chronicles and memorials of great britain - Forgotten Books

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Transcript of chronicles and memorials of great britain - Forgotten Books








O N the 26th of January 1 857 , the Master of the Rolls

submitted to the Treasury a proposal for the publication

of materials for the History of th is C ountry from the

Invasion of the Romans to the Reign ofHenry V I I I .

T he Master of the Rolls suggested that these materials

should be selected for publication under competent editorswithou t reference to periodical or chronological arrange

ment, Withou t mu tilation or abridgment, preference beinggiven , in the first instance, to such materials as were most

scarce and valuable.

He proposed that each ch ronicle or h istorical documen tto be edited should be treated in the same way as if the

editor were engaged on an E ditio P rinceps ; and for th ispu rpose the most correct text shou ld be formed from an

accu rate collation of the best M SS .

T o render the Work more generally u seful, the Master

of the Rolls suggested that the editor should give an

account of the M S S . employed by h im ,of their age and

their peculiarities that he should add to the work a brief

account of the life and time s of the au thor,and any

remark s necessary to explain the chronology ; but no other

note or comment was to be allowed , except what migh t benecessary to establish the correctness of the text.

T he work s to be published in octavo, s eparately ,as

they were finished ; the whole re spons ibility of the task

re sting upon the editors,who were to be chosen by the

Maste r of the Rolls with the s anction of the Treasury .

T he L ords of Her Maje sty’

s Treasury, after a careful

consideration of the subject , expressed their opinion in a

Treasury M inute , dated F ebruary 9, 1 857 , that the planrecommended by the Master of the Rolls “

was well

calculated for the accomplishment of th is important

national object , in an e ffectual and satisfactory manner ,

with in a reasonable time , and provided proper attention bepaid to economy, in making the detailed arrangement s ,without unnece ssary expense.

They expre ssed th e ir approbation of the proposal that

each chronicle and h istorical document should be editedin such a manner as to represent with all possible correct

ne s s the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the

be st MSS .,and that no note s shou ld be added


such as were illu strative of the variou s readings . Th ey

sugge sted , however , that the preface to each work shouldcontain , in addition to the particu lars proposed by the

Master of the Rolls,a biograph ical account of the au thor


so far as au thentic materials existed for th at purpose,and

an estimate of h is h istorical credibility and value.

R olls House,

D ecember 1857.

A N N A L E C A M B R I ZE .













1 860.






P R E F A C E .

P R E F A C E .

A PORT ION of the “Annales Cambr iae,fie ,

d own A portioflito A .D . 1 066, was printed some years ago in the gfifififiicleMonumen ta Hi stor ica Britanni ca

,under the able Published

editorship of the late Henry P etri e,E sq ,

before '

Keeper of the R ecord s in the Tower of London .

1 Theplan ad opted by the promoters of that great workassign ed the N orman conquest as the hi stori cal limitof the fi rst volume ; but as only one volume was

ever publi shed,the con sequen ce was that the chron icle

in question , as well as several others, remained imperfect. When

,however, the Lord s of Her Majesty’s

Treasury in 1 857 gave their san cti on to the publication of materials for the hi story of thi s country fromthe invas ion of the R omans to the reign ofHenry V I I I


under the directi on of the Master of th e R olls,i t was

thought d esir able that a complete ed ition of the An

nales” should be i ssued

,and appear in the series

whi ch i s now in course of coming out.The result i s the present volume

,whi ch

,though of T he

small dimens i on s , i s n evertheless highly interesting,and $3 32


;of con sid erable value, as being, perhaps, the oldestchron i cle of Welsh affairs that we possess. I t i s de

rived from three d ifferent copies,whi ch

,for the pu r "

‘Mr. P etr ie died before th e work matter added by Thomas D ufi‘


was fin ished,and after h i s death it Hardy , E sq .

was completed , and th e prefatory


pose of reference,w e have d istinguished respectively

by the letter s A .,B

,and C . We d id not consider i t

adv isable to d eviate from ,or to alter in any respect,

the groundwork lai d down i n the Monumenta Histor ica the undertaking,

therefore,i s to be regarded

imply as the completion of what'

w as begun there.

A. i s a manuscrip t in the Har leian Collection , N o

011 vellum,i n octavo

,o f the latte1 part of the

tenth or beginn ing of the eleventh centu1 y,inse1 ted

without title or intr oduction in the body of a manuse1 ipt of N enn ius . I t i s followed immed iately by theped igree

1of Owain , son of Howel the Good

,and his

1 This pedigree i s as follow s'

x"c Map I guel ,Map Catell

Map B otr iMap Mermin

Map E th i l

Mereh C innanMap R otr i

M . T utgual

M. Catgualar t

BI . Catgollaun

M . Catman

M . JacobM. B eliM. Run

YveinMap E lenMerch L oumercMap HymeytMap T aneoy s t

Mere OveiMap Mal getiut

M . TendosM . R eginM. C atgoeaun

M . Cathen

M . Gloten

M . N ougoyM . A r thurM. P etr

M . C incar


M . Catgolaun lauh i r

M. E in iaun gir tM. Cuneda

M . (E tern

M . P atern pesr ut

M . TacitM. C einM. Guoieein

M . Dol iM . Guordoli

M . D umn

M . Gur dumn

M. Amguoloj t

M . Angucr it

M . Onmum

M . DuvunM . B r i thgu


M . E ugein

M . A ballac

M . Amalech, qu i

fuitB el iMagni fi lius ,

et Anna mater ejus ,

qu se‘

d ici tur esse con

sobr ina Mar iae V irg inis matr is Domin inostr i Jesu Chr isti.

M . Constans

M . C on stantin iMagn iM . Constantu et

Helen L uiedauc quaede B r itann ia ex iv i t

ad er ucem Chr istiquaeren dam u sque

ad Jerusalem, et

inde attulit secum

u sque ad Con stan tinopolim , e t est i bi

u squ e in h od iernum

d iem .


the three records of the bard s of the I sle of Britain

are the genealogy of d escent by marriages, territoriald ivision s, and praiseworthy actions and scien ces.

” 1

T he fam ily regi sters of the prin ces and other great

men of the land woul d naturally form the basi s of a

national chron icle , such as the“ Annales Cambr i ze .

T he com ,I t i s very possible , moreover, that th e compiler was

Piler SUP also an ecclesias tic, for men in holy orders were fre1588

152 quently found to be members likewi se of the bardi cef d esms ‘ profession . But we can har dly suppose that he was an

t1e .

E ngh shman ,because Owam had

,for some reason or

o ther,

a great antipathy to the Saxon clergy and

monks,which he carri ed out to such lengths as even

to destroy th e Welsh colleges whi ch harboured them .

Thus i t i s related of h im in one copy of the Bruty T ywysogion A D . 959 , Owain ,

son of Howel

the Good,d emoli shed the college of Llani lltud in

Gorwennydd , because there were foun d in i t gen tle

men scholars wh o were Saxon s,and from then ce h e

proceeded to the college of Cattwg in N antgarvan ,

and fur iously d emoli shed it.” 2

T he ch ro T he chron i cle under con si d eration was in all probal

i fifien b ili ty wr itten in South Wales, for it n oti ces even ts conprobably nected wi th that part of the coun try more par ticularly


1229 1 than i t does those of N orth Wales. Thi s circumstan ce

in some d egree corroborates the supposition that th ecompi ler was attached to the interests of Owain


had no actual jur i sdi ction in N orth Wales .T he We naturally inqui re who were the most di stingui shed



“scholars of South Wales at thi s period ? The interval

South between the sixth and the twelfth cen tur ies was singuWales at lar ly barren of literary names n evertheless

,during thatthat time.

per 1ed , an d about the tun e m W Il l Cll the chrom cle seems

‘ A ncient Laws and I nstitutes of 9 Mywj r ian A rchaiology , vol. 1 1 .

IV ales . vol . i i . p . 5 1 3 . p. 490.

PREFACE . xi i i

to have been compiled,we meet with two scholars that

would have d on e honour to any age, Blegewryd , archd eacon of L landaf

,and Geraint the Blue Bard


being the brothers of Morgan , king of Glamorgan .

Blegewryd was a d octor both of the civi l'

and eccles iastical law

,and on that account was chosen as the

ysgolhaig or secretary,when th e an cien t laws of

“Tales were undergoing a revi sion by command of Howelthe Good . That he was acquainted with the Latintongue i s attested by the fact that a set of Latin versesi s attributed to h im in the preamble to one copy of

Howel’s laws .1 I n that respect,therefore

,as well as

from being in the favour of Howel, he was well qualifi edto be the writer of the “ Ann ales Cambr iae.

Geraintwas a poet and grammarian of n ote. A fragmen taryd ocument printed in the 1 010 MSS . volume thus speaksof h im The oldest system on record of memorials

and recollection s i s that of Geraint the Blue Bardupon poeti c metres

,and of all that i s extan t from

before h is time there i s n othing remai ni ng exceptwhat may be d i scern ed by the learned by mean s ofbooks. Thi s Geraint was brother to Morgan theAged , king of Glamorgan ,

and h e collected ancien trecord s of poetry and bard i sm

,and arranged them

in a book of hi s own composi tion,and established

them by the laws of the chair an d the Gorsedd , inevery coun try and dom inion in Wales ; an d Gerain texcelled in kn owledge and judgmen t, and every chair

1 Here are the verses composed by B legewryd thereupon , in tes timonyof th at even t

E xpl icit edita s legibus liber bene fin itus,Quem reg i scr ipeit B langor idus, et quoque fuitHweli turbe doctor , tune legibu s in vrhe

Cornando cano, tunc indice cotidianoRex dah it ad partem d exteram nam sumerat ar tem .

I n th e same preamb le B legewryd i s descr ibed as“ th e most learned in all

Cymru .

”- A ncien t Laws , &c.

, y o]. i . pp . 3 41 , 3 43 .


in Wales and England was given to h im ,from which

he w as called the B lue Bard of the Chai r . After th is

he became d omestic bard to Al fred , k ing of Englan d ,and he rema ined with h im , giving in struction to the

Cymry in England , and to the Saxons and in W in

chester he lies bur ied .

” 1

Geraint appears , in the above extract, in the character

of a“ collector of ancient record s,

”and though these

record s are mentioned as“of poetry and bard ism,


may well presume that a person of such a turn of mind

would not be ind ifferent to the memor ials of national

even ts. I ndeed ,in the volume allud ed to

, there are

thir ty-two poet ic tr iplets assigned to him ,in which ar e

actually r egistered the achievemen ts of the pr in cipalcharacters of B r itish h i story from the earliest times

down to that of Howel the Good , wh ich , if the stan z as

are genuine, prove that he d id investigate the hi stori caltrad itions and annals of hi s country ” ?

There i s only one obj ection to the supposition that

Geraint might have been the writer of the “ Ann ales

Cani br iee,”

namely,the d ispute which i s said to have

ex isted at one time between h is brother, the king of

Glamorgan ,and Owain ,

and which renders i t improbablethat h e would in any d egree further the interests of

the latter .

3 Bu t thi s i s not a fatal objection . T he

1 A r rangement of vocal poeticalmetres of Geraint V ardd G las ”

penes I olo MS S . pp. 62 3 , 624.

G eraint i s supposed by some to havebeen th e same person w ith A sser

Mcnevens is , a monk of S t. Dav id ’s ,who at the reques t. of king A lfredwen t to res ide w ith h im as h is

preceptor , and was made b ishop o f

Sh irbnrne. A col lection of moraland rel igious precepts attr ibuted toh im i s pr inted in th e Myv. A rch.vol. ii i. pp. 1 00, &c .

I olo MSS . pp. 008 , &c.

A n account of this d ispute and 1

i ts settlement i s g iven in the

Genealogy of the kings of G la

morgan ,

” pr inted in the 1010MSS .

pp. 3 57, See. I t i s there,however ,

attr ibuted to Howel th e Good and

Morgan , wh ich i s ev idently a m istake, for E dgar , who arb itrated between th e par ties , was a mere ch i ldwhen Howel died in 9 48 wh ereas

Caradog pos i tively asserts that itwas h i s son Owain who comm ittedthe aggress ion upon Morgan

s terr itor ies , wh ich was th e cau se of th e

dispute. S ee Myv . A rch . v . i i .p . 490.


last d ate in the , chron icle i s equivalent to A D . 954,

but the cause of the di spute di d n ot ari se unti l fouryears later

,so that up to that time Geraint might have

continued as attached to Owain , as Blegew ryd , h i sbrother

,had been to Owain

’s father . I n deed,in some

genealogi cal documents,Owain i s represented as the

father of Morgan ,and therefore the father of Blegewryd

an d Crera int.l I n that cas e it would not be strangethat one son shoul d continue to advocate th e claims ofh i s father

,whil st another repud iated them . B esi des


both Morgan an d Owain submitted to the arbitration of

the Engli sh king ,aided by a coun cil of bi shops and

earls from Wales and Mer cia it would appear that thequarrel had a1 isen entirely fi om a mere m i sunder standing,

which was of a tran sien t characte1,an d was not

at all groun ded on any per sonal an imosity.

I n br inging forward these two n ames,w e do not I ntention

mean to fix the compilation of the chr on icle upon eitherin

of them we have no suffi cient evi den ce to warrant ou r mention ingdoing so. Our intenti on is rather to poin t out from iii ?

hi story that ther e wer e men,even in that i lliterate

age, who wer e fully equal to the task,and not un likely

to have produced a regi ster similar to the“Annales

Cambr i ze .

IVhoever the comp iler was,he appears to have availed A n I r ish

himself,in the pr osecution of his task

,of an I ri sh Chron ic“?

u sed 1n the

chron icle,whi ch was also used by T ige1 nach , and by compila

th e compiler of the Ann als of Uls te1 . T he n otices of“on

I ri sh and S cotti sh even ts are,especially in the former

part of the chron icle,d ispropor tionately numerous


such as could not be expected in a reg ister founded

This relat ionship i s recorded in genealogies . I n the “ Genealogy of

an important h istor ical pedigree , the kings of G lamorgan ,

” however ,said to have been transcr ibed from Morgan i s said to be the son e t


I euan D eulwyn’

s book , 1 450— 1 490, Howel .and is confirmed by several other

I ntercourse


the eccles iastics of

Wales andI reland.

N ativedocuments.


upon a purely Cambr ian basis. Of thi s d escr iption arethe birth of S t. B r idget (p. the d eath of S t. P atr i ck

the birth of S t. Columci lle (p. the d eath of

S t. Br i dget mortality in I reland the deathof C iaran ,

abbot of Gluau the death of Gabran ,

son of B ungart, king of S cotland St. Columcille’s d epartur e for Bri tain the death of Brenda


abbot of B irre (p . the d eath of S t. Columcille

the death of Ai dan ,son of Gabran (p . the d eath of

S t. Kentigern and the d emolition of the fort of

Al tclyde, or Dunbarton (p .

I n the sixth century there was much intercoursebetween the ecclesiastics of I reland and those of Wales


which was not wholly d i scontinued d own at least tothe mi ddl e of the n in th century, as appears from thefact that Cydivor , abbot of Llanveith in

,who di ed

A D . 88 3 , had in h is li fetime exhibi ted great con cernfor the welfare of the S cots of I reland

,and sent over

s ix wi se men of hi s college to instruct them .

1 Therecoul d


,have been no di fficul ty on th e part of

Cambrian scholar s in gaini ng access to I rish record sduring that interval of time

,and if they were thus

wi thin their reach,there i s every reason to suppose

that they would duly avai l themselves of them.

B ut there were, moreover, d ocuments of indigen ous

growth, whi ch might , and n o d oubt were used in thecompilation of thi s chr on i cle — those whi ch the authorof N enni u s speaks of as veter i libri veterum n ostrorum.

” 2 S ome of these would be the memorials of

th e n ational Gorsedd,whil st other s woul d be family

r egi sters, or the genealogical title deeds, which everyfree-born Cymr o was obliged to exhibit in order to

establi sh h i s rights and pr ivi leges as a member of the

commonwealth. I t was very n atural that the bard s

B rut y T ywysogion penes Myvyr iau A rchaiology , vol. 1 1 . p . 482 .

His t. B r it . 1 7 .


should add to certain names the prin cipal d eeds or

events for which the bearers of those names were re

spectively distingui shed . An aggregate of such ped i

grees would afford very useful materials toward s thecompilation of a nati onal chronicle.T he entries of events are but few in number

,more T he entr ies

especially towards the beginn ing of the chron i cle. I n

d eed,all the n oti ces we have relating to B ri tain , during

i ts fi rst century,are the d eath of the archbi shop of

York, the battle of Baden ,and the battle of Camlan .

I ts second century contain s twenty-eight entries, i tsthird twenty-seven

,its fourth twenty-n in e

,but in i ts

fifth century there are as many as fi fty -one,and seven

during the remaini ng ten years . These several entr iesare likewi se meagre, being just of that character whi chwe woul d expect genealogi cal extracts, or fragments of

family regi sters, to exhibi t.Owing to the great brevity with whi ch these memo Examples

rials are for the most part clothed,they too frequently “ the

mode of

occupy such detached and i solated posmons as to make register ing .

i t impossible for us to id entify them,in dependently of

other and fuller authori ti es. I f we d epended solely on

the statement of the “Annales, we shoul d kn ow n othingmore of St . P atrick (p . C iaran (p . Gi ldas (p.

Brendan Gwrgi and P eredur Gregory (p.

Kentigern Cered ig B eli n B rochvael

(p . Morgant (p. A domnan Howel (p.

L audent (p . I u dguoll Mervyn Meurig(p . Cerball (p. Hyveidd Gorchwyl (p.

Asser and Aedelstan (p. than simply that theydi ed in certain years. The births as well as the d eathsof some

,as of St. B ridget (p. 3 ) and St. Columcille

(p. are recorded . Others have the names of theirfathers added

,as Cravran ,

son of D ungar t (p. A eddan ,

son of Gavran (p. S elim,son of Cynan I ago ,

son of Beli Beli, son of Elfin (p. T ewdwr , son

of Beli D yvnwal, son of T ewdwr (p . F ernvai l ,

xvi i i PREFACE.

son of I udha i l Owain,son of Maredudd (p. 1 1 )

T r ifun,son of R ein (p. A edd

,s on of N e ill (p.

L lywarch ,son of Hyveid d (p. Hyv eidd , son of

C lydawg (p. and Rhodr i , son of Howel (p.

Others their offi ce or rank, as Ben igna s, bishop (p .

D un awd ,king (p. D ubr iciu s

,b ishop (p. Osw i d ,

king of the Saxons (p. Al fred,king of the Saxon s

Osbr i d , king of the Saxon s (p . Bede,priest

Owain,ki ng of the P icts Rhodr i

,king of the

B r itons (p . E dwald , ki ng of the S axonsLemoyd , king of the P i cts Cud her th , abbotA r then

,king of C ered igion (p. R ein

,ki ng of th e

D imetians Cadell of P owys Cynan , ki ng(p. Satur b iu hail of Menev ia (p. Cemoyth ,

king of th e P i cts (p . Jonathan,pr in ce of Abergeleu

Albr id,ki ng of Gineys (p. Cad ell, k ing

Anaraw d,kin g (p. A elfi ed

,queen Abloyc, king

(ih .) E neu r is,bi shop of Menev ia (p. and Howel


k in g of the B ri ton s I n some ins tances the modeof d eath i s specifi ed ; thus , Maelgwn ,

kin g of Gwyn edd,

d ied of a great mortality or plague (p. I dri s had h isthroat cut (p. Cadwalad er, son of Cadwallen ,

d ied

of a plague (p . Canadog , king of Gwynedd,h ad

h i s throat cut by th e Saxon s (p . I u dhai l,king of

Gw ent, w as ki lled by the men of B rechein iog (p .

Meurig was kill ed by the Saxon s Cyngen had h is

throat cut by th e P agan s n awn,king of Cere

d igion ,w as d rowned (p . I t ), D yv nwar th

,kin g of Corn

w all,was drown ed (p . Rhodr i and Gw r iad h is son

w ere strangled by th e Saxon s C lydawg the ki ngw as slain (p . Cadell , son of A r thvael

,d ied of poison

I dwal and h is son E li z ed were ki ll ed by the

S axons Cyngen ,son of E li z ed

,d ied of poi son

Eadmun d,k ing of the Saxons

,h ad h is throat cut

and Cadwgawn , son of Owain,had h i s throat cut by

th e Saxon s Again ,in some cases

,the place of

d eath i s mentioned ; S elim,son of Oyman

,fell in the


even t,and thus i t not only throws more light on the

entries of the chron icle,but corrobora tes i ts general

authenti city.

T he fi rst entry of a civi l or national character thatoccur s in i t i s that of the

“ battle of Moun t Baden ,

which i s noti ced by two con temporaries, Gildas and

Tali esin . The former dates h i s own n ativity fromthat event,

1 whilst the latter speaks of it in thefollowing strain

Woe to them,m iserable ones

,because of the

battle of B adon,

Arthur,the head of the brave

,hi s blades were red

wi th blood,

He infli cted on hi s en emi es the vengeance of

warri ors,That demanded the battle blood of the sovereign

of the N orth .

” 2

T he author of the book of N enn ius,who lived at a

later peri od , repr esents the battle of Moun t B ad on asthe twelfth which Arthur fought, and one in whi ch 960enemies fell in a single attack by h i s own hand .


Mai lcun ,king of Gwyn edd , or Maelgwn Gwyn edd


whose d eath i s record ed un d er the year 5417, and of

whom the “Annales Cambr iae give us no otheraccoun t

,i s very severely hand led by Gildas because

of h i s sinful life .4

T he battle of A rderydd , A D . 57 3 , is mentioned ina Welsh poem

,which i s usually attributed to Merddin


a person of some di stinction,who himself took an

active part in it :

“ I n the battle of A rderydd I wore the goldentorques.” 5

1 Hist. G ildes , c . 26 . s ion gives 840 as the number thatfell on that occasion .

Cu ed by A rchb i shop Usher .

E p ist. Gi ldae.

3 Hi st. B rit."56 . A nother ver5 My“ A rch vol. i P 1 52


Constan tine, whose “ conversion to the Lord ”i s Constan

noticed under 589, i s in all probabi lity id en ti cal with tme’

the immu ndee leaenee D amnon ize tyrann icu s catulu s

C on stan tinus of Gi ldas . 1

Llywarch Hen says of k ing D unawd,wh o d ied D unawd .

accord ing to the Annales,A D . 595

Fi ercelyWas i t sai d in the pass of L lech ,

D unawd,the son of P abo

,wi ll n ever flee .

B oth L lywarch Hen an d Taliesin sing the prai ses Ur ien.

of Urien .

3 T he former,indeed

,in hi s Elegy on that

Chri stian warri or,speaks also of the generosity of

Rhun,in all probabil ity the same per son as R un

“ fi liu s Urbgen ,who bapti z ed Edwin

, A D . 626 .

The same bard has an Elegy on Cadwallon,

4wh o i s Cadwallon .

ment ion ed in th e chr on icle under 629, 6 3 0, an d 6 3 1 . T h e

battle of Meicer en i s evid en tly alluded to in the

following stan z a

The army of Cadwallon encamped on Havren ,

A nd on the farther sid e of D ygen ,

And the d evourer s were burn ing Meiyen .

Whether the battle of Cocboy ,A D . 6441

,i s alluded T h e battle

to in a poem attributed to T aliesin,

5 where mentionOf 00013 01"

i s made"


“ The meeting of Corroy and Cocholyn ,

i s perhaps d oubtful ; n or i s it likely that “ the chiefof B ard s was l iving at this period .

The name of B rochvael, whose d eath i s r ecorded B rochvael

und er 662,

occurs in L lywarch Hen ’s Elegy on

Cynddylan ,son of Cyndrwyn .



T he author of the book of N enn ius speaks of Mention of

Taliesin an d L lywarch , the latter of whom he callsBlu chbar d

,an d agrees with ‘other authorities in £

8 1 011,


9 11 11 1 11 8

1 E pis t. G ildae.


representing them as having flourished at the timewhen the great contest between th e Bri ton s an d

An gli an s in the sixth century was being carried on .


T he fi rst ed ition of N enni us appeared in

presuming that the author was at that time thi rty'

years of age, he must have been contemporary withthe battle of Cocboy , the carnage of Caer Gai , an d

the slaughter of P an tha, all of whi ch are d escribed

in the Hi storia B r i tonum n early in the same wordsas in the “Annales Cambr iae .

”But as the genealogies

in which these parti culars occur refer to a d ate aslate as 7 3 8, i t follows that the edi tor

,when that

portion of the work was added , was a very old man,

Upward s of n in ety years of age. P robably the compi lerof the gen ealogi es was another and a younger man


whose life di d not reach any one of the three eventsmentioned

,though it might take in the d eath of

Cadwalader, whi ch we may remark i s n oti ced agreeably to the statement of the Annales.”

B ede was born in 6741, and d i ed 7 3 5. He was,

therefor e,coeval wi th all the occurrences that are

mentioned in our chron icle as having happen ed duringthat interval He n oti ces


,on ly two



the d eath of A elfr i d an d the d eath of Osred,the

former of which he places in an d the latter inthe one a year later

,the other a year earli er than

the respective dates of the “ Annales Cambr iae.

1 T une T alhaearn Cataguen in

poemate clarni t, et N eir in , etTaliess in

,et B luchbard

,et C ian , qui vo

catur Guen i th Ganut, s imul tmo

tempore in poemate B r itann ico cla


— Hist. B rit. 62 . T he

genuineness of the A ncient B r itishP oems of A neur in

,Talies in, L ly

warch Hen , and Merdd in ,h as been

ab ly v indicated by Sharon Turner ,E sq ,

London,1 803 .

This appear s from th e “Histor ia in th e Vatican. where we read ,

Quando Gratianu s E quantius

consul fuit in R oma, qu i tune

a consulibus Romanorum totus

orbis regebatur , Saxones a Guor

thegirno, anno post Domin i P as~s ionem trecentes imo quadriges imo

septimo suscepti sant z ad hunc

quem (qno) nunc scribimus an

num sexcentesimum quadragesi

mum septimum numeramus.”

3 Hist. E ccles . lib . v . c . 1 8 .

1 I h . c. 2 9

PRE FACE . xxi i i

Asser Menevens is also,who was invi ted to the E ra of

court of Alfred about 885,

and closed hi s mortal A SS“


career i n 908,lends h i s testimony i n support of a few s is.

parti culars. The battle of Bryn Onnen i s d escribed byhim at some length . T he place where it occurredwas called in Engli sh E scesd im ,

“ quod Latine ‘monsfraxin i

interpretatur .

”Mention i s mad e of arch

bishop N ovi s,whom Asser calls hi s relation ; also of

Hemeid,Rhod r i

,Meurig, an d Anarawd

,all of whom

are noticed in the “ An nalee ” l

The compil er of the chroni cle himself could not T he events

have been long after Asser. The events recorded in gfigzia




the latter portion must,therefore, have been well chron icle

known to h im,some of them

,i t may be

,having 22




fallen under h i s own personal observation . We are comp ilerthus fully jus tifi ed in receiving them as genui ne factsof hi story.

There i s some reason to think that our chron icle Originallywas originally written in Welsh , and that in i ts

present form it i s only a translation . Thi s supposition is founded on the Welsh words and phr as eswhi ch appear in it as if left untran slated ; such asGuei th Camlann (p.

“ Ai dan Map Gabran ”


“ Gu eith Caer Legion“ Guei th Gart

mailane ” (p.

“ Gu ei th Mocetauc “G’twi th

Hirford (p .

“ W i th L annm aes”

(p .

Cat B rin Onnen ”


“ Gu ei th Bannguolou”

Guei th D i v, Sa l i n Mon”

(p .“A ed Map

N eill “ Git e/it Conguoy d iga l Rotr i a Deo”

“ Gwei th D inmeir”


“ Gu ei th D inas“ N egui d

(p. The Welsh compiler would seemto have turn ed I ri sh entries into proper Cymraeg, as“Mac Gabran ”

into “Map Gabran ,

“Mac N eill ”

into Mup N eill,

” though such ins tances have not

been further tran slated into Latin .

1 S ee A sser de R ebus gestis JE lfred i .


Supposed We would feign d etect traces of a misapprehen sion

of the mean ing of certain Welsh word s on the part119 3 5 1011 011 of the translator. S uch

,we think

,appear in the

statement relative to Arthur at the battle of B adon ,

11 5111 513 101” that he carried the cross of Chri st “ in humeros sues .”

I t is very probable that the original word was

ysgwyd ,” clypeus

,and that the translator mistook

i t for “

ysgwydd ,” humerus

,and rendered it accord

ingly . T he mi stake would b e very easily made atthat early period

,when there was no d ifference what

ever in the orthographical forms of the word s, bothbeing written

fiscu i t. N enn ius Seems to have madethe same mi stake

,but Geoffrey of Monmouth appears

to have caught the right mean ing,though somewhat

amplifi ed,when he says


“Humer is quoque sui sclypeum vocabu lo P riwen

,in quo image Sanctae

Mariae genetr icis impiota.”

T heWelsh The forms of the IVelsh n ames are purely etymo

names logical, such as prevailed in early times,enabling the


logical ly ph i lolog i st to i denti fy at a glan ce the i r component1011 11 6 11 par ts ; unl ike the phoneti c character of our more

modern orthography, where the ini tial con sonan t,in

compounds as well as in separate words,i s affected

by that which goes before.Chm The chron ology of this documen t is d esignated byvolOf—IY the r epeti tion of the word annus for each su ccessive

year, whether blank or otherwi se, whilst every tenth

year is marked x ., xx .

, 81 0. I t has not,however


con sidered n ecessary to print every “ annu s ” as i toccurs in th e manuscript

,where n o even t i s recorded .

The fi r st and last only of the blank years that intervene between each entry of an occurrence have beeninserted . From a compari son of dates assigned tomany of the events noti ced in it by other writers

,i t

would appear that the era on which its chron ology restswould concur with the year 444 of the I n carnation


though there is no reason given for thi s particular date.


T he chron icle that comes next under our n otice i s D escr ip

Annales ab orbe cond ito adusque A D . marked 110“ Of

manuscr i ptB . in the present edition . This i s a manuscr ipt in B .

foli o,written in triple column s

,in a han d of the close

of the thirteen th century, wi thout title or in troduction ,

on certain fly leaves prefixed to an abridged copy of

Domesday B ook in the P ublic Record Office,in th e

custody of the Mas ter of the R oll s, formerly in chargeof the king

’s remembrancer in the Cour t of th e

Exchequer. I n all probabi li ty i t was wri tten A D .

1 286, whi ch i s the date of its latest entry,and whi ch

was but a few years after the d eath of L lywelyn , thelast sovereign pr in ce of Wales.But th ough as a tran script i t may be of that date, P robably

there i s reason to suppose that it i s not originally Sviit


sfoneth e work of one period

,but that i t was compi led by per iod.

d ifferent person s at d i fferen t times.The basi s of thi s chron i cle, d own to the empire of T he


foim er

L ee I .,AD . 457, i s der ived from the Thirty-n inth porno“,

whencechapter of the Fifth B ook of I si dore

s Or igines, ap der ived.

paren tly through the med iu m of B ede’

s shorterchron i cle, with some ins ertion s relating to general

ecclesias tical hi story from another source,and with

the further add iti on of a few brief noti ces taken fromGeoffrey of Monmouth’s B ri tish Hi story .

T he chronologi cal computation of thi s part of the Chro

chronicle i s taken from th e length of reign of the ggjggg; $11

32several emperors

,which seems to mark i t as the work Portion.

of one man,whi lst the referen ce to Geoffrey of Mon

mouth would place the date of compi lation subsequentlyto the middle of the twelfth century.

From A D . 457 i t agr ees n early wi th manuscr ipt ComparedA. until that copy end s and no d oubt thi s w as the

register principally made use of by the compi ler,A .

though i t i s evident that he h ad other sources of

information at hand as well,which enabled h im to

d enti fy the D unawd , who d ied in 597 as“ fi lius P abo ,


or to fix the church of S . Michael that w as couse

crated in 7 1 8 “ in monte Gargano . He, moreover,

clothes the entr ies gen erally in h is own language ;thus

,where A . has A D . 607,

“ Ai dan Map Gabran


”in B . i t i s rend ered


“ A idan fi liu s Gawran

obi it . I t may be that both version s are butseparate tran slations of the same Welsh origin al,somewhat modi fied or d iversifi ed accord ing to the

add itional information whi ch the respective writersmay have possessed .


From the time of i ts concurrence with manuscript

ihfi’jefh er A. down to‘

1097, each successive year is noted by thePortion word “ annus

,but without the numeri cal ind ication

of d ecades. At thi s date the common era i s a dopted ,and continued to the end of the chron i cle.

A pparently I t would appear,then

,as if a fresh hand were

$3 235; employed upon the r egi ster from A D . 1 097 down toPerson the beginn ing of the thirteenth century

,when the

entri es, which were somewhat br ief before,become

much ful ler,thus in d icating another change. The

latter portion was probably composed at themonasteryof S trata Florida

,to whi ch i t frequently refers


very last entry, indeed , being a n otice of a confi agration

whi ch occurred there.

T he From the evi dent partiality di splayed by the writerswr iters for the Cambrian interest

,there can be little d oubt

b bly that they were Welshmen,probably ecclesiasti cs,

inmates of some of the religious houses that hadtl cs .

sprung up i n di fferent par ts of the country, and moreespecially of Strata Florida.

T h e chm . As justly observed in the P reface to the Monumentanolosy Histor ica B ritann i ca, p. 9 3 , the chron ology of thedown to1 098 more port i on derived from I si dore i s

,by the om i ss1on or

91 13 55 confusion of different persons

,utterly false



as i t would place the accessi on of L ee i n the year3 97, instead of the year 457 ; the arrival of Hengi stin the year 409, instead of the year 449 ; and the

xxvi i i PREFACE.

s crip ts A . generally with manuscript B . to the year 1 203,from

and B ' wh ich circumstance it i s evi dent that th e comp i lerdown tocomp i lers of that port i on had access to the tw o

other copies,and made use of them in preparing h i s

or their own chronicle.T he latter After the year 1 203 i t becomes wholly di fferen ta t 1 011

gihefgghyfrom B .

,and has fewer and br i efer noti ces of Wales,

wh i lst these have mostly an air of part iality toward sthe English . We conclude

,therefore , that thi s

portion,occupying eighty—five years, w as the work of

a d istinct party,evidently in the interest of the E ng

lish k ing.

N otiees of From about the year 101 6 to the year 1 200E n g l i sh

in thi s manuscr i pt has some leaves of parchment i nterferposed posed

,contain ing brief n oti ces of English affairs. To

i n th e

menu the year 1 1 3 5 they are abri dged from Floren ce of

“ 1 111 11 1Vorcester and his continuator ; afterward s they aretaken from another source

,and have frequent


tion of the bishops of Worcester. Each notice hasa reference to i ts in tended place in th e text ; butthese references are very faulty throughout as totime

,and are wholly omitted in the present volume.

The chronology of manuscript C .,like that of

manuscript B .,i s founded

,fi rst

,on th e length of

reign of the several emperors,and afterward s 011 the

repetition of th e word “ annus. The former portion,

from causes sim ilar to those already “

d escr ibedrelative to manuscript B .

,i s utterly erroneous ; the

latter portion ,d own to A D . 1 1 3 5

,i s subject to

the same kind of error as t hat manuscr ipt ; butafter that date the “ annus ” i s more carefully n oted


an d, as far as can be ascertained

, the chronologyi s generally r ight.



ifint As manuscript A. i s evi den tly the most an cient,


and therefore the most hi stori cally valuable of thethree copies whi ch we have thus con sid ered

,i t has

been adopted as the basis,as far as i t goes, of the


presen t ed ition ,being collated with manuscripts B .

and C . When manuscript A. ceases,manu script B .

has been used as the text, collated wi th manuscr iptC . Such add ition al matter as was afforded bycollation

,and would cohere w ith the text

,has been

in ser ted throughout in brackets, except that portionwhich in the copi es B . an d C . relates to even tspreced ing the midd le of the fi fth cen tury. Thi spreliminary matter

,inasmuch as i t was prefixed at

a much later per iod to the orig inal form of the

chron i cle,as it stand s in manu script A .

,and i s con

sequently worthless in a hi stori cal point of view ,

has been altogether omi tted from the text,but i s

nevertheless in serted at the close of the P reface.

T he var i ation s of the di fferent copies are inserted Var iousat the foot of the page, and are referred to by a readmgs ’

small numeral ; and when more word s than one are

mean t,a ti ck i s used to indi cate the termination

of the passage in the text.S o long as manuscript A . continues

,a numeral has Marginal

been supplied for each “ annus ” whi ch i s men tioned ,

dates ’

and in order to have an approximati on to the com

mon era,the date 444

,as already stated

,has been

assumed as con curren t wi th i ts fi rst annus,


the Chri stian year has been con stan tly affixed toeach register of events d own to 954

,which would

then correspond wi th the year 5 1 0 of that manuscript. From that period forward

,the chronology of

the manuscripts B . an d C . i s so irregular and

erroneous,that i t has been found impossible to re

duce it to order ; wherefore the real dates havebeen sought

for,as far as they were attainable, from

other and more trustworthy authorities whi ch n oticethe same events, such as the Saxon chron icle and

Florence of Worcester,until we come to 1 097, when

manuscr ipt B . adopts the year of Christ, and i s thu sfollowed in the margin . T he numerals opposite to


the intermed iate years of chron icle C ., wherever they

occur during this“

period,have been main ly con

jectured fr om the position they hold relatively to th especified dates of B .

Why there Owing to the brevi ty of di ction in whi ch so manyof the noti ces

,especially in the former part of the

1 9 1111 9 1 106 5 chr oni cle,have been clothed

,it was found in conven ient

to annex marginal referen ces to each. R ather, therefore

,than that there should ' be any incompleteness, or

want of uni formity in this respect,i t was d eemed

advi sable to omit them altogether. I t is presumed ,however

,that the fuln ess of the index

,together with

the marginal dates, wi ll make up in a great degreefor the defi cien cy

,which otherwi se might have proved

somewhat d isadvan tageous.T he S t1

’ 1e. We may remark upon the style of th e work,that

in many places i t i s extremely faul ty,defective


ungrammatical. A few such inaccuracies have”

beenpoin ted out in the foot n otes

,but in gen eral the text

has been printed as in the manuscript,a course whi ch

has been adopted lest in any way we should inadvertently alter the sen se of the word s

,or mod ify the

pecul iarity of the language, which the compi lers mayhave designedly used .


1 I n draw ing up th is P reface the in the “Montimenta Hi storica B r iE ditor begs to acknowledge the tannica, of wh ich h e has largelygreat help he has derived from that availed h imself.


MS . B .

Ab orbe cond ito adusque A D . 447 .

P r im fecit Deu s lu cem , qu am appellav it

di em . S ecun da di e fecit Deu s fi rmam entum in m edi c aquar um ,

et d iv i s it aqu as ab aqu i s su per ior es ab infer i or ibu s , u t in Gen es i ,

legitur . Tertia di e cong r egav it Deu s aqu as in locum et fecit

terr am appar er e , qu am ar idam appellavi t ,"

congr egationesqu e

aqu arum appellavit m ar ia . Quar ta d i e feci t solem et lanam

d e lu ce pr im e di e facta , et ceter a s id er a in fi rm am ento coel i .

Qu inta di e cr eavi t Deu s n atati lial et volati lia et i p sa d e aqu i s .

S exta di e cr eav i t Deu s animal ia ter r estr ia et i p sum hom in emad s imi li tudin em D ei , m as cul um et foem inam cr eavi t eos , s ci licet

Adam et E vam . S eptim o di e qu i evi t ab omn i oper e su o qu odpatr ar at.

Adam c°xxx

°aetati s su re ann

o genui t Seth , a quo fi l i i D ei,

vixi tqu e anni s d ccccxxx. , et m or tuu s est .

S eth ann o c°v°

genu i t E nos , qui cep it invocar e nomen D ei ,

vixitqu e anni s d ccccxij.E nos


ann o c°xc . genu it Caynan , v ixitqu e anni s dccccv .

C ayn an ann o c°lxx . g enu it Malaleel

, vixi tqu e ann i s d ccccx.

Malaleel ann o c°lv . g enu i t Jar eth , vixi tqu e ann i s d ccc .

Jar eth anno c°lij. genu i t E noc xcv .

, vixi tqu e ann i s d cceclxij.E noch ann o c

°lxv . g enu it Matu salem , v ixi tqu e ann i s ccclxv .

Matu salem clxj. g enui t Lam ee, vi xi tqu e ann i s dcccclxix. I ste

L am ec inter fecit C hain fi lium Adaa fratr i sci dam .

L amec ann o c°lvij. genu it N oe , vi xitqu e anni s d cclxxv ij. N oe

anno d° g enui t S em ; postqu am S em er at xcvi ij. ann ornm ven it

d iluv ium ann o d c . vi tae N oe , m ens e secun do , xvij. di e men s i s ,

ut qui dam volan t . Haec est pr ima aetas , contin en s 1 . d cccclxxxi i ij.S em ver o ann i s duobu s pos t di luv ium genu it Ar ph axath , et

i p se Ar ph axath anno xxxv°

genu it S alem , qu i pr imu s aedifi cator

fu it Jeru salem , et a nom ine ips iu s di cta est S alem ,postea a

J ebu s et Salem di cta est Jeru s alem . S alem anno cxxx°

g enu i t

E bor , a quo Hebr aei . E bor anno c°xxx . g enu i t P halec . P halec

anno c°xxx. genu it R agan . D i i pr imum ador antur . R agan anno

c°xxxij. g enu i t S eru eh . R egnum S cythar um inch oat. S era ch

anno c°xxx . genui tN achor . R egnum E gyptor um inch oat . N achor

ann o lxm i i ij. genu it Thar e. R egnum Affr icorum or itur . Thar e

1 N atalicia in MS .

xxxn PREFACE .

a i i i i o lxxx. g enu i t Abr aham . Z or cas tr i s mag icam ar tem r c

per it . Haec e s t s ecunda ze tas , continens ami os d ccclv ij.

Abraham anno c°

g enu i t I saac . I saac am i o 1x. g enu it Jacob .

Jacob aimo xl . genu it Joseph . P hor oneu s Gr aeci s leges d ed it .Jo s eph anno xxi ij. ob i it in E gypto . S erv i tu do Hebraeor um incip i tin E gypto in cedem anno in qu o Joseph m or tuu s est , et dur av it

per cxl i i ij. ami os . Moi s es r exit popu lum xl . ann i s . A th las

astronom iam docu it . Josue aim i s xxv ij. r exit popu lum pos tMoi sem . E r icton iu s in Tr oja u sum qu adr igae pr imu s inven i t .

P os t h oc fi l i i I sr ael s erv ier unt r egi Mesopotam iae ann i s v i ij. ,

que s Goth om el l iberavi t, et ei s pr aefu it'

alm i s xl . E aptinu s

l itteras Gr aeci s d ed i t . P ostea s erv i erunt Hebr aei r eg i Moab

xvi ij. ann i s , qu os A oth l iber av it , e i s qu e pr aefu it , et qu iev it ter r a

lxxx. nim i s . Debor a popu lum ju d icat . D eind e fi l i i I sr ael s er

v i er unt Jabin r eg i C hanaan am i i s xx. , qu es l iber av i t B arach , ctpr aefu it am i i s xl . Apol lo c ith ar am r eper it . P ostea s erv i erun t

M i d ian iti s , quos l iberav i t Ged eon , et pr aefu it ann i s xl . Mer cur iu s

lyr am con d id it . Ab im elec xxj. C hor u s in Gr aecia inven tu s es t .

Thola ann i s xxxij. P r iamu s L aom edonti s fi l iu s r egnav i t in

Troja . Jah ir xxxij. Carm enti s mater E uandr i l itter as L a

tinorum r cper i t . D eind e fi l i i I sr ael s erv ierunt h ostibu s xy i ij.nim i s , qu os Jepte l iber av it , et praefu i t ai ni i s v ij. Her cu les

flam in i s s e Abes sa ann i s v ij. Alexand er E lenam r apu it .

Abdon ann i s x Tr oja capta est a Gr aeci s , et C ar tago a

Di done inch oatur . Dar es h i stor iam T r ojanor um ed id it . D e ind e

fi li i I s rael s er vi erunt P h i l i stei s xl . aim i s , qu os S am s on l iber av i t,

et pr aefu i t xx. ann i s . [ E n eas in I tal ia mor itur . A s ch ani u s A lbam

condi d it . Heli sacer dos pater Ophn i et P h inees pr aefu it x1 .

ann i s . Ar cha tes tamenti capta est , Ophn i et P h inees occi s i s .

T r ojan i du ce B ru to in B r itann ia ven eru nt . S amuel et S au l

ann i s xl . Homer u s Gr aecorum docti s s imu s claru s h abebatur .

L ocr inu s fi l iu s B ru ti in B r itann ia r egnat . Haec est ter tia aetas ,

continen s dccccx.

Dav id r ex ann i s xl . Gad , A sa pr oph etaverunt in I sr ael .

S alomon am i i s xl . tem plum I er os ol im i s mdifi catur . Am os ,

L eu , Aggeu s pr oph etaverunt . Ru dh i dibr as r egnabat tun e

tempor i s in B r itann ia . R oboam ann i s xv ij. R egnum I sr ael

d iv i d itu r . Abia ann i s tr ibu s , sub qu o Ab im elec ponti fex fu i t .

S aphan xl i i ij. Z achar ias , Johel pr oph etaverunt . Josaph at am i i s

Hel ias , Obed ias , Mi cheas pr eph etaverunt . Jor am ann i s vi ij.Joe l , N aum pr oph etaver unt . Hel ias r apitur , Hel i s eu s pr oph e

tar it . Jouadah s acer dos clarn it . Joas ann i s xl . Heli s eu s Heli c

d i sci pu lu s mor itur . A nas ias aim i s xv . C artago per feete cond ita

es t . Oz ias ann i s xv i ij. R omu lu s et R emu s nas cuntu r . O l ym p iassub Olympo monte a Graeci s in stitu itur . Josu e et Y sayas xxxvi ij.

PREFACE . xxx i ii

anni s . I n pr ime anno potestati s i storum R oma conditu r a

gem in i s fr atr ibu s R em o et R omu lo , xj. k alendas Mai i , d ie S anctae

P al . 1 R egnabat in B r itann ia Cunedas iu s , qu i fu it nepos r eg i s

L er , qu i con d id it L er ecestr i am . A ch az ian xvj. E zech i as ann i sxxix. S enatu s cepi t

es se R omae . S ibi lla claru it . Minon ann i s

xij. P r imu s cen su s ag itur . Jos ias ann i s xxij. Milles iu s ph i los oph u s agnos citu r . Joach im ann i s x . S edech ias ann i s xx.

N abocodonosor Ju deam cep it. Tem plum I erosolim i s incen s am

est . Haec est quar ta aetas , continen s anuos cccclxxj.Hebr aeorum captivi tas inci p i t et dur av it anni s lxx. Hi stor iaJud i th s cr ibitur . Dar iu s ann i s xxxi ij., sed pr ime anno su ae po

testati s eju s Hebr aei a captivi tate sun t l iber ati . N er s es ann i s

xx. Moph ocles , S ocr ates , E u r i p id es celebr antur . A r tas er s es

ann i s xxv . Hesd ras leg em incen sam r enovav it . Alter Dar iu sann i s xv ij. P lato clar u s hab etu r . Hi stor ia Hester completu r .

A r i stotu les et Demos tenes celebr antu r . Mer s es ann i s v i ij. Al exander ann i s v . As iam tenu it , et I er osol imam cep it , et mor tuu s

est . T h olomeu s ann i s xxv i ij. Mach abeor um l iber pr imu s i i i

c ipi t . LXX . inter pr etes agnoscun tur . P h i ladel phu s ann i s xxvi ij .

Jesu s l ibrum S ap i entiae compon it . P h i lopater ann i s xvi ij. P h i

lom eta s ann i s xxvj. S ci p io A ffr i canu s Affr i cam v i s it et C har tag inem d elev i t . B ru tu s Hi span i am subeg i t . S ether ann i s xv ij.Tr aces R omani s subji ciuntu r . Alexander ann i s xj. S yr ia R o

m an i s subjugata est . T h olomeu s ann i s xj. Ar s rh etor i ca cep i tes s e R om ae. D ion i s iu s ann i s xxij. Magnu s P ompeiu s Ju d eam

cep i t, et C leopatr a fi l ia L ag i tunc tempor i s in E g ypto r egnabat ,

et in B r itann ia r egnabat L u d fi liu s Hel y , qu i T r onovantumr cnovavi t, et a nom ine su o L undon iam appellav i t .

Ann u s ante I ncarnationem Dom in i 1x. Ju l iu s Owsar B r itan

n iam bello pul savit et vicit , Cas s ibellano in B r itann ia r egnante .

Ann u s .2

Annu s . Augu s tu s C aesar r egna r ecepit.

Annu s .


Ann u s . N ativ itas Dom in i nos tr i Jesu C hr i sti in B eth leh eem

Ju dae in civ itate Dav id .

Annu s . I nter fectio in fantium .

Annu s .‘

Annu s r ever s ion i s Dom ini de E gypto :Annu s .


Annu s T iber i i Caesar i s , qu i pr imu s post Augu stnm r egnav i t .

Annu s .

1 S ic in MS .

2 Repeated 1 7 t imes .3 Repeated 40 times.

xxxiv PREFACE.

Annu s . Dominu s a Johanne in Jordane bapti z atu s est et

jejunav it et temptatu s est .

Annu s . Aquam in vinum mutavi t Dom inu s eodem d ie quo

bapti z atu s est , r evoluto anno .

Ann u s . Dom inu s pub l i ce praed i cat . Joh ami es B apti sta ob i i t .

A nnu s P as s ion i s Dom ini nostr i Jesu C hr i sti .Annu s .


Annu s Gai caesar i s . Matthmn s E vangelium scr i p s i t .Amm s Oland i N eron i s . P etru s R oma-m , Mar cus A lexandr iam

p eti t.Ann u s .


An nu s C alv i N eron i s , sub quo P etru s cr u cifig i tur . P au lu s

g ladi o tr ad i tu r .

Annu s .


Annu s . V espas ianu s r egnav it .

