1111 ronlpnrrd to two had 20 years title experience in Arizona and Cali- To tbl l Ferrn, 1 I'cpllN!. "Mus tache Rnd one·llllir {In ti I'm! bl'forf! tbo Wit I'.

fornia , and the only abstrac!'cornpan,Y in this county. lIod goutee, Ute Nn l~I('On rn." Di:!nmnrk IInll Jlollllnd 111I 'I' e bel'O

AN U· RACT T E COMP NY "no\\' (\0 10U know thntT' forced 10 lInertnce illliry ht' r,lll for hoor

S TA CR Z ABT &. Tl L A The eonclo81ve ~plf "'till n!1'errd . becnuse of UtI! IRck or o~Sllnf'1 fellll. F. A. French

l Mgr. P. O. Box 667. Nogales, Arizona. "Frolll my po& eol1ecUon." ellis(! Itud, of tho Eurollelln mellt

:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i The chAoge W:I . made find lit the ,lI nlltlon h ilS ronvln<'i!d fh" rood Ad· aeMnd per1'orlllaoce the public noticed mlu liltrnUon that the fUlu re. llrohlcm


00 )'ou kIlO_ thll t "F~OERA t." Cord TIt ... ride eII.ler, 1'0'" turlnlr. lut longer, and '11\8 mON! gl-oline than an)' Olh\!r CON tlra (III tho

market tod.y1 It )'OU do I10t know theee IhinK' wrHe or elll Gil UI In,1 be eon ... lntf'd

1 , " If

& Ti tcomb, y (Incorporated)

AutomObile Acceuor~ Departmen t

Nogales, Arizona.

It' s a Federa l I t's R ight"

One or tht' bealllolel. 10 $Quthern Antuna.. wl\h eYllry hume

IIl.1polntm,nl r<.lr the t.r,vellnlI IILht I. tbll

CO rll MER C I AL HOTEL wltb astoolshment h ow ·Rlng Ost"nr of Amerlt'n llee Illrgel, In Ihe pl'lldUI;' 1\-1. I L TON IT "}--1---:- had ahe~d the eot ot hi. beard. To tlon ot llleAt r rodllc\ulr Rulmal, lI ud !Stnlllp f!(lllectof'S It I. hnrdly nee<'S8o ry dai ry product! rUlher than 111 the Il r~

IS A NEW PUNCTURE PREVENTIVE t\) poInt uut Ih ll t Mr. Perrll lll llCeured IIIICI IOlI of ct'rellil t or e:rport WillIG PATAGONIA, ARlZONA .nIl it. abaulutely provent. puneturll8 in tires. 100 per cent letl lrouble. 1111! InrorUUltlon b)' loc)klng up the Iu ol! tho "'n r w Ul hn,'e ceosed. (~Iean Beds. Cle .. n I.inen, Clellnl), kopt. Elt«lltml Lobbr·

fir NorwQY, 1S5(l.7.--Chl'ltiUnn Sclcnce R · M . L. COLLIN~, I'IOOALl!e. A RI Z ONA lIooltor. Dining oom In connection

~~",~"'Ib~"";' .. ~"'~""~c.~"' C~~":".:'. ':'~.:. '";:' "':"':~.:M":"~~ I i7=====;:li BRITISJ~~V~~~M:O~ BREAD I~ .. ~ .. ~_~ .. ~_~_~_ .. ~,.,~ ... ~. _~, .. ~ .. ~ .. ,_~_~ .. ~. ~.~ .. ~,._~,.~_~_. Magazine Club

I :::i~i:.:di;u~~b,:~~::;Ei;uny of th_ m,Anlnu, ywl' lubo ij~~;~ I and nllw IUbM:riben. If yo'll

onl y"r froom J. tl of I~intion,

a •• A. clll" Il. ~i.':~. ~':!t .. ":;: l $2~ =.~:-tie·~~) $268 " ,n { WOIDIM W~d,. .~

a • ., Co a •• 1J.

w,_ w';.. . .M !... Today'. BouewUe .n _ ",h", . ..... !'2.2 our.,., . · .. · .. !'260 fa .... F1ruUe . .15 1000e We . • • • .II

aa. Eo a •• F. ev raper 11 Ie! hi' P.per ••• ,.OO! $246 rodl.y'l B~wUe :11 $2~ Wo ...... Worlll..10 -r .... , F1rulde . .Il I .. LUc •••• .15

aa.8. Oa. Q . 0., hptr, . suo \ '" P.,., ....... !'268 """'· .... ,..,...n '219 '"",'1 H_J""".75 _ rlnll A F\rUl.M • . n

w ..... World • .iO I •• e We •• • • .u . PIitOMPT ACTIOl\! NECDSUY

W. l'IIIIy be ~mpelled 10 withdrv.w Ihi. olfur Inth. near hllllN. MIIAnin. price. .... ~nA hi&het. Send In your Of'de.1' NOW and be tal.,


HOWARD'S CASH STORE (fI.n 8uppl~ you wi th almost

IIIIy thlhg)'Ou MlI\ t in:the line of ~



Dry Goods Spp.cialties


Enamel ware

Etc., Etc.


BE~O"E BU ~/ .vO


WOOD? 14 and 16 inch solid green mes" q u ile wood. S~ pcr 4x8~h, licr.


There hna bM! n much 81nndllll: IIbuut thl! br !md 1"\I,,!'II m 11 Eugllllld. I I II truG thll t tile £ ngllllh. UlaD bUYI II lunC or b~1l ro r leN ! IHIlI lUI Ailleril:tln elln, but It I, pourer brenll, IntI tile Ur\tl!lh g<ov(>nlm(!1It Ii 1)1l11ng J2OO,OOO,OOU '" yellr (O",'II N I.'OII! ot It.

All the grahl grown In Ol"l'tIf Uril· uLa Is lukeu over by the gOl'er llttlent III lln IIrbllrnrl1lri re nnd Ule l'"IIO r[~1 wtlell l PUrc) IIl,sOO 00 OUI tncrkuUl Ilt the pNlI'lll llnl: Illl!.rkel IlI1ee, ']'11111 I. turned (wer to Oi l' mill . b)' We IroI'eMl ' lnen! III 11 Ilr h:e (hnl nllu\llI Ihl\ adul­tel'8!eil wll r \J rell ' \ IOft f of fOllr voulllhl 10 lIeLl n t I tl Cl'ut". the 111'0 VVlInd louf III 0 l'cnl& II O..! the \1110,1 ~nnt1 loo.! 61 Ii (,'1.' 11 111.

In I~rn ll rr, unlli' r eOn!\Lllona lOme­", line I1hnllur. 1,1It With It furger ,.". Irof'l lon. the fou r ~I/)\\nrt IOlLf 6ell.101' 1(1 N Ul".



Gold or Silf.1er ... .... ;51.'. Ctllid tlu'" SII\'er Lead or Cop per (hv b~'!Ol mc t holJ!.) .. _ ....•....• _ •.• -Lent! Or COJ)pt'r with Galli nntl ~ilvt'r ..... -_._ ... l.A:ucl . Coppe r, GI,)III n nd Sih'l" in ~I"'nl' "amplr

Prompt find .Jccuralp Work

... _ $1. .. $ 1.

. .. $t.51l ~2 ,I)O

L .. .!:.U.~~ . ~ ... r;:I~::_~ __ ~~~~::... ARIZON~ _ .. ..

Patagonia ,Nogales


Leaves Commercial Hotd. Patagonia, at 8130 a. Ill.; r&

lurningl leaves Montezuma

hOld l NogaJesl 4130 p. m,

In Iht! UH'nU"e~ n",nu lIu't" Is a rc r-I~============:=: I ti ll! lil'hl tur 0.1"",101111111' IIc\\' UIIU ntlul" 1.lll nar 'Ilsll .,~, IIfl'lInt]n" 10 E. Ill'illet, II rl lIl1g III the liull'l GII~.'t\i'. whu lJ ...... 11 .,"1'11 thllt tho pr.'S(,1l1 ~hurll1Sc ot 1lI!!1l: !lnd fa lll will lu)l \l1111 ",Ith (It~ Cl!lIIlDIf ut i'f'U~'(', \tut mill' 11'"1\\- ll1"ro!

I /UU RI 'In ,\ 1'10".

I Dcuto: IIntl c(.lHluue t<)t lilt! (II' all: )," IIN1, lillI" muhlnl( 1\ "on It "lllil' to (\o;l'clop nH'UU~ ~, t t:rnln. HI,:.'lnl.1 .. " lind I\.;h on II lUlI r t.' or Il" a \!I'rnHtJlClII hfl!!l", Mf'1I.1 eun ii,' r"I)IA~1 h)' ('('relil. II UU other IJrNeilO {,,,,,I _, or ,"oy be ~""I'tI In \,I'T)' IlUlnLi IfI'Itli(lna ns II tt.· \·orln.l: rill' utill'f t""ll . hi mnkln# uf! Iflf)lI.tleM~ lI ... nn~ lhl~ MlIll'l f nntl~ nut Anl.,nl·u n ' ·r.~,I,\ MII II ~"'"1\l'rn eUlglnQ II 01'01111 tid" fur IU\l'lilll::altutl

"0 wt,i lo ItWAY yonr 11'1IlITl' h(>Ur. lht:sc. I'lel\nnl fall (lit)·. aM \onK evenln~. ~"me t.o

H t! n fC M'curCHAN'S




(:fJ()ll Cli.AIUi nE.FINIsm~n 1'0(li , TABLE,'';

IhOllo1ll be tI.~·tl In 01O!' (bok~ of th"

ItI)rn III whkb t~ IIU"'-'IHtp )'our t;utt

"rlull.. ott,U WIll chOIl ttl'" "tfil fir

Judim4l111 Ir fllur Ch,ll" (",II. on Ihl.

"Iot.111l.hUlenl It. vl,11 ,.,111 Inlpreu

),011 11101 Ih .. rruLb or thai claim. A

~lnl:l,' pllrchllll' of onr Snda will vrov.

IL W" lt1 to plt!au.




PA OG"I!" 01" .V.NTI AT

HOM& AND A811110,,0.


MI!NTI, a U"lfUN oa, HOPES


" __ f. N .. . ........ UI'''' " ........ 1«0.

Al1011T THE WAIt j. a llw (OootLnlt'nl of Port~1l8CI

troo~ I,nlh II IQ IIT'tnI!I. •

fllr Kdurd Call1OD, Dlla"tu wllbo DIU porUoli1l ttl lau Untllb war cabl Ot'I, hi r .. _ltutl

,.,.. mlo" t1 .. 1I,1 fVPOIUIIw" tOt the Iloklo.e: of thll! CUa!&A d .... 1tote.raI ,A 71 aDd A~t .a.! or O~rm'Q orlelD

T'\Irlr.e, ', Da" hu IIMD pruUeally wl~ OUI by ~ ItIN of lhl!! bll eru~ • ,.. 8eaUI0 8,lIuI lOt! AlldllU"

Til. fell .. tlll d,Jppt .. to Ih" OrHt­LIIO .... 1I Ioll'lrl roafUtOCIl "' ... tI~I(I, lid "oanhuoillb to "'Jetl lb, tenul 01· ",..0 by lb, Oannan ..

U, tho! ,Iokla. of two IU!lUlIllrI by lba @Dtul, hi Iii" Ml'(Ilt.rfalllllo ,bolll t,br. w.aka .,0, 111 II' .... "'loire 1051. Il WI' IlInOUntfltl 10 London,

Tit , WCi':11I1 ruvoM. uf Illlllttn ahlp plna 10"9 ,h'I" lile .ln1l.11I, of ollly on •• lu.1I .. lilli, Yencl, Oue .h!.w· .blp .11 un,ucce .. fully .tLAelled,

Drlll. 11 ('ASu. llle. report~ In tbo weell ('lIdllll Jln II ... ere n.on, dl· yldl!lI .. 10Uo... . KJUe'd or dl~d 01 wound.: OftlC~I1I. 7': IIICU, !l.I17. Woulldfd or mlNla, ; Offlcol1l. 3U; 1110!1I. It,nt.

0.. huadr~ .ad alst,. lhOuuad TUrkllb ll'UOpit-alOr. thu 60 por etlill ttl' Of' lIttnl ralllfnha,II'. rtlDrpnJlI'd Turklab arcu,-dre .. rl"d durt., Itl", reo te.nt Jour,..y from CoIINlllaool. W Pale.uae. QUId., dl.paleb .... t.t~

Dv.rta, 1.'0 d",. ta.t .ftll HY~ tolUl ot bornbl wue dtopp'-'\I oa aad lround the form.r O"rDl.a crUller Ootb .... ur.adfli la Ihe o.rdlo.til_. .o.d upon tbe O.1I.lI .Irdtomll. It Wla otrlcllll, 'IInauaced la Londoo. Bey. tnl dlNet bll ..... r. oblllul!d.

Two bUDd rid a nd twelll, mOlllbel1l 01 lbe cr.w ot the Urllllb monllor n 'll.n. On. 01 tilt! "eN':!' t'nllilred In the Neenl .ctlon wllh 1Ilft Turkl'h orul.1I1"1 Mldulhl fUll.! 8uIII1u 8cllm •• 1 lb. outr.DCIl 10 IIle O.rllinellt' •• P{lf' I.hed •• o~rdlnll 10 Ih" <1&11,11111 lI.t II .tlaouuced In t.oaUoll . J."Ourl~b meu ..... wouudt!\l ,

Ru .. l. MU.I ,I.e up Courlilld .nd IU tb. tlalUe "ro.IMM. or l~ Oe!'" mana will ,uuma lUlU .... ". oJ!f'ratloul Dd C')CC!up, !tn.1 wllhlo ,. .... II:. tb. QUIII.n df'I4'lallol'l .t [lrHl.Lllonll "1011aUOnl lat(maN lb. Ru •• an repftHfttal l ... at Ih, 1 .. 1 ~Ioa of lb,. roaff'r... Aa adjournlllent w .. ta.kf!O .aIU Jan. tI to penult lb. Ru .. alaa. 10 conllder Ibl Oermln lemlL

WEST!:Rlf AIUOI U. Aad.,"". I randl owaer

of Willard, Colo .• "1!11:'d hlm.elf With • abol«\ln al bla .lllPr'. bome llear O\l.lum. 10WL lie 'fI'1i " ,.Mra ola:

INr •• bf'JI""ed 10 h" •• tlrted trom an oyerheale4 11""1'11 lillie. d .. lroyed tb. "'Okl1\, planl uf Ihe Ou Pont Pow. a ... r CwuPAn,. It R.oulY. MOAt.. cau.· lal • 10" tathnlted a' fI O.OOO.

Tbe 10'1r1ll1l1'nt "'III tAlte o.or 10 pllr Cl'.ot 01 a ll lb. "'hl'.t flour mlt1ed 10 Mlnnntolll, 10 (l rder to leoure luf· tlc l,nl IUllpl, for export to our allllll., Ibe 8tll. i1'uoIl Admlnlltt.tloo I.U· nnunced at }JIDDeapOlI • •

te'pul.loo ot I. W. W.o. from l.IIew· M"lIlp I.Q tbe Unltf!d Mine Worker. at Ameriea. \101"'1 Ihe,. humedllHelt drop th'"-Ir Inl r8 t In Ibe l W. W .• w .. pl'O"ld«l In a r80lulhtQ adoptNS b,. delelll" 10 Ihe mloe,.· coo' ... n, lion. at ltIdJanapolla,

WABHlNGTON OrMler .. nft, at load 11''' .. ked ot

\hI Amerlea.o Pf'Opll by Prnldeol WII.IOG la a "roclam.llnn anaollll.ciul lb. WbGd AdJII lll illraUou·. "11 con .~".tloa o~ln,

TIro. ctallaJ ,llIplr ... r e ao,lb," for furtb.r t1ltcuNloD with I.btl Uohed 81al" and Ibe alliU. but .NI QOI ),et tead.1 to ,0 Ilf ~lIou,11 to brlnJr peaC" aow. That coaclUllllU w •• t1nt.II'n b)' IUllra.tlllU.l tJlPf'lU froDI Ib .. lIert. Un, lod Il'rnln , epllrll to Pretld~n t Wlllon· •• nd 1.loyd OClOflll!" war IIlml ."Mabe.,

.ACUyllh'lI OOhlnd 11161 ICl'Dt'!1I In Wa.hlnllon durin, 111111101'1 III 1916 fur .n In""II\I IIUOO lUlu Ibll ltvutocl!: ud padlin. Inllo .. tr, "'n! reveilled III eorrll!lpolld.'nC'o I.Ke.n from WI': con, (Id"'nlil l fJIe. of 8wlft .t Co. of ('hi cqo. Ibowla, Ih, I'rrOrt. of Ihtl bil ,*cklill Ilrm. 10 dtte!.1 u, laltol.,. lAID Iftl'lr bUIIln"''' '

Amtofka'l 'or,.lla tradl' ,ur (lll.U('d III rKOM la 1'11. anlooDllo, to It,. 11&.000.000.

Tb. ,.,,111. of Ibe atfl Benalor Ne.· laad. 01 N .. ada. a~I.'Ordla .. to Pf'lltlon for proball at hll will. I. valul'd .l 162.,wt!

