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Transcript of CONCERTO INITIATIVE RENAISSANCE Renewable ENergy Acting ...

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477

Instrument (e.g. Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 14/12/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: Sylvain Koch-Mathian Revision: Email: Tel: +33 4 37 47 80 90

Project coordinator: Sylvain Koch-Mathian Hespul, énergies renouvelables & efficacité énergétique 114 bd du 11 novembre F-69 100 Villeurbanne

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.

Periodic Activity Report (And Deliverables) YEAR 6


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And

Novel Community Enterprises

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



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RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


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RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


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RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


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RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


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RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6





RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


PUBLISHABLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 RENAISSANCE OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS RENAISSANCE aims to demonstrate that strong local political commitment to sustainable development, social involvement, and public-private partnership can lead to energy high performance and replicable urban regeneration projects in two large cities of contrasting character; Grand Lyon conurbation and Zaragoza. The Region of Lombardy is also participating, with the objectives to share the development of these innovative best practices on urban planning and on local renewable energy sources supplies. RENAISSANCE involves 2 demonstration projects in Grand Lyon and Zaragoza that focus on achieving exceptional standards in rational use of energy (RUE) and use of renewable energy systems (RES) in an integrated way, across 2 of their urban regeneration programmes. These 2 urban projects aim to achieve drastic reductions in conventional energy consumption up to more than 70%, thanks to innovative eco-building design & architectural approaches and an important increase in the supply of integrated Renewable Energies. RENAISSANCE project objective is also to have reasonable costs and acceptable financial risks on energy saving investments, near to market proposals, to demonstrate its high potential of replication across the rest of Europe. As showcases, RENAISSANCE includes a comprehensive programme of Research and Technical Development (RTD), coupled with active and widespread dissemination activities. The integration of the research elements will produce hard data and new knowledge regarding public attitudes to new energy futures, planning policy development, building design, monitoring energy systems; commercial energy structures and local fuel supply chains. This information will be of significant value to the research community and to policy makers. In total, there are 19 participants in this project, involving a large range of diverse stakeholders, from local authorities to technical & socio-economical experts, non-profit organisations, Universities and businesses.

2 PROJECT PARTNERS N° Name of Project coordinator Coordination Contact

person 16 Communauté urbaine du Grand-Lyon (Grand-Lyon)

20 rue du Lac ; F- 69 003 Lyon 18 Hespul, Energies renouvelables & efficacité

énergétique 114 bd du 11 novembre; F-69 100 Villeurbanne

Sylvain Koch-Mathian Tel: +33 (0)4 37 47 80 90

N° Full Name Acronym Country 8 Zaragoza City Council, Environment Department Ayto-Zaragoza Spain 9 Sociedad Municipal de Rehabilitación Urbana y

Promoción de la Edificación de Zaragoza, S.L. => Sociedad Municipal Zaragoza Vivienda, S.L.U (23/05/2008)


10 Fundación Ecología y Desarollo- WITHDRAWN Mid-Year 3 (end of April 2008)


11 Ecociudad Valdespartera Zaragoza EVZ Spain 12 Endesa Energía, S.A. EDE Spain 13 Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables CENER Spain 14 University of Zaragoza UdZ Spain

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


15 URBIC Engineering URBIC Spain 16 Communauté urbaine du Grand-Lyon Grand-Lyon France 17 SEM Lyon-Confluence => SPLA Lyon-Confluence

(31/01/2008) Lyon-Confluence France

18 Hespul HESPUL France 19 Agence Locale de l’Energie de l’Agglomération

Lyonnaise ALE France

20 Enertech Enertech France 21 INSA de Lyon (CETHIL) INSA-CETHIL France 22 SCI Lyon Confluence La Presqu’île (Lot A) LOT A France 23 SCI Lyon Islands (Lot B) LOT B France 24 La Confluence-Ilot C (Lot C) LOT C France 25 University of Barcelona WITHDRAWN END of Year 2 UB Spain 26 Region of Lombardy LOM Italy 27 Endesa Cogeneración y Renovables S.A. ECyR Spain

3 WORK PERFORMED & RESULTS ACHIEVED TO DATE (OCT. 2011) During this 6th year of implementation, RENAISSANCE project has accomplished a considerable step towards monitoring and socio- economic activities. Since most of demonstration activities have been completed both in Grand Lyon and Zaragoza communities at the end of Year 5, energy performance monitoring experts and socio-economic teams have been able to start their work. All other RTD activities (eco-building design, commercial and fiscal solution, wood fuel supply and energy policies) have been completed. RENAISSANCE partners are now emphasing their work on capitalisating project experience and results. In total 94% of the project budget has been claimed. For the Year 7, the main objective will be to widely disseminate the lessons learnt and recommendations through workshops, conferences and trainings. Besides, all key documents and final reports will be available on the project website (

3.1 Consortium Management Year 6 has been very intensive for project coordination. The project coordinator has changed just before the beginning of Year 6. Thus, it has been challenging for him to familiarize himself with all project activities and carry out current management tasks while solving many pending problems. The first challenge has been to solve all issues identified by external audits (since all RENAISSANCE partners went through an audit). It led to many administrative and legal changes that involved a strong follow-up from the project coordinator. The second challenge was related to technical issues. The objectives of Zaragaza demonstration activities have suffered significant changes that have required to be solved with Amendment 5. Project coordinator strongly support Zaragoza partners in proposing a comprehensive alternative plan. All along the year, project coordinator organised several meetings (physical and by phone) with technical, financial and audit EC officers. Amendment 5 has been very difficult and long but it has been signed in November 2011 solving most of the pending issues. Thus, project coordination is now quite optimist in the possibility to finish the project (Year 7) in the best conditions. Besides, since the new project coordinator arrived in July 2010, he has been stressing the importance to focus not only on achieving the project objective but also in putting significant efforts in capitalizing, documenting, and sharing the results. This message has been fully understood by the project team even if this work is not contractual. All of them agreed in engaging strong efforts so as to capitalize the lessons learnt and to produce recommendations for future project. Both annual Technical reports for WP1.5 and WP4 detail all the work achieved during the Year 6 in preparing the capitalisation work that will be done in coming months.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


3.2 Demonstration activities progress All demonstration activities in Grand Lyon have been completed at the end of Year 5, buildings’ inauguration has been held the 14th October 2010 in presence of the EC officer (J.M. Bemtgem) and of the Senator Mayor of Lyon (G. Collomb). In Zaragoza, most of the works have been achieved in Year 5. Refurbishement works planned for Year 6 have not been completed due to the financial crisis. The first phase of the energy efficient gas heat pump for cooling and heating has started in Valdespartera with an ESCO model.

Eco-buildings (RUE & RES demonstration activities)

GRAND LYON State of progress

Building RES Lot A (Block A)

19.590 m2 built (100% achievement) All dwellings delivered to owners Wood fuel boiler: 540 kW Photovoltaic panels: 79 kWp




Lot B (Block B)

527.481 m2 of news dwellings and 2.660 m2 of offices (100% achievement). Photovoltaic panels: 121,2 kWp (all arrays not commissioned yet, due to delays with grid-connection. Solar collectors: 239 m2 Wood fuel boilers: 2 wood fuel boilers, 540 kW each



Lot C (Block C)

12.594 m2 of news dwellings and 15.418 m2 of offices and retails Photovoltaic panels: 73,15 kWp Solar collectors: 250 m2 Wood fuel boiler: 540 kW



RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


ZARAGOZA State of progress

Building RES Valdespartera Blocks 12 & 17.

Bioclimatic blocks n°12 (164

residential flats – 16.950m2; 165 m2 solar thermal panels installed) and n°17 (164 residential flats - 16 892m2; 165 m2 solar thermal panels installed) are completed (end 2008/early 2009).

80kW out of 160kW of cooling by gas heat pump is completed.



Valdespartera Blocks 18 & 13

Bioclimatic block nº 18 (144 residential flats- 15.525 m2; 144 m2 solar thermal panels installed) is completed (by June 2009). Bioclimatic block nº 13 (144 residential flats- 14.659,31 m2; 180 m2 solar thermal panels installed) is finished (April 2010).



Valdespartera (CUS)

The Exhibition Centre, now named Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible (Sustainable urban planning Centre), CUS, was opened (by June 2010) with a total area of 1.543 m2. It is equipped with a wood fuel boiler (48,5 kW) and a geothermal reversible water-water heat pump (45 kW).



El Picarral – social housings

! Anzánigo 10-12 (30 flats):

completed. ! General Yagüe 2-4-6-8 (40

flats): completed. ! Anzánigo 2-4-6-8-14 (90 flats)

& Crucero Baleares 14-16 (16 flats): private credit denied.

! Batalla del Ebro 2-4 (20 flats): pending municipal licence.



El Picarral - Public School Cándido Domingo

All works completed (6.000 m2 and installation of 18 kWp roof mounted PV array).



RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


3.3 RTD/innovation, dissemination and training results The main outputs from these activities are: - Elaboration of a final version of URSUS software including sustainability indicators,

and simulation of a heat island (WP 1.2); - Monitoring of a medium rotation forestry plantation along future BreBeMi highway in

Lombardy (WP1.3); - Analysis of heating and hot water consumption data and operation and maintenance

contracts for wood fuel boilers in Lyon and draft of the wood heating plants guide (WP1.3);

- Update of study of a potential ESCO with biomass CHP in Lombardy (WP1.4); - Feasibility study realized by URBIC on ESCo models with biomass boilers, leading to

15 formal offers to clients (WP 1.4), - Awareness-raising activities for inhabitants from El Piccaral, Valdespartera and Parque

Goya districts in the form of informative sessions and recreational activities, and technical sessions for administrators of Valdespartera buildings, in Zaragoza. Two sessions in the framework of the general training module called “Living well in my home and making energy savings” including visits of technical installations, in Lyon, contact made with social landlords and co-ownership committees (WP 1.5);

- Completion of the installation of monitoring equipment of PV systems on Block A and C, and monitoring power quality at the output of PV inverter by INSA (WP2.1);

- Installation of centralized monitoring in Picarral, Valdespartera, Cándido Domingo School and CUS, and and distributed monitoring in Plot 41 of Valdespartera (WP 2.1);

- Monitoring building energy consumptions, indoor air quality, characteristics of the blocks and their systems, and hygrothermal confort, for 661 dwellings, in Lyon and checking quality of airtightness and building envelope insulation (WP 2.2);

- Numerous publications in media (press, newspapers, magazines, internet, TV and radio), with significant and encouraging results, following the completion of demonstration works and in order to disseminate first results of RTD activities listed above (WP4);

- Participation of Lyon to the research program PIRVE on eco-districts with two French Concerto communities (WP4.1);

- Update of high-level technical training materials in Zaragoza (i.e. bilingual manual about bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban planning and URSUS software) and creation of a new Doctorate course and a new module on refurbishment (WP5). Development of a partnership with a professional college to accompany trainers in the integration of the airtighness subject into existing courses, in Lyon (WP5).

In addition to progress made in demonstration activities and international/local management of the consortium, a particular effort has been on collaboration within Renaissance Communities and with external partners, focused on the following areas: - Technical monitoring, including comparison of the different methodologies used, use

of Zaragoza’s wireless monitoring system in Lyon and validation of cross-ventilation model of INSA with the help of Zaragoza experts (WP 2.3);

- Socio-economic activities, including sharing questionnaires for residents (WP1.5); - Dissemination and promotion activities at local/national level (WP4.1) and

international level (WP4.2), including active participation in Concerto Plus initiative. All Annual Reports are available at:

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


4 EXPECTED END RESULTS AND INTENTIONS FOR USE AND IMPACT The principal end result of RENAISSANCE will be the demonstration that high level of energy performance in new and refurbished buildings can be achieved at reasonable costs, with existing technological solutions if applied appropriately. The second expected and ambitious impact is accelerated replication of this know-how, by continuously influencing both policy makers (in their Energy & urban planning policy approaches at local, regional, national & European levels) and the building sector (including low-energy refurbishment, social housings and tertiary branches). The third expected end result is to highlight the importance of the appropriation process of numerous changes resulting from ambitious energy performance for all stakeholders, including developers, architects, engineers, constructors, building operators and end users, and as a consequence the need of developing appropriate information, training and technical supports. An experience capitalization work is currently on going to assess all lessons learnt from the project regarding each stage of the appropriation process. The results of these analysis will be made available on the website and widely dissiminate through conferences, workshops and trainings. More details can be found on the project website:

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477




1 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PREVIOUS YEAR Year 5 Activity Report had been submitted on time to DG ENER and actually took into consideration all comments made by DG ENER both on the quality of reporting and on the need to strengthen exchanges between Communities, resulting in a noticeable improvement as compared to previous report. Comments of Renaissance technical officer have confirmed that the overall progress of the project is good. All the deliverables and activity periodic reports have been validated in June 2011. Most of remarks concerned some annexes to deliverables of Year 5 Periodic Activity reports that were in local languages. When required, documents have been translated in English. In conclusion, RENAISSANCE partners have taken all recommendations previously formulated by DG ENER into account during the 6th reporting period. As a first evidence of goodwill from Renaissance partnership, the present Year 6 Activity Report has been actually submitted on time, and, more importantly, numerous quantitative as well as qualitative efforts have been achieved including much more collaborative practice between the communities involved.


2.1 Demonstration activities

2.1.1 WP3.2. Grand Lyon

The main actors under WP3.2 are the 3 real estate developers (« blocks A, B and C ») and the leader is SPLA Lyon Confluence. During Year 6, photovoltaic panels have been installed on the Monolithe (Block C building). This therefore completes the installation of renewable energy systems in the project. The table below summarises the areas constructed and the RES installed for the 3 blocks.


Biomass 540 kW PV 79 kWp Block A

NEW flats 19 590,39 m2 Biomass 1 080 kW

PV 121,2 kWp Solar thermal 239 m2

Block B

NEW flats 27 481 m2 Biomass 540 kW

PV 73,15 kWp Solar thermal 250 m2

NEW flats 12 594 m2 Block C

NEW Offices 15 418 m2

Block C PV systems

For more details, see WP3.2- Year 6 Annual progress report

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


2.1.2 WP3.3. Zaragoza

VALDESPARTERA All the 616 dwellings programmed for May 2009, have been constructed. The solar thermal installation - 654 m2 of solar panels installed on plots 12, 13, 17 and 18 – continue to produce the estimated 392.4 MWh per year.

A high efficiency cooling system using gas heat pumps with heat recovery that serve to generate hot water has been implemented in Valdespartera. So far, 15 owners out of 94 have contracted with the ESCO proposed by URBIC. Installed in July 2011, the facility has already started to demonstrate its energy saving potential: gas consumption for hot water generation has decreased by 61,8%, during the summer, thanks to heat recovery from gas heat pumps.

Natural gas heat pump

Natural gas engine inside the heat pump

Air outlet of the condenser


The Exhibition Centre in Valdespartera, now named CUS for “Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible” (i.e. Sustainable Urban Planning Centre) with a total area of 1.543 m2 opened on June 3rd, 2010.

The CUS initially planned to install photovoltaic panels but, due to the absence of investors, 5th Amndt was modified in consequence. EVZ considers installing a 19kWp concentrated photovoltaic system that has the particularity of been suspended in water for improving the efficiency of the system. Contacts have been made with the company Pyron Solar. EVZ has already installed a demonstrative wind turbine of nominal power 1.75 kW (picture on the left).

Next year, EVZ will also install a demonstrative passive house to educate visitors on nearly zero energy buildings.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477



At the end of 2010, the progress of the refurbishment of Piccaral neighborhood was the following:

! Anzánigo 10-12: DONE. (30 flats of Anzánigo 10-12 and also the urbanization) ! General Yagüe 2-4-6-8 DONE (40 flats) Solar thermal panels installed in Anzanigo 10-12 y General Yagüe 2-4-6-8 continue to generate 45.3 MWh/year. Along Year 6, however, progress has drastically slowed down. Although SMZV (Sociedad Municipal Zaragoza Vivienda) succeeded in obtaining new municipal licenses for 8 buildings, refurbishment works have not started because owners have been unable to obtain the necessary private loans of 6,000 euros due to the difficult economic situation. Other sources of funding are in negotiation. The table below shows the state of progress of procedures in Piccaral. Contracts have been signed with owners of six additional buildings (Batalla del Ebro 2-4-12 and Calamocha 4-10-12), and projects are waiting for the municipal licence.

Resume of Refurbished works & RES installation planned in 2011

Located Flats Refurbished m2

Solar panels m2 Progress

Anzánigo 2-4-6-8-14-16

90 5,572 m2 100.38 Contracts signed and

municipal license validated Private credit denied

Crucero Baleares 14-16

16 1,375.2 m2 35.55 Contracts signed and

municipal license validated Private credit denied

Total 116 6,947.2 m2 135.93 m2

Calamocha 4-10-12

Batalla del Ebro 2-4-12

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Crucero Baleares 14-16

Anzánigo 2-4-6-8-14-16

CANDIDO DOMINGO SCHOOL 18 kWp of photovoltaic panels have been connected but are not yet operating due to the complicated process for injecting power in the network. However, inscriptions in the register of Government of Aragon and inscription in the Register to produce energy under special regime and sale it have now been finalized and the panels should start operating soon.

For more details, see WP3.3- Year 6 Annual progress report

2.2 RTD/Training activities (WP1, WP2, WP4 & WP5)

2.2.1 WP1: Research, Technological Development and Innovation

WP1.1: Energy policy planning, research and development Both Zaragoza and Grand Lyon communities updated information on the evolution of policies regarding low energy buildings.

In Zaragoza, two municipal laws were approved on refurbishment of urban buildings and energy efficiency and renewable energies. The Zaragoza community will continue to work on WP 1.1 using the results obtained in WP 1.2, WP 1.5, WP 2.2 and WP 5.1 in order to make a proposal to amend political decisions concerning the certification of buildings with emphasis on efficiency in public buildings.

In France, since year 2, many changes have occurred in the energy policies sphere. The law “Grenelle 2” came into force along with the new thermal regulation RT 2012 that will impose ambitious energy performance standards for all new buildings. At the local level, three reference documents were published: Grand Lyon sustainable reference criteria on housing (updated version), offices and district. Grand Lyon also decided to include energy in its jurisdiction and following this line of thought, applied to the Smart cities call for projects in collaboration with Hespul.

For more details, see WP1.1- Year 6 Annual progress report

WP1.2: Ecobuilding Design Only Zaragoza is still involved in this WP, since Lyon has finished its work in Year 2 as reported in Year 2 annual progress report. Zaragoza’s objectives are progressing adequately as planned. The final version of the URSUS software, a manual in English and online training material are almost completed. An Italian version of URSUS is being prepared to improve dissemination. The final version

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477


includes urban sustainability indicators on energy, environment and quality of life. The simulation of a heat island is also under way to have a better understanding of energy consumptions monitored in Valdespartera. The aim of WP 1.2 is to transfer knowledge gained under WP 1.2, including results of WP 1.5, WP 2.2 and WP 5.1, into a proposal for changes in building certification policies, with an emphasis on public buildings. For more details, see the WP1.2- Year 6 Annual progress and Annexes.

WP1.3: Wood Fuel supply chains assessment and organisation

During Year 6, the Region of Lombardy monitored a medium rotation forestry plantation along the future BreBeMi highway track (picture on the right). The analysis of 6-month data since the start of the plantation shows that the MRF plot behaves as expected. This field study is being complemented with the analysis of other research projects financed by the Region of Lombardy to produce final recommendations in MRF plantations.

State of the plantation after 6 months, in October 2011

In Lyon, during Year 6, ALE made several site visits and meetings with project managers and operation and maintenance companies. ALE started to analyze consumption data on heating and domestic hot water (DHW). Block A data covers one year (October 2010 to October 2011), which allowed ALE to get an average value for energy consumption for heating and DHW: 51 kWh/m!.year, based on available net floor area. During the heating period, the proportion of wood in heat production (space heating plus DHW) was 68%. ALE was also aiming at analyzing operation and maintenance contracts but building managing companies proved to be quite reluctant to provide this kind of information. ALE will pursue this work into year 7. The wood heating plants guide is to be published in year 7 and will include technical and legal recommendations for implementation in urban dense areas. During Year 6, Zaragoza expert (URBIC) has worked extensively on the promotion of energy service contracts, based on biomass technologies, which led to fifteen formal offers to clients. As both ESCO (WP1.4) and wood fuel (WP1.3) related activities are fully dependent one from the other all the activities carried out during the Year 6 on this subject have been reported in WP 1.4 annual progress report (D.1.4.1). For more details, see the WP1.3- Year 6 Annual progress

WP1.4: Commercial and Fiscal Solutions

The Region of Lombardy made some progress on ESCO implementation by screening new or improvements to biomass conversion technologies in order to prepare the future layout of a biomass CHP plant. Innovations in the domain in recent years are the

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


coupling of long term storage using a solid vector and latent heating technology with CHP and increased global energy efficiency and power output.

Growing from the successful experience of ESCo implementation in Valdespartera (see WP 3.3), URBIC started a feasibility study on the provision of energy services, using an efficient biomass boiler, which would include the whole process from design of the equipment, purchase and installation to its operation and maintenance. The study included the following main steps: identification of sectors that offer greatest economic savings potential (i.e. replacement of oil fired boilers in the residential sector), identification of potential clients, technical feasibility of the installation (technology and fuel characteristics as well as space constraints), economic viability of the operation. The study was made concrete with 15 formal offers of energy services to clients, eleven of which are still under negotiation.

Lyon did not report any activities in this WP for year 6. For more details, see the WP1.4- Year 6 Annual progress

WP1.5: Socio Economic Research In Zaragoza, awareness-raising activities were pursued through year 6 with inhabitants from El Piccaral, Valdespartera and Parque Goya districts through informative sessions and recreational activities. In addition, informative sessions were implemented for building administrators, which focused on technical subjects such as heating. Administrators agreed to facilitate socio-economic activities around monitoring such as providing data on consumptions, distributing guides to energy saving measures, etc. Moreover, preliminary analysis gave first results on the comparison of Piccaral and Valdespartera inhabitants’ profile, and habits and perceptions regarding energy usage. Last but not least, a significant output from this year’s work is the creation of a focus group in Valdespartera, with which continuous training and analysis of behavioural change will be done. In Grand Lyon, different awareness and training activities occurred, targeted at inhabitants. Amongst these activities were the creation of a blog on energy and the environment in collaboration with WWF and SPLA and two sessions in the framework of the general training module called “Living well in my home and making energy savings” including visits of technical installations. Efforts were also made to include social landlords and building managing companies into socio-economic activities. So far, some social landlords have declined the invitation to engage in these activities because their priority lies first with pragmatic problems linked to malfunctions of equipment installation and control systems. Similarly, co-ownership committees have not demonstrated great enthusiasm in being involved in socio-economic activities for the same reasons. Socio-economic activities will be significantly enhanced and improved through a transversal work with Zaragoza community using monitoring devices along year 7. The capitalization of RENAISSANCE experience at both consortium level (English) and Grand Lyon community level (French) is under way. Subjects for both documents have been practically agreed on. The documents are expected to be finalized by May-June 2012. For more details, see the WP1.5- Year 6 Annual progress.

2.2.2 WP2: Monitoring and Analysis

WP2.1: Integrated Energy Networks: performance management & modelling

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In Grand Lyon, PV systems of Block A and C are now equipped with a data logger and a communication device with an access to Internet and Block B PV panels’ monitoring system should be installed shortly (December 2011). Block A’s monitoring system is similar to the model developed within the RENAISSANCE PROJECT while Block C’s system was provided by the manufacturer of the inverter (SMA). A specific software has been developed in order to collect on the inverter manufacturer’s website the production data of this PV system. The output data from the inverter is received by the server and compared with the estimated output calculated from satellite data. The result is now shown on the RENAISSANCE website.

Renaissance web page showing the PV production data

Inverter, DC and AC boxes to monitor the quality of

the electricity produced at INSA site

In INSA-Lyon, the measurement campaign started again, following the replacement of a broken frequency analyser on the 2kWp PV system. Students of INSA-Lyon have thus been able to monitor the quality of the electricity output from inverters and compare it to EN-50-160 standard. In Zaragoza, two new monitoring techniques were installed, namely centralized and distributed monitoring, respectively in Picarral, Valdespartera, Cándido Domingo School and CUS, and in Plot 41 of Valdespartera. Neighbors have now also access to a web page where they can see real time measurements in their dwelling. This work is closely linked to WP1.5. The Zaragoza research community has developed a comparison of the three monitoring technologies tested in RENAISSANCE (the two aforementioned and wired monitoring) based on characteristics of the dwellings to be monitored, type of stakeholders, and goal of the monitoring campaign. For more details, see the two WP2.1- Year 6 Annual progress Report

WP2.2: Eco building: Quality Control and Performance Analysis In Grand Lyon, the engineering expert Enertech has started monitoring building energy consumptions, indoor air quality, characteristics of the blocks and their systems, and hygrothermal confort, for 661 dwellings (12 percent of the total number of dwellings in blocks A, B and C). This technical campaign is complemented with questionnaires for inhabitants that will enrich the analysis. In addition, data collection on delivered wood pellets quantities as well as airtightness tests have started. Hespul now has almost one full year of data on the PV system on Block A (15kWp) and the typical yield value is 997 kWh/kWp/year for an 11 month period. The system was however shut down on 01/07/2011. This failure was unfortunately still not repaired at the time of writing of this report. This is also the case for Block C PV system, which has had 1 inverter (out of 6) broken since 19/07/2011. In Zaragoza, heating data was obtained from administrators of plots, thus permitting a correlation with comfort and meteorological data and a determination of energy balances and ultimately identification of the causes of lower and higher energy demand. Indeed, there are a reported 41 percent of Valdespartera households that have a heating

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consumption higher than expected (more than 30kWh per year). Analysis of the data will be compiled is a document called “Case study form”. As mentioned in WP 2.1, a comparison of the different monitoring methodologies has been realized. Objectives of monitoring have been practically completed during year 6. Complementary techniques, designated as predictive monitoring, such as thermography and blower door tests have been deployed this year to verify the quality of construction or refurbishment in both Piccaral and Valdespartera. Amongst the results of the thermal inspection in Valdespartera were the poor insulation of hot water pipes and issues with fittings and operation.

Heating distribution inspection. Inadequate design.

For more details, see the two WP2.1- Year 6 Annual progress Report

WP2.3: Common Monitoring and Analysis During year 6, the two communities (Grand Lyon and Zaragoza) produced a common analysis of monitoring to produce guideline for choosing the appropriate monitoring method in future projects. Major findings are that real time monitoring has a real added value in particular to induce changes in users’ behaviour and to react fast to equipment failures, and that on the other hand, data loggers are more likely to generate improvements to future constructions. In addition, the new sensor developed by INSA in previous years has been validated by a series of cross-ventilation measurements. The collaboration between the two communities will allow in year 7 the installation of monitoring devices designed by UdZ in Lyon dwellings. For more details, see D.2.3.1 - WP2.3 - Year 6 Annual progress Report and Annex Da.2.3.1_Y6_ZAR_LYO_n21_MonRefl.

2.2.3 WP4: Promotion & Dissemination activities

WP4.1: Local Dissemination and promotion During Year 6, three French Concerto communities (Nantes, Grenoble and Lyon) participated in a national research program called PIRVE, which concerns the contribution of eco-districts to the emergence of sustainable urbanism. Communities have thus had a chance to highlight how demonstration activities have been translated into replicable processes in France. Discrete dissemination activities took place in the form of participation to conferences, presentations, site visits, press articles, etc. Capitalisation of experience at the Grand Lyon community scale, outlined during year 6, and the final French conference will be the major dissemination activities in year 7. In Zaragoza, dissemination activities have taken the form of website and social network development, distribution of the bilingual bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban planning book, presentations of the updated URSUS software version and various presentation and participation to conferences, press articles and events in the CUS.

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Zaragoza community also organised on site tours for local and international authorities. A major event in year 7 will be the final conference in Zaragoza. Regione Lombardia attended a technical workshop in FLORMART 2011 and presented the RENAISSANCE program. During year 6, Regione Lombardia organised the international conference about the RENAISSANCE project.

WP4.2: Common Dissemination During Year 6 significant efforts were made to ensure communication between RENAISSANCE communities and with other CONCERTO consortia and with CONCERTO premium. All RENAISSANCE partners have been working hard for strengthening these relations and exchanges, with special focus on:

• Disseminating RENAISSANCE results during several events: o Presentation of RENAISSANCE lessons learnt and recommendations on how to

go toward SMART cities during the CONCERTO Plus Final Conference o Participation to the regional CONCERTO meeting held in Nantes in June 2011

to present RENAISSANCE results and share good practices and lessons learnt with other CONCERTO communities.

o Participation to several other European level meetings. • Coordinating promotion/dissemination activities between the 3 communities with

the organisation of an International conference in Milan (31st of May 2011) to present RENAISSANCE results.

• Upgrading RENAISSANCE project dedicated Website and publication of all the Key documents produced by RENAISSANCE partners with a common template.

• Exchanging with other Concerto Premium on their strategy: a workshop has been organised with CONCERTO premium team after the Milan international meeting to provide them with feedbacks and advices regarding the database and monitoring methodology.

In addition the RENAISSANCE project partnership started working on a strategy for capitalizing on lessons learnt and good practices in view of largely disseminating amongst other communities in their respective country. For more details, see D.4.1.5_D.4.2.1 - Year 6 Annual progress Report and Annex Da.4.1.5_4.2.1_Y6_ListDissActiv.

2.2.4 WP5: Training activities

WP 5.1: Training Materials and Guidelines In Zaragoza, the URSUS software was significantly updated as well as URSUS courses. A presentation of the tool to IDEA is planned. THE BASUP book was updated and extended in new chapters and should be finalized this summer. Results from RENAISSANCE activities continue to feed on line training material and material for courses. Training events and activities during year 6 included interventions in primary and secondary schools as well as courses for university students, master students, unemployed graduates, teachers and civil servants. In particular, a second course for Doctorate students has been organized by UdZ following Bologna’s agreement. In addition, UdZ was successful in including refurbishment as a main module, for the first time, in a free course for unemployed graduates. In Grand Lyon, the main achievements made by ALE were to analyze to which extent trainers that attended the series of workshops on airtightness during year 5 were able to pass on the knowledge acquired to their students and in relation to these findings, to create a set of accompanying measures for training center to ensure that knowledge truly

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percolates to students of professional colleges. Indeed, ALE was able to reach an agreement with a professional training center, le Lycée Professionnel Georges Lamarque in Rillieux (Grand Lyon), to realize a pilot project that will help boost the generalization of quality training on airtightness.

WP 5.2: Training Events and Activities In Grand Lyon, following an agreement with a professional college, ALE started developing accompanying measures to improve the integration of airtightness trainings into the course of study. These training activities to be implemented in Year 7 include conferences, on site visits of low energy consumption buildings, work sessions with trainers, example of a new wood construction project file and evaluation process for students at the end of the program. Zaragoza pursued training events and activities for primary and secondary school students as well as master and doctorate students. Some activities have been specifically expanded or created during year 6. First, UdZ, in collaboration with SMZV, taught 2 series of 4 courses, which included on site visits of the CUS and Valdespartera neighbourhood, to Engineering and Architecture students. Secondly, UdZ also developed a new course for unemployed graduates, in collaboration with the Aragon Region Government Employment Service, and included a module on refurbishment. Ayto taught in parallel a course for unemployed technicians. Finally, training on the URSUS were pursued using the updated version of the software. For more details, see the WP5- Year 6 Annual progress report and annexes.

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3 SUMMARY OF YEAR 6 DELIVERABLES Nearly all deliverables foreseen for Year 6 are about the production of Work Packages’ Annual Progress reports by partners, led either by local or by RENAISSANCE leaders. All these Deliverables have been delivered, as shown in the table below. These annual reports are attached to this Periodic Activity Report, aggregated in its 2nd part (Periodic Activity Reports) and 3rd part (Other deliverables) (see following pages).

Taking into account the varying nature of these Work-Packages (WP), it has been decided to produce either a RENAISSANCE common report, or a local community report. Then, for sub-WPs1 (R&D), WP4 (dissemination), WP5 (training) and WP2.3 (common monitoring & analysis), a RENAISSANCE common format has been favoured. For WP2 (except WP2.3) and WP3 (Demonstration), annual reports have been produced separately, i.e. at community level.

In accordance with EC guidelines, a common framework has been proposed and followed for reporting, focusing on: objectives, description of work achieved, progress toward objectives & milestones, contribution to Deliverables, Deviations and justification of major costs.

The table below gives a list of Year 6 Deliverables, as required by the previous Next 18 months Report (months 61-78), the contractors involved and the state of progress at the end of Year 5.


Deliver-able n° Deliverable name





Nature1 Dissemination


Estimated indicative person/ month

Delivery date 3


0.1 D0.1.1 Co-ordinate Annual EC Progress reporting and place on the website

18 R PU 0 72

0.1 D0.1.2 Strengthening the project management structure 18 O RE 0 72

0.1 D0.1.3 Work Package management review for the PSG meetings 18 O RE 0 61


0.1 D0.1.5 Administration of PSG meeting, minutes and action plans 16 & 18 O RE 0 61


0.2 D0.2.1 Regular quarterly meetings of CSG held

14, 16 & 18 O PU 0,25 61


1 Please indicate the nature of the deliverable using one of the following codes: R = Report O = Other 2 Please indicate the dissemination level using one of the following codes: PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services). 3 Month in which the deliverables will be available. Month 1 marking the start of the project, and all delivery dates being relative to this start date.

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0.2 D0.2.2

Provide the Coordinator with annual financial, technical and management progress reports and audit certificates

All O RE 1,08 72

0.2 D0.2.3 Provide the Coordinator with progress reports from CSG meetings

14, 16 & 18 +

All R RE 0,25 72

WP.0 1,58

1.1 D1.1.1 Final progress report - Updated 14 R PU 1,61 72

1.2 D1.2.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 21 R PU 3,93 72

1.3 D1.3.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 26 R PU 5,43 72

1.4 D1.4.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 15/14 R PU 7,93 72

1.5 D1.5.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 14 R PU 38,55 72

WP.1 57,45

2.1 D2.1.1 - ZAR Annual progress report - Year 6 14 R PU 0,25 72

2.1 D2.1.1 - LYO Annual progress report - Year 6 18 R PU 0,25 72

2.1 D2.1.2. LYO

Update on installation of PV monitoring system on Lyon-Confluence building (Grand Lyon)

18 R PU 0,35 72

2.1 D2.1.2. ZAR

Update on the installation of monitoring equipment in Valdespartera (Zaragoza)

14 R PU 7,92 72

2.2 D2.2.1. ZAR Annual progress report - Year 6 14 R PU 13,59 72

2.2 D2.2.1. LYO Annual progress report - Year 6 20 R PU 6,18 72

2.3 D2.3.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 14 & 21 R PU 4,75 72

WP.2 33,3

3.2.1 D3.2. - LYO Final Progress Report 17 R PU 0 72

3.3.1 D3.3. - ZAR Annual progress report - Year 6 9 & 11 R PU 32,3 72

WP.3 32,3

4.1 D4.1.3

UPDATED Plan for Disseminating Knowledge throughout lifetime of the project + Protocol

8/14 & 16 R PU 2 72

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4.1 D4.1.4 Improvement of Renaissance project website, with technical info published

18 O PU 2 61 onwards

4.1 D4.1.5 Annual progress report - Year 6 18 R PU 11,57 72

4.2 D 4.2.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 18 R PU 5,82 72

WP 4 21,39

5.1 D 5.1.1 Updated list of training materials developed by Renaissance partnership (placed on website)

8/14 & 19 O PU 2 72

5.1 D 5.1.2 Annual progress report - Year 6 8/14 & 19 R PU 5,1 72

5.2 D 5.2.1 Annual progress report - Year 6 8/14 & 19 R PU 5,83 72

5.2 D 5.2.2 Updated list of specific training workshops and on-site training

8/14 & 19 O PU 1 72

5.2 D 5.2.3 Updated list of training for University students in energy management

8/14 & 21 O PU 1 72

WP 5 14,13

TOTAL 160,94

As summarised in the table below, some Deliverables have been partly completed. The rationale of non-completion during this reporting period, and the foreseen measures to correct the situation are detailed.


Deliverable title

WP Lead


Year 5 State of progress

Rationale of non-completion

Foreseen corrective


D2.1.2. LYO

Update on installation of PV monitoring system on Lyon-Confluence building (Grand Lyon)

18 All the update achieved on the PV monitoring systems are detailed in the YEAR 6 Periodic Activity Report (D2.1. 1 – LYON). The production of a specific report for this deliverable was therefore not necessary.

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D2.1.2. ZAR

Update on the installation of monitoring equipment in Valdespartera (Zaragoza)


All the updates achieved on monitoring systems in Zaragoza are detailed in the YEAR 6 Periodic Activity Report and in the related annexes (D2.1. 1 – LYON). The production of a specific report for

this deliverable was therefore not necessary.


Improvement of

Renaissance project

website, with technical info



Website is fully

operational and a first

version of the online

monitoring of PV system is


- Significant improvements have been made at the end of the Year 5. Therefore, there is no reason to make further improvements on the structure (expected for the PV monitoring – cf. below) of the website.

- No specific report on this activity is therefore necessary and all activities achieved during Year 6 have been detailed in D 4.2.1

Improvement will follow

during year 6

D3.2. - LYO

Final Progress Report


Demonstration work

completed, plan of the final report


The plan of the final report has been done but we are currently carrying out a significant work to capitalise the lessons learnt from the project by interviewing all the stakeholders. Thus, we want to first finish this work in order to increase the quality of the final report.

The completion of the

capitalisation work in March

2012 will enable the completion

of the final report.

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This section contains relevant information on RENAISSANCE management during Year 6 and summarises its status (including activities follow-up), in accordance with EC guidelines.

1 CONSORTIUM MANAGEMENT TASKS & ACHIEVEMENTS One of the main achievements regarding project management issues of this 6th year are about the implementation of amendment 5 that solve most of the problems identified by the external audits as well as the modification of demonstration activities planned in Zaragoza due to change in the Spanish legal framework. Besides, since the new project coordinator arrived in July 2010, he has been stressing the importance to focus not only on achieving the project objective but also in putting significant efforts in capitalizing, documenting, and sharing the results. This message has been fully understood by the project team even if this work is not contractual. All of them agreed in engaging strong efforts so as to capitalize the lessons learnt and to produce recommendations for future project. Both annual Technical reports for WP1.5 and WP4 detail all the work achieved during the Year 6 in preparing the capitalisation work that will be done in coming months. However, some difficulties have complicated the RENAISSANCE team work and implied some delays:

- The Amendment 5 procedure has been very difficult and long. o A lot of adjustments have been done on both technical and juridical issues. o Some demonstration work have been cancelled due to change on national

policies (ZAR) and replaced by other activities implying negotiation with EC. o As far as juridical issues are concerned, the audits implied lots of

modifications (e.g. cost models, etc.) as well as the inclusion of additional third parties for French developers and INSA.

o Some mistakes regarding the declaration of refurbished square meters have been identified with the Handout Certificates, implying additional negotiation and changes.

o All this implied significant delays on the signature of the Amendment 5 (Signed only in October 2011)

o The late signature of Amdt 5, implied some problems with some institutional project partners whose administration do not allow them to use the additional budget that has been introduced in Amdt 5 before the amendment is ratified.

- The first crisis (2008) has already had significantly impacts on the project, involving delays both in France and Spain. All buildings in Lyon have been completed in 2010 with almost one and half year of delay. In Zaragoza, most of the work has been achieved. At the start of Year 6, the remaining part of the work was 9,000 sqm of housing to be refurbished in Picarral district. However, the new financial crisis (2011) implied lots of problems:

o Spanish municipal budget have been dramatically cut down. o Sociedad Municipal de Viviendas de Saragossa (SMVZ), which is the public

company in charge of social housing in Zaragoza, is directly impacted by the situation. SMVZ did not receive municipal budget in 2011, whereas the funds received for refurbishment in 2011 were about 5 Mio".

o All personnel loans requested by the flat owners, for covering

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refurbishment costs (6.000" per flat, which represents only 20% of the cost of the operation) have been denied by the banks.

o In conclusion, it has been impossible to carry out the refurbishment works planned for Year 6, whereas similar works engaged in 2010 have been achieved successfully.

