hie poe leadee. - DigiFind-It

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Transcript of hie poe leadee. - DigiFind-It

First Edition.nTBD B! TIE

TIP iEff JEB8EY.Prssident MeElnley and Party Ohee^

ed by Thoounds in A^ lanta's Sirsets.


T m ntm af H aa; Wltli thaDhParKnoutlTa lha CPbaamd al All Ub. aam aa-udniratlaa Expnaaad far tba

, laldlara ftwn Thia Uata-.OTaUan ta Oaa. a n l Whaalaa-lmptaHloa Mada bj tba rraaManl’i ipaacta.

ATLANTA. Qa., D«c. 15.^The lecond day of tha Atlanta paaca lubllaa openad auaplcloualy. Tha tam paratura liaa ralax- ad Ita rl(o r coAilderably and warmth In tba ray i of the aun waa early perceptible, Aa on yaatarday tha crowd# were anor- tnoua, axcuralon iralni arrlvlnp a t abort Intaraala from all diractlona. The hotali have bean tumlQf aw ay people alnce noon yaatarday.

Braakfaat was aarvad to tha Praaldent and tha mamban of hie party In the prt- vala dlnlnf-room of tha KltnbaU a l 9 a’slook, after which tha Cabinet mambara devotad an hour to thair mall. Tha Praal- dant apant the morning In h li room. Ha waa callad on by Colonel William A. Hemphill, praaldent of tba Jubilee Ah o - elation, and lavaral other prominent cUl- ■ana.

The ovation given Praaldent McKinley a t the oaplttl yaatanlay by tha mambara of tha Lagltlatura waa tha g raatatt ra- captlon aver given an American cltlaen In Atlanta, and hla ipaach having rala- tloD to tha cart of Confadarala dead haa Brad t|ia htarta of Southarnara with ad­miration for tha Chief Executive. General Joa Wbaalar la ebaarad at avary atap, and Ganarala lAwton, Young, Oataa and other arm y oBlcere ara heartily received a t ' each appearance.

Tha feature of tha day waa the civtc and military parade, which paaaed through the atraata during tha attam oon. Starting from tha corner of Garnal and W hitehall atraata a t noon tha procaaiion proceeded to Kxpoaltlon Park over Alabama, Broad, M arlatla and F ^ h t r a a atraata. Tha par­ade conalatad of tan dlvtalona under com­mand of Grand Harahal A. J. W ait. Hla ■ taa Included, agtong othara, tha follow­ing prominent people: Major ClevelandWlUcoxaon, Fifth Georgia In fan try , chief o f aun; Lieutenant-Colonel William P. Hall, AdJulant-GenVral, D epartm ent of tha Gulf; Colonel A. P. Cleary, Hon. C. 0. B. U am ett. of Virginia; Captain D. A. Fred- arlclc. U. 8. A,: 0 . C .^ c l . C arter, U. 8. A.; Jam ea O. Ladd, Bourn Carolina; Major C. L, Wing, Second Artglary, Arkanaan Vol­unteer!; Lieutenant tioorehaad Wright, Second Arkanaai VollnteOTa.

8l i ihouaand InfanGy, lO.OUO achool chil­dren, tW earrtagaa, containing 1,900 people, 1,000 membera of aecrei ordera. 500 Confed- orgta veterana, under oommaiul of Gen­eral Joe Wheeler, 1,000 bborlnfe men, 100 onicera and marahala, tV d v e bande, 100 Grand Army men, a aqiiiU of policemen. -00 mounted police, membeta of the Young Men'a Chrlattan Aaaaciatton and Mlnlitera* Kvangellcal Aaaoclatlon; XO mambara of the Capital City Club and Fulton Club, tha A tlanta Fire Department and repre- aentatlvee of HO civic organlaationa from all p a rti of the aouth look part In the pa­rade.

The Prealdent and o ther dlsllngulahed gueata In carriage! were a t the head nf the pageant. They were eaconed by the Third New Jeraey and Fifteenth Penniyivania, which came over from their w ln tir camp a t Athene for the occaalon. The One m arching of tboae two reglmenta, under nuninaiid of Brlgadler-Oeneral William Coatea, aa they iwung Into Peachtree atreet under the Jubilee arch, caught the tbouianda who packed the downtown atrecla and wai a aouroe of much grattll- catlon to Governor Voorheea, of New Jer- oay. who Waa In a carriage ahead.

The Prealdent waa compelled to bow al- moat conilnuoualy to th e .c h e e n from the crowd and from the windows of the bulld- tnga along the route of march. A roar of welcome denoted the position of Genera]

Wheeler and hla band of cavalrymen w ho followed him through the Civil War, and the leader waa, a t tlmca; compelled to force hla horse through th e throngs that blocked hts path.

Arriving a t Ponce de Leon avenue, the Prealdent and party reviewed the parade, ^ o n g thoee on the stand artth the Chief B x e c u tl^ were Major-General Shatter, M rs, McKlm»,Hon. George H. P bcIl Hon,

Won. Charlea Emory Bmttb, Hon, Charles F, Warwick. Secre­ta ry of the Navy Long, U eu tenan t Hob- ion. Hon. John Addiaon Porter, Governor

D. Candler, Mayor Collin, Colonel William A. Hemphill and ex-Oovemor At­kinson.

A fter tha parade bad passed the review, ing aland the Prealdent and the otherfueata of tha city were driven to Piedmont

BueaU of thePiedmont Driving Club a t an elahorhie luncheon.

to-day ware General William R, Bhafter and hla aides, Creigh­ton Webb and Lieutenant Noble, ^ v e rn o r Joseph F. Johnalon, of Alabama, and the .^ ab am a Leglelature; a number of army onloers from Anniston, ex-U ayor FUipat- rlck, ei-Poatmaater Daniels, ex-Congmaa- man Coleman, H. C. Leate and M. J. Ban­dera, of New Orieani, and the following parly from Nashville; John W. Thomaa, prtMident ol the Naahvllle, Chattanooga and St. Louis T^llroad, and Hra. Thomas, Mr. and Mra. M. H. Gardner, W. P. Rut- land, John Wllion T. Irw in and a number of ladles,

Prealdent McKinley stated to-day that a brigade iPt troops would be le n t to Atlan­ta . *'] ordered a brigade lon t to A tlanta and thought It waa here,*’ he remarked. The President seemed surprised tha t the troops ordered here had been len t else­where.


An Engllahman Killed by KsUeae end g o ld le n - r n n s h 1‘rlesi Uaraed-Oer- man Luthorgn Boa Throngb the Body.

VANCOUVER, B. C., D « , IB.-AdvlceS from China atate tha t J, Fleming, an Eng. Ilah mlanlonary, haa been killed by natlvei and Boidlera a l Taing Pint, ninety miles east of Kuel Yang, The mlialon-houae was raided and buuied down. There has been no attem pt to punish a l the hands of Mandarins.

A French mtaalonary has been burned to death at Bwatow. Tlie mission was a t. tacked and Catholic croaeet and t l i a r t de­stroyed by a mob of a ihouaand Christian haters. All escaped to the mountalne l)ul the French priest. The fleeing women were not puraued, aa the priest stood hie ground. Me waa tied to the bed post and the house set on lire, the m liilonary be­ing conaumed In the flames.

At Bhan-Tung soldiers raided the Oer- mnn Lutheran Mlaalon. They told the mlaalonarlea If they moved out they would not be moleated. One Frejmulb told them to do their worst. They ran Frelmulh through the body and threw him Into a creek. H r crawled away In the night and was taken care of hy a friendly native un­til his death.

HIE POE LEADEE.RennbliuaB As»iiHblymen-«leot Carry Out the Slate as Arranged for

the Organization of the Honse.




Deel-a«s the United gUloa Can Do Kath- iag Aboat Tblllpplnea WIHwot tba

Content af tha F lllploot.LONDON. Dec, IB.—Agouclllo, the repre-

aen tatlre of Agulntldo, the liiautgent leader In the Philippine lalnndd, aalla tor New York on Saturday, to, he alleges, ‘‘resume hla dutle* a t representative of the FlUpliio Oovernmeot a t W ashington." In an Interview he said;

"The only portion of the Bpanlih-Apier. loan treaty which we a m conoerned In la the ceaeton of Jhe Philippinea, which Is illegd], a t lha Spaniards lost their sov­ereignty over the Islands and the Amer­icana can not diapoas of Ih f fu tu re of tha archipelago without oonaultlng the Fil­ipinos. Their oonsent, by popular vote, la nacaatary. Aa universal auffrage forme the baelt of the Amerfean Conatltution. the United Btatea can not but carry out th is rasasure.

“Ths result Ol the Peacs Commission's dc^lbtntlon la only siUiFfaotory to ue, in ­asmuch aa Spain Is turned out of the Phil­ippine lelandi. T. dn not know olllclslly why the Filipinos have not releaaed the Spanlah prlaoneri. I telegraphed to Agul- naldo on the aubject, and I Jiereby deolare It to be untrue that they am held tor ran- som.

"1 ean only regard the possible eventual •ale of the islamls as being nonsensical.

"My flountrymen will reiTst to ths hitter end any attem pt to sell th e Ptanipplnes lo a foreign Power. We are anxious to he united and allied to our good fiienda, the Araerloans, but beyond this, we arh dster-

Otto M n llx n m s a Hnllat In to ttaa Brain of Natal* Bran*.

LONG b r a n c h , Dec, 16 ,-^tto Schqttg fatally ahot N atate Bruno early last even­ing. the bullet lodging In Bruno's brain,

Bruno and tsveral friends vliltsd John H, Bchultg'a beer bottling sstabllahment III Morrta gvenue, ghd were served with drinks by Otto Bohulta, ton of the pro-

roUoWInifChrlttmaa and New Tear*V Day' pHstor, F inally them eree a guarmi aa to The deoWon wee made In reeponse to a who should pay for some drihka and petition from memhem o f the exchange. Bruno dm w some money from hla ptwhel

and aevcral ootna fell to the floor. ’ SohuUi dived for the money, and Bruno

oaught him by the collar. Bchuiig having

mined at all haiarde lo rem ain Independ. enl."

Maw l a r k Btaak K n b u g a HalUeye.NEW TOHK, Doc, lA -T h e Governing

Conm IttM ih t Now. York J to o k Ex> ohango njai oocldd to close the exohange on the B e^rdaya befom and th e Mondaye

The iU gnIm nsnIS of Two Branrhea of the giervloa, H u G a irto n n aa ta r 'r and

the Coaimlaaary Uoparlnwnta,WASHINGTON, Dec. li.-O eneral Lud-

Ington, the Quartermaater-General, waa the flrat witneaa before the House Mili­tary Affairs Commlltee to-day. He said them were now U8 officers In hl» depart- ment. This was not enough, and he did not think the Hull bill would provide enough.

The proposed tragaport aervlce would throw a great deal of additional work upon the Q uarterm aster's Department. He thought the bill should be amended so aa lo provide that offlcera appointed from civil life or the volunteer aervlce ihould be examined a t to bualneaa quallflcaliona as well aa physical fftneaa.

GenemI Kagan, Commlaiary-Oeneral, foltogred General Ludlngton. He said that hla recommendation was for ilxty-two of- Bcera. and he thought that number was absolutely neceaiary. The Hull bill carried only forty-four.

He said the flrat duty of the Government to the eoldlera waa to see that they were properly fed. The Bubalatence Department had been at'ad lly cut down iJnce the close of the Civil War, until a t the opening of the Biianieh war there were only twenty two oftlcera In hla department.

nGHT AGAINST GOMPERS.Tfa« KorliklJatlc M aiuban s f tha AuurlMn

FtMlsratlDn *f Lubor M«i|c ft Cftpill- dfttft for Ptvildaftt*

KA.N8AB CITY, Mo., Dec. IS .- 'A e dele, galea repreaenllng the Boclallat element In the American Federation of Labor wer.. In secret conference until nearly' 1 o'clofk thla morning, conatdering the advliabllli, of nominating a candidate lo oiipoe- Samuel Gompers for Ihe prealJen.'y ot ilie federation. The nomlnatl.m was offered to F rank P . Gobin, of Boston, repreaenl­lng the boot and shoe workers, but he poaltlvely refused to have hie name go be­fore the convention. The caucue ilnallv adjourned until to-night.

The Boclalleie claim to control S90 of the 1.100 vote* of the convention. It la now said to be the purpose of thair leaders *o serve an ultim atum upon .Mr. Gompers de- manding more recognition of Ihe Soclil- lala In the federation, and if thla ahall he refused, to begin an active werfare upon Gompers.

Victor Berger, Of Milwaukee, and Bey- moup Slednian. members of the Executive Committee of the Social Democratic party, who are here watching affalra, are poal- live In their declaration, however, that the Social Democracy la not flghtlng Mr. Gompers.

HERR BEBEL GALLED TO ORDER.hlakee a Upeeck la the Belclulag Crttlcla-

iDi Kmpeivr William, Ule Acta and Pallclei.

BERLIN, Dec. lA—During the debate on the eetlm atei In the Reichstag to-day H err Bebel, the Boclallat leader, expressed aat- lafactton a t the re-eslabUsbmeDt of good relatlona between Great Britain and many.

He also criticised Emperor William's acts and home politics, saying It was a pity the rovenues of the German Empire were swallowed up by Ihe army, the navy and the colonlee, and th a t he understood that there waa an intention In InfluOmUl quarters to Introduce a still larger naval programme.

Continuing, H err Bebel referred to the eximlalona from P ru u la . contraatlng them with the conciliatory utterances of Em­peror William In the Church of the Re­deemer of Jerusalem.

H err Bebel then proceeded to crltlciae the Imperial remarks, amid conaldcrable uproar and cries of ''Bhxme!'' Finally, he was called to order.

d e a t h s ' in a v a l a n c h e s . -

Acting-Governor David O. W atklni, Who will again bo Bpeaker.

majority. Mr. Murray, of Union, preaenU ed the name of' David O. W atkins, of Gloucester, but the la tte r declined to ec- cept the nomination, end Mr. McKee wae unanimoualy selected.

Assemblyman Bell, of Bergen, w as elect­ed secretary, and then nominations for Bpeaker were called for.

Assemblymen Squire and M urray, of Union, arose a t the same time, and the chair recognised Ihe "Gentlemen from Union."

Which one?" queried Mr. Squire, and hla colleague remarked: "Oh, either on* Of ue will do, for the reason that, while I wae inCTSffs to have our friend W atkins for leader, I am aailafled th a t he la one of the beat, It not the beat. Bpeakera the House of Aaaembly ever had. and 1 am going to nominate him."

Continuing. Mr. Murray made an ex­tended addresa eulogistic of the Acting- Governor, and tlenylng any and all atale- mento th a t he was at any time oppoeed to hia candidacy for Bpeaker.

Assemblymen Quonther.of Blaiex; Squire, of Union; Bradley, of Camden; Bell, of Bergen; Lewis, of M astic ; Wood, of Mer-

PlOenlUea la Conslraotlag tba White pece Bvllwey—Repoits of Fatall-

tlta on the Kell,VICTORIA, B. C., Dec. 15.-The s tn n e r

Danube, arriving from Lynn Canal, re­porta a luccesslon of fatal accidents during the com tructlon of the White Faea Rail­way, cauac'l by an nvalancbe.

F irst Officer Lawrence, of the Danube, while a t Bkagway, waa told of six of tbeae accidents occurring within a week. HF ob­tained no names, but waa assured tha t no few er than fifteen or twenty had lost their lives on the railway sliice Ihe ad­vent of winter,

A number of deaths are also spoken of aa having occurred on the trail to Bennett, only one, however, being positively oon- Rrmed. In thla case the victim was Fer- row, a well-known packer, who waa found troxen to death on the auininlt.

THE MATILDA D. BOBDA flAFK.■obonnar Bnppoaad to Hava Been Lost

Bpoheii a t gee.PH ILA D ELPH IA . Dec, U .-The four-

maated schooner H atllda D. Borda, Cap­tain E ira Norton, which sailed ' from Portsm outh, N. H„ November a , for Phil- adelphia, and which was believed to have been lo it In the late storm with all hands. Is safe.

This waa the ntw a received here yeatar- day afternnon from New'York, where a 'veaeel that had sighted her gt sea, had Just

?rrlved, and Immediately a telegram waa orw trded to Captain Norton’s grlst-

■trlcken wife, who la a t her home al cape Hay Court house.

The mlaatng vetael was spoken De­cember 11 hove to In latitude M.20 north, longitude 0 west, about iW ml\ra from the Capes, and with all on board well. She had experienced tha November M and tT gale when off Cape Cod, and no doubt scudded almost to Bermuda under bare poles.

The C aptain 's wife and family had been almost prostrated with grief, having long since given up all hopes for vesMi and Drew.

AasamUyman Wood McKee, Republican Leader of the Assembly,

cer, and oihors, seconded the nominal Ion, and Mr. W atkins was unanimously elocted as the Republican candidate for Speaker of the House.

Mr, Squire, who la accepted aa the ‘leader" of the caucus, anil Iho one who

called It together, had a number of type­written reeolutlons concerning Ihe organi­sation, and he offered them one o tter an­other.

The flrat called for a Joint caucus of the Benata and House of Assembly, the Senate concurring, to be held on January 10, 1899, a l I P. M., for the purpose of aelectlng a candidate for United States Benalor.

The resolution waa adopted without a dlaaenling vote, and It was followed by another reoolutlon providing that the eev- eral offlcera of the House, eiclualve of doorkeepers, clerks to committees and pages, be apportioned to the counties to which the same offices h id been allotted last year. This was adopted, and It meana th a t the toilowlng olHcers will be electad on the day of organisation:

Speaker of the Houae-Davtd O, W at- kina; of Gloucester.Jp e a fc e r 'a Private Secretary-Oeorge E, Pierson, of Oloucester.

A talitan t-G eorge Shivers, of Oloucealer Clerk of the Houae-''Thomaa H. Jonei, of

Earex.Aaalalant Clerk-Charlea F. Hopkins, of

Morris,,Secretary to the C lerk-H erberl H.

M atts, of Baeex. ,, Journal Clerk-W lltlam A, Morrell, of Union.

Aaststant Journal c lerk -A aro n C. Dem- arra t, of Bergen. , „

Kn^oaelng Ulerk—Charles H. Folwell, of BffTilngton, ._ F lra t A ielstant Engrossing C lerk-EIm er Frw land, of Essex.

Baoond Asslatant Engroislng Clerk—C an A. Weldel of Mercer „ ,, ,

Bergeant-al-Arma—John R. Flavell, of Essex.

10 give E asel credit for Ita cxielleni thow- liig ll should be remembcreil ilmi li,. muer rounllea concerned had done propurtlan. ately aa Well. To give K«»ex iiiun Ilian It had laat year would necrasltnu' ihe tak­ing away from another KupiihlU aii county some of the patronage to whl. ii n had a lieiter claim than Kaaei.

Aaaemblymen-elect Jones ami Klein, of Eaaei, argued against the rcaulutioii, the la tte r holding th a t It took away from Ihe general caucus and delegme<| lo lUe sev­eral county caucueee the rig hi lo desig­nate olflclala

Several others spoke bolh f,ir and ngnlnat the resolution, and ll was linally auoniiKl by a vote of 19 lo 15, two meni!iera-\icKce

Rea .lullon lu ihat Eflbot Adopted and the Neaalori Asked to Ooacur-Orlier UMeera of Ihe Home to Be A pperlteaed to the Cvuollet a i Allotted Last Year Bxoept BIU n e rk , for Whleh PoelUoa the Men Are tlak lag a a in g g le .

ever, thdt Loppy will flnelly L. arheted.The only other iKialtlon hi hII m doubt I.

that of Journal Clerk, alhdtcl to I'nion

B n ri-t,! I , i, | « ic | i lo the . tU W g .TltKNTuN. Dec. 1A—The caucus of Ra-

publleiin Aisemhlymen-elect held In tha Assembly Oltamber at noon to-day waa an Innovation In more respects than one. It wae the tin t time In the political history of the Slate that the m ajority, or con­trolling power. In either H ouse of Ihe lAglalaturr, had come together so many weeks Jn advance of the orgasloatlon. In caucus binding on the p a r t ic ip a n t F u r­thermore, It was the llrit lime th a t one of the participants, and the recipient of the highest honor In Ihe gtrt of the cauoui. happened to he the Acting Governor of tha Slate. It was also the flrat tim e that a party caucus had opened lU -door to the p m a und permitted the p rw rnce of re- poriers during Its deliberation. The la tte r action was taken on motion of Aasem- blyman Guenther, of Eaaex, who. In m ak­ing the aiiggsetlon, rem arked th a t tho preaa invarlubly got ell th a t transpired and II would he more dealrable to perm it the presence of their repreienlatlves than lo eiclii.lc them Borne of the members ob­jected. hut the motion woa eventually cai'flid ijy e vole of 30 to 6. B asel voting as a unit In favor of It.

Mr. Guenther then moved the eteetlon ol Assemblymen klcKre, of Pasaalc, a t cbalnnun of the eaucua and leader of the

County. Mr. Squire favors .Murrell and ley i ho will win, but Mr. Muirjij has an Idea that the choice will fiitl to N,,;ih Mor­rison, of Plnlnfleld- Whm Mr. Smdre an ­nounced that Colonel Wllllsm A Morrell waa h it choice some of the memliers from other counties refused lo Ijeiieve him

They had an Idea that he referred to “Colonel" Murrell, otic of the colorml ad­visory membera of the Bute Democratic Committee, and assumeil that Mr Bqulre waa Joking In presenting his name. Mr. Bqulre taaured them that siu h was not the cake, and that hla candidate was a reputable and highly respectable ctllien of Etlaabeth.

Reaolutloni were adopted ],ruv1dlng that the same number of doorkec)iera, pegea, gtllery-keepera and clerks to commitleea aa were employed last year ahnnid he a l­lotted to the several eommllleea hy a "steering committee'' of live, to be ap­pointed by the chair.

Leader McKee appoinit,| m g eommlltce to make the dlalrlhutlun. Asasmblymen Bqulre, of Union; Guenther, of Hfsaex: Horner, of Burllnglon; Hiurr, of Passaic, and Bradley, of Camden,

A recess of one hour was then taken toJive the committee a chiinre to make Ihe

Istribullon.After the recess, the .‘nunis, by unan-

Imoua vole, amended the n'siihiilon per­mitting Ihe several coumles to select Ihe House officers so far as It apiilled to Rill Clerk. Nominations for this nfllce were called for and four I'andlduiea were

named—George E. Powell ef Essex; Will­iam H. Loppy and John W .Newlln, uf Cumberland, and Charles ,v. Lyle, of Passaic.

The only Senators at the Histe House to­day were Stokes, Mill) r .lUiid and Hutch­inson, and al lagreed that It looked very much as If Senator Iteeil would capture the Senate presidency, ills friends claim that he haa at least ten vote-, and they expreea the opinion tha I he will have more before the Benaie couens is held.

The date for the caucus has not Iteen agreed upon, but It will prohshly be Ja n ­uary 5.

All the minor Senate officers will be re­elected and the Senate majurlly will agree with their House conferes to nuld a Joint caucus and nominate John Kean, of Union, for United S tates Senator to succet-d Jam es Smith, of Essex, whose term expires on March I, 189k.


Rabbt JoB^ph 8egal anil hiN fionn P rank anO Bernard wfre arrv'Sii'd this RfUTnoon on w arrant! sworn out by Dr. John sMax Relo«r. of Ellcftbvlh.

The la tter charRes thrm with forcibly «nt«red hla houitf laal Tuetday night wh«n ihpy w^nt th^re to get the rabbi's daughter, aa told In yaaterd iy 'i NEWS.

Th! troublr frfw out of the alleged ab­duction of the girt by her father. Ths rabbi claimed that hla daughter waa de­tained againat her wlU tn .Mr, Relner'i houae.

Mr. Reiner clainu d that he was only giv­ing the girl proieotlon against her father.

Simon Schlelmer, a lawyer, of Ellxabeth, came to Newark thia afternoon and an> nounced In Judge Rapp'a office th a t he repreaented Mlaa Hom Segal and Dr. Reiner.

"The girl ia of age," aaid the lawyer, "and her father bad no right to take her away. Besldeo he had little regard for her reputation or he would not have drlv. en her off In a carriage filled with atrange men,

'If he really wanted to m e u e hla daugh­ter. why could not have taken her to some neighbor*! house for the night?"

Tne lawyer said that Mr. Reiner pro- poeed to flghl the cane to the end,


AnuiBg tb s N unbef Who Purchased the Black of the Ferre Oarril Ur-

bauo of H an n a .HAVANA. D « , 16.—At a general meet­

ing of the stoekholders of the Ferro Car- rll Urbano yeeteixtay the sale ol the en­tire stock, amounting to 11,900,000, was au- thorliecl at 92. Half of the unount waa taken by George W. Young, prealdent of the United Slates Mortgage and T rust Company; Senator Smith, of New Jersey; Perctval Farquhar. F. 8. Pearson, Colonel G. B. M. Harvey and Hanson Brothers, of Montreal. The other halt waa taken by Ruffe A Sons and T. W. Todd, banker*, of London.

Captaln-Gi'iierul Caslellane* has iMued an order stopping work on the railroad concesaiona without prejudice to the rights of any of the parties Interssled, until the Americans lak* control here. This prevents the American Indies Com­pany from beginning the construction of a airecl railroad under the disputed D* la Torro concesilon.

Captain MrCullagh'a police plan will em­brace precinct slnllon-houses, It he can get money enough lo rent them. "The force will probably conatel of 1,900 men and a Detertive Bureau. Policemen will he used as far as poiielhle. __________

Editor Brott’s Horse MIeleB.Btiecla l to the E V E N I N G N E W S .

PLAINFIELD. Dec. 16.-A horse and wagon belonging to Thomaa Scott, editor of the Passaic valley News a t W est Sum ­mit, waa stolen from hla stable Sunday night. The police In this aectlon have been notlfled of the theft and are on the lookout for the mleatng rig.

FATAL QUARIIBL OVER D RU iR s.B’lrai Asslatant Sergeant-al-Arms—Ho- nreia, but adapted to the proceaa.

'^ lo K, Havene, of Ocean. . , . _ Impreeilona are pniduoej by me__ .. Bacond Aaiiatant Borffeont-at-Arma— cylinder heated by g a i flames In Ihe

John V. A. Venoleif, of ^ m erae t.„B lll C lerk -w n ilam H, Loppy or John W, Newlhi, of Cumherland.

A ialsiant Bill Clcrfc-Joseph HInger, of Camden.

The resolution provides th a t the various county dalagatlons should make the —

Oalaied ta Be IIT Hbara IHd.HARTFORD. Conn., Dec. U.-Mliw Kate

ij-eol^red. known os. A u n ^ ^ u e .w h ololdem-eolpred. I iiltn M to IIT ye louae here k«ny

taora old, diedthla momlttf-

ithe nimk-

lactlpna ib*5iiolied and present them to Leader MoKeo tor aulimlialon to Ihe House on the day of ortanlaxtlon.

Mr. Squire, tn aubmlttlng the reeolutlon, asM he did so becauM the political eotn- plixlon of the House waa the same In number and county repreientatlpn. eo ta r ae these offlen were concerned, oa lost yeaf.

Mr. Guenther, of Kiaei. oppoeed, the— ............ ------------------- a>T,n. kdoptlon of tho resolution becauee Essext t o Setter of the fight, .Bruno drew a looking for one more office than It hod pMe« of ga old sword and tu i& a lunge M>*1 of Rill < .1.*fh— be

says the eald journal, itnce It oltorda a saving of aeventy-flve per CenJ:. of time and wogte compared with the old printing method. It le rapeclally suited for colorM show cards, for the coloring of maps ana

ae- plana and all aorta of lUuatrqilone,

D e e o lo r ls ln g B la c k Maga.

laya the Papleraeltung. dyed with It could here- IM for Ihe production of

ChUkantla aad Dm FaelSa Ooaef."Waahln^gD and .Iputhwhatora " enlat.

— --------^ kuiiMB yiftP-Mhat of BUI ana. man. IMfauttg swung i n » ^ county waa enUtled to i t

the blow- and ^.Wera t an t for the goo J work done

to 1IToOlle

Bsoea on i have no t. a m ltla n '9

im * .""t2‘si;iatrlbute.- The same

lost year, and * e sought iGlial offloe than tim t we ask

All we aak la w hatlls CalKtM' hew.■ ir.andltruat thaJv

' adaoittad byIwrust tha Juatloe of our'

■ tha a

Aniline black la Justly termed an Inde­structible color, lay s thi ' and oolton rags i‘ ' tofore only be uai- the coaraeat wrapping paper. A M ner manufacturer hok oauaed ohenlatk to seek a medium deeolortxing such r ig k without weakening the dbre to a g iM t extent. The experiment brought the fol­lowing result: By Ihe eotlon of blwU phttea on auoh rags a t a hbth tempi lu re the color changes from blaok t* i buff. If the sluff, pre-blaiahed In manner, lx expoked to the auc iikil Tb lion of weak acid, clean w ater and i chloride aqlution, a mottriM of whlteneis I t eald to bo obtalnid tl can be utUlaad for w riting paper i paper.

GEiML PENSION BILLPasses the Honse Quickly Without

Praotic&lly Any Opposition.

kHOUNT CAUEB FOR IU t.2 3 S .8 3 0 .

and BR'Il-'iYfrfttnlnr from voilnit, und Anh- Ity, of Allftntic, b«lnff atiiMMit. Kini P « iu fc ; Murray, of Onion, \VHkrl«i‘ ofBerir«n, ftnd Stfelmiin, of rumiiATliind. voted with B iiex ftffftlnift tlu> rAXolutioo.

The lUftcx oandldtto for tiu’ poMitloii WA! Gvonc! E, Pow**l1 ftiui ih<< hoiM-i of hii friend! were raiaiKl to-day i>v tlu' An­nouncement that th r Cumhurlun.l dvhxa- Mon could not a ire c on a cHni]]i!ti[4> for the poaltlon. AMemblvmun 8hr<j|ihire fav­ored the aelfCIlon of IxOppy, .ini| Sivelman IniUted on Newlln, It ii txiM-etid how-

Mr* Allen, ft D eaeoeritlr HepreeeataUv* fro no MMMm IpirIi Callod AUemton to Ab- •ence of FootloBNllim In lli« Oonihlrra- lion of the Me«!urt~Mr* » « t , |n iht? ftl.r, C ornel! ft Remftrk HaeonI on Mltln- foiin«MaB*.T1io M eir»|pin Cft»«la

WAflaiNGTON. Dec, IS .-T hr Hqui lo- day look up the conetdcrmlon nf iht- Pon- ■ion AppruprUtton hill. iWfore it wai taken up the conference report on the bill ixiendUiN the marine |&w! to•alllua vetael! of 700 tona imd over, and providing for the llcenalng of accond and third malM waa adopied.

Mr. Uarnry tAep., Wla.). In charge of the Fenilpn A pprophatlor bill, madu a general explRoatory ataiem eni of li» pro- vliloni.

Mr. Allen (Dem.. Mlaa.) of the Appro- prtfttlona Committee, in reply to Mr. IW - ney, oalled attenUon to the fact that when ho f1r»t came to Congreta, fourteen yean ago, the Penalon Approprimion bill In* variably precipitated a bloody ahlri dla- cuaaloii, He congratulated the country th a t Congreaa had progrcaaed alnce thpo and tha t there would be no aertmomoni dlacuaalon on th ti bill. The counir> it laat had the gratifying Information thal the penalon roll had reached the maxi­mum.

"And I congratulate th a country for thla," aald Mr. Allen, in conclualon, "that while one of the moat gallan t and deappr. ale aoldlera of the Confederacy hc|[>ed lo report ihla bill, the Prealdent of thv rnlti*sl S tate! la down In Dixie doing honor \o tiie (Confederate dead, all have citii«e to rejoice."

There w«a no fu rther debate upon ih*? bin. It waa read through wrlthout m word of critlclam and paaaed, the whole time occupied In Ita dlacuaalon being Ichii th«rt twenty mlnutea- Thla la the ahortcjtt time on record for a general penalon bill. The bm carriea |14(.t33.S9Ug

The Senate decided upon convening to­day to take a receaa from 1:30 to 3;30 o'clock In order to perm it Benatom to At­tend the funeral of Mra. Hrlght, wlft of the 8ergeant-at-A rm i of Ihe Senate-.

sMr. Veat made a brief peraonal explana­tion of hla reference to a apeech attributed lo A ltom ey-aeneral G iigga In the Sen- ato r'a apeech laat Monday. In that speech eald to have been made a t a banquet In New York the AUorney*Oleneral war quot­ed ae expreaalng the opinion that the con- atitutlon made for thirteen hair-dNjveloped colonlea could not reaaonably Ik* ^xpec*ed to meet the dqmanda of th e grcaieai nation In the world,

Mrfl Veat lald he had received a later from Mr, Giigga aayiog he had never made auch a apeech, Mr. Veit said he had found tho expreaalon In aeverjil nrwe- paper! and In a pam phlet prlni*-<l by a reputable Chicago lawyer, and had had no doubt of Iti genulneneee. Kowcvft, the Atlorney*Generari dlaclalmer wax sum- den t, and Mr. Veal aald he waa pleasrd to be able to eel hlmaelf rlah i before the Senate.

Mr. P latt (Conn.) gave notice that he would addres! the Senate next Monday on the right of the Government of the United S tate! to acquire territory.

Mr. Morgan preaented a memorial from the National Board of T rade favorable to the conetruclion of the N icaragua canal, aaklng th a t the document be printed In the Congrraitonal Record,

Mr. Allen objected, and (be objection proved the batli of an anim ated dtacua- Bton Involving the rulea of the Senate aa well as the wiadom of Ihe conatruction of the canal. Mr. Morgan accepted the ob­jection aa an effort to obstruct the legis­lation for the canal and prevent the coun- try*a acefntwg the Information on thv aub- Jaci,

Mr. Allvn rtsvtileil ibis imputation, tay- ine that he wna favorable lo the canal ongsn s ril princlplrs, thounh aflvocatlnx

ovsrnineni ownprohlp. He predicted that the canal would coat Vw.OOO.duil.

Receja fUr Leatalalers,WASHINGTON, Dec, 16. - Chalitnan

DIngley, of tho W ays and Means Commit­tee. says nn dciermfnatlun haa been reach­ed as to when the holiday recesa will be-fln, but he probably will offer a reaolutlon

or a recess beginning DecMnber U end lasting until Jan uary 9.

(Till Pay January Uoupon Cuban Debt.MADRID, Dec. 15.—The Spinlah O orsm -

ment haa agreed to pay the January cou­pon of tho Cuban debt.

Bstob V e rn u Dead.I-ONDOK. Dec. 16.—Baron Vernon, Cap­

tain of the Honorable Corps of O entlsnen al Arras, Is dead,

P rln tla o r t a C o lo n .According lo the Arohtv fusr Buch-

drucker Kunsl says Ths Sclentinc Amer­ican, twL Englishmen and>a Frenchm an have succeeded, after many Vain a t ­tempts, In solving the problem of print­ing In different colors almullaneoutly. The process Involved deviates elillrsly from the ordinary method ol printing In colors. I t la itjfled the motalc-chromatlc heat proceaa. Neither wooden bloolta nor lllhoaraphlc stones or rolLeri a ^ employ­ed. 1700 colors required for the picture are applied In any desired number o t i \ plate about three-fourths ol an Inch th !» . and form a coherent, cheesy mass. When the arrangem ent of the colors la flnlahsd, the plate presents the aspect of a mosaic pie- lure. The plate la placed on the bM of the machine, an ordinary lllhographlq

**a. and the. .......................

lerlor. Thle_jnyentlon 1* of tm porU n»,

th a t wtillk Row MMl lUMFJlMkwaak f t t

TILT IN THE HOUHE.The Speaker Being Crillclaed, H akes in

Eiteuded Reply.WASHINGTON. Doc. 15—During the

general transaction of business yesterday In the House Mr. De Armond (Dem., Mo.) got the floor and proceeded to contrast tho condition of affairs In the House a t present with the days of srhicn Mr. Grow had apokon, when there was full oppor­tunity for discussion. H e declared that the Speaker held the lialance of power on the Committee on Rules, and ll was he who In fact had determined that It was beter that no new code of rules should be presented and adopted by tills House.

Mr. Do Armond waa exceedingly Ironical in hla references to the decadence of the old-time privilege of full debale. It had become the faahion, he said, to bring In repressive rules to cut off debate upon every Imiiortant question.

The Bpeaker, from Hie chair, replied to his erltlc* as follows: "The gentle­man from Missouri has permitted him­self to make slalemeiits In rcgar'l In the relallans between the Speaker and the other members of the Committee on llulce Ihat I am happy to sta te arc not Justified by the facts, The Honse niiiat not feel Itself lo have been ircaic'l to an unusual discourse upon the luck nf tlipcriy given lo lh« oltlaen, It so hapiicns In thla world th a t there are many eltlxctic.

" I t so happeiw that In tin- House of Rep- rescnlallves ffn re lue many nicmbcrs, and th a t while In theory everv man can oc­cupy all tho lime In illsconrse, In actual practice he has to occupy M In sulionllna- tlon to Ihe ilglite of every niher memher. to the rights of the body lieelt and lo the prosmiullon of public InisineHS. In actual practice, also, the House may have nolleed th a t however niiieb despotism 1s exercis­ed by the rule, llivre Is no aubjtct In the heavens abovt nor In the earth beneath, th a t has not le"n rlleeussecl, even In this present Congresa.

"Now, If the gentleman from Mlssoorl Wtll turn to the annuls of Gongress sway back Jn 1916, durlnn the period of liberty iueh aa he thinks he desires, he will find th a t John llundelph, who certainly was heard enough m hveome fam ous tor a century, waft eonii lulnlug about Ihe des- pottem of Ihe rules at th a t period, and was alio coniidalnlng that even Ihe arch Inquisitor himself would have been sat- lafled with the wlekedncit of them. So you see that liiimnn nature Is the same In all tlmv," ^

JLIISEYIlF-'s I s CGNGnKKH.Beoolor hswrll lU-lo-glsUtlon Regarding

I n i r r e l l s o f ' I M S S ts I * .WABIUNllTOS, Dee. 15.—When Senator

SewslI left Ihe rivnate Tuesday night he waa feeling III from a cold, but. neverth*. test, went out after dinner to attend to a social engagement, and yesterday morning came lo the t’aiiUnl lo a meoting of the Senate ComniUteo on Appropriations, L ater In the day he relum ed to hla bed a t hla hotel. It Is expected th a t he wilt be out In a liny or two.

The Senate has pasned the Salem Creek Ughthouae bill. Introduced by Senator ■swell, ami which had been reported a t tho laat session by the Commerce Com- TOltlce, A similar bill by Repreaentatlve Loudenslager passed the House a t the last seaalon. The measure referred to r«-eaub- llahea Ihe lighthouse at o r near the mouth of Salem Creek, at a coat not to eaceed 19,(101, Thla will give a far be tter light than waa ever maintained tnere,

RepreaentativeH Howell, Parker, Oard- ner and Loudenslager will a te th e Com­m lltee on lllvera and Marbora and Bk tUtea for hearing* of Now Jersey ttama to go Into the bill of thla session. Mr. Howell atalee Ihet he may ask for an Im- p o rta rt addlllonal survey.

Bepreiontnllve Pitney yesterday tntro- ditced Joshua B. Salmon, of Morris County, alaoted aa his auceeaaor in Coogresa, to the Speaker and to a la rge number of membera on both sldea.

Representative Parker preaented a paper to the House from the Rev. J . H. Parker, the Rev. Charlee H. Dickerson and other*, cltloens of Newark, dirseting attentlOD to alitged oulrags* upon colored men In tho ■oulh, and favoring a reduction of repra- sentatlon In Congress.

Rsureecntatlvc Gardner h as recommend­ed K h 8. 8^ tor Poatm aater a t Eng. Uah Creek. ___ ■

•p a eN l reeln iw a a t J a e o h y ’s.■ t Uteed St- After-theatre lunch, 9po. TabI* d’hotsdlnlMr, Wo. U ra w ^ q u e t hell. Priyaie 'kfSog roeflts. Chii*ti|ias rtlnnera sent out*—Adv.

I, MU •INikW*' MeWa O k Market eh—


Uoliwnrth Rolled Owe the Trolley Treck a Sloiiient Hefors II P tssed-W as

Uurlad from Hla Wagon,Trolley ea r No, 831. of the Irvington

tine, oollldad wrtth a heavy truck owned by the Kagte Hrcwliig Company a t Bprtng- lli'ld avenue ami Hrme atreet about T;*l o'cloi'k th is morning, go great was the forro of the compact that both vehicles wvre jiartlally demolished, and Imuts llolsw arih, of S3 Hroome street, the d river’ of the irui'k, was thrown to the ground and severely bruised. Jamse Bulltvan. the moturman of the ear, saved himself from being cruehed In Ihe wreck of the front plulform by Jumping hack Into the aisle of the car. Ilolaworih landed on the pavement, scarcely half a foot from the trarhs, and Joal as he rolled away from the rails the r a r passed by, lha motor- man having been unable m atop It.

Iloliw arih was drlvIniTaoulh on Druee street wllh a load of twenty-five half-b tr- reli of hei>r. It was hla Intention lo pull up In from of the aaloon directly opposite Hruee street. As he drove Into Bpring- ileld avenue, Iloliw arih says, he looked In both directions for approaching trolley cars. He saw one Ihat waa Just atarting down the strep grade, which bsglna a lit­tle above Morrta avenue, more than a hloch sway. Holiw arih thought Ihat he hart ample time to clear tha trao lu and pull up against Ihe ourtx He urged hta team forward and had almoat croaaed tha eaatbound track when the car crashed Into Ihe rear of the wagon. Just before Ihe crash the m otorm in turned off tha powsr, put en the brake and sprang backward Into the car. after opening the door. His was a narrow eacape.

The heavy wagon waa puahed half way aeren the sidewalk. I t struck a hsavy hltchlng-post on the curb and bioko it. The rear oxla was broken a t the hub of one wheel, and Ihe vehicle waa so lilted Ihat many of the kegs rolled off.

The front platform of the ear was sm ash, cd Into kindling word. The Iron uprlghti •upportlng the roof were twisted, and Ihe L'onlrolter and brake handle were crushed between th e dashboard and the end of Ihe car. The glass In the front door and win­dow! and In some on ths sides was shat­tered.

The momentum of the car waa so graat that a fter striking the truck the vehlelt ran aa fa r aa Boyd atreet, two blocks sway. In Ita wake a half doien beer kegs rolled and two became lodged beoeath It.

Ilolawarth landod on hla right aide, and It was thought that he had been lerioutly Injured. He waa uketi lnio a saloon, and from there to the City Hoapltal In the hoapiui em hulaiye. At the hoapltal it was found that hla right ankle waa apraln. ed, and ihal he waa badly bruised about the body. A fter his Injuries had been a t­tended to he was aaatited to his home by friends.

Motorman Bulltvan told ths police la lsr that he did all in his power lo prevent the accident, and that he was nnaBle to con­trol the car. He was not arrested.

The half dosen passengert In the oar were badly shaken up, but, so ta r aa oould be learned, none waa Injured.

The horses attached to the wagon were badly bruised by sliding along the curb and sidewalk on their haunches.

-----------------a----------------T lim " U l ^ M tllE " bWORE,"

ItnaUe lo fa s th s Slgo language, bnl C a|«bls WIUi Hla Volee.

A man who, under preisnaa of being a deaf mute, had been soliciting alms In Ir­vington for several days, was arraated In that place last night. He had Just visited several housei on Bmlili street, and when money waa refused to him, he suddenly diacloged th a t he had a voice and a vocab­ulary of profane words.

When he was searched several card# staling th a t the liearer was dsaf and dumb, and tl.KI In money were found to hts posaeaalofi. lly that time he had aub- sided Into silence again, and John Naah, I genuine deaf mute, was sent for to talk with him. Naah u s ^ the sign language, but Ihe prisoner did not seem to under­stand him.

This iBornlng Recorder Mayfield w as about to oentence the man to six months In the penltenllnry, when Ih* fellow broke down, and finding hts voice again, sold hi* name whk Homan Meum, ami that bo waa a Pole, The Recorder says the man aware In live language* us he waa led to a celt. The prisoner was not senunesd. He was remanded pending an Inveaffigatlon as to hla rasord.

P la la f le ld New* N*taa.W. R, Gray, colored, who was convicted

of stealing a bicycle owned by Frank Dsncklau, of Ptalnfleld, was yesterday aeiuonced hy Judge Vail to eighteen inonlht In S tate Prison.

Tho m arriage of Miss Emily Irf'cds Au»- lln, daughter of .Mr, and .Aire. Charles i V i ’P' Warrenvllle. and Frank B, Kleulhans of Easton, Pa., was celebrated

bf tin* bride'a unole, E. A. Verraiiele, of Jiirkeon avenue. Plainfield, Rev. Cornellns Schcnck, pas­tor of Trinlly Heformert Church, per­formed the ceremony. Ttic multi of honor was Mlaa E lliabelh C. Austin, slater of the bride. The beat man was A rthur Kleinhana, brother of Ihe groom. A fter a wedding trip the young couple will re­side In Philadelphia.

The Commissioners of A|i|icb1s on T axa­tion lit Ptalnfleld yesterday afternoon gave out a synopsis of thdr work. The total jurnttor o f complaliita irealed were 26S. divided aa follows; Aiitiliculions to reduce valuatloti of real estate, 170: lo reduce val­uation of persunalliy. ill; to exempt real estate of churches, il; to reduce valuations of real estat* because of errors In books and m api, 6; to rediioe or cancel tax on personklUy, 11; to caiicrl dog tax, 11; lo re­mit poll tax , 10; exemption of soldiers and firemen. It, The total detiueted from as­sessed TgluattoQ was |llk ,«6. The toUl “mount of taxes rem litnl waa |3,i»."(.lli.

The widow of the late Itohert Randolph, of Ptalnfleld, la unable to collect a fc.Otio accident p « lcy th a t her husband carrleil, owing to the refusal of the phytlclans to make affidavit th a t the tlcalfi was due to an accident. The doctors are reasonably suro th a t hla death was ncddental, as they believe he t j j r t from the result of a fall on the lee, but they decllito to swear positive­ly to It, The Insurance company aianils ready to pay the Insurance on the nreaeni- ment of proper evidence,

in the Iwwtinsr game between the Park Club of Plainfield and the WesHleld team, the Parks won three itre igb t games. T hat results In pu tting the Parks In the seenRace In the tournam ent of the Cent:

lew Jeraey League.kelng conducted a t

the F i l l e r * Baptist Church In Plalnfleld. Te-night a novel feature will tm a per­formance repreaenllng a Chinese wedding.

Dr. flunM uiua, of Chleago, will deliver a lecture In the Creaccut Avenue Church Chaiiel In Plalnfleld this evening on Savo- naranla. I t will he for Ihe beiicnt of the W hittier Hom e In Jersey City,

Dr. H. K, Carroll, of North Plalnfleld, the P residen t'i commissioner to Porto Rico, will la ll for that Island on the steam er phdam on December 31, He will continue h ts Investigations of the Internal affairs of th e laland.

8, 81. John McCutchen. of Plalnfleld, will be one of the apeskers at Ihe dinner of the Princeton Club of Union County, to be helJ In E lliebeth this rvenlng. Mr. MeCutehsn wtll respond to the tosat on "Yale,” of Which he Is an alumni.

The P ark Club whist Iruci of Plafnfleld went to Jeraey City laat night to play the Jersey City Club In the New Jersey W hist League tournam ent fur the champlonihlp of the C entral Jeraey section. Up to last night the A irk team had won two gomes and lost oim. A victory meant tho cham . plciiehlp of the section, and great Inter­est was centered in the result. The Parks came out victorious by a final score of 9 lo 7. They will next meet the Roseville team, the winners of the Lackawanna sec­tion, and then the Ridgewood Club, the winners of the Erls section, for the cham ­pionship of the State.

Tho death of Mrs. Catherine Conghay, aged elghty-tw o years, of 67 Pearl atreet, North Plalnfleld. occurred thla morning after a long Hlneaa.


wadded at Nodlaon,L nrety home wedding took place a t the ildence of Mr, ami Mrs. J. A, llorshel.rv«l ___ _ ____________ ,

In Mttdieon, yesterday afternoon, when their daughter Mlaa Jeanette F. Horshel

Davie R. Bnover, of U ttletqn avenue, city, were joined In wedlock bv Rev.

Mr. White, also of thla city.About seventy-five wltneseed the cere-

laony, which w as performed In the parlor beneath a bower of rosea. Profeaaor D«- fllhilli. of HaiUaon, playad the wedding inarch, one he hod compooed and dedicat­ed to the bride.

A e lattr of the bride. Mlse Minnie Hoahel, w as brldeemeld, and N athan C. Horton, of Orange, was heat man. The bride w as handsomely attired In a cos­tume of pearl g ray gjnd white allk. and carried a bouquet of lUlea of the valley, ■he wore a handsome diamond brooche. the g ift of the bridearoom. Two of her nieces, Miss Edna and Mias Jeanette De-man. were th e flower

Following the w»i flrls.Ing ceremony

eeptlon waa held, and a wedding supper •erved, a f te r whRb Mr. and Mr». Snover left on an extended trip west.

In the Papers Filed at CoarthonN ths Capital Stock h Plaoed

at 150,000,000.

■AID T O 8 E T H E “ TIN P U T E T H U tT .'*

Of Ihe Total A raaual of Capital glorh ■ 10,000 Is FuM l a —H ia Oemgaay, Vo* dee Its O u H er. Mas kweaplog Power! Arooog Thom lo Aequiro Other Ooaeerna mod to Foy for Them lo Oish, Mock Ronds o r Olhorwlso-Odies a l K ill Oe> oagt.

Whsai I la ths Baker vrlav

ArUi'lM of lnci>t*|>orfttlon of (he Amtrlc«a Tin PJftte I 'o tnptny w*re recorded y«iUr- diiy in ih! olTic! of th* ounty ll ifoftpitftllied for |fD.OOD.(MiO, and !• w ld lo h t th* concern known x t the "Tin P in * T ru!i." The lncorporft(on monttoiiod li| tho imp!r! « rr Jftm ri B. Dill, of ff Pin* itre rt, New York, who hoidf nltitty ih»rrftt Itowftpu K, Wood in d Uuncftii T* U oL trtn , both of iCftit Grftnjro, !ftch holdtnf fl\ft ihftrrt. Th« ihmrM ■ubicrlbcd for hy ihrw coniprUci the cftplUt with which bU«1nr«T« l! ooinmrnred-'4t&,0Q0*

At itftird in (ho rertlflcftto of Incorporo*! tion tht* object! fo r which ih t oorpomtioift hi formed tre T o minufftctui*!, buy* !r||^ deal tn tnd daai on tin, Itme* block plalra, *1^1 ihect! ftnd all Uko or kindred prod« ucti^ to mine, ntatiufacturo, prepare for market, m arket and ftall the eame imi*l •ny a rtid c i or product In th# manufactur* or rompoahlon of which m etil !■ a factor, Includinf the tcqulaitlon. by purohaac, mlnlnv, mnnofaciure, o r otherwlie, of a ll materially luppUea and o lh tr ertlcle* neceteftry or convenient for u h tn connec, tion wilh and In ca rry ln t oh the hutlnnn herein mentioned or any part thereof."

"In furtlverunce and not In llmUatlon nf the ceneral pqweri conferred by the liw a of New Je reay ." the article oonilnuea "It l» hereby expresaly provided that the com. pany ahult have jKjwer! u» deal In and wllh Kooda, ware!, merchandiee and property of every claa! and dcectiptlon, and to do both raining and Knunufacturing of any. kind; to acquire, hold and dtepoee of. with* out limit aa to amount* in any part of th«k world, real ra ta te and real property and any imereata nnd righta therein; mlao tu acquire the good will, r igh t! and prop* erty of all kind!, and to underiike tho whole or any part of the aaM ti and !fabUL«, Uea of any peraon, firm. ftMaoclation ori corporation, and to pay for the aame Iri oaah. Mock of thla corporation, bond! o r otherwiar."

The coriHoration, according lo the papera^ h a i power "to have one or more offlceii and to hold, purchaae and convey roal aud personal property within and without the' S tate of New Jersey and In all other Statee, Terrltorlea and colonlea of th ^ United Btatea and in all foreign countrltg and place!-"

'T h e offlceri of Ihe corporation," U la Biaud. "ahall have no power to m orti^ga Ua real property, except upon the ronaeiit- In writing, fSret obtained, of th* holder* of a majority of the laaued preferred atoefc, or upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the holders of the said p r t f e r r ^ flock a t a meeting duly called for th a t purpose, and upon auch conMot. and not otherwlae the corporation ih a ll have like power to mortgage Its real property to aecure an ia- aue of bonds or olherwkac,"

The preferred stock am ounts to and the common stock to t3D,0^,000, 'Tho preferred stock, U la provided, ehall carry seven per cent, cum ulative preferential dividends. If not paid, the dividend iball become a charge on the net proflts.

The balance of the net proRU of the oor-1 poratlon, a fte r the paym ent of the divi­dend on the preferred stock "may b* dia- irihuted as dlvjdanda am_ong the holders of the general stock, when the Hoard of Dlreciora. or tho Kxecuilve roimjiltle», shall in their discretion determine."

From time (o time (he preferred and. common stock shall bo Issued In auch amount and proportion as shall be deter- iDlnad fay (ho Board of Dtrei'turii in accord- ; ance with tho laws of the Stale, The Ex-, ecutive Oommlttea, tt la further provided, shall be In control when the Board o f Dlrrctors la not in aeaalon, und shall coin altt of nve members, electi'd by the stock- holders from the Hoard or Directors. Tha number (hat shall compose (he Hoard of Directors is not menUonivl. i f the num­ber of directors bo Inerrased. the director- ships thus created shall be construed as vocanclra, to be filled by the boftrd.

The oflicc of the company la given as a^ 625 a luln street, Bast Orange, with tha New Jervty Hegisiratlon and *h^uit Com-. pany.

lionets f a r Dow Bwftcra*FtfTm Tlif Si'urhern Fancier.

l.}on'i i-huln your dug.Don't focd your dog Kinnll bones.Don't IH your dog aiirfer with flees.Don ( kirk your dog If you wish him to

ob«‘y you,Don'i piVH raw milk to puppies; always

lioll or Hunld 11.Don 1 a dng candy or sweets. It

oftTMi |in"lui*cK fils.Diin't forget ih«t Ihe files annoy your

dog iiN mui h iiK they do you.lion't allow yuur dog to roam tha

jiirtA‘iK iK oiiUHc Vie tms ai licenoe.(■Isn’t iillow Htole wntA'r to go down tha

dotf'rf ihrcmr while In conllnomenl,Don't fall In have ii FA^iilur lime for

'XiTi-leIng. fccAllng and caring for your dot.

I>Aih’t full to sr<* ilm t yrmr dog bni suf- lli-tutii iiAii'lliiK to keep hlmsrlf Warm andtlMl it in (-lotui.

Don't nllow your Alog to bark and howl lU idgiit. He <-:iT] ito broken of the habit' riAsUy tinil qiilokly.

Don't full to fflvo your dor a bath, but he nure hla coat Ih ihorougniy dried be­fore ci|U)8liig him to the cold udr.

It rod want roomi, eouult tbs NlWg Ts Dna«ai. ___ •_________________

W ea th e ld a n d K earby .The onirerM of the Jersey Central Rail-

roHd ur»- watching Ihe trains a t Fanwnml cut every iilgiii u» catch tho coal thieves who H pnirtice uf robbing the trains on Hie tiu grAuJe.

The fuuFTol of tho Into Robert Herron, of Unuifonl. was hehl yoMterday from tha reatdencK nf his daughter, Mrs. F. W, Woodruff- Kcv. O n rg e F. Green conducu-d the aorvIctfH. Interm ent wan a t FalrvlUa Ceraetery. ^ auThe two n iierta in tnenta given by the Rwl CrosH BoA leiy of Cranford netted 1X49.45, which has been turned over lo tho New York aucleiy- ^ _

SkallDX on the RahWHji Rlvsr at Craii- fora la the best th a t H has been for ssv- tra l years past. ^

Two icHohera have been added to the pri­m ary departm ent of the tTnnford Hr.hooi!. to Hsaume their duties after the first uf January, whan the new- schoolhuuae win bo r e a d y . __________

gkol a Half Nawfoumllanci Bog.A supposed mad dog belonging to Henry

Bertholf. of 45 Mary vDcpt, was shot yoa- terday afternoon by Mounted Policeman FUspalrielt. of theanimal was a Newfoundland Ataut a week axo It wa* biuen by a little bomelesi monxre" th a t was supnosed to hove heeu affllcled wllh rabies. The Newfoundland w»* chained In Ihe ow ners y»f<l. day It developed symptoms of madnssa

Fair and Warmer.Tha weather forecast for Newark and

rlclnlty I"; Generally fair and warmer to.nlgh’t and Friday; light to freaU south­erly wind*. ________

C ix r NEW a NOTBIftPev Joaenh Leucht will lecture lo-mor-

row n l ih r a l the letm,Ie on the subjeci ■The School of Experience.

A Are occurred late yoaierday afternoon In the rooms of C harW Swart*, w r te ;wicoiid floor of S» B/™ "*’ • T . r L 't l V e ^ 'caused hy flames from astove. Tho damage w as eetlmaled at Rt.

Manv lovers of a r t have been attraoiad this week to w isaner Hall, where an ex- . hlbUlon of copies of painting, sculpluro and archltaclure la being riven under the SS?pk« of the Mewafk M ueailonaj Asio- delTon. The proceedi will l—hfeA ■chsilnx iiluturee for the puWlo ephools. th e exTilbillon will be open during the rdit of Ihe week from W o clock In the morn­ing until 9 o'clock lo th* aftataoaii la d from 7 lo W o'elook a t nighta)

ttamser Month fee Flaaoe n Easy TsnM.Ip order to m ake December the banner

month, aiwulBl Inducem ent ora M il l made, and grea ter piano bargaloa wet*never before offered.

. a. ,_ ■. ' ' , , f...

N E W A R K E V E N IN G - N E W S , T H lJ U a iJ A Y . .U E U lia iR E K i S , I9 & i.

pMcmAL miin AD?AHGi.

Major Sejmoor Pnseato I lg am to Show that Inch Has Bean Done

for the City's School System.


Altfa* Um Malmil I>>lnal|HU'A H adatlM Mr. ••ym our M ijt lh*‘ '•'* tnnUnUoiiit Hair* IlMa Oraallrh f iriBIUWU■ •r l i t l a S m V stM sU a OunnHHt hr Ju a M L. H*r«, mt tba Ita ic Board of Bdn- aM taa-C harlit HklBaa* and Olhtra * l» Uailrar Artdnat**.

T h t N sw irk Public Behucl Prtnulpalr' Aaaaclatlon bold • racrytlon and bunquci U al nlftat a t lha Cuntlnfiital iloiul. Mayoi n a j^ o n r aaa tbo guMl ot honor, and amsnd otbora praacnl wata aoma uf Ibf Dtambara of tha Board of education, Bohool Suiiarlnlandant O llb trt and C'liarlai B. SUnaar, ot Iba Dapartmant of Public Inaiructlon o t tba S tate ot Naw Tork. T h t banquet waa brld in tha main dining, room. Tbait waa mualo by an oruhaatra,

Tba rarrtiilon waa bald In a parlor on th f aacond door, biavhl li. tjoraon, ih t praal- dant of fhr aiooclailoa, drllvi rad lha ad. .iraaa uf arliumu, a tta r whic h ha praaentadMayor Bvyniuur.' Xha Mayor aald

' ^ r . Chairman, Ludlaa and OaiiUuman—It g ln a Bia groat pteaaura to maot arlth you (hta avtnlng. l faarad th a t I would not ba abla to atiaad. and aataam It a p ria. lleiia to ba hata t . .vT conaldfr tba placa you hold in tha

ayatem of Nawark a aaally a. Laat waak 1 bad tha p l a ^

coosldrruubUo Bchooi ayatem im portant one.u r ^ f altaodlng t>) Ibla aam# placa a din

Iran by tha High ■•bool taachara o late, to whom an addraaa waa mada a Hnn. 8cth Low, i

owralty. In Ihia addroaso t Colunibla Uni. I ba vary hapoity

ra tanad id our tvhuol ayatem aa nw,

baingreprbaaolrd by a pyramid, thn lowrat atonaa of which era tha klndergartati, tha neat luyar tha prlmarlea, then the gram m ar achoula, and ao on up to the univanjl ty . I thought while llatening to that apaak- ar how neoaiiaary It la th a t thaaa tuunda. tlM atonaa ahould ba laid auru and firm to maka an andurlng atructiira. Thia la the work In which you aro engaged, and thera-tare a moat Impnrlani one.

“In a manufaclurlng city Ilka thIa. aocoamopoltlaq In Ha populaNon, thara are many children that can only reoelva i gram m ar aabonl edncatlon, aa their d r ' noiuatanoaa naceaaltala thalr aeeking em< ulagmaot a t an early age, U la vitally naO' l i ib ir r then, th a t they ahould ba wellaqulpfiad witfc wall^ihaaan waapona.whlch a re furnli ■ ■ 'a re furnlahed by you fnr lha battle of life.

"1 am deeply Intaraated In aducallunal work In tha achool ayaum of tha Btata, and particularly the achoala of ihla elly.

"Btnea 1 have bean Mayor 1 have enciiur. aged liberal appropriatlona to r educailunal purpoaaa, regardicaa of the tax rale which m ight reautt. and 1 am pteoacel to aav the CoBunon Council haa oo-oparated adth meto thia and with cheertuin

"Thara la a crowing aantlmaot In thU miy In favor o f i^ehanga In tha compeat;tlon of our local Boaril uf Uducatinn. and 1 taka advantage ot Ihia ocoaalnn to com- mant tharaon, ft la bellaved th a t our board la far too larga, th a t It la too partlaan, and th a t the aalactlon o t I ti mam b en from flt- taao aubdlvlilona of tha city laada to aac-iionallam rather than a atudy and ragard

1 aa a wnnie.tor tba achool ayatem •Two ■

thaae raa»M waaaa a w — .............

h o o A i t remain* for tha LegUlature to datertnlnt which aoheme. It any, ahall be

vo p iiw arc propuaed to r remedying evTie, one tha aatttng up uf a email

ve, tha e th er a email appointive.ny.

p t ^ in tba determ ination of the quea-j I alnccroly hope p a r tiu n ih lp will And

BO part, and th a t the neat tntereafa of the - - le far aa they can ba awwrialned.

a t the d ty haa bean liberal In reoanl yaafi to the Board of Sducatlpn Aguret

damonatrata It la aald to ba ajwaya •afa to indulge in atatlatlca. ao I will in- fljat a few upon you. In the laat eleven yaara tha maintenance and conatrudlon wooounta of the aehoola ae compared with the number of pnplla and tha number ot t e u h r n w art a t followa;

Hainta- Con* nance, atruelton.

tM(,7U V tn .S 3 «4U.UG K •O.KM « tST.ia 06 "Wl.K'M IM.M tl too.twtr

ilurlnf tha tan yean govsred > by May.tr Brymo'ir'ii flkure- and of the ■ niort lllicral piilillo »i-tiHiiiem ihul now I pTevall..(l Iti rtantril to ijiiHIumliool work. (

' f am drlhchted In aee hy the Mirysr'a Agur>a" he aald. "lhai ihwe haa hren a yearly IncrcMn In the aninuni allotted ii. K'hool purpnaea. Munay cannot l» put to lietlrr uae. I hope id hear next year that lha turn allowed for tha education of Ihf st llltle people will )>« cnurmoualy Increaaed._ would liku to aea every achool aa com- furtablr and aa Inviting aa a parlor. Too much muiicy cannot be expended on our achoul*.” Mr. l la y i rloxrd hy raying h> thought the ihowing made by Newark In educational maltcra wai very iiralet worthy.

Wdiliam U, Wllilame. Frank Hodaoii. II n . Northup and T. M. Ward aatig aeveral quarle ilt a<dectlont during the rerepiion,

' r


$5.00 Saved.

Thalr CondlUen and lha Caadlllan uf tha Haaa W here They Ware tfuarterwl.

tieiiaral Brooke Aaawara Crltlctama,WABHINGTOM, Dec, lt.-H aford7encra|

John It. Brooke waa lha Aral wIIikx* l>e- fore tba W ar Invaallgatton flommla»ton to.day. He aald that inoal of Ihc fron ts a t Camp Thomaa, where ha waa in charges, were volunteer*. They came aiiii|>naeilly

llh ten day** rallona hut tlj* » * • the ao^allad field ration, and ai Aral they ware hungry. Thl* wai remedied by iho Coinmlaaary Departmenl quite promptly. Tha Commlaaary llupariment waa alwaya prompt and efAclent In Ha wrvlca.

Tha volunti era were aupplled with all aorta o t temage, inntt uf II antiquated. Their unlform t were tha Nallolial tluan i uniform, tnoally old and auon ntada worae by tha i—vcrHlS of the ativlce. Their •quipmetil In general waa what had luen accum ulat'd "Ihrouich the paralmnniuua policy of Ihn War Liepwrinient through tha preecdlng Iwenty-llva yaara." Borne of lha men ware unarmed and aonie In thalr ultlaana' clothea, with only ona blanket.

Tha whole enarglea of the oommandlng oAlccr ware bant on equipping tbia haturoganoua maaa of man, but aoma ot tha dcpartm anla wore lacking In aupphea, and the work waa ner.eaaarlly alow. Karly In June the commanding (lenaral waa or­dered to aend eight of the l»«t equipped reglmanta to Tampa, and to do tht* It waa necaaaary to atrip auma of tho raglm anti to help out other*.

Kven with thl* riprdleiU aoma of the regiment* left for Tampa poorly equipped. General Brooku noticed the On* tlundrad and Firty-aeventh Indiana HaglmenI, which left camp arlth Ha ■•clta tied to­gether with atrlnga. Otticr men were without cartridge licita and had to ua* tha old cartridge buxi *. The W ar llepart- mant a t thia time had exhauate'l all tha canvaa and tentage In the country, and laitta o f all aorta were ahlpind lo camp. Canteona, knlvea, forki, cup* and the Ilka wore alao ahort, and thl* condition. Gan- aral lirook t aald. continued practically up Id the and of hla adminlitratloii a t Camp Thomaa,

During Jun* order* oam* to equip thrah dlvUlona of one army corpa for eervlca In lha W att Indlaa and thie was dona with the Flrat Army Corpa, which waa more nearly equipped than tha olhart. Oanaral Brooke conaidarrd that when ha left tha rnmp on July O (hcae dlvtilona wera fairly wall luppllad.

Oenaral Brooke aald that ha h id nothing to do with tha aelectlpn of the camp ground, but, bring aealgftd Ihtra, lie made H hla buBlneaa to look after tha w ater aupply and to ee* that the nacaaaary *anl- tary ragulatlona ware promulgated and en­forced. He mad* paraunal Inapactlona aa frequently a* hla time would permit.

H* aald poalUvety that tha-crlUclama of tha cava apHng water aupply ware ground- lea*. H* had rarlAcd thl* by paraonal |n- apactlon and by frequent analyii* a t Waahlngtou. He had made atrenuoua ef­fort to regulate tha antranca of huokatera to tha camp aod, a* a m u ll of Ihia, he aald th a t th t tick report fell bit from thirty to Afty per cent.

'T deem It proper lo eay," continued Oanaral Brooke, "In oontrnvrraton of car- tatnaraporia th a t 1 have heard, that I did Inapact tha camp links and kltcbeni con­tinually.’'

"W* h av t plenty of teallmony tiefore u k " aald Uaneral Dodge, "that you did ibla

IW ...

..MM .. IM .. IIM .. im -

Total. H41.WI B

IMI (Eat'd).

.llftM U6.M) W «U.Hi U TlktOD M

S ,tN 1«M,67«»u.«n an M.MS w 7 U « » M.HMIIT K.Ut 41

U0,0W DO

4i«.m 4«T.iia« tdi.iill» MJ911 r tW.eM 61S4I.K3fl-----ift(Tt.™144,PM nw.weco

M HM.M 41 |I.Ut,>ra 16 HJOH SCHOOU

................................ .29 Ml Ok

(it'tiinatidy.V.'.’.V.V.''.".!!.'.'!^'.' llfcOW »4umber of puplla enrolled end number aefaera employed In the public achool* hla elty during tha y u a n from 1898- Inclualve:

rrequamly." " f t waa moi

We have 86 Tricot-Long Overcoats out of a tot of 175 cut anJ made by us since Oct. 28th. There has been a great demand (or large sizes, sc that only nieJiiim and small men can be titled.

We can give no rea.''On for this strange slate of affairs. M's quite unusual.

(—1 The Overcoats are warm, well

1-4 l in e d , Lusterinesleeved, velvet col­lared, and are tail­ored of All-wool Tricot-long Cloth. Their fair dealer price isiilS. Their low Stiiuteiiburgh price was? 12. To­morrow we reduce them to




To play some musical instrument. It should be part of their education. We can help you with a wealth of sugges­tions. There are Guitars and Mandolins, Violins, Autoharps, Zithers, Flutes, Horns, etc,, etc. Any of these would prove an attractive Christmas present, and that’s a good time to start on the road to a musical education.

We Sell Also the K e g in a .


Men with hreiit-mfa.sures ol J4 lo 43 inchet iTiay be rilled.


wga more than frequently," aald Oen­aral Brooke: "H waa dally."

Oanaral Brooke aald that there waa littba beginning a great many romplalnta of aoarcity of medicine*. "In Ibla I maJipractice of retying largely on the rxpeii once and advice of my chief lurgcona butwhenever I racetvad a direct compfalnl. and thia waa not Intraquemiy, I made aa prompt an Inveatlgatlon a« poanlblc. Theaupply depot* I aeulillahad myaelf. I have

‘ -------- -------------------- tldaaen On arm y of IW.ODO men In the Ae' not so welt suppUad In tliat reaped.____pi , ___________

The Army or tha Fotomac ui U61 waa not nearly aq weU furnlahed.

"W* had abundant apace In tha contiala-— .... .... .a*ry atorea for ten days’ rallona for ki.uii) man, W* bad abundant bake oven facllt- Ue*. The Commlanary and (Juarterma*.

HukiUt.................. Km Teacher*.


(Year Incomplete).


"You wUI aee, therrlore. th a t tor main- apeIatiknca w* apent or are etwndlng in 18K

n«,WD, ae again*! |9ii«,T16.W In Uok, orBeorly twice as miirh. wlille the enmlmem •vl pupil* ha* Incri'Oaed In the aoma tlmo from ISLfll to only 10,6£), or le*e than th ir ty pW eent. ' ' ^ "

"In Ittk there wa* one teacher to about gigty acholara. Now there la one traoherto lea* than fortr-tw o acholara, and lhatH *hi--- ■hoiild he.

"For coiutrucHon we upcnt r4 .S3 In iaai. In tSH we will have ipent | 1M,IW, an Ipcraaae of 100 per cent.

"■Tbeae Agure* mean, o r ought 4o m*iught 4o mean,trvmendoualy Increaiwd fadUtie* to ob­ta in a better education over those OT a dacade ago. W hether we ara deriving all th e benenta poaathla from the great m jbendltnre* 1* a queetlou which »** been Doubted ilrongly.

"Certald It la th a t w ith a dlepoeltlon on tho port of the city to be ao iH^nerouk to |te echoola-for moat of the Iporeaae tn ap nroprlatlona. for m aintananoo haa come from the tax ordinance—there ought not to • i la t the complaint we hear dally of over- erowded alaaarookit,' half-day ela**'‘», iin- •uUable annaiaa. ate. I am certain that th e public a t larga deilre* moat eavncmiy th e betterment o f tltaae condltloni."

Mr. {thinner delivered an addre** on "Tha School,a F acto r In Copu J le aald h* wga glad It waa Intetuldl to eaUbllah aohoof* aa aoon aa ixisalhle In th e oolonlea Ju tl acquiredBut**. la topaakUig o t lerritorlal expan alon Mr. Skinnar aald lha colonlaa canio

1™hy The I'nilcil It

|o America and th a t we ware choacn ^ e v id e n c e to pro test the peoplm tboae placei. in oloaing ha referred to tho recent War and aald the auc eea* of the arme ot the cuuiury wh* ktialnly du* to the admirable public Pchool education ot the soldlert, Bupertniendent Gilbert next made a few reinark*.

te aald that he w ai In favor of payini more money to teacher*, and he dc piared that tha Interm te of the achdola would beet be furthered hy raising tha balarla* of tha grade teachera He was loudly cheered.

Jomee L. Hags, president of the Rial* HM rd of Bduoallnn, spoke hrleAy, telling Ot tho advance th a t had Ineen made In

Open Saturday Nig^hts Until 11 O’clock.



ter'M departm tQ ti had all the room th<<y eotild nn with lupplles. arul whtl* th«>r^wes Bomc tthortatt« lo 4hd aome va­riety ot clothing Umt>K. It only w hat

4inl ‘mUiht hav* b««n arm li^ wera b rin f ru»! !hre« point*."’

<?»nf*cted whan three n«Ml Lo equipment ftt

WOVtxO X h rO K tE KDl'Cii^lOWg:C’Hj Com ptroller QHwou Hay* V«t«ra

Hhoald Jto Able to ftmd RtKi.Wrtto.Clly CotnptroUer Qlbaaa **TV

Educational Qiiallfloation a i a T4at of CUt«en*hlp" a t a mertUff held lam niffhi by the ParentB*' Aatoclatlon of the F rank, lln School, «

"1 would hot have the exlatltig clDctkon law# chanced a t once,’' said Mr. Qlbaon, “i i U would deprive somo people who never had any eduoatlonal advanttytir^i f,f the ir yotea. They, pt^rhaps, a r t \un lo blame for thlSe Uut In theis dnys of t-dij- eatlcQ tt Li hardly an ^iru»e fur any urn to say th a t he had no ehanne, E'lnrHibm la free to uU, and every advaritaac In clvon to those whu wtih to lE urn, 1 lUliik u would be a govti plan fur Ihls cuumy to adopt a law Jimkliic li necessary fur u man rAH<l and wrltn before lie can vole. 1 would havi» tblH sro Into c i te d in 1M02. I t w*uulil Ih* uo hardslklp, bcr-amie ihv people would hnw due warning,"

Maulpulatloas of Heart aod Traders Fore# a Decline In kame krourltl^i.

Itanae of I'rlcee.NEW YORKy iJer, 15.-TrttdiHK at Ihs

m art on the Stock KMcliangc io*day deveb oped a lenaral !lmv lonr. although some of the International aharve showed hcavi. neae. despite the drpint'SH uf there slocks In the tjOhdon market* notably Ht. Paul, which opencHl off Mitoourl Paclllo 3(leid<id but Omahag ChIcaKO and AltoOg and Eeather preferred moved up •ironKly.

inuctuatlonn became very erratic, and w are very wide, Ulseourl Pacific bound­ed up to 46, and Suaur alto itrentthenud. Hupport was Jacking In the ifeneral rail* way Hat, but con<'c*«!oni were limited in fractlone. Twin City Hapid Transit fell oft four points. CoORlclerable tlrmness was noted In the low*priued atocks, Cen­tra l Paolflo and Federal Blerl rising sharply. Near the end of the hour (he m arket adopted a gutorai b« dvy tone.

The stock market during the forenoon waa highly Irregular on a emaller volurqo of bualneia. The continued elTorte of the beire and traders who am working to force a decline, were rewarded with a fair measure of lucress, the m arket being un- able to absorb the liberal offerings of the in-ominent stocka, At the same lime ag* grtfeslve tUfqpori waii e^i<I^nl In spou, which curtailed tlie loeiee cls^wberog but •peculation generally favored a lower lev el. Bugar was lifted to 125 eje-dlvldeudg and a material rise In Omaha, Michigan Cen­tral and Lake Erie and Western uttracted soma attention. The bond market showed better resistance to the prevailing ten ­dency, ionae Issues Improving substantial- IX.

Tbe bulls gathered their forces together a f te r midday and aneumed conirol of the m arkei, Iteavy buying orders were placwl all around, and prices bounded up m ater­ially with sharp fractions between rrani- actions. The nmvement received Un irn- ,»ulse from s report th a t the Vanderbilt ulerests are to secure control of the Chl>

cago sjid Alton. The atory was that the

We have ativertiseJ pianos so often it seems as though every man and woiiun, and all chiklren who read the papers, should know all about the kind we sell—the reliable kind, which are in better condition after being used a lifetime than some of the sham varieties that are being constantly foisted on people by dealers whose business methods will sarcely stand the searchlight of careful investigation.

A friend of ours, an old piano man, said, the other day, that he quit the piano business, because it had degenerated. He said that there were too many fakirs in the trade now-a- days—and then he intimated that we woulth make more money if we dealt in " make believe " pianos. Perhaps—but we will continue to sell only standard makes such as


REAL S iT A T B M i l tAU-M ClTTaAnftET * WTNTKRi. 1« MaflMt tt.;uuu: mortitc lomi*, ___BAHOAlN8t-R«MVlUa bulUIni lota JAUEI

A. BCRKT, Iw*. Btol BsUto. lk | Mmrkot iiL•SoBROWN A fK^llLEfllNOEa REAL U T A m

T4»-T46 BROAD »T. _________________EDWARD a LTJM. Prud«allal BuUrtUif*

Rtol Mtato. InauroBo*. loaoi siwl approliais: ■gtocy of tk t Fannoylvanla Klrt Imi, Cp. 76*FOR BALK'-FIw* eftmrr oilocm p|«jp#riy,

CHilrml rv#-: wti] rrnttil; t* Ow. C. KII^HAN. 4 At'odwtJV ruom A ___UrRON W, IfORgK Rtol S«Ut«i poratoRl at-

tcBiiuR ihvOB to rU maitan. llu Tklr4 Rvo.taiFROFtCRTT for tok ehtou; Ml Ortnge st.. ami

.......... iBAuIre at JOT HoJrfirrunning to Notbitt it.

RKAla RRTATR. Innurtnr'f'. CVrmmlMlonSr of t>Mdt Md liulinus Kirhong*. C. J. Kl£RAN.

4 Acodvinr St., room A Uip

BARGAIN-O w alllw ss.

-N«w two-family houM; « lightrunma. with )org* otuo- itoblt and iktd; lot

fiOxluu: for soJa ohRop. 3Tb BuuUi ifhb at. 2lpPQ you want A iood houM ohtopt

RItocker st.laqulra 08

5bpriNK rtoldrncw proptrty cm CUnton liu);

‘ Albany; hmiw, Alx45;nr moving (o Albany; hmiw, Alx45; all mod- tPTD improvamrnti; gmund llSxkMl: or will toll 40 f»«l with hituto. Apply M Hliltlda pL b^klltGU 8T.. near W’lmom—Ten>h4mi houto. Ion

lot. coat 16.501): what will you give? A, HrifBSUT. Rtol Ematt, 161 Uarkot tt.

V.HOUSB and lota for sglo: lOI Uoutkon s t

autre FRRD LDTHT. » Wavvriy av*.inng wisbto to dlo*

brtek hooto down-PARTY Itovlag eUy in apHi

poto of fiRt BOW Kkroom t __ _____ _____town; «inia!l amount will oocuro it; ill improv*- menu; ilRto roof; lot 40xtOU. Ckaap. to. News ofUi'r*. 84pTWO flnr fl'fcioni houtoJ. 43f>-423 lutnrarr av«.,

eor. ArllnatoB; all jmprovtrnts&la; In flrst-eUns well reat<*d; - - ‘ ------ --------------order;

Ml) CbtoP. •t.

. a good invtoitncnt; 'will WALTER W. BALTER, 740 h r^ d


CUwt*ll TowDtMp,






lAjNM FOR a four-ttory brown s(on« flai. In Brooklyn, In a flna locaUoti. AddroM Widow.

Box W, Newi offleo. 6p

A New Upright, 8195-00.Terms, $10.00 down; $6.00 a month. Deliveries made December 24fh.

FOR SAUI or to lat. l-aiorv brick tac la r. « and 11 Crawford at,; building IbxlbO; lot m 00: convtolently locatw); terma auy : to Let,

AOOO OQuare f««( with power v A ateam hoot AUOU8T BURRUaNN, 6T and R N. J. R, ^gvo.WOODSIDE. 63 Ptobudy pi.—Roum, 6 rooms

oqd bath; attic imtumishto: stto a heal; mod­em improvrmvnta: open plumbing, Inqulra on procnlMa. 16p

8. A. WARD,w il l buy prb(wm ihrtotmad ^ foroeloaure;

muat to cheap, PiTviiOa Box 6& Nows plUca.

property would he merged Uuo the U kbi- gun t'entral syttem. Tne U tte r stork Im*

___ , ___ _ _ five polTUft to m andChicago and Alton brought 160^ Diligent Inquiry elicited an authorltaUve denial of the rumor by a Vanderbilt onieUl. Im* provemeota eioewhere extended to a point and over In the U rangert, New York Cen­tral ami Mine of the minor apeolaUlea,

AUERICAN RA1LWAYI4 IN CHIMA*Doeldcd OppoaltfoB to Ualtect ktoUs Ee-

terprlM by f*rliito flestfy*VANCOUVER, B. C., Dec. 15,-Harry

Frasier, a railway engineer, sent by the Chlneaa Devalopment Company of New York to survey, plan o u t aod report on railway routes lo C hina with the object of immediate cunatructlon, has returned home with hla atalalanto. Mr. Frasier mapped out roads from Peking to Can­ton, Shanghai to Woooong, ami Canton to Kaloon, aa far aa aecurlng charters from OovertiorB ot dlstrlcta la concerned. The Governora had no objection and even lug- geated bonuoea.

Mr. F rasier says railroads cannot be built without the aid of aukUera. Mr. Fra* xUt leaves on Thuriday for New York. In Hong Kong, Mr, T^rarler 8aya» he met Prince Henry of Germany, who was ex­tremely hoaille to the Idea uf United Blatea I’Uiaeiia building railroad* in China,

C iv il. hKRVli'U ItE lO ltM LEAGCK*

U'RioB'Nbarp.• The marrljiKe of Mias Amm Hharp. daughter of Mr. and Mr». Ucoraf W Sharp, to l>r. Frederick W. Wllann of BilUmore, took place IbaI night a t ht-r piirente* iv*il.|em*e, 16 HlU street. Tb« c«-r- etjjofty wiiK perfornu'd by Ki*v, I.* H Ijyoit, of the Hill Street ,M. P. rhurcli. Tin* alitritlHm* were Mloe Laura Sharp, maid of lumur; Mies Mamie Sharp, Ml** A. Kerne and M1«b Griu'tv Sdndharl brliltomHldi, ftiul Louis WlUon heal man. The iiehi-rA wure ('hrlfiuptuT Sharp, Ueorgu Hharp and Frank Slurp. T)tt» bride was aUlrt;d In white tHlTfia, with illk net Qvprdreert. Klnr wore aveil Ilf tilUr. Her nounuct v»n« cii lUiptt Of the vttllny. The muM of honor wore pearl cnlore<l allk. One of (h«' lirldoanmlda wore pink, another wan alllreil in >,d|ow and the tiilnl Wore gray Hllh. revepllon fglJowfd ihe ceremony. Mr uml .Mrs. Wtl- Moii will rcKide In Italtlimitc,

ltarih4ir«-iiiijii(M'k.Atisa Antm Tunnoek wus innrrlt'd

George A. Ilurmore last night m ihe rest- denc of .Mrs. Atmn Scully. Tl JnmeM eireei.The ceremony was fter^orincd hv Rev. William ii. Scott. Mian llnttie Keeney waa mahl uf honor and flari’v .\ Oji|)Onie acted oM belli inau. The hrlde w'uh attired In while elik and her veil w.ik arranged with oruiiK*’ blotoomB. Mr. und Mrb. liar- nioio Jcfi for a lour Houih.

b u a th O range llrlef* .flume of the mctn1>t!i'a of iho Woulh Or­

ange CounctI No. 1347. Royal Arcanum, vlKltcd Loantaka rmtricll m Morrlatown laat night.

The South Oranjfo VUIbkc Hoard of Health repofla iJiul Ihcrt- arc but thi're case* uf conlagimjs dlHrane In the vll- lugti.

The Watohung MelghtH improvement Aetocifttlon of W e«l Orangi* held a rnnoker laat night after- the ri'giilar hualiicaH eea- rtJon. The Memhcryhlp i ’ommlttee repnn- ml Hint eighteen new memherfl had Joined

‘ HModailon rtnee the lust mn'tlmtheA wagon owned hy the IJorU* h Milk ?'om-

Ikany was alruck by a trolley cmv In Houth O ra n » avenue* South Oruiige, this morn­ing. The wagon was damaged and on* of the tiorsi'* was Injured.

This winter the proper colors are d a r k S eal B ro w n s and Olives hiostly in KerseyH, some MeltonsEnd soft rmished goods such as Mou m , Wool Diagonals, etc. A ll o n r

C o ats are co;»es of the most expen sive Custom Garments (from which they cannot be tdd when worn), a t a b o u t h a lf t h e co st.

S tep In when passing our store and let us show you the larK vgt a n d h a n d « o n ie » tlin e o r p e r ­fe c t flt t ln x O v e rco a ts in th e S ta te ,

From $10 to $30.ttm Om iiI O’l t o (E1O101 Sibdip}.

i n & C o .^MjMHtfactinM Md Ratalton of

f t o 'i «|d Vo«tlU> dotMnt Only.

tWlfiwall dnltiugi.The Junior ICpworih Xacaguo uf the I'akJ-

wvll M. E. L'hurch gave an cntortainrnvnt in the chm-L'U Iasi night iiuforc a Urgy audience

Ocorge Taylor, fliate Factory Inepccior, vfilerduy liiHpci'li'fl Ihe Newark Clly llonit' nnU ih*» Verona Hromte ro w d 4F Wurka.

Mayor Jacobus, of Caldwell, has named W, H, Condlt, Xaotu.* ilsldwhi ainll Uuuld Harrison lo st'fve on a ronmiluef^ to re- vlds (he aw ards made by the Foroil Avo- nu« AaaeRsment Commls«lonrr«.

The Tf*avhi‘ra' Sunday-otthuol Union of Caldwell, will hold a meeting to-night In the Preanyierlan Church, Tne lesson for

Th« Anotol Cnuveotton Begun a l Haiti inora* Th* Day's l‘r»grHtum*a

HAliiTMuHK, Dec. Tin- f'lghteooth annutii onnvetninn i.f tin; Nutlonal Civil Servlf,. Ttefi.rin Lengue hr «.,n in tliU clly Ihia murnln>; mid will <'<piiiiini»» until to­morrow nlKlit. The riM'ijilngH upe UHng held In the ftwM-iiiMy-rofnu ui .Uiirtlr quJduU-HuicK friMii till porta nf iin- ruuijtry are pn-Hi'Ul.

This mtjrrUMR'a work w;s". n/niim-d to a nnjrilng el ilu- im-inhr-iH i,f CummlUfe ami of ihi* l;!t .uL,VD Com- inltU'«. the im-flintr hr-liiK a j^uil hidd U’himi Clom-ii At ih* „iseHriton, wljk'li Itegiih 01 ;! n't h. -x. of olhtera, of tht sif.-riui vtiuiiiniit-Iwt-lflh anti <if iti*. ..........NloUitiim of The I'KU |;>|reml,

one,U;nifir»n r*'|iurtM ' oil thf 1:1. nil

• Wfiv

689 Broad Street.

FARM^Wantsa. to rent, with orlvl1«t« of buying If suitable, fartn. Addrsaa Farm.

go, Nsws olDcs. 4Di>---- -------------- ----------- = =

BELLEVILLE ATS.. No. X tM lx rooms and bath; flnlahsd In natural wood; walla palntsd

and Mtored; flreplate hu tsr and all ImiiroT*- maiits: rsne ISA Inquire at 144 BellfTlll* avs.


n a t io n a l g u a r d Ak«0ClAT10N.itr lv la g tw tocore a s A pproprlatlaa from

4'dngyasa-HpMker Rawl*a Ovi$o*)tloQaCHICAGO, Der, 15.—Nearly every State

and Territory In lha Union waa repreaent- ed a t the aeooDJ annual cunvontlon of thg In te n ta to Kailonal Guard A-iam'iatlon, held here yesterday. Th« couventlon, which was called for tha purpoaa of uon- slderlng plans for bettering the condition of the National Guard ami to take sierj* toward pgmanting iha relations of the Regular Afmy and the militia of the vurl- oua Btatea, was attended by many ofildere of volunteer troops who aerved with di»- linctlon during ih* recent w ar with Spain, aa well as several ofitcera of the Keguiar Army. %

Nearly two liundred delegatee ]n all were preaonl. Geni^ral p, H. B a rrj, second vice-president of tne association, called the convention to trd rr . A fter the rult had bi-en callrd. City Attorney Taylor, In behalf of Mayor Harrison* made au ad- iti't'ss of welcome to the delegalen.

Geoeral Harry delivered an address, cuii- iTig attention to Lbe needs cf the national inliUla 1(1 many of the fitalea. General liend* chairman of tba Executive Commit­tee, reported that the efforts of the mem­bers of (1prtatlon c . ___ _from Congteta had been so far unsuccess-bers of (ha committee to secure an appro-

.....................Guardrtatlon of tl.WO.UOO fer tha National rom Congteta had been so far uni

ful. owing chletly, he said, 10 the- -ig ehlelly, he said, 10 the oppoal- tlon .Of Speaker Heed. The associationvoted to continue Its work for a nutloiiaJ appropriatiob.

B lootufleld an d .T funtctalr.

Iii-ms from Noiiirr\lii .KuRln.' rompuny -Sr., i, or Suiinmiu-.

has ruiHul suincli'iU niuruy ui itit. ii.4M> Uvree iiuvveH lo take the ui>i .ijjaiu.h to iwcs, The company haa applied lu the ISuuni ui ComiTilt>Hi5nMTe fur Mtahllng ruorri in liic rear Of Hit cnglne-houeo.

The Ik'Use ( 'ummlttee cif I In* S>in.- r,si i (.'oUKtry riliU vlMlttxl the pea rhilrhmiM yeflterilny In rorupany wUh ini-ilmnl. .lud d« LurmHi'jt h la proponed tu the cuthe Iiuuki- and lo eslabllsh u i-i*!- An exii'-n KuH\T la expected from York Ihia wm-k lo plan the laying uut tile lInk-H.

The Karltun Wheeimien have elccifil rl .' fuilualng III a orll«-ers; Geoi-He anim^'b ii, pr»j4tUent; ii4or>:i' Hope* vlce-prvMPir'ii Finley F Wy/k.nf, secretary; iviwipd Ehiil, treMHuri-r. Judsoii Culn, Oiplnlii.

Gordon R, LoM, for aU-gclous ux.mtuU ami linit«<r> tu itii* lliirlingen Hotel, w.in ttm"! $17S by JU‘Un. Iturllae. a t Soniervlll" y«stiTdHy. Wniiiim S , WuUer. rlu- N.isi .\il|lhlQiw v'on«i.(ijU' w'ua fined

C'jtuiily Ci>ini!4r| John Freeh* of Bum. 1- vilh', reconilv uiikUiicd an* imiionaiii V4t - illci In H will In INM Mrs. Ann K


Murrlii. of VVnir.n Tow'nship, died, b-av ing Uiri'f HitJrlr. n Mra, WllllHm H. t ’ud-

hynext Sunday will he given by Mlsa Kate OMton, of Newark.

Rllsabeth Husl Csre for Mra* ItoU. Htoclal to Ihe HV^NING NEWS.

F l a IN F IE L D /d w . 15.--The )om te«t over the legal rcMldenca of 7 pell, a. pauper, who whs decided by tlu> lata .Judge MoCormlck lo be a eharge on Fanw ood Townahin. was yeaterauy re­versed by Judge vklL Former Aaaembly-

IK COII-Tlnrriet

Township, d by Judge Valle T

man Codington, of this city, aa attorney--- _ . _„ - - . - - ___ _■ I *V- -(or Fanwood. took an appoHl front Judxa. . . . ■ • • - - r.d ttllMcCorinLck'a deolaton amt auhmtlu- axbaustiva brief on lha quentlnn. JtidKo Vnll axrard with bint and dachlad thn t tha clly Of m taanath ta rritMinallila fo r the axiia^lBe ot Mr*, ttcll.

C a r* ■ Cold l a One Di.|r Taka l a w i v t Urania Qu^lii4^|.Uiiui. All drjclela tafond the loanay Jf It'fatli to ottrs. Tha aasttiM haa ^ on ^*h tablat,.

tngton. Mrs AriKli.i Jrnutfr. of New Mar- ki'i. iin-t Ailrniii Muriln, of W arren Town, ship. Al t>i« -4ii]tMm‘ni of the MUaif In ihi- Oiphnitj.' t ’uurr • Mr, Frt^h, urilii;; us courD-cl fi t MI-4. GodlTigtoPfClsImi'rlUiui H will huti hern made and had been ilc- slroyed wlthnut ihe knowledge of the <h- Ct'aswl. The Urphniis' Court, newever, Or- ih-red a fJislrlhution of the estaie, Mr. Frei'li thru lih'<l u hill in Chanrery to rn- laMlsh Ih'' will uthl gut an Injunction atop- plug Ihc rnyhig over of the money. The case waw tricl m N ew ark before Vlee- c.’haneellor Knieiy iiin<l a host of witfifsees Wftii pxumliu'tl Afier conalderatlcm the VIee-l'liiiiK t llor oiih ied Iho will to bo es- lAbllaheil Hn<i tin* uvuney to be tiuUl hc- corUJoK lo llif terms proved. Tor com- plalnams iillcKitl rhat Mra. Marlin bad eiiirusled Mu* will lo one John K, Van Ness, who tPHtin«d ihet Jl h id been hun»- ed In his house lu-iwoen 1R»0 and 1K64. The contesi involved gi.uOi In peoonal proper­ty ami a viiiihiblc farTn.

The Madrigal Society of iiloomrtcid gave It* sixteenth conctrl in the F irs t PrcHby- lerlan Church laat ulghl before a large au- cllence. The lirst number on the iiro- grumme was a chorus* “Joy to the t ic- tors," by the soilt-ly. That ivas followed by a violin *ccllo xolo, “ liungarhui Hhapso- die/* by Hans Krutioid. The canim n, on Bhore and flea," wua next rendered hy the society, assisted by .UIhs Turner and K. c'. Towiie. The com-fri was under ilu* hH-i- arshtp ot C. Wendham Bmith. Thf hoIoIsih were Miss Florence Turnar, soprano* K. Towiie, tenon Huna KroiioUl, violin 'in-lhi. MIh toiura I*. Wiml. pUniat; LioJ** j . Mlnler* organist. The c-tii1> has eighty ■oclate fuembers, thirii^cu soprano sing"!"!, ten 'tenors, fourteen aliun and iwh've ao*. David G. (larriihriini la prt-aidini; Theo<}orf H. Wanl, vu:y-pre*tdcnt: B. 11. Uruser, secretary; Dr. i \ HamiUon, treasurer, and K. Si. Healy. ithrarlati.

Hloomfield ('ouncll* Royal ArL'aiium, will ceJtbrale “ lailles' nlKiu wltii an »-niw- tainm ent t l Central Hall (o-runrnjw nigiil Thoto who will appear ar - ^ll^^ LuiriM Tdppaii Greene, reader; t ’llniijn K. tun, musical monologulHt; John F. humorlHt, and I ’rofcasor HcnUrjfki-uii, muglcUn.

Miss IxiulHO Wuliiwrlghi. ilaiigliug' nf Lieutenant-Commander lUt-hm<] Waiu- Wright, who has been visiting ih r vhH><4<H Hatripson In OJen Hldgc, has Kiu;v in Fi.n. :L<|e1phlu,

.Mr. and Mrs. HolHa U. F i-IkmiU, iiiivc been visiting Mrs. FrlKHuU’M inr- Mr, Hhi1 Mr. Amil Dodd, in iiu\e returned to Hampion, Vu.

L'rank .Mi’CornfiBck. of HlooruiliM •■uIIhUm] In Camuaiiv A, United . ilMiiy. now al HI. Augumlne, l-'la.

Iilooinlleld Council No. 7S. L’athnlh.Hi \ oh'iu Legion, of HloomficM, has i>ii'i i. •‘■1 th isf offleers: Freshlcnl, Krarib liI ^U ■J'. vii'C-presldotlt. t.^harhs Muiruy, fr .: “■D'Tftary, Edward Moran; ro lh itu r, riiumns Hnuiy; Chaplain, Rev. J. .M Nar- '!• lie, m asurer, Ijanlri J. I lrady ; niaiur. *'hnrlt H Woods; g u a rd ,' Joaepfi Sidh v. rt'itvins. Francis OrBrIon. Charles .Murray

' .lohii McGrath.^oung Ladies’ flodatliy uf Hn-

5')iun'h tjf ihf> Bacred H eart, HloKiiLrii'M, will ' Iri'i offloers next Sunday Afierrmon

W llJliim S. MersOD Fost No. jX, ii. A. li., if lUoomfleid, olectM thwie otItceiB jor ihf-

.5* ir la st uighli ComnuniltT, Naihun k <k e«ll: senior vloO-ooininirnder. I 'rtuh He.-U, .'iiiiinr vic-e-eommander, John M. Muriijr iR. 'Pi.iriermaHter. George'H*. W ay; chjipliiiM 'n .t’.jtlDii- Cadm u^ pfttcer of «h*' hdi, 'i .o tg c Bmllh; offteer of Ihe mmjfi j, MiiMuno; fliirgcon, ChnrJca T, AnMilimuA UiiHU't*. t!e-.irge U. Cartmus; i> ph'«4 maiivt- V Dnomnpinpni, Uriah 8< idv,TU'' Uhiomrtrld Firenien'; Rellif .Vsno.

-iution hold its annual tneelitig In Lh" p tr- iors of Ktoex Hook and Lk'M*'-i* Compruiy Ij**! hlRhl and elected (he followlna offl'. ifrH for the year: rreilfleni, Wiillutn l . liohiiKon; vh-e-pretihlent, H^rmun Fl-'lnn;], ?='4're!nry, J*i. H. Harrison: tredsnrii-, T Ho^veii Jo h n n n : jwrthbRni of the Boii-.i . f Vl.fitorK. Jlornard F. Higgins. Frank Fo.** tcr und WIlMnm B. Corby.

TO COMBINE HAUiBOADHaBranch Llaas to Ba Uetg««l Id tba la ter-

tot of RroaoBy,PHILADELPHIA, Dec. lS.-The Penn­

sylvania HoJiroad Company la coDsIderlng the advloablllty of merging the Queen Anne and Kent Railroad, exiending from ToRTisend, DeL, lo Centrevi He, MdL; the Delaware and Cheaapeike Railway, ex- Iending from Clayton, Del., to Oxford, U d .; lha C anbrlilge and tieaford RsUroad, running from Cambridge, Md., to Seoford, Del., and the Delaware Kaliroad, which run* from WUmlngion to Delmar, Dal.

The queatloD of m erging has be«n under consideration by the aeveral companies in- tereaied fur aome Gme poat, and the re- ault bas bean th a t favorable actfon has toan LiJum and a reunion of these four companies will shortly be effected.

The Delaware Kaliroad haa a mileage of U y * miles, the Cambiiclge and SexforJ g.78 miles, the Queen Anne and Kent 28.10 tmlies. and the Delaware and Chesa­peake 54 mltea. ^

AU these roads are worked in conjune- with tho Philadelphia, WUrolngton Uoltlmore HaUroad Company, and

HIGH BT., near WTIIlsm—T«a-room kouM. |lMh F lm st., houto. ttabl*, um of 6ts. Bo. A. A, HUMBERT. I6t MarkM st. !

HpUBS. whole or part; 8t«am htot: Improve- mtou; laraR around*; chtop to good tcrnuiL.

I&qulrft 346 iSumnief avt, HOUSE,

LANG BT.. 70-119: near Hamburg pi. TER D. 06UOHNE, M MeuhaDic st.

lionandraon lia* Ua own corporation a u l ow ara. vVtitle (he oincera ara sliallar tn a number o t C4»a*. it I* thought th a t It would atm- pilt)’ the work to have alt the roudi In ona company.

News Notaa frona Morrlatown-14ov. Dr._ Batten, jpaetor o t the MorrU-

ahd prealdfnt of the 61. Bi

_____ , pitown Haptlat Church and Clttzrua' League D. M. Barkman. coun- act for the ItaKue, and aeveral member* of the orgaolaatlon appeared before the -Morrlatown Board o t fiicla* Comml««loti- era ant night to presa th e oomplaltil made HKotnat Patrick J . IjOoney, term er man ager o t the P tm ie ra ' Hotel, who le au- eu*ed o t having violated the exelae law* by eeillog liquor ou th a Sunday prevloua tu lha burning o t the hotel on tba night of October 64 laat, Aa Mr. Looney was un- aWa to appear, being dll In Nawark. the bwrd, by a vote of 1 to L allowed the caee to go over tor a month. The board Inatruct- fd Town counael l lu lr to prepare onll- naitcea to govern the board, ftev. Or. Bat­ten auggealed aeveral ordlnanoaa, and waa reiiueatad to subm it a m inute of them to the Town OoiiBiel. The board granted a Hholeaal* liquor llcenae to A. W. Theller

A large number of realdanta of Morrla:town are auffarlng from la grippe, All the

riding In .Mlllaliiembtra o t one fam ily raal- I etreet ara down with tha dlaca:

frightened ihetr colored aenxf. ThiaTightened thetr colored aervant girl that eh* haatlly packed her Irunk and leftthe houaa, aaylng she va* going to her

............ “outh, ■where la grippe i* u,,.I hump In the Souti I known,

i;iwood Hopkins, Wentbropk Johnson and Ralph Hanklnaon, three liny*, while ttkiitliig 111 Hoaevear'a mill pontl. In ,\jor-

' Id,


* XlaplewtHHl Ita iiihTho apnuat meeilng of the Kpworth

League of Iho Morrow Memorial M. E, Clnurch wa* hold 1a*t nlghL when five new memhere were elected', Tli* oleotlon of w r e ra fni' the onauing year raaulted aa follow* t Preahlont, P'rank Chaiidlori drat vlc«-pre»hlent, B. o . Thoiopaon; aeeoni vlne-prerliluii, Ml»* Alle* Courter; third vlre-pre«ldent, t '. it . Heave; fourth vlco- iirp*ldont, t ’hurlea F. W attai aroretary, Mia* Maud 1‘leraori, treasurer, Mra. M. J.Biiktt.

Waller E, Dare of Vallajf street, haa returned home after a hunting trip In South Jersey.

l.eon Wallace, of Naw York, I* the guest of Charles Nathan, of Rtdgawood road.

Tnknapnrt U rrlla ia Maw York.NEW TORK, Dec. 15.-Th» tranaj

Berlin arrived this rooming fromJiort Nbw* anjd p rp c e e 7 « l" lr^ * r No. JlL_at

lb toot of raellle streei. Brooklyn, ^ a arrived a t Newport New* December I, from Ponce, Porto RIen. having a*aiuiaera Uypr-4]en*ral Krooht, part o ya tr, the First K antucky Regiment Reprasentattv* K. J . Hill, o f Coon


I'JHiowii, ytot^irUay aftorncun. brake liKh lha Ice. The accident wn>5 wlL-

utjtHtMi by scoraa of other skmerH, whoihroUK

1‘iirt^d planks and aucctodtul In n'Xf ulna tljp boys.

Ah ihii Board of ExciS4» rommlHB[onr>rn '>r Morrlatown was ortwlDally ar>poln(t>d hy <liH court upon ai^lToation oF tho old ‘'omiTum Counolle Town I'ouniol Muir Miu's li aa his o^nloii that the buitrij is

i 'anl body.Tlic public C hrliim a* _ ('iK«^rialnm^nt

slven by the puplla of llio MorKaiown Fr»*e Kindoruart^n will be held next Wndnas- I hv afieruooit.

Thn action of (h« Morris Ck^unty Board 'If Frffholder* In dlspoaing of iho old fiiTnsiiousB property a t raraippany for

as s ta tto In las t nlghl’s NKWfl rrcslvlnc commcndallon by many

Uixpaysrs, Mayor Q uayk. as counsel fi»r (he Board of Freeholders, hits i>M!n InstructOfl lo prepare ifie nei* •■sHHiy ijreda for tha transfer of the ■•al oalato to th f new purchaser, Oon- iruclqr P* H. Flynn, a s soon ns poaslble The property may bavo to be remin.’eyHl’ A I'latisA In tha transfar deeds will make provision a* to tha tlm a tha prpiierty can hr' taken possaaalon of by the purehaoer The time will ha sm ple to allow the Board uf Froeholdors nn opportunity to provide for the proper care of the 30i) Inmates of ihe almshouse, The property sold yealer- 'li<y was situated miles rrom any railroad und tha fees of constables to convey per^ Hona to the almshouse have always provto a (‘oslly item. W ith the money rcj^elved ti'om the Mia a haw building can he con- 'iructed near tha lliia of some railroad •V KOCH] location near Dover Is beinr s u rKVRtcd.

rhy.TIm' annual meeting of thi-


............... .. iniH'i4 ,«ftin* First ConirreaatfonnI Chnrrh. .Mroii- •‘lair. WAS ht»kl In the vhiir<Ti iJtirlojH lust " ikHi . Joseph Van VIeck, W. n. MoiGnml rti!-l F. T. nalley were viet'led rosniD'cwt (hamaalveii for three yearK. OedrKe M Rue^elt was elected a deacon to Hucrfftl the late D. <•. KshhaUKh. Thomae IL Boikilvn was mada clerk aiul Ghnrk'S >|. Baker wa* eJeclad fujierlnliTnleiit nf thr flnnday-school. The tolhT rei'elp;e hi nil

parimcnts of the church for lh*» year Wrre The balance In Hu* trcKM-ury Is i'ie.07. The total membership of ihe.. -- __ ____ ____ .'ShinCh^irch j s KM. and In jh* Bimdtt^-si'hoo] jv)

The Wstaeatlng Free Pubflr Uhrary hrhj Us annual maaf'nE last night und eWilfKl thesa ofRcars for tha year: pfr-ni. dem, Charles H. Halfpenny; vIce-pr^L dent, Francis Law; aft'retary. Henry GnilT; irasaurrr, is ta r Derby; trustees for threa years, William KUor. W alter Kllor Uev. John WUHams and n«v. F w ' Knight.

Father Steals Council No, $3,• '^1 ■ - ■ *evolent Legion/ of M onS aS ^^^M t the** *“ — ■night eleqted these offloer* for the year-

FrasldenL Patrick O'Drien; vice-president Thomas Kelfher: treasurer. John Relllvher; treasurer. John Reilly sacretary* John Rcktnsn: collector. lIuttH Brody; A ujualjie tg lar: U turtnUAt-arma. Edward C a ssidy 'gu iJr, Mlchasl

P at ASullivan; truateaa. John tm ughertv rlcV Haley and John McCarthy

Thn Montntatr Plra D ruaritnant „ „ piillnfl oiif l**t bight to axtlngulnh a rhtm- iM»y ilr# a t lb* home of RolvH f’ R Weir 40 Gate* avenue. ““------- The damagft was allghl

The MonlOalr High Bohoot hnaket hull teain dafextad a team from the Ailelnhla l Momi'lalr jrealerdag aft«roo«B. i c o r « w M lu K

Mlllbarii amd gRringaeld.The Mlllhurn Board of Eduuaiiun Yvlll

hold iia regular m onthly meeting to-nlghl, A upvciul m eeting of the Springfield

UuHrd of Education will be held Tn Bchooi I'ulliiliig No. 1 to-night, when the architect nniiloyed by the board will auhmil nlan* Hiir] upeclftoatluna for the ntenm-hentlng*vulrm to be placed in the achool building.

H. Perry, aon of Samuel Perry,JiMcphof

Kloii A. M. The ceremon.

1 I J iwill be m ar

nil .......Will be parformed by

Springfield, will b» m arked to ___Mary Bafley. of Rfehmond, Va.. In the Mt.

Mloar, wl 61.6V IIM«U4fU. *64.. lu me JlB. Church, Mlllhurn, to-nigl my will be

WiKtor, Rev. A. ■Willi*.‘tit'i

The m e ra rr aoclety recently organtaed ' apringtteld Bohool ha* aglected the

mime of AdNphIc Lyoeum for lU title. ItIn thehit* uIho a d o p t^ l.ytawa and a conatUu- ilgn. The aoclety Will hold a public aa*. einn after the hoUdaye:

The Mlllburti Township Committee ha* leirimtad Its oonnael, Bikar & Rtker. to

begin Y>roc«rang* to obtain poeataalon ofthe roMdenc* occupied by .Mr*. ItenJa' min Dearlng, In Wyoming. Tha houaa era* tinnght by the townahlp tn 1694, when itwa* aold for unpaid taxoi. hut the Daar, ing family hag not vtentefl U

irndlM M M n e tc n .Freeholder Troxoll and Edward V.

Pren* left Msfliaoo yoaterday afternoon fbr New O rlaana w h a n they will raniain tor aeveral wadt*.

Marmaduka Tllden and family left H*d lion to-day fo r th s tr w inter horn* In Ne«




R4MIMI g n u rL A T l TO LET.*---- - ^ -u L-L_-I_n--U-Lj-I_n-

ir^iv T r«nto f jMiudiair tot*; a*

jotolaO. laqulra ^fultomr tt. c ii* i. rnAnNTgKL

TO WtT—ni* eWwant r*ui near Blab ii .. reni 111. a: ?a apTinxiVi,! eve ,

Lnaulra l* To

K4M>MN t u i .e t —o u t o f toavn.ItOOMH-To lat. In priVKt* famllv. 3 unfunilahrA

mtjfna. <-*n to lat for llaht tMaatotoptn*. ur will iMMird tortlM fitrniahiB* tham; tarma ki« <'«ll dt K4 William •(.. Brllarmv. t

FURNISHED FteATS WANTR|>.REUlAtiLR party wsnti fnur to six (uniU|i#.|

room* waai of BriMu] pt.. wlihln ton miouiDa’ ivslk of ]>-. 1a. anel W. Bintlon. Addraaa Rau* 4bto. Rnx to. Saws ofllto I


boorOm; couvsn'34—Eurnlihod room ohaap, or torai. Sit)BROAb IT.. fiSS-Lsrta n tv ir furatskai Ooubla

sad Simla roons: staont hast sa l b a ^ RallKAATI BT., to, arsf Orcksrd-Furalshrd rooms

ff>r irrntlaman or light houaaktoiHnf. tooRANK RT.. SQ-rural»had rooma; htotad;

ona or two ■•ndtmRn.CLINTON IT . MS -Two gonnactliig ronnui auiN

stila for two or ibrta.iHnttoman: withtoih suit h to t; prka mndartta.EAST HARK BT., t t —A larga furnlshad Tonm

to lat: hast am) gas. ttorURNlRHED rooms fnr gantiamto or light

hoosakaapinf: rtasoqthlt. >T Maohsata st. t i arURNIBHED room for light bousaksapDv; asn-

vanlonito. AMrvM U.. Fkw M. Naw* affito, 1ruRNiRHED mom. wllh hrst. lultabla for two.,

;>i Now st. 1f r a n k l in RT.. tt-Nawtv (qrnUliwl room«i

haaied: all improvrtnatus; urlvato. 14aFULTON ST.. ?(W-Large. airy ronmt; handsoiisi-

ly furniph^, and ail improvanwsia - *CoFRONT room,

&1 CUatoa st.fumlihod, light bootohMipliia.

OARRN ST.. 2S»Larg* pNoaont ooantctlng on<l atngla rtMms; nawly funilshad; houaa haatad

thruughout; with or without toar*; oil Im- proyofuanta. ttlHALSEY ST.. tt-N iealy furnlabod hall mom:

si ImprOTOBanti; cantral; rafortnea: fontla- man ODly. ttnHALBET RT.. S39-NI<r ranms. furntshad fnr

light hpuaskaaplng, from |1.30 up* 4bpLAWRENCE 0T., U—Elagant furnltbad rooms;

antlra houaa ntwiy furalsbad. t tpLIHEHTT BT., 45—Furnished room fvtth wstarl

for houMkeepIng. ____ 1HULBEBRT RT.. aos-punilabed

houMkeaplDgi four rooms; tL ____yoozni,

6TpNKW RT-. 40—leSrga furnlihtd front room, wbh

heat; first floor; also two connactlng roqiiu; nJI ronTrniaru.wi. ______ iNEW HT., &G—Fumlihad room,

reasonable: private family.wUh ncistrr;

PARK RT.. T5l4^rurnli>hfd room; *R Improve menta: gas. bath, heat-_______ t

ROOkf-A tonfs fro«it room; vanr ^oaly^ fur^ nlahed. fnr ona or two gantlemanr baotrd and

use Of bath; neodi only to to **•» tn to aj>- prorlated: lam s moat roasonahlt; fsnslly pri­vate: near troilry. I l l High st.ROOU-Nlcsly furnished room ta lat, wllh gss.

hast and usa ot bath: family private and hoosa toptrally located. • Orehord. poor Wal­nut a t •__________ fo




7 raems; atl Iropruveninits: amall ■Uhle. 57 South I9lh st„ Roeevtlle. 70n

roOMR-To let. two large fundshtd room* for tight bouerxefwl&g. noodtro• ----------- . fuineiM st.private family.

ImprovKneAts ;

TWO naatlr furnlahed front rooms, sultabl* for light housekeeping, or rest ilngte. 114 Mar

kat *t. , _________ XTWO nratly fumlahwl rooms for one w two

gentlronen. Inquire in atore. 23H BtUevI^ sve. ________________52*1WASHINGTON ST.. 4 0 S -^ te furalshad front-------- --- leeBlttg, Xroom for light hfiusekw

f u r n t s h k d r o o m s w a n t e d .ROOK-Wented. partly fufnlsbed roore; near

t!Hnton and Rlloabach avr*.; rent $4 week. Addreoa America, Box IS. News oCfiee._______ 1TWO romne. btoied. with prlvltef# of toth;

baiwaan Htsta and Warrea me. Addrae* COOPER. 4 tt Brood sC* __ _______1

BOARDING*A KTCKLT furnlahed large front room; good

board: bath and heat: for one or two young men: term* moderoif. 283 MoAet *L__ 5p

ATLANTIC PT.» 11—Doordars wonted; bath and hsat.

HOUSE to let; Nichols st.

waier; rent $t. Inquire M 1


MULBERRY ST.. 384—Rrick; 13 rooms: fine forbuordlBg-lujusa: pusoosalon 1mmediai,*ly. BAt^

LARD. 55 Johnoun at. flloTO LET—43 Emmet at* near ircHlav Unr« and

Penn, station; * rooms; all improvrmenU; two-ato4T brick: newly deooratad.67* OEO. F. LNJDD. 419 Brtod st.95 BOTDEN BT.. nice V-room house. tl4.

LOUIS A. FELDRK, W i BraatJ at., room 13.H6mTO LET—O irr OP TOWN*

K>^ARNY—Good house: 3 rooms; garden: rent l-'i.fiU. KAY. S Hummvr avo. \

TO LET—In Orange, a eosry 7-roem house; all Improvements: rent I tt; first month free. Ap­

ply on premises, 26 HUlyer s t 5*m


BRICK factory;heat: rent It5,

270 Cheotitut SK104-106 Johnson st,; steam Apply to PALMER PfUCE,

S91BASEMENT store end tork room; 313 Hulbrr-

ry a t FRAKKLLN MA^O. *00 Broad st.l a r g e store and upper finor: centratly located:

low rent; now occupied by the Eldiidge Bley* ele Co.. 34 and 24 Central avt. TSoL03TT8 with power and ileom heat, 44 Law­

rence M. WASHINGTON WILSON* MwMARKET RT.. 382-Three Aoon for rani; light

manufacturing- will to fixed to suit traor^ . Apply to E. H. LUM. HU5 Prudential |lulldl|^.

ROOMS ta lei. with power: all improvfTnaBts: well Ui^ied: No. 34 Boudlnot at. Inauire of

RAMTIEL W'. OEERY. Ttt Broad or e n ^near oh prem'ari. Telephme No, 964.

Large rornof atofe; good locaitun for avianyara t; iiunt wlihhi three ^ o k s ; rent cheep

tu right party. AiKIrras Btore. Box 7, News of-STORt: _


161 V ultonr st.: 26x124; suljla- fv. bllMard I — '

L. .NKSI*ER. t t Crawford si.STUllK tfj IM:

bte r..r howling alk-v parlor, etc. C,TOnPHOP^T^rge light shop to lei; sultubla for any

Uualn*>ss; rfjit tiv. M. RiCHElMEH. 2HH BiiMngfield are. 5UoRTALLH and stahla<rqQni tP lat* Inqglye C. B*

ORMKN. :i6 riintqn it. ^ 2B»TO LET—Second Door: 406 Brood vt„ opposlta

Trinity i;iiureh* stsam host. Irtgulfa In tha ftore. f . W, WARD. 4tkTO LET^Rooms. with power and heat:

■treble fur light manufacturing. SAYR1C, 352-340 Mulberry at.

very de- U A. tth

315*321 MARKET W t, one large and one email norn; rrnl $60 uid |36,

298 Rank at., nice curnar stora.‘D5. laOl'iB A. FKLDEH. 802 Broad it., toom 13,

4TOnE$« OFFtCESa LOrTSq FAL- TOHIKS. s t a b l e s . ETC.* WANTED.

A LitDGE rapm or oipall hatl-Svanted; tontrally ■ Tlpcrmber #1:

UD South 14i(ovaird; for the evening uf December

terma, etc. Addresa M. H. city.

stateih It.

LOFT—Wanted, to rent, anwit loft, with power* Address Luft. Box Ta News office. 7to

BOARD-Uealrable rooms to rent, with tmprP\s- rnenta and firsi-4'laaa b iord, on Clinton ave

Ad'lreto C . Boa W. News offlea, ____ IHOARD or fumisheU rooms; 4 mlnutsa from

Erie Dcsiot; private tamliy. Board. Box 6. News olTlce. ___ 39pBOARt>^I.eirg* room and good board for (wi>

young tr-€7t- 383 Lake st., near BkNBifla|da v e . ____________ TAoBOARD—6B Front et.,

reasonable.foot of FuRoo st.; terma

BURNKT srr.. tt-H esteil nytm. wUh board;centrally located; prlvtie family: terma rea-

■nnahle. _____ ______ 96*jBKLfJlVILLE AVK.. SIT-Froflt sloofe r o ^ :

Sd floor, with board. ________ TimBROAD HT,. fllfr-lArge and small roofni; tioam

litoteJ: with board, 20pCLINTON 8T.. 4a-Exoellsht Iward tfid pleoe-

ant rooms; all Impruvsme&ts. 1c e n t r a l AYR, 1ft. near Broad

nishad front moms and board.COLUMBIA AT., 70-Deilrahl# rooms,

board; all ImnravrTnaniawithaio

CLINTON 8T.. 5U—Boarders wanted; single and double rooms. 4dv

ELM HT., 24—Two eonnacUng doubla rooms t>» let] with or without board. Iftp

'RABT p a r k at.. T5—lAxga front rooms, with booTtl; haa4; bath: gas. t

EAST PARE BT.j Sfl—Pleasant rooms, board; also tobla board. t l

EAHT p a r k 8T.. 36—Txarge heated room, with lwar»l; central. ________ lap

QROVK ST., 26, ntor Ctvurthouoe—Board; ols<t table board; $3 per week, 1

HALFKY HT.. Iftfi—Pleasant furnished rooms;suitable for two gentleman; steam beat: table

board. 2tmIIALBKV RT.. 6ft-After IVcamher 18, will

hava room vacant: suiisbia for two gofitla- men. ttpHALRET ST.. 42-Nawly furnished room.

heal: gas.or wHhout board; steam 1HfdH RT.. 4Tft—Can srcoBiniadats two gaolla-

men or married couula, \9oHILL BT.. 29—Furnished rooms* with or with­

out board. 96nNttW HT., 40-Newly furnished front rooms;

boated: Improvemenu: with board* 1pk n n in o to n

healed roorn tiemen.

fT.a 66-BoeMitig, 4 ; fine locality; lad Lea or gen-

HUMMER AVBm 30A-h'ront room, with board; suiubla for two. 44p

WAflHlNOTON RT., m-AccomoK two gentlemen; warm room; centre

odAlecM for re house, I



The fnllowlag Is the list of the ftoiMe, ml* deuces and places of bualaess of appmcBBto far hceftoea, conittnsd in all suptlcatlons of pstl-tiuns mod# to this board for* the granting af IJceim to sHI^eplrituouf. vinous,, in^t.or btow-ad lltiuon, and not hmtofors pnbUibed sseord- ing to law. ttowll.:

Kama. Flsea of Ruslnesa. RestdsNsa.Rtipch ftiloock. ILll Dlvlsloa plocoFsrd. Bnlegel, 75 Orange s t , . S a u n a place ------- -- a-rapouti - - -

liOOMb AND F I jATB TO L ET,A FLAT Of four rooms. 19: 4 roonu, 16; tubs.

JanUor. 12 EAssx st. 40hBROAD ST., 489-

Ton floor: 8 large rooms: 19. 660BANK BT., or rooms to latj >6- SBoBELLEVILLE AVE

let, ^in- •Four light rooms to

560CONflRRSH RT,,,Jl4-^Fnur large rooma. In good

unlar; ra&i low: also two larga rooms. 1CENTRAL AVK.

cheap.120—To lot. 1 large rooms;

42nFLAT to lat: 4ll/ High it,; 4 rooma amt bsth;

all Improvamaiita, 8SJFOUR nl^e HHimst all Iniprovaments; rent

Rl.W: small tArnily ptaferred. Ap.-ly VOLk R'S shoa store, 37^^ HpringfitUl ave. ttnMONMOUTH 8T., If-Four light rooms to small

fanatly. _____ _______ ___________ 4QpNEW BT*. T4T—Handsome new fiat: first floor:

all kmpu. Inq, ABRAHAM FRIBBNER, room 4m Credit Bysiem Bldg.. MarketWashington at^


NEW flat: 4 or 7 roome shd bath;id electric light; Milford avs.tela:rmrpeti

: jgM anItt kcabinet man-

heating; hall S4o

<4y^'JJjAN ire.-B«oiiA flat: 6 rooms,Ifeiimouth at, Ingulrs_______________ ___2o

ROOMS—To. 1«I. nomlnai rant and JanitWs ser' vloF for 5 rooms and balh; itnnrovrtmanls:

W M Ide. JORALBMON. 379 Woalilhgtoa ave!•'______________190ROOMS—To let. I rooma, first floor. 106 Central

avt.) adults only. Inqulra at Its Cemrel avo.

Rf>Oknh'Foiir rooms to let; water; rent 17. Stttre 96 Nichols si, In.

E08EVfLLK>*-inret floor: 4 or S rooms; oil Im- provaments. 14S Fourth al., titor Orange si.

80UTH ORANflE aVK., au6. hatweeti 4th tpi Tih sti.—FIvf plassont roonss gnJ baih, 47;

* rooms, with 1iprovsmenta; od floor. 'iSk">®l*ra to t of T n>oina,tllL

"S ft-ftw a. «n i » 40 111. .

York.Tha aecond flu

InrtaltimentB of a t Marttlwn frill mortal C h a g l

' »f the aerlta of- f j L C. a . alar ~ S S T llt the w r

) v •ranlni aUllaU, vU)

arfl*ui m

l UomiUon at.,15 Ferry st.. i resans, j I Liwrenoa at.. 9 angw I F^riv«l<. 4 r

Max Nelae,Horoft la. f Kdw, 'Weiner,FroA O. ftchwi__ _____ ____ _HefSian Ktalglen HT BprihgfleJ

Horoft la. ^ ^ S L H9 PUna etV■. na Niith Orange avs....florae ]Hew SI.,

Fred O, Bchwarx, 170 8. Orange nva.i................. ..... *6ldi • *: plane I place »place

wm- Itieyllng, te Flosto at..r,..,,,..8ama pioea Mrs. John AusU^W Bummer ava.„j||asie p{aca

FT Mo^et s t .......... Saba pUtoi|Tou||t 4 tt 8. Oraabe ava.floaa pSto ny, «T7 F e r r e t ........ a,,..flam* piooe

Antoh TlrrA John HcCuOc.J. F. Malony, « n Ferry s ........ -.........John Bfldetieohwaro. 5w Bpringflekd ave.A M. Harrington. 314 Ituitorry aL,,£lra! ptSpa aeorge Bchleror, los Bootmt at..*. '*Fred Mesa, ^ 2 Brooms s t............Jos. Keller, S6 Uvingxton at..........Mary O'Connor, 10 Lexington sf.,,,John Read, 34 flhlpmotl at.Henry Kublor. 75 Cailory ava.,.,„

*,0am« ptooa ..flora* placa i-Baraa-ptacaa.Soma place

I PIOQ*apsUv Roos, jM Bwex ave.. Wm.> crster, Mjlngltolt______ ._agiwlM at*...V’a!. fltofsnsld, t t Jtbe* a t..- ., FNmk PannsttD, M River at.,.. Vito Forrili, 54 Adame et...j,. John Bwlger, 143 B ^ s ave.*. Tlieu. jurtsen. 3U Bsnk Wm. Kupp. 446 ftoriagfleld avs. " " ' . Detroit 01

-flame ^ 4,flaaia place

ptooaa.tema pu

..*lbiBs iJulius fliarsmon. ovi. sad i


I plooe I plorn[pL.

D. I. WENDBLIiCity isrfc.

lm aii Honcttt,TP Hirom-A* flMvdferd and Jsllo flandfspB. Ilia

wife; floroh mT Dunlap* Mary O. N to iu juid “ . . . hmibaaJ* norjr J, 0oa-Kenry 0. fltorma. herviMt, John fl^U le and EIIM U Pond:

By virtue of on order of tba Cosn ot C of New Jeraay. made in lbs ofiihereof. In a oause wherein JoraaMi

id oihtfa Idots

is ecmclalnsnt* and you ind oiHsi^a^ nrtnd- a»ta, you siw required to appear, plead, answer or demur to the bill of n ld oMtploliuuit, on or hsf<^ the thirteenth der sf Fsbruary nsxt, • _ — 4 to.., ..... to- as oopfbaedbiror the ooid bill will to tkyou.

The sold bill Is filed to foractnoe a 1glvbi by floodford to aald Jeren.^ erioks, doted liorob first, eighteen buadoaventy-sevan. on lands---------- ._ bacotitttTof I__~ Btonns* ju.

— Pond srs IHOP donta tocnoa* yen M i aMuinbrABoe* 0* L ids: you. Rlrus.A. flMdford and Bgnb

' ip, are made dafstidoDts tocaus* ywi swn londa or Boro* part thereof; I ' '

— a der-------

landpts ^ a _______ _

.... .............. -.jereof; and you. Juliaiford* or* mode a defendant bonauae you

claim in Inchoate right q( dower in eoti tUKt____ —.......... right qf , , ..............sa_tto wife of eoli, jnfgB A. BandfonL

£»oted Daoembar

ftt,<r JCW9,WIUJAM W.

•nOhlt^ st I.WAT

FTOKI i YABl ' n>RiN«

A atli.


A H«

From HVs

man, fouml and V dough hs bki «r* fl pear which iru« I

In o bit, w wall, tbs hi Inetet rsrtin ■encs fORllI]

In a man and w hla kl tree, gporti coins slo va

Thai for n rlt her gold, if we day b

This match* work, fact, h

100 I hand 1 soldi or ■non ay

Hors Sion. « RJTelaph


HORB1 sired

■to hy bred ii high. tjvs Ol don t I pole h Kentu wpproatp be wamust fully ISuzniti

■35 Ol

ble pttomeowner*Ccilum




Weblfitikebui^icombalow.ca. 1FOR

tor's buekbt dry w tino-hstsanthWAO(

otris lot of cheap* HudeoBuda

tokiplumbeasy*FOR I coftc Jobs licash.HOR8


earp msson and OHORfl

belMlow prFOR I



■uUilaPON3to I

dlStoCHIC to I HariisHORC

pace,fie1d a


st.130 yQurA RU call


4v«M ta (* f• ( • • • • vfitMi. Moat o f th«a«

»I*M » « r* «ircBliisa.MttW Y O R K -

Svar.liiv Nrw» Bimneb OfflM, Room T, Mvcntb floor. 8 t. F&ui Bulldlnj, Brr«dw«]r onid Ann gtrM t R. F. I t HunttmaD. spacUl raprtMntatlva.

ORANGE--Bvonins N t« a Branch Offlet, B Centra

e tree tN E W A R K - t ^

H olihauer'a D i^ e to r t , conier or Broad and Market a tree ta

Ooodatl] 4 Co. 4H Broad itre e t J. Q. B tu n tr . n t Ttrw f etreat C B Duncan. 116 Elm etreet H. S. Maybury. South Oraiifft avenue

and Slatn etreat.F. Brelthut. 61 BelUvUla avenue.Myron W lEforte. IM Third avenue. N e v e ita n d . Roaevllle Avenue Station. Paul E. Schneider. US BJoomAeld ava-

Dua, corner Oarelda etraat.O, J. L«cha, WaablOftoD and Cheater

avenucA ^ ^JoBOph B ttenbariar. Jr.. 600 C entral

•vroua.EAST O R A N G E-

W. H Allan, 640 Main itreat, naar Brick Church Station.

W. H. PlURilty, B a it Oretica Station. H. N, Wildman. newidealer. 106 Main

■treat.SOUTH O R A N G E-

llobart Laalia. South O ranft avanue.ORANGE V A LLEY -

J. J . Speilnan, H If blend Avanua S ta­tion.

IRVINGTON—P. A. W art, com er Weet Clinton and

SprtnfSald avcnuei.M lL LB U R N -

J . H Gunn, office. Pottoffica Bulldlnf.H ILT O N -

P. 4 W art Boyden avenue.M O N T C U IIR -

Jacob Rudaneey. newedteUr. Sprin t ■treat, oppoelta depot

h a r r i s o n -P. J. Goodman. 311 Harrleon avenue.

K EA R N Y -John Hood. Jnhneon avenue, oppoeita

R lfh land avanua.Frank H. Petardy, d m t f l i t oorner

G rant and C antril avtnuee.BLOOM FIELD-

Oerlock 4 Co.. 378 Glenwood avenua.SUM M IT-

Bdward B. Kelly.Robert J. Muldowney, Newi Stand,


C. H. Bltno, Newe Stand, opp. Grean- wood Laka Dapot

w a t b e s s j n o -Charlee Bradley, ntwadealer,

MADTSON-Lew li A. W atere, newedeeter. Dm L.

and W. R R, station.MORRISTOW N-

W. K. Muchmore. nawedealcr. McAlpln Block.

BASKING R ID Q B - Charlee S hafar

RAH W AY-H. L. Moore, 31 Cherry ilreat.

iP O R T IM B S * B FIN D S.

A R a b b it t 'h a a e W h ic h L ed 4» Ijb - e a p c c t e d G ood F o r tu n e .

From The Foraat and Stream.We have all heard of the food young

man. who. hecauee he wa« gotsd, one day found a puna oonuining H.OSd.UOO In fold, and who waa th u i enabled to marry the daughter of '.he rich candy womiQ, whom ha had lonf Rlorod. Somewhat In IhU line a r t a couple if ehooting itoiice which ap­pear in the tally preae this week, and which ahow hew fO ^ a thing it U to be a true iportamatv

In one caee a hunter waa chaalng a rab­bit, which took refuge in a hole in a itone wall. The hutiter reached hla hand into the hole after tr« rabbit, but drew forth Inttead of the g«ne a long lost m arriage certificate, W hl^ had by rcaaon of Ita ah- lence caueed for aome yeara a dlatlnct family dlaturbancA

In another case apoor but honett aporlB- man w'aa out aqukrel hunting. He ehot end wounded a squirrel, and in return for hla kindness the aqUrrei ran Into a hollow tree. Heachlng doim Into the hollow, the aportaman pulled out a box full of gold coins of ancient date, but of much Intrin- ■lo value.

There are many of ia who have hunted for many yeara and have never found either a m arriage certfleate or a box of gold, but we should n«t be discouraged; if we are good we Bh|]| perhaps some day be rewarded by some such dlacovery.

H O M iB i . C A R R IA A B 8, BTC*



THE GREAT EASTERN lA L t STABLE. 4M. 4»7 and B20 Broad at., Newirk. S. J.


Larga Auction Bale of----UORSEB-HORBEa----FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18.

AT 10(80 A. H.Thla sale Includia troiiere. tween cobe.

matched pairs, aliiRle drlvara, fainilr, biatn«M. work, vapresa, draught, farm. Jerwy chuiki. la fact, ho n es to auU all purposM. loo 10 Iffi head of first-ctsM hones alwart cq

naad at iMrIvata aale or stchanse. All horses Mid on two dayir trial, and If not as reprtaetted Boraty cbaarfully reftindeA

Horses, wsaona and harness sold on oofnnta- Sion, elthsr at auction or private sale,


Telephont INS and Tit. HOT 4 TOX Props. JOB. B. HOT. Auctioneer.

. J. B. UOREHOUB. Bslesman.

UORBE—Por sals, handtone. fast Irottlna hone, sired by Red Wllhes. dam Nellie MrOregor,

abe by Robt. HcOregor standard and registered, bred In KenlurJky. seven years old. IM hands high, wHgha I.OhO. lore tail, stylish and attrac- tivs ar»oearam'e: fearless of steam or eleclrica; don't ahy or puli; needs no bonis; an eaoeUent pole horse; be t i t l e d thres private trials In Kentucky last lurnmer when purchased by Piwatm owner for tl.l38. In 3.1T. 6.16 and he was never In any races; has no record; hemust be each and driven to, be appreciated; fully m a r----- * ................... ,r .

Juzn.35 or no sate: sattsfaclory trial given respon

fully maranieed sound and geicumstanees. and to trot full i

PPr<irtlle under all rlr- milta better than

stUe Durchaeer to test hbi speed, sonndtiees and oth«t niialliles: price 6305 to private, reaponai- ble purchaMr, who will guarantee him 4 >od home and treatm ent Further information at owner's private stable, n u Week 83d st.. near Columbus eve New York City. Sip

KEPT cruitinually on hand, flraf-claia drivers, buslnesa and hesvy draught

homaa. for sale at lowent market prloast trial glvfa: fer sate or ex-

change. The City Line Bale Btablaa, Bprlagfleid ava. and Slat at.

_________M. BTECHER. Prop. Tel. 6T6«u



BAGOAOB d e l iv e r e d . WORK HORBBB TO--------------------------BOARDING HGRRRfl A BPECIALTY.-------- d e l iv e r e d , wort-------------

___________ h i r e b y t h e d a ______________BLANKKTBI BLANKBTgl BX*ANKET81

. huy.Jn bale Iota from the mills, stable blankete. ^ j U p ; inick blankets. IBo. up: road biaimeU, a,S5 up; lap robes, brushsa. curry combe, harnwei a full flne of sverythlng; pHoea

* f^ ® * * » HARNESft a n d iADDLERT C<x, t l Qraen i t , near Broad. f4dFo r BALVr—Runabout, ladlM' phaeton, doo- 1. phaeton, g top bugglea. mad wagmt, buofeboerd, spindle wagon, milk wagon, laun- dry wagon i all in good order and offered for pne-half value; went room. EATON’fl, Foui^ teenth and Orange pta, B8a

Hudaoa et. ________________________ 48nBUGOIBB. surreys, trapa. runabouts, butcher.

bakar, grocer, farm, milk, oarpenter and plumbers wag&na for sale; prices low and termi easy. THoa, ATCHABON. jeT Central ava._8WFOR BAUC'-Caupe Roekaway; two Westahsatei

coacoMi one brougham by Colyer; all <four) lobe m nice nrder. and will cIom out ohaap tor cash, EATON. 14th and Oreogs ata 61pHOKflX^Famlly boras for sale at a aacrlBce:

h ^ M M broi^ horn;. 18.1 hands rngk: elxyears old; fearless of all obieots sound and kind. T8 Cheatnut at.


WAGONS. ALL KINDB-Lanndry wagon, tTB: earpenier's wagon. tfB; grocer's wagon, tSP;

VMru. 138. H. & TIPUK. Iluibarry and Oliver au . t8q

h o m e biiiiketa: wool and fur robes, alalgh belM drtv%g gloves: very h n e issortmaot:

lew pfficea. QBO ROUBAUD. SOI Market sUN^FOR BAL1S—IT-kand roan horse! T years: kind

and fearteiu; f ln s^ to r; iKgant ooupe bom . gATOft, n th and Orange eta, . . 8SoFONT hamoM and carriage for sale; wU) sail

the ou tflteb ean 10 right parties. JOHN Q. inC ItK Bt. so to l l Prinos st. \

MORSEB wtattred; Bomertet Valley Btoek J.. B. KOREKOUB. Buirs Headfkrm.

■ublee, egf Broad. 18mPONT, wagon u d harneta for gale cheap. Can

aaen ai LAWRENCE 4 WRIGHrB. t l 8 Clinton ave. _______

W A i s r i o n w ? . ^ ' ' g

.Beio a v e ._______ X

aATON'i, rourutrith UKl Onnin"* ■ _______________ _____________ Mo

’ '“ 2" « l0 i forp lm liorj ( t t : or n o h t w , for fiont. lit Aotor _________________________ n p

M tr ir « borAtr,

__________________ _ _

*“s i

P A T S m S .n S n i n o K g n i A n w K u

I M 0 * 0 < J t a u E

mCRIlT-On llteomtwr !», M w r MIovM Wife of Jithn J, Berry. . .

Relatlvse and , friende are kindly Invited lo attend the fiineral from her M^.'TwMsnre. No.. TO FroBpe<i street, on rrtd»i^ Irtih tost., at 8 A. M . to It. Jaifwa's Uhurf'b, where a Holemn High Maae of BeqUlaia will be offered for the repose of her soul. J*>ter- m esi In the Cemetery of the Holy BepuL ebre.

BEFFEKT-On December \ f . ll©8» CatliarJas, wife of the late tieorge j . Reffert.

Funeral services at the reaidanos of 1 ^ m ii" in-law. Mr, Ororge Armbruater, N^ » LMf- lun avenur, on Friday, lbs ItMh. at 3.3U P. M. Ralativsa and friends are kindly Invited. Interment In Falrwount Cemetery.

HENTLEY-At hla late reeldafiv'c. No. SM3 Or­ange street. Wedneeday eveniiy[. Utoemiier H. 1M«. Joseph Remlvy. aged nk years.

* Funeral servicea at North Baptist Cbup^. w - ner High and Orange streets, on rrJUay. December JO at 8 V. M.

CROWKLL-At Walden. Orange County. N. Y., on December 13. U«J. David 8- Crowel!.

KeUtlvea and friends are invUsd to attend the funeral servtoee from the. Fliwt hyterlan Church <gi Friday, » t.J* Relatives will meet at his late residence, No. Ill Cedar street, at 10:15. Inisntteifi at Ml. rieaaant Cemetery.

FLANAGAN-pn. the 15th Inat.. AnnFuneral fmm her late residence. No. 7 Lme<»ln

avenue. Kearny, mi Monday, at 8 A M.. thence lu m. Cecelia s church, at P A . M.. where a BolaDin High Mam of Itenuletn will b# offered for the rrpoM m her soul. Relatives and friends are reapectfuily Invited. Intermem at the Cemetery of the Holy bepulchrt.

II01iCVMB-t>b December U . li»8.^ lWwart Jamea, son of G e o i^ and Mary llolcoroh, aged 14 yeara 10 months.

KrUilvM «nrt W fn j* - I - klmlly liu-liM lo atlfw l th , ruK m l from lh» rMtdMiw of h li (•rrn u , 14 I'hMtnut alrMl. Ke»rny. on urOay. l>«.ombri- 17. ,1 « A.

I'hurph. w h m > Hl»n i l n j of ItMUirni will I-- ..irirr.1 for lh« roiaiM of Wii ■lul. Intrrmtnt 111 ComrtMT of rt" H“'>' bcpulchre.

ItAKUItsoN-Ai Vr«r»». S . J.. on Wjdnwfliy. l)r .,m b ,r 14. m w . iArAli i f , » lt« of Dr. Alfrail 4. Horriion.

r™ ,r»l on ffoiurJAj. UOTfinti,*- 17. ^ All Bainti' Chorrh. oornir V alltr ABil * o r « i

at i P. M„ .m arrljal of ia:Bp t w o from Tout t l HlthlamJ A ,tn o , Station I>,. L. anrt W. R. R. Krlrtila aw r*qu»ti»a to ao dlrecttr to th* i'huroli. Khnlir omit dowers.

HAUHCHG-fln Thur»day._ the 15th Inal., al his iste residence. No. 11 Vine ••*T«t, aflei a lingering and painful lllneas. C lo n e s A. youngrai beloved son of Charles W. u d Iiia C. Hamburg <i»ee IRllmannl, aged 3 years 4 mnnihs. _

Interment In Falmnount cemetery on Ratur- Oar, Drcmbar 17. t w i . Pun*r*l private.

HOilAN-On DM«mb»r 14. ISM. Ann Ho«an.n ,la t lv ,t anti frlcmla ara Invltnl to atund iht

funeral from bar late rMidence, No. W Hoyl slrret, f>n Friday, December 18. a l 8tl» A.M. , lo 6t- Palrlck s Cathedral, where a High Msm nf Requiem will be offered for the re­pose of her soul. Iniennent in the Cemeier> of the Holy Sepulchre.

JELLIFF-O n Tuesday, the 18th Iv tvnt, Mary, widow of John Jelllff, in ihe e4th year 1(1 her age.

Funeral aervlce from her reeldence, No, 71* Johnson avenue, on Raturday, the ITth In stant. al II A. M. Friends of the family are Invited in attend.

JEN5KN—Huddenly. nn December 14. IRM. J C. Jensen.

Notice of funeral hercafler.McADAMB-On December IS, IBM, James, sun

of the late Uernard and Mery McAdama.KelaUvee and friends arc kindly Invlte^l ii>

attend thr funeraJ from the resldsnce of his brother*In-law, Ur. John Lennon, No. 184 Parker street, nn Friday. December 18. at 8:4.1 A. M.. to the Hacred Heart Church where a rtolemn High Msm of Requiem wll! he offered for ihe repoae of hla eoul. Inter­ment In Bt John’s Cemetery.

N A fl.T Y -tln Itecember 14. IWW, at her late fealdeme. No. 5.3 Chamhers street. Hiiilget. hPlnveii wife of Edward Nautiy.

Notice of funeral heragfter.P O B T -\t HkK-mfleld. N. J.. on December t.l.

IhM. James K.. husband of Mary C. Post inee FarJey). and son of Charles and Louisa Pt^l. aged 35 yaars.

R elitivea and friends nf the family are kindly invited to attend the funeral sendeei at hie parents* residence. No. 175 Watnui street. BI>»omfle1d. on Frida/. December J(l, at 3 P. U. Interment In FaJrmount Ceme- lerv. Newark.

PHILUPfl—On the I3th inat,. at her home. No U'Jt Broad eireet. Marla Hritton wife of >MllJam Phllllpa.

Funersl services at Grace Church. F'rJday. December 18, 2 P. H. F r in d a of the family are invited to atttnd. Interment In Rwedale I'emetery,

l»er . ____ _aleter of Mrs. Ellaa. Van Hou'ten.

Funeral aervlcee oa 'Thuraday. the 15ih In­stant. at 7 o'clock P. If.. fr«Mti her late real- deme. No. M Avon avenue. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment al Htoikhi:»lm. Huaaei County. N, J., on Fri­day, November 16, IWW.

8usi»ea County papers please copy.flCHflENRWOLF—On Wednesday, December

14. IhtJS. Cresaentia. beloved wife of Louie R. Rthoenewolf tnee fftraaaelK aged 34 yeara U months 15 days.

Relatives and friends are moat reapecifuHy invited to attonil the funeral from hnr lute residence, No. s> Hlchniond street, on Bal- urday, r»ecember IT. at 2 P. M. In­terment in W(«odland Cemetery.

6TAHL—On Wedneaday, December H,Ellaaheth. beloved wife of jiihn M. Rlahl fnee Adams), aged 51 years 1 month B days.

ReUDves aa.t friends are tniuit respectfully in­vited to attend the funeral from her late residence. No, 16S Broome street, on Sunday. Pecem b^ 14. IBM, at 3 P. lit, interment In Fairmount Cemetery.

BCANNELL—On Ihe 13th Inet-, John A. ffcan- fiell. son nf Lawrence and Mary Hcaqnejl. aged 28 years

Funeral from the Church of the immaculate Conception. Washington street. Montclair.N. J.. on Friday, the lllth Inat.. at 8:30 A. U. Jnierment in Bloomfleld Cemetery.

WATERA-On Ivecember 18. IKM. Michael Vtaiers. at his late residanut. No, ItiT New Jersey Rallrnad avenue. .

Notice of funeral hereafter.

-A fter a lingering tflnewe, on Decern- IB, ' iHiih. Emily F. Smith, beloveit

vicea la _ _______ , __Closed during Its progra>a,t

V H D a R T A k in u .

to ra n tes that our elarga* wSI ba raa- M uM d i s any otMsr boua in tha olty. C^iis

fWvfv# prciapi aitciitleti at all iKura. ^ n i- ephoBS cjiii 111 ResidsMS or offioo.n . U iiM rukIni b ^ ' ^ < H t . M l |M t« MTU by

bwofl, lb* only m « iu by which • M cfTHtM: I d,7y th* woria lo h rM uatillo 7 OAimot curt ^

HOD RKWARtVlot » nuLO w i lAll (0 euro, u d HO PAT till

surid, u our oKof (or ittrvoui dtbllUy, tlA tur* All u iintry Imnblw. rArlsotwiA, lucomiilob m : n lo p n u t . unoAtunt dlMbAriiA, b l ^ uS im AniMImi, rwl .noAA, ornA lo bAofc.loAl YltAllty, IniMtiwd KMinorr. ThK iRorfew All tllAMUWA becullAr to DM9. AJU H ID I.C tL IMiTlWrtfTAAlAb. 1*— l.lM o ilS R V NowArk, HOuM. 0 to HI A. R , aM W >.Si;

Addiwi “ Bnuia i t t

NllTK'K—TraaulD B t id T o r l l i la H l a tlia KBW a a i a i t la T a i la b l r h a p a l« ( a y |a A dv aaaa ,

ho BC-roaafA w ill ha aaeaa4 l f a r aach .

No a d T a rtla a m a a t w il l h a ra ra lw a d a t a r Ik e la l r a l ia a a e io r p l tfeaaa a a a t by a a ih o r la a d a a a a la .

Aaawrara lo a d v o r tlu a a ia a ta a r r h e a l fo r tw o w ra k a a a d a n tk a a Sr> a tro y rd , l ( a a y o lk a r d laaaa l4 (aa la 4 lra lm l 4ka a B c a a k a a ld ka a o tlf la d .

cor. rilnii>n «vr. «iij IHih it.Call


KXPKItln.S'fKD man aatUpA to lialp BaturdiyIna atora.

______ ___ .............. Il> srvrnlna. In bal and mrn'a fum lihln

HPINilAH.S, W Marhel tl._________IMIltTBIt tor aal.am, M Cwtar at.

And aalary aapcctcd.N. J.

H E L P W A IT T E D -P B H A L E R .

Ancet-Co.. M Mechanic it., city.

COOKS: SO hnuteworlieri wanted at one*; hlah waaca. 78 Cantro at., Oranat, _______ 1

COOK-Oood c o ^ Hmad at. '

wanted. Call at No.1

R B IO L im o H k .“ 5 n iV T -!? « p a n v '^“ ® ASIKRICAN INBUH-

DAViD B, C noW ELU rECKAHED,The dlreotora of the American Insurance Com-

t>any, having learned with deep regret of the death nf thair late treasurer, Mr. David Smith ( rowell. desire to record ihelr trlbuta of r»- apart to hla memory.

Mr. Crowell luid been thirty-seven years In Ihe employ of the rompany, being the longest term of wrvlce of anv employe at tn* time of hie faatb. H* waa Drat cnaaawl In April. IMl. and Was made treasurer Ip Fabruary. lu n .

HIS aneestws were men of literary aUain- m eiie and of hutlneaa pursuits, but he naiurally

hm ine« life; he was of Revolutionary stock, and Inhartlsd a strong patrlutlsm and love of cou itn , and was always loyal to whai he deemed IM best intsrasls. He waa Industrious and etteraeth in his ofllrial position, and made himself thoroughly familiar with Its details: he

painstaking In the dis­charge of hjs V t in , Intelligent in promoting the nnancla) affairs of the company, and courteous In hit treat meat of all with whom he came In contaci. U p never seught public ofnee. but was faithful In the performance of hla duties aa a citlien He was a lover of art and music, dninr All tbet nrcuiyitAncr* would prrntU ta promni, then* Inicrccia, and hi* judjrmtnt wai U lwrir y.uAhl and hrl4 In hl*b tatacm. He wat liberal In h ll charlllta anil tenaroua In the luppnrt nf Ihe church dr which he waa a nvem- ^ r ; he WM a faithful and devoltd buabantl. a kind and affKtltmalt too and brother; there- fora.

Rsanived. That this miktita be adopted, that 11 be entered nn the m lnutn of ihia onmpaay. and a cony of the eame be sjU to^ and furtsUhed to the family of the rtlc«aa«d. to whom we tendar our alttcere ayrnpaOiFk alto

Resolved, That we will ktlntd iTie funeral aer- — - body, and th ^ tba office shall ba _______________________ _ 38p

ROI'SSWORK—A young girl t<> sat lsi In house­work; sleep borne, H(>\VAKl>. 18 Academy

*t._________________ _ _______ 1HDUaSWOMK—Compcleiit aiJi f'T genenil

housework: references rt^iuircd. 54T High at.


yN PFR ^A lC M A ^^^Y w i^A L inR . BuilasM iM iuctM for M ro. Omuby by an ag<-

ew erleoced fuaerai 3 -tostor White. MaBager. *"tVltpbaBa awT fioi b r o a d «t .



41k TELKPllOMB KO. M*4-l.


m j u j J f H Y cItANS.» « Broad at. 'Phone 1«4,

8Dk Riaia4iic*. »|4 OtVire Bl., Baal OTunt*.Bi M. 3KI^^NBR. Ubdertaliaf awd aashalam

No, t u CltBtofi Bvt, ■ " %


BTIONOORAFHRR anrt RcmInston lypewrltcr. • wlln aonaa eiperlenoe; wages Id. U. A. " Nuraarlaa. Short Hills. N. J

Ekotlo 1

GEORGE 4 C aEatabllahtd hpd4

Daaignera and M aimf^ittran or A R T lttfC MONUUENTIe ' M AUSOLIUHl


OAa NITE, m a r b l e a n d iTONE iTO AND n a BKLLEYILVB 4TB.,


WANTED—By oid-astahllsiicd hnusc. active lady to travel, to appoint anti lisi'k after

agents in Northam New Jersey; ibxr'PrIence urn •■■■ntUU, but good referefu-e desired. AddreiM ^ tiv e , Box 14, Ndwa ofllre. 1WAHTBD-lmmedlately. a flrsl-class waitresa

and ckamhannald; good rfCmmcvs required. Apply at 117 Clinton ave,, opposite J'arkhurst

WANTED—Hand girls <m 38 Wallace at.

roali; steady work^

86 GIRLS aa oouka, chambermaidR, nuraea and houaeworkm; ladles supplied. 118 Market

it. i


A IfAN with 38 years' experience m ini- i - - - TTAPt and tool bualtieas. wants eltuatkn. Ad-

d iM Btaady, Box NiWi^fflcr._______A M 4N (U \ wan

man or waiter HaA[taoma ave

H14 Bflilllon u herteriwr. loneh. ; M r u le ' cltr eipTrlence. B *

DR. HOLIIWS RpHlIla. . „ „ __c m tor ill (4™i* IcreknliiTinM. Ailil

■oelh,7th n .i C, B. Hmlth. M Broiia dru«k<4t4: indre t l ; M»t by hS h. ______I


K ivlaa: oarvar.ai 'aai Oraago.

COACHMAN waati llluattoai

HdKTTBICURA uurw anM ileny nkuralitto knd t i l w w

o r A t

CDLDBCTpR dMlr44 .m plw nM I In hMisa. of la y otber huelneas! kai ILOOO

ourHy or caan If requinrJ: refetaDoa.t o a a ^ ^ | t o r , B4 Oaralde a ^ ______________ 78o

biMlneMjCDimwinil Im jl n>M>i fnh«run3«‘: 1* » •« »Alhly undenUmdi nU

is . W4W» oIBc4.y r C H m m ^ lU r r \* 6 wan ^ahea post ------------ wont;

W 4 r r a D -* > K lU t4 i< B t .

A.-Olrla. while or coiored. aoy oatw.iiy, always jS : city or oouatry. Th^

Tl Ceatre gt,. orangecity j

meat Agaacy.r, BiMaira

l-'tne Kmiiin^

DAY'I WORK' work!, wrashlmr.


ctable wunian wanu lU y 11 5 dayr. 2ri TrK .ist-.. t>

AGFeNTF-Wanted. four good agew a to » thf Magic Compound; aeller at sight, iw ll

5dL Humerdon at.. Friday and Haturuay, D t ^ -c a n . ^AGRNT8—General ageitu wanted for Jeraey

City and Paterson; aacurliy required. kTa-temal Lcttgur. K‘»4 Ilruad at. 1A G<K)f) harnrta-maker wanted: staac^ work!

ami aiMwl wsgra. Apply to WINTERS 4So I^swrvnee St. _1

ATTRNTION. M B N -tl-M and few hour# light work takes you to Eurupe. IRiIppIni oflve, 5

Clinton It.. New York.

HOPBEWORK-t.’btorad woman de«irea pnel- tlofi: generwl bwuefWfwk. M v y l.KWIK. 2iiil

New Jeraey RailtaaA ava. iHOT PKWORK-Olrt 4 eslr^ j. '

hotiarwurk or upstairs work. * .x\\ piviiToncourt. iL.ADT, t n e r t »t k»»4 tmlmlUer*. « i ,h .i wurk

M iMuw; niitkie « ww-'l*Ily. j iJ M ,r l i . i , r a ,NI'R«B wlehM •n«»«em »nn. | l ,-*j ,),T

Cell JW Brued viuW AaillNU -W neien w eo ii wuhinn sn.| inm-

iak lo u k* home; retom u-,. iiu |■,|,|,|,n _.^

WOMAN w am i work cf tnv limit, hj- .ie , wiek. Call MB n ih AW. ‘

A MAN- trt a,rve tan<llv trade; a JieedT po*!* tinn ic a e u it man. Addrea, Cei*l>le. fiux 8

News nfni' . 1AN eiperiiTH’e l young man: advanremeri If

Milafacinry lioal Estate, room 10, lOi Mar- ket Bl. 1A rtiitPI-lTKN'T nickel-plater warned, with eef-

ert-nevt 'in Mechanic e t ^ e l i y . _______»liOV—\t anted ai 'int-e. hj\ orttre boy In large

manufnrturlng cHtabllshmem. must be qukk and bright, apjdy In dwn handwriting. A4- ilrcBs K,. Ipix 21. News f»rtlve. ____ 5B|>LPiVi-dood Ihw warned to carry orders an l

make himself useful In butcher shop.

UGy aantcil in butcher shop; reference re* qulretl, <'t»mer James and flum tl st.__ 1

ROY wantci to feed Gorton presaea. M ADl-HON & i.'it. 1

IIOY wanied al pharmacy, Ik Cone it ,. Or- ■ hge. N. J. _ _ .

Bl TVJlKH -KirM-i laas hutc’hrr Wanted. ROTH 4 CO.. 242 Main ei.. Orange.________ «

nAllilKH wanieil. 280 Orange at. I

KM PLOYNEIVT W 4 M T K D -M 4L i: 4!>D ________P ^ .A l i K .

MAN and wife teolorrt) warn underitShda waiting and hiiiik.i--A..ri(, mrt< im

good uook and Imundreaa. .tdut . ; WiUins toia ^ ‘i^*T1^*51mmi- _____iiiiiM ■




CIIa r l k a Flic k COUNSF.Lle.ii>-\T I AW

14U ________ __ 7M nnOAD BT.I350.DU0 TO LOAN



U. s. rUBDIT 8TSTKM l’'*SLT‘rNO^ m a r k e t a n d Wa s h in g t o n hts.LOANS negolliied or real est.us, n^nrs. bonds.

Inaurance polictea and all kinds <>f petsonai pronarty without removal. K. i.’ KDWARM n n era l broker, rommiaei -ner of iveils Notary W blic. room 8, 181 Market ir . Newark' N J

CIGAUMAKKIl Wanted, a good clgarmAker i t nme. H ow A H tys, 141 Academy at. _ 1



I 707 TO 72! BROAD ST.

LOAN8 negotiated on real esi«i44 n->tei. bunds.building toon Btooks and all kinds of KroonM

property, wlibout peiwival j . lulo'WN general brnker, oommlssii.n4*i d#.«|s and nnt-ary public. roo4 1U. iMl Msrk»>t st. ASsMONET to loan ou r«^l ettai* n -rigairs; prini

elpal may be paid in msuiinints at me option

' 1 4 ; ;•f Iha borrower: no comttiifHl.>:if chut-gid. oly to S. V, lTl't4ftK. Kin iit-oeii m.MOO.OOO TO LOAN on tiond nnJ mnrtgafe In

aume (oaull at 6 per cent., nitbuut bonus. ED­WARD S^ULACK CouneplJ'ir mu PrudenilaJ.MONEY TO IA7AN ON AND MORT-

PAGE PN_CITY P K u m r nSto E. B. BOND 4 cu .. 7k! RKOAD 8T.

6ALKHMAN 2 got>l men wanted at once. HiKim JtPi Metropolitan Building, city.____

UHOl’TttAKKR wanted to repair shoes. tCi New st. I

HtNGLK man for provlalon dealer. 38 C^lar at.I

THRKK ftrst.plase foal makers and two buah- elinen at «nce. 2*® Warren sA S7o


V . h a l t e r . 7«t BHo.VD HT flmIt .000 AND IL'IiM) to iisin - n PiitiJ and mort­

gage; cllv priHjerlv . ii.; u \j/rK |t \\HALTER. t4o WriMiii st. 27MONEY to laan on bond arul mirigsge. liRTKR

4 CO„ 130 Sitflagfltld eve ; ojk n evenlnga. 4<taMONEY TO UJAN t>n bond and mortgsge,

JOHN rRANClH CAIilLL N« Bn«<] at.

TWO roofers wanted at ottoe. H- A. RATH A CO.. Ellaalteth. N. J. ____ ____ *

I’BKFt'L man. married nr single; must unOer- stanrt rare of horses and be well recontmenclBil.

Kmi'lnvment Agency, Tk Centre at.. Orange^__ 1I MKKI’L man for country place. El v'edar at.lWANTED—Gralners on carriage gnd furniture

leather: steady work to good ineti. Apply to HTKNGKI* A ROTHSt'HILD. comer Main and KiHiKtith ita. 58pw m i>-w O R K E R on repair work wanie*!; also

hai ne«a*maker on rejwlr work. Inquire TWlAkUlh Orange ave. 1VOI NO MAN wanted as bill clerk and office

asslsiant; must ba rapid and neat penznaii anrt iiukk Hhrt correct at Itgureaj stjae age. ejt- perlence and aalary eipactad. AJdreaa t'lcrk, Koa 12. News offica, 1VOt'NG MAN wanted as offlps w is ta n t in man­

ufacturing concern; chance for advancement. A d d r^ In own bOndwrltlM. giving refersfice

I. H.. Bm * ■ ............Box Y28. Arlington^



procured for portlaa wishing to borrow on house* hold furnltiirt. pianos, organa, horsea carrlagte. wagona. ato.. without removal from possession of ownar. Strictly confldemiaJ dealings guar­anteed. You will receive the money wuhia a few hours after makitut apirticauon for IL

Loana may be carried tor tlx moPtha or a year on the moBtbly-paym'.'Ut plan.

Our ohari*a arc reasonable, and if you will call and inyaatlgmta our plan before aecunog

; loan elMwbara. you will And it greatly to your advantage.


740 Drosd SL.

Newark, N, J,Oppoalta PoalolBoe.

A LADY book-kefl>er wanted with gnod refer- ------- r Inquire at E. M. RtX7HE‘B Norelty^

-A.—Qlrli for housework; email famlllee: tbls f-lty; wages 112, 614. 114 28 Cedar at. 1

COOK—Wanted, a cnmpeient white woman, to cook, wash and iron, or do general housework;

city reference. 18 Tlchmot ft,_______________1



OUR TERMS ABE EAST.We will procure loanv in euins of itu and up­

ward tor you from nrivata partlea, on house- hold furniture, planoe. hvtrees. carriages, wagons or olliir peroonai property In uat. without re- movolj also on storage rceelpta.

To be returned lo easy pa/tn^nta with privi­lege of one year't time. If desired. Our oondl- liona are the meat favorahle yet offered to the publio. SAd terms the lowest. All transactions are atrlctly private. It oosta you oothiog to con­sult ua In regard to a loan, Wa arc atwags willing to explain the terms anrt conditions, so that any one can fully understand them. Our offices are oonveiiienlly located, and are so ar- ranged that parties «^n be waited on quickly snd privately.

GENERAL housework: highly reapertable girl;good plain cook: two In family. MKti. KKN-

NEDY. tH Brighton ave.. Eait Orange, near Brighton Ave. Station. 1HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a competent girl for

general housework; family Oirtults: must be a g n ^ c»ok; no washing. Address T. J. iC H LR^HT, Box IIW. Olm Ridge, carfare pa id. IHOUHKW'ORK-Wanted. girl u> do general

housework and tn wash, Iron anrt enpk. lti fam- llv of Tour adults; go Hl wagee. Apply any even­ing thin week, 154 W'sehington it.___________ !8pHOI‘SKWORK—Wanted, on experienced girl for

general houeewnrk: small family; good wages; nice place, MRS. TANNER. 2(M Dodd at,, Hlaat Orange. 1HOUSEWORK—A young rirl to do general

htiusework; _some_knQwredge of cooking. 847

The loons a n granted the day application is made. It will psy you to consult us hafore ob-

ialnlng a loan tisewhere. Information chaer-fully idvefi. No charges iinleaa loan la roads. THE PEOPLE'S LOAN 4 BROKKRAQE GO.,

324 Market si,, third Ao^: take elevator.DO YOU WANT MONET T -

Havlng completed arringem etiu with a partywho has money lo loan ai the legal rate uf

' \ loans- ...................... - . - . nos. org

etc,, etc. Money can be had tame day as ap-fnterest. ws are prepared to place ____ ..tlO upward on household goods, pianos, tirgani,Piled for.

Loan* made in Eilaabath, Orange and all sub­urban towns,

SECURITY LOAN CO.4 Room 8. SplruEarn UullUing.

Take elevator. 188 Market at,

William at.. Kaat Oranga.___iK v SEW GRK-A rr>mpelent girl wanted for

general housework; no washing. Apply at 257 Mt. Pleasant a v e . ______________________1HOUREWORK—German girl. 18-I‘J years old.

assist with bouaework; wage* 111). S7I Bergen st,. 2d floor. 1HOtTPKWORK"Compelent girl for genera!

houaewurk. Inquire 142 Mimm'iuth st., near nintmt ai'e. ^ 710HOURWWflRK—A young wnmnn for general

housework; come well recommended. 85

HOtJBRWORK—Girl for generHl liausewurk; references required, Call im Franklin at..

HOUSEWORK—Small girl, German, io asalet wlih light housework. MRS. POTTER, 2tt

Grant at-____________________________________1HOtfBEWORK-Oirl wanlert for general house-

work In plain family. Call Friday, 75 Eoat Park sL_____________________ _____________HOUSEWORK—German girl f ^ general hotiae-

work In amall family. 28U Lafayette at,. 1st_______ ______________________________ ^

HOUBEWORK-^irl wanted, under 18 Jf^ara, to help vrith general housework. 2fJ Pripr



NO. 10 CEDAR ST.. adlolQlng 8 aa U lva KSTAnLISllED

l o a n s SECTIRKD ON HOUSEHOLD FUR- N ^U R E_1^T H 0U T RBMOVa L _ ________MONET to loan on household fim lture. pianos.

organs and personal property without ramovali pantr* honorably dealt with: can make rapay- menta by insislmenta: busineM confldcnllal. H. MARTINS. 7 Green at., naor Broad,

MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE hold­ing permanent tosltlont with m ponslhle con-

oama. upon thslr own nama^ without security; easy r^ymenis. TULUAN, 238 Washington it.LOAN OFFICE—We lend money on watches,

dianvonrts. leweirv. clothing, wringers, clocksand Ell kinds i>f persouai pruperty.

P F1NKKL8TK1N 8 Balmont ava.51a

125 UPWARD luaned on furnltara; no removal;prompt, iirlvsie, rcliabla: low rataa; aaay ra*

payments: < tHn evenings until 9 o'olix-k, KERR, 45rt Krood st. T8k


HOITSEWQRK—l^ n lr t . a ynuna girl to oaalat with houweyqrk. 2 niootAHt ld u v e . ______7p

HOUSEWORK—OIrl for g<»m'rai houaework; good wM «i. ins Nevlh Tih el. 1

LOAN nt tUKi wanted: chattel raortgoga aa ourlty; wnuh) some one help a poor, hrm«it

business man along* Rualnaas. Box 11. News office. _______ ________ ITHHSK THOUSAND DOLLARS wanted on

bond and murtgaga at 4 par cant., on bmperiy worth |T.<kk>. Aadraaa Bond, Box 63. Ntwa of­fice.__________________________ ____________ AIQU>AN wanted, 18,000, la i mortgage, oq Mhacre

True! Farm,farm. Essex rounty. Addreaa Box W. News office. Wm

NURBE-QIrl aboifi lA wanted as nurse.177 QallmsD at,* near uilnmn ave.

Or&RATORS wanted: exiwrlenred on infants' wear: ataady w c^ . L H. REiiT CO.. Orangs

and High au . ________________ 81nOPERATORS-Elperlemed operator^ wanted

on cbraat oovera. Apply all week. DM) iiroad at. __________ 880

P R B m K lt8 -# u it« d . eiperlenfcd presiers on lodlaa' Undtrwear. COGSWELL 4 BOl'LTER

CO., 95 tttk ave. _______STENOGRAPHER and typewriter: muit be ’ fairly quicii and accurate. Addrese. slating

aalary ■xpactod, P. H, CO.. Hm 2 . Newe offire.1


ElitECTION—The ITudentlal Insurance Co. ofAmerica. The atodjihold-

9year. Polls open U A. II.7 oi«a|M3 M.

era of this company will be bet Prudei

/ . Januof electing directore to serve 'for the anaulna oils 1 l A O > u *

the company. ---------------on Monday. January 0,• (t\r------- -

« ,wr of.entliL R M dint. Newark^ N.

Newark. N. J., December 3 FORREST &RTDEN.

Btoi '

a n d FBI-

next,Polls open from 10 to 11 o'elack A. K*

Mm H. W. T O m . Caahlor.

LOST A ND FO U N D .KITCHEKHAN: ilto wnmsn tor

work. I to iu u n iit . 91 M«Hi B u t Or»n»» . _____________ ______________ _______ &

• iwlr ef loll] i>1a a *4 in tkxno* *u*, nlfl(' Auliaul* nw ard It rxu n

tow. ................. ..... ..... .................... ■*■O T -P m IUM. wtnt»d

olllet. *tor*- AdJraM W. J.. Hownrt «l. i

COOK m i l l aituntlan.P r in t* tninllyi

ro n u . .m r n . , “ n 'T ,

LOST--On December 7, small sky* terrier long ears and hair: t S r e w a ^ WtLLLL

ISAWHA4 i n Washington at.

: rtwart.LOST—A Gordon aottar;


IF you wish lo buy a nh'a Chrlaunaa iqwaent at a tow price, go 10 FRANK BLAtlS. 145 U u l- ,

lierrv si., near Usrkrt. where you can get a gowf bair of gll-i'lamT! xkaie# for bays m S4c. a i>air: girls' akat'^, wRh itraiw. One aiasl, Mc.i « • keep all the Wst makes and all ilaea; U. S. (Tub. Peck 4 Kiivder and Harney A Berry skatta; a fine airgun at T3c.: Flubert rlAaa. 61.7rr. bi»ting gltjvei*. ieic.; striking hags, all leather, tl.lU ; dumb-h«S|s, Indian dubs, flshing tackle, at lnw^-it prtese; 8n* ttundolina at 61.3U;

** 61 7:1. I2.?ki. L.Ni and Up; oocordiunt al 6 1 . up; vi.rtin* fri>m tl.lk) up; a fine bsnhi, 8*1 liracketa, at td.uA; iiaaiu and Kut air engines. magtL lanlerii* . • heni^r thin anywhere in the cIlV: Mrings fi.r all kliuU of tnatrumenie: skates ■hariK-ned ahllc you wait, lUc. iwr p air 61nTHE ORiqtN.VL WRINUKR REPAIR C a .

B. Ma NUF.L. Phinrletor.Lomplett repairing departtnenl (or wringers,

can>et aweepera and lawn mowers; ie v ln g qu- wjitcnes and clocka.

t il le d fur and delivered free.13 NEW ST

Opp. HahlM^a, Nawark. N, J,MUBK'AL Instrurnenia Spinning

Ooi'As. Gasipe Toys. ato. riAn- dctlno, II.to up; ^ t a r s , V' TIt up; strings fur all mstrumMtU; te-

a ai^cially. F. H DOUaf^AB, |A1 Mar* near Mulberry at.,forrorr1y of I5 New at-

FINK crayon portraita—wc copy from sniall pieiurea-^on't give your rmall pictures to

agenxa to be copied, when you 4 sn go to a Srat-"“-•V." ’•» *rr wi4« i* 7WU no (u » Dr*i-ritas and raspnnaiblo artist We o<>py in crayon.Wilier,color, oil and w " ’ -------- * ----- “520 Slid 523 Broad ft. • laTllhJ Tl>Y' IlDl'SK on the Hill; Uiys, games

rtolla, skaiee. rISes. aleiirhi umJ a lot of other S'Hjd things for the ohllrtr»'n HU'Rt liRoTH- KitA. 23d Bprinalleld avr., opposltr llelni'>ni. 5deTHAVKLLING hags, sotchHi and rtress suit

caaea. a flne lot of sanijiks a> rire closing uut at retail at a bargain, at ravtur}. l i t N. .1 RHilr«4ad ava. fp

l a d d e r h .

c o s IKS a r s H T t .

c h a r l k s KiHifMiKRn. 01 orri-.onvM • , * .the uilginal Adaroa man, doca n<ii siitari the

Eubllc by falAc advertlaemi-ata rrganiii g i rlt'se Ul I guarantes (o do flmt-cU'SH w.iii v>s|>erla*’

and painting a l tower prlcei then anyunera In rhi city- send i»nMtal or cull Stmi long disianee tilsphone, and I will call on yi»i with sample bodka; paper bought uf m« trimmeAl by me* chute free and (It-lfvered lo any part nf the citygratia fully vonrt.

ouen avanlngi until 9 o'clock Hesutci- ------------------------- -RG.CHARLEB KlhFNRFri


Nawirk. 14. Dk . », 1^8. The annual meeting of iha atockboldan of tkia

bank will be held At the banklng-bouae. on Tues­day. January 15, 1899. for the purpqaa of elect­ing thirteen difectora to f«rvB for the ensuing year. Polls wt]j npan at 11 ototoefc A. M., and remain open onS hour.! l m ____________ D ff^M BHRiTT. Ctohiar.

E8BEX COUNTY NATIONAL BANK.Newark. N, J.. Deo, 1 law .

A roeeting of the stockholdera of tlila batik will be held at the banking-house. Tueadaj^, January 10, 1H98, between the hours of 10 and 11 A, H.* for iht election of dlreotoira.


Newark. N. J.. B ic . 10. i m . The annual meeting of th* stockholdera of (h|s

bonk for the election of direotora to serve th« aniulng year wilt be held at tke banking- house on Tuesday, the tenth day of JantMry

A - hoartllng-houae: flrat-rloja buslnaos; very desirabls cli

old-aalabllshed tii boarder

renr only "iikiV Tiouea, 15 rooms, fully fufnleh<3, sjid In Orsi'claae order; price only i8Mi. chance setiinm nffered; InveiilgaUcm Invited. Ht'liRRTllrxiTH. au (’Unton at.Al-VVAYH ready market for good p#iiente*|

articles. What hatw you got? 'Wt can sell rsirnti, or manufacture and plaee same nn mnrket. We have some excellent patsnta for aale. Newark WpevlaRy Oo., EM Market at. IR (JA R |)|N (|-H orsE for aaitt 8 mlnutts' walk

friim Hroart ami Market ala.: 14 rooms; well niled; rent 131.15 per muntb; price made toJUR; unv of the best Ixratlone In city. Addraaa C .P . B., Iliia Kl. News i>ffice. BUolU'Tt'HKR shop for sale; quick buyer: on* of

the bell itanda In vliy: flne flxturea; cheap rent; with a Ittne money. Inquire nf R oR EU t HAI'KH, 87 Mnrtnn st. MBn

r o n BALK*

A PKTIT. u b n . u o r .8TA1K IlNADQrAHTKRfl FOR


THE BDIrtONIA (Nj,. rrw. Ne» and llalsey aia. R f^ ch M.wes' rairrson, 2TT Market st; Plalm* Beld, 132 North are., llltNimflelrl, 14 Broad at,

J » iA LKATIlEIt case f*ir 3S rscnrdA 63.SO: e th ib l- ,

linn horns. W-inrh. |5; ynur roacblns wa-, .....I, 65, y* _-—,— _ ,—Changed for a brtier ope: talking tnachlnea re^ ired . H. m*TTK» WORTH, facto ------lord CLired H. m*TTK» WORTH, factory. 8S Craw-

i i l

IH'Ti’TiKR snap fat sale. Inquire HI I'enn- syivanla ate., ror. Wright it. X

UAHM iMitd for all kinds of atnvse and m«1ae,, ilothlng. gmcerlea, ahoea. hardware, fancy

gools. GRIKS. lim Third ava., New Turk,lintI'lOAR and cofifectlonery alnre; bantfll of haU

Idai ira>le. Inquire lilt Orange i l . _ 11A> vrm wish to buv nr sell a buslnesa? I'nn-

•lant aM icaiiuna un hand. .4. A, lU'UOKKT. lUl Markrt si. IF(>l( KALB—4'andy and toitaoco store, with

iixiures, giMol ha'aiion. next to auhocil, Ad- dreas Kiore. |U>x 22. New# ultlce.____________ IFlRKT-rLAKK meat and vegetable market for

ealf ^h«Bp; hnrae. wagon and harnem. rail .14WrkhuTS! Cl' _ _ _Fidt |IS5; gntcery, rigar and caady siore; a

real l>argaln; 5 rent 615. l!ii5 SouthD h e l. . 84oGRiK'tCRY and liquor hualnesfl In prmt)»ernui

urarhv iim n. doing a thrlvtiig buslneai; rea­son (or selling, slrkneia. HENRY N- IHHYERfi.

ANNOt'NCKMENTA wedding Invlrattoiu, eh* , -lIMvcd vtslilaa and hiiilmos cardt: no delay. GREATHEAD.IU Rruid si., ever Wlas 4 tons,

47eBEFORE selling your iumarhold goods qr aiock,

1‘tinsult W’. W. HKID, General Auctioneer. 247 Market s t , : cash advantM made on conalgn*menta and outsids sale* of ail ktiida. •pBIG SALK nf fln* furniture

•lightly used, at W priM. Planoo, cqpina,

177 Orangl a t ISt(N>WS~Frw sate. Ian frvsh rows from 685 to |40.

R. 11. DANIEL. Domer Itarkelay and ILml- gcimery ave., itlotonfleld B4p

n ilL D 'B go-cart tor sale cheap. 47 Warwickat. ___________ 1

kYlK. . . . BAt.*E~1.0ik] gotdnsh; elnglng conar|e«, II .50 and up: femalti, 75c.. and talking par- Hs. T*M (>ld UIrt liore. fljtt Market at.,

R. Btoilon. formerly 28T Market ei.

ScaffnUl#. Flagpoles and Pulley Holoo. 38 Flaae K. Telephons 2 9 0 8. 3taJOHN M BTA flL furniture and baggage e i-

nreas; pianos ramoved. 54 Moatgomary i t ' telephoaa SISS.

7PI Hhort at.

auln. Uux 4l, Newa office.1.100.

UtXM) milk route for aale. Addraaa P. 7UU, (traiiie.


a uoM 45t>

mts.R ___________________ _____________

FOR 8A1*B at low twice, two klnetoaocpao, wun tMtierles. cablneta and fllntt tor private sxhL

blilun use. Addreae Sale, Box 83, News cAcs.87n

KtHt HALE- A line grown rubber tree, Tl| feet high, with 10 branchea. 87 Waverly ave.

bXlR RALE-Ten R.I.P.A.N.S for I oaats al Druggl^u. One glvto teUtL_________________

FOLDING .'heajt.

bHi, bicycle end guitar for Aditrt M I'heap. H.a 8, Newa office.. t l

W A L L l*AI*KH AND P \l'K H I1A A G I!tlL .GHE.^TKST Offer ever liven by the Fair Adams

Phlladeiphla Wallpaper On.—Wa hereby agree to paper any fair oiae itnni with a nice gtu taper. selaoteS by vou* fur tS and up; wa also do all klnda of Inalde and outaldt painting, a t kaleomlna any falr.alae room tor 11 and up. give Ul a trial and eonvinoe yuuraelf that w« do ai we say; send taalal, and we will call ailh aamplea. Telephone Ml. Don't mlsiake the number—M Market at. Wallpaper bought of us dsiivtied free of charge to all parte of city.4tty_________________ HERMAN * CO,. Props.a D a MH Brooklyn and New York Wallpaper

Store, 89 Springfield ava.; now Is the Ums for reawMiable work done, we paper any fair lU rt loom fir |3 and upi kalwiinlrrinx, limirte and outside; painting olao done at the chesMit prices, paper aold at oust price and dell vertrt free of charge; glre ua a trial, and cMwivInoe your-- aelC; all our work guaranteed, mall orders and telephooa caMa promptly attended tu; we hav# a larger and choloer atock of wal1iap*r than any other etcra In die oUy* doa't mistake the num- ber-lt Is fli.

Telephone 904Sa. L. KATK. prop.t h e f a i r ADAMS BROOKLYN WAlXPA-

HER STORE—We carry ihs iaigest aud chulcsat wallnaper stock la the city, and ihs cheapest place to do your work; suih as tor paneling a room f3 and up: paintiog in and uulBlde. knlsomlplng, ate.; also give m days* fitpc lo rcaponslble nartles: as lung as I ke»p my store I never went bankrupt and all my cusiomera aro all natlafleil. and 1 imps ah the new customers will be saMafled: we hang papei at 15c, per roll M. ROTHOU8E. CH BprmxAe^d ave.

HAltDM'AflE husInwM,, established H years, A. H rM H ERT. 19I Market at. I

rAHTNKH wanted with tl.UN) to manufac lure i>ne nf the best hlcycle novelllM on tha

market, i-an hqnrtle own money and take • harge nr uflloe. A iiachm enl, Itox 38. Newa nf- ll.v 1

QA« FIXTl'HhW for sale: very low nrloai. Hingle tight, fliwiy glided. BOc.; aoild biaiB.tOo. Two lights, glldwl, 5Uc.Three lights. sulM briei, highly pollMMd, for

parlor. 63. ilol>ee, tSc.Estimates given on all w'ork*

n&i H. l>a v ii)boN. SOS SriinglleMGKAl’Ert-'Knr wine, i.uuu boxee of flne Catawba

grapes, al 42K Kpringfletd ava,, oppoatla Maf* nolia st._____________________MgGRAHHAHHONU with rarorta, orlglnalh

6»i. will eel! tor |25. Apply ^ 4 W

P.^RTNKH wanted; 62.500 tn 68.500: shoe bust- nrss; .Northern New Jersiy; bail town In

Kiate; proiirletor not gimd health; good chance. i\n , Jkix 22. News ulflce, ____ „HA LOON, laraa meeting mom: living nicfns;

irni I'C: piano; |lk) to in ) weekly; 640U; esv- rral others. Imm itiMI up tu |4,iW0. A. A. lirMHEUT, LUI Market at.

GRrICERY. randy and butcher flxturei; show- caaea. old and new. JARVI8* 90 Ftfry at. TU

INCURATORB: amMMW eggs; also brooder. Halated III . East Orange.

VALl'Aill.K [latent tor aale; auinmaiic iscktii block. I'iirsp tor cosh. R. Vni44toN. 5H Nas­

sau II. ________

W.4.NTEI>-1n exchange tor flne countrv nrop- ertv. In nearby Liwti. an <^iahllshert ii'Me)

busineM or nwdhouie. HENRY N. HnwEHK 7l»i Rriad et, _________ 40p|4(N) Ml'YR a welLatocked grocery store; owner

Ul. lUl Halsey st. adp


SOME REAL IIAHUAINS-Lat us t«1l you brieriy about our real piano bargains; then

are over forty flnt-claM allghtlv-ussil uprights i>n our second Itmr: each Is In fine rindlllon. anil •van’ one is auaranteed bv u i same as If it were new; w«'li eavhangv al any Urns If not Mils- factory; among thi* baraalns this week arei Hradbunr upright. |l4t>, Oabler ui*rlghl, IlM; Weber upright. 1195. Htanrtarrt upright* maai by llarilman). 6215; New England upright, Il8;j; all are hue trtofloa. and gtrulnety worth a good deal more Run we aah tor them; we havw square piantw atirt organs In the tiaaemehl at as low aa 62.1 anrt uainep and prices here wont gWe S'lu nnv M*a of the aiRierlorlty of these piinoe- h Is quality abme that cuuiics; you ran only realise this hv making comparisons with thoai ciffiTed Hsewhere at a great deal more money 111) down. I'l monthly, will aecure you a good upfiaiit at imce; ooen ayrtllnga. LAUTRK CO.. lin;-859 Ibustl it. Mn

KiiDAKH, Prvinna, and all makes of romeroa fur sale at stm^lit bargains; photo aunpllaa at

all klhds at greatly raducsd prioaa. BLACK- UoKE'M, 35 Aradeiny st. Mo

inlsoes' liutluh shoes. dUc.; nian'a laced 61. men’s fln« shnss. It. 15

__________________ _______ _____ 18aKVA IN OPPOSITION TO ADAMS.

I am pisaaed to tha altendcti .f the pub Ho that 1^hava^opened a.flrst-iU ss wktlpaper

L.4DIES' kid shiee. laoe ur button, l l . ladlaa' kirl shoes. 11.15; ladles' flne kid shoM, 11.14;

led atioag. men's kanaaruo

ahoee. 11.5(1. men's cork soled ahoaa, 11. lien's weit shoM, 61.fid; men's ca lf ahuaa, , Kiys' la 'SMi shoes, 61; youths' torad ahoaa, IS IVM. J. McKLNNKY*^. 878 i1aiw_rt^_____

OAKEH ceiebrslrt Ane black kersey or genutae Irish frlcte ovrrviuit to order, 115: worth dou­

ble; black cla> rtisgonal sulls. |15 l panu good enough fnr any cite. 1,7 ^ WEEKB 4 A3Cr toTi- ortng (to,. 198 Washinglim at., netil to uanal bridga; all Central ave. cars atop at our atore.__________________________________________ ^Oath . Nn*. hug: hay, MW*. 1(M> up; ebetroeat

tilsi'e In Newark, gouda dallvaetd free, HLliY * r o .. ItNl Lock al. 1

ONLY |M; Unmestic sewlna machine: g iod aa new. ('all sftemimns. RM 1^'aitiut at. 1

HKATES-For m Ic, 14U pairs aacraul-hand ladiea* and gems' club akatea; elegant oohdl-

ilun. Inquire !|n% Kaal Kinney at. 1h in g in g rA N A R lR B-H ans H<mritaln RoHera,

61.7.*;. Itirrt atnfe. Mulberry at., near Harkrt a t .; one t^aek'a guaramee. %aBIGNS. show carta and laturtng: rook-bottom

Broad a t 48aAd'


prices. HEK'A'TAR, 785 i_____________SAFE for sale; very cheap: must be ooM,

dreee Hafe, Hux 8. Newa office.

■tore, with Ihe flneat and lalesl lieslgns InKrted and dnmealic goods, and a here at any

ns. you will find me ready to do flral-olaaa , i t Ht9 Idweat prirss.

Hend postal or cair Trlephone 1119. and ws will call Ml you wifh asinple txv'ks, In which gou wilt find the larrest seiceilinii In lb* Histe.17a BVA KTFKNRBRQ. t2. 14. 18 WercM at.

I C for • poaUl cart ta call and give eeilmate tor paper-hanging will save you many a

dollar: great aaagrtment of the latest cfleota la waltpaDer: we moke tn order all lU es uf store shadea and picture frames, at such low pricaa to aatohlak you.

FTFlN 4 BLAU.ifla I66-I9H sprlngfleld ave.

IX ST H rC T lO N .


NESS INkTiTl'TIuN-Coleman National Ru»- Iness College und ticiiool of ghonhand and T>i>e- wrtilng. 035 Hmad st,. Newark. N. J.

The srhoii) la urtginal In its cnKhiHla of bual- DMR training, anil fully abmasi of ihs times. It does what U agree* to. Thiriy-six years right h m In Newark-

6W FOtl A KlX MONTHF’ TERM.Rest leachura; best tn eiiulumrni. Register

any time. No class work. Individual instruc­tion. \Vrtte or call fur rollega Jouinsl.


JLC ^H O R TO N . PenmanFREE T r m o N


Newark's Greaiaat Hchoot of liuslueM and Shorthand. 4.10 atartaala entar Id 88 dnya.

Siudenta may enter ncu and appMcattom will date fmm January I, ISufl.

NINE EXPERIENCED TEACHER.^Half a ihouMnd atudenta [dacad In poaltlcm*

annually. Write or eall at tba eollbgr- tor t>ar. tlcularo,

W(X)D‘B COLLEQK._ FTfl Broad rt,, Newark, N. J.THE NfCtYAFtK SEMINARY^MIsa Whitmore s

Huardlng and Day School for Glrla, 9 i l and D1i8 nrnad ■!.. Newark, N. J.t thorough and pro* grsMlve merhoda: library, laboratory, gymna alum: Prtmarr and Klnrti>rgarten DcpartmeDii Certlflrale admtts to WelDil^y. Reopens ThurS' day Seplembwe 2ii, Clrculari.

nCT THE DBCKKR 4 SON PIANO Knabllnhed 1AV8. L'nsurnasaed in

(on». i«iiich and finish. Sold on easy liayinshis O i l and aee them at


where you will flh>1 a Urgeaaaorttneht of handfoms figured waLinit and nuk* bofahy caaes always on hnnd; also a number nf kLIGHTLY 1'KeV> Up- RIGHTS, good rallabis maksa, Ogah >'r easy payments. Snusre pianos and organ* taken In earnange,

HILL, 27 NEW 9T.Open aveninga. 94m

PIANOS-6Hkl cash offered any perw fi prt>vlng that there la a twtter pton.i on the market to

dale In every resor t than the J>slabar grand cabinet: Iasi nut leaat; rtinpare our guarantee with th'jse nf other manufaciurars. ann uae yuur own Judgmem. our guarantee Is gooil and re- siHinaitrte; send tor tarma. EDW^ARD DRl-A- RAR, 29h Orange at.. Newark: open evenlne*.______ ______ ____________________________ W i

CtlRAP PtANOHwe no not sell, but goi»d Vlanoa al a lower price than any other house. WF* GUARAN- TKK A PKTITK I ’P R im iT OHAND, tSSMl; thla is a liarialn. MATHl'PHEK 4 fPlN fae> tnry waretooms, cur. High and flprlnifleld ava. Open evenlnga. j

RAlUlAINS THAT ARK RABnArNH. Fine uprijrtt. IINU; good (’hamber* plo3»u. 67.1;

a Maihiisiieh. used a few tnonihs, 1340, former r-rtie, m V MATHUSHBR 4 »)Fl. factory wsrejcwRis, cor High and Rprlngfleld ave. Open evenings. jPriPCLAR PEArtR PIANO fl-

Holirtav sale new upright. |1(M upwarda; ular IHlWi; nlau Wm. Knahn ..l,(ga| hahy (frand, nniv nnr left like new. Fl-V>. Come iwrly to Factory Wererooma. 11 New at.; o|i«i evenings.

4<jUPRIGHT mahogany TUaho. 1140;

oil improvamentB: slightly uert; rents I8-|4 per monlii. FRANK­LIN* planoa. Fulton sL, 8 door* from Paddle (^urch.

e l e g a n t Maaon 4 Hamiln organ. tOO: 18 monthly.

DlONYtilUfl,5Ht Broad st.

SAFE, Inside meisurenieni 88x24. 377.50. KUMHKRT. 191 Market at.

h t y u r h waist for price of making; roahloa- able hat. W Hleeckef i t- 1

TKORODGMHRED cocker apanlal pupa for aoJa •I your own price, (’all or addreaa H, A,

CRANK. Grove and Uhh ala.. J * p y 5SpTWO Rngllah concertinas for aala; |

Inquire lul Ortngo at.TWO pool tables for salt.

45 Broad al.

t lmMURRAY*! Arooda.

MMNi KARKELH of flne potatoaa and apftlaa. at 42k Apringflfiii ave,. uppmlte Mogwalla al. U v

i f Ob B eh o ld O o o d a u f f ^ n a t t a i v b .A KKW choice irteuea of antique (tanltuni.

VKRRIER’fl bargain atore. 878 Brgfcd aL 43n,3I(J HAKGAINH—Hmoll stove; handaoaaa fum l- S lure, slightly used. t. price; 675 oak dreaser and Iredslpad, |Al; 6135 sldeboart. 639; Hagsr s«^ing machine, 45; mrad square piano, uver« ■Inina. 7 l-fl octaw. An* tone, flna opgan,121; humlwimr hHuleu* tiarkqr suit. |18: 68 dining* VH,m chair. 11.75; tlH oak folding grwid Uruaaela carpel, Rite, per yart: to lace eur- tains, 6t.9fi [«lr; Leffinawell automatic ask •ifTer, new. 61.95 |40 marble cirjek, t-dai IIU; Won and metal Qkx'ks, ^ .M ; nOl bar. with a1a#s. Ilk; tipholilerlng and flne pairing at moderaie mice. ITT Orange at, 1FOR RALR-rBig lot cariNHa. all aliea, new aud

aacond'hand, M up: BO atovea, |B up, q o ^ and henling- sewing machine. 65; flns plusb Parlor - suit. fl8 ; eglsualufl ubie. I2.5U: ruga. oJla' ' "and Jtair car|v»(. 15c. yard. 38 WfHlaro <1,.FOR UALR-Flnr lot mlsflt cartieta, all afaea,'

bruaaeis and Ingrain, 14 up: SO afovei. eiub ■Dll heaters, t l up; sewing machine. |5 . oilcloth.

...................... ........ M William 4LISc. yard; balr mailrtae, 84.50.5To

^ S 3 S M

v T p n


W’lLSON FAKR.^SD. rXasoclais Master Thorough Dfeparaiiun f-ir sny rollsge or scisn-

tifle echool. or for huslnfss . Primary Depart­ment. Cntntogue on application.MJbfl TmVNHFND’8 llosr.llTJg sn-i Day s-'h.H.,

tor Girls. 54 Park pi,, revincn* Tuesday. ib*p* leniisT 27- thorough prHtarriMon f'-r cnllrKs. primary and academic dspanmcnis: ai'*<ia) ronrsfs Circnlar cm apoIlraHi'aTHK Newark School of T' iirrsN • Vi-*al and

pjivslcat cuUure. rloiullon. '-r-i' *»is«rie.primary, normal, teucli-r-* and s r .iirdi»a;circulars. Mrs. Francis W. Kttchei . . nire si.

, 44dTHK NORWOOD p n in o u 21 Wninui st..

primary, academic sn-l rollega prcparalury d a ra r tn ie n is ; re r ljn - s ts artnilts to Sm ith Coneg# ajid Ihe Wtiman's C«'lleg- of tlaltlmnrs. OtaI'iUVATi: InstruilPm in njip-g.-, co?Ug»* prspar

story and arairm i-»l'ni|i‘P m Mi Dlra<«ant ave. or at the honii‘ 'it ttii> sio'li iit: terms miH]- erate. H. D. HILLMAN. Ph I*. 7nKTNDERnAHTKS meihtd toUPM; Frosbel sys­

tem. MIHB JAl.'tlHK.S. 71 ll.irnet si.

D a n e ln g .JOHN H. llirllAUl'f^ H FKJ.KKT .SCIRKIL,

dancing stuI jihvru-Hl tiiMiir*'. i9ll Itnmd s t .; PUplI* may rntpr ’Irai's ini« , > hliilreti's rlrtsaes, BBturiiays; lii-gliih* rr, 1 -i.'i 1' M.; advanced, 4 I’. M :jnlnu«'^ rtsss, Tii'-silns, i 1*. M,; small and early c|ii:<s. Krtturi,<i-. i n D. M.: even­ing classes. i'Pplnti^rs. Tlmrsltvs. H P. M ; ad- vanerd. I’rMiiys. h I* M H-<w*vllle cisasoa,RnHcvIlIf vihl-ili. fhiiilii.itsc. !*»(ujaay nii^rti- Ihgs: iicglnOKt-s n I'i H ,jrtvsnc*ed, HLW; North Fntl HaM. HHl ib ll»'sillc uvs.. Thursdays. 4 P. M-, privHtc l«• iSl>nll. i-rlvate classes or terma; wrllt fnr cirtular, sjiccIbI lermi for clubs. 87hBUnCKHAHlJT S.'hncl f..r Dancing. M l Broad

■I,; r)cn‘ r'ar.s 'f'-t ladlHS anrt gentleman be­ginner* toein* <.n Wert sv'a. Nov. 25: puplla rtcrelvcd -\erv W>.1, snd KrI. ev'g; reduction when three yr m <fe come logelhif. 27*PERFECT a irtx waltz end Iwo-etep guaran­

teed or ni< nt V refumled. hy the quickest method In pri'At-' Ii-f-nns: lady SJalsIant: 62.5(1 for :W decs ••ul' 04 !''h fIlrlrt sl._ __S T H K m .y Mtn'ATK d a n d in g PDHOOL.

Wltti my slnM'l'' anrt roay method I gimrotilse waltx and t<A-u4.u|i in four leaauns; ladiea, |2 , gamlerapn. i-l IJi-rrty sL 53g

M nale.MR, anrt Mfs fharto'- Uernard Ethcrldjie, teach*.

era of i \oi><' >"j|ture, gullar mando­lin; Mrs I'M.... .. ih urartuatrd from ihe I'blla,Musical Acn<toinv Hr»rt Is indorsfil hy leadingmuali-lans Husaex ave,. E. Oratijie.

M ANIroLlv I'Holf gullar. either and violin;privalr leifin* *!^■:..^sllahle Insiniroenta for

m is cheap. > .1

PTANOH I<*Ol{ HALR I Wlil acl) nsw Hardman anti beautiful Kvsretc ufirlghl plarm. for kai

ihatt ctml; i>n rosy tonne Address Klorags. Rng (bt. News ofhes. IVW

W'RITK OH HKND FOR f'ATAl-tVJt^K la very iMrrrstlng MATHI'RHNK A tU)N.

feclury wurrr'xitns. cor. High anrt Hprlngflpld ave. _______________ _________ IFULL sire t'hb-kfrlng Upright. |I45; full alze

Rradburv uprlaht m-iini ii^w. rrnts 68monthly. WISKN i\R. <ltl nr«.u.l >u,. ojten ev'g*.PIANO-W tii sell ai (>n<< Kmnrt upright piano,

with guaranies; hrlUistii inne; 7 l-B oclavs: all the 1its*i impro\emrnto. tl t%iuri st. 9BnPIANO Tr'NKK rer'AUlng; near strings, ate.