Col. 111,11111 a Jobul(lO. nilloaal Irm,.. wu dl'll,".IN dl'puly proVOIIt "I.r.haj ( I'nl',.1 ror .otob dUllH .. Ih f! pro"otL lItanlhll Itnorl.l Ina,. a .. I,n

T he Ilumaolln .,nly. In t'O-o~ ... lIoll wltb thl' ('Q ... ('k. Ind olllfir eICIII~OIl In IlUUlber1l "ulllia. will prove I ILrOD, '.C'tor 10 lb. war

FOREIGN The ElTOPo .. 1 to doee the pon of

LoQdoD to meret.1I1 .hlpplu, b:a t ... .Ied .tronl OPpoalUOD ( rolZl Loondon commcrclal lalcrt!lll.

Gftll Drltala ('.n. UllOa Ibe UDI~td Stal,.. for 16,0t'I0.OOO bu._hf!l. Olore wheal. Tha wu on. 0' Ibe mtllli 1m· IlOnlllt 11.II'Dlenll wblch L.ord HhoDd dll. IbtI 8rhllh food eonlroll'f. IIl.d", In .n Interylew.

Rcporu re~IYI'd In ('Op'·nl,a,rn ltom \'1\0111. III fOr'll'IIrdNI b,. thl' t;J,' ctII.n,~ Tfle,n!ob tormpOIIII,·,U. Indl I::lle thai !l11O.OftO ulI:a lh~r .. Ir" .1II1 un Ilrik .. , Iud IIlIt tJle .trlllr conlin· uel In Dull/l]lellt.

1.ll lIe n6"', hUI /!1')nlft IrOIl1 Ol' ,nllln, on Ihe Pollll~a l .LlUlilltm Ihl're!. IIUI II I. Inelle.It'd Ihlll Ill ,· Au.lrilin (,I1III1)r. or II oot unnllndfol Ihal Ihn troubl t' I,.n hi. own land nlll)' torc .. 1~III Itt'rur \\'11 111m to chanl!! hili all lied" tu",.rd lilt' pelce nl',.ollAt lon/!

CoUDl voa HI·rllln,. Ih" Ol'nnln clJa.neellor. In 1.WI"",,rlll, tJll' ~nl '-1~IICa of "re-.ld~nt Wlilloa .nd I"'rtUilcr Lloyd OHlrl~ •• nIlOllllt .. d In Ihn ReiCHl" mlin eolawlltl''' tb.t Ot'ml.n,. "Duld DOt ,he lip AI .. ",," Lorraine.

Accordlnl to • I'Nf'OIIIrad dl"\llIlch to Cf,nn.n ne",.p.a!>4-·n ... bleb ... ff'. (.4>ly.,11 by .n lodlr~t routl'. tb .. 001-ahcylkl la ....... ,.1Id • (>Qrtl(lu of Ih" fUOdJ of Ihe Huma.nlln 1",lIl1ury II .. poaltN In • MOIOOW bIIltk lind 11110 l.bD lbe Huwanl.n ('to." Jtw .... " KIIlllnev.

Collt.mealt Ia Ibe Pr ... cll prt·" (III ilIe 'pl'f!C:hu of COunt C .... rnln. the AUllrlan for!:!llI" nllnlliH. nnd ('0001 Von lIerlllll •• Ihi' (1,·"111111 eh'ncpllur. Vir" SOnle! or t h .. I\"W'IIIIIII"r. cnn· • Ider ttll' II pl'(>ChOI lII"r'l bluft or ··!.Imln·IIUmn,: · whllo Olh,·,. Ill" In Ihe .tatfolupntl 1 lI'Itlllllil 1IlI1'llne, loward IWICt!, "'Oa " "rtlln.·. 11I1,C'('h .·u ('h'I'IlCI~rla .... 1 In Umdon b, l.ord 1l0bfoM C~II. Pliulllt'r of blot'lI:adr. II. "!>t!ry warlike, ct·Malnl, nol • ",·"ell ' 11~b ·· li e edd~ thll Ih .. ~lIert'h bad lot'f'n dlel.led b, IlInd,,"bur. IIniJ Ludtudarff. lOll ('Ol:IlIln"l1 no 1I1'('\lIr atloo or jX)Ucr r, jI1lrdtoll UfollluU1. wo.lch he bad .lwllt. 100k".1 10 III • lell ot tbe mUI,. Of .IIY pf'llp(J .. 11I trolU lbe olb!!r .Id@.

VllCOuat MOIOGO, Ihe Jlpanf'll'! fl)I"­

elan IUlalner. la bl. 'P" ('h 10 bolh bOlllu of Parllam"nl II Tolllo. .a aouneed tb.t Ib~ mf'mbf'" af Ih" J.1t­aaclt! mlnloll ~nll)' ,eo I 10 Amt''' ICI. h.d Itler • ltank rnh.nllfl ot .lew. elt.bUabfd • lull mUlual IIr· eoI'd bel.',"-I' a J.p'n anll 1111'1 tlnltl'1I 81.tu In re!lIlrd to OIllIlar,. coopera, tlOD In tbe .... r. Th .. 'urel,n minI •• Itlr 1I.ld: " Tbe ,rul wltr whh:h h •• b.lbed Eutope III blOOd rOlillnuel 111'111 It ,"'ould aeem dltrlClIll to tlrl'dlct tho i'nd:'

SPORT o.l'IIp.@,.

SIlIIIi.) 10 lb, flnL Will

del"1I1'(! !lomer round .t It.eIMI.

The clolell. mOil u('lIlul ami rj>.1 Iy be.rt-ttarlng ,.010 nr I.IlIIkNb.1I tyer pl"et1 In "'ort (,·ollln ....... won by the .AW" (M)IU Ih" ~ yer unl.cnll1 Iflam

M.D.,er C. H. WlollD4t>r of th_ UnJyerallJ' of Dfouver fOOINIl lQuall hu eomplell'd tit!IOltallolla. Md ,. dt'f lalte dat ... hili tlftn sel ror • 1001"11 pme wllb the Neb .... lI. eornhulhl'l at Uo('Oln. 1'0'. ::

Bill,. Voun,. 1917 wl.,ntr in Ih. HI1-pouDd 1:':1 .... carried air tha bonon .1 Ibe Den'·t' r Athletic Club 10uratJ' Iu tbe ame dlvl.lon Ihlt he did I .. t rear by .LOppln, "Wblt"," Lltwl, or tbe Plve Pulatl ('Iub III Ih ll '(>('(11'1" rouoll or oDe of Ihe pr"UI"" b.III ... Ib.t h •• been " 'Ivd III tho povulllr aw.t parlol'1l.

GENERAL A nood rl'pOrtNI In tho ullper FUlintl

Yalley haa InundlilPlI 11111 chy of Co. lo,ue. dellrO),ia.r lIulUllltll!' of uro.' ,,1.lonl.

AU New York n('w' \I'III!r, "'~ I"1!' flUI on II :-cent aD IuuII bUlL Inl'rllu" or mal .. Md IlIllOr .... ,I"('n .. Iht reaton,

Tbe WyoDlln, bOard 01 "'quIUl.OlIoo hili. dbUbled the rOnner ' •• f·'"lltnl 00 IIbf't'P. railed ('altl." Ii lIl'r lil·ad 10d borses U5 per bt'ad •

O.tnIllle ot rrom "~O 10 !>II p('r ('''nl .• la tbc ytilier Mil crnp .. Ith ~much dam.,e" 10 Inlek: .. nlpn toropt lhrou.:houl the SoUlb ••• fl'lill1 ot Ibe ~nl !.hr!!. ,ucti'll.IY!! rolll wlY~ ... N!POrtl"'d b,. the! AITIrul ' IUNI Otop.artmenL

Thirty mo~ nelro IOldlp", .. 1\1 "1)1'\

oourt·wartlal. Ihe N'. ull or n .. " 11'111 llIun,. broulht out In Ihe InY!'IIlI,a,lon or tbe Hou'Ion rlol ot Au" n. wb~tI IGO {le,ro ,oldlrrl of Ibl' Tw,"-ot, fourth l'nUI'd SIll!!' I"',ullry Ihot lip Ihe ('It' of lIuulllon. It WII. IInooulleoo In Sail Anlunlo, T~x.

Thil town or Mackay. In QUl'I'IIII' land, hili 11l.'l'11 ovo'twh"lmll!d by A c,., clone wbl('b vmduced • Ihllli "'I'f! and flood /:':Ond il ioni. \l l'ay,. 10_11 or lite I, relrl!d. l"uuM('t'n OOdlt .. hnll llrl'ady hei:>n recovered, Thl'r" I. • call tor IIlIlsl1Ince. Prul"'"y dam'le • .•• hea" . p' \led all, 10 lh(l lIock. of ,upr, of whl('h mc.>r" Ihau 1'.(I(IU.If\lO \II'ortb ...... Ilorll!d In Ih .. 'o"n

"84>ndln, SDlJle.'· \0 Ih • .aldIe", In Ihe ,.rloua lrelnlnl c.mj)tl of Ih. ('Ounlry throu,b Ibe nllrt4aq 0' 5mlleeg .. Booh II 10 tHo Ih, Ofl'lIp • • 1100 01 (':111:I"n_ durlna Ih'" wf~'k ot !8, Dunne till. \II1'@1t • 'erY totumUnll,. In Ihll! Unlll"d 1'1., ... "Iii be enp,fit In I hll CIlJ.IIpjl.I(o, wilich baa (or lla cbl.f purp()l<O> thtl oro,ld, IaK or clean. .boleaoll1(1 .nl~rt.l ll. weul {or our boy. In Ih .. Inlnlll' c.mPl! durlnK Iblllr h·I.ute hOll11l