Last but not least, as pointed out last year, RENAISSANCE’s implementation had registered significant delays in the construction (LYON) and refurbishment (ZAR) schedule that have slowed down the completion of other main activities, such as monitoring (mostly within LYON community), socio-economic, dissemination & training activities. In parallel important work has been achieved for submitting to the European Commission a comprehensive alternative plan in support of the request for a two-years prolongation of the contract and for preparing and submitting Amendments 4 and 5. See Year 6 annual report WP0.1 for more details, and RENAISSANCE website ( At community level, local coordinators (Grand Lyon/HESPUL; Ayto/UdZ) did regularly organise local meetings, the so-called “Community Steering Group’s meetings” (CSG), involving all local partners, besides running the everyday local coordination tasks. 4 meetings have been held in each Community (in Grand Lyon on 16/02/2011 and 13/07/2011 and in Zaragoza on 2/12/2010, 16/12/2010, 14/02/2011, 25/05/2001 and 14/09/2011). See Year 6 annual report WP0.2 for details, and also Deliverable D.0.2.1_Y6_CSG.doc, which provide summaries of these CSG meetings. At the whole Consortium level (all partners involved), the key managerial achievement is that partners were able to produce nearly on-time their annual progress reports and their financial data. However, and as already written in previous Periodic Activity Reports, some of these annual progress reports were still poor in English and incompletes. Therefore, but under time-pressure, HESPUL had to provide an extra and unforeseen effort on rephrasing large parts of these annual reports, before aggregating them into the Deliverables section of this report (see 2nd part of this Activity Report).

2 PROBLEMS, CHANGES OF RESPONSIBILITIES & SOLUTIONS During Year 6, no real problem has occurred. The implication of UdZ (partner n°14) has been strengthened and they have now definitively taken the lead of the project in Zaragoza community as local coordinator in assistance to Ayto. However, the economical crisis deeply impacted Spanish municipalities budget: thus, most of the budget and responsibilities supported by Ayutamiento de Zaragoza (Ayto, partner n°8) have been transferred to UdZ even if Ayto remains the official coordinator for Zaragoza community (Amendment 5). Besides, the crisis impacted the activities of SMVZ that wasn’t able to complete with refurbishment objectives since all personal credits for flat owners have been denied. The amendment 6 proposes to shift the budget initially corresponding to the refurbishment to a public ESCO. Last year, all the monitoring campaign of Zaragoza has been transferred to UdZ. After an “adaptation time” necessary to review the monitoring methodology and developed the adequate tools, the monitoring campaign in Zaragoza has been very active all over the Year 6. In Lyon, all demonstration works have been completed in year 5 (expected the connection of a small part of the PV system for Lot C). Thus, the involvement of French developers (Lots A, B & C) and of SPLA restricted at the minimum, they mainly cooperate with ENERTECH to facilitate the access to the buildings when it was still possible for them.

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In the table below the leading organisation is detailed for each workpackage:

YEAR 5 - Overview on RENAISSANCE Leader’s structure

Local consortium Leadership WP


Leader Lyon Community Zaragoza

Community Lombardia

WP0 Grand Lyon (+HESPUL)

Grand Lyon (+HESPUL)

Ayto Zaragoza (+ UdZ) LOM

WP0.1 HESPUL (+ Grand Lyon)

HESPUL (+ Grand Lyon)

x x

WP0.2 See local coordination

Grand Lyon (+HESPUL)


WP1 INSA-CETHIL WP1.1 Grand Lyon Grand Lyon UdZ x WP1.2 INSA-CETHIL INSA-CETHIL UdZ x WP1.3 LOM ALE Urbic LOM WP1.4 URBIC SPLA Lyon Confluence Urbic LOM WP1.5 UdZ HESPUL UdZ LOM WP2 UdZ UdZ x WP2.1 See Local level,

i.e. UdZ + HESPUL


WP2.2 See Local level, i.e. UdZ

+Enertech Enertech UdZ x

WP2.3 INSA INSA-Cethil UdZ x WP3 See local level

(no European coordination)

SPLA Lyon Confluence Ex-SMRUZ/SMZV x

WP3.2.1 (RUE)

SPLA Lyon Confluence

SPLA Lyon Confluence x x

WP3.2.2 (RES)

SPLA Lyon Confluence

SPLA Lyon Confluence x x

WP3.3.1 (RUE)


WP3.3.2 (RES)



WP4.1 See Local level Grand Lyon Ayto. Zaragoza LOM WP4.2 See Local level HESPUL Ayto. Zaragoza LOM WP5 UDZ (+Ayto.

Zaragoza) ALE UDZ (+Ayto. Zaragoza) LOM

WP5.1 See Local level ALE Ayto. Zaragoza LOM WP5.2 See Local level ALE Ayto. Zaragoza LOM

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3 STATUS OF THE PROJECT As can be seen on Graph 1 below, after a significant breakthrough during Year 4, the implementation pace during Year 6 has been slower. This is mainly due to demonstration activities that have been mostly completed during Year 4 in LYON and Years 3&4 in ZAR as displayed in Graph 3. The difference between Year 4 and Year 5 is also mainly due to end of most of demonstration activities. Besides, Graph 4 clearly shows that significant efforts have been achieved during Year 6 on RTD (WP1), monitoring (WP2) as well as on dissemination (WP4) and training (WP5). At the end of Year 6, about 95% of the whole project budget has been consumed. This is in coherence with remaining activities that will mainly focus to monitoring, dissemination and training.

Graph n°1 - Overall expenditure rate as of end Year 6

Grand Lyon community budget indicates 100%, but it does not mean that all the activities have been achieved. This is mainly due to the fact that management budget has been drastically overspent. As for Year 5, LOM budget remains insignificant compared to LYON and ZAR ones, but Graph 2, clearly shows that LOM efforts during Year 6 were quite important since they claimed about 35% of their allocated budget mainly for RTD activities.

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Graph n°2 - Overview of expenditure per Community compared to initial budget Coming to expenses incurred per WP, a glance to Graph n°3 below shows that:

- Management (WP0) budget has been fully incurred. The decrease in Management budget is not representative of the work done: as no more budget is available for coordination as such, part of coordination time and expenses have been claimed – when possible - under other WP as advised in FP6 financial guidelines.

- Demonstration (WP3) activities are almost completed. Most of remaining budget concerned the second phase of the energy efficient gas heat pump (URBIC) in Valdespartera, and the remaining budget of refurbishment for that could been achieve due to the impact of the crisis as detailed in the deliverable D3.3 and in the request for Amendment budget is almost fully consumed.

- As planned in the Year 5 next 18th months report, Year 6 partners efforts focused on Socio-Eco (WP1.5), Monitoring (WP2) and Dissemination (WP4) activities.

- For the Year 7 RENAISSANCE efforts will keep focusing on this WP in order to assess the project results, capitalise the experience and disseminate the lessons learnt through the web site, conferences and trainings.

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Graph n° 3 - expenditure rate per WP as of end Year 6

Graph n°4 below that takes into account only human resources allocated for each WP clearly shows that human resources for management activities have run over total allocated human resources (124,4%) . This graph also shows that significant work have been achieved under WP1 (RTD) compared to previous years.

Graph n°4 - Human resource consumption per WP as of end Year 6

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On Graph n°5 below showing the state of advancement for each sub-WP, one can see that:

- Both local and international Management have been overspent - RUE (WP3) as well as Eco-building design (WP1.2) and Fuel wood supply (WP1.3)

RTD activities have also been fully claimed. For socio-economic (WP1.5), monitoring (WP2), dissemination (WP4) and training (WP5) significant progress have been achieved; and cumulated completion rate is ranged from 60 to 80%. It is quite logical since they were depending on actual building completion and occupancy, and most of the delivery occurs at the end of Year 5. For the Year 7 it is planned to strengthen the work on these activities, especially for dissemination and training activities. We are quite optimist regarding the achievement of foreseen objectives since now most of the results and lessons learnt of Renaissance project are going to be capitalized and will be widely disseminated during all the Year 7 through workshops, conferences, trainings and via the website. For example, for dissemination that is the Workpackage with the lowest level of implementation, we are planning to organise one final conference in Zaragoza in May 2012 for European stakeholders and on “local” final conference in Lyon in September 2012 for French decision makers and practitioners.

Graph n°5 - cumulated expenditure per sub-WP as of end Year 6

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The following paragraphs detail the state of progress per sub-WP for each community during Year 6.

In Zaragoza, status & progresses in Year 6 can be summarised as follows:

- WP1 (Research) " All research activities expected WP1.5 are now completed. Zaragoza partners

will focus their efforts during Year 7 on the final report and on capitalizing the results of these research activities.

" For socio-economic activities (WP1.5), the efforts achieved during Year 6 will continue until the very end of the project since it consist in accompanying the inhabitants in improving their behaviour and making energy savings based on the results of the “live” monitoring.

- WP2 (Monitoring and analysis)

" Significant efforts have been achieved on monitoring activities mainly on WP2.2. This efforts will continue during year 7 in strong relation with socio-economic activities

" ZAR partners will support Lyon partners on the implementation of the “living monitoring system with 5 families in La confluence based on the methodology developed by UdZ.

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- WP3 (Demonstration) " WP3.3.1 (RUE): Refurbishment works (Picarral) initially foreseen for Year 6

couldn’t been executed since dwelling owners’ loans have been rejected by private banks.

" WP3.3.2 (RES): URBIC achieved to install an energy efficient gas heat pump of 80kW for heating and cooling ith an ESCO model. Agreements have already been signed for the installation of the second phase early 2012.

- WP4 (Dissemination)

" Good progress on local dissemination, as stated in the annual progress report including several websites, publications in media, etc. Besides, preparatory work for the final conference to be organised in May 2012 in Zaragoza already started.

- WP5 (Training)

" Efforts on training material and activities have continued on a similar basis compared to previous years. Significant efforts have been done to develop training materials for the URSUS software.

In Grand Lyon, status & progresses in Year 6 can be summarised as follows:

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- WP1 (Research) " A for Zaragoza, all research activities expected WP1.5 are now completed.

Zaragoza partners will focus their efforts during Year 7 on the final report and on capitalizing the results of these research activities.

" For WP1.1 a guide focus to decision makers on recommendation regarding local and regional energy policy is being written and will be publish during Year 7.

" Socio economic activities (WP1.5) have definitively not progress enough compared to the expected activities. This is partly due to the difficulties of contacting the dwellings owners and to deals with co-ownership committees. Besides, the cooperation work with Zaragoza is only starting now with some delays. During the Year 5 a strong focus will be made on socio-economic activities by continuing with inhabitants training and social networking, implementing Zaragoza methodology. In addition, during Year 7 a comprehensive survey on the chain of value of all the stakeholders involved on a “sustainable district” project will be assessed. This survey aims at identifying existing barriers, and capitalizing Renaissance experience and lessons learnt so as to produce field-tested recommendations.

- WP2 (Monitoring and analysis)

" PV systems are being monitored expected one for which administrative difficulties are preventing the access to the roof. The monitoring results and live production follow-up will be available on RENAISSANCE website by end of December.

" The monitoring of the energy performance is on-going. Mainly administrative an stakeholders related difficulties have delayed the implementation of the monitoring campaign. A one year monitoring have been completed for the Lot A and wll be soon completed for the other lots. Results and analysis will be available during Year 7.

- WP3 (Demonstration) " All demonstration activities have been achieved at the end of ear 5

- WP4 (Dissemination)

" Good progress in dissemination activities on site and participation to the CONCERTO Plus final conference to present RENAISSANCE results.

" Strengthening of the new structure for RENAISSANCE website and on-line publication of the Key documents with a standard RENAISSANCE template.

In Lombardia, status & progresses in Year 6 can be summarised as follows:

- WP1 (Research) " WP1.3: Translation of the feasibility studies in English and monitoring of the

Medium Rotation Forestry (MRF). " WP1.4: Progress on ESCO implementation by screening new or

improvements to biomass conversion technologies in order to prepare the future layout of a biomass CHP plant.

" WP1.5: Study of socio economic impacts of Medium Rotation Forestry (MRF) exploitations along transport infrastructures.

- WP4 (Dissemination) " Organisation of the RENAISSANCE final conference. " Participation to regional events

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5 DEVIATIONS AND IMPACTS ON THE PLANNED MILESTONES The two figures below compare what was expected (based on planned Year 5 “next 18 months Report”) versus what has been really declared in term of eligible costs and Person-months for Year 6.

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Figures above testimony that there is no significant deviation between expected budget and actual one. As far as eligible costs are concerned less costs have been declared than expected. The main reasons are that:

- WP2: Monitoring cost for ZAR monitoring campaigns are smaller than the foreseen costs. Thus UdZ is asking to transfer this costs to socio-economic activities for with needed for is bigger than expected. Besides, monitoring campaign suffer some few delays in Lyon as describes in the Periodic Activity report.

- WP3: refurbishment of the dwellings in Picarral could not been achieve due to the reason already describes.

- Dissemination and training activities (WP4&5): most of the cost have been postpone to year 7 for the organisation of RENAiSSANCE international and local conferences.

Actual person.month for Year 6 are exactly corresponding to the previsions. But more time has been spent on WP1 (RTD) and less on monitoring, dissemination and training compared to foreseen efforts. This was partly due to the fact that when costs for year 6 have been estimated project partners were not sure that the second year extension would be validated. Hereafter are some more details regarding majors deviations. Demonstration activities (WP3) In Grand Lyon, demonstration works have been completed at the end of Year 5. Cost declared during the Year 6 were remaining costs for RUE activities following the late delivery of some dwelling and offices (end of 2010). No cost will be claimed under Demonstration activities for Year 7 and the final report is under completion. Thus, no deviation had been recorded when compared to expected milestones. In Zaragoza significant deviations have been observed regarding demonstration activities. Deviations are mainly due to the new financial crisis (2011) that directly impacts refurbishment activities. All municipal licences have been accepted and the neighbours agreed for the renovation works. However, private credits (6,000! per dwelling that represents only 20% of the refurbishment cost) have been denied by private banks. Hard negotiations have been undertaken by SMVZ direction with the private banks but it has been impossible to find an agreement on acceptable financial terms for requested loans. Thus, it has been impossible for SMVZ to complete planned refurbishment works. In order to solve this situation, SMVZ is requested a modification of the annexe 1 as part of the amendment 6. They are planning to set-up a public ESCO that will invest in photovoltaic (PV) systems on the roof of social housing buildings. The incomes to be generated by the PV systems will enable SMVZ to carry out renovation works on the dwellings of concerned social housing. Management activities (WP0) Management budget has been over-spent (138,4%) both for project and local coordination since end of Year 5. Thus, when possible, part of efforts related to management activities (identified in Article II.2 and that meet the conditions of the Articles II.19, II.20 and II.21) have been charged to other relevant activities to which they correspond (as per the Article II.25 of Annex II (general conditions)). RTD activities (WP1,2 & 4) No major deviation has been identified. Social (WP1.5) and technical (WP2) monitoring activities have been the main focus of RENAISSANCE partners as planned by the amendment 5 after the delay introduced by the late completion of the demonstration works.

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However, the increase of the number of dwelling to be monitored (as per Amdt 5 of Annexe 1) implied an increase of the efforts on socio-economic activities. All the dwellings which energy consumption is monitored required a huge work with neighbours: first informing them on monitoring and environmental awareness, second installation of meters, third training, analysis and comparison of the results. The amendment 5 as not foreseen this increase of socio-economic work activities that is a direct consequence of the increase of the dwelling to be monitored. On the other hand, the actual costs for monitoring campaigns have been smaller than costs forseen in the amendment 5. The main reason is that initial monitoring cost has been budgeted by ENDESA. In the amendment 5, responsibility for the monitoring has been transferred from ENDESA to UDZ. UDZ has developed its own monitoring devises and systems reducing significantly the cost per system and adapting it to actual needs. Thus, hardware costs for the monitoring campaign are smaller than budgeted costs. In conclusion, UdZ is requesting –as part of the amendment 6- to shift a part of monitoring hardware costs (WP2) to personnel costs for socio-economic activities (WP1.5). The other deviation indentified by project coordination concerns Lombardy RTD activities. Initial full budget allocated to this partner for WP1.3 (wood fuel supply) and in a smaller extend WP1.4 (commercial and fiscal solutions) activities have been overspend. But, the coordination is not fully convinced that the activities achieved by this partner are in phase with declared costs. The coordination asked the partner a better justification of achieved activities. Periodic activity reports have been slightly improved following this request but remain– from the coordination point o view - quite weak and unsatisfactory. Training activities (WP5) No major deviation has been identified. Enertech training activities on Operation & Maintenance have not started yet, but it represents only a minor deviation regarding the initial implementation time-schedule -> For further information, see the WP Periodic Activity Reports in the Part II of the present report.

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Year 6 Annual Progress Reports per WP

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Deliverables D.0.1.1_ D.0.1.2_D.0.1.3_D.0.1.5: WP 0.1 – International coordination & Administration

Year 6 Annual progress Report


Period covered Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 18/10/2011

Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Lead Author/ contact: Sylvain Koch-Mathian Revision:


Tel: +33.(0)

[Version V0]

Other authors/organisations :

Béatrice Couturier, Grand Lyon


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

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INTRODUCTION Since January 2007, Hespul is the main operational project coordinator, in narrow collaboration on financial issues with Grand Lyon (GL), as the contractual project coordinator of RENAISSANCE. The main achievements regarding project management issues of this 6th year are about the implementation of amendment 5 that solve most of the problems identified by the external audits and to the work started regarding experience capitalization and lessons learnt sharing. Since, the project coordinator arrived, management has stressed the importance to focus not only on achieving the project objective but also in putting significant efforts in capitalizing, documenting, and sharing the results. This message has been fully understood by the project team and even if this work is not contractual, all of them agreed in engaging strong efforts so as to capitalize the lessons learnt and to produce recommendations for future project. Both annual Technical reports for WP1.5 and WP4 detail all the work achieved during the Year 6 in preparing the capitalization work that will be done in coming months. However, some difficulties have complicated the RENAISSANCE team work and implied some delays:

- The Amendment 5 procedure has been very difficult and long. o A lot of adjustments have been done on both technical and juridical issues. o Some demonstration work have been cancelled due to change on national

policies (ZAR) and replaced by other activities implying negotiation with EC. o As far as juridical issues are concerned, the audits implied lots of

modifications (e.g. cost models, etc.) as well as the inclusion of additional third parties for French developers and INSA.

o Some mistakes regarding the declaration of refurbished square meters have been identified with the Handout Certificates, implying additional negotiation and changes.

o All this implied significant delays on the signature of the Amendment 5 (Signed only in October 2011)

o The late signature of Amdt 5, implied some problems with some institutional project partners whose administration do not allow them to use the additional budget that has been introduced in Amdt 5 before the amendment is ratified.

- The first crisis (2008) has already had significantly impacts on the project, involving delays both in France and Spain. All buildings in Lyon have been completed in 2010 with almost one and half year of delay. In Zaragoza, most of the work has been achieved. At the start of Year 6, the remaining part of the work was 9,000 sqm of housing to be refurbished in Picarral district. However, the new financial crisis (2011) implied lots of problems:

o Spanish municipal budget have been dramatically cut down. o Sociedad Municipal de Viviendas de Saragossa (SMVZ), which is the public

company in charge of social housing in Zaragoza, is directly impacted by the situation. SMVZ did not receive municipal budget in 2011, whereas the funds received for refurbishment in 2010 were about 5 Mio!.

o All personnel loans requested by the flat owners, for covering refurbishment costs (6.000! per flat, which represents only 20% of the cost of the operation) have been denied by the banks.

o In conclusion, it has been impossible to carry out the refurbishment works planned for Year 6, whereas similar works engaged in 2010 have been achieved successfully.

Last but not least, as pointed out last year, RENAISSANCE’s implementation had registered significant delays in the construction (LYON) and refurbishment (ZAR) schedule that have slowed down the completion of other main activities, such as

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monitoring (mostly within LYON community), socio-economic, dissemination & training activities. In parallel important work has been achieved for submitting to the European Commission a comprehensive alternative plan in support of the request for a two-years prolongation of the contract and for preparing and submitting Amendments 4 and 5.

1 OVERVIEW OF FULL PROJECT OBJECTIVES Initial Objectives (Full project) To co-ordinate all the activities assumed by all contractors during the entirety of the project so as to ensure a successful outcome (achieving deliverables on time and consistently with the budget allocated) and to report progress to EC on a regular basis Description of work (month 61-78) Beside usual activities related to everyday management of the project towards local coordinators, and EC, several specific works are planned:

- Management, production and submission of Year 6 Periodic Reports, in collaboration with local coordinators & all partners

- Follow-up of the validation of Amendment IV by EC. - Follow-up of the validation of 4th & 5th EC reports (Progress activity report and

Management report) - Final management of production and submission of Amendment V of Annex 1

(including the 2nd year of prolongation), as well as its follow-up for validation by EC - Financial management & EC grant distribution for full payment of Years 4 & 5, as well

as management of 5th and 6th EC Pre-financing - 11th and 12th Project Steering Group (PSG) organisation & coordination in Spring

(Milan) & Autumn (visio-conf) 2011 - Organisation of technical sessions on experience capitalisation and cooperation

between communities during the 11th RENAISSANCE meeting that will be held in Milan (spring 2011).

- Keep updating RENAISSANCE website, linked to Management (WP0) & Dissemination (WP4) activities

- Strengthening cooperation and exchanges between RENAISSANCE Communities Deliverables (month 61-78)

- D.0.1.1. Co-ordinate Annual EC Progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be submitted to EC and placed on the project website (month 72)

- D.0.1.2. Strengthening project management structure and project reporting and control procedures for tracking progress (month 72)

- D 0.1.3: Work Package management review for the Project Steering Group (PSG) meetings (month 61 onwards)

- D.0.1.5: Administration of Project Steering Group (PSG) meeting, minutes and action plans (month 61 onwards)

Milestones and expected results (month 61-78)

- 11th and 12th meetings of the Project Steering Group (PSG) in Milan (spring 2011) and via videoconference (autumn 2011)

- Organisation of meetings with technical experts from the RENAISSANCE community in parallel with the PSG meeting

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2.1 Description of activities for Year 6 During the previous year (Year 5), significant efforts had been carried out by the project coordination in order to strengthen the management structure and to improve the reporting process and quality. At the end of the process, project management activities were going well, based on the strong support of local coordinators both in Zaragoza and in Grand Lyon. During Year 5, project partners did improve their reporting capability, compared to previous years. Similar quality of document as been submitted to the coordination; but the project coordination (Hespul) still had to strongly support some of them, on specific reporting/technical coordination tasks and in reviewing the document to improve the English redaction and coherency between deliverables and annexes. Nevertheless, new challenges appeared during Year 6 mainly due to the following reasons:

- The Amendment 5 procedure has been more difficult and longer than initially planned in order to solve all the issues raised by external financial audits.

- Lots of work has been done to solve all the juridical and administrative problem (third party, model costs, etc.) identified by external audits.

- The new economic crisis (2011) significantly impacted Spanish partners since the municipality of Zaragoza is facing drastic reduction of budget and some municipal companies (ex. SMVZ) have seen their budget cut down.

- The collection of all needed data for the Handout certificate has been a quite difficult task, implying lots of discussions between coordination, concerned partners and engineering companies in charge of the building design.

- For the Collegio Domingo, the hand out certificate procedure permitted the coordination to identify that the building area declared by the partners was wrong leading to adjustments in Amdt 5 and Year 5 management report.

General management and networking activities • Continuous exchanges with local coordinators (by Emails, phone, collective tel-

conferences to define guidance/methodologies to proceed with partners, etc.). (All year-Oct.10/Oct.11)

• Regular contacts with DG ENERGY technical and financial officers on several management and financial issues, where implementation updates have been done (All year).

• Regular contact, follow-up & collaboration with Concerto Premium team and other Concerto Cities mainly on CONCERTO monitoring indicator and dissemination of RENAISSANCE results (All year)

• Regular updates on RENAISSANCE website (see also WP4 Activity Report) (All year)

• Organisation of the journey of the technical officer (Mario Dionisio) in Lyon to visit the Lyon Confluence demonstration buildings. (17th Feb. 2011)

• Tracking progress, especially on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy actions done in Zaragoza and Lyon


• Preparation, management, monitoring, writing & submission of Year 5 Periodic Reports to DG ENERGY (Oct. - Dec.10)

• Follow-up on the validation process of Year 5 Annual Reports (including both technical & financial aspects).

• Follow-up of the revision of the Year 5 Financial Report (Year 5 Management Report) for validation with DG ENERGY financial officer, with the collaboration of concerned partners

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• Preparation of Year 6 reporting methodology & process, towards local coordinators & all Partners (including Deliverable templates, calendar for preparation, specific guidelines to follow, etc.), with the narrow collaboration of Local coordinators (See WP0.1 Annexes) (July-Oct 2011)

RENAISSANCE project meetings (cf.

• Preparation, co-organisation and Management of 11th RENAISSANCE International conference in Milan (cf. annual report for WP4.2) (31st May & 1st June 2011). The first day focus on presenting RENAISSANCE results to Italian professional and local stakeholders. In the evening the 11th Project Steering Group meeting has been held. The second day, four technical sessions have been held (final report, exchange on live monitoring activities, experience capitalization and CONCERTO Premium Indicators). (cf.)

• Preparation, organisation & Management of 12th RENAISSANCE technical Meeting & 12th Project Steering Group (12th PSG) to be done via videoconference (26th & 27th Oct. 2011), with the narrow collaboration of UdZ.

Financial issues • Follow-up/Overview on DG Energy 5th pre-payment to all partners, with the

narrow collaboration of Grand Lyon (See REVIEWED Year 5 Distribution of EC Contribution Report)

External Financial audits All RENAISSANCE partners as well as local and project coordinators spent significant time working on the draft conclusion of the external financial audits ordered by the European Commission. To date, the majority of the issues have been solved with the amendment 5 in strong collaboration with both technical and financial officers. The difficulties faced in solving all the issues related to the financial audits have been time consuming and have irritated all RENAISSANCE partners. The main pending issue that remains to be solved is the cancellation of “liquidated damages” of ENERTECH. The inadequacy of some FP6 juridical rules and the lack of understanding of the auditors regarding CONCERTO projects specificities are the main reasons for the complexities faced. However, it is worth stressing out that during the whole process of Amendment 5, both RENAISSANCE technical and financial officers have been very helpful and supportive in solving all the issues implied by financial audit and by the impact of the crisis on project activities. In conclusion, exclusively due to external and totally unpredictable reasons, the project coordination spent much more time in resolving administrative, juridical and financial issues or misunderstandings compared to the time spent to support the development of RENAISSANCE activities and the dissemination of project results and lessons learnt. Amendment 5

• Preparation, writing & submission of Amendment 5 of the Annex I of the contract, including RENAISSANCE request for the Amendment V and request for a 2nd year of prolongation toward DG Energy.

• In addition to the regular phone meetings and email communications with EC officers, several physical meetings have been organized: o 7th Dec. 2010: Meeting with between technical officer and project and local

coordinators (Brussels). o 17th Feb. 2011: Meeting with between technical officer and project

coordinator (Lyon). o 12th April 2011: Meeting with between technical officer and project

coordinator (Brussels).

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o 13th April 2011: Meeting with between financial and audit officers and project coordinator (Brussels).

• The preparation, design and negotiation of amendment 5 has been very time consuming for two reasons: o The coordinator assisted RENAISSANCE partners in writing comprehensive

technical proposal for the Amdt 5 o Lot of work has been done in strong collaboration with project partners so as

to solve all the issues raised by the external audits. • Besides, the Amendment 5 suffered several versions: • Besides, the Amendment 5 has had to be updated several times:

o A first version has been submitted to EC in January 2011. o Following the Handout certificate procedure, we identify that the refurbished

surface declared by Ayuntamiento de ZARAGOZA was wrong. This lead to the submission of a second version of the Amdt 5 in May 2011. This second version has been the opportunity to include all the necessary changes to solve the issues raised by external audits.

o In August 2011, the project coordinator has been informed of the decision of the EC to reject the request to increase of eligible cost (scale of unit under special clause 41) for the refurbishment of the Colegio Domingo.

o A third version of the Amdt 5 has been sent to the EC in Sept. 2011 and validated in November 2011.

Amendment 6

• Preparation of Amendment 6 of Annex I of the contract, with the narrow collaboration of all concerned partners (ZAR, LYON, LOM)

2.2 Progress towards objectives & expected results Since Year 4, the Management structure is strongly settled and strict guidance toward partners defined. This has been further strengthened through collaborative document (using Google documents functionalities) allowing project coordinators to have an actual and on-date follow-up of pending activities at the local level. This significantly supports the project coordination in follow-up of management activities and increasing the flow of information shared between coordinators; especially during reporting periods since important tasks are carried out simultaneously (5&6th payment, technical reporting Y6, financial reporting Y6, Amendment VI, etc.) However, the low reactivity of Lombardy partners and the medium of quality of their document remain a difficulty in the day to day management process as well as during the reporting periods. Final report During the 11th RENAISSANCE meeting held in Milan a technical session has been held on the subject of “Final report”. During this session, the EC guidelines regarding final reports have been presented to the partners and following points have been discussed: organization of final reporting, plan of final report, time schedule, etc. This work has been very useful in preparing the partners to the idea of the final report and in defining a time schedule to anticipate as much as possible final reports’ delivery. The results of this work as well as the time schedule for Final report are available in annexe: Da.0.1.1_Y6_LYO_n°18_FinalReporting.pdf. 11th RENAISSANCE Project meeting As announced in Year 5 activity Report, the 11th RENAISSANCE Project meeting has been held in Milan May 31st to June 1st 2011 with the assistance of the Region de Lombardia and ERSAF.

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This meeting has been preceded by a RENAISSANCE international conference which objective was to present the main lessons learnt and recommendations to Italian and local professionals (cf. WP4.2 Annual Activity Report). A site visit has been organised by LOMBARDIA to present the project partner Torri Garibaldi, which is an emblematic refurbishment project in Milan. The second day, four technical workshops have been organised:

1) Final Reports (Da.0.1.1_Y6_LYO_n°18_FinalReporting.pdf) 2) Experience capitalisation (cf. WP4.2 Annual progress Report and annexes) 3) Exchanges on live monitoring methodology 4) Exchanges with CONCERTO Premium team on the socio-economic indicators.

During the 11th PSG meeting, the project coordinator did present the following items, to be discussed amongst RENAISSANCE key partners:

- Management & Administrative aspects o Description of Amendment 5 o Update on Amdt 5 validation process

- Financial items: o Presentation of the 5th prepayment + EC Distribution Report

- Calendar for next PSG meetings o Date to be fixed for the next PSG meeting (Autumn) o Discuss about Final Conference (Zaragoza)

12th RENAISSANCE Project meeting The 12th RENAISSANCE Project meeting has been held on October 26-27th, 2011 via videoconference, bringing together the 3 Communities. As usual, 3 main categories of sessions have been held: a) a progress reporting session by partners, b) 2 technical sessions (to consolidate expertise exchanges, within RENAISSANCE), and c) the 12th PSG session. During technical sessions mentioned above, the following items have been discussed amongst experts:

- Experience Capitalisation (WP4): the session was dedicated to further elaborate the Experience capitalisation strategy: subjects of case studies that had been identified in Milan (11th PSG) were revisited and a template for the document was proposed and validated. Case studies were proposed and discussed. Partners agreed on a time schedule for the next steps.

- Socio-economic & Living monitoring issues (WP1.5): the session was dedicated to updates on socio-economic & live monitoring held in Zaragoza and to exchange with LYON socio-economic teams on operational task regarding the cooperation between both communities.

At the 12th PSG meeting, the project coordinator did present the following items, to be discussed amongst RENAISSANCE key partners of the 3 Communities: - Administrative & financial items:

• Follow-up of the prolongation process & request (clarification of the process) • Update on 4th pre-payment of EC grants

- Management aspects: • Feedbacks on 4th Amendment • Outlines of the first main issues for the 5th Amendment • Schedule a date for an “exceptional” PSG to validate Amendment 5 contents • Next Renaissance meeting (11th) in LOM

- Financial & Administrative aspects o Update on Amdt 5 validation process o Amdt 6 o Financial items: 4th payment

- Calendar for next PSG meetings

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o Final Conference in May 2012 (Zaragoza) o Should we plan another meeting in Sept 2012 (Visio or Real?)

- Final report time schedule - FAQ on final reporting period

For details, see on the RENAISSANCE website the Reporting section, where most of presentations and minutes can be downloaded:

3 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES Progress with reference to specific project deliverables:


On project management per se, no real deviation occurred this year, except: a) The delays in the 3 Communities for the overall project work programme (Grand

Lyon: on future monitoring on the new eco-buildings; Zaragoza: on refurbishment activities; Lombardy: on the level of implementation of R&D activities) have already been reported in the Year 5 annual Report. As corrective measure, and with the collaboration of some key PSG members (Grand Lyon, SMZV, UdZ) the project coordinator (Hespul) has requested a 2nd year prolongation to DG Energy Officer (in

Deliverable Check D.0.1.1. Co-ordinate Annual EC Progress reporting: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be submitted to the EC and placed on the project website

A package of Year 6 reports is to be finalised and submitted to DG Energy by mid-December 2011 by Hespul. This package will include the 6th Periodic activity Reports (global & by WP), 6th Executive Summary Report, 6th Periodic Management Report (Summary Financial Report included), Year 6 Distribution of EC contribution Report, Plan for using and disseminating the knowledge, Next 18 months report as well as the Amendment VI of Annex I. Part of this official documentation will be posted on RENAISSANCE website.

D.0.1.2. Strengthening the project management structure

During the Year 6, an important work has been achieved on:

- Management structure strengthening (skype meetings, email exchanges, dashboard, online management monitoring tool)

- Risk assessment and management (“Budget & Activities” document, work carried out to prepare the Amendment 6, etc.)

- Plan for Using and Disseminating Knowledge - Project reporting and control procedures for

tracking progress - Experience and lessons learnt capitalisation

D 0.1.3: Quarterly work Package management review for the PSG meetings & D.0.1.5 Administration of PSG and CSG meeting, minutes and action plans

Hespul kept continual contacts with local coordinators, in order to follow progress. This management work has been consolidated throughout the biannual meetings of the RENAISSANCE community, during which all partners had to report on their work (See the 11th and 12th RENAISSANCE meetings presentation on the website )

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January 2010). As a consequence of this request, activities and related budgets for the two years of extension (Year 6&7) have been included in the Amendment V of Annex 1. For Lyon and Lombardy communities, activities are going ahead as planned in the next 18th report. For Zaragoza, the new economic crisis (2011) has had significant impact on AYOZ and SMVZ activities. The difficulties faced by these partners have already been presented to the technical officer (Meeting 14th November 2011) and are documented in the present annual Activity Report. The propositions formulated by RENAISSANCE consortium to solve these issues are under discussion and will be presented in the amendment VI.

b) Amendment VI of Annex 1 is on-going. A first presentation of the major changes requested by RENAISSANCE partners has been presented to the Technical officer on November 14th, 2011. Based on the technical officer feedbacks, a note detailing the municipal ESCO model proposed by SMVZ has been sent to the officer the December 14th. Amendment VI will be sent to the officer early January.

5 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES All reported costs are about personnel, organisation of meetings, and travels related to meetings attendance. These costs are clearly reflected in Hespul and Grand Lyon’s Form C. Nevertheless, as already stressed in Year 5 Activity report, it is worth emphasizing that budgeted resources for the international coordination (cf. Annex I) are largely over-consumed. Rationale of this cost overrun has numerous sources:

- The cap put on the overall management costs at 7% of the total budget for CONCERTO projects, generation 1, is not realistic. (e.g. CONCERTO II capping for management costs is 10%)

- A lot of time has been spent to put the project back on its feet after withdrawal in 2005 of Bracknell Community, which was the initial project coordinator.

- Due to this withdrawal, very important efforts and time have been spent to rewrite the project and to consolidate the management structure over time.

- The request process for the 2 years extension is highly time consuming (discussion with the EC, definition of the alternative plans with project partners, redaction of the Amendment 4 and 5 that introduce significant changes, etc.)

- External audits that affected each of the 19 Renaissance partners between Summer 2009 and Summer 2010 caused huge time consumption by project coordination for supporting them and restoring confidence.

- Management efforts are mostly uncompressible: tasks to be achieved are similarly the same whether the project duration is 5 or 7 years. The Management budget was already quite short for all management activities to be carried out within duration of 5 years. Therefore, it is easily understandable that it is impossible to correctly carry out management activities with the limited and inextensible management budget.

As a consequence, no more budget is available for management activities for Year 6 and 7. In order to solve this unsustainable situation, the project coordination dealt with all project partners in order to switch a share of their budget to the project coordination for a total amount of 60 000! (cf. Amendment V). Since the limit of 7% of the Community financial Contribution has been exceed, some costs related to management activities (identified in Article II.2 and that meet the conditions of the Articles II.19, II.20 and II.21) have been (Year 6) and will be (Year 7) charged – when possible - to other

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relevant activities to which they correspond (as per the Article II.25 of Annex II (general conditions)).

6 NEXT 12 MONTHS ACTIVITIES Beside usual activities related to everyday management of the project towards local coordinators, and EC, several specific works are planned:

- Management, production and submission of Final Reports, in collaboration with local coordinators & all partners

- Final management of production and submission of Amendment VI of Annex 1, as well as its follow-up for validation by EC

- Follow-up of the validation of Year 6 reports (Activity, Management, EC Distribution, etc.)

- Financial management & EC grant distribution for full payment of Year 6, as well as management of 7th EC Pre-financing

- 13th and 14th meetings of Project Steering Group (PSG) in Spring (Zaragoza) & Autumn 2012 (video-conference)

- Co-Organisation of RENAISSANCE Final Conference in Zaragoza (May 2012) - Keep updating Renaissance website- linked to Management (WP0) &

Dissemination (WP4) activities - Strengthening cooperation and exchanges between RENAISSANCE Communities

7 ANNEXES Content Annex Document reference

Outputs from 11th RENAISSANCE Meeting, held in Milan the 31st May and 1st June 2011, with 3 main focuses: update on implementation progress, technical sessions (demo) and its 11th Project Steering Group.

Outputs from 12th RENAISSANCE Meeting organised by videoconference (26-27th Oct.2011), with 3 main focuses: update on implementation progress, technical sessions and its 12th Project Steering Group.

Definition of all the activities and related budget, covering the 6th & 7th reporting periods (one year prolongation)

Amendment V of the Annexe 1 sent to DG Energy (version: 16nd Sept. 2011)

6th Reporting process (Official Launch) The official email sent by Hespul to all project partners to launch the general process for reporting – 08/09/11


5th Reporting process (Additional documents) Additional documentation sent on 01/09/10 with the official Email on general process, to all partners, in order to assist them during the 6th Reporting process. These documentation are dealing with: Specific guidance for reporting Retro-planning of the reporting period Exhaustive list of due deliverables Financial FAQ Templates of Audit Certificate

1/ Da.0.1.1_Y6_LYO_n°18_GuidanceReporting.pdf 2/ Da.0.1.1_Y6_LYO_n°18_ListDeliverables.pdf

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


5th Reporting process (Additional documents) Additional documentation sent on 01/09/10 with the official Email on general process, to all partners, in order to assist them during the 6th Reporting process. These documentation are dealing with: Specific guidance for reporting Retro-planning of the reporting period Exhaustive list of due deliverables Financial FAQ Templates of Audit Certificate In addition, a template for each Sub-WP Periodic activity report for Year 5 has been produced by Hespul and sent to sub-WP leaders via local coordinators. Only few of them are enclosed in annexes

1/ Da.0.1.1_Y6_LYO_n°18_GuidanceReporting.pdf 2/ Da.0.1.1_Y6_LYO_n°18_ListDeliverables.pdf

Note on final reports including standard plan for reporting and time schedule


RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Deliverables D0.2.1 - D0.2.3 WP 0.2 – National Management

(Lyon & Zaragoza) Year 6 Annual progress Report

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 18/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: Malorie Clermont & Béatrice Couturier - Susana Pérez & José A. López (UdZ)


Email:, Tel: +33 (0)4 37 47 80 93

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations:


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION The local management of the French community is the responsibility of the Grand Lyon assisted by HESPUL. Concerning Spanish community, the local coordination is lead by Ayuntamiento of Zaragoza assisted by University of Zaragoza.