F W, (TANN. curi- Sli'-rlrtan A flinllh, IW Market at-; reeldsnce 112 Kiunswirh st. 5hFtR 'll baauilful miuarr* 145 ru 675. one imrighi

|55: a fln» Knat>e. 6l*t5 uiirtgni bargains. 65 monthly. W IHSXRH, ill I Mn.ftd at.

rL\NO.II down, f l week; goiKl for bcglaitar. 8.% fliirlng• flvW av»| IPIANO tuning; airmged mstrumenta. UILT'^N

GRITET. 755 Broad st., n^ar Rank. 2d floor til I(JEO, COLON. 85 Dank at.(Hinds' mtieio ator<").

planoertned, ripalfed. ivMIshed. I7el l —P la n ^ organs, lunrd, rriuklred. Tuner, can-

L J. WURTH, ftOT ilroed sL___________

FOR SALB-Andaue mahogany haDd-pollahrt fumliurs, all kinds; art Idea made to order;

Arat-claea rewiring. P. KARL 878 High at. I fFfyLlUNG Ited, mirror front; used hut little:

♦2ft; coal ITS. n<tom 10. lui Market at. iSEU^ING nut furniture, carpets and atovea te -

U)w cost. AI3 Plane st.. n*ar MiarkeL____ fllQWHMEIi HHOR.* upright piano: elegObt lone:

Singer and Lomestio sewing michinea, 66; mo- htiganv i>r<lriNHn suit, mahogany antique aids* boerrts. Imiiigcs, maitreure. ajirlnga, flOc,,; lot of other furniture at a bargain. 191 Halsey a' Peddle Bldg., lat door from King, tha Cloth[i

T5 HKtVlNG MAKHINKF. warranted to do good sewtru. 63 to lift; folding bed. |4.50; cook

stnvc 6): nlnrin. tJT: ciiuch, 63.50; art aqua res, i‘hamWr suit, fr..'ih' wardrobe. 64: aide-

tioarrt. 6il.5i>: l>rtsteads. Il.fifl. 8m Markei <t.93«

W a le h M . J a w g lr p , B 4«.WAK'H F t sale, aemismatt'a hanrtaome sollil

R<,lrt umti-Ii luimiist new), 6Wi: {-nat double ra* ccnilv, luieat design case and WaKham move- m ent: nn<*i‘-elto4 timepiece. Private, Bus 9,S pun nfflK' 1ON tVfsktv I'aymetlls—Fin* diamonda, watchai.

Icwatov no irash. Watch flupply Co.* 8 Maiden lane ro<im n*. New Yurk; goixse guaranteed 7Ua

tfe n 'a r io ik lM ff KiHl F a r n la h lM v a .I'l Ll* rtri'BS suii, like new. mat Mo* will sail

irH.b- milk" an offer. IlHftHKRT, D«X 2'Nows i.mc-r. %

iifiKbH Kl IT. also Prince Albert coat and vsa i; ii.’i . Iji'si ineaauri:. D E. H., Bug 55. Newa

..flirf 21)0lliH Ki'll I4\c31> mNii's overcoat. |20. RICH.

i;'l VtiiltH-rry st. 1

r» i .a tv r M c t i a n d f ln p p i iM .I'vrKWHlTLHfl mew), all kinds, reniad dally,

monihly. HuWDEN, Centra at.

PBIIA O Y A L.YDDNO widow would Hk<' to most iteRrl), In

dualrloilM business nr wurking msn. msTri. monlally Incllnad: ur wuul-l accept iMJilllon hs hnuaekeaper; object, a home. Addmii Hui 4. Nawa offlca. 1

M a g ln a a ii P a r a o n s il .BEST TEETH. HO-






(On* Soar itw v , Snyflrr',). Ar-POINTMEKT* MADE BY MAIL. OPEN

EVENINOI,^O K FIC E^H gU ^. « A M. TO » P. M. BUN-

L06T-dlO rawort; lines Thankaglvlng. very small fdjt lerrlar slut, dark tan patch over

right of faos and above left eya: akra martM alike. 187 Wlljliam at., goat Orauga, |LOffT—French poodle mala dog: oollar bearing

nam* of Harry K. Lines. 3 Martina pL, it i, Vernon, N. Y. Suitable reward If retortHKl to 480 Centra st.. New Turk. MpLOST—Between Hauevllle ave. and Academy ol

moi ___ .s4cond_ave.LOST—Malleae klUan; well growli: while luot

on breoal. Ubvral reward at a n Ml peot ava.. aoulhwaat coniar nf Wecond. Mo

COMPETKN'T h-ijirmnj Wanted fur churue eheif: mt^Arfat" fftiarv. Artrtr**« Chifrug. Hog

33. News ftllb*'*- ___ 6S h o r tlin n tt a n d T y p a w r ll lA f f .

SHOR'i'llANU. TyiwHTmng BcIkwI of Young Women's chtlKiijin A^so.. 104 Court at.; terma

mckderaie AimW si school, 9 to IS A. M., or to p rln cU l. I- '■ KENNEDY. M Wrigbt a t ItkWANTKl'-Thr**r young Isdlss to learn tsieg*

raphy, rtHy "i evening, for poaltlvus Imme- dtatrly. Pttrlh'ular*. Kft) nmod at., flour. IpTHR vliertix^i. bltilm’Sl shorthand and type-

wrlilng le»njiiv in city. BOWDKN.88 Centre st,_________________________ 12b

l.an ffw asaa*TKK chvMi'i-P'C Slid pluJneil Hpsalsh leas^ms in

city. poVt I'FN. :W Cotitre st. 18pBEKLIT/. Kciii'nl of Lnnguagva; Ftench. Hpan-

lab, Oernian. w Clinton ave. 37a

llo o k -k a a p lw g ,THE ch#iti>eHi and idainrst bnok-k««ptng leseuna

In city. h d SVUKN. IW Centf* at. Up

ANDREWS. eatabllebeiJ 20 veara; no X-raya needed to show that Ihls in the larjcai. oldost,

moat reliable portrait houae In this 8iat«: eruy*

€O A Im w o o d , e t g .


K TRIMMEil 4 CO. RoTh Telsukunes No. 854.

HKMT LARGE LEHIGH No. 2 NUT COAL iwell fvreetied) st l>rr ton.

Dost LehLgii tg i. stove and uheetnut, at lowest market t-rlcea,

11 HAHHELS dry kindling wood. 82.Give us a trial order. WE CAN SUIT YOU

WITH COAL AND WOOD.fMllre: Cor. N. J. R. H. ava, and Lafayette it.

Y ur CAN defy RLIZZAHDH and 5NOW- DRU-'TH If vour h^ms Is warmed with a hot

Are of gi»oil hard rtsal.Your rtirtU'uliy may h* to get the right kind of

roal When v-e etiend to your order* your worry and*, hei'niiM eupplv tho hlghsst grade coal: It Is clean and liuril; rtoesn'i cuaialn slate, aud our prices are a.lvrayi the lowest.

No. 2 nui. 611 N). stove <>r nut, 64.75; mixed with No. 2 nm. 14 15. P TDOIIET 4 SONS, tlH HJoomfleld ave . 189 Plane st.; yard. 2nn-8l9 Pasaato SVC.. Itiirrls4>n. Te|., Harrlenn. 18B.UMST Ijehlgh coal at lowest market price*

Our ff i^ la )—Ktnv* nr nut mliert with No. U nut coal. 64 par tun, H. 4 C. H. JEROLAMAN. 52 fTeUnyhuyaan ava, Tel. ikBlF. I3h

M A C n tN B IlY F D R WALE*

oni. pastels ind water colors; nna select lug of tramea. IdaSO, with g1ae« complete. 6l.5»; chair cone. J.ikio f|.. 40n. Late Broad, now II New at,, opposite Hahne^i. 7HI

L l ATEH.4. a>M«P J , V l a i i n g .

B R. SOLKAtj CO., ■Ik7 Market * - i ‘*wmrkBOILRKR ENGINES, PLMPS.

Smokesuoki, Tanka. HeaLna and

CATARRH AND COLDS Cl'RKD,A modem, affective remedy; gives immrtlate

beneill; Pond'e Kaaal crtoni; (me 25f, package convinces. Sold by Holahauer. Ilraad lAd Mar* k et; I*aw]| Rroa.. Sayre. 5h3 Orange at. ;Cf«scerit Drug Co., and leading dm giists. TTn

Tel. 883; N. Y. and N. L t s l . 2210A

M M k tH v rr W aatftdLA LIGHT engine lathe »-antetls give swing,

ehurks elr,. «ni1 very Ifwest pfioe. Addrate Mm-hlnlat, Hnx 28. News offire. 1

HAMBICHOKH'S Pile Driver cure* aggravated cases.of Itching. Bleeding. Blind. Pfotrudliig

Pllaa, and Flaluia cured where doctori foiled; lt'8 the best on earth. At all drugglite, 3&c* box.

LOST-miver o p e o -fo ^ watch; *‘D. E A." en- ^ jrraved osjiack ^Liberal raward for rn afu to


If. B. R. R. ave.LOST-Motidav olghtt black fitnala inMilel pup:

on* sore eya; Socic U ll: reword, i l l HiTIi m________ ______ _____ n

L O n -W M B H ltT . MiiIUm » l , lU th llr )* » ,. Reward tor N iara SO^Htllaide avt,

LDBT-A Rhye terrier. Return lo I4 Rgi

tb* ODlr Mbw* H* (bt S l»t, wb*™ n u will b*- -am t »n t iw r i 3r.nm»ktr aud mHllniri our ■ m l iu o » H t . du* to Indlvlduul liutruetlonj ST ffl,™ Tjt Jt Sjjttm »Jd

_______________________ _ _____ U »LAOIKH—ronlM*nU*l trtm iofnt for oonfln*-

man! roH*: tvtnlT -flvt rauri' erporlatiooi doo-to n In ottanounooi ohlldron udootM. Tub* Glln^loo ov*. L-*r iDUth. W. M-. UtU lladjor ova. SlhDIVOBOBS prnrorad apoaJllf; oil tow bualnni

iindariilioni modrroU rhoruooL Odvloa fraa.A. ldiwai L-w Compony. Boo IB, Wiart oIBca. dbpSlIPenPLlJOUb holf. wortt. moiat. dtolro/au

fortvar br riaotricitjr; aUtloii II. Ma d a Ii bB. WEBTERVKLTHII Wooblni m m.TOWNBBND. (f lic o j apoclollat ond Jawalltr,

■ atoni o ^ n avpilnfo until tthrlal-

WHY hove Itia Amerlvan ormlaa olwova vicinrIouaT Hacouw. Uia I - bod t ha verjr

boot of moiorlol. ond I* iBUllloatnly. Why- .....- ------ dr, hm mOSt (lOPUIat

fair prieel 'CATHFR'

tinue year after year to be wheela mode, and v#l ■*'! «t such

40oMM Brttad;


MASSAGE treatment; at! bathel appololmento rtral-claaa, MiaoWdodolSOranL sL, near BroOd.


reword, m J a m a

fiv e ee-Tlo

, ikird pnimede at tlm gttmiAe. or at

UUpSIh y I Hotel, ^ 4 e u m Thd]

tMtllAMAKiNG uught by Europeoji rula; to*. ^ * m u i l Insi ruci ton*j pupil* make draeejt h*8 wblki iNutiirig, hi'urs. 10 to 4; avaalnga. TtSO ta ■3ft. euttibg. beat Ins and pattemk to meeaufa* I T t . v a n ZANT W2 Pliiie st., near New.D NKISS ths Isadlnk ladiM' tailor and re-

modvlVr; neat work; fit guaranlacd; p rlM §4 s t .^ b e i^ n

T H I Orange Droseoufiliuf. S o h ^ b w■jfrotlOW wm'lie**** ■ojiojow ond f f r o n i ^ j

E: JTew at-


men wilt m tn


W, w. REID. AUCTIUNJCSR, will sail Friday. Dec. 18, at 19iM A. M.» i t

Salesmome, ^47 Market at., for aocouni of whom It niay concern. aiMUt 400 Ansonle Hopka. Inriadfng Maflns Levara, Ivon and Wflod Mantel Clocdia. Ome* Wejruletoni end Deirt Ctucliai some of which art sna|i- - - - fly ba IHi

way.line of

ind Sauoeri, Lampa, _____ ™ s , etc., rto.

Aiao. about Wtr lota uf ^ m ea . Aihum*,, Iron Toya, Plcturea. Loather Casea. etc., from dsalsf

' rtng out ‘ ■■ —

wnacia nianv. - ----For reasons similar to those above, l^ A . *.«.*• STONES and IDKa D*. from 650 lo 135. If you want a Moyria. coma to ua. v ffiWanK CYCLE CO.. 0 aad H Cartful aya. ^

W A N T E D .OOLoT^aUv^^ Jswalry. stamps,

oflina. relic* and curtoa: nlglisat caah prices paid at VKRRIKRA. STO Broad at., near Cla^

__-A .-A .-O o n ii' (Mt-olf clolhinj; I FDla on o dollor mora ibon obt 1“ Ibo

*lty, 1. MADAMIIKT, M Oommarpo ot. _ U b

•JO OQun whll* l«»h<in> pulltio »onlo4: p . ^ ond whapt ™ ha a*»n, Adaroa. Cailoii*

ana. Hm l^ Ntwa oBloa._____________ _ ___iU N m iM T . or 1«TI*

for cash, Addfsaa Earrlnga. Boa 71. N e w a ^ lice*_______ . —OLD GOLD, aiWer and lew elt/ bought. MAR.

TIN. 7 » Broad it., ovar J. W ile EBoft'a >PAIR sacond-hand Jawellv'* eoeleu woe

W .ln. MENDHAM. 59 Bank M*lee wauled. Ad-

GOAT harnan and wagon wonted: mult ta cheap. T4 Cheatnut at. Wo ■

Ir* lieguietnni and art sflghtty datfi-

agrt by fliw; tb ii wni pMliiveir ta^^* u si lot of iKeee o o m to ba dlgpoeed nf la Ihta _ Alan. by_«rd*r nt n w i^ c j^ lMg«

r a sL w i

jgpanaae Vaeea. <*u. French rhlna t*hoco1ate

G«DRKN oo7« will h t ■ r w . fho.nc* la oacur. IwU- —M l.uinari dolla drooi.id for ...... — , , ,

IHKBUnC. *1 Bonk a t l toy prannU, I M w . IB.llod

■ ItnV BV O B I AHD CIVIL I IK lH » a * ltB .


Surveyor and Dealer In Real SStata.4

Offiae Uverpoal and London ASd 9H ing, iQO Broad, tar* 1


’ i5 ?N E W A R K E V E .V I N a N E W S , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 5 .

IftKHtrIc <&oentng Nesii.

t d a i l y . I X O I f T tU N D A Y t .■ r m

ETaslil leis PitUslilBt Gum,3 IS -3 1 7 M A RKET S T R E E T ,

M B W A U . A. i .{ItMnA • ! Uw PMtiilHe* MlMoaA^lMi


Orit»w,< k r e«TWf, hi Mjr pBtAl ! * « • * . th« O rm fH , HUTtoM, K M nr, «■■■ * . BM nlllt, MMUlirir, MwaltaU M i an Mlch> fcwbif ta in u .

M tf MhKrlptMM, O n M lin ■ •*im , c n U • a w lh , pm ttt* Irw- M aflt „ , | M. tw , onU . W tk n n t h , a r f to » la Nnnrfc, tta cn U a walk.

OrtlaatT a«vartlaaaMBU, *M Mrf ■Hm* n aU a llaa, a|att.

Aivertlaweeal, aa«« baato af Waakti, Ta Lat, PvAala, PMaaaabM.. aaa aaatawara.

THtmSDAT, DCKMBlrtl U, 1*A

b o a r d o r TRADE A m O N .Tfatra waa so nilacing of aorda abaiit

lha raaolullona a<3o]Kad by lha Hoard af T rad , laat nl*ht In ragarrt to tha poUa- tion of tlia Paaaalc Ktvar and tka ra- novAl of polaa and ovarhaad wiraa (rom tha aliaata.

Tha m*mbara o( lha board racoaolia tha d an (tr and Ilia dlacomfart dua to tha foul condlllon of Ilia aawaia-pollulad H v«, Rod they ara wlllln* that any fair and n a - ganabla action aha 11 ba lihafi-^coatly It will b a -to ralrlara tha bluodaca of tha paat. With th a t aantlmant the-c lt liana and taxpayan of Newark will tenaraHy acraa. But what tha paopla w ant la a Ilian which they can ba aura will ba faaalbla, and of which they can aaa lha rnd. i t wai lha fatal fault of the report of Ihe drat commlulun that It left no and ta alghl. II iH-gged tha whole queillon by taavtnr Ihe poailblUly that i t i Khame oitght be m ule etlactlee only by bulldini a fewer through BUlcn lilaud to the Tha Board of Trade mem b an tn their en> thuataam for tha good end nought appear to hare itaadfaitly overlooked th li de- fact,

Tha reaolutlona on Ihla aubject th a t w en paiaed laat night requeat tha Senator and AaaenUynian of Eaaax County to uaa their mnuanoa and uiinoat audeavon In behalf of the enactment of lawa naen ea ry td pee- vent the further pollution of the Paaaalc River by tha aawagt of citiea and towna In Ihe aratenhed dnin ing thereto; and urga that a law which ahall provlda for tha complete nm oval of tha axlatlng nulaanca be paaied without delay. Alio they favor a ayetem of Joint action by tha munlol- palltlea Intereaiad, under control of prop­erly conatltuted State authorltlee. and re­iterate the hoard'! approval of the plan propoeed by the commlaelon of JIM. and urge Ita adoption, “with eucb altaratlona aa to detatla a t may ba eontidered nacea- aary by tha praaaiit commlaelon aooa to make n p o n ."

Tha laat raaolutlon la tha unfort unalt one. It commltt the board to an tncom< plel* report two yeara old. and to a new report not yet made, which may or may

• not be complete and conolueive, and may or way not commend Itaelf to public judg­ment.

In tba m atter of the polea and over- lieAd arlrea tha report of the eommltlaa to the board ta Intereating reading. With tha alngla eiceplton of that phata of the problem growing out of the dtatrabtllty of telephone competUlon, It haa aeemad th a t the one plan to be purauad In regard to tha potea area to follow a radical policy Ilka th a t outlined In tha report and go •bou t thalr removal promptly and tternly,

rM of them at every opportunity, l.kelephone, tetegraph and electrlo light

ylrea can all ba pul under ground, Tha : only problem to the ewneri la one of e i- panae. Exprrtanca In New York haa ahown that lha underground trolley ly i- t e a le a tuoceaa.

and the mounting of O illlng guna on the bar of Juatice. In the police court In that city on Ttaaaday a lawycy argued a eaaa with a draw n revolver, which he flouiiah- ed la rveklaae dltregard of the aafety o f lha apectatori, ga well aa of the Judge upon whom ho dealrenl lo have the weiiputi agarclaa a prrauKelvo Intliiem e. Tha Judge roao to the oceaaloii by producing a re- volver of aim larger calibre. He bail the lawyer thrown out of court and tha Inci­dent ended w ith the dignity of Ihe bench fully maintained and with no one able lo aay that lha lacUca of the learned counael- lor had made any undue linpreaalon.

But though In Ihln caae Ihe Judge thaw ­ed that the pooHegaluii of a lurifi' nnd healthy gun Waa amply aufticlcnt lo mnel all h ll needa, It la plain enough that In a community In which llili lo rt of practice a t th a “bar prevalla a Juilgo alinulrf have other meana of preserving the dignity of hta court and the Integrity of hta «e«hy In- tagnment. All Judgee are nol m uulch and all U w ytra not to alow upon the trigger And even when a jurlai li cnnfl'lcni nf hie ■pved and d ii te r l ty In the uae of hla weapon. It la Inking a long chance for him to draw and, watching a man tlourlahlnt u revolver, w ait HU the moment when It ie abaolutely neceaanry to ihooi. Dunn go off ao auddanly and bullela trayel ao feat that the learned Judge forced to moJrralloit of thia kind la a t a dlaudeantuga and la lloble 10 get hurt, till lha other hand, It he NlWa a t the Ural appeuranca of coun ieri re- volver, there U ulwaya tha rhanca of hit ting the wltneaaea, oltli-era of tha court or other Innuceiif iprctatora, or of breaking

window.I t would aaem th a t It axpolea tha Ju

dlclary too fa r to compel them to taka auoh rtakn: and th a t tha St. Lioula public fhuuld eeo th a t iTia men who ad mlnlater the lawa gal a fair chanoa to live to honored old age. in addition to coala of idbU there a r t vorloua cotton and other fabric# which their Inventor# aiaer't to be bullet-proof, and which could be muda up Into garm ent! that would enham^e the dignity of the wearer and make liiwyera und apaclalora recognlic that Juitice In St. lo u la la, aa U ahould he everywhere elie. Invulnerable. A Judge clulh«t lii bullet-prouf armor, and with rapId-tlre guna ao ranged around hli bar ihul he could reach and operate them with both hand# and both feat, would be aa Invlnclbla and feel aa brave In a 8t. 1-oula polloe court aa Dewey In Hantla Bay. Thta la a judicial reform th a t ipeaka for Uaelf aa to l i t neoeaalty and lie mefulneaa.

Bgat do become nominal rltliena of the t ’nlted Slaleo. It la well to remembor that Iho electlva fomchtaa la not on# of tha In- dlapeneabla gtlrlbutea of ettlienehlp. Con- greai In prepkrUig a plan of government for the PhlMpplnea, If It l>a. deemed beat lo give ti l l lalandi any degree of home rule, can limit tha right of frunchia* with w hat­ever reatrtctlons In the way of educational or property quatUtcallona It may tea St, Thera will be no difficulty In preventing Ihe addition ol two or lhre»! mllllona of half-clvlllird or aavage Klllplnoa to the voting iKipulatlon. While a t tha aame time conceding them all the right# and prlvl- |e g _ of cltlienehlp guaranteed by the conatiuiilonul bill rrf righta.

OMK PUBI.IH DKMANU SEOLECTED.One aubjai'l In which the people of New

ark are Inleraetrd illd not come up a t laat nlghl'a meeting of the Board of Trade.

The people want It g u , and good gaa too. quite aa much aa they want to have polea and overhead wire# removed.

Mr, Bryan lalka aliout the queallon of eapaiielou ae If ba had no further am ­bition to ever beconia ITealdeiit of the Uiilteil tJtule,.

Vown* * * * 9 * 9 9 9 1

"It would ruin me It you were to uae my name," la id a railway telegrapher to the NKWB man laat night, "but you may te t It down ae certain that unteia con- ceeilona of a far-rearhing nature be made to men of my ormti early In tha coming year, there will be trouble. A atrlke 1» now Imminent In Canada on lha Oranrt Tnink line, and It will but forecaai the con teat on Ihla aide of the border, hver aliice the great general lelegrapher'a atrlke of IM, In whbih the railroad men took only a lym putheilc pari, opeiaiora have been more or leaa cowed by the hlackllat, but all tha aame for half a doaen year# quiet organliatlon haa been golug on, andwe are beginning to feel that w« can eland on oiir righia a . —again.noif generation of opcralora hae grown up

Beeldea. almoat

The Indifference ao ofi>-n Oleplayed by corporntiona to the agreemente Into which they have entered with oiunletpallllei and the Infrequency with which the latter ap­peal lo the courli to compel fulltlinent of the conlracte, make the ault brought In Chancery by the townnhlp of Kalontown and the borough of laing Branch againat the Atlantic, Ki'l Bank and lajng Branch iilectrlc llallroad of apr-crat Intereal, Appli­cation le made to tiave lha franchleea be- atowed hy the complainant munlvlpalltlei declared void on the ground ihal Iho con- dltlone under which they were granted have not hocn compiled with. I t waa lllp- ulatcd In the grunt niude by the lownehip th a t the railroad company muat pay half lha money axjc'ndeil by the township on the highway during the flrai fifteen month, a fter the opening uf the road, while In laing Branch the railroad agreed to pave a certain airert wlih vHrllle'l brick. In neither caae waa the condition complU-d with ami now Eatontown aaka for 110,0(10, half the coat of Improving the highway, and laing Branch demanda B.Wi for brick paving, or In default thereof aaka for per, mlaalon lo tear up the connpany'i irackt. The caae la aomewhat coinpilealed owing to th a fact that the company l» bankrupt and la now In the hmida of a rwelver. Should the daclalon of the court be in favor of the complalnaiila It may encourage other mu- nlclpalltleg lo leck alinllar redreia. Too often ll ta the halilt o( auch cprpoiatloni to regent the (ranchlaea wlilvh they have received aa binding only upon one aide. They loaa no time In taking ailvanlage of all the prlvllegea granted them, but upon illg h t pralexla or no prcieita a t all pool- pone until It aulta Ihclr own convenience tha tuim ilng of obllgatlona Incurred by their acceptance of the tranchlaei.

and not having eaperlenced the boycott It hpa no tarro ra for them. We will do everything we can lo aaKlal with momy

11 ■and moral Influence our brethren In Can- and If ■ . -

doubt reglprocaie."ada, and If the oovoalon come they will no

lubtAt the local recruiting office lo-day it

Was team ed that the proper method of procedure for ihoaa who have friends In the army and wlah to have t'lirlalmaa par­cels forwarded free of charge from New York to aoldlera In either t'ubs or PortoHlco, will tie to axnraoa I heir packaget tn care of Cotonal Kimball, depot fluaru rm aiter , 1,'nltad Sfatea Army, at N ew York. (.'liar»B will h a v e to he prepaid I rum th e startin g point to New York, afler w hich the Uovarnment will aaaumc entire ch arge.

' h lo remember may

and thoie pwaona who wlah to remember their aoldfer relatlvea or rrlciulareat abaolutely aaaured that thetr gift# will be dellvarad properly nnd iiromptly. The direction for auch parcel, ahould give the name, company and regiment ot the man for whom ft i t Intended, and the place wliera the i-eglment le alatloncd and to theee ahoqld be ailded: "Care of the I'litted S tatee Depot Quarlerniaster, New York City, N. Y,"

William R. lYeeka, of thIa city, le one of the tru ileaa fo r eharehohicre In the "Na- llonal Bank of Cuba,” wlik'h Is lieing oi^fianlied In New York, II la Intended to lave JUO.nOO capital. " I t la our Intention."

said Mr. Weaka lo-day. "wllh ihe co-op­eration of aome of the wealthiest and moat repreientatlva men In Cuba, to Introduce

Only O ur Just DesertSv

We believe that now more than ever before we are having an almost complete monopoly of the Piano trade of this portion of the State—that a still larger proportion of all Pianos purchased are bought from us. We believe it, indeed, we know it.

The Christmas demand for Pianos this year is really exceptional, which simply goes to show that more people than usual are taken with the ideji that they ought to have a Piano tlou\ That our suggestion of onf sensible Christmas gift for all the family is being largely followed.

Wn# Ollt«C4'« Gv«|t Wmi* OffAmAHELD BY T H E ENEMY,

JACOBS’ TIlEATRa t “sS ittrr*Matlaie flalwrday, «Se.

t h * wnoinu com edian ,A n d r e ' w M o o l c

In Hit Lateat Suoeaaa.X t g e K n u ; f C * b c X I S a s r l t

Kelt W aek-tlD ETIiA C EED .

WUDSMN'SNEWTHEtTREWaihlngtoB M raat, Naur Elarkat M,

IlaudioiBat Theatn In Ike au la TbiitVeek Mallnect-Tuaaday.Iliuni. and Sat.


an iRDoratlan In banking clrcli-i. There la not now and thar* haa u rvrr been a hank on tha tataod In Irhlch the people could make dopoilta and check againat their a<> counta. In the rehabilitation of the Island merchant# and plantera will w ant'c red it ralher than caan and we propoie to lendI hem Ihla on their growing cropa. This atao will be a unique ayetem In Cuba, althoughII hai been In vogue In the Houiham Btatea of America for more than half a century. The bank will act an a factor, com mlaalon merchant, warehouaeman and broker for a comtalaaion, to m aking advancea on gen­eral merchandlae aDRalgne<l to them from the United Staiaa. I t arill be organtae'l under exieting lawa of the taland, which art very liberal. Already enough stock la aubacrlbed to begin buaineaa aiwuld we dealra to do ao.

H arry Maodonough, wllh Jeff de Aiigena '

TECHNICAI, AND FUEMC H tH O O tl,A report aubrolited lo the Board of

Trade laat night and adopted by iliai body ffnda fault with lha Board of Educa­tion hecauao certain atudlea recently In- Iroduced Into tha puMlc achoole are aald to trench upon the field of the Tei'hnlcal School, Jt would have all atudlea of that character lo the grammar achool ao a r ­ranged a i to qualify atuilenli for admii- olon to tha Technical School. It aaeerte th a t m anual training, drawing, painting, langm gaa, ato., etc., a r t fotelgn to tha object of the public achool ayaiem, and queatlona whether they can be properly taught there. Tha report contlnuea;

We are nol oppoaad to their teaching, but we are oppoaad to the method# em­ployed: we a r e 'o t opinion that, aa thee*aeveral alodlei properly come under the


JE K S E t CITY WATKE BOFFLY FEBILk.On aavaral occaalona In ra ftn in g ta tka

contract for a new water eupply which haa been awarded by the Jeroay City Btiaet and W ater Board, the NEWS hai called attention to the danger of pcllu- tlon In water taken from the Rockaway Khrec a t Old Boonton. The river a t that point carrjae with ll Ihe entire drainage of the Rockaway valley, Including among other towna Rockaway, Dover and Fort Cfram. They are all growing In popula­tion and with their growth will come In- craaae in the quanllly of pollution which tha river will be expected to carry off. Unleaa aome provlalon la made now to prevent further fouling of the Rockaway, It will be but a few year# until Jeroey C ily 'i experience with Paaaalo w ater la repeated.

According lo the Jersey City Journal Ihe provlilona of tha contract relating to tbA pollution of the Rockaway and tha maaAe. urea that shall b« taken to prevent It are meagre and eondmonal. Bayi .Tha Jour>, nal:

The contractor la nol required to pro­vide against pollution. The provision hi the atiectllcatlona requires the Counqr Board of Health lo asceriatn when the water la polluted. This board la not a city

hht-Senator Hufus Blodgett, a fte r serv­ing to r alx years aa Mayor of I-ong Branch, waa defeated for re-elemlon on Tueaday. I t aeema to be a had year for New Jaraey DemtM'iallc Senators and ex- Senaton.'

ho will appear In the "Jolly Mui-

keieer" Chrtatm aa week at the Newark Theatre, la a native of Orange, whteb he ailll conaldara hla home, and where he haa many fiianda, Mr. Macdonouah haa been prominently befora the public since the old McUaull Opera Company's dayi when he began lo play Important roles. He auc- ceeded D« A ngw a when that comedian re­tired from the Della Fox Comiiany aa leading aupporu in "The LUlle Trooper. The two fomedlkna have worked a greatdeal together and are alike In many t« r-

So tru e la th lx .lhat when Mac-

province ot the technical, they ahould ba under the care and direction ot the trua- leea of tha Technical School, a board com­posed of practical, auccaaatul buaineaa men. There could be no mlatake made by placing under the care ot auch men, with whom poUtloa playi no part, auch atudlea, and we a re aatlafled their aiperlenca In buaineaa better quallflee thaan to promote and develop auch studies along ^ c t i c a l lines where the iiudeni will find what he haa acquired will he of commercial value. Where money la now being waated, as we beltevs. It It very much needed to give our Technical School the maana to broaden Its BOope, and fulfil Its mlaalon, and wa would urga th a t tba board lake thia aubjaot up arlth our Board of Education and audeavor to have such atudlaa coma under lha care and guidance of men whom practical knowledge and life itudy eminently place ihem In a poallkm to direct and cars for ■uctr tnteragta. An effort ahould be made a t the oama time to secure an annual ap­propriation of a t laaat fW-DH for tha pro­motion of tachnlcul education in the achool erected fo r th a t purpoae.

It la reported that the nutienhurg track la to ba raopenad, and th a t running raraa fur purpaa will be held there, but without betting. I t racing be reaumcil a t Outten- hurg gambling will be reaumetl ul«o, The former will nut pay without the latter. A prucraaton Of bangtails without the oppor­tunity to bet on them would not a ttrac t a corporal'a guard ot apcclalora. Without gam bling there would be nu recelpia from bookm akeri' prlvllegea, nor from many o ther aourcei made poaalbla by the oppor­tunity afforded to gamble. I t racing be re- aumed a t Uuttanburg It will mean th a t tha law la to be defied, and th a t political puU Is to be relied upon to save the racetrack men from Indictment. In view of tha re- fuaal of the laat Hudaon County Grand Ju ry to Indict the H arrtaun poolaellers. there ta reason why the gamblers ahould be encourOLged to s ta r t operations again a t Outtenburg.

tlculari. ............. ... ...... , ----- ..donough accepted lha leading role In "The L ittle Trooper*' a paper In Brooklyn, where the company was playing, an ­nounced gravely the next day th a t a fte r all there waa to ba no change In the coat, as De Angetta w as still appearing la the production.

Good and reaponalble cUlx.-ns of N ewark llalay Ihcmielves liable to IlM) line every duy,

avcordlna lo an attache of the W aatern ■ralegraph Company. The law taUnion ■ralegraph Company,

very explicit, decJaring tha t any one laBU.lug” a paper which calfa for a revenue tax without a ttaching a atamp thereto la guilty of a mlademeanor. And yet com paratively few telegrams are handed In a t the Iranam ltltng oIBce properly atampad.The sender aimply paye the company one cent excaea and lets It got M that. Ofcouree the company, to protect Baelf. par. forme the ne ‘ ■ ■ • 'It hae no rig]forme the neglected duty, but technically

iS t to.


The Intention doub lleu Is to reopen the O uttenburg track for "ekatea,"

board, and ll will not know anything about pollution until the effect of pollution la Motble In an gugnicntad death rwte. Then, when [he County Board of H ealth haa sHcerialncd that the water "la aerioualy polluted," It ta 10 notify the cl^y, and lha city IB to require the contractor " to pra- veiit aucli ixjllutlon," providing tha dla- covery In made, and Ihla clrcultoua ac­tion IH taken before the eUy has accepted tha water works. If the city haa accepted the water works before tha County Board of Ilealtli niakea the dlacovery and notlflaa Ihe city umelaii, then tha cttjr wilt have to care tor the pollution a t Itaoirii expanaa.

The Journal refers to tha city 's eiperl- eneu with polluted PasiAlc aratar as giving a lesaon which ahould make It Inatat th a t tn the new supply th a n shall be no danger of Impairment by reason o t pollution. I t Insista, and properly, th a t the contract aliouM provide either for disposal works for the sewage or at) Intercepting aawar that will conduct lha sewage below tha reservoir. The Journal adds;

The provlaton against pollution should be unmiatakaldy clear and binding. I t Ik all very well to provlda that "tha oily ahall not bo bound to accept any plant or w ater therefrom until the supply la tree from pol­lution.' Suppose th a t tha city shall ba ■lependem on Ihla supply by tha time the work* are completed ot tha time th a t It must accept tha option to purchase, than the contractor can taka f t o r leave it. Tha city could not go without water. Or Biipiioae that the question ot acceptance wad pending before a city board: the con­tractor or hla agent! m ight eaally Bud means and arguments which would aat lafy the board, and lha city would ba bound by tile acta of Its reproaentatliwa. ' ' * *I^c pollution of the Rockawag h a i al ready begun, and It may be several yaaca before Ita eftacta would a ttrac t the a tten­tion of the County Board of Health, I t would be too late than to prevent Injury er to hold the contractor reaponalble, be cauia the provlalon extends only to tha time the water works are accepted by the ejty. The contractor la not directly re­quired to do any preventive work, though undor obligation to aupply pure and whole 'some water. Me will wait until the potlu Hon la aocorapllahed^rore tha Injtinctlon requiring him to prevont further pollution artll bacoma operative. Where will h i be then or what cbUgatlon will h i ba under to ta k i any action?

Jursey City wiu.neid lo guard againat any action which, In a fiw y ia n . may leave h ir with a polluted water aupply aJid hilpleya to noinpel Its puriflcatlon.

A NERD W THE JbniOIAItT.Vi'hHo trial-Jtalgca in aome litaLo! SLya

talking about wearing silk gowni, aintb ment In St. laiula Is l-ndlng toward the pi'CTidlng of euata uf mall for thv JudlcUry

T b i Technical School l l an Instutlon de- •arvlng high praise, and those who have contrlbutad money and labor to Ita estali- Uahmant daaarvs credit, But a public school ayatem and a school not under the aame control, cannot alw ays be brouglil Into inch wloae aaaaclatlen aa to make one too much e l a tender to lha other. U ahould be poeeibla for a student who goee to the public achoole with tha Intent □( ffttlng hlmaalf for o ther Inatltuttona, to have aa much opportunity to do ao aa can be given to higi w ithout takUitawaylnatruction and oM>ortunUlea dua to other children whose education wilt etop w ith the public achoois. B ut the public school ayatem rests after all an Its own foundatkma. H ie great m ass of lla pupils will not go to Ihe tech­nical school nor to collegei, and ti In the Intareet of th is areaieet numher that la flrat and most Inslltanlly to he reckoned wtih.

Tba m anual training InatruoHon In the public ochoola la daaigiicil to make chil­dren handy, raaourcetul and quick to learn a il aorta of handicraft, not to make them flnlshrd a rtlsan t nor artlets. In the caaen In which notable vfliclency or talent along auch Itnsa la displayed It can be oonfldently accepted th a t the aludenie will go fiiriher, and to such the Technical School will lie Invaluable. Money la not wasted when a boy la taught to draw or la given aome rtaaonable facility In the use of tools, a ran though hta walk in life may be auch th a t he never gets "commercial value " for hla knowledge. The Teehnical School will have greater demands upon it in the fu tu re and will liave wider ueFfulnena 1>e- cauac of the puhllc achool Inalructlon, which Ita frlenda appear lo think la a aort of Invasion of Ita prerogative.

Aa for tha comparlaou between the men who dlrqct the Technical Bohool and tbo members of the Board of Gducatlon, It la aimply one of the critlclsma of public ofll- clali. These ara oomattmea just and somatlmea unfair. Unfortunately, the bast equipped men In the communi­ty are not alw ays called to discharge public tn iila . The remedy la not to take from pnbllo oflloeni their reapfmatblll ty, but to ba more Inalatent upon securing the beat tioasible men for public places

Th# township ot Kearny will hold a ape- ctal election on January 17 to decide whether or not Ita present form ot gov­ernm ent ahall b* abollahed and a town government aubailtuled. As the preaeht Tow nihip Committee waa elected on the pledge th a t It would give tha people an op­portunity to vote on tha adoption of tha town act. It la probable th a t the decision will ba In favor ot throwing off the town­ship garb. The people ot Kearny are en­titled to the beat form of government available, and it a t the present time the town plan commands Itaelf to them they are righ t In adopting It. Such a atep, how­ever, m ake! more dlatam the prospect .of uniting Kearny, Harrlaon and E ast New­a rk under one government and makes It probable that caEi will retain lla separate IndlvlduAllty until all are ready lo become a part of the G reater Newark.

»New Jeraey has bean honored In the ae-

lection ot the Third Regiment aa Presi­dent McKinley's escort at the A tlanta Paaca Jubilee.

A ll a t Thrna K ip r u a lv f , a n d S o m e H ava B a a a F r la e W ln u era .

From the Chicago Post.Jeaale B artle tt Davis haa some fine fox

terrier a t her WlUowdale kennels. Two of them Boots and Baddies, have won many prlaea. . . .

Vernons Jarbeau 'a black-and-tan Trig weighs but lltlecn ounces when togged out In collar, blanket and boats. He la Ihe im allrat of hla kind. He Is a brave dog, however, and la decorated with i medal given by Ihe Humane Society be cause he onoe saved hla owner's life when a hotel waa on tire by Waking her with hla aharii barks.

Lillian RuiSfU poaseBiea aeveral expen Blve JapaneSB dogi, but her apeclal pet la a. big dt. Bernard.

EAua Wallace Hopper owna a tiny Prencli bulldog which co tl 11,100. I t w«pf;lven her and waa a prise winner a t the eat New York dog show.M ar Xrwln loves dugs and owns many,

among them Dick, a fos lerrler w ith t p ^ lg ree a yard long; Caar, a 8t. Barnard worth ta,Wg, with a plumy tail like feather boa. and Jonee, a tariie r which has stolen moro times than any other dog tn the couDtry, Up to date his owner has paid out over |100 In rewards for hli fcturn.

Melba has with her th is year a bcautb ful Ponuranlan dog, which carries th«' av^ul name of Nlel>elungen Lied.

Marie Driissler has a terrier which She calls Paddy UJesson, Ju lia A rthur owns H s^^nlel of the ruby species. Maude Adams has a collie aptly named the Llttto Minister, and Julia M a rW e haa a Boston toJTler.

Olga Netheraoie calls her brindlo pu CarniJk. and Mm. L angtry 's Ffeno poodles are world famous. She sometlmei brings one on the stage with her.

The cUlsens of Peetsburg in Bergen County are dl|tsstlsfled with the name of their village, Tlw^y think It lacka euphony and does not compare favorably with the sylvan and rontanilc titles which grace so many of Bergen's conim uifr settle- m enu. The residents of ClJffwood^ Wood- clIlT, Englcwockd and all the other woods s to said to look with scorn on their neigh, hors of homely sounding Pceti^urg. and so the latter, through Congressman Stew’- art, have petitioned the PosloRlcs DepiLri- ment to give them a namu which cannot In' made the subject of scorn and derision,

Will some scientist explain the repeljsni force tim t exists between mercury and coni? When tho former goes down the lat* ter Invariably goes up.

A lir m s * s L « w r « n .From the London Pall Mall Oagette,

The Siamese Prince, who has Just he« ncalled to the bar a t the Inner Temple, Is an

f the EnglLsn peo i' are lo open the door io the foreigner. I t

■ rsenInaiance of how ready

i t ...........no doubt a compliment to ourseive*' that HhvDH, and especially those of high rank^ Hhould scf>k sdmlsefon to our Inns of t*miri, and we are probably the only coun* try 111 ttiE» w'orld where the honor Is sought. Ti Is di)c, no itouht. to the fact th a t our courts are held throughout tho world ihc highest eeteern. and our systamJurisprudence, far from perfection thoughU m a y L ' ' * .................................*

Nest Wsek-Tba Monarchsol Them AllPRISnoSE MO DOCKSTUEI'S StRSTRElt!

Upland^ pragiamma all In black laea. Tickata uow on tale at box oIBct. FYloai IM,,

Me.. Ue.: Box Haan, ILliq.

VV AL.D M ANNSM a r k e t & Ha l s e y S t s

Week of Dauaiubar IXth, Matiasaa Toaaday, Thursday and Baloiday.

KENEHTROEW R. C haup loa lYraaUsr, Next Waak—Aiultallan BaanUea

NEWARK THEATRE.Every CvaslBga MaIIbos# Wad* asd Sat®

' Y h e O e l s l i a SYtom Autnatin MIy's Thsatn.

Xmas W aak-A E rr. DE ANOELIB.

“ In the Far North."IIJ,l'ffrHATED LEGTCBB BY

o d ; o . c . e i o n r i t f ,AktO CIATIO N h a l l ,

F riday Evening'. D ecem ber 16.Jiaats a t H olshsiiar% 40e.


m F o B n E W I5SN B K H A LL.

Coplaa of W arka of Art of Wovld-

We are conscious, too, that more than ever before the discriminating buyer comes here for his Piano. There has never been a time when people “ shopped ” so mneh before purchasing; there has never been a time ■when we were so sure that in prices and quality we are really beyond all competition.

WId# Ksnis-Pwlatlngy Aealptatw aad ArehltMotUFS.

OPEN DAV AND B^'CNIKO TUM WEEK. Admlssloa lore Cstalogius fsr HalSe

Under ths Miplces of Uit Newark Iducatkmsl AiaocIstloB.

All this is the outcome of e thorough, hard-headed policy. All because we conduct our husineas on the sensible plan.

Because:We insist that your Piano will give you perfect

satisfaction. If you don’t like it, -we don't want youjto keep it.

We save you the difference between the small store’s "legitim ate" profit and our r#aso«dWj profit— about a hundred dollars, quality for quality.

We don’t make obstacles for our patrons. We go out of our way to be agreeable and pleasant and enter­prising and progressive in eveiything we do. In brief, we thoroughly appreciate all that the term GOOD BUS­INESS covers.

$io down, $6 monthly, is all we require to let you have A good new Upright at once.

Open every evening till Christmas.

We have now on exhibition the most elegant stock sf W a te rs Up­right and Grand Pianos we have ever shown. The W 6t6r 8 Pianos have been well knfwn for fifty years, but the'W aters Upright Grands of 1898 are finer inipoe and workman­ship than ever before, and rank with the few leading high art Pianos of the world.

A GREAT OFFERlA BeantifnINew W aterA O rtu id

U p r i g h t Piano, 7^' octaves, 3-


stringed, fill iron frame, repeating^ action, ivary keys. 3 pedals, very r ic h dvep to n e , w ith f in e s in g in g q u a lity , and containing all the btest improvements, for

657/659Broad Street,


cash, or $ 8 5 0 on inBtalmentsj only $10 down and $7 p e r jrninth. Stool, cover, tuning and d&lvery FREE.

We also oSer a new, la r^ sire, ' 1.' octave, 3-stringed C hestef'

of, as the b$$t that a t p re tan t pt

^ ‘ naturaHaat.lonre-

vallp. fn other couritrlM inuni iirecKlr th« cerUfloata of quatifl- (■atUm; l>ut with ua th« ccrUfloalaof tUiiMa Hlohtv itt oanentlal. In th$ Unttod Stat$a imiurallaatlon l i Ineliled on and operatei haralily agalOBt E nfllih barrlatert IriK HilmiflBlon to the S tate couita. ThereId onr raKF, howtv«r, wh$r« an En£llah„ mail MUfceeded by a tldr-wlnd In galnlnvllif* (IfBirpd prlvllofa without oven paoatng hh examination, fly tho Uw« of a certain fliniF, nil cJilsrni who declare their inten­tion of practlalng In iho courts may do so at once on suhacrlbUiiC to the form pro* vMed. Hut several y es ri are ref|ulre4 lo r full rmiurallEHtloiL and this was ovrreome

Somehow the British Kroptre been mln«d by Its colonie*.

In the opinion of the Paterson Board of Health the ezceaelve num bor of caaea of typhoid fever occurrlnf In th a t city are due to the w ater supply pumped from Ihe river Juet above the Paterson Kalis. This le the water which has been used to eke out the Jersey City aupply and a part of which rom r weeks kko waa discovered to be (low­ing Into the Newark reservolri h iv ln i got into the pipes becauoa of th« pressure of back water oh the valvcw then connoting the Newark and Jersey City iupply mains, Ths developments a t Paterson show what a serious danger and menace to health WM Involved by the preeence of that water.

l>y ihF g(*mleman In question Joining the Stale Mllltlt a fte r declaring hla Intentionto become an American cltJsen, and this entitled the militiaman to all the righls and privileges of a citlsen, including, of eoiime the righ t to practice i i a counsel­lor at law.

DECENT INVENTIONS.A W eatarner has H tantafl a aalf-baatlnx

. Daatlns pun In wnlcli tlie m eat la qar- rlefl In a ravulTln* cxIIndBr, Kltli hand Leaat allhar and by whirl) the cp Under can be tu rner over to dip tha top o( tha roaat tn tha liquid and retu rn It lo an u p rlih l position a t Intarvala to brown I t

Fo r Those W ho Seeka most substantial form of Life Insurance, providing[ C E R T A I N PROTEC­TIO N for their family, there is nothing better than The Prudential Whole Life Pol­icy." The most convenient period for payment of premi­ums, either quarterly, semi-'*’’ '"''

I yearly or yearly, can be selected.

j Amounts $500 to $50,000.

r t a n o for

cash, or $ 200 , payable $ 10 *dowB and $5 per nurntb. This is a reli­able, well-made piano, fully war­ranted and the bwt value ever of­fered for the money.

Don’t fail to examine our pianos, prices, terms and inducements, or send postal for catalogue with re­duced prices and terms.HORACE WATERS & CO.134 F il th Ave.,near i8th St./


SSLiR TH E PRUDENTIAL'S?JOUK F. DRY’PUN, Frviidfln'. t m . t l r fi. WAUh. Mo—PreeldenLJOHB r. DRYDKN, Fmlden'.EDGAR B. WARD, 9d V. ITe!i. rn„n»rt.

tEHME D.' WARD, VI<»lTaeldent VORRESr r DRTDBN. BeomarY'





An Ironlna board taa« bean dealaned which can be attached to a table, w ith only one lex raattng on the floor, the lex hclnx

nOM through the, board and carrvlnghav-


Form er Attorney-Generul Miller la an anll-expanBlonlat and reara Ilial the an- naxatlon of th s Fhllippliwa will m akr all tba aavaqa Inhabltahl! of thoaa Uliinda cUIxenB of th e United Btatea. Mr. Hiller')^ apprehenalona ara founded on a decision of the United States Supreme Court muds last March, In whtoli It wiis held tha t a child born In the United Btatea. tbnUKh both paren t! were C hln«e uliena, la a sitlaen and cannot he excluded from our ahorei, and th a t [UlegUince la tl|^ prime that of cltlaaitahlp. Naturally It the Philip- ptnex bqoome the property of the United Btatea their Inhahltanta will owe alleginncc to th is O orernm ant and to that extant will be oltlxoriB. B ut a l the lalnndH will be ler- rlturien. under the control af Congreai) Dial subject to such regulattuna ae that l>ody In Ita wlatMitn may deem nertiiaary.. there In T iq^ueon lo fciir Ihul uiiy lUi'o reeulte

;wl|l tulluw, even If nevcrnl inllllune ol Mav-

The reeldants o t Bergen County tn the vicinity of Edgawater and F o rt Lee are In a e la te of alarm over tba reported Inten­tion of the Government to ettubllah a naval mnguxlne a t the former place. They feur It may Mow up some day nnd ao mix th ing! th a t the people could not tell w hether they were In Bergen or Hudson. A fter hnvlng buen bombarded eo many yrnra from the Pallaadaa atone quarriei, the people ot th a t nectlan ought to have outgrown their fear of explosions.

The shrewd htrxalning Inatlnel dis- plaj'ed hy the Philippine Inaurgenli oughtlo convince Ihe New Rngland antl-expan- ■lonists that the Flllpinba will make de-alrabla clllxenn. The demand that Spain shall pay aver to the Inaurgenia as ran- eoni tor Spanish prisoners, the |Jkl)Dil,(n(! which she Is to receive from the United Statesi Is an Idea worthy of k Connecticut Yknkeo.

President McKinley's apaacb a t Atlanta haa m adf him solid with lha Georgians, but when they deduce from his remark th a t "we should share w ith you In the oars of the gruvaa of Confederate aoldlar!" th a t he Is In favor of tha National Govern, mailt assuming ibc burden of tha Contad. erala pension list they are drawing an unwarrantable Inference.

asas Jiwruj, kisv >_ the board and can

a screw clamp 10 grin the table, and Ing a ahoulder on tha under side which BUpports tha outer end of tha board.

To permit tha storing of wagons in small corepuas a now dashboard la, hinged on thefront of the wagon to HU backward andallow tha brace which ■upports the thilla lo pass over It and reat on the wagon body.the ihllla thus lying In a slanting poattlon Instead of vertical.

An Ohio woman has patented an Inter­changeable hoe and rake, the teeth o t the la tter being slipped Into eyelets In the blade of the hoe, with a clamp a t the lop of the blade by which It Is attached to the handle of Ihe rake.

A H ungarian haa patented-----bubbles, an expansive rub-

, . doll whichwill blow soai ber bulb Insideat th e back a fte r tha tuba extending 1 Ihe mouth la dipped In the w ater, blowing air through the tube and expanding the film a t the end of tha tube.

A Swede h as patented a new nail for boats, having a mast pivoted In tha bot­tom ot tha hull to turn the sail on either aide, the la tte r being suspended In a fram e attached to the m ait by p ira ted bars to vary Ita poslUon so th a t tna centre of the wind prcMura Is over the centra ot gravity ot the boat.

Sharapoofng Is made easy raats a t

by a newbarber chair attachm ent, having two curv­ed arm s with raats a t the andionly ungoga will) a n " lo catch

loga a im alt portion of eceirtaola a t the back of w ater whan tba bair la

which the head, th e chair

liqsed.A i nmblned boat, ten t and bed has been

designed for campers' use, consisting of a canvas cover, to be fastened to the masi and extend to the edge! of the b tn t lo Inclose part of It, Ihe halanoe being oovarad by canvas stretched on a low frame, wlin a m attress undrrnyath which nan be folded when not in use.


'Diamond)W A T C H B 5


,W,T.RAE«C0..' S t s .kBro&d and

N IW A im^Yatga Aa

.Bast In Qa Vtawsstl



OILCLOTH, 18c.m v t


C lO IA P eR . C L E A N E R. sxn


mf fo o d b a r j 's

Fulil Soap

't j 1



lURBthM ar* larga UPthapad or deformed, and aan that stood out Ilka widespnadlng tolls art -tilnlcally ootraolad and made lo qal graoafnlly 10 th# head by a ilnpla palulaii opsi^on. ualr-llp. drootoug Ups, rolling Upa.' diawalli*. Midall irragnlarltlM or delormitiai of tke'llps and mouth ara iwctllled, and a piqaa- iM.aUiicilva expnsaloD imparted tboralo by JMM U- WOODBimV, i n west Ud streak Raw York. %


E t % i x » ‘


Basal nl paead ad-Be Kewa lag g (Illy th . ■

Reprt l l lu In Trade polluUi meaaur evil, T waa re •Igned keuche B ikers lal cor Been t reMlut

•Wh( Hlver lion hi conalat banka, turing makini neeeaai

"Whi In givli Ject am log sea

"Hesi blymeii quested endcav laws 1 pollutU age of drtlnln th s II p the tx! delay.



Bt. Alayalns’a Ofanreh F air Cl<Tha fair for lha banetit of Bt, Aloiklua'i

Church, which has been In nrogretiJkt the Catholic Club ball on Oxford elr/st for the past two weeks, wsto brought n

laat n ight. The eoniagt fdr b

properl that Hi cars, ll erlng 1 of reco Ing of and eft be It

"Respresenl thethe Lei auch pi

"R etherebyproioa.urgek as to t

MX. In the from fi mUc Vj calling divem by the deolofi ply CO A le tt man-rl he woi hoard I trodqo Mayor wrote"'sg??:"oloiriver.’'New YIt enfo do the

John flrsi u that It Hosed poliutl u id , I HI thy < away I greatl] arty, astd, « lourcei

■Thli vine," place, along of pro from f not llv have I looner bankn

"Poll things of stop ogntiei and It Hon of Iln, K Faatal sldon.'

A. C Mantel but re problei gumen

"W a but wi coDtln plauaa to SM well d nlclpal to ito Interai

A ne axprai nelghi PasaaJ Ha ad tIon a lha Ll

" I t 1 the ell er an this tl reach, qiiestli ho ob; Its pr health wall I

“ I ll rlson, added Its rot fairs, for gi and p this I I,egl!l veioec over I In th< elect, part I 3 erst} fight I portui chanci

W. ( Board a good 10 poll the al sale V to eto and liEenen

er sh Mr. B< tion, I valuai

"It I paper! eiaon, vllle. have I ae thi the p greaff sewag by th<

" l l Itroubl that ( sea h< sewer Ing tl aome on po| one-tli

H er every! Pataa advlai a plat eomnwhich tha Ol

"Na places "for 1 Infcrn over I hours

sawair ' o ,tn d c oBunb b t sui dorse

to tb<havegrsaitWantand tl

A. I Duyni resolpG h an a

I Pand I Comm

Allow tka r

ball kaksrwn i excited miicb van w aa th a .

: NEWS. i:^icrRSl)AY, DECEMBER 15. 189Si


Board of Trade and Bepreaentatlvea of Neighboring Mnnloipalitles

Dieenu the Problem. .


K««MiaiBBdlBf U»« VUm Pr*- pgtiril b j C *i»w U ilea 1M9 Adcsjit*

An of tba OrrolorKowftrli BKpvMOod bjr Homo of th« Vltlt< log ■pM bon-m no*tloBo Ct»ttfiPT»lBg tb« City Alfto BroQ flit to lb« AttODtion of tbo ■eovil.

R E W A R Dfor B non wo foil 1o curt, n d ItQ curod. to our otfwr for norv.iu* doplUV. onr»n‘« wvokDOM. Impotooicf.•lovelopmrnt, liinw bocv, r»rl»«lo. dniltii. OJl m u lls ot S'outhfitt srrort, lilood i*otooB, rrupilono. Dfi urtiwnr JInsoss ^Monoluml dAsrhancss. This offtr for *11 dlassm Mcullar to men. Cost for cure wit bef«r* mmL Chonrw Ujs thkii ony otbsr spocliUst.A h a MKDtCAl. INHTnrTKiKftUib. i4 y n .)

IIM UKANtdE BT.. ?t»:ilPAKK. Hours-v fb 10 A l i . : I la S «nd ■ to 8 P. X.

gard to tho m alirr ami hod thoroughly Indortod every fruiure of ih# npeamble anU retHiluilons. Thru ill* roiolutlons were adopted without dlotfnt.

RepreMntAtIvrt from Vftiinui municipal- lUoA Lntrrritod Jolued with the Hoard of Trad* Uot night in the dlscusilon of thu pollution of the PaBaalc River and the tnsMures proposed for the shsting of that «vU. The nemlnient of ni>*rly all preaeut waa reflected In resolutions whl<^ wi^re aignad by George H, Swain, J, A. Leb- kvucher, Merrla K. S hm erd , Chandler W. Rlker and Si J. Meeker, composing * apee« lai coronaluas to whirh the mailer had been referred. The hoard adopied the rpsolutions, which were as followe;

"Whereas, The condition of the Passaic River from tha effects of sewage poHu- lion h as 'g row n steadily worse, causing constant complaint from residents near Us banks, and Injuring commerce, manufac­turing and the inlereais of real estate, and making remedial measures imperatively neceaaary without fu rther delay: and,

"Wherega, A commission Is now engaged In giving fu rther consideration to the sulu Ject and will make report to the approach, lug session of the Eeglsiuturc; be It

■ Resolved, T hat the Senator and A saem .! biymeii of Esse* County he earnestly re­quested to use thvlr influence and utmost endeavors in behalf of the enactment of laws necessary to prevent the further pollution of the Passaic Klver by the sew-

of cities and towns In the watershed draining thereto: and that a law which shall provide for the comjdete removal of the eaistlug uulaance be passed without delay.

"Hetolved, T h a t the Board of Trade favor a syateni of Joint action by the niunlclMlitlei interested, under control of properly constituted State authorities, and (bat the Board of Trade, through its tifA> cars, Inform the commission now consid- tiling Ibis subject, of Its support in favor of recomm«ndiatlons looking to the procur­ing of such leglsiailon as w:'l give early and effective relief from the nuisance: and be It

"Resolved, T hat the Bosnl of Trade praaent this m atter through Its ufficeri toThe Leglsim........... ............................................such pulr'*''


urgc% HI a<l^ptum, with svuh alterations as to datalla as may be considered* neces­sary .by the cjresimt commlssloo soou to maaa report,*

Hr. Sherrerd reported the resolutions. In the same connertlun a latter wna regd from Samuel Pbillps. president of the Pai- aalc Valley H uttiai Protective Assoulsilon. calling the attention of tha hoard to the

ure a t the hrst opportunity a t heaniig as may ue given; and, [ T hat tha Board of Trade

Its a i^rovai of tha plan commlsston of UK. and

ling t r . ........ .......diversion of M rt of the flow of the river by the E ast Jeraey W ater Company, and deolariog th a t the diminution of the aup- ply contributed largely to the nulsancti. A letter waa a las read from .^ssembly- man-«lect WUUam Mungle, stating that he would be glad Ro co-operate with the board in case it should desire to have In­troduced m easures In the Legislature. Mayor Edward Kenny^ of East Newark, wrote th a t It wms time the nuisance was stopped.

■'olop the pouring of sewage Into the Hvar/'^conUnued the H ayor'sleU er. 'T he New York law seem s to be efTcctlve. Have U enforced here and let the other people do ths lalklag."

John Eastwood, of Belleville, was (he first to speak on the resoJuUoo. He said that Ibe people o f hla town were with the Boasd of Trade in their effons to stop the pollutioti of the river. Few places, he said, suffered like Reitevllle, where the filthy condition of the river drove people away from Its banks and had the efieci of greatly depreciating the value of proj^ erly« The O range sew’er. Mr, E aalw o^ aatd, was the moat dangerous of the many sources of pollution.

'T h is m atter concerns not only Belle­ville/' said Edw ard W Jackson, of that place, "but it also applies to all sections along the river. I d our town valuations of property near the river have fallen from forty to flfty per cent. Feople can­not live along the river, and conaequenliy have to leave. The reauH will be that sooner or la ter we will have to go into bankruptcy.

"Pollution m ust be stopped. The only things to be conMdered are ths methods of stopping it and the coaL BellevlUe rec­ognises the face th a t H has to he done, and it Is willing to stand Its Just propor­tion of the coat. 1 am sailsfleil that Vrank- Itn, Kearny and o ther places along the Faaaalo a re willing to agree to this prope- aldou,"

A. C, Btuder» o l Mootolalr, said that. Montclair was willing to oo wha't it could, but realliod the dlmcuUv of solving the problem. Thereby, he added, was an ar­gument In favor o f the Oreater Newark.

"W e don’t favor it much up our way, but we recognise It a s almost ineviiabie/' ooDtlnued Mr. fltuder. and a ripple of ap­plause went around. "But we ask you to see to It th a t when It Is done It Is well done. The more of the outlying mu­nicipalities to engage in the movement to stop pollution the greater will be the imereat and the better will be the result."

Asasniblymaii-elect Bruder, of Harrison, expressed the hope th a t his city and the neighboring towns pn the ea..t bank of the l>s8Mc would s<wn b« a part of Newark, n * Added th a t thd cruaade aKatnat pollu­tion would h a re hie eupport and ro te In the Leclalature.

" f t le a ehame," added Mr. Bmder, " th a t the city of N ew ark with aJl Ite great pow­er and Influence ahould tiaVe uerinllted


Critlalstua of the Haarda of Eduaailoa and W orks la Kapbrb PrtS*Dt*d to th*

Board *f TraASeMunicipal affairs were brought to the

consideration of the Hoard of T rade lust n ight, when the cummlttee bearing th a t title aubm itted two reports on subjects of general Interrsi to the city. One report, which pr(»vnktid something of a dlaousslon, denianile<l the putting ujidergroimd of tete- Ki'Hph and telephone w iv^; th a t Ho more poles fo r such wires ite e re c t^ on (he pub­lic hlghw sye of the cHy, ami Ihut all poles now aiundlng lx* lakeir dowa. The report also took the Board of Warkg to ta sk for Its fa ilu re lu uccompUsh these reforms,

The oth«T report, after calling for the enforcem ent of the ordinance re lating to the rem oval snow and Ice from the stree ts . crUlcIsed the Hoard of Education for its failure to tako an Interest in the N ew ark Technical School, and condemned th e introduction of so-called new m eth- mis. iit-w Ideas aud new studies in (he pub-

schools. I t also declared th a t with less o f iiolliies the Hoara of Education could fulfll Us functions moto satUfafiiorlly to the city. Both reports were slgnad by the m em bers of the OoramltlOti on Municipal AfTuira. as fuiiows: Frank K. Van News. H erbert W. (’hapman. WlHIsm Titus. Al bert C, Courier. Thorqas Cressey. Charles B. Dodd, Amos 11. Vun Horn and John H. Uuy. The llj'st retjori was as follows:

"T he question of 'poles and Wlrai’ tro l­ley, electrle, ti'legrt|)h, ttikphone. etc., covered In the address delivered by Joseph Coult, Esq., before the November meeting and referred by the Board of iMrectors to th© 'Committee on Municipal Affairs' for consideration and report, has received our a tten tion , and ws would submit 'th a t this tried and tline-worQ question should be forced (o an Issue w U t^ t Ucisy. th a t our ofticlala nhouid take hold of U and pro­vide the remedy which the citUans of N ew ark have been praying for in years. Tlie more one ronildtrs ths cumberous ruuvem enti of our Board of W orks over providing a solution for this unsightly spectacle, wKh lu octopus arm s etnurac Ing the public highways, the more you m arvel a t ofllrlal methods.

"A s a com m ltti^ we wish to express our unanim ous opinion in favor of an Imme­d ia te removal of poles and wlraa frum uur highways.

"W e desire to volet our unanimous pro­te s t against further delay by the Board of W orks in adopting and enforcing an ordinance that will do away w ith th© use of ox^erhead wires.

"W© are unanimous ia our opinion th a t no plausible reason can be offered by any In terest effected against the enactm ent and enforcement of such an ordinance.

"W e ununlmouaiy denounce the milk- and-w ater policy pursued by our offlclals in treating with oorporate interests In the ixast, and advocate and urge th is Board of Trade as a representative body to use Its power to conserve the rights of the people In all future cases where public franchise rights are asked or sought for.

"W e submit that the trolley system should be excepted, in so far as the power wire over their iracki are oonoerneu; but even as regurds the trolley. Broad street should be freed from the overhead wire.and tb© conduit lystem inaugurated a f te r re isonah le notice ia given.

"T he franchise .‘Ight which the people

lact to provldo for fu ■fiould subject (ha boar

this thing to reach the dimensions It has ! otley

The river inshouId be

should have p e rm iit^" u . / " : .........................

flueatloni of the day. Mone; tio object‘ In iu ch A cauee. 1 lt( preaem oonflltion atrlkea at your health, a t yhur door, a t your phyalcal well being,

“1 think It Would b« a good nove It H ar- rlaon, Kearny and Eaat Newark were all added to thia county. Jeney City, from l u remoteneaa, haa nd Intereat In our at- ta lra But we have an Imereat In Newark, tor geographically apeaking we are part and parcel ot the city, A bill to bring th li about paiged both houaea ot the I.eglalalure aeveral yoara ago, but waa vetoed by thu Qcvernor. I t waa ^aaed over the veto by the Houae but waa killed In the Henate oy ih© present Qovernor- elect. Vqorheea Newark did not do bar part to aecure tb e paaaafe o t that bill. J e w y City aent 1,000 of ner big men to flght It. I hope th a t when the next op* pprtunttr cornea Neerark will not loaa her chance,

W. o . 8cott. prealdent of the Paterson Hoard of Trade, confeiaed that there wax a good deal of apathy In hie city in regard

freely gave, have Immenae value, and N ew ark ia in return entitled to the beat and ahould not be content with leaa.

"A form er committee of thia board point­ed out with turclble clearneen the fact th a t mllea o t aubwaya laid in thia city are in­nocent of wires. We would aak. W hat were they laid tor?

"W hy have our alreeta, newly pavod a t g rea t coat to the public, been torn open and dug up In all parte ot the city, once, twice, yes, three tim es,tor subway purpoaea, If such conduits are not to be uaMT

"A aubway with conduit space aufflelent to aoconimodule every kind ot wire Is laid, and when flniahed, we allow pole afte r pole, wire after wire, erected without a word of protest.

"Do o u r city ofllclala imagine auch tom ­fool methods meets or m eru public favor, or reflect to their honor or credit? Do they th ink the people are aatlafled?

"W e agree with Joseph Coult when he aaya, ‘K l^ trlc tty haa became one o t 'h e moat aerMcable agencies ot m odem Ute, and the dangers to which we ana aeiposod In u a use can be largely eliminated;. It ia only a question ot eapanta, and the rig h ts oC the public are superior to the rights of p riv a te persona or corporations to whom g ran ts have been given.'

"T he r i ^ t i of the people a re the Inter* eats our ofllclala are paid to conserve, and the B oard of Trade should move In th is m a tte r mdthoi|t fear or favor until our ofllclala take action.

‘A form er committee ot thia board, a f ­ter montha of careful study on this sam e question, aubmhted, with the ofllclBt ap­proval of thie board, a aerlea of recom­m endations to the Board of W’orka, then holding oflice, which were forcible and ef­fective. Such a policy would not Inflict undue hardship or Injury upon th e .c o r ­porate Intereata represented. The recom­m endations proposed a t that time were:

"One—That no more poles be erected on public highway In our city."Two—That there Je no better tim e than

the present to put Into effect a system of sobw aye. >

"T hree—That aU pelea now standing be ordered taken down,.4nd to oarry out thia o rder tour y ean ' Umd he given, one-quar­te r ot each of the In a e n t num ber,now Mandlng to be rem orw each year.. "These suggeatlOna heterrd tbe whole

Subject then, and do liner, and for tlia t rAgson we again offcrUhkm ' pA val. t 4

"Action in thia mattor reata w ith tha BoAra of Works. «kd|w « would m n M t th a t a apoclal commlUfia of thraa be qele- gatetf I® effaln preaei: to adopt a policy In presM ttid In the recoi

"Tt wuoh a policy wlr«a VI heart of Ita moon avenuoa prj moved placed

le jla e n t tm e ^ would, wltq a Umlted -Uae of polea i period of yeare.

d u m th a t body with the vlew i

eodatlona. adopUd and all e ofty, and along iptly •ordered re-

idergroundy public |Ut doubt, concede the auburba fo r a

utur© emergencyrd to public coo-

sure."The obeiruction to iraQ o nod loai to

our tradcNmeti, not to apeak of tbe ex- irtiDie hatdihip tu horaeit ocoaaloned ihrough till! maealug up o t euow by (he trolley companies on our main etrueta, le a which ahould be aitemltid to bythe itoard of Works. U la aboolutely wrong In prlndplk? and practice to allow the prra«ut methcKia of clearing snow from the ceatrea of tbe atreeia and dump­ing the Ofime in the doorways of our bus- in«s« UouMtiA (o conllnue. Brovlelon for Ita Immediate removal should be made wHhtiui d“1uy.

"We do rtui think tbe cost of removing unow fo idled by the Traction Company for (liHr ii>.n<‘flt ahould be borne ©mirely by the dty, nor would we have ihe Trac­tion L'oniimny uasume Hg but It actime to ua (hat tliti cult ihouid be dlvtiled Lijualiy bctwctn thi’ cumiNAny ojid the city, aiul nruvliiui; madi- b> the proper aulhorUlei for lis rcmovul without loss of tlmtv As there lec-mi to !>© no uudvrstunillng or pru- vialon madt- tor such work being dune a i tbe e*|>eiwi.' uf liotn, and as we think the expi'nif ahould be ao placed, we would recotnTDcbiJ that our City Law Depurtniem bo requr»tti<j ii; iske the m atte r into court to determine if the Traction Corapaliy have the liijM to obstruct traffle, and suki- Jeci our liuslru'iis men vo losi, through (hci mtuns ihuy employ lu removing lue snow from thHr (racks.

"We would slm> bring before tbe (>uard a quesdcti In which ©very cHlien is lni«r> eetiMj, and one In which this liuarU of Tradt- should take a deep Interesl—and th a t ii e<mt'atlofi. Aa a board repreeentbig the inauuiaolurlDg and Indusirlal Inter- r i ts of the oHy. we are very much inter­ested In (he queatioii of commercial teoh- nlcai educsiiun, having founded and ©stab- llaljtd liie Newark Technical Bchool.

'Our Hoard of Education fail to appfe- cJai# the ftui th a t such a school exiitSi and throuRh this neglect aud Indifference ou their imrt they nave brought upon thi-msrh'pR tfv m t advrra© crlttclsm. r^or somu yf'urs pail they have introduced what are caldHl new ideas, new atudiw^ new mi'thiNia, sU of ibtnn apparently nsw to (hrm,

"New Hify are as fra iu rea In our public school!, bui uid in the field of tecnnieal 1‘ducsiion. These studlM . embracing man­ual truliiing, drawing, pam ting, languages, etc., ♦‘ti\, am foreign lo the oujecl of our riublU* KCliooi syati-m. and as conducted w e question If nicy cau be properly iaught.> W« am not oppoa^ (o ttioir teaching, but we are i>}jpoKed lo (hit methods employed; w'ti am ot opinion that, as these several studies properly come under tbe province of thti tticimic's], thtiy should be under ths care A])>| (Uri'uiion of the trustees of the Technical delioul. a b ^ r d compoutid of practical successful buslncas men. .

"Them cuuiu t>e no m istake made by pbultig under the care of such men, wlln whom |)OlKU's plays no part, such studleSi and we am satisfied the ir experience in business, better qualifles them (O promote and devtitop auch studies along pravHcal llm^ whcf'' the studeni will And'what be lias scquirt^l will b© of commercial value. When* Diuhcy In now being wasted, as we Itcllcvc. It Is very much needed to give our Ttichnii'ul Bchuoi the m eans to broaden Us acupc, and fiiirlll Hi missiofi, and we would urge that the board take th is subject up wiih uur Board of Educatl<»i and ©ndeavor 10 have auoh studies come under the care and guldauce of men whosepraciicaiknowi- cAlge und lUi! study ©mlDenUy places them in A position to direct and cara f<H* such intcrvRtJi. An effort should Nr made a t ibr Monie time to s«cur© an annual appropria­tion of Ht leaat |3D,000 for (he promotion ok technical eflucatiou in th a sebood erecteil fur that purpose, and all atudlea of this character in our gran in lar schExHa should 1>« sti arranged as lo qualify the students fur admission thereto for th a flnlihtog cuursea

"Mur© schools are very much needed to accommodate the children of school age, and (his we urge should be forthcoming The membtini ot the Board of Education with a little less pulUlca and a lUae more atienlion to the work ontruslcd to (htin could provide out of the annual appropria­tion a sum luffltiient to equip ooir schools with the necessary b ^ k a of study, and not hsve principals borrowing ami loaning such books as readsra, arlthmtitlcs, geog­raphic©, historiea, etc., so us to enable them to properly in struct their pupils.

"The boalhi hides behind the cry of no money; we think it la no wnsc. Money Is wasted In many ways, th a t more care and alltintton could p rov ide against. Our educational system can b© muitirkuily Im­proved. and your committee recommend that tho Board of Trade tako some action toward having this Improx'emeni brought a1>out"

In connection with this report a letter was read from Mr*. Emily K Dennts, of the Newark i:lduGatlonal Association, aSk* liAg tbe Board of Trad© to indorse the fol­lowing projects and propuwHions:

"F lrst^A smaJl School Board, elected Or appointed at large.

"S€oond~A non-partisan School Ikiard."Third— board w'hose tneailH‘rs shall

hold office for lung t«rma, for live years, for inetanoe,

'Fourth—Such an arrangem ent that only a small minority retire a t any one time, leaving always a working majority.

"Fifth—The separatlun as nearly com- [>leie a t posslblR of the ©xc^cutive from the legislative powers; the itigislatlve powers being relaluetl by th© Senool board, and the executive being conf«rreid upon spe­cialists, schoot superlntendenis and ainlst- ants. supervisors af buildings, purchasing agent, etc., whose term s of urtlue shall be lung or during good behavior, and whose powers shall be i:ommensurate. with ihelr responsibility and who, moreover, ahould not he removed from offlee without the two-thirds vote of th© m ajority of !h© board."

The president was authorized to appoint special commlUe© of flve to consider

the points raised in the letter. Previous to the 1‘onMderatlon of these aghjects, the board held ita annual election, the follow Ing ticket reported by tbo Commlitee on Nominations being Indorsed unanimously:

President, Richard C. Jenklnson; vice- presidents, sTomes A. Coe, Joseph Coult, Abram Rothschild; Board of Directors, John B. StobaeuB. fldward B. Campbell, H. E. Eberhardt, A. B. Twitchell, F rank­lin Ccnklln, GiMsrge R. Gray. U eo r» Ever- tU Halsey, Moses PU ut, A. C. Courier; secretary. P T. Quinn; treasurer. James E. Plemibgi Arbitration Committee, Fred­erick FrellnKhuysen. John L. Meeker, C hu les Bramey, J. A. Lebkuecher, James Buucrworth.

The Committee on Nominations also re­ported an amendment to (he luiiRtltutlon to be considered a i th© January meeting Whereby the past presidents if the board should oonstitul© an Honorary Advisory Committee (o act in conjunction with the Board of DlretHors, *

Mr. Twttchell presented a resolution commending tho retiring presMrnt, James 0, Higbie. for the m anner in which he had performed hl« duties during hla two years of service. The resolution was adopted by a rislof vote, a fter Mr. Twltchell and Sec­retary Quinn had said some nice things about Mr. Higbie, who responded fittingly. Tbe following committee to take charge of th© Greater N ew ark project was an­nounced:

Joseph Coult, John F. Drx'den, Franklin Murphy, George fL Gray, Gottfried K ru e-:Gir, James B. Flynn, Benjamin A tbo ,:

OSes Straus and the prei^kdcnt and scc- re u ry ex-omclos. A rei»or( by Moses Plaut, treasurer of the soldiers' rell»»f fund, show­ed. total receipts, disbursements,tl8,7tt.S0; balanoe, >«w.77.________


New Jerfl^ 'e

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New Jersey’s Greatest Christmas G ift Show.

The Bee HiveThe Largest Dry and Fancy Goods House in New Jersey.

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O P E NE V E N I N G S All Specials on Sale After 6 P. M. and All Day To-morrow. chrS S as.

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money-savings- *e\'cry kind of gift—excellence for everybody.TWO GREAT GAME SPECIALS.Tomorrow wc will place on *ale the famous trunk-shape

"Lotto” Game, the manufaclurer’s price a.sc. Also the well-known "Fish I’otuls," Fine Photograph Bo*, manufacturer’s price 25c.,special forFriitay.ea.

TOY TEA SETS.Fine Quality Children's China Toy Tea Sets,

handsomely decorated. iMch set packed in box, regular 25c. assortment, Friday at . . . . . . . .

LADIES’ SKATES.Ladies' Flue Quality "U . S ." Skates, cast steel runners,

full nickelled and bufied, russet leather heel and toe straps, with tongue buckles, maker’s price $1.25, our special price lor F riday ......................

MEN’S SKATES.Men’s "U. S." Club Skates, the runners are of

the beat quality of cast steel, nickel-plated and buffed, maker’s price $ 1 . 0 0 , our price Friday . .

CHOICE C H R IST M A S U M B R E L L A S.What a collection ! Never such in Newark before. What a price range 1 All the way from q8 c . to $ 20,00 . What a pleasant,

commodious, accessible umbrella store ! Right next the big main doors. Best choosing, quickest service, Newark knows of.UMBRELLA WONDERS FOR THE WOMEN.

LADIES' UrtBRELLAS—Big leadar, 10 varlatleaut Iian-oil riri'llrut ijliulity I’uloii Tafl'oU ailka, haniUea art; kuI.I,

Ivorlaa, [ic;irN, lUver trimmlnj;a. Datursl and titlural without trimming, )mrm«, rle. Big Hue uf natural and illvri- Irliimied hati.llt'H, ojirni, loops ami tlri, In Congo, Furze and Weichael, allk twllh. .tll-iilk twill, Id nnlural handle, ateel rotia, la-at fnunea, giKHl valiin nl S2,M). Holld ailver deposit 011 Dre.don lmnill.'«, lilk nil.I liiiiMi iiiiipd, cur and taaacR I'latii {learl hnndlr., nioiintrd on Congo or I’nrtrtdge poata, ailk and woo! inlxml, cn.-c Uijd tjim'i. Illg lot of Ivories, allver trimmed, mounteil on jiar-i- gon frmiir., mneta allk, nrrl rod. case and USirl, Big line of silk anil lint'll liillMat nu allver triinnipfl horns, ivimgoii fi'aMirs,

lock fmmra. Illg line uf ebonized handles for niourning, rrinws* or opera ,hii|>ni, allk ahd wool twilla, case and tassel..........................................

LADIES' UnBRELLAS—Fine Ivories, solid allver trimmed, sliver iMnds, awodgM or partridge poati mounted on Union twills. For mourning, ebunlet eonihlned with white Imue on I’arlrhlge ptiita, gotid ailk and wool coverlnga, cu e and Inasel. We are showing the Uneat aaiortmont In the city of allver trimmed nav- oral liundlea, all the hard wooda, on Ull'eus. I/ing poat Urea. ilrna, o|)eru, balla, twlati. etc., on Union TalTelaa, guaranteed not to cut, steel framet, allk case and tasael. Big assortment of extra due heavily allver trimmed hnnillea, u)«ra aim pcs mounted 011

flue tafTela, guaranteed for a year, worili #4.00. Ftne allver deposit on flnu peart, tong poat or u|ieni iliapei, on good talfhta, al..............

Ideal U nderw ear Values.special values selected from the choicest stock of Women’s Underwetr in the city,

seasonable Christmas gifts.LADIES’ white ribbed cotton Cor-

set ( nvera.ivllh long steevea, llieae are A o C neatly Itiilshed and are perfect flttihg.

A remarkable gathering of

LADIES' white ribbed W'ool Vesta, ahapod to the llgure, finished with heavy allk- Q A stitch work drawers, with yoke bands to iiniich.................................................... v - e v

LADIES’ Union Suits, the celebrated "Fruits" miike, with openings In e.ncb side uf tbe | ^ A neck, onU- In while and natural, two qimi- |

LADIES' while and oatural wool Ribbed Ve«ta, silk ribbon llntsh,^drmweni m _ match, with yoke latada, very superior /value........ ...................................................... ■

LADIES’ extra i|nality White ribbed Cot- Inn Vesta, made of the beat yarn only, / A handsomely linlthed, vhry anjierlor


■T in|i«n<)ptmientOq Urawera to iiiftten................

LADIES* while W(K)1 Union SulUv open dow n


65cLADIES* meillum weight w hite ribbed

Cotton VeaU, suit I'linta to match, vests have hand-finished allk shellw o r k ............................................................ j

LADIES* U him Silk and W ool V esta,

w ork, allk rlblKioa around necks, I ^ | | Urawera to m atch .................................

front, very desimide nuiUlty, are soft, [ler- fect fitting gariiieiiU, hauilscauilsuimdy

LA D IES’ fine black ribbed woifcTights, | Z P ankle lengths, oja'ii and closed (these are I fu ll fashioned)................................ ................... l e w a y

w ith the richeat of hand allk erocliet w ork, ailk rlblKina around necks,Urawera to m atch .................................

C H ILD REN ’S w hile and natnral woolribbed Veata, neat allk finish, with pania to m atch, a ll alzea......................................................

IN FA N TS ' w hile wool ribbed Veata, nloe ao fl garm enU , open dow n front, J Jailk ttnlahed, A A C '3 3 c „ 3 # c . an d ................... ................................ * *

Itlei, I.UO and.CH ILD REN ’S white riblied Cotton

Vests, shaped a t wnlsia, of fine i|uallty , well made, p a u ti to m atch............................ ..............

/TEN’S Jap Silk Hem stitched Hand­kerchiefs, w ith beiuilifiil colored iKirders, a t9 8 c . ,7 S c . , 4 tk ., 3 9 c ., 3 9 c .; value

a t Z3c.

M E N 'S t.'nlored B order Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, fine c lo th ; also plain white, value t*c., at 5c.

H E N 'S Pure Irish Linen llemsIitchMl Handkerchiefs, foreign prin ted borders, value ISc., at 1J i^c.

o <>o o o <><><><>oc>o<>o <><>o«<><><>o <>o o o <><>o«<><>o o o o o o o c >q o o <>och><x ><><><>o o o o <k >o o o o <>o o o <>oohc>o o <>o o o o o o o c o <>o o <>o <x ><>o o o o o c o o o <>o o o o <>o <>o

iVlen’s Handkerchief Presents.Half a dozen or so of handsome sorts likely to please the

men most and help your choosing. These don't begin torepre- sent the rest of the Holiday Handkerchief richness here. Handkerchief buyers can have purchases Ixixed free of charge by making retfuest of cleik.

M E N ’S Silk llandana Hand kerchiefs, to r old gcDthnni'n, 9 8 c ., 7 5 c .. 69c.

M EN ’S .lap Silk H em stitched H ond- kerelilrfs, dltTcrent widths of hem s, 1 ,4 8 . t . l 9 , 98 c ., 79 c ., 49c.. 39c. and M e .

M E N 'S P ure I r lih Linen llom atitched H andkerchiefs, all w h lth lo f h em a ,9 B c .. 7Sc.. 5 0 c .. 3 5 c ., 25c ., 3 0 c ., 18c ., IS c ., I 2 '„ c . , lOc.

M E N 'S Brocade and Plain S ilk M ut- flert, 1 .9 8 , 1 .7 5 ,1 .4 8 ,1 .2 5 .9 8 c ., 8 9 c . , 6 9 c ., S 9 c ., 4 9 c„ 3 9 c ., 25c.

Gifts for the Christmas Million.FANCT BOX Writlnff l**i>er,

Vtiry P^Cf tioxtif, 1 quire I paper and en*eiu|«s, box

FANCY BOXe.H 2 and i quite. In Uir ntiU' ihaRe end faint tititA, S7e*i AAc.

KOTR TAFKK lod Correepond' liiK CatfliL in alt Untatncl jl Q/avwy prett? boxea.,......... *f o v

Otbpf finof bozea 606.. "Ac., Wc., L4R.MOl'CHOlK AND (ILOVK

Cues-Very One Moarholr and ulnre Ca*M to match, litnd liaiuicd and iilk rudle#, and tLtfV.

ROUCHOm AND GLOVE Ca»et. elefcant aiaoninfntuf the Uletititt'le. hind palnttid, c)oth.illk aud laoti rufllc*, rlbbou rriH'iMt. al t .4«a t.«H to

LAmFF HAND MADE FASGINA^TOkei. all WiiGl.... ............................ .

l*OCKETBOUKA, noDiUlnatton. {Jain amt aterliiut rooutiU’d. teal moiiicy. Kanulnr aeol* DHtroct’O, alllKAiGr, rrukhixl levatU,rail Hutid........................ ..........- ..........

J F.KdKV LBBOIN’K-We have pOrUlvei; Itie larxeat aiock o f qualUy all wool Jeraey lecoina at ihti kfWGNt itflccf. for ChUdrrn. Mhiaei and LotUto, ia tfili cltr. all ate full button and latlor jnaile, Ther lit Uice a slor^

L‘hlldF‘- I^Mlte’,5»c .. (HH‘. imr. UAoa. l.UA. 1.411.

INFANTS' All woul lirlwtir L ^ ltu , ft.)©., 40ti.p

t:iULl>llEwV8W1CKtrmOOK8-ChU.1ren'i roniMuation Puektitbrxiks. fiiaiu and A f t pa ilT o rm o u n te d .. . ........ - .............- “ v W

ATOM IZRHS" Fancy gliJia irtticn,b^ucanfl brown, nickel plate tiuini^, extra quality. Ittr.,

IirnNlT^H I’errumet. all Ihfl leatllnx o-lora at vufioua itfirreB, and h Hiec.la] ralne Aft/*a tth f btrttle.............................. .......

HANDKERClIIEFS-LfidU-v ivilur- «d MtiD pocket bamlkerchk'f'. a t .

LADIES' POCKCTBOOKS -fleim j q -lneM«l, with cloMp.... ........... "rOV

TKll’LK EXTHACTS-SpecUl lot ia faiitiX l)OXu»i ranfflug from fSti. to 4.75,

STlJtLINtJ SILVER- Baby llniibea and OnnHw Setv. warranted quality, Oftr*worUitl.lW, at.............. ........ ........

BTEHLlNO FlLVEU-Chatn Hraoelela, all cbaied Ilnki and with T«dloca aud Oft/*kf)'. rafular worth ILtiriw............ .

C H A TELA IN E HAGS-Keol amiator rhaielaloe htifa. oDtaide pocket. O f t^Iraiher..... ......................................

CAKDtlAFEH-Kaal ntonki^y ikloi I O ftcard L’aaei, oolf lined, at,.... .............. 1 * 7 0

CHILD H C'ANTUN fl a n n e l DRAW EH S —xond qualliy—eoti a kniokerbucktir—otheta lotiBtrlnin1nK‘-‘Work«dbutton bolea Iff/*—v a l u e ...... .............................. I v L

LADIES' FLANNEL (iOWNS-trnod quality —bmid triimnitist A Or* value 7&C...................... 'ty L f

FANS-WMte a l lk I | 0 fiuxti, Iw’tiaodffpiuiflcs

FANH - Black or c olored Ofctrtdi Feailttif I OA

FANS--Cbild'a ColoTfd7Cr kilk Faiia. all fpanjflcHt.... 4

F A N ^ h lld 'i tkitflrh IQ^w Featbar Fana. white or ooi.

ATOMlZRIlS-nnti PejfuuM AtomlMn. rich deenrated xia« . bnl gold moant and alt'klt- {dale, warranted choice oMorb DitiiilA extra ralun 3tk. ami 40c.

ATOUI7.ER.M, very handaome'Ijr decorated Klaat, ©Ibo china and tiutklaaM. >«■( goht flUlnio. with •Ilk corered Uiibi, vary large line. Iflk.a Offc., 1.4A. l.ltP, 1.1ft, q.4ft.g,7ft. t.W ,


■ 'H F iL S. PLAUT & CO., 707 to 721 Broad St., 8 Cedar S t . r SBUTTERICK



'Aa A oonm lttM we tlga pabllc n- ' - ^"'e and flroperti, b ^ u i e It

tIOD Ofiflvoeate A term lna- laanae. bocauae ot

(0 poltutiDn. Ono eauae of the aithe attem pt of Ibe nreeldent ol'^he^Paa- aalc Valley I tu tu a l Protective Aaeoclatlon to etop by Injunction the work of *r«al and Important (aetortea: another was theSeneral belief th a t Newark would not pay

er share o t a tru n k aewer, Paterson, aald KIr. ficDtt, had not been troubled by pollu­tion, eltber In the depreciation of property values or by tha menace to health.

"It seems to m e th a t I have read tn the papers about epidemics of typhoid In Pai- eiaon," la id Jam ea Hardman, of Belle­ville. "Npw, I have a factory which will have to be enlarged noon, but I have felt aa though I d idn 't w ant to build under the preaent conditions. Newark la the greatest pollutor of the Pasealc, for the sewage deposited by th is city la oarrlsd up by the tides to points above Its limits."

“It eeema," said Idr. Sberrerd, "tbat the trouble during tb e last two yeara has baen that each community haa been trying to see how little It can pay toward a trunk aewer. Now t h e . communities are realis­ing that the cost should be divided In •ome equitable proportion, eay one-third on population, one-third on territory and one-third on property valuation."

ne, remarked that the trouble In the did not oonaidtr It


Harrison Van Duyne evarybody reconilaed tl Paaaile 'Vallty, but he <* mwwmav waaav^, »•▼ vk*u Aiwa uuMHIuva Ikadvlaabla for the board to fully indorse a plan adopted a year or two ago. A new commleslon had been appointed) he added, whieh waa now studying the quaatton and which m ight propoae a plan different from the one praposea by the old con

commleilon had been appointei whieh iw ,^now itudy ing the^

. . . I commiHlen."Newark la not suffering » much as

placaa above," continued Mr. Van Duyne, "for we have Are feet .of tide here. I am Infcrmed th a t there It aomtilmea no w a in over the falls a t Paterson for twenty-four hours e t a time. Chicago la spending (Md.tlOO.Oail to build a canal so that her aawage can he emptied Into (he Mliala- alppi, but ihe will undoubtedly encounter tbe opposition In the courts of the towns and cities on th a t river. We m ar en­counter ilm llar apptmItloE here. I attould be aorry lo aca thia board unquallfledly Ih-

jlcmtod tw o voBM MM.'*doras a plan adopted two yean ago." l b sentlm tD t U for a aewer," declared

A. C, Courier. "Aa Ip the klnd-Ieave that to the engtneere. Never mind the ooet: have It built. Tbe qheatlon or imalth U

... i^hat the people'■ ■■ Is a aewer

poeslble."grealer than tiny other. What th want and a r t wilting to pay tor Is and th ty want t t built aa soon as poest

A. B. Twltchell, •• N f'1, aalo lie thought aunatant latitude ght be p ad s In the

Duyne'a oi resolutions

lUeotloii, I left

changes which m lg h lb e p ad s In the plan,, and P. T, Rutnn rem antea that tha erasent (tommlaslon bed bean conaulted with re-

r. Van h t the

foe plan.,

Allow a the ret

SOME FOOIISH KOnE1 t s flhn « n t t tt g ita ktyond medicine. They o t t u agy.

__ __ pniIts danger to lift , , , _______la to-day a -u iurpattoo ot private rlghte, beoBuae of ita unslghtnneaa, and becam e there la no reel or valid reaion for fu rth er dallying on this question by honest and (earless oRIcUila." !

As soon aa the reading of the report had concluded.Harrlion Van Duyne arose to m ake an objection.

"T here ought' to be some changes In the wording, so ta r as It refers to the Board at W orks, said Mr. Van Duyne, "o r this board will make Itself ridiculous. The City Counsel has repeatedly advised the Board o f W orks that It haa no power over wires and poles. That power lies w ith the Legle- laturc. and last year lepelatlop waa enact­ed.legalising pole lltiee In this city , despite the efforts o f Ihe Board of W orks to pre­vent it."

" I f auch he the c a u ,” said Qcorge R. Q ray, "1 would tike to know the reason why the Board of Worka doesn't go to the L«|rlslature and get the proper law s enact-


a r a y . '‘‘i r a publfc body o f th e oTtylif Newi ark . Its members elected and authorised by tbo lieaple Now If the Board iff Trgde ■nould present this report to the B o ird ' of W orks, that body could go to the Legle. la tu re and demand the enactm ant o f the

The Board of Worka would cheerfi do ao," r ^ l e d Ur. Van Duyne, "b u t Board of 'Trade should help.’'

"T he Board of Worka,^' rejoined,...................... Ity < ■

proper leglela "CommTasloi

C ourter, "haalion."

loner Van Durnea|* said A. C. offered rcsolutldn a f te r reso.

lutton in the Board of Works bu t w ith th e vo te three to two agalhsp.bim. w hat can he do? We might aa Melt a spade a spade. There should be a conim lttee of th ree appointed to preeeat this m a tte r to tb e B oara of Worka and then to.foUow It up." ... 1

P. T. Quinn r rm a rM that If the Boardkw* ml «^ t s l f d IksfeStJaVm l ^ l l t A __0 naveji mu providing for

ngea engeted,- th e diM aure unsnlmaus t n p p o ^ o f M

B Board of Trade. J l.

Of W orka should havimi bill providingtho deelred ohangea engeted, th e ------would have them em bers o f the _____W aldron added a word along the aam e line

"irhe Board of W o rk s ,"^ Id U r. IWald- ron, "should not want to burden a com ­m ittee of th li body with this matter* The Board of Worka has Ita own LaglalaBva Committee, eatabllahtd for the purpo^ ^ presenting JuaCeueh aubjects to the £ la tu re and tt ihoultl do the worll th ro i th a t committee. The members of com m ittee are familiar with th e A stances. I t would not be the r ig h t tin n g li have our members go down to 'Trantw '% be asked queattona by the trolley and te l l phone people which th ty could not aid awer."

•nta report w , u » n Van Duyhe'd| « motion, rece iv e ^nd ordered spread upon' Bithe minutes. : action waa taken re-n r t l ln g tb e second raport, Mhloh waa aa folr------Hows I

"A nother aubject oooaMered by oar com m ittee which we would lay faeferc tbe

'• J ," to the eaforceoMBtof tbe ordinance providing for th e reoMxal of an q v and Im from w sndE t u i e u r (dty. The utterly wretchafl a 'h d ' daw M - Dus eondltlon of the tbgtw uA & uiM ^-^

Peander o fth e Almihouao Mlatlonary 8o- iolety Hueenuba to Apopleav-

The funeral ot the late Mrs. Maria Brit­ton Phillips, who died at her homo, 1121 Broad itreet, on Tuesday, will bo held from Orace Hplecopal Church to-morrow afternoon. U ri. Phillips was eighty years old, and until a lew hours before her dcatn her health seemed to be goott. Bhe was stricken with apoplex/ about 10 o’clock In the morning and expired several hours later. Her husband, William Phillips, aur. vlvea her. Last year the couple celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their m arriage

Mrs, Phillips was the founder of thr Almsbouae iflsaionary Society. 'Twanty- one yaar agp she Invited Rev. Wynant Vanderpool to go to the Almshousa to conduct the first service held there. Mrs. Plillllpa went with him, and slnM that Ome ihe haa attended every ipeiilal aer- vice, Of *'teaat day," a t the InBlIluUofl, When feasts ware provided for the Inmates a t tha Almahoute, Mrs. PhlUlpa alwaya helpsd to prepare the food, nnd a few days u a aha waa notified by Mr«. Austen Mo. Gregor, aecrelary of tne Mlsilonary Bo- olity, of har appointment on the cqnimlt- tee to provide oyatera for the Chrlitmaa faaat.

The meeting held by the aoclely o n ^ - ocraber ( last waa tbe only one a t which Sfn. Phllllpewas not present, but she sent w ort that she would the Chrlttmaa dinner. Mrs. Phllllpi a t the time of her death was the oldest memtwr of Grace Church. She waa m srrlrt In the little Idarket street edifice when that con- gregatton worshipped Ihere.^ ,

'The mambere o f the Almshouse Mission­ary B o ^ y will attend the ‘9-morrow, Interm ent will be In Bosedale Camettry, Elaat Orange.

Ij-vingtQia a n d M ilton .The Carpentefs and Joiners' X'nion of

Irvington held »W first annual na'epHon and bail In Bhrlmpf'a Hall last nlghtJThe oommlUaea in charge were compoeM of Floor Uanaxec Charles D eH art; aselatM t managers, Henry Bhrlmpf, George SprotU and PBlllp Craven; Arrangemmu Commit­tee, ChirLea DeHart, H ennt Shrirapt; He- oeptlon Committee, t-tlmrl*s Van w ert, Thomae Wllaon. D. C. 8m th, Jam t* Tol- man, John Hiller and William Qaerlng.

A sociable waa given last nU hl In the Irvington R etornea Church. There waa aUrge atundanoe.

'Tha Hilton Public .te'ncary a w w i ™ met last night and elccUd the r o u t in g omoere; Prealdent. Andrew J. Van Nom ;first ylc«-preeldent. W arren P, ^ 1 1 ; -----oi>d vke-nreeldanti Vllllam P, Brownretary, Joseph H, 0 " » rn e ; t « a ;

Extending from Ownerahlp o f Btiwat Itall.wnys, Oae and Eleetrle L ight Plante

to (Jenetsl Butinese SBtnrjndsee.WASHINGTON, D « . U.—United BUtea

Consul Boyle, a t Liverpool, haa communi­cated to the S tate D epartm ent some very Interesting Information respecting the great change that has taken place In Eng­land In the m atter e t stree t railways. He says that from being one of tho moat liackward In tbe m atter of providing such accommodations Ihe cities of Great Britain are now moving on an tnormoua seals toward their conatrucLLon.

He deacrlbea this movement aa one feat­ure of the remarkable "m unicipal Boctal- tam" which Is taking poaaesalon ot B rit­ish clttea, verifying the comment ot Lord Rosebery that the London Common Coun­cil waa conducting the greatest experi­ment In practical Boolallam the world had ever seen.

Not content with municipal ownership of street railroads, electric and gaa lighting plants, water supply and telephonee. In several clUea. the municipal oorporatlona built dwellings (or workingman, ran hotels and erect and operate magnificent baths, tn Liverpool Ihe Council haa gone so far a* to charge part of w hat ahould be the' rent tram muntclpal houses occupied by workingmen aa homes, against the taxes of the community.

Referring lo tho aubjeot of electric street rallweya. Hr. Boyle says th a t the first line was started In Liverpool a few days ago, and describes the equipment. For the benefit o t Am erican manufac­turers of eleotric plants, tlttlnihi and ralla, the Consul sets forth the bast means for these to put themaelvea In position to ss- oure valuable con tracu , though he points out a strong prejudice on th s part of the large class of people In the c lile i against the award o t oom racts to farvlcnera.

The Liverpool line la an overhead trol­ley, a committee of exporte claiming lo have discovered th a t tha underground conduit eyslcm Installed tn New Tork. WaabJngton and Baltimore Is a ta llu ra He apeaka of ae.v«ral o ther ayttema of etectrlo ca r propulsion w hich have been brought forward In Ekiflnnd a s novalUea bu t which ara well known here, a u ^ o i the surface contact system.

A scheme under wey, he aaya, le to con- neot Liverpool with a ll the m anufacturlngt town! within a radius o t seventeen mUes by light suburban electric street rallroafls which will carry passengers lu the dS . time and freight a t night.

Spvlngflald B w rglen ttewtaiiead.

Vail y»e.te rd ir , tn the iJnlon County Court, sen-i eneed Tompkins, K ohlerlur, Orgy and

ligh, the four Bpringflaid thieves, lo Bute Prtion. The flril two young men were

seo-«ph M, Msuwriio, treasurer.

S lliliin Tack; J? ,I” t e a ' l lborne; Executive Commlllso Mr th rw ears, James W. Van Naas, MUi H a rown and Hiss Minnie Nennlnger. ' ^ e

toports o r th e treasurer and Itbrartan Mrrb V tri js s

S l l condUlSm -The o « o « i will be publicly Installed on January 1 *^HIsa Ida H, Hausntaitn, of married lo Roman Volkmuth, of Nevrerk. la to n lth t a t the home of the bride. Rev, 5 rP »6«nao ti. Of Newark, performed the oertam w , anti B ra sat Hauemanu was b W S t t i n i f s i ■ » « * Volkmuth, a niecs of

gnWlfc. was brldeemjrid. TThe hrito a t t t f i j 1 5 . white ellk. end carried

‘ - (he oereigony a laeSR.

’Tempklns. k o h le rlu r,Hgh, the four Bpringflsid tbiePriion. The flrii two y o u n i ___ _____given sentences o t slghfeoo m ontha and too others one year. T h s men committed sevoTsl small burglaries in Bprinirteld and Union towneblps, and bad the IniubP tan ts much stirred up by their depreda- tlapa. T hey.jn lght still bs plying ihalr vocation bad net one of them Ihcautloualy emergad from a barn In Hpringfisld car­rying a ham th a t had been stolen a few ntghia befo n from a butcher shop. This led to tha detsetlon of the thlovsa, who aU plaafiod guilty. ________

Biwaght Boaaa o f Bold.BAN FRANCIBCO, DM. U ,-T h s gUfmar

Alameda, from Auatralla, brougnt trsaa.

rns in a box, anu iw eniy-rogr ’ ftlfcd with bullion. The money la Ig 'ai

OPPOSED FLOUR MILL COMBINE.A Belief that i.ttiirti in ism i a Trust

Witt Rut Be Siineairiil-Arguinenta Aanititt It.

MINNEAPOLIS. Minn, I'<v. 15.—W. C, Edgar, editor iil Thi- .V.ri!iKe*tern Miller, tays that the lo unite the mill­ing Irteresls of th.' ro.iiiiry In a glgantlo cenibinc. would iimvi i f illiire, so far ss this flty Is roneiriied. I'rumoler McIn­tyre has lli n in ito- clfy eliii.-e .Vtonday, and has been iiMliig bl» l'eH endeavors to sucoesafiilly rjirty out ills scheme of con- lolldaUni:.

Mr. Kdgsr has Im-iti sirougly opposed to the plan, uud stiilc.s ih.ii he has taken par­ticular pains to cmiMilt ull the intllers Of Ihe city of |■rumlIle[)cl■ and that without exception they decliire themselves againsttho propose.1 ivjmti'.naiioh.

"Alclniyre and Ills men Jo not care par- tlculurty for Ha- .Mlnm-apolts ntllts," said Mr. Edgar. ' Ah ihey desired was to ob­tain cumrni ..f tlio liraiids wlileh have made tills < II.C i.imuiia. At the outset It Is quite true iin t a miinber ot the .Minneap­olis millers wri'" Ini'Ilned to look with fa­vor upon tie- propusltloD to consolidate, but a little p l|.■•■lLu has convinced them that such m iiiiTi would ho a mistake. They would rocHvo hut ,( partial cash purchase price and would Is- <:ompcll«l lo tako the greaior shnio m slacks or bonds of the new corpoMiion.

"Theso or bonds, would bo ofvalue only If the management In Ihe fu t­ure should pMte as careful tn d busliieit- like as It h.is I'r' h in the past. It does not stand tu rrasiin Unit new men could come In and do hotP-r iban thooldoneshavedone. In the first iilsci-, they would have to In- creauo oapliabuiilon, and a oareful com­putation shows I list a t a low estlmato the profits of the buBliieaa wpuld have to In- ereaso fully thirty-three per cent. In order to simiily imy fixed charges under the syndicate plan.

"This could not bo done without Increas­ing the price of the ouiput or decreasing the iirlcc of wheat, and auch action la stmufy Impossible owing to tbe enormous caDuoity of Ihe mills scattered threugliout thecoun try In smaller towns. In an evsnt of the kind Indliated these country mills would be able tu more than doulile their output, and I here la nothing In the world lo Drevent the cunstructlon of numberleaa new mllla The echemo la not faasible, ami the MlmicoPotlB mllleri are too shrewd not to know I t . ' ' _______ ______

Ameelcnn slachlaaey Ja Oarmaav.W ABlIlNOTG^’ D « . IL,—In a report

to the State Hepartment, ftommerclal Agent Stern, at Ramberg, predicts that the United Slates will soon surpass Kiig- lalid In the value ot exports of m tohinery to Germany The preaent y w r shows aven a (ailing off h> tbe ease ot England, while the Imports of Amtrlcan maohlnas show an Increase of aeVanty-five per cent, over last year's figurM. In 18DG the im­ports o t the united 8tatea of thaw gw d s Hitn Germany dirt not amount to Ihe sixth p i r t 'o f " h e amount ot tho Bngllah Im- porfa. while to-day Ihey are equal to sixty per cent, ot the lattw.

ghlpwreeked Crew Iteaeiied.LONDON, Dec, 16.-The BNttih steamer

BaauiaTCaptaln Taylor, whtoh arrived a t Gravesend ycaterday from Buenos Ayres, reborta having sijoke ths Brlttfh nark jlw tM on Iiwember 9 In latltuds W north longitude IJ west, with the orew on hoart of the Italian hark galvatoro, of <£ which sailed from Bangor. Ms., on October » . In command ,«<Xtanise (or Palermo, Blolly, and which bad iS S n akandoned In a water-loggsil oobd - I S r o n K w m b s r » In laUtuas » tsngttude i f wait..



M usic


t Morris I Chairs.

Cabinets.A lo n g line o f

th e m . E ll tnabog- a n y n r m ih n g s n y finUb, atTnotj Prices.

Tile ever [lopuliir, ' and uiirg la a iiKist ! popular line, fur ' we'vo Ihtii sold out ' tw ice lilts las t two-1 iveeks.


HAIR MAHRESSES.runy-pound weight, made la two

parts, In best quality ticking oul;> l«low from W,?.!. Otiuta at 110, IK,

•Uk IIS, and the brat t-'O.

Double DoorBook Caac, In all woods, all llnSktics aud alwnva the low est priwB, and a great varloij’ of tizoB; one like iilmvii cut

11.98.J. C. M cC urdy 8» Co;,

m and 779 BROAD STREET, o i^ m J^r k e t s t r e e t .

FtM DcIlTerlet Anywhere In New J a n s y , New Tork or PenniylvaBl*.

DBATK glerABAT»a AGED h i s n i t s .Mlae Rlliabstb~W. Bvaas fluddMly Kx-

p in s at tlw Old Hamaolaad.gpecisl Plapatfh to the NBvrs.

NEW 3RUN8W1CK. Dec. 15,-Mlaa m iaabcth M. Kvana died auddeltly yester­day aftarnoon a t her home, the Blvana homoatead, acme dtitanee frool this city. She was elghty-ftva yeara o t age, For m any years aha had Uvad there with a ■later, MUa Isabella Elvani, sighty-tour years of age.

Mlaa Evans w at lbs daughter « t Tbemaa W. Evans and KUia Ellla, both members of Doled Boutbern famiUea. They settled In New Brunswick esriy In th s century. Hiss Bvans, In her youth, was a noted beauty, tall and of superb (aoa and figure, ghe waa tha acknowledged bells ot the county. For m any years past sbe had lived in tbe old homestead, which was feat falling Into decay. H er only companion was her slater, Hlaa Isabella. They spent their Uvea In raadlng and the eooupatlona of tbe gentlewomen o t two generitleqa ago. Doth were Invalids and seldom left lb s house, Ihipular Ignorance led lo their being otUed hennha, and invested thHr solitary life with much tha.t was grototoue and absurd. Mlaa E vans's slatar aurvlvea hcri

The funeral will b* private and the body will bo Interred fit the tamljy burying?;round Oh the farm. Tliare her gm na- alher and gnuidmother, her parests and

her brother He. It is on the edge of the thick wooda a t the crast of tb s bluff sloog

th s R aritan River, In the heart of tho woods a t the top o t a mound bordered by deep guinea and attainable only by a nar­row path. Is the grave ot Mina BUIa, a stater of Miss itvang i mother. Alongside H iss EUta are hurled her favorite horse, har oat and her (log. Mias Hills's grava has been for yaart ona of the s ig h u of the vicinity, _____________

BapsTta and iwporia.WABHLNGTON, Dec, E .-T h e monthly

statem ent of tho imports and e x e r t s of the United Btatea shows that duriiut No­vember, iaa», the Imjports of nm rohiuitoe amounted to 111,109,b J about wib.OW leas than November, UN, 'The impurta free o t duly aggregated over C2,Oi»,WIO, Tho sx- DOrts ocmestlo merchandise during last month axgregated |UI,EI,ri7, au Inereasa ?ver NoTSmt'er, H9I, ot about taoM.«)0. For the eleven months ended w ith Novem­ber. law. the exports of the U n llrf fltates amounted to »l,il7,>iSl.l«. exceeding th e Imports by ISSr.tBLMS, an InorrUM over the aam i peviodln IhJt ot ««,(06.U£. Th* Im- |M)rtB uf gold during NeveaahW am eunw d to and the exporla NK/JT. Theallvar Imports amounted to andthe exporla __________

Bapawr U oath for r iaaea oa Easy Teawia, In o r t t r to make December th e banner

month, Bi>eclal Inducementa are being mails, and grealer piano •baigalna were never before offtreu. , ..

HavA yon seen the lUiO Instrum ent d l^ -^ ptsyvd h t show window oltb*^^ l^ailhB r* .0 Plano WartroomsT F. Qk lR>lth.aBroad s trssb —Adv.


r u t T H ii m oL L ino s t o x i

tw tl«o4 Fartmie I'aac tu aa ArtU- lerrauia Whu Took i:» Mlalac.

til* ww hltunon Bur. of my BwaUdtof, whoii I w a t Bot- iltcrlnc lu the hravy artlllary on Alcairo* liland, harhor of Baa mneUk-o. a numbar Of y o n afO, wai a rievar Enallahman, ■nmaniad St. Ronald on t)i< n u i i t r rolli, but known unto ua of lb« command only ad 'M« luid.’ " aatd a W ar Dopartment clerk vko put In a tlve-yoar ktretch In ibct artillery branch.‘ "Wo didn't call Mm 'Me LinT becauaa he w ai In any wlea pompoui or ituek uj>— that aort of ihlny doean't SO amons th t enllaied men of the American Army—but becautr. allhousb senlal, amiable, and a curktas food fellow. Bt. Ronald raally had a m ishly like manner about him, and, when It came to a pinch, ha didn't have to ta k t any duet from any of the olDcari In rourtllneea and sracc of iieraonallly. Ht. Ronald waa about twenty-aevon yeara om when he Aral Joined the battery, and be waa the very pink and Pjeturc ot a lint, im iiirtl'born loldler. lie had been a nn* auUler befora be ever broke Into "“f |l e had a No. 1 dlaeharie, a ltbcompli mcnlary romarka atuebed t b ^ l ^from the L’ane MountedA frlcarin wfiFcb hVhedjeerjY^

- omC aim d in Mounted l^ llje, M wbl' h h« h«da t a Beraeunt. '**'

■'Then Tip had »ma.

from the

i'rvS S fSr iwrt K When h* drtfUdInto our healthy arltUery oultU ho dldn I n t i r t u i u l J th . d irr.«no,_bet*een_.cartridae bi It and a (atlsue cap. ■ueb a crackajack ([om ">e day

lie wan that he

amona ueTbat he wae rated a Cor­poral and* then a Beritt-ant .within thr.-eSToMheTand ; ; ie rV ail Mad oM t. tor he w as 'way ahead of the lu rk prU ate nlaea, ■ nvurcl St Ronald out fruin the S rtl i a X t a r t lot m S so.,!! family, which, In floL iw wa»: tllhbush lie rarely tpuke about kit p i A Kictpl to iw® nf ug who w«ru very rnummy hod hit up* uud down! In our b n tu iy — «ot butiod from aergi'Miu to buck prlvoir, mnd pul in a ihlrtyifiiy trick In the houM ioT iry ln i to le tr Hen loow from h i foundnlioni, then h*d to go UD lo hit furmer non-commtiwlorpd r in k aaaln by tlow ttase i. and In aeneral had ^ utual career of anwho do itn 't lielon* 10uliloon. W hiiever h ipptufd Though, Me

Underwear.Wj u« olive oil soap in washing umJerwear senl to our laundry. This soap prevenl-s shrinking, and leaves the garment soft and " velvety."


H il l ie r& C o ., 66S Brcmd St.» iso Market St,

moT.»TH»!iik a a n s i i j tq i o T 4 T Io .hu,

K1VQleA^U*» rOA»T PBK'KtH'K.

Tbit fMrertft mt H e r K ip lo i lv r M incil i .V olt ( n rrC w llr l in a r ti r d .

From London TU-liJU. ,In svPHt of w*r, no illrn irm y could

ipproAoii our ihorto without imin-rllllng lit nevy by piicounterlng our rxploiivu mliiPit Bcorpi of which lurround our i-u iiu at Oil plJit-Pi likely lo be MlectPd for it* t irk by I f4>rrlfn foe. The Tham et Li aUo cart-rully ahlcblLtl in Uie vicinity of illtickwuU. Thr preclic locilliy of theae inliivi In, liux^evir, fur obvloui m iiu iti. kept a dark and liiaerutible myiMery, and (he ippruiichi.fl to ibftn ar«‘ lo cleverly cunatruct*‘i| and c*oii>.'t‘iJeil that no ono Miv> an ixpert would auppict their real ohirai'ipf.

AQ imioct-ni-IookliiK cellar at the bdiif* meiil of a >‘criHin tradeam an's ihop li theentrance lo oJtr Itnjwutani mine, but even

■ (hat

plaloon. wnaieverLiMi* waa cam i lor li, and he never had a kick cominjt, and aevenl llmci when iomeilnjt, a.iv* »w ....... - • .fellow In the battery fo t into » # * " « « • couri-raartlal icrape and waa dlahonora- bly dlK hirsm l pnoturned .adrift wllhoMt cent wlin nothins but the uniform to Ml bkck, 'Me Lud' w ,i the boy to tu rn In hie whole monih'e pay lo help the un­fortunate out and to se* **'• reel of u t todo eomettalns on the £ m e seneral or^*r,

"A iiar doTns hla three yeare wllh thebattery, | l . Ronald took Wa dlecharm and went over to Ban Kroncltco. He dldn t tell any of ut wkat he wai so lns to do, and he only hud about | » or t o waa paid off. A week after he left A1- ca tra t a number of u l went over lo Sen Franclioo one n lih t on leave. We were walklns up Kearney ilreet when w e

puihed into a crowd turroundlns a fakir, ^he fakir w o, lo lten up In itose ranebero ,ty le—eetvet hell-botlom iroueer*. with COM llnoel running down tha aW**; ' f ' : vet Jacket, looee, ruffled. tpoUeatly white ehlrt, an enormout white lombrero, with two or three heavjy illver eorda running

The l.alier Olleii Wade—t'oiiiiimnltny-la c e .A ltrlba ted lu W r » u , Suurcee.

From the I'hictMo Tlme.a-Hetal'l."Nothlnt 1. eo common ae ml«iuoia-

tloni, Biiil the aecrlpllon of temllUr prov. arn« and uuotatlont to wronn aourcc, IVrhape the nioei famuuii of themr latter le the well-known 'Oml lem tart the wind to the thorn lamb.’ Nine i>creont out of ten will tell you oShand th i t Ihia It tv Im found In ihe Bible, ‘oomi-where In Hruv-1 efbe.' Uf courac, It le nut In the IHblv, but In I l»ok that le the cei y antU"“l‘’t of iho lllbic. and one eiippoeci] by eoinv IQ be till' moat Immoral Iwuk III mu lansuaite. H U in "Th<> S'lillnu'iitul journey." by Imui'cncc rttiriie, and even (here ll I. atoleii, for Sterne Hole many i f hit tie.-t lliingr. H la to be found ttlll earlier In Ihc w rltln»t of iJeorge Her- iM-ri who aiiya: T o a clote-thorn aherp Uod'iilvee wind by meaaun-.' Rut It foe t even fiiriber bai k. An obi French writer haa It: 'Dieu mi-aurr le frold a la behli tondue,' Ood m taauret the cold 10 the •burn iamb.

"Another common aavlnit. '(’U'nnllneaa la next to aodlliieaa,' la alao trequanUy aicrlbed to the illble. but It la 10 be found In onv uf John SVealey'a oermona. though It la m>l original wlih him. Whera he got It la not dennllely known, but very prob­ably from tome nf tlie ancient fatheri. Hoc on ho* an expreatlon of tlm llir Im­port; 'C han llnm of h'jdy wui ever deamed to proceed from a dm reverence to Hod.'

"Another mlwiuotallon frequently on tha tonguea of men la: 'When Oreek meeli Oreek then comet the lug of war.' Thla la iupp<**c4l tu fU4‘an (hal when Ofwik la arcayad agalnal Greek, or. In other wordx, when cquxla nn’ct tn comtiat, the re- ault It a bird hahl. Now the true quota- tloii meant notnlni of the tort. It It to be found In Nat l.eea Irage.ly of, Alex­ander the (treat.' and la 'When Ureekioined Q rrekt then eanie the lug of f a r . That It, when Athena ond Hnaria and the other Greek Blatea combined togethrrtluy were hard lo overeome,

"A common quotation In the moutnt of the polllloltnt W 'Vox popull v «

lor Ul** uow rnm f'm , hihi i** ummi'uthcr. uuiy a frw of iht* vi-ry <(’iMla arv hHowciI iu tiidi Mu-ff K>'yVithey a rt iwicninfy iwoni u» pn Hcrvf ll

ravy t.__ _aniund It, T h t fakir w ii lelilng 'em tome perpetually fragrant beaut that he had diicovared on a tour of South Amer­ica. T h t b a tn t wert devloed to U ke thenlooe Of toahet powdert or Of pquM ,^« Iric timet* and the perfume—*ald the fakir—. . . . . . . ---- -iinly had a ------*

anil he oolnever'left them. He eertatnly had a aival ojriel about thoot lieani, and he cold like - .hot coket, at the rate of nfty cem i for a paper bag holding about a Pint of tbem. 'Me l,ud7' the fakir, winked a t ut toltm nly when he taw u t on the outar Bircle of the crowd, and we didn’t have k chance to talk with him for tome time afterw ard. Then he told u t that the beam he w»i telling were the ordinarytrljole* of commerce, loiked over night In cheap toilet water, and that bo thoughtho had a pretty good thing, tnaainuch m he w tt hauling down a proAt ot about IM

" t didn't oee any more of 'Me Lud on the ooeil after that. I came on to W eih- Ington and entered the W ar Department lOOD afterward. I went out to the opening of the WorM’e F ilr , and on ray third tour around iha bulldlngi 1 unel up with M# Lud.' Ha waa the pwoikI man in charge «r (he exhibit from Ceylon, and he looked out of alght in the meke-up of a Ceylon tea planter. He waa proaperoua and inor- ougnly In the game. He had quit Ban irranclRCO and gone to Ceylon before the m att (after going broke oh ‘Frieco'e 'Btrw bary coaet') eoon after I left the coaat. and had put in the intervening yearn an a timekeeper on a Clngaleet tew plantation. He wae awsarently pretty glad to nee me,1 think: anyhow, 1 Know I had a terrible headache when I woke up on the morning after thua atrangMy running a c re n *Me Lud.' 1 aiw him a number or Umei while 1 w ai taking In the fair, and when I left he told me he eapecied lo go back to Cey­lon and flnlih tne game of growing up With the ieland.

“1 waa leaning on (be rail out a t the Bennltige racetrack on Thankegtving af­ternoon, watching (he hottee parade cm to

- j t e track fur the Waelilngton Cup race, ' m I beard a vohw behind me exclaim,

r'w dl known accent: '( aay, there, you ^ PK* I looked ^ u n d . and (here waa

Jfa L l ^ ' He wae gotten up regardleaa, a» they m r , and b t wa* a good Tteal th t ^ e l lH i t loohing m(m at the track. After

the tradeenmii (■ not awurv(he Uovtrnmem rvuie hie cellar, nor doea Ju» ever MUiint«i< im Hue n4iurtt of the operatlortiB rarried un th*.'ieln. The mines art' equJppeil will) t-xi*luBivea of the moat potent kind, ami adrnlrubly i-unnevtfd with (he KH’rei chamlwra uti aiioru by tneana of eJeclrlv wires,

liUch mine ia i-Hdrolii'r] \<\ a button, over wliJcU la prUutU |w itl^uijr« relating (0 the lot’aiiun and I'Jiarai'Ur of the mine, This button ia placed in tin wall of the secret chamber, and v(*\eiMl by a dculda door lei'ureiy tenked. ih.' u ii" r door so Hoeely resemblliiK the w»ll ti( the cliam- U>r thai no ono imt tnuii< 1ji tUe Mcret I'ould delect Us preemi »*. The cbumbori arc douhle-loi'ked, and itpiauitrlieiJ by pas-

protected In a Hlmilai munner.KviTy Im-k and key In lundc

for tiie (Jovernmf'iii, hihI U tmUkr* anyofli-uiid

y a rt solemnly swomi to preserve (heir PH*vrvt rigidly. 5lo in'rs-jr=>'. np.irl iTum ihoec espHCuUy enipov*»-n ‘L may Inspect or visit any of the eevu-i't c:>iimlu'rK .il any lime, except by eaprewti wrlilen ’'permll, personally proeureil frum i ceriatii iiigh olficlal. This la eXcffi||unl> dllhcuU lo Obtain, and, In fact, i* ly « ver granted.

Frior to auch a (rtrmlt (n‘ina tsauefl. the offtciala assure thsnii'etvi’S ihul (he poa* sessor of the doeuniciit ii .irs m Maineleas cHiaracter, Is British Inito, and has no ul-' terlor reasona for prefi-nluK hla rs'quesi. This aelllcd, he is sworn in aecrecy, in (ha most soleinii manii.-r, Ulmifulded. and conduclwi by a cln'tiltoua roule to ihe se­cret chamber, where he Is permitted to uae his eyes. I>ut not his Kihgui. no (|u*'K' tlons being answered hy the aKeudlng ufTl- clais.

Atrange aiurles have bren loM of at* templa made by fori'ign rpiis io pene­trate the priva y th»j*r niystcrtuua mines. »

A young Lieutemiiii in ilic nnw . whusk* honorable character von (he i-tinfldence of Ms superior oftii ers some years sine* , was areoraed (he privilege ofxiiHnllug one of these s t e m mines and lnirust«'«i wUh certain Information concernltig Us char^ actar.

Boon afte r his appoinimcnl he l>erame

A Who Has >ol ForgufleaK ls B « a r f a e (o r « f T ea rs Ago.

[Fair Haven (Maaa.) Dlapau^'ii In Fhlladel- phix Hecord.)

An exatoplg of gratitude, such as li sel­dom heard of, was brought to light here, and only baotJno kfluwn through frisnds who refused to allow thi good deeds of a fellow-townsman to longer go untold.

On (Jetober 2K last, Marcellos F. WhH- field, a wHi-hnown reelUenl of this village, received an invltatimi lu he present a t a roceptiofi, to bfi given ■>» l>oard the n«w Japanese oruiser KaHagl. FhlUdelphla. The invllatlon was by (he omcer of the cruiser, and included Mr. WhltftHJ'a fara- Uy.

Not knowing any one on lH>srd the Ka- sugi. the invitation was u mystery until (he next day. when an ^xpiansilon came in the form of « Iett4*r fruni Klesaburo Nakahama. chief iMymaatrr of the ship. The writer stated th a t he wsii tii** third son of Manjiro Nakahamn. of T«klo, Ja ­pan, who had been iak>‘n l arc ol and edu- catwl by Mr. W hitfield's failier. rnssier of the ship John flowland, In IMI.

“ Under th t circum stances/' h* wrote, I nave been commlaslonetl to lUnl your ad- dreaa by my father, sa 1 have im-n sent in oMclal aeryics, and to report all about the C ^ ta in ’B family."

The story of Cap

F r o m th e F a r E a s tthe North ride of the fifth floor, just as you merge from the TenthSt. elevators, the Exhibit and Sale of Eastern Art-works and Curios K you have a leaning toward the queer, patient, tiine-scorning, im­

mutable art of the Orient, this is a collectioa toat you should s^ . It is wonderfully rich with strange beauty, and there is a gift-hint in every piece. All the specimens ai4 for sale.

If atorv o t Cf,pi»ln Whlin' l'l iin-l Man Jlro Nakuluima rrad* like a ii.niami'. It «aa followi; Captain William H. Whllfttlil. maatar ot tba *hlp Joliii llowlutHl. ol Fair Haven. Maaa., w h ll, crulalnn In tha Japan Baa, In 1M> or IMl, il*hta<l a luira fork In till- mlJat ul lha arn, »ml fouml tlvi' naarlyitarvait Japaneae aallora allnalnii <o U Hr, . Thay had haan thara ricarls'■laya, ami all Iko tootl tin y l.ail I 'fn «Milo kat ana auch birtia aa may■------Ml' ■ '

mventy -.-n nl'la

iinkl knuck(loan with ofuba and atona .

'aha Captain roacucil tha man and carria't-— to H • ■ “ ■

From Japan—MiuJi pornUin; btonaei faom Kiotoi dotooroie tram Yokdhimi; etn- btciiaoed. icreeni of the baiter aoiW; amall artiiJci in ootimonr,—tab tnji ibd fane;piecea; table gonga of fifty aorta; handkerchief and glove boxea ol atiaBK wood*, woiy derfuUj corred; btmbaaitoola and taborttlui paintingi, driwingi end i v ^ cirvinga.

From China;—Hind-ctmd Mooli in whet joo know ei "teak-wood,”—retUj tha finer groined wood called "li-dtee t” ranch potceUin and gold medalUon wore; hlne and white Canton ware; "caihtrUES^ta, potent ogainxt e ^ ipirita; paintings and 1x01; catvinp; weapoiia.

From IndiaBeiiacai bniAxntre, hand-chiaed, famoui for centniiei; Mandabod enam* eUed briaa; idob; atone carrmgL

From Egyjiti—Hind-hunmsed beoM jardinicTti and finger-bowlai aoate beautiful hanging tanlema in biaa, from Domaectia; nxrghllii Erom Coiutantinople; xttxr ot nmi.

All collected by our own searcher after beauty, and a collection unique in many ways. Prices arc no/ high.

W omen’s Two hundred and fifty J a c k e ts

Ihfm to Honolulu. Tin* yiJuuKetU of thenl,S iKiy about flfl^fn, b«*t(Ke<l to Im ullont'UtO n*msln abosrd the ship, uml thr t'Aciain rtnsllv conssnteii. He was nii »•*-epLiomtl-

bright boy, learned ilu- lariKUaKv rspiu*’ tn d toon bsc«me ■ favorite.By the tim s the ihU> reachrtl Pair Haven

('aptsin Whitfield w ai very nuu’h ailach- (>ti to the bqy, and deierml!u*ti tt> Klve Himsuch an education a s the town afforUt-u. r a. u • ^ • lThe boy was ManJIro Nakahsma. though ! [c e CT ITOlUg Show ing SIX DuttOOS he had received the American nickname of '

out of the tailor's hands are here at about a third under their expected and justifiable price.

All in black diagonal cheviot, with

“John Mun.' or “John Mungfro. put Into th# town school, wiicre '

He wsf*was an

apt pupil, Hla reildenee In F'alr Haven ^reti a I ■ ■ ' ‘ .

Ihr voice of Ihvpvqpl.- la tfie v^lce of (lod Thla la really a perverikm of a paBaoii. In lie lah: 'A voice of holee from Ihc clt>, a voice from the temple, a voice of Ihe l.k>rd that rendarelh recompenae lo Ma ea-™ 'O ne ot lha early Pope*. Bylveater U., Ihfowi ll«hl on the real meaning of the BXpreailon. Jn apeakln* ot an appoint­ment be had made he aald he bad beentulded hy the demanda of the mdltitude.

ut he had dona wrong, tor, oa th* voice of the people h id crlKl out for the erucl- flxlon of Chrtal. every voice of the people cannot bf thr voice of Oou. Another an* d en t writer taye; ‘Nor are thoae to be heeded who are wont lo lay 'Vox popuH, vox Del,' alnce the luRiiilliiouaneaa of the rabble It alwaya next door to Inaatiliy.

"It waa MIrabeau (vho gave Ihe eipres- alon vogue on the eve of the French rev­olution. There are few proverbial laylngi In any longor th a t contain ao much truth and CO much falvehood.

"flray'ii Hue, T hey kept the nolaeleil tenor of their way,' l l almoat Invariablyquoiedr'They kept the even tenor ot their way,' whk h aa deacrlpllvo of Ihe ‘rudeforefather* of th* h am lil ' I* not learly *o pottlcil. , ,

"Matthew Prior. In one of hla poema, aiya:" T h a t air of harm ony and eltipe expree*- ■ ■ -------- --- le- 'Fine by degreee and beautifully tea*.

"But the la tter line haa become i hou» hoM proverb • • 'Bmall by dttree* and btaullfully lea*,' one of the few Inetanceewhere the miMuoiailon ho* Improved the


covereif a period of about *1* year*, but be- fore he left the lowp he had become a naturallted American clUxcii,

Tiler* waa alway* aoiiie prejudice agalnil the young Jap In the village, a* he waa looked upon aa a colored luo, and (he color line waa aharply drawn.

In IH48 or *47 the young man made a whaling voyaga In the bark Franklin, ainl when Ihe gold fever broke out In L'all-fornli the young Jap-Amerlcnn itlled for Ban KrancUico. l ie remained in (he mloo*

engageof wh

fed to a charming young Fr. rich lady om he wHw UvsniiTulHiy enamured.

By tom s InsxpHrsHIt' m ’sns. HI* (Irtnuc** got to hpsr or hlF appoliuint ni.^ an-1, bjrsU srnsts thri'sti. anil p^Tsuuslons. induf'sd him to tsk s ht*r to fc*** th»* ■'•'•rot min** undsr h is cars.

Un th<* cvcnluK arruhst"!, aftiT i-xtract- in f s solemn vow of >piTi*ry from hlp lu*Iy love, and le t t in f hrr to don il>4* dr»'iw* of X qxvsl ofll4'sr for tHt* oonitlon, ho was shout to out on hli* ««Tet mission, when, to hli iurprlsp ami alarm, hi- and h it co m ^n lo n w**r<* arrests*! by detectives. In tom e m ysterious mnniit-r ihr auihorl- ties b id been nnllirlUi'tteti as to the pro- revdinfs on foot, and were tn time lo stop ihem.

For "brexch nf rtRuluilonf/' the younf Lteutsnxnt w ii suba4'(iiienily courl-mKr- ilalHt irHl reduced. Hii rharm lnx com­panion NOTed to be a spy In the employ of ths FToneb GoverMmeiit.

only X few monOis, however. llctiiR so far on the way toward the land of his birth, an Intenss to n fln f to once more look at his old Ilfs and to once more visit hl« parents took hold of him. •

The law of Ja p an a t Ihis ilm** placed (he death penalty on any nailve who had left hla country and r«turn«i| afiur vls- llini; forelin lands. He determined to bravo (he consequences, however, and set sail, stopping k t Honolulu, where he was Jjolned by four of his countryineii. (wo of (hem of the sam e pariv with him w'hen rescued hy Captain Whuflt-M.

Ins(aa(t of M in f put to dealh on hlareturn, ManJlro was received hy his Gov- sHf . *ernment. le r hla accomfillshmenls hadbeen dlitovered, with amasement and rev­erence. In but a few montriM he was rnads

new, jaunty garment, silk-lined. We had sirallai coats here marked at $12.50. You may have these at

Nlne-8eventy*flve.Another style, in black, navy blue

or castor Melton doth, of about the same general description as above, lined with colored satin or black taf­feta,—an $18 coat right enough, for

Twelve Dollars.t econd niior. Urusdwnjr.Vomen’s Gloves—T he Princess May* toyale and Victoria

loss to say which is the greatest val­ue. Each is undoubtedly best in its class and all are controlled by us.

The " PtincBk M*y," »l $1, it the b«M m l

A R eception Day

T h e s e t h r e e , and we are at a


bad collecied hi* winning* on tbe Wg■ ■ ' di!C we got Into hi* trap and h t drove > lo * hotel that'* not more than a mile

Lafayette Square. There he pre­

form and metnimt of th« expreMlon."Thrre I* a famou* line In 'Troilue and

CreHlda' that nobody quotei In the lenae In which It le need In th e pity.

"When Uly**en, arguing with Aehllle*, •aye, 'One touch of nature make* the whole world kin,’ ho doe* not mean that all mankind are draw n together or ani­mated to noble though U hy the exhibi­tion of *oro* flne action, hut that every­body I* alike In following tbe lateit new taehton or thing.

" T h a t all with one con*ent pralie ntw born gaud*.

Though they ar* made and moulded of thing* poll.

And give io du*t th a t 1* a little gilt.More laud than thing* o 'ar duited.

"A very common popular Latin quota­tion la 'Quem Deua vult ^erdere prlufl

.yetie Biiui ,n * ip hi* wife, who la a qu*«n, a*

moat New Orieana g lrti a n , and then b« demanded me to accompany him back to nil home In Tofuclgalpa, Honduraa, where he'e getting rich a t gold mining. l ie came up here from Hondurae on eome buMnenwith the State Department In connecllon with a clalro. Of coume, with my thirty day** leave of abteac* i ll chewed up. Icouldn't hear of the T egucin ipa pronoel- tton, but I taw a good deal of 'Me Lud'and hi* Sunday night.

wife until they want away lo it ay night. When f bad* them good

by, 'M* Lud' handed me a little pluahrood-

coverel box. I opened It a f te r I got to my room. It contained * *o«rfp ln-a gold cannon, itudded with diamond* *ad *ap- phlre*—* very neat reminder of our heavy arttllery day* together out on bleak Alca- tra i.

"Bo ihi* I* the true (dory of t free-lance and a moee-gatherlng rolling atone who has won out."

dementat'—whom (Jod would deriroy he Arit mokea mad. The worka of Latin author* would be aearrhed In v*ln to Andthie quotttloiu but It* hletory, ae given In Bo*w*U‘* 'Life of Johnson.' li *tran*eand InterHting. The saying wa* found

f t ■writlen on a littl* scrap ot paper on the labln of a 'gentltm an of faehlon.' a Mr, O. D., name In full not known, who had commuted lulctd* about lha year 1700. Itsorigin a t once became an object of curi­osity, and aeirch %a* made for It among old Latin writer* without *uecen, A paa-euge similar In purport, however wa* die. oovtred In the ‘Fragm ent* ot Eurlplde*,'.ne pt Injuurea•r preparei evil for a man It Anthla mind.'

'T h e autclde probably had thla In hla thoughta when he made the Lalln ver- •ion that hi* since been quoted the world over."


T k eee P ro f ty Toy* H ade !■ T h a te l ie d H ale In SaiD uy.

From The aentleman.In the forest* of Saxony. Qarm any. ar*

thousands of thatched hut* In which dwell th* maker* of the celebrated "F rench" dolls. Not many years ago a traveller rid ­ing through these noble forcata m ight have aeen drying In the aun before the queer houeea, thousands upon thousand*—whole ■ere* of doll head*. That was In Ihs day of "eompoaltlon" heads, but now th* doll heads are manufactured of bisque, In the factories In Dresden and other cttle*, whither the peaiant dolbmuker* trudge each Saturday with big b tiket* piled full


How to A r ra n g e lied lle r r ir* an d O rre u * la th e Hume.

From th t Pittsburg Dispatch.Few p*(3pl* who live In cltlea realite

how rich the country la In i vergreena, bright berries and ruaict leaves during the winter. W* are ao eonveiiUonal In town th a t ono prescribed way of doing thing* exirnds even to our Chrlstmus green* and we a re content to use them in the same way toch year-~to rope the nine stiffly and lo hang Immortelle wreaths In the win­dows, tied with the Incongruous red rtb- Imna, ^

A few branches with the spirit of the wood* still In them arc much more eftec live and pleasing, and will bring more of the w inter holiday feeling Indoors than will

a Bsmurl, or w earer of two sword*.ManJlro was ateadlly advanced liy royal

order, and during the Franco-Fruneien war woe one of the seven eommlssloners sent by the Mikado to observe war move­ment* In Europe. At that time he Imre Ihe rank of Post Captain In the navy, nn offlee high in th* Admiralty. At the close of these hoitllltle*. In 1X70. N ikaham a took the opportunity lo visit America, and lie lost no time In calling on Ids henefactor, and old friends In F air Haven. He waa watmly received, and one can Imagine the feelings Of Captain WhltAcld o* he grasped the hand of the Japanere states­man whom he had saved, a poor sailor law. from a «ur« death In the PaelAc.

Binee his visit to this country nothing had been heard from Nakahama until the Invitation spoken of shove. Now he Is an old man, retired and living at ease on his estate In Japan, with an honored fam-

kidakin glove for the price sold in tbe world. Tbe " Rojnle,” at $1,50, is the peer of any

Some 0 f

of Dignitaries ^grees that would make a Howard eflvious. In some cases their man­ner is quite worthy of their descent, If you wish to see the embodiment of dignified cordiality;—a superb exhibition of stately disapproval of the surroundings, courteously con­cealed in deference to your f lin g s , —observe the behavior of that mag­nificent St. Bernard, ‘ ‘Grand Duke.' ’ A like resignation, tempered with a sort of weary friendliness, marks the manner of another St. Bernard, " Rex."

BANKERS AND BROKERS.M tin lM n o l N tw Y ork S to ck E g-

chsitxe- N ew Y ork C o rre ip o n ile n ti M c In ty re A W ardw eM ,

Tork Htork Cxrhint*. Vork FroMlLA4 LxcIikkik^,

N>w Vork <'4aH4ah Kx«th4iix«, Clileif^ Uoxixl i»r «raMla.

Direct privw* wJrr-t lu ^efr Yar^g Ohlmf#, PblUdalp.iU 0Md Wiiahliixtou.


iDresnen'iS, local Stcorllles.North Jersey Traction Bonds

and Stock Wanted.Tal«|iboii« 61A* botb Com|»Bl«t»


Som e New

lly Of ionx iTowInR up around him. PapUln died several years aRU,

the itrlppi'd pine tied Into hard ropes.If one is but thoughtful enough to gath­

er and press autum n leaves and wild ferns, one has then a t hand material for most beautiful Chrlatmas trimming. Hut (ho seaaon for theaa Is likely to be panxed he> fore we think or plan for the hoUdays. The brown leaves of the white oak, how­ever, ellnx to the branches ail winter, and the aeruu oak eno also be Ratbered. a t these g rea t tanned leaves are prominent and bright in the snoW'<iad woods. The sumach Is to be found late, and the holly is always available in m arket. These bright colors, with fresh l^cu t pine branches, arc m oil managesbio In homo decoration.

The manner of dliirihutton of (he greens and leaves Is Important to the a r­tistic effect. Avoid trimming pictures, ex- capt. perhaps, lightly on the wires or back of the framea. It Is better to let the furniture alone and conflne the decoration to archlleciural featurciu Always trim the windows, because In this way the cheer la skafed by the passersby, anu eome part 6f tne home hrightness la extended even Into the street. Holly w reaths tied to the window bolts are pretty, but a lit* tie thought and time will do much more for tbe window.

Bright, pressed maple leaves may be

bill the Japanese nobleman h s i not for* gotten him or his family. Now timt one of his sons was to visit America he was especially charged to look up the Captain's descendants, which ha did,

The youngpay m aster sent with his let­ter to Mr. Whitfield Icveral larptc pho­tographs of members of his family, one of the old man, one of (he elder son. who wears some sort of imperial decoration, ami one of hlmseH, alao similarly deco­rated.

fastened on the large pane Ih the form of a wreath by touching a little flour paste to the back of them, and holding themwith the hand against the glass uoitl li is ‘Ijh lly w anned. They will then adhere, w ith the w reaths in the centre of the

slliwindow, fram e the glasses Just within the

- ted *saslies with pressed ferns or leavsA or. if these are not to he ^ad . with amall

of beauUful new dollt, taking back to their pltlfiiUy poor homei the blaim heads, wlga*kid for the bodies, hands and feat, and other p an s lo be used In the next w fsk’a work. I

The father works dally In Ihe foresli and all the real of thu family gngagt heartily In the work of doU-makIng; the good wife ttnis the oheeks, palnta the eye­brows, adjusts the wig and makee the tiny shoes. The boys fasten tbe Jointed limbs logeiher. stuff and cover the body, and get It resd^ for dressing, while lUtle

H er k ira n g e a n d l lo r r lh le Exp^rl- r n m In ■ W e a te ru H otel.

Kllaabeth Cady fitanton In The JounieiiAt,While under lh(> direction of thi- lycpum

bureau, during the deraih' of ltrav e l!^ eight m onths in the ycur. from October to June, mostly in the Western Btates, speaking nearly ev<Ty niglu. u Was my custom In the large rfrien aUn> H to stay at the same hotel, thui.the land­lord and clerks m ight know lae, arn) i might be rci’clved a t any hour of iln* night. If (KJselble I alw ays secured a room ! on ths si't'ond floer with a balcony, for j safety in of fire.

One nighi I arrived rathiT ]^ l- m tn. dianarolts, [living previously -jph>»l. The hotel was crowded, bja ih»*rc wuh Huin '' unusual piibllo gathering, Juhi ivhm j iiu not remember. On meeting me in i Ik- lors my kind but distmiMr-r) iiosi H.iii; “ Mrs. Hianton, I have not u luorn in nn house fot you. 1 sm sorry, Imt ynij will be obliged lo go lo sonir miu-i hutri."

sprays of holly or hemlock fastened withpins. T h e .............. ^fw’-t speoir. through them It Inoreaars their brightness,

The laavaa do not need to h toimena: when' the light

« par shines

HO they are as brilliant as when ju st gath-i*rwl,

The rh rlp in ia t greens should b# takwn down on “Twelfth N ight,“ which U Janu* nry o r twelve nights after C hriidnas. The peralstent way In which they are of- iiMK kept up for weeks a f te r they are grow­ing dull and dry U calculated to give the btAutiful custom a threadbare asaocii' tlnn. The old plan of burning tha* greens ill The open fireplaces to keep the sritches away In the coming year may be foUow- I (J at Twelfth Night parties, or even fn the homv circle, as a source of much tneiTt> inA'nt. In tha olden days the Cbrlatraai imlMays l»‘gan on Christm as eve and last- iil nil Twelfth N igh t-and certainly the liornlng of the greens la a p retty way to i»'tTnlnatc ihe ^ s tlv ltle a Burning pine hHs a sweet odor and Is beautiful to see.

I Till* brunches and even (he needles hold ilifir shopu and glosv In the fire, which Is an bli'sl one before which to-tell stories.


ttome Experienee WHIi Heal aa4F r a a d a l e a t P p ee lm en s o f Gems.

fFrom Memoirs of an Old Collector (Count Michael Tysklewicfl>.)

At this time Alessandro Caitellanl was far from possessing the profound know! edge of m atters of a rt that distinguished him iatpr. Together we began our educa­tion, I will not say as archaeologtata, but as amateurs and collectors. 1 explored the suburbs arid the shops of (he dealers, buying anything (hat took my fancy. At this period I h4»came more and more fas­cinated by gems, while CsstelUnl devel­oped a weaknees for painted vaees, We met dally and, seeing my passlcn for en graved stones, Castellanl proposed (o write to his friends and relations In ime, his native city (from which he hn^ been exiled for politicai reasons In IRhD, beg­ging them to send to Napiei all (he gems to be found In Rome, which usually over­flowed with them.

The result was what might have been expected. 1 wae still a novice In this branch o^iari, and Castellanl hardly more experienced. In fifteen months T had ex pended francs (£3,000) in gems, twothirds of them st least being modern—a fact we were tjoth far from guessing- Bui toward (ht end of (his time my eyes be­came a Mule sharper In detecting the good from the ImAl. thanks to the counsel of more lewrupd frIenJa, and also from the comparison of the bulk Of my ac- qulsliiona with a few that were really flrst-clasB. which, luckily, had been sold mo wUh the rent.

Bail(i*ned with my own folly, I *ol(l the wholf callmioii to CaitHlanl for iheli(, wMli moil- M'tiHe than I hod ahown wt'ediii na( Ihe patunhly faije tem*. IrfliSme thnrhe“ -ainl liy aeiiinK (hem all to th* Brit- lih .Muaeuiii U wo* a if*«on for me. anaun.fem Iof aem. Jr, **’* «l*ne»thi-.^i e r"i '“ (tinning, and 1’J. ! ' (njro lf iniu u with an ardor whichaiis souji Us own rewjird,

j'"''! (■.i;l“ uled yjBlta to th* *X'

g lon told It higher pricet hen, there or eliewheie.

The " Victorii,” il $2, ii without any (xim- porison. It raorb ■ new epoch in gkne rooking.

If you've bceo thinking of gloves to give, it will be to your advantage to see these. Other sorts, pf course.F in i door, Ninth »t., and Hsennd flcKw, Broadway.

The kind you want oj I D cc —very full w i t h ^eck Ruffs plaited ends. It las been hard to keep enough of these in stock to supply your de­mands for them, but we have just lad a big arrival, and can venture to tell about them without the fear of inviting disappointment.

For the same reason (aveiyheavy order) we can make the price $1. ![t was $1.50.New W earables tity, f r e s h

J „ , f r o m Lon-M en’s and Boys’ Articles

The Rumion wolf-hound "Tartar,” it how- exer, oU nerroui hiwpilalityl Like in untried boitceL ahe olmoet exhaiut* henelf in the ef- futiTeneei uf her welcome. Bui then she ii ooly recently from i little Gennin Tillage, and hiBi’t leinied our cutomt yet.

A pure white Puroenniin, who ween i lint ptue ribbon, and tbe Blenheim iptniei, ' Tod- dlei," who (atrice e third priee ribbrni, etcdi won et the recent pet dog ibow, diride much tttenltOQ between them. Tbe bnulifnl collteS "Nme. Nicety, ” with her two puppie*. will e^te lympethy for the wiy the ii km by confikting erootiQnt,—prideftuly wdeaming your admimtictn o{ her bablci,—cruelly iniiotit *■ to your intenriont conccTrong them.


There Are Othersw ho** co ad i io n o t m ind Hko th a t of a c e n tla m a n from M adiaon w h o r e m a rk a d recant* ty t h a t ha w o u ld Are/ b e lte r It h la po licy o l L ife Inau ranca w e re w ith th a M u tu a l B eneflt o f N ew ark . S te p h e n & D ay , D Iat. A g en t, No. 7 7 6 Broad S t

SO it goes. If you have never watched, you have no idea how much of human interest there is in a good dog. There are about sixty good dogs here. The Bench Show, fifth floor.

In O riental Guise

While you are here go up to the Ori­ental Room on the

POST & FLAGG,ATiatwnoI th< New York .Hiook BxotiaiUa

Mill* BulldlBK, Niw ¥*rk. B R A N C H O F F IC E i

774 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J. ILt'BED L. DERillS, Resldeot PdriDir.

t'luDh'inr tilFrltM* Win Kf w York, uuMAjtA HoUaialpi**

hDd ML Loou.

ElitgbllBhcl Tp'arihOFHP JW-

O. F. CONLON.624 and 07S F ru d e n u a i Uullding.


I ought or Sold (or t:x«h or on Virvio l*rlTxta v im cnitttooUoi wito «om«pogiaa)ii

in Kb w Tork. HiilodciphU aud Hihugo

W.B.SB1TBSC0. Moildoiu <-an<uc.

Bankers and Brokers,“T O - * H r o n c l * * t r t » o t .IHirct wiTW lo Si'w York, Hiiladalplil* *ut

Chicagu dlock Exchanxex'IKLLi MOKE aiS.

W M . L IN N A V L .E N A C O .,6TDOK B.toJKSNa,

■in HnuMl W., Newark. 00 KraaOway, IT. T. (Not'1 Sill* Bonk Bulldlu*. i

Buy aod uU iMocta Bondi and Otola •* .T* o YorkExctiaiiiiwtiiil (Akmqo Boonl o( Trod*

, , , cither for ciih or oa m atila BriToW win*third floor and see what VOU shall New York, ltui*d*lpt>ltaiid Chleato lelepiaoai y, „ , _ ___ lOElu NitrarL Telepiuma IH* Broad. New to r isee. E Eastern fabrics and Eastern

styles and Eastern ornaments and the semi-barbaric splendor of Eastern colorings attract you, you will spend a long time there.

Oriental decoration is an accepted thing in houses Occidental. This room is built as an object lesson and a source of idea. E you ate making a Turkish room or a cosey corner

PRICE. McCORMICK t CO.! SrW York (itock KlclUli[t(i UrmlMn | Board ol Trod*

7 4 0 B r o a d S t . , N e w a r k , N . J . WILLIAM F. MUrtl, rUntgor.

KicluilTa wire*—N*w Ynrk, CM(**o Bhile delihlaaDd WatfitnotoB.laLE. UU.xE 1«IT.

in a Turkish style, you should come of w ^ n g a p p ^ now in favor ] ^nd get "pointers."

There is more than the decora-

Flne Lace


_ - ____ **.ire tch fn maK«s the wee elochlrifi »nd the prim mutllh eklrt lu which the iedy ilolticroBg the grvxl ooean to the ehopa In.thu b lf cities of Amerltfi, where Bxntx Claus KO«*s each ycxr to buy his dolls.

All through the rainy ssMori the falltcr also I lu shout (he tlrsslds working with his fsmlly. On Friday night, the fallhfiil frxu pxeks (be dolls In Urge, nhrtlluw baskets, and prepares x lunch of bmail and cheese, for the Saturdsy'^s journey la long, and Hans may have to carry his basMet twenty miles or more before lu> reaches the vllUfe or town where the commission m rrchsnt lives who is to buy his wares. Hans Is very proud If h<- Is paid s i Hie rule of one mark h day (atout twentywflve cenls) for his dolls, but If he be paid a t the rale of a mark and a half u dsy (thirty>seven cents) on account of hav* Ing brought In som r eHt>erl«||y fine dolls,

'his heart It so light and hJs hopes so high (hat he singe all th# wav home as he car­ries basket of “bis curled b tir.

nsnliM,'' Kids and

A Newark BarberHat Betn Clottly Confined to

Hit Shop for Yaara

Th* R**ult Was Dytp*p*l* Whloh Hood’s a*rs*parlll« Our*d.

“ Owing to eloM oonfln«n*nt lor b s s i p o u t , I in lh io d ■ ooTOt* tlogo o l dy*-

' popol*. I bad s very hittai U sto I* m f M M th Is (ho morslng. I took siodl* tla * (or 1 long tlra i w ithout bonoQt. FiatUjr I docldod (o try Hood'* Bonsps* rlUs, s s d It boipod ■* (rum th* i to i t . it* sontlauod ui* sstlroly esrod m*. t l s s s thou I hSTo nerer boon ■Ink bn i ones and I *g*lD retorted io Hood'o l u - •opsrllU whloh did mo u moeh good t t hotsN . 1 wosld not ho wUboot It usd(w

dlnuBstoDoiMi. I h*T* recommoBdod i t ld m y IrlTna* and u n i t In n y fnmily whsMYM my wll* or children har* to * A oD dobtronblodrnted * blood puriflor.” HaU T 1* llOBsui, 100 U u lte rry Btroet, l le w u k . How Joney.


"T h it," I replied, "1 cuunoi rl.i, ym, m in t' . ' . . . . . . _g ir t mr a lird In the puil'M if jou Imv,. rui! ' W h ich A lw a r* P r e r e * a nather I'laue." "W ell,” Huld He lioit luuuh-i r ise n Neaamc (o r CowYoCOatlaa. Inf. “ I'll nee whai 1 '-an dc" Ho. wJiil.' From the Chlcafo Chronicle.1 w ti taklnf mipiii'r hi' Hurvi'yed iliu i H-* I* one of thooh rnthuild*Uo men fround and at Ittkt retut ni>l to teli me fi.i 1 whoae hobhy i* hi* friend*. HI* Chief aim

I'n* 1 /.I'?'’’ tT 'i i •" Ilf* ieem* lo be fe llin g thoo* ha rao»tre''wo"u';,i''ht''eT.„;e'p!tr:,rr!:'rI n-plli'd ' ’slncv I can do riii k iier ! m uai' heaving Ihem lo |f«t acquaintedacrept jh a t." fn due t1ni*‘ hT' unnount-e*that alt WAS ready.

J found a pltjasanl Unitwith gas, a bright Are In Uic (’i :i thing looking rfe|li, , . v'Ty-

clesn HIM uT(i K tivf,UflEix V4'ry iVred, 1 lost no (um in NfMnc ( ItK’d. AS iisiml, 1 left ihe gni« bntnitilooked midcr (hs bed ami m ih-- ■ Imki-i i,j sec ihMi neither men nor i-jkih wi-r.' imy. whvMieunceakd. 1 was nomi t.i.ml aNlceu when suddenly I found mytiMi in Hul strong grasp of a powi-rfu) tti.m. .\\ iiie iHtue Insixnt s pry of UeHiHiir reru \}u- nir, an ugunlilitg voloe shrlekvil, ' uti, uif motlior: 8av« me!" T en ih ij rngiiiMir i j ilirang from the bed In ho-iur. Uui all was Htlll. 1 searched ihc rui>m in vuln No one was there, the gu!« wuh f.u] liurulng Ihe door looked, everyllilriif ns [ h-fi it going to sleep, 0o I c<iii. li}.ii',i terrible experience! had Just lim) niuHt hav-« bn-n « nlghlinare, and as J vuiji ilioreugiily tired by my long jourtiey of ihi< iirfvluuti day my PXcKemsht w as souii overcome und ‘

while he wrltea u le lter or attends to some cquaily unimportant piece of businsss.

Not long ago he causod to booome ac- uua)nif‘d a niun whose one desire la to ihormighty understand africuU ure and a hroAd-mlndcd, free-thlnklnff lawyer* who fares no more about Why things gri)W than u gol<lflsh does for a moust. They arc belli liMrilligcnt. but the only thing slmllAr iibuiit liicm )s th a t they both w e ir glass-

this Is Mr. Brown* Kow, If you will excuse me, I'll Write a istter,"

I iiiulCHViulntiH uf Pnmiicll. th la Imerettrna

*' M.",',. '•'■‘'•y. (tiuwly. no“housRA beingiijiirt- iiiau thrvt' or four

>n,uuht IlKhi in the c (,u r» r,7r rh e ''w tn 'lei. 1 (hirffiife proposed tu (he Authnri tlca |ii unilvriiiko a t niy own coat the s»x' eavnum, „t „n ,'ntlr« district of lim uefl'

digging, and. nf cntiraistfir riKh, niVy dSfri"a?'lW ?'»irX. ''■orhiuei) and of their over*their over

I only rcKi rved to myaelt the preroxatlve of luiriiiNlni; or dimlnl»hiB»

with the careful dressers of London and op the Continent. ,

There in btndiome dretting gown* of pine ■ilL it $60 each, and tnloking ca*6 at $3S. New ideas In tilh suipenden for men, at $1 * pair, and toroe otben. hand­made, for men and boy*, at only * half doUai.

Then then an Ihe new ttyle* in iciifi, In muBlen, In woollen veits, and in pajainai that you're sure to Uhe, and to jmeed, too, *1 to meet your approval.

Men'i Furnishing Btote. Ninth street.High - grade laces

„ , such as these areC urtains seldom reduced in

price at this season. So we submit that these, of eSpei^ly good values, are of unusual interest in this holi­day-time :

BnuBii Lace Curtain*—The $55 kind* ate now $48. Those that acid at $25.75 ate to go at pO. Some $24 aorta an marked $18,50, tod the $19.50 quality have th« new price, $14.75.

ARABIAN CURTAINS$11 kinds now $9.50 $12 kind* now $10 $12.50 kinds now $10.50 $18.76 Idnda now $15.75 $30 kinds now $24.50$75 kinds now $58.

Tblwl Boor.

Holiday Gifts■' practical things,o f T ovtcIs deftly united with

daintiness. The towels themselves form the practical part,—the pack­ing of them in a holiday box, the daintiness.

Boxes hold six towels. Trices are $1.50 to $3.

tions to consider. The room is piled high with Oriental richness of every sort, —fabrics, lamps, weapons, pipes, tinsels, embroideries and musical instruments.

Some rare piece* of Oriental Cotton Printi (curtain tixe), $1.50.

A large and very fine oRlecfion of pillowi, covoed by ouradvet with Oriental atuffi, $1.50 to $10 each.

And a proainent arrival ia a bale of Phnl- carrict,—rather rare piece* of tcatile art, gotgeoiiily embroidered, $6.50 to $11 each.

■ifaMIlheO tan .■ . C. rrtedBia* A O*., Bonlwn and Bnktt*BUa NCH lUtl HAKKICr BT.. NBftABK , jy J.

(Lon* Dutanc* Telephoo* liur. Nto^tt.i Main Otn» 10 Wall >t.. New Tort Otr.

UtaitKni I Kaw Torti Con. Btoei ExcKaKe I New Yorti ProduM Exelun**..

Bloofc* B'etdi. Qralii and Provtiloo* lu u ault. carried on moderate raunriu.Csamlieioa M t oer oesL

I lotj le



rproS'ot"^th e C h ase j p c c ia i hoHday

display. They are excellent skins, and beautifully mounted. Very effective with their big, handsome savage eyes and ravenous mouths.

Red Fin, $10 and $12 Wolf, $12 to $25 Shver Foi, $10 Leopard, $40Lym, $12 to $15 Pan&av, $40Grisly Beat, $50to$150 Tiger, $65 to$100

Have You T hought Of a T ru n k ?

ber. im ilh ’*, ";.'>*"'‘''l»hlng their num rjtrjT. i,n,j being prpsent at ail iheircij||TuUoiij4, I llk^wlAe pledged myaoif to jlTihli th, fXf.-avatJon of (he Qlatrlct either In iw(j. ,,r ut moat t h r ^ wlntere. But >ny KtfHt "tupefactlon tny offer Jvolti l[ H'au a cotJhldFrable fin

M agazine S ubscrip tions

We take orders for almost every magazine pul>

('ohhljFrabie’ tTmo before1 t’ljijlcl iiircerUiln the reaioaltVhi'Ti truft'a! plreil (hi(t Jhe B u te had In Jin pay a large

"M r. JoiiH

Halt! niln>‘ ulihilri’W

A % w n a , < i c Ihost in nil

irqi . ..r iti

ii u iual way* aa he

ni4'j- both ligiKtctj clgaria and tbe law-th« W iV4*r Iji'KAn A nory of tiHt. Tht'n hr lofi) a better one,

but It frli....................... _ . , but (hv

HXN«'utinrj*t intTely eml'lod a foiat* far- nw«y nmile. Tbe lawyer lallwd of a nlf- livuii i-H>re hr had Juat Ivon and of burner* oiiH well-kni]wn I’AMi over tbe oounlrv, Imt ohH«1 forth no in iw o rln g rem arki

fell asleep again. Only a (fw moniFnis' lUs vom[janlonv Hehad empeed, however, when I ttgoln m i ’ - ‘(he clutchee of thoae iK’inieralu iirmn Rh<j I my f a n were filled with thr sonml uf that 1

diicouraad at nd^all (he lableiixtli ujTon Ihe lh#itr«« am-------- - -

5-si. nuixli' hall Kuselm but to no avail. He -- , narratfil on the virtue* and folUntri of

•luravaaiu shrlek: ‘ Oh, save me, molherl PhAL and modern ilterature* roll^oTi* art.J«ve nipf“ Again 1 ehook off ihi? horror, HVleniN , tin- Australian ballot lyatera andamt. fully awake, convlneed mye^lf that niKihirtHl poiJiies Hie companion llitcned,I was alone, and th a t no one had entori-ii; hm euitl nuihing, ehowlng h | w ni not Im

“ ’ lly 1 grew calm, and I t<T**sifrt. In dffinalr, ih e » '’ A.T. _ _^s.In drifipalr, wyef oom-then. from eheer exhauellon. sIlmh om-r 1 mE-noed a aisconrse on th e mhtebflc ihow-It. ■ - —

I ,v rav utvi.*; buiuw wiav*. »<•» «iia. a*uu . iiiii PUI'Imy room. Q radually 1 grew oalni, and I t<’resied

'rum aheer exhauatloii, 'At y real wa* aa liricf aa

erlSl WOK ' mialrsi Klu ..dtial/rtmulaiu raSad ____A bright Idea

1 Hfv >on wear s|iectac1ei/' be io!d, ''I t

— - -- Xi bi-rorf, for when he notlred (he agriculturist fo­nt an In iun t^ It stemed, the grlu wa» mi»ve hlH-spenaoU-B and wipe tbem on aaroiifttl me an^ the voice (ore ■! my very ! turner of h k hondkprchlef.

‘Oh, save mOj mother! Awv* \ '-ume to hitn-beartstrlng:tnel"It la uarless to reht^arflu the contlmjed . . ............. ...... .........

torture of that night. Suffice It to say (hat | of w-pgrlnK nose glanses and ipectactes. I with (he dawn only it ceased. i auppow you have worn both? Can you tell

When the maid cam e to make the Urc 1 me xhet it InT'

. you ----------ia Bald thvre Is a vm i difference In reiuUa

■he said1 ^plled: '1 have ha'd a night of IntensefflirlVnrlflll' ’*n$a *' ah* Ui t rui4 Isiur Ink.,

"Ifow (ltd you nleen. tnadame?"........................fh '

nil." "Oh,' cried ah*. l,pr»llnE into "I told them not to put you In this

iutturimtear*. _ . . ____ _room. A roan illtid here yoatorday with delirium treineni. HI* crie*could ho heard over the whole hou«e. For iJayi hi* epn- etaiit opue.l watt: "Oh, liv e roe, mother!m»'"Save me

Thl* alartMug corroboration o( my recent Impreaalon* quite unnerved me. I begEctl the raald to remain until 1 oould leave Ihe room whoop wall* had wltnetaed and were •till rtneating the (Inpalrlna appeal of th a t d ittrte tea enni, 1 never tnlnK of th tilahMn Indiana po He without a ahudder.

ihi aurlcullUriel had, could and did. He(Hiked on what w*» the wetter with hla pye*. what he did for them, how certain llKhte and thliiae affected them, what aort of iirlem* to wear, who Is th* be*t ooullit, and IlHiimeO attentively and eagerly to Ilk* reinurka from the lawyer. When mine hoot rwiunietl they were alUt dlocuoilng the HUbJrct, and were apparentllr tn* heal of frleniie. Which eoci to prov# tnat, no nintt. r how far Bport your evoryday live* may he, whether you are a man or a worn, aji. If you wear Klaa.e* there la olwwy* a hond of fellowililp and Intereit between lhat I yon, and an oiieti eeaame to converaailon -■ ' Try It Home tfay and

-I e ' ‘0 -ilB. other* 7oit.Thi.'k, and It wae In the Iniereet of houdH to prolong the work 0* lone

■i» liiwulik., and they by no raeana dwlre! Ci hove thla pleaeunl Btnte ot thing* uo.et

At the Villa Maealmo, o p p o ilte lf i .T h n l.)Uenin, dwelt a certain Cheeco, who aci- "iilL" I'-very morning this llu l,

d man took a walk among the neighbor, ink vlneyiirde and had a gootlp with Ihe "WILT* and tlielr vlne-tlreseerB' Any oo|. I*dor, therefore, who called upon Checco ul home wa* sure of Rndlng aoraethlng In the way of » m * or coin*. The old man wa* obHolutely Ignorant of the value of

andgtkul luck, and a happy Inatlnot led him to huy the best atone* only. Hla nri,...

lisbed, American or foreign. Shall we enter your subscription ? We charge as tittle as we can.The Book Store Blnlh itreet

It’sa ser­viceable gift, and

E you wish to make it an elegant one as well, here’s the chance in the VuittOD trunks. Made in Paris, and no American trunks are nude like them. No one else has them in this country. Vuitton's specialty is malting hia trunks light as well as durable, and he finishes and trims beautifully.

$26 to $91We have everything of American

make aa well, ^ course, and they don't cost as much as the &mouD Vuitton's goods.

LARIsilW ^ W


YOU CAFT LOSE*t f m paoKftg* guoToaitad or roue mootg '

fbcdqdt o.n Y o u A « k M o ra l

f'llcf bo mon than tht " jttti M tooA"wittrat<M Uf fini'dati grnnttg tmywiiJ, C. Smitb & Wallace Companr,

n x w a h k , m. j . aele MIUen'Ageol*.

Filth Boor.

JOHN WANAMAKEKPormerly A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, 4th ave., 9tb and 10thats.,N. Y.

TEETH!New York

Dental Parlors7« UOAI IT.,

a E. Oor. Bnad A Xvkto

a n im a l s w it h Mt'SliliR A F P B T iT K I.

buy the b*»t «lone« only. HUtyrioe* w*re low although high enough for him tn ™illae a.oqiMlderable prptn. and hla dour

lilh sb o f l-ls iso tth * Oa* T m lUood I>sri|*r. AB4ri| | 1*U. SlialatorSK. O otoalylfost'i.

Uvsf llaq j

M avlaa 'a V e r ilo n o f Ih e O o ld ra Text,From Truth.

Marian, four ycare old. la a dinning little Mt, Vernon gtrl who ailendH the Methotllft Sunday-achool. Not long elnce the golden te x t,o f the week cliancrti to )>* the veree from Matthew commeni lng "1*1 your light »o shine." When Sunday o«mc Ihc llttTF. inild t r o t id off to Hunday- ochtwl with hor older hrothcri and alaier*, and' when the teacher oeked hec fur thr -'golflcn tex t," *hc promptly itld from her oMi and imnvuleeil the cUiji by rcpeatltig grawln -Itaaa Four taa Mrnin'.’'

IHofrenee MlHmaaeeafaoJi.From tha Detroit Joiimal." 'ilk — ............til inr prld 111wltli that iHtitcrn'r

"Hello, .... with the air

itcnc:" ii'iieii” 'out Alexander, nil of familiarity which wa*

comtiKinly Kltecleri by conqueror* o ( the -------------- „ ''W hat are you doing


world In ihoie iiaya,


'I (tin lorikltig for an honeat man. re­plied Dloijcnei, correctiy oonjfotBrlng th a t he wa* addreulng a ttrangar In the city.

"lih. 1 thought perhkpi *su w areM Flng off an I'leciinn hell ‘ * p la l ia |9 lh‘ monarch, fnr thaiie crnllgui.n S u s id ln t . men I* were h-oomlny t r |^ i^ ~

w a. conetantly beeleged by all the dealer* In Mom*, whom tor a long time he *uu- pllfd largely. A t length the amateur* found him out. and oircted him price* for hli ware of which he had never dreamed anti from that time he always put aside what was beet, so ,th a t they might hev* the rtrst choice.

In the Home o t Ihnt day, no less oele briiied than hie nameenke, there was an other Checcu, who kept a tobaeoonlet'L shop In the P la ia Borberlnl. Like Checco 1.. he wa* a dally visitor to the vineyard* beyond the walls, and wss keui supplied with the antiquities by the peas' ants who came on Sundays to buy his efi gore. Fine gems were hla specially, also and every week bis ollont'* provided him wlthia certain num ber of excellent elonei Ip dlHiHMi* of. It wae from him th a t M, I’auvert de la Chapelie bought the cameo signed Dlodotus nnd many tnlaglloi of rare beauty

H a ts ln a , Skew ers O th e r TfalngeW h lc h T h e y O e ra s lo n a tly S w a llo w , '

From Ihe London Mall.Th* novel operation mentioned In our

yeelerday'i liaue of th* removal of over •lx Inche* ot hatpin from the neck of a Kitten l l nol altogethir without preoedent. A Dolly Mall representative, tn the court* nf some brief Interview* with leveral lend­ing veterinary lurgeona yeeterday, heard o t many itranga aocldenta that befall do­mestic pet*, and of how sclenoe h a t on many occailons given patnlea* and com­plete relief.

K ittens and pupplei, and cat* and dog*, It la stated, am frequent au lrem * from a lack of discrimination In swollowtnt thing* never Intended for coneumpllon. Hatpins, meat-skewer*, knitting needle*, and ofdtnary needle* and pin* a re among the article* they hav* been known to ■wallow. Only recently • tiny fox terrier waa submitted for profcaelonal examina­tion on what wo* auppoead to bo an ab- ■cen In Ihe tide. The eurgeon, however, decided that a foreign body waa present

B**t material I highest tk lU t tonwl p r l^ and t writlen guaranto* with aU worX. Gold F l l l ^ )Se. up; Bllvor Filling, SOc. lo TSe.1 Alloy nil-

ring, TSe. to • IJW iW ld Crown, Snwt mod* U.OD (ntbori eboit* W and |u i lor Uu lamo): Kxuaetlnt without polo. SOc.

owner a fu rth er supply of the drug w*i given, in d a pogt-mortam revealed the tnloilni gem, I t 1* attributed to some c i ts that they ih o w an Intemperate Inollnitlon for win* oorks, and frequently iwoUow them. Othei* awalloir needleo, which graduilly vrork out through their ikln, ■nd there Ig a cage on record o t on omnlv- eraui goat th a t awillowed * psoket of ■mill naedlso, and for »o»e m ontni afte r­ward, owing to Ita porcupine exterior, wae a terror to (he email boy* who attem pted to to]ce oT o e it on Its back


R. GRAY, JH,tome rab-Pol wMte rotoe, guinea nlge, .^.™

igehoga are «l*o Included in 'v lurffton'B pxtlvntx. Mott ot

Ihrif xUtftenii how«v*Y, medlcxitrouble*, and tholr corapIalnU are ywy little different from thoo* of their youthful owners, in whoae eye*, however, ihe in-UWIlUrUy III WJIVW l4VW*'VMa* e-valid’* s la te I* s momonloui m atter. Dog* with foteu legs and. falee »*Uk

A dT erfla lng oet HI* W ife’* O rsT*,From the l.s>ndon Tslegraph.

A good deal ol excitement hae been caUMd at Lye, near fftourbrldge, owing

and nothing oould, of course, b* don* with­out the mend fu I aid of chloroform, for It

to Rome J'vtnykabK t pr^esdlng* ' a ^ lh epublic cemetery. The wife of H. T. ____Her (a member of Iho Boolely of Frirnde) died some tim* ago, and the widower ap. jilled to th* caroetery authoritloi for per- inlwton to place ■ curbing |o the grave. On tht* curbing be proposed to reoord deceased'* name, with an additional men-tlon ng the title of hlo own buiinee* ea- tabllthment. The L»* Urban Council re- fused to allow th is IniMriptlan to appear.on the ground that It wa* an Vdveftlio- ment. Mr. Webaler, however, after a Ion*• maiske iUra r«Aiae.*ii .... at.- IT.7conlroveniy with th* Council on the » u 5 Jwt, put In the gravoatone* *■ propoied. The Cotmcll o.-dured th* removal of the stone* ctmlafBihg Urn inscripltpn to rlb . With.

I* both intereiitlni and gratlt'ym g t i know • ----- " ------- ■ fill of opoi ■

.... b*i...................obstaid* wa* •ucoeuriiliy removed aiid tol

th a t even the least painful........... . . . . y^(,|iced te Th* I

..a ore*-------------- .tlL , . .. __the point projecting between Its rib*. Th*

ration* l* .m il to be

placed tem porarily bayond The re iu li u t Ih li opar-


never attempted until the anlJh. The rei'uli u t t h l a ___

--------- , --------- _ .,’ooqenm eat akewvr lo the terrier'* atomacb, vrilh

w erated on the reach of poJh,■tion disclosed th* presence of

day tbe tiny pet ti a s tr iik y ■■ *v*r ItAnother smstl apanlol paid th t penalty r it* avarlclouineH with It* life, malsly

owing to the fact that It* owner wo* *oomperetlvely poor deg entered tht ' upon the dresgii mond ttu d wot O rd ln an emMlci t u n u s i f Ul

oh. One m oriM f^the,om. and lie Upped u| w or six L^oflicl,

on t! Ul

mentioned previously in Th* Deliy Mjlb ■nd U la only recently that th* wffa ol a well-known mUllonalr* had a hattao?™* leg Donstructed ot yulowtlt* in with ■toot oprinjn. ntted on to » p | i ^ l . ^ h o » . r e p a w hod beoi

d silver her toy

lepaw nod b**n ampu- fo lia aitachm ont coal .soarly

twenty gulnta*, buL of oouroo, thl* wo* for a oanlne orlitoorat. ^Thg fall* Ug for th* mor* plebeUn poodle

• t of leather lUled with a few ihllllng*. OiaM

,____ tale* Ug for th*j( uiually a socket '

Ihalr, coating“ id

hor** l._ ..,____________ ____ _ey** for <jal*-*nd dpgi ar* suite common, and are *qtd to (It litem especially for tn* dutU* of dlsperomg rat*.

S o a re lfy o f T iti Ore.From Youth's Companion.

Th* area of the op* a jld i ot tin hS i 1 n U . . The *Tt*m is at I snow ml* taff *Oaf of.Mi* ge

cantiy boon sia w in rlitngly small. Te e compared wlllt i the world. Th' Imes the exunt, < roat H uroe T* (it

ilUvBroat Huroe i* la t( tratti seUleiBanlt..

1 9 0 M a r k e t S t r e e t .IF YOU NBM3

H trd w d f i , P a c to r r B uppU ss, R lum lu« « ' , S t s m H t t s r g ’ , C o a t r i c t s n ' o r M I U S a p R llM e W r o u i k t ir o n P ip s o r F I t U a g t i B o M n s , H o m O f P m iU h i , lig itg r o r H p o C o v o n o g , K o p o . W U t o . B o l t * . , o to -.

i/LL tut USA '(KLItFaOKII Ho. 4k


W ater BoUIal, gyrlagoi, ■ * « • sad Wagoa Caver*.

Boot*, ghee*, Ceou.

Ladies’ and Qent^:MackintoBhfii^;'^

D. F. SEfiB r o ^





Decei to I

Ao £ of Si Impo

C O l.

The Ml the II

WA lam , last n BaVai a dell hesdeglnU,

Colt quart be re enthu tog h healtl menti from

Afti Tamu -was cratlc

"I 1 doubi Hove the SI Pen p

■ tjlar I define

cloud "I

Toloi telkl pHril; Jorm th* ' tem p -their |)Olltl


"I over Judfl Nrya glvln been of BIthe-wlileitablbIn t tthoetVniti

h a VIUDnot.ever

■plr llevt 7f w (ppli only b e rof t: blUt thel leap



ABBL et 0 o« Commli eonvsni dabgte■Moatlnseodsmuigsnloatto *001 moneta gold *U ■Uiolna ■ygtam. Amsrloi •d Attl Board c oluttonii“v?d*f




A GIOTHM EVENT OF S W m NPIKT«IGE-T0 lEflN FUDAT, DEC. ISUl-IO LAST 10 DATS. Manufacturer’s Reduction Sale

It has been our custom to wait until January before deducing prices, but this year we have determined to make sweep­ing reductions NOW, when SAVING PRICES will be most appreciated, and before full three-quarters of the community have bought their winter clothing. We know by experience that it is better to take cost or less than to “carry over” large stocks.

Maoflfactarer’s Redaction Sale.

December 16th» to Last 10 Days.


An Event of Sweeping Importance.

MEN’S OVERCOATS.All overcoats in these groups are in complete lines of sizes and are cut in the regular or full length, and in the short or box style.

Group 1.A U th a $ 7 .0 0 O x f o r d n e lt o n

Overcoats, $5.50.Remarkably well-cut, stout Oxford Melton— 11 a 1 i a n sleeve and body lining. $7.00 was our m anufacturing price. Now $5.50.

Group 2.

Overcoats, $6.75—w e r e $ 9 .0 0 , a n d c h e a p th e n .

Blue and black kerseys,made up on best lines— fancy Ital­ian sleeve lining, liberal French facing, Italian for body lining. 9$ or $10 would be a modest price.

Group 3.

Overcoats, $8.50.—w e r e $ 1 0 a a d $ l l .

Fine Blue and Black Ker­seys. Telling examples of good tailoring. W orsted and Italian lined, generously faced, silk velvet collar,fancy Italian for sleeve linings.

Group 4.

Overcoats at $20— iBcludJaK a ll o u r $35 g a rm e n ta .

To say this group holds the far-famed "Essex,” in its fine Oxford and black lamb’s wool and boucle, is saying a good deal for G roup Four. "Essex" trim is finest French worsted body, double warp satin, for shoulders, and a double warp satin for sleeves.

O ur finest Black and Blue Kerseys are in same group. A clear saving to you of a $?.00 bill on every coat— but it’s a sale price.

Group 5.

Boys’ Reefers, $5.40— to n n c r ly o u r $6, $7 a n d $$.

Made by our own boys' tailors, which means best kind of fit and finish. They have that stylish look that wins parents’ approval. Sail­or and ulster collars, fabrics chinchilla, frieze* and astra­khan—some are braided, others are plain. Sizes for any lad from J to 8 years.


Extraordinary Reductions in the Trousers.

The $2.00 Cassimere and Cheviot Trousers tor

The $2.^0 All-wool Fancy Cheviot Trousers for

The $3.00 ancl $3.50 All-woul Black and Fancy Cheviot Trousers lor

The $4.00 and $4.^0 All-wool Chev- iot,CassimereandWorstedTrousersfor

$1.30 pair

$1.90 pair

$2.60 pair

$3.00 pairIn Shoe Dep’t, A Sale :

$ 3.65 for $3, $3.50 and $4 Shoes.A gootl sale to keep the (ao th iiia: reduction ccmipaiiy.In all our shoe selling we've n e v e r had the g o ^ luck to

give you larger shoe worth than in this particular instance. In n o case were old prices under $}.00—m ater part of them are $4.00 value. If you’re any kind of .1 shoe judge you'll soon see that.

Fine stock, nature.shanc lasts—Russet, drill lined, viri kid and box calf, vici lined—Bull Dog, Rugby and English toes.

Every size at start of s.ale. Can't promise to say that in a day or so.

Derbies and Alpines-$1.40.The Regular $2.00 Kind.

A two-doliar bill is what you have often paid for seif-same hats. The quality, the style, the Liouj^ W e a r is vouched for by us as S tro n g ly as you please, it's a s.ile to strengthen old friendships and make

/f >1 ' new ones for our Hat Store.In Derbies and Alpines—black, brown, pearl—l l , 4o.

Men’s Cheviot and Worsted Suits.Group 6.

Suits, $4.75—t l u t w er# good w o rth a t $ 7 .0 0 .

Cassimeres and fancy cheviots, wide range of patterns, dark neat ef­fects and rich overplaids, deep French facing, Ital­ian lined, substantially tailored.

Group 7.

Suits, $5.75—previously $7.50.

Still better than those in group 6 —in as wide a range of patterns— made, up tor looks and service. $1.7? saved at this sale price.

Group 8.

Suits, $6.75—w ere $H a n d good v a lu a .

Mostly velour faced cassimeres—our famous $8 Oxford cassimere is in the group—the stoutest, handsomest suit we’ve tailored at such a price. Itliiian lined, cut and trim­med to perfection. Looks $10 worth.

Group 9.

Suits, $7.50—m a d e u p fr o m $ 9 .0 0 l l n e t .

Fancy cheviots and cassimeres—one of our most p o p u l a r lines. Splendidly g o t t e n up from lining to smallest detail.

Group 10.

Suits, $8.75—w a r e $ 1 0 y e a ta r d a y .

Of black and blue wide diagonal cheviots, black and blue Thibets, fancy cassimeres, fancy chev­iots in checks and plsiids. Not a suit in the group you’d "turn down" even at$tO — they’re unusual worths.

Group 11.

Suits, $11.75—$ 14 a n d $ 1$ lA n ta .

You have known our $ 1 4 a n d $ lJ qualities too long to need much of a nudge— immense assort­ments. Fancy worsteds and fancy cassimeres. Perfectly made.

Maonfactorers’ Redaction Sale.

December Ib tb - to Last 10 D ays.fl

Event of Sweep- inf; Importance.

This Sale Is NECESSARY in Order to Dispose of an Immense Stock of Winter Clothing. Store Open Evenings from Saturday. December 17, Until Christmas.


Tile H one, Quefttloa, H . B«y.. Will Betbe l ia u . In IMO-W bat the (JnTera-

, roent'a Calnnlnl Paller XhouM He,WASHINGTON. Dec. I l-C o lo n e l WIIU

tain Jcniilng. Bryan arrived at H o'clock l .a t niKht over the S o u t h ^ Kuilwny from Savannah. He was met nt the depot by X deleeatlon of representative DenKwrats. headed by Messrs. Bubicr. i,ontb, of Vlr- Blnla, and Hay, of VtHtlnla.

Colonel Bryan waa conducted to Ills old puartera In the Metropolitan Hotel, wtiera DO received the congratulatlona of many entbuaUstIo friends, who had been aw ait­ing hla arrival. He looked the picture of health and happiness, and w as oompll- meoted by all on his graceful retirement from the army.

A fter explaining th a t his trip from 8a- Taiinah had been safe and pleasant, he ■was asked what he thought the Uemo- r ra tlo Issues In OK would be.

" t should say the money question nn- doubtedly,” replied* Colonel Bryan. 'T be­lieve the Chicago platform still embodies th e sentiments of the muss of the Amrrt- can people. I can see no reaaun fo r a pop-

• ti la r change of mind on any of the Isaues deflned In the Inst national plalform ."

"Then you do not think the war will cloud tha oW question t" woa asked.

" I do not see why It should." replied ro lonel Bryan. "The fact that people are talk ing alfcut the war does nw neces- parlly Indicate th a t they have abandoned fo rm er Ideas which have no reference to th e war. People can dlscuaa m atters of tem porary Interest without forgetting th e ir political views and abandoning theli political prladples."

A reference to the atatem snt Issued by Colonel Bryan In Bavaniiah was made.

" I think « great error has been made over the question of the Philippines In Judging the pupuIaV mind," said Colo>i«l Bryan. "The sentlmenl which opposi.s the giving hack of the Philippines lu Spain has b e .n mlatalcan for a sentiment In favor o f Bnaeiatiop. One.does not follow from th e o ther by any means. There Is the wiliest poaslbja 4irrerenc9'betwe«h tha e«- lablU hm cnt of an indeptndwu'govermpein' In tha PliUlppInea and ta s auneiatliin ' of those Islands a s Colonial 'Rpasesslons a t the U nited States.

"Let us give to the FlHpliios w hat we hav./prom l»ed to give the Cubaits. Tbnt is Democratic. The oeising of the Islands Is itot. To do that we should havs to forget everything we have learned within the last hundred years. Instead of breathing the ap lrit of Lafayette, we would beuotne Havers In the poUny of Wiwran H a s tla ta I f we believe in the aoquisiuon of the Fhit- Appinee, we m ust aaeuine that la tfayette 's only mistake waa In leaving free the land h e had helped to make free,

"W a have reaponslbimies In' the m aiter o f th e Philippines, and the g rea t feepotisl- blUty Use In the necessity of ^ v ln g tbem their freedom end preventing their mo. NesWIon by foreign governments."

Ootonel-Bryan Is on hie Wey to Iilnaefn. Neb. He wDi remain In 'Washttigton lo i nsvaral days.


Ma««y QuaeUerirM CUastdared • FeliUeal M atisr a t Aabury Park,

ABBURT PARK. Deo. UL-The leading e ( g oommunioatloo from tha Executive Commltlae of tha Indianapolis monetary MnvMUan praolpliatad sm oortmonlous dabqte yeatarday alterndon a t tha annual i B k ^ g of the local Board of Trade. Tbs CMBUKLuoicAtldn urgeil thd oondi^ercUl or- ganlsatloni of ths county to wdrk unlladly to a ^ u re conservatlva and reaw nable m o M ^ y Isgiolatlon th a t will glvs tha g iM standard the perm anent form of law. •Uinlnata oertafn wsakneasas CroA lb< o y a te ^ and so fo rtltf it thgi g |i form t ef ■AmariMn monay will be readily raoognls-

*i.*“ !^.*“ * over. TheB oard of Trada waa atked to adopt a res­olution u i^ n g the palling of a ipe id tl aes- Uw a.” «» le a l with monetary

Rev, William r.who etunipad th a |

comm w b l^Boardw i t h ----- __

x r a ^ lX in w DsiHmrmt, dmMed th a t the 4oou*lormt, dmi

TSSS ‘ (Witioal n ■ ■■■Jlin o n l a ttefnpiM .to dtiItloal nature, pted to r

and wag desla


Agreed to by the geaate.WASHINGTON. Doc, 15,-The Benalo

canflrmed these nominations yesterday: Nalheii O. Murphy. Arliona, to be Gov­

ernor of Arlxona.To be Consuls—Alexander Nelgartner, of

Ohio, Catania, Ita ly , and John W. Luts, of Ohio. Arlca, Chill,

To be members of the Industrial Com- tnlsalon—Thomas W. Philips, of Pennsyl­vania; Andrew L. H arris, of Ohio; JohnL. Kennedy, D istrict of Columbia; Ellison A. Smyth, of South Carolina; John U. Farquhar, of New York, and Michael D. Ratchford, of Indiana,

Colonels to be Brigadler-Generale-Uom - llton B. Hawkins, Jacob P. Kent. Guy V. Henry and W illiam 8. Worth.

Llemenant-Coloneli to be Colonels—Cav­alry, Thomas McGregor and Samuel E. Whitslde; Infantry, Edgar H. Kellogg, Richard Comba, H arry C. Egbert. EdwinM. Coates. George H. Randall, William S. Worth, William M. W herry, John H. P a t­terson, Henry B. Freem an and Clarence M. Bailey.

Lteuteuant-Colonel Henry W. Lawton to be Inspector-Genefai, wltJi the rank of Colonel.

Lleulanam-Colonel Amoe B. Kimball, De­partment Q uartermaater-Urneial, to be Assistant Uuartermaater-Urrierui, with th s rank of Colonel.

Corps of Engineere—To be Col.mcl, Lieu­tenant-Colonel Samuel M. Muiibheld,

To be M ajor-Ganerul-llngadter-G eneral Jacob F. K e n t

Colonsli to be Brigadlrr-Gi nerals—Ed­ward p , Fesm on, William H. Worth, John H, Page, William M. Wherry, H arry C, Egbert. Evan Miles, Ilrnry Carroll, Em ­erson jH. Ltsoum, Ju8..|ih T. Haskell. Cbarlss D, Vl«l«, Anruu S. Ihiggptt, John H. Patterson, Theodore .1. Baldwin, Charles A. W hittier.

Brigadier-Generals to be .Major-Generals -Sam uel B. U. Young. Thomaa M. Ander­son, A rthur UaoArthur. Kruncls V. Greene, Wtlllani Ludlow, Samuel S. Sum-

U lv a ra Recapm uadad fee Nn.*Kllanbeio ger Beoanie Npaute OMerted Bar.

SpMlal to the EVSNING NEWS.TRENTON, Dec, 1&—Special Master

John B. Humphreys, to-day submitted to the C haaetllor a report recommending that Caroline Ellenbergor, of the borough of E ast Rutherford, Bergen County, be given an absolute divorce from her hus­band, John Ellenberger, who la supposed to be In New York, on the grounds o f de­sertion.

Mra. E llenberger la sIxty-one years of age and her spouse la about ilxty-saven years old. They were m arried in IBM In New York City, after a month’s courtship, and lived together Just live weeks. Mrs. Ellenberger is comfortably flied finan­cially and conducts the hardware buslnesi that waa carried on by her flrat husband, John Lang, prior to hla death In 189, The Special M aster reported th a t BHlenberger dsierted his wife because of the fact that he bad m arried her In the expectation th a t she would support him without requiring him to work, of th a t she would furnish hint money to emberk In bnitneas, which expectations were not fulfilled.

Mrs. E llenberger tvstlfltd tha t a f te r her drat husband's deatlg ahs sold out the hardw are business and went to live on E ast Fourth street, New York City. Bhs mat Ellenberger a t her brother's house, In New York, being Introduced to him by a Mra. Uotfmsn, who lived close by. Mrs, E llenberger avers that Mrs. Hoffman told bar E llenberger was a good man and wealthy. . y

" I o rly saw him a couple of times," the alleges, "when he asked me to m arry him, and as Mrs. Hoffman said he w as a gooj man and had money, .1 believed her and consented to marry him."

In a tew weeks they were m arried a t the residence of Rev. F rancis J. Schneider, pastor of s Lutheran church In New York City. A fter the m arriage Ur. and H r i Ellenberger took up their residence a t w hat bad been Mrs. t« n g 's home, on Fourth itre e l, New YoBk, Mrs^ Lang had lived alone gt the place, with one ser­vant, The wife cbargfs th a t about the eecond week after the m arriage Ellenber- ger begen to ask her for money, atattng th a t he waiuejl to gq Into builneia lu prooMyn. Mrs: Ellenberger says she did not have more than a thoueand dollars In reedy caqh. and 'aha refused to give It to him, telling him be ought to work. She alleges ha said, "W hat, a m an m arry a rich woman and then have to go to work f Finally her repealed retuaaU to give him money angered him so th a t he left her, and the couple have not lived togethei- since.

Mrs. Bllenberge^ Antlnued to live In New York until uM, ^ e n 's h e returned to E ast R utherford and repurchaeed the hardw are eslabllahment, which fauslneee she attll oonduots. .

-------- ------- a . .....—FODRD l*BIVINO IR *T» B CANAL.

D n a k a a Man fXwoa M ofilitow a MeaBy Porlafced la ley R[Bteim Raar Dover.

Siwrlal to lh« BVANfNO MEW8.DOVER. Deo. 11.—A mep, very drunk

and very cold, wae found driving a horae In th e bed of the canaL near She raeetraok of the Dover L«nd and Driving P a rk As- soolatlon. In th is city, about U o'clock Tuesday night. Ths man waa too drunk to tell how ha got In or to know 'bow to get out, o r where be wanted to go. AH th a t he could aay waa th a t he was front Uorria- town,*He had barn In the water,- and hla cloihaa w ere froxen atlff. The bdrse waa almoat exhausted from being driveh In the loy w aters. •

A rthur Loaey. who liyta near th'a race* track, and Robert UaUart, heard tha m an's orlee. and together they managed to se t horse, man and wagon out rif the oanah, _ . -----------

Gaie o f b lp h th a rla as Prlaaelon. -PIUNCSTON, DSC. ll .-T h e handsom t

ohibhousw a t tha Ivjr Club la P to iaaat a ta - n u t I t o lo M uhtn a fte r the CarlstiBag holldai’a, SM la ouarantlned on aooount of a o a ia ^ d lp h f t ia r la . F . C. qoldabw ; ough, a member of the club, is a t prsaent Gonflntd l^.the.InfeptloD ward a | th e In.■ ' ■ ■ ith —

Ja p a t sa La be cats OatHiaed.BAN FRA N C I800. Deo. U.~Unlted

e ta ts a I m m ^ s tlo n Commlsatonar Narth has drialned for extmlnaUon tBIrty-flya Japanasq contract lahorsw , who have giv

— h«to on 'I rived im r^ M te a iw

ner.Culonsls to be Brlgudlnr-Gcncrals-Bem-

■ c, Irvlna !•’. Weston.

_In;___ _ _ -- - - -- -u»l Uvenshlne, Charles .Met', lieeve, Irving Hale, Richard Comba, John 1'. Weston, Edgar R. Kellogg.

Lleutenant-Coronels to be Brigadier- Generals—E ars P. Ewers, Cliarlea F. Humphrey, G ilbert S, Carperilcr, John W. Clous

Aauatant N aval Constructors Thoniaa F. Ruhm, L a w m irr spear and I-'roiik B. ■eahm to be N aval t'onsti uciors.

k i l l e d o n g m a u k (;r o .sn! n h .Two MSB and a Horse the Tlctlmt of an

Aoeldetii.NORRISTOWN, Pu., Dec, 15.-A grade

'crossing aocldent. In which iwu men and a horse hint the tr lives, occurred a t Camp Hill Cniailng on the North Penn division of the Philadelphia and Ketidliig Kallroad Tuesday afternoon. John E. Price, aged forly-ave y e a n , of U tah street, Phlladel. phis, and Cburlea Megorgee, aged twenty- one y ean , of Cheltenhom avenue. Ger­mantown, attem pted to cross the railroad trocka in front o f the Brlhlshem express,' and as a penalty paid their lives.

Frqm papers found upon the bodies o f the two men it is believed they were em­ployed by W alter Michener, of German­town. And were canvassing In the country dlstrlota. When their team was croaeing the tracks the pilot of the engine struck ths horse w ith terrible foroe and In­stantly killed th e animal. Tlie vehicle was reduced to kindling wood and the two men hurled some diatance from the l racks. Me- gargee's skull wae crushed and he was othetwlsa Injured. Price was also badly cut about the head. Both were killed In-

the horse was struck It fell upon the southbound track, and had the engl

■ not been sig followed.

Aua • u u iu m i iu iu IXdlAms m-iSM S'near of an approachliig train not beep sig­nalled a Wreck wouw have


Q aeni-W hU leld.YORK, Dec. IB.—John Wahl

Miss Rebaoca Bird_____________ _ httflej^were married yaalerday afternoon a t Ins residence of, the bride's parents, 1« W sat Heventy-fouftb street. Only relatWes and tiitlmaia frle id s of the bride and g r j ^

flrmary. The health aulhorlUea deedded were p n se n t. The brideemalde w en U lsf th a t I t w u best to clow the club and send Vlrglnl4|N7 Van Leuventgh WhltBeld tM the m e m b ra home. This was done yep. Sue B lrt W bltneld. Loijli Apgar Queen, terday. No fear la entertained of a spread of the dlaesAe, U overy preoautlon has been taken to prevent an epldemlo, e r a the Ulnsat of I t r . Ooldiborongh has been pronounced «f a eUght n a tu ra

Sue Bird WbUneld. Louis Apgar Quwm bfothsr of the groom, was beat man. th a uahara ware H e n « Davli W hit- nald, Edward Alemaodpr Btevsna Dswla, P le r^ F. Cook a P d F , N. HI ton.

C aptila (FRHOB'a New Comwasd.NEW YORK, Dm , lB.-*"Dynamtt# John­

ny*' (yBrian s ta rted fof Cuba yaaterday on b w d the k ttle ferryboat J, fl, Srink- erhoaTwIdoll he expeoie to take all the«swad ---■*--- hawm Wowta .d-WKM Ktirhl ln»Fkway »i


REV. DR, SHIELDS NOW A DEACONThe Prtnoetea PrefSaaor Formelly Ordalo-

ed In New York Yesterdsy-Hla Ac­tion er Last Spring Kevlaweil.

N EW YORK, Dec, IB .-The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Shields, of Princeton Uni­versity, who left the Presbyterian Church fu r tlio Protestant EplKOpal early In this year, was ordained to be a deacon of the la tte r Church yesterday morning. The or- dlnetlon service was held In the chapel of the Good Shepherd General Theological Seminary, Chelsea Square, a t U o'clock. Only a few iqwctatore were present, if the atudem e of the seminary be excepted.

Bishop LUUeJuhn, of Long Island, pre­sented the candidate to Bishop Scarbor­ough, of New Jersey, who conferrsd the apostolic rite of conllrmatloa by the lay­ing on of hands. Bishop McLAren, of Chi­cago, read the epistle for the day In the celebration of the holy communion, which followed the ordination. The Rev. Dr. Al­fred B, Baker, rector of Trinity Church, Prlnm ton, preached the ordination ser- ihon. The lUtiiy was said by Dean E . A. Hoffman.

D r. Shields's devotion to the cause of church unity, which he* had long labored for, and certain doctrinal pointe which tho Bpiaoopal Church held and practised more In accordance with hla own coovlotloDB, had drawn him strongly toward th a t Church. Hla resolution to leave the Pree- hyterian fold wae hastened by the aglU - tion over (he Princeton Inn and w h at he considered the fenatkal vlewe of m any leading Presbyterians. I t le thought prob­able that he may be o rd a in ^ to th e pneet- hcKxl wllliln a year. Meantime he will continue to occupy bis chair a t Prinaeton, th a t of harmony of science and reveaJeu religion,

CURFEW CAL'BEg A ROW.Everybody la Vtpolaud T aking gjdoe far

or Agelnst thd propoted O nllaanoe.VINELAND, Dec. IB.-Curfaw h a t raised

a Jolly row here, and It la the ta lk of the town. Two of the leadera of the Methodist drnomlnatlon are a t odds over the eurfew ordinance now pending before the Bor­ough Council Mrs. M artha Keigtaly, pr«a- Idcnt of the Woman's Chriatlan Tetoper- anue Union and a loading member of the B'lrat M. E, Church, Is a atroog advocate of the curfew ordinance. Sha’prooured a lot of signatures to a petition asking for the adoption of the ordinance and preaenled It to the Borough Council.

Rev, Ell Gifford, paetor of the F lra t U . E. Church and p ru d e n t of tha W est Je r ­sey Grove Caihpmeetlng Association, took exceptions to Mra, Kelghly’a atatsm enta th a t nothing but good could come firoffi the curfew taw. Ha called on Council to hear the other tide of the question and de~ nounced the curfew i i severe, un-Amerl- oan and unjust.