Tbe buchall Jellion or ItUS fnr lb. SIUonal and Amerlc.o leIIU'" .,IU a'Q611. on Aoril I &.










~~~~~~~~~~~W I HOOVEA = FOR EXTRA WHEATl.ESI CA'" W ... , ...... I'i ... . ~r .' l· ..... I\o .... ""H.. AND MEATLESS MEALs,


MI""n. II Mllml hAn IAk"n .I~p. lor I MU\1II1c 1 11* Ihut',

Th. 11 01111 ,\dAm .... Pbv,n\:lr '" 10 be 10 vlllnllor)' IIl"H'lur~

John Gunll haa "'!"I'u 1I1lllOIuINI 11 eeonal'r ot II.Xlllo.IYI'I 'l.If 1\1., Wllco. 'cclloll.

Thn Unhl,,~lty of IIrlll'llIl II" fllml to Ihe brl1eatl It. il'r\l," n.'JI ~nll un It are OYl'r IGII IllIno

A r "tAlI ' .... 'IIIr.n I. I""nl rirrullltfld In Mllllni a~IItn'l Gor,it'll .nd Ea~~. nINub/'n! nt tlHI ( 'II,. Coun.lI,




~ ... WllhlnllOll,- Pr('Ald .. nt wu.oo. 1.

lo~d the followlnl procl&matloa food (Onlt'rnU"'o :

Th. OIotk .... bld uf 1"'111 ....... 1'lIt'n on dl'll",Rt(>d b,. Ihllt IIhlfll"'1 'I 0"1"Il ...

• r('lllInr of all"a G' wl<:ll

", .. blntIOn -The ",m"tltan poocpl. .t.rto·" 1,11.1 • "ar hf'"1.1 ","·1 \1\4101111' I. .. "lilt Or • 'fI'ar J1LUollm.. .,..1,,", ,'~r !ICf1t,,·d b,. l",...llI..-al \\"11 .... " .fl.1 11, .. Many Cf,UHl b ... coolribuled to

e!r"'I" lb. al'C .. ult, for. mnre inlen­.1" I'Nort 00 the pat\ of our peopl~ to .. va food In order Ib.t ...... ma,. 'UP" pi, our ... oclaIH lu tbn war with Ibfl 'U.lf!b'lI~ vllAllr 1IPC6""" to tbelll III Ihel. d.,.. 01 prh ilion and .tf'Ml. Th .. r~uced orO\l\lcth·h,. of t:UtoQ4! bIo('.UI. ol lb. Ilr,e dlYel1llon of 1I1D pawl'r to Ihe W'f. Llu!: partlal rauur" of har'"UI Illd LbIJ elimination ot Ih .. Inor(' dl.laat markel. for (ood· IIluff, Ihrou,h .b~ dU lruCIIoo of .blp­pili,. 1,1.«'11 tbe bUrllt,o ut their IUb­. 1.lenee very ]ar,ely au our I!boulden

The fOOd IUllll lnlalrllUon hal forlDu, lall'lI ,UMI('IIlluna whleh. II follow ed. will ('nablll UI 10 OIOOl this great re, Illon.Ullllt,. wlt"oul QU,. real laeoD' y,"ull'lIoll 0" our p.rt,

In onler thai we m.,. rMlIce oUJ' C(lalumptlon 01 .he.1 and . ·belt prod· uc.ta b,. III per e~l_ ri.'du('UolI 1m. p'1,.tlv"l, n~ .. U')' to pro.lde Ihe IUPpl)' for O.el1l~ .. _bolt .. lel1l. Job­hi,. Ind n.t.al1N·' .bollid purcbuc • ad ru.1I 10 tb~lf eu.tomell onl, to IH'r crul of Ihe .mouula uaetl 10 1911. All wlau'lctUrfl1l or .Umcnlal7 PUlb. blKultao. cn~kera, plln". Md breakr .. 1 N"reaia .bould redoe. Ihtolr Ilureh .. ,.. inti coo.umptloa of .. bell Iud _but 110ur to 70 per <'-cnl or tb,lr IIU1 rl'qlllr"ml'11l1 •• Ild .11 bak· lira of bf'flad and tolll to 80 per cenl of lh"lr currllnl I'~ulfem""ta.

{·onIlIUUt!i·, .Muld ft'duc. Ihelr pu" rlllA", ot ... h .... 1 pruciuetl for hvm. "r"PllratlOIl 10 At luoal 70 J)f'r cenl Of IhOiO uf 1 .. 1 ,"lIr. or. whell buy Inc brlllld. ~houlll pu~h"lI! mh;ed etre.1 brlt.1I1 frolll lhe bAke,'.

To pro~ld(ll .urt!clenl cereal fOOd, hoult!l. IIUbll1l t.lht" "In<lt'-!l. deal!'rI And mlnuf.elur,", .hnuM lIutl"Wule pot.tO". Y"Ietallle •• cum, harley, 0.11 ahd rlct! prodll('li. lIud tht' muod etlr •• 1 b'l!ld .ull oUler produell ot lb. bak .. ,. which eontaJn. an admllliur. ot other cl!reall,

In order thai conlllmption Ill',. b. ,,"lriChld to Ihi. f':Ilenl. lIoudl.7. and WedD .. d.y •• lH)uld be obae-ned •• wb ... II ... d.,.. euh .'eek .Dd oaft mtlll neb day I!.bould be obsen'cd la • wh,,"IM1 mw.

In bulb bOlllea lad pab110 eallnl pl.COI. lu ordef to rcllll«' lbe ('00' lumpt!oo of be.f. oorll: and Ihf!1'p produeU!. Tul'lda, .honld bt> obAe"ed .. IIlMUMI (I.y 10 e.c!.I ~e"k. one IUNtl" .. IIIH.I abould b'l ob.erYed Iu rIch d,, : wllllf!. III addlllOD. Saturd.y In I'M' h week abnnld turthl!r be ot.­'I'rvl'd .... d.,. uPfln wbleb there .hould bll 110 ~on,unlptlou or porI!: pf(lduC18

Ii ('()nllntletl t!I:OMmy In the U!le ot '111111r ""III hI! lIt!c"unry until liter In Ihe ),,,.r.

C.·buh .. E. A_III"" '1'11'('1"11.~ th.. FOOd .\dwlul tralion ... \ lel0ry h~',J; aot\ll· "/:':OUIII.III tOIl th. *alfo Tall Lbl."'ooIJ ;\d,.IOltltaIlOIi call .. It. Ttla Cumlnldlou. tl" 11\11:0 a 1111 hi. lIuUe!l. n"lillrl,1 r.llon~ IU~ u. .... \1 f(Jr 11111 I'lf

Tbl' Iii d f't .... ()\1I'IInl..-.J II !'lila (100II(\ or I'r ... t1nl • Iolret'r U;loC>t'\ UT' Simun a mnnlh "'1> W"b Ill.rt,. 111 .. 1101 (If luo.,.j Ivr ,t ... Ill. I IU~U bM1I. nn., h ... nl'·IUI .. rI'M» ... , (lllIlil,. m"lIt of t'OrI_IIIUJlI$oU will I • um

Jam,. It l'a.JdOf:k. 11. I'r .... 'n ,10 phl.t".d l...rael,. by Yoluular, .,Itorl at'er rr,·I,hlt·t, dh·,I.t. IzmDItal du" tlal 'orcn: .. 1II \Ie. tIIJ'hn.,j "'''.,., to ('Qlupll~.llonl .... r,.ult ot 01' I " .. rroIU,.1 Itudu Ih .. I~ OCInl:' .. , .tl .... Tiot r'llI(lulnjll: ., as """'1''1\14,1 "',.

Arllel", or In'·ll tpol"Illl',n "'I't. fIIt<.1 1.141 1'''''ldt'-lI1 la • """ 1'IDI-II(>n !W,I la lbepltlc ... uf III ... t .... l·Iot1I/I\lItlUIl lit Fond .-\dllllnl.I,..lor !loot,.r In II Commlulon b,. tbl'l Otllrlu 1#ad .od 1111 01 n·lII;ulalian •. f(lrm. llIt· lrond .. d· Zla~ CompU1. mlnh l"' llon'. I"I~ loud ('(lo",,".liOn

A 1.0111'1. nllht wnlrhnull1 I'll Ihl' prolCrllm. of .... hlell tbfl ehl!.'f ',·at""", 51111111 nllJI .t "lIrlloll. WILl lI'I'I,I"nl(l1 .r .... Iy .IIot lind kllll"l , II '" drn" ll"d hi' ,. b,.lIc·r'. btud of nlltlll tlDur. '" 1111 r6y\)ly"r II.nd It " ... " d l.ellnn:,," • 6 \ler rtOI ,ub.1l1mlnn of nthllr 1''''

'rhfl hilll" of " mlo " .. 1111\,,·01 I'" b" Ausull M.tI •• O,·rmAn. wu tdllOd by n. ncht'" IUlnlllnll' ttolD a Ih'" lUI.., G.d.drn. nnl'{on mil", lrom \"um ...

A dt>I('lIltlon o t KlckllPl"l .nd 011 ... ", ludllnl from Olll ... bom. ,"J l'tlO6o nhl: l or Ihp PUl'p",,, ot bn),la, lind In IJlII .Ial. tor a IlIr,.· _uq'hll of tbUt'

'''''' Thfl part lit, [lnh,,"II, fof Arl,un • I. pl&)'Inl 10 Ibl'! "'lIrlll ""ar II told In I booklC't !Hurd b, th~ unht'T.II:1. ,·n· Iltlf:!d "Tht' VaIYIIf'III, \ll MIWILI .no.l Ih. W.r"

OO'fenwr !lunl .ppollllll'd lSN!. Of'uy White ot o.,ulfl .. II IDHI\flf-r o. lb. board of fl'l .. nt.II of Ib~ ('nlw,"", of Arl.uall to ,II(C""" Ur J W "'lyua o( Pre.coll. , ... I,n"d,

Tmpro.tlml'IIU or lar ... dlnlt>lIIlont were plann&d fO' Ih. E'mttrlld III. COPVllr ('ow lllnr IIlJrln, Ih. ,. • .a, 1\11' at • lIl.,utln. or th~ dlr"C(ort 01 thl cOIIIIl.n,., hllid In Klnlmllo.

Dr. R. n VOn Kll'ln8nlld. l'rflRltlftol or Ih, UnlV@l1Ilty(lf ArlEunn. bile bOl'n !1"CIt'd to lIIf1mlWrllhlp nt IIIf lI/11e u &I:u ll\'l\ eommhl"" 0' Ilin Arll(lna StAle Council Of (}fIten.",

Til,.... new c ... ·• (Ie 1<111.1100. IlJnOUN tb. Mblc.h 1('('lIua (>1 .... \11(1 ... ,... ported to lbl' bullh ."IIH)rl!l.. or Klop.a. t ... o lB"a II.Dd on.. a UllIU tHUn, Ittlek~ by lb. dl .......

Do,. bundrfd .od fUt,. ,...."'1 .. f!'OlD ~e. York. In COmmand of U"'UIl'n.lllt. Gl'et'ae ot ron Siotum arrhlld In Daull .. 10 jol. Ib(' n"l "nil., .ta­lionel! u e.rnp lI.r". J J{tIU!II.

MIN Sora Willian,. ot "IIaml b.u IIPI • nl\., tubhtn t nr "'Mllul" brio!. Wh"n .b, married Thowaa E. Turk'" Ih" catrll'4. la.leed lit Ib'" eODnn. tloual rio .... ,.. ••• Uk ADlI'rlr.aa n.,.

AI fut U mt'n anll ,ru,.k. e.o r"'lb lb. work new ell"elrl('111 ""ulpluf!ol I. belnl;' I.ken to 1lI~ Teant'''f'fI min •• near Klllllw.n, .and twtor" mlltl)' .,eekJ tb.t propert,. will b ... In oP"'" .tlOII.

r"lIhl ror wlieU UIIIII a in I,,·r C.1·nl .ub.tlluUon I. r~l(·h"d t" .. b ~,

gill. by rfo"'ll~r" III huu."bohJ{,.. (It an !'Q11I.1 anioUat u, lIull.lIIi1t" 1I0ura fo r "Yf·'" pouod 01 wh,·.. nour pur ('bn('d "'I Lba tilDe Ib, .,h'lt tl ... ur b wUIlbt,

Sill" br millers 10 ... boh-ul"nt anl1 ... bol, "'11.·,. Iu retl.ll~", of ooJ, ·N I .. r ~Ol ot tb" .n101111\ vl '" II., nuilr ..old lUI ,-dr.

Two ... br.tlr-_ dn •• " 11 ~0Il da, aDd WHR-ta,-ud oa .... .bul· I .. meaJ • ct.,.

OU€' m,alltH 41.,. ..... d-TUl'toda1 ...... nd nn_ rn(!atlolSl 1UP!1 a dAr.

Two porlllul da,.1 II wkk-Ta.·,.t1ar .,.d t&allll1lay.

J\Ilnufac:IUrto'" of tnU'J.roal. '1)&' Ih,UI, (01)411 .... trlckl'''' and Wt-Ikl ... t food •• 0'''', ~Iu' anti ,,1.11.., \11'111 I", Pl!nnJlI~,1 10 l.'l, Duly '1 .. per t .. 1Il O' fhelf lall ,,,.r'. purt hllll", and .re I.kl"d 10 p€'rform • p.ttlotle ",r.I(", l., \I.ln1l: 'Ub~IIIUI .. finun

~'nur will be ,olr! IlIroUlh "1M r., ullir clIAnlU!J. !lad In .1,1('11 a alllnnrr Ihlll ,·.aft cnmnllmlly will ","el'IY, III t'ijUIYhh·UI 'han'

,.1It! .'Wo1 AdlUltlllirutiutl .iIl pur· 1'1111'1' f." tbe .rm, .nd .or llll' .II\~ •. .1 &/Inounef'd ",('rn,I,. 30 !'t·r tf"nl 01 Ih" flour oillpul •• ud 01,11 Or tbl~ I""" .'t11 fill ~rnf'rf; n('), rt'qU~lDtala It .Ioeb run 10'" la au, jlArt nt Ibe ('ouat,., Wb~'1 mill""' .r .. rtt<J1l1n'd lit ,,1'0

du('(o one barr .. 1 01 nOllr ul UC p("lIId. '1'IJm !U poua.1. 01 _hl'lol. _bleb r.~ r"'f'II" • 1l per .... nl floW' So pa','" Of .~lIl nOUI1l m., til' IIII.nut.o­lun-d. a1lbouJb _bol ... b"l\ nnur ... , be made u u~ual

HOI"'a an<1 rMl.unOIl will bfo (t ... ~ .. hall"rle. Ind _11\ be r ... Qulr~1I 10 Ii"fTP Ihl' n .. w "~lO~'r~ld

Slat.. food ,dD\lal.lralnnl wlU 1I" Pf'rmilled to dH1«n'h! tllt' _bl'All.fh l.II"'al In flIll:':h .tall' Wb"r" 1111. I. nltl d01l" Ibe rol)<j AdlDlul,l,.tl"D r QO~'" tbl!.l Ibe e'C'nlnl Well DIUa! bro obtl'r'l;'d u. whll!l.ll ... ~.

AnGUllr Earlhqulke In W"lIhlUltinn -!rurlllt'r ,,,vl'rll I'lIrth·

QUllk,. ~hoc .. to OUIII" {'Ilr. 1·61'" Igno",,,c,,, 'Th", !li1·"t'<'w,·r--1JIol ,gil "'0;:1' .I~

II D.llln' 1"1",."1,1 Tlot A, .. , " "1111 01101 II f .... Ilk"' .... '"I ,111" II k. I"" , .. I' "l"'1I • • tt ......

•• r",. ·Jo ---

RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. ,.,. J; I .,c .... 1 ..... 1<'1 1 ... a.,.

a_. .. . .M Q: ,,' ""1.00 ~ I... . f c __ . .I., ~ __

P'J' Ill.. I' .. ,. ... ~ ..... It .t ....... L ... ,., .u1.... ..."" ~ b- _ h ••• ~d _ ..... _ .. IOIdI Il10. {If u.n.. t~,,·1. It ..,11 ""ball, ...... ",... .... 1, &"'" ,._r "'If. aM .... n 10ft .U<t _lilt., It will .... ...tfIr ,"" ___ '11. "" "·cl.,. or cr-t ... !WI&- .... f1lII ... f .

~.rcI • ., H,",.1. "r'lt "r ... 101 I" to,.,. ta culnl fi.l", dl ..

II'I}(!IIII .. .J "'llh IIIMJI)' lit ..... rt>lIIAfll-e4 \I,. 1'.IIohlt>ot.

"'\ hy 1Io)r' "l lrllrJ" ""' .'''11)'' II. lui ~"l.phbt

IUn,," .. 1 1 ... 1 .. ,r. nil' I UII,I"'",,1I1111 I II 11"'111 I,.·fwI1l" III t;UI"'I'" "'"_ dUI by ""lUlt


TI"". C40mn WII ... " (" • ..,. Mill Will .. AIJIcH .. t. 0.., H.",", H •

H,. AIipH..