Initial Objective (Full Project) • To oversee the management of the RENAISSANCE project in each community • To oversee the CSGs • To report to the project Coordinator as required

Description of work (months 61-78)

• To pursue the collaboration with the project coordination, in particular by providing regular information on the state of progress of each WP thanks to the dashboards • To ensure the management of each community and to strengthen the collaboration between RENAISSANCE partners • To collaborate with CONCERTO Plus, CONCERTO Premium and other CONCERTO cities (in particular for Zaragoza community, by promoting CONCERTO outputs with other Spanish’s CONCERTO communities) • To organize 3 or 4 CSG meetings per year • To assist the project coordinator to organise the 11th RENAISSANCE meeting in Milan (spring 2011), and the 12th via visio-conference (autumn 2011) • To manage collecting the annual progress reports, Deliverables and financial reports from partners, to be sent to the project coordinator • To assist the project coordinator during the prolongation of the contract

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 0.2.1 Regular quarterly meetings of the CSG (month 61 onwards) D 0.2.2 Provide the Coordinator with annual financial, technical and management progress reports and audit certificates (month 72) D 0.2.3 Provide progress reports from the CSG meetings to the project coordinator in a method to be agreed as most resource effective between the partners (month 61 onwards)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) Efficient management and coordination in each community. Efficient reporting methodology and on time submission to Project coordinator

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6




2.1 Description of work ZARAGOZA and GRAND LYON: Universidad de Zaragoza and HESPUL are working as local coordinators, assisting Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza and Grand Lyon. Major work on management has been used for: - To complete the 5th progress report, to coordinate and elaborate the 6th progress report. - To finish Amendment 5 and to prepare Amendment 6. - To organize CSG meetings and international RENAISSANCE meetings. - To assist international project coordination in a very regular basis with a fluent communication. - To strengthen the collaboration with CONCERTO Premium and CONCERTO communities coordinating and attending meetings. - Relative close collaboration between local coordinators and partners from both communities.

2.2 Local progress per community In both communities (Grand Lyon, Zaragoza), local coordinators (HESPUL/Grand Lyon, UdZ) did: - Coordinate locally with their communities, on a daily basis; - Collaborate amongst themselves and with the project coordinator on a nearly daily basis; - Participate in the RENAISSANCE project meeting: 11th meeting in Milan (31st May–1st June 2011); - Organise regular local meetings (CSG):

• In Grand Lyon: 2 local meetings have been organised (16/02/2011, 13/07/2011), to exchange information, to follow-up progress, difficulties, etc. The main topics developed were: socio-economic activities with the wireless remote monitoring campaign with the inhabitants, training sessions for operation and maintenance companies, detailed monitoring campaign, redaction of the final reports, dissemination activities. The minutes of all these meetings are available in French upon request. • In Zaragoza: 5 local meetings have been carried out (2nd December, 2010; 16th December, 2010; 14th February, 2011; 25th May, 2011; 14th September, 2011). The main topics were amendment 5th, Amendment 6th, 6th reporting period, final conference and experience capitalization.

The Deliverable D.0.2.1_Y6_CSG summarizes CSG topics and content, from both communities. - Collaborate with project coordinator. In Grand Lyon community, the main concerned activities are the monitoring of the dwellings (WP 2.2) and socio-economic activities (WP 1.5) related with trainings (WP5). In Zaragoza community, the main concerned activities are monitoring (WP2) and socioeconomic work. Also important effort has been carried out in dissemination, as final conference and experience capitalization are being prepared. - Work and collaborate with project coordinator to improve the methodology to prepare the 6th annual progress report with a retro-planning agenda; - Work on the methodology in order for the partners to prepare the final reports; - Provide financial, technical progress reports and audit certificates to the project

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coordinator under the 5th progress report; - Work on strengthening exchanges within RENAISSANCE partners, with CONCERTO Premium and other CONCERTO cities. See paragraph 2.2.2 on exchanges.


3.1 Exchanges amongst RENAISSANCE partners (all consortium) During Year 6, Grand Lyon and Zaragoza communities collaborated and shared objectives, barriers and methodology. In the Grand Lyon community, HESPUL (n°18) continued with the management leadership with Grand Lyon (n°16). UdZ (University of Zaragoza, n°14) is now the coordinator of the Zaragoza community in assistance to Ayuntamiento of Zaragoza. Communication and exchanges between the two local coordinators and the project coordinator have been regular and effective. A new subject for this year has been the one concerning WP1.5 (socioeco) and WP2 (monitoring). As Zaragoza monitoring system will be exchanged with Lyon, different videoconferences were organized in order to share methodology and lessons learnt. Also a lot of these exchanges between the coordinators were linked to management issues: implementation and management of the project, achievement of the objectives, search for solutions to face difficulties... The main opportunities and subjects discussed were the following: - The technical meetings of the project: During this 6th year, one international meeting has been held in Milan (11th

technical meeting) and the local coordinators, under the direction of the project coordinator, shared project progresses. - The dashboard: Local coordinators filled up the dashboard at the middle of year 6 in order to inform the project coordinator on the local activities per WP. The dashboard covered the activities done from October 2010 to July 2011. - Reporting methodology: The reporting methodology implemented during year 5 has been kept to achieve the 6th

Progress report. - Dissemination activities: Led by HESPUL, a tel-conference on WP4 was organised, to follow-up progress on this activity. - Socio-economic activities: A collaborative work has begun between socio-economic partners in order to implement the wireless remote monitoring in Lyon. The description of the material to be installed has been translated into French to be then distributed to the dwellings interested by the experimentation. Some meetings will be organised at the beginning of year 7 by visio-conference in order to exchange on the questionnaires (methodology and content), the installation of the devices and recommendations from Spanish partners. - UrSus software: Different exchanges between Milan and Zaragoza communities took place in order to share knowledge in this software. In particular, an Italian version of the software is being prepared. - Experience capitalization: Special collaboration has been carried out regarding experience capitalization. Topics to be disseminated (best practices and learnt experiences) have been defined and responsibilities assigned.

3.2 Collaboration with CONCERTO communities In Zaragoza during this year the activities through CONCERTO communities has been focused on preparing the final conference for year 7, when different CONCERTO

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communities are going to be invited to Zaragoza. In Grand Lyon community: French speaker CONCERTO cities met during the final conference of the Act2 project (held in Nantes, June 2011) to exchange on CONCERTO good practices implemented to reach energy objectives through the content of the specification book and on site trainings, and refurbishment.

3.3 Collaboration with CONCERTO Premium The collaboration with the CONCERTO Premium team was effective during year 6. RENAISSANCE partners made a collaborative work on policy recommendations on more particularly on the next call for proposal Smart Cities. - RENAISSANCE meeting: A workshop has been organised for the CONCERTO Premium team to allow them to present their new team and foreseen activities and more particularly to improve their questionnaire and its indicators. - Regional site visits:

• In France (Nantes – 31st May – 1st June 2011): the CONCERTO Premium team was invited to the meeting and could exchange on their activities.

- CONCERTO Plus final meeting: Both communities attended the CONCERTO Plus final meeting in Brussels on 6th – 7th December, 2010. Communities joined different workshops.


4.1 GRAND LYON The starting points of year 6 are: WP1 (Research):

- WP 1.1: No specific activities on the Final report. Some improvement should be done in year 6 on the style of the document to allow a printed dissemination.

- WP 1.2: Finished - WP 1.3: Technical visits of the wood fuel boilers, follow-up of the wood deliveries,

start to write a best practices guideline about wood energy boiler in urban area - WP 1.4: Presentation of the study on the “benefits of the CONCERTO programme

for social housing rent and charges" during the 9th RENAISSANCE meeting. - WP 1.5: The first training sessions for inhabitants have been organized, the

redaction of socio-economic framework document has been started and linked with the dissemination knowledge document (WP4).

WP2 (Monitoring and analysis): - WP 2.1: Some devices have been installed in the Block A. - WP 2.2: The monitoring campaign started with the installation of the first

monitoring devices in 22 dwellings and 6 buildings of the Block A. - WP 2.3: Monitoring leaders (INSA and UdZ) strengthened their collaboration on

common monitoring. All monitoring experts of Grand Lyon community (HESPUL, INSA and Enertech) attended the CONCERTO Plus monitoring meeting held in Vienna.

WP3 (Demonstration): Most of the buildings have been delivered. Block B suffered big delays but all Blocks will be delivered at the end of 2010. These RENAISSANCE buildings have been inaugurated on 16th October 2010. WP4 (Dissemination): Dissemination activities done by all the partners towards a large scope of target groups + work on the Dissemination Knowledge strategy WP5 (Training): Training sessions have been organized for trainers from professional training centres on airtightness and inhabitants (general information gave on their building and the green behaviour advices). The progress in year 6 can be summarised as follows: WP1 (Research):

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- WP 1.1: Work on the final report in English and considering on a specific French version on French contents

- WP 1.2: Finished - WP 1.3: Follow-up of the wood deliveries, redaction of the best practices guideline

about wood energy boiler in urban area - WP 1.4: Finished - WP 1.5: Training sessions with inhabitants, collaboration with UdZ team on the

wireless remote monitoring, work on the experience capitalisation document. WP2 (Monitoring and analysis):

- WP 2.1: Monitoring devices installed on PV systems of the Blocks A and C. - WP 2.2: All the devices have been installed in the 3 Blocks. - WP 2.3: Redaction of a note on the monitoring activities led in Zaragoza and

Grand Lyon. WP3 (Demonstration): All the buildings have been delivered. WP4 (Dissemination): Dissemination activities done by all the partners towards a large scope of target groups + work on the Dissemination Knowledge strategy WP5 (Training): Work on the needs of initial training centres "building". Follow a professional high school to integrate specific training material about air tightness.

4.2 Zaragoza The starting points of year 6 are: WP1 (Research):

- WP 1.1: A final version was done. - WP 1.2: Different evaluations were done. - WP 1.4: Plannification of the installation of the ESCO in Valdespartera. - WP 1.5: An important work was done due to Amendments 4 and 5 approvals. A

new strategy was defined according to new objectives and new monitoring devices.

WP2 (Monitoring and analysis): - WP 2.1: Data infrastructure complete and new wireless collective system

developing. - WP 2.2: The monitoring campaign with phase 1 was completed, phase 2 begin to

be installed. - WP 2.3: Monitoring leaders (INSA and UdZ) strengthened their collaboration on

common monitoring. WP3 (Demonstration): Most of the buildings have been delivered. Delay in Picarral due to economical crisis. WP4 (Dissemination): Dissemination activities done by all the partners. WP5 (Training): Training sessions have been organised to different target groups.

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The progress in year 6 can be summarised as follows: WP1 (Research):

- WP 1.1: Close work with City Hall License Service for policy analysis. - WP 1.2: Analysis of sustainability indicators to be integrated in URSUS - WP 1.3: No work has been done. - WP 1.4: Installation of the ESCO in Valdespartera. - WP 1.5: Very intensive work with inhabitants for data gathering and analysis.

WP2 (Monitoring and analysis): - WP 2.1: Infrastructure has been completed. - WP 2.2: Monitoring campaign for phase 1 completed. Phase 2 completed and

some problems solved. Devices of phase 3 have been configured and are ready for installation.

- WP 2.3: Exchanges on common data to be compared have been done. WP3 (Demonstration): All the buildings have been delivered. PSCD WP4 (Dissemination): Dissemination activities done, but most of the work is related with experience capitalization organization and final congress preparation. WP5 (Training): Training sessions have been organised for different target groups. This year a new target group has been incorporated: unemployed technical people.


Grand Lyon and Zaragoza Deliverables Check D 0.2.1 Regular meetings of the CSG See document: D.0.2.1_Y6_CSG

Summary of the minutes of the local meetings (CSG) held in Grand Lyon (16/02/2011, 13/07/2011) and in Saragossa (2/12/2010, 16/12/2010, 14/02/2011, 25/05/2011, 14/09/2011)

D 0.2.2 Provide the Coordinator with annual financial, technical and management progress reports and audit certificates and bank guarantees

Information submitted according to schedule

D 0.2.3 Provide progress reports from the CSG meetings to the Coordinator

This information has been supplied in the form of the meeting minutes and also in the form of dashboards, presentations on progress, plans, deviations and corrective action prepared by the participants for each RENAISSANCE project meeting. This progress report is the contribution to the deliverable.


No specific deviation.

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7 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES Costs were related to sub-contracting to realise audit certificates and personal costs concerning management activities HESPUL (n°18): personnel costs (2,58 months) and sub-contracting (1 400 ! - financial audits years 5 and 6). Grand Lyon (n°16): personnel costs (0,09 months) UdZ (n°14): (1,51 months) and subcontracting for audit certificate.

8 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS The foreseen activities listed are common between Zaragoza and Grand Lyon communities: - To pursue the collaboration with the project coordination, in particular by providing

regular information on the state of progress of each WP, - To manage each consortium and to strengthen the collaboration between

RENAISSANCE partners, - To collaborate with CONCERTO Premium, - To collaborate with the national CONCERTO partners, - To organize 3 to 4 CSG meetings per year, - To organize, in assistance to the project coordinator, the final RENAISSANCE meeting

in Zaragoza (May-June 2012), - To organize, in assistance to the project coordinator, the French speakers final

conference in Lyon (September 2012), - To assist the partners in the redaction of the final reports, - To coordinate and promote, with other Spanish’s CONCERTO communities, the

Spanish CONCERTO working.

9 ANNEXES Content Annex Document reference

Minutes of CSG: annexes detailing the points addressed during the local meetings held in the communities of Zaragoza and Grand Lyon.

D.0.2.1_Y6_CSG (Is attached to the present report in the Part III – Year 6 Other deliverables

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Deliverable D.1.1.1– WP 1.1– Energy Policy Planning

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 Date of preparation:

18/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: Sylvain Koch-Mathian Revision:

Email: :; Tel: +33 4 37 47 80 90

[version: final]

Other authors/organisations: José Andrés López (UNIZAR)

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



After year 3 in which the three communities presented a final report in accordance with the contract program, Zaragoza and Lyon have been carrying out additional works, which complete the preceding work in both ZAR and LYON communities in those three years. These tasks correspond to an update of WP 1.1 objectives following the successive 4th and 5th amendments.

The partners involved in this WP are: Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza (UdZ), which is the local leader, SMZV & the Ayto. Lyon: Grand Lyon, ALE and Hespul


Initial Objective (Full Project) • To address all phases of the build process from planning, site and building design,

construction to lifetime operation. The results will be used as a basis for setting future energy efficiency standards in the local building sector and for onwards replication and to contribute to the development of energy certification of buildings in line with EU directives.

• To exploit the unique opportunities for innovation in terms of political policy and planning presented by a demonstration project of this scale.

• To transform one-off benefits of the demonstration experience into municipal policy, regulation and practice, thus ensuring immediate replication of the results.

• To develop specific proposals for the public and private sectors regarding improvements in energy and planning policy including pilot applications within the project. There is a unique opportunity to value a project of this type with strong political commitment. The main development work will be condensed in a short period of time but incorporation into local policy is slow.

• To make the lessons learnt available to others via development of policy guidance notes and thus facilitating mainstream adoption and use of this innovation.

Description of work (months 61-78)

• Grand Lyon: • To update the final report including recent changes in franch context and

regulation • To prepare a document in French (for decision makers and practicioners)

capitalizing the lessons learnt of RENAISSANCE project in Grand Lyon regarding Energy Policies.

• Zaragoza: • The present update has to do with points 1 to 5 of the objectives previously

listed. It refers to the evaluation of construction plans presented to certification procedures to get permissions from the City Hall Licences Division. In coordination with WP 1.2, it presents how regulations affect some buildings considered as best practice.

• Besides, points 3 to 6 correspond to some work done in close relationship with WP 1.5 and WP 2.2.

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 1.1.1: Annual Progress report as an update on Final report by Zaragoza community: Evidence of policy and practice changes made as a result of the work done (month 72).

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2.1 Local progress (Zaragoza community) In Zaragoza, in year 4 two important municipal laws were approved:

a) the City Council law on Housing Renovation Promotion (Ordenanza Municipal de Fomento a la Rehabilitación Urbana (page 57 on WP1.1 final report year 4th), and

b) the Municipal Order on energy eco-efficiency and the use of renewable energies in buildings and their facilities (page 58 on WP1.1 final report year 4th).

UdZ proposed to the other partners in Zaragoza, Ayto and Urbic, to continue the activity in WP1.1 with the aim of updating the final report with specific contributions for each year.

In year 5, in conjunction with WP 1.2, UdZ designed actions that allow monitoring of the implementation of these standards in order to progress in delivering outcomes that will be submitted to local and regional authorities when completed along years 6 and 7.

In year 6 the initial results concerning monitoring and socioeconomics present a scope that once completed in the final year must provide a set of very important conclusions concerning certification and building regulations. These conclusions will be presented not only to local authorities but also to national institutions like IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energía).

Zaragoza community has continued to work in this WP in order to use the results of WP 1.2, WP 1.5, WP 2.2 and WP 5.1 to make a proposal to amend political decisions concerning the certification of buildings with emphasis on efficiency in public buildings. This will be the update of the Final Report on WP 1.1 from Zaragoza to be completed in year 7th.

The work under this WP is extended to next year pending completion of the monitoring results and work in WP1.5. Preliminary contacts have been established with the IDAE in order to insert a number of conclusions drawn from the Renaissance project and which are currently undervalued, in current legislation, such as appropriate monitoring and control concerning actual compliance to existing regulations.

2.2 Local progress (Grand Lyon community) During the three last years the main update regarding national and local energy policies are:

- The so called “Grenelle II” law participates to the upgrading of several regulations and planning documents to make them more sustainable.

- The new thermal Regulation (RT 2012) imposes ambitious energy performance (low consumption buildings) for all new construction. This law comes into force in 2012 for all new buildings. However, many difficulties remain to be solved especially regarding the calculation software and the control for regulation compliance.

- Update of Grand Lyon sustainable housing reference criteria - Publication of Grand Lyon sustainable officies reference criteria - Publication of Grand Lyon sustainable district reference criteria - Mainstreaming of Low energy building in La Confluence district thanks to the

impulsion of RENAISSANCe buildings - Grand Lyon took the political decision to include Energy within its juridiction.

All along Year 6, several meetings have been held between Grand Lyon, Hespul and ALE in order to watch the evolution of local, regional and national energy policies and to assess the impact of RENAISSANCE project in upgrading policies and current practices.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


The writing process is still on-going and the three following publications will sum-up and disseminate the findings of the French RENAISSANCE team:

- A 15 pages document (in English) will update the previous WP1.1 final report by detailing the recent changes in French context and regulation (To be delivered to EC by end of December – to be delivered separately)

- A 2 pages case study (in English) will sum-up all the findings regarding Energy Policies in France and Grand Lyon (as part of the experience capitalization documents, cf. WP4.2)

- A 20 pages document (in French) will sum-up all the findings, results and lessons learnt of RENAISSANCE project regarding the role of local authorities in setting-up innovative and ambitious energy policies at both local and regional level. This document is addressed to decision makers and practitioners (to be published in May 2012).

Last but not least, Grand Lyon and Hespul strongly collaborated to apply to the Smart Cities call for projects of the European Commission. The call has been published in an adequate period, since Grand Lyon has started the process to transfer the energy related issues to its jurisdiction. HESPUL and Grand Lyon took the advantage of their collaboration within RENAISSANCE project to jointly participate to the call. A proposal has been submitted for both Energy Policies (8.8.1) and Heating & cooling networks (8.8.2) calls with two different but very strong European consortiums. The application to both calls would most probably have been impossible without the experience and lessons learnt from RENAISSANCE project. The writing process has been the opportunity for the Grand Lyon to organise a workshop with all the energy and urban planning local stakeholders so as to discuss how to improve energy planning and screening. If Grand Lyon is selected for the Smart City call, it will be the perfect opportunity to continue the dynamic impulsed by RENAISSANCE and to make an additional breakthrough towards more sustainable and smart energy policies and planning practices.


No major deviation regarding this workpackage. The work decribes above and to be done in the Year 7, it is extra work compared to the intial contract, introduced with amendement 5. For Zaragoza, the extension of the contract is a good opportunity to propose the the results of the combined work of WP 1.5 and WP 2.2 can now be proposed in the form of regulations at national level.

4 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES Minor personal cost was declared by UdZ, HESPUL, Grand Lyon and ALE.


• Continue to monitor buildings and review plans for rehabilitation that occur in the period in order to verify the effectiveness of the adopted standards.

• Evaluations of new buildings and urban plan presented to the City Hall approval.

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• Conclusions about the results with monitoring + socioeconomics in order to propose some new regulations and to render existing ones more effective.

• Final report with the activities of Zaragoza partners along all the period. • 2 pages case study regarding Energy Policies results of lessons learnt for Zaragoza

community (as part of the Experience Capitlisation work – cf. WP4.2) Grand Lyon community

- Publication of a 15 pages document (in English) will update the previous WP1.1 final report by detailing the recent changes in French context and regulation

- 2 pages case study regarding Energy Policies results of lessons learnt for Grand Lyon community (as part of the Experience Capitlisation work – cf. WP4.2)

- A 20 pages document (in French) will promote RENAISSANCE findings, results and lessons learnt regarding innovative and ambitious energy policies (to be published in May 2012)

6 ANNEXES No annex. Update of WP1.1 final report will be provided to the EC separately.

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Deliverable D.1.2.1 WP 1.2– Eco-Building Design Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011

Date of preparation:

25/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: José A. Turégano (UdZ) Revision:

Email: : Tel: +34 976 76 22 34

[version: final]

Other authors/organisations: Constantino Baile (UdZ), Angel Martínez (UdZ), Eva Roldán, José A. López (UdZ)

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Lyon’s experts completed this sub-WP during the 2nd Year of implementation. Therefore, no activity is to be reported for this 5th reporting period. They have then carried out the site evaluation of buildings energy performance, with a focus on envelope, insulation and ventilation, during the construction phase, under WP2.2.

In Zaragoza the subtask leader is the University of Zaragoza (UdZ). Other partners are involved in harmonization of the used criteria for simulation on Valdespartera, such as technical experts Urbic and Cener.

Amendments 4 and 5 gave the option to UdZ to complete the objectives of WP 1.2, so as to strengthen the criteria to form residents on proper use of galleries, by combining simulation with results from monitoring. At the same time, it allowed to complete the assessment software energy URSUS in order to combine an urban development with rehabilitation environmental assessment and quality and user comfort.

The above stated activities started in year 5 and have been almost completed in year 6. In turn, and in order to deepen the interpretation of monitoring results, an analysis of the energy consumption of more than 1,500 houses (WP 2.2) is being compared with a study of heat island based on experimental data and satellite. This study will provide a tool for partner Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza to incorporate critical design conditions on new development or rehabilitation processes through the implementation of appropriate regulations.

According to above statements, year 6 has been given special emphasis to: - The URSUS development (Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_URSProj). - The analysis of sustainability indicators in processes of new urbanism or

refurbishement (Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_SUSIND). - The study of heat island (Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_HEATIS)

Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza (UdZ) - local leader, SMZV & the Ayto.

1 WORK PACKAGE ACTIVITIES Overview of full project objective(s) See on RENAISSANCE website, the description of FULL objective(s) by sub-WP: Initial Objective (Full Project)

• To provide detailed evaluation of best practice in the overall sustainability of the new building design, use and performance leading to recommendations and guidelines to be used throughout the EU.

• To undertake advanced energy evaluations of key building types by means of dynamic simulation in order to validate the predicted energy demand and consumption. Parameters to be evaluated are energy consumption aspects, environmental impact and comfort.

• To address all phases of the build process from planning, site and building design, construction and lifetime operation. The results will be used as a basis for setting future energy efficiency standards in the local buildings sector and for onwards replication as well as to contribute to the development of energy certification of buildings in line with EU directives.

Description of work (months 61-78)

Grand Lyon, Lombardia: FINISHED / Final Report done, year 3.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Zaragoza: Zaragoza specific objectives and work for year 6 and the following 12 months has been achieved in close connection with WP 1.1 and WP 2.2:

• So as to provide detailed evaluation of best practice in the overall

sustainability of the new building design; specific evaluations of bioclimatic buildings has been completed by combining results of dynamic simulation with real data recorded with wireless monitoring systems. Results, once completed, in years 6 and 7 will be presented as a set of recommendations for use with the Renaissance communities allowing material to be produced in the form of lectures and seminars targeted to specific people (masters students, technician and promoters as much as local authorities).

• Advanced energy evaluations of key building types considering in order to assess the possibility of predictive evaluation as well as to modify wrong practices mainly focused on the misuse of auxiliary systems in combination with bioclimatic buildings. This is a common case of non residential buildings as the equivalent of a misuse found in residential buildings.

• The software for evaluation and optimization of urban plans (URSUS) has been further improved. Besides a complete system for self-learning tools supported by a web design for on-line training has been developed.

• Durning year 6, the impact of the heat island effects on the energy demand in Valdespartera has been assessed with experimental local data and satellite data.

Deliverables (months 61-78) D 1.2.1: Annual Progress report for Zaragoza community (month 72).


Along year 6, ZAR partners made specific efforts in new objectives such as commented above which supposes:

• Final version of the URSUS softaware that gives the possibility to optimize urban planning. This version includes climate data for some European places. On-line courses and a manual in English have been prepared and are going to be concluded in year 7. The Italian version of the software is prepared by the partner in Lombardia. Some results are included in Annex Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_URSProj.

• A program of urban sustainability indicators is built in the URSUS software. The main features are described in the Annex Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_SUSIND. This software is intended to be a useful tool not only for urbanists but also for municipal planners and managers to review or make regulations that address new urban planning.

• A first analysis of heat island has been developed as an analytical tool to help interpret data from monitoring Valdespartera houses (WP 2.2). It is to be completed by this spring. This information will allow an overall assessment of the blocks giving a better interpretation of data from houses. The methodology, Annex Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_HEATIS, aims at combining local experimental data with satellite data.

Other activities have started in years 5 and 6 and are to be completed along year 7 with the following objectives:

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• To propose an alternative simulation approach for bioclimatic buildings certification to Spanish authorities in coordination with other Spanish CONCERTO communities.

• To make definitive conclusions from the comparison between data registered (from monitoring activities) and simulated data, to consolidate the proposed alternative certification system for Spain (first phase working and 2nd and 3rd progressing; see WP 2.2 of year 6).

• To complete URSUS software including a set of urban sustainability indicators,

to be combined with the already done energy demand optimization. • To check the URSUS software in some additional cases. On line training is

almost completed and will be ready next spring. Once translated to English, it will be communicated to CONCERTO PLUS to start a coordinated proposal to all partners around Europe CONCERTO projects.

After the meeting of CONCERTO Spanish projects partners, the conclusions will be translated and communicated to the new Secretary of Housing once revised by the different participants.


- URSUS collaboration with Lombardia community is going ahead. - The conclusions and tutorial are available on the web and additional topics will be

uploaded once completed. - We are exchanging data with the other communities and also with the Spanish

partner of the project IEE/09/728 SI2.558244.

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES Deliverables are worked on together with WP 1.5 and WP 2 and presented in the corresponding report. Some Annexes are also common and included in them.

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There is no deviation except for the extension of some of the goals originally considered (for instance: the Heat Island analysis). Also final documents of some objectives planned to be completed the 6th year will need some additional work to be done for the final report with a complete revision of errors, lessons learned and proposals to the authorities once the objectives of the foreseen activities of this period are completed.



Work is progressing adequately as previously commented. All pending work in those innovative objectives presented above will be finished along year 7.

• Concerning the standards of certification, we will pursue data recording in order to build a proposal of a complete methodology to make predictive evaluation. Documents concerning tools and techniques to make this predictive evaluation will be prepared as manuals.

• Report with final conclusions about the needs for changes in certification procedures according to the results obtained from WP 2.2. This report is to be submitted to local authorities and IDAE, prior to discussion with ministry authorities.

• Final document with conclusions about Mediterranean standards for a bioclimatic design.

• Obtaining local data measured with probes T built for that purpose. • The effect of heat island will be revised including the methodology to allow Ayto of

Zaragoza to make future evaluations. • Methodology to define the components of bioclimatic design and how to evaluate it

following a process included in URSUS software. • The URSUS software that includes energy evaluation and an algorithm to evaluate

sustainability of urban projects including indicators for energy, quality of life and ambiance care available also to refurbishement projects.

• URSUS will be completed and used in different communities of CONCERTO PLUS. • URSUS On line training material in a web page for self-learning about URSUS use.

The training material will be used in different courses. • The organisation in mid-May of an international congres about the general topic of

Sustainable Urban Development. This congress will have a specific session to present the main results from the Renaissance communities. Most of work will be closely related with other WPs for a better exploitation of the different results as shown of next figure:

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Annex Document reference Content/Title

Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_URSProj “URSUS: a software for energy urban planning optimization and evaluation”: major updates made to the URSUS software

Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_SUSIND “Criteria for a sustainable evaluation of residential urban planning": Description, scales and use of sustainability indicators included in URSUS

Da.1.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_HEATIS “Heat Island evaluation using remote sensing techniques and GIS": The study of heat island

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Deliverable D.1.3.1 WP 1.3 – Fuel wood Supply

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 19/12/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: Samir BOUKHALFA Revision: Email: Tel: 33 (0)4 37 48 22 42

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations:

Malorie CLERMONT (Hespul)

Sylvain KOCH-MATHIAN (Hespul)

Virgilio Bocassile (LOM)

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION WP.1.3 leader is Regione di Lombardia, and ERSAF, the executive body on agriculture and forestry of the Regione Lombardia (LOM) actively participated on this sub-WP by Year 6.


Initial Objective (Full Project) • To identify sustainable sources of wood-fuel locally available for energy production • To accurately assess their impact on natural and/or agricultural and/or urban

environment when exploited for energy production • To properly study the design and implantation of wood-fuelled boilers and the

organisation of the fuel delivery taking into account the specific constraints following from their localisation in a dense urban environment in Grand Lyon

• If relevant to organise economically viable local wood-fuel supply chains

Description of work (months 61-78)

Grand Lyon • To finalize the best practices guideline about the integration of wood energy boilers in

urban areas (ALE) • To realize the best practices guideline related to the maintenance contacts & energy

performance facilities (ALE) • To draw up a qualitative and quantitative balance sheet on the wood energy

consumption (linked with the monitoring activities-WP2.3) (ALE)

Lombardy (LOM/ERSAF) • To go on the study about BREBEMI highway and Malpensa Airport;

• To follow the installation of planned SRF paid by other found managed by Lombardia Government, in particular in order to mitigate transport infrastructure;

• To introduce biomethane concept in agro-urban RES;

• To monitor new, smart and small technologies to increase the plant efficiency for small wood CHPin order to study the feasibility of their implementation in Malpensa and BREBEMI framework;

• To monitor new, smart and small technologies to increase the electric production efficiency for biogas plant in order to compare them with the biomethane concept and reach a global higherefficiency for the agro/transport infrastructure system

• To follow the first plantations of SRF system in the framework of transport infrastructures.

Zaragoza • Exchanging biomasses experiences with Lombardy

• To keep on collecting data about biomass producing and delivering companies in Zaragoza and its surrounding area to do the Assessment study on setting up a local SRF/biomass supply chain

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 1.3.1 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (Month 72)

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Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) Finalisation of study on maintenance contracts in Lyon, and exchanges of the 3 communities results amongst RENAISSANCE partners.

2 SUMMARY OF LOCAL PROGRESS ZARAGOZA: During year 6, Urbic has worked extensively on the promotion of energy service contracts, based on biomass technologies, which led to fifteen formal offers to clients. As both ESCO (WP1.4) and wood fuel (WP1.3) related activities are fully dependent one from the other all the activities carried out during the Year 6 on this subject have been reported in WP 1.4 annual progress report (D.1.4.1). LOMBARDY: This year, Region of Lombardy has pursued its research on the development of biomass for both energy production and mitigation of transportation infrastructure. This work has focused on three main points: • translation of the Feasibility study on short rotation forestry along the future BreBeMi

highway (see Annexe Da.1.3.1_Y6_LOM_n26_FeasStudySRF), • follow-up on the medium rotation forestry plantation along the future BreBeMi

highway, • synthesis of the results from other studies financed by the Region of Lombardy. GRAND LYON: During Year 6, ALE has pursued its implication in the RENAISSANCE project by putting emphasis on the following issues: • Follow-up on the implementation of wood fuel boilers and support during the first

wood fuel deliveries, • Technical support on the implementation of building performance monitoring,

especially on assistance to establishing adequate maintenance contracts to guarantee long-term high energy performance.

These actions have contributed to the completion of the Good practices guide on wood boilers in urban dense areas. This guide aims at serving as a support in decision-making for any project manager that is willing to install a wood-fired heating plant. The guide includes feedback on the implementation of wood burners in blocks A, B and C in Lyon Confluence (Da.1.3.1_Y6_LYO_n19_WoodUrbsum). Finally, meetings with project managers have provided first results on energy consumption in these buildings.


3.1 LOMBARDY: During Year 6, Lombardy carried on several activities in the framework of WP 1.3.:

- Monitoring of MRF plant along the future BreBeMi highway track - Monitoring of Lombardia projects (funded by local government) in order to acquire

new knowledge to share with partners - Redaction of English version of feasibility study - Synthesis and modeling of experience and results in order to produce guidelines.

During Y6 project we had the possibility to monitor the first MRF plantation realized along the future BreBeMi highway track.

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The plantation was requested by a farmer. The objective of the farmer is to avoid future noise and landscape problems with the future highway in relations to his activity of countryside holiday resort. A traditional noise barrier could give his customers the sensation of being in an urban context. This separation urban/farmland is a key success factor for rural holidays. For the realisation of the plant, an additional problem was that the highway construction site is not yet open in this location. The risk therefore, is that the MRF plantation may be pulled down if space is needed on the construction site in the short future. The question was analysed with the

highway builder to reach a solution. The Renaissance MRF model includes a free zone between plants and highway, which is mandatory in the Italian road law (circled in red in the figure below). The highway builder considered the size of the free zone adequate for future construction site space necessities.

Figure 2 Renaissance MRF model and coexistence with future highway yard

After having this problem solved, the plantation works could start and it is planned to have the first harvest around the time of the highway opening (you have to consider that the timing of Renaissance MRF system is 5 years). LOM started the plantation monitoring, to have real data in order to improve and validate the MRF model. After 6 months, the plantation monitoring data is in accordance with expectations, with good performances in terms of plantation disease and plant growth (the picture above shows the situation in October 2011).


Figure 1 The situation 6 months after plantation

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These monitoring activities will be pursued in next project year (you have to consider that the timing of Renaissance MRF system is 5 years so in this way we will have covered around half the MRF system’s turnover. In particular we will cover the most critical period for a plantation, which the start) and we will be able to have an estimation of future production data. During this period, Renaissance LOM team will cooperate with highway manager (BreBeMi s.p.a) to evaluate the possibility to extend this system to the main part of the highway, modalities to manage it and the best valorisation of MRF yield. The activities on new technologies for energy conversion and improvement of energy production plants, were carried on in cooperation with WP 1.4. In addition to this monitoring activity, Renaissance LOM team monitored the final and interim results of some other research project, paid by Lombardia with own funds, to acquire knowledge to improve the proposed MRF model. In particular, there are some new very interesting poplar clones that can increase the yield in a significant way. These results will have a deep impact on economic sustainability and other performance indicators of MRF system. Other significant results are about the reduction of growing works to increase economic and environmental sustainability performances. Another activity carried on during year 6 was the production of an English version of feasibility study about MRF plantation along BreBeMi Highway. Finally we worked on summarizing Renaissance project results about MRF system in order to produce guidelines that will be edited as basis for Lombardy next training activities. The work integrates results produced by Renaissance research with results of other research project paid by Regione Lombardia, in order to have a global vision of MRF system, and produce synergies between different projects. In this framework the two feasibility studies produced during the project, including possible updating and monitoring activities, will be presented as two case studies. We will also include all the experiences that other project partners would like to share with us.

3.2 GRAND LYON: Follow-up on the operation of wood fuel boilers During Year 6, ALE made several site visits and meetings with project managers and operation and maintenance companies, in the line of similar actions led in 2010. Illustrations below are examples of the wood fuel boiler room in block C – building Le Monolithe (June 2011 visit):

At this stage, ALE had met all operation and maintenance (O&M) companies responsible of wood burners. Collected information is essentially communicated during conversations. It appears that O&M companies are rather reluctant to divulgating data on technical installations, which does not facilitate the analysis and comparison across different professional approaches. Thus, ALE generated a table, which was communicated to O&M companies to be filled in, and awaits their feedback. Only one company responded by providing data on

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consumption at the heat meter for different buildings under its responsibility. Data tables from Block C can be made available upon request. Upon first meetings with O&M companies, ALE was informed that fuel deliveries occurred at a frequency of one per week during very cold winter periods, which seems to correspond to preliminary theoretical estimations. However, during mid-season periods, ALE could only get incomplete data. It will be interesting to observe domestic hot water consumption during the summer because part of the peak consumption is covered by wood. Example of collected data for Block A Heat meters on the whole Block A give the following consumption data for one year (October 2010 to October 2011):

Block South Block North Total Heat meters (kWh) 394 722 574 062 968 784 Domestic hot water (DHW) meters (m3)

2 960 2 789 5 749

Final energy consumption for DHW

meters (m3) 3 760 3 254 7 014

This gives an annual average of energy consumption for heating and hot water of 51 kWh/m!, for Block A. The following figure shows the energy mix for heat production:

Proportion of different fuels (gas, wood) in heat production

During the heating period, the proportion of wood in heat production is 68%. The number of deliveries realized is 12 to 15 depending on the size of the truck (estimated at 15 MT). The average efficiency of heat production (heat + DHW), without differentiation on the type of fuel, is 83% during the cold season (October to June). Block B: To this day, no information has been received on Block B. The follow-up on this Block will have to be based on a compilation of data on energy charges during general assemblies of co-ownership committees and the level of occupancy of residents. Block C:

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Raw consumption data of Block C provided by the operator can be made available upon request. Technical support on the implementation of maintenance contracts A first analysis work was done during year 6 despite the fact that ALE has not received all the expected data. This work will be pursued and consolidated during year 7. In this preliminary analysis, it is observed that three management modes of the blocks are different. However, it is very difficult to obtain precise financial information from building managing companies. Indeed, while on-site technicians can easily provide information on the boiler operation, information on ordering and fuel deliveries and on contracts is difficult to get. The reason is that these two elements are not managed by the same services. To this day, ALE has been able to obtain only one contract signed on Block A.

Block A Block B Block C Contract P1, P2, P3 P1, P2, P3 P1, P2, P3

Systems managed by the operator

Wood and gas boilers, ventilation, cooling

system and PV

Wood and gas boilers, solar thermal

Wood and gas boilers, solar thermal

Invoicing mode

Divided by surfaces (by building). It is

done by the building managies.

Divided by surfaces (by building). It is

done by the building managies.

Direct invoice between operator and

user based on heat meter readings.

The contract in Block A does not appear to be out of the ordinary: signed for 4 years, it gives full responsibility to the operator for all energy systems (Wood and gas boilers, ventilation, cooling system and PV). This period duration appears to be relevant to allow the managment of the programation settings and then to reach optimal regulation. On Block B, managment of the two wood burners appears to be more complicated and requires more time to be spent on the ground. The quality of the fuel has an important impact on the efficiency results. On Block C, the contract is signed directly between operator and users (landlords, enterprises) very early in the project. The Building managing company therefore has little to do with the choice and quality of the fuel. The operator is thus free to choose the fuel. Wood heating plants in dense urban areas: Recommendation Guide Summary The guide addresses technical issues in regards to wood burners in urban areas. It then focuses on technical recommendations on wood supply, storage, and pollution control, on legal recommendations regarding contracts of operation and maintenance and economical considerations. The guide is in the process of being formatted and will be published in Year 7. However, a detailed draft of the guide can be made available in French upon request. An English summary is provided in Da.1.3.1_Y6_LYO_n19_WoodUrbsum.

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Lombardy presented its work during the international meeting in Milan in May 2011. Since ALE is the only partner monitoring wood fuel boilers, it is difficult to exchange informations and practices amonst the RENAISSANCE consortium. Nevertheless, ALE presented the work progress in several meetings: technical meeting during the Milan meeting in June 2011, and local meetings (CSG).

5 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES This Annual progress report (D.1.3.1_Y6_AnProgRep.doc) is the foreseen Deliverable.


Data collection is also very difficult with O&M enterprises. Owners are not very available either due to numerous problems that have had to be done upon reception of their dwelling (file creation on damage works that resuklt in lower qulity installations that what was signed in the contracts). The work of ALE is thus slowed down and must constantly adapt compared to initial objectives.

7 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES Only personal costs have been declared for Grand Lyon and Lombardy.

8 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS GRAND LYON The work to be done during the 12 next months is described in the following points:

- Finalization of the best pratices guideline related to the maintenance contacts & energy performance of facilities,

- Finalization of the guide on the implementation of wood fuel boilers in urban areas (in French),

- Redaction of the final report. LOMBARDY Lombardy will continue to monitor the MRF plantation.

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Annex Document reference Title/ Content


Wood heating plants in dense urban areas: Recommendation Guide Summary English summary of the Good practices guide for the implementation of wood burners in dense urban areas and feedback on Confluence operations


Annex Document reference Content/Title

Da.1.3.1_Y6_LOM_n26_FeasStudySRF Assessment of guidelines for the realization of environmental mitigation works with a productive function (biomasses for energetic uses) on transport linear infrastructures, setting the managing and application system and application of results for a feasibility study on the BRE.BE.MI. Motorway (English version)

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Deliverable D.1.4.1 WP 1.4– Commercial and fiscal solutions

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Instrument (e.g. Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 01/12/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: URBIC – Juan Carlos Pericas Revision: Email: Tel:

Other authors/organisations: Gabriele Boccasile (LOM), Sylvain Koch-Mathian (HESPUL)

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION URBIC is the RENAISSANCE leader of this sub-WP and the local leader in Zaragoza community. UdZ had replaced ECODES since its withdrawal. In Lyon, SPLA Lyon Confluence is the local leader; the other participants are HESPUL and ALE. Regione di Lombardia who is the only partner of the Italian community is also a member of this sub-WP.

1 WORK PACKAGE ACTIVITIES Overview of full project objective(s) • To identify and develop usual or innovative schemes for co-financing RUE and/or RES

additional costs so as to make them painless for final users • To undertake research and development work to establish innovative commercial and

fiscal mechanisms to underpin the creation of local energy services and so provide a flexible and sustainable approach to the local provision and distribution of electricity, heating and cooling.

• To advance towards biomass cogen plant in Zaragoza by analysis and international knowledge exchange.

• To advance towards the creation of an ESCo from the collective efficient cooling system to be installed in one new bioclimatic block in Valdespartera.

Description of work (months 61-78)

Grand Lyon: no more activities are planned in this WP due to the end of the budget allowed / FINISHED Zaragoza: • To assess the feasibility of creating an ESCo in one RENAISSANCE Building

(Valdespartera) that would improve energy efficiency through the installation of natural gas heat pumps (150-180% of yield over the calorific inferior PCI of the gas) for collective cooling and partial contribution to heating, including energy recovery system. (UdZ & URBIC).

• Extension of the viability study from ESCos to existing buildings, in the work context of rehabilitation and reform in Zaragoza city (URBIC).

• Elaboration of the final report with definitive conclusions, detected barriers and possible solutions for the creation of ESCos (URBIC).

Lombardy: • To get feedback on the existing ESCo and transfer of experience towards


Upgrading the study with the results and progress of WP 1.3 activities and specific monitor activity in order to validate the results of previous study.

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 1.4.1 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) Publication of final studies, and exchanges on conclusions amongst RENAISSANCE partners, in the 3 communities.

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ZARAGOZA: During Year 5, URBIC had been assessing different commercial options for offering heating and cooling service to the inhabitants’ community of Valdespartera. This work led to the realization of 15 contracts with households for an efficient air conditioning, heating and hot water system in a building of 96 homes, in the neighborhood of Valdespartera, in Year 6. Growing from this experience, URBIC started a feasibility study on the provision of energy services using an efficient biomass boiler. LOMBARDY: During year 5 Regione Lombardia had completed the feasibility study on rural-urban ESCo. This year the work has progressed towards a translation of this document in English and update of the ESCo study based on observed evolution of the cogeneration and biomass technologies market.


3.1 ESCO study on biomass


Description of energy services

An energy service is a set of features including the realization of intangible investment and works or supplies necessary to optimize the quality and reduce energy costs. This action may include the construction, installation or processing works, equipment and systems maintenance, upgrade or renewal, exploitation or management arising from the incorporation of efficient technologies. A well-defined energy service should be paid based on a contract that includes energy savings that can be verified, measured or estimated. During year 6, URBIC has begun a detailed fieldwork regarding energy services contracts. The experience carried out recently has confirmed that, given the current economic situation, investments for the replacement of equipment are a challenge. This is mainly due to uncertainty in the return on investment and associated risk. Energy services offer a solution to this problem as the end user does not make the initial investment and pays a monthly charge to reimburse the energy services company. Characteristics of the energy services studied

After the first analysis it was decided to concentrate efforts in certain specific areas of energy services where we think there is real potential to achieve some success. One of these is the substitution of high-power boiler installations fed with oil with heat generation equipment based on biomass combustion, offering a comprehensive package of services from the design of the facility until the sale of energy useful to end users. For the moment the work has focused on the residential sector. Another element differentiating a facility managed by an energy services company from conventionally managed facility, is that all agents involved form one entity. The experience of many years as an engineering company has shown URBIC that when different agents manage a facility, a range of problems may arise, with the most

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common being the lack of communication, differences in practices leading to counter productive work and misunderstandings and conflicting objectives. These issues ultimately lead to an under-optimized facility with an energy performance lower than expected. DESCRIPTION OF PRELIMINARY FINDINGS Opportunity analysis for energy services

Centralized generation facilities of heat in the residential sector use mainly natural gas or diesel or gas oil, although there are still isolated cases where coal is used. The two formers fuels have very different unity cost: about 5¢"/kWh for natural gas and 9¢"/kWh for diesel. Previous economic studies clearly show that the substitution of natural gas boilers for biomass equipment currently provides very little savings in operating costs, while the margin on diesel performance is far superior. The size of the facility is another critical factor. The cost per kW depends on power and quality. As an example, the cost of a 1MW biomass boiler of good quality can cost around "140,000, while a 100kW boiler and similar characteristics may have a cost of "70,000. This drastically hinders opportunities for using biomass in smaller buildings or with low consumption. The size of the facility refers to the installed power but also to the final fuel consumption. While these two parameters are closely related, the difference lies in the efficiency of the boiler. In the residential sector, there is a breakeven point in the range of 100,000L of diesel fuel consumed per year. It is necessary to analyze in detail each facility, taking into account its specificities, to reliably determine the profitability of the operation. In industry it is not possible to establish thresholds of profitability, since the consumption-output ratio depends strongly on the process where energy is used. Identification of potential clients

The main figure to initiate contact with neighboring communities is the administrator of estates. The first step is to expose the product, indicating its benefits, limitations and requirements for the proposal to be profitable for both parties. In the past year, URBIC has made contacts with more than a dozen managers with highly disparate results. It is crucial that the manager understands the interest of the proposal so that the information ultimately reaches the residents. In Zaragoza, low-quality biomass equipments had been installed by another company creating a strong distrust for biomass as heating fuel in the community. As an example, the client of the company responsible for these installations canceled the contract shortly after signing it, due to various incidents arising from the implementation of the boilers (with serious faults in security measures). Residents of the building latter opted for individual heating installations, with natural gas boilers. Making contact with potential customers has been much more complex than expected also due to problems unrelated to technical and economic criteria. In neighboring communities, the key contact to start an energy services operation is the administrator or, in his absence, the president of the community. However, we have tried other methods of contact through specific neighbors, showing interest in saving energy and biomass in particular. Another way of contact is the identification of large buildings in the city, having centralized heat generation facilities that consume diesel. We have also taken advantage of relationships created over the years with developers, installers and other agents involved in the energy sector.

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Once contact has been made with the administrator, the next step is to gather historical consumption of the community to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of a possible energy reform. Technical feasibility of the installation

The technological aspect of connecting another boiler to the existing facility is not excessively complicated. A typical technical problem is a high pressure of the existing installation. Generally biomass hips are not designed to work more than 3 bar, which is easily solved by independent hydraulic heat exchangers. Selection criteria for the boilers Technical feasibility is rather related to the physical space available for installation, especially with regard to storage of biomass. Another crucial factor to the success of the operation is the quality of the boiler. In this sense we have self imposed a series of criteria in the selection of boilers to be installed, which are: - Automatic supply system, - Cleaning systems and automatic ash removal, - Control system of the combustion temperature, - Lambda sensor to control the combustion quality, including regulation of both fuel input and the air supply. Another determining factor is the ability of the boiler to burn various types of biomass. This criterion does not respond to reasons of safety and proper operation of the facility, but rather to economic viability. With these criteria in the selection of boilers, the range of brands and models is quite limited. Space availability and location of boiler In the work done so far, we have found more than one facility for which the biomass boiler would be economically viable. However, the existing boiler room too small to hold the biomass boiler or there was not access to get the boiler in the room. The biomass boilers were initially intended for industry and are thus usually very high, making them unsuitable for installation in residential buildings, where floors rarely reach a height of 3 meters. Boilers designed for the residential sector have reduced heights, but the floor space occupied is greater. However, it should be noted that large residential buildings with high heat consumption usually respond to an architectural profile of a certain age where floor height is greater. Yet the problems in this regard have led in several cases to rule out the installation of a biomass boiler. If the boiler usually requires a large space, storage is even more challenging. It should be noted that, on the market, many types of biomass fuel exist, with of course different properties, amongst which the energy density is the most critical concerning available storage space. As an example the space needed to store wood chips (low energy density) is more than twice that required for pellets (high energy density). This led URBIC to consider using exclusively wood pellets. Furthermore, when the only option is to have biomass storage in a relatively remote location from the boiler, or below the boiler, the fuel supply must be done by pneumatic technology, making pellets the only option. Economic viability of the operation

A determining factor of economic viability is the actual energy consumption. The type of available data to estimate consumption depends on the building. In some cases, the only data available was the amount of oil purchased in the last year, while in other cases, daily data on fuel consumption were registered. There is an interesting relationship between quality and quantity of available data and the actual final consumption of the building. Buildings for which daily consumption is

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reported usually have lower energy consumption. The concierge is usually responsible for daily turn on and off the heating, according to his or her own perception of outside temperature. By contrast, buildings for which the only available consumption data is an annual amount have heating facilities running 24 hours a day, resulting in higher consumption values. These consumption data are used not only to estimate the cost of fuel, but also to calculate the thermal power needed. After calculating the power of the equipment to be installed, we proceed to analyze the most economically viable option, using a minimum return required by financial institutions with whom we work. The economic feasibility analysis takes into account the investment and cash flows incoming and outgoing during the contract, including costs of preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, fuel management, administration and management ash, and sale of heat to the user. Final offer

Only options that suggest cost savings of at least 5% compared to current costs are presented to clients. In some cases, potential clients have rejected viable options because suggested savings did not matched their expectations. In regard to competition in the sector, although the concept of ESCo is not yet mainstream, we have found a total of 13 energy service companies both in the area of Aragon and the rest of Spain, some of which are branches of multinationals, whereas there was none when URBIC started investigating the field. CONCLUSION We have studied 15 actual cases according to the above-mentioned process, which have led to the presentation of an energy services company to clients. So far none resulted in a contract. Four, out of the 15 offers made so far, have been definitely rejected by customers, while 11 are under negotiation, pending the decision of the homeowners. Amongst these 11 pending offers, there are some that have been rejected initially, but households have not select another competitive offer, nor have undergone the rehabilitation of the energy facility, and thus these are still potential contracts. Details on these offers can be found in Annexe Da.1.4.1_Y6_ZAR_n15_BiomassESCo.

3.2 Centralized high efficiency cooling & heating by ESCo in Valdespartera

During Year 6, URBIC has managed to settle 15 contracts for energy services in the Valdespartera community.

The energy services contract includes several sections, which are summarized below:

- First stage heat pump installation for air conditioning service (contracted with 15 neighbours, calculated for 20 of a total of 96 flats), financed between 1 and 5 years according to the needs of each resident. Total cost per owner: 3.800 " excluding taxes. First payment occurs in October 2011. URBIC assumes the risk in the case of not reaching up to 20 users.

- Global Maintenance heating system (heating, hot water, solar energy and air conditioning) with guaranteed savings. URBIC is committed to achieve savings of at least 30% of natural gas consumption over the previous year, assuming the risk of losing half of income for the maintenance service in case of not achieving the target. Technical details of the installation have been summarized in WP 3.3 Annual progress report of year 6 and more details can be found in Da.1.4.1_Y6_ZAR_DemoESCo.

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LOMBARDY: During Year 6, LOM partner carried on several activities in the framework of WP 1.4.: - Redaction of an English version of ESCO feasibility study (see annexe

Da.1.4.1_Y6_LOM_n26_FeasStudyESCo; - Screening of new or improved technologies for biomass conversion; - Foresight activities about the future layout of a biomass CHP plant in connection with

the future energy scenarios; - Monitoring of Lombardia projects (funded by local government) in order to acquire

new knowledge to share with partners; - Synthesis and modeling of experience and results in order to produce guidelines. During year 6 we produced the English version of the feasibility study on rural/urban ESCO. This version was produced in electronic version in order to facilitate dissemination through project website. Another activity carried on during year 6 was the monitoring of new or improved technologies for biomass conversion.

The ESCO feasibility study was made using standard technologies biomass home burner and ORC plant. In the last year, the availability of technologies at the commercial level has shown some important changes. Important efforts are made to increase global energy efficiency of CHP plants and in particular, to increase electricity output. These

Figure 3 Comparison between actual and future concept of biomass CHP system

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improvements are applied both in integrated technologies for new plants and application for refurbishment or revamping of existing plants. These technologies are available for power class from 50 kW to 200 kW, referred to a single device, so they can be used potentially in all the existing plants connected to district heating. The electric power production increase is from 20% to 60% of actual electricity production and is affected by plant configuration, actual heat/electricity ratio, etc. This is not the only major change in the sector. In fact some technologies are now available for long-term heat storage, at prototype or commercial level. They use solid vector and latent heating technology (as anti-freeze system for fruit plantation) to reach the target of a long term and slow decay heat storage. These changes will have a deep impact on existing CHP district heating grid-connected plant and they stimulate all stakeholders to new power plant and business models. On the other hand these technology changes are consistent with provisional model about energy demand produced by International institutions as IEA and EU Commission. In fact they show an increase of RES, and biomass, but also a dramatically growth of electricity use, independently from electric car success. In the figure below we report, for example, the summary of final energy demand according to 2010 energy outlook edited by IEA. The three scenarios reported called “current” (evolution according to business as usual), “new po” (it include all the energy and environmental policies that is planned become in force by the reference date) and “450” (it is referred to the policies need to limit CO2 concentration in atmosphere to 450 ppm).











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Figure 4 Final energy demand scenario according to 2010 Energy Outlook edited by IEA

We can conclude that the elaborated ESCO models inside Renaissance model will be a reality within the next 3-5 years. For medium term we need a new model according to main technology and market changes, but also in relation with RES support policies at European, national and local level. These uncertainties make it difficult to produce business models as we produced in ESCO feasibility studies; they permit only to draw trends. We included this work in our synthesis of Renaissance project results about ESCO in order to produce guidelines that will be edited as basis for Lombardy next training activities. The work integrates also results of other research project paid by Regione Lombardia, in order to have a global vision, and produces synergies between different projects. In the synthesis, the feasibility study will be used as case history. The summary will also include the experiences that other project partners would like to share with us.


No specific exchanges occurred during this period.

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No deviations are reported.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES Only personnel costs have been claimed both by URBIC and LOM.

7 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS ZARAGOZA The main activity that remains for URBIC in this WP is to expand the installation of air conditioning to serve a total of 40 neighbors (of 96 flats), compared to 15 in Year 6. URBIC will continue to work to improve contract clauses and report lessons learnt from the ESCo implementation. Costs declared in relation to this activity will be however attributed to WP 3.3 as it is part of demonstration. A cost analysis will be pursued until the end of Year 7 to assess the true benefits of the model. LOMBARDY No further activities are planned for Lombardy under this WP.


Annex Document reference Content/Title Da.1.4.1_Y6_ZAR_n15_BiomassESCo ESCo case studies in Zaragoza

15 case studies of one double-sided sheet each on offer of energy services to replace existing heating systems (in Spanish).

Da.1.4.1_Y6_ZAR_DemoESCo Centralized high efficiency cooling & heating by ESCo in Valdespartera Technical description of the equipment installed for air conditioning in Valdespartera that will be managed by the ESCo


Annex Document reference Content/Title Da.1.4.1_Y6_LOM_n26_FeasStudyESCo Study of procedures and regulations

related to the setting up of a public ESCO in the rural sector and feasibility study of a rural ESCO

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Deliverable D.1.5.1 WP 1.5 – Socio-Economic Research

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 5th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 18/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 5 years Author/ contact: Dido Almarcegui, Julia Mérida, Malorie Clermont


Email:, Tel: +34 976762234 / +33 4 37 47 80 90

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations:

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

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INTRODUCTION The Universidad de Saragossa (UdZ) is the RENAISSANCE European Leader. HESPUL is the Local Leader in Lyon. The Local Leader is all the time in contact in order to keep working well in this subWP. They collaborate, they have many meetings to exchange their methodology, their experience, and at the end of the project, to compare and analyse the final results related to the specific populations and their context. The Local Partners in Lyon is ALE du Grand Lyon and Grand Lyon. The Local partners in Saragossa is Endesa (EDE), la Sociedad Municipal de Rehabilitación Urbana Zaragoza (SMVZ) and URBIC, they exchange their experience with UdZ about social activities.


Initial Objective (Full Project) • To gain new understanding regarding perception of RUE and RES, to improve

measurement of acceptance and adaptation to changes in energy use habits. • To explore key themes of: ensuring stakeholder involvement, social acceptability

of local energy generation, impacts of the energy services approach, evaluation of consumer energy use and comfort, local trends in energy costs and savings from the project and the development of socio economic performance indicators / models.

• To contribute new scientific knowledge to help explain the difference between the theory of a repeatedly stated economically viable energy saving potential of 20% and the reality of an average 4% annual increase in consumption. This will be done integrating the results of socio-economic research with the results of building monitoring in order to be able to test the hypothesis regarding the relation between perception, experience and actual energy use and conception.

Description of work

For the 3 communities: • To collaborate between the 3 communities, to share know-how and feedbacks on

their respective socio-economic (SE) activities, and to collaborate with Concerto Premium experts, other CONCERTO communities, on these results

• To identify, in Grand Lyon and Zaragoza communities, their respective “key-target persons” to be actively involved in SE activities (e.g. end-users/inhabitants of RENAISSANCE buildings)

• To analyse the involvement of some partners in the construction process of RENAISSANCE buildings

• To prepare (content) the elaboration of deliverable D.1.5.2 (Final report)

Grand Lyon (focus on future inhabitants)/end-users and professionals (capitalization work) • To continue socio-eco works on the appropriation process/phenomenon of high

performance building by future inhabitants, by: o To continue step 3 "Living in my house": organisation of general and specific

Saragossa Lyon Local leader University of Saragossa (UdZ) HESPUL

EDE ALE du Grand Lyon SMVZ Grand Lyon

Local partners


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training sessions (including the visit of the RE systems). The step 3 will be done in parallel with the monitoring (WP2.2) in order to make possible the comparison between the real consumption of energy and perceptions of inhabitants about their consumption (it will depend on the monitoring campaign schedule)

o To launch the Internet forum and the 1st newsletter containing information on the Confluence and CONCERTO areas in order to create social interaction between inhabitants

o To see the possibilities to work with the offices' users (Block C), depending on the remaining time and budget

o To work and exchange with Zaragoza SE experts to implement their monitoring campaign in Lyon to improve involvement, acceptation and adaptation to changes in energy use habits

o To exchange with other French CONCERTO communities, in particular, Grenoble (SESAC) and Nantes (Act2).

• To continue the work on the socio-economic framework (linked with WP4) to identified the lessons learnt by the partners thanks to their participation in a CONCERTO project in order to capitalize all the work achieved so far.

Zaragoza (focus on end-users):

• Specific socio-eco activities and narrow follow-up with residents/co-owners volunteers’ behaviours will be developed, in Valdespartera and in El Picarral areas (including not refurbished dwellings), supported by intelligent meters inputs and more sophisticated devices (shift from passive resident behaviour to active behaviour supported by the feedback on the monitoring data)

• To increase the influence in El Picarral Area to mobilize the neighbourhood to larger scale participation.

• CUS visits by pupils, technician and residents, plus organisation of meeting and seminar for awareness raising.

• To develop awareness raising material and activities for the pupils of Domingo school in order to teach them how to avoid misuses at home.

Lombardy (focus on rural/urban areas relationship)

• To complete the report with a case study and to upgrade the study with the results of WP1.3 Activities.

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 1.5.1 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72).

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) Key-target groups identified in the Grand Lyon and Saragossa communities, common monitoring/training activities, comparison and analysis of the results. Presentation of socio-economic indicators used in Lombardy.

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2.1 Description of work GRAND LYON: At the end of year 5, the local action plan was in progress. The two first steps, "Buying my house" and "Preparing my arrival" were finished since year 4 and the last one, "Living in my house", will be due at the end of the project. This last step includes training sessions for inhabitants, which have already started, and the creation of a blog via the WWF platform. The capitalization work has been validated with the transfer of funds to WP 1.5. ZARAGOZA: As shown in the following table, phase 3 begins at the end of the 5th year and has been strengthened over the 6th one, by incorporating 5th Amendment modifications. During this period the main objective of WP 1.5 has been to define and implement the strategy to produce a change in the role of the resident-consumer, from a passive role (as a simple receiver of information) to an active one (as provider of information able to react to feedback information on its energy consumption). This change will be enhanced through the WP 2.2 feedback, in which monitoring provides information on users’ energy consumption profile.

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2.2 Local progress per community GRAND LYON: Local action plan Over the period from October 2010 to October 2011, different awareness and training activities targeted for neighbourhood residents have been realised. These actions are led simultaneously and are intended to be pursued over year 7. These actions have been carried out with socio-economic partners through consultations and meetings as well as internal work. The said actions are:

• Dissemination of information documents as buildings factsheets, • Set up of an exchange blog on energy and the environment for residents, • Coordination of training actions on building energy performance and visits of

renewable energy installations, • Data collection and work with inhabitants on their energy consumption trends, • Work on implementation of real time data acquisition system using monitoring

devices and methodology developed by Saragossa partners. Buildings factsheets The above mentioned information documents are the site sheets documenting building energy performance (insulation methods, equipments in place…) and presenting CONCERTO RENAISSANCE approach. These factsheet have been distributed to the inhabitants during the training sessions. Since available data used are not necessarily the latest data, these sheets may be updated to incorporate new information: concerning systems, actual energy consumptions, etc. Creation of an exchange blog on energy and the environment for residents Grand Lyon has initiated a grant agreement with WWF on the theme eco-district. ALE has found interesting to associate the CONCERTO RENAISSANCE approach with actions led by WWF and SPLA Lyon Confluence. An exchange platform (blog) has been put in place for the said purpose in order to allow residents to communicate among themselves both on experiences of energy consumption follow-up (CONCERTO RENAISSANCE approach) and on the issue of eco-consumption (WWF/SPLA approach). Diffreent blog pages have been created in order to involve inhabitants of the CONCERTO district and more later all Confluence’s inhabitants: Each group of inhabitants, depending in which Block they live, has a specific webpage: - Block A - Saône Park: - Block B - Lyon Islands: - Block C - Le Monolithe: WWF and ALE have thus worked on a common methodology based on an existing Internet platform (called ‘le réseau planète attitude’ – planet attitude network) so as to pool the means. The main steps of the realisation of the initiation of the project from automn 2010 to automn 2011 were: o Meetings between ALE and WWF, o Training of an ALE employee on the usage of the WWF platform, o Write up of articles to be uploaded and feed the blog, o Write up of an inscription procedure for the blog, o Dissemination of the information to the inhabitants.

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A preliminary list of subjects for articles has been realised in view of uploading articles in the months to come:

1- Presentation of the CONCERTO program objectives 2- “How is my hot water produced?” 3- Summer thermal comfort: the importance of night ventilation 4- Ventilation: the difference between single flow ventilation and heat recovery

ventilation 5- “How is heating produced?” 6- Temperature control: the thermostat 7- Managing specific electricity consumption

Coordination of training actions on building energy performance and visits of renewable energy installations A general training module has been created called “Living well in my home and making energy savings” (« Bien vivre dans mon logement et faire des économies d’énergie »). The first two training sessions occurred in October 2010. New sessions have been organised in April 2011 for residents that were not presented during the prior sessions, and were complemented by a visit of the wood fuel boiler room in Block B. Local residents have welcomed these initiatives. Inhabitants have been particularly interested by the visits of technical installations, which facilitated their understanding of equipment operation. The public concerned has been mostly owner-occupiers. A more specific work has begun with providers of social housing in order to reach out to another kind of public, tenants of social dwellings. Three social landlords of Block C were contacted to work on the set up of more specific actions. One of these social landlords has not been willing to participate to a suggested brainstorming meeting in October 2011. Indeed, at the same time, technical problems are being addressed regarding heating and temperature controls and thus, it may not be the right time for awareness actions. Data collection and work with inhabitants on their energy consumption trends A data and experiences collection work has been undergone with inhabitants since October 2010. This activity will be most relevant to raise attention on technical malfunctions that had been previously identified. In addition, ALE proposed to building managing companies to create energy commissions. These commissions would have two goals, one to support the co-ownership in following energy consumption data (heating, domestic hot water, and electricity in common parts) and on the other hand to implement a regular follow-up to detect malfunctions of energy systems or to proceed to improvements, especially in the management of wood fuel boilers and regulation of indoor temperatures in winter. Meetings have been planned with the different co-ownership committees for October 2011. However, it seems that the priority of these committees lies with the adjustment of problems due to defects in material installation and malfunctions of equipment rather than with the energy consumption follow-up. In addition, it seems that co-owners are satisfied with the communication with operation and maintenance enterprises and the consumption follow-up that the latter are realizing already. Capitalisation work The capitalisation work aims at gathering and analysing all the relevant information from the partners concerning their involvement in the RENAISSANCE project and changes that occurred in their professional practices. This work will lead to two key documents: • An experience capitalisation document at the consortium level, in English,

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including RENAISSANCE results and lessons learnt (see WP4.2 activity report) which structure should be:

! 1 page description of RENAISSANCE project, ! 4 to 6 pages of description per community with description of the buildings

and their energy performance, ! Around 20 “case studies” of two pages, one for each main issue addressed

by the project with contacts and links for further information.

• An experience capitalisation document at Grand Lyon community level, in French.

The objective of this document is to present the first outline for the strategy to capitalize the experience and lessons learnt of the RENAISSANCE project at Grand Lyon level. These surveys will be carried out with all the project stakeholders and on all the project stages from urban planning and building design to the utilisation of the buildings. A special focus will be done to assess the impact of the introduction of energy performances based approach in business practices as well as in the interactions between project stakeholders. Topics will attempt to cover all phases of the project, namely urban planning, preliminary studies, urban design, equipment installation and construction works, operation and maintenance, and lastly building usage, in order to offer a comprehensive view of high-profile building projects that set an example for the future. The content of final version of the document sould be:

- A Master document containing an overview of the project: implementation, team, barriers, solutions and the lessons learnt associated,

- The energy policy planning document related to the French context, - The role of the monitoring in the RENAISSANCE project in Lyon, - Training - Guaranteeing high energy performance throughout the building life, - Recommandations related to operation and maintenance, - A document on socio-economic activities in particularly related to the work done

on awareness raising and trainings, - Capitalization of experience on the role of property developers.

See Annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_LYO_FrenchCap ZARAGOZA: Socio-economic activities have been defined according to 6th year objectives and needs of coordination with other WP and partners. The actions are focused on energy saving and renewable energies promotion and awareness on communities. The following table shows the schedule of activities realised during year 6.


"Do o r To Do o r"

Me e tin g s w ith n e igh bo u rs asso c ia tio n s an d admin istra to rs

In sta lla tio n

Su rve ys, Fe e dbac k, Ho me Visits & An a lysis Da ta


To n e ig h b o u rs o f Va lde sparte ra , P ic a rra l &P a rqu e G o ya

To Edu c a tio n c e n te rs


Efe rgy In sta lla tio n

Su rve ys, Fe e dbac k, Ho me Visits & An a lysis Da ta

MAY '11N O V '10 DEC'10 MAR '11 AP R '11JAN '11 FEB '11 SEP '11 O CT'11 N O V'11 DEC'11JU N '11 JU L'11 AU G '11

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Numerous activities related to dissemination and awareness on energy saving and renewable energy have been organised during the 6th year. Different profile groups were involved such as scholar (teachers, students), residential (inhabitants, managers, technical people), and scientific. 1.1 Informative sessions

The informative sessions held during the 6th year have been modified in form, intention and content. They are centred on the inhabitants’ energy issues. The sessions will also be of more specific and practical in their content.

a) Meetings with administrators

The sessions are open to all managers. The objectives sought through the meetings are, first, to reach an agreement with administrators to support the monitoring campaign through logistic means and the development of closer ties with inhabitants, second, to train them on issues of concern to the neighborhood where their role is relevant (heating consumption, solar thermal collector, etc.), and last, to train them on the use of auxiliary energy systems. Meetings are focused on matters of special interest for administrators thereby guaranteeing attendance to the sessions. During the sixth year, most of Valdespartera administrators attended the special meeting related to heating. As a result of these meetings, most administrators have agreed to ease communication with inhabitants for monitoring equipment installation, provide data on community and dwellings energy consumptions (gas and electricity), allow the socio-econoomic Renaissance team to intervene in residents’ meetings and/or collaborate by distributing different materials on bioclimatic building use to occupants. b) Meetings with inhabitants

Meetings are open to the entire community of Valdespartera. They are meant to give advice to residents on issues concerning the operation of buildings. For example, since very high heating consumptions have been noticed, a session was designed specifically to address this issue. The session has been repeated at the request of the residents themselves. Inhabitants have also asked the training team to engage a discussion with administrators on the subject. 1.2 Recreational/Demonstrative activities: “Solar Days”

These activities are open to the whole Valdespartera´s community. It consists in learning, through a practical but playful activity, about renewable energies and energy savings. Some of the participants who attended most often the solar days were registered for the CAE group (energy savings commitment group). See annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_activity

1.3 School activities

Work in schools is conceived with an integral perspective. After carrying out training tasks with students, we consider that the teaching staff must be involved and the building must be included in studies. Different sessions have been organized throught the target groups.

• Students: “Environmental days”. Practical workshops and conferences on RES, as well as recreational and demonstrative activities. See annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_activity

• Teaching staff. Course: “Energy saving at school”. This course is intended for Parque Goya, Valdespartera and Picarral schools. Teachers will be rewarded with

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training credits by DGA (Aragon Region Government). Currently, courses are being promoted in schools so that teachers may register. The course will take place in November along four sessions.

- The center: Distributed monitoring in Valdespartera C.P. and I.E.S. (Primary and Secondary centers). Although monitoring devices are not yet installed, both centers have confirmed their interest. The objective is to use monitoring data in order to check if training sessions in the educative community produce changes in residents’ energy related behavior.

1.4 Other events and activities

See annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_activity

Parque Goya was included in some of these activities, since it is a pioneer neighborhood regarding bioclimatism and it is used as a reference for comparing Valdespartera results.

a) Seminars/conferences at the CUS for inhabitants, technicians, professionals, etc.

b) Educational workshop at the CUS related to domestic energy efficiency and savings.

c) Participation in “Campaña medioambiental Parque Goya Pinta Verde” (Parque Goya environmental campaign): Campaign involving agents meetings (Neighbours associations, Schools Parents associations, Schools, Commerces, etc.) with housing visits.

d) Good practices contest “Mejora el confort en tu hogar” (Improve your home confort). The competition targets the neighborhoods of Valdespartera, Parque Goya and Picarral. The initiative is made in collaboration with the council and with the support of neighborhood association in each of the districts.

e) Collaboration with neighbors associations: Participation neighborhood festivities and collaboration in RENAISSANCE impulsed activities such as:

• “Valdespartera and Parque Goya neighbours forum”, • Interdisciplinary conferences: “Los barrios de Zaragoza ante la encrucijada

energética” (Zaragoza neighbourhoods facing the energy dilemma), • Good practices contest “Mejora el confort en tu hogar” (Improve your home

confort). 1.5 Tools used in support of awareness activities To value different socio-economic activities, the following resources are available:

• UdZ RENAISSANCE Website: • An article is published every month in the magazine “Somos Valdespartera”

See WP4.1activity report and Annex Da.4.1.5_Y6_ZAR_n14_MonthMag • Leaflet with advices for saving energy in summer and in winter • Publication of some notifications in the web of Valdespartera’s neighbourhood

associations: • Posters in the main door of buildings • Leaflets in mailboxes • Mailing • Phone calls & SMS • Home Visits • Facebook • Forum “Somos Valdespartera”:

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Surveys are addressed to selected families in order to study household behavior and habits. Questionnaires are distributed at different stages depending on the type of data to be gathered. The socio economic has taken advantages of door to door visits to gather data on the social situation of residents (age, gender, …) as well as on dwelling characteristics (surface, orientation, …). Households are also surveyed after they have gone through training sessions on bioclimatic features of dwellings or energy saving measures or after they have had the Efergy monitoring system installed for some time, in order to estimate respectively, the success of training and informative sessions, some of which are described in the part 1 above, in inducing behavioural change and the impact of the feedback on energy consumptions through the Efergy software and web page (more information can be found in Annexes of WP 2.1).

2.1 Focus- group: Grupo CAE

See annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_activity Target group: The group consists of residents that attended the “solar days” most often and some community members that have had an Efergy device installed.

Objectives: The double objective for the sessions is to carry out continuous training in order to monitor the evolution of the group’s habits, and to give a qualitative technique application that offers the chance to get information on a specific social group reactions and attitudes.

Methodology: It is not only an educational space but also a space for discussions and debates. Members attend all four sessions programmed for the year. Members will get a saving kit with session related materials in each session.

Expected results: All members have some type of measurement device and for each one the impact of offering an intensive training on the change in residents’ habits will be evaluated.

2.2 Collecting data on households’ energy consumption

a) Wired monitoring

Target group: A group of 144 households are being monitored through wired monitoring. Thye have been given access to a Data Web Viewer (shown below) which informs them on temperatures registered at different periods of time, outside temperature, average temperature at home and comparing data with their neighbors. In order to sign up, the user must fill in a form on socio-economical data.

Objectives: Data collection for WP 2 and WP 1.5.

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Methodology:! Give the user tools to gain a better knowledge and understanding of thermal comfort and energy consumption and advise on measures that may help to decrease energy consumption. Certain questions are asked to the user to appreciate the usefulness of recommendations. Expected results: - Decrease in energy consumption through the feedback provided by the Data Web viewer. - Consolidation of knowledge around energy consumption. - Understanding of the perception of the user on tools that allows visualization of energy consumptions and dwelling thermal data. - Socio-economic data on users that are subject to wired monitoring.

b) Centralized monitoring

Target group: Households interested in centralized monitoring have been identified by administrators and the socio-economic team through door-to-door visits.

Objective: Data collection for WP 2 and WP 1.5.

Methodology: Explanation on centralized monitoring operation and training on bioclimatic housings use (delivery of training materials).

Results: - Consolidation of a methodology for individual monitoring installation and training. - Initial analysis of Valdespartera surveys data. - Initial analysis of Picarral forms data, comparing to “Informe Resultados Encuesta,

Asociación de Vecinos Picarral, 2010.”. - All information gathered from monitoring as well as questionnaires (described in

section 2.3 below) in both WP 2 and WP 1.5 will be analyzed using a multi-criteria analysis such that conclusions can be drawn on habits, attitudes and constructive characteristics. This multi-criteria analysis methodology is explained in the Annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_casestud

c) Efergy Promotion and installation – distributed dmonitoring

See annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_efergy

Target group: Beneficiaries are extracted from an initial list, created after several meetings along Y5 with the interested people. “Efergy community” is composed of 49 housings where Efergy was installed (39 in Valdespartera and 9 in Picarral).

Objective: Evaluate Efergy utility for residential sector energy savings.

Methodology: While installation is carried out, the monitoring system working mode and objectives are explained to residents. Also one leaflet is delivered, containing some practical exercises to be experimented by occupants.

Every three months, monitoring staff members go to the housings to download data and carry out a survey for users to evaluate Efergy.

Results: - Efergy usefulness for inhabitants awareness on energy saving is demonstrated. Users are very pleased with the experience and a greater interest and predisposition is noticed. Some Efergy community members are joining focus group community. - Creation of an Efergy Facebook group starting from inhabitants’ interest to share experiences and knowledge. - One meeting was carried out for results analysis and to encourage software use. In order to increase focus group participants amount, the meeting was programmed at the same time as the first workshop on electrical consumption of CAE group.

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- Preparation of a manual on electrical consumption, which is available on RENAISSANCE website of UdZ ( (See annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_14_savenerg)

d) Blower door and Thermographies

During installation, one form is fulfilled in each housing in order to register possible candidates for the monitoring developed by the University of Zaragoza (I3A) or inhabitants interested in other measurements as blower door tests and thermographies. 2.3 Data collection and analysis on inhabitants’ habits related to energy consumption, and perceptions

Most data gathering activities took place during visits to people’s house. A total amount of 262 "door to door" visits have been carried out. Visits have two major objectives: 1. A contact was established with the household to plan the installation of equipment

required for monitoring (WP2). 2. Visits permitted to inform the user on the project and the bioclimatic house, to invite

people to attend training sessions on bioclimatic building features use and energy efficiency and conservation, as well as gather information on residents’ habits and point of view. All this information has been compiled in a questionnaire which touches on the following issues: - Socio-economic data, - Information on architecture and shading elements, - Knowledge of the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project, - Housing satisfaction, - Perception of energy savings made by observing energy bills, - Habits of thermal comfort in the home and schedule of equipment use, - Perceptions and attitudes towards individual energy saving and energy efficiency, - Sustainable mobility habits.

Comparative analysis results Picarral-Valdespartera

The information compiled from the questionnaire also aims at comparing the user profile of different neighborhoods of Picarral, Valdespartera and Parque Goya (bioclimatic neighborhood of Zaragoza). This study has been carried out on the analysis of 32 completed questionnaires from May to September 2011 in Valdespartera neighborhood, and 28 completed questionnaires from June to September 2011, during the installation of monitoring devices. In the case of Parque Goya the information analysis will be carried out after the second round of “door to door” visits, scheduled in November. See annex Da 1.5.13_Y6_ZAR_14_analycom for a detailed analysis of surveys in both neighbourhoods.

1) Socio-economic data Picarral-Valdespartera Surveyed households in the neighborhood of Valdespartera have lived in their dwellings for 0 to 3 years. Residents are in an age group between 30-40 years, mainly the range of 31-35 years old. The population density is around two or three persons per dwelling. In Picarral respond, households that responded to the questionnaires had lived in the dwelling for 10-30 years (Picarral is 50 years old). The density is quite high since 55% of residents have 20-23m2 per person. Historically this is a working class neighborhood where, in most cases, at least one household member is unemployed. All these factors can affect the level of home energy consumption and influence habits of thermal comfort.

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These socio-economic data will be relevant when drawing conclusions from the monitoring data in WP 2.

2) Habits and perceptions Satisfaction with dwelling and building design and equipment In Picarral the most valued features are the lift installation, thermal comfort and acoustic insulation, while in Valdespartera, they are moisture control, the distribution and size of spaces, natural lighting and cross-ventilation. In Picarral, certain issues brought forward were the poor performance of thermal solar panels and treatment of moisture. In Valdespartera, the concerns laid with thermal comfort in the summer and winter. In general, in both neighbourhoods, a minority of residents have noticed a saving on the energy bills compared to when they first moved in. Behaviors and habits in summer Habits differ greatly between Picarral and Valdespartera residents concerning the use of shading elements, greenhouse and windows to reduce energy consumption. It appears that in both communities real effort is needed to raise awareness on the importance of using shading elements and opening windows at the right time of the day to respectively prevent solar gains and allow adequate cross ventilation. As an illustration, in Valdespartera, only a third of interviewees asserted that they were always using shading elements to prevent solar gains during the day, compared to over three quarters of interviewees in Picarral. In contrast, Valdespartera residents appear to use the greenhouse more appropriately than Picarral residents. Behaviors and habits in winter Equivalent remarks can be made of users’ behavior in winter. As an illustration, close to half of Valdespartera households reported that they were not using shading elements in a way that would allow the highest solar gains during the day. Similarly, the use of the greenhouse could be further optimized in many cases. Perception on energy efficiency and conservation Most residents of both neighbourhoods responded that they were seaking energy savings for economic reasons. A very low minority affirmed it was for environment protection or consideration for future generations. Sustainable mobility Valdespartera residents use a private car much more often than Picarral residents as expected considering the location of both communities with respect to the city center. LOMBARDY During Year 6, LOM partner carried on some activities in the framework of WP 1.5:

- Monitoring evolution of BreBeMi and Malpensa third runaway projects - Monitoring the evolution in social acceptance of both projects - Monitoring the evolution in economic impacts of both projects.

During last year there weren’t major changes in both projects monitored. If some changes occurred, they were related to people perception or other type of actions, but not to project characteristics. In general, there weren’t significant changes in people acceptance of both projects, in particular for the people directly involved. Regarding BreBeMi, it passed definitely from project stage to construction stage. This change fixed the position of people, in particular the ones directly involved in the situation.

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Regarding Malpensa third runaway, it is still in an-executive project stage, due the world crisis, which affects the air transport sector as well. This indefinite situation produces a particular situation because the people directly involved perceive the situation but other people are not interested in it. In both cases, the proposition of activities related to Renaissance project didn’t change their perception by people and their relation with mother project perception compared to last year investigation (the results were a neutral/positive perception of Renaissance actions with any positive advantage to mother project perception). The framework of economic impact of both infrastructures didn’t change significantly compared with last year data. Globally the economic data become less positive due to the persisting world crisis situation.