Annu s . I er osolimam d i ra it .

Annu s .


Annu s Titi Imper ator i s . Hi e p iu s et facrm d u s fu it .Annu s . D om itianu s r egnav it . Johann es E vangeli sta inter

P athmos r elegatur . C lemen s in P ontos ex ulat .

An nu sf’

Annu s N erwe Imper ator i s . Johannes E ph esum r ediens E van

gel ium s cr i p s it .

Annu s T r ajanu s r egnav i t . S imon Cleoph e fi liu s crueifig itu r , et

r equ i escit Joh aim es A postola s .

Annu s .


Ann u s Adr ian i Imper ator i s . Aqu i la interpr es habetur .

Amm s . An ton iu s P iu s r egnavi t . V alentiniu s etMar cion h er etici

agnoscun tur .

Annu s .


A nnu s . Anton iu s m inor r eg navit . C ath afr igar um h er es i s or itu r .

Annu s .


Aimu s . Comodiu s r egnav it . Theodos iu s inter C hr i stianoshabetur .

Annu s .


A nnu s . Heliu s per tinax r egnav it .

Annu s Au r eli i Anton i i , vjaed i tio N ycopolin i r eper itur .

1 Repeated 5 t imes .

6 Repeated 1 8 times.

R epeated 1 3 t imes . Repeated 20t imes .

3 R epeated 1 3 times . 8 R epeated 24 times .

1 R epeated 8 times .9 R epeated 1 8 t imes .

5 R epeated 14 times. 1°Repeated 1 2 times .

xxxvi PRE FAC E .

A nnu s . Jov ianu s r egnav it . Hie cum omn i exer eitu suo

C h r i s t ianu s effi ei tu i '.

A nnu s .

A nnu s . V alentin ianu s r eg nav i t, qu i ab Juliane m i l i tia fuer at

p r ivatu s .

Annu s .

A nn u s . Valens r egnum inch oat .

Annu s . B eatu s Ambros iu s et Mar tinu s E p i s cop i claru er unt.

A nnu s . V alentin ianu s cum T h eodos i o r eg navi t . I er on imu s i n

B eth l eem , A ugu stinu s in Affr ica pr ied ieantu r . Synodu s C on

s tantipolin i eel . E pi scopi s , in ‘qu a omn es h er eses eond emnantu r .

A nnu s .

An n u s . Theodos iu s cum A r ehad io et Honor io r egnant .

Johannes anaeh or ita elar u it .

Annu s .


Ai m u s . Joh ami es C r i sostomu s et Augu stinu s E p i scop i pr ee(l ieantu r .

A lum s .


A lum s . Honor iu s cum T li eodos io M inor e r egnant . C i r illu s

A lexandr iaa claru it . C on s il imn Car th ag in en s e , cexl . E pi scop’


P elag ium condemnat .

Annu s .7

Ann u s . Theodos ius Minor r egnat. E ph es ina synodu s N esto

r ium condemnat .

A lum s .


A nnu s . Mar cianu s imperat . Caleedonen se cons i lium ger itur .

An nu s .


An nu s . S anctu s P atr ieiu s monente angelo Hibern iam peti i t .

A nnu s .

Annu s . L eo major imper at . E gyptu s er ror e B ioscor i latr at .

A nnu s .

Annu s . A dventu s Anglor um Hor s i etHeng i s ti tem por e lVor tig ern i r eg i s .

A nnu s .

1 1

Annu s . Dies tenebrosa s ieu t nox .

R epeated 9 times .7 R epeated 1 4 times .

R epeated 3 t imes . 9 R epeated 25 t imes .

3 R epeated 5 t imes .R epeated 4 times

4 R epeated 1 0 times .

5 Repeated tw ice.

1“ Repeated 1 1 t imes .

6 R epeated 1 2 times .

1 1 Repeated 5 times .


MS. C .

A b orbe condito ad usque A D . 45 3

I ncipiunt C r on ica Venerabi li B ede .


P r ima d ie s eeu l i n ascenti s feci t Deu s la cem , quam appellav it

d iem . S ecunda d i e feci t Deu s fi rmam entum in m edi a aquarum ,

et d iv i s it aqu as ab aqu i s su per ior es ab in fer ior ibu s . Ter tiad ie congr egavi t Deu s aquas in unum locum et fecit ter ram

appar er e . Quar ta d i e fecit Deu s solem et lunam et ceter a

s id er a in fi rmam ento. Qu inta d i e cr eav it Deu s natati lia in aqu i s

et volatilia i n aer e . S exta d ie cr eavit Deu s an im al ia ter r estr ia

et ipsum hom inem , s ci li cet A da-m et E vam . S eptima d ie qu i ev i t

ab omn i oper e su o.

I N CI P IT Pmnx Ai m s .


Oanno su ae eetat i s g enu i t S eth , a qu o fili i D e i .

S eth anno C°v°

g enu i t E nos , qu i cep i t invocar e nom en Dom in i .E nos anno C



g enu it C hayma-n . Ch ay nan anno C°Lxx


g enu i t

Malaleel ; Malaleel anno C°LV


genu i t Jar eth ; Jar eth anno

g enu it E noch ; E noch anno C°v


g enu it Matu s alem ;

Matu s salem aim o C°LXY


genu it Lamech ; Lam ech anno C°LV 1 1


g enu i t N oe ; N oe anno n°

g enu it S eth . E t postqu am S eth er at

XCVI I I ° annornm ven it d i luv ium . Haz e est pr ima eetas , cont inen s

anuos M .D CCCCLXXXI I I .

S E CUND A [E m s

S eth Vero ann i s duobu s post d i luv ium genu i t A rphaxat'

A rph axat anno xxxW ’

g enu it S alan ; S a-lan c°xxx° aimo g enu i t

E ber , a qu o E br ei ; E ber anno c°xxx1 1 1 1° g enu it F alech ; F alech

anno Cf’xxx


g enu it R agan . R agan anno c°xxxn °

g enu i t

S er ueh . R egnum Cythar eum inch oat . S eru ch anno c°xxx


g enu i t N achor . R egnum E gyptior um inch oat . N achor anno



g enu i t Thar a . R egnum A syr iorum or itu r . T h a-ra

anno Lxxx0

genu it A br aham . Thar a astr onom i cam ar tem in

ven i t . Haec est S ecunda aetas , cont in ens annos

T smm E ms .

Abraham anno c°

genu i t Y sane ; Y s aae anno LXO

g enu i t

Jacob ; Jacob anno KLO

genu it Joseph ; Joseph anno xc°m °

mor itu r . S erv itu s E br eorum cep it in E gypto in anno i 110 in

qu o Jos eph mor tuu s est , et d ur av it per C .XL I I I I . annos . Ad lan i

a stronom iam i nven it . Moy s es ann i s XL. r exit popu lum . P os t

Moy sen E r icton iu s 1 11 Tr oiana r eg ione qu ad r igam inven i t. Go

ton iel anno XL. l iteras inven i t A oth anno LXXX° . fabulte

Venerabili B ede] I n a more modern hand.Gm ca s ] Inserted in a later hand.


fi ctae s un t ; Deborr a anno XL .Apollo eyth aram r eper it ; Gedeon

ann o XL . Mer cur iu s lyr am condi dit ; Am elech anno XXI . C horu sin Graeeia inventus est ; Tola ann o XXXI I . P r iamu s r egnavi t

in Tr oia ; Jayr anno XXXI . C arm enti s mater E vandr i li teras

Latinorum r eper i t ; Y epte ann o V I . E r cul es flammi s se injeci t ;Abes sa ann o VI I . Al exander E lenam r apui t ; Jab don ann o X .

Tr oia capta est a Graeci s , et Car tago conditur a D ydone ;

S amp son anno XI X . ZE neas in I tali a mori tur ,et As cani u s eju s

fi li u s Albam -longam condi di t ; Hely s acer dos ann o XL . Ar chatestam enti capta est . B ru tu s As am i i nepos B r i tanni am insul am

ad i it , et r egnum suum Leor i o fil io su o tr ad i di t in fine vi tae

su ae. S amu el et S aul ann o XL . Homeru s claru s habetur . E t

tune tempor i s r egnabat Mad avo L ocr i i fil ius in B r i tann i a. Haee

est terti a a tas , continens ann es n .ccccx .

QUARTO fE ras .

Davi d r ex anni s XL . Gath , N athan , As a pr eph etaveru nt.

S aler on an . XL . Templum I er osol imi s aedifi catur . Amos ,

Jeu , Aggeu s pr eph etaveru nt . E t Rudidi bas ‘ in B r i tanni a

r egnabat tune tempogi s ; R oboam an . XV I I . r egnum I sr ael

et Ju da divi di tur ; Abya an . I I I . sub quo Abym eleeh

ponti fex fui t ; As aph an . XI I I . Z achar i as et Johel ”

pr o

ph etaverun t ; Josaphat an . XX . E lyas , Abias , Mi cheas pro

ph etaverun t ; Jor am an . VI I I . Joel , N aum pr eph etaverun t ;

Ocoz i as an . I . E lyas r apitur , E ly s eu s pr oph etavi t ; Gotoli a

an . VI I . Jonadab sac er dos ; Joas an . XL . E ly seu s m or itur ;

Avas ias an . XV. Cartago per fi dem condi tur claru it ; Ozias an .

XVI I I . R omul u s et R emu s nascun tur . Olym p ias a Gr aeci s in a

stru i tu r ; Josu e et Y sayas an . XXXVI I I . I n pr ime anno potestati s eorum R oma con ditur a R emo et R omul o XI

° k alen d as

Mai i . E t in B ri tanni a r egnabat Cunedagiu s , qui erat neposr egi s Leyr . Agaz an . XVI . ; E zechi as an . XXI X. S enatus R omae

h abetur ; Manas ses an LV. S ib illa clar uit ; Amen an . XI I .

P r imu s cen su s agi tur ; Josi as an . XXI I . Tales ph ilosoPhu s

agnosci tur ; Joachym an . X . ; S edech i as an . XI I . N abugodonosor

Ju deam cap it . Tem plum I er osolimi s incen sum est. Haec est

quarta aetas , continens annos CCCCLXXI .

QUI NTA E ras .

E breorum captivi tas in cepit et duravi t anni s LXX. Hi stori aJu dith s er ibitur ; Dar i u s an . XXXI I I . S ed pr o anno suae potes z

tati s E br ei a captiv itate sunt liberati . Xer ses an . XX. S ophocles ,Socrates , E uri p ides celebr antur . Ar taxer ses an . XXXV. E s

I n ma rgin Run Hirvras .

PREFACE. xxxix

d ras legem incensam r enovavi t. Alter Dar iu s an . XVI I .r egnavit . P lato claru s habetur . Alter A rtarxer ses an . XL I .

r egnavi t. Hi stor ia E ster eompletur . Ter tiu s A rtarxer ses an .

XXVI . Ar i stoteles et Demosthenes celebrantur . X erxes an . VI I I .Dar iu s an . V I I . Alexander an . V. A syam tenu it , et I er osol i

mam cep it , et mortuu s est . T h olomeu s an . XXVI I I . Mach abeorum

l iber pr imu s inci p it . LXX . inter pr etes agnoscuntur . P hi ladel

phu s an . XXVI I I . E u er g ites an . XXVI I . Jesu s l ibr um Sap i entiaecompon i t . P hi lopater an . XVI I I . r egnavit . P h ilomenter an .

XXVI . r egnavi t . S cippi o Afi'

r ieam vi cit. E u erg ites an . XXIX.B r u tu s Hy span iam subeg it . S ether an . XVI I . Traces R oman i s

subji eiuntur ; Al exander an . XI . Syr ia Roman i s subjugata est ;

T olomeu s an . IX. r egnav it . Ar s rh etor i ca R omae cep it . D yo

ni s iu s an . XXI I . r egnav it . Magnu s P ompeiu s Ju deam cap it.E t C leopater tune tempor i s in E gypto r egnabat . E t in B r i

tanni a r egnabat Lud fi liu s B eli , qu i T r inovantum r enovaV i t , et

d e nom ine suo Lundon iam appellav it . Ju l iu s C aesar XV. an.

E t in pr im e qu in qu enn i o subjugavi t Galliam . I n s eeundo

qu in qu enn io B r itann iam , u t in R omani s hi storn s r eper itur .

S cr i ptum est enim qu od Ju l iu s Caesar R omanorum pr imu s B r i

tanni am bello pulsavi t , ann o ab urbe condi ta ante

ver o I ncarnationem Domin i L°. Cas s ibellaunu s B elin i fil iu s

r egnabat in B r itannia tune tempor i s . Ulter io vero qui nquenn i od evi eit P ompeium , et monar chi am totiu s mundi tenu it . Octo

v ianu s Caesar post Ju lium r egnaV i t anni s LV . S ed in XL . anno

eju s imper i i n atu s est C hr i stu s . Que etiam anno qui nta aetas

fin i tu r , continens annes D XXXI I I . C olliguntur ergo ab or igineM

mund i u squ e ad Ch r i stum ann i I I I I .D CC .L I I I I .

SEXTA fEm s .

I dem Oetavianu s Caesar post N ativitatem Domini ann i s XV.r egnav it . T enuantiu s erat r ex B r itanni ae nepos Cass ibellaimi

r eg i s . T yber iu s an . XXI I I . I n tempor e i stiu s passu s est Dom inu s . I n B r itann ia r egnav it Kymbel inu s T enuanti i fi liu s . Caiu s

Cal igu la an . 1 1 1 1 . r egnav it. Matheu s evangelium s cr i p s it. I n

B r itann ia r egnabat A rvir agus r ebell i s . N ero an . XI I I I . P etrus

et P aulu s pass i sunt. V espas ianu s an . X. I er osol ima a Titosubvertitur . A rv iragu s adhu e in B r itann ia r egnabat. Titu san . 1 1 . Hie faeundu s et p iu s fu i t. D om icianu s an . LXI I . r egnavi t. Johannes in P athmos r elegatur . N erva an . I . I ohannes

E ph esum r edi it. T raianu s an . XIX . r egnavit. Johannes Apostolu squ iev it. A dr ianu s an XXI . regnavit. Aqui la interpr es habetur .

An toni u s an . XXV. regnavit . Valentiu s et Mar cion agnoseuntur .

Hystorum in M S .

x1 P RE FACE .

Al ter Anton iu s an . .\ 1x. Ca ta l'

r iga r um h er e s i s or itu r . Comm o

d u s an . XI I I . r egnav it. T h eod ition in terpr e s habetu r . S i lv iu s

per tinax an . I . Hie n ih i l h i s tor iae habet . S everu s an. XVI I I .Symaeu s interpr es habetu r . An ton iu s an . V I I . Qu inta edi tio

Jerosolim i s inven itur . Maer inu s an . 1 . Hie n ih il h i stor i eshabet. Au r e l iu s an . I I I . S abell iu s or i tur . Al exand er an . XV I .

Or ig ines ins ign i s habetu r . Maximu s an . I I I . I ste Germ anos

V ieit . Gord ianu s an . V I I . I s te d e P ar th i s et P er s i s tr iumph avi t .

P h i l ippu s an . V I I . Hie p r imu s im per ator fui t. Deciu s an . I .

r egnavi t. An toni u s m onac h a s elaru i t. Gal lu s an . I I . r egnav i t .

N ova-tu s h er es im cond id it . Valer ianu s an . XV. r egnavi t Cypr iamu s m artyr io coronatu r . C lau di u s an . I I . Hi e nih i l h i stor iaa

habet. A u r e l iu s an . V. Hie C hr i sti anos per s equ i tur . T aeiu s

an . I . Hi e ni h i l h i s tor iae habet . P r obu s an . V I . Monachor umMani eh eorum or ta est h er es i s . C lar u s an . 1 1 . Hie n ih i l h i sto r ieshabet . D yoel i cianu s an . XX. r egn av i t. I ste d iv in i s l ibr i s com

bu sti s C hr i stianos in ter feei t . Galer i u s an . I I . N ih il h i stor iashabet. C ons tantinu s an . XXX . r egnav i t. N i cena syn odu s con

g r egatur . A lter Constantinu s an . XXI I I I . r egnavi t . An thr opom or

ph itarum h er es i s or itur . Ju lianu s an . I I . Hie ex C hr i stianoP aganu s effi citur . Jov ianu s an . I . Hie i ter um Ch r i sti anu s effi ci o

tu r . V alentin i anu s an . XI I I I . regnavi t . Gothi h er eti ci effi eiun

ttu '

. Grannu s an . V I . r egnav i t. A dventus An glorum in

est , Hor s et Heng i st , ann o ab I ncarnati one Dom iniCCCC



, Gu r th eir no exi s tente r ege B r itonum . Alter V a

lentianu s an . V I I . r egnav it . I er o sol im i s et in B ethleem pr eed icatu r . E t P as eha mu tatu r su p er d i em D om in ieum a Leonepapa .



A .D .

LVI I I . Annus— LXX I . Annus.LXXI I . Annus. B ellum B adon is , in quo

1 Arthur

por tav i t erueem Domin i n ostri Jesu Chr i sti

tribus d iebu s et tribus noetibus2 in humer os


’ 3et Bri bones v i ctores fuerunt .

LXXI I I . Annus— LXXVI . Annus.

LXXVI I . 4San ctus Columcille’nascitur .

5Qu ies

Sanctae Br igidae.

LXXVI I I . Annus— XC I I . Annus.XC I I I . Annu s. 6 Crueith Camlann ,

in qua Arthur

et Med rau t corruere7et mortalitas in Br it

tan ia et in Hiberni a fui t.’

e V . Annus— XC I X. Annus.

C. Annus. 8 D ormitatio C iaran i .’

C I . Annus. C I I . Annus.

C I I I . Annus. 9 Mor tali tas magna1°[fui t in

Britann i a] in qua pansat Mai lcun rex Gen


1 °

[Unde di eitur , Hi r hun Wa i lgun

en lli s Ros .

’ Tune fui tei v. A nnus— CXI I I . “Annus.

CXIV: Annus .

1 9 Gabran fi lius D ungar t moritur.’

CXV . Annus— CXVI I . Annus.CXVI I I . Annus .

1 3 Colum ci lle in Br ittan ia exn t.’

CXIX. Annus, CXX . Annus.

‘ A rthurus , C . R ex A rturusa B . N ot in B .C.


N“ in C ' I n humer is sui s , 8’ N 0t‘


n C . . D ormitio Karann i,

3 ’et V ictor fuit, C . I n i llo prce

lio eeeid erun t Colgr inus et R adu lphu s Anglorum duces , B .


5’ Sa. B rigida in Chr isto ob ii t, B .

S .B r igida qui ev i t, C .

6’ B ellum Camlan , in quo inelitus

A rthurus rex B ri tonum et Modred us proditor suus,mutui s vulneribuscorruerunt.

ZVot in C .

10 B .

1 ‘ B etween the year s ex. and cxx.

the word A nnus i s repeated tent imes in A .

‘2’ N ot in C . Gawran Wradouc

fi lius D inwarch ob iit,B .

‘3 ’ N ot in C . Columch i lla ex Hibern ia venit in B r itannia, B .

l B .


CXX I . Annus. 1

[N avigatio Gildae in Hybern ia.]CXXI I . Annus — CXXIV . Annus.CXXV. Annus. l

[Synodu s Victorias apud Br i

tones congregatur .]CXXVI . Annus. Gi ldas 2

[Br i tonum sapientis

simu s] obi i t.CXXVI I . Annus. CXXVI I I . Annus.CXXI X. A nnus. B ellum 3 A rmter i d 1

[interfi lios E lifer et Guend olen fi lium Keid iau ; in

quo bello Guendolen ceci dit : Merlinus insanus

effectu s e st ]CXXX. Ann us . B renda-n 4 BYror dorm itatio.

CXXXI . Annus — CXXXV. Annus.CXXXVI . Annus.

5 Cruur ei et P eretur l

[filnE lifer]

Gmor i tur .

CXXXVI I . Annus— CXXXIX. Annus.

CXL . Annus. 7 B ellum contra S E ubon iam,


9 ’ d ispositio D anieli s 1 ° Baneorum

CXLI . Annus — CXLIV . Annus .

CXLV. An nus. 1 1 Convers io Con stantin i ad Do~

minum .

CXLVI . Annus~ — CXLIX. Annus.

CL Annus. 1

[E dilber tus in Anglia rexit.]CL I . Annus. 12 Columci lle moritur.’ ‘3 Dunantrex moritur ’ 14Agu stinus

’4Mellitus Anglos

ad Chr istum converti t.’

eL I I . Annus — CLVI . Annus.

D e CplSCOpO2 B . Sap i ens , C .

3 E rder it, B . A rder it. C .

“ Berur ob iit, B . B errur mo

r itur , C .

5’ N ot in C . Gurgi , B .

6 moriuntur , B .

7’ ZVot in C .

E umon iam ,B .

depos itio, B .

Dan iele Bangor , C .

W Baugoren sis , B .

N ot in C .

"3 Columch i lla, B .

’N ot in C .

1 3 Damand , C .

’D unauut fi lius

P abo ob i it, B .

“IIVOt m B .

'5 m ittitur convertere, B .


CLVI I . Annu s. S inodus urbis I Legion2

[ordi nata

a S . Davi de Menevensi archi episcopo.] Gregorius obi i t in Christo. Davi d 3

epi scopus4Mon i

ju deorum .

CLVI I I . An n us— CLX I . 5 Annus .

CLXI I . Annus .

6 Di spositio C innaue’ epi scopi .

CLXI I I . Annus . 7 Aidan 8 map Gabran moritur.’

CLXIV. Annus — CLXVI I . Annus .CLXVI I I . Annus. 9 Conth igi rn i obitu s

,et D ibrio

epi scopi .’

CLX IX. Annus . 1 °Gueith Cair Legion ; et ibi

ceci d it S elim fi li i C inan . E t I acob fi li i

dorm itatio.

CLXX. Annus . CLXXI . Annus.CLXXI I . Ann us. 1 1 Ceretic obi it.CLXXI I I . Annus. l 2 E tgu in in cipit’ regn are.CLXXIV. An nus — CLXXIX. Annu s .

C LXXX. Annus . Sol obscuratus est.CLXXXI Annus .

CLXXXI I . Annus. 1 3 E tgu in bapti z atu s est ;14et

Run fil ius Urbgen bapti z avi t eum .

CLXXXI I I . Ann us. Belin 1 5 moritur.C LXXXIV . Annus .CLXXXV. Annus . Obsessio 1 6 Catguollaun regi s

in insula Glannaue.

l L egionum, B .C .

2 C .

3 ’ Menevensis archi episcopus in

Dom ino qu iev it, C .

4’ Meneven si s obn t, B .

5 B etween th e years CLX . and

CLXX . th e word ‘A nnu s i s repeatedten t imes in A .

Gum empi t, B .

6 ”N ot in C .

’D epositio Kenaue, Guin B9 o

1 "a P auline e isco

N ot m C .


p po E b01 acen51 ,

8’ fi lius Gawran obu t , B . 15ob i it , B .

N ot in C . Chendeirn obn t, B .

‘6’ Catwallaun, B .

1° Bellum Kairlion , in quo Seysilfi lius Chinan et I acob filius B elimoriun tur cum mul tis ali is , B .

Bellum Caer Leg ion , in quo S illafilius K

enan cecidi t, C .

1 1 A ll from henceforward to the

year CCI .ar ewanting in C . Cheredi,

B .


CLXXXVI . Annus.“ l Cru i dgar ven it et non redit


Kal. Jaunar.’ 2 Gueith Meieeren ; et ibi’in

terfeetu s est 3 E tguin cum duobus fi liis sui s4 Ca tguollaaun autem

’ vi ctor fuit.CLXXXVI I . Ann us. B ellum Cantscaul, in quo5 Catguollan


[cum sui s] eorrui t.

CLXXXVI I I . Annus. Strages Sabrinae, et jugulatie 7 I ndri s .CLXXXIX. Annus — CXC IX. Ann us.CC . Annus. B ellum 8 Cocboy, in quo Oswaldrex 9 N ordorum et 1 0 E oba rex Merciorum l l


ruerun t.

CC I . Annus. 1 2 P ereuss io D emeticae regionis .

quando coenobium David ineen sum est. 1 3

CC I I . Annus— CC IV. Annus.C CV . Ann us. 6

[Guenti s strages .]CCVI . Annus. Or tus stellae.

CCVI I . Annus — CCXI . Annus.CCXI I . Annus. S trages

14 C an Campi .CCXI I I . Annus . 1 5 P antha ocei sio.

CCXIV. Annus. 1 6Osgui d ven i t et praedam duxi t.

CCXV. Annus. CCXVI . Annus,CCXVI I . Annus. 1 Commene fota.’

CCXVI I I . Annus. 1 7 Brocmai l 6

[E schitrauc] mo

ritur .

CCXI X. Annus. CCXX. Ann us.

1 ’ N ot in B . obierunt, B .

2’ Bellum Meigen, in quo, 3‘2’ P ercu ssio D emetiae, B .

”N ot

3 E dwinu s, B ,

4’ Catwallaun vero, B .

5 Catwallaun ,B .

in C .

1 3 A ll to the year CCXXXVI I I .wanting in C .

Gai , B .

‘5 P endae, B .

"3 Oswid , B .

‘7 B roehwai l,B .

‘3ob iit, B .


CCXX I . Annus. P rimum P aseli a apud Saxones

celebratur .

1 B ellum Badon is secundo . Mor

can t moritur.’

e‘XXI I . Annus— CCXX IV. Annus.

CCXXV. Annus. 2 Osgu id rex Saxonum mori tur.

CCXXVI . Annus — CCXXXI . Annus.

CCXXX I I . Annus. S tella m irae m agn itud ini s vi sa

est per totum mundum 3 lucens.

CCXXXI I I . Annus— CCXXXVI I . Annus.

CCXXXVI I I . Annus . Mor talitas magna fui t in

B ri tann ia,

4 in qua Catgualart fi liu s Catguo

laum obi it.’

CCXXX IX. Annus. 5 Mor tali tas G

[fu i t] in Hibern ia.’

CCXL. Annus . Terrae motus in 7 E ubon ia factaest’ 8 magnus.CCXLI Annus. — CCXLIV. Annus.CCXLV. Annus. P luvia sanguin ea

9 facta est’ inBritann ia

, et10

[in Hybern ia,] lac et butir um

ver sa sunt in sanguinem .

CCXLVI . Annus. 6

[Lun a in sanguineum versaest colorem .]

CCXLVI I . Annus— CCLIX . Annus.CCLX. An nus. 1 1 A lehfr id rex Saxonum 1 2

obn t.1 3 D orm itatio Adomnan

CCLXI . Annus — CCLX IX. Annus.CCLXX. Annus. N ox luci da 1 4fuit sieut ’ d ies.

1 ’ IVot in B .

2 Oswid , B .

3 lucere, B .

pro qua Catwalad ir filius Cat

wallaun in M inorem B r itanniam

aufugit, B . E t Cadwallader rexB ritanniam dereliquit et ad A rmor icam regionem perrexit, C .

5' N ot in C .

6 B .

7 ’ E umon ia, B . B rittannia, C.

8 N ot in C .

9 ’ceci di t, B .

1° B .C .

A elfr id , B . A delstan, C .

mor itur, C .

‘3 ’ N ot in B .C .

N ot in B . facta est, ut, C .


1 major rex 2 F rancorum obu t’ 3 inP ipinus

Chri sto’.C CLXX I . Annus. CCLXX I I . Annus.CCLXXI I I . Annus .

4 Osbr it rex Saxonum 5 m o


CCLXXIV. Annus. Consecratio 6 Mi chaeli s A rchangeli

’ ecclesiae.

CcLxxv . Annus. CCLXXVI . An nus.CCLXXVI I . Annus . E stas tor r i da.

C CLXXVI I I . Annus. Beli fi lius 7 E lfi n mori tur,

8et bellum 9Hebi l apud 1 ° Cornuenses ;

1 1

gueith1 2 Gar tmailaue


’ 1 3eat P en con apud d extrales

Br ittones ; et B ri ttones vi etores fuerunt 1 4 in

i sti s tribus belli s.’

CCLXXIX. Annus— CCLXXXI I I . Ann us.

C CLXXXIV. Annus. Bellum 1 5morti s Carn o .CCLXXXV. Annu s — CCLXXXIX. Annus.CCXC . Annus . 1 6

[I vor fi lius Cadwallader ]CCXC I . Annus. Beda pr esbyter 1 7 dormit.CCXC I I . Annusf 1 8 Ougen r ex P ictorum obn t.

CCXC I I I . Annus.— CCCV. Annus.

CCCVI . Annus. 1 9 Bellum inter P ietes et B r ittones


14 i d est gu eith Moeetauc,’ 90

et rex

2 1eorum T alargan

22 a B r i ttoni bus- 3 T eudubr fil ius B eli ’ moritur.

N ot in B .C .

2’ F raneiae mor itur , C .

3 ’ N ot in B .C .

Osfr it, B .

’not in C .

5ob iit, B .

6’ S . Michael , C . S .Mi chaelis inmonte Gargano, B .

7 E lphi ni , C .

’E lpll in obnt, B .

3 N ot in B .C .

9 Heil, B . Hey ], C .

Cor inenses, B . Cornub iam , C

bellum Gardmai lauc, C.

Gar thmailaue, B .

‘3 ’ bellum P entun inter B ritones

et Saxones ; sed B r i tones V ictores

in h ii s omn ibus fuer unt, Iwor ex

i stente duce eorum , C .

N ot in B .

‘5 Montis, B . C .

1 6 C .

Mor itur ; qu i hunc librum Cro

n ieum annuatim composa it , C .

‘5 Ow inu s, B . Oweyn , C .

‘9’ [Vet in C .

0 N ot in C .

P ictornm ,B .C .

occisus est, B .

23 Tendar , B .

ah Heli , C .


ccovn . Ann us — CCC IX. Annus.CCCX. An nus . 1 Rotr i rex B rittonum 2 moritur.CCCXI . Annus. C CCX I I . Annus.CCCXI I I . Annus. 3 E dwald rex Saxonum 2 moritur.CCCXIV. Annus . CCCXV. Annus.C CCXVI . Annus. 4 B ellum inter B r ittones et

S axones,


5 id est gu ei th Hirford,et

’ 6 D un

nagual fi li i T eudubr’ moritur.”

CCCXVI I . Annus -CCCXXI I I . Annus .CCCXX IV. Annus 7 P asca commu tatur

’ apudB r ittones



[super D om in icam d iem,] emendante

9 E lbodugo homin e’D ei .

CCCXXV. Annus — CCCXXX. Annus.CCCXXXI . Annus. 1 ° F ernmai l fi lius 1 1 I udhail

mori tur.’

CCCXXXI I . Annus. Cemoyd rex P ictorum1 8 obi it.CCCXXXI I I . Annus. ‘4Cudberth abbas 1 5mori tur .CCCXXX IV. Annus. V astatio Br ittonum dextralium 1 6 apud C fi



1 7

[rege Saxonum].CCCXXXV. Annus— CCCXXXIX. Ann usCCCXL. Annus. V astatio B r ittonum cum Ofi


in aestate.

CCCXLI . Annus— CCCL. Annus.

R odri,B .C .

2obiit, B .

E dphalt, B . E dwalt , C .

4” N ot in C .

N ot in B .

6 ’ D enawal fi lius T eudur, B .

7 P ascha, B .— mutatur

, C .

S E .

9 B lbodu, C .

’E lbodo servo, B .

1° F ernwai l,B . Sernmai l

, C .

d al, C . I dwal obnt, B .

‘2 Chemoith, B .

B mor itu r, C .

Cubertus , B . Cudbertus, C .

1 5ob iit, B .C .

1 °ab

, C .

C .


CCCLXIX. Annus. B ellum inter l Higuel2


,Howel] v ictor fuit.’

CCCLXX. Annus. 8 T on itru um magnum fui t,et

incend ia multa 4 fecit. 5 T r i fun fi lius 8 B egin

mor itur.’ 7 E t Gr iphi ud’ fi lius 8 Cincen dolosa

d ispensatione’ a fratre suo 9 E li z ed post inter

vallum duorum men sium interfi ei tu r .” 1°Higu el

1 1 de Mon ia in sula tr iumphav i t, et1 8 C inan d e ea

expul it1 8 cum contr i tione magna exereitu s su i .

CCCLXX I . Annus.CCCLXXI I . Annus. 14Higuel iterum

’de 1 5 Mon ia

expulsu s est1 8[a Kenan z]

1 7 C inan rex mori tur.’

1 8

[Saxon es ni ontes Erer i et regnum Roweynaue

invaserun t.]CCCLXXI I I . Annus. 1 9 Gueith L annmaes .

CCCLXXIV . Annu s. 89

[Cen iul regiones Demetorum vastav i t.]CCCLXXV. Annus - CCCLXXVI I . Annus.C CCLXXVI I I . Annus. 8 1 A reem D ecan toru n i

’ aS axoni bus d es tru itur ; et 9 8

regionem P oyu is’

in 28 sua potestate’ traxerunt.”

CCCLXXIX. Annus— CCCLXXX. Annus.CCCLXXXI . Annus. 24Higuel

25 mori tur.

1 Howel , B .C .1

2 B .

et Kenaa, sed V ictor fuitKenan, C .

3 ” N ot in C .

1 N ot in B .

5 T r ifi n,B .

Rein ob iit,B .

Gr ifri , B .

5’ Chengen dolose, B .

11” B lissed occiditur,B .

1° Howel , B .

’Howel iterum pu

gnavi t contraKenan , et expulit cumde Mona insula

, C .

B .

1 1 Howel , C .

’Howel,B .

18 Mon ,B .

C .

1 7 ’sed postea Kenan moritur , C .

Chinan rex obiit, B .

1 3 B . Saxones inmontibus E rer ivastaverunt, C .

19 Bellum L lanmais. —L anvays , C .

20 B .

2 1’ A rx D eganhui , B .


ar cem D egannoe destruxerunt, et

r eg ionem Beweis vastaverunt, C .

2" P owis, B .

suam potestatem,B .

2 1 Howel , B .C .

25obi it, B .


A .D .


[Eclipsi s lunm]8 Lau

d ent moritur,

et' 3 Satur b iu hai l Min in ’

4moritur.CCCLxxxvn I . Annus— CCCXCV. Annus.CCCXCVI . Annus. 5 N obis episcopu s in Min iu

r egnav it.

CCCXCV I I . Annus .CCCXCVI I I . Annus. 8 I udguoll moritur.

CCCXC IX. Annus.CCCC . Annus. 7 Merm in moritur.’ 8 Guei th

Ceti ll.’

C C CC I . Annus— CCCC I I I . Annus.CCCC I V . Annus. 9 Gueit F innant.’ 1 9 I udhai l

r ex’ 1 1 Guent a vi r i s 1 8 Broeen iau c occisus est .

CCCCV . Annus. 1 8 Mour io occi su s est’ a Saxon ibu s .

CCCCV I . Annus. 14 Cinnen a gen tilibu s jugulatur .

CCCCV I I . Annus— CCC CV I I I . Annus.C C CC IX . Annus. 1 5 Mon vastata

’ 1

[est] a genti libu s 1 8

n igriCCCCX . Annus. 1 7 Cinnen rex P ou is in Roma’

obi i t.CCCXI . Annus.

1 3 .1° Ytli ail

, C .

’I thail dominus , B .

9’ N ot in B .C . mor itur, C .

Satur w in episcopus Meneven

s is , B . Sadurnven C .

12 B recheinauc , B .

1 3 Meur ie, B .— occid itur , C .

‘1Obn t

, B .

5 N ew s episcopatnm suscepi t, B .

IN O1 "1 C 01911a a gennbus

N evis est epi scopus Menevensis , C .

08 8 1 8 11 5 9 5 1, B

6’ N ot in C . I dwalaum obii t, W M03 13 “151 3 1 11 13 C

B 18 N ot in C .

2 Merh in, C .

’Merwin ob i it, B . m Cengen P ow is R0mm,B .

8 Gueit, B .

’B ellum C itll, C . E ygen rex P owis iw C .

9 B el lum, B .-F ynant, C .


CCCCXI I . Annus . 1 Cemoyth ,

rex P ictorum2 mori tur ; et I onathan princeps 8 Cpergelei

moritur .

ceceXI I I . Annus— ccccxv. Annus .

CCCCXVI . Annus. 4

[Mai leaehlen obi i t .]ccccxv n. Ann us .

CCCCXV I I I . Ann us .

5 Catgu eithen expuls us est.’

ccccxrx. Ann u s.CCCCXX. Ann us. 6 Duta vas tavit 7 Gliu i signg.

CCCCXXI . Ann us. 8 Ci ann ant in mer’ 9 obii t.CCCCXXI I . An nus . Urbs 1 °E braue 1 1

vastata est’19 i d est cat Dub gin t.

cccoxxm . Annus . cccexxrv. Annus.CCCCXXV . Annus .

1 8 Cat 14Brin Onn en.

CCCCXXV I . Ann us. 1 5 Arx Alt-Clut a gentilibusfraeta es t .

CCCCXXVI I . Ann us .

18 Guoeeaun mersus est,

’ rex1 7 Cetericiaun.

CCCCXXV I I I . Annus .

CCCCXX IX . An nus. 1 8 N obi s 1 9

[epi scopus]89et

21 Mourio mor iuntur .

’ 88 Gueith 28 Bannguolou .

CCCCXXX. Annu s. 84

[Llanwerth epis00pus conse

1 Ceinod , B . N ot in C .1 4Wren

, B .

2Ohm, B 15 N ot in B .

’N ot in C .

3 ’ A bergeleu obnt, B .

4 B . Matus alem mor itur, C .

Gugan , B .

’Gogaun mergitur ,

5 Catweith en , B .

’N ot in C .

8 Dutta, B .

’N ot in C .

1 7 Ceredigian. B . Keredi giaun ,

7 Gliu i ssig, B .

8’ Ch ian N ant newer, B . Kenan ,

9 mori tur , C ,

1° E brauci , B .

1 1’vastatur , C .

1 2’ Cat D u lin , B . N ot in C .

18’ N ot in C .

1 3 N ovus, B . N ovis,C .

1 9 B .C .

20’ mor itur.2 1 Meuruc, B .

22’ N ot in C .

23 B annoleu , B .

24 B ‘


E . 1 5

CCCCXXX I . Annus. 1 D umgarth rex 8 Cerni u8

[id est Cornubiae] mer sus est.’

CCCCXXX I I . Annus. 4Gueith D iu Sul 5 in ’ Men .

CCCCXXX I I I . Annus. 8 B otri , et 7 fi lius eju s8C u

riat,a Saxon ibu s ’ 9

jugulatur .

CCCCXXX I V . Annus. 19 A ed map N eill moritur.’

coccxxxv. Annus.CCCCXXXV I . Annus. 1 1 Gni eit Conguoy digalRotr i a Deo .’ 8

[Crueit Conan i .]CCCCXXXV I I . Annus.CCCCXXXV I I I . Annus. 1 8 Catgueithen obi it.

CCCCXXXI X. Annus . CCCCXL . Annus.CCCCXL I . Annus. 1 8Higuel in R oma

’ 14defimctu s


CCCCXL I I . Annus.CCCCXL I I I . Annus. 1 5 Cerball d efunctus est.’

eccexmv. Annus.CCCCXLV . Annus. 8

[Subin Seotorum sapientissi

mus obn t ]CCCCXLV I . Annus. CCCCXLV I I . Annus.CCCCXLV I I I . Annus. 1 8Himejrd moritur.

CCCCXLIX . Annus.CCCCL . Annus. 1 7 Anaraut cum Anglis veni t vastare 18 Cereticiaun et 1 9 Strattui .

D umnarth , B .

’N ot in C . B ellum Conui, id est D ial B otri ,

2 Cerneu, B .C

1 2 Cathweithen, B .

’N ot in C .

I 3 ,

4’ Bel lum di e Dominica apud,C .

Hoelus Romae, B ’ Howel


)B ° 14’

Obl l t, B .

11 R odri, B .C . 15’ N ot in B .C .

frater , B . 18 Hiveid , C .

’N ot in B .

8 C um at, B .

’N ot in C . 1 7’ A naraud cum Saxonibus va


Jugulantur, B . occiduntur, C . stavit Kered ig iaun, C .

1 11 ’ N ot in B .C . 1 8 Cered igaun, B .

1 1’ Bellum Oongni Dial Rotri , B .19 StrateWyaB


A .D .

CCCCL I . Annu s. 1 N ordman i venerunt et vastaverunt Loyer et B r iehen iauc et Guent et

C u inn ligu iau c.

CCCCL I I . Annus. 2

[Pani s in Hibern ia defecit.

Vermes de aere ceciderunt talpze simi les cumduobus dent ibu s

, qu i totam comederunt : qu i

ejeeti sun t jejun io et oratione]CCCCL I I I . Annus .

CCCCL I V . Annus. 2

[Elstan rex Saxonum obn t ]CCCCLV . Annus .CCCCLV I . Annus. 8 Albri t rex 4Gineys moritur.

CCCCLV I I . Annus.CCCCLV I I I . A nnus. 1 I gmunt in in sula Mon ve

n it, et tenuit maes C smeliaun.

CCCCL IX . Annus. 8

[Merwyn fi lius Rodr i obn t,

et]6 L oumar ch fi lius 7Hiem i d mor itur.’

CCCCLX. Annus. 8 Rostri 9

[fi liu s Heweid]9 de

cole est in A rgu i stli .’

CCCCLXI . Annus.CCCCLXI I . Annus . 1 °Gu ei th D inmeir

,et Min iu

fracta est.’

C CC CLXI I I . Annus. 1 1 Guor chigu i l8

[epi s00pus]1 8 mor itur


1 8

[et Cormu c

CCCCLXI V . Ann us. Asser 1 4

[epi scOpu s]4 d efun

otus est.’

CCCCCLXV . Annus. 1 5 Catell 1 6

[fi lius B odr i ]1 7rex

1 8 moritur.

1 ’ N ot in B .C .

B .

3 A lwryt, B .

’N ot in C .

‘1 ’ob i it

,B .

5 E . Merv in rex fi nus B odr ioecid itur a gentilibus , C .

6 L lewarch , P .

’N ot in C .

Heweid occi sus est,B .

Catel B Cadelh C11 Rod ri , B .

’N ot in C . 18 B .C .

9’ deeollatus est, B .1 7 N ot in B C .

Menevia deleta est,B . B el

lum D yner th , C .

Gorchew i l, B .

’N ot in C .

‘2 Obiit, B .

1 3 B . Cormuch rex Hybem l ze

obnt, C .

B .

'episcopus B ritanniae fi t



A .D .

CCCCLXV I . Annus— CCC CLXV I I I . Annus.CCCCLXIX . Annus. 1 O tter ven it 2 [in B r itann iam , ]CCCCLXX. Annus .

CCC CLXXI . Annus. 3 Anarau t rex 4

[B r itonum]5 moritur.CCCCLXX I I . Annus .C CCCLXX I I I . Annus.C CCCLXXI V . Annus.C CCCLXXV . Annus.C CCCLXXV I . Annus.C CCCLXXV I I . Annus.

6 A elfi ed regina. obut.

7 C l itauc rex occisas est.’

8 Gu ei th D inas’ 9 N egu id .

C CCC LXXV I I I . Annus — CC CCLXXX I I I . Annus.C CCC LXXXI V . Annus. 1° B igu el rex perrexi t ad

R omai n .

1 1

[Helena obi it.]CCCCLXXXV . Annus— CCCCXC . Annus.CCCCXC I . An nus. 1 2

[Gr ifi nu s fi lius Oweyn obi it.]CCCCXC I I . Annu s . CCCCXC I I I . Ann us.CCCCXC I V . Annus . 1 3 B ellum Brun e.

CCCCXCV . Annus. 14Himeid fi lius 1 5 Cli tauc,1 6et

1 7 Mour io’ 1 8 mori tur.C CCCXCV I . Annus.CCCCXCV I I . Annus . 1 9 Aedelstan 2

[rex Saxonum]5 moritur.CCCCXCVI I I . Annus.

O ter , B . O thyr , C .

3 Anaraud, C .

4 B .

5obn t, B .C

6 E dfi ed , B . E delfiet, C .

7 ’ N o t i n B . C ledau fi lius Cadelloccidi tur , C .

8 G ueit, B .

’B el lum Dynas , C .

9 N ew it, B .C .

1°Howelus D a fi lius Catel Romamivit, B . Howel rex fi lius CadellRomam perrexit, C .

20Abloyc rex mori tur .

B . et E len obn t, C .

"3 B . Gr ifu t fi lius Oweyn

ditur , C .

‘3 ' N ot in B .C .

Hewed,B . Hiveid , C .

’5 Clidauc, B . Cledauc, C .

“V N ot in C .

’7 Ment ao, B .

‘9ob ier unt, B .

‘9 E lstan ,B . A delstan, C .

20’ N ot in B .C .


CCCCXC IX. Annus. l Catel fi liu s 2 Ar tmail 3ve

n eno 4mori tur ;5et I udgual

’ 6[fi lius B odri ]

7et fi lius eju s

3 E li z ed a. Saxoni bus8occi


D. Annus .

9 Lumber th episcopus1° in Minin’

1 1 obi i t.D I . Annus. 1 2

[Morleis epi SCOpu s1 1obn t ]

D I I . Annus. 1 3 C in cenn fi liu s14E li z ed venen o

1 5

peri i t : et’ E neur i s episcopu s

1 6 Mini u obi it.’

1 7 E t Strat Glut vastate est a. Saxonibu s .

DI I I . Annus. Eadmund rex Saxonum 1 8



D I V. Ann us. DV. Annus.D V I . Annus. 1 9 B iguel rex B r ittonum

[scili cetBonus] obn t. 2 1 E t Catguocaun

’ fi lius 22 Ouema. Sax on ibus jugul atur .

23 E t bellum Carn o”


[inter fi li os B oeli et fi li os I dwal ]DVI I . Annus.DVI I I . Ann us. 25

[I ago et I dwal fili i I dwalvastaverunt D ewet.]

D IX . An nus.

Cadel l, C.

2 A rthwai l, B . A rtvail, C .

3 N ot in C .

4extinctus est, B

5’ I dwall , B . I dwal , C .



filius cum fi lio B lissed obnt,

9 L unweth , B . Luvert , C .

10' N ot in B . Menevia , C .

moritur , C .

B . Morclei s episcopusmor itur,

‘3 Kengen, C .

”N ot in B .

B lis sed, C .

1 5’extingui tur , C .

1 6’ mor itur, C .

1 7 ”N ot in C .

1 3 ’occi di tur , C .

‘9 B oelus , B . Howel, C .

2° B .

”Cognomento Bonus mori

tur cui successit Oweyn fih'

u s ejus .

Sed supervenerunt duo fi lii d al

id est I ago et I euaf, quos Howele regno expul erat, et pugnaverunt

contra Oweyn juxta Nant Carno ,et victores fuerunt, C .

9" Gadugan , B .

Oweyn , B .

23 ”N ot in B .

24B .

25 B . V astatio D yvet a fi li is

I dwal , id est, I ago et I euaf, C .


Annus.Annus . Edgar l Anglorum rex obn t. 2 1d

walan fi liu s Owein obi it.’

Annus.Annus. 3 Eynan iterum vastavi t 4Goer.

6 Annus.Annus. I ago captus est


[a gentilibu s]7 Hoelo

fi lio I dwal tr iumphan te et regnum ojus poss idente.

Annus. I dwal 6occisus est.’

Annus.Annus. 9 Gothr i t et Haraldus vastaverunt

Devet et Menevi am .

Annus. 6

[Annus ]1 °Hoelu

s fi liu s I dwal et

Alfr e dux Anglorum vas taverun t B recheinauc

et totam regionem E inaun fi li i Ow in i,


E inaun ex eis multos occid it.’

6 Annus. E ynan fili us Ow in i occisu s est.’

Annus . Howelu s fi li u s I dwal ab Angli s

occi su s est.’

2 Annus. Meurio fi li us I dwal occisus est.Maredut filiu s Owin i occidi t Catwalaun fil ium

I dwal, regnuni qu e ejus , scili cet W'


possedi t.’

Annu s. 1 6 Gothr i t fil ius Harald i cum n igri s1 6

genti libus vastavi t 14Mon,

6capti s duobu s

Saxonum, C .

N ot in C .

3 E yn iaun , C .

4 Goher , C .

5 N ot in C .

C .

I euaf tenente regnum ojus, C .

6’occid itur, C .

V astatio D yvet et Menevia}1 2

a God i sr ic fi lio Harald i , C .

GOd l S l'l C , C '

‘6’ E iniaun fi lius Owein pugnav it1 3 Gentibus , C .

contra Saxones , A lfre existente ‘4Meneviam, C .

eorum duce, et contra Howel fi liumI euaf, et


mul tos interfecit ex eis .

Sed E yn iaun ab optimatibus de

Went dolo occid i tur, C .

I euaf occid i tur , et Mared ut

fi lius Gwein interfecit Cadwallaun

fi lium I ovab et ejus regnum possed itC .


A .D .

mini bus hom inum reli quias vero Maredut

secum asportav it ad Keredigean et ad Demetiam.

Annus. l I dwal fi lius I dwal gobn t. 3 Owinus

filius 4 B oeli obi i t.’ Genti les vas taverunt Me


et Llan 6 P atarn, et Llan I ltut

, et

Llan Carvan , et Llan D ethoch .

Annus. 6 Maredu t redemit captivos a genti libus n igri s, num rno pro unoquoque dato.

7 Mor ta1itas hom inum pro fame.’7 Annus. Owynu s fi liu s D enawal occi su s est.’

Annus. Maredut 7 fi lius Owein’vas tavi t maes

6Hewed .

9 Annus.Annus. 1° Guyn fil ius E ynaun ,

duce E delisi

Anglico, dextralium B r itonum adjumento,regi on es Maredu t

,i . e. D emetiam et Keredi g

eaun ,Gubir et KedW eli , devastat. Tertio

Menev ia vastata est.’

Annus. [Annus ]7 Fames afi


ui t in regn oMaredut .

’ B ellum inter fi lios Meuruc et Ma

redut 1 6 fi lium Owin i juxta Languin ,in quo’

v ictores fuere fi li i Heurne. T eudur fi lius

E inaun 1 3occi su s est.

An nus. 7 Sweyn fi lius Harald i Eumoniam

vastav i t.’