r.anh .h ...... It..,. M""t I. pri," I t tllll,,_ lOr ",,", .. 1 ~ r 1·III .. r p'."".1' \II'hlt I_ 11Unl II ... t ... 111..0 h.-w" had ltat' ,('lIrl A_ ,lIft .,,1 flh,.. .... 1,1\11 It. \\"hlll frotl. II.", ,. .. I'Nlllhi f"rUI' M.n II nUl 1"'lIn,1 t" Ih .. kllll<lM .. tllI""l 100"d I_ .ntl n", ,I 1'1,1 "~m 10 IIIIlIlI'r nt~ ~llIlln 111.,,1'1 'UlUl1ln "Obi"'; but. ~~IIJI III... ""'lIl' 1,1.lnne.. b. \·\IIlI'r d .... " nol )Il'hl lIlt' I'lIlu,", b,. wllll'h I'llInllll1,1 Iroly Itt ..... \'f"hro tan ell,. ••• "'I",n fill '''"'1111'''. 1000MJll~ Ihe 10'.,,111", 10,1 Ih .. Il ... 1 ot 1111 b .... ,·hh.·r h,·I,~~1 ,., hlll'l~rr'l ttT .. I..-t1J"'· Il.ont .!>IIM'· lOr lOur hi.... \1.1''1 ''''n bu.ln .... I_ I .. Inrll'." Ju.u"," IUld klf1!I,,~. I h' UlAkl' 1Dat? .t ptltif'11-. hDmilU,. .,.,.1 tml,..,.. : '1\ ... t" It l!\.at ,,"I I.... ",,,I I"'.' iJlWMI b 11"",,1'1". f'tI,~J ttl II., 1.1"...",'111' f'Oa&d .. f tb_ r"rI'fII.. ~·n, ,b .. tolll. hi""" bI>I.II# II I .... lhI, III,," nr wt .. t: Ih,.,. ,_ n" r.u .. ", I:f'"and ",., ..... 1"'. h IItJWtoG (If nth .. ro, ,M It, .. ""'fIC'r, 111'0. bUI the': e.r. 'n,1 11I •• tll II .. t "'., II. II,. Jm')Woo

101f ,'f fl ... '"'t, .,... tDltC'tI IfIf! .. """~ nUl !NU'" .... 1:1 h.n .... I. lonlllly .nd I'I .. nlAlb tI ."" Illlp'rUnt tbaD tblt ... l1Irh b, "'1"f'I1' fmlll I'" nrl!t.~""t 11,,.1

(_""bf"o Tim •• "Whlll "III ,'''I h"~I' fut' dluu ... r

A.liI'd II" IItr .. lol _ 1I111 .. r ··n" 111"'111 1111.1 "rlnt willi! ""U .. n

,,('tV"I ... ".illy.'· I'i'III1,·,' Ih~ huu&T)' 1111111 . "I lUll" 'n.k" 1I1l' IiU"~"""

It I. Imllen.Uva tbat .11 \II·ute Itncl unnt'I'I!II.I". rDMUmOIlon .11 .orta of rooct'llIft •• houlll be rlllldl ,. elhnlualed..

JUlin C.mpo •• boas Wlp4'lr IIml IUP­ply mlill In Ih. 8uuthrru P.ciNI:': enr KhoPI .1 Tu ...... n . ....... kmt'd wh<' .. bl! ,IIIIPI'd .od fllll from tli ... "naln" b'" 111"1' 'Uendlu, Ind .... rrlllh",1 ulld"r Lb. Wllrl'l • •

of IlUlllrlllll •• \II·f'rl' N'llOfll'II JAn:.or. "(.l,·rlllllll,:· ... ) .• th ... Y",&:1" tn.I4. 10 lilt" Btale Dfp.nlJlI'nl b,. thl' AnI. "If 1111 110 .. 1, ... 1_ "rr .. ""00.1 Nlt I!I ... ,"rkan tm",olIIY Iben'. I "(olIhl"~"1 I ..

Tb" m.IJltenMCII 0( I be bealth .nd .IrlUl,lb 01 our P\"'Opl(' I. y!l.lIy nf!Co .... ". It ttlil time •• nd \btre .bould be DO d.nllerou. fe.trlcUon of thOr l ood ,up,ly. but Ibe e!lImlnllion ot "' ... ". IOn fir ... lte and \be .ubl'l· tuHoa nl oth .. r C'OllImndltlfl1l OJ' wlll('h w. 1U0" .bundl.Dl .UPPl1l'11 tor IbOil" which 11''' al'l'd 10 IIIYt.'. will 10 nO ..... , Impllr tbe of ... ur paoplt .nd _III enable ua UI meM DO"

nt lht' mOil preulnc oblll'UoltS or lbe

."' I. 1III'I"I'to""', In th. nRtlonal Inler

".t. tab Ihl' lIbf'rt, of clll1la.1 upon flY!'r,. 10,.11 Amt'rklla 10 tall .. f\l1I, to hl'lI" Ih" .UIII",lIonli 'l'hleb nre belne eJrculAted b, lhe Food Admlnlltra· ,lr\O .nd of 1II"lIln, thut Ihe, be fol· lowell,

I 1m ('ontldenl Ihll th .. gn"1 body of nur WOIII"" who hn.vil 1,"or('(1 110 1(1),1111) In coop@ratlun wl'h ,11" Fnod ArhnlnltUrlltlnll fnr th" lIuec~u 01 fund clln,.'f.aUon \0'111 I " ,'ngillen Ihelr fOf l ortl IntI will laktt " III • part ot Ih .. lr Iwrd"fl In !hle p"rtod of natlonai "'rwlt'''' 10 '4''' III1'l th" IIb,w!, AUIIII!!'· Ilona .re oll!!"r,'1'Il Ihroulthonl the l.ntl. WOODROW WU..soS.

The WilliI' lIou" .. , Jlnu.,.,.·. ISIS.

R~cord of Flrn B'amed to Enem lu . "I"\"n Qua"I'rm'~I"r' IIO",hou .. , ••

IIId munlcl\l.1 dOC'k!! burn"'" '1 S". ark Confl"crlliion tollo .. !'d III' fUlU(lt"I. Darn.,,, $1.(1'''1.101)'1. \"I'l<t. In.houl. EiI'4'lric 111.0'. Duff.lo. ~uraf!.d Damu:l'. U(ltl.I~,n (,,,nl mllll nd II \\' Sm'llI nr.,. OoC'k COU!­pin, pl.nt, Ollar n.lIIlUo~ . dt'llrn),"fl DIIII .... nf.rl,. f l.OIlO.OIlO.

Itrllillb lInt'r dl.e01"l'r .. d on n,.. III Allanlk porL Slor.!... "'I""hous" bllnu'd In'tlOn. N, J .• wllb 10111 or II :ill.(lOIJ. rlrt'! In S.n Frlncllro ,.u al!ry doe. 115.000 1I1D1.u.

J D C1Innd. wba bu bfoflll clly I'll' IIlneer ot I'h()t!nll II,,,, 11,'" I.n )' ....... b .. rel!coet! th.1 SIOIItIl'f\l 1(1 O"yatll b .... bol" 11m. 10 Ih'" pmJ"CI Of bUll,! In •• bll dam In Ill .. Orud , .nnn 1.1 DilJllond clno • .

Oonrnnr !loot hal ... 1If'd Ib, .... 11 lJUUlullona ('(lmmlHloa In Pf'Mld. knUtlD, nl'-l'dll'1l 'and '11'11 tor tbtl Ia mit" ol Ib ... 111', pnana ano.l ,.rorrn acbool.1O Ibal lh4', m., "wplD, lbt'lr \'Dle! IInlllln, tor 1\1" Rf'tl ('rtt ••.

O .. n P Ell .. ('all .... mlut.r, rom­nllndl'f and ".ny .. rnnr tlf ~lIura. ao,1 r. 0 8r.rlllno. a('lln. IU'fornnr !It Snnnr •• bl:':ld • cont",..,n,·., III ~tra ll"'" wllb Ihf! oPI'rAllna b,·,ul. ot aU Ibt Am(lricln owncd IIIln'" In SonON!

I;llC'h rounl.1 In Ih" "'uln I. 10 r(O­ceivi' I:, iiI! rill' e"l'r)' n11" 'If Ihl' "('\'n­.u~ chlldrl'n" III Ihll I'ollilly. whll'h Aum I. Ilhl "'UOunl Ibfl 111"1" la ttl.· InK Ihl' I'ollnll"" f,'f I'durl'ltlt>nlll pur Phi .. durIn, Ihl' n",,' "" !lu>Ulh_.

Mil' 1,,,11 1I'<nnl't , I,lf'dll r'·\lrl'lIrn· !.OlIve ot Ihl' r(oOl! IIlulln""l1l1on In Miami, Inurd In .pp ... 1 In Ih,· ICIII· d.nll or Ih .. dl.t-rll" II) I,·rraln !'m1U tbe praell. (I 01 tbn,wln ... ric" .1 o~'" Iy."," AI I .·Ir ~ on""" I'll" II'"

Six mllnlh .. I, .. y .. ut .harn~ h". bl'rn Krahl ... 1 WIII 'I,n J IInlUl. Jr tr(lm hl_ .or" ,I' i ·nllr,1 6111 ...... 1_1' 101 dllul(', IIlInrn .. ,. .' TurllQll nn • count ot Im,lalr,·'1 """,I'h ,'01 J If )lIINln h ... bo''"" 111'1"11111 ... 1 II' 1111,,> ap lI'r nr.·.n·, \II", ...

Mlnu. fin, .. rnur lIunl 1111,1 r .. o,J .1.1'1 mlnl.I,..lor Timnthy \ nt ... rdBn. 1"0 hundr .. d DI~a lind .... m.·n t.r/l'"'' 'n,1 11I'IOI""I" 'P"'" •• 1 IInwn '0 an rr- Irith 1'Ilnn .. r lu 1M IIlnln, hIli nt I hI' ~nl y .. ,.II, AI TUI·'on, 11'111,1')' 11'111 .·rll,.,. .(\,'r c1ICO...-ln, 1111'1 knOll,. "ro .... tnll .t alrleullur. for rlY. dI.I ..


E\II"" In 1118 Bett I. IU Yur.· HI.lory.

"",",Cr.-TIle I .. elnh Innual m .. t. Inl ot Ihc SIt1(II .. 1 W"ll!m Buttlt Bbo1l' _bttb 1~llIAt .. d .i lbl> 1'1(I(''' ,.aro r:nadlu.m S-lurdAy + ... nlll&, .,It~ fo(blbllvra' D1S!hl. _ .. tbe 11;1011 ~tI ..

eo.fal and brlUI • .,t .yt"r " .. a Itl o,.a ... r Tl'lh' ,.l'IIr ~;.lJln J'lId .dml" ... Wtft. takeD 10 QI th.· SltKk !'>b", ... 10 luc:rea~t In p.ld .t\l'n,lan'" u.'" til. IIlti .Ilt)", ,,' 11.::1: plfd .lItul "Ion lb,' .UfnIIAor,' 1.11 ,M' blllni In JI"III ntlmhlolllun,. !iou,fllS p .. t.OOI, Tb!' I'll· Ih,. Iw ... , ... 1I1I'ln'-' AliI! .bf'(·11 I h ... n thlll )·~ar. In Addilion 10 Itlo towb. h\l.\., 111'1"0 I.ronounc ... d 10 Ilulnl ut Ilr~,'dIIlK, IIle b""1 eY.'r le,'n lu 1.)0 n \l'r tOur clld, Ibe h,,"CI .how h .. \1 •. \ "t bl-f'\I 81Irp.Ue('ol ,",UI" hl,h cllt" rlns e'l!Ol, "erf! 1I110""U Ihl. "lIr 11,"n !!"'r b.t"r,· lind pol uolr loy ... r. of hn"'1t n.,.b. l.ul I}o ItYer "0 "I'·l,. l'fOl,IODlled \IIIIIa Ibl'lt l'llroa~.· In It'·r molll fR\UtlDI '0 Ib,"U!r-lIl


•• ker A .. poN.1 G.~m..", P ... .,.,III,

Gre.t Sua"","ne O1'enll\-.

W .. hlnl1oD. JUlI. : lb.· H, tllllni .ff p"'l'arlnl rhr. ,., ... , aublll&rtO.orreolh·, .... In.l ,b. Anll"r Iran IlnCi 01 r ... mruunlullMl ",III r.-.n("ln cono .. tll,-,n "llh tb.' Iml" n.1 Inl T.·Ulllnlc 1'Ith ... Caln~1 lb. ... ... 1 trout II "Y"O by Sl'rr~III'" 11II1I .. r In hi •• l'"lIly mlllta,.,. r"l.w. wad .. Ilutt. lie by II'lt War Oep.nmt.Ut


whose sensitive nerves ofl:en yield to CXlffee's herm(ul stimulation. eppre dete the chan~ resulting from a ten deys' trilll of

...INSTANT ...

...OSTU ..... INSTEAD OJ" CDF~ Such a delicious drink rrml<es the ChDnSe ezosy and better ncn'CS mllke ita permenentone

'Th"",'s e Reesooi






l-lJo.!ab", UIII \f'Iloul)ll .Ullr1l11l1;:: th~ "'.tt> bank In I'elrognnl .flt't II h.[1 , .... \1 ~ ... u·,1 II) 1 hl'ir I:nwrtI1U"nl. :!­[I ..... ,. "''''Ileh !lUlU! tit. nl'''' IH~ wouuled 011 IlMUOrN nIIr& 3-TII .. ""1111.11.)"" \\lIr In \lhlrll th,· l:erm"o .. In. ... 1 the Ru.,u IOhU",'" th~1 (llIItUN!. + .... ~ ... '" ..... ~ ..


German. Threaten auick Attaok When the Russian Delegatea

Rejec t Peace Term ••


Prol.t.r l.t " AUltrla-Hung_,.,. 0" E .... 0'. R.v.II_ TII,k. L.o .. T_ BIg CNlI .. ,..-.a.C"l'"IlIr)' a.k-

• ,.. M.",gement Hotl), Crltlet rod bl &tnator

Cllamberl .. I" .


DtCOIII'llr<) bt th_ ,",*Inl "nlilth III UI. l~th"'IIInti IlIIrtl. IIhl 1110-6",.. mIl,", ba,,! tbmwil •• 10" tbe DIll." Ih .. y lUI". WOnt III tll"lr tl"'Rltn tt:. ","\tIl thll ItIlW"U' 11I11t Ilh"'>l11 Iltt'lr I",,,, tll\'~. AI lilt! I'~I ",~llntt: ut the (jdl'llIll'f at Un!.'fH.lUI\·.1t mol",. .dJuurnlut'nl 10 J.ulI .. ry ~'{I. Gf'tIl'r.1 lI olTulIIu 111111 the l)(Jh.lhltllll fnulklr IIml IIl' rllln!!, IIIU" h.vlI tlurhllltlllntl 1111 Iltll nllll\{' pro"IIICt'II, 111111 Ihlll It I"tn/lMln Illd not (OHen t lIlU Oerlllllll nr mh'" wonld I.tIO"U til (lur,' !Iud wllhln n 11'0011 woul(1 0«(111)'" 111'''.1. Wlit·n 1I~1I('d ,,!lOtlt .1I(l 1I',rllor, .ollth (to( II rI'JrI . Llttl"lk. tl nrr­IIlIm r"I,lh"" \lilt I O~rm.o, woultl 1H'l1· 1111 Ihl! "1111 wllb Ib" \ltt"lullIlIl, Tho I't'<i""" lit II, .. lIIUtjllRnll ftlt • ~ .. tbat" IIlel mlchl ronlull oa Ihe Ot!,.. UlAn I ImUR ...... , If"dl\1nll,.. Iranted. .... 10. Ihl,,"llfftliln I.hll nil tunber poal· lW'ONIt"nll ,..(tuhll~ .. 110"'-'

Tb. IIU,.pID tI"lr,.I" tht,...upon YO'~I IIn.nhnou.l, to ~t ,h. Ot!r­II~II tl'rm. 111(1 O('fHlrlfd lor I·.tro ..... d 10 .ulunll Ih. q\MIIllon of I_N or ""A' to tht' ('1)111"''' of "'Idl~' .. otl wnrll· 1"M'1l'. df'l~t ... ",lIh whleb the ftnat dri'l"on f""f!tlL

Thai th .. O"mlllntl ..... _bill 10 (am OtU ttuolr til,..." R"flln~1 IIUIUd. Ihtnl t1In b~ 1111111 dnnhl . Tblt hob.hll,,11t1 IMdl'nI rHIII4I Ihel, hl·Ipl...,.o~., IIlId fI."1 I •• UN "In nil" nil ()ml'l.1 ,..11\ I .. tunc hllw Iht', hntl b+"tn dH'f:I¥"et1 111111 how IUOIl~lruu" If~ Ihl! d"nlllnd. (If the nf'n""M. In r lt'M,r.d II.ntl Moat'flw Ih" 1101 ~h f'vlltl tl r f! IInlln:llmr 1(1 11I"lnln\n th l'l r llO""'~r. IIU!tl lI" 'n J Ail IlIr.1! lIumiltr" (If Ih"lr (\1\IIOII(lnl ' nn ~hllr"i"11 flt IIIott ln" " t'f\UlIl",..f/>Volu· Uon • • nll 111111111 Itn,. nthrr C'Ot'n:I,e 111('1)11 Ihlll p rtllllillf' If. Mil! th,..m. II 11It'll'l\n ,'rll""m II . III .. , tlo nnt IIIII'Q(I thtlt 1111'1' IIrlnrlllh'. or "lIe:tt· jf,.nlllllo,," lind l",rMIIR I IIb.·rt,.. .hRII 111'1,,1,. M tlmll" TtlU nMmlltll .11" .. "hf'd Ih,.. ('Onlltllll'1I1 IIfItIIt'mbll Ilf"I'[IlI~ Ihrl ('011111 nnt ('<'nln.1 II" dI'IIIlff11UOIl ..

SO I(llul hi" ht'('tHnf III" JI(lpnln, flUI­ftT Iplnllt lilt! rulf' of Ih .. b41llihf'''lkl 111'4 M "",t Ih~ 111"""1,,, In (tu .. 11 lIll! Ot'tm.n flArlllllnl'nla" II'.d.,..,. .1101ltily IIUMlIMlln. whf'lhl'r It III wL~ f()r Ihl ~nl'RI powt' ... 10 a~lIo­I ItU. turttw>r ,.,lttl I 1o,."mm8l1 lit" m., tIf' ''''.1'1 Iw.r '0'" dllY.

TIle 1111'",!rII/ln ••• cmnllnl: In! dh'l*l rllf'"l •• re p~ln ... mlMlbly In thf'lr nerol1.lIllnR with O~",IIInl .. nd Au trill lind It"' lboul n'1Ir1r 10 ,1111 II Hfllntte l)f'aC'P. - .. -

JOllAn. " 'l lleh holllJl !tiki" n'RP1"n~l· ttl t! f(lr th4! Ilt(,CI'I'''''1101l of I lf'n~' 10 "1_ tnr F.nlli. I. I'(Inl' ,I' In Inkfl rll,\lrnl flt l'll! tn IJUt nil I'n(\ I ... II ... fnerl'nlllnll: tll "RNI ... ". It l fl t1 ~'rln. n('torllln /l. ttl I'f(­

mil" T nrllllchl \\ 110 n(l(irrllJll'Ill ho cmg,n­Inll" 11 .... 1011 fl I Ii'" J nplIlWIIC.' l\lf'! . rI" ,.h"flll"11 hi. "'oun lry·~ .b1WlIUI .. 10)'. IIt1 .Inll 1Itl .. llI,. 10 Ih. ,,11\,.. ani' 1111 d~l~"nlnRlhltl n"l tu "ht'lllh",h .. "',\'f,nt until lin I\lllloMlhl" 1"'lIfit III ""C'UI'Pd.