Exchanges between Grand Lyon and Saragossa communities mainly occurred during the 11th RENAISSANCE meeting and throught exchange of information concerning wireless remote monitroring. During year 7 some monitoring devices will be sent from Zaragoza to Lyon and the lessons learnt in socio eco will also be communicated to Lyon.

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES This report is the contribution to the deliverable D.1.5.1 as it is the Annual Progress Report.


In Grand Lyon, the delays concerning the implemantation of the wireless remote monitoring are due to the lack of involvment of some inhabitants as they were still involved in their dwellings’ deliveries and malfunctioning associated. In Saragossa, the initial survey has been changed. The new survey includes items on satisfaction on the project, the comfort in the home and the perception, and on attitude towards energy conservation. It also includes the matrix indicators proposed by CONCERTO Plus, among others. There have been several surveys, primarily to test its functionality, but they were not enough to have a representative sample.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES GRAND LYON: Major costs are related with personnel costs. HESPUL: working time (4,55 months) ALE: working time (1,29 months) Grand Lyon: working time (0,15 month) ZARAGOZA: Major costs are related with personnel cost (more than 50.000" at Universidad de Zaragoza). Also subcontracting has an important budget consumption due to Ingesol

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works (paid by Universidad de Zaragoza). Some “other costs” are related with energy saving kits used in the meetings or installed in the neighbours houses. LOMBARDY Major costs are related with personnel costs.

7 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS GRAND LYON: • Upload and animation of the blog for inhabitants, • Implementation of awareness actions for tenants of social housing, • To go on the work on awareness raising with inhabitants (trainings, visits), • Implementation of wireless real time monitoring for thermal comfort and electricity

consumption in dwellings with ZAR partners, • Synthesis of the work done in Zaragoza and Grand Lyon communities in order to

complete the final French capitalization document, • Following the resuts and the conclusions of the monitoring done by Enertech, • Redaction of the capitalisation work at local level. ZARAGOZA: • Consolidate previous work in order to get operative conclusions for reporting to local

authorities, • In Valdespartera, in socio-economical analysis, distributed monitoring system will be

extended to the housings that were monitored in first monitoring stage (underground wiring),

• Definition of new candidates for distributed monitoring and new application to report to inhabitants on energy consumption and savings recommendations,

• Promotion of data viewer to inhabitants, • Carrying out the “Curso para docentes: ahorro de energía en centros escolares”

(Schools energy savings course for teaching staff), • Carrying out the “Concurso de buenas prácticas” (good practices contest)

Valdespartera, El Picarral and Parque Goya neighbourhoods, • Carrying out specific surveys in each neighbourhood to check if habits change after

first visit training, • To research existent issues with thermal collectors, calling on all shareholders to

provide information (administrators, maintenance staff and inhabitants), • Valdespartera and Picarral data analysis, • Valdespartera and Picarral comparing analysis, • To carry out a case study, keeping in mind WP 2 and WP 1.5 data, • Workshops on energy saving transfer from Valdespartera to Picarral, • To deliver energy saving kits to Picarral inhabitants, • New dissemination and information systems: Bulletinboards in Valdespartera (Ayto

collaboration), • To carry out CUS programmed activities, • To design a standard profile of user that can be applied to every Valdespartera

household. This profile will be used in the web application, • Evaluation of socio-economical data and delivery of final results and conclusions,

establishing procedures and actions seeking replicability in different locations and good energy practices promotion,

• To reach the specific objectives concerning each neighbor, Valdespartera and Picarral and related to energy efficiency behaviour.

For all communities: Redaction of the final report

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Annex Document reference Title and Content


Activities: Description of educational and training activities developed for the community.

Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_casestud Proposal for case study: Description of the objective, criteria, methodology and form of the “Case study” combining monitoring measurements with socio-economic data collected with different user’s surveys, and architectural data.

Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_efergy Efergy: Description of socio-economic activities surrounding the implementation of minotoring (Elink, advices, meetings, facebook page).

Da.1.5.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_savenerg Saving Energy Webpage: The web page “En tu Vivienda Ahorra Energía Eléctrica” was built up in order to strengthen energetic savings habits of the community at domestic level.

Da 1.5.13_Y6_ZAR_n14_analycom Comparative analysis of socio-economic results Picarral-Valdespartera: The information compiled from Picarral and Valdespartera questionnaires has been analyzed to compare typical user profiles of the different neighborhoods.


Annex Document reference Title and Content

Da.1.5.1_Y6_LYO_FrenchCap.pdf Complementary Notes on Capitalization of experience in France


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Delivrables D2.1.1 & D2.1.2 (Lyon) WP 2.1 – Integrated Energy Networks

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 02/12/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 5 years + 2 Author/ contact: Bruno GAIDDON Revision: Email: Tel: 0033 (0)4 37 47 80 90

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations: -

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

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INTRODUCTION WP 2.1 is led in Lyon by HESPUL (n°18) with a technical contribution from the Electrical engineering Department of INSA-Lyon (n°21). The work done in Lyon addresses two topics:

- development of a district-scale PV plants monitoring system aiming at correctly and easily manage PV systems on the long run;

- analyse of PV plants impacts on the distribution network, based on a 2 kWp PV system at INSA Lyon Engineering school.


Initial Objective (Full Project) • To develop and demonstrate the technologies and mechanisms necessary to monitor

and evaluate the energy flows and performance of the communities involved. • To research and implement best practice and performance modelling in the fields of

energy demand and supply management, based on comprehensive life-cycle assessment under real life conditions,

• Integration of innovative technologies under full scale operating conditions to provide real time monitoring and management systems to allow early optimisation of the integrated energy networks.

• Existing energy assessments of the project areas will be used as benchmarks for monitoring and evaluation of integrated energy options.

Description of work (months 61-78)

• Final report of the quality of the electricity produced by the INSA-Lyon PV system (October 2011) (INSA)

• Commissioning of all PV data loggers of PV systems of Lyon Confluence (December 2011) (HESPUL)

• Development of an Internet interface for the RENAISSANCE website and finalisation of the tool (October 2011) (HESPUL)

The analysis of the data production of all PV systems will be done within the WP2.2 of the RENAISSANCE project.

Deliverables (months 61-78)

• D 2.1.1 in both communities (Grand Lyon and Zaragoza): 2 Annual progress reports: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72)

• D2.1.2 – Lyon: Update of PV monitoring system installed on RENAISSANCE buildings (month 72)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) Measurement of the quality of the electricity produced from laboratory PV system in INSA & installation of on-site PV monitoring system in Confluence area and data collection.


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2.1 Description of work Most buildings constructed in Lyon within the CONCERTO RENAISSANCE project are equipped with one or several PV systems. The objective of WP2.1 was to develop a district scale PV monitoring system, which has been designed in order to make possible the monitoring of all PV system of the area with the following features:

- Compatible with all kind of inverters, - One single platform to monitor a large group of PV systems, - Automatically detection any kind of failure, - Generate an alarm to the PV owner in case of failure.

Presently, 6 PV systems are monitored (Blocks A and C) and the monitoring of Block B PV systems will start in January 2012. Table 1 as well as Figure 5 give an overview of PV systems installed in the area.

Table 1 - PV system description

Block Name Power [kWp]

Orientation [°]

South = 180°

Tilt angle [°]

Type of modules

Type of Inverters

A Building A 32,4 270° 15° Photowatt SMA A Building B 15,84 90° 15° Photowatt SMA A Building C 13,5 0° - 180° 30° Photowatt SMA C Le Monolithe 65,10 120° - 300° 5° Suntech SMA

Figure 5 – Blocks A and C PV systems

Also, within WP 2.1, INSA-Lyon Engineering school has developed a training plateform to make students work on voltage quality and impacts of PV on the distribution network.

2.2 Local progress

District scale PV monitoring system (HESPUL) At the time of writing, all PV systems of the Lyon demonstration have been installed and commissioned. Blocks A and C PV systems are now equipped with a data logger and a communication device with an access to Internet. Block B PV systems should be

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equipped with such a monitoring system in December 2011 (see Table 2).

Table 2 – State of installation of the disctrict scale PV monitoring system

Block Data logger type Remark A – Nexity Apollonia Similar to prototype

developed with the RENAISSANCE project

100% installed and commissioned

B – Bouwfonds Marignan Similar to prototype developed with the


Will be installed in December 2011

C – ING Real Estate SMA Sunny web portal 100% installed and commissioned

For Block A, data loggers similar to the prototype developed within the RENAISSANCE project have been installed and are now sending the production data to the developed database (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Installation of PV monitoring hardware on Block A PV system

For Block C, the monitoring device has been supplied by the inverter manufactures (SMA). A specific software has been developed in order to collect on the inverter manufacturer’s website the production data of this PV system. This is now fully commissioned and in operation (see WP 2.2 activity report). Once received by the server, the measured output data of each inverter is compared with the estimated output calculated from satellite data. The result of this comparison is given by GIS on the RENAISSANCE project website (see Figure 7). All PV systems can be seen on a map with a coloured dot (green means normal operation, red a fault has been detected), which makes the control of a large number of PV systems very easy. The database and the software are now fully developed as well as the Internet interface necessary to include this tool in the RENAISSANCE website. It is used to make everyone access the production data of the RENAISSANCE PV system very easily. The final version of this tool will be uploaded on the RENAISSANCE website in December 2011.

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Figure 7 - Overview of the planned website to control PV systems

of the RENAISSANCE project

Impacts of PV system on the voltage quality (INSA) In order to analyse the impacts of a PV system on the distribution grid, a small-scale monitoring system has been installed at the Electrical Engineering Department of INSA-Lyon. This monitoring system aims at analyzing at the point of use the quality of the electricity generated by PV inverters and to check its compliance with the EN-50-160 standard. It is composed of a 2 kWp PV system and a high-frequency analyzer (see Figure 8 and Figure 9).

Figure 8 - 2 kWp PV system installed at the Electrical Engineering Department of INSA-Lyon

The PV system, delivered and installed by Tenesol, is made of 18 TE1300 PV modules (130 Wp each) and 1 ENERGRID 1900 inverter. The output cable of the inverter has been wired in a specific way in order to allow the connection of monitoring sensors (current loops).

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Figure 9 - Inverter, DC and AC boxes to monitor the quality of the electricity produced

Since 2009 and also during the reporting period, students of INSA-Lyon have monitored the quality of the electricity produced by this PV system in order to assess specific quality parameters such as harmonics, flickers, reactive power and so on. This pratical work is associated with theroretical courses, which aim at giving INSA students all the necessary background for their future professional activities, hopefully in the domain of energy efficiency in buildings or in renewable energy production.


During the period covered by this report, HESPUL has been invited to hold a speech at the ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability conference that took place in Bruxels from 12-14 September 2011. This opportunity has been possible thanks to EURISY, the European association for the promotion of satellite applications ( that wanted HESPUL to explain how satellite data are used to check PV system performance within the RENAISSANCE project.

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Figure 10 – First slide presented at the ECLEI conference

At this conference, contacts have been established with municipalities and consultants that will maybe lead to replications of the District Scale PV monitoring system in other EU communities.

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES This document is consolidating both Annual progress report (D.2.1.1 LYON) and the deliverable “Installation of PV monitoring system on Lyon Confluence buildings” (D.2.1.2 LYON).


The major deviation from the project work programme is the delay to install the Block B PV monitoring system. This came from a difficulty to access production sites after PV system commissioning. This has now been corrected since PV monitoring systems have started to be installed in December 2011. Therefore, Block B PV systems should start to send data to the disctrict scale PV monitoring system in January 2012.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES Major costs for the finalisation of the disctrict scale PV monitoring system are now personnel costs spend:

- For the software development, - For the installation and final setting-up of the district scale PV monitoring system, - For the data transfer from PV sites to the disctrict scale PV monitoring system, - For the purchase of satellite data, - And finally, for the maintenance of the district scale PV monitoring system.

During the period covered by the reporting period, an additional software developer has been involved in the district scale PV monitoring software development, as this has required a significant effort for its finalisation.

7 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS This WP is now considered as almost completed. Therefore very little work are planned for the next 12 months except:

- The installation of Block B PV monitoring systems planned for December 2011, - Slight software maintenance, - Redaction of the final report.

8 ANNEXES No Annexes

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Deliverable D.2.1.1 (Zaragoza)

WP 2.1 – Integrated Energy Networks Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 06/09/2011

Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Lead Author/ contact: Rodrigo Vásquez T. Revision:


Tel: +34 976 762234

[version 1.0]

Other authors/organizations : Arturo Guillen Rodrigo Vidal Enrique Olles

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION WP 2.1 is led by the University of Zaragoza (nº14), as the researcher partner of the consortium. EVZ (nº11) participates to the task of integrated energy networks by taking in charge the construction of the digital network in Valdespartera in order to acquire data from the surrounding environment, thermal comfort & energy consumptions. EDE (nº12) provides electricity consumption data.


Objectives According to the WORK PACKAGE description the objectives - work by sub - WP are:

i. To develop and demonstrate the technologies and mechanisms necessary to monitor and evaluate the energy flows and performance of the communities involved.

ii. To research and implement best practice and performance modeling in the fields of energy demand and supply management based on comprehensive life-cycle assessment under real life conditions.

iii. Integration of innovative technologies under full scale operating conditions to provide real time monitoring and management systems to allow early optimization of the integrated energy networks.

iv. Existing energy assessments of the project areas used as benchmarks for monitoring and evaluation of integrated energy options.

Description of work

From the initially defined objectives in the project, new monitoring approaches have been implemented. The relation of this work package with the socioeconomic aspect allows more consistent results than expected initially. This leads us to redefine some aspects such as:

• To extend the scope of monitoring system to “predictive monitoring” to improve the quality of the construction before the building is finished and “active monitoring” in the building use.

• Definition of a monitoring scheme that considers the connectivity of people, to deliver a flexible and low cost monitoring system.

• Consider hardware and software that allow feedback to occupants about the use of energy.

All activities will consider these aspects and subsequent work will complement these approaches.

This year all wired monitoring (WM) has been completed, reviewed, and data analyzed. Using the infrastructure of urbanization, which has a fiber optic network (Telemando Network), it has been possible to get real-time data, allowing a rapid analysis and delivery of information to the occupant. The inhabitant has been given the possibility to take corrective action in the most appropriate time.

On the other hand, the need to incorporate more occupants in the monitoring campaign has been identified, in order to extend the scope of the project, complement the statistical data and improve the process of disclosure of the project. UdZ has developed and installed a new monitoring (NM) system, which is already delivering relevant data from Valdespartera neighborhood, refurbished buildings in Picarral and Cándido Domingo School.

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Working with these new systems has allowed us to refine the technique of monitoring and develop an improved monitoring (IM), which is more flexible, fast to deploy and has a high potential of developing as a new information system. This enhanced monitoring system is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It is based on a modular architecture, which only integrates the modules needed in each application.

The work done in monitoring during these years allowed us to develop a monitoring procedure based on the characteristics of buildings or homes to be monitored. This gave rise to 3 types of energy monitoring: wired monitoring in buildings under construction, centralized monitoring and distributed monitoring in new homes, used or refurbished. This will meet the goal of best practices and use of technologies to determine the energy balance of buildings, considering not only technical characteristics, but also the type of user to be monitored.

Commercial devices that measure electric energy consumptions were installed in dwellings at Picarral, Parque Goya, and Valdespartera neighborhoods in order to realize the energy balance (cooling).

A new web page has been created, which allows users to learn more about their consumption and good habits, helping them to reduce energy consumption and increasing their well-being.


• D.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_AnProgRep

Milestones and expected result

• Data obtained by sensors, gathered with Telemando network and stored in CUS database, allowed the analysis of data from winter 2010-2011.

• Key heating information given by Plots managers allowed to corroborate the energy demand of dwellings.

• The NM installation in 2 blocks in Picarral and 1 Plot in Valdespartera meant a breakthrough in the implementation of non-invasive monitoring methods, more flexible and faster to deploy. Residents interested in learning how to save energy and how they work in their homes can thus be integrated.

• IM is an easy way to conduct home energy audits, comfort and energy consumption, with a great potential to identify energy savings measures. It has been deployed on UdZ’s own hardware module, which permitted substantial savings in implementation of the monitoring system. The wireless monitoring system improved has been successfully tested. The appeal of this system is that it integrates electric, heating and thermal comfort monitoring automatically and may be used by the dwelling occupants.

• Determining monitoring model, which depends on the characteristics of buildings and the connectivity of their inhabitants.

• The creation of a Webpage, where neighbors can see their data, comfort behavior, glazed gallery use and heating consumption. This is an important tool and user feedback is very useful to strengthen the work of WP1.5.

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Following the proposed development scheme in the annual report WP2.1 year 5, where progress was explained by assigning percentages to each phase of monitoring infrastructure.

1. The progress of the digital data network This year has reached 100% of infrastructure finished, adding the heating measures in a new monitored plot.

2. Database server migration Due to the interest demonstrated by occupants, new methods of analysis and the need to show the data quickly and in an organized manner, the database server was migrated to a new, robust and faster server. It will ensure that current and future requirements are met.

3. Monitoring consolidation for several scenarios such as building in construction, new and old construction and refurbished building. After having implemented a monitoring process in different locations, we achieved a monitoring methodology that is appropriate to acquire measures related with energy. The acquisition frequency, related variables and storage form were analyzed and tested in order to get the more adequate way to reach an energy balance. In this project three configurations are proposed.

a. Building in construction When the building is being constructed the monitoring is defined as wired monitoring (WM). The description, advantages and disadvantages are explained in the following figure:

b. New & old Building – Refurbished building In a constructed building, it is particularly difficult to have wired monitoring. Moreover residents resist interventions in housing. For this reason we propose two types of monitoring that enables secure and non invasive data acquisition. The schemes are shown in the next figure.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


In conclusion, when households do not necessarily have an internet connection, the most appropriate monitoring configuration is centralized in building (NM). Whereas, when users have an internet connection in their homes, the monitoring model will be distributed in homes (IM).

Local progress (Zaragoza)

• First model of monitoring, using wired sensors and fiber optic fiber has been done • Individual measures of electricity to complete the energy balance variables in

dwellings. • Installation and deployment a NM system in Picarral, Valdespartera, Cándido

Domingo School and CUS. • Installation of IM in plot 41. • Deployment of a Web page system of information, real time and statistical,

connected to central database server, in order to show results to neighbors. • Develop and test of enhanced monitoring system “plug and play” to energy homes

and buildings audits. • A new graphic system will be installed in demonstrative center (CUS).

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



The new monitoring system was exposed in 11th Meeting Renaissance, Milan International –Conference. On that occasion, technical information was exchanged with representatives of Concerto Premium, indicating positive aspects and the process of developing the new monitoring platform. In late September the improved monitoring equipment should be sent to Lyon for installation in 5 homes in Lyon confluence. The aim is to compare the size and shape of implementation of monitoring systems developed and improved in the Renaissance project.


The new wireless monitoring system requires the installation of a concentrator on the roof of the buildings, it was necessary to design a suitable anchor to maintain the equipment safely, to the neighbors and the team itself. Besides the devices need to be connected to the electrical grid. Thus, it has been necessary to make some works for electric and power equipment and also to transmit information via the Internet. Despite not having specific expertise in electrical installations, problems have been fixed. The problem with internet connection has been solved by the use of 3G wireless modem. In the development of the communication net concentrator/nodes we have experienced several problems with the firmware/hardware of the devices. We have had a fluid dialogue with the technical department of our supplier and finally we find out a convenient a solution. The development of improved monitoring, which uses user connectivity, has had some problems in the software installation of monitoring. This problem has been solved with exhaustive testing and debugging software and firmware of the local data concentrator (Mini PC).

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


5 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES All reported costs are for equipment as a part of elements being installed, personnel, report generation and travel related to meetings attendance and for audits. The details of all hardware costs claimed for monitoring activities (from Year 1 to Year 6) are detailed in the table below:







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RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



• Before October, finish to install the Improved Monitoring • Continue to monitor the operation of the system of monitoring and control errors

and communication problems to minimize the existence of information gaps in the data collected.

• Allow real time and historical data and recommendations of adequate use of dwellings in a personalized web page.

• Develop new system to visualize or report to inhabitants about their consumptions using PC applications as webpage or gadgets, including the assessment of an application on Android for smart phones.

Budget foreseen for monitoring campaign Year 7








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Annex Document reference Content/Title

Da.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_WebpageDev Webpage creation to feedback and information to inhabitants

Da.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_MonMod Monitoring models according user connectivity

Da.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_ImproMon Improved monitoring (distributed), devices and networks

Da.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n13_PicCert Energy Certification of Existing buildings in Picarral

Da.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_EnerMonit Intelligent Meter, to visualize and control the consumption of electricity

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Deliverables D.2.2.1 (Lyon)

WP2.1 - Ecobuilding: Quality control & performance analysis

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 5th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 18/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 5 years Author/ contact: Muriel DUPRET Revision:

Email: Tel: +33 (0)4 75 90 18 54

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION The quality control and performance analysis of EcoBuilding (sub-WP 2.2) is performed by the participation of HESPUL and Enertech (sub-WP leader). ALE and INSA-CETHIL are indirectly involved in this sub-WP through their contributions to the sub-WP 2.3. See table below showing the different actors involved in WP 2:



2.1 XX X

2.2 X XX

2.3 X X X XX Figure 1: Participants (X) and leader (XX) of each sub-WP in monitoring activity.


Initial Objective (Full Project) • To analyse the actual energy performance of buildings in order to permanently

improve their operation, to compare with calculated forecasts and to validate the methodology used for the calculation

• To monitor and assist developers and constructors during the construction phase so as to secure the consistency of their works with the targets in terms of energy efficiency as defined in earlier stages of the project development

Description of work (months 61-78)

Grand Lyon (depending on 2-years extension): • To make regular building visits to survey the quality of the building, so as to secure

the consistency of the works with the RENAISSANCE targets. • Thanks to the TWO years extension of the project, Enertech will be able to carry out

the whole metering campaign: ! to install all meters and sensors in block B (December 2010) and in block C (March

2011) ! to check and control the systems ! to dismantle meters of the blocks A, B (December 2010) and C (March 2012) ! to analyse the first data available

• To prepare the questionnaire for the households in order to know exactly how people use their equipment (in relation with sub-WP 1.5).

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 2.2.1 in both communities (Grand Lyon and Zaragoza): 2 Annual progress reports: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) All monitoring sensors installed and beginning of the data analysis

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2.1 Description of work Monitoring of the buildings The year 6 of the project consists in the realisation of an in-depth evaluation thanks to monitoring campaigns on the blocks A, B, C of the Lyon Confluence area. In the past years Enertech has already helped the different teams in the design phase, analysed the call for tenders’ documents, visited the site at various stages of the construction. Enertech is now monitoring all the buildings regarding energy consumptions, indoor air quality, characteristics of the blocks and their systems, hygrothermal confort. At the same time a form will be filled in containing information about the way inhabitants are using the building and its equipment. The goal is to assess in the most objective way the actual performance of the buildings. PV systems monitoring Most buildings constructed in Lyon within the CONCERTO RENAISSANCE project are equipped with one or several PV systems. First, a district scale PV monitoring system has been designed in order to make possible the monitoring of all PV system of the area. This was the aim of WP2.1. Now, within WP2.2, the following tasks are undertaken:

- Make sure that all PV systems operate properly, - Automatically detect any kind of failure in order to alert the PV owner, - Collect all PV data production on single platform.

Presently, 6 PV systems are monitored (Blocks A and C) and the monitoring of Block B PV systems will start in January 2012. Table 1 as well as Figure 1 give an overview of PV systems installed in the area. Block Name Power

[kWp] Orientation

[°] South = 180°

Tilt angle [°]

Type of modules

Type of Inverters

A Building A 32,4 270° 15° Photowatt SMA A Building B 15,84 90° 15° Photowatt SMA A Building C 13,5 0° - 180° 30° Photowatt SMA C Le Monolithe 65,10 120° - 300° 5° Suntech SMA

Table 3 - PV system description

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Figure 11 – Blocks A and C PV systems

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2.2 Buildings monitoring Enertech carried on with the work started during the last past years of site visits of the blocks B and C. The reports of these visits are available in French upon request. At the same time Enertech has also carried on with the installation of monitoring equipment. The following tables give the list of the different buildings and the number of flats in each block that have been monitored. It should be noted that:

- No flat is monitored in the building “Bambou” as it has been delivered far later than the other buildings of Block A.

- It has been very difficult to find volunteers of the Block B, with the consequence that no results will be obtain from the buildings “Oasia” and “Sourcea”.

- In block C, it has been decided not to monitor the home for the disabled in order not to disturb the inhabitants.




Number of monitored households in the different blocks

The following table indicates the progress of the monitoring campaign for the different

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blocks. The work had to be split in two parts for block A as heat meters (common parts) have been installed afterwards (july 2010). Concerning the two other blocks it is the delivery date that has conditioned the starting point of the monitoring campaign.

Starting and end dates of monitoring campaigns

The next table shows the main measurement points that have been installed. The detailed list for each block is available upon request. The work has been simplified for households of the block C: only the global electricity consumption, the temperature and humidity of the living room are monitored. Moreover, some will be extracted from the building management system.

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More than 2 900 dataloggers have been installed so about 5% more than what was initially forecasted. The data concerning the quantity of wood pellets delivered will be collected directly from suppliers or site managers. A common work will be done between Enertech and ALE, as ALE is in contact with the managing agencies to collect this information. Some airtightness tests have also been realised by a specialist on 17 flats of the blocks B and C. No test has been done on block A as tests had been carried out during the building process. The following table gives the values obtained for Q4 (RT2005 calculation method) and n50 (Passivhouse and Minergie labels). Results are not entirely satisfactory when measured against the prime objectives (Q4 : 1,7 m3/h.m! cold surface except lower floor and n50 : 0,6 /h), especially for block B. Detailed reports are available (in French) upon request.

Results of the airtightness tests

A questionnaire has been prepared in order to monitor housing and behaviour patterns. Enertech makes it fill in by the participants of the monitoring campaign at the end of the monitoring campaign. The questionnaire is available in French upon request. A document detailing the monitoring methodology of ENERTECH is available on the RENAISSANCE website in the Key documents section:

2.3 PV systems monitoring In plane irradiation for 2011 Rather than making developers install an irradiation sensor for each PV system it has been chosen to use satellite data for the district scale PV monitoring system. The in-plane irradiation is calculated for each hour of the day and for each PV system. Figure 12 gives the monthly values of the In-plane irradiation for one PV system. The yearly in-plane irradiation for this PV system was 1 315 kWh/m2 for 2011, close to the typical value.

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Figure 12 – In-plane irradiation for Section A – Building B PV system

Energy production for 2011 The only system for which almost one full year of data is available is the Block A – Building B PV system (15 kWp). This system performed well until July 2011. The monthly production data is very closed to the output estimates generated by the district scale PV monitoring system (see Figure 13) and the typical yield value is 997 kWh/kWp/year for an 11 month period (August 2010 – June 2011). But on 01/07/2011, this system shut down as explained later.

Figure 13 – Energy out put of Section A – Building B PV system from August 2010 to June 2011

2011 cannot be considered as a reference year for the PV production of the area since only part of the PV systems have been connected to the district scale PV monitoring system. The total value of PV production monitored reached 55 674 kWh for 2011 and should be much higher for 2012. Figure 14 clearly shows that the PV production data

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increased during the second semester of 2011 due to the addition of production data of section C PV system (65 kWp) that started to send data on July 2011.

Figure 14 – Overall district PV production monitored for 2011

Yield analysis and performance ratio In order to assess the performance of each PV system, the monthly production or each PV system is divided by the system peak power to be given in kWh/kWp. Figure 15 shows that, when operating, monthly yields of all PV systems are of similar values, excepted for Block C PV system that seems to be slightly lower as explained later.

Figure 15 – PV monthly yield comparison of PV systems of the area

This can be more clearly seen with the display of the performance ratio of all PV systems that can be calculated thanks to the satellite irradiation data. As observed just before, the performance ratio of all PV systems are of similar values, excepted for Block C PV system which performance ratio is slightly lower for the reason explained later in this document.

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Figure 16 – Performance ratio of PV systems of the area

Failure of PV systems During the reporting period, two kinds of PV system failures have been detected thanks to the district scale PV monitoring system. Block A – Building B The first failure has been detected on 01/07/2011 and has affected the Block A – Building B PV system. Thus, close to noon, this system suddenly tripped which was detected when no more power was delivered by this PV system.

Figure 17 – Evidence of PV system tripping on 01/07/2011 close to noon for Block A – Building B

The owner of this PV system has been contacted in order to fix this failure. The company in charge of the maintenance went on site and discovered that this system was suffering from a residual current problem since the residual current device (RCD) of this system

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could not be re-closed. This failure was unfortunately still not repaired at the time of writing of this report. Block C – Le Monolithe The second failure has been detected on 19/07/2011, the day the Block C PV system has been connected to the district scale PV monitoring system. Thus, once the PV production data had been received by the district scale PV monitoring system, it was obvious that 1 inverter out of 6 had a defect (see Figure 8).

Figure 18 - Evidence of inverter failure on 19/07/2011 for Block C – Le Monolithe

This is the reason why the yield and the performance ratio of this PV system was lower than for other PV systems of this area (-16%). As done for Block A – Building B, the PV owner has been contacted but this failure was unfortunately still not repaired at the time of writing of this report.


As no result is available right now it is very difficult to exchange with partners from other CONCERTO project or with the CONCERTO Premium team. Neverthless, Enertech is actively communicating on the monitoring campaign throught training session and conferences. Moreover, Enertech held the CONCERTO Plus final conference in December 2010 and met the technical officer in June 2011 to exchange on Smart Cities and to share its experience.

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES D.2.2.1 Annual progress report: this annual progress report is the deliverable for Grand Lyon Community.

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5.1 Buildings monitoring It was very difficult to find volunteers (more specifically on block B). Indeed deliveries were delayed and staggered. Globally tenants were not very satisfied with their flats and thought Enertech worked for the promoter. So monitoring campaign was not well perceived and suffered some delays. Furthermore several dataloggers were ripped off (deliberately?). Some submeters were not provided as expected so Enertech has to find solutions to get electricity consumption through other ways for these circuits. The implementation of the Building Management System of block C is not fully completed. In order to get proper data Enertech has to check very often data consistency.

5.2 PV systems monitoring The major deviation from the project work programme is the delay to get the Block B PV production data. This came from a difficulty to access production sites in order to install the district scale PV monitoring. This has been now corrected and Block B PV systems should start to send data to the disctrict scale PV monitoring system in January 2012.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES These activities have required spending 172 209 ":

- 130 462 " of person-months, mosthly in order to implement the monitoring campain,

- 34 438 " for the rental charges of the sensors. Major costs for the analysis of PV production data are now personnel costs spend:

- For the installation and final setting-up of the district scale PV monitoring system, - For the operation and maintenance of the district scale PV monitoring system, - In case of detected failure, for contacting PV owners, and making them repair

their PV systems, - And finally, for analysing the PV production data.


7.1 Buildings monitoring The monitoring campaign is now finished on block A and will be completed in the next months for the blocks B and C. - Withdrawal of all the dataloggers, - Creation of a database containing all the monitored data: more than 150 millions of

data! - Analysis of the data. It will be possible to provide relevant indicators for the different

buildings: heat consumption, hot water consumption, specific electricity consumption (monitored households, common parts), quality of the building envelope, comfort and quality of indoor environment, ventilation operation conditions…

- Redaction of the final report containing all the results.

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7.2 PV systems monitoring - The connection of section B PV systems to the district scale PV monitoring system, - The contact with PV owners to make them repair any defect PV system, - The operation and maintenance of the district scale PV monitoring system, - The collection and analysis of PV production data.

8 ANNEXES No annexes

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Deliverables D.2.2.1 (Zaragoza) WP2.1 - Ecobuilding: Quality control

& performance analysis Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 08/09/2011

Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Lead Author/ contact: Rodrigo Vásquez T. Revision:


Tel: +34976762234

[version 1.0]

Other authors/organizations :

Maria José Cabrerizo

Arturo Guillen

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION The quality control and performance analysis of EcoBuilding (WP 2.2) is performed by ex- SMRUZ/SMVZ, CENER, URBIC & EVZ, and led by UdZ.


Objectives According to the WORK PACKAGE description, the work objectives by sub-WP are:

i. To analyze the actual energy performance of buildings in order to permanently improve their operation, to compare with calculated forecasts and to validate the methodology used for the calculation.

ii. To monitor and assist developers and constructors during the construction phase so as to secure the consistency of their works with the targets in terms of energy efficiency as defined in earlier stages of the project development.

iii. Use complementary techniques to detect incidents in the building construction

Description of work

With the consolidation of data acquisition through fiber optic system and GSM networks, it has been possible to make the first comprehensive analysis of overall performance of dwellings and occupants energy usage behavior thereof. Together with information obtained from administrators of plots, which have provided heating consumption data, household energy demand has been determined. It has been possible correlate heating, comfort and meteorological data, which is stored in the central database server. This correlation completes the work on identifying causes of higher or lower energy demand.

In parallel, the performance of the buildings has been determined first, in theory based on the design and second, in practice based on actual energy usage behavior.

This information has been very useful for the neighbors, technicians, architects and engineers who are involved in the design and building construction, and in the configuration of thermal systems. Besides, these results are included in master and doctoral courses.

This year there has been a close collaboration and coordination with the group of sociologists (WP1.5) in designing new strategies of monitoring, involving the acceptance of the user to better measure and report on the performance of their dwellings. The team has opted for an online feedback system to the user via web page. The information provided is processed and incorporated again to the system so achieving continuous improvement in energy-saving actions according users results.


D 2.2.1 (Annual progress report): present document is part of D 2.2

Milestones and expected result

• Establishing monitoring model and analyze the results obtained in each case.

• First comprehensive analysis of data from heating, meteorological, electricity, irrigation water, gas and indoor comfort. Determining causes of consumption and energy demand.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


• Obtaining preliminary data from the new monitoring neighborhoods and Picarral Valdespartera.

• Analysis of the comfort data in Cándido Domingo School and in building Valdespartera CUS. This information is displayed as part of the results of the demonstration project in the building.

• Creation of a personalized web page that allows each user interested in data to get valuable information on the performance of the household and the impact of inhabitants’ actions.

• Creation of a form that gathers data and socioeconomic monitoring results. This will help determine the impact of energy performance and the influence of housing design on users’ behavior.


This year, great advances in infrastructure monitoring not only wired, but the two new monitoring models (explained in the report D 2.1.1._Y6_ZAR_n14_AnProgRep D) allowed us to design a protocol for implementation of monitoring depending on characteristics of buildings and the internet connectivity of its inhabitants. This yielded important results regarding problems with the design of buildings, thermal characteristics and use of dwellings. It should be noted that the objectives of monitoring are almost completed by activities in this year of the project, thus leaving to next year the consolidation of the analysis and the development of new software applications in order to empowering users about the energy use and consumptions. These applications will use the new technologies as smart phones, tablets and PC gadgets.

Figure 1 shows the sequence of tasks for this workpackage. Tasks finalized this year are described further below. Finally all the results will be documented and used for training of professionals and people involved in the process of building, as well as for elaborating a proposal for improving standards.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Figure 1: Organization of tasks developed

Aspects of the project that have been initiated or already finalized are:

2.1 Monitoring Models – Results and users To achieve adequate results in energy monitoring, the methodology must adapt to the characteristics of the building, construction status and type of user. The activities related with good use of the dwelling will be reflected in data collected by the monitoring.

a. Wired Monitoring

Wired monitoring works well in buildings under construction, where equipment and sensors can be installed prior to placing indoor enclosures, and these can also be connected to the electric grid. This ensures consistent performance and smooth power saving. Users can oppose this type of monitoring mainly because monitoring is imposed (i.e. the system comes with housing), gives the sensation of being “guarded” and consumes electricity from dwellings or common areas.

b. Wireless monitoring (new monitoring centralized)

Wireless monitoring, in addition to greater flexibility in installation, can be adapted to different scenarios. The first model considers a centralized central server that collects information from several households. Residents are informed about the monitoring campaign and are willing to collaborate with the project. In addition, this type of monitoring goes beyond data acquisition and provides information that is useful to the user on energy consumption as well as on behavior and utilization of dwellings. This system facilitates data access for the user and correlation to the operation of the building.

c. Wireless improved monitoring (distributed)

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This distributed model of monitoring allows greater flexibility in installation and user comfort. The only condition is that the user has an ADSL modem in their home. In this type of monitoring, data is stored and managed locally, which extends the possibility of developing customized tools. In parallel, the data is sent to central server. The user, using a log in, can access data through secured web pages. This enormously enhances the interaction between the monitoring system and user, so that the latter becomes an actor in his dwelling’s energy efficiency.

2.2 Monitoring types and outcomes As we discussed in last year's report, two major types of monitoring are proposed: Monitoring predictive and active. The former includes specific tasks to check and improve the quality of construction in terms of energy, such as thermography and blower door test. The latter is real time monitoring or data acquisition using data loggers that we use to measure the performance of housing and energy consumption of users or buildings.

2.3 Webpage to user feedback The monitoring system shows results to users so that they can analyze their results and change their behavior in order to improve energy efficiency of their homes. The webpage is a feedback tool to improve the actions of the WP 1.5 with data necessary to explain the proper use of the dwelling. The webpage is shown in figure 2.

The best response is obtained when users see graphs and data related to their consumption. The impact of a tool like the intelligent meter has been quite good, not so much in reducing consumption but in terms of identification of the different data elements in the home and reinforces more rational energy use. More explanation in Da.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_Webpage annex.

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Figure 2: Web page to inform inhabitants about comfort data and consumptions.

2.4 Data, results and Energy Balances

We have collected data from several dwellings in Valdespartera and are adding a few more Picarral neighborhood. In addition to the data obtained by monitoring, the socio-economic group has contacted the administrators of the plots, which, with the consent of the residents, have given details on heating and domestic hot water consumption in plots in which we had no such information. In addition to the installation of smart meters, the power consumption profiles of some dwellings have been determined. The results after data analysis are summarized below:

a. General indices (whole neighborhood)

Meteorological data

The energy consumption of buildings is determined by several factors. Weather data of the site must be collected in order to analyze and compare consumption data over the years.

The average daily temperature in October 2009 to October 2011 is 15.40 º C, the minimum 0 ° C and the maximum of 32.19 ° C.

General electrical consumptions

The overall electricity demand is measured in the neighborhood sub power station. Power consumption increases on hot days. When comparing two similar working days but with a 13ºC difference in maximum temperature, average electricity consumption differs by 20%. This divergence may be associated with the use of air conditioning.

Irrigation water in neighborhood

The consumption of irrigation water is obtained from flow meters located in Valdespartera rafts. The data are acquired by the control system of the neighborhood. Data are not collected on a regular basis but only when a significant change in flow occurred. The monthly consumption in June is 41,162 m3. It can be seen that the consumption of irrigation water increases as outside temperature increases. This can have various causes, such as irrigation regime change from spring to summer, weather permitting manual watering, maintenance of ponds and some other technical maneuver.

b. Energy consumption (heating)

Figure 3 shows heating consumption of 1,328 houses from November to March during 2010/2011 winter. Heating consumption is classified into higher, normal and lower consumption. The normal consumption is considered to be between 2,670 Kwh to 1,600 Kwh based on design building simulation (demand between 18- 30 kWh /m2). The average house dimension is taken to be 80 m2. 53.69 % of houses analyzed have a normal or lower consumption. 5.57% of households have a low consumption (less 500 kWh-year). 41.09 % of houses analyzed have a high consumption. There is still 5.27 % of sporadic use or unoccupied houses. Furthermore, 44.95% of dwellings oriented South have a higher consumption.

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Figure 3. The heating consumption of 1328 houses from November to March during 2010/2011 winter.

Individual Heating:

According to the measurements obtained from heating, in almost 16% of the homes monitored the average heating energy demand is 27.8 kWh/m2-year, with an average temperature of 23.4ºC. The simulation Valdespartera building was carried out with an average temperature of 21 degrees. The average results in heating demand ranged between 18 kWh/m2-year and 24 kWh/m2-year. This means that due to problems in the execution of works in the building or thermal systems or simply to user behavior with heating thermostats, the demand may vary greatly from simulation estimates.

General heating:

From the data provided by administrators, the heating consumption of 9 plots, totaling of 1,026 homes, can be determined for the winter period 2009-2010. Classifying results according to the orientation of blocks leads to the conclusion that west oriented dwellings have a 15% higher heating consumption than south facing dwellings. Similarly, north oriented dwellings use slightly more energy for heating than south facing dwellings. Over the last winter period (winter 2010-2011) the occupation of the buildings had increased by 220 people and the difference between west and south energy consumption for heating increased to 26%, keeping unchanged the difference between north and south facing dwellings.

When sorting by height from the ground, we see that the intermediate floors have an energy consumption for heating that is 29% lower than lower floors and 16% less than upper floors (top floor).

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City gas is the fuel that feeds the boilers in buildings Valdespartera. City gas is used to generate hot water for both heating and hot water. Overall gas consumption was measured in 8 plots for the period October 2010 October 2011. 20% of the overall gas consumption corresponds to consumption in the hours between 0:00 am and 5:00 a.m. This consumption is due to the recirculation of water to have 24 hours of immediate water availability and/or heating.

Gas consumptions distribution

By analyzing the distribution of gas consumption in 3 plots in the winter periods 2009, 2010 and 2011, the following results were observed:

Domestic hot water: 11%

Heating: 42.6%

Losses in boilers and water distribution: 46.3%

c. Energy consumption (Electricity)

Electricity meters:

Smart meters were used to measure energy consumption of 21 houses in the period from June to September 2011. The average daily consumption is 5.52 kWh varying between 10.95 kWh-day and 2.02 kWh-day. The average monthly consumption is 151 kWh.

Air conditioning (AC)

In the data collected by smart meters, air conditioning data can be deduced. Electricity consumption (kWh day) is 40% higher on days where air conditioning is in use in the house.

d. Comfort

Summer Ventilation & Cooling:

The natural ventilation is not being measured. However, comfort data analysis allows detection of night cross ventilation.

The temperature inside dwelling (in 115 flats) was analyzed in very hot summer days (>35ºC). 13.8% of dwellings had a median temperature less than 28ºC, which is considered a comfort temperature inside dwelling. Out of this 13.8% of flats, 63% achieved this comfort without using air conditioning (the AC information was obtained from WP 1.5 activities).

To know how many flats are achieving comfort through night cross ventilation, living room temperature and outside temperature should be similar during the night. Upon analysis, it was revealed that, out of the 100% of dwellings that achieved comfort, 25% used cross night ventilation adequately.

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2.5 Complementary techniques

This year, specific actions have been reviewed, such as thermography and BlowerDoor, in order to determine trends on the quality of the enclosure.

a. Thermography

Refurbished building in Picarral:

A thermographic inspection has been done after renovation in a block in Picarral to compare the results before and after renovation and the impact of refurbishment on heating consumption and air leakages.

Thermal system inspection in Valdespartera:

An inspection of hot water generation and distribution system for hot water and heating has been done. In this inspection several problems have been founded, such as poor insulation of pipes, issues with fittings and operation elements of the boiler room. These deficiencies in the installation could impact the energy performance of systems seriously. Some results of inspections are shown in the figure 4, 5 & 6.

Figure 4: Heating distribution inspection. Inadequate design.

Figure 5: Heating distribution inspection. Insulation pipes problems.

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Figure 6: Façade inspection. Insulation and thermal bridges problems.

b. Air leakages

Test objectives

Infiltrations test have to continue in order to determine the level of tightness of houses in contrast with measures of reference dwellings (in other building out Valdespartera) and compared to the opinions of users regarding the thermal comfort of their homes and heating costs.

2.6 Case study form

In order to make a summary about the main characteristics, performance, problem detection and results of monitoring, a template has been created to put all information together. Figure 7 shows a typical sheet filled by the university team and users of Picarral and Valdespartera. See annex (Da 1.5.8_Y6_ZAR_14_casestud & Da 1.5.13_comb)

The main goal is to provide a tool to search solutions to solve current problems and prevent failures in new projects.

The form has three main parts.

- Case study identification and general description including a greenhouse description.

o General information

o Constructive and physical aspects

- Training program.

o Users view

o Survey answers and considerations

- Monitoring.

o Measures

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Figure 7: Case study form. WP 2.2 and WP 1.5 information correlations.

2.7 Data discussion and verification Analyzed data from the monitoring allows obtaining a series of results on energy consumptions in building and dwellings and on human behavior. The goal is also to follow the operation of thermal systems and correlate it to weather conditions. The latter variable, in urban areas, is influenced by heat islands, which affect consumption and energy demand of the building. This phenomenon is strongly accentuated in the summer, especially on days of high temperatures. For this reason, a study must be considered to make more accurate analysis of the results.

2.8 Monitoring dissemination

In the demonstration center, a screen showing some of the results obtained from monitoring will be installed in December 2011. This screen will be present real-time data of meteorology, comfort, heating, gas consumption, water, etc. It is a way to expose the potential of a real-time monitoring, calculation of key indicators, correlation of variables and recommendations on line, so that residents can be advised on how to improve their energy efficiency. See the screen in the figure 8.

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Figure 8: Visualization screen of real time data of Valdespartera monitoring


The new monitoring system results (web page and real time monitoring) were exposed in 11th Meeting Renaissance, Milan International –Conference. On that occasion, technical information has been exchanged between Renaissance partners and Premium Concerto team, indicating the positive aspects and the process of developing the new monitoring platform and their results shown to neighbors.

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES D 2.2.1 Ecobuilding: Quality control & performance analysis, Year 6 Annual progress Report, The 6th annual progress report is now completed.


There have been some delays in installation of monitoring systems, especially in the data concentrators and systems for sending information to the server. That has two consequences: the first is that neighbors interested in the measures have gone on vacation or have not been willing to cooperate on the first contact, and secondly that the analysis of these data has been delayed. Some problems have been encountered in the use of USB GSM modems. Normally ADSL routers are designed for working with dynamic IP, which did not work well with our equipment. This problem was solved with the use of automatic removal of fixed IP

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addresses system.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES All reported costs are for personnel, report generation and travel related to meetings attendance and for audits.


• Determine by analysis of two consecutive years and by means of statistical energy balances for both heating and cooling, the overall balance of energy demand in buildings.

• Determine the causes of variations in demand, whether it lies in the design and components of the building, in the execution of building works, or in the misuse of heating systems by the dwelling occupant. We also take into account the massive use of air conditioning and energy impacts that entails.

• Assess the situation of the thermal systems, considering generation, distribution and consumption of heating, get insight into their performance and compare with other plots and / or buildings.

• Check the deviations of actual energy consumption and demand of the buildings observed using monitoring data with data obtained from initial simulations.

• Completing the user's feedback system, through the website of Renaissance, where the user may dispose of its real-time data, or analysis and statistics of daily usage and indoor comfort.

• Submit the monitoring results at public school Candido Domingo, for the evaluation of the impact of rehabilitation of facades, and also as a way to promote the use of this energetic self-management for other schools in the region.

• Provide a system of real-time information of the energy situation in Valdespartera through an exhibition in the centre of sustainable urbanism.

• Write the final report considering the most important results obtained from monitoring data. These results should reflect the fundamental role of data measurement to achieve better design and promote energy-saving actions and to evaluate the impact of various actions, not only in the construction process but also at the stage of utilization of buildings. In addition, the final report should highlight the utility of monitoring as an essential tool for continuous improvement of user behavior regarding the use of energy or his actions in relation to the design, management, maintenance of HVAC systems by enterprises, heating techniques and refrigeration.


Annex Document reference Content/Title

Da.2.2.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_MonitResults All results obtained from monitoring and first analyst done

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Deliverable D.2.3.1 WP 2.3 Common Monitoring and Analysis

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 20/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 5 years Author/ contact: Hervé PABIOU Revision: [version 1]

Email: Tel: 0033 4 72 43 63 85

Other authors/organisations: Rodrigo Vásquez Email: Tel: 00 34 976 76 22 34

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION Analysis of variables monitored (WP 2.3) is accomplished by UdZ and Ayuntamiento of Zaragoza for Zaragoza community, and INSA-CETHIL, Enertech, ALE and HESPUL for Grand Lyon community. See below figure 1 showing the different actors on WP2, “X” are participants, “XX” are sub-WP local leaders.

WP2.1 WP2.2 WP2.3 Zaragoza partners Ex-SMURZ/SMZV X CENER X UdZ XX XX XX Urbic X EVZ X X Ayto. Zaragoza X Grand Lyon partners



Initial Objectives (Full Project) • To contribute to a joint programme of work to establish standards and methodologies

for monitoring with other CONCERTO communities and participation in CONCERTO working groups.

• To link these activities with the specific RENAISSANCE community based WPs 2.1 and 2.2

Description of work (months 61-78) Common reflection on monitoring activity • To continue exchange on common methodology between INSA and UDZ (new

meetings, work on the common methodology, templates for the results presentation) • To share all monitoring data with CONCERTO Premium specialist to feed the database

and participate to other monitoring activities and initiatives. • From the initially defined objectives in the project, it has established new approaches

to monitoring and its relation to the socioeconomic aspect, giving more consistent results than expected initially. This leads us to redefine some aspects such as:

o To extend the scope of monitoring system to “predictive monitoring” to improve the quality of the construction before building is finished and “active monitoring” in the building use.

o Definition of a monitoring scheme that considers the connectivity of people, to deliver a flexible and low cost monitoring system.

o To consider hardware and software that allows feedback to neighbour about the use of energy.

All activities outlined above considered aspects and subsequent work will complement these approaches.

Innovative technique development • To process the data from the ventilation measurements done in July 2010 in Lyon

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• To confirm the conclusions by other measurements during the summer 2011 in Lyon. • To get the data in Candido Domingo (comfort), Picarral district (thermal comfort and

electricity),Valdespartera (all data + individualized heating consumption) and share the results with Lyon

• To present and analyze results in Valdespartera of comfort conditions, energy consumptions and energy balances with the data obtained currently, in order to help to understand futures results in Lyon

• The new wireless system developed in UdZ will be tested in Lyon, incorporating at least five dwellings in order to test the technology and facilitate the acquisition of specified data in Lyon.

Deliverables (months 61-78)

D 2.3.1 A common annual progress report: achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) Fruitful exchanges between the 2 universities that led to the adoption of a template to present monitoring results


During year 5, the works were mainly focus on two activities: common analysis of monitoring and the development of innovative monitoring techniques in Lyon and Zaragoza. Concerning the common analysis, the problem of monitoring was addressed through 5 generic questions:

What for? => What are the global objectives of this monitoring? Whom? => Who is interested by the result of the monitoring? What information? => What is the information to get? How? => How to get this information? Results are OK or not? => What seems good or should be improved?

On the another hand, the two communities have developed innovative monitoring techniques. In Lyon, measurements were done during July 2010 in a dwelling in Confluence. In Zaragoza, a new wireless distributed system was developed to complete the current monitoring system, to increase the system flexibility and to improve the user feedback.

2.1 Common analysis on monitoring From the experiences of the two communities, a global methodology for monitoring activity has been found (see figure below). Six stages are highlighted: - Objectives definition; - Measurements of physical quantities with a given technology; - Data processing; - Results to present; - Feedback to stakeholders; - Stakeholders actions toward the objectives. A monitoring activity is highly dependent on two factors: the agreement of one or more stakeholders and the type of technology.

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Figure 19: Global methodology for a monitoring activity.

By comparing the technologies used in the two communities and by looking at the first results obtained in Zaragoza, it is possible to give first results of a common analysis.

" During RENAISSANCE project, the good results obtained by the monitoring of photovoltaic yield in Lyon and the development of wireless solutions in Zaragoza show the real added value of real time technologies.

o Real time feedback makes possible changes of inhabitant’s behaviours; failures detections; global performance measurement of a building or a district.

o Easy to modify/ to complete by changing or adding new sensors. o Good acceptance because sensors may be removed or installed depending

on inhabitants’ choice. o The monitoring may be time unlimited. o Results can be shared between communities allowing multi-scale analysis.

" The main advantages of dataloggers are related to their low cost and to their plug & play technology. Therefore they may be recommended for monitoring activities limited in time. The results can be presented as a case study. With dataloggers technology, the objectives of the feedback are more likely to improve future constructions.

See annex Da.2.3.1_Y6_ZAR_LYO_n21_MonRefl.doc for more details.

2.2 Data processing of the cross-ventilation measurements During July 2010 cross-ventilation measurements were done in one dwelling in Lyon Confluence (dwelling #191, Building #6, Block B). A lot of data were recorded and an internship was conducted this year to process the data. Thanks to Enertech partner that measures meteorological data, we are able to correlate the measured flow rate to wind speed, wind direction and external temperature. In figure 2, we present an example of such a measurement during one night. First results show that the parameters are, as expected, wind speed and the difference between outdoor and indoor temperatures. It is seen that the values of the flow rate vary around 0.5m3/s with a low wind speed and increase up to 2m3/s with the highest wind speed. As natural ventilation is used when wind speed is low, we have to compare the order of magnitude of the measured flow rate to the value used in numerical simulations. - Measured value: Q~0.5m3/s~7 Vol/h.

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- Value used during design: 6 Vol/h. Vol is the total volume of the dwelling (Vol=245,6m3 for dwelling #191, Building #6, Block B).

Figure 20: Measurements done during one night. From top to down: flow rate (m3/s); difference between outdoor and indoor temperatures (°C) and wind velocity (m/s)

This first result shows that the flow rate value used during the design is the correct order of magnitude. But we must keep in mind that the value of 0.5m3/s if not constant during the whole night, so the analysis must be continued by considering flow rate fluctuations in time. A scientific article is being written on these results. As mention in the annual progress report Y5 of WP2.3, INSA-CETHIL applied for a patent for the new sensor developed in this project. Development of a wireless monitoring system in Zaragoza The system has been improved according the user connectivity. The centralized wireless system explained the last year report is more suitable for dwellings without internet access. Besides, when the people have an ADSL router connected to Internet, it is possible to install a distributed system which acquires and processes data and send data directly from the dwelling. This part was detailed in the annual report of WP2.1 by University of Zaragoza: D.2.1.1_Y6_ZAR_n14_AnProgRep and Da.2.1.3_Y6_ZAR_n14_ImproMon.


At the beginning of the project, the monitoring activities in Lyon and Zaragoza were defined independently, mainly because the schedules were not in phase. In Lyon, Enertech partner had already a great experience in monitoring and it was planned to use dataloggers. In Zaragoza, the University partner imagined to build an ambitious network of sensors with a centralized centre collecting the data. When the sensors began to be installed in Zaragoza, the common reflexion was launched between the two communities early in 2010. The common reflexion highlighted two essential points: the real added value of a real time monitoring (developed in Zaragoza) and flexibility in the use of autonomous sensors

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(developed in Lyon). This reflexion leads Zaragoza community to develop a new network of wireless sensors that joins the three advantages: real time, flexibility and user feedback. Some of these sensors are installed in some dwellings in Valdespartera. Moreover, some of these sensors should be sent in Lyon and installed in some dwellings in Lyon Confluence. The common analysis of monitoring activities in Lyon and Zaragoza continues through collaboration between experts from the two communities.

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES D.2.3.1_Y6_AnProgRep : Annual progress report The 6th annual progress report is now completed. Da.2.3.1_Y6_ZAR_LYO_n21_MonRefl: Common Analysis of the Monitoring Activities in the RENAISSANCE Project


The post processing of the measurement of the cross-ventilation in Lyon has caused a delay. An internship was conducted at the INSA-CETHIL from March to September 2011 on this subject. The work was more difficult than expected due to some problems in the format used to record these data. Nevertheless, we have now a proper database and a scientific article is being written on the results.


7 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS - To continue the common reflexion including the idea that an appropriate monitoring

has to be adapted to the real conditions in the home or in the building. - To implement wireless sensors built by the University of Zaragoza in Lyon. - To write scientific articles from the measurements of cross ventilation in Lyon and

from the monitoring experience in Zaragoza


Annex Document reference Content/Title

Da.2.3.1_Y6_ZAR_LYO_n21_MonRefl Common reflexion on monitoring activities. Application to the Renaissance project.

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Deliverables D.3.2.1 (RUE) & D.3.2.2 (RES) WP 3.2–Demonstration Lyon Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 25/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: Malorie Clermont Revision: Email: Tel: 0033 (0)4 37 47 80 90

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations:

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION SPLA Lyon Confluence is the WP 3 “Demonstration” leader. It is the urban developer of the urban regeneration project of Lyon Confluence area. The other partners of this WP named “Demonstration” are the 3 following real estate developers: Lot A: Nexity – block A “Saône Park” Lot B: Bouwfonds-Marignan – block B “Lyon Islands” Lot C: ING Real Estate – block C “Le Monolithe”Work package activities


Initial Objective (Full Project) WP3.2.1 – Rational use of Energy

To construct 3 new sections of estate with a total floor area of 76 781 m2 (respectively 19 100, 31 181 and 26 500 m2) matching the highest level of energy efficiency for heating, cooling and power through appropriate building positioning, solar passive design, sun protection, high performance windows, insulation, ventilation, natural light management, power consumption optimisation and introduction of high level of RES (see WP 3.3.2)

WP3.2.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System • RES to supply 50% of commons electricity consumption (PV) and 80% of heat and

DHW needs (3 separate build-integrated wood-fuelled boilers with a total capacity of 2,4 MW and 1 363 m2 of build- integrated solar thermal collectors)

• To demonstrate the feasibility of a successful technical and architectural integration of renewable energy production facilities (PV, solar and wood) in a dense urban area without problem

Description of work (months 61-78)

WP3.2.1 – Rational use of Energy Completion of the 3 RENAISSANCE buildings construction with the 3 developers (blocks A, B, C)

Block A: All deliveries done.

Block B: End of the deliveries planned at the end of 2010.

Block C: End of the deliveries planned at the end of 2010.

WP3.2.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System All RES installed, in the 3 RENAISSANCE blocks (A, B, C), as detailed below:

Block A: RES installation schedule, as foreseen below:

(Wood fuel boiler (540 kW): already installed) Photovoltaic panels: installation of the last PV panels (12 kWp) for a total installation of 79 kWp.

Block B: RES installation schedule, as foreseen below:

Photovoltaic panels (121 kWp): beginning of the installation in November 2009, end in January 2010 2

Wood fuel boilers (1080 kW): beginning in November 2009, end in March 2010

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Solar collectors (239 m2): final installation by January 2010, end in May 2010

Block C: RES installation schedule, as foreseen below:

Photovoltaic panels (73,15 kWp): end of the installation and commissioning by the end of 2010.

Wood fuel boiler (480 kW): beginning in November 2009, end in March 2010

Solar collectors: beginning in January 2010, end in May 2010, 250 m2 of thermal solar panels to be installed

Deliverables (months 61-78)

WP3.2.1 – Rational use of Energy D3.2. Lyon: Final progress report with detailed updated information on energy efficiency specifications on the constructions. (Month 72)

WP3.2.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System D3.2. Lyon: Final progress report with detailed updated information on installed RES systems. (Month 72)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) WP3.2.1 – Rational use of Energy

Delivery of the 2 last Blocks by the end of 2010, complying with RENAISSANCE RUE objectives

WP3.2.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System All RES installed, complying with RENAISSANCE RES objectives


At the end of year 5 all the construction work has been completed and all the buildings were delivered.

10.1 Local progress under WP3.2.1 (Rue) Work done, the deliveries have been done for all the Blocks.

10.2 Local progress under WP3.2.2 (RES) During year 6, Block C finished the installation of the PV system by the connection to the grid. Photovoltaic panels have been installed on the Monolithe (Lot C building) as planned in the Annexe 1 and BEST tables (so they count in the 80% of RES). However, the installation has been done and paid by a third party (EDF Energie Nouvelle) not included in the contract with EC. Therefore, the contractor for this installation requests no contribution. The follwing tables detail the work achieved and eligible costs under special clause 41:

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Block B attended the RENAISSANCE international conference held in Milan (31st May – 1st June 2011) during the RENAISSANCE technical meeting. The representative of the Block B shared the experience gained thanks to RENAISSANCE during all along the process form building design to commissioning. The representative also attended the workshops.

12 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES All the actions led during Year 6 contributed to deliverables (see paragraph 2.1).

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No deviations

14 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJORS COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES The table below presents the costs claimed by the real estate developers of the blocks A, B and C for the Year 6:

Block A Block B Block C (clause 41) Total

WP 321: RUE 0,00 " 0,00 " 133 140,00 " 133 140,00 "

WP 322: RES 0,00 " 0,00 " - 26 909,14 " - 26 909,14 "

Total 0,00 ! 0,00 ! 106 230,86 ! 106 230,86 !

The Block C’s Clause 41 (declaration of costs) is annexed to the Management report. Blocks A, B and C have claimed all the costs available considering eligible costs in function of the square meters constructed (offices and housing) and renewable energy sources installed (kW, kWp, m2).

15 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS As all the buildings have been delivered and RES have been installed, no activities should be reported next year in this activity report WP 3.2.

16 ANNEXES No annexes

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Deliverables D.3.3.1 (RUE) & D.3.3.2 (RES) WP 3.3–Demonstration Zaragoza

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 5th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 10/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Author/ contact: Juan Rubio del Val, Paloma Bozman López

Revision:, Tel: +34 976 405912

[version 4]

Other authors/organisations: Luis Vela (Ecociudad de Valdespartera), Astrid García (Ayto de Zaragoza), Juan Carlos Pericas (URBIC)

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION The goal of this WP is to promote the adoption of high energy performance criteria as standard practice in new building and refurbishment building projects, working on:

- the rational use of energy - RUE (WP 3.3.1) - the renewable energy sources - RES (WP 3.3.2)

The main actors are Sociedad municipal de Zaragoza Vivienda, SMZV (ex-SMRUZ), as Zaragoza WP3 leader, the Ayto Zaragoza (Ayto.), EVZ (Ecociudad Valdespartera), and UdZ (University of Zaragoza), as energy performance expert.

17 WORK PACKAGE ACTIVITIES Overview of full project objective(s) WP3.3.1 – Rational use of Energy

• To construct in Valdespartera 616 new bio-climatic apartments distributed in 4 plots of land and 10 buildings, as well as a permanent exhibition and demonstration centre (CUS) as emblematic building with the highest level of energy efficiency through reinforced insulation, efficient windows, passive solar elements, solar protection, cross-ventilation, efficient lighting, centralised heating and cooling systems, efficient hot water distribution.

• • To refurbish in Picarral’s area 358 apartments and a school with the highest level of

energy efficiency through additional insulation, window improvement, doubleglazing, solar protection, efficiently regulated individual gas-boilers.

• The CUS is intended as a space where visitors check the results of monitoring conducted in Valdespartera. To apply solutions that are attractive and desirable for residents, practical for constructors, possible for public sector responsible for social housing and that therefore have a high instant replication potential and can make a real ongoing impact in terms of overall energy demand and consumption.

WP3.3.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System

• To install 894 m2 of solar thermal collectors (new build + refurb housing + Valdespartera centre).

• 832 m2 in 616 new homes, Valdespartera (ex-SMRUZ/SMZV) • 483 m2 in 196 refurbished homes, Picarral (ex-SMRUZ SMZV) • To install 18 kWp of PV on the school building in Picarral (Ayto.) • To install a 50 kW wood boiler + cooling from 45kW geothermal and reversible

water-water heat pump in the Exhibition Centre (CUS) • To install a pilot highly efficient cooling system in one bioclimatic block

(Valdespartera- Block12) with collective refrigeration system, connected with a new PV system (see WP3.3.2) in the roof to provide energy consumption for compressor systems.

The City Council expects the demonstration results to provide sufficient evidence of benefits to enable further municipal regulation to promote more sustainable construction. Annual Report Year 5

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Description of work (month 61-78)

WP3.3.1 – Rational use of Energy • Completion of the last dwellings to be refurbished in El Picarral

WP3.3.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System Valdespartera:

• Preparationof the pilot highly efficient gas heatpmp 185kW) in a bioclimatic plot of Valdespartera (Block 12)

El Picarral:

• Finalising installation of 164 m2 solar collectors in El Picarral (SMVZ)

Deliverables (month 61-78)

WP3.3.1 – Rational use of Energy • D3.3. Zaragoza: Annual progress report on development work with detailed

updated information on Energy Efficiency specifications (month 72). WP3.3.2 – Use of Renewable Energy System

• D3.3. Zaragoza: Annual progress report on development work inwith detailed updated information on installed RES systems (month 72).


18.1 Local progress under WP3.3.1 (RUE) VALDESPARTERA The 616 houses of Valdespartera programmed for May 2009, have been constructed and the results of the monitoring system appear to be of great interest to occupants. ESCO EXPERIENCE WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY COOLING FOR A 96 FLATS BLOCK BY GAS HEAT PUMP WITH HEAT RECOVERY Finally, 15 owners (out of 96) have contracted with the ESCO in July for the installation of a high efficiency cooling facility. The installation consists of 80 kW of cooling (along with 25 kW of heat recovery used for Domestic Hot Water) as of now; it is expected to reach 160kW of cooling (with 50 kW heat recovery for DHW). The residents community has contracted the maintenance of the complete thermal facility (heating, cooling and hot water), under the shared savings formula. Thanks to the heat recovery on gas heat pump for cooling, the saving achieved are 61,8% of natural

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gas for domestic hot water this summer (In 2011, average gas consumption for domestic hot water is 69.7 kWh of gas per m3 of DHW– including losses in the distribution system - versus 182.6 kWh/m3 in 2010). Given the 15% increase in the price of natural gas, and the actual consumption of hot water (this summer, it has been higher), economic savings for the community between May and October amounted approximately to "5,000, which is approximately 4 times the cost paid for gas consumption of the gas heat pumps for air conditioning. Indeed, the gas heat pumps have consumed 1,147 m3 of natural gas this summer (normal cubic meters, Nm3), equivalent to 24,476 kWh (based on higher heating value). The price paid by the residents as invoices is "0.053 per kWh of gas taxes included, which amounts to " 1,297 of gas for air conditioning.

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THE EXHIBITION CENTRE IN VALDESPARTERA- named Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible, (CUS) (Sustainable urban planning Centre) Finally, this year the University of Saragossa has installed diverse temperature probes in different locations of the CUS. The visitors will be able to know the information that probes provide. EVZ will install next year, in the exterior space of the CUS, a demonstrative “passive house” (Da.3.3.1_Y6_ZAR_n11_02 Passive House Climablock.pdf). A Passive House is a very well-insulated, virtually air-tight building that is primarily heated by passive solar gain and by internal gains from people, electrical equipment, etc. Energy losses are minimized. Any remaining heat demand is provided by an extremely small heat source. Avoidance of heat gain through shading and window orientation also helps to limit any cooling load in summer. An energy recovery ventilator provides a constant, balanced fresh air supply. The result is an impressive system that not only saves up to 90% of space heating costs, but also provides a unique indoor air quality. A Passive House is a comprehensive system. "Passive" describes well this system's underlying receptivity and retention capacity. Working with natural resources, free solar energy is captured and applied efficiently, instead of relying predominantly on ‘active’ systems, so as to bring a building to ‘zero’ energy. High performance triple-glazed windows, super-insulation, an airtight building shell, reduction of thermal bridges and balanced energy recovery ventilation make possible extraordinary reductions in energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. PICARRAL REFURBISHMENT At the end of 2010 we had a great situation with the results of: # Anzánigo 10-12: DONE. (30 flats of Anzánigo 10-12 and also the urbanization) # General Yagüe 2-4-6-8 DONE (40 flats)

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General Yague Before

General Yagüe after

During Year 6 we have continued In Picarral district with project management that involves communities obtaining an agreement, signing contracts between them and Zaragoza Vivienda, electing companies to do the works and making all the procedures to obtain the municipal licenses. To date we have obtain the licenses for 8 buildings but the difficult economic situation of the country has made it almost impossible to get the bank loans. Despite the public subsidy that these communities of residents can get, there is a minimum investment of private capital that corresponds to around 6.000 Euros.

The banks aren’t giving personal loans. Therefore, despite having everything reading to start the refurbishment activities (agreements, licenses, project design done and companies selected), we are pending approval for the personal financing part that corresponds to only 20% of the total amount that the operation costs.

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Here there is a resume of the state of the progress:

Anzanigo 2-4-6-8-14-16

Contract Signed License

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Crucero Baleares 14-16

Contract Signed License

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We also have continued working with the communities of neighbors of:

- Batalla del Ebro 2-4-12, where the design of the renovation operation is finished and we have just started to ask for the municipal license.

Batalla del Ebro 2-4-12 Contract Signed

- Calamocha 4-10-12: The contracts have just been signed and the municipal

license is in its process.

Calamocha 4-10-12 Contract Signed

The financial barrier is of particular concern to us. We argue that rehabilitation could provide the necessary stimulus to the business sector in this country and

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also provide work for the operators of the building sector, which is one of the domains most affected by unemployment in Spain. We are also concerned that not taking advantage of the present moment would mean missing a great opportunity. In Picarral district, the finalization of the buildings has generated great excitement because now residents can visualize the results of high energy performance rehabilitation. At the end of the renovation phase of Piccaral buildings we have gained recognition of communities and certain entities as well as received several Awards for the works done. Missing the opportunity to pursue rehabilitation works in the neighborhood for a financial reason would be a mistake. Therefore, we are trying hard to negotiate to get other sources of funding, some opf which are social funds of construction companies and banks. Until today, the search of funds hasn’t been successful. We hope that, before the end of the project, the economy will have recovered and things will restart moving again. We are going to keep trying to help the neighbors to obtain their personal credit.

CANDIDO DOMINGO SCHOOL IN PICARRAL DISTRICT During previous years, the insulation of the building was done and photovoltaic installations were installed. The most important actions done during this year is to start the operation of the panels. Spanish legislation is very complicated to allow this type of installation to start injecting electricity in the network. The process involves national and regional legislation as well as distribution companies and retailers. This process is normally the responsibility of the company that does the installation. In this case, the works have been done by the Town Hall in collaboration with the installation company. This combination has caused some complication because the Spanish law expects private actors in this sector and not public entities like the Town Hall. We are currently finishing inscriptions in the regional and national register. Once we finish those inscriptions, we will give way to the commercializing company so that it starts having incomes with the energy produced. We present in annex the official documentation that resumes the process. So to synthesize, in this period we have: - Put a cupboard with meter and converter, requiring municipal license to work on

public space. - Start to put on the photovoltaic panels with the connection indicated by the company

that distributes energy. - Finalizing the inscriptions in the register of Government of Aragon and inscription in

the Register to produce energy under special regime and sale it.

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18.2 Local progress under WP3.3.2 (RES) VALDESPARTERA Valdespartera’s RES production estimation Considering that the solar thermal installation is finished in Valdespartera, the 654 m2 of solar panels installed on plots 12, 13, 17 and 18 continue to produce the estimated 392,4 MWh/year. The monitoring network in Valdespartera is shown in the CUS.

The monitoring campaign will generate valuable information about the best practice and inhabitant’s behaviour regarding bioclimatic architecture energy efficiency consumption. Consequently, the CUS, in collaboration with the Group of Energy and Building of the University of Saragossa, periodically organizes an informative meeting destined to residents of the neighborhood to offer them advice and information related to the energy saving. In the same way, every month, the University presents, over one day, diverse topics that can help occupants to optimize the domestic comfort. Cycles, seminars, exchanges web are the best way to encourage good daily practices of diverse civil groups and improve inadequate practices that greatly impact the environment.

Through this permanent debate enforced by the Center of Sustainable Urbanism (CUS), the climate change issue has been effectively addressed by Valdespartera residents.

Finally, this year the University of Saragossa has installed diverse temperature probes in different locations of the CUS. The visitors will be able to know the information that probes provide.

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THE EXHIBITION CENTRE IN VALDESPARTERA - named Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible, (CUS) (Sustainable urban planning Centre) As it was mentioned in the report of last year, the Board of Directors of EVZ, on July 20, 2010, approved the specifications for the Public Call for the installation of a solar farm in the Sustainable Urban Centre. When EVZ initiated in May the process of writing bid terms, a series of previous consultations was realized with the companies most representative of the sector in order to determining the suitability of the call for tenders. Three consulted companies initially proved to be interested to take part. Nevertheless, the recent modification of the regulation on subsidies approved by means of the decree 103/2010 of August 5, has shattered confidence in solar energy investments thereby jeopardizing access to financial loans granted by the credit entities. This is the reason why bidders deserted the public tender. In spite of these events, EVZ is still determined to install demonstrative elements of photovoltaic technology in the CUS. EVZ has established contacts with a company named “PYRON SOLAR” in order to install a demonstrative element in the CUS. Pyron Solar develops and manufactures low profile concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar power systems that are suspended in water and designed for utility and commercial scale projects. The Pyron system has been designed to provide an efficient and cost-effective source, with the benefit of a very small footprint, of renewable power and can employ potable water and wastewater. The system proposed by Pyron Solar (Da.3.3.2_Y6_ZAR_n11_01 Draft installation PV.pdf) will produce 19kWp power from an array of solar cells exposed to highly concentrated sunlight. Achieving high concentration levels while maintaining low cell temperatures is a key technical issue to commercially viable CPV systems. Floating in water provides significant cooling and therefore results in exceptionally high power outputs per each solar cell. A dual axis tracking system allows the lenses to be pointed towards the sun at all times to capture as much sunlight as possible during the day.

EVZ has also installed a demonstrative WIND TURBINE with a nominal power of 1,75kW (cf. right figure).

PICARRAL # Anzánigo nº 10-12: Installation of 23,4 m2 of solar panels to preheat water. # General Yagüe 2,4,6,8: installation of 13,98 m2 of solar panels to preheat water. The situation in Picarral has been explained above. We are still waiting for private credits that would allow us to start renovation works. Considering that we have contracts involving more installations of solar panels but that it has been impossible to obtain private credits to start the works, in Picarral the production of 45,3 MWh/year from renewable energy installed in Anzanigo 10-12 y General Yagüe 2-4-6-8 continues unchanged.

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Replicability in the Region As a result of the development of this experience, we have promoted this type of rehabilitation in special areas with this kind of building in 10 small towns in the region of Aragon. In Tudela (Navarra) they are doing similar intervention in Lourdes district, after learning about Zaragoza’s experience in refurbishment.


THE EXHIBITION CENTRE IN VALDESPARTERA Faced with world economy crisis and a deepening budget deficit, late last year, the Spanish government reduced the money it was paying for solar PV electricity and capped the amount of subsidized solar PV installed each year at 500 megawatts. Spain's solar-power capacity has actually shrunk this year as a result. Things will be particularly critical for new outdoor plants because they will receive 65 percent less in the future. The absence of a clear frame that grants safety of investment to companies bidding in the public tender has made it impossible to reach the target of photovoltaic installation. Refurbishment in picarral We expect to solve the financial problem that is stopping all the process initiated in Picarral. We are negotiating with constructing companies and social banks to try to obtain the private capital that is still missing.

21 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES ZARAGOZA VIVIENDA EXPENSES This year, we can only input the cost in personal. All building refurbishment predicted to start in Picarral are blocked due to the aforementioned reasons. The personal cost (plus trip and contracting translation matters) are 18.860". THE EXHIBITION CENTRE IN VALDESPARTERA The EVZ expenses for the year 6 are only of personnel due to the absence of investment and are 56.865,41". These expenses remain justified due to the numerous working time that the EVZ personnel has dedicated to the operation, maintenance and management of the CUS (making of guides & brochures, maintenance of the network, sponsors' search, acts with neighbours, social networks...).

22 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS VALDESPARTERA PLOTS: now the monitoring system is giving information to the people living on the plots. This is going to be analyzed and results will be available over the next period. VALDESPARTERA EXPERIENCE IN ESCO:

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- Verify and disseminate the results of the first year, including the first winter in heating mode (from November to April). - Completion of 180 kW cooling capacity plus 50 kW of heat recovery for hot water production.


• During the last week of October, the CUS will celebrate a day to inaugurate the academic course. In the above mentioned act, EVZ will present innovations and activities that will take place in the CUS during the year 2011-2012 to authorities and sponsors of the center.

• Cycle of movies and documentaries on environmental subjects. • Contests for students • After negotiations with the persons in charge of the International Festival of

Movies and Environment, it is proposed that the CUS be one of the head offices of the festival in his next edition.

• Days of Engineering and Environment (celebrated annually by the Poly technical School).

• Installation of demonstrative elements of energy efficiency in the CUS (more and better screens with information proceeding from the monitoring of housings).

• Installation of the passive house

RES activities • Installation of the photovoltaic plant of 19 kWp

PICARRAL REFURBISHMENT: If we manage to deal with the financial problem, 126 more flats (10 buildings) will be refurbished. That will give us the total number of 196 flats and 16 buildings refurbished in Picarral. CANDIDO DOMINGO SCHOOL: Maintain the installation working and see the benefits.


Annex Document reference Content/Title

• Da.3.3.1_Y6_ZAR_n11_passivho.pdf Draft Passive House Climablock.

• Da.3.3.1_Y6_ZAR_n11_PVinstal.pdf Draft installation Pyron Solar PV

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Deliverables D.4.1.5 & D.4.2.1 WP 4–Dissemination

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 18/10/201&

Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Lead Author/ contact: Béatrice Couturier, Malorie Clermont, José A. Lopez, Sylvain Koch-Mathian



Tel: +33 (0)4 37 47 80 90

Other authors/organisations :

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


INTRODUCTION As dissemination of this project is important, the local authorities have decided to play an important role under this 4th Work Package (WP4). As decided during the 3rd RENAISSANCE meeting (Milano, July 2007), the management structure of the Dissemination working group (WP4) is as followed:

WP4: Renaissance coordination

Leader: HESPUL

WP4 : Local coordination Leader (community level)

Lyon Zaragoza Lombardia

HESPUL Ayto Zaragoza Lombardia (LOM)

SubWP4.1. Local Dissemination and Promotion

SubWP4.2. Common Dissemination Activities

Lyon Zaragoza Milano Lyon Zaragoza Lombardia

Grand Lyon Ayto Zaragoza

LOM HESPUL Ayto Zaragoza


1 OVERVIEW OF FULL PROJECT OBJECTIVES This WP4 deals with dissemination within two dynamics. On the one hand, the sub- WP4.1, focuses on efficient communication and coordination of promotion and dissemination activities across the 3 involved communities. This implies to explore the opportunities to promote RENAISSANCE and its added values as innovative and replicable, while identifying the targets groups and developing appropriate tools and messages towards them.

On the other hand, the sub-WP4.2 focuses on the European dynamic, that has been launched throughout the CONCERTO Plus and now CONCERTO Premium initiative (, supported by DG TREN, in order to create a common spirit amongst the different CONCERTO projects.

WP 4.1: Initial Objectives (Full Project) • To ensure efficient communication and coordination of promotion and dissemination

activities across the communities • To explore and act on opportunities to promote the project and the Concerto action. • To establish a clear brand for the RENAISSANCE action within the wider CONCERTO

initiative. • To analyse target groups for the project, devise appropriate promotion actions and

messages and then implement the strategy

WP 4.2: Initial Objectives (Full Project) Common EU wide dissemination activities

Description of work WP4.1 & WP4.2 (months 61-78)

WP 4.1: Description of work

For the 3 communities: • To regularly update, develop & implement the Common strategy on dissemination

framework, by organising telephone-conferences between dissemination leaders (to update their local action plans, to improve the reporting Protocol that centralise dissemination information, etc.).

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• Finish the RENAISSANCE template for Key documents • To further develop RENAISSANCE website, to communicate between partners and

with large public. A special focus will be made on publishing RENAISSANCE key documents and to regularly feed the “NEWS” section.

• To publish RENAISSANCE key documents on the website and promotion via other CONCERTO projects and CONCERTO Premium websites.

• To “capitalise” experience, knowledge and know-how developed in the project: o Identification, for each WP, of the project success, as well as difficulties faced

and solutions developed to overcome existing barriers o Documentation and diffusion of RENAISSANCE project lessons learnt

• To prepare the final report structure and content. For each community: • To hold local transversal meetings with RENAISSANCE partners, to improve the local

coordination on dissemination. Zaragoza (especially UdZ, Ayto., SMZV): • To organize a final international congress of RENAISSANCE Zaragoza to present

RENAISSANCE results, conclusions and barriers and solutions. • To update all ZAR partners websites and keep on disseminating all activities. • To continue producing scientific and technical articles for disseminating added value. • To disseminate ZAR monitoring plan, methodology and hardware solution to allow

replicability. Grand Lyon (especially ALE, HESPUL and Grand Lyon): • To complete the dissemination knowledge document (in relation with WP 1.5) • To list the foreseen dissemination activities of the relevant partners. • To share and disseminate the lessons learnt during the project • To finalize buildings’ datasheets, to post them on the RENAISSANCE website and

disseminate them during the training sessions • To give information on the RENAISSANCE project for the foreseen newsletters (in

relation with WP1.5)

WP 4.2: Description of work

All partners: • To keep on collaborating with and contributing on CONCERTO Premium activities &

conferences (regional visit tours, CONCERTO Plus final conference 6-7/12/2010, etc.) • To keep on strengthening information flows and experience sharing with other

CONCERTO communities (especially those who speak French and Spanish); • To participate to contractor’s meetings and conferences in association with the EIE

and other relevant EU programmes, exhibitions, etc. when possible • Participation in the organisation of common dissemination & technical activities

(workshops), especially on monitoring, socio-economic, policy issues • Improvement of the RENAISSANCE website by :

o Publishing relevant information/documentation (Key documents) produced by partners

o Developing the website attractiveness o Keeping on updating the “partner resources” WebPages

Deliverables WP4.1 & WP4.2 (months 61-78)

• D4.1.3 Updated version of Plan for Disseminating Knowledge throughout the lifetime of the project for the consortium & improvement of the common Protocol to centralise information (month 61 onwards)

• D4.1.4 Improvement & development of the RENAISSANCE website, with specific focus on publishing key project documents for practitioners, professionals, decision makers and general public (month 61 onwards)

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• D4.1.5 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72)

• D4.2.1 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72)

Milestones and expected results WP4.1 & WP4.2 (months 61-78)

WP4.1: Milestones and expected results Production of appropriate dissemination tools, available to all partners All RENAISSANCE project key document have been upload on the website. The Plan for Disseminating Knowledge has been updated WP4.2: Milestones and expected results Participation and collaboration with EC relevant initiatives, CONCERTO Premium and other CONCERTO Cities initiatives or workshops.


Concerning dissemination activities held in Grand Lyon, the main event of the year 5 was the official inauguration of the CONCERTO district in October 2010. Zaragoza: During 5th year a big effort was done in order to disseminate RENAISSANCE lessons learnt, due to the phase of the project that allowed us to accumulate an important amount of lessons learnt. Compared to last year, this 6th year has been much more internal than last year. Most of the activities of 6th year consisted in preparation of two different things: experience capitalization and final congress. Anyway RENAISSANCE has been present in different local, national and international events.

2.1 Local progress on WP4.1 (Dissemination & promotion)


In year 6, the focus was on the broadening of the process of communication and diffusion of the results of the CONCERTO RENAISSANCE programme. Let us not forget that the building monitoring results will be known only at the end of year 7 and beyond; thus, the communication developed in the course of the 6th period does not relate to the diffusion of results but to issues relating to example-setting and learning: How do changes of scale operate? By which channels? What are the factors of acceleration and the factors which brake the diffusion of good practices? In this context, it was possible to take a number of approaches: 1) Including the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project in the national PIRVE

research programme Three out of four French cities involved in a CONCERTO programme: Nantes, Grenoble, and Lyon, were asked by a team of academics to contribute to a research programme called PIRVE (French acronym for Inter-disciplinary City and Environment Research Programme) with regard to “the contribution of eco-districts to the emergence of sustainable urban development: example-setting and learning”. The challenge of the

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research programme is to take as a basis the "exceptional financial and organisational" approaches adopted in certain territories to identify the mechanisms and levers allowing a move to sustainable urban development, marrying the scale of a project with that of the city and / or agglomeration. This involves in particular an analysis of the interconnections and diffusion of knowledge in the development project for a sustainable city. The work is divided into four phases, the first two being connected iteratively:

! Phase 1: production of an analysis grid (4 months) allowing the setting-up of eco-district projects to be linked to the system innovations necessary to make sustainable development a "standard" approach. To the detailed analysis of set-ups and the groups of actors at the heart of eco-district projects (links between local authorities, developers, architects, sponsors, engineering offices), we add an analysis of the process of production of documents and reference frameworks at the scale of the city and the agglomeration. How does the change of scale work? By what channels? More particularly, we need to identify the factors of acceleration and the factors which brake the diffusion of sustainable governance at project level to a diffuse governance, and then to consider the reproducibility of these factors.

! Phase 2: application of the analysis grid to case studies (6 months). During this phase, interviews will be held with the main actors, supplemented by archive work on written documents (regulatory documents, press, minutes of meetings etc.). This work will be carried out in the four agglomerations selected for the study. At the end of this phase, individual index cards will be written about each site.

! Phase 3: workshop: comparison of results obtained during each case study (2 months). This workshop will be open to team researchers, representatives of the local authorities selected and their partners. If necessary, some specific experts will be invited. This workshop takes the form of a seminar allowing the research and experiment proposals to be tested on the participants. For this workshop, a document about the problem will be produced, reviewing the working approach, the presentation of the grid, the individual index cards and the initial research orientations. This document will form the interim report.

! Phase 4: writing of the final report and valuation (3 months). The final report includes a research agenda, a summary of the work achieved in the workshop, and the individual reports about the case studies. Valuation will also be via the EcoQuartier website of the MEEDDM.

The research team is composed as follows: Coordination:

! Institut d’Urbanisme de Lyon – Université Lyon 2, UMR 5600 Environnement, Ville, Société. Referent for the territory of Lyon,

! Project leader of the national pole: EcoQuartiers, CETE de Lyon. Academic partners:

! Institut d’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Environnement et de l’Urbanisme de Reims, Université de Reims, referent for the territory of Reims,

! Ecole d’architecture de Grenoble, UMR PACTE, referent for the territory of Grenoble,

! Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes, LAUA, referent for the territory of Nantes,

! Université de Nantes, Cestan - UMR ESO, ! Université de Rennes 2, LAUA, ! Institut d’Urbanisme de Lyon – Université Lyon 2, UMR 5600 Environnement, Ville,

Société. Other partners:

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! Nantes Métropole, ! Ville de Grenoble, ! Reims Métropole, ! Communauté Urbaine du Grand Lyon, ! CETE de l’Ouest, ! CETE de Lyon.

In this context, the French CONCERTO cities have detailed in depth the role that their CONCERTO project was able to play in the development of local policies regarding the energy efficiency of buildings and recourse to renewable energies. They were also asked whether they knew if it had been possible to translate the experiments conducted in the context of the CONCERTO programme into approaches or processes which could be repeated at territory level. On this point, Grand Lyon was able to state the impact of the RENAISSANCE project on the development of the sustainable habitat reference document and on the formalisation of an office reference document, applicable today to all the urban development operations in the territory. These two tools formed the subject of a detailed presentation in the context of the final report on WP 1.1. The researchers involved in the PIRVE programme were able to meet, simultaneously, the cities of Grenoble, Nantes and Lyon at the final conference of the cities of the CONCERTO ACT 2 project.

2) Approach of capitalising experience at local level The purpose of this experience capitalisation approach is to review all the stages of the project. The partners involved, whether closely or not, in the RENAISSANCE project in Lyon will be consulted to discover the difficulties they encountered, the innovative solutions developed and those which could have been provided to best respond to the objectives of CONCERTO and to anticipate the possible rupture of the “appropriation chain”. It was also intended to identify the changes caused by the project in terms of professional practices, to assess their reproducibility on other projects and to promote experience feedback and good practices. This capitalisation approach is being developed in the context of the activity report for WP 1.5 and annex Da.1.5.1_Y6_LYO_FrenchCap. Written in French, this report will be one of the project’s key documents and will be widely distributed. Structure of the document: The first part of the document will present the RENAISSANCE project generally and will analyse the key stages in the project, the various rupture points in the appropriation chain and the solutions envisaged. Other reports will add to this experience capitalisation, in particular that concerning the recommendations in terms of implementation of energy planning policies (WP 1.1), a summary report on the awareness-raising activities conducted among the residents of the CONCERTO district and Saragossa (WP 1.5), and a report concerning the optimisation of the operating and maintenance work. The list of documents may be reviewed and complemented. Medium: The report will be published as a hard copy, with a pagination and graphics which help its reading, and the collection of various additional reports. A pdf version will also be available. Target public: Generally speaking, all the actors involved in the projects of efficient building construction and renovation, and more particularly, the political decision-makers, urban

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designers, representatives of local authorities, private and social housing developers, engineering offices, architects, and joint-ownership associations etc. Methods of diffusion: Various diffusion channels will be used:

- The RENAISSANCE project website, - French-speaking conference organised in Lyon to be held in September 2012, - Distribution at events involving the project partners.

3) Planning for a final French-speaking conference The French parties wished to organise a conference at Lyon on the occasion of the end of the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project. The purpose of this French-speaking conference will be to present the results of the project, based heavily on the experience capitalisation. Target public: The public invited to this conference will be the public sent the capitalisation document. The French-speaking CONCERTO projects will also be invited, in particular those from the first call for projects. Pre-programme: The conference will be organised over at least 2 days and will comprise a plenary conference, workshops and site visits (CONCERTO buildings, technical installations,…). 4) Partners’ communication actions All the partners have carried out dissemination and communication activities in relation to the CONCERTO-RENAISSANCE project. These activities, comprising in particular conferences, site visits and press articles, are listed in annex Da.4.1.5_4.2.1_Y6_ListDissActiv. The building visits have continued this year with a relative drop in activities due to the withdrawal of the developer from the dissemination activities associated with CONCERTO. The visits have basically been carried out by ALE and the real estate developer Bouwfonds Marignan (Block B) in the context of its internal promotion policy. Video reporting has been created and put on line by ALE, presenting the RENAISSANCE project in Lyon and including an interview with a local resident: For its part, Grand Lyon is still every bit as involved in the diffusion of good practices in the field of energy policy and urban development. Grand Lyon presented the lessons learnt from the project at the renewable energy show in the context of a round table on the subject of the solar policies of local authorities and participates actively in PIRVE, the national research programme.

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No new website has been developed for dissemination, but most of them have been updated integrating new contents and making them more attractive. Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza website : Ayto has continued updating the official website of ZAR community with information about important events. UdZ website: UdZ team has continued building up and updating its website, which was published online on April 2009. This website focuses on two key target groups: Valdespartera inhabitants and technicians, as it can be read on the last report. Compared to year 5, this year visits have increased by 9,4%, reaching 5.875 visits and 18.526 pageviews. Most read articles are the frontpage of the forum (902 + 452 pageviews), articles regarding training (“Segunda edición del curso...” 881 pageviews and 404 for training materials), technical articles (thermography and cross ventilation) and some articles for neighboors with instructions on energy saving in their homes (« How to use your home on summer » (452 pageviews) and « …on winter » (737 pageviews). During this year, 26 posts or articles have been published, most of them regarding socioeconomic activities, training materials and technical information..

- Valdespartera forum: We have continued to answer neighboor’s questions.

- A multimedia tool on electrical consumption has been developed and placed online in order to help residents save energy. This tool provides specific advices for every electrical appliance that households could be using.

- Some technical information concerning the research has been published, like the article “When monitoring data confirms savings”

CUS website: EVZ has continued on updating the website including many information about the project and the activities carried out in the building.

b) BOOK DISTRIBUTION Distribution of the books finished in year 5 has continued and BASUP (Bilingual bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban planning) continues to be updated.

c) URSUS SOFTWARE DISSEMINATION UrSus: Sustainable Urban Planing is a software that is being developed by UNIZAR team in the frame of RENAISSANCE, capitalizing the lessons learnt from the project and other topics. (

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During this 6th year new versions has been carried out and UrSus presentations have been done in different Spanish cities. More information is provided in WP5 report.

d) PRESENTATIONS AND PARTICIPATION IN CONGRESS 17 presentations and participation were done during year 6. A detailed list is given in Da.4.1.5_4.2.1_Y6_ListDissActiv. The following activities are worth emphasizing:

• Eurocities meeting (November 4th, 2011). Organized by Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, a specific workshop was hosted in the CUS about green cities and successful stories. Renaissance example was presented to the audience as a good practice.

• Conama meeting (November 2nd, 2010). The National Congress on Environment is one of the most important events in Spain on this topic. Juan Rubio from SMZV joined this event with a conference about refurbishment and urban renewal. Many politicians, urban planners and architects join this annual congress.

• National conference of public promoters (December 14th, 2010). Public construction companies celebrated a national conference of institutions. Juan Rubio (SMZV) joined this meeting with a talk about the Picarral refurbishment case.

• Participation in international event “Wind PowerExpo” (September 27-29th, 2011). Held in Zaragoza, this is an international exposition on renewable energy. UdZ team where there with a stand presenting how renewable energies can be integrated in buildings and how to monitoring them.


During this 6th year, different project activities have been covered by the media. One of the most important was the Public School Cándido Domingo PV connection to the internet, where different authorities from Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza were present to show their political commitement. Radiostation, the written press and TV covered this event. It took place on 29th July, 2011. A specific written article of three pages (April 14th, 2011) appeared in a newspaper about the state of advance of the project. Different topics were considered, like monitoring, user behaviours and bioclimatic desing. Another article about heating savings in RENAISSANCE’s buildings was written on October 5th, 2011. See Annex Da.4.1.5_Y6_ZAR_n11_SaveHeat.pdf A specific article has been written about CUS in one of the most read electronic reviews on renewable energies, the Renewable energy magazine. This article, published on February 16th, 2011, presents different information about monitoring, urban planing and energy efficiency. The article is available at the following address: More events or activities of the project have been published and broadcasted, for more information see Annex Da.4.1.5_4.2.1_Y6_ListDissActiv.

f) MONTHLY REVIEW “Somos Valdespartera” The monthly collaboration with Valdespartera's review has continued during this 6th year. 12 articles have been written about bioclimatic features use to ooptimuze energy consumption in dwellings, climate change and Renaissance project. 9,000 copies are distributed monthly for free. All articles can be downloaded from: See Annex Da.4.1.5_Y6_ZAR_n14_MonthMag.


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This building has become a major totem of sustainability in the City. It is a showcase for the project. A lot of events, activities and congress have taken place at CUS, including, of course RENAISSANCE meetings and workshops with neighbours. This 6th year, CUS has continued communicating on lessons learnt to a large number of people. In this first year of opening, the CUS has received an important number of visitors and has been a place for organizing many conferences where companies, universities and associations have shared experiences, knowledge and innovations in the field of the town planning and sustainable development. In total, 3,500 visitors have visited the center. The opening of the building did not stop EVZ from working on it, such as examining facilities, repairing minor defaults, starting of systems… In the first year, 65 guided visits took place, 20 of which were managed by the Service of Education (City Town Council) and 45 by the CUS staff. A total amount of 1,951 students of different degrees have visited CUS. The guided visit to the museum is the best way for residents to learn new strategies of energy efficiency that they can apply in their dwelling. A total of 32 events have taken place in CUS during the centre’s first year of opening, which brought an important number of assistants proceeding from companies, institutions and research centres specializing in the sustainable town planning. Amongst these events, the following are noticeable: - “Water sustainability journey” (21-22/10/2010): Organized to raise awareness on

rational water use. - Eurocities (04/11/2010): Owing to the celebration of Annual General Assembly of

EUROCITIES 2010 in Saragossa, the assistants shared ideas and experiences under the titled motto of this General Assembly 'Cities of success, vision and identity'.

- European council of Civil Engineers (11-13/11/2010): The CUS received the members of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE). Along with the organizational meetings of the institution, a series of technical seminars were programmed relative to the mobility, the implantation of new technologies associated with the knowledge and management of infrastructures, and the business lines of the called "green economy".

- Visit of the Mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna: Since the cities of Bilbao and Saragossa were both selected as "Best-Practices" by the Organizing Committee of the Expo of Shanghai of 2010, they strengthen their collaboration. The Mayor of Bilbao, accompanied by representatives of his municipal corporation, is very interested in knowing more details about the project of Valdespartera and more particularly the fiber optic network and the CUS where all the information is centralized.

- Formation days for Municipal Technical staff (13-16/12/2010): Organized to explain the functioning of the fiber optic network of Valdespartera.

- Valdespartera’s neighborhood celebrations: Coinciding with the neighborhood celebrations of Valdespartera, the CUS realized a series of playful activities destined to residents: projection of several documentaries on the environment, development of a workshop of solar clocks and several tastings of meal prepared thanks to the solar kitchens.

More information can be checked in Da.4.1.5_Y6_ZAR_n11_CusReport.

Pictures of the visit of the Mayor of Bilbao

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h) ON SITE TOURS FOR LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITIES Different local authorities visited RENAISSANCE buildings. This activity has started during year 6 since buildings are finished and analysis of monitoring data has begun to confirm previous designs. Replicability of design and ideas are very important and this on site tours will be continued during year 7. This year RENAISSANCE buildings have been visited by Bilbao's Mayor (November 30th), Madrid Municipal Construction Company (February 3rd) and Viladecans City Town Hall responsibles (April 5th). During an award reception for the refurbishment work done, in the Ministry of Development on April 28th, 2011, some activities and results were also presented to national authorities.

i) SOCIAL NETWORK EVZ and Universidad de Zaragoza are using social networks for dissemination: - EVZ is using Twitter and Facebook and its target group is the general public:!/cuszaragoza

- Universidad de Zaragoza is using Facebook for communications with the residents of neighborhoods, encouraging a behavioural change in consumption. For more information see WP1.5 activity report.


In the framework of local dissemination activities, Regione Lombardia, attended to a technical workshop during FLORMART 2011 (15th-17th September). Flormart is one of the most important fair in Europe about use of plants and flowers in urbanized context to ehance environmental and beauty performances. The focus of workshop, called “EcoTechGreen”, was the use of plant system to increase the technical performance of building or ingrastructure. In this context, Regione Lombardia presented the RENAISSANCE project framework, and in particular its project topic about transport infrastrucuture mitigation techniques. The speech catched a positive welcome in auditorium. In fact, the balance between costs and environmental performances of mitigation system was a hot topic. It was very appreciate the opportunity to combine mitigation aspects with renewable energy systems, in order to obtain environmental and economic sustainability of the system. Some of the major Italian players of transport system showed their interest in actual and future project results on MRF along linear transport infrastructure. In addition the workshop organizer, Paysage magazine an architectural magazine world widespread, expressed interest about RENAISSANCE project activities and results.

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2.2 WP4.2 Description of activities (Common dissemination)


Disseminating added value, best practices and lessons learnt During this 6th year most of the important work has been corresponded to the preparation of Zaragoza Final Congress and Experience Capitalization Document. For Experience Capitalization topics and responsibilities have been confirmed. Also some tentative budgets have been prepared for this document. For more information check out Da.4.2.1_Y6_RENCap. For Zaragoza’s final congress, the Spanish community has decided to organize it in May 2012 when all lessons learnt can be disseminated and showed to different public. UdZ team is organizing the conference in close collaboration with Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, SMZV and EVZ. The congress, which will be international, will focus on four main topics: 1- RENAISSANCE project: results and conclusions. 2- Urban planning, comfort and energy consumption. 3- Refurbishment in urbanism. 4- Urban complexity and mobility. International experts will be invited to participate in this forum, during which RENAISANCE results will be presented by Zaragoza partners as well as Lyon and Milan partners. On the second day of the conference, on site tours will be put in place to show attendees building and equipment in place in Zaragoza. The plan has been discussed in Zaragoza during CSGs but also with Lyon community during the PSG in October 2011.


Make-up of a common template for Key RENAISSANCE publications In parallel, we are working on the “RENAISSANCE template” that will be used for all the publications of the project. This template will be composed of:

- Front cover with the title of the publication, the European, CONCERTO and RENAISSANCE logos and the logo(s) of the partner(s) that produced the publication

- An inside front cover with two paragraphs presenting the Concerto program and the Renaissance project

- An inside back cover with authors and intellectual property rights declaration as well all a list of all Renaissance partners

- An outside back cover with the executive summary and the European, CONCERTO and RENAISSANCE logos.

We are currently working with ALE to further improve this template that will be used for the final reports and the key RENAISSANCE document. A simplified template has been prepared (image on the right) for publishing key documents that are finished, some of which were already on the website but were not using a homogeneous page layout. The list of Renaissance key documents is provided in Annex Da.4.2.1_Y6_RENKeyDoc.pdf with the state of progress. Online publication of the Key documents

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Along the Year 6 a work has been done to update and improve the list of the Key Document produced by RENAISSANCE partners. A common RENAISSANCE template, described in the previous paragraph, has been used for all document layouts in order to give Key Documents a common visual identity and to guarantee a standard quality to all the documents in terms of both content and make-up. All these documents have been uploaded on the “Key Documents” section of the RENAISSANCE website and are easily accessible, stored by thematic, for all practitioners interested by these results: Improvement of the RENAISSANCE website. RENAISSANCE website structure and interface have been significantly improved at the very end of the Year 5 (cf. D4.1.4_Y5_LYO_n°18_Website of the Year 5 Periodic Annual Report). Thus it hasn’t been necessary to update the structure of the website. The may updates done during Year 6 are:

- Regular information about RENAISSANCE results and events have been informed in the NEWS section that has been created in October 2011.

- Translation of additional section in Italian

- Upload of RENAISSANCE key documents (cf. previous paragraph)

- Creation of an interface to display PV monitoring data (power installed per system, monthly production, etc.) (More information is available in the D.2.1.1_Y6_LYO_AnProgRep.doc of the present Peridoc Activity Report):

Lesson Learnt and Good Practices Capitalization As RENAISSANCE project is part of a European research programme, it is essential to compile all the experience feedbacks and lessons learnt from the project in order to modestly participate to the current reflection and experimentation for the development of sustainable districts and communities. Two documents will be produced on capitalization, one in English and one in French. The English document, emerging collectively from Italian, Spanish and French partners, consists of a booklet with, as a summary, a description sheet per building type or block of building built or refurbished in Spain and France, followed by around 20 case studies each covering a specific topic addressed in the project. Topics range from very detailed innovative scientific subjects to socio-economic issues. Topics will attempt to cover all phases of the project, namely urban planning, preliminary studies, urban design, equipment installation and construction works, operation and maintenance, and lastly building usage, in order to offer a comprehensive view of high-profile building projects that set an example for the future. The targeted public is professionals of the energy and building sector, decision makers and a large audience interested in energy issues. The document is to be written for mid-April 2012, and printed for dissemination during the final conference in Zaragoza in May 2012. Further details and a list of the topics chosen by community can be found in Annexe (cf. Da.4.2.1_Y6_RENcap.pdf).

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During the Y6 project Regione Lombardia organised the international conference on the RENAISSANCE project. This conference, organized in the framework of project meeting, offered to all partners the possiblity to present project results to Italian stakeholders. The conference was divided in two parts: in the morning speeches that covered all the aspects of RENAISSANCE project, in the afternoon a technical visit where stakeholders and project partners can exchange experience on the basis of concrete experience and practical situations. In addition CONCERTO Premium people made a balance at European level of CONCERTO programmes and presented new European initiatives as CONCERTO Premium. The conference brought the following added values: - A physical place for exchanges of informal experiences about local policy in building energy efficiency and agro energy use in urban context; - Strenghten RENAISSANCE project identity throught the cooperation between partners on a common activity; - The planning of new common initiatives between partners and other stakeholders at transnational level. The flyer presenting the programme of the meeting is in annex Da.4.2.1_Y6_LOM_n26_FlyerRENMeet.

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During for Year 6, all partners have done their best to attend technical workshops and other event organised by the CONCERTO community as well as to cooperate with the CONCERTO Premium team. The main activities as common dissemination activities from the whole consortium (WP 4.2) are as follows: Participation to the CONCERTO Plus final conference in Bruxelles (6-7 December 2010) Zaragoza and Grand Lyon communities attended the CONCERTO Plus final conference. This event was the opportunity to meet other CONCERTO communities and to exchange on common issues and lessons learnt from the project. Zaragoza and Grand Lyon partners attended workshops according to their interests. HESPUL made an intervention during the workshop on “Experiences of CONCERTO replication” to present lessons learnt and impacts of the RENAISSANCE project on French energy policies at different scales (local, regional, national). Participation to the CONCERTO ACT2 final conference in Nantes (30/06/2011) In addition to the cities involved in the ACT2 project, the French CONCERTO projects (RENAISSANCE and SESAC) and the Rennes conurbation attended the final conference. This meeting was also organized in workshops, which themes were: renovation, on-site trainings to guarantee energy performances, and Energy Climate plans. Each workshop presented how CONCERTO impacted on local energy policies and climate plans. This meeting allowed: - Exchanging amongst French cities involved in a CONCERTO project (ACT2,

RENAISSANCE, SESAC) on benefits and lessons learnt, - Attending thematic workshops on thermal renovation, operation & maintenance of

which are part of an Energy Climate plan. Invitation to CONCERTO Premium team at the RENAISSANCE meeting in Milan (05/2011) The RENAISSANCE meeting held in Milan in May 2011 was the opportunity to invite members of the new CONCERTO Premium team. They attended the international conference, the workshops on “RENAISSANCE capitalization results” and “Final reports”, and on site visits. A technical session led by CONCERTO Premium was organized on dissemination target indicators under CONCERTO Premium objectives. Their current reflection on target group for dissemination was: Which target group need which information? This workshop was very useful to understand their approach and their work programme for the end of the project. This meeting led RENAISSANCE partners to work on their framework programme as well as on the questionnaire to be sent to all CONCERTO communities.

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4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES WP4.1 Deliverables D4.1.3 Updated version of Plan for Disseminating Knowledge throughout the lifetime of the project for the consortium & improvement of the common Protocol to centralise information (month 61 onwards) Deliverade to the DG ENER in a separate document. D4.1.4 Improvement & development of the RENAISSANCE website, with specific focus on publishing key project documents for practitioners, professionals, decision makers and general public (month 61 onwards) As described above, significant improvements have been made at the end of the Year 5 and reported in the Year 5 Periodic Activity report. Therefore, it was no reason to make further improvements on the structure, nor to produce an additional document to report activities done during Year 6. D4.1.5 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72) This is the present report. WP4.2 Deliverables D4.2.1 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72) This is the present report.


The monitoring campaign led by Enertech suffered huge delays (see previous activity reports) with the consequence that results won’t be available before the end of the RENAISSANCE project. Nevertheless, results will be disseminated and communicated after the end of the project (after year 7), as all partners involved in the RENAISSANCE project or professionals related to low energy buildings expect them.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES Grand Lyon: Major costs are related to personel costs and travel costs. Zaragoza: Major costs are related with personnel cost and for printing materials.

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7 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS Planned actions under activities on local and common dissemination & promotion (WP4.1 & WP4.2) For the 3 communities: Grand Lyon: ! To complete the dissemination knowledge document (in relation with WP 1.5), ! To organize workshops to prepare the final report, ! To share and disseminate the lessons learnt during the project, ! To finalize buildings’ datasheets and post them on the RENAISSANCE website and

during the training sessions, ! To give information on the RENAISSANCE project for the foreseen newsletters (see

progress report WP 1.5, partnership between SPLA Lyon Confluence and WWF). ! To organise a local RENAISSANCE Conference for French professionals and decision

makers in September 2012. Zaragoza: ! To update, to present and to disseminate the « Bilingual bioclimatic architecture and

sustainable urban planning » (BASUP), ! To finalize capitalization experiencedocuments, ! To organize RENAISSANCE Zaragoza final conference showing our results, conclusions

and barriers and solutions, ! To update all our websites and to finalize them, ! To keep on disseminating all activities, ! To keep on organizing on site tours for local, national and international authorities. All consortium: ! Keep ilmproving and informing the RENAISSANCE website, ! Organisation of the final conference in Zaragoza, ! Capitalising all RENAISSANCE results and lessons learnt and publication of

recommendations for practicioners and policy makers.


Annex Document reference Title and Content

Da.4.1.5_Y6_ZAR_n11_SaveHeat Press article on heating savings in Valdespartera: Press clipping of article on heating saving in RENAISSANCE's buildings in Valdespartera on regional written press.


Monthly Magazine Articles: presentation of the articles published in the magazine « Somos Valdespartera »

Da.4.1.5_Y6_ZAR_n11_CusReport CUS Management report: presentation of the statistics related to CUS visits and calendar of activities (in Spanish)

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WP4.2 Annexes LOMBARDY

Annex Document reference Title and Content

Da.4.2.1_Y6_LOM_n26_FlyerRENMeet Flyer RENAISSANCE meeting: Flyer made to promote the RENAISSANCE international meeting


Annex Document reference Title and Content

Da.4.1.5_4.2.1_Y6_ListDissActiv List of dissemination Activities: Listing of the presentations, promotional events & visits done by Grand Lyon and Zaragoza partners to promote RENAISSANCE outputs WP4.1 & WP4.2

Da.4.2.1_Y6_RENCap RENAISSANCE capitalization: case study description and format of the documents

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Deliverables D.5.1.2 & D.5.2.1 WP 5–Training

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 14/10/2011

Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Lead Author/ contact: Ángel Martínez López Revision:


Tel: +34 976 76 22 34

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations : Marisa Campillos Apesteguía. Ayuntamiento de zaragoza Astrid García Gaels –Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza Luis Vela Blasco-Ecociudad Valdespartera Malorie Clermont – Hespul Sylvain koch-Mathian - Hespul

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

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INTRODUCTION This WP is led by UdZ (Universidad de Zaragoza), with different collaborations from other partners. In Zaragoza, partners are Ayto (Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza/City council and SMZV) and EVZ, with punctual collaborations from URBIC. In Grand Lyon community, the local leader is ALE. The other project partners are HESPUL, ENERTECH, Grand Lyon, SPLA Lyon Confluence and INSA-CETHIL.


Initial Objective (Full Project) WP 5.1 – Training Materials and Guidelines • To develop guidance, materials and resources based on best practice for all partners

to enhance the delivery of a successful project outcome and for later use with associate communities.

• To perform the preliminary work required before the delivery of training courses and events in WP5.

WP 5.2 – Training Events and activities • To promote and support the mission of the RENAISSANCE and CONCERTO action

through timely and targeted training and other actions for project partners and others • To use the preliminary work undertaken in WP5.1 to deliver a series of training

courses and activities during the Renaissance project • To focus the training courses and activities on the following key target groups:

planners, municipal leaders, architects, building designers, installers, building managers, relevant community groups, fuel suppliers

• To train at least 250 people, drawn from the key target groups in each community, over the project duration (50 per year, per community)

• To implement a means of assessing success for example an exam for those who have been trained

Description of work WP 5.1 & WP 5.2 (months 61-78)

WP 5.1 – Training Materials and Guidelines Grand Lyon • To continue the development and the dissemination of pedagogic resources for

trainers and formation centers (about airtightness), (ALE) • To develop new training tools, for example a training package for trainers including

material, factsheets, and other pedagogic tools... or training resource available via Internet, (ALE)

• To develop training for the operation and maintenance of energy efficient buildings (ENERTECH)

Zaragoza • Complete the bilingual manual about bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban

planning and evaluation of the possibility to add new chapters to the bilingual manual about bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban planning

• To continue including RENAISSANCE results for master and doctorate students courses URSUS: Manual translation into English, which is already at 50%.

• Creation of new materials based on RTD and monitoring experiences. These materials may be used in current series of courses or in specific new ones.

• Continuous update of courses materials, using RTD and RENAISSANCE results.

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Lombardy • Produce training material

WP 5.2 – Training Events and activities Description of work (month 61-78) 3 communities • To collaborate within the RENAISSANCE project between all the partners (Grand

Lyon, Zaragoza, Lombardia) and other CONCERTO cities (especially for Zaragoza) Grand Lyon • Dissemination of pedagogic resources for trainers and formation centers (about

airtightness) (ALE) • Integration of an airtightness session in the curriculum 2011- 2012 of students (in

technical college) (ALE) • Training sessions for maintenance and operation professionals, and co-ownership

committees (ALE and Enertech) • All participants: Training events and activities for different key target groups

Zaragoza • Courses for students each six months. For the moment, they are planned to take

place in November and March. • URSUS monthly courses: Half of them will take place in classrooms and the other half

will be online. • URSUS: To present the software among CONCERTO communities and other

authorities, as example of training courses in both options: classroom course and on line.

• To get the most of CUS (Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible) as the perfect frame to train professionals and experts. Students in course 4 will receive it at CUS and online courses will be taught from it. Moreover, one or two monthly URSUS courses may take place in Zaragoza, and CUS will be the classrooms headquarter. This objective will include preparing one classroom for teachers in order to be used in URSUS online courses.

• Starting the courses for promoters and constructors. • Collaboration with other RENAISSANCE and CONCERTO partners to share information

and results, including URSUS courses. • To check for new educational needs related to RENAISSANCE results and experiences. • To collaborate with Lyon and other CONCERTO communities seeking common

courses. This will be done specially with other Spanish CONCERTO communities once constituted this collaborative group next February.

• Continue inhabitants-oriented conferences, which are going to be arranged in Valdespartera plots common spaces. This activity intends to train inhabitants in the use of their houses (Universidad de Zaragoza, check WP 1.5).

Deliverables WP 5.1 & WP 5.2 (months 61-78)

D 5.1.1 Updated list of training materials developed by RENAISSANCE partnership (month 72) D 5.1.2 Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72).

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D 5.2.1: Annual progress report: development work in each community, achievements, barriers and lessons learnt to be included with annual EC report and placed on the project website (month 72) D 5.2.2: Updated list of specific training workshops and on-site training (month 72) D 5.2.3: Updated list of training for University students in energy management (month 72)

Milestones and expected results (months 61-78) WP 5.1 – Training Materials and Guidelines Updated list of training materials, some new training tools produced and translated in English and available on the RENAISSANCE website.

WP 5.2 – Training Events and activities Key results/outputs from RENAISSANCE used to feed training sessions, with key stakeholders aware and trained in communities.


2.1 Description of work GRAND LYON: Through awareness raising actions, training activities and accompanying measures, ALE aims to bring information and tools contributing to facilitate the realisation of high performance buildings, to actors in the construction sector of Grand Lyon. For CONCERTO, the focus is on improving airtightness since other elements have started to be correctly taken into account by actors and their representative professional organizations. In 2009, ALE trained site workers through the IFBTP and in collaboration with AREF Rhône-Alpes. In June 2010, considering that wider dissemination of innovative techniques was needed, ALE organized, with the same partners, a training session for trainers of AFPA, GRETA, Federation and professional opublic and private colleges. Three work phases have marked the period 2010-2011: • Pursuit of the analysis of needs in the local professional sector, • Identification of needs in centers offering initial training in the building sector, • Preparation of accompanying measures for a professional college in Grand Lyon,

which will serve as showcase for future project. ZARAGOZA: Along year 6, all partners carried on many training tasks, whether they were initiated along previous years or they were new courses and seminaries. What was already achieved in precedent years, both in terms of students and public attendance as in quality terms, increased by means of the realisation of the new bilingual manual about bioclimatic architecture and energy efficient urban planning. As along previous periods, Spanish partners are working on incorporating immediate results of monitoring and other WP results, and in fact some courses on the subject have already taken place. The project extension is allowing us to share our results and experiences with CONCERTO partners. These experiences have not only generated greater awareness in the University community and public but also launched other courses for non-University students or general public, in relation to WP1.5. CUS has been a central location since it shows an application of the project and is the headquarters for courses. All courses attendees are

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taken at least once to CUS, shown the spaces in it and taught on energy saving skills related to urban planning and Valdespartera neighbourhood.

2.2 Local progress on WP 5.1 (Trainings materials & guidelines) GRAND LYON Pursuit of the analysis of needs in the local professional sector Through exchanges with different actors (Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Cellule d’Etude Economique Rhône-Alpes BTP, RhoneAlpEnergie-Environnement, cluster Rhône-Alpes Eco-Energie…) throughout the year, ALE refined and deepened its knowledge of the needs in training in the agglomeration. • Concerning the professional continuous training, it appears that the internship offer is

various and abundant as several studies and reports made public have shown. • In contrast, it also clearly appears that the subject of airtightness is not treated in

sufficient details in initial training and that the quality of education on the matter is very unequal from one training center to another.

Identification of needs in centers offering initial training in the building sector The afore mentioned conclusions on the inclusion of airtightness in initial training led ALE to interview once more trainees that had gone through the traoining sessions in June 2010. This investigation was realized from mid-June to mid-August with 17 trainees. Answers to the questionnaire are in Da.5.2.1_Y6_LYO_n19_besForm. Results show that the generalization of quality training on airtightness in courses and sequences of initial training remains problematic for many trainers. Two difficulties appear to be reccuring: • the lack of motivation of other trainers, • the lack of time to prepare special sequence dedicated to airtightness. The supporting measures that ALE proposes to offer to accompany colleges in the improvement of these points are: • Awareness raising and discovery activities (movies followed by debates, conference,

on site visits…) • Support to the preparation of training sessions, • Ressources on Airtightness, • Pedagogic tools (site sheets, construction file on low energy consumption

buildings,…). In response to difficulties encountered by trainers, ALE has planned the implementation of a package of accompanying measures tailored to the needs of professional colleges in Grand Lyon. ALE has proposed it to five education centers in Grand Lyon by mail on August 29th, 2011. ZARAGOZA UdZ has continued preparing learning materials. UdZ finished promised workshop materials. This implies that UdZ is able to carry out any kind of courses in the coming periods. This does not mean that tasks are finished since materials must be continuously updated. Materials are listed in D.5.1.1_Y6_ListMat. New

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course for unemployed technicians and some new sessions for master courses were a major work, especially in refurbishment related sessions. All material created has been used last year in training or will be included in post-grades certification courses for inhabitants, University students (who are provided with ECTS) and internal teachers’ preparation. These materials are given to participants during the courses context. Moreover, Ayuntamiento has kept on training secondary and primary schools students and teachers, as well as their own staff. Here are presented the main materials developed and updated during year 6: 1- Software materials

a) URSUS (Urban planning evaluation) URSUS software is in continuous improvement: along Y6 a massive update has been carried out, including all calculations relative to sustainability indexes for a whole urban planning. The preparation of the URSUS manual and a quick guide have been done and updated as URSUS changes. Moreover, URSUS courses have been prepared and updated with the elements included in the latest version of the software. This course will be present, in particular, to IDAE (first mini-course took place on October 24th and official presentation is scheduled on November 24th).

b) FENERGETICA (energy costs distribution) Calculations and website for a new software to ease costs distribution of heating and domestic hot water services in buildings ( have been updated, as well as the user manual for aforementioned software. 2- Book: Bilingual manual about bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban planning New chapters were prepared and existing ones updated, in order to finish the manual along year 7. A final version is expected before the summer. The new chapters both in Spanish and English version include concrete examples. There is a possibility that new chapters may be added to the bilingual as new project results are obtained, on monitoring for example. The finalization of the bilingual manual will be a major milestone, since it will provide our partners with a global view of our work and a great good practices guide. 3- Training materials for website RENAISSANCE Spanish website ( is continuously updated with references on RTD coming from RENAISSANCE project. This includes all materials that were prepared for the 4 courses for University students that have been carried out twice along Y6. Presentations, documents and other tools may be found in the website. Also, similar materials were prepared for a new course for unemployed professionals (collaborating Aragon Region Government). This new course includes more practical issues and a refurbishment module. This website is also a tool UdZ uses to organize and publicize courses. 4- Training materials for courses Courses are continuously improved using feedback and RTD results (UdZ). These teaching materials suppose hundreds of course hours for all courses carried out. Usual process consists of course design, materials update or preparation, teaching and evaluation / feedback.

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RENAISSANCE RTD course materials, such as the ones on thermography, monitoring, blower-door, thermal envelope quality, etc., are updated with results and experiences of the project (UdZ and Ayto. Zaragoza) that are revealed over the years. Training materials are also adapted for school courses (Ayuntamiento).

2.3 Local progress on WP 5.2 (Trainings events & Activities) GRAND LYON: Preparation of accompanying measures for a professional college in Grand Lyon After contacting five training centers in Grand Lyon, ALE reached an aggrement with a professional training center, le Lycée Professionnel Georges Lamarque in Rillieux, to realize a pilot project that will help to boost the generalization of quality training on airtightness. Accompanying measures that will be included in this project are: • A conference followed by a debate on energy challenges in the building sector, new

applicable rules and technical solutions to reach the Low energy consumption level (“Bâtiment Basse Consommation”),

• A three hour site visit of a low energy consumption building in Grand Lyon, • Work sessions on adapting training frameworks to plan the integration of airtightness

in the courses of carpenter-designer and wood builders, • Selection and page layout for a paper and a numerical version of a construction

project file (new wood construction), • Evaluation in the end of the school year of the progress made in the process of taking

into account airtightness in courses. The convention has been signed in November 2011 (available in French upon request). ZARAGOZA: Paying attention to WP5.2, objectives were fulfilled reaching similar figures to the ones of previous year. We have kept our target pupils amount, which grew from 2032 in year 5 up to 2078 along year 6. A strategy was established in order to frame the different courses. The target groups for these courses were identified as such:

* Children (primary and secondary school students): Ayto is the responsible body for “Stop CO2” School Programme, included in RENAISSANCE, which went on this year. Continuing the collaboration with CIRCE foundation, courses have taken place in several schools, where children learn main concepts on renewable energy sources and energy saving at home, and were given some materials.

* University post-grade (master): Along year 6, UdZ taught in 5 different masters, including Doctorate. They are mainly oriented to graduated architects and engineers and take place in UdZ facilities. Apart from Doctorate course, these masters were “European master in Renewable Energy Sources” (70 hours), MEROL with an international version on line (70 hours), and “Ecodesign, RES and energy efficiency in buildings” (300 hours), as well as the preparation of their online versions. The first course of online version of “Ecodesign, RES and Efficiency in construction” has started in October. All of them are fed by RENAISSANCE outputs/results (UdZ and EVZ) and other experiences and researches. A second course for Doctorate students has been organized by UdZ, following Bologna’s agreement. Along year 6, 114 post-degree students have attended these masters. GEE (UdZ) members have traditionally carried out several tasks both in teaching and organizing

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module courses collaborating with CIRCE. On the other hand, EVZ has carried out a work teaching Law post-graduates on Environmental Laws. Thereafter, acquired experiences in theoretical sessions and workshops are used for elaborating other courses for other University students listed below, which include the mentioned experience and an adequate feedback with pupils and other organizations. Knowledge and experiences coming from RENAISSANCE and CONCERTO have been continuously included in masters’ classes, allowing pupils to access the projects and improving quality of WP5 courses by means of integrating other WP R&D. In some of these post-degree courses, UdZ received help from SMZV, since their staff taught several conferences.

* University students: Along Year 6, the planned UdZ free workshops and courses turned into 2 series of 4 courses that took place in Autumn and Spring at University, with an overall number of participants of 130, mainly coming from Engineering and Architecture domains. Moreover, students came from a waiting list of around 50 more students that was put in place in Year 5 courses. Both series of courses included RENAISSANCE project information and visits to CUS and Valdespartera neighbourhood. Courses contents included: • Course 1: CTE-HE1 normative and accomplishment. This course included

sessions on building insulation, building energy saving norms and certification process and finally two practical sessions with the official simulation software for certification.

• Course 2: Bioclimatic design and sustainable urban planning. This course was focused on the techniques designers must use in order to obtain thermal comfort and energy savings in buildings and urban planning. It introduced solar movement and climate variables and went on to explain building energy balance, simulation tools and urban planning, including one practical URSUS session. Finally, one visit to Valdespartera took place, in order to get on-site comprehension.

• Course 3: Installations norms and design. After studying energy demands reductions, the next obvious step was efficiency, so that consumptions actually may be reduced, too. Norms were introduced as well as main ideas on design of conventional end efficient installations, including the integration of RES.

• Course 4: Building energy certification. Joining building design and installations efficiency, course 4 teaches global energy certification, with sessions on norms and the implementation of a certified building, including official software workshops. Also, some useful certification tools such as blower-door and thermography were shown.

All students who assisted the sessions successfully passed the courses and obtained an aptitude certificate which was useful to them in order to obtain ECTS (credits for their own Degrees). UdZ obtained positive comments in surveys, which were similar to the ones shown in Y5 report. If possible, UdZ will keep on carrying out free courses for Degree students (with ECTS) or the new Y6 course for unemployed Graduates which is described below.

* Unemployed graduates course (UdZ): This course had 76 teaching hours and was carried out in collaboration with Aragon Region Government Employment Service. For the first time, UdZ could include Refurbishment as a main module in a free course. The course was called “Energy efficiency applied to builldings and urban planning” and its programme consisted of 4 main modules:

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a) Introduction (8 hours): Sun paths, solar radiation, general features. b) Energy simulation and bioclimatic architecture (30 hours): Energy balance, energy

losses, simulation software, normative meeting, passive elements, etc. c) Sustainable urban planning (18 hours): Energy saving factors, URSUS, visits to

CUS and Valdespartera. d) Refurbishment: Levels of actuation, constructive methods, energy audits,


Pupils were evaluated through a refurbishment project.

* Unemployed graduates course (Ayto): This course was taught along five months and was intended to provide unemployed technicians an environmental awareness on energy exploitation. 20 technicians attended the course.

* University adaptation courses students: As along year 5, the New Degrees from Bologna introduced the necessity to adapt Technical Architects into the new Building Engineering Degree, creating an adaptation course created by UdZ and called “Sustainable Construction” that includes some documentation produced in WP5. This adaptation course consists of 5 subjects and one of them is taught by GEE members along September and October. In fact, students will receive two URSUS workshops in October. There are 120 technical architects in this University official course. And 2 groups took this course along Y6.

* Civil servants, they learn how to manage Valdespartera telemonitoring network. In addition, several courses on RES & bio-climatic architecture have been carried out for civil servants, with the collaboration of ZAR partners (Ayto).

* On-site visits: EVZ, SMZV, URBIC and Universidad de Zaragoza have led several visits to Valdespartera with municipal schools, students and professionals. Those visits are not dissemination activities only, because they are part of the training courses. UdZ experts on monitoring Valdespartera plots is perfect to show directly what is explained in courses and to demonstrate it. In fact, many courses have taken place in Valdespartera. After the technical explanations, students are taken to plots, buildings and facilities. Also students from Universidad de Zaragoza masters have been taken to Valdespartera with the same objective in mind. Universidad de Zaragoza collaborates with WP1.5 staff on these activities. * URSUS related courses: URSUS in courses has reached a steady number of attendees, along the last three years in master, doctorate and other degrees, of around 400. URSUS has been presented in two Spanish Ministries (housing and industry), reognizing that URSUS brings a real added value compared to a previous and more limited software prepared for IDAE.

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* Courses for teachers: UdZ and Ayto have collaborated and organized a series of courses on Energy Saving at Educational Centers, which will take place in several educational centers in the neighbourhoods of Picarral, Valdespartera and Parque Goya. Grouping all target groups courses, we reach the following figures:

Target group Assistance

Masters and doctorate students 146

University students 130

Technical engineers adaptation course students 240

Civil servants 10

Unemployed 35 (UdZ and Ayto)


* Courses at schools: Ayto has prepared some courses on energy saving at schools for students and teachers.

* Inhabitants: Training of targeted Valdespartera/El Picarral inhabitants (SMZV, UdZ, Urbic, EVZ) on their bioclimatic/refurbished dwellings.


Exchanges on WP5.1 (Trainings materials & guidelines) URSUS has been shown and explained to the other partners and all its information is being shared with Lyon and Lombardia, including one course which is planned along this period. Partners also are helping in software translation tasks. Exchanges on WP5.2 (Training events & Activities) Several profitable courses materials have been shared with the other RENAISSANCE partners so that they can prepare their own courses, especially on URSUS. Some explanatory courses on URSUS are intended to be taught along year 7 in Lyon and Lombardia in order to improve their URSUS teaching skills. Moreover, the URSUS software was presented to CONCERTO communities and national authorities. Spanish Industry Ministry has agreed to collaborate in a series of courses in Spanish Regions and Professional Associations. Lastly, courses on energy saving in urban planning, building design and refurbishment were realized for unemployed technicians, in collaboration with the Aragon Regional Government. ALE presented its work progress in different meetings: technical seminars during the meeting in Milan in June 2011 and local meetings (CSG).

4 CONTRIBUTION TO DELIVERABLES D.5.1.1 Updated list of training materials developed by RENAISSANCE

partnership. D.5.1.2 This annual progress report (to be included with annual EC report and

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placed on the project website) D.5.2.1 This Annual progress report (to be included with annual EC report and

placed on the project website) D.5.2.2 & D.5.2.3

Specific training workshops and on-site trainings Training for University students


ZARAGOZA: No remarkable deviations took place along year 6. GRAND LYON: ALE postponed the work on the pedagogic briefcase that it was to conduct on the subject of implementation of installations and maintenance of energy equipments. Nevertheless, ALE has started to gather information on the needs observed in this domain. This work will be finalized along year 7.

6 JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES ZARAGOZA: Major costs are regarding personnel costs. Some costs have been incurred by printing documentation. GRAND LYON: Major costs are regarding personnel costs.

7 FORESEEN ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS ZARAGOZA: • To finish the definitive version of the bilingual manual about bioclimatic architecture

and sustainable urban planning. • Post-Degrees: To continue with our task including RENAISSANCE results for master

and doctorate students, so we can leave a solid base at the end of the project. • URSUS monthly courses: IDAE (Spanish Institute for Energy Saving and Diversity,

belonging to the Ministry of Industry) agreed to collaborate with UdZ by connecting the University to all Regional Governments and Professional Associations.

• URSUS: To update the manual and new contents translation into English. To present the software among CONCERTO communities and other authorities, as example of training courses in both options: classroom course and on line class.

• Continuous update of courses materials. • Continuous update and creation of courses, using RTD and RENAISSANCE results. • Collaboration with other RENAISSANCE and CONCERTO partners to share information

and results, including URSUS courses. • To track new educational needs related to RENAISSANCE results and experiences. • Creation of new materials based on RTD and monitoring experiences. These materials

may be used in current series of courses or new specific ones. • Evaluation of the possibility to add new chapters to the bilingual manual about

bioclimatic architecture and sustainable urban planning. • Ayto will teach some courses on energy saving at schools for students at teachers. GRAND LYON:

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• Follow a professionnal high school to integrate specific training about airtightness, • Training sessions for maintenance and operation professionals, and co-ownership

committees (ALE and Enertech), • Redaction of the final report.


Annex Document reference Content/Title

Da.5.2.1_Y6_LYO_n19_besForm Identification of needs in centers offering initial training in the building sector: answers to questionnaire

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Year 6 - Other Deliverables

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Deliverable D.0.2.1 WP 0.2– National Management

Minutes of CSG Meetings Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 6th Period Date of preparation: From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 18/10/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years Author/ contact: Malorie CLERMONT & Béatrice COUTURIER, José A. López (UdZ)


Email:, Tel: +33 (0)4 37 47 80 93, +34 976 76 22 34

[version 2]

Other authors/organisations:

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

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Summary of CSG – Year 6 This deliverable presents the different points addressed during the local meetings held in the communities of Zaragoza and Grand Lyon. Zaragoza local meetings: - 2nd December, 2010 - 16th December, 2010 - 14th February, 2011 - 25th May, 2011 - 14th September, 2011 Grand Lyon local meetings: - 16th February, 2011 - 13th July, 2011 ZARAGOZA COMMUNITY The following list represents a summary of the four annual RENAISSANCE meetings held in Zaragoza. Minutes are available in Spanish upon request. LOCAL MEETING 2ND DECEMBER, 2010 Amendment 5th presentation The main topic of this meeting is to prepare and to confirm the last version of amendment 5. Different decisions are taken, like transferring Ayto budget due to their general budget constriction. Monitoring is centralized at the Universidad de Zaragoza in order to do it efficiently. Other topics Monitoring devices are presented to partners, explaining their functionality. Also CONCERTO Final Forum is discussed. LOCAL MEETING 16TH DECEMBER, 2010 First of all Universidad de Zaragoza team explains negotiations with J.M Bemtgen hosted in Brussels about amendment 5. Secondly an international teleconference with RENAISSANCE partners begins in order to validate the 5th Amendment in its last version. PV installation, which finally could not be installed, is also talked about. Final congress, to be celebrated in Zaragoza, is also discussed. LOCAL MEETING 14TH FEBRUARY, 2011 First of all Ayto de Zaragoza explains the situation at Candido Domingo School, where PV is not yet installed as bureaucratic process is taking too much time. Lyon proposal on monitoring the PV is accepted. A DVD with final 5th reporting period is provided to partners. Experience capitalization Once Sylvain send the proposal, Zaragoza community will discuss about it. Topics and responsibilities are assigned. Universidad de Zaragoza also presents a proposal for realizing a Spanish document. Final congress A first draft is presented by Universidad de Zaragoza and approved by community. Universidad de Zaragoza asks partners for collaboration in providing topics and lectures. LOCAL MEETING 25TH MAY, 2011 This meeting began with URBICs report on its facility installed in Valdespartera. After a technical description of the functionality of the installation, URBIC explains that due to economical crisis only a few inhabitants are asking for this service. José A. Turégano from Universidad de Zaragoza presents the journey that UdZ is organizing, which will take place in CUS. Partners confirm the proposal “Rethinking the energy model, acting with energy”. Other topic for the meeting is the RENAISSANCE international meeting held in Milan. Documentation and instructions are provided by José A. López (Universidad de Zaragoza).

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On the final congress topic some issues are confirmed, like the timing and the need of showing conclusions and real data of the project to the audiences. LOCAL MEETING 14th september, 2011 The main topic for this meeting is the reporting period. Instructions are given by the local coordinator (José A. López) to partners and also documentation is given and explained. The next topic is preparation of Renaissance videoconference. Final congress is the next topic, confirming the structure: three keynote speakers with three papers in each. GRAND LYON COMMUNITY Here are presented the points addressed during the local meetings held in Lyon during the 6th year (18/10/2010 – 17/10/2011). Two local meetings (CSG) have been held: 16th February 2011 and 13th July 2011. The minutes of each meeting are available in French upon request. Local Meeting 16th february 2011 WP 3 final report (demonstration) Partners decide to go beyond the description of technical solutions installed in Blocks A, B and C and focus rather on failures observed in the high performance building supply chain in France today. Amongst the points highlighted during the discussion are: Insufficient support provided by engineering consultants to craftsmen and building contractors on the construction site, Missing competences in certain professions due to lack of qualification, Lack of communication between building managers and companies charged with the installation of renewable energy equipment. Certain recommendations are mentioned that should be included in the final report. Administrative Point Some handout certificates have not been well completed. These documents are required by the Commission and are a condition to the validation of the 5th and 6th payments. Missing data are to be completed by real estate developers and their consultants. Dissemination activities 2010-2011 Each partner (Bouwfonds Marignan, Enertech, ALE, Grand Lyon) lists dissemination activities accomplished in 2010 and planned for 2011. Training activities RENAISSANCE partners decided to organize trainings for maintenance companies in charge of the heating systems. The trainings could also be addressed to students of professional schools as well as sectors that are developing training on collective heating systems. The objective of training activities is to address the malfunctioning of equipment and its optimization, following which training sessions should focus on failure detection, operation optimization, programmation and settings of these devices. Enertech and ALE are responsible for the content of the training material. Feedbacks on WP 1.5 activities

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ALE organized two general trainings for the inhabitants. The timing of these trainings has affected their effectiveness since residents had just been through negotiations concerning the quality of dwellings delivered. They were not interested in learning about energy savings measures but rather simply by their well being in the dwelling. Further sessions are planned between April and June 2011, in collaboration with SPLA and WWF. Specific trainings are planned for the same period. These sessions will consist of equipment visits and dissemination of information through a blog on quality usage and thermal comfort in dwellings. The blog in question is in the conception phase and should terminated by April of next year. A newsletter will also be published. The first edition is planned for October 2011. The local energy agency ALE has been in contact with GDF, which has 450 employees working in Block C, to organize workshops on energy saving measures. Application of the monitoring campaign developed by Zaragoza to Lyon Confluence Following Zaragoza’s proposal to supply 10 to 15 wireless monitoring devices, Lyon partners have agreed to initiate a monitoring campaign with residents of Blocks A, B and C. The University of Zaragoza receives the data and communicates their analysis to French partners. The interest of the monitoring campaign implementation lies in the possibility of showing to residents the impact of behavior changes on energy consumptions. This campaign may also feed the debate on the management of social housing, and more specifically on how rental operating costs are calculated (social housing residents should see economic benefits to living in a high performance building). Training sessions (WP 5) ALE will adapt learning material so that it can be disseminated on a website. The training CD will be integrated on the RENAISSANCE website as well as distributed to institutions such as GRETA, AFPA, and professional colleges. A last session of training for trainers is planned. The next steps for ALE are to concentrate its efforts on teachers in professional colleges. It has abandoned the idea of making the national learning program evolve considering the relative inertia characterizing such programs. Local Meeting 13th july 2011 I - RENAISSANCE meeting - 31st May and 1st June in Milan All payments have been suspended for the three French real estate developers and the two Spanish real estate developers, following the conclusions of the financial audits. Since the fourth pre-payment received is superior to the total amount granted for year 4, the Commission services have decided to deliver the fourth payment at the same time as the fifth payment. Amendment 5 will dictate the delivery of the fifth payment is in the process of being evaluated by the European Comission and the fifth payment should fall this automn. Schedule: ! The next RENAISSANCE meeting will be held in October 2011 via visio-conference.

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! Spanish partners should organize the final conference in May/June 2012. ! French partners should organized a French speaking conference in May/June 2012 or during the 2nd semester 2012 to present French results of the project ! ALE, HESPUL and Grand Lyon held the final meeting of the CONCERTO Act 2 project on 29th and 30rd June 2011. This meeting has allowed to make the link between CONCERTO projects and climate strategic plans engaged in each city, in particular in the domain of energy and housing (new and refurbished private housing). ! The city of Ajaccio will organize the final conference of the CONCERTO - cRRescendo project in en May/June 2012. II – PV systems monitoring HESPUL presents the conditions of implementation of the PV monitoring system and mentions a certain number of defaults. Serge Epinat and Sylvain Fraisse will meet in an attempt to solve these problems linked to PV installations in Block A. The software developed by Hespul allows treating data gathered on PV installations and detecting failures. Data are available on a website ( using access codes that are communicated to property managers of Blocks A & B. Certain data will also be available on the Renaissance website. III – Monitoring campaign Enertech exposes its difficulties met in trying to implement measuring devices: Lack of cooperation on the part of some property managers. Partners have also undermined the impact of the role of property managers in the monitoring phase, which has brought significant logistic challenges. Lack of inhabitants interested to participate in the monitoring program. Monitoring had not been communicated in all deeds of sales. Certain defaults have occurred linked to the size of the operation (difficulty to control all devices) and the number of actors involved in the implementation, Vandalism: some devices have been taken off, Failure of the centralized control system of Block C, Missing meters in certain buildings of Block B, Missing a number of meters for measuring lighting and heating. The consequence of this combination of defaults is that only partial measures on heating and hot water generation can be obtained, and only in certain Blocks, which far from the initial goals of this in the monitoring campaign. The centralized control system must be started rapidly. The use of such a system prevents the extraction of data directly from the heat meter. Concerning Block A, the absence of heat meters at the level of the building does not permit data gathering on detailed heat consumption for each building. In case heat meters can be installed and additional funding is available, the monitoring campaign could be extended for one year. For Block B, monitoring solar thermal panels has not been possible. The first lessons that can be drawn from the monitoring campaign are: It appears essential that property managers be involved in the design and implementation of the monitoring campaign since following delivery of the buildings by the real estate developers, the latter loose control over the buildings. Maintenance is the last, but certainly not the least, step for realizing energy performance objectives. In consequence, maintenance contracts clauses ought to be carefully examined, in addition to solid training of maintenance contractors. Every 4 months, air filters of waste heat recovery ventilation must be changed, failing which clogged air filters lead to over consumption of energy and eventually air quality problems.

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Data on equipment characteristics (e.g. hydraulic operating diagram) should be clearly displayed in equipment rooms (e.g. boiler room) in order to facilitate maintenance operation. Operation and maintenance missions should be prepared in collaboration with engineering consultants through for example, a recommendation guide specific to operations in buildings, training of O&M enterprises, … Enertech suggests to communicate to each real estate developer a note on defaults and difficulties linked to the implementation of the monitoring campaign. A visit of the buildings is planned for mi-September to verify that comments have been taken into account. In light of the only partial success of the monitoring campaign, Enertech considers extending the campaign (following resolution of the defaults and problems mentioned above) of which ADEME Rhône Alpes may a potential funder. Within Amendment 5, additional budget has been negotiated for Enertech regarding the realization of training on operation and maintenance of the buildings. The training sessions may take several forms: - A visit with property mangers and maintenance enterprises to acknowledge the defaults observed in the installation of equipment, meters and monitoring devices and find common solutions. This lead is not favored for it may create conflicts and put these actors in front of a reality they wish not to acknowledge. The preferred option is to organize a meeting or training with maintenance companies to present the monitoring results, discuss problems encountered to perform their duties and conclude on solutions for improvement. - Creation of a document of reference, destinated to property managers, describing the content of a maintenance operation. In order to realize this task, a typical maintenance should be communicated from the property mangers to Enertech so as to improve certain clauses. However, the former are refusing to disclose this type of information for now. To overcome this barrier, it is suggested to take an existing typical maintenance contract from the company SOCOTEC. In parallel, ALE suggests to propose to property managers to create energy commissions that may serve as an intermediate body between them and maintenance companies. It is also suggested that the presence of engineering consultant companies is crucial to lead this change in common practice, since they have been the ones to advise and supervise the installation of systems and equipments in buildings. Companies have worked on Blocks A, B or C will be encouraged to participate to a short number of sessions to realize this work. Amongst the tasks that should be attributed to engineering consultants after the construction of buildings are: Write-up of specific maintenance tasks that should be realized by O&M enterprises, Training of the selected O&M company, Display of a sheet per equipment detailing at least how it functions, its main characteristics and elements, Technical support and coaching of the O&M enterprise for one year. IV – WP 3 Final report HESPUL proposes a structure for the final report. The Final Report will be written for the end of the year. The real estate developers will be asked to comment on the report, especially on the section capitalization of experience. V – Trainings for inhabitants Sixteen residents have agreed to follow the training program proposed by ALE last June. A second session is planned for October within the Forum on green actions.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


The visit of the wood fuel boiler room has attracted 30 persons. During the visit, certain equipment defaults have been observed with visitors. These comments have been written down by ALE and may be a contribution to the capitalization work led by partners. All training activities together, 40 percent of the 170 dwelling owners in Blocks A, B, C have been made aware of energy saving measures and the importance of occupant behavior on energy consumption. In addition, the Confluence blog is in the process of design in collaboration with SPLA and WWF. The first article will be put online shortly. VI – Socio-economic monitoring Zaragoza partners have decided to supply 5 monitoring systems to French partners. Zaragoza will also hand out a guide to utilization, which may also be communicated to property managers.

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477


Deliverable D.5.1.1: WP 5 – Training – List of material

Year 6 Annual progress Report

Period covered – 5th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 22/12/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Author/ contact: Ángel Martínez (UdZ) Malorie CLERMONT - HESPUL


Email: Tel: ++34 976 76 22 34

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations:

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Event / Workshop / courses / Training

material Support Content Target group State of Progress Leader

On-site training session on airtightness

Powerpoint presentation

Case study, photographs, links with others studies/documentation

On-site workers Finished ALE

Training session on airtightness

CD ROM + Factsheet Case study, photographs, links with others studies/documentation, Reference document on building trades competencies

Trainers, Training institutions (all building trades)

Finished ALE

Study tour in the Netherlands

Booklet/Leaflet Feedback on the tour and the visited sites

RENAISSANCE partners and professionals as architects, local stakeholders

Finished HESPUL

"Welcome and orientation booklet": green behaviour chapter

Booklet Including good practices and examples for a green behaviour when using water, wastes, ventilation…

Future inhabitants and futures employees of the blocks A, B, C

Finished ALE

Best practices and technical information guide: "Guidebook on designing very-low energy consumption buildings"

Handbook To achieve a low energy building construction in refurbishment.

Planners, engineers and architects

Exterior insulation (envelope) part done


RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Event / Workshop / courses Training material Support Content Target

group State of Progress Leader

CTE-HE1 normative summary Powerpoint (PPt) presentation

Finished (updated with calculations workshop)

Universidad de Zaragoza (UdZ)

Normative Compliance software Excel sheet Finished UdZ LIDER (official software) description software

software Finished UdZ

LIDER software workshop PPt presentation and workshop tasks doc

Finished UdZ

Software to ease costs distribution of heating and HDW services in Valdespartera buildings

Software / Website

Property administrators

Finished (


T111.- CTE-HE1 (normative) Courses and Workshops

Manual for the software to ease costs distribution of heating and HDW services in Valdespartera buildings

Manual Property administrators

At 90% UdZ

CTE-HE2, named RITE (Spanish thermal installations normative)

PPt presentation Professionals Finished (updated)

UdZ T112.- CTE-HE2 (RITE) Courses and Workshops Compliance examples Finished UdZ

T113.- Other HE Courses

Other normative parts of building energy demands (HE3, HE4 and HE5).

PPt presentations

Finished (split into several different parts including natural lighting)


Certification process normative PPt presentation Finished UdZ T114.- Certification Courses and Normative requirements PPt presentation Finished UdZ

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Certification software (CALENER) description

PPt presentation Finished UdZ Workshops

CALENER workshop Finished UdZ Urban planning normative PPt presentation Finished UdZ Sustainable Urban Planning PPt presentation Finished UdZ T115.- Urban planning

Courses and Workshops

Workshop material Finished (updated to be used in URSUS courses)


URSUS software (continuous improvement). Current version: v1.44

Software Finished (updating)


Current situation, society needs and uses of URSUS software

PPt presentation Finished UdZ

URSUS training courses materials (adaptation to software changes)

PPt presentation, cases study, workshops

Finished UdZ

Sustainability indexes adaptation to URSUS

Software adaptation, cases study, theoretical approach

Finished (updating)


Refurbushment adaptation to URSUS

Software adaptation, cases study, theoretical approach

Finished (updating)


URSUS manual materials (adaptation to software changes)

manual Finished (continuous update)


T121.- URSUS Software Courses

URSUS Quick Guide materials (adaptation to software changes)

Doc Finished (continuous update)


T122.- Schools diagnosis results

Key points PPt presentation Starting Ayuntamiento, CENER

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


seminary Book Finished EVZ T124.- EVZ

Valdespartera book seminaries Courses,

conferences materials

Finished EVZ

Urban Planning History PPt presentation Finished UdZ Urban Planning Process PPt presentation Finished UdZ Urban Planning in Valdespartera PPt presentation Finished UdZ

T131.- Urban planning courses and workshops

Workshop materials Finished UdZ “Why should we use bioclimatic design requirements?”

PPt presentation Finished UdZ

Bioclimatic design from constructor and promoter point of view. Costs and process

PPt presentation Finished UdZ

Pictures, graphs, movies, etc. Multimedia material

Finished UdZ

T132a.- P13 (and others) promoter course

Example of results PPt presentation Finished UdZ GEE (UdZ)

software collection

Finished UdZ

Needs and uses PPt presentation Finished UdZ Building design PPt presentation Finished UdZ Example of results PPt presentation Finished UdZ Software tools description PPt presentation Finished UdZ

T132b.- Building design courses and workshops

Workshop: “Design under energy responsible objectives”

Finished UdZ

Context and needs PPt presentation Finished UdZ Installations and efficiency PPt presentation Finished UdZ Installations examples PPt presentation Finished UdZ Non conventional installations PPt presentation Finished UdZ

T133.- Installations courses and workshops

Numerical examples Finished UdZ Thermography PPt presentation Finished UdZ Blower Door PPt presentation Finished UdZ Other measures and simulations PPt presentation Finished UdZ

T134.- Seminaries: Valdespartera certifications results and comparative analysis

Building monitorization and PPt presentation Finished UdZ

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


thermal envelope quality measurement

Results and conclusions PPt presentation Updating UdZ Elaboration of materiales employed in formation in rehabilitation matters and sustainability.

Theoretical presentations, results, workshops, etc.

Several Finished SMZV

Conference on Valdespartera in Ecodesign and Energy Efficiency Master Degree

PPT presentation

Master Degree students

Finished EVZ

Travelling across energies

Presentation PPT presentation

CUS visitors Finished EVZ

RES conferences and workshops in schools

Presentation, solar devices demonstration, workshops

Several Primary and secondary students

Finished UdZ

Energy exploitation environmental awareness course

Presentations, workshops, etc. Several Unemployed technicians

Finished Ayto

Telemonitoring management course

PPTs and workshop Several Civil servants Finished Ayto

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


Deliverables D.5.2.2 & D.5.2.3: WP 5 – Training – List of training events

Year 6 Annual progress Report

CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to create a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs.

Period covered – 5th Period Date of preparation:

From 18/10/2010 to 17/10/2011 22/12/2011 Start date of project: 18th October 2005 Duration: 7 years

Author/ contact: Ángel Martínez (UdZ) Malorie CLERMONT - HESPUL


Email: Tel: ++34 976 76 22 34

[version 1]

Other authors/organisations:


Renewable ENergy Acting In SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises

Instrument (e.g.: Integrated Project) Thematic Priority

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6




Main partner involved Content Date Place Type of audience Number of


ENERTECH Designing low energy buildings

26-28/10/2010 Chambéry Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Designing low energy buildings

29-30/10/2010 Nice Students 25

ENERTECH Designing low energy buildings

8-10/02/2011 Lyon Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Designing low energy buildings

3-5/05/2011 Mulhouse Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Designing low energy buildings

24-26/05/2011 Nantes Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

17/11/2010 Colmar Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

26/11/2010 Paris Salon Ecologique 153

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

02/12/2010 Lyon ENS Lyon 265

ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

31/03/2011 Rennes Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

13/04/2011 Valence Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

18/05/2011 St Quentin en Yvelines

Social landlord (Opivoy)


ENERTECH Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

22/09/2011 Clermont-Ferrand

Project managers and contractors of the building sector



Refurbishment of buildings to very low energy consumption

13/10/2011 Lille Project managers and contractors of the building sector


ENERTECH Theory and practice on energy in the building sector

18/03/2011 & 22-24/03/2011

Chefs de secteur d’un des leaders européens des services en génie électrique, mécanique et climatique, de l’énergie et des systèmes de communication


1 940

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Main partner involved

Name of the Event Content Date Place Type of audience

Nb participan

ts Trainer Title Collaboration


Introduction to Infrarred

Thermography Technique, BlowerDoor

test and Building Monitorization

Habitability, comfort, energy saving

June 22nd

Navarra University (UNAV)

Arquitectos Técnicos

15 Eva Roldán Saso, Rodrigo Vásquez

Torres YES

UdZ Master Degree in

Buildings Ecodesign and Efficiency

Several conferences in Radiation, Bioclimatic

Architecture and Sustainable Urban Planning module, including modules


Several dates

Centro Politécnico Superior,


Engineers and

Architects 16 UDZ (90 hours) YES CIRCE

UdZ Online Master Degree in Buildings Ecodesign

and Efficiency

Preparation of NEW master degree

Several dates

Centro Politécnico Superior,


Engineers and


10 expected UDZ YES CIRCE

UdZ Master Degree in Renewable Energy


Several conferences in Radiation and solar

Energy modules

Several dates

Centro Politécnico Superior,


Engineers and

Architects 35 UDZ (25 hours) YES CIRCE

UdZ Master Degree in Renewable Energy


Several conferences in Bioclimatic

Architecture and Sustainable Urban Planning module, including coord.


Centro Politécnico Superior,


Engineers and

Architects 35 UDZ (80 hours) YES CIRCE

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


UdZ Doctorate degree Several conferences Several dates

Centro Politécnico Superior,


Engineers and

Architects 28 UDZ (60 hours) YES

Doctorate degree

UdZ ---

RES conferences and workshops. Solar

devices demonstrationand


April 13th, 14th and 15th

Candido Domingo school


Approx. 300 (all school


Dido Almárcegui, Julia Mérida, Helene Puaud

and J. M. Jiménez NO

Candido Domingo school

UdZ ---

RES conferences and workshops. Solar

devices demonstrationand


February 23rd

San Gabriel school


Approx. 200 (all school


Dido Almárcegui, Julia Mérida, Helene Puaud

and J. M. Jiménez NO

San Gabriel school

UdZ URSUS course

Sustainable Urban Planning conference and URSUS software


October 25th and

29th UdZ

Bridge course for upgrading

from Technical Architects

upto Constructi

on Engineers

120 (2 groups) Angel Martínez (UdZ) YES

EUPLA (La Almunia Technical


UdZ URSUS course

Sustainable Urban Planning conference and URSUS software


March 14th,

16th, 18th and 19th


Bridge course for upgrading

from Technical Architects

upto Constructi

on Engineers

120 (2 groups) Angel Martínez (UdZ) YES

EUPLA (La Almunia Technical


RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


UdZ Sustainable

Construction subject

Sustainable Urban Planning conference and URSUS software


September --



Bridge course for upgrading

from Technical Architects

up to Constructi

on Engineers

120 (2 groups) Angel Martínez (UdZ) YES

EUPLA (La Almunia Technical


UdZ Sustainable

Construction subject

Sustainable Urban Planning conference and URSUS software


January -- March


Bridge course for upgrading

from Technical Architects

upto Constructi

on Engineers

120 (2 groups) Angel Martínez (UdZ) YES

EUPLA (La Almunia Technical


UdZ URSUS course

Sustainable Urban Planning conference and URSUS software


March 3rd and 4th

Architecture Faculty in Granada


Professors and

students 15

Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Carmen

Velasco (UdZ), Angel Martínez (UdZ), Daniel Sanginés (UdZ), Pablo

Estrada (UdZ)

YES Granada


UdZ URSUS course

Sustainable Urban Planning conference and URSUS software


May 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th

Murcia Industrial Engineers

Professional Association Head Office

Industrial Engineers


Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Angel Martínez

(UdZ), Carmen Velasco (UdZ), Pablo

Estrada (UdZ)


Murcia Industrial Engineers

Professional Association

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


UdZ URSUS course URSUS software use October


IDAE (Industry Ministry)

IDAE employees


Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Angel Martínez (UdZ), (UdZ), Pablo

Estrada (UdZ)


IDEA (Institute for Energy Saving and Diversity)


“Energy Efficiency Techniques for

Buildings and Urban Planning”

Energy context, bioclimatic

architecture, energy simulation software, sustainable urban


September 26th until

October 25th


Graduate unemployed under 30


16 UdZ YES Aragon

Employment Service

UdZ Valdespartera and CUS


Visit in “Sustainable and habitable” module in 4Cities Euromaster

in Urban Studies

April 15th


4Cities Euromaster in Urban Studies students

25 J. A. Turégano (UdZ) YES 4Cities

Euromaster in Urban Studies

UdZ Sustainable Cities Sustainable Urban

Planning and children activities

March 25th

“La Almozara”


Primary education children

200 (8 classes)

Elena Lóbez (UdZ) and Eva Roldán (UdZ)

NO School and other


Ayto. Energy exploitation

environmental awareness

Awareness sessions

December the 13th until May


Zaragoza Unemploye

d technicians

20 Ayto YES

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


ayto Telemonitoring

management course Several sessions

December 13th until 16th

Zaragoza Civil

servants 10 Ayto NO


“Water sustainability journey” Organized to

raise awareness of rational water use.

Conference (21-


CUS Engineers 27 EVZ YES

EVZ Technical Training

Sessions: Telemando network

Conference 16/12/2

010 CUS

City Officials


EVZ Water Sustainability

Conference 2 days conferences

October 21st and

22nd 2011

CUS Variate Several Ayto. Zaragoza,

Contazara, Aquagest


Urban rehabilitation in Zaragoza. The recent experience. Lights and shadows in the urban

rehabilitation. A critical historical view: time

for renewal. Zaragoza experiences,


Experiences conference

April 13th

Valencia Construction related

agents 20 SMZV


SMZV Rehabilitation and

Urban Renewal Workshop

Workshop Decembe

r 14th Bilbao

Construction related

agents 20 SMZV

AVS (Public Promoters of Buildings and



Rehabilitation Politics: Experience and cases

Workshop November 10th

Zaragoza Construction related

agents 20 SMZV

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Explanation of refurbihsment actions

included Concerto, taken in Zaragoza

Reburbishment actions in Zaragoza

May 10th Barcelona Environme

nt specialists


Catalonian Association in Environment



“Water sustainability journey” Organized to

raise awareness of rational water use.

(21-22/10/10) (21-


CUS Engineers 27 EVZ NO

EVZ Technical Training Sessions: Telemando


16/12/2010 16/12/2010

CUS City Officials



Training session explaining the draft

Valdespartera. Master of ecodesign

18/04/11 18/04/1

1 University

Graduate students


1 607

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6



Contents Course Students amount

CUS complete visit. CUS power production facility visit

Course 3 : Thermal installations normative, design and efficiency. Renewable sources in residential buildings (2 courses series)


CUS complete visit. CUS power production facility visit. Master Degree in Renewable Energy sources 35

CUS complete visit. CUS power production facility visit Doctorate courses 28

CUS complete visit. CUS power production facility visit Master in Ecodesign and efficiency in buildings (first year) 16

Visit to Valdespartera central pneumatic garbage collector Master in Ecodesign and efficiency in buildings (first year) 16

CUS complete visit. Grupo de Energía Edificacion internal course 8 133

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6




Main partner involved Content Date Place Type of audience Number of


INSA Teaching Lecture on Energy Demand Management

2011 Bourg en Bresse

Student -Technician level “Thermal and Energy”


INSA Teaching Lecture on Energy and Buildings

2011 Villeurbanne Student -Technician level Civil Engineering




Main partner involved

Name of the Event Content Date Place Type of audience

Nb particip

ants Trainer Title Collab.

UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 1 : Normative on energy demand, Origin

and compliance.


(15 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

15 Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Ángel Martínez

López (UdZ), Constantino Baile Royo (UdZ), Alejandro del

Amo (UdZ)


RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 1: Normative on energy demand, Origin

and compliance.

7-8-10/03/2011 (15 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

15 Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Ángel Martínez

López (UdZ), Constantino Baile Royo (UDZ), Alejandro del

Amo (UdZ)


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 2 : Bioclimatic Design and Urban


November 29th until

December 2nd (20 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

20 Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Ángel Martínez

López (UdZ), Eva Roldán Saso (UdZ),

Carmen Velasco (UdZ), César Escusa

(UdZ), Daniel Sanginés (UdZ), Jose Andrés López (UdZ)


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 2 : Bioclimatic Design and Urban


March 14th, 15th, 16th,

17th (20 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

20 Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Ángel Martínez

López (UdZ), Eva Roldán Saso (UdZ),

Carmen Velasco (UdZ), César Escusa

(UdZ), Daniel Sanginés (UdZ), Jose Andrés López (UdZ)


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 3 : Thermal installations normative, design and efficiency. Renewable sources in residential buildings.

December 13th, 14th,

15th (15 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

15 UdZ: Jose Antonio Turégano, Ángel Martínez López,

Alejandro del Amo, Carlos Sánchez

Fumanal (URBIC)


RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 3 : Thermal installations normative, design and efficiency. Renewable sources in residential buildings.

March 21st, 22nd,

23rd, (15 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

15 UdZ: Jose Antonio Turégano, Ángel Martínez López,

Alejandro del Amo


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 4 : Building energy certification.

Normative and compliance process.

December 20th,

21st, 22nd (15


Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

15 UdZ: Jose Antonio Turégano, Eva Roldán

Saso, Rodrigo Vásquez, Daniel

Sanginés, Constantino Baile Royo, Alejandro

del Amo


UdZ Energy Efficiency in Residential

Construction. Legal, theoretical and

practical aspects

Course 4 : Building energy certification.

Normative and compliance process.

March 28th, 29th,

30th (15 hours)

Centro Politécnico

Superior, UdZ

University students

15 UdZ: Jose Antonio Turégano, Eva Roldán

Saso, Rodrigo Vásquez, Daniel

Sanginés, Constantino Baile Royo, Alejandro

del Amo


UdZ URSUS course Sustainable Urban Planning conference and

URSUS software use

October 19th and


CENIFER (Pamplona)

Technical students

15 Jose A. Turégano (UdZ), Angel Martínez

(UdZ), Daniel Sanginés (UdZ), Pablo

Estrada (UdZ)


formation Centre)

UdZ URSUS course Sustainable Urban Planning conference and

URSUS software use

May 10th and 11th

CENIFER (Pamplona)

Technical students

10 Jose Antonio Turégano (UdZ), Angel Martínez

(UdZ), Leonardo Agurto (UdZ), Pablo

Estrada (UdZ)


formation Centre)

RENAISSANCE – Project No. TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.51482/513477 Annual Report Year 6


UdZ European Master in Renewable Energy

Sources. Solar thermal production


12 hours in several sessions (Solar

movements and paths, solar radiation, facilities

design and trouble-shooting)

March UDZ graduates 35 Grupo de Energía y Edificación


UdZ ONLINE Master in Renewable Energy

Sources. Solar thermal production


Equivalent to 12 hours (Solar movements and paths, solar radiation, facilities design and trouble-shooting)

March - graduates 25 Fundación CIRCE, Grupo de Energía y



UdZ European Master in Renewable Energy

Sources. Bioclimatic architecture module

70 hours June UDZ graduates 35 Fundación CIRCE, Grupo de Energía y



UdZ Online Master in Renewable Energy

Sources. Bioclimatic architecture module

Equivalent to 70 hours June UDZ graduates 25 Fundación CIRCE, Grupo de Energía y



UdZ Master in Ecodesign and efficiency in


Coordination and teaching tasks,

surpassing 100 hours


UDZ graduates 16 Fundación CIRCE, Grupo de Energía y




Training session explaining the draft

Valdespartera. Master of ecodesign

workshop 18/04/11 University Graduate students

25 YES