H ot argum ents followed hetween the m lnletfr and Mrs. Kelghly and tha Counoll dnally bad to proclaim a truce and a rrange (or another meeting, when the curtew itee end antl-curfewtles can m an b a l their forces and fight the battle to a nnlsh. N early every one In town la taking tides In tile controversy, ,


A hpeeoh la the Belchetag—T h s Caban In g w happly,

BER LIN , Deo. U .- ln the RelchsU g yes- terday the debate on the budget waa coii- tlnund. Count von Kardorff, leader o f the F tee Conservatlvea, condemned ''sentl- m eptal German sympathy w ith S p a in /' and welcomed the appearance o f the "g re a t and vigorous Amerlpan nation" am ong the colonlxlng Powers, H e said he hoped thaL In accordance with B ism arck's prlnolple, commercial questions would be kept separate from political rslatlona, for, i t this were done, Germany could be on very good terms with the United S tates

Baron voo _^lelm ann. Im perial fleore- t a r y ,a t the Trteaury, denlea th a l O nta

vwiMhII%Iv In Ahsa nmmis #ia*bam_ a ...___.vT

away Ionathe w ar, and It would taka ‘a long tim e to r ta to re tha devaetited iHatitattena,

Mmy OaoM »ol, muiod atasMi.

_ _____________amU* Q^ufaoturar lo uQd ba»*wn In this oountnr myt rollowtnir hii prolcMloD of neera He had roo«|ved lanre e u w i from the old country, whip* frMiy. For the Jut iwo month did not rum«,.-aiid he v a i i

'- - e i ry . A fell

filCK ftOLDlEKH .^T MANILA*A lt«d Croea Nnre* They Are Baler

9 Treatad Badly.HONOLULU, Dec. 7 via Ban Urancliico,

Per. IR.—Tha United Btataa Iranaport Scamlla h a i arrived here from AUtiUa, which place the left November IS. She brittga a numbf*r o t offlreni. nlneiy*-one Ola- charged and furlou^lied men and two Rad CrtWB nuraea. She brlU fi the larfeet mall th a t ever left Manila—id* earks fur sen Frandaco aud one fo r Honolulu-

The vestal will resume h rr v ^ a g e on or about the tru th UiitanL Mlei SuhaefTer, a Red CroM nurae, who went from Honolulu to Manila^ arriving there Heplember returned here. Hhe makeH etartling chargee as to the way United Stales soi- dlere are taken i-are of In Maidlii,

*'Scoree of the aoldler hoys,'' she auj-a, ‘'are dying fu the huMpItale at uMsulla Juat for want of iM’op€i ]40urliihin4*m. They ftey the Government aUows «Ii(ty cents a day for each patlcnr. You cun buve Uuaeiia of Uvea on five cents a day.

'*Oh, the u tter W04$ uf i Iyh Thehelpleaaneaa ot them! Mt-n as Lirlijlu, a i noble aa Ood evt‘r inurji', (flvnii up to death, hoping for K, ned.'hlng it, taking poison, doing anylhliig m at will end the despair th a t cornea upon them.

*‘B«elQg nothing b^tore them but daya of paJu and nlghia uf wreichedneus, with- out proper food, aiuii* , with no one to give them iyjnpHttiy ur cheer, tu write to frlenda, to soothe itu* ai-Jilng brow* or moisten part'heil If. by sheer endur­ance of nature or ubHiinacy of vitality they do gel better, ilit-re before them nothing but the blili more olieerlene period of convaJesceiK-f*. viMh probublllty of a relapse utid the old vieuriness of desj)alr to be eulTercd sgaln. No wonder thfi-e nre six or i4‘vi>ii funerulFi n day. No wonder tha dc4uliiouse is n t 'v i impty.

“And outffida tile hunpiul, and even In It, such Indlffrieno*'. I'vtiy considerationuf rank atitl posHlon, eiiunbbleM about prc'* cedence, ]a<-k of conHlderatlon In pra* icrlblng und pr<-|>HrliiK foud, wlillo men are dying, uui muiely uf huari hunger, but tor wunt of lumiishmt'nt.

"I huvo gont* iliruUKh tile wardn day after day, un'i 1 3i>oke to thJa one and that* und tiii-y poured out ihelr w-oea. Men who du noi Wk-nr ihelr hearts on thvlr aleevt A cried fur the pure aguny of their l9nciliH't<» and despair, madif poig­nant aiT'i vivid hy their own telling of It.

"1 gut HU i c'uuld not go through the wards, \vhnt could i do'/ I saw the ueud of care, of pi upt-r (lour^shmeut, of the most ordinary huspltal in;atin<»ut, and was ut­terly helpld rn 10 do uiiylblng; Just one oog in the great remorseless grinding ma- ObliU! wliuHu in,Ill-rial wos noble men and Whose grist was death*

*'L do not iliat attendants of theboipltala a r ' >Mrt'P as or indifferent, Many AM$ trying to do their best. There is a lot of wurthliieMR and uiiselli»hneaia among the aitcndaiH^ si the hospltale. < Rut (here \m so mucli int-xpi-rlvnc#, so many clogs to those who would do much. To think of an attendAMt going through a ward wUh a pall of b<>«'f broth, ladling U out to the fifty or Hlxt)* patients IndticHmlrfately by the cup full. In the whole pall there was not enough nourishment for one. even If it werti madi' of the best m aterial But what It really was made of 1 shut my eyes and refuse to imagine, In a whole Ward then' h* not more than one nurse irtth skperlenoe, and for lielpera only one or two awkward boys who perhaps never saw a sick rooni l>erye/*

Operated on a Kseok-kaNKl Tenth.Ba TONNK, J>«. 15.—All o ^ ra tlo n wg«

Dsrfomifd In (hr new Bt. L im es Hoepltal yaaterday aftfirnuon on William Morgan, i youth of suwnteen yasrs, who has knoek-knrt>d since birth. The operation was to remedy this deformity. The sur­geons carefully divided the hamstring smsclee on Morgan’s legs after be was staced under the Infiuence of antstheLlos, and th«h sewed up the incislotis through which they operate* The pailent waa re-


moved to a cot on which he -wUl rmai until the wounds heal. T h w T i ••]!WrS lw '\ that he will leave th e l a ip l

itb perfect liniba*

HeUtwl the Ntsta aad Btrl|ws.

tne Amen* u** -v-iaAkh took lilac*' on Tujwlay, by I n u ^

a brief proi laraatloo. He than e rv U n ^ the UtillSd Stale* a.nilCyhan triMpa In the city and conferred ■»ttn prominent ofH- aeiiB raaardliia municipal administration anil Ihe affair* of th* province. The United State** troop* are quartered abont a mile "rid a m?a™er out of town. The Cuban aoldtera will probably b* enrolled aa oon. •tabulary^_______

To Man tha Ckttoae,JRT TOWNSEND, Wa*h,. Dec,

Nippon Yuaen Kalsha liner Kmahiuam has arrivsd from the Orient w|ih Mlr . . . ... nV.**,.

IClJCO . .ChitOM. buJU lu tbgx

has arnvsa iFj,. ^ ----- , . ...letie bluejwkeu and offleer* on their to s in FHnijUro to man the newanei

KKKl.y MUTOB COMPANY.Failure tu Secure a Quorum Prevral* a

M eetla(.PHILADELPHIA. D*!c. l6 .-Tho annual

meeting of tha atockholdera of th* Keely Motor Company, whtoh was to ha** takan place yesterday nwrtilnff, could not bo bald because of th* abaenc* of a quorum, A m ajority o t the lOD.ucil ehare i of the com­pany wern n<*eea*ary to hold a metUng, and yeaterday morning only S.EI7 aharea were repreaented, Pri-oldent B. L. Ack- ermanii, uf New York, failed to appear, and^S eerrta ry Schuellermaim presided. Ttae^only builneas tranaacied wua the reading of a communication from Mr. Ackarniaiiu and adjouriimenl until De- oember 20.

President A.kerniann'e I r i i i r detailed the death of .Mr. Keely and hi* elTurta to get an Interview with MrH. Keciy. which finally reautted In a coitfci^s*-* with her a ttorney, Charlea 8. Hill, on December C. The le tter contlnuea:

"On the eleventh he wrote th a t he would prepare a written eiatem ert and present tha sam e to me not later tUaiithe tW rilUeth aa to hl« uplnlou of the relatloni cxtai- l u between Mrs. Keely, a* executrix of of th o aatate, aud the Keely Motor Com­pany,

"In 'a jisw er, I eiigKraied an earllar dale, bu t up to dutu, (he iwcntleth alanon a* th e day fixed. Tide action of tha board was taken lu view ot the following:

"PlTit. On Information received dur­ing tha tifetlm r of Keely.

Second. On reioluilon of the boanl, patead October £> IKH*. by which Rudolph wae aelsotei] by Ki*ely ue expert, to pro­duce raaulta on n m circuit engine, and appotnUng Mr*. Kc*dy aud myeelf iruntoe* yf th e paton t paper* to t>e filed In Patent Ufllc.e. In oaee of emergency,

"Third. On not being aw are o t any un­friendly o r hOHtlle leiitlinenta of lha ex­ecutrix of theoeta to agatnatlhe Keely Mo­tor Company, or any uf He directors, nor were we even aware of any roaocii what­ever why such should or m ight sxiat.

"Fourth . On direct Information from Keeljr th a t manuacrlpt* were In existence explaining Aot only the prxbtlcal opera­tion of all devU'ua machinery and «o forth, but also hlw llienrlee and the phll- uauphy or hla discovery.

"F ifth . Knowing, or, at leael, presum­ing, th a t with such m anuscrlptr In the pOHsaaelon of th e company. In addition tu th e devloea, machinery, and eo forth, thara would *xlet a very favorable chance In a tta in ing reeulti. and th a t without such, or th e eame paper! In poaeeeelon of unfrim diy o r hostile penone unknown to UP, the condition under euch hypoiheele uppeid'ed to me very proldemetlual of ever feU tng e t rniulie. or If lo a t in y time, onlyTn tha te r future."_________

GKAHAll UAMAtIK CA8E AGAIN.Valua e f a Cblld'a LPe t« Come I’p la

Cwart far the Titled Tlm*iJERSEY CITY, Pec, l i —On the calen­

dar of th e Supremu Court branch of tho Hudson County circuit for tha pr*»ent term I* the eSaa ot Abraham Lincoln Gra­ham against th* Cooiolidated TraoUon Company, which became couaplcuopa bee ceuxe of the opinion of Jusitve Gummare In setting t ild e the verdict, an opinion th a t cauaed considerable criticism as tha Court held th a t under the law a child 1* a care and an expense, and that large damagee couliJ not be idslmed for Ihe Io n of a email child, le It rendered no ser­vice to Ue parents.

G rab tm ’e four-year-old son, Melville, wae klHed by a trolley car In front of his parents' home on York slreet. Suit wa* InetUuted, and Graham obtained en eward of K.tlW d a m a g e s . Tho oaae was appealed, and ths Supreme Court set the verdict aside. Graham refused to compromlm, and the ease was again tried and again he obtained aa award of tS.WO dam ages The caa* waa again appealed and tha verdict was act aaic*, I t wae on th* eecond ap-


peal that Juetic* Gummere w rote the o p l^ uiti that aniuead so much coramant.

i t la said that If Ih* verdict should agaii ba for k>,tno the Supreme c o u r t wtU not In.tertere.

W einen Ceevlel Ileaap tu ed ,ROCKLAND, U*„ Dee. U.-GI0** Careon

'Wtalta, aarving M ta n o a for manilaugb-tar, who asoapod from the U alna Stats pTUon a t Thomaston, waa r ic u tu re d last night In the town of Cuahlng. ’The prlaon- t r was found a t the boui* where she ad ask in g .to r food, BoUi b w feet froeon and she ^ p a a re d glad to get tq warm quartera. Cbarlaa dw Plun who eaoaped In oompahy with Ross 9 la yet a t large.

Reeelvev Wauled Car Dlattller*.TRENTON. Dec. bS,-*PPUS#Oo" haa

been m ads to ChalwellorTfoQIll for tha aupolntmaot of a raoalvef for tha a raa t WfilU E i ^ t s Company. The aMUoailon la m a d j^ y th* AmerlMn Surety patty Of New York aniT lha Atl* lionet Bank of Boatbn, and d«laraa..tl)*t

Oppoaes Yfaldlag Aaythlag to the Mraet Rallwsya-Agalnat ll•lT l|aa 'a Flae.

CHICAGO, Dec, IX—Poriner Governor AItgeld, In an tnlervlaw yveterday 00 hta position In tlie fight against the fifty-year franclitae extension, said:

"Our people are making a great blunder In lha light. Thry ai-e putting off two yeara a t least the clay when the mu­nicipality will own the streets and the railways on tbimi a trae is..

"Tha corporations are sharp enough to see th a t they can shalre this question and ' get thetr franctalset extended to twenty years for a email compensation by grad­ually yielding with an assumed 111 graci. Why, th a t I* w hat they really wanted all the time, and they will make A very good bargain for themselvae and a very poor one tor the city If the controversy result! that way.”

Th* Mayor says the cUy will not be able to buy III* stree t railroads f o r twenty yeais yet, and denouncea the elatemenla of th* furmer Governor, and the fight be­tween th* two Denioorallc factions Is on again. The M ayor's friend* say Mr. AIt­geld has allied blmaelf with Yerkes and tha Guveriuir to "down" the Mayor,

.Ml GA.MBLING UN THE TRACK.geheuis uf Itookiiiakera for tha ftesaiap.

tiun of Raclbg a t Gultaabnig.ittU luK EN , Dec. lG,~John U'Leary, a

huLel-keeper a t North Bergen, who say* h* has eeciirrd, witli Patrick Sulllvao And I'ld tr Hentie, a l*aa* of the old Uutteii- buig racetrack property, said yesterday: "W e Iturnd to have hotaeraolng, but will pruhlblt bookmaklng and betting on tha track. If we do thin 1 do not oee how tho Hulhorltle* can interfere,"

it la understood that It Is the Intention of bookmakers and poolroom mrn to ad­vance money for. the purses and then conduct their gambling uperatlona outaklo uf the race track property.

In an Interview yesterday Rev. W. R, Ackert, of the West Hoboken Reformed Churi'h, who took an active part In tha crusade against the old Gulleiiburg track, said that Ite did not see how the suthorl. lie* could liiterfere with Ibr lessee of tha track prcvldlng tha t bookmaklng and hot­ting are prchlblled. "If they |iernill gam­bling on t! track," said Mr. Ackert, "we Shull bcglu another crusade against them."

ss*w -h fu r i 'o T tla a d G lv sa Up.rnOVlNCKTOW N, Mass., Dec. U —Th*

•xpedltlon In command of Lleut*nant Hal. pine of the hydrographic olfice In Boston, which for llireo days has been searching for iraci'S of wrecks on the tip end of Cape Cod, m at of the Bt**m*r PorUhnd among them, has been abandoned, snn the Lteutenant haa returnsd to Uoaion.


-A T ;

8 ii e m ST.A b ex o tlfu l Uiw of ^

Toilet Articles!B n i s h M ,

C o m b e , n i r r o r i , C o lo g n e B o t tle *.

A v e r y eelect a e e o rtm e n t o fJewelry IScarf P lu.

B ro o e b e e , U n k B u t t o n * ,StiHU.

Lockets,Wefebee. Etc.

Fancy Sapphires tPrlsae Right lor Everyone.


A .

K E W A B K E V E N I N G N E W S » T H U R S D A Y ,


WlTw of Foreign Ambuudon tt PeUng Sires n Cordt&i Reeeptios.


rira t niTM u A adtoim Ut Ika CMpraa* p»««C*T u t i th« X u ip n u wA TMit tjMit lU u l « MitMcta Kxpnl*-l i f riM «an~ IiaM l> *M r r w Aw • Thwt>i«il r a r fm w M * • A ru*«< ll M H h -O Itt* fbr K<«h aftk* Rarlr.

PK K IN a. U^c. IS.- T hi niirntreu* dlffl- cuKlui htvlfic b u n tliiAlly o«rvunn>, ih# S n p m a Dowaaisr y*»t®rd*y pui1loiir(> to lh« wivwi n( tb» Torelftn Am- t« n tO o n anil M in ltirn . Th« laditi tii- am hlpd a t ih* Brlil»li L tttito " anO pro* oatdMl 10 ih - palaca. At thf mtranoo to Ita prreliiCta a group of gof*wuily anraytd Haodarlni m rt thorn and coiidurtod Ihrm to ttia groat hall, from which aovoral CUlnoao tadloa l•anaurtori them to the aiiill- tneo chambor

Tho Kmpro'i^ Dowagor * a t oratod uiion a data behind a lablr docoratod with ctarya- amhomuniB and apple . a lih ihr Kmprror at har laft hand.

Claude llacdonald. wifa of lha tirltlah Mtniater, aa tyoyrnne of th t Dip- lomatli' Oo'pa, road a a p w h In Kngllah .■aproaalng brr plaaauro and that of tho uihar ladlaa a t having an opportunliy to taodar ttarir .-'angralulatlona lo tba Em- prtaa Dowagor on har birthday, and alao rxpnaaing the hop# that lhair nap inlghl ba foUowad by tha ladlaa of China.

Tha Kmpraaa Dowagor having rrturned ihankA lha ladlaa mountad tha dala and bowad bafora bar and tha Bmparor. lia r Mafaaty ihan praaantad aaoh with a ring of paarl and gold, which aha haraalf plat-ad upoB tha racipiani'a llngar, after whkh lha ftwwign ladlaa rvttrad to an adjoining hall, irlioro a aumptuoua ChlnaH- luncliaon waa aarvad, Prinoaar Chlng praildlng.

Aftar tha luncheon a crowd of Princaaaaa and palace attaiidanta entarad lha hall, followad by lha Etnpraaa Dowagar, who waa aoeompanlad by the Bmprraa. Tha form arla dtaorlbad aa "of aallow comptaa- lon and datorm lnrd In axpraaalon, but wearing a charming amllr." Contrary lo Chinaaa eualom. har face wai not palniad

Tba Bmpiwaa la drarrlbed a t "aad, maab aad vary pretty." The Kmpraaa Dowagar cobvaraad with lha foreign ladlaa. tailing I ham aha hoped llfay would anloy their vlall. Whan taw waa aarvad ahe drank bw a aaoh lady'* cup, and, thortly after ward. In « burat of aromanly amotion, am faraevd bar vlaltor*. Tha party than ad Jaarnad to tha Palace Tbaatra, iraveralng tba gorgeoua oorridora.

Tba tbaatra la a huge halt, with a plat- f a m In lha centra and boxai rouaiructad ■wt plala glaaa circling around It. At lha ooaamaneanent of tha ptwaadlnga iba at ago waa occupied by a crowd of high mafldarlna, who, oa tha appearance of tha IMiyloaa Dowagar and the Kmpraaa, lol- aaialy kowtowed thrice,

Tha play, which waa long, waa acted by


•eTwa, lh a DaAwar,** a iv a *a a Hla M ethada a f W aab.

From iJie Clnrinnatl ICnquIrar.Thomta eimpion, allaa "Tom lha Dod-

f « r ’' who !■ known It: polli^t clrciw oii over the country, mat aavaral paraont In a Cincinnati raiorl one evening IMI weak, and after Indulging In a ft w dflnha ha be-

..„ntioi>ntlal In hla lalka. Tom'acam* conlldentlal in hla hlnla lo houaeholdara ware quite inleraet-

Among thca* who llalanad to himing. vho had often lackedwaa an ak-dalacilva.him up yaara ago. ,

"Tou aea," aald Tom "lha public tham- •elvaa aaalal ua a great deal, or man In my line wouldn't ha able lo bring off aucr-ae- fully ona-trntli of the Joba they do now. Kor Inaianra, however careful hotiaakaap. era and their larvaiita may ba with regard to window faai'nlnga on lha ground floor, aa a rule they pay llttlo allentlon to thoar of room* upataira, being abaolutely care- lata In many caaaa. for even when the fail- rnlnga are In good order they are often left undone . .

"W hat la lha beat window faalenarT Well, Itierf alii'l uny gooil, iinlc-a It le two wedgei forced down belwei-n the eaahee one on each aide of I he window. The acraw lo fl* tha ababae, aa wall aa the other 'aafe' dodgea. can aaelly ba un­done by cutting out a f leca of glaaa. Now tht wedaai. If you 'tum blrd ' at ooca m atth ire wera'wedgea. could only ba got gt by

ng two holai In tho g la « . .and then. If frly I1*rd. Ihey rgnu be ahll naking more nolea than wa c

ing while on bualneia; more la thla the cane If a bell w ith a col

properly ftxrd, out makindoing

. and men. If ... iitey ran'T be ahUted wllh- more nolea than wa care about

more aapaclally_______ _ _ 1 apring

,r. uttacht-d 10 the window."Tha leal lima 1 waa 'copped' waa

through one of them coll-aprlng balla- not on a wlmlow. It waa like Ihle, Ute houta 'went tor' wai occupied by an aocan- trie old mao, well-to-do and owning a tidy lot of plate. The -epottar' I employed managed to 'gat around' and walk out with onr of the aarvaiila anil front har ha laarnaU that the m atter wna vary aua- ptcloua of domaatloa, laying trapa to catch >m giving away drlpplnga or odda and cndi tnd BO on, in d tnfeUnc ill o (o lo bad bafora hr did.

"Wall. 1 felt aa thla waa ra .oar a tickllah Job, bui an Td got a key made to lit the back door, 1 decided to riak It. I did and I got Into tha houaa 'aa aaay aa winking. Reaching me drawing-room, whore I knew the plate waa kept, I hauled It from tha cupboard and, aa everything had gone off ao well, aal down to have a real befprt packing It up—walking on tiptoe It tiring work you know. 1 hadn 't aal thrr* flve mtnuira when, hang! I fell a crack on the head and 1 knew nothing more until 1 found mvaelf lied handa and feel and two policemen atanding over me.

W h e n my trial came on, and not un111 then, I diSfovrrrd that my capture waadue to tha tact that lh a maatar of the houae. In order to find out If any of the aarvalita came downitaIra after ha had ralirrd, had placed cotlon acroaa the paaa- Bgea and alalrcaaae, ahoui ala Inchea from Mir ground, and attached it to a cull apring ball In hla badroom. tn my Journey up­ataira I had, without knowing |i, broker lha rollon and B ou n d ed the alarm.

"Of i-ouraa, lha partlculara aa lo rooma valuablea, locka, wlndowa and hablla ol thoa* living tn a likely houae. logyiheT wmalliuaa with wax Impreaalona of kayi, etc., a r t obtained by 'ih a apuller,’ a man who haa nothing to do with iha acluat burglary, but takaa a th e re in the haul nevarmelaaa. A tpoltaT ' may ba any­thing from a hawker calling a t the aar- vanta' entrance, Ih r 'gaa man’ calling to lake the meter, a w alar Inauactor lo aa* If

any leakage, or almply the ffor bmngl devoted 'follower' of one

(glaaa aunucha. An acrobatic partormanca iaMawad. The v lalton ttaan rrturned tothe dining halt, where waa larved a won-dirtol aaaortmant of Chinaaa awealtnaala.

Hare the Empreaa Dowagertea and wine, again aad * her appeirancc. In bidding bar guaets adieu aha axprataed a hope lo aaa i m b again. Tha fortlgc ladUM ware aaaAuctad w ith th a aama altborale cara- ao n y to tba palaca galea, each racriving •raaenta.

Tbraaghout the procaadinga the Km- paeai Dowagar w af axtrematy cordial und exlramaly gracloua to Lady Macdonald, whom the patted playfully on tha rhrak,

Tba affect Of the vlalt will undoubtedly ba very graat, aa the Chtneae regard auch a daparinre from ancient uiage aa more laportan t than any political change.

TALKED WITH THE CZAR.lath a Eaapavov of Muttia feea Rvllt

COI*Bliall0B-"Agatul Ike far- I Ulan *f flhlna-

LONDON. Dec. H-IA'llllam T. Slaad, writing wUh reference 10 h it recant v ltli la the C iar, aaya hi* Majetly la amiravy

atad by good will for Great Brllaln, ba brought from India grnulna I fo r Brltlah rolonlal adrolnlatra

tile C aar la aald to have awrow- Mrvad, "oolonliailon lom alltnet

there la the time

leakage.f t devoted

of tha aarvanta.Juat a word about laddera. In targd

ealabllthmanta I have parlluularly no­ticed the care with which all laddera are locked up, while Juat around the cor- har, parhapa lying In tha open, are tha clothaa poaia uaad for drying or aun-tiring

maa from the laundry.



ADJUSTMENT SALE m,O X ’' ' T l l ^ • > •

David Straus StockiB lttato C w « 4

U m b r « I U « Ip raifu

P re a o f C b a r c o .

S. HEYMAirS,208 to 216 Springfield Avenue.



Annual Holiday Sale.Prices here 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. Christmas

Presents for ail. A smalt deposit will secure any article for later deliveiy.

Some things particularly suitable as Holiday G ifts at from ONE QUARTER TO ONE HALF less than the prevailing prices. Don't miss this great opportunity.

lOO doaan Chlldran'a Fine Quallly Woollen MUtana, all iltaa. regular value lie,, while they Uat,

10 doaana rh ild ran 'a Pine White Fur Sate, muff and boa. aurh a t lamb’a wool and Thlbal, w arih |1.H,

U M B R E L L A S .lA dlaa'tnd Man'* M- Incb Kngllih (llorlt cover, p a r a g o n frame, alael roil, n finely otaoriail lot of handle*. Inalaa I of 7k-....................





W ith Bilk rltatlc, rO r leather fliilirhedcndi,

gold platcil bucklaa, put up In prctly ■Iwi lop bOK, P^ll regularly iL tLOQ.. . -

Mad* of Ane raliiw proof miiterIttL cash- mor* weitvf doiach*

etp^ with Inlaid velvet collar, W to SD-lncI) Irngtha, the quality th a t uaually rrtatla at IS-TTi. a tiTie Xmaa g ift, a t ..........

6c. pair. 9 5 c . Act.M A R S E IL L E S SP R E A D S ,





P IN E N ECK W EA R,Man’* Finn Tack., Fuff, and Imperial Bcarf., made from prettily .e ire iad .llk . and »at1ni, very de- alrtble for gift., reg­ular »c. value...........

ForFridoyOoly 23cL A D IE S ' NIGHT GOW NS,


Nlcelv marlf* of gutlliy rambilc or

wmplTP or V- ahaiMil P«*r|t. four row" Hn ifiMfiiloii. rlUHlff uf liicVa An-

wlili ili*eu *111- brolfipry n<*cK ami ffi(irvpp. fn fart h good TSc. vbIup, n t . . .



For FridiyOnly

FuU hi***. from nlrr soft yarn, alao chenlllB, color# »r*‘ t>Snk', Imif. Iilark or whin*, polil at Hk*. lo nl...............



Elthar fancy llRlt thraad o r Hni* cot­ton, In platda or #llk ■irlpea, doubl# a<ik. hlgn-apUced h « c I. •lie# h to If, ImpurtHii to a#ll a t BOc, pair, whJlf lot la a t i ........... lOc


E xtra Ian In b«auti.

irga wovan iful floral dr-

Chlldran’a F aat Blark Fine yuallty Ja rtey Leg- glna. Tie. value,

aigna, a good variety of paltcrni, all hem-mad, ready for oae,

erul holiday g v- w1.6559c. pair.

Pluih and Crllulold Mu- aloal Albuma. va tra tpe> clal whilo t h ^ Uat, In all ccloria

2 .4 9 .

Ladlaa' Fine W hite La am Htndkarcbltfh, llnaly em­broidery, alao aome fancy colored affact, value Ibc.. while they laat.

5c. e a c h .Special for FTIday only--

Ladlra' C oriau . In whU# and <lrab, all i l ta it full bened. Me. valua. for

2.5c.fine, UiKUl holiday

glfl. cheap ateach ....aa.......

M E N 'S O PER A S L IP P E R S ,Puf In n6« VIcI Kid


S A N T A C L A U S is here with us. Brin| the children. He wants to see them and give them candy from 7 to 9 to-night and to-morrow from 2 fo 4 and 7 lo 9 P. M.

Leal her, ch&inolalined, G o o d y e a r

Jlnlu turned, gold regular^UUIJ ly a t ¥1.16 pair, at.,** 98c t i n M rn'i Alt-wood Sweater,

III black, rad and navy, a t ..........

Dresser and BureauC O V E R S

Poattlvelj' w orth from 60c. to $1 eii,

For Friday 27c.W awllt place) od sa le on Frlilav

an auorted lo t o ( LSOO pieces of Irl'li point ojieii w ork Urcsaer Coven and B ureau S carfs; tliey are all this seaso n 't m oat dealrable juitterui and th e lo t w ill (-crtaluljr not laat long a t th is plienomenall; low price, ^ f Ceach.

V E L O U R h e a d R E STS


Now It'iaa eaay to twarm up a good aqiiare clo thn poet to reach a flrat floor wlBdow,,w-. and.when In a hurry, It'* a lump quicker to alld* ilown one than down a ladder,

"I tell you what will ahake the nerve* of * burglar aa much aa anything, and u’r’tn a make him drop hi* loolt—that It Klrkrng agalnai a large aheet of crumpled new tptpar carefully laid In a pataage. I got ‘haa* that way myaclf once ard made ■uch a nolae that I Immediately IxiUrd.

"Bui If you yertelf la frlghlcned of blirglani try ing your houae a viell," he concluded conndentlally, "the beat tip I can give you-la to lay In a IllMe yelping. anappM dog—one that will rouat every-

d—body UlrBctlr a door or window l» irl^i in d 1«| him Titv# th r run of th« liouM, In■Idp. night,guttrd iher#

That'# 1hf> b«at


W rltlv i; Vrmrn A go l lie HtnawrUl to m A rliool F r l r n d ,

rrp tty flgup'il velour h<r#d reek, lined with yure vortleii cOtlon. «nd iitikhwl with ^llk eurd htngrr#and tBMelfl, mnrih Sik. e*i'h....................

nE N *5 W IN T E R 3 0 C K S .CAm«rs h a ir o r nat* ufal wool, heovlly knit doubla^ boel and to#, All a lte i. fnateud • r Iftc., fo r .................

l a c e CURTAINS


Booteh fhread Ur« nrrta in i wHh dpep renalstuince bonier and plain net d^n- ire i, . full avyar'd

For Frilly

1 5 c 1 OnlytiACll a l l i g a t o r p o c k e t b o o k .

G uaranteed genuine alligator leather, nicely flniahed, with



For Friday OolyCALIFO RNIA BLANKETS.pAtt Full IH a lu , mad#f Wf from finely carded

wool, irood w«lgjQi.

SOO doien LadifB* K#ri*fy Cloth Over- galtera, c o v e r e d a irtp r, other ito re i eell thla quality at



TBc. Men'a All-alllo Buipendera, i Q . In new choice palterna, at, pair., ■tmw

A full line of Bilk Mufflera from 4De.

n.00 Boya’ All-wool Bweatera, In black, navy and g arnet...........


USD Men'a All-wool ja raay Coal*, In black, double-breaated, “ “a t .................... ■....................


2.79Me. Men’a All-allk Neckwear, aearta.

puffa. four-ln-bandf and bond bowB, allk lined.............................. A oC

ll.W Jdtn'a All-wool Vndarwagr, cam era hair and natural wool... 98c

T O Y S .ftour Wh«l Kxpfatt

Wagan, ISe. klml.


pink, red, blue and -j >%g\ gold border, Inatead of a t .................

I5 c .Doll <)0 (ana, with

gtel wliart>,STE R L IN G SILV ER RINGS,Da. Bnake rtnga, made ofr u r guaranleed p u r e

fUcrllng allver, art With ruble* or emer­ald!, a nice Xmaa gift, aold a t 10c., tor

I9 c .

T O Y S ,Handiom* Dreated

Doll. — v a r y nicely diviacd—OOe. valua

2 5 c .Boy#' Tool Chr«li^


T O Y aHeld Weed cllioo Fly

Rooking Hon*.

4 5 c .flwlngliw Hone, up>'

pml.forholiteml,1 .2 5 .

T O Y S .Fancy Bead Doll Qo

Carii, upboMerad,

98c.ehUdran'i H a r d

Wood Chain, a p a ^ l


FridayOoly I9cC talldren’g H eavy Gold R li if f ,

*c, Extra Heavy Plain White Domel Flannel,long nap, 11 Inche* wide, from i to 11. Friday,


Beftutifully ch«te4 deelgnn, pure Idkt. gold, all site#, eel) imuatly «t from SI.VI to Il.Tt........................

3 c . yard.

95cGOLD P IN S ,

length and extra full wlntli, good value ut

for...ti!.rAR E A D IN G LAM PS,

For Friday Oily

Handaomely dKor«t- •hI bowl and globe, heavy ineial baxe, IlfbOUt brans fount, a D.09 vuluY, a t . . . . .

FridayOoly roetal cKafna, chamuls

lined, a 19c. value. ul 42c


D R E 55 PA TTERN SgVab Cunnlatlng of 8 yardsr u r of 35c. yard wide

etrlMd n u n e r# hair clotti BultlnK. hi navv, brow n or wine ihaaeti. they u re well worth three timen what we ask. for Friday, the 8-yarrt pattern .......................


n e95c Only

Heavy gold pUle Cuff Pina, chaeed or engraved, a regularIQc. value...................

S IL V E R M ATCH SA FES,Silver or oxldlxed.


lOc. Dark Striped Outing Flannel, new patlaro t,

5Jc. yard.t l ,» Chenille Tabl* Cov-

era Itk yard* aquare, heavy fringe.

98c. each.

Ladlea' and MIntee' Kid Glovea, In all co lo n and black, none better for )L

79c. pair.


Whit* Lamb's Wool Fur Baby iTarrlagf* Kobe#, heavy Mtln quilted liack, opi^n on the aide, valua M.N, for


U N Bed Comfortablea, extra alia and weljght, filled with white wadding.

9 8 c .Bleached 'Eabka Linen.

M Inchea wide. Me. valuo,2 d c . yard.

Wc.Fleece Cotton Blank, ate, white, w ith faot colorbororre, It-I alia,

3 9 c . p a i r .

Fai'ir Opsn Ennlnds Till 9:30. Romeinbir Sinti Glus Is boro, brinj tkeClildroo¥ A fB V W *'IW biV >‘ii*i*i*f*i** “ * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '

2 t cBACn

fancy ralead dttiglla,F r id iy baavtiy plated and

OnlyS W I S S h a n d k e r c h i e f s ,Da i Fine quality, hem- Birii) atltchail or acollop f r i d i y edge, handromely

ambroldcrril, lie.Quality, a t .................. EACH


■taro €lpa* EvaaUga HU ChrM iuai.


Kawark T ilapbone 1130, BattTala- phoaeXW ir.

g rw a f Charga - Vj- p lat BoHla Rlpln'a Chanipogna with Blor over of IVliiea o r I .lqaara

1'HAXKh ADVlar. .M’K IX LB T.

oblerv 'itaatf to aupplying natlvei wllh

-l_aBd o ther dam oralulng eganta.'C iar. It alao appeara, regard* iha

leu of China with a reeling of horror, I la aald to have ataartad ihai H uttla

, ocouplad Port A rthur umlcr bitter nacNMgltjr and In order to foreatall Otrtnan and Brltlah dealgna.

POBKgTKT ABOOCIATION,Out—ThePyegraiaun o f W eak Mapped

Kleattoa o f D flktrt.WABHINQTOH, Deo. U.—The American

Forta lry A ttoclatlon began It* aevan- taenth annual convention bare yatterday. Gifford Plnchot, chief of foraalry dlvlelon In tba D epartm ent of Agriculture, report­ing from lha Exacullva CommUlae, ra- vlawed tha progreoa In foreatry during the yaar. noUng apacUlly the Inrraaee In the number of foraat raaervee.

Baaolutlane were adopted In favor of the coUecUon of foraat ataUalU-e In the varl- oul S u te a by tha Agricultural D epart­m ent; commending the foreatry .achoola of Cornell and a t Btltmore, N. C., and u rg­ing th a t the foreatry Inlercele now m an­aged In varioua Governmanta' buraaua be conaolldated under one general nunaga- mant.

Tba clccllon of ofneara rcatilted aa fol- Iowa; Frealdent, Jamea Wllaon. of Iowa, tho Becrelary of Agrtculiura; flrat vlce- prealdtnt. Dr. B. E. Fernow, Ithaca, N. Y.: correapondlng aacretary, F lan k M. Now­ell, Chief Hydrogrepher, Geological Bur- vay: recording icc rrta ry , General W hltlaL ■ay; director*. Jam aa Wllaon, Olfford Ptn- choi, F. V. Colville, F, V. Newell, Georg* K. M cLanahao, Oem-ral WMttelaey, E. Bowart, B. K. Fernow and Mapara. Oan- h ttt, Hogua and Blnnay.

From tha Mlnneapotla Tribune.UiKging through tom e of my old. almoat

forgoltan corraipoudanoe tha other day 1 came acro.a a aouvenir which I prlie moal highly—a leltar from the laie "BUI Nye." We ware achool boya together In Si. Croix County. Wl*., and more than one boylih prank we did ahare, both In the plraaurc and the punlahmant.

Edgar Wllaon Nya, a* the namr li re­corded tn the family Bible, waa not con- aldered a phenomenally iinari boy a* boya go, and 1 myaelf have eyes enjoyed the dlatlnctlon of "apelllng him down" In the old-faahloned country apelllng achoola, but long before ha had a thought of awaking tha world to laughter by h li bright and cleanly fund .of humor ha waa noted among hla uompantona for a certain dry wit that In later yaar* aerved to make him famout.

The oocaalon which Drought oul the let­ter given below woe an Injury whk-h he bad aullered a t Hudoon, Wta., In the fall of IMS, by the running aw ay of a liorec be­hind which he waa rldliig. Nye waa thrown from the carriage and eullered a lome- w hat aavere thaxing up of hi* anatomy, and dellvarod hlmamf of w hat he would term an “ Impreaaton or two" In a ptracnal le tte r to the w riter a abort time after. The letter reprotluced verbatim It a t fol- lowa:

"Hudeon, Wla., Nov. M, Hst. " F r ie n d ------ ;

"The avvldent waa not ao tarloua t t It m ight have been, und to fa r a t 1 am con. oarned not to tanuua aa man^ had hoped

" I t wa* a grent aucceai. I very rarriy take hold of anything .that data not pro- ovee amiitemeni for tom e one.

Hoat every one aald that I fall title time w ith my uaual technique and a great deal of aplomb and o ther kind* of foive. 1 atruck right on tho c ra iy bone of my i»aek, and knocked one or tw o vertebrae loose. They will have lo be pulled.

" I t Jarred my conetltuHon acme and con- cuoaeu the pn-amble, but my divine af-

TOOK LADDAirUM m ih t a k m .BHod Mr. Tiitmta May IHa B w Owaltow

lag Folaow iBotaad aTCWagW Medial aa.HvkUI to the BVEWmo WCf».

BABKINS RIU G ]^ |Aw. tte -Jokb ILLead*, an agwd reatdeat * r SaiS iag Kidg*. mad* a natatak* yaatarday wMab will pratp

Mr. Utwla had a hod tw o tak ing

ably reault In hla daatk bad cold, (or which medlclnt.

Mr. L tw H la iworiy te taJlr Mind, lie reached Into a ckaoal far ibe cough mcdl cine, but Inatead of g r tllsg tha medicine he picked up a bottle of laudanum and look a ia rga awsllow of Ih* polaon. Al though ho knew he had made a mlateke he refuatd to go to a doctor, aayliig th a t he would be all r tgh l In a Utile while.

Mr. Lewla llnally laid down and fell aalaep, and then modlcal aid waa at once aummoned. The doctor* have been making ■trenuoua e ffo ru lo tave hla life, but It la thought ha will not recover.

Daotli o f Xntontu K. Terry,PAJtIB, Doo. 16.—Antonio IC, Terry, who

died yaeterday, recently returned h er with hla wife from Alx-lea-BalnH. ForThi

The- P r r a ld c u t B c ee lv ln g l ln n i l r e d a <if b a tle ra H ally .

Prom the Chicago Herord.The Prealdont receive* an average of

I.TUO le lte r i a day. tine-half of them ask favor* of one kind or another. The other half uffar advice on every eubjeot under the Bun, o r expreat their approval or dl*. approval of Kiecutlve~Yct* and policy. J uki now th r question of expaiiHloii aug- gcata the topic for most of the letters, and ninety-eight per cent, of them approve It.

The P re tldent ha* received a novel eug- geatlon from George T. Dougherty, of t'h l- rago, who eaya; “The United S tates went to w ar tc set Cuba free. Now we have It In our power to ILberule another country of far grea ter Itnporianie and imereat w ith­out guing to wui. That la Ireland. We have on our handa the Philippine Islands, which we niay offer lo over-covetous Kng. land as a compmaatlon as well as lo re­lieve ouroclvee of wimt may turn out to be a w hite elephant. Thla 1* a golden op. porlunlly for Preaident JlcKIniey to un- c rriak a auch a deal and cover himeelf and the American people with glory. McKin­ley'* ancealort were Irish, end hla g rea t.Sranduncle Francis McKinley, waa ahot

own by the British aoldtera a s an Irish rebel a f te r a farcical courl-m arilal about Iw yeara ago."

Mr, Dougherty drclaree that If Ireland Were free I t would make a moat mighty nation und a leader of clvllliutlon the world over. "As yet." he says, " the Irish people. In spite of dlatreas and suffering for age*, are phyalcally tbp moat power­ful and athlellc and the quickest w illed race In the world,"

Another m atter which h is been aug- geoteil 10 the I'realdenl Is to trade New England foi-the Brltlah West Indbra There

good deni of dlesatlsractlon In New

able country to travel In. W ithout men­tioning the forty Uvea th a t were loal In Koston Harbor alone during the gate, the experience of the W ar inveattgating com- mlaslon, who took thirly-aeven hour* to go from New York to Boaton. la enough to condemn any country, and Senator Lodge admit* th a t hla aarvanta. who started from Boston Balui-day morning, did not arrive In W ashington until Mon­day night. Colonel Ruoieveli. the Gov­ernor-elect of New York, wu* snowbound In the wllda of Connecticut, and had to moke hla breakfast off cold doughnuts and pie. He declares bin aiifferlngs there were ti great deal more severe than in the irenehea before ^ n tla g o . There has never been a blliund In Jam aiea. and railway travel In the W indward Islanda Is 'never Interrupted by anow.

The (!anadLan m em bers of the High Joint <!ou^latlon. who a re now in W aal|.

ej^rea* their wllUngnesa to trade

G u n iu BOATfl.

Ingion. off unberupted agricultural and mineral land* In Brltlah Columbia

seme good.for the aterile, bleak and exhausted land- scape of New England, und perhapa they might give something to boot. It la a t leaat worth the F reaident’a while to In­quire Into the propoeltlon.

Trv a iisaJI lint a± ob (h* Want n g t , and ate If u oaya

View* mt M * * k ln d .From the Atchison Globe.

Seme men use the deep mtnlatrrlal tone

flatua It all right, and my thinker doci not wobhie 0* I iRought It would.

t am atm confined to_ the house, but thehoro* I* foellng tip top. I neyer aaw a hora* with a more robutt conatltullon. 1 would give anything If I could rerovrr from tb« olfeeti of in accident a* fast aa that hqrae seems to. Youra tru ly , BILL NYE."

A few year* later the writer waa en- gOg*d tn the newapaper bualneas In North­ern WUconalb, end in an effort lo tseure htm for an evening In a local lecture couroe wrote Ny# a peraonat letter, to which promptly come the fol lowing cnar- ■ctcritllc reply;

"My Dear — : W hile I greatly appre­ciate the kind offer th a t you make me on the part of your lecture bureau to permit me to Inflict m yielf upon a people who have luffered eo long under you. and inrl- danu lly to bunco them out of t— , lawfulmoney of the United Btaiea, J regret to u y th a t previDua engagenienla, uiiil the lot*of my railroad paaa, will prevent my oeptance.

"However, yon may oay to the hoys that tf It were poaalble tor me to come I ahoulil talk to them about 'Journallim ,' becauor 1 think 1 know the icosl about that of anything. 'The only experience thni t everhod In the newapaper bualneas that was of any m l benefit to me waa my ao-

paat week Mr. 'Terrjr had been In a com- atoee coiidlllon. But he was conaclouathat the end wo* near on Tuetday. He aald to hla wife: "D eareat, I know 1 cannot A-cape Ihl* h ea rt dlaoaae which mskea me Buffer ao much. Pleaae aing the a ir tn which I heard you the flrat time a t from that day I loved you tenderly," Mr. Terry lasivea a daughter, aixteen year* ut age, Ijy hie flnat m arriage, The funeral will l ik e place on Friday.

L*m C u n n ta llt .IXINIMJN, Dec. 16,—Lord Curion of

Kedieston, tb« new Viceroy of India, aUried ihl* m orning for Manellles. over­land. lo Join Latdir Curxon, hla wife, on board the A rabia there. A party of frlenda, tooludlitg hla fa th er the Rev. Alfred Na- tfaanial liotdan Curion. Baron flcaradale. land OeorgX! Hamilton, the Secretary of S tate for ludla; the Duka of Weetmlnaler,6Wim llsatkmjt BAealOH tfTKai wm.. A* A|M<i Ibuxa' U.waathe Unllod State* Charge d' Affaire*, Men- IT .Whlt*. and Hr*. 'White, bads him faro-■tll *t Ui* railroad autiun .

A Hioileal Cboae* FeMldaai.BERNE, tw ltie rlan d , Dec. 16.—Tha Fed-

*tol figgawbly h*a adectod H. Mueller, who wo* Vlce-FrMUIeiit for UH. to be Prepl* deal «r the fwMa Confederation. M. Hau- oer, of Zurim . wa* (laetcd Vlce-Prealdcnt. T ^ ar* b ^ Radical*. H. Mueller 1* •

dent of Berne.

A k a o tM by ik* « ■ TrntL CUfCIMNAT], Dec, U ,-Th* (itnclnnatl

R o w at ilW 1 Tin Plate CompiBy he* r t i t r t id ^ t h e Un plat* tr iu t. Ttie

wf mfU tor th« plant, con**f four m lili witli * capAclly of

MMte at tin m eh pfr^day* Two* , of t t e prfo* I* In oaid» and on*- fn »r*l»rF*< «toali «r tb* truat*

qualnienct* with a fellow who iq run a newepaper a t CumIxerUnd. He wai alto

and wa* aent to Waupun for embe»lctnent. and 1 untleretarKl lil# flrit official act when he rearheil tlirre was to commence the publication of a newepa* per, 1 have come lo the coiiclujiion that the ixenUenUary will not reform a man who haR once hecome adUlctcd to the habit of runnlnf a paper.

‘'It haa bean aanerted Uiai piintina li Jiot a healthy bu*In*«aa, ami ihut one of Ui ohktf aUmehti la laail polaoMna. T canteittfy to thla from peraonal knowledge, A friena of min* bnee ataried

Arizona aome years a*o, not been ntnlnnn It alx months before he

paper out mtd he had

died from lead Mlaoiilnr, It waa a for(v> four-calibre Smith Jb Wesson In the lianufof a wild-eyed m iner which caxiied the a t­tack. Tt waa fatal, and he has been dead ever since.

“Seriously, friend T should be pleat­ed to come, but really cannot find the time. Youra. ' HILL NYR.'

Nye^i humor waa unlike that of any other w riter th a t the world haa ever known, and the two hitherto unpimllshed letters are worth preaervinir:

IsKnalaiid ut prt-suiit over the way this Guv ernm ent ia run. Benutor Hoar und several o ther prumlnenl statesmen from that, acc- ilon or th«* counliy are making a. terrible fuaa bfcauBp of the expaoHlcm poltcjr, and an aaiot'luHon htia breu oi-ganltvd In Boa- ton 10 prt-vem ratlitcailon of the pi^ace trea ty . I ra tirst act wus to siurt un end- leas chain of letter# to develop public aentlm cnt. and they propo#** to dunn-p the whole uorrespandencf In the White frl^ouae. Nowhere else in the I'oumry so much diaaatiRfactlon exureSKed.

On the other hand. .larnAloa and the o ther B rlthh colonlen in thf West Indies are exceedingly cordiul in Ihidr approval of the P resident's policy and our method of m anaging a Government. Thev would be very glad to come Into the iTnIon, and certainly would not be such klckera a s the Yankeei. The recent blliiurd haa detnon- Pirated th a t New Fnglnnd I# not a p1eH«- an t place to live, and certainly not a dosir-

of voice In talking of rt'ery th lng from eic- paniion to the buttona oft ihelr underwear.

Kvnr)' woman haa a vagrue Idea th a t all her husband does every day ti lo c ^ n his office, read, smoke and count his money.

u|d men go to a g rea t deal of trouble dyeing their mustacnes, contiderinf that they foo! ndthtr women nor death.

If a young man lakeshe ha;

O ne of fh e P lc la re s iiiie lo H d ir tits o f H u rn l K urw eg lao Life*

From The North American Review.One of the most characteristic and moat

charm ing IncLdenU In rural Norwegian life Is pUU, as It must always have b«en, to go to church on Sunday in a boat. The parishes are of enormoua extent, and It is a common thing for one old priest to have charge of three or four remote chufehes.

Early In the morning, a t d istant points, tho congregation puts out upon the f^ord, and nothing is more picturesque than, at the clo*e oT the voyage, to see the little ftotflla of red-brown Hails collecting tow­ard the point of worship. When service Is

but once In three or four weeks, a sho rt sermon would defraud the congrega­tion. J sa t out one of hfty minutes the other day, in a great bare church that was all a-ftutter with the enormous white Keaddresaes (or skout) of peasant women,

Thla oermon seemed lengthy, yot It wa# only an Incident in the service, which lasted four hours; after three of them, however, a stranger may slip out, and will have done wisely If he brings some sand, wiches with him to oat under the bfreii trees by the shore.

The churches In these aecluded havens, where never a tourist cornea are marvel* louslv large. Behind the church, If we stroll about, we see a crowd of carriols, and many plump whUr pontes eating their heads off, the mothers with their foals beside them These people th ink nothing of coming twenty miles to service, by sea o r land, and throughout the interminable office they preserve an earnest and hushed decorum.

ridinghold I ____thaw ihftr out.

girl out slelgh- land that "

en they get home.hai a right to demand that she

hold his hands whi to

flwvkg* V iew «f Bw akrw ptey*From the London Times.

An Atchison woman hides her money In the family Blbh*. and In a married life o f

A correajpK>ndent at Wanganui, New Zea- lends us this amusing extract from

twenty years h*T husband has never found any of u.Aflrr a man has taken a girl to a ihaa*

tre as ofifn as times, and called upon her with chocolates in his pocket, she be­gins to see u resemblance in him to hA- ittvorllr hero In t. novel.

Kvny time a girl visits a t a house 4he men fulki are kept In a dased condition tryliik {0 tlKurp out how she got so many dolhfs in(u one little trunk.

A silk ►kirt mokee no ImpreaalOR on the mnn. All AichleoiftwoniaJi says th a t when u. wuniBii niHiks tnl going into %.*iore she Kfts no more attention from the men clerks than u wimmn who doeen't rustle, but uiHi womim clerks are very attentive.

A mull I'uu forget th a t a woman is homely when he m eets her a t a dinner laliie quifker than anywhere else In the

land,a local newspaper: "A Maori chief who lost £40 through a while atorebeeper going through the Bankruptcy Court, nos given th* following lucid expoiltion of this par* tlcular branch of British Jurisprudence; ‘ITie paksha (white man) who wants to become pakarapu (Insolvent) gues intobusipess, and gets lota of g o ^ s , and does noi'^pay for tnem. He then gets all the

''Ofbnry h* can together, say Cl.<■ ' ■ — r £5,all of It, except can And U. wl

all the . and puts

away where no one lih the Is he goes to

Judge of tlM court and tolls him he wants to become " *-------- Judge



pakarapu. The , „ ,calls all the lawyers together, __all the men to whom the pakeha owes money, and he says: * 'th ls man U paka­rapu, but he wishes to give you all that he has got, and so he has asked me to divide this £5 among you all." The Judge there* Upon g iv tt the law r« n £4, and the remain- Ink 7 other men. Then the pakehagoes home.' ”

rA tw ater et Carter’s C liristinas S to re !

8 rlftlv I’ure CAIJ FORMA CL-VKF.T,p rr j^ l lo u ............................

RHINE WINE, Tlntagfl 18W, very fine, per guLIon............................ ; .........

I’OR'r, Kheiry xml MuacnU'l IVine, »tri«lypure, per {(gllon..................

Our Peon*ylv*n1*RYE w h i s k e y ,per I 'g l lo n . , - ; .....................

CEN'n nY RYE WHISKEY,per f^allou.............................

Our GOLDEN WED­DING RYE, a-jear-old,per { (a llo a ,.... ..........

MALT NUTKINE {Anheuaer-Buech'*), I7c.per bottle; per c u e .........

Beat JAMAICA RUM or RUM PUNCH, perquirt.....................................

Be»t E ir .!N CREAM­ERY B l”PrER, i«rpound...................................

COMBHONEY, onepound...................................

MOT’f.S SWEET CIDER, pergillon...................................

One-pound pickage PURE COHNSTARCH.....................

FRENCHMACARONI, per peilt-» g * .............................. .......................

New SEEDED RAISINS,per package........................

New CLFTa NED CURRANTS,per paukajfe......................

Bent CITRON, Taunon and Orinjfe Peel, perpound................................... ..

Fancy FBEN'CH MIXED CANDY, threepound*................................

LiirfiP JAMAICA ORANGES, e i t n iwoet,per doxeu.............................

Ijirge. MALAGA GRAPES, perpound...................................


There’s no "exclusiveness ’’ about our Christm as store. It’s for everybody, and every­body seems lo know it. Christmas is a day to eat, drink and be merry, and make every­one h ap py ; so don’t fail to see our elegant s to c k ; it’s simply an endless variety of the m ost beautiful things that are produced. Com e and see them, and reiy upon two things: First, tliat the assortment cannot be surpassed in either variety or quality by any store in Jersey. Second, that the prices are just the lowest that you can find in such goods in this country. W h en we talk B aske ts of Fruit, we know whereof we speak. We im­port our own baskets and have exclusive designs, so the first to order have the best se -, lection. The choicest of Fruits, Wines and Candies are placed in each basket by the artistic touch of an artist. Our window display will give* an idea what we do in the basket line, and the following list may contain just what you want for your table or to send to a friend. =

50c75c75c| 5 f l

2 . “ "





5cG -\T M E A L ...a . ..........A HaTkat B**k*t r» e * r a k u f* I*

« m y enatouHT b«jrm> *1 w*rtk o r

F. BORMANN,Nnivk'i SmtHt tiM«| ttan,

93 and 95 Springfield Ave.

L u f g t t F a r n i t u n a n d C g r p « t Hoffflg Id N e w a r k .



Throe ii*T he a* ler (Itti than a "

hat then ai* (*« b tlland Rang*,"

g r a a c M e i i ' o n 'W A A iB iP f.


■paaMh Tt«*p* at Haane,D*». l|k—Tha apanltli trana-

i airlvad her* from • M ■paMMi troeiM

T k* P rle e o t M rlllak F rie a ila k lp .Pram the Lqndgn Balurday Review.

There la need, Iherofore, liiai th* prople of both cquntrle* ahould clear (heir mliidt of thla International cant. We are ilrop- \ j anxloua that England and the United Htatea ahould b* agreed, but vit are atlll more deeply anxlou* th a t they ahould find agraement upon a aolld baala Let u* be frank- Let ua put aald* hyprocrlai' and aay outright th a t we expect mutual gain In material Intereata from thla rapproach- ment ot the two countrle*. An alliance I* not iHiealble; an alliance would gall tike a fe ilrr , etmoat a* aoon aa It waa forged. But we can havo a free working agreement to help each other whar* help I* poaalble. Thla kind ot agree­ment, Indeed, I* a t present In force. For the American Commlaalonera In Faria ar* making their bargain—whether they rrallio It or not—under the proteotlng na­val atrenglh of England. And we ahall ex­pect, to be quit* frank, a material quid pro quo for tnl* acalatance. We ahall ex­pect the Btaiea tn deal generoualy with Canada tn the m atter of tariffa; wa ahall

pact to bo remembered when ‘ to her kingdom In the Fhilippti

all, we ahall expect her oMletance on the ' ■ when the future

expect to bo remembered when ahe cornea ■ ■ "oro In the Philippine*; aboveInto her kin

day, q u l^ ly approaching, of China ahall epma up for aeUIement, For th* young tmperiallat h a i entered upon apath wliero ah* will require _ and Itaiing friendanlp hctweeii nation* 1*

I atout friend,tolwaecured.notby the frothy uentimental- hy of ju b llo plai^^ma. but by rrolprooalIty ot public

■olid material lo-

Fancy Florida end Jam aica Orangea. Spicy Mandarin* ond Tangarlne*. l,arg* Cluater of Malaga Grapea.E x tra Choice Lady Applea.Kamoua Buchule* Cranberrlea.L arge Cluater Layer Kalalna.6'an ry Muaratel Halalna,Fancy Muacaiel Seeded Halalna.Choice Sultana Ral«lna.V oailaia Cleaned Curronta.Im ported Glace Citron.Im parled Glavo Lemon and Orange Peel. Import e<l Glace Apricot* and Cherrlea. Im ported Olnee Flneai>ple and Angellque. Im ported Glace Aaaorted Fruit* In Fancy

Box**.Choloa Arabian Dataa,A rabian Datea, atnffed wllh Pecan Meat. F ige, atnffed with Nut Meat*.F ancy I*iycr and Pullad Figa,Violet Prunee. In glaaa.Wleabaden Btgltcd I’runei.Fancy French Prune*, In tin.Wleabaden Strawberriea Ralpbarrlea

and Melange.

All thr cliolceat variety of N ull, Pecan*, UngiiBh Walnut*, B railla. Filbert*, Pa­yer Shell Almond* and Hickory, extra large Jordan and Valencia Shelled Al­mond*, Joy'* Celebrated Salted AL morid*. all kind* o t N ut Meat*.

A cliolce a*aortment W hitm an'e Phlladel- I'hla Celebrated Candle*, In fancy boxea and baiketa.

Hiiylcr'* Figaletlea.Cftnion and CryaiallaM Ginger.Curllce'a Preaerve* and Canned Fruit*.French Maroon*, In ayrup,Red and White C h e rritk In Maraachlno

Cordial,California Brandlad Cherrlea and

PeacheaHwcet Pickled Paacbea,Caivcatoot Win* Jelly, all flavor*.Fruit Jelliei, Jam a and Bar la due.iCInc* Meat! and Flura Puddlnga.All kind! Foreign and Oomeeltc Cheea*.An entileaa variety o t Crackera and

flweei Caket,Choice Glover and Buokwheal Honey.

Olive* and PIcklea In all aiaea and qual­ity.

Canned Vegetablet are of the flnealpacked.

Our Corn, P ta ij ^ n ta t^ r i , Aaparagua,no

.wear VcWi ■)* ■, Aa|rMr|||B trtaiylfu and Lima Bean* have equal;

The flnaat Vermont Maple Syrup and Sugar.

The flneal make of Chocolate and Coeaaa.Our Tea* and Coffeta a r i unaurpaaied.We have an endleaa variety of B rtak

faat Careal*.Toilet Oooda are aeteotad from tba wall

known perfumera, Q*Ua Fr*r*a and R oaer It Gallei, of Pari*, aad Colgat* A Co., of New York.

Our 'Wine* and Liquor* ar* of tha eholoeat foreign and dom tatlc brtnda.

Our Cigar Department muat ao t be over­looked; we can gratify I he moat deli­cate taat* of any amoher from our Im- roeni* line a t Importad, Key W eat and Domeatlc CIgari (box trad* a ap«cjal- ty).

Th# <!r*w* S«* Fav»*abl* UnegallV •a L*n»>ixiAde4 Managw**.

From tha 'Waaljlngton Poet.A number of naval oflicera were talking

I he other night at th* club of thf launoh- Ing of the WMoonaln, and from that the talk drifted into reoolleatlon* of tncldenta ^n waratalp* Juat going lnto.commtariou,\ "Tlrli habit th a t aom* commanding olB- ^ r a have off m aking a rehaaraed, wabbly lim e apeeoh to all handa when the Jack gock up og a ahtp. and *be l i formally put In Tcammfaalan, m ay be all right," aald on* of tl^e tara o f tha quarlor-deok, "but 1 aon’l Believe any element ot the crew, dxleeri ■ o r men forwkW, takei muoh Hook In' euch apeechea. The men forwatd don’t llge a garru lou i commanding offleer. th e y ’iB likely lo taaten the appellation, rman-ff-war chaw ,' on a aklpptr who Imakta a praotloa of haranguing tham. C apuin Joaepb Fife, on* of the old lehM l of man-o'-war eklppire, and a bom who had th r rn p eo t, wnfldence and attecUob ot all Of lha eBltwUd men that a w otzved

BtDpg, had a great oontempt>n gn* of hla iYor'Ulkatlvenagt on tha p art ot a-eklpper of k waranlp. Ha -------- ' —waa a pjaln. biunt, Juat man. and every olllcar and man who waa a ahipmata of C aptain Fife knew that he ~~ia bound to get all th a t waa coming t*

waa a n fn a lg n , attootaad to one ot Ipa tha t CnMain Irife put into com “ — n an waa r*a<&

aaed thwaa mady, th* exiou the word to

Remember some poor family with a barrel of flour or something from the above list.


..leer MBwia th* wortf to have all I hand* muBlarad a ft. A ttar tba uaual oet*- monla*. Captain F ire atepped lo the moat, plaared hla throat, and, InatlM of r ~Ing off Into a apenoh, aald n*,' In dlflarily con^raational t r a i l

" 'I 'm Jo* r ife . ITott U knoff gown,'

"The*'* all ihereiaM A ta hi

The 4 AcreEstablishmentDo You Knowthat this Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd., concern has the la rfres t stock in its line in this city! We except none. And no store holds so many, many good " Christmas " things ;




$ 10 .98 u p . —30 a ty lfj—

ch erry o r ma­hogany Itniah.

88.98 up.At least 30 fifylei

-t-cherry , ina- hogauy or

V em ti M artin.

LADIE5* D E S K S -In aolld oak, ebany hr mahniouiy flnlah- •x .M , ffa-oo, U .M , W.OO, and up w • so . ConiUnatlan fiookoaae-Daakx too- •T .M up

MORRIS CHAIRS.3 0 k i n d i ^ n o such stock in .a ll Newark. IS - 5 0 . 1 7 -5 0 .$ I 0 , 5 l 2 t 0 $ 3 0 —oak or ma­hogany finish, velour or cord­uroy cushions

•a-u ttata one-ioiid —aU colorings SW"^rS'S3!,(!S,%n«i designs.FANCY CHAIRS

eailly MO kinda—ReotpUon Ball Chain, gold, ratmn, and other wooda-plaln np- mriatered—anaaliig lo heauly and variety- lowret priow known any whale.CASH OR CREDIT-OR TOVR OWN TERMS

Amos H. Van HornL IM IT E D ,Mote the flnt name, "Amoi,''

MARKET ST.Near Plane St. NewariL

Ooodi heM tad diU vend Whan waated.

S w U a t D Ia la e t.f ro m tba Boeton Traaeoript.

Tb* Routhars dialect ooatiauea u reveal Ita qualntaaiA Mr. Torrey ha* recordtd tbi* F lfrid a dialogue;b if F ierida dialogue;

^Laa* gadleet -I didn't know It wag ao gqne aa th a t" .

“Soon" In thla caia probably m eaaa aarly. .M* haa alao put on record th* aagwar of |hc North Carolinian who aakad

been at th* W orld 'i F air, lowed fot to went, but 1 d idn 't

jlt$ OObtiO D


iM *w aidl

C raveat OaiBBtUi tk* Oral


A reaoR kratio Co iieU laat U aya* to body lo t •rganlxatl tIoD read

"Wherei Braventloi lion of mi to luccee Rxpliing;

"W here body to d ooonty cc tb s chood to repreac

"W here twganliatl CoBvenUo: n* tbod ; I

"Raaolvi bounty eo and h* la with the I com m ute hold ofllc county CO

The re* a n t geerel th* many m lttet. H hod con*] th e orga kmbmit th 'Were aev Cororaltte umeered and w h tr tlon Of th

Board 0 who la n Coramliu apeech. i for In tb method 0 turn. No and tt wa

Cholrmi Ing to ori thirty.elg the oomn the outco appearaoi arum b e n lo g the r< though vl fart* tbe largely In about 6,0( aprtng an fall’e voti chairman one dlatrl been Incr and eever doubled t re tt deeb Commute party '* Ir

Seoretai nation, al vote. A ' retiring 1 McCarthy ■pread uy he aent ti mad* ten and giveli of the Ol ■halt laki paaaed a Lowy, ch mlttee, a t ■d to r th te r that, th* comb party w a Uatlon.

Until I night but knowledg •uad. Wh th a t anotl Into exiw iracetu ll] thoae wt would be olacUve t cpenly op A ttar the bad been reeerved 'Tb* ad

Were of 0 Jot to aaj and aueh taken. T Blared th to rail a teemeo r tolna, wl to appoln tion that called to to makeprincipal I t wa* clI t wa* cl would CO tiring, hi the rifterl lion Idea .would hi

Commei th* re*ol appoln tic 'With Mr. M itlon a be made 1 time, uni th e Demi eritbouC I



|Hu Oonntj Committee bf Beeolu- tios ProvldM for the Selee-

tloi of Iti Snoeeuor.


B e w w eW . B b^ I t t*A<Amt h t PnM dM l KUaUUkBd by <ht O ouljr CIm tb bUm mt IMT tm • C a u t jr f i l m i H r H t r a i W u CluUnuB U I k t OMWI7 0— f ■*<»■ a f I lM That Caa- baatlaa Wai laata* la Maka PraVltlea tar V ta lla a la c tka OaBatIMaa.

A rwoludon waa adopted by Ib t Demo* g ratia County C om nlU er a t a mr*tln« Itaid laat n l(h t, requeallnc Howard W. Jlayaa to appoint th e tucceuom to that ttody Id tha aama n u n n e r aa tho praaent •rfanlxatlon waa aalabllahad. Tha ratolu- tloo read aa followt;

‘'Whareaa, The laat Damocratto county Bonraotlon tailed to provide lor the ietae> lion of memberi o l the County Committee to auccaed thoae w hote le n a t are about expiring: and,

“Whareaa, No power la vetted In thit body to change tha method adopted by th t vounty convention of November, lltf, tor th a cbooaing at m em beri of a central body lo repreaent the party ; and,

“W heraai, It la neceaaary to retain an tirgantiatlon until luch time aa a county ttoavantlon ahall matte provlalon for a new n a th o d ; therefore, be it

“ Reaoived, That the chairm an of the lait bounty convention, Howard W, Hayct, ba and ha la hereby requeated. In cumpllanca with the precedent of IWT. to eelect a new committee, tha m em ben of which ahall hold ofllca until otherwlae ordered by a county convention of the party."

Tha reaolutlon waa preaented by A u iib a n t lacrv tary Jam ai N eary aa the reaultot th a many aeaalona of the Nxacutlve Com m lttet. Hr. Naary la id th a t the commtttaa l|ad conaldarad the queatlon of continuing tha organlxaUon and begged teave to bubmlt the raaolutlon aa Ha report. There were aevetal m em beri of the Executive Committee preeent. hut none of them vo|. untaered any Information about tha whyi and wbareforao which prompted the adop­tion of the appoliitroent plan.

Board of W orki Commiaaloner Hewaon, who la not a member of the Kxecutlva Committee, took Oceanian lo make a apeech. Ha tald th a t the plan provided for In the reaolutlon waa the only legal maUiod of coDtIuuIng the party organtsa. tlon. No one alaa apokr on the reaolutlon, and tt waa unanimouily adopted.

Chairman It. T. B a rre tt called the meet­ing to order and the roll call thowed that thirty-eight of the flfty-ona members of the committee were Intereatcd enough tn the outcome of the m eeting to put In in appearance. Hr. B a rre tt thanked the •nem ben for the work they had done dur­in g the recent campaign. He said that al­though victory had not crowned their ef­fo rt! the Democratic vote polled had been largely Increeted. The to tal, he aald, waa about £.000 more than had been cast l i f t aprlng and considerably larger than laat fiU 'a vote, gpeaklng of th e Increoaes' the chairman saM th a t the Democratic vote tn nae district of the T hirteenth Ward had )>een Increased UI per cent, over lost tall and several other d litrlc ta , he added, had doubled their vole. These tacts. Hr. Bar­re tt declared. Indicated th a t the County CoRUDliteemen bad been activa In Hie p e rty 's Intereet.

Baoretary M. C. Cty tendered his reilg nation, and U was adopted on a roll call vote. A vote of th en k t waa tendered the retiring oOclal on motion of James A. McCarthy, and the vote waa ordered spread upon the m inutes and a copy ll to be sent to Hr. Ely. Hr, Neary waa tben m ade temporary secretary and treasurer and given charge of the elfecta and funds of the organliatlon until the new body ■halt lake bold. Then compllmcnta wert paiM d around and H r. Barrett. Thlllp Lowy, chairman of the Executlva Com- mlttae, and Hr. Neary were In turn thank­ed fa r the work they had performed. A l­te r that, on motion of Joseph M. Byrne, the oommlttee adjourned aloe dia and the parly waa left w ithout a working orgaa- laallon.

Until the members got together lest night taut few of the oemmltteemen had knowledge of what course would be pur- sustL When the word Wes pasted around th a t another appointive body was to spring Into existencs the decision was sceeptsd gracefully by moat of tboia present. Even those who professed to believe th ti It Would be a m istake not to provide ftir an alactlve body, apparently did not care to openly oppose the wishes of the msiortty. A ltar the meeting adjourned and the thing bad been settled, the members were lesg raotrvsd and more Inclined to talk.

Tha advocates of Ih e appointive plan Ware of course in the m ajority, and had a lo t to say about “precedenu make laws" and such things In support of the action taken. These sam e advocates readily dc- olared that the com m ittee had no power to coll an election for County Commlt- taaraen nor an election for district Cap­o n s , who would In tu rn be authoriaed to appoint commJttaemcn. To the suggaa- tlrm th a t a croventlon might h a v e ^ e n ^ e d to allow regularly elected delegates to D w e tha plana to r the future, the prlnolpal objection urged waa the expense. I t WM claimed th a t a county convention would coat a t least HW or gao for advsr- tW ng. hall rent and other expenses, sad the afterthought exponenu of tha conven­tion IdM were asked where the money .would have come from.

Comment w u made upon the fact that tha raaolutlon adopted left the time for appointing the new committee entirely w ith Hr. Bayes, w ithout request or aug-Rstlon oa to w hether the aeTectlotia sh ^ l

made known early or late. In the msan- u m e ^ n tU the new body shall convene, t t e Democratic party of Essex County la w ithout an organisation.

n U T H E B I O M W O » N 'l BATAVsoehars' OnlM t a M art a Crosada Agalast

aa AUaged Crael Oestem.Ulsa Emily Potter, who peesidad a t a

m asting of tha Teachers' Qutld yasurday, c ^ a d the attention of the members to tha oustora among women of wearing upon thalr bonnata a lg ra ite t made of birds’ IsoUiera. H im P otter aald that the teath- era, together with a piece of skin, ware taken from tha bird while It was alive and th a t the bird was then caat u id e to die g lingering death.

The guild authoriaed Ulas Potter to ip . point an "Audobon Committee" to take m aiuuret to do aw ay w ith the fashion In- volvtng such allaged cruelty, Ura. Thom u ■award, now of Now York, but formerly president of the W omen's Club of Or­ange, delivered an addresa upon “Farlla- xoontary Law." a t tha conclusion of which tiM thanks of tha guild were voted to her A motion to Indorse Superintendent Olp b tr t 's action In requw U ng the Board of Bduoatlon to prohibit collactloni In the •ohoola for fairs and o ther entsrtalnmenta wan defeated. The guild daoldad to hold a recaption a t the continental H aiti on J a a n e r r H.

BalvIUe Bad Edw ards Mna* Aaawsr,I t a m u Hilvllla. thirty-four years old,

W 11 Mott alrsat, Nsw YOTk. and Osorga Manards, thirty-six yaarg old, of fti Third avanjis, New York, who were ar-

. M M on Monday by Mounted Policeman HoTague a t tha L a b t ..............Labtgh Valley coal

I,.- ■ - 1. before Judgealk to tb s F o urth Precinct PoliceBBtao, were o rrab

m this morning. They ware ohirged flth havtog robbra th a saloon ol Jacob

P o u rta m th avenue. Judglaving I

: ta ld «Jury.

a ro u riaam n avenue. JUiige «ach one to | t « ball for tha

Dlasaond H Isg Takga from A ll Ooal. I f lo ^ e l NaUallo, o f I I spring etreet,

Now Yorkj who Is amployed a t the aboajk and Fourth

: valuable dla- ■ ■ i coat,

shop. ' put

|HMS1 r iu had been stolan from his cc Hg M t the nrmant hanging In the ah M aOi, ant^lsaed tha ring aftar ha 1 the coat on laat night.

B M ia ta a a CMila fa a acanu.

■ OtKw d

ared vary tampaatuoas -M n and on paoarabsr norlfi, tongiluda thlrly-

. and atralnad heavily number of haav

I Mvan cattd w g M j^ A h ^ d a c k a n l

JUmolutelyMade from most highly re­fined grape creamof tartar.

Makes pure, delicious, wholesome food.

jt A f p o n


Oatlllab Baearlah Bad g.Hen la a t Maw lilMsA aad B Igk t B a rs Drawaad

b a t tor U srbarl tVlld.Gottllrb Keterick, forty-six years old,

of M Shipman atroet, fell Into the oansl a t New iir rc l shortly before U o’clock laat night and would undoubtedly have bean d re w o ^ were it not for Herbert Wild, the night w atchm an a t HowelTs leather factory, a t the corner of New and Wllaey ■ tm ria H etcrirk Is less than Sva feet In height and doea not weigh more than Wo pounds. He looked very small aa ha itood beside bta thirteen-yesr-old son to the Second Precinct Police Court Ibis morn­ing and defended himself against a ebargs of Intoxication th a t had been placed against him.

Judge Lam bert was obliged lo itra tc h hla neck In order to lig h t Heierick.

"You ara charged with being drunk," he was toU. The prisoner said ths charge was a false one, and that he did not drink enough to set btm off,

” 1 was m erely going home, when I fell In." he explained.

"Fell In w h e re r ' caked the Court."In to the canal." said Heterick.Judge Lam bert then learned for the first

time of the experience qt the man. The cromlng of the canal a t New atreet Is a very dangem iis one. About six weeks ago the body of a woman waa found In the water there, and It la supposed th e tell to just exactly a s Heterick did last night. One walking toward the bridge tn the dark might very naturally atep over the Slone parapet which borders the canal, for it la unprotected by either n i l or goard.

Soma one called the Second Pfeclnct Station up on the telephone. "A man Is to th t canal," he aald.

“Well, get him out!" yelled the Sergeant. "He may be dead before we can gat a man there."

Polleeman Bennett waa dispatched to the scene, and when he arrived Heterick had been rescued by Wild. Tbe la tter had beard a splash In the wsler, and afte r­ward the m an's cries for help. Running tc the canal, he saw Heterick struggling helplessly In the cold water. Ho jumped In and pulled him to the shore. When taken lo the atatlon I ha man waa almoat froien lo death. He was placed before a roaring fire and kept there, while word was len t lo his home that he required dry clothes. These were sent to him, and he made a very necessary change. H a was then locked up.

His son told Judge Lambert th a t hts fstb er could not speak good Eagllsh and he said the la tte r had told him he wae not drunk. I t developed that Heterick could make himself understood In English, and, to a broken tongue, he said he was fully capable of taking care of himself, but th a t the canal was to blame,

" tt seemed as If the c inal came to me," he said, “and th a t 1 did not go 10 It. The first thing I knew 1 w si swimming tor my life. I t was very cold."

Judge Lam bert decided that, sober or drunk, H eterick had suffered lufflctently tor any trouble he put people to. and be discharged htm.

INlPECTOB ADTIgBB COMBIggJOKERBMr. Farrell Bays llegsid khauld Be Had toe the Maosber of Salooas to One Loffaltty-At the meeting of the Excise Commls-

sloneri lost night License Inspector F a r­rell made a strong plea against the g ran t­ing of a license In a district wherein al­ready there are fifteen SBloons. The appli­cation was th a t of Barbato Zara, who wished to open a saloon a t IB Eighth ave­nue. When th e m atter came up Inspector F airctl, addressing the commlsslonera, • lid ;

"I should like to see this application re­jected, I do not object to It on account of Z ara 's character, because 1 do not know but th a t It la ju st what it ought to be, but there already are fifteen licenses Iq action In the Immediate neighborhood, and I fall lo see the necessity tor any more. It Is merely a m atter of time when this board will have to pay attention to equatliing the number of licenses granted within certain territorlea. Too many licenses In­vite liwicasncss. A man opens a saloon and before he has got fairly started five or ■ti more epring up around him and he has to resort to dishonest m aani to obtain money on which to live.

“I t la the urgent duty of this board, when It sees the number of aaloona to one place Increasing, lo Inveatlgats carefully tho facU in the case. As your LloeAe In­spector I speak uufhorltatlvely to the m at­ter, and urge th a t this application be re ­jected by a unanimous vote.”

Eugene Corcia appeared for Zans and urged th a t the license be granted. He ex­hibited a petition in Its favor and a le tter from Rev. Joseph L. PIrotle, certifying to Z ara's character; .alao one from A. H. W arner, owner of the building wherein U was desired to locate the saloon. Tho application waa rejseted by a unanimous vote.

Thomas H. Browd appeared to plead for the granting of a llcenae to John Lam ­bert for an hotel a t the noriheaat com er of Sixth and Clifton avenooa. The appli­cation had been made a week befOM and Mr. Brown, who owns the house wherein It Is desired to locate tbe hotel, had heard th a t ll was to bs rejected.

I w ant to know who objects to th is ceT" sold Mr. Brown. "This Is not lo a common saloon; it Is to be a hotel

td aee r’ sold Mr. Brown,be a common saloon; it .. „ _ ___and a respectable place, too. I am willing lo furnish bonds for Its rsspectablUty, i t win not be a low. lawless place, for f live next to It end win see that It It run right. We nerd an hotel near the park. 1 un- deritand th a t the church and the High School people object lo the place and also a few ol the neighbors. Who are thoae nelghberal I ,hav* been a friend to all of them, and It la a gol dasted shame If tbay go back on m e,"

Here Inspector Farrell remarked th a t while no form al objections had been mads they would be It the application was Insist-' ed upon. Then Mr. Brown said that he knew who waa making the objactlon. He **!‘*wl***L k .ialoon-kreper In thenrlghborhood who didn’t want any rivals After a brief conferrnoe between Lam bert Brown ana Alderman Trabold tha appli­cation was withdrawn,

I t waa then announced that Philip Scan­lon, who had objected to the granting of a llcenai to Paul Weokmueller for a aaloou at 13 Susiex avenue, had withdrawn his objeoUon, and the llcenae waa granted.

'rhe weekly report of the inspector show­ed th a t thirteen amillcallone for llcenaea nine apnllcstlone for trenefers and one application for a double tran ite r had been made during tho week. From January L im , lo December T, l.Ua licencea had twen —' ■ ■ end fW transftra and n double t ra n if tr t . ________ ' i.: A g y i^ g

lagrataas JersayiBea.Potenla liaued to Jerseymen Dtcem ber

It, l»», reporied.for the NEWS hy b rnhe * Co., sollcltora of patents, corner Broad and Market atreeliu Fan attachm ent for sewing machines, T. J ; Butler, N ew ark’ game apparalas, M p . Dexter. B r ld n - ton; electric lamp, W. B. Doe, Jersey Cltv-A ’or stud, H, H. LMtcr, W v k ; bo” m " ering and corner ataylng machine, Thomaa Morgan and Frank W. Jo n n , Mawark’ canopy supporter, E. Nugent, Newark; combined haby oarrtags and cradle. L Payette. Paterwan; b r t and cylinder p rin t­ing jm esi. C, Potter, rialtifleld: agg tu ia r Q. w , Preston, Camden; w era tin g maolsl anlam for m uiic bokea L. P. yiHquaaL

rn; attaohinent for paper dOaUng

bleeding terribly from several aavere soalp fvourtiJa,

He Dftid thftt Helfello uaed a club dur­ing the awaultr ll w ai found neo«M arj to •Rnd the m tn to the City HoapUal for treatm ent. There Jt waa aald h li Injurlaat though severe, would not prove aerlout. In tht) pohee I'Ourt this morning Retgello waa held fur thp action of the Qraud Jury,

GATHERED IN THE 0RANGE&Mlea Llxil* Liua Married ta W illiam W.

Ichnrlkerl, Uvereser af tha Poar of Uraaga-Briars.

Mias I.lislr lAng, of New York, traa married lust night to William Wilson Bchiielki rt, Uverscer of the Poor of Or­ange. The ceremony woe peiTormed a t tlio home of Mr. Bchnelkert'a parents, U r. and Mrs. Frank X. Schnelksrt, B Day alreel. Orange. Rev, C harlts lyw naelid, pastor of the First Prtabyterlan Church, officiated. Frank Schnelktri, a brother of the groom, was beat man, and the maid of honor was Mias Lillie H arlw rlght, of New York. Mr. and M rs Bchnslkert will re- ■Ide In I law (home street. Orange.

Miss Phobells Pauline Chew, daughter of Mrs. Sylvester A. Cbtw, of Brtdgaton, w as married yesterday lo E rnest Nichole Woolston, of Ocean Grove. The caremony took place in 81. Pau l'i M. E. Church, Ocean Grove. It was performed by the pastor, Rev. Joseph U. Raed. Hr^ Woot- ■lon formerly resided In E ast Orange and a party of Ills friends from the Orangee attended the wedding. The maid of honor was Him KUubeth A, Hock, of Philadel­phia, and Paul Livingston Woolston, brother of the groom, was beet man. The bridesmaids were Miss Sarah H ultord Bhep|mr<l, of Greeiiwich, and M in May C. Dlaoeway, of Ocean Grove. Joseph M. Gar­rison, Jr., of Elmer; Georgs E, Farm er and Dr. John Taylor, of Aabury Park , and Harvey Ueesle, of Ocean Grove, were the ushers. The bride, who waa given aw ay by her cousin, J. Boyd Avis, of Woodbury, wore a dress of white satin trimmed with diirhesse lacs and carried a bouquet of bride roses, The maid of honor'i dress waa of white organdie over white allk. She wore a picture hut and carried pink carnations. The bridesmaids wore while organdie over pink silk and wore picture h a ti and carried bouquett of white carnailona. A fter the cert many a reception waa held at the home of the bride, 68 Cookman avenue, aad later Mr. and Mrs. Woolston left on a wedding trip. I'jmti their return they will reside a t 83 W ebb avenue. Ocean Grove.

E ast Orange Conclave No, ill, ImprovedTder Heptaaophs, elected the following

offloera last night; Past an h o n , W. If................. “ W alto

. _____ n; pre . _ _.dill; se c re ts^ , Herman B. W alker; ffnan-

Hobokrn;________ ___ oamanmaohlnce, W. H.^W; wick; ooni extraolo Newark; (dealgtia),

It for paper itoaUiur

^ r t proleetor, H.Maul, R ahw ay;"punle box, i ^ S ^ o w e f Newark; b a t o i fw o d m ig a , A ; \ w h i t S ; head N ew aA ; cap lift, W. A Wllllam-Nework;head, N ( . son, Newark: (ti ^ n a t o Bamad

r, puB .[a (tw o dealgni),

OSD lift, W. _ ...... ...

rhenmaUsm and aaurugla), w . c H l o a ^New Egypt,

r'ebb avenue. Ocean Grove.1st Orange Conclave No. STL,

Order Heptaaophs, elected the offloera last night; Past araho,j;, - . -■ Potter. Jr .; srehon, B. Walton Freem an provost. F. W. Lawson; R e la te , D, F, Hill; se c re ts^ , Herman B. W alker; ftnan- cler, M. F. Dlckersoib J r . ; treasurer. H, J. Condlt; inspector, B. G, Lloyd; waider. Charlee E. WllUame; aentinel, (p a rie s Lang: trusteeat Albert Lowtber, W alter Bowman, William Llndeman: representa­tive lo Supreme Conclave, w , H. Potter, J r . ; alternate, 8. Walton F r e ^ a n . Afterthe electltm A card

ly Herman B, The meeting of the Woman

firai prise being won and the second b;

Potter. Jr.. Herman B, Walker.

___ _______ the W oman's Club ofOrange yesterday waa In charge of theD epartm w t of £ducatlon, of ^ h lcK Uiss E, H. S. Shelton la the bead. The enter­tainm ent began with the ringing of “Good Night" and "M argarets" by Miss Ludlow, Mrs. Alexander King, Mrs. Robert Sum­mon and Mrs. Charles Starr, with Mrs. C. A. Trowbridge aa accompanist. A paper on "Conversation In the Home” was read by Mrs. Frederick H. Doremus and one on "Tho A rt of Cogveraatlon" by Mra, Busan M. Van Amringe, of New York. Miss B, Louise Phelps read a poem on "The Lost Tesae,"

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest von DleaelskI, of N orth Grove itreet. E ast Orange, have la, sued cards for the m arriage of their daitobtar. Miss Julia Louise von DleaelskI to Rev. Wilbur W eitly C. Walker, pastor of the Park Avenue M. E. Church Tho wedding le to take place In the Park Ave­nue Church on Baturdsy afternoon, De­cember 24.

The engagement la announced of Mim Grace AReo Ledger, of Hudson, N. Y. who la e n d in g (be winter with her sla­ter. Mra, WlUtam B. Pitcairn, of W ashing, ton street, Jtost Orange to Wealey A. Robinson, of Cbtcora, Miss., formerly of H arrison street. East Orange.

Arlington Council No. 6S«. American Le­gion of Honor, of East Orange, has elect­ed the following officers; Commander, C E. Murphy; vlce-commander. Frlta Hlnnl- Ototop, A, F. Flatlcy; aeoretary, Jay C. Jt ood: collector and treasurer, Stephen M w n g ; chaplain, Richard Purdue; guide, John Oeoger; warden, W. R, Buggelln truitees^^ George BuggeUn. John Geiger'C harleste. Murphy; repreaehtstlve, George W. Buggelln: alternate, Stephen M, Long.

A concert wilt be given to-night a t the Grove Street Congregational Churoh, East Orange. Those who will take part are Mtsa Maude Pvyor of New York, soprano; Miss J. Emma Williams, of Brooklyn, con­tra lto ; William F. Mullln, of Newark, bar- tone; Henry C. Mecklem. of E ast Orange, harp ; M lu Mecklem. saxophone: Wllltom F. Plderit, orifanlit; Miss Carrie Teal, of Brooklyn, violinist: Ulss Florence Jaco­bus, of Newark, pianist.

Rev. Dr. Buiisaulus, of Chicago, deliver­ed a lecture on "Savonarola" last night at the Munn Avenue Presbyterian Church, E ast Orange, for the benefit of the Whlt- l lrr H ouie Social Battlement, Jersey d ty .

The Young People's Soclsi Society will hold a box sociable to-night at Belford Hall, North Centre street, Orange.

The second half of a HO-polnl game of ahuffieboard between M. Mcinerney. of the Rawnsley Anoclatlon, and William Ken­nedy, of tbe Kennedy Aaaoclatlon, was played last night on the Rawmley hoards, orange. Mcinerney won by a score of 162 to ice. Kennedy won the first half by a score of 161 to 145.

MIsa Myrtle Bowers, of Main street and Greenwood avenue. East Orange, was ten. dared a reception a t her home last night by about thirty friends.

Edward Nicholas n s walking along Mato atreet. East Orange, last night, when he aaw a eurtaln on lire In the rcaldcncc of Dr, F. B, ijme. Nicholas rang the door bell, and when ihe door was opi-m'd he can upstairs and extinguished the blase. The firemen arrtvro a (•■■* ,..i;uoe mn-r, uu. th a n waa nothing for them to do. It waa said th a t the curlalii had been blown against a lighted gas jet .. „ „

IlevT C. J. Hoyt, of the Kerry M E, Church, Bari Orange, will give the l« - aon to the Primary 'Teachers’ I’nlon of Ihe Oranges to-morrow afternoon a t 1 ;» o'clock In tho North Orange Baptist Sun­day-school.

ORARGE ADTBnTlHKM Eirrg,HKRE'I »oM havo bt«n loohlnit forj i

chUd‘1 tMHRVy black wool all aiaM, 1m . woitb 3DC-: block wiml hc«tf, 16c.

N«w York Bmicalii fUore- 2H2 Uain it.. Muth>wMt oorncr Centra at.D dtU i' (wiTiaca^ dolla' ro-rarta, ta*

dlatiM Md UtfM olaverydeacriptioti at MONiyg, 1«6 Main at.. OrMitti AAgi4doA DANCING f ltm at Balfont Hal). 20 Nortb

C*ntr» at., Oranf«, Baturday evanlxi(a. All ft*a kataai dtncaa will ba uu«ht. I

BEAT buttar. baat aaica. no ftka, and amaii la, what you aat at CA£H DAIKV

ETORi;. «or. Main and Park ata.XHAi carda. fatior china eupa and uucara,

f*nay la re n all auUnbla tor preaanti,/ at DnUUMOMD^. 1«> Main M. >To

^ -------- only jrenuOranfaa; only &60

atwe. ALTBYIN * BCHATKa ca:

per Ifjn; 80KH.

Duma In any400

lATH* can, aibvaii. cweatcra. rubhari. muAUra, aio.e ai AUrriN^B, 14 UalD at.. W. Oranra.

TRY our faoiotta lfi>. 2 nut «oul: only tS.60 Pm' Tat- ACM1N *_ SONS. _

tm cb l^B whe«t. I! (lar hundrad. lUin at., Oransra. 1

OPEN tvanlnfM tUt fi thia WMk. UOHO'S, Main it.. Orwnia



rarastloas that srs frmht at MoOOW. a Fsril et^OrMx*.____________ t o

Me. per hundred, at VIN.4»D baled hay. «o-OKNrH, *0 a iln St.

UUO-LB. sack fine dairy salt. »<• »t V IN O Eurt, 3B0 Main si, I

po ta to 108CBNTg,

■till Me. pw bushel, a t VIN-


C h lc k g a i, iw r ib ................................. DeOmcIu , p g r l b . ...................................... >cTartcgya, pgr lb. .......................•

V I I g C B I N ' r ’ S .

PISHI PISH! PISH!At t>„ L. A tr. R. R. Cnmlng.

C E N T R E S T R E E T , ORANQB.Fresh gglinan. Hot froxen. sut in S le to w

t o m la t Us: ftseh ingiish i io io r Ueiriim Ic .Ik ; iM h llvlCodtoh. #c, Ik; White M t.S Ee mWB nve l*F>i ■vysew- a eesaevgtoa

Jock, 1« Wig R ffiniwr’l »on.And GUI t faniwr’g daughter;

T hey w ant to((alhar op a h ill 'I’o fetch a pal' o f water.

A nd, when th e w ater th ey liad brought, T hey •>'<! " * * '0 b ring no m ore—

W e're going to aae Santa C lani ,4t Hghffg a C 4>.'g B ig S to re ."

Baaeinent, South -Mila.

Silver Presents.We give you the

best choice in both

Sterling and Silver­

ware t h a t Newark

can offer ; our prices

ore your way.Q uadruple Plated Toilet Ware of very

bgiidaqtoe design Combs, 08«.H air Brushes, 3 .HI.Mirrors, *-»*.Mat Brushes, l.O T .Bonnet Brushes, l . n f . .Cloth Brushes, l.N T.Whisk Brooms, I.UT.Shoe Bela, l.T It.

S terling Silver or I’latcd Napkin Hingi a t every iw itlb le price, anil so niHiiy s ty le s th a t It will puxr.le you to choose from them.

(Juadropte Plated 8hnving .Mug and Brush, satin flnish w ith handsom e rococo border and gold-lined, 3.(lb |i r r set.

Bilver-pUtod -Novrltlct In everyth ing Im agintb le th a t M suitable fo r presents.

F ru it DlibM, I.B H to IT ,4 lt.Cakf Baskets, l . im to i i . i a .Soup Turtens, B .su to lo.TU .Tsa Seta. T .n s t o k e . t o .W alters, 1. eg to S . SO.Crumb Sets, l . 4» to 8 . s n .Ice Pltehers, 4 ,8 S to lo .im .Tilting Pltchere, l« .4 b to X 1.2S , W ater Pitchers, I .OS lo tt.IB ,B utter DIshea, 3 ,OH to H.OH.Baking Dlabea, S .afi lo T .tol. Chocolate Pots, l .g . t to l.HH. ch lld ren 'i Cups, W*c. to 4 .iw .Caalers, I .M to S.Tfi.Candelabras. H.Tfi to h .» h .Syrup Pitchers, l . oh to S . XS.Bread Trays. I.IW* to R.SUI.Nut Bowls, I*OR to S .7H ,Gravy Boats, 4 . TO to tl.R * .Fern Dishes, 1 . On to fi. 0 0 , jPlateaus, * .1 » to » .3 » . *'Ice Tuba, 4,B« to fi-.W .Wine Cooler*. S .v n ,Hot W ater Kctilcs, 1 1 .TO.Tea or Coffee Crns, lU.OH,

Stgltom ry-Thla department shows thoHgandt iif dwlgiu of Xmas Cords, and all kinds ol Stationery, by tho pound or In boxes.

Secure g tranofer cord upou enter­ing our atore, aa you will then nwke hut out puymeut.

Bring the children to set Santa Cltua from 0 A. M. to I P, M. (only) lo our hig hasement, west end.

Basanient, S onih A isle.

A most beautiful and appropri­ate present is a lamp. Ours is the finest lamp stock in the State.

I-amp (like cut), with either 9 or lo-inch globe, in 10 different decorations and colors. All have centre draught burners. Our A CQ p r ic e ............................................................. ^ e u Y

Our Comet Incandescent Gas Mantel can be used on any gas burner. Mantel with asbestos loop, 20c. Mantel with platinum loop, 25c.

BawuneDt, Sonih Alilo,

B r i c - a - B r a c .Fine China,

Cut Glass.If it is a woman whose pres­

ent you are worrying about, stop and look this little list over, for her present is here.

Trplltr Viaea in large varietv at ZSc., 69c., 91 c ., I .’19 to 33 .98 Meh.

Jewel Caiwa, very pretty decuntloos, gold plated trlnimlDgs, 98c; eacli to 11.93.

Bohemian OIsm Bon-bon and I'ufT Boxet, choice decoration, 39c. to 3.33 each.

Decorated China. Fleh, Game. Ire Cream, t.'hocolate, Tete-a-tete and Fnili Seta Id large variety, Kicli .Vnierlcati Cut Glass Bowls, 3 .9 8 to IS.98 each.

Water Jugs, 6 .7S to IS .73 eaeh.Olive and Bon-bon Trays, 1.98 to

3.B9 each.

Home of Santa Claus.The Fairies’ dream of daz­

zling splendor and a bazar of delight to young and old.

Come in often. We’re al- w.iyi pleased to see you.

ItnsemeDt, X o rtb Aisle.

Musical Instruments.Come and see the musical wonder, tho

REGENT ZITHER,dem ouatratH l on our mato floor. I t ti t ith e r , g u ita r and OjaDdollu In one. We guaran tee to leach you how lo u iay i t tn live liilnulea. I t i price li only J.OO.

Olympia M r-playing Mualc Bm ,w ith In terchangeab le metal tunea—the licst Atnerlimn m alic box In the m arket. N os. 1 to 3, each w ith flve tunes, 14.00 to 7 0 ,0 0 .

Entire Second Floor, West.

Our Xm as Furniture Show ing is made up of Fur niture especially adapted for gifts. Especially designed to appeal to g ift buyers. Prettier designs than the ordinary,

You need not know what you want till you are here. The goods will appeal to you from their own appropriateness.

The ladies say: “It is so hard to buy for a man.” Is there anything hard about buying a Shaving Stand for some gentle­man friend ? We show Shaving Stands in autique oak, solid mahogany and bird’s-eye maple, all with mirror tops, from 2 .65 to 25.00,

About one hundred different styles in all the popular woods, such as solid mahogany, imitation mahogany, quar­tered oak and vernis martin in f lu s ic C abinets. Prices range from 4 .9 8 to 63.00.

Brery llltia boy ihould Iwv*A vwacl « ( soinc kind.

Steamer, aalter or wanliip.Or else all three comhloed.

We have them In our list of toyt,At prices very low.

The niceat boats In all the town Are sold by llahne A Co.

Broad and New Streets.

Men’s House Coats.Of course, women buy most of the House Coats for men. Natural,for women have the, knackof comfort-' bringingtothem.. So this word to! w o m e n . Our stock at a glance

shows variety and elegance. There are the very neat sorts, and the very loud sort, but even the gayest is not an of­fence to good taste. Should there be any mistake in the size selected—exchange will gladl y be made after Christma s —or before if you discover i t

A Urge variety of the moet de­sirable gtyles lu Smoking Jackets and House Costs for holiday pres­ents will be found here.

Genuine Am i- bet Tricot Jack­ets in brown, gar­net and blue, faced with quilted satin, quilted lining, edges bound with satin, 4 . 7 A.

Genuine Aasebet Tricot Jackets in brown, garnet and blue, faced with quilted satin and quilted aatin lining, edges bound with satin, 6 .0 8 .

Tricot, satin bound,browns, bine maroon, 4.tiA.

Scotch Plaid House Coat, cord binding. 4 .0 8 .

Books, Pictures, Dress Patterns.

Pure Candy.Fine Groceries.

Nuts, Cakes. Fancy Goods.


Ltoutonsat-Colonto UuImM W iitos of Good Cm dU to. of Sauthara Imldtors.

K. C. Holmes, of the firm o l J . I-. Arml- toge ft Co., received a le tte r yesterday from hla brutiier. Lieutenant-Colonel B. P. Holmea, of the Third Regim ent, New Jeriey Volunleers, stationed a t Athens, 0« .. in which he says th a t con trary to all reporvof 111-heslth among th s Mildleri In the South, they are In flrst-olat* condi­tion, and are well cared for. He auyi that the regiment Is preparing to move lo (Juba, In part the le tter reada:

"We arc all In the best of health. The hoepttal* are useless. Although It Is very cola, we are comfortable, a s the Oovern- mem furnishes stoves for o u r taiUi. Or- fiera are In for tho movement of the regi­m ent to Cuba. TUo coming week will see ua on our way. If not, In fact, there. Mules, wagons, overcosls, shoes and all necessary apparel arc anlvlng In g rea t quantities. All win be loaded on the transport, six


men occupying s lent fourteen hy fourteen feet. We xo irotn hers to Savannah and then to Cuba. The roembera o f the regi­ment are In exiellent spirits.

"W e have had our draw backs, fo r It has been uphill work. The people and the papers hive turn our w o rn enemies—not.ntentlonslly. 1 am sure. Since sum m er the papers have had us m ustered out four­teen times.

Lleutenant-Cclonel Holmes says that there Is a reeling of contentm ent among the men. snd an assurance th a t the Oiiy- ernment will take good care of them.

«BA1. MSTATB T M g .K S » R i.

8I«I* AUawed El.OM t ta p tt i j Waal- ed by ih * Feuiisylvanto lU llm sd,

Hp-ciSt DUt-itch to tbe NEWS.NEW E R l’NBWICK, Dee. 16.-The iury

In the cane of the appeal of the Feimsyl- vsnla Railroad from the award made by the cummisaloaera upon the Frank Stoelc properly, on Paterson atreet, which was also appeolMl by Mr. Btecle, gave a ver- diet late yesterday alternoon, fixing Ihe value of the iiroperiy and the damages at II.ISO.

The original aw ard made hy the com- mlialoneni was $2,750. The Jury won oul nearly two hours. Steelv uwn« a lot whose rear line abu ts upon the I'enua.vlvunla Railroad tracks. The (’ompuny wanted a strip tea feet wide, ua long us the width of Mr. Steele's lot, for me aurpon' of building H sw itch to the beef liouae of the Bwlft Company. The ca** wa* hltt-rlv fouglil on both sides. It may he again ap­pealed.



The real estate irsn ife rs recorded In tbs Reglaier’sofllce Wednesday and reported by the Fidelity Trust Comparty were;

NEWARK.Elisa B. Pell el als to Ahnla J . Hel­

ler. e • Lydia Ward 11 cha i frBwamp rd iMamburg p i).................. n

Samuel J. K uti el ux to F rederic W. Ward, w a B. 11th at 26 n f r 11th av,60x100 ............ 1

Emily Maria Cox and huaband to p. ilallantine & Sons, n n Pasaalcav 333 e fr Brill st, 00x116...............

Andrew Van Sickle to Jam as Van Sickle, w a N. (th st 476 n f r I th av,35x100 .................. .................................

J a m « C. McDonald, exr, to F red­erick W. Schmidt, w a W lnana av125 n fr Bergen st. 36x353.............. j

Charles A. Davenport e t ux to Jam «a S. Medden. e i A Sth a t 376 n f r lUhav, 26x100................................................ 8(10

Henry M. Doremua (Bberiff) to Mler- chants' Inaurance Co„ e a Bearingat 312 n fr W arren a t ......................... |,M()

Joseph Werner e t ux to Ihe Essex County Pork Commlsalon, e a N 4that 400 n fr Sth av, 25x100................. . LtOO

TOWNBHIFB.Jam es A. Speer et ux to WilBaoi C. ‘

Meyer, Caldwell, n s Bloomfield av s e cor Bcott Rodman a t atonenrldge, 2Ba............................................. g0(o

William Lawler et ux to M ary N ta- Ipn, Montclair e a Bay e t 100 fr n • 1 M and E R R , 5DxB: a t n w cor above lot, 36x36; a a Bay 44 171 n fr Newark and Bloomfield R R; a a Chestnut at 140 c fr Fullertonav ............................................ 1

Mary Ncalon to Mary Lawler,■ame ..................................................... ]

William O. Lord et ux to John Ued- oraft, IrvlDgton, a ■ Ball st l i t fr

T lm otty^w l'L ort et tix to Jotan il'etd^ craft, Irvington, * a B all at U t f r Cottage at, BxlOO; e a Ball st 100 fr Cottage at, axlOO: a t Ball a t 100 fr Cottage at, SxlOO; a a Ballt t 160 fr Cottage at, 31x100..................

Edmund D, Runyon e t ux to laaao D.


m .Gabel et ux. Orange, chanid st 134 n w tr15x130 .................. ..........

William K. Willlamaon et ux to Uu-

. n e a Ha- Llncoln av,

bart J. Athlay, Bloomfield, ■ a Ka- 1 m w fr Berkeley av. Six4U ; [saex at 160 w tr B erkeley av,

aex n aU*Xi m

CUNTRACTB AW ARDED.T b t toUowtiw eoatrmolt have b

corded a t the Courthouse;Pater (FConnar, owner, w ith M lto a l

Sagan, oontntetor, ton, rnaaon, M A n rk m stree t, city; Peter O’Connor, arcMtac*,

P etJr (rCannor, owner, w ith Detniai Hopper, contractor. $1,007, ckrpentev, m P iA e r street, city; P e te r O'Connor, a tc i l . tact.

U tw yerF Building Company, ewnara. w ith Co90«r ft wTgand And tim I ta g h s

ity e rr Building Comps Cooper ft Wlgand and

n Company, lim ited , k Iron work, W n a t atrai

BOYS CHARGED WITH tlOIIHClHEO.bit Lade la J a il at resealr Relieved to

Hava Entered Many htorei. ipeclal Dlipotcb to the .NKVVS.

PASSAIC, Dec. 15.—The ;iollce to-day ar­rested William Hettinger, Harry Lyons, Herbert Van Haascl. vvililnm l.yiin, Jamce McCormick and (‘baric* Young, raaglng In age frono lo u riw a (u - igiiii cri, and acui them to Jan.

The police secured n coafi'Palon Irom Reltlngcr th a t he and hi* gang had perpe­trated a large number of pctiy robbvrles, Hair-B-dosen stores testify to their Vlslti. Rettingcr Ih the graiulaim of (ii’orge Het­tinger, a Itolel-heepi'C and a Republican Wirhor<e.__________ ____ _

Mare Typhoid CUHO at I’aterioa.PATEHSt IN, Dec. l.'i. -Mix new esses of

typhoid fever were reporied lo Ihe Board of Hesllh yesterday, which makea forty- lllx cases in oil reporlei] so far this month, but there are at least three other cases known to Hie health authorities which have nol Is'en reported yet. Hcaltli In­spector Leal still Iwllevei that the out­break Is caused hy tho city water, but whan such is Ihe case It Is usual to look for some bouse along tbe river In which there Is a ease of typhoid and from which the water I* euniamluated. Bo far this case has not Ueeti discovered.

Iiroaght ('hooked,BAN h'RASfIBCfi. Dec. 16,—The weath­

er and crop te|a(rt* gathered by the as- loolated frees shirw that the rain which eommonce.l on ihc coast Tuesday night, has reached «lmo«t every section of the ■late, and all ilanger of drought for the time being I* !a»»l. The iireclpltstion comes In the nl' k of time, Cattle havi been etarvlng m many WfCtlons and the

tnpilnd h»e .... . 'on dry for lining andrater aupplle* for many cities and towns

have reached a vi ry low ebb.

O hio H lv»r Pj'OMnsCINCINNATI, Dec. li.-T h a Ohio River

le froii’u ovir at YVheellng and Parkers­burg and frum Parkersburg to Louisville the stream Is full of fioatlng Ice. In tbe harbor here the floes a t times sxtsnd from shore ta shore, and navigation la more and mors dllficuli. It baa been suspended for all upper river points. Licking Rlvsr has g o rn d a t several co ln ta . Towboats keep fiKTring In the nsrlior In the effort to pre­vent a solid mass of Icn forming here.

Danl*h (Ifflolsls I’mtest.■T THOMAS, Danish West Indies, Dec.

lA-vi'he Hnllwi B laus guarlerm aiter's alsamer Gypsiiro King, which arrived hereSesttrday from Porto lllco In order lo be

ocked. fins lieen prevented from so doing by the Danish Government nfllclals, who take the around that It would be a viola­tion of the n eu tra lity lawn lo permit her to do so. The o«clals, however, have Cabled to Copenhagen for l"atructions.

Yandol to a lilarksm ilh 't th sp .

W t r l c k Tevlln,a htaoksmlth. entered fils ehOB Kjl* ‘“ “rjj-tog and found both bellows lit the p lu s o*a lo nieces. On Ihe floor was found a K wh ch belonged to a worhman who

te m c riv in Tevlln’a employ. Elisa- A U ctlves are now hunting tor the

i ksp ictad Ioffender.

gECCIAA MWlOat.lU a. innalow 's gootbtog Syran,fsr aU


To PoriB Norleus of a Cblaeeo Army—Rus­sian Enlerprlso—Ttui Opposttlua

(o the Emiieror,VANCOUVER. B. C , Dec. 15.-Cblneee

pepera received by ths Kmprrie of India lo -iay s ta te th a t 2.519 men are to be handed over lo Lord Charles Ilereaford to organise ae a nueleue of the Chinese dis­ciplined arm y of Ihe future.

Dtspatchea have been received from N anking and Wu Chang to the effect that the G rand Connell has notified the Vice­roys of those cities to select a thousand men each from the Manchii garrisons of K lang Nlng (Nanking) snd Ching Chow, near Sbasl, and have them ready to be turned over to the sole coimnind of Lord C hsrlea, " to be drilled according (o the system of the British arTny." It has not yet bean determined where the future cam p Is to be, but pruhshly near Nanking or Chin Klang.

T h t H ong Kong pnijem declare that the repo rts published of the existence of a secret tre a ty between the Russian and Chlneoe Governments are perfectly true. It Is s ta ted th a t a targe force under Rus­sian officers la ordrr< d to Bhanlutikwan.

The aeoret treaty exl*iliig between R ot. sla and C hina Is reported to be ga fallows:

U ntil the reorganization of the Chinesr Army and N avy Is cotii|jU>ted China ahall have asslitan ce of (he Itusaian Army and Navy for defence In case of emergency. In such caoe th e commaml of (hf arm y and p tv y ahall rem ain In the hauda of BussUn odlcora. The Chinese Government ahall m ake proper pecuniary eompenaatlon to the R usitan Army and Navy when their oervlcea a re retelvial. The enmmandrr uf Ihe R utn lan Afmy a t Liao Tung and Port A rthu r ahall hold himself at the orders of the Chinese Ooverntnent, and may he call­ed upon (o render assistance at any time.

A native dispatch frum North China ■totes th a t since the Hosslnna have com­menced th e work of conetrurtlng Ihe rail­way to M anchuria, the oouniry from Kirin to Honohuti la more than over disturbed by "h o rse bandits." who have been .ktlntd by m any laborers who had been employed by th e Ruaslan uulharllles. but after­ward found the work too laborious ind preferred pillaging to hard work. Though the Chlgeae troops wer* unahle to quell the bandits, the la tter are scared of the Rusolana and take care nol to come within rgnge of th e ir rifles.

The foreign Mlnlelers al Peking have re- celved In te ra supposed lo rome from Kang-Yu-W el, the Chlneae reformer. In the le tte r addreeaed to the Herman Minis­ter ll s la te d th a t the writer has received Inatructlona from the Emperor of China to ask th e aaalstance of the'Germ an Minis­ter to u n earth the oonapiracy of the Em­press D ow ager and to restore tho Emneror to the throne by the use of force, after securing permission of the Home Govern­ment. I t* w as added that If the effort proved auccessful the German Minister would he rewarded with a considerable sum of money. . . .

The le tte r was written In the form of an official communication, the sender sign­ing hlm solt in h it cspsalty ae director of th# Official Oasette Bureau. It li r e ported th a t the letters eent to tho other Mlnligtera were to a similar effect.

I t la well understood now In Peking tha t tho Intention of ths Haiichua was to kill the Kmperor or formally depose him, and hla aucertso r was ohcien; but tha attitude of the foreign Minister made them pause, and the a rrlva t of the Legation Ouarde iniule them conclude that they had better leave th ings as they were meanwhile, as two of the Princes told n prominent resi­dent of Peking; "We let the for­eign doctor see htm to pacify tha lega­tions, but we don't let him take any of tha foreign doctor'e medicines." 9o timor­ous a re thoae Manchu Princes th a t (here Is very little doubt that really strong rep- raaentatlon Dorn the fototgn Mlnlstere, backed by a movement on Ihe part of the British fleet, would put the Kmperor rsally on hla throne again, Thu presence of 305 asaoried foreign loldlers and oallori In Peking h as bad a remarkkble effect already.

The ateam er Bmpreta of India, which has arrived here from Hong Kong and Yokohama, brings the fallowing advloea:

An ograemaRt has baah ooncludad be­tween tha Japaneoa and Chtoeaa Govern- menta for tbe laaae of an anoborage for JapABaaa vsasela at Foo Chow to tba ax- tant of MbM taubo.

M araula m la wM to bav t raoaiuir g i .

prrseert lo Viscount Tnksshima and Mar- vhiil Noiu, n very pt'MimtBtlc vlflw in re. ffiird 10 the fulur* of the rh)ne«v Kmplre. "There i i no raoii in China who can her from the Impendlnir coJUipM," aald ht. '^The country la ao hig aa to defy all at« trmpta a t renovating it."

Indeed, the Marnuin would not ha jour- prlaed If he thouid find a aad fate over* tahea China within a n*-ther abort apac'o of Umc, aay th n e yean.

Th ttnnorcd orulwr Kalarr. the German ftaaahip In Chlneae waten, raa on a rock and had to Ire h4ka(!hed In t^enuah Hay.

F'ire occurred on tha Japanear tteam or Hul 1/ooujT nn November 9B, whan near Amoy. Terrible ronfnaloii ioon prevailed aniODK her paaaonitaiii. Uany wero conflned tx'lnw and could not reach the derh. The hamea were extlnjtutahed after a hard apcll of work a t the pump#, hut not hefom two men had hee& buroM lo death nnd three Injured.

Mrae. Yale’s

Hair Tonic.

Ta OIu anil Gentlemen: It afiorils mn great plessiiro to ohH the ntteutiun of the publlo to the ExpfUlor Hair Tonic, which it the Itixt and only remedy known to chrmlatry which positively turns ffray hair back to Its original color without dye. U has gone on record that

MME. YALE—wonderful woman chpiaiit—has msde thil moat yaluablo of all ohemloal dla- cijvorlcs. Mrac. Vale personally In- dotket its aotlon and gives the pabUc her solemn gnaranlee that It has been tested ib every concclvilde way, and has proved lUcII to ho the only liair Specino. It itop* hair faUiing Iminodiutely and cre­ates a luxurious growth. Contatns no injurious Ingredient. PhyslclAos and chemists invited to analyxo it. It la not stleky or gressy; on the contrary, it makes the hair soft, youthful, flutiy, and keeps it in curl. For gentlemeii and Isdito with hair a little gray, stregkAd gray, entirely gniy and with B A L D BEADS, It I* especially recommended. All dealers sell It. Price, 81,00,

ifuibody offers a solistltBU, s liu t ie r

Hoftlth ud OonplOKloi B pAillitVak T t a ^ tit Baaaty, O U fiffc

N B W A B K e v e n i n g n e w s , T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 15^


^ finviimor Voorh««i to Mlecl « now homo (or Now Jorooy nreiy »ml n»»y veioronoTbo Btnt* OotmalMloB OPpolnUd w rc h iU th . old 8*orod H*«rt Collofo bulldln* nt VInoUnd tor thot pur-

Who, w ith B u .o Bonotor E. C.BadTbo cbolo. of l^h. II ood innwet tb . bulldln*.

■toko, ond tb . mombor. a .th o d l .t oomlnory, bu t k bocomo a Colhollobuilt a t uf , „ d . baa 110 roomi. and can accommodate o v c 100Tbo otoBo atructuro waa

by tha r a th a n of M tror of Parta, eouplaa. I t la OQuIppad with la a and oily arator.


|L>aw era ta 0 |aaa«lana A akad o f *M> V alvaraioy l ia d a B ta P ap p ly

ta ta ra n lfa w T a a t lH a a r ,Tha yaar IM la noariat Ua ctoao, but

bow many of ua can recall readily Ita chief iMidonia and » y accurately in w hat a a a tb they occurred? Try it and aoa

O rott mlnda h ieo wroollad to And. an ex. plaoatlon for the pranki th a t memoryjdaya and have had to plea up the effort.

1 tha courae of a oyatematk attem pt to BiTivo a t aona uaderaU ndlnt with rogard ta tbn wandera of memory a raluaM a and Wtiqnt body of teatimony baa bean obUln< ad. Tba toUowInp Queatlona hava been put to M A n tiican u n l m l t y aludcnta aad protaaalonal peraana, IM balm man • M forty-olaa balog woman. Tha in a w tn M a bera pleaa witb tha queatlona:

q . 1. WhaB you cannot raoall a nam i you arant. doca It aeem to come back m niitiiW aoly without being auggeated by Bay p a r^ v e d aaaoclattan of Ideaa? To ♦iii« alavan par cenL anawered "No,” and Bltbty-«M per cent. "Tea."

ql. 1 Doea ouch raoorery ever coma daring *i**| '^ aeoamten per cent.


‘ and Iwamy-alght per cent.

- r — given:la morning I triad to rocaU Ibe name

wt a oharaotar I had read of the night be- fare in oow of ■cett'a noveU, and failed, I taught a eUaa. and walking home In the aftw aoea tba name raourred to ma without

Oava It up.Mg of aamelhlng alae, oa t aonacloua vollllon.

q . 1 On aealng a a lfh t o r hearing a

tried to recall tbo name of a book. Half an hour after, while talk-

I blurted It out wlth-

^ - *V•aelnd for the drat time, have you ever th a t you had eaen (or heard) (he m m e be.

'eltfl*eT'Ptfty-nlne per cent, anewered .

The aotlOB of unccnacloua memory d u r'■Yei.'

J a i Bleep li illuilrated by further queiiea Q. t Do yiw d m m ? Ninety-four per

o e o l anawered "Yee."Q. A Can you wake a l a given hour de-

tarmlnad before going to bIm p , without ' tlmra before? yifty-nlne

"Tea,’4 thirty-one perwaking up many par eont. anawered a ta t anawered ”No.‘

q . 1 If you can, how about fallureT ■taty-Blne per cent, mldom failed i twenty- Ava per cent., often.

q . 1. Do you oomo>.dtrect from oblivion Mto conicloueneiaT Blity-tour per cent, anaw ered' "Yob," and aliteen per cent. *Draduallv."

Examplea:I. 1 had to give medicine every two

bourn exactly to my wife. I am a very aound Bleeper, but for fix weeka I woke

tvary two houra, and ntvar mlaaed glv. modicint.

alwxya awake Ave mlnutaa be-

A U o g r l n ie h D teoovery Mad* la Pax- Bate an d M orrla C oaB lIoa,

Prom the Ppttraoo NeWa.A mountain of aaphalt, th a t promlaea

more to thoee who now conlrol It than ten gold mlnee, baa been diacovared In I he Cackout Mountalna, near Blooming- dale, In thla and Morrla countlea, and haa paaaed Into the handa of moneyed men of thla city. Thla accumulation of aaphall, bitumen or mineral pilch la one of the rareat phenomenona of nature, and from a commercial alandpolnt lie Importance cannot be eatlmated. I t la ■he opinion of mlneraloglala and other eaperta that with the exception of the leUhd of Trinidad and on the * b o ^ « the Dead loa. In ihia mountain la located the greateal aephalt dcpcalle of the world. No other mine haa t«en found ao acceaalbli to lha clllea where the de­mand for aaphalt la ever locreaalng. Th® apAcuUtor® who hav® hoJo of II ®ri •anguine that It will prove more than a Klondyke, and ihetr hopea aeem to be wenfo jin d rt^ _ by the akeptica th a t tuch a wonderful thing would have been dll- c o v e r t Iona ago did It really exiat, but then though hundreda of m intra have been workTug In Alaaka to r Korea- of yeaia, the Klondyke waa not d lK ovete^ and the old mlnerf were the moat akep- tlc il when the vaal gold d tp M ti were found. Nevertheleai, the fact la now eatabltahrd beyond the queatlon of a doubt that mineral pilch of g rea t com­mercial value exiata In the qwuntaln. ana th a t Paterton capltallala have Inveated conaldrrable money In It and are atwut to apend many timea more. Able aaKyera hava declared that the bitumen found here comparea favorably with th a t found on the ahorea of the Dead and Caiplan aeai.

The dlaoovery wae m ad e-th e way. It aeema all great dlocoverlei are m ade- hy accident. An eccentric mlneraloglal, attracted by the atorlea of gold - to be found In that vicinity, apent a a re a l deal of time trying to locate the velna. made frequent aaatya, but, a t far a waa conearited, he waa unaucceMful, ever, like Baul, who went oul to look for tala faM er't ataea and found the crown of larael, he made a diecovery tha t will In all probability prove Incomparably more proAtable both lo himaelt and the people he haa Iniereated In the acheme. The preparaltoni to begin work a t once after the genulneneea of the And wae proved have been going _qn uninterruptedly,

John W. Alexander, the porlralt painter, who la one of the moot prominent of the colony of American arllila In I’arli. la tn Ptttaburg, h it native city, on a abort vlalt. He ia reported aa much Iniereated In the Carnegie Art Ineiltule'a axhtbltlon, which la now optn there. The Plttahurg Timea aaya th a t U r. Alexander, telling how ari- lata In Parla look upon the Carnegie gal- lerloi, la id th a t "Pltlahurg waa mentioned more In a r t clrclea In Europe than any cliy In tha Unlled Btatea. The artla ti there could taArdly b«lleve th®t ®ny on® icah would do AA Andraw Ciniefl® h a t d o i ^ MtAbllih An Art KAllery and then off®r piiMA for td f b®il worh. Such a Ihm f At A naAnty prli® w m now lo Kurop®Ana» who nr® AAtlMdrd If th®y can obtain a mod­al or «v®n honorable roantlon. But money prlMA opened up a new. and m tome re- apecta a m o t BAtlifactory held.'

I P ta i r 1 aet tbo alarnier s s r ‘had little Bleep for ten daya I ta bed a t *, taking to be called " ~ I fell aaleep a t once. 1 rote

, aa Che clock atruck Ifc and ■ aid not believe I had not been called.

A alrange phenomenon haa come to light to tha oourae of tba Inquiry Into the mya- akay of memory. I t h u been dlaoovered

‘ a t a cryatal, con-

thoufh i l r t u f e . " W ith the beet of Ai-‘ ^ -lilphalt a t hand, vlalona of Ideal ilreeta are

not chlmrrlcal. The new enterprtre may more than take the place o f I he un- ateady allk and the departed locomotlv* at-UvUy that made Pateraon.



' Continu­ing, ha Bald:

’'n t ta b u rg haa almpty advanced by lumpa and 'bounde In the world of art. Formerly Philadelphia waa conalder^ the a rt cam re of America. Now U ti Pllt»- burg. New York haa been left far In the rear. The metropolla baa her annual exhl- hltloni, but never Ihinki of Inviting men from abroad to commie."

Thera aaoma to be a waning In the aber­ration of taa le In rcllgloui art, which led ■0 many French and Oerman artlita to product Madonnaa with the Parlalan K op irla or tha Oarm an peaaant tor mtdcla.

^he"InevUable'reaction haa coroe. and theare producing religioua worka

whole.p a ln t e r a -------------------- -that are a t whoieaome and at etevaling a t thoae o f th e old maatera. PaulThum ann beat known by hla picture of "The Patea, haa made hla Aral venture Into the Held of Chrlatlan a rt. and haa produced a Ma­donna and Child." The painter haa fol­lowed the beet tradltlona of hla art, and haa uaed for hla Madonna a woman of the Hebrew race and haa added another to the painter*! Idea of glorUed m other­hood.

Ia>hilon la Juat how enjoying a loan col- ------ • a t Southlection of Illhographa a t South Kenitng-

ton Muaeum. the eicuae. If one were need­ed, for the anow, being tha centennMI^an-ntveraary of the practical adaptation of the princlpiea of lithography, whwh had been Invented by Aloya Benefelder, In ine.

A pleaelng tribu te to American a rch lt« - ire la made by Mr,

of the "Americanlure la made b; Mr. Huit-head, the author

Beadecker/* In hla"Land of C ontraata." H e aaya ' ‘th a t arch-

tkax by aaxing ataadlly■■aa in eaa la partly loal. In to tha voidtbag produead'thoae who have praetlaed cryatel-gaaJng And that then enter unMd-daa, fo rg o tu a InaWenti and loai mimoiiea. To glVa a few IntlancM: A lady In ory- a tahcaa lng aaw a bit of dark wall oovered w ith white Aowert. She waa conicioua; •h e muat hava teen It aomewhere, but had so raoollectlon where. She walked over th e ground the had juat iraveraed, and fauna the wail, which the had paaaed un- ewticad. She took out her bankbpok an­other day. Bhortly afterw ard th e waaSxlng a t the cryatal and aaw nothing but

e num ber T .Sl She thought It waa ao M ; up the bankboek.

num ber T,W. She ihOL.M c k number, but. taking up found, to her aurprlae, ft waa the num bar « t tba account.

A t aao ther thne the deatregred a letter w ithout noting tbe addreaa: the oould only rem em ber the town. After maURg a t the cryatal tom e time the aaw ''S tt Je fferaon avecua." She addreaaed th# le tte r thua, adding the town, and found it waa right.

A lady aat In a reom to write w here th e had aiT and atudled eight yeara bafare. She felt her feet moving rea tlea i^ under th e table, and then remembered tn a t eight^ e a n before ahe alwaya had a foolatoot.

waa thla her feet were Becking. Paychtcal reaearoh brlnga to light m any

eaaea of almllar atrange tricka of memory, la eaay to And laiaianuea th a t te rv a (a

M aar o f Thaaa A re P l a la l r S a g g ea - l l v e o l T h e ir O r ig in .

From an Jixrbange.Peculiar namea era uaed to dealgnatc

■ome ITnIted Btatea poatoffleea. Many namea are plainly auggeattva of their origin. "Sweetlipa,” Tenn.. for Inalance, a t onoe reveale to a romanllo mind the m olt taaclnailng atory of love, and there la little doubt that In tom e way or other Cupid'a arrowB are ruponalble for the name. *'iledlov," Neb., and "Nogal." NjM. , may llkewlae auggeat romance In the one caae, and the lack of It In the other, but all good c llltcn i will deplore tha wretched orthography of both.

"Mud," Tex.: "Mule,” Ore,: “Sodom,"N. M.; "Yellowjacket," Idaho, and "Loyai- aoefc,” P a . are aleo auggestive. but tha dealrabllity of their aelectton la a m atter of aerloua doubt.

‘'Panther^' la enough to depopulate moat any town, but tlx m atea have uaed it lu deilgnatejroatolBcea

"U later," Pa., li doubtleaa aafely named through u a tum m er and fall, but aa toon aa anow Aiea there It certainly great dan­ger th a t aome cold citlaen will put It on and w aar It oft. "Peanut," Va.. too. might meet a horrible fate a t tb e banda—or mouth—of aome unaympathetic but hungry •mall boy. _

Iowa haa made a poelofflce of ’Wax," Florida of "Sawduat,*'^ Kentucky of "Seven auna," TeXAa of “Twin BlMara," Tennei- tee of ''V irtue." N orth Carolina of "Wll," UlaalaatppI of "Xero,"Colorado of "Ijjvet,* Fennaylvi '

Itacture atruck him aa perhapa the one a rt in which America, ao fa r a t modern timea are concerned, th a t could reaaonably claim to be on a par with, If not ahead of, aroy European country whalaoever." - Thla •taiem ent waa made with a full recognl- Iton of the monitrtwlttea and abaurdltleathat a re a c a t te r ^ through our land from the Atlantic to the PacIAc. Some of thenaw realdentlal atraeta at citlea aa recent aa Chicago or St. Paul hold their own with contrmporaneoui thqroughfarea In Europe ao Mr. H ulrhead declarea. He doea notknow where to look, within the la it quar­ter century o r ao, for more laateful de-alf ni, greater alnceitty of purpoae or hap­pier aaaplaltona lo envtronmenta than the heft creatlona of American archltecta.

The committee having charge of th e jtralt loan exhibition 'a t the New YorkAcademy of Dealgn, which wUl open December 17. haa decided not to admit over200 portralta. thereby producing a alarm of proleata from thot* who are anxioua for the BDcInl and artlitlc recognitionwhich an acceptance of portralta owned hy them would bring about. The oommit-tcc'a mandate will doubtleaa Improve the Oharacter of the diiplay It It can aucceaa- fully rcaiat the preaaure for the aoBli of Inferior worka.


The R uatlan Mlnlater of Coi tiona, Itellantya and Public Worka

an Immenae work of a rtJ

dered’ToMunl k i w •t for

unlca- or. the

Parla Eymaltloti of 19W. It la a pasoratna of the T^rana-Slberlan Railway, ol-, more correctly, a aerlei of oonnecled p lo tuna ol

pennaylvanla of "Mountain Sunret," South

teepen the myetery. I t la nM ao a a iy to give an explanation. The clevereet man who have attem pted to do ao have had tp adm it defeat. -

Caroliha of "O ati," Virginia of "Pluck." Mtaaeurl of ‘'P u ............... .............................


*ure Air," and Maryland of"ftaaaatraa."

Mall ta left a t "Option” in Pennaylvanla. Tha only "Ploui* poetoltlee la In Ohio.If "q ia llly " la w hat you want, go to

Butler County, Ky.. to r It.“Rolling Slone” la In Mlnneaola. The

queatlon arliea, Will It atay thi-rr?

the clllea, landacnpea ana prominent archi­tectural feeturea along the I tn t 'o t the road. The work haa been entrtuled to Prufeaaor PJaaacxkl, tha genpe painter of St. Peteraburg, wtioae Sne aludlea of Rua- Blan pcaaanta and charaeter akelcbaa have a European reputation, and aaaoclated with him will be the beat landacape artlat Ruaela boaata of to-day, Proteaior Ja r- tew. After the Parla Ex|»altlon thla pano­rama Ih to be exhibited In the ' ‘clllea nt Riiropc, and there la a poaa

Fhlathat It may be brought even to 1 try.



H ew R eg, W h ile and B in e D M «ra> Hoaa May A pnear.

Ifrom the WaBhtngtOn Poet.F or a "patrio tic" dinner.the eloth ahould

be white, the cem re being aprlnkled with red and blue afiiuine around a big bou­quet o f red. white and blue Aoware. aaya "W b tt to E at." A table border m ay be m ade of torgel-me-nota, email red roeea and w hite jeeaumtne, and a t each plate ahould b e a email vate of lha tam e Aowera, I f menua are uaed. they ahould be amall fleg-ehaped white oarda with a red and blue border painted In w ater colora. but

Falgiilrr'a new alatue of Btlaac, the Literary Society of Frai


■jMw. which, _ _ ______ j e ordered In

place of Rodin'a notorioua Agure of the author, ia now on exhiblllon th the Rue St. Honore In Parle. The creator of the **Com-

It la oonaMared more elegant now m dla- ■ ■ elali

lie_____, ________ ________ ____andt h m are not procurable the plain white

menua except f<tf elaliorate itlble. the plateg ahould be

nd wherepenee ___qinnere. I t poaelbie. the platei w hite, edged with blue and red,

>e. Other aiiuroprlate decora- > thouglit of hy th a hoateae. r beglna with clear eouu In

la perm lnlble. tiona m ay be t

Tbe dinner beglna with clear eouu In which a re email aquaree of red and blue cuatard ; then aalmun on blue aaplc with w hite aauee. Tbe entree H lemh cutlela w ith tomatoee, the cutleia having blue trtlle on tile ende of the bimea, or lltilo chickene a la cream with red erruin aaunc.

, C om pueer W h o H ad P a llen ce w ith F lftlte rer® utitl AdnilrcrMe

Belli® "RemlntJcence® of Hr«limR" are contributed to th® Deut«<.Mie Uevue by Mme. Horovlti-Barnny. Hk* wife of tiu* ftmoUH Ourman actor. The lady was eent to Drahini, the ‘'wom®n’h®ter," at Vlntiw tii. with A letter of Introilucilcm hy & friend of the oomporer. Th«> h iter run thua: "Mmo. H.-H. li not to Imve tta* door ihu t in her ftce. without rhyme or rewiOn; ihe la to be taken «{>rjuuHly. Hflij her all you can,” And not only diii iirahm® hrlp her in her own artistic cori'i*r, hut he made a friend of her. and ahe wus ullowed to more of h li life mihI work thuii any Other woman.

Brahms, abrupt and plain sueakhiK lo u fault, had no patleiiu® with nattcrer® ami admirer®. On® day a yuuuK l-luiitfartau vlolInlBt, much puned and hitle tiifl'ii

edle Humalne" I® repreaented as seated a k>encli eniraiced in hla Ilttra ry lab-u|ion

or®, *'lii th ii easy position/' comments critic of Ia Klgaro. “Baitao can a t least comfortably wait unil) th® Paris Ms |Hb> tra lrs will c'loar a ploo^ for btm near the Falali Royal of the Comedl* Francalie, which liHs so far been requested In vain

of P ra n ce /’by the L ltrrary Soclet/• • •

The Dutch m srliie painter M esaat haspalJust compicied thtwe Jarjie pAlntlnfs rep*

tm '

Hied,overwhelmed tbe compoMt-r with fulMome compliments. Brahmp fletened for a whlly.

A T«f®tabTe next should b® served us u •e p a ra is course; asparugus, If in sea*Mjti.

and then replied, “ More exvrolee, youj

on a blu® dUh with crenm sauce, the dlih M n c d®6orat®d with beet-rooi cut In s ta r shapes, o r cauUnowiT may ' ‘having the same decorations.

F or th® rotl use only iho white m eat of poultry (hoU and d®oor»t« the plu itcr with s ta rs o f red and blue aspic; if ureferredt. . . . r

msn, snd fewer phrase®," and uirnrd beck Upon his aamlrer. “ Huve y all your preparation®?'* he Hskfil


ou msda young

lady who had requested his advice as to whether she should bIvi< public concert

M sestra/' she replied.

th is m ay b® replaced by Hmall blrtl®, sueh a s quail b r ^ e u a piece of red baconon eaoh and serwrd on timsi uonM with blue BSpioa A **aslade ruse®" ehmifd ac

This should oonnist of ‘ a few t(mihto«i and

ompany tb e ro tl oold potatoes with

at Vlentis. “Ves,'May. 1 play tomethlnK to you?" ‘ No;

th a t was not what I m eant/' he went on without pity, *'l only iru>anl. have you ordered your frocks and gloves?'* "Yea" the astonished younx lady replied. "That’s a p ity /' Brahms said, '*b<‘vsuse otherwise i should have advised you 'Doq't.' “

amall slloeb of beet root and surruunded with the w hiles,of hard-boiled eggn,


o f which a re oolored blue fur the iiurpoae and aarvtd with k maYotiiialae 'IrotHlng. .The dinner la completod w ith red, white ■uid blue Icea, ribbon JellY In the ihretr uul- a r t .

R e a to r a i la a u ( M Blatala i.n ,From the London Olirunlole.

The hlatoYto chateau uf Ualmulaon la twlng reatored by Mr. Ualrla, a weultliy

- la h it ■M aj»leon-wi „ ________to (urn It (ntu a NuiKileonlo m uteum . am

oleon-woreblpper. Tt Intentluij- , upo _________ ___

0 preaent It lo tbe Slate In tim e fo r It to 'o m one of the au rao llon t of th e great

libraryJo preaent It

orm one of . ................. ....... ...axhibltlan of UOO. In repairing the library •.^very Intereatlng And w at made In the • to p e of a le tter from Napoleon to Joee- •hlnc, dated from the Trianon. Augual IS.

reproaching her with not aavlng m im M ^H e advlaea her lo put her affaire

eraer, not to tpend more than CW.coo a and to a a v e the o ther fidO.niw, Thua

"Duncemore waa enllaied n t in Im­mune," “He ought to have made a good one—he can't even take a Joke."—Truth.

She—"Don't you think a foot ball player thouhl make a good golf player?" He— "The only Iroiiblf 1 tee In tha t Ihe ball might get loal In h it hair."—Yonkers B ti legman.

■Weary W alkint—'^ ’a ln 'i bad nolhln’ toeat far two tlayi---- " Victim—"You toldmo that very tarn* tto ry Ju ti a week ago," "Oh! Then turely you would help a pore bink# ' l l ain 't had nothin* to ext fer nine dxyt?"—InfUnnapollx Journal.

Johnny It oeated xt Ihe plxno rexillng »

rrtHntlng acenea from the naval review held upon Ihe oecxtlon ef the aaoenelon to the throne of the young Queen. They are ax Id to bo well oxecutad and have been purchuaril by the quern ax me- tnontot of one of the proudoat momenti In her life.

*.*Mme. Mtinknciy hog left P a rlt and

taken up her aiiode in Colocne In order to be near her fxmoaa but unfortunate huiband, who It a t preaent conAned In

orlvxu- tin ita rlu m near Bonn on the Hhino. Rn-em ly the B rtlit ten t JiIb wile

crayon ekHtch of hlmtelf drawn In front of a mirror, but toe letter which xrcomjuinlFd It w at very meltncholy and confutetl. H it Inexnlty It exuxed by ■ apinal trouble. A abort time ago a Parla court appointed Mme. U unkaciy her hui- bntid't guardian.

•t*The anceeator of G am ier In the French

Academy uf Fine A rti t l M, Conitatit Moyaux, who It head of one of the moti noted atcllerg In Parla, .U , Moyaux wai one of the moat brilliant man at the parla School of Fine Arta. In hla aeven yeara* atay In the tchuol he won twelve medata In the Aral c la tt and aeveral In the emond riaaa: hr waa alx timea hrgltte, and won tha accond grand i.riie, the great emula­tion medal, and Anally, tbe Aral grand prlie, In iKl. Hla drawlhga, a«nt from Hoinr, gnlneil for him the medal of the Billon In iwsi. U r haa, however, been known rather aa nn accompllthwl arllet and vrry aucccaaful teacher, than aa the author of ony very notad bulldlnga, and It la only recently that the French Gov­ernment hla rommlaeloned him With the execution of th r new Courthonec tor the C'our dea Coinplet In Psrla.

dimti-novri. oh;Jo!

whVnny’a Mother (from above)—"Johnny,aren't you practialngT"

Johnny—"! am, ma,"; t ^ yeare aha would have aocumuleted

f s r *'?' srendchlidrrii.- "InatOad Of m in t this, howevi*r, I sm tald “ hn YOd are in debt If you

.to p)e«ae (je lako care to dll i i f a t

jyltb an Income of l.Cig»,iN franca a

Jahnny 't Molher-"\VBll, 1 don’t hear* ^hnny-r"W ell, I'm practlalng dm paut- e»,”~Mu»k‘al Amerloo.

— )o<—‘Look at me!" axclalnrted the leading

lawyer, warmly. "I never took a drop of medtclno In my life, and I’m a t alrong aa an^ two qf your patlonla put together."

The Karl of Crawford, presldrnt of the Royal I'hotogrttuhlc Society. In London, haa made the formal auggeetlon thgt a Governmeni ealaoliihnient cenneoted with the various Hrilleh muteuma ahould be orealod. to moke acoeatlbla by nieant of PhotOKrtphy oljjecta of great general lii- tereal Ireatureil therein. Such a depart­ment would noon, no doubt, he telf-iup- poriing, for there are m anr rarltlea ownad hy the nation which ihouiandi of people can tee only throngh auoh Teproductlona.

of your patlonla put togi thaVa nolhlng." retorted the phy-

_____ I never went (o law In my life, andI'm ox rich a t any two doaen of your clP enta put together,"—Brooklyn Life,

■'Woll •lolan.

To MBFOBrawe B hlpbB U dlBar..From Ihe American Mercantile Marine.

It waa not the re-ertatiun of Ihe Amer­ican navy that caueetl the eatabllahmem of nenriy all o f the preaent -Imdlng ihlp- biiltdlng companlea engaged In oonatruct- tng American wnrahlpe, bu t the require-


O O t f O H S Y R U P. OPiS Wisriiy tnd Pnsuiiionlt.

U tU e Freddy—"Mb, 'didn 't px aay there wax alwaya room on the top?" H it Mother - ^ « a . Indeed, my c h i ld ." T h e n , may have another ptooe of plar*-


ment, rlgoroualy inaltleil upon by former “ — ‘try of th o N av y Wlilin

rarahlpa In the UnitedSecretary of tho Navy W new wgrahlpa ahould not t

Btatea, but that avenr ■ ■■ led

. . . ____ ___they, that ourahould not only.be deelgned

-Life.tion of them ahould be conatruol,- _ out of native material*. I t waa tha t


The Judge—"You m utt atop ihete Inter- ruptlonat I wont .allow you to waale Ihe

, j j A g --------------i,:#. st dneritu.

time of tha Court!"Tba Prlton«'-’‘But, my lord, you know I

j^re got no lawyer to do it fer na.' —VU-

quirement th a t gave conAdenee and cour­age to Amaricat) uanitallata to put the nillllone of dollar# need*?to pKmoiHr.equip a modern ahlp-bulldlng plant Into Amer­ican yarda, and with th e rem it th a t Our war with Spain found ua wUh a navy, even If not w ith k m erchant auiaUie, tttUy up to our seada. ^

Store Open Evei^gs Until Giristmai.

ojjt An Old Story.It’s about shoes and "SHOE-DAY" selling. You’ve often

heard It before. You’d say "chestnuts," perhaps, If it weren’t for the fact that you’ve come to know “SHOE-DAY" and our shoes as eood thinrs, worth knowing about.

To-day it's the same old story—about several sorts of'shoes that we will sell to-morrow at sp^lally reduced prices, but it has the merit of being true, therefore it may interest you.

FOUR DOLLAR SHOES, made on "mannish" lasts, but for women's wear—of Box Calf and Bright DongoJa Kid—with patent tips—low broad -hand-sewed welts—button or

Alace styles—“Shoe-Day" at

$2.50 CLOTH TOP LACE SHOES—new opera toes—calf patent tips

j t—Goodyear welts—"Shoe-Day'BOYS' SH O ES-of Tan

Calf—^f-lined—good heavy bulldog toes—Goodyear welts —$2.50 value a t ............... W .fc U


LITTLE BOYS’ SHOES—of Crack-proof Calf—^ heavy s<ries—strong back stays—our $1.50 sort—"Shoe-Day"at

Kid-MEN'S OPERA SLIPPERS—of Tan or Black Vici white kid lined—hand-sewed turns—regular $2 grade—“Shoe-Dky” at

Rugs, Mats and Carpets From Sunrise Land.

Nothing could be more givable nor more acceptable than these splendid specimens of Oriental Art. The depth of the coloring, the quainlness of the designs, the soft heavy pile all tend to the enrich­ment (X any room into which they are introduced.

Likely you’ll be surprised at the extent of our collectkHL

$5 to $150 is the price range. There’s hundreds to pick from, and, of course, every rug

is diHerent.ANTlQtJE ANATOLIAN MATS—nmglni In tlw from 1 ft. 9 in. x 3 f t 4

ia , to 1 f t 8 in. X 3 It. 7 In— usually sold at »8 to *12- J g J g

BELOOCHISTAN MATS—In every sUe from 2 ft 4 ia x 2 ft. 7 ia to a ft. 4 la X 3 fL-usuaUy soU at S8 to f l3 — g Qhere at.

HAMIDAN RUGS-in sizes 3 H 1 ln.x4 ft.to3 ft f 0 A C A5 iax4 ft 4 in.—regular value f io to t i s —here at.. . ® 0 II I ® lv > a H I

BtX)KHARARUGS-2fLll Iax3ft. 7ln.t0 3 S O C A Aa ft. 11 la xS ft 3 ia—usually SI 8 to |4o—here now at ® IiJaU V III

SHIRVAN RUGS—sizessft. 3 ia x 4 f t S ia t o 3 f t S * 7 a _,x6 ft. 4 In.—usually sold at HO to *40—priced here.,. 4) I III ® fc®in

..”$7 to $15.50DAGHESTAN RUGS—sizes 3 ft. 8 Iax4 ft. 6 In.

to 4 ft 1 lax6 ft 3 In.—regularly sold elsewhere *10 to *30—here a t ..........................................

GENDJI RUGS-sizes 3 ft. 10 In.xS ft. 11 tn. to 8 ft 6 in.x3 ft- to la —usually sold at *23 to *40 J J g g Q J 3 Q-here at.

O R IE N T A L C A R PE TS.GULBTANS—13 f t S lax io ft. 4 la —value *175—at $140.HAMIDIAS—13 fU 9 ft 5 in.-value » i50-at *125.KIRMANS—ta ft. 1 in.x9 ft 3 In. to 13 ft 2 laxiO ft 1 in —value *1J0

to ( 175—at I t IS to $125.PERSIANS—to ft 6 lags ft 11 ia to 10 ft. 11 in.x9 ft. 1 la—value *65

to *75—at $55 to $57.SULTANABADS-ta ft. 4 in.xlO ft 1 ta to 13 ft. 7 lax9 ft 2 In.—value

*140 to *t65-a t $12$ to $ U 0 .GHEORDES — 13 ft. J In.x9 ft 5 In- lo 13 ft. 4 iax9 ft. 1 i in. — value

*100 to *135—here al $86 to $91.


I*' - ” a ' ■ . . .

iSSSSIwAT J. w i n 4t •O K t'-N tW J l n i Y ’8 lU l lU T J IW lL L H i. S o b s o :

Gifts Useful, Ornaneutal and Luxuriousare Andlac loU of bayera kt tU l Store." Wa'rt known Carand wide aa c v o fiil itorokMpera—a thing that m«k«a you tafe h all

Wo apectallae UtoH S llnoi:


your dealinfa with ua.

Diamofliis, Jewelry, Cut Q lus, Silverware, Cutlery.

Pocket Knives.Cut Oiau»—among the moat appropriate of glfta. Uur array ahowa every wanted piece, brand new deelfna tor table, aldeboard or toilet

Sterliof Sliver NoveltiesIn ill the ueoal aad in many an nnuaual form. Complete toilet and manicure ontfita are Included, of couree.

Chrlttmaa without a knits would be Incomplete—fee tha liun- dredi of klnda we’re ahowlng. Among them are food llnee of (Mar ow a makea, every aort ef handle and alze.

Carving 5etsFor every need—route, ateak, gaiaa and Individual uae.

J e w e l l y—in every tmafinable form. From the dreai buttoni for the child to the matt elaborately jewelled brooch.

Table Knlveaand Forks—thtnei any hoinewlfe Ilkea to ge t We’ve Newarkf beat line.

W a tc h e s—belt Diovemeota, ail catet, nickel liivcr, gold Ulled, aolld gold alze*.


Table Silver.A marvelloua coUectlon-

o f patterna—uactul pleoee, Mit apoon to a tea aervtoa. and beat plate.

-all klnda From a


OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS.5alocttoiia iitada sa w raaarvad ’tltl tetar.

J. WISS & SONSG O L D A N D a i L V E R S f U T H S , C I T T L E R Y A N D C U T G L A S S .

755 Broad St.» Newark.

PARIB to be vei bar to a ocala he Linea ar fac t ta tbore la th a t la 1

You Off U i| the upon lha with Ha

Tba ha lltlla hat (BBta a tlina dtM In lha wi bair la a

The d Dillllner batr la ti thouth I —and liri

It la « •hape ar preoxrat with X t In X all) and d a r vIoIeL 1 la kept I a th la f I the halt girl I

One of the mak cloth to

At a a tanle, w of c^lm, wore a 1 ahxpo.

The lu oreaeed many tt for Ibe aianed tIBC#.

Th* tn covered to mate! no w ar crown w with thi

6 Per CentInterest

is considered a good invest­m ent, yet m any of our diamonds are now being offered at such a figure that they can be w orn a year or tw o and then sold at a good profit.

At all times we carry tbe greatest assort­ment of high grade gems in this State, and for this holiday season have made unusual preparations. Every stone sold by us we guarantee to be exactly as represented, and alt are selected because of their ednr, brilliancy and cutting. Many are unmounted and will be set to suit purchasers.


Furniture Tid Bits.Things for gift giving and for your own house furnishing as

wet)—light furniture of many sorts at much less than furniture store prices.

It will pay you to visit the Third Floor whether you care to buy or not. It’s a sight—a revelation to those who haven't seen it since its metamorphoss.

Of interest to prospective buyers:Solid Ozkznd Mxhoginy finiah TABLES—tops 18x18 inches— K C ,.

simD sheif undrrncitb—at ttie remzrkxble price o f ............................ D O CSolid Oik xnd Mxbonny finish TABLES—welt polished tops— ® |

24x24 inches—with Under shelf-^ood *1.75 value.................................. ® ISolid Oak and Mahcmny finish TABLES—highly polished tops—24x24

inches—wUh under shelf—brass claw feet and gbai bMt-i-<annot # 1 be tud for less than *135—here at..................................................... ® l . u D

JARDINIERE STANDS—of Solid Oak and Mahogany Enish— 7 5 - pretty pillerns—wfll finished—*1.25 value............................................. / iJC

ROCKING CHAIRS-of Solid Oak and Mahogany finish— ® 7 Q C prettily carved—well finished—high backs—good $3.85 value—at..

FANCY ROCKERS—of Golden Oak and Mahopny finish—with pearl inlaid work in hack—saddle or cobbler seat—very htghty finished f a —wdl^worth,and usually sold,at *6.35—special a t . . . . . ............... c 4 , u D

UPHOLSTERED COUCaiES-Solld frames—Upholstered with best qual­ity of Figured Velour—with 45 well tempered springs—warranted for ^ I f one year—a good *22 couch—ipecial this werte a t . , ............................ ^ 1 9

MUSIC CABINETS In Imitation Mahogany—In several m r styles—at prices beginning i t ................................................ ............

^ SHAVING STANDS—(jolden Oak and Maliogany finish—with drawer in -top and large bevelled French-pbtc mirror—,worth at) of *6.50— J

• 'REDFERN CORSETS-Fftted Free This Week.

“ THE AMERICAN QUEEN "-20c. a Year, now. JOHNSON'S CyaOPAEDIA-Special Offer

Qoses January 1st.

Prices Always Correct,

Artistic Effects and Skilled W orkmanship Considered.

Hartdegen,Broad,NearW. Park S t

High Art Novelties.


Fawn Blankets, Kearsey Blankets. Stable Blankets, Breast Blankets, Lap Robes.



T hnar W ho H av e JoyB IB HBnd B adTruDblea to Irek or Vice Versa.

From Berlbiier'a.Kvt.rybody In th , worlU balonga to one of

two dxBK o-to Ihote who have Joya In liaml Slid Iroubtea to seek, or to tbooe who haw iroublex tn hand and Joyi to seek. We ,i’e It everywhere—folk! who have the luxurlea ol life In a queit for Its difltcul- tlen. and lullia who llnd dlfflaulUei In great •tore ready made to their hand In aexrch of Ita luxurtea, xye, In pXBilonxte quest even of ItB necessarieB.

It !• xll BO plain to the observant eye tliut the iihlloBopher IX oertxlrlly JusUtled in aveurtnf hImMit. xs he lays down hlx pen or hlx pick or hla xwl or hla pill caae, or hiB lawbook, that if It ia Ihe commoji lot and the unavoidable condition of oon-

othera far Into the woods to live on tea and bxopu and try to ihoot bexeti- |t drivea otnera to rolt or to polo, or to afax- xer along under nuxe loads of builneaa re

lers to rollong under nuf« _________„

inalbllity, and others It aenda in to poU-foa or com pela to b usy ttaem aelrea w ith

fo u n d in g co llegea and prom otin g ch arl- ilea o r ^ le m lf lc reaearoh. >

BaralBK •loa l WItk B ln tr ic l iy ,From the Buffalo Xxprexi.

An Intoreiling exMriment in burning itxel w ith elfCtrioliy lx to be tried In Ctn. clnnxti In an effort to remove a aafety vault th a t woe built forty yeara ago. The vau lt haa tong been in uae and the room occupied, but It It now Wanted for other


" B B T T B & W O B S 'fflB lE iT V a A lfW O B ^ H A B I) .'* O B I A T O T O l t l f A & i x n i i n a i B B A B T n r H O t r a io L B A s n F o i r t o u u r a



Mdly lnterf®f® with th® mUk trmd®, do fi AT® uiually ®mpioy*d to draw

itik — — ‘■tnlTk c®rt®.s :

D o n of verioue breeda are •ngaged, including ratrlevera, Bt. Bar-

The rarest bird In exlstenca la a certain kind of pheasant In Aimam. F or many years Its eilstenoe w a t known only by the fact th a t Ita longeat and m ost aplendld plume wae in much requeet by mandarine for their headgear. A single ekln la worth MOtt, and the living bird would be priceleaa. but it eoon diet In captivity.

nardi, big Danet, maatlffa and terriari. There le another very im portant uea lo which doga are put and th a t la aa iladfa

In The Polar Thoae daga

The Auairallan coaatlng ateamer Karoo- nik®, whll® going from B dto to f trd W . tmv®lllni a t fall spted. itru o k 0JJ» Moruya Head. Tbare being no retho ihlp, the C aptain tied * aome plga Which formed and had the antmata Dlffi iw®m to th® ■hof®s taking th* noM wlfh them, and bycation every aoul on board woe rwoued by roeaita of iraveilinff oagao.

doga In The Polar reglona. _____form an eiatn tla l p a rt of ail Arotlo ex* ploretlon partlea. Lqttle could be done without them. The appearance of thoae dogs la fairly well known. IJr, Nanaan

H F about them, their pahintiea. etc., In hla recent book. T hera aoroethlng yery beautiful In tbe magnep

in which the foifious explorer writea of them.

You >e back upi very lot 'which la

Slalpner.the atead nortbarn ioiogy carried Hi— .............................of h it brother

o a rrlr t Heritwdur to hideVin a f ta r^ I brother HaMur, had eight l e « in

place of winga, but waa as mUoh at fioibe. in the a ir t a on tbe earth.

lireHal Muraerq of _dowod with wings: and At Boiik, the

rotjah 'a celei- were doubtltie an- J

marveltoui mere upon which llaTitnnel took hie preteaded nocturnal Journey to

.heaven, ^ jd eiflea' win

Antmala play an J ^ o n s -Thebelief! and folklore of moat magnlfloent ofknown aa tha aaorilloa of the toraa. Borne

mnnarch picked oul either a pure with • Mffron ta ll and a black

W hit. . 5 , (rely

the aevaoth heaven, had eagles' wlnaa which bore her onwaira with Incredible awiftnasa. Bha waa anow white, with a human foot and eyea "radiant as atart," while her whole body glittered with p riU lout Btonaa.

rleht ear Ot Xh entirely piuca

tu?5adtoSs. anJ for a " V ie yrer wh.re ^

purpoeea, l h a walls are o o n a tru c t^ of (ayera of hard apring ateal one and one- quarter IflChct In thlekneia, 'iSro opera-___ _______ thTeknito r t will be placed In the vault, each ',,101a oarbon attached to a feed wire. The men. ------ -------------

tentmenl to etraln after something, It leIn eftermore Interesting end better to etrah

will w ear heavy rubber gloves end spsctal- ly conatruoted gogglea to praise I theft from th# Intense iigF*

Mr eyesfrom the Intense light. They will p a u the carbon# over the walls of the vault,

fulailsictlng lints. - rlc

reward In fRs bread.It. for hreed Is trul]

good th a t life demand .for the ordinary luxuries of

oholot of

InIf you manage to get. . . . ...

lingtonol.elralrlolty waa mJSJa


Ibelt not.............. ........... y iBHrortanl. -th , only good th a t life demands.. The struggls for the ordlnarjllfv. tor education, solvenoy. _ ----- _work, reputation and aatiafactory matn- lenence, abuupds tn expsltent h a in rd t and chanues which keep Ins mind alert and give a motive for maintaining alt the lac- ultlea a t the point of greateet efllcltncy.

of a manone of 1 . . . __twelve m lnutea

two yeara ago, allow tha paaeagea hole large enough to

. WES burned thi — ------------one of th t large Oovarnmant vau lts

rough the wails ot--------- ----------

Just a t soon as tho satlafaollon of all r ta - sonable w ants Is sseursd ths nesd of aprovision becomes s

ot new dinculuea Immediately -------------" s o . Bho

Tile ro i'm ay be ITir r e t or it may t^a molstcr form. I t may be Intellectual or It may be aloohoUo. In

Msae, Atkaal’s Fatwee.From th t Bon _

Borne "oro tilf Gloucester, If th s t during tl_ wna not adml< and ■

Isco Argonaut.ISM srritlag to thepkpsrg. complaining

It musical featlyaj ha

he okpeople o u f ^ a , "crank” turned ul

tba calhadreltn o u lrag t to

of wotahip. fnie

panda ovsr evary Idle person, frer of It, reeognlisd or Instinctto mske and goad restleasiir

i o M Band

aome form tt im- yeraon, and tha

___ ________ naUnctlve, m d at to eomfortoble unoomfortah the oufrtit-to-be oontanU '

. . ai. I t M ti a m * man om aandatiMeSyir fllff '

day. tn d waa told m t j ^ without J

hip.the cathedral one

ha oould not b* ad-"DO yourgiiair **inter the

me," he raqltedly

■all, no,”anted into OB heraaa

a; K n a iiw l

.bla "but yiok) polite 1tba I

e v w ^ t ^ w to go the Inga otray, l“ <'t o V io w and no m atter v^oo* territory was laJadSd all honor and homage had 16 h i iSSd the invading £f>nY; «»• 22a lha Year during which the King “ wj h i an aSoetIo and aispt onIh e ^ f® V o u n d , th* h o n * wa® ®acriflc«l,

nna At Tinol® inp®t faithful acr*vante in the B ta tv S Malnt, but nna th a t d » « no aalary. Uvea a t lha Portland

horn I" u h e day tha fog aUddenly Iwgan to coma in thick, and the man did not no- tloe It But Poll did, and crooked out;

wmTnil Blow th’e ho™ '■ Bver rinw tfim ; whenever fog la perceptlbla. Poll al- wayi glvea srarnlog.

In India bird life abounda everywbefk abaolutely unmtdeated, and the birds ora as u m e aa tha fowlt In a poultry yard. Ring doTfA jmlnot, hoopoet jaya and par- rota hardly trouble themselves to hop out of tha w ay .o t tiui heavy buttoarta and »na . ...................evary wayside pond and take la allVe with duoka, gasae, Mllpaua and flam ingoaa'U d waders « n a r y alaa and aort, from dolatjbaautlea. thj> alee graat unwieldy era feat high. mua..la

alee of pigwnt, up ta r cranet and aSjutanta, dv

high. Thla la the deughftul dmrif givin by Mr. Caine of hlat travel

inrough this unclirlllied country. It ig dli gracuul to olvtlliatlon that the ohlTdi

A llltle more than h a lt a century age^ ■ the

ig V,In'London aiid It waa

be precise, for drawini

in year UM-tba••XT-

y ean later th a t It waa Unltsd _ Kingdom — ~S'hlland ani

a .doigdom gatia d Belgium


of nature ahould have mora rsapact n r animal Ufa than civllltad nallona. ' f r a clvUltgUon daitfoy thla dallghtnil ewt- dlllpn of naturo, aa It haa In AdMrioaT >

Wa poaa vul.turaa picking a t a cat B daadanirnal, |ay« J f r . Caine, adenfly a b i ^ of fluffy ;----------- ^with falher and mothar i ___ __________ua faarleaaly within ton feet o l . t k r «ar- riaga. Btvery vtllaige has Ua node of ggored paaooelai pacing gravely through Ow aUr- raundln t gardena and balds, and wood- M k e ra and klndAahsrs Itaali about Hka Jewala In the hixaing aunllgirt.

ill r a n r i x a P a p a ia tia B ,

_ only r . and h

:k« . Th

YffIssoBt'a la

vote atloday o n tte Btota aewdldau

afaHtWnof the]

lit 0 ooncMVi I»*_JJje II count]

ticket. ‘ for Gove

ic Dime 'B Demo.trick aed i

I C«l$ i r i £


SoM of tho Now Deilgu that A n Seen in Parln.


T h e NairCMa, H * w * * ar, l a■ a v a • K o B a a e u f a r P la a ic a —H ala • I th a T a r b a a K hapa W k la h A ra P a a h la a a A O at aC L 'lalh l a M atch lh a D ra a a -T h c N cw rcl a t K e lt H a la a a a H aw T h a r A re T rliaM cA .

PARU, Dec. {.—The New Tear !• going to ba verr kind to the m auoo.for tt altowa her to wear a big picture hat which con- oaala her g e a n to a renuu-kabie extent. U nea are eirftened. color le eubdued. the face la made Juat ehadowg enough and there It grace under the brim of a big b a t th a t la waving with oitrloh feathere.

Toung girit, on the oontrarr, ere w ear­ing the im all cloth toque, w t well back upon the head, and the chio llllle felt h a t with Ite bow and qtilll.

The hair U exqulettely waved with tlieee lilt la h e ti, and lha young lady'e b rad aug< gcate a very pretty faehlan plate. At no time doea "grooming" ehow n plainly e i In tha wearing of theae Utile hale, for the hair It 10 very much a part of the het.

The direction which a certain Parle mllUner givet her cuetomera le th a t the hair It to b* thampooed once a fortnight— though hairdreaaert lay that la too often —end liruehell dally with a very toft bruih.

It le waved often enough lo keep it In ■hepe and It made thiny with a brilliant preparation which la applied to the waves with a lootbhruth. N ightt the girl aleepi In a lUk cap lined with tachet powder; and daytimes her heed It fragran t a t a violet. The hat, Itaelf, when not worn. Is kept In a violet cate, which m eket It a thing lareet and feminine, So much for the hatted coiffure of the F arit winter girl I

One of the newest Ideas In millinery le tha making of the hat out of a pleca of cloth to match the drem.

At a ennall "afltrncon" a young debu­tante, who wae making her Initial terle t of ca lla In company with her mother, wore a ha t of cloth made on the turban ahapo.

The turban wae one of thoae with a creased crown giving an opportunity for many folds. I t was only large enough for lha crown of the head and wae de­signed to be worn well back from the lace.

The m aterial with which the hat wae covered was a speckled novelty goods to match the girl’s skirt which w as In no way expensive. After the turlmn crown Was covered the hat was flnisbed with the elmpleet Utile decorellon.


so as lo sweep the back of the hat In very effective laahlon. The h a t le trimm-d with lie folds of cloth.

One of the prettiest of hate for a mn- Iron was of green fell of dignified shnpe, very regularly bent and w orn squarely over the forehead. Iia only trim m ing waa two very long oeirleh plum es which w<re laid looeely around the crow n so an lo

Thniiah ihla h a t wee apparently elm- pli' It was cxtm rtslve.^or llie fealbers coit not ihan live American dollara each, whtrli, ri'tidcreil Into franca, meana a tidy sum.

Mpeaklni; of oatrich feathert the eg- pcnelve ouH» now come from the South Afilieu fea ther farme. They are double In rows of curling fcalherA and when

U a i r l lu a b lw g k o o a ia h e r W aaS la e le d a n th a R e a d to F u r l e a r .

Prom T cu th 's Oompanlun.R eally great men are .ipt In like quiet

Ways In their benevolence. They Do good by stealth and blu^h to And It

fume.There lives an humble but th rifty shoe m aker In Berlin, Pruaels. who reincinlwra one Inatance of this with percnnUit grail tilde.

W hen he was s young man he w,<nt i» London and opeurd a llllle warkahup. but hbi gelna were a» sniutl th a t he load BStlilng beyond WS preectil n. etl.j, and hla hope to earn a home of his own sremthl dimmed to disappointment. worthy Oerm un girt a t service In I he cliy hnd be­come engaged to him, and hi- prldu at Aral would nut suffer him lo tell her the w hole tru th ; but when, due ituy, a ciiy tom er came with • gem rmis order «nd he found himself loo inior to buy the lea th e r to mak« the shoes, he felt that he m ust share his iroubiu wliti lus only friend.

In the brief hours of a lotlf-holiJay they lix)k a stroll together, end aiiiung other places visited Bt. Feul'a t'atluTlr.il. By the tim e they entered the famous whleiwrlug gallery, he found peufage t.i reveal the w hole story of hla cirem ujt.ioft.j. Their presence In the church sugg- t.d the one thym e nearest their hearts, ittid in tnlklug of It he forced himself to thi n it bv tro thed wife th a t Ibcir inurr.,.., wus nj. nioet beyond hope.

The brave g irl encuui jEcd lum. and In­sisted on giving him her own Inn,, savings ao th a t he might pun'h.i-.. ib i, aiticr unJ mi h it cuaiom er" order. I-iMt i s . would Improve and iheir primpeci, lainiitcii by arid by, she sakl.

f'rutmbly both were nsi tii'i. !■ la'ivaTU- pied lo realise that th i j '(jod wl'twc "w alle have eariV* anil , villngs arc lell laiea—and that there nir l-’ngUshnien to whom (lernvtn is no unkn'jw n i<ai|;ue.

I 'nknow n to the young sli'a'rtiakcr.wlwn, next day, he went to t,uy *he li jihcr, be w ia ■’ebadowed.” The p, rwori w ho follow ed him wa» not a dcnvllvc, but a gcnlP; m an who had been runitnisfloiivil to [u quire about him, and P.i I dm,, no with aatlefacturv teiults. Ttu’ shi»a,.iker was about to pay for his imu p.is,, when the lea th er merchant uslpiilsl„,j |,im py feting to glvo him 'n d lt- 'l l,,, unseen "ahaaow " nad contrive,i to sav a good word for him In the ear of Ih.' merchant

T h a t open aceount waa ihe loulniilng ofperlly followed, and siiipiiHinp i.rdi r-a from ihe w ealthiest famtlles |s,ari >l In. lie rns Tied and eatabnshril a conifanabia hoir and fur year* was known In la>ndun the "Parllam eBt shoemnker."

H ad he atayed In lomion In- mlghl never have known who hts c . c i friend was, but the longing of tils wlie f(>t her native country Anally deciiled lilm lo roUirn to Berlin, tVhen he |,iii.| hie luet bill his dealer told him that the mao to whom he Owed Ihe criaJlt that mil him on Ids feet was Mr. Gladstone. I'he ereat kltrlster happened to be in th,' w alei-i-rlng gallery a t the opportune monitid. ;,a,l |,h,| nver- heanl the tale of thi j,aji;p workman’s poverty.

When Mr, Gladstone ,Ui'd. a plain oak- Icnf chaplet came fruui iierUn. through the hands of the Hrtllah i'on.«iil In that city , to be placed with the fiini-ral offer- Inga around the ttalesm an’s racket. It waa the Qerinan shurnniki r'a gift of r t-


I .


BASH BROS. r77B llroR tl a t rp c t , 6 doors North of Market.A word In ttM ton A nllyiiM with rouon. Lot irg h tlf yon oul ot

Present Predicaments^ sutfcstiiii; 1 few scasoniMc, fusible anj sutigble •'GKt Glvrs" that we art MltlDf at prlets (quilitv coniKlcredl cheiner

than you oouU piudiauc Uitm for In atl Newark, New Tork—n o w litn MMi w fact, tor tlic price ^In th e

B a se m e n t.F t .3 5 CelJulou)

Collar and Cull Boxes, M e.

3Sf. Glass Bon Bon Boxes, 18c.

TOY T SETS.12 pkttes, 6 (ups

and saucers, tea pot, 6 spoons, c'eain pitcher and sugaf bowl, J5<.

7 t o 9 F r i d a y N l f h t ,

Imported Dresden China Phi HO

Frames,worth JOc. each, fur

_____ l O o .

Children's Seal Clutelalne Poaket- boot!, *«.

If I f s to Be a Coat or Jacket

Here are nearly three hunJreJ per­fectly taitoreJ Ladies’ Top Coats, all iiiade and finished in most up to date fashion, double breasted, strapped

seajns, satin lined, of all wool imported kerseys, in black, National blue, green, brown and tan, every one of them has been P C A marked from ?X.oo to sio.oo each, special for Friday . .

" H a n d k e rc h ie fs , P e rh a p s 1" “C T a

xswrimrnt is you will find snywhere else, prices represented u follows;

FOR W O M C N- ic. up to $1.50.FOR M F N -At Sc.—Tiuod IJif ('jinbric flxndkerr

Uiiefs, •(, or ,’4-in. hemstitch.At 12,i,c.—Pure Linen llemstllched.At a s c ,—Linen HgnJLercliiefs, the

k i i .At Sc,—LxJies' snd .Men’s hponelle

llindkerchlels, with silk initUts.

titisfitiosU Mi|W f l i«* ire nurked double

the price In oilier stores. Here's a sample:

’ ^ Ixiatlw'SUcIhnbUlk tC* Vmbrallte. with huijf

IkTCwlCIIhorn or i(«rMhM hU* ■V y^T trfirtiiuH] InuT Y illn, 3<i-iuclt ikM'l y* roilH ftiid ptrtiioik ^ ftHLiie. rtig- % m m

uUr r 0 I 7 S VfcJuL*. ! • f U

V eiling*.

18cAil'dlk Mg nf little ch nfUe* 4ol iewiiig aUk llixedu VelllhKf,'jji'. .........

' price

In the Basement.g|lrer b«ck*i pniiet

few. i-ninb, Brush. lUu.1 Mirror,r*g. Roq

75c.iV . Li-»shw Double

Plvoto I'miXM, isfci. tUc. Mlrron, vs«.

IITE UTAXM,Ilua Hetel, eluxte

WevIkiutale Ink Btendi,

with paper reck taw l.ng. Ml, U v.

d o l l s .Jolti(«dw m l cuH'

b » t r . fhoMDf«e K

gO. Doui for



fri'ttr Op4l Iub4* pilntevl IOUMiatfeqlivn, i^c.

S tock in gs and Silk Garters.

Al ways a c ; e p t- able; we

oner special lor Friday some splendid Plaid Stockings that sell regularly for soc. at, per pair,

25 cents.A t 19c. pg ir-S ilk Garters, with bin

ribbon b<iws, silver or gilt buckles, pul up In fancy glass top boxes.

At a Sc— Very wide Silk Elastic Gar­ters, in ixncy boxes.

New Neckwear, ,y'‘X‘ ‘'sSk Reduced Prices.rd Liberty «lk endi. the «l.M uDt'i I Hi I rcduoullo........ ..— ...................... . • •U VM O C /. natln Block Cuitgn. irilh el

x u l , . ,aoiied 4-In. heml un, light colon calf, reduced Iiaui He. eech.

3.75 Satin Waists


What’s iett over from the re- markable waist selling of Mon­day and Tuesday—marked still lower for Friday.

At 1.87—National blue and purple only-fine quality satin, entire from bias tucked, worth 13,75 and HOO each.

Millinery—About forty handsomely trimmed Hats and Bonnets, worth j5.ooto $7.50, ^ g A for Friday.......................................... 4»dU

At 14c. each—Black Ostrich Plumes, 9-inch, full heads, worth 3 Sc.

2 to 4 P. M. Friday.Fifteen dozen of infants' and Children’s Fine

Silk Caps, embroidered, full ruche, French Caps, with long wide silk lies, reg. J9c. C a p s . , EACH

^ M

BASH BROS.77f» l l r o a i l S t r e e t , 1 6 Doors North of Market.


lnd ii«tr)r o f I h r PKCtflc Co«j$t x\bi>nt W h lek ffotne M yfttrry K slatti,

r&Bftdbtift <CaI.) Ap«cUI to the N. T. Hurt.AlkOut sixty miles Of? tho coait of Ciili*

fortiix JltA xn Island that is hcsdQuxrttTS fur the black [Hmrl tradn, and uimHar tlHheiies are found on othnr lilandv alonte the coast Some time sko &n Individual who had ffono to this Inlasd to colkct relics ef tbe nsUves, for which the place la famous, determined to InveatigaU the mystery of the btodi An old manappeared to be the sole Iniiabliantg and he wsB very uncommunicative.

*'BiaY’k pearls, is ItT* ho Bsld. "A in't the wltUe ones Kood enouifh that people should Ko huntlna block onesT* Yva, he Sviid in reply to fu rther queaUons, he had ■i-en them, but they wets K*'heraUy con- didered usrleao, and he reckoned the men threw them away. Yet this same old fel­low, aceordltijr to report, hod soli a h>«ekeearl to the agent of a large Jewelry

ouso In the Float for a goc<ily sum, the g^m being reeold for s large advaJice,

The old heachcoml»ef evidently hoped to dlseourago that newcomer; hut he did not sueceed, as the la tter eatabllahed camp on the b€»rb and began watching the Lrland and those who visited It. His the- 0T7 was th a t the old man was the dealer who hand1f-d the pearls, and that the ob- J#iCt woi lo keep the irkde quiet,

A few days artor the atraJ3ger’s arrival a typioa) Chinese Junk hove iti sight and landed aeverai Chinamen, who w’ent Into comp on the sand dunei. The fotiowing *ay they began to hunt for atialonea. Thu iliUe man applied for a Job. hut waa re­

jected. Then, finding that they would have nothing to do with him, he moved his camp over near tbelra and i>cgan to watch Ihem, The men wen- svnl out every day In gangs of two or throe, and at low tide they hunted along thore In search of the beautiful pearly aiwllne. which they pried from the rocka as they walked aiong. and then dropped into a tiag. Kach man Would colltH.'t on an averoire tiilrty or forty a day. all of which were taken to the camp and carefully exomlnad. 'Tliey had u big trough Into which the shells Were dumped.

Then sevural Chinamen began the work of cutting out tho meat from the shell. Tills was corefuUy gotiu over hy. band In aearoh, as waa IcorntHl later, of the block peorU. whloh arc fuund In the (olds of the snlm ai Itseir i.a te r this meat ws* sprratl out to drr'. and ultlmalely went to Chino* 'Hien the shells were cAirfully gone over, and from theee the hulk of the pearia were tsken. tnoit of them being imperfect or brok»*n from the shells. These ar« sold to the trade, polisihed and ground to the proper shape, and dispoMd of for omnmema of various kinda.

W hether the oid man was th« hoes pearler could not he deUrmtned. The new- oomer, while watching the Chlmurnen, hod gone Into the shell confuting business him* self, and when the old moji saw this ho offered to buy his shells olive. In short, he evidently did not wish the huafnes* to be Ini'estlgsted too eloacJy; but thu strang­er persisied, and found th a t nearly ell of the alkslofies had plecss of p e ^ l, and many contained, a block pearl more or leas perfect. A t lost accounts, like his com- jrantona, ho was still hunting pearls, and, like them, lying low and gee may be a good thing to hlmoel

glNCdlNO tc a o o L *

" C lillilre ii o ( Ih e r h a p r i - W lia B k-h' l»ert C h r le ln a a t iU t s .

From the Ijondon AdoJl. |"The Children of the Chapel/* a t i t , '

James's, are Just now antlo tpattng witti* boyish pleasure th# C hristm as presetili that are every year sent' them by tlM gueeti, the Prince of Wolea, and o ther die-' tingulahed people.

Thtwe boys, ten In numbec. o re odueated. and generally maliiiainiMl by. her MoJosly during their term of office, l l t e y en te r th e C'lkapel St about ten year* of age, and re^ main there till their volere h re o ^ usually' at about Afteen years of age.

The Chapel Royal, Bt. Jsme«*i. dates m long way back Into blatnry, and m any «>f the antique customa a re znolntolnea to thia day-~notal»ly th e dresa worn by **th* children." Their undress uniform has a aembmiiitary appearance, l>eiQg of dork' blue cloth with Scarlet pipings and gUH buttons; though the IKtJ# Kton Jacket aa<g ordinary coihige cap prtK-Jafm (he fOot thae It Is a sc-holostlo rather than a mJlItaryi uniform.

It is the B u te euH, however, th a t Is rem arkable to the eyes of ihe beholder. It Is a relic of ihe JoroV an days. I t la mode of Bosrlst cloth, lavishly trimmed wlHi heavy gold lace, two lloea of purple ran* niog down the front between double rows or gold; the back of the ooat la even more reepicndent than the f ro n t

Kormeriy the head boy oouki always d ^ i mnnd "spur mnne)^' from any offlewr wn9i cniered the chapel wearing spurs. I t la, said that the tm a r nf Wellington waa thek lost to pay thin forfeit.


Tott act 10 many hati of f«lt, worn fa r back upon the head, and trimmed with a very lonii wavlnc feather, or plume. Which la fw tened directly upon the front

meet at the back with a aweep. The feather* were lecured by a hla pin or buckle of rhtneatanea which l a t aquarcly a t one •ide.

etretched flat th ey do not craih iiixm the end*. They a re very and areworn with only th e natural curl.


membranco. after twenty year*, and ItV almiiUclty would have deliabted the heart of the tlluatrteue Ithigllahman, who waa aamodeat In hla private kindneaa aa he wax kraaid in public eamnuind.



a?m -

I of

Ik .

**The Queen of Beautiful Women"WRITES!

“I am using tile genuine

JOMMi iHursiMExiraet

with the most satisfactory re­sults."

M tm n Hwftm Afklf Exirmai m tim n m h mmd B l9 9 tl

l i p s i i # 4 M i f U t m f k m

JOHANN INV1N Maw Vei*. BarHa. Tfaaaa, Firl*.

koaae o f T kem K now n to F ly a a F a r an B la h t M lirn.

The range of the honeybee I* but little underatood by the maaeex, m any auppoq- ing th a t bee, go for mtlea In queat of nectar, while othera think th a t they gd bnly a abort dleiaoce. It may M cuHou* to m any to underatand how any one can tell how far the beea may fly, hut tbla 1* eimple when underatood. Yearn ago, when the Italian been were flrat Introduc- ed in the United Statea, theae bee* having m ark* different from the common bee* *F ready here, they Were c u lly dlitlngutabed, and a fte r any beekeeper had o b lauud tb* Ita lian bee* they could be obierved ■nd tho lr range eaally noticed. I t bloom I* plen­tifu l cloae where beei are locaud , they will not go very far, perhap* a mile tn range, but tt bloom la acarce they may go flve mtlea. Uaually about three mtle* fa r " fa r a* they may go proflubly.

iJeea have bMn known to go a* t u a* eight mtlea in a atralght line, orMamg A body of w ater th a t diatanc* to land; I t la wonderful how the little honeybe* caa go BO fa r from Its home and ever lt*d It* way back to ita own particular hive. If white th e little bee I* out of It* home or hive hive Bhoutd be moved aome te a o r twenry feet, according to the aurroundlng*. When t t came back to where l u home era* Drit located It would .be hopelcariy loat. At |t* home waa la an Open apace, with n e m b a r

decta cloae. It might Rod ita w ay f ^ j t even abould the htve be moved ifew teat many of Ihe bee* would ( e t , i__ . --------- -

Fine oak and m ahogany finished M orm Chairs,w ith pretty cushions, for

S e S O #


l ^ a r l c e t S t .

We will supply not only Furnishings for your home, hut also Clothing, Shoes and Hats for the entire family.

One account will be sufficient for all.

A pretty solid quarter sawed oak Ladies' Dres.sing Table,with drawer and large bevelled edge French plate glass, at the low figure of


Bo to Dtov* a btve, tf done

* e a fte rtar time, would be all right, bitbe lumiiier tine tt •hould be ____dark or wkea the bee* are not fl;rtqg, and even then th* bee* ■faeuld be aUrrad up eom* and ethok* blown In at Um hive en­trance and a beard or lome pbleei p la ^ 111 front of th* hive xo that to* bees Ip coming out may mark thetr ne*r looatlon. Bee* no doubt are —“ ' ■auoorneetthe color o , --------------------- ,on a oertain Mnd of bloom tlMy ar* not llkoly to leave that partioular kind of hluom for any other aa long n* tltor can find that kino. Again, bee* are on*n at- trajcted 10 tweet* by thetr *en*e of «aetl. for they will go after iwoet* ev«n U jiatiu datk. I f cloee. However, any U M Of

M, ujm,. WVWilUH-doubt are guided by f ig h t juul 1 o ( 'im e ll. ' 'T h o y aroaU rao t*ab« ot bloom, aa If they a ro a t work

Fanfty Odd Parlor Chain, mahogany flniahed and upholetered In illk Dant- a tk . at

A Kent IJraaa and Onyx Table, With (•al M«i<!en onyx, only

, A Handaome Porcelain tAmp, bfoktl- tully derorattd end braa* auppoft, lor

Fancy lAdlea' Oeak, flnely ftnlahed in •oUd oak, with drawer, only

Very P re tty Rocker, either In oak or mahogany (In lab, with genuine leather cobbler xcat, for

a . 2 S .A Large Variety of Fancy Sitiokera'

Tablee, from

1 . ^ ^ t x p *We otalm to hav* the largcit atock

of Porcelain and Black and Colorad ('look* of any furnltur* atore In the olty, and a t lowa*t pnoee; S-D*y P ar­lor Clooks Worn

3 . T » l i p .White Enamellad Iron Crlbe, 2,(x4.f,

Rlth apring battam i, b raia trtmminge, from

Handaome Album, on braaa easel, plush back and pretty decorated cellu- told front, a t

Nottingham and Irlah Point Laco Curtalna, Tapeatry and Chenille For- tierea and TabI* Cover*, a t rldlculoualy low price*.

Oak Blacking Caiee, from

t i p *Beautiful Nine-piece Toilet Seta,

handionie decorated. In a ll odd ahapeo,

S 6 .S O ,

be placed lit glaaa I n 'tM n . covered *o a* not to em ir any

fm ell the beei will taka no cotio* « t H.


.t,.- H /I* , f. Vl


• x o i e s p ojpjarsr uitr-rixe lO i». A t / '>» » » # » » #

'■ifcf-'* 1 Newark’s Holiday Book Store!

FLORAL DESIGN.Bv EiiMiiRfH M<H' i lIiI.iA>mtI.i..

01ihiwltt|>UUi l~Ji(j«l uflndiiPtilt) Art) it'oijyrteht.)

' W hllf ih» form- uf hlitorSr orn»m»n(, of which our U (t li 'ioon ircolod. will eccr

I bo upheld in ort oiid ur# for lUo mor* eon- • vontlonal Hide of .bforotlve w'-rk on *b- iooluto n r'’<-BOUy, It I* yet to b« noud ih*i much of th» ioM formitl i1i p.k o iI « ori of to-Ooy rotupno to notiiro, *ud .-ip*'lolly to ftorol tormo. for Inoplroiloii. Hit '-. In- dted. Ih» di-*l(tn»r h»» o IlmUl*'® “ f woollh to drow ui»*n noiurc boo livloh vorlPiy Ihot ho who hculno lo ►“rk directly from her m»y ronilnof hli »«»n n Indoflnllely, ftndlnr new he*uty ond In- ■miration i t every ttop. , ,

In hejfinnln* to o tr plont fo 'n. for or- m in^Pt th« itudent ihouW s iuuy mowt ml- nutely the plont he h»" .-ifk- i^d. lie Jiow- er« ond budo, fruit. I'uv. - Olid U if Junr- tlono, empty eecn - i.rfleV t Ihli meont he will i« .ume fomiller with l u mdivlduol holiin of *rowth oml will bo Ohio lo neleot ond empliMlti'. from It* decorative quallile*. the feature* tno»t nullable for hi* pun«iM>. He Will find In­valuable the habit of m aklnf ^nudl and bwry o iac t pencil driw lni* in -mllln* of

MULLIGAN’Sa* the more uenal one*. I would refer the •tiideni to a email volume, "HtudUa In Plant Korm and l>.-aljtn," try W. Mlda- Icy and A. K. V. Ullry. (Charh .■! Bcrtb- ncr'a Soni.) ;

It ahutild be und-ratood. however, by itniae whoae love for the plont world leade them Into ihia Held of arilelle work, th j t nt'Ti'ly In copy k islani In a naiurallatli' way upon eome of.].-t of Induairlal a rt will not In Itaclf foria .1 d. «l*n. Thla f a d


PM. 1,(Prom Ihf Intamallooal Studio.)

M ary plant and flower that comei within h il ranch, and. when time permlte, *mall paa atudlea, auch a t thoto In P ita . I and A wlU prove m il more ueetul. F«w mem-

' tn r d raw ln tt will poaaeaa the fldellty to a ^ r o ’t llnet th a t txlata In a itudy made A i r i l y from the plant lUott, and a col­

li o t (uch itudlea conititutea a etore- tba valu t of which will booome more

moro apparent a i tho daatfnei'i work



n o . 1(From (111 lnl«rntl1on«l iludlo.)

N'wlllustratedBooksOP THE YEAE.

Tilt SUndtrd forks in Fine Blndinas.All Ihft NeV Booki sre rvotlt^rl Jilly.


WkHIni I C fiM 'i F iit DMwtlg

t t t I m u V ir t I Co.‘t H«r*>

OXFORD TEACHERS* BIBLES.Over UOTkrlei lea to talect flam, book out for

the hpurlaua Im lta tli^

Wtra Kever Ilaiidaoiocr.

All THE SUBSCRIPTION BOOKSIti till ttrlM ol biodltift.

Bane's, enuirs m lom iwaifl's Books.


wa* referred to I tA u r attidy ot "Ornn- mcniaj DcalpB," and It will h# renn nibered that eueh a nimple copy a t a plant wna epoken of aa poaalbly a decoratlan. but not neceaaarlly an ornnmcntal dvaltu. To make uao of plant and fluwer form* In thla latter wider aenta they muat be almpllfled, arranced In some orderly pnlirm , with their decorative qualittre brou»hi out In « direct and eRectIve way. When we uae a technical oaproealon for ihla proccai wo any that the p lan t or flower la convention- anted.

In Irarnlnp to convenllonallie naturel forma one muat lie very onrefutkto do It lonaiatcnUy. Them ehouiil. for rtam pio , be no attem pt to combine In one deelfn tho naturallallo treatm ent ot a plant and a rimdly lym m tlrloal and formal tre a t­ment. I t m uat alao be remembered th a t where a plant or flower la treated In a ■aml-natuHllatle manner, aa In FIs. 3, no Hbertlea may be (ahen with lia meThod of fTDwth, which m utt be ahown. albeit lu

worker wtaooe homo or itudto la eo t u t he may avail blmaeU ot the

FtO. a. aPAtCDBEL.a decorallve faahlon, true to the nature ot the particular plant. But ihould the de- ilvn be one of ao formal a nature that it I, quite ebvioualy Intended more aa orna­ment than aa a repraaonutlon ot a plant

- - • of Ithae In F l( . S, a certain amount 1 libertyIt permlaalble lii the tw latlni of itema and■ ----- t lthe turnbiE o t loavei, ato.

A very elmple eaample of elementary eonventlonol ueilan le teen In Fla. t, where the enowdrop la drawn in flat outline, mak- ln« a amall plain pattern In white on a black treu n d . A t an example of the vari- athine to be obtained by (he different ueet of black and whlta the eame pattern la repeated In F la. d In black and a r ty lonea on a white around. Elementary pattem a

U 8 c . t o $ 1 8 . U U .TiiK n s m amrfiRTifEST op

OXFORD PRATERS ARD HTIBALStllM ter ivio* tDd m ioct b* eqUfellcd.


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D ia r i e s f o r 1 8 9 9Omir LOOO TArlvtlcB to from.

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Uludiug:L a u d « D o m in i , S p lrlta a l S o n f a ,

M a th o d la t H y m n a la ,S o Bifli (o r th a ^ n c t u a r y .

H y m n s o f th a C h itrc b ,H y m n a A n c ie n t a n d H o d e rn and

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Pine Stationery.I!aiuT*oiB«itireribowii la thl$ city, put up fntUiliftpte, boiii, cfo., U>t4 te th eRch.

Bill Books, Wallets, Card Casesknd t gtpeni MMrtment of Leather Qoodt that

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GLOBES OF ILL SIZES. Chautauquan Books and

Magaaiflc Always on Sale.


Onr SJNO Pntty Booklets I-AMI>—-


From F arit,X o ad ea ta d narlla.


Prang, Tuck, Ward,And othor flm .dett makare el

Christmas and New Year

Your n in e en fn vod on M line V b ltln i c ird i, Includlnf the Copper Pleto, lor 1 1 .1 0 .

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■ H I K lr m flA lS ^ 'ia 'ctin esry^of Na* Ji ^B»twa#« IIIM_______ _______ rtMnplaJnant,

Juhtt J. Murrmr wt ate., MandoAta*aal» of mori#ok»4 pnaUew.> ^ tk*Bjr Tortus larloa. tauukillfl voniTueadav

... . KTiwa atalod writ of fl«r1 rn« dliwcttd, t ihall on now fur aal* by idur. at lb* CourumiM la NtfwarU, on lhf> tenth M r of January neal, at two

o'clock P. M.. all thoot t r a ^ or i ^ e i a of land ana DiwtnlaM al^ata, Irint iba M n t In tho oitjr uf Oeanat, CaaeK C o a ^ . Naw JaroafT

*na Plrai—iMvtnnlna oa ina north ilii# of niaM ftraat at a polm dUtaai Hftir fact waatarvat Haht aaalaa to Qlaba atraat om hundred and elvvan faa| to land noW or formerty uf c'hvlaa Fairbaaka; ihaAca alone tb* aana w««twfi]p funv-nina raal orsa and. a half lachaa; thanr i oouth Uilrty alt tiaaraaa thirty mlauia* waat on# hut». drad and two fewt to tha m M Utebe atraal, and Ihenca alima tha aama auiilh fm yfuur daaraM thirty mlnuia* aaat furty*ilaht feat ten and a half im-haa to tha hcainnilnir.

Tha Haroivl-H^alnrilh* on tha north aide of Whlla vtrwal at the annihwiat curaer nf DanielFtrhn'a’ lohd: ihenca alonir the line of aald Whlta alraat north flftf-lwoutaa want twriUT>all faat to land of John J. Vhllpoi* and l.»ahW Muflartyt thenca northerly uarollal with Mid Vlyna'a Una one hundred and elthleati feel, wora or laM. to land formerly uf Jonathan i'. TUrtlrtt; thanra alunir the Mma Nouih nfiV'four dFtraaa fw tyllya mlnutea aaate ._ aw.->iw Oa uwt.l Wlvfen‘a lanititwanttHilx f « t 10 u lJ Plynn', 1*0,1; Ui.n,.* alan i til* wm* wmil, Iblrlr-nlti. w t«one nunilrej and nlhateaa faat lo tha baflTtnlnf.

Datad Dac. n, 18M.llk s H T U, DOREUnt. BhjTMT.

noracr Btetinn. Jtollcltor. ( |l? .00i

rrhaiteary A-MB.lIH ER IFP‘8 PALE- I tr c h ^ e r y of Kaw JfrMy

-wUalween Kraderle & Mandaytil*. «omi>lata' •n t, and ttecar Quarar r( al., dafandaat*. FL fa., for lata of mortitaad urtmliji.

g y vlrtna of tha aBwva aiatad wrtt of^llaiifmclaa, lo ma dtroctad. 1 ahatl latwaa fi^ b llo ventlua, at tha CpurthouM In ------ -Tunday. tha twanty-aatanth aty « paeambermat. at " *■ “ - —al of Tl n iha laraey:

y-Mtafith ilty « paeamber neat, at two o'clock P. M.. ail that tract par-

-Mnlaaft atCutta. lylni anal bejnt Nawtrk. liaaa Conaty, Naw

it. a i ..... ... ........ ...............eal of laiul and urmlaad at n Iha city ofItetlnnina at tha eomar foTwrd^hy tha Inter-

•ectlon of tha ngrtharly aide cf ttunyon itravt Hlih tha aanterly aid* gf WlMbath^vintia, Ond

■»rly andruiininif ihenoe^noriheaalarly and aloni thaeutarlv [In# of teiiiabalh artnua two hundred faat and four fnchei le the KUM^Ih

irord...................... ..................... ..... olufut aald aotttbarty■Ida of Hraiiford oireat one hnndraa and ihrta

Ihifraei-liun of tti# eojlerlr avanua with Iha aoiithrrty itrwat: Ihenca aaatarly and



PAPER KNIVES,r ea l gema


I RtEiifi III tie Nev H s—tU C X D BY—


TRACT B O a m ,








T h e Laxtooe o aS B u t A itartm eD t o f

L A D I E S ’ L A P T A B L E T SIn Seal, Moroct'o, J&paneM and

Fapar TTalfhti and Famey A rtlc la i o f E yarj U oM rtptlob ,


feet eleven and ona-half IncbMi^atipa aouih- aoaierly and at rlaht ontlaa to Branford rtraai two hunitrad faat to tha northarly Una of Bun- yun . atraat ; tboite^ waatarir ahd alonff laidBfirtheily Yine of Runy«i atraat OM h^Jradand aiateen faet and flva Inchoa to tha oIom ot bvicfnninr ba Iha tavaral diataooai afld dtman

BatIlona mura or loaa. Itelna tha aama yrtm lteiennvayed to tha aald Kronola Uaoklii by V. N. UtldwLn (unmarrladL by 4a(MjTaV marv I, Hdte. a id recordad in Book O -li of D ^ a for ttaae* County, paio* im . oto.

Datad Novemluer 11. IIW.HKNBY M. DOBBUUt* ftierirf.

m U eh eod * roridit, iollcltoraKnutneary A-dO0.)

BHKRIFF'B g A L » -lt i (.Tuiarery o£ Kaw Jeroay -.^HftWHen the Howard gavinm Initllutloa.

complainant, and KIta Rmith rl ala., defandania. Kl fa., for aale c ’ mortaaKOi

Hy virtue of the ahoTo atated


New Standard Dictionary,F O U N T A I N P E N S ,

ENGLISH CHATTERBOXA d d r« M B o o k i o f All K lR d t,

Children’s Savlns^s BanksWITH COSIUISATIO.S LOCKS.

I t a c k t i a m n i o i i B o a n l s ,B i c y c l e ( i a n i e , C r l b b a j t « ,

C 'lic s .'*, H u l n m , P i t r c t a e c n l e , P i i E E l c s , P o k e r

C bt|)< i, O o B h d , t, E tc .And All the New Uam« ol the Y'ear.

In the d rt, Preadi Call,

IT VERT low PRICES.Mo handoom er CHSISTM AH F ftK 8£N T

m u be gJkwn th an il aabooriptloa to any of •n r F o p o ltr M a g iiln a a o r W erkU os, and ML'LLIOAM m p plloa itwrm a ll bolote pot^ llihara* pHcM* whotwrar Jt a poaalble.



EHGLlSH IHEILS illD iLRRIGS.Rmember, the abore cooli were boaybt

. .-.X a------------- ...tn be Bold during the boHdayi. and will ba pried will do It.

N . B .— B u y n o g o o d s o a t l l y o u t e a m y p r ic e s .

P. F. MULLIGAN,I £ L E P U O ? t £ 9 6 1 ,


927 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.plant or Ing the chief

auch a* thla the ntudent ihould now beiln to dealfn for h im ult, for nothing whTi thMo leiBOti* can teach will equal In pra Ileal value an experlmeDtal know l.'dp. It ■■ recommended that onlv the aimpleat nowera be employed aa •ubjeeta a t l in t and la( the ch let care be lo keep the In- divlduaUtr a f the plant and to avoid rlab- oratlolt.

H aving become familiar with auch ele-

amaller acale than that Torm- jhlef uatterii] or. again, the

amatlrr detail! ci a plant, auch aa tendril*, thorna or rooti, may be ao arranged aa to form an Inconipicuou* but plcaaant groundwork.



n o . t .m entary Work a* ihal reprreenied In oi.r flr»t four d ra v ln g t or Ihla paper the vrork-

- S M S y w a y i: country

''ffaa form a.

y w ayald a w e e d . Which flau rlth a lon g try road*, or w h o h a s a v a r ie ty or

jn>, th eir m oaeom e, lea v e* or bare h a s from w hich to aeek m otlvea tor

id van - , Jled a* th e m ore

ou M p ta n la

er Ihould then have aome adapting floral form* to apaci Fig*, t a n d tg lv e io m e '

Sractice In Imitation,, ea of auoh

work. In the-epandrel of conventional daodrllon* a email circle In the ren tre

I work, haa in thle m atte r a wide ad'r hla city brothera, oompeT

often see to depend upon plaoa form* of bothoui

formed the bael* about which the leavea ahould tu rn ; a f te r which the dmlgn wa* drawn frrehand. aa, the »pandrfl not beingSn exact triangle , there could he no formal

Ivlolon into third*. For the tamo reaion


n a . 1 B O R D C H .

' Mo, too, he who dwell* by th e aeaahorc m sy fliicl In the "flowers of the aea" many gllMaota for d 'a lsn , new and beautiful bOUl In form and color. Beaireade and Wkter plant* may often be backed by s eohventlonal repreaentallon o t water.

L i


ttl« d^atgn acroaa the top of IhU llffiin’,Whlta preservm f the fame Kunerul rhiunul ic r a t that uyun the ildeit. ilifrer'd ft'orntho«« ooinuwbnt In detail by tht< Introduo- lion of butia, e lr.. to flU the hrEer i»paee

Fig. I is based on on» of the olmiiJe spiral Unea about which we It^rneiJ In our iirih leaOun ("lOlemtms of Dealgb"). The chry- aaiUhenium, with which It iluiiio, is one of l he mqsi urtpfiil and decoriulvi* forms In floral design, atid liecaum* of Its variety, simplicity unci vigor of outltiu' is recom­mended iiS a most useful Niibiuci to thebegimii'r,

flavlntf i wide BOoject

given ai* much ilioughi to the___ ect of plant deofiruHnn sih our

brief spni'c w ill permit, wi* inuy m ukv a short mcnilop of some of ihr moi'i’ iMitii- mon devlrei ahd methods of treating the background. First ami slmploBi of ulJ H the old ooUd black comibK clusi' lo itn* pattern, us In F1k< L Thltt rcnulrcs that the white form aKalnst It Ur drauti aomc> what larger than It is lo appear, as the powerful bUck surrounding the llgure nv duel's U i apparent s lie . N^xxt we h ave a black ground, ualn KIg. 6, m wlih-h ihe en* tire dealgn Is aurroiimltd by h Ibu- of wltltu, Instead of bringing Ihe backgrgurnl flatly up to thn PaUern. Titls meihoil glv«*i a aoflrr and Jess aggressive comrasl and is often preferred. '

The use of a dark outline for deflaing forms Is well tinderstoud. uur only easui

T r a t Bf IH I I 'w tll 1m>*flaen ces A re Lust.

From th« New York OlMierver,*‘I c&nnot afford to give mucta/’ she said

grimly. *'and so I wont gWs anything.’' ^ n d deep, worried, unilmety lines gath» ered tn her ybung forehead, indicative, not of hardnessi, ns one might think, but of palnoil rsstraln t a t Ihs thought that while oihert mlghi have the pleasure sf giving she mufct Ih‘ debarred from It by pecuniary limitations.

And yet It was a mistaken sentiment— **l can't ftfTord to give mui-h and so 1 wont give anything,"

There may come a time lu our Uves when In trutli we may not be aiib- to alTord lo give anything a t the t'hrlmmas season, and tUo pleasure of giving inuy have to be lel aside and the pain of not giving en­dured as cheerfully as puNsIbii*; but to deny ourselves the happlucse of remem­bering o lhcn with aome gin, simply l>e- cause the gift must he trlilinK iimi Inex­pensive, Is practically b^Vitlng t»r bringing unnecessary pain and dlBcoiiu tit to our- selvcH.

II Is net the gift that la vylued ihe most, but the thought of thi* gU-tr. You have heani this, ami T huVe h(mil li again and Hgsln; we have all heard H woine ilrae or other, ami huve even U u> ouV- ■elves, and ineiuu it. too. Silll. when we ourRcIves feel the ner'CHHlty nf g-.vlng small glfia, we heallale. [l Is hiirU lo nay tlrtnly and aonvlnrlrtgly tliiii the IttUe Rlfl will give as much ple«stir« an; ihe more ex­pensive ones Ihal the remembram-p will give the pleasui'C, and not Lhi- gift uIoum In Itsalf,

Tnrmentlhg doubts will arise in our mltu]Sw~<ioubtH HlUch onim* us not a imie worry, wlilch dvU'act much fi;om ilu- pleasure of giving, and wlib*h arc an bi- Jusitce, pure and slrntils, u» the friends to whom we wish lo give. Hy opr douiiis we qupstlnn IhMf motives, and half inft-r ihftl they arc merccuttry in their hri-ii- Mon of rhrlsimaH gifts. We, of roursi-. do not mean to implj( this* but wt- do

Tgrloma Sbodst of the Color Relog Made Up In to W loter Costume**

Blue Is being worn & great dea! despUe all that has been said about the extreme Stylishness of browns, its correctness is proved not only by the Quantity of It that la seen, but by the qualliy uf the gowns, All sorts of dresoea of the newer mode are blue of one shade or another, so it must be all right. The gown shown here was blue, cloth for the main part, and tucked eatln for skirt panel ahd vest. The la tter was strapped ao ron with velvet ribbon, and two bands of this furnliRied the belt. Hiss folds edged the two parts of the double skirt and Supplied a bolero effect for the bodlre. Having that effect gained in an unusual way was proof of the gown's ityllshncsA

Blue Is very frequently used for what Is styled the wlnttT outing rig. This the ath . letlc girl hiiR had ready since w inter begmj, and for n dme ahe was fearful she would not liuvc .1 ehance to w ear It. A typical rig.

T he

:ad premises...X ........... ................... 1 of fieri

facias, lo me dlreciad. I ahall t ip o it for Mia by uublla vendue, at the rourthouaa Is Newark, on Tueaday, Ihe lanih dev of January aexl, at two I’ojock P. M-. all that tract or parcel of land ,na premtsaa ailuata, lylftc and balni In tha city

of Orans*. Eoaex Tountr. New Jersey:Betlnnlng on th* aoutherly aid# af William

itraat at tha c»imer nf land now or formerly of :>andar W illlam i, which rofner 1i olio dlaUni Iwo huiulred and nlnaiv-lwo and ata wa-hun- dredtha feel aouiheaaiarly from Park airaatt 'hence running aouth forty deiraaa o ii oalnatai

oaa hundrad and forly-uras and twanty- ona-liundradtha faet: thanca aouth forty-

aJirht daareaa four mlnulai au t tea and aU ona- htindredUia feat; (h«nca aouth forty darraaa alx mfnutae waat twemy-savan and atchty-oavan

- ------ - writ nf flarl■ i.KK ' " *?• diraciad. f ihan taooaa for aolaT^ P u ^ viftdtia. at tha Cmirtboaaa in Nawark. w

'ii ^ January n«iL Ot twoP R - all the OM aoual umUvI M faurth

PV* **{ tiMiaa lr*i ia or partwli o f land and oram- ??F •huate. lying *nd brtn* In tha towaabip v f

LUii(u« ic«av, otanty. Naw Jamay:.^^Irat Tract—Baidnning at the paiot formad py tba Intarsactloo of the wwiiarly Una of fSw- nnghuyaan avenua and the ncirtharly |ina of r^furO atraat; thence alnng tba northarly Una of badford alraai north ihlrty-ali dMraa* and fineafk nilntitM waat nna huodonl ind twaniy- elgbt faat and thIrty-alKht bundradtha of a tuoc to land uf Robert Mawarda: tbeaca along hu Una north flfty-lhraa dagreaa and fony-fiva aalnuia* eoat (Ida huudrtid and (veniy*nva fart: ttaauca eiltl along hla Una and Mna Krnftady U. Caia north ibIriv-aU deareva and flfta«in mlmiiA'a waa| ana hunarad and vlghiv-two faat Old forty- ovv butidreiliha of a fool; thenca atJli sMuf aald Lain aouth flfiy-tbree dagreaa and foity-Rva minulaa waat twanly-ilx ff«T and elghty-Qva nundradtba of a fuoli thanca atlll along aam* South furtr-three dagraea and forty mlnut** west nlnaly-nJne feat and alaty-elght bundrediba of a foot to Hadfora «treat; ihenc* aJong tha •a n a north llilrty-*lK Uegreet and Oftaen niJn- ute# west ona hundred and twetiiy feai to landnow or fomierlv of Btorrii A Ttull; theru'e alung..........................- - - ..........................thatr llns north nflv degreaa aTid thirty-eight mtnutas aaai fifty feat; tbeaca atUI along aaina north ihirty-ali iiagrasa and flftean mlnutca waat ona hundrtd and ANy alk feet to tha lower road to Newark at a tMilql diRtant rtfir feet from the OLUTiar of Uedford atraat; thance along the soil-

line of tb# iuwar ruod oorth forty-three and forty mlnutea aaat foiiy-blne

jhir-aa^eii bundrtdiha of a fool: Ihenos lung oalO road north fony-fnur deerm-a

ihlrty-srven minutes eoal two huiidrad and twanty-flya feat: theni'a Atlll along uld riwd north furty-aaven dagreaa and Rva tnlnutaa egai Savanly-eevab feat; ibenre atlll along aald rood north forly-nlna dagraaa and fyrty-nve minutes east aavanty feat and^lna ^undredthi| of a font;

♦Hr Una dag raea i ana aighattu aWr and

(henca atlll slung_________ja of a 1,

rusd north flfty-«na d*<greea ood thIrty-iUna mlnutaa aaat ona liuTidri*d and flfty'nlna faet and aevanty*iwo hundruHlthaof g foot; thence still along saM road north flfiy-aih dagraaa and iwu mlnutea east four hua-drad and alaty-ona faet and alaty-nix hundradtha of a foot to land now ur lata of (ieurge llruoka; thanra aJimg that Una south eight dt'greea #«#(two hundred and ninalaen feet and ninety-one hundredlha of a foot lo liie waeVrrly line of Frellnghuyien avenue; thefi^a along sold ave-> HUS anuth thirty datreea ahd tweaty-one mln- utae waat ona thousand and aaventy-twe fast and thtrty-aavan hundradtha of a foot to the place of baglnnlng. Cuotatnlng eight oerta and s u ty - ulna iiutnlrNths of in acre,

larond Troct-rbeginning at a itcwe monumentin the cornw of laitda af the Naw Jtraay Hall-

I^Msportailunfuad and Ironapi^allun Uumpaav and a^d Klliabalh U. Kowlar and ptham; tnetire along Iha Una dividing londa o f said Rlisaheth Is.I<\iwler and others a n d ----- pavey mirtheight degrees waat twelve huiidraa oail sltiaty- •Igiil feat and forty hundredlha of a fwt to the aoaterlv- Una of Ktallnghuyaen avenue; thtnoa along that Una aouth thirty dagreaa and twenty- one mlnutea waat twalva hundred and aiaty- saven feet and flflv hundredth! of a foot to lands of —— — ; thanca along that Una aouththlnr-aU dagraaa SJid fUleen mlnutaa tost aeven

Adred and^MVfndy-elght feet and slxty-f<t

.............. iagrtutaa «aat oha hundred t

hundred and MVfi hundredths of a fool north atghty-nine di

nty-elght feet am ot; thence stilt along * Teas and Ulrty-thraa min

ixty-fous tha aame

J and Mvao feat aod aaven- ty-alght hundradtha of_a foot, lo .tha

ona-htifidredths fast; thanca soutk fgrty-aU da* grega seventean mlnutea east thlity-e{|ht_ajid•ew fily ona-hundredthi faat; thanca north forty degraea tan minute* east oca hundrad and almty- blna and prty-four one-hundredtha faet to tha aoutherly Una of William atraat, and thanca alofig tba southerly Una of William atrtat north fortv-flve degretf west fotty-nloa feat to tha point of beglnrilng. '

For title to tame sea deeds In Q-11. 47B: 1-94, 420. end 1-2*. 4 » . ^

Dialed Dec, h. ItM.HRNRT M. TXJRRKUB. Sheriff, jamea C. McDonald. Boilcitor. (flLlO)

(Ctaoncary A—BOB.)SHERIFF'S SALEI-Ifi rhaneary of Haw Jar-

say—Betwean MerconUls Oo-aparaUva flank.c^plalDOnt, and Cirolln* M avoftlla a tU .. d«- i^ d a n ta in fa., for m Is of aurtgogad

By vliitM of tha stova etsted i ^ t of flarl ooloa* to m

'iWMiy-aevanth d ^ of Daoam-_______ _______ 1 ohoit aopoee for oala

by Mbllo vandtia, i t tha T o u r ^ o ^ In HjTnaaday*


bar na»t, a t two o'clock P. U,, til that tract or parcal of land and prsmteaa situate, lying and bsthg In tha city of Nawork, Rim s County*Naw Jarsay.

point In the aostarly aid# ofliagloning at _ ........ ^Austin atraat distant p m hundred and eightfaet and ten and a half Itichaa northarly from tbs northeasterly corner nf Parkhurst and Aua- tin etreats, and Ihenea running southerly along said aaatarly Una of Austin atrtat twanty-Ava feet, and tb«noa easterly parallel with ThomM ■treat eighty f*et and ted Inchas; thanca north- arir and at right angles to Parkhurat street four faet and ala Inches; thance aaatarly paraJ- lel with Thomaa street nineteen feet and two Inchea to a point one hundred feat distant frum Austin street; ihenoa northerly g l right oiwlea to Parkhurat atreet twenty feat and ala Inches; tbam'a westerly parallel with ThomM s M t one hundred feet to ihe esatarly olds of Auilln street and tha placa of beginning.

Dated Kovamber f l . ^HENRT M. DORRMt^, flbartff.

McCarter, Wimamson 4 McCarter. 8ollcU <^(110,90)

line uf the New Jalwey JUIIroad and Trarapurta- tliHi rnenoany: thence along that Hoe north thirty degraat and twalva minutes tost lUa hun­dred end three feet and one-lenth of a foot to tha plsca of beginning- t'untalnlng aaventeen acraa and alktaan bundredtha of an acre. ^ in » ■art of Iha same pratnlsea conveyed to Annie

Price by Klliobeth U. Prlf* by deed datedp r- . - ...... jy Klliobeth U. Price byFebruors xTi. Ibn, and recorded m the Boee* L'uiiaty Iteglstw’a olTW In Book V-M of Daada for said county, on page 491. ate*

Dated Dec. h. l»w . ^HRNR7 M. DOREMl^F UieHff, David A. Ryarson. Solicitor* (190.90)

(C l^ M ry A—flU.) iH E R lF F 'k B A L »-ln rhancevy of Haw Jeraey

—Hetweea Columbian LKidga No. 11T. 1. O. O* P.. complainant, and Margaret Mkonlng rt al.* dafrttdonu. FI. fa.* for'sals uC mortgogsd pram- toea.

By virtue of tha abova stated writ of fieri forloa. to ma directed. 1 shall axpoM for sal* bypublic vendua, at the Counhouaa In Newark, on Tuesday, the tenth day of January next, at twoo'clock'P. ii..'o il thtioe tracts or parcels of lami and praiBisas ailuata. lying and t^lng In tha cityuf Nawark. EMex County. New Jersey;

Tha First Tract-Brttlnnlng and being on thacom er of Academy and flummit itreeti, on tha aoulhcaatarly comer of Bummit atreet, and a*- tandlDg to tha middle of said atreet; being lot No. 41 on a map of tha properly of Hannah Qlfford, decaosed. drawn by 8, D«i, Kaq.. dated July L W3l: bounded north by Academy atraat. south by lot No. 21. aostarly by No. 40. ami woatarly by Aummll atraat: baing one hundra<l and ona fart daeo. exclualve of said streat. and forty-two feat front and rear, be the soma mura

leoa; aacapting thereout alw ays, the^m IuAcodamV and’ Bummlt itreats os public hlgh- W'aya or roads fur the uSr of tba public... ......... ,__.kr fcirevar.

Tha Becond Tract-Beginning and being on Academy atraat, on the south aide thereof, anil eslPDdlng to tha middle of said street, and dealg- natad aa lota No. 4« on a map of the property of

onnab Olfford, daceoaed. , made by R. Imd. (la t^ July 1. JW l; bounded nurth bv

UomRsu.,Aeo^amy atraat. south by lot No. 22, purcboand by Oeorga t’rosa; weal by J o t Mo, _4l, tw n of;t'upled by tha said Daniel Dean, and east by lot No. 99: being ona hundred and ona feat daep^-___ __________- -...... -raxclualve of lald street, and thirty feat fmnt and rear: being the aama, more or Inw. exeaptlng thereout always tha sold Academy street for » public hlghwsy or rood* os laid out on the olorteald map, forty feet wida. for Uia use of tba public forever.

Doted Dfc. 6, IBM.HRNHY M. DORBMU8, Bheriff.

Rlker ft Rlkrr, BollcltoCfl.

(Chancery A—61(1.)SHERIFF'S r a l e - I n Chancery of New Jtraay

(Chanpary A—dlO.)BHF.RIFF8 BALK-In OhMCTtV of Now JoiWT

B*l»Mn H.nry 0«l**r. TOioiilllmnt, u d—. •« 1 ill— gn.Catharinefendanu.

W. Uenge and Albert Mtnge. Fl. fa ., lor sals of mortgaged pr


pU> of (hla 111 (he sHght onn in ih^‘ flowers of Fig. 4. The eni'h'ir - •

n a . 4.

, u* . 1. KMC Tinix'lilhK of n Uncks^round; with apots (Fig, &) or with IIim's, ma In ihe

> of “ - •

tinl#1y U MeV’clllie lo iii, i.’n rlsu n n s Hiving, in Hh inu* iwruc

but an exchn n ge o f k in d ly remembraii w lilcti atrvngrhcri th e chord-^ uf I'rk n isMp Ami love hetw een th o se w ho frcqiicrnly

'(.at, or w hlcli rth ln d th e liea wUh'li iiw'- bapB h o v e been aevered hy mllea of i |l i . tnncp. unit inomliH and t'Ven yegra uf a'p- u ratlon . And If g if t s are g iven or urn n'- I'rtVE'd w ill) iiiiy o th er niotlvi* than lliot o f ka id ly renp tn hram ’f for, ainl lovlnc arrep tan re froni, (►arh other. Ihe tin*, spirit o f rlirlstm nA hnd C hrlstm oa y!<,i-nc ha.Hi been vIoliiLi'tl nriil thn aw ret influHt?c o f k indly remMubrAiicoa iiu:- bcf-n loai.

IlF t-ncr u t N ubJp rdnR Brnal* a n d B ird* to M nn'* W ill,

From tha London Baturday RpvleVi''.Th« training of broat* and bird* to th*

performancr of u trfu l aervlrc* I*, *o f*r M can li« achieved without undue aever- ItY, perfecllr Icgltltnale and In keeping with the tradition* of all creed*. Vor Is It within the province ot the rraaonable critic to carp a t the training of retrtevera, of falcona. or of flahlng commorant*. Trick hortu‘* and dog*, cata and elephanlt are for thla reoaon the tea*t ohjectlouable Item* In the bill on auch occaalon*. These animal* am retainer* of men, and further experimenting with their Intelli­gence, which fa ao active a* to call for the exercise of no cruelty, may be pro­ductive of valuable resulta. But mon­keys, Ilona and kangaroos are not here for our uae, and aa lo the apectacle of a bear drinking ate a bottle, fewalghti can be lean attrac tive to the weit- Imtanccd mind. The fact th a t Ibouaanda are lo he found who laugh till ihoir aldea ache a t the picture o t a poor beast de­graded to the antics of hi* keeper* Is noi ao much & oompllmenl to the enlight­enment ot tb* race a* unfortunately a guarantee that these abowa will endure. So Long a* the public demand aenaatlona the Hon king* a«d Hon queens will be at hand—aniBlI blame to them—to feed the craving. For herein lie* th* trouble.

It I* u*elea* for either Individiiala or *oclet1e*, however excellent their Inten­tion*, to undertake extended i-apiunage of a lyatem ao widespread na tha t of cruelly to performing animal*. The H. 8 . F. t'. A. ha* already failed In pnlillc- ■plrlted attem pts on liehalf of cugod lions and hear*, and In the partlc^ularly grlev- ou* case or a tame »»:mull. The only Ikiuc He* In the chance of Lord Uerechlll'i forthcoming hill,extending the jurladiciion of the maglatratea to wild beasts and blrda In mcnogcrles or o ther confinement. Hut Ihe eflacement of th la *taln on nineteenth eentury clvltlxatlon rests wholly with the public itself. » Is a grave reiponslhlllty, but ahould not on th a t account he ahlrkit!. If the man*e* refuse their ahlllltige the *yatem will die a natural dealli.

To carp at the Inquiry of tin' few who hunt the carted doer, while II gladly wH- netiea the persecution of driiaged Hon* and cowed bear*, I* x bypocrly unworthy

Jamaa irki'L

Doled „ DORBRUfl. Bberlff.Predcrlfk C. PtIk I. Solicitor. (II0.BD)

the nation'* clctlrsr judgm ent. Let no on* believe th a t these exhibition* are a creilll-

ofWhich add* greatly to the «ffectlvcne*a lb s oe tttn . Among other unusual ond tn ti rn tfn g plant form* for the deiigncr jnwy be mentiohwi lichen* and the coutit- Ing* varletle* of fungi. Including the muah- fOOm*. For an excellent work on th* dec- p r t tlv s appfIrallOD of surb plants, ns well

btae of the atiowdrup piuicinc. la a slmuln anil useful melhod. It will !«. uollcoil nlao that where the dcelgn In chiefly ona of BOlUl liluck, hx In Fig 11, 111,, ground muat be very ligbl In conlrasi or all dec- ortillve effect will be lost, while with the aolid blank ground of Fig. li the floral treatm ent 1* restrained to while and gray.

H arkgroundi may also he irenled by means of an undergrowih, conalatlng of a

T O in f lK .V H i: T I I K

"PaPk, whot nrf> VUlterlnk K*’ni*rMll- i IpaT ’■

"Thpy an* thintf*s a mnii’a vrife wont ink-from him wlivn alia Ima lUyCil up until o'l’iuck tialMuM fur him tu h9in« fromllJH Cli'VvlmHl


Mrs. Sllmpurae— 'W hat la the prlr* ct 'hi* aiilU' of fnniliure?"

IHgijftted t'lerls—"Thla la not a suite, madulh. It le one of our |K arts. The auUea arc on nnoiher fiooe-Jhlll atilect-."-. New York Wrchiy.

vlth111 connection ur regular stock, We

nhatl carry from now on n Hnc of $4.00 W omen’s and Misse*' Shoes, known a* the “ Eaarfclt." In tlii* shoe we shall endeavor to give a better shoe for the price than la to-day offered by «njr m anufacturer o r dealer In the eountrv .

Mr*. Ifomapun tlndlgnantly)—nerc'a article say* that In Forntoea a w! cMla 15,"

Mr. Homeatmn (thoughtfully)—"Wal, good wire 1* wiilh II."—Spar* Mummtat.tllii *-iv. ■ kv*. Ud jsSa

ml ti|-re'<t tint much variety In them, wa* '( veiy ln-;ivy clouklug, Bcariet on one 'l l-, rii.. {, blue on Ihe other. The skirt w.i'i 11 KuinbT of habit fit, fastened under

n't 1,1 ftther Side of Ifie front and "h'.u'i 1 nut II tnit'c of tiilnese ut the back 111! Inli.w Ihe hips.' Heavily stitched and c I on n ivldc ailtched belt ot the cloth, II I'unie lo jii<u alHiVe the ankle*. The I'l'.n. *ij(. nf Ihe cloth wB* otiiside for jt and ini' lindl,.*. ThI* was a Jaunty blouse, (li’ltig Hose without *eoma In the hack iiml urily ell.-'litly full In front. It wa* long oniingh bi go recurely under th* *klrt belt, iiii.l Ihe inliieae below the Iwlt wa* c*re- nilly mnnnged, (yr the m aieijnl wa* bulky,

rl evra were e*«y and long, nollar high, llic fastening double-

able exposition of the victory ot mind over matter 80 ingcnlou* a prevarlcallon take* no account of Ihtll elcmem of cruelty which though many may wllh me hcslialn to dei\ne, tew srlH be found lnine.!tiy to discredit, For th* animal P«ychologl!U auch exhlbllkm* cannot have Ihe ellghtentvalue without access to the earlier stage* of the gradual education of tne raw- inu-tcrlal » freedom piwcltaled by brofesalunal Jealouay of method* best. Jjerhapa, kept KFcret I understand that 81r .lohn Inib.&'oc'k'lias tamed g ws*P- Thio. If.H be the css*, la A more itrlk ln„ _____ _ Ing example of ih*actuiu'subjugation by kindncea of a nrea-

jened with Intellect than

By Tlrtue of th* shove atsted writ of (ocli* to me directed, I ih ill expoae (or is w by nubile vendue, at lb* t'ourlbouw In Newark. bS tn .w l*y , the tenth day of JwiBsry next, *1 two o’clock k M.. all lh*t tn«U o r ,I " « l end cremiawi altustc liln g end being I n t ^ luwneblp nf f'tlnioo, e»wx County, New j* n < n

Beeinnlng In the nnrtliwly line of Lyon* sve- nne at * w ln l therein dlrtant w*»l«rly •.venty- llve feel one and one-hoH Incbe* from the north- w eilerly comer of the lame snd Ulnton plscei thence WNlerly aluns the eame tw enty-flyw f»t and one-tislf Inch lo the euterly line ol lot No. S on mop herelnsfter mentioned: thence north­erly eloag the line o t the eame end the eoeterly line ot lot No, U on laid map one hundred and eevcntccB feel three Inchei: thence eorierty iwentv-flve feel to tha weeter V line of 1« No. • on saW uisii; theof'S southsny sloO« tbs sSJtas ons hundrad and fl/tssn fsei slatsi and thro#- Quiartsr livchrti tn th« nortberlr Una oi Lyotu avsnus and ths ulAcs of bsrtonlnf.

^U etw fsn JersmiaK Frvdfrldu. gomplalnAnt, and Annis I, (or Hsllei Borovnt st ala.. d«- fsndjuita. PI. fa.* for sots of m ortfartd prem*

U r vtrtus of tbs otwvs sUtsd writ of fUrt facias, to ros dlrvoisd. 1 shall sxpose for sale l*y public vendue, at tbs Courthoqss In Newark, i>n Tuesdar. tbs isnth dar of January next, at two o’clock F. Me. ail that tract ct parcel uf land and prsm liss sltuats, tylnic and bcini in tho

^ownshlp of Franklin, Kstsx Cbunty. N swat the south contsr of Sarah

Booth’s lot on tbs ilns of WorrsD Vrselond a land; thence (1> south thirty-two dem’ses west two bundrsd and tlithterti and flltr-thrse tioe* hundredths feet; tbsoce (2) north Sriy’ i n t de-5revs west two hundred and slevsn and il« one-

undrsdtha feet; Ihence (9) north thlriy-two dsirres* sost two hnndrsd and etwnlseB and flfty-tbrss ouswhttndrsdths feet to B o ^ Booth ■ lot; tbenos (4) south flf^-eiffht decresa eo n two hundred and eleven and sU ooe-hundrsdthFfeet to ths ploot of brtdnnliMr- Coqtalnloi forty-sixihousood and twentr-four f ^ , elffht thousand

■four fest belDir Mservsd for a publlo

Beinir lot Nok 4 on a map of propsrtv (o Aoausllnv J. Oless. LouU J. F i^ b and

Q Nolan, and known os tbs Cnintoa plocs

(Chancery A-902.)SHKRIFF*8 SALK -ln Clianctry of New Jersey

—between John Hocry. Jr.. L'omglainSBt, and John Hoory. 8r.. et alt., dcfsndonta. FI. (a ., for sale of lufirtKoaed premises.

By virtue of iho sliove itstsd writ of Bsrl................... —- A--S,

and forty-l-- --------------------------------- -----street, occordlrur to nap shd survey mode by John 8. fltranate of FoosoJe. Belnjc the ooms premises conveyed to ihs oold John D. Barxeni i t JsTnss W. Sarcent and wJfs by dt(^ daleil

the twanty-ninth « y of Heplerober, A. D. 1B94. and reeordsd In ihe Healstcr'H offlne of the county of Boosa on poses — of Book ■’— of Desds for said county.

Deductink and oxceptlnix ths part thersof re­lease by ths complainant by dssd of release recorded In Book No. 8 of ICelftAoes oE Moi for Essex County, on pace* 20O-8D1.

Dated Deo* 8, i mHBNRT M. DOnffMlTS, flherlff.Jamas MeC. Morrow. Solicitor. ($12.90)

iH ER lFF*B B A ttE -ln Cboocery of New J«r-T l ^ t ......................

fooloSc to me directed, I ihali sxpoM for sate by public vendue, ai th® rourthouse In N « o r k , Tuesday, the twentjr*aeventh day of Dsoenl next, at two o'clock P. M.. all Ihot tract_________ _ ___ -.ic l or

reel of land and premises tiluats, ly ios u d.................... " • ----------

t\ the 1

erly line of UranffS roid or avenui* s i lbs MJns

ssy—Bsiwssii Timothy Bumst, complainant, and Thomas J. O'Brian st olo., dsfsndanU. FL

to t skis of mortffsksd premlsts.♦Irtno of tbs abovs stated writ of fieri

ms dirscisd, I ihall ssposs for sals

Eehijr'in'lhe city 'of Newark, Eissa Cooikty. Jersey;

Beit'innlnx In the weslsrly Has of D e im itrsrt L a point dteisnt nuriheriy (brts hundrad and

nfty-TOur f»*et and two Inches frOBl ih]has berri survpyM by ths commlsslonsta: Rorn thence runnlhtr westerly i t rlaht SQflH to Mid llerKrti stn**! one hundred feet: thence north­erly porsllrl wllh Iterien slrest iwsoly-five fast; th®nie ssAt^rly one hundred feet to Bsrimn sln-et; t hence alunx the same eoutherif tw en ty five feet to the idace of Ikeylnninc.

Neink' loi No.’ 42"on"aniap of "property mads for Oeorjfe luswli. by Dunn ft T n ^ psoo , s i ^veyofi. April, thfil, cn block B. and the sarAS iremlHSS convey^ iq the Hoor^.t>y deed recorded In Houk K-W of Dssdi ]lex ('uiinty, piksa l9h. stCi

Novemnsr 21. 1808.DatedHBNHT u

ChsMes F, llsrr. Mlicitor.DORBMUa. Bberlff.dft.oo)

(I'hahfwiT. A-dUU . „ , _HHKRiFrH RALI>^1d (3hM«ry of Hew J t r w

—UHWeen ths flerurlly Nuildinji and Loan Aa- 104'iauon of ths city of Ntwtrli,. complalnanL Diid Hapi J. Ilinriahi ital., difsndinta, Fl. fa., fur sale of inortxsRed premises. * * ^ .

Tly vlnue of ths above pl»t*d writ nf Rsr! fui'ls*. to me dlmtsrt. I Ohail nposs Jor asjs byli ubllc V- ■ ‘ ‘Tuewltti',u'clwk IV JJ-. oil that - ....... .ond ■premliw# situate, tylnk

imbllc vendue, at ths CourthouM In Nswsrk. on- a Jinttary next, .........act ur MrosI t ___

nd btliijr In ths elty tw J#rsey;

iseRlnnlnx at .a point In th# soslerly, lint ofuf Newark.

landthe tenth day of Jinhary next, |t.tw o

■ tract ur parcel o*...................na and 1, .Eseea ('ounty. New J#rsey;

sosLcrlyBeraen street distant on# hundred and thirty end ihlrty-seren hundfedlne rest northerly from. , . . . .a , of ths M*t-the point formed by tb# IbiersscI............... ^rirly llns uf the ooms with (hs nurthsrlyClinton avenue; (hsiice northerly ahmjr ths sast’

' fist: (hsT>oserly line of Bergen street nfly fist. , .... — -erly at rlaht angle* lo BerxeA strsft on* hun dred and flv# shd alx hundredths fsst lo linn of lota fromibk on Huftterdwi irtfsst;

rsofAijulberiv pftVaVlei wflh Vhe eaiterlv ilns'of ^ r -— * * -------- ------ “ rlsht*FH eirret flfly feet; Hunt, werierly at rig! ■iigitn to Iletaet) street one huiutied and fl' anil Bix huiiilredth* feel lo the eaeteriv line Uttgert eireel atwesalil and plate ot beglmilng.

Hams the same pNmtae* (w verea by *0*11 twnrSed jn Bm * page* » and f l .

sn r V m.rernri-..........

DaleJ Dec. ^ OOHEMUAUharlea A, Fcick. ftoHoltor.


tiTfs not overbur(]P kll the anllck of the rnniikcys that ♦vrt rodd b irth ftt’k Ih w ChrintmnA clrcuw.

((7han'.#ry A-flift.) ,SHRRtFF'B flALJO- 1« Chsnotry of Nsw Jsrosjr

-ftslw esn Raehal I*. Bihilley #t steii ulilnunts. and loiuis KhoMSroir st alSvi .offw r— ... g.. j„- — ot mo'aiUSe Kle la.Hy virtue of the nboVf italed writ of,ll#rt ficMOi. to rn# Ulrectsd. I shafl sxpoM jor ^ s by

fTortcsitd prtmtfMe ■(■tea writ o f ." '”

f**#! ihsrP w#ipabout

riibbsr bootSe mki#, ynt nottlip onh- . , _ __

were stiff ip half wuy to

"JubfOii tcllN mv ho U oft brinkmnirtmony.''

^'Jolwon ni'eda la a Di'alrr

lA no Ucklnt; In fjnrrry. All lp> i llltlo ptishe^—Cievnand Plain

FoOtlKrljt—"W ire you evfrr tr<rubled wUlistage fi'luhl?'*

Hue lireiic—"Y#«. onoe—whsn I heard th(‘ mnniiki’r hud run oft. with tho Uox

fi’dpts.'ofllco roi’clpts.”—Yonkers &tfttea!BkH.


U w “ WMLLr.RLKY" Tien, Id Lane or O nltan, auggeeu strU, etMUfort ona wear, Mwtaoai • IWIV nlDrlaOttraaibset Sain ted kid, (Ye gukrante* tk* flaest o f wurlunanalilp apd m aterial bi till* e ig le OS In aO sliee* hearlug su e utraie,

Ainillranl (la mlKiresi of •mall *tilHtrhan (irth')-i-‘'Well, mutn, ’S'rtng win* *u fm,

Mut 1 must *sy.hoiilb')-i-‘'Well, mutn, ’a'rtfii 1 lilDUglit as Td. nee you. L ... . —. . . wmj, Inal peoples nn live* In (hi* cla*a of ’unne ought not to afiverltae In Ths Momln Foat."—Punch.

^ c re l Sstvlee 8*pr*tary—"I want a manwho hs* skill ill tranalatlhg duher*."

Appiii'ant-7."Th*n I'm your man. For twoSvata now Tve put un presoriptlons In a

rugstori’,"—Dotveit r ro a Flws*.1)81veil• —OlS 'i'nh

B w h—"Oh, I k now how I look. M y look-

“ R O TivT.rxn5t s i l b : BFoadand A r a d e m y S t s . , N e w a r k * N . e J .

inu-glo** alira,i* toll* m* the truth. K a te—'—

much taelThe .looking-giug doaan'_____II, dots I t r ’- ^ a t o n TTan*erlpi,

t *haw

e-NeeVous KHlplDyer-- for w histling,"

"I -don't you

y m ee D o v - 'ThaC s *11 r lg b l, *)ri I can ’t w hl#tle w«[1 en ou gh lo o h ort* ex trk for ity»t,’'-Tll-l)U i.

loo^s yptl liri‘a«trd.

Kur ilw* luilky>iu«:iUily. fh ey ....... .......... .. ...... „tl’i* kh'‘s, hIiovi’ lh«! rubbrr was soft uiKi sirii(.;)tdii tifh l about th^ l#ir and over iiif* (’(liif uf warm knit hlootn(!rs. Th# ma> li’rta] of ihh Hklrt M'Si M heavy that U will "tiiy down and the sriarlet f.icltig will ■#]> doni show. A roue on the golf order go^n Wllh tlin itK to be added when the weather i" vfry coW, and there Is a atunnlnv little fjip of turn shape made of Ihe cloth and

n dash of the ocarlst undeiTacD. Inc whole rin is Btunnjng, a flne thltiff to Megr when m olt faihloTiublea are sn o w li'turuL

i.ubiin’ vendue, al the Courthouse In Nswark, on Tinwday (he tenth day of Jonuiry next* ftt two

■ “ ■ “ all thfct_sract ^t iiirauHr, *»i »o’clock F M.e ' landt th ^ r tm li^ iiluaift: Irittj W b « n f k) the 4ityof Newark. Boiex Counly. Nsw..J#rNyi

f/ri*ai)(1y MpIKriepbbii to H la F ftr illa .

Hnw lUi I luve thus, O m y C olum bine? Huw shall I prove th fi K 'ltu sy a t m ine?I love thee b etter than I do th a t Hleeje Liiho-hhuiKiU club, m y b ea u teo u i d rlv lnx-, , ‘-leek.I luve thee Irotter than m y m a ih le fa ir


Royal Worcester Corsets.

Ttaglnnlng In I lie weeterly Ilne.ot NortolK -.reel dtetant aoutherly flva hi ly-nlne f*»t (rom BMk eueet at right angle* with Into the well: thence northerlv Miallei with Norfolk elreet alx Inchee to atmui inlflflle of th e . well; thence treileriy Npifotli street (orir-(™r feel thence southecly parallel with Nolfollt seventeen feet »lx inches, morg ot leee, to the line of Thirteenth avenue;

twenty fee t ginning.

„_ly ojonsm ™ 'o n t hundtBl featstreet: ih*nt*j>'j|ng th s j ln e ^ o l^ w j^ J ’S*!

ilrltii ths oatn# piwiissj wnivsysd to thf said oulN SonDsnwfelf by deed bsaiins date JOBUory

F O R R R L i R V L t ft O IN O D I f t L E M . J )fDWv fle 1«8.

HS.Venhy m. uoniMUB.H. Snover. Sollctlor.


•naKirr*! •ju<b*.Thai aentli, aentig m y B llv sn o w n a -sa llln g

thrnugh th t a ir . A -tIU .)■ lov* thee tmtt*r fhari m y br«***y nwaet That sends th* ball q u its sev en hundred


band,I'd rathor h a v e ih ra h oused w ith in m y

^ down ieoaonefl guinea bulla, AivX If Without th«k I,could e^cr b« t»«i e

hlah, hi

■BstWSCD .and OsLafcrtasFi. fa., ---------

BrUcios. to ..., ^pubiiti vendue, st^the Toeadafj^tt

gHBnlrY** |A L M -;lSof.

o nortgsgod the above itaiFd0,, for Ml/

at New Jtrety----Plalnant.


lw «d

- d<inisea.the ebeS* moM writ of Itjri

rsoisd, J ghjtll r tp m fo r s^e by ' ' Coarthouis 1i NtwaiK*

if ort ESI##


to » 00$ ylrtw

fooloa* 40 Ih r Mbllobypo1)1tt3_v««iAas. at ths Courthouse In Ksw-arlc or— . oil TussdiTe tbs ursntv' Dscsmbsr m x l *t two o'elooi R M.

en(h day of________ ____, __________ __________ ail thatroot or parrel of land and prsmlsss sltuats, ly- Bff and bslnf In ths vU lo^ ot South Oranfs, Roan County, N sw Jsneyi

Bsclonlnff at tbs noutharlr oomer of lands >r WHoon i ^ k s r on th t noithwiy elds of South Grants avtnue, thsnos (1) alone the line of

said Decker and othsiw north thirty-four ds- oress twsnty-flvs inInuiM east thrst hundred and thirty-nine fsst and imrty^nlne hundredths of a foot to looda ol Ksnnon Rlnrfcla; thence oh alOTff Mid Hlnrteki'i lln* south fifty-two d#’-

sea Torty-f#ven ftiinalM soot fifty-five fsst to iteto ------ --------- ‘ — ■—

ore-------land of ths llns flfti-lw(s^ r«

♦ton Hall Coltecs; Chenoe (S) aloneths llns of Wald ooll#i|s aouth thlrty-flvs d##re«s

mlautsi ...............utss west three hundred and esven- forty-two-Jiundrsdtha of a foot to

ftoutli O ronn avemis; thenos (4> along ths Aorthtfly aids of »ald avsnus north sevsnty-■Ix deyrss forty*^wo mlnutM WMt Aftr-ihree fD#l and slfhty-slxht-huodrsdths of a Ick

as ploot o f bH lnninr D ated KovsntMr 81. 1W8-

tbs ploot o ffoot to

RRNRT M- DOREMUft, flherlff. Qallaffbsr ft Rlohardit. floHoltort, (110.20)

(Chancery AHSOo.),BHRRIFF’E B A L E -ln Chancery of Nsw J#r-

My—Hstsrsvn BllMbetll Dudley* complainant* and JoMph B. Bray #1 aiOe. defsndaats. Fl, fo,e for M is of inoHfNfl«d premises.

By vlrtus of th# above atited writ nf fi#rl(£101W to ms directed. 1 shall #x^s« for sals

niiblto vendue, at the Courthouse In N sw - [, on TuesoKy. th# tenth day of Januaryork^ on Tuesday,

tifxL at two o’clock P. M.. all that tract orparost of land and premises titunte, lyinir and ^ i h t in the city of Oroncs, Bsosx County,Newfsrssy:

llo iiiir -nnlnt'nn th# ■oulhsoatsrty side of flteMx; street at a point therein distant three hundredOlid riih iy-ons fast and flfty-alt-hundredtha of

- - norUMOStfriy from the northsoaieflya foot•Ids of Main Strest, bn0ITa.- lUSIMSie* «saeM Caosx strest north tnlrty-nU deyrrsfl soai slitT' flv* fast; thencs,south flfty-^our dsfrees saat

ihsnce running along said

hundred and thlrty-rtuhl fort, more ur to the rear lias of lot facing ort B at otrefri vt along the same south ttilrty-four de-I fourteen minutes west slxty-flvs feet and

? a toot, mors or tesof to ianit.im s s fourteen muiu

•rznllys »n4 uthsni, and thsnoe ,g tits earns north fifty-four drgrese w#st

one hundred and forty f#et and elghiy-elght-hundirodlhe of a foot to sold l^issx Street and

«! of bsglTpine# of .^ In n in g .December B^II

_____ _ _ DOHBMOfl, iheriff.flkinnw * Ten Mvok. Bollcltiiw. ____ ttS.IHUfl)

datlon. compialnanL and Amelia L. lllr ictret gls., defendanto. Fl. fa., ftw sal# of m ortgagesis.*T5y*Tirtu# o l Ihs ohpvs fU ted writ of flsrt


Lt at two o aiMik v<r pa« 1 uf land and pretnUeg situate, Iglni and being In the vy M > Irvlnilon. itseex Uuunly. New

ivon avsnus; thenos running onutl.1 e .e. . t --- ------------ ...,v . . e

___________ __________ ______laidof Myrtis avenus wKh tbs wsst------------------------------- • ih

ivt »**•»-»« -w itirly uns h u ^ i feet from the interseotlon of themYoVloutherfr 1

- .v i . . . . . v _ ,|un.deiree* twen-

(set; thenc*___ _ - ...... , ________ ulee west on*

"f»*t lo e*ld southerly line of Myrtle a'ranil*l ihene* otong the,same north thiriy-ntno - — twenty-seven minutes east twenty-flva----------------- ^

rth w se I

I elty

(CTiancery A-tl08i) , „ .IAt,B-tn rhtneery of New ler- a John Harrleun, oemplUnant,

and'lH w oed MarNtL ct al, dofenflanta F l fa ., for eoli of m ortgage wemleee. _

By virto* of tlis gbnve-aiattd writ of flarl fta- ctas, I# » • dlrioted, I eM l Sipiae fur sale Wf iiuhilo vendut, at Che Courthouie In Mswark, on Ttindar, the tenth d iy of January J>*>N> i i tw nV ofock P. K .. all that irnot tw i C ^ ot land and prsmliea situate, tyfns end beuig In th* city o toron g* . Beeea Ooumk, Meat ^ew-" ^ igin iilng on the ecaith side of Olebe afreet, at a point distant two hundred end ilg ly -n in t

tin fjner ilfrern ths ooriheait comer ot lands formsr-tyof |>hlilh.t nga1sy. ‘

* ® '‘if" * '' •'avn th ee w ith th * v ile* l ouppy

I lov* thee, rteaf, so oi Xp play tlv* m ore t r d 1 Ihve the* IP I’d etvMi

» of FblHtl 1 btrtjw our dei ir le**, W_tha

egrees w « l I north elds of (

I lov* thee, rtear, *o m uch I ’d n ot com plain Tp play flv* m ore tr<f attil to p lay gfla ln . U h v e the* flo I’d * v « j !m neyenp u thou im tiH att a ^ k k u j» n th e pfllU afl.

Indeed, there’d b* smnll woe within myoup

....^ iss wsiwriy at fight ..--.—.e,, strest one hvadrsd ly parallel wllh toath Nine-

ssnui stresfARy fs«t: thsnrts sosterly parallelwWllirondbut to get thtfe I m u st a lv e g o lf ujil

-t-llarpor’fl S ttw r .

lo the and fif


^ t h Ninsteenth f tm t


iirsst: tbcnrs(y minutes westAginning.^

f#«t. ners or leas, to said d i msnStSm tRTivFyit

tO) Q tm g t P>

' HBNRT M. IxmBHUB. flherllf.J. H. MflCraeken, fiolloltor. ____ tW-W


(UhiOoery A-We.) iA L K -lq ChMftsry of Nsw Jew - ~ William Mcckliruigii ftmitn,

' Andrtw_ Lsmaaisha, Jr.|Mfl

oodiw a A nunw Mmossana, eir..at us. s t ^te'tjtefendsmse f l . fa., fsr m 4s e l■ o r tg e g ^ 'prsmlsss.

vino* of th* *l»v*;*laled writ of fleri m- * lu , to m* dlrenud. I eh«li expos* Cor **1* by £3ai« vandu*. at th* Uourthoueo In lAwark,

ttf ii*.*. we»w».www.a «AHlBte TSndVSj iU the n.aiAurflj|UUPO in n«WI»rdflrAn n**Any. IS* temh day of January n*xt, *;

i Orange. Etasm Oouoly«and prsmlsss slLrovn& lp of Fa x

I ifn# of J L R sr iif^ . T

In tha Hew

: th# IIjo lfly i Orav# tU M Muth twsi

flytSM mlnutiNl. w#kt om hurfarteedbif

and nln#iy-Avi_____ mlnotM .

I north sixti^'oighi

tpuu twuivB %Mgiparalisl wltk

“ n d t*af*«: thlest to ]




« a h ad oe In I Cm Pat Ih*

By th * J th e h reitrl t)iU c vote* trtbu Dieae from Jorlty bill. I off*et

F iv York Mr. I bert, T w tn ty-*f. teem (H tin "pr*i Jo n n “pr*!

Tht Ih* 0 ih * b

B*r MChl •rick nolly •on , < «f 1 H *ge derso kin*, o f HI k in s, Bhatl Bnovi ■In; I brnnt

Il 1 itr en restrl W l»c with

Tht •id en old l, ■ctloi mlgri er’* •c te r tim e tak e

M * l

JohU ab (• o n ao f tt burgi to pt Marh terda a tec hold tain fu r n

Del M agi w as th a ft cm pl thout crlnii to In th e a

In In eh He* l w ho w ale: by g when

U a born care* h as prarl m en I clo th I b l i 1

11* to a ■WhJl w ith h* I Jum i •n d aroui Whei h ot I

He city beeai W hll e tc a i burg]JOllcre le sYorkw ortF ine

k bui three had I h e « Dec* w ith bales o f I * tru N ew o f tl York ted .

N oi h* * sto le y ea n In J i for I thret

H e


fileat or t

the 1lirteiot N

I t a l

• •’ X- >'.r . ' ., .-vj.V v ^





k e w a r k e v e n i n g n e w s , m t J R S D A Y * J L > E C E j> IB iiii i b , i.b b d .

P S OF T iJO lH G .TIm Lodga Immifrfttloii Bill Tdm-

ponrlly Checked in the Home.


imhu Maid Wccen L oid i otGood* M « T lM u a l e tn a d lU a r T annt ta m i a a - t a l a l M asawaj la a traalaU r Cnardad U iaat of Kaw T ark C Itj-T ha Part a Matah Flajrad la tha Baacaa oT tha Craw a f a Bchoaaar^

By tha rloen ro ta of 103 luya to 100 y a u , th a Houaa yaatcrday rafuK<l to t-onaldar tha Mil harrto fu rt pasacil by tha Rynata to reatrlat Immlsratlcin by eicludlnjt from tlila country lllltarata paraona. Republican v a tn to tha nurabar ot thlrly-thraa con* tributad to pravant conaldcratloii of the maaaura. Hevaral Damocrata, notably from Southern Statca, voted with the ma­jority of the Kapubllcana to tahe up the bill, but tha Dumhar waa not aufflclanl to oltaat the ttapubllcan dlaalTactlon.

PIva Rapubllcana from the State o t New Torh voted axaltiil the bill. They were Mr. Belfonl. a t the P in t Itlatrlrt; Mr. QIU bcrt, of the Second; Mr. UttHUrr, of the Tweiity-aacond; Mr. Mahany. ot the Thlr- ty-arcond, and Mr. Q uiff, ot the. Four­teenth. Rennet (Kep.) and McClelland (Utin.) from New York ware recorded ae • 'p re ie n f but not vollnf. Mr. UcEwan, ot Jeraey City (Rep.), alao waa recorded “preeenl."

The o ther Republicans who conalltuled the oppoaltlon tu prevent conalderatlon of the bill were:

Bemey, of Wleconaln: Rarrowt, of Maa- aaehuaalta; Bartholdt. of Mlaaourl: Brod­erick. of Kanaaa; Cannon, of IlUnole; Con­nolly, o t tlllnola: Curtit, of Iowa; Davl- fon. o t K entucky; Dolllver, of Iowa; Eddy, of U lnnesola; Orow, of Fenniylvanla; H afer, of Iowa; Hawley, of T eiaa; Han- danon, o t Iowa; Hopklna, ot illlnola; Jan- kltji, of Wlaconaln; Lacey, of Iowa; Mann, of Illlnola; Miller, of W ait Virginia; Par­k in ,, of Iowa; SauerhaiiDf, ot Wlieonaln; Shttluo, of Ohio; Sheldon, of Mlchlfan; Snover, of M lchlfan; Stewart, of Wlacon­aln; Btevena, of M lnneiota; Stark, ot Ne- brnekn, and Spaldtnf, of Mlchlfan.

It will be oberrved that the,bulk of the f tre n f th of the oppoaltlon to imrolfrutlon realrictlon came from the Weatem Btaiea. Wlaconaln, Iowa. Illlnola and Mlchlfan, with a larae foreign-born population.

The motion In oppuiUlon to the con- alderatlon of the bill waa made by B arth­oldi, of Mlaaourl. born In Germany. The action doea not nnally dlapoae of tha im ­migration bill. It remain* on Ihe Speak- er’e table, retaining Ita privileged char­acter, and BUbJect to conalderatlon any time a m ajority of the Houae decidea to take It up.

ROTEIl T H IE F UELU.theHetelaed ae a V afraal—Stole ea

Wboleaale ITan.John Mahaney, who ta alao known aa

Mahoney, "Jack " Sheppard, George Wll- •on and John H. Matihewa, and who la one of the moat ekpert general thlevea and burglars In the country, waa commuted to prleon tor th irty daye In the Jetleraon Market Police Court, New York Clly, yea* terday for vagrancy. The charge la only a technical one^ and la intended merely to hold tbe prleoner until the police can ob­tain additional evidence againat him in a fur more aerloua case.

Detectivea Gallagher and Dtevy told k laglatrate Olmatead that the prlaoner waa auapected of being Implicated In the thaft o t some valuable package,. Tbe employes of an eaprete company, It Is thought, are concerned with him In the crime. The detectlvee abaolutely refused to Indicate the name of the company or the am ount involved.

In (he daya when Inapecior Byrne, waa In charge of the Detective Bureau a t po­lice headquartera Mahaney waa a crinfinal who the Inapector told bla men to keep watch upon conatantly. Captain McClus- ky gave hie men the same Inatructlone when he took charge of the bureau.

Mahaney, who 1a llfty-flve yeara old, was born in New York. He begun bis criminal career early In life, and for forty yeara haa made hla living through dlahtineet practlcea. One of hi* earliest acnieve- menta waa the theft of a truckload of cloth, worth IS.OQO, In Boston, In 13^. For th is ho waa sent to prleon for five years.

He waa arrested In New York and u k e n to police headquartera on April 8, ino. While he waa tn the building, w ith several detectlvee near him, he mgde a sudden dash for liberty. Jumping down a night of steps and leaping acroaa a wide stoop, he ran around the corner Into Blsecker s tre e t When the detectivea reached the corner. In hot pursuit, Mahaney waa not In light.

He was clever enough to get out of the city a t once. H e went Wm I and there became e n n g e d in several buralariea. While In Chicago a few months after hla escape from New York, he committed a burglary, for which be was sentenced to Joliet Penitentiary to r live years. He w tt releaeed In tm , and returning to New York In May, stole a truckload of cloth, worth Il.tKKI, from Overton ft Co., MVi Pine street. W hen tried the Jury failed to agree, and he was discharged.

He went to Philadelphia and committed a burglary, fo r which he was sentenced to three and one-half years In prleon. He had only been releaaed a few months when he w as again arrested In New York, on December K, 18T& He waa charged with stealing a truck and three bales of wool from Jam es Lynch, of M City H all Place. He engaged a truckm an to take the stolen properly to New Jersey, and becauae of tha refusal of the Jeraey truckm an to come to Nejr York to testify againat him he waa acquit­ted.

Not satlaBed w ith bis flrit visit to Boston he went there In April, 18TI, and again stole a truckload of gooda. He served five years In tha S tate Prleon for this offence. In July, IStt, be sroa arrested to New York for burglary and waa sent to prison lor three years.

He came back to New York, and on Jan- u a ^ U, 1B90, stole one hundred shirts from a Leonard stree t wholesale houae. MeJilesded guilty and was sent to Bing Sing or five yeara. M a h a n s waa a t one lime

the husband of Ellen Darrlgan, a "ahap- llfter," who la well known to the police of New York and other eltlea

U I X E O IX A BBXAWAT.Paale i|m B nt ghoppere ta a Orewded New

Y erk City fltreet.A great, strong truck horse ran aw ay In

B ast Tw enty-third itreet. New York City, yesterday afternoon, killed one man, wounded ano ther perhaps fatally, fright­ened the orowda of ahoppers, and smashed th* truck Into splinters. At Fourth avenue Edgar M. Crawford, a tobacco merchant. ■Ixty-three years old, bad started across T w tnly-tblrd street.

Me heard a yell of warning from many Ihroate, and ao be turped to see where the danger w as the horae was upon him. He made an effort to dodge, but the ani­m al reared and came down with both front feet upon Mr, Crawford’s back. One hoof ■truck below the ahoulder blades, one at the base of the ekull

Tbe skull waa broktn by tbe heavy iron shoe, and tha blow lower down caused In­ternal Injuries. An ambulance was sum* moned from Bellevue Hoepital. tvhen It arrived the Injured m in was In a aeinl- oomatoae condition. He waa rouaed, and while trying to give hla address to the phystclsn eonk Ituo unoonsclouenesi. He did not again reg iin bla senses, and died a t the hospital a t 2‘H o'clock.

A fter running down Mr Crawford near the south sidewalk the horse veered and went n v e r to the north pavement. Many who had run across the street from the south sids to asoape the dangar were forced to make a hasty return. Juat be­fore the horse reached Broadway Oeotws Dovaa, tblrty-saven years old, a Greek publleber a t lU E asf T orty-slx th s t m t and the au thor of “The Boveretgna of

*Bgypt," wa* knocked down and trampled.H a made an effort to get out ot the way.

hu t wnlla ha ran the plimaing animal alighted upon him. He was struck a t the base of the spine, and when a l^ llevue surgeon came to him sdlh an 'anftu lanca ha could not use hla legs. L ast night tha doctor said th a t Dovaa waa probaoTy very aerlously Injured.^ h « horse la owned by John Matthewa. a soda w ater merchanL at i n B a it TWemy- slxth Itree t. I t waa hitched to a soda water wagon and waa driven by William Eagan, O lt t t E ast Twenty-sevantb atresL He waa driving west on Ttrenly-thlril street.

A t F irs t avciiua tha whifllotree parted, and, etrlking the horse’s legs, frtghleited i t and oBUUd It to plunge wildly. The M v a r and Policeman John Kelly, ot the Bast Twenty-second Street Stalfon, tried to quiet It, bu t It broke awey from th s n and ran awmy,

BATED BY A MATCH,0 *w t f a t efconnev Might Hava D M at

Thlrat,The Captain and crew of the wrecked

schooner, Johanna Swann, which wee tbandeoad a t a ta on December I, were breuglit to Near York City yesterday by the tug B. J , B arrett, which took them off the German bark Anna, whleh had reeeued them. Tfcay thld a atery a t bardthlp, and bosr U a otfir txAtsh th a t they h as en board tMTsd tb M t t r e n tgrrlhia thbxt, U BOt

■t M ala Smeiff


that waa piled up four fast M fh M the deck. The weather was Bne sa fll W®**"*' her M, w bw a strong wind began h id in g from tbe nortbeaat. I t tncreawsdJn force, and by Ihe afternoon It waa btewlng a hurricane, and waa accompanied by a tre­mendous sea th a t repeatedly broke over the echooiMr, dedng conalderable damage. Neat morning a aquaJl struck tha Vessel, blew the malneall from the bolt ropes, and j* r t of the deckload of yellow pine over- board. . „ ,

To keep the eeas down the men trallM a light of a hawear over the stern, and this kept the create down and prevented the Sea from awamplng them.

Neat the foreaall waa carried a w y and Ihf boom was broken. ’The schooner broached to, and an enormoua aw was taken over In* etarlioard. which alao car­ried away the forward house.

All hands than toak sbtUer under the lee of the stthouse and lashed Ihemselyea to li. The following day, Tuesday, a t t o'clock In the mornliMt tliey get Into the caWn. They were wHhnnt water, when an Idea struck tap ta ln Shackleford. Ho had In hla cabin a Hu w a­ter tank with a futinul on the top and a pipe attached to tbe bottom, and he dMid- ed to connect that with a condenser. There wee only One dry aulphur match ana m at wee 111 the Captain's nialchboa.

The pipe waa convrrtea into a was attached to a piece of nihber iioae Ibai had lieen used to pump bilge These connciled the tank U) a bucket that w ss made es airtight a* posalble, and sonie of the men lieal out soma copper P 'sie Into a braslcr th a t waa placed under Ihe tank. The men put some chips on the broaler. . ,

And now came the supreme nioment or auspi-iise, ae the only match W " >“ be •truck. The iton ii w ai reglng, and a breath might put It out. The men clui- tereed round the Improvised condenser and covered themselves with pieces of sail. The Captain carefully took out bis »n*tnh- struck U, and applied It to Ihe chips. The ai tempt was successful, for the tiny flame ignited Ihe chips, and there w as a ohMr- tul blase. Soon the w ater began to mil, and In an hour enough w ater had been condensed to give each man two fuls of nasty, amoks-llavored water. Rut It waa not salt, and they wars grste/ul. By night enough waa dlatilled to satlMy their wants. On Friday, December X, the bark Anna was sighted and took them off.


College Foot Ball Hen Elect OOoen for Next Year’s Gampaip.


Sneela Bed KagUnd Talk A best Chlsese IT eM em -tieaen l Wood F n v en is a Usel. —Tbs Vienna correspondent ot the Lon-

don BUndard says; " I t Is asserted here, from both St. Petersburg and London sources of Information, that serioua nego- tiatlont hava been begun between RwMa and Great Britain for the solution of the Chinese problem, Rueala having arrived at Ihe concluelon thet It would be Impoeilbla to resist the now threatened co-operallon of England, Germany, the United States and Japan.’*

—An article recently appeared In Ihe Santiago Independencla cbarglng Benor Trujillo, editor of El Porvenlr. with ■wlndllng and other crimes. Benor Tru­jillo attributed Its authorihtp to Benor Colons, editor ot Cuba U bre and sent the la tte r a challenge. Colons denied the au­thorship but accepted tbe challenge. They agreed to tight yeeterday afternoon on San Juan Iflll with ''•la-ihoo leri,'' be­ginning a t twenty paces snd wslklng tow­ard each other, tiring a t will. If neither Should be Injured by the other's ala shots, the ■ntaxonisti were to reload snd sta rt again. Tne m atter was reported to Gen­eral Wood, the Military Governor, who promptly arre tted both men and confined them to their houses under guard.

—In the case of Hilda Peterson, charged with the murder of her little daughter at Rockville Centre, a Jury In the Supreme Court tn Long Island City last night, after deliberating for an hour and tnlrty-flve minuIra, returned a verdict of not guilty. Foremen Olto Heaoeder In delivering the verdict, was nervous and eacited. and said the Jury found the prisoner not guilty, on the ground of Insaulty. Instantly a mem­ber of the Jury, Charles Bchneller, a hotel- keeper, of Newtown, Jumped up end ealil the verdict was "not guilty, on the ground of temporary Insanity." The foreman's version ot the verdict, however, was ac­cepted.

—A dispatch In Madrid from Santa Crus de Tenerlffe, Canary Islands, announces the arrival there ot Ihe Spanish steamer Villa Verde, which left H avana on No­vember 30, with Maeshal Ramon lilsnco, former Governor-General of Cuba.

-O rd e ri were sent from the Navy De- pariraent yesterday to Ihe commander ot the Badger, a t l.>eague Island, to proceed w ith that vessel to Ban BVanclsco, In place of her slater ship, the Yankee, originally selected for this service. The Radjier le to make the paaeagv by Uie Straits of Magellan, and wilt be attached to the Pacino Station when she reaches her destination. The station Is short of vessels Just now. and one of the two there, the Yorktown, Is likely to be dis­patched soon to Honolulu.

—Governor Plngrce. of Michigan, has begun the preparation of his message to the Legislature, which meets In January. A striking fa ilu re of the document. It Is said, will 1m> a aeathlng arraignm ent of trusts. The Governor will eleo urge that the Leglalalure pass a State Income tax law. The Governor has been assured that a constitutional S tale Income tax bill can be framed, and he will have one presented early In the seeslon.

- 'T he Mayors and Councilman of olttes of the first class In K antss, in convention a t Fort Bcott. Kan., yesterday tabled a reeolutlon offered by Clly Attorney Bird, of Topeka, condemning the action ot "the Chicago Aldermen, who Insist for voting the flfty-year eiten tlon ot ihb street iwll- wsy frsnchlse of tha t city In the face of such unanimity of public opposition to th a t m easure." The resolution got mixed In a lot of measures th a t were tabled as not pertaining to the object of the conven­tion. I t w ss stated In the preamble th a t "so open s disregard of the people of a great municipality like Chicago would tend to create public d istrust snd cast a moral asperstlon upon other municipali­ties In (he transaction of business relating to public franchises."

—Four more bodies were found yester- dsy In the wreckage of the collapsed gas 5<>l<l»r ,»t Twentieth street snd Avenue A, New York City. This brings the list oi dead up to six, as tallows; Pious Baum, en­gineer In FuldneFs furniture factory; John Gray, eeventy-Ove years old, watchman a t the gas works; August Wenicke, sixteen years old son of the contractor's foreman; Andrew Wendt, laborer; Peter Conltn, la­borer; George W. Bremer, twenty-live years old. timekeeper for the Logan Iron W orks No one Is missing so far as the polloe and persons living near the gas wobki can tell.

ALL rA Bl'M OF JF B S E T .The Ice In the Delaware and R aritan

Canal is being broken up to keep naviga­tion open until December lo,

The next meeting of the Bridgeton City Council will appropriate t»,000 for a new public school building,

John W, Theuror, former storekeeper a t the Hudson County Institutions on Snake Hill, for whom a w arrant was Issued Mon­day, has not yet been found by the p^loe.

The twenty-ninth ann ivenary of tfle or­ganisation of the Oemn Grove Associa­tion will be observed on Friday evening, December 23, with a complimentary re­ception to the people o t the Grove and vl* clnlty.

I t la eald that John Hull Reownlng. form rly president of the Northern Rallroat

of New Jersey, hoe a plan tor the construe.

A P eraiseeat Ovganlssttea Eflkcled sa d Ariaagement* Made fur Ip rlag FraeUee. Trsp Hhooilng at glagao-ftaaree a f Bawl- a r t on the Alleyt-KabeBtteta T a im e - m ent to gtert Hooday—hhuffleboaKli Fool auil Oilier KTSats.

The omcer* of the Wesleyan Foot Ball Association for the coming year wera Heeled yeeterday. Professor Max F ar- rand. formerly of this clly. was elected faculty director. W alter MacNaughton, lie#, of Montclair, was elected president of the aseociutlon and manager of tha foot hall team, For secretary, treasu rer and assistant manager of the eeaoclatlon, Roy H. Jones, DO’, of Urooklyn, WSJ elected. The fnllnwing men have been granted tho ofllclal "W " as having played In th a re­quired number of three gam ei th is aeaion;

UC. 11, Raymond, J. M. Townaend, O, F. Yale and F. A. Sargent, 'W; A. L, Broarn, lM(i: C. R. Dodds, 8. A. Dodds and H. C. Lane I9W; T. H. Montgomery. G, B. ITf- kln, J. Hyde, 11. C, HartsHI and A. J . In- glls, m t.

ralum bls 's Foot Ball Organlsillow.The Cotumtda Untveralty Foot Ball As­

sociation has lieen permanently formed. It haa elected as offleera Cor the ensuing year; President. Jam es M. Hewlett. Cap­tain of the 'S» foot ball learn: vloe-prtsl- dent, H. H. Boyeeen, claae of IMO; sec- retury, Charles Meyer, class of UOl; treas­urer, Hugh Kafka, class of 1X»: g radu­a te direotora, Ouetavus T. Kirby, A. T. Qlldersleevv, Captain of the 'M toot ball team; T. Ludlow CbryMIe, Captain of the '91 team. A representative on the B oard o f Directors will be elected from each class In the university.

This board will select a temporary Cap- lain of the team until the election by the memliers of the team. The form ation of this assoclstlon marks a new era In tho foot ball history of Columbia. I t baa been decided to produce on the gridiron a team worthy of bearing the 'varsity colors. A call will be Isaued for candidate! for the team In the early spring competent coaches, hired by the association, wilt be on hand to Instruct the men, and no ef­fort will be left undone tn the produc­tion of a good 'varsity foot ball team. A •chcdule of games for next season Is now being arranged with the leading universi­ties.

tVsBl Forbes to Coach Agata-The probabilities are thet W. Cameron

Forbee will lake charge of the H arvard 'V arsity foot ball team next year a a for the past two. There Is 10 be a big H ar­vard Influence brought to bear to m ake Mr. Forbes lake charge another year. Cap­tain Burden has written Mr. Forbee, aa have many prominent graduates, and hla acceptance le awaited. If he does not taki charge, there will be some difficulty In finding the right man.

I’roaielde Foot Bell a t Old F n a .The statem ent of the receipts and ex­

penses of the Alhicitc Assoclattnn of tbe University of Pennsylvania fo r th e a th ­letic year ending August 31 Iasi, show* a deficit of 33.5JI.Oi. Tho only Profit was on font Iwll, amounting to M t.lll.ll. The deficit on October 1 ,1S9T, wae X),SS7.5T.

Wlog Hhata a t glngwc.The shooting match between Tboinas W.

Morfey, of Lynd hurst, and Aaron Doty, o t Paterson, drew together many notable wing Shota a t Slngac yesterday afternoon. It was a t 100 live birds, for (100 a side, snd a crisp brecse and a fine lot of birds made an exciting conteat oerlaln.

Among the speotatork were Captain Brewer, F rank Class, Castles and other famous shots. Doty, who killed twenty- four out of twenty-nve In the Grand American this year, and tied fur second money was regarded by many as thefirobable winner, and was a slight favor- tc. In the same shoot Morfey killed only

tw'enty-one. Misses by Morfey In the early shooting gave Doty an advantage, but the American champion of three years ago stf-adled himself as the match progresaed, and a t the th irtieth bird the men wero tied. A miss by Doty then pul Morfey ahead, and he held the lead until the fliftletn bird, when there was apottaer tie. At the eightieth bird Morfey and Doiy were again locked, but afterw ard several dlfflcult right quartvreri apolled Doty's chances, and he lost by two birds, the Anal score being 33 to 81 Id Uorfey'a favor.

Bowling,The Forest Hill Field Club and the In-

a iitu te bowler* met at the former’s alleys on Tuesday night. The former teem won all three games. Scores:

FOREST HILL.Morton ............................. 135 19T 135W arren ............................. 120 IG ic3H eller .............................. 1S.1 129 I2aGiles ..................... 1G3 ISl 137K arr ................................. 132 114 148

erly president of the Northern & llroad of New Jersey, has a plan tor the construc­tion of a trolley road from Englewood along the slope of th s PallsaOM Into Nyack.

John Philip Sousa, who is now recov­ering from an attack ot typbold-pneu- monTa If a t Lakewood, The bandmeeler hla adfe and daughtert and medical a t­tendants reached the Lakewood Hotel yesgtrday.

Mias Ju lia A. Caverly. elghty-etght years old, died yesterday a t tho home of her brother, Henry B, Caverly, In Passaic

Corporal Samuel K. Rogers, of Com­pany K, Eighteenth Infantry, has re­turned from Honolulu, and la a i hie home In Bridgeton, convalescing from fever.

An overheated stove In tha apartm ents ot Mrs. Augusta B. Avery, a t Bayonne caused a lively blase yesterday. At tha time Mro. Avery was lying 111 from pneu­monia In a room adjoining the one tn which the tire started. N elghbon wrapped her in blankete and carried her to the houaa o t a friend.

Tha Cumberland County Board of Free­holder* yesterday decided to Issue bonds to Ihe am ount of 173,000 for tha con stru o llon of b u n d le s for a county asylum for the Ipaane. Contraclf were awarded for the work. The county now support* Ul p . . Henti In the S tate Hospital a t Trenton, a t a Dost o t more than t a ,m per annum.

Catherine Btanton, one o t tha pioneer members ot St. M ary's Roman Catholic

Shurch of Elisabeth, the flrat one of that enontlnallon In th a t city, died a t her

home on Price street, this morning, aged clfh ty -th rte . She had resided In Elisabeth over half a oentury. Her husband died many years ago.

A chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society h a t been eetabllshed a t Princeton. H ie officers are Dr. J , O, Murray, dean of the university, president, and Profesaor Wil­lard Humphreys, seoretary and treasurer. There are iwenty-elx members of the fac­ulty Included In Its membership. Twelve members of the eloaa of 'M, ten of the Claes of 'W, and twelve of the clast of 'If were honored with sleottoa to tha Bata ChHpt^r.

As the result o t a foollah pisea of mis­chief Francois Sacglla, a Cuban lad and a student a t pien'wood Coilegtate fnsUtute, la In bed, a t M atawan suffering from se^ were ^ I p wound* and shoA . Bacgiia was about to go down a long flight of steps a t th* rea r of tho insUtute buUdlnir when one of hi* Cqban schoolmataa m tip behind him and gave him a pnih w hiAsent tocg lla haadlong down tha stepf. Ba struck hi* bead on th* pavement. The wound will not prove serious, and glia ■ condition t i eomewbat Improved,

Application was made to Chancellor Me- GUI yesterday In tho Court of Chancery

9 * 1 ' p* Eatontown TPvra; shin and the eommlktlons o t Isoni B ran i^ Ukfiave deolared Void th s

Totals .................. 718INSTITUTE.

7<3 30(1

Burn* ................ . . . 115 114 140Lupo ................. ... 126 159 140M ssslisr ........... . . . . . . . . . 94 129 125Plcott ............... • ••*• . .. 123 106 mCurtin ................ ...... . . . 199 m 142

Totals ........... ...... . . . . 564 616 754The Apex Lodge, K. of P.. and the

W ashington Lodge, K. of P„ Itowled loatnight. H ie la tter team won. Scorea;

A PEX LODGE. W. LODGE.Houaell ............. . IIS Freloisshner . . . 145MIChala ............ .. I2S T. Evan*............ 130Uhley ............... . 122 Watson ......... . 309Brown . tSJ Lswrsnce ........... inQetiung ............ . 138 M.oVIcksr ........ * insBecker ............ .. 99 Hlnclu’llffe ........ U7L. B hausar...... ., 119Bunnell ......... . . 125Benbrnok ......... .. Itt NIermsn ........... 117Von Blockum.. .. 83 Knoor ............... ■ liftJ . A. Shaugar. .. U4 C. Evan*............ * 27

ToUI .............. . .n u Total ............... m oThe following, game was rolled a t tha

N ew ark Turnverein alleys las! night; GUT HEIL.

P l y .........l/tugens(clii ......... 134Buchleln ..............153B u s t ...........C. Schaedel.Koch .........IlillenhachP tto ...........M artin ......

TotalThe F ram Bowling Club made these

acorea on the Fram Garden alleys last nlgbtt


e a t s

Stanley ...................H crta ...... ..............J. Bobrelhoter, Jr. S c h lrm e r........

" ’PSI

Horn ............................. 113 IJ) HSG ...

Totals .........................W) 571 519 464TEAM II.

Ja n g ...............................116 in« » ...D anner ........................ si 67 Sil 78L. Kohn ...................... 7* (d m 80John Bchrelhofer........ ou S3 42 soBehllltng .....................

Total* .................. 414 4M 433 873The 8t. Aloyslus and Twice Ten clubs

will bowl a ten-man match on Ihe former’s alleys to-night.

The Elqultables will meet the Monitors In a m atch a t Rabensteln's to-morrow night. Two games will be rolled, the total ot both g ^ e * to count.

The Pasaalcs made these snore* a t Hoap'a last night; ’Wlldeman, 154: flehar- Inghauien. 189; Hoan, 159: Keller, 106; Hoff­man, 144; S h rie k , 121; Schork, 156; Bchatsr, 198.

N avarre A and B teams rolled two prao- tlce games on Doerr's alleys last night. The aoorts;

t e Xm a . t e a m b .Eiipmerman ,.1M IHK earns ..........134 150Bchalfer ........ 141 1«Pfeifer .......... lU 120H uber ............ lU 178

Totals ......... W Tffi

howled a t e u u K BSfti Itel night. Th* NMH nine pins. T h f SfOrW

MONTOOMM1T,_I E. Hritun...W, Uraun...Lchn ...........Moaea .........Tomjiktna ..W. Ilrauii....H. Lehn......Smilh .........W. Mo***....w t i s a ..........

tch on Block’s alleirt team lost by ninety-

JStfKlnea ...... ........... iabIW Cow tn ...............IW Hlkrp ................ a

l irK ru ll ................ j -115 Daves ................ iIttiCrossiey ............ ]113 Block ................ I

Bower ...........105 155C, Boehm......108 175Geiger ...........120 140Ernstburger .. 77 161 Ohber .........174 130

Totals ........ SH Tn

rj' 4SI*«ee*eeS MW

IS?— -■ ..................157

.. I44tehamt>*nola '127

Total ............... iiS I Total ............ . no4RsbeaelelB's E aw llagTaB natnent to Begla

The entries for the Rabenstein five-man tournament bare been closed, xhe lour- nemeni games will begin n ,.ii Monday nigh I. Much Intereet 1* cenlre-i qit theseTam es In ths "Iroabound DIstrtct.' Thelbl- owlng clubs will be represented In lbs

tournament: T w v e re in VorwaiTti A and R. Cinnamon, Equitable A and It, Amer- lua A and B, Paasalc, Blnndsrd A and B Dewey, Twice Ten. Lnlon. I'ostofflce eiul Imperial.

ghnMeboanl.The flrat half of an elght-man shume-

board match was played Inst night by a team of the Bt. Aloyslus Society of St M ury'i Church and a tnim of the 0t. Placldu* Rocitip of Bt. Hi'iiwllct'* Church at Ihe la tte r* clubhouse on Komorn atreet. Th* ecore:

BT. MARY, ( ST. UENEUICT. . N. UchtenbenpT.. ISjW. Waikcnmiinn,. 15K. C tlqu l............. 8l)|E. WaLkfiimunn... aU. w in te rh a lt..... 15|L. (lah r................. ijA. Geiger............... 16;K. liner.................. uF. B c h i a l l g . - 14,E. Bcdineffer.......... 19W, Feinhals........... ITC. W c . h ............... |4M. llud ler........... . 161(1. Brhcii............... ]gO. Efflngcr........... 15 L. Hchllllng............. 18

Total ................. Ik I Total .. ..............isiFive game* were playnl lae( nlxht In the

Individual tournam i'ni In progress a t Mur­ray 's Arcade. Following uri- ihe reeults:

Bneden, 15, MoOonald 31; Connors 35, Us- burne 27; DaVts 35, Caldwell 21: Newell 35, Sachs ID; Dodd 15. B urnett Kl. Tbe sched­ule tor to-night: Moorehniise and Moker. King and Perkins. Bromley and McDon­ald, Bromlw and Parker,

Lowery, o f the Wilkie Association, says he Ul anxioua to arrange a hom4-tnd- home gams artlh Dickenon, of the Mc­Dermott team, for IIO a slite.

The McDermott team easily deteited the Wilkie ahulBers last night In the lest halt of a honw-and-homi' match. The ftrst half played on the Wilkie boards resulted In favor of the visiting team also. Ths scores:

The flltal game In a series of three games batween the Frellnghuyaens and Craseents was played a t Montgomery's .last night. The form er team won two games of th* ■erlee. td ist night's scores: FRELINOHUYBENI (JRE9CBNT.B entan l .............. iMlyainlerhoof ............-84B. Blookett.......... ifi7^aylor .....................150W ay .................... lUlAatley .....................mJuengling ...........leO'Hodson ................. i gE. Craw ford...... itllUlefendorf .............1»im ith .................. llTBrnaltey ................... 1®B, B ernard ......... inti HainesJ , OrawfM-d......... l88iOoblelio an ...................I9o;8outsrBlocuia .........

TotfJ .................Siol Total ................. 1499Tho following snore* were m ^ o by tha

Bike Lodge a t Montgomery’s lest nlghttHelUman, l» , *8, M ; .Hunkele 1», M .

171; Byno, 214,1*9, HE*MoDouali- 16», itl. 1»; Ooty, 147, 131, 149; JotinMU, A7, 1 ^ 140.

Th* Frogrofslves put up.^twq good gatneg At lloB ttoxiery’s t u t night. Sooras:

TEAM A. I TEAM B.J . •ch lo es ..., 193 IH'a . Posner.... 141 IS f . M lU S . W a lle n ... m 141i , 8(®leiS!... 143 HOW -W »«..........} « WA. L ev is .,.., I l l UTF. Dreyfus*.. 144 WJ , .......W4 126 H. M ay......... S MJ . p ta t t* ...... t n 141 H. B tryker.* 1 » WJL ’K v y . . . : . . 159 j ^ H s a s ...........W »

TMaIa ...... W KBI T o u ts ..........Ul« UUAt Mesttesfiaary's l*»t night the C »M ent

f t a m B Ua u i rollf Taam A won. Seores

j m f t H f t .

rolled a pracllcn CAfDAi

TEAM a131 DlefsaSort . . . . . . . l a

.“K l t o t a l ..........m

H 'D B R M O T T , K lo l i i .................. . U M cCobf .......... ... 2tH a r t .................. . le jiu B h ......................... .. ISM cD s im o tt ........ . 26 W ilk ie ............. .. 11E lsh o r iy .......... . X Connors .......... 9H arr ing ton ...... ■ ffi Brlso i) ............. .. 17D lc k sn o n ........... . 2TiP. Connors...... aoC a rry ............... . 17Low vry ............ .. 15N u lty ................ . 17 tioi-kery ... 24Vo lm er ............. . I t M cD on iii'11 *,,.* .. 7C a r ln r ry .......... s U lU yvN ....................... .. 9

Second h a lf ,... .5 ElervYTid ha lf... ..1M6K im h a lf ......... .214 F lra t h a lf ....... „isff

To ta l .............. .466 Tota l ............. ...383

PBOSPF.t^T147 Puth ................. . 147126 Duye .................. . 193134 Kroehl ............... . 176132 Corrigtin ....... . 113

Hhub .................W illiam s.......... . 142

m WeU ................ . 123IW Murphy ...... . . m

* m Krary ............... . 166. 13S Block ............... . mT « i Total .......... .1274



If there la anything In local Indoriwilon when compared with foreign. If there Is anything mure convincing m the opinions held by people Wu know ilmn those enter­tained by u tter strangora. then Newark citlaeiu have the aolarn opporiunlly of their lives lo decide these points when they read the views and qpinlona of Mr. Thomas Lefllngwell, Jr., o f No. I Engine House, Centre itrse t, uppuslte Division place, who eays:

"To use tbe eipresalon o t the boys almut the engine-house when speaking of any­thing nret-class, 'Doan's Kidney PUIh ary line aa silk.' 1 have had baokache off and on tor six or seven years. It tia ihend ino, eepeclatly when working or stooplUK over about the engine. If I caught a slight cold It would aettle In my kidneys, when It was ■bout all 1 could do to get around, and It seemed a s If every movement I made caused tw inges In the small of my back. I sent to Monk's drugstore for a Iwx of Ditan'a K Idnty PHI* and used them. They quiokb relletred my backache and cured me nr all symptoms ot kidney trouble. There has been rto return of my fnrniiT ultltcilons, and tuiturtlly 1 give Dunu's Kidney Ptila tha credit for curliuc me.'

Doan's Kidney Pills, tor sals by all deal­ers, priow 10 qatila Mailed by Foster-MII- bum Oo„ Ruffala, N. Y„ sule agsiils tor the United fltalwi. Remem1n'r the name D oan's and take no subntituie.

In tbe CoemopollUn Park Hall shuffle- hoard tournament a t East Newark last night the following games were played; F. W arner 45. E. J . ElTiiig 44; l-'. Smllhlnion 45, H. McGee 39: J. Murph>s.4S. H. Mc­Kenna 33; B. Walsh 45. K. McGovern 31.

I'twl,In Ihe final game of the championship

pool tournament a t Byrscuse last night Alfred De Oru deteatml Grant Elby by the ■core ot 200 to 175. De oro takes first money, Eby soeund, Horgsn third, and P » tc n fourth.

Todd played a fine game In the Btate pool tournament a t Rreti'a Hell, Pater­son, last night and eaally defeated the Trenton crack. Todd msoe two runs of fifteen and two of thirteen. In the eecond game Tom Wilson of i'alerson, waa de­feated by Charles ulbsan. It was the beatfame played In the tournitmeiit to date.

tne poof was the only thing thet waa played. In the thirteenth frame Gibson ran the fifteen and In the fourteenth Wll- aon did likewise. To-iilght .Mike Dolan, present champion, will play Mead, of Jer­sey City, and Bey, of this city. The scoree; Todd-6 19 19 8 9 15 15 5 6 13 13 11 4-12S. Gtbean-9 t 5 6 6 9 0 10 3 1 1 I 3-56. OIU*oi)-ll 18 11 8 4 4 6 7 9 4 10 6 15 0

9 7 10-1*.W llson-t 2 I 7 19 11 9 8 16 19 5 « 0 D

5 8 9-129.W ith the ruglliste.

Dave Wallace, the English feather­weight boxer, and Joe Bernstein have pruuilcaljy been matched to box twenty rouiKla at 122 pounds. The I-enox Ath­letic Club offered the hoxera a pereentage for Ihe bout, but refused to pay Wal­lace's ex^nsea, whioh he demanded. The dlfflculty wae later patched up. The arti­cles signed by BernBieln have been mailed to Wallace, and It le expected upon their receipt he will sail for thla country. The men will fight for 82,000 a side.

The Greenwood Athletic Club haa de­cided on a change of date for He future boxing shows. It n ts concluded th a t there le nothing to be gained by confilctlng dale* with other clubs, and Mil hereafter hold Its bouts on Friday, Instead of Saturday nights.

Dal Hawkins, of California, and "K id " McPartland wfll meet In a twenty-t'oimd bout a t the Lenox Athletic Club on Tues­day night a t 135 pounds, and the winner will probably be pitted against "Kid" La- vlgne for the lightweight chimplonehip.

gam Fltipalriok, who posted ^ on be­half of Tommy Hogan lo meet either Dave Bulllvan or Oaoar Gardner, saye, now that the two have agreed to come together, he will leave his money up for anybody who cares to fight his man. Hogan la anxious lo meet some good one In the near future, and hie challenge Is open to any fighter In ths world between 122 and 126 pounds.

Who Is Yale’s Btroag Man? •Preps ratory to tho work of taking the

records In th* competition to dqtermlne the Ghemplon strong m an of Yale Uni­versity, the director* of the gymneelum have taken statistics o t the Freshman Claes. The result! a re very satisfactory and prove the value of th e course of gym­nastics that haa for tw o years been com­pulsory on the freshmen.

At the beginning of tho college year every man In the (d u e who la not In active training with one ot tho ath letic teams la given preliminary w ork, and he is put through u test without any coaching what­soever, aa that would r t t la te the data. The test coneiatn of th e "push up" on the parallel bare and the "pull up '' on the horliontal bars. H li w eight there la mul­tiplied by the number ot tim es he haa rais­ed him»elf a foot, thus giving the strength in foot pounds, ths p resent unit of meas­urement.

Two hundred and slxteon man have tak ­en thla test, and Dr. Beaver Is now engaged In completing Ihe tests by the other meth­od adopted by th* American College As­sociation.

Vale to Flay t t . Nlebolae.That portion of the world of sport which

Is Intereeted in tha game of hockey Is looking forward to Ihe meeting of the teame of Yele Untvereitg and the Bt. NIch. oiBB Skating Club, which line up to-nIght a t the rink of the la tte r, on W est Sixty- sixth Btreet. Both team a have been put­ting forth their bait elTorti In practice and, every man la la ld lo be In capital form. The teame will line up aa follows:

Yale. I'ailtlon. Bt, Nicholas.Bmith ............... ...................... . . . . .d u n th e rDrlaficld............... .P o in t . . . . , . , : ....... BlocumBtoddard ......... .....................................L a rn dPalmer ............. Forw ard ..Inm an , BrokawWalworth .F orw ard ................... ...PopeSpencer ............F o rw a rd ..............CallenderE atton ...............F orw ard .............. O'Connor

IieunUest RowlnKCIuh Oflioers.Tha tw enly-alith annual meeting and

election of officer* of the Daunlleas Row­ing Club was held a t the Arena, New York, last night. There were three Uoketa In the field, but the " rw u la rs" carried off moot o t the offleec. The tottowlng men were Buccessful;. Pieetdent, H, W. W alter'v ioe-preeldent. John J. Shea; Ireaaurer. Edward H. An­derson; secretary, Charlee WuatIhUt. all re-elected; Captain, W illiam Mulcare; first lleulenant, William Holm an: aecond lieutenant, P, T. K afka; truateeil Dr, E W. Knickerbocker, Harold Llnplncott William Hulse, H enry J. Murray, J , W’ T n ln o r and Henry Lang,

There was a big fight over the CapUlnov and the election or W illiam Muloaiw w u well received. He was Captain of the d u b In 1883, and was m ainly Instrum ental in sending the Dauntleaa crew to Detroit tha year they won th* national regatta. Tb* club Intends to engage a well-ltnown p i^ ftsslonal coach for naxt sea*on.

Beeker Oowldn't T hrew Oewaert. Ernest Rorber, tbe champion American

wrestler at tha uraeco-Rom an atyle fell­ed to teke a fall out of hie opponent within fifteen minute* last night. 'Tom tonnom champion eatoh-oa-catoh-oan wreatler oi England, waa against Rosber, and ths i n furnished the most in teresting bout laen a t W aldmann's Opera House tb le w eA Connors was lively and both m rn aeemad to to trying hard for a falL H o e b ^ ^ prrlor walght and streng th overoaine Con­nors, who fell face down on the m at. and remalnsd in th a t poaltldn until the eiid ot the bout. Connors wriggled ou t of same dangerous holdii.

Luks Lynch, a s lru n f ateam Utter, win mast Leo Pardello, RosJieFa wra»tilug partner, to-morrow night.

Aril* LaHiatu BellSMe.Aiiie Latham, tha old-tim e bagA ball

player, who wag flrat baae for H artford fast year, prowThly will r« e r to th* iwtS matob between tbe New TorlH and The Danbury* In Grand Central night. He I* refereeing In tbg New England L *ague»anit t l ^ l i i m ent of the looml oiub haa rgRiiaatc

r r ta ry Reilly to assign the onco famous third baeemsn to duty at New York. Ac- riirdlng to Captain Ih-rry. ot Ihe New York trkm , the Danbury* are the rough­est polo aggregation he ever played againat. I t waa in Danbury last week that th e New Yorka w«re ao leverely Injured Bcojleld and Purcell being dlaabted and P aran t knocked Inaenalhle.

Base Ball Nolee.Tbe sporting man arrested a t Rending

recently on a Ball piece from Phlladtduhlu, for deserting bis wife, wa* Eddie Henry th e well-known ball player. J. Howard MorrUon, of Philadelphia, located him yeaterday and bad him arreated.

Jak e ’Welle, a well-known baae ball man­ager of Richmond, and E. O, llarr.iw, of Philadelphia, president of the Atlantic Base Ball League, have leased the old F ord 's Opera Houae In Richmond. They will equip It aa a Arat-clsoa theatre and open Ja n u a ry L

Ooealp o t the Ootf Green*.The annual meeting and election of ofll-

eer* ot the Bt. A ndrr’sr'* Golf Club was held laa t night a t Delmonleo's, New Turk, The offleere elected were: Presldsnl, J. R. Thomas; vlce-prttldent, R. 11. Robertson; •ecretary, F. B. A llen:trea*urer, W. 7:. Hodgraan; Camaln, A. De W itt Cochrane; governori, J. C. Ten Eyck. R. H. Uohrri- *on. F . W. Menile*, W. K. Hodgmaii, W. II. Bond*, John Held, W. D. RaJdwIn, J. R. Thomoa. a . M. RobblnB, A. G. Fox, K. C. BUae, J, A. W right, Jr., R. N, Young, C. H. M ortimer and W. A. I’aton.

U ew era l Bpwrtlwg Notes.A re tu rn roalrh a t cribbage betwem ten-

men team s repreaenllng the Newark Crib- bag* Club and the Y-Knot AsBoelulloii will be played to-night a t 8:89 o'clock at ths headquarters o f the former, 278 Rank ■(reel.

The Jersey Athletic Club haa elected the following officers: Preeldent. Max Ern; vioe-prealdent, Chrtalopher Kell; aecrelary, Charlee L uthy; treaeurer, Peter liell; aer- geant-at-arm e, John Mueller. Two oaw members were elected.

A re tu rn cheaa tournament between the U n lv era l^ of Penneylvania Uheia Club and Ihe Columbia Chase Club will bo play­ed on Friday, December 16, and on Sal- urday, December 17, In tha rooms of ihe M anhattan Chase Club Phllailelphla.

A m eeting of tha mamberB of last yearia Lawreucevllle track team won held yta- terday to choose a Captain In place ot Hoorehead, who left school. J obcpIi P. Da­vie* waa unanlmoualy olveted. Davies at H otchkiss last year eelabtlBhed the Inter- scholaetle record for tha twenty hurdle*. He 1* eighteen year* of age. end five feet eleven Inches tall. Me will go to Princeton naxt year.

H ig h F c e d la g to r r a n e r r .In England four and a half ttmaa an

many people die now from cancer ub half a century ago, and no other dlocBjia can •how ajiVthmg like such an Immanee In- craaae, ’n '. Roger WllllamB *ay* In Tbe Lancet. "Probably no eingle factor la more potent In detefinlnlng the outbrenk of cancer In tbe prrdlBpoBed than high feeding. There can be no doubt th a t the greed fo r food manlfeated by modern communItleB Is altogether out of propor­tion to tbeir praaent roqulrementi. Many Indications point to the gluttonous enn- Bureptlon of meat which Ib *uch a charac­teristic feature of thla age, an likely to b« eBpeclally Imrmtul lit thle raapect. StattB- ttca show that tha contumptlon of meat to r m any year* has been Increasing by leap* an a bound* tilt It now has reached the amaxing total of 131 pound* per head per year, which Is more than double w hat It Wae half a century ago. when the con­ditions of life were more odmpatible with high feeding. W h.n ricesalvn quantltle* of such highly Bllmulatlng forms ot nu­trim ent are Ingested by personi whose cellular metabollBm I* defective. It aoema probable that there may thus he excited In those p e r lt of the body where vital processes are still active euch exceeilve and disorderly cellular proliferation a* may eventuate In cancer. N o doubt other factor* co-ojw-raie, and among theea I ■honid be eepectally Inclined to name de­ficient exerclae and probably also de­ficiency In frenh vegetable food."


Amhrarile •**! oi*d eorluelvtlr. lutuHog cUanllneoe aod ' ' ' 'NuvratMr 10, II

Trelna leave I..F.V Pletafietd,

t«;U6 A. 41.: '4:W,6:D1 B:I:IU, ' ‘M

AAd Fvirr ftrMt ttaliou:

3:45. 4:03, 5 i« ir 6:56, T : ^ 9 ; lX lOiU P.For SutiHmil*. at 3:18. T:86, 3;El 3 ; ^ M M

I. H.; lS:Ki. IdlS, 1:05. 1:40, idl6. 4 ; S 4;4e. :(H. 5;XI. 6 :4 f 6G9. f M , * ;ik I0;06, IIUB P. i. 7;1B, 11)^ a. U*; lilO,

4:00 a:«hT;M, »:1B. IDilfi P. M.Kor A. H i 1:U* 4:«0,

P. U. tfumUr*. «;00 P. U.»\3T ■taUiNii tn High HrMic*. «Mio«eklA9 for

•tAllont on High Hrlilirtfi HruMh uvd LaJm Ho* l«u-uOK. n:lA A. He itlTilO. lo G«rm«n V«ll«7 M il ('haittrj i4;40. exo»ix Chr>«t«ri (5:40. t« (Icrman ValUy «nd ChvMtrj P. H.(1:10 P. M- ta Ktandvril.

Kiir ■(atijni un lln« Ntw JtnMT Centro) iMviilimt, Kaitnn- tml Aittniowa,

ti:(A. with HuffTt Ihirlnr C>r* A. U, (19:10. to Eniitm). 1:06 (UuffH P«rli>r COf. toraitgh). 5:45 (TrU. to UMtonl P, U., luixkyi (7:16 A. M.. to K utnn). l:lu . V. U.

Ktir llnuch Ohunh, Ji:oa A. U. (with Ruf- Jet Parlor OarK l : » dtuffm F«rlur CarJ, 0::4f P. M. Hundayi. 1:10, OiM) P. M

WiikMlnrra, Puuton and Ht'rmnton. 0:05 A. M.

Pvir Bunbunr. Igewlaburt and‘WtlMamipori Phlladalphla. f:an A. U .; 1:50. T JO, l) :to P. M. OumlHv. l: lu , 0.40 r . If.

NKWARK AND El.lRAnETK RHANCH. Train* Imith Hroad furrat (MAiIno tiir KIIm -*

Wth and RoMUa at 0:1A. 0:6(1, T::(u. H:tiO (•:9M. Kllrabethi>ort only). tMifl. 0:U. 10:40.]l:.'!5 A. 41.; 13.ID. 1:U6. la's. 1;3«, 2:40. S:3S. 4:U2. 4;4U. 6!!M. S;'^. 5:45, €;1» In g U u . twih). e:16. 9.85. 1u:u5. 11.15 P. M. gundtra t.I.V 9:1)6. touie. 11:35 A. M.; I:ID 3:45. 4:05. 5:U“ 3:40, « : 3 5 . * ; i 6 . t«;^5 P. M.I'KRTII AMUOV. I.llNU IIHANUII. OCEAN

(inOVE. ETC.Fur Tranriev *n<l Oirterei, *;I5, 9:66, 1006

A. M.: 1.36. 8:55. 5:46. 6:1a. 9:05 K 44. Sua- dara 9:05 A. M .: 4:05 p. H.

Keviren. *(6:15. S:S6. 9:0*. 10:96. 11:36 A.M.: l:5B, 5:35. 4 03, 4:49. 6:45, 6:19. 9:33 P. 41. SunJiyB, 9:05. 1905 A, M.: 4:911 I’. 41.

Fur I’eMti AmboT, 6:16. !:»», 90*. 1005, 11:36 A. 44.: 1;6S. S-.ti. 4 613. 4 :4U, in li. 6:llS. 9:15 P. 44. fiunatva/Tietl, 1006 A. H ,: 4:96 p. 14.

Pnr Atlantic Hlshlandi, vl* I4*t*w*n. 1:16, 11:36 A. 14.; t:6h. 4:4D 6:46. 6:19 P. 44. gun- 0*jra9:06 A, 14.: 4:96 P, 14.

pnr FretholO. 8:3>i. tl:30 A. K.; 1:56. 4;40, 6:46 P. H.

For lied Iiank. lam a Droneh. Octin Oroy*, eu-. (6:14. to to* Girt oaly). 5:M 110:06, to I M Hank only). 11:16 A. 14. (1:56. to Bad Bank onlr). 4.1)9. 4:40, 6:19 P. If. Sunday*, eaeeot lo O ctu (Imve. 9 0 0 (10:06 to R*d tlaak 4mlrl A. It.: 4:00 P.

FOR M KSW OOP.h :» , 10:00 A. M .; T u * 4:40 P. U. PttadaFl.10:00 A. M.

Tom« Rttrar, Ramegat Park tnd B«rm>ga(, 9'M A. lt .{ liOHs 4:«0 P* U. iundira, lO MA. M.

Pnr AtUnito Citr. Vina Land uid Urldtaton. 1:0H r. M.

NEWARK AND K»W TORX.Prom nmad and Parry Itraat fllailona—At

B:2i). I:M, 0;to. 0:40. T:0& 7:1ft. TtiO, l:UU, ll:|0. H:40. ft;U0, ft:9>. ll;4Q, 10:to. 10:», 10:40. 11:00, 11:30 A. M.; 13:00 14.: 13;lb 1:4* 1 :g). 1:00 3:90. 1310, 6'fli^ j A ^ 5 ^ |:M .«:»); 9 :4A."'1 ;tjn. ln:4U. ll:I0P . If, . 0:66.ftyndaya._____ __ , II Al. ll'.g lslth t. _0:90. 1:<n. 9:00. 9:00, 10:09. ll-So A. M.; 13:00 14.; 1:90. t;Sft 1:00. 8:90. 4:96. jKlOi 9:90. 7:90. H:90. 9:90. 19:00, US)*. 11:99 P. (11:40 A. M-. e«cap< Hkindaya).

itMva New fork n‘om foot of Llbarty itroM-w At B:M, S:0O. e:ft0. 4:45. T:JB. T:W, T:IU, N;15. N:%>. ft:00. ft 3D. tOKIO. 10:15. i0;30, llMl. ll:sb A. W.; lirOO U.t 1:00. I:a6, rOQ* R:Dp. 3:50. 5;SS, 4:90. 4:.M. 5:1 . 5:2]j. f,M. 5:00.5:011. 5:39. 5:45, 7:00. 7:20, 7:45. i;»>, ft;90. 10;»e 11:15. 13:00 r . M. flundavf, 4;li). 7:00, R;0D. 9:00. 10:00. HlttO A, If-: liiQO M.: 1:00, S:U0e 4:00. 0:00. fl:O0. 0:90. 7:00. 5:00. ft:0Q. 10Ki6. 11:^, 12:00 P. M.

fjaoro New York frum Whitehall at mat. ot 7 ;b . 7:40. 5:10. 5:95* 5:5A 9:05, 9;U, 10:10,19:26. 19.49. U:26. ll^M A. H.; l2:% tl:M.- 38, l:6f - “ - ................... - " ■ -

S . 5:6C 1:55. 11

;. 1:66. 1;M. 1:.66. 3:26. 5:86. 3:66. 4:36, 4:66 ' 66. 6:19. 6:15. 6:66. 7:49. 3:19, 9:19. 9:66.

10:55, 11:40 P. U. 5:55. 7:55, ftrU,0:55 A. It.; 12:00 M.: S2;M, S:U. 5:55. 4;U 5;U, 0:40, 7:25. h:55,9:65. 10:55 P. If. rent PHttftAl>1C|gPHlA. BALTlMOfUe AND

WAHHtNaTON, ROYAL BLUE LINE. For Tnaiton &»d Phlfttdtlphla. 0:15, 7:90

(5:06, excapt Tranton). 10:05 (aimpt Tran* ton) A. M. (12:10. aacapt Phlladakphlaj, 1:U, 9iJW. 4:02 (Kcopl Tirnfoni. 6:04. B:45. T:W. 11.26 P. M. Aundari. 9:00. 1Q:Q0 A. H.; 1:UJ. 4:05. 5:02, 6:40 P. M,

F ir liaitimor* and Waahlnjrtnn, R;(B. 10K)5. U:r» A. U.: 1:96. ^04. J:45, 11:35 p. M,flundayp. lOiOfi. 11:55 A. M.; 1:10. 6:01 5:40 P. If.

Ffir tIrkaiN, baggaga rhacka car lo>ration. Ilmrtabln. call at Rrniul llraat itailwa. or at the r i tr Tickat Ofltor, ](■ H a^el itraat. TnlTplmne M.J. H. OLRIIAUIRN.

Oflii. {(uoerintrndant. H. P. BALDWIN. Oan, PaaatDfer Ag«nt.

I T B A N IH in ,

AXCilOR L IX K -Ftere Ntw York ranlarty for

O tA S O O W , vU LONUONDBRRY*Cabin—tolftO and upward, aoeordtof to atoMtor*

SMomi i;abiBt15150 and upward, aoo<^Uiff to ittiinnr*

fttMiagai 928.DO and upward.Far naw liiuatmtM Toora. apply to Uandmaai

Brothara, T Bow11b| | OrawB, New York; or Will'* lam Hunria 75 Ballavllla ava. or C. f. DoMS50>753 Broad a t . . ^ H. R. Qtnnli A CaT. fW

Iroad at. or 3 w . imrOu T44 Brrad a t. at . H. Ryrua A On.. <00 Broad at. Ntwaifc.


Be Ollw Ixlmiei B iiw i, wEFgs loliriil, Jtn I p i l a a




H it the best


eiH. In KIdMf DUu h . tl Hiitki* sto


tagliillnadjAb ai/'-lIJpr car*

I brt«»'-nftJ w«»k> nfiift, jperwAtor* rkce* {Bpotrecy, end fell Diwuit thfethilloa fefeMf* nMCALS ef i«)(e Aiiiibc. at l-Dhfe efi

rr. pR*a laIMIIITAIIILh vnii?:":7SM ni TUMI,Mfenr ether difeawe* that le»d te Inuaity or Coaiuait»oa ^FuU partibuiiffeifi eur pfeapMat* irUck Wa doalra lo waiim hv wfeti IG eYiry one.tp - r t . Sp.il «t H«li' »• b wW by.su toifstm »t | i ra ucku.. .r .1 > yuVV" 9>'H.ar *IU k. m i fm bjm tl m m.lpt otilK mMtr. by uUiwi*g

n i BUT n i t e m co„ n m u , r . r .rv- irrount •yfroruniFrCfeitfe. Yillow WttpgeiUieelyfwiaiae

For aala hy chariri Holahauar. druggiat. Droad and Jlarhet ■tTttta-_______________________

HOARD OK EDUCATION-OFrii^-U OK 0EORETART.Nawark. N. J., Dto. m 1906.

Bailed propoaala will m received b i ina Coni« mlliaa on Fumltum and ftuppllN of tba Board of d u r a tio n of th* cky of Kawark, at a maai- ing tn lie held In the (iljr Hall of (ha aald oltr, and In tha roomi of tha aald boar^ on Krldny, (he liataanth day ot Decamber. IMft-

The coRtrolltee will ba In iMaloii to reoaLea bida from 5 o’clock to 6:15 In (.he evening. Bid* will Iw opaned promptlj at 9:15. Propoanii innp- erlr Indomad. TMda for U ghl F la iu m ,“ mutt ba uraaantrd paraonally, and at no olhar tUna or plara. The propoaalf to ba for fumiahlng and putting up compiate, ready for nae, cotnbf- nailon gaa an alactric and airaltht aketrte f it ' turra aa required for iha llghlmg of tha new High BchooL BulMlng. Slgth avanue. Farkar and Hldga atraets, Newark. N. J., In accordanoa wlih ipaOflcatlona. which may ba axaminad In the (ifflct (jf the Board of Education In tha City flailSaid nrotxuialo muat fta tt tbe amount for which (nr eollra work required by (he eperlfloa* tlon* will tufe dflfta and alao (ha anMnuu which will be dcdtictad from ina propoaal. providliig the flyturea for th# (hlrd floor ara omitted.

Riddn-H muat apaolfy la ihilr propoaola that ahouid tbe contract ba awarded to tham. they will bind ihamaelvea to finish and complato tha auditorium <m or befora Decambar 91, fW , and

j the whola contract on or befora January 7. IMW.Karh and avery proposal mast ba acoompanlad

I hy (ha conaani in writing of two auratlea, who ahall. at th# lima of putilng In >uch prop##al, each qualify aa to their reaponalbilUy tn (ha H mount of aach prnpoaat. and hind thamaelvet that If tho contract be awarded to th# parnon or ]>er#ona making the pro(waa1, (hey wilt, upon It# being ao awarded, bacoina his or their luretla# fi>r tha faithful performanca of laid work, and that If th* penion nr peraona omit or rtfua# to eiacute such contract they will pay (o the aald Hoard of Bduratlon of (ha city of Nawark any dlfTarenc# between the auma to which he or they would have been entitled upgti comuletloii of IM coAlract. and that which the aiud Board of Edaottloit of Ihe city of Newark may be obliged to pay the twreon or paraona by whom such oon- traot afaati be eiecuted. The committee wUl alao raoclva aa auraty a m iahla company, duty nu- thorlaed by the Iawp of (hit Hut# to exacuta the requlreq iwind. u auch surety lo tha amegpi of tha propoaal for (ha ouriiract Work, but auch company ahAll duly exti’ulB an agraamant of conaant on the proj^iaal raqulrau from Indi­vidual tu rrtin , and attach a awoni itaum ent of ihelr financial ronditioD. logctber with a otr- tlfloata of th# 6(atn CommlMfuner of Inaurance or OU1M* proper B ut# n/hcer, that they have compiled with the laws of the State of New Jar-

1 #a^ and arc authorlant to become lUch surety.The ptbwun or peraotis to whom Iha contract

> may ha awarded win tin reoulred to attend at tha a t j ^ of (he City Oounir]. with Ihe turatlea ottared to him or th ^m, and execute (hn ronttwet w ith li ava u l dnya from the data uf the #er* vica of n notloa to thnt effect, and. In case of failure or naglei't to do an, ho or they will be conildtred !■ having Mhanduned It. and aa In dafavlt to the city, and thereupon th# work fehill ba re-adv#rUaod nnd r»-let, and aa on until th# contniot b# acoeiiird and executed. The work lo ooaifnencc aa soon as the contract or contraola are algned.

All nidi muat he mad * nut on blankfe furnish­ed for tha purpose, which can ba had upon a|>- ulla^atloti a l nia ompe of the flecrelary d( (he Board. Bidders must KUile the amount of Ihelr propoiiala In writing aa well fl« iti flnrea.

The aald CommUtci* rn l•'umUure end Hup- nllea of (ha aald Boanl of Kduuitlon reaervea for ]t«#l( the ligh t to accept nr reject any or all Tiropoula for the above work as may b# dectne-l heat for the latereat of the aald Board of Eduva-

Furniture Iducatlun of the

R. D. AROIIK. Beuretary,

nHitmtiiitiiiiiiiipniiiimiiiHtmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiOR. nUM OlPM

Grains of Healihn*** fittf* 9W*’v a qtikUy cor#

roW IA A COh Mow Y«rh I Urwy. M toaMawfefeiMiiumJiiiMimiiiHimiiiiiomimiiiiiiiimi

r u p t u r e c u r e dT6. lmoru-«' - ‘••ue Tnu. '• tto eels iruj.

tn .)?l*t.i>M tnei 1* woe* wlU) ebealul* oomlovto tA t IU)6 9»if. “ fi TetAte* toe tnpt«» t » ^ ri:Sa*ra»t ntrelse or HvirM Mnin, aM slU

* P*ris*n<et u 6 .{xofir ea>- wltlwat n - n H u tto *g. of tto raUBit; exunluttee ft«*t C |* in stou^Doe for 1*61** toed for uiauto^ IMPROVED IX A tm C T B Pgl CO.

766 Brosdwar, Kew Ysrk 0 ^

NAPPIIIESS VS. % \m .Dr. cDareol'B To"'* Tat)).!*, in . i i ^ i y»rl*)*»

m w Ut to * sdarant.^ oure tor tb* Drink ], urvouMUH *04 ntoi»n«toUf auu*! fe*

Sjjf'itoL'y i« *-------- -■....... iJb e WENT iSUDGOth. RRWAtlM.

BEST LEHIGH $ 3 .5 0 Per ToeFor B4Mt

B tf iit b e h i k b B g r . KLEVEKBMreli

240IR lUtotofcen^

jt JTot. 2 N u t , xYoU • c r o o n e i l - • ( L O W E S T M A B K i r r P B I O E I .

, a v . U le k o r y f o r Q r f t t e P l r o # .

:r & CO.CnraseIftBqretto m ss*.Mlallroiil Avs.,

AjPCD W O O D .I; l u n OgBijS Bksotfs rtom tt* AKsoUm.

“ Slffitreeti™ Of * li# Committee on and fiuppllea of th# Board of EducaiCity of Newark. 96m

r a il r o a d t i m e IPARIb I s. '

BKNhdVLVANlA RAlLHOAD-The Ha iwaj of AngrJoa. I^mtocwd ihj -

(to loiaritfckiog fteliob and Uiock tom.T ' .ton. pnir on setiM to isn it.

1,9" ft). IB9S. trim* »tfe[JMJt Marktt Su h i uwtgsB, Nnrark. ■* fs9-

”J r s ) * ** CMcoio. tSo coselM. to Plug.

“ jn j moubto .)«.trlc lights ': light*. Atrln* 4:M) A. H.. On- >li* eog) A. iL . uulB 9;U P. i t .

L o J to " ru V ia *

Th. II tkiuthwiatern daily

Injr (’nj* ft 3*hg.swk 6« ___aT*' *T**“ 'in . Evr*-*"*!*??*''' ana ■i S t t t v ArrlYia^

Ms.;i'aV ■ 1 • J f 1 *nfUaiUipoli. .............and 81. ^ul#7:ooA , II. aaeond morntogr P«lflo^.S*pr*aa. daJly^alli* f »:.T2 P. If. Buffet ■“ Arriv


9II.LJT:. r«ciBo naiur*##. daily, Pa lauui ret Hireplnc Car New Tork to W iiab i^

ekCfpt fuMay.tUJIway lEgpraai, Aaltr* tc N#w OrJaana. Hemnala. AalM^U*0^ ll^t aprlngt.

.li'**".’w o n

trv .' sR petal* oa C1ms6- iuUway, siMpiBf *n4 Dining

«'4T I”* ""“O’-

Vtaiibuie Parlor e i fT V w itlbuir^^ i ’•?* MS ” rtOAhjP; r ..12-4^.6-jW, a;5H[. ft:to 9;5A, |0:M

Sifter*For Atlantlo City I2;47. 11:96 A 1C t l<ia

l>'Si (through Vatibulod Trail)! BklCM **?**¥*•*■ Coach asdCoinblited

•SStoV ^- **• ong 6 f i 6 T i f

lisra. *<!!*,riistq u ^ , Point PleMsnt and rKilnta on tM

-?i!?E***“* direct iranif#f to aod from b Aldlng mubte farriaire UMt ftorota the cUy.

. FOB nVw

f i 's i iiiig M q siK;W:0A. t0:30. 19 44. ill09. ii;fT

I 'A r i g & ' . 'T u S f x .add 10:07 l>. M. week-dara .Leave fhietnut Htreet station. 9-19 s-Hf a-t


Room 2, City Hall._ _ Newark, N. J., Dec. ft, IKW.waled proDoaala will be received by the Com

mittee on Public iiuiidlnga of the Common Couholi of the city of Newark. H, j„ at a meet­ing to ba held at th# city Halli In the olty of Newark, on Tutaday, iMcembcr 90. Itifti.

The comnlttea will to In aefalon to reoelv# and open bids from 4 o'clock to 4:N o'olock in the anernoon.

Th# bids will be opened pi'omptly at 4:90o'clock.The following la th# work to b# done:Furnlah all mat#rlal ami labor neoeaaary for

Iha fumiahlng and completion of all gaa and eleotrla flxturaa at the new city Hoapltal, eltuatad on tha b1(Kk bounded by Falrtnount avenua, Camekm. Bank end cabinet ■treete. Iti tba city ta Nawark. N. J-, according to plana and ipeomMUona prafNired by John Uu 4 Wllara C. Ely. arobitecta.

Bidden will atata ihair price# In writing aa wail aa la flguraa.

Bidden muat apaclfy in their propoaala that ehoQUI (ha abova work ba awarded to theni, thay will bind ihamaalvag to flolih and complete tha aame within thirty (80) cuneecuilva worUag daVi.

The plana and gpaelflcailenK of the work can ba taamlhiad at the nfllc# of /oho H. A w IUqo C. Ely. TU Broad itraet. In the city otSwwMtk, N. J. Said propoaala to be iccmnuaniad by tha coneept, In writing, of two luretfte, who ahatl at the time of puttlto In euch propoatie, qaailfy aa to their rtawnatblllt.v In ihe amount or auch propoaal. and lhemi#lvea that If tba eon* tract ba awarded to th# iwreon or peraoai mak­ing the propoaal. they will* upon iLa balng ac awarded, becoma bia or their euradea for tha faithful parforwiin^ of aald work: and Ibat If the ptreoB or Mraoni omit or rtfiua to agaouta eucb oomraot, they will pay to the clly of New* ark any difference between tha auiM to which ha or they would hava hew eniltled upon oom- pietion of the contraei, and that which tha oily of Newark may ba obliged tn pay the peraon of

by whom auch contract ahalr ba #u*^'Vhe Commlttea on Public DuUdlnga ot Ihe olty of Newark r*aarva to tnamaelraa the right to ■eeapl Ot r#i*ct any or nit propoaala tor the above work aa thay may 4miq ba^ tor tbe Inienet of the city.

By dlractloft of tbe rommlktea «n Fublla Buiklliiia of tba d ly of Nawoilc.

^ U i , WIKDEU*. ^JIti 'City CTerk,


NOTICE-lfotlea to berato given to ell partite Uilcreaiad (hat Iht oertlflca^H ot uaeaimeat of

the whole amount of tba ooeti and eapetota of..... ............. - _______ eapetotaeanatructlng aawata InFim rRTHBRT AKDFAIRtfOUNT AVBNUK. have been dallverH to ma 'aooimmf to tow- Boid taeeeaaaettta oomprtN all (lie 1^ . (roote end pareeto of tond and real eamte lying on both •Idea offrom tNokaree* atreet toBuaato tvenui;on both •Idea ot VftVBiaDTIM’r AV1«1I».

nathtriy.Iro„ T h , r i J i ; » « ! i u T t c O T i % .T i. osqtfr* Irf laud *na nsl —Mm *

s ' t i r f e a £ .‘ s s r . r i * ' s « a "'»^2

i(»wg)flt.3f. t»*a.Ilk

JOHN fl. aiBfiOH.C9iU6troll«T.

For Ellsktaih osly,

) and b:

l S ^ * ^ 8 a * . 6;itl, 7*7 iii i Iiundara, io:

:'«mitqpe. 'TrtW - . M., daff^eacfpt i ■ ■ d Hn ‘For Klngfion and ^wVr'Hiji. Ag

For LambertviM#, I I :» A. U.i f J5, $:U nd 6:27 P W- gandai^ 6:27 P. M.and r a. imnnaj, vjftg i . ■*. ^ _For Flemlajrtnn. lt:M A. R.* and 1:94 P. V.f

dotly. aaoafjt fluoday.Fot Frerhoid FarinlngdaTa.

Long Branrh, via Unaunoutb 11:50 A. 11.: 4:50 P. U. week-d

From Weal Twenlr^lhlrd Ptr*#i dtatlon. 6:11 :30, 8:90, 9:NK lOiSO A. U.i 12:20. 12:50. 1:50* :60. 4:M). 8:30 P. M-. Uxt t36» nisht

- .................. ............. .. '1,!4;90, g!ll

r a s t S j r f Haye. For Frea*

fluhdayp. ( . and t2:0Ti

1:00. 11:90 A. M.: 13 00 noon: 12:90.1-00. 3'45. K-iV). 4:m. 4:.10. 5:00. 5:15, 5|

.i:4n. 7:00, 7:50. 7:45. a;0O. 9:30, »d)0, ft:U . *v..ara ]1100 P. k.. and 13:15 night.

For fuiiher Information eea timatafalaa* to be had at (ha (tok#t nfflota. Ticket# for all polnw nn th# Pimnavlvanla Ttallroad and cnnoeclioM, and t)#r(1ia. eertlona and hagaag# at thaenmi^anv't offlcea, Nn. 79ft Ofood etreet, ep at t1#ki#l rtfllrR at Markrt 6tra#t Ptatinn,J. n. lM’'f'"HIN9P»N, J, n. wnoD,

f]i»n#ral Manager. flenerel Papefnaer AarnL

LEBI6H VALLEY SYSTEEm ark i:t BTRBirr st a tio n .

7:3d A. R. dally for Caatoa and Intarmadlalft elatlotie.

A. M- dally tor Wiikta-Barre. 6ora&t«a# lihaca. (l#n«ve, Rorheetat. Buffalo, Ntotorg Fall* And th# W##t and pHvltial local poTnli* tuning ('ar and rhalr Car to Buffalo.

13 S5 r . M. deity, aroept Sunday.

"BLAOK DIAMOND EXPRESa"arrlv#! Huffaln, 0:55 P. M. Pullrnait ycaUlmld liny Cnaohea and Parlor Cera. Dining Car aer« vlf#. UrrIr a la carl#. (‘nnn#r(i at nuffnla wuii throQgh aleepera to Detroit and Chicago,

1 r M. dally tor Easton, Maucb Cbunk* Widcrs Itorro, HcraiKoa, Plititoa and coal tirnnehee.

4‘14 I*. M., dally, asoept Sunday, for Wllkoo* Flarre. Plitston. t^cranton and principal Inter* mHlet# aiMilrme. Connecta for all polnta In ooal r#glona. Poilman Buffet Parlor Car to Wltkae* Barr#.

5:47 <w##k-daye) P. K. (Punttoya. 5t45> far PaHinn and iniarinedlata atatigne. flundayt toMauch Chunk.

5:46 P. M). dally, axrept Aunday, tor RoatON ami principal lnl#rm»dlata polnli.

7:29 P. M. dally, for Hurfaln, Niagara Fallaand all pnlnle W##(. Pullman Blwier Vaotl-. . . . . - „ __ -____ jnd Toronto. Dining Car NiEiaatcin.huled train New Yorlrtn Chltogo. gl#eMn to Buffalo and Toronto. Dining Car Naw Tone to


NEWARK AND I-ATKI^N.Lmv. N.w.rK. for l^l.rMn. BilA li4*. 6:46.

9:07. 10:96. 10:57, 11:51' ’il"RT'“A ' ' « '”*ta^

{ ; « . 2 : | | . 2:67, 1146. 4:88. 4 ;6f,“ 4*. 6 ; l4 i l C 8:07, 1:29, 9:28. 9:84, 10:39 (Og lltH

fl'a’los. 6:66. 8:66. 4 T;«T, T:**. *:93, 8:8t, B:41, 6;l(ir6;6*rttn 11:29. 11:64 A, if,! 12;6flT:ifl 2 ^ 8 : i V 4 S:IM tf:44. 6:^4, t :» . 8:«. 6 :r f j7 l lI0 > . I

9:29. S:68 »ng ll:64 r , M. -w .r« 0 1 4 MARKET STREET aTATION.

. : 5 r s » ' : fn l4 .T :5 ,"* .* J^ ' S I t

mm'WTIt; .'!av,»VKq.'V. I ;

6*2H P. M. dally. Hopping only at Hotnli FlalaneM, Kaitim, B«(htem<nL Heurh Chunk, ffayre. Itoneva. Boch#aler, Dunlo end Pullman fil#«[wr Buffalo. Nona but fltaatmi Car Paftengera carried. No baggage eerriM,

6:56 P. dally, (or Ithacsi Geneva, Rochee* ter, Buffalo. Niagara Fnlle and all point! Wait, Pullman Blrejier to Chicago.

Additional local trains dally, mcept flimdafft tor flouth Plainfield, Mound Hrooic and miennj*-* diet# polnta. leave as fnllaM-a: 11:10 A !!•: (2:H| tor ftomh Flalnfleld only), 4:40, ii;0l p. If.

Tieketa abd Pullman acoommodatlons at Fenne gyivaato Railroad Depot and fSft-blN Bm m ■treat.


uiSiy, 1M A. U. VmHMH tJmltjg i i r t . 1:41 r . H. Rjiffal*. -Newark. i4T P. mTj fluffdaya. TsOfl P.

cogo itoTjeea Wvea Newaro* 8(06 P. 117ticti.r>. buWBiw ol)*cl«A JS*

csUdd. iiuiotBblw, c t l *i tfis CItr TJekst 01-flc*. 162 14*i1i.l .iTMt. atatlon.

Teltpiiotia 65. af Oft


o rriC E ot th. Rosnl of AsSwsbmiuIa ,*u4 R s; " .£ :) ol Tiig*. lociin N«, 9. City UAUTfouSt

**l*onwrii*Be* with tn sqt ot Uw I

(ren gtv is 4**. wmnisnslM « U» Idoodayla ieptembar. from, ft M. to

u 4 t* eomst^kiiF l lsslill l S69SDavs b s« 8 -----

ZTi# P n itk fr VfiU tPr»kmkig S3* J a ir tSarm tr.


£* try CiMntitff ^ n ti l C k n 'ttm a i''^ }^

Tjhe holiday Store*Tbe roffliiiest brightest, most tieilthful and withal easiest to trade in store in the State invites you

with its match'ess an vwhere assortment of high class, medium priced merchandise particularly purchased for «-.• •_______ AiiAri/thino that hiiitian tnir^rmitv has d^vivd tn farilihtfChrirtmu gift chooser. Remember that everything that human ingenuity has devised to facilitate shopping will be found at the “Ah'ays Busy Store," Parlors on the second floor, the coisest restaurant in N e w a rkon our great fourlli floor. ‘See the most complete and elegant exhibit of

9foveti/es, ^oits, Tioys and SamesEver assembled at any time or place for the delight of the little ones and tbe satisfaction of those who must pay for them. Steam Toys, Hot Air Toys, Mechanical, Wooden, Iron and Tin Toys of every de- scriptkm. Dolk, Dolls, Dolls—so many of them that youll wonder if Santa Qaus hasn’t entirely forgotten to leave any of them else­where. If there is a new or popular game not here it’s beause of an oversight on tbe part of our buyer. Particular attention is directed toourcompleteshowlngof Chnstmastree trimmings and novelties; also to our Confectionery Derartments on the first and fifth floors— absolute purity, freshness ana goodness at the very lowest prices ever placed on the best.

Crayon Portraits Two Displays!J

FREE!W e a r e s t i l l e n la r g in g P h o to s

to l i f e s iz e C ra jro n P o rtra itf l, o n a l l p u r c h a s e s of O n e D o l la r ’s w o r th o r o v e r in a n y p a r t o f th e s t( jre . T h i s l ib e r a l o ffe r fo r

o n ly a few w e e k s lo n g e r .

O i C O M I » - A J « Y

1 6 9 , 1 6 1 , 1 6 3 , 1 6 5 M a r k e t S t r e e t .

T O Y S m n o u s .

O M N titM K RMTHd M i l l Ti m Fkw!

D o n o t fa il to v i s i t th e s e d e ­p a r tm e n ts b e fo re p u r c h a s in g e ls e w h e re . O u r 5 c . , l o c . , 19c . , 35c . a n d 49c . s p e c i a l t a b le s of a l l k in d s of to y s a r e a r e v e la ­t io n o i c h e a p n e s s .

M l l d r B v a ry A tta ra o o n an d E v e n in g n n tf i C h rU tm a s— 1 T 1 U * 5 I V " “ a f t e r n o o n , 2 u n ti l 5 O’C L O C K -E V EN IN Q , 6 u n t i l 10 O’CLOCK.

Our Popular Friday Sales AreGrowing to Mammoth Proportions.

There is no store in or out of the city that offers such wonderful bargains. W e sell cheap every day, but special efforts have been made to make to-morrow the biggest Friday of the year. A visit on this occasion will prove a very profitable one to you, especially if your purchases are large. The more you buy the more you save.

C l o a k s , E t c . Haie“ Silks and Velvets.Jackets btAver, All wttol, uiloMUAiiA And perftet AUIde, dAft u U d «'qIlAitAud worth ikeo fUalu Krldny 0 CH Mpedkl.......................... ..................... &«uU

Cillr V»1vA*e V6lTflt««ni, Id aU DllK VCIVCIS g-olon, Indudlnr lightblue. iiUe, me, uarv. mtIm. cMinAl. ua tloDAi blue, u«w rrO, Aud. In not. All the dt>

-'Of hAATYtoucl*. 90 \W\W9 deep And ido Inch «we«p, handJMinieiy

IrloUD^ Arttb _fui ADd well UntMl. 2 ^

sinble ^ ^ 39cworib lAM Aich. FrldAf •iwclal..Silk Plush Capes

0 inch IluUrr, S iDctawi dc«p. 1)0 loch iweeix well hoed And lur tnmmetl, reAt vilue ' yu^rAck FrifcUy ipeeltl...... ......F r id a yKale Wrappers, Waists, ate.

Zntto *D ay Juntas Chanoe.Ladict’ WrappersUn.tl H .i.t u u l .xUft width .klrt. Imld trloiuinl,.IH 11 to 44, worth l l .a i n .i«cb. vtnur .(w.1.1..........................43C

Hiir <|Ukllti Brlllluitliir.tilKh liurLadles’ W aists 1.1.1 _

in , fu t blwk, huadtoinclr tii.lira .nil

A tremendous and matchless assortment of Domestic and Imported Rugs. A daxzling array of new c o lo r effects and deagns. Only the rnff/x find representation liere and our prices are invariably lower than others want for inferior grades.

brald«l and Li:nl throughnut, blouto ellcct,ivful.r prig. U.M ncli. Krldnr ]9cilKClal..... ..Fur Sets Oblldr»n Angon w

SSromtoy's Smyrna Siuys*lAinbi’ wool, whllo or ateel

coloi, ootuiaUnf of hf» tud loufT, QOm worth$2.75each. FrldAyiiteclAi........JO U

F r id a yK ale M i l l i n e r y .

Size 18x36 inches—regular price $1.19—special Size 21x42 inches—regular price $1.59—special Size 26x52 inches—regular price $2.25—special Size 30x60 inches—regular price $2.98—special Size 36x72 inches—regular price $3.98-special Size 4 f t X 7 f t—regular price $8.49—special Size 6 ft. X 9 ft.—regular price $12.95—special Size 7.6 ft. X i0.6ft.—reg. price $19.95-special Size 9 ft. X i2 ft.—reguhr price $23.95—special

79*J .0 91 .4 9 A 9 92 .9 96 .4 9 9 .9 6

AS. 9 91 9 .9 9

C a | 4 H a t a —A w ttn] .haiwiind rolon,rC I I llaX fi fgf IwllH' and childrBh, .11ntw thU for Frldmj

Mnukl ilvcu .w.y, iOcTrimmed Hats covere-1, a linojutt fn w ilM WqfhrpotD. UiUalljr |!L50 1.98uid H9H. For IildaT ,

Hat Trimmings;,,'"',ouM tltr ol Wlngi, btney qu l'a Ctrich »*tbwwblnl.,Me,wor4hfniui2tetoSOc. Iflnucta. ToohM foe rndiy~».... .. lUw


y f a n d s o m t ^ u b t a S t i f f s ,•V«ry taiKlAoroe Oriental effects, nicely frilled,

jo re n ^ a Wilton.

£ 27*55, rejiilar price >1,89, apectal, l.t9 36*63, regular price >298, sptctai, 2.19

iSundhar Wilton S?ujts...................... strictly hlfb clus designsSold only here,

—wUI wear a IKe timea « . 3*10 ft. 6, regular price >3t.S0, special, I T .M

A . . , A n , , / n : , I ■ dvk, n an aen &. 7 and a.*wart)iu m / t n S f f / O O U O H e J r u a s , I an d U ty an l, KrUar.peclal .

4 > with boi

Hale,p ih K n n s All lUkiaUn and f KM grain rlb- K ID D una bon. In all eolon, IlglU and dark, nanKxn & 7 and ft*worth 7c., Uc. J q

Size tSx36, regular price 98c., special. Size 37*54, regular price >125, special, Size 36*73, regular price, >3-49, special.

Stock Collars-----!na adk■aiin, ialln bowachUhn bow. and laflna

Iowa tom. laiioy emteiddered *nd k u h^nuoad ^U i plalU ^, fully worth 2Sc

i^ om raibto Sm yrna S iu ys,

' 9 f t i l 2 f t , regular price, >35-00, spec]

Spaitkin Slugs

Speciiickt, it.80

6*9, regular price >6.95, special, 7.6*10.6, regular price >9.93, special, 9*12, regular price >1295, apecial.

3BC. caoh, Friday

ladies’Neckwear Sl„.®iT,k?TbSty illk, ehlOou. etc,, n d lu . Tariety. all bandnnwly trimmnl with relvot or laue and Utcisy aUk and chUloa platting,

89c., 98c., U 5 up to 5.00.Th«K t t t tlM Yenr tAtcit tioreltlcft produo-

•d ihll MAHD.

French W ilton ^uya»2 7 x ? 4 inch—regular price II6.98- - 4 . 9 9

3 . 4 9

Pun alze—In white, gray or b k e k — regular ptice >249

Special at 1 ,6 B \ J6x6J inch—regular price $4.98

S*miskin SlugsHeavllv lined tn combination

colors, white,'gray, brown or black—r ^ u h r p r in ^ 4 9


Handkerchiefs emtmtdem],fine Swiit noodi.

EAfulur iM. ADd 17c., IOc

fiyh Srado Oriental S uya,assortment of exquisite Oflental Rugs—smsll or

.. sines—particulsrly suitable for glfta—including Cari- Bokharas, Centgs, Caras, and others.

Counted J'tnimat Skins,

lAc« trlmmod,iiJt FrtdAy.-».Silk Mufflersfull ilm and puts illk, ngolar prices, ' ~ Mill, and Wc., for Friday

Silver Foxes, Red Foxes, Tiger Cats, Leopards, Raccoons, Wolves, Mountain Lions, and others, mounted on first quality fehs or large skins, at a range <A prices starting at 4 ,2 * .

t< jOtnen ^peeiata.

cream linen—handsome patterns—worth ' 40C. p tc,yard—special at

3 3 c ,

Fm A /w bleached cotton—Itakt* f..MAs ^glgio—fringed—ready for use—regularjo c . k ln d -a t

3 9 e ,

S3ed Coveriny Oxtras,-Jj. —Made ol .llknllne and

M * m Q u il iS cH onn — aqoallsr—dlled with wIilH waddins f g Q f }_ r..ii n HA me ^ *—lulliUe-lully worth 11» .1, t a J n ‘l i —Full dm rob* ohlnta .4 r« ir V u m s quuu-eiM with an . whit.

ccktoh-Ilned with turk.y red - w wdl madw-rceular si4H p ec la i I

A t —11'* wold hlankeu—MtumKSlS Mtra ilio-hearjf w.lghtr-neat honleo—reaul.r SB.9U — whll.2 . 9 0they lut-speclal at

pet pair............ .f l ) , -11-4 >hotwn wool—extraM lO tt/n tS welght-tundninie „ f>yi boplm — rofular tt.lh-tpeclal at per pair...... .... ...........- .......... w e » iw

49cHandkerchiefswith embroidered oorceia. Bo. And Cn lOCa raloei, for Frldiy........ .............. 9 li

Notions..flannel ^aryaina.

Skaksr S la iu f* l~ ^^^^good quality—in

short lengths—regular Sc.—while they last—per yard

L a d i e s ’ GartersbuoilOA Aud illk ribbon bowi, each pair lu a|h!M top bOA, refulAJ 35c., lor 2iCSfeel Curling Ironsl u lie., Friday..... ....................... ............ 4 u

f 4 C .Velveteen Bindingblwk only, Friday.

regulu Ibu quality. 9cj r / « « » t f * # « ~ d a r k grouiid - hand­

some designs—make excellent wrappers—regular toc.—while they last—per yard

8«l^ Umbrellas.

S ^ c

I lm h rA llw c (or lAdletor^ntlemen.with U m D lC lia b genuine Waecbtel JiandlM, In ifretC vATietj of styloA JtSRllflh GloriA cot- ereri and watranbnl fu t black, good atroitg uiubrellna and worth 05c. bach, inidar OQn a|rcial................ ...... ....................... OwU


TAnitui S m ts *“ *® pleces-best quality Trenton U o U * t a * r s p o ,j,iji„ _ (in c y ,h a p e -r ic h golddecoration and pretty floraldeslgn—reg­ular >4.98—se t.................. ....................... a ? . . 9 < y

0/iMrer S*t ‘l'“ '“7' ” porcehtn—pattern—fancy ular >15-98 set

beautiful forget-me-not r embossed shape—reg- / / n o —while they last—set.. . A 1 , i f O

77— —56 pieces—best quality thin china—pretty rosepattern—regular >7.98—set.

Sarttini*r*s brown, raised flower pat-

Silk Knit UmbrellasclfMe rotifer $tAd rod, »t«rLLDg Blher trimmed,

pATA*[on f r A m«A

tern* out?ined with g ilt tricing J l.4 9 vtlue,ea.

Jinti>*s and Serks "***«or square hahdie—bestquality steel—warranted strictly perfect —worth >2.00 per set of 6~a«t of 6 pair / . 3 0

ufleia illk cue complete, m d vmluD IlDfaAt tl 49 each, FrtdRj Ft ^U*-'******** i)OuTaffeta Silk Umbrellas•nil tAwl And Ado JmpArtod bAodlen; a1*o fCArJ. bone and allver crimmed, 36 And 'a

l»loeIni'll, for lodten and men, ref. ll.Ksaud Frldar oDly....w 1.69

jC s tn o n a d * S * t s ^ Glasses w d Sil-verine Tniy—assorted shapes

in the new style blue and emerald and f n ogold glass—regular >219—set................... / • i f C f


S r t “ See our large lines of Fancy Rockers, Reception Chairs, Odd Parlor Chairs,tJ tO tla t ty J * u m itu r e pgrior XaMes, Taborettes, Piano Stools, children’s High Chairs and Rockers, Smokers’ Tables, Etc.; also 40 different styles of Morris Chairs.

*£• iBamboryer <f Co,, 7/farket and Jffaisoy Sts*

TAKB2V riK iC '9 PB A K .

fCI«nrte4 FlK*H-biiek L'p tb # MountAtia • t o tb e flaw ftU e .4S7r>m th e Denver TimcA.\ X b&by hua vtewcu the nunrlae from

Ih# flummit of Pike"! Peak. Hla name in lUiam B urlftte Blmpuon; h« )• fourteen lontha old. H e wan certiPd to the top

17 hifl fa th er, Hon. 4). A. Simpion, who in lA B tate AccouotAiU of Nebraska, And

nuAjor part of the younfatrr'A rela* ,vea w ere prwienl to wUiieta the crerr- .007. IbcludiDjv hla mother and hla grand' liber. A year ago Mr. Simpson vlitled

ghj* fiUbte unarcompanied by any of hla rclbUveA and ascended the Peak on foot. ftia spcDt the greater part of the night In V uklD f th e ascenti reaching the end of kh* Journey tn time to se« old Phoebua — I f t w r the rim of Mother E arth far

tfaa aflfiward of the cLauic city ol Coi^ Springs.

**The alght made a most profound Im- iou upon m e/’ said Mr. SImpion,

‘and the Impression grew deeper and loro profound as time went on. 1 natur-

^.U y tedd my wife much of th« trip and of >%he view, and gradually we reached the uoooolualon to liavi* the whoJe family, In- E lud ing our batiy boy, our Aral bom* make

he aanM journey and in the sam e manner h a t 1 bad made it a year ago. Conse* ,ueoily we raroc out tu the Colorado prlafs carnival, put in Wednesday see- ig the flower display, and W ^neaday

h t a t 9 o^dock we started up the mouuw__o on foot, following the line of (lie

eogw hed road from Uanitou.

feet of the summit when the sunrlsp i>X' euraloii train overtook It, T l^y weui aboard, not because any of Hum were eBpeclAlly fatigued, but bscausn thi*y were apprehensive th a t they might not reudi rhe apes in time for the siieotai'le they had Journeyed so fa r to wUness. Whenthey mounted the cogwheel car, tin’ heir- - ‘h 'of the Blmpsos household ImmediRiHy be­came u hern, and he was vlslieil l>y ail the other occupants of the crowdul car. He slept quietly until be reach»*ii the top.There he yielded slightly lo the gcueial demand fhat hs should be arfecled by theextreme altitude, and was somewhat In diapuHeri for a fotv minutes, ae were oth­ers much older. H e soon rallied, however, and opened his eyes wide as the sun rose to view In the east. Posstbly he did not secure the satisfaction from the glorious sp^ntarle that presented llscif as the sky ptirplnd, yellowed, reddcTUHl and whitened py turns under the Influetioe of the rising lun, but the story will grow* Into his life, and no doubt hts career will be brighter for the occurrence and the extraordinary circumstances under which he witnessed 11. The little fellow and his mother re­turned to Manltou on the cogwhwel.


I n f r r e s t tn g P la c e l« O r e s t B r i ta in W h lo k la Ilewleetedi b y T o a r la ta .

Prom the Philadelphia Record.How Is It. UHkK the Marqulso ds Fon-

U’ni3y. t hat no American tourists aver visit kiuf village of Washington, near Durham, In England, the original soat of th a t fam u ly from which George W ashington Is di-Rcended? A U ho^h many m ay vUll thu ancient cUy of Durham, none loeni to be aware of the fuel th a t th* village of

RAIfl Ifl GHBAT lIR lTA Ifl.

were sU or eight ladies and gen.-^^rWHemoD tn the party incli^dlng my wife,

£aU$er»m'law, ana, of course, iha baby, ^ ' ”tn whose honor the trip was made. Wo

: wafJiurroof course, have taken the train up, oould have gone on ho rsab ^k , or ro or In A carriage, like other tour*

bu t ws chose the foot method as the novel and as the best calculated to

A meat to the enterprise. Yes, I car- the boy. It was, of 0001*10, a long but the trip waa not an especially one.

bo baby? Oh, J had him swung from Shouldsrs Ir a s peaceful o r part of the jourhsr in his own crib a t hom^

young fellow, weighing aTraut----------- . . - I

<jn, X naa nim swung rrom , by strong cords, ami ho ^uliy and qaletly during the f the journey a s if he had

own crib a t homa. He la quits . -ung fellow, weighing a i«u i

--tlve pounds, m i dkTnot And him me, and really-made tbs trip moreHi^ t a l m * a n y

1 th s ................. ,k trip, and upon making


K lv a iv * H bow lns t h r K r ra t A u a o n t a t W a l . r W h lrh K a ll i T h r r r .

From the J.udxote.It U not until w« U kp the reinfall In the

bulk that we can reatlie wlial a alupenq- out quantity of water HhuWrra down In Oreat Urilain and Ireland in one year, and even when w« b av t the ngurea before ua It lx dIfflouU to reailae their tnaKnitude.

To any. for Iwrtance, th a t ».*B.«l),M0.W9 ouhlo feel o( rain on an averagn fall an ­nually on the United IClnfdom conveya little or nothing, (hau*7i It Impliea aome- thlng tnolil, and when w» fu rther learn th a t th* welKht of th« name am ounta to TUB.] M,[100,000 tana, except for a feeling of thankfuloeae th a t It did not ta il on our toea 1X11 a t onoe. we a r t only conacloua tlxat II, roakee a very pretty row of flgure*.

With th* laudable intention of. making tlieae la tter flgurea look ainall, w e will merely lay 'h a t the total weight of lh< rain that falla In one yM r on th* n r ltl ,k lelta I* only equal to 1.119 p art of ih*

Waxhlngton is within eaay drive. Thr founder of the fnmlly was a certain Will- lain de Karthurn, who, aubaequentlv rhnnaing hix territorial holdings from H aribum , near Stockton on Taee, to u place called Washington, eventually alter- eil hi* name to William of W aahlnglon.

These Waxhingloni flgured repw ledly In the history of the County o l Durhamprior to the year UOO, and In th e treaeury of Durham Abbey are preserved docu­ments adorned with their aeala. Theee seals hear the Washington fam ily arms, namely, "red bars, with th ree red mullets.a Btar-shaned spurruwel above them on a' ‘ ild."stiver ehlel

The creet ls a "raven with wings issuing out of a ducal corouet of gold." There Isao much In these amm to auggeet the. _ . - - --T. - ■Btara and Stripe* and spread eagle of ths Cnitad Btatee a* to lead to th* Imprexelonth a t those on whom It devolved to choone the national emblem had In mind the urmsand the Creel of Ills W ashingtons In ac-allar ■ ■compUahlng their la*k.

A tla e s tlo n o f C ltn sa te .

wol|jht qua iialir)f aquar* mile of theearth 's surface from Ihe surface in the oentre of the earth.

When w* coniilder that there are 121,000Buarc mites of such surface in the United

ngdom aloue ons oan understand w hat ; sn Infinitesimal traction of the total weight »f the British Isles the annual rainfall would amount to. Why. 41,0tQ,CM F orth

' g lu M t aniuil itii.youVi I

Frotn The Atltnlfo Monthly.W riting of the colonial problem m,„

confronting the United States, Benjamin Kidd has said. In hla 111 tie volume on ihe“Control of th* Tropica;" " I t la not a

question of the relative m erlta of any form of government; It la not even a quea- llon of the relative m erits of ntiy race among ctvlliied peoples; It I* simply and purely the question of the ultim ate rela­tion of the while man to the trop ics" H r. Kidd has gone to the heart of the aubject. In setting out to control ironical possession* the United States ha* the ex.terlenc* of six nations to draw upon—

lialn, Fortugal, Germany, France. Hol­land and Great Britain. TJiree of these may b« dismissed at once. Spain and Por-


Ladies’ Kid GloveslikowDji, nsTjr. mods*, slstai and butter, illkMHclitNl l«L'k*, 2 olAipi sod 4 buttont, everyi«ir uArrikivUKl and vvorUi rromll to CQal.fiOl'alT, Friday s i w d a l . O v UFur Top Gloves Sd“'»o“ ]i!ii4litul cliUdn'D, hvAvy lamb'* w o o n io ^

for ladls^ men. ... , ___ - ____ed, pM-

Fia uDil worth T9C. pair, speclsl iEQA Friday.................................. 4 9 6

Cashmere Gloves JS,!;I'Sirs Icncib, Iasi black and worth 29c. i t n |slr. .pedal Friday........... I9li

Friday HpcclaSilks and Satins hitks la all colon, liaudwinc Brocadol Hilkt In all th . aveulng iludsa India illlki and Idaln SaUus In all colon, mixed lot, worth from Uc. to 99c. yard. Clioloe Friday...... ........... 39cR IaM r C itL o —I’lain Black China and DlflCK 9IIK S India Rilk* high lustra Black hallns and handsome Black Brocaded

Corsets aod Skirts. 8 ^ Muslins.Ladles’ Corsetsjeon, whiu, drib or black. lutAvlly boDed,

st4’«l^ lAc« and eliii urlmiaed' Enpire dsu, aMetyl«, DMitium and extra loue wolita,

bIjwe U to so, wortb H.W }«lr. Friday C flAtorgalu.-.............................. - .......... aU wLadies* Petticoats - “Eood guolUy .. eeo AiHl famier talln. fast black, lull

Yard-wide Muslinsflue even tbrtod, free from dreislng and worth tc and 7a yard, not ovar ten yards of taeh to a customer, 0 1 ^Friday i p e ^ ............ .................... ..... t|*(iCliAwkinw -H earv (Jnbleaohed Sheet- OUCCllllg ing, lull a ii yards wlda, dM

yards; flail IH

_.wlihi, heavily ifiud with tnteldowu tu‘l, deep onibrelle ruflies with two small

6 mg,Arm thread, anil Hwaya aold at lie. (Ocyard, Friday ipeelal.............. ......... ..

eonled ruttles, all lengths rei. sold at QQfi tl.4ll and I1.7&, tpedal Friday bargalD 3 0 l i

bilks, Honb bum ikie. to 73c. yaid. Friday Hiaelsl..„.........................

Dress Goods. lUKk, never mjM Iusr than &7c. etch, QQ#i specie) Friday burgoin.... .................. O O v

Colored Novelties!i?eis MufTs. exim Hue line eoloriaKt, such aa wTiia end Krren, brow a uid garnet, blue lud btuwii. t(ri>en end giirtiet. and many othercutnbinaUun.4, oil fx rfect goods ai:id

2. yajrtl. r V l d e y | g ( |poslUvely vrortli 3fc.

Black Goods s>rni“Hrnd“4S-'i i:Berber Slorni HeorletiAi, Uo-

beint, ek'., waminkil lost block, 0 0 a •elLUig VAl. IroiD live, to 49c. yd. FrklAy / | ] | |t t a n M a if a c —One yard wMo CAthmerM n C n r lG i la a fine twll), fastdye. good weigbu about forty (tlecej In ol),usually sold u y«nl, While (hey I4cF r id a ySale Linings.Kid Cambrics ir;*5mTieTa"i?i"ca:on. rexttlar 9c. kind. Friday <13.Bpeclal..................- ........ ...... - ......... £41,

Silesia Lining r , X . . W o Kextra fine flnlih and lold alwaya at 1 3 . 12}^ yard. Ihtday l^ 'd a l — . |4 | ,r w n u w c —Extra Heavy Quality Black v w h v QB caova*, flu* linen flahm, l l j , aaiual valns yd. Friday apeolai I *6

F r id a ySale Toys and Dolls.Ir/hn T r a t n c -Three can and looomO'i r o i l I r a m s Uv**. olcely minted IQnLuootors, uiUAlly aet. for Friday,.^ |g ( |

Black Boardsragulir for FridaT........... ........... I

Kid Body Dolls bh ue‘" h ^hair, lume with ffloring eyes, regular 1 Q - Il.4«, lor Friday-...,........... ................ fo C

Books aad Bames.H a m M —OLDMAIDanddonniofolhen, v im ilc a toloretl pieturci, In neat poite*

2c—I2IDO. story book*, doth bound,

LMIUIKS ^ utles. Rllt titles, pu1> 111.Usberis privo 2Sc., Friday......... lUC—Several Hoe* of 2Bc. and 39a.

I9Cf la m w o —Several llnet of 23c. am UBUICa guno, wme U incliet long, for Friday,

F rid a ySale Soaps and PerfnmesToilet S o apT au?*w rp^ i|fubox rontslnlng 4 bug* cake* tor........... lUu

Triple Extracts-£,ljT*^,5rSdtsigns, all od«s and well worth idc. QQ n botUe, spedat for Friday.... - ..... — 0 3 uD a id iin tM —‘Friale ICilzauia-’ violet or s v n l l l l lC o wUie into In fancy cueouDce bottle, kid covered tope, two i n . bottles In box 20c.. ur per bottle..... . I g u

Art Goods.Irish Point bunau covers, 20x31. newandefleetlvadssigiu. pusltlvoly worth n r . S*r„ each for Ftflay..... ............ZDCOpal B o ttic s-K r? ‘?S!?down In itook, wore 90c., fw friday a9 u

Mantel Lambrequiiis^^ri'’ "®??Incbra deep, 3 yards long, heavy Iringe aniund, and gold tbread em ^ldery,sorted colors, tegular price »h75, Foz Friday...........— . 1.69sIiT^ Shoes.Ladies’ Slippers Beaver Slippers redflannel lined and band »vred tol«, leather

Udies’ Shoes-------- - ----------warmllncd,low heel, with leather siaya on aide hand tewed eojw., U qcheaptl double the pricet FZiday spec'lI t-1------ —Ladln' Floe IllsckLadies shoes Beaver rFoxed BmtoQflboes, with common seas* tc* amt low heel,heavy flannel lilted, sixes 3 to A'thcse gonnt□FAVy nanBai, imwj, , i, v*'’'’®« c ^ lU v e ly worth B a pair, Friday | | | 0

Gents’ Slippers In Velvets anil digetenc kind ol leather*, black and russet, these foodi are all well made, nicely lined

ighoutIhroughout and will make an sceepiablegin, all sixes and worth ( l 89c

Ladies’ Gowns ijuUS;

Oiiefg of hoe tort flBlah- «d moaUa, '«> lach heina, lAun4«ro4 and froo- •d ready for use, *1i« 4AxM, and al- jPlA wt)A (Old A( lOe. eochg Friday ipoclol. uDv

ed yoke*, gathered btoXs. ooisbric ruffle Dock aimI *le«ve«, feiied ivoni* ihroughouta full Mldihi, 58 Inehea )oi«, V •bapeanu high

F r id a y8 ttle Underwear.Men’s UnderwearAl Wool and Jocfcr color, ftecoa Jiaed, «xtmbcAvy Wiuter wiilghui, line gauga, pearl lArir... * .toita. ribbedwould be ASpecial Friday

:aln i t QGc. each. 31cLadies’ Underwear

weight!, Vdt* hare*]fell

_,_____ ihoped - .... .....TUMtted amu, pearl UiUoM, etc..

poot« are Freiicb made, opeo or cloaedto watch, worth AUCv each. Special Fri- 25cday Bargain...........Children's Underwear riVb.'d^Vesta are thapis]. fleece lined, extra well made and heavy welghls. made from EgiromEgyp-lliuiyani. pauta to match, worrit He. i n . saefa, Bpeclal Friday h a ^ iu ,........ Iw u

F r id a yS ale Lamps.

idila porcel_.

and shad* lo mateh, oiouniedrwllh (uU t i nT a h l e I ■ ttin u —lUDdaomely decotwt-laDie Lamps g„, porcelain, fountburner and frame rompletojelth flint 79cchimney,the tfl.tll kind. ForFriday Sal*

Parlor Lamps ' t t 'S k▼orliHit colon, ftolahiM) wl(h bcaia trimmlcgi, oompletr, w1(h extra large *ire bMnier, chlco-

‘ ‘ ‘ ly Seiney, and hwidwinely decorated, 10k Inch|tob«!, regular pnre t2.'J5Aiid I2.41K |

Banquet Lamps g f e ’“ 5Able for onyx tableor parlur, baoalltuUy dec­orated by bMHl In variou* colon, w ith -----bodlea and ifUD metal trlmmlngi complete, with fa!) atM *afety buroer. flint chimney, would moke a iplecdld holiday pre»aat, ^ u io r pricn 13.98* Friday 2

Groceries.Lion Brand CoffeeJM. Friday gale, pound.....

—Best quality, reg price |Q j ,

Special ClearinK Sale «CA n D c dDoatf, TQiretAbIc* and fruit of all klud** •vary cao guaraoteed to lie fa'ah. regular |rice S9C.4 loQs. 19c. Your choice friday

Mtwisrl T«*a -E s tta good quality oiITlIXCiI 16a m|*«j teas, Terv itDod forbreakfoat uae. regular price 60c. a pouikd. Friday Bue, pound.......... . OXli

Fancy Goods.Celluloid Cases ru » o r^ £ ^ 2 ibandkcrcbieti, ngulai 99c. Yoluea, lor Friday.......................... .......... .......u S i fPhotograph Framesand gilt, attorted patHiua regular i Q . value at 27c. each, lor Friday............. . 13Tnilw F Tj i s m -Very line u tin Hoed I U iiC l VllSCa pujcei, fancy ihaw, coU' ttlnlDK comb, brush, haod minor and mauFcure articles, real value 11.79, only one I 17 to u customer, fur FYiday........... .. 1 .1 J

Hen's Fom ishiogs.F r id a yS a l e _IM orDnrnaw —Br the IbDuiand—ID teclti, IXCCKWcaT pug,, foa ln-hsnd, baiM bows, string ries, club ties sud Windsor tins, light end dark colorlngi, hundreds of pat- terns to select Itom, full bandt^illk andbauds,vatlti, every fibre pure silk, all laleatterns and styles, regularly sold at 49cl r t t* . cBcb, apeclau Friday baigaln....—...... Z w v

Cardigan Jacketsfast black, all slivs and extra ilsaa, worth fiom |3.'29 lo EL99 etch, speolal | 0 gFriday bargain,.Men’s Sweaters turtle nack anddouble aollor collar, itiicUy pun w o ^

■boultfdouble back, front end iboulderA oU the biggest bargain evar plooed on counter at i|jeclAl l^daybargain....... .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.98

J e w e l r y , e t c .Jewelry Sale

F r id a y8 a lo

lotoe chain*, acarf t»laa, cuff ««ti and loot In*, warranted roUad idale, regular jwioea49U., 59c.. on »p al oouoter, 4C|t

choice for Friday............. ...... . Awlf

Link Bracelets r„rilS f M i l s■omely chawd and eD|rared, usuady g g glyll.CiO. Friday

Pocket Booksllgoior, moroooo combtoMlon booka, aomesterUnf allrer rimmed, uaually 75& 49gand 9SC,, for Friday.... .

Pillow Cases

Linens.T a h l e n«l11g«k —BIcachad and un-1 a u i e U li l la S K bleached. 68 liiehm

, good

25cwlde-hindsom* assortment petterns, beayy weight, and worth Sto. yard,Friday tpedal...— ....... .......

Linen Towels rJ:5 ;rk “1 o Mplain white and colored Uwderi, extra fine

ualUy, dilTereut alaea and told regular at‘ 3. to I6c. yard, yourcholc* ..........IOc

TABr<»llin<p ^Bleaobed Twill TowellinglO W C U m g IS inehea wMa. exua Qn boary qualUy, regular petoa te. yard.... . g g


F rid a ySale Dry Goods.Table Oilcloth i S rWlda. lay hundred different potterna aiulcokri^T on warreuted parfact gON a,W alarwjUfaveo'whare at 13c, yard,Friday ipoclal..Domet Flannelregular Tc. quality, Friday special....... Oeb

Canton Flannel w“ib1.“ fw ‘lSS:rood beary nop, Azul worth Be. yard,friday ipaolal..

Bed C o Y e rin fs.White Blankets' fleeced, rad, blueand eaubiuaUoD boidere and worth 39c6Fc ssmh..

White Blankets' h e a v y wclaht,wnlgblng R pniitida to the pair, blue, pink and red bordan, ragular tL9B kind, j 2 |^Friday apecial..Comfortables'i‘ ; ," '° “ “V riltned,pura whlw cotton flilad,fancy acltch^,full double bed lire and worth 98ceach, Friday special..

F rid a y8«lo Hoasefurnishiajfs.

Dn4c —Btoci enamel led with two s a u c e rO ln iiqg bundles and heavy rv- tinned nven. full 8 qnmrt tiitb all farlevt

...... . 25cHo* owar m a t« a eaatotnere

Sauce Pans »i‘>'long handle and heary t«»tinned eoTan, full 4 quart site, all twi i l «

price Friday eaWsv. 11 glactgoodA reg,Not over o»e lo a caatoatMir.

Wash Boilers ’’.SSS wax*chox-boUen, full *lxe, wUb «olid buttoma, |Q ^ regular price 29Cs. Friday aate...... ....... |g y

Tim with awery Iwllea 100 boat quality h a n ^ o o d clethoa plna Area,

F r ld A y8a le Hats and Caps.Men’ Alpine Hatsfur Mt,Batlii lined,foil silk IQ iiworth IL30 ea^ , Friday •pocSalv.e.vtotor f g g

Men’s-Derby Hats ra ^ t'fs .^ teand shida, worth tl-93 each, Friday n g „special........................... ............. — jo tsDa ,*0V Cnnw —Chinchilla and p i l o t D U yb u p s ekJtb in golf and polosbapes, worth tin. e*., Friday apec“l e 4 I i

SSS” ClothingMen's OvercMiB 7 il?% X S;,"!bltM and block BaOTcr Overeoata, trimmedand flnlihrd lojregular cuaLum atjrle, 4.35

8. BET*

bound and

■ *M 4M ia«SW«Wl yiimisissia «ai,regular 16 and 17 taluea. apeoial..Bovs' Reefers 7*" ‘® *i w y a IXCCICIB ,**«, in aTreavy navjblue chlnchlllt cloth. nandeoToaly bound aucIn ^ed , with exm dee^ saflw ^ l a r , 98clold everywhere Cur ELM), apecial..Boys’ Knee Pants x>ly ean ,tn extraheavy brown chevha and pretty mlxtuna made up extra sttong, fully worth 36m, ID|% ■pedal.... .—........................ ......—..... lo l l

ISe Hosiery.Men’swall known u the granlne Htowmit andmore durable, every pair are heavy I h r e ^ , doqbla heeb and toea, poslUvelygood value tor Uc. lo Ifle. pair, apecial Friday ‘' taargatn..... ]£I wiDm * HnoA —Fart black, aomevlAi Uiaies nose white (m l fun seamuw,real maoc yarn, soft and pliable, dqublnBoles, Beals and Toea, not a pair worth leva than 70c. pair. Bpeelal Friday bar | | | ,

Children’s Hose s5;',i?5.S.*hh!hspllmd heel and toe, dootde knee, son yarn,spllned 1--------- — ...very clastic, full aaamleia, worth Uo.pair, Bpmlal Friday bazgatn..

Till-; BTORY 41K A HAZOa.

Ilnil Tnci l ln n e r a . B a t Mes-ved l ia o h l» a lU IT rren t. W ag .

From the llunton Journal,Voting Mr. Johiiion had already aeveral

riuora when he bought a aet o( leven, '■ai li marked with a day o t the weclt and arrang' d in order in a c* « . Ht* baard was hin heavy—indeed, hi* m ustache waa pile uhd wispy—but he waa extremely

uiri he inalated on ehaving hlmaelf. Hr si'gued iJiBl It waa necessary to have many rainrs to have one alwaya ready. There w er.' the raior* th a t hla father bad uBi'd lu'fore him, they were of French miikr, a handlu w ith aeveral extremely till a blartrs; there waa a (at raxor of haardltig-Bohool day* that vrae Includad In ii Swap of a alod for a banjo; there were rasor* of Pdngiuh and American make; but young .Mr. Johnaon'a favorite raaor waa wliiti'.hattdled, mid It waa to him aa the apple nf hi* eye.

Mr. Johnson married when he waa about nty-!ivi. year* old a pretty girl of II ty. Bhe danced, and *he p lty .itW.'

tugdl may nerve ns warninga: they can Tiever nerve ue examplca, Germany hnahud an experienre of only fourteen yeapt In tropical colonixutiun, and no oninlon of her methods can he o t value until her work haa had the teat o t a longer time. If, therefore, the true eyatem of con* trolling tropical eolonle* hak barn die- coyered, w* may expect to find It In the colonial experience of FThnoe. Holland or G reat Bylta}n.

waltri's on the piano, and abe waa aweet and iiiiilahle. They were happy, eapeetally Hiindiiy niurnlnga when Mr. Johnion did nut Jruvu the houae They breakfaaled lull', and It waa one ot the wife'* amuae- ihi'iii* to watch her huaband ihavlpg a t his Irisurn. Thoae day* he cho*e hla wnlle- Imndbd razor. Bhe would laugh a t him when hie face wa* covered with lather; ells would keep eaytng, "D on't cu t your. geir, dear," and when nl* chin and cneeki a|i|iesred, emoolh and ahlnlr-g, she would throw her arm *.about him, ahd oilddle agHliisI hi* breaat, and aay, "1 never could

and tears would come to her eyes. For the Ural month ah* klaaed the whUe*handledrazor dally. H er etoter, Marla, who had come to live with her—‘'untll 1 die," aald Lucy, "for I know I shall follow Harry soon"'—discouraged her In "such non- lense." And gradually Mra. Johnson be­gan to find pleasure In life. Une night when Mr. Mortimer called she waa per- auaded to play a w altt, and jho even sang a p retty song, anlUled "Love for E ternity .’’

Mr Mortimeris calls were frequent. He w as a thlck-M t fellow, with a bushy blaok beard. Hla vitality In a room stirred the picture* on the wall; ohalrs and sofas were uneasy until he hud made a wise choice. He was proaperou* In buiilnese, and fond of farce-comedy. When he was dressed for a call or a dinner, he amelled of muak. Mr*. T o h w n betam e accua- lomed to him, and a t the end of a year and a half ahe was Mrs. Morumer.

The wedding was quiet, and even the bridegroom wa* com pl« tlve ly quiet. There wa* a journey; New York and Woehlngton hotel* entertained "Mr Mor­tim er and lady." and the routine or dtoly Ufa began Id the flat In which young Mr, Johnson hud relgnwl. , „ •

flunday came, and M r, Mortimer dre*.Bed leisurely. A fter hs had had h i; bath he atroUed about tn hla bathrobe. He glanced a t the newapaifer. ha cleaned a pipe, and then precailad to bring out froah under- clothei and linen. Lucy la morning gown followed him from room to room. Mr,


MortFiner wa* putting on a boot. "Hullo!'; he eaolalmed; '■I [« g o t to trim niy corn!’He went Into the bathroom, took (he white-handled raaor. began operation*. Lu

‘ "Lome oul

---tii» uiraaif EUU *"ws » \evuaulovF yuu ir you h i^ A bcarq," and then abe

ItSse him In the neck. And Mr.

saying,aeif." ___the quick, ahe

and stooping over, tuey laughjHi and kept

daar; don 't out ynur-Aiid’ whan Ji* had pared almost to

" I f I wer* Jrou I'd

wouldJohilBon holding tlie razor In the air above hlfl bend, would smile complacently.

S« o th a t old raaor for your corn. Per- you m ight « l t th* othera, You'll

never need them. I don t a w Ho* * wow-They were happy in this foolteh fashion

(Or H year or so.

never en can m arry he Isn’t a man.'

m an without a beard— he Isn’t a m an." And she cuddled against

„ ............ .... , hi* b rsast and Wsaed hi™ helow the rightOne Riornlng Mr. Johnson did not leave ear A discreet maid oouahad near tha

the houBc, aliViough the day waa Tuesday, qooc and aald; "B raakfast 1* served." not Siindiiy. He did not.shave himself; Infa d be had not ahaved blmself to r two or three day*. Tho next week a barber came and brought hla favorite rasor, and Mr. Johnson w u ' cutnnj

At lirst .Mrs, Jehnsgn Insisted th a t, herclean and smooth to r Ills

philharmonic ducted by JohAh, glaji oompoaar sAd of the Riqral Dobi* sen ja a llltle oMer baodThut th is ohM

------------------------ a i o a r r ia t l i t r rafeKacknowledged tt» claim. ^ wliMer ah a iS rea ‘

H ia ,J o h i im w ^ io « lL « t t4 a M .tW n p iF t i i ^ i i9 g d R * i

evaaw, ragpaeaeejpD - — - - — -. —husband's things ahould remain lukt where he loft them. And so In the balnrooin the straps and the none* and the brushae dnd

. . . -iinge he left them. Anstraps and theTii,_______^.........------- -I be soap* were ready to tw used, and the riio rs were In order. The while-handled one wai neareit th* gUia, and the othara

Mr*. Saneew ’aA w nW it C im eert.Hr*. Bva S a n a e n , ' i h r ^ of the eg.

plorer, I* to atEBt n a « A ^ * r a t tha great - - Oopanhagen, oon-

n, the Nl of the orchi itro, Mr*, Nai.

famous bus* refined wo

grace. Bvi ' which If

M ost D lllirw it o f fly stem * t« A e « n lreW ith th e B tc e p tle a o t C h lh o n e .

From Self Culture.ISnglisb spelling Is th* m ost tinay^

tem atio and therefore the m ost dWBcult of a ll system s to acquire, except th* Chi­nese. The French has not a com plete a l­phabet to represent all tta sound* In a Blmple and systematlo manner. B u t the French use tbe Incomplete and defootlv* Homan alphabet much more oonMatently than we. The object of vrrlMog 1* to con­vey thought. An Ideal syitem would a l­low of th e conveyance of thought w ith t ^ least expenditure of energy oh the p a r t of both w riter and reader.

Tho sound* o t the spoken language should be repraaented by the slmpleat, most complete and most logloal system. There a re In English forty distinct aounds; forty distinct letters are neded to repre­sent them. With *uch a ayatem the In­term inable dtflleulty of learning to spell would disappear; the time spent In p rin t­ing and writing unmeeasary letter* would be saved; and the learning of the language by children and foreigner* would be g re a t­ly facilitated. There 1s no valid objection to phonetic spelling exaept the difficulty of in trqdqclns »■ The etymological objec­tion Is unworthy of serious'consideration. Th* etymology, for example, of "eophlsm" (which, by the way, does not Im port a wise aaying) reside* In the real word, not In It* ipeUlng. Any one who know* th* history o f the word would associate th a t h lslo iy with It, however it m ight b* apellab

Th* Ptitlologlc*] Association favor* pho- n ttlc spelling. I t li ot course Impossible to m ake so radical a change atonce. B ut U doe* not follow that the beaeliu of pho- netlo spelling, the metric ayitem , or any o ther giwat Improvement will com* to us In the surest and best way by slrnply leav-ng the m atter to chancA There Is a


T tm e ly H le ts f o r T h e s e 'Wike B«.ve P re se n ts f e r F n r-eaw n y F r ie n d s .

Prom Th* Oentlesroman.The politest w ay to send Christmas m ts-

ents, whenever i t Is possible to do so, Is by hand, either by prtvnt* o r hired mas- senger.

The next best w ay Is to send presents by express, alw ays fully p repaid

Th* next best way Is to send them by first-class mall, preferably registered. 8*o- ond, third and fourth class ratee are cheaper, but It any w riting l i Inclosed It subjects th s second, th ird or fourth o tsn mall lo tetter postage, and you eultsr ths huralUstlon of sending pressnts srlth "postsg* due.” T ha postoffios sulhorl- tte* do not bellavs you when you say th* unsealed package you lend by second, third or .fourth otosa postage oontalbi no writing, whether It really does or not. AUmall m atter sent unsealed, or by anything but letter rale* of poetage, oan be openedby the poitofflce clerks, and Is so op Ot course an eS ort Is made to hanT

mod.___________ _ . I* ths 'Chiislmas presants carefully and do them up sgaln properly, bu t It stands to reason ' j t i iu sy olerka opening thousands uponth a ttiu sy d e rk a opening tli

thoussndr f t packages th a t main posCofllcM cannot ret(i anytbULf like tha care w]th w y e wrapped In tl

Sea* through t them ■ "

- ___ with whtchth e first plao*.

im wlih cb they

rere wrappea in tn e n ra i piao*.Therefore, If you desira to have your

Chrlstma* preaent r ta o h tta deatlnatiop In . th* dainty style In which you sta rt It on Its way wrap It In tissue paper, tl* It with : pretty rlbbona, then w rap it securely In a hex don* up In brown jp«p«r. or at least put It tn a naavy m anlla paper wrapping , and tl* It aeonreiy, and send aa firsi-dass■*'4i»I'‘i t will cost a tittle , more, but It is ''It w l - -------- -------- -------- - -w ^ H the dlltereao* to he certain th a t-

r fllfl ■:lr do rifbL anal (

your gift will not arrive la te ,, or Imp**- lectly don* up, If not aolled or cnUupled ,

tendency to ahorten spelling: bu t the bafi^ ■..................... a » * »fits to hs derived from Improvement a re i trea t th a t definll* action ahould t '


our* them early, apd t o ___— la, the way that islU be

' Ghaoae* for . bettw I continue ' to i

- ave come In th*In so Important

of the Bos^ peaelve , be'

h :1 be IM W td d a i

OUlrlgbLFoital clerks a r t hum an and so they are

----- I t does not insure your J in l ''____J by first-class man msraly ■

tte r ra le i on tham. T h e y . l ^ . , ■a or fourth-sM sg mall It bxlto ,

' i fjn a r vwtx

m t •"



[ te o R

Fatad*rk lef

Heidie n l» r *»fltay.

ATL.. day „( auiplcl n t Its Ih* ray As on mous, Interva hav* noon yi

Preal Ho in to-day. Jamme

Freak munlea, Mayor llnaulsl

Govei wcicotn

The J Colonel ovation

"Olhi their p honor . year, b rejolcin gatherc congral ■vrvatk fix a da of beln of the and Spi

"Und fightlnr of old lory, come* I ancient For thli forever (or the

"Thl« vlnclbk haa coi dlvUlbl trlbutlc and In Southej tunlty and wi call of teadere! raarcht flag, no they hi epotleei shining

"Thai tiphere of Uber Who wl whom will hai

"W* . te ll tbi nation I Ignored Ing and we had so neat to our ierrltor th* Bai cd,

"B ut courssT declare course; couragi ■tesd o be Boat dago, J would t logs wt who, J

"Thui duty, won In peaoe and w sw ay ( countr) when 1 clearer JolcLng ployed been t confide genclea that Ol cause t

B reil and thi vate d o’clock tnet m m ail T hla roc WIUlii; Jtibllee promln

The a l tha ot the ceptiun In Atli tlon to fired II mlratlo Joe Wl Genera army each a

Th* f mlUtar; streets from tl atrsets to Bxp Harietl ads col mend < staS it Ing pri Wlllooi o t aUl Hall. A Gulf: C Garnet arick. t Jam es L. Win untean Second

Six tl d rtn , 41 LOOO mi arat* t aral Jt officers Grand 200 mot Man's ( Evingi th* Cs tha At •enU tl all par rad*.

Theguest*P*g«4U) New Jwbiob ■t AU marchl comma Coates, s t m t 1 thoiisal StTNtSestlOD aey. wl

'Hi* I most « crowd 1 logs a l welcoa Jo* Wl who fo end ihi force k blo^ed

Arrlv P r « ^

m m m i


Third Edition.F i s i i m

W S ON H O NSteond Day of tbe Peace Jabilee at

Atlanta, Qa.

E S C O a lf D I T T H E THIRD NEW l E R l E Y .

r m n d . or H a s , O t p i a l u t l u , , WlUt t h . rk l* r B « » n t l n M l b . O tw n m l # | A ll Ob- H m n - A d i n l r .U o i i EaprMMd tor tba H aldlan from T h l . I tA ta -O r.U o a to Ooa> • n l W lio o l.r -S p o o cti a t Ih* A w U ta r i.m I p tb a C U o f K u o tt llr a -T h a F la | Moat ■togr.

A T L A N T A , G a,, Dac. Kl.—Tha ircon d day u( the A tla n ta paaca Jubllaa vprnrd au ap id ou a ly . T ba tem parature lia j re lax- n t Ita H to r conaldarably and w arm th In iha raya o f th e aun w aa early percapilble. Aa on yaatard ay tb a cro w d , w era eiior* nioua, excura lon tralna a rr lv ln i a t abort In te rv a l, from a ll dlrectlona. The h o te l, h ave baan tu rn in g aw a y people a in c i noon yaatarday.

Prraldant M cK in ley addreceed the pub­lic In th e A ud itoriu m In PlvdmgiU Park to-day. T he b uild ing era to ]u,UdU and waa Jammed.

Praaldent H em ph ill, m aater o f cere- m onlea. a fte r a abort addrea.. Introduced M ayor C ollier, w ho w elcom ed the dla- llngu lah ed v la lto r . to th e city .

G overnor A lk m aon , on part o f the S ta te , w elcom ed th e p arty to Georgia.

T h e P reald en t. w h o w aa Introduced by C olonel H em ph ill, w a t g iven a Iremendoipi ovation by th e au dience. H e said:

"O ther p a r ti o f th e country liave had th eir public th a n k a g lv ln g and Jubtlrea In honor o f th e h J.torlc eventa of ih a pa.L year , bul n ow h ere h a i th ere been g rea ter rejoicing than am on g th e people here, th e gath ered repreaen tatlvea o f the South , 1 con g ra tu la te th em upon their accu rate ob- le rv a tlo n o f ev e n ta w hich enabled th em to B i a date w h ich Intured them tha p riv ilege o f being th e drat to ce leb ra te the .Ig n in g o f th e trea ty o f p eace by tba A m erican and Spanlab co m m liilo n e r ..

"U nder h o .t i le lire on a foreign' aoll, B ghtlng In a com m on oau .e , th e m em ory o f old d tim greem en ti h « i faded Into h li- lory . F rom cam p and cam paign th ere cornea th e m ag ic h ea lin g w hich h a . cloaed aoc len t w o u n d , and effaced th eir K ara. F or th ia r e .u lt e v e r y A m erican patriot w ill forever re jo ice . I t la no .m a ll Indem nity for th e c o a t o f th e w ar,

" T h l. G overn m en t h a . proved i t u l f In­v in cib le In th e recent w ar, and out o f It h a . co m e a n a tio n w hich w ill rem ain In- d lvU lb le fo rev e r m ore. N o w orthier e o a - tr lb u tlo n . h a v e been m ade In patrloU am and In m en th a n by th e people o f t h e n S ou th ern S ta tea . W h en a t l . i t th e oppor­tu n ity ca m e th ey w ere eager to m eet It. and w tlh p rom p tn ea . repaonded to tha ca ll o f co u n try . Intruated to th e a b le teaderahlp o f m en d ear to them , w ho had m arched w ith th e ir fa th e r i under a n o th er flag, now lig h tin g und er the old flag a ga in , th ey h a v e g lo r lo u a ly helped to defend ita apotleaa fo ld , and added new luatre to I t . ah in tn g ita ra .

" T h a t flag haa been p lan ted In tw o h em - t.p herea , and th ere It ren u ln a , th e aym bol of lib erty and la w , o f p eace and progreaA W ho w ill w ith d r a w It from tb a people o v er w hom It f lo a t . In p ro tectin g foldaT W h o w ill h a u l It dow n?

"W e could h a v e avo id ed a ll tba dlfflcnl- tela tb a t lie acroae th e p a th w ey o f the nation If a te w m ontha ago we had co ld ly Ignored th e p iteou a appeala o f the atarv- Ing and oppreeaed in h a b ita n t, o f C uba. If w e had blinded ou raelvea to th e condftlone eo n ear ou r ahorea and turned a d eaf ear to ou r a u fler in g n elgh b ori, the laaue o f iarrlto iia ] ex p a n tlo n In the A ntlllea and th e E aat Ind lea w ould not h ave baea rala- edt

" B ut cou ld w e h a v e Juatlfled auch a coursaT la th ere a n y on e w ho w ould now declare an o th er to h a v e been tba b etter couraeT W ith lean h u m an ity and leaa cou rage on our p art, th e Bpanlah flag In- ■tead o f the S tare an d Strlpea w ould a tlll be floating a t C av ite , e t Ponce and a t S a n ­tiago , and a 'ch an ce In th e race o f life' w ould be w a n tin g to m lllloaa o f hum an be­in g s w ho to -d ay c a ll t h l . nation nobis an d who, 1 tr u it , w ill liv e to ca ll It b leiaed.

" T h u . tar w e h a v e done our .u p rem e d uty. S h a ll w e n ow , w hen the v ic tory w on In w ar la w ritten In th e trea ty o f peaoe and th e civU iaed world a p p la u d , and w a it . In exp ec ta tion , turn tim idly aw a y from th e duU ee Impoeed upon the country by I t . ow n grea t deeds? A nd w hen the m is ts fad e and w e » e w ith clearer v is ion , m ay w a not go tortb re­jo ic in g In a a tren g th w hich h a . been em ­ployed so le ly tor h um an ity and a tw a y i been tem pered w ltb Justice and m ercy, con lldcnt o f ou r a b ility to m eet th e e x l - g e a c le . w hich a w a it, b ecause confident th at our co u rse la one of duty and our cau se th a t o f right?"

B rcak faa t w a . w r v ed to the P resid en t and th e m em b ers o f h i . party In th e p ri­v a te d in in g-room o f th e K im ball a t I o'c lock th is n o r n in g , a fte r w hich th e C ab­in et m em bers d evoted an hour to th eir m a il T h e P reeld en t .p e n t tbe m orning In b i. room . H e w aa ca lled on by C olonel W illiam A. H em ph ill, prealdent o f the J lib |le« A .eo c la tlo n , an d aeveral o th er prom in en t clU aens,

T h e ovation g iv e n Preeldent M cK in ley a l th a ca p ita l yesterd ay by the m eroberi o f th e L eg isla tu re w aa the g rea te st re­ception ev er g iv e n an A m erican citlaen In A tla n ta , and h is speech h av in g re la ­tion to the cure o f C onfederate dead h as Bred the h ea r ts o f Southerners w ith ad ­m iration tor th e C hief E xecu tive . G eneral Joe W h eeler la ch eered a t every step , en d G en era ls L aw ton , Y oung, G ates and o th er arm y offleers are h eartily received a t each appearan ce.

T h e fe a l iir s o t tha day waa the civ ic and m lU tary p arade, w hich passed through tbe s tree ts d urlb g th e a ttern ocn . S tartin g from th e corner o f G arnat and W h iteh a ll straets a t noon th e procession proceeded to E x p osition Parle over A labam a, Broad, M arietta an d P ea ch tree atreeta, 'The p ar­ade conalated o f ten dtvlttona under oom - m and o f G rand M arsh al A. J, W est. H is s ta E Included, am o n g others, the fo llow ­in g prom inent people; M ajor C leveland W lllogxaon , Erifth O aorgla Infantry , ch ie f o t s ta ff; L ieu ten an t-C olon el W illiam P . H all, A dju tan t-G en era l, D epartm ant o f th e G ulf: C olon el A. P. C leary. H on. C. 0 . B. O arnatt, o f V irg in ia ; C aptain D. A. F red - arlck, U . B. A .; O. C. M ol. Carter, U. B. A .; Jam ea O, Ladd, South C arolina; M ajor C. L, W ing, Second A rtillery , A rkansas V ol- u n te a n ; L ie u te n a n t M oorehead W right, Second AH tanaaa V olunteers.

B ti th ousan d Infan try , 10,000 lehoo l c h il­dren, 400 carr ia g es , con ta in in g l,tOO people, LOW m em bera o f secre t orders, SOO C onfed- arata vatarsjia , ubder com m and o f G en­era l Joa W h eelar, 1,000 laboring men, ion ofltoer. and m a r s h a l , fw tiv e bands, too G rand A rm y m en , a aquad o f policem en, 000 m ounted p o lice , m em bers o f the Y oung M an's C hristian A aaocU tlon and )(lnlBtera' E va n g ellea l A eaoolatlon; MO m embera o f th e C ap ita l C ity C lub and F ulton C lub, th e A tla n ta F ire D epartm ent and repre- a cn ta llvea o f SOO citric orgablaationa from a il p a rts o f tb a sou th took part In tha p a ­rade.

T he F restd en t an d o th er dlatlngulahed gueata to ca r r ia g es w ere a t the head o f tba p agean t. T h ey w ere eacorted by th e T hird N ew J ersey and F ifteen th P en n sy lvan ia , w hich Cams over from their w lo ter cam p a t A thena tor th e occasion , The fine m arch ing o f th ese tw o regim ents, under com m and o f B rigad ler-O en artl W illiam C oate i, aa th ey sw u n g into Paachtrea s tree t under th a Jubllae troh , cau gh t the th ou san d s w ho packed tba d ow n tow n atreeta an d w aa a aource o f m uch gra tlfl. ca tion to O o v a m o r V oorbaas, o t N ew Jar-

w h o w aa In a carriage ahead.Tba P raaldent w aa com pell«d to bow a l.

m oat PonU nuoualy to th e chaera from th e crow d a n d from th e w lndow a o f th e build ­in gs a lo n g th e rou te o f march, A roar o f w elcom e d ep o tsd th a potltlon o t Oanaral Joe W h eeler M d hta hand o t cava lrym en w ho fo llow ed h im th rou gh th e C ivil W ar. and Ihe lead er a t tim et, com pelled to fores hla horiw th rou gh th e throngs th a t blocked hla p a th .

a l J P o w da L soh aven u e, th e Praaldaiit and p a r ty lo r ta w id th e parade.

''W a sU a g to a and Had," v ia Boutf

Iw' . th e SaiBMt

I PaalSaOaaw.


A m ong thoaa on th e . t e n d w ith th e C hief E x tcu U v e w ere M aju r-G .nvsal S b .f ir r , M rs. M cK Inlry.H on. Ueorgif H. P e ck , Hon. L ym an J. G age. H on. C h tr le . Em ory S m ith , H on. C harles F. W iirw ick , S ecre­tary o f th e N a v y 1-ung, L Jeu lenan t Mol>- io n , Hon, John Addlwtn P orter, G overaar A llen D . Candler, M ayor C ollin, C olonel W illiam A H em ph ill and ax-G overn or A l- klnaon.

A fter the parade had i>asMd Ih e rev lrn ’- liiK stau il the P rrild en t and th e o ther gueata o f the c ity w ere d riven to P iedm ont P erk , w here th ey w ere th e gu eata o f the P led in un l D riv ing C lub u l an ela liora te luncheon .

A m ong th e arrivala to-duy w ere G eneral W illiam It. S hatter and hla a ld er , C relgo- lon W ebb and L ieu ten an t N oble, G overnor Josep h F. Jo h n .io n , o f A lab am a, and the A lab am a L eg isla ture; a num ber o f arm y o m c e n from A nn iston , ex -M a y o r F ltipaC - rlck, e x -P o .im a .te r D an ie ls , ex -C o D g re ..- m an C olem an, H. C. t ,e a te and U . J. San­d ers, o f N ew O rleans, an d th e fo llow in g p arty from N ssh v llle : Joh n W , T hom as, p resid en t o f th e N ash v ille , C h a tta ilo o g . and S t. L o u l. Hallroad. und M rs. T hom as, Mr, and Mrs. M. M. G ardner. W . P . H ut- la iiil, John W ilton T. Irw in and a num ber o t la d U a

P resid en t M cK inley s ta te d to -d a y th a t a b rigad e of troops w ould be se n t to A tlan ­ta . "I ordered a brigade sen t to A tla n ta und Ihought It w a s h i te .” ha rem arked. T h e Prealdent seem ed surprised th a t tha ir o o p i ordered h ere had been s e n t elae- w here.

T he G eorgia L eg isla tu re to -d ay adopted resoliitiona com m ending th e P r e s ld e n l'i apeech yesterd ay referring lo F ed era l care o f C onfederate dead. T h e re io lu tlu ii alao ap prove President M cK in ley 's co u rse 111 th e S panish W ar,


Dctrlarfti Ih* L'nUt^ Cioii D o Noth*li»C A bniil rh lllp pJiiri. W llh o u l

C o a iin t 0f PltlpInaBsU > N D O N . D ec. iC.-AffOhclIlo* th e repr*-

een ltit lv e o f A g u in e tio , th e Insu rgen t leader In th e P hilipp ine I s la n d i, u illr for N ew York on fcU turda\. to, h e mlleges, " reiu tn e Uls (lu ltes i s rep reecn la tlve Of the K illp lno G overnm ent iit W M hlnglon .'* In an Interview he said:

“ T he on ly portion o f th e B p sn lsIu A m er. Iran treaty w hich wa a r e con cern ed In Is Iha ce ss io n o f the P h ilip p in es, w hich It illeg a l, a s the Hpauiarda lo st th e ir sov* er e lg n ty over the Islsn d s and th e Arm>r> le a n s can not dispoee o f th e fu tu r e o f the a rch ip e lago w lth oul co n su ltin g th e Fll> Iplnos. T heir consent, by p opular vo te , Is n ecessary . A s u niversal su ffr a g e form s th e baaift o f the A tneiic iin C on stitu tion , th e U nited B tates can n ot b u t carry out th is m easure.

resu lt of the P e a ce C om m ission 's d eliberation Is only sa tis fa c to r y to us, in ­a sm u c h BI Rpain Is turned out o f th e PhlR Ipplne Islands. I do n ot k n ow ofllclBlIy w h y th e ElUpInos h ave n ot re leased the S p an ish prisoners. I te legrap h ed to A gui- n ald o on the subleeiy and 1 h ereby declare It to be untrue ib a t th ey a r e h eld for ran . •om .

" 1 can only regard th e p ose lb U even tu a l sa le o f the Island i a s b ein g nohsenslcaK

"M y countrym en w ill r e s ist to th e blU er end s j iy attem p t to se ll th e P h ilip p in es to a foreign Pow er. W e a r e a n x io u s to ^ united and allied to ou r good fr ien d s, the A m ericans, b u l beyond th is, w e a re deter* m ined a t all hasards to rem ain Independ­en t."



Republican Asseinblymen, After a Stiff Fight, Give Position of BUI

Clerk to George E. Powell.


A riing I to irr a o r W atk ina J i« blrd ou for Navakfr and W oihI M rK aa M ade Laatlvr o f Iha H oU M -C earu t to Ha H eld o a tba K ivain g o f Jan uary lb to Nam o tha Uaa- dldatv for I'n itod atalva k an ato^ M aJor Ion ia Engloonra llio l l t a l tv GIvn T b it County Mora ra tro a a g r .

r ilK N T U N , iJro, 15 .--A firr a hot von leat 111 111# cuui ua o f tiip HppulilU'ati A aotn iu iy - in«ii-»liu'i Ill-day, ll ic K atex C'ounty m rm - brrB «uii,<idrd In evcurlng an uth rr ofllc* for thrir oounty. UtHirgn K. I'uw rll w aa rlm.^ri) for Ihe puallloii o f Hill O W k . w hich hod originally bvuii a llo itiU lo t'u m U T lau d Comity.^Tlir I'auruH won Iield In Ibv Apiarmblv

Chumbi o It WUB nn Innovation In mure r w io f i . Ilian one. i t wiia th e lirat llmi' In till! jH illllcal b lt lo r y o f th e S to le that ih e m ajority , or contrulU tig jMiwer, hi e ith er llu u r e o f ,h a Ix'gla- liuure, liad com e lu g e ih e r to m an y w rrka In ad vance o f Ih e organ ioa ilon , lu caucmi binding on tb e iia r ile tiia n ta F u r - Ihcrmcre. It w a t Hie lirat tim e th at on e of th e panirliian ta , and th e rrclident o f tbe lilglieKi honor In Hie g ift Of the ca u c iii, heiiiieiieil lo lie the A' lln g G overnor Of th e Sluii'. i i w as a lso tha nrat lim e th a t a Ijarly cHU'.’Uii had opened l i t door lo tha pri Kn und perm itted th e p reeenee o f re- poriiTi during It* drllberatlon . T h e la tter ui llon w as tak en on m otion o f Aaaem- hlj'xnun Gunn; her, o f K sseg , w ho. In m ak ­ing the lu ggesU an , rem arked th a t th e preiie Invariably got a ll th a t transpired and It wfoiild Ijb m ore dealrable to p erm it th e presence o f their reproaentatlvea th an to exclude thrm, Sooio o f Ih e m em bera ob­jected, but th e m otion w o t ev en tu a lly carried by a vo te o t » lo », E sse x voting a s a unit In favor o t It.

Mr, G uenther then m oved th e e lec tio n o t A ssem blym an M cK ee, o f P assa ic , a s chairm an o t th e caucua and leader o f the

A m o a g Ihe N om bor W ho Parchaaad tha M ock o f tba F srro Oarrll

baao o f R avaaa ,H a v a n a , D ec. U .—A t a g en era ] m eet­

in g o f th e stock holders o f tha F arro Car- ril U rbano yesterd ay th e aale o f th e e » . t ir e s to ck , am ou n tin g to | 1 ,*CK|,0W, w as au- thorlxed a t W. H a lt o t tb a a m o u n t Was takan by G eorgs W. Y oung, p resid en t o f th e U nited S la te s M ortgage an d T ru st C om pan y; Senator Sm ith , o f N e w Jersey ; P e rc iv a l Farquhar. P , 8 . P earson , C olonel G. B. M. H arvey and H an eon B ro th ers, o f M ontreal. T he o th er h a lf w a s U k e n by R u ffe * S ons and T . W . Todd, bankara ot L on d on. '

C aptain-G eneral C aatellanea h aa Issued an ord er stopping w ork on tb e railroad coneeM lona, w llb on t preju d ica to the r ig h ts o f an y o f tho pasMaa In terested , n n tn th e A m ericana ta k e con tro l here T h ii p reven ts tha A m erican Ind lea Cora: p a n y D om b eginn ing th e con stru ction o f a a tree l railroad under tb a d isp u ted D e la T orro conceaalon.

C aptain McCuUagh'a p olice p la n w ill em ­b ra ce precin ct a tatlofl-hou aei. i f h e can g e t m on ey en ou gh lo rent th em . T h e force w ill probably co n sist o f l ,a » m en and a D e te c t iv e B ureau . Form er poU cem en wlU b e used a i far a s possib le.

HERR BEBEL GALLED TO ORDER.H a k e s a Speach la tha B a te b sU g CTHteia>

la g E m peror W illia m , H ta Acta a ad P a lM aa.

B E R L IN , D ec. Ik —D u r in g th e d eb a te on th a es t im a tes In the R eich sta g to -d a y H err B eb el. tb e Soclaiiat leader, e ip r e ta e d sa t- la fa c tlo n a t the re -e sta b lish m en t o f fo o d re la tio n s botw een G reat B r ita in a n d Ger­m an y .

H e a leo cr itlclaed E m p eror 'W illiam ’s acta and hom e poUtIca, s a y in g t t w a s a p ity th e revenuee o f tha G erm an E m pire w ere sw allow ed up by th a arm y, th e n a v y an d th e colonies, and th a t h e understood th a t th ere w oe an Intention In Influential q u a r ters to Introduco a a tlll la rger n ava l program m e.

C ontinu ing, H err B ebel referred lo tho ex p u la lo n t from Pruaala, c o n tra stin g them w ith th e conciliatory u ttera n ces o f E m ­peror W illiam In the C hurch o f th o R e­d eem er o f Jerusalem .

H err B eb el then proceeded to cr itic ise th e Im perial rem arks, a m id t^onslderablt uproar and erica of "Sh am e 1" F in a lly , b s w aa c a lled to o rd er .____________

DEATHS IN AVALANCHES.D IIBoullias lo C oottru cU ag th a W h ite

P a is Itsllw ay—R ep orts o f F a io ll- tlea on th e B a il .

V IC T O R IA , B. C„ D ee. 16,- T h e eteam er D anu b e, arriv in g from L yn n C anal, re­p o rts a su ccession o f fa ta l a c c id e n ts during th e canal ruction ot the W h ite Paaa R ail­w a y , causail by an ava lan ch e.

F ir s t Oflloer L aw ren ce, o f th e D anube, W hile a t B kagw ay, w as I old o t t l x o t tbeae acetd en ta occurring w ith in a w eek . H e ob­ta in ed no nam es, but w aa aa tu red th a t no few e r than fltteen or tw e n ty bad lost th eir l lv e i on tho ra ilw ay s in ce th e ad­v e n t o t w inter,

A n um b er o f d ea th s ara a lso apokea o f aa h a v in g ooourred on th e trait to B en n ett on ly one, how ever, bein g p o sit iv e ly con i Armed. In th is cose th e v ic t im w a s F er- row , a w ell-kn ow n p acker, w h o w aa found froxen to death on tb e tum m IL

OOLONKL HRYAN't BEMG.VATION,T ext o f B i t le H t r tv th e AiUniawt-G enaral

at W ashlngtvB ,W A SH IN G T O N , D ec. J6, - T h e W ar D e ­

p artm en t to-d ay m ade p ublic th e fo llow ­in g Ifttler from Colonel W illiam Jen n in gs B ryan , resigning h is com m ission a s a v o l­u n teer ofllcer;"Cam p Onward, S avan n ah , G a. D ec

ID, UH." A d ju lant-G enoral, U . 8 . A .. W ash in g ton

O, C." B lr -T h a d isp atches from P grla an ­

n ou n ce th a t Iha term s o f th e tr e a ty be­tw een th e U nited S ta le s and S p a in h ave been fu lly agreed upon and th a t tha com - m isalonars w ill sign tha sam e a s aoon a t It ca n be engrossed . B eliev in g th a t under p fea ea t con d ltlon t I can be m ore u ie fu l to m y cou n try a t a clviUan th a n a s a sold ier I h ereby tender ray reelgn a llon , to tak e effec t Im m ediately upon Its aooeptancc.

" R esp eotfu lly , ato„

"C olonel Third R eg im en t N eb ra sk a V ol.u n teer Infan try ."

in ffortem enta from * " * « < " » • com m an d ers under

w h ich Colonel B ryan s erved.

'Boakanakera la d lo ta d .W A SH IN G T O N . D ec, I L -T h e G rand

j u a 10-d ay raported Ind ictm en ia a g a in st B ook m akara Connor, E m erson , ^ I n e a and K lein , ch arg in g v io la tion o f th e g a m in g lasra a t th e reeent m eetin g a t tho Bennlnon » n t i a o k . S I m ih r e h a w a b rou gh t agam at W h ce lo o t, L ecb tetn , W a lb a u n f L M ra5f5 u nd Bnow w era Ignored. ■ jw rm an

Naaataa Q uay in ._ FHILADBLPHIA, Doc. Il,.w-Unllid-

^^ohsn statMTlwt U m ^ u> Qodag Cor

A ctinc-G ov^rnor D tT ifl O* W a ik ln i, W ho w in a g a in b e S peaker.

niAjoiltF. Mr, M urray, o f U nion, priM tit* ed tha nam e o f D av id W atk in a. o f G louccater, b ut th e la tte r declined to a c ­cept th e nom ination , an d Mr. M cK ee w aa unaclm oualy e^iocted.

Aeaem btym an B ell, o f B ergen , wan elihct- ed aecratary, and then nom lnationa for S peaker w ere ca lled for.

AiaiBrtflyiwew • flyatra M urray, o f Uakm , aroaa a t tb e sa m e tim e, and (he ch a ir r e c o g n lu d th a "G entlem en from U nion."

"W hich oneT** queried Mr. Squire, and h i i co lleagu e rem arked: cither oneo f Ui w ltl do, to r th e reaaon th at, w hile I w ae anxioua to h ave our friend W atkina for leader, I am aatU fled tb a t he la one o f the beat. If n ot th e beat. Speakcra th e H ou se o f A ssem b ly ev er bad, and 1 am goin g to n om in ate him.'*

C ontinuing, Mr. M urray m ade an e x ­tended addreea eu logtallo o f th e A ctin g- Governor, and d en yin g a n y and a ll s ta te - m eu te th at h e waa a t an y tim e opposed to his candidacy for Speaker.

A n em b lym en G u en lh er ,o f E w e z ; Squire, o f U nion; B rad ley , o f Cam den; B ell, o f B ergen; Lewla, o f P aeea lc; W ood, o f M er-

A aeem blym an W ood McKee, R epublican L eader o f the A ieem bly,

cer. and o th er i, seconded the nornlnaMon, and Mr. W atk in s w iu unanim ously elected a e the R ep ub lican candidate for S peaker o f tha H ouee.

Mr. Squire, w ho Is aerepled a s th e "leader" o f th e cau cu s, and th e one w ho called It togeth er, had ii mtmber of type­w ritten reeolu tlon e concerning the organl* aatlon, and he offered them one a fter an* other.

T he liret ca lled for a joint caucue o f (he S enate and H o u se o f A iaem biy, (he Senate concurring, to be held on January 10, 1K99, a t fl P. M., for th e purpoHo of ee lectin g a candidate for U nited S ta tee Senuior*

T b e resolution w as adopted w ithout a d issen tin g vote, and It w as follow ed by another resolution providing (hat the sev ­era l offleers o f the Houac, eac iu ilv o of doorkeepers, c lerk s to com m IR ees and pages, be apportioned to the couniiee to w hich the sam e ofRoos had been allotted la st year. T h is w a s adnpled, and. as later am ended, m ean e th a t th e follow ing officers w in be elected on th e duy o f organ lso llon:

Bpeaker o f th e H ouse—D avid O, W aU kins, o f G loucester.

Speaker’s P r iv a te Beerctary—Georgd E, Pierson, o f G loucreter.

A iiis ta n t—G eorge Bhivers, of U ioucestsr.C lerk o f th e H ou se—T hom as II. Junes, o f

B bm>x .A ssista n t Clerk—C harles F. Hopkins, o f

U orrU . ■fleorctary to th e C Jerk-H erbert H .

M atts, o t ’EBsex.Journal C lcrk—W illlam A Morrell, o f

union.A aslstan l Jou rn al C lerk—Aaron C. D em -

arest, o f B ergen .B n grossln g c le r k —C harles H . F olw ell,

o f Burtington.F irst A ss is ta n t B n grossln g Clerk—Elm er

F reeland , o f E saex.Beoond A u U ta n t E n grossin g Clerk—C arl

A. W eldel. o f M ercer , „8 ergaan t*a t-A rm s-Joh n R< F lavell, of

W rst A ss is ta n t S erges nt-at-A rm s—HOH ratio 13, H aven s, o f Ocean.

Second j ^ l s t a n t Bergeant-at-A rm #— John V. A. V aneleef. of ^ m e r s e t .

BUi C ler k -O eo rg e B. P ow ell, o f E ssex .A ssistan t B ill C lerk -J o sep h H lnger, o f

Cam den.T h e resolution provides th at th e various

bounty d eleg a tio n s shoutd m ake the s s - leotlqns so a llo tted and present thorn to L eader M cK ee for subm ission to the H ou se on th e d a y o f organ isation .

Mr. aqullre, in sui»m tttlng th s resolution, said be did so b ecause tho politica l com* plexion o f (h s H ou se w a s th e sam e io num ber and cou n ty representation , ao far a s th ese ufflees w ere concerned, aa la s t year. f

Mr. Guenther, of Essex, opposed the adoption of the resolution because Essex was looking for one more office than It had test year—tbat of Bill Clerk—and he tiRmgbt the county was entitled to It. ^"were U not for the good work done by Mnax on ate^ion day, os wld, we would hive he -olHeea to distribute, The same condition a isled laat year, and we sought tM OBH addlUoiMl ofAoe then that we aek M thuT(wioae now. All we ask la what we (teeiw fab, tod 1 trust thc'^vtlee of on>r*

ym be admlitcd by the mM r s'ig iitr e reptfed th at w h ile w inii

to f r e e for lU ex cellen t ■ho'

Ing it ahouM b«' rem rm b i red that th f oiUrr cou n ties con cern ed had done |irm>oriU>n- a te ly u s w?Jl. T o g iv e Easi'x uioii ihHn It had lust yt'iir w ould necespltate lUc lak- in g a w a y from a n o th er Repnhiiruu county iiume or th e p a tro n a g e to whicli li had a h otter cla im th an E sse x .

A aaem b lyn irn -eleet Jon es and Klein, of E sse x , argued a g a in s t th e rfHulutlan, (he la tte r hold in g th a t it took sw ay frum the g en era l ca u cu s and deleKatcii to the sev- erul oo u n ly c a u c u e e i the right (u d esig­n a te o ffic ls la

S evera l o th ers apoke b jth t->\ mo n g sirst th e resolution , an d U w as dually auonUHl by A v o te o f II to U , tw o minilnTiH-.McKee an d H e ll'-rcfra ln ln g from voting, ami A sh­ley , o f A tlan tic , beiiiji atmem. King, of P a ssa ic ; M urray, o f r n lo n ; w^ikelrc, of B ergen, and S tee lm a n , of ( ‘umherland, voted w ith K seex a g a in s t the rt-solutiun.

T he E sse x ca n d id a te fur ihv iH»iiiUun w a s G eorge E . P ow ell and Un hopes of hli< fr ien d s w ere rea lised im rily Ih'cuuhc th e C um berland deb g a ih m could nru ugrfv cm a can d id a te for th e pOHldon. Amhinihly- m an Bhrophlre favored (ln< ofW illiam K. Ijopp y, and flteelmun Insisted on Joh n W . N ew lln .

T h e o n ly o th er p osition at a ll In duubt Is th a t o f Jou rn a l C lerk, iilintied to Union C oun ty. Mr. B quire fHUirM .Miirr^li uml ■Hys he w ill w in . b ut Mr. AUimij Ims un idea th a t th e ch o ic e w ill full to Nmih Mor­rison , o f PIttIntSeld. W limi Mr. itqiiiru an ­nounced th a t C olon el W illiam a . Murrell w a s hlH ch o ice so m e n f tli?> im min rx fruni o th er co n n d e s r e fn -^ i to Ik'IIcvi- him

T h ey had an Idea lh a i h*- refirred to **Colonel" M urrell, on e uf the ■ idared ad­v iso ry m em b ers o f th e 8 tari> Itim ucratic C om m ittee^ an d uM um ed that Mr Hqulre w aa Joking in p resen tin g hiM naim-. Mf. Bquire a ssu red them that mich w as not th e case , and th a t h is rHii<]hhi(e w as a rep u tab le and h ig h ly reK|u.'(-iuhh cm ien o f E lisab eth .

R eso lu tion s w ere adonu-d iimviding that th e sam e num lter o f dourkt-?'! i-t-N, pSKes. ga llery -k eep ers and c lerk s to cnm m litees a s w ere em ployed last year ehould he a l­lo tted lo th e severa l coinmliiFt^a by a

Hteeriiig com m ittee" of llv i th e ch CicKer a

to m ak e tli_e d la tr lh u tk a i. ArHctnld^incn

ig com m ittee" of llu-, lo be ap­pointed by Ihe chair.

L eader M cK ee aptiu lntid aa a lu in m ltlee •' T il •

bquire, o f U nion; iluthM ur. of Eeecx- H ornrr. o f B u rlington : b lu ir, o1 F u sa ilc . and B radley, o f i.'am<icn.

A recNme u f o n e hum thiui taken to

S1m ‘ th e cu tn m ltlce n «iKith c lu niaku the 1st rthuUon.A fter th e rocPSH. ihc r.iu-nr. by u nan ­

im ou s vote, am ended ih?- rDtuilutfcm ijer- m ltlin g th e sev era l i-4?'jm(i n in scleci (he H ou se officers so Thi uh ii ni.plli-d lo BUI C lerk. N om ln ailotm r<n- tnin oHl*-e w ere ca lled for am i four fuiHiHaice were nam ed—G eorge K. 1*oM.id!, mT K?*arj; Will- lam If. lAOppy anil Juhti W. Ni wllri, o f C iim herlatio , and ChurleK a . Lyle, uf Fasaalc.

T h e first bnllot renuHfd In thirteen v o te i ench fi»r Ja»|ipy Ht»l l«iur fur N ew -lln and th ree for Lyle. Tlii> latter w as dropfied, und otl th e aei'und haJlot Powell received fifteen Votes, L-piiy ihlrt»Hin aiid NcW’tln five. T h e |« t(? r waa ilmupfiL and

(h e th ird ba llo t Pow ell wuii hy unvote o f IN to 1ft.

T h e resu lt w a s engineered during tha re­ce ss by M ajor L?enti and uDier prominent E sse x R epuhllcana. wlm coiivlru-cd (he R epresen ta ll vex from other N4‘rtions that E ssex w a s enitllh'd to all (hat had Ireeh a llo lted to th e co u n ty ami anyihlng else It could g e t in th e w av o f iiSlrdnagc. E mcx w ill a lto re ce iv e fou r dourki'epcrf and three p ages.

It w as cu rren tly reported here thU a f­ternoon th a t B . E v er h t Mills would be a|>- polnted P o s tm a ster o f E ast Orange.

T h e on ly B anators at the Btatc H ouse to­d ay w are S tok es, M iller. Hand and H utch­in son , and a ll agreed that It luoked very m u ch a s If S en a to r R eM wouhl capture th e S en a te presid en cy. Hta frlenda claim th a t h e has a t le a s t ten votes, and they ex p re ss th e op in ion that he will h ave m ore before th e flen a te caucus is held.

T he d a te for th e cau cu s has not been agreed upon, b u t H wrlll probably be .Jan­uary 6.

A ll th e m inor S en a te officers w ill he re­elected and th e B ennte m ajortiy will agree w ith th e ir H o u se eo n fe ieee to hold a Joint ca u cu s and n om in ate John K ean, o f Union, for U nited B tstea S en ator to suece( d Jam es S m ith , o f E nscx. w hose term expires on lilarch 4, 1S99.


g a KaglLskiiiBB K ille d by h 'atlvw aed S o ld ier s—F ren ch P r ie s t H urned-O er- m an L athoran R an T brougti th e Body.

V A N C O U V E R B . C .. Dec. 15 .-A dviees from C hina s ta te th a t J . F lem in g , an E n g . Ilsb ro ln lon ary . h as been killed by natives and so ld iers T alng P ing, n inety m iles e a s t o f K ust Y ang. T h e m ission-house w a s raided and burned dow n. T here has been no a ttem p t to p un ish a t the hands o f M andarins.

A F rench m ission ary h as been burned to death a t Bw atow . T h e m lsrion waa a t­tacked and C atholic cro sses and a ltars de­stroyed by a m ob of a thousand C hristian h aters. A lt escap ed to th e roounialns but th e F ren ch p riest. T h o fleeing women w ere not pursued , a t th e p riest stood hla ground. H e w a s Hod to th e bed post and th e house se t on Are, th e m issionary be­ing consum ed In th e flam es.

A t Shan -T u n g so ld iers raided the Oer* m an L utheran M ission . T h ey told the m ission aries if th ey m oved ou t they would not be m olested . O ne F relm u th told them to do th eir w orst. T h ey ran FreimuLh through th e body and th rew him Lnto a creek. H e craw led a w a y In th e n igh t and w a s taken care o f by a fr ien d ly n a tive un­til h is d eath .

REGULAR ARMY REFORMS.T h . H w ,a lr .m .a t* o f T w o B T aach e. o f the

Servloe. Iha G tiartarm i ateF a and th e C o in m la u rr U apaH uiaaU .

W A SH IN G T O N . D « . 1 6 .-G eneral Lud- Inrton ih e Q u arierm aiter^ Ien era l. wa* th e Aral w iliii't* before th e H ou se M ili­ta ry A ffa ir , C om m lltee to-d ay. Ho said th ere w ere now IB offleer* In h ti depart- m em . T h is waa not en ou gh , and he did n ot th in k the H u ll b ill w ould provide enough.

Ttie propoaed tranaport terv ice would throw a irreot d ea l o f ad dition a l w ork upon tho Q uarterm aater'a D epartm en t. H e th ough t Iha b ill sh ou ld bo am ended ao aa to provide ilia t officer* appointed from civ il life or the vo lu n teer serv ice ahould be exam ini'd a s to b ua ln ea i quallflcatlona aa w ell a , p h ysica l tltncaa.

G eneral E a g a n , C om m laiacy-O eneral, follow ed G eneral L u d ln g ton . H e said that hla recom m endation w a s for a lx ly -tw o o f- itcera, niid he (liou gh t th a t num ber waa a b so lu le ly n ecessary . T h e M ull bill carried on ly forty -fou r.

H e said Ihe first duly o t th e Government to the so ld iers w a s to see that th ey were properly ted. T h e Bubslatonoe Department had been steadily cut down since the close o f th e C ivil W ar, until at the opening of Ihe S panish w ar there were' on ly twenty- two ofllcera In his department.

--------------------. --------- ■■■GOT H IS D U M O N D H BACK.

A D ealer W ho flnspected th a t an B n p lo f* Hi,d H elp ed H lraselt,

An exc ited m an ran u p to P olicem an Cor­rigan a t tho C en tra l D ep ot on B ro i^ street yesterd ay a ftern oon an d dem anded to know If th e officer h ad seen a m an w ith a Tot o f d iam onds g e t t ln a on a train,

“H e sto le th e d iam on d s from me," said th e exc ited m an, A eearch In the station fa iled to revea l th e p resen ce o f the d ia ­mond th ie f and th e officer sen t the exulted m an to police h ead qu arters. T h tre he said he w a s a m em ber o f the firm o f B lau B roth ers, Jew ellers, o t R'S Springfield ave­nue,

"A certa in m an w ork ed for me," he sa id , "but for rea so n s o f m y ow n I w hs g o in g to d isch arge h im to-day. Bhortly a fte r lunch be w en t ou t o f th e atore, and p retty soon he ca lled m e up on th e tele­phone and said h e w ou ld n 't w ork for m e a n y m ore. H e sa id h e w aa go in g to taka th e train for E llaab eth . I a t on ce b ^ m e su sp ic iou s and exam in ed m y sto ck o f d ia­m onds and fou nd m fssin g a diamond hreastplm a pair o t d iam ond ear-ringa and a ring. T hen I ran dow n to th e C entral Dm o I, but I cou ld n 't find m y man."

D etectiv e M urphy learn ed th a t the lu e - p ected em p loye had go n e lo N ew York L a st n ig h t Mr. B la u w en t over therel fou nd him and recovered th e d iam onds h im self. T h e p o lice th en dropped th e oaae a i no com p la int w aa m ade.


T h e A ttorn eys for P n s e e n H e a and Da- raae* H uaunlD g Bp.

W IL M IN G T O N . D e l.. D ec. l f .-W h e n cou rt opened t |i la m orn in g In th e trial o t S en ator K enn y, D la lr lc t-A tto rn ey VgtiiM- g r if t resum ed hi* a d d ress to th a Jury. H e ■poke for over a n hour. In conotuelon he ■aid:

" If m en can loot a b an k a s th e F in n N a­tion a l B an k o f D ov er w a s looted and th e m en w ho do It oan n ot be punished there la no s a fe ty for a n y o f ua, and w a had aU b eler m ove ou t o f tho S ta te .”

E i-A tto rn ey -O e n e ra l BIgga, o f aoufwei for th e d efen ce , so ld th e testim on y & lled to sh ow th a t U r . K en n y had a n y InlSBtlaa to deD aud Ih e b ank , and t l l f t In M e n ever aw are o t th e m an ner In itM ah B o g g s had m an ip u la ted , hla chaeka, S i argu ed th at B o g g i’a taatim on y « w w orth y o f b e t le t

Ilie Orders Forming It bsued by tbe War Department


JBrtWfh a grip D m * n u r e . [ ^ ^ . ®

U* Is Ikpslgttslsd as (h e O ovem or to W hom AU M uhoitllnsle C om m am lers Ars R eip o o s lb lo '-N e Nelef>!.iona for H a s s e s or M a u n u s I 'ro v la css-U v een il Lee In C onim iiod o f T ro o p i (■ th e F o r m er-T b s O ther M en CkoieBs

WASHINGTON, Dec. IS.-The W ar Ds* partfiietil to-4sy made putillo thu formal on lrr providing for the mllltsiy govurn- nu'dt of Cuba. Th»* tiotaUlo ffxiure of tho onlpr Is that MaJor GonrrsI Ludlow, who is designated aa Military Governor of Havana City, white iiomlMnlly subordinate to the division romnmnil(*r, General Urookf, Is aiiparenily chaigHl to exiTidat? all Hie rlvll functions In ihet pluve under the direct authority of Hit I'rcsiUeut.

iit'Orrul Igeu'a fuhcMlojfS HpiM’ar tu Im’ lim­ited to ihOR of « strictly military rher- acter, although It la said at the War !)». parim ent he may bo eventually ohargMl with all the dutlei, civil aa well ua mill- t«rv» of the Governor of ti provitK e,

T he tex t uf th e order tr- ue fo llow s;"W iir Dcparinn-ni.

"WHahlngtoM. l>ec. |3. " lly dlroL'tlun o f th e FreKlUeiit u dlviuioii.

to be know n u s th e D iv ision o f ('iibu.s la tin g uf th e yeogruphlA ul drimrtnn-uia and p rovlnccu o f th e lalom l o f ('uha. with hiMidquarteru In (he c ity uf Miiv.iimhercljy crrHted. under conim and of Mi«tor- G eneral Joh n H- Hrouke, I ’lilti^l tStiitcH Arm y, w ho, in m id lllun to cointniiitd of the triHApK In th o d lv lsjon , w ill oKerclat- thi :iu- tltorlty o f M lU lory G uvornor o f ihc lahtml

"M.kJor-General F lt ih u g h isP i, l imed HtpicM V uiun ti^ ra , Cf^mmundliiK the S even th A rm y C oriw. la joAHljiniil to the Im m ediate cum m und o f a ll th e .nthe p rov in ce o f l la v s n u .

"M aJor-UenersL W illiam Ludlow. K. V olu nteers, In d esign ated aa (h? MlltUiry G overnor o f th e c ity o f H avanii. mol w ill report d irect to th e D ivision (.'ommaiiiler. He Is ch arged w ith a ll th a t relatos to rob lection ann d isb ursem ent of rvveiuiea of thu port and c ity aiv l ita polu'e. «>iniiu(lun and gen era l govern m en t, under am h lexu- la tlo n s a s m ay be prescribed hy the F n a i. dunt. (S ign ed )

"R . A. A L G E R . Bccrelary of W tr.”T h e com m an d s o f m ilitary di pHrimmts

o f th e d iv is ion o f C uba, eoimnandeil uy G eneral Ltrooke, so far a s dtohlHl upon, are a s fo llow s:

D ep artm en t o f D inar del R io—ilrigudler- Q en tra l W. V . LMvU.

P u erto F r in d p e—G en era l L. II. Carpen­ter.

D ep artm en t o f Hanlu n u r s —C eneral Blmcn Snyder.

D ep a rtm en t o t S an tiago—Gt^nrral L eon ­ard W ood.

T h is le a v e s th e p rovliices uf H avana and M stan aas u nprovided fur, Thune com ­m ands w ill be le f t open until ilie return of th e P resid en t from th e K<»ut]i, but th e p rolA bllU les a re stron g that M ajor-Gen­eral I^ee w ill be a ssign ed to the dppartrnent of H a v a n a , and Mujor-Genprui J, WUaon to th e eom nm nd o f the dt'pHriinent o f U atan oas.

G eneral B rooke, w ho h as iK-eii In th is r lly in o o n feren re w llh the a iithorllles for severa l d a y s p a st, w ill leave for I'uba In am ple tim e to be on hand w hen the I'n lted f lta te i G overn m en t fsh e s form al possvs- ilo n o f th e islan d on N ew Y ear's Day

In accord an ce w ith th e p o licy o f the Ad- place the volu n teer so l­

d iers In the P h ilip p in es w ith regularm in istration lo replace

tro(»iMi, At soon a s p ^ s lb le , orders w ere ts- Bued to -d ay for th e T w en tieth R eg im en t Of R egu lar In fan try at Fort L eavenw orth , K an., to p ro ieeu to Ban F rancisco and (a k e DAssage on th e transport Ai'andla fur th e P h ilip p in es, w hich Is expected to ar­rive in Ban F ran cisco w ith in a few d a y s from M anila, Oolonel J. H. P a lterson IsU i com m and o f (h e rcglm cnu w hich Is the only one so far Actually ordered to th e P h ilip p in es ou t o f th e s ix Infantry reg i­m en ts se lected for serv ice thera.

T osen iltp to JolM D ew ey's F leet.W A S H IN fl'fO K . Dro | 6. -T h « tu a llla r y

cruiser Y osem lte , w hich h a s been laid up for th e la s t three m onths at th e L eagu e fila n d N a v y Yard, has bteti se lected tor serv ice w ith A dm iral D ew ey's fleet. She w ill be Htted out a t the N orfolk N a v y Yard and w‘111 m ak e the trio to M anila by w ay o f th e S u es C anal. S he w ill tak e a large q u an tity o f n aval ito r e s and prob­ably 500 enllete<l m en for the re lief o f short-term ed m en on that sta tion . S h e w ill s ta r t ear ly In Jan u ary and act a s a con ­voy for th e regu lar troops w hich are to be sent to th e P h n ip p in ei over th e ftanie route about th at tim e on tw o large arm y tran i- ports, ^_________

k a n e I o u s e t o b eSOLD AT AUCTION.

O ep ersl ftuparlD tendeat Mcg.aiigfal1n FootsNoU<w« C onranilQ f th e B u ild ing that

|f ii« B ran * B one o f Contm tloa*A notice h as been posted on n telegraph

pole a t th e corner o f Murket and Broad s trec is to (h e effec t that Genera] Bnper- im endi-nt M cL aughlin, of the Hoard o f W orks, w ill se ll, on Tuesday n ext, at puh- ke auction , a h ou se now situsu-d on the tut bounded by Dury»M‘ noi] ((range streets, S ussex a v en u e and (ho Morris Uanal. T his Is the la s t rhapu-r In a continued story th a t h as been licfort.^ (he Common Council at In tervals for (he ]>ast two years.

W hen (h e park Coinmlsslon purrhased property In tho norlhw esiern pari o f the city th ey acquired poKfipssion o f a lo t a t C llflon and S ix th ttvenui s, A house atood on ll belon gin g lo John Kane. He BOcuriKl .pormlHslon lo m ove ll lo h loi on Third Stycet, but. It was charged, he Inlended to rem ove U to a lot u i the northw est corner of C lifton and E ighth iivenues. T his w as in v io la tion o f his permit. At various tim es the m a iler has Ijcen before the F ire and P o lice Commljiiloncrfl und ih o C om ­mon Couiu’lJ.

A few m onlh# ago cnmphiliit w as m ade to ih c Hoard o f Workh Ih.il Ihe house ob- Btructnd tiafllc on (!lifton avenue, w here It w as Atatioiii-i| ponding a si-u lem cnt o f t|]ie d isp ute UN (0 Us ]oi-‘allon.

Buperintcmloiit MeLnugliJln, under a l«w of lkS7, rcgiirdlng s lrert ohsiructloiifl. id l e d the property aomo tim e ago and had It rem oved lo It* prcacnt location.

Bo n ex t w eek the I'lg ih rec-story house» w ith a ll (he a)>parutUM need In m ovin g It, w ill be sold to iJic h ighest bidder,

, FIGHT AGAINST OOMPERS.T b s BwluMallr Msmlicrs a t th e A in srlrsn

Fsffftrstinii «r l.«lMir Rsffk * Csn,JI- ,UlR Fnr Pr*sK «nl.

K A N 8 AB CITV. Mi>.. D sc , 16.—Thfl d s le . B ates rt],rtseu ll"k ll**} B o c lslls t elem en t In th e A m erkaii J''eilerallon o t Labor w ero in aecret eoiileronee until n early 1 o'eloek Ibis m ornlna. considering tho ad v isab ility of nom inating a candidate to oppose to m u e l Omniiers fur tho p resldeuey o f tho foiioratlun. The nom ination w a s offered to F rank P. (loblii. o? B oston, represent­in g th e boot anil th oe w orkers, b ut he p ositive ly refused to h svo h is nam o go h e . fore tho convention. T he oau cu s finally adjourned until lo-n ight.

T h e B ocla llsls claim to con tro l (90 o f the *,a00 v o tes ot the oonven llon . It Is now ■aid to be Iho purpose o t their Isadora to s sr v c an ultlm uiutn upon Mr. G om pers d e ­m an din g more recognition o f th* BocUU hits In the federation and If th is sh a ll be r«rui«il, to twgin nn a c tiv e w arfare upon Oom pers.

v ic to r Berger, ot M ilw aukee, and S ey ­m our Btednian, mi mLera ot th e E xoru tive C om m ittee o f the Social D ^ o c ratio p arly , w h o are here a a teh ln g affairs, are poat- l iv e In Ihelr declaration , how ever, th at th e Social D em ocracy la not figh tin g Mr. O om pers. ____________

r i i in t i f f Failed to A ppear In Court.O w ing to the abeenc* o f th s p la in tiff a l

the tr ia l o f an action for (6,009 d am ages (or a lleged fa lse Im prisonm ent, a non-au lt w a s granted th is afternoon by Ju d ge Child In th e C lreutl cou rt. The su it w iw brought by W eller B. Moore a ia ln a l John and C atharin e M ains. .Mooro a rent co l­lector for the defen d anti. On M ay 10 la s t h e w a s arrested on an a llegation th a t he had am besxled |1>. lo default oI ball ho w aa com m itted to Jail, Where he w u d e ­ta in ed n in e day*. The Grand Ju ry found no ind ictm ent, and Moore w a s ™ i«M ed. T ha ca se had been m arked "ready.'' but lo^dar Moure w as not In cou rt, and hts cm ineel could not go on w ith the case . W illiam H. JktprroWeCOunari for tha dafaou- t n ^ oakftd for the nou-aulL

fjpMlal FwitarM at JaMhy*a. m Bnjad St. After*th«ttrt lunrtj, ^ahla 0 ^ dlnnsr. Wo. Ijux* Mnquat ball. W vM *

rAlimg rooms. Christmas ftlnnein om i out.—Atlv.

Ootf* ftU slippsn. Hots'i. Oft Mirkst ol.w ;


■urrumtMsI In K .w York C ttj to a a Al- tnrk o f F n rn m on la-E ooatil o f

• ■ A H |m Lifb. 1

N E W VORK. Deo. 1 6 -E i-B e n i to r C al­vin a. Hrice died at J:I6 1‘. U . to-day a t hla n alilen oe In th is e lly . Mr. Brlee died of pneumcinla. He eu n iraoled a severe cold one week ago lo-day.

(In Friday last he weni downlown to his olllct, reluming horns lii a tuaerliig oen-

a*. A ,

C alvin S. Drlr*.illtlon, and on ffstu rd sy la st took in h is la d and grew stead ily w orse until ih is afternoon , w hen he died.

C alvin S iew arl Hriee w a s liorn s i Det.- niark, o , , Beptem her 17, 1M6. He wa* Ihe son of X P resbyterian m in ister; enters.l .Vllami I 'n iversity a t O xfon i, 0 ., Hrptrm. ber, m'.y.

H e Jn llsteJ In C aptain D odd's r n iv e r s ity C om pany in April. IMl, and served al C am p Jackron, C olum bus. I ) .; In A pril, tkilj. eiillaleil In C aptain Mi K arland'i I'lil- v e fs lty C om pany A, E lg h ly -s ix th Ohio V olunteer In fam ry . ami served th s Sum- m er o f that year In W est Virginia.-H e w as graduated a t M iami I’n iversity ,

June, IMS. A fter teaeh lp g for three m onths In Ih e public *i hnol* at L im a he recruited a com pany, re-entered th e serv ice u s Cap- la in o f C om pany E, O ne lIundrtHl and E igh tie th Ohio V olu nteer f iifsn lr y . and Served In the F irst D ivision of the T w en ty - third Corps In T en n essee, G eorgia and the C srolln a* until J u ly . IMS.

Me studied in Ihe Isw dep artm en t o f th e U n iversity o f .Vllehigsn a t Ann Arbor, and w a s adm ilted tn p rarilee by th* B la te and U nited Blate* tU drIct and BIrcult cou rts at C lnelnnuil m the spring o f IM ; w as on Ih e Ttlden eleetorol tie k e l In 1|?6 and the C leveland electoria! tick et In ISM; w a s d e lega ie -u i-jarge from Ohio lo th e Ht. Tdtiils D em orrstlc n o tion a l con ven tion In I8SS and was sslec te il lo represent Ohio on the .National D em ocra lle C om raltiee and w as chairm an o t th e C am paign Com: m IH ee for the rnsulng national cam p aign

On th e death of W illiam H. R arnum he w a s unanim ously eleelesl ehalrm on o f the N a tio n a l C om raltiee In 1»d>. and in J a n ­uary, lOO. w as elected U nited S ta le* Sen- a ln r. to succeed H enry B, Payne, for th e term rom m en eln g M arch t, IWI, H is term o f serv ice expired M arch I. IW

Mr. Urlee, w ho w s* a t tbe head o t a b ig •y n d lca ie , only reeen tly received a con ­cession from th e C hinese Governm ent to build a railroad from C anton to H sn Kow E m ^ neers h ave ju st started on the w ork su r v ey in g the road, w hich Is a atupendous undertaking.

POTTERY TRUST INCORPORATED.A rtlclaa o f la corp ora ilita F llsd a t la ia l

W llb tb e B rereliry o f fftats a t T n n - to a -C sp Ita l St?JMW.OOD.

Hpeclal Dispatch to tha NEWg.T R E N T O N , D ec. 16.—T he A m erican P ot-

terioa C om pany, w ith a cap ita l Block o f (07,000,000, w a* Incorporated ih l* aftern oon under th e law s o f N ew Jersey , a oertlfloat* o t Incorporation h av in g been filed In tho S roretary of R latt'a oIBce. The principal ofllre o f the com pany Is located a t Ml W ash in g ton street. Jer sey C ity.

T h e ob jects for w hich th is corporation la form ed are to carry on In a ll resp ects th s gen era l pottery businese. Tha cap ita l Is divided Into 070.000 Sbures o f the par v ^ u e o f (IOC each . One hundred and Ih lrty-flve th ousan d ahnre* shall be jireferred stock a l seven per cent. Interest.

T h e Incorporators are a s fa llow s; C harles N . K ing and Ernast T. C harles, Jersey C ity; T. Frank Farrell, N ew York.

T h is Is the pottery trust w hich h as been ta lk ed o f for som e tim e p ast. It w ill In­c lud e a ll the Trenton potteries excep tin g th ree, and n early a ll th e other principal p otter ies In th* country, and will con lrol th* en tire pottery Industry In the U nited B tates.


FartaaU y R eceived as Paster o f th e ML F le u e n l R ep ilit Church.

R ev , E dw in A. H alncr was form ally w e l­com ed a s paetor ot the Ml. I’tcaeant B ap ­tis t C hurch la s t n ig hi. There w ere sav - era l a d d resses delivered and a se lect m u­s ic a l p rogram m e w as arranged for th e o c ­casion . R ev . C harles H astin g s Dodd, of th e r e d d le M emorial Church, offered p rayer and R ev. Dr. T hom as V asaar, of tho L yon a F a r n it lla p lls t C hurch, w aa the In itia l apeaker.

T h e organ prelude w as rendered by W. R . C raw ford , and the Invocation w aa de- llvared by R ev . John U. L'U om m edIru. T h at w aa follow ed hy S criptural reading by R ev . W illiam 11. lla lnur. Mrs, Orrie A. T a y lo r sa n g “ H ear Ye, Israeli" and " w ords o f ODUnsel" were spoken by Hev. T h om as B . V asaar. fl. A, SImonds w as th e o th er so lo ist . T he o th er speakers w ere H ev. A lexan d er M aegcorge, R ev. J. C lem - e n l Fr*no?r%nd R ev. Mr. .MaeClymont,


O tto B eh a lti F ire s a B a lle t Into th e Brain o f N ata le Hrunn.

L O N G B R A N C H , D ec, I6.-O t to B ch u lti fa U lly sh o t N a la le Bruno early la s t even ­ing, th* b u lla t lod g in g In B runo's brain.

B runo and aoveral friends v isited John H, B ch u lti'a beer b ottlin g estab lish m en t III M orris aven u e, and w ere served w ith d rin k s b y O tto B ch u lls , son o f th e pro­prietor. F in a lly there w as a quarrel a s lo w ho should 'P ay for som e drink*, and U runo drew som e m oney from ht* pock et, and aeveral oolna fell to the floor,

B ch u lts d ived for the m oney, and B runo c a u g h t h im by th e oollar. B ch u lti h av in g the b etter o f the fight, Bruno drew e p iece o f an old aworu and m ade a lung* a t th e you n g m an. B chults sw ung h is arm ■ nd w arded off th e blow , and before Bruno cou ld recover drew a p lsio l and sh o t h is a n ta g o n ist.

Dr. Heuddsr W oolley h sd Bruno rem oved to th e h osp ita l, and Policem en Van D yck and B row er arrested B chults and p m him In Ihe Tow n H all. •


R an la l o Pack l e e en d Com pelled to R en A e h e n .

N E W YO R K , D ec, (6 - T h e steam b oat J a m es T. B re tt, p ly in g betw een N ew bu rg and N ew York, w a s beached a t P lerm ont. th ree nillea below N y sc k , about 11 o 'c lock laat n ig h i to prevent the vessel s in k in g In th e deep er R a ter o f Ihe Hudson R iver. T ho B rett ran Into som e pack Ice and her h ull w aa badly etove In, cau sin g the v e le e l to leak rapidly.

T h e C epM ln heeded hla iKigt fo r th e sh a llo w w a ter o f th e flat a t P lerm ont >nd beached her w ell In tow ard ahore In about ■ tven feat o f w ater. T he p aesen gers lan d ­ed sa fe ly and m any o f th em can ts to c ity ear ly tn-day. T here w a s lo m e e x ­c item en t am ong them a t first, but a ll w era landed w ith out inlahap,

L h sa g es In O rsnd J u ry L i l l iS in ce (hu orig in a l Hat o t th e m e t e r s of

th e Grand Ju ry w aa published tw o o f the m em bers selected to serv e on It found th em eelves unable lo do so . 'These w ere II, P . W illard, w h o w as sl«k nnd confined to h is bed. and Ferd in and 11. W lsuier. w h ose b u sin ess en gagem en ts took him out o f tow n. In th eir p laces O sorge A. Olil. a m a n u fac tu r in g m ach in ist, and Edwin B. flm llh , a pension agen t, w ere apppolnted. Joh n H . B onnell, th e tw en ty -fou rth m en on th e Jury, w aa not a sk ed to serve in p ince o f e ith er o f th e fleet tw o m en be- cau ee h ie preeenee w lli be needed at T ren­ton a t th e m eetin g o f th e Leglelnture. he b ein g C uatodlan o f th e S ta te H ouse.

—----------------• ----------------N ew and N obby N eek w ior for C liH sIm sa.

tuktest styles, rich effsets and alt Rsw pat- tarns. gee oar wiaOowa Kerry W. IniUli, Hariift slTMt.—Adr.


Charged With Forcibly Entering Dr, J. M. Relotr'( ReBldfloos.

A L L E 6E D T Q M V E D I t r u r E O F IS E JIR M I.

Dr, R ainer, A enordlng to th* R ebbl's OteU- m e e ls , Had H yp aeU ied th e LeU er's D eu g h ler and C *|R H er rratn Mar P s- r e n U -T h e R nbbl, W ith Hla Io n a , T liH - *d R e la e r 'i Mans* a t Elixafeeth nn Tne*. day N l ^ l nnd, T ak in g P a e n a a la a * f Iha V e n ig W nm aa, R etaraed W ith B ee to ' N ew ark.

Hubhi Jc^, ph Begal and hD song Frank and Urrnard were arrrated thla afu rn o en on warrants iioorn out by Dr. John Max K«ln,r. of Eilasbrth.

The latter chargea them w ith having threaieneil the menilier.i 01 hla tamlly with fiicarms and with having forc­ibly entered bla houa* laat Tuesday night when they went there U> get tho rahbt'i daughter, aa told In yesterday 's NEWS.

The trouble grew out ot the allowed ata- duclloii ol lliv girl by her father. Th* ralihl I'lalmrd that his daughtsr had been ItypiiolianI and dsiiilii'd against her will 111 Mr. Keliud's hourc.

ll u as sbout In o'clock Tuesday night when Itahbl Bi'gal and his vompanlona reached l)r. iic ln c i't house. Tbsy had eomc truuhir In geltlng In, and aflar a tew minutes lisd elapsed ihry appesrod In th*......... with Miss Bngul.

Till- U tter wa- atllred In her night drt'SS. Slid ulioul her a blanket hsd been wrsppcd. TIib girl «■■ struggling, Sha was carried lo a i osch and removed la her home In this city.

,Mi'. Kviner claimed that h t was only gtv- Ind III' girl iiroiecLluii against her fsiher.

Hlmon Schlelnirr, a lawyer of Ellaabeth, came tn Newark this afternoon and an- imimct'l III Ju.lge itspp'a office th a t he ivprcsemed .Vlss Hose gegal and Dr. Itetncr.

"The girl IS O' age, ' eeiil the Dwyer, "and her tn lher had no rlgni to lake her away. Hcali' - iis hml little riRard for h ir ri'nuiai!..ii or he would not have driv. en her off In ■ carriage filled with tlrang* uivn. ’

"If he really wanted to rescue his dstigh- ler, why could not ht hsve laken her te some neighbor’s Iiouit for the night F ’

Thr lawyer said that Ml. Relnsr pru- posrd lo fight (he ca ls to the rtid,

Constald. lltgtMe, accompanied by Dr, Relnerig cuuiiscl. later went to the Sogat realdetlcr ut PQ Washington a tree t The officer rang the hell and the door wa* opened by B rrnanl Begal, tbe rabbl'o youngest ton r

Before the eonsiabte sabl a word, young Begal tried to close the door, but the offleer was too quick tor him. He pushed the door open.

"W hat's your name 7" Hlglie* asked, but the young man refused to answer,

"Is Joseph Begal home?" the eonatabla aaked, but got no answer.

"Is Fran* Begal hnine?" queried the of­ficer. end again Iherr was silence.

Hlgbee then repealed his queries, and young SrgoJ said:

"No, they 're not a t home,""Well, r i l find out," Hlgbee declared,

end he walketl lowaid the tisrlnr dour. fleg«l itrpped In front of him. Th* o f - • fleer pushed him aside, and Just than Rab­bi 8 » t l appeared in the hall w llh hl» ■on Frank.

We have w arrants for you." oald thoofficer a s be approached th e rabbi.

"V ery w e ll. I w ill g o w ltb v o l . ___rabbi sa id , an d he p ut on hts sill: b a t an dovercoat. B o th aona fo llow ed hla e x a m ­ple. and th e q u in te tte atarted for th* o f ­fice o f J u a llce R app. On th e w ay th e y ttop ped a t th e s to re of M orris R rria and th* rabbi ask ed him If he w ould s e t a* liondsm au. Mr. B er la con sen ted and fo llo w , ed th e p arty lo th e J u stice 's om ce. T h e w arran ts w hich ch a rg e th at each dc- lapdant ''did u n law fu lly break and entrr" thw prem laeg o f D r. ftc ln cr " w lib i and arm *," srere a g a in produced. i< Begal a t on ce dem anded that to e n


paper m an be a xclu d n l from the room.' 1 h a v e been p ersecu ieil enough s l-

ready!" h e excla im ed . J u stice R epp e x ­plained th a t be hud no au thority to keep th e reporter* o u t Thr question a* to lb * am ou nt o f ball w as ilirn 'tlscujwed, and Juatic* fU p p declared Ihn i It w ould b* (609 In each ca*e. N aiihl Begal th en w ent w llh C onatable H iglier to get B . V. U n - dabury, hla counsel. In th e m ean tim e Mr. ^ h lr lm e r ask ed w h i t th* lionds would c s ll for, . . . . . .

"F or th e apnearancr o f ih e d efen d an ts w hen w nn ted ,’ said Ihe Ju stice.

T h e ball bonds w ere quickly sign ed b y fr, Berla. w ho then depnrU'd. W h en Mr.

I Jndabury arrived h e said th at h* knew ufno luw th a t w ould d eter an K esex C ounty Ju a llce o f th e P e a ce fron, accep tin g ball for a h earing before on e In U nion C ounty, A s Mr. B er la h sd le ft th e office It w a s agreed to not a lter th e provision* o f th e secu rliy . Mr. B erla tiiim ed the property nl 74 Hank street a s secu rity . He sa id Its value w as I6.0W.

Ros* Begsl, ths rah h l'i d aughter, w a s a t hom e w hen th e ir r e s t* w ere m ade. S he hurried dow nstair*, and. In th* p resen ce o f the offleera. asked Mr. S ch leim er It he would act as her cou n se l. T h* law yer said he would, and Mias Begal asked Con­stab le H lgble to n o te Ihe ta c t th a t Mr. Schlrlm cr bad l>ern rc la ln cd as h er cou n - ■r1. Mtss Begal said sh e would m aka n o attem pt In leave home.

"My m other Is III," ahr sa id , "and I am noralng her now . I sh a ll Lontlnuo to do so."

Rsiilil Begal la rabbi o f th* C ongrega­tion B'lial .Abraham, In th is city .


Frtroien Nam ed Par P astioastor W h ile » I'eiUlon A gain st H im W as C lrru U tlsg .There w as som e surprise am on g certa in

R epublicans o f A rlington yesterd ay w hen It b tram e know n th a t Prealdent M cK in­ley hart nom inated Jam ea Freem an lo be Poalm aater a t th a t-p la ce . Opponenta o t Mr. Freem an, for severa l daya, had been eirru latlng a petition w hich th ey Intruded 10 aetiil to th e P resld iiit when It had re-.-clved enough aignulures.

.Mr Freem an heard "f th is petition an d got hla friends I" work, w ith th e resu lt that h e w sa nom inated. H e Is to-day r e ­c e iv in g con g ia tu la lto n s from m any sourcra. Mr F ioem an waa form erly PoW m aater a t Arlington tor seven years. He 1* a m em ­ber of th e liurtaon C ounty R epublican C onim lH fe. ^_____

Trv ■ >111*11 Una aA lb* AYtjJl page, asd ss*it It t o y s - ________ _____________

F slr s n d W armer.The w eather forecast for N ew ark end

v le ln liy la; (iem 'rally fn ir and w arm er to-n ight and Friday; light, to freah aouth- er ly winds, ________ __________ _

CITY NEWS NOTM.A con cert w as g iven laat n lgh l hy Iho

H om e C ircle Orcheatro at the hjighth A ye- ntl* M. B . C hurch. It w as w elt altonned.

R ev . Joaeph I,eu<ht w ill irelur* to-m or­row n igh t a t Ihl- tem ple on Ihe aubjocli "T he School o f Experience."

A " poverty party" w ae given under th* au sp ices o f th e T. P, H, C. E. In the par­lors o f th * Third Preabyterlan Church la st n ight.

T h e S uprem e C ourt ca ll for to-m orrow la N os. 9, an d 49. T he Circuit I'nurl cMI la N oa. 4i, « , S7, M , IM, 166, IM, H6 , 1» . 1 » . 149, HI. 14?. 144, 149 and IW.

T h* funaral o f Ih* law ,Mra. E llM M th fllah l. w ife o t A lderm an John M. S ia m , w ill la k e p lace Bunday a ftern oon at J o'clock from the BlanI ivMdenc*, ]U B room e street.

A flr* occurred la te yesterd ay » n eru M n In th e rtom a o f C harice Bwarta, on thesecond floor o f *!8 iVs ours*uMd bv fliftni*^ froTU ft (iffrcU ye o lis l o ^ T h e d am age wa* eatImateU a t (76

S ?w E S?S'*rrro..‘ A ’ 'w il "h ‘ l u p f i T ' w l l lbe g iven w -n lg h t and the sa le w ill be con -tlhn'nl- - - , —An en le i ta ln m cn t In the form o f a Jap a- n e w tea w aa g iven In the Bummer A v e n u .Schocl last n igh t h v the "Monltora," a socie ty of pupil*' 'Thoa* w ho lo o k p « t irt EhM E'ntcrtolnineiit w ec# O il-Jm al cS tlu S J li, Thry^ carried HtUc fan* ami trinkets and served tea.

Many love** o f art have bean a ttracted th is w eek to W Unner H all, w here an ex- hlhlllon o t cople* o f p a lm in g , a cu lp tw * aud arch itectu re la being ffiveii u 'n ja r jq a au sp ices o f th* N ew ark E d u catlon a A a s^ elation . The proceed* Will he twed In pur­ch asin g p ictu res for th e puWlo o o b o ^ T he exh ib ition w ill b e open during tn* r e tt o f the w eek from 19 o 'clock In tn* rooriL Ing until 9 o'clock lo th e a ftern oon a id from 7 ID 19 o'clock a t n ight*.

—— — r— — 0............. -— e-B ea n er M outh fOv P U n o s *n E asy Turms.In order to ir a k e D ecem ber th e banner

m on th , e p ec ls l Inducem ents »r* being m ade, and g rea to r p ian o b arga in s w ore never before offered.

H a v e you s e e * th e (IJO Instrtunem * dls^ played in sh ow w indow o f th* B iw d b u w P lan o W artroom sT F . G . BoiRb. l i l E i *I> B road s t r M t —A d y . ..

ivoEi;NBVARt mNGl

^iliyor S t j m u Pweenti F ig n m to gkow Ui&t la e l i H u Bn i Dom

for the City's Bchool Syitam.


A tth o R « « ^ U w i* r ilM M m I r r ia c l iH ll’ A u w ln t lm N r . ito r m u ir l*iPI lb * ■ ■ •lllu ttoB t J l » « B m p Q rw U j Hp w Am Ab j r ip p M tp l A pp ortlopjp p P t-H U Jto- M trka I p Am p Vom m >^t h jA i n u L. p f U p AUtP BpptJ 1pptlPP'-Cbprlpi Pk lpprr ip d O lh p n A1*p


Th* N ffw irk P u b lic BchMl prlui'll'***' Appodptlon hrld p rPOPtitJon in d *»'*d“*J iM t nlAbl S t tb« C outliienuJ Hole). B sy u r B tym aur w t s thp AiiMt of s a u iK otb p rt p row n l wsr* pool* o f toe m p oib on o f th* B o tn l of Hcbool Buperlntfijdenl OUberl •"'I n . AKlnnPr, o f th e D ejrtrtm ent of Pubito lUitruotlOD of toe m st* of TOP ItinauK WOP held ;» J*'* I f *room . Three w sp muptc by »n o rc lm H * .

The recrpllon weP held In s parlor on tiie tecuod Hour. H sv id H. Corw ii. d«nt of ih i m o d s t lo i i , tlellvfrpd th e »ii~

w elfS inr. e f ie r w hich L . pr«P«>ted U avor A txnoure T h f M ft/or m 14<

" i r . C hairm an. l-adlM niJi*It * flv« m e jilenaur* to id ^ l w u nYOU thU tv e n ln f , i f fa w a that I w ouid

h i abia to Mtiettd. w 4 ii lo y m It »


not h* p u p to s tie tid , pud pptpom ll-*.* ------------------ hold in th e•d w nplder th e p lsop you hold m tM Dublic ich o iil i y i t t in o f N ««*rlt * vaatly F m ^ W n r o n e .U p t week I had U p PIm p - itrtof nttrndmg In thu Mint pl*o« A dln- linr EiVi*n by Iho H igh School Chit o t t t t . to w hom An adUrtaa w ju 1.7 ihe H on .. BeU_ o f Colum bUvirplty. In ih ls p d d ra u referred lo our poliool py»t*»! SP.belnAM prepentrt by p pyrpmld. the lo w est

' -“•-toh a f t th t k ln d trg a n tn . ttaan.‘i t Ipypr U p prlmprlPP. '^ifnlM nS m sr pchoiilp, tn d po on up tu the unlrprU - ly , I th ough l w hllp lU tPnlut to thpl ppepk- er how n w e se a ry It Ip th P l tUePP f o u n ^ tlon ploncp shou ld be laid pure and firm 10 BWllP an andurinii structure. T h is Is th e work in w hich you a r t en fa a sd , and th a te- (ors a m oat im p grtan t one, '

•'In a m aou fp o tu rtn i c ity Ilka thla. u ooaraopom an In UP population, ^ s are m nny children th a t can only reoplvo a fram m ar acbooi education , »a th eir ch^ cum atances n eco a a lu ip their a ^ l n « »™' ptoym eol a t an parly M I t la y lu U y n « - epM rr, th en , th a t t W ahould bP w ell equipped w u(i w ell-ohopeli w eapoiia.w hich are {(iriilehed b y you for th e b a ttle o f U fa

"I am deeply intprpated In pducaUonal w ork In th e eeh oo l pysiem o f Iha a in ip , and p articu larly thp Mboolp trf th l» f lt* -

•■ainco I h a v e bpan N ay o r I have eiw our- t n d liberal ap propria tion s for pducatlunal

xdpp, rtsard lopp o t U p tax fp la w hich h i w u U , a n d T am plaaped u sa v U s

M ambPH o f U p Board o f E dpopllap UlP- rnip U P yneptlop W ith tipperpi

Minafpr TopDf.A conference between O snerpl M an a |er

Y ouna, of the N orth Jeraey S treet R ailw ay t.’omppny. and Iha N orm H . T ra ln ln f and l l lc h Bchool Com m ittee o f th e U oiud of Bducalton. took place th li m om ln * r r u - Uva to a belter car serv ice to th e uew H lfh School, and a reduced rate o f fare. A fter llptenlnf to the comm tealonera .Mr. Y oun* airaed to preaent the m atter to the B aecuU ve Coniraliiea o f hip com pany th is pfiernoon.

A s told in the N13WB pt the la st m eet- iijf o f the Board o f K ducatlon rom m U - aloner Myetp Introduced a resolution lo the effpet that pomp m easuras re la tive lo b st- IPf trolley service and ch eap er r a te i of tare should prevail In tetvren os lo U s l l l ( b Bchool. The confiTpnce th is in orn ln f w ss th s oiilcom e o f th is resolution . There w ir e present, h esh h ' Mr. Vounp, Com- m Ualoners l.ew ls, H y r r i, Bpekup, fluppr- liitendcnl Qllhert and B.icrrtary A r*ue.

A n Informal dlacuaalon look plm ■■. H la puld I h t i Hr. Youn* udm ltted that bet­ter car service would be necesppry w hen III* tllp h Bchool wits opened. T ills could lie acoom pllshcd. he said , by runninp an- othrr line o f cars over th e N orfo lk street and C lifton avtpiue line. T h s Bloom held >ars w ill probably bs seleciv ij for th is , or, If th ey cannot lie < onven li n tly used, the t'en iru l sv c iiiir car* m uy br hroiitiht Into play. T he ublect aim ed a t Is lo so arrsnpi m a lle t s that II w ill la- nereaaary to Iraiis- fr r only once In order to reach th e school.

In relalloii lo the Ih r ev -cm l ru le for Sfliiiolchiblreli, Hr, Y uunp epid th a t It prevailed at present fur p up ils undrr six-. toon y esrs of age. but w ith o u t th e prlv- llr (« o t having tran sfers. T he B oard of S du ca llo ii, It was s ta led , desired to have Iha P ie lim it extcnderl, bp p up ils older th an s ii lc e i i y i .ir s a tten d ed thu H l(h School. In addition thpy d< tired to h av t th # trsnafer p rlv ilefe e i le n ile d to threo- oen t tares.

I t la paid Ihtre la litt le doubt but th at p batter car service w ill be in a lllu ted . but th e m atter ot low er r a l f s o f ta re is lo ouPPIIon. Arcordln* to the p resen t rule, pit pupils under alxleeii ypprs o f ^ a sr< esr - r t « for three cents, provided no Iran i- t t f is glVRAn,

T b trs w ill lie ptioui I.IKX) p up ils Pt the new i l l f b Bchool.


Id the Papers Filed at Coortbouee the Capital Stock I i Placed

at 150,000,000.

Christma Presmg. \ usepu rnrmnuu rm em s.


Of th e T otal A m eo p l o f C apital b lock B10.000 I s Paid I p -T lia O om ppay, C o­der H e C harter, lla a h w aaplac Pow an', A m oB f T h em to A eqaire O th setio n o er n i pad lo Pay far Them In Caali, htork, ■onda or O th arw laa-o iB io at Kaal Or-

a a ia .


jindn O b u n clflip p co-oparplad w ith ma M a end w ith ebeertuloaapto thia end w ith c h « r tu io a M

"There is a crow laB ppnllmsnt In Ihl* e lty In fa v o r 4 f a o h p n fs In th s w m p o sl- Uon o f our loca l B oard o f Bdocptlon, and I tak e R d v tn U k t o f ib is oocasloo to oom - B ih t Iherann. R t o beUaved thpt our boardla for too Uu-fP. th a t it la l®®Ikat the a e lsc tlo n o t U s m em ters from « - tapn PUhdlvlPlonx o f th e oUy la a ^ tIoBPitsm rp th sr than a itu d y an d rasordtor the s c h o o l p ysiem n s P.w.hole. _______

•*T^o pUuui WA propoM d for f* iti»oy iiis Ihpsa evTlp. o o a th e p etU n l up of a s m ^ l llpctlve. U p o lh a r p sm all p p p o ln u vs. S a i ^ i t rem plnp for tb s I.eflplpW rp u ettarm lne w h ich sch em e. If an y, sh a ll bp 3 ^ e d . In th e d a ten n in a tlon o f tha quM - UoA^ p incerair h op e partlePnshlp w ill And so port, «nd th « t th e b est Interests o f th e

^ so far PS th ey can ho ppcsrtplned, v tm .

to th eliy ItB op rd o f M u u atlon flNurss

|31f% monJitTn't«. T t Ts sa id to bp s lw a y s I o n to tirduliw In p ta llit lc s . so I w ill Ins o n to l im u » e 111 a in .i* . . . - ,d ie t p few upon you . In th s l“ ‘ years th e tn a ln lfn p n c e and oonPtrti« lon leeou ntp o f thp pohDols a s opm psred w itn (Ml Diimf>pr o f p u p lli AiirtJ th f n u m b if o f laachers w ere a s fo llo w s!

M plnla- Coo- nance. sIrucUon.

t iM .m41I.32Sm . m

I H . » « « ,T O « it.lM U

T ota l. 1441, OM a 4a,0N t 1

(E s fd ) .

T otals .. .d k T K .I M M I » 4 .« 4 H 6 .H l.l7 I UH IQ K a c i i o o u

.......................... UMOT a, a .aiNi i i } ....... .......................... IT i.M 0»

' o f id ip llt enrolled SBd num ber I k ibpR ^ed in tha public sch oo ls p d u r ln c th e years from a a -

Acluplrs;Pupils. T e tc h tro .

.. a i l 4 3M

A Ppaelpl M aelloc a t to m m o a Cuoprll O alltd, t t Is la id , to A dvance

Ihs N ep su res.A tppclpl m eatln i o f th e Common Coun­

cil h s s b ten exiled for to-m orrow n igh t lo con sld sr thp ordlnauoea m p k la i th e term s o f offica o f th e T ax R eceiver xm l CUy Treasurer Dtp y ears each.

T he Instriunanis w ere taken up on th e n lfb t o t D ecem ber I ( f l s r th ey had been burled (or m onths, and w ere m ade a Uom- ocrptlp opucup m easure beCora being pra- oentad a t lb s last m eetin g o f th e C oun­cil. F or p few n dn u tes th a cpueup w » p retty lively. S even teen o f th e nlnatoen D am ocratle A lderm en w ere preaent, to d obJPcUoDi w art m ad t to th a Introduction o t th a ardlnpoeea by A lderm on W aldron and C rofhoB. Beeing th a t th ey artra ou t­num bered, tha tw o m em bers le f t th e cpu o u s so th a t thay would n ot ba bound by Its decrepp.

T h is le ft the m ajority w ith s lx t s tn m em - borx. Including A lderm an T h o a o g Sm ith , w h o did not go Into cau cu s, to a u ^ o r t the ordinances, enough lo pops th em on drat reading, but the action o f th e d lssentarg le ft the m ajority w ith o u t su R ld en t vo tss to sutppnd th e ru le s and p u t th e ordl n ances through tw o rea d in g s a t th a t m eet. Ing.

O ne o f the a rg u ro in ts ad vanced In ( iv o r o f p assin g the ord lnaneos a t th is tim e, w a s th a t If th s m atter w a s allow ed to d rag, ths Incom ing L sgtslaturo m igh t repeal th s law und er w hich th s term ex ten s io n ts moiia posalble. A s the leg is la to rs w ill oonvens on T uesday, January 10, th ere w ould not ba tim e to hold tw o reg u la r m se llu g s of th a Council, and It Is c la im ed th a t tha a p o d a l m eeting h a s been ca lled to further th e ordinances and (o r c a ts ll a n y possible le g l i l t t lv s action.

W hispers h ave been h eard In various clro les th a t som e o f th e m en w ho voted tor th s ordinances on flrst reading ars not o x er isp lo u s In tbelr sup p ort o t th s m eas­u res now. I t Is sold , howwver, th at e f­fo r ts tro being m ads to k se p tha a litse i, m en In line w ith th s ca u cu s ru is, and to do th is, It Is clslrasd th a t Induencs t i be­in g brought lo boar on certa in m em bers w h o ars but lukew arm lo th eir advocacy o f th e schema. On Hrst read ing th s ordi­n ances wars n ot open to d eb ate under th s rules, but on second read ing th ey w ill be subject to am andm eni.


A rticles o f Incorporation o f the A m erican Tin P lata C om pany w ere rccurdrd y ea ttr - d sy In th e oIBcs o f th e C ounty C k rk , H Is I’sp lla ilxed fur l » , 000,000, and Is said to be th s concern k now n aa the "Tin P la ta Trust." T he Incorporators m in tlon ed In the papers are J a m rs H I'MI o f f l I'lnv street. N ew York, w h i h 'Ms iiHv iy share*: llu w srd K. W ood s o d Huiicun T. en.both o f B ust O range, vst-h holding live sliari's. T h s ih a r s s sutwcrlhi d for by them uuniiirlsss the ca p ita l w ith a h lch buaiiicaa la com m en ced —HO,OOO.

A s s tste i] In Iha cerlin cttle of luoorpors- llon th e o b jects for w hich the coriKjratlun Is form ed are "to m an u fu clu tc , buy, sell and d ea l In tin, ivriic , block p la lcs, stee l s h ic t s end a ll lllci' "r kindred pn«l- iM’i*, to m ine, m anufucuir.', prepare for m arket, m ark et and se ll Ihi sam e am i an y artic les or product In the m anufacture or comiHMitlon o t w hirh m rtal I* a factor, Inclu lU ig th e aeq u lslllo ii, by p iirchaae, m ining, m an u factu re , or u llu r u lte . o f a ll m ateria ls , sup p lies and o th er artic les n ecessary or conven lenl (or uae In oonnec. tlon w ith an d In carryin g iin Ihe biiHlness herein m entioned or any p u n thsreof."

In fiir th eru n ce and tint in llndtutlon o f Ihs gen sru l pow ers cuiiferrrd by th e law s Ilf N ew J ersey ," the arllele cn n llm irs. "It Is h ereb y FXprtoaly provided Iba i the co m ­pany sh a ll h ave ptiwers to deal In and w ith good s, w a res , m erchandise and property Ilf ev e ry c la s s and descriptlm i. and tu do txith m in in g end m nnufiicliirliig o f tiny kind; to acq u ire , hold and d lsijoe- of. w ith ­out lim it oa to am ount. In any p u n o f Iho world, re a l e s ta te and real property and nny Interaats and rights therein: a lso tu iicquirs th e good w ill, r ights uml pro)>- erty o f a ll kinds, and to underluke th e w hole or a n y part of the a sse ts and liab ili­t ie s o f a n y person. Arm, aaaoclutlon or corporation , and to luiy for the sam e In cash , s to c k o f th is corpora tlon. bunds or o th e r w lte .”

T h e corporation , according to the papers, has p ow er " to h a v e one or m ore oiBces and to h old , p urch ase and convey real and p e n u n a l p rop er ly w ith in and w ith out the B ta la o f N s w Jersey and In oTl o ther Blateo, T srritorlea and cc lo n ts i of the U tilted l u t e s and In sU foreign countries and p la e t i ."

"Tbs o n c e r s o f the corporstlon," It is sta ted , " sh a ll h ave nu power to m origaga Its real p rop erty , e io e p t upon th e conseiil, In w iittn g , Orat obtained, o f the h o ld en o f a m ajority o f th # loeued preferred stock, or upon th e a lB rm atlve vote o f a m ajority o f the h o ld ers o f th e said preferred stock, a t k m eetin g d u ly ca lled for that purpose, and upon auok con sen t, and not o lh etw loe , lb s corporation sh a ll have like power lo m ertgaga Its r ia l propsrty to secure an la- iu e o t bonds or otherw ise."

T he prefsrrcd s lo ck am ou nts to tm.hOO.OW and Ihs com m on stock to I3ll,uiw.iM). T bs preferred sto ck . It Ik provided, sh a ll carry ssv sn p ar cent, cu m u lative p referen tia l dividaods. I t not paid . Ihe d ividend ih o il becom e g ch a rg e on the net p rod li.

T h s b o lan cs of th e net proflts o f the cor­p oration , a fter th s p iy m e o t o f th e d lv l- dtnd on th e preferred s lo ck "m ay be dlo- tr lb u tsd PS d iv idends am ong th s holders of th s gen era l xtock, w hen th e Hoard of D ireo tor i, or tha Ehtecutiva C om m ittee, sh a ll lo th e ir dU cratloo d eterm ine."

F rom tim e to tim e th e preferred and com m on ito c k sh a ll ba Issued in su c h am ou nt and proporllon o s sh a ll ba d ster- m ined by Ihe Board o f D iraatorx In aocon l- an ce w ith lb s la w s o f th e S ta te . T h e £ x - ecutlvo C om m ittaa, it It fu rth er provided, sh a ll b s In con trol w han th e B oard o f U lrectora la n ot In le ts lo n , and sh a ll con­sta t o f five m em bers, s lee ted by tb s s to c k ­holders from th e B oard or D lreotors. T b s num bsr th a t sh a ll oom poss tha B oard o f D lrsctora ts not m antloned. I f th s num ­ber o f d lrsctora b s Inareascd, tb s d irector, ships th u s er sstad sh a ll he construed o s vacanclee, to b e filled by the board.

T h s oOlce o f th e com p an y Is g iv en aa at :ai M ain street, E a st O range, w ith the N sw Jorsey R eg istra tion and TTust C om ­pany,


House Coats and Smoking. Jacketsthat offers you an opportunity to buy one of these warm house gar­ments so appropriate for a C hrist­mas gift for an unusually small sum. The garments we offer here are thoroughly well made, up-to-date in every way, and by far the best value in town.

HOUSE COATS of line cheviot, plaids and mixtures, corded edges, also i large stock of TRICOT SMOKING JACKET^, trimmed with silk, all ( f i Pcolors, at the extraor-

B a t h R o b e s .A s p e c ia l lo t o f E id e r d o w n B ath

R o h e s , l in e q u a l i t y a n d c h o ic e p a t- j

terns, men's and boys’ $2.98sixes, all at the same price

Blanket Robes, $3.98 Boys’ Overcoats.

din ary price of . . •

Boys’ Suits and ReefersDouble-breasted Cheviot Suits, tine

quality, 8 to l 6 -year i Qsixes..........................

Storm Collar Reefers of Irish Frieae,very line quality, 7 to 16 - $3.39

BA»OAW X!-Il«a«nW Ijfa -A. B S im T . Inw. R ia l ■ototo. Mg Iforkat i

BROWN A m n n-ra iN aK R . r b a l B a r A nT4g-ra litO A O IT.____________________ m

BDWARD H. w i n . IM f n id n t lo l RundliRaaiM tat*, Iniuianc*, loaii* sM' ------- » — I- WIM— JjjtxacjF of th« l^pnoyWanlA n m I n i .

ItU lld lllf-

FOR kA L K -rilnCwilrsl av*.i Will n atad : RkOou. c . J.

KIERAN- 4 Ac»dfmr room ft. iHTRON W. NORgR S i

tantlm *)*•■> te all laaitara. UO Third av4.4gjI’ROPKBTY for •s'* rhion; >dl O r o i^ » l- . aad

r w D iu U N «bU t It. Iimulra atfOT Holwyrunolug« . . city.HBAI. KSTATB, In*urap«.„C.mmiM.g«r^jO^

Usr.j* in.l UuilnrM K u h u ig* . C. J. K le 4 Aoademr H-. ro™ u p

OOlUHl: fur .ale uheau

U w a ll lB B a .New iwu-ramiiy

' 10; etabyro Suuui mth tL

RARtltlNwNew two-fainliy houe*; S light SCnd w ih large altlo; eubi* and ebwl; 5 ol

U pDO you A hOUM

UEwsstkvr it. _____________tn^ufr* HO

53pPINK p r o r -r lf t tn CUnton HIH: own-

Aibinr: IxouM, si*46: «I1 mo<i' ‘ llKxiuo. or will Mil

HlUfld* pi.rr muvlnx I'' Albiny

rn> tTiipnivrni^FUi: iroun|l 40 fMt with houM. Apply SUm a i l 8T.. MOT Wllllain-TeB-rooni tout*. Ion*

lot. tort m.WO; what will you glveT A. A, IIUMHEHT. Keel K elau. IftI Market Ot. IHOliRE and lote for ealel in l Houeton et. In-

outre FHBI) 1,UTIIY. XHd W tverly ava. IPBPARTY IraviBg city In enrlng wlehea to d li-

*" m u briek houee down-

TO I .* T --Slx tie ten i ropme: TI gprlagfleld ave., near High at.; rent IIL laquir* la e t m . To

B O O Ifk TO L « T -fr t)T O F TOW N.

ROoM k-To tat, la prtrola (amtty. I anfurahkitd rmime: run ba let h>r light houaekeeirisg, or

will board purtlra turnlahlni tbem; terms law. Call at IH Vflilluai it .. Belleyllle. I

F i m N U a B A FLA T*

: 10.

F U B in iH B D B O O liA TO L W T j ^

ATLANTIC BT.. M-Furalehed r«om cheap, « ooovtnl«e*«. l l g

IRO AD BT.. BSIt—LAFf* MWlp funilflifdxAd rooiru: itMca bMt x&d JMBKAt ’H AT,, 10, ntJtr DrchMB—ruml«h*d rooBm

for ff«iulrm«o or U«ht houMlucpIiiv. WoBANK 8T.. fio-rurniib»d rMiM:

uoo or twv piiKlrrum.bMLt«4; for

AlpCUNTON ST.. SlI-^Two nmntoliiMt todkqi; puita

abU fiir 1WO or tbrM irnUcintD; with b«ih tnS brxi: pHc« iwo<itrot*. %XAHT F.4RK RT.. X i-A lor ie (untlebed room

to le t ; heat and gaa. _______ 4*eFT'RN lfillBP nom a fur gentlemen » light

haueekwplng: reawwable, fff Ueahonla at. xte

uoee of fine new lO - r w ----- .town; email amount w ill eecnre It; all Imurove ntenla; il i ia roof; lot 4ttilut>, Cheap, Boa let. Newi ulllre. X4p


Fine Blue Beaver Overcoats, ? to 16 year sizes; a very ser viceable and stylish gar m en t.......................

All paid Bicycles and

purchases except &wing Machines

delivered free to any railroad station within loO miles of New York City.

SIXTH AVENUE, 20th TO 21st

year sizes

In Blue Chinchilla, fast color......................... $3.98Children’s Tricycles.

THE NEW KINDluve ball bearings and are fitted with one-inch cushion tires.

l ^ ' K ( g u l a r l i s t p rice t 3 $ .o o ,

-■^peclil t I f V O A E a c h .



TWO fliM* 9-rocim houptp, 490-483 Bummer »vp., eor. Arlinfton; nil lmprov*iu«iU: tn flnt-tluai

orffTTi well rrmtNl: « kuchI lnv*pAro»i]t: Wilt■rU cheap. WALTKR * BALTER. 740 Broidct. _______ WnR E A L B B T A T B F O R i U g V - O i r r O F


CUatoB Towtoeblpp








REAL e s t a t e b r o k e r s ,


BrofUmts.000 FOR «

hro<4itvn. In Box M. Newi ofllce.

fovr^etory brown stone flat. In fine iocauopa Address Widow,

rURNIBIIGD room for llg vrnieni^rt. Adnrew

PI'RKIRIIKD room, with heat, suitable for tsra, ill New it . 1

FRANKLIN 8T.. L'^Kewlr fum iabid twemst heated: sll Imornrements; private. i4o

FULTON AT.. 80-tATM, airy room#: hanOsomr. iy furnished, and all iwproveinenU. *Ce

FRONT room, 51 Ckiaton i t

funilsbed, llRbt houMkeeplni^

ORBBN 9T.a J^LarjTi jpiMea&t eonneetlnv w 4 ~ Mwly lumlshad; house heateaslea le ruomsi -_ .

throuahout; with or provtimata______ . house hiwUbowt board; all Im-ist

HALSNT 8T..al Impruvementai

men only.

4LI—Nicely furnlsKed hall room: tiU ; cifitrsl; re fe n a e t: geaUe*

HALAEY BT., » 8—Nice rooma funitihed for llih t houaekeeplpic. from I L U Bp. 4&p

LAWRENCE 8T., ll^-Elaffant ftm lsh rd rodVia; entire house aewly fumlabed. 80p

LIRKRTT BT.. «5—FunilsbM room (with Whlen for hounsheeptna. 1

IfULBERRT FT.. 908—PumUhad hounkseiMnr; four foems; | l . __


BT.. 49~*LarBe furnished front room, with : first floor; also two connactini roonw^

NEW heat. .

sj] ooavsolenoea.NEW iiT.. Bft—Fumlahed mom. with rsfflatsr;

rdasonabm: private family. fiflp

9pPARK 8T„ T5H-Fumlihed room; a ll Improve-

meots: fa s . bath. heat. 1

F O R lA L B O R T O LH T-

Holzwarth Rolled Over the Trolley Track a Moment Before

It Paased.


IS : ».7«J» .r1 iV co r tn c o m p I tU ) .. , .

"You w ill i « . therefore.

.SIS K4a.Gef m» .ijg n sth a t fer m e in -

lenan ca w e sp e fll o r are ependlog In UM1710,000, u a g a liu t nM,TlL!P In UW, Or h esr ir tvrtoe aa m uch , w h ile th e en ro lm en to f piipiia b k ^ 'ln creased In th e sa m e tlnae froin ILS14 to on ly 00,a o . Or leee th a n Ihlrty M r oaoL

" in ISW th ere w ag on# teach er to a b o u t lU ly ic h o la r t . N ow th ere la on e tea ch er to leee th an fo rty -tw o gcholafg, an d th a t la ox it ih q itu l be,

'■For corfitru ctlon w e spent IT L ill In USL In low w e w ill h ave epent tl<i0,imi, an Increoee o f too per cent.

"l% roe S g u r e i m ean , or ou gh t to m ea n , trem end on ely InrreoK d teclTltlea to ob­ta in a b etto r ed u ca tion over th o o * . o t a decade a go . W h eth er w e ore d eriv in g a ll


C allaeter K u laa lo F la d W beU iar or th e B aven ae Tax B iw V aaa FoW ,;..

In tern a l H evenue C ollector R uton tie# received tn itru cticn a from W ashin gton to b a v s go tx a n iln a tio n m ad e o f a ll w lll i filed title probate w ith th e d ifferent Sur­roga te* In hie d letr ici. T h e ob ject o f the ord er Is to a scerta in w h ith e r or not the la w catlin g (or a sp ecia l asaessed Internal ravan u t la x upon w ill* w h ere Ihe personal e s ta te bequeathed a m o u n u to tlO.SOD or m ore hee been com piled w ith .


A ccord ing to th e le tter co n v ey in g the In-................................ le liiell

th e henei endlture oubted a tron gly .

poeolble from tha g r e a t e x ------ ------ -jijp en d ltu res l i ’ a q uestion w h ic h 'b s s b een ooubti

"C ertain U It th a t w ith a dlepOitUan «■ th e part o f th e c ity to be eo gen erou a toIII eohoola—for m oot o f th e in creexc In ap - propelattanx fo r m aintenance h oe co m e from th e ta x ord in an ce—th ere o u g h t n o t to •x t it th e com p laint w e hear d ally o f o v e r ­crow ded clsoaroom a, h a lf-d ay c la teee . u n -

o er U lnV<V*v4AWU VASHWk WiUW. iJaMa- AWy WiBsu itab le a n n e x e!, e tc . 1 am ce r th a ttha p ub lic S t la r g e dcolrea moat ea r p e a tly

etterm an t or th ree eon d lu on i. "t h a ______________ _____U r, S k in ner d elivered an td draoe o a

"The S ch oo l a F a c to r in C om m unity U fa ." l i e aald h e w a i g la d tt w a s la u a d e d to eotabllah ocb oola oa soon o s poealbla In th e oolon ita Juat acquired by th e U n ited Statae. In ip e a k ln g o t terrllor la l a x p m - B on U r, S k in n er ee ld th e co lon ies oam e to A m erica an d th a t w e w ere c h o ie n b y I^ ov ld en oa to p ro tect th e p eo p le i o f th o se p la c e ! . in c lo sin g h e referred to th e recen t arar and said th e xuc< cesk o t th e a cm e o ( the cou n try w e e

d u e to th e id m lr sb le publlo u ca tlon o f th e eoldlere. B uperlm

atru ctlon i, th e depart m e e t Is Inellncd to th e opinion th at th e law le n ot lu lly under- ■tood. T here l i a n Internal reven u e ta x on legoolee, and d istrib u tion ah ores o f esta tes, w here th e decedent died on or a fte r June to, UOt, lea v in g a p erson a] s e ia te . the "w hole am ount'’ o f w hich ex c eed e In value 110,00(1. The lew requ ires th a t w here the w h ole am ount o f a pereonel e s ta te equals o r exceed s th s am ou n t m en tion ed , th e tax s h e ll be paid.

T he latter a lso xtataa th a t execu tors and odminlitralOTS ahould be fu rn ished with th a propsr form s tor m ak in g returns of L u e s , end notified o f th e l i llabllliy . It s a lto sta ted th at th e p a y m en t o f the lax ! Im perative In a ll c a s e s w here It ic cru es betora the d istribution o f p ereonel eetstee.

C ollector K utan told a n E W S reporter thai. he was confident th a t no omiaslons o r evaalons o t th e la w had occurred In

to o tx , Hudson or U nion C ouniy, because Ih e om clnls hud received special Instruifi Ions aa to this p er ilcu U r provision of the a w . Thu C olleclor w ill aejid In.pector

H ob art to the o th er cou n ties to bis d is­tr ic t to begin tha ex tm ln atlu n e

M'added a t XfadUon.A p rely liume w ed ding took piece i

raaldeiu'e or .Mr. and M rs. J. a . Huy e tlerd a y afliT iiouii wIi.ti

;r. M iss J ca iiH ii i ‘. Ilorahcl

m a in ly d ue kchool edi^ n d en t.O ltb er t n ex t m ed e a fe w reroefjke^

xotd th a t b e w a s In favor of m ore m on ey to teach ers, and h a d e­clared th a t th a In terests o f th e ech oo le w ould b a st ba fu rth ered by r a is in g th e aa lar ies o f th a grad e teach ers. H a w a s lou d ly ch eered .

Jom aa I* H a y a , p resid en t o f th e S ta te B oard o t E d u ca tion , sp ok e brirfiy , te l l in g o f this a d v a n c e th a t b a d been m a d e In ad acatlon d u r in g tlie tan y ea r s covered b y M ayor S ey m o u r'! figu re! an d o f th e

* len tl

al Ihe .. .lur*hH

n JdadliHin.th e ir daughter . . . . . . ...............an d D avid R. flnover, o f I.Htleiiin avenue th is c lly , w ere Joined In wedlovk by Heu U r . W hile , e loo o f th is clly .

A bou l seven ty-five wltnesartl the cere, b ony, which w as perform ed In the parhr aen e ith a bower o f roses, I'roteH.or I>e- flth slls , o f M adison, p layed the iveddlngm arch, one he had com posed and dedlcai- ed lo ‘ ■

er a l p ub lic sen'llm ent th a t I regard to public ioh oo l w ork.

M u rm ore l l ^ r ap reva iled I n ---------- .

"I am d e lig h te d to see by th e M ayor's flgurea," h e eo ld . " th a t there fit* been a y ea r ly In crease in th e am ount s lln t lc d to sch oo l p u rp ow a . U o n e y cannot be put to b etter u se . I h op * to h ear n ext y e a r th at th e lu m a llo w e d for th e education o f theao iltU e p eop le w ill 1>e enorm ously Increaaed. J would lik e to e«e every sch oo l ea com ­fo r ta b le a n d aa In v itin g o s a parlor. Too m uch m on ey c a n n o t be expended on our sc h o o li." Mr. H a y s closed by sa y in g he th o u g h t th e sh o w in g m ails by N ew ark In ed u ca tio n a l m a tte r s w as very pralae- w orthy.

W llllnm R . W n ila m s, Frank H oilson, H. n . N orth u p an d t . M. W ard san g aw erm l q u ir te tta ■ r leo tlon i d uring the reception .

tha bride.A elstcr of the bride. Ml... Minnie

H uehel, w as brldm m ald, uiid N uthan i Hurtun, of Grunge, w ue in u l inun The bride w as handsom ely uttir.-il in u cuK' tum e o f pearl gray an d w lilu. aiik and carried n bouquet o f lilie s o f fin' vnllrv S h e wore a hiiiideom e dhimun.i l>riiuche th e g if l of th f brldesriM>ni. T u n o f h,a nieces. M l.a hJilnH an d Ulan J.'tinettv D e-m an were Ihe itow er glrla.

Follow ing Ihe w edding.. cerrniiniy a re, eeption wua held, and a weiphrig .upper served, aflcr which Mr. and Mra. Knuver left on an extended trip Wcmi.


T h e I * w y a n ’ R a lld la g a s M arket Klreet la He R u sh ed to C om pletion .

C o n tract! fo r th e m asonry and rtrur- tu ral Iron w o rk o f th e n ew L a w y er .' H ullding on M arket stree t h a v e been aw arded . T h e lo w e s t bidder for th e m a­sonry Is J o h n S . D ay and Ihe iron w ork Is to ba done b y C ooper A W lgond. tha N ew York con trectora , w ho have a s im ila r con. tra c t for th e n e i i .J r e c Public L ib rary.

The co ld w ea th or ts not p erm itted lo Interfere m u ch w ith th e build ing o p era ­tions, tor th e stru ct urn lias to be com . plated by M ay J, and every day cou n ts. H r. D a y , w h o h as th e con tract (or th e ex ca v a tio n an d tha building o f th e fou n . dattons, b tu m en a t w ork every d ay la y ­in g con crete. T h e gend , stones and ce m e n t ora h ea tsd before thay are m ixed, and the oon crete s e t s before ths w eath er h a s lim e to ta k e h o ld o f It, th us p reven tin g it

W llsoB -vharp.The m arriage o f M iss Anna Sharp,

Jau gliler id Mr. and -Mr*, ib cr g i' w Sharp, lo Dr, F rederick W. tvilaon, of H altlm ore. took p lace last n lghi u t ht-r parents' rvsidence, IS Hill sireet, T he cvr vm ony w as perform iti by Hnv, L. M, D y c u , o f th e H ill S treet M, I*. Church. The utlen d an te w ere .Ml"» Laura Sharp, m aid of honor; M iss M am ie Sharp, Miss A K erns and M iss (trace Honelhari, brldeeiiialils, slid L ouis W ilson lieel man. T h s iiihiTS w ere I'h r l.lu p h cr Sharp, O rorge Sharp su d F ran k Sharp. The bride w a s aittred In w h ile ta ffe ts , w ith s ilk B ruiiicle net overdress. Bhu w ore a veil o f liille . H er bouquet w as o f lllien o f Ihe valley . T he m aid o f honor wore pearl cotured silk . O ne o t th e briileamalda Wore pink, another w a s a tllred In yellow and the third w ore g ray s ilk . A rceeptiou follow ed the cerem ony. Mr. and Mra. WIJ •on will reside In B ulllm ore.

IT 1 n la rm u te-MHck le .M iss Mauglo Btlokle. d au gh ter o f Mrs.

M. A, Stickle, w as m arried la s t n igh t to H arry A. W lnterm ute o l th e residence of th e hrldc'a m other, ItU O arstde street. R ev

I from freesin g , .The Hay F oundry an d' Iron W orks, to w hich w as a llo tted th e

th e toundmllon Iron w ork.con tract tor ______ ______ _ ..has ab ou t fin lih ed its part o t th s Job.

Cooper A W Igand's contract provlden , th a t th e s tru ctu ra l Iron w ork eh s ll b e com - ; p leted |iy k lir c h 1, This Is con sid ered , v er y sh o r t tim e for such a large Job, and

f .'i th e firm h as begun to unload m ateria l to he In rea d in ess to sta rt w ith Its ta sk . T ha

fou nd ation and Iron w ork la being euper- f e (fired by Ew glncer WlllUint p . F ield .

Fred Hiconi, of the K Ighth A ven ue M C hurch. iK-rformcd the cerem ony, w hich w a s w itnessed by a large num ber a frien ds of the con tractin g parties. Tw litt le children, Isab el F. uTiacIl end Allen ^ n c s , were ribhon-hearers; M iss l l a l t l s L . P e ttit ac.lHd a s tuald o f honor, end C harles A. D odge w a s Iresi man, The bride w as s t ilr ed In w hite s ilk w ith lace trim m ings. T h e m aid o t honor w ore canary-colored silk , and carried yellow ch ry iantb sm um a, A recep tion (allow ed th e oerem ony. U l^ n retu rn in g from a tour, Mr. and M rs. w ln te r m u te w ill realde a t IS) Oarelde street.

B e rm ors-T on nock. I t l ia A nna T unnock vrai m arried to___________ - _____ - IS

O eorge A. U arm ore la s t n ig h t a t Ihn reel dene o f Mrs. A nna Scully^ 71 Jam es street.

T he V ehicto o s W h ich B e W as llr lv ln g Was Struck by a <!ar a t B ruce h irest and .Springfield A ven n e . and He W as Threw n la ih e r ic s s n d -T h s C a r and th e W agon A l­m ost W recked b y th e C o llls laa -T h e U o rte t A ttaehed t e th s W agon Cat and Bruised.

FOR g*L B ST 10 let. S-itory W ck taotorT, • end 11 Crawford It. ; bulMlng tOatOO; lot M s

HOOH-A large front room; very nkwly fur­nished, for m s ar two eentWm.n; heated and

use of hath: needs only to be seea to be sp- urtclA i^: flaut fanuir prl-

DtiLf tro!l4t. 121 NIfll ___________ 1

Muarc r*«t with p o w r AftOUOT BUERIIANN,

WOOpeiLR. U Pvhbotto pl.^H ouie. 9 rrw^ni m 4 Mth; iiH c unfsm ltbcd: t(M m | im I

CU7 to B * Jn tbto AmrrJc*nLwftKBc by ■ rrofaftiJaniii Tm h i*

A p rofeatlonal roller polo te u n , w hich w ill be A m eniber o f (he A R ieiican P olo LfA||U«, !■ UeloE urffAQlsed In ih l i c l ly . and wlU p lay It* opening gam e In the Koee* vlllfi P ark p avilion n ex t T u e*d u y«night, The m ovem ent w hich la Juat a b o u l crya- ta lllilD g w a i Ntartcd by a num ber o f aport promotara aeveral w te k i u fo . Tha auc- ccM w ith w hich ih e fa m e haa m et In o th er aeutiona o f th e country prom pted a num> l>«r o f m en , m oat o f whom have t>eon ln> lercatad in baae ball, lo form ihe A m er- loan Lftague.

A circu it wan esiab llahed, ctiihraclng N ew Y ork, Brooklyn. Phllaaelph la, J e r ­aey C ity aud N ew ark , and though a ll the prailm iiiarlea w ere q u ietly com iueted, i t 1B aald th a t the rnovument le far enough ad vanced to have the vi’aaon opened on Tuaday. f t la th e intention to have each team p lay four framea a Wfck, tw o at horua and tw o abroad. T h e n ighta a llo tted to the loca l club aro Tuvsdayg and Batur- daya. T h e p lay in g ReaaoD, If a ll goea w ell, w ill iaat until the lattvr part of March.

N ew ark '* rapresentative* in w ill be controlled by H oger Connor, th e on a-tlm e k in g o f flrtt baacm en In th e N a ­tion a l L eagu e, and C harlea Me»«cr. Hoih m en halJ from W aterb u ry, C onn,, and are said (0 h a v e had exp erien ce lit handling roller polo club*. T h ey h a v e been looking for a aulttthlo p lay in g rink for acveritl week* and the H oaevlile Uavltion wuh lerled h* being (h e bent ndaiittid to ih v nporl. .Mr. C onnor aald to-d ay th at his uiDOciate wa* g e ttin g th e team togeth er and hH predicted th a t N ew ark w ould havM plnycr* ab le to coy* w ith th e beat tn Uio ivngue.

THI.*! "D F .A F MLTF." bWOHE.

butU nable to Uee tli« a lg a Isangimge* f'e|>able W llh HI* Voloe*

A m an w ho. umbir p reten ce o f bein g a d ea f m u te, hitd huen aoilcttlnir a im * In li - v ln g ion for severa l d ays, w aa arrested ru that p lace la st n ight. H e had Just v ls itn i severa l h ou ses on Sm ith stree t, and w h u i m oney whs rrrused him . h e auddcttli.' diacloseii that he had a vo ice and a vudiii- uliiry uf profuiio words.

W hen he w us ac.fcrt’hefl aevernl cards ■laMng th at the brarer w aa dnaf Hud dumb, and *I.W! In m oney w ere found In HI* po«aeii*Ion, }ly tliu i U m e he hud t>ulu aided Into allt^ni hchIiI, and John Nusli. ' a grrmlnt' drHr murr, waa *ent for ii> lulk I 'alrh him . N ush nstMl tha algn langmi;'< ' bul (hti prlMutn I iJld not aeein to uiidi'i- Niand him .

Thla inornlng ItM-urder MuyfUdd wn- about lo acn tc ik v ii$o inun to aU month* in th e p en llvn ilu ry . w hen th e fe llo w brok*- down, und finding id* vo ice Hgultt, aald hU nam e w aa Homnn Almitn. and th a t hv wub n J^olc, Tho Hit •irdi'r aayu th e m an awitru In live lunguiiHcM i \ t |i« w aa led to a vH|. T h e prtiiobvr w;ih not sentonced . H e rcmnndeil pendin;; un ins’c^ tlgatlon um ui Ida « ’CorUe

Trolley c a r N o, 881, o f tha Irvington line, collided w ith a h eavy tru ck owned by tha E agle B rew in g C om pany a t Spring- field aven u e and H m ca atreet aboul 7:30 o’clock thla m orning. So g re a t w as th e force o f (he com p act th a t both vehlclea w ere partia lly dem oU ahed, and Lioula H olaw arth, o f l&S n ro cm e street, the driver o f tha truck, w aa th row n to th e ground and aererely b n ilaed . Jkm ea Sullivan , the m otorm an o f tha oar, sa v ed hlm aelf from b ein g cruthad in th e wreojc of th e front platform by Jum ping h ack Into the a li le o f th e car. H olaw arth landed on th s pavem ent, acarealy h a lt a foot from the track*, and Ju»t aa he rolled aw a y from th e rail* th e car p a iia d by, the m otor- m an having been u nab le to atop IL

H o iiw a rib wa* d riv in g aouth on Bruce ■treat wHh a load o f tw en ty -n v e hatf-bar- rel* of beer. I t w aa b is in ten tion to puli up in front o f th e la lo o n d irectly oppoalte Bruce atreet. Aa h e d rove Into Bprlng- tleld avenue, H oU w arih aaya, he looked In both dlrectlona for approach ing trolley uarie H a aaw on a th a t w aa Juat Btartlng down the iteep gra d e , w hich httflna a UU tlv abova Morria aven u e, m ore than a block aw ay. H olaw arth th ough t th at he had am ple tim e to d e a r the track* and pull up agaln at th e curb. Ha urged bla team forw'ard and had a im o it croaord th e naatbound track w h e n th e ca r craahed Into ; the THsp o f the w agon . J u it before th e c r u U the m otorm an turned oft th e power, p ut on the brake and sprang backward Into th e car, a fter opanfng the door. Hla wh* a narrow eacupe.

The heavy wugun waa puahed h alf w ay acroaa the aldewuik. U atruck a h eavy hSifhlng*posi on (h e curb an d broke it. The rear ax:Ie w'sk broken a t th e hub of one w hicl, und ditf v eh ic le waa ao tilted that mbny of tt)e kvga roiled off.

T he front platform o f th e car waa sm ash ­ed lnt(j kindling w ood. T he Iron upright* BUpportlng (he roof w ere iw lated , and the controJU^r and Lruke h and le w ere crushed betw ern (ho dashboard and th e end of the car. Thr glass In th e fron t door and w in ­dow s Mild in (lomc un the aide* w a* fh a t- lertid,

The moTnrtuum o f Ihe car w aa ao great lh a l uftt-r sirlkliiif th e (ru ck th e veh ic le ran as fnr uh Huyd s ireet, tw o block* aw ay In un u ake a h a lf dDECh beer keg* rolit<ii and iwi> ixMatne lodged beneath It.

iioUw arib land-d on h U right Bide, and U w as iltouKhi that he hnd been aertOUBly injun-ij. ill! wat) tak en Info a aaloon, and frurn ih^ru ti> the C ity H osp ita l In the lioNi>UMl Hmliulance, At th e hoapUal it wuH found that h}g right an kle w a i aprain- >‘d. hihI thiit he waa badly brulaed about lie- imiiv Aftfi- hlH Injnrlea had been Al­t' lolni lu li.- i^u!i aBalHtcd (0 hla homo bynil'll 1'.

M< iMiu in HulHvan told the police la lcr '!: 'i ti" till .'Hi In hi* pow er to prevent the

!. , i, id] lh at lie waa unable to con*' tnil Un I nr l ie w'a* not arreated.

Thr rutlf dozen paaietigara in the car w u t li.isiK siiHktu up, b u l, ao far aa could lu b‘uiti'd. iiune w o* Injured.

Th" hui'-iM Hilttched lo th e w agon w ere littdiv lii’ulKri] hjr aiid ing a ion g the curb ind Htdfwjiih 'tri (h e ir hHUnchv*.

We have 86 Tru'ot-Lonj: Overcoats out of a lot of 175 i cut and made by us since O ct 28th. There h.is teen a great demand for large sizes, so that only medium and small men can be fitted.

We can give no reason for this strange state of affairs. It’s quite unusual.

The Overcoats are warm, well l i n e d , Lusterine sleeved, velvet col­lared, and are tail­ored of All-wool Tricot-k)^ Cloth. Their fair dealer

#m linprowmtDta: opto aluBahi^. pr*ml»*ie

WILL buy p r a p a c t^ th p y y y jr«r*al**«nt

FARM—Wanlvd. (a rvm.burlni if ■ultabl*. farm.

85. N«wa ofllc*.


u d tk*p«r*d RiMila "

HTOH BT., nrar WTlllaro—Tea-room hema*. MO, Flint tte. elaht-rnona hoiu*. ■tabliv ua* of B

loU, n o. A, A, Hl^MRF.RT. 151 Market t . 1

irieeis|l5. Their jurgh

price was* 12 . 1 o-low Stoutenburgh

morrow we reduce them to

$10.Men s U h b reu l-m easurts o f 34 to

42 Inches itu y be r itte l

^ 2 3 E S B


Clijr C o u n tr o lls r n ib eoa NaT* V s t a n N hould B e A bie to Read and W iite-

C ity C om ptroller Qlbaon sp ok e o n " T be K ilu ea ilo n s l gu a lif lrstlo n a s a T e s t o f C ltlie n sh lp " S t 4 m eeting h eld la s t n ig h t liy th e P a r en ts ' A ssociation o f th e F r a n k Un S ch oo l.

"I (vou ld n ot h ave th e e x is t in g e lec tio n I sw s ch a n g ed S t once," said U r . Qlbson, " as It w ou ld deprive som e p eop le w ho n ev er h ad a n g ed u oetlon el a d v a n ta g e s o f th e ir v o te s . T h ey, perhaps, are not to b lam e fo r th ie. B u t In th ese d are o t edu- ca tion it i s h ard ly an excu se fo r a n y one to sa y th a t b e had no ch an ce. E d u ca tion Is free l o a ll , and every ad van tage Is g iv en to th o se w h o w ish to learn. I th in k It w ould b e a good plan tor th is co u n ty to ad op t a la w m aking It n ecessary (or a m nn lo read and w rite before he can v o le . 1 w on ld h ave Ibis go Into e ffec t in

■|hristia. I t w ould bo no hardship b ecau se the p eop le w ou ld h a v e due w arning."

■i m i t a t i o n a n d h e r e d i t y .”

t'snil.T lor the t ’h illlre ii,A Ircut for poor i-hllilren te beiiix i,r-

ruiiKod l y I'rofcrser (. E dw ard Itarili-ii. ot the Cliuri'h of ilu- S p lr llu a l I'nil.v, n, Ihe form of S fr..- ills lr lh u tlon o f (HIkIv. Mr, B artlett has hei-o i-ngoged Ui p rscti- ca l rharttah le '.voik for som e tim e, in- con ceived the kDa uf try in g to m ake pijui y ou n gslers happy, iiiul sou gh t tlie co-oi.- ersU on o f tucal hiivhieHs m en. H e say* h- h s s p rom ises o f donations o f con fection , ery from R. Walnh * C o.. U forge A. F r its und Joeeph Jutlan, Mr. l l s r iU it e s .

{lec ls 10 h ave viiounh can d y for 9*1 or iouilttle ooe«.

T h e d lslrlhu llo ii w ill ii* m ade, ,St 10 o ’clock on the m orning o f Lf'-i'cni. her 20. at CliOBi-ii Frlem fs’ H all, T*T llrued strei-t. Mr. IturtU-ti w ill g ive a short talk on t'lir istm ss before p assin g around thu Candy.

w as perform ed by R ev. U taa H a u te K

^ r a a C s id tw O a s D a yws B M oe QutoMe TsbMta All S rw .

T h e cerem ony „ , - W illiam H . S co tt. M ils H a u te K eensy w as m s Id o f honor and H arry A. Oshorno so led u beet mnn. T he bride w as attiri In w hit* silk and her veil w as srrsm w ith orange b lossom s. H r. and Mrs. m ore le ft tor a tou r South.


U r. C hurch r****!'* mn K x*m lD *(lon,W ord ha* hnen rooolvAd fn (hi* o lty (o

(ha cTfact that Dr, jAmaa Rolvb C hurch, w ho WAA aurgcoii o f R oom v e il'* RouRb Hldatw. ha* paatied tha axAintnatluna for a *1milar commlflBlon in th a R agular A rm ^ and that hi* numi' haa baan *ant to tha ^ n x t a for conflrmAtiun. Dr, Church itood ■at’owd in a c i x u o f (w*nty-onu^ and hla appolnlm cnt w ill carry wUh It Iha rahx o f Kirat IJrn tafm nt. Mr, C hurch la a brother o f A lonao Church, aaorcU ry o f the E iaeg C ounty T arh Oorn- m lw ton,

I r t ii iK r o n a n d H lU on *T''" t'lit'iK iiii-ra and J o lt ifr i’ Union of

iiMH:(-(in iiDi'i [(■ tirat an n u al rL^captlun ■ti> ' iDiii 111 ((iiiitn p r* H all ta*r n ight. Tha I'umitiiiiFfs In vliarKci wt^re coiDpoBcd o f l’'l<iur M.i i u K'-t (.'h iu lvs D e lta r i; AMlatAUt

li'-nry ^hrlfTipr, G eorge 8pro(te ■ni'l riillUi t'lUMMi; A craiigctni'nt Commtl* I f , i'riu ilis l i fU a r i , H enry Shrim yf; B a- ‘•'•I'Ut'ii ' iriioiUfR*, C harlea Van W ert, TiD'ina,- WiiRfii, h , Hmilh, Jam ea Tul- t.’Mii, JnImi miiimi- hii<1 W illiam Guerfng.

-\ -’■j ’UM. \.i\K n ivcn la« i n ight In Ih* in C hu fch . T here w a s a

lii I *;>• :ii in.i|dsu-i‘,'I'” Miiii.i: I'uuiiLt Library AaaoclaUon

f'i‘ f ii-vi Tiiulii stniJ eU clad the fo llow ing A ndrew J. Van Neaa;

\i< I-i'l lu , W nm -n i*. Itaii: wee- !■ I 1 11 kvIkoI, W illiam F. UrowtijHfC-

I'lt iY . JiiNiijh II, Oaboriu’; irexauref,WiltiiiT'i T ;iik . librarian , M h* lyaura M, i.'.-'iH'ii.i. kju'fuitvrt ( ‘om m ltlee for three

JiDijrii W. Vud NeMfii M lsi' Ida 1b<i\4]| ;iih( mina M im iie N rnulnger. Th* r'-[inriA tiT iIid trenaurrr aiul librarian for the iiiiTi ilU'.g year w ere reutl. T hey ahow t’>] III!' uKTiticiailoii lo be 1ti a good flmdi- ‘ uti i'.»sd:1(Ioii. T h e m-w oRbHTS w ill be

iiiHtuUfil on Jan u ary 6*I<hi M. llQ uam ann, o f lliU ou, waa

csviiilit 1 ii, Komun V olk im ilh , of N ew ark , b'^t iiiif'ii a i the h om e o f th e bride. R ev. I- f’ul irniinn, o f N ew ark , ijcrformcil ih e > i truoii.i rtiid FrncMl HauamAiin waa bc*i

mini minvi Km m a Y olN m uth, a nirce of 111* cioi'mi. wti* brl'leimittUI. T he brWc

niiiM'il 111 w h ile alik, am i carried rt A fter th e cerem ony « retep-

ifl •

V, itltfM :in ht'lil.

\H enM i* l lo li l a Kalitiluii.^bln)-l■l■n Ilf ’om p any A. T w cnly-*ik th

■Ni n ji'iFi y \ o iu tiifcrs , h d d a reunion at J'lnitHr’* !a h n igh). M ujofW IItlam

u . Mdrrl*. iirrfrMi'nt o f th e unaoolatlna, ni'iivi iA'fi H tribu w to th e m em ory of ilc-

cunnad-.z:, and o I he ra ore tern f o lmwf.i with «jiproprittle retuHrk*.

n w.iM wtAi«‘d th a t forty -fflu t mambera o f MU' comnnny. w hoac orlginnl atr«ngtli waa mi, hail dir'fi i j 4>utcnanc Rochil* USeln- I <'n, ( h iiiif* U in k e and John Farrow w*'Mf ihi‘ menibera w ho died during thla

A fiiT th e apwKiheH th e veteran* joined In ringing fA m illar cam p aonga.

SubiM t fW*ow*aad by FaiwbI** a u l> o f th e A n a kteeet ttekool.

T h e P a r e n lF C lub o f Ann S treet School m et y e s te r d a y aftern oon end dlBcusHed th e a u b je c t o t " Im itation and l le r c i l l ty .’ P r in c ip a l E , K . S exton had prepared l i l t o f q u e st io n s regard ing th s subject, a n d th e v ie w s exp ressed by th e c lu b m em b ers w ere to th e effec t th at Im liatlon s tr o n g e r th a n h ered ity in developm ent o f c h a ra c te r . T h e Influence o f exam p le w as p o in ted ou t, and parelite w ere urged to s e e lh a t on ly tfie beet s o n o f liillucnce su r ro u n d s th eir children. A m u sica l pro­g ra m m e w a s a lso given.

A n en ter ta in m e n t w as g iven In the .New ton S tr e e t School building la st iilgh i for th e b s ite m of th e p iano fu nd o f the schooL L ieu ten a n t C herlee E . B i-oll, o t th e O ne H u n d red and F lfty -e lg h ih liu llan a R eg im e n t, g a v e hum orous literary ee lec- ilo n s a n d ch a ro c ler sk e lp h e i, and Mlaa l i l l t e R a u c h rendered vo ca l seleutlons


A a A d s a im ed T w aaly-fies C ents P er Ton W en t I o ta X R ed T aa lsy .

C o a l to ld a t reta il la now tS per ton. In s te a d u ( H.fii. w hich w a s th e price u p lo 12 o 'c lo c k la s t n igh t. In ktmordance w ith In s tr u c tio n s se n t to n il re ta ilers by th e N e w J er a ey Coat D ealers' A ssocia tion yea. terd a y a ftern oon th e price w ee ordered r s le w l tw e n ly -f lv e cen is. T h e order w ent Into elTi-ct a t tnldnlght, Ordera for fu el p laced b efo re th a t hour w ere filled o t th e old p rice . . . . . , ,

R e ta ile r s s s y the advance ts regu larly m ad e u t ib is lim e o f the year.

A tta ch m en t A gnlnsl C ooley R n in eed .

aU achniA nt(orlTsOW. w hlob w aa obtained In (h e U nion

So# f!ciiirt ASAln*! n am allsilC o u n ty C ircuit Court aga in st G am aliel W . C o o ley . • form sr m einlwr o t Ettsa- b s th 's Hoard o f ErtucallOT, on th . appll- csxlOD o f th s A nson ls Copper Hefllnin C o n ip a n y o t D erby, Conn., o f w hich Coodey w a s aunerlntem lenl, has b een dts co n tin u ed , and a new a^ltachment w a s Issu ed y e s te r d a y tg e ln s l C ooley for H.IWO. I t I s su p p osed Ihe firm, a fter a fu rth er ex a m in a tio n o f C ooley’s scco u n ts . found tits nJleged sh ortage w as not so g re a t n s th ey s r first elsim ed .

geh eon er A shore.F lS I fA J t 'S i s l a n d . N . Y,, D ee. l t ~ T h e

ar w h ich w as dl turner R ee f y esterd a y

tw o -m a ste d sch ooner w h ich w as d ln o v erod iiah ors on L sttlm er R ee f y esterd a j a v e n ln g w a s th e C ornelius, C apta in D avis.

•MiTvnltnilv looaUd; t*rm* «Aiy ~K>w*r f7 AO'

m a «Aiy; Iq ULd“ 4

ROOM^NI««l7 fttflilibwl room to l*t, with AM, h*At *nd UM of bath: ftinilT oiiv«t*jH i4

heuM ooauwllv locAtftiL 9 Orokard, ntar ^ a L nut *L ______________ 9Q

. hMt: mod' laquir* cm


ROOMS—To 1*1. two Utfi* funilihod room* for Maht hou*«a*pinf; modrrn lrapro%’*Bi*iit*j

pHvato ramlhr. I » Plan* *t. 1

H& AL E B T A T S W A R T S D e

TWO nratly tuni1*h*d front room*. aullaW* for light houaakMptng. or rtnt alogl*. 110 Har-

kat *L 1

wi(ut b* ehaap* K*wa alBo*. ____ Mw

TWO OMtly famlihod room* for <«* or tw* I. Inaulr* Ing*ntl*m»fi.


F A M H l W A R T B II.WAFMINOTON BT. 409-Larg* fumlohad fronl

room for light bow kM ping. _______ I

with prlvllAf* oflor " *“ ■AdoroM Fann. Hot


HO VBE9 T o U T .

BOOM-Wantrd. partly furntohrd iw n ; n w Clinton and talgibath »#«■; M w"^;

Addraaa Afntrtea, Boa 18. Now* 1

u"ra*t wood; wallan* aad palaudfloUbM Id aaturat %----- -- -

»«r*d: Brwiac* haatar aad all laarava* r«nt ^ TuauJr* at 144 IM ltvllI* av*.

TWO room*. hMl*d.^ h«tw(Hm mat* aAd

COOPER. 498 Broad it,


HOUSE, whoio or T>art: otMin hoat: Imprwo- tn*ou; larc* ground*: ebaav to good u uaat.

ffiquiro MO Bummor av*. _____ te

men; tariMATLANTIC FT.

h m .t

KOUflH, 7 momi: all Improvvmml* *tabl*, 07 South 19th it . , RoMYlli*.


HOUSE lo lit: NkboU *t.

waiar: r*nt 18. Inqutra

LANO BT.. Tfh|13: M r Bambunr pL W A V TER 0 . O S B O ^ E . te lt*chanic A B o

m X B E R R T 0T.. SBS-Brteh: U room*: An* for r-hou**: iMMoatioD ImmtelatvlyeboardlniT' . . .

LARD, M Johaoon *tTO LST-ete Knunvt it . , naar troi1«y Iln** aod

Prmi. Station: a room*; all ImpravamiaU;twowtorr bBck;^tM ^l^dean^flTu OBO. F. DODO. B19 Broad at.SB BOtDBN IT.. Dio* 9-roovi bouiOa 914.

LOUIS A FELDER. 803 Broad OL. rooa* 1ft

TO f tB T -O U T O F T O W N .

KEARNY—Good hou**: 9 room*; gardfo; raot tS.AU. KAY. 82 Sumpwr av*.

TO LET—In Orangv, a co«*t T-roerm hnUM; all Lmprtrr*m*nt*: rvat I3B; o m month fn * . Ap­

ply on pMmiM*. aa Hllly*r * t A8ffl

iTORCBa o r P lC B B , L O F T t . F A IV TD RIBSa IT A B L E B , B T C ., TO LFTs

BRICK factory: hoai: Ttnt 126.

370 Chctlnut *t.

104-109 Jofanion at.: *Uam Apply to PALMER PRICE,

SalIiahehENT Ator* aod back room; »9 MllUbet •

ry if. FRANKLIN MATO, 900 Broad «t. SOol a r g e ■tor* *nd upprr floor; oantraily locaUd;

‘ l,b r tha K ld r ld g iB l^low r«Dtt DOW OOCUpIfd b cl* Co,. 24 and sTCcntral iLOFTS with powor and *t*a» h*at. 49 Law*

ratko* it. WASHINGTON WILSON. M »MARKET BT.. SBS-Tbr** floor* for rant; light

mahufacturtng: will b* fixed to *ult tcnaBt*. Apply to B. H. LUM. 9UB Prudential B u U d l^

BTORE"Targ^ roracr *(or*: good toeatloa for <lrmrjH*t; non* wlifaln thrM bior1(*:_rcnt or

to right party, flc*.

s STILUSII v ir n ixiuxrssra, scstk viewAddrcia Store, B«x 7. K4W* <

STORE to I«i: 191 Muibtrnr m ,i SBxlM; anltaw ' 1« for bowtint a lltr . billiard parlor. *ta. C.

NBSLRR. as Crawford *1.HHOP-Lam* tight shop to 1*1: MltAbl* for any

builnr**: rent |lO. M, RICHBIMCH, 299 HiiTingfl*ld avf. 69oBTALL4 and itabla-room to ML

RHKN. ■■M Clinton * tlaqaly* C S. ________ » ?

TO LET—Second floor: flOft Broad *t.. oppoilte Trinity Chnrch: staaat litaL IftqUlM n th*

More, T. M. WARD. 4fleTO LET—Room*, with power and heat, w y

fllrabjl* (or light mavufaciurtbg. I* AMu'*BATRR, n % m M ulbrry at. Mh

318-321 MARKET ST., on* large and on* im all ■inm. r^nt ((Ml and tt t .

2HH Hunk it., nice corner atcir*. t18.LOUIS A. FKLDER. 909 Broad at., room 1ft

94 m

STO R ES. O F F IC B B , LOFTB* FAC:-'n n u E f l . x T A B i.E i , t o r e . , w a s t e d .

A LODGE room or im all hall w u t td : c*htrallj icKiRiFili for tlie evening uf Deoambar 21: itat*

terms. «to. AJdreaa M. H-, 90 South I9tb atcity.LDKT-WanleO. to rant. tniaU loft, w llh pow«r.

Addret* L()rt. Hox 79. N*wa oBlcf. fteHOOMS AMD F L A T S TO L E T .

A FLAT of four room*. |0 ; 3 room*, t t i tub*. Janitor, 12 E**«r at. 90h

BROAD RT., 4 » - Top floor; 3 large rootn*; t&. fldtk

JUNK RT.. SIS-Kour room* to In ; te. WoRKLLEVILLE AVtt..]«(. 117—Four tight room*

CONGKRRH RT.. 14 "Four iarg* room*. In gom , urdar: rent low; al*o two Iarg* rnnmiu

CENTRAL AVE..ciioap. dSB-To l*L S Urg* room*.42a

FLAT lo let! 420 High «LI 9 room* in d baUi all IcQprovMDCuta *8-

FOriH nice rooma; all Improvameot*: rent tmall family prafarrad. A pfiy VOLKIf s

*ho* ■tnr«, .ITUVfr S)jrtriifl*id av*. SB*MONHOUTIi BT.. 19-Four light rooRii to *aiaR

family. 49mn e w RT.. 147-Hand*oino new Italj flrat Boot

all Inpia Inq. AhRAHa M fRIBSMERrmim 9i)«l Cr*du 9y«iani Bldg,, Maraal WMHing(OD iL*.

ER.• bAiimNEW flat: 6 or 7 room* ig d bath; cabfnvt »ae>|U[d ele Nu UiAt: htatlaga(«»: Mlranwtrrt. ISi MUford avo.


QUITMAN H t.-Saooad flat: 9 rooioa. loqulra IS Monmouih irt. ‘

nooM L-To (at. nominal nmt and Janlior'a ler- vlce for B rooni* Md te ih t lmprov«manti;

WoodfM*. JORAlstindON. n S Waalilngton av*.Itehound fro m N ew York to N ew p ort w ith cunl Ttut vnxsel stru ck th a rock s head on. and to r s k la r g e hole In th e b ow . T h e m en w arn hun t k t th e pum ps a ll n ig h t, s o d to -d a y n tuft and llg h ta n are s ta n u lo g by. It t o e x ^ ^ l e d ih # wlU ba fioatw l lor iilgh t, w h en s h s w ill P(oe«Sd “ L” ™ ,.*!?"'’,®'' r c p a l* . T h e (J o r o a llu sV k s b u ilt In 1J51 a t T b ros H lvar, N . J . J h e In « .8 f e e t In le n g th a n d 1,4 deep. Hi N e w I .o n d o a .

iinoug-To 111. a ni«iav*.; adult* only. Inquire

It floor. _ ____ -at 111 CvDtral * v«ylOo

ro o m s- F our nKtni* tu 1*1 : auir* m Nivhola *l.

■raiar: rent 17. In

R O SKVILI^-Flrstjloi.r; 4 vr S raoiusi all lot. iirovmi.nt.. It!! Fuurlh at., n n r w in s s tl


sa r hom afe e t 111 BOl’t H OIIANOE AVK.. SOS. h.twsen Slh and port Is 7th SU.—yive uHawnt rooms ana hath, 4Tp

Cold W a n DIspaUadv r a m o d i In th e tumllng p U a t

of (he Horton f llr e e l jk h o o l nddltlfm yaa- terday, ,n d Ihe '’cold w avs" w hich saomad to have settled In Frln clp al BchuUa’s ofiloa n ss lie.u dleprilad. VaatariULv the tem per- store of Ihe offloa w aa toi low k t (orty-nlDa deitrecH, ih* principal sa id , b ut a fter a^ o c ii ewjed Ihe h eat d en eo tors w ars raotljustad, and lo-dey Mr. Ik'hulta declared th at hla om e. was com fortab le for about I'mo sihca (ha co ld w akth ar beg

O TTA W S c o tt , A n tin g

JMSS Mst B ss lg a sd .,W A , O pt., D « . U - H o n .

kUSSftX AVk ., M t-T o lit . a nonts, wlUi Im _pro .,m «itsi M floor. H i

a t t Belltvllts llip

PU m iV H W BD W OOMi W k N T B O .

wllh p r iv ll.s . of bath; W o m a ats, A d o n u

a o A R O in o .

, n i c e l y furnlibM Isrws front room; board; bath and brat; for on . or two y o u u

Mb Martiat at. ___ Hill-'B oard en wontad: bath aad


BOARD-O eslrabl. moms to rant. sHW Impm'o-m enu and firsi-ohita boar^ a

Addrtta C-. Box Ik M ess o f i lnaa C H nt» ave.

BOAIID or turalshwl rooms; 4 minutes rmm Brie Patwtl prlvais (amllr. Board. Bos X.

Nows o f e « . ___________________________ M®BOAXD—Lora, mom and good board for two

yoonx mtn. M Loks sL . near Bloomfetfla n . _______________________ fboBOARD-tsfl Front it . , foot of FaRoo it . i terms

rsosonabla. __________ *SBURNET ST., H —Hosted room, with bosrd;

osntraUy looatsdi privoit tam lly: tarn s rta- sonobla. _______________H oBELLEVILI-B AVE.. MT—Fsant olasva room(

*d Boor, with hoard._______________ H nBROAD r r . . »1»-L arss and im all room ;

baatad; with board.______________________ H pCLINTON IT ., 4k-E so«ntnt board aad plaas-

OM rooms; all ImprovamanU. 1CENTRAL AVE., 1(1, BSO-

nlshad front rooios and board.a t—Fsr-


COLUMBIA board; all

T(l-DaslnM a reomo, with Mo

CLINTON ST„ BO—Boarders wanted; ibikte w d donbla n o m a ___■'P

ELM ST., S4—Two aanstetltiB dmibla n a n s to 1st; with or wltbout board,_______________ Mp

EAET FARK ST., Td-lA rgs front t o o u with boardi heat: bothi s a g ____________________X

EAST p a r k BT., H -P laasant n o m a board; o lio table boafd.____________ __

BART PAftK RTeb(»rd: ceptnu. 99—L « m bexted room, vrith Stp

GROVE iTe. 9B. ne*r OourthouM -Boufl; *I*o U ble boirfr W per w**fc. ____ _____

HALSET 6T„ 109—P l e u u t furslibea n> eultftble for two gentlesuA: wteua lie»t: (ebi*bo*ii ten

BALBET 8T.. 69—After Dwaraber 18. will h«ve roots v i c u t ; •ultgPle for two gentie-

RMSt. 49pBAL8ET IT .. ^ N e w l y fumUbed room# with

or wltkout boord; *t**m h*te; f t* . 96nHIGH BTs. 470—Ctn *c«ommo9«U two gtatlo#

uMo or ntarrled oouple. 19*HILL flTe. 19—FttmlilMd roo***, wiUi or

out oo*rd. 194KETF St . s 99-N ew ly furtrfahte front room*:

kentte; lmproveme«U; witb iMnrfl. 1

PENNINGTON BT.. te-B oen lln g , |4.hented rooni: hnth: fla* loonllty; Indie* o

tIeiiMn. '

with or gen- 900

BUMMER AVE.. 909-Ftofit room, iu j t^ l* for two.

with honril:44p

WABHINGTON BT.. 187—AMommodMIote tw two gedtJemtfl; w * m room: o*Qtr« boo**. 1

o m r ADwiiTiflaMiixTts


c ity Hnil. Dm , 16. IIW.I of butlnoM ^ nMlIotat* tor d Id nil APPU^Uion* or petl- l i honrd for th* g ru tln g *f

The following I* tbe U*t of Om nnm**,. rwl- flencM 4d9 pince* o'Iicen***, oonuloed .tioni in*d* to t h J i ------- . . . . ,lloonMi to ioll epirilww*. viMit*. or I ed llcjuor*. u te *te Hretofor* puhtUkwfl «««(»*•• Ing to low. to-wjt.; , « . «. _aAn tu * . r a o * of BuelflMi. R«*!d*M*.~ IHoook. J.-U mvlitOB ■t,....ate,m o pino*

al*g*L 79 O r « w a te ........... tem o plM*_______W l72 iw th Ofwng* 4v*.a,.g4w o p *ceR«mh Lnn*h*r. m P lu ie « i.......... . f t iM pl*«*

’a Weli)er. 119 New *t., ’

n u M .Enoch BIKFerd. HpKHAXNoUe

■ BazM IF pS a ISS 'lT *. ITO fl- O W B* *V*.ft*ine j H em ufi metgSr. S17 S p r ln ^ ld gVOsBut* IH em uji Bteigjgr. MI v p n mWtn. K1*yllng, 96 F l ^ o t................ ............Mr*. J ten Aurtin. te BOTnunw j' ton TlrrMao. 17 Market *t............. m i * j

in McCunoufV 4te 8. Ot m i* dvo.8^ j r . M*loDy, f i r FenT •jm'iv'®***** 1 in BeJdeDMhwvi. tW Bi^Dgfleld * v c

ADtonJohj ■JohnIt M. Hirrlngton. 114 M ulbenr M®.. m. lIurrJfSHVUii. •asaivmsjx sGecrtge Botal*r*r, 109 Bowery *t.. Prod li***, ^ Bmobm j^Tlfivler. W JJTl*g*to

------------Id LeitDgton *tsrBmobm «t ..

itoo i t . . .i i s t y O’CM"!'?'. M L asiw j John Read. M Shlnmiui st Henry Kublor, 71} Caflary ava,.O uSxv Ross.Wm. Ureter, ( | J h m o lla st. Vai. Stersnsxi, tn Jm ss s t . . . . . .Frank P e n M ito .M R lv se .s i....Vtto PsMlII. !W Adams at.

na place

John Swlser. 1}?. Sosa** ava............. STheo, Jarlscii. llfl BalA .........8----- --Wm. Kopp. 44* Srainxfleld a ta ,....„ S n m t i . Juuut starsm sn, Drtfolt a v a and D o (b ^


I . J .


wife: Henry fJ

flandford . M- DuPltJ

fltorm*. bar aJuU* flandford, hi*

■od Ellen Li Pobdi'der of the Court ol CliAA«i*Jade In tba d t f tfif date

loS lr S r in ’' * ^ i - “ MrMn Jbrai_______U eompiilnauL **4 vy* a ^ o th en ar*ant*, you a f e .......or dainui' » or Mfocw thi UT tba **19

on l*ad« Jn tb* tow; ®*unlF?r Eite&* mjh rr G. K o r n ? Mary J;

fleoyUle and B ll^ If. Fted. nt* boMuoe you

you. Kiratn '----- ,h

igranty-.. Fraflkitn, li0.xi(«rtA*.„-------JoM fleoyUle an< im Lk rend. *1*

, hoM Niwmorani , A. thmoford and

_______d*f*nd|nA# Pecauaor *on>i part Uwiwof: a*d

m ^ -^ G A D 0T,.fln* modern flat of 7 rooma4K» i^ -E n Harket ats. a*artn»«Dli of t roonu, JiA-

ttn an Jnchtail* a * th « wife or h M


O R ANCB v fi

itrN E W a :

H olsam

Qoo< J. O C. B H . 1:

am F. H Myn N e w P aul

nuiO. J

aviJois a VI

E A B T ( W . I

Ch W . ! H. 7

i t r BO U TH


J. J. tio

m i ' I N tP. A


J . H H IL T O l


J a eo ■tr

H A R R I P. J.

K E A R h JohnF rar

O n B L O C K

Oarl< ■V M M I

E d w Rob.dti

A R L IN i C. H

w oW A T 8 E

C harU A D lS t

L ew is o t

U O R R t W . H Blocl

b a b k i i C har

RAHW i H . L

A K ami

P rom W e

m an , fou iu l an d 4 d a u g l ha h a a r s k l>ekr whiab tru e I

l o 0 b it, w w a ll, th e h Inataa rertlfl sanca fam ll]

In a m a n an d s hla k l tree , ap orti co in s s ic va

for Ic l lh e gold. If w d a y I




THE 0 4SS. it

T h e l a

BL A N iWa buy anhatablan-------

b lin k eU . oamba ba le y - PE' CO.. 11 (FOR BAl , tor's ptbuakboorddry woso:

-h a lf Ion s-h a lf tientb oiKW a OONS . ear*a, bs let of see ebiap. A Rudson stBUOOIBS

baker.VlniBban’a a g f .T RFOR SAL

onashaa; Jobs In nil nasb. EAH O R IB -I

haadsnm yanra old nound and


HOR8EB ^ Farm. i l4 b l* f , 41FONT, m

be M«nCllDloo atCHICAGO, to . & rMa^et *tHORBB8-

paoer, al neld avo.FOR 8 AL

bargain. 9UvU O H T bi



BOIW-IasA h art

. J

I - . .

N j a W A B K £ V £ N U I G ^ N E W S , T H U B S U A V , D E C E M B E R 1 5 . 1 8 0 8 .

A « l l i u r l w « A « » l i l o r A d T V V tla la v a t r a ta * . M aat » t t h * M

V lB M i a n C T e a la g a ,K E W T O R K -

E r tr .la a N p w i B la n ch O n e a , R oota T , M vn n lh floor, 8 t. P a u l B aU d ln f. B m a d w a y and A nn i l r t c t R , r . B . H u n la n u n . ip aola l r r p r ta n e ta ttv a

O R A N O X -E v en in g N aw a B ranch Oflloa, I Centra

a traetN E W A R K -

H o lib a u a r ’a D rugalora, eornar o f Broad an d MarkPt a treata

a o o d a t ll A Co., i n B road atroat.J . O. Blunirr. a t F e r r j a tr a a t C. B. D uij.!in , 1W Eltn a tr a c t H . B . M arbury, South O rango avenua

and BIxih atraat.F . ilra lih u l. 01 B tllav llla avan u e .M yron \V Iforaa, IM T hird avan ua . N a v a Stand, R aaavllla A vanu a S ta tion . P a u l E . Schnridar, 111 B lo o m fltid avO'

nuo. corner O arilda atraat.O. 3. Racha. W aah ln gton an d Cliaatar

a v a n u ta __Joaaph Ettanbargar, Jr> W C entral

avanua.E a s t o r a n b e -

W . R Allan. MO M ain atraat, n e a r Brick C hurch Station .

W . H . P lum iay. E aat O ran ge S ta tion . U . N . W lldm an, naw adaalar, 106 M ain

atraat.S O U T H O H A N Q E -

R obart Lralla, South O range a v a n u a O R A N G E V A L L B T -

3 . 3. Bpallm an, H igh land A van u a S ta ­tion .

lR 5 'I N a T O N -P . A W ar*, corner W aal C lin ton and

Springfield gvenuaa.U I L R B U R N -

3 . H Ounn, oflloa, Poatoflica B u ild ing ,H O iT O N -

P . A W are. Boydan aven u a.M O N T C L A IH -

Jaeob R udanaey, n e w id e ila r . Spring atraat, oppoalta d e p o t

H A R R I B O N -P . J. Ooodm an, U l B arr laon avanua.

k e a r n t -Jo h n Hood, Johnaon a van u e , op p otite

H igh lan d avenue.F r a n k H . P a lard y , d n ig g la t com er

G rant and C antrat avanuea. B L O O H F I E R D -

O ariock A C o., t i l Q Icnw ood aven u a, ■ U U M I T -

E d w ard B. K elly .R ob ert J. U u ld ow n ey , N a v a B land,

d e p o tA R L I N O T O N -

C. H . B lanc. N a v a Stand , opp. O rean- v o o d L ak e D a p o t

W A T 8 F,8 B IN Q -C harlaa B radley, n e v id e a le r .

W A D I 8 0 N -l i o v l e A. W atera, n ev a d ea la r , D ., I*

an d W . R . H, S U tlon . M O R R IST O W N —

W . K . M uehm ore, n av a d ea ler , M cAlpIn B lock ,

b a s k i n g R ID O E —C harlea Bbafer.

R A H W A Y -H . L. M oore, ]1 C herry atrret.

D f iA T t lS .Mary bat«v«t

S P O n T h M E IfS F IN O S .

A K A h b ll t'hBBO W h lr l i L e d t o C o .• x p a o t e d O o o d F o r t o u .

F ro m T h e Foreat and S tream .W e h a v e a ll heard o f th e g o o d young

m an , w ho. bacauia he v a a good , on e day fou nd a purae con ta in in g |4,<)lia,000 in gold an d w h o v o a thua enabled to m arry th e d a u g h te r o f the rich can d y w o m a n , w hom ha h od lon g adored. S om ew h at In th la line ara a cou p le o f ahoctlng a to r le i w h ich a p ­p ear in the d a lly prtae th la w eek , and w h ich ahow how good a th in g It la to be a tru e aportam on.

l o on e caae a buntar w aa efaaalng a rab­b i t w h ich took rafuga In a h o le In a atona w a ll. T h e hun ter reached hla h and Into th e h o le a fter the rabbit, b ut d rew forth Inatead o f th e gam e a lon g loot m arriage re r t lllca te , w hich had by reaoon o f Ita ab- aenca ca u ie d for aooie yeara a d la tln ct fa m ily dlaturbance.

In a n o th er co a t a poor b ut honaat aporta- m a n w aa ou t aqulrrel h u n tin g . H e ehot an d w ounded a aqulrrel, and In re tu rn for hla k lndncaa th e aqulrrel ran Into a ho llow tr e e . R each in g down Into th e h o llow , th e ap ortam an pulled ou t a box fu ll o f gold co ln a o f an cient d ate, b ut o f m u ch Intrln- a lc v a lu e ,

T h ere are m any o f ua w h o h a v e h unted fo r m an y yeara and h a v e n ev er found e ith e r a m arriage certifica te o r a bax o f g o ld , b u t w e should not be d lacou raged; If w e are good w e sh a ll pertaara som e d a y b e rew arded by som e auch dlacovery.

H O H S E S , C A R R IA O B S . E T C .



THZ OBEAT EAi^ERN gALE STABLE, aas. as7 and 630 mead at., Navarh, N. J.

T h e l a r o b s t s a l e b t a u l e s i n n e wJERSEY.

Larxa Aaotlm Sala of-----MORSE8-HORSEB-----FRIDAY. DECEMBER IS,

AT 10:00 A M.Thla sate Inelodaa trottarm, naoara, eoha,

malehad paira, afnxta drlvaia, fam llr, bualaaai, worh. TXpetiB. Sraoght, farm. Jaraay ebuaka. In fact herata to ault all Inrsoaaa.

ISO to tT6 hand or Orat-claai horaaa alarara tat nans a t n rtn ia sala or atchanga. A ll horaaa aoM on twa d an' trial, and It ant aa repreaeaied wonar ehaarruitir raruodeS.

Horaaa. wagona and hamaai aolS on eommla- aloB. altnar at auction or nrlvata aala.

REdLXAR A U enO N BALES EVERT _ 'rUKBDAT AND FIUDAY.T ^ b o n a tU and TT8. BOY A f 6 x Propa.

JOS. E HOT, Auctitmaar.J. B. ilOREHOUB. Salaaman.

HORSE—rtw aala. baadaoiH, (aat trotting boras, Hrad b» Rad Wllkea. dam Nallla HcOragor.

aha by ttoht. HrOragor. atandtrd ragUtarM, brad la Kantbcky, aavan yaara old, ItM handi nirh. w alglu 1 .0W, long tail, ity llih aM attrao- t l v t appearanca: frarlaaa of aiaam or alaotrlcii don t ahr or pull; needa no booia; an aaoallant

Kim tioraa; he trotted thraa private trlala In antuokr itat tummar whan purchaaad by Pfaaant owner for 11.126, In J.IT, 3.1S and l.lS ts;

na waa never In any races; haa no record; ha jnaat be aean and driven to be appraciatad; rnllx guaranteed aound and gentle under all cir<{amatancaa. and to trot full mllaa batter thaa

-28 or no oalc: aatlafactoiy trial given raapon- albla purehoaar to teat hla ipaad. aoundnaaa and g h a r au a lliln ; pnoa fSIIO to private, raaponai- bla purchaaer. who will guarantee him good noma and treatment. Further Information at ow nar'i private itablt. 110 W ait SSd at., near Columbua ave.. New York City, S6p

KEPT eouilaually on baud, flrat-ciaaa -Ad , dHvtfa. bualbaaa and heavy draught

1 1 * .A i h o r n , f n aala a t lowait puHtat W l\ V wlcaa; trtal liven; far Bale or ax-

J ™ ^ ^ » c h a n g a The City LIm Sala Hablaa, B p rlasM d avf. and Slat it. sdl__________ U. BTECHER. Prop. TM. g » a .




BLAHEBT8 I BLANXBTSI BLANKETS!In bale Iota from the mllla, stable

£ truck blankata. Sic. up; road**■** ®hi •V robaa, bmahae, cui

kapjap; a full Una of a v a r y th ln g :^ > » . P E n iR B HARNESS AND SAIiDLBRT CO.. H green at., near Broad. Tad

SALE—Hunabdut. ladlaa' pbaaton, doo- tOT'a phaeton, 3 top bugglei, road wagon,

buohboard, iplndla wagon, milk wagon, laun- flO' *■ #“"<. all In goM order and offered for one h a lf value; want room, EATON'S. Kouc- taanth and Orange it i . 63oW a OONS. WAOONS-Call aad .............. _ _, oaT*a, batehar'a baker's, milk wagona: also a w t or atcond-hand WBaoni and cariiagea vary wwnp. ALBERT L. TtPLIN. Oenirnl are. and Hudson at.__________________ Em

RUOOIKS. aurraya trmpa. runabouta, butcher, „ ,h a « r , grocer, farm. milk, oarpantar and glumbara aragona for aala; prlcog low and tarmi aaay. THOS. ATCHASON. a a T ^ t r a l ava. lOdFOR SALE-C onpi R ukaw ay: two Woatakaitai

eonshai; one brougham by oolycr; a ll (tour) lobe lo elM b ^ r . and will chaa out ebaap tor naah, EATON, 14th and (OTnga ________SloH p u S B —Family h onc for aala at a aacrUloa

handapma brown horaa; lE i bandi high; alx Faara old; taarlan M all oblonta; warranted aound and kind. TS (AealaBt a t . __________^■WAOONS, ALL ElN D fl-Laundry wagon, ITS.

oarpaniar'i w agw . ffS; grocer’a wagon, nOs maeoo a w a ^ . l a . ft . R. T IP U N , Mutbarry and Oliver ata —

® 25® *eyS5.k*t"’ "k*' and fur robaa. alcigb

FOR lAL^lTwhUhS rou) h dm s T kind r!s ‘ •itkAnt cou w non*.PATONe Mih »nd Ormr« ito

PONT hM M w QUTtfAt for M il; iwjtf tall

HORBKI wlaurod; 1 Torm. J. fla POi

Rtftbitta 40T Broad.lonarMttSHOUi.

Tallo* .ttook B uira Hoait

13mPONT. waAoa and ham«M for t i l t choabo Man at ’ — - ------ --CHntoo ava.

iifoa and hamaai for t i l t choao. Can at IaAWRBNCK a " W O H ^ k

_____ _ sstl l a ^ a t at.

H O R B E S -T m good work horaaai also fia t . hA®*'' •» a low pHoa, Blaakantlth. SOS SprlS^•laid ava.

F*n; nearly liaw; ^^^bargnla. BATON'S, Fourtaaath god O r a ^

L IG H T T hu^aia wagin tor aala; aultabit for pTumbarj tH ; of aiohanga foe horaa. SI Ailnrat. STp

h*amaaa homaa, QVUfN ■ S lib la laar Ooluuhla T baatm asb

B O K M -r o r mdm hatr

B U C K h en t; tSklf a t atabla.

r A t w m t * .

F a t e h t s - ’FRBDBIUaK C. FI

Skw aiaw fa OUsphall *C L O n w a x u p o m . ’

9M BHOADST. , .■ | |S lg W a S fl g .

NEBRY-Qn Dw-ember IE Wife t4 jeh a J Htrry.

Itrlattvaa and friandt gro klDdtv lasitl»nd ttk* funrral fronii* htr Ut«Nq. Prwt*K!ot atr»«(, o* Frhlg^r Ifltli JraEt., at f A. M.. iti It. J im r s ' i^ itr c l i . irhrra g iolvfnn High Mtag of Rrqulnn will bg oRrrod for tho raiwM of htr toul. la ttr ' mtm In the Cemetery of the Holy 8epul chre.

Btcrh'URr-Cm DMembfr U , I M . Cgtharlo*, wife of the Itlo llswrf* J. Beffert.

Punttgl terviccg g l lh« rMltlenra of h«[ lit'lgw. Hr, Oeorge Ari&hrgater^ Nck W t Ilf- too gTemw, on /r id ay , the 19th. at 9:aW I ,M. Relatlvea a»d fritndg v klodlr lovHoa. Intertneoi In FalnnfHini Cemetery

R EN TLSr-A t hN late rraldence. No. M Or ange ilrM t, Wedneailay eefiilng, December U. Itwia jtweph Uentler. aged

Toneral ttrvloee at North Bapilet C hur^. cor. Mr High aad OrimgP itrM ii. on rrniay. ^oamlMr tS at t P. M.

CROWKI.ld“-At Wahlfiv. Oroigre County, S . T on iJeeember 19. IMM, Itmvld R. Crowell.

Helativm and fiiende are Invited to attm d the funeral eervloea from the KIret I’rea hytarlaa Church o« l^ d a y . at 11 A. K. Relailvei vJll mMt a hla late rMldancw. No. J9 CwUr itrw t. at lUJft. Interment at Mt Pleamat OMnetaiT.

PLANAQAN-On the JlHh Inal- Ann KUaatan. J‘\ineral fMm her la te realdeare. No. T Ulnooln

avenue. Keamy, on Uondar. IHcejnber lU •t g A M., theneg to i t . CaoelU'e Church, at 1* A. u .. where a Aolcmn High Male of KequLem w ill be offered for the repoee of her a»ul. KaUtIvag and frlenda are ree|HWtfu|]y Invited. Interment at lha Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre,

llOUXlM B-tm Deoember M. 1909. Hdward Jemtf. eon nf Ueorge ead> Mary Slulcomb. aged 14 yeara 10 munthOv . . . . .

Krlatlrae and frleede are kindly Invited to attend ttie funeral from the reeldenre of hU btrente, 14 Cheelnut atroK, Kekmy. on Sat­urday. December IT. at 9 A. to St. t'erllla'a Church, where a High Baiw fH Keoulem will be offered for the repoee of hie Mul. [nterment In Oemeierj-' of the H^dy btimlchre.

H A U R IioK -A t Orange. H. J.. on Wednesday. Dcrember J4. INtt. Sarah K- wife of Dr. Alfred J. Karrleon- A ** . a n

Funeral on Baiurday. O erem l^ 17, ^ All Belme’ Church, corner Valley •treeti, at 3 P. if . , on arrival ofT l:M tram from New York at Highland Avenue Biailon, D.. L. and W. R. R. Frlendi are requeeted lo gu dlraetly to the church. Kindly omit ftowrre.

HAMBCRO-On Thureday. the 19th Inet-. at hie late raeidenee. No. 11 Vine etreeu eHer a lingering end pelnfut lllnpue. Clarence A, younireet beloved eon of t'herleg W. and Ida C. Hrmburc fnee Diltinannl. aged 9 yrare 4 montha. ^ ^

Interment In Falmmant Cemeterr on Satur day. Dveeraber IT, IMS. Funeral private,

iIoaAN->On December H. lUH. Ann l(t>fan. lietatlveg and frlenda are Invlied in aitetid the

funeral from her late reeldtnce. No. 40 Hovi •Ifeet. on Friday, I>ei-*intH'r 19, at 9:140 A. M-. to St. P atr lcra Cathedral, where a High Hiiae of Requiem w ill be offered for the re- poee of hw ertul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre,

J E L U F F > ^ Toeeday. the l.tth Inaiant, Mery, widow of John Jelfiff, In the Mth year nf her age,

Funeral aarvlc* from her rteldeijpe. No. 70 Johnmn avenue, on Saturday, the iTth In ■tant. at i t A. M. Krienda of the family are Invited to attend.

JBN'flKN-Suddenly, on Derembtr 14. IMH, 3 1*. Jenien.

Notice of funeral hereafter, lie ADA US-O n December IS. laW, Jamee. eon

of the lete lirrnard and Mary UcAdame. Rrlatlvee and frlande ara kindly lnvltt«l to

attend the (unarel from the rteldence of hli hrother-ln-law. Ur. ^ohn Lennon. No. 1C4 Parker atreet. on Friday, December 19, at 8:49 A. U ., to the flacred Heart Church, where a Solemn High Haaa of Requiem will be offered for the repoae of hla gout. Inter, rneot In 8t. Jnbn'a Cemetery.

NACLTT—On December J4. 1WH8. at her le»e reiidenee, No. 93 Chambera atreet, BrIdgHi, beloved wife of inw ard Naulty.

Nolira of funeral hweafter.PORT—At Rloomfleld. N. J.- on December 19,

IHfW. Jamee E.. huaband of Mary C. P w i in»e Farlvyi, and eon of CharlM and Louliu Pott, aged 2.1 yeara.

RelatIVM and friende of the family are kindly invited to attend the funeral acrvicee ai hla Ewrenia' reeidence Niv 1 ^ Walnut etreet, Blikomfleld. on Friday, December 19. at 2 p. II, Inierment in Falrmount Ceme- lerr, Newark.

^**s^ot****^'^ imrt.. at her borne. No.Iiai llroad atreet. Marla Britton, wl^e of William PhlUioa.

Funeral e«rvlcee at Orace Church. Friday. Decemlwr 16. 2 P. H. Frienda of the family are invited to attend. Intenaent in Roaedale Cemetery.

SUITH-After a UMerlag lllaeea, on Decem- U r 15. IHB9. ifmlly F . Smith, beloved eleter of Mra. Ellaa C. Van Houten.

Fuper^ err\|f!«ii on Thuraday. the Ifllh In­stant, e l T o'clock P. Id- fmtn her lete reel- denre No. M Avon avenue. Retatlvea and mends are Invited to attend. Intermenl at Htockholm, Suaeey County, N- J., ua Frl- dey, November Jfl. 1H09.

Auiaei County papera pleaee copy. fiCHORl^WOLF—On Wadneedhy, December

14. IMW. CreiMfitia. beloved wife of Louie H. Bchwnewolf mee StraHel), a i ^ 94 years U montha 15 days,

Helatltra and frlenda are moet raapectfully Invited to attend 1h# funeral from her late rMldence. No. HU Richmond itreet. tm Sat­urday. December IT. IMlg, at 2 p , ki. In. terment In Woodland Cemetery.

STAHlg-On Wedneedty. Deoember 14, 1«0S. KJIaabeth, beloved wife of John M. Ptahl inee Adami). aged SI yaara 1 month 9 dayi.

Relatfvea and frlenda are raoet T^pectfully in- vlletl to atlead the funeral from her lete reaidence. No. 195 Broome atreet, on Sunttay December 19. i m , at 3 P, If. Interment in Fairmount Cemetery,

BCANNELL—On the 13th Inet- John A, Bcan- nell, ^ of Lawrence and Mary Hcaoneii aged 36 resre

Jr”"' Ut* ®f Ik* ImmaculatetonccMIoo Waahlngloa ,( r « ( . Montclair.N. J., on Friday, the IBih Init.. a, S:8U A. M. iDtennant In Bloomfield Cemetery.

WATERS-Ott December J E 1S#«, Michael k e e la g e . No. Ilrt New

JY**y Ralfroed avenue.Notice of funeral hereafter.

U t O L U T lO M f .

’‘^ b'^co°m p a n t - “ ' ‘ i n s u b ._ DAVrp 8. CROWELL, DBCEAflED.The director! of the American I&aurance Com-

»Hh d e « regret of the n* !s*’*\*' ^5* treaeurer, Mr. David Smith

v1 **‘* tv:orA their tribute of re ■pact to hla memory.Mr. Ciowel! bad been thlrty-eeven yean In

company, being the tongeat term of Mrvlce erf any employe ai the time oThla

fleet’ nrlI.’'Tb6i ' WM made treaaurer Id Fcbmary, lHg|. andHit en ^ to ra were men crf'lltersnr attain-

menu and of buaipeaa pureulU, but he naturally tMk to businew life; he was of Rm'dlullona^ ■took, and Inherited a etrong pgtrfotlem and love of countiw. and wae a l w a loyal to what he deemed lu best intereein. He wae induetrloua end energetic In hie ofBclal iRJSltlon, and made l^ a e l f thomtuhly famlllgr with ita detalle; he w y ooneclentfoui and pem«taking in tht dia> chyge of Me dullee, mteliigent In promoting the Imtnclal affaire ot the company, aiij couricoui In hie treatment of alt with whom he came in ^ t a c t . He never eought public office, but wae faithful in the performance of hla duties aedoing all that clrcumelsAoea would permit to hromotc lh o « Inicrw ii. and hla luaxmcnt waa

'■'S*' *»‘« m , He wai IliHral In hi, charUlia and «en,rom In th» •UBtMrt of th« church of which he w u a mcm- ^ r ; h« v s , a faithful and devoted huaband, a kind and iffK tlonato aon and brotbtr; there- fore,

Reeplved. That thle minute be adopted, that It be entered on the mlmitee of (bin oompeny. and a oow of the aaraa ^ engroeeed and furaJihad

d etw a d , to whom wa tender our ifneere ermpaihy^ aieo

Reeotved. Thei we wilt attend the tnneral ter- vieee in a body, end lhat the offica sh ill be oloaed during lu progreea. t

H E L P W A m B D ^ I f j b t E B .

M UTU K—T r w a a le i it « E v e r tla lN g r Iw I k * XICWH neWBi I n v a r i a b l y bo p a id f o r l a a d r a H c a .

Ka a r e o a n t a w i l l k * O R caed f a raack o

Jto a M v e r t la r a ir a l w i l l k a r r r r iv a d o r r r f k r t a l r a k a a a a a a a p l tk a e a M a t k y a a t h o r la r d a s a a l a , %

A m ew ara l a a 4 v r r t ia a M a a 4 a k e p t f o r t w o w r a k a a a d a r e I k v a d e - a tr o y e e l . I f a a y a l h e r d la p a a l l l o a d e s i r e d I k e a d le a a k o a ld b e a a l i i a d .

AQiCNTg<-Wanted, four good agenta, to eell ih(* Magic Citinpouml: aeller at eight, (a ll

■Wl Hunterdon a t , Friday and Saturday. Dli5?" CAN. 38pAaKNTift—tleneral agents wanted for Jereey

City and Paterson; security required. Fra- lem al League. h&4 liroad ■(.A (HX>D herncja*makrr wanted; atsedy work

and gitod wages. .Apply to WINTERS KIK8 . a i lAwrcnce et. _ __ATTENTION. U B N ^ .M And few houra* light

wnrk laken you to Kuropv. Shipping oOlov, S Cllnion at., New Tort. TfaA MAN lo w*rvf family tP iib : a aleady poa

(Ion io fl RiMxl man. Addreae Capablvt Di NewaAN ex|trtlFrM-rd Haung man; advanesment If

ea(lnfaclur>. Keel Ksta(e. room 11), IVl Mar­ket a(.

A COMI'KTKST nli'hel-ptaier wanted, with ref* ersru’i'K. .lii Mechauko at.. cUy.

DOT' WaniFd at once, an office boy In large miinufactiirlng vaUibllshment, must be quick

and bright: aiipiy in own handwriting- Ad' dress K.. Hug 2l, N ew i offli'e. f 93p

BOT--<Joo4l boy wanlsd lo carry ordcra and make himself useful In buloher ahup. Call

Cur. rjiniun avs. and Htih at. ___BOY wanKd In butcher shop: peferepre ^ u lm l, riirfisr Jamra and Humet ei.ROY wuntvij to fi‘cd (lurdnn pressaa. MA1

liON I- O i. *

Ho y wantitei ungK, N J.

a( pharmacy, IP Cons a(., Or

UrT4’H]')li--First-<‘laBB hiitrlier wanied. HOTII Main sL. Orange. _________

^ R D K K wanted. 29il Orange a(.CIQAHMAKl-tK-WanitHl. a good clgarmaker at jM p t . iKfWAHD'H, U'v Academy at. 'ENTRY CLKHK9 WANTKl). KXPKHIBNCKD


L W, PLAL'T « CO..I 71IT TO 721 BROAD AT.KXI'KHiK.vcKD man wanted to help Baiurday

evening^ (tt list and m en'i fumfehlng atore HFl NOAUN. iHa Market SI.FORTEH for saloon. 39 Cedar at.BA3,KKMAN- 3 good men wanted at once.

lUKtm Metropulilan Building, city,

BlfOEUAKEHNrtw si.

wanted to repair ahoea.

BINilIuF man for provJaion dealer. 29 Cedar !t.lT IfnF L nrsi'Claas coat m akeri god two bueh

elmen al oru-e. 2h6 WarrsQ tt- HToTWO Twfera wanted lU ooce. II. A. RATH

cn .. KllsabHh. N. J.UBKFHL man, married or aingis; muat under

stand care of huraee and be wtU rwoommended. Employment Agency, 79 Centre at., Urenge.I'HEriiL man for country place, 39 Cedar st.1

WANTEr>—Oralnera on carriage and furniture leather; steady amrk to good men. Apply tu

KTNNOEL A KOTHBI'HILU. com er Main and Kossuih Bts. GkpW<X)D-WORKER on repair work wan(ed; also

harness-maker on repair work. Inquire Bouth Orange ave. ___ ______70U NO MAN wanted ae bill clerk and nffloe

aselAtant; must be rapid and neat pennnui and quick and correct at flguree: etate age ex* penencK and ealary eapecled. Address Clerk, Bog 13. Newi office.TOI'NO MAN wanted aa 4 c e aaMstant in man

ufariurlng conoern: chance for advancement. Addri;«a In own handwrlUng, giving rererectee and Hilarv eapected, H.. Box Z3ti, Arlington.N J. ______________________ '

H B L P W A I fT T O -r B I fA L B B .

A LiADT book-keeper wanted with good refer- encee. Inquire at E. M. ROCHk H Novelty

Co., 3(1 Mechanic iL , city.A.--Dlrla for housework; sm all families; thla

city; wages tl2, $14, 119. 29 Cedar at.COOK—Wanted, a competent white woman, to

rook, wash and Iron, or do general huusewurk, city reference. 18 Tlchenor et. ]COOKR; 50 houseworkere wiDted at once; high

wages. T8 Centre it ., Orange. 1COOK—{food cook

Broad at.wanted. Call at No. kH9

)GRNF,RAL houeework: highly respectable girl;

good plain cook; two i t fam ily. MRH. KRN* NEDT. 04 UriahKm ave.. Eaat Orange, o Drlid)t<Hi Ave. Btatlun.HOITSEWORK-Wanted. a cnenpetent girl for

geparal housework; family adults; must be a good cook; no waahing. Addreaa P. J. ftn iL tC H t. Box 169. Glea Ridge; carfare pald.lMODBEWORK-Wanted, giri to do general

heoeework and to wash. Iron and cook. In fam lly of four adults; good wages. Apply aby even' tng thle week, 164 Waahiogton at. 13pHOUBHWORK-Wanted, ati experienced girl for

general housework: am^l family; good wages, nice place, MRff. TANNER. 399 Dodd •!*» East Orange. ]HOl^BEWORK-A young girl to do general

houaework' acme knowledge of cooking. 34T WlUiain St., Best Orange. 1UOUSEWOHK-A conipKent girl wanle^l for

general houeework; bo washing. Apply at 2ST Mt. pleaeant avaHOrBKWORK-Oennen girl, _

assist with housework; wages | 10, ■t.. Sd floor.

19-19 ypam old. 271 Bergen

1HODBFWORK—Competent girl for genera)

ftousework. Inquire 142 MotmiDUth tt., near Clinton ave. TloHOUHEWORK—A young wr>man fur general

housework, come well recummrnd^. 05 Orchard at. i

HOVSEWORK-Olrl fw generul housework references required. Call 18b Franklin st.

Bloomfield. tHODSEWORK—Rmall girl. Osrmhn, to assist

with light houaework. MRS. POTTER, 2U GQmt et. tq y t tHOURlUBEWORK-GIrl wanted for grnpral Iiuune-

wofK In plain family. Call Friday. TD Kset Peril it . 1HOUSEWORK—German girl for general house*

work Id small family. 399 Lafsyeuv et.. Jet floor. 32pHDUSBWORK—Olrl wanted, under HI years,

to help with genera) housework. L'O ITIni's at. 29p


W« n era a tee lhat our en arn e wBl he s s reo- s w B ie SI SOT olhtr house In Hie ettr. C ell,

*P™ "™ M e n booia. Tel- ■Dhoee aell fSf Roalflinoe or offloe.The Uodertakioa hualnru, u ta h iia eq in i m ba

B. B, BOLLES a SOK™ ”o^tlnurfl e , heretofore hr

_ . 1 , n. BOLLES’ BONEP R l' /a r e T O auH ra to h l r ^ e x or Blfhl.


B iu ln w ooadueitS tor Hro. O m ih* hr en ra- eeri Mntejm,r and an «rM rl,nc,d ftinerel fll- m or. Wilbur B. White, j^naaer.TiUnhone ISE geg BROAD ST.




W. I t BULLOCK.flltcceeior ta

HULLFISH 0 CRANS,*81 Broa( et. >Phone IM.

p>- *»•» Oranie,^ N . ( lU N N E a UBdertsliir and em Ini met

N a tte CIlatoB ere. Telephone 120te. (Tr


OEOROB BROWN E c o l Bilshllehed U K .

DtiKners end Hennteoturert of AR'TUTIO MONUMENTS, MAUSOLEUMS



O o p o e lteJ M ^ ce to M t PlesM at Cemelerr.

■ H D IO A I.,

hLwithe n i -

‘b* •* 0'‘>'Ooe'of"Brto'adz's™* "*fr iSe world te send n » a rttametlo 1 canned core

21a , ''" '“ ‘ " p . l l * "1100 REWARD

^ e men we fall to ottre, and NO FAT till *'“ .<>frer for oerrmie dthtllt)-, et%tBre,

ell urInetT troublee, verloocele, I n m o le te de: eelopmeat, unnaieral d lach an ea blood poison, eruntlwa, red luee. oiwonlo weaknesa week Sj**;,}on rlio lltr . linpa&ed m on on , ‘ntte oM rfor gJI dticiupai peaulwr to man jkga m w it

HOII8KWORK—A young girl to aiislsi In house* work; alaep h«»mp. HOWAHlv. 16 AraJomy

•t* 1

UOUhEWORK-Tomoetent girl housework; referracea rcqulrv!.

for g^ntraj 5t7 High et.

NtoHOt^SEHVORK—Wanted, a yuung girl to aselst

with houaework. 3 Bloomfl»*ld hvc. 7pHQUfiKWORK—Girl ^or general huUMWork:

good wages, m North 7(h st. 1N l^ g R —OIrl about 10 wantfKl ai nurse.

ITT Quitmen e t . near Clltiinn ave.Applj

OPRRATOKH wanted; experlenffil on lnfanti‘ iraar: steady work, L H. HKST c o .. Grange

and High ata. 3lnOPRRATORft—Ship«rleiK-fd opt'rator* wanted

on ooraet ouvera. App y all week, 9)0 broad■«. m

PR ttU R R g—Wantad, experienced presaeri on ^ iM let’ underwear, CfKlSWKl.J, A HOCLTKH OQ-, W 6tb ave.____________________________ 2p

STHNOQtlAPHBR and typewriter: mull be ijUriT QUiok and aoeurats. Address, i(allng

■(Uary •xpecled. P. M. CO.. Hox 2. News office.!fITKNOORAPinCR and Remington

with some experience; wages RJ. Nuraeriee. ghort Hills. N. J.

typewriter, ir, ExutfA

WANTED—By old-eBtabllshni hnuse. active Mdy to travel, to appoint and luck after

egenta In Northern New Jersey; piperkncr not eseentlal, but good reference desired. Address AcUve. Box 94, News office. 1WANTED—lihmediately. a nret*cliuiB waitreaa

and chambermaid: go™ references required. Apply at UT CHinion ave.. oppoiite Parkhurst

nr ANTED—Hand glrla on coats; sieaily work. 99 Watlaoa at. I

59 GIRLS aa oookx, chambermaids, nurses and ^houaeworkera; ladles aupplled. HU Market

H B L P W A N T B O -M A L K AND M A L E .

F B -

B M P L O n r o i T W A ffT R D « .F E M A f,K 1l.A -Oirla. white or eeteged. a v capacity, aivaye

t)B hand: c'ly.^^t-cunrrr. Thi H,>r.rcaps.-lt]

. - 'Th* H.ir.rmeiU Agenwy. T9 O m D ett., 1>rsnge

______ Baeeeeialilr woman wanu ,y’awashing, ra il 5 days. 2i» TOi rvf., '2d


( ^ r . __Hul!9EW O Rk.-« Colored woman dFNliui im. ^

lion; genoral houaework. Li'«'Y l.KtviK 3iki New Jersey Kallrwrtil ave. |

ML’t l N B d R O n C B teIK ,

H o t’flKW OHK-Glrl desirsa housework or ujiat^ra work.


till 33 Division 1

LADY, expert t t band embroidery, n iibet work19 Wu ''irkei si.fJx


at home: inHIala a aaeciilty .NDASH wishes eogagementii, |i,5u 1 .^

Call 3M Broad a tWAffKING—Woman wania washing and ttun-

Ing tu take home; referenr.. un Cjifi.ifu »i,

WOMAN want! work of any kind week. Call 399 19ih ave.

K M PL U Y M H H T W A K T H D -H u , i : A \ D P E M A L F ,

MAN and w ife (colored) warn empl vmi"nT 'Iirm underetanae waiting and hou«< M'lff U

goal riKik and laUhdrees. AiM:- Wiiitug ]i„«News office.

M O HT4JA4lKfl. B T C .-K B 4 I . l;< i|A T K .

1800,000 TO L O A N - ^

«u w?«h tq buv a ni ■ *lirisiBiaa i*r# ■ ■■ at n low wU . V- • m.A^v, ir . Mui-

W ny bI., near Uark'^\ ulw*re you • ’<11 g-ji a g'" 1 Muir ef ali>{‘lemp skai- • for biira at 94c. a )'s«r; girts* skates, v,)th strat*s. ftnr steel, h*-.; Sr keeii all (ha ii- : mokt aiid a l slxe ■; Ii. u, ‘ luK i ‘rck Ik Hnwler ami Harney a Itcrry r. Kicberi nilrs,1176; biixlng sirlklni bags, alliwther, t i.lk ; dumlMNstis. in,Han cluba. tUalng tavkiu. Bi low ^i |>rl( tine mandniine at t) 99;

W'Wand up: ac .taion- ? i '•ielhi> from tl 6n up; a nn* Uanjo.

'''♦‘■f ‘ 'hah anywhere In ths city, siringi f(.tr sil kinds of InstrumsnK; aksiea iUariwiiHil while y.-u wall. luc. per pair* 6ln


BOND AND MORTC.MH: vT 5 PER CltNT.. IN ll lM a AND b ull Pl istu lw t u HTJIT BURROW-KH, N-f lieiNi s n ilCOMMltUlON EXAt?TKD: .^IJ. . 1 FrfHAHyPAKEHII C A R E rrU uY PltKiUHi it

CHAHLl s |•l ^rK COUNBELI.MM-.ViM.i^y

149 *'*< M Ho \ n g r .TO LOANON BOND AND MrMi’iiU uK

AT 6 PKIt CK.Nl NO nuNf H.

PHILIP T/XVYH. A rR K n iT 8yhtF'-m i'i \t r>fvn

MARKKT AND hx.4,LOANA negotiated or real esiaif*. nuti's lamda

itiauranoe, i^ lc lra and all ku,.u i.f property without removai. F 1’ ktovaRDs general bmkar, CommUst.inei uf NolaryPublic, rooiQ fl, Iftl Market it . ,\«a,,rk. N. J.LOANS negtitiated on reul SMtiii*. inues. bonds

building foan atewks amt ali yf iM.ra.Mial pn^erty, without reninval t j mtuW N general broker, enmmlMii.net nr •knis sna ip<t' ary public, room lo, lUl Markri Pt. A*ta

T ilE ^KIGINAL ViJtlNGSR RKPAlR Onetoo.i . **' *^ANLKU Proorietoe.dewirttnaiii for wrlngera,

fttl!?* in A law u inoweri; atwlng ma-and elocka.t-allM] for tnd deljvared fre*.

^ „ II NKW iT .,Opp. Itabne'a Nawark. N. J.

MtfgICAL Insinimema. Sftorllng Goida, Oamra TwA etc,, man*

dollna M iO up; gutiara, Ll To up; sirlngi tor all Tnstrum'nia: te*>

peirmg a atteeUliy. F. H. DOUGLAB, t t l Mar* kst at. nrar Mulberry et., formerly of l5 New si.FINK crayon porlralia-wa co|iy fiam smalt

t>lrtureo--do«'t give your amall pirturea la agf-niF ta be cotdSflL when you can go to a flral- pfaip and teapi>n«lbfe anket. We copy in crayon water rolnr. ell and pesieL CAHY A KKNNY, 529 and ,v.:2 Hroad sL giet h e T in HOrfiM on tho lUl); toysTtanieK

skates. rl9»a. -lelgha and a lot nf ,>ih»*r -I'Vl* foP 1^“ ^hlidrm. HI OH llltMTH* FHX. giUi gprtngfield tve .. oiipi'NiiF Helm-im. :Uh*

THa VKLLINU begf, r '.h tU anj dre=j nuII •'asei; a flne lot of .^nu'i< << «,«• ai>‘ i bwtng

eut ai retail at a bargain, ui fiuvury. 117 N ,1 Rellh.iad ave. ’ 4^3 1 ^ n i l ^ p o „ T , M 8 , r

T -iliey Potra. SB P ltae at. tr ln ib qv VO 9 9. f t i

MONRY to loan *m real eiiki, cipal may be paid In Instx.*.

of the borrower, no CDniniif>.a oi ply to A. V, IiriJlF ;. kin lii-„ad

in >riKuara, prin nt- at ihf option

liMrged, Au- BOc

1909,000 TO LOAN on bmui sfnl murtgage tn auma 10 guit at 6 per cent. \MtlfMMlioutii Ed .

W'ARD & BLACK. Counselj.jt. m i Pj-udf-BilarMONEY TO LOAN ON HuNO AND UOKT-

GAQK ON CITY PHoPHlirY. l i e R* * . BOND A t o , Tui HHOAD RT,I6.9U0 TO LOAN ON H0 .NI.1 a NI> MOKTO.AGF:

UTKKH MUAMeKH AW«tlM> WALTKK W. H ^ T K R. T40 l in o AI. Hi Vin5||,UU9 AND lI.Wxi t«> li'aii un i> iiiii and mutt*

gage; qUy properly, u-j oi-i,. W A l.lF ii w SALTER. T40 DrvaJ M. "MONEY to loan on bond an ' m-irlguge. llEYEH

A CO., 180 Hprln^eld ave ; up>'ti evrnltiga. 40aMONEY TO LOAN iin Imnd xtid iivtriaage

JOHN FRANCI9 CAim.L HuO Br^ad al.


M O R TO A U K A , L04% !W KKllN0!irAL,


precurad for pkrilaa wtahing to borrow on ho'uae* hold furnitnre. pIbool organa, borski, carriagtt, wagona. eta,, without removal from poMaaalun of owbar. Strictly conAd^nital detimga guar­anteed* You w ill recelvt ths money wiuun a faw hpure a fter making application (or IL

okna may ba carried fur alx luomhe or a year on the moaihly-pgymeni pjan.

Oar chargee are raaaunabla. and if you will call and iaveetlg ita our pim before occuriog loan elaewtiera, you will flmJ a gieatiy to your aJvgQtaga.


Opposite Poatpflice, Newark. N, J.



^ OUR TERMS ARE EASY.We win procure loans In sums of iiu and dck

ward for you from nrlvate parlioa. on hauae* hold furniiure. Ptanoe. horses, carrleges, wagooB or othtr pereonal properly In usa, wlthoui ra* mevaJ; ai«o on storage receipta

To be returned la easy raymenta with privi­lege of one yrar’a time, if desired. Our tondU Uopa are the most favorable yef offered to the public, and t«rnis the loweil. All traneecUene are atrlctly privets, it onita you nothing to con- •ult Ua in regerd to a loan. We arc alw ayi willing to expteln the terms and oondUlons, so that any one can fully underitand them. Our offlcci are conveniently located, and are so ar­ranged that partite ran be waited on Quickly end Privately.

loans are rranted the day appheatton U made. It w ill pay you to consult u« befort d1

vieewhete. Information cheer­fully riviB. ^ charges uplraa loan ta made. THfc PEOPLW 8 LOAN A HROKERAOS CO.,

^14 Markst ei.. third floor: take elevator-DO YOU W ANT MONET T -

Uavitig oomptsted arranismenU with a party wbo baa money to Umn at the legal rate of Interest, we are prepared to place loans from 110 upward OD houeenuld gooda, pianos, organa, ttc.. ale. Money can be had aame day aa ap> Plied for.

Loena mmda In Ellaabettu Orange and all sub­urban towns.

8EC0RITT LOAN CO*.Room 9, Bplngani fiulldlDg.

Take elevator. 168 Market et.



NO. 10 c e d a r BT.. adjoining Bm Hive, EBTADLIBHED )8«3.

LOANS flECURED ON HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITCRK WITHOUT REMOVAL.MONET to loan on household fgraiture, pianos,

ergena and personal pruperty without removal; paniea honorably dealt with: can make repay- menta b j tnatalments; business confldentlaL

t Creep it,, near Broad,by tnata


MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE bold­ing permanent poslrlcns with rcxponslblt cod'*

Mrne, upi>n their nwn Dsmea, without eecurlty; easy peymenti. TOLMAN, S9S Wasblncton it,LOAN OFFICE—Wa lend money on watcheg

diamonds, Jawelry, clothing, wrlniers. elocka and all kinds of peraonat property.Me F. FINKKW iTElff B a lm o n t: ave.

LADDEns.Bran^»mii, riagpi..lea ain)

‘ e i 9 9 9 . "Jo h n U HTAIIL. fumllun* eni) IjagnigM ex*

preia; pianoa ramoved. 51 Mi.btgunierv at * teifuboae 9139_____ "

W \ t , L P A P R H A N D P A P b im i % v a M * .GKKATEHT offer ever given by Fair Adami

PhilaUflphla WalltMper Co. \S'e hereby agie.-* to paper any fair elae room with a nici gilt paper, salecled by you, for 13 and up: we alsu du all kinds of maids end eUiiMf tainting, w,* kalobniina any fair alae room t< r 11 and up; gtu- us a trial and convinee youraclf that we (Ji> a« we lay; aend lustai, and we will cuil vui!. •ampler. Telephuns M l. Lkin‘t luljtakr n.r number- OH Market at. WaUiwijer bunghi uf u* delivered free uf oluii-ge tu all pans of ciiy « y ______ HERMAN A CO , Fi 'PE.ApAM I tfrooklyn and New York VVallptii-er

Slurs, 99 ipringfleld ave.i now le lb* time for rtescMiable work done; we paper any felr-iii#a loom fir B and up; kAisorninlng, Itmide ami outitde; palbtlng alin done at the vti^ai>ei( pricea: paper an)d at oust price and dellvi'reil free of rharga, fiv e us a trial, and convlnct yuur- ■eif; all our work guaranteed, mall orders m i telephone calla pramptiy attende<l tu: we have a large*’ and rholeer atock of wal|(«|>*r than any other atore ip the o ily; doB't mliLske the num­ber-It la 9D.


i*EH 8TOHE-\Ve carry the laig-ai and cbolcest waMueper stock la tlnr citv. and the cheaiiest place to do your Work; mi< Ii a« for r>aperint a room IS and up: palnMtta in and outside. kelsomiDing, etc .i also gisf .HO duye' tJmt to reaponsible Dartlea; as lung s i 1 )trep my ttnet I never went hanknipl, and ail my cuatomers are aM aailafled. and 1 h»pe ai< iti# new ruatorpera will be aatlsfled; we hang paixr at l&c. per roll. M. ROTUOUBE. Uk SpringfleiJ ave.

A. 5;.j-Jlng li^t rial-*, old ratahllansflbualu5>- ' f’i> dealrable c osg «»f r

rent only tso; hou*.. lA n*onif, fully foi and In fliig-plaaa ordev; pri;.v' '. ily IdAo. >;ixnee

.ifffrrd. invi-itlgaUun Inut^i. IU*)ii;KT 39 CliPlM t l ._____ _____

ALWAYS ready rnarket few g<a>d palenlefi artlrle* What have you got? >4'e ran sell

INBieiits, or nuinufarture and ptare same markvi. have sum* extelient patents fur •ate. Newark HiMnMalir Tn . Eh) Market M* 1

lU'ARMNn-HoUFK tor Mlt: 9 mlnutfw* walk frunt Rro^.l ;.ad Market ttr.; 14 nxima: wall

ffllMt; rent KU.tft |jer nwiith: lirloe made lu iu lt, i-ne gf ihe U jU 1*j ^ilorti in cUy. Addreea ('. P. K.. ILix N|. N ca ' iifflre,HITCHKH ehni* f«»r sete;

Ihe iHMi siaivda In city; tvnt: with a liiili* numey.UAUKH. 97 M.^hm at.

Kl’TVHKR shiip f<<r »e|e, IngUire 141 Perm- i»\haiua ave...... . M'righl at. * 1

CAPI[ ^mid fur all kinds of storea and mdea., cloihlne, grorerirti. atH>*a. Ivardwara. fancy

gtKKla. tmiKH, 1621 Third ave.. New York.iBmI'lUAR and coRfe-'Honcrv amre; iHmefU of hol­

iday irade. liniulre llu Orange at. 1I hi vi>u wish to huv nr pell a btialneoaT I'on*

MUnt .ippHcattuna m hand. A. A. IM'MUKRT. Ihl Merkel at* 1

FiHt Htl.K ('atuly and i^^ha ro amre. wUh (Mtiirrs; gmtil liH-atlun* ni’xl tu si'h4»ul. Ad-

diri’M ?Hure, |l.jx 32, Nrws 1

gikiqttk-k buyer: one of dne tlxturea; cheap Inguire of nORKUT

I-lltHT i ‘l..\: ,? tm-ai and vegetable market fiff wil^ « henit; hf'rN-, aagun and harneas. CaM .*14

ParkhuiPt P(. Ihp¥^'K lU."!; griK'eiy, rlgar end randy »lote; a . ic-il bargain; A rootua; r«nt |IA. 136 Huuth Tih m. 64oORim'k h V and tlfiuor buslnsaa In nniptiemut

ixmihv town; d'dng a liirwlng Inuilurv^. rea •• n r-irfcihng. slchijer-!. HKNRT N. JIOWKKK 7:0 Hrisid sL alp

o lh k ’KUY. randr ami nidion etort.KtUTi Fit & t l , Neutufliiw.

noo. RarAin

Address O.0 (HH» utllk n>ute fur *alf.THii. i<rjni;e.

li AI;i i\\ S Fti: impinrM:. ePintilUhed 11 yaara, JN " ’. \ H l’MIlFttr, lUl Market at. <IMIITNKU Huniiil with Il.txei t« manufar

tun* i.nf ut iht* lM»st hlcycle novelllea on Hit iniiik.'i, . .n hnnille uwn nv>nev and lake 1 hai gi* ..f rrti. Ailachrnent. lk>x 9S. News of

___ _ _ JIMI:T.S'E':R wanted: fSrkNi 10 tfl.MU: xh^w boal*

.v->itltarn New Jeresy; beat luwn la Kiat»; vr-a-neiitr n«H g«WMl health: ff0i>4 chanr-

Hif» 33, Newa ufll.’F. ITnlarge mreiinA Tw»mv living rouma:

Mi.) Ii'i. ]>t>niu. t m iu TT9 weekly; 6499; sev- •■ral '.-her*, front 11911 up to It.Atlil. A. a lll'MKtCItT, 191 Maiket at. 1S A ],rA llU

ld»t k. I >u , r»iii !*:.

lustent f>T sale; automsth^ tiukl« l> fur cosh. R. VVll,rU>N, gg Nos- _____ 43p

liilPlMejtif fir TiMtihtjUee. 7!U llTf gil Pi,

In exi’ha.ige for flne <*ounlrv I, Mti eatali"flKNKY N

., prujvrt. 'i In nrarhv tuwn, nn eatatiilajuxl jioiel


MiSJ Id'VK H »el|*nfie'k<sl ffuc-ery at«fre; ownerlU. iHI lU lsay SI. _______ ______________


CHARLK8 ElKBNUERG. €1 fl|irttigneJJ ave.ih# original Adams man, doca Did atirari the

pnbiio by false idvertlsemems rrgsriling i^rlces, hut J guersnlee to do Srst-Claap wall ps^«ring and peinting et iowsr prices then anywhere Iti thi c i ty send ptwtel or rail long disiance telephone, ami I w ill oalt on yuu with um ple l^ ika; papar tmught of me trimmed by ma­chine free and ilelivered to any part iff thv Hiy gratis; open evenlngn until 9 o'chH-k Itrspect- folly voura, CHARLEB KIBKNIlKRO.____ 111

. EVA IN OPFO8ITION TO AUAMfl.I am pleated tu cell the ettenilnh gf (he pub*

lie lhat 1 have opened a ttrat-claie wallpaper Mtore. with the finest and Isteet drPigna In fm- farted and domestlo gooda. and wbsre at any time, yoq will And me ready tu <Ju fIrpi-cUsp work at (he lowest prices.

fjfhd postal or call Telephone and wewill call On you with aemple bi»cki‘. In which you will find the largest oelectlcn In ihe fiiste.1T» EVA KlflgNBERO 11 14. 16 Mercer et.

1^" for a postal card to call and give esUmate for twper-hanglng will aave yuu ntaby a

dollar: great aaaertmom of (h» lateai effeota Id wellitaper; we make u. order all sUep of store shsdM aod Picture (ramea, et such low cricea to aitunieli you.

flTETN A Bl.Atl.*fla__________ 190 IW Sprlngfleld ave.


R ohw ule.A REPREflR,VTATIVa AMERICAN ll lP l-

NKSS INHTITUTION-Cokman NatJunal IbiP- Iness i.’ullege and Ikdicwl of Hhnrthand and Type* writing* K3H broad et.. Newark, N. J.

The ochonl t# uriglnal In Its methtHls of buil- new training, and fully akr*’UPt nf the tlniee, | | does What It agrees to. Thliiy*ali years right here In Newark.

POJI A HIX MONTHS' TERM.Peat Irachers: best In *'.4Ul|»n)PhL Reglsrer

any time. No claas work. Individual Initruc- llon, Write nr tall for rollcg«* Journal.

EVENLVO SCHOOL NOW IN flEflfljnN * « , tea ** COLEMAN Freat,r . HORTON, penman.

FREE T C m O N —for—

KOVEMBER a n d DECEMBER* Newark's Qrsateet School of biiatneas aod

Shorthand. 4h0 atudasia enter m 96 days fltadvQla mav antar now god appHcSiOoes wlU

dale from January i, 1999.NIKE EXPERIENCED TEACHERS.

Half a tbouund atudrata placed tn positions annually. Write or call at the culleg* for pa/- tiCulars*

tViXJD^a COLIJCOE,876 Bri^d 3 ^

THE NEWARK 8KMINAHY-MIhs Whltmore e Hoarding and Day School for' Glrla, 991 sad

999 Broad at., Newark, N. J.t thorough aud pro- graaalve methodt: library, laboratory, gyinna- afum- Primary and Klnderaarten Departmenia Certlflcate admits to Welleaicy* Reopene Thuri' day Septomber 39. rireulari.

NEWARK a c a d e m y ,A, FARRa ND* Head Master.

WILSON FAURA.SD. Asaoclate Mssier. Thorough preparation for any college or aclen-

tiflc echool. or for builnesa Primary Depart­ment. Catalogue on application.MISS TOWNHKND‘8 Ikiirdlng anri Dav School

for Qlrts. 64 Park pL» raopeni Tuesday. Sep­tember 37' thomugh uratiaratlon for college' primary and academlo departojenti; siwulal courses Circular on appUcatlng,

tSa UPWARD loaned ofl furniture; bo removal prompi. private, reliable; low rates; easy re

evenlngi until 9 o’clock, <ERR. tiU] nroad at. 79k


LOAN of Sflvi wanted; chattel mortgage curily; wuubi mime one help a poor, honest

businsM mail elong? Hualneei, Box II, N«wa office, It h r e e THOl'rtAND DOLLARS wanted w

bond and mortgage at 4 per cvai,, on pruoarty Wurth tT.lMN). Address Bond. Dux 93, News of* flee.________ ________________ A(K>LOAN wanted. 19.000, lajl naorigin,

Addreaa Truck Farm'farm, Keoex County. Box 66. News office.

I on flO-acre


A N N IIA L M B E T I S a t ,ELECTION—The Prudential laaurance Co vk

America. The annual m eetin goft^ itookliDtd- era of thla r o iM n v w ill be held at tto ofthe cuim>any. Prudential Bulidlni, Newark N a ' ' - ^ny. January 0. 1HM9. for the purpoer

diraotora to aerve for the. enautngon Munda;ejecting „

year P.ytla open 11 A. M.; cloes 12 if .Nawark* N. J., December 3, 1699,

FORREST k . DRTDEM,______________ I w m a r y .


Newark, N. J*. Deo, V, T iss, The annual mratiiig of ihe ■tockboldara of this

bank will be held at the ba4iklng-1aouee, oh Tuea- der. January 10. 18l9, for the purpoae bf eleet- ing thirteen director! to eerve for Uie enaulna year. Polls w ill open at II o'clock A. H „ and remain open ooa boar.31m D, fL MERRITT, Caehlef,


A meeting of the stockholdari of th li b u h w ill be held at the banking-House. Tuaeday. Jatitaary 19. DM, Ifetween tlie hours of 10 and 11 A. M.for th t flection of director!.

r . B, ADAMS. _ _ Caehier.

e l e c t i o n -n a t i o n a l NEWARK BANKING COMPANY

Newark, N. J.. DeA To. ingf. ' The annual meeting of ths etockholdara of thla

bank for tha election of directors iS eerve for the enaulrm year w ill be held at the banking- houee on TiMaday* the tenth m v erf January next,

Poll! open from 10 to 11 o’etoek A. K . .Otm H. w . TUNM. oat|Mer,

KTTCHBKMAN; aleo woman for general houee- work. RMtauram. 24 lu in at., tiiaat

K M P M T M B I(T W A K 'T aD -M A L K S .tip«rl,nc* lu Ui4 hari-

«W 4 auS tw i builBIH. w ant, alluallon.■■ ■ »l. K iw i o lB «. «S*

A HAN wlui 2U n a n . war! and tool hualn^., dreeg Steady, Box 9T, Newe office.A HAN <»> vaate pw ltloa m harltew r. luiKh- b S & ^ T Y ta ■ »ap*fl«nM. |24

BA nTX H D IR: mod v«»llalL«ntert*ln*r »{• •roncto. A iw ri»»V ocallit. ISoa 14. N»w« of-

fiMi. XBOT—FoilHon w u lo d by boy, IK n*n

ofliot. H on , A d d m i W, J-. lU f Howard It. t

DR, ROLHBS'S Smelfka.Joor* for all n m ib i ,n s

oulb Ttb it .1 ClruntlMi; Dftn

A U . dfa

BROWN'S C A N U U n o « « m n IB a law d a n -AjHa Pblli. Bold iB Nt'd i p h t r k iu a .

octuBlu. m Mb. O H t ^

a a v a a ^

______ ^ R o n o i O f A P n u W A T io if ,

COOK wantt HtaaUon. b<«r<lln*-hou». dub or bHuate fainllyitiujrouiihly undm tendt m u m ,

roBali. tBiroM, m m i. nyilan , BS-bJiSIHie* . ' sravlaa; o B r v tr .^ . H. HARRIS. 2M Mala it,. ■law Ofa»«a______________ ______________ ICOACHMAN want! iltuati™ ; thorouahly ub- ' Si i HBiif i Ml tMHB4Mi^l4 m m ' Cjbr rttor- •B04B', iBBrrlM: ont child. Addrioo IBB ioltth a t . Htr.OOLIJECTOR daalraa «ini)h>yBi«t to fo™!“ >r»

ncuM. or any oihar buitocaas baa H.dM ij- C W ly or iH ii' lt toBulradi m od rtfannea. Ad. f ln ia Oollootor, H Qanldo a t _____________ MoW ANTH D-Br «aiM faiit toKal man, id i^ lo a

aa Biaaaatr or bafttndar; 12 yaan' boat rat-^ * *’ ^**^

WATCHMAN-Mttrfad w h i « 6l wUbM PoH- ttaa «a w a to k n u : wtllln* lo wwtii S in aa-

ourlty tf n m oM ir. IHt Barw a a t Tlo

B M P t O r i lM n ' 'W A I I T B O -r a i iA L a t .:

SaiaffI mwi

AMERICAN v m o M r e a soglGon u maOon

Oompetewt, Beg t.


L O ST -|t9 rewnrd; eince Thaakiglvlng, T n small fox terrier aiut. dark u n patnh o e i

right of face and above left ey«; tare alike* I8T WiHiajp at.. East Orauga.LOffl^French poodle male do4r; collar bearing

name of Harry t i , Ltnei. 3 flartine pi„ M t Vernun. N* T. Suitable raward If m uraed to 460 Centre e t . New Yuilr, m J

EA>ST—Between Betltvllle ave. and Academy at., a pah* of ^ )d glaaaes In Spence case, Monday

Suitable reward If returned^ to Blmorning. Second aye.LOST—Malteea kitten; well grown; white m» (

iin breast. Liberal reward at 990 ML Pro*- pent ave., eontkweet corntr of B r^ d * 9ToLOST—On December 7, amall nkye terrier dog*

and hair; |3fl reward. WILLIAM MAWBA, 18fl W aahlnftcb at.

1/)ST—Sllyer opeft-feced watch; "D. I , R,»* m .graved on back, ^Liberal reward for N tum to

90 M. and E. B* R. ave.____________ iLOST—Mcnday night, black female arwnltl

<H»e sore eye: long tali; reward, l a

LOST—A Bkye terrier. Return to 94 f t ; reward,

LC»T- ■L

■A OoffloQ n tto r; nw srd . 4| b

c o i t U Q B r B ir r B ,

f lo o p .iw it « t the K n n y AthiHls Ob 1000 HArrloMi bto,. K tB ny. tb joo r

Sir* B d o . hondlcBi) tw » M r l.tm u •w w s r * Day. P r im lo » : n n t i

m o o d T h to . »Io: third |B. to n u m B( too Brotmto. or »t POMhhowI Hotel BBd Hcto Thi ^ a . Powr rwllBU* o m win _ tkifte. Alto. t * . K tM B^ B ln will to----------- in to r IB. Bt I p. k T

THE Newark School of EiprfMitun-Voril end PhyiECii! rtlllurc. elocution. <>raturv, l>riSitrir.

primacy, norma). teacher><' and urlhiic uourips: circutai-a Mre, Francie W. Kitchfl.lT onir*- at.

____THK NORWOOD RCHOOL. 21 Walnut si.;

primary, academlo and collage preunratury depariTnenti carllflc'atp admite to PmlUc Cullf ye and the Woman’s College of liBltlituire* 99n

P l.iN O fl AND 41HGANS.

REAL UAHOAINfl-Ijai Us leli yuu about cur real plane liergalns; tlierr

sr«r over forlv hrat-claH aiightly uard uprlahia un our Hocond floor: «avh le In flnv cunillflon. ami •■vpry un* is guarsniecii by u i aami* as If ii were ne« : wa'll exchange at any time If nut aalla- fariory: aimuig the Ijargalna this weak ar*: Hratlbunr uprighf* |I4<I: Uabler upright, IlftO; Weber uiiriglu, |]p:i; tUanOard upnghti made by Mardmanl. 1319; New England upright, lUi:;' all are flna plamia. and genuinely worth a guuit deal more than w t ask (or them; w* have oquara ;>iahna and organa In (he baeemvnt at a i lew n

Slid IkJ: neniea and prlree bare wont give lou anr hl*a nf lha luperlcrliy of these planua; U le u uilliy alone (hat counta; you ran unly resIlR* this by making oomperlanna with thcea ufft*r»sl *|-:-wlier* et a great dral mors menty; (in duwn. Ill munthly. will eerura yuu a goi^ uiTlsht St I.iire; upen evenings. LAUTER m 6.%T-IVib hroad ft.

RrV THE DECKER A BON PIANO.KetsliliHbefl KsM. UneurpaMed In

toRe, tiiivh and ftnlah. Bold on easy paymanra. Call and ■«• them at

H fU /.-t PIANO WAREROOMS. 37 Nevy 41..

where v«u win H v a largeanaortment nf hanJeiime figured walnut and ma- hugAiiv fuses alwsyn cm band; aleo a ni»mh4-i uf flUfjHTLY I'BED VP- KKJIITH. g(H reliable makes. Cash ‘•r easy itaymentp. Rdiusre j)4anua and orgnriB taken in exchange.

JIIIJ4. 3? NEW HIT 0)wn evenlngi. gani

I cosh nffered any peroon provingthat there is a better piano on (he market to

reaiitct titan the Delatjar grand ''“i . i ”*'!- iriwc rompere out guaranteewiih th<w« or other matiufarturera, ana uet your own liidgment; our giuram ee Is gnfn| sjv4 fs . jiHineible.' et*nd mr lerma. EDWARD DELA* UAH. JW) (Jrsnge rt., Newark; inwn evenlnve. ______________ ______________________ Wg

, OMF.4H PIANOWwe do not oeir, bu( g(MH] piarms at a lower It Ii's than any other hmian, WE OTIARa N IL L A PETITE FPItm H T GltA.VD, *900. thta In a bargain. MATHI'SIIKK A «<>N fac­tory wareriBrtms, cor. High and Rpringfleld ave. Oi>B avenlnga. |

HARGAINB THAT ARK HAROAtNH, Fine upright, ItNO; gisHl Chambers plain>, *76-

a Uathuihek, uanl a few monthe. *240, former price. mtO. MATHlTflHKK * HDN, faruiry warerooma. cor. Iflgli and Springfield ave. open rvrnlhgs.

F O R S A L S .

.TATKp>ii)NOrir:4iTi AND

MnfK.-,.xB. V* HENKRaT. BITPLIKB.EDIL^NIA CO., - ur. Nrw and Haler-y Slo- Hraiwh M ^ x P sU rw a. m Market at; Plala-flrld, 19* Ntiiih a v t .; llluonifteld, 14 Broad ■(.— ■ - - - - - - - - ,tf>n

,?*>'''^TIIWt l ite* fur S3 rerortls, *9.80: eihiblw kJ-'' r^fhe* tid'lnrh. Id, ynuf machine e i -

u ‘ L1*T?yri*r Uiklng machlnra n-B n l I'VITTKRWuh 'tH, factory.

ANNOPNrEUKNTi. wedding invUalloni. en* #iSi»Y?£l V**** **! bueineis card*; no delay. UHKATlihAD. TSO Broad It,, over Wiae A 9oBi._______ 4UUKFrihR priilfig Yimr hmiiwhoHl gooda or alnck,

luneuli VS. W RK.lt>. General Auctioneer. 347 Market •(.: advanrra mtcie on cunalgn-menle ani^i»ut*lds aalss of all kinde. 9p

fl^LK nf flna furniture, piano*, organs, ellghdv used, at 14 price, ITT Orange at.

r o w s -F o r sale, ten fresh rfiws fTCin |86 94Qi H. II, 1)aN 1KI„ vvraer Berkeley and Mont­

gomery ave., lUoumflelil | 4p

CHILD'S go-rart fur aaie cheap. 4 at. ' ■ ' i

T f i

FOR BAEJM-LUUO guldflah; ainging eanariet, 11.50 and UP, femal«-e. 75r., anti talking par­

rot*. The Old Bird Bture, 51» Market •(.,P. K H. ^tetUm* formerly 3iiT Market si.FOR SALE !t low price, two kinriuw'opea, wlrii

batlerles. caMtieis end Rims, f<T private exht*. hUlun uea. AddrvM Sale. Box 33. News offlre.

H7aFOR BALK~A fin* sruwn rubber tree, TVk feet

high, with It* branches. ^ Wararly av». 9pFOR 9ALR-Ten H t P A .N .l tor 9 oeata at

Drugglala. Ob» gtveg reljaf,________________FOLDING bed................ ......

cheap. Address ('heap, IVix 9.bicycle 'and gullar f«<r aale

1, Newa offl-'S. t ipprices.f a t i i . l ie .

GAH FIXTI'IIBH for rale; very low Single light, finely gtUled, 90c.) solid Two llghia, gtlijed, 54»i'.Three llghia. soiki bmea. highly pellahed, fov

perlnr. *3; gldwo, l&r.Kstlmates given on all W4>rk,

5&J II. DAVlHBuN, 301 SprlT^fletd ara*GiUPKB hVr wine. LOOP l>oxea0( flne Cufwbw

graprH. at PJs Hprlngfleld ava*. Oppoalta Mag*niilli It f tp

OTlalsally com Apply n 4 Warren

(mAPRAFMoNE Willi reiHWdehV(. will tail fur *38.


GRiu'KTtY. candy and buifher flxluree; ahoww _casei, uid and new. JAKVI9. 90 Fer^ at, 7leINiM'HaTo HH; sno-Mk) egga; also bruoder. 19 Jla]aieil (■[.. Bast Urangr. 9Xo

KODAXH, Frenyw, end all mekea of oMoeraw fur *al» at am 'lel bargains; phuto aupullee of

hU klml* St greatly reduceil prlcea. BUAL'K- M"llL'n. % Ai'adtniy at* flifaLADIKH' kill eliure. lare or kiultun. *!; ladlfe*

kill elvien. 11,15. lailiea' flne kid ahuta, It.ill; mlaeaF Imitun sliuea, due.' men'* laoed abora, | 1 , men'* fine phriea, tl.15; meii‘a kangaroo •liueii, II,VP; men’e ourk eoted ahoea. 11.90; rneh‘a uelt eliuei, *1.50; men's calf ahues. n ; bdva' lared ihiH-M* | l i jruulbs' laced ehusii, TncvvH. J mi-kin'Nkt|k .u« I’lin* M. mr

......... .... . . . - _ JtereeyIrleh frieie nverivmt tit order, *15;

b]e; black clay dlag^tnal aulta,OAKKH relPbiated fine black k e ^ y or genuine

irder, *15; worth do«- . - j 4»nal aulta, tlOl penta good

luiugh fur any une. 1.1 $ 1. WEEKS * AXT TelL urine Cn.* liri Waahingtnn at., next to canal bridge; at) Ccniral nve* vara aU>p at our stere,

. ____________ _____ 4flbluLg; hay. 51<-. 100 up. eheapeatNewark. gouda delivered free.

a at. t

OATK, 70(.

tilacf It) . ___CILJ-T A iM * 1(M» Lu4 _______

ONLY Ih; Dumestic sewing machine; new. fa ll afternoons. 3i>n walnut iL

good aa 1

HKATEll—Fur sale, 1P1 pair! eeocnd'hand laille*' and genta' <dub akatee; elegant coimH-

Hun. Inguire diPi| East Kinney el. tPINOINO C A N A R ffiS-llarix HminUKTRollers,

tl T5 RIrtI store. Mulberry at., hear Mailitt i b : one week's gueranise* iailGNB. ahnw rarde end Jritering; rnch-bettora

pricce. BEN-A'TAH, f u DroaJ ei. 48!SAFE for oale: Very cheep; muat be mid*

drcM Hafe, ttux d. News nfflce.Ad-

HAFR, inside meegurement 93x24. FIT.00. A. A* lirHDEHT. 191 Maiitel *t. 1

HTTtJHU waiet for price of making; able bat. «* Rleecker at*

THOROVOHRHk d cocker spaniel pupa for sale al ynur own price, fa ll or addreaa H, A.

CKANK, Oreve and 19th atA, Jersey (?Uy. 99pTWO tihifiuh cnncerllnai fur Mle; good a* aew.

Inquire iwi Orange at. 61tnTWO pool tablee for eaie.

H45 firuod at.M U R A A n Arcade,


PO!»ri,AR PBA9B PIANO S- •Hoildav sale new upright. | 1(I0 upwards; rer

ular also Wm. Knabe fLiJUl baby granclngly one left, itke new, *M(*. CiBma early, to FtcUwy Warerooma, i l New at.; upea evenings. ____________________ 4u

UPRIGHT mahogany piano. |H 0 .4)1 Improvemeata; ellgfatly used;

rente tn *4 per month. FRANK* LlN, planot, PuJton e u 6 doon from Peddle Church.

e l e g a n t Mason A Hamlin organ, mO; H monthly*

DIUNYSIUB,__ __ ____ M l Broad at,

PIANOS FOR BALE- I will sell new Hardman and beautiful Evereit upright iilano. fur ieei

than coat; on easy lermi. Addrese Bturage* Ifux 0>i. News office. 0(lo

WHITE OR K«Nl) W )|l rATAI/M It’E 1* very Inleresdng. MATHURHUK A HON.

fiu‘l»ry wareruotne, oor. High and Hprlnglletd ave, 1

F t'IX bIsp t'FjIrherIng uprlghl, |l4r>; full m|«« Bradbury upright. 11.75; nearly new: renfa *3

■ WTK...... .. .................monthly. THUS KR, d ll Broad it.; u[>eti ev'ga,

PRIVATE Inalructlnn in coilege, enhege prepar­atory and academic "tu'Upe. tit 21 Mi I’leanan'.

ave , ur at the h<.fme of iht> tiiidt-m: lerma m<nJ- era(e. B. D. HILT,MAN Ph. U __ ?nKINDKRQAKTK.V method (aught; Froebel lyt*

lem. MI.SB JA(*'OHUH. 71 Rurnfi al. b5eD a n c in g .

JOII.V II, RirHAKriH S HKLKfT SrilOOL. dancing an<l idivtihul I'lilturf. i|i;| liruad et.;

Suplla may enter i piiitu-a iu/h ; rhlidren's cUaet-e.alurflsye; iH'ginner.f* l.-iTi I'. .M.; advanced, 4

P. M .: minuet t lana. Tut-fdav". 4 P. M.; amall and early claae. *aiuril/iVH, 7 lu li P. U .; even­ing rlaaien. l cgFrujeiii. Thiirul-iyp, HP. M .; ad­vanced. Frldsya. F M , H mevlllF oU mci, Ruecvllle AthlHlc nubhi-uMi*. K.iiurdey murn- inga; brglnncrn, h (•< II. nlvulu'Hfl-, lU;,70; North End Hull. (l('ll>-\ i!l>- .ivh., Thurs'leya, 4 P. M ; prii-nf** 1 r!v:ii.» rlwesea urterm*: wrlht fur rln ului, *(ermi for

.clubs. drhBT^RCKHaiU iT Rrhool f-T f^Jin-lng. 551 Rrf>ad

• t . ; new ''jsm for ladlHr and gentlemen b«- glnnera b-sli)* on Wed. ev'g, Nov. 2-7; pupllt receFved B»verv w-d and F-ri. ev'g; reducl|-«n when three or nv pw come logelher, 27x

PBIIFKCT Ktlfifl wnita and two-step guaran­teed or iri'inev rcfimdf'tl. by the quickest

inethud In iirhiiie Ichib'Um: Itulv saatslAUI; 13-AO for .70 dla\a njih 1*1 HFu-IflrIil at.___________l4bSTRICTLY I'HIVVTU nANCtNG gcMOoL.

With my Mimjik atid easy method I guarantee w aits and (».< Iri rnur leasunx; ladlca, t3: gSUtletDcn, |;i till Liherly xt.

M tiatc.MR. and Mfi* <'l'erlen Itcrnard Etheridge, t**arh*

__uf pianoIhi; Mra. Eilit i'i’lto' Musical Arud.mv. mualelana. hioilio

MANDOLLV. 1 private

sale chean. .1 JCOMPETENT l;i

chdr: modprnte 91. Newa offh-'

‘ullure, guitar end mando Ih graduBlCil from Ihe Hhile, ttnd Is Indorsed by leading !»4i dutaex ave., E. Orgnge.

___ fij?;i - uiiKar. xiiher ami violin; >i<- : rHIahle Inetrumenii fur \\FIi»T. TFI_Jame!« m. tfTk

jv -.iMxnt) warned for chorua palHiv. Acldrefa Ohunis. ^ x


fflior ilin iK l a n d T y p e w r lt lW K .BHORTHAMh Tiirfftrltlng Bchool of Young

Women's riirlfltiiin .Vk**o., 104 Court at.; terms moderate. am *Iv ai iriiool. 9 (o 12 A. M.. or to princlpel. I. C Wright at. 32bWANTEr>--Thr-‘e young ladles to Icarii teleg­

raphy. iluy "T B'\'jnlng, for posltione Immc*diAtely. ParMrular?. A’PI R ro^ at., top floor. IpTHE ehrnpHBi, tiluincsl ahnrihsnd and type­

writing JuNiioiiH m f'Jiy. BOlVDEN.tfl Centre si* ................... J3p

I.HJignliMWg*T tlE Hid iilalneet Hpanlnb leaeoaa in

eHv. HOWDKN. Centre et. _______ISpM B U T y . Rrhfvd of l*.7nguafei; Frsncli. Bpan-

Uh, German. Lllrilun ave. |7a

MonlB-ltewpiaiM.THE cheai*c4t mui bl.uncat t»ook'keepfng letiona

In el(y. jimvLEN. :i9 Otutra a t l 4p


PIANO—Will Mp|l ai rinre, gri>i*l upright piano, brilliam tone; T LX octave;with gueranif*

i l l (He ialeet jmpruvenirnia. 11 Court It. P6nPIANO TPNEH. repairing; new strlngi. etc.

F. W. t.JANN. «’are KluTliian A Kmilh, JWJ Market at.; reMldence 113 lirtmiwluk ei. 6hFOUK beautlfui nc(uaren. 145 10 *78; one uprlghl.

I•>8 ; a flne Ktimhe. uprluht bargalna. A munihly. WlrtrtNBH, d ll lin.ad al. ■

IMA.S'CI,t l doem. |1 we^k; good for beginner. 65 Bprlhg" fletd eve* 1

PIANO tuning; stringed initrum^nia. MILTON ORtTET, tSfl Broad jk.. iinar Hank. 2d floor.flld

QEO. COLON, 2.7 Bank st.i'llltidH* mosio store), planoo (ttflod, repaired. ^Hillnhed. 1T«

(unf'd. repaired. Tuner, rar*-H iu a J ^ ___________ png

11—Pianos. U J, -

;0S|. organs, tu WURTH. «:iT

PKRKOY.4L.YOUNG widow would like m meet aleady. ln-

duetrloDS busInHK or utuklng luoii, maiti- munlaUy Inclined: ur w>nilil uri fjit pueltiuh huuaekeeper: ubirct. a huitii-. Address Hlm i-rf- BuX 4, News office. ]

B p g tlig f le P e r e o n a l .BK8T TSKTil.

BK0T t e e t h , h o -




IdkiO HAKKKl-fl of flue puialnea and ep p lag^ t 4»a Bpriagfleld ave.. upposlte Magaoilaet. S p

IJow aelivIff a o o r fg a n d ffW n illw r * .A FEW chek-e pleC'e* of antique furniture,

VKRiHEK'g bargain store, flfl w cad It. 4BnBIO I1ARGAIN9—Hmall stove; handeoitio furtiU

ture, elighily UMd. «u price; 175 oak dresser end hfdaiead, fU , *138 sideboard. *99: SUiger sewing iiiachlne, 4ft; good eouare piano, over* itrung. 7 1-5 octave, fine tone. I«l; flne organ. *Ji; handaom* ft^Otace pdrior aull, lift; |3 dining- rivun chair, tl TO; t i l oak folding bed, *7.6i>:

Hrusoaia carpel, !Wc. per yard: M laoe cur* ialna, IL98 hair; Leffingwelt aolomatla ash rifter, new, II.U6 : MO marble clock, B-day gnng, ltd; Irun and maial ekicka, IS-W; lion bark bar. with gliM. lift; uohulatering ami flna re- pairing at moderala prioe. 177 Orange et. |f o r 8ALE—Big lot eafpete. all ataei, new and

•Bcond-haua. t l up; BO atovea, |3 up, cook and hratliw; aewlng mackine, *8 ; flne piuih parlor luit. 119; estenatem tak»a. tlBU- ruga ofWoik and stair carpet. 18c, yard, tfl V im ata at. BioKDH BALE—Fine lot miaflt carpsti, all slseo.

bruaaels and Ingrain. M up; (w ainrsa oooJi' ■ad heater^ 13 up; aewing machine tfj o u sh lff' life, yard; bwr mattrMi, M.fiO. M W l) l )a » ^

FOU HALE-Antkiua mahogany kau4*po||ahedfurniture, all kJnda: artrcTea mad* to order;

llni(>olaai repairing. D. KARL 8T8 High si. IsFOI-DING bf*d, mirror front; used but llttlei

cuat ITft. Room ]U, 191 Market ^ ^

SELI-INQ out furnliurt. carpets and stoves he* luw cuaL ft’D Plane et., near Market. Ala

^BBEll DHQ9.' Upright piano; iJefajit tone;Singer and Domtatlo sewing maebinas, M; laa-

hoganv bedroom suit, mahugany aniique aide* boarda. louhgeo. maltrcaoea, aprlngm, DUc*i lot of other furniture at a bargain. 191 Halsey et*. ieddJa Uidg.. 1st door from Xing, (he Clothier.

_________________ 76k78 ING MACHINES, warranled to do good

sewlris. U lo |18. fuldlng bad, *4.88; coA tt: blano, *37; couch, *2.50: art iquarae,

*H.38. f-ltamber suit* *7.50: warilrob*, |4: aide- tu in l. tod iteiili. ll.be. M M ifktt i t . l lo

W w ich ee , Jw w w irF*WATi?H-Fur sale, gendeman'a lisndiome aolld '

gold wab-ii <ulmu«t new), *50; cost double re* rend)*; latert design rase and W^althato move* ment; uneicelled tlme(dece. Prirata, Rot f.N«wi o(Tl<'P. *

ON Weekly Paytnrnle—Flna diamonds, watches, tewelry; no traNh, Watch Supply Co ,9 Maldeg

lana. ruoni 82. New Ycrk: goods guaranteed. Tie

Hea^a 4 ' lo fh t i iv mm^ Fw p w laR |«g*«Ft^LL dreaa suit, Ilka new, coat 140; will eall

or iiwJr; itmkv an offer, HERiiEKT, Ikix 3'Ne-.)?s utHri!. I

DCLMJ fllUT; eiau Frince Albert coat end vetl;;ij cheat Rieaauitt. 1;. E. H.. Uux 55, Newa

office- _ ftbo|KH) f t u -u NT/Ii maJi'e overcoat, |3fl. RICH.

I3J Miilbrrryet.____________ J

T r ir e w H ie r a w ad B agp llw * .TYPEWIUTKilH (new), t il kinds, rented daily.

1-ekly ur iuumhiy. BOWDEN, 9ft Caatre at. ______________ 7 ^



.W IT H OA9 OR LOCAL AN* fc.: e x t r a c t i n g . WITHOUT ^ T IF IC DENTAL SUItaERY



(One door above SnydePi).ArPO INTHBNTI MADE UY MAIU OPEN


DAYS, 9 A. M. TO 18 M.

ANDREWS, •atabltahwl 2d veurs; no X-rgya needed to ahow that Ihli la (he lufgeet, oldoai,

moit reliable ourtralt houai> in ihl» Ktais; cray­ons. uaetela and water color*; fine aeiecrioa Of frames. 19x30, with glaas coninleie. t l 5()' cheir cane, t.nno ft*. 400. Late Unmd, now 11 Now et.. opposite Hahna'a. TBI

CATARRH a n d COTiDS CI^RRl?.A TnrxJnra, effective rtmudy; give* immediate

beneflt; Pond'e Nasal cream; (me 28c. package convince*. Bold by Holahauer. liroad sad Mar­ket; Lewis Kroe.. neyre, ftftfl Orange a t.; Crescent Drug Co.4 and leading drugglit*. 77nHAMRERaBR'0 Plja Driver curea aggravated

ea e u of Itching, Bleeding. Blind, Protruding Piles, and Fistula cured where d'Hitura failed; it's tne beat on earth- At alJ druggiila. 9So. box, _______________________ __________________ I4gLa d i e s —Confidential treatment for oonflne-

ment cases; tweniy-flve years' axperlenoa; doc­tor! In attendanoe; nhildrea adupfed. Take Clllt- ton ave, oar euuth. W. M., I.U Badger ave. i l kDIVORCER pjticured speeaily; all law bualnMs

undertaken; moderate (.‘barges; advloe froe, Addreee Ja w Company, itox IB. N sw i offloe. 4hp

3 ITARK DrssKUlilnK and MiillDery SebooU I only eebo^ m the Riaia where you wHI be- a «n expert tlrcosmaker and mllllfiar: our

graat sttoceoa la ijue to Individual laatTMUon; The only genuine Taylor ffyatttn and^ French mllllnerr taught I J®. svjwing. MART E. LYNCH. 978 Broed fti , ,

AKIND tauA t by Euramaan n ils | to- tnifructlona; implls o ek e dresnei free

nipg- hour*, lb to 4: evenings, 7;I0 to «te*Jiig. he*unx and paktenis to raeastaa.

f . V a n z a n T 20s Plgne at., near New.D, NEiBS. the leading laUlra' tailor^and re-

toodellff: neat work; fit guarante^; p r l^ low, 94 Bank St . bet*orii B r ^ w fl Hstoey.lHTHE Orange Dreaeouttlng, 0ohjwl has rewpTed

to P. 0. Bullrling. Main at.* where MHJ. ly ilM flO N will reoilve eohoiars a ^ patronaeil

kiwtel prlct*. M IU VOIHn

LKADINO ®<naranteMi. I. acH A E rtia , IW iwtoTter t tin

CBU*DIUOr‘l iirMamtltlnf: Halit drr t t t il .fw ‘Xlltot fMMBtblt. SBRKEIJCX, 21 Ktak I t i

aiTPBRri.LIOUB htir.fo n v tr bv ilM lrldt:

S, WEBTBHVKLT. ‘wans, moles, destroyed

aftting 11. MADAMS WMhlngten sL

TOWN9END. optical speriallat and fteweller, 8M broad) store open evenings uatU Chrlei-

MAflBAGE treatment: all bathet appotnlroenti nrit-ctoia, MritWooeLli Or^nt a t . near Broad.• __________________________ POA

.4 TlirirlMKR A CO. Boin TeiephoDse No. 654.

KFHT I.a HOE LEHIGH No, 2 NUT COAL (wetj ■cretni'd) at 91.5U per ton.

IfMit Lehigh egg. stove ahd chosthut, at lowest markft prlcea

tl Ii.4RR£L9 dry kindling wood, |2,Give UI a trial order. YVE CAN SUIT YOU

WITH (.’riAL AND WOOD.Offlea: Cur* N. J. R. R. ave. and Lafayette at,

YOU CAN defy HL1Z2SAIll>» andDHIFfti If yuur hutue l« warmed with a hot

Hr* uf giHfd hard cimt.Vuur dlffiruiiy may lie to get tha right kind of

cuai. When we aiiend to your orders goux worry f nds, hecauoe we supply the blghaet grade coal: It II dean shd hard; doesn't cotiUlo ila ia and our price* are always tha lowest*

No. 2 nut, *8.5U: eluve or nnt, M.Tfl: mixed with Nn. 2 nui. I4.i5 P. TOOHLT A flONS. IIB bloomfleld ave.; Idp Plana et.; yard. Sf ftLU Paiaaio ave*. Hanlaon. Tel.. Harrteon, 16B.BEAT Lehigh rual at lowest market prlcea

Our 8pei'laI-Hi(rve or nut mixed with No. 8 nut coal, *4 per ton* H. A C* H JKROLAMAN. n Frellnghuyeen ave, Tel* StKHF. 13b

V A C H IN B R Y F O B U A L*.E301LRHA BNGlNEa. PCMPti. KkATEfift.

6mokesiaeka, Tanka. Heating and v u n iatins. E n . flOLBAU CO., 187U Market RewaA Tel, Sill; N. Y. and >4. J* Tel. 33I0A,

« MaeMiBWPF Ykwalwff-A LIGHT engine lathe wanted; give ewlr»g.

rhurk* etc., and very lowaal priew. Address Marhlnlirt. IfeX 25, N ew s office. 1

B IC Y C L B i.WHY h a ^ the American armiee a iw ap been

vlcnwtouaT Itooauee the H* B. had (he very beat of ma(crlal, and uwfd It economically «nd Inttlllgendy, Why do RAMBLERS l i O' won- tinue year after year to be the moat popular wheela made, and yet eel! at such »For reteunealniilar lo those a ^ ve. F E A ^ g R - 8TONER and IDBALff. from *fl0 to I3D, H yoawant ■■ ------ ------- -NFV« s r

ant.a bicycle, come to ^ .RWATiK CVrLB CO*. 9 and 11 Central ave._

W A R T S D -OLD QOLD. silver, broken jewelry, atampe,

coins, (uMee end ourtos; highest eaib piloet paid a( VBRRJgR'8. 97d Broad at., bear Claj .

A.—A*—A*'-Gente* caat-off clothing; 1 pay M> cenli on a dollar mure than any dealer la the

out* 1. MADANBKT. 89 Commeroe s t

ACO TIO B 8 A L B 9 ,


W, W, RaiD* AUCTIONEER.Will aail Friday. Dec, 19. at 10:90 A, M.. k(

SaleerooBw. 94T Market a t, for account of whum it may ooncern* about 400 Anaonla Clpclis. Including Karine I-evers. Iron and Wood Mantel Clocks. Offloe Regutoton and D elft Clooks, some of which euffbUy dam­a g e by lire' this Will poMUyeljr be i m Im i pHof thaae gOMs to be (liapoeed o f to thla wny*

Ilea, by_order ^J a ^ e e r ' lUoers, Lamp*.. ------Vaara Cups ind ______ .Franoh China Chooolata Potx, eto.* eu .

Also, about IM tou oC Oainaa. Albums., I t ^ T on . n etu res, Laatber Oiaae. etc., from dexltrelMMi out b u t to n .

T2I, u l i wIILM » 4*2 M u a ta .

( t o * n b-M w *

n te ftiaBc* to itour* toll-

20 GOOD white l»«hom pull-tt Wjntedi <t»lo aric, and whtr* n«ii to n n - Addrn* Chin*.

Hex IS. N»w* oflki*. 1

griNBUMT. or l*nio diamond •u iln * ; togfh t for cu S , Addrau Kairln*^ Bo* TI. Now, of.

Boo. **»illror and I*«*l!7 hooahl. MAK-

Iroad a t , oror J. w l i , t ion‘aPAIBitoond-liaild tewolter'i OMloa wMUd. *d .

d rm W. a . MENd h a m . » Baall a t . . IGOAT toiM H an t wacon waotadi n u l to

ahoaB T4 tawatant in. 2To

■ V a V S Y O M KKO C i v i l . M R eillH IIK S .


■arotnr and 'Daala* In Maal latatA

O ttoo-Uranwal and Iiendoi, aad Oloto ■ulld' -> laa. KM Brand. * u . Math art* *A

T H L a r a o m tiK

o Hm V t , D C O C P T t U N O A Y l ,BTW U

M M I » i FikUsblij Conpuy,3 IM 1 7 MARKET STREET.

■ ■ W A B K . M. J .P M t n d M Ik* Pditom M u M M a d -tU B


M t* * n « hr cH rtm la u r fw t «f Nraatk. Ih* Oraai**. Harrltaa. K*ara}, Saaiaill,■ .■ n r - ...........................karlat Imna*

IWI aaiacrlaHaa*. tl** M ian a r*ar. *r m t f c m U a w ta U i, IM - M ail*n f M , t i n c n t * . I w U n n i k r t t n t m la Namffe, M etata a waak.

OtMaafy a*M rll***aU. Ma aa< WlMa crala a U a t.a fa t* .

A H r ir lliin ta t i a a M I n a * *f W aalai, T* U t , Pat M a , N n a a a i , a le ., aa* oaat a a n t i . fea tB * P n i« a l* t* tk aa a

T U U A iP A T . D C E M B E B li , UW.

B 0 4 X t> O k TKAUK ACTION.Thara a n a no nilnolBc o f w orta about

th* raaoluHona adapted by the Board o f Trad* la a l n lvb t In reaard to the poUu~

tion o f il»* Paaaaic **W f a"* lit* f*" n a v a l o t polaa and o v e r h n d wiraa from

tk* a tn a la ,Tk* B untiar* o f th* board r to o tn iu Ika

d aatav and ih a d lacoinfort duo to th* foul ooadlthni « f tba aaw aaa-polluted rlaar, aod ttaap a n ariOlaa th a t any fatr raa. ■ooabt* aottoa ahall be ta k e iw o a i ly aa it w ill ba—to ratrlev* th e blunder! of Ih* paaL W ith th a t aantlm ent th * citlarna and taxpayer* o t N ew ark w ill to 'e r a lly aaiao. B u t w h a t th * people w ant la a plan w h k * th e y can be aure w ill b* teaalM*. a n d 'o f w hich th ey can aa* th* and. U w aa Ih* fa ta l fau lt o f the report o f tho fir*t com m teelon th a t U la ft no and In a lcht. I t benred th e arhole ou eatloa by laavlB c tb a poaalblllty th at lla acbem a in ivht ba n a d a e ffec tive on ly by InilliUot a Mvrar tb ro u fb S ta ten laland to tba n a . Tba Board o f T rad e m em bera In their en- th u a la ia for th o toad end a ou fh t appear to h av* i t e a d fa it ly overlooked Ihia de- feol. *

Tbe raaotutlona on tbi* itibjeot th at wer* paiaad laa t n ith t requeal tb e S tn a io r and A aaeaM ym en o f £ ia e x C ounty to u ie their Influanoo and u lm oat endeavora In behalf o f tb e an ao lm en t o f law * n eceaw ry to pr*. ven t th* furtbar p o llu lloa o f tba Baaaalc B lvar by tba aew a c* o t c it la i and towna In tba w ata iah ad d ralntnc thereto; and u n a th a t a la w w h ich ahall provide for ihe com plete rem oval o f tho e x l it ln c nuleanca b* paeeed w ith o u t d alay . Atao they favor a ay item o f jo in t aotlon by the m unlol- pallU oi Intarettod, under control o t prop­erly oonatltuted S la te a u th ortile i, and re­iterate th a board’! approval o t Ihe p lan propoaad by tha oom m lu lon o f IM , and nrpa Ita adoption , "irUh auch aU eratlan i a* to dataila aa m ay be oonatdered necea- aary by tha praaent oomtnlaalon aoon to atoko roport."

Tbe laat reaolutlon la th e unfortunate ana. I t cotninltB tb e board to an Inoom- p let! report tw o year* old, and to a new n p e r t n ot yet m ad e, w blch m ay or m ay not b* oom pleta an d conctuelve, and m ay or n a y n o t com m end Itacit to public ju d i- B tn L

In iJw tn a tter o t tho pole* and over- band artra* th* report o f the com m ittee tp tba board 1* Intereatln f rcadlny. W ith th * r in ti* axo tp tlon o f th a t p h a ie o f th e prO U en rrow in v out o t th e deilrabtllty o f tolepbone com p etillon . It h a i eeem ed th a t tba ono p la n to h e puriued In recard to th e polaa w aa t o fid low a radical policy Ilka th a t outltnad tu th e report and co Ibou t thetr r a n o v a l prom ptly and aternly,

^11)11 Ttd o f th em a t every opportunity.I talapbona, tetecrapta and atectrlc Ucht

a l l ba p ut under (round. Tba to th e oam er* 1* one o f c«

a s p e r t tp a e In N ew York haa m * Ih* undarcround trolley a y i-

1 1* a a iioota a . .

th e m o u u U n i o t O a tlin c (u n a on th* b ar o f Juallcr. In th e polio* cou rt In th at c ity on Tuaeday a law yer arfu ad a caaa w ith a draara revolver, w hich h* flouHeh- ed In reck leee dlirtai*rd o f tho sa fe ty of th e ai>ertBlorv. ub well tie o f th e Juilpe u|ton w hom he deeired to h ave th e w eap on axerclae n pereunelve Influence. T he Ju d se r o * to th e occaelon by p rod ucliic a re­vo lver o f *1111 le rxer calibre. l i e had th e law yer throw n o u t of court and the Inci­d en t ended w llh th e dbentty o f th e bench fu lly raalnla lnnl end w ith no on e able to tM f th at the la c ilea o f tile learned cou n ic l- lor had mudi n iiy undue Im prew lon.

Jlut thnuyh In th ir ca se th e Ju d ee *hnw - rd th at (lie iKieecMlim o f u la r ie and healthy gun uinp ly au lh cleut to m eet all 111* need*. It la plain en ou gh th a t In a cunim unlty In w hich till* aurt u t practlca at th e bar p rev ille a Ju d ge ehould h ave o th er m eune o f praaervln* th e d ign ity o f h is cou rt and th e Integrity o f h i! fleshy lii- ttw iim ent. A ll Jiidgea a rs not tu q u ick and ■ 11 law yer* not eo elow iipun th e trigger. And even w hen u. jurtai le cuntident o t h is apevd in d d eg le r lty In Ihe nee o t Ida w eapon, it I* tak in g a lo n g ch an ce for him to draw and. w atch in g a m an flourtehlug a revolver, w a ll till the m om en t w hen It Is a b io lu te ly necenaary to ehuut. (lu iia g o olT H lu d d anly and b u lle ts travel no fa s t tb a l th s learned Ju dge forced to m od eration o f Ih l! k ind Is a t a d isa d v a n ta g e and 1s H abit to gat burL On th e o th er hand. If he flree ■t th e flrst ap pearan ce u t cou n eel'a ro- volver, there I* aJwuya Ihe ch an ce o f lilt- lln g th * w ltne«*os. o lllcere o f th e cou rt or o th er Innocent ip e c ia io r s , or o t breaking a srlndow.

It w ould eeem th at It r ip o a e s th e ]u - dlotary too far to com pel th em to tak e auch r l ik t : and th at I ha S u Loula puMlo ahould aa* th a t th e m en w h o ad m lnlater th e law * get a fa ir ch a n ce to live to honorad old a ( e . In ad dition to c o s ta of m all th ere are vartoua oottun a n d o th er fab rics w hich th eir Invantora a seer t to be b ullet-p roof, and w hich cou ld b e m ad e up Into garm en t* Ih c l w ould an h an ce the d ig n ity o f Ihe w earer and m ak e law yers and sp ecta tors rsougntse th a t j i i it t s * In Bl. Loula Is. a s tt ehould he everyw h ere e lse , Invulnernhle. A Ju d ge c lo th ed In b ullet-prouf an m ir. and w ith rupld-Ora gu n a ao ranged around h is bar th a t h e cou ld reach and op erate th em w ith both h a n d i and both fee t, would he *■ Invincib le and fee l a s brave In a St. la tu ls police cou rt a s U ew ey In M anila B oy . T h is Is ju d icia l raform th a t sp ea k s fur Itse lf a s to Ita aaoeaalty and lla iisefulnea*.

agea do b acom s nosninal cltlaena o f tb a U nited S ta ir* . I t la srell to remem ber th a t th e e lec tiv e franebta* la not on* n f th a In- dlapenaablr a t li ib u te * o f cIllSMiatdp. C on- t r t m In preparing a p lan o f govern m en t tor Ih* Phlllp tdnra, If It be deem ed beat to glv* lb * lalsMda a n y d egree o f hom e ru le , con lim it th * r igh t o f franchia* w ith w h a t ­ever re tlr lc ilu n s In th e w sy o f ed u ca tion a l or properly q u a llflca llon s It m ay ae* lU. T here w ill be n o d ifflcu liy In p rev en tin g Ihe addlllo ii o f tw o o r three mlllluiiB o f Im lf-ctvllised or sa v a g e Flllplnua to th* vo lln g popu lation , w hite a t th e aum e tim e cuiicMlIng them ujl ih e r lgh le and p r iv i­lege* o f cltisrim h lp gu aran teed by Ihe con atitu tlon o l hill »if r lg h la _____

OMB FV1U.IO U B M A N U MKOI.BCTBD.On* su b jec t In w hich th e propla o f N ew ,

ark ara IntarcaCed did n ot com e up a t la s t n igh t's m eetin g o f th e B oard o f Trad*.

T ha p eople w a n t t l gaa . and good g a s too , q u ite aa m u ch aa th ey w a n t to h ave pole* aitd overhead w ires rem oved .

Mr. Ilryan ta lk s about th e queatlun o t expanalon a s If he had no fu rth er a m ­bition to ev er b n o m e P resid en t o t tb a U nited S ta le* .

jD r //^ a f* » * * » I . . . . . . . . t J t e V o w n !

t * * * 9 * 4

" It w ould ruin me If you w ere lo uee m y nam e," la ld a railw ay telegrapher to th e .NEWS man laat n ight, "but you m ay art It dow n l a certa in th at unleta coii- ceea lon s o t a far-rH ch In g n ature b e m ade to m en o f m y cra ft early In th e com ing y ea r , th ere w ill be trouble. A itr ik * I* now Im m inent In Canada on the Grand T ru n k line, and It wilt hut fu reca il tha co m e a l on th is side o f th e border. E ver •In^e th e great gen eral telegrapher'a strik e of 11183, In which the railroad m en took o n ly a lym p ath ello part, operator* have b een m ore or Lias co w m tq* th e b luckitet, b ut a ll th e la m e tor h a lf a dosen y ca r i q u ie t organiaailoii ha* hern go in g on. andw e a re beginn ing to feel Hia> * e ca n aland on our right* a ‘ ‘ -------- “Ue*ldc*. a lm ost a n ew generation u f operator* has grow n up and n ot h av in g exp erlein cd the boycott

T he ind ifference so often d isp layed by corporallona to th e sgreem enta Into w h ich they h ave entered w llh inunlclpalltlea and tha Infreq uency w ith w hich the la tte r a p ­p eal to ih e oourta tu com pel fu lfilm en t o f Ihe co n tra cts , m ak e the suit brou ght In C hancery b y th e iuwu*hlp o l E a lo n to w n and th e borou gh o f la>|]g Branch a g a in s t the A tlan tic , Ked Bank and Lsmg B ran ch E lectric R ailroad o f sp ecia l Inlcrcai. A p p li­cation la m ad* to h ave the fran ch ises be­stow ed by Ih e cA n p la ln sn t m u n icip a lities declared void on th e ground th at th e co n ­d itions under w h ich th ey w ere g ra n ted hav* n o t been com piled wllh. It w aa s t ip ­ulated In th e g ra n t m ade by the tow nahlp th a t the ra llfoad co n u * n y m ust p ay h a lf the m oney oxpendeil by the tow nsh ip on the h igh w ay d urin g the Ural t lfu cn m on tha a fter th e op en in g o f th* road, w h ile In Long B ran ch th e railroad agreed lo p a v e a certa in a lreet w ith vltrlfled brick . In neith er caae w aa th* condition com p iled w llh and now K atontow n asks for tio.ooo, h a lf th e e o e t o f Improving th e h ig h w a y , and L on g B ran ch demand* I3.UI0 for brick p avin g, or In d efa u lt thereof ask* for p er- m lealon lo tear tip the com pany'* track*. T he c a s e la aom ew h alcam p llcated o w in g to

again .o f ope

- - --------s experienced the boytIt h a t no terrors for them . W e w ill doeverytliln i

JT liilluenc* pur i .kda, and If the occaitb n cum* th ey w ill uo

>g we can to a*al«l w ith m oney an d m oral liilluenc* pur hreth ien In uan.

th e fa c t th a t Ihe cuenpany Is bankrupt an d Is now In th e hands o f ■ receiver. S h ou ldth s d ecision o f th e court be In favor o f th e c o m p la ln iii ls It m ay encourage o th er m u n icip a lltica to seek elm llar redress. T oo o ften It Is th* habit o l such corporation s to regard th s franch ises w hich th ey h a v e received a s b inding only upon one side. T h ey lo se n o tim e In taking ad v a n ta g e o t all th a p r iv ileg e s granted them , b ut upon ■llgitt p r a ta ita or no pretexts a t a ll p ost pone u n til tt s u i t ! their ow n con ven ien ce th e fuIflUIng o t obllgatlotis Incurred by th eir a co a p la n co o t lb* fran cliltea

te ttbh o t

t c r r r w A t n i n r r n T p b b i l s .O a gaw atal o cc a sio n s In re ferring to the

•en tm o t fo r • n ew srater sup p ly w hich M * Booh Asrardod by tb a Jersey C ity )tra*t a n d W a U r B oard , th* N E W S k u fa iled a t tM llo n t* tb a dnogar o f pallu - yiok la srater ta k en from th e K od taw ay t t lv e r a t OM B o o m o o . T h e river a t that p oin t oarfiM w ith It th e antir* drainage o f tb e R o ck a w a y va lley . Including am on g • tb e r to sm * R o ck a w a y , D ovar an d P ort Oram, T h ey a r e a ll g row in g In p opu la­tion o ad w ith th eir grow th w ill eoraa to - g r e a se In th * q u a n tity o f pollution w hich ■the r iv e r w ill be exp ected to carry off. U n less som e pravtelon Is m ad e n o w to pravant fu r th er fo u lin g o t th e R o ck a w a y , It w ill b e b u t a fe w years u n til J er e ty C ity 's exp er ien ce w ith P assa lo w a te r i i repeated.

A ocordtfig to th e Jersey C ity Jou rn al th e p ro v lilo o s o t th e con tract re la tin g to tho p ollu tion o f th e R ock aw ay and th e m ea s­u res th a t ahall b e tak en to p revent It arfc m eagre and con d ition a l. S o y s Th* Jo u r­nal:

T he con tractor 1* n o t required to pro­vide a g a in st p o llu tion . T h e p rovision In th e specU leatlona requlrea tho C oun ty Board o f H e a lth to aacertatn w h en th * w a te r la p o llu ted . T h is board t* n o t a c ity board, an d It w ill not k n o w a n y th in g ab ou t pollu tion u n til tb a o S eo t o f p ollu tion la v is ib le In an a u g m en ted d ea lb rate. T hen , w h en th e C ou n ty B oard o f H ea lth ba* ascerta in ed th a t th e w a ter "1* eer lou ily gioUuted,'’ n 1* to n o t ify th e c ity , and th e d ty la t o req u ire th e con tractor " to p re­v e n t in c h ‘p ellu tk m ," providing th* dla- oovery la m ad e , an d th is c ircu ito u s ao ­tlon Is ta k en betora th e c ity h as accepted th * snO er w ork*, i f th e c ity h a t a ccep ted th * w a te r w o r k i b efore th e C ounty B oard o f H e a lth m slw * th e d lecovery and n otifies th * c ity ofllolaU , th en Ih* c ity w ill h av* lo car* fo r th e p o llu tion o t I ts ow n exp en se .

T h e J o u tn a l re fe r* to Ih* cHT'a e ip e r l- en c e w ith p o llu ted P a s s a ic w a ter a s g iv in g a le sso n sVblch ahould m a k e It Insist th at In th * n ew su p p ly th ere ahall b e no danger o f Im pairm ent by reason o f p ollu tion . I t Inststs, an d prop erly , th a t th e contrai't ahould provide e ith er for dlspoaal w orks for th e o sw a g * o r a n Intercepting eew er th a t w ill co n d u ct tb e eew age below the re iorvo lr . T h e Jou rn a l adds;

T he proviston a g a in s t pollution should be u n m ista k a b ly c lea r and binding., I t Is a ll v er y w elt to provide th at "the cU y ahall n o t be bound to accep t any plant or wqttherafrom u n til th e supply la free from pol­lu tion .' S u p p ose th a t the c ity ahall be d ep en dent on t h l i supply by th* tim e iha w ork s ara com p leted or th e tim e th a t It m u et a cc ep t th e op tion to purchase, tlien th * con tractor can tak e It or leave It. T h e d t y cou ld n ot g o w ith out w ater. U r suppose th a t tb e q u estion o f acccp ian ce w as pending Iwfore a c ity board; the eon- tractor or h is a g e n ts m ig h t easily find m eana and arg u n ien ta w hich w ould s a t ­isfy th e board, and tb e d t y would be hound by the a c ts o t Its rep reeem a tlv ea • • • 'itie p o llu tion o f th e R ock aw ay h as a l­ready begun, and It m ay be severa l y ea rs before Its e lt sc ta would a ttra c t th e n tte ii- thm o t the C oun ty B oan l o f H ea lth . It w ould be to o la te th en to prevent Injury o r to hold th e con tractor responsible, be­ca u se th e p rov ision ex ten d s on ly to th e tim e th e w a ter w ork s are accepted by tb e city . T h e co n tra cto r Is not d irectly re­quired to do a n y p reven tive w ork, though under ob ligation to supply pure and w bole- oom * w ater. H e w ill w a it until th e p o llu ­tion 1* accom pllehed before the Injunction r e q a liin g him to p revent further pollution srtU becom e op erative. W here srllt h e be th en , or w h at ob ligation w ill be be under to la k e any action f

Jersey C ity w ill need to guard a g a ln it a n y aaUan w hich . In a fe w year#, m ay laav* bar w ith a p ollu ted w ater supply a od helplea* to com pel U s puitSoalion!

T B O B N lO aL A N D FD BLIO S C B O O L t,A report aubm IUed to th o B oard o f

T rado la s t n ig h t and ad opted by th at body find* fa u lt w ith th * Board o l E duc*. t lo a bocauso oortaln s tu d ie s r sc e n tly In- troducad Into th* public sc h o o ls ara said to trench upon tba field o l Ih e T eebn ical School. I t would b ava a l l i tu d le s o f th at ch aracter tu Ih* gram in ar s ch o o l s o a r-, ranged o s to q uajtfy s tu d e n ts for ad m li- Mon to th * T ec h n ic a l SchooL I t a a seru th a t m an u a l tra in in g , d la w ln g , palnU ng, la n g u a g e i, e tc ., e tc ., are fore ign to the ob ject o f th * p ub lic achool aystem , aod questU m s w h e th e r th ey can b e properly ta u g h t th ere . T h* report con tlou ea;

W * * r* not oppoeed to th a ir teach ing, b u t w* a re opposed 10 th o m eth o d s em - ployed; w * ar* o f op in ion th a t, * • thee* ■ eversi s tu d ies p roperly com e under the province o l th * tech n ic a l, th ey should be under th e car* and d irection o f ,th e trua- teea o f th e T ech n ica l S ch oo l, a beard com- poeed o t practical, aucceasru l business m en. T h ere cou ld be n o m ista k e m ade try p lacin g under th e care o f su c h men, w ith w hom p olitico p lays no p art, auch stud ies, and w e a re sa tisfied th e ir experience In b usineta b etter qua lifies th em to prom ote and develop auch stu d ie s a lo n g practical lines w here th e stu d en t w in find w h a t he h a s acqutrad w ill be o f com m ercia l v a lu e W h ere m oney Is n ow being w a sted , a s we b elieve. It le very m uch needed to g tv e our T ech n ica l S ch oo l tb e m ea n s to broaden Us soopt, an d fu lfil Ita m laalon, a n d w e would u rge th a t th e board ta k a th is su b ject up w ith ou r B oard o f E d u ca tion and anJeavor to h a v e su ch s tu d ie s com * u n d er th e cam and g u laan o* o f m en w hoae p ra d jo e l k n o w led g e an d life a tu d y em in en tly piece th em in a position to d ire c t s n d care for su c h I n te r e s ts An e ffo r t sh ou ld be m ade a t th e sa m e tim e to seeb re an an n u al ap ­p ropriation o f a t le a s t Iftl.MO fo r th e pro­m otion o f tech n ic a l ed u ca tio n In th e achool erected for th a t purpose.

T h e Tectanical S chool la an Inatutlon d e­serv in g b igh praise, and th o se w h o hav* contributed m on ey an d la b o r to Its cstab - U shm ent d e ie rv * cred it. B u t a p ub lic achool s y ste m an d a sch oo l n o t u n d er th* sam e con trol, c a n n o t a lw a y * be brou ght Into ■uch c lo ee aaaoclatton a* to m ake on* too m uch o f a lend ar to th e o th er . I t should be possib le for a stu d en t w h o goes to Ihe p ublic sch oo l* w ith th * In ten t o t fitting h im se lf for o th er In stitu tio n s , to h ave a t m u ch o im ortu o lty to do to a s can be given to h im w ith o u t ta k ln g a w a y Instruction and .op portun ities d u e to o th ar ch ildren w hose ed u eatton w ill s top w ith th e public scliools. B u t th e public sch oo l ayatem te s ts afler a ll on its oam fo u n d a tio n s. The great m a ss o f IIS pupils w ill not g o to Ihe tech­n ica l achool nor to co lleg es , and 11 Is the in ter es t o f th is g r e a te s t num ber that Is ilT it a n d m ost In sisten tly lo hr reckoned w ith .

T b e m an u a l tra in in g Instruction In the p ublic achool* Is d etlgn ed lo m ake ch il­dren handy, resou rcefu l and quick lo learn a ll a o n i o f lia n d lcra fl, not lo m ake them fln ith eil a r itsa n i nor artists . In the cases In w h ich n otab le efllclency or ta len l along su c h lin es Is d isp layed It i an he confldently A ccepted th a t Ihe s tu d en ts w ill go further, an d to such th e T echn ica l School w ill he Invaluable. M oney le n ot w nsied w hen a boy Is tau gh t lo d raw or Is g iven som e reason ab le fa c ility In th e use ot tools, even though h is w a lk In Ilf* m ay h e auch th at he never g e ts "com m ercial value" tor h is know ledge. T he T echn ica l School will h ave g rea ter dem and I upon It In the fu ture and w ill h a v e w ider usetulnesa Ite- ca u se o f tha public school Instruction, w hich Its frien ds appear to think Is a tort o f in vasion o f It* p rerogative.

Aa for th e com p arison b etw een th* men w ho d irect th e T ech n ica l School and Ihe m em b ers o t th e B oard o f PIducailon, It Is ■Imply on* o t th e cr itic ism s o f public offl- c la ls . T h ese are som otim es ju st and so m etim es u n fa ir . U n fortu n ately , the best eqiilppe'd m en In th* com m uni­ty ar* n ot a lw a y * called to d ischarge public (ru sts. T he rem edy Is not to tak e f io m public officers th eir reeponslblll- ly , hut to b* m ore Insisten t upon securing th e best passib le m en for public p lsces.

E x -S en a to r R u fu s B lodgett, a fter a er v Ing for a lx y ear* a s M ayor o f I -on g B ran ch , .w a s d efeated tor re -e lec tion on T ueaday. I t arem s to be a had y e a r for N ew J er se y U em o c ia tle Senator* and ex Sena tors.

d ou lit reciprocate.

A t th e local recruiting ulflce lo -d ay It w aa learned Ib a l the proper m ethod o f procedure fur thooc w ho h ave friends Inth e arm y and w ish to h ave t'hrlaim a* par ce l* forw arded free o f ch arge Irom N ewY ork to H ico, w llcard m aaier, t'hari • ta r t th e

•ohllar* In e ither tluija or F orto I tvi to cypres* their package* In

o f UulaneL £^in)bulj, depot quarter;r, u m i i d ------S ta le s A rm y, at N ew York.

irget w iu bav* to be prepiild from th e ■tfpg point to N ew York, a fter w hich t'lbvernm ent w ilt assu m e en tire ch arge,

an d th ose persona w ho w ish 1u remem ber th etr sold ier re la tiv es or friends m syre st thiK ilutsly asfiurFd ' lh a i their g ifts w ill lie d ellversd properly and prom ptly. T h s d lrecllon for such im rcels should g iveIh e nam e, com pany and regim en t of the m an for whom ft Is liitemle<l, and the p lacew h ere th e re p m en t Is sta llo iied and lo th ese should be added: “f a r e o f the 1'n ltrd Hlalea Uepnt Q uarterm aster, N ew Y ork CUy, N. Y.^

W llllom R. W eek*, o f th is c lly , It one o f th e tru stees for thareh u hlers In the "N a­tion a l Hank of Cuba," w hich I* being or­ga n ised in N ew York, i t Is Intended lo h a v e uou.din cap ita l. “ It is ou r Intention,' sa id Mr. W eeks to-day, " w llh th e co-op- ■rallun o f som e o f th e w ea lth ie st and m ost rep resen ta llv* m en In Cuba, lo Introduce an Innovation In hanking circles. T here la n ot now and th srs has never been a bank on th e Island In W hich th e people could m ak e d e m stts and check a g a in st th eir ac­co u n ts. In th e rehah illla ltun o f Ihe Island m errh a n ls and p lan iera w ill w ant credit ra th er than cash and w e propose to lend th em th is on their grow in g c r o p s T h is a lso w ill be a unique sy e le m In C uba, a lth ou gh It h a s been In vogue In th e Hoiilhern S ta tes o f A m erica for m ore th an h a lf a centu ry. T h e bank w ill ac t aa a factor , com m lselon m erchan t, w arsliouaem an an d broker for a com m ission . In m ak in g ad vance* on g en ­era l m erchandlae con sum ed lo them from Ih e U nited S tates. It w ill l>e organised und er ex istin g law s o f tb e Island, w hich a n , very llbsral. A lready enuugh stock Is subscribed to ib egtn b u sin ess should we d es ire to do so.

H arry M acdonough, w ith Jeff ds A n gclis '

w h o w ill appear In Ihe "Jolly M us­

k e te e r ' C hrttim e* w eek a t th s N ew ark T h eatre , Is a n a tiv e o t O range, w hich he a im considers b is hom e, and w here h e has m an y friends. U r. M aralonough h a t been p rom in en tly b efore_th e puhlk; lin e * .theold M cC aull t ^ r a C om pan y's d ays w hen he began to p lay Im portant roles. H e su c ­ceeded U e A ngella w hen th at com edian re-

th e “D ella F o x C oinpany lea d in g support In "The I .l lt l f ^ o o p e r ."tired from

I t It rep orted th a t the Q uttenburg tra ck Is to b* reop en ed , and that running ra c a t fop p u rses w ill b e held there, but w ith o u t b elting . I t rao in g be resum ed a t O u tten - burg gam b U n g w ill be resum ed a lso . T h e form er w ill n o t p ay w ith out th* la tte r . A procesatoa o t b a n g isU s w ith out th e op por- tu o liy to b e t on them would n ot a t tr a c t a corp ora l'! gu ard o f ep ec la lorA W ith o u t gam b lin g th ere w ould be no receip ts from bookm ak eia ' p rlv llegee, nor from m a n y othar sou rce* m ad e possib le by th e o p p o r­tu n ity a fforded to gam ble. I f rac in g b e re ­sum ed a t O u lle n b u r i It w ill m ean th a t th a lAfr l i to b e defied, and th at p o lit ica l p u ll la to b e re lied upon to save th e ra c e tra ck m en from Indictm ent. In v ie w o f th e re­fu sa l o f th * la s t Iludaon C ounty O rand JutY to Indict th a H sin iso n p co lae lltr* , there la r « t o n w h y th* ga m b ler i sh o u ld b* ettoouraged to etart op era tion s a g a in a t OuttonbUTg.

T h e tw o com edian* h ave w orked a great d ea l togeth er and are a lik e in m any par- t lcu lare . Bo tru e I* Ihl* th at w hen M ac- d onou xh accepted th e lead ing role In " T h e L ittle Trooper" a paper In B rooklyn , w here tb e com pany w ae p layin g, an ­nounced grave ly th e n ext day th at a fter a ll th ere wa* lo be no ch an ge In the cast, a s D e A ngell* waa il lU ap pearin g In the product Ion.

Good and re ip o n ilb le cU lien e o f N ew ark la y thcm aclvea lia b le to tloo fine every day.

T h * Intention doubtleee l i lo reopen tha Q utten b urg tra ck tor "akatet.”

accord in g to an a tta ch e o f th e W eetern

[pllcll, declaringpaper w hich calla for a reven u e tax

U nion 'A legraph C om pany, v er y exp llcii, declaring th at ;

T b e taw Isany one Isau

Ing _ -w ith ou t a t ta c h in g * a stam p thereto 1* gu ilty o f a m isdem eanor. And y e t com - laratlvcly few te legram s are handed Id at

iranam lttlng olBce properly stam ped.T h e sender sim ply p ays th e com pany one ce n t ex c e l* and let* It g o t a t th a t. Ot cou rse the com pany, to protect Itse lf, per. form s the neglected d u ly , but tccb n lca lly It h a i no r ight to.


A l l

Th* tow n sh ip o t K earny w ill hold a sp e ­cia l alectlow o n Jan uary IT to d ecid e w hether o r n o t I t i present form -o t g o v ­ernm ent sh a ll b e sbollsbed a n d a tow n gav etn m en t sub m ltu ted , A i th e p resen t T ow nship C om m ittee w a s elected o n th e pledge th a t It w ould g ive th e peop le an op- p o rtu n lly to vot* on th* adoption o t th e tow n act. It la probable th a t th o d eclston wUI be In fa v o r o t throw ing off th e tow n - ll ilp garb . T h e people o t K earn y are en ­titled to tb e b eet form o f g overn m en t availab le, an d It a t the present lim e th e tow n p lan com m ends llse lt to th em th ey are right tn adopting It. Such a step , h o w ­ever, m a k e i m ore d istan t th e p rosp ect o t uniting K earn y , I txrrlion and E a s t N e w ­ark under on e governm ent and m ak e* It probable th a t each w ill retain Ita sep a ra te Individuality u n til a ll ara ready to b ecom e a part o t th e G reater Newark.

o t T h e m E i p e a a l v e , a n d » H a v e B e e s F r ta e W I n o e r a .

F rom the C hicago P ost.J ess ie B artlett D a v li haa som e fin* fox

terrier a t her W Itlow dal* k en n els. T w o o t them B oots and Baddies, b ava won m an y prises.

V ern on s Jarbeau a b laek -an d -tan T rla w eig h t but fifteen ou n ces w hen togged o u t In collar, b lanket an d boots. Me Is (h e sm a lle st o t hts k ind . H e Is a brave d og, however, and la d ecorated w ith m edal idven by the H u m an e Boclety be­c a u se he once ssv ed h ie o w n er '! li fe w hen a h otel was on fire by w a k in g her w ith hie ih a rp bark*.

L illian R u ste ll poaaeseea le v e r a l exp en l i v e Japeneas dogs, taut h er sp ec ia l p e l Is a big 81. Bernard.

Edna W allace Hopper ow n* a lin yh ------- ■

N ew Jersey hae been honored In th e ae- lectlon o f th a Third R egim ent a i P r e s i­dent b lcK In lsy 's escort a t the A tla n ta P eace Jubilee.

Fren ch bulldog w hich co st t u m . It w a i g iven her and w a s a nrixe w in ner a t th t f a i t N ew York dog ib o w .

M ay Irw in loves dogs and o w n s m any, am on g them Dick, a fox terrier w ith a p edigree a yard long; C ia r , a St. Bernard w orth tI.Mo, w ith a p lu m y ta ll lik e a fea th er bea, and Jones, a terrier w hich h a s been sto len m ore tim es th a n a n y o th er dog 111 the country. U p to d a te hla ow ner lia s paid out over MOO In rew ard s for b is return.

Melba has w ith her th is y ea r a b eautl fu l Pom eranian d og, w hich carriea the aw fu l name o f N leb elu n gen L lfd .

M aris D ressier haa a terr ier w hich sh e ca lls Paddy G leason, J u lia A rth ur ow n s a spajilel o f Ihe ruby ip ec lea , M aude A dam s haa a collie a p tly nam ed th e L ittle M inister, and Julia M arlow e baa a B oston terrier,

O lga N rlhereole c a l ls h er brlndle pup Canulle. and Mrs. iJ rn g try 's yTench poodles are world fam ou s. S h e som etim es b rin gs one on the s ta g e w ith her.

T he c lltxen e o f P eetib u rg In B ergen C ounty are iHsaatlsfied w ith Ihe n am n of their v il la g e . T hey think It lack s eu p h on y and doe* not com pare favoruhty w ith th e aylvan and rom antic tit les w hieh g ra ce so m an y o f B ergen 's com m uter s e lt le - rornts. T h e resid en ts of CHTfwoud, W ood

A lle n s n s L a iv y e r a .From Ihe Uondon F all M all Q asette ,

T he Rlamese Prince, w ho, h a s ju st beenculled to Ihe bar at the In n er T em p le , Is an Insiaiice of how ready th e E n g lish peopleare 10 open (he door to th e foreign er. I t la no douljt a rom iillm ent to au rseivc* thataliens and especially th ose o f h igh rank should seeii adm ission to o u r Inn s ofCourt, and we are probably th e on ly coun try In the world where th e honor Is sou gb l, II Ik due. no doubt, to th e fa c t th a t our courts err held th rou gh ou t th o w orld In the higheni esteem , and ou r sy ste m of 'urlBprudence, far from p erteotion though

cliff, E n g lew ood and all the o th er w ood s ‘ Sa‘lu?^im a8 ona te said to look srtth scorn on th e ir n eigh bora o t h o m ely sounding P e e tib u r g , and so Ihe la tte r , through C ongressm an Btew - art, h a v e p etlllon ed Ihe Posto lflce D ep a rt­m ent to g iv e them a nam e w h ich can n ot be m ade th e sub ject o f scorn and d erision .

A R E E D OF T H E JC DIO IA SY -W h ile tr ia l Judge* In SDine S tate* s i's

t s lh ln g ab ou t w earin g stik gow ns, sent!' fiqsB l In Et. I.1OUI1 la tending tow ard th e

^ v l d l n g b f c o a ts o f mjill for th* judiciary

Bontehow tb e B r itish E m p ire h as not been m in ed b y It* co lon ics.

F orm er A tlorn ey -O en era l M iller 1* an a n tl-e ip a n s lD iils t an d fe a r s th a t th * an' n exa tlon o t th e P h ilip p in es w ill m ak e a ll th e sa v a g e In h ab itan ts o f th o se ts ltu d s c ltlxen s d f th e U nited S ta te s . Mr. M iller's ap preh en sion s are fou nd ed on a decision o f th e U nited S ta te s S u p rem e C ourt m ad* la s t M arch , In w h ich It w aa h eld th a t ch ild b u m In th e U n ited B ta le i. though b oth p aren ts w ere C hinese n llena. Is cltlaen an d c a n n o t b e exc lu d ed from our sh ores , and th a t a lleg ia n ce Is th e prime t e s t o t cttlsen sh lp . N a tu r a lly If th e P h ilip ­p in es b ecom e th e p rop erty o f th e U nited B ts ta s th eir In h ab itan ts w ill o w e illag tan ce lo th is G overn m en t and lo th a t e x te n t w ill be c ltlxen s. B u t a s th e Islands w ill be ter- rltortes, under th e con trol o f C ongress and su b jec t lo su c h rvgu latlon a a s th a t body tn It* w isd om m ay deem n ecessary , there I* no reason lo fe a r th a t a n y (Hr* resu lts w ill fo llo w , even If sev e r a l m illion* g | ■

W ill som e sc ie n tist exp lain th e repe lln n t force th a t ex ist* b etw een m ercu ry and cohIT W h en th e form er (o e* dow n th e la l - le r Invariab ly goee up.

In th e opin ion o f th e P a terson B o a rd o f H ea lth th e ex c e ss iv e num ber o t c a s e s o t typhoid fe v e r occurring In th a t a lly are d ue to th e w a te r supply pum ped from the river ju st ab ove Ihe P a terson F a lls . This Is th e w a te r w hich ha*been u sed to ek e out th e J ersey C lly supply and a part o t w hich som e w eek s ago waa d licovered to be flow ­ing Into th* N ew ark reservoir, h a v in g got Into th e pipea b ecau se o f tb e p ressu re of b sck w a ter on th e v a lv es th en con n ectin g the N ew a rk and Jersey C ity su p p ly m ains. T h e d evelop m en ts a t P a terso n s h o w w hat a aerioua danger and m en ace to h ea lth w as Involved by th e presence o t th a t w ater.

T h e residenta o t Bergen C ou n ty In the v ic in ity o f E d g ew a tcr and F o r t L ee are In a s ta te o f a larm over th e reported Inten­tion o t th e G overnm ent ‘ to es ta b lish a n aval m a g n sln e a t th e farm er p lace . They tear It m ay b low up eom e d ay an d so m ix th in g s th a t th e people eou ld n ot tell w h eth er th ey w ere In B ergen or H iid ion . A fter h a v in g been bom barded s o m any year* fro m th e F allsiid es a ton e quarries, th e p eop le o f U iat seo llon o u g h t to h ave ou tgrow n th e ir fear o f e x p lo s io n s

n a tu rem ust precede the ce rtif ic a te o t quallfl' cation; ljut w llh us the ce rtif ic a te o t fitneas alone Is cssm tla i. In Ihe U nited S tate* naiuraliiutlon la Insisted on and op era tes harshly against E n glish barrister* s e e k ­ing mlmlaalon lo the S ta te cou rts. T here IS one case, however, w h ere an E n g lish ­man Hum-fdH] by a s id ew in d In ga in in gthe ilf'sirriJ privilege w ith o u t even p assin g an examlnnilori B y th s la w s of a certa inm ale, all I'liisene w ho d eclare th eir Inten­tion of practising In th e court* m a y do so af once un suhscriblng to th e form pro- vldea. Hill several y ea rs are required tor full MaturBlIiailon, and th is w as overcom e by tlie KHiileman In q uestion jo in in g th e m ate Militia a fter d eclarin g h fs Intention to i.'come an A m erloon clU son , an d th is entitled the m ilitiam an to a ll th e right* and privileges of a cltlaen , inoludlng, ot vounii, the right to p ra ctice aa a co u n se l­lor ut law.

KKOENT INVENTIONS.A tVreternur lia* p a ten ted a ae lt-b a itin g

roasilug pun In w hich th e m eat I* c a rrlrd In a revolving cy lin d er. With handle* 01 rtihtr end by w hich th e cy lin d er can he iLiiner over to dip th e to p o t th e roast In the liquid and return It to an u prigh t posiilon ut Inierval* to brow n It.

An Ironing board h a* been d esigned which ran be attaelied t o * tab le, w ith onlyOHfc ll:>r - ......................one leg wet Ing on the floor, th e le g being extended through th e board an d carryin g a screw clamp to grip th e tab le , and h av­ing a shohldcr on th e under aide w hich eupporij the outer end o f th e board.

To prrmlt the atorlng o f w agon* In im a ll jn^^PauB a now dashboard 1* h in ged on thefront of the w agon to t i l t backw ard and allow Ihe brace w hich su p p orts th e th ills to pass over It and rea l on th e w agon body, the ihllla thus ly ing In a s la n tin g positionInstead of vertical.

Only Our Just Deserts.

We believe that now more than ever before we are having an almost complete monopoly of the Piano trade of this portion of the State—that a still larger proportion of all Pianos purchased are bought from us. We believe it, indeed, we know it.

The Christmas demand for Pianos this year is really exceptional, which simply goes to show that more people than usual are taken with the idea that they ought to have a Piano ftow. That our suggestion of fj^sensible Christmas gift for all the family is being largely followed.


Wai. Onialt'a Oivet War P r w s ,HEED BY THE ENEMY.

JACOBS’ THEATRE, jMatlM* fialanlay. Wo,


- A - i a c l * * c ? W A V l £ Y O lcIn HU lA losl thiooest.

T i a e N o b q ; ay c l l £ a r l 1N ex t M 'erh -k ll> E T K A € E E D .

W I I D M I N I S N E W T H E I T R EW aslilA g loa S treet, N ear M arket gt,

IlandsoiDcat Thcatrs In the S u e s Tbt* Week U attsesa-T ustday. Tliuta and fiat,


PRIiROSE m DOCKSTADER'S NIRSTRELS!kiileiidld pragramm* all In black faoa

Tickets now on sal* at box oIBcc. tvlcss Tba, SOo., Sic., a e . , Uc.; Box kests. Ihca


We are conscious, too, that more than ever before the discriminating buyer comes here for his Piano. There has never been a time when people “ shopped ’’ so much before purchasing; there has never been a time when we were so sure that in prices and quality we are really beyond all competition.

All this id the outcome of ■ thorough, hard-headed policy. All because we conduct our business on the sensible plan.

Because;We insist that your Piano will give you perfect

satisfaction. If you don’t like it, we don't want you to keep it.

We save you the difierence between the small store’s “ legitimate" profit and our fMSOjwWr profit— about a hundred dollars, quality for quality.

We don’t make obstacles for our patrons. We go out of our way to be agreeable and pleasant and enter­prising and progressive in everything we do. In brief, we thoroughly appreciate all that the term GOOD BUS­INESS covers.

$10 down, f6 monthly, is all we require to let you have a good new Upright at once.

Open every evening till Christmas.


657^659Broad Streeti


WALD MANN’SMa r k e t & Ha l s e y Sts

o f P*e«inlM r Itik * Tu^vdAV* n ia r ftd a r M d

E KN KHT KOE BER* €h N m p l«« W rM tltr. N ext Week—AuKtnllim Bekalloi.

NEWARK THEATRE.E very KvealBire l ie l ln e M Wed* ea d B el.

' I ' l i . e ' O e i s l : i . a !From Augustin Half's Tbsatts,

Xma* W esk-JX rF . DE AMOBLIS.

“ In the Far North."IlLUSTBATKI) IgCTCBE BY

o e ; o . o . c s o i t f iN *ASROCIATIOB H A LL,

F rid a y K ventiig , D ecem ber lO .,iheete a i U o li1iiiier*i» 40c.



C opies o f W orks o f Art o f W orld- W id e F a m e -P a l BtiBg, b eo lp tere

s a d A rrh tler iore .Ol'KS HAY AND EI'ENINQ THIS WEEK.

A dm laslon lOe. C sta legu es for Sal*. Under the auspices of the Newark B iu c a llo n il.

AwclatlOD. '


We have now on exhibitiou tbe most elegant stock of W aters Up­right and Grand Pianos we have ever shown. The W^aters Pianos have been well known forfifty years, but the W aters Upright Grands of 1898 are finer in tone and workman-' ship than ever before, and rank with the few leading high ait Pianos of the world.

M M w y b A sw yw w o^

T h e sh rew d bargain ing Inatlnct dts- p layed by th e Fhilippina In n icgcu l* ou ght to co n v in ce the N ew B n glan d an tl-rxp an - ■loitlats th a t th e F ilip inos srill m ak e de­sirab le C itiaeni. T he dem and th a t Spain ■hall p ay over to the Insurgent* a s ran­som tor S pan ish prisobers, th e fso.ooo.ixtf w h ich sh e Is to receive from th e U nited State*, 1* an Idea worthy o t a C on n ecticu t Y ahkee.


P realdent M oK m iey's speech a t A tla n ta ha* m ad e him solid w ith th o G eorgians, but w h tn th ey deduoo from h is n m a r h th a t “ w e should share w ith y o u In th e cere o t th e graves o f C onfedsrat* aoldlers" th a t b e Is la favor o t the N a tio n a l G overn ­m ent a seu m in g th* burden o f th o C onfed . erate pen sion lis t they are d ra w in g an u iiw arrantab le Inference,

A1 .

An Ohio w om an h as p aten ted an Inter- clianfreohle hoe and rak e, th e tee th o f the latter heliig sltpiied Into ey e le ts In the iilado of the hoe, w ith a clam p a t th e ton of the tiiade by w hich It Is a ttach ed to th e liandic of the rake.

f A llnnftnvlan has p a ten ted a doll w hieh s» bubbles, an ex p a n siv e rub-

— ....jlde the body b ein g depressed at the back a fter th e tu n e exten d ltig from the inouth la d lp p ^ In th e w a ter , b low in g

_______ .._J p4|yvlll IjIijw b i lb b M ,........... .btr b«lb InBlflB thk body b eing

tu b e ex te t

ttir through th e tube end exp en d in g the film at (ho end o t th e tube.

For Those Who Seeka most substantial form of Life Insurance, providing; C E R T A I N PR O TEG TION for their family, there is nothing better than The Prudential Whole Life Pol­icy. The most convenient period for payment of premi- uras, either quarterly, semi-*^' yearly or yearly, can be selected.

Amounts $500 to $50,000.


S ^ t h e p r u d e n t i a l sgH N Jf._D BY D Et,^ITm iaint,

QAS B. w a r d , M V. Pte*. and Canoeel.LOLIE D. w a r d . Vlea-Prsildant. FORfiEST V. DBYDEN, Sametary.


A Rwede has patented a n ew s a il for noais. having a m ast p ivoted in l l ie bot- |cm of the hull to tu rn th e s a il on e ither

■ 1:** ■'^Her bein g suspended In a fram e attached to the m a it by p ivoted b ars to vary its position so th a t th e cen tre o t tho wind presiure la over th e ce n tre o f g ra v ity o f the boat.

Bhampoolng la m ade e a sy by a n ew barber chair a ttach m en t, h av in g tw o cu rv-

arms w ith re sts a t th * end* w h ich - '"RAW a iin a ll p ortion o t th e ' witn B. rcceDtftfili* mi. <:ha - - - ■

engage a iin a ll p ortion o t th * heed. S - eeceptael* a t th e ^ k o t Ih e qbalr to catch w ater w hen th e h air Is rinsed.

,1 ■'.eemhlned boal, te n t an d bed h a s baen ucsigncd for cam pers' u s* , oon sistln g o f a cunvas cover, to b e fa sten ed to th* mast and ex ten d to th e ed g es o t th e boat to Inclose part o t It, Ihe b a lan ce being covered by cen va* stretch ed on a low

with a m attree* u ndcrnaalli w hich ban bo folded w hen not In use .

A GREAT OFFER!A Beautiful N ew W aters G rand j

U p r ig h t Piano, 7K octave*, 3-< stringed, full iron frame, repeatiag action, ivory keys, 3 pedals, v e ry r ic h d e e p to n e , w ith f in e s in g in g q uality ,ttnd containinlf all the latest improvements, ior

cash, or $ 2 5 0 on Instslmentsk only $ 10 down and $ 1 p e r m o n th . Stool, cover, tuiung and delivery FREE.

We also offer a new, large size. 7K oqtave, 3-stringed C h e s te r jHlano for

cash, or $ 3 0 0 , payable $ 10 down and $ 5 per month. This is a reli­able, well-made piano, fully war­ranted and the best value ever of­fered for the money.

Don’t fail to examine our pianos, prices, terms and inducements, of send postal for catalogue with re­duced prices and terms.HORACE WATERS & CO.134 F if th Ave.,near i8th St.,


XMAS GIFTS!r u g s ,



OILCLOTH, 18c.41 H


• ’T H E } . .

'MatchlessUghti^CHEAPER, c U aNER

m o r e c o n v e n i e n t ttHAK AHT o r a n .

i iiieNeMiiEKiiiiciitiiiidPoififOo.iAltUT AM lEAVER STS,

^ 4 1 H <


W. A le y a la i’t OhDroh F a ir C lw a g .Tha fa ir fo r th e b en efit o f B t A loya lu s’t

Ghurcb, w hich h a s been In progres* a t th e G athollc C lub h a ll on O xford a lr e e t for the p a st tw o w eek s, w a s brought to a « lo i*


. J

Util n ight. T he c o n te s t tor a b ow ling b all betw een m em b en i o f th e Cathollo Club exc ited m uch Interest. E u gen e A. flulTl- v *n w *e th e w in ner, w ith BGS v o le s to his crM lI. Jan ies D ev in e, Jr., w a s a cram s ic - olid, an4 T hom as M eehan w aa third.

b a r s that ar* laigq iH-sbaped oc dsdormed, | and e a n that sUnd out like vrM eepnedlng' aalli ar* orilsHcaUr ccsTtoted and mad* to eet Baeafnlly to the bead by a MmpI*, falnlem operatloa Halr-Ilp; droopiug lips, rolling lip* drawn Upe, and all IrragularUloi or detormitis* of the Ups aod mouth arereeUlled, and a pleas-, la i , a t t r ^ r e exprssslon Imparted thenbo by < JOHN n. WOODBlfRY, U7 Wsst U d street. New York.

Dufioodbia'tFisial Soap


Fidal Criin

D E A R p ni W i S a i a i !



H esel

P®«•d —N esla gCityt b .

Rep Itlea Trad) poUut m ean ev il, w as ilg n o k eu ct Hiker la l 0 been reeoli

"Wl R iver Uon coneli banki lu rln , m akii necea

"Wl lb glv jec t a in g n

"He blym ,q uest en d es law s pollu l age 0 drain ahall the * delay

"He fa v o r munli

m at c e n , «rlng o f m In f 0 and e b« U

“ Rf ureaei tba L ■uch

hareb propo u r |€ a ■I toaanrm ako

Mr. In th fromMtC \ caUln

by th lieclai p ly c A let maiiH h e Wl hoard trodu M ayo w rote atop p

- a i l rtver. N ew It m l do th

Jobi B rit I th at 1 Hoan; pollm

■ aald, filthy aw ay great] erly . $ald, aourci

”Th vine.' place, a lon g o f pr from not U h ave ■Done bankr

’’1*0 tblrifio f itoogn ln an d 1' tion o lln . I Paesa Billon

A,Monti but r probli gu in e

"Wib ut w pnntli p U u i to at' w ell i nicips to rt« Interf

A$a expre neigh P aiB i H a ai tion ’ th e t

• I t th e cl er at th li treach queat iio ok Ita p healt] won

‘*I t riaon, flddee Ita re f a tn . for g and ] th ia Ijegla vetoo over In th electa M r t Jeraa; fight portu chanc

W.h ooH a g o olo pol tb e a aalo 1 to $ti an d k gon er h er i l Mr. attOQ*valu a

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'^■I'l" Iroub th a t See h aewer Ing I som e on PC on e-tl

H ai •v er y PaiM ad vla a plat comir w hicr w h lc l th * o

"N i plaoei ’ 'for ' Infari o ver ' hours M>,00C■*WB|■Ippl, th e u and I cou n t b e *01 d orie


h a v egreat!

rn T tI

D uynrH o liob abau

n d fcom n





Board of Trade and Bepreeentativee of Neighboring Monleipalitlei

D luuu the Problem.


B ain inU on i K aco inh ia> * la | th a P lan Pr*- poiw i k j th « C aauaiM loa of 1*M Adopt. •d -e o a t lB o a t !■ Vovor o f iho O n a to r B ow w k K ip n u o d by Aon* o f tho VliU. la c S|wUt#re-<)a##Uoae C an aara ln c tbo CIt* a i m B ro n ck l to tbo A tloa tioa of tiM B aard .

Roproaoiilatlvea fnim varluua muntclpal- Itlca Intoreatad Jqlnrd wlili the Uuaid or Tiado laat iilcht lii the rtiaouaaloa o( the poUutluu of iha Paaaalc Klvor and the oieaauroi propoaod for the abaUng of that avll. The aentlment of nearly all preient WBi reflected In reaolutloni which were alfiied hy Oeorce B. Swain, J . A. Leb- keucher, Morria R. Bherrerd, Chandler W. Hiker and 8. d, Meeker, cotnpoalnc a apec- tal committee to which the m atter had been referred. Tbo board adopted the reaolutlona, which were a i (ollowa:

"W hereaa. The cdnditlon of the Paaaalc Rivar from the eRecta of aewagr pollu­tion baa grown ateadlly worae, caualng eonataot oomplalnt from r.aidenia near Ita bahka, and injuring cuminerce, manufac­turing and Ibe Iniereata of real eaiate, and making remedial meaaurea Imperatively neceaaary without further delay; and,

"W hereaa, A commlatlon Is now engaged In giving further consideration to ths aub- jeci and will make report to the approach­ing aeaalon of the Legislature; be It

"Resolved, T hat the Senator and Aaaem- blymen of Kaaea County be eartieatly re­quested to use their Influence and utmost endeavors In behalf of the enactm ent of law a necessary to prevent the further pollution of the Passaic River by the h w - age of c itlc i and towns In the watershed draining thereto; and that a law which shall provide tor the complete removal of the existing nubmnea be passed without delay.

"Resolved, T hat the Hoard of Trade favor a ayatem of Joint action by the municipalities tntoreated, under control of properly constituted Slate auchoritlea, and that the Hoard of Trade, through Its uRl- cera. Inform the commlaalon now cunaid- ering th is subject, of Ha support In favor of ri'oommeiidatlona looking to the procur­ing of such leglalation as w;d give early and eRectIve relief from the nuisance; and be It

"Reaotved. That the Board of Trade present this m atter through Its otneera to the Legislature a t the flrst opportunity at such public bearing as msy l» given; and,

"Resolved, T hst the Board Of Trsde hereby te llera te i Its approval of the plan proposed by the commlatlon of iusc, and urges its adaption, wllh such alterations as to details as may be considered neces­sary by the present commission soon to make report."

Mr. Bherrerd reported the resolutions. In the same connection a le tter was read from Samuel Philips, president of the Pas­saic Valley Mutual Protective Association, catling the attention of the board to the divermon of part of the flow of the river hy the E ast Jersey W ater Company, and declaring that the diminution of the sup­ply contributed largely to the nuisance. A letter was also read from Assembly­man-elect William Mungle, stating that he would be glad to co-oi>erate with the board In case it should desire to have In­troduced measures in the Leglslnture. Msyor Edward Kenny, of E ast Newark, wrote th a t It was time the nuisance was stopped.

"Stop the pouring of sewage Into the river,' continued the Mayor's Tetter. "The New York law seems to be eRectlve. Have It enforced here and let the other people do the ta lk in g "

John Kaslwood, of Belleville, was the flrst to speak on the resolution. He said that the people of his town were with the Board Of Trade In their eSorts to stop th i pollution of the river. Few places, he

- said, suffered like Belleville, where the ftithy rondlilott of the river drove people away from Ita ban||s and bad the effect of greatly depreciating the vklue of prop­erty. The Orange sewer, .Mr. Eastwood said, was the moat dsngeruns of the many sources of pollution.

"This m atter concerns not only Belle­ville," said Edward W. Jackson, of that place, "bul It also'applies to all sections along the river. In our town valuations of property near the river have fallen from forty to fltly per cent. People can­not live along the river, and conncuuuiitty have to leave. The result svlU be that sooner or later we will have to go Into bankruptcy,

"1‘ollutlon must be stopped. The only things to be considered are the methods of stopping It and the cost. IlfllBvllle rec­ognises the fact that It has to be done, and It Is willing to stand ita Just propor­tion of the cost. 1 am satisfied that Frank­lin, K earny and other places along the Passaic a re willing to agree to Ihle uroou- Billon."

9 - . Montclair, raid thalMontclair was willing to do w hat It could hot realised the difflculiy or eolvlng the problem. Thereby, he aUiled, was an a r­gument In favor of the G reater Newark

"We don't favor it much up our way. but we recognlto It as almost Inevitable " continued Mr. Bludrr, and a ripple of ap- plaute around. “But wo ask. youto MB to it that when It Is done it Is well done. The more of the outlyljig niu- nlrlpallUes to engage In the movement to atop pollution the greater will he the Iniereet and the belter will Iw the result.''

Assemblyinan-elect Bruder, of Harrison expressed the hope thal Ids city utid-lhe nelghtwrlng towns on the east bank of the P saialc would soon be a part of Newark. He added th a l the crusade against poliu- tlon would have h it support ahd vote In the Legislature." I t la a shame." added Mr. Bruder, "that the city of Newark with all Us great |sjw- *1, •",? ‘“4uence should have permitted this thing to reach the dimensions It has reached to-day. This Is one of the great quesllons of the day. Money should be bo object Jn such a cause. The river In Its present condition strlkee a t your hea th, a t your door, a t your physical wMi o^tng.

" t think It Would be a good move If Har- '■'JS"; “ "4 Newark were allBdoea to this county. Jersey City from Its remoteness, has no Interest In our af­fairs. B ut we have an Interest In Newark, for geographically speaking we are oart and pareel of Ihe city, A bill to bring th is about passed both houses of the I.Aglslalure several years ago, but was vetoed by the Governor. I t was passed over the veto bv the House but was killed

. tbg Senate by the present Governor- elect, Voorheee. Newark did not do her part to secure the passage of that bill.

C ite sent 1,000 of h er big men to light It. I hope th a t when the next op­portunity comes Newark will not lose her chance,

a . Scott, president of the Paterson Hoard of Trade, confessed that there was a goerf deal of apathy Ih hii city In regard to pollution. One cause of the apathy wai th e a ttem pt of the jaresldent o f the Pas- aalo Valtey M utual Protective Aisoctallon to atop by Injunction the work of great and Important factories; another was thefiSIlerel belief th a t Newark would not psy

er ttaara of a trunk sewer. Paterson, said Mr. Scott, had not been troubled by pollu­tion, elttaer In the depreciation of properly valuea o r by the menace to health.

" I t Beema to me tha t I have read In the iw pert about enidemict of lypbold In P at­erson,'' said Jam es Hardman, of Beile- ylllo. Now, 1 have a factory which will nave to be enlarged aeon, but I have felt as though I didn't w ant to build under the present conditions. N ewark Is the grea test potlutor of the Passaic, to r ‘the f* ’"'^** deposited by this city Is carrisd up by the tides to points above its limits,"

"I t seem s,'’ said Mr, Bherrerd, " tha t the trouble during the laet two years has been th a t each community has been trying to see how little It can pay toward a trunk eewer, Now the csmmunltlua are lealli- Ing th s t the ooet should he divided In some equitable proportion, say one-third on population, one-flilrd on territory and one-tbird on property valuattoD,”

Harrison Van Uuyne remarked that ^e ry b o d v recognlaed the trouble In the I^ is a lc valley , but he did not conelder It advieabte for the board to fully Indorse a plan adopted a year or two ago. A new oommisslon had been appointed, he edded. * 2 •tudying the queetlon andWhich m ight propose a man different from •he one propoeed by the old commlislon,

Newark la not eufferJng ao much as plaeea above," continued Mr, Van Duyne,

tor we have Rye feet of tide hero. 1 am Informed th a t there Is sometimes no water over the fa lti a t Palereon for Iwenty-four •Mnunin ^ Chicago le spendingM»,(100,000 to build a canal so tha t her » •» •* • «“ ^be emptied Into the Mlseb- flPPh lout she will undoubtedly encounter the oppoeluon In the courts of the towns and citlee on th a t river. W e may en-counter elm llsr oppoaltlof here’, 1 should be sorry M lee th is board unqualifiedly in-dpree a plan adopted two years ago."A Jfy esnUment la for a sewer," declared A, 9 Courier. “Ag to the klnd-^eave thst

•ng.lnoere. Never mind the ooet;

A, a TwItohelS! rep L ..., „Duyne'e abjeelloa, eald he thought the rH olutlona left eufflclent latitude ior

mads in the plan, and P. T, Quinn rem ark eo tn a t the preieni

d been eonttm ed with re*• UU JT< A. I*|U|||(| rcommleelon had



R E W A R D(or a m u we lall la cure, and HO PAT till oortil, In Q4r offer for acrvDUi drtMlUy. flrvAnia WL'xknMs Mir-dJlainj«t. lni[MX«acys ipe^ pM lo oovtlopment. laJM tmtk, vmrk>oc«M. dintlM. rMuJti 4t jpcwiJifgl orti«v blood iwloon. •ruptioB*. on Miiaonr dloMM^ ilrioiuro «ad all unnaiural dl»ebariro«- Thl» o««r for <*‘*^5?** ITOCdlinr i« m*n. Cool for curt tot btforo troal* mtot. Charfta Iom (hao aov fpr^lalUL AhA MKUICAle INMIfTIlTlC (kMaU U y n , )

n u ONANOic ar.e ««k w a iiil _ Hour«-eO to iO A. M.; I lo I *a4 t to t F. M.

» r f l tu llie m atlftr anA had thoroughly ImloritM ►very featu re ot ihe preamWo and rftolutlonB. Then the reiuluUona were adopted w ithout diiaent,


I'rllle lsm e nf Ih a B oard s ef E dacotion and W orks lu H e p o r ti P n se a ta d i s Hw

Board of Trade.Munlcipel affa irs were brought to the

consideration o f th e Board of Trade last night, when th e uommittee twsrlng th a t title submitted tw o reports on eubjecta of general In terest to the city. Oiw report, which provoked aometbing of a dlseusalon, demanded the pu tting underground of te le ­graph and telephone wires; that no more poles for such w ires be erected on the pub­lic highways of the city, and th st all poles now standing be taken down. The report also look the Board of Works to task for Its failure to accomplish three reforms.

The other report, a fter calling for the enforcement of the ordinance relating to the removal of enow and Ice from the alreeta. criticised the Board of Edocatlon fur Its failure to take an Interest In the Newark Technical School, and condemned the Introduction of so-called new m eth­ods, new Ideas and new studies In Ihe pub­lic achools. I t also declared that with lesa of polltica Ihe Board of Education could fuld) Its functlone more satlsracturlly to the city. Both repo rts were signed by the memberi of the Committee on Municipal Affairs, as follows: Frunk E, Vsn Ness. Herbert W, Chapm an, William Titus, A l­bert C. Courier, Thomas Cressey. Charles S. Uodd. Amos 11. Van Horn and Jubn H. Day. The flrst report was as follows;

"The question of 'poles and wires' tro l­ley, electric, telegraph, telephone, etc., covered In the address delivered by Joseph Coull, Esq., before the Noverouer meeting and referred by the Board of Directors to Ihe 'Committee on Municipal Affairs' for consideration and report, has received our attention, and we would submit 'that this tried and ilme-woru queetlon should Im farced to an Iseue without delay, that our ofllclals should take hold of It and pro-1 vide Ihe remedy which the cltlsene of Newark have boen praying for In years. The more one cossidere the cuiuberous movements of our Board of Works over providing a solution for Ibis unsightly speetBL'Ie, with Its octopus arms rmbrac- Ing the public highways, the more you marvel at oRiclal methods.

"As a committee we wllh to expreas our unanimous opinion In favor of an Imme­diate removal of poles and wires from our highways, ^

“We desire to voice Our unanimous pro­test against fu rth er delay by the Board of Works In adopting and enforcing an ordinance thal will do away with the use of overhead wires.

"IVe are unaulmoua lu our opinion th a t no plausible reason can be offered by any interest effected against the enactment ■ud enforcement of such an ordinance,

■ We unanimously denounce the mllk- and-wster policy pursued by our olflulsls In treating wllh corporate Interests In the h jr i ' and advocate and urge this Board of Trade as a representative body to use Its power to conserve the rights of the people In all fu tu re cases where public fraiichlse rights a re asked or sought for

''H'c submit th a t the trolley system ehould be excepted. In so f i r as the power wire over their tracks are concerned; but

Brosd streetshould be freed from the overhesd w ire end the con d u it s y ste m Inaugurated a fter reasonahle n o tice Is g iven ,

"The franchise .Ight wnich the people freely gave, have Immense value, and Niiwark I; In re tu rn entitled to iho best and should not be content with less

' A former committee of this board point­ed out with forcible clearness the fact that miles of subw ays laid In this city are In­nocent of w lrea We would aik. W hat were they laid forT ^ w nai

"Why have our streets, newly pav.'d t l p e a t cost to the public, been torn open and dug up In all p a rts of the city, once, twicea three lim es for subway purposes

condtiUB not to be ’“A lubway wMh cenUuit J)pac«'iufflcl«nt

to auconmiixlute every kind ol wire l« laid: &nU when llnlithed, we allow pole afi**r pole wire a f ie r wire, ereciad without a worAi of protMi.

“Do our city official* Imaalne luch tom ­fool methoua m«^ta or merit public favor or rertt^i to Ihelr honor or credit? I>o thev think the people are sailaiJed?

' We aftree w ith Jo«eph Coult whew he eaya, 'B.let'lnctty ha* beoome one of <he modt pervicable agencleM of moHlern life ami the OunMcr* to which we are expoaiAi In »a uee can be Urifely eliminated; U 1* only a qucatlon of expense, and the liirhi* of the public are auperlor to the right* of private persona o r corporailona lo whom g ran u nave been given,’

“The rlghli of the people are the inter- eatt our oftti'iala a re paid to cunaerve and the Board of T rade should move In thi* miitier w ithout fear or favor until our ulhclEilB take action.

“A former com m ittee of Ihl* board a f ­ter month* of careful study on this same question, suhmiUed, wllh the official ap ­proval of thlR hoards a serie* of rocom- metidalion* to ihe Hoard of Work*, then holding office, whU*h wer* forrlble and a f­fective. Such a policy would not Inflict undue hardship or injury upon the cor­porate interest* represented. The recom- mendatloni proposed a t that time were:

“Uiic-'TUai. no more polew 1>e erected on a public highway Jfi our city,

' T w n-'rhut th e ie In no better lime than the present to pu t in to offect a system of subway*.

“Three—That a ll poles now siandlng be ordered taken down. azKl lo carry out this order four years* time be given, one-quar­ter of each oT the present numbsr now fftandlng to bo removed each year.

^These suggeatlona coverea the whole Bubject then, and do now, and for that reason we again offer them for your ap­proval. •

“Avtfon In th is m atter rests with the Board df Work*, and we would aufg#«t that a Bpecdal committee of three be d e le ­gated to again present and urge that body to adopt a policy In Udu with the views

to again dbmr. ,Tka unuaual aavarUj a&duiWLpected fall no 4oubt fouad our atraoi d e p a n o c n i officials uhoreptrod; but neg­lect w provide for future tm ^rfency should subject the board lo public cen­sure.

“The obstruction to trafllc and Iown to our tradeBEnen, not to speak of the ex­treme hardship to horses, oooasloned ibroufli the nustlng up of snow by the trolley companies on our main streets, Is a m atter wnUb should be aitemled to by the Uoard of Works. U is absolutely wrung In principle end practice to allow (he present melhods of clearing snow from the cenirvB of the stree ts and dump­ing the jiame In the doorways of our bus­iness houses to continue. Provision for Its Immedlste ieraoval should tir made without delay.

**We do not tUlok the cost of removing snow so piled by the Traction Company for tnelr oeneflt should be borne eiulrely by the city, nor would ws have the Trac­tion Company assume U, but it seems to us that ibe cost should be divided equally between ute ium|>any and the city; and provision made by the proper authorlticB for Its removal without losa of time. As tb e r t seems to be no understanding or pro­vision made for such work being done at Che expense of both, and a s we think ihe expense should be so placed, we would recommend that our City Law Department be requested lo tske the m atte r into court to determine If ths Traction Company have the right to obstruct traffic, and tub- jeni uur UuHinesa men lu loss, itirough the means they employ In removing mo snow from tlieir tracks.

“ We would slro bring i>cfore iha board a quesuuii in ah iib every cltiien Is Inter- ested, and one in which this Board of Trade should take a deep lnterest~-aiid th a t is eduesllQii. As a board repr»*emiug the maaufaeiurlng and Industrial inter- esia of the city, we are very much Inier- ckied In ths queaUon of commercial teob- nlcsl education, having founded gmi aatab- llahed the Newark Technical BchooL

“Our Board of Jiklucatlon fall to apprs- elate The fact that such a school exists, and through this neglect and Indlfterencs on their part they have brought upon ihemselvea severe adverse crlUciim. For some years past they bave Introduced what are calied new Ideas, new siudlea, new meihodB, s | | ©f them apparently new tu them.

"New they are as features In our public achools, but old In the tield of technical education. These studies, em bracing man­ual training, drawing, paiDilng, laniD agsi, etc., etc., are forflgn to the ouject of our public school system, and a s cundurisd we question if they can be properly taught. We are not opposed to their teaching, but we are opposed to the methods employed f we are of opinion tliki. as these several Studies propE-rlv <'ome under the province of the technical, they should be under tbe cafe and direction of the trustees of the Technical Hchool, a board composed of practical succeasful buslneas men.

“There could be no m istake mads by placing under (he care of such men, with whom polUice plays no part, stmh studies, and w« arc satisfied tnelr experlem e In buslnctw, brtler qualifies tbem to promote and develop such studies along practical lines where the student will find w hat he has acquired will be of commercial value. Where mon^’y 1* now being wasted, as we believe, It Is very much needed to give our Teohnlral School (he means to broaden Its scope, and fullltl Its mission, and we would urge tha l the board take tb ls subject up with our Board of Education and endeavor to have sUch studies come under the care and guidance ofmeo w hosepracticalknowl- edge and life study eminently places them In a position to direct and care for such intereets. Au effort should be made a t (he ■name tim e to secure an annual appropria­tion of a t least 9 ,00tt for the promotton of technical education in the sohood erected for that purpose, and all studies of this character In our grammar schools should he to arranged as to qualify the students for admlSBfoii tbercto for the ffnlihlng couraea

“ More school* arc very much needtfd to accommodate the children of school age, and this we urge should be forthcoming, The members of the Board of Education with a Utile less politics and a little murr a ttention tp the work entrusted to them ( ould provide out of the annual appropria­tion tt sum sufficient to equip our schools with the necessar)' Ijooka of study, and not havi* principals borrowing and loaning such iFQoks SI readers, arithm etics, geog­raphies, histories, etc., so as to enable them to properly Instruct ihelr pupils,

“The iDoard hides behind ihe cry of no money: we think it Is no sense. Money 1* wasted In many ways, th a t mors care and attention could provide ugolnut. Uur educational system ban l>a m aierfally Im­proved. and your committee recommend th a t the Board of Trade tak e some sctlon tow ard having this Improvement brought about,"

In connection with this report a tetter w as read from Mrs. Emily K Dennis, of the Newark Educational AMOcJatluxi, ask­ing the Board of Trade to Indorse the fol­lowing projects and propostUons:

“F irs t—A small School Hoard, elected or appointed at large.

“Second—A non-partisan School Board.“Third—A lAosrd whose meinLo'rs shall

hold office for long lerm*. for five years, for Instance.

“Fourth -S uch un arrangem ent th a t only a sm all minority retire u.t any one time, leaving always « working majority.

“F ifth —The separation a s nearly com-{ilete as possible of the executive from the eglslatlve powers; the legislative powers

Irctng retainefi by the Bunool Board, and the executive being conferred upon *pe- clallsts, school superintendents and assist' afits, supervisor* of building*, purchasing agent, etc,, whose terms of office shall be long or during good l>ehavlar, and whosi powers shall m uommeiisurale. with their responsibility and who, moreover, should not l>e retnoveE] from office without the tw o-thirds vote of the m ajority of the boa rd.“

The president wa* authorised to appoint a NptH lal commutes of five to consider the (Hoints raised in the letter, PrevloiiB lo the consideration of these subjects, the board held Its antiual eleeulon, the tofiow- Ing lU’kei reporiwl by the t'om m lttee on Nominations being Indorsed unanimously;

President, Richard C. Jenkln*on; vlce- prealdents, James A. Coe. Joseph Coult, Abram Rutiischlld; Hoard of Director*, John R. SrobaeuH, Edward 8. Campbell, H, K. Eberhardt, A, B. Twltchell, F rank­lin Conklin, Ueorge H. Cray, (leorge Ever­e tt Halsey, Mote* Hlaut. A. C, Courier,

gated (o again present and urge that body to adopt a policy In Unu with the pm ented In the rocommendallons,

“If such a policy Is adopted and all wires In the heart gf the cUy and along Its main avenues promptly ordered re­moved and placed underground, public sentiment would, without doubt, concede a limited use of ^ l e s In the suburbs fo r a period of years.

“Ax a com m itlee w« advocate a termlnation of th is public nuisance, because of Its danger to life and proper^, becauM tt is to-day a usurpation of pnvate rights,beeaust of Its unslghlllnss*, and beoause there Is no real o r valid reason for fu rther dallying on th is question by honest and fearless ofliclats.'*

As soon as th e reading of the report had concluded H arrison Van Duyne arose to make an objeotlon.

“There ought to be some changes In the wording, so f a r a s It refers to ths Board of W orks/ said Mr, Van Du/ne, “or th is board will make Itself ridiculous. The City Counsel has repeatedly advised the Board of Works th a t It has no power over wires and poles. T hat pow er lies with the L e i^ - lature, and last year legislation was enact­ed legalising pole llnesln this city, degpite the efforts of tb e Board of Works to pre­vent it."

“If such be the case," said Georgs B. Gray, *T would like to know tbe reason why the Boaid of W orks doesn't go to the Legislature and g e t ths proper laws en ic t-

“Thb Board of W orks would oherrfutly do so.*' ro l le d Mv. Van Duyne, “but the Boatd of Trade should help.''

“The Boanl of Works*' rejoined Mr. Gray* “Is a pubUo body of the ofty of New­ark, Us m em bers elected and authortied by the people, Now if the Board of Trade should present th is report to ths Board of Works, th a t body could go to the Legls- taturs and detnanu the enactment of the projMr leglalation."

“ComtnlsilOQer Van Duyne," said A C Courier, ''h a s offered resdlutlon after reso- lutlon In the Board of Works, but w ith the vote three to two against him, w hat can he do? We m ight as well call a spade a spade- There should be a commIttA ot three appointed to present this m atter to the Board of W orks and then to follow it up."

P, T. Quinn rem arked that If the Board of Works jbou ld have a bill provkUna for the desired ebangee enacted, the meaaure would have the unanimous support of ma members of tb e B ^ r d of Trade. BL M WMdron a d ^ a word along the same line!

“The Board of Works/* said Ur< W ald­ron, ''should no t w ant to burden a ugm-

M(a Maria B. Phllllpi.U n . Fhllllni w ti the lounder ot tha

AlmataouM illailonary Boclety. ^ e n t y - on* / e a r ago ihe invtled H»v. W ynant 'Vanderpool ;o *o to iha Alrathouia to conduct the Rrxt eervice held there. U n . PhllU pt went with him, and elnee th a t *lma (he hae attended every * p « al eer- vice, or "feait day," a t the initltullon. ■When (M ite were pruvhted (or the I n ^ te e a t the Almahouee, Mre. Phllllpa alway*

uroROr, aeoratary o( the Mlaalonary 6a- ciaty, of her appointment on the coaralt- lae { 9 provide oyeWre for the C h ria lau i.............. . _____ __

h ^ lh u ta * . U n l l a r a c ^ V M M ^ S S Jl o l l ^ • •

ureerntloc Juet auch luhject* to the Imwli? lature and (t ihodM do the work th t^ w h Chat eoramlttea. The m einben ot u a t ' committee are fatn illar with tha d re a m . iiaaoM. I t would not be tha rlcht th inc ta hare our m am ben t o down to 'm n to n ta be aiked queatlona By the tro iu ; "£d phone people wbioh they could not an-* ^ e report waa, Mpon Mr, 'Van Duyne’e motion, rM lv e d « d ordered tp reid v5on the jnlnutaa. W mllar ac»M> —

’'Another m U a e t eoncldind h r our conimittaa wWob w a viniid ixy b* ,o n th a board la In refim iM a to thaof tha erdthanea p rnrid ina (or j of e n m and lea m m the rity. Tha ' cue cOndltLorOMwalka 1____rtetflt b«A*fr

““ •g f jK * jn our

»tln* held by the aociety on De- ia S waa tha only on* a t which laawaa not praeent. but the aent

-■ -1 would ae rv e .aa ulual, dt dinner. M n. ^hllllpa a t the ith wt* the oldeat member

U.J1. Bh* waa m arried In the Otreel edIfloB when th a t con-

AlDUhouic Mteaipn.

l i t *

New J e n e y ‘s Greatest Christm as G ift Show.

The Bee HiveThe Largest D ry and Fancy Goods House in New Jersey.

OPENEVENINOS All Specials on Sale After 6 P. M. and All Day To-morrow, ’T IL l.


Santa Claus’ Acres •Domains of dainty gifts—a wilderness of rich novelty wonders—a whole kingdom ot toys and games—the mer­riest Christmas shopping scenes—the most Christmas

money-savings—every kind of gift—excellence for everybody.TWO GREAT GAME SPECIALS.To-tnorrow we will place on sate the fstnous trunk-shape

"Lotto” G»me, the manufacturer's price 25c. Alsothe well-known "Fish Ponds," Fine Photogriph 1 1 1 ^ Bojc.mauufacturer’sprice 25c. .special forFridty,ea. 1 Vf V

TOY TEA SETS.Fine Quality Children's China Toy Tea Sets,

handsomely regular 2 5c

decorated, each set packed in box, assortment, Friday a t ......................

LADIES’ SKATES.Ladies’ Fine Quality "U . S ." Skates, cast steel runners,

full nickelled and bufied, russet leather heel and toe straps, with tongue buckles, m aker’s piice | i . 2 5 , our special price for F rid a y .................... I

MEN’S SKATES.Men’s "U. S ." Club Skates, the runners are of ^ p*

the best quality of cast steel, nickel-plated and * ¥ 1% ^ bufled, maker’s price $i.oo, our price F riday . . v t J w

CHOICE C H R IST M A S U M B R E L L A S.W hat a collection ! Never such in Newark before. What a price range ! All the way from qRc. to $20.0 0 . W hat • pleastat,

commodious, accessible umbrella store I Right next the big main doors. Best choosing, quickest service, Newark knows of.UMBRELLA WONDERS FOR THE WOMEN.

LADIES' UriBRELLAS—Big leader, 10 varleltei ol bao' diee, on eicrlleot quality Unlou ’falTeta alike, bandlea are yold, Ivorlee, [learte, el Ivor trlnimiDna, natural and oatural wltiioiii trlmnihiji, horue, etc. Ble line of natnixl and allver trlmiiieil handlei, ii|>m, loope and tioe, In Coiti'o, Furze and Welched, ellk twill*. .All-rilk twill, Id natural handles. Meet rode, beet (nimee, good value at $2.60. Ijolld zltver depoatton Dreadrn lianillce, ilik ami llueij mixed, case and taaad. Plain pearl hamllet, iiiouiitcd on Cunyo or Partridge poeU, ailfc amt wool mixed, caee and tneed. Big lot ot Ivorlea, illver U’limned, mounted on pani- gon fniince. UReta allk, ateel rod, cane and taaael. Big line ot allk and linen tafietie on allver trimmed borne, jHinigou frainee,

lock frame.. Big line of eboolara handle, for mourning, lYInoeM or ojiera ehapea, ellk and wool tw illi, case and taieel.........................................



LADIES' UTUIRBLLA9—Fine ivorlea, aoUd illver tiimined, •liver baode. awndgea or partridge poata mounted onUalon twIUa. V'ormourning, ebuotsa combined wlUi white bone on Partridge IKiste, good allk and wool ooveringi, veta and taaael. We are ahowlug the tineat aaeortinent In the city of allver trimmed Mt- Ural handlee, all the hard woode, on talTelat. Ixmg poet Drea- deni, operaa, balla, twlata, etc., on t ’nion Taflblaa, guaranteed not to cut, ateel tramea, ellk caae and taaael. Big aaaurtment ot extra fine heavily allver trimmed bandlee, uiiera eliajtea mounted on

floe talTbta, guaranteed for a year, worth 14.00. Fine allver depoelt on tine pearl, long poit or opera ehapea, on goodUSbta, at..............

Ideal U nderw ear V alues.Special values selected from the choicest stock of Women’s Underwetr in the city. A remarkable gathering of

seasonable Christmas gifts.LADIES’ white ribbed cotton Cor-

art rover*,with long aleevea, Iheae are neMly flniabed and are perfect fitting. ^ *

L A D IE S ’ w h ite ribbed Wool V aiU , ahaped to the tlgure, finiehed w ith heavy nilk- Q A •illch work d ra w e n , w ith yoke banda n M Cto m atch............................... ........................

L A D IE S ’ L nion .Siiiti, Hie celebrated “ F ru lta" make, w ith opening* lit cncli side of th e e ‘ * 1 neck, o n ^ In w hite am] natural, tw o quat- |

L A D llS ’ white and natural wool Itlbbed Vesta, allk ribbon llnlali, drawera to m m iiKitch, with yoke baiida, veryauperlor /

LADIES’ extra quality white ribbed Tot- ton VeaM, made of tha beat yarn only,Itamlnoniely tinished, Tory anperior

lllea, l.Ui^andCHILDREN’S white ribtied Cotton

\'est», ahaiied at walsia, of tine quality, well made, panta to match........................................ 2Sc

7gurmenta, draw er* to m atch. L A D IE S’ white wool U nion Suita, open down

fro n t, very t1e*lralile quality, are aott, per- | p fee t fitting gannen t., handaom elv |


L A D IE S ’ m edium w eight white ribbed C o tton Veata, and Panta to mateti, veata liave hand-flnlahed allk ahall I w o r k ............................................... ..

LA D IES’ W hite Silk and Wool V etia,

w ork , allk rlbbona around neoka, 1 S l l r> raw tn to m a t c h . . . . . ........................ « e w


L A D IE S ’ fine hlaekrlbtied wool Tight*, | j T P ankle length*, open und d o le d (tlie ie are | fu l l XaHliioned). l a v a /

w tlh the richeit o t hand allk crochet w ork , allk ribbon* around neoki,rtraw tr* to m a t c h . , . . , ........................

C H ILD R EN ’S w hite and natural woolribbed V eit*, neat allk flniah, w lih panta to iu a tc b ,a l l ilzea .....................................................

IN F A N T S ’ white wool ribbed Veata, nice to f t ' garm enta, ojieo down front, allk flniahed,33c., 39c. a n d ...,....................... 44c

H E N ’S Ja p Silk Hem*tltched H and­kerchiefs, w ith beautiful colored border*, at 9 8 c ., 7 S c ., 48c ., 39c ., 35c.; value iCic., a t 23c.

M EN ’S t'o lo red Border H einitltched llnudkerchiefa, tine elotli; alnti plain white, value 8c., at 3c.

H E N ’S Ibire Iriah Linen llem atitched Haudkervhiefa, foreign printed border*, value 16c., a t 12t,.c.

Men’s Handkerchief Presents.Half a do7.cn or sq of handsome sorts likely to please the

men mc»t and help your choosing. The.se don't begin to repre­sent the rest of the Holiday Handkerchief richness here. Haudkerchief buyers can have purchases boxed free ol charge by making request of cleik.

M EN ’S Silk Bandana llandkurchlefs, fo r old gentlem en, 9 8 c ., 7 5 c .i 6 9 c .

M E N 'S Ja p Silk H etniU tchtd H and- kerehlef*, d iftbrent w idths o t hsma, 1 .4 8 . 1.19, 9 8 c ., 7«C „ 4 9 c ., 39c. a n d iS c .

M E N 'S P o re Irtah Linen H enutltdM d Handkerchief*, a lt w idth* o f heou , 9 8 c . 7 W „ 8 0 c ., 3 5 c , 3 8 c , 3 0 c ,1 8 c „ I 8 c j l 3 J i c , lO c

M EN’S B rocade and P lain Silk U u t- flen , 1 .9 8 , 1 .7 8 ,1 .4 8 ,1 .3 1 .9 8 c , B 9c# 6 9 c .. S 9 C , 4 9 c .. 3 9 c „ 38c.

o o o < K > o ® » 9 o < > e o o o » o o » o o o o o o o o o D o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o o o o o o o o o o < K > o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o < K X H X K > o » 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o » 6 o e o o »

ft’ecretarv, P T. Quinn; treasurer, James E. FlemlriK: Arbitration fom nilttee, Fred, erlck Kreiinahuyseii, John L. Meeker,(Charles llraiHey, J. A. Lelikuecher, James Bulierworih.

Tha ComnQiltpe on Nomination* also re-

Gifts for the Christmas Million.FANCY POX HrillDK I*ip^r.

Terr pretty boxes, 1 quire | p a^ r and enveJoiw, box ■

FANCY fiOXFj 2 and A <mire, in (he nevi «hape and iaUMti tfntK 87r., 4II«.

NOTEPATERand Correspond- iUK CajiIs, fn all Untstiul A^efy jireiiy boxes........... “ OV

Other fancy boxes Irc, Me, l.«LMOUCHOIK ASM GLOVE

CaoGii— ’eiy fine Ifoueholr ami UlOTO 4. «M to otfttrlL Jianil painted and silk rutlia. iWte. andSLOfl.

MOUCtlOIR AND GLOVE rafe*. elei(aDl Oaisortniantof the latesitlyle, band |iait](e<L bolting; cloth,silk BTidi lace niffles, riliboii roKcnei*. at i .4a. n.4tt to n .w ,

LADJES HAND MADEFAWINA- O C / ' TORS, all wiml.............. ..................

mriCKTBOOKfl. muHlfinolioii. plain iterllba mounUNl, reui monkey. genulDc moI, ntriTocro. aliljfatof, crushed lerant,cialfjiiHNl...................... re..................VOC

JERSEY DEGaLNH^WehurtposlilTely ihe Istyesl Slock of i« s i fiuality all vnoi Juncy JeaKltM At Uio lowcNi prli*ss, for childKn.

and Ladln, in this city, all are full button and tailor uiadc. They fit tike a iflaya

ChlliD'. MiHos'. liidleii.^9r.,A|k^ 9flr.. I.iifi, I.OII.

IKFASTM' AH-wool Ix v v er Le»^n*. 83r., 4 ^ .,

t ll lU m K N ’B POCKETBOOKR-ChlldTen's CninMnBGaD Poeketbook*, plaiu and 4 Q p Illver mounted...................................

ATOkMZKJlJi—J-'ancy frliM, white, freen, blue and brown, nickel: pUt€ lililOK, exit* quality. IMst

llt'DNlT'tii I'erfiimes, all Ihe loading o^on at various iirloe*, ami a uperlal value A A /- ou h o b o lllo ...... re.................................re..

llAN'DKm'HTEFH-LadiMi' eoloT- A Q r edsiitD icKiket handkerchief aia.....Axyv

-Geaa*: 4 8 cLAPIEfl' IWKETBOOKaIne seal, with clwp,..rere..... .

TRIPLE EXTRACT9-R|)erla] lot In ffioey boxes* ranging from sue. bo 4.7A*

HTEHUNU HILVEK-Bsljy Hrasbci and Gomt« PeU. warranted quilitr, OJi/aworili #1.». at.... ........re................. V O C

STERLING blLVER-Chalb Bmceleu, all efiosed links and wttli padlock and n O j’v key, mftilar wurtli |I.f)qre..rere-......,.. " O V

G IIA TELA IN K RAOfUReal alllkalor ehaieialne bega, oiiiolde tiocket, O ft/*Jeothef.......... .... re................ re,......

C ARD CAfiEfl—Ilea] inuokeyskltii I O f toattl rise*, caolf lluixl, at................... l i y o

cniLD P CANTON FLANNKL DHAWRHH '-'gooil ([UalUy—one a knickerhocker--<othen lac*irlmmiiif—workedbiiUoD holes ] Cywa-foiuo ;»r*c...... ............................... *

LADIEft JkJBKT FLANNEL GUWN8-- good quality —braid trlromlnz** AO/* Ttlne 75c.....rere...re,......re.*.—............. .

FANA—White a l L k i f n ffiuie, lactond tponflaa i» i V

PANH — Block or Colored Ostrich Feather f n ofodi.... ...... re___i*yo

KANf^ChlldO Coioiod^CM Silk Fans. oU ipoagled..... •

PANB-ChlktO Qstrleh i n .*Feotiker Faiu,wbJt«or eul.

ATOMIZEHfi-Fliw I'erfume Aiamiun, rich decorated sta»>«, best gold monnt and nicklo- plate, warranted choice sesortv meota extra values .TOr. and 49e.

ATOMIZERS, very handsome­ly decorotod ffliss, also china aadcutfloML nest | wllh

OAe.. t .fd , ] . 4d , 1.00* 'l.Tfl", II.40^

jtelaaL best r^ld ftUitig*. slut covered bulb*, very large line.

porwd an xmciuiment to ihi> curi*tiiution to (>e conHld«*red at the January nieetittK whereby The past presidcntii ’)f the boani should constUuce an Honorary Advisory Committee to act In conjuni-'iloii with the Hoard of Dlreclor*.

Mr. Twltchell presented a resolution eommendlng the rellrlng pipeJilenl, Jaine* 8. Htfble, for the manner in wtik-h he had performed hi* duties during hla two years of *ervice. The resolution waa adopted l>y a rising vote, after Mr. Twlifbell und Bee. re ta ry ljuinn had said some nice thing* about Mr. Higble. who responded flUingly, The following commitlee lo take charge of the Greater Newark project was an ­nounced:

Joseph Coull, John F. Dryden, Franklin Murphy, Georga R. Gray, Gottfried Krue-r ger. JamsM R Flynn, Henjamln Atha, u o se s Straus and the president and sec> re tary et-offldos. A report liy Moses Plant, treasurer of the soldiers' relief fund, show­ed total receipts, SH.iKI.bT; dlsbursetnenta,

, |U,T6LI0; balance, m > n.----------------- O'----------- -—“

n S A T H o r MAKIA P H IL L IP S .

F ou n d or o f th e A ln ih o u ie M lssloaary ho- e le t j flooeunib* to A|H>ploxv>

The funeral of the late Mr*. Marla Brit- ton Phillips, who died at her iiome. 1121 Broad street, on Tuesday, will bo held from Grace kplsoopal Church to-morrow uflernoon. Mrs. Phillips won eighty years old, and until a few hours before her death her health seemed to be good. She waa stricken with apoplexy about 10 o'clock In the m orninf and expired s*veral hour* la te r. H er husband, William Phlllipt, aur^ vlves her. Last year the couple celebrated the sixUttb anniversary of their marriage.


PA TTERN A G E N TS L S. PLAUT & CO., 707 to 721 Broad St., 8 Cedar S t . ! S '

ENGLISH MUNICIPAL SOCIALISM. OPPOSED FLOUR MILL COMBINE.ISxt.BdInK from O w nariU p of M n a t B ell. A B.tl»f that KfTorU lo Form . T ro tl

w aj(. n * i aad tneetrlo U | l i t Plant* to fl-neral BdtliWM Bnt*r|urjrea.

WA.qillNOTON. Dre. tH .- fn l l r t SUte* Ooniiul Uoylr, a t Liverpool, h a t communl- ca trJ lo the S tate Ueparunfliit lom e very IntrrretlnR Intormation reflpMtlor th e great rliaiiK* th a t ha* taken place In Eng­land In the m atte r of a trre t railway*. H e Hoya that from beln* one of the moat hodeward tn the m atter of provtdtnv auch accommodation* tlie citlea of Q reat B ritain are now moving on an enormou* acale toward tlirir cotialructton.

He deecrlbea thI* movement a* one fea t­ure of the rem arkable "municipal Social­ism'' which I* taking poaeeialon of Brlt- Igh citlea, verifying th . comment of Lord Koaehery tha t the London Common Coun­cil was coniluctlng the greateat experi­ment In practical Soctallim th* world had ever ieeii.

Not content with municipal ow nerthlp of alreet ratlroadi, electric and gaa lighting pIsnlB. w ater aupply and telephone*, in aeveral cltlei, Ihe municipal corporation* built dwrilinga for w orktnipen, ran hotel* and erect and operate magnineent bathe. In Liverpool the Council haa gone so fa r a* to charge p a rt of what ahould b* tbe rent from municipal houar* oeouplrel by workingmen a* home*, agalnat th* tazaa of the community.

Referring to th* aubjeot of eleotrlo street railway*, Mr. Boyle aaya th a t th e flrat line wna sta rted In Liverpool a few day* ago. and deacribea the equipment. For the beneflt o t American mnnufan- tarer* of eleclrlo plant*, flttinga and rail*, the Con*ul sete forth the beat nieana for the** to put them ielvea In poaltlon to ■«-' cure valunbl* contract*, though he p ^ a ta out a atrong prejudice on tha p a ri o t th* large cia** o t peopl* lb tha citle* agalnat the aw ard of contract* to torelgnera.

The Liverpool lin t la an ovtrhead .trol­ley, a com m ittae ol expert* claim ing to have dlacovered that the undergroand conduit ayatem InataUed In New Tork, W aabington and Baltimurg i* a fallur*. Ha apeak* of aeveral other ■ystama of' electric oar propulalon which have been brought forw ard tn England a« noveltle* but which a re well known her*, lucli a* the lu rface contact ■yatam.

A icheina under wav, he aaya, la to con­nect Liverpool w ith all tha m anufacturing town* within a radlua of aaventcen mil** by light lUburban electric atreet rallroada which will carry pawengrrg In tbo day time and freigh t a t night.

H wcteggaM B n ig lar* Sewtanead.

“l a i f l k V i P r ™ W S g . v«i ,M .tardar, In the ilnloa County Court, acn- tancad ’Tompklna, Kohlerkar, G ray and High, th* four Sprlngflald thlavaa, to Btata PHion. Th* flrat two young men w ere ■Ivan aantanoaa o t alghtean raomhA and tha othar* ona year. Th* man com m itted aeveral amall burglarla* In Bprtngflaid and Union townahlH, and had th* Inhabi­tant* much atlrrad up by th .l r deprtda- thm*. They m ight atlU be plying thalr vocaGon had not on* of tbam m cautlaualv amargad from a bam in HprtngfleM car­rying a ham th a t had been atolan a f*w nignt* before from a butcher ahop, ThW led 16 the detection of th* thltvaa, w ho ail pleaded guilty.

B w eglit Bexa* e f OeU>BAM FRANCISCO, Dec. If .-T h

Alamedal from Aualralla, ' lire am ounting to tt,Bt0,100. boxaa o f Bngitah aoverefgni, elgn* In a box, and twenty, niied with bullion. The money la In part th* tmlanc* of trad* seiiri country mad MBlain.

m u Ktfl Be Siicf’C’SSfQl-Arffumfutt A^alDit It,

MINNKAPOMH, Mliiii.. l>w. Pl-W . C. Edaar, <-0Uar of Tin? N(.inhv.rst**rn Miller, says th a t the proiKLsiiion to ujiiie the mill­ing’ Interests of Uu* ro^ntry in a KiKanMc combine, WfUiliJ piovi* * failure, wo far «s this city iH conuernt'ij. I'romoler Mcln- tyrn has bp<'n In tht- i:liy Hinco Monday, and lias been iielng JiU best endeavors to suc'CSssfnily ta rry out hl>* schenn^ of con« solldatloTi.

Mr. Filifar has heen slronxly oppOMsil to ' (he plm.1. iinii Htaten that he has taken par­ticular pulnn to (consult ail the milters of the C'ity uf iirumnit-nL-e arnl th a t without excepiloM ilit*y tleHan* llH-mselves against the proposf'tl I'omblnaUcm.

“ Mrlntyi'i* and his men do not csre par- tloulsrly fur MinutMipolls mills," said Mr. Edgar. “All they dt'Sired was to ob­tain control o f.th * 1>randa which have made this city famous. At the outset Jt Is quite true that a number of the Minneap­olis millers sere Ihclined U> look wUh fa­vor upon the proposition to consolldsiH, iHit a liulo reflocUon has convinced them th a t such action would bo a mistake. They would receive hut a partia l caah piircliase price and would be compeUod to take the greater share In stocks or hbnds of the new corporation,

'•These stocks, or bonds, would be of value only if the managemern In the fut­ure should prove as careful and business­like as it ha» been In the past. I t does not stand to reason that new men opuUI come In and do betterlbanlbeoldoneshavedcme. In the hrht plore, they would have to in- nreise caplistizAilon, and a careful com­putation shows that a t a low estimate the profits of the buslucsa would have to In- creare fully thirty-three per cent, in order to simply pay fixed charges under the ■yndlcatf jnsti. ^

“ThlN could not be doit« without inareai- Itif ihe price of the output or decreasing the price of wheat, and such action la ■Imply imponslble, owlnv to the enormous capacity of (he mllis scattered throughout the country In smaller.tuwne. In an event of the kind Indicated these country mills would bo able to more than double their ftUUiut and ilicr^ Is nothing in the world toureven t the construction of numberless mWv mllla. The achem* I t not feaalble and the Mtnneapull* ‘nillei'e ai"* tdu ahrewd not to know _______ ^

A teerlnn M aeblaair >* OaimaaT.WABHINOTON, Dm, 15,- I n a report

to the Slate Department, Commercial Agent Stern, a t Bamberg, predict* that th* United State* will aoon aurpaa* Kng- land in the value of export* of maohlnary to GaniiaiH'. Tha f« a e n t y w ahowi Bven a fallltig uff tn tb e caaa o f England, while the import* of Aroerlcan maebhie* Bhow an tncreaae of **v*nty-fl« per cen t over laat year* Ofuraa. In 18W tha tm-fiorta of tbe United State* of thaae gooda nto Garmany did not amount to tha alxth

part o f ^ r a m o u n t of the Engllih Im­port*. white lo-day GiaT eq“ « W alxty par cent, of th* lattm .

8hlp«reul>afl Cr«ir Keaaaad,LONDON. Dec. U.--Tb* BriUab ataaraer

B aiutw Captain Taylor, which arrived a t Oraveaend ywtardav from Buenoa Ayr**, raporta havlns afx^a th* Bf!***, bark Arataa nn pm em bar > In latitude t t north longltnde U weat, with the craw on board f t the Italian bark Salvator*, of S i ten™ which lalled from D a W ,Oh October tt. In command o f ' Captain c lr a i* for Palarmc, Blclte. and which had W n abandoned In a water-logged condl- Stm on Novaniber 13 In latitude M Worth l ^ l t u d * P we*l.


C MorrisJVlusic

Cabinets.A long line of

tbam , u l mahog- kQ r o r m atitigany fln lih , a t

Tint; Prices.

Chairs.The ever jiopiilar,

and o o n U n most impular line, for we've been eold out twice thU laat two weefea.A Xei LiDfl Just Id.

H>IR MITTRESSES.Forty peund weight, made tn two

part*. In hwt quality tfekiux only I pricn trom tUH Dtbari at lilt |U

•It, fid. and the beat la l

Double DoorBook Caae, In a ll wood*, all flnlahet nod a lw aja the loweat priced, aifd a g rea t variety of aizea; one like above cut

11.98.J. C. M cC urdy 8* C a,


Fiaa DellverlM Auywber* tn New Jeraey, Maw Turk or Tenaaylvanla.

DEATH 8KPARATBK Afir.O SlaTBHg.Mias F llialie th M. Kvane kDiIdenly Ex-

plrea a t Ihe Old Homeatuad.Bprelal Dlipatch to the NEWS,

N EW BRim SW lCK, Dee, 16,-111** Elisabeth M. Even* died suddenly yester­day afterooon a t her Itome, the Evan# hnmeatead, some distance frem th is city. She waa eighly-flve year* o t age. For m any year* *he had lived there w ith a alater, Mlaa iaabella Evan*, eighty-four yearn ot age.

Mlaa Evan* wa* th* daughter of Thoma* W. E vani and Eilaa Elll*, both member* of noted Southern famUle*. They tettled In Now Bruniwlck early lo th* ctn iury . HImi Evann, In her youth, waa a noted beauty, tall and of auperb fao* and figure. Sh* wa* the acknowledged belle of tha county. F o r many year* paat «he had lived In the old homestead, which was feat falling Into dtcay. Her only companion waa h t r alaUr, Hla* Iaabella. They spent th e ir Uvea tn reading and th* occupation* of the ganltewoman of two gcneratlona ago. Both wer* Invalid* and aeldom left the hiruae. Popular Ignoranoa led to their being oaUad hermlta, and Invaatafl their BOlUary life with much th a t waa greteaque and absurd. Ml*s Kvana’a alater lu n iv ea her,

Th* funeral will be private and the body will fan Interrad In Ihe family burying ground on th* farm. Them her grniid- fa ther knd grandmother, her parent* *nd hM h re thar II*. I t I* on tha edge of the thick wood* S t th* e m t ot iho b lu s along

the R aritan River. In the heart of tho wood* a t Ihe top of n mound hordered by deep gitllle* and attainable only by a nar­row path, 1* (he grave of Mis* Kill*, a kilter of Mia* Evan*'* ninlher. Alcngalda Ml»* Ellt* are burled her favorite hcrae. her cat and her dog. Mlaa Elll*'* grava lia* been for year* ona of tho sights Of tho vicinity^_________________

E ip n rt* and iBiport*.WASHINGTON, Dec. 15,-Tho monthly

atatement of the Import* and export* o f the tjnited Stataa show* that during No­vember, ifflk. th* tmuorl* of merchandlao amounted to f&l,inj1«j. about WAW leoqaiaouniftu iv ,than November, m The teiimrt* free of duly aggragated over liB,M.OOd Tha ex­port* of dom tstlc roeretmndta during iM tm onth aggrega ted | l U , 1jil,W , over N ovem bar, iS97. o f alMUt tHOOO.QOO. F o r th e e leven m on th s ended w ith NoVam- her, Uffll th e export* o f th e U nited S ta le* am ounted to l l . l i f . t t l . lH . exceed in g th o im port* by |H7,IIS7,6«, an IntffM ia oy»r th o ia m e p e r fo d in lofr o f T he Im -porta o f go ld d ur in g N ovem b er am ounted to ttiOttittl and th e export* ttlM W , T h e s ilv e r Im parl* am ountad to an dth e export* H,0l3.0n.

Eaeaer Mentb Ibr Itaama oa Eattt Tama*.In order to make Deoimbar th* hanokr

month, apodal Inductmanta ar* halag made, and greater piano bargaint war* never tteforo offered. , •

Have you seen th* tlid tnatrument dl*. rkiycd In ahow window of the Bradbiuy Jnano W areroonuT F . a.^Bmlth,Broad *tr**L-A«tA

~ l-'-' '■:■ . V ' - V ' ■■■ ■ ■ , ' ,

K V B N lK a N K W i , T H U R S D A Y , D E C f E M B E R l ^ II

M in n o N BILLm th« Hohm Quickly Wltliont PngtiMUy Any Oppoiia(n.

AIOURT C J tU H FOR t t 4 l .Z S 3 .8 3 0 .

M r. A U w . • U r n M n t lc H *|M H a<ailT* f n t > M U aK tlppl. t'allK l A tira ilM >• Ati- ttm m M !■ th*Um a t ih r H *i>ar*~M r. V m . t> <Ih M r- MR, O am eta » ttRinark K u sd *n MUIr- faiiBRllRa-TliR NtcRraru* CrrrI.

W A S H lK aT O N , Dec. l i . - T h e Ilou»« to- 4 a , took up th t can ild ^ riilu n at i Iir 1**U' floD A ppropriation tilll. Unfora U lak an up Ika oontcrm ci' rrport ou tlir •a tcn d ln a lli« m arina Inapaoilon la m to •a l l in c v . t-e la o f T « toiia RUd orer, and provtdlB* for Iht Ik an iln g of aacoiul and th ird n a ta o . w ar adopird,

Mr. Hariiay tB ep.. Wla.>. in ck a rft ot Iba P e n ilo o Appropriation bill, nuda a •a n a ra l axplanatory atatamant of Ha pro- v is ion s.

Mr, A llan (Dam.. Mlaa.) o f tha A ppr^ pH atlona Coromltlaa. In raply lo Mr. Ilar- n ay. oallad attantlon to Ilia faol <"^1 ba drat cam a to Congraai. foiiriaan ytara ago , tha Banilon Appropriation bill n- variably praclpltaln l a bloody ahlrt dla- cuaalon. Ila congratuU tw l Jha country th a t Congraai hart progriaaad ainca then and th at Ihart would ba nu acrliBonloua dlaruaMon on thia bill. Tha country at U at had tha g ra 'lD ln y Inform ailon th at tha panaloD roll had raaebad the m a il-

Underwear.W e u se o l iv e (31 so a p in w a s h in g u n d e r w e a r s e n t to o u r la u n d r y .

T h is s o a p p rev e n ts s h r in k in g ,

an d le a v e s th e g a r m e n t s o f t a n d

“ v e lv e ty ."

liillier & Co. 668 B ro A d S t . , IS O M i r k e t S t .

"And 1 ootigratulala lha country for Ihla." la id Mr. Allan. In conclualon, "that w h ile an t o f tba moat ga llan t and daapar. Bta loldlera of tha C onfederacy halpad to raport Ihla hill, tba I'ratldant o f lha U nlitd •ta ta a la down In DIala doing honor to lha uontadarata #tad . Wa a ll hava cauaa to rajoloa."

T h a n waa no (urther dabata upon lha bill. U waa read through w ithout a word o f orltk laai ai d p a iiad , the w hole lim e otrouplai In Ita diaDuaalan being lata than fw anty m lnutat, T h lt It lha ahortaal lim a on rveord for a gauaral penaloa bill. Tha b ill eorrlaa IM S ,M W

T h t l io u t t Ihcn began conaldarttlon o f tha bill "10 carry Into eltact tha racom- raandatloni of lha Intrrnatlonai Am erican C onfarenca by tha Jncurporalton of tha In- terngtional bank."

U r, Broatua (Hep., F a.) m ad t a general praoantallon o f the merlta o t tba meaa*ura.

Tha •a n tta dtcldad upon con ven in g to ­day lo take a rtcaaa from Idd to tJO o'clock In order to pormit B an aton to a t­tend tlM funeral o f Ura. U right. w ife of tba R «g«aB t4 t-A rm a o f tha Renata.

H r. Vaat n a d t a brief paraonal a ip tan a- tion o t hla reftranoa to a tpaach tU rlb u itd to A llorn ay^ lan rra l Q r lgg i In tha Ran- atoria apaach laat Monday. In th at apaach ■aM to h ave baeii m ada at a banquet In N aw York tha A ttorney-O enaral waa quot- od M txpraM lng tha opinion that the Con- alltu tlon mada for Ihirtaen haU'davtloped eolonlaa could not reaaonably ba ex peeled to n a a t th e dam andt o f tha greataat nation in tb * world.

U r. Vaat MUd ba had recelrad a latiar frp B H r. Ortgga aaying ha had n tver laad c auch a ipeecta. Mr. Vaat aald he bad found tba expraM lon In le v era l newa- papara and In a pam phlat printad by a rapuuW a Clbleago law yar, and bad had no doubt o f He ganulnenaaa. llow evar . tba A ttom eyriSenarar* d laclalm er w aa auffl-

Iha laat aaaalon by lh a C om m erce C om - m lllec . A atm llar bill by K epraaanlallve l /m d e n t la g e r paiacd tha l l c u f t at tha laat w aalon. T h e m ttau ra referred lo r t -» ita b - llahaa tha llghthouaa a t or lirar tha m ou th o f Halrm ('reek , a t a coat not to a ir a e d M.OiM. T h ii w ill s iv e a far b elter ligh t th an waa aver m aintained m ere.

K rpraaaniallvea H ow ell, I’arker, U ard - ner an d iH iudenalager w ill aue th e C'om- niU tee un Itlv tra and llarh ora and flx daiea for h ea r in g ! of Kew Jeraay Itcm a to go Into lh a b ill o f th ir acaalon. Mr. Ilow rII atat< i th at he m ay aak fur an Im­portan t ad d ition a l aurvay,

Itapreaen tativa IHinay yra ten la y Intro­duced Juahua H. Salm on, of Morrla C ou n ty , elected a i h la aucreaaor In Congraaa, to tha S p eak er and lo a U rg e num ber o f m em liera on both aPlea.

K epraaantatlve Parker p reu nlcd a p aper to th e H a u te frum tha Itav. i . II. P arker, th e H ev. C harlea II. IHekeraon an d othera. c t ila e n i o f .N’ew ark, directing a tten tio n to a lleged u utragea ufion colored m en In tha South , an d favoring a raduollan o f rapre- aan tallon In rongraaa.

H e p r e ia n ta llv e Uardnar haa raeom m an d . ad Knoch H, Sm ith tor Poalm aatar a t E n g - Itah Creak.

e t a t , dbd Mr. V o it aald ha waa plaaied to ba abla to aat h ln i e l t r ight belora lhaC tnata.

Mr. P la n (C onn.) g ave notlca th at ha wod M addraat th t S enata n eat Monday on th a right o t tha O ovarnm ant of th e United BU Iaa to acquire tarritory,

Mr. Morgan praacniad a memorial from th e H ational Board o f Trade favorable to th e oobatrueiU o o t th e N icaragua Canal, a tk ln g th at th e docum ent be printad Inth e Congreeatonal R ecord.

Mr. A llen objected, and the objectionproved the b a ila o f an anim ated dlaoua- gioB tn vciv lng Ih t rulea o f lha Bebata aa w all an tha wladom o t the conatrucllon ot tha aanal. Mr. M organ accepted tha ob-M ctlon aa an adort to olw lruct th t legla- la th ■ ‘


Krnaaa for Natluiial L rg ia la la ta ,W ASHINCJTON, D ec. \5 .-T h a W aya and

MeJKni Conifnltt»*« o t lb? FluUiii lo -d * y Agr«>«*<l to rrp o n h reNolutlon for a holK duy nHStiii from W niii^*day, D veom her H , to WtfdneidAsr. JAnuary 4.


.g llo n for th e CAHAl And prevent th e ooun- ir Y t tecurlDg the Infon&Atlou on the tul>* loot^ r . Allan raaented thla Im putation, « y - In g th at na w aa favorable to lha canal on general prinolplaa, though advocating

-----------H e pradlotad that).a» .w ).

S overn m an i ow nerih ip th e oanal w ould coat r


Ila lo g CrItlotaaiL Makaa aa T l laailad Jtapljr*

P A S H n R r rO N , D ec. IL -D u rin g th e■ m a u l tran aaetloa o f b u a in tii yoiiard ay A t t S R o u te Mr. D a Armond (D am .. .Mo.)

th e floor and proceeded to contraat5 m , < ........................................................................aondltlon o f aS aIra to lha Hauaa at

w ith th a d a y t o f w hich Mr, Grow h a il v o k e n , w han there w aa fu ll oppor- tunU jr for d iacu ftlon . H a declared that th e Bpaaker held th e balance o f power on th e C om m ittee on R uica, and It waa ha w h o la ta c t had determ ined th a t It w ae h atter th a t no new cod e o f ru lat ih ou ld ba ppeeeoted and adopted by thla Houae.

y b D a Arm ond w aa exceed in g ly Ironical la h la refercBcaa to tha decadanoa o f the o U -tlm e p riv llage o f fu ll d ab ata It had bacom a tba la ih lo n , ha aokt, to bring In yepreaalva ru lta to cu t n(f dabaia upon e v e ry Im portant qnaation.

T h e Speaker, from the ch a ir , replied to h la cr ltlca aa tollow a: "Tba gan tle- » a n from U taaourl (h a t porm ltied b lm - aett to m ake ita ta m e n t i In regard to tba r e la t lo n i b c iw ten the S peaker and lh a o th er m am bera of tb e C om m ittee oa R ulea th a t I am happy to e ta te are not juatinad b y th e ta c t ! Tha Huiiaa muat not tael Itaelf to h a v e been treated to an unuaual dteeouree upon tba lack o( liberty g iven to th e c lU ten . I t eo faippena lo tb it w orld th a t there are m any cttlxena.

" It eo happ en ! th at In tha H ou ta o t R ep - r e ien ta tiv ea th ere are m any m em bero, and th a t w h ile In theory every m ao ca n oc­cu p y a ll th e tim e In dlacouree. In a c tu a l p ra ctice he haa to occupy It In aubordlna- tion io th e rlghta nf every o th er m em ber, to tha r ig h t! o f th e body Itaelf and to lh a prooccutlon o f public b u ifn eta . lo actu a l p ractice, atao, the H uuae m a y h ave n oticed th a t how ever m uch dcapotlem le exerola- ed by tb e rule, th ere la no aubject In th e h aaven e above nor In th a earth b en eatb . th a t haa not bean diacuaaed, even In thla preaent C ongraaa

" N ow , It th e gen tlem a n from Mtaaourl w ill turn to tb e a n n a li o f Congraaa a w a y back In Tffll, during the period o t liberty auch aa b e th in k a he deairea, ,he w ill And th a t John Itandolp li, w ho certa lu ly wax heard an ough to becom e fam oua for a cen tu ry , w aa com p la in ing ab ou l tha dea- potlam o t the ru lea a t th a t period, and w a a alao com p la in ing th at even th t arch

P ra tan l A llr a c tlo n ia t Newark T haalraa aad T haaa that W ill P ollow T h em .

T h e Jap aneae m ualcal com ed y, "T ha O claha," con tin u e# to umuaa th e p a iron a of Ihe N ew ark Theatre.

N ex t w eek the New ark T h ea tre w ill be cloacd.

On M onday, D ecem ber St, Je(t D a A nga- lla'a " Jo lly Muaketrar" C om pany w ill open a w eak'a engagem ent, w ith a C h iia tm aa raatlnea. The production tco red a a u e c e n In N ew York, IVaahlngCon and l>htU delph la. "Tha Jolly M uaketeer" It not on ly In tha faanda of capable art lata, but th e acanery, by W alter B urraga an d E rnaat Qroa, l i aald lo be u n u tu a lly line. Tba c a l l oon ia ln a , baeldea Mr. Da A ngalla, M aud H ollln a , Hertha W altalnger, H elen a K reilcricka, K dlth Handea, H a rry M ac- doDuugh, V an Renaaalaar W h eeler, W in ­fred m a k e and othera w ell know n In oom lc opera. U r . Da Angella'a m an agem en t h a t con clud ed to adopt th e acale o f p r lc e i now p reva ilin g a t th e N ew ark T heatre .

"H eld B y th e Enem y" la m eetin g w ith deaerved lu c c e a i a t the C olum bia. T b e p lay la w e ll ataged, and lha a tock com p any liiterpreta It capably.

" E a it L yn n e" w ill ba preaantad a t the C olum bia n ex t w eek. H i a lory o f th e w ife w h o M ccum ba to the b lan d lah m en ta o f a ach em ln g v illa in and d r n r t i h er hue- b and and ch ild , and o f her au bacqu en i re­p en ta n ce an dpunlabm aD t.haa bean p op u lar tor m an y yeara. The part o f tb a errin g w om an w ilt be tak en by M lit A b e ll. Mr, B rink er la lo appear aa A rch ib a ld C arly le , tha w ron ged huiband, an d H r. N e ll aa S ir FVaticla Lavlaon, the tem p ter.

"T he R agged Earl" la bein g w all re­ce ived a t Jacoba'a Thaatra, an d U r . U a c k ’a lo n g a are an a ttr a e tiv e fea tu re o f It.

" S ide-T racked ," a com edy-dram a, w ith farc ica l faatu rea , la to ba p layed a t Jacoba'a n e x t w eek .

T h e K oaa HIU Engitah F o lly C om p an y la d o in g a good bualneaa a t W ald m an n 'a N ew T h ea tre ,

P r lm roae and D ockatader'e M lnatrcla w ill ba a t W ald m an n 'a N ew T h ea tre n ex t w eak . N o am oklng w ill ba a llow ed an d no refreah m en ta w ill be aerved In a n y p art o t ^he houae d urin g th la en gagam en L U ln - ■trelay la a cU aa o t en terta in m en t th a t la a lw a y a popu lar h ere , an d P rlm roae and D ock atader h a v e been taaocla led w ith the heat p rod uellon a o f the k ind. T h e endm en for th e t in t part are: Prim rooe, D ock - alader. L ew Bully and J im m y W all. T here w ill be a double quartetta o t aelectad v o lc ta Inclu d in g Manual R oroalne, W . H . T h o m p io n , Fred Raynolrta, Joh n D av is , E d w ard H a n ts j, H arry Ernaat, Joh n P ar­ry , II. S . C ahn aad Lam R o n . T ha o ils conaiata o f th e Brothora U eonao, tr ick -bar- ral ju m p e n ; th e Mualcal B laokam ltha, tha Q uaker C ity Q uartette , la a n ew tp ec la lty o f a n ovel order: D ockatader, In m ono- logu a; th a m ualcal trio, H ow e, W a ll and S u lly : G eorge Prlm roae, aa th e aw etl d ark ey , aaalated by tour ch am p ion p ick -

MaalpUlMlaes of Moan aad Itadara Earoa a BaaitBS la laiaa Haeurltlei.

Baaga a t Pvteaa.N E W YORK. D ae, lA -T rading a t th e

start on lha S lock B g ch a n g a to-ilay devel- oimmI a KvnerAt firm ton e, Alihoufrh tomt o f ihA IniArnAtJonAl AhArei aHowH litAHi n t u . dMpUa th« flrirm eiii o f v tock iin IhA laomtim m ark et, naimbly Ut. 1 ‘Hui. which opfrtvil off %. Mi*aourl J'AcIfic yleldpfl I'i. hur O m ah a. C hicago onO Altofi, and IjeailuT pr<f<“i r»U m oved up iiroiiK ly.

KluctUttiUuiA becam e very erra ilr , and w err very wide. M lr»ourl P aftllo Ijound- fd up to « . aixl H uiur a l io air«ngtii« in ‘d. tSupporl w i i lack in g In th e gvn eral rail­way lilt but uonceMlortA w ere lim ited to fraction*. Tw in C liy Uaiild T ranall fvH off four poJnii. Conel<?erable Ormnees w as noted in the low-prk*ed e to ck i, Cen­tra) Paclftc and K ederal BlecJ rlalng aharply. N ear th e end o f Ihe hour (h« m arket adopte«l a g tn era l h eavy tone.

The stock m ark ei during tha forenoon waa highly Irregular on a sroailer volu m e o f bualnewi. T he con llnu ed e fto r li o f the bears and trader* w ho ar« w orking to force a rlecJIne, w ere rew arddl wUh a fa ir m eaiure of suvceaa, ih e m arket being un­able 10 abaorh (h e Ubt^rnl oiTerlngsHjf the prominent atotk e. A t th e j>aine lim e ag - frea iiv * lu p p ort w aa rv ld tm in apote. which curtailed th e Iuaiks iltcw h e re , but ppeculalion gen era lly favored a tow er lev- ti. Bugar w ae lifted to eK-t.hvi'iendg and a inaterial rise in O m ah a, M ichigan C en­tral and Lake E rie and W estern a itructed ■ome atten tion . T h e lK>nd nuirkrt ih ow ed better re e leu n ce tu th e i<n*vNlling teri- doncyi eom e laguoi Im proving •u b ila iiU a i- ly.

The bulla gath ered th fir (uri-»‘a together a fter midday and aMeutTn**! t'oinnsl u( the m arket. H eavy b uyin g urdeiF- w « ie ytat-ed all around, and # lo :e« boumlvil up malur* lally w ith sharp frartion a bt'lwvon trans- acilon t. The m overr.eni re Hvrd It* im- pulM from w reiiort th at itin V andirlilU r n u m t i are to secu re com rul of the Chi­cago and Alton. T h e etory wna ih a i lh< proi-i-rly would be niF-igid Inio ih e Mlchl g«n C entral ayatein. Ttii latter sKK'k im- Dietllately Jumped flve polntR lo IH and C hicago and A tioh !«n>uKhl Inoulry elicited an au th u rb a ilve denial o f the rumor by a V andefidlt dihvlal. Im- provem en li eleewhert* exlernb-il to ■ poinl and over In the Orangi-rs, N* w York Cm Iral and lom e o f the m inor epei-lhltle*.

Rpeculation during ih#- Imu* aflertioon Was largely co n ren tra led lii Fed* ia l S lre l w hich eeU b lleh rd n ro rd prlck-a for iti*? com m on and preferred, t'anada rtoutn».rn alao ih ow ed b u o y a m y . hut varittilona in o ih er rallw aya w ere unlm poriant. flu ** / Wat put under th e hamm^T about :,l c am] prom ptly g a v e w ay tw o polme.

Prohl-U K lng u naeitled ih e markt-i for tim e, but Ine d eclin e spjjeared 10 reach

lying ordere. w hich were eapeciallv h eavy In .New York t> n lr a l. T h at iio c knew buying ordere,

N ew Y ora t;en irai. in a i_____ _______________________________gi -atandard ih area gen era lly . M anipulatione r o i iw 114 and coinm unlt a led atretigth to

In the InduetrlaU aerved to Improve that group appreciably , 8 uger exceptionally. , . . 1....— w hich hadr t i in f to tha top. liuMlneoa. been dull, b eeam e very animates! on th e rloe. T h e c lo sin g w a s atrong, with net g i l n f ap prox im atin g a point quite nuttier oua.

T h e raoga o f to-<lay*a p rirei for th e m ore aotlve e iock e o f th e N ew York m arketa le given below . T h e q u o la llo n i ahow the opening and c lo sin g and the higheat and lo w e it p ticea reached by th e aeoum lee [ i i t td ,_ T h e Q uotatlone are from ih ' New

Open Saturday Nights Until 11 O'clock.


READY TO WEAR.T h is w in te r th e p ro p er c o lo r s are

i l n r k H e a l I J r o w n n a n d O l iv e s m o s t ly in K e r H o y s , s o m e M e lto n s a n d s o f t f in is h e d g o o l s s u c h a s M o u -lays, Wool Diaeonals, etc. A ll o u r ( fo a ts are copies of the im>st expens iv e C u s t o m G a r m e n ts ( f r o m w h ic h t h e y c a n n o t b e to ld w h e n w o r n ) , u t u b o i i t h a l f tliH oonI.

S te p in w h e n p a ss in g o u r s to re a n d le t u s s h o w y o u th e l a r j t t ^ s t iiiu l handK onK ^H tliiuM if p e r ­f e c t f l t t l a g O v e r c o a ts In th e S t a t e ,

A a / > O J O P E N B V B N I N O S . y wI TEACH *oTHE

CHILDREN' i o p la y s o m e m u a c a l in s t r u m e n t . It s h o u ld b e p a r t o f

t h e ir e d u c a t io n . W e c a n h e lp y o u w ith a w e a lth o f s u g g e s ­

t io n s . T h e r e are G u ita r s a n d M a n d o lin s , V io l in s , A u t o h a n » ,

Z ith e r s , F lu te s , H o r n s , e t c . , e t c . A n y o f th e s e w o u ld p r o v e a n

a t tr a c t iv e C h r is tm a s p r e s e n t , a n d t h a t ’s a g o o d t im e t o s ta r t o n

Ih e r o a d t o a m u s ic a l e d u c a t io n .

From $10 to $30.Ston CIm i i t 0'il««|i (Eioapt Situnlajt).

Geo. Watson & Co.,M a n u fa c tu ra ra a nd R c ta ltc ra of

M a n *a a n d Y o u t h s ' C lo th in g O n ly .

B R O A D , H A R K E T A N D N t T R I A S T S .

We Sell Also the Regina.



Y ork E xen an ae, and are reported to the N E W S th rou tn W illiam L inn A llen 4 Co.S tock brokera, 110 B road etrevt, s ta te Bona B u lld in t, Ib is c l t , .

O pan-H lfh-Low -C loa- 1n (. *eL rat- ing.

Amer. S p lr it i ............. I3i»Amer. C otton Oil...... ^'A m cr. Sugar U o .. . 1113 •A m at. Sugar, p r ,, 11H4 Amer. Tobacco C o ., l i lA tch. ............................. inB. A O........................... «1B ay S tate G o e ...........Brooklyn R apid T .. . 7S Canada Sou th e m . . . .Chaeepaake A O hio.Chicago G a g . .............. .w a .. . .t*Chicago * N . W ....... 1 « \ IGA. I4H* 1 U \Chicago, B. A Q . . . . lAIlt ILIW mVv lU l iC,. C .M A S t . L . . . . 4P.e 44? 441* 44>a

uM 3 3 \

n i \ 11IN143S

ei 60^

73&7Tn &5'4

idWb im

117’eiiiaTcK i., k A S t. I ' . . . . iw i*Chl.. R. L A P ........ KIM* I!"*. IWSt'h l. Graat W a tt ........ u l* W* HI*D el. A H u d eon ........... 108'* IKJ 1 « ^G anartl E le c tr ic . . . . h i !>1%IllinDlt CJaniral..........1141* 1141* 114L ake S hore............... . ms IM JusLouie. A N o a h ......... S4<* 64% MHM anbaUan E le v . . . , m * V9S *9 Mich. C ant.................. tIS IIS US

Mo., K. A T .! ............ I lS lit*

Itlik, 11*1 ' ni*f

IS 107 9SH

Ilo tT l ia n S F o r t l .B # CHuar lu a i i t r i l l - lp ry a * B B W h u T o o k I p I t h i lu a .

From th e W ashin gton S tar."One o f m y aw addlat, whan I w ea eul-

dlarlng In th a h eavy artU lary on A lcalraa li la t id . harbor o f M n F r a n d a co . a number of yeara a go , waa a c lover Kngllahman, eu rn am ed St. R onald on th e m u tter rolle, b ut k n ow n unto ue o t th e com m and only aa ‘M e L ud,‘ " aald a W ar D apartm enl d a rk w ho put In a flva-yaar i i r e i d i In tha artlllary la'angh.

"W e d id n 't ca ll him 'Me L 114' bacausa ha w aa In any w ise p om p ou i or etuck up— th a t aort o t th in g doaan't go am ong tha anilated m an o t tha A m erican Army—but berauae, a lth ou gh g en ia l, am iab le, and a cork in g good fe llow , Bt. R onald really had a m ig h ty line m an n er about him, and, w hen It cam a to a p inch , ha didn't have to taka a n y d ual from a n y o f tha oHIceri In court II naaa and graca o t person ality . St. R onald w a i about tw en ty -oevan yeara old w han be flrst jalnad lh a b attery , and ha w aa lh a vary pink and p ictu re ut a line, n atu ra l-b orn aoimar. H e bad been a line •o ld lar b efore h e ev er b rok e Into our outflt. H e bad a N o . 1 d lacharge. w ith extrem ely com p lim en tary remarira a ttach ed thereto, from th e C ape M ounted P olice of South A frica , la w hich ha had aerved three j^ara aa a Seri

"ThanC anad ian --------- - . . . . . .aerved tor tw o yeara, flo w hen ho d r i i iN Into onr h aa lth y artlU ery outBt he dldn i need to be told th e d ifference b etw een a cartr id ge b e ll and a fa t ig u e cup.Buch a crack ajack from the d ay th a t he go t am o n g u i th at he w aa rated a Cor­poral and then a S erg ea n t w ith in three m uniha, and wo w ere a ll g lad o f IL for he w aa 'w a y ahead o f lh a buck p rivate c la ia . 1 n gu rtd S t. R onald ou t from the flrat a e th e bad lo t o f a good fa m ily , w hich. In fa c t , he w ae, a lth ou gh h e rarely^^ aiw ke

la Which ha had aerveu in ree ye*r» irgean l, cam p algtu n g a ll th e tuna, t b e had a N o. I dlectm rge from th e in M ounted P o lice , In w hich be had

W e h a v e a d v e r t ise d p ian cK s o o f t e n it s e e m s a s t h o u g h

e v e r y m a n a n d w o m a n , a n d a ll c h ild r e n w h o r e a d Ih e p a p e r s ,

s h o u ld k n o w a ll a b o u t th e k in d w e s e l l ~ t h e re lia b le k in d , w h ic h

a re in b e t te r c o n d it io n a f te r b e in g u s e d a l i f e t im e th a n s o m e o f

th e s h a m v a r ie t ie s th a t a re b e in g c o n s ta n t ly f o is t e d o n p e o p le

b y d e a le r s w h o s e b u s in e ss m e t h o d s w ill s c a r c e ly s ta n d th e

s e a r c h l ig h t o f c a r e fu l in v e s t ig a t io n .

A fr ie n d o f o u r s , a n o ld [n a n o m a n , s a id , th e o t h e r d a y ,

t l ia t h e q u it th e p ia n o b u s in e s s , b e c a u s e i t h a d d e g e n e r a te d .

H e sa id that^ th e r e w e r e t o o m a n y fa k ir s in th e tr a d e n o w - a -

d a y s — a n d th e n h e in t im a te d t h a t w e w o u ld m a k e m o r e m o n e y

if w e d e a lt in “ m a k e b e l ie v e ’’ p ia n o s . P e r h a p s — b u t w e w ill

c o n t in u e t o se ll o n ly s ta n d a r d m a k e s s u c h a s

• B T V M m u . f I fV n T H H ie T B . V K L

t * l

BANKERS AND BROKERS,M a m b a rs o t N e w Y o r k S to c k E x *

c h a n ta . N e w Y o r k C o rra a p o iH ie n ta M c I n t y r e A W a r d w a ll.

( N * v Y «r|i m ock SxrhaniV g N«w York Vradana Kxrhaktco. New York Colton K x c h m m ^ ^ rkle«ffD Hoard o fln u tO e

OIreot prlTaie wlrv# to N«w Y ork. O litoai^ , M illmdalpiila aiid W ath lactoiie

iDvestmeDts. Local Sociiritles.North Jersey Traction Bonds

and Stock Wanted.Tolophooa 0 t5 t b o th CejinpoMloo.


There Are Othersw h o s e coBill Io n o f m in d la Ilk a t h a t o l a K e n tla m a n f r a m M a d la o n w h o re m a rk e d r e c e n t. l y t h a t h a w o u ld Fee/ i M U r If hla p o lic y o f L i te In s u ra n c e w e re w i t h th e M u tu a l B e n e fit o f N e w a r k , A te p b a n S . D a y , D t a t . A s e n t , N o . 7 7 6 B ro a d S t .


< 6


A N e w U p r ig h t , J i g S . o a

T e r m s , $ 1 0 .0 0 d o w n ; | 6 i 0 0 a m o n t h .

D e liv e r ie s m a d e D e c e m b e r 2 4 t h .

8. A. WARD,1144*a s

Mo., K. A T ., p r , . . . *71* M *7>a MN a t L e a r t . . . ; . . . .......... *7? .T7% >7, *714N. J. C en tra l............. Ml* » »'}* *------- - - . — .j4 t i ijifZ 124(1

14<* 14% 14%4« 44% 44%

N . Y. C en tra l............. 12!N . Y.. L. E. A W .. 14%U . 8 . R ubber............. MU. B. Rubber, p r . . . . 111% 111%Nor. P ac in o ................. «% 4MNor. Pacifle, p r . . . , . fip* 77Nor. Pacinc, p r , . . , . ttOm. A W e tU r n ........ IVA HP u llin tn ........................1MI% IBWPacIflc M all.................. 43% 49%Phlla. A R radingSouthern .................Southern, p r ............HL P. A O m a h a ... Tenn. C. A Iron ...T ex a t PacIflc.........I'nton PacIflc...........IT. S. L eath er.........•11. 8 . L eather, pr W th aih .......

ab ou t hla paat ex c ep i to tw o or three of Ui w ho w «r« very ch u m m y w ith him- t te

689 Broad Street.

L u u b tn of Dm New York tSoek Exobaaga MUU B a lld la g , Haw York. B R A N O H O F R t O K :

774 BROAD ST.. NEWARK. N.J. ALFRED L0EHII3, Resident PtrtQir.

TelephOM IgiPilvaia W in M Naw YotIl Cbloaga PuUaitsiBhiB

ta d lA I«ula

Eotabllabed PM. TeleptMoa W .

O. F. CONLON.6 2 * a n d 633 R r u d a n tie l B u l R U n t .

S T O C K S , B o i r a su l u i b A b b ( j o r r u x .

PnufM or Bold for CMhor on KMfln. PrIVftU wlr*i doDOMhilnf wlUk oorroipoWliDLli

In M«w Yorkg Pbilidelphia mui Chieico.

W .B .S I lT H S a i ." ^ “ ' ' " ^UaUdaMranaac,

Bankers and Brokers,T O - a X l r o a d « 9 t r a » a » t «Wreo* wirea to New York. Philadelphia a o i

Chicago Stock EichangatIM L E l HUNK STS.

Y V M . L L N X A L L E N & C O „ S T O C K e / i O K K R S ,

g in Broail M„ N ew ark. M B road w ay, N. V. (Nat'I BUM Bfuik BuildingI

. Boikxi I


a n ln n y c a k e w alk ert, and th e H am p ton fa m ily o f B n g llih p an tom lm ia la T h e n naltab lea u ta en titled “G reater A m erica .

T hera la a C arn iva l of Sporta a t W ald - m a n n 'i O para H ouae thla w eek . E rn eat R oeber, or R oeber and C rana Brothera' ih o w , m eetin g a ll ooraeri lu w raBtllng b o u ti. T o-m orrow n ig h t L u k e L yn ch , b o i l a le a m litter o f the Peopte'a E le c tr ic L ig h t a n d P o w er Com pany, w ill w rea tle a t ea tch -a a -o a tch -ca n w ith L ro P ard e llo , B m e a t R o eb er’i w reatUng p artner.

N e x t w e e k B ryan t and W a tto n 'i A u ilr a - lla n B ea u tle a w ill ba aeen a t W ald m an n 'a O p era H ou ae. H arry C. B ry a n t, th e com - td la ................ 'Alan. w in Iw th* k a d ln ii a ttra c tio n , andw ill h a v * tn h it iiuppori lom a o f th e heat- k n o w n e p ec la llft* In the cou n try .

C H B lftT M A i T B E K 8 FN M A B K C T .

W a i ^ h . p r . . . 13%W estern U nion.**,,* B6SW h ielln g W heeling, p r . ..Penn* ............... 121M e t a t. B y . C o , . . . 191Con. O aa...................... 191A tch ,, p r ...................... ElITnlon Pao., p r.......... WPanhandle .................. *9

•E x.-D ividend.





m1»1U| VM

71% 70>45DH

P r le a • ( t to a d o .

had hi* up* and dow n* In our baU ery— r o t boated from B errean t to buck private, an d p ut 10 a th in y -d a y tr ick m th e Kuard- h ouee for try in g to te a r S an Franclaeo lopM from H i tou n d a tlo n i. th en had to go up to hi* foprner non-com m laaloneu rank aga in by alow ita g e a , an d In gen eral bad th e u su a l oaraer o f an A tnurlcan aoldier w h o doean't belong to th e g t ^ y - g o w y platoon* W h atever happ en ed Though Me ItUd* w a i gam e for U, and he n ever bad a k ick com ing, and le v era l lim e* w hen nome fe llo w In tn e b a ttery g o t in to a general cou rt-m artia l ecrape and WM dlihonora- bly diacharged and tu rn ed ad rift w ithout a cen t, w ith nothing b ut th e uniform to hla b ack , 'Me Lud' waa th e boy to turn In hU w hole m on th '! pay to help the un­fo rtu n a te ou t and to g e t th e rea l of ua to do eom eth lng on th e eam e gen era l order#

*'A fter doing hie th ree y ea r s w ith the b attery , Si* Itonald took hla d lacharge and w en t over to Ban F ranclaco. H e dldn t tell an y o f ua w hat h e w ae go in g to do, and ha only had ab out |26 or |30 when he w aa paid off, A w eek a f te r h e le ft A i- c a tr a s a num ber o f u i w en t o v er to San F ran c l*co on e n ig h t on le a v e . W * w ere

w alk in g up K earn ey a ir e e l w hen we puahed In to a crowd aurroundlng a fak ir. T h e fa k ir w u go tten up in e u g e rancherg a iy le —v e lv e t b ell-b o tlom irouaera, w ith go ld tin se l running dow n th e etdee; v e l­v e t la ck e t, looae* ruffled, apotlcaaly w hile ahlrt, an enormoua w h ite aom hrero, w ith tw o or three h eavy a llver corda running around It. The fak ir w aa te llin g > m o f acm e perp etu ally fragran t beana th a t he had discovered on a tou r o f S outh Amef'' lea* T he b eam w ere d ev ised to tak e the p lace o f aachet pow dera or o f liquid e i - tract*. and the p e r fu in o -^ ild th e fak ir—

THE DIAMOND DEALER,h a s b e e n a ll s u m m e r c o lle c tin g h is d ia m o n d s , a n d h a s b o u g h t m o s t o f t h e m fo r “ s p o t” c a s h a t h a l f t h e ir a c tu a l co st to im ­p o rte rs w h o needed re a d y m o n e y .


Furnlohed by A lfrail U D e n n lt . T74 Broad itr ee i, raaldtnt p artn er o f P j i t A F M ik , mem bert o f K tw Y ork Stock Exchar.a*.

O p aD -Ilith -L ow -C lot-VHT.7F*99I4Sll’i

la q u liU or h ltnoelf w ould h a v , b tep ,a t - laflwl w ith th e w lckadnaai o f th em . So

Jrou la e th a t h um an n atu re le th e aam e n a ll lim e."


S en ator Howell l l l - I .« c ie l* t la n H eford laq In lv re ile n f T h fe S tole .

W A SH IN G T O N . D ec. IL -W h a n Senator S ew ell le f t th e S en ate T u ted ay n lih t be w a e fe a l ln t III from a cold, but, n everth t- laaa, w en t o a t e f u r d inner ta atten d to a o o d a l eD gaiam an t, and yeeterday m o rn ln , gam e to the C apitol to a m erlin x of iha S iin ate C om m itted on A pproprlailone, L a ter In thu d ay he returned lo hla bed at hla h ote l. It le exp ected that ha w ill be o u t In a day or tw o.

T b a S en ate b ae pained the Paiem Creek L lsb tb ou ae b ill. Introduced by Senator EMwell, and w hich had been reported at

A Newark BarberH a t B s s n C lo s s ly C o n fin e d to

H is S h o p f o r Y e a rs

r i n t g h lp m e a ta A rrive W ith T h o n a eu d i to F a llo w —D aaoretiv* Kvergtaews*

C ea lr a M arket aquare la b eg in n in g to aM u m e a n aapect fam iliar to th * C hrlat- tnaa aeaeon. S outh ing and h e a lth fu l od ori o f p in e a n d b a lu m a r e w a fted by the b r e w f . and th e apace w liere gard en truck h old * a w a y for tba g rea ter p art o f the y e a r le b ein g g iv e n over to v er ita b le for- M ta o f tree*, m llea of e v e rg ree m atrung to g a th er , and h u n d red i o f w rea th s and o th e r d ev ic e s uaed In d ecora tin g hume». a lorea an d ch u rches, to lend g a y e ty and t e a t to th e eelebrattoQ o f the com in g h oli­d a y .

T h e flrat butch c f tree* arrived In tbe m a r k e t yea lerd ay . T h ey cam e, ten ear- load a o f th em , their branehe* tied down w ith n tiingfl, and the im a ller uinvi bundled to g e th e r in bun ch ee of from three to rive, do aa (o Kft Him yraatcai m im bcr puHsibic In a g iv e n apuca and to prom ote econom y In ah lpp ltig , Th* early arrival* .-am r truiu lh a G rv in M ouiilalii S la te o f V criiiuni, w h e n acorca o t men h ave l in i i t-niiaxcd fo r w e e k i c u llin g jnt] trlinm loB the tnooi an d p rep arin g lliem for Khlpm'-nl. They w are d U p a lch c il ou [hcli journey fio iii K u llam l.

B u t th e Aral arrival* w ill not aiipply ih r Ugm and o f th* local m arkcia. tur be It k n ow n th a t N tw arkera and their n eigh , bora w h o d raw upon Ihl* city for aiiiipllc*, uag a g r e a t m an y Chrlelm aa tree#, N eith er w ill th e hltla o f V erm ont furnlah a ll the Ireea to be lo ld here, for the m ountalna ot N ew Y ork S ta le and PeniiB ylvanla have been ca lled upon lo g iv e 1111 their quulu* o f aprucc and hulaom branchea from their rap id ly d lm ln lih ln g fore*!*, tu help Klad- d en th e h eu r ti o f city fo lk at Y nleilde.

Such Nteudy onalaughta h ave been made 11(1011 th e tree auppllei o f N ew VoiH and P en n ay lvan ta year a fter yeer ih e t tlie d ealer* h ave lo go further atel Beek new tleld* for Ihelr atock. N ew J ir se y ha* n ever been an Important faetu r In the ep riiee and lialoam tree prudiieilon, and llio ee are th e apenlea m o il Buoghl a fter i ’lnc tree* are alao u>e<l Home, hut their branchea are not aa w ell aUuimnl (or *up- p e n ln g dccora llon a aa the o th er apcelee, and th e pint) evergreere are largely uaetl tur ih * "ropea" uaed for ir lm m ln g

From Iw e n iy to Iw enty-tlve ca n o a d a of tree*, It 1# eHtImated, wtH be dia()o#ed ot In thiB c ity for tha hulUlay trad e. Every car con tu ln o , on the average, acco rd in g 10 one d ea ler, ab b ot I.6IIU treee: au th a t It I* exi'iected th a t betw een 97,,6 X1 and 4u,0(iu trecB, I'aoglng In aloe from fou r to th irty fee t ta ll, w in ba aold In N ew ark . The (trlcea ran ge from th irty c e n t i tu aa m any

A t., T. A 8 . F . adjB A t., T. A 8 . F . 4a . . . 99%Chef. A Dhio 4 > ^ .... 9tPiChea, A Ohio He........ 117% .Chl.. Mur. A Q o n .. 117% . . . .Chl„ Hur. A Q. u v . . . 123% . . . .Con. Traction o a . . . . lOtHiV* .. .Den. A It. G. 4#........IIKA, 101Erie 4b ........................... 94% 94%U A N. u n ................ 97% . . . .Man. Con. 4b........... . 97M„ K. A E. l«tB....... mMo.. K . A T. 2 d « .... 97 97*,Mo., K. A T. 4e....... 90% 901,N ew ark P. By. Sa... 1I3%D .Nor. F*ao. le t* ........... lftt% ICJNor, P ar. 2d«................ 1,9%Unt. A We«t. 4*......... 104u m . A W eft. 9a....... 109'*81. U . a. W. iH H.. m 8 t. L . 8 . W. 2 d f . . . . 4X% Southern Ky. 6a . . . . 106W ab fih I f la ................. 11.1%W ab fih 2dB.................. 94%


n ever eft them . Me ce rta in ly had a great aulel about tboao bean*, and h e to ld 'em lik e hot cakea. a t th e ra te o l fifty cent*for' a paper bug ho ld in g a b o u t a Pint of

■Me Lud,' th e fak ir , w iak ed



T I m R u u l t W a s D y t p a p s ia W h ic h M o o d 's S A r s o p a r l llA O w r o d .

“ O w i n | to cloo* oonflnement tor m ia y ysBis, X luBared a aorma sleg* p f d ; * - psiolA, X had a varjr bitter tatle In tn j M o n tb In t h * m o rning. I took OMdl- d M fo r s long tim * w itho ut benefit. t lA A llY I ttocided to t r y H o o d 'f B u ta p a * rlllA , and It h*t|i«d u m Ir o n tbe a ta ri. Its s o n tln M d no* M tlre ljr c a n d me. M m * t h in 1 b a v , n e w W n t ic k btti 00*1 a a d ls g iin n to rte d to U o o d 'i I * t- W S i fl lli whiob did m , u inuob g o o d M b l l ar a. 1 wonid no t b , w ith o u t tt nnder M M s b e n n u ta a c c *. 1 h a v , rocommeoded t t t o s i ) ' triandi and uat It In m y lam Uy

Ml m y wife or children h a v , any ita o n U e o ro M d s blood purlflar.''

S Y L> M o b a i s , 100 H u lb w r y S t r , ^, N mt J artey . l^m M nb«r

Hood’s "JSli.



4>I'M’!-*U V t





C h trw gu C lra lB « N d F r o v ie lm i M «rk vt.Ths fu llg n iiig tab le gWea the range <'f ricpi ff>r ih e C h icago Prpricps for the C h icago Provision and S ra ln

KxohaKgt* to-iL ..........................C’ofilon, b ro k er .^xohaugt* tu-ilav, a* reported by O. 1'.

Aer, P ru d en tia l Bulldlni

duHara.Thu roped irreeriH and o th er decgraiiotia

are q u ite u ulfTcrcnt featu re o f Uie bual-M oai o f th e w reathe, s la ra and an<

Chora a r e m ade in South Jeraey, it la aald, aud th e liiduatry g ivca tn ip lo y m e iu to m an y w om en and ^ r la for w eek s before th e aeaaori opens. T h ere la ala«i som e h o lly In th e m ark et, but not ea m u ch aa th ere w ill be la ter, and soon m letto toe w ill Iw ahip(ied; In ou&ntUlea from Itou lh em S ta to a to be aold aa the gen u ln o Im ported K n glU h article.

W hfat,U pctm l»er..*' M ay...............

Corn, D e re m lK T .,'• M ay...............

oa la .“ .May............ .

rork, U ecfm b er..“ M ay..............

lAard, D ecem b er..“ M a y . . . . . . . ,

rud en tla l Builulng: Opcn-lllgh-Luw-C iO '*

m g. rirt. e it . ini'.................6«3 4i7V|) C •R


DO) R {E7 9

C 37 E 97 6 S3

New York Hlo«:k KxchaDge H o lld ay i.N EW YO R K . Dec. IS,—T h e Ouverning

rum m IU re o f Ihe N ew Y’ork Block Kx- change haa decliled to CIOMe th e exchenK«^ on Ihe Saturdays before and th e Mondiiyit

them . 'Me Dud,' Ihc fe liir , w iak ed a t ua aolem nly when he sa w ua on th e outer c irc le o f the crowd, an d w e didn’t h ave a ch an ce to talk w ith him for som e tim e afterw ard . Then he told ua th a t the heana he was aclllng w ere th e ordinary fr ijo lc f of com m erce, Hoaked over n ight in cheap (oilct water, and th a t he thought h e had a pr^ tty good th in g , inaam uch aa he WHS hauling down a p rofit o f ab out |30 a night.

"I didn't »fe any m ore o f *Me Lud' on th e coast after that. 1 o a m e on to W ash* Ingion and entered tb e W ar D epartm ent aoun after«ar.]. I w en t o u t to tb e opening o f the \V3»rliJ‘e Pair, and on m y third lour around the LMiiidings 1 m et up With 'Me Lu.).' lie was ihe second m an In charge o f the cxhUdi frorii C eylon , and be looked out t f Might In the m ak e-u p o f a Ceylon tea He w as p rosperou s and thor.oughJy III thi7> gam e. H e h ad q u it Ban KrHiii iNcrt a:id‘ gone to C ey lon b efore the iiijiNt u fic r going broke on 'F riaco'e 'Bar- hiiry ■•uHflf) Noon a fter I le ft th e cooel, and hd.| put In the Interven in g y e a n aa a rimcki'4 per on a C ingaleee te a p lautaU on. H e wa* H|;[j.ww'nlly p retty g lad lo te e me, 1 HDhk. anyhow, I Know I had a terrib le iKH'hii hi’ \sti4>n [ w oke up on th e m orning ufiH- (hixH Ntriingplf ru n n in g acrooe 'Me Liitl ■ t s.iw him a num ber o f t im es w hile t u h ii g 111 the fa ir , and w hen T le ft he ti'ld ni4' 111 expected to go back to C ey- iiih uii<| f]iii2ih thi: gam e o f grow in g up villh ll|N Mand

I ' t '-v.i.s h-uiilrig on th e rail out a t the lic-nnini;- iriv -rrMok on T h a n k ig iv ln g a f- i’-rMtiiih, w irciiifig the horaee parade on to (he irrn li till ii,*x W ash in g ton Cup race*

I WJi4'U . hiriinl Q voire behind m e exc la im ,' accen t: T sa y . there, youI ?[, ‘Z ll"^kcd around, an d th ere w aa

.Ml- i.u'l ■ Mf' w a s g o tten up regardleaa, thi'V N.'iy, ;^nd he w a s a goad deal the

jtwfllfat ItM'klng man a t Ihe track . A fter lit- hiid .'tiii(., Tt.(j hla w in n in gs on th e big

Kuf iiiio hlH trap and he drove

follow ing C h ristm as and N ew Y ear's im y . Tb‘ ‘The deoTniotf w aa m ade in reiporiMe to n

ptdltioh from m em h ers o f tha exchan ge,

raLi-nio lu n hui.-l that's n ot m ore th an a m ile Troni LurjiV'tin Square. T h ere he pre- p«'nh'i tiif tn hiM w ife, w h o is a queen, a s m-iji! .N, w oriHuns girla are, and then he u.'iiDin.ji I r,i,. (fj accom p an y him back to. . -*■’ **> **>~ wtai Q ijxii* i/aun sui i . ti'jiii, ir, 'I't^tiiclKaliia, Hundiiraa, where

i;"Uii.K rich nt xoid m lnlnq. Ii« cam #


Knt«r4ala#il Ly D r. U #ro ltl.T h e m cm lwrn o f tha Firth W aril R aoub-

llcan BxdJUtIvv f'on iin llt*# aat d a w n to a b an q u et aa th# i u i b Ib o f Dr. M. C. H,

a t I'J^olffer'i H all. U9 F o rry a lreol,laat t i i s h t . Th#rt* w ere a num ber o:

y a iraet, f Invited

Siieata , am n na w ham w ere G gurxe K. R uafa ll, Vvllllan) F. Oila, Bolle# Cii|>taln JohnH . b b h a u a , F rank B. K n ott an d Jam a* A C hrlatle . T h e boat wa* preoentad w ith a b a a u titu t bouquet o f Howera, an d A ndrew R reldrm bach w u i a lven a so ld -b an d led u m b rella b* h la frilow -m eniD era u i the co m m itte e .

H r . K e liu W ill Mul On to Cuba. F radariok B. Kalm^ fo rem a n at

-IlM p oato in ce , M y i received an

O n * Tra* Bbiod Fu Mm . I H a la la r lA Get M ir liood’i .

’ • P l l U X i i :•a re Uvea ltla( gaay t*

>2 toaf*EM*,lkA

offer fro m th e poetofflee D ep artm en t *1 W aa h ln sto n , o f a [loaillon In tn e poatofficea t H a v a n a , Cuba. T h e f f la r y o f the pro(.f e r ^ DOfltlon la M id to be la r g er than

K alm ' ‘ ‘Mr. K alm la now racaivlnx, but he dC‘ ellried th e offer u he haa n o dealr* to l u v * N ew ark ,

T lie a e l*rettY T o y a M a d e tn T k n lc .|te ,l H ill# III M a a s a y ,

I’rom The O in tlem an .In Ihl' foreata o f S axon y , G erm any, nre

Ihoiiaamla of th a tch ed huta In w hich rttt,ll Ihe m akern o f th e celehratetl "French” doll*. N ot m an y y e o r i nito e traveller rhl- iiiK throuch th eee nohle furenta m lxht have Been dryinx In th e aun b efore the queer houBef, thouBanilB upon th o u ta n ili—w hole acre* ot doll head*. T h at waa in the duj o f "com poelllon'' heada, but now the doll lieada are m an ufactured o f hloque, In ih>' faetortea In llread en and other e lin .. w hither tha p e a ia n t doll-m ukera iriiUh>i. each S aturday w ith b it baaketa plteri (uii o t b eautifu l n ew dolle, tak in g back lo th .ir p itifu lly poor hom ea th* b lank headB. w Ik ., kid for th e b o d lea hand* and teei, hihI other part* lo be uaetl In the next w eek ', work.

The fa th er w o rk i d a ily In thu (ureetn and a ll th e rea l o f Ihe fam ily enKHKe heartily in th e w ork o t doll-roaklnd, the good w ife tin t# th e check*, palnta the eye. brow*, artjuita the w ig and m a k ei the liny fhoa*. T he boya fa sten the Jointed llinliB togather, itulT and eover the boijy, andSet It ready for dresalng. w hile little

ratohen m akea th e w ee Blocklnga and th . prim m uitln ek lrt In w hich th e la d y dolls croaa the g re a t ocean to th e ahopa In the big cltlea o f A m erica, w here B en te Claua foea each y ear tu buy hla dollA

Alt through Ihr rainy eeaeon the father alao alt* about the flrealde w ork in g with hi* fam ily. On F r id ay n lgb t. the fa ith fu l frau ptek a the dotla In large, ahallow baikrta, and prepare* a lunch o t bread and cheeae, for th e Saturday'* journey la lung, and H an* m ay h ave to carry hla baaxet tw en ty m llea or m ore before he rcachea th e v illage or tow n w here Ihe eummlBslon m erchan t Uvea w ho i i to buy n it waraa. H ana la very proud If ha la paid at th* rute o f on* m ark a day (about iw enty-flva cent*) for hla doll*, but If he be paid a t th e rate o f a m ark and a h a lf a day fthirl y-*«ven c e n t!) on account o f h av . Ing brought In lo m a etp ec la lly fine dolle, hla heart l i lo ligh t and hla hopea so high that he alnga a ll th e w ay hom e aa he car­

'd' le re rinm llm irturat on fo m e b nalnet- "I'M [lie sia li' D ep artm en t In conneotlon " iiu « i'liiim, u f nourae, w ith m y th irty 'Miye P a ir of u hseiice a ll ch ew ed up. I 1. "iiMii t iii'iir of the T eg u cig a lp a prO|joeL I'U'i. M il ! ,;,w a gntal dual o f ‘Mo Lud' ‘.I'"'.!.''' I'Mill th ey w en t aw ay laat Ciiiidav W hen I bade th em good-' Ml l.iiil' handed niu a li t t le pluoh ‘ "III'M Im*. I opened 11 a fter I g o t to n il loom. It contained a learfp U i—a gold i.Liii'iii. Biiiddtd w ith -d lam on d a and sap- . .fi’i" “ ' ''I' Meat rem inder o f our h eavy iia i; ' ' '"‘tn lher ou t on bleak A lc*-



RING.Ladles', fancy moontlng,

solid gold. Ceaulne biamond. "Wrineo fgatiiiic*." Over 600 to lelect (mm. Every on* per- fectly gut.__________________

$ ! O O T n r $ 4 5D ld rooo ilniDfS,

Ladle*' oolld 14-aorat gold scttlag. "Our Leader.'' "Writ­ten OuaraiiM .'' Our diamond ringa born |60 to llOOi Coot twice as much elsewbere.

$45 SI5Fliwst Ladles' Ploinoad Efiqf

j CT*r ofiarad lor sole at thla price. 1 "Written Ouaranige." We have

th* beat stock ol Ladleif Solitaire Rings from tlO to ISO in this gauntry. ____________________

DIAMOND . p5100 RING 54?.

Penti' 'T ooth Betting," dull Kom onllnlib. tiolld 14- karat gold, ^ h t bill* white diamond. '■Wrillen tiuarai# tee;" OenSi’ Ring. * Diamond circle rio|g from lAl to 9206


KINO,Finest diamond we ever

had at thu prin . Hnlld 74- karat gold m o u n t i n g , “ Written Ouarantec.'* Wemake a upeclalty of fine

ram ilOngems troni tlOn to fcoo.


6 diamonds, nicely matched, hoop ^ setting Ledlcs’ Ring, "Written guar, antee." Others from m |r q 5 to select frum,___________________

c 512$D ia m o n dMarquise

R in g s.A ll diamonds, solid 14-kerat gold monnllng. A bargain, "Written guarasieo."

Harqnlia Rings Iron) tr . to |g00 olwayt In stock. Bpedol ta u ^ n s now.


Remember tbege tre Solid G o l^ not filled. A com plete line o f d iam ond tock eti from 18 to 350.

$12 ■’fiST’ $4G«Ui^ CufT Button^ 2 full

■Us Dixmoiids, solid sold moonttngi, Written fusr- Bolee,"

PUin solid fokl Caff But* iotit oDit more Uisn «re ssk for thwc dlsjaxgiui oatL

Bur end mU Wookx Bofidi sod O n to 00 Ysff Y o r k K x g h a ^ a n d ChkiH* 8«*>d a t T m U ellhw foreashaiQ n margin. Frtfala win* i tNew York. Fkllgrtalphla and Chlcawg TeUpban* ItttO Newark. Talephooe taW Broad. N e w jfo ^

PRICE, McCORMICX I CO.„ __. _ I New York Wock fiich aag*MUDDecs .C bleop Board of Trnda.

7 4 0 B r u a s l S t . , N e y r a r k , N . J .W I L L I A M F . M U r n , r U O A K M -.

Eic IusIvb w lres-S ew York. Chlcagd Fhlli. dalpbii and Wothingloa.

T L L K rH O ftE 1*17.

A. - A - Bstabllshed leTS.B . C. Friedm aa A CW., Baukart and Broket*,UKAKCH lUe BASKET BT.. NEWARK. N, S.------ - - flO I. b

«1i Cltr*XOhftEmiSkItooks. Bondfts Qraid tod Provitioiu to MU U

■ulU csn lsd m modsratt m srtto.Oommisslt* I ' l i MS stot*

.■ 1 1 1 : '. $ 4 5 $15DIAMOND STUD,

Best Tfltie tvar offered In a Bne eommerclel white Dlaiuond. "Writ­ten nutromee." Honey back if dnpip coted. Tbl ------- ■ ■ "This Is " Our Leader.’


Pgrfeot blare. Oould not be du- pllcaled. Solid gold h*ud-mat* setting. "Wrlilrn guarantoe,'' W* have them from ge.OO to t90a All styles, rubles, emeralds, etr.

< 2 5 0 < 75^ E ir D r o p * ,^ ^ ’ ^ Old Mine leniii. Solid fvn 14-kMtoi fo ld Mttingi, ^ “ Written Qusrtiiiteft’*

^ v s s egm^etiKUf itoek iiom |io to s ^ t Sto tb e» befon pu^

GhHillf.__________ _

I D is b o n d i K e r StudigS

A pnir we selected out ot n psper contstnlnt over three hutidred dlUBondi*. They ireoom m crdsl wh Its fsm k end ctunoi be matched In thSg country. "Written gusTuUee."

^*1! D lam oad 4 6 * E ar Wlads.

14k. gold mouutlngi, white snappy g * m a . '■Writtenguarantee." We hav* Mveral boignln* from BO to 9906, all guar entned.


1 b .


YOU CAN’T LOSE.pankogs guanalead or yous a o B o f cip

Ciau Yon Ask More?0 Ak.__ ak.. U la,a* mm ■'Pilo* no m on than tha " Just i* good.''wMt*.

N « lrN a a g fluS t r M t .

O I » E > I « A I v l , n i g h t .

Keene’s Watch Store,1 4 0 F U L T O K 8 T . , N E W Y O R K .

Na u

Na u u i5X T M t.

L IB C T X N A IfT W X IORL'g P R O M O II0 8 .

N ew llTUDrwIek M an Mad* a Captain In


Leanard W ood H ad Rogn Ik Cuba F lg lit- J s ( for HJs Countijr*tlto A rm y s « d V rdsrwl to Cubs

Bpeolel D ietotch lo Ihe NIW'B.N F,W B R U N S W IC K , Dec. 16.—N ew s has _________ , ____ _____ ____ . _

been rc c tlv ed In th is filly th at L ieutenan t I tw en ty , itloappeared from h ere * y ear ago. W illiam W elffci lift* promoted to a

K$>ec1al Dljwatch to tbft KEWB.F A O B A l^ D ec. 1ft,—L eon ard W ood, a fe d

i!ii- in ihp true K ory o f a free-lance'TK’m x.gatherlng roiltnK sto n e w ho■iHN Mon <HU "

H a h w a y Titpwa.Terrill, one o f Rahw«y*'ft old

^-wnifiiiH. yeaterUay a t h is hom e on Kini av''!iiiH^ of blooKl poisoninif. H e w a s

fuwiiehlp, but hud lived nearly a lltiJN nr,, tn fttihwrty.riM; youhgaBt of * Jnrgg

. r ' ''."".'F one mumher, Jonue T ei..,.. "I h!i«,iM,.||i, now aurvivv*. Mr. Terrill

roil, Jam ei H. Terrill, a well-

_ IVriei hts basket of ' 'blanks," kids and

ha.curled balr.

li'UVI'Bkiu .nn itainviiy pharmtrfil*L“a iid 'a~ lau gh - L m 'i ' ' ’i't'nv AtanBfleld, T he ohaeqiilea II J “ * S un d ay afternoon .iiiH lu ti. .Iiod y ea ra .a g o ,(■ni l. bagKU*. b lack ain ith for th*bi« w ork * , died laat n igh t a t

yeuri, ,1| I , " * * « • a lio iit forty -n in e eldinu 1^ » wH® •h 'l fam ily , re-

1 H kllw ay.-."I"'" a tram p ch icken th ief, w ho wuB h en ro o a u In R abw av,In aentenced by Judge Vail,a ia ic i-'i ilMn C ourt, to one year In

frn ir,, HIver w aa com p leU lyfh u*'!.®'' m orn in g , nnd th e log (a

iireu n i **** uPP«r Part o t th*

Dinei* W illiam l la r r ln a n tookJtm.H I *7 HIb hiim e, corner•en m . i*' ?<>»*(*, K aat R ahw ay, Itm nie 1 " *'** R ahwnK'* oldoalyear '"‘""''‘ant, bein g In h la n lnety-ancond

on e o f L inden T n w n sh lp 'i H . g / . th ere to-day.t h . n i “i" ,7^"«»day. H * Waa a m em ber of n in J i flo ll fa m ily th a t a t one lim e SmE t,.'**® ktcalrt* p art o f Irtnden Tow n- u lp . I firmer HoU lea v o g a va lu ab l* M taU .

C ap ta in cy and leave* W oih ln gton for Ha van * to -n ig h t. H e w ill have ch arge o t the G overn m an t railroad and transportation bualneaa, an d w ill be the aovern m en t's d isb u rsin g olBoer for th a t departm ent, be­in g con n g eted w ith G eneral H um phrey's ■talT.

C aptain 'W eigel fs a *on o f Philip W eigel, o f th la c ity , and hi* career s in ce leav in g W est P o in t h a s bsen a rem arkable one. H e serv ed fou r yv>*ri a t fla ck e tl’s Harbor. N. Y,-, w a* w ith h is regim ent, the E leven th R egu lar*, In A rlaona; spent flvo years In E urope a s th e U nited f lta lss H llltary Com- ralesloner to atudy the^ sy ste m i o f E u ­ropean O o v e m tn e n li, agd , a fte r tw o years' serv ice , on h is returtL a t th e San C arlos reserva tion , w a s m aoe q uarterm aster a t W e s iP o ln L H e waa m ade (lu artem m sler at d a m n B l a ^ OR t h e ' outiirrah o f th e w ar S i S w Se offered a L leu len ant-C ol. on elcy In a vo lu n teer re flm cm . but de-

■ (J.

iTfctiLj. vu as'gfggi Ba<,-av v wegg-w.Some time since word game th a t he was dead. . .

This morning he entered hla own homeIn llncl* Sam 's uniform, having fought at Santiago. H is parents a r t overjoyed.

Raid by Urst-clow grpotti eTorywh

J, C. Smith & Wallace Company,h k w a m K p H a l .

^olm Hillers*Age$ato.

TEETH!New York

Dental Parlors792 IROAa t T „

E E Cor. Brood A Mark*!landBast material I highest skill; lowest priose and

i wriuon guarantee with *11 work. O o lf lP lU ^ 7Be. up: Mlver Fllliog. fWo. lo 7ag.| Alloy HU- ing, 75g._to iLOOi Gold Crown, fli— ‘ —t b g , ___ — ----------- ------- ---------U .00 fothon ch u g* » l and |Ul lor th* asowli Exiractlng without pain, kJIg-

YOU M A A ir r o SKB

E * » i i VevwOB D ead.LONDON, Deo. IL -B aro n Vernon Caf,-

t*ln of the Honorable Corps o l Gentlemen- at-A rm i. Is dead. _____________________

d in e d . H e a so lsted la la p n g p ut Camp W Ikoff. H e h a s 'b e e n In W ashington for som a w e e k s p art. ■ __________


Cbargad by »oviB*r »wl**** Assoolates WUh Halng *» Absoeniilog OeWar.

a» n te l to lha HVEmNO HEWg.ELIZABBTH, Deo. attachm ent

was Inu ed yesterday In the Union County Court against tbe good* and ohatlels of Clyde B MItohsU, foimerly one of the proprietor. o » - th i Mitchell F *riU l.tn , Work*, a t Biloabethpon. The attachm ent was Issued a l tba instance of the other member* of the Compaq, '•vho chaige Mitchell with b e in g s* absconding debtor, and th a t his shortaig* to th t firm Is 99,0110.

MItohsU d l s a p p g ^ P"!?* from his home o n ^ R ^ a l l streot, Elloa'

I osen sin oe. K th aa ’y w tfa”an^^1 lf f l y . *0 1.1 tW*city . H is lla h m tiM Y g lH a s Ills Indsbito th e tertlU aM gh eavy .

^ h is IfidflbttffnMs iRY « rs f»l<l to


Dress Goods.An opportunity to obtain New and

Seaaonable Goods for

H o l id a y P r e s e n t sat leas than half price.

10 ,0 0 0 ysurda 1 n cut lengths, rang- ing from 3 )4 to 7 y a r^ .

>— 2 ^ y » r d .

L o t a — 5 0 c . y * 7d .

Lot 3—75c. y8rd- Former prices 7 5c. to $ 1 .5 0 yard.

(O* C e n tn T a U o s.|

‘• A : :I k

Broadway n w t m Sts*N ew V g jl^

R. GRAY, J R ,l U O M a r k e t S tT e e ti,


H a r d w a r e , F a c to r y S u p p l l a * , P t u m l y• r a * , s t o a m n tt a r a ', C o a t r a c t e n ' o r M i ll 5 u p p lla a , W n r a i h t I r o n P lp a o r FU ttin K t, t M U n t , H o m o r P a c k in g , tla U o r o r P lp o C o v a r u ig , stopa, W g g ta , I M t a . , a te ..

(.a l l Ok. uaa 'iBLKPaOME 8a « « .

G O O D T E IR R U B B ER G O O D SveninD iiiinnita

W ater BkU le*, tqrrtloaM. B o n e * gd W e g m UkVovA.

Bmrt*, llhwgg, Cm s *.

Ladies’ and f i a t s ’ AUckintoshn.

D .F.S EG ELK Ee804 Brwad BtrM f

pppgslH City JM b


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Klon g iwe. Rev,

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lEGIN F R U T , DEA IN t-IO LAST 10 DATS. Manufacturer’s Reduction Sale*It has been our custom to w ait until January before reducing prices, but this year we have determined to make sweep­

ing reductions NOW, when SAVING PRICES will be most appreciated, and before full three-quarters of the community have Iwught their winter clothing. We know by experience th a t it is better to take cost or less than to“carry over’Marge stocks.

iMaDafactDrer’s Kedoctioo Sale.

iDecemlKr 16th» to l a s t 19 Days.

i n Event of Sweeping Importance.

MEN’S OVERCOATS.All overcoats in these groups are in complete lines of sizes and are cut in the regular or full length, and in the short or box style.

Group 1.A l l t h e 1 7 .0 0 O x f o r d n e lto n

Overcoats, $5.50.Remarkably well-cut, stout Oxford Melton—11 a I i a n sleeve and body lining. $7.00 was our manufacturing price. Now $5.50.

Group 2.

Overcoats, $6.75—w e r e $ 0 ,0 0 , a n d ch ee p th e n .

Blue and black kerseys,made up an best lines—fancy Ital­ian sleeve lining, liberal French facing, Italian for body lining. 9$ or $10 would be a modest price.

Group 3.

Overcoats, $8.50.—w e r e $ 1 0 e nd $ 1 1 .

Fine Blue and Black Ker­seys. Telling examples of good tailoring. Worsted and Italian lined, generously faced, silk velvet collar, fancy Italian for sleeve linings.

Group 4.

Overcoats at $20• —tn c lu d ln i; e ll o u r $ IN s ir m e n t e .

To say this group holds the far-famed “Essex,” in its tine Oxford and black lamb’s wool and boucle, is saying a good deal for Group Four. “Essex” trim is finest French worsted body, double warp satin, for shoulders, and a double warp satin for sleeves.

O ur finest Black and Blue Kerseys are in same group. A clear saving to you of a S?.00 bill on every coat— but it’s a sale price.

Group 5.

Boys’ Reefers, $5.40• —f o r n w r l y o u r $ 6 , $ 7 a n d $ $ .

Made .by our own boys' tailors, which means best kind of fit and finish. They have that stylish look that wins parents’ approval. Sail­or and ulster collars, fabrics chinchilla, frieze and astra­k h a n -so m e are braided, others are plain. Sizes for any lad from J to 8 years.


Extraordinary Reductions in the Trousers.

The $2.00 Cassimere and Cheviot Trousers tor

The $2.^0 All-wool Fancy Cheviot Trousers for

The 13.00 and $3.?0 All-wool Black and Fancy Cheviot Trousers lor

The $4.00 and $4.50 All-wool Chev- iot.CassimereandWorstedTrousersfor

$1.30 pair

$1.90 pair

$2.60 pair

$3.00 pair


, In Shoe Dep’t, A Sale ;

$ 2 . 6 5 for $3. $3.50 and $4 Shoes.A good sale to keep the C 'ltniiiii); reduction company.In all our shoe selling we've n e v e r had Ihe good luck to

give you larger shoe worth than in this particular instance. In n o ase were old prices under fl.oo~greater part of them arc HOO value. If you’re any kind of a shoe judge you’ll soon see

Fine stock, nature-shape lasLs—Russet, drill lined, viri kid and box calf, vici lined—Bull Dog, Rugby and F,nglish toes.

Every size at s t a r t of sale. Q n ’t promise to say that in a day or so.

Derbies and Alpines-$l.40.The Regular $2.00 Kind.

A two-dollar bill is what you have often paid for self-same hats. The quality, the style, the L o n g W e a r is vouched for by us as S t r o n g ly as you please. It’s a sale to strengthen old friendships and make new ones for our Hat Store.

In Derbies and Alpines—black, brown, pearl—I t . 4 0 .

Men’s Cheviot and Worsted Suits.Group 6.

Suits, $4.75—th a t w « r « goo d w o r t h a t $ 7 .0 0 .

Cassimeres and fancy cheviots, wide range of patterns, dark neat ef­fects and rich overplaids, deep French facing, Ital­ian lined, substantially tailored.


S u i t s , $5 .75—p re v io u sly $ 7 . S O .

Still better than those in group 6 - in as wide a range ot patterns— made up tor looks and service. $1.75 saved at this sale price.

Group 8.

Suits, $6.75—w e re $H a nd go o d v a lu e .

Mostly velour faced cassimeres—our famous $8 0x1 ord cassimere is in the group—the stoutest, handsomest suit we’ve tailored at such a price. Italian lined, cut and trim­med to perfection. Looks $10 worth.

Group 9.

Suits, $7.50— m ad o u p fr o m $ 9 .0 0 l l n e i .

Fancy cheviots and cassimeres—one of our most p 0 p u 1 a'r lines. Splendidly g o t t e n up from lining to smallest detail.

Group 10.

Suits, $8.75—w e r e $ 1 0 y e a te r d a y .

Of black and blue wide diagonal cheviots, black and blue Thibets, fancy cassimeres, fancy chev­iots in checks and plaids. Not a suit in the group you'd “turn down" even at $10— they’re unusual worths.

Group 11.

Suits, $11.75-$ I4 a n d $ 1 5 lln e a .

You have known our $14 and $15 qualities too long to need much of a nudge— immense assort­ments. Fancy worsteds and fancy cassimeres. Perfectly made.

Manafactorers’ Redoctioo Sale.

December U th » to Last 19 Days.


Event of Sweep­ing Importance.

This Sale Is NECESSARY in Order to Dispose of an Immense Stock of W inter Clothins^. Store Open Evenings from Saturday, December 17, Until Christmas.


X l i . M aaay H . W ill Both * I . . U . In Itoo-W hii* (h r U n v .n i-

m cn t’i r^ lon ln l F .IIc!t '•honlil nr,W A S IU N a T O N , D « a U .-C o lo n e l W ill-

h m JcnntnKB B rysti arrivrd « t » oV Iock u . t n ix h t over t l i . SoiU hrm M allw ay from C a v a n n a li, Mr wub mr-t at the deput by • d r lr ca tlo n o f rep r i'.iiitn ilv * D em ocrats, h ea d ed b y M essrs, h a lirr . Lam b, o f Vlr> g ln la , and H ay , o f V lrijlnle.

C olon el B ryan w as conducted to h is old f tu a rters In th e U c tro p o llt in H ote l, w here h e received th e o o n fra iu la tlo n s o f m an y tn th u s la s t lc friends, w ho had been a w a il- An« h ie arriva l. H e looked th e p ictu re o f h e a lth and happiness, and w aa com u ll- p ien ted b y a ll on h is gra cefu l re tirem en t grom th e arm y.

A fte r ck p la tn ln c th a t hJa tr ip from Ba- p a n n a h h ad been sa fe and p lea sa n t, he fntui a sk ed w hat h e th ou gh t th e D em o- p ra tlo tssu ea tn UM w ould b*.

-1 sh o u ld s a y th e m on ey q o estlo n tin-

fio u b ted ly ,” replied C olonel B ry a n . “ 1 e v e th e C hlcaco p latform s t il l em b od ies

th e se n tim e n ts o f th e m a ss o f th e ,A m e r i­c a n p eo p la I can see no reason for' a hop- t ila r ch a n g e o f mind on a n y o f th e leauea d efined In th e la st n ation al p la tform ."

"Then y o u do not th in k th e w a r w ill g leu d th e old question?" w a s asked .

" I do n ot see w h y It should ," replied C olon el B ryan . "The fa ct th a t p eop le are t a lk in g ab o u t th e w ar d oes n o t ni'oea- ao r lty Indicate th a t th ey h a v e ab and on ed fo r m e r Ideas w blch have no re feren ce to th e w ar. P eop le can d lscu sa m a c te r i o f tem p o ra ry Interest w ith o u t fo rg e tt in g

'^helr p o lit ica l v lew e anq abiindonlng th e ii (K illtica l principles.", A re feren ce to (ha sta tem en t leaned by C o lo n e l B ry a n In S avann ah w aa m ade.

“I th in k a great error h a s lieen m ade o v e r th e queetton o f (h e PhUlpptnen in j iid g ln g th e popular m ind," sa id C olon el .p r y a n . "T he sentim ent w h ich op p oses th e M v ln g b ack o ( th e F h lllp p ln es to S p a in h a s UHsm mIsCaken fo f a sen tim en t In fa v o r dot an n ex a tio n . U na does n ot fo llo w from .'Bha o th e r by a n y m eans. T here la th e w M a a t p ossib le difference b etw een th e m - ^ b l l s h m e n t o t ah Independent g o v er n m en t | n th e P h ilip p in es and th e a n n e x a tio n o f g h o a e Island s a s colonial poasesd lons o f th e U n i t e d S ta tes .

" L st u s g iv e to the F lllp ln oe w h a t w e Gbava prom ised to g ive th e C u b a n s T h a t 'U D em ocra tic . T h s se is in g o f t h t Islan d s la ‘m ot. T o d o th a t w e should h a v e to forget sev a ry th in g w e h ave learned w ith in th e la s t h u n d r e d y ea rs. Instead or b rea th in g the tb p lr lt o f L igfayette, w e w ould bcoum a be- [ lle v sr a In th e p olicy o f W arren H a stin g s , ra f w e b e liev e la the acquisition s t th e P h il-' sipp lnee: w e m u st assu m e th a t la f a y e t t e ' s fo m y m is ta k e w a s In leav in g tree tb s lund igie h ad b elped to m ake tree.

"W a h a v e resp on sib ilities In th e m a tter if th s Ph ilip p in es, and th e grea t ra sp on sl-

j l l l t r Ilea In th e n ecess ity o f g iv in g them I th e ir frsad o in and p reventing th e ir rao- id eatatlon 1^ foreign governm en ts."1 C olon el B ryan Is on h li w ay to L in co ln . W e b . H e w flt remain In W a sh in g to n fo r ^ v e r a l d a y s .

•ILTBC C AVIIl A HOT OBb ATK.,^ s w s y ODsatlon H ot O aasldar.il a P eU llo a l

M atisr a t Asbnry Park.A S B U B T P A B K . Dec. lS .-T h o read ing

iJbt a com m u n ication from th e K x seu tlv s IC om m lttee o f the Ind ianapolis m on etary iM n v e n tla n preolbitated an acr lm on loas U e b a ta y esterd a y aftsrnoon a t th e an n u al nnnsatlBg o f th e loca l Board o f T rada. T h e rsom m unloatloD urgad th s osn u n erc la l or- n n ly a t lo n a o f th e county to w ork u n ited ly

' t o eeou re eoneervatlve an d le a eo a a b le cn on etary lesdalatlon th a t w ill g iv e th e go ld stand ard the perm anent form o f la w ,

^ elim in a te certain w ia k n esea s from th e w ystem , an d so to i i l fy it th a t a ll form a o f A m arloan m oney w ill be read ily reco g n is­e d a t th e ir face va lu e the w orld o ver . T ba B oard o f Trade w a s aidted to ad op t a p e i' e lu tio n u rging th e ca llin g o f a ip e c la l s e t - sioD o f Congrvaa to deal w ith m on etary Jr


R av. I. p i ^ _ a u e th q d la tpraaoher^who stomped the State for Bit- an and free silver & inc, /enouBoed the 1 eobeiae ered In a1 aHUiatM prMounaA

A t i ---------.■-------- AY* W " J—ta m e t h t O ram unloatlon , b ut w aa o u t- w h o la a Aie-

, K ln le y D em ocrat, d ecB ed th a t th e doMK w e n t w a s o f a M lllle a l n ature.

Mr. O il! then a t t e m p t ^ t o ouieuap th a s i lv e r (luestlon , and w a s d e c la im o u t o f

m v a r e . H eoom in .B dtd for M rs. BIMbIm i g er B eeauH h p a n ie I tsw rted H er,

Boroitl to ths EVEMINO MGWg.TK K KTON, D ec. 15.—S pecia l M aster

John B. H u m p h reys, to-d ay au bm lited to the C hancellor a report recom m ending th at C aroline E llen berger , o t the Ixirough o f E a s t R uth erford , B ergen C oun ty, be g iven an ab so lu te d ivorce from her hua- liand, John E llenberger, w ho te suppoeed to be in N ew York, on th e grounde ^ d e­sertion.

Mrs. E llen berger Is s lx ty -o n e y e a r s o t age and her sp ou se la ab out s ix ty -se v e n years old. T h ey w ere m arried In US? in N ew York C ity , a fte r a m on th '! cou rtsh ip , and lived to g eth er Just five w eek s. M rs. E llen berger Is com fortab ly h xed fln an - c la lly and con d u cts tb s hardw are b usineas th at w as carried on by her first husb an d, John L aug, prior to his death In i s n . T h s Special M aster rsp orted th a t E llen b erger deserted h it 4 l f e b ecau ss o f tb s f a c t th a t he had m arried her In th s exp ec ta tion th a t sh e w ould support him w ith out requ ir in g him to w ork, or th a t sh e w ould fu rn ish him m oney to em bark In busineaa, w blch ex p ec ta tio n s w ere not fu lfilled .

Mrs, E llen berger testin ed th a t a f te r h er flr it husband’s d eath , sh e sold ou t th e hardw are b u sin ess and w en t to liv e tm E ast F ou rth street. N ew T ork C ity . S h e m et Binenbrrger a t ber brother’s bouae. In N ew York, being Introduced to h im by a Mrs. H offm an, w ho lived c lo se by. M rs. E llen berger sv e r s th at M rs. H offm an told her E llen b erger w a s a good m an pnd w ealth y ,

"1 on ly sa w him a couple o t tim es," sh e a lleg es , "when h e asked m e to m arry h im , an d a s Mrs. H offm an la id h e w a s a g a o l m an and had m oney, I b elieved her and con sen ted to m arry him ."

In a tew w eek* th ey w ort m arried a t th e residence o f R ev. F ranols J. Sch neid er, p astor o t a L utheran church In N ew Y ork C ity , A fter th e m arriage Mr. and M rs E llen berger took up their reeld en ce a t w hat had been. M rs. L a n g ’s h om e, on F ou rth street. N ew York, M r s L a n g had liv ed a lon e a t th e p lace, w ith on e ser ­van t. T h e w ife ch argee th a t ab out th e second w eek s t ie r th e m arriage BIlenbeT, ger b egan to aek ber tor m on ey , s ta t in g th a t he w a n ted to go in te b u s in e ss lit B rook lyn , M rs. M llenberger s a y s sh e did not h a v e m ore than a tb o u ia n d d o tla r i in ready cash , and ahe refused to g iv e It to him , te llin g him he ou gh t to w ork . S he a lleg es h e sa id , "W hat, a m an m arry a rich w om an and th en h a v e to g o to w o r k r ’ F in a lly her repeated re fu sa la to g iv e h im m on ey angered h im so th a t h e le f t Her, an d th e cou p le h ave n ot liv ed tog eth er alDce.

M rs. E llen b erger continued to liv e In N ew York until 18M, w hen th e re tu rn ed to E a st R uth erford and rep u rob aied th e hard w are estab lish m en t, w h ich b u sin ess sh s s till conducts.

--------------------s-------------------F O liN B P B I V n tO n t T H E CANAL.

D roB lu B Mbb f m n H o r r ls tew a N early F erleh ed la lOy W aters Meer D ey er ,

gpwlal Jo lb* EV BNIN a NBWg.D O V E R , Dao. U .—A m an , v er y drunk

an d v er y cold, w a s fou nd d r iv in g a h o rse in th e bed o f th * can a l, n ear th s ra cetra ck o t th s D over L an d an d D riv in g P a r k As-i so c la tlo n , in th is oU y, 'ab oa t U o 'c lock TusBday n ig h t T h e m an w aa to o d ru nk to te ll bow h e g o t in or to k now b o w to get ou t, o r w h ere h e w an ted to go . A ll th a t ha oou ld s a y w a s th a t b s w aa fro m M orria- tow n . H e bad been In th e w a te r , an d hla o lo th as w ere froaen t t l l f . T h e h orse w ga a lm oat ex h a u sted from b ein g d riven In th e ley w aters .

A rth u r L a ser , w h o liv e s n ea r th e ta o e - traok , and R ob ert D eH art, h eard th e m an ’s cr ies, and to g e lh tr t h s y m an aged to g e t horse, m an and w a g o n o u t o f t !^ can al. II II II iimBi * ISI ■ .1111 III

O ast q f D ip h th er ia a t P r laaetoa .P R IN C E T O N . D ec. U .- T h e h an d som e

club h ou se Of tb s Iv y Club In P ro sp ec t a v a . nuc Is oloasd u n iu a fter th e O nrlstm aV' h o lid ays, and M d u sra n ilM d on aooou nt o f a c a se o f d lp h O itf lg .. F . C, O toldsboh ou gb , a m em ber o t th e tlu b , is o t preaent eonOnsd In th s InteotlOR w ard a t th e In­firm ary. T h t h ea lth au th or ities decided (h at It w aa b est to oloae th e club an d ten d th e m tm b «rs hom e. T h is w a s d on e y s« - terday. N o t s a r la en tsr ta ln sd o t a ip rsa d o f th s d liea M , a* every p rsca o tto n h a i been takan to p iw vtnt a n ep ldem lo, and th s lU n sts o f l K . O oM iborough h a t been prqnounaed o f a a light natursT

dapaasss Lahertrs IksSalnsd.S A N F R A N C ISC O , D ec, U ,-U n lta d

S ta te s Im m U ratlon CommlsaloneT N orth h a s d sta ln e d tOr sx a ss ln a tto e th lr ty -S v e Jap ansen eon trao t laborers, w h o h a v e ar­rived her* on th e P ac ific l i la n d C om - p anyia ite a m e r A lloe B laoeh ard , m m l h o C llpperten D nanp IM abda T h e « s a « * r « b liw T a t H onolidii, a n d th e lr tgrm ^St M h* tra o t h a s a o t y e t s t p l n d . ■

M om intllon s M ade by th e iF re tU en t A greed to bjr th o BenM«*

W A BH INO TO N , D ec . 1 6 ,-T h e Senate confirm ed th ese n o m in a tio n s yesterday;

N athan O. M urphy, A r ito n a . to be Oov- ernor ot A rlsona.

To be C onsiils—A lex a n d er N olgartn er, of Ohio, Catania, I ta ly , an d Joh n W . Lutx, of Ohio, Arica, C hill.

To be m em bers o f th e In d u str ia l Com­m ission—Thom as W . P h ilip s , o f P en n sy l­van ia; A ndrew L. H a r r is , o f Ohio; John L K ennedy, D is tr ic t o f C o lu m b ls; E llison A. Sm yth, o f S o u th C aro lin a ; John M. Farquhar, o f N ew Y ork , a n d M ichael D. R atchford, o f In d ian a .

C olonels to be B rigad ier-G en era l*—H am ­ilton 8. H aw k in s. J a co b F . K ent, O uy V. H enry and W illiam 8 . W orth .

L ieutenan t-C olon els to be C o lo n e ls -^ a v - a lry , T hom as M cG regor sn d Sam uel E . WbttsJde; in fan try , E d g a r R . K ellogg, R ichard C om bs, H a rry C. E gbert, Edwin M. C oates, G eorge H . R an d a ll, W illiam 8. W orth, W illiam M , W h erry , John H. P a t­terson, H enry It. F r e e m a n and Clarencs M. B ailey.

U eutoD ant-C otonel H e n r y w . Law ton to b e Insp ector-G en eral, w ith the rank o f Colonel.

L ieutenan t-C olon el A m o s S. Kimball, De­p artm ent G u arterm aster-O enural. to be A iils ta n t Q u arterm aster-U en eru l, w ith th e rank o t C olonel.

Corps o f E n gin eers—T o be Colonel, L lsu - tenant-C olonel S am u e l M. Munstleld,

To be M ajor-G eneral—llrlgad ler-U eneral Jacob F , K ent.

Cotmiels to be B rigad ier-G en erals—E d­w ard P. P tarson , W illia m it. W orth, John H . Paga, W illiam M . W herry, H arry C. E gb srt, E van M iles, H en ry I'arroll, E m ­erson H . IJ icu m , Josep h 'P. H askell, C harles D . V lele , A nron H. D aggett, John H . P atterson , T h eod ore A. Baldw in, C harles a . m m i e r .

Brigadier-G enerals to be Mujur-Generals —S am usi B. M. Y oun g . T hom as M. Ander­son, A rth ur M aeA rlh ur, Kraiiela V. Oroene, W illiam L u d lo n . S.-iimiel 8. S um ­ner;.C olonels to bs U rlga d ier-G en eia ls-S a in -

uel oven sh ln e. C h ar les M>'C. Heeve, Irving H ale , R ichard C om ba, John F. W eston, E d gar R. K allogg.

L lautsoant-C olD nela to he R rlg id ler- O enerals—E ars P . E w ers, Charles F. H um phrey, G ilbert 8 . Cartjeiiter, John W, Cloua.

A ssistan t N a v a l C onstru ctora Thom as F . R uhm , L a w ren ce 8p ea r and Frank U, Seahm to be N a v a l C onstructors.


T w o H en s a d a H o r se th e V lcltm t o f an A w ld eB t.

N O B R IflT O W N . P n „ D ec. 16 .-A grade croesln g aqctdent, In w h ich tw o m en end a faorsa lost th e ir l iv e s , (incurred a t Camp HUI crosalng on th e N o rth Penn division o t th e P h lla d sip h ia an d R ending Railroad T u esday a ftern oon . Jo h n E. Price, aged forty-B ve y ea r s , o t C tu b street. Plilladel- phla, and C harles M egnrgcc, aged tw enty- one years, o f C h e lten h am avenue, tier- m antow n, a ttem p ted to cross the railroad traoks In fron t o f th e B c lh ieb em ex p rsn , and aa a p en a lty paid th e ir lives.

From papers fo u u d u pon th e bodies o f th e tw o man It I* b e lieved th ey w ere em ­ployed b y W a lte r M leh en er, o f Oerraan- tow n, an d w ere c a n v a a s ln g In tb e country d istr ic ts. W h en th e ir te a m w as crosalng th s track s th e p ilo t o f th e en g in e stru ck t h t bores w ith terr ib le force and In­s ta n tly k illed tb e an im a l. T b e veh icle w a s reduced to k in d lin g w ood and th e two men hurled so m e d tste n c e from tb e traoke. Mc- g er g se 's sk u ll w a s cru sh ed and h e waa o th erw ise Injured. P r ice w a s a lso badly cu t about th e h ead . B o th w ere killed In- Btantly, .

W hen th a h orse w a s s tru ck It fell utmn th e eou lhbound tra ck , an d had th e en x l- noer o f an a p p roach in g tra in not been slg- nalled a w reck w o u b f h a v e followed.

— y '’’ ......... ... ,U aean-W bltR eld .

N E W YO R K . D ec . U .-J o lin W ahl <Jue*n. a t y A tto rn ey o f J e r e w C ity, and U l s i R eb ecca B ird W hUSald w ere m arried y e sterd a y a ftern oon a t t h e re ild en et o f th e bride’s paren ts, IWJ*^**? d eren ty -fou rtb stree t. O nly re ls llv e a and InUm aia friends o f th e bride s» d groom w ere present, 'th e b rid esm aid s Wire M Us V irginia K . Van L su v e n lg h W hllllsld and Bu« Bird W h ltd sld , L o u is A pgar (JUMm

. - I I. S "" ~OspUlB (P B r ie a ’s N ew C um auBd.

N E W YO R K , D eo, 16. - " D y n a » l t e Jobs. bF* O 'B rlm M arled fo r C ulm Y N U rda) on board th e l i t t le ferry b o a t J . f i . Brink, erhoff, w hich h e ex p ec t* *o *»••• .th e w ay uadW her ow n s te a m right Into H a­va n a N a i W . w v e n m en accom panied

5 lm. C s ^ N e>H rten e x p « t a J o reach A v a a ^ b CkrU^maa. D a y , H e w ill Meant


Th* r r ln e e to a p rofessor Fnrm sU y Ordain­e d In N ew Y ork X**l*rdsy-.Hle Ae-

U an o f L ast Spring R eview ed.N E W Y O R K , Dec, 16 ,-T h e R ev . Dr.

C h arles W . Bhlelds, o f Princeton ITnt- v er slty , w h o le f t the F resbyierlan Cburch for th e P r o te sta n t Episcopal ear ly In th is year , w a e ordained to be a deacon o t th e la tter C hurch yeatarday m orning, lY is or­d ination s erv ice w ae held bt th e chapel o f th e G ood Sbepberd General T h eo log ica l S em in ary , C h elsea Square, a t 11 o ’clock . O nly a f e w sp ecta tors w ere present. It th e ftu d e n ts o t tb e le m ln sr y be excep ted .

B ish op L ittlejoh n , of Long Island , pre­sen ted tb e can d id ate to B lihop Bcarbor- ou gh , o t N e w Jersey , w ho conferred th e ap oeto llc r ite o f con ilrm itton by tb e le y - tng on o f banda. B ishop M cLaren, o t C hi­cag o , read th e ep istle tor. th e d ay tn th e ce leb ra tion o f th e holy com m union, w hich fo llow ed th e ordination. The R ev . D r. A l­fred B, B ak er, rector o t T rin ity C hurch, P rin ceton , preached th e ordination se r ­m on, T b e lita n y w as said by D ean E . A. H offm an.

D r. Sbleldn’a devotion to th e c a u se o f church u n ity , w hich he had lo n g labored for, an d certa in doctrinal pobita w hich th e E p iscop al Church held and p ractised m ore In accord an ce w ith h is ow n c o n v ic tio n s, had d raw n him stron gly tow ard th a t C hurch. H is rc'SOluUDn lo leaV* th e P r e s ­b y terian fo ld w as hastened b y th e a g ita ­tion over th e P rinceton Inn and w h a t h e considered th e fan a tica l v iew s o t m an y lea d in g P resb yter ian s, It Is th o u g h t prob­ab le th a t h e m ay be ordained to th e p r ie s t­hood w ith in a year . H eantlm a h e w ill con tin u e to occupy his chair a t P r in ceton , th a t o f h arm on y o f science and rev ea ledreligion.

—-----------------a— --------------L'RRFICW CAUHEI A ROW.

Kveryliody In Vineland Taking NMea fo r o r A g sln e t the Prnpoted O ra ineacs.

V IN E L A N D , D ec. 16.—C urlew h a s raised a Jolly row here, and It Is the ta lk o f th e tow n. T w o o f th e leaders o f th e M eth od ist d en om in ation are a t odds over th a cu rfew o rd in an ce n ow pending before th e B or­ou gh C oun cil, M rs. M artlta K e ig b ly , p res­ident o f th e W om an’! C hristian T em p er­a n ce P n lo u and a leading m em ber o t th e F lrat M. E . C hurch, Is a itr o n g a d v o c a te o f th e c u r fe w ordinance. She procured a lo t o f s ig n a tu r e s to a petition ask in g tor th e ad option o t th e ordinance and p resen ted It to th e B o ro u g h Council.

R ev , E ll G ifford, pastor o f th e Ifirat M. E. C b u rch and president o f th e W est J e r ­sey G rove C & m pm eetlng A ssoolaU on, to o k ex c ep tio n s to Mrs. K elgh ly 's s ta te m e n ts th a t n o th in g but good could co m e from th e c u r fe w law . H s called on C onnell to h ear th a o th er s id e o f th e question an d d e ­n ou n ced th e cu rfew a s severe, u n -A m en - oan an d n n ju st.

H o t a rg u m en t* follow ed b etw een th e m in ister a n d M rs. R elgh ly and tb e C oun cil A nally had to procla im a truoa and a rra n g * for a n o th e r m eetin g , w hen the eu r few ite s and an tl-o u rfew U es can m a rsh U th e ir fo rce s an d figh t the b a ttle to a fin ish .. N ea r ly e v e r y on e In tow n t i ta k in g aide* In th e co n troversy . ^


A g p ss e h la th e B s le h s t s g - ’r h e O abaa gu gar happly.

B E R L IN , D ec, 16.—In th e R elo b sta g y e s ­terd ay th s d eb ate on th e budget w a s co n ­tin u ed . C ou n t von Kardorft, leader, o t th e F ree ' C oo eerv a tlv es , oondem ned " ■ •n tl- m en ia t G erm an sym path y w ith 8p a in ," an d w elcom ed th e appearance o f th e " grea t an d v igorou s A m erican n a tio n '’ am o n g th e co lon isin g P o w e n . R e eaM h e hoped th a t . In accordance w ith B ism a rc k 's p rin cip le , com m ercia l q ueitlon a w ou ld b e k e p t sep a r a te from po litica l re la tio n s , to r . If th is w ere done, G erm any oou ld be on very g o o d term s w ith tha U n ited flta ta s

B a ro n v o n Thielm ann, Im peria l Beore- ta r y o t th e T reasury, denied th a t C u b a

A R ed Cross M orse Ssjrs They Are B e in g T reeted Badly.

H O N O L D H T , D ec. 7 v ia San F rancisco , D ec. 15.—T he U nited Btete* transport Scan dia h a s arrived hero from M anila, w hich p lace sh e le ft N ovem ber l!i,» Bho b rin gs a num b er o t uffleere, n inety-one d is ­ch arged and fu rlou gh ed m en and tw o Red C ross n u rses. S h e brin gs the l ir g c s t m a ll th a t e v e r le f t M an lla -Z D sack s to r Sau F ran c isco and on e fur H onolulu.

T h e v esse l w ill resum e her voyage on or ab ou t th e ten th in sta n t. M iss Behseffer, a Rod C ross n u rse , w ho w en t from H onolulu to M aiills, a rr iv in g there Septem ber S6, retu rn ed here. She m ak es s t ir t l ln g ch a rg es s s to th e w ay U nited S ta tes so l­d iers are tak en care o f In M anila.

" Scores Of th e sold ier boys," she la y s , "are d y in g In th e h o sp ita ls at h lanila Just fo r w an t o f propet nourishm ent. T h ey ■ay th e G overn m en t a l'ow a sla ty cen ts a d ay for each p a tien t. You can save doaens o t lives on flve c e n ts a day.

"Oh. th e u tte r w oe o f the hoapltal*' The h elp lesan ess o f th em ! .Men as bright, a s noble a s God ever made, givva up to d eath , h op in g fur It, arcking it, tak in g poison, d o in g an y th in g that w ill end tiie d espair th a t com es upon them.

"Boeing 'noth ing befuro them but d ays o f pain and n ig h ts of w retchedness, w ith ­ou t proper food, alone, w ith no -one to g iv e them sy m p ath y or chcir. lu w rite to frien ds, to southe the H.hliig brow s or m oisten p arched liiie, if. i-y sheer endur­an ce o f n ature or oti.ulnai'y o f v ita lity th ey du get b elier. then- is before th em n oth in g but the still inure cheerless period o f con va lescen ce, w ith the prebahllUy o f a re lap se and llic old w eariness o f despair to be sulTerod again . No wunder there aro ■lx o r seven ftintralH a day. N o w onder th e doadhouse is never empty,

"A nd otilHldu tile huspltal, and even In It. auch Indiffcrehce. I’otiy consideration or rank and pualtioii, aijtml'Iiles about pre- aedenee, laek o f e'MisId.Tution in jire. BCiiblng and preparing r.jo.i, w lille men a r e dying, itoi hier. 1> of tu'urt hunger, but (or wuht of nonilHiiment.

'I have gupic through llie w ards day a fte r day, and I spoke lo th is one and th a t , and ile iy poured out Uielr w ues. M en w ho do not w ear their h earts on th e ir a le fves cried fur the pure agony of th e ir lonellncbs and desiialr, m ade p o ig ­n an t and vivid by (hHr own tellin g of it,

'I g o t so 1 ju st euul'l not go through the Wards. V\ hat eenid 1 do? 1 sa w th e need o f care, of l>i ep' r nourishm ent, o f liio m o st ord inary hiwplial treatm ent, and waa u t- lar ly heiplesa to do an yth in g; Just one co g in the great rem oraelo is grinding m a ­ch in e w hose m nietitil w a s noble m en uiid w h o se grist death.

"1 do liOt nii'aii that a tton d an ls o f the h osp ita ls are careless or Im llftcrenl, M any a re try ing to do tholr beet. There Is a lo t o t wurlliliie:<» and uiiseinshtieHS am on g th s atlendaniF at the h osp lla ls . But th ere Is so Inueli ,io sperlenee., so m any c lo g s to th o se w-lie wuitl'l do m uch. To th in k Of an attendant going through a ward w ith a pall of beef I'lidh. lad ling It out to th e n t » or s ix ty p atien ts Ind iscrim inately by th e enp full, in ib« w hole pall there w a s not enough noiirltilinient for one, even It it w ere mtele of ilie b est m aterial. B u t w h a t It really w as n u d e o t 1 shu t m y a y es and rtfu se to im agine. In a w h o le w ard there Is not m ore that) one nuroe w ith experience, and for helpers on ly on* or tw o sw kw aril to y s w ho perhsp* n ev er sa w a sick twini liefope.

eouJd p o a ilb ir tp th s near fu ttira su p p ly th e w h o le A m erfcan sugar m arkat. A m a r. tea. h e sa id , re q u ir ed l,IM<).lin torn a a n u . a lly . C u b a , h e fo re the revuluUDa, had su p p lied a b o u t l,d!Xl,tllH) ton s, but th e a u n p iv had d w in d led aw a y lo KO,lloi> ton s m n e t th e w ar, a n d It would tak e a lo n g tim e to rostor* t h e devaatoted p lan tatlono.

M eaay Oasa* Has, KUlod B toao ll, H IL W A U K B 4 Wlf„ Doo. U .- B in i a n

Btahlsohmidt, thirty-two yoarg old. haa boon found doad In bed wltn tha g m tu rn -od on . H o w a s th a son o f a h ^ l of a m n il iainit'a m a n u fa c tu r er lit Wagtir, an d h ad b oen In th is cqunttTwm

n o f ml__ _ ou(ollow InE h is p rotew lon o t m l*

I noor. l i e h a d received large sum a 'n b tn th e o ld cou n try , w hich .. free ly . F o r th o lu st tw e m onths hh

>dY s-

« « ■

dng a s (dos* a s panit-

did not ixima. and he waa foroad t

ha would eonunlt suicide.

OtMrsleil on e K n eck -h esod T en th .B A Y O N N E , D ee. H .—An operation w a s

porform ed In the new S t. Lufce'i IL ispItal

E O terdsy atlei'noon on W illiam M organ, you th o f ecven leen years, w ho h as been lock-knred since birth. T he operation

w aa to rcm eily thi* deform ity , 'The su r ­g eo n s cu tefu lly d ivided the h am str in g S iu sciee on .M organs legs a fter he w a s P laced under the inA uence o f an asth etloa , and then sew ed up, the IncW oii* throu gh w hteh th ey operated, T h e patient w a s re- m o v r i to a (tot on w hich J^e w ill rem ain u n til th e w ounds h ea l. T h ere ta overjr p ro lp ec t tlia t he w ill le a v e t h o lo s p l t a i With p erfect lim b* ____________ _

H oisied tho b ter i and mrlpM .P lN A R D E L RIO. Cuba, D eo. 16,-KJan-

■ rsID iiv Is follow ed th e cerem on y Of h o lft- tai th e AmeVlcan flag ab ove th e C ity H all, wKmS t v X place on T uesday, by lu o ln g a brief proeluntatloh. H e then rev iew ed th e U nited S ta tes and Cuban troop* In th e e lty and conferred w ith prom inent ojtl- M oa regarding m unicipal sd iB ln lsW tton and th s a f fa lr s o f th* proirinoA T h e t ln ltM

.B tatoa troops are q u w tered about a rati* a n d a quarter ou t o f tow n. T hs C uban soldlara^w iil probably b* anrolled aa oon- atab u lary. _______

T e Man *he C hito ts.PO R T T O W N S E N D . W ash.. Dec. 16,—

Th* N ippon YUsvn K«l"lia lln w K lnshlu M w u h M iirrlved Irom the Ortcnl w ith !»1 Jap u n ese b luejacket* and oflicers on their w ay to S a n F ranolsco lo m en tho n ew

[■! Jap ah eas oru lser C hitoae, built lu th a t * S » y .


In g I Ao

F a ilu r e to Serur* e U norum F r o v e a is ■ M eeting.

P H IL A D E L P H IA , D ec. l* .~ T h a annual m eetin g of (ho etrw kholders o f th * K eely M otor Company, w hich w a s to h a v e taken p lace yesterday m orning, cou ld n o t ha hold b ocauso o f tha absence o f a q uorum , A m ajority o f the IW.Uid sh a r es o f th e com ­p a n y w ore nscossary to h o ld a m eetin g, and yesterday m orning on ly *.BFr shares w ere represented. P realdent B . L. A ck- erm ann, of N ew York, fatted to appear, and Secretary B chuellerm ann presided. T h e on ly business tran aso ted w a s the rea d in g o f a com m unication from Mr. A ckerm ann and adjournm ent u n til D e­cem b er 20,

P resid en t Ackermann** le t lr r detailed th e death o f Mr. K eely an d hi* efforts to g o t an Interview w ith Mr*. K e e ly . w hich f in a lly resulted In a co n feren ce w ith her a tto r n e y , Charles B. H ill, on D ecem b er 6. T h a le tter continues;

"On th e eeventh bo w rolo th a t h e 'Would p rap are a w ritten sta tom oin and present th e sam e to me not la te r than th e tw en tie th aa to h is opinion o f tho re la tio n s e x is t ­in g b etw een Urn. K eely, a s ex e c u tr ix o f o f th e esta te , and the K eely M otor C om -

^ • I n an sw er, I suggi etcd an ea r lier date, b u t up to date, tlie iw .'n tle th etan d s as th o d a y fixed. This action o f th e board w a i tak en In view of the followrtng;

'F trst. On Infurm allon rece ived dur- Ihe lifetim e o f K eely,

Secon d , On resolution o f th e board, p a ssed O ctober ■£>, iws, by w lileh R udolph w a s se lected by Ki ety a s ex p e r t, to pro­d u c e resu lt* on tlrst H rcuU en g in e , ami ap potn U n g Mrs, Kci ty and m y s e lf tru stees o f th e p a ten t papers to be fllBd In I 'a tin t Offleo, In ca se of em ergency.

’"Tbirt. On not Ijolng aw ar* o t a n y u n ­fr ien d ly o r h osllle aeitllm en t# o t Ibe e x ­e c u tr ix o f th e es ta te aga in st th e K e e ly Mo­to r C om pany, or any uf Ks d irectors , nor w ere w e oven aware of an y re a so n w h at­e v e r w h y such stanuld or m ig h t e x is t .

" F o n rlh . On dircet in fo rm a tio n fnini K e e ly th a t m dnuscrlibs w ere In eils ir .iu .. e x p la in in g Dot only (be p ra ctica l oi>ets- tlon o f a ll d ev ices tn ach ln ery an.l s.i fo rth , but a lso hla tiii.urie« and th e p in OHophy of h is diacavery.

" F ifth . K now ing, o)', s i le a st , p resum ­in g , th a t w ith such m a n u scr ip l* In ti"' IK tH fsslon o f th e com p an y, In arfolllun (o th e devtoes, m ach in ery , and so' forth, th e r e w ould exlat a very fa v o ra b le chance In a tta in in g resu lts , and th a t w ithout su c h , ’or th e aan ie p apers lo posHesaluii u f u n fr ien d ly or h ostile p erso n s unknow n to u s, th e condition under su c h h ypolh eais ap peared to m e very p roh lem ailea i uf e v e r g e tt in g a t resu lis, or If s o a t a n y tim e, o n lyT n th e far future?^___________


V a lu e e f a C klld ’t LI e t e C am e Up In C eurl le r th e T hird T Iu ie .

.1K H 0B T CITY, Dec. 16.—O n th * ca le n ­d a r o f th e Bupreme C'oui't bran ch o f th e H udson C ounty CIrculi for th e present term Is th e ca se o t A braham L incoln G ra­ham ag a in st th e C unsulblaled T raction C om pany, w hich becam e co n sp icu o u s be­c a u se o f th e opinion o t J u st ice G um m are In se ttin g aside th* v e n llc l. an opinion th a t caused considerab le cr itic ism a s th e C ourt held th at under the la w a ch ild Is a cor* an d an exp en se, and th a t large d a m a g es oould not be cla im ed for th e lo ss o f a sm a ll child, a s it rm d ered no ser­v ic e to Its p areiita

G raham ’s four-year-old son . M elville, w a s killed by a trolley ca r In fro n t a t h is p aren ta’ hom e on York s t r e e t S u it waa in a tltu u d , and Graham o b u ln ec l s o aw ard o t HOOD dam ages. The ca se w a s appealsd . and the Suprem e C ourt s e t th * vardlcf a s id e . Urdliani refused to com p rom ise, and th e case w as sga ln tried an d a g a lii be obtained an sw ard o f IS.OOO d a m ^ e e , Th* c a s e w as t g t in appealed and th e verdlot w a* set aside. I t w as on tb e seco n d ap­p ea l th a t Ju stice O um m ere w ro te tb e op in­ion th a t sraused ■» m uch c o m in e iu .

I t Is said that If the verd ict sh o u ld again be for E.WO the Suprem e C ourt w ill u a l In. tertere . ________ ______________

WoinsB CoBTlel Keoaptnred.R O C K LA N D , Me., D eo. 16.—B o e e Carson

W h ite , serving sentenoo to r m a ssla u g h - ter , w ho esesp ed from th * M ain e S ta te Prison at Thom aston. w aa recan lu red last n ig h t In the tow n o f O u tb ln g, T h e prison­er w a s found a t tho house w h e re ih e call- ad ask in g tor food. B o th h er fe e t w ore froaen and sh e appeared ^ a d to get backto w arm quarlero. Char! w h o escaped In la y e t a t large.

to gi K. p 'l______ _______________ um oier,

w h o escaped In com pany w ith B o s e W hite, lar*

R eee lter W anted b e XHstUlere.T R E N T O N , D ec. 16,-A p p lic a t io n

been m ad# to C h an oS lor MoOHl for apjpolBtneBt o f b receiver fo r th o Great W h it* B plrlli Com pany. T h e appUcatlop bt n w d e by th e A m erloao B itrefy Com-

h a itbe

. - ____ _ _y th e A m erloao BitretYp any o t N ew York and th e A tla s N s- flon a ) B ank ot ^ s t o n . and d e d a ree flint

■ ■ ■ g lth liab ilitiesth e corajMny Is Insolvent

u o!?5" B an k tit,61k

f tnt,le A'

l .n k U , sga ln ot a s se ts ot ABjcrloan S u rety C om pany a claim „*« aiSr th* olalm o f th * A tU * Ha«

A LTU ELD w o r l d G IV E N O F JtA X O H n jI^

Op|H»M*» V le ld lB f 4 l i j t h |B f itn M # 'K a llir ftr t-A fa liiM Plmip

(iH lC A a O , D w . O o tereo rAltffHd, In «n ln i«rvl»w on hi#pusUlon In th e f lfh t e fa in e t (b e fifty -y ea r f r t n e h iu ex ten sion , ■tldi

"Our p e o p it aro miLklng % t r t x t blunder In ih e fight. T hey urt putting o ff (w o y e g n a t le e i t th o day w hen (h e m u- nIdpalJty w ill ow n itr e e t i and th # railw ay* on ihoM K reels.

"Tbe cortK»r#tloni tr e ih arp «nough to ■ee th a t tb e y c«n fh elv# th ie QuwUon #nd get th eir fr iin r h lir i ettonded to tw o n ty y e# r f for # sm « ll oom pensatton b y g r id - u t liy y ie ld in g w ith i n 111 gm ec*W hy. th # t IB w h#t th ey reoJIy w in t* 4 lU th e Ume, und th e y w ill znakg # very good biirggin for tnem nolvee and # vory poor on e for th e o lty tf (h e con troveriy rM ultf th a t w ay."

Tho M ayor M ya the c ity wtll n ot b« abU to buy tho a treet ralJroadi for tw an ty yeara yet, and Uenounoa# th e ita te m e n t# o f tho form er OovertuH** and th e dght b e­tw een th e twQ l3«m ocratlc faction# la on Agnin, T h e M ayor*! frlondo oay U r, A lt- jceH haa allied h lm io lf w ith Terkea and tb « (iovernor to "dow n" th o Mayor.


Kiibenie o f U o o h m a k a n for th * K p aan p - tton o f lU c In g a t OoUenbUfB*

lin H O K K N , D ec. 15 ,-Joh n 0 'l* fa r y , a liotol-krr|ier a t N orth B ergen , w ho eaya lie Ime aecureJ, w ith Patr ick Bulllvan an d W-u-t Jli'ntzf-a a lf>a!o o f tho old OuUtm* hiiig n ice lra i'k property, aald y oo terd ay ; *'\Vi‘ 1/iicnd lo h a v e horneraclng, b u t w ill prohibit buokm aklug ojid b ettin g on tb # rtai-k. I f w c do th lt 1 do not aco h o w th # aijlhorltlea can interfery."

n ia uml«ir0tood th at U la tha In ten tion of houkm akora and poolroom men to a d - v.into mrm^y for tn« purw e. and IhH i .’i.cirliu't ih e ir gainbllna operatlonc oubelde uf Ihe raretraok pruuerty.

Ill nn liile rv h ’w yeatenluy R ev. W , R. o f ih f Wn»t Hoboken Heform«*d

i 'h u n h , w ho took an active part In tho I'l imuilt* agHlnat Ihe old G utUiipurir track , jittiil liiHt 1iM did not aeu how the a u th or !. ncM could Interfere wHh th« Icsitee o f th# track providing th a t bookm aklng and b et- (tiig prohUiTicd. "If tUry porm lt gans- iillng on Ihe iCHck," aaJd Mr. A ck er t ‘‘w#' ^ b ell iH'Kln an oth er cru iad e again at th«m.'*

S v a r r i i f u r I 'o r t la n d O It p d I 'p *l*U O V lN f'?'TU W N , M aw ., Dec* 1$.—T h a

(ixpoditlon In com m and of L ileuunant H al- plm* of th e hydrographic office In boaton . wiiU'h for th ree dayii has been fcarch ln ff tor iroo*-** of wreoka on the tip end o f Capo Cnd. th at o f the ateam cr P or tlan d am on g them , hat* boejt abandoned, an d u # L lcu lom m i har returned to B ohIop.

8111 m ST .A b a s u tlfv l H o *

Toilet Articles!B r u s h * * ,

C o m b * , n i r r o r * . C o l o r s * B o t tle *.

A v e r y M te c t g S A o r tn e a t o lJewelry I

S c a rf Plus,B ro o c h e s . L i n k B u tto n s ,

S t u d * ,L o c k e ts ,

W t t c h u . E t c .

Fancy Sapphires tP ris o n R l f h t ( « E v n r y o M .

O P E K B V E N I N O S ,

a i U I v T A M A .

I U r . x a a u a u . . tM A N -A n m o l* J W <t«lc*60e.l*i;jM .__

hniEe. «STEW£LT,‘S U W a sh ta g ta a llk ..

foe isle I* ^ Bf* Blv|l I g u p a * ltM A U s* M E *

m m mT H E T R O O P S A T CA M P TflOMAB.


i n T « of F o re ig n A m b a s e e d o n Bt

P ik in g OlTen a C o rd ia l R eoeption .


r M A ad lM M kr th a B a p * * *H a— 1 »* a ad ih a B a p ra * * ap« n * a L a ir ■ m 4* p b M R*d4 a Ipaaah B ip a a a la c p la e a a ia —L a a ck a o e fra ea d w a Tbaalrlaal B arlW a a B ca - A r a n n l l L a a c l i^ m s fa* Baali L a«r a f tka

PK K IN Q , D te . I t —T he numerou* dlffl- eultlM hav liia bean H nallr ovein im e, the Km preH D ow agar yaa la td ay granted an audience tc tha w tvea o f th e foralgn Am- la a a d o r a and U ln lttara . Th* ladlea aa- aamblad at th e BrlU -li Irfgallon ami pro- n ad ad tu iba pala>-n A t the em rance to Itt precinct* a group o f gorgaoualy arrayed M andarin* m at them and randocted them to the great hatl. from w hich aovaraJ Chineaa ladle* conducted them to tha uudl- rnea cham ber.

Tha Kinpreaa D ow ager waa aeatad upon a dal* behind a table decorated with chrya. antbam utni and ap plte, p u h th e Kmparor at her laft hand.

Ijady Clauda M acdonald, w ire o f th i Brltlah Uinta tar, aa D oyenne o f thi Dip­lom atic Co'pa, e-»d a ip eeeh in Kngllth eaprtaaing har pivaaure and that of lha uihar ladlea a l h ar in g an upporlunily to lender their cu tigra iu la lion a to the Km- prcaa Dowagar on her birthday, and alao aaprraalog lha hope th a t their i le p m ight ba foUowad liy tha ladlaa o f China.

Tha Mmpreta D ow agor h aving raturnad ihanka. tha India* m ounted ih* dal* and bowed befora her and Iht Kmperor. Har Majaaty than preaantad each w ith a tin g of pearl and gold , w hich ahe heraelf placed upon Iba raclp trnt'i Anger, a fter w hich the foralgn ladlea retired to an adjoining hall, w ^ r a a lurapluou* China** lunebaon waa •erred, Prln ieaa llh in g preaiding.

Afiar the luncheon a rrowil o f I'rlncaaaaa and p a la ie a tten d an t* entered the hall, followed hy ih e Bhnpret* D ow ager, w ho w ag acrom panled hy Ih t Kmpreat. The former la daacrlhrd aa "of ta llo w oom pleg- lon and dalerm lned In exp reia loo . but w earing a ch arm ing am lle." C ontrary to C blnete cuatom , her fa c e waa not painted.

Tha Kinpreaa I* daarrlheJ t a "tad, meek and rery p retty .’’ Th* R m prata D ow ager con rara^ with the foreign ladlea, telling tham ahe hoped th ay w ould anjoy their Tfifl. W hen tea w a* aervad ahe drank frtm each ladiC* oup, and, abort ly a fter­ward, In a burat o f w om an ly am otion, am- brtotd her rlaltor*. T h* p a r ly then ad- jw m e d to Ih t F a laoo T b eatr* . travaralng UM gorgeoua co n id o ra .

thaalr* It a h ug* hatl. w ith a p lat, farm In the cen tra and boxaa conatm eted Of Plata g laat o ircitn g around It. A t the

oetieem eni o f tha proceeding! thaatage am i occupied by a crow d o f high

in d a r ln a w ho on th * appcaranca o f theB m p naa D ow agor and tha B m p reit, tol- a o ii ly k ow to ired thrice.

liM p lay, w hich w aa long, waa acted by fw iene eunucK a A n acrob atic performanoa MUowad. Tha r la llor* then raturned to tk o d ining h a ll, w h e n w aa aarvad a won. A wful aaaorlnianl o f C b ln a ie a w e e ln e a tt taa and w in i, H art th * Empraa* Doiragar again m ad t hor ap patrano* . In bidding

’ gn aati ad ieu ah* axpretaed a hope to tn tm ega ln . T h e toreig" ladlaa war*

oondlietad w ith th e ta m e alaborat* oera- m *«y to the p ataca g a te* , ta ch rw elv in g pragenti.

T hroughout th a p ro ce td in g s tha Em p r o a D ow agar w a* e g tre m e ly cotd ia l and tx ln m a ly gracloua to lia d y Macdonald, whom th e p a tted p la y fu lly on th e chaelc.

The effect o f th * v la it w ill undoubtedly b* rery great, aa th e C blnea* regard auch a departure from a n c ie n t uaage aa mor* Im portant than a n y p ollttoal change.

t a l k e d w i t h t h e c z a r .

Tha E m p Uiaaata g*aa B *1U Cetnalaattaw—Agalwat th a Ihtr-

U tlo a mt C hina.lA iN D O N , D ec, U .—W illiam T. Blead,

w riting w ith refaren o* to hla racent v li lt to the Caar, hla M ajeaty la entirely

n * l r C oadllton and lit* C otid lfloa a f th*Tlaa* W hat* Ih e* War* g u a r* a » d .

Oaaaral Hraok* Anewee* <'rlHclai»(,W A PH IN U T U N , Dec. 13.-W a jiir a e n e r a |, |

John M Hro.'kB waa H" Aral w lin i w h* fora Ihe W ar In vfa llga llo ii C om m Ullun ( trealny. l i e »Jld l l i t l inoai o f tin tri.,.ii» at Citnip Thomaa, » here In woJ In rh arg-. | a e i e volunteer*. They erm e jiu|,p<.»‘ il'v | w ith Inn lit .'s m tlona but llila n n - th< i | *o-c*lled Acid riillon, am! a l drat they | wnr* h u iig iy Thi* wa* remedlm! by t h e ; , C om m b-ary D ep a llm e iil q u ite prompll.n. ; ' Th* C om m la'aiy U rtw rlm ent wa* n lw aya . prompt an d efflclenl In tir anrvlce, 11

The TOtunUera were eupplled with all i aorta of tentage, moat ut it antlqualdl. , I Thnlr uiiiforma war* thr .Nnllonal Guard I uniform, moilly old and aoon madr worae ( by 111* aoverlly of the aervice. Thetr I equipment In general wa* what had benn i | accumulated "through Ihe paralmonloua; pulley of Ih# W ar Department through , , tha preceding twenly-ilvn year*." 8om* of tha men wer* unarmad and toma In their citlaen*’ clolhea, with only one ' blanket.

T he w hole eiierglet o f th e rom m andl.ia I offli'cr w ere tinnt on nqulppliig Hilt helerogenoiia m iin o f m en, but lom n of the dniiorlm enti. w ere la rk in g In tuppllna. and the w ork an a in ; «eurlly alow. E arly In Juni Ih* ,’onim andlng G eneral waa or- dared 1o ten d e ig h t of the Iwat equipped reglm en l* to T im p a , en d to do thla It wh- neoeaaary to atrip aura* o f th e regim ent* to help ou t other*.

E ven w ith Ihle exp ed ient tom e o f th* reg im en t* le ft for T am pa poorly equipped, G eneral Ilrooke n otlcn l th e One Hundred and K ifty -reven lh Indiana R egim ent, w hich le f t cam p w ith In Irell* tied to- gath er w ith airing*. O ther m en w ere w ith out eartr ld ge belt* and had to u te th* old cartr 'da. box’ *. T he W ur D ep art­m ent a t Ih it ilin i hud e ih a n a le d a ll Ilie can vaa and ten tage In the co u n lry , and le n t* o f a ll aorla war* th lpped lo cam p. C antaeiia, knivea, fork*, cupa an d Ih* like w are a lto ahorl. nnd thla condition . Gen-

ral Flrook* auld. con llntied p ractica lly up to Ihe end o f hla adm ln latratlon at Camp Thom aa.

D uring June order* cam e to eq u ip three dtvlalon* o f one arm y rorpa for aerv ice In the W eat India* nnd thla waa done w ith th e FIrat Army t'orpa, w hich waa more n early equipptd than th e other*. G eneral H rooke ctmaiderrd that w hen he le ft the cam p on Ju ly 3 Ihete d lv la lon i w ert fairly w ell aupplled.

G eneral Ilrooke tald lh a i he had nothing10 do w ith the aelcctlon o f th e cam p ground, but, being atHlgncd I hero, h e m ade11 hla huatnea* lo look a fter th e w ater cupply and lo aa* that lh a n ecaa iary aanl- tary regulalluna w ere prom ulgated and en ­forced. H e m ade peraonal inapectlona aa freq u en tly a* hla tim e w ould perm it.

H e la id poaittvely ih a i the crlHclam* of th e ca v e Hprlng w ater aupply w ere ground- leaA Ha had verlAed thla by peraonal In- apactlon and by frequent analyala a t W aih in g ton . H e had m ade itren uou a e f ­fort to regu la te Ih* antranc* o f huckatar* to th e cam p and. aa a reault o f thla. he aald th at tha lic k report tall off from th irty to Afty per cent.

"J deem it proper to la y ," ponU nued Oenaral Hrooke, "in con lroveralon o f cer­ta in rep o n a th at 1 h ave heard, th at 1 did im p act lh a cam p lin k * and k ttch cn i con ­tin u a lly ."

"Wa h av* p lanty o f tn l lm o n y befora UA" ta ld O eucral D odge, " that you did ih lt freq u en tly ,"

"It w aa mor* than fr tq u en lly ," eald Q th - eral Brooke; "It waa dally ,"

G eneral Brooke tald th at th ere w aa In




David Straus StockIn ltla ld C a r v M l

00U m b r e lla t l o r

QliUP r o * o f C B i r t o .



Some things particularly suitable as Holiday G ifts at from O N E Q U A R T E R T O O N E H A LF less than the prevailing prices. Don’t miss this great opportunity.



(Aftrlki'iirirl M^n i Sc­in ch KnMliAli Gloria rover* p 1 r ft g 0 II fram e, f t ln l rort. « fin ely irtnl lot of h sn d lev , Initead of ............................

i M rsse s* m a c k in t o s h b s , For Friday

59c “ IS I L K W E B S U S P E M A R R S .Pna W ith allk elaatlc.• o r le a th e r Ilnl'hedeiKlI.

go ld plated bin klp*. p u t up In preil" g laaa top tiux. i regu lar ly at IMi",

Had* of fine la in - proof m ateria l. rReli- mere w eave, ile le ch - able cape w ith Inlaid velvet co llar. » In

n -Inch length *, tin- qiia lliy that uaually reialla at H 7 t, a Anc X m a i g ift , t t l.............

M A R S E I L L E S S P R E A D S .



R fttr« U r f« . wovftrk In boftUtlfia flortlftlgni, K ;o o d vifciiftty or r “ ** ■pAtUrnft, a ll heme me'l, ready for ua^.

, C H I L D R E N ' S H O S E .

FridayOoly j 69cP I N E N E C K W E A R .


M en'a F ine Teck*. Huir* and Imperial Hi arfa, made from p rettily «elicled *llk t and aatlna, very dc- atrable for flft* . rtg- u la r » ■ ja lu e ............ 23c



N ice ly made of goculA|uaUty ramlirli? i»r inuelin. rtjiplre or V* fthaperj neck, four rowft Hop intcrilon. I'lunter «f tuukR An- Hhrd wltJi dri'p cm* broM ery un and ilocvrn , tn fact good 7Dc. value, a t...



Klther fan cy ll . le thread or line en i- ton. In plalda or allk tlrlpeH. duUbte *,ile.hlgh-aphced h e e l . »Hea S to 9, Imiiortei! to cell a t Jhc. pair, w h lli lot la a t i ............. lOc




F u ll a lie, made frum n lp e aofl yarn, al.ii rh en llle , color* are pink. blue, black nr w h ite , told at » c . to 75c., a t ...........................


VELOUR h e a d r e s t s .

For Friday

Dresser and BureauCOVERS

Positively worth from SOf. lo 81 en.

For Friday 27c.We will place on eel. on Kriiiay

an BMOrtetl lot of 1,300 piece* ofIrish point open work lirraser Covers and Bureau Scarf»; thev are all thla leuon'i most dealrahle l«tterni and the lot will cm itlnly uot lait long at thla phenomenally low price, A / Pe a c h . . .

dy fia nne, u te fu l holiday .. . --he* eachgift,

e, u te fu l n o lid ay t ^ m cheap a t t i « . | , Q 5



in nna VIcI Kid l.ca lh er , cham ola lined, G o o d y t a r lurneil sold rtgu lar- 98cly a t il.25 pair, a t . . .


Friday Only

K e r iey C loth O ver- gultera, c o v e r e d a lr tp r , o th er atore* •e ll Inla q u a lity a t

a t . . . . .........: ........19cr.UH

For Friday

I 6 c '0 i l J

P r e tty figured velour head reata. lined w ho pure carded cotton,an d dnlahed with

f in lv ' alllt rot'* hangersVUiJ and ta*ael». worth

2»C. aa eh ...................... EACH ALLIGATOR POCKETBOOK,G uaranteed gen u in e

HEN’S WINTER SOCKS.CamaTi h a ir or n a l- tiral Wool, h ea v ily knit double heal and toe, a ll ilaea, Inttekd o f l»c., fo r .................... I2c


the b egin n in g a great m any eom p la ln ta o f ■ card ty o f medicina*. "In th la i m ada ap ractica o f re ly in g largely on th a experl- enca and ad vice ed my ch ie f aurgaona. but--- — , -.ast* wa*t vggg0. MVbw h « a tv c r 1 received ii dtrmu com plklnt, «nd thi* w a i not tnfraquently* 1 m a d t aa prom pt an Invoatlgatlon a f p oaitb ia. The ftupply depota J eaUbUahad mjraalf. 1 havv ■eeo an arm y o f 106.000 m en In th e field not to w ell aupplled in th a t raapect.

*'Tha Array o f the P o to m a c In iS n araa not nearly ao w ell furntahed.

“ Wft had abundant apaoa In th e eomtnfa- •ary ttoroa ior ten dayi^ ratlonii (or lu.OOO roan. W e had ab un d an t b ak e oyen facllU tlea. T h e C om m latary and Q uarterm aa- ter'ii dep artm en ta had a l l - t h e room they could flit w ith auppUea. and w hile (here waa aom e ah ortage In anoea and aom e va>


S co tch thread lace ru rta lna w ith deep renalaaanca border and plain net cen­tre* . fu ll 3tt-rard le n g th and extra full w id th , good value at IS.I0. fo r ....................... 1.69

r e a d i n g l a m p s .


H andaom ely decorat’ ad bowl and globe, h e a v y m etal bate, llfteou t hrata fount, a IS,00 value, a t.* ... 1.89


alligator leather, nicely llnithad, with metal claap, chamola lined, a Ifc. value, a t 42c


Conalatlng of R yarda of Sic. yard wide■trlped earner* hair elotn eultlng................ In

brow n o r w in enavy, b •hadee, th ey are w ell

CALIFORNIA BLANKETS.Da* P u ll 11-4 ftlte. m ade

from finely carded wool, good w eigh t, pink. r<^. b lue and *% - | / k gold J^rd er. Inetead ^

FridayOnly of 16.06. a t .



Bniiikr rlnge, m ade of g u a ra n tcH p u r •* iterltng i^llver, eet w lih rubli'ft or emer* aide, a n ice \m a i i gift, Mid a t aik'., for I9c

Cliildren’f Hoavy Gold RIngg,D eeu llfu lly e lu te ddealgne, pure H k l.Friday gold, an *!*», *eii

Only 9Scg o l d p i n s .


w orth threa tim en w hat We aak. for Friday, tha »-yard pattern ................... . 95c

H eavy gold p late C uff Pine, chaaed or engraved, a regular16c. v a lu e .........a,..........


fa n cy ra iled dealgna, F n Q iy h eav ily plated andOBly ^ r a b le , Inaiead o f

SW ISS HANDKERCHIEFS,Da i F in e quality, hem - P I atltched or acallop r r ld a y edge, hand tom ely

em broidered, q u ality , a t . . . .



Ooly U c. 9c

riety o f c lo th in g a t tim e*, ii w aa on ly w h at rnlgnt h a r * baen exp ected w hen three arm lea w ere b ein g ruahed U> eq u lp m tn l at thre* p oln la ."



anim ated by good w ill tor G reat B r iu ln , and that he brou ght from India genuine adm iration tor Brltlab colon ia l adralnlttra-

tha Ctwr I* aald to hav* aorrow. "colon laatlon aomatlmr*

to aupplying native* arltb , JlkM d cm ora lliltig agent*."

a lao a p p w ra , regtrda th* Mon o f C M m w ith a fee lin g o f horror, j* t i eald to n av* aaaertadThat Ruaala rooeupled F a r t A rth u r unJer bitter d ty and tn ord er to b n ea ta ll Germ an

l i t ih d etig a e .


P r a e ie a a w e f W eek Mawgad O o l-T h *Maatlew of 0*e*r*.

V A B H IN O T O N , D w . U .-T h * A m arlean T e r e a t ir A aadclatlon b e t t a ita aeven-

a ith an n u al co n v en tio n hare yaaterday.0 • • -

B c u e l i L laaa I* Ba M arged In lh a Inter. aat ef Beeaeaiy.

P H IL A D E L P H IA , D ec. U . - T h t Fenn- ly lv a n la R ailroad C om pany la conaiderlag the ad v isa b ility o f m erg in g th e (Jueen A nne a n d K en t R ailroad, ex ten d in g froia T ow naend , D el., 10 C tntravlU c, Md.; the D elaw are and C h esa p ea k t R ailw ay , t i> tend ing from C layton , D *l„ to Oxford, M d.‘, th a Cam bridge and BeaFord Rxllroad, running from C am bridge, Md„ to Baafurd, D al., and the D elaw xr* R ailroad, w hich runa from W ilm in gton to D elm ar, Dal.

T h e queatlon o f m erg in g haa been under conaldaratloii by the aeveral oom panlaa In- laraaled ^ aom e tim e p a it , and the re- au lt ha* l i e n th at favorab le action hae been ta k ln and a raunton o f Ihct* tour o o m p a o lta w ill ahortly b* effec ted .

Th* D ela w a re R ailroad haa a m llaage oi! tlAM m ilea, th* C am bridge and Seafer. a .?* m tica, th e Quean A on * and K ent a.5<l m llta , and tn* D alaw ar* and Cheaa- p eah e 54 m ilea.

A ll theaa road t are w ork ed In conjuna- tlon w ith th e P h ila d e lp h ia W ilm ington and te lD m o r a R ailroad C om pany, and each baa Ha ow n corporation and olTleera.

lo r d P litch o l c h ie f o f fo re ttr y dtvlalon In tb c ,0 « p a r tn ie D t o f A gricu ltu re, raport- i h g from th e Ih cacu tive C om m ittee, ro- .wkiwad th e progrcaa In foreatry d urin g th* fe a r , a o t in g ap ec la lly th e IncM aa* In the aumbCT o f foreat rtaervea,

R aaolutlon* w are ad opted It) fa v o r o f tha dollectlon o f fo rea t a ta tla tic* in th * v a r |. • t t f B tatca by th * A g ric u ltu r a l D ep art- m em ; com m en d in g th e foreatry acboola o f C ornell and a t B lltm ore. N . C ., an d u rg. m g tn a t th e tD realry Intereata n ow m an ­aged In varioua Governm enla* bureaua be cunaolldated u nd er on e gen era l m an age- m ent-

Tb* e lection o f officer* re iu lted aa fo l- lo w ii P realdent. Jam a* W llaon, o f Iow a, th e B acrelary q f A gricu ltu re; flrat v lc t - prealdent, Dr. B . B , F ern ow . Ith a ca , N , T .; eorreapondlng aecreiary; F ra n k H . N ew ­ell, C hief H yd rograph er, G eo log ica l Bur- v ey ; recording a ec re ia r y . G enera l W h ltte l-

l e y ; director*. Jam ea W ilson , G ifford P ln - chot, F . V. ColvHle, F , V . N ew e ll , G eorg# H . M cL aoahan , G en era l W h ltte liejr , E . Bow era, B. B . F e rn o w an d Ueaark. G an­n ett, H ogu e an d B Innay.

W h ile th * offleera ar* a lm llar In a num ber o f c a r o a It It th ou gh t th a t It w ould aimp lify th e w ork to h ave a ll th e road* In one com p an y .


lYMlK LAVDAMDM BT MIBTAKB.BItnd Mr, L aw la M ay OI* from h w allow -

in g InaSaad a f O ongh MadlelDO.guecitl lo the BVM NINa NBWA

B A B K IN O R ID O B , D ec. 1 6 ,-J o h n . H . Lew i*, an aged realdant o f B aaU n g R idge, m ada a m li la k * y e s te r d a y w hich artll prob­ab ly reault In fait d ea th . U r. I .e w lt had a had cold, tor w h ich h e had been tak in g ■ w d loln i.

Mr. Law la ta n ea r ly to ta lly blind, H * reached in to a c loaet to r th a cou gh m edl- clna, but Inatead o f g e t t in g th e m edicine ha picked up a b a ttle o f lau d an um and took a larg* aw atlow o f th e polaon. A l­though h* k n ew h e h ad m ad* a mhKak* he refu sed to g o lo a d octor, sa y in g th a t he w ould h e a ll r ig h t In a li t t le w h ile .

Mr, L ew is A nally la id dow n and te ll aaleep, and th en m ed ica l a id w aa a t once aum m onad. T h * d octor* h a v * baen m aking atrenuou* e fforta to aav* hla Ufa, hut It Is th o u g h t ba w lU n o t recover.

N ch aeaer xupposad to H ave Bpokan a t gea ,

P ltlL A D Ib L P H IA . D ec. 1 5 ,-T h e four- m aated sch oon er M atilda D. B orda, Cap. ta in B ara N o rto n , w h ich ta iled from P ortam ou th . N . H „ N ovem b er 15, tor P hil­adelp h ia , and w hich w aa believed to have been lo s t In th e lata atorm w ith a ll hand*, la aatc,

Thla waa th * n e w t received here yester­d ay a ftern oon from N ew Torfc, where a veasal th a t had s ig h ted h er a t ac t, had Just arrived , and Im m ed iately a telegram was forw ard ed lo C aptain N orton ’s grlef- atrlcken w lf,i. w h o la a t her hom e al cape M ay C ourthouse.

T h e m laalng v e ia e l w a* spoken D e­cem b er 11 hove to In la titu d e 35.3) norlli lo n g itu d e 55 w est, ab ou t 400 m ile* frum Ihe C apes, and w ith a ll on board well. She had axp trle iiccd lha N ovem b er % and 3 t a l e w h en off Cap* Cod, and no doubt aoudded alm ost to B erm ud a under Imre pola*.

T h e C apta in '! w it* and fam ily had been

W o ah o flb eM a ilw aa l Board e /T r a d e -T b s R ep o rts e f Cammlueea.

W A S H IN G T O N , D ec, 1 5 ,-A l tha a f te r ­noon m e e tin g o f th e N ation al Board o f T rade yeaterd n y th e report o f th e C om m u ­te* on th e N ica r a g u a Canal w aa received. T he aenae o f th * board waa i l i ingty in favor o f th e sp e ed y construction o f th e canal by (b e U n ited Btatea. and Ih* e x - h au atlve c o m m itte e report waa ad opted w ith out a d v e r se crltlclam .

Th* C o m m ittee on T ransportation pre­sen ted a report w h ich w aa adopted, recom ­m ending a la iw e num ber of am endm ent* to th e I n te r s ta te C om m erce law .

Tha C o m m ittee on Banking and C urren­cy reported a resolution favoring th e gold standard, w h ich w a* adopted w ith out d li- cusalon .T he reso lu tion offered w as aa fo l­low s:

"W e fa v o r Icgialatlon;"ThaA w ill perm an en tly eatahllsh th e

gold stand ard ."That w ill re llr* a ll kinds of paper cu r­

rency laaued by th e OoTcrnment as rapid- ly a s can b e d on e w ithout undue con trac­tion or Injury to the agricultural Indus­try or com m erc ia l Interests of the country.

"That w ill p rovid e for currency Isiue^ by hanks. In sa fe proporllon' to th e n sound c a p ita l and surplus, us the need s Of the cou n try require; uniler auch govern ­m ental aupervtaloh and control aa w ill In­sure 11* redem p tion In gold at banka of Issue and a t th e lead ing monetary oentrea of the U n ited Btatea.

“ W e d eem th la m ailer of v ita l Import ance, and w e u rge Ha Immediate con sid er­ation by C ongreea to Ihe end I hat leg la la- tlon em b o d y in g th e principles act fo r lh In tbeae reaolutton* m ay he secured before the n ex t H realdenllal eleetton, and If a specia l aessto ii o f C ongress lie neceaaary,


S tr iv in g I* S * e a » an A p p rop rln tlon ITObb OoD grasa-hpeakar Rnsd'a O ppwallloB .

CHICAGO, Dac. 15.—N e a r ly avary S la t* an d Territory in the U nion w aa represent- ed a l th e second annual con van tlon o f the In teratat* N ational G uard A aaocintlon , held here yesterday. T h e con ven tion , w hich wa* called for th* p u rp ose o f eon- Blderlng plana Cor b etterin g th e couditlon o f th e N ational Guard and to ta k e atepa tow ard cem enting the re la t io n e o f the R egu lar Army and th e m U iila o f th e v a r i­oua Btatea, w as attended by m a n y officers o f volunteer troops w ho served w ith dla- lln c tlo n during the recen t w a r w ith Bpaln, aa w ell aa several officera o f th * R egu lar A rm y.

N early tw o hundred d e le g a te s In a ll w ere p resen t. General F, H . B a rr y , second v ice-president of th* aaaocla tlan , ca lled th e convention to erder. A fte r th e roll had been called. C ity A tto rn ey T a y lo r , tn b eh a lf o f Mayor llarrlaon . m ad e an ad- dreae o f w elcom e to th e d elega te* .

G eneral Barry delivered an addreea, ca ll-

K IN N E T —C O W E N —In J ersey C ity. Oc­tober P , 1895, by John D uffy . J. P ., Mr.

in g atten tion to the need s c f th e n a tion a l m ilitia In m any o f th e B tatea . G eneralB end , chairm an of the E x e c u t iv e C om m it­tee , reported that the efforta o f th e m em - bere of the com m ittee to secu re an appro­priation o f |1.0in,Ilon ter th e N a tio n a l Guai'd from Congreea had been eo fa r u n iu c c e is - fu l, ow in g chiefly, he saliL lo th e oppoal- tton o f Speaker Reed. 'The aaeoc la tlon vo ted to continue He w ork tor a n a tion a l appropriation.


Ihe m agn itu d e and Importanc* of action upon the eub jecl,- . dem and that such atesalon lie ca lled ."

Th)' r y jo r l o f th e A m erican M erchant M arine C om m ittee , w hich recelveil th e aqi- proval o f th e board, w as olTeri'd by A n­drew W heeliT , o f Philadelphia, and aec- ondrd hy Dr. S am u el A. Hoblnaon, of N ew York.

The board a lsu , a f te r considerable ilebate, adopted a reso lution offered t)y r . S tuart F siiera o n , o f FhA adelphU . approving the recom m endation o f Ihe Preabfent a n o B e e - relary o f th e T reaaury on the aubject of the m erchan t m arine.

Daalli e f A w t^ le R. Tarry.PA R IS , D ae. U > ~ A n ton lo £ , Terry, who

died y**t*r(U y , r e o in lly returned here w ith h is w ife fro m A lx-lea-B atua. Fur lb* peat w eek Mr. T m j had been in a uom- a to ee condition . B u t he waa conacluua th a t th* end w aa n ear on Tueeday. H e aald to hi* w ife: " D earea t, I know i cannot ca.cap* th is h ea rt d loeliae w hich m akes in* ■Uff«r *0 muota. P le a s e elng the « lr In Which I heard y o u th e Aral Ume, a* from th a t dtjr I loved y o u tend erly ." Jdr. Terryleavs* a d a u g h ter , i lx te e n yeare o f ago, by hla Aral m a rr ia g e . T he funeral w ill tak e p lace on F r id a y .

L«NI ChisMa haUa.I /3 N D O N , D ec, IS-—Lord C urtoii of

K edleaton, th e n ew V icero y o f India, started th is m o rn in g fo r htaraeJIlea. over­land, to Join L ad y C uroon, hla w ife, on lioan! th e A rab ia th ere . A p a r ty o f friend*. Including hi* fa th e r th a R ev . A lf r ^ N a ­th aniel H olden C uraun, B aron Scarsdal*. Lord G eorge H a m ilto n , th e B eoretary of B u te for Ind ia: th e D u k e o f W tslrntnaler, th e U nited B tatea C h a rg e d'AffaIre*. H en ­ry W hite, an d M rs, W h ite , h ade h im fa re ­w ell « l th e ra ilroad a ta tlo n .

E dit** Beot t 'a M ere* g lo Ie D .

horaa andw a r m b elon g in g to T h om aa BooU, eilltor o f Hi* Poaaaic V a lle y N e w s a t W ait Bum- m lt, w u a tolen from hla atable Sunday night, Th* p o lice In th is aecllon hav* been notlAed o f th e th eft and are on the MVkout for th e m laalng rlg-

A Battle it Cfaeswa PraaMaiit.B ^ H B , B w l ^ U n d . D eo. I I .-T b e Fed-

MM A M O ^ ly h a s « |*ot*d M. M ueller, Who 1m v ic ^ r e a ld e n t fo r u w . to be K e a l-V tc_____________ _______ ___ „W the Bwtaa C onfederation . M. H au -

o l Xtiiteh, w a s e lected V Ice-Prealdsnt, -------- ------------------------ - - M ueller la a

ew Mgasav*** TTWE VJWJU. are both R ad ica ls . M ■ld*ot o f Hern*,

^! i dtwadah Trwwy* a t Ham *.15.—T h e Spanish D a n i-

arrlvad her* from aW Kh I M repatriatad Bpanlali troop*

1. T w o Died on th e voyag* and .w ere e lck w hen they arrived

a lin o it p foetrated w ith ir lv f . liavliig lotVg ■Inoe g iven up a ll h op es for v isael andorew .

A H K R H ’AN R d lL W A lb I> (.TUNA,

Deehied Oppoeltlon to Iraltril b tttei En- Inrprtaa by Prinre llenrr,

V A N C O U V E R , B . C„ Dec. 15,-H arry F raa ler , a ra ilw ay en gineer, sent by the C h in ese D evelopm en t C om pany of N ew Y ork to aurvey, plan ou t nnd rei>ort on ra ilw a y route* in C hina w ith the object o f im m ediate coneiruotlon , hae leturneil hom e w ith hla aaBlalanta, ,Mr, Frazier m apped ou t reada from Peking to Can­ton. S h an gh ai lo W ooaong. and Canton to K aloon , a s far aa secu rin g cliarlera from Govornora o f d la tr lc ls la concerned, The O overn ori had no ob jection and oven aiig, t e s te d bunuaea.

Mr. F r a ile r sa y s railroad* cannot he built w ith out Ihe aid o f soldiers. .Mr, Fra­s ier le a v es on T h u rsd ay for New York. In H on g K ong. Mr, F r a ile r enys, he met P rin ce HeiirY o f G erm any, w ho wna ex­trem ely hoBllle to th* Idea o f U nited S la tes c ltlaen s b u ild in g rallroada In Cliltiu.

C IV IL hE H T lO E R EH H IM l.kA O l'K .

IVni F ay J a n u a r y Coupon Cuban D ebt, M A D R ID , D ec. 16.—T h e Spanish G overn ­

ment bn* agreed to pay the January cou ­pon o f th e C uban debt.

W ere Put Umler HealraInt on S In am erT aar le for A lleged B ob b ery .

N E W YORK. Dec. 1 5 .-W h e n Ih e W h ite S tar Line ileam er T au rlc , fro m L iv er­pool, arrived to-dny ehe had aev eu o f her paaeengere In Iron* T h ey a r e ca ttlem en w h o had rharxe of c a tt le sh ip p ed on the Taurlo on her laat trip an d w h o re iu n ied on that veiael. It la aald, fr e e o f ch a rg e .

T heir names are W illiam B u llivau , Ja m es D onovan, Thoniae E llle, C h a r le s N icb o l, O tto Hieele. Jame* P a rk er and T im oth y Hornby

T he men are areused o f b rea k in g Into ehlp'a Btoree and of ap p ro p r ia tin g IDS b ot- i l i* of ale «n<l other com m od ltlea . Th* Catitain eay* that the m en b rc a m e s o un­ruly be wa* compelled to p u t th em In Irona. The captain turned th e accuaed m en over to Ihe police.

The White Star o in H als w ill probably a«k for the ) xtradiilon o f th e c a t t le m e n ao that they may he punished u n d er th e B rit- l*h ahiiqilng law*.

T e B e E alrad itad .

from Phlladelpl him w ith larcen y and rm b esa lem en r

—----------- -— *-

Atwater fi Carter’s Cliristias Store!

B tlll-T h s A n o iu l C o a n n llo n Begun at m ora—Tbu Da,r'a prugraitiuke.

B A L T IM O R E , D ec. 15.—T h e eighteen th aiiD ual con ven tion o f th e N uilom tl C ivil Service R eform L ea g u e begnn In th is c ity th le m orn in g an d w ill con tin u e until to­m orrow n igh t. T h * m eetin g* are being held In th e iiB*em bly-room a t M ueic Hnll. and d eiegatro from a ll p a n s o f th e country nro presen t.

T hle m orn in g's w ork w a s cunflued lo am eetin g ut the m em bera o f th e General

ix t-- ■“—CommlXtee and o f the E xecu tive Com- m llteu , th e tneetltig b eing a Joint one, hald behind closed door*. A l the ufternuon aesaloii, w hich began a t 3 o 'clock , repurta o f offloera. ut th e apeclal coram ltlee on the tw e lfth cenauB and o f th e C om m ittee on V io la tion of the Civil S erv ice R u les were read.

fllp h lh er l* la New Brnuaw lck.

1S .-A I them eetin g o f the Board o f H ea lth laat night atepa w ere tak en to dlacover. If pcaslblu, th e (O urce o f dipt h eretic oon taglon In N ew B ru n iw lc l^ T here la no ep idem ic In thec u y o f BUihclent g ra v ity to ca ll tor alarm, b ut ea c h m onth a few n ew c a s e s are rep ortM . L ast n ight lh a H ea lth Insiw otor reported four new ca a e i. A t p reten i there are n in e oases In all. In aectlona o f ih e city ,

led7arldely (ep a ra te

T n o ip o r t B erlin In New York.N E W YO R K , Deo, 1 5 ,-T h e Iranaport

B erlin arrived th la m orn in g from N ew ­port N e w s and prooeedad to P ie r No. 11, a t th e fo o t o f P acifle a treet, Brooklyn. Hhe arr ived a t N ew port N ew * D ecem ber 9. from P on ce, P orto RIoo, h av in g ae paa- aencer* M ajor-G eneral B rooke, part o f hla

JlaW, th e F ir s t K on tu ck y H rglm unt to d te p r e s e n u t lv t E . J. U ltl, o f ConnecU-


There’s no “exclusiveness ’’ about our Christm as store. It’s for everybody, and every­body seems to know it. Christinas is a day to eat, drink and be merry, and make every­one h ap p y : so don’t fail to see our elegant s to ck ; it’s simply an endless variety of the most beautiful things that are produced. Come and see them, and rely upon tw o thing.s: First, that the assortment cannot be surpassed in either variety or quality by any store in Jersey. Second, that the prices are just the lowest that you can find in such goods in this country. When we talk B a sk e ts of Fruit, we know whereof we speak. We im­port our own baskets and have exclusive designs, so the first to order have the best se­lection. The choicest of Fruits, Wines and Candies are placed in each basket by the artistic touch of an artist. O ur window display will give an idea what we do in the basket line, and the following list may contain ju st w hat you want for your table or tosend to a friend.

F an cy F lo r id a and Jam aica O ranges. S picy H am iu r in a and T angtrlnra.

, L arge c iu a ta r o f M alaga Grapes.E x tra C hoice L ad y A pple*F am ou s B u ck a lew CranbcrrlCL L arge C lu a ler 1-ayer Ralain*.F an cy M u sca te l Haleina.F a n cy M u sca te l Deeded Ralslna.C hoice B u lta n a Ralslna.VoaUaaa C lean ed C urranti.Im porlad G la ce Citron.Iiflpbried G lace Lem on and O range Peel. Im ported G la ce Apricot* and C herries. Im ported O la o e Pineapple am) A ngellqiie. Tm porlvd G la ce A ssorted Frutta In F an cy

B oxes.C hoice A rab ian D ales.A rabian D a le* , atuffed with Pecan M eal, Figs, a tu ffed w ith Nut M eats.F an cy L a y e r and Pulled Fig*, t'lo let P ru n es , In glass.W iesb ad en Stuffed Prune*.F an cy F r en ch Prunea, In tin.W leabaden Btrawberrle*. Raapberrlca

and M elange.

All it[c I'hoU'eat variety o f N u ts . P e e a n i, Kiiglloh Walnut*, B ra illg , F llb erta , P a ­per Hhcll Almnnda and H ick ory , ex tra large Jordan and V a len c ia S h e lled A l- moniD, Joy's C elebrated B aited Al- momia, nil kind* of N u t I fea ta .

A cliolcv ataortm enl W h itm a n ’! P h llad e l. pnia Urtebrated C andle*, In fa n c y boxaa "ud iDUikela,

Iluylcr'* F ig sle tte i.CntJton and Cryatallaed G in ger. 'Curtlco'a Preaarvea and C ann ed F r u lU .Frencb Murnona, In ayrup.Red and Whit* JJherrlea, in Maraschino

Conllal.Crillforniu OrandM Cherries

Peach)'*Sweet I'IckJed Peach#*.Calveafoot Wine Jelly , a ll flavor*.1‘ lUll Jaitim Rnif R df 1m iliirr


Jellies, Jama and B ar 1* due.*'*'1 Pudding*.

All Jt.i)d* Foreign and D o m estic C hteae. An endlei* variety o f C ra ck er i an)]

Sweet Cakei.C hoice Clover and B u ck w h eat H on ey .

Olive* and P ic k ita In a ll f ix e s and q ual. Ity,

Canned V e te ta b le i are o f th e flneat packed.

Our Corn, P e a s , Totnatoea, A sparagus, Strlngleaa and L im a B esn a h ave no equal.

T he flneat V erm on t M aple S yru p and Sugar.

Th* Qneat m ah* o f C hooola le and Cocoa*.Our T eas and C offee* a r t unaurpaaaed.W e h ave an en d lem v a r ie ty o f B reak ­

fa st C ereal*.Toilet G oods are se lsc tsd from th* w elt,

k now n perturasrx, O ell* Freraa and R oger M G allet, o f P ar is , an d C slgat* A Co., o f N ear York.

O ur w in e s and L iquors i r e o f the ch o icest foreign m d d o m estic b ran d*

Our C igar D tp tr lm c n l m u st i;ot be over , looked; art can g r a tify th e m ost dell- o a ie taa te o f an y sm oker from our Im . m ens* line a t Im parted, K e y W est tn d D om estic C igars (box trad * a sp ecia l. ly ).

Remember some poor family with a barrel of flour or something from the above list.



S. HEYMAN’S,208fto 216 Springfield Avenue.

Annual Holiday Sale.Prices here 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. C bristou

Presenis for all.. A small deposit will secure toy article for later delivery.

105 dosen C hild ren 's Fin* Q uality W oollen M ittens, all alzea, reg u la r va lu e 15c., w hile th ey la st,

6c. pair.Children'* F a s t B lack

Fin* Q u a llly J ersa y Leg- n c . va lu e.gin",

59c. pair.

15 dooens C hild ren 's F in s W h its Fu r S e ts , m uff and boa, such a s lam b 's wool and T hibet, w orth tl.iM,

95c. s e tPlush and C allu lold M u­

s ica l A lbum s, e x tr a spe­cia l w hile th ey la s t. In a ll colors.


L a d its 'F in e W h it* Law n H an d k erch ie fs, flnely em ­broidery, a lso som a fsn o y colored effec t, v a lu e U c., w h ile th ey liM ,

5c. each.sp e c ia l tor F r id ay O n ly -

L adles' C orsets, In w h itsand drab, a ll s lo e * fu ll boned, 50c. va lu e , foe

2 5 c .8 A N T A C L A U S is here ivith us. Bring the children. He wants to see them and give them candy from 7 to 9 to-night and to-morrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M.

ta.3» M en's A ll-w ood S w eater , I I Q In black, red and n avy , a t ............ 1 . 1 9

11.05 B o y g A ll-w ool S w e a ter* I C n in black, n avy and g a rn e t............ I t f l i

75,'. M en's A ll-s llk S u t^ n d e r s , 49cIn new ch o ice p a tlern e , a t, pair

A full line o f Bilk M ufflers from 4Bo

TOYH.Knur Wheel Exprt))*j

Wagon, air. kind

t5 c .Doll <io Cart* will)

eleel n hecle.

T O Y S ,ilaadeom* Drened

Doll. — V s r y nicely idremed—60c. valuq


19c.Boy.' Tool cheats,


tt.50 M en's A ll-w ool J er se y C oats,In b lack, douh le-b reasied , 2 79

asc. M en'a A ll-s llk N eck w ear, acarta.

£ uffs, four-ln-handa and band < |C ii >ws, silk l i n e d . ................... g g C

HeWiAU-_woo|t)nd*rw<«r, g g | jca m el's h air and n atura l w o o l.. .

T O Y S. T O Y S.Hard Wood )lhDO Fly

Racking UotaaFanoy Itaed Doll Go

(ana, upholsterad.

45c. 98c.gw lngtof H

holitcred. tor

1.25.Hons, up- Chlldren'a H a r d

tVcad Chain, spaclal


6r E x tra H eavy P lain W hite D om el F lann eb lon g nap, 11 Inches w ide, from 9 to 11. F rid ay.

3c. yard.

Ladles' am i M iss**' Kid G loves, In a ll co lcrs and black, none better for t1.

10c. D ark Striped O uting Flann el, new p a liern a ,

53c. >ard.11,15 C henille T ab le C ov­

er* IW yard s square, h eavy fringe,

98c. each.

79c. pair.W h ite I-umb'ft W ool Pur

B aby C arriaite HoImb, heavy *atln q u ilted hack, open oil th e Bide* value 1198. for

| 1 19 Bed Comfortablea* ex tra ftlae and w eigh t, filled w ith w hite w adding.

98c.Bleached T able L inen,

80 incheft w ide, ISe. value,2dc. yard.

lAc F leece C nlton B lan k ­et*, w hlta, w ith fa s t color borders. 15-4 aise.

j 9c. pair.

Op«n EnnlBla Till 9:SD. RflDeinbar Sioti Cliis Is bera, briaf tba Cblliirao.

Poaalbl* R om ano* or T n g e d y —W edded la Jersey City.

N E W Y O R K . D ec. 15.—T h* fo llow ing notice w as found In the P r in ceton S entinel, a copy o f w hich w a s In tl(e poaeeaaton o f a you ng w om an w ho died a t 4 o 'c lock Ih ll m orning In the C olum bua L od g ln g -h ou ie , flfifi Third avenue. She waa a eervan t there, know n a s Jeesle C owen:

Thom aa K inn ey , o f P r in ceton , N.'Jr., to Mia* Jeaale C ow en, o f N ew Y ork C ity.

Mlae C owen beeam e s ick la s t w eek , and Mrs. K ane, on e o f tha boarders, shared her room, ^ t 4 o 'c lock th is m orn in g M lei C owen Jumped ou t o f bed w ith a atartled cry and fe ll fa in tin g to th e floor. A n am ­bulance surgeon from th e F lo w er H osp ita l found her dead, h a lf an hour la ter.

Mra. K an e aay* th at th e y o u n g w om an had told her ahe w aa th e Mia* C owen m entioned In th * m arriage n otice , and th a t, a lth ou gh sh e had had a good hom e and lu xu riou s eurroundlnga, ciroum - Btsnee* had d riven her to w ork for a liv ­ing.

JE R S E Y C ITY , D ec. 1 5 .-J u a tlce o f the P eace John D u ffy w a s seen th is afternoon concern ing the w ed ding n o tice fou nd on the person o f Jeaale C owen, w h o died In N e«' York C ity to-day. T he n o tice w a* to th e effect th a t th e Ju e llce had m arried Thom aa K in n ey , o f P rin ceton , to Mlaa Jee- ale C owen, o f N ew York, In J ersey City on October 77 la s t.

T he J u st ice referred to h is b o o k s and found the record o f the m arriage, b u t be said he could recall the c ircu m sta n ces but poorly. In h is opinion th e w om an saM ahe w as a w id ow , tw en ty -e ig h t year* of age, and sa id her fa th er w aa R ichard Johneon. Th* Ju atice did not remem ber w hat K in n ey ta ld hla em p loym en t w as.

IA5NDON, D ec. 15.—In th # B ow Street P olice C ourt to -d ay ex trad ition papers w ere issu ed In th e c a se o f John R ennen. a ta ilor o f P h iladelp h ia , w h o w aa arrested a t Liverpool on N ovem ber !», upon the ar­rival a t th a t » r t o f th e a team er Ita lia ,

■hla, on a w arran t charging

D eath o f Anaot K udderow ,C A M D E N , N . J ., D ec, 35.—Am o* Hud-

derow , on e o f th e m ost p rom in en t resident* o f C am den C ounty, d ied to-d ay a t b is hom* In M erchantville. aged e lg h fy .f lv e y w r c H e waa w ell k now n thr)9ughaut N ew Jer­sey .

aiera O p ea B v en la g a T ill C hrlstm aa


N ew arh T a lep h an e 1 ISO, S e ll Tete- phoa* t M t f .

Fro* o f rh a rg * — % • p in t B all la B lp lo 's C ham p age* w ith S I w a rm OF o ver o f W la e s or L Iq a o n .

8 rlctljr Pare P f l j aCAHrOBNIACLARET, h l l Ppergallua............................ l I U U

1U1I5JE WINE, vintage 7 r * 18W, very fine, per ip l- f J i n

PORT, Sherry and 7 p a* Mnocatel Wine, strictly f l i ppore, per gallon................... I W U

Oar Penntvlrsnia I CflItVK WllISKEV, Iper gallon........................... | |

CESTUKYRYE f l 1111 WHISKEY, Iper gallon............................. A t

Our GOl.llEN WED- A nil DINO RYE, 8-ycarrtild, Cper gallon........................... i l l

MALT NUTRINE A Ijn (Anheuoer-Bosch’s), 17e. J '***per twttle; per oaae..........

Rest JAMAICA Rt'M 7 p _ orHlIM PLXCH, per # h pquart...................................... I U l |

H «t E1.GIN CREAM- A A * EKY BUTTER, per # < ppound................................. b U U

COMB I AHONEY, one I I mponbd..................... ............... I U U

M o r r s SWEET f i l l , ..... ,.20cOne-pound package A .

PUKE IXJRN I PSTARCH............................ l I U

FRENCH A *MACARONI, per pack- k p

New SEEDED A , .R A I S IN S , W p


per package........................ U UH eal CITRON, T.«niaa I A ^

nn)l Orange Peel, per I ) i ppound..................................... I l l U

Fancy FRENCHM IX E D C A N D Y , th r e e l l i ppound*................................. a U U

Large JAMAICA ORANOEI^ extra iwoet, f l i pperdo/.en........................ A l l U

Ijirge MALAGA . . I r , . g r a p e s , per I h ppound.............................. I U U

Two-poand r —package h po a t m e a l ............................... l I U

A M arket B ask et free e f e h a ^ to every e a tlo m e r b u y in g S I w orth er aver,

F. BORMANN,R m r k 'i O fH lttt tn o ir j Ilire,

93 and 95 Springfield Ave.

Lhrgwt F u r n itu r e tiM l C g rp a tHouan In Newark.



There mftT be ! • coori, but there «rt (ft* bet» tor gilt* UAn • '* Portltfcltad Itooge.’

The 4 AcreEstablisimient.Do You Knowt h a t t h i s A m o s H . V a n H o n i , L t d . , c o n c e rn h a s th e l a r g e s t s to c k in i t s l in e in t h i s c i ty ?

e x o e { i t n o n e * A n d n o s to r e h o ld s su m a n y , m a n y g o o 4 ' ' C h r is tm a s ’ ’ t h in g s :




I I 0 . M u p .—SO itylee—

cherry or ma­hogany flnleh.

M . 9 8 u p .At leaitse Itylee

—cherry, ma­hogany or

Temle Marlin.

LADIES* D E S K S -ID tolld oak, eb en r nr tnabotaBy Rntah— • K M , f4 .0 n , t S M , U .OO, « fO and up to• .to . ComblDallan • 1 .M up

Bookoase-Iimki, too—

MORRIS CHAIRS.30 kinde—no such stock in a l l Newark. * 5 - 5 0 , » 7 ' i o . f i o , | i J t o f 3 0

■—oak or ma< hogany finish, velour orcord-r uroy cttshiouB'

■sM thii ont-eoiid —all coloringal Kud designa.


knreii priow known any w hen.



T h * U retvB N o t F a v o r a h l e G e n e r a l ly t o L e n g - w l n a e a H n m n g n e * .

From th e W a sh in g to n P oet.A num ber e f n a v a l offloare w ere ta lk in g

th e other n igh t a t th e club o f th * launoh- Ing of th e W lsconatn. and from th a t the talk d rifted in to rooollectlone o f Incident* on w arih ip a Juat g o in g Into com m lialon,

"Thi* h a b it th a t aom e com m anding offi­cer* h a v e o f m ak in g a roh etr ied . w abbly little sp eech to a l l hand* w han th e Jack floea up on a sh ip , a iv t ah* la form ally put In com m lsslo ii, m ay h e a ll right," aiold on* o f Ihe ta rs o f th e quarter-deck , "but I don't b elieve a n y elvm en t or th e crew , officar* o r m en forw ard , ta k es m uch stock In auch apeeohea. T h e m en forw ard don’t lik e a garru lou s com m anding offictr. They're lik e ly to fa s te n tha appellation, ‘m an -o'-w ar ob aw ,' on a skipper w ho m ekee a p ractloe o f haranguing them . U a p u in Joceph F ite , on* o f tn e old iKhool o f m an-o'-w ar aktppere, and a m an w h o had tha resp ect, confldeDoe and affection of a ll o f th e en lieted m an th a t ever eerved on on* o f hta ih lp s , had a grea t contem pt fur ta lk a t iv e n e n on th e part o f a ik ip p er

Amos H. Van Hornl i m i t e d ,Note the flrat nime, "Amot,"

MARKET ST.Near Ptanw 5 t. Nawsrif.

Oeoda held and dellrored when waoML

of a w a n h lp . H e w a* a plain, blunt, "Juat in o ev ery officer and m an w ho w a s

ih lp m at* o f'C a p ta in F ife a n ew th at he U hound to get a ll th a t w as com ing t i

m an, a i lw a a _____ - - - ____________him. I w aa an enalgn, a ttach ed to one o f th e shlpa th a t C atitain F ife put Into oom - mlaelon. W hen all waa ready, th e exenu- liv e ofltcer pooxed lh a w ord to h ave a llhand* m uatared ^ t . A fter th e u su a l cero- monlea. C apta in F ife atepped to Ihe m ast,oteared hi* th roat, and. Ins H ad o f w ander­in g off Into a eperch , M id he. In, an oru

You )dlni^rily ^ n v e r e a l lo n e l l^ne:

_____ I hie fp e«!a ll Ihr sam e. It waa th e m eat e ffeo llv t one

I'm Joe F ife , down.'

"That'e a ll t h e n w aa to hta

1 lenow me. Ftpsh, but.

a t thn eort I ever heard. I t m ade a Jilt w ith I ho met). T h ey m ere ao m uch takan w ith the a tra lgh t, d irect, on-tho-ltT et J i t - ( le M)*e)Eh th a t th ey proved t i H M a i ^ th e b a a l crew o f b tuafink ata I w a s fv t r «hiaah*«> w ith .” • . * -

• • a l a f S o w tliev B D t a le a l .F rom th a D o ilo n Tranaerlpi. .

Tha Southern d ia lec t oontlnuea to revea l Ita q u a ln tn eaa H r. T o r n y h a i recorded th la F lorid a d u lo g u e ;

" W h at tim e ralgkt H h * r " Six o ’clock.""L an‘ aoheal I d idn 't know It waa t o

■Bnwaa that.""■aon" In thla caaa probably m eana

•a r ly . H e haa alao p u t on record I he nnaw er o f th e N orth O atolln lan w ho aaked It h e bad been a t the V arM 'a Fair,

"N o; -I 'lowad for to Want, b ut I )lldn't

h a ro 'ia te ly h e t fd A r m of gen u in e negro iTah w hich m a y w k a go w ith theai

A y o u n fY H P .a t m y aeq u aiau y m t la t a t K A g n * w nar* a ooli

w u k ep t a s f fd n f t e f bov-af-a li-w sh e h a d .b m th ere a d ay aha in a oomwriNkribn hetw a«n th a cooM J

^ " H a w flo yim lUtg i h a aompanyTr' g it h i 4(&ka '

" j in a t l'A A M

'* * 5

i '

T k e


A rCratk hald H a y t body organ Don I

"W oonre tlon ( to au •xp iri

"W body count th * cl to rej

"W orgac coova m etSi

"Re cou n t and ti w ith com n hold cou n t

T he an t 8 the R m lite had c I|ie < aubm were Comn untcr and 1 tlon c

Boa w ho Come epeec for I) melh) tlon. and ti

Cba lo g t( Ihlrt} th e c th e 0 •ppe* m em I Ing (I thoug foria large] ab out aprin; taU'a chair) one d been an d a doubl r e tt t Comn p arty

Hecj natlo i vote, rellrl) kicC a aprea) be ae) m ad e and g o f th abalt paaen L ow y mlttF) ed to) ter tr th e c< party t ia t lo

U n t n igh t know] ■ued. th a t a Into I grace: th o ie would elec ll' openl; A fter h a d t r tser i

The w ere lo t to an d a tak en olarec to ca teem c talna, to ap] tton ) called to tn?rinci

t wa woulo U sing th * al tlon WOuK

C on th* T appol w ith geatie b e me tim e, th e L w ith o

HIs) meelti dolled

.th e Cl th eir lea th ) era, t tak en th at a ling

T h e p o in t m ea n volvir Bewa) preale ange, m en u th e It A mt b crt’B Bduc) •ch o c W U ( a .rec Jab u i

Tho o f U

coonw ithB roaiBchalGram

moBd H a 1* ha la,th e a



The Goimfy Gonunittee by Rteoh* tion Provides for the Selee-

tloa of Its SaeoesBor.




T H E M , O N M O TIO N , A D JO U R N S S IN E D IE .

Ifto n«w c o m m ltt» entirely with Mr. Htyee, withnul roqueet or eut- M itlon u to whether the eelectlone ih«l> he made known eeriy o r U te. In the mean

N l M on Uondey fay Mounted Polleemen M sTacae e t th e Lehlsh Valley eoal ^ u te a , were arcalxned before Judeegohalh' In the Ponrlh’ Proclii'ot rolleo

*»ori>L"5- . P W were charted w ith havliic robbed the ealoon of Jacob Bmae, a t 1M fo urteen th avenue, Judce Schalic held each one In t m ball Grand Jury.

for il

Bewaed W. HayM le Bsqueeted te Aet an the pneedent XetaUlelied ^ Ike Cenaty O n m U e a ef i t t l tn Appoint a Oenatj CoaaaiCto^^Mr. Wm ChalmuiB «ftke O e u ty Cdaveatlea o f I tM -T h a t Caa> venUan Ketleeted l« Make P re rltlon far OonUanlat the Cenniltlee,

A reeolutlon wae adopted by the Qrmo- eratlo County Committee a t a meetlnt held laat olaht, requeetto t Howard W. H ayta to appoint tha aucoaiaon to that body In the aame m anner aa the preeent o n ao lia tlo ii waa eatabllahed. The reaolu. tlon read aa tnUowa :

"Whereaa, The laat Democratic county convention failed to provide to r the aelec- tlon of mem b en of the County Committee to aucceed thoae wboae terine ere about tx p lrln t; and,

"Whereaa, No power la veated In this body to chante the method adapted by the county convention of November, Itbd, for the cbooetnq of membera of a central body to repreeent the party : and,

"Whereae, U la neceiaary to retiCtti an organlattlon until tuch time ae a county convention ehall make provlalon tor a new method: therefore, lie it

''Reeolvcd, That the chairm an of the laat county oonvenllon, Howard W. Hayee, bi and he la hereby redueeted. In compliance with the precedent of MPT, lo eeleci a new committee, Ihe membera of which ahull hold oflice until nthrrwiae ordered by a county convention of the party."

The reeolutlon wae preeented by Anlet- an t Becrelary Jam ei Neary aa the reaultof the many eeaelcna of the Executive Com- mlitee. Mr. Neary ealti th a t the committee had conaldered the queation of continuing l|ie organlaatlon and begged leave to ■ubmlt the leaolutlon aa lie report. There were eeveral member* of the Kxecutlve Committee preeent, but none'of them vol­unteered any Information about Ibe why* and wherefore* which prompted the adop­tion of the appointment plan.

Hoard of Works Commlasloner Hewaon, who It not a member of the KxfcuUvb Committee, took oeeaelan to make speech. He laid that the p t u provided for In the reaolutlon waa the only legal method of ooiitluulng the party organlia- tlon. No one elee spoke on the reeolutlon, and It waa unanlmouely adopted.

Chairman M. T. B a rre tt called the meet­ing to order and the roll call ahowed that thirty-eight of the Afiy-one membera of the committee were Interested enough In Ihe outcome of the meeting to pul In an appearance. Mr. B a rre tt thanked the membera for the work they had done dur­ing the recent campaign. He aald that a l­though victory hud not crowned their ef- forta the Democratic vote polled bad been largely Increated, The total, he eald, was shout S.tWl more than had been caat last ■prtng and considerably larger than laat talTa vote. Speaking of Ihe Increased the chairm an aald th a t the Democratic vote In one district of the Thirteenth ,W ird hud been Increased 1£2 per cent, over last fall and several other d litrlc ts , .he added, had doubled their vote. Thege facts. Mr. Bar­re tt declared, iudlosted th a t the County Committeemen had been active In tbs p arty 's In terest

Becretery M. C. EHy tendered hIs resig­nation, and It waa adopted on a roll call vole, A vole of thanka waa tendrrad the retiring oBlctal on motion of Jamea A. McCarthy, and the vote waa ordered apread upon the m lnutei and a copy li lo be len t to Mr. Kly. Mr. Neary waa than made temporary aacretary and Ireaaurer and given charge of the effeota and fundi of the organlaatlon until the new body iball take hold. Then compliments were passed around and Mr. B arrett, Philip Bowy, chairman of Ihe Executive Com- mlltetu and Mr. Neary were In torn thank- ed tor the woik they had performed. Af­te r th a t on motion of Joaeph M. Byrne, the committee adjourned line die and Ihe party waa left without a working orgin- tiatlon.

Until the members gat together last night but few of the committeemen bad knowledge of what courae arould be pur­sued, When the word w as passed around th a t another appointive body waa to spring Into existence the decision was aceepted gracefully by most of those present. Even those who professed to believe that It would be a mistake not to provide fbr an elective body, apparently dU not care to openly oppose the wishes of the majority. After the meeting adjourned and the thing bad been settled, the membera were Icai m e rv e d and mure inclined to talk.

The advocates of the appointive plan were of courae In the m ajority, and had a lot to lay about ' ’precedent* make law*" and sqch things In support of the action taken. These same advocates readily de­clared that the committee had ne power to call an election for County Cominll- teemen nor an election for d iitric t Cap­tains, who would In tu rn he authorised to appoint committeeman. To the sugges-

n"!** n ' ““ " “ 'ion m ight h a v e ^ e n called lo allow regularly elected delegatee to make the plana for the future’ the principal objection urged was the expense. I t w u claimed th a t a county eonvantJon would cost a t leaat MW or Suo for advar- Wing, baU rent and o ther expenses, and “ • afterthought eiponenta of the conven- W n J d u were asked where the money would have coma from.

Comment was made upon tha tact that *“* f**?ld'lon adopted left the time for

A b9oM afyMode from most highly re­fined grape cream of tartar.

Makes pure, delicious, wholesome food.


OolUlcb Hetsrtck Had gallaa la at Haw Miwet swd M ight B sv a D row sed

bat for Barbart Wibl.Oottlleb Heterlek, forly-alx years old,

of l« Bbipman s tra ti, fell Into the canal a t New alreet shortly before 11 o'clock last night and would undoubtedly have been drowned were It not for Herbert Wild, the night watchman a t Howell’s leather factory, a t the corner of New and Wlleey •Ireeta, Heterlek la leas than five fa«t In height and dors not weigh more than lOU poiinda. H e looked very small aa he stood beside h li thlrte,n-year-old eon In the Beoond I’reclnct Police Court th li rown- Ing and defended hlmii lf against a charge ut Intoxication th a t had been placed against him.

Judgu immbert was obliged to stretch bla neck In order to eight Heirrtek,

"Vou are charged with being drunk," he was iDkI. The prisoner said Ihe charge waa a false one, and th a t he did not drink enough to aet him off.

" I was merely golDg home, when 1 fell In," ha axptaincd.

•'Fell In W harer' asked tha Court."In to the canal," aald Heterlek.Judge Lam bert thon learned for tha flrat

time of the experienca of the man. The croaalng of the canal a t New alreet Is a very dangerous one. About six weeks ago tha body of a woman was found In the w ater there, and U la supposed aha fell In Just exactly aa Heterlek did last night. One walking toward the bridge In the dark might very naturally step over the atone parapet which borders the canal, for It La unprotected by either rail o r guard.

Some one called the Second Preclnot Station up on Ihe telephone. "A man la In the canal," he said.

"Well, get him ouC" yelled th e Sergeant. "He may he dead before we can get a man there."

Policeman Bennett was dispatched to the scene, and when he arrived Heterlek had been rescued by Wild. The la tter had heard a splash In the water, and after­ward the mau’a criea for help. Kunntng to the canal, he saw Heterlek etruggling helplessly In the rold water, l ie Jumped In and pulled him to the shore. When taken to the station the man waa almost frosen to deutb. He w si placed before a roaring Are and kept there, while word waa sent to his home th a t be required dry clothes. These were sent to him, and ha made a very necessary chshge. He waa then locked up.

HIs son told Judge I-ambert th a t Ma father could not speak good Engilab and ha aald the la tte r had told him he araa not drunk. I t developed that Helerick could make himself understood In English, and. In a broken tongue, he said he waa fully capable of tekm g care of himeelf, but th a t the canal was to blame.

" I t seemed as If the canal came to me.*’ be said, "and th a t I did not go to It. TheDrat thing I knew 1 was swimming for »y life. I t waa very oold." - Judge Lam bert decided that, sober or

loy life. I t waa very oold.*'Judge Lam bert decided I

drunk, Heterlek had Buffered sufllclently for any trouble he put poopis to, and he dlscfaatg^ him.


t ^ y ihwll convene, tn B Demecratlc party of Essex County Is without an organlaatlon,

Fm T H K R g OK WOKKN’g BATS.Tbaohati’ Galld to s t i r t a C raisde Against

an Allegnd Cruel Custom.M ill Emily Folter, who presided at a

meeting of the Teachera’ Guild ystlerday, o^ led the attention of the membera to ,tha custom among women of wearing upon their bonnela algrettsa mads of blrda’ fsathsra. Mias P o tter said th a t tbs fsath- *r», together with A pleoo of sUn. arere taken from the bird while it waa alive, and th a t the bird waa then caat aside to die a. lingering death.

The guild authoriied Idlaa Potter to ap­point an "Audobon Committee" to take measures to do away w ith the fashion In­volving such alleged cruelty, Mrs. Thomas Seward, now of New Tork, bu t formerly president of the W omen's Club of Or­ange, delivered an add real upon ''Parlia­m entary Law," at the conelualon of which the thanks of the guild were voted to her, A motion to Indorse Superintendent Qil- bort’a action In requesting the Board of Education to prohibit eolleotloni in the aohoola for fair* and o ther enteitainmsnta waa defeated. The guild decided to bold a recapthra a t the Continental Hotel on January IL .

HalTUIa and Edwards M ast Aaiwer.

Mr. Farrell laye Regard Rhonld Be Had for tb s KqmtHw of haloons la Ons Locality,

At the meeting of the Excise Commla- Edonert last night License Inspector F a r­rell mads a strong plea against the g ran t. Ing of a license In a district wherein a l­ready there are flfteen lalDons, The appli­cation waa th a t of Barbato Zara, who wished to open a saloon at ISf Eighth ave­nue, W bsn the m atter came up Inapector Farrell, addreaalng th r commlsstonera, aald:

’’1 should like to see this application ra- Jseted. I do not object to It on account of Z ara 's character, became 1 do not know but that tt la Just what It ought to be, hut there already are fifteen llcenaca In action In the Immediate neighborhood, andI fall to see the neceeiUy for sny more. It la merely a m atter of Urns when this board will have to pay attention to equallxlng the number of llsenees granted within certain territories. Too many licenses In­vite lawlessness. A man opens a saloon and before he hai got fairly started flve or six more spring up around him and he has to resort to dishonest means to obtain money on which to live,

" I t la the urgent duty of this board, when It seea the number of laloont In one place Increaaing, to Inveattgate carefully the facia In the case. As your License In­spector I apeak authoritatively In the m at­ter, and urge th a t this applloatlon bs re­jected by a unanimous vote,"

Eugene C ords appeared for Zara and urged th a t the llcenae be granted. Ha ex­hibited a petition In Ita favor and a letter from Rev. Joseph L. Plrotte, certifying to Z ara’i character: also one from At M W arner, owner of the building whereinII waa desired to tocatv the saloon. The apullcatloti was rejected by a unanlm oui vole.

Thomas H. Brown appeared to plead for the granting of a license to John Lam ­bert for an hotel a t the noribeaat oorner of Sixth and Ollfton avenuei. The appli­cation had been made a week before and Mr. Brown, who owns the houae wherein it la dealred to locate the hotel, had heard th a t It was to be rejected,

’’! w ant to know who objects lo this place?" aald Mr. Brown. "Tfali ts not to be a common Hlqon: It Is to be a hotel and a reepeclable place, too. I am wlUlne to furnish bonds for Its reapectafalltty. It will not be a low, lawleea place, for i live next to It and will ise th a t It la run r ig h t We need an hotel near the park. I un-

AUegid tbst Relgells HraUlly Heat Cre- vene Wllh s f lab .

Roreo Reigello, of H Oarilde s ire tl, was arrested laat night by Delocilv*' Cosgrove on a charge of atrocious iiaau lt, preferred by Antonio Craveno, of 81 Boyilen street, Creveno alirged that he waa brutally healeo over the head by Reigello In a i»- loon In aaratde itreei. a fter the two had indulged In a dispute over a game of cards. When the complainant appeared last ntght a t the Second Precinct Station he was blevding terribly from several savere scalp wounda.

He said that Relgelia used a club dur­ing the a iaiu lt. It waa found necessary lo send the malt to the City Hoapllal (or trealm em . There U waa said hla Injurtsg though severe, would not prove serious In the police court this morning Reigello was held for the action of tha Urand Jury.

GATHERED D| THE ORANGES.MIts l.lu ta I,si>g Marrlwl t« WUllam W.

fehnelkert, O vsnesr of tbs_ Foar s f OrsngewBrlefo,

H lu Lixite lAng, of Now York, was married last lig h t to William Wilson Bchnelkeri. i^verseer of the l’v » r Of Or­ange. The ceremony waa pciTocmed a t the home of Mr. Schnelkart'i parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank X, Schnelkert, M Day street. Orange. Rev. Charlsa Townsend, pastor of the irirst Presbyterian Church, ottlclsied, Frank Bchnelkeri, a brother of the gruom, waa best man, and th s maid of honor s s s Miss Lillie H artw rlght, of New Yoik, Mr, and Mra. Schnelkert will re- ■Ide In llawthuriw street, Orsnge.

Miss I ’htibella Pauline Chew, daughter of Mrs. Hyiresler A. Chew, of Bridgeton, was married yesterday to E rnest Nichols Woolston, of Licean Urove. Ths ceremony took place In at. Paul’s M. E. Church, Ocean Grove. It waa performed by the pastor, Rev. Juieph Q. Heed. Mr, Wool- aton formerly resided tn ICaat O nm gs and a party of hIs friends from lb s Orangei attended the wedding. The maid of honor was Miss Kiliabeth A. Hock, of Philadel­phia. and Paul Livingston Woolston. brother of the groom, was best man. The bridesmaids were Miss Sarah Mulford Slieppard, of Greenwich, and Mlaa May <7. Dlsoswuy, of ocean Grove, Joseph M. Gar- rlaon Jr., of Elmer: Georgs E. Farm er and Dr. John Taylor, of Aabury Park , and Harvey lleegle, of Ocean Grove, wet* the usbers. The bride, who was given away by her cousin, J, Boyd Avis, of Woodbury, wore a tfress of white satin trim m ed with ducheaae lac* and carried a bouquet o( bride rosea The maid of honor’s dress was of whits organdie over white allk. She wore a picture hat and carried pink cannatlona. Thr bridesmaids wore white organdie over pink silk and wore picture hats and oarried pouqueli of while carnatlona. A fter Ihe ceremony a reception wax held a t the home of thr bride, Dk Cookman avenue, and la ter Mr. and Jlrs. Wooleton left on a wedding trip. I'pon their return they will reside at 62 Webb avenue. Ocean Grove.

E«st Orange Condavs No. STi. Improved Order Heplaaopba, elected tile followlna offleers laat night: I-aat archon, W, H. Potter, J r .; archon, S. Walton Freem an; provoal, F. W. Lawson: preiate, D. F. Hill; accretary, Herman B, W alker: flnan- cler, M. F, Ulckeraon, J r .; treasurer. H, J. Condlt; Inspector, B, G. Lloyd; warder. Charles E. William*; sentinel, Charles Lang; trustees, Albert l.e]Wther. W alter Bowman, WUllam Llndeman: represenla- Hvu to Supreme Conclave, w . if. Potter, J r .; alternate, 8. Walton Freeman. After the election a card party wa.'i held, the first prll* being won by W. If. Potter, Jr., and the second by Herman li. Walker.

The meeting of tbe W oman's Club of Orange yesterday was In charge of tha Departm ent of Education, of which' Miss E. It, 8. Shelton Is the heed. The enter- lalnm ent began with the singing of ‘'Good N ight" and '‘M argareta" by Miss l.nidlow. Mr*. Alexander King, Jlra. Robert 81lm- m o n u d Mrs. Charles S tarr, with Mr*. (7, A. Trowbridge as iccompanlat. A paper on "Convertatlon In the Home" was read by Mra, Frederick H. Doremus and one on "The Art of Conversation'' by Mrs.

¥■ Tork.Mtaa 8. LoulJ* Phelpa read a poem on ‘T he Lost Tense."

Mr. and Mr* E rneit von Dtexetskl, of North Grove street. E ast Orange have la. sued card* for the m arringe of their dau g h te r Mlaa Julia Louise von Dleaelaki to f o v .^ 'l lb u r W aitly C. Walker, pastor

*1. B. Church The wedding U to take place in Ihe Park Ave­nue Church on Saturday afternoon Dc. ceraber M.

The engagement 1* announced of Htas Grace Allen Ledger, of Hudson, N. y.

Harrison atrest, Eaat Orang*. ^ArUimion Council No. tent, American Le-

glon o iH onor, of Kaat Orange, has elecl- the following offleers: Commander. C.

E. Murphy; vice-commander, F r l t i H innI' orator, A. F. Flatley; aecretary. Jay c.’ Wood; collector and treasurer. Stephen M. ^ n g ; chaplstn, Richard Purdue; guide. John Geoger; warden, W. H. Muggelln- trustees GMrge Buggrlln, John Geiger, C harlesE . Murphy; sepretentatlve, George W. Buggclln; alternaie, Stephen M. Long.

A concert Will be given lo-nlght a t the Grove Street Congregational Church, East

tralto; William F. Mullln, of Newark’ bar- tone; Henry C. Mecklem, of fhtst Orange,

J a c k , h t W M 1 fM iD e r 'i luti.Abd Gin • ftwfnwr’* daiiKliler;

T hey w ent to g e tb er up a Itlll T o fetch a p*H of water.

Anti, when the w ater they h,id brought, T h e r eaW “ w e’ll b ring no more—

W e're going to tee S a n u Clatii A t t ls h n o A C o /d Big S to re ."

Se cu re ■ tr a n s f e r c a rd u p o n e n te r* In g o u r s to r e , a s y o u w i l l th e n m ake b u t on# p a y m e n t.

B r in g th e c h ild re n t o M a S a n ta C U u g f r o m 9 A . M . to I P . M . ( o a ly ) In o u r b ig b a s e m e n t, w M t a n d .

Baacment, South Altle.

Silver Presents.We give you the

best choice ia both Sterling and Silver-

I ware, t h a t Newark can offer; our prices are your way.

Quadruple Plated Toilet W are o f veryhaudeome d w lg u ;

Combe, 48*.H air Brushes, 1 .NT.Utrrora, 3.1M.H at B nishrs, 1 -«T.Bonnet Brushrs, l.n T .Cloth Brurhes, I .NT.Whisk Brooms, I.UT.Shoe S e ls , l .T h -

Sterling Silver nr I’hiled Xupkln Itliijpi a t every jioeelble price, and so many style* th a t It will purrie you to choose from thcin.

Q uadruple Plated hbnving Mug and Rrunb, satin flnlstiw ith hsmlsoDie rococo border and gold-lined, 1.6!) per set.

Sltver-ploted Novelties in everyth ing imagloable th a t la suitable for presents,

Fruit Dishes. 1 .ON to iT .S tt.C akt Baskets, i . un to ii.TB.Houp Tureens, B-fW to 1 0 .TO.Tea Sets, T.Wt to ae .d li.Wallers, i . o a to N.ow.Crumb Sets, l . e i t loU.Ub.Ice Pitchers, 4.BH to lO.WN.T llU ng P itch ers, K l.d n to a'J.a.T. W ater P itch ers, l .«ei to U .T B .Butler Dishes, 1 .» n toft.llN .Raking Dishes, a .a n to T.nH. Chocolete Pols, I ,a n to 1 .US, Children’s Cups, WNe. to I.IIH .Caatere, l.S B to n.TO.Candelabra!, o.TS to o.W ).Syrup Pilchers, l,i>N to B .an : Bread Traya, l.b N to O.SIt.N u t B ow ls, l .B N to 8 .T » .Qra'vy Boats, 4.T# to tl.W l.Fern D ishes, 1 ,«M to 0 .d « .P la teau s, a .a n to a .B N .Ice Tubs, 4.HN to B -an- w in e Coolers, N. TB.Hot W ater K ettles, la .T ls .Tea Of Coffee Urns, 1 6 ,«N.

S ts tlo n s r y • • T h l * d e p a r tm e n t s h o w * th o u a k i x U o f d e sign s o f X m u C s r d s , a n d a ll k i n d * o f S t a t l o n o r y . b y th e p o u n d o r In b o x M .

Btuem eot, S o u th A is le .

A most beautiful and appropri­ate present is a lamp. Ours is the finest lamp stock in the State.

Lamp (like cut>, with either 9 or loinch globe, in 10 different decorations and colors. All have centre draught burners. Our A CQ

Our Comet Incandescent Gas Mantel can be used 011 any gas burner. Mantel with asbe.stos loop, 20c. Mantel with platinum loop, 25c.

E very lltlte twy thm ild bava \ veasel of aomo kind,

S team er, sailer or warship,O r else a ll three combined.

We have them In onr lUt o f to y i, A t prices very low.

H ie nloe«t Imats In all th e to w s .Are *<dd by llabne A Co.

Basement, S ou th A lile .

B r i c - a - B r a c ,Fine China,

Cut Glass.If it is a woman whose pres*

ent you are worrying about, stop and look this little list over, for her present i.s here.

Teplltz Vase* in la rg e variety at ZSc., d 9 c „ 9 1 c .; I .d 9 to S 3 .9 8 each.

Jew el CaM4, very p re tty decnritloiis,fold plated trim niliig*, 98c. eheh to

1.95.Bohemian G lass llon-lm n snd I’lifT

Bifxe*, choloe decoruGon, J9 c . tu 2.28 each.

U eeorsted C hina. F ish , Oame, Ice Cream, Chocolate, Tet«-a-t« |e and Fruit Sets In large v a r ie tr , Iticli .Vmerlcan C u tG U sl Bnvrla, 3 .9 8 to 18.98 each.

W ater Jug s , 6 .7 S to 18 .78 eurh.Oliva end Bon-bon 'J'raya, 1,98 to

8 .8 9 each.

Home of Santa Claus.The Fairies' dream of daz­

zling splendor and a bazar of delight to young and old.

Come in often. We’re al- wa3'i pleased to see you.

iasem eiit. N o rth Aisle,

Musical instruments.Come and ie a th e musical wonder, tha

REGENT ZITHER,dem onstratad on onr mala floor. I t li zithur, g u ita r and m andolin In one. We guarantM to teaeh you how In iilsy It In Itve m lnulea. I t i price I* o n ly A o d .

O l y m p h i 5 a lf - p l a y ln g M u i lc B o x ,witli in terchangeab le metal Umeo—the lie*l Am erican m usic box In the m arket. Nos. 1 tn S, each w ith flve tunea, H.OO to 7 0 .0 0 .

KnUre Second F loor, West,

Our Xm as Furniture Showing is made up of Fur­niture especially adapted for gifts. Especially designed to appeal to gift buyer,-!. Prettier designs than the ordinary.

You need not know what you want tilt you are here. The goods will appeal to you from their ow appropriateness.

The ladies say: “It is so hard to buy for a man.” Is there anything hard about buying a Shaving Stand for some gentle­man friend? We show Shaving Stands in antique oak, solid mahogany and bird’s-eye maple, all with mirror tops, from 2.65 to 25.00.

About one hundred different styles in all the popular woods, such as solid mahogany, imitation mahogany, quar­tered oak and vemis martin in iiu sic Cabinets. Prices range from 4.98 to 63.00.

1Ui J

Broad ami New Streeu.

Men’s House Coats.Of course,women buy most of the House Coats for men. Natural,for women have the knackof comfort­bringing to them. So this word to w o m e n . Our stock at a glance

shows variety and elegance. There are the very neat sorts, and tbe very loud sort, but even the gayest is not an of­fence to good taste. Should there be any mistake in the size selected—exchange will gladly bemade after Christmai —or before if you discover i t

A large variety of the moBt de- airable styles in Smoking Jackets and House Coats for holiday pres­ents will be found here.

Genuine Awa- bet Tricot Jack­ets in browu, gar­net and blue,faced with quilted satin, quilted lining, edges bound with satin, 4 .7 5 .

Genuine Assabet Tricot Jackets in brown, garnet and blue, faced with quilted satin and quilted satin lining, edges bound with satin, 6 .9 8 .

Tricot, satin bound,browns, blue maroon,

Scotch Plaid Houae Coat, cord binding, 4 .9 8 .

Books, Pictures, Dress Patterns.

Pure Candy. Fine Groceries.

Nuts, Cakes. Fancy Goods.


harp: Mlsa Mecklem, saxophone; William F. PiaSrit, orxanlat; Miss Carrie Teal, of Brooklyn, violinist; Miss Florence Jaco­bus, of Newark, pianist.

Rev. Dr. Bunsaulus, of Chlcaro, deliver­ed a lecture on "Saronarola" last night a t the Munn Avenue Presbyterian Church, E ast Orange, for Uie tienefit of the Whll- tler Houae Soelal Beitlement Jersey City.

The Young People's Soelal Society will bold a box soelanle to-night at Belford Hall, North Centre a t r « t , Orange.

The aecond half of a 900-nolnt game of •huflleboard between M. Mrlnernsy, of the Rawnaley Anoctallon, and William Ken­nedy, o f the Kennedy Aaaoclatlon, sn uglayed laat night on the Rawnsley boards,

range. Melnerney won by a score of 162 to m Kennedy won the flrit half hy a tcore of m to U5,

Mlaa M ^ l e Bowers, of Main street and Qreenwood avenue. East Orange wae ten- dered a reception a t her home last night by about th irty friends.

ESdward NIcnolaa was walking along Main afreet. E ast Orange. Iasi night, when he saw a curtain on Are In the residence of Dr. F. B. Lane. Nloholas rang the door bell, and wlien the door was opened he ran upsiaira and exilrgulshed the blasO. The Bremen arriveu a tew iciiiuies laier. nut there wa* nothing lor Uiem lo do. I t was •aid th a t the curlnlii I'ad been blown

[■Just a Uxhted gas Jel.Rev. C. J . Hoyt, of t

Church. Orange, will give the les­son to th e Prim ary Teaehers’ Union of the Orange* to-morrnw afternoon a t J;3(l o’clock In th* North orange Baptist Sun­day-school.


I.lsateBtsnt-CeloBSl lla lm sa W rite s o f Good CmidltloD o f SontherB kold lera,

E, C. Holmea. of the Arm of J, L. Arml- tage A Co., received a le tte r yesterday from his brother, Lieutenant-Colonel B. P. Holmes, of the Third Regiment, New Joreey Volunteers, stationed a t Athens, Ga.. In which he says th a t contrary to alt report of ill-health among the eotdlen In the South, they are In Arat-class condi­tion, and are well cared for. H o aaya that the regiment li preparing to move to Cuba. In part the letter reada:

■‘We are all In the beat of health . The hosulian are useless. A lthough It is very Colo, we are remfortable, aa th e Govern­ment furnishes stoves for our lams. Or­ders are In for the movesnent of tbe regi­ment to Cuba, The coming woek will see us on our way. If not. In fact, there. Mules, wagons, overcoats, ihoea and aU necessary apparel are arriving tn g rea t quanlUles. All will be loaded on the tranaport, ilx men occupying a lent fourteen by fourteen feet. We go from here to Savannah and then to Cuba. The member* of the regi­ment are in excellent spirits.

"W e have had our drawbacks, for It has been uphill work. The people and the papers have been our w orst enemie*—not Intentionally, I am sure. Sine* sum m er the paiicrs have had us mustered out four­teen times."

Lieutenant-Colonel Holm et says th a t there Is a feeling of contentm ent among the men, and an assurance th a t th s Oov- ernment will take good care Of them.

* ^ e v !* f . L Hoy’l“ o'r''the Ferry M. K. M A IL BBTATB THAXBrBKB.

o R A i i e a A D 'V B R T isK M E irrs.

UBHS'fl whftt you h«r« h««n looking for: Mlid'a b te tr M d k wool h(i«4s all titi -

worth aOc.; blnck wool hooc._ »»•* laos

P«Jrs worth Vie. ; ladlta' blnck wool hCM. I k . W4W Torh K ntu ln Store. 282 Main it.y toutb^ w f ilc o fw r O atr* it. *

AiZmilVA iK ! J f .L.K DOLLB- 6urrli«M, dolli' 4oHa’ leuHluh dliheu uad to n 0 UTurydeocrltiRioa at DRUM" Behool people O bj^t to the place and alio MONiyB, IS» Main si., Orense. 4«oa tew of the neighbors, w ho are t h o a e ---------------------------- '------------------ —--------

A DANCING class at Bslfnrd Halt, 30 North . Osntrs St., Orange, Sstuntsy evenlnas. Alt the latsst danesa will be tsugtit. 1BENT bnttar, best sgga no tsV*. and atnslt

prieia. Is what you get s i CASH DAtRV iTORB, aor. Main and Psrl^rts______________XMAS cards, fancy china cups and ssnoers.

nslghborst I have been a friend lo ^1 nf them, and It l i a got daated ahame If tbev go back on ire,"

Here Inapector Farrell rem arked that while no formal objectlona had b e ta made they would be It the apjglloatlon was Inatsc-' ed upon. Then Mr. Brown aald th a t heknew who waa making th* objection. He XNAB cards, fancy chins cups and ssnoers. said th a t It was a saloon-keeper In ths fancy lamni, sll sultsbls for pmcnis, at neighborhood who didn't want any rivals Dru m m o n d 's, iw Main at. 4ToAfter a brief .conference betwsMi Lam bert'Brown snu Alderman Trabold Ihe appli­cation w ai withdrawn.

I t w as then announoed th a t Philip Scan­lon, who had objected to the g ranting of a license to Paul Weckmueller (or a ■sToou

t B Buiaea avenue, had withdrawn hla

W B sell the only gmulns No. 2 nut coal In the O rsniss: only fh.OO Mr ton; burns tn nny

stovs, AD8T1N A AONB. 4»u

HATB. enn. tie.. St AVI

oust, sweater*, robbers. muOUrs, IN’S. 14 Mtin st„ W. Orsnis.

oUectlon, aad th* tfeena* waa granted.The weekly report of th* Inapector show­

ed th a t thirteen appllcalhinf (or lloenae* nins applications (or transfers snd one appllcatron for a double transfer had been inadu during th* week. From January l IW, lo December 7, 1,H* licence* had been » v --' • And JW tranafera and n double traagfm, ---------

TRY oqr famous No, 2 nut cost; cutly IS.II0 iton. Tel. A U niN A SONS

SPECIAL on chicken wheat, tl m VINCENTS, MO Main at., Orsnge.

OPEN evening* HU R this week. MOND-B, USMsbi st.. Orange.

per hundred.


IKDiamond Ring Teken fomn HIs Oast.

lageoloiu Jensym sa,Patonta Issued to Jeraeymen December

a i m rem ried fo r tha N E W S by D r S o * f P a i e n t A eorner Broad and M a r k tt atreetm F a n atiaohment fo r sewing macblnea, T . J . B u tle r, N e w a ra ' gams apparatus^ M , D . D e xte r, Bridge! toaj elM tric l a t ^ , W . B . Doe, I t n o r ' ■"-mug polyg™’ * '


mood liiiff )uk1 b9«n tto lsa from h b oaiits H e H ft tEaga rtne nt hanging In the shop, ha aald, aniTmissed the ring after he nut tlig tsMt on laat night.

K k a U a l M t Oa M a ta ■ I

iU, f*. j-MriBFi iwowerltl bOX OOT*etinv ftjta o o n u r n tohitio . iS e m s iM ofgxn and Fni>Qk ^ JoiHn* K svm rk;

f ty e tte . BMtMSon; _log jKsaA C. PtRter,O. w . Prsttoti, l ^ a anbm (or mi B o ^ s i i ; at).osaehinH, W . __...wlElst pen t m itn e tsr,NeW uS; IdeMgsaJ,1 , S m w w i " “

L , E .OMUng

THOEttl rwF-

Mrnatlosa tin t are (rtahl at McOOW- » Falk St.. Orang* ___________ B4a

GOOD haled bar, 00c. per hundred, st VIN- CBNTB. aSO Main si. I

XOO-LB. saok Am dairy salt, II, at VINCENTS, *88 Main st, ____________ i

POTA|TO*» 'sHIl dSc. per bushel, at VtfL


CtilcicMg, psrlb................... .D n A i e P B r l b . . . . ............................T«rkByg,'F«r lb ............ -........ I

n iH I FISHI FI8H IAtD.,1, A W. R. R. CKMlug,

CBNTBE 8 ’rREET, ORANQB.not fnssu, o it h t llasks or

The real estate transfers recorded In the Register'soOlceWedneeday and raported by tbe Fidelity T rust Company were:

NEWARK.Ellas B. Pell e t ale to Annie J . Hel­

ler. * * l-ydla W ard U cha a f rSwamp rd (Hamburg p i).................. It

Bamuel J. Kutx e t u i to Fred arid W. Ward. w a s . 11th at X n fr U th av,» x l « .............................. .....................1

Bpotty Marla Cox and husband to P. m tlan tlne A Bone, n a Paaaaloav MS e fr Brill at, iOxlU........... . goo

Andrew Van BIckle to Jam ea Van Sickle, w a N, ttb i t 47E n (r f th av,B x m ..................................................... TOO

James C, McDonald, ear, to F red­erick W. Bchmidt, w a Winona nvIM n fr Bergen at, HxlM...................... ]

Charles A. Davenport et ux to Jam es . 8. Heddcn, e a B ill) afSTt n f r I tth

av, ffixlOO................................................ EOOHenry U. Doremua (Bherlff) to U er-

chan ti' Insurance Co., e a Beartags t 3U n fr W arren * t........................ tHO

Joseph 'Werner et ux to tha Essex County Park Commission, e a N 4thst 400 n (r ith av, XxIOl)...................... LHt

TOWNBHIP8.Jam es A. Bpeer e t ux to W llUan C,

Meyer,' Caldwell, n s BloomAeld av a e cor Bcott Rodman a t aton*bridge, 2 ia . . . . . .......... |t00

William Lawler el ux to M ary Nea- lon, Montclair, e a Bay art IM fr b e a M aad E R R , 00x05; a t n w eor above lot, ExM; e a Bay a t 171 n fr Newark and BIoomAtld R R; a a Chestnut at 146 e fr Fullertonav ................................................... 1

Mary Nealou to M ary L aw ltr,eatne ................................................ i

William O. Lord et UX to f t h n Hed- cn itt, Irringlon, e a Ban s t ITS frCottage st, I sx lN ,.,. . , ......................

Timothy W. Lord et ux to John Hed- craft, Irvington, * a Ball s t US ( r Cottage at, 0x108; e a Ball at *09 fr Cottage at, 0xK % a ■ B u i

I ( r CoUage at, ISxUS; a a Ball I ( r Cottage at, 0X100,Id D . ---------------------


O K A N C tt.

a t i n i*t u o i

Edmund D. Runyon e t ox to I ia a o D. Gabel et ux, Orange, n a e Me­chanic I t U4 n w fr Lincoln av,xixUO ..........................................

William K. WlUlajnson c t ox to H u­bert J. AMitey, Bloomneta, a a Ea- aex at IM w (r Berkeley av, lOOxtll; n s Essex at ISO w fr B erktiay av , 188XUS .y ........ .

CONTRACTB AWARDED. The following coctracta hav* bean

corded a t th* Courthouies.P eter O’Connor, ownar, wl'

' ' ts n , maacn, rc c iin o r, ai

____ _______ _ ownar, wli

•OflllMra 1" itid ':



§t4fll4 A llow ed S l.O M fo r Propertr ed bx th e l*enaaylTiiDlA BAllroads

flperbil Diapatrh to the NUWS.N E W B R U N S W IC K , Drr. 1B.-The Jury

In th e cajiQ o f the AiipenJ o f th e rrnnayN vanlB Hftllroad fm m th r nwiit-ii m ade by tb e conmitM ionerB upon th e P'rank Sterie property, on ra ter n o n s tree l. w hich waa alao appealed b y Mr. S tccic . g ave a ver> diet late yea terd oy a f t im o o n , fixing the va lu e o f th e p rop erty and th e dumagen at 11,066,

Thk* orig in a l aw ard m ad e hy thr rom- mtHKionrni w aa flv75h. T h e Jury wan out nearly tw o hours. ow ns a Uh whoserear line ab u ts lUHtu th e r^rmeyiv'suia Railroad track s. T h e rnm pany wiLiUed a, strip ten fee t w ide, ur Ioiht us the w idth o f Mr, S teele 's lot. for the purpose o f build ing a sw itc h to th e ho>«f house of ths S w ift C om pany. T h e ca se waa b ltu r ly fou gh t on both aide*. It m ay be again up* pe&Ied,


l U iJhdi la JsH I 'a s u io UallETsd leH ave Kntert.ll Many b to m .

Special Dispatch to the nk w h .PASSAIC, D ec. l i .—The police to-day ar­

rested W lllism R fU lnaiT . H arry Lyons, H erbert Van lluasH . V.'llllam Lynn, Jam «s McCormick snd Chntli.e Young, ranging In age from fourteen in cig lilcen , and a tm them to Jail,

The police secured n ronreaslon from R ettln gcr that he and tiH Kang liad perpe- truted u larae num ber o f p etty robueriea H slf-s-d o ten stores lesiK y to thair v isits . R ettlnger is the grandson o f George H et­tinger, a h otel-keeper and a R epublican Warhome. ______________________

More Typhoid Cases a t F a tsn o n .PATEI18GN. D ee. new cose* o f

typhoid fever worn reported lo th e Hoard aj HeaKli yesterday, w hich m ak ss forty- s ix cases In sH reported so far th is munth, but there are a t le a st th ree other cases know n to the h e s lib au th or ities which h a v e not been reported y st. H ealth In- apector Leal still b e lieves th a t ilia out- brsak Is caused by th e c ity w ater, but w hen such Is tb e c a se It la u su a l to look for som e house a lon g th e river In w hich th sre la a case o f typhoid and from which th e w ater Is con tam in ated . Bo far th is ca se baa not been d iscovered.

D raught C heehsd .BAN FRANCMHf'O, D eo. 1 5 .-’n in w eath ­

er snd crov> reptirt* ga th ered by the A s- aoclnted Fres* show th a t th e rain w hich com m enced lui ih" c o a s t T u esday night, h as reachail aln iost e v e ry section Of tbe S ta te and all danger o f d rought fur thr tm w being Is p ast. T h e precipitation com e* In llie nick o f tim e . C'mtle hav* keen sU rv ln g In m an y a ec llo n t and the giD und has n'‘e" « i° dry for tilling and w ater supplies rur m an y c ities and tow ns h ave rtnehed a very low ebb.

Ohio Rlvsr Froien.CINCINNATI, Dec I6,-Th# Ohio River

la frosen over a t Wheeling and Parkers­burg and from I’arkersburg to Latulavllle the It ream Is full of floating toe. In the harbor hers the floos a t time# extend from ■bore to shore, and navigation la more and more'difflcult. It has been suspended for all upper river point*. Llcktng River has g o ig ^ at several points. Towboats keep moving In the harbor In the effort lo pre­vent a solid mas* of tep forming here.

BT. TliOMA„ . 0 ,-T h e United

Danish offlelal* Pmteet,AS, Danish W est Indies, Dac.

— — „. . l l ea Blatea Quartermasterii steamer Gypsum King, which arrived here Voaterday from Porto Rico In order to be ta sk e d luts been luwvtntsd from so doing bv the Danish Guvernment ofliclals, who take the ground that It would be a viola­tion of th ! neutrality Uws to permit her to do so. The officials, however, hare cabled to Copenhagrn for Instructions,

. Vsinlal In a H laeksm lth'i Bhap.

* 1 K lJk5 t« l!iV H y*i^ .V .5 ffirlck Tevllr, • blSkinillh . enlered hla shop thU morn- Ing and found both bellow* m ths place ou“ to pieces, o n the floor was found a

wffilch belonged to a workman who w u rmmerir In Tevlin’s employ. Ellsa- b e f t detectlrea are now hunting for the t a i n t e d offender.


i s ^ S p i J r slaSe-Yla*

NEWS OF THE ORIENT.To Form Ntudeue of a Gbinee* Army—Rus­

sian K n ie rp rise - 'n e Opposttlna to the Kibperor.

VANCOUVER. B, C., Dec. 15.-Chlnese papers received by the Empress of India to-day ita te th a t :,0M men are to be handed over to Lord Charles Heresford to organlxe as a nucleus of the Chinese dis­ciplined army, of the future.

Dlapatches have been rerelvert from Nanking and Wu Chang to the effect that th s Grand Council has nollAed the Vice­roys of thoee citlei to select a thousand men each from the Manchu garrlsona of K lang Nlng (Nanking) anil Chlng Chow, near Bhasl, and have Ihrm ready to be turned over to the aole command Ot Lord Charlek " to be drilled according to the system of the Brltlih army." U has not yet been determlne<l where the future camp Is lo be, but probably near Nanking or Chin Klang.

The Hong Kong paiwre declare that the reports published of the existence of a secret tre a ty between the Ruetlan and Chln**e Governments are perfectly true. It la ita te d th a t a large force under Rus- elan officers la orderui to Bbanhalkwsn.

The secre t treaty existing between Rus­sia and China Is reporte.1 to bs ae fellows;

Until th a reorgnnliiillon of the Chinese Army and Navy 1s eompletcd China slmll have aaelBtance of the Russian Army and Navy for defence In rase of eraargency. In such case th* command of the army snd navy ih a ll rem ain In the hands of Russian officer*. The Chinese Guvernment sbsll make proper pecuniary compensation to the R ussian Army and Navy when their servleea a re received. The commander of tha Russian Army a t Ltao Tung and Port A rthur shall hold hlmaelf at Ihe order* of the Chinese Government, and may be call­ed upon to render assistance at any time.

A native dtapntch from North China sta te s th a t since the Russians have com­menced thk w ork of cnnstrurtlng the rail­way In M anchuria, the country from Kirin to Honchnn la more than ever dtelurtwd by ''horse bandits," who hav* been Joined by m any laborers who had been employed by the R ussian authorities, but after­ward found the work too laborious and preferred pillaging to hard work. Though the Cblneee troops were unable to quell the bandits, the lotter are scared of the nnsslans and tak e care not to come wUhln range nf their rifles.

The foreign M inisters a I I’eklng have re . celved le tte rs eupptised to eome from Katig-Yu-Wei, th e Chinese reformer. In the letter addroesed to tho G m nan Minis­ter It sla ted th a t the wrller luia recnlved Instruction* from the Emperor of China to ask th* Rsslstano* of the German Minis­ter to unearth the conspiracy of the Em- presB Dowager and lo restore the Emoeror to the throne hy the use of force, after securing itermisslon nf the Home Govern­ment. It wa* added that If the effort iirovid successful the German Minister would be rewarded wllh a conslderabtn sum of money.

Thb letter w as written In the form of an offlolai communication, the lender sign­ing hlmaelf In hla capacity as director of the Official Gaaetlo Bureau. I t la re­ported th a t th* letter* **nt to the other Minuter* were to a elmlUr effect.

I t U well understood now tn I’eklng that Ihe Intention of Ihe Hanchus wa* to kill th* Emperor or formally depose him, and hi* succaaaor w as chosen; but the attitude of the foreign Minister made them pause, and the arrival of th* Legation Oiiarda made them conclude th a t they had better leave thing* a* they were meanwhile, as two of the Prince# told a prominent resi­dent of Peking: "W* lei the for­eign doctor see him to ' pacify the tega- tiona, but we don 't let him take any of the foreign docloPa msdlclnss." Bo tltiior- oui are those M snehu Princes that there la Very Util* doubt th a t really strong rtp- reasm atlon from the foreign HlnUtirs. backed by a movemoDt on the part of the British fleet, would put the Emperor really on hi* throne again. The presence of 100 assorted foreign soldleri and sailors In J’eklng ha* bad a remarkable eff« t already.

Th* atsamsT Bmpreaa of Indl*, which has arrived hsro from Hong Koog end T o k o h m a , brtags the (ollowlag adrieee;

Ah agtwswMnt baa been concluded bs- twesn tba Ja g a a st* and Cblnae* Govern- menta fo r tb* Maas of an aaeborag* for Japanas* vrtgM i a t to o Cbow to Ibe ax>

t * bava rto M ily s x *

to VlKiount Taknihlma and Mar-i xhnl Notu» «. v^ry p<*Mlmla(ti) vl«w Id ra<* ffard lo tii6 futurti of (lix ChlD^M Empir*. "There Lb no man In China who can her from the Impendinjf coUapoe," aald he^ "The (o u n trj la oo bl^ i i to defy all a t- tt'tnpte a t renovAline I t / '

lauced, the Maraula would not be Pur-firlped It he ahouli! And a and fate over- akpp </hlfiB within a m ther abort tp«o« of

time, pay th rre year*.The armored rrul>»er Kolorr. Ih r (German

naaahlp In C h ln m water*, ran on a nMk and hotl to b» lw«Qb«N| in HaitiPttli liay.

Firp ocouri’Ml on the Japanpae ptaamer Hal Loonjf on Kovemlier lit, when near Amoy. Ti-rrlblo confutlon toon prevailed amonjf h rr Maity wereconnnrfi beJow and could not rrach Th« drek. Thf rl»mea w rre extlnaulahed after a hard aprU of work a t th r pumpa. but not hrfniT two men had hw n burned lo death and three Injured.

Mme. Yale’s

Hair Tonic.

I.adl<>* and Gentlemen; It aflonJs mt KITMt pleasure to cnlhhcattculloD of the publlo to the Kxrelstnr Italr Tonic, which lith e flm and only rrmsdy known to cbsiuistry which positively turn* g n y hslr back to It* original color wlthoul dye. I t hat gone on record that

MME VALE—wonderful woman chemist—lia* made this moM valuable of all chemlt«l dii- coverlea. Mme. Vale personally ln< donee Ite action and gives the publlo hei ■olsmu guarantoe that it hn* been tMtad tn every conceivable way, and has proved tteelf to be the onlj/ Hair Mpeeiflo. It t(op* hair falling Immediately and cre­ates a luxurious growUi, ConUlni no Injurious Ingredient. Physlolaiia and eheniliu Invited to analyze It. It It not sticky or greasy; on the contrary, It make* the Iwlr soft, yonthful, Aufly, and keeps it In curl. For gentlemen and Isdle* with hair a little gray, streaked gray, entirely gray and with B A LD HEAD&. It II «ei>ecla11y racommended- All dealer! aell It- Frice, 91,00.

IfiDjbodf ofirs t sibstltsts, ib u t la


N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 5 ,


„ , , i _ i M i - , nA vfrnsr V oorhfM to w lo e t > ti*w horn* for N tw J t n t y a rm y and n ,v y vd rran *a T a n t a o u ? «o l> « r c h .« t h , oW S o c j ^ C o l .r ^ b u lim „a ‘ ‘ V ln r.an d for th at

- „ « m i - 4« n . r . onlY l . c l i , t h , approval o f A c im , O overnor W a m iM , w ho, w ith S ta te Senator E, C.T h , I

aoS tholr t-------- — — ,- W VW I> oem b.r Q and In .p « t the buUdtna.* T h T r t ^ a t r a r t J r e wai tLlU o T o M a to f m .m tor a Metho.llat oemlnary. but It finally became a Caihollo Initltutlon.

M,roy of P .r t i . T he p ro ^ r ty lnclud«i twenty ac re , of land, haa U» room,, and can acoommo-Ute over WooupiMi H i* wiulpprf with d ty wtl<T. _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _..

I T S T E B T O F M EH O R Y .

Ssawwew to tlweattawa A akeS a t 300 I 'a lv a r a l ly I ta S a n t i S a a p ly

t a t a r a a l l a a T e a tlm a a r ,T b t pear lU t hi noarln, I t i clooe, but

BMny of til o u recall rMdIly I t t chief laotdM U ood My aocurately In w hat a m th they oocurredf Try It and ao«.

Qraat mlnda bav* wraitled to lind an ex­planation tor tha pronka tb i t memoryfh t t* and have hod to (Iva op th , effort. In tlKI the oovire, of a lyiU m atlo attem pt to arrive a t aome undMwtandlnc with regard ta tha iroadari of memory a valuable and tpiUlua body of teaUmooy hae bean obtain­ed. The following queitlen i have been put to W Amerlean unlverelty iiu d eu ii a ^ profaaelonal penoiii, lU being men

' odd forty-nine being women. The aniw ere ore here given writh tha quaetlou:

^ L W han yon cannot racatl a name ywa wont, dooa It aaatn to eome back jpnntanaatulT without being euggeatad by m r Paraetvad aaaoctallon of IdeaaT To

f ‘ tMe. etaeaii par cen t anewtred "No," and ft ; at0 ty-aM par cent. “ Tei."^ A t OoM luch recovery ever comeb. . dialing ala apT To thle HVenleen per cant.

.......................... ....and twenty-eight per cent,

gtveni MacBiag t triad to recall tha name

! a a ta M o ta ^ h O d read of the night bet J a d & t ■.aUM ,

of Soott'a_____ , ood walkingO a MMH recurred t a me w ithout

noveli, and tatted.I walking home In the

TL I tried to reoall the neme of a book. Q avt It up. H alf on hour after, while talk- Wg of eeoeth lng clee. 1 blurted It out wllh- 3 K oonerlnue volition.

^ L On leelng a eight o r hearing a MM d to r the Orct time, nave you ever felt Wn^yOB hod eeen (or heerd) the eame bc- t M f Fifty-nine per cent, anewtred "y e t.

Iw e action of unconecloue memory dur- IM iiaep I t iUuitrated by further querlea,

Q. 1 Do you dream f Ninety-four per geat. jinewered "Tee."

ou woke at a given hour de-IggMtaed beiore going to aleep without woUng up maoy tlm ' ‘ "dng up maoy tlroee before? Ihfty-nlne per eenl. oaewered "yea," tbirty-one per a tn l onawerod "Ma "

Q. L If you con, how about fellureT■btty-nlne per cent, eeldom felled; twenty- nyp per cent., often.


A lleged R ich D lecovcry M ade la P a e - aa lc g ad M orale t o a n tle e .

From the Pelereon New,.A mounltlii of aiphelt, th a t promleei

more to thote who now control It than ten gold mlnei, h a t been dleoovered In the Ceckout Mountalna, neer Uloomlng- dete. In thle end Uorrte countJte, and h i t potted Into the hande of moneyed men of Ihli cUy, Thl« eccumuUllon 'o f aaphalt, bitumen or mineral piti'h la one of the n re e t phenomenone of nelure, and from a commercial etandpolnt Ite Importance cannot be eetlmeled. I t It tha opinion of mlnereloglete and other expert! th a t with the exception of Ihe Illund of Trinidad and up the ehorue of the Dead Sea, In thle mountain la located Ihe in m te it aitpljali deiwelte of the worlii. No other mine naa hem found ao eixeiicllil" to U’ ■ d tlea where the de­mand lor aijilmll la ever liicreeelng. The epeculatom who have hold of It are Miigulne that It wilt prove more than a Klondyhe, and their hopea leem to be well founded. , v

I t li argued by the ekeptice th a t ew h a wondtrful thing would have been die- covered long ago did It really exlit. but then, though Bundreda of mlnera nave been working In Aloaka for ecoree of yeere, the Klondyke wee no t <Ii<e?vr/edand the old mlnera were the moat ekep- tlcel when the vest gold depoelu were found. Nevertbelcaa, the fac t U now eatabllihed beyond the queetlon of a doubt tha t mineral pitch of g rea t com_ merclxl value exiata In the mountain, and I t a t patereon capitallali have Inverted canalderable money In It and a re about to apand many tlm ei more. Able aaeayeri have declared that the bitumen found here compare, favorably w ith th a t found on the aborei of the Dead and (?aaptan aeoa.

The dlicovery wee mede—the way. It eeema, oil great dlecoverlee are made— by accident. An eccentric mlnerologlat. Btl reeled by the etoiiee of gold to be found In that vicinity, epent a g reat deal of time t i^ t ig to locate the velne. He made frequent eaeaya. but, ae far xa gold w ci concerned, he wea uneucceMful. How­ever like Saul, who went out to look for hie fa ther'i u eea end found the crown of lerael, he mode a diecovery that will In all probability prove lacomparabty more

roOiable both to himaelf and the p e ^ e

E C H O E S F R O n T H Ea r t i s t i c w o r l d .

John W, Alrxander, the portrait painter, who la one of the moet piomloent of the colony of American artlate In Peile, 1e In P lluburg , hla native city, on a abort vliU. Me te reported aa murh Intereoled In the Carnegie Art Inxiltuie’a exhibition, which la now open there. The H lliburg Timee aaya that Ur. Alexander, lelllng how art lata In Faria look upon the Carnegie gel- lerlee, eald that "I'U teburg woe mentioned more In a r t circira In Kuropo Iheii any city In the United Stetea. The artlite there could hardly believe that any one men would do ae Andrew Carnegie hae done— eatabUeh an a r t gallery and then offer p i iie t lo r the beat work. Such a thing ae a money prloe wee new to Kuropeane, who ere eatiafled tf they can obtain e med­al or even taooorable mention. But money prleee opened up a new. and hi aome re- epecta a moet aatlifactory field.” Conilnu- In g j ia m U ; . ,

"P ltteburg hoa almply advanced by lumpa and bounda In the world of art. Form erly Philadelphia waa conatder^ the a r t centra of America. Now It la Pltle* burg. New Tork haa been left for In the rear. The metropoila haa her annual eihl- Idtloni, but never thinka of Inviting men from abroad to compete."

a boa Intareated In the acheme.

^ 1. Do you coma direct from oblivion Into conidouaneea? BIxly-four per cent, anawered "Toa." and elxteeii per cent. "O radually."

' KxompleasI. 1 had to give medicine every two

houce exactly to my wife. I am a very eouttd Bleeper, but lo r elx w eek, 1 woke

preparatlone to begin work a t once after the genulneneee of thehave been though Btei pbalt a t hand, not chimerical.

find wae proved uninterruptedly,going

iteelthlly. W ith the beet ol oe- [alone of Meal etreeta ereThe new enterpriee may

m or, than take tha place o f the unateodr lUk end activity

the departed locotnotlTe that made Patereon.

• ry two boure, end nmrer ml,eed glv- medloine.

oinroye awoke flve m lnuiea be- r I eat the alarm.

. had little eleep for ten daye to bed a t f, oiking to be called


. 1 fall oaleep ___,dreee_ed_ oe the olock etn ick U, and

night. ; once. I roee


There eeeme to be a waning In the aber^ ration of loate In rellgloua art, erhlch led ao many French and German artlata td produca Uodonnaa with Ibe Porlalall.lihpp gIriB or the German peoaani tor miMeli. The Inevitable reaction h a , come, and thepalntera a re producing rellgloui worke th a t ara o i wholreome andjoa deyttlng a ,thooe of th e old maatent. Paul Tbumann, beat known by hla picture of “The Fatee baa made hla tlrel venture Into Ihe held of ChrUtlon a rt. and h a i produced^! "Ma­donna and Child." The painter haa fol­lowed the beat trodltlona of hit art, and hxa uied to r hla Uadomie a woman of the llebraw race end hoa added another to the pain te r ', Idwi of glorified mother­hood.

London la Juat now mloylng a Man col­lection of Uthographa a t South Kenilug- ton Muaeum, th e excuee, If one were nwd-ailjl PJ WMerv»4«i «•*» eeeew, ea veeaeed, for the enow, being the centennlei an- nlvtreary of the practical adapWtIon of the prlnclplea of lithography, which had been Invented by A loyt ""im .

Senefelder, In

tribu te to American a r c h i l^tu re 'l t made by U r. Huirheod, the author ol the "Ajuerlcna

J n o t b e liev e I bod not been ca lled , itrongw phenom enon hoe co m e to lig h t e oourae o f Ibe Inq u liy into Ih e raye- o f m em ory . I t hoe been d leeovered

r b y fo e tn g atead lly a t a er y e to l, co n - ■ u e e a le p a rtly loet. In to th e vo id

th u g p rod u oed th o te w h o h a v e p ractleed c r y a tu -g a a ln g And th a t there en ter , unbM - d ea , fo r g o tte n InoM enta and loot m em oiiaa . T a g iv e a fe w Inaianoee: A la d y In cry-- n to l-g a a ln g oaw a U t o f d a iit w a ll covwred w H h w h ite fiow ert. S h e w o e con eofou t: ■ha m u s t h a v e eeen It eom ew h ere b u t had n o n c o U e c t lo n w hero. S h e w a lk ed o v er t h e i n a D d th e had f u i t travereed , and fo u n d th e w a ll, w hich abe h ad p oseed un- notfoed . S b e took ou t her b an k b ook a n ­o th e r d a y . S h o r tly a fterw ard eb a w o t g o i ln g a t tb a oryatal and ta w n o th in g but th e n u m b er LIH. S h e th ou gh t It w o e aom eb ack nomber, " ‘ ---------------------- -■*—fM n d , to h er _ o r tb a a cco u n t.

A t a n o th e r tim e th e d e itr o y td a le t te r w ith o u t n o tin g th e oddreta; aha o o , ^ o n ly

m r th r ----- ■ ...........

but. taking up the bankbook, to her eurprlie. It woe the num ber

ra m e m b ^ the town. After goaliw « t the eryetol eome time aha eew 'W JeffereOn

She addreaeed lb* le tte r th u i, adding th e town, and found It won righ t.

A lady ea t In a room to w rtth 'M iare ih e hod H t and etudledlied eight yeore before,

moving ree tlen iy under — , — > — n remembered th a t eight

yeore before ehe oleroyi hod a footetooL I t woe th le her feet were

She fe lt h e r feet th e table, and then

Peyohlcal reeearch b r in g a * to ^ h t tnoBjt------------------------- ---jg io f elm liar atronge trlcka o f memory.

I t l i e o n to And Inetencee th a t eerve id deepen the m yiteiy. I t le not an a w t«. give on explaoatten. The clevoroet tnen-who have attem pted to do to have had tp adm it defeat,

f o r a PATRIOTIC U lR im R .

H n w R e g , W U ta n n d B in e D eew rn* t lo n a M ay A p p en r.

F rom th e W oeblngton Poet.F o r a "patrio tic" dinner th e c lo th ahould

be w hite, the centre being epiinkled w ith red end blue eequina eround a big bou­quet o f red, white end blue flowere, eeya "W h a t to B a t." A table border m ay be m ode o f forget-m e-noti, email red roaee en d w h ite leeaamina, and e t each p late ahould be • etnaU vM e of tba aome floweti. U m enua e ra ueed, they ahould be email Seem hnped white ce rd i w ith a red end b tne border painted In w ater coloro. but I t le ooneM em more elegant now to dle- penea w ith manna except fo r e laborate dUmara. I t poatlhle, the ptotee ebnuld be White, edged w ith blue and red, jm d w here tbeae o ra not procurable th e plain white le pertPlealble. tlen e m ay be

The dinner ----- ----- , ...whioh a re email aquarei o f red and blue ouato id i tban eolmon on blue oeplc with w h ite geuce. The entree 1* Iamb cutlete w ith tom atoee, the outlet! baving blue frU li on th a ende of the bonea, o r little ohlOkeoe a la cream w ith red cream u u c e .

A vegetable next ehouM be eerved ae n •ap o raU oouraei agporagun. It in eeaeon, on a b ine dieb w ith oraam u u c e . the dlih being daeoreted with beet-root out In etur ahapaa, o r cauimower may be tubatituted. h iv io g th e eame daoorttione.

F b r th e ro ll uee cmly the white m eat of pou ltry (boU and decorate the p la tter with a ta r i o f red and blue aeplc; If preferred th le m a r be replaced by emutl blrde. euoh ae quail brqlleo with a piece o f red bacon on each an d eerved on toeet corded with blue aeplc. A "aalede rueee" ahould ac-

M nay of T h r u Are> P la in ly In g g e e - t iv e o f T h e ir O rig in .

From an Exchange.Peculiar namee are ueed to deiignate

eome United Stalee poetofflcee. Many namee are plainly euggeetlve of their origin. "Bweetllpe," Tenn., fo r Inetance, a t onoe reveoli to a romanUo mind the moat foodnatlng etory of love, and there la little doubt tb a t In eome way or other Cupld'a arrowa are reeponelble for the name. "Sedlov," Neb., and "Nogat," N. U ., n a y llkeorlBe auggeot romance In the one ceae, end the lack of It In the otber, but all good ciuxene will deplore the wretched orthograpby of both.

"Mud." Tex.: "M ule," Ore.: "Bodora,” N. M.: “Yellowlaekat," Idaho, end "Loyal- took,” Pe., a re olao auggeatlvn, but the dealrabUlty of th r lr eelectlon la a m atter of oerloua doubt.

"Panther" le enough to depopulate moet any town, but alx Statee have ueed It to deelraate noetofllora

“ llle ter,'' P a„ la doubtleae m fely named through the tu m m tr and falL but ae eoon oa enow 9we there la certainly great dan­ger that eome cold clUeen will put It on and wear H off, "Peanut," Vo., too, might meet a horrible fa te a t th e h a n d i-^ r mouth—of acme uneympatheUe but hungry email boy.

Iowa tate mode a poatoflica of "W ax,” Florida of "Saw duit, Kentucky of "Seven Guna," TexAi o f "Twin Bleiere,” Tennee- i*e of “Virtue," N orth Carolina of "W it," 'Ueelealppl of "Zero,"CoIorado of "Lovei,”

anneylvanU of "M ountain Suneet,” South arpllea of "Oate," V lr^n la of "Pluek,"

iitl o r ”Pure Air,” and Maryland of

le left e t “Option" in pennaylvania. n ly "Plone''^ poatofflee !■ in Ohio.

'Quality" la w hat you want, go to Butler County. Ky„ fo r It .

"Bolltntt Stone" le In Mlnneaofa, The queeGon artera, WUl it etay therr?

'Beadecker." In hie Lend of C ontraete." H e aaya “ that arch-

Itec tu n etruck him on perbapa the one a rt In which America, no fa r oe modern Umee are concerned, th a t could reoaonabiy claim lo be on a par with, If not ahead of, miy European country wbeteoever." Thle etetement woe made with a full reotwnl- tlou oS th e monatroeltleB and abeurditiee that are ecotterad through our land from the Atlantic to the FaelBc. Some a t the new realdrotiel etreeta of citlee ex recent !■ Chicago or St. Paul h(Sd their own withcantemporaneouetboroughfaree In Europe, ■o Mr, Mulrbeod deoloree. He does notknow where to look, w ithin the loet quar­ter century o r eo, for more toateful de-e lg n i, g r e a te r e in c cr lty o f purpoae or hap­pier ad ap ta tlob e to en vlronm cnte th an t" b eet creottone o f A m erican archltecU .

The committee having charge of the por­tra it loan exhibition a t the New York Academy of Declgn, which will open on December IT, Ha! decided not to admit over 100 ponralte, thereby producing » itorm of proteetx from thoee who are onxloua for the eoclal and artlxttc recognitionwhich an acceptance of portralte owned by them would bring about. The commlt-tee'e m andate will doublleae Improve the character of the dlaploy if It can aurceoii- fully reelat the preaiure for the admleeton of Inferior worke.

n o t p rocu rao ie tn e p u n n w n iie ■Ible. O th er a p p ro p r ia te d eco ra -

be th o u g b t o f b y th a h oeteae, iner begm a w U h c le a r eou p In

R BM INIH C BffC K S O F D n t i n i f l ,

A COwipoeer W h o H ad No I 'a l l r a c e w ith K la lteaw re a n d A dnilrere .

Some "Hemlnlacencee of brahme" are contributed to the Deutecho Kevun by Mroe. llorcvltx-Barnay, the wife of the tamoue tlerman actor, The lady wae «em to Brahma, the "wom an-hater," a t Vien­na, With a letter of Introduction by a friend of the compoeer. The letter ran tbu i; "Mme. H.-B. la not to have Ihe door ihu t In ber face, without rhyme or reaoon: th o le lo b« taken eeriouely. Help her all you can." And not only did Urahma help her In her own artletlc career, but he made a friend of her, and ehe wae allowed to eee more of hla lift and work than any other woman.

Urabmi abrupt and plain apeaking to a fault, had no patience with Halterere and admlrert. One day a young Hungarian

little talely a ,

vlollnlat. much puffed and talented,overwhelmed the oonipoacr with fuiaome

flit - • ■complhnenta. Brahme llelened tor a while, and then replied, "More exerclae, young man, and fewer phroiee," and turned hla back upon hla admirer, "Have y.oil your preparatlone? he oeked a younglady who had requeatml hie advice ae to whether the ebould ‘

oom ponr the rbtL T h ti phould conalet of eold__poiatOee^wlth a few tomatoee nnd_____ aUow of beet lo o t And eurroundedw ith th e w h lte e .o f herd-lwlled egge,of w hich ora colored blue for the purpoae a ^ eerved w ith a m&yonnalae dreiotng T he d inner le completed w ith red. white ejnd blue leae, ribbon jelly in the throe col- ora.

■eetWMetleB o f H a l B u ln i i .F ^ m tha London Chronicle,. The hlatorlo chateau of Mofmalacnbeing rcalorad by Mr. Gatrle,

----- wonhlnner. ' ■Into


H an o le o n -w o rih i^ r . I t |e hie intentlou JJ!?* **.*,*1*® A.lieBdlconlc mueeum, and

to p reeent It to the S tate In Ume fo r It to®* the uttractlone o f the

oshlbltlon of IM . In repairing the library . vegy iB tiieeting And woe m ade In t ^ N.poleoTto joiS

, dated from tha Trianon, Auguet IE - - . iwppoaohlM her with not*eavlng

&' ■ ' J®®**®!?- K® odvleee her to put her e^a lra W tw w , n o t to epm d m ore^hon

“ V ''* the other AW.ooo, Thuey®®^ ehe 'wonld have a c c u m u la te

^ fo r tu n e ^ h « grandohlldrm. "IM tead ti.aJ.'JL I Ato t o l l ; ' E;SMthb—■■ yhu are in debt. If

^ ’si« V « U P

1 give a public concert a t Vienne. "Yea, Maeatra." ‘- . . — ehe replied.

May 1 play eomethtng to you?" "ffo ' that wae not w het 1 meant," h« went on without pity, "1 only meant, have yon ordered your,frocke and glovee?" "Yea,"the oetontebihl young lady ■replied, "Tha t'e J- P'tV..". Brahme mW, "becauee qtherwlae

ehould have advleed you 'Don'I.'

CLIPPED COMICALITIES-"Dunctmore woe enlisted as an Im-

tmine." "He ought to have made a good one—he can’t even take a Joke."—Truth.

She—"Don't you t ahould make a good"The only trouble I eee le that the bell might get loet In hla hair."—Yonkere Stateifflao.

link a foot ball player ' golf player?" jfe

ae—'^*aln’t had nothin' toWeert- W atkln*-' eet fer two doyi— " Victim—"You told mu that very eame atory Juet a week ago." "Oh! Then aurely you would help a pore bloke 'a t ain 't had nothin' to eat ter nine day®?"—Indlanapnlli Journal.— —

Johnny ]e aeated a t the piano reading a dlma-noVel.

Johnny's Mother (from a l ^ e j —"Johnny, why aren't jo u practlelng?''

I don't hearJohnny—"I am, ma."Johnny'! Mother—"Well,

anylbing."Johnny—"Well, I 'm pfaotlelng the poiie-

ee."—Huetcal America,— KX— •

"Look a t m et" exclaimed the leading lawyer, warmly. "1 never lock a drop of medicine In my life, and I'm oa alrong a t any two of your pallehta pu t together,"

‘’well, th a t's nothing," retorleo the phy. eiolan. *'l never went to law In my life, andI'm as rich as any two doaen of youn cll-

-------------- .Brooklyn Life.cnti pul together."->o(--

Llttle Freddy—"Mfc’didn 't pn any there elw eyeraim on Ihe topT"_Hln Mother!?^W ,?3:V y"chHd:___, _______ ------- Then, m ay

have another pleoe of p lo r '—Life.W

The Judge—"You m uet tto p them Inter-wi ----------- ‘ - ...............w ont allow you to weeto theo u r tr '

"H ut. my lord, you know I“ ; t o do I t -------------------; fo r g ie .* * - n t -

The RueaUn Mlnleter of Communlcn. Hone Hallwaye and Publtc Worki hae or­dered an tmmeiiee work of art te r the Paris E ^ o s ltio n of ItOO. It le a pasorama of the Trans-Siberian Railway, oiy more correctly, a eerlei of connected pMwrei of the citica, landscapes and prominent archi­tectural fealurea along the line of the rood. The work has been eni rusted to Professor Pjosacskl. the genre pointer of St. Petersburg, whoiie Ane stiidlei of Rue- elan pesoanta end character eketohoe have a European reputation, and associated with him will be the beet landscape artist Russia boasia of to-day, Professor Jar- IFW. After the Parte Bxtesltlon this pano­ram a is to bo exhibited In the principal citlee of Europe, and there Is a poselbllily that It may be brought even tu thle coun­try.

new a latue of Baliac, whichFalguler'.the U terary Society of France ordered Inplace of Rodln'a notorious figure of tliu author, Is now on exhibition In the Rue s i, lionoro tn Parle. The creator of the "Com- edle Humalne” le repreaentad .os sealed upon a Iwnch engaged in hla literary lab- ore. "In this eoay popltlon," commems a critic or L» Figaro, "R aliae can a t least comfortably wait until the Paris Magis­trates will c lear a place for him near the ''a la ls Royal or th " Uomedle Franiaisc,which hns eo far been requeited In vilil

of Prance."by the L iterary Society— *•*The Dutch m arine painter Meeaag has

just completed three large paintings rep­resenting scene# from the naval review held upon the occasion of the ascension to Ihe throne of the young Queen, They are said to be well executoA and have been purchased hy the Queen oe me­mentos of one of the proudeif moments In her life,

Mme. ilu n k acay hoe left Peris and taken up her abode In Cologne In order lo lie near her famoua but unfortunute husband, who It a t present oonnoed In a private aanllatium near Bonn on tlis Rhine. Recently the artia t sent hli wife a rrayon eketch of hlmeelf drawn In front of a mirror, but the letter whlcli accomiianted It woa very melancholy and confused. Hla Insanity la caused by u spinal trouble. A short time ago a Paris court appointed .Mme. Munkaciy her hiis- band's guardian.

The BUccessor of G am ier In Ihe French Academy of Fine A rts la M. Consunt Muyaux. who Is head of one of Ihn most noted ateliers In Paris. H. Moyaux was one of the most hrllllant men of Ihe Paris School of Fine Arte, In hls seven years' Hlay In the school he won twelve medals In the Arst class and eevsrat In tha secondclass; h e was alx tlnws loglate, and won

rand prIXe, the great emula- and finally, the Aral grand

Hie aecond grandHon medal, and ........ .prise. In IHl. Ills drnwIngD, sent from Rome, gained for him tlie medal of tlie Bnloii In HOB. He hae, however, heeu known rather ga an accompUihed artistand very successful teacher, than os ths author of any very noted huUdlnga, andIt Ik only recently th a t the French Gov ernment h it commissioned him wtih the execution uf the new Gourthou.se for the Cour del Comptea In Paris.

The Karl of Crawford, president of the■■ ..................... ‘ ■ •• clef ■ ‘Royal i'hu tofranhic ftoolety. In London, has made the formal .auggeation that ap overn m en t esta b lish m en t connecicd with th e various HritiNh inuseuuia ahould becreaterl, to make acceoslble by means of photography ohjecta of great general In­terest treasured theraln, Bach a depart­ment would eoon, iiif doubt, be sclr-aup- portlng, for there are many rarltlee owned by the nation which thnuaenda of people can See only through euch repraducIlona

To UMMtaraBO B hlfflralldlng. From the AmerloU M e m atlle Marine.

I t wna not the re-oreatlun of the Amer­ican navy th a t caoeed the aatabllehment of nearly all uf the present leading shtp-bulldhig companlei engaged In construcl-

‘ ■ nhlpa,_ out the require.Ing American ___ment, rlgorouely Inel Beorelary of the Ni

warehlp#, iteted

________ . 'avy Whitney,new warships A ould not only be deeigned

ed upon by former Whltne; that I

In the U nittd StateA but that evaiy por- Uon of them should, )jr eqnstructad hare._____ ______ 1 hr com._________ ,Out Of native matarlolA was that re­quirement th a t gave conAdence and cour­age to American canltallats to nut tb i mlUlons of dollare needed to property equip a modern abip'jbullding plant Into Amtrtis?w«r witn n itiB tvoiM u t wKn a w v r.If not w l t r k « i t » o b m (ulljreur eesM ,

Store Open Evenings Until Christmas.

sjjt An Old Story.It's about shots and “SHOE-DAY" selling. You've often

heard it befca-e. You’d say “chestnuts,’’ perhaps, if it weren’t for the fact that you’ve come to know "SHOE-DAY” and our shoes as good things, worth knowing ibout.

To-day* it’s the same old story—about several sorts of shoes that we wifi sell to-morrow at sp^ally reduced prices, but it has Ihe merit of being true, therefore it may interest you.

FOUR DOLLAR SHOES, ihade on “mannish" lasts, but for women’s wear—of Box Calf and Bright Dongola Kid—with patent tips-4ow broad l«»ls - haikj-sewed welts—button or g ) j a lace styles—"Shoe-Day" at . ?U e4U

L v \ - ^ -5 0 CLOTH TOP LACE SHOESW ill y —new opera toes—calf patent tips

t y y —Goodyear welts—“Shoe-Day*' at v Af . m BOYS' SH*OES-of Tan* Winter' IW f Calf—calf-lined—good heavy soles—

bulldog toes—Goodyear welts ^ a V —g2.50 value a t .............. iP i.fcU

LITTLE BOYS’ SHOE5~of Crack-proof Calf—good heavy soles—strong back stays—our f 1.50 sort—“Shoe-Day"

MEN’S OPERA SLIPPERS—of Tan or Black Vici K id - white kid lined—hand-sewed tums^regular J12 grade— k p "Shoe-Day” a t ....................................................^ I . U 3

Rugs, Mats and Carpets From Sunrise Land.

norNothing could be more givable more acceptable than these

splendid specimens of Oriental Art, The dep^ of the coloring, the quaintness of the designs, the soft h ^ v y pile all tend to the enrich­ment of any rocmi into which they are introduced.

Likely you'll be surprised at the extent of our collection.

>5 to ^150 is the price range. There's hundreds to pick from, and, of course, every rug

b different.ANTIQUE ANATOLIAN MATS—nmaint In >lze (roin I ft. 9 In. x a ft 4

in., to 1 (t S in. X 3 ft 7 ill.—usually sold at |8 to Sia— J g

BELOCCHISTAN MATS-ln every size from 2 ft. 4 In. x a ft. 7 in. to 2 f t 4 ia X 3 f t—usuilly SoU tt |8 to f t 2— g Q

HAM IDANRUGS-lnslzes3fttin.x4ft.to3ft » | A P A5 iikx4 ft 4 to.—refulir value |1 0 to f t 5—here at... ^ I V e O U

BOUKHARA R0CS~2 fU l in.x3 ft. 7 in. to 3R0CS~2ft.!1 in.x3ft.7in.to3 S A ^ 9 7 ft. 11 Iax3 f t 2 ia—usually VIS to |40—herenowat «plO >uV l U

SHIRVAN RUGS-sizes 3 ft. 2 Iax4 ft, S in. to 3 fL S J yIn.xG ft. 4 in.—usually sold it |10 to (40—priced here,..

DAGHESTAN RUGS-slzes 3 ft.8 iax4 ft. 6 In. to 4 ft 1 ia x 6 ft. 3 in.—reEulorly sold elsewhere (10 to |30—here tL....................................................

GENDJl RUGS—sizes 3 ft-10 laxS ft. H In, to 8 ft. 6 iax3 ft. to ia —usually sold at (22 to (40 ^” here a t . *. *4-*-**-.

■'$7 to $15.50 $18.50 to $30

ORIENTAL CARPETSGULiSTANS—13 ft S iaxio ft. 4 in.—value (17J—at ( 1 4 aHAMlDIAS-13 ftx9 ft S in.-value (ijO -at $125.KIR MANS—12 ft. I in.i9 ft 3 ta to 12 ft. 2 iaxio ft 1 In.—value (ISO

to ( 1 7 5 - a t $ ll5 to $125.PERSIANS—10 (L 6 iaxS ft. i t ia to 10 ft. 11 in.x9 ft. 1 la—value (63

to (75—at $55 to $57.SULTANABADS—11 ft, 4 laxlO ft. 1 ia to 13 ft. 7 ln.x9 ft. 2 In.—value

(140 to ( 165-a t $125 to $130.GKEORDES — 13 ft. 3 in.x9 ft 5 in- to 13 ft. 4 iax9 ft. 11 In. — value

(100 to (125-here at $$« to $91 . ’


A T J . W i l l A l O i r - I I W J i m i Y ' l l U I I K I T 3 K W I L L I R I .

Gifts Useful, Ornamental and LnxurionsISoae

are Aotllnf lot® of .b«iy«ri at thle "Chritttnu Store." Wq'ro known tor •ml wide at cartful itoreke«pera—■ thing thid makea you m (o In «H your dealingg with u«. We ipMlallM Uh m 5 lln ei;

d i e

Oiimonds, Jewelry, Cut Q lu i. Silverware, Cutlery.

C u t O la sB—among the mcait appropriate of glfti. Our array ahuwg every wanted picve, brand new design® tor table, itdeboonl or toilet.

Sterling Silver NoveltiesIn alt the uiusl and In many tn unueual form. Complete toilet and nianiuura outftU are Included, ol course.

Pocket Knives.C h riitm a a w ith o u t • knitn

w o u ld be incom plete— te n th e h n n - deed® o f kinds w e ’ re ohowlng. A m o n g them ore goo d lines o f o u r o w n iiia k e o , e v e ry l o r t o f handle and • ! » .

C a r v i n g 3 etsFor every need—rooaU, atesk, gome and indiridual use.

PAB lo b e s her to ceola 1

J e w e l r y-in every iouiginable form. From the dreat button® tor the clitid to the molt elaboniiely jewelledbrooch.

T a b l e K n i v e s a n d F o r k s—things any housewife likes to get. We've Newsrk't bMt line.

W a t c h e s—beat movement®, nil oases, nickel •liver, gold tilled, eolld gold.

T a b l e S i l v e r .


A marvelloui oollectlon—«dl kinds of patterns—ooeful piece®. I*nim a Mit fpoon to 1 tea Mrvlce. Sterling and beat pbue.

5 o iiM o U i « r l l a u : O p « n n n d P M d O l a a i M , P o c l u t " b o o k * , N u t P I c k a , F r u i t K n l v n c , C h a fin g D la h e a , S e b a o r a In oeto L n d l w ' S e w in g S e t a , C e llu lo id M a n ic u r e a n d T o ile t S e U , R e io r e e n d S h a v in g O u t f i t a , a n d O e n t l e m o n 't T r a v o l * lin g S e t a , B t c .

T A L K I N G Ckmttantly reminding of their perfeotlon— c v r c r t i a e e c c «“®ihg JO'R' «yei—lelllng you of that aucceoe-t Y t U L . A d d e d ful “ loineihlng" that lillnorn, eye speclailtt,put® in them—pur optical “department" U complete and eoroething more—the ilUbom Clip—patented—we control it.

O P E N E V E N I N G S U N T I L C H R I S T M A S .S o le c tlo n e m ode n o w r o ie r v e d 't i l t la te r .

J. WISS & SONSG O L D A N D S I L V E R S r U T H S , C U T L E R Y A N D C U T G L A S S .

755 Broad S t. Newark.

6 Per CentInterest

is considered a good invest­ment, yet many of our diamonds are now being offered at such a figure that they can be worn a year or two and then sold at a good profit.

Furniture Tid Bits.Things for gift giving and for your own house furnishing as

wen—light furniture of many sorts at much less than fum mre store pTK ^

It will pay you to visit the Third Floor whether you care to buy or not. it's a sight—a revelation to those who haven’t seen it since its metamoriffiosis.

Of interest to prospective buyers;Solid Oakond Mthoginy finUh TABLES—tops 18x18 incbci— x: C -

smiU shtif undernath—It the rtnurkabie prjee o f ............................ D o CSolid Oak and Mahogany finish TABLES—wen polished tops—

2iy$4 inches—with under shell—good $t.7S value.................................. ^ |Solid CItk and Mahogany finish TABLES—highly polished tdps—24x24

Inches—with under shelf—crass claw feet and ghus ball—cannot a i p a be had for lea tban (2.35—here at..................................... ............. 4^1 . d u

JARDINIERE STANDS-of Solid Oak and Mahogany finish- W F ., pretty patterns—well finished—( 1.25 value............................. . ( u C

ROCKING CHAIRS—of Solid Qtk and Mahogany finish— A w prettily arved—well finished—high backs—good(3.85 vahic—at.. 4 ) £ . 7 u

FANCY ROCKERS—of Golden Oak and Mahogany finish—with pearl inlaid work In back—saddle or cobbler seal—verv highly finished tf j f a —avil worth, and usually sedd. at ( 6.25—special at......................... ^ 4 t d U

UPHOLSTERED COUCHES—Solid frames-upholstered with best qual­ity ol Figured Velour—with 45 well tempered springs—vArranted for t f 1 w one year—a good (22 couch—special this week at...............................

MUSIC CABINETS in Imitation Mahoginy-in several t f 7 7 c styles—at prices beginning a t . . . . . , , ............................................... . f j)

^ SHAVING STANDS—Golden Oak and Mahogany finish—with drawer intop and large bevelled French-plate mirror—worth aU of (6.50— 0 C 7 pat,.-.............. .. w O .w O

At all times we carry the greatest assort­ment of high grade gems in this State, and for this holiday season have made unusual preparations. Every stone sold by us we guarantee to be exactly as represented, and all are selected because of their color, brilliancy and cutting. Many are unmounted and will be set to suit purchasers.

Diamonds.Prices Always Correct,

Artistic Effects and Slulled W orkmanship Considered.

Hartdegen,6 8 3

Broad,NearW. Park S f. o High Art


H o r * « e B l a n l c o t f s i i w ■JALL K H fD I. LAKQK AHOKTHXNT.

F a w n B l a n k e t s , K e a r s e y B l a n k e t s , S t a b l e B l a n k e t s ,' B r e a s t B l a n k e t s , L a p R o b e s .



■W TTEBW O BSW niEiTTaA H W O BX aaBD .** a B B A T m O B T i A B i m m u o M A B r n r B o m a a u u a x i r a i r T o tr xisa j





Qoses January 1st.


The rarest bird In exliU nc! Ii • certain kind of pheasant In Annom. For many y e a n I ti exiatenc. wo® known ou lr b j th® fact th a t Its lungost and m ost ®PleTidld plume wax In much reqnoxt by mondarlnx for their headgear. A Bingl. skin la worth MOO, and the Uvlng bird would b . prlcloM . but It soon dies In cipttvKY.


Tlinxe W ho H a v e J o y s l a l l a a d a n d T ro n b lr ! tu k eek o r V ies V e rsa .

Prom gcrlbneFi,P.verybody In the world belongs to one of

two cla iw e^ to those Who have Joy® in hand and trouble® tn seek, or to those who have troubles In hand and Joyi to oa.k. Wc nee It everywhere—folks who have th s luxuries of life In a q u u t for Its dtfflcul- He®, and folk® who And dIAIculUes in g rea t stDi'p ready made to their hand In search of its luxurtci, aye, In posaionats quwit even of It* neeeiiariea.

It la all so plain to the obiervant eye that the phlloaopher 1® certainly Juptlned tn a.tu rlng himself, a* he lays down hls pen or III. pick or hi! uwl or h it pill cake, or hi® lawbook, that It It I® the common lot and th . unavoidable condition of con­tentment to strain after lomaihlng. It Is more Interesting and better to stra in a f te r •emeihlnx that la vitally. Important than after a thing which la of n •--------IX which

SfJgxl ,

reward In The bread.

I of no partloular con-...I. 4fcaenuenne when you have got It.The atniggle for bread nnds an Immense

................. ... ....... . If you tnanagt to getIt. {or bread ta truly Importanl, albeit not the only good Inal ilte demands.

The struggle for the ordlniry luxurtss o{ life, lor education, solvency, a cholcd of wurk, reputation and aatlitaotory niain- tenance, abounds In excellsnt hsoards and chances which keep th . mind a l .r t and give a Diotlva to r maintaining all tha fso- ultlts a t tha M in t of greatast efficlenoy. Just t s soon as tha *atl®faotl«n o t a ll raa- •onable w ants ts sMurwI the need of a

dlAlci ■“prcvUlon bKomea a

o( new cultiei Immediatelyomea apparent. N ature orders It so, Bha

fiiys that men d o l l either work orTSi’f roFm ay 'be ' d n ' t t " i u y Ua molsier form. I t m a r b« IntalleoluAl or It may be olcOholle. In aome form It Im* ""na# over ovory Idle panon, and tba

initlnertva, ta rn s^------ ------ OBI------------------------------- ■'

' • " I " ®Bd goad tha up to raatletanaf~

•u d fa n d g


and bacon andger along under ■uonslbiniy, and oltics “

WO®<5*. to^llve on tea n to shM t beaata; Itilf *----- - - -

others far Into t ^10 1 ^ ir Iltd

pel* Ifounding^ Ptomoiing

drives other® lo rolnui

, _____ . , 1 otlea o r compel* lo busy them xelvn wllh

or to polo, or to 'itav - > load® of businew re- ler® It send* into poll.

ties Or icIentlAc raoeoroh. ch trf.

B a rn ln g i t a a l ’W ith E la a tr lc iiy ,, F rom th e BuffaW Bxpras®.

An Interesting experiment In burnlnx steel with electrlolty Is to be tried In C'ln. cinnatl in an eStert to romove a safety vau lt th a t was bhllt forty yaara ago. The vau lt h u long baas In uaa and the room occoplM, but it la now wanted for other purpose®. The. walls are o o n itra ^ed of layera of bard spring ftoal oim and one- quarter Inches la^thlmwaB, iFwo opara.to r t w ill be placed In (h a v a u lt , e a c h w ith. . ---------

Bd a,ly o o n stn o te d go g g le s to p ^ a c t Ihe!( n iw th e Intense J ig b t, .T h e y wil.

‘ fifrboA attached to a taee wire,.wear heavy n i l ^ r gloves oBd spci

■ “lies to p ^ to c t th e ir ,th e oarL burping w hat s!


.-b e men gloves oBd speclal-

_____ _ 0 ptSloCMherr eyesthe In te n m ^ M . ,T hey will pass

>vaf tbtfwqU* of "the vault, , . #a. A sumo, rfoliy w as made

,.al_. . . . . ..........mtmiMtiBg iio«i. A sumik

s r test ol olactjrtt"In IVashlngtcn about two years ago. when

hole lorg* « d u t h . » Allow t h e ______of a m an was bBrOM through th s walls ofone o f the btzia Oovsnunant twelve minutes.

passagewalls of

vau lts In

F ro u ths gao,nm iclsca Argonaut.Some "orqnk" boa. been w ritiqg to the

Oloueeiter, Sagbliid, popini, complaining th a t during the roesat muoloal fia liva l ha Wat not M m lttaa-lo the cathedral fr**. and he claims It Wo* to outrags topeople out of t .c ran k '' tornadday, and wasmilted without g t

tha o a th a & l m s Do u ld . not be ad-

"Do you 1___a r g ^ . "that •o iK IB® r"

w *

1 m e," be exoltadly •quire a ttekat to iravan?" . ,

I t f o poF"

T he A u stra lian c o a s t in g stea m er K a m e- ruka, w h ile g o in g from E dan to Bydney. travellin g a t fu ll sp eed , stru ck on a n » f s t M Oniya H ead. T h « « b e in g n o o®th e <hip, C ap ta in tied « U w Une ta Home pjgn w h ich form ed p a r t o m e ea w > , iind had ih e anlm ata P i n pw am lo th e ahore, t a k ih f th e 5 .T h th em , w m b ycation every soul on board was feoeued by m rsns o f travelling oogw,

Animals play an J"htfiitffa and folklore of all natlone. The most m il^Slteent of old Hindoo titea w m known as theiinwtfrfkii monarcb plohed out either a pure

(or A'whole year whers-l i v « * f l '^ » * w the ' “f"®'PlYniinw bjUI no m ntU r whose territory w oi b'TadSd ar®hS?or and homage had

(ha tovadlng army. A t the to be. p ^ d toe *3Jring Which the Khutlift

,e p ^dn ^ ° to e * U ^ * o f ‘ on" a®5stlc''anrt olTOt "05 t l w b ^ ground IBP hoffp sacrfltosd.

one Ol U®pJ®_.B®“j’* j X ' tlves at

ouae. I t le a large gray p arvaliti in the BtaU of Maine, but OTv^tMt

- oalary, u thed r a y ^r a ? ^ to 8 Brt"fTom Africa ooriio tlm i and n a S n te d to the keeper of tha llgoL « S f l r d aeon noticed when the fog began to in from the ocean, oom ebo^wooU cry out! "Fog comlnxl y iow the hmml" ^ e day the tog to coma In thick, and the nten did not t l e a l t But Foil d d, and crooked put: " r V U n t o g t Blow th'a h o r n r H v e r ^ th a ^ whenever tog la peroepUbta. Ptrtl Ot­ways ^TSf warning.

A Uttle more than 'fio if to be prsoloe. In

Badly Interfere w ith th e milk dogs ore usually employed tomilk carts, Doga o t various h____angoged, Including re triiv a rt, Bt. Ban- norda, big Danes, mostllta and terrlersj There le another very Important use to which dogs i r e pu t and th a t la aa aiedga dogs In the P olar ng lons. Tliesa d O n form an aaientULl part of a ll Arotlo ox,. ploraUon parttaa. LUtle could be don® without them. The anpearanot of thaaa dogs Is fairly well known. Dr, Kwh o i a good deal' to soy 'sbon them,*tbaSIiilUee, ■*" t" u‘- u

’ Tou I bg«k u vary I' which

oapabinUei, etc, Is aometblng In which thi thorn.

vejv M auHtoJ’In *the raiim qok. Than

- . -------- leraanne famous explorer writes

eislpner,the steed wfioTn northern m yt oloay carried Herm odur to hades In seen of b is bro thsr Bsldur, had eight I m place of wings, but w as Os muon a t Ho*

---------- n the earthy K lllah 'i eslea*of Are wrtw dokbtteia e H elngi,- and A1 Boiak. tbW

ph ^ , -- _____in the a ir oa on the earth, t i t i coursers of Ai dowed with wings marvellous m ofa upon which■ato I .took hls pretended nocturnal tourney

eagles' wlltwthe seventh heaven, had eagles' wIuxb

which h o t. her onward with IncredihJa •wlftaeot. Bhe wo® snow white, with w human face and eyes "radiant os eto rari while her whole body g lltte rr i with prSU lous atonM. “ ^

In India bird Hto abounds everywbarw absolutely unmolested, and the birds urn as^tsm e as the fowls In a poultry yar£ . n ih g doves. minM, hoopoes. Jays and poM rots bsrd ly trouble theraselvM to hop 1 ot the way Of the hea ty bulloorts t i n every wayside pond and lake is illva iritS,' ducks, geese, peltcans and A sm lngM s jd i wsders ot every slsa end sort, f ro n ia a in tr heautlts, the else of plgeops, up to tha, great unwieldy crane* end sdjutonts, dyw' f ia t high. tfil®.i* tb® .mllghfful dasonih. tlsn gtven hy Mr. Caine ot h li travels through this unotvIUisd ccuntry. I t Is dliti' g n c u u l to civlllistlon th a t the ohiTdm of natine should have more re tp e^ IM, atrimal life than civilised nsttons. i r a '

I'ortland- otvttlsatlon destroy th is delightful e ^ t---------- dlHon of nature, as It has In ABaarinof” .

w e pass vullurM picking a t a oarcoss aiE a dead animal, s a p H r. C’llne, end 1 sa tly a brood o t fluffy young partrfwith father and m other fn c h a r n lobli us fearirssly within ten feet of attr co, risge .'B very village has Its flock o f n e r td gaocooks pacing gravely through'tlte aBt»

■ 'y n s and flclAi and w oo» Indflahers flasn about liltf

n i . -to r drawing

In London and I t w asdogs lea w as .

veara later th a t It was ■ \Uod KIngdo

no BHand ano

rounding garM ns and fleU• - - ■peckers ohd ___ .Jewels In the biasing sunlight,^

TBmwBwFs I b^b U V ovalgB P ag •eno tor MotrtU says Vermont

■ t n ' l S l g a W i l S S r V ^■ < aU for OoTv

th a

W '



ITS FOB im-VIliTBB.' Sow of tbe N«v DstlgoB that Are

S een In P u ^



T h « H a t n a a , H aw aT ar, A p p aa r to H a n a F aaA aa aa to r P la a ia a —H a ti a t Ih a T o r tm a th a p o W felah A n P a a h la a a A O at a t C lo th to M atrli t b a D n a a —T h a N aw oat a t P t i t H ata a a O lloaa T k a p A n T rlaaB C i,

PAKtn, D«c. t^ T l i s K tw T sar It polng to ba Torjr hind to Uie m atron.tor It allowi bar to a a a r a bip pirtura hat which con* caala bar y e a n to a renarkabla cxtrnL t ia a o a n aottanad, color It aubdurd, tha fano la Mada that ahadowy tnouph and th a n It praca undar tha brim of a blp bat th a t i t w arlnp with oatrtch faath«ra.

Tooiip plrlt, OB tha contrary, arc wear- Inp tba traall cloth tooue, act wall back upon tha hand, and tha chic llttla felt hat w ith Ita bow and quill.

Tha hair la axquUltely w ared with thaaa llttla hata, and tha younp ladya head aup. paala a vary p n t ty faahlon plate. At no tltne dnaa "proomlnp" ihow ao plainly a i In tba waarlnp of thaaa llttla hata, for the ba tr ta ao very much a part of tha hat,

Tha direction which a certain Parla iBlIllMr p lyai her cuatomani la that the hair la to ba ahampooed once a fortnipht— thouph balrdraaaara aay that la too often —awd bruahad dally with a verynofi bruah

I t la wavad t^flen enouph to keep It iii akapo and la made shiny with a brilliant praparatloB which la applied to tha wavai with a teothbruah. Nlphla tha pin alraps In a oUk cap llnod with aachat powder; and daytimaa her head la fraprant aa a ykriot. The hat, Itaalf, when not worn la kept In a ylolet caaa, which makes It a tblnp iw aat and ferelnina. ao much for tho hattod cflilfure of tba P arii wintar t t r i t

Ona of tha nawaat Ideal In mllltnary la tha tnaklnp of the hat out of a place of cloth to m atch tha draaa.

At a small "afternoon" a younp dabu* tM tr , who was maklnp her Initial serial o f eaUa, In company wUh her mother, wore a ba t of cloth made on tho turban


Tha turban w at one of thoae with a croaaod crown ptvlnp an opportunity for idany folds. I t was only large enouph fa r tba arown of tha head and was da* a%aad to be worn wall back fram tha face.

Tha m atarlal with which tha hat wai covered was a epeckled novally pooda to matob tha pirl'a aklrt which wsa In no way aapenalve. After the turban ! crown was covered the hat was flnlihed ! w ith tha ailwpleat llUIe dcporatlon. 1


so as to awtep the back of tha hat In vary elfactlve fashion. Tha hat la trimmed with Its folds of cloth.

One Of Ihe pretlleat of hata for a nis* Iron waa of preen felt of dlpnlfled shape, very repularly bent and worn muarely ovar tha forakead. l i t only trlmmlnp was two very long ostrich plumea which were laid loosely around tne crown ao as lo

Tliough thia hat w at apparently alm- pU' It was vxpensiva, for tha faatbara coat not lest than live American dollars each, whii'li, rendered Into franca, maans a tidysum.

Hpeaklnp of ostrich feathers the ex­pensive ouen now come from the aoulh Afrii'un festher farm s. They sre douhls In rows of curllnp faslbera and when

O L A o r r o i v t k i d d l y a c t .

H o w aw Housblo P k o r n a k e r W aaSCartrA o a th a RaaA lo F v r ia a o ,

F rom Y outh's Companion.Haally preat men are ap t to like quiet

w ays In their beoavolance. TheyDo pood by stealth and blush to And It

fume.T here Uvea an humble but thrifty shoe­m aker In BarJln, Prussln, who remembers one Inalanee of this wllh perennial prutl. tude.

W hen ha waa a young roan he went lo London and upanrd a Ultia workshop, but bta pBlna were ao amnll that he made nothing beyond hla present iireils, and his hop* to aarn a hone of his own seemed doutnad to diaappoinlmcnu A worthy Oerm an plrl a t aervica In the city had be* como enpapad to him. and his prtda at Aral would not aurter him to tell her the whole tru th ; but when, one day, a cus- lonier came with a panerous order and he found hlmaelt too poor to buy tha lea ihar to maka tho ahm-s. he felt th a t ha m ust abara his trouble with his unly trtM d.

In tho brief houri of a half-holiday they took a airoll tupathar, aud amuiig other plaoaa vlallsd At. Paul'g C'alhsdraJ. Uy tha llBie they entered tha famous whispering gallery, ha found courape to reveal the whole story of bis olKUtnitancrs. Thsir prasanco In the church euggcsieil the one them e neareet their hearts, and in talking of It he forced himself to irli hm be­tro thed wife th a t thtdr marriage w aa a l­m ost beyond hope.

T he brave girl encouraged him. and In- ■Istcd on flvlnp him her own Ijlil,. savlngn, ■o th a t he might purch.'isr ihi' hu ther u idnil hie custikner's order. Hu-lneea would Improve end their prosput;, Lrigluen by and by, ehe said.



w B A S H ( i B R O S . f i rn

775 Broad Street, 6 doors North of Mnrkel, • • —A w ord In te n to a /p rh y m e w ith re a to a . L e t ag h e lp y e a o a t o f

Present Predicaments

P r o l^ b ly both w ire loo mui-h ureoecu- p le il to roftlUo that they hhkni wht^re ' ’wftUa b a v a and celtlngM an^ ti^U-

tb a t tb(«iv are Knglinhmeii lo w h o m G erm afi la nu unknown itmptue.

Unknown lo tbo young mot'Tnakvr.whrti, noxt d«y. ho went to huy the bather, he WM *'thad«w«d,'’ Tho pt rogi) w ho follow­ed him w u not a dete('tlvc\ but a genUtr- m an who had bcrti comniinaluiicii to In­quire About htna. and ba.il done lo with aAllafACtory rfaulU. The iboi'tnaker w m about lo pay for hU purctun-, wiu'n the leather merchant aBtoniPhed him hy of< fe iing Id give him creiUt. Tho unaeen *^ahadow^' nad contrived to tay a good word for him In the ear of the merchant.

T h a t opon account w u the iM ginnlnjr o f b e tte r d ava for the poor young m an. IVoa- p e r lty fo llow etl. and aurprliing ordera from ih e w e a lth le it fam lU ei t>oure<T In. H e m ar­ried! and eatablUiheil a com fortable hom e, an d fo r y e a n waa known in l..ondon aa Ih e '^Parliam ent ihocmakpr/*

H a d lie atayed In Loniion he m ight n ever b a v a k n ow u w ho hln te^Tet rrlend waa, b u t Ihe longltig o f hla w ife for her n a tive c o u n tr y Anally decided him lo return to l le r lin . W hen he puld hi* IbmI lifll hla d ea ln r told him that the man lo w hom he o w ed tb a credit that um him on hla feet w aa Mr, Qladatotie. The g rv tt M lnlater h a p ^ n e d to be In the w hlepfring gallc a t th e <^poHune momrni. and b a d o v er ­h eard th e ta le o f the young w orkm an'a p o v erty .

pW'hen Mr. Oladatone died, a plain oak - tea f c h a p le t cam e from lleriln , through th e h a n A o f the llrttiih Conaui in th a t c ity , to be p laced with tlw funeral olTer- Inga nrOuBd th e itateim aD '* caaket. It w a a th o G erm an ihoem aker'a g ift o f re-

In the Basement.f i . 2 5 au u io id

Collar and Cu9 Boxes, 9Sc.

35c-Glass Bon Bon Boxes, ISc.

TOY T SETS 12 plates, 6 cups

and saucers, lea pot, 6 spoons, c-eam ptteber and sugar bowl, 3Sc.

7 to P P iid p y N lfh t,

Imported Dresden China Photo

Fnme3,worth 50c. each, for l » o .

Chllditn’a Se a l Chatelaine Pocket* books, 3c.

By siigiesting a lew .seasonable, sensible and suitable “ Gm G ives" that w eareieU lni at prices (quaKty crwideredl eheantr than you couU purchase them for In all Newark, New York~IIOwhtfY iM t , la fa c t, lor IM price.

I f I t ’s t n R p three hundred per- i n t h e1 1 I I & 1 0 DC tailored Ladies'Top CoatsVail r . ” *

f l C o s t o r J f l C k p t nude and finished in most up to date D a s e m e n t .fashion, double breasted, strapped

seams, satin lined, of all wool imported kerseys, in black. National and tan, every one of (hem has been g g Q

marked from <8,00 to <to.oo each, special for Friday

“ Handkerchiefs, Herr IsPerhaps!** JUTn

issoftnwm as you will find anywhere ei«, prices represented as follows;

FOR W O M E N - 3c. up to $1 .30,FOR M E N -At Sc,—Good Big Cambric Handker-

vliiefs, 1 , >k or .>,-in. hemstitch.At IJ i jC — Pure Linen Hemstilched.A t 2S c.—Linen Handkerchiefs, the

best.A t 8 c .—Ladies’ and Men's Japooelte

Handkerchiels, with silk initials,

3tockin£^sand Al wa y s Silk Garters. able; we

offer special for Friday some splendid Plaid Stockings that sell regularly for 50C. at, per pair,

25 cents.A t 19c. pair—Sitk Garters, wllh big

rlbNm hiws, silver o r gilt buckles, put up In fancy glass top boxes.

A t ■tSc.—Very wide Silk Elastic Gar­ters, in fancy boxes

U Might Give **" are marked double

Ihe price In ollite* stores. HertY a sample;


1 mbrvilM. wlihlorug b itid en ch in a iwari.hurn nr lUrliiig «il> Tot inmmed biui. tllvi, W inch llocl rodt kihl }«rgguik

X T s a i 7 Svaluv, lor... * • ■ S'

An extra special value for Fridsy.

Allallk blp or little rtirnllle n<g. i n Hwliur I lls u d Tuxedo VoUInga I X f 'Pic. loa6o ,v a lu « .„ ,—....... ........... ..


^ SUvewbaeSed Tollaa {? * • . Brurt^Uaudl(lnot,t«p.ti.op

75c.»B. Lcathur Double

Photo Ptuaea ip c.Sbe. Ulrroii, W c,

INK tTAKOP.Ouo llfSel. Ilnple

■•u.Double Ink iiatida

«M ) paper raokiiaod, rep. uk, sac.

DOLL5. SolnkFd. real ourtv

h e i r , ehoee ead iM oeklapa ttefn larI ISo. UuiM lot


1‘trU f Opal hend- peiutnl Uoaea tonad orequare, ISo.

3.75 Satin Waists


What’s left over from the re­markable waist selling of Mon- day and Tuesday—marked still lower for Friday.

New Neckwear,Reduced Prices.ed Lihertj MU «t)4i, itk« | 1.M unti I S l lrudttoedio...........- -.....................

At 1 ,8 7 — National blue and purple only—fine quality satin, entire from bias tucked, worth <3.75 and ^ .0 0 ach.

Millinery—About forty handsomely trimmed Hats and Bonnets, worth <5.00to <7.50, P f k for Friday.................................... A e u U

At 14c. each—Black Ostrich Plumes, 9.1nch, full heads, worth 3 5 c.

M ^ K f , apUu gtook OMIui. with kt taclMPd I'ln. hiui! tie*,

colon QAlr. Tcdttoed ifo a 5I& etch.

2 to 4 P. M. Friday.Fifteen dozen of Infants’ and Children's Fine

Silk Caps, embroidered, full ruche, French Caps, with long wide silk lies, reg. f9c. C a p s . . EACH

B A S H775 liruad Street,

B R O S .6 Doors North of Market

B L A C K F K A R Ii T R A D K .

r .

la d a n t r y o f iR e P a r l l c C o a u l A buaf W h lr h l o a i e M y B te rr Km lata.

CaBftdvna (C al.) ip «c la l to Lh« N . T. Sun.AtMut « U ty m ile* &fT th« c o a it o f CaU-

fornta lie s an iila n d t h i t U headquartera for th e b laeh prarl trade, and lim lla r flah tiic* are found on o ther l i la n d i a lon g th a co a it . Som e tim e ago an Individual w h o had gon e to thin laland to co llect relics o f th e oa tivee , for w hich th e p lace la fam oua, determ ined to In vestiga te thu m y ite ry o f the black pearia. A n old m an appeared to be th e so le In b ab lU n t, and b e w as very uncom m unicative.

“B la ck pearls, is i t f h e sa id , ^'Aln‘t th e w h ite ones good enough th a t people shou ld go hunting b lack on esr* Y es, hd said in reply to fu rth er q ueatton i, h e had Sf‘pa them , hut th ey w ere gen era lly con ­sidered uieii'Bs, and h e reckoned th e m en threw them aw ay, Y et ih ls sam e old fe l­low , according to report, bad so ld a b lack

f oaH to th e agen t o f a U rg e Jew elry ouae In th e Baat for a goodly sum . the

ffd a being resold for a large a ovan ce .T h e old beachrom ber e v id e n tly hoped

to d iscourage th at new com er: b ut h e did s o t auceerd. aa th e la tter estab ilabed cam p on th e beach and began w atch in g th e Island and those w ho v isited It. H U th e­ory w as that (he old m an w a s th e d ealer w ho handled the pearia, and th a t th e ob­jec t w a s to keep the trade quiet,

,ii'■e 1i

la B ^ d • • ¥ « » ] C blnam fn , w ho w en t Into

A few dxya after the atranxer'a artlval a lyrical Chlneie Junk hove In a lth t andram p on th e lan d dunea. T he fo llow ing d o r th ey bexan to hunt for abalonea. The w h ite m an applied for a Job, but w a i re­

jected. T hen , nndlng th a t th ey would h ave iioth lna to d o w ith him, he moved hla cam p over n ear theira and began to w atch them . T he m en w ere aeut out every nay In ganua o f tw o o r three, and at low tide th ey bunted a lon g ahore In ararch ot th e beauU ful pearly aballiie, which they pried from the rorka aa th ey w alked along, and th en dropped Into a bag. B ach man w ould co llect on an average th irty or forty a d ay, a ll o t w hich w ere laken to th e eam p aad carefu lly exam ined. 'They had a b ig trou gh Into w hich th e e h e lli w ere dum ped.

T h en ee v era l Chinam en began Ihe work o t cu ttin g ou t Ihe m eat from th e ahelL Thla wraa ca refu lly gon e over by hand In aeareh, aa w aa learned la ter , o f the blank pearia, w hich are found In th e folda ot th e a n im a l Iteelf. L ater th ie m eat waa spread ou t to dry, ond ultim atoly m n t lo C h in a T hen In c sheila w ere carefully gon e over, and from theee Ihe hulk o f th e pearle w ere lak en , m ost o f th e n being im p erfect or broken from th e ahelia. Theaq are sold to th e trade, pollahed and ground to the proper a litpe, and dlapoeod o t for ornam onta o f v a r io u s k inds.

W hether th e old m an waa the boea pearler could not he determ ined. The new ­com er, w h ile w atch in g th e Chinamen, had gon e Into th e ahelt co llec tin g bualneM klm - ce lf, and w hen th a old m an la w th il he o f f w ^ to huy hla xhelix a live. In abort, he ev id en tly did not wlab the husineea to bo Investigated too r io ie ly ; hut the ilra n g - er p ersisted , and found th at nearly all o f the ab a lon ee had p ieces o t pearL and m an y con ta in ed a Mack pearl m ore or Inat perfect. A t laat acoounU , Ilka hla com- panlona, he wax still hun ting p earia and, lik e them , ly in g low and 'keeping w hat m ay b e a good th in g to h im self.


"C k lU rcB o f th e C h a p e l” W h o K g . p e e t t h r le ta a a o U lfta,

F rom th e L on d on M a li "T he C hildren o f th e C hapel," a t t t .

Jam ea 'i, a ro Juat n o w an tic ip a tin g w ith boyish p len au re th e C hrlttm aa p reaen ti th at are ev e ry y e a r l e n t them by tho Queen, th e P r in ce a t W a le g aad o th er dlu- tlnguU hed p eop le.

Theioe b o y s, ten In num ber, a re eduoatsd and g en er a lly m a in ta in ed I n her U a le e ty during th eir term o f olD ce. 'I l i iy e n tw th e ch a p d a t ab o u t te n y e a r s o f a g e , an d re­m ain th ere tilt th e ir v o lM s break, uauallv a t ab o u t B fteen y e a r a uauau y

T h e C hau el R o y a l, B t Jam aa'i, d atee a mg w ay iMick In to h istory , and m am . a fray tu c k In to h istory , and m any « f

Dtlque c u i t o w s r s m aintained tolongth e a o t i , _ _ ________ ___thla d a y ~ D o ta b ly Ik e d ress w orn by " the children." T h eir u nd ress unlfo iip b ss a sem l-m lllta ry appaaranoe, being o f derk blue c lo lh w ith aoartet pipings and gilt b utton s; th o u g h t h s U tile E ton Jacket end ord luary co lla g e ca p proclaim th e fa ct that It la a sch o laa tlc ra th er than a mUltary uniform .

I t la th e B u t e su it, h ow ever, th a t la so rem arkabia to th e e y e s o f th e beholder. It Is s relic o f Ihe Jaco lw an d s y i . l i la m sd e o f scarlet c lo th , la v ish ly trimmed with h eavy gold la c e tw o lin e s o l purpis run* n in e dow n th e fro n t betw een double row s of gold; th e back o t th e coat Is even m ore resp ten d en l th an th e front.

F orm erly th e h ead l>oy could i lw a y t de­m en d “spur m oney" from a n y offloer w ho entarnd th e ch ap el w earin g spurs. It Is said th a t th e iJukn of W ellington waa th e la s t to pay th la torfeH .


T o u M 4 M m a n y h ata o t fe lt , w orn far b kek upon tb s h ead , and trim m ed w ith a v ir y lo n g w a v in g feath er , o r plum s, w h ich la la s te n s d d ire stly upon th e fron t

m eet a t th e b ack w ith a sw eep . The fea th ers w ere secu red b y a b ig tiin or b u ck le o f rh in eston es w hich s a t iq u a rc ly a t on e side. .

itr s lcb ed Oat th e y d o not creek upon Ihe tn d s . T h ey a r e very glossy end aro worn w ith o n ly th a n stu rsl curt.





”The Queen of Beautiful Women”WRITES I '

“I am using the genuiue

Johapn HoirsNaR Exiroct

with the most satisfactory re­sults.”

M m i t t t H o t t m M m NM o k m F l m h

(M w fftt Mp0§m §; .3MUMI M$*l. Nftr YBftb »M«m VlM*. M * .

em b ran ce, a fter tw en ty y ea rs, an d Its m p llo ity would have d eligh ted th e h ea rt ’ th e lU ustrtous B og llsh m an , w h o w a a a s

m em b ran es, slmio f ___________________________ _____ _________m o d est In h is p rlv ste k in d n ess a s h e wras g ra n d la pubUc command.

R A N G E O F T H E H O N B Y R E E .

B o lw e o f T h e m K a - w n t o F l y a s F a r a a M ig h t M ile s .

T h o ran ge o f the honeybee I s b u t li t t le u n d erstood by th s m asses, m an y su p p os­in g th a t b e« i go for m ilts In q u e st o f n ec ta r , w h ile o th ers th in k th a t th e y g o o n ly a ehort dlalaitce. It m a y b s cu r io u s to m an y to understand how a n y on e ca n te l l h ow far th e b ets m ay By, b u t th ia is strap le w hen understood. Y ea rs a go , w h en th e Itu llsn bees w ere first in tro d u c­ed In th s D oited States, th ese b eas h a v in g m a r k s d ifferent from the com m on b eta s F re a d y h ere , th ey w ere ea s ily d ls t ln g u ls h H , an d a f te r S o y beekeeper had a b la u u d th a I ta lia n b ees th ey could be ob servad an d I h e ir ra n g e easily nottesd. I t b loom Is p len - l l fu l c lo se w here bees are loca ted , th ey w ilt nob g o w r y fur. p e r h tp i a m ile In ra n g e , b u t It bloom l i sca rce th e y m a y g o fiv e (n lle s, U su a lly about th ree m lleg (a aa fa r aa th ey m ay go profitably.

B oea h a v t bean know n to g o m ta r n s e ig h t rallaa In a siiAlKot lino, crosM iig a b od y o t w a ter tb at d istance to (a n d . I t IS----- --- ----- ------------to lamw o n d er fu l bow th e litt le h on eyb ee c a n g o eo fa r from l ls hom e end ev er find U s w a r b a ck to U s ow n particular h lvo . I f w h ileIh e lltt la , h iv e ahoul

fe Is out o f l l s h om e or h iv e th e be moved som e to n o r tw e n ty

fe e t , aecord in g to the surrou nd ings, w h en U oa in a baok to w here U s 11001* w a a firM lo c a ted It w ould ba hopelessly k M - I t I tsb o n e w aa in an open apace, w ith n o o tM r o b jec ts oloae. It m ight And U s w a y hO BA b u t e v e n s n o a U tite h iv s be n e v a a dkijr a f e w f e l t m an y o f tha bees w o u H g s t loaL

B o to m o v e a hive, If d o se In tb a w in ­te r tim e , w ould be t i l r igh t, b u t U T n th e su m m e r Urns It should b s d o n a a f te r d a rk or w hen the b e n a r c n o t ( ly in g , and a vcB th en th e bees ebould be aUrred up so m e an d sm ok e blown In a t th e b tv s en­tr a n c e and a board or aome ob jea t M e e d In fro n t o f tb s blva eo t u t I n s bean to c o m in g ou t m ay m ark th eir n ew kM atlon. f ie a g n o doubt are Jrakted by n tg lit a tte

T h ey M e n t t r a e t e d t e t a If th ey a ro a t w ork ( b loom th e y a r e n e t

l ik e ly to leave that p articu lar k in d o f bloom to r a n y other a e lon g m th e y ean find th a t k ind. A gain , b e t s s r s i fk in t r a d e d to sw ea ts by th eir sen s* o f f e r th ey w ill ao a fter aw eat* e v e *d a rk . If oloe*. H ow ever, an y ___,■ w aate m a y be. placed In g la t* i n ; s ig h t , but If covered so c s n ot to a —*— no no t i a qi

ou BVfinb mrw wm M Of ilB tn . In

th « col(»r o f bloom, aa OB B onrtBUi kiDd of

Fine oak and mahogany finished Morris Chairs,with pretty cushions, for

8 . S O .

We will SDpply not oaly Furnishings for your home, hut also Qothiog, Shoes and Hats for the entire family.

One account will be sufficient for all.

A pretty solid quarter sawed oak Ladies' Dressing Table,with drawer and large bevelled edge French plate glass, at the low figure of


F an ry Odd Parlor C hairs, m ahogany llnlshrd oml uphulstrrcd In silk D am - M k, St

4.00.A Krasit O nyx w ltb

TMl Mfxli^an qnyXi o*tly

o . s o .A Handiomr Porcslaln Lamp, bsauti-

ftilly dseoroUd and braaa support, for

& . S S .Fancy Ladles' Desk, finely finished in

■olid oak, with drawer, only


V ery P retty R ocker, s llb er In oak or m ah ouan y dntsh, with geBulne le s t bar cobbler sent, for

A L arge V arie ty o f F an cy Smokers' T ab les, from ^

l A p *W e dhlUL to havk th e largM t itn ck

o f F orceia ln and B lo ck and Colored C looki o f a n y fu rn itu re store tn iho olty, and a t lo w est p n e ss ; 8-D ay Par­lor C lock s from

3 . ^ e t J L p .W h lli E n am elled Iron Cribs, l t x t . 6,

p ith sp r in g b ottom s, brass trim mings, from

- i . O O t 4 - p #

H an d som e Alltuin. on brass easel, p lush back and p retty decorated cellu­loid from , at

a . t r s .N oU Ingham an d Irish Point Laea

CurUiUis, T ap eatry and c h e n ille Por­tieres and T ab le C overs, a t ridiculously low prices.

Oak B la ck in g C ases, from

B eau tifu l N in e-p iece T oilet Bets, handsom e d ecorated , In a ll odd ah apea


■ I T O R I S O P X D M T t l N ' I ' X J L . l O P . A d U» • » < *


» i Newark’s Holiday Book Store! lumirB*!fCTux»fry

t a S R i m iAUK- In OteBMnr nt N«» U rm v VU«& ftty p H i . •emylsiDsjat, u i4

Jolw J. U um tr tt iU .. iefiWUiUa. PI. f v . for«f MMUUtd pfWM»>

gi ill................Bir TfrttM 'ftciiu, 1

FLORAL DESIGN.B t U .i>*iK ii M n o m lU u o w .u -

(rfaUBtltlptal. !^bool of 1 ndiutii.t A l l ) (CopyriBitt.)

M lill* t h . formii o f h l.toric orti»"«i'f.of which ou r loot Icioon tfM tcil. will over be upheld In » rt ami a rr for th<- more ron- veo iluna l aid* of dccoratlva -work an al>- f dijl* nccciortiy, It li yol to " '“ Jm uch of the l e « formal decorallvr >rt of to -day re tu rn e lo nature, and capcclally lo noral formn, for Irttrlra tlw . ‘I’:de#d. thi» dM lpner bM a ^w ealth to draw u p o n |n a tu re haa ^ r h - U v lih Tarleiy th a t he who l>r.tlfir to aei k d irec tly from her may continue hie aearch iBdetlnltely. flndinf new br'auty and lii- *ilriU lon a t every ilep.

In be ilnn ln* lo u»e plant forma for or- p am en t Ih.- eludenl ahould aludy moat m i­nu tely the plant he lia i aelecled. I l l «ow- • ra and buije, fruit, Icivra and P ef Junc- 11,..,«, empty ared v .“ el». even Ita roofe: by ibla m eanahew lll t»™ me fam iliar wl h I lf onllvldual bahita of *rowth am i will be able 10 aalael and emphaalae. from Ita de .r.ra tlve quain iei, the fea l.iref meet aultahia for hla puf[H»- He will find In- valuaM e the habit of m ak lm amall and Very ean"! pencil draw ln*. In outline of

aa the more uaiial onea, t w ould re fer the itu d en t to a im t i l volum e, " B lu dlee In r ia n t Form and lu a lan ," by W. Mlda- ley and A. K. \ . I.lllcy, (C harlea Bcrlh- ner’a Bona I . . . ..

It ahould be unJeralood, h ow ever, by ihoae. w hoac love for the plont worM leada them Into Ihia Itel'l of ar lla ilc w ork , th a t m er.;lr lo ropy a plant In a n a tu ra lla lli’ w ay upon aotne onjrcl of Induatrlal art w ill not In Itnelf form a d, «l*n. T h li fa c t

MULLIGAN’S- In O aaM nr of tU m U *. •ompl »U.a Mifttefela.

Jms.VN «Ul»d H ■h^i wKpcmta ]

of J«Bll&ry D

> J• r N«w J « w ,

IL tea.I, ____ . . th* ATOv# vtAltd w iil d€ A#rt

fftciiu, to Wl dtroetod. 1 ■h^I wKpcm for Ml* t v ' publk v*ndu*f At ih* CouitbottM ta <nTuMiUy^ lh« tenth d ir *( J*Bii&ry aI twoo'oiwli P. H., Aii ihoat tn c t i or oatoaI* of lAod

Bd t>r«(nlwi AltMAUi. IrlA< M d M pt_ - „ irtAf M d M m In ib»city od OTAiurr. ICiMX Cm m r. |t«w J*r*or:

.....................I M ih# AorU* ltd* of




t Cm w’i FIm Dw m iHh

I * M ireu Wirt t C i.'t Rijiil

N e lU a M B N k s “ 'W"O f T H * V IA *.

Tbs Standird Vorki io Pint BlDdiois.AU th* N*w Books Air r«cilv<h] iIaUt.


OXFORD TEACHERS’ BIBLES.Over 100 y r t* H « to m IbcI from. Look out for

the BtHLduai iBBlutioiu.

Were M e m UAcdkouicr.


GLOBES OF ALL SIZE! Chauttuqium Books and

Mafazine Always on Sale.


Prang, Tuck, Ward,A>d oilw r flnPcIaaa n a k a i. t /

iC h r ls tm a s a n d N ew Y earO .A .R I 3 S .

praaalHa tltaata. ti Illy e t Oeanae. IHaaai C-The FIrat-lwaiBBlna ......... ,

Ctlabe alrtat at a point d lauat fifty feet waiter- ly from the weit itde e( Jrlereon etraet: theace et rlaht analn to Qlehe alreot oae hundred and rievae feet to lanil eow or focmcrlr of Charloa Katrbanki; iheiwe alon* the .^•anw w oiiarlr terty-nlM feat oao u u a halt iDrhaaithwoaaouth IhtH y-tli dacraaa thirty mlnetaa waat owa hun- drad and two foot to lha lald Olabo itraat. and ihatMa aJoiia tka Huna aooU. Atty-four dtaraaa thirty mlnutM aaat forly-autht (aat Ian and a half Iwhaa to tha batinnbia. .

Tha Saeond-Beiimnliut on tha north ejde of Whlta airaai a t tSa aouHiwaat oeirear of Danlal flvan 'a land: ttiaaca alotui lha llaa of aald Whlta etraat north Afty-lwo4t»raaa twaely mln- utaa waat laanty-ela fedl to laad of Jolm ). PhllDoi and liiolal lloriartyi thanot nonbarly parallal with aald nyan 'a Una ona boedrad and atyhtaan fact, mora or laie. to land fornwrly of Joeathw C. Banlatl: Ihesca alona tka aama aoiiih nny-toor dwraaa ryty-dva e ilauM aaet tweoly-alt feat to aald Flvun a land; thtnea alona th» aante Booth ihlrir-iiltia d a m a i wool one hundred and nlnaiHe taat lo the betlnnlnf.

llfeim v M. DOREllUi. lIorAC* iteiikjn. Hollcltor. <|iS.OO>

s H n i p r s p A ' __E i i i i a * f I t

Aod Annie P. Tor*ll *t w , .f o ^ l e ot CBoncAiM P«««lAte. i

Bv vitiu* of Um aM t* eiAUAHrm of fkrt!dlreclwL I * 8U m m for m k t t r

*>ubilo vfidue, At i h e e w B w S n * k w A , ow) h dAy of JcAMry b m c two tb* uM MUAl u M v Q d fM rtb

________ u or pomtli of |M 4 aMAltUAtA, lyll ‘ ■

public VfldU*. At tk TuMkw the kAHth (O'eiookp. M.. AiitlMP*rt of thOM trmeu or pomtli of M i4 aM ptmi[am lUuAiAa lylM Md bgim lA th4 to w M fo eCClinton, Bm a CMBtr. New Jori^ r T in t TrAct—BtirliiAlM At tho poiot fornM I

by t&A tnlorBAcUon of (bt wMtArty Hm m BnghuvMn avaqu* abo th* Bortbertr iIm i t Bedford *ir«At; tbiBM aJo m (be norUMrtr Um of Bedfoid Btiwti Perth iblrty-«iK deerwe ajb* ftftAAQ mlnuiM ««Al OB* hufidred «ad iwM tr- Alrbt fMt APd thirtv-AUbt hupdredtte of a (o Und of Robert NWArdt: tbMo* aIo m bH lin* oortb flftHbre* digriM And foiiywfly»*A*t oq* hundred And t«*nt7 ‘’flv* l*Ai: ibMoo Atm AloM hit lln* And 1!b* « E«ttB*ar m. north tMrty>ila di

_______ tw*Atm «loM bli lln* And 1!b* _______ _ _______

d*fr*AA And art«Ao mlnuiM MMi hundred a m tlgbt/wtwo f*Ai aim forty-

. CaIiaone hundred end tlgbt/wtwo f*Ai aim forty-

flve h n n d r^ t^ of a fool: tbenoe aUII AkiM Mid GaIb leath afty-tbfA* d iCTiM ai fonywflv*—1-.__- . -- - _i_a..

iheoo* aUII am lnetei waai twMty>*lx 'ttet ai^ eiftityedv* hundredihi of a foot: theiM* aUH Akog Mm* Aouth flirty-three derrei* end forty mlnui«A> we*( pibMy-AlnAftAt APd AlAty-*<tbt bundredtbBi (4 A foot to Kedford itreot: tbefto* Aloof tb* AAtne north thirty-ilx d efr*a And flftoM m Ia*,u(c* WMt one bimdr«] And twenty feet to M diww or furntATlr of Uoriii A RaII: tbeoee itheir Ilbi north ilfiy derreee end (hlfty-elfSii minutAA AAit fifty feet; (henee itlU eJonc m iba<

ABd ftfteen mlantM w *i| |

tCliAncery A—flW.) ____BHBKTFrR PALB-ln C h M W of New J W y

-^Between Kr^eiio B, HAiidevUle, w*npl*JB- in t. And Giear Ooeger et aI.. defeadABUa r t fAw fur AAle of rnurUAied preaiaM , _ .

By virtu* of the ibore sUted writ of fieri fAclAA to in* direeltd, I ihAll eAPoee for AAle by. a_ ... .k_Im VrM awwb a,ea

_ . -..ty feet; trarU) tblrky-elK deeree*un* hundred And nftyHilA feet to tbe low er___to NewArfc at a M a t dlaUnt dfty fe*t from the curner of Be^urd etreeti theooe A k» | th* «Ait* erlv line of (he lower roAd north forty-thre* degreet And forty ralnutei eA«( forty-nine f**tand elihiy*«*ven hundredth* of a foot: tbenoA •till Alonic Mid roAd north forty*four ‘

Lmblle vendue. At the CounhouM In N*WArh. on TueidAr. the t w ^ B t y ^ Mv e n t h o f Deoember

Id All iiyiM of blBdtuf*.

Bioiiie's, Gfimrs m i i i iwqiht boois.


^ r o R —

Onr SHOO Pnlty Bogklets I

Kin riKrum the IniernAtionel Htudlo.)

WAP re fr r rn l (o labour ilu ily of “U rna- m e n u ] Deim n. * Ami ii will tu rerm (hu t BU('h a almtile rotiy of a p lan t wae ■poken of e* po»«ility a decuratlon . but not necoeiaHly in ornuiru’ntul deeti^ii. To mftko UM nf p liu t and flower fu n n i In ihla U tte r wider M nie Uiey muet elmplifleil, A rrutierd In *omi orderly p a tte rn , trlth the ir deeoruHve q u i l t t t r i hrotight ou t In n illroct And rffi-ctWe way. W hen we nee a lei'hnk'Al expreiiliin for thin pro. i u we


OXFORD PRiTERS IHD HIllULSThat for price end iiuality onnnnl be riiutMid.


AU l l . S O B ook* lo r A l . l O .A ll S I . 25 Boole* lo r O U o .

Diaries for 1899Ortr LOOO ririetle* h,i eekert fimn.


-----A N D -----


F r a n FArU, lenAdoA ami RerllB*

I S m M til iiv Bits-----I M m U B T -

la y th a t the i.laiit or dower la conveniloii- a lln s l.

n o . I.IFrom th# Inteniailoaal M adia)

•y * r y p lant and flow er lh a l com e* wUhtn k i* Peach, and, w hen lim e perm lte, emBlI

r ii f tu d le i, *ucb ae th o ie In Fl*a. 1 an d w ill prove etill m ore u ie fu l. F e w m em ­

ory d ra w ln tf w ill poseoes the nUallly to jta tare'* line* th at exhit* In a etudy m ade d lfM lIy from the plant Itaell. and a ro l- iM lo n o f auch i lu d le i eonelltu tea a ature-

wae th e ra lu e of w hich w ill becom e m ore 1 mor* apparent a* Ihe S eeicn eF a work

‘:*M ra*oao .; V K * worltroriier w hoce home or e lu d io le ao

th a t he m ay avail h lm aelf o f th e

In Inam ln* lo convent lo n n llie n atu ra l form e one muel he very i-ureful lo do It oon ele ien tly . There ahuul.l, for ex a m p le , be no attem pt to com bine In on* d e iic n th e naturalle llc treatm ent o f a p la n t and a r ifid ly lym m etrlcal and fo rm a l trea t­m en t. It m u lt aleo be rem em bered th at w here a plant or flower la trea te d In a aem l-natu rb llitlc manner, a e In F ig . 1, no llbertlee m ay be taken w ith Ite m eth od o f grow th , w hich muei be ih o w n , a lb e it In


a decorative taehlon, tru e to th e n ature o f th e particular planL U ut ahould th e d e ­sign be one o f eu form al a n a tu re that It .................................. ■ ^d*^la q u ite ob vlou ily ln lend*d m ore a t orna­m en t than a i a rcpreaentatlon o f a p lant.

‘ " liba i In V a eertnin am ou nt o f liberty 1* perm laalble In the tw IH Ina o f i ie m a anil th e turn ing o f leav«a, ate.

A very elmple ea im p le o f e lem en taryconventional dealgn I* eeen In P ig . 1, wharo th e anowdrop la drawn In flat om lln a . n u ' Ing a im all plain pattern In w h ite on ab lack ground. Aa an exam p le o f th e varl a tlon e to be obtained by th e d ifferen t tiaet o f b lack and w hite Ihe ta m e p attern la repeated In Fig. 4 In black an d g r a y ton es on a w hite ground. E lem en tary p a t te m ilu c h B i th is the student ahould n ow beginto design for hlmaelf, for n o th in g w hich th e s e le n o n a e in teach w ill i-qiial In prac­tica l va lu e an e ip erlm en ta l know ledge,

recom m ended that on ly th e ilm p leet

* %n o . a.

aiA ny W Ayilde weecU w blch HourUh Alonir p i t co u n try roede, or w ho h u a vA rk ty o f t n * fu rm ^ th eir bkiMonii. leAVce or nor* bTARchei rrofn w hich to M «k n o t tv e e for h l i w ork, hAA In thiA m aU er a wldi? id v i n - t i g o o ver hU cUy brothero, com p elled aa

often Are to ilepeod upon th e m ore QommonplAce forma of h o ih o u io plontAa

LaHowere em ployed aa e u b je c t i o t HfaiAnd le i the chief c ir e be to keep th e In- d lv ld u iU ly o f the plAUt And lo A void eU b - orotlQiu

H ivtriA becom e fAmlllAr w lib auch ele. m entA ry work a i th it represented In our A ril fo u r d r a w ln fi o f thia paper th e w ork ­er ahould then h ave to iiie urACtIce in A diptln a flortl forma to a m c * ItmltAtlonB. PtRA- ( And A f iv e aoim' Altfht Idea o f auch w ork. In the apAndrcl o f con ven tion a l dandellonA a pnittU rtrvle In th e cen tre form ed the b a ils about w hich th e le a v e i ahould turn , after w’htch th e dealgn waa d raw n freehand, aa. ih e apandrel not belnjd raw n freehand, aa. ihe apanurei not being an f k ic t triangle, there could be no formal dlviRion Into third*. Fur the aam e reatoit

F ia . C BOHDKH.

iOv too, he w ho dw elU by th e aeaah ore | th e dcalan ac[o«a iht* (t«i. ,m a y rind In th e '‘flowera o f Ihe ae**' mAny w hile preserving the amn'’ kAubjecla for dealau, n ew mud bew uU fol i te r ab tbai nihn> ili^ siiiiboth In form and color. H eaw eed i a n d theme iomt*ubal In dein li bNwrater p lanta m ay o ften l>e bached b y * ! l '0 (( of budr. eic., t<i nil Un- lur

■ ‘ ■ F ||f . fi l i liaHfil on uTir « f 1 hco n ven tion a l repreaentaHoii o f w a ter .

y ia . 4.

w h ich adda g rea tly lu Uu* r-fTctdlvsncaa of Ihv dealgn. AmohR other umtaiial anti In te rea tlng p lan t forma for ihe dcalgncr m ay be mentioned llphemi nnd ihi* count- Xeaa varleUoAof fungJ. IncluillnK the miiah- room a. F o r un excellent work on the def*- o ra tlv e uppliealton of auch plmnla, uk well

( IIjIp (isiUTH iit'riU i-liarui' illfftit* fnm i

»hf InirrHluL!'KHT SiPil.T

„ - , ..................... 'liiH'if KniralUnea alioul whli^h wr |f‘Krn.-1 in oiir iifth leaaon (''KlKmfiHM of l>ei'lun"i, Thi- I'liry iwnthenuHu. with w hlfh It 'Iv.iIf, | s one o: Ih e nioal u»*i ml nnd rnrm>i inAoral dvulKii, unit lM■l•Rn .■ .,r iis v .ir^tyalmpHcliy m.iJ vlj-m- ul n nLr, ts i*.mendiMl ;ik u muel i.i .j ., l ' d ihbeattmer.

flttVltiB KiVf-n aw ninth I'mn^ht lo ihi- w lje a u iijn i of plum iL. i i-u n n onr brief Htjui-*' pt-rmliL w imiv iu.ik ahorl (nt'itUoii of eonn' of tIi# muu* i-om m on device?; and metho-ln «.r irvui.riu thi backKrouini. Flrai uml ''iini.lFfii <,[ ,.h I* the oM wnli.l l.hi.-h loinii.Lj rli.H.. \ \ lPttHiTii, UH in Fig 1. ThK (h a ith e w h ile form uijuinflt li h- iirnwn •ome- w’hat larRMr (hun || |» lo uH nur a* the pow'errtjl Week nurrouniiltiR iin- ilgure r'e- ilucea lia apparent alae. N t n wi- have u black RrouiKl. naln Fly. U. u u liieh iln* en tire dealgn ia Riirrounded h\ a ihn- ,if » nue Instead of hrlnglng the lm« kKiomi.l rtatly up to ilie hiitiern. Thin iiiciho-l given a wofier and lean aggressive eontraHi anil la oriel) preferred.

The use of a dark om lh w for deilnlng I form s is Well underelnotJ. our onl> exam - I pie of (hlH la the eUghl om- in thi>‘ dowerv M*f FIk. 4. T h* enriching ni a hm kgrounrl I w iui spoia (F ig. 6) or w iih Imu-m, in thi j lia s i 'o f the anowdrop p ill ' <11 ■fl. Ih a almpl'

shd iiK'fiU meihod. li <Ahi i,.. noticed Hlrto lhal whare the rlputgn ch!erty one of Mdld black, aa In Fig Mu? groiinU m ust Ifp very light in coh ii,t» | or a ll dec orative effect wU| li*> U.hi. w hile w ith Ihe solid black ground cf l-Mg. r, th e floral

! (reatinunt la realralm d to w hite an d gray } KAckgrouuda m aj rIao be ir ea ted by

m e a n ao f an undergrowth, ro n e laan g o f a

And tha kdknvlng Church Hooka la all alyl** of blading

L a u d a s D o m in i , S p ir itu a l S o a t * . M o t h o d U t H y m o a U ,

S o a g i l o r t h e S a a c t u a r y , H y m i)* o f t h e C liu r t l i ,

H y a i w A n c lo n t a n d n o d e r n an d C ath oH e P r a y a r B o o k * o l A ll K la d i .

LADIES’ WORK BOXES.A ll Die MW ttyl«*o(


I . r . D tm ro h a c o „AHXUCAN TRACT 9QCJCTT,






» . LOTBROP c o h p a n y ,0 . P. PITS AM'S SOXR


In Ruiata, French Calf, Heal, Hoiueco, JapaaeH, etc.

Fine Stationery.


1% . iM g s e t s a d B eet AeeoHmeM *g

LADIES’ LAP TABLETSXn the d t/a In Beal. Morocco, JapsMM and

Trench OaJf,


Your name enfraved on 60 flaa VlHUng Ckida, lucludlnt the Ooppar Plate, for 51.10*

MUSIC ROLLS, PORTFOLIOS,And tha beat aaaorttaeat of


nest. 11 twDo'clock P. U., i ll that ttac i or l ^ ‘ p*| of lend And pTFinliWi ■liuaie, lying and betug In Th* ctij of N*werk. fCeeek Cuunly. W*w

et th* com*f formed by Um Inter- eiK'iion of The northerly *14* of Hutvyem eirert with Ih* eaeierly *1d« of K llubeth avenue, end running thene* norihPMteriy and elong the w ld eaiterlv lln* of CUtabeth avatiue two hundred feet and four Inch** to the corn*** form ^ by th i bueraeotUm of ih* eatterly line of R lliaU th evenu* with the mutherly aide of Branford atraet: theno* *e*t«rly and along *«ld toutherly ild* cd Branford aircat on* hundr^ end three ftH *l*vcn and one-half Inch**: theac* aouth- eaiHerlv and al right angle* to Branford *tr**t two hundred feet to th* northerly Un* of Run­yon *tr«H>t; thence WMterly and along M d northerly Un« of Kunyon street ea* hundred and *1 Steen feet and Ave inchaa to the place ol beginning, be (ha *ar*rel diiU ncee end ditnen- •limii niDi* or Iom. Helot th* aome premlaea

____ _ -.... .... - d«giwand thlrty-aav*n mlnutaa aoat two bundrad and twanty>(lv« feat; thtne* itIU aloni eald rood north forty-eeveh degree* and flee niiiot*a e*R •evetsty-eeven feat: thence atlll aha^ aald roodfy-eev«n feat: thence atlll ah M i north forty-nine degran and fruir-flee miTiiiiaL,,

idredlha of a foot;e u t BfveTitv feet and nine bi thence itlll along Mid roed north tlfty-o*i* de-greea and thlrty-olna relnuiei eott u m hundred and fifty-nine feet end HTenty-tw* hutulredtha



Paaee W el(tits am i F eae.r A rtldce e f B varr I)* K rlp tl* s .


New Standard Dictionary.f o u n t a i n p e n s ,

ENGLISH CHA'TTERBOXA d ( t r « M B e e k a a f A ll K ln d g .

Children’s Savings BanksWITH COHBINATION LOOE8.

B a c k K A iu n io t i B o « r d k ,B i c y c l e G a m e , C r t b b a g e ,

C b e i f l , l l a l n i a , P a r c h e e u l e , P u x e Ic s , P o k e r

C b t |w , G o B a n g ; E t c .Aad All tbe New Gome* of tha Yegf,


Handeomeet ever ibow u tu itile eit)', put up in »ll Ihapee, Ixuee, etc., lOc. k> U etcK

Bill Books, Wallets, Card Casesand a leoaral iM ortaant of Leotbar Qoodi Utaa

you ought to •#*.

Me ImiMiatHiner CHRlNTMAb PRKSKHT I eow b* giT en th an « ■■haerlptlaa to a a j o f

•mr P o p u la r M ogenle** *r w*«kU «a, gud ■ U L L lO A !f atig |d lea tkami a ll b*l*w pub- Uebere* prle**, wh*MT*r It'e poeelbl*.



c to (ha *ald FranH* Moekln bv <l*i>rfeV. N Baldwin Oiarearrled). by d*ed dated Teh- n u ry 1, |:HM. and r*o*rded In Book 0-2ltP^ d* for Esneii r-ounty-joge* 4dt. etc.

of a foot: (hence etill along Mtid itwil flfty-elx degree* and two tnlnut** «aat four died and *Uiy-uae («*t and ftzty-ala hundn o f a foot to land now or late of George BrooUti th«nc* alooii that bn* south eight degreM Mot twu hundred ei]d nineteen fret and ninety-ooe hundredth* of a fuot (o th* weetarly line ^ FTellnghuyMh avenu*; (heoce along paid ave­nue eouin thirty degree* and tweaty-on* m in-, ute* w«et on* (houaand and aeventy-two feet ondf thlrty-*ev*n hundredtha of a foot to the nlooa* of beginning, Containing * l|h t acroa and euty-c nine hundradtba of an acre, *

S ^ n d Trart— g ln n ln g at a etoB* moauisM t' In th* comer of tend* of th* New Jaroey Roll-: ruaU and TranaDgrtatlon Cumuony and aal^i Ellaabeth M. Powler and oth*n: thence aJoflJl) (h* line dividing land* of aald Hit ib«th M^| VuiwUr and oth*r* a id ------- Davey oortlh

Dated Novemher 31. U .ITBNnr M DORKilUi. «h*rtff.

Whitehead A Cundlt, Holicklur*. <tll.401

(('■hanctry A—6(01)BIIERIFF’*H BALE-In Chancery of New Jereey

—Heiwi-cn the Howard Bavinga inmliuiluo. comidalnam. and Klla I*. Bmlth et aW , defetul- ants, KI fa., fur sol* of mortgaged pretnleM.

Bv virtue of (he above aiated writ of fled foi'loa, to me d(r*t;(«d, 1 ahall expo** for aale by public vendue, at the (Viurthoaee In Newark, on TuMKlav. the tenth »Uv «'f January n ett, at two o^-lock K. M.. all that trail or parcel of land an<r DremloM iUuite. Ivlng and being la the city uf Ohing*. ICmiwx Uuuntv. Ngw g«ro«y: _

C a lm in g on the «ou(harrly eld* of WtUlam•(reel at the (x>rner irf iMd now ^ furm erlj^fLeooder Willlami. whh h rumer la olao dial tw o hundred ami ninety-two and tia oae-hun dredih* fe*t »ouihea«terly from Pork *tr**c:sheuct running Nuth forty degree* ala minute* West one hundred and furty-thre* and twenty-thre* oae-hunilredlh* f**t; them^ ouuth futty eight degrev* four rnlnut** ea«t (eo and elx une- bundredth* reet: theniw aouth forty degrrea *ik rnlnut** writ twsnty-eeven and tlghty-acven

eight degr**f went twelve hoadred and nlbety- eight feet and forty hundredlha of a foot M tM |eamerlr line of Fr*Unghuy»an avtnue: tHene*' along that line aouth thirty degree* and tw*aty«| one mhiuiM weet iwalv* hundred and. •Ixty-' teven feet anil fifty hundredth* of a foot tothJrty-alg degree* and fifteen------- — _ .hunitred and Mvenly-*lght feet end aiaty-foua

t along een mil

that line eoulb lautae emit ■*▼*»!

hundradtba of a too il Iheoce ftlll aloof the I ................... “ - ' ihlrty-thr** mia«Borth flghty-aln* dagridiute* eeat one bund and Mven fe*t and *tvinw,

ly-vlgorhundt^llha of^u fool to the weeterly; Ifni..n* of the New Jemey R a l lr i^ and Tronipoctaw; tlig) p4imii*nv; theiii'e along that line north thirty degree* and twalv* minute* *aai fiya hun- drM and ihr*e fe«t and iine-tenth of a foot to the Plane of beginning. OomalDlng *«venteoa acre* aiMl *iate«a hundredihi of on acre. RetMTpart dT the name premie** conveyed u J^nl* F. Price b^ KIlMbcth M. ~Price by deed dated- Kebruorv fc. IMtt, imd recorded in the K*m x ' (Juimlv Reglator'i oflW In Book V -tt ef De*dg for *0111 county, on page U t . etc.

Dated Dec. h. ItM. ^HKNRY U. DORRMUfi. ■b*£lff-David A. Hyerevn. flollcitor. {|l0.3a»

one-huodrtdiha feet; thence oouth rorty-«U de- greea *ev*nt«en miaul** east th irty-elfh l and seventy one-hUTidredth* feat: thence north fortydcgrcee ten lulnutea eaat ime hundred and alxty' nine and fifty-fuur coie-hundredtha feat to the •ouiheriy lint of William Mireet, and thence along the aoullierlr lln* of William *treet north forty-five degree* a«el forty-aloe feet to the point of beginning. ^

For tide to *ame *ee d*eda In Q-11. 478; 1-8A 4 ^ . and 42S, ^

Doled Dec. Q. lilM.HRNKY M. DORKMUB. 88i*rlff,

Jama* C. McDonald. BoUellor. Ti m

(Chancery A—M .)BHERTYT'8 «ALK—In Chanoerr of Hew Jdr-

■ey-Hetween Mercantile O o -^ ra tlv e Bank. ccttplaliiaaL and Caroline Brtevegeiie e t ol.. d*- l ^ a n t o . Ft fa., for >a1* of nongofod pneor-

By virtue of the ebove atoted w rit of fitii to me directed, t ahoAl ikpoe* to r oale

by public v«ndu«. at the Couiibouo* la Newark, «n ToMday. the twentr-eeventk day of Decern-............. . . - . - C M ^ 1 tract o t Dectmher neat, Vt tw* o'ckH-k P. M, or parcel of land and premtoee altuate, lying and being in the city of Newark, EoMm County.

Itemember. the above voodi were boogkl to’bewk) dujioi; the holidays and: wilt I f if l#w prlocA will do IL

N . EL— B u y n * f o « 4 « u o t l l y o u x e t m y p i i c M .



927 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.

___beingNew Jereey. , ^

Beginning a t a point In th* eauiterir tide of Auotln etreet distant one hundred and eight feet and ten and a half inch** northeriy from the northeoaterly comer of Parkkumt and Aus­tin Mreeta, and thence running aoutherly along aald easterly U(m of Auathi street twenty-five feet, and thence easterly parallel with Thomas street eighty feet and ten tnehes; tbcnc* north­erly and at right angle* to Farfcharel atreet four feet and six Inches; thence easterly paral­lel with Thomas etreet nlaetesB feet and two Inches to a point on* hundred feet distant from Austin etreet: ibeiK* nortberty a t right angles to P a ^ u r s l strset twenty feet and sU Inches; them.-* westerly porallsl with Thomas strset one hundred feet to th* essleriy side of Austin street and the place of beginning.

Dated November XI. IkW.HIIIKKY U. DORRMini. Sbariff.

McCarter, wmiamson A McCanor, Bollfltors.(IIClXOI

(Chancery a-« U .) .SIlKHIKF'fi 8A LB-ln Chancery of. New XtrsM

—Heiween Columbian Lr«dge No, IIT. X. O;V., ctimpiolnant, and Margaret Hanning et nl.,. derendante. FI. fs.. for sale of martgagwd

Hv virtu* of ibe sbovt staled w rit of fieri fm-la*. to me directed. I shall skposs for sale hrpublic vendiM, s t tbs Courtboune In Newark, on,Tm ■ ‘ ‘ ---------------------------- “ *—. ‘uMdsy. the tenth day of January naxt, at two’clock P. U.. nil those tracts or parcels of Isn and premisoa sUuau, lying and being m tbeeit] of Newark, Kssex Cuuniy. New J e r ^ : ^ ,

The Klrei Tract—Beginning and being ea comer of Academy and ftunmiit streets, oa tnw southMsterly comer of Summit str*el. \ nd « • (ending to the middle of sold street;'being No. 4f on a msp of the property of_ „ propertyGlffort. deceased, drawn by a D od,------July 1. INU: bounded north by Academy street^s o u t h ' M S t e r t ^ ^ Nf t 40,WMterly by Pummit street; being one huodn and on* feet deep, exrluatv* Of said street, si forty-two f««t rruot and rear, bs tbe soma morw or let*; exi'eptlng ihrtwoot always the said:; Arodenir and rtummU *tr*sU os^pobUo hlffh-«> says ur road* fnr (be US* of ths publle forever.

The Second Tract-Beginning and betog o ^ Academy sireeL vh the smith aide thereof, end' extending to the middle of said o n d d M l^nsted 0* lots No. 40 un a moQ^of th* |W«Far^ ^ Hannah Ulfford. deceased, made, by 8. .Dod.R sa\ d aM J'uTv 1. lU l; bounded north b n * - " “ -furchosatf

ilkUt o f g •tn a llc r fc o le ih a a that form- ng th e c h ie f p g lte m : or. again , the

sm aller d e ta ils o f a p lan t, auch o s tcndiilo,


thorns o r roots, m ay be k t arranged os to form an Inconaplcuouagroundwork.

b ut p leasant

C U m sT IIIA fl OlVlIVO,

Trw * S p i r i t VIolwIwM I 'w til llw ee t lm< ia r M r c * A re L o s t.

From the N ew Y*ork Observer.can n ot afford to g lv g much.*' ih « sold

grim ly, "and so I w o n t g lv o s j iy ib ln g /' And deep, w orried , u n tim ely lines gath ­ered In her yo u n g foreh ead , IndlcsUve, not o f hardnesi^ o s o n e m igh t think, hut o f pained reatra ln t a t th e thought that w hile otherw m ig h t h a v e the pleasure of g iv in g she m uat be d eU arm l from St by pecuniary llm lta tlon a .

And y e t It w a s a m li ia k m sen tim en t—1 can 't afford to g iv e mui-b and so I

w ont g ive a n y th in g .Thor* m ay com * a tim e In our lives when

in truth w e m ay n o t be able to afford to f iv e a n y th in g a t p ie C h ristm as season, and th e p leosu ra o f g iv in g may h ave to be se t a s id e an d th o fM ln o t not g iv ing en ­dured a s c h e e r fu lly a s possib le, but to deny o tin e lv a a th e h a p p in ess o f rem em ­bering otherw w ith aom e g ift , sim ply be­cau se the g if t m u st b e UidJiig and Inex­pensive, la prortlcfiU y Inv itin g o i ‘bringing unnecessary p a in a n d d iscon ten t to our­selves.

It Is not tb e g i f t th a t la valued the m ost, but th e th o u g h t o f thu g iver. You have heard th is , a n a I h a v e heard li again und again; w e h a v a a ll heard li som e timv or other, an d h a v e e v e n said It to our­selves, and m ea n t It. too. Btlll, when we ourselves fe e l tb e n e c e ss ity o f g iv in g smalt g ifts , we h o s lu tc , U I s hard to say firmly and con v in cin g ly th a t th e lit t le g ift w ill g ive a s m u ch p lea su re an th e more e x ­pensive one; th a t th a rem am brance w ill

f:1vo the p le a s u r e an d n ot th e g ift alone n Itsplf. *Torm*:'tillng d o u b ts w ill arise in our

minds—iloiil»rs w h ich c a u se u s not a ]litl»' wurry, w iilch d e tr a c t m u ch from (h<5 pleasure o f g iv in g , and w hich are an in­justice. pijr«< a n a s im p le , to the frlendn to whom w e wiMh to g iv e . B y out* doubin wo qiieatlon (h eir m o iiv e f , and hall! infrt' that they are m ercen a ry In th eir recep­tion o f O hrU im o* g i f t a AVe, o f course* do ,noi m ean to Imtffy' th is , but w e do Imply it nevcrth elvaa,

( b ilttm u* Klvlnir. in Its im o sens*. )i< but at) ekchange o f k ind ly rememhranct'H, which rtreriK iiicn the chords o f friendship and love betw een thoso w ho freqiivnMy mHei, or w hh'h reh lnd tb e lies which piT- haps have been neversd b y rollei of diH- tance, and m uiilhs an d even yeara uf sep, arallon. And If g ifta a « given or are rn- crived with any o th e r m otive than that of kindly r^m Hm hranoa for, and lovini,' ac>cept.jani’e from, eac h (Hher, the trui* spirit of C h ris tm a s an d C h rls tm a t giving has been v iolated and th a aweet Influrhri’ of kindly r«*membrancea h o t been loM.

Tst Iomp Shade* « f th« C elsr B e in g H od* Dp 1 s t * W la ler O dstosM a

Blue Is being worn a g re a t deal despite a ll th a t h a s been sold abou t th e ta tre m e ■tyllahneea of broim a. I ts oorreotneas la proved not only by the q uan tity o f It th a t Is seen, bu t by th e quality o f the gowns. AU so rts of drensei of the new er m ode are blue of one shade o r another, oo t t m ust be all right. T he gown show n here w as blue, cloth for the m ain p a rt, and tucked sa tin for sk irt panel and vest. T he la tte r w as stropped across with velvet ribbon, and tw o bands of th is furn ished tb e belt. B ias folds edged th e two p a rts of the double sk irt and supplied a bolero effect for the bodice. Having th a t effect g t l b ^ In an umiaual way was proof o f th e gow n’s stylishness.

Blue Is VET)' frequently used for w hat Is Myled (he winter outing rig. T h li the ath> k t i r girl has had ready since w in ter began, and fa r a tlm^ she w as fearfu l ahe would not huVf a rliance to w ear It. A typ ica l rig.

T k c

T O P L K A S E T H E G I G G L E K s .

In r o n n ec tlo n w ith II r reg u la r e to ck , wc

eh a ll carry fro m n ow o n a lin e o f $ 4 . ( » W o m en ’* and M lte t* ’ S h o e* , k now n a i ' th e “ E o e e fd t ." In tlit* • h o e w e eh a ll end eavor tu g iv e a b etter *h oc for the p r ic e th a n i» to -d a y offered b y a n y m an ufacturer or d ea ler in th e co u n try .

'T a n a , w hat a re 'f l t t le r ln g gencrall- u e i r '■

"They are th ln a * a m a n 's wife worn iiku from him w hen th e h aa e tayed up until 3 o'clock w alttiic fo r h im to ge t bom r (rum Ihe club."—C leveland LeaOer.

price o(Mrs. SllmoL'Jil, au lle o f fu rn ltu iw t"

IHanlfled C ie rk -" T W t ta not a suite, madain. I t la one or o u r 0 sets. The suttee a re on a n o th e r floao-llOO apiece,".. New York W eekly.

Mrs. Hom epun (In ill(nan tly )—H ere's rm article snys th a t In FormiMa a wire o o iti 15."

Mr. H om espun (though tfu lly )—"Wul, a good wife la w uth I t ." —Spare Momentr.

"Jobeon ir l ls m e be Is on tho brink of m atrim ony."


Onr “ W ELLCHLHY'' Y as, In Laen o r B altn n , sn g g ists style, eu u ifort an d w ear . M ad* o a a p op ­u la r lae t from beat u la o te d k id , W a fliaaraataa tb e flaaat o f w osk a ian elilp a n d u aatarlat l a th is atyta a e la a lt s la ie e k e e e la g o a y nauM .

lo id t»y A. A. EI8ELE, Broodand Academy Bt«., Newark, K.J.


"Jobeon Is so la c k in g In an trgy. I m ile p ush ." —CleveTanJneeds Is


toil! it ie ii - , lull nnich variety In them , waa of very im ivy cloaking, sca r le t on one rlJe, , I ji bln,, on the other. T h e sk irt was a V Miulyc o f habit fll, fasten ed under I'trntfl. c*’t .ji e ither eldo o f th e fron t and showed out I. Irsee o f fu ln ess a t th e back lilt iieios the hips. H eav ily stitch ed and set 110 u wide stitched belt o f the cloth, h '.in ie i„ Just above th e a n k le a T he Idue n|i(e of (hr cloth waa QUialde tor It ui'd the tiuillee. Thia waa a Jaunty blouae, ilitiriy rinse w ithout arama In th e back Slut I'lliy sllah tly fu ll In front. I t w aa lon g otuuiKh 10 ou leeu rely under th e ak irt belt, sitij the fulnesa below the b elt w aa eare- [uily niuiiHKed, for the m ateria l w aa bulky, rile i l ie v e s w ere easy and long, co llar louse and high, the faateiiin g double- bleasteil,

t'ur Hie feet there w ere rubber boots, hulky etiouah about the an k le , y e t not unphtliily. 'They w ere stiff to h a lf w a y to Ihe kio e, ab ove there the rubber w aa aott Hhit Htrapped tigh t about th e leg and over iiii edge o f w arm knit bloom era. T he m a. I Cl la I of the akirt wa* 10 h eayy th a t It w ill sta> duwn and the ararlet fa c in g Will ael- doni show . A cape on tha go lf order goea with the tig to be added w hen th e weaThe: IS very cold, and there le a atunnlne: litt le

of lam shape made o f Ihe cloU i and snunhig a d a ih o f the scar le t underface, too whole rig is stun n in g, a line th in g to wt'iir when moat fash ionab les are aiiow- t'Uutid,

F o o m * ln -" W e r e y ou over troubled vdth stage fright?"

Hue H rclte—" Y es, onoa—when I heard the m aiiaaer had run off with the buy ofllce receip ts,"—Y onk ers Btaieaman,

A pplicant (to m is tr e s s o f sm all auburhan houte)—"W all m u m , 'a v ln g com e so far. I thought aa I'd te e you . B ut 1 must say that peop le! aa liv e* In th is class uf 'nusn ouglii not to A dvarU sa 'Host."—Hunch. •

In Tha Momln'

Secret Service B e c r e ta r y -"1 w ant a man who has akin In Iranalatlng ciphers."

AppllpanL—‘T h a n I 'm you r man. Hor two yeara now I'vo ^ ut u p preacrlptlcna In a drugstore."—D etro it F roe H rei,.

h a n d y M r lltre p h a w t o H ie P h y l l l e .How di) I love th re. O m y C olum bine?How shall 1 proBta th is aoatasy o f tnlnsT

love iliee hatter than 1 do th a t sleek td the-shaped d u b , m y b eau teou s d riv ing-

cU'ck.I love thee b olter th an m y m aalile fa ir T hat sends m y BUvertown a -s tU ln g

through tha atr,1 love litre b etter th an m y braasay sw eet rh a i aenila th e ball q uite sev en hundredr , f*'*’-L-loyo thre better th an m y d river grand Which lias been bleat by old T om Ilorr le 'e

hand.I (I rather h a v e th ee houeed w ith in m y

wallaThim win a doaen seasoned g u in ea balls. And II w ith out thao I could e'er be teed on

look- I'd rather h a v e th ee w ith th e vtliIng-flaas a fw aya te lls mo ih e Iful'h,'

K a t* -" T lie lo o k '-m uch tact, d oes

k ln |-ij la a a doean>t ahoirIloa lon Transcript,

1 love thee, dear, s o m uch I ’d not eom b la ln To play A v e t e A a M s t ill t o p lay a g O n .

,loyo thee n T 'd aven b e seren e

s e t euppy

-N e r v o u s K m ployer—"1 don't pay you tor w histling ."

TR A I.Y IK U O F A M M A L g.

k o le i i e e e t f lu b J e c U a g B e a a la ■ a a B ir d s I s N a n ’e YYItl.

From th e Liondon S aturday R eview .T ho tra in in g o f b ea sts atid birds to tb e

p erform an ce o t u se fu l serv ices la, so tar can ba a ch iev ed w ith ou t undue sev er­

ity , n e r fe c lly le g it im a te and In k eep in g w ith thn tr a d itio n s o f a ll creeds. N or la It w ith in th e p ro v in ce o f th e reasonable critic to carp a t th e tra in ing o f retrievers, o f falcona, or o f flahfug com m oranta. Trtck h o rses an d d o g s , ca ts and elepbajits are for Ihla reason th e lea st objectionable Item s In tha b ill on such oocaalcna. T h ese an im als are r e u in e r a o f m en, and fu rth er ex p er im en tin g w ith their Intelli­gence, w h ich 1* so a c tiv e aa to ca ll for th e e x e r c is e o f n o cru e lty , m ay be pro­d u c tiv e o t v a lu a b le reauU i. Hut m on­keys, Hone an d k an g a ro o s are not here for our uae, an d a s to th e kpectacle o f a bear d r in k in g a l« from a bottle, few s ig h ts can b e le s s a ttra c tiv e to th e w etl- balanced m in d . T h e fa ct th a t thousands are to b e fo u n d w h o la u g h till their aides ache a t tb e p ic tu re o f a poor beast de- gradad to th e a n tic s o f hla keepers la not an m u ch a com p lim en t to the en ligh t­en m en t o f th a ra ce ae unfortunately a gu a ra n tee th a t th ese ehow a w ill endure. So lo n g aa th e p ub lic dem and senaatlMia th e Hon k in g s an d Hon q uasn s w ill be a t hand—am all b lam e to th em —lo feed the crav in g . F o r h ere in Ilea th# trouble.

I t le u eeled e for e ith er Individual! or soctettea , h o w e v e r e x c e lle n t their Inten­tion !, to u n d er ta k e extended esp ionage of a s y s te m t o w idespread aa that o f cru e lty to p erform in g an im als. The H, 1. P. C. A . h aa a lr ea d y failed In public- sp irited a t te m p ts on b eh a lf o f caged lloita and b e a n , and In tb e particularly griev­ou s ca se o f a ta m e a e a ^ l l . The only hope

lit th e ch a n ce o f Lord HerichlH'aIleatorth oom ln g b lll.ex ten d tn g th e Jurisdiction o f th e m tg ts tr a te a to w ild beasts and birdsla m en a g er ies or o th er coitrinement. Hutth e r a a c e m e n t o f th is etatn on nhietecntli cen tu ry c iv ilisa t io n rea ls w holly With the

ub lic 'llae lf . I t 1» * ftw ve reiponalbm ty, u t should n o t on th a t account be shirked.

t f th e maaeaa re fu se their ahllltnga th e ly s te m w ill d ie a n atu ra l death.

T o carp a t tha Inquiry o f Ihu few w ho hunt th e c a r te d d eer , w hite It gladly wH- n eie ee th e p ersecu tio n o t drugged Ilona and cow ad b ears, la a hypocrisy unw orthyth e n a tio n '* c lea rer m dgtnent. Let no one b e liev e th a t th e e e u ltlbT tt lo n i are a cred it­ab le ix ite iiilT O o f th e v lo lory o f mind over m a tter Bo In gen iou s a prevarication tak es no a cc o u n t o f th a t u em a n t ot cruelty

de- i pr™ -

(Cbaaceri A -ew .)BHEKIPFg flA L l-In Ciasoery of New Ji

-HetwMB Henry Uelser. oorapUdnsnt, Catharine W. Hsitge end Albert Meoge, fendante. FI. fa , for sale of m artaagsd p

rtrtu* af Ills above slated w rtl of flert faalaa lo me dlfectsd. I abell aspiae for sms by Bublle Tvndua at the Courthouea In Newai*. on Tuesday, the tsnih day ot January next, a t two o'clock K M.. stl I b a t ^ e t nr P ^ l of 1 and oremlsas lUusts. Irtn* and bate* , t e t ^ township of Cllnion, Bsse* County. New Jarseyi

Butnalng In the northerly Une of Lyoni a « -nue at a ixSnl Uterela distant w « s r ly asveniy- llve fset cos and coe-hatf tnrhss feom tbe north*westerly comsr of the same and Clinton p t e ^ tb an » westerly along the same tw «ty-flye ,fe tt and uas-taair Inch lo the sasurly tine of lot N a 0 uo map hereinafter mentioned; thence nonh- eriy along Ihe line ot the seme and the easterly lUie of lot No. H on said nap one hundred and seventeen feet three l i^ e s ; fhenw ,*« terly twmty-flvs feet lo the weeterly line of lot No. I on laid map; thonos eouiherly akiog tbe u n eone hundrS 'and ' nfteeii feet" eight and three-. . . . . . —..—... ---- - jjj,quarter Inches to the northerly Hoe of avenoe and the plsce of beglsnlng.

Being lot N a 4 tat a map of property talonglna to Anguatlne J, Olees, Louie J. Prieth and Jainea O. Nolan, and known ae th* Citeloo place tract.

Dated Dtc. 5. ISM.HFiNRT M. DOREMUfi, Sheriff.

Txederlck C. Prliel. BoUcUer. (tlO.00)

(Cbincefy A-fiOS.)SHERirF*B 8AU6- I 0 ChiDoery of N e* Jireey

—Between John Hoory. Jr.- e*D(4a i i ^ t , eiid Jehn Hoory. Sr.. «t ale., defendant*. FI. fa*, for■el* of inortmied premUee. ^

By v lfU e ^ ih* olMve ;^ t* d wrtlfacie*, to me direried. I fhell extme* for * to birDnbllfl vendue, i t tli* Cottrtheeu* In N ^ o r ii . o» TvMday. ID* iw*ntf-**veiitii d er of D«e*oa ‘ next. a( two a'riow P. M.. all that ttontparcel of loijd'*i»d’ |ir*inJe** rttuati, w iWiDf In th« city of Newortt. E eeis CoomY. KenJ»r*ry:

B*|lnnln« In Ihe werterly Un* of D n *n *trMt_l * point dlelont i»rib«Tlr lhr*e hundred tnC fifty-four f**t end iwd inch** ffom th* iMr^•rly line of Oruiie road or avenue, u the Mm* h u b*en turvryed by Ihe coP)aU**wo*ra; from thenoe ruimlne w*«*r|y a t rlirht uHTl** V» aald Brnren eireet on# hundred f*«: tb*fio* n ^ h - •rly twrallei with Bero*(i *ir#et tweaty-fiv* f**t thrne« euterlv one hundiwd f**t to lienreti atrret: (betice oioiur (be *a»tie aouilierty twenly- five fr«l (0 (it* iilice uf beflafilnf.

B*ln* lot Nd. ' « ott a mao_^of nropetty Mifie for Georxto L*wli, by Dunn • Thornpoon.vryor*. AprlL isM, on block .

■ur- end the eame

pr«m1*** «Bv*yod to (he **ld J^hn Hoonr, l^.. by d*ed recorded Id Book K-Xft of Deeda for Xo-■ex CauPty. pexee IN. tic.

Dated November XL...sper, •*, 1W6.IIKNRT M. DOREMUSe Sht^lffi^

Ch*rl«e r , Herr. SolloUor. (89.00)

Academy ilrtwi, eouth by lot N<x & pu by UeoriK* Cro**; w««t byJot Ho, 41, tnro w - ruplrd Iff the laid Daniel XAmh. oofi *aat by lott No. 99: betnjc une hundred and one feet o**Pe, excliuiv# of 10)4 itrtet. and thirty f**t frost aa4 i

beiiiir (he eomc. more or let*. «xe«p4W alwava th* eaid Academy irtreei for ^

rear(herrout. -jway* th* eaid Academy irtreei .. .pubMo hijcbway or road, iatd^oat 00 thWaforMoli mao. forty feet 'wide, for tb* ue* o t th* public forever.

Doled Dec. fi. 1696.h e n r y M. DORBMUB, BbMlir.

Rlker A Rllter, Sollcltore. (IU.80t

rChoacenr A -filli)SHERIFF'S 8A LE -Ib OtonoiefT of K«w Jtrwyi

v-B*(ween Jeremiah FredeHctia. eomplatnaiU,- and Annie 1. (or Belle) Sergeot et ole., de- fendontiu FI. f*., for oola of mortioved pr*Bi«lOHL

By virtue of the above eUled writ t f fierifeoloo, to me directed, t eboll expoee fiir lole byi

endue, et the OowithooM in tfrwork. <av r, lb* tenth day t f January neact. M tw a p. U ., d 1 ibat tract or parcel of loail

lb* tenth day t f January neact. M twa o'clock P. U., d 1 ibat tract or parcel of l o ^ one pretnUee eltuate. iylmr and h«liijr In tb* townebip of Franklin, Beoex Ooiwty, H*M Jertey: , ^

Btxlnnlna at the ooulh comer t f B e r^ Booth'* lot on tb* Un* t f Warren Vreclond ■ land; thebo* ft) aouth thirty-two deyr*** went two hundred and eiitfateea and flfty-^ree on*- hundredlbt feet; Iheiiee (2) nortli finy-wlKht de« irreea weet two hundred and eleven mad elx m e- liundredth* feet: iheoce (8) oo*^ thirty-two deirrece etat two hundred and M h teg i iM fiflr-three ohe-bundredtlia feet to Sonlt Booth'* lot: tbeno* (4) eouth fifty-elvht decree* eoit tw* hundred and eleven and elx cM-hundredths feet to tbe piece t f hexlnnlnv. ContoInlEti forty-eix(huueond and twent/'tour feet, ^ b t thoueandi

-four feet brtna rm rvea to t a pubil*anil forty-t—. .........— ............................■treet. oroordloK m mop and purvey mode byi John B. Btmure. of PoeMlc. Beina tbe 1-----..... _. - _____ __ ____ inn tiremloM conveyed to th* eold John B. Baryeat

................... and ‘ ■_____ __ _ r Septi...........

and recorded in the Rfeneter'a. tfi*

PPL---------- ----------- ---------------------- — - -by Jomee W. Hanent wife by d e tf d o Mthe twenty-ninth day«y tf September, A. D. U84g.county of Em x 00 pooee t f Book — * ofi Deed* for wUd county.

DeducUnx and ticeptlna tbe part thereof nh leoeed by th* complainant by deed t f releoe* recordwl In Book No. 9 of Releoae* t f Mortaotftq for Em *x County, on Po«ee N0-X91.

INued Dea 16H.HENRY M. DORRMUfi. Sheriff.

Jemee McC. Morrow. Hollcitar. (tlX.MM

(Chancery A-fiOl.)BHERIFF'S 8A U C -ln Chancery t f New Jer-i

eey—Between Timothy Burnet* oomplainoatfl and ThoMoa J. CBrlen et o li., dtfeQdantt. VU fo.s for eole t f morttofied premie**.

By virtue t f (be above Mated w rit of fieri foclUe to me directed* I eboJl expoee for eole by pabllc vendue, at tbe Ckntrthouoe ia New­ark, on Tueeday, tb* tweny^weventh day e f

tT M t'or'^ irsrof issd'aitd p m is s e li'tasie.’l ^D ec^ b er next, at two o’ek M.s Oil

Inf and b*Jaf In tbe v lllo fe t f fionth Oitfiffeg Xmex County, New Jetwey.

Bcfln Dina t f the eoutlitftr oi of w iiion Dm;Iccv on the n orth ^ yOraure avenue, thenoe Mid Decker end othera north

<1>oloiif thethf

t f lotfM of f ie ^ 5

I line efltlrty-foqr

freee twenty-five mlnutee eoet three bundi and thirty-une feet thlrtr-ntoe bun& ^iof a foot to land* t f Herman Hlortefcai theaoal“ - ........ SS . AS. -g._

feet Um(X> elont aald Htnrioltf a Uae eouth fU ty -^ o d*«'

- - —-itea eoM______ _ ___ olleft;the line of eaid ooUeft Miith, thirty-five jlfiVeei forty-eeven m io u v ond t f iHton Mall CMb

eoet fifty-fi theoce

lye feet t« (I) eJonsi

re degreeiafifty-two mibntea weet three hundred ood tfV«H teen feet and forty-two-bundredth* of a foot ^ South Oroni* avenue; tbenoe (4) aloof tah northerly Biae of eal4 avenue north sjrM tyj^elx degree forty-two minute. w iR flfte^thiwA fsut awl etAty-eitht-hundradthe o t ■ tool Mlb* tf oce o f beflnnlfly.

(i1)iD<;ery A -41S.)SH FRIFFp HALB~1n f^enerry of New Jereeff

—Ueiwrcn tbe Security Hulldlna end LfOan Ao- flociatlcn Gf (hr cUr of Newark, oomplalnarit, and liana J. Hlnricb* et *1., defendant*. FI. fa. for enie tf mortxeff«d preinlOM.

Bv virtue of ihe above ktated writ of fieri facia*, tu me iMrected. I iKan evpGae for u ie by public vendue, et the Courtbouee In Newark, on Tuewlay, the (ealh day t f January next, t f two o’clock M.. ell (htf iract or poroel of loJid and prertf•** altuate. lylnx and belnir in th* city of Newark. Bm*x County. New Jereey:

Bewinnlpir tf a point In the eaiterly lln* of P*ricen etreet diatant one hundred and thirty and thirty-neven bundredthe fe*t northerly frotb the point formed bv the Iniertectlon of ib* eoeU t'My line oc (he aome with the northerly line t f

(be tf oc* o f bejflnniflk.D attf Hovemoer XL

HENRY H. DORXMUSh aalliAher * moharde, Bolieltom. tHO MI

w hich, though m*DY m ay w ith me hesitate few w ill be (ouiid huneetly toto deAne, .

d la c i^ l l . F o r th a an im al psychologlat auch e x h lb ltlo n a ca n n o t h ave the a llghleat va lu e ir ilh o u t a c c e ss to tha earlier a iages o f th e gra d u a l ed u ca tion of the raw m a-

- --------------eluded by profeaalonaltertal, a fraed om jxreclu d ed by profess lea lou ar o f m etn od a beat, perhaps, aecret I u n d ersta n d th a t Sir John bock haa la m e d a Wf*P- case , la a m ora g tr ik ln g .,- tu a i s n h f u n t lo n b y kJn

’"E‘____ Lu -T h li, If It Im the

_ exam ple of Ihea c tu a l au h ju g a tlo n by ioiidness ot a crea­tu re no t o verbu rdened w ith Inlellecl than all th# a n tic s o f a ll th e monkeys th a t ever ro d s b a re b ac k In a Chrlelm aa circus.


Royal Worceeter (Greets, t

FOR gALH • * tUHBW O D U LH R g.

. R A U R .

g H R tu n r ■A -4 U .)

—Bstweea Marx hand csthartne 'T. RyiFI. fa,, fee sate « J

f S c V t e ' S . l r ^ ^ ,

] w JereeyJnplalnont.erMidonte.

imhUe vendue Tue*da'

O J a .--------t f prMOlaoa ■toiod writ of fieri

expoot for oole tv ..^rtnonoe In Newark# on t f January next, t f two troet or parcel of load

betna in ‘ olty

Clinton avenue; thenoe nortl^rly aloiw the eoet- erly line of Berxen etreet fifty fiMt; inettoe M t- •rly at rlxht anxica to B*«en

‘ ‘jdrwJerly line of Berxm etreet fifty etre*t one htm-dre'd and five end ebc huadrvdtbe feet to rear line t f lot* fromlok on H uplevm , etreet;____ ___________ _____ in u ,_ — - .......... -•outherly panliel with ihd eoeteriy line t f B«r-

enaw •svm-rt •#.»»• mwm seiMS— — 5

,nd ilx hiutdredflii feet to thegen s trw t'f lftr fssti tlieoot w s s i^ y a t rlahl

lea <0 Bergen street one hundred and liveBergen strset sturssald and plaoe of t a n n in g .

Being ths MiBS uremlats conveyed hy deed recorded In Book 15 . pages It) and Tl.

Dated Dec. , j DORBHUg, Bbrtfl.Charlie A. Frick, SoHcllur. (ts.aw

BHERIFFg 8A ^ lS S n ^ a a i* n r* o f New J e ^-Betwem . R « h ,l K

plalnanta. end Louis gchoen'ante. n . fa . tor sate of nortaaged P ^ J s ^ ^

By Tlrtoe ol the ahore r t t te T watt o f,fltr t facias, to ms diracisd, I shall espose to r a ^ bybu'hllo vsados, at the Courthoua# la Nawaik, ™ Tuesday, tho tsnih day of January »sxL at two O'clock *■, all that iraot or oaroel of land and premIsM altuats. tying M d being In the city ofjqewark. Ernes, L'ouniy, New_Jeiwyi

.Bsrinn'ni . in „ th . W.S « .>*5^!?.street distant inuVhsrly live hundred and seven ir-niue feel fnOT Bana strset thenoe weeterly

- - six feetet right anglse wuh Norfolk e t w i Afttf^!* into the well; thsnite northerly Norfolk street tlx Inches to Shout the i n ^ l e ot (he well; thence w tsUrlr a t H«bt a n g le s ^ Norfolk street forty-tour (* « ejgbt thenoe souttisrly uargllel withuonilMveiatein feet tf i liwnee.line t f ThlrteeotK avenue; .thence eaoterlytfwm■am* one hundred feet oeyeoaame one hundrtf .—

' thence olonR the lineI feet oiveil

----- jfiR thi ‘ ‘mere or b

B iache* J o h le t f N o ^ ik to the piaok

■irofft t fMreet. -----

twynty fetf." BSlnf 'lho same^ li^ h o e n w o K by dead bearing date January

iia tS 'D ec. 5. I M __HBKM . H. DORBMUg. gberW ^D. R. Inover, gollDltor.

(Chancery A-SM.) _ _ gllK RnrF’B BALB-In Chincery of New Jars

sey-HetWten Klltahelh Dudley, complalwit# and Joeeph B. Bfay et a te . ^ Isn d a au . FI. tte j for sals of mortgaged premlsea, J

By vlrtiM of the above stated w rit pf fl#rf f a o ^ , lo me directed, I a ^ l Mi»ee tog a t publld vendue, a t the Courthouae In NeeM ark, 00 Tuaeday, th i Umth dfY .of J u u a M neat, a t 1*0 o'clock F- M*. all that tract m pardsl of land and peetnleea altuate, tying aaR being la the oily of Orange, Sai#x County,' New J^Itegintdw'oB the eoutheiuterly aide of ‘ t i w at a |x .......................sireel at a polat therein distent three hi

end etgbtyKme feet and flfty-atx-huadfedtha^^ a toot nortbeaeterly from the nest hoe rterl; side of Mala etreet; th«Ke ruooteg aloag mli Essex street north thlrty-eli degrees ssat - — flve feet; iheBoa south tlfiy-fonr degree

hundred end thlrty-efght feet, nu tear line of lot fenlag — •tS!lue° iho "eainr'i lh thlrtfpj ^ do

n rn s (ourlMn mlnutaa weet stxty-flvi feet ^ Tour-hundredtbe of a foot, mora or tees, to lanfMbf Fhohe L. Vemillye ^ ethere. aad atooa the eame north llfty-four degrees o ^ u n d r s d and forty feet a ^ etgbty-#l( hundredthe ol a loot to aald Kaoea sueaf 1 place of beginning.

Dated “v T o O R R M I J g , g h ^ f l ^flkinasr A Ten Byek, goMoltors.

B H E R ir rs fo Between the

,E -la ChaA-«XU

‘ Hew Jereeit

’" S y 'r t 'iw ef tite ahpvf, Itaud r a c lu to r a dirwdj^- *

______ tiaiwery of 1 ,^ ------------Itato Building aad Loaa Aoaoy

»d., Amelia I* Ulrloh < for eole t f 1

•11 expoee ro r to lo l ‘ ‘ lew tjt# (

Decemh tract (

m ih* vlUkf* 0* IrvIttotoB.^ ^ in lW T a t a

Owuntr, int iB the toutheflr 1

M n & am B ty dlrtOAt wetlerly (me hand i f i T n t r fort i rern tb* InteroeoCloa t f tito i * ^htfiy ilSe t f Myrti* avenue.with the w . •rly UM t f AToti kvemie: Uieac* ru iw hii houtkiooulleVtV ^nrreea thirty-three mlautea eoM cm* buh*

1 mlnmos er« i twouty-Av* feet.

J PB Ilim iF rg iA L K -In j eey. Betwesa Joha IInd Rdwaird BsrrstI, el itnd Rdwaird BsrrstI, si al. del

for sale of mortgege# premleee. By virtue of the ahbve-elel|||

defendants,loAlrtct..•loa, to me dlrectoS^ etoU TiubUo venfiue, a t the on TPit i :________In the elty t f OitfiBC.

o() the MUtb o i a point dmant two &«' ■ ^ - he northeti ‘

ibUo venfiue, at the Cglllxhfi

lead and prsnlew sliunu.^l

writ of flert fw- for u t e to In Newark,

._ ji(w ry ntxt, tra a l e f


,uu or ivrvue iLvrotiePkemr ?*« i e t U ^

J, Bf, MoCraekfi. BoHoHor. ” '* 1

leea .WHiiei*lil **2ew5» J*’'!***." MoJ ' h - , , .rkl^eta. ‘dlniSUrFlJlTK lUt/y



B yth at h a tN atlth isToteitrtbum ealfromiorit:bin.offse

F it York Mr. )b e n . T w ei ty-ae teem (D # d " prw Jerw "prei

Th. th e ( th e t

Hai gachi erick h olly non. I o f I H a g i darec k in i, o f IL k in i, B hai Snov aln; brasi

It I ■trull r e s ir W ise ■with

Thi alder Oidt. actio m lg r er's •C trl tlm a ta k e

D ate

r a a l

", ' jSn

rttianom ot New Jard M ^ullough flau tL

feet ffiim tU ....of T-hlllp KIni

___ Irrf... northerly

creeue; Ihenbe running'

OBIto B 0v - " T h a i ’i a ll right, air; I can't w histle w ell en ou gh to ch arge extra tor It yot,” -T U -b lu , A

If thou shouldat apeak u pon the pulttng- Indeed. thWs‘4 bw aMall w et artthln my

I t bu™o gat thgg t RMM tJ lN t l lK jg l

.SP*fl(l xl■Ireet: IheM* t«

tElrty-four decrei* or !*•■. to the pnrtli il olonr Mid Carey Mrin land Jormerly o f _____•totfr hie Jin* north ihlrtF' wontmdrM ft * ------ “*

m m


fh -'

lA tr.

Iff.» .tov

I V X>niiwK“a

U t 4

I f S OF T i lo m iTh« Lodg» Inunijjation Bill T*m-

portrlly Chtoked ia tba Home.


A aha H a h w a j' Mala W aaaa L aad i a f O aadt a* a T l » a ad la n a i l K a a f T a m l a P r la a a .-ra ta l X a a a w a r la a ApadaUr C ia w M K n a t t t X aw T a d t C ttf-T k a Tart a M atab F la ja d la Iba Baaana mt tb a Craw a f • f c b aaaar.

Bjr tb a alota vota o f i n aa)ra to i n jreaa, tb a H auae y ea lan jay rr fu a id to conaldar tb a bit! barFtoCora [taaaad by tba Sonata to laa tr lc t Im m laratlon by axo lu d ln c from th la cou n try lllltarata paraoni, llapu b llcan Totea ta tb a Dombrr o f th lrly -thraa con- trtbutad ta p ravm t con d d aratlon or tba tn aa iu ra , Barara) U am oorati, notably from S outh ern S ta te i, voted w ith tha m a­jo r ity o f tha R apubllcana to taka up tha b ill, b ut tha num ber waa not aufficlent to o ff ie t th e R epublican dtaatreatlon.

F iv e RepObllcana from tba S la te o f N ew Turk voted a fa ln t t tba bill. T h ey w ere Sir. Betford, o f tha F lra trU la tr ict; H r. Oil- b a n . o f th e Second: Mr. U t la u e r , o f the T w en ty-arcon d : Mr. U a h a n y , o f tha Ttalr- ty-aecond , and Mr. Q u lfii, o f th o F our­teen th . D cnnet (R ep.) and M cClelland (Ch*m.) from N ew Y ork w ere rtcorded a i “ praaent" but not votin g. H r. H cK w an, of JerM y C ity (R ep.), i la o waa reoordad “preaent,"

Tha o tb ar H epubllcana w h o eonatituted th e oppoaltlon to p revent con ild era tlon o f tb a bill w are;

Ilarn ay, o f W laconaln; B arrow t, Of H aa- aachuaatta: B arth o ld i, o f H lasourl; Brod- arlck , o f Kanaaa; (^ n n o n . o f lllln o la ; C on­n o lly , o f Illlnola: Curt la, o f Iow a: D avl- aon. o f K en tu ck y : DoUlver, o f Iow a: Eddy, o f M Inneaota; O row, o f P e n tu y lyan la ; H a g er , o f Io w a ; H aw ley , o f T exaa; H en- daraon, o f Iow a: Hopkina, o f Illlnola; Jen- k ina, o f W laconaln; L acey, o f Iow a: Mann, o f lU laola; M ilter, o f W eat V irginia; l>er- klna, o f Iow a; S auerhering, o f W laconaln: B h altu c . o f Uttlo: Shelden , o f M ichigan; •n o v e r , o f M ichigan; m ew a r i, o f W lacon­aln; Blavena, of M Inneaota; S tark , o f N a- braek a, and Spalding, o f M ichigan.

It w ill bo ob irrvad th a t th e bulk o f tha a tren g th o f th e oppoaltlon to Im m igration reatrfetibn ca iga from the W e ite m Stataa W laconaln, Iow a Illlnola and M ichigan, ir llh r ‘------ ' — ' — ‘------------- ‘ -------

Tha __ald eratlon . ________________ ______Oldt, o f M latourl, b om In Q erm any, n a action doea not finally dlapoae o f th a Im - m lgra tlon bill. I t rem alna on th e Bpeak- er'a u b le . reta in in g Ita privllagad char- ^ t e r . and aubject to conalderatton any tlm a a m ajority o f th e H ouaa dccldea to ta k e It up.

conain, Iow a Illlnola and M ichigan, a large forelgn -b om population ,

la m otion In oppoaiUon to th e con- ration o f th e b ill w aa m ad e by B arth-


O a U la a d aa a V a g r a o t - lio la ow tha W heU aala F lan.

Joh n M ah an ey, w ho la alao know n a i M ahoney, "Jack" Sheppard, G eorge WII- aon and John H . H atlh ew a , and w ho la one o f th e m oat exp ert gen era l th le v e l and b u r g la r i in th e country, w aa conlm lttad to prlaon for th ir ty daya In th e Jrfter ion M arket P o lice C ourt. N ew Y ork C ity, yea- terd ay for vagran cy . Tha ch arge la only a le cb n lca i one, and la Intended m erely to b o ld th e priaoner unHl the p olice can ob­ta in ad dition a l ev idence ig a ln a t him in a fa r m ore aer lou l caae.

D etec t lv e t G allagh er and D eev y told M a g litr a te Olm atead tk a t (h e priaoner w aa auapected o f bein g im plicatad In the th e f t o f lorae v a lu ab le aac'kagea. The em p loyee o f an txpreaa com p an y . It la th o u g h t, a r i concerned w ith bitn In the cr im e. T h e d etectivea abaolutely retu iod to Ind icate th a nam e o f th e com p an y or th e am ou n t Involved,

In th e daya w hen Inapector B ym ea w aa tn ch arge o f th o D etectiv e B ureau a t po­lice h eadquartere M ahaney w aa a crliitlnal w h o th e Inapector told hla m en to keep w a tc h upon oon atan lly , C ep ta ln McClua- k y g a v e h ie m en th e aam e Instructions ^ h e n h e took ch arge o f th e bureau.

M ahaney, w ho Is tifty -n ve y ea r s old, w as born In N ew York. Ha began h it crim inal ca reer ear ly in life , and fo r forty yeare h a s m ad e hla liv in g throu gh d ish onest p ra ctices . O ne o f n is ea r liest ach leva- m enta w aa th e th e ft o f a truck load of c lo th . Worth M.OH, In B oston , In 19M. F or th is he w aa le n t to prison tor five years.

H e sraa arrested In N ew York and tak en to p o lice h eadquarters on April f , im . W h ite h e w a s In th e taullding, w ith eevera l detectivea near him, h e m ad e a sudden dash tor liberty. Ju m p in g d ow n a flight o f stepe an d leap in g across a srtde stoop, he ran a r o u n d . th e corner Into B leeck er e lreet. w h e n th e d etectivea reached th e co m er , In h o t p ursu it, M ahaney w u n ot In s ig h t.

H e w a s clover en ou gh to g e t out o f the c ity a t on ce. H e Want W eat and there b eca m e en gaged In te v e r t l burglaries. W h ile in e m c a g o a few m on th s a fter hie ea ca M from N ew York, ha com m itted a b u rg lary , for w hich h e w aa sen ten ced to J o lie t P e n iten tia ry for flva y e a n . H e w as xv leasad In M7i, and retu rn ing to N ew Y ork In M ay, s to le a truck load o f c lo th , w orth from O verton A Co., 34tiIh n e s tree t . W h en tried th e Jury faitad to aarea , and ha w as d is c h a r g e .

H e W ent to P h lladeip b la and com m u ted a b urglary, for w hich he th ree and o n e-h a lt yea Rad o n ly been released a fe w m on lh s w hen

a b urglary, for w hich h e w as e e n te n c ^ to years In prison. He

h e w a s a g a in arrested In N ew York, on D ecem b er IG, IKTE H e w a s charged w ith a tea lln g a t tru ck and th ree b a lea o f w ool from Jam ee L ynch, o f X C ity H a ll p htet. H e en gagra a tru ck m an to tak e th e sto len property to N ew Jersey , and becau se o f th e re fu sa l o f th e Jersey truckm an to oom * to N ejr Y ork to te s t ify a g a in st h im h e w a s sequU - ted .

N ot sattsfled With h is first v is it to B oston h a w ant th ere In A pril, I tn . and aga in s to le a tru ck load o fr o o d s . H e served live y e a r s In th e S ta te F r lio n for th is oflenoe. In Ju ly , ISM. h e w s s arrested in N ew York fo r b urg lary and w aa se n t to prison for th ree years.

H e » m e back to N ew Y ork, and on Jan - n ary IS, ISM, atole one hundred ah lrU from a L eoM rd s tr e e t w h o lesa le h ouse. H e n leadcd g u ilty and w aa sen t to Bing Bing lo r five years. M a h a n w w a s a t on e tim e th e huahnnd o f E llen D arrlgan , a "shop­lifter ." w ho is w all k now n to th e poUce o f N ew Y ork and o th er c ities .


F a n le A m o o g Shop p ers In a C row ded N sw Y ork C ity Ktreot.

A g rea t, stro n g tru ck h o n e ran a w a y In K aat T w en ty -th ird stree t. N ew Y ork C ity, y e sterd a y afternooir, k illed on e m an, w ou n d ed an other perhape fa ta lly , fr igh t­en ed th o crow d s o f shoppers, and sm aahed th e tru ck Into ip lln tera . A t F ou rtti aven u e B d g a r M. C raw ford , a tobaoco m srehaut, s ix ty -th r e o y ea rs old. had sta rted a e r s u T w ep ty -th lrd stroeL

H e heard a ycU o f w arn in g, from m any th ro a ts , and an ha turned to s e t w here th e d an ger w aa th e horse w a e upon him. H e m ad e an effort to dodge, b n t th e ani­m a l fea red and cam e down adth both front f e e t upon Mr. C raw ford 's b ack . O ne h oot s t m e k below th e shou lder b ladM , on« at th a b a se o f th* sk u ll

T b s sk u ll w a s broktn by th e h eavy Iron ab o e , a n d th e b low low er dow n o a u ^ In- t* m a l Injuries. A n am b ulan ce w aa sum ­m on ed from B ellevu e H osp ita l. W h en It arr ived th a Injured m an w a s In a aem l- oom atoae condition . H e w a s roused, and w b lls try in g to g iv e h is ad dress to the p h y sic ia n san k Into unconsclou ansss. H e ’d id not g g a in regain h is sen sss , an d died a t tb s h osp ita l a t f ' » s'clock .

A fter ru n nin g down Mr C raw ford near th e sou th s id ew a lk th e horse veered and w en t o ver to th e north p a v e m e n t M any w h o bad run a cro ss the stree t from the so u th slA t to escap e th e danger w ere forced to m ak e a h a sty return. J u s t be­fore t b s h orse resch ed B road w ay O M rgs IJovas, th irty -seven y ee rs old, a G reek

, p u b lish er a t 111 E a s t Forty-M xth s tr te t |n d th e Buttaor o f "T he so v e r e ig n s of

p t " w a s knooked dow n and tratnpled, I m a d s an effort to g e t ou t o f th e w ay , , W hile h e ran th e p lu n gin g a n lm sl h M tam n Mm. M e w e s s fn m k a t th e

, .— ... ----------------- 1 probably veryser io u s ly Injured.

• n * b o res la ow ned b y John M atth ew s, a so d a w a te r m srcb sn t, a t M E u t T w anty- S lxtb s t r e e t I t w ig h iteb ed to a iw la

a ter w agon and w aa driven by W illiam I H a st T w en ty -seve iitb s t r e ^

T w sn ty-tb Irdd vln g w e n on

^ w blffletree parted.

P n r ^ c ’sagd*^? W n i n t f ' i s id river an d P o licem an John X aU r, o f tb s

w « H » , triedto o u ls t It, b ut It u o fc e a w a y from th em ra < rra n a w a y . _ _ _ _ _ _

' RATMI »r A m tOH.ibrsw s« a M i s ^ ' i g l g U K a n U s d s f

n i l lM .. T h e C aptain an il a n s r o f th a w recked •oboSB sr J o k a a n a S w an n , w ^ w u id H ^ w a d a t ami on O w o w i , w sr t

tk Nkw Tspi ftttr rw snlsf by

NEWARK EVENING NETl'S. ifelRSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 18U8. 13WM piled up fou r fe e t U g h on Ik s

. T b s w ea th er w aa n a s u n tu M ovsm - M, w hen a stro n g wind began b low in g

iw r e a s s d In fo r o e . tt w a s U o w in g a

a o tp a a lsd b y a tre-______________ .^ s a i e d l y 6 r « ^ overlOhooiMr, d o in g can ald afab ls d a o ia g a

m orn in g a aq uall stru ck th e v esse l, th e m a ln sa U fro ea th e holt ropee, and

that deck.bsr M, wkeei a stro n g wind b sgsji from tb s n o r tJ isa st I t iB c rssssd .la and by tb s a ftern o e it tt w aa hurrleane, and w u acoom p aals m eodoua saa th a t rep u ted ly tb e sohooiMr,N e x t moib lew t h e ________ . . . . .g i r ^ f th e d ^ l o e d o f ye llo w p in e over-

T o k eep th e s e u d ow n Ibo m oo t r o l M a light o f a b a w u r over th e s te m , an d th la Itept th e c r u t a dow n en d p reronted th e t u from iw a m p tn g them .

N u t th e fo r e u l l w u carH ad a w a y and tba boom w w brokm i. ^ e sch ooner broached to , an d an en orm ou s u s w a s tsk e n o v er to e Starboard, w h ich a ls o -c a r ­ried a w a y th e forw ard hous*.

A ll baode th en took sh e lter under th e Ise o f th e a fth ou as an d U sh ed th em se lv es t s It. T h e fo llo w in g d ay , T u ^ s y , a t <

lieT h e , --

w ater , w hen an Idea a lruck C apta in

iNTeESPm vop.College Foot Btll Men Elect Ofloen

for Next Tear’s Ounpsigi.

bt.ts n -m a a m atab on Iikx-k'i a lley s

tu r n loat by n in e ty .

S H r i R Klid


9 SI. EHV XWUVWJikS *uw— gs -v -I'olocfc In tb s moTOlBg th ey m an aged to tel Into th e cab in . 'They w ere wlihitV* e a te r , w hen an Idea a lruck C apta in Shacfclelord, H # had In hla cab in a tin w a ­ter tan k wflih a fu n n el on tb s top an d s pips s t t a c M 10 tb s b ottom , an d n s droid- ed to con n ect th a t w ith a condsM Sr. T h ere w as on ly on e d ry su lp h u r m atch and In s t w u In th e C apta ln 'e m s lcb b o x .

A F erm aaea l CVrgaalsellaa ESbeled u 4 A rrasgem eati M ade for S p r lag Fiwm iee. Trap N keotlag a t S la g a o -S se ree o f B o w l ere on Iba A lla y s -E a b e e s e s la T s w r u -■WDl la Start H o a d a y —n h a S te b u r d , F sa l and O ther E v u lS .

bow led U s t a lg e tn a

W . B r a u n ..........Lahn ...........Muaaa .................T a iM k la s ........

. B r a u n ...........L a h u .............

' M o s a m . I M l C r o u i e y '.!! ,'!" !! j |a W stss .................... IW aiock .................... 117

T o ta l ...................160*! Total .................... itMH itraa tM la ’a B owIIb s Touraanarnt to B a s in

T h e e n tr ie s for th e R sbeneteln flve -m tn to u m sr a sn t h a v a been cla ied . The tour-

. . Ill i™ in n.'xt M onday f h i m e i t i l 1" (••■ntred on ih<>Se

IBea llGICowatt .. jeOIRlkcr . . . IPti D unham

iS j ^ u i i" ; ; : !lU m V F S

n igh t.

ta m es Itt tha "Ironbound D tilr li' i,''T h e fa l. iw ln g o tu h s w ill ba rerrm en iid In the

■ " u rn v sre ln V orw serts A andJSqufiable a and S . A m ro- i>>!ng

tou rn am anta, ciii T u rn rsrelnthe

ONE o r T H E VITAL gH E kT lO N k O fT H E DAT, rR A l'Q H T W IT H IN T E R -

JKST t u N EW AR K F E U rL E .

I f th ere la a n y th in g In kn'aJ Ind orsstlon w hen com payed w ith foreign , It th ere la u iy lh in s m ore eonvlnokig Lq the op in ion s hold by paople w e know ih a a thoac en ter­ta in ed by u tter •trungera, th en N ew urk c lt lie n a nave the gulden oppurtunlty o f th eir lives tu decide theaa potnta w hen th ey rend th e vtewu iind iiulnlona o f Mr. T hom aa ls>ltlnsWFll, Jr., o f N o. I E ngine llu u ae, C entre e lree t, op p osite D lvle lon pluce, w h e u y n .

"To use tbe u p r e s a lu a o f th e b oys ab out

w u a tta ch ed to a ^ e c e o f rubber hose that bad been uaed to pum p b ilge w ater . T h esa connai-ted tha tan k to a bucket th a t W u m ad e u a ir tig h t aa potalb le, and lom e o f tha m en beat out aom e copper p la te Into a b resler th a t w aa p laced under the lank . T h e m en put aom e ch ip s on the braiter, , ,

And now ca m e th e aupA'ma m om ent o f ■uspents, t a th a o n ly m atch w aa to be •tru ck . T h e storm w aa rag ing , and a breath m igh t p u t It ou t. T h # m en elua- te n e d round th e linprovlaed condenaer nnd covered Ih m ier lv ee w ith p le c u o f ta il . T h e C aptain ca r efu lly took o a t h la m a u A , •tru ck It, sn d applied It to th e ch ips. Tlia attem p t w a s a u ccassfu l, for tb a tin y flam e Ig n ttr i tha ch ipa, and th ere w a s a e b s e '- fu l b lu e , (toon th e w a ter began to ta ll , and In an hour en ou gh w a ter had been condensed to g iv e each m an tw o teasp oon - fu ls o f n s i ty , sm ok e-llavorod w a ter . U u l It w u not u f t , and th ey w ere g ra te fu l. B y n igh t enough w w d la lllled to sStlM y their w a n ts . On F r id ay . D ecem b er t , th e bark A nn a w w tlg b tc d and took th em off.

* i‘----- -H O K N IB O N W W g B B lE F g .

R aeela s a d K a g la a d T a lk A b o o l C btaeeeIbrnblem -O eaeral W ood F r e v e a ti a D iie l.—T he V ienna correapaBdant o f tha L on ­

don stan d ard u y s ; ‘<lt Is u e e t t e d here, from both i t . P etarsb u rg and L ondon aourcM of Inform ation , th a t sariou s nego- t ia llon a b tv a bean begun b etw een R uaala and G reat B r ita in for tha so lu tion o f tha C hinese problem , R u ssia h av in g arrivad at tba con clusion th a t It w ould be Im possib le to reatst th e now th reaten ed co-operation o f E n glan d , Q erm an y, th e U nitad S ta te s and Japan.''

—An a rtic le recen tly appeared in th e S a n tiago Independancia ch a rg in g Senor T rujillo , ed itor o f E l P orven lr, w ith sw in d lin g sn d o th er c r lm n . S en or T ru ­jillo a ttr ib u ted Its au th orsh ip to S en or C olon s, ed itor o f C uba Libre, and sen t th e la tte r a ch a llen ge. C olon a denied th e su - thorahlp but a ccep ted th s ch a llen g e . T bey agreed to lig h t yeatarday a ftern oon on San Ju an H ill w ith " s lx -a b o o tc n ." be­g in n in g a t tw en ty p aces and w a lk in g to w . ard each other, firing a t w i l t . . I t n eith er should be Injured by th e o th er's s ix shoia , th s an tagu n isla w ere to reload and atari aga in . 'The m atter w aa reported to f le n - eral W ood, th e M ilitary t lo v e n io r . w ho prom ptly arrested both m en and confined lham to their houaes undrr guard.

—In th e caae o f H ild a P eterson , rh trg rd w ith th s m urder o f her li t t le d au gh ter at R ock ville C entre, a Jury In th e Hupreme C ourt In L ong Island C ity la s t n igh t, a ttrr d eliberatin g for an h ou r and tn lrty -tlve m in u tes, returned a verd ict o f not gu ilty . Forem an O tto H eaneder In d alivertn g the verdict, w u n ervou s and exc ited , an iT said th e Jury found th e priaoner n o t g u ilty , on th e ground o f I n u n lty . In sta n tly a m em ­ber o f the Jury, C harles Bchneller, a h otel- keeper, o f N ew to w n , Jumped up and said th e verdict w u "not g u ilt y , on th e ground o f tem porary In sa n ity .” T h e lo n m a n 'a v e n lo n o f the vardIcL h ow ever, w a s ac­cepted,

—A disp atch In M adrid from S a n ta C n i i de TenerllTe, C anary Isla n d s, an n ou n ces th e arr iva l th ere o f th a S pan ish s team er V illa V erde, w hich le f t H a v a n a on N o­vem b er W, w ith M arsh al R am on B lan co, form er G overnor-G eneral o f C uba.

—O rder! w ere sen t from th s N a v y D e­partm en t y e tter d a y to th e com m ander o f th e B adger, a t lie a g u e la land , to proceed w ith th a t v e sse l to San F ran cisco , In p lace o f her s ister shUi, th e Y ankee, orig in a lly se lec ted for th is serv ice . T h e B ad ger Is to m ak e th e p a a w g e by th e B lr a lti o f M agellan , and w ill be a ttach ed to th e P ac lllc S ta tion w h en sh e reachea ber d estin ation . T b e eta tlon Is sh o r t o f v esse ls Just now , and one o f th e tw o there, the Y ork tow n . Is lik e ly to t a d is ­patched soon to H onolu lu .

—Governor Plngree, of Michigan, has begun the preparation of his measage to the Leglalaiure, which meet# In January,

The oflicerx o f th a W eM eyan F oot Ball A asoclatlon for th e co m in g y e a f w ere elected yesterd ay. P r o fe sso r M ax F ar- rand, formerly o f th la c ity , w a s elected f s c u lly director. W a lle r M acN aughton, IMO, o f M ontclair, w aa e lec ted p reild eu t of th e aasoclatlon and m a n a g er o f th a foot ball leiim . JCor secre ta ry , treaaurer and a ssls la n t m anager o f th e asaocla llon , Roy H . Jones, isul, o f B rook lyn , w as elected. T h e follow ing m en h a v a been gran ted tbe otlld a l "W" aa lia v in g p layed In tha re­quired n u m lw ro f th ree gam aa thla sM Son: C. II. Raym ond, J . M. Tow naend, 0 . F. Y ale and F . A, S n rg en l, *»; A. L. Brow n, 1*0(1; C. R. Dodds, B. A . D odd s sn d H . 0 . L in e , ism; T. H . M on tgom ery , O. B , I 'f - kin, J. Hyde, It. C. H ir t s e l l and A. J. In . glle. iwe.

ro in m b la 's F oa l U nit O m n l i e l l s n -The Columbia I 'n lv a re lty F o o t B a ll A s­

sociation iis s bean iie r m in e n tly form ed. It h u elected aa o in oer* fo r th s en suin g yesr; P resid en t, J a m es M. H ew lett, Cap­tain or the 'M fo o t b all team ; vice-p resi­dent. II. H. B oyesaii, c la s s o f ItOd; sec ­retary, C h s r lu M eyer, c la s s o f 1*01; treas­urer, Hugh K sfkA . c lU B o f ttod; grad u ­a te dIreclorA O u sta v u s T . K irby, A. T. O lldersleeve, C aptain o f th e 'to root ball team ; T. Ludlow C hryaile . C aptain o f the '* ! 'learn. A rep resen ta tive on ths Board o f D irectors trill b s e lec ted from caoh c is s s In the u n iv w s ity .

This board w ill se le c t a tem porary Cap­tain o f the team u n til th r e lection by the tnemhera o f th e team . T h e form ation of th is asaoclallon m ark s w n ew era In the foot ball h istory o f C otu m b is. I t baa bsen

I, ,8T llK.VEHirT. H;W. Will kciimuiiti.. u aiiL. -cki iiraHiin,..

in a m a b ,____ . ______loa A B>d H P w H ie , Standard A and B D ew ey , T w ic e T sn . Union. P osio g ice and Im peria l.

k k tM eb u in i.T h a flr st h a lf o f an right-m an shuffle-

board m a tc h w a s p layed last n lch t bv a tvom oF" th e a t . A loyalui* B uclny ,. f Bl M ary's C hurch and a tram uf th e » t P lacU lna S oc ie ty o f 8 t. Itenedli t ' ; C hurrii at t h e - la t t e r a clubhoue- on K oinorn ■treat. T h e score;

BT. M A R T .N. L lch ten b crgcr .p". C r iq u l................O. W In te rh a lt ..'... U'L. G ah r....................A , Q e lg er— ......... . IB'E, Ilurr............ i?K. S c k m lta .............. M E. H ch n v lter ..,„ !" l iW. F e ln h a ls ............ IJIC, W esch ... . . i iM. H t id le r .. . ........... it id . Uchrit.................... mG . E ffln g er .'............ l i L. Bi Jililing............... u

T o ta l .....................i s ] Total ............ . . . . . i l lF iv e g a m e s w ere p laynl lust night In th e

in d iv id u a l lo u rn am en i In pr.igrr s m M ur­ra y ’s A road e. F u llow lng en . the re su lts;

S nad en , n , M cDonald il; co n n o r i t t o s - ta r n e H ; D a v la t t , Caldwell a . N ew ell 35. B ach s **; D odd t t , Burnet i a . T he sch ed ­u le for to -n ig h i: Munrehimse and M oker K in g an d PorkiDa, Bromley and M cD on ­a ld . B rom ley and Parker,

L ow ery , o f tha W ilkie A iiocla tip ii. s a y s h e Is a n x io u s to arrange a h om e-sn d - h om e g a m s srlth lUckcrson, of the M c­D erm o tt team , for |li) a ilde.

T h e M cD erm ott team i-aslly defeated the W ilk ie shufflera la st night in the l a u h ^ f o f a h orae-and-hom c m au h . T he nrst h a lf p layad on th e Wilkie taarda reaulted In fa v o r o f th e visiting it am a lio , T h * roorss;

th e en jln e-h u use w hen eucHklng <if any th in g ifre i-c liiss , 'D oan's K idney P ills ar, lin e s-i silk .' 1 have hnd baakueba o ff and

n ii-c h iss , 'Dqan'iallk.' I have hnd _______ - ___

on fur s ix ar saven year*. I t bothered me,e a tw ia l ly w hen w ork in g or ataoidng over

s lig h t cold ta j i It w a s

ab out a ll 1 could do to g e t en iu n d . and It

about the eiurtne- I f I c a u g h t a Il w ou ld .astiia h i m y kidnci'!:.

em ed aa U every m uvem ent t made enuaed iw ln g a r ln th e rm all o f my ta c k . I aeni to M enk's d ru gstore lor u box o fD oan's K idney P ills and urtd them . T hev q uick ly retleved m y bai kacha and e u n d m e uf a ll ayniRtuma o f kl.Incy troubleT h ere h a s been no return o f m y form er HRIIcllons, and n a tu ra lly I g ive Dmin's K idney P ills th e erw ilt for rnrlng m«, "

D oun's K ld iity J'ills, for enl,. by a ll d ea l­ers, price M ce n ts . M ailed by F o s ie r -U ll- burn (jo., UulfulO, N . Y., sa le ukciUs fur ih o U n ited S la te s . R em em b ''' lo o n i ^ e D b sn a and tu k e no sn b a lllu lr . i

decided to produce on th e gridiron a team w orthy o f b esr in g th a 'v a r sity c o lo n . A ca ll w ill be Isaued for can d tdatM for theteam in tha ear ly sprin g, com petent coaches, hired by th e a sso c ia tio n , wUl ba on hand to Instru ct th s m an, and no e f­fort w ill ba le ft u nd on e In th e produc­tion o f a good 'rn rslty fo o t ball team . A schedule o f gam ea for n ex t season la now being arranged w ith ties.

th e le a d in g unlveral-

A s lr lk ln g fea tu re o f th s docum ent, It Is said , w i l l be a sca th in g arra ign m en t o f truata. T h e G overn or w ill a ls o u rge th a tth e L eg isla tu re p ass a S ta te Incoma ta x law . T he G overnor h a s been a ssu red th a t a conatltu tlonk) B tata Incom e ta x b ill can be fram ed, and ha w ill h a v e on e p resen ted early In th e s e is lo n .

—f h e M ayors and C ounoltm en o f c i t l s i o f th e first c la s s In K an sas, In con ven tionat F or t S co tt, K an ., y e s terd a y tabled a reaolutlon, offered by O ily A tto rn ey Bird, o f T op a lu . con d em n in g th e aotton o f "the C hicago A lderm en, w h o Inalat for vo tin g th e fifty -y ea r e x te n s io n o f th o s tr e e t ra il-

W aal P eeb et to O sM li A g a ls ., The probabllliles a r e th a t W. Cameron Forbes w ill la k e c h a r g e o f (h e H arvard V arsity root b all tea m n e s t y ear a s for

the past tw o. T h ere ta to be a b ig H ar­vard Influence b rou ght to b ear to m ake Mr, Forbes tak e ch a rg e a n o th e r year . Cap­tain Burden h as anrtiten Mr, F o rb es, aa have m an y prom inent grad u atea , and Ids accep tan ce ta a w a ite d . I f h e d o e i not ta k e charge, th ere w ill be som e dllltcuUy In ilndlng th r r ig h t m an .

FroBtabla F o* t B a ll a t Old F n e .T he s ta tem en t o f th r re ce ip ts and ex -

iienses o f the A th le t ic A asoc la tlon o f the 1 n lverelty o f P e n n sy lv a n lu for th e a th ­le tic year ending A u g u st M laq i. sh ow s a deficit o f |l,S.dT.M. T h s o n ly p r o fU w a s on font ball, nm outittna to I B .f ll .B . The deficit on O ctober I, iS ff, w a s f>,iB7.S7.

W in g Itkota a t S lagac.T he shooting m atch b etw een T hom as W.

M orfey, o f L yndhurat, an d Aaron D oty, o f Paterson , draw tagM b er m any notable w ing Shota a t B ln gae y e s te r d a y afternoon. It w as St 100 liv e b ird s, for *100 a side, and a crisp breeae an d a fine tot o f birds m ade an e x c itin g r o n te s t certa in .

A m ong th e s p e c ta to r s w ere Captain B rew er, F rank C la ss, C a stle s and other fam ou s sh o ts . D o ty , w h o k illed tw en ty- tou r ou t o f tw e n ty -n v e In th e Grand A m erican th is year , an d tied for eecond m oney teas regarded by m an y aa the

firobaole w inner, and w a s s a light favor- te. In th e aarae ahoot M orfey k illed only

tw en ty-one, M isses b y A tortey In the early ■hooting gave D o ty an a d v a n ta g e , but tbe A m erican cham pion o f th ree years ago stead ied h im self a* th e m atch progrtassd , and a t th e th irtieth bird th e men w ere tied. A m iss by D o ty th en p ut M orfey ah ead , and h e h eld th e lead u n til the fliflle fh bird, w hen th e r e w a s an o lh ar tie. A t th e elffbtlclh bird M orfey and D oty w ere aga in locked, b u t a fterw ard setreral dlfflcutt right q u ar terers spoiled D oty's ch an ces, and h e lo s t by J w o birds, the final score being *3 to 11 In M orfeya favor.

R ow U n g.T h e Forest H ill F ie ld C lub and th e In-

s titu ta ta w lers m et a t th e (orm eF s a lleys on T u esday night- T h e form er team won ■II three gam es. S cores;

FOREST H i l l .M orton .................................. IZ; 19I lifiW arren ................................ lau i « is jH eller ................................... l a ]2» IKO ilea ....................................... lex l i t 167K arr ....................................... 13- IH 146

M 'D K R M O TT, K lein .......................

, J „ W IL K IB . . 12 McCabe ...........

H a r t ....................... . Ruah ................. ."f. 15M cD erm ott ......... * W.WlIkle ................ . . . 1 8r ia h e r ty ............. 0 26,Cohnura . . . aH a rr in g to n ....... . 96|HrJeon . . . . . a . . . . s .. 17D lck eracn ............. , 2711*. Connora....... . . . 20

................... 4 l7il*owery .............. . . . 1 8N u liy ..................... . n 'ltorkery ........... ... 94V olm er ................. , S3 M cDonnell . . . . . TC a rb errr ............. . 34 lla>oa ................ . . . a

Berond h a l f . . . . .K f Bt'rond h a lf ... ...1652'lrat h a lf ........... . tu Klrit h a lf ......... . . .WT o ta l .................. ,06 Total .............. . . . mIn (h a C oam opolltan Park Mall ahuflle-

ta a rd tou rn am en t at East N ew ark la st n igh t th e fo llo w in g gam es were p layed; F . W arn er 46, K, J. E llin* tt; F. S m llh ln son 16, II, M cG ee » ; J. Murphy 4i. M. M c­K en n a Si; B , W alsh 45, E. M cOovern M.

u , , n i u i i u i Loe s tr e e t ra il- n vu a i. w ay fran ch ise o f th a t c ity in th e fa ce o f T ota ls such u n an im ity o f p ublic opposition to th a t m easu re." T h e reso lution got m ixed B u rn sIn a lo t o f m ea su res th a t w ere tab led a s Lupo ........not p ertain ing to th e o b ject o f th e eon ven - M eagher . . .tion . It w a s s ta te d In th e p ream b le th a t p i c o t t ' . . .

■o open a d lerm a rd o f th e p eop le o f a C u n ln grea t m u n tc lp a lfty lik e C hicago w ould ten d to crea te public d la tru it and c a s t a m oral a sp era tion upon o th er m u n ic ip a li­tie s In the tran saction o f b uslneat r e la tin g 10 p ub lic f r a n c h is e " . .

—F ou r m ore b odies w ere found yester-

........................ 718INBTITITTE,

...................... 116

...................... 126

...................... 94........................ 123....................... 109






d ay In the w reck a g e o f the co llap sed g a s holder a t T w en tie th a treet and A vhnue A, N ew Y ork C ity . Thla b rin gs th e Itst o f dead up to s ix , aa fo llo w s: P io u s B aum , en ­g in eer in F u Idn eF a fu rn itu re fa cto ry ; John G ray, sev en ty -fiv e y e a r s old, w atch m an a t tha g a a w ork s; A u gu st W en lck e , s ix tee n years old son o f th e co n tra cto F s forem en ; A nd rew W endt, la b o re r ; P e ter C onlln, la ­borer; G eorge W. B rem er, tw en ty -fiv e y e a n old. l ln e k e e p e s fo r th a L o g a n Iron W orltA N o on e Is n tasin tr so fa r a s (b e p olice and p erson s liv in g n ear th e g a sw ork s can tell.

' A L L F A R T M O F J B I M I I T .

T he Ice in th e D e la w a re and R aritan C anal Is bein g broken up to keep n a v ig a ­tion open u n til D ecem b er JO.

T he n ex t m eetin g o f tha ^ ^ t o n C ityC ouncil w ill appropriate n ew public sch oo l building.


John W . T h eu rtr , fo rm er storek eep er a t -tbe H udson C oun ty In stitu tio n s on B nake H ill, for w hom a w arran t w a s Issued Jdon- d ay, h a s n o t y e t been fou nd by th a poller.

T b a tw en ty -n in th an n iv ersa ry o f th e or- g a n isa tlon o f th e O cean G rave A sso c ia ­tion w ill be ob served on F r id ay ev e n in g D soem ber S . w ith a com pllm entaT y re­ception to t h a -------' — - - -c ln iw .

I th e p eop le o f th e G rove an d vt-

I t la sa id th a t John H u ll B row n in g form ­er ly p resid en t o f th e N orth ern R ailroad o f N ew Jersey , h a s a p lan for th e con stru e-VA AIVW IfElgVWJs jasbv * p>BAd gUt 'tlen o f a tro lley road from E n glew ood alon g tb e s lo p e o f th e P a lisa d e s Into N yack .

Joh n P h ilip B otiss, w h o is n ow raoov- er in g from an a tta c k o f typbotd-pneu- m onla, Is a t L ak ew ood , T ha band m aitar , hla w ife and d a u g h ter s en d m ed ica l a t ­ten d a n ts reached yesterd ay.

th e L ak ew ood H o te l

H tia J u S a A .'C a v er ly , e lg h ty -a lg h t yaara id, died y e s te r d a y a t tb e hom e o f her rather, H en ry B. C averly , In P h u Ic Co r p ^ I t a m u a l - K . ,R o g e r s , o f C om ­

p a n y K , E lfh te a n th In fa n try , h a s re­turned from H on o lu lu , an d la a t h is h om e In B ridgeton, co n v a te s^ n g from (ever .

An o v erb ea led s to v e In tba ap a rtm en ts o f Mre. A u g u sta B . A v e r e . a t B ayon n e, cao tad a H valy btaaa yeatard ay . A t the tim e M rs. A v ery w h s ly litg Ul from p nen- m onla la a room ad jo in in g th e on# In w hich tha lire started . N e igh b ors w r a p p ^ bar tn b la n k ets and carried ber t a ~ h e h o m e o f a frien d.

T h a C um berland C oun ty B oard o f F r e e ­holders yesterd ay decided to Issu e b ond s to th e am ou n t o f |76,000 for th e con stru ction o f b u ild in gs for a co u n ty a sy lu m for tha Insane. C on tracts w w aw ard ed fo r th e w ork. T be c o u n ty nfaw su p p orts l a u a , t lan ts In th e S ta le f i o s p H ^ t T rentom a t a c o s t o f m o re th an M ,o w par an nu im

C athertna S U n to n , on e o f tha p ioneer m sm bera o f S t H a r y ’a R om an C athoU c Churrh o f E lisa b eth , th e first one Of t h i t d sn om ln stlon In th a t c ity , d M a t her bom s on P r ice streaL th is m orn in g , egad a lgh ty-th rae. B h e had n ^ e d In B lfsa ta th over h a lt a oen tu ry . H er husband died m an y y ea rs ago .

A ch ap ter o f tb e p h i B a ta K ap p a B ocla ty h a s b f«n a a tab llih ed a t P r in ceton . T h e o ftM rs are D r. J . O. M u rno;, dean o f th e u n lv a n lty , p reilffcn t, an d P rateiw or W ll- lard H u m p h reys, s e c r e U ^ and treasu rer , T hera are tw e n ty ^ lg s s a s e l m of th e fa c ­u lty Inoludsd In Ita n u m b arsh ip , T w e lv e m am b eri o f tb a claaa o f ten o f the c la s s o f ’*77 and t m lv a o f th e c la s s o f 'M w ere honored With eU ctlon to th e B ata C hapter.

A* th a rx iu lt o f a fo g lish p t W o f m la- • « c ! « * J i , c u j » r t a d a n a a

a ta d en l a t O lsn w co d C o lla ifa ta in a tltu ta Is tn bad a t M a ta w a a g o S ir l i ig ir o ia s*^ vara U t o w u u n d i a h d s h * “ ^WM a b a v to g o (M in a Igu i ^ w a j b r w o f ^ in a tltu _________

h ia .C o S m a o b o o lm a tii ^

Sale's!? jAssrSi JKg iu 'g o « S t i M l a fo m o w h a t n aw ovad .

T ota ls .............................. 564 G16 7S4T ho A pex L odge, K . o f P ., and tha

W ashln ^ oD Lodge, K . o f P „ bowled la st n igh t. The l i t t e r tea m w on. Bcorea;

A P E X LO D G E. I W , I-O D G RH ou ee ll .................. llN F re len seh n er . . . . I t eM Ichals ................. 1 » T . E v a n s ............... uoU h ley ..................... j li |K 'a tso n ...................... imB row n ...........G enung .........B ecker .........L . Shau gar...


h L i. lOBMacVleker


onbrook on B loekum .

.. IJl. .. li

W lH inchclIlte ............ 117llOIBunnell ................. U699 N Ierm un ................ 117

K n oor ..................... 119J . A. S h a u g a r ... 114C. E v a n s ................ 97

T ota l ................... i i i s l T o ta l ................... 1250T h e fo llo w in g gah ta w a s rolled a t th s

N ew ark Turnveroln a lle y s la s t night;G U T H E I L

K lee ........................... 1*7J. S ch aed el............126A u gen stetn .............134B u ch letn ............... 152B u st ...........................162C. S eh sa d e l............189K och ..........................130M lllenb sch ..............1»O tto M artin

PR O SPEC T.P u th .......................p u y e .......................K roeh l ...................C orrigan ...............H a a s ......................W il l ia m s ...............W s l i .......................M urphy ................

1*8 F rary k133 B lork

T ota l ........... 1461T be F r a m B o w lin g Club m ade these

•co res on th e jrram Garden a lley s last n l ^ t :

IDS tan ley ,.H e r ts . . . .


T ota ls

J u n g ........D anb er . .

TKAM A.............. 103 114 msiaaaa*. II# 1H 104

Jr..*a 76 J0 ^ an. 91 117 67

•sissqai 113 m 166

W ffnt e a m b . . . . . . . . . m i n (0

1 , , , , , , , , . 81 87 S3TS M 120

e r " s" ! 80 S3 5277 54 188

•TseSSwi. « i m m

In th e final gam e uf Hie rh im p lon ah lp pool tou rn am en t a t (tyrai-use la st n ig h t A lfred D e Ora defeated Giant E lhy b y th e score o f 200 to 176. Ur uro tak es first m on ey , E b y sroonJ, Ilurgan third, and P a y to n fou rth .

Todd p layed a fine game in the S ta le pool tou rn am en t at Itreti’s H all. P a te r ­son , la s t n ig h t sn d ess lly d efeated th e T renton orack. Todd made tw o ru n s of fifteen and tw o o f thirteen. In th e seconn g a m e T om W ilaon, of Paiersan, w aa d e­fea ted b y C h arles Gibson. It w a s th e b est

fam e p la r td In th e tourniraent to d a te .'Ine iTaol w aa th e only ih ing th a t w a s

p layed . In th e tb irteen lh fram e G ibson ran th e fltteen and In Ihe fourteenth W il­son d id lik e w ise , T o-nlghl .Mike D olan , p resen t ch am p ion , w ill play Mead, o f Jer­sey C ity , an d B ey , o f this c ity . The acorea; T od d -A 10 10 g > l i 15 5 I II 13 II 4—125. U lb s o n -9 5 6 6 6 0 0 10 8 1 1 2 3-66 . G lbaon -11 13 a 1 4 4 6 7 0 4 10 6 15 9

9 7 10-126.W lle o n -2 2 I 7 10 11 9 8 15 10 5 » 0 15

6 8 A - 12U.W ith th e n i f l l la t s .

D a v e W allace , th e English fea th er ­w e ig h t ta x e r , and Joe B ernstein h a v s p ra ctica lly been m atched to ta x tw e n ty rounds a t 123 pounds. T he L en ox A th ­le tic C lub offerro the boxers a p ercen tage for th e bout, but refused to pay W a l-

Jaca'a ex p en ses , w hich he dem anded. Tha d ifficu lty w s s later patched up. T h e a r t i­c le s s ig n ed b y B ernstein h ave bean m afied to W a lla ce , und It Is expected upon th eir receip t h # w ill sa il for th is cou n try . T ha m en w ill figh t for 12,000 a side.

T h e G reenw ood A th letic C lub h a s de­rided o n a ch an ga o f d a le for Its fu tu r e b ox in g sh o w s. It h as concludeil th a t th ere Is n o th in g to be gained by con flictin g d a te s w ith o th er clubs, and w ill h erea fter hold Its h ours on F r id sy . Insleail o f S atu rd ay n lg h u .

D a l H aw k ln a , o f C alifornia, and "K id" McFMrtland w ill m eet In a tw en ty-rou nd bout a t th e ]> n o x A th letic d u b on T u es­day n ig h t a t 125 pounds, and th e w in ner w lu p rob ably be p itted agaln et "K id" L a- v lg n e fo r th e ligh tw eigh t ch am pionsh ip .

M m F itsp a tr lek , w ho posted noo on be­h a lf o f T om m y H ogan to m eet e ith er D a v e ■ S u llivan or O scar Gardner, sa y s, n ow th a t tb e tw o h a v e agreed to com e togeth er , he w ill le a v e h ie m oney up for an ybod y w h o c a r e s to fight h is m an. K ogan la an xlou a to m eet som e good on e In th e n ear fu tu re , and hla ch a llen ge Is open to any figh ter In th e w orld betw een 122 and 126 pounds.

W h o I s T ale 's f i t n e g M an y P rep ara tory to th e w ork o f ta k in g tha

records In th e com petition to d eterm in e th e ch am p ion stron g m an o f Y ale U n i­v er sity , th e d irectors o f th e gym n aalu m h a v e ta k en s ta t lt i lc s o f th e F resh m an c la ss . T h o r e su lts sre very s a t is fa c to r y and p rove th e v a lu e o f th e cooree o f g y m ­n a stic s th a t has for tw o y ea r s bevn com ­p u lsory on th e freshm en.

A t th e b egin n in g o f th e co lleg e y e a r every m an in th e c l a n w ho la n o t In a c t iv e tra in in g w ith on e o f th * a th le t ic te a m s la g iv e n p relim in ary w ork, and h» Is pnt in ro u g h a tee t w ith ou t a n y eoatd ilng w h a t­soever , a s th a t w ould v lt la ta th a d ata , T b e te s t cb n slsts o f th a " p o ib up" on th e p ara lle l bars and tha "pull up^’ on th e h oriaontal bars. Hla wahxbt th ere Is m u l­tip lied by th e n um b er o f Q m es h e h a* ra is ­ed h im se lf a foot, Ihns g iv in g th e s tre n g th In fo o t pounds, tha praaent u n it o f m eaa- u reraen i.

Taro hundred .and s lx t s s n m en h a v e ta k ­en th is teet, and Dr. Beaver Is n o w en g a g ed In com p letin g th* te s t s by th e o th e r m e th ­od ad apted b y th* A m erican C o llsg e A s ­socia tion ,

Yala t* F la y BL R k b O U t.T h a t portion o f th # w orld o f sport w h ich

Is Interested In tb a gam e o f h o ck ey is .. look in g forw ard to Ik* m sa tln g o f th a

T oin l 1374 team * o f Y ale U n iv ersity and th e B t N lc h -................... o la s S k a tin g C lub, w h ich Una u p to -n ig h t

a t th e rink o f th a la tter , on W est B lx iv - •tx th stree t. B o th tea m s h avn b een p u t­tin g forth th sir bast sR orts tn p rn ctica and e v e r y m an is said to ba tn o a p ita l form . T h e lea m a Will lin e up a s fo llo w s;

retary R eilly to assign th e unce fa m o u s third b a s im sn to d u ly at N ew York. A c­cording to C aptain Berry, o f th e N ew Y ork tram , th e D anb u rys are th s rough­e s t polo aggrega tion be ever p layed a g a in st. I t w a s In D anbury la st w eek ttis t th e N ew Y orks Were so severe ly Injured Scofield snd Ihtrceli W in g disab led and P a r en t knocked Insrntib le.

Baa* B all N olas.T h e sp ortin g m an arrestsd a t R eading

recen tly on a b all p iece from Phlliidrlnlils, fur d esertin g h is w ife , w as Eddie H enry, th s w ell-ku ow n t a l l p laysr. J. Howard M orrlsnn. o f P h iladelp h ia , located him yesU'tdajr an d had him a rn a lr d .

Ja k e tr a i ls , o w ell-k n ow n b ase ball mun- nger o f R ichm ond, and K. Q . Biirrnw. «f P h llnd elp hla ,' presid en t o f th e A llan lle Buee B all L eagu e, h ave lenseil (he old Ford's Opera H ouse In R ichm ond, Thrv w ill equ ip It n s a fira l-c la ss th e s tn and open Jan u ary 1.

(jM sIp * f Ik* 0* 1 f O rsent,T h e an nu al m eetin g and election of offi-

cera o f the Bt. A n d rew 's G olf t'lub w ee held la s t n igh t a t D elm oiilro'e, N ew York. T b s onh-ers elected w are; preeldi'Ul, J. H. T hom as: v ice-p resid en t, R. H . R oberiion: secretary , F, B . A llen- treaaurer, W. K, H odgm an; C aptain, A. D e W itt Cochrane; governors, J. T en K yck , B . 11. Hubert- io n , F . W, M e n s ln , W . K. Hodgman. W. II. Baitdia John R eid , W . D. I lab ls ln , J. U. TTiomas, A. M, R obbins, A. (1. Fox, E. C, llUee. J . A, W right, J r , H. N. Young, C. H . M ortim er an d W . A. Paloii.

G c w r r a l b p o r t iw g J ln les,A return m atch a t cr ib b ege hetwern ten .

m en tram a rep resen tin g Ihe N ew ark Crlb- b age Club and th e V -K not A sio i lailon w ill be jilayed to -n ig h t a t 1:23 u'riock at the beadquartera o f th* form er, 276 Hank ■Irret.

T h s Jersey A th le tic C lub hue elecled thefo llo w in g officer*: P resid en t. M ix E rn; vtce-p rsiU lent, C bristoph er li- ll; secretary

'C h arles L u tb y ; iraaaurer, Peter Hell; iser.gea n t-a t-a rm s, John M uelbr. t w o new m em b ers w ere elected .

A return ch ese tou rn am en t between th e U nlverslD ’ u f P e n n sy lvan ia C hris C lub and th e C olum bia C heee t'lub w ill be p la y ­ed on F r id ay , D ecem ber 16, and on S a t­urday, D ooem ber 17. In th e roomi o f th e U a n n a tla n C h ess C lub, Phlloilelphla.

A m eetin g u( the m em bers of last veor'a latw rencevIH e tru ck team w as lield y e s ­terd ay to ohoooo a C aptain In p lace o f M oorehead, w h o le ft school. Joii-ph P . D a ­v ie s w n* u n an im ou sly elecled . D nvlee at H otchk les lu st year estab lish ed the Inter- sch o la a tlc record tor tha tw en ty hurdles. H e is e ig h teen y en rs o f age , and five feet eleven Inches ta ll. H e w ill go to Princeton n ex t year .

H ig h F e e d lw g f o e r a n e c r .In E n glan d fou r and a h a lf tin ies ns

m an y people die now from cancer o s half a centu ry ago, and n o o th er d lscsoe can sh ow an jith in g like such an Initncnse in ­crease , W. R oger W illiam s »uy* In The L an cet. "Probably no sin g le fa cto r Is m ore potent In detartiiln ing th* outbreak u f Ciiticer 111 the predisposed thnn high tsedlng. T here can b t no doubt th u t the greed for food m atilfesicd by m odern com m u n ities Is a ltogeth er ou t uf propor-

'41un to their p resent requirem ents. U tn y Ind ication s point to th e g lu tton ou s to n - sum p tion o f m eat w hich ts su ch a ch arac- terU ttc fea tu re o f th is age, a s likely to be esp ec ia lly harm ful In th is respect. B ta tls - tlcB sh ow th a t th e con sn in ptiou o f m eat fu r m an y yea rs h as been Increasing by leup s-anu iHiunds till It now h as reached th e a m a iln g to ta l o f HI iiounds p er head per year, w hich Is m ore than double w h at I l w aa h a lf a cen tu ry ago. w hen th e con - dlLiPiui o f lIXo w ere mure odm patlble w ith high feeding. W h in ex e ess lv e quantlllu* o f su ch h igh ly stlm u ln tliig form s uf n u ­trim en t are Ingested by peniuns w h ose ce llu lar m etabolism Is d efective . It seem s urubnbla th at lliers m ay th u s he exc ited In thOHrt p arts o f th e body w here v ita l p rocesses are still a c t iv e auch ex c ess iv e and d isorderly ce llu lar p ro liferation as m ay e v e n to a le In cancer. N o doubt o th er fa cto rs co-operute, and am on g th ese I sh ou ld be esp ecia lly Inclined to nam e de­fic ien t exerclaa und probably a lso d e­fic ien cy In fresh veg e ta b le food."

BaOIMs Bxlwaal llw a ig jb a^M f l V B l h B



Y ale.S m ith .........D s U f le ld .. . Stoddard .. P a lm er . . . . W a lw o rth , S pan esr . . . iS aston ........

JPoritlon, BL N ic h o la s. . . . . . . . .G o a l , : ' . .................Q u n th gr. . . . . . . . P o i n t . . .......... B locum

-C over p o in t . . . , . ........L grnad........F o rw a rd ,,In m a n , B ro k a w. . . . . . F o r w a r t......... ... ............ P o p #.. . . .F p r w h r d . . . ........ . .C a lla n d tr........F O r w a r e . ,! . . . . , . O 'C onnor

D a n s f lt ig R w w lag OlBh O ttaara. \ T ha tw w nty-alxtb annual

0* offioeiIl an nu al m aatln g an d

______ ire o f tha D g u n tle sa R o w ­in g . C jub w ag .haW a t tba A rem i. W•le ctio n

T o ta li .Tha St. A lo y slu s and T w ice Ten oluha

Wilt bow l a tsn -m an m atch on tba farraar's a lley s to-n ight.

'Tha ^ u lta b ta a w ill m eet tha M onitors tn a m atcb a t R ab aosta ln 's to-m orrow n ig h t T w o gam es 'will ba rolled , the tota l o f both g a m es to c o u n t ,

T ha PasH ilos m ad e th esa score* at Koup'a la s t ntgtit: W lldem an. 154; Bchar- InghaussB. 129|H o*p. 1» ; K eller, 196; H off, m n , 1 « ; B obiick, m ; Bohork. 155; Schafer,

ifa v a r r i A and 8 tea m s rolled tw o prac­tice g s m ss on D oerr’s a l ls y t la st n ig h t T he learsB:

T E A M A.Z im m erm an ..IM K earn s 134Bcbgffar ......... 141P fe ifar .............141H u b er .............. I4i

431 371 R f l t s j l W t l o k a U4 » *71 In th e field . But tha ''rejru lsrr ' oarriad o ff--------- refularg" oarriad offm ost of tha ofllceg Tbs isllo irtag m an were niocaasrul;R e s i d e n t , H , W . W alterj^ vtoa-n resldan tJolin J . Bhe*; tr^ M u n r, JOHwitn H A n -

l a ‘' iS u W ? ? r i

TEA M B.IM B o w tr ........... 106160 C. B oehm .......lOS142 G eiger ........... 1 »110 B rnalburgar .. TT m o h b e r .. . . . . . . .1 7 4

T ota ls 765 T o U li ...5H 7HT h e final g a m s In a ■ stie s o f thrre gamaa

batw asn th a F relingh u yaen e and Craaaenta w a s p layed a t M antgom ery'a last night. T h e farm er team w on tw o g a m ei o f the asr le t. L a s t n ight'* More*:W U tL IN G H U Y B E N l C M S C B N T .B ern trd ....... . in T a n d s r h o o f . . . . . . 4MB . B lockeU ............ lS7|Taylqr ....................... IM

J u sn g lln g Iw Slodaoti ............. 1*9B . C r a w fo r d .,.., U ilD lafendO rt IKBm tth .....................lIT B m k Ilay ...................... IfflE . B a r n a r d ,., , , , . ll ilH a in a a ............,., .1 6 7£ C raw ford...........ig iG ob ia . ................. JW

A ..................... IsojBoufar Wurn ..................144 C ham penola ilT

. im iT o u i T ota l ................... 14»T h e fo llow in g ioorea w ere m ade by Uie

E U u L ta g a lu H b u tgo in ery • list^ n ight; -------- 2W, W . 1 « : H dnkele, IK rtl* ,

jr . , 176, m , 129; tty, 117, m , Mli

Th* P r tw n n iv a * p u t UP tw o good gam ** a t B t o n ^ n w iy ' i ■•at a lg h t . K ta n i;

T E A M "

^ a l n o r and H enry L in g .T h ere w a s a b ig t a h ‘

an d th e e lec tio n o f W m iam leuioaria w a s w ell r ^ v M . H o WB« C aptain o f th a o ln b In m and w a s m ain ly Inatrum an tal tn ■andtna th a D au n ttaas crew to D etro it- th* y ear th ey Won th * n itto tta l rag a tta T h * c lu b im e n d . to en g a g e a T o l t J ! M % S J ! fa i i io n a l co a ch fo r n ex t season ,

B aakav OewLdn'l T k n n r O a u a r s , K rneat Roahar, th e ctam plO n A m erican

vrereU tr a t th e G raeco-R oinan e ly le ^ t . ad to ta k a a fa ll out o f hla o p p o n m ir ith in flftean m ln u tsa laa t B t a h t ^ m C o im o w champio** eatoh-aa-flatoh-oan w n a t la r o f E n glan d , w a s aga ln at Rcabar, a n l t S a H re fu rn ish ed th e m oat tn tareaiing b o a t *M n a t W ald m an n 's Opera U o u ie th is . w **k C onn ote w aa liv e ly and both iiisn g a i i i i i i to t a tr y in g hnrd for n fa ll . R o e b J ? ? ^ p « l « w e ig h t and atrength o v e r o tm a f t K - nora, w h o fell face down on th e m a t. aRB rem ain ed in th a t poaltlon until th e a n ^ t a th e b o u t C onnors w tigg lad oq t Of agm * d angaroua hold*.

Luka L ynoh . a atroag t lr e m U ttar, w ill m eat L ao Fardallo, R oabaF a w raatlbag p artn er, to-m orrow n ight.

AvUa I>*tk*in BefStaa- A rils lA th a m , th a o ld -tim e

p layer , w h o w a s f ln t ,taaa for m at y e a r , prabahjy w ill rati m a ten h n w e a n th e N ate T D anbur; ■ - . - -G rand C entra] |

, _ ^ tsf# r ea ln g In ib a f e w B liiflan d L a t M , and

ooal olub '

rya ta H a la.

m a n t o f (h a loca l 1 h a s reqi

*t l i th e best



ATUhrtFli* v<m\ WM M c lw lttly . ci««nllnKW Md comlort* T lm iub ia In efficl N o w U r lu. I M )

TtaIm ImvB nruad And F i f f f itrM t Mtllfmi; , Fof HUUinplit, <];U. T:3CK*|4«* la j*^ ’;'al,*i!4)l. I g9, i : 10, a - 9 10:8 ;l l j t t P-Yu. «uadaya 7:16. 9 :« . 11:06 A. M.: Diu. i:4A. 48», l l o . t :H . T;*A 9;16. 19:16 F.

^SJ,*i*TLVAKla RAJUtOAD-Tlw Standw i n allrav of Anwrtss. r n itsu U Hireuxboailw

laivrkKktas g»itoli tad Bluck Biaaal a i—" llnm I

A. M .j.ii;id . T ;« ;2 'iiir_2^ 4A '.» :^ 4 t ^ 4*4?For Bomenrlli*. at 9:16. T.'*0, I M , IS

6^94. 6:2*. 8:43. 6 ;ls.M. BunJayi, f it s , » ;(...................4:9s 6:40. 7:38, »:13, la:18 P. 51.

.A. H.



tictiH O iw teri (6:43, t» ChMltr) y . M. gundays

F.,r Firmittxtun. 7;»t. a;rt3 A. M.6 : » l>. 51. SuaSayi. 4 (18 P. M.

Jar ■(■tiunv lu lllsh nrldev, ronnecllns for elatluai un iilga Hridx* Hranon and Lake Ho- patcKix. *:16 A. H. |I3;W. te tivrmau ValHy and I’liroitr (4:40. - -(Jerman Vality sml . lt:lu p. 14. (0 riindervl.

Fur •latliMU nu I4>n> line N«« Jeraay Central niviekme. Bati™, Ikihlchem and Alivndivn, I:JU. BOS. with iiuitet Parlor Car, A. M. (12;1(), (.< Ikatua). 1:33 (liuRet Parlur Car. 4:40, u barton), 6:43 (7:86. (n Eartutit P. If,, Sundays (7:13 A. M„ (l> Rulun). 1:10. 3(40 P. K.

For Maurk Chunk, TGB. 9:U3 A. H. (*Htl Euf- frl Parlur Car), 1:.13 (l(ufr»4 Parlor Cor), 6:43 P. « Fun.lara. l:in. 6 40 P M,A^kl flerante*. OrM

Fur kuBtiurr, iJrwIrliurs and Wllllameport via Phl!fdrl|.hlt. i : » A. 54.; 1 * . I « , t l i f c p . M tluii.iar. l;Hl, 3:4(1 P. II.

.S'KWABk: a n d ELIZABETH BIUNCII.Tralna leavr Brnad Sdsel KallUB for Kllia-

heih end R.welle ■( 6:16, 6:6(1. 7;3U. *:(I6 (*;.'«, 1 liubatliunrt unlv). 9 U8. B:36. IU:ii6. IU:46, ll::(3 A. M.: 12:ln. I;ur>. l:r.v l:8v, 3 :40. a:KV 4;trj. 4:40. 3:2.1, 6;LV 6:1(1 (T;m. tu Ellaa-h«h). *:10. * ;» . 1(1:66. 11:33 P. II. fluadava, 7:1.1. B;U6. 10:03. 11:1\ A. M.: 1:10, 2:43. 4:06. S IT'2. 8:40, 6:68, 7:61, »:t8. 10:16 P. 11.‘ KUTII AMllOY. U iSO ^IR A .N C H . IJCKAN

Morkat S tn a t gtatkn, N t r a A as t X

tif - . ’ V f . Malt, dally, m ih V wUtala log Car la Ckltwio. (Nu tm i tm la F U tak. *(, Foot U m . dally, wttS PalhBta

Parige owl Sleeiilns (ian , Ik m t a)9G7 A, M penandvanla Urnliu

H cluiivelv u(T*ull«iaa Vrailb

Saerolel n«WU,- . ^ ‘"Ud;;.^

iry «iA.

----- 11:48M A* J(.^ P « - CTilc

■■n’k”" ^ f'vm# or uitipf, Lickt*


•Utlnniry a ir e a e olnnatl . . . taulavllta

•Uilr *feT ii

B«SL (.1 ftjorf f-,

V M U b U t* IcatOe '

n . .• : l» g.

rullmftftfvi4 r-Irvf 1..^ ______

f K' JHdTjinilioVl* ro:ia*P/

n ln ^ K i iJ S ^ Pi£ifiv ta n re* . da(lr, PaiiBioB

• .C'"*‘a»d“ 'M R

L' • £ » P. M. » i t d a y r ^

i ^nclnnach, ocvnU u^ u d t t Loiula.* s lui O 01 indlanaiJoUe 10:13 P, M..

fSOQ Ar If- —I riml momlkim


Piir Trtmlty nnd d:lfi, lu:05A. M.: 1.83. l(:n . 6(48. 1:10. 3:66 P. M. flun- dajro. 9:03 A. 11. -4 (i6 P. M.

(truer**, a t* :!! . 6:.l*. »;(«, 10:*6, n-Ufi A.V.: 1:M, 6 .15. 4:A|, 4:4(1. 8:48, 6:I1>. V:36 P. 1(. •u n4syi. I(:td. iAm A. 51.r 4:0(1 p Id.

Fur Perth A*itKi)r, 6:18. X:!*. aMa,Tod16, 11:61 A. M : 1:63. 3:13. 4:153. 4:49. k 4 6 , t:lA. tl.33 P. M. Xundtin. 9616. lO.'OS A. M.; idM P. Id.

F.ir AilaiKF HIxtilande, via MMawan, S:28. 11:61 A 51.: 1:6(1, 4:4(<, 6-48. 9:10 P. M. Sua- (Uva, »:m A. l l . ld iM P , M.

Fur Freehold. i;Sa. li;33 A. M.; I M . 4:40. 8:(4!l P. U.

>‘i>r lt«d lUnk. Tsonv Bruich, Orovt,Kfr. iQ.l\ to Am airt only). 8:M |]0;«k to lUnk unijrt. lijSA A. M. (1 :VT Ij) R id Ranh

4:l«, 4:40, 8;10 P. M. Btindftjr«, toOoean Omv*. 0:08 4l0:U0 10 Bid Ptnk A*

FOR MKBWOOp.10:r« A. It.) 1:U. 4:40 P. 1 |.

10;i« A. M.Tfimt llWvf, )umeiiK( PAPk and BAiniMt,

6:3!i a . 14.: i:U , 4:49 P. M. Baadayi. iSniiKur Atlantli City, Vbiilaild i» d BridmofL


From Ur«iiil and Fvrry i i r i f t Rt«tlbru—Al«:»). 4*1:50. fl:W. T;00. T:». Tide. h;0Q, H:|D.

H:QU, U;90. lO'.m, tO:3l0L 141:40,1H10 A .,* .; . 12:(X1 k .; 12:30, ' '


JMiertrm iftd ir

18::|k(i“ nd o lf i , ^ ( f t a l r g S ®

lu lf IJariiUurtn* •*(


and the BeutiL iBroM, Pallinai

------- (at# Poaova10.27), 11:6 A. ;

P. I t g ■vaii*- .''In in

»:sK:M. 9iSK




.w..^Ji:4T. ■ :» , Ti V Tiadb

tHid. i:PO, 4:fl0, 4:90. 8:QL 11:511, er'W. T-iO, tiM . Tid .id . l1:3i>P. V .: I9:4n. 12:40 c ti:W, 7:no, A:0U. DiflO. 11:1 Jd,: l:fA, l;Wt. S:Un, 9:09. 4:00. M;0Q. 10:UO, lla*9l>, 11.*Q0 '

t ;aa,l:r»,t 'M, ___

8:55. S;An, it lundayi,

, /L U .\ 13;n6 1:00. •:«>. T;00.

. - ------- - ’r U . 412:40 A.n c tM ttn iilir f) .

leKBve Nkw rnrlc from foot of Isiborty •trf’Ol— At 8:90. 5:M. 6:M>. 8:45. T:10, 7:90, T;59.

9:00, 9:1^9:10. 10:15. io:90, jj.oo.l l .m A. Vf.t \i .d d M.; 12:»>. 1:4 0. 1:>A |:M 9:941. 5:00. 5 :» . 9:115. 4;»l. 4:M. 5;l4l, 8 :£t. S.S9 8:50. 8:<M. 41:23, 8;48. THW. f:« i. 7:45. B:»4Il(i:A0r 11:15, 12:00 P. U. Hundiin, 4KID.H:Q0. 8HV). 10:00, 11:00 A. M : laloo M-: i m 9:OU^a;ni. 4:00, 5:00. 9:00, gjlo. 7)00, 2:00.J0:06, n;0D. 11:00 P. U.

iM vi) Nfw ytirti from Whit*li«l| plr««t. i t •:Tor7:40, 2:10. 2:18, i:M , 0:08. 9 :S , ..................

tr.TA. «:4i\ 7:2ft. 2:88. 10:A& P. If.FOH rHIlAADRIoPHlA. OALTIHORS AND

WARHIKOTON. nrkTAl. HLUK U NK . For Tiwnion tnd VhUftdilTiliiA, 0:18, TM

fftrOn, riretit TnmtOTlI. 2:0.7. 10:00 (Mavpl

■T. i» :« , i:4»

w AtUnt1«

% l 1J8 P. M.

9:95 «Qd I Pirlorro irh l *.

nri;™''"' rs™ “ "undar. "

a ^ r a f p s r . ' i t i j - roih t i i l i f iron™ HaMfw t o I S fiSm{ S r e f r S a - t l iX " *Kin Nit

DHl (

91*9. 3:64! all

S ( a 7 ( « ,7 : i 3 , 1 S t

For Rgltlmoiv 40*1 Vutilrurtoa, |:0ft, 1QH)6.------ - - - - - - - X 5:45,11:95 A. U .\ 1:08. 1:95. 6:04.AuAdKVii. 10:08. U:3S A. M.P. M.

For tirltflti, bainrftjt* rhtchii, ilM pInf CAT lo-

9 -we, SV (1- 11:98 p. H

1:10, ii ja . 5:40

H. P. BALDWIN. P«ii. PM w oser A ^ n t.

OT at th^ ruy 'yi.

j . H. Oldl'HArftRN.0«n. 8up«rlntend«nf.


A N C H O R L I N E -From N*w Tork ncularty far

Q L A 5 0 0 W , v U tO N D O N D B R R Y iCabiti—482.00 and 0B«atd, aooordlioc t» r ' la a ii

890OM] CabiBt132.00 and gpwifd, aaocwdlnc to itMCMra

flte#rait»: |29 .H and upward*For ntw l|luttrai«d Tm ia * apply to H«nd4rMi

Prothara, 7 Dowllajr Oraitt. N«w Torli: or W1U lam MuiucU 79 Btllivnia Ava., or C. *■ ---------- 1 i t , or M. R, ‘ ' -Donnie 4kT60-762 Broad l _ , . . .BTMd it*, or J W. Bmyth. 744 Brrad a t . gt 1. M. Prm a & Ca. iOO Broad •!*. Mowifm.



Newark, N. Doc. \0 . M B. kte will b« rocrtvrd by tb* Con. by tb* Colft-

iimlture and iip P llo t a t lb« Board t of th* city of Kewarka at a tnrtt- Id In the d iy B all of tho aald oily,

‘ * Mid board, f~ " *' - tcrmbefa I M .

Pealed propoaate mliLpf on Furniture and i i j of d u r a tio n c 'Inir to be held .........and In tha rootne oi t h a --------tbe alxtienlh day of Doermbefa

Th« cumrolltM wtU br In a«walon to rocalvt bldafrou) 8 a'olook (o 2:15 Ui^tbo avonkiuri H>d» w ill lio ot»«a#il promptly at 8:15. Propooali prop­erly indorard. '‘Hide for L liht FiaturtA'* muat

am Fridays g j

9: 30 a i i4:l»:B:fta. . ...P. Mr. J3idf tTlaht* .

“W i i U t 'f i ’ Art.hav. 6:81. 9;______ . _____________ ____ 4iW .i;ST . 3J01..7.-

b a 'p rw a ix i jartbiially, e iii a t no iTttar tiiiti I f ® - • J i '- J W I l t ^ or pt«». Th. prop.(Hils to b* for (uniltMfls end nulllna ap comptrlv, trody (or no*, oombl- ^nallon ffaa an tleclrto abd eirmij^l oioctno Be- * - • ” tUTM aa rMvIrrd for the (iBbtitMr of th* n«w inch Ekthool Hulldlni. Blzth avonufa Parker apd Ridr* •trerbt, Newark, ti. J., In at'cordam^ with •poclflretlona, which may b« examined In the oftTct of tha Board of Bduuatlon ip tbe City

Paid propr>aala muet atate the amount for which the entire work rroulred by the epeciAra- tloru will be don* ard alao the amount which wUJ be deducted from the propoeal. provldlnF (hf* nxcuree for the th irl floor are omitted.

BUJitrre muat epecKy la their propoaale that phould tbe oonireot be awarded to them, they

Ian. I0;<6. 11:10 A-TiL.

9 « A d i^ U nft^ j«. 'r:dD A. 1C; 9 i i

JftBr eireeiK _^ K'lneelen and IteekF IVJI. T)W A. M.. k>i

4:»1». If daily, esrepTBui^y.

“ ............. ■ ^ ' 9r«l. 1:21.*aad 1:94 P* IC,*

wUl bind themaelvea io flnlah and complete tb* auditorium on or before December 81, iM . and the whole contract on or hefore January 7. I’dPU.

Bach and every propfiaal muet be acdompanleil by the oouieat In wrUtnf of two suretica, who ahall. a l the time of puUlnc In auch prupoeal, each Qualify ae to their reepvnilbllMy in the emotolT of auoh propoeal# aiuj hlnri thetriMlvee that If the cuntracL l>e awarded to th* perean orCraooB cnaktna the propoaal. thry wIM, upon Ita

Inx eo awarded* becum* hie or their euretten for Oi** faithful lierfnrmance of aald work, and that If the wnMtn or peraone omit or refope to rxeout* auen ctmiract they will pay to the aald Board of Kdui'atliin of the rliy uf Newark any difference between the aume to which he or they

P*For U m beftyllle. P:9B* l l j f t A. V ,;

and 4t:97 P, tf, ffunday* 8d 7 P* H.For Fleinlaaton. 11:26 A* ■

dillT, exretii flattttay,j s KSe.2? t#ll:8fl A. M.t I tlO P . M. week-daye. hoW (inly..5:0t P. M. week-daw’

6:m1 P. M . aad 12:06 nlxh( wMk*

wm \s jnisT'SEf

M , and 12:05 nixh! week daya. Fundayt. « t10, prflQ. 6:80 A* lf,:4:80, I J f r N., and nixht

From DeebrneMa a:id Cortlandt etreeta 6:64)1 a;8i>, a;40, T:3b, 7:«1, 8:10, 8:S4>. H;8b. 2 : l£ ................. ................ ..... ‘ '• 19:1?

5:W. "■4:50

2:40. 10:18. t2tW>. J:W.

10:40. } \ M . tVAfi A. U.'. 1:2(1. IJjn. 2:10. 2:W. 8'f

would have been entitled upon compleiinn ot th* em traot. and that which tbe aald B ou d uf Kduoatlon of the city of Newark may be ntoltffed to pay the peraon or p^rinmi 4>y whom auch

•t A all b* eaacutfTd. The committee w ill aleo r)ve,ae aurtty a reliable v^mipaay* duly au-

1 by th* (awe of thle Hiate to axecufe tha i renulMd bond, aa aueh aurety la the amount of [ tha .propotal ferr the iNmiract work, but auch > coniNUiF ehall duly exreute ad afraamedt of

conaaot nn the prujioeal ea requlmd from lodl- vidital aurttlee, and itiech a awoeq of their flnatwlal comllMon. ic foU i^ tlflcata of the State t'omminelober a, or otkftr proper <tiiiA ofllcer, that % compiled with tha lewa of the StaU of New Jer a » ^ and are authniicnl to become auoh aurety.

nn the petm eylnala and bertha, e w o n ^


or pereone to w h ^ the contract ded will 1h* reoT '— - - -

the Cliy CiiunMlAwarded will 1h> reoulred to attend at

I* CHy Ciiunael, wttta <h* auretlee or them, and exrcQta tb* contract


..... . 45) daya frnm (he data of the eer-vlea of a iio tl^ to that effect, and. fp oaee ot faUuru or to dn eu. he or tkey will heconaldered aa havlnc abandoned It, and aa tn default to tka city, and theraupon the work htaall ba ya-ddvertUed and re-let. and an an until tb* contract be accepted and aiacuted. The work to dnmmanrn aa aoun aa tha oontract or oontracia ar* aianed.

All b M muat De made nql on blanka fumiHh-


Aa «y'411*x c«r* Vuk*

pffii, ip*nnatei« ghr«« luoteacw *id all Diteetil ihutWIievaaaiw fluenL* ef 6elf* AUiM, a* i.GuafiMenory. rkie la

HFiiE iuiialf'tTu^^";r6wni Tmaa,aiwiy edier dl»ff«Ma thu teed t* laearnty ea teuaafXlflu

|Mftic4J»i*le eui paBpklet. vkkk «* daair* to aeaf hy •ttUtorrefr o*a.n * Mpti ik UrdiclB* la told by an dnfflato at | i tm

eecatft. er aix |MckRrw for f c *f wUI ba Met Aea by w | M eftke iii f i^ la i

TU 9tit Kioioin eo.2 tmAio. i* t*0" wYeiiM Yeltew Wrapper Iba ealy

ed IcT Ih* purpoae, which can h* had opun ai>- nileatwa at tito ofliew of the Recreury of tha Board. Blddera rauat atate the amoupt of th«lr pr^poaala la wHlitu; aa well ea In flfurea*

a. ® aild Cmnmut^e nn Furnilura and Bup- Board of Kducatlon re*#rv*a for

itaait the n ik t to accept or reject any or all prommia for tha above work aa may deemed ^ a t for tb* Intareei of tbe aald Board of Bduea* 11^.

sl®*6***!6 '**"’*t*** Furniture 5* Board of Educatioa of tb# ciiy oc NawtriLR. D, AROtJEa


5;5l>. 4;no. 4;ln. 4:44), 4:50. 5:do. n:}n,B:4ft* BjhO. 41:10, B:p». 4t;40. 7 m 7:94). >10:th, 11 m 1t:V) r . U.. and 13:15 niahL dav train*, d'19. 8r04>. drod. p;4fl. !0:4l4)i, 10:1^ 1l;fl0. 11;S0 A. M.; 12:00 noon: 1j:9n. v6d, 1:80 i:Od, 9:45. S V). 4:00. 4;1». 6:15, 5:45. 4l;iL5:45. T:0f) 7 54). 7:45. 5:do. A;50. 6:06. 9M , 10:18? ll:0 A r . M-. and 19:15 nlkbt.

Por further ibCormaiiap ja e tloietahlM, to b i had Al.lhc ticket orricM,. Tickfta for all f i^ ta

kia RlDmad and ootmiBotKniv h«keare ch*cka at Ihg

rowniapv*a offtMa M Bmad i t r ^ or ticket nfftre i t WancM fltreet Btallen,J. Tl Ht'TfHTNPDN. J. R. WOOD,

flentral Matiamir. Oeneral Paaaenter


7:25 A. If. dally for Eaalon u d iDtarmedlakiatatinna.

5:47 A- M. dally for Wllktf^Barre. Voraatoo* llhaoa. (leneTa, Rochceter. Buffalo. N la n n i Fn 1)4 and the Want, and principal local poLaUa plnlna Car and Chair Car to Buffalo.

12;2fl P, M. dally. evcBpt Sunday.

“BLiOK DIAMOND EXPRESa"arrlvea Buffalo. 6:5A P. M. Pullman Vettlhald Day i'nauhea and Parlor Cara. Dlalny Car aaiw virr. Mrala a ta cart*. C-oanecta at Buffahi wUh Ibrouirh ateepera to Detroit and Chlaatfo.

1:94) P M. dally fof Faalon. Naach Chunk* iVilkeivnarre. Scranton, PIttitoa and eoalbrtnehet.

4:54 P. W-, daUv, evoept Biinday, for Wltkam* Jarre. Plttaton. {krakton and |i>lncfpal Intar* mwllata •tattona, CoiWi««ta for all iwlat* In coal ^ ^ wukai*



N aw rif, V. j ;, Dae, *, IMt. Will be reoelvM 1^ Com-


Nawark. ff. T . t

aala by Charlai noikhbuari drudclat. Broad bod Market i tm ta _______ ___________________

Btrre. Plttaton. ncrakton and mwllata •tattona, CoiWi««ta for a., rerlona Pullman Buffet Parlor Car I Ilarre.

6:47 (w**lC'iUya) P. M. fBundaya, 6;45> foM Faaton and intormadlata atiUona* Ikadaja Mauch ChUDk. ^

6:44 P. M.. dally. asMbt Sunday* for BaeMto and nrlocliwl intertnedlaie polBta.

7:36 P, U, daBja for Buffalo, NLayan FaltB and all polnta W aet Pull man flleejwr ?uled train New Y_..

Buffalo and Toronto. DliUnareiwr l^ntHf . r f S 3

HiitiiinfiiiiniitinHimiimrmMNHniiHfUMtiattijDfu nuMOtrs

Grains of Health(w nnltlaa will |>* in waalon tn netiv*

sad ops* bim from 3 o'clock to 4:(n ^otock la tlw oftwaooo.

‘Tha blda will ba upcasO momptur a t 3>JCa Qlnck-

Th> M tasfisg la tbe work to b* done:

These little pUia wM qaicUr

Cntt1IP3tlOQ.COI90SnB,Htlj|ICliB.f , fOUU U • CO., Ns# Ysrh I U r e i , fisrla,

■awfMiiNfioiud'iHffrwiiiiiHmnwmuHHittiiidFumlab all material and lubor ntestmary for

he fumtetalnx and compiellnn uf ai) n a and •lectrlo^ Akturea at tne new City R^pitkT,.•va.iav oawiaaaan rev S3ire sitn '~‘*W ■•#(“1*121 heiiaUuated on the blork bounded by Fairmouht avenua. Camden, Bank and Cabinet atraeta. In the cH y,of N ew at^ N. J.. accord Inf to plaaa ■nd^apeolflcailona flnpared by John HV 4b wllaett

‘biC. Ely, arcbltectau

Bidden will etat* Ihelr pricai in wrJtlnc M well aa in flyurH.

RUPTURE CUREDTk* Jmerovto bAaaLto YruM Uto ami* u u ie

M c^teriM that la w on wfUi abaoluia aoafen M l ^ d d a f . •* It ntaltu tba ruM un um4m Senardtet «ret«M «t aevereat etraljL «it»d wtU affeat a permaornt and tpeedy aura wlUmut f v S h ia & if* of nattantj dianUaaiton Creai la i f to attcuiiance for ladlaa. 6*nd for t>aau)k*^ IM PROVBD ElaABTIO T E D U C O -

786 liT«Ml«4Mfi Vmw ¥ « r k C m

abould the a h o ^ wotit m awarded to tbem, th*y wilt bind themealvM to ftnlth and eomplata the itome within thirty (SO) ooneecutiva w t^ u to

^ e u n liplana and tpadfloatlona of the work tail

at the omca.of John a * w rneonC. Ely, TdOlirdad etrM , In the oiry'of MawaNL N . J. Bald propoiaia to be aoroetoanled by tb(


anlnad at th* omra o( f. B » Broad etreei. In

- . __________________ lorowtoanL_____sonaeata la wrltlaa, of two aurettN. w h o __ _at the time of nuttlna in auch propoealas quaHiy a i to their reenDoalblilty In Ihe amount of eucfi profraeal. and bind themeo)'''* tbat If tha con* (raot ba awarded m pafeoa ot pertona mak« InK tbe propoaal. they will, upon Ita belnv ea awaMM, b i^ m e hi* or their euratlea fur the

work; u d that

buled train New Tuilt to C*hiciio,

Buffalo and T( *'■ 'aaton.6:35 P. M. dally, atopplnf only at B

Plalttflfld. Kaatnn, Bethiencm. Uiuch Cbiwa^ tayre, n*neva, Rooheiter, Buffalo and Tbroatoa PuilmaA Bleeper for Buffalo. Kona but flM«pia« Car Paaaenfftra caitlad. No tNifffate oa^ad.

5lB6 R M. dal Buttato, NU man Buoper

lUofiat local train* dally, except Rundaff u thP la ln flef............................... ‘ ‘ -------

fiftti,* pOlntl, leave ns lugurresi jauv a m~jtor South Plalnflald only). 4;4C 6:01 P. M.

Tickau and Pullman accommodadona u Pantw aylvaniA Rallroail l)tpot and 716-804 Binadl etreet.................................— , , I.-------------— J


dally, for Ithaca. Oeneva, itoehea* tar, Buftato. NlasAra Falta and ail peltiu WaeU puilm anBlieper to Chlriao.

AMI. ^ - ^for South Plalndeld. Hound Brook and Interne* (Hat* polnti. leave aa foliowa: J lj)6 ,A _ l|.j (k J f

f tbaSSl^y r i P oaucfi M. Su

HIPriHESS <S. MISEin.Dr. Choroit'a Tuoio Tabiaia. Um ■>•*( Forialaa

oHHdr la a suarantare aura tor taa DXliak b,ab- H( shw iHrv<}uiiuw aoS mauaUbalF vauoM *■- o u t laSulaMra.

IT p m B O T f TUB lOUC siMl all ISOS « a a oa ka obonu

c b e n c k n t u S r o o o . , h e w a b k .

ratibful pariamanat ar taut work; and If th* prrsan ar ponona untt or rituoa Ui axrouta iHoh cow ratt Ibar will pax to t ta r i i i o( N a*. ark aur dllfaronoa brtwaSn tba a a ^ lo whicb ha or tliay would hava born onllileil upoa eon.. hlatiDi) or (ba noslract. and (hat which tha oltx of Howark max ba ehljsod to w tha Mraoa or parHtu bx whom luoh eoBtrrot ih a ll ba aio- (UttOfl ...

Tha Comnilltaa « iTObtlo Sulldlnsw of tha oltr t t Nawark roosrvs to thamsalvta tba ttakl to acotot or rtjoot anr ir oil prnpuaala for tha abuxo ,»qrk oa th«X max doam ksot f « tha iBIortat of (ha oltx.

CSnoollns traloa ItaTo as foUofsita x Ksprtss.laavtaJWabmrk,

Lrevf 8:07, I3:un. 8:L. Dundaxa P._M.

Itnla J. YfBK^ELL.

T B A M A .J . B e lilo s s .. , , 1 K ^ b r a w .a

1M!a , S p m i . . . . i a £ _ W a lte re ... U d W . W sU .........

SF . C ^ r t a a . .

^ H m a a .............

if s l

BEST LEHIGH COAL, $ 3 .5 0 Per Ton, VerJBMt Lara* Vot 3 Xut, w«il fioreeDCd.

b to t Le h n a k a t . m t y w « t lo w u st m a b k e t p b io e *.j|jt1roee,e» . Hlckor)rl»>rOr»teWre«.

IX Clark.

O ITV A D T t t R T n t t M t t r r t . '

m■k. BiHTNawsrl-

u*»o tE er y s


laiivaa Nawark, 3:41 A. If. (M L M , V tti^ula UnllSd |w x ss

. . . . . .

baxoaxa ehscki, alwplBS.. Mtabloa, oall at tha City mi n lila'Iist T i ^

'M ^NO tICB-N eU ca la . _________ _

Intaiwetad that tha oerttlKam of aaaaaamant tha whole amount of tbe ooata aad asn

n r T B flTHBBT. m tu r n to iuaaex a

beral^ flren to «U partlaa oen tflcam of aaaeawiant at t tba ooata aad aspaMaa ofD rA lR M O U ^ AVDNtni,

lo me fMoriUM to law.

; OB botbr



o m c B of tha Ssard t t A y m — llji .a s f ij ta rUIre ot Tasso, raore No, A CHir HsU, O iW

e f A ixMSta,Xn aod inUanm .. . . . . ^ —

‘ • to day. aommen ■" B w aiB W a froB w erm lD * appai


' ' _________ !

R ^ P F R I i F f f ^

' * TT.?|

7 7 a k * i

^ I M n a r |

i n O u r

' ^ • A a u r a n i

^ M A R K E T 6 t H A L S E Y S T S . r ' '

<5V#/y Cvtniny Until CAr/tlmgg'^SJtl

T j h e i ^ o l i d a i / S t o r e ,


■me roomiest, brightest, most healthful and withal easiest toJrade m store in the S ate mv'tes yew with its matchless anywhere assortment of high class, medium priced merchandise particularly purchased for Sris^m S gift choosers. Rememlvr that everything that human ingenuity h « d e v i^ to faalitate shopping win fS i^ at the " /f/uaw Busv Start:' Parlors on the second floor, thd coisest restaurant m Newark on our great fourth floor. See the most complete and elegant exhibit of

Tfovelttes, ^to iis, U oys a n d S a m esEver assembled at any lime or place for the delight of the little ones and the satisfaction of those who must pay for them. Steam Toys, Hot Air Toys, Mechanical, Wooden, iron and Tin Toys of every de­scription. Dolls, Dolls, D o ll^ so many of them that you'll wonder if Santa Oaus hasn’t entirely forgotten to leave any of them else­where, If there is a new or popular game not here it's betause of an oversight on the part of our buyer. Particular attention is directed to our complete showing of Christmas tree trimmings and novelties;also to our Confectionery Departments on the first and fifth floors— absolute purity, freshness and goodness at the very lowest pricesever placed on the best.

7j w o *Dau JCmas Chance.A tremendous and matchless assortment of Domestic and Imported Rugs. A dazzling array of new

color effects and designs. Only the bat mills find representation here and our prices are invariably lower than others want for inferior grades.

iSrom iei/*s S m yrn a S?uys,Size I8xj6 inches—regular price J l . 1 9 -special Size 21x42 inches—regular price tl.59-specia! Size 2 6 x52 inches—regular price > 2 ,2 5 —special Size )0x60 inches—regular price 82.98—special Size }6x72 inches—regular price 8J.98-special Size 4 f t X 7 f t —regular price 88.49—special Size 6 f t X 9 ft.—regular price 8 1 2 .95—special Size 7.6 ft. X 10.6 ft.—reg. price 8l9.95--specia! Size 9 ft. X 12 ft.—regular price 82 3 .9 5 —special

7 */ . 0 9

/ . 4 S1 .982 .9 8 6 .4 9 9 .9 5

/S .9 519 .95

J d a n d a o m e * ^ u h ia ^ u a s .

Very hudsonw OrlnUl effects, nicely frlniritwoven Hkc a wlHoa Ba Z7XSS. recuUf price »i.«9. speefat Sia 36x 3. refubu price 8298, spichl,

H M u n d h a r W i l t o n ! R u g s .


Sold only here, strictly hl|h cli» desIfM I Hte time

111.. . ,yftita It, refulir prlc^ f3S.^specisl,—will wear a life tlma.8 t t 3*10 ft It regular price f3i.S^ special, i7.Sp


S m i t h * 2 ^ o q u e t t o th iu g s .

Size iSx3^ regular price 9ttc., specui, Stae a7iM, regular price ja.25, special. SIk 36x72, regular price, 83.49, special,

4 9 cU S93.69

S ^ e o o r s ib te S m y r n a 9 i u g s .

6x9, regular price 86.95, special, 7.6x10.6, regular price 89i95> special, 9x12, rcgulv price 812.95, special.

S .4 S6.49


SoalfAin X n f, |Full slie-ln white, gray or

black — regular price 82.49L 6 9SiMdalat

F r e n c h W t t i o n ^ u g s ,

2 7 x ? 4 i n c h — r e g u l a r p r i c e J 6 . 9 8 - - 4 . 9 8

I J 6 x 6 ? i n c h - r e g u l a r p r i c e $ 4 . 9 8 — 3 . 4 9

So«ttklnHeavily lined In combination

colors, white, gray, brown or black—regular price jfn84.9»-at

^ i f h S r a d o O r i e n t a l O iu g s .

A aupab aaaortnicnt of exquisite Oriental Run—small or %Mdlum jtes—particuluty suitable for gift*—inemdlng Caia-

Bokbaraa, Centga, Caras, and others.

9 ^ o u n t o d j f n / m a t S h in s *

Silver Foaes, Red Foxes, Tiger Cats, Leopards, Raccoons, Wolves, Mountain Lions, and others, mounted on first quality feitt or large akins, at a range o^prices starting at 4.38.

jC i n o n S p e c i a l s ,

2 >«j»er*8— ‘'^bes wide— \jm0n Tuamave bleached-ertam linen—handaome pattirns—worth 40c. per yard.—special at

3 3 e .

V . U .algns—fringed—ready for use—regular 50c. kind—at

3 9 c ,

5 3 e d C o o e n h g S x t r a s ,

rn ! A . . . —Hade of allkaline and ! B , t l nllcom — madauallty—dlled wlin wlilVa waddlni { f Q Q —tull ilie—lully worth f i t s at..„., exs j /V —Full (Ite roba chlnrtJorwer ( J u a t* „uiitefniadwitbsn«whii< cotton-lined wllfi tntker red - y n / j well made-regular H.en-apecial / , a t .......... ................. .........

. . . —11-1 Eartern wool blanketa-J l ia n K 9 ta e*tT»ii«c~b«avy welghb-neei border*-regular IS.* — wbila n o y e they taut- -tpecuil at ^ S , H Uper padt...............— ........... —r t l , i j -II-* Fautetn wool —extra i fJ ta n K 9 t , welglit.'baiKlM>me n n a burden — regular gt.tb—ipeclal I c f J at per pair.-..........—.............—

f l a n n e l ^ B a r g a in s ,

8hmker S^lanntl-^^P' ''b ile- good quality—in short lengths—regular 5c.—while they last-per yard

3 4 C ,

, J l a n n , l , t l 9 , ~ ^ « ^ - hand- I som e designs— makeI excellent w rappers—regular 10c.—w hile ij th ey last—per yard

J / C.

77 /x-a y-aw —to pieces—best quality Trenton OolUt O m i^ceiiin—fgncw ihape-rlch gold decoration and pretty floral d«Mgn—r*8* 0 Qjp . . i „ e a a i l .... ................................................. V , * ^ 0

^ B a s e m e n t

S a r g a i t a .

nieces—high grade quality

' __

a :uiar 84. 98—

I D in n o r tJ W p (^ g |ij^ _ b e a u t ifu l forget-m e-not pattern— fan cy em b ossed shape— reg- i t n o ular 815.98 sat— w h ile they last— s e t . . . I * • H O

y - « . _ j 6 p ieces— best quality th in china— 0 « a o m p j ^ j . g o ld edged and c A n pretty ro se pattern—regular 87.98— se t. U t ' f H

4 a r 4 in i,r a a dark shaded tin ts of green and brow n, raised flower pat-

tern, outlined wit h g ilt tracin g,8 l.49 value,ea

J t n i n e t a n d J o r k a “ S*** h M d les--p o in ted or square handle— best

quality Steel— warranted Strictly perfect y / r / \ — worth 82.00 per set o f 5 —set o f 6 pair 1 , 0 % /

jCamonad, 5 , ta - 11-verine Tray—assorted sliapes

in the new sty le blue and emerald and ygoldglaqs—regular 8 2 1 9 — s e t . . .

^ —See our large lines of Fancy Rockers, Reception Chairs, Odd Parlor Chairs,H T o lid a g J r a m i tu r v p^ytor Tables, Taborettes, Piano Stools, children’s High Chairs and Rockers, Smokers’ Tables, E tc.; also 40 different styles of Morris Chairs,

jCa iB am beryar <£ Co,, TIfarket a n d JC alsoy S ts ,

Y TA K IfiX l iP P I K B ’n P 8 A K .

t^wrrlwA P l g - a - b a c k V * < ln ■ • ■ ■ t a i n t o aw e t h e lo w B U e .

hfnu n th e D en ver T im et.A haby h a* v iew ed th e n n r ix e from

Itke aum m it o f P lh e 'e P eak . H ie nam e U .V lU lam B u r le ite S Im p ion ; he 1* fou rteen eoonttia old. H e w e e carried to th e top b y h li fa th er, H on. J. A. Blrapson. w ho Ih th e Btato A c c o u n u n t o f N ehrawltj, and th e m ajor part o f the yo u n g iler 'a rela- •tlvae w ere p rem m to w ltn e n th e I’cre- m ony. Including h |a m other and hie gran d ­fa th er . A y ear ago Mr, Blmpson vliiltcfl th e S ta le unaucum panicd by an y ul hla

iralatlve* and aeoended th e Peak on loot, i l l e ip en t th e grea ter part o f the n igh t In 'm ak in g th e a te e n i, reach in g the end of •the Journey In tim e to ee* old P liosbiia Ipeer over th e rlra o f M ather K arlh far Ito th e eaatw ard o f t,h« c laM lc c ity of Col- Isredo S p r ln g i,

“The e ight m ade a m o st profound Im- m reeilan upon m e.” eald Mr. SImpaon. T an d the im prcaelon grew d eejier and imore profound a i tlm o w en t on, I natur- l«]ly told m y w ife m uch o f th e tr ip and of ■the v iew , and grad u ally w e reach ed the conchialon to h ave th e w hole fa m ily . In­

c lu d in g our baby boy, our ftret Uorp, m ake

feet of the aummit when the etinrlee ex- curalon train overtook it. They went aboard, not beeauae any of tlirm were eapeclaily fatigued, but because they were apprehensive tha t they mlkhi not reach the ape* in time for the spectacle they had Journeyed ao far to wltncst. When5nry lUUUUli'Sf »n«v kiUBdtuci vniy iiim isaiiof th« BlmpRdn houwhom Immei.Uair'ly be- came a hero, and he was visited by all the other occupnnti of the crowded car. He slept quietly until he reached the top. There he yielded allshtly to the general demand that he should he affected liy the extreme altitude, and was somewhat In­disposed for a few mltiules. as were oth­er* much older. He soon rallied, however, and opened his eyes wide aa the sun roan to view In the east. Possibly he did not secure the aatlsfaollon from the glortoua spectacle th a t presented Itself aa the skyEurpled. yellowed, reddeni*d and whitened

y inrns under the Inlluencn of the rlalng sun, but the atory will grow into hla life,and no doubt hta career w ill he brighter

■- tllr ■

the same Journey and In the name manner th a t I bad made it a year ago. Conae.quantly wo came out to the Colorado Springs carnival, liut In Wednesday see­ing the flower display, and Wedneaday

on foot, following■ ■ Manltou,cogwheel road from

the line of the(light a t t o'clock we started up the moun- fain ___

rbm e were fix or eight ladies and gen- tieiuen In the party, including iny wife,my father-ln-Uw, and, of course, I he baby, to whose honor thu trip was made. Wecould, of course, have taken the train up, .or wa could have gone on horaobaoU, Or IW burro or In a carriage, like o lhar tour- .laUi but we chose the loot method aa the .'agost novel and as the beat oatculatad lo Jgud a se tt to the enferprlae. Yoe, 1 car- Med the hoy. ] t wan, of course, a lung pull, but the trip was not an especially

: paud ane., ."Tfea baby? Oh, 1 had him swung from IW shouldara by strong cords, and he

QO’.................quietly during them a y aa If he had

for the occurrence and the eitraonllnary clrcumalanoaa under which he witnessed It, The Utile fellow and Me mother re­turned to Manllou on the cogwheel.

W A gR lN G T O IV , B ilO L A H O .

i B ( * r « t l n g I 'lab e la O r ra t B r ita in 'W h iek la N eg lected b y T e a rle ta .

From the Philadelphia Kecord.How le It, naks the Marquise de Fon-

tc n e j^ lh a t no American louriata ever vlcli io« village of Washington, near Durham tn England, the original aeat of that fami­ly from which tlix.rge W ashington Is d.- scendedT Although many may visit tl,.- ancient city of Durham, none seem to li« aw are of the fact that the village uf W ashington la within easy drive. The founder of the fsiiilly was a certain Win. lam de Ixartburn. who, atibsequentlv changing Ms territorial holdings from H iirtburn, near Blockton on Teca, to „ place called Washington, eventually alter, ed Me nam e to William of Waehlngtnn.41*tVga«a 117* ytlln vl ciaiA Aaieewcvrl a ...iThese W eshlngluns flgured rencatcitly In the history of tha County of Du ’


F lg a r m R h o w tu g th e U r ra t A a io a a t •It W a te r W h ic h F a l l s T h ere .

From th e L u d gn ts.It la n ot u n til w e ta k e th e ra in fa ll In tha

bulk th a t w e ran rea lise w h at a stupend­ou s q u an tity o f w a ter show ers flown In H reat B rita in and Ireland In pns year , and even w hen w e b a r e th e figures befera u s It la d lfllcu lt lo r e a lise th eir m agnltufle.

T o aay, for Iratunce, th a t 1,2^370,000,000 cu bic fee t o f ra in on an averaga fa ll an ­n u a lly on th e U nited K ingdom Conveya lit t le or nothing, th ou gh It impHce som e­th in g m oist, and When w e fu rth er learn th a t th e w eigh t o f th e oam o am ou nts to m,U4iHO,aoo ton*; oxcep t for w feelin g of th SD k fu ln ess th n t It did n ot fa ll on our to es a ll a t onec. w s arri only oonscleus th a t It m akoa a v er y p retty row o f figures.

W ith th e lau d ab le . Intention o f m aking th ese la tte r flgurea look sm all, w e w ill m erely sa y th a t th e to ta l w eight of th t rain th a t laU a In on e y e a r o n .th e H rillih I s le s la on ly equal to 1,11) part of th e w eig h t o f on e p a ltry aq u tre m ile o f th e earth ’s su r fa ce from th e surface to th e ce n tre o f th e ea r th . ™

W hen w e oonslder th a t there are m.WD squ are m iles o f su c h su r fa ce in th e U nllsd K In g itea aton e on e can umteratand w hat a n Influ toehn al fraction o f tho total w eigh t

■ ‘ lah ta le s th e annual rainfall _ ^ j n t lo . W h y. « ,0 » ,0 l» F orth ■■•fWld:AtBMt eq u a l HI

. ------, —'Urhatnprtor to the year Hul, and In the treaHury of D urham Abbey are preserved ducii- menle edornod with their seals. 'Theae seals bear the Weehlngton family arm* namely, “ rail bara, with three red mu)|ei»' a star-shaped spurrowel above them on a___ petsliv tr shield..’

The cfeet is a "rayen with wings Issuing out of n ducal coronet of gold,” There Is so much In these arms to suggcHi the Btara iind Btripes ami sprend eagle ul the United Btatea ns to lead to tbs Imnrcsslun th a t those on whom It devolved to choose the national emblem had In mind the arms and th e creet of the W ashingtons in ac- QOmpUshlng their tank,

, ' ' -■ ■- '

' ■ " I 'i ' "'in . ' 'a H r I .

Crayon Portraits Two Displays!F R E E !

W e a r e i l i l l e n l a r g i n g P h o l o t

t o l i f e s i z e C r a y o n P o r t r a i t s , o n

a l l p u r c h a a e s o f O n e D o l l a r ’s

w o r t h o r o v e r i n a n y p a r t o l t h e

a t o r e . T h i s l i b e r a l o f f e r lo r

o n l y a f e w w e e k s lo n g e r .

p o e b k e

^ C O M P A N Y 169,161,163,166 Market Street.

TOYS AND kuS .O w M t N H 8 FIom u 8 MW I I T IM FIom.

D o n o t f a i l t o v i s i t t h e s e d e -

p a r t m o n t s b e f o r e p u r c f f ia s iu g

e l s e w h e r e . O u r 5 c . , l o c . , 1 9 c . ,

J U I I C i r E v e r y A f t e n M o a a n d E v e n in g u n t i l C h r U tm a a — i T l U O l W - A F T E R N O O N . 3 u n t i l S O ’C L O C K -E V E N I N Q . 6 u n t i l 1 0 O ’C L O C K . »

2 5 0 . a n d 4 9 ^ ' s p e c i a l t a b l e s o f

a l l k i n d a o f t o y a a r e a r e v e l a ­

t i o n o f c h e a p n e a a .

Our Popular F riday S ales AreGrowing to M am m oth Proportions.

There is no store in or out of the city that offers such wonderful bargains. We sell cheap every day, but special efforts have been made to make to-morrow the biggest Friday of the year. A visit on this occasion will prove a very profitable one to you, especially if ydnr purchases are large. The more you buy the more you save.

S'?” Cloaks, Etc.l a r k a im - U d l s s ' Jack.!. ol b e a n

J a k B C i a bsavsr. all wr»il, tallor-tusile and parfaM lltUiu. dart •Im t -,.. w lvrt ml Ian and worth ja,t0 each. Friday ■) E llnacui....................... ................... A. DU

: haavT bijucts. » Inchn dsrp 100 Inch » w « p lisnd.omsly

; r * ' Sills aad Vehets.I tll lr V alvs> t« Vatvstaani, la aU DIIB T C tvC lS ndon. Including light bhw. nllc. nxHt. navy, aarisa, raidlosi, na-tloital blue, new red, and, la foot, all lb* da tinbir rtiades. worth SSu. lolLOOyoid.

trlminad with (or aud well lined, *1 QQ WDctb SS.M each. Fridtf special.... A .JO

Friday hpsclaL.

S i l k s a n d S a t i n s

Silk P t u s b C a p e s-K X t r a li«*y

lustra S3 Inches dsep 110 Inch sweep, welllined and (ur leimmul, real value 4 . 9 8

hsadsome Bivcndcd d llk t In a ll the sveMag ikodca India d llk i and r ia ln hsilns In ancolors, mixed lot. worth from Wc. to Q n a uiG. yard. Choice Friday....................... j j j y

ttlM eoch. m d a j ipuclol-----

F r i r t n yB n ie Wrappers, Waists, etc.

R Ia r t r C i l i r s —Fhdn Utaefc Chins and D ia tK 31 m # ladis BiUia high lustra Black Patins and handsome Black Brocaded

SS?*' Corsets and Slirts. Muslins.fromOfJUtllL a d i e s * C o r s e t s

jewi, dr*b or bUok, h M rll/ boDW).Ud« itMla, »n4 i lU uimni«d. Emplr«

iD«d1um •!»] e x m lonK wtlsM, «U to >9. worth tl.OD [«lr, KrUUy SOg

L a d i e s ’ P e t t i c o a t seen and farmer satin, fati blach, lu ll SI* yard.*wide, heavily lined with teaseldiiwu nanncl. deep om bielle ruffles with two sm all corded m Am, all Isogttu, reg. sold at Q 0 a

hu Friday bargain DOG

’ ' a r d - w i d e M u s l i n s “flnt even tb ieid, Ires from dressing and worth tc. and Ic. yard, not over ten yards of Saab to a ruitumsr, Q > aFriday special---- ------ iJxCC h a a l i n n —Heavy Unbleached Hbaet* D o e e i i n g 1,„ , wide, «neArm thread, sad always sold at lOo. 1 0 . yard, Friday special..

II. to and tL7d, ipeeb

D illn iir raaaw -H aady-m ode P i l l o w r i l l o w w i s e s C os^o , nuasoJt flnUh-ed muslla. 2 inch hems, laundered and Iron.

mills, worth fixan Me. to Tile. yard. Q Q a Friday Special.......- ..........— ............... .. g g u

L a d i e s ’ G o w n s .S?,“ n,*S.Sto

ed ready far use, sise 4.’>x3t, and al- f* l„ ways told t t 10c. etch, Friday spccltl. 02)i

ed yokes, gathered hoexs. cambric ruffle neck

L a d i c i ' W r a p p e r slined wBist end n x tn width iklrt. tm ldtrimtaed, worth ll.iIA 4 9 c

Dress Goods.tiMl alrw r^ Qiit felled te v u thruuchout, full wldihts Ulncbce tonf. V ihipetuia hl«h Linens.neck, never sold lem than 07c. each, special Friday bargain.... . 3 3 c T a b l e D a m a s k i s S X S “* o s‘ t . r e s

each. fHd4]r fprelel..

U d i e s ’ W a i s t s s S l ^ i___ Itoineljfbraided and Lead UmnigbouL Moum edKt,Ire. last black, luiidtuinel;nigbou

11.111 each.

Brllltanilue, high law lueSed aad

regular price special...............

Friday” T9c

C o lo r e d N o v e l t i e sR m i AulTi, *&ti* Am Ub« oolociQKt, iuch u wlite utd brown and in n » U bliu and brown, Kre«ti and Aud nukuy CKhvoomUntth>n^ »J1 periim t kod | g | j

Underwear.wfdC“-h«ndaoine lunortinwDt pktt«nia, roodhMvy w ^ b t , nnd wortb ywrd, 2 5 c

p^Uvely worth 3*0. yard.

F l ip ^ 4 s ~T o r t'hUdien. A ogon r u r 3 « » aoid, white i*

B l a c k G o o d s

onkH, oonsiatlng of boa and maO, QQa woiUinTIcach. Friday special...... g O b

BsUn Berber Storm Serges, Hserletl halls, I'ti'., warranted fast h U c k .r « ,

SJ?" Millinery.C a l) H a l e —Assarted tbaiica and colors, r e i l n i l B ,0, laoie*' sva cblldrsn, all new this season, alsxal given sway, i n . lor Friday.— ............................ — lUG

T r i m m e d H a t s cnveral. a new lineJust from lbs workroom, usually II.M | QQ sod tA tA Ftw Friday......... ................. I .D O

lax Mo-

•riling vai! from 9*c. to ike. yd. Friday / g CH p m 4 p f t a e F»M » “ • Caihmetts n e n n e i l a S iq a ll m lo n , ene twill, fast d yx good weight, shou t forty p iscsi lb sU,UMrily sold It He. yard. Whils they I4 c

M e n ’s U n d e r w e a r ;;5 k S tiS N S 'u “al Wool and Jaeger coloi, fleece lined, extra heavy Wtntsr weights, flne gauss, pearl but,

........................ 1 conk, sU slacs,

3lctout, r ib b ^ bottomi hnd wouM b« k tw r ^ n kt OUc.

dkr BufkiOv.....

I t id iy ip k d ti...........

Unen Towels h « M k " t , » 2plain white and colored border*, e itr* line |usUty, dlflercnt tlsus aad sold rcgultr at 2 to 16a. yard, your choice ...... iOc

Spscial Friday 1

U d i c s ’ U n d e r w e a r

T n « /p l l in i r -Bltached Twill Towelling. 2 0W C Iim |{ ]g Inches ^ d e , sxtia haavy qnalUy, ragultr prtoe be. yard.....gG

heavy welghls. Vests have shaped bodies, flat, felM, gusaetted anus, pearl buttons, etc., laau are French made, open or closal to

‘ gpeelsl Fri-(el!

lost-.....-....match, worth boe. sack, day Bargain

F rid a yS ale

F r id a ySale Linings.

25cC h i l d r e n ’s U n d e r w e a r Ti b 'b "d ^

Dry Goods.T a b l e O i l c l o t h

Hat Trimmingscy quiui.


K id C a m b r i c s i iu tem brlo in all errPw x ^ u l t rb c . kind. Friday 2*Q

Vests sre shaped, fleece lined, s itra well made and heavy weights, made fmm Xgyp. Han yam, pants to match, worth Sbc. each. Bpeclal Friday Bsrgalo............

! make, full 4S fpehe* wide, In a bundrod dlflercnt patterns and coloriogs, ore wsmnicd perfect goodx regu­lar solo everywhere at tba yard,Friday speelsl.... ......... ........... ..

-.Extra heavy weightlie

quantity ol wings, fancy qut teatbmbl^sle.worthliDm2bc.h)M>c. IH n each. To class tor Friday.,— .,,— UlU

S i l e s i a L i n i n g r X . T n " £ (eitra tine Botsh and s i ^ always at ^ 3 |j

F r id a ySate

WSifi. yard. Friday Special.........

Blllw iisaiilleckiearD ih k f ln G AllsUk satin and grot grain rll). K ID D O u a bans In all cotors, light dork, number* A 7 and *, worth To,, ua

light si* i

Scand He. yard, Friday s p ^ L

S t o c k C o l l a r s X o*fIJod‘ ^ yikUiip n tlD boir*,tblffoD b om wah. nfffttft dli: bpwiu niaft ffttic^ embfoidftted and lometrimmftd with plftHlat, fu llf «orKb SBcs cftdk. I t i i v •pecuU.-.s...as..e.M.s.s.. A u w

L a d i e s ’ N e c k w e a rty silk. chlSon, etc., endlms variety, all handsomely trimmed with velvet or Isoo sod liberty sUk and chiffon plsitlng,ilDOnj auR Biiu VAUinra iMMitut,

89c., 98c., 1.25 to 5,00,These are the very latest aovelUes pmduo-

ad this ssaioa.

Handkercliiefs.H a n d k e r c h i e f s ^ «nb,ntdc,ed.flo* dwlis gooda also lacs_trimmed, regular Ibc. and L7c., tOclor Friday..... .

S i l k M u f f l e r sfull site and pure silk, regular prices, X Q absc. and bSc., fra Friday........................ 49 CH a n d k e r c h i e f swith e m t n i d e ^ , oomers, bo, and10c. values, for Friday...

Le."' Notions.L a d i e s ’ t i a r l p r a — Flue silku a n e r s w,b. ftocybuckles and silk ribbon bows, etch pair la a glsiu lop box, regular 2bc., lot 2 | q

- Wood hsn- , regq- r i*

111 ba, Friday........... ........................... .........a v

V e l v e t e e n B i n d i n gUftRk only, regular 15c. gaftllty,

glftaa tflTOdijr..S t e e l C u r l i n g I r o n s

Friday....... .

L 'f ' Umbrellas.

r a n u a a —Extm Heavy Quality Block c a n v a s C sn vu , Une linen flnUb, T l . actual value IX' iC. yd. Friday Special |* G

Lamps.T a W e U m p s r t “ ; »and thtrie to mateh, metuoted, with

D o m e t F l a n n e l 5 * 5 X “ V d ." J ; p

, deeomt- liln , fount

with fall siss

regular To, quality, Friday speclaL Uni ■ ■elgl rth

C a n t o n F l a n n e l ; r S j h W H ' a KftDiJ «ORn Ac. yftnX, |^qfood bftftvy nftp,Frfdftf ipeciftl-.s.

liam«r ftnd coQ)p^le._wlth flint 79cF rt ila ySale Toys and Dolls.| m _ T e a i i i c —Three car* and locomo-iro n t r a i n s ,i,^ painted in .In colon, usually Sbc. te*. for FrVlay— |g G

R la r l r R n a r f l * '1***'"'’• ^ * ’**1 DIHCK D o a r u s le iu r ln g on toft i r .rtgulsrSSe., forP rid av ........................ IDG

rh tm n ey .t^ tL f* kind. ForFrMay Bale

P a r i o r L a m p s deoonted laTftrtooa co lon , flalsbod wLUa bnat

[dcc«, w itb ftf m Iftrte alM banwr.Dey, ftiul hftndioiBtly ucoorkted, I0>' M. regulftf |mce (

ty Bftlft......... .

B a n q u e t L a m p s J r , / I X ’“ Eable fra o n j 'i table or parlor, beautifully doo- orated by Imnd, In various oolon, with vase

Le"' Bed Coverings.W h i t e B la n k c t 8 - 5 j ^ i i r ' ' 4 & . ' 'b 1 7 .

, lOM lueht ^ l 2 5

and eoablnatloh borders and worth Q Q aflscetcb..... ..................... ggbW h i t e B l a n k e t s '

K id B o d y D o l l sbftir, aom ^vfih m orlag eyea, K yulir }9C|L49 (or Fridny....

bodlea and ru n m etil cn ap ltte ,with lu ll nice ■nffttv burner, flint chlimifty, w n ^ m tX t ft lipleDdtd boUdfty praftOt,

|uLir prlc* I8.BB. Itldfty ^

-FuU I H Alift. extra h e ft T y wcUbt,

IfbiDff fl poands to thft pair, falufty pink Tred bordon. rftfuUr tUOfl kind, i ffhr

Friday ipcciftl..................................... . l i Z 3B—U a n d io r o f t fifundComfortflblCS ^tntn oov rod ftud

L e " ' Books and Bames.refuUr...

L ^ ' Groceries.

lined,pure white eottou fltled,fancy stitched, lu ll double bed slH and worth IL Neach, Friday special..

F r i d a ySale tloosefarnishiaf[s.

G a m e s m a id and dcsensotothet*.colcsed pieiures. In nett pesle-

I n ^ b u iea regular price be., 2 qFriday.D .uvL 'e —l2mo. atory books, cloth bound, D O U K S a » Utles. g il l titles, pub. s n , , Usher's price -Aa, F r id a y ................. . lu Cn a i r i M -S ev era l lines of 29c. and Me. u a i l i c s games, some 18 Inches long, lot F riday....................... ............................. 1 9 b

F r i d a yS a le Soaps and PerfomesT n i l f s f .perfumed e « hI o n e r cake ucatty wrapped, i R h

box coutalalng 4 large cakes fo r ...,.,..., lU g

T r i p l e E x t r a c t s - £ s ^ ! 2 * ‘‘ r ^ llS Sdcaigoi, hUodoriftiid w«U worthAOCk Q Q abotUe. ipoclftl ior Frldfty.s.s.es....... . 0 9 u

.“-T rip le Fztrftcta— violet or

L i o n B r a n d C o H e e23c. Friday flalq poum L .................... lU w

S p e c i a l C l e a r i n g S a l emasts, Tsgetablea and fralt of all kinds, evsiy can guarantsed to be fresh, regular price lac., Ifc .. I»c. Your cholos Friday

C w L i-a D n f c -S tse t enam elled with two o a U C e r O la nandles aud Imavy re- tinned coven, full 6 <iuan ilie , all jerlcct

.. ...25cHftt Of ft? to ft oditamn^rr

!tole..v.....as.. 9CC a i i c a D a n e —Meet enam cllsd, with 3 o U t .C r A D a long bandit and heavy te-

M .w m I -E x tr a goixl quality ofi n i x c a l e a m lisd teas, very good tor

tinned covert, lull 4 nuart sIm. a ll net- i l . feet goods, reg. price 3*c., Friday sa le .. 11 fa

b nak fsst use, regnlsr price Sbc. Friday Ssi^ pound..... .......IQund.

P e r f u m e s ' w hiw rose, in Isncy oneonnee bottla kid covered tops, two bottles lo box gOe., or per bottle— IOcL e " ' Art Goods.

I lm h p ^ l la a for IkdlMor noUem en.with U fllU rC lI lld jjenulM Wtecfalcl hindloa, lit frehl vurluty nf ityloft, BoflUh Olorift dofv ei^i and warranled fiat Mftck, fred itronf UpiDnllna and worth6&0s ftfteh /m lfty Q Q *

.... ............................... u9uS i l k K n it U m b r e l l a sclose roller iteel rod, ster llii| sliver a a a t ,MRrtatllk cai^ cutnpl ^ j j icd value 0 ^ qt i IL IP esch, Friday s|

T a f f e t a S i l k U m b r e l l a sftiul iftisL‘1 qq4 flne fmpftrtftd bftiKUcfti lUao near], Imno itod ailirer IrimmMp V kadi ax inch, fiv ladles ftnd m eiL ng. price I Q n fi.nn end Frfdfty oa ly ................. I<D«J

D A ja tf p illow 8hAl08-M»32. ftndin sn r O lI U buruftU coTcri, newand effective deftlKM, poaltlvely worth Q r . 39<k, etch for Frkley.............. 4 0 U

O p a ld o n n In stock, were 3Sc„ tor Friday 4Dfa

M a n t e l L a m b r e q u i n s - ; ,7 ; “ ' J f. .. .. X— n ■*aati4^ Ia MsW k m m w 4.^tonuitncbea deep, 8 yarde long, h e a ^ 'iriuge around, and gold thread embroidery, os- o ir t^ e o lo n , regular price 12,711, i p n

“ eaa>*t«f4»h«.S*..*ssp44M || VWFor Friday......

L e"' Shoes,

Gloves.F r l f l a y S a le

L a d i e s ’ K id G l o v e sIjMwni, iiftvy, modet, alAtct ftnd boUer. iliJt JitUciicd liftrJtir 2 clftipi and 4 buMou* fverrLiuir wamkiued and worth b o m f l to C A ji|ls50(alr, h'rldfty ap«cial4e*v....sss.s>e.ss4 D 9 C1.50 (air, h'rldfty apkcials

F u r T o p G l o v e s 5d '’'(„'r''Jl!Sl? ^ 2and dilidrtin, h^avy ladab'a wool llno^ nt> urii had worth 7 pair, apodal j l Q | |Friday

C a s h m e r e G l o v e s S L w “a ^riirs length, foot block and worth 28c. j g Qpelt, .pedal Friday,

L a d i e s ’ S l i p p e r s D r a w ®tuipttti*. red flannel lined and band sewed lolea, leather_ , , -_A ittol II ■ II 1 * a mlZwswBs, 4ii»s efli..cotmtftisi fl io o d ftrm oeabte tlioper, iuu thapmpsrraU^Jra 5QCtoCieg. Me. isttr, Friday special.,U d i e s ’ S h o e s—------- Mwoev .->a»,rw,WariUMnOd.low heel, w ith l«ftth«r atajrs oti tide, iMiadHwed loles. th e is goods would I* ’] t « ch csp std ou b lo tho price, Friday sp e d f Ob

U d i e s ’ S h o e s Bi'aTef Foxed Hutton flhoftt, with oomtoon m o m tn* aad low licely heavr flaatiel llM d. hluft 8 to h, theM s^yia iIrepoiStivt4y worth • pair, F ild iy i flQ ipeclftl—v»«e..... —............................ ....... liU Q

G e n t s ’ S l i p p e r s 111 velvets and dlflerantUndof leather*, black and tusiet, to M n o d T area ll well made, nicely lined

rhout and willand will { ^ e sn ncreplable gift, ollds** IM worth t t pair, Fridays wm 1«...... - ....... .

!32cL ^ ' Fancy Goods,C e l l u l o i d C a s e s T u ^ ^ a * ^

N ot aver e s s lo a coatan w r.

W a s h B o i l e r s ^ * ^ 0 r » S iboUen. full tlte. with aolld bottom*, IQ n r*gulftr price 29c. Frldar la le ,. . . . . . . .s, . IQ u

F tM wHb *vfti7 l8oller 100 beat q a a lU j hard w ood «lothM pin* free .

luloid, for gloVM and bftddkttchiefi. R folftf OBo. Tftluaa.h r Fridfty—

P h o t o g r a p h F r a m e s•nd gllh_ a s t o i ^ regular

L e " ' Hats and Caps.

value at 2W. each, lor Friday.— ....... .T a i Iw# T m o w e -V e r y line satin lined I u lI C I v e i a t ia boxei. fancy shape, con­taining oomix brush, hand mirror and mabi-talnlng oomix brush, Icure arllclet. ^ u e tl.73, only one | | to a customer, for Friday.,,

M e n ’ A l p i n e H a t sfur lelt,satin llued,fullsUktrim m ings. I n n worth tbikl each, Friday s p e d s l........... ( g G

M e n ’s D e r b y H a t s r .* t « .* l K ' a ^and shade*, worth |].9B estchg Frtdaj |•pftcifti ........

Men’s Faniisbiags.F r i d f t yS a l e _N a r l r n r o a r —By the lhou*and-in tecki. n e c a w c a r pn®,. (our-ln hsnd, band bows, siring ties, club ties and Windsor tfss. light am i dark culorlngs, hundreds of pat- tcm i lo select from, roll bands, silk sud n tltx every Hbre pure sUk, all Istsst ^Ur

D n u D * T a n a —C hinchilla and p i l o t Doys vapa oloth in golf end r t j j* poloihspes,wrath 4*c.ea„Frlaay spec'] A*rb

Clothing.M e n ’s O v e r c o a t s

terns and ity lri, regularly MildstSSc. O C n each, special Friday bargain....... .........4 9 b

C a r d i g a n J a c k e t sfast black, a ll sixes and e i lr s slats, worthfrom 13.2.3 to (398 each, spedsl I Q Q Friday bargain,............................. ... 1 . 9 0

M e n ’ s S w e a t e r sdouble tftttor colUr, itrlcUr pQi« w ool double beck, froat and ihouidnir ftU thn blfgftc bftitftiD e m piftoed o o a counter ftt 13.9(1, •peeltl Irldar birKftiD......................... ........ .. 1.98Le"' Jewelry, etc.l a w e l r v S l l l i s -W n gs,p la in and with

J c W e i r y S a i C I t p n a *ettlngi. chate­laine chains, scar! pins, cuff sets and lacenini, warranted tulled pisle, regular prioes Slk'., 4»c.. -Wc.. on special counter,□ I-:,, -.■G,, t . , Wll P|,WV.»» 1-WM.MW.. O C *choice for Friday.................................... - 4 9 b

L i n k B r a c e l e t s S c ^ r i U T K i d lKmely Gbosed and engiuTsd, usually q Qm H.3a, Friday................ .................... .......... 9 0 U

P o c k e t B o o k s i r , v « S S . l S i . . 1 ?llgntor, morocco combTnutou books, somasterling sJlvM dimmed, usually 76c. 49cand 98c., for Friday..... -

L a d i e s ’ H o s e

8 p ^ l Friday ,beigaln„.M~....„..

F r id a yS ale _

-A large stock ot v e r y hondtome

blue and black Beaver Overeoata, trimmed and U nited In tegular custom style, / OCi t f ular IS and 17 Tallies, spsela l...... .. f t g g

- 8 U m 2J< yean to 8 ' TSars, In a oesvy navy

U n a chinchilla cloth, handsomely bound andbraided, wlih extra deep ssUor M la r , 98cB o y s ’ K n e e P a n t s yeati. In extra h e a ^ brown cheviot and pKHy m tx tu m made np extra nrotig, fo lly worth 83c., i p ^ l .......... ............... I8c

Le^"' Hosiery.M e n ’s S o xWft71 known ft* tb« fcn u in e bbifw ^t'ftiidjQoro 4unble, averr pcilr ftiw b e tv f two* tbrftftd, double beeli ftod toe*, positivelygpi^vftluo for ISc. to Ido. pftlr, ipeclftlf^ay bftFgftin.... ........ .......... - IQ

-TiftC Mftoka tome wUhwhite foei;. fu ll *«ftoiie**,

Toftl mftoo yarn, aofi ftnd piUble, d ^ b loaolei. Heel* ftitd Toei, not ft m tr wortlilea* than aURs pairs Special Friday bar- j j g

C h i l d r e n ’s H o s e bed, fast black, highSpliced bMl snd toe, double knee, soft yarn, very lie , Qq

TH U B T O nT O P A H A S O R ,

H ad T w o O w a r r s , B a t f le r v e d M aeli In a D IIF erea t W a y .

From ilic jiosion Journal.Young Mr. Johnson had a lread y severa l

rsiors when he b ough t a s e t o f seven , rcch marked w ith a day o f th e w eak and arrang<.(t In order In a ea se . H is beard wae not h eavy -In d eed , M s m u stach e w as I’,ill' and w ispy—b ut he Was ex trem ely iiia i, and he insisted on sh a v in g h im self. He urgueil th a t It waa n ecessary to h ave many rniora to h ave on e a lw a y s ready. There were the rators th a t h is fa th er had USP.I hi-fore him, th ey w ere o f French m ske, a handle w ith severa l ex trem ely Ihin blades; there w as a fa t raxor o f boarding-school d a y s th a t w aa Included In n swap of a sled fo r a banjo; th ere w ere rniors of R ngtish and A m erican m ake; but young Mr. Johnson's favorite ra so r w a s nlilie-kandled, and It w as to him a s the sl'Ple of his rye,

Mr. Johnson m arried w hen he w as about Iw enly-llve year* old a p r e t ty g irt Of tw enty. She danced, and sh e played Wallses on the piano, en d sh s w a s tw est and umlable. T hey wars happy, e s p sc lil ly Hundiiy m ornings w hen Mr. Jahnson did nut leave the house T h ey breakfasted late, and It w as on* o f tha w ile ’s am u sc-

A 4 |w e s t la u o f C l im a t e .F rom T h e A tlan tic M onthly.

W ritin g o f the i-oloMnl problem now cjm fro n lln g th e United S ta tes . B enjam in Kidd h as sa id . In hla litt le volu m e on the ’’C ontrol o f th e Troplcei” ” It la not a q uea ilon o f tho relutlve m e n u o f any form o f governm ent: It It n o t even a ques­tion o f th e re lative m erits o f ar -tlon o f th e re lative m erits o f a n y race am o n g c iv ilised peoples: i t I s s im p ly and puroly th e queailon o l th e u ftim n ie re la ­tio n o f Iho w h ile m an to th e tro p ic s"Mr. K idd h a s gon e to th e h ea rt o f th e su b jocl. In aetlln g eiit lo con tro l trnploul p oaspsslons th e U iiited S ta te s h a s th e ex -n erlcn ct o f s ix nations to d raw upon— Spain , PoM ugul. (Jerm any, F ra n ce , H oi- land and; O reat l lr iu in , t o r e # o f these m a y b e dlemlaaed a t once. S p a in an d P o r­tu ga l m ay serve a s w arnings: th e y con n ev er serv e as exam ples. Q erm an y hnshad un experlonco o f on ly fou rteen years In trop ica l co lon isa tion , s n d no ontnlon of h er m eth od s can lie o f v a lu e u n til her worix h as had th t te s t o f a lon ger lim e.If . th erefore , the true s y ste m o f eon- iralH ng trop ical oolonlee h a s hewn dls- co v e r e i, w e m ay ekpect t o l l n d It In th eco lon ia l expericDCB b i F ran ce. U u u d or D reu t B r lu in .

iiicnts to w atch hrr husband sh av in g a t T hose d ays h e ch ose h it w hlte-jila leisure,

rosor.- - - ___ flh« vrould lau gh a t himM'hi’n hla Me* w a i oovtrw l w ith U therjahfi would uyliW * " D on 't cu t yi nrif, dftftrv" and w h tr t i i i ch in and qq<

ou riiftki

and tftftni w ould co m e to h er m t . T o t the f ln t m on th ah e k laaed th e white^handted r a io r ditllyv H e r fttdter, ICarla, w ho had com e to liv e vrlth h er— 'u n til I die," said Lucy* **(ot I k n o w 1 ehmll fo llow Harry

dlAcOurftfed h er In nonaion ie** A nd v m d u a l ly H re. Johnson hr- MU to ftnd p le te u r e In life . One night w hen U r, M ortim er caU ea ene w as pur* auaded to p la y a w a it s , and she even sftng % fjretty ftong, vn U tiea "Love for

^M r!'*y[orttm er's c a l ls w e r e frequent. H e w a s a th ic k -s e t fe l lo w , w ith a bushy W tok beard. H U v ita l i t y in a room stirred th e p ic tu res on th e w a ll: ch a irs and sofas w ere u n ea sy u n t i l h e h ad m ade a wise ch o les. H e w a s p r o e ^ r o u i^ ln bnstness,

B lfO L M H i r a L L l N a .

and fond o f fa rco -o o m e d y . W hen he was druftftid for ft o r 'f t dlonf^r, he smelled of m u i* . M ite Jphtifton toerame accus-turned to h im , a n d a t th e end of a year and A h a lt khe w a s M rs. M ortimer.

T h e w ed d in g w a s q u ie t, and even th e bridegroom w a s c s j m p m t lv c ^ quiet. T h ere w a s a J o u m o y : N e w York and * - ■ tola e n ter ta in ed "Mr, Mor-W aih ln ifton h o te ls . - - - ..tim er s n d Indy,” »n d th e rouHne o f dally life b egan In tfie f la t In w h ich young Mr. Joh nson had s . . - . , ,S un d ay eo m e , an d M r. M ortim er dressed le isu re ly . A fte r h e h ad h ad M s hath he stro lled a b o u t In n is b ath rob e . H e glancedS t tb e n ew sp ap er, h o c l e n n ^ a Mpe, and than p roceeded t o b r in g ,o u ^ fresdi under-o lo th es and linen; L u c y In m orning gown fg llow ed him from room -to room Mr.

-------nutting on a ,b o o t, "Hullo!

ippesred, sm ooth and sh in in g , sh e would Ihrow he " 'throw hrr arm s sh ou t h im , and cuddle

against his breast, and say , "I nsver could love you If you had a beard," and then th e would kiss him in tho n eck . And Mr. Johnson holding' the rasor In th a a ir above hi I head, w ou ld sm ile com p lacen tly , ,

They were happy In th is fooU sh fatfafam for a y c tr or ao.

M ortim er w a s p u tt in g on a boot, ’’H ullo!’’ h e a d a lm e d : ^ “}>'U s w su t Into th e boXhroom, took tho

H o s t D ig le w l t o f f y d le t a s Iw A e g w iv aW i t h t b * B s e e p t l o a « f C U a m * .

Prom S e lf C ulture.iDngUsh sp e llin g la th e m o st u n a y ^

tem atlo an d th erefore th e m o st d lffloult o f a l l s y s te m s to acquire, s x c e p t tb e C h i­n ese. T h e F ren ch has n o t a o om p lets a l­p hab et to rep resen t a ll Its so u n d s In a sim p le an d sy ste m a tic raanner. B u t p o F reu ch u se th e Incom plete and d e fe c t iv e H om an a lp h a b et m uch m ors co n s is ten tly than w e. T h e objeot o f w r itin g Is to con ­vey th o u g h t. A n Ideal a y s tu n w ou ld a l ­low o f th e con T eyan oe o f th ou gh t w ith th e le a st e x p en d itu re o l en ergy on th o p a rt o f both w r iter an d reader.

T h e Bounds o f th o spoken lo n g u a w sh ou ld b e reprsBented by th e slm p lM t, m o st c o m p le te sn d m ost lo g ica l ayatom . T h ere o re In E n g lish forty d lstln o t sou n d s: forty d is t in c t le tter s ore neded to r tp m - aont th em . W ith suoh a systasn th e In­term in a b le d in icu lty o f learn in g to ffltoU w ould d isa p p ea r; th e lim e sp en t lo p rin t- Ing an d w r it in g u n n ecessary le tte r s w ou ld be. s a v e d ; an d th e learn in g o f tb e la n g u a g e by ch ild ren an d fon rtin ers w ould b a g rM t- ly fa c ilita te d . T here Is no vnUd ob jection to p h o n stio sp e llin g ex cep t th e d lfB culty o f in tro d u cin g IL T b s ety m o lo g ica l ob jec­tion I t u n w o rth y o t serious con a ld w ation . T he e ty m o lo g y , fo r exam p le , o t " eop b lim ’ (w hioh, b y th e w a y . d oes n ot Iniport a

;) resid es In th e rest wtard, n o t

» f'/" * ’A im °w h an i * b o d oared a lm ost to eir. AHO w “ " ^ " I f T w s r s you ! ’d

One m orning Mr. Johnaon did n o t Isave the huuae, a lth ou gh the d ay w aa T u esday, not Hiinday. K s old not sh a v e h lm svlfj in

'LOse lf .” Anh « b ’’ th a l‘ old” i i i a i fo r y o u r corn. Per- h ap s you m ig h t s e l l th e oth ers. You’ll

irttToJrnh , isn ’t a ^

m gllt OOUghsd near th e ■ ~ U tt is served .”

h it breast smd- e tr , A d lsseei door and sa ld f- -V.-— a waU liWL HS*V V O KiaggSwwi L j lU

tact he had n o t s h a v e d h im se lf tor tw o or three d ays. T b e n ex t w eek a barbercam e and b rought hla fa v o r lts rasor, and Mr. Johnson w as clean end sm ooth for h it coffin.. A t iirtt M rs, Johnsua loolatsd th a t harhusbsod'i th in gs she ' .........................ho le ft them , A nd s straps and th e hones

Duld reom ln Just w b w s nd s o In tb s b stn r o o u th e

----------------- .lones an ft rite b rnshes apdthe snaps w ert rosora w ere In . obs was ntoiw al . acknow lfdgea Its

Mrs. J o h a sm w n U I t t W t t |ia » i

I s n a th e b rnshes •p d fff th e R o y a l :

H toh C o n o v r t.M rs. iiiva li is i i id i i . t t e w ife o f th e

ploror, la to a » io tp h llh arm ask ) ^ducted tor JS. g le n ciimpssser o l l f l

O op en h of oh, mmp '.sen, ,U ie hfanfa*

o f th e oro h w to t

-In Its sp e llin g . A n y . h is to ry o t th e w ord w ould a s so c ia te t t o t h is to ry srith it, how ever It m ig h t be spelled .

T h e P h llo lc g ic a l A sso sla tlo n fa v o r s netlo sp e llin g . I t Is o f cou m e im p o sslb ls to m a k e s o rad ica l a oh an gs a to n o e , B u t i t d ors n o t fo llo w th a t tha b enefita g f p h e- n stlc sp e llin g , th e gaetrio s y ste m , or a n y o th er g r e e t iropw w xm ent w ill oom s. to u t tn th e su r e s t and b est w a y by Mffiply IgnF- Ing th e m a tta r to eh sn e s . Thosw , » a ten d en cy to eh ortea Bprillngl b u t th e UBO- g U .to b e d erived from iraprovwtooiit k®

e a t th a t deflriRe action sh ou ld h g to lti a sq u rs th em ear lrr ’ B id to eBdka ti

w o y - W t t srtU b s — icrsl. c iu u ig M for brttoF

B O W TO S B N D G H B II T H A * O IF T g .

T im e ly B i n t s l o r T h o s e W h o H a v e P iw s e a l s l o r K o r -m w a y f r i e n d s .

F rom Tho Q en tlsw om sn .T h e p o llte st-w sy to sen d C hristm as preo-

enta, w henever it t s p o ss ib le to. do so, la by hand: e ither b y p r iv a te o r hired mea- •sn ger .

Tho n ext beet w a y la to send p resen ts by e ip r e « , a lw a y s fu lly prepaid .

’The n ex t b est w a y Is to send them by l lr t t -c ls s s m all, p referab ly regittared . Bee- ond, third and fo u rth c la ss r s t s e are cheaper, b u t H a n y ir r itln g le Inclosed It sub jects th t second , th ird o r fou rth cln>a. m oll to letter p o sta g e , an d you suftqr the humlUatloii o f aen d lo g p resen ts w ith " p oato fs due,” T h e p o tte lflca au thori­ties d o not hritevs y o u w h e n you sa y th e u nsealed p ack age y ou sen d by second, third or fou rth c la s s p o sta g e con tsln x no w riting, w h sth e f i t r e a lly d oes or. not. AHm all m atter sen t u n te n lsd , or by an y th in g

---------------------- " opsasdbut letter ra tos o t p o sta g e , can b e openei by the poaUtBce c lerk s, and la so opened. O f oourss an effort i s m ad e to h and le tfa» ChrlBWias p resen ts c o r stu lly end do them

' properly, b u t It s ta n d s to reasonup on U n properly, b u t It s ta n d s to reason fh n t DUi? clerks, op en in g th ousan d s upon th o n s tim t o f p aok oges th a t p a ss -tnrougb m ain postoflloes. can n ot r e tis th em irith on ythm il lik e in s o a rs w ith w hich th ey w ere w r o p ^ In th e Ibrst p lace.

T hersfore, It y o u deelre to I.............- . . Ire to h ave yourC h rU tm is p resent r e so h Its d estln a tlo iiiin th s-d o ln ty s ty le in w h ich y ou s ta r t It on I w g y w rap It In t is su e paper, t ie it

w U e s a y in g ) resid es in th a m l w w a , u |« ritibons, th en w r a p 'll •ecara fy I i *one w h o k n o w i t w . - ------------------------ ----------- • -Ions un In b row n p a p er , or a t lea st

It In a h a a v y m a i ^ paper w rapping_ Lftftvy xfiftn__ - _ftiiff Ufr it nciirftfry ftiiift •en ft'tftmoLter,

Tae, tt w ill co st a li t t le m ore, b ut I t - is w orth th e d llteren ce to be certa in th a t

ur g ift w in not a rr iv e la te , or ImpOri done up, If h ot so iled or crum piM

you r

oB trifb t.j>(Nital c lerk s are h u m an and so they era

o fiim o a rr ic ta | t d oes n ot in sure rotir-'' ’’ I n y f l i t s go in g b y D rst-c loss m ail m e to p a y le tter ra tes a n th em . They; lute sdow d or to u r th -c le m m oll i t

ara llkelv to b e hand led a s SBal

TUId sn t ith is I by tl trip T he j en to

The Ing tl

”T< m eet h a v s s sr v s gratll duatr an d 1) txHtor ahrosdellgl tbla 1 I n i I suppi throp

”To •p eril gentu stble. prise for It prise ■Ible preaei Me hith e gi and I a s an lo r a

" Wh aveysa rsequip•Balluntil 1 les. r worki d ellg ) I am hundi w ith metrli been ' CO lore Is th i hersci the « occup

-O n Is th i progn lerest aa lo o f I he riders

”t a (he a held 1 c a to n th e CO era ai Immri •non ( ferenc w ell c ored I dtvktu prom t th e tl w as u Nm e.

'■No • l y u b at n( aslf-d> free n pbysli denial h ave s e lv e i an d I CORdu

”No s a l eBtatei x m l gIndus a n y i h a v e o r tak them « r bei to the grope T h ey

- They tuccei Won t

” No tho 1 Jury gan g , terla l forta l 'aelyei fe llo e ce ss , rcqiili h ave q u lie i m en t h u m s a re tl th e di hood. Hal

good Igive

•T o m y Cl Vance-ou sat th e t th e I ih erel It woi j ou ( th e pi f e e t n b at n y ou n tro th l f e l t . 4 ev ery

”H< t im e I o f th i d o , d( purpe Ing tl o o u iit

•of yoltsa ilo