Annus.Annus. I dwal fi lius Meuruc occi sa s est.’

l I ovab , C .

2 mor itur , C .

6 Owein , C .

4’ Howel moritur , C .vastavxt

5’ P adarn et L and ioch , C .

6 ’ Maredut cen surn reddi t n igr isgentibus , scilicet nummum pro uno

quoque homine, C .

N ot in C .

6 Hiveid , C .

9 N ot in C .

‘6’ Owein fi lius E yn iaun

D yvet et Kered igeaun , C .

I I C .

‘6’sed , C .

‘3 ’occid itur, C .


a n .

Annus. 1

[Annus Annus . Annus. Annus ]Annus . Menev ia 9

vastata est’ a gentilibus , et

Morgan eu episcoPu s9 ab eis occisus est.’ Ma

redut 4 rex,fi li us 5 Owin i , obi it.

Annus. Kinan,fi liu s Hewel, 6 V enedociam


An nus. 6 Gen ti les vastaverunt D emetiam .

Ann us. Annus .Annus. 7 Conanus fi liu s


B oeli 6occisus est.’

Annus. Annus. Annus. Annus. An nu s. 4Annus .Annus. Menevia a Saxonibus 9

vas tata est’

1 9

[scili cet]1 1 Edri s et Ubis .

’ 6 N aufragium

Sweyn patri s Cnut.’

1 01 3 .

1 9

[Annus Annus. B ianus rex Hibern iae cumfi lio suo A scu th in ,

sci li cet rege D ulyn ,occi

d itmx]1014. An nus . Sweyn 1 9

adi it regionem AngloE delr i t fi li us E tgar expulsu s est a regn o suo,quod Sweyn invas it, sed in eodem obiit.’

Annus.6 Annus . Ow inus fili us D unaW al occisus est.’

1 01 6. Annus . Cnut fi li us Swein regnum Anglorum1 3occupavi t .

4Annus.An nus . Ai dan fi lius 14Blegeur it, cum i i ii .1 6 sui s, occi su s est a Gr ifino filio L eWelin regeBr itonum.

Ann us. Annus .

C .

vastatur , C .

3 ’occid itu r , C .

4 1V0t in C .

5’ Owein mor itur6’

.Not in C .

7 Kenan, C .

occi d itur , C .

vas tatu r,C .

C .

1" E dr ich et Uhrich, C .

rex A ngl iae, C .

‘3obsedi t, C .

Bledk enred , C .

‘5’a L ewelino occidi tur ,

1023 .

103 9.


Annus. Meur io fi lius Ar thawai l 1occisu s est.

Annus. 2 R eyn S cotus mentitu s est se essefi lium Maredu t qu i obtinu i t dextrales Br i

tones ; quem S ei sil rex V enedotiae in hostio

Gu il i expugnav it, et occi su s est R eyn . E ilaf

vastavi t D emetiam . Menev ia fracta est .’

Annus . L eweli n 6 fi liu s S ei s il obi it." R iderch4 fi liu s Yestin d extrales rexi t Br itones.’

Annus.Ann us. 6 Morgannuo epi scoPu s obut.

Annus.Annus. 6 Conanu s fi lius S eisil 7

obn t .

Annus . Annus. Annus. Annus. Annus.Annus. Ryderch fi liu s 6 Yestin occisus est aS cotis .

’ 9

[I acob et fil i i B ruin] Hoelu s et

Maredut tenuerunt 1 °ojus r egionem .

Annus. 1 1 Gueith Hiradu s .Annus. Maredut fil ius E dwin i a fi li is 1 9 Conaniocci sus est.’ Caradauc fil iu s Reder ch ab1 3 Angli s occi su s est.’ Onut fi lius Sweyn rexAnglorum

14 obi i t .Annus. Annus. Annus.Annus . 9

[Gentiles tenuerun t Meur io fi lium

Howel. I acob rex V enedotiae occi di tur]1 6 Gr iffinus fili us L eweli n in N ortwalli a re

guare inchoavi t ; qu i dum regnavit, Anglos

1 ’occid itur

, C .

2’ L ewelin fi lius Seisill, rex V e

nedotiae, pugnavit contra Reyn, quise d icebat esse fil ium Maredut et

devictus est R eyn in osti lo Guili .E ilaph venit in B r i tann iam et

vastavit D yvet et Meneviam, C .

3 ’ mor itur, C .

regnum dextralium Britonum

tenuit, C .

5’ N ot in C .

6 Kenan , C .

7occidi tur, C .

9’ I estyn occid itur , C .

9 C .


C .

B ellum I ratur , C .

Kenan occidi tur , C .

Anglici s occidi tur , C .

“ moritur , C .

‘5’ P ro quo G rifut ab L ewclyn

regnav i t, et Howiel fil ium E dwyn

expuli t, C .


et genti les persecutu s est. Bellum in vad oCruci s super Sabr inam cum ei s comm is it,

eosque dev icit. E odem ann o dextrales r exi t

B r itones,

et Hoelu rn fi lium E dwin i ab ea

expu lit.’

Annus. 1 E rwyn epis00pu s Meneviae 9obn t ,

Annus. B ellum P encadeir , in quo 6 Gr ifinu s

superavit Hoelum .

Annus. 4 B ellum P ullduwath,in quo B oelus

V ictor fuit. Gr ifinus captus est a gentilibu sDulin .

4Annus. B oelus fi liu s Owein obi i t.’

Annus. 5 B oelus fi lius E tw in i , accepta classe

genti lium ,intrat hostium T ewy ; quem Gr i

fi nu s fi liu s L ewelin i bello su scepit, eumque

vorsum clade snorum occi di t.’

Annus. 4 I oseph epis00pus L andaven s is Romaeobii t.’ 6

[Sed itio I nagn a orta fuit inter Gr ifud fil ium L ewelin et Gr ifud fi lium Ri

d er ch]Annus . 6

[Annus ] Familia7 Griffin i ad modum

CXL . dolo Optimatum S tratewi 6

[et D yvet]4ceciderunt ; in cujus V indicta rex Gr ifinus

D emet iam et S tratew i devastavi t N ix cecid it,

et duravit a Kalendi s Januarn usque ad

festum San cti P atr ici i , quam appellaverunt

magnam n ivem .

Annus .

1 Kervin , C .

2 mor itur , C .

3 ’ Grifud victor fu it. Rodemanno Gr ifud captus fuit a gentil iebus D ulyn , C .

4’ N ot in C .

5'Hoel fi lius E dwyn , acceptis

viginti navibus gentilium, coronatus

est, et coepit desolare Cambriam ;

cui obviavit Gr ifud fi lius Lewelyn ,et commisso hello in ostio T eivi


cum magna parte exercitus su i

Howel cecid it Grifud autem victorfuit, C .

4’ N ot in C .

6 C .

7 Grifud , C .

A .D .

1 055.

1063 .

‘ C .


Annus. l

[Hoe anno] tota dextrali s patria2 d eserta est.’

Annus. Clas si s Hibern iae in dextrali parte3

per ii t.

Annus. Annus. Annus.Ann us. 4Gr ifinus

,fi li us I

[Lewelin , Gr i fud

fil ium]6 R iderch occidi t


’ 6et Herford iam


Annus. 7 Magnus fili us Haraldi,vas tavi t 6


gionem Angloru rn ,

’ aux i liante 9 Grifin o regeB ritonum .

Annu s. Ow inu s fi lius 1° Gr ifin i obn t.’

Annus . Annus. Annus.Annus .

1 1 Grifinus fi li us Lewelini r ex Bri tonum 1 9

nobi li ssimu s,d olo snorum occisus es t.

7 An nus . I oseph Menev iae episcopus1 6 obi it.

Annus . Annus. Annus.14Haraldus Gothorum rex Anglos conatur sibi

subjugar e, quem alius Haraldus fi liu s Gotwi

n i repentin o bello excepi t et occi d it ipsumautem pro habita V i ctori a glor ian tem ,

W i l

lelmu s Bastard,N ormannorum dux

,A ngliae

regno pr ivavit.’

2’ destructa est, metu genti lium,

Cambr iae praadavi t, C .

Grifud , C .

6’ Rederch inter fecit, C .

6’ A nnus . D estructio Hereforda G r ifud , C .

7 N ot in C .

9’reg iones A ngl iae, C .

9ci Grifud , C .

Grifud moritur , C .

Grifud , C .

‘9'cecid it, C .

mor itur , C .

Haroldus rex Gothorum cum

magno exercita invas i t regionesA nglia—3 cu i obv iavi t alius Haroldas ,fil ius Gotwin i, et eum interfecit.

Sed iterum superveni t W i llelmus

quidam ,N ormannorum d ux ,


Haroldum Ang lorum regem vitaet regno privav it, C .


Annus . Annus. Annus. 1 B ellum Methein

inter fi lios 9 Kenw in ,

6 scilicet 4 B ledin et

5Buallo et fi lios 6 Grifi n i,

3 sci licet 7 Mared ut

et I dwal,

8 in quo fil i i ’ Gr ifin i ceci derun t,

I dwal bello,Maredu t fr igore, Buallo etiam

fil ius Kenwin occisus est,

’B led in 9 in r e

gnum successit.’

Annus. Annus. 7 Maredut fil iu s 1 6 Owin i [aCradauo fili o Gr itfi d et] a Fran ci s

1 9occisus

est’ 1 1

[super ripam Remn y . D ierm id S cotorum rex in bello occiditu r .]Annus .

1 1

[Fran ci vastaver un t Kered igiaun .]Menevi a 1 3

vastata est’ a gentilibus , et Ban

gor simi li ter.14 Bleiduth

epi s00pu s1 5 Men e

viae 1 6 obi it 1 7 Sul gen1 6 illi epi scopatu i suc

cessi t .’

Annus. 1 9 De Mungumer i Hugo vastavi t Ke

redigiaun .

1 Ann us.Annus. 96 Bledi nt fi lius 9 1 Kenw in d olo H

[malignorum hom inum ] ductus 99 S tratewy a96 R eso fil io 240Wini occiditur ,

1 1

[cu i successi t

T rahar in fil iu s Gradano ejus consobrinu s re

1 N ot in C .

9 Cinnin, C .

3 id est, C .

4 B ledyn , C .

5 Ruallaun .

6 Grifut, C .

Mareduc, C .

6' in bello ; Mareduc fr igore in

quo etiam bello Ruallaun occidi tur ,

C .

autem regnavit, C .

Owein, C .

1 1”occidi tur , C .

vastatur , C .

‘4 Bledud , C .

‘5 Menevensis , C .

mori tur, C .

’7 Sulgenius, C .

episcopatum accepit, C .

1 9’ F ranc i iterum vastaverunt

Keri d igiaun , C .

66 B led in, C .

9 ‘ Kenn in , C .

26 de Stratewv C .

9 "R es, C .

Owein, C .


l Grorvini et 6 Goethi fi lius 6 Ruallan ,


Reso fi lio T eudur , et a Gr ifi no fil io Conan i

occisu s est.’ Gurgeneu fil ius Seisi l occi sus

est.’ 6 Wi llem rex Angliae6 causa oration is

Sanctum David adii t.’

Annus. An nus. Annus. 7

[Annus Rex Sco

torummoritur.]108 3 .

6 Annus. Sulgen iu s epi scopatum reliqui t, cu i

frater success it.’

Annus.1085. Annus 9Willielmus 1°Bas tard obu t ; cui suc

cess it 1 1 fil ius suus W i llielmus Rufus.’

Ann us. 1 6 Resus fil ius T eu dur 1 6a regno suo

14expul su s est

’ a fi li is 1 5 B led int,1 6 scili cet


d aue, 1 7 Gadugan ,et 1 6 B iri t. 1 9 B esus vero ex

Hibern ia classem duxit ct’



Br itann iam , ] Bellum 6° cum i lli s gess it in

P enlethe'


’ in quo7

[duo fi li i B ledi t, id est]Madauc et 6 1 R ir i t cecid erunt,


[et Res Vi ctorfuit. I ngentem censum captivorum genti libus

et S coti s Res fi lius T eudur trad idi t]1 088. Annus. 66 Archa San cti Davi d 66

ab ecclesia

Gr ifud , C .

6 Meili r , C .

6 Ruallaun , C .

4’et Res fil ius T eudur , et Gr i

fud fi lius E ynaun, fi li i I acob cc

ciduntur , C .

5 W i llelmus , C . A dded in a la ter

hand,A nnus Domin i M0 Lxxxu .

quo anno R es fi li us Tendar deditterram de R ir id eccles iae de.

6’ad Sanctum Dav id orationis

causa perrexit, C .

7 C .

6’.Not in C .

9 W i llelmus , C .

‘6rex, C .

1" E dr ich frater , et ipse Willelmus , C .

‘6 R es , C .

‘3 de, C .

expellitur , C .

‘5 B ledit, C .

‘6 id '

est,C .

‘7 Cadugaun , C .

'6 Ryr id , C .

l 9’ I pse vero Yberniam ad u t, ct

classe accepta, C .


P enlethereu geritur , (J .

6 ‘ R irid , C .

66 Scr in ium , C .

23 de, C .

A .D .


109 1 .

1 092.

I O.

furatur, C .

juxta c ivitatem ex toto Spo

liatur , C .

4’ frangitur et destruitur , C .

6’ N ot in C .

6 Res, C .

qu i in B retheniauc habitabant



[sua]6 furata est


’et 6 aur o argentoque qu i

bus tegebatur spoliata est.’ l

[T errae motusingens per totam B r itann iam fuit.]Annus.Annus . l

[Sulgenu s epis00pu s Lxxv. aetati s

suae anno mori tur.] Menev ia 4 fracta est’ a

gentilibus5 in sul arum . Ked ivor fi liu s Goller

W in obi it,cujus fi li i inv itaverunt Gr ifi num

fili um Maredu t,quem R esus fi lius T eudur

expugnavi t et occi d i t j uxta L landedoc.’

Annus.Annus. 1

[Annus ]6 B esus fi lius T eudur s


etor dextrali s partis’ a Fran ci s 7 Brechenauc

occisus est,

’ post cujus obitum 6 Oadugaun

fi liu s Bled int praedatu s est D emetiam pr id ie

Kalendarum Mai i . C irci ter Kalendas Juli i

Fran ci pr im itus D emetiam et Kered igean

tenuerunt, et castella in eis locaverunt,


ab inde totam ter ram Br itonum occupaverunt.’

9 Mailcholum1° Scottorum rex’ ‘1



Annus. 1 6 W i llelmu s1 6 Anglorum rex’ N or

mann iam ad i i t,

l 4

quo ibi morante,


[et fratrem suum expugnante,] Britann i 1 6 jugumF rancorum

’ 1 6respuerunt,

1 7Wenedociam, Cc

invaserunt, et castella in ei s firma

verunt , C .

9 Malcolum, C .

‘6’rex Scotorum, C .

occid itur a F rancis. C .

‘6 VVi llelmus.

rex A nglorum , C .

ipsoque, C .

‘5’ F rancorum jugum, C .

occid itur , C .

6’ D yuct vastatur a Cadugaun

fi lium E led iu. P ostea circa k alendasJali i F ranci Kered igaun et D yvet

respuunt, C ,

‘7’et castella eorum in N or

uuallia d iruunt, castra F rancorum in

Kered igaun et D yuet, C .

3 0

A J ) .


reticam,et D emetiam ab l i s et eorum castel

lis emundaverunt,’

excepti s duobu s ,l i d est

in’ P embroc et 6 aliud in ’ R icors .

An nus. Fran ci devastaverunt Goh'

er 6et Ked

Weli 6et 4 Stratevvi . 6 D emetia Ceretica


4 S tratevvi 6 deserta manen t.’ 7 Median te 6[au

tem] autumno9 rex Anglorum W i lli elmu s

contra B ri tones movit exercitum ,

’ 1 ° qui busDeo tutatis,

vacuu s1 1 ‘

ad sua’ redi it.

Annus. 1 6 Willielmu s fi lius 1 6 Baldevvin i in

D omino R icor s obi i t,’ 15 quo mortuo castellum

1 6 vacuum reliqu itur .’ 6 B ritones Brecheni auc

et Guent et 1 7

[Guenlinnc]‘6caedem non mo

d icam de Fran ci s in Celli Darnane fecerunt.Mod ico intervallo a fil ii s E dn erth

fil i i Cadugan in Aber llec occi si sunt.’ 1 9 Uth

trit fi lius 69 E twin i et 6 1 Hoelus fi lius 66Goronou66 P enbroch iam devastaverunt,

’ 6

[et inco

lumes domum red ierunt .]Annus. 6

MXCVI I . Geraldu s 64 praefectus 6

[deP enbroc]

65Meneviae fines ’ d evastavit Wi llel

1'scilicet, C .

6’ N ot in C .

6 N ot in C .

4 E stratewi, C .

Kered igaun et D yuet, C .

6’ d esertae manserunt, C .

7 Media, C .


W illelmus rex A nglorum exer

citum contra B ri tones movit, C .

1 0’sed , C .

domum, C .

‘6 W i llelmus, C .

‘6 Baldwin, C .

qui jussu regis Wi llelmi castellum Rydcors fundavit, mor itur , C .

‘6cc , C .

‘6’a custodibus deseritur, C.

‘7 C . i llegible in A .

jugum F rancorum respuunt,

sed F ranci exercitam movent in

Guent, et n ihi l impetrantes vacu idomum redeunt

, et in Kelli travant

vers i sunt in fugam. I terum vene

runt in B rechinauc et castellafecerunt in ea, sed in reditu apudA berlech

vers i sun t in fugam a

fi l iis I dnerth fi li i Kadugaun, C .

‘9 Uch rid, C .

66 E dw in, C .

2‘Howel , C .

6 6 Gronoe, C .

vastaverunt provinciam de

P embroc, C .

64 dapifer , C .

65’ fines Meneviae, C .

A .D .


1 099.


mus rex 1 Angliae1 secundo 6 in Br itones


’ 6eorum omnium m inans excidi um

Bri tones vero divin o protecti mun im ine in

sua reman en t i llaesi , rege vacuo redeunte.

Annu s 1MXCVI I I . Omnes V enedoti 4 in Mon

in sula se receperunt, et ad eos tuendos de

Hibern ia piratas invitaverunt,

ad quos ex

pugnandos mi ssi sun t duo cons ul es , Hugocomes urbi s L egionum ,

et alter Hugo ; qu icon tra in sulam castrametati sunt. Quos piratae eorum munere corrupti in in sul am introduxerunt, cumque vastaverunt.

’ 6 Gaduganfil iu s 6 B led int et 7 Gr ifinu s fil ius 6 Con an i9relicta insul a,

’ 1 9Hiberni am 1‘aufugerun t.

1 6 Fran ci s in insula morantibus,

’ Magnus rexGermani ae 1 6 cum exerci tu veni t in insulamvolens

,s ed ci n olenti Franci ei occurr entes

se invicem sagitti s salutaverunt, h i de terra,i lli d e mari , alter comes sagitta in faci e percussus occubu it. Quo facto

,Magnus abivi t

Franci vero maj ores et minores secum ad

Angliam perduxerunt.’

Annus I MXC I X. Cadugaun fil iu s 14 Bled int

1 N ot in C .

6 ’contra B ritannos exercitum

movit, C .

3 ’sed n ih il impetrans vacuus

domum redi it, C .

4’ Congregati sunt in in sula Mon

et Gentiles de Ybernia ad se tutan

d os invi taverunt contra duos Hugones con su les F rancorum. Sed

Gentiles pretio corrupti consules

in insulam introduxerunt et castra

ibi fecerunt , C .

6 Cadugaun , C .

6 B ledin , C .

7 Grifut, C .

6 Kenan , C .

9’ insulam reliquerunt et, C .

1° Ybern iam, C .

‘1adeunt, C .

1 6’ P os tea, C .

Wad insulam Mon venit et proa

l ium cum consulibus commi sit ; sed

alter consulum vul neratus in facic

cecid it alter vero cum major ibus

insul am dereliqu i t. P ostea vero

Magnus rex insulam Mon repentereliquit, C .

’4B ledin, C .

3 2

A .D .

1 1 00. Annus


de l Hibern ia 6r ed i it ; qu i pacati s sibi

Fran cis partem terree suae capiens , a v ir is

B rechen iauc occisus est.’ 4Grifinus fi liu s

6 Conan i 6 Mon obsedi t. Hoelu s 6 autem

fi lius 9 1 thail ad 1 9 Hiberni am fugit1 6 Rege

Warc fi lius ‘6 Sulem 14

[epi scopus]1 6obi i t.

63 10. W i llelmu s rex 1 6 Anglia:

quodam mi lite suo cervum poten te, sagitta’

percus su s ,1 6 in ter i i t ;

1 9cu i frater suus jun ior,

scilicet Henricus , in regnum success i t ; n am

W ill ielmu s frater suus con cubini s ususabsque liber i s inter i it .

’ 6° Robertu s Courthouse eorum frater sen ior ab Hierosolimis

r ed iens et r egnum Angliae sibi vend icans afratre suo Henri co captus est.

’ 14

[Thomasarchiepisc0pu s E boraci

,i d est Cayr E br au e


mor itur, cui Geralda s Herfordens is episc0pus

success it . An selmus arch iepiscopus Cantua~

r ien sis a W iHelIno rege in exili um mi ssus , etpostea ab Henri co rege revoca tu s ad epi sco

patum suum redi i t.]

1 7 a

urbi s1 1 01 . Annus 6MC I .

Ybern ia , C .

6redi ens , C .


pac ifi catns est cum F rancis et

partem regn i su i accepit. L ewelin

fi lius Cad ugaun ab h ominibus de

B rech einiauc occiditur , C .

4 Gr ifud, C .

6 Kenan , C .

6 Mon iam, C .

7 Howel , C .

6 N ot in C .

9 Yduual, C .

1° Yberni am, C .

‘1perrexit, C .

"3 R ik ewarth , C .

‘3 Sulien.

Hugo comes Crassus


mor itur , C .

’6 A nglorum, C .

improv iso ictu sagi ttae a quo

dam m il ite in venata, C .

‘6occubui t , C .

cujus regnum accepi t Henr icusfrater ejus junior , et fi liam Malcolum regis A lbanorum in conjugemduxi t C .

66’ R obertas vero frater W illelmjregis I erosolim is tune tempor is erat,sed audi ens fratr is sui ob itum

stat im repatr iavi t, C .

6‘ P laced after Legionum in C .


A .D .

Legionum1obn t

, [cu i Rogeru s ejus fi liu s

success it] .6 Gronou fi lius 4 Cadugan obi i t.

6 Henricus rex duxi t fi liam regi s S cotor um .

1 102. Annus 6 MCII. Sedi tio 6

[magna] orta est

in ter 7 Rober tum B elleem et Hen r icum re

gem .

’ 6 I orwer t fi lius 9 Bled int 1 °Mar edu t

fratrem suum cepi t,r egi tradi d it

1 1 03 . Annus 6 MC I I I .6

[Magnus rex apud Dulinoccidi tur]

6 I orward fil ius 9 B led int apudSar esber iam a rege Henri co injuste capitur ,


[decus et solamen B r i tann iae]6 D i scord ia

inter regem Henri cum et 1 6 An selmum ar chiepi sc0pum,

eo quod nollet con secrare eos

quibus rex ded erat ecclesias speciales .’


[Annus]. Annus6MCIV .

1 6 Ow inu s fil ius 14 E d

win i 6

[longa confectu s aegr itud ine] obi it .6

[I n terea]1 6 Hoelu s fi lius 6 Gronou a R i card o

fi lio 1 6 Baldewin i expulsa s praedas6


1 1 05 . Annus 6 MCV .

1 6Hoelu s fi l ius 6 Gron ou a Fran cis1 7 Ritcor s et a 1 6 Gogan fi lio

’9 Meu ru c66 d olose

occi sas est R ober tu s comes 6

[B elem] a fratresuo Henri co 6

[rege] in bello captus est6

[etincarceratus]. Meur io et 6 1 Gr ifinus fi li i 66 T ra

harn ab 6 6 Owino fi lio Cadugaun64 sunt occi s i .’

moritur , C .

‘6 A in MS .

‘6 Owein , C .

6 Gronoe C .

‘4 E dwin,C .

4 Cadugaun , C‘6 Howel , C .

6’ N ot in C .

‘6 B led uin ,C .

6 N ot in C .

1 7 Rydcors , C .

Henr icum regem et Robertum ‘6 Gogaun , C .

ratrem ejus , C .

‘6 Meur io , C .

6 I oruer th , C .6 P laced immediately after Gro

6 B led in , C . noe in C .

‘6 ’cepit fratrem suum Mareduch 6' Gr ifr i , C .

et cum in carcerem regis trus it, C .66 T rah aryn , C .

Captus est ab hominibus regis 66 Oweno, C .

apud Slopesbur ium , C .6"

occi si sunt, C .


Annus l MCV I .6 Maredut fil iu s 6 Bledint de

carcere evas it. 4

[E adgar us fi liu s Malcolum

obi it, cu i successit frater eju s Alexand er]6 Gonstitu tu s est ord o Can on icorum in ecclesiaSanctae Mariae d e Suwerk e. Rex Henri cussubjugavi t sibi totam N ormann iam


fratre suo et mul tis viri s illustr ibus .

Annus 1 MCVI I . F landren ses ad R os venerun t. Geraldus d apifer 4

[fi rmav it] castellum6 Chenar th B echau.

’ 6 Facto conven tu omn i

um fere magn atum Angliae apud London iam ,

rex concessi t ut nunquam per donation em

baculi pastoralis v el annul i qu isquam de

epis00patu vel abbatia per regem vel

quamli bet laicam manum in Angliam in

vestiretu r .

1 1 08.

6 An nus MCVI I I . Kalend is Julii fun data estabbatia d e T r in itate.

1 109.

6 Annus MC IX. I n cipit ordo P raemon straten

smm .

1 1 10. An nus lMCX . Castellum 7 Chenar th 1 Wechan

ab 6 Owino fi li o Cadugaun9combu stum est

1 6 pro quo facto ipse Ow inu s ad Hiberni ampulsus redii t.’

Annus 1 MCX I . 1 1 I orwert fi li u s 3 B ledint4

[ju ssu regis]-de carcere 4

[in patr iam suam]redi it . 1 6 Ow inu s et Madocus fi li i R ir it’ combusserunt

1 6Meir ionnith,


[hominesque ibi et

l ZVot in C .

6’ destrui tur, C .

2 Mareduc, a

Wquam ob rem expulsus est ad

6 B ledin, C . Yberniam , sed eodem anno red iit

4 C. C .

6’ N ot in C .

1 ‘ I oruerth , C .

6’ de Ki lgarran ,’6’ Owein filius Cadugaun et

7 Kenarth , C . Mareduc fi lius R ir id, C .

6 Owein.‘6 Meyronnith , C .

3 6

1 1 1 6 .

1 1 1 8 .


fi liu s l Res i 63 d Gr ufet fi lium Conan i in

N orwalliam i vit ; qu i ibid em in clusus in qua

dam eccles ia,

’ mul ti s de 3 suis 4occis is , v ix

evas i t,6et ad S tratewy redien s

,irr uptiones

in F landr enses fecit.’ 6 Fundata est abbatia

C laree vall is et Mor imundi .’

Annus 7Mcxv1 . 6 Grifinus fi lius 1 R esi 9


stellum A rberth invas i t et destruxit , et]1 9 Owinum fi lium Cadugaun in Kai rmerd in ,

vi lla combusta,

occidit.’ 6 Ecclesia S an cti

Alban i d edi cata est, rege Henri co praestan te

et coronam ibi gestante .

’ 9

[Bellum ger itu r

apud castellum Aber Y s toi t. Owein a Flan

dr ens ibu s in E strat Br un u s occiditur . E ynaun

fi lius Cadugaun et Gri fut fi li us Mareduc ca

stellum V ed ri th quod est Kymmer fr egerun t,

et terram eju s obtinuerunt.]Annus 7

MCXVI I . u Gi leber tus fi lius R icard il 6ob11 t.

Annus 7MCXVI I I . B ellum 1 6 Maismain Gemro


in quo1 4L ewarch fi liu s 1 6Owin i ceci d it . 1 6Hoe

lus l 7vero

l 6Ythail 1 9 vuln us accepit, quo tandem intern t.

’ 6 Obi it Mati lda secunda An

glorum regina.’

Res, C .


perrexi t ad T euec ad Gr ifut

fi lium Kenan , qu i ibi in quadam

eccles ia conclusus, C .

6 familia sua, C .

4 interemptis , C .

6’et Gr ifut fi lius R es red iens ad

E stratew i i rruptiones fecit in P land renses, C .

6’ N ot in C .

7 N ot in C .

6 Grifut, C .

9 C .

‘9’v illam de Cayrmerdyn com

buss it et Owein fil ius Cradauc ib i

occid i tur , C .

G ilbertus, C .

mor itur, C .

‘6’ Mays maynk embro, C .

L ynnarch , C .

‘6 Ouuein , C .

1 6 Houuel, C .

fi lius , C .

‘6 d al.1 9’ ibi vulneratus , d e quo vulnere

postea obi it, C .


Annus lMCXIX .

6 Murchach l maximus 6 rex Hi

bern ies ’ obi i t.1 1 20. An nus 1



[Filius Henrici regi s apudBarbefleth submersa s est.]

1 1 21 . Annus I MCXXI . Henricus rex4

[Angliae]6 in

P owi senses movit exercitum ; at ipsi dati sdecem m illibu s pecorum cum cc pacifi cati

sunt. ’

1 1 22.

6 Annus MCXXI I . Gr ifinu s fi lius Sulhairn occisu s


1 1 2 3 . Annus I MCXX I I I .7 Eynan fi lius Gadugaun

6 obi it. I thai l fi lius 9 Ri r i t 10a carcere solutus

est . Catwallaun et 1 6 Owyn fi li i 1 6 Grifin i14Meir ionnyth . . spoliaverunt, et armenti s.

1 1 24. Annus IMCXX I V .

1 6 Gr ifi nu s fi lius 1 6 Meredu t 1 6

[cccidit] I thai l fi lium

9 Rir it,con sobr inum suum.

1 7 Catwallaun fi liu s 1 6 Gr ifi n i 1 6occid it 1 9 quatuor

avunculos suos,’ 6 1 sci licet Owinum ,

’ 66Gron o,

9 B irit,


[et] Meilir,

1et 6 6Morganu s fi lius Ca

dugaun occidit fratrem suum 4

[Mareduc ]Annus 1


Annus 1MCXXVI .

N ot in C .‘6 Oweyn , C .

6 Murcherdac , C .‘6 Grifut, C ,

6’ Yberniae rex, C .W in Meyronith , et ejus homines

4 C . cum armentis ad propria traxerunt,6’cum exercita magno ad I ’owis C .

ven it, et receptis x. millibus an i ‘6 Mareduc, C .

maliam a nobi libus terrae domum C . occisus est, B .

red i it, C .

‘7 Cadwallaun , C .

6 ’ N ot in C .‘6 interfecit, C .

7 E ynaun , C .‘9tres , C .

6 mor itur , C . suos avunculos , C .

9 R irid , C .6" fi lios Ouuein scilicet,

‘0 dc. C.66 Gronoe

, C .

Caduuallaun, 0. Morgan, C.


An nus 1MCXXVI I . 6 Grifinu s 6 Resi fi liu s ’ 4

[a regeHen r ico d e terra sua expulsu s]

6 Hibern iam

petit.’ 6

[Dan iel fil iu s Sulgen i epi scopi mori tur .]

1 1 28 . Annus 1 MCXXVI I I . 6 Gr ifinu s fi liu s 7 Meredut6obi it. L ewelin fi liu s 9 Owini 10captus est aMar edu t

,trad itu squ e J ohann i s fi lio

,scili cet

P ain .

’ 1 1 Morganus filiu s Cadugaun1 6 propter

fr atr ici d ium I er osolimam 1 6

petii t,14et inde

r ed ien s ,’ in insul a 1 6 C ipro 6 obii t.

1 1 29. Annus 1 MCXXI X.

7 Maredut fi liu s 1 6 Lywarch

con sobr inum suum fil ium Meuruc occid i t ;1 7 alios duos con sobr inos suos

,fili os 6 Gr ifin i


coulis pr ivavi t ,1 6 duos quoque’ fratres suos

1 9 Baldewino caecan dos tradi d it .’ 1 I pse vero’

a 6 9 I owan fi li o 6 1 Owin i 1 de patria eXpulsu s ,’

6 6occi sus est.

’ 1 Madauc fi lius Lywarc a Meu

r ic consobrino suo occi su s est.’

1 1 3 0. Annus IMCXXX .

6 6 I orwerth fi lius 64 Lywarch a6 6 L ewelino fi lio 9 Owini 1 in P owi s ’ 6 6

occisu s

est.’ 6 6 L ew elin fi liu s 6 7 Ow in i a 7 Meredu t

fi lio 66 B ledint couli s 6

[et] testiculi s pr ivatus

1 N ot in C .

6 Gr ifut, C .

6’ fil iu s R es, C .

4 C . Cogente, B .

6’est, C .

6 C .

7 Mareduc, C .

6 mor itur , C .

6 Owein .

1 6’ab avunculo suo Mareduc

p itar , C .

1 1 Morgan .

qu i ob , C .

perrexit, C .

in redi ta , C .,

Cypres, C .

1 6 L yuuarch qu i , C .

1 7et

, C .

1 9’ duosque, C .

excecare B ledwino6° I euuab

, C .

6 1 Owein, C .

66’occid i tur

, C .

6 6 I oruerth , C .

64 L yuuarch , C .

66 L ewelin , C .

L euuelin .

6 7 Ouueyn , C .

B ledi n, C .

A .D .

1 1 3 1 .

1 1 3 2.

1 1 3 5.


est. 1 I owan a con sobr ini s sui s fili is 6 Lywarch 6

occisus est.’ Madau c fi lius 4 Lywarc a6 Meuru c


[fi lio Meur i c] con sobrino suo,6cc

cisu s est.’ 7 Fun data est abbatia d e N eth

eodem ann o fundata est abbatia de Fnrn eis .

Ann us MCXXXI . Meurio fi li u s Meur io couli s7et tes tibu s

privatu s est. D edi catio 6 Mene

vens i s eccles i ee .

’ 7 Fundata est T interna.

Annus 9 M0xxxn .

1 6 I orwerth fi l ius 1 1 Owin i6occi sus est.’ 1 6 Catwalaun fili us 1 6 Gr ifin i acon sobrin o suo Gad ugaun fi lio 14 Goronou



E ynaun fil ius Owini in N anneudni’ 6


est.’ 1 6 Mar edut fil ius 1 6 B led int 7 dux P owi

sorum’obi i t.

Annu s 6 MCXXX I I I .

Annus 9 MCXXX I V. Robei tus dux N ormann im

ju ssu Henri ci fr atr i s sui pelve excaecatu s est,

et postea obii t apud Glou cestr i am in car cere.

6[Annus ] An nus


1 7 Obi it Henri cus pr imus ’ 6 [MCXXXV Q ann o ab in carnatione Domin iXV9. ann o cicli decenn ovenn alis ,]

7 quo aud ito,

S tephanus comes B oloni ae, aud i ta morte avunculi su i , tran sfi etavi t in Angli am ,

et qu amv i s

prom i sis set sacramentum fi delitati s Angli ciregn i fi liee regi s Henri ci ; fretu s tamen vigoreet impud entia , regni d iadema audacia suainvasit , qu i r egnavi t per X IX . annos exceptis

I X . ebdomad ibus .

’ 6[E t maxima d i scord ia fui t

N ot in C .

6’eccles iae Sancti Dav id

, C .

9rVot in C .

mor it ur

1° I oruerth , C .

1 ‘ Ouuein , C .

1 6 Cadwallaun , C .


, C .

Gronoe, C .

1 6 Mared uc , C .


E ledi u , C .

1" Hen ricus rex A ng lia)


1 1 3 6 .


inter Br itones et Francos , sed Br itones v i

ctores fuerunt .]Annus 1 MCXXXVI . 6 Richardu s fi lius Gilberti a

Morgan o fi lio Owyn i occisus est. m u s et

Catwalad rus fi li i Gr ifi ni exercitam in Kared igeaun moven t, et castello Walter i de Bek ;

et castello Aberystu it, et castello Ri card i dela Mar

,et D ineirth destructi s , Kai rwed ros

quoque combu s serun t, et s ic ad p l'

Opr ia r e

versi sun t. Owinu s et Catwaladrus iterumad Keredi gean venerunt

,quibus in adju tor ium

Gr ifinu s fi li us Resi,et B esus fi liu s Hoeli


Madocu s fi lius I dnerth,


et fi li i B oeli ad

Abei t ewy potenter venerun t ; quibus ex aliaparte r es isterunt S tephanus con stabu lar iu s et

fi li i Gerald i et omn es Fran ci ab hoste S abrinae usque ad Men eviam

,et F landr en ses de

R os : et proelio cora-m castellum in i to,Fran ci et

Flan dren ses i n fugam versi capti sunt,occi si

sun t, combusti et equorum ped ibus con culcatiet in fi uvi o T ewy submersi sunt

,plurimi in

captiv i tatem m l serr ime ducti Walenses veroh i s ad votum peracti s , in sua red ierunt


castello Fran ci s reman ente 6

[E ynaun fi liu s

Owein i bi occid itur ]Annus 1 MCXXXVI I . 4Gr ifi nu s R esi fi lius Ros con

ques iv it. L etardu s L itelk ing D ei in im icu s et

Sancti David ab A nau raut fi lio Gr ifino,Gr i

fi no n escien te et nolen te,occisu s est ; pro quo

1 N ot in C .

6 ’ Grifut fi lius R es congregato

exerc ita magno cum omn ibus ducibus totius Cambriae pugnavit apudA ber teyn contra Francos et F lan ‘

d renses , et v ictor fuit. F ranci autempar tim occi s i partim in amne sub

mersi fugam fecerunt, C .

6 C .

4’ Gr ifut fi lius Res et Grifut

fi lius Kenan mor iuntur . Oweyn

et Cadwalader fi li i Gr ifut combus

serunt castell E strat Meur ic. E t

postea il li et Maraud et Cadel l etGrifut fi li i destruxerunt ‘ castellumde Cairmardyn , C .

.ANNALE S 011 1 1 13 111 113 . 4]

a n .

facto Anarau t omn ium Menevensium cleri et

populi habuit. Gr ifinu s R esi fil ius obii t.Tertio Owinus et Gatwaladrus ad Keredi

geaun cum exercitu venerunt,

et castelloS tratmeur et cas tello S tephan i et cas telloHumfredi et Caermardyn destr uctis

,in sua

red ierun t. Gr ifin u s fi lius Conan i ob iit.’

1 1 3 8. Annus 1 MCXXXVI I I . Kenw r ic fi li u s Owin i oc

cisu s es t a famili a Madoc fil i i Mar edu t.’


[A naraud et Cad ell et Owein et Cadwaladercum XV. navibus gentili bu s pleni s venerun t

ad Aber teyu i et treugas fecerunt usque ad

festiv itatem S ancti Martini . Gen tiles verospoliaverun t vi llam et eccles iam de Landedoch


id est, d e San cto D ogmaelo et praedam maximam ad n aves portaverun t]

1 1 3 9. Ann us 1MCXXXI X.

6 Veni t imperatrix in An

gliam ,quam cum rex S tephanus obsedi ss et

apud Arund el,d imi si t eam ire apud B ri stol

li am ad fratrem suum, con su lem Glou ces tr iae.’

Annus 1MCXL. 6

[Kenwr ic filius Owein occi

di tur ab Howel fi lio Maredut]4Madocus

fi liu s 6 I dnerth 6 obi it. 7 Maredu t fi liu s6 B oeli a fil i is 9 Bled in t 6

[fil i i Gwin ] occi

sus est.’ 1 1 A d P entocostem iv it rex cum exercitu suo super E ngomem B igod in Sufok


cepi t castellum d e Bungaye.’ 1 6 Sol obscuratur .

1 141 . Annus 1 MCXLI . D ie P u r ifi cation is Beatae Mar iaeR anulplrus comes Cestr iee, et Roberta s comes

1 N ot in C .

7 Mareduc, C .

6 C .

9 Howel , C .

3 ’ A dventus imperatr icis9 B ledyn , C .

gliam ut regnum totias 16’ P laced immed ia tely af ter Howelfi lio suo subjugaret, C . in C .

4Madauc , C .1 1’ N ot in C .

6 d erth. 16’sol pati tur eclips im,

under the6 mor itur , C . preced ing yea r in C .


A .D .

1 142.

1 1 43 .

1 144.


Gloucestr iae cum familia imperatr ici s ceper unt

regem ,et ad B r istolliam ductum in carcerem

m i serunt. S ed postea amici regi s ceperun t

Robertum con sulem Glou cestr iae ; pro quo rex

liberatus est .

’ Hoelu s fi li us 1 Rederch occisu s

est 6

[a Res fi lio Howel].6 Annus MCXLI I .’ 4Hoelus fi liu s 6


fi lii]6 Bled in t a sui s 6

[viri s]6occi sus est.


[Howel et Kadugaun filn Madane fi l i i d erthocciduntur , mach inan te Elya de se.]Annus 7

MCXLI I I . 6 Anarau t fi liu s 9 Gr ifini afam i liar ibus 1 6 Gadwaladr i occisu s est. Milo1 1 comes Herefor d iae

’ 1 6a quodam mi lite suo

cervum petente ictu sagittae est occisus .

6 Galfr idu s comes An degav iae capta N or

mann ia dux nom inatus est. I nnocen tius papaobi i t pr idi e N onasAnnus 7


1 6 Catwalladru s clas sem de Hibern ia in adjutor ium sibi con tra Owinum fra

trem suum acciv it . C lassi s in bostic Meueiapplicu it. I n terea Owinus et Gatwaladru s

con cordati sun t. Heec Germani ci audi entes,Gat

waladrum tenu erunt, qu i u t ab ei s liberaretur


duo m illi a captivorum eis pepigit et liberatus

est . Owinus,u t vi di t fratrem suum liberum


in eos impetum fecit, et partim eor um occi s is

pluribus vero captis , reliqu i cum oppr obr io ad

Duli n rever si sunt.’ 6 Puer qui dam apud

1 Maredut, C .

6 C .

6’ N ot in C .

4Howel , C .

6 B ledin , C .

occid itur , C .

7 N ot in C .

6 A naraud, C .

G r ifut.

Cadwalad r,C .

1 1 ’ Herefordi ae comes, C .

1 2’ i ctu sagittae cujusdam mili tis

dum cervum peteret occisus est, C .

1 1 ’ Cadwaladr accepit s ib i classemd e Yb ern ia

,ducibus Othi r filio

O th ir et fi l io T ork il cum ali i s,sed

Owein et Cadwaladr concordatisunt. Hybern ien ses vero tenueruntCadwalad r

, qu i pepigit ei s duo

mi llia captivorum,et s ic se liberav i t,

et fugavi t Ybernienses, C .


1 1 49 .

1 1 50.

1 1 5 1 .

1 1 52.


Annus 1MCXLVI 1 1 . 6 Hugo de Mortuo Mari

R esum fi lium Hoeli in carcere ceecav it.’ 6 Gate]

cum fratr ibus sui s, Wi llielmu s fil iu s Gerald i

et fratres su i,B oelo fi lio Owin i ei s auxi liante,

castellum Wi z d estruxerun t .

’ 4

[Kenan et

Howel fi li i Owein v i abstulerunt Meironi t a

Cadwaladr ]Annus 1

MCXLIX. Roberta s comes 6 Henri ciregis fi lius

’ 4

[in carcere]6 obi it. 7 Gilber tus

comes, qu i Strangboga di ctu s est, obi it.’

Ann us 1MCL

6 Uth tr it 9epi scopu s Landaven

si s’ 1 9 obi i t. B ern ardus epi scopus

1 1 Menevi ee,


[XXXI I I O . epi scOpatus su i anno]6 obi it

,cu i

Davi d 1 6 fi liu s Girald i’ 4


epiSCOpatum] success i t. 4

[Robertu s Hereford iae epi sc0pu s moritur

,cui Gi lber tus Foli ot succes s it ]

Annus 1 MCLI . Catwalad ru s castellum LlanR i stut aedi fi cavit , et Catwano fi lio suo cumparte sua de Kered igean d ed it.’ 4

[Oweinfi liu s Gr i fut castellum in terra Yal construxit.

Madau c fil ius Maredut Groes Oswald r emdifi cav it.]

1 6 Maddauc fi lius Mar edut d ed itKew ei lau c n epotibus suis

,Ow ino et Meur io

fi li i s Gr ifini .

Annus 1 MCLI I . Henr i cus dux N ormann i ‘oe ven i tin Angliam ,

et obsedi t Malmesbu r iae.

1 JVot in C .

4’ Hugo de Mortuomari conlos

R es i fi lii Howel erui t in carcere,

under thep reced ing year in C .

6’ N ot in C .

4 C .

5’ frater Henr ici regi s. C .

6 mortuus est.

Gi lbertus comes stragore mor

tuus est,


und er the p reced ing year

in C .

6 Uchdr i t, C .

9' L andauensis epi scopus , C .

mor itur , C .

1 1 Menevensi s,C .

G eraldi fi lius , C .

Qui Keveilauc nepotibus suis ,scilicet Oweino et Meuric, filiis Gri

fut dedit, C.

1 1 54.


Annus 1 MCLI I I . Catell fi lius Gr ifini vastavi t

Kedweli .’ 6 B oelus fi liu s 6 Ow in i 4 cepi t 6 Cat

wanum 6

patruelem suum,

7 terramque cumcastello sibi subjugav it .

’ 6 Catel et fratres su i

cum exerci tu Gered igeaun intraverunt, et infraAiron sibi vend icaverunt.

’ 1 Imperatrix cumfi lio suo Henri co, qu i fui t dux N ormann iee et

comes Andegav iae, applicu it apud Warham.

Annus 1 MCLIV.

9 Catell cum fratr i bus suiscirca P ur ifi cationem Beatae Mariae


castello Hoeli,sed non habito

,totam preedam

terree cum homin ibu s secum duxer un t ; ca

stellum Llan R estu t longa obsi d ione ceperunt,

et cu stodibus sui s ser vandum commendave

run t sed Howelus fi lius Ow in i,i ra exce

stu an s,i llud oppi dum combuss it


occis is . Gatell cum fratr ibus sui s S trat Meu

r ic reaed ifi cav it.’ 1 9 Cati l fi lius Grifini in

venatione,juxta T inebeth violen ter a Fran cis

laceratus,loco mor tu i d imi ssu s est.

’ 1 1 Maredut

et R esus castellum Lycli ur destruxerunt. Re

sus vastav it Keiwelau c.

’ David fi lius Malcolum 1 6

obi it. 1 Radulphu s comes Urbi s L egionum obi it.’ 1 6

[Eugen ius papa obi i t ; cu i

su ccess it Anastasius]Annus 1 MCLV. 1 6

[S tephanus Anglorum rexobi i t anno X I XO ci cli Ivor . concurrentes, cu i

1 N ot in C .

6 Howel , C .

6 Owein, C .

4tenu it

,C .

6 Caduan , C .

6consobr inum , C .

7 ’et ejus terram acces sit, C .

6’ Cadel l et R es et Mared ut fi lu

Gr ifut Kered igaun infra A yron vi

possiderunt, C .

9’ Cadell et Res et Maredut fi lu

Howel fi li i Owein Kered igaun v i

abstulerunt, et E s trat Meur io aed ifi

caverunt, C .

1 6’ Cadell dum venatum iret a

qu ibusdam mi litibus et sagittar iis deD ynbech laceratus est, C .

“7 N ot in C .

moritur , C .

1 3 C .

A OD .

1 1 56.

1 1 58.


cu i success it Henr icus n epos Henri ci regi smagni , et regnum recepi t. Anastasius papaobii t, cu i successit Adrianna ]Annus 1

MCLVI . Maredu t fil ius 6 Grifini 6

[fili iRes ven en o]

4 obiit. 6 R esu s vero 1 juni or 6 [ejusfrater],

6et fere solu s

, portionem i lli us et

fratr i s su i solus obtinu it,et semper augend o

vi r iliter protexi t .

Annus 1 MCLVI I . 7 Catell 6

[fi liu s Gr ifud] Ro

mam -6

peregr in ation is causa perr exit .

’ 6 B esusfil iu s 6 Gr ifi n i 9

au di en s Ow inum de N or

walli a ad Ceredi geaun venturum,con tra cum

usque ad Aberdew i audacter progressus est,

ibique pugnaturus’fossam 6

[Aberdevi] feci t ;1 6ubi postmodum fundavi t cas tellum.

’ 6


r icu s rex tran sfretavi t de Anglia in N or

mann iam I V O. I dus Januar i i]Annus 1MCLVI I I . Henri cus rex 1 1Ang liae

1 6 N or

w alli am di tion i suae volen s exercitum ad

campestr ia Cestri ae duxit , ibique tentori a fix it,’


[adjuvan te Madane fi lio Maredut et veni tad Dynas Basi c]. 1Ow inus prin ceps N orwalli ae

cum fi lii s Sui s B oelo, Canano, et David


ingen ti exercitu apud Dinas Bassing castrametati sun t

,ibique vallum erexerunt. Hoe

andi to,rex astuta fi ctus in dus tri a

,ad vallum

Owin i “

via littorea tetendi t sed antequam

perven i sset, a Conano et Davi d hoe id em

pm caventibus,acerrimo certamin e sus ceptu s

est ; mul ti squ e snorum ami ssi s,quo tendebat

1 N'

ot in C .

6 Grifud , C .

6 C .

4extinetus est

,C .

6 R es , C .

6’terr am ejus recepit.

7 Cadell , C .


peregre profi c1s1 tur , C .

N ot in C .

1 6’et non mu ltum post castellum

ibidem fundavi t, C .

1 1 Anglorum, C .

movit exercitam ”

versus Nort

walliam, C .

ANNALE S 011 1 1 13 11 1 113 . 47

evas it. Ow inus au dien s regem sibi a tergoimm inere

,in facie autem exercitum r egis

n imium vallum deseru i t,et in loco tutior i se

recepit . Rex deinde collecto in unum exer

citu ad Ru thlan progreditur , ibi que cas trametatu s est.’ 1 I nterea classis regia Moniee

applicu it, quam in sulam optimates bello su

sceperun t, magnamque stragem ex Franci sobstantibu s fecerunt, in quos Henricus fil iu s

Gerald i occi su s es t,

velut ali i volunt,fi l ius

fui t Henri ci regis et W i lli elmus T renchemer,

et ali i quamplures .’ 6Quo facto rex et Owi

nu s pacifi cati sun t. Catwaldr us terram suamrecuperavi t.

’ 6

[Owein fi lius Grifud d edi tobsides regi , et] rex in Angli am rediit.

Annus 6 MCLIX.

4Morgant fi liu s 6 Owini Mab

occ1 su s est. 6

[I n hoc anno]6 R esus fi liu s

Gr ifin i solus bellum regi praetendit cumomn es Wall i se prin cipes cum rege pacem haberent.’ 7 Omn es ergo suos ad s i lvestr ia T ewi

remov i t,

v i dens tamen se tam latm regi spotenti se non posse resi stere

,facti s induci i s

securu s curiam regi s adiv it,et tanquam in

vi tus,regi pacem pepigit ; pacto ill i a rege

Gantr efmaur alioque quem rex vellet,in tegre,

non d i sperse. R ex tamen procerum suorum

usus con sili o, i llud Can tref secundum ci in

di vers is baronum terri s di v isum dedit. Resu s

tamen cepit et sustinu it .’ 6 I ntere

a Rogeru s

1 ’ C lass is vero ejus appl icans in

Mon iam d estructa est et Spoliata

armis et equ is , C .

N ot in C .

6 C .

4Morgan, C .

6 Owein, C .

6’ Solus Resas fi lius Grifut tenu itgwerram contra r egem Anglia) , cumomnes duces Cornubiae pacem haberent

,C .

7 ’ N ot in C .

6’ Rogerus comes de C lar castellasua per Kered igaun firmavi t, qua:

omn ia R es invasit et des trux it, C .


A .D .

1 1 60.

1 ’ N ot in


comes de Clara Cered igeaun ,u t suam ,

ingred itur ; castellum S tratmeur ic, et castellumHunfredi

,et castellum Aberd iwy fi rmavit .

1 I nterea Walterus Cli fford d ominus CantrefB ethan

, praedam d e terra R esi abduxit,hom i .

mesque inter fecit,quo and ito

,Resu s i d factum

regi , u t domino,ind icavi t. Rex illud emen

dare nolu it . Familia . ergo Resi in ultione

praedae suae castellum L anamdew i obsed it,

quod Resus adven iens primo impetu cepi t.Eynan fi lius A naraud castellum Humfr ed idestruxit

,milites et alios , qu i in 60 erant


forti manu occid it . D einde Resus magi s armisquam in dono regis fi den s ,

‘ castella per Cered igean a Fran cis facta combu ssit.

Annus 6 M0LX.

6 Resa s combu ss i t cas tella perD emetiam a Fran ci s facta ad Kermerd in

exercitum duxit et obsed it ; sed adven ien te

Reginaldo comit i Cornubi se,obs idionem dim i

s it .’ 1 Goroun bun frater Resi occi sus est.

.Resu s d einde homin es suos cum omn ibus suisad Resterwein remov it. Reginaldu s vero comeset comes B r is tolliae

,et Rogeru s comes C laren

s is,et ali i duo comites

,Catwaladru s quoque

fi liu s Gr ifin i, et Hoelus et Conanus fi li i Ow in i

apud D enwei leir castra metati sun t sed non

audentes R esum ad ire vacui domum r edierunt .’


[A dr ianus papa obi it . E t factum est sci smain ecclesia Romana

,Alexandro et Vi ctorio

cand idatis]Annus 6 MCLXI. 6 Madoc 4

[fi lius Maredu t]6 P owysorum princeps obi it . 7 L ewelinus

C .4 C .

2 N ot in C .5 Mad ane

, C .

6’ B esus

mardyn , C .

fugatus est apud Gayr pr inceps P ow i siae, C .

7 L ewelin , C .

A D .

1 1 65.

ANNALES 0111 113 111 141. 49

1 fi liu s ejus’

occisus est. 6 Catwalaun fi lius

Madauc Eynaun Clut fratrem suum tenuit,

et Owino Grifi n i fi lio carcerandum trad idi t ;

quem Owinus Fran ci s dedit ; sed per collectaneos et fami liares suos de Wigon ia liberatus ,n octe evasit.

6 Annus MCLX I I .’

Annus 6 MCLXIII. 4B esus vi adqu is ivi t D in

weil ir et Llan aindewr i .’ 6

[T heobaldus archiepiscopu s obi i t.]Annus 6 MCLXI V. Henricus rex Angliae cum6 totius 7Anglim exercitu


6Walliee,9ad bel

landum R esum u sque ad Pen chaideim per

ven it ; sed Resus cum rege, 1'

acta pace,in

Angliam ivi t .’ 1 6 E inaun fi lius 1 1Anaraut


61 n

cli tus dux,

’ a Waltero fi lio 1 6 L iwarch 6 dolosein somno

’occi su s est. Cadugaun fi lius Ma

redut 1 6 a Waltero C lifford occisu s est.’ 14Magister Henricus fi lius Archen obi i t. Kedi vor

archi d iaconu s de Ceredi geaun obi it .’ 6

[Consecratus est San ctus Thomas ar ch i epi scoPu s

I V O. N on as Junj i .]Annus 6 MCLXV . R esa s v i den s regem non sol

vere sibi promissa , v i den s etiam Rogerum

com item d e Clara,Walterum prod i torem et cc

ci sorem E inaun nepoti s su i , benigne su scepi sse,Rogerum comi tem infestav it , castellum AberRedi val et cas tellum Mebwenn iaun valida

1’ejus filius, C .

6’ N ot in C .

6 N ot in C .

4’ Res fi lius Grifut castella deWal

wet in et de L anamdeur i vi cep it, C .

6 C .

6 toto, C .

7 ’exercitu A nglia) , C .

6 Cambriae, C .

9’venit contra Resum usque P en

cad eyr , et pacifi ce in A ngliam re

versus est, C .

19 E ynaun , C .

1 'A naraud , C .

1 6 L yuarch , C .

1 3 ’ i nterfectus est a Waltero fil io

R icardi , C .

14’ Henr icus fi lius Hacrn mag isterbonus , et R ed iuor archydyaconu s d e

Keredigaun , mortai sunt, C .



A .D .

manu combu ss it, totamque regionem Ceredi g

eaun obsecundav it postea vero 1omnes

Wallenses N orwalliae,Suthwalliae, P owy sorum ,

jugum F rancorum unanimi ter respuerunt .’

6 E xulat B eatus Thomas.’

Annus 6 MCLXV I. Henricus rex Angliae4 cum

exercitu Angliae, N ormann iae, F landriae, And e

gaviae, P ictaviae et Aqu itan iae, et Scotiae, ad

C rucem Oswalt usque perven it, omnium Walensium m editan s excid ium ; cui Owinus et Cat

waladru s cum N ortwalen s ibu s,Resus vero

cum D extrali bu s,Ow inu s de Keweilauc et

I orwerth Choch cum P owis sensibu s V ir i liter

resi sterunt. Rex ultra progressus in monteBerwen cas trametatus est. Qu i viden s sen ihil ad votum suum posse efii cere

,obs i des

Walens ium , quos potui t, coul i s et testibus pr i

vavit , ami ssaqu e exercitu s su i parte n on mo s

di ca,in Angliam cum opprobri o reversus est.


[F luvius Tegui duobus d iebu s sanguin eusapparu it.]

6 Resus fili u s Gr ifin i circa Kalendas

N ovembr is castellum Abertewy d olo R igewarccler ici cepi t 6

[eju s vero habitatores cumdim idi o bonorum suorum abire perm is it].7 Robertum fi lium S tephan i constabular ium

in vincul i s tenui t .’ 6 Apud Kermerdin lupusrabiosus duo de viginti homin es momord it


1 ’ Omnes duces Cambriae in unumcontraHenr icum regemA nglise conjuraverunt, C .

6’ N ot in C .

6 N ot in'

C .

4’ movi t exercitam contra ducesC ambr iae, et ven it u sque ad montem

B erv in , B r itann i vero surrexerunt

contra eum , scilicet Owein et Res

et al i i duces Cambriae. Sed r ex

nih i l impetrans domnm reversus

est, et obsides corum numero xx i i

coul is et testiculi s privavi t, C .

6 C .

Castellum A berteyui per dolama Reso fil io Grifut captam est, et

usque ad solum destructum , C .

E t Robertus fi lius Stephan icustos castr i incarceratus est, C .


A .D .

1 1 69.


1 T homam arch iepiscopum . Galfr idus Foli ot

arch iepiSCOpu s E boracen s is ab arch iepiLscOpo

1 T l1oma excommun icatu s est.”

Annus 6 MCLXIX.

6 B esus fi lius 4 Gr ifin i 6


toto exercitu Sudwalliae] castellum Abereyn aun

6aedi fi cavit ;

7 postea vero exercitum

duxit in Brech inau c, et in fugam versus est.

Unde dolore commotus i terum in B rech ein

auc exer citum mov it,magn amqu e terrm par

tem combussit . Castellum Buellt destruxit,

et cum justitia regis pacifi catus ,’laetu s et

vi ctor domum red i it . 6

[Fi lia regis Angliaedata est duci Saxon i se]Annus 6 MCLXX.

6 Robert fi li us S tephan i 9a

carcere Resi ’ precatu1 6 D iermi t fil i i 1 1 Mu r

el1ath 1 6Hiberni am in travi t,

et castellum1 6 Carree 14 juxta “


i seford iam’ 6

aed ifi cav it.

Meuru c fi lius 1 6 Adam 14fil iu s Seis il de Buellt’

a 1 6 sanguineo suo’occi sus est. E ynaun C lut

vulneratu s est a fi li is 1 7 L ewarchi fili i 1 6D ena


1 9 sci licet 69Meil er et 6 1 I vor.

Annus 6 MCLXXI. R i carda s comes de 66 8tr igu il6 6 Hibern iam intravi t


14et fi liam D ierm it

1 T. in M S .

N ot in C .

6 R es, C .

4 Gr ifut, C .

5 C .

6edi ficavit, C .

7'et postea apud B rech eynauc

fugatns est, et iterum cum magno

exercita ven it ad B rech eynauc, et

magnam partem i llins terraz com

hussit, et castrum B uellt destrux it

et pacifi catus cum justiciar io regisA nglia , C .

9 R obertu s , C .

liberatus est a carcere, C .

1° D yermyct, C .

1 1 Merchad , C .

1 6et Yberniam, C .

1 6 Garreg, C .

14’ N ot in C .

1 6 A daf, C .

1 6’suo consangu ineo,

1 7 Lyvarch , C .

1 6 D ywal, C .

1 9 id est, C .

6 6 Mei lir, C .

6 1 Yaor , C .

66 Strugul, C .

6 6 Yberniam , C


regis uxorem accepit.’ 1 P or th lagi et

6 Duli n6socer i su i auxili o

,civ ibu s occi s i s

,suo man

cipavi t d omin i o.

’ 4 Henri cus Tert ius fili us

Henri ci Secund i regni6 diademate coronatu s

est,patre suo vi ven te ac jubente.

’ 6 Owinu s

rex N orwalliae et Catwaladr us frater suusminor

,scilicet B oelus fil ius Ow in i a fami li

ar ibus fratr is su i David , eodem assi stente,

occisu s est. I erosolimi s terrae motu s fractusest magnus .

’ 7

[Thomas Cantuar ien s is archiepis00pus martyr io vi tam fin ivit ]Annus 6 McLxx1 1 . 9 D ierm i t r ex

1 °Hibern iasobii t. R esu s fi lius 1 1 Gr ifin i 1 6 castellum Abertew i , quod prius destruxerat

,reaedi fi cavi t .

Henr i cus rex Angliae1 6 major ad v is i tan dum

S an ctum Davi d de Angli a veni t1 4 d einde

1 6 Hibern iam intrav i t,

1 6eamqu e su o domin io

mancipavit . Burgen ses1 6 W i seford iae Ro

ber tum fi lium S tephani ,1 9 scilicet eorum

d ominum,interfectus omnibus fere sui s


cas tello eju s destructo, vin culi s man cipar i

fecerunt, quem rex aud ien s liberavi t.’

1 P orthlarky, C .

6 D ulyn , C .

6 ’ f undi tus des truxit, C .

4’ A nnus . Henricus I I I uS fi lius

Henr ici Secundi dyademate regni

A ngliae coronatus est, patre suo

v ivente ac jubente, C .

6 d iadematem, in M S .

6’ A nnus — Oweyn rexN ortwalliee

obn t. I erosolim i s terraemotus ma

gnu s factus est, C .

1 1 Grifut, C .

1 6’reedifi cavi t castellum A berteyui

quod pr ius destruxerat, C .

1 6’ N ormanorum S extus venit advi s itandum Sanctum David , C .

1 4et postea, C .

1 6 Ybern iam , C .

1 6et eam. C .

1 7subjugavi t, C .

1 6 d e W eyseford ia, C .

1 9’ dom inum suum in terfecti s om

n ibus suis fere fam i liaribus et d e

structo ejus castello manc ipar i v in

cu lis feceruut sed pos tea liberatuses t per Henricum regem A ngli se, C .


Annus 1 MCLXXI I I . Henri cus rex An gliae,6 orand i causa de Hiberni a red iens , ad San

etum David ven it’ XV.

6 Kalendarum Mai i .4

[Ri carda s Cantuarien si s episcopu s electu s

est.]6 R ex pater et rex fi lius di scord es facti

sun t. Comes L eicestr iee captus est.’

Annus 1 MCLXX IV. Sed itio magna orta est

inter Hem 'i cum regem Angliae et Henr icum

fi lium ,

6 quem similiter regem Angliae fecerat.’

6 Conanu s fil ius Ow in i obi it .’ 4


Cantuar ien sis arch iepi scopus R omae a papa

Al exandro con secratu s est.]Annus 1 MCLXXV. Henricus rex et Henri cus

fi lius 7 suus reconci liati sunt .’ 6 Comes L ei

cestr iae apud San ctum E admundum , Flan

dren s ibus qu i cum cc d e Flandria veneran tmagna caede perempti s , ipse cum uxore et fil i i s

captus est et incarceratu s . R ex Scotiae

David a fam iliar ibus Henri ci regis captus est .’

6 Seis i l fi liu s 9 D inawal et 1 9 Gefrei fi lius

eju s4

[et alu p lures de Went] a 1 6 W1


lielmo de 1 6 Breusa 6 in Abergavenni’d olose

occi si sunt. 6 Obi it comes R icardus fil iu s

G i lber ti .’

Ann us 6 MCLXXV I. P on s lapideus L ondon iae

in ceptus est.’ R egin aldu s4

[fil iu s Henri cireg is] comes Cornubiee obi it, et sepultus est14 juxta patrem suum

,sci licet Henr icum

P rimum apud R eding.

1 N ot in C .

6’ d eYbern ia redi ens orandi causaven it ad Sanctum David, C .

6 Kalendas C .

4 C .

6’ N ot in C .

suum s imiliter regem A ngliae, C .

eju s ad invicem pacifi cati sunt, suum,

6 Seysi ll , C .

9 T udwalt, C .

1 9 Gel-

I re,C .

suus , C .

1 6 Willelmo, C .

1 9 B reose,C .

14’apud R adyngs


A .D .

1 1 88.


Saladino eorum 1nefari o rege Chri stianos

apud mare 6 T iber iadem devicerunt,

et XL.

m i llia ex eis ceciderunt,6veramque Domin i

Cru cem’ cum rege

4 I erusalem et ducibus et

baronibus ceperunt, et civi tatem I eru salem6omnesque terrae muniti ones ceperunt , exceptaBethsu ra.

6 Imperator Romanus,F rederi cu s

n omine,et rex F rancorum P hi li ppu s

,Ricardu s

Anglorum r ex’Crucis signaculo se

7s ignare

fecerunt . 6

[S im i liter archi epi scopi plur es et

comites et duces,baron es et milites


et capellan i et cler ici ] Baldewinus Can tuar ien si s ar ch iepi sc0pu s

9 Swtwalliam ingressus

est,ut Crucem Chri sti praedi car et,

1 9v i saqu e

sede San cti Davi d N or twalliam intravi t,ubi

d e Cruce xpraed ican s , complur es signo Cruci smun ivi t, et s ic in A ngliam r edii t.

Annus 4MCLXXXVI I I . 1 1 Cometes B r itann iae pertotam in sulam vi sus est


’ 1 6nec s in e re s i

gnav it en im Henri ci regi s mortem, qui cito

post Obii t ; cujus vi sio nunquam impun e mortalibu s habetur. Und e i llud cr in emque ti

mend i si deri s,

et alibi,mu tan tem sceptra


’ 1 6 R icard a s rex Angli ae et P hi

lippus rex Fran cies,circa festum B eati

Johanni s Baptistae, cum multi s armatorum

1neph ar io, M S . N ot in C .

6 T yber iad is, C .

6 ’et C rucem Dom in i , C .

4 N ot in C .

6et omnes, C .


p receded by A nnus in C .

6 ' P hilippus rex F rancorum ,Hen

riens rex A nglorum , C .

7s ignar i , C .

p receded by Annu s . A nnus in C .

9 Sutwalliam, C .

10’ N ot in C .

Cometa visa. est per totam A n

gliam , C .

‘2’ A nnus . Henr icus fi lius imperatr i ci s rex A ngliae Ob iit apud N eustriam in octabus A postolorum P etr iet P aul i . cui successi t R icardus fi liusejus .

1 3

1 1 89.

1 1 90.

1 1 9 1 .


millibu s iter versus T erram Sanctam arri

puer unt.]1 Annus MCLXXXIX. Resus fi lius Grifini in

Sudwall ia bellum movi t ; in Ros et in P em

broc combusti ones fecit, Gouhir praedatus est,

castellum Carnaw i llian destruxi t,ali aque ca

stella in D ewet cepit,quae per malam cus to

diam otius am is it. Castellum de Kermerdin

obsedi t ; sed adveni ente Jok ann e comite fi lioHenrici r egi s, cum exercitu totia s Angliae,relicta est obsid io ; facta est inter ipsum et

R esum 2 pax,sed privata, r edi itque Johann es

in sua. B esus fi liu s G r ifim’

circa N ataleDomini Clari obsedit, quod et habui t ; dedi tque B oeli S ei s fi lio suo cum adjacente.

Mai lgonu s R esi fi lius a patre suo captus est,et apud D inewr incarceratu s est. D einde


patre n esciente, Gr iffin u s frater suus eam

a carcer e patris duxit,Wi ll ielmoque de B reu sa

socero suo custodiendum tradidi t.’

1 Annus MCXC . I n D ewet occi s i sunt a F rancis n obi les Wallenses

,scil icet B esus fi lius

Rederch , et T rah ai r fi lius Kedi wor,et Gr i

fi nus fi lius Elid ir.’

Annus 3 MCXOI .4 Rex F ranciae Philippus’ civi

tatem 5 A ccharon obsedi t,nam R icardus rex

3 An gliae6ad C iprum in sulam d iverti t, eamque

d ition i suae, rege i ll iu s capto, subjecit,7


pecun iam infini tam inven it in ea 8 inde ad

obsidionem 9 A ccharon laeto vultu’ ven it ; 1 ° quo


1’ N ot in C .

'1 C .

2 pace in M S .

8 deinde, C .

3 N ot in C .


prazfatae eivi tatis , C .

‘1 ’ P h ilippus rex, C . et in ea non mu l tum post, D eo5 A ccaron ,

C . volente,ceperunt v i i. M . paganorum,

6 ’ iter ad Cyprum d iver terat, quos in ca trucidaverunt, C .

eam cepit, C .

58 AN NALE S cu mnmz.

adveniente Chri stiani audaciores et for tiores

effecti civi tatem ob sessam divin o nutu ceperun t, et in ea v i i . m ill ibus paganorum occi s is .

Baldewi nu s 1 Cantuaren s is arch iepi scopu sQ felici ter in Chri sto’ obi i t


3et in civi tate

A ccharon cum honore d ebito a Chr istiani s

sepultis in Domino qui escit.’

B esu s fi lius4 Grifin i castellum de 5 N ewer d ie A ssump

tion is San ctae Mariae 2 for ti manu,Fran ci s

expu lsi s ,’ cepit.

1 1 92 . Annus QMCXC I I . W alens es de D eW et


Gr ifino fil i o R esi,

v i ceper unt castellum d e

L anwaden . B esus fih'

us Gr ifini Malgonum

fili um suum a carcere Wilh elmi d e Br eu sa

liberav i t,Willielm o invi to.

’ 6 Besus Gr ifini

fi liu s,post liberation em Mailgom

fil i i sui , ad

obs idi on em Aber taw i poten ter di vertit,eumque

per d ecem ebdomadas oppidum obsed i sset, et

oppidan os fere fame dedi tion i coegi sset, quodam infortun i o et quadam invidi a in ter fi li ossuos Gr ifinum et Mai lgonum laten ter habita


un de F rancorum vi ob sidionem deseru it, qu i

ba sdam fami liar ium snorum in praecedente

di e submer s is .

1 1 9 3 . Annus 2MCXCI I I . Grifi nus T royt occisus est.

Johannes fi lius Eli d ir obi it.’ 7 Ci rca festumSan cti C i r icii fami liares Hoeli S ei s OppidumWi z noctur no d olo et insid ii s cujus dam traditor is dein tus ceperunt, ac F land ren ses et

Franci d e P enbroc praedi cti Oppid i capt io

N ot in C . sed tamem submers is ib idem qui

JVot in C . busd am d e su is obsid ionem deserui t.3 ’cu i successit . C .

1 G rif ut, C . Hoelus fi lius R es i castrum de5 Kemmer , C . v illa V iech dolo cep it, et castrum de5’ R esus fi lius Gri fut castmm d e

Sweynese per v . ebd omad as obsed i t,

L anam deuery destrux it, et plures d eI

i suis ibidem occi si sunt,C .


1 1 96.


1 F landrenses cas tellum d e Wi z di e P entecostes ceperun t. R esus fi lius Gr ifin i duos

fi lios suos Maredut et Resum P arvum cepi t.’

2 W i lli elmus d e Breus a cas tellum S an cti Clari

valida manu cep it,tenui t, et in eo captis

Hoeli fam iliaribus LX.

’ 1 Hoc audi ens B oeluscas tellum N ewer di rui t, terr am tamem Fran cis

invi ti s sibi retinui t.’

Annus 3 MCXCVI . 4 Resus fi lius 5 Gr ifini 6 Ker

merdi n combuss it ,7 inde exerci tum ad Here

ford iae partes ducens,Redenor combu ssi t,

m i li tesque Rogeri de Mortuo Mari ad modum

quadraginta occid it cum innumerab ili ped itummulti tudine.’ 1 E 0 in hunc m od u m agen te,

W illi eImu s de Breus exercitum ad Aber tew i

mov it, par temque villae combus sit, et s ic in

sua r ed i it . Phili ppus Magh el in belli con

flictu ibi cecidit. E xi i t edi ctum a regeR i cardo u t omni um rerum venalium commercia per uni versum regnum eju s un iusmen surae pond er i s et preti i fi erent .

Annus 3 MCXCVI I . 8

[Ri cardus rex obn t,


success it Johann es frater ejus ] Resus 9 Gr i

fin i filiu s’ 1 ° Sudwalli ae prin ceps 1 1

nobil iss imus,

mors Anglorum, clipeus B r i tonum,I V . Kalen

darum Mai i mori tur ; cujus corpus n obi leapud San ctum Davi d cum hon ore d ebitohumatum est 1 2

ad cujus hon orem hos ver

1’ N ot in C .

2’ W illelmus de B reu sa cas trum

d e Sanoto C laro vi cep it et XL . de

fami lia B oeli fi lii Resi , C .

3 N ot in C .

1 R es , C .

5 Gri fut , C .

et Maysheueyt s imiliter ,8 C .

9 ’ filius G rifut, C .

1° S utwallim, C .

mor itur i v. Kalendas

cuj us corpus apud Sanctumh onorifi ce humatum est, C.

12’ N ot in C .





modul o nostro,

composu imu s,

inducta simi litud in e in ter ipsum et tyr annos

per contrar ium.

Cum vola i t pluv ias Busiri s caede parabat,

N oluit eethereas sangu in e B esus aquas ;E t quotien s Phaler is cives tor rebat in acre,

Gentibus inv i sis R esu s ad esse solet.N on fuit Antiphates

,non falsus victor


N on homines rapidu s pabula fecit equi s,

S ed piger ad poen am prin ceps, ad praem ia


Qui cquid 1 do quo cogitu r esse ferox.

Hic degen erat, gen eroso germine natus,R egibu s or tu s , obi it B esus, ad astra red it.

Gr ifinu s fi liu s R esi statim post obitum patri ssu i curiam R egi s ad iv i t, ibique factus haeresdomum red i i t. Mai lgonu s R esi fi liu s ci rcaAugu stum Gr ifinum fratrem suum cepit

, et

Wenev inw e fil io Owin i custodi endum trad id it

,quem postmodum Wenev inwen regi

pro Carr ec Huwa d ed it. B esus P arvus et

Maredu t fi li i R esi a carcere Gr ifin i fratr is

su i soluti sunt .’

Annus 2 MCXCVI I I . Gr ifinu s Resi fi liu s a carcere regi s solu tus est. Caedes Walensium aFran ci s facta est in E lwail in obsid ione P ayn .

P raecepit rex R icardu s omnes cartas in regn osuo emptas reformar i et n ovi sigill i su i im

pressi one roborar i .’ 3

[P etrus episc0pus Mene

vens is obi it, qu i Opus novum ecclesiae

Menevensis incepit, v ixit autem episcopus

XX I I . ann is, mensibus V I I . d iebu s xv.]

3 C . T he year MCC. is added in

the margin.


1 200.

1 201 .


Annus 1MCXC IX .


[Ricardu s rex Anglorum in

quadam exped itione apud Lymoses ictu

bali stae percu ssus d iem claus it supremum ,

cu i successit Johann es frater ejaa ]3 Wi lliel

mus Dewer Herefordens i s epi scOpus obi itin Chri sto, cu i su ccessit in episcoPatum

fi liu s Willielm i de Breus a, Egidius nom in e.

Houelu s S ei s R esi fi liu s erga P ascha curiamregi s Johann i s adiv it

,et in redi tu suo apud

S tr igu il aegr itud ine correptu s obi i t,vel, u t

al i i volun t , a Fran ci s occi sus est ; qu i omn es

Walliae duces largi tate praecellebat. W ill iel

mus Marescallu s factus est comes P enbroch iae.

Annus 1 M00.

4Mailgonu s fil ius Resi,u t vid i t

quod solus terram patri s su i tenere non

potui t, quin Fran ci s vel Grifino fratr i suopartem d aret

,eli gi t potius cum hostibus par

tiri quam cum fratre. V endidit igitur regicastellum Abertew i pro parvo argen ti pond ere

,et pro maled ictione cleri et popul i

totius Wall iae.

’ 3 Geraldu s filius Maur ici i in

Hibern i a d efun ctus est. I n cipi t ord o P raed icatorum .

An nus 1MCC I .

5 Mar edut fi liu s Resi,inclytus

adolescen s,a Fran ci s de Kedweli


di e S anctiSwi thin i occisu s est

,cujus corpus ad Ked

Weli d i latum ibique juxta eccles iam San ctaeMariae humatum est. Gr ifinu s Resi fil iu s

terram Maredut fratr i s sui scili cet Cantr efh echan , cum Oppido L lanamdewr i sibi cepi t ;sed an te men sem exactum Grifi nu s quadam

1 N ot in C . A beteyui homin ibu s R es i donavi t,2 C .

3 ’ N ot in C .

et ob sides a baron ibus accepit, C .

5’ Gr ifut fi lias R es ob i it, et Mare

dut frater ipsius ab hominibus d e

Mai lgum fil ius Res castellum Kedwell occi sus est, C .


A .D .

1 205 .


r ien si s arch i epi scopo. N am sex praecedentibu sann i s sedes vacaverat propter controvers iam

election i s in ter Cantuar iensem archiepi scOpum

et abbatem S an cti D ogmaelis , li te ad ultimumd eterminanda in curia Romana ]Annus 1 MCCV. Hubertus Cantuar ien si s archi e

pisc0pu s obi i t,


[v i r magnae industr iae et

mirabili s as tu tim,sed


parum li teratus,totiu s

tamen Angliae quandoque justiciar ius . Quohumato

,statim monachi 3 Cantuar ienses sub

pr iorem suum elegerunt, et cum liter is pr ior i s

et conventus magna onustum pecun ia ad

curiam Romanam tran smiserunt . Quod cumregi Johann i innotu isset, i ll ico omn ia v ictualia

et omni a n ecessaria et eti am exitum vel

introitum extra cym iter ium praefatis mo

nach is inh ibu i t . I lli autem vi den tes destructionem suee domus imm inere regem ad ierun t,

et con sili i s ipsiu s adqu iescere prom i serun t.

V en iens i taque rex Cantuar iam epi s00pum

N orwicen sem sibi valde fami liarem secum ad

duxi t,monachos corrupit , promi ttendo priori

et x1 1 . major ibu s conventus cu i libet corumepisc0patum v el abbaciam u t m emoratum

episcopum postularent, et s ic eum postularunt

,et tanquam postu latum ad osculum

pacis receperun t in conven tu et in refectorio,

et literas suas transmiserunt subpr ior i in

curia Roman a exi stenti et munus con secra

tion is expectan ti u t domum redi ret, et me de

negotio electioni s de se 4factae qu icquam intromitteret. Quod cum a d omin o papa compertum esset nun cios cum liter is sui s domin oregi destinav it ut rex literas suas patentes

3 M S .

4 fréM S .

A d ) .


de ratihabi tat ione cum priore et X I I . de d i

scretior ibu s Cantuar iens i s ecclesias Romam

m i tteret,u t quem i lli in praesentia papac eli

gerent, d ominus papa consecraret ; con secra

tumque cum pallio in Angliam tran smi tteret .

V en ien tes autem monachi ad curiam Ro

man am , quod regi fi rm i ter et cum juramento

promiseran t , n eglexerunt , et d i ssen sione intereos habita

,imo mor tuo quinque ex ipsi s , in

proposito sieut prom i seran t perman serun’


Dominus autem papa aud ien s epiSCOpum

vald e esse secu larem et a plur ibus diffamatum

, pr iorem cum reliqu i s mod i s omn ibusinduxit ut magistrum S tephanum A ngli cum

qu endam theologum valde literatum eligeren t.

E o autem electo,d om inus papa cum hono

r i fi ce con secrav i t,et cum pr iv i legn s et palli o

in Angliam ad sedem suam tran smis it . Quodcum regi innotu i sset , omnes m onachos Can

tu ar iens i s ecclesiae d e regno suo expul i t, nec

unus corum in toto regn o Angliae reman s i t.

E t introitum archiepi scopo et suis in re

gnum inhibu i t. Dominus autem papa,facti s

plur ibus mon i tion ibu s d omino regi ut archie

piscopum r eciperet, rege semper in malitiaper severan te

,totam A ngliam sub generali

in terd i cto conclu s i t, ne ali gna d ivina in ecclesi i s celebrarentu r excepto solo baptismate.

E t ne aliqua corpora episcOporum ,abbatum ,

monachorum,cler icorum ,

lai coru ln,in eymi

ter i is aut loci s consecrati s sepeli rentur , sed

extra civi tates et vi llas in tr iv iis et quad r iv i is et in v iarum exitibu s sepelirentur .

Henri cus Exon i en sis episcopu s obi it.]1 Rex

1’ Johannes rex A ngl ia; Rothomagum totamque Normanniam amis it. C .



A .D .

Angliae Johannes cum exercitu P ictav iam in

travi t,

s ed cum P h ilippo F rancorum regimin ime resi stere potui t, in Angliam vacuu s

r ed ii t.’ 1 B esus P arvus cum Fran cis castel

lum Luchewein,quod erat in potestate fili orum

Gri fin i , combussit, omn ibus occisi s qui i llud

observabant . Mu tatio monetm facta est.’

Annus 2 MCCVI . 3

[P ri or Cantuar iens is Romam

adi it .]Annus 1

MCCVI I . Cepit rex tertiam d ecimam

partem regn i tam de mobi libu s quam im

mobi libu s ad recuperandum haeredi tatem suamin N orthmani a. Ab hac exactione liber fui tC i sterciensium ordo.’ 3

[Magi ster Stephanusde L angedun a papa I nnocentio Terti oKalendas Ju li i in archi episc0pum Cantuar ien

sem consecra tur .]Annu s 1

MCCVI I I . Resu s P arvus secund o castellum Lu ch ewein combu ssi t, oppidan i s partimcapti s , partim caesis .

’ 3

[Generale interd i ctumfi t per totam Angliam X . Kalendas Apri li sDomini ca prima in P assion e Domin i . E odem

ann o ci rca festum S an cti Mi chaeli s, Wi ll elmu s

de Brewsa,mota d i scord ia inter ipsum et

regem, cum uxore et fi li i s timen s regem in

Yberni am fil gi t.]Annus 1

MCC IX. N atus est R icardus S ecundusregis fi li u s . Rex in Scotiam ivi t.

1 210. Annus 2MCCX.


[Omnes epi scopi Angliae d e

regno ejecti sunt, exceptis duobu s W intonien si et N oru i censi

, per quem et propterquem tota d i scordi a mota est .]

4 Rex Jo

N ot in C . ratu ven it P embrochi am,et collectis

2.Not.‘ m C . ib idem M . navibus apud M ilford, i d

3 C . est A berclethi f, in crastino Sanoto4 E odem anno Johannes rex An rum Cyr ici et I ulittae matr is ejus ,

81188 cum magno exercita et appa mare intrans, appli cui t apud Water


A .D .


dux i t,

et in ea castella X I V . vel amplius

firmav i t. L ewelinus ad preed icti monti s tutamina cum suis se r ecepit . Tandem med ian tibu s

Angliae et Walliae Optimatibu s,recon cili an ti

bus,tribus m illibus pecorum regi dati s, rex

in sua red i i t .’ 1 Fran ci duetu fi liorum R esi

Mailgon i , scili cet et R esi P arv i,castellum

Aber i stu t fi rmaver unt . S ed Mai lgonu s et

B esus,cogn ita F r ancorum perfi d ia ,


,oppidan i s abire d im is s is . Mai l

gonus in Swtw alliam bellum mov i t. Catwa

loin Glamorgan iae praedas et combustionesfeci t

,non sine h om inum d etr imen to .

’ 2

[R0ber tus fi lius R i card i X IV . Kalen das Jun i i

obi i t.]Annus 1

MCCXI I . Mailgonu s et Wenn enw en cumL ewelino N or twalen sium duce foedus in i erun t ,et in P owi s stragem magh am de Fran cisfecerun t. R oberta s d o VVepini in fugam ver su sin A ngliam v ix ev as it .

’ 2

[Men se F ebr uar i inocte quadam quiescen te quodam viro bonaeconver sati on i s et hon estee in s tratu suo circamed iam n octem au d iv i t quasi quamdam sibidi centem

,Surge et Vi de mi ra et magnarum

rerum praenostica. Qu i statim expergefactu s

Cruci s sign acul o se mun iv it,et surgen s a

lecto foras exivit, et circum spicien s und iqu e

elevans ocu los in coelum tr es lunas vid it ;unam l n or tu hyemali

,minorem plena, majorem

s em iplena ; duas alias in occi d en te vi d it quaeminores erant vergen tes in occasum. Homo

autem stupefactus sacerdoti suo vi sion em in

d icav it, qu i v i sionis testimon ium perhibu it.]

1’ N ot in C .

1 21 3 .


Annus 1MCCXI I I . L ewelinus dux N orwalli ae

cum ducibus sibi confoederatis,sci licet Malgone

et Wenn inwen et alii s min ori s n omin i s et

potestati s ducibus,castella per N orwalli am

et P owi s a rege firmata,unum post ali ud ,

v alida manu ceper un t, oppidani s2 partim cassi s,

2 partim r edempti s , partim abire dimi ss i s .

B esus et Ow inus fil i i Gr ifin i , F rancorum

auxi lio,D en ewr et Lan am D ewer i ceperun t,

R eso P arvo domin o ter ree v i expulso. Resus

P arvus ad Mailgonem se tran stul it,et cum eo

parum moratus inde ad Fran cos veni t, qui

cum post modi cum tempor i s intervallumceperun t , et in Angliam duxer un t. Offertr ex ecclesiae Romanee totum regnum Angliaeet Hibern iae tenenda ea sibi et heered ibus suistanquam feu dari i s per annum reddi tum M.

marcarum .

’ 3

[P hilippus r ex Francorum ex

preecepto d omin i papac I nn ocen ti i Ter tii inA ngli am i re proposu it ut resti tueret S tephanum Cantuar ien sem archi episcopum ad sedemsuam coll ectaqu e u avium multitudi ne apud

Caleys , rex Johannes galeas suas ul tra maretransm i sit

,spoliataque classe regi s F rancorum

circi ter octogin ta n av es combu sserun t. Com

busta igitur clas se, rex Phili ppus P arys iu sred i it. Rex autem Angliae t imen s i terumadven tum r egi s Francorum in Angliam ex

con silio tot ius regn i archiepiscopum et omnesepi scopos , qu i in exilio eran t

,revocav it. Qu i

redeuntes e rege et ab omn ibus honor ifi cesu scepti sunt ]

1 ’.Not in C .

pat tern in M S .


An nus 1 MCCXIV.

2 Rex Angliae circa P ur ifi cationem Beatae Virgin i s P ictav iam intravi t


cui in auxi li um cum Al emann is n epos suusOtho veni t. Haec audi ens rex F ranciae

Phi lippu s n on in arcu suo speran s et gladi osed in I pso qui aper it et n emo clau di t


O thoni s aciem invas it,eamque d is sipavit, di s

s ipatam caedi t, prostrav i t , pedi bus equorum

conculcav i t ; cepi t etiam tres n obi les con

sul es,"

W illi elmum Longum-ensem fratrem

regi s An gli ae , et cons ul em B r ita nn i ae,et con

sulem Flandr iae. Othone in f ugam ver so,r ex

F ranciee cum triumpho ad sua r edi i t.’ 3 Und eFrancia in gaud ium versa est

,Anglia in

lu ctum . Rex Angli ae in Angliam r ed ii t,ubi

pos tmodum Cruci s sign acul o se in signi v it .’

4 D i scid ium or tum est in ter regem Angliae et

cons ul es et baron es aqui lonales ,3 cujus d i sci d ii

memi n it Merlinu s vates in vati cini o suo,

di cens,N am d i sci dium alieni genarum or ietur .

Con sul es et bar ones aqui lonales cum prin ci

pibu s Wall iae con tra regem foedera ini erun t.

Egidi us d e Breus o Herefordens is episcopus ,

facto cum du cibus Walli ae et bar oni bus

Ang liae foedere, terram patr i s sui cum castellis

vi adqu i sivi t , fami liar ibus regi s undi que ex

1 [ Vet in C . tamque multi tudinem baronum et

2’ Johannes r ex trans fretavi t in mi li tam , ca teros au tem , in quantum

P i ctaviam . E odem ann o Otho im potuerun t occiderunt cir citer xx.

perator cum comi ti bus F landr ia mi llie,u t perhi bent. C .

et B oloni a et com ite Salesburi ae,

2 ’ N ot in C .

fratre regis An gli ae, cum magn o4’ D iscordia mota es t inter Johan

exercita ad debellandum r egem nem regem Anglorum et omnes

F rancorum ad terminos F rancim barones rotins regn i propter oppres

veneran t Quibu s occurr ens rex s iones quas eis in tul erat et li bertatesF ran corum 905 d evi cit

,Gt fugato quas eis abstulerat. C . under the

imperatore iv01 comi tes cepit, mul I s ucceed ing yea r .

A OD .

1 2 1 5.

1 2 1 6 .


sibi in tegra ser vaverun t .

’ 1 Unde'


laeti ad s ua redierun t , Fran ci vero tri stesund ique ejecti , velu t aves huc et illu c d is

persi sun t.’ 2 Relaxata est sen tentia interd icti

a d omino papa,

’ 1et '

orta est di ssen sio in ter

reges et bar ones, u t praed ictum est .’ 3


fri du s Men even s is epi scoPu s obi it,

cu i success it Gervas iu s — consecratus est Gervas ius

Meneven s 1 s epi scopus ]An nus 1 MCCXV. W enunw en a L ewelino principe N orwalli ae sua patri a expul su s est. Hoelu s

fili u s Crrifi n i obii t. L odov icus fili u s regi sF ranciae ven it in A ngliam ad proeliandum

contra regem. Wenunw en obi it.’

Annus 1 MCCXVI . L ewelinu s pr in ceps N or t

W all iee magnum exerci tum in Gower movi t,

et cas tellum Aber tau i primo impetu cepit ;ind e cum ducibu s sibi confoederati s

,scil i cet

Mai lgono et Reso P arvo et fi li i s Gr ifi n i et

alii s R os adivi t . Sed Angli ci d olosi et in

omn ibus fere odi osi,qu ia ei n on possent r e

s istere XXI V. obs ides commun i con sili o et con

silio 4Gervasi i Meneven si s episcopi, qui Wallen

s ibus magi s n ocui t quam profu it, tradi derunt ;

et hoc condi tionali ter fecerun t,quod obsi des

infr a breve spatium pro mille marci s deliberarent

,totiu s terrae potestatem ei tr ibu eru nt. ’


[P rimus decenn ovennali s ci cli ab I n carn ation e Domin i MCCXVI . in quo gen erale con

ci lium R omae celebratum est sub I nnocentioI I I . I n quo omn es cleri ci per un iversummun dum aut inviti aut spon tan ei vices imumdenar ium omni um reddituum suorum redder e

1 ’ Ivot in C .

2’ Relaxatio i nterd icti per totam

A ngli am vta N onas Juni i . C .

A O D .

1 2 1 8.


coacti sunt per tri enn ium quasi in subsi d iumterrae I erosolimitanae. L audatur ab hi s dominus


papa, culpatur ab ali is . P lur ima priecepta fuerun t ibi promulgata sed a pauci sobservata . I bi dem etiam fuit ord inatu in d e

decim is Alborum monachorum . I nnocen tiusobii t. E t introni z atu s fui t Honor ius.]

Annus 1 MCCXVI I . 2

[Mota est di scord ia in terJohannem regem Anglorum et optimatestotiu s regn i sui et cum non posset i lli s re

s istere cru cem suscepit , et nun cios ad curiamRomanam transm i sit

,exorans et postu lan s a

d omin o papa u t eum quasi cr uci signatum

defenderet. E t ea con d ition e totam A ngliam

d omino papee tr ibutar iam fecit,reddendo an

nuatim curiae Romanee septingentas mar cas .Dominus i taque papa tran sm i s it legatum in

A ngliam ,qui et L odou icum fil ium regi s Fran

corum, qu i in Angliam venerat

,cum omn ibus

fau tor ibus suis excommun icav it,

et s ic de

Anglia post absolutionem tamen a legatoadeptam cum dedecore r ecessi t .]Annus 3 MCCXVI I I . Barones qu i homagiumfecerunt L odow ico interfecti sunt

,et quam

plur imi Fr ancorum,pugnante Domino pro


’ 2

[I n cujus fi ne an te festum B eatiMi chaeli s Johannes rex Angliae viam un iver see

carni s ingressus est ; V ir quidem mali tiosu s ,

Oppressor eccles iarum et Optimatum totiu s

regn i , u t V idebatur odiosus Deo et homin ibus,

mort e repentina pr zeventu s , de cujus mortepauci vel nulli tri stes effecti sun t. P ostmortem ips ius legatus supramemoratu s fi lium

ips iu s Henr icum P ar v um V I I . annorum apud

1 1Vot in C . [ Vat in C .


A .D .

Glocestr iam,u t aiebant

,d iad emate regni in

s igni vit, in fes‘

tivitate Symon i s et Judae.L ewelinus fuit apud Wolnedale in Ros ]

1 2 1 9 . Annus 1MCCXI X. Lew elinus princeps totius

Wall i se cum ali i s d ucibus minori s potestati ssibi confoederati s in Augusto exerci tum ma

gnum in D ew et movet , et castellum Arberthcum primo nutu sine ul la conten tione

,vi r i s

par t im caesis , partim capti s , combu ssit ; d einde

castellum W i z in crastin o adi v i t,

et i d

i dem,

soluti s vi ri s cum su i s armis,dato eis

foedere,si n e mor a destrux it.’ 2 P ostea castel

lum Harford adi v it,et totam vi llam combu s

s it,et castellum d ebellare nolui t.

’ 1 D einde

apud P u l in Ros pernoctavi t , et totam patr iam

combu ss it , n ecnon omn ia animalia totius patriaein s imul congregata mactare praecipit . D ein de

P enbroc volu i t ad ire,

sed ipsi prae timorevir i forti s ad foedu s habendum d ucentas

marcas pepigerun t. Hoc facto ad propria,

salvi s omni bus vi r i s sui s, red ii t .

’ 3 Obi it W illi elmu s Marescallu s seni or. ’ 4

[C ivitas D amietamen se N ovembrum m iraculose a Chr istian i s

capta est,

5 quae duobu s an tea ann i s obsessa

fuerat . Fu erunt autem in ea XLV. m ill ia

armatorum ,u t asserebant

,excepti s muli er ibus

et parvu lis . Sed plurimi 6 fame et inedi am ortui fuerun t. D ie namque qua civi tascapta fui t inventa f uer-unt

,u t d icitur


1 ’ N ot in C .

2’ Rodem anno L ewelinus fi lius

Youer ith combussi t Hauerfordiam

N onas Septembr i s, under the suc

ceed ing year in C .

3 ’ W i llelmus Mar scallu s v etu s

comes P enb irch iae ob iit . C . Af ter

this we have the sentence— Rt G er

vasius episc0pus Menevens is, cui

success it A n selmus thesaur ius E xo

n iensis— wr z’

tten and then cros sed


4 C .


Qui in 111 S .

3 F ama in M S .

A O D .

1 222.

1 223 .

1 224.

1 225.


Ki lgarran refi rmavit . Mu ltos insu ltu s in

Walenses fecit. Confoederatoque sibi Conano

fi lio Hoeli praedam max imam de terra de

Cardi gan abduxit,totamqu e terram u sque ad

Ayron cepi t,quam custod iae d ioti Con an i

comm i s it,et ipse cum sui s d iscessit.]

Annus 1 MCCXXI I . 2 W i llelmu s Marescallu s

i terum Hibern iam intrav it et ju sticiar ium

totiu s Hibern iae accessit,et fil ios 3 Hugon is

de Lacy subjugavit, quos ad regem Angliae

u t con cord iam eju s iniren t adduxi t .’ 4Lowys

rex F ranciae P ictav iam pessundav it .’ 3

[Henr icu s rex Anglice fi lius Johann is ami sit P i

ctavi am .]Annus 1 MCCXXI I I . S

[I n quo primo constitutu s

est praecentor in ecclesia Menevensi . E t in

ceptum fui t n ovum Opus m ajori s ecclesiaeS an cti T homae Hauerfordiae.]

4 L ewelinu s

cepi t castrum de W i tinton et prostrav i t.’

Annus 1 MCCXXIV.

6 Castrum de Bedeford ca

ptum est. ’ [Annus in quo L odov icu s rexF rancorum expugnav it castra com iti s S an ctiE gyd i i , et praecipue Av inum

,et mur os ejus

evertit. Annus in quo Mar edu t fi lius Resiarch id iaconu s de C ardigan obi it. Reginaldus

de B reosa obnt,cu i successi t W i llelmus fi lius

eju s : qu i eodem anno captus est in Kery.]Annus 1


7Henri cus rex jun ior cumtotiu s Anglice exercitu .et maximo armorum

1 N ot in C .4’ N ot in C

2 IV . in M S .5 C .

2’ E t eodem annoW illelmusMar s“E t cepi t cas trum dc Bedeford ,

callu s cepit castrum de T rummc in immed ia tely af ter amisi t P i ctav iam

Ybern iam,et expugnavit Hugonem under 1 222 . C .

de Lacy. C .

7 I n quo gwerra mota est inter3 Hu. in .MS . Henr icum regem A ngliae filiuin


A .D .

appar atu provinciam de Ker i intravi t, et ea

stellum ibidem formavi t,cu i V i r i liter r esi stans

L ewelinu s N ortw alli ze pr in ceps, convocati s

du cibu s Su twalli ae,stragem n on modi cam ex

ercitu r egi s intuli t, et W i lli elmum de B reusa

cepit. 1

[E t eodem ann o exi i t a captiv itate

in cathedra San cti P etri ]2 V i den squ e r ex

quod propositum suum parum ci pr oficeret,

accept-a qu adam summa pecun iee ad 3con

pr in cipes, eo pacifi cato castellum inceptum

fugit et vacuus d omum redi t.’

1 1 26 . Ann us 4MCCXXVI . L eweli nus prin ceps N ord

W alli ee W i llielm um d e Breusa pro magnasumma pecuni ae et pro castelli s de Buelth d e

carcere liberav it,ad augm en tum etiam foeder i s

W i lli elmo d e B reusa fi liam suam cum prov incialibu s et ca stello d e Bu elth dedi t in

uxor em . Urbs Hierosolym itana a Frederi coimperatore et complicibus Ch ri stiani s capta.

fui t.’ 1

[Gervasius episcoPu s Meneven s is obi it,

cu i su ccess i t An selmu s Crassus. E t TerraSan cta reddita est imperatori .]

Annus 4MCCXXVI I . 2 L ew elinus prin ceps N ord

W alli ee W il lielmum d e Breu sa pro n imia

praesumptione sua et infamia d ev icit et postmodum mor ti trad idi t .’ 3 Henricus rex A ngliee

cir ca Kalen das Mai i cum totiu s Angliae exer

citu ad instantiam com itis B r itanni ae Minoris

Joh ann is et L ewelinum pr incipem3 H. in M S .

lValliaa in qua gwerra captus es t3 ’ Henr icus rex fi lius Johannis

W illelmus d e B reosa a dicto pr in transfretavi t in B r itann iam c ircacipe. C . festum A postolorum P h ilippi et

1 C . Jacob i a P or tesmuth et apud B urN ot in C . deus applicu i t. I ‘It regem F ranc ia)

3conpr inc ipe in 211 8 . moinit oppugnare, sed

,C .

4 N ot in C .

A .D .

1 23 0.

1 23 1 .

1 C .

Marscallum , qui aliquantulum ibi moram

fac iens r epatr iavi tj2 Ann us MCCXXVI I I .’

2 Annus MCCXXI X. Henr i cus rex cum exercitu

suo fui t apud P oresmu e. Comes B ri tanni ae

veni t in Angli am .

2 Annus MCCXXX . Obii t Gilbertu s comes Glo

verni m.

Annus 3 MCCXXXI .

2 L ew elin us prin ceps N or

w alli ae,sui s comi tatu s inpr i si s, qui bus dam d e

cans i s in ter ipsum et regem suborti s,Mun

gumr iam ,B rech oni am et Hai am cum Rad enor

cas tello soletenus di r upto et incendi o d evastavi t . D einde versus Gu entiam tendens et

Kar li on in cinerem r edi gens , castella de N eth

et Kedvvely et de Har digan ,Vill a pr iu s a

Mai lgon o su ccens a, pros trav i t, pr ob i s partium

i llarum sibi subjugati s, et fi d eli tate a magn atibus L ew elin o praestita un iver si s praeterquam a Morgan o fi li o Hoeli Angli ci s con

foed erato, qu i sibi ju s suum h eeredi tarium

dux eran t restitu en dum . Acci d en s autem in

teri m rex An gli ae cum exer citu suo versu sMar ch iam et expens as faci ens infini tas

, ca

stellum P aen de petra et calce n obil i ssim um

cons trux it,

et arm ator um mul titudi n e suffi

cien ter comm un ivi t .

’ 4 Obii t 3 W i llelmus Mares callus V I I . I duum Aprili s


’et R icardus frater

ejus factus est comes P enbrochi ae.

6 Ricardus

comes P enbroch v1i i I dus A prilis2’ ZY


ot in C . ob iit, C .

3.Not in C .

3 W. M S .

4W illelmus Marascallus juni or 6 R . M S .


a n .

totam terram i llam proponen s in manu fortiet brach io extento, u t erat v i r probus et

poten s in armis, magnus et terr ibilis , sapien set facundus

,pius atque formae elegantis , sibi

s ubjugare. S ed cum quadam die suos d ebel

lar et adversarios, et eos, u t leo provocatu s ad

i ram,a d extr i s et a s ini str is prostern eret et

in terfi ceret,su i barones cum m i litibu s su re

naturae non immemores fraude praelocuta

quod eum hostibu s traderent,i llum in bello

linquentes fugam fi nx eru nt,et s ic cum adver

sar iorum fustibu s et gladi is trad iderunt, ub i

confractu s fuit hostium i ctibu s et lan cei s abimo us que ad summum perforatus ad ultimumtentus

,et s ic post paucos di es spir i tum D eo

redd i d i t ; cujus am i ss ionem planxit d ominusrex cum n imi o dolore et omn es Optimatessu i multo tempor e. Cui in haered i tatem

su ccess it magi ster Gilbertus frater suus, ju

ven is elegan ti ssimu s et poten s , cui d ominusr ex ni l d e facti s fratr i s sui sibi imputando


omne jus suum beni gno animo d edit et

con cessit.’ 1 Rees Cryo apud Landei lau Vau rvi tam fi n ivi t ; cujus corpus

2epi sc0pus Me

n ev i am juxta patrem suum,Resum


Magnum ,s epu ltu rae trad itur a domino An

selmo Men evens i epi scopo cum d iro planctu

et hon ore maximo.

’ 1 L ewelinus liberav it

C r ifinum fi li um suum quem antea per sex

anuos in car cerem tenuerat,

et d edi t in

med ietatem terrae quae vocatur Liyen . KatWalan fi lius Mailgon sumpto religion i s habitu

1 ’ I n quo fu it secunda fuga apud the dea th of William Marshall in

Cayrmardyn et in quo B esus Creg C .

ob iit, under the year succeed ing2 S ic MS .


apud Cumhyr obiit. Mailgon fi lius Mailgon

aedifi cav it castellum de T refi lan .

1 23 5. Annus 1MCCXXXV. Owinus fil ius Grifin i

,v i r

n obili s genere, mor ibus, preed itus largitate

mir abili,fere 2 incomparab ilis fama excellen

tissima, perspicuu s apud domum de S trata

Florida,di e Mercur i i post octavas Epiphan i ze

fi ne glorioso qu ievit, ibique juxta fratrem

suum R esum in capi tul o monachorum extat

tumulatus .’ 3 Rex Angliae fil iam com iti s

B rebanciae in uxorem accepit, et apud L ondon iam

, praesentibu s ep1 s00p1s , com itibus ,

baronibu s quamplur imis, nuptias splendi decelebrav it. 4 Gilber tus Marescallus desponsavit

sororem regi s Scotiae.

Ann o 1 MCCXXXVI . Guenl lian fi li a Resi Magn i ,uxor E dneveth V ethan ,

obi it. Mailgon fi lius

Mailgon circa festum Sancti Michaelis accessit ad pr incipem L ewelinum , et

,pecun ia

interven ien te non modica,fecit Maredut

fi lium Owein ad reddendum sibi Meven it proP enarch . Quo habito ad spoliandum monachos

de S trata Flori da se praeparavi t, videlicetde terri s de S trat Meur io, quas su i anteces

sores et ipsemet eisdem monachi s dederant.E odem ann o Madocus fi lius Grifin i d ominusd e Mai laur , et Owinu s fili u s Maredut fi li i

R oberti de Kedeweighe, ob ierunt.’ 3 Henri

cus rex Angliae duxit uxorem Alienoram

fi liam com i tis P rovinciae apud Cantuar iam

per dominum E admundum archiepiscoPum.

1 ’ ZVot in. C . E lianoram fi liam comitis P rov inmcomparalis M S . cite . E t G ilber tas comes P enbro

3 'Henr icus (1 1 1 118) rex A ngl ia: ch iac sororem reg is S cotias , C .

fi lius Johannis d uxit in uxorem ‘ G . AI S .


1 23 8.

1 23

1 240.

1 C .



[Frater Ani anus preed icavit dc Cruce in

West Walli a.]An nus 2 MCCXXXVI I . Obn t domina Johanna

fi lia regi s Angliae et uxor L ewilini pr incipi s

Walli ze , cujus corpus sepul turae tradi tur apud

Haber cum di ro planctu et honore non

modi co. Johannes comes Cestr iee gener suus,et Kenwer icu s d omi ni R esi Magni fi liu s,

obierunt . Rex cepit in auxi lium tr icesimam

mobilium .

’ 1

[Otho Romanee ecclesiae legatusveni t in Angli am ]Annus 2 MCCXXXVI I I . I n crastino SanctiLu cae E vangeli

s tae juraverunt omn es prin cipesWalliae fi delitatem d omi no Davi d 6 110 d ominiL ewelini pr incipis apud S tratam F loridam .

Gr ifut Yal dolo Maredu t fi ’

atr is su i,ut di ce

batur,occi su s est. S imon de Montefmt i duxi t

in uxorem Ali enoram comiti ssam P enbrok .

R icar dus de Clare duxi t ux orem M. fi liam J.

de Laci comitis L incoln i ae.

Annus 2nccxxx1x. Obii t Gr ifinus fih


us Ma

redut.’ 3 Gi i finus fi liu s L ewelini bellica vi cecaptus a Davi d fratre suo.’ 2 N ascitur E d

wardu s regi s filius .

4Annus MCCXL. Obut ill e magnus Achill essecun dus

,d ominus sci licet L ew elinus filiu s

Gervasi i fil ii Owini Guynet, tunc princepsWalli ae

,recepto habitu monach ili in domo de

Aberconuy cum magn a'

devoti on e,cujus opera

sum insufficiens narrare. Hostes eni m suosclipeo et hasta dominabat, r eligios i s pacem

4’ Omnes magnates Wall ies fece2’ N ot in C . runt homag ium regi Ang lia) ,3 ’et Gri ffinus fi lius ejus captus L ewelinus pr inceps N ortwalli ae

est a David fratre suo et incarcera ob iit— Walterus Marscallus edifi

tu s , C . cavit turr im cle Cardigan , C .


1 242.

1 243 .

1 244.


usque L ondon iam ad con ci lium celebre ibicon stituto

,restituendo Gr i fino fi lio Gwen

nunw en jus suum h aeredi tar ium in P owi s et

fi liu s Maredut fi li i Kenan in Meyronny t .

David fi lius L ewelyn i trad idit Grifinum

fratrem suum carceri d omini regi s.’

1 Annus MCCXLI I . Henricus rex Angliae transfretav it in P ictaviam pr oponens terras quasrex F ranciaa c


i abstulerat,quod i llo anno

minime potui t.’ 3 E odem ann o fuerunt castra

fi rmata in Wall ia a d omino Mailgono in Garth

grugyn ,a domino 4Rogero de Mortuo-Mar i in

Maelenyt. Gr ifinu s fi lius Maredut fil ii Resitun c arch id iaconus de


Kerd igan3 Gi lbertu s Marescallus apud War in quodam

torniamen to obi i t, cu i successit in haeredi

tatem Walteru s frater ejus .

’ 3

[Captus' fuit

Walterus de Maris co in insula de L ondey .]Annus 3

MCCXLI I I . Henricus rex Angliae7red i it d e Burdegali s cum regina sanus et

incolum i s .

’ 2 A lienora regin a peperit fi liamin V as can ia nomin e Margaretam .

2 Annus MCCXLIV. B esus fi lius .Resi Crek

obi i t.’ 3 Gr ifinu s fi liu s L eweli ni in carcered omin i regi s London i is detentus , funem per

quendam fenestram transjecit, ut i ta evadere

1’ Rodem annoHenr icus rex idemtransfretavit in Gascon iam circafestum Sancti Johann i s ante por tamLatinam , C .

2’ N ot in C .

3 ’ G i lbertus Marscallu s comes

P enbroch iae ob1 1 t ivoKalendas Julii .R 1 eodem annoWalterus Marscallus

factus est comes P enbroch iae circafestum Symoni s et I udae , before the

p reced ing entry in C .

‘1 R . in M S .

5 C .

3 N ot in C .

7rediens de Gasconia applicuit in

A ngliam circa festum E xaltacion is

Sanctae Crucis, C .

3 ’ Gr ifut fi lius L ewelin mor tuus

est in carcere apud London iam , s ivedolo s ive aliter ignoratur. E t Dav idfi lius L ewelin combussit Cayrmar

dyn , C .

A .D .

1 245.


poss it. Sed infortuni o accedente in terram

cecidi t,et coll o ac cruribu s confractis spi

r itum exhalav it . Quo aud ito,David frater

eju s ira commotu s,su is congregatis ma

gnatibus in hostes suos, tanquam leaena rapti scatuli s sui s, i rru it, expellan s eos omnin o afin ibus sui s

, excepti s qu i in mun ition ibus et

castelli s . D eind e omnes principes Wallim sibiadunav it praeter tres, scili cet Crrifinum fil ium

Madauc,Gr ifi num fili um Wennunvven


Morgan fil ium Howel, qui bus postea damn aet gravamina intul i t non modi ca.

’ 1 Maredut

filiu s Roberti obi it, sumpto r eligion i s habitu

apud Stratam F lor idam . Al ienora regina

peperit fi lium E dmundum .

Annus 2MCCXLV.

1 Conqu ieverunt haeredesW illielmi Marescall i in pace.’ 3 Henri cusrex omn es Walen ses subjugare volens magnocongr egato exercitu ven it usque D eganuu ,


fi rmato ibi castello,in Angli am redut.’

1 Und e et in memoriam facti multa e sui smor tuorum cadavera per N ortWalliam reliqu it

inhumata,tam in mare quam in terra.

P ositum est fundamentum Westmonaster i i .’


[Ven it Walterus Mar scallus apud Hauerford iam .]

Annus 2MccxLv1 .

3 Obn t i lle clipeus WalliesDavid fi li us L ewelin i apud Aber, cuju s corpuscum fletibus multi s sepul turae trad itur apud

Aberconuy ,

’ 1cui successerun t in haeredem fi li i

fratr i s su i Gr ifin i , scilicet Ow inu s et L ewelinu s ,

qu i prudentum v i rorum consilio terram teque

1 ’ N ot in C .

N ot in C .‘1 C .

3 Henr icus rex Angl ia: movit 5’et in il lo anno mortuus est

gwerram contra Dav id, under the David, C.

s ucceed ing year in C .


a n .

inter se di vi serunt .

’ 1 N i colaus de Molyn s

senescallu s de Kermerd in ad terram Mailgon is

cum miro exercitu accessit, Mailgone fugatousque ad Meronnyth . D ictus tamen N icho

laus ibidem moram non fecit,sed terri s post

se in regi a potestate r eli ctis , cum jam di cto

exer citu perveni t usque D egannuy, unde pree

di ctos juvenes manu' valida exh aeredere pro

ponebat , et exercitibu s tandem circumquaquesuper di ctos juvenes irruentibus , ipsi se di v inee

commendan tes voluntati se cum sui s more

Mach abaeorum,di sponente Deo

,in montibu s

salvaverunt ind emn es ; quo ee Citu redeun te

Mai lgun in conducta praedi cti N i cholai ad

regem accessi t, qui v ix regi am obtinu it gra

tiam . I ta tamen quod nihi l de propri ahaered itate habui t praeter duos commotos ,



licet Geneur glin et Hyscoid .

’ 2 Obii t Radul

phus de Mor tuo Mari .’ 3 Obut comes Wal

terus Mar escallus apud castrum Godr ici ;

eodem ann o obii t Anselmu s Mar escallu s

apud Str igu i l, quorum corpora apud T in

ternam sun t tumul ata.

’ 4

[ Imperator Freder icus depositu s est. Maredu t fi liu s Res de

praedav i t vi llam de Cayrmardyn , DominusHerebertu s fili us Mahi i interfectus

fuit a"

Walen sibus in Glamorgan in quodam clivoprope castrum quod fui t Morgani Cam .]Annus 3


[Exercitus D emetiae, do

mino N i cholao de Meul es et Grifin o fi lio

Guenoynwyn ducibus , trans iverunt fi uv ium d e

D eu i et per maximam partem N or tvvalli ae,nullo

obstante seu etiam contradicente ]

1 ’ Senescallus de Cayrmardyn l 3 ’ Walterus Mar scallus obnt v0

ob sed it cas trum de D eresloyn, under IKalendas D ecembri s, C .

thep reced ing year in C . g4 C .

N ot in C .

A OD .

1 249.

1 250.

1 251 .

1 20 3


tres fili as suas . Consecratu s fuit Thomas Wal

lens is Meneven s is episcopus VI I I . Kalendas

Augus ti ]Annus 1 MCCXLIX.

2 Capta fuit D am ieta a Lodovi co rege Fran cice.

Annus MCCL.


[Fractus fuit pons de Kaymardyn per oppression em glaci ei .]

Annus 4MCCLI . C ladus fi lia d omin i L ewelini

apud W in desour,Morgan fil ius Resi Magn i

obi it.’ 3

[D estru ctu s fui t L odov icu s rex Franciae in Terra S an cta et captus per paganos .]Annus 4

MCCLI I . L eweli nus fi lius Gurvvareth

tun c balli vu s domin i Henri ci regi s in terra,quee fuerat d omin i Maelgon i s jun i or i s , cepitmandato regi o praedam super viros de E lvael,eo quod quas i haered itari o volebant uti pa

stur i s montium E lenyth .

4Annus MCCLI I I . I llu str i s rex An gliae d ominusHenr i cus fi lius Johann i s cum magno exercitu

in Burgundi am circa prin cipium Augustitransfr etavi t , commendando regnu m


Angli aeEdwardo fi li o suo et domin o Ricard o fratrisuo comi ti Cornubiae et reginze .

Annus 1MCCLIV.


[L odovi cu s rex F ranciae aTerra S an cta et]

3 Henri cus rex Angli ae de

Gasconi a in Angliam r elicto ibidem d ominioEdward o fili o suo cum ingenti exercitu in

custodia i llarum par tium r ed iit.’ 4Guenllian

1 N ot in C . l2 L odovi cus rex F rancorum exivit

insulam Cypri versus T erram San

etam cum magno nav ig ioChr istianorum XI V . Kalendas Junii

, et appli

cu it cum navig io suo in E gyptum

in portu D ami etae y to Kalendasl

Jun i i, et dev icti s per D ei gratiam

Sarracenis , civitatem i llam cepit, C .

3 C .

2, JVOt in C .

3 ’ Henr icus rex Angl iae a par tibusred ii t transmar in i s. E t dedit rex

Henricu s E dwardo fi li o suo pr imo

gen ito Ybern iam , Walliam,Vas co

n iam, et B ristollum , C .


1 255.


fi lia dom in i Mailgon i s obn t die Sanctae Katerinae. E odem anno d ictus E dwardu s pro

fectu s est cum 1 Bonefacio archiepi scopo in

Hi spaniam , et ibi desponsav it fi liam regi sHi span iae, et factus est miles.’

Annus 2MCCLV. Obi it probus et robustus ju

ven is Maredu th fi lius L ew elin i d e Meronny th ,

relicto unico haerede fi lio de Guen llian fi lia

Mai lgon i s ; et post cito circa festum SanctiJohann i s Bapti stae, juveni s egregiae probi tatis

Resu s fi liu s Mai lgon i s , acta confessione, et

communi catis corpore Chr isti et sangu ine,sumptoque C isterciensi s ord in is habitu apudS tratam F lor idam ,

heu "fati s occubuit, cujuscorpus trad itum fui t venerab ili ter sepulturee

in capitulo juxta sororem suam,lamentanti

bus multi s,mer ito plangentibu s mortem ipsius ,

quia vehementer sperabatu r a mul tis et preecon iabatur quod ipse esset r edempturus et

liberaturus magnam partem W alliae a pr istino


jugo captivi tatis Anglicorum . Hisdem

vero d iebu s orta d i scord ia suggestione d iabolica inter fi lios Grifin i fi lii ven erabi lis me

moriae d omini L ewelin i quondam principis

N ortwall iae,Owynum scilicet et David fra

trem suum ex parte una,et L ewelinum ex

altera ; i dem L ewelinu s confi den s in Domino

corum indubitanter expectavit horr ibilem

cum magno exercitu adventum,et immobi lis

stan s cum sui s ad proeliandum,infra un ius

horae spatium dictus Owynum et Dav id

fratres suos,multi s de suis interfectis ct

capti s n ecnon in fugam versis, forti manu ct

bellica cepit,

et corum terras s ine a liqua

1B . in EMS .

2’IVot in C .


A .D .

1 d ifii cultate saginav it. N on multum vero

post,scili cet Sabbato proximo ante festum

Sancte Michaeli s, obi it Marger ia tunc filia

Maelgoni s uxor Ow in i fi li i Mared lith de

Kedeveyn ,quae apud Stratam F lor idam

juxta fratrem suum tradita fuit sepulturae.

2 Thomas d ictus Walensis epi scOpus Meneven

sis obi it in Chri sto,’ 3

[di e T ran slation is

San cti Benedicti ,4 cu i successit magi ster Ri

cardus d e Karreu , theologu s et phi los0phus

optimus].Annus 3

MCCLVI . Qui dam n obi les Walliae v iam

un iversee carn i s ingressi sunt, videlicet Maredut fi li us Maudau c tun c


d ominus d e Yal , et

Owein fi liu s I orwer th de E lvael. Hoc annoaccessit d ominus E dwardu s illustr i s regi sAngliae. Henr i cus fi li us tun c comes Cestr iaecirca Kalendas Augusti ad castra sua


cet de D igannoy et de D isserth Videndum et

terras. Quo recedente et facta vi sitatione,nobiles Wallim ind ignati et sui s spoliati libertatibu s et honor ibu s, more Machabaeorum,

z elo

j ustitiae accensi elegerun t potins cum honorein bello pro libertate sua mori quam s ic abextranei s et indi gni s hostibu s calcari , ad no

bilem juvenem,vi deli cet L ewelinum filium

Grifi n i fi li i L ewelini accesserunt,suam ci ex

pon entes captivi tatem ,tr ibulationem ,

cumlachrym is et gemitibu s . Quorum gemitibu s et

fi etibus id em L ewelinus motus corum exhor

tatione et consili o atque rogatu accessit ad

terram de P ervewalt, et eam infra unam ebdo

1 diffultate, Ms.

episcopus, C .


A .D .


L ew elinu s fi liu s Gr ifin i fil i i Guenonwin d e

P owi s intr avi t,et in vi ll a de T rallug sedens ,

et eam omn ino combussit,ibi que convocati s

ad se in auxi lium duobus baroni bu s de

Sd alh a,Mar edu th fil io R esi Crych et

Maredut fil io Ow in i,

ex alia vero parte


ren juxta Mumgumbr iam congregati fue

runt mul ti baron es de Anglia, videlicetJohannes S tranges Gr ifi nu s fi liu s Guen onvvin ,

Mabalau et mul ti ali i cum vexi llo d omin i

E dwardi et cum maximo armato exercitu .

P er amuem vero Hafren praedi ctu s exercitus

Angli corum perven i t, et in campo magn o in terHafren et E bern


w Angli ci in aci e belli steterunt. 1Valen sibus vero Anglicos ad bellum

paratos v i dentibus valde indi gnati sun t, et cam

pum cum inn umeralibus armati s intrantes, et

Anglici v ider un t exerci tum Walen sium for temnimi s campum V ir iliter et audacter occupantem ,

statim Angli ci prae timore exterr iti in fugaconversi sunt, et usque ad Mungumbri am otiu s

fugerunt. I n illi s vero djebus,vi deli cet di e

L imae proxima post P urifi cationem B eateeMariae, S tephanus Bauson ,

N icholau s dominusd e Kemeri s

,P atr iciu s d ominus d e Kedwely ,

et domi nus de Kar r iW,cum mul tis armati s

m ilitibu s,portam A lbee domus fregerunt,

abbatiam intrantes ibique pernoctantes et in ;

jur iam D eo et B eatae Mariae et omni busS anctis fecerunt

,scili cet verberando monachos


spoliando conversos,secum ducentes omnes

equ os et omni a spolia totiu s abbatiae praete'r

spoli a ecclesiae, et in cimiterio ser vi tores

monachorum injus te occi derun t. P raedictu s

vero L ewelinus postea in proxima Quadrai

gesima cum grand i exerci tu ad terram de

Kedvveli et Karnwallaun et Gob ir accessit,et


partem Angli corum de praed ictis terris et

Abertavvy omni no combussit,

omnes veroW


allens es di ctar um terrarum sibi subjugavit,et ante P as cha cum gaudi o ad propria r e

meavit . I tem in h i s diebus quidam nob ilesviri de familia domini Lewelin i fil ii Gr ifut

ante D om in icam in R ami s P almarum villai nMungumbr iam , scili cet cas tellum Balwy viriliter combusserunt, et Baldew inum et 1 burgosalios multos cum mu lier ibu s et parv uli s in

eadem villa ign e et ferro occi derun t . I n i llisdiebu s qui dam n obiles de Kardigaim ,

videlicetduo fi li i Eynaun et VV ilim et duo fi li i VVilim

Goch apud Os terlone ab Anglicis de Ker ~

merd in occisi sunt. I tem Lewelinu s ap Grufut

cum multitudi n e vi rorum for tium ante P entecosten castellum B odedon obsedit

,et d imi ss is

castellan i s cum armi s su i s libere et castellotrad ito

,i llud soletenu s combuss it. P ost 11 011

multos d ies,scilicet d ie Mercur ii proxima post

P entecosten , S tephanus Bauz on et multi barones cum multitud ine fortium bellatorum

apud Kermerdin pernoctaverun t . I n crastino

vero omnes in cliti viri armati cum plur ibu s

equi s loricati s et ali is instrumentis ad bella

paratis ad devas tandum terram de S tratewy

iter arr ipuerunt , et non sine i lnped imento

usque ad Lanthelou Vaur pervenerunt, ibiquesine ali quo timore pernoctantes , et Wal

len ses de Keredi geaun et de S tratewy ,sci

licet Maredut fi lius Resi Crych et Maredu t

fi liu s Oweni cum omni posse eorum in

si lvis et in n emor ibus et in convallibu s circa

A nglicos cum magn is clamor ibu s und ique

fueru n t congregati . E t pr zed icti Walens es

1 burges , M S .


per totam d iem Veneri s teli s armorum et

sagi ttarum in eodem loco turmas Saxonuminvi taverunt et inqui etaverunt. Ductor An

glicorum ,scili cet Res fi liu s Resi Mi ch il d ie

Sabbati,vi deli cet in Vigil i a San ctae Trin itatis,

scili cet I V . N onas Jun i i , eos in angus tia s t

in magn o peri culo reliqu it, et ad castrumsuum

,sci licet D inonour , cum paucis de sui s


Anglicis rei eventum nescientibus,occulta

fugit. Anglici vero mili tes munimentis ferr ei sni l formi dantes se mun ierunt. Ar ma i llanon potuerun t eos tueri plusquam vesteslin eae

,quia in ei s spem A

et corum superbiam

posu erunt plusquam in Deo . Armati vero

milites ini to consi lio versu s Kardi gaun au

dacter iter arr ipientes , ni lque t imentes Wal

en ses undi que de silvi s con tra eos V i riliter

d imicaverunt,et a prima hora di ei usque ad

1 meri d iem de nemoribus contra Anglicos

pugnaverunt, et apud Coeth L lathen Angliciomni a victualia

,omnes caballos

,arma et

necessaria eorum portantes,et omnes pale

i ri dos ibidem am i serun t et Wallen ses propterhoc leeti fuerunt. Circa horam vero mer i di ei

ad Kemereu pugnando perv eni entes et pree

dicti Walen ses cum D ei auxili o inter armatos

Angli cos i rr uerun t, et de equi s arm atis in

clitos Saxones Vi r ili ter prostraverunt, et eos

sub pedi bus equ itum , ped itum ,et equorum in

moris et in foss i s et in valli bus conculcaverunt,

et plusquam tria m illi a Saxonum in illa d ieoccubuerant ; pauci vero aut null i de arm atis

m il itibus de i llo bello evaserunt,et Walenses

cum magna Vi ctoria et spoli is et equis mul ti s

1 Mer idem , M S .


E .

Maredu t fi lius Resi Crych homagium et fi de

li tatem domino regi fecit. Walenses propterhoc valde irati fuerunt

,et dominus L ew elinu s

fi liu s Gr ifut et omnes Sudwalenses cum magnoexercitu ad terram preed icti Maredu t de S tratevvy accesserunt

,et eam omn ino praeter castra

eju s sibi subjugaverun t. P ostea apud Kedweli

Walenses castr am etati sunt,d omos et vi llas

praeter castrum Kedvveli combusserunt dominusMaredut et d ominus P atr i c cum mul tis armati s Anglicis de Kermerdin in Walen sibus

subito irruerunt et pugna valida inter eos

fuit ; et de Walens ibus et de Anglicis qu i

dam fuerunt vulnerati, qu idam occi s i

, et

d ominus Maredut juxta pontem vulnere pessimo fuit vuln eratu s. Tandem Walen s ibu s

praevalentibus , et r elicti s ibi dem corpor i bus

Anglicorum ,Maredut et Angli ci ad vi llam

Kermerd in cum m agn o d edecore fugerun t .

I nter mortuos vir n obilis d e A rustly Davi dap Howel cecidit et apud Stratam F lor i dam

cum magno planctu sepu lturee trad itur.E odem ann o circa N ativi tatem B eati Jchann i s Bapti stae magna fuit d iscord ia interAngl icos et Francos in regno An gliae, et

Anglici per con si lium com itum,baronum


optimatum totiu s regni omnes Francos de

fin ibu s et termin is eorum expu lerunt . Deopt imatibus vero et d ivitibu s Angli ae de ven enoex parte F ran corum facto multi Anglici per ier unt . P reeterea Dav id fi lius Gr ifin i juvenisin armi s splend idi ssimu s et in equo forti ss imus cum paucis de N or tvvallia

,et Maredu t

fi liu s Ow ein et R is Bethan cum magnoexercitu per duos d ies Mayn our castrametati

fuerunt,et tertia n octe

,scilicet d ie Mercur i i

proxima ante N ativitatem B eatae Mar iae,

1 259.


castra sua juxta Kilgerran posuerunt. I llod ie d ominus Maredut fil iu s R esi Crich et

d ominus P atri c senescallus domini regis cumomn ibus armatis viri s de Kedeweli

,de Ker

merdin,de P embrok

,de Ros

,et de Kemeis

apud Aber teiu i cum magna superbia fuerun tcongregati . P ost horam vero nonam Anglicide Aber teiv i per acies suas usque Kilgerran

pervenerunt, et juxta vi llam Kilgerran An

glici et Walenses fortiter et crudeliter

pugnaverunt. Tand em Walen ses D ei auxi lio

praevaluerunt , et Anglicos in fugam verterun t

,et cadavera mortuorum cum equi s

armati s ibi dem reliquerun t. I n i lla hora1 d ominus P atric Walteru s Mali fan t

,mi les

forti s et strenuu s de P embroc, et ali i mi litesh uper de Anglia ven ientes

,turpi s sima morte

cor ruerunt. Maredut cum Anglicis ad ca

stellum Ki lgerran v ix evas it, qu i per infi ~

delitatem suam totam Walliam per turbav it .

I n An glia con stituti .sun t X i i . pares.’

Annus 2MCCLIX. Dominus L ewelinus fi liu s

Gr ifin i con silium habuit cum nobi lior ibu s

Walliae apud A ru stily , et ibi 3 d ie Mercuri i

proxima ante P entecosten conv ictu s fuit dominu s Mar edut fi lius Ris de infi delitate


a d i cto d omin o L eweli no ten tu s , qu i in

carcere fuit'

apud Cruk eid usque ad N atale

Domin i proximum,et tun c liberatu s recipi

end o ab ipso pr imogen itum in obs idem,et

duo castella sua D inewou r et Castelh N ow id,

cum duabus provinci is ei s adjacentibu s .

E odem ann o circa festum Sancti Hi llar i i

1'Dominus P atr icius dc Chaurs et dom inus Walterus Malenfaunt inter

fecti fuerun t apud Kilgarran in autumpno, C .

2’ N ot in C .

3 de in M S .


A OD .

1 260.


idem d ominus L ewel inu s cum magno ex

ercitu accessit ad provinciam de Buelth ,

quam d ominus Maredut fi lius Owin i eidem

d omin o L ewelino con cessi t. Qu i statimomnes di spersos ejusd em provincias revocav it ,

et lmtos ac hil ares sub sua protectione

d imisi t. T enden s ind e usque ad vill am de

D inbr ic in D eved candem destruen s et

multa spolia capien s , qu i habui t in exercitu

suo ibidem CCXL. equos lor icatos cum ju

menti s nudi s et pedestri in comparabi li multi

tudi ne.

Annus 1MCCLX. I n di e San cti Georgii {Map

tyris combusta est vil la d e T refetland a

d omin i s de Keri et de Kedevvi c. E odem

ann o, d ie San cti Kenelmi Mar tyr i s , tresvigiles Angli ci natione qui cu stod iebant



stellum de Bu elth tradiderunt homin ibu s i llud

d omin i L ew elin i fil i i : Gr ifi n i circa finem

n octis pro magna summa pecun iae, et hocfui t propter od ium infernale quod d iotivigiles habebant erga notar ium ejusdem ca

stelli qu i erat An gli cus. Quo audi to et d ivul

gato, statim Resu s B ethan cum suo exercitu

et omnes nobi les et bene in armi s valen tesfere totiu s S udvvalliae venerunt

,et statim

un an imi et communi consilio, qui cquid cremabile erat in i llo castello ign i tradi derunt,

lapides vero solotenus destruxer unt,i ta quod

in brevi lapis super lapi dem ibid em non

possit r eper ir i . Veni t etiam tunc d ominusOw in u s fi lius Mar edu t cum sui s omn ibusfi delibu s et subjectis ad pacem et fi delitatem

domin i L ewelin i , qu i statim Madocum fi lium

d ioti Owi n i de carcere liberavi t,et liberu


mtrad idi t

,et centum tres libras eid em donavi t.

1"N ot in C .

A .D .

1 26 3 .


gliae G i lbertus comes de Clare veneno in

ter i it apud D orobern iam. E odem ann o in

vigi lia San cti Andreas Apostoli per industr iam hom inum de Maeleni t captum d evastatum fui t castellum de Kevenell is . E odem

etiam di e captum fui t castellum'

de B ledvach

et d estructum . Tun c d ominu s R ogerus et

Humfrei d e Bun Junior cum fi ore juven tu ti stotiu s Marchiae intraverun t ru inos muros dcKevenli s cum magn o apparatu molientes re

stau rare fracturas muror um . Quod au dien s

dominus L ewelinus fili u s Gr ifini prin cepsWallies conducens secum omn es nobili ores

Walli ae accessit ad eos et circumspecta obsi

d ion e vallavit ipsos quousque fame et ined iadu cti petierunt sibi cum armi s tamen inermeslicentiam recedend i

,quod pius princeps pietate

ductus concedens factum est. Autem cumessent Owein fi lius Madoc et pars exercitu s

ceperun t castrum de Conoclas in vigi lia SanctiT homas Apostoli non v i aut bello sed castren

ses metu praeter iti redd iderun t se cum castroprae timore machinarum ; ceperun t etiam ca

stellum de T refeclaud de N or tun et d e Llanondras.’ 1

[Magna fuit di scordi a inter d omi numE adwardum fi lium Henri ci regi s Angliae

pr imogen itum et barones Angli ae. E t Lewelinus prin ceps N ortvvalliae tenui t se ex partebaronum .]

Annus 2MCCLXI I I . Quinto Kalendarum Man

apud Clun ovv in terfecti fuerunt ad minus cen

tum viri , inter quos ceci d it L ewelinu s fi liu s

Maredu t flos juventutis totiu s Wallise. Eratenim strenuu s et forti s in armi s

,largus in

doni s,

et in consi lii s dandi s provi das , et

I2 N ot in C .

ANNALES su mma . 1 01

omnibus amab i lis. E odem anno in aestate coad lmati sunt omnes comites et barones fereomnes cum d omino Lewelino principe con traE dwar dum

,et ceperunt omni a cas tella et

uni versas civi tates totius Angliae excepto ca

stello de Wyn delesor . E t d ominus L ewelinu scum magno exer citu et apparatu

‘ accessit ad

castrum d e D isser th circa Kal endas Augusti ,et i llud bello cepi t et statim solotenu s de

struxit,i ta ut non ibi lapi s super lapid em

in brevi inven iretu r . Cepi t etiam di e San ctiMi chaeli s cas tellum d e D iganwy in regn o fortissimum , prout vulgar i ter di cebatur , non v i

aut bell o sed castellan i acerrima acerbitate

et amaritudine fami s afflicti con silium ini e

runt cum d i cto principe d e vita sibi servanda,se ipsos cum castro ei d em dan tes. I n tantumen im afii ixerat eos fami s acerbi tas quod oportuit eos inedia ducti famem extinguere carn ibus equorum et etiam canum suorum,

u t

fi demd omin o regi servarent illaesam,quod s i

pro rege coelesti facerent mercedem meru is

sent habere aeternam . Ead em etiam aestate

ven it d ominus Gr ifin us fi lius Wennonvven ad

pacem domin i L ew i lin i faciens ei homagiumhumili ter genu fi exo. Qui r estituit omnes terras suas quas i dem prin ceps antea occupaverat.

I dem vero Gr ifi nus assumens secum omnesviros et ball ivos de P owi s castrum de Wei dgrut d ebellav it , cepit, et solo adeequav it. I n

fi nem vero ipsius ann i venerunt plures baronessibi coadunatis ad dominum Lewelinum et

castellum de Redenor ceper unt, et solotenus

cum tota vi lla destruxer unt. Dominusvero E dwardus cum magno exercitu accessitad castella de Huntintun et Haia cum vi llulis adjacentibus cepi t, et d omino Rogero de

1 02

A .D .

1 265.

1 266.


Mortuo Mari ad cu stodi endum tradi di t . E odem

anno occi s i sun t mul ti Judaeorum usque ad

D OC . et ampliu s et reliqu i spoliati .’

An nus1MCCLX IV. Orta fui t d issen sio inter C i

stercien ses et Claravallenses , quae tamen in

cur ia Romana term in abatur et 2 dusciebatur .

3[Captus fui t Henri cus rex Angli ae et E ad

wardus fil iu s eju s pr imogen i tu s in bell o apudLewes

,et rex Al emaniae Ri car dus frater regi s

Henri ci et ali i plures baron es . E t multiL ondon ien ses fuerunt interfecti .]

Annus 1 MCCLXV. I dus Juni i E dwardu s fi lius

regi s Henr i ci evas it d e custodi a comi tis L ei

cestr iae ab Harford apud W igomore,ven itqu e

ad G. de C lare comi tem Gloucestr iae apudL odolow . D i ctus comes L eicestr iae vill amcepi t

,et castrum d e Mori et castrum de Usg

et castrum et pontem de N ovo Burgo fregi t.’


[Vi sa fui t stella cometa in Fran cia. E t

duxi t rex L odouicus, suggestion e fratr is sui

Caroli regis C icili ae, exer ci tum in A rabiam .]4

Ann us 1MCCLXVI . J. de Hexv il et ali i exhaere

d ati intrav erun t et ceperunt insulam d e E ly .

E odem ann o per cons ili um et assensum regi sadjudi cati sun t terr i s sui s omni bus exh tere

dati , i ta vi delicet quod extenderen tur terraecorum et secun dum valorem terrarum facerent

reddere portion em suam,ali i per qu in quen

n ium,ali i per I V . ann os , ali i per tri enni um,

alii per bi enni um,alii per ann um

,secun dum

quod majus vel minus deliqu erun t.’ 3

[Lodovi cus rex F ranciae apud Tun es in Ar abiaObii t

,et plures nobiles Franciae.]


Annus 1MCCLXXI I I . Obut dominus Maredu tu s

fi liu s Resi .’ 2

[Celebratum fui t con cil ium ge

nerale apud Lugdunum sub Gregori o papa xo

circa fes tum N ativ itati s B eati Johann i s Ba

pti stae. E t fuit ibi statutum d e decima

omn ium proventuum ecclesias ticorum redd enda

per sex ann os sequentes in subsid ium TerraeS an ctae

,et etiam commendae perpetuae revo

catee,et plura alia statuta restri ctiva et pe

nalia fuerunt ibi dem ed ita. Magi ster Johannes de F ek eham archid iaconus B rechoni ae

obii t, cui su ccessit magister Henri cus de

vi lla Amlofi i]Annus 3 MCCLXXIV.

4Dominus E dwardus postobitum patr i s sui de Fran cia circa Kalendas

Augusti ad A ngliam profectu s est,

et ibi

honor ifi ce‘

cum magno tripud io su sceptu s , et

ad L ondon iam ductus et apud Westmonaste

r ium coronatus .’ 1 I tem eodem ann o d omi

nus Gr ifinu s fi liu s Wennunwen . P owis iae

dominus totam'

terram suam reli qu it, qui

Angliam profectus est a rege Edward o ben igu e commendatus . E t hoc propter persecu tionem N ortwalensium relinquen s fi lium

suum Ow inum pen es pr incipem L ew elin um

in custodia li berali .’ 2

[I n ceptum fui t feretrum Beati Davi d in ecclesia Menevens i ]

1 275. Annus 1 MCCLXXV. S tatu it rex in suo primoparliament-o post coronationem suam multastatu ta apud Westmonaster ium .

’ 2

[I n cepit

gwerra in Westwallia in ter homin es de Estratewy et de Cadwely, et interfectu s fui t dominus Herveu s de Chaurs in 3


1’ N ot in C.

3 N ot in C .


Annu s 1 MCCLXXV I . 2 Veni t illustris rex Angliaed ominus E dwardus cum magno exerci tu ad

N ortwalliam,et apud Rutlan castra metatu s

est,ibique per aliquot d ies moratus est. De

inde ven it ad eum dictus L ewelinus pr incepsN orwalliae et ibid em con foederati sunt, et paxinter eos formata est. P ostea ver o dominusE dwardus rex cum suis Angliam peti i t, et

aed ifi catum . es t castellum apud Llan P adarn

super mare a d omino E admundo Henri ci regisfi lio.

1 277. 3

[Annus D uxit L euuelinus princeps N or twalli ae

fi li am com itis Symon is de Monte forti . Ma

gister Henri cus de vi lla Amlof archidi aconu s

Br echon iae obii t ; cu i success it magi ster AdamBareth thesaurar ius Menevensi s , cu i Ad ze successit in thesauraria Robertu s de Haverford ia

rector ecclesiae de Lanvenyth ,et fui t in stal

latus VI I I °. I dus Septembr i s .

Annus. Facta fui t n ova mon eta, veter i pro

pter ejus dim inutionem destructa , regnan teE adwardo rege Angliae.

Annus . R icardus de Carren epiSCOpus Meneven si s Kalendas Apri li s obi it

,et sepultu s

est in ecclesia Meneven si altarepropeS an ctae Cruci s a parte australi d ie B eatiAmbrosii . E lectu s fuit magi ster ThomasB eke I I I . N onas Juni i

,et confi rmatus pr id ie

N onas Juli i per Johannem d e F echam d e

1 N ot in C .

2’ Venit E adwardus rex A ngliasi n manu fort i in N or thwalliam ad

gwerrandum contra L ewelinum

fi lium G r ifud pr incipem N orthwallia: in aestate, et E admundus

frater ejus veni t in Westwalliam, ct

incepit construere castrum apud

L anpadarnvaur , ct dominus rex

incepit construere castrum apudRudlan

, et ven it d ictus E admundus

apud Sanctum David causa peregr ination is . E t concordes factisunt rex ct princeps in octavis

B eati Martini liyemalibus. C .

3 C .


ord ine Minorum’

in abbatia de Stanlowe

prope Cestr iam, et consecratus pr i d ie N onas

Octobr i s apud. Lyncolon iam . E lectus estmagi ster P etrus d e Oxonia archidiaconu s

Menevens is in epi s00pum E xon ien sem ,cui

successit in arch id iaconatu Rober tu s thesaurar ius Meneven sis ; cu i Roberto successit

in thesaurar ia Wi llelmu s de Burrethe ca

n on icus Meneven sis . Concessa fuit regiquin tadecima proventuum eccles iasticorum ad

subsid ium in regn o Angliae per tri enn ium]1 280.

1 Annus 2MCCLXXX. L ewelinu s fi liu s Grifin i

occi sus est ab Anglis fraude suorum . E d

war du s rex totam Snoudon iam subjugavit.Castrum Aberconw i aed ifi catum est. ’ 3

[Celebratum fui t con cil ium provin ciale apudL ambhethe L ondoni i s sub fratre Johann e



P echam archiepi scopo Cantuar iensi N onasOctobr is , convocato ad hoc clero totiu s provinciae, et statu ta plura ed ita et publi cata

penalia tamen ,magna morina ovium fui t

quae incepi t in anno praecedenti .

1 282. Annus. D estructum fui t castrum regi s apudL ampadarnvaur , et captum castrum de L an

amdeuery et castrum de Carregk ennen perDavid fi lium Gr ifud fratrem L ewelin i principi s N or thwalli ae, Resum V echan fi li um Resifi li i Mai lgon i s , Gr iffin um et Cananum fi lios

Maredu t fi li i Owein ,Gr ifi

inum et L ewelinum

fi lios R esi V echan d omi n os D eysk enn en ,in cra

stino Annunciation i s D omin icae. E t in terfectu s fui t W i llelmus de V alenci i s juni orhaeres P enbrochi ae in E stratewy XV I . Kalendas Ju li i . Wi l lelmus de B urreche thesau

1 Huc usque v

tus $11 per


A .D .


d iaconus de Karmardyn obut ;'

cui success it magi ster Johann es de A lderby . Ecclesiade L angadauc facta est collegiata.

1 284. Annus. 1 V i sitavi t Johann es d e F echam archi

1 285.

epi scopu s Cantu ar iens is d ioeceses Menevens is,

Landauen sis,Bangoren sis , ‘

A saphens is. I n

cepit autem vi si tare ecclesia Meneven s i s V I O .

I dus Jul ii . E odem ann o reaedifi cavi t rexE adwardu s castrum de L anpadarnvawr . E t

incepit aed ifi care cas trum apud A berconoe,

et fecit muni tion es apud Bangor et apudRayrarvon . E t ven it d ictu s rex causa pe

regrinati oni s apud S an ctum David una cumd omina regina Angliae nomine Elianora di eDomini ca in crastino B eatae Kater inae V i r

gini s. E t mensurae bladi et vin i et caeterorum liquorum et pondera redacta fuerun t adin star men sur arum et ponderum civi tati sL ondoniens i s . Vi lla Hauerfordi a recuperavit

liber tates suas coram ju sticiar i i s d omin i regi sapud Hau erford iam pro tribun ali sedentibus


quibus dominus W i llelmu s de Valen cia comesP enbroch iae ipsam vi ll am d iu spoliaverat et

detinuerat spoliatam . Obi i t Martinus papa ;su ccessit Hon orius.

Annu s. P hi lippus rex F ran ciae fi li u s L odovici

regi s mortuus est mens e C ctobr i,

et parsmagna exercitu s eju s in A rragoni a in

Yspan ia ; cu i successit fil iu s suus Phylippusin regnum F ran ciae (cu i primum n omenE dwardu s

, sed in coronatione mu tatum,) et

coronatus fui t in festo Epiphaniee proximosequenti ]

1 Mi lles imo cc°Lxxx 1 1 1

°added in a la ter hand .


Annu s MCCLXXVI . 1 Combusti o domorum apudS tratam Flor idam .

’ 2 I n crastino Annunciation i s Domin icas concessum fui t subsid iummagnum Thomae Becke epi scopo Meneven si

de tota di oeces i sua ad exped iendum quaedamnegotia tangentia clerum erga magistrum


r i dum nuncium d omin i papae in regnoAngliae. E adwardu s r ex Angliae transfretav i t

in F ranciam, et fuit nobil issime P arys ius a

rege P hili ppo fi lio Phi lippi congnati su i , et

ind e ivit in V ascon iam et intrav i t Burdegal

civ itatem,et ibi plures Burgen ses sibi con

trar ios morti ‘ trad i fecit, et perhend inav i t i n

partibus i ll i s usque ad 3

Annu s. 4Domin i MCCLXXXVI I .’ Resus fil iu s Ma

redut d ominus de E stratewy mota d iscord iainter ipsum et d ominum Robertum T ybetot

tun c ju sticiar ium regi s de Karmardyn d ie

Domin ica proxima ante festum Beati Barnabas Apostoli cepi t castra de L anamdeveryde D ynewr , et de Carregk ennen . et posteacombussit vill am de Sweynese et maner ium

de Osterlof,cum maj ori parte patriae et

vi llam de Lanpadarnvaur et villam de

Karmardyn usque ad portas. A dven ien tes

autem An gli ci de Anglia in forti manu ca

strum ipsiu s R esi de D eresloyn obsederun t

circa gulam Augusti , et tandem muros sub

fod iendo castrum ceperunt, in qua sub

fossione oppressu s est sub muro d ominusW i llelmu s de Montthenesy baro cum ali is


et captum est castrum novum

1 ’ N ot in C . Oppos i te to this entr y2’ C .

in the margin in B . i s wr i tten non3 S ic M S .

ivefi pe. i .e. non inveniuntur plut a. Wr i tten over the line, apparently

B . ends here. in another hand .

1 1 0

A .D .

1 288.


super T eyui et recuperata castra per Resumprius occupata, et evas it Resus cum pauci s


omn ibus homini bus sui s ad pacem regis veni

en tibus . D i e Domi n i ca in cras tin o Omn iumS an ctorum de n oct e recuperavit Resus ca

strum suum,quod di citur N ovum Castrum


capto R ogero de Mortuo Mar i ips ius cas tricustod e

,circa P urifi cationem proximo sequen

tem cepi t d ominus Robertus T ypetot i dem

castrum ,pluribus ex ipsiu s cus todibu s necati s.

E odem ann o di e Jovi s sero XI I I . Kalendas

Ju lii lun a in principi o nocti s vi sa est rubigda

inten se,

et postea eodem colore duran te ;diminuta est quas i ad instar min imae stellae


et s ic d ecrescen do in fine quasi evanui t.

Rod em ann o xva di e Marti i fui t terraemotus .

Ann us MCCLXXXVI I I . S ecund o di e Apri lis horanona facta est eclypsi s soli s in superi ori

parte soli s ut v i debatur in tran s substan tiamsoli s, i ta quod quasi vi debatur sol haberedu o cornua sur sum elevata

, et duravi t s ic

usque ad horam vesperarum .


I t i s to be observed that several of the words explained in the G lossary are to be

found in other parts of the Volume bes ides the pages r eferred to.


AB BA S . (C hald .,a father .) A n

abbot . B efore th e di ssolution of

th e monas ter ies in the reign of

Henry VI I I,h e w as th e sp ir itual

lor d or governor wh o h ad the

ru le and governmen t of su ch relig iou s hou se. Cowell B loun t.

Cudberth abbas mor itur . 10.

A B BA T I A . A society of relig ious

per son s hav ing an abbot or ab

bess to pres ide over them ; an


“ Kalend i s Ju l i i fundata est abbatta d e

fl‘r ini tate.

”3 4.

AB E R . IV . T h e fall of a les ser

w ater in to a grea ter ; as of a

b rook in to a r iver , of a r iver into

a lake or sea.

Bellum ger itur apud castellum A ber Ys

toit .” 3 6.

A B SOL UT I O . A release from ex

commun ication ; absolution . 73 .

A D V E N T US .D ow m . T h e Adven tof ou r Lord

,w h ich beg ins on th e

Sunday neares t to S t. And rew,

w hether before or after,and con

t innes to C hr is tmas eve. 91 .



Qu i a B eata Mar ia ejusd em ordinis a d

vocata amon i tu s ab h ac act ion s qu ievi t .”

A n advocate ; patro

A L T (A llt) . W. A cliff ; th e s ide

of a h i ll . A lt-Glu t. 14.