- .. -In nnlRnd Ihl't.· III I1'fOwln. dl"Ol'Il­

r.r .nd IIII' IO('IIIU" rf'd liard, lind .""",IUI\f'I\l 1II111t111 hut' r"u,hl ..... ,,­e,..1 rnn4ltl"nttl .. ... , nUIllhly III VI,"",I: In.1 o."I,hlad. Tb .. rl>d If\!u.l. a'~ .11t.-d bl ftU'~ III n "'Noll,,", .... bll .. In. 1,"lIIInl. Irt! 'lIprnrttlil tb" I'" .rmntnl tflr"" .. - .. -

,,"' AUllt~lItlnlltrhln ~+\''''''''"''111 lin II .... " ttl'lldlnj; ()II Ihln I~' ror tWO ... e.'IuI. A I!fl'III 1K'II~d""\ln'l 1'1'."" ""~I)I O"+,r Itlt' 1'111111111 aod mOrl' Iilfln I m Ullnll worll' ,," 1'1'1'111 on 1I1r111u. Ihe n, lad"'l rlM b\'ln, Ihool.l t'I, 11/11'11'

.... 1TJ.f'(J. nil!. itU"emmt'Ut ""11' fort"f'll 10 'fi'f'pl Ihe .IIOdIlIl.,I .. • d .. uuulrI ., 10 (OOfl. mmmulUIl wamnn ""ft"II~. IImt n(lnmlll( or ..... lIt Inllll.l'l ..... lind Ih~rtupf.o mOlll. of the Ilrlk ___ ", .... 'I\1tn l'tJ '0 111t~ lr wurk. TIl" Iruul,l" .... n only IUlnir 1I.1I1I)'o!~, hmuIYrr. lIull 'h" nulh'tll.' 11111(1" furtllflr (\(1111(1110' IUl1.l r,· H('rull'-tl Ih(olr mil fIJr • fI~u(lrlll IlI'UNl bl uo\lI'Mllundlllll;.

'1'h~ .\ Ulllrinn mn"~1'A nrC! drt"n!ll nNI IlInt nl lell 81 p"nep IIhnll 110 IIInll(' ,..llh JtU ~IIIA. und It Ihlll III Ill'll OrlOl! tIIl'lr wOMbl 111111 netlun. IIl'I'lkel\ II rtl""lu th'n !l11t1 wlJl rf'lnn,·., Ih" ll1ml ilion· IN'h, from lh(> /llllllUl'e of Ihl' ('l'lIlml pt"I\I"1'l', O"rmnny II IIwllke Ifl Ih,' tlAullpr ut !III, d,'tl'('lloII IIlul Ih l' ml\l ­'.rhrtllllt'r"i! ut> o[l~olr,.~tlnl" I!"I't'nl 1m· 1111100 10\\-.rd AUlurlA b,'('n!l'"fl Ih .. ,. Ihlnk f;mpo.·ror abril''! nn,1 h'~ ~"""I' mt'nl l'llY" fOlttt'red delU\ICI'IIU~ 101.,.. o.lIoollllsm .

Ttl~ lrouhlt'l' of EmJ"lf'mt ctlllrl.>jI· tNlhD are .(gTlIfI,fNl b1 Ihf" alllln.11" nf f1.nhf'nII.. At. IIrt'1't ml'l'tlllC In t'racue • r-e.nlutloo ,,'It •• Iofllt-ol rI.­munlnn!;'lli.'lIdl'nt'p for nuhp,nl •. IInn,:a". •• I.n. Ilr 11(llnac II, hit In th~ .. nfl. ... 1 Ullh"'·1l1., M\'lnc Ilh..-,lnlrll 1"1!"

tullf'll 10 gf"t' t'f'tHl. 1('[ "lIllpr AII.'rl" fir Genun",. Thl' n'lunUlllhm fllllt"­nr IImlo 111"1'" I'shllTlMlojl nnil Ih" foo,t AltulIlIOo In AU!lrlR III mOl>! Mllit.

- .. -TIle tell!oO"nhll! Ilt'fIe.' nd"',rnlt'. III

Ounnn",. 1"1111'11 nill h,.. nny Inl'nO" lIur· rpn(l (>N'iI to the Ill rrell~lnll: ' y nrfflltnnt plln·n,·nunnll. lind hn" " bl't'u hl,ldltllt mf',"hlill III (;(JIOII"V IIml l'I ~eWIH' r", lind 111 11 mdlrnl 1'Ilt'ln""tI+ nrt' """'I,!tll1i up thp ft~h l Willi ,·Iltor. Tlwr.' III nn douhl Ihnt th,.. I"ItIIl,..lnrll1l rol hlllll nl'r mlln,. nnd Au.ln. 1"1". 1H'i'1I 1111111"1111('1), beortenf.'d .nd I n"(11~ hr Ih ll pr(oll/1' Randll ot 11"11' n u_ I"" hnl.h,,'lkl _""''fill hy mHnR ot Ihe tml('mltn llon I'll 1101· (UfNl Oft the N.I tmM.

-IQ-All lbla .... pprl.rood. bUI " ",(111111 be

I('InU.h 10 bue UllOa It .nl _1,.,01/: ho("+H nf an earl,. r-t>l' ... IUI \·In",.,. for Ihl!! .11IM!. n. r. .. nnan IIn"r ","fob,

111'1, \I'" nl!!1'~r b+!.tnrl!! ~ "Iruntt: R. nOW. loti If the Indl(1tll()nll m., h" Inilltm thl!! laoj:" ~I"pt>rlf'tl "ft''''I!!''''' 00 Ibl' WPflt tront 01"1 hi!! nnlh'r WIl,.. bto-­tore thl!! "."11'''' 1.11 In Iht! hllnlb lit rPtIdfl.t8. All IIl'If "H'ili Ihl'r~ "u In· "'Ute ."III1.'1'J' 111'1100 10 Yt'IIDl't' IInll Yllndt'l·lI. \I·\th num"roUI "tH'lIn. 0\11" ml"~ Rnt! mlleh 11('11"",.. 111 thl' Ilr forC'l'l.. Orl'''! t'fln~nl rllliofl' lit 1""'011_ III "",· .. m l mini. ('fInllnUt'l1 IInll " ~m('rI e" ld l'n t t he hl.l'r 1\'11. flil(\l1l I'(>/ld)' 10 Mlrlkf'. Fr"n~h mll\Inry ":f' I"'tt. beU <.' ,·1'!i Ihe Oemltln~ wIlllhl III· tMII: Ih" nrltl~h lin ... In Flllntl,," nntl nl l!O Iht' Prent' ll Iu IIII' N'l:"l rm of NUlIl'Y. II WI\R In the Inlier ~ .. el"r til'" till! tliid Willi mnde I'lt AJtlj'n('nn Irfltlll ... W helhfOr r en;hln!;'11 11\1'11 ,,1111 IIr,.. Itt'll~ Inc holo! the IInl' Ih .. rl' hu nul b,.,..n «'''1'111(>(1.

""". lit , .... "". lilt ,., nil lilt',.. l""n~m Ikhrlun! 11II<'lt. II,... ..... IIIUl" I~,UII~ .. I. l'('('II'I/lII(' .011 I~rrlturtlll IlIdt'l>t'otlt'lIrl'. "lulllllll" "'·I.ltratll'll lIod /:UIHlIOUes t(Jf" lht tulur,·. - .. -

T1w IIrJII~h IntJ<)t rntl.1 In !!On,,"n ' llim III :'++lIllIl1hllln ,\+·rlnrl·II I,,, pl'~I· ",," III Ihl' mnlll'r nf wllr 111111 t>t·IH .... ,\ r.-."I1I1I .. 11 Wtli n(lt''d wl>lr.m,h\Jt nlld h\tlurIlIIUt: 1111' 1I111Il'mflllllll M \·r.'tII· h 'r 1. 10),,1 H,·,)rllt' nlHl " ,Plllll"lIl WUlIom 1111.1 t'nlllnlC nil thl> t"'llIm l Iw,w .. r" to r,lrllllllllll' Ihl'lr wnr uhll~ hi Iltp I!/lr· 11""1 1"",,,lhll' 1111'1111'111. :-11.1'1111,,", ,,'"III'I! IIll1h Ul'nl~l' II> :ltr. WII."'"·lI IlInll'lIIl'nl. IUIII It 1\1111 11111,10' " II'nr 111111 ,hI' p1l1'11 ",UllhJ n"llIlnlld (.lr 1~lh'" lII'jillllllllnn, ",III, Gt>'IIUIl1)' "hilI' ~h .. h{>ltis Ille Ie,.. fltorh~4 N['" 11M -1·I"f"Il.

- .. -rtll'l A,lndnl,l,..,,,' Ga",~ltl· Indu.

Irl"l /lhutdu"l[ w., till' ftOm bt:ln~

9; hllll) IIUrt·'· ... rnl In r"Uf"lu~ Ih~ ('Oal ..llIlrln" .. IInti r.IlI1o·,,,, tI .... llp. "'01' Ihl! III" 1.lnn ...... nolt pnll"'" to hlAnlt'.

r 11 ... \,- "nll~" III Ihl' .... It'rll Ilftn Ilt 111ft rnU"11'J' Inll·r' .. n@tl III 11f'r'f"efl1 .h .. Ir.. II1UI'I'mCllt +)( ("001 ItIIl~ ('OD.I'qU\·Oll)· :\Ir. llrAtil)U "'115 ron­IIt'11ltlt'tl I" 11'·i·I",. lin pmlllltJ:tI nn th,....... lit Ih,' hlnt,'.1 ('(»II NUTj"lrU: roRlt .. lit UII' Y..n.I . t"rhh""m: IIII' Irnn.,".nll· !lOll fir ""' Irl'll"l MI . ' tlll'l . IUIIUlllll"" nnn t'M"I~IUft'1I. ,'I1t' IIlIulIll'l\l. I,qflt'­t·\"II,.. UII lilt' A I Illllllr 1I.f'1II1"urtl. 11111 I.! 1II0~t "crlt)U~.

- .. -I'MUlllnU 1)()1It1l'l ri'lIrel\ II. 1IJ:ly

III'nd I II rQlIl:tI· •• l/lllt Wl','k ttllt! N I­l1·rl·,1 1111++ Iho "llIrll~~11I1I IIf Ilt l' tlll1' dll\·t lit Ihl' ,,"r. !>(o rll' II hn~ donl' 11111\1 "" rill. nn,1 1.t'rhn I18 II .. mlll,.t II(' kl'l'l 11111'111 In lin ,,1.,('''"11 ),I'"r. 81.'IU\' Inr.ll l 'pl1""",, ,"i1 :-1" •• 11' "','re Iltt' "hll'! "ft'"",11-1"11, thl' fuftn'" nfllll'kloK 111(' all· ollnl"InU++n Inri Ih .. hiller 111I1·lnlt lite ,·lTmnlpfT-('fln.1dl'rlllll hi! () ..... u r,,"'ru -to 1l"-'ill1I ilw Imlr1f11hIQI ot Colon~1 1I1",."\·,,lt.

1"\I'n"'1 In Ihp Itf"llnro "t ('QQl:teq

l't'lIh'fl"'+l fOn I"t' n,.mht·rl .. ln 11111 tor II "'"r Mlbln .. l. Ih" Intr,llIudl"a (II whlt'h \llIli l)('rh.I'. h.,I .. ut'd. 0111111:/1 nOI 1"IU ..... 1. I" Ih.\ In",oulpuno at ~t'<'h'­ta" Ilzlllt'r'. c)c-l,ulllt-eflL Tht' 11,,""1· ,I...,r hlld (([I·('o·fulll. e'~'n onml1 d~ rlar,"1 1"11. flllllll_III.'n flo Ih~ w~n.QI'I:'

1l11l! hl~ '''''{IIUII' IVInft.h·flre In Ur. T1nkl'r'" nhUlf)' IIl1d .·m'·II'II<'),. IIntl Ihl' .h'h .. 1 1+( Ih" bill "u. l'l'l'll\elf.'d. II· "lflUan II hnl! thf' ."111'10" uf mnn)' !It'll· IIl,lrlll nt IlIIlh I~Nlr· •.

:ll r. WII~"II hi n l!Uhllr II"'nll'm(l1l1 "t'­"'"~rll !"" 'II(IIM ' ·l!nmh .. rlll\1I or mnkln!o( "on l\"II,nl~hln" !1I11 1 n"~,\III1,",Y 1111JIII<­Iltl"hlt· '''~I 'Jrllt!n I+f II, ... Irulh" In II

"""W Yorl, .1~'. ·j· lI . In whl"/I III,' ON'­f(('1l IItl1l1tnr '''111 df Inr r""l1r.'~ fit Ih,' wnr ,1~pnrtltll'lu, Tn r"rlylm: III Ihl.ll In tltl' ",..nnl'" :II,. ("'lul1"I"'rllllll r .. HfOr· Mf'ft hi. rhnrl:\'~ IIn.1 ufl.!t'rl.ltlk 1'1 I' ........ Ih"ln 1'1 I'llnll"II" (r"llI III.' In­".·~rIJ:lfII"n 1"1,. Ih ••• ,·11111t· ""IIIInllt+'(!.

- . - Till' _l'nolur ~""rlojl Ih,.. \llIr II"Jl"n-n ""11IJ!" 101'1 In Ihe F'rrnl'h IIfItn" 1111 ""'hl I1nnn·rMfully. "n'II'ro"IIU"~1 .1 .... 1[ .

~rI."1 J'&!<lIlnn!!ll"ln Mf>fttC' TIlI"I,". Ihi' mfOmn r." I,,,,,"f Ihal 1o;,"""'lI1r), Bllk .. r T,'ulonl!! In I tnl1 ""t'1't' C()1U1'c·llfOd tn '" Iten " .. f.·,., th.· "'''"I~ l'(+lnRlIIIl'(' • ..-n' e"nruat~ ron,ltlf'NlI,It' 1t'rr11"'ry ...... 1 htnoMlIII .. t III ... "llIlIll'nmllll"". In II>,.. ot thll rta"(' rI~fT. 1tIO\'lol: IIn .. 1I: 10 OI"It'·r.1/ ~'II'I'''''' II. IIU' IIm!f t'lIfIIlllI. )fnnll' Splnon"'". Thl',. 11+ ... 1\1 III hn" .. "Til.. I,"",IIIt'nl ," hI' Jlftllt, "tlld n", (hf'n un hnpe of tommr Ihr IIIIIOqI:P IInllw tt ... Inllh. lin" t .1111. lip mn~t t" lht!: fll.ID! IIlone Itt,. "'·""'1 I'.nk of h.,f' .:"1 It\- tllel~ from !IIR ill Ih\J:ut~" the Pla'e .nd .r ... l'OalflruelJlI1; d .... I'IIlIf'f'rt·lI". t.r ,,"r 110,1 h .. In 111m 1:"1 It'1UIeI In tb~ rf'IIr. IIll'1n fr"ln ,...u"·',, .. I.)" "I",·. an'l It Ihl1 ....

- . - "II/I tur"l~h ... 1 ,h .. to'·!,I"" .... knf'w .h .. On the flell Ibe Tnr"" IIUft'f"t..rt Il f"II". tll;·1". Iii..,. UI'1I."

Ildf'tllb le illIlfIRlrr Itl Ih .. In..., (If 1111' In 1111' ""II,.,.' "f hl~ "JlM'<"h ~Ir. I'nlltlt'tII :\1 ... 1111111 IInil Rullnll R,..ttm. f'h1l1ll1"'rllllll r"I\,1 1\ hl'IHlhrf'llklnl!" Ipl_ forml'rl , thl' B('fIJlllln nn,1 O(\tlll"n. I"r frll1l1 II tnll"'r 1(\lI1n( +If II". dpulh ThMlt! "" A!W'I!I r,"l'flt.>d trl)llI Ilu. Onr· ot bl~ '''11 III 1111 "nil>' "111111"1111"I(\r tlU+~I nnnl'lIf'l1 III nttn('k e('Nnln nrltl ~1t mnn 11~1"lInlllll" "'''l11l1l1nn~ I.f u'·j!I"rl . ,\to lI,Orll. hil i II'prll 111'(\1\ Anil III (.lIrC' .·n· I. I'wllrd ~"i r,·lhr)· I-Iuk"r ~HI!I "r 1111" ICnllNI by nrlll~h Ihlftlrn)"(\r~ hn,1 .Irll·1'I1 llInl It 111111 IIIl! n "11t~lIlnr I~'.!'. Ilml In In mlol' "rhl.... Thn I1 rl'~lnli \\"II~ tllt'rr 1,,"1 I"'~'II 1I!,I"flll <llIt'l! dIll' I" Ih,' "1"wlt nil nnll ~ul\k liII~I th .. nnl'lwII, Inl',", n( nnr·'·~. II lltl Ihnl "111 '" 111+~' 1111+.1 t'n,lI), diltnnl:>'!!, WU.ll nJII nl:fnlln+1 III 111','11 fl.,,,,I)· h"·.··Illtllh',1 Nnltll r ll lw.lul. wlll'r,· for !!1'1'flr/l 1 tlaW. '1'h,.. h"l .1I."IfN~I,'" tW"r 'hl' I""m nll(\ n\i:hl" It ",n" 11111.jl'l· .. ·.1 1,1 I"!n,'" rl['ury "f "111' Will' l,ri'IHlrntl"n_ , .... " In" loy nrlll~1I AI, .. rllft nn[1 rfllltl~r"" t'l nll". 1111111," •• '" ,,",1 I. ''''I'''''nl: II,.. +J1Ot'11''lJJ. Till' "rlllllh InRI I",n tnonl· _llIlf;> It 1,,1''' II I""'''[ II'' ~ I"·r~ .. onl ,,,,.1 lOnl. ,1,'1,,". '·h,· III"'~ ",,'1111111 .lI lll~'r1

'MI. n"IIlI""r of IIrl"~11 t'f"'~I'I~ .\lnk 1'1'11 "t th. · 1I .11I1111 '~'rlt""11 "''''1111'1' 'h .. b,· lI+Jhm'lnnl" In III .. 1'1· ..... 11 "11~ trir"n .. rill ... ,., .... "". "f 11. n"" 'If" I".r.I,.r h~ onl,. .1 1" Inrl:i' 111111 1\1'0 ~n'l\l1 >lhl11"". 1"1: ,," 1.1'11 ",," I ..... ," ... ,. 11+.'\ ~h'"

10 It. t'iYhrt" 11"+ -UI'III.' Inllnl1e" In ..... 'mr .. '1 ,., ,I .. ,. ""1111. ,. 1,\1.· I"''''~ \\ It .. mM'1 Ih .. ~uhmllrll\p 11t-1'mll~II""~ tl,,· ""''''1'" " ... " Ihnl "111\ 1.\ 1.·11111: Ih,' l'nllMI ~Inl" lW'tIf..,1 II 1,,,1111 hI 1""1 flll""r I",,, ... II, ("+1110 JI.,I IIr" I">l,,,: IltlC " I.rltr "utlll"'r .. r \· ..... "1 .. fr",n .... 1'1lnltl •• I,.1II II"· .... · r"',lt. I". ",,","1 1"'lIlml onll"p". "'·1",,",111)' ~\\'·.I,ojl. for ... 1 Ttl! I ....... ·1,... Ih." """1. I" ill' II"" 10 Am.'TI1'I'I1I lVIIIol,,1 I"n\!- 1111 .. 1,.,,.,1 I,~· Ih.' I."r'~' 1"Ilrl"lloln hrouJ;:ht fnnh II """I .., ''tmlwltl",I''y~ _ .. _ Ir"m ro"fnlnn, ..... l1rl.~1 ",1111 • Ih",1I1 I:"o"rnl T>t.k, r /I (1\1." . ,III"t .. t lro _11l1e Mil ~rl1 1·'·AAf"I. tlill In ... uh· .",fr. hu. IHrh'~1 III l'Jorl. I" r'.I'r .... 1I1 IIll1Mnc" ("fluid "",,,h Ih,' Am ... 1r,," "till' III III" ~ul'r"IIIt •

~ .. - .. nr 1~'IiI1"'1 1.1 .. 1 ... 110'1".11,.· "'ii lltl:{' 1II'Iltlnm mllll,. n rltenln ... l 1'1'111,. 10 Ihlll ,I,,· ,,1110'" r'·'I.'I\· hlT.·U."·,. i'l".m­

UII' 1IIll>e'. ' .... nc" n",,·. "IMlill llinl lit IIOlt. lin !1 l'lr:;.· ~!·1I11'.


"" .. '*" :. •• 'Ul>t>r t ~'Q. ,~. "",c, Or:: .. ,.: " .. ..\M"'L ......

11 111 •• ollua hu ............... 1I1.01lVI' U

"Io~~ ... 1.41111.1. tU ItU ,'1t.~i ,.· ..... "r 1""1" .•• 11 A+I ,u.~~ 1; ...... ................... II \I n ... 1'.dH ............... ', •. n ".III~r. .. .••••.•.. .. II .UV S. U

U.t" .A""n httUOi )I"IIKL"'T.

fr.o. u. O.,,--;:;-C; .. DIA I'fl .... ' UII,.

nu,ln .. I'u" •• - r'r Tit'" Col .. Ifpland. "", tOil ••••. 21.111 'I ,. N, br . .,,,lUlIl, .. , IDn . 1~.tIt"U." 1· ... 1,1. " .. ,. In .... Ct"pJ.

Coh, . .ad N,", "",I' llifl 10 <)0 "" Tilt\o>IIo, '"", ~ulI' . 1 .... 1 a .. .It .. I' .. /n •• crl>pl'""t I .. a " .. :1,. 80,,111 I-"rk PH I ... n .... .~ O. II" Gunn!, .... \'.U". ~r IDa .. n '" ,. ... Sir" .... *",r I .. n "., 'Uf l." "',.,-0..1 .. .s,br .. 100 n ... 0",1" .. •••••. 1 I' COl ... ~II. 1Iul" 1'1oI)lflC .•••••••• 1 ... Co,n '''011 ... k' .. IU". • ••.•.. • U CD,,, In ' .. ek. tlU"". ...., II Ura.fI. "'\1111_ I/<IIr ,~~ I" • • 1IIIIn • . 1111

11'1.",. Uun".,I .. n ,,1I.lIt ............... . . ..

IHI "!l\ I' 1J I"U I.TltY. ..... II P" elHl " .. ,"n.I •• I"n.

IIprl" tt ••.•..• , ....... ,., ... U ~ .. 'lurk.) •. rlllte, d. II •••••••• ;1 tI II TUlk.), •• "Id 111 '111 ••••••••• II Itt" '1·urk~)I. c" .. lq" •••••. • ..• ,. 2U "U 11."1. nUlC, ... " .......... 1ft ,. Uueili. 1"""" .......... .... 12 "U U.... . ................. n · ... U 1t ..... I.,. ....... ............ U \I U

u •• ,·."IIr,. l"'lee .. ,," .... u.u. u •• t".r.' 'r.'I.... .. . .. a.n

l '''a. 'ulcr. III ....... n "" u ..... ~c... ... . 11 TIf.II~, •. III 1t.1. (I' o"~r. It O.~ I) .. , ...... rll""fIi U ... II u..... .... .. ...... .. ..... sa 111.0







WlUlblu.\OIl. JAn It.-Oa'·ol nu .hurt·d tJulllllt;l:tl Of the .~b ... of Ih. Ii, rmlln Ilnd "".Ulao I,rl'ml .. ra to tbeir r"lpl'.,l'~ !*tha,n' ott 11"1. Clplnlnn ""., e.lp~ by oUk:IJ.b bCIIII:! Ihlt 00 l"bIIlutillJ a4U'IC'~ 10-w.rd Ih" fl.n.ll JIeIIl't:! lUuCbl b, .u bo-UI,,·r"OI. hal fHUltf,d fNOm 0. ... dtd.,..tlUUI

Urrllu. Jao :1i..-<OI1II.t "00 lI,.rt 11111. the: Germu o;:ba..D«l1ot • .In ... I.l'rlnl lb, recul .p~ •• of P"rveJ.. cI .. ut WlllOn aDd Pr~r t.lord Oloor,e. elillOUDCIN1 la ItH· ltek.bJ"t.a& m .. ID e.ommIUe. llI .. l G. nlllal .nubl Dot .l"~ up "'11!-&~,..r..otTaltl.

"'I'her" .1'. 00 dUff'tfltt ... bt't ..... a 118 .ad Pr,..ld£nt Wl1lOn a .. to rt'" dOni 01 th,' .eu;· l.hl' Otonnao ch .. o· ""'"or .... enN!. "Dul It " atOlt 1111 parinl lor future "",,"dom nt l1li",.. Uon Ihllt ";n"lI.nd reUOt.1ulRh .tl'llll, lorllnl'd 1)Olnt. d·l.IIpul on lmllOnaDl RaUln, rllut.·.-.uCb .. GibraltAr. Ntl · II. Adun, lion, Kun, : 0!1 Iht! F&li.. land 1 .. landa··

A" 10 Del,lum, Ibe thnnceUllt ... Id O~t,"ny did IIDI dnlre .\11 torclbla Innr .. lloo of h"r tf'lTll(lry. Rl',anI' 1111 Off.uplod French ,1'.rr1uw, be d .. dlJ1>d Ih&l whlh~ GermlW,.. dId nul eI", liT., anuuaUoo. of h bl ,lol.t\CCI b. "'oulll I1IKUU Ib .. qUHUOO "r Ihla ter­rhory llol,. -.1th FrAne-. Tbp 1!1"acu&-



CONSTIPATION btt.,.. "GOd lb. tellt of filM.. Purel, vep .. bl .. W""d!N'fuUT quick 10 blnlRh blllo".u .... boa4lcb.. Indlafl,doD .nd co c:&.t liP • W c:omplaJoa. ~~ .. ~ ~<

PALEFACES ICc... Uoll of nUII.lau 1~n1l0'" toOloI !til' Itt.

E •••.• radM ""0 I •• l r. " ('" ... ed ODI)' whb RIlUI.. b" lUI

co..-f"~'~ .. .,..w __ ~ Carter'. Iron Pills O. u.. o." .. u...... . . .... ..

Eft'" .-.... 1 .. " too I n.C. " . noullc...s. 1111. VJ"""""";' .Cf'eO'lIIer!1 E~ ... IL !:: .... ".t"'u .. ". ",1_ .11 with r,.rula pollill ,. r,....ldpul Wit·

n.wI. \ .... «tIm ... I .. IDQ .11 .. ,,_:1 IIU.D', 'P'fooe...b atld {u.,.Ued c .... pro.

\II" '." C,.-m.,I ...... 1.1 .rtl. lb. U Cr.""'~rI .... "d ".,-,-. 10. ..,."""_ ." •. tt i> .. cllili •• 'OCk ... ",. _. •. J\J

... ,,,10.

... .. ... ''''

"Illliu. Celu .. n •• I'DCr. l>cIa.I.'''''' n 1-' ...... C .. lu. ..... ,.a"'.01

\ f •• ' .IlI .... Bu.,. . .sa",. a ... , . l,tOU110U JJ."lI., l'hll". "WI ........ 1.IIW" • ql) He.II_. 1,1." •. Ill •••••••••••• au .11 flul". 1..',,1(1 .. ewl ........... I .'I/ill t.n ellb ........... "1... ........... I bUll 1.110 CafrIJI., e .... ' ...... " ....... I s~'U' I." ..... 1£1111" .... ' . 1\.1 ..•..•....••. U1>lu .1. e",r),. l'III,·IlI. 1..'(110 .. dill hlU I .II~ C.I." ••. •..•. , .. .., n ullhml. UiUI •• tllIl ••••••• .1IIt1" PDtl'q. ,. ell". • •.••• I all" , .• ~ Tun .. ' ..... II. II . Il. ...... .IUV 111'0 Tv.rlll" .. 1..'9111 .• ,"I. 1.6~O I.U

Urp ""_ J1'UIIl 1I111(b.r. lb .. .•• •••• " '-IIM f.n.". III .•. •••• U YUill 1/\1/1 .nli ItJoa. Ill . U ;11nl CUll_ .n,l .Iu,", III. II

IIIIt hhl~ .. It Iu S~ lb. I .... U ....... tI'''", I.' 10 II' prl •• .. t ., ...


to,... ..II." t ."''' IU._ 0,..,. U I ...... III .... .•. II UIIII.r t o tbl., II~ t. Dull Il ..... ,.. . .•• O,u. III .... _nd .kl ••

,·.rl CII'.oJ. III I .... !J, .. II SCI I ... tha" fIU .. 4,

., ... .n un .. ..

('.If ... 11 h.1~ lOt" ••• 11 ..... call.lilll. 10. ................. 101iI:' Kill III. .... .............. ... .... IU.1t

):,hl\. Dt.e(ln , .................... I.gtlVI.U t.:lunk. ......... .... ...... lUtl U 1J •• "oJe" ... ... " .. .. ,...... 11 lI "r.~. Nt). I. • . " .... ,.. .I.oOIII •. no lIorn. ~t) 1 . .•.....•••• . 1 UII","~ uo (I'll. onoJ \l'Jllr ............. '~~'IJ~.b~ Coli. ....... • ........ ~OU·U

)o:aeh. u.mb In\! .h'ol1 ......... Jt.II~\I:ij. bllfl"! ,.",1." ..... ...... ./loy:a lill ... i In",. ." ....... IOU .• ,

u., I'll. ' I·ct, • • 1\'11<>1 0.111 .at n gl,o,t ........ 1 1,~II. .. .. .U~,. 81f1~"" ,," .~. 11"", •. ~n I .il S" J ",."1.,, ." •.• rll'I,." ... . II

H\ltlo, .... / •• , .. _".1 I'~~" "I 11.1 ....

,.,Iul t., , .... , .. RIIr ""·~r .• 1 "0. l."vr> I\~r •• ~ ; 1; ,/. lA-.atl. 1T' ~'101 r. Z'1 "1I.U.r 1T .• u" '.11.) T"n ... ,,,n ~·'n~.nlr'I... r-' .all.

,UOII lh'ddor. C,,\< •• _TUn ... I....·

lnol .... '0 IIIr t: "I. I. ~~ .. ::." p'" IInll. .·tu,l~ ",1 ••• n ; , ('_t,l. I. l_ 1~."O.:~ p", ,.,,' I ll'" ,I. U. III "",r cenl. U.IUIoJ u.n !'IH .... It

II .. U",. v. •••• 1·.t.'M" .,," "".1'07. Ct.te ... o.-UIIU .. r •• ,..""". II.

na"c ,,_._ ~·lr"l. U4/Uo' R' 11, .. ,k. lUU

Ind",led. ,~.,'I .. ; r,tc't"'.'.I'" '['.1 .. IS\! "r

1·,.ullrr-f'" ... II. 1$f; 1I1).·ln", "". 1;"IIlI"~. WI~"'·lI.l11 o\tl.loh"'1+ ... 1\01

~II""U"I!I. ""111. I~ .I~ ,r.N. ,I ...... ,'k., U!O~ t.':,.

'· II~ .... a •• h. _.,1 /· ....... 1" .. 1.,lr .... Chh.a¥u.-I..·urn· No. ~ ,,11 ........ '1 .,0 0

"" u~,~;o.... r ",hll~. U'. u"e .IIU"I~t,l. ,. \I.~",'

lit.. """ I. II'"nlnl\l. " .... )'- II I" ', 1'" TI",,,tll, •. " .... ~\.. t:1~'.1" . I :', ~n.r Jd 0 ..

IArd-'~1 n . 1. •• ~I

t .. h· .... ' .h .. 'I ...... k Q."t.u .... • 'Ir..... 1\ ..• I, I.. ,II" \( J'

U., .. , It ",... .,,1 •• ,1 ,, .. .~. It, I I"', r · ... 11 ) ", .... "I" . • \. ·.t

,'.1'10 ... '1' ..... ' ....... ". 11 ~ .. ., ...... r •• n4· ............ rlft I"" ....... ." .. 1 .. ·It .... I' I" II. ..I ..... " ... II ". J;b¥\' \\~th., I ' ~ "" '" " ,

'.r.t. I. 't1o' .... I>"U.

" .. Wlnn.aoou •. 1oI1N1 I.II1,Ior-IIU.

1·$' ft,·, 11,.. I. IIn"- U: '" Cnr'l_No • ,..lIn.. !'"'' II n.u ~" , .1111 ••• ~W l't~ f'1 .... -&. '''rJ.II.

poaaIJ! ftOTn 01. atll..,. , S leli S th C(lIlnt Cleruln. Ih@ A\I.tTO-HoD· .. 0 era 00 e

prllln forel,a minUter. 10 an Iddt81 1-1:',-,;j-'lSk' T hI bpr"re Ih.'\.It) ",,,\l1'd III In rou tl Ibl' IP .~be! of tbe Brill.b. anll AJJI~'" • th C ti" k\la t'll'<!UII"CIII. IItI a110 vr.ll'",1 _ 11.. WI U cura eire to C!Ol1lll1ue lbi!' I!I"~bl.U,1' 01 s.a, 2Sc. 0.... 2Sc' SOc "(loee "Ie. ..... with [bi!' .lIIelL ,:::::;~==:;:==~::=.==:!..

In pllnlcuJIIt. h~ tbOu,ht tueh 1'.. c: rhtn,( .. bI'!W~PII AUllrhlHuOPI')'.l\d Tllo .. glIt e.k" F.lnted. the UIlII~1.I SllUert were dnlrllblt!. ,'ll'Itlnlll 1 .. ",11 III 1,,,,1'1 III r tu"Ib,·r. 'rll~rl! ., .. 1, no ireAt Inrompallbllll)' lin.' lIn)' I"" m"lh"r WII~ IIIlitlnl: I bpl ...... rn 11"1" Inl.r",lInr tbe .. IWo h[\ ~1"""Inl .. /flirt 'tl 1"1""" I,rlll' !'Uk_ rnf tlu"o. In 11111 oolnloll. and .n urtlllll," . UII' ,!Jur,",1 hllr WIJII '11"&1\11. >\ •• atl uf "1,,,'1;. ~Lw,*O !JI.,III wi,,,, OPI'.D 1b._llnll.r,,"1 1 h" nlu. ''' .. 1''''luUhill1 wa, tnr Ib.e utber lI.tloa. to Jola III ftl"l >lp,"'Rr",1 11, 1'1' Ih"rllu.:hl, ~hlQ·. cOoC"lllAlor,.. dlllCulllllott.... bot 1\ hl'ft I"\'UIII~f'<J 1r,,1I1 II ... 1IIr1." II

Cblrt hlt.,rt':.l ~".Ilt"r. In tb" Ill ' frU alit lUll h~+I II .Ir .... ; Ihmllib naUDC1'menl or Gum"',·1 u'rma, III ... "'tlll· t \.IItb· , rMIU' -I l!I\ .... ·1I ""bleb all' d~rll1l'd for tb. mODt part Ift .. l, 1111:1:"" III hi, I .. lit.' 11111. \'f<­In. Ul'aaU¥e _.,. !tn ........ r. Tit. {Jer. 111011'. ¥\. "" .. Iflrp". lj.I,'lWd tII.o (hl"~""I.or .wf'd .peclncenytb.t 1>1 bl'r ltI"tl ... , htm,...,lIna "~"" Ib+! ar-.t Ot-rIlI.n, ~ wIth th "11It tour _It "Ir .. U.I bDd '111 .... TIHI ~ pelln" la P,..~ldt'At \\1W10', ..... rld t>.~It,tr II'",fd 1t..aJhI' '1M /1rJt, PH(e pf'O«Bm ,,'bl<'b t'Ou'r lb. IlItHl. b"1 tj •• IldI'II Urml·l ..... 1,11' ... 'D • 1lOU 'Iftt't!t dl Jamac tl'f!f'dOIU nf It'r1I>>I.11I In", II, \ Irttn&a. Ito."'''''',

.0 P T. " (i .. ,hl ptJt rallJ ',...m I .... lQI,tDtb.&". lb ...... f'quaUty of tn.d~ ~adl tl'llc .... 1 111>.11 .1I11'J1. lu" .trIIl ro$" t>¥ .. , &lid I'~d"ctlon "t 0.11011.1 armAIU,.QI. ,11_ ":,'1.1 ... 1 hi 11"" .. 1 "'''1''''''.1.

nil ehan~lIof thoulht Mme (l11'f(· .. / '11. IIIu"l~ ,,,,,110M" I .I. UUTe c.kC!'l eU\II ... "'oult! h .. nlt'l r..-rillnC" tbo '!lld 1\1'11,1 "111 "'11l['~1. "fib polul whk!J 0""'-11'12 wllh enlt'11lat IdJIUUlWb\. ud lUUI.d th" prlJlel­pi" Il\at 1 h, 1.II1~NtI, ot Ib .. POpul.· tlOn con("'ml'+1 MII.I h .. ~ ""ual ...I,ltl wtt; ' hp cialm. ot Ihl! (to"f'm' nil'nl ,,·ho.e til It' .... 10 11f' 1i,·lp,.. 11'11" .. d

". 10 ttl" 1\\l1'8tlon of a I,.""U" .of IIl!lIrll, Ih. "hltnCl!.l1or "nlll GI't'IIIt1.n, wflUld bn ready 10 11t~ .. UU 11"1"1 "II fir III Ihll olber tjUCI:IUOOI bAli b,"" 0 .. 1-II('d

.~u~trla wAIl PrlDlUI1,. conr'l'l1l'd ...1111 1'1111110 '. 10 Aod 11 lit p,..ld,·ol \\·II..ou·R ~lIel'l'h. ellanr-·llor YOII Il~'rl

UnC" llUloh-d "ul O"tmlUl),'. Inl,·",,1.1 "'nuIJ {I<' dl!!tpndt'd 1'1l",,:"lll'1111), wbl'ra Ib .. y III'UI" lo\olnd Til .... JII".lnu 'l1urb UP+)O Ihel'ul 01 tbr 1'.lIan traall .... IlII.u. d.ulr ftIeo o;ojrnlutol., 1m ... 01 na.t;Cllllhl,... (1ft opo p"nunlt7 for Ib~ aUIOlIOmoWl' " ....... 01.lIIpnl of Ilu! ~pl .. 01 Aflltrla·nUo· •• "....nd ",j.h Ihf' n .. lllan iilU(' Iktn ID' elI/dinK d"m.nd. ror I"" ...... \I)l\nll 01 \lum .. nl •. gerbt.a .ud linnlfnr,ro. '" tth fr,·'· "rNII. IU Ih~ .... lor R .. rb\a

Thr rbuet,Uor ...... notabl, .j>('f'lfle In hl~ It' atmpnl nf lh" AI~:,.(',..Lor

rlln,. qu.·"lloD. d(>rlar1a. Ihl. Ivrnll'I1' ."."" url"III.II~ Grtman. lblll It h .. tI I""'n It..ktn br lorce frOIll O .. rmfln po ... "r.~I()II. and the- cea.lon ut 11111 .... a~ Iw·ro>ly a r ... ~ tor .. tl.on.

Wblll' l'ounl ~oo 1Il'rlllnr; tnnlld Pn'm"'" I,!u)tl Oflll~l' 1I10r(' l'OI\~III,,·

IUry lu hIli r, (,'nt .p,... 1'I1 U,nn lort"~r' Iy, tho'''nl: u'ute af In lodtnllliun In Gl'lI .. "n)". ··llOllllc_1. l'l'(,IIIOlI\h~ 1111,1 ('111111"' IlOfIUloo" ... hlli· bC! ••• tound "('I,.fll'llI" bC't wltb b, loa ,UIII1" "r all t)unlbl .. Uln,..~."

L'OIiUI '·II'Mlln. \u,lrta', .'>I1k .... Inon I" bl. Iddr ...... U' ~lt at ",,"IIMI "lll'h "lIh lb. !tuoc_t .. n qnr'tlOn III dl'!1lf' d lhal \1l.lrI:t.·flonp,.., 411" not d. I' ... ,,",h·r 01 1,,"1101", oor a ., Ilw, ul Ltl.l. mnlly frum RIIP'" 0.,.1 thnl/ ::hl Ibol .. "'t'r .. 1)101 dIU.r." (,ntt".h In Iht 1tUfl.lla • .04 1l,·ru •• 11 \h ""I.'"'' "t .. rlt·drt"ntllll .. 11.011 III J" .... Itt I' .lIt IIU11o,l"nm"1I1 "f ,b,. II , ,,lIa· II(lU.ll .... lit pro.:r~. It Or''1I11 1I0uII. TIlt" l'oll.b IllIf.lfllun 1w ,I .. d.r .. d. IItO"t UOI d,·II) 1M urln(!:lol .buul ('1 p",H I .,. •• lu,l" dIIJ.

Wlleon ... •• "". POUlIO Crop. \\1 .... ,.""1" fll",I.I,-.I .1, .11~1U

hlW ... I. I'll ,'" ","'" ""'111 .. mi' .. r tI ... 1'!I1I.~1 ,_to ... _111111 .morOnI.,] tfJ

HfJ.l.~'.'UI '.UWII III .1" Tld l' !Watt t 'I1.t loll!' r.ftt

-'-::---T_ V'.w-.

"~I"I[.· filI,.",..1 '11 .. '"f!IJmb "'1. 1t14 "nh,.al lil.r 1.<1"'-- ..

• \n.1. 1T'J_1..,J.1Ie poonIl>Jlc,. .,.. h". \lula "l"1l1I&. I,. 1'''lh at>fta( I' Ihlolt," •

T., 11 .... 11 rl",.11 "nIl h ... III'~ 'Ik" nr. "' .. ,.....oj l'I.· .... at 1',11",.. 1·h .. ,.. n'I"U' !.db' Unr. I.'''''i II Itn,l .Io .. .,d, ....... Ur.

W.II. Wh, NOlf "1'11. 1'111)- 11+, " .. pl'Dr for 1111117

ttr"f'lul'l" "\111.1-

PavlDtle E""lro"mIM. JIII".I, '''''''~I III, "/'lfl, "):Hr) .1 [1 I~ loilll. to ",1-. \lflllt·

" fo",1 lIolhll. h .. loj.lnl ... 1 ~'II.

.. " lu,. End III "mln- .\ f",.... I .. nr I. ..

r1,.I, 1 r .... 1 to nr" .. f • "<11 fl'l· ..

Santa Cruz Patagonian "0"."0 KU!'ICI - t::dlto, and Owner,


Onl Yl!lr (In Advance)

Rhr Munth • •••. Thl'C'lI Month .....

..... a:too 1.61' 1.00

~lItlred III t il, po.WffiCI I' I'a'i auula . 1'11011.,.1 "II:~l1d ai .... mill ltl l ll.t, -Ar/! yOu ObaHl'lnll IIU' II 111'1111,' •• lunl u~l·p ll .... II.,. .. "JII' .11,,.. III III., II("PI w;u I.u'~ mll~h.I'C,hlol'" lnll 1'\'<'11111111-l~ I I"I.

• W,II. II!, '0'" WII't, unl ... I. :\0'" WI', 110)11\ tb. ,1m' alOMr. alil/'1t1 \.4

Ji l!l~ rtI.h Ibt' l/Wn'1 "" .. (/lr .~ lou~ Ilbl. 10wI,,1 thO! 1I1,1.1I1I,lIa" uf tbf hl.:b

""" o Th. r ... ,nI .llIrlnl ",rt' w,ll'oN" In

th" .. ,110" Yo",. n," I"tol_, •• I,u f;tll .lurk I. Ih' nUl<l .",e.1 'II l"IIJ"Y Ib, "'ptrl'ln, .. n, IIIlId ,,,.au IUllIlulI' 10 aU'1 Crill r~IIIIII,.

II ••

App!y the. GoIOca Rule AbuM lot' Ulllrl'lu ot IIJ> 111'10/)111'111

will nOI lCelt I .. "1""111 lor Olll~' I'HI

far t MJ jur. 1'11. 11"'111111' ot Arltollll .,. tl,..,1 ot th" ""lIr~ o( Ilitl blltk· I".ut •• n.' " HU Ihl' 1011111"" MIQ r,t'I'. 1.1",., ~ '.) II'",ly"ly hy II '1lI' 1"'11 ,'l'll", "lra ",m nll t h~ IlIh'"H.w1, I L I~ JI.~I IU tou,)' 10. ron,lu"l II rl'lIn ramlllllllil. 'r he "11111 willi ~'II,IR tor hili '011111,), I II Ihl. d.y 01 . 1,,, .... h' willi 1I,11i,,1" to lb. 1IIllll'lplCl ot II., INlII{ I lIhlUjih 'o!b\dl h. hO j'" 10 rflll'h 111<1 11011. h .. jt4'Ul1 10 I.U, ~IIOU I .""Ie frOIll ill. 0"''' "'!!lit th,,,, .. ot 1)11' "',,"kut'tot lit 11.1, OW.)"flll.

w. w~,.1 1111.11 10 '''lallil Ibl' ., I, • p,1 Ii ..... 10 tH ,low ...... 1111004' "hl "II liflr. l.w.. r,o .. wh.lfv~", ...,Ult'. It 1'1110 •• IH.

0u.7 1!H1,1e. botl! 1l'.~'.I ...... re­pllbilrolllol ". 10r,I A~'k.II" IIl1titli'.l ' n 11',"11' 11l1li,111, .. ,I tii •• ,II, (On ..Jd .. rIlUOII. It..-l .. ,IWJ ,,1.1\ .1 .... for toJIIlllflllllibl. IIrI."IIIII--. h .. I •• 1.11 nl f., .trl~. 1In,IIIO IIf.!tl· .,.111.1 till! oth. n f tno .... will blncll hi. """" iiiI'll. Tho ",.11 .... ho ,10f' .. 1116,\ tu, otllH' I, tI,., , ... 1 fI'IIolrlUI. DIJ r blhl. ,I,-.ruler ,In" Illy taumli' • I D.~ .tll lul~ tll r ottl(e hOi I," ... ~ '.10,111' 1'"IlI " .. , n' n )lortloll PI Ib Ilr(!1MI Mn. t or '011111 .h"'I'~'lIhlo,t III ,th " ~ II11i ...

0110 lit !J • ., oI~rll •• 1 i,uull"lI lhH" lu III ... .111 111 I, l b. TIIO ... II Illl,fl lI , whll' h 11<','. IU, "I~I III "".1' ,nllll "'Ih,,,. hI' I, II ' " l"lbll~ .. et ' he IIMU,II'1I1 \lUll'IY. It~ "1111 ,UIII II rt' ,II'ff,,",l III 1''''~rY I''llik dun, Iwllor,bl~ ",I ro, lit., 11\11110" w.,1 f.". Tbf .... r. o\her rha'.~II" IU~II~

cI'" .ho IIUlnll' l ,., Iny 111,rWln.11 h.r lh. a." ... ., llla.n .r f,(Ifhlf"III, .... Onl' .,1\._1 omo '.NlII,. 10 "'"II tro. !wIllI!

"""t' lwt ' I"'t n. ""' 011" .el.hl>OrI i.hlT

"h •• UII, tOIlI, 0111 fu, ufl,t ... JU"I

1 ... 1 lOll, O'[fll r,",llth"., IIlIl .10 1101 " ... It hi, '1",1, ••• 1 • I.W I'r. nf Ik-I I'" ,..,ililu .... 111 ... ~. bHlI III,litllt ... l.

hi, Ih ... ,1111,. 0' eury 1111111 " .. ,I e~r'.1" "0"'." 10 ~", ,. \,,11.'1.'1 In )'\Ihll" ",. t.l,. Ihllt IlI'r l lllll 10 Ih" \lI('hOUI, III, hnlll, "'101 10 m .. ,./Crtnrnl ot Oll r rlly. fUIII·,t1 •• 1.111 An,l ,111110",1 II'O~e'lJllh'lIl. l'o llttu I. \I .t1r11 11001 oil ly 'II'lieli Ihl' Ilto(,11I mlk" It III', ~;I"\'nll' 11011111'1 1,,1' I'.r l ld l .... llujl kl'l' l ' I l!r(lr ul~, I , rt'll.1 Ilu' LIII'II" 1141'O'" II" , ,, ~ , 10 l'''bll~ "Ilf'ltlluu I'ILI ,Il';tltl' hi r""or O'.lhllllt' "h" 1\,,,11 1"" ' I:".'IIIlOlll IIY IIonOrlhl" ",Ilt lllhi. Uil. no "., lu Ih .. wlll~I'''' IIlor~ 11"1' I .. Ihll hllrJl,l".r,l. I r"'4\ ,10 11(11 Ith' " I'IIr hi • bulI(! of 1IIIIIvlttu.ll, 111\''1'11 Ihoulo[h III~y

I" loollilul OI'IOOllf'nl., "" , ttl" Ihu. ~u",,'h Ihe' 1f1,lue'",. or ,h'rJI.h·r

o , ' .w hldl,,. Cou,l" In Movie .. At • nwI\'lnlt p!MUN! TW"rt'(lI'lTlnnt(>.

")'I lb. l\oIlnD ~t. 1".rI' ..... Ibn'" n "'Thfl 1lIt11" of Arr .... and Ihe rel""'t ot Iho OtnVnnL On. vie1\' IIhl'll'rf'll ... m. EriKII.h "1111"1"1 hUltthlOIl IhroUII" • • Ifftt In F'maCf'. In Ih,' ftlm UUJ .01l1lfl" IION)!.'t1 10 tl'vnt (It

Ifle tIonifonl • fll", ... 't'"nll .. wh"n lOull· Ilf'nly '0 Aruml'Sln IOldlt'l' jllml"'" 10 hi. ' N'I lI"d 1 .. II"d nt Ihf\ Itlil of Ills \'ol~. "OI\'CI ' ('111 Ihllnl\l'I". Johnnl". old 10JlI 011'0 "'!II Ihll",h'r~" " 11" nllll! · tollnt CL llllo' t n·t'nl 'Illd 11I1t1l 1l 1'I'lnu~t' ; 1.1 111 tho 11)11111"1'. I"t'nllr;lnlJ' "hilt lit' ' '11111 dOl"'. b' u~ht'tl II n.1 ,turh'd rur nil 1'\11, \I' ll\' n .. YUlIII" II'Onlllll \I>!llt'r !<llli 111m ntl, 10 1II111 't. h ilt .hl)· nll tl'"'I' It,,· ~I"'''·. no lolt" '" 'Ilnllll'l l llllli III" I"~ "In ', ,, plcturo ifni J OIIiUlIIl ( 'lnr'l. h: ... ,01 n.

I h' WI. hed Cood C,rvl", T f'l t' l !h"lItl Itld. hMIl 111/1:1)' IJn~ • •

UnQ' PUt 10 IhNn dnlly, .1 ...... 'rlllllj: II, II 1t1UD, ... ·I'lnno 'II!M 1'1 I'ml,I")NI fit lilt! c.n~1 Unlt!fl u .. hnnltf' In Ihll dt1. MI", th~ LDdlllnnpnll, Nfl'''·'' ,

11 11 1 Ihll f\1r1nl~1 rl'fJIlf't1 mll!le b, In, 9f nur .lIbJ(·nt ... ·n In .11 my t"!t. IlfOrllIn~" ,hl' ('(.nl~nuM1. "l'1Ime trow ah "hi "'nmao Ju.t Ihtl ntllf"r tift,.

"' I ~ thlt Ih. Btll Tf'I~"bOCl. Il)o

Pln.rr hI!! .. ~.~L .. ·T ..... 1l:LI·.m,' I rf'TlUI'It. .. '\\ t'li. I "'nnl 10 ~'\f"lIk 10 lIr. ""'11

fit eLlI",". TIINI", _'lL"lhln, Ib(. mlll~

'f'r "lIh my t"'I'I,h""ll', lin' I '1'11111 hiiO In NIUe don Q ht,:l'o 110' C.c It,'"

Germ,n), Con,lde,.. T ral",lnll 10 M.tcl'l 8 0ya' Mlllu.), 6e .... ltI,

Mlo. fo' Ittlu.11I1 ~lIlCnl'Uon or '1'1'",1111'0 "fI .. r II". 111'1' IIf" ""'RUt mlldo In Oemul1I1. aad Ihl'~ 1:1 •",' rN!lIl1" Ihul 1::11'1' . 1 wt'll ., lilt)" \\ III lit! ('Uml~II~1 10 undt-rto D ~tlhlr lW!rind of lmlnlol; l'I,rrl"II<)lIdlu:,: 10 Iho Gcnnuu ,routh'. knlte ID Ihe ortuy, '1'1\1' 8I'M'If'i' Irn'IIL'HI~'t.I tur Ilrl II oot rullliary bUI c\yll. h III lifO­J)o08etI Ihlll 11 11 WILUL,m ,houlll, IIr,·(('''' a bly at th l' UIl:I' (J r IICWUlllt'-a . IJ(O 1 1I\(~11 f rOIn thl'lr hl'l1Il'1!L IInO eOllll,"ll!Or ll, "Irtl lued" I'll he r In II ptolh' .~ lu ll. n lra tl e (J r III hl'ul!(!h uld dull ('~.

Ttl{! ehnrut'h'fl~lIe O~nllnn (\11'1~lon

bet+.·~Q rich lind poor I. nluhllnlni'tJ In Ule proNe!, 01,110 or Ihl' 111'II"f dsll!leS are t o be 1r!llned In ~1l\:("IA I IUIUtuIlOIllll: poor girls will 11(1 to file­torlM Or be IIIII('\.'tJ In I)n"lIll' h.,u_~ ooIds" \\'b.~~ IMlr f'mplnyf'1"I will ""t! Ih(Om " tnn\.' of pt't'k~1 mImi',. and make II COUlrlbut!M to the lilliII'.

The Idllll mf'tU Wllh ,,·lth· r'lII"n~II' ttlltlon In tbe Ol'rilUIO De~llo''''' but out! E.n;;lIsh mile:! 001('11 tblll "II~'" I, 1Om~ dJrr .. n ·ort' betWt:I"D ,11.1" !.'Oft· ~ptlon. '" W(:h pull Il mon 11110 • «gtmeut mil h1 and tor till' 11111 •• Ind " f~lnAIt' I.'OnKritiliOll, wblrh ltlllkt'l 1\ Girl .... ork without 'LU~@ 'or the profil of prl .... 'e IUlllvldual.. Till.' hi tter ~DOot wltb .~rot' lit HIlled II II)' tbloi but "IM'try,"





- I ...

" ~

(" II',

... "1

.:""" .. 1 t ...... 'I:


,""" ~""I , .. , ." w T



Q'''II'''''II (~.I"r,.~ I, .. I""U. ,I t,,,,01 (.jiM III IIn'I I" ,n \1' U."u Ilu." II' I"

11111. n '" l'l1~ "I A 1'1"01' lun·lo· 10 til' \ \l1i ... ,,1 I u::,," "I 1\ ,,,,,.,,' .. l'tnl.·,'.

IIud 1.~;:.I,,,"" .. "",,," ,,',. ""11"1\".1 '" II, .\illllrlni w.,,1. \\'111. hi" .. ,· I" ",I .. ,h


:WTII t; TO )ll~~ OYoSEIt.S-To hi· I, pr,,1 I ","Ol'Mltt from It.a!rlUlF t.oor

In,'~hl""nl'M ('o',ntf'a('t..t br ,our t.... 1P1". ,...U ,hnDld publlllb ,DIU "SOCk. oJ !oono·ual)lIIl),,· u" .. Uy call.' "MIIl' Wlmtn,~ out!o:. In Sant. L~" Pata­IQllllln, Tb ,..1" arlin". 101111.1,..

H il i)".\, &: PurduJU AT'fOKNH\'S-AT-LAW

• tl, ",', ''''1''' I" 'lOfr.I' "" II" '!I'df U' L~ ___________ S I.A GS ARIZONA


trill', II f'III,nll'lIla 1"1111"1 olI"t'" .11"11"'. MA' r'IIiDI ., 'ff'. "r. 11,·-,. I' U. I .a I .!. I ' .. I'

BO W"I"" lerctlllUle l'HUlIUlity

0..'" Ifl 11.\ \' ,,1) GRAIl

NOGA~I.~r~:-________ ~A~R~l=ZO~N~A

'OOALES? w .... n lIun~. J"'IU jIltt I'Il1whll1 It....,t tor Uw bell food ""ad Uw:ft.

New England Kitchen

T, B. FI ns, M, D. I'lAo •• I;"··O'I. _. It I" \1 \ ",' • , .11

" ",' <I' 'n r,ro-' 1", "101, I.""" I" Ph,-..ician an.d Suraeon '111"" tI' I' ,In", nu,,1 "II" ("I'I,a,I,,"u -1.\'~III,.II",r, :!II( IPATACONIA. ARIZONA

POR ~ALE A guud W\lrk .n,l brOCld ""HII 11m! • <:iHfH.:h .htlll"dlte Ill"'"

hili IItll~ u~tl. f(lr rtf iI'e' wd,o Ft.n" T. I,eny. t.l!:;". An:r. - t' \I, 101, r"

I III '='" 1"."1'1.0 ., , WI., tit'"'''' I'" I" ".,,' • ~It"l. I ,II fll' I),e 1,,1

.. , .. III Ih ,. 1111

A·ll' .... 111.1, ft ... tu, 1'"

$100 Rewa,d. $100

This Is t he Only:-Place

Periodicals ... Magazines

Candlee, lunchea,

T.", •• Hot end Cold Drinks

, .. Clerk of •• Id Superior enll!t, Uy LONA C. MIX.

l)el'Uly Clerk,

Man Who Denouneed ... m. rlo. and j ,l;;~~~~::~::~J~'~'~"J"~.~'~9~'~'~~~~ Kllilld MI .. h. ' , Hlm .. U Klllld, I Ii Fllb, Ill, 191~ A ilion "'hn lold Ih l! polIC1l of Mill·

(\I't!. Mu .. he WnII t .. U, WI •• mnnll of Jl nvnM. III.. WOI t'tIplllr el\ 10 II ,,,'\lint! nl'll r 1I1t"T1' II, A pone ot IIt!V"MII h",1-liN'll m"n Artl'r Iii' hnd .hn! IUIII kllll'd nit MII","nl n. S. Sr. Vlnl r wll~ Ihl mIll Nl,,"1 tried 10 .rr ..... 1 111m fo,

\OTJt'L 1'011 I" 01.11 \TW i. (020191)

fllll'lir l mtnt or the Interior, 11. S. 1.lnd Q Ilt'e lit Phoenix. ArlilOnl, U\ll'ombrl' 2!1. 1\117.

Tho. r' ~Il .. u ,,( 111111 I' ,poor .... 111 be "10,, ... (1 UI I"orr. W.t' '''''II I, III! 1,llIl ('". ,lr .. adMl oIl~.IUI~ Ilun ''''''"or. h .. 1'''''11 _bl .. Ij\ fur" III .11 ,n .IM'~'. an,1 '1",1 ... '·1l141rh. " .. ""nh I,o/Illllf ."..,Ir IlJllu~"rra by l'(Io~lhuI.'lnul ,"nihlklnR '1;I1II1r,,, 1.)"aUtUlllllldl 1,.101111,10(. lIull'. C'''Nh C'urr II IQIo~n ",Itl'unll, lUl'l IIr'a lI"u H •• I'II,n.1 "" lit .. MtI, ... u. tt',,1~~ ... Ilt II ... ".I~m 'h",h" n __ ., ... ,LIII' In, toundlu"n lit 1111 ,11_._, 1'~lnc I II. "",1I"tll ~Ir~"tr'lil '"1 I)"IMI .. , UU If,. I"(In~IU'OII"n 1",1 , .. I.,ln .. na· ,It,. In dOli". II, """rIL Ttl_ rr .. "rt ... I",.. t\IVII " /11" " "'1'11 I" l"~ IU .I,.e "" .... ,. or Hlln', ('tla"" l·wn- 11,.11 I"'" otl'er Otl\\' Ullnd,..,' Ou.:,,,,,. f ••• 111 r_ Ihl \I lalt. \0 ,.. kn.1 f~ Itlll I' ,,,",_,w.

1><" ,,'1('1111 l'lIr!ors MlI'lnl),1'I • JJaml, I'rol»-

II\.Il: tll,ln

1111 IK"ntlml'nlL A ;:~~:::,'~i I th" JlO!ISe 111111 ('llJlluN'd llhol rlDlI prohllhl,, hIm In hl~ t"f'1I 10 tbl' Jill jlUtl hll ftljltull'l'.

11..,,,11('111 nt Ih .. ~ Ill' 1V1~"w'" j 'IffI1' Ul'Ilrd to l'I''Imr'' " fl'''' dntll

"To -- 'l'l'llh Ihr noid em.. r>wI'mml'nt lind \\'1I1I'lIi t"

lin"" "'hnwln~ Ih .. fIIml. or thlll 'If thi! t'Ounlfl'.!WI(1I Ihr ollm~

"","0"", Dn d II l1"t of ':'~~,:::~,~:' i Ilrodu(:\Il were f(;und lJ _ ... BASU-T~O~\--SI-NG-PS-ALMS

Notl~'I' i. hllrllby W1v .. n Ihat tllIl'ry 11'1 Ilkkw,tlt . II( S\lnllltlL. ArIUHIIt. whIJ, 'III

Th •• Ilt~t l,r Ibe 1"lIillb I. Dt!·,'uII, .. rUrd, Itl12. InIll'\eI 110111 .. ,,"d E"tr~. No. 1)'''))1'1, for~W~I:;ml"Sf':'1

nl'I'tJ)III'hhl~. hUtlll ", •. 11,11 SWI~. !:I.,t'. 1:;:. and NW'; NW '4' Nt:'. I ~d,,1 1111.' ~,'I, 'Iur rurllt I" NW',. S .. t. 101. ·r' lwn~hII12l1~ .• H.ol/' IC~(·' I l"'" {;r! ,,"t your 10 K. G • .t~. R. II • MI·'I<H .... h_ I" ,·kdbook. flll..t noUee of inlrMlon 1.0 m.kt three>­

y".r ,,'roof. to eet.bllllh I'lllim LO th. • • • 1IIn.j .bo~. dl'foCribt'<.! ""'f",.. W. to",

n.", rOlllfl",,1 "t'IHIC'llllLleI Cbrilltmlil1n. U. 5. Comml""onrr •• l tl",.I" :'. 500011&. Am.ollt, on the -4lh day of

"ebrulry. I9l1l",,1 olm .. " •• ",Uo'.",' rodwanl

_\11 bol"' I!ummd, tolldlll'" G. J(lM) .... , Riebanl IIr •• 1llI1tI .. I.ric"", F ... ~~I(, I . Wht .... U IIf ~nolu..

I~" t. ,,,I.'" "." """,(H'in~ II". r~"'" II'~ II 1'''''l·,(,,1 'l'~o)U

.I,u"''''' .,,'''~ Ii,,,1 ", ,IIll" ••• r·

Arilllr,". J .1.. 1U\'1=". n.,llt~.

In pub. J.n."-toth I'uu. r 1\, I. '1M

'tiTIH YUII l'IU l.U' '1I11Y. ttr.W>lJ\.I! t"... "'1:""" 'I!' 'llloid, l"ltif.'· DtJ,acllllent of lhll Inler/"r.! . S. I..ntl

Ilir lIIou,1 11 .. ,1 ~"'1"'·I!I~ ... lil ~ rl! OlJkuat (>I,oenl)l, "1'11"11111, 1>'l:clnt.l l' Z), 1('17,

... 41t ..... y J r,;1O!"t1"'T • ("fI T~"""

JaI .... iI", til t ....... "'''' 1"

Commercial Hotel


Mrs. M, A. Pryer

" ' r lcan. Surpr l.e Congregation of Noled Church In Pltl ..

A.n IIdtl lIPN"tn(' le Willi "~Q nt Ihe (l rn lolre In Pnrill recentl1. Twc.h D nullu lo Itlhot'(!1'S 81m b"fore lilt' II I· IlI r and I!nng '~"I'rnl P~1I 1 11111 In Ihrll" own InnguolCt. TIIl'y IIrn IIlIrt of 11111 ("tlll l l o~1l1 hmu!:" t In .'rrllll:(' III.t J'D­ullr, til" Iht' BrlllJlII IIUlho,ltl1'tl to

tlf k behlod Iht' 'ront nnll were Jl1t1-

11101 _, "\0',,, I" r 1\'1 Ih.' .... IR ""I II .,ttj{I,' 1",,,lnll Il( Ilu· 1"1,1.1 lion! II ""I h"",,'.III-,1 10.1' Ih,t 1t .. "l t~ rill "",1011 I" TlIlIlu". (,ilL II

Nlltl~" I. hl'rtuy II "fn th'l J(jhu II ('"IH·T. "r gUill/It., Arl~o"a, lI'hu. lin

Beat Service at All Time. l~cbr\lnry:1, 101f!. lu,ltt IInll'll'Helid En' l .

'l"u\\,IIIIIIII ' :!<ll'I.. Itnllll ll I g" n. &. S'I "~, . ,.,.n. "t.~;';"···"_·C004 I.y, No, 02-1fl1KJ. fill' sw \1' :ie~lllln 211, :\~V~ID~£M~A~N!N: ... r.~6~nADA::TT~ ... ::M~' :L~K:[~o.:'::::::::::::iiiiiiii~

!ng Il "IAIt III' ParlA. In chArI" or l ,l"u· I"nllot 1l1lb1110. Ion or. 8\\'1~' l 'rol"'I­IUIt PIIlto,-, and tI oaturIllI:red Atr1· nodeI'.

('u!o' SIIr1!11ol, Who _I Il m"""". j afy In OUololnod ror 2n 1t-'1If"A, enrnf'tl Ihf"m It Ih .. (lrnlolre, lind of Ibem ~I1M 10 flIl!!oto.

.. ... gfnoO'toto." Noted J 'pl'llll' lat Call' HI, loyeollon.

Wil l' p rlt'l'l'l ttlr 100d!llulT'lI nt) lem'ro- tM cHI:r"nll of lilt' Sll.IM It Ih")" ntll'N IIII' "IIINII I nllKr" In"rntl'd by Dr, K. IkrdlL, II ~11t'1IIt' r li t',"11I1 or 1I01e,

" AglnnmlllO," or "Ioate t'rNll1oD," ~ro'\"n men (:11 11 H.

,"ulllkn Tnm,ko, n J llpnn l'~' ~~.~:;:::::; I rln l nltt"nt I·IJtlllng In O('nl'('r, I' "n"ln"IIlQIU" 11 11 II l)rl' llnrlllhtn mnSII,. 1' lIm Ihe hlllllhll' lurnill. OIIIUufll"lurl .... In JlIllnll'f '''rill "h"11 f'pn'lIt! on 'UI)' nrll('lI' tit tuW Imparts II tldltluulf 1111'111 nM'or.

1'''1111' l 'lOl lI r. It. It &. Merl<Unll\ hp. Hilld nutlet (I f In' r u!nlion lo mllh:l' Ih", .. y ... r I'rollf, lul!'~-

'r ,,,1""'1/' ltv Tltl' kind Illal Illhn~h dllim t.u Ih" hand .!wIve tit', 1",.\:,.* "HI 101./1 1~11 "1./1. An ,~ribe!l. bIlfllro:. W . .... l:hrltlml"". U. S.

{"llmmi.~ionCf, It S",nolllL. Arltun., un kl",l. Df I' .110 I' .. It'. loO'If.It'r, IIlr, Ihe Ilh dlY tlr .·,b",lIr1' 191"' .

• • CI.,IM.nt fllIlIl" II .. will"" ..... Gr·.,' ..... 111\,. I'JII nmII,ll' l r.1 )'emr ~1'1 I'I'IJ, White. (;. I', Wuudwllnl. il'l"d .:n,· 1\1." , lI.h. R,rh.rd "~II. "II 0' !:illn"tl.,

• • • ,'"VIllI. J . t.. IUVI~. n".lllcr

1/ .. 1 I'll Iolf ,,{ 1111 ~h"l~ \/rin, 1st pub, Jail. ,--.l.lh "ub. F' .. b, I, 'Iij .HIo ,I "I th .. C .... t.

• • I\OTln: . ·t11t 1'1 IILIt. \TlfI'f. " IU .1"101; •• 111. 1101' I".'«rr bou.... (ll!)l4Nj1 lit """ 1'1·.1111 Joi,'rl' 011 ,,,,,,ljOt:tlIIrtmt.nlotll • .,IIlIt'riOr.U); 1.111'''

Olnell' III 1'11....,.11, Anrofll., J.nulIf)' I, "H "III, 'I, \flu rill' ,10 '.. 19.19I!l I" ulli,,!: 1:"uI"r ,loti .;,,·.t !II'1ti t-uLiee I~ h~",by f(i""o Ih., JuauTe!· ~." nU,r I.' lit'&, (If l;;.t,{", Arh"I'II, wh". hll Ortl'l"I"

~. I!U5. "' .... 1: IlCo1m .ll:Iiu Lot?, t-;o. • ,~'iot~ for I.uIA I. 2. a. IIn,1 ,I, H "1'.

t,~ I~' t ~.diO)II I:',. T1)w".1 II' 11.;., Itall~,,11i t. I" I'" "'. hi '1,"11'11, .. H .1'1111 G, &. S, It. U. 81 ~:"nuhll1. h .. ttlt.1 I·'" " .. ,,'1 1,1, .,. It If~' It .... ,J ,...r. (let: "e IUIIWU .. ,I III Ihll'Il'\,"lIr

I'rtl" r. til HIllhli.1I ,.!.Im t" Ih ... llind IIh"v.· 11(' rfll,ltl, l)f,rMfI W f t'hfIRl, mllnn, 1I. ~. C·VIIIIIlI .. I"fll,lr. I\l :o;.)llOl tll, Arb.Ullti. un thl! ~lh oJlI)' "r t't"brUII}',

• · . • • •

(litH' 111111111 IItlt. 1111 '"'' 1II1l!1tI' !!lilt ('llIilnnlll flIOIIII· ... " wllll"ul'~' y,IIII£" "lIrr;I"E~:; I~ "OOIl." ~i(] S,lII11U, V. 1' . II"n~'ILI. N"thlluilli . .


lI"u,I"". "lIll,,..·,, "r t';I"ln, Arou..fllI, Mllnulli HU ll, "t ("/lIII1! ... Art "nil,

J. 1... 11\\'1", n.lllah,r, I hi 1,"II.J!LII.'.i- roth I,ub,t·,'h "1 •


Hereford Bulls

Just In from Hereford, Texas . WILL SELL O R TRADE F OR


For Inform!:tion, Addre5!


Halls and Dolson T hl, Jlldc' H.d • Hurt. I llwot. ... Owl U,UI( Stnre

MITH'\: POll 1' 1111 II' IlU • lUi j,1;U I

J. E. Hopkiru. F. O. Vall ... "!'I1I~ loill 10< 1I1nl Ibtl ("i,Url tll·tlr NUGAt.t:'.., ARIZONA

.h" "III jul!t elghl('('11 FI'II,.. ohl. lind' __ _'-'-""='" II:h::oro ht:ff," t'XJllllh.MI " ('Irr I'. .\rr 'S:o II II' I,~, .. I "H ",,,,.jr I .. $h1lU111 (If Culon),. Okl" .. tlIIlM'(\ 1'1 .,,' ,. , I fit ,I" , If' 1",10 '"

,I. .,, of ~""'I '"Ih ,. ",I .. ,. "'I,

1"1 ,n" ,', I • II" 1,,1 ,.,.1 !-' I.ohl f)/!"kt' al I'ho<,ui", ArUulll. J"'U.f), I", 191~ ~.'II'·~ U h .. r.·j,~· 11:""'" tt,"t I·hlll't,.

II. I'uillull. lit 1.I,·ln. Arl ,w~ ... , n M.y;:'" 1'11:!. 1Il1l'''' II fIl' I~ I 1'''1',.. ~". t'I";";'~I. f.., ti I sh I·" '1'''0 ", ·(nlOo'".I, p I" ..... II.", .. I 11,,1

IA'l : 111'1011, h tl," I. T"w, 0.,

Ills (olhl'r-In·lnw. U. \'. t 'l'dlurrh. IIC f't'TJur)" lu ~rlur: 11 11('1'11-" I" mu1T7 Ihl' Ilro'lI)" dllu~hll'r!lf L',lI'hurl'il. , '11. JlIlh:: .. l(lJlk II ,,.,,,,k II I Ih~' l,r1'l11 hrillt' 11111 her )'IIIlU!\' liu_IoIIII,1 un.1 .1 ... ·IoIt-,1 III.-Ir d"r.:nte w'" l"PQUah to dl.lulllll

I ., ..... :\ I I I. I .. I ••• " '" I' ,I I 1'0 It r"" I' , .\,,,"~ "" , I ,,10 .. ,,, "',," " I, fht"i.:" 17 C. I', \Ij 8.11 H ~ \1 ,,,1'11", '~O\_·I '" ,""", I I"'>' ,I, ... a'r .'" 10 .... 111.-<1.,,'1'- IIf ,"I\"1i m I" "'8"

We Olle. ,j, "., • IUIIII. 1.11", I" I ...... / .. ,.1. til'<.),,,lIr ""'"Ir, Iu ... laH,"I. ~ 1& fli hI

It is not wj;le 10 slop your car .. t first onG tillbg 5taUon and ' then an~ o:her. This «Ive. you mixed !trades of "gas" and oU and plays b&-..c wtth your en(!lne.

.,,,1 I .... h I .... '.". , • I .• 'I ,,,I 1"",1 Itlt: Iliud 11""'1\ ·1. orrll..,..,!. I,d, '" W F

:I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:'I I to I IoU'\ .1' .... 1 Irll~ ~·:~~,ili~::\~~:.;~~" :n t '~t:"'~1R~~' :1:)' :} "'rh 0 1 I " I", i,.,,~ ,I ,I. 'I"""!! "!I/" ,I, 10 l"I'IfI"lIlln~,"l·8'·""'II'''' •••. JI'''Ot.: e """" e 1- A. '1. C 'I"" ,I I., I"", I P ,I ·,,1.1. '. "lid "" I'orl't'r, 11 ~. ~I"II"", Fr."k T, \I,'rry,

$ 895.00 to $ 3000 .00' "II., I ... ,,, ," ,r' I"r I,,~ l"I1lI' rfHnelhht'uri~.ullJ)("Of'l"III •. .I,rltlJlllI. , J I, IIt\,", 1t.,,1 "'r

I II. lOt, l it l"l,ltll'"1 ,I l !t~.,." "",I~ .. r I I I' I ."

NODAl FS OVERLAND CO'lPANY 101111111o.,III,,,:!J, r, I II'" I 'r 1.-. L 'I .,,,,. , ... , .. , ., ".h .. ", k.,. ,,,,.,, .. ,.,., ... , 1_ _________________ .. io __ .. ____ _ ___ _ ,; "II" r.",,!. I 1"lhl"l;, "" •• Jlll'U'UI,.livIl, ~\It,~,·nlt" rur jh.' 1'\llll"f>lII11"

We handle onlr the best gn>des o{ gasoline and all And our prtces are lower than you have onen paid (01' cheaper grades. Get lnlO the habit ot cu.lling here regularly and nGUce what a dlfference It will mak.e in the way your car runs.



1 ., .,