BALLOT AND F18T F I T S - DigiFind-It

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NUMBER 3,563. N E W A R K . N . J . , T I E S D A Y . M A R C H 2 6 . 1 8 9 5 . P R IC E TWO CENTa

First Edition.BALLOT AND F18T F I T S

complaint agmAnit John Bruo« for "itNil-Injr w ballot-box."

‘T h a *

7III R«]mbUeu PrlmarlM H&rkid by a Nnmb-r of Bittar BatU<«.


T *a D «7M i JarmloMOB and Uarliliardt ClalBOd in Ba Smra for Komimablon* tar IIm V u w Board of W«r1ti*-4Ula«br 0 « -

lU a t Ua la AH ni|bt, Whlla UlaaJaOpfMaaaU Flgara Ulffaraatly--Will lam WISKlBa. Enaalag for tba Conatr Can- mUtaap Haa a B ib Brokan la a Bow Orar a B allot-box ** RaHrllla*a Kaollonal riBhl Breaka Oat AfalP-NkJor Lanta Saeaaaafal.

Btubborn conlaita cnltvenod br arfu* menta o f th« moat hrated ordar. with ocs CMlonal hand-to-hand encounter! batwaan the oppoainjf forcei, made the Republtcan primary elacttone taat nljcht more than uauaily Intereatlny. The battle! ware avaded mainly on tha Board of Worka qaaatlon with the minor nomination! aa aide iMuea o f the moiit ordinary kind. Tbrouchout the city the vote w u very haavy^ the people turning out In force* Each polllnff place waa crowded, the votere Itnxertnx In the vicinity to wlt- neaa the excitement. Among the leaden the progreaa o f the battle wan carefully watched.

Btrect and W’ ater Coimnleeloneri Van Duyne and Jormlemon are conceded more than enough delegatee to give them the nomtnationa, and John Burkhardt la ad> mitted on all aldee ae a sure candidate.

When the leadera left the County Com­mittee headquarter! long after midnight there waa a big doubt aa to how Alderman William fitalnaby atood. Hli tally-men made the clalni that he had elected from ISO to 1S8 delegatee out of the total o f BL Chandler W. Rlker could not see where Btalntby had secured more that etghty- flve dielegiiteat and some of theee, Ur. Rlker held, were very doubtful. Major I«eiiti waa inclined (o place hli eatlmate at about the aame ngures aa given by the City Counaet.

The other lights are still open, the near­est to success, according to the eitimatea o f the experts, being Ueorge Smith, Dr. Q. P. r . Dleffenbach and Oustave J. Volker. Peter Ulrich and Henry E. Dailey each corralled a good share of the delegates and will both be placed la nom­ination at the convention.

When nearly all the returns were In tha laadere made this forecast aa the moat likely result o f the convention: Harrison Van Duyn j. Abraham Joralemon, John Burkhardt, George L, Smith, Dr. Dleffen- t»ach or Peter Ulrich.

The Stainsby men substitute their cham­pion's name for that of George L. Smith, and they also place Volker on the card In- atead o f one o f the smaller candidates.

kSattera in the First Ward went on very quietly, the administration people

Ity o f it fily and pound.

_____ was no (rouble until the wran­gle that ended In the stealing of the bos,'* aald Wlffgtna "Bruce grablMd the box and anotner man took It from him, Then It fell on the tioor and t threw myself on It to keep them from taking It away. While I was down 1 waa kicked and punched. That's when my rib was broken. It was all a game to beat me. because Rruce saw T had the beet of U. Now 1 euppoee the w'hnie thing le thrown out.'*

In the Hflh illstrlct thy atlmlnlsirailon and Btilnsby factions had a lively yet or­derly fight. A heavy vote was polled, siid the admInIstratUm aelegalcs won. Several o f the (lelegstes on the opposition ticket signed a rlrcular declaring that ihelr name! had been used without (u*rinlMlon, and coplei of the circular were dlatrlbuted throughout the district. A atmtlar fight wai waged In the Sixth district, where the largest vote ever polleil at a primary In that dlitrlcl was dtpo»Hi‘d In the t»x. The StaJnshy people won there, but the tally w u m t o M . ^

Every thing waa one way In the Fifth Ward, and that way, according to the re­ports of the ward leaders, was for Stslns- by. Dr. Herold's faction wras In the har- nesa for Mr. Btaiashy's interests and kept a sharp lookout for the velemn'a chances.

The Sixth and Seventh Ward primaries went off without much excUrment, Henry B. Halley's friends claiming the full deU - gallon in the Sixth and a goodly share of the Seventh. The Eighth Ward Is concMM by all hands to Van Duyne and the bal­ance o f the administration candldatee.

Hrlik voting was the rule In the Ninth Ward. In the First district the voters got out early and were cautioned a n ln st los­ing their vote by putting It In the wrong box. No one tn (his district seemed^ to

County Committee at Its meeting for or­ganisation. Major Lcnia'a supporters claim that tlxty-four of ths eighty-seven County Committeemen elected last night will vote for him for chairman o f that lM>dy.

WUlUm H. Williams, the Fourth Ward leader, eent a written request to Major Lents for Instructions In regard to the In­terrupted primary In the Seqond dlntrlct of hit ward. On the claim lhai the polls were closetl twenty minutes l»efore the appointed hour It Is held that there was no election. Major I^nta called for affl- davlts setting forth these allegations and will haee his decision on the sworn state­ments.

The AldermsTTle and School Commis­sioner nominations did nr.t figure to any great extent In the primaries, but It U ex­pected that some of (he ward conventions to-night may prove Intereetlng. While many o f the candidates have wires al­ready laid and regard the nominations In (heir respective wards as their personal prui)erty It is more likely that a troofi of dark horses will Im« trotted out, iHith In the Aldermsnlc and Bchool Itoard races.

The only man arrested for carrying his partisanship bo the point of pugilism at (he primaries last night was Haorge Btephens. a railroad brakeman. who was Inisrested In the contest at the polls nl the Fourth district of the First Ward. BR3 Hroad street. There was more or Inas

Prmnttd WUh a Sword b j Emprror William at Prlidrlohirahi


pushing and crowding snd Tvad blood was engendWed. William Wagner Mid thatStephens etruck him, and Btephenl was locked up at the Second l^recfnct Rollco Station. The prisoner elected to be trie«1 by Judge Mott, and the latter paroled him till to-night.

box. No one In . — ---- -----think It worth while to ask a voter either hi. nxOHi or addi«M. Soon aftw t o clock a younit man jnrarntcd a ticket and It waa prompily dropped in the boa.

"I challenge," aang out a man In thaaald tha elactlon olllcer, "but I

dropped the ticket In.’ ’ . . ^"Where do you lleaT’ naked tha chal­

lenger. adilreaalng the voter..Ij ------- r___. ---------I "live'at'ua'tfroad atraah" replied tha rnan. with aome ahow of apirit.

"I don't think you do,’ ’ came, back from the challenger; ’’ and I demand that your vote be aworn In." . . , . . .’The voter got red in the face and aald he had lived at the addreae he gave for alx monthe, but the challenger Intlited that he inual awear In the vole. Thla the young man did not do, however, and he left hurriedly when told that he waa 11- able to arreat. He had droppe.1 hta vote in the twm. however, and there It waa al­lowed to remain, , . a , . .In the Second dlatrlct Aldemsan Stalna-


by WSJ ^U lng about In Rvely^

carrying everything lln>tr own way. The Second Ward was lively in many

Instances, a pitched battle taking plaoe In the Fourth district, where Edward H. Uffert was out for rc-electlgn to the County Committee and went through with flying colors. Gustave J. Volker swept everything before him In the Second dis­trict, after a lively fight, for county com­mitteeman. John A. Rodrigo waa a candi­date on the PlRh district tlrkrt, with Ur. Roden aa sponsor. Mr. Rodrigo pulled through by two votes.

Down In the Seventh district Of the Sec­ond W ai^ Major I.reniB had an Interesting battle on his hands. Isaac H. Terrill waa on band as the Major's opponent for Coun­ty Committeeman, and was sustained by a big crowd o f shouters. Before the pri­mary was organised Major Lents bad a wrangle with Harry Huuoll. The latter was p r in g out Terrill (loketa, and Major Lents ordered him from the room, on theJ round that he waa a non-resident of the

Istiict and had no right there." ( have as much right here os you havei

until the meeting Is organised," answered Ruasell sharply. "Why don't you put your Rosei'llle people awayT’

Ruasell remained In the room until the board organised. The Lents people aua- tained a defeat In ths election of a chair­man, George Collard being chosen against the Major's candidate. When the board organised a motion was made that the voting go on without reference to Uie poll- book. Somebody called for the queetlon, and the chairman was about to put the motion when I'zal McCarter claimed the right to be heard. He made a short but emnhatlc speech, and the inoUon was lost

Tne Lents f^ p le used a ballot across the face o f wnlch w'oe printed In etariag red letters the worde;

"This ticket will support the present ad­ministration."

Objection waa made to the ticket on ths ground that It was a marked ballot, but the tickets went in the box. Two of the workers became engaged tn a wrangle which ended In a sciinle. In an instant hats were flying In all directions, and It looked for a moment ae though an all-around row was Imminent.

Policeman W'elsh, who was guarding the ba)lot-kK>x, made a rush through the crowd aiid, seising the combatants, hurried them outside to the accompaniment of breaking g la a in the door. After that the primary went on without further trouble, the count ohowlng that Major Lents had received forty-four votes more than hie rlvgl.

The Third Ward primaries were well at- kttendcid, and In some of the diitrlcU the battles were o f a spirited order. Excise CimmLasloner Al)»ert Guenther had a bit of a tussle, but was returned to the Coun- ^ Committee. Mr. Guenther's henchman, uustav Sebroeder, who mn In the Third district, and who was aeslited by the Guenther faction, was beaten by George M. Ystter after the liveliest primary ever held In the section.

Abram Sllveraton, the labor agitator, elected to the County Committee

when aekea how th1n «» were «olng ho de- e lx »d ihM they wore *11 hli way. In Mr. Jorxlemon’x homo dtalriet the r ourth, there was an eager, hustling crowd, Mr, Joralemon was there In person and oo was Mayor Lebkuecher. A fter the m Us had »>e«n open a nhort time a voter <Ilacov«red that at the top of on« o f the tickets ware thew'ords: -"These delegates. If elected, will support the preeent admInUtratlon."

Thie passed Ihe Inspection of the dis­coverer all right and so did the names of xU the delegittoe, but on the lower mxrfln o f the ticket were thee* worde:

"Prlmnrlre will be hold on Monday oveo- ln«, March X. IMS. at 10 Elixabeth ay»-

The man maw at a riance that the tlck- ete were either flfty year* old or elee there waa a typographi­cal error. There waa a lively time for a few rolnutei. Some people In- eleted that the mletake In the date made the batlotx Illegal and otbera Ineinted that It did—not Invalidate them. The Mayor and Mr. Joralemon airreed that the ticket! were all right, and ao did Harry Compton, a lawyer. The later’a argumenta eettled the matter, anil the balloting went on. It waa claimed tn thla dlatrlct that Jorale­mon had a clear held, Stainaby carried the Second and Third dlatrlcti of the Word.

Two boxei, one for the ward and the other for the city convention delegates, were tia^ In the Ninth Ward, ana sep­arate tickets were voted for each set of delegate,. Under the nilea city conven­tion ticket! placed In the ward Iwi were not oounted, and vice versa, Comrala- aloner Joralemon warn opposed In hi, home district of the wsrd hy Theodore dray. It la claimed that about forty of the Gray ballots found their way into the ward box and were coneequenity thrown out The Gray people Insist that had ihesa balLuts been counted accortJlng to the Intentlpu o f the voter! who cast them Mr. Jorale­mon would have been beaten. A slttillar atate of alTslrs existed In the Second dist­rict, where ttfteen votes for Stalnsby were deroilted in the wrong box

from the Fourth district, defeating a ttek- hlch was prepared by Joseph Dalser.St which

BUvsrston became quite TOpular at a Re­publican yesterday, and nis name ap* peared upon both tickets.

School Commlesloner Saupe and ex- Bchool Commissioner JoUhe renewed their old fights In the Sixth district, but Mr. Baupe was victorious. His supporters were nearly twice ss numerous as were his opponents. The contests in the other districti were o f a tame character.

l>Hve out o f the six dtstrictn of ths Fourth W ard had two tickets In the field, and In all there was much rivalry shown tw tbs oandldatei and their friends. In tbs First district there waa no opposition to WUllam R, Williams and the primary was tame. Across the way. at 30 Mul* bsrry street, was situated the polling plaos o f the Second district Here John Bruos and WUUam Wiggins locked horns for a seat in the County Committee,

The voting was dons In a UUle. low-ceU- Ingsd store, and It was a veritable battle royal from ths time the primary was opened, at T o'clock, until It was brought to an abrupt end with a general fight an< a vanishing ballot-box act twenty minutes bsfore the time intended for the close, which woe to have been 8 o'clock.

During the one hour and forty minutes that the polls were open there were ecenes such as are not usually witnessed near a ballot-box. Both condldatee ho4 their men at it, and a long line of them were wedged from th« itarob box used as a receptacle for ballots to a point on the sidewalk thirty feet from the door o f the place.

Polloeineu Tully and auilman had their hands full trying to maintain order and by emulating the example of college foot ball players they managed to closj' tha room once In a while. Bruoe and Wte- glni stood on cither aide of the table, keeping an eye on the proffered Uokets. Kaoh mao had an ally whose business sasmed to be to "spot" Democrats.

After 8 o'clock very few ballots were de- poaitedy so frequent and heated weiw the wraoglsa. Finally, after a warm argu­ment, an Italian who hae been Identified with Pemoorstlo primaries, managed to get a vote In the box. Another man also said to be a Democrat followed. He of fared a ballotybut Fuhrmann refused to ac-

The Ballet In His Fs«e to R« Kxtrseted.CklnoM t« Bloefcods Pal-

Ha Kivar.BHIMONGBBKI. March K .-L I Hung

Chang passed a good night. The surgeons attending him have decided to extract the bullet. The asoauU upon the envoy Is likely to delay the business o f the peace commission only a few days. Profound Indignation prevails throughout Japan at the outrage upon LI Hung Chsrig, and the vernacular prws are unanimous In their expression o f the deepest regrets.

LONDON. March M ^The Tokle cor- res[K>niJent of the Central News telegraphs that the parleying In regard to an armis­tice continues. Japan demands Hhan- holkwan and other unoccupied points, and these demojids have lieen yielded.

The Japanese forces succeeded In tak­ing the rescadore Islands on March 21. The troops were landed and attacked (he

t'he opposing factions clashed furiously In the Tenth Ward, particularly In the Soc

forts In the rear, where they wer<‘ unde­fended. and carried them by assault.

A dispatch from Tlen-Tsln to The Pall Mall Osiette says that Phina has notlfle<l the foreign Consuls of her Intention to blockade the Pel-Ho River when the Japanese warships shall appear at its mouth.

WABIHNOTON, March H .^ fflc ia l con- flrtnatlon of the shooting o f LI Hung Chang at Bhlmonosekl was received at a late hour at the Japanese I.,egalion last night. The dispatch was written by Mr, Mutsu, (he Japanese Minister o f Foreign Affairs. It Is dated on Btinday last and reads: "To-day about 4 o'clock, after the meeting o f the Plenipotentiaries o f Joimii and China had been closed, LI Hung Chang proci*eded to the residence pro­vided for him by the Japanese Govern­ment. On the way a fanatic named Ko- yama, aged about twenty-one, fired a shot at him from a pistol, striking him near the cheek lN>nc. LI Hung Chang was Im­mediately la ken Into his residence and placed under treatment by the surgeons of hIs suite. Tlie would-be assaxeln was arrested on the spot. On learning o f the untoward event Count Ito and myself called at the ^Tceroy'n residence to In­quire as to hlB condition. At the same time a Japanese surgeon was also sent to his residence. Dr. Sato, the Flmperor's f^yslclan, will come on from Hiroshima to attend him. The opinion o f the sur­geons at present is that no danger to the \'1c«roy's life may be apprehended."

*rhe dispatch closes with a request to ths Japanese Minister here to Inform the American Government how deeply lbs Emperor deplores thla unhappy event

Impressivs Ceremonies Taken Fait in by thsKalNero* a rsr t of Ihs Cslebratleii in Honor uf the Hlrtlidny o f ths Aged ex- Chnneollor, B'ho Appoars Qrontly Over- eamnliytbo AtUntloni Bhowsrtd I'pen Him—Moniben o f Hie Family Frosented to tbs Kniperof,

FRlEDUICH BnrilE, March M.-The Emperor, at the head df (hs troops, ar­rived here U)-dHy. The Emperor alighteil from his epccUi train at AnmuehU*. Ac- companUMj hy his staff he rode from An- muehle t > the Hchwarsenbeck cron- roads, where he met a squadron of the Halberstadt. the Bismarck Cuirassiers and the other troops. Flaring himself at the head of the trcM>ps, the Emperor led ths way to Frlcdrlchstuhe, where he was met by Prince Bismarck, '^ e ex-Chancel-

lor drove In an open carriage to the ground where the troops were stsMoiied. He wore the helmet and uniform of the ilalberstadi.

The rain fell heavily, but the Kaiser sat upon hli hursc and Frluce Bismarck stood by Iho sMe of his carriage within the curve of the military crescent, Ths Emperor saluted I'rince nismarrk and ad­dressed him as follows:

"YgurSerem- Hlghnees—Our entire fath­erland Is pnpHriiig to celebrate your birthday, in which celebration I have ths honor to take pari (o-day at the ht-ad of the army to which your Grscc belongs. The troops her** assembled are a symbol of Ihe entire army. Each Held bIrh Is rep* resented, and 1 recognise thal lo-hlnd these trootis Is the militia, comprli- Ing all the German people united. This Is ths field sign of the Elector of Ilrsndsn- burg's field of successes. I could not find a better present for you than a sword with a symbol of the Instrument which

SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR, MRS. DUVAL'S STORY.Hills Hecsivs Ills Nigasturs and llsronis

Lawi-New Arbtiratlaa Art—Tbs Lloyds IntnraitM We*Nurek

gp«cUl Dispatch to ths NEWS,TRENTON, March M .-The Governor

signed ■ liatch of bills this morning, among them being thr Lloyds Insurance bill, the Republican Senate Committee's Election bill, and the meainire creating a new State Board of Arbitration. The Senate hills signed were:

No. &3S, makes ths action of school boards final.

No. 2l(j. amendment to the Election law—the Hepubllcan Slate rommliteu Etsrtton law.

No. 211, Lloyds Insurance act.No. 24H, amends the act cuncernlng tax

mtsessmenU In villages and other muni­cipal corporations kiiverned l»y a board of trustees.

No. 184, Bklim's Oleomargarine hill, pro- hlblta sale as butter and prohibit! artlfl- rlal coloring to resA'mlde (>utti*r.

No. 288, extends time of completing cer­tain railroads.

No. U8, amends the Borough act.No. TH, B tit! Prison Enlargement bill,

appropriating |l3>,iJni.No. 1(17, Ihe hill turning over the World's

Fair exhibit oa a nucleus for a museum.No. IM, allows cltlea of the second cUoia

who own their own water pipes, the ex­clusive right to furnish water to consum-

In Her Unit far Hlvnree Hhe Rayi Ihe Has Heaien and Hloudered snd Her

Llle Was Threalaned,Before Vice-Chancellor Green In the



capt It on the around thal the man « i___Derooorat. Hot wordi paaaad between thetwo, other! Joined In the wranfle, and then aomebody whlikad the lamp oS tha labli on whtoh the ballot-box itood.

In an Ine1«nt the waa full of waving armx, and flats found landing plaoee on the nearest heade. Fuhrmatin held tha ballot- box, but aome one wrenohed It from blm and It landed In a comer of the room. A friend! kicdc sent It along a little further, when It was picked np and carried out o f

ond dletrtel, whem William lAar waa looking after the admlnlatratlon ticket. A wrangle oame up over the right of a Stalnabr man lo remain In the room. I.ear's niende Inalated that the Stainaby man ahould go, while the lattw'a tup- portere urged him to remain. Presently half a doaen o f the wranglers had locked home and the police odlccre on duty were unable to do anything. A telephone call waa aent to the Third Precinct Police Sta­tion and In a fetr minutes a awarm of blue- coats were on hand. The room was speed­ily cleared and the ofllcera took care that no further trouble ensued.

The fsctlonal bltternese that began In Roseville last fsll and rinmlied In the trlst o f Joseph W. Scott for criminal libel, broke out again- In the Fourth and Fifth districts of the Eleventh Ward In the form of a Htilnsby and aiitl-Stalnsby tight. The Bcott faction, who were for Btalnsbf, were badly beaten In both prl- marlea

There were no exciting Incidents In the Fifth district, where the people recorded their choice quietly and good-humoredly. The Lincoln Club la situated In this dla­trlct. and It was conceded beforehand that It would be difficult. If not Impossible, for the BcotUtes to win there. The successful ticket was hesdsd by P. H. Hsrrlwn, and across the top o f It was printed: "This tlidiet opposes corporation Influsnce or dletatlon.’’ This was a direct slap at the influence that friends and supporterii of David Toung,general manager of the Con­solidated Traction Company, were exert­ing throughout Roseville In the Interest of Mr. Stalneby. It was commonly remark­ed around the polle that Mr. Young couldl have done Mr. Stainaby more good by keeping out of the light altogether. The Stainaby ticket In the Fourth district was led by Ueorge W. Taylor, and wae beaten, 80 to Ilk,

There was far more excitement down In the Fifth district, the primary o f which wae held In ths Eleventh Ward Republi­can Club's rooms, at J18 Boeevllle avsnue. Asaemblyman David Benedict was Judge, and the men who became temporarily prominent during the heat o f the flght last November were nearly all on hand. Dr.D. M. Dill, ex-Freeboldar Robert H, Coursen and Flavel W. Sullivan, three o f the men who ware called traitors last fall, were challenged by Joseph W. Scott on ths ground that they were not Bepuhllcsn voters. When they protaated they were baked to sign the Republican pledge, and Mr. Sullivan did ao, but the other two re­fused. All three voted.

The Stainaby ticket was headed by James E. Bathgate, and the antl-Stalnsby ticket hy Jamee A. Banister, the latter winning by a vote o f U1 to 114.

Before tha result o f the voting was an­nounced Frank A. Lewis, one of the de­feated faction, protested agaliut the whole proceeding on Ihe ground that Denoenus had worked and voted In the primary. He aald an appeal to the city contention would be taken.

Freeholder Madison Condlt's name was at ths lop o f the lloket voted In the Third district of the Eleventh Ward, where there waa virtually no opposition to Stainaby. An unpledged ticket, which waa understood to ^ friendly to Stainaby, waa voted In the Sixth dlatrlct. It la expected that Van Duyne and Joralemon will be supported In all the districts of tha ward and St^naby tn all except the two where pitched battlea were carried agalnat him.

Quiet ruled to the Twelfth Ward where the Burkhardt peppla met with little or no opposition.

In the Thirteenth W ard there were a few lively oonteeta. but no disorder.

The only contest worth mentioning In the Fourteenth Ward waa in the Fourth district, where ex-Alderman Robert Bon­net dsteatsd Andrew W olf for County Commlttasman. There were several hun­dred voles polled In tha primary,

Ths Fifteenth Ward electlona were very quiet, Edward L. Conklin being returned from the First dlatrtot. receiving IM votes In a total of WT.

Whan tbs votes were counted Ip each district a maaaenger waa hurried off to the County Committee headquarters, where Major U onia was kesplu* tally of the retnma Chandler W . Rlker waa busy flgurWg out resulta and Bliahn B. Oaddla watcHed the proceedings with Interest, now and then aaauring Hr. Hiker that allhis figuring would not change the chances o f Mr. Bialnsby. The latter had taken

the store. Delegate Wiggtna recovered the box and again placed It In the Judge's hands. During all thla time the punohlngwaa oonttnued, tha uppercuts. Jabs and swinging blows were dlstrlbutad promla- ououaly. A fter a hart tusile, during wlilch a a ^ o w was smashed, Fuhrmann got out o i the atore with the aid o f three policemen and carried the hex to the Re- publican headquarters, He waa guarded all the w ay by tha policemen, who could scarcely keep the crowd back. The hsllots were not counted, but later It waa agreed that the delegatee o f the Bruce Uekat

to the reipeoUre eonventlona^ d olaJm their aeau, dependjag on the deoiilons o f the Commtttse on Cmdentlala

This moraing Wlgglni, who waa Butter­ing from the effects of hla tuiila for the m o v ^ o f the ballot-box, oalIH on Dr.

S d for medical advlos.’ Tha physlolsii one o f Wlgglns'i ribshad been

ir^ .. He ordered the Injured man to

poasesslon of the little cardroom at the north end of the building and waa kept jjoeted on the progress o f attslrs by mn- nara from the various districts, while a number o f hla friends Jotted down the re­porta At midnight they had reached what they clalmM to be a conservative estimate, whtoh gave Hr. Stalnsby UO to lit delegates.

Mr. Oaddla antered the little room at this point, and, hearing the nguros, hur­ried away and bolted Into the room where the other leadera were figuring.

"How do you make I t f ’ he Inquired."Well. I estimate Stalnat^’a vole at

about alghty-flve,’ ’ answered Mr. Rlker.The aammlatratlon people declare that

Stalnsby will get only one chance In the convention, and that tha first ballot will dispose of him for good. If he should not bs chosen on ths lin t ballot he would be dropped entirely, aoccrdlng to the predlc- tiona of the administration men.

A formal protest against tha election of John A. Rodrigo as County Commlttae- man from ths Fifth district o f the Second Ward was fllsd with Major Carl Jjsnti this morning by Oeorge lulller, who ran against Roarigo at the primariee. Ths protest Is based on the allegation that Rod-

Aa official letlmatlon that genor Dapny De L o r m o W ill Be the Next Spaa-

Ish HlaUter at Waalilngtoa.WasUI!tOVO)l, March 26.—The State De-

partjueBt has received an olSeia) Intimation of Senor Dupuj De torme’s eeleetlon ae Uinietar Marnags's euocessor, In the form of an ioi)uliyfn>m the Spanish Ooveramant Ihrongh the onstomary diplomatic chaaneli as te whether the appointment ef Senor De Lnnne would be agreeable to the United Statee.

After a consultation with President Clave- land, SsorstarT Orrsham promptly replied that the selection was om lrelj satlsfaetory to this UoTernment, aud it is presumed in oOclal oirclss here that the new Minister’s credsatlals will be issued at onoe, and that following an autbontatlTs announooiiMot of hla appoinlmeat he will come at ones to Washington. It Is not thought that p sadiu hta arrfral maoh progress will be made toward a ssttlsment of oxisting quastlons fa^wten thla couatry and SpalA

Mad u d , March Tbs nomination of Senor Dapuy De L om e to sneosed Senor Unrnnga ns Mlnlttsr at Wasbingten Is not yet nssursd. The OoTemment Is disposed to exorcisa grant cars and dtaerstion In the sslscUon of a rspresonlatlve at Washingtoa ngtrding ths situation at the prsaeot time aa eicee<riiglr dilDoult.

IxpHDOh, March 26—A dispatch from Madrid to tha Timas says that the appoint- nunt of Senor Dupuy da Lorme as Ministtr to the United States will bs gaielted as soon aa it aball recslvs tb* approval of ths Unltsd Slates Uorrrnmsnt.

jUr0>FTrb«r WedoMdajr! onS Hamrdajr* Real Xitale Daro" Id tb* MJfiWB.

ttoi paid circulations ovtr Ift OUU p*r day.

you helped my Krandfathrr to forr^, ■horpeu and wlotd. It Is ths symbol of ihs hlstoiic time of b lo ^ atul Iron. IL li ih* msani which never falls In ths hand! of klnsx and piincea. also oi^lnst home foeo, and, as has been (M(ed. offalruK for* elyn stiamles. In memory of that mem­orable time, you will recoffnlM the arms of Alsace-Lorraine, which form the end of a chapter o f history of twenty-five years. WUh that remembrance I call upon the soldiers to present arms. Prince Bis­marck—hurrah. ^

As the troopa presented arms tiff hands played, the soldiers shouted and Prince Bismarck cried. Recovering his compos­ure the ex-Chancellor said:

"I am unable to thank your Majesty for this unparalleled honor.''

He then irleeed the Kaiser's hamit, and hli Majesty urged him to mount his car­riage, which Prince Qtsmari’k only did when the Crown Prince had first entered the vehicle and taken a seat to the right, Then the ex-i'hancellnr. escorted by the Emperor, drove In front of the troops, and. after the rounds had tieen made, the troops fJletl past Prlnre Bismarck, the Em­peror personally lemllng Bismarck's cuir­assiers. Court Master Count I’JuJenburg brought FrlnresA Bismarck's daughter. Countess Von Uantzau, and her sons, and led them across (he field to stand at the Blde*of the lYlnce. After the review the culraeelers. with (he Emperor In com- mend, mounted guard at the castle. The Emperor orderc<1 double sentinel! at each door and presentih] all the memben of his iulte to tne cjt-t'hancellor.

Bmiles rose to Prince Dlimarck'! face when Dr. Von Lucanui. the chief of (he Emperor'fl p«^rsonal staff, was presented. Afterward Prince Bismarck begged per- TnlsBlon to present the members of hie household, rounis Herbert and William Bismarck and Count and Countess Von Rantsau, to the Emperor. The Kaiser, who had dismounted, seised Herbert Bis­marck's hand and asked: "W l« gehts duT"

Luncheon waa served shortly afterward, and when tht* Emperor proposed Prince Bismarck's health the artillery flrwl a salute of twenty-one guns. During the luncheon two bands played at the dining­room wlndowe. The Emperor left for Berlin by special train at 3 o'clock. The Weather Improved before hla departure.

No. S^j repeals a House bill which made clerks of second-viaoi cliles cletks o f Bu­reau of Vital Statistics.

No. 280. authorises governing iMxtles In eeiHjnil-clasa cities (o settle dumages for Uking lands out of court.

No. 300, Mr. Ketcham. Provides that all warrants for the payment of money In flrs(-class cities must Ite presented to the Mayor for his approval nr dtaap|>rovnl. If disapproved, said warraiils shall l>« re­turned to the boards whence they came, and said board may. by a majority vute, order said disapproved bills lu be |»a1d.

No. 314, Mr. Voorhees. Provides that governing boards o f cities and owners of street railways may agree among them­selves relative to sharing expense o f (Hiv­ing stresli and rslative amounts o f Iten- elits to be asssoied.

No. 84, Mr. Voorhesi. Appropriates ftX»,- (i9> for the Improvement or Mqrris IMalns Asylum.

No, 267, Mr. Voorhees. Amende Onihsns' Court aft relative to filing Invenlorles,

No. iiB, Mr. Ketcham. Provides that when parents of children are groasly Im­moral or uniU (0 lie entrusted wUh their care and education, or shall neglect them, said children may be taken from iliclr care by petition to the Chancellor or Supreme Court and placed In charge o f such person or persons as Ihe Court may name.

No. 385, Mr. Voorhees. Amends the Or­phans' (^ url art.

No. 168. Mr. i*orry. Provides for the ar­rest of tramps and their commitmcnl to county farm, jail or to work on (he puhtio streets or highways.

The House bills signed were;No. #», the new Andtratlon Board bill. No, 4ft», provide# for election Of Commis­

sioners of Appeals In boroughs.No. 307, Axes the price for printing the

laws In newspapers at ten and live cents per line.

No. 338, requires Commissioners o f pub­lic conttrucuon In second-class cities ap­pointed by the Mayor to l>e confirmed by Council.

Joint resolution No. 2, provides for a commlulon of laymen and lawyers to ex­amine Into the penal laws and metho<ls of probation tn vogue In Massachusetts.

No, 422, Mr. :&abrlBkle. Amende the act relative to Ihe registering o f deeds.

No. S3H, Mr, Bklifner. A water bill for townships In first-class counties. Makes water rents a lien on Ihe property. Ap­plies to Belleville.

No. 485, Mr. l>erousse. Extends for two years time for certain stret railways to be completed.

No. H7, Mr. Wilbur. Exempts all prop­erty of volunteer Are companies In active service from all taxation.

No. 411. Air. Benedict. Provides that Po­lice Justices tn Newark and Jersey City shall receive salaries of t3,nnn each; the clerk to the Justices, 11.500 and all foes received for trying sssauII and battery ami similar coses snail Ik* turned Inio the city iressurj'.

No. 373, Mr. Baker. A private act rela­tive to private lands In Pequannock Town ship, MorrlB County.

No. 431, Mr. Wilbur. Amends the school law.

No. 4ir>, Mr. Zahrlskle. Amends the

Chanewry ('hambers this morning a suit for Umltrd divorce InstUutetl hy feline M. huval Hv.ilnsi her hustuinil, Uharles L. Duval, was licgun. F*»r the plaliUllT t'ort- landt Parker and William It. (lulld hih pt*ar«’d, and the deN>ndant was represented by rx-t4(*ptaior Terliune. Pharli'F H. Ivins. Prosecutor of the Hess In Monmouth ('ounty. snd Frederic fltevrns. of this city. The parties to (ho suit live at (be High­lands of the Navesluk. Mtuimouth t'oun- ty. and the defendant Is a New York broker.

Thi* plaintiff's bill recited that the couple were msrried on February I5,ixn, hy Smith Ely. Jr., then Mayor of New York PUy. Boon after their marriage, the plslntlff ssseried, the hus1>and develov^l a "I'lolent snd vliluui temper and brutal dlnpusUlon." In January, U was fur­ther asserted hy Ihe plslnllff, her husband struck her In thr back with an umiirells, breaking the um1>erella by the force of the blow, alio, that he got a gun and threst- ened tn shoot her. and on another occa- lion, (hai he put a rope around her nfck and, after declnrlni that she was Insane, said. "I will gel rid of you. I have you In my net and you will not get out of B," Again, In W l, the hill sets forth, Duval trle<l to choke his wife at the Hotel Nor­mandie, In New York.

In the answer HIhI ths defendsiit denied all the sllecatloiii snd mu'le counterbarges agalnsl hla wife, who. he ssid,

often tient him. He further alleged that Mrs. Duval was suhjecl to delusions which causetl her to hellevs (hat sh# was being lll-trealed.

Duval aiserteil that he was not In rs- relpt of a largs Income.os his wife claimed, ano his answer also set forth that owing to the treatment he was ■uhjccied to at hls wife's hands hts health was Impaired.

Mrs. Amanda Liming, a former servant of the Duvals, testified that on various oc­casions when empLnyed at the Duval house she saw the plaintiff botlly bruised os the result of iheWttlIngs received at her hus­band's hands. On one of these oc'csslons Mrs. Duval, the witness said, had a buck eye, and was cumi>e]1ed lo remain In Ived several days.

The next witness was a daughter-in-law o f Mrs. Islmlng. testinml tnat she had called at the Dtffal house In June, IXM. and hearil (hye defendant call hla wife some very lmpro|>er names and make seri­ous allegal Ions ogalnsi her. Counsel Ivins

roBs-quesdonctl the witness very sharplyml she broke down and wept under tils

A Lohbjlit't Pita for the XlUiiig of the Avondale Grad* Croaalig BlIL

tO V EH N O R W E R T S ’ S D EC IS IO N .

Borough act No. 121. Mr. Dsniar. Amends thr Dor

ough net rssp«cllng ordlnsneea for llL'ens- log peddlers, etc.

No. 4St, Mr. Codding. Concurs In the actjMMsed b>; the Fenne/lrshln Legislature In


Big tiime Allegsd tn Have Bsen Hpent for I^obbylsg.

CHICAOO. March 26.—The full report of the experts who have been Investigating the flananclal affairs of the whiskey trust, an abstract o f which waa sent out yester- dey, showing a large sum alleged to be due to stockholders on account o f a dif­ference In the par value and the price of itock as purchased by the directors, will be Issued at 2 o’clock to-day Trom the printers. It will afford little additional lljtht on the affairs o f the company, cov­ering as It does the period up to March II, i fe , only.

It ta said that the detailed report will show that over ICfiO.aoo was paid out for so- called "Btatlstlca." It was charged by the antl-Oreenhut crowd that this money waa expended In lobbying at Washington. Hr, Oreenhut, who Is stopping al the Grand Pacillc Motel, would not make any state­ment as to what this money waa used for. He had nothing tq aay to the public

- — .01further than he had already said.

SMASH-DP ON THE R A ILAw AMld«at OR ths tforlhsm Railroad of

Jf#w Jars#)r Rsi^orlad-'Amhalone## 8sal to the Bosuse

JERSEY CITY* March 36.—A smaahup occurred on the Northern Railroad of New Jers#y at Tyler Park this roornlng.

Word waa sent here for ambulanceo, and several went to the scene o f the acci­dent.

The Northern Railroad of New Jersey Is a branch o f the Erie rood. None o f the particulars of the accident are known here yet,___________

THE BALLAl4T|IfB DITO&OIB.Both HnsbaBd and W ife Braaght Batt aad

B»eh Qranted a B«eltn‘oeal D*eraa.PARIS. March 3(8’-Th» noUamine divoro* de­

cree, Mpoming Mr. lUid Mn. George A Uai- laatlne, of Newark. N. J., baa be«a publicly dlad here.

U appears that the husband and wife each brought suit for a dlvtnrce, and (hat a recipro oal dl«cr*e was ffTonted tn favor of both. Each It entitled to claim the advantage! of (he da- cree. The grourids of the divorce are recorded as "Injures graves." The queation of adultery was nol oUeged on eliher side.

Argnlnf the DeBs CasesWABKtNOTON. Mareh 88.-Argument In the

Debt caa» was neumed In (he United States Supreme Court to-day. Attomey'Ueiwral £H ney argued against the granting of tha writ of habeas corpus, Ttie Atlomey-OeheTal was fol­lowed far C. fl. Darrow, <rf Chicago* la bebalf oC tbe pttltkKiera

BAiTBB iVITB.W aU«a A Cws Ar# How rJoJsHliif Dally

th# rtoasl Balts Svex Bliowa Al) Boody to Pot 0«>

ff^to hls^bM and stay a NEWS rcMr&r Wiggins salt to-

4ay that h# oonum plgt^ rlTi# a

riffo ssrv^ oi judjr# o f toe eleetlon and that, belnff a oanoldat# hUnoelf,____ -- --- - - _______ he hodtio Itffgl rlibt to act In such oapoolty. The matter wul hav« lo oom t boforf tba new

Costomers thlnklBf of buying a drees suit for Roster would do wMl to make their selections now and avoid the niih of Blaster week.

Watson A Co. are now settled on all the new spring styles, sad o u give you the latest outs, or you can select any garment you want in the third bnele end have 11 correctly Rtted to your fonn and flnished to your UkInA without extra ehorge.

Look at tbe style* oow shown In all their Broad and Market street windows at tM. tSS ami HT.IKk pr the hanoMnie clay wonted suits eomplsts for 213 ood WsAe ip with all oos- tom sxuae,—AdVq __

. ... which give! authority to mitls locnteU In Mortiivlile to extend tnHr wing danis.

No. VO, Mr. Blackshaw. Aulhorlanw Hudson (vounly to Issue 215,000 worth of l>onds with which to furnish lunatic any lums.

sNo. 34 Mr. Zabrlnkie. Authorises tinr- oughs to elect an Overseer of the Poor and create a Fire Department.

440. ASr. Nutshorn. Authorises Ov Alayor and Common Council of Hoboken to purchase land and erect thvreon a llre- engine house and Issue bonds not exceed­ing 125,000 to pay for the same.

Air. Rlockahaw. That to fli! any pofitlon higher than hoseman In the Are department o f flnt-olass cities promotions must be made, not appointment.

442. Air. Robertson. Audiorlses cities to Issue bonds each year not exi-eedlng 250, OOD to erect school buildings.

No. 495, Mr. Btsele. Authorises cities ofthe JIrst class to appropriate moneys for current expense# In anticipallon of taxes.

Me Kefiike* to Agroa WHh BrU ReprO- Mstatlve Allea that Becausa Rage 8 Was Where Page 3 Should Be* sad Vies Verso, In Assamblyoiaa Bklaaor*s Hill, It Hbonlil He Ueelared o f No Ao*» ee«a(**Mrt Allrn's Argaiaeal* Mr. Bkio* aer's Answer aad tbe Coaclmeloa—Te B#

- glgnrd Te-Morrew.

fire o f queetlon Afra. Manella Isewle. who lived opposite

the Duvals, testified that Mrs. Duvsl come to her bouse at niie lime and told her she would have to leave her husband on account o f his cruel treatmciil. and she stayet) with the wUnras for several nights. Mrs. Duval sent a note, the wUneae aald. ordering her not to harbor Mre. Duval, as the latler was Insane. Rhc also said (hat Duval had deientlves watching hls wife, and that he threatened to lot*k her up_ln her room,

The witness also aald She saw aome fancy lettering on the mirrors and panels o f glass in the Duval rooms which refiect- i-d on Mrs, Duval's character.



A New Law Which WHt Praveat ths Msk<Ing o f Any New Voters Before Bloetloo.Thlrtr dr forty msp, soak buoyed up with

tbs idsa that he would socn be a ettUsn tn the land of the free, visited ths Couity Clsrk’s offles to-day. They want In smlltag and cams out growling, while George Mober aad Lloyd McKee, clerks In tbe office, ap­peared qnite mlMrabls* Tb# iroubl# was #11 due to tb# fuck that tb# would^b# voters couldn't get tbelr uatiirallxatlan pa­pers. in refuiftng to iitue them tb# clerks were mrryiug out tbe provision of s law passed on HaturUay last. This law was lutrodacod by Assemblyman Btorig, sad among other things it sars that no citisen- ship p ^ r s bhall be groated ^itkln thirty days before an elsctton. As Am law lock effect el once and ta electton Ji to bs held OB April K the clerks politely but firmly refused to grant any cfruilcatet.

Tbis aroused tbe Ire of many of (be spplb conti. Home of them seemed to think t W tbe clerks would not issue tbs papers because of personal reasons. Others declarsd that *Ht couldn't be a law” and, although tbe clerxs explained It over and over again to difforsnt waj'SfSnme of Ihe men didn't ander- stand it St all.

Ten or twelve men who applied for papers petterdsy were turaed away wiUioat theca, to their great dUgiut.

A DISPUTE AS TO THE LAW.The Free Library Bond Frepc^ltten Not

to Be Voted Upon at the Blee- lloa Nest llaatb.

The voters of the city will In ell proba­bility not be given en opportunity to vote at next month's election for or egaUut the lHusn(^ of |175,0tX) bonds to Increase the Free Library fadlltlets

The ComiDoa Conocll on Friday night adopted a resoluttoa directing City OJerk 0 *tonnor to prepare tbs ballots e o w t tbe voters shocla decide, bat tbe lew Is somewhat ambiguous and iU stipulations are not all looked upon with faver by City Couaael Rlker, so at his request Comnon CoueclFe France Committee met tbw moraing and adopted a resolution rtquesting Mayor Lab- kueoher to vsto the resolntloa adopted on Friday night and tbe Meym* will oomply.

The question of law In dispute is in regard to the luaiiner o f the Issuooos of tbe bouils.

alt busloesi mMi advertlssT it oHias es, for we Mver hear ec any who don'L—Fiinter'e Inks

g#wer Cosstrnotlon Bids la Flelagelds gpecisl Disnateh to (As HEWS,

PLAigrTXLa ACoren ski.—Tba bids for sewer ooBstrootlon were submitted to the CooimoD Coondl at the session bald lest nlf bt. Hoaeu ft Bona, of Cbeftsr» Fs.* era found to be tbs lowest bidders, their otter for tbe seventoen miles bslDg less than 142*000. This will moke the eatliw construe* tlon of tweaty^twotnlles ooet onU 100,000; egaiost the origtoalegUioeto of liNtOOUl

Btcateabwrgh ft Co*'s Bpeelnl In Cheeter- fleld Bprlag Oveveoets*

The gimoeful lines, choica teittuve aad sx cecdlngir oarsfut workmanshlj) in atoyten-

‘ ' "Chesterfleid"burgh's eslebrated "Chesterflerd'* sprtag over- coats St 210. |lg. I l l aad 111 proctslm tnen a# easy isMsrs ever ell oenapsittoct.—AdSi

No. S25, Mr. Lower. Forbiti* (he use of tongs, rakes or dredges to take oyster# unless the owner of tnc b«d gives permls- ilon. .

No. Mr. Drake. Authuiisps first class cities to extend strc cts.

No. 470, Mr. 8 omert. Amends the borough act.

No. Mr. Hteks. Provides that com­mon councils of cities may consolidate offices rftd fix salaries for nfficlali.

No. Sis, M r Btorrs. Provldps inai Mayor of Orange shall appoint (he Assessor-at- Large for three years and It-glslalcs out of office nfeietit Assessors.

No. 829, Mr. Bkinnsr. Keppaln act of 1827, relative to curbing and paving side­walks In townships.

No. 231. Mr. Lower. Pupplcnienl to oyster act.

No, 349, M r VoOrhees. Provides for the Incorporation of townships having a pop­ulation of over 5.00Q people.

No. 4ff7, M r W ilbur Allows Hoboken lo condemn lands for eshool ptiriH sr s.

No. 342, Mr. Baker. Providi-s Mut upon the expiration o f the terms of thu present Fish UommlsBloneri the Governor, with confirmation o f the Senate, sluill apiM>lnl four persons for terms o f five yfurs, who shall be known as the Hoard of Fish and Oame Cominlselonere, but iwo o f which members shall belong to the snnn political party: they shall |>erform all (hn duties now ^rform ed by the Fish CoirmiliiBlon- ers.

No. 461, M r Exton. Makes It a misde­meanor to sell adulterated cakes and bis­cuit.

No. 402. M r Btanger Authorlies Town Committees to eiiabllsh and maintain highway grades.

417. M r Francis. Amends the art rela­tive lo fire companies In townshlpe.

•ttS. Mr Hicks. Provides that townships may be divided Into three elpcttve dls- tHcts.

111. M r Smith, O. W. Authorises towns and boroughs to purchase fire apparatus and erect fire buildings al a cost not to ex- c e ^ 210,000.

3(8. Mr. Baker. Consolidates the game laws of the State.

473. Mr. Snyder Permits incorporatel towns to pfirchsoe lands for hospital pur­poses. ____

A llrlck aad Tlieii a skowsr of the Rod Arlieles kurprlitd John Mehans

John Mehan. while at work handling some freight in the Pennsylvania freight station at (he corner of Ailing and Mar­ket streets, at si>out 9:20 o'clock this morning, was illsturhed by a brick that flew by hli head, leaving a little scratch on the side of Ills fare. Hk heat a hasty re­treat and tiimfNi orouml Just In time to sec one o f (he iiartittons that Cross ihe building collapse and a torrent o f bricks and mortar pour down on the tracks tw- low.

The freighthoiiie was originally two buildings. The forward part was used a quarter nf a century ago as a carhouie and stable for ihc street railway that ran to Orange, and the structure In the rear k)clongerl to the Pennsylvania Hallroad. When the laUer company bought the carhouse the two structures were con­verter! Into a freight depot, with brick partitions standing about thirty feet apart. In the tnhldle of each partition le an arch, high and wide enough to admit of the passage of a freight oar. Ths tracks, which run lengthwise of the house, are level with the ground and there are platform# on either side of them.

The weakest pan o f the building Is where the two houses (hat were former­ly separate were connected. It was roofed over four or five years ago, and woe sup­posed to be solid enough to stand. l*hat It was not as firm os It was thought to be was prove*] this morning In (he presence of John Alehan, who Is very thankful that he live# lo tell the tale.

There was a roar and a crash when the wall tumlilKl down, and only a few set'- onds went by before there were plenty of spectators. A big piece of the arch was heaped up on the tracks and on ths top of a freight car. which was all that saved tbe rest of the partition and the roof from coming down. On the other side of the ar<*h Is the storeroom, where the mas­ter met'hanic, George W. Mershon. keeps hls supplies, and a grest quantity o f boxes were bulging out o f the of»en1ng In the wall and threatening to plunge down where the bricks had lately gone.

Mr, Mershon fortunately is just the man to handle luoh difficulties. After the Johnstown ftood he superintended the con­struction of a railroad bridgi* ISO feet high over the Valley of the Coniif-maugh, and he managed the elevation of the tracks at EHsal>etli So welt that not a train was seriously delayed.

Having looked at the cave-ln at the depot this morning, he telegraphed for a corps of men to help him ana said that when they arrived he would prop up (he walls and (he roof so that the frelKht''ar would he relieved Of the responsibility nf holding them up. It will be a delicate Joh, but the men around (he Market Btrect Btallon are very confident that Mr. Mershon wlH ac­complish it. w

DRUr W ILL BR nSAnKR.The Wholesalers Any the Supply le Run-

alag Shari,Wltblo the next few days tbe price of beef

may be expected to advance eevers) cents a pound. Adrlcee received from the W en by Ibe wholesale dealers indicate that

supply of emtUe Is 40 per eenl l«u than It was lost year attfati time, and dressed beef has edvaeoed three oentsapound within iwo weeks.

The wboleeeli prloe of beef to-day li nme and one-balf to ten (wnU a pounL and these kurss will probably be inorsoied very soon. To# Ibevltable result will be a railing of the moU price.

The dealers in Oentre Market sey tbst they expeel tbe change to come within a week. As yet they have noi been obligwl to increase their obergei! Tbe eoercUy of beef is attributed to Urge sblpmetits of cattle end drrssed meat abroM.

Nainral Oee es a Healing Agencf*Herr Otwhelhaueer, who has made an

Inveetientlon into the natural gas supply o f the United Btatee, points out, according to Industries and Iron. **that the 32.1W0- horso power which U Le proposed to convey from Niagara lo Buffalo are thrown Into the etaode by the TO.OIXI-horse power which Is now actually ix lng conveyed from Indiana to Chicago by the natural gas- pipe lines. The gee li old at fifty cents per 1,000 cubic feet. The conclusion Herr Oechelhauser arrive# at, after an ex­haustive study of the quretlon In the States, te theL even at five cents per 1 ,0to cubic feel, natural gee oan not com­pete with coal ae a heating agent. He also finds (hat American experience shows ta^ e Auetuatlone In th# demand for beat­ing gas, particularly among the larger consumers, on eveiT ootmelon o f fluctu­ation in the external temperature; so that there can be no question o f equalising the coneumpaioa by pushing the use or toe M eneatlng agent

Ipecial Dlipatch td tb» NKWR TRENTON, falari'h S6. "A tranaiM»1ttoa

Of pages, due undoubKHliy to a clerical error. Is not necesMrlly fatal to this tdll,'* was the manner In which Governor Werte this morning dUmlesiHt the taet attempt of Lobbyist Allen, o f thi Brie Ratlroad Company, to defeat Aesembly bill No. 314, which is dealgned to rompel the Erie RoU- roid Com{«ny U erect gatee and main­tain flagmen at such crossings aa the AVashIngton avenue crueeing In Avondale. Kseex (*ounty.

The bill wai Introduced In the House by Atsemblyman Bklnner In such form (hat U would leave with the governing boards of townehipa and town commUieee the power to compel the erection o f gates and employment of flagmen, or both. It was lifirodured early In the seeslun and held by means of frequently appleil-for "hear- inxe'' until within iwenty-four hours o f final adjournment. Kven at that late hour Cortlandt l^rker, counael for (he Brie Comieiny, oaked for and was granted a hearing (before the Senate UomTHl((ee on Townsend Townships, where the bill was held up. and there he advanced the argu- mi>nt that no tiecrsslty existed for the erection of the gates. Iterauie the average loss of life to each croeelng tn the teni- tory affected was only one and a half, Tbo hill passed the Renate m few hours before adjournment. Friday, and woe given Into the custody of the Committee on Paaoed mil!.

Assemblyman Bklnher came to Trenton to-day to watch his measure and found, very much to hls surprise, that the bill, while pro|>erly engroased, waa not prop­erly put, and that page I appeared where page 1 sliQuld l>e, and vice versa, chang- Inx, or rather leaving the bill devoid of sense.

He found, too. that Lobhydst Allen won on hand smiling serenely because of the "error" which Ur. Allen believed woefatal lu (hr hill,

Mr. Alien was reinforced hy R. Wayn# Parker, who said he droppefl In jiu t causa he was request ed to do so by Mr. Allen. They repaired (o the QovernoFe room with Mr. Bklnner.

The Essex Assemblyman explained th# condition of (he hill to the Governor and said he had came fur advice before the bill was iutimlttcd for final executive action.

Governor Wrrts examined the measure clorrly end said; "It Is purely a clerical error, amt not necessarily fatal to the hilt. A court would hold the bill correct and consider thal the error woe made Just oS if It had occurred In my office. ThIe rib­bon mlxhl have l>ecome u n tM and In l . placing The pagesc either myself or cterJumlghl hive shifted Ui. p ac-!.

Vliul, Oov-rnar W rrti," Int.rpOMd Mr. Allrn, "thti vhanir. w ! ! madr by th ! A !- •rmbiy now ■dJoumMl, and thtra ta no powrr lo rrmrdy II.”

"I don't vIfw It In that llcht,’ ’ u ld Oov> ernur Wrrta. "The [..ectalatura ta !tlll In iMiiion; h u ilmi>lr t*k*n n tone ndjourn- menc. and mav recllfy any errora made onJune I."

"Then.” aalceil Mr. Bklnner. "Ui* bill may in ronaldered to be In paiMaaion o f the Committee on Faeard BIltaT"

"Well, that committee ta the recog- nlieil cuitodlan o f paaaed hllli befor! reachlnti (he Kxpcutlve," replied th! ernor.

“Then I underiUnd the Governor to ad* vl!e," kefan Mr. Allen, when he wai iud- Urnly Interrupted by Mr. I'arker, who r»> marked lotto voice:

"The Uovernor hain’ t gtvin any ad* vice." ThU! ended the flnal attempt of tb ! Krir to defeat a meaeure that would min' tmtae the danyer o f a repetition o l tbaAvondale frade-oroaalna horror.

The Governor dacMriFt* lend for t in an*troaalnr clprk and hava the pasel pron- erly aranaed. Thla will he done and tha bill will be alanrd to-morrow.

There w u an Intereatina leanoa tn lhaoffice of the Oovernor’a private lecretary, John McMaitern. Iwfore the Governor was

THS SSRVIM CtniTKNPT CABS,Vlee-CTuneellarSmerv la Daelde Whether

a Iharlirnboald HePunl.bed,Anothar rbapter wae added to the etory of

tbe caee for contempt of court aaalott Hharttt Richard Berrlia of Hlddlaeei County, li Vlce-Cnaicellor Einery’e court to-day. Tbe caee bai been before four V'lee-Cfaancellora In different ptacee. It wai flret broufht inlo CboDcery by an ■ppliretlon for divorce, in' itituted by Mn. Abbla N. Jerate afalnet her buiband, William R. Jernee. Tbe plaintiff obtalaeda decree of divorce with alimony. Tbe decree wae reooinniended bv VIcaCban- oellor Bird.

Hubeequently an applieatlon wae mada to have the defcuuant imprleoaed tor contempt o f court, le be had not paid the alluiony. Hberift Servim wie ordered to loek Jernee up, but be took ball for tbe man’e appeartnee.

Conmiaint wae then ihede ajalnet the Hhtrlll and tha late VIce-Chaicellor Van Fleet wae patitloued to adjudse him guilty of wmtempb Vlee'Chancellor Van Klaet'e death earned tha cu e to be referred to Vice- ( 'hanoallar Green, bnt na tha latter w u buay VIce-Uhaneellor Emery beard the ea». The whole etcry w u retolcL and tha eng rt flied April 8 aa tbe dajr for lurtber argument, when teellmony will be heard In Cmncery Chamben In Jeney City.

appealed to by Mr. Bklnner.<!n dlecoverlng the error In tranapoaltlon

Becretary McMeetun wae almut to adjuat tin nage lO that the latiRUaiie o f the hill would run amoothly and conaecutively, when Mr. Allen entered and proteatM agalnit luch action.

Mr. HcMaateri Imked a l the Erie agent In ameaemenL On recovering from hta aalontahment he explained to Hr. Allen that auoh errora were Invariably adjuated.

The Erie agent al once aaaumed a liold and dictatorial air. That hill mult not b i changed, he declared, and he would lee to It that the pagec remained undliturhed.He wouldn’ t permit auch a thing, he de­clared.

Thla rller the uiually courteoui Mero- tary. who In a i many worda gave Allen to underetand thal hie attitude and Ian- guaie were not Ihoee o f a gentleman.

"Hut if you object to iny altering t h o » page!, I certainly ahalt not do eo," ha eald tn conclualon. "I will leave the ad> Juetment of thie mletake to otheri."

After leaving the Oovernor'e room Con- greaeman Parker. Aeaemhlyman Skinner and aeveral othere gathered about Secre­tary McMaeter'a deek and dlecuqped tha •Ituallon.

Among other thing!, Fongreeaman Park­er remarked that he doubted very much If the Bpeaker of the Houae could chnngo the form of the bill aa It IrfI the Houae,

twithout running the riak o f tmgM:achmenl. *"Itul. of rourae, It la a mlatake that

ahould be corrected,’ ’ he added."It ta the cuatom of this office to adjuat

auch trivial multcra," put In Mr. MC- Maalert. "Thla Mr. Allen made hla ob­jection! In u decliledly iingentlemanlir manner, and I told him ao. too."

Mr. Bklnner waa decliledly warm over the affair, and he waa emphatic In hla In- alatmenl that he propnaed to have the error righted, but he would go about It In a proper way.

' I am nol the counael for Iho Brie Rall-

Landlorda who want lo tent houata or roonu advtrtiM In tbe NBW6 beoauea they know

Tenxnta look there for what thero la To LoL


A Law Whlab Will Makt Him Write Hla Fame About A,000 TImea a Hoatb.

Under tb* law which ba* }uit bean enactad by tha LagliUture^ direeting that all btlli tor dty dapartiuents ihall b* pmaated to tbe Mayor forbis approval, tbe Mayor will be required to affix hla ilgnature to every warrant Iseued by tba city. Tha average ta about 6000 monthly.

The bill originated la tbit city, but tb* Hayorit iecrotary u ld It waa qutatly amtndad to suit the Hudaon County mamtwn. Orlgliially it was |n- taoded to glr* th* Mayor pow«r to look over bltla. Auditor Runyon says tba Mayor hII) new bars to sign' hli lama about T6000 timei a ywir. Tbs Mayor bsgan bis new duty this morning, when helacklad a batch of about 1,000 pay warraata.

Xaw aad noMg nsahwaar M Baity W< Inith’iv

l o Form a Alooh Compaav.Bpeelal Dispatch lo tb* NEWS.

KiJcHigUTOlt, March 26—Tbo FItmInglon Aihlatlo Aatoctatlon will hold a iMClal iD**tlng In th* CmrthoOM b v * to-nignt to form a atock oanpaDy to manage tba Fl*m- ington B*M Ball Club next soaeon. A grand stand will ba ersetad and th* grounds will be enrloaad. Gam** wiil b* play*d with Lam- bartville, DoylHtowa, I’a j Pbllllpsbiufi Bomarvill and taami of other towns.

The W nihsr lulleatloas.Fair tod tllghtli cooler wsathsr, with high

westerly sriodi, It predicted for Mew JeiMf’ Uhinorraw by the Weather Bnrean.

tsaeke BsgaltB 0 a name 11 FaaL Ibt MW alsa In at r*ak*a.-^dv,

road Comiiany," explalneil (iongresim an, ttudri

iirr.Parker, dressing htniecif lo Mr, Skin-

Then you had no business th go Insldo and represent Mr. Allen," retorted Mr, Bklnner.

The Congressman and the Assemblyman carried on the rest o f their conversation In low tones.

Kshlblt o f a Newark Artist's Work.A collection of pictures now on exhibi­

tion at Keer's ta deaervlng of attention. The paintings are tlie work of L. Fred Hurd, formerly o f this city, but who, after u trip abroad, has located hls studio In Now York. The most ambitious of the collection Is a large till, exhihiteil at the National Acadrmy last year, enllllod "Off the roast." a line study of water effect In the Hay of Kundy. Of hls water colorsSroliably Ihe most pleasing ara No. 1. "A

uminer Kvenlng Htudy," and No. 12, "A nit of Jersey Coast," a harmony In gray. There are aeveral Hnlland water scenes and a couple of lamlacapes Ihat are broad­ly and elTi'cllvely treated, No, 16, "After an Kvenlng Italn—Paris," 1a a charaelsr- Isllc bit of French scenery, with flne water and sky effects. .Mr, Hurd 1s happy Id hta treatment of water and shows a nice feeling for apace anil air. Ho betrays a love for Ihe more quint effects In marine work, and delights lo portray smooth water, calm skies and boats lying at an­chor In some quiet haven with drooping ■ ■ ------ "■ - ciiv*.sails, tils brushwork is usually affective, and hta effects are gained by a elmpIlcUy of view and niethotl which marks the pos­session of true artlstli: feeling. There Is no ihealrlcal striving for effect In any of the paintings. The color is often In a key of silver and gray, and. If occasionally a trille thin, 1s charming In harmony. Hls one flgure piece. No. 18, "Sweethearts and Wives." showing a group o f Dutch women awallbig the return of the fishermen, ta ouaint and forolble. The pictures will re­main on exhibition for some time longor.

Bxst Oraag* and Wlrs Cultlag.Tba rosolutlon rsqardlng the cuttlw ol

th* wires of the CoasoHdatoi Traction Com- pgiiT in Main street nm e up at the meetlag S the Em I Orange Township Committee last night, when Mr. Bruao moved that it be laid on tbs table. To this Copimitteemui Covps objfctul. Ho talil that tbe oommltte* bad sspected to take final action on ttw resolntloii, and there waa no uss In laying II over. It fiid been bsfora tbs pommltts^ ha Mid, (or flftean months, iiid tb* com rujr shouhl either pay the towashlp iT.OTO or lAOno It owe* or tbe resnlutton should be t i tK i It was decided to lay tba reeolutlon over until Ihursdey nigbt, when Connael Fort will be present.

Three Years foe Itnbesalar Iflaes.NBW YOHK, Msrch 2B.-Bsrfy Mtnea tbs

former ootindsnttal clerk of Uia banking hauss ol J. pitnwnt Morgan * Co., who was airenad on Wednssday Itsl for allsged smbesslerasiii of 110,000 from that house, pleaded gullly to an Indictment of grand larceny trefers Justice FttS; genid title morning, and was sentenced to three three yeare’ Imprlscnaient

Daqglas's AS Bboa Few •S.TB. at Bou'a a>8 Market gt. oer, Maibertrr-tM«(

■I J

J i H W A l t K E V l l N l l l G M E W a . T l i t M U A V . M A l i U H i t t . 1 8 9 R

BOBB EUmCS ffOBENT w o S isten A ln ost Boaten Into In-

M w ib ility by M#n.

HOMAMcr. ni'’ T iir. c A i i i t -tl„n.* (lox l ainrlr. AIi.h.I T r .ll.» .l»to « » f


Perh»pt. Ihp ino»t rnni»rki>il»

►‘ •'I

A rlx-a

our profr^l.m I. . un;r » r „ r

Wlio fVi nmti> p**!


■ Htiil lliplr »'*>


I BHtiih olpmanl. W « h»r« J»nd tro now working nlno-t«ntl>. of •xlitlng IW.OOO m ini o f oublo. I« lb*

' r«inotoi.t con «r« o f U » •»rHi KnflUh oablia lor* »ln».V‘ I'romlneiil. coiiil'Kl-

Wh»r> Thrjr Krorlr*

or hPiM.I of » doll hoapltal ■ ri»uully the

Inin til- Bfli h>i\>9int*"

„« ..i ond muuioi.;i i-> inoIli»ia In Hro.iklJ b" la K whori- Of'mo.-..iiir Thia l* ih'- »">'

Til* W*m*n. WhoJn*l Pr*»»rl»« lo B.llP* for 'h . fflghlWhrii » K ikh-H 1 * fl'-or'l Whl«h. Wh«* Op*n<'il. lilMlt*Twi»il*ii, Wk* Mp* 1 th* l)p piii-*l*«* " !• '» " O w r Ik* H »d * With n^rolrrr* «nil TktM Wor* T h .o A H « TU»rW»IMIrt. AM*r K*ilMPhlnit th* I f APo m In 1’ nr*nU nf th* lU rf l*r..

i lug .nd oiildUlning Ibil n n rv«llou »«lf’ - ijrooklyii K^U„ whlab girdle* tb« earth and ,i,. i.hi. --. fhr vlali^I trie ch^ln ..... — . ,

fUrnItbet the |ir«*llonal newt. No forelgnera can approach them for apeed and .kill.

1 German* and llallana hav* all haeii tried -bacauie they work shoaper. But they

b a r. invariably dliplayed InJeriorlty, lack that appreolallon o f th* velon o f tlm* and power o f concrntrallon n e c ^ aarj to make a traarlcabllaU the world'* cable* are workeo by Br lUh- *ra. Kven American oompanlea employ


KOO.I aa new hr *Ih,'II wrltii In tn< the liilrrlor of

ni.'ftnit 'hit *"■ aa>l no'i Ivewllilertn*

lain, “ of *11 "haf

H it/r.

u*w a a Bay

lulillahmi'iit r-i'i r. " J " ' ii",hBi„ H, tiae*. |l*7atnd |.revlou* eoo.VUlo';« 'jf • f L .mall brunette

,ri of hi-r liaek. therend...l l.v the

ntn wii aroutid Her*., for Inatanre, intniiH the greater I- a (li-rman doll luap

A uiaaKtTlowOaelor'i Bad J«k*Mad* Lot* of Tr**bl*.

(iwliin lo the dle-ippearane* o f bodb- from tbe Kraveyard, and fhe^ a P P r * ^ on Ihe d*.ee. tln* table the doctor* of New Vork grow to le t > r> unpopular a , enlury

‘“ in 1171 a hoapltal »*a altifkirf by a moll the riot l»«tlnK eeveral day*. Anum'lHT of boy* w -i‘ ' “ V,l!’ 7 u!'lthf ‘ iW'lTl-*'' or green, ft* th# *.U>X r k wa# varU>»#ly ^

BKAI. M T A T * r o * B A I.I^ tT k .A New houae. • room* and alcove, etty w*l*r:

lino .1.IWI1, III nuiiuhly; 6-roo« houa*. city ,«lrr. III.) down, n o nwwhly. APV'V <* t***' 1^.1 306 Hh.rman »v*-, « “ '•'"r. H«

. _ — - ■ - '*•A llAH<lAtN *1 ro*Mt Hill;vemema; bc« n.l*l.lH.r'>T"li lu* prl^,.

1 iy T«» Hllhlanil ***■ ____

h o d * b * t « Lwr

l»DToiuiM WIUJAll TI-

hi'cUilliiK bar and *n

>1 ajtaloat the

■aaolal Dl.pateh to th* NEW*.UUIlHlI’TUN, Maruh 5ll -Hnlwe»ii

an.1 loovue h In.t night two maaki 1 men Urn'r.d the r»*ldrm,. of Ml*»e* Kll»a *ml Martha llrown, who llv* well Townehtp. near here, »nd afb r hok tng and beatn.ii them ulmtwl Into Iniwn albllity robUstl thrrn of all th# money thoy^ ^ h :" im ..’’r r ’ ;h o ore wiwlthy malde-t ladl.*, live alone on a farm. Their m-jihe.^ Felward llrown, llv e but a atotie « throw from Ihelr r»»ldence. no they ar* not laolated.

*^Tni Turklali Government one* **ul<=‘P h « >T,i;atch th .l ' “ry p w p »n . d"k“r.triiiwnilL Thl* IramenKi ilowly crawled througu Ibo “ ^B crm neaii Ilk* a long •*ro*ni. with It* he»d In L,un-

from a wire roi»'

fhoouh m"nua an e;,o aoilllnk »*-" r';KdV:‘.ir';d.h!r':.j:fj:\lprf ulr-T imtrlcUiv ##-

with nolhbia iht matter with them

alraylng from hla rompanlon*. appnao- Ihe lioaulUil yaPl. A ladder left by aoine workmen atood leunln* ««»b '»t the biilM- hita Tl«* lull nioiintpci U U^?ough one Of Ihe window*. A *l*ht o

horror met hla gal'- There, atretrhed ool !ln a table, wt* a d1*m em b«d tady. ond around It w r e gathered • 'g, on* and im dleal alodenti performing a■ ^ r n r o r th . young men, afterward Iirliu-ka o f Nt*w York. wiiHkI t * *tlie*iwlndo». Thoughtleialy h* *el»ed the dl.memtH.r.el arm of the I... f„rw .r.l he erlwl. f.ome. looa at

A llKAfTlPI l. mil* "w 5 I+ T iS ’ *ti■ • Pl. Inuulr* W M. 1C. w HITTLisa, *iaN,.fih ginirth »t:. Harrto.«o. h._J^___..^M-riiAl AVK 854--TO cIo*« An MtM«; li>t.hfr. end ,our_^bjeinn,. prh-_*^ ^ rcfu “ -t. Pud wirtlcuUr* of l!Ht>W N A In lU.KdlStiP.h, 74C and It* ' mw\v/e!i. * IllbU hl Wall ato Sfwjfork, _ Iini-ae ror aala, anitabl* for two famlllM; TmiJ^vemenJirr lot «*ltl0, with larg. .*h_^

« 4 g. NInih * t ______ ____________ "PidlEgT HILL,—

MT. PI.*AkANT AVE,,Impri'vemeittj; Unnh^r P* • * ■ JJ,",, len

Impwcveinenia-. dam** w- ‘"••k “" “ " ifuocM, Improvvnt^iATt'k. M lanalHiMy ai.N KB HITT ST. «8 To led Or.m*i»u1UUi fur ihrte f»mUla#. K«> #l 3W uran*^■t, _ _________ ____ ____


TO L »T .b o o h h A ini _________rERItY HT.. #1- rtmm< to B#t; WAlf*

huune Ilf II roonm. l>4th oft*!T ruum» to imAll fAniUr- Inqu'w ^

8 HALL h ow tf wnli^e.ijrt^ Inqulrt TBRAH

BruMl •(.lit » rAHJgy, H #JiBENKUlCri* lONi, MJ

rt AT -Klrti (Ui, ourtMr WiAliIttltoo B#H;. lT " i “ trie b.11. « d . 4 o o r ,o ^ « ; *11

lini>pT>v*m*nti. ltM|ulrt J- Court rt.


vLATg TO LET-Two flM BaU, f n o ^teik; #11 lmrfov#mi#tj: K ?

Ar«-plAO# hAAtcm; main h*ll #;M fSLniah*il: M dH* r»oma;_Mtr^^jM*JJ^^Mr munlh. loculr* «* T*aAB «ENE»; iuNB. tun Broad at.FLATB to !« , with all UBprwaniaiiU: 1* ^ «

aw-vlot: MwiT galBlad y ia nuvlerait. Apply o* pe«l*** •< Jaalhw, » Grant at., tat Boor. “

gtlAf.L tiouB*. T nxinu. In Hunurdon *<■nulre loT Mewlon at- _______ __

Within ao mlnat** of Broad * ^ * * ^ * '_ K,. UI1I ala„icle raea; ftaaa*d and cttrb*d„n’V m «t H in > i« ir io ,,^ ; n;««i„a,»k

! hole. ' doll*

When the two women were t 'f'P 't!’ ’ !* W

Kik*dVnd bolted, suppoelng aome imlgb iSr* had ealled. Ml** « » * * I 'lldoor, and before alu had hardly opened It% “orh%"^.te'";Snw^'’w e A " « l .^ and mid

rhe“ “ woj;i.ii“ V . b " ; "

I W e r V t h J n L t-e n r i b 'l l ; ; ' head -U li ? «o lv w * si"** Mn f'ha. the younger

: k T % U “ « i i i^ B r t -

thMr IKM kellwoka. ‘■“ "'A 'b'L 'Vf ihi^hmiae¥b^>'ov‘e';fu^^*e3''.h%Tri«r. and Jm.e.

'. " i - K ."the frlghtennl women not houae, and they *P* '* * f « " “ ‘

mlnna. not daring to rail for aiu.**«'h*n fouml Ihh! morning they were

dead than allv*. and were covernl SSh hlSSd. Mile Kllaa la alAlf-hve yeari old #nd m Im Marth# ^^4

; d 'r ’l-ed ' ' i f » 5 * e e '*'pToiwulor liOgue ha* ■'•*'l*d p0 gfH* In i#4 rch of th# villain#.

IM ‘l. WIUI mutiiiMp. ............ J*r**

„.rg..nh.ln.ehlef ofError* Inortiaaed the delay; the ptiai .would b%y# bofJi # q«»ck#i . th‘ 25?“! 'lontfiMt moiintri’' #v#r o#bl#d wa# wh#n tjTmf<|fllnk iji^nmHrk, and fnmt

> i . - e‘;:u !ih :r i''w orU 'i"m 'aNew York verbatim at *n enormoua , « .„,„y„.|,, what she 'I'’ ' " “Jeip«n«e. T h * .p *«i ! Hlmut duUa, their iilStent*oul, owlQg text, Wbloh ficUl - ,iu,iii}|lij* *, V.!A;,i|ti'>n ii« nui worthUUd #bbr#vl*Uoix. Th* Aineri0*nOuY-,..n.l th.*lr f f o u r .rnmenl one* aaul * e »h b ^ * «» and opened a doll hnopUal on

111# fnrw»pJ hr rrl««l. ''*.ofn#.roMther'a arm." In hi* haaU the la

f i T M bT alf' -a m b le d /™ n ^ h e ladder^mil hi#

:r ^ ? miS tfie%orr^r“ S lh r^ e n e he had witneeaed wa* too mui h fur^hbn.Infonnttd hi# comp#n'

w#r« cutting ni#The liul ttt onimSrher m pl^ea.'rhen thyV lT -roe™ '';^

BOI'TH BT.. Ua—To l«i. • hou»A of Jen


Or’hart. Inquire of W11*LIAK EULl , NVili.ul Afid Mulbomrgoi Tii i im iw - i t r l i ? , , '* ' ;

FLAT n( 8 or 6 room# *Hh iBJprowmrtH#, fo# A family of th?#t, rwar C«ntral 0#P<*>

modarate. Addroia li^araAa, Bcui fi«Bc«. ______. 4lwriaATS—To let, flrrt And thW fl#i; all 1w-

provemantA- ingulf <ta Plana rt. Wu

Amerloau ooll**gu*pre**nUd It. I I'.n Fourth atrert • ’ ^Yvn" lu-long* theA curtuui mat wa* ona iwrforiuad by M M,verih> l.a* o

H« wa# ooOiihir hoiu* I dlrtliw tUm of h«V'L‘*,

. th# night


which coal £ l , '« a I Me^enth"^ - viW Yorkerwa# aatonlAuad at lu 1englh_wh.n hi* I w.aa^lml',"';'' ' ,h , a fte"lw.'4 U*e of Ita


" '‘ fr '!t * lll ‘ thTw«km Sn horrlfled,'“ V f n ,*h' ,‘ nndmon of Ih . publle mind.

"■O n 'lhe^iay ‘l ? « !!* ?hu“r?hyard other workman a n / hiL«>Tr. w -iw jnfom ed of

»tr«tta. caa. rtw-trlc H#hl. V fliand ch«»l*# balldln# loU for «!• «.'nnn\: tend for mu*tral#d b<K**tV'Forert IIUI Aiaoclntion, liT* Ut.avA. _ — . - ----- —'yviR BALB-An aitfaeUv*. privau rwldenc* at

1 J1 Mt. i laaaaiit av*.; haa Ail mwlem im* provement. and hard wood BnUh IhrvughouL F « panteular* iL(TjAUE. ^ Church At.p M#w Tofk Clty. awn>ii HAt.K - WeU-loeat*d. 5™‘,■*'*** ‘ ijfJCjf,!?!

brick ri»ld*nre. near to e*"'” ' ^talntng III room*; alw,. well b*ht*d h w i^ K with laundry, heeler bln*. »ie.; •!' ''“ '''Yitt* menta and 'Vcrylhlnj In prlnw rirndlthin |i*rret'l. AUtlra« M. BELLhH, Bit Broatl w m BALK OR TO LET—A food buiinnai prop-

.n n .i5 in Ih. 8th V " * 'tabllified 'Z!t y ATA| will wll cheap or fly#

Irtqulr* at Olh'MURR AVK. IflO—To Irt. hoUAA, 10 mops*,

all Impwamenu; owiwr would >*#»P » .4 A. inqulra on lb# prtm-MkNArOHTOH. fu(Wo ru*iniiAi If dealrablc.

IM of th« owner, t’ . ATHE cheaont r**H In Newark-8mall famlll**

S n d ^ r t : iw ; hAiir.: rtatlona7 tub#:MWfrvd; Aaiillaltnn the iNut;Ihe *irM4; half a hinch fn»m 2^® ronvenlenl lo fhurrhea and rentfartkllou. taