HOLY SYMBOLS - WordPress.com

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“In this realm, every belief is represented by a

symbol, and every symbol holds much meaning

for those who cleave to it tightly. A cleric’s holy

symbol is among their most prize possessions,

portrayed boldly for all to see. This is how to

know it is a religion and not a cult.”

- Bishop Ungart of Mistwoodshire County,




Aeridian, Surna, Eohdra, Braegemtur 3

Tobasu, Leunea, Raovinder, Qar 4

Vahrtoum, Hibast, Urdanzer, Ryow 5

Otha, Baluh, Dwalovur, Protheneron 6

Malishaen, Vurvain, Caasimolar, Vogaramthra 7

Vanknor, Mnemthu, Shroad, Groshtt 8

Cults: Voad, Vagobanter, St. Ibsom, The Mask 9

Symbols of the Saints 10




An arrow points to the sky and is met

by the horizons of land and sea in this

simple, powerful sigil borrowed from

the North Wind also known as Ushal.

Aeridian is also often represented by a

gleaming sword with a shining nimbus.

Members of the church elite may also

have this nimbus in a circular fashion as though the

edges of a star, a throwback to ancient Balgar.

Secret societies of Star Keep and Inquisitors also

use ancient Enochian runes.


The sun goddess is adored with any sun

like symbol, preferably but not necessarily

with wings. Any shining star or sun or light

rays are all markings of Surna. The clergy

of Surna simply have bishops in cathedrals in major

populated regions. Churchs are always constructed

such that the morning light of the east shines in

through such symbols. Most commonly, temples

will have a great dome with an oculus that reveals

the majesty of Her Radiance. A few rare sects

portray a spiraling sun.


The gold dragon is glorified on armor, weapons,

holy symbols, crests, architecture and other items

with a curved mark of broken infinity, representing

the time when he will fight Vogaramthra in the Final

Battle. The faithful of Eohdra often wear markings

and tatoos of dragons of all kinds. Since Vog’s

symbol is much different it becomes easy to

recognize a worshipper of the Gold Dragon God.


Borrowed from the Zibu angelic symbol revealed to

Debbie Zylstra Almstedt in 2002, this curved symbol

looks Celtic but in fact is not. Braegemtur is also

popularly honored with spears and other weapons

pointing to the right relative to the observer, as if to

indicate “the future”. Therefore the clergy of the

God of New Beginnings is a patron of adventurers,

and frequently portrayed in roadside shrines as The

First Angel, a guardian of those who quest anew.



Abundance, completion, cooking, endings, fullness,

fortune, seasons, all represent aspects of Tobasu,

the Great Oracle, Lord of fullness, artifice, good

magic, and more. Tobasu represents prosperity that

begins within. Prosperity according to His clergy

acknowledging beauty within opens doors for good

to arrive in fullness. Common symbols include

books or scrolls near candles. His Church is one of

the friendliest of the faiths, although it is said they

are also amongst the best battle clerics as well.


Borrowed from the ancient silver

alchemy symbol, it represents Leunea

on the tatoos of many rogues and

followers of the Lady of Luck. Silver

relates to the goddess because of her

silvery light, but also the effect she has

upon lycanthropes. Other obvious

symbols include any moon symbol, or the

purification of silver symbol shown on the left.

Other symbols include various Celtic-style crescent

moon symbols, or even dice.


Borrowed from the Gaelic symbol of

poetic inspiration and spiritual

illumination. Three rays of illumination

shining out from three singular points

represents the muse, prophesy, song, knowledge

and inspiration. Its also represented during the

healing acts of its clergy in the three pointed rays

that shine from divine healing magic. The clergy of

Raovinder celebrate in temples of joyful pleasure,

and acolytes are marked with a harp tattoo.


Borrowed from the mighty Norse god

Thor, the hammer and lightning bolt

represents Qar, Lord of War. The ancient

Thor rune also serves to mark its followers

holy items. This faith has no organized church,

however fervent worshipers can be found

throughout the realm. Qar is often honored in times

of war, storms, or cataclysm. It is said he hears the

plight of those who fight.



Clerics of Vahrtoum always wear headbands that

serve as blindfolds or masks. During executions the

headband slides over the eyes as they proclaim,

“justice is blind, let justice be done”. These

blindfolds also unravel to become a mask when

hunting down criminals or while performing a task

in the name of a sovereign or noble. The church’s

ties to civilization often show bas-reliefs in the

architecture of an old blind bearded man. If a

pardon must be given, one eye is uncovered.


A phoenix or flames of fire, borrowed

from the Anglican concept of the holy

spirit as a fiery dove, represents the fire

in which our soul it tested. The clergy of

Hibast uses titles such as Soultester,

Firechild, Transmuter, and Alchemist

describe souls like metals turning into

gold. Time is the hearth where we are purified or

destroyed by our choices and actions. Challenges

are attributed as gifts from the Lady of Fire.

Followers often wear a metallurgic symbols.


A royal scepter and crown, global

cruciger, or coinage—obvious prizes for

worshipers of Urdanzer. The clergy of

Urdanzer are known as Bloodliners and

research the history and heraldry of nobility. They

are known for making a fine wine as a practice of

peace in between battles, either to drown the

sorrow of loss or proclaim the victory of Urdanzer

over his enemies. “Urdanzer says otherwise,” is a

common phrase, and most clerics will reference the

Urdanzer Doctrine, a rigid set of codes followed.


Borrowed symbol from Sylvanus, God of plants,

druids, dryads, and untapped nature, the leaf or a

stemmed with leaves of any kind typically

symbolizes Ryo (RYE-0h). Clergy involves the Circle

of Nine and their respective area followers,

including the wildlife in sacred groves, and including

all gentle guardians of them. The triskelion and the

triquetra are also common symbols. Father

Strongbow, as Ryo is known, can also be

represented by arrows, or a bow pointing upward.



Often found as a plump woman sometimes

represented by spirals. Perhaps best known

is the woman figure with wide hips and

arms outstretched. Borrowed from pagan sources,

this symbol is easily recognized as the Earth

Mother. Ancient panopticons dot the landscape and

thus circular symbols or vesica pisces or interlocking

thumb-forefinger with remaining touching fingers

can be found commonly as well. Its clergy are

unorganized so other symbols such as a common

crossed circle may also be found.


The symbol of Baluh has been expunged from

history—kept secret by expert thaumaturgists and

seers. It is said her symbol is both simple and

complex, found everywhere yet difficult to see.

Those who understand the symbols of Baluh, begin

to fathom the source of all magic. Due to misuse of

her symbols throughout history, it is kept secret

and safe. Some hints are found on powerful

artifacts, and in the halls of the gods.


The god of the hunt, survival, individuality, fertility

also represents the Fey, nature, passion, and

trickery. An upright arrow represents fertility and

forward movement and freedom by its sword-like

appearance. Dwalovur is sometimes represented

with horns of any kind or cloven hooves. Where

trickery or crime is involved sometimes a

black hand can be found at the scene, a

connotation that the deeds were done

with the blessing of this CN trickster god.


Along the shores of continents one finds the most

followers of the God of Storms, and in seaside

shrines and caves one finds temples

bearing the tri-pointed mark, borrowed

from Neptune. A tri-point with a circular

serpent, however, represents immortality

of the deep, great leviathans or undead

pirates. A circular swirl on the other hand,

is a more ancient version denoting

Protheneron’s worshipers are nearby.



Beauty, cold, chaos, loneliness, longing, and

madness—The Icemaiden is all these things.

Borrowed slightly from the Norse symbol of

protection, this hexagonal snowflake is a marker

that the followers of Malishaen are nearby.

Sometimes sects use symbols of ice, frost, and wear

blue to purplish colors. Snowflake symbols of any

kind, along with hex-shaped iconography are

common for ‘cults of malishaen’. This religion is

often called a cult since they wish to bring such

chaos that it includes their own destruction.


Agony, pain, suffering, and torment are represented

by the Skinrazor’s blade or a skinless skull of any

kind. Often flames of torment accompany the skull.

Hooded skulls, skull and blades, or bloody skulls are

all common marks indicating followers are nearby.

Ceremonies are conducted with great secrecy,

typically followed by a murder spree or torture of

innocents with elaborate, painful rituals.

Torture chambers are usually marked with

an X, representing torture devices where

hands and feet may be are bound.


Borrowed from the D&D sorcerer’s symbol, the

mark of an evil magical eye is appropriate for the

red eye of the black dragon god, Vog. The Church’s

sects wear dark black armor with many spikes.

Priests of Vog are endowed with sorcerer abilities,

making their eyes glow red, the color of the

Bloodmoon. Various cults of Vog involve crime,

murder, and evil magic. Other symbols include an

all seeing eye, or variations on that theme or the

theme of a black dragon claw.


The downward pointed spear represents

an unholy triad. Other symbols such as the

down-pointing pentagram,

symbol of Lucifer, and the

Church of Satan are all

common symbols of the

Church of Caas. Its new

churches feature the horned

crescent with three

downward points, borrowed

from the Iron Kingdoms RPG.



The master of the undead, and the font of poison

and plague, the Godslayer is represented by the

black sun (sonnenrad—sun wheel). The clergy of

Vanknor long for the next deity-death at the hands

of Vanknor who has already slayn several saints,

deities, and demi-gods. To deaden hearts is to make

followers produce hideous evils in the world, and

this secretive church is often responsible for the rise

of undead. The number 12 has special meaning to

this faith, evident by their symbols and crypts.


Possibly borrowed from Resident Evil, this symbol

reminds of a monster. The clergy of Mnemthu often

gather in old warehouses, abandoned buildings,

underground dungeons, or other structures to

perform monster summoning, experiments, or

begin expeditions to uncover or release a monster

upon civilization. Sometimes the monster devours

them, but more often than not the monsters do the

bidding of the Church of Mnemthu, making this

religion among the most dangerous of all.


The Elder Eye watching from within a seven-pointed

star, or a lone eye within another geometric form

both represent Shroad, the formless one.

Sometimes His Eye is contained within symbols of

chaos or anarchy. His clergy use magic to see

through amorphous liquids at great distances,

always watching for ways to bring Shroad’s

malevolent evil upon the land. Darkness,

destruction, mentalism, and aberrative slime are

also represented within a formless blob with an

singular All-Seeing Eye.


The old Dwarven God, Groshtt is said to

have been the first dwarf, an ancestor of

all dwarven creatures and master of the

heavenly forge. His symbol, like other

popular dwarven gods is borrowed from Moradin.

Runic markings are popular amongst dwarves and

the sigils of the Norse mythos are especially

prevalent in temples or other shrines of worship to

this Old God. Also popular is the earth sign with an

arrow upward, as in creation from earth or crafting.



Little is known of Voad except that he derives

entropy from all things new, and chaos from order.

The cult has geologic ties, continuously searching

for meteors and skymetal. This dead god was slayn

by Vanknor. Still, in his name great robberies

unfold, and theft of precious jewels or geologic

items continue across the realm. This fan-made

image is similar to Magic The Gathering symbol.


A group of loosely related researchers who typically

work alone, or a group of homeless travelers who

worship a dead abandoned god, this cult is capable

of heinous deeds whenever they do work together.

They pit all the willful scheming of masterminds

together with the muscle and will of those with

nothing left to lose with incredible effect to further

the cult’s own aims, or the aims of undefined voices

inside their heads.


Borrowed from the Sword of St. Michael, the Cult of

St. Ibsom The Curemaker is steeped in alchemical

lore in an effort to recreate the elixirs once made by

the Saint. Vanknor destroyed St. Ibsom but it is said

his elixirs may be found speckled through

dangerous dungeons and dragon hordes the world

over. They are based on the City of Roguehaven

across the Mare Crytharum on the continent of

Aerinnan. This symbol, a mace, or an X marking the

spot is often used to represent St Ibsom.


This secretive cult is typically found amongst the

more well-to-do. Their rituals involve wearing

masks to conceal their identity so two persons

involved in the cult may not actually know each

other. Behaviors in rituals involve anything from

scheming plans for wealth and profit, to plans of

murder and crime. Also certain pleasures are

enjoyed such as illegal drugs or other societal faux

pas. Cults are run by their individual leaders,

without whom their organizations collapse.



It is said the Saints listen to mortals and may be summoned with blood magic. Be

warned however, calling upon supernatural powers may have dire consequences.

The Avenger, St. Arthurus A1

The Blood Angel, St. Elothian A2

The Chaste One, St. Sanctimeon A3

The Crestfallen, St. Bothus B1

The Curemaker, St. Ibsom B2

The Dark Angel, St. Mar B3

The Detailer, St. Galena C1

The Diviner, St. Pithra C2

The Greenman, St. Ahnktimeon C3

The Inspiress, St. Sidadari D1

The Heirophant, St. Trivineus D2

The Pathfinder, St. V’Lore D3

The Poison Arrow, St. Sasserine E1

The Radiance, St. Riefann E2

The Revealer, St. Mogana E3

The Risen Angel, St. Gazrille F1

The Squire, St. Sir Theatrian F2

The Widow, St. Caasprievian F3

By Thomas Grzep 2017