AN NULUS . T h e r ing u sed in th e

ceremony of inves ti ture. 3 1 . S ee


A NNUN C I A T I O‘DOM I N I CA . T h e A n

nunc iation Of our Lady ,March 25 .


AR CHA . A ches t ; a sh r ine.

“A rcha Sancti David ab ecclesia sua fu

rata est.”28, 29.

A RCHI D I A CONUS (dpxe iém og) . A n

eccles ias t ical Ofii eer tha t h a th jur isd iction immed iately subor d inate

to th e b is hop th roughou t th e

w h ole of h is d iocese,or in some

par ticu lar par t of i t. 1 B l . Com .

3 83 . T he fir s t among deacons ;

an archd n eon .

Ked ivor a r ch id iaconu s d o Cered igeaun

Ob iit .” 40.

A ncnmmscor 1'

s (d pxten ia k on og) . A n

ar chb ishop . l i e i s the ch ie f o f

th e clergy in h is p rov ince , and i s

th a t s p ir i tual and secu lar per son

1 1 2


wh o hath su preme power under

th e king in all eccles iastical

cau ses . 1 B l . Com. 3 79 .

“E lbodg a r ch i ep i s cop us Guenedote regi

one migravi t ad D omi num . 1 1 .

A RX . A tower a castle.

A r r D eganh u i a Saxon ibus destr u itur .


Cas tell D eganwy . B ra t.

ASCE N S I O DOM I NI . Ascen s ion day

th e 40th d ay after E aster . 103 .

AVE R I A . C attle. Sp elman .

“V ix pacifi catus L ewelin xxx. ob si d es

reg i ded it , et , u t p erh ibent, v i i .m i ll ia ave

r i a cum equ is plur ibus ct canibus et avibu s

p romi sit.”67.

B A CULUS . A pastoral s taff th e

staff g iven at th e ceremony of in

ves titure. B agl. W.

Rex concess it u t nunquam per donat ionem bacu li pastorali s vel annu li qu i squamd e ep i scOpatu vel abbatia per r egem vel

quaml ibet lai cam manu m in Angl iam inves

ti retur . 3 4.

B ALI ST A . A war like engine to shootd ar ts or stones a cros s-bow .

R icar dus r ex Anglorum in quadam ex

ped i tione apud L ymoses i ctu ba li s tce per

cu ssu s diem clau si t supremum . 62.

B A L L I V US . A bai liff. Accord ing to

S ir E dward C oke, bailiff i s an old

S axon word,w h ich s ign ifies a

keeper or p rotector and thoughthere are several officer s called

bai liffs,w hose offices and employ

m en ts s eem qu i te d ifferen t, yet

som eth ing of keep ing or protec

t ion belongs to them all. Co . L i tt.

6 1 . b . B ac . Ahr . 3 6 1 . Henceth e sher iff i s con s idered as ba i lifi


to th e C rown and h is county of

w h ich h e hath th e care, and in

w h ich h e i s to execu te th e king’


w r i ts,i s called h i s ba i liw ick ; and

the officers who by h i s precep tsexecu te w r i ts and other processare called h i s ha i lifi s . I bid .

There are likew i se ha i lifi s of

liber t i es, who are officer s under

lord s wh o have franch i ses exem p tfrom th e jur i sdiction of th e sh e

r iff. I bid . There ar e l ikew i seba i lif s of lord s of manor s


collect their r ents,and levy their

fines and amerciamen ts . I hid .

Also h e i s called a ba i lifi'

wh o

bath th e admin i stration or chargeof land s

, good s, or chattels , tomake the bes t benefit f or th e

owner,again st whom

an action

of account l ies for th e profitswh ich h e hath r ai sed or made


m ight by h i s industry and care

r easonably have made,h i s r eason

able charges and expen ses de

ducted . I bi d . Ther e ar e likew i se those termed ba i lifi s to

w hom the king’

s castles are com

m i tted,as th e ba i lifi

fof Dover

Castle. I bid . T he ch ief mag is

trates in d iver se ancient corpora

tions are also called ba i lifi fs .

[ hid There are also ha i lifi s of

the forest. Manwood, par t I .

p. 1 1 3 .

“P ro qua re ba llivi et burgenses d e Ker

mer d in vi llam suam combus serunt .”71 .

B AR O . A degree of nobi li ty next

to a Vi scount , bu t in poin t of an

t iqu i ty th e h ighest. 1 B l . Com.

3 98.

“B arones qu i h omagium fecerunt Lodo

wi co interfecti sunt.”73 .

1 1 6

CA T (C ad ) . W. A battle.

Ca t Pencon apud d extrales B r itones . 9.

C A THE DR A T he chu r chof th e bi shop th e m other chur chof th e d iocese a cathedr al. 77.

CAUTE LA . P r uden ce ; caut ion ;

cir cum spection .

“G . comes Glover niae cum magno exer

ci tu per cautelam in travi t in civi tatem

Londonise.” 103 .

CAYR (Caer ) ; W . A ci ty a

w alled or for tified torwn th e

wall of a ci ty, or any other placeof d efence.

Th omas ar ch iepi scopu s E boraci , id est

Cayr E braue, mor itur .

”3 2.

C E LL I . W. A grove of hazletrees .

“ C ell i D arnauc.

”3 0.

C E MR O (Cymr o) . W. A Welshman .

“B ellum Maismain Cemr o. 3 6.

C I VI TA S . A ci ty. I t now u su allymean s an in cor por ated town


w h ich i s or hath been th e see of

a bi shop ; Westm in ster , thoughth e b i shopr ic h as been d i s solved


s till r emain s a ci ty. 00. L i tt. 1 09 .

1 B l . Com. 1 1 5. 56.

C L E R I CUS . I n th e mos t gener al

s ign ification of th e wor d,one that

belongs to th e holy m in i stry of

th e chu r ch , and i s said to be pro

per ly a m in i ster or pr iest in holyorder s a clerk

,a clergyman .

B esus fi liu s Gr i fin i cir ca Kalend as N o

vemb r i s castellum Ab er tewy dolo R igewarccler i ci cep it .” 50.

C L E RUs . T h e or der of clergymen

th e clergy; 41 .

CLUT (C lwyd ). W. A hu r dl e.

S trat C lu t,”S tr ath C lyd e.

E t Strat Glut vastata es a Saxonibus .


CON SUL. A coun t an earl .

Ad quos expugnandos mi ss i sunt d uoconsu les , Hugo comes urb is L egionum, et

alter Hugo.” 3 1 .

CLUT (C lyd ) . W. Shelter in O‘


“ E yn aun C lu t . 52.

COCH. W. R ed .

“ I orwer th Choch .

I orw er th th e R ed . 50.

C"E N OB I UM A convent.“

f‘P ercu ssio D emeticae regionis , quando

coenobium D avi d incen sum est.”7.

GOE TH (C oed ) . W. Wood .

“ GoethL lath en .


COL L E CT A N E I . Compani on s . C c

dymdei th on . B r u t.

P er collectaneos et familiares suos d c

W igoni a liberatus nocte evasi t.”49.

COL L E GIA T US . Collegiate.

E ccles ia de L angadauc facta est colle

g i ata .


COME S . A count an ear l . 3 2.

C OME TA . A comet. 102.

C OME TE S , COME TA (Komfi ng) . Acomet . 56.

C OMME NDA , est custodia eccles iae

al icu i comm i s sa . Sp ieg .

E t et iam commend ae perpetuae revo


CON C I L I UM . A council, espec ially

of b i sh op s . “ G ener ale conci

l ium,

”a gener al counci l. 72.

CON F I RMO . T o confirm .

E lectus fuit mag ister Th omas B ek c 1 1 1.N onas Jun ii , et confi rma tus pr id ie N onas

Juli i per Johannem de F ech am.

”1 05, 1 06.

C ON ST ABUL AR IUS . Or ig inally th e

keeper of th e k ing’s stables ; a

con stable.

Qu ibus ex ali a parte resi sterunt Ste

ph anus constabu la r i us et filji Geraldi et

omn es F ranci ab h oste Sabr inas u sque ad

Men eviam , et F land r ens es d e R os .”



CON V E N T US . T he fr a tern i ty of a

r el ig ious house, as of an abbey or

p r iory a conven t. 64.

CORR I G I A . A leather belt.I ’ros i liens sac r ista ab r ipu i t ei cu ltellum

quod ad cor r ig i am suam h abebat .” 87.


G I N I S . T h e mor row of St . Cather ine N ov . 26 . 108.


T h emor row of all Sain ts ; N ov . 2 .

1 10.

SAN C T i LUCAS) E VAN GEL I ST ZE . T h e morrow of St. Luke ;Oct. 1 9 . 82.


JUL I T T E . T h e morr ow of S t.

Cyr , or Cyr ique, and Ju liet ;

June 1 7. 66.

CR E K CRYC . 84.

Oman CRYC . 97 .

CR OE S . W. A cros s .“ Croes O s

wald . O swestry. 44.

CRYC (C ryg) . -W . Hoar se.

“ R ees

C ryc R hys th e Hoar se. 80.


CYMi T E R IUM (Kazan-rvjpi oy) . A bur ial

ground a cemetery.

I llico omni a vi ctualia et omn ia neces

sar ia et etiam exi tum vel introitum extra

cymi ter z’

um praefatis monach is inh ibui t.” 64.

CYST E R C I E N S I S . A C ister tian . T h e

C i ster tian monk s were an or der

in sti tu ted at C i steaux in F r ance,

wh o came in to E ngland abou t th e

year 1 1 28,

and h ad their fir s thou se at Waver ley in Sur rey.

“D ucti sunt monach i ordi nis Oys ter

c iens i s , qu i modo sunt apud Albam Candami n W es t W all iam per B ornardnm ep isco

pmn .

”43 .

DAPI F E R . A s teward a senesch al.A t fi r s t he w as a domes ti c officer


like ou r s teward of th e householdor r ather clerk of th e k i tchen ;

bu t by d egrees th e term w as

ap p l ied to any fidu ciary servan t,

especially stewar d or head bailiff

of an honour or m anor . Cowel l .Geraldu s d ap z

fer d e P enbroc Menevia)

fi nes devastavit .” 3 0.

D E CE NN OV E NNA L I S (Decem nov en

nalis ) . A r evolution of n ineteen

year s , at th e end of w h i ch t ime

th e aspects of th e moon ar e,

w ith in an hour , th e same as theywere on th e same d ays of th e

month n ineteen year s before. Th i scycle was adopted on th e 1 6 th of

J u ly 43 3 .

Mcxxv anno ab I ncarnat ione Domin ixv

°anno cicli d ecennovenna li s .” 3 9.

D E cmuE . Ti thes .I b idem etiam fui t ord inatum d c d ecimis

Alborum monach orum.

”73 .


p er . p a s s . of DE COLLO . T o be

head .

Rostr i fi lius Heweid decole est in Ar

gui stli . 1 6.

D E I N T US, p ro I N TUS . Wi th in .

F amiliares Hoeli Seis oppidum l Z noc

tur no dolo ct ins idi i s cujusdam trad itor is

d eéntus ceperunt.”48 .

D E SP ON SO . T o betroth or es pou se.


D E X T RAL is . B elong ing to the r igh th and . D extrales B r i ttones


”th c

B r i tons of Sou thWales , that port ion of th c pr inc ipali ty be ing

s ituated on th e r igh t h and o f a

person look ing eas tward , as the

1 1 8 GLosSAav .

B ar d s and Dru id s d id in th e performan ce of the ir r el ig iou s r i tes .

“ V astat io B r i ttonum d extm lium apu d

O ffa.


D I E S A s su zrr r rom s SAN CT E

MAR I E . As sum p tion of th e

B lessed Virg in ; A ug . 1 5 . 58.

B E AT I A MBR O SH. S t. Am


s day ; Apr il 4. 105.

Concnr r i oxrs B E A TEE MAR I E .

T he conception of th e B les sed

Virg in ; D ec. 8 . 71 .

J ovi s. (D ydd I on“


Thur sday. 1 08.

L UN zE . (D ydd L lun,W.)

Monday. 75.

MAR TI S . (D ydd Mawr th , 17V.)

Tuesday. 67.

M E R CUR I I . (D ydd Mer chu i,

W.) Wednesday. 81 .


RUE . T h e pur ification of th e

B lessed Vi rgin Mary ; F eb . 2 .

41 .

SA B BA T I . S atur day. 94.


St . G eorge th e Mar tyr ’s day ;

Apr i l 2 3 . 98.


S t. Kenelm th e Mar tyr ’s d ay ;

J uly 1 7. 9s.

SAN CTI N I CHOLA I . St.N icholas

s day D ec. 6 . 63 .

SA NCT I SW I THI N I . T h e dayof S t. Sw i th in J uly 1 5 . 62.

T R AN SL A T I ON I S SAN C TI B E N ED I OTI . Tran slation of S t. B ene

d ict ; J uly 1 1 . 90.

VE N E R I S . (D ydd Gwener,

W.) F r id ay. 94.

DINA S . w . A city.

Gueith D inas N egu id . 1 7.

D I GZCE SI S, (Bi ofxnm g) . A d iocese.


D IU (D yw ,dydd ) . W. A day .

D iu Sul. Sun day.

Guei th D iu Sul in Mon . 1 5.


Tr in i ty Sunday. 95.

D omm co s . Of or belonging to

th e Lor d .

“ D ies Dom in i cus or“Dom ini ca

,th e Lor d ’s d ay ; Sun

d ay . 3 .“A nnun ciatio Dom in ica,”

th e Annun ci ation of our Lady ;Mar ch 25. 109.

D ORBI I TA T I O . A sleep ing death .“D ormi ta tio C iarani . 4.

T h e w or d i s synonymou s w ithhun


”w h ich in Welsh i s fre

qu en tly used to denote death .

Hir bun Maelgwn ,

”long i s th e

sleep of Maelgwn .

D ORM I T I O D om rrr A'

r I o .

D ormi tio Karann i.” 4.

D Ux . A dake. 20.


P er decem ebdmnadas . 58.


T h e space of seven days a w eek .

Qu i regnavit per xix. ann os excepti s ix

ebdom d z’

bus .”3 9.

E CCLE SI A , (Ammo-fa ). A church

Consecrat ioMich aelis Arch angeli eccles iaa. 9.

E DI CTUM . E d ict an ordinance or

command ; a statu te. 60.

E N (Y n ) . W. I n .

Hir hun Wailgun en llis Ros. 4. Longi s th e sleep of Maelgwn in th e cour t of

Rh os.

E P I SCOP A T US . A bi shop ’s see ; a

bi shopr ic.

Sul gen ill i 61 ) és col mta i success it . 26.

1 20

GOCH COCH. W i lim Goch,

Wi lliam R ufus . 93 .

GUE I TH (Gwaith ) .action ; a battle.

Gu ei th Camlan .

”4. G uei th Cair

Legion .


“G uei th Meiceren.


I n B . and C . th e w ord i s gene

rally r endered by B ellum .

GUE RRA , WE RRA . War .

Solus B es us fi lius Gr ifut tenu it gwerr amcontra r egem Ang liae .


I t i s r emarkable that gwa re I n

Welsh i s th e w or d u sed for p lay.

A gwa r e pelr e a p hen Saeson ,”and to p lay at hur ling w i th

S axon s’ head s . T a lies in .

GULA T h e gullet th e beginn ing


Angli ci d e Angli a in fort i manu castrum

ipsius Res i d e D eresloyn ob sed erunt circa

g u lam Augusti.” 1 09.

GW E RR O . T o m ake war .

“ Venit E adward u s r ex Anglia: in manu

for ti i n N orthwall iam ad g wer r and um

contra L ewel inum , fi l ium Gr i fud , pr incipem

N or thwalli ae.”

1 05.

W. Work

HI R . W. Long .

Hi r h un W ai lgun en llis Ros. 4.

Long i s th e s leep of Maelgwn in th e

cour t of Rh os .

HOMA G I UBI . Homage ; a F renchw or d der ived fr om lzomo . Co . L ia .

64. On'

th e or iginal gr ant of

land s and tenements under th e

feudal sys tem ,th e tenan t or

v assal,bes ides taking th e oath of

fealty w as obliged to do homag e

to h i s lor d , openly and humblykneel ing , being ung ir t, u ncovered ,

and hold ing up h i s han d s both


I D Us,I DE S . Wi th th e ancien t R o

m an s these w er e eigh t days 1 11

every mon th,being th e eigh t

d ays immed iately after th e nones .

I n the mon th s of Mar ch,May ,

J u ly, an d October these eigh td ays began at th e 8 th d ay of

th e mon th a nd con tinu ed to th e

1 5th d ay ; in o ther mon th s theybegan at th e 6 th d ay , and las ted

together between those of th e

lord who sat before h im ; and

there profes s ing th at “ h e d id

becom e h is man from that dayfor th

,of life and limb and ear th ly

honou r,

and then h e r eceived a

k i s s from h i s lor d ; w h ich cer em ony w as denom inated llama

g iam or manhood by th e feud i s ts ,

from the s tated form of word s


o ves ter l wmo. L itt. 85.

2 B l . Com . 53 .

“ F acere homa

g ium ,

”to do homage. 73 .

HOR A N ON A . T h e n inth hour ;three in th e afternoon . 97.

HOSPI TI UM . A hospice. 87.

HOS T I UM Z OS T IUM . A door,en try


or pas sage.

“Hos tium Gu i li,

Aber Gwy li . B r u t.

Quem Seisi l r ex Vened otia: in hos ti o

Gu ili expu gnavi t , ct occi sus est R eyn .

”23 .

HUN W . S leep ; death .

Hir h un W ailgun en lli s Ros . 4.

S ee HI R .


to th e 1 3 th . B u t i t i s only th e

las t d ay that i s called I d es,th e

fir s t of these d ays i s th e eigh thI d es

,th e second d ay th e seven th


th e th ird day th e s ixth,i .e. th e

eigh th , seven th,

or s ixth day

before th e I d es ; and so of th e

r est of the d ays . W' herefore

w hen w e s peak of the I des of any

mon th in gener al, i t i s to be

taken for th e 1 5th or 1 3 th of

the month men tion ed .

Henr icus rex trans fr etavi t d e Anglia inN ormanniam iv° I d us Januari i . 46.

I MP R I S I I . Those wh o s ide w ith ortake th e par t of anoth er

,ei ther

in h is d efence or otherw i se. Co .

L i tt. 253 .

“L ewelinus pr inceps N orwalliae, suis

comitatus i np r is i s , quibu sd am d e cansisinter ipsum et regem subortis , Mungum

r iam , B rech on iam et Haiam cum R ad enor

castello solotenus d i rupto et incendio d e

vas tavi t .”78.

I N STALLO . T o in s tall.“Fm

t i ns tallatus viii° I dus Septembris .”105.

I NTE RDI CTUM. A n eccles iastical

cen sur e, w hereby th e d iv ine

ser v ices are proh ib i ted to w holev i llages , town s

,prov inces

,an d

even kingdom s,t i ll th ey make

sati sfaction for inj ur ies done, orabs tain from inj ur ies they are

doing to th e chu r ch . L indw . 3 20.

Cowell . B loun t.“ Dom inu s au tem papa totam Angliam

sub generali i nter d i cto conclus it , no ali qua

divina in eccles i is celeb raren tur excepto solobaptismate. 65.

I N T R ON I Z A '

r u s , p r o I N T I I RON I Z A T US .

E nth roned .

E t i n lron i z a tus fuit Honorius . 73 .

JUS T I C I AR I US . A judgc the ch iefj u dge lord ch ief ju s tice.

Cas trum Buell t d cstruxi t ct pacifi catus

cum j us t icia r io r egis Angliaz.” 52.

KALE N DE . (Calan . W ) T h e

calend s,or firs t day of every

mon th . 24

L A I CUS . Untaugh t unlettered

one wh o i s not of the clergy ;lay . 3 4.


T h e yellow plague. I t i s fro

quen tly u sed in the same sen se

as Y e ad velen,th e B as i lisk


some th ink .

“ I’

r oer vad velen

o R os, (D avyd d ab Gw i lg/m.)

T o th e cold B as i l isk of R hos .

Tunc fuit la ll-welen . 4.

LE GA TUS . A n ambas sador or

nunc io from th e pope ; a lega te.

T h e p0pes of Rome h ad former lyin E ngland the archb ishop of

C an terbury as the ir lega tus na tu s ,and u pon ex traord inary occas ionsthey sen t over leg a tus a [ rt/er e.

Cowell. B lount.Dominus i taque papa tra nsm i s it lega l um

in Ang l iam .

”73 .

L I T E n/E P a r E N '

r ns . Le tte rs pa

ten t. charters con ta in ing (h


k ing’

s gr ants . They are called propr ietatem,et u sum


letter s p aten t, that i s , op en let fr uctum tr an sfer t,e t ev ictionem

ter s,because th ey ar e n ot seal ed pr aes tatu rum se spond et ; vend i t

up, bu t exposed to Op en v iew, etiam

, qu i nuda et s implici tra

w i th th e great seal pendan t at d i t ione alienat.”F . Gou ldma n .

th e bottom ,and are u sually d i “

P orthl agi ct D ulin soceri su i auxi lio,


8 0t or addr essed by th e k ingcin

bus occi si s , suo azanc z‘

p am‘

t domini o.

to all h i s subj ects at large. 2

B l . Com . 3 46 . 64.

LLAN . W. A n enclosure ; a v i l

lage a chur ch .

“ Llan P atarn,

th e church of S t . P adarn . 21 .

L L A THE N . W . A yard (measur e) .“ Goeth L lath en .


L L I s (L lys) . W. Cour t, palace.

Hir h un Wailgun en lli s Ros. 4.

S ee HIR .

L oxon sq sxsrs. Of th e long swor d .

W ill ielm u s Longu s -en s i s ,” W il ~

liam of th e long swor d . 70.

MAR S W. A field ; a plain .

I gmunt in insula Mon veni t, et tenu itmaes Osmeliaun .

”1 6.

MA G I STE R . I t s ign ifies in gener al

a governor , teacher , &c.,and also

in many cases an officer . J a cob.

A mas ter .

“Ilfag z


s tefr Henr icus fi lius Ar ch en obnt .


MA GNA TE S . N obles m agnates

vasalli maj ores . D u Cang e. 51

MAR r YR I UAI Death in

attestat ion of th e tr u th of one’


r el ig ion m ar tyr dom .

MAR C I P O . T o deliver pos ses s ion ;

to g ive th e r igh t to another .

“I lf anc ip a r e p lu s es t qu am r en

Th omas Cantuar i en sm arch i ep i scopu sd er e ; n am manczp a t I s

,(111 1 et ma r ty r io vi tam fini vi t .

”53 .

MAR E R I UBI . A manor . T h e word

i s appar en tly d er ived from th e

F r en ch mano i r,h ab i tat io


r ather per hap s fr om manendo ,

abidi ng , becau se th e lor d u suallyr es i ded th ere. A m anor i s de

fined to be nomen col lectivum c i

g ener a le, comprehend ing m es

su ages , land s , &c .,

and i s th e

d i str ict or aggr egate com p as s of

ground gr anted by th e anc ien t

k ings of th i s r ealm to th e lor d s

or bar on s,w i th l iber ty to par cel

th e land ou t to in fer ior tenants,

r eser v ing such du ties an d ser v ices

as th ey though t conven ien t,and

w i th p ow er to h old a cou r t for

r edr es s ing m i sdemeanor s,pun i sh

ing th e offences of th eir tenants,

and settling any di spu tes of pro

p er ty betw een them . m'



L aw D iet.

Maner i zcm d e Osterlof. 109.

MAP (Mab) . W. A son th e son .

A idan map Gabran mori tur . 6.

MAR CA . A coin of th e value of

th ir teen s h i lling s and four pence.

Henr icu s r ex xii i . w ill ia ma rcar ummis it Hierosolim is . 55.


OSCULUM P AC I s . T he k i s s of

p eace. 64.


“E t d evi ctus est Rey n in os tiw Guili.

P A L E F R I D US . One of th e better

sor t of hor ses u sed by noblemen

or other s for state. 00. L i tt.

149 . Cowell . A palfrey.

“Anglici omnia vi ctualia, omnes caballos ,

arma et neces sar ia corum por tantes , et

omnes p al ef r idos ib idem am i seru nt .”94.

P A LLI UM . A n eccles iastical vest

ment made of w h i te w ool,pr op er

to popes , patr iar ch s , pr imates,

and metr opoli tan s a p all. 65.

P A PA . T he pope. Th i s term w as

ancien tly ap p l ied to some clergymen in the G reek C hurch ; bu tby u sage i t i s par ticu lar ly ap pr opr iated in th e Latin C hur ch to

the B ishop of R ome,wh o for

mer ly h ad gr eat au thor i ty in thesek ingdom s . S t. 25 E d . 3

, S t. 6 .

4 B l . Com. 104.

I nnocentius p ap a Ob i i t.” 42 .

P A RR S . A man’s peer s

,or equals

as th e jury for tr ial of cau ses,

wh o w ere or ig inally th e vassals

or tenan ts of the lord,being the

equ als or p eer s of th e par ties litigan t . 3 B l. Com . 3 49 .

“I n Angli a consti tuti sunt xi i . p a r es .

97 .

P AR L I AME N T UM. T he P ar liam ent.

Statui t rex in suo primo p a r liamento


post coronationem suam mul ta statuta apudW estmonasterium.



,W. T he

P assover,th e feas t of E as ter .

Post Marti s N onas , ub i s it nova lunarequ iras ;

E t cum transieri t b is septima, Pascha

pateb i t."

P a s ca commu tatur super diem D ominicum.

”3 .

P A USO. T o pau se, to rest, to die.

E piSCOpu s E bur p aus a t in Chr ista”3 .

P E N AL I S . P enal. 104. S ee R E



T he fiftieth d ay from E aster th e

P en tecost ; Whi t Sunday.

Ad P entecostem ivi t rex cum exercitasuo super Hugonem B igod in Sufok . 41 .

P E RE GR I N A T I O . A p i lgr image.Catell Romam p er egr i na tioni s causa

perrexi t. 46.

P E R E GR I N US . A p i lgr im .

P er eg r in i d e D yvet et Kered igaun submers i sunt.” 4



P E RHE N D I N O, p r o P E R E N D IN O . T o

d elay ; to tar ry.

R icar dus d e Carr eu , epi scopus Mene

vens i s , ivi t in F ranciam in Cont inent i postPas ch a, et p erhend ina vi t apudBungy propecivi tatem P arys i ensem . 103 .

P E R V E D D . M i d d le,inwar d .

“ P er


i .e.,P erveddw lad

,th e

m i ddle country. 80.


of learn ing or w i sdom ; a ph i losop her . 90.

P I RA TA . A robber on th e sea ; a

p ir ate.

Omnes V enedoti in Mon insula se re

ceperunt , et ad eos tuend os de Hiberni ap i r a tas invi taver unt. 3 1 .

P O SSE . A mu lti tude power .Maredut fi li us Res i Crych et Mared ut

fi lius Oweni , cum omn i p oss e eor um, in s ilviset i n nemori bus et in convalli bus circaAnglicos , cum magnis clamoribus undiquefuerunt congregati." 99 .

P RE CE N TOR . A n ecclesiastical ofii

cer a precentor .

Cons titutus est p ra eentor in eccles iaMenevens i .




P R E DI CA TOR . A preacher .

I ncip it ordo P r ced i eatorum.


P R JEMON S T RA T E N SE S . C anon s who

lived accor d ing to th e ru le of S t.

Au stin ,as r eformed by S t.N orbet,

who set up th is regu lat ion abou t

the year 1 120 (1009 in “ A n

at P r aemon s tratum in

P i cardy, a place so called becau se

i t was said to be foreshown or

p r eemons tr a ted by th e B lessed

Virgin to be th e head seat, or

mother chur ch , of th i s order .

I ncip it or do P r cemonstr atens imn. 3 4.

P R IOR . T he fir s t in d ign ity nex t

to th e abbot or ch ief of a conven t ;a p r ior . 1 B l . Com . 1 55 .

D avid epi scopus Menevens is Ob iit ; cu isu ccessi t p r i or d eWenloc, Petru s nomine.


P UT A '


I V US . P u tative r epu ted , orcommonly esteemed

,in oppos ition

to notor iou s and unquestionable.

T udur fi lius Pret i n Opp ido occi su s est ,

qu i fu it fi lius p utativas R esi.”


UA D R AGE S IMA . Lent . 92.

UAR T E R IUM . A quar ter .

Quar ter i a vero eju s fuerunt su spensa.


QUI E S . R est, r epose death .Qui es B enign i episcopi.

”3 .

R .

RAM I SP ALMA . P alm Sunday. 93 .

R A T I I I I B I T I O (ex R atum ct h abeo)A 11 ap prov ing of a th ing .

R E F E C T OR IUM . A place in monas

ter ies and colleges w here th e

SAB BA T UM. Saturday. 90.


Saturday. 75.


Com. 3 42. 3 9.

A n oath .

1 25

P alm

3 B l.

company d ine and sup togethera refectory.

Tanquam postul atum ad osculum pacisreceperunt in conventu et in r ef ector io.


RE L I G I OSUS . A per son d evoted to

the serv ice of God a relig iou s .

Recessi t Oto legatus d e regno Anglim,

qu i cum mag no mu ltitudine arch iepiscoporum , epi scoporum , abbatum , caeterorumqu e

r elig ios or um ab imperatore captus fu it.”83 .

R E L I QUUE . R el ics . T he r emain s,

su ch as the bones,&c .

,of the

dead, preserved by per sons l iv ing ,

w i th great veneration,as sacred

memor ials of them . S ta t. I a c . 1 .

c . 26 .

R eli qu i as vero Maredut secum aspor ta

vit ad Keredi gean et ad D emetiam.

”21 .

R E PA TR I O . T o return to one’


coun try.

“E t iv. I d . Ju ln iter arr ipu it r ep atr i .

and i . 103 .

RE ST R I C T I V US. R es tr ictive.

P lura alia statuta r es tr i ctiva et penalia

fuerunt ib idem edita.


RUD (Rhudd ) . W. R ed . Rudglann

,R ud lan (R huddlan) . T h e

red shore. A town in N or thWales . 1 1 .

RUB I GD US , p r o RUB I D US . Redd ish .

1 10.

RUI NUS , pr o RUI N O SUS . R u inous .

T une dominu s Rogerus ct Humfrei d o

B un junior cum fi ore juventuti s totiasMarch iae intraverunt ru i nos muros d o

Kevenli s . 100.




A . He that keepeth holyth ings a sexton . 87.

SC I SMA . A sch i sm ; a

separation in the chur ch ; any

d iv i s ion,

secular as w ell as cc

cles ias tical.

E t factum est s cisma in ecclesiaRomana,Al exandre et Victor io candi dat i s .


SCR IN I UM (Y SGR I N ,W). A shr ine.

S cr in ium Sancti D avid d e ecclesia sua

furatur .”28, 29.

SE I S (Sai s) . W A Saxon ; an

E nglishman . Hoelu s Sei s ,”

Howel th e Saxon . 59.

SE N E SCAL L US , d er ived fr om th e

G erm . S ein,a hou se or p lace


S e/i a le,an officer . A steward

seneschall.N icolaus d e Molyn s s enesca lhi s d e Ker

mer d i n ad terram Mailgonis cum mero

exercitu accessit.” 86.

SE PT IMAN A . A w eek . Sep timana P asch ali s


”E aster week .


S I G I LLUM. A seal. 61 .

S I GNO . T o S ign to s ign ify.

“S ignavi t en im Henr ici regis mortem.


S I GNUM, S I GNA OULUM. A s ign .

Imperator R omanu s , F red er icu s nomine,et rex F rancorum Ph ilippu s , R icar dus A h

glorum rex crueis s ignacu lo se signare fecerunt .

”56 .

D e cruce praedi cans , complures s igno

crueis munivi t.” 56.

SON I P E S . A cour ser .

“Omnes quos h abebant generosos s oni

p ed es cu m rebus ali i s di ot i Galli sib i vendicaverimt .


S T RAN GB OGA . S trongbow . 44.

S TRA T (Ystrad) . W . A street

or paved w ay'

a vale. S tr at

C lu t, th e vale of th e C lyde.

E t S tr at Clu t vastata est a Saxonibi ls .

1 8.

SUBPR I OR . A n under pr ior . 64.

SUD WAL L I A . Sou th Wales . 57.

SUL .W. T he sun .

“ D iu Sul.


Guei th D iu S a l in Men . 1 5.


ODUS A n eccles iasticalcouncil a synod .

Sy iwdu s Victories apud B ri tones congregatur .


TE RR A SAN CTA . T h e Holy Land .


THE O LOGUS (960757 00. A d iv ine ;

a theologian .

Mag ister R icar dus d e Karr eu , theologu s

et ph i losophus Opt imus.” 90.

T HE SAUR AR IUM. T h e treasury.

Cui Ada su ccessit in thesaurar ia Rober

tu s deHaverford.” 1 05.

T HE SAURAR IUS . A n offi cer tow homth e treasu re of another i s com

m i tted to be kept, and tru ly d isposed of a treasur er .

Cui successi t magi ster Adam B arelt,thesaurar i u s Menevensi s .

”1 05.


T ORN I AME N T UM . A tournament.

Gilber tus Mar iscallu s apudWar in quo

dam torn iamento Ob iit .” 84.


T YR I S . Tr an slation of S t .Thomas

th e Mar tyr J u ly 7. 75.

TR E F (Tr ev) . W. A town . Trefi lan


”I lan

s town . 81 .

TR E UGA . A truce ; a league, or

ces sation of arms .

T r euga s fecerunt u sque ad festivitatemSanct i Mar tin i .” 41 .

TR I N I TA S . Th r ee per son s in one

God th e Tr in ity. 3 4,

TRI PUD I UM . A dancing .

I bi h onor ifi ce cum magno tr ipud io sus

ceptns . 104.

1 3 2 I NDEX.

A bloyc, k ing , dies , 1 7 .

A braham , as sum es the b ishoprick ofMene

v ia,2 7.

is kill ed by the P agans , 2 7.A cch aron (A ccaron) , th e city of


by P hil ip , th e king of F rance, 5 7.

th e b ishop of Canterbury bur ied in,58.

A ch illes , L lywelyn , son of I orwerth , com

pared to,

A dam B areth , succeeds Henry of Amloff

as archdeacon of B recon, 105 .

A doman, death of, 8 .

A drian , succeeds A nastasius as pope of

R ome,46 .

hi s death,48.

A edd (A ed ) , son of N ei ll , death of, 1 5.

A eddan (A idan) , son of B legywryd , w ithhi s four son s , kil led by Gruffudd ,son of L lyw elyn ,


A eddan (A idan ) , son of Gavran,death

of, 6 .

A edelstan (A dels tan ,E lstan) , king of th e

Saxons, dies , 1 7.

A elffied (E dfi ed , E delfi et) , queen ,dies

,1 7 .

A eron (A i ron , A yron) , Lower , taken pos

sess ion of by C adell , son of Gruf

fudd, an d hi s brothers, 45.William , son of William Mareschal


takes th e whole terr itory as far as,

7 6.

A lbr it (Alwryt) , king of G iuoys , dies, 1 6 .

Alchfr id (A elfri d , A delstan ) , king of th e



A lderby , John de, succeeds Maredudd, son

of Gwrwar ed,as archdeacon of Caer

marth en,1 08.

A leman ia, i .e. Germany , R ichard, king of,

taken pr isoner at Lewes , 1 02 .

Alexander,son of Malcolm , succeeds h is

brother E dgar , 3 4.

A lexander , pope, con secratesR ichard , archb ishop of Canterbury , 54.

hi s death , 55 .

A lfre, an E nglish general , in conjunctionw ith Howe] , son of I dwal, devastates B rech ein iog , 20.

A l ienor , sister of A r thur , duke of the A r

mor icans, taken pr isoner by kingJohn , 6 3 .

A l ienor (E li anor) , daughter of th e coun t

of P rovence, married to Henry I I I .

king of E ngland, 8 1 .g ives b irth to a daughter , who was

named Margaret, 84.

and to a son,who was named E dmund ,8 8 .

A lienor , countess of P embroke, marr ied toS imon de Montefort

, 82 .

A ltclyde (A lt-clut) , th e citadel of, demoli sh ed by the P agans, 14.


,Henry of, succeeds John de F ekeh am

, as archdeacon of B recon, 1 04.

h i s death,1 05.

A narawd (Anar aut, A naraud ) , devastatesC eredi gion and Ystrad T ywi , 1 5 .

h is death , 1 7 .

A narawd (A naurau t, A narau t, A naraud ) ,son of Grufi


udd,kills L etardus

L itelk ing , 40.

comes w ith Cadell , Owai n , and Cad

walader to A berteivi,and forms a

truce,41 .

i s ki lled by the family of Cadwalader , 42Anarawd (Amarant, A naraud) , son of

Gwriad ,killed, 1 9 .

An astasius , succeeds E ugen ius as pope,45.

i h is death , 46 .

Andegavia, i .e. A njou, Geoffrey, ear l of, i snomi nated duke of N ormandy


Henry , count of,arr ives atWareh am,45 .

an army from , accompan ies Henry I I .

as far as Oswestry against the

Welsh , 50.

A nian,fr iar , preaches th e crusade inWest

Wales, 82 .

A nne,daughter of king John , given in

marr iage to L lywelyn , son of I or

wer th , 6 7 .

A nselm, archb ishop of Can terbury, ba

n ish ed by William Rufus , 3 2.

reinstated by Henry I ., 3 2 .

differs w ith king Henry, 3 3 .A nselm , treasur er of E xeter , designated the

F at, succeeds G ervas ius as b i shopofMenevia, 74, 7 7.


A nselm,treasurer of E xeter — cont.

bur ies Rhys Gryg , 80.

h i s death , 87A nselm Mareschal , di es at Striguil, 86 .

A n tiphates , Rhys , son of Grufi‘

udd , un liketo, 6 1 .

A qu itan ia, an army from ,i s led by Henr y

I I . again st the Welsh , 50.

A rabia, an army led into , by Lou is , kingof F rance, 102 .

he and many nobles of F rance di e

there, 102 .

A rberth , the castle of, demol ished by Gruffudd, son of Rhys

,3 6 .

th e castle of, burnt by L lywelyn ,

pr ince of N orth Wales , 74.A rchb ishop


, con secrated in the c ity ofDamietta, 75.

A rderydd (A rd er it, E rder it, A rm terid) ,battle of, 5.

A rragon ia, a great part of P h ilip , king of

F rance’

s army d ie in,1 08.

A rthen (A rthgen) , king of Ceredigion ,

dies , 1 1 .A r thur (A rtur ) , carr ies th e cross of Chr ist

in th e battle of Badon ,4.

falls in the battle of Camlan , 4.

A r thur,duke of B r ittany, taken pr isonerby king John , 6 3 .

dies , or according to some, i s killed inth e king ’

s pr ison , 6 3 .

A rundel, king S tephen besieges the em

press Mat ilda at, 41 .

A rw y stli (A rustli , A rustly , A rusti ly) , th e

men of, burn the v il lages near CastleB aldwin , 95.

Dav id , son of Howel , an i llustr iousman from,

is killed , 96.

a counc il held by L lywelyn w ith thenobles ofWales at, 9 7

Asaph , th e diocese of,v is ited by John de

P ecch am,108.

A scuth in ,king of Dubl in , slain , 22 .

Asser , death of, 1 6 .

Augustine, converts the Anglians , 4.

Av ignon (Av inum ) , attacked and destroyedby Lou is , king of the F rench , 76 .

1 3 3

B .

Badon , the battle of Badon,4.

a second time, 8.

B aldwin , slain by i llus tr ious men of the

family of L lywelyn, son of Gruf

fudd , 9 3 .

Baldwin , archb ishop of Canterbury,preaches th e crusade in lVales

, 56 .

h i s death, 58.

B aldwin , Maredudd , son of L lywarch ,

delivers h is two brothers to, to be

b linded, 3 8.Baldwin Castle, the v illages near , burn t by

Gwin , son of Madog , and the men

of A rwystli , 95.

a battle between men from, and the

Welsh , i n which the latter were

victor ious , 9 5 .

B alwy , the castle of, burnt by i l lustr ious

men of the family of L lywelyn , sonof Grufi

udd , 9 3 .

Bangor , devastated by the P agans , 2 6.

the b ishop of, ordered by king John tobe taken before th e altar

,6 7

the diocese of, v is ited by John d e

P eccham , archbishop of Canterbury,1 08 .

king E dward makes fortifications at,

1 08 .

B anguolau (Bannoleu) , the battle of,1 4.

B arbefi eth , th e son of king Henry I .

drowned at, 3 7 .

B areth , A dam , succeeds to the archdea

conry of B recon, 105.

B arons , the, of the N or th , join the pr incesofWales against king John , 70.

wh o h ad paid homage to Lou is of

F rance, s lain , 7 3 .

of “Tales , d o homage to king HenryI I I ., 8 3 .

B arri , John de, succeeds lV i lliam de B ur

reche as treasurer of Menevia, 107.

B artholomew ,b ishop of E xeter , dies , 55 .

B as ingwerk (D inas B assiug ) , Henry I I .arr ives at, 46 .

Owain , pr ince of Nor th Wa les , and

h i s sons encamp at , 46 .

1 3 4 I NDEX.

Bastard, lV i lliam th e w ins the kingdom of

E ngland, 25 .

h i s death,28.

Bauson (B auz on ,B authun ) , S tephen , and

others commit outrag es in the ah

bey ofWh iteHouse, 92 .

pass th e n ight at Caermarthen , 9 3 .B ecke, Thomas , b ishop of Menev ia, a sub

s idy gran ted to, for certain negotia

t ions, 1 09 .

B ede,th e pr iest, death of, 9 .

Bedford (B edeford ) , th e castle of, taken ,

B ek , Wal ter de, th e castle of, burnt by

Ow ain and Cadwalader , sons of


udd , 40.

B elesme (Belem , B elleem) , R obert, quar

r els w ith ki ng Henry I .,3 3 .

i s taken pr isoner by th e king , 3 3 , 3 5.

B en , son of E lfin ,dies , 9 .

B el in, death of, 6 .

Ben ignu s (Benedictus) , b ishop, death of, 3 .

B ernard, b ishop , su cceeds W ilfre in th e

see ofMenev ia, 3 5.

g ives to cer ta in monk s of th e C istert ian order a p lace near T revgarn in

D eugled dyv , 43 .

h i s death, 44.

B erwyn (B erwen , B erv in ) , king Hem'

y H.

leads h is army to th e mountain of,

and encamps at,50.

B ianu s, king of I reland,s lain , 22 .

B igod , Hugh, 41 .B laenllyvni (Blanelleon i) , th e castle of


taken by R ichar d Mareschal , 7 9 .

B leddyn (E lediu , B ledyn ,B ledi nt) , son of

Cynvyn , th e battle of Mechain ,

between him an d h i s brother Rhiwa llon on - one s ide, and Mar ed udd

and I dwal, son s of Grutfud d , on th eother s ide

,2 6 .

succeeds to th e kingdom,2 6 .

is treacherously s lain by Rhys, son of

Owain , 2 6 .

B ledvach, th e cas tle of, taken and demo

li shed , 1 00.

B leiddud (B leiduth , Bledud ) , bishop of

Menevia, dies, 26 .

B lood, rains, in B r ita in and I reland , 8 .

mi lk and butter turned into , 8 .

B loody colour , th e moon turns of a, 8 .

Bodedon , L lywelyn ,son of Grufi udd ,

bes ieges and burns the castle of, 9 3 .

B oniface, archb ishop, accompan ies E dward,son of king Henry I H., to Spain , 89 .

Bordeaux (B urdegal, B urdegalis ) , HenryHI . with h is queen , returns from,


E dward, king of E ng land, goes to ,

109 .

B oulogne, S tephen of, comes over to E ng

land, and invades th e kingdom, 3 9 .

B rech einiog (B r ich en iauc, B recheinauc,

B rech enauc , B reth eniauc,B rech

eini auc, B recheynauc) , ravaged by

th e N ormans , 1 6.

ravaged by Howel , son of I dwal , and

A lfre,leader of th e Saxons, 20.

th e F rench of, kill Rhys, son of T ew

dwr , 29 .

the B r iton s of, ki ll many of the

F rench in Gelli D arnawg, 3 0.

cas tles erected in , by the F rench , 3 0.

the men of, kill Cadwgan, (L lywelyn ,C .) son of B led dyn , 3 2 .

Rhys , son of Grufi'

udd,leads an army

to, 52.

B recon , devas tated by L lywelyn , pr ince of

N or th Wales , e v illages of, burnt by h im, 79 .

Brendan ,B yror (B erur , B errur ) , death

of, 5 .

B ri s tol , the empress Matilda goes to, 41 .king Stephen sent pr isoner to 42 .

the ear l of; encamps at D inwei leir ,

again st R hys , son of Grufi'

udd , 48.

g iven by king Henry IH. to hi s son

E dward, quarter of pr ince Dav id ’s bodysuspended at, 107.

B riton s, the, v ictor ious in th e battle of

B adon , 4.

also in th e battles of Heh il, Garthmaelog , and Cad P encon, 9.

a battle between them and the Saxons

at Hereford, 1 0.

1 3 6 INDEX.

Cadvan (Gatwan) , son of Cadwalader , re

ceives from h i s father th e castle of

L lanrhystud , w ith hi s own share of

Ceredigion ,44.

captured by Howel , son of Owain ,45.

Cadwalader (Catgualart, Catwaladir ) , son

of C adwallon ,di es of a plague, 8 .

Cadwalader (Catwaladr , Cadwaladr ) , son

of Grufl'

udd , w ith h i s brother Owain ,leads an army to Cered ig ion , 40.

destroys th e‘

castle of Walter de B ec,of A berystwyth , of R ichard de laMere, and of D ineirth , 40.

burns C aerwedros , 40.

return s home,40.

goes a second time to Ceredigion, 40.

in conjunct ion w ith other Welsh pr inces attacks A berteiv i , 40.

r outs the F rench and F lem ings, 40.

returns home v ictor iou s , 40.

goes a th ird t ime w ith an army toCeredigion , 41 .

demol ishes th e castles of Ystrad Meu

rug, of S tephen ,of Humphrey, and

of C aermar then , 41 .return s home

,41 .

goes w ith a fleet mann ed by P agansto A ber teivy ,

41 .

form s a truce, 41 .

obtains a fleet from I reland to assisth im aga inst h is brother Owain , andlands at A bermen ai , 42 .

i s r econciled to h i s brother , 42 .

i s taken pr isoner by the German s or

I r ish , 42 .

obtains h i s liber ty on stipul ating to

pay a ransom ,42 .

attacked by h i s brother Owain , 42 .

depr ived of Meir ionydd by Cyn an and

Howel,son s of Owain , 44.

erects th e castle of L lanrhystud , and

g ives it to hi s son Cadvan , 44.

recovers h is terr itory, 47encamps at D inweileir , 58 .

opposes king Henry I I . near O swestry ,50.

i s s lain , 5 3 .

Cadwallon (Catguollaun, Catguollan , .Cat

guollaaun , Catwallaun) , besieged inthe island of G lanawg, 6 .

obtains th e v ictory in th e battle of

Meigen , 7 .

I S s lain in the battle of Cantscaul, 7.

Cadwallon (Catwallaun , Caduuallaun ,C at

walaun , Cadwallaun) , son of G ruf

fudd, comm its depredations in Meirionydd , 3 7.

kill s h is four uncles , Owain , Goronwy ,

R h ir id,and Meilir , 3 7.

is kil led by Cadwgan , son of Goronwy ,

3 9 .

Cadwallon (Catwalaun , Cadwallaun ) , son

of I dwal, ki lled by Maredudd, son

of Owain, 20.


(Catwalaun ) , son ofMadog , d e

tains hi s brother E inion C lud as

pr isoner , 49 .

Cadwallon (Catwaloin) , son of(Maelgwn

comm its depredations i h '

G lamor

gan ,68 .

Cadwallon (Katwalan) , son of Maelgwn ,

dies at Cwm Hir , 80, 8 1 .Cadwallon (Catwallaun , Cadwallaun ) , son

of Owain , di es, 1 9 .

Cadweithen (Catguei then , Catweithen,

Cathweith en ) , expelled, 1 4.

h i s death, 1 5.Cadwgan (Gadugan , Cadugaun) , son of

B leddyn ,expels Rhys , son of T ew

dwr , from hi s kingdom , 2 8.

comm its depredations in D imet ia, 29 .

escapes into I reland. 3 1 .returns fr om I reland , 3 1 , 3 2 .

loses Cer edig ion , 3 5.slain


by Madog , son of Rh i r i d , 3 5 .

Cadwgan (Cadugaun ) , son of Goronwy ,

kills Cadwallon , son of Grufl'


3 9 .

Cadwgan (Cadugaun) , son of Maredudd,

kill ed by Walter C lifford, 49 .

Cadwgan (Catgu ocaun , Cadugan) , son of

Owain ,strangled by th e Saxon s , 1 8 .

Caer A lclut, demolished by th e P agans , 14.

Caereinion (Kereinaun , Cayrheinaun ) , th e

castle of, built by Owain , son of


Caereinion— continued .


udd , and Rhys, son of Gruf

fudd, 5 1 .

Caerevrog, i .e. York , devastated in the battleof D ubkynt, 1 4.

Caergai, the massacre of, 7.

Caer leon (Cair Legion , Caer Legion , Kairl ion) , the synod of, 6 .

th e battle of, 6 .

Caermarthen (Kairmerd in , Cayr merdyn ,

Cayrmardyn , Kermerd , Kermerdin) ,the v illage of, burnt by Grufludd ,

son of Rhys, 3 6 .the castle of

,demolished by Owain

and Cadwalader , sons of G rufl‘

udd ,

41 .

i t is rebu i lt by ear l G ilber t, 43 .

bes ieged by Rhys , son of Grufl'

udd , 57

burnt by him ,60.

taken by L lywelyn ,pr ince of N orth

Wales, 7 1 .

the castle of, obtained by Will iam , son

ofWilliam Mareschal , 75 .

i t i s bes ieged by R ichard Mareschaland th e Welsh, and succoured by

Henry d e T riberlevi le, 79 .the br idge of, broken by Henry deT r iberlev i le, 79 .

burnt by David , son of L lywelyn , 84.

plundered by Maredudd , son of Rhys ,86 .

Caerwedros (Kairwedros) , burnt by Owainand Cadwalader , sons of Grufl



Calais , king John collects a large fleet at,

69 .

Camddwr (Candubr) , th e battle of, 2 7.

Cameron (Camaron ) , R oger de Mortimerstrength ens the castle of, 59 .

Camlan (Camlann ) , th e battle of, 4.

Canons , the order of, establ ished in th e

church of S t.Mary, S uwerk e, 3 4Can terbury, the monks of

, elect their sub

pr ior as successor to archb ishopHubert, 64.

they are ban ished th e kingdom by

king John , 65 .

the prior of, goes to Rome, 6 6 .

Cantrev Bychan (Can tref bechau) , taken byGruflti d d

, son of Rhys, from h is

brother Maredudd , 62 .

Cantrev Mawr (Cantrefmaur) , taken and

held by Rhys, son of Grufl'


Cantscaul, the battle of

, 7 .

Caradog (Gradano, Garadac) , son of Gruf

fudd, kills Maredudd , son of Owain ,

2 6 .

is slain in the battle of Mount Carn ,

2 7 .

Caradog (Caratano, Caraudoc, Gradano) ,king of Gwynedd, slain by the

Saxons,1 1 .

Caradog (Caradauc) , son of Rhydderch ,killed by the Saxons , 2 3 .

Card iff (Ki rd i ve) , th e castle of, burnt byR ichard Mareschal

,79 .

Cardigan (Kard igan) taken by L lywelyn,

pr ince of N orth Wales , 7 1 .the castle of, taken by William, son of

Wi lliam Mareschal,75.

the castle of, reduced by L lywelyn ,

78 .

the tower of, bu ilt by W'

alter Mare

schal , 82 ,Carn Mountain

,th e battle of, 2 7.

Carno, th e battle of Mount,3 .

the battle of, 1 8 .

Carnwyllon (Carnaw i llian) , the castle of,

destroyed by Rhys , son of Gruflud d ,


Garreg (Carree) , the castle of,bui lt by

R obert, son of S tephen ,52.

Carreg Cennen (Car regk ennen ) , the castleof, des troyed by Dav id , son of

G ruflltdd , 106 .

the cas tle of, taken by Rhys , son of

Maredud d , 109 .

Garreg Iv a (Carree Huwa) , g iven by

the E ngl ish king to Gwenwynwyn

for G rufl‘

udd , son of Rhys , 6 1 .C arrew (Karren , C arreu ) , R ichard d c , suc

ceed s as b ishop o fMcnevin. 90.

goes to F rance, 103 .

returns to lVales, 103 .

h is death and burial , 105 .

1 3 8 I NDEX.

Castell Newydd (Castelh Nowid) , deliveredup to L lywelyn , son of Grufl’udd ,

for the l iberation of Maredudd , son

of Rhys , 97recovered by Rhys , son of Maredudd ,

1 1 0.

Cedi vor (Ked ivor) , archdeacon of Cere

d igion ,dies , 49 .

Celli D arnauc (Kell itravant) , th e F renchslaughtered at, 3 0.

Cemaes (Kenmei s) , th emen of, fight againstth e E ngl ish , 95 .

Cemoyth (Ceinod ) , kin g of the P icts, dies ,14.

Cenar th B ychan (Chenar th Bechan ) , th ecastle of, strengthened by Geraldth e steward, 3 4.

burnt by Owain , son of Cadwgan ,

3 4.

Cerball , death of, 1 5.

Ceredig (Cereti c) , death of, 6 .

Cered igion (Cereti ci aun , Cered igaun ,Ke

redi gean ,Keredigiaun , Kered i gaun ,

Cereti cam ,Kered igeaun , Cered ig

caun ) , ravaged by A narawd and the

E nglish, 1 5 .

also by Gwyn , son of E in ion ,

2 1

also by the F rench , 2 6 .

also by Hugh d e Montgomery, 2 6 .occupied by th e F rench , wh o bui l t

castles th erein ,29 .

recovered by th e B r itons, 2 9 .

left a desert, 3 0.

the F lem ings of,attacked by Owain ,

son of Rhiri d ,

pilgr ims from , drown ed, 43 .

subdued by Rhys , son of Gruffudd ,


despoiled by th e F rench and F lem ings ,5 1 .

Cer i (Ker i) , king Henry I I I . arr ives w itha large army at, 7 6 , 7 7.

the lords of, burn the v illage of T re

vetland, 98.

Cetyll (C eti ll, C i ti l) , the battle of, 1 3 .

Ch ar les (C arolu s) , king of S ici ly, induceshi s brother Lou is to lead an armyto A rabia, 102 .

Chaurs , Harvey d e, killed, 104.

Chaurs , P atr ick d e,k illed at C i lgerran ,

9 7.

Chr istendom seized w ith fear of the T ar

tar s , 9 9 .

Chr istian s, th e, conquered by the P agan s

and Saracens at th e sea of Tiber ias ,5 6.

take th e city of A cch aron , 58 .

take th e city of Dam ietta, 74.

ass ist the emperor F reder ick in tak ingJerus alem , 7 7 .

a great fleet of, accompanies Lou is ,king of F rance, to the Holy Land



C ian (Chi an , Kenan) N ant N yver, deathof


C iaran (Kar aun ) , death of, 4.

C ilgerran , th e cas tle of,taken byMaelgwn ,

son of Rhys , 6 3 .

the town of,taken by Will iam Mare

sch al , 6 3 .

taken by L lywelyn ,pr ince of North

Wales , and h is confederates, 7 1 .Dav id, son of Grufl

’udd, Maredudd ,

son of Owain ,and R hys V ych an ,

encamp near , 9 6 .

a batt le between theWelsh and E ngli sh near , 9 7

C istercian order , S t. B ernard enters the,

3 5.

exempted from a cer tain exaction ,6 6 .

a dissension betw een i t and th e C laraval leuses

,102 .

C laravallenses , s ee C is tercian order .C lare

,th e abbey of, founded, 3 6 .

bes ieged and taken by Rhys , son of

G rufl‘

udd, 57 ;

th e castle of S t , taken and demolishedby L lywelyn , pr ince of N or thWales , and h i s confederates, 7 1 .

C lare , G . de, ear l of G loucester , E dward ,son of king Hen ry , escapes to, 102 .

C lare, R ichard de, marries th e daughter of

J. de Lacy, ear l of Lincoln ,82 .

C lergy, the, compel led to pay a tax, 72 , 7 3 .

1 40 I NDEX.

Cynvrig (Kenwr ic) , son of Owain , killedby th e fam ily of Madog, son of

Maredudd , (by Howel , son of Ma

red udd , 41 .

Cynvr ig (Kenwer ic) , son of the lordR hys, dies , 82 .

Cynwyl (Cen iul) , ravages th e D imetian

terr itor ies , 1 2 .

Cyprus, subdued by R ichard , ki ng of E ng

land, 57.Cyveil iog (Keweilac,Keweilauc, Kevei lauc,

Keueilauc,Keiwelauc) , given by

Mad og , son of Maredudd , to h i s

nephews , 44.devas tated by Rhys , 45 .

Owain of, flees into E ngland , 5 1 .

I )

Dam ietta, the c ity of, m iracul ous ly cap

tured by th e Chr istians , 74.

an archb ishop con secrated in i t, 75 .

r etaken by th e Saracen s, 75.

taken by Lou i s, king of F rance, 88 .

Dan iel , b ishop of B angor , depos ition of,5 .

Daniel, son of b ishop Sulgen , dies , 3 8 .

Davi d, the monastery of, burnt, 7 .

David, son of Geral d, succeeds to the see

ofMenevi a, 44.

Dav id, son of Grufl’udd , aids in killing h i s

brother Owain , 5 3 .

David, son of Grufl’udd

,di spu tes w ith h is

brother L lywelyn ,89 .

taken captive by L lywelyn , 89.

encamps near C ilgerran , 9 6 .

takes th e castles of Llandovery and

Garr eg Cennen ,106.

impri soned, hanged, and quar tered,107.

David ap Howel, i s s lain and bur ied, 9 6 .Dav id, son of L lywelyn , r eceives th e

homage of all th e pr inces of Wales

at Strata F lor ida, 82 .

succeeds his father , 83 .pays homage to king Henry I I I . at.

G loucester , 83 .g ives hostages to the king, 8 3 .

Davi d, son of L lywelyn— continued .

del iver s hi s brother Grufl‘

udd into theking ’

s pr ison , 84.

burns Caermar then , 84.attacks his enemies , and dr ives them

out of their terr itor ies , except thosewho were in cas tles and fortifi ca

tions , 85 .

causes many losses to Gru ifudd , son

ofMadog, Grufl‘

udd , son of Gwen

wynwyn , and Morgan , son ofHowel ,85.

dies at A ber,and i s buried at A ber

conwy , 85 .

David, son of Malcolm,di es, 45.

David, son of Maur ice, kill ed by Maelgwn,

son of Rhys, 59.

Dav id , b ishop of Menevia, dies, 6 .Dav id, b ishop ofMenevi a, dies , 55 .

Davi d, son of Owain , encamps at B as ingwerk, 46 .

expelled by L lywelyn, son of I or

werth , 59 .

David, k ing of S cotland, taken captive bythe men of king Henry, 54

D ay , the, becomes dark as n ight, 3 .

Decem-novennali s , 3 9 .

Dedication of th e church of Menevia, 3 9 .

D eugleddyv (D eugleth ef ) , a place givenby b ishop B ernard to th e C is tercianmonks at T revgarn in , 43 .

Dewer,Will iam,

b ishop of Hereford,dies ,

62 .

D iermid (D iermi t, D yermi ct, D yermyct) ,son of Murcath , being expelled byh i s own men, goes to th e king of

E ngland, 5 1 .intercedes for th e li beration of Robert ,

son of S tephen , 52 .

h i s daughter marr ied to R ichard, ear lof S tr igu il , 52 .

h is death, 5 3 .D iermi d , king of the Scots, slain in battle,

2 6 .

D imetia (D emetia, D ewet, Devet, D yv et ,D yuet, D eveth ) , invad ed, 7.

ravaged by I ago and I dwal, sons of

I dwal , 1 8.

I NDEX. 141

D imetia— continued .

ravaged by Gothr id and Harold,20.

also by Gwyn (Owain , C ) , son of

E inion, 2 1 .

also by the P agans, 22 .

also by E ilaf, 2 3 .

plundered by Cadwgan, son of B ledd

yn, 29 .

occup ied by the F rench , who buildcastles therein , 29.

won back by the Welsh , 3 0.

left a desert, 3 0.pilgrims from , drowned, 43 .

lVelsh nob les slain by the F rench in ,

5 7.

Welshmen from,take th e castle of

L lanuh ad en , 58 .

invaded by Maelgwn , and the two

sons of Gruffudd , 7 1 .

L lywelyn , pr ince of Wales , and h isconfederates , march to, 74.

the churches of, spoiled by Wi lliam ,

son ofWilliam Mareschal ,tr00ps from , pass in to N orthWales , 8 6 .

D inas B as ing (Dynas B asic, D inas B ass ing) , i . e. B asingwerk , Henry I I .

arr ives at, 46 .Owain , pr ince of North Wales, andh is three sons, encamp at, 46 .

D inas N ewydd — N egu id ) , th e battle of, 1 7D inbr ic, the town of, destroyed by L ly

welyn, son of Gruffudd, 98 .

D inbych (D ynbech , T inebeth ) , i . e.Tenby,archers from

,wound Cadell , son of



D ineirth (D inmeir , D ynerth ) , the battleof

,1 6 .

d estroyed by Owain and Cadwalader,sons of G rufl

ud d,40.

D inevwr (D enewr , D inonour , D inewour ,D yn ewr) , tak en by Rhys and Owain,sons of Grufl

udd , 69 .

Rhys, son of R hys Mechyll, escapesto, 94.

the castle of, delivered up to L lywelynfor the l iberation of Maredudd , son

of Rhys, 9 7.taken by Rhys , son of Maredudd ,

1 07.

D inwei leir (D inwei lleir , D enweileir , D in~

wei lir) , the castle of, won by Cadell ,son of Grufludd , and h is brother sRhys and Maredudd , 43 .

ear l R eginald and others encamp at,

forcibly obtained by Rhys,son of

Gruffudd , 49 .

Diser th (D isser th , D isser t) , Henry II I .

fortifies the castle on the rock ,near , 8 3 .

Henry, ear l of Chester , goes to v i s i t

h is castle at, 90.

the castle of, taken and demolished bythe lord L lywelyn , 1 01 .

D ubkynt (D ub g int , D u lin) , the battle of,1 4.

Dublin (Dul in , B ulyn) , the P agans of,

capture Grufl'


Magnus, king of, i s slain , 3 3 .

reduced by R ichard, earl of Str igui l ,5 3 .

D unawd (Dunant, D unaud,D unauut) ,

king, dies, 5.Du ta, ravages Glewysig, 1 4.

D yganwy (D ecantorum ,D egannoe, D e

ganhui , D egannoe, D eganuu , D e

gannuy, D igannoy, D egantro, D iganwy) , burnt by lightning , 1 1 .

th e c itadel of, destroyed by th e Saxons , 1 2.

the castle of,demolished by Dav id ,

son of L lywelyn , 8 3 .

the castle of, fortified by king HenryIH., 85.

N icholas de Molyns comes to, 8 6 .

Henry, earl of Chester,v is its h is

castle at, 90.

the castle of,taken by the lord

L lywelyn ,1 01 .

D yryslwyn (D eresloyn) , the seneschal ofCaermar then , bes ieges the castle of,

8 6 .

bes ieged by the E ngl ish , 109 .

D yvnar th (D umgar th ,D umnar th ) , king o f

Cornwal l, d rowned , 1 5 .

D yvnwal (D unnagual, D enawal) , son o f

T ewdwr , dies , 10.

D yvr ig (Dibrio) , b ishop, death o f, 6 .

142 I NDEX.

E admund , king of the S axons , i s strangled ,1 8 .

E ar thquake, a great, in the I sle of Man , 8 .

in B r itain , 2 9 , 1 1 0.

at Jerusalem ,5 3 .

in B r itain and I reland, 87E aster , changed to Sunday, 3 .

first obser ved by th e Saxon s , 8.

the time of, altered among the B r itonsby E lbod , 10.

E cl ipse, of th e moon ,1 1

,1 3 , 1 10.

of the sun,6 , 1 1 , 41 , 55, 1 1 0.

E delfled (A elfledjE dfled , E delflet) , queen,dies , 1 7 .

E delisius , an E ngl ish commander , ravagesport ion s of South Wales, 2 1 .

E delr it, son of E dgar , expel led from h isdom in ion , 22 .

E dgar (B adgar ) , king of the E nglish , ap

pear s ih Caer leon w ith a fleet of

ships , 1 9 .

h is death , 20.

E dgar (Badgar) , son of Malcolm,di es , 3 4.

E dilber t, reigns in E ngland, 5.E dmund, son of Henry IH.

,bui lds a castle

at Llanbadarn ,1 05.

E dr is (E dr ich) , ravages Menevia, 22

E dwald (E dwalt, E dph alt) , king of th e

Saxons , dies, 10.

E dward, son of king Henry IH.,entrus ted

by h i s father w ith the care of the

kingdom of E ngland, 88 .

proceeds to Spain w ith archbishopB on iface, 8 9 .

there espou ses the daughter of the

king , 8 9 .

comes to E ngland, 90.

crosses over to th e con tinent with theflower of hi s k ingdom , 99 .

returns to E ngland, 99 .

a great dissens ion between h im and

th e baron s of E ngland, 100.

opposed by the ear ls and barons w iththe lord L lywelyn , 101 .

approaches the castles of Huntingtonand Hay, takes the adjacent v illages,

E dward, son of king Henry IH.— cont.

and del iver s them to the custody of

R oger Mort imer , 1 01 , 1 02 .

taken captive at Lewes,102.

escapes from pr ison, 102.

succeed s h is father , 103 .crowned king of E ng land, 104.

goes w ith a large army to N orthWales , and encamps at Rhuddlan ,

105 .

return s to E ngland, 105.subdues th e whole of Snowdon, 106.rebu ilds the castle of Llanbadarnth e Great, 1 08.

begins to bu ild a castle at Aberconwy ,108.

makes fortifications at B angor and

Caernarvon , 108.

goes w ith h i s queen on a pilgrimageto St . David’s , 1 08.

goes over to F rance, 109 .

E dw in (E tgui n, Gw in) , begin s to reign , 6 .

i s baptiz ed, 6.slain in battle w ith h i s two sons

, 7.

E gidius de B ruse,made b ishop ofHereford ,62 .

obtain s hi s patr imony , 70.

h i s death , 7 1 .E ilaf (E ilaph ) , ravages D imetia and Me

nev ia, 2 3 .

E inion (E ynan ,E inaun, E ynaun) , son of

A narawd , destroys the castle of

Humphrey, and kills the soldierswh o were in i t, 48.

i s treacherously slain in h is s leep , 49.E in ion (E ynan ,

E ynatm ) , son of Cadwgan ,

demolishes the castle of Uch dryd

(V ed r ith ) , 3 6 .

h i s death , 3 7 .E inion Clud (E ynaun C lut) , seiz ed by h is

brother Cadwallon , 49.

wounded. by the sons of L lywarch , son

of D yvnwal , 52.

B in ion (E ynon , E yn iaun , E ynan , E inaun) ,son of Owain ,

ravages Gower ,

1 9 , 20.

kill s many of Howel ’s men , who weredevastating hi s land, 20.

i s h imself killed , 20.

1 44 I NDEX.

F leet,a, collected by E dgar at Caerleon ,1 9.

from I reland, lost in Sou th W’

ales , 25.

brought from I reland by Rhys , son of

T ewdwr , 2 8.

appears at A ber Menai , 42 .

a royal , touch es on the coast of Mona,


the, of the k ing of F rance destroyed,6 7 .

F lemings , th e, arr ive in Rhos , 3 4.

attacked by Owain, son of Cadwgan ,

3 5 .

l ikewise by Grufl‘

udd,son of Rhys


3 5,3 6 .

of R hos,routed by Owain and Cad


of I scoed , plunder Ceredigion and

Gathmenart , 5 1 .

who h ad come with the ear l of



of S wys , attack the town of Llanuhadein ,

59 .

of P embroke, come against th eWelshw ith a large army, 59 .

nob le,slain by Howel th e Saxon, 59 .

take the castle ow ys , 60.

F oliot, Galfr id , archb ishop of York , excommun icated by archb ishop Thomas,

F ol iot, G ilbert , made b ishop of Hereford ,44.

F rance, a comet seen in , 102 .

F reder ick , emperor of Rome, assumes the

sign of the cross , 56 .

takes the city of Jeru salem, 77.

deposed , 86 .

F rench,th e

,slay Maredudd , son of Owain,

2 6 .

ravage Ceredigion , 2 6 .

occupy D imetia and Ceredigion for

the first time, 2 9.their yoke spurned by the B r itons, 2 9 , G50.

th ey devastate Gower, Cydwel i , and G . de C lare

,ear l of G loucester , E dward ,

Ystrad T yW I , 3 0. son of king Henry, escapes to, 1 02 .

slaughtered by th e B r itons Of Brechei G . ear l of Gloucester , enters the city ofni og and Gwent, 3 0. London with a large army, 103 .

F rench , the— cont.

defeated by the B r itons , 40.who were in th e castle of D inweileir ,

s lain,43 .

cruelly wound Cadell, son of Gruf


slaughtered in the island of Mona, 47 .

their cas tles in D imetia burnt by Rhys ,son of Grufl

udd , 48 .

of P embroke,plunder C eredigion and

Gathmenart , 5 1 .

slay Welsh nobles in D imetia,57

expelled from th e castle of N yver , 58 .

of P emb roke, attack th e town of

L lanuhadein , 59 .

pursue and kill a great numb er of th eWelsh , 59 .

slaughter the Welsh in E lvael, 6 1of Cydwel i kil l Maredudd , son of

Rhy s , 62 .

aid Rhys the Little in burn ing th e

castle of L luch ewein , 6 6;

fortify the castle of A berystwyth , 68.s laughtered by Maelgwn and Gwen

wynwyn in P owys , 68.

aid Rhys and Owain , son s of Gruf

fudd , in taking D inevwr and L landovery, 69 .

seiz e Rhys th e Little, and take h im to

E ngland, 69 .

expelled from th e castle of Caermarthen, 7 1 .

many of,w ith th e

barons who didhomage to Lou is , s lain , 7 3 .

a great discord between them and the

E ngl ish , 9 6 .expelled from th eir terr itor ies by the

E nglish, 9 6 .

routed from E ngland, 99.F urness , th e abbey of

,founded , 3 9 .


G . bishop ofMenev ia, goes to R ome, 7 1 .

h is counsel to th e E ngl ish , 72.

Gar thgrugyn , the castle of, fortified by

Maelgwn , 84.

Gar thmaelog (Gartmai lauc, Gardmailauc,Garthmai iauc) , th e battle of, 9 .

Gascony , Henry I I I . retu rns from ,leav ing

h is son E dward to guard i t, 88.Gavenny (Gevenu) , th e castle of, burn t by

R ichard Mareschal , 79 .

Gavran (Gabran , Gawran) , son of D yvn

war th, dies , 4.

Geoffrey, earl of A njou,nominated duke

on the capture of N ormandy, 42 .

Geoffrey F oliot , archb ishop of York,

excommun icated by archbishopThomas

,52 .

Geoffrey, pr ior of L antony , consecratedb ishop ofMenevi a, 6 3 .

h is death , 72.Gerald , bishop of Hereford

, succeeds T homas as archbishop of York , 3 3 .

Gerald , son of Maur ice, d ies in h eland ,


Gerald , the steward of P embroke, devastates the boundar ies ofMenevia

,3 0.

fort ifies the castle of Cenarth Bych an ,3 4.

h is sons fight against Owain and Cad

walader , the sons of Grufl‘


Germany, Magnus , king of,comes w ith a

large army to the is le ofMona, 3 1 .

s udden ly leaves i t, 3 1Gervasius succeeds Geoffrey, and is con

secrated b ishop ofMenevia, 72.

h is death , 74, 77.G iffr id , the pope’s nuncio, 1 09 .

G ilbert, earl of C lare, dies of poison ,100.

G ilbert F oliot i s made b ishop of Hereford,


G i lbert, ear l of Gloucester , dies , 78.

Gilbert Maresch al succeeds h is brother

R ichard in h is inher i tance, 80.

espou ses the daugh ter of the k ing of

Scotland , 8 1 .h is death , 84.

1 45

G ilber t, son of R ichard , Cadwgan del iveredup to, 3 5.

his death,3 6.

Gilbert, son of Willi am, reduces Dimel ia

to h imself, 43 .

h is death,44.

G ildas sails for I reland,5.

h i s death, 5.

G lamorgan , plundered and burnt by Cad

wal lon, 6 8.

Herbert, son of Mains , killed by the

Welsh in,86 .

Glanawg (Glannauc) , Cadwallon besiegedin the is land of, 6 .

G loucester , Robert, duke of N ormandy ,dies at, 3 9.

Henry, son of king John, crowned '



David, son of L lywelyn, does homage

toHenry I I I . at,8 3 .

Glywys ig (Gliui s igng , Gliu iss ig) ravagedby Duta, 1 4.

Godr ich , lValter Mareschal , dies near the

castle of, 8 6.Goethi (Meilir, son of Rh iwallon ,


Gorchwyl (Guorch iguil, Gorchewil) , bi

shop , dies , 1 6.Goronwy (Goroniu , Gronou , Gronoe) , son

of Cadwgan , conquered by Rhys ,son of Owain, 2 7.

h is death , 3 3 .

Goronwy (Goroun bun) , son of Grufl‘

udd ,

slain, 48.

Goronwy (Grono, Gronoe) , killed by h i snephew Cadwallon ,

son of Grutl‘

ndd ,

3 7.

Gothrit (God isr ic) , son ofHarold , ravagesD imetia and Menevia, 20.

ravages Mona w ith the black P agans .20.

Gower (Goher, Goet‘ , Guh ir , Gonh ir ,

Gob ir) , ravaged by Owain ,1 9 .

ravaged by E in ion ,son of Owain , 1 9 .

a second time, 20.

1 46 I NDEX.

Gower , (Goher, Goer, Gub ir, Gouh ir ,

Gob ir) — cont.

devastated by Gwyn (Owain , son

of E inion , under the command of

E deli sius,2 1 .

devastated by the F rench , 3 0.

spoiled by Rhys, son of Grufl'

udd, 57,

7 lL lywelyn, pr ince of N orth Wales,marches a large army to, 72 .

L lywelyn , son of Grutfudd , marchesto, 9 2.

a great slaughter of the E ngl ish in, 95 .

Gregory, death of, 6.Gregory I X .

,pope, war between h im and

the emperor F reder ick , 8 3 .

Gregory X ., pope, holds a general counci lat Lyon s, 1 04.

Gruffudd (Grifin) , abbot of Cwm Hir , dies,9 9 .

Gr ufl'

udd (Gr ifin , Grifut, Grifud) , son of

Cynan , and the battle of Camddwr,2 7.

escapes to I reland, 3 1 .

besieges Mona, 3 2.

death of, 41 .Grutfudd (Griph iud , Gr ifri ) , son of Cyn

gen, poisoned by h is brother E li z ed ,1 2.


udd (Grifin) , son of E l idir,s lain by

the F rench , 57G ruffudd (Gr ifin) , son of Gwenwynwyn,

has h is inher itance in P owysr estored to h im, 84.

leads a D imetian army into N orthWales

, 86 .

refii ses to join Dav id, son of L lywelyn ,85.

joins E dward again st L lywelyn, sonof Grufl

udd,near Montgomery


makes hi s peace w ith L lywelyn, and

pays him homage , 1 01 .

takes and demol ishes the castle of

Gwyddgrug or Mold, 1 01 .leaves h i s land and goes to E ngland,104.

leaves h i s son Owain with L lyw elyn ,

1 04.

Gruffudd (Grifin) , son of L lywelyn , takencaptive by h is brother David, 82.

confined in the king’

s pr ison , 84.

attempts to escape from pr ison,84.

breaks hi s neck , and dies in the

attempt, 85.Grufl

udd (Grifin) , son of L lywelyn , son of

S eisyll, ki lls A eddan , son of B legwyryd , 3 2.


ben to reign in NorthWales, 23 .Opposes theE ngl ish and P agans,conquers them at the F ord of the

Cross, 24.

overcomes Howel, son of E dwin , inth e battle of P encadeir , 24.

i s captured by th eP agan s ofDubl in, 24.kills Howel in battle, 24.

a great d issension between h im and

Gruffudd , son of Rhydderch , 24.

140 of hi s men are treacherouslykilled by the men of Ystrad T ywiand D imeti a, 24.

h e revenges h im self upon them, and

devastates Ystrad T ywi and D imetia,


kil ls Grufi udd , son of Rhydderch, anddevas tates Hereford, 25.

assists Magnus, son of Harold, inravag ing the E ngl ish terr itory, 25.

i s killed through the treachery of h isown men ,


Grufli udd (Gr ifin) , son of Madog , refuses

to j oin Davi d, son of L lyw elyn , 85.

Gruffudd (Gr ifin) , son of Maredudd,at

tacked and killed by Rhys , son of

T ewdwr,29 .

Gru ifudd -(Grifut, Grifin) , son of Maredudd ,

demolishes th e castle of V edrith

(Uch tryd ) , 3 6 .ki lls hi s cou s in I thel, son ofRh i r ia, 3 7h is death. 3 8.


udd(Grifin ) , son ofMaredudd , dies , 82 ,Gruffudd (Gr iffin , Grifl‘

ut) , son of Mare

dudd , son of Owain, w ith others ,destroys the castle of LlanbadarnV awr , and takes the castles of

Llandovery and Carreg Cennen ,1 06 .

impr isoned in London ,1 07.

1 48 I N D EX.


Haard, the son of Meur ig, drowned , 1 9 .

Harold, king of th e Goth s, devastates D imetia and Menevia, 20.

endeavours te educe theE ng lish underh is power , 25.

Harold, son , of Godw in , s lays Harold, kingof the Goths , in battle, 2 5.

Harvey de Chaur s slain , 104.

Haverford (Harford) , R obert, son of R ichard , loses th e castle and barony of,6 7.

L lyw elyn , pr ince ofWales,approaches

th e castle of,and burns th e whole

v illage, 74.

Walter Mareschal comes to, e v illage of

,recovers i ts liberties ,

108 .

Haverford, R obert de, rector of L lanvyn

ydd , succeeds A da as treasurer of

Menevia, 1 05.

Havren, i . e. the Severn, the E ngli sh armytakes i ts station between A berrh iwand , 92.

Hay, devastated by L lywelyn, pr ince of

N orth Wales, 78.

taken by E dward, 101 .Hector, Rhys , son of Grufi udd , compared

to, 75.

Heb il (Heil, Heyl) , in Cornwall, the battleof, 9 .

Helena (E len) , thewi fe ofHowel the Good,dies

,1 7

Henry de Aml ofl‘

succeeds John de F ekeham as archdeacon of Brecon, 1 04.

h i s death,1 05.

Henr y, son of A rchen (Haern , di es ,

49 .

Henry, son of pr ince E dward, v is its h i scastles, and lands in N orth Wales,


Henry I ., king of E ngland, succeeds to thethrone

,3 2 .

marr ies th e daughter of Malcolm,king

of the Scots, 3 2 , 3 3 .

Henry I ., king of E ngland— cont.

dissen s ion between h im and R obert d c

B ellesme, h is brother , 3 3 .

captures I orwerth , son of B leddyn ,3 3 .

dissension between h im and archb ishopA n selm, 3 3 .

takes and impr isons R obert dc B ellesme, 3 5 .

subjugates for h imself the whole o f

N ormandy,3 4.

concedes that no ecclesiastical investiture shou ld be made by a layman


3 4.

leads an army into Wales, 3 5.

return s home, 3 5 .

assists at th e dedication of the churchof S t.A lban , 3 6 .

hi s son drowned at Barbefleth , 3 7.leads an army into P owys , 3 7.enters into terms of peace w ith the

inhab itants,and returns home, 3 7 .

expels Grufl’udd , son of Rhys, from hi sterr itory, 3 8 .

orders R obert, duke of N ormandy, tobe blinded, 3 9 .

hi s death, 3 9 .

Henry I I ., duke of N ormandy, comes to

E ngland, and lays s iege to'


bury, 44.lands w ith h is mother atWareham,


succeeds to the throne,46 .

crosses over into N ormandy, 46 .

med itates the subjugation of NorthWales


encamps near Chester,46 .

proceeds to Rhuddlan , and encampsthere, 47.

hi s fleet lands in Mona, 47

makes peace w ith Owain, pr ince of

N orth “Tales , 47returns to E ngland, 47i s opposed by Rhys, son of Gruffudd ,

alone, 47.

ag rees to give him Cantrev Mawr, 47

breaks h i s promise, 47.leads a large army as far as P encadeiragainst Rhys, 49.


Henry I I ., duke of N ormandy— cont.

hav ing made peace w ith h im,he re

turns home,49 .

arr ives at Oswestry, w ith an army of

several nations , meditating the de~

struction of all Wales, 50.

i s Opposed by Owain and Cadwaladerat the head of the men of N orthWales, Rhys at the head of th e

South -walians,and Owain Cyvei liog

and I orwerth the Red,at the head

of the men of P owy s , 50.

proceeds to th e B erwyn mountain,where he encamps, 50.

blinds and castrates the Welsh hostages that were in h is power , 50.

returns in disgrace into E ngland, 50.

h is daughter given in marr iage to theduke of Saxony, 52 .

v is its S t. Dav id’s , 53 .

goes to I reland, and reduces i t underhis own dom inion, 5 3 .

l iberates R ober t, son of S tephen , whoh ad been put in chains by th e burgcsses ofW i seford , 5 3 .

returns from I reland, and goes on a

pilgr image to St. Dav id’s , 54.dissens ion between him and h is son,

54, 55.

they are reconciled, 54.

alters the coinage, 55 .

sends marks to Jerusalem, 55.

h i s death,56 .

Henry, son of Henry I I ., crowned dur ingh is father ’s l ifetime, 5 3 .

dissension between h im and h is father ,54, 55.

i s reconc iled, 54.

h is death , 55 .

Henry IH.,king of E ngland, i s crowned,


h is s ister marr ied to ' the king of

Scotland, 75.

loses P oictou , 7 6 .

leads an immense army to the pro

v ince of Cer i , and erects a castlethere, 77.

Henry I I I ., king of E ng land — cont.

receives a sum of money, and returns

home, 77.crosses over into B r ittany at the headof a large army

, and beg ins to harassthe king of F rance

, 7 7 , 78 .

leaves William Mareschal there, 78 .

i s w ith h i s army at P oresmue,”78.

constructs P ain ’s castle of stone and

mortar , and fortifies i t w ith a multitude of armed men , 78 .

for tifies the castle ofMati lda, 79 .

dissension between h im and R ichardMareschal, 79 .

laments hi s death, 80.

marr ies the daughter of the ear l ofP rovence, 8 1 .

a son i s born to h im,who is named

E dward,92.

receives th e homage of the nobles of

IVales, 82 , 83 .

subdues all theWelsh, 8 3 .

fortifies the castle on th e rock near

D iserth in T egeingl, 8 3 .

takes hostages from David on account

of Gwynedd, 8 3 .

cites h im to London , 8 3 , 84.crosses over into P oictou (Gascony,


returns from B ordeaux, 84.

leads a large army as far as D yganwy ,w ith th e v iew of subduing all th e

W elsh,85 .

having fortified the castle there, hereturns to E ngland, 85 .

goes to B urgundy, having entrustedthe kingdom of E ngland to h is son

E dward, h is brother R ichard , and

the queen, 88.

returns into E ngland , 88.

i s found by h is son E dward in the

IVh i te Tower , 9 9 .

captured in the battle of Lewes ,h is death , 103 .

Henry, bishop of E xeter, dies , 03 .

Henry, son of Gerald , s lain , 47.

Honry Goeth (Goch slain by armed men

from P embroke and Rhos , 05

1 50 I NDEX.

Henry de T r irbeleville succours th e castleof Caermarthen , 79.

Henry Wingan, constable of E rbert, s lain,95.

Herbert , son ofMahius, slain by the IVelsh

in G lamorgan, 86 .

Hereford (Hirford , Herford) , the battle of,10.

devastated by Gruffudd,'

son of L ly

welyn , 25.

Hereri , z’

. e. E ryr i, L lywelyn ,pr ince of

N orth Wales, removes all h is goodsto the mountain of, 6 7.

Hexvil, I . de, takes the isle of E ly, 102 .

Hirad (I ratur , the battle of, 2 3 .

Hi thoet,”the castle of, taken and demo

lish ed by pr ince L lywelyn , 79 .

Holy Land, th e, restored to the emperorF reder ick

, 77 .

the ear l of Cornwall goes to, 8 3 .tithes for the subs idy of, 1 04.

Honor ius enthroned , 7 3 .

Howel (Bi guel) , battle between h im

and Cynan, th e former v ictor ious ,1 2 .

expels Cynan from Mona, 1 2.

i s expelled from Mona by Cynan, 12 .

hi s death , 1 2 .

Howel (B iguel, Hoel) di es at Rome,1 5 .

Howel (Hoel, Howiel) , son of E dwin , holdsth e government of Rhydderch, sonof I estyn , 2 3 .

expelled from hi s terr itory by Gruffudd, son of L lywelyn , 2 3 , 24.

conquered by Grufi'

udd , in the battleof P encadeir , 24.

i s crowned, 24.

harasses Wales, 24.

i s s lain in the battle of A berteivy ,


Howel (B iguel, Hoel) , the Good, goes toR ome

,1 7

hi s death , 1 8.

Howel (Hoel) , son of Goronwy , devastatesP embroke, 3 0.

expelled by R ichard, son of B aldwincommi ts great depre

dations, 83 .

Howel, (Hoel) , son of Goronwy— cont.

i s killed by the F rench of Rhyd yGors, 3 3 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of Grufiiudd, di es, 72 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of I dwal (I euav, C .)ravages B recheiniog, and th e wholeterr itory of B in ion, son of Owain,20.

i s s lain by the E ngli sh, 20.

Howel (Hoel) , son of I th el, (d al,

flees to I reland, 3 2 .

receives a wound, of which h e di es,3 6 .

Howel, son ofMadog , slain , 42 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of Maredudd , slaysCynvrig, son of Owain ,

41 .

i s slain by h is own men, 42 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of Owain , slain by T rahearn (Cradauc, son of Caradog

(Gri fud , 2 7.

Howel (Hoel) , son of Owain , destroysA berteivy , 43 .

attacks and takes th e castles of Caer .

marthen and Llanstephan, 43 .

assists in destroying th e castle of Gwys,44.

wrests Meir ionydd from Cadwalader ,44.

seiz es hi s cous in Cadvan, and subju

gates hi s land and castle, 45.burns the town of L lanrhystud, and

k ills the garr ison ,45.

encamps with hi s father, and hi s

brothers Cynan and David, near

B asingwerk , 46 .

encamps at D inweileir , 48 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of Rhydderch,ki lled by

Rhys, son ofHowel, 42 .

Howel th e Saxon (Hoel Seis) , son of Rhys ,takes by treachery the castle of

Gwys , 58 .

destroys the castle of Llandovery, 58 .

demolishes the town of L lanuh adein,


slays F lemish nobles at P eulyniog,59.

captures hi s father, 59.

1 52 I NDEX .

I nterdict, a general , throughout all E ng1and

,6 6 .

released by the pope, 72.I orwer th (I orward , I orwert, I orwarth , I or

uerth ) , son of B leddyn , takes h isbrother Maredudd

,and del ivers him

up to king Henry I .,3 3 .

sei z ed at Shrewsbury by the king,3 3 .

h is character,3 3 .

i s released by command of the king ,

and return s to h i s own country , 3 4.

killed by h i s nephew Madog, 3 5.

I orwer th (I oruerth ) , son of L lywarch ,

killed in P owys by L lyw elyn , son

of Owain, 3 8 .I orwerth (I oruerth ) , son of Owain, killed,

3 0.

I orwer th th e R ed (Goch) opposes kingHenry I I . at O swestry. 50.

flees into E ngland, 5 1 .I reland, a mortal ity in, 8 , 87

rains blood in , 8 .

fam ine in, 1 6 .p irates from , inv i ted over to Mona to

defend the V enedotians, 3 1 .I sabel la, countess of G loucester , betrothed

to R ichard, ear l of Cornwall, 78 ,79.

I scoed (Ysch oi t, Yscoid , Hyscoid) , de

spoiled by th e F rench of P embrokeand F lem ings , 5 1 .

I thel (I udh ael, Y thai l, I thai l) , k ing of

Gwent, slain by the men of B recheiniog , 1 3 .

I thel (I thail) , son of Rh i r id , released frompr ison

,3 7.

s lai n by Gruffudd , son of Maredudd ,

3 7.

I vor,son of Cadwalader, 9 .

I vor (Yaor) , son of L lywarch , woundsE inion C lad, 52 .

Jerusalem, a great ear thquake at, 5 3 .

taken , w ith the king thereof, by theP agans and Saracens , 55 56 .

subs idy for the land of, 72 , 4 3 .

the ci ty of, taken by th e emperor F reder ick , 77.

the kingdom of, occupied by the T artars, 99 .

Jews , th e, crucify a boy at N orwich , 42 ,43 .

expelled from F rance by king Ph ilip ,55.

many of, killed , 102.

Johanna, daughter of th e king of E ngland ,and w ife of L lywelyn ,

pr ince of

Wales , dies, 82 .

i s bur ied at A ber , 82.

John de A lder ley made archdeacon of

Caermarth en ,1 08.

John de B arry appointed treasurer of Me

nev ia, 1 07 .

John ,ear l of Chester , dies , 8 2

John de Curey expelled from I reland byth e sons ofHugh de Lacy, 6 3 .

John ,son of E dward, dies, and i s buried atWestmin ster , 1 03 .

John , son of E lidir , dies , 58 .

John ,king of E ngland, succeeds to the

thr one, 60, 6 2.

buys th e castle of Aberteivy from

Maelgwn , son of Rhys , 6"seiz es A r thur , duke of B r ittany, and

hi s s ister E lean or , 6 3 .

lays an inh ibition on the monks of

Canterbury, 64.

br ibes th e monks , 64.

expels all th e monks of Canterburyout of th e kingdom, 6 5.

inh ib its th e archb ishop , 6 5.h i s kingdom put under an interdict ,6 5.

enter s P oictou w ith h is army , 6 6 .

return s home w ithout hav ing aecom

pli sh ed h i s obj ect, 66.

IND EX. 1 53

John, king of E ngland- cont.

lev ies a tax for the purpose of reco

ver ing hi s inher itance in Normandy,6 6.

dissens ion between h im and Williamd e B ruse, 6 6 .

expels WValter and Hugh de Lacyfrom E ngland, Wales

,and I reland,

6 7.

on h i s r eturn from I reland , touches at

F ishguard , 6 7.leads h i s army to N or th Wales , 6 7.ass isted by Maelgwn and Rhys, son s

of Rhys , Gwenwynwyn ,son of

Owain , and other ch iefs of lessernote, 67.

returns unsuccessfully to E ngland ,6 7.

leads h is army a second time to N orth“Tales , and for tifies several castlesthere, 68 .

on r eceiv ing three thousand head of

cattle,returns to E ngland , 68.

offers th e whole kingdom of E nglandand I reland to be held by himselfand heirs as feudar ies of th e Churchof R ome for th e annual tr ibute of athousand marks , 69 .

crosses w ith h is galleys into F rance,and burns about 80 of the F rench

Joseph , bishop ofMenevia, dies, 25 .

ships,69 . h t L fW 0 exconlmun l ca GS OUIS , son 0


315 the arCt ShOP and

the F rench king , w ith all h is par tisans , 7 3 .

and afterwards absolves h im , 73 .

he crowns Henry , son of king John ,

enters F e ietou , and i s ass isted by h i snephew O tho and th e Germans

, 70.

returns to E ngland, 70. 7 3 , 74.

dissens ion between h im and the barons Leicester , th e earl of, taken prisoner , 54.

Of the N or th , 70, 72 ° th e town of, taken by the earl of

dissens ion between h im and the ch ief G loucester, 109 ,

men Of th e kingdom , 7 3 L eo, pope of Rome, effects a change in the

seeks aid from the pope, 7 3 . time of E aster, 3 ,

his kingdom made tr ibutary to the L etardusL i telk ing ,killed by A narawd


pope, 7 3 . of G rufi'

udd , 40.

h is death , 7 3 . Lewes , the battle o f,102 .

h is character, 7 3 . L incoln,T homas B ecke

,consecrated at, 106 .

John de F ek eham,archdeacon of B recon, one quarter of D av id, son of G rutl

udd ,

dies,1 04. suspended in , 107.

John P ain , L lywelyn, son of Owain, de

l ivered up to, 3 8 .

John d e P eccham , archbishop of C anter

bury , confirms Thomas B ecke as

bishop of Menev ia,105 .

holds a prov incial council at Lambeth ,106 .

v is its the diocese ofMenev ia, L landaf,

B angor , and S t. A saph,108.

John S trange in the E nglish army betweenth e Severn and A berrh iw , 02 .

Jonathan , pr ince of A bergeleu , dies, 14.

Joseph , b ishop of L landaf, dies at Rome,

Lacy, Hugh de, h i s sons CXpelS John deC urey from I reland

,6 3 .

expelled from E ngland , I'



I reland by king John ,6 7.

h i s sons subdued by W' ill iam Mares

chal, 76 .

Lambeth, a prov incial counci l held at, 106.L audent, death of, 1 3 .

Legate, a, sent by the p0pe to E ngland ,

1 54 INDEX.

Llanbadarn (Llan Batarn Llan P adarn) ,ravaged by the P agans, 2 1 .

a castle erected at, 105 .

the castle at, destroyed, 106 .the v illage of, burnt by Rhys, son of

Maredudd , 109.

Llancarvan ravaged by the P agans, 2 1 .Llandei lo th e Great, Rhys Gryg dies at,


illustrious warriors encamp at, 93 .

Llandovery (L lanaindewr i , L anamdeuery ,L lanamdewr i , Lanam D eweri ,

L anamdevry) obtained by Rhys,


the castle of, destroyed by Howel, sonof Rhys , 58.

the town of, taken by Grufi'

udd , son

of Rhys,62 .

taken by Rhys and Owain, sons of

Gruffudd , 69 .

the castle of, destroyed, 1 06 .

th e castle of,taken by Rhys , son of

Maredudd , 1 09.

L landydoeh (Llan D ethoch , L andedoch )ravaged by the P agans, 2 1 .

the church of,spoiled by the P agans,

41 .

L langwin (Langu in) , a battle near , 2 1 .L lani lltyd (Llan I ltut) ravaged by the

P agans , 2 1 .

L lanrhystud (Llan B istat, — Restut) , thecastle of, bui lt by Cadwalader , 44.

the castle of, taken by Cadell and h isbrothers, 45.

Llanstephan taken by Cadell and h i s

brothers, 43 .L lanuhadein (Lanwaden, L lanwaden, L an

huadeyn ) , the castle of, taken by th eWelsh


attacked by th e F rench and F lemings ,58 , 59 .

the town of,demol ished by Howel and

Maelgwn , sons of Rhys, 59 .

many Welshmen slain at, 9 9.

L lanvaes (L anmaes) , the battle of, 1 2.

L lanwerth consecrated b ishop , 14.Lleyn (Llyen) , 80.

L lychewein (Luchewein) , the castle of,

burnt by Rhys the Little, 6 6 .

a second time, 6 6 .

L lychwr (L yehur) , the castle of, destroyedMaredudd and Rhys, 45 .

L lywarch (L oumareh , L lewarch ,) son of

Hyveidd , dies, 1 6 .

L lywarch (L ewarch ) , son of Owain fallsin battle

,3 6 .

L lywelyn (L ewelin ) , son of Cadwgan,

fights against Rhys , son of Owain,and i s conquered by him,

2 7

L lywelyn (L ewelin, L euuel in) , son of

Gruffudd , succeeds h i s uncle, Dav id,son of L lywelyn, 85.

dissens ion between h im and Owainand Dav id

,sons of Grufi

udd , 89.

the Welsh ch ieftains lay theirgr ievances before him, 90.

l istens to their complai nts and pro

ceed s to the M idland Country, 90.

occup ies that country in a week,

except two castles, 9 1 .burn s T rallwng or Welshpool , 92.

joined by Maredudd , son of RhysGryg, and Maredudd , son of Owain ,

marches at the head of a large armyto Cydweli, Carnwyllon, and Gower ,9 2 .

burns the English possess ions in thoseterr itor ies, 9 3 .

subjugates all the Welsh of thoseplaces, 9 3 .

return s joyfully home, 9 3 .

noblemen of h is party burn castleB aldwin, kil l Baldwin, and manyother burgesses with their W i ves

and ch ildren, 93 .lays s iege to th e castle of B odedon,

and burns it, 9 3 .

proceeds to the terr itory of Maredudd

of Ystrad T yw i , and subjugates itto himself, except th e castles, 9 6 .

holds a council of h is nobles at

A rwystli , 9 7.

proceeds w ith a large army to the

province of Buellt, 98.

1 56 I NDEX .

L lywelyn (L ewelin) , son of Owain ,sei z ed ,

by Mared udd , son of B leddyn , and

d e l ivered to John P ain , 3 8 .

bl inded and castrated by Maredudd ,

son of B leddyn ,3 8.

L lywelyn (Lewelin) , son of Rhys th e

Little, destroys th e cas tle of Llanbadarn th e G reat, and takes th e

castles of Llandovery and Garreg

Cennen ,106 .

impr isoned in London ,1 07.

L lywely n (Lewelin) , son of Seisyll, dies ,

London, a conven tion of th e noblemen of

E ngland held in , 3 4.

a s tone br idge begun in, 54.

th e nuptials of king Henry I IL celebrated w ith splendour in , 8 1 .

David, son of L lywelyn , cited by kingHen ry I I I . before a counci l in ,

8 3,84.

many of th e inh ab itants of, slain , 1 02 .

G . ear l of G loucester enter s th e cityof

,1 03 .

the legate Otho holds a council in1 03 .

a council held in , under John de

P ecch am , archb ishop of Canterbury ,1 06 .

the head of Dav id,brother of L ly

w elyu , conveyed to, and placed onthe Tower of, 107 .

Longsword , William , seiz ed by P h ilip,k ing of F rance, 70.

Lou is,king of F rance, comes to St.


s , 55 .

h is death, 55.

Lou is , son of th e king of F rance, comes

to E ng land , to fight against k ingJohn

,72 .

excommun icated by th e pope’s legate,3 .

i s absolved, and return s from E ngla nd ,3 .

king of F rance, overthrows P oictou,

7 6 .

Louis , son of the king of F rance— cont.

attacks the cas tles of the ear l of S t.E gyd ius and A v ignon , 7 6 .

takes the c ity of Dam ietta, 88 .

overthrown in the Holy Land,and

taken pr isoner by th e P agan s, 88.

returns from the Holy Land, 88 .

leads an army into A rab ia,1 02 .

dies at Tun is in A rabia,102 .

Loyer (q. Gower ? ) ravaged by the N or

mans,1 6 .

L u z ius succeeds A lexander in th e see of

R ome,55 .

Ludlow (Lodolow) , E dward , son of kingHenry I I I ., escapes to the ear l ofGlouces ter at, 1 02

Lamber th (L unweth , Lu vert) , b ishop, d i esin Men evia, 1 8 .

Lyons, a general council held at, 104

Mabalan,in th e E ngli sh army that was

arr ayed near the Severn , 92 .

Mabud ru t, th e castle of,bu ilt by ear l

G ilbert, 43 .

Mabwyn ion (Mebwenn iaun) , th e castle of,

burnt by Rhys, son of G ruffudd ,


Madog (Madane) , son of B leddyn, expel sRhys

, son of T ewdwr , from h i s

kingdom ,2 8 .

slain in th e battle of P enleth erw, 2 8 .

Madog (Madoc) , son of Gmfi udd Maelor,

dies , 8 1 .Madog (Madoc ) , son of I dner th

, goes to

the as s is tance of Owain and Cad

walader , sons of G ruffudd , 40.

h i s death , 41 .Madog (Madane) , son of Llywarch , killed

by his cous in Meur ig , 3 8 , 3 9 .

Madog (Madane) , son of Maredudd, gives

Cyveil iog to h is nephew s Owainand Grufl’udd , 44.

h is death , 48.


Madog (Madoc) , son of Owain,released

from pr ison , 98.

Madog (Madoc, Madane) , son of Rhi r id ,

burn s Meir ionydd , and kills th e

inhab itants,3 4

, 3 5.

flees to I reland,3 5.

returns from I reland , and conceals h imself in the woods , 3 5.

kills his uncle I orwerth , 3 5.

k ills hi s uncle Cadwgan , 3 5 .

i s depr ived of h is eyesight by Owain ,

son of Cadwgan , 3 5.

Madog (Madane) , sacr ist of Menevia, de

teets a th ief in the church , 87.Maelgwn (Mai lcun ) Gwynedd, death of, 4.

Maelgwn (Mailgon) , son of Maelgwn , goes

to L lywelyn , and makes Maredud d,

son of Owain, g ive up Mevenydd

for P enarch , 8 1 .

for tifi es the castle of Gar thgrugyn, 84.

flees into Meir ionydd, 86.conducted by N icholas de Moleyns to

the presence of the king, and scarcelyobtains h i s royal favour , 86 .

Maelgwn (Mailgon) , son of Rhys,seiz ed

by h i s father , and impr isoned at

D inevwr , 5 7 .

removed by h is brother Grufl‘

udd from

h is father ’s pr ison , and placed in thecus tody of William de B ru se, 57.

r eleased by h is father againstWilliamd e B ruse

s w ill , 58 .

env ious of h is brother Grufi '

udd, 58 .

demol ishes the town of L lanuhadein,

59 .

k ills Dav id, son of Maur ice, and

Tankard, a monk , 59 .

seiz es h is brother Grufl'

udd , and

del ivers h im into th e c stody of

Gwenwynwyn ,6 1 .

goes over to th e enemy, 62 .

sells the castle of A berteivy to the

king , 62.

takes the castle of C ilgerran , 6 3 .ass ists king John in h is expedition toN orth I ’Vales , 6 7 .

burns the castle of Aberystwyth , 68.

carries the war into South Wales , 68.


Maelgwn (Mai lgon) son of Rhys— con t.

enters into a treaty w ith L lywelyn ,

and s lays many of the F rench inI ’owys , 68.

in conjunction w ith pr ince L lywelyntakes the castles in N or th IValesand P owys that had been fortifiedby the king, 69 .

subdues all the Wel sh of D imetia, 7 1 .

crosses th e r iver T eivy , 7 1 .ass ists Rhys , son of Grufl

udd,in ob

tain ing Cydweli and Carnwyllon ,

7 1 .

j oins pr ince L lywelyn ’

s exped i t ion intoSouth IVales

, 7 1 .

Maelienydd (Maelenit) , the cas tle of

Cevnllys taken and laid waste bythe men of


Maeleach len (Maileachlen , Matusalem) ,death of


Maenor (Maynour) , Dav id , son of Gruff~

u dd , w ith other “'

clsh chieftains ,encamps at, 9 6.

MacsHyveidd Hewed ,Hiveid) , ravagedby Mared udd , son of Owain

,2 1 .

Maes Osmeliaun held by I grnond , 10.

Magnel, P h ilip . See P hilip Magnel.

Maesmain Cymro (Maismain Centre ) , thebattle of, 3 6 .

Magnus , son of Harold , ravages th e ter ritories of the E ngl ish ,

comes w ith an army to Mona, and

encounters th e F rench , 3 1 .

depar ts , 3 1is killed at Dublin, 3 3 .

Malcolm (Mai lcholum ,Malcolum) , king of

the Scots , slain ,29 .

Malefaunt (Malefant) , Walter , is slain, 9 7 .

Malmesbury bes ieged by Henry, duke of

N ormandy, 44.

Maredudd (Mared ut, Mared uch ) , seiz ed byh is brother I orwer th , 3 3 .

escapes from pr ison , 3 4.

takes L lywelyn, son ow ain , pr isoner ,3 8.

blinds and cas trates h im,3 8.

h is death , 3 9 .

1 58 INDEX.

Maredudd (Mareduc) , son of Cadwgan,

killed by h is brother Morgan ,3 7

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of E dw in, holdsth e government of Rhydderch , sonof I estyn , 2 3 .

killed by th e sons of Oyman, 23 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Gruflh dd,

killed in the battle of Mechai n , 2 6 .

Maredud d (Maredu t) , son of Grufl‘

udd ,

destroys th e castle of L lychwr , 45.

h is death,46 .

Maredudd (Mar edut) , son of Gwrwared ,

archdeacon of Caermarthen ,dies


Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Howel , slainby th e sons of B leddyn ,

41 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of L lywarch ,

kills h is own cous in, 3 8 .

Maredudd (Mareduth ) , son of L lywelyn ,

of Meir ionydd,dies

,89 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Madog , slainby Hugh de Mor timer

,43 .

Mared udd (Maredut) , son of Madog of

Yale, said to have plotted th e deathof h is brother Gruflcudd , 82 .

h is death , 90.

Maredudd (Maredut) son of Owain,slays

Cadwallon, son of I dwal , and possesses him self of h i s country, 20.

pays a ransom to th e P agans for thosewh o had been taken captive in

Mona, 2 1 .

ravages Maes Hyveidd , 2 1 .fights against th e sons of Meur ig ,near L langwin , 2 1 .

h is death , 2 2 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son ofOwain ,killed

by Caradog , son of Gruffudd,2 6 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Owain,made

to g ive up Mevenyd d to Maelgwn ,

son of Maelgwn , for P enareb , 8 1 .

enters into terms of fideli ty w ithpr ince L lywelyn ,

9 1 .

r eceives from h im the part of Cere

d ig ion ,which belonged to E dward ,

9 1 .

h arasses th e E ngli sh , 9 3 .

Ma redudd (Maredut) , son of Owain — cont.

encamps w ith a large army atMaenor ,

9 6 .

g ives B uellt to pr ince L lywelyn, 98.

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Rhys, seizedby h is father, 60.

released from pr ison, 6 1 .

ki l led by the F rench of Cydweli , 62 .

bur ied near th e ch urch of S t. Mary, inCydweli, 62.

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Rhys, archdeacon of Cardigan , dies , 76 .

Maredudd (Maredut, Mareduth ) , son of

Rhys the Hoarse, p lunders th e

v illage of Caermarthen , 86 .

joins L lywelyn , son of G rufl‘


h i s onset on the Midland Country,9 1 .

r eceives hi s inher itance back from

L lywelyn , 9 1 .

joins L lywelyn against the E nglisharmy on th e Severn, 92 .

does homage to th e king, 9 6 .

burns houses and v i l lages in Cydwel i ,9 6.

wounded, 9 6.flees to Caermarthen in great disgrace,9 6 .

meets warr iors from Cydwel i, Caermarth en

,P embroke, Rhos , and

Cemaes , at A berteivy, 9 7

makes hi s escape with difficulty to

C ilgerran ,9 7

h i s death , 104.

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of R obert , diesaf ter taking th e religiou s h ab it at

S trata F lor ida, 85 .

Mareschal , A nselm , dies at Strigu il, 86 , 87i s bur ied at Tintern ,

8 6 .

Mareschal, G ilbert, espou ses the s ister ofthe ki ng of Scotland, 8 1 .

Mareschal , R ichard, di ssen sion between

h im and king Henry IH., 79 .

goes over to th e Welsh , 79 .

burns th e v illage of Monmou th , andtakes th e castles of Cardiff, P encel li , Bwlch y D d inas , Gavenny ,and B laen L lyvni , 7 9 .

1 60 I N D ex;

Meurig (Ment ne) — cont.

son s of, and Mar edudd , son of

Owain , 2 1 .

Meur ig (Meuruc) , son of A dam,slain,

52 .

Meur ig son of A rthvael, ki l led,2 3 .

Meurig (Meuruc) , son of Cadvan , death

Meur ig (Menri c) , son of Gruffudd , receivesCy veili og from hi s uncle Madog,

son of Maredudd , 44.

Meuri g (Meuri c) , son of Howel, seiz ed byth e P agans , 2 3 .

Meurig (Meur i c) , son of I dwal, deprivedof h is sight, 1 9 .

Meurig (Meuri c) , son of Madog, slain

through treachery by h i s own men,

43 .

Meur ig (Meuric) , son of Meur ig , b lindedand cas trated , 3 9 .

Meur ig (Meuric) , son of Rhi rid (ff ) , ki llshi s cous in Mad og, son of L lywarch,

3 8 .

Meur ig (N eur ic) , son of T r ah aiarn , kill edby Owain, son of C adwgan , 3 3 .

Mevenydd (Meveni t) , Mar edudd , son of

Owain , made to give up, 8 1 .

Mi chael,the ar changel , consecration of th e

Mi lk turned to b lood, 8 .

Mi lo, ear l ofHereford, s lain , 42 .

Mi nori tes,th e order of, instituted , 6 7 .

Mogedawg (Mocetauc) , th e battle of, 9 .

Molyns (Meules) , N icholas de, seneschalof Caermart hen , marches at the

head of a large army to th e terr itoryof Maelgwn, 86 .

passes th e r iver Dovey, 8 6 .

Mona (Mon , Monia) , th e isle of, subduedby Howel , 1 2 .

Cynan , his brother , expell ed by himfrom,

1 2 .

ravaged by th e B lack P agan s , 1 3 .

th e battle on Sun day in, 1 5 .

ravaged by th e son of Harold, 1 920.

invested by Gruffudd son of Cynan,

Mona (Mon, Monia) the is le of— con t.

King Henry IL ’s fleet touches at .

and a battle ensues , in whi ch manyof the F rench are slain, 47.

Money, a change effected in the coinage of,

Monks of Canterbury, th e, elect their subpr ior to the ar chi episcopal see, 64.

br ibed by king John ,64.

v iolate their promise,65 .

expelled from the kingdom by th e

king, 6 5 .

Monmouth (Monema ) , the vi llag e of,

burnt by R ichard Mareschal , 79 .

Montefort, S imon de, marr ies A li enera,

countess of P embroke, 82 .

Montgomery (Mungumeri) , Hugh "

de, ra

vages Ceredi gion , 2 6 .

Montgomery (Mungumri a, Mungumbria)devas tated by pr ince Llyw elyn , 78.

the Engli sh flee to, 92 .

th e vi llage of,burnt by some of Lly


s partizans , 9 3 .Month enesy, Wi lliam de

,oppressed under

th e wal l of D yryslwyn castle,1 09 .

Moon, the, turned of a bloody colour , 8.

three moon s seen in th e heaven s, 68.

Morgan (Morcan t) , death of, 8.Morgan, death of, 1 9 .

Morgan, son of Cadwgan , kill s h is brotherh i aredudd, 3 7

goes to Jerusalem on account of the

fr atr icide, 3 8.d ies on hi s return in the i s land of

Cyprus , 3 8.

Morgan Gam (Cam) , 5. e. the C rooked, hi scastle, 86 .

Morgan (Morgant) , son of Owain , kill sR ichard, son of Gilbert, 40.

i s kil led, 47.Morgan P atta d ies, 55 .

Morgan , son of Rhys th e Great, di es, 88.

Morganeu , b ishop, killed by the P agans ,


Morganwg (Morgannue) , bishop , dies, 2 3 .

Morgetiud , king of the D imetians d ies1 1 .


Mor i castle demol ished by the earl of

Leicester , 102 .

Morimund i , 3 6 .

Morleis,b ishop, death of

,1 8.

Mortimer , Hugh de, takes Rhys , son of

Howel, pr isoner , 43 .kills Maredudd , son ofMadog, 43 .

blinds Rhys,son of Howe], in pr ison ,


Mortimer , Randulph de, death of, 86 .

Mor timer,Roger de, hi s soldi ers killed by

Rhys , son of Gruffudd , 60.

fortifies the castle ofMaeli enydd , 84.

depr ived of th e terr itory of Gwerthryni on , 9 1 .

th e castles of Huntington and Hay ,w ith the adjacent villages , deliveredby E dward to th e custody of, 101 ,102 .

captured, 1 10.

MorvaMawr (Morvamaur ) , pr ince L lywelyn passes the n ight at, 9 1 .

Murchath (Murcherdac) , king of I reland.dies, 3 7

Nant Gam e, the battle of, 1 8 .

N ant Conwy (N antconuy) the battle of,

1 9 .

N edd (N eth) , the abbey of, founded , 3 9.the castle of, reduced to ashes bypr ince L lywelyn , 78 .

N ewborough, the ear l of Leicester destroysth e bridge of, 102 .

N ew Castle recovered by Rhys, son of

Maredudd, 1 10.

N icholas de Molyns , see Molyns .

N ight becomes l ight as day , 8 .

N obis (N ovus, N ovis) , b ishop, reigns inMenevi a, 1 3 .

h is death, 14.

N ormandy, subjugation of, 42 .

king Henry I I . goes to, 46 .

1 6 ]

N ormandy - cont.

an army from, accompanies king

Henry I I . against the Welsh to

Oswestry, 50.

king John levi es a tax to enable h imto recover h i s inher itance in, 66 .

N ormans,the, ravage Loyer , B rechein iog ,

Gwent,and Gwentllwg , 1 6 .

Norwich , a boy crucified at, 43 .

the b ishop of, accompan ies king Johnto Canterbury

, 64.

th e b ishop of, exempted from banish

ment, 6 6 .

Nyver (N ewer , Kemmer , th e castle of,

taken by Rhys , son of Grulfudd


the castle of, demol ished by Howel

the Saxon, 60.


a, king of the Saxons,destroys the

B r itons of South Wales , 1 0.

hi s death,1 1 .

O sbrit (Osfr it) , king of the Saxons,di es,

9 .

O sterlof, the manor of, burnt by Rhys,son of Maredudd

,1 09.

Oswald, king of th e N ortherns, s lain in

battle, 7 .

Oswestry (Croes Oswald) , rebu ilt by

Madog, son ofMaredudd , 44.

king Henry H. arr ives at the head ofa large army at, 50.

Oswi d (Osguid ) , king of the Saxons , comesand p lunders, 7.

hi s death , 8 .

Otho ass ists his uncle king John in P oictou,7O.

attacked and rented by P hilip, king of

F rance, 70.

Otho (Oto) , legate of Rome, comes over to

E ngland, 82.

returns from E ngland , 8 3 .

1 62 1NDEX .

O tho (Oto) , legate of R ome ~ -con l .

is captured w ith many archb ishops ,bishops, abbots , and ether ecclesiast ics , 83 .

is in the Tower of London , 1 03 .

holds a council in London , 103 .

returns to R ome, 1 03 .

O tter (O ter , Othyr) comes to B r itain ,


Owain (Owia , Owen ,Owein) , son of Cu

dwgan , kills Meur ig and Grufl'

udd ,

sons of T rahai arn ,3 3 .

burns th e castle of Cenar th Bychan ,

3 4.

(son of Rhi r id , burns Meir ionydd ,3 4.

attacks th e F lemings , 3 5.goes to I reland, 3 4, 3 5.return s and recovers h i s terr itory, 3 5.depr ives Madog , son of Rh irid , of h is

s ight, 3 5.kil led by Grufl


udd , son of Rhys (bythe F lemings , 3 6.

Owain (Gwin , Owyn , Owein) de Cyvei liog ,manfully res ists king Henry , 1 l .

flees into E ngland, 5 1 .

Owain (Owin) , son of D yvnwal, i s slain,

Owain (Owin , Owein) , son of E dw in ,dies


after a long illness , 3 3 .

O wain (Owin) , son of Grufl‘

udd,death of,

2 5.

Owain (Owyn , Oweyn) , son of G rufl‘


commits depredations i n Mei rion

ydd , 3 7.

under takes an expedition into Cered igion, 40, 41 .

des troys the cas tles of Ystrad Meur ig ,Stephen ,

Humphrey, and Caer

marthen, 41 .

returns home, 41 .goes to A berteivy , and concludes a

tr uce, 41 .

Opposed by h is brother Cadwalader,

49 .

is r econciled to h im, 42 .

attacks the Germans, and puts themto fligh t, 42.

Owain (Owyn , Oweyn) , son of G rufl'

ui d


builds a castle in the terri tory of Yale,44.

res ists king Henry I I . near Oswestry ,50.

rebu i lds the castle of Caerein ion, 5 1takes th e cas tle of R huddlan , 5 1 .

Owain (Owin, Owyn) , son of Gruffudd ,

w ith h is brother L lywelyn , succeedsDav id, son of L lywelyn , 85.

d i ssen sion between h im and h is brother

L lywelyn , 89 .

seiz ed by L lywelyn , and depr ived of

h is land , 89 .

Owain (Ow ia) , son of Grufl'

udd , son of

Gwenwynwyn, left by h i s father infree custody w ith L lywelyn ,

1 04.

Owain (Owin , Owein) , son of Gruflh dd ,

son of Maredudd , receives Cyveiliogfrom h i s uncle Madog , 44.

Owain (Owin) , son of Grufliudd (son of

Rhys) , takes D inevwr and Lland overy , 69 .

takes and destroys the castles of Caer .

mar then, Cydweli, S t. Stephen , S t.C lare, and T revdraetb , 7 1 .

h is death , 8 1 .h is character , 8 1 .

Owain (Ow in, Owein) , pr ince of N orthWales , encamps , and erects a for

t ifi cation near B asingwerk , 46 .

makes peace w ith king Henry I L ,


g ives him hostages , 47del ivers E in ion Clud to the F rench


49 .

slain by the men of h is brother David,5 3 .

Owain (Ow ia ) , son of Howel , death of,

2 1 .

Owain (Owein) , son of I orwer th , death of,


Owain (Owein) , son of Madog , takes thecastles of Conoclas , T revclawdd , deN or tun, and L lanand ras , 100.

Owain (E ngem , Owin , Oweyn) , son ofM3

redudd , dies , l l .

1 64 IND EX .

P h ilip,king of the F rench — cont.

proceeds to the Holy Land , 57.subjugates N ormandy under h i s own

domi n ion , 6 3 .

proposes to go over into E ngland inorder to restore S tephen , archbishopof Canterbury, to hi s see, 6 9 .

returns, 69 .

attacks and routs the army of Otho, 70.

hi s death, 75.

P hi lip, king of F rance, son of king Louis ,dies, 1 08.

P h ili p , h i s son , succeeds him, and i s

crowned, 1 08.P hilip Magnel falls in battle, 60.

P icts, the, war between them and the

B r itons, 9 .

P ilgrims from D imetia and Ceredigiondrowned , 43 .

P irates from I reland inv ited by the Venedotians to their ass istance, 3 1 .

P oictou , an army from, accompanies king

Henry I I . in his expedi tion againstthe Welsh, 50.

king John enters , 6 6 , 70.

Lou is , king of F rance, subdues , 76 .

ki ngHenry III. loses, 7 6 .th e same crosses over into, 84.

P ope, th e, quarrels w ith king John , 64, 65.P oresmue, king Henr y H. at, 78 .

P orthlagi reduced by R ichard , ear l of

S tri guil, 5 3 .

P owys reduced under the power of the

Saxons,1 2 .

P owysians , king Henry I . marches e, 3 7 .

they enter into peace with him, 3 7

P raemonstrants , th e order of, institu ted , 3 4.

P reachers , th e order of“

,instituted, 62.

P recentor , a, appointed in th e church of

Menevia, 7 6 .

P r ior , the, of Can terbury, goes to Rome,

6 6.

P rovence,k ing Henry III. marr ies the

daughter of th e ear l of, 8 1 .P wllgydig (P ullgudic, P ullgudi t) , the bat

tle of,2 7

Pwllduwath (Pullduwath ) , the battle of, 24.

Radnor burnt by Rhys , son of Grufi udd .


devastated by L lywelyn , prince of

N orthWales, 78.

the cas tle of, rebu ilt by R ichard, ear lof Cornwal l, 79 .

th e castle of, taken by the barons, 101 .R ain of b lood in B r itain and I reland, 8.Randulph , ear l of Chester , seiz es king

Stephen and sends him to pr ison, 41 ,42 .

taken by th e king, 43 .

h i s death,45 .

Randulph (Radulph ) de Mortimer,death

of, 86 .

Reginald de B ruse, death of, 76 .

Reginald, ear l of Cornwall, encamps at

D inweileir , 48.

his death, 54.

R ein (Regin , R eyn) , king of the D imetians,death of, 1 1 .

Rein (Reyn ) , a Scot, pretends to be the sonofMaredud d , 2 3 .

attacked and killed by Seisyll, king of

V enedotia, 2 3 .

Rhesterwein (R esterwein ) , Rhys, son of

Grufi udd , r emoves hi s men and

effects to, 48 .

Rhi r id (B ir it, R ir id ) , son of B leddyn , ex

pels Rhys , son of T ewdwr , from h i s

ki ngdom,28.

slain in battle, 28.Rhir i d (B ir it, Rir id ) , son of Owain, killed

by h i s nephew Cadwallon , 3 7Rhiwallon (Ruallo, Ruallaun) , slain in

battle, 2 6.

Rhodri (B otr i, B odri) , king of the B r itons,death of, 1 0.

Rhodri (B otri, B odr i ), the G reat, killed bythe Saxons , 1 5 .

avenged in the batt le of Conwy, 1 5.

Rhodri (R ostr i, B odr i) , son of Hyveidd ,beheaded in A rwystli , 1 6 .


Rhodri (B otr i , B odr i) , son ofHowel, deathof, 1 9 .

Rhodr i (B odr i) , son of I dwal , killed , 1 9 .

Rhodr i (Bodr i) , son of Owain, death of,

59 .

Rhos (Ros) , the long s leep of Maelgwn in

the court of, 4.

obtained by Grufi’

udd , son of Rhys ,40.

conflagrations in , 57.

L lywelyn ,pr ince of N orth Wales,

goes to, 72 .

passes th e night at P yle in , 74.

armed men from , ass ist in kill ingWill iam Techo and Henry Goeth, 95.

Rhuddlan (Rudglann, Rudlan , Ruthlan,

Rutlan) , the battle of, 1 1 .

king Henry II. proceeds to, and en

camps at, 47the castle of

,taken by Owai n , son of

G rufi'

udd , and Rhys , son of Gruf

fudd, 5 1 .king E dward encamps at, 1 05.

R hun (Run ) , son of Owain ,dies , 43 .

Rhun (Run) , son of Ur ien ,baptiz es E d

win,6 .

Rhuvoniog (Roweynauc) , the reg ion of,

attacked by th e Saxons , 1 2 .

Rhydderch (R i derch ) , b ishop , dies , 1 9 .

Rhydderch (R i dereh , R ederch ) , son of

CaradOg, holds South Wales, 27.

i s engaged in th e battle of Camddwr ,2 7.

killed by his cous in Meirchion, 27.

Rhygewarch (R igewarc) , clerk , the treachery of, 50.

Rhys, son of B ledu'

g, death of, 59 .

Rhys (R es) , son of Grutfudd , obtains theportion of his brother Maredudd , 46 .

marches against Owain Gwynedd as

far as A berdovey, 46 .

makes a fosse there, and afterwardsfounds a castle, 46 .

carr ies on thewar against the E ngl ishking alone, 47.

takes Cantrev Mawr, 47.

takes at th e first. onset the castle of

Llandov ery , 48 .

1 65

takes the cas tle of Nyvor , 58 .

l iberates h is son Maelgwn from the

pr ison ofWilliam d e B ruse , 58 .

bes ieges A bertawe, 5 8.

Rhys (Res) , son of Grufi'

udd — cont.

burns th e castles in Ceredigion whichhad been erected by the F rench , 48 .

also those which h ad been made bythem in D imetia, 48 .

leads h i s army against Caerm ar then ,

and bes ieges i t, 48.

removes h is men and goods to Rhesterwein, 48.

forcibly acqu ires D inweileir and

Llandovery,49 .

makes peace w ith the king, 49 .harasses R oger , ear l of C lare, burnsthe castle of A ber Rheidi ol , and thecastle of Mabwyn ion ,

and subduesthe whole reg ion of Ceredigion ,

49 ,


joins the allied pr inces against kingHenry 50.

takes th e castle of A berteivy , 50.

impr isons R obert, son of S tephen , 50.

rebu ilds the castle of Caereinion , 5 1 .takes th e castle of Rhuddlan , 5 1 .builds the castle of A bereinion ,

52 .

leads hi s army to B rechein iog , 52 .

i s put to flight, 52 .

leads h is army again to B recheiniog

and burn s a great part of the land ,52 .

destroys th e castle of B uellt, 5°

returns home v ictor ious , 52 .

rebu ilds the castle of Aber teivy ,5 3 .

leads h is army into Sou th lVales , 57.causes confiagrations in Rhos and

P embroke, 57.plunders Gower , 57 .

destroys th e castle of Carnwyllon ,5 7.

takes other cas tles in D imetia , 5 7.lays s iege to the castle of Caermar

then ,5 7.

makes peace w ith the king, 5 7 .

bes ieges th e castle of C lare and takes

possess ion of i t, 5 7.

g ives i t to h is son , I lowel the S axon ,

1 66 IND EX.

Rhys (R es ) , son of Grufi"

udd -cont.

raises the s iege, 58 .

captured by h i s sons Howel and

Maelgwn, 59.

seiz es h is two sons Maredudd and

Rhys the Little, 60.

burns Caermar then , 60.

leads hi s army to Hereford, 60.burn s R adnor , 60.s lays a large number of the soldiers ofR oger de Mortimer , 60.

h is death, 60.

h is character , 60.

h i s elegy, 6 1 .Rhys

,son of Grufi

iudd, w i th th e assistance

of th e F rench , takes D inevwr and

Llandovery, 69 .

obtains possess ion of Cydwel i and

Carnwyllon , 7 1

plunders Gower and demol ishes i tscastles, 7 1 .

h is death , 75.Rhys (Rees) , the Hoarse (Gryg) , dies at

Llandei lo the Great , 80.

Rhys, son of How el, goes to A berteivy to

th e ass istance of Owai n and Cad

walader,sons of Gruffudd, 40.

kills Howel , son of Rhydderch, 42.taken and imprisoned by Hugh d e

Mort imer , 43 .

depr ived of h is s ight by the same, 44.

tak es possess ion of C eredig ion , and

builds Ystrad Meur ig, 45 .

(son of G ruffudd destroys th e castleof L lychwr , 45,

(son of Gruffudd ravages Cyveiliog,

Rhys th e Little captured by h is father ,Rhys , son of G ruffudd


released from pr ison, 6 1 .

holds possess ion of Can trev B ychanand th e town , 6 3 .

burn s th e castle of L lychewein, 6 6 .

burn s i t a second time, 6 6 .

goes to th e assistance of king John ,

6 7

burn s the castle of A berystwyth , 68 .

taken by th e F rench , 6 9.

thys the Li tt e— cont.

joins the expedition of pr ince L lywelyn, 72 .

Rhys the Little (V ychan) , ejected from h is

territory, 9 1 .u tter ly demol ishes the castle of Buellt,98.

destroys the castle of Llanbadarn the

Great, takes the castles of Llandovery and Garreg C ennen , 106.

impr isoned in London ,1 07.

Rhys,son of Maelgwn , d ies at Strata F lor ida, 89 .

bur ied near hi s s ister , m idst gr eat

lamentation , 89 .

Rhys , son ofMaredud d , dies , and is bur ied,1 03 .

Rhys , son cf Mared udd , holds lands by

g ift of th e king, 107.takes th e castles of Llandovery

,D ine

vwr, and Garreg Gennen , 109

burns the v illage of Swayne'

and the

manor ofO sterlof, w ith other places ,1 09.

escapes w ith a few men, 1 10.

recovers h is castle, called th e N ewCastle, 1 10.

Rhys (R es) , son of Owain , kills B led dyn ,

son of Cynvyn , 2 6.

engaged in th e battle of C amddwr , 2 7 .conquers Goronwy and L lywelyn ,

son s of Cadwgan , in the battle of

Gwynnotyll, 2 7

slain by T rahaiarn, son of Caradog ,2 7.

Rhys,son of Rhys

,released from th e k ing


prison, 7 1 .

h i s death , 84.

Rhys (R es) , son of Rhys Mechyll, escapesto the cas tle of D inev wr

, 94.

Rhys (R es) , son of T ewdwr , beg ins to

reign, 2 7.kills T rahaiarn son of Caradog , Cara

dog son of Graffud d , and Meilir

son of Rh iwallon in the battle of

Carn mountain , 2 7, 28 .

expelled from h i s kingdom by the sonsof B leddyn , 28 .

1 68 IND EX.

Robert T ybetot T ypetot) , quarrelswi th Rhys , son of Maredudd , 1 09 .

takes th e castle of Rhys , called the N ew

Castle, 1 1 0.

Roger , ear l of C lare, invades Ceredigion ,

47 , 48.

fortifies th e castles of Ystrad Meur ig ,Humphrey, and Aberdovey , 48.

encamps at D inweileir , 48.return s without success , 48 .

haras sed by Rhys , son of Gruflh dd ,

49 .

Roger , son of Hugh th e F at, succeeds h i sfather , 3 3 .

Roger de Mortimer Mor tuo-mar i ) , fort ifi es th e castle of Cameron ,

59 .

forty of h is soldi ers ki ll ed by R hys ,son of Gd ,


fortifi es the castles in Maelienydd , 84.

depr ived of the land of Gwerthryni on ,

9 1 .

enters th e ruins of Cevnllys , w ith th ev iew of repairing them ,

1 00.

gets the cus tody of th e cas tles ofHuntingtou and Hay, with th e adjacentV i llages , 1 01 .

taken pr isoner , 1 1 0.

R ome, a schi sm in th e church of, 48.

a general council held in , 72 .

th e dispute between th e C istercian san d Claravall enses settled in th e

court of, 102 .

B ungy, 103 .

Rutuant, s ixty Welshman ki lled near , 59 .

Salad in, the, overcomes the Chri stian s at

the sea ofTi ber ias , 56.Saracen s, th e, overcome th e Chr isti ans, 55,

56 .

take th e city of Damietta through

slain by the T ar tars , 99 .

Satur biu win , Sadurnven) , bishop of

Menev ia, di es, 1 3 .Saxons, the, E aster first celebrated by , 8.

war between them and th eB ritons , 10.

invade th e mountain s of E ryr i and the

kingdom of Rhuvoniog, 1 2 .

destroy the fort of D yganwy, 1 2.Sch ism in th e chur ch of Rome, 48.healed, 55.

Scotland , an army fr om , follows kingHenry I I . against the Welsh, 50.

th e king of, marri es th e s ister of th ek ing of E ngland, 75.

th e s ister of the king of, espoused toG ilbert Mareschal , 8 1 .

Scots , the k ing of th e, dies, 28.

they receive much money from R hys ,son of T ewdwr


Sei syll (Sei s il, Seys ill ) , son of D yvnwal,

killed by Willi am de B r u se, 54.

Seisyll (Sei s i l) , ki ng of V enedotia, killsR ein the Scot, 2 3 .

Selim , son of Cynan , fall s in the battle of

Caer leon ,6 .

Severn , th e slaughter of the, 7 .the E nglish army arrayed against theWelsh , near the, 92.

Shrewsbury, David, brother of L lywelyn ,

hanged and quartered at, 1 07.Shr ine, th e, of St. Dav id, stolen from the

church, 28 , 29.of S t. David begun in the church ofMenevia, 104.

S imon de Montefort marr ies E leanor,countess of P embroke, 82.

his daughter g ives b irth to a daughterand di es in childbed, 107.

Snow ,of long continuance, cal led the greatsnow ,


Snowdon subjugated by king E dward, 1 06 .

Spain , E dward espouses the daughter of

the king of,89 .

St. A lban ,dedicati on of th e church of, 3 6.

S t. B r idget, b irth of, 3 .

death of, 4.

St. C lare, th e cast le of,taken by L lywelyn

and hi s confederates, 7 1 .

S t. Columcille, b ir th of, 4.


S t. David (Dewi) , birth of, 3 .

appoints a synod at Caerleon, 6 .

B aldwin, archb ishop of Canterbury,v isits th e see of, 5 6.

his praise celebrated in hymns and

canticles , 87.St. D ogmael, th e chur ch of, robbed by the

P agans, 41 .

S t. E gydi us , the castle of th e ear l of,

attacked by Lou is, king of th e

F rench , 7 6 .

S t. Mary de Suwerk e, th e order of Canon icals instituted in the church of,

3 4.

St. P atr ick , death of, 3 .

St. P eter , Will iam de B ruse escapes frompr ison in the cathedral of, 7 7.

St. Stephen , th e castle of, taken by L ly

welyn and h is confederates, 7 1 .

S t.Thomas’s, Louis , king of F rance, v is its ,

trans lati on of hi s remains , 75 .

church of, at Haverford, 76.Star , the r ising of a, 7.

of a wonderful magn itude, 8 .

Stanlowe, th e abbey of, 106 .

Stephen Bauson B auz on , B authun )sacri legiously enters th e Whi teHouse, 92.passes the ni ght at Caermarthen , 9 3 .

Stephen, ear l of B lois, comes over to

E ngland , 3 9 .

invades and obtain s the kingdom ,3 9 .

as king h e bes ieges the empressMatilda, 41 .

takes th e castle of Bangaye, 41 .seiz ed by R andulph , ear l of Chester ,

and Robert, ear l of G loucester , andsent to pr ison , 41 , 42.

liberated, 42 .

tak es R andulph in h i s own court, 43 .

h i s death , 45 .

S tephen the Constab le opposes Owain and

C adwalader , son s of G rufi udd , w iththei r confederates, 40.

h i s castle destroyed, 41 .

Stephen de Langt on recommended by the

pope for the arch iepiscopal see of

C anterbury , 6 5 .

1 6 9

Stephen de Langton— cont.

consecrated archb ishop by the same,

6 6 .

banished by th e king , 65.P h ilip , king of th e F rench


to restore h im, 69 .

goes to R ome , 7 1 .

Stranges, John , in th e E nglish army on

th e Severn,92 .

S trata F lor ida, Owain , son of Grufi‘

udd ,dies at, 8 1 .

all the pr inces of Wales swear fi de ’

lity to David, son of L lywelyn, at,82 .

Rhys, son of Maelgwn , dies at, 8 9 .

Margaret, wi fe of Owain, son of

Maredudd, buried at, 90.

Dav id ap Howel of A rwystli bu riedat, 9 6 .

burnt,1 09 .

Stratford, king Henry III. encamps at, 103 .

Strath C lyde (S trat C lut) , ravaged by theSaxons, 1 8.

Strongbow , G ilber t, death of, 44.

Sub in, death of, 1 5.Suli en (Sulgen ) succeeds to the see of

Menevia,2 6.

res igns i t, 27assumes the b ishopr ick a second time,

2 7

resigns i t again, 28.

h i s death,29.

Summer, a hot, 9.

Sun, s ee E clipse .

Sunday, the battle on a, 1 5.

Sweyn ,son of Harold

,ravages E umon ia,

or the I s le of Man , 2 1 .

i s wrecked, 2 2.comes to E ngland, 2 2.

Sweyne, the v illage of, burnt by Rhys , sonof Maredudd , 109 .

Synod of Victory, 5 .

of Caerleon, 6 .

Talargah , king of the P icts, killed by theB ritons, 9 .

T anchard (Tankard) , a monk , k illed byMaelgwn , son of R hys , 59.

Tar tars , th e , occupy the kingdom of

Jerusalem, 99 .

Techo, lV i lliam, slain by armed men from

P embroke and Rhos, 95.

T eivy (T ewy , T egu i ) , the F rench and

F lemings , drowned i n the, 40.

appears b loody for two days , 50.

Tenby (T inebeth , D ynbech ) , Cadell , son of

G ruffudd , severely wounded near,

45 .

T ewdw r (T eudubr , T eudur) , son of B eli ,death of, 9 .

T ewdwr (T eudur ) , son of E in ion, killed ,

2 1 .

Theobald , archb ishop , death of, 49 .

Thief,a, detected in the church ofMenevia,

8 7.

Thomas B ecke, see Becke.

T homas, archbishop of Canterbury , consecrated , 49 .

banished , 50.

crosses over into F landers to avoidthe wrath of the king , 5 1 .

th e b ishops and many of th e great

men of E ngland w r ite to the popeagainst h im,

5 1 , 52 .

excommunicates Geofi '

r ey F ol iot archb ishop of York , 52.


ers martyrdom , 5 3 .

Thomas Wallens is succeeds to the see of

Menevia, 87 .

consecrated , 88 .

T homas , A rchb ishop of York,dies , 3 2 .

Thunder , great , 1 2 .

Tiber ias , the Chr istians overcome near the

sea of, 56 .

Tintern , foundation of,3 9 .


alter and An selmMarcschal , bur iedat, 86 .


Ubis ravages Menevia, 22.

Uch tryd (Uthtr it, Uch rid , V ed r ith ) , son of

E dwin,devastates P embroke, 3 0.

he cas tle of, demol ished by E inion ,

son of Cadwgan , and Grufi'

udd, son

of Maredudd , 3 6 .

T (T raharin, T raharn) , son of

Caradog , succeeds to the kingdom of

V enedotia, 26 , 27

victor ious in the battle of P wllgy d ig ,h

1 .

kills Rhys and h is brother Howel , 2 7 .T rahaiarn (T rahair ) , son of Ced ivor ,

killed by the F rench , 5 7T rallwng (T rallug) , L lywelyn, son of


udd, at, 92 .

Trans lation of S t. Thomas the Martyr, 1 a .

T renchemer , YVilliam , killed, 47.

T revclawdd (T refeclaud ) , the castle of,

taken by Owain, son of Madog ,

1 00.

T revdraeth (T reftraid ) , th e castle of, ta k enby L lywelyn , pr ince of N orthWales , 7 1 .

T revetland (T refetland ) , th e village of,

burnt by the lords of Cer i andCydewig, 98 .

T revgarn (T refgarn ) , a place at, given to

th e C isterc ians , 43 .

T revi lan (T refi lan) , the castle of,built by

Maelgwn, son of Maelgwn , 8 1 .

T r ifun (T r ifin) , son of R ein , dies , 1 2 .

Tr in ity, the, foundation of the abbey of,3 4.

T r irbelevi le, Henry, succours the castle of

Caermarthen , 79 .

T royt, Grufi'

udd , killed, 58.

Tuda r, son of P ret, killed, 59 .

T ybetot (T ypetot) , tober t, quarre ls w ithRhys , son of Maredudd , 109.

takes h is castle, l l O.

T ywi (T ewy) , many persons drowned inthe, 79 .

1 72 I N D EX .

Wenlock, P eter , prior of, made bishop ofMenev ia, 55 .

W epini , Rober t de, put to flight, 68 .

Westm inster , the foundation of, laid, 85.king E dward I . crowned at, 104.

he enacts many statutes at, 104.

Wh ite monks , an ordinance respecting th et ithes of th e, 7 3 .

monastery,pr ince L lywelyn burns

the v i llage of th e, 79 .

Tower,pr ince E dward finds h i s

father in th e, 99 .

VVhi ttington , the castle of, taken by L lywelyu , 76 ,

W i lfre, b ishop of Menevia, dies, 3 5 .

William , son of B aldwin,dies , 3 0.

Willi am the B astard depr ives Harold of

th e kingdom of E ngland, 25.hi s death , 28 .

William de B ruse, see B ru se.

W illiam de Burreth e B urreche) , canon

of Menevia, succeeds to the

treasury , 106 .

hi s death, 106 , 107.

Will iam Dewer , b ishop of Hereford, di es ,62 .

William Gerald destroys the castle of

Gwys , 44.

William Long -sword seiz ed by P hilip ,king of F rance, 70.

William Mareschal, seeMareschal.Will iam de Month enesy oppressed under

a wall, 1 09 .

Wil liam the Red (Goch) , h is two sons

killed by the E ngl ish, 9 3 .

William Rufus succeeds to the throne ofE ngland, 28.

goes over to N ormandy, 29.leads an army against the B ritons , 3 0.a second time, but i s unsuccessful , 3 1 .ki lled by an arrow whi le hunting,3 2 .

Will iam Techo ki l led by armed men fromP embroke and Rhos


William T renchemer killed, 47.William de Valenc ia, see Valencia.

Winchester , a quarter of David’s remainssuspended at, 107.

Wingan , Henry, constable of E rbert, s lainin battle, 9 5 .

Wi seford , the burgesses of take Robert,

son of Stephen, pr isoner , 53 .Wolf

,a rab id, at Caermarthen b itestwenty-two persons, near ly all of

whom die, 50, 5 1 .

Yale, Owain, son of Grufi'

udd , builds a

castle in , 44;York , th e b ishop of, dies, 3 .

th e c ity of, laid waste, 1 4:Thomas , archb ishop of, di es , 3 2.

Ysgyth rog (E schi trauc) Brochwel, dies , 7.Ystrad B runns, the F lemings kill Owain

in , 3 7

Ystrad Meurig (Stratmeur ic) , the castleof, destroyed by Owain and Cad

walader , 41 .

rebu ilt by Cadell and his brothers, 45.

fortified by R oger de C lare, 47 48 .

Ystrad T ywi (S trattui , Stratewy, Stratewi)devastated by A narawd and the

E ngl ish , 1 5.

the treachery of th e nob les of, 24devastated by Grufi


udd , son of L ly

welyn , 24.

also by th e F rench, 3 0.

armed men proceed to devastate theterr itory of, 9 3 .

war between th e men of, and those ofCydweli , 104.


P age 4, note after corruerunt add B .

5, lines 2 5 and 2 6, for 14 and 1 5 r ead 1 5 and 1 6 . N ote l 4’f or B

r ead C , add 1 5 not in B .,and for 1 5 read 1 6 .

27 , li ne 5 , for R e set read Res et.29 , note supp ly a hyphen af ter firma.

3 2 , note for pacifi catns read pacifi catus .

3 3 , note 7 for ratrem read h ‘

att em .

41 , first note, for 1 read

50, li ne 2 , dele afi er vero.

53 , line 20, for interfecta s read interfecti s .57 , note f or eivi tatis read civitatis .

58, line 1 7 , for eumque read cumque.

6 3 , l ine 29 , for octavus read octavas .

6 6, fourth note , for 4 read

6 7 , note l ine 10, f or epis copatum r ead epi scopum.

74, note or th esaur ius read th esaurar iu s .

77 , line 1 1 ,f or redit r ead redi it ; and in the margin for 1 1 26 and 1 1 27r ead 1 226 , 1 22 7.

83 , note 2 , af ter Annus add C .

86,lin e 8 , for exhaeredere r ead exhaeredare.

A dd sem icolon s,p. 20, l . 7 , af ter genti libus ; p . 3 1 l . 2 , af ter excidi um ;

p . 5 3 , l . 7 , af ter Owini ; p. 92 , l . 9 , af ter Stranges ; ih . l . 10,af ter Maha

lan and p . 109 , l. 20, af ter L anamdevery.

A dd full-stops, p. 3 0, af ter devastavi t ; p. 3 1,

af ter abiv i t ;p . 3 2 , 1. 5 , af ter fug it.P robab ly a comma ought to be added p . 9 7, l . 1 5, af ter P atric, and full

stops, p . 3 3 , l . 22 , af ter occisus est ; and p . 96 , l . 9 , af ter combu sserunt.T he bracketed sentences, p. 41 , lines 2 1 , 22 , and p. 59 , lines 3 0, 3 1 , 3 2 ,

may be deleted , and th e d ifferent read ings added in the notes.

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1 5 47— 1 080, preserved in the

S tate P aper Depar tment of Her Maj esty’s P ublic Record Offi ce.

E d i ted'

by ROB E R T LEMON ,E sq.

,E .S .A . 1 856 .


J AM E S I .,preser ved in th e S tate P aper Depar tment of Her

Maj esty’s P ublic R ecord Office. E d i ted by MARY ANN E E VE R E TTGR E E N . 1 857— 1 859 .

V ol . I . 603 — 1 6 10.

V ol. I I .— 1 6 1 l — 1 6 1 8 .

V ol. I I I .— 1 6 1 9— 1 62 3 .

V ol. I V .— 1 62 3 — 1 625

,w i th Addenda.


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hI ajes ty’

S P ublic R ecord Office. E d ited by J OHN BRUCE , E sq.

1 858— 1 859 .

V ol . I .— 1 625— 1 626 .

V ol. I I .— 1 627— 1 628.

V ol. I I I . — 1628 - 1629

CA LE N DAR O E T HE S TA TE P A P E R S rela ting to SCO TLAND,preser ved in

th e S tate P aper Depar tmen t of Her Majes ty ’

s P ublic R ecord

Offi ce. E d i ted by MAR E I I AM J OHN'


I I OR P E,E sq .

,of S t. E dmund

Hall, Oxfor d . 1 858.

V ol. I .,th e Scotti sh Ser ies , of th e Reigns ofHen ry VI I I .


E dward V I .,Mary

,E lizabeth , 1 509— 1 589 .

V ol . I I .,th e S cottish Ser ies, of th e Reign o uecn E lizabeth


1 589— 1 603 an Ap pend ix to the Scotti s h Ser ies, 1 543

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CALE NDA R o r T HE STA TE P APE R S r elating to I R E LAND,1 509— 1 573 ,

p reserved in th e S tate P aper Depar tmen t of Her Maj es ty’

s P ublic

R ecord O ffice E d i ted by H. C . HAM ILTON ,E sq. 1 860.

V01. I .

I n the P ress .

CA LE NDA R O F THE S TA TE P APE R S R E LA T I N G T o I RE LAND, preserved inth e S tate P ap er Dep ar tment of Her Maj esty’s P ublic R ecord

Office. E d i ted by H. C . HAM I LTON , E sq.

V ol .. I I .


OF CHAR LE S I I ., preser ved in th e S tate P aper Depar tmen t of

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CHAR LE S I ., preserved in th e S tate P aper Depar tment of Her

Maj esty’s P ublic R ecord Ofii ce. E d i ted by J OHN B RUCE , E sq.,

V ol . I V .

CALE NDAR OF THE STA TE P A PE R S OF THE R E I GN OF HE NRY VI I I .E d i ted by th e R ev . J . S . B R EWE R, M HA , P rofess or of E ngli sh

Literature, King’

s College, London, and R eader at th e Rolls .


O F E DWAR D V I . E d i ted by W. B . TURN B ULL, E sq. of Lincoln ’


I nn,Barr i ster at-L aw

,and Cor respondant du C om ité Imper ial

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the S tate P aper D epaI tment ofHer Maj esty’s P ublic Record Ofi ice.E d i ted by W. N OE L SAIN SBURY, E sq.

V ol. I .

10. MEMOR I ALS or KIN G HE NRY T HE S E VE N TH : B ernard i Andreas

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alia quaedam ad eundem R egem spectantia. E d ited by J .

GA I R D N E R , E sq .

1 1 . ME MOR IA LS OF HE NRY THE F I F TH. I .— Vi ta Henr ici Quinti ,

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R egi s Henr ici Quinti . IH.— E lmh am i Liber Metr icus de

Henr i co V. E d ited by C . A. COLE , E sq.

1 2 . MUN IME N T A G I L D HAL L JE L ON D ON I E N S I S ; Liber Albu s,Liber

Cu s tumarum , et Liber Horn,in arch iv i s G i ldhallae asser vati .

V ol.- I .,Liber Albu s . E d i ted by H.

' T . R I LE Y,E sq .

,M .A .,

B ar

r i ster -at-L aw .

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E d i ted by T. WR I GHT,E sq .

,M .A .

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P rofessor of E ngli sh

L i ter ature, King’

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or , T he C hron icle of th e P r inces of

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sometime B i shop of C h ichester . Vols . 1 .and I I . E d i ted by C . B AB IN GTON , B .D .,

F ellow of St. J ohn’


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I n the P ress .

R I CARDI D E C IR E N CE ST R I A SPE CULUM HI ST OR I AL E D E G E ST I S R E GUMA N GLnE . (A .D . 447 E d i ted -by J . E . B . MAYOR

,M.A .

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th e Un iver s ity of

Dub l in .

MUN IME N T A G I L D HAL L E L ON D ON I E N S I S ; L iber Albus , L iber Cu s tumarum

,et Liber Horn

,in arehi v i s G ildhallae asser vati . V ol. I I .


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,B ar

rister -at-L aw .

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Vicar of Leighton B uzzard .

A COLLE CTI ON OF SA GA S AN D O THE R HI STOR I CA L DOCUME N TS relatingto th e Settlemen ts and Descen ts of th e N or thmen on the B r i ti shI sles. E d i ted by G E OR GE W. D A SE N T , E sq .,

D .C .L . Oxon.


R E I GN OE HE N RY I V . V ol. I I . E d i ted by th e Rev . F . C .

HI N G E ST ON ,M .A .

,of E xeter C ollege, Oxford .

T HE WORKS O F G I R A L D US CAMBR E N S I S . E d i ted by th e R ev. J . S .

B R EWE R , M .A .,P rofessor of E ngli sh Li terature, King’

s College,London

,and R eader at th e Rolls .

LE TTE R S AN D P A PE R S OF T HE R E I GN S OF R I CHARD 1 1 1 . AN D HE NRYV I I . E d ited by JAME S GA I RD N E R , E sq.


I n P rog ress .



THJE I P AR I S . E d ited by S ir F . MADDE N,K .H.,

C h ief of th e MS . Depar tment of th e B r iti sh Mu seum .

LE TTE R S AN D TR E AT I SE S or B I SHOP G RO SSE TE TE , i llus trative of the

Soc ial C ond i tion of h is T ime. E d i ted by the R ev . 1 1 . R . L UAR D ,

M .A .,F ellow and As s i s tan t Tutor of Tr in i ty College, C ambr idge.



141 8. E d i ted by the Rev. IV . D . MA CR AY, M .A ., B od leian

L ibrary, Oxford .


R E I GN OF R I CHAR D 1 1 . E d i ted by th e R ev. J AME S G RAVE S.P OLYCHRON I CON RANUL PHI HI G D E N I , w i th T rev i sa

s Trans lation.

E d i ted by C . B AB I NGTON , B .D .,F ellow of S t. J ohn ’

s College,

Cambr idge.

November 1 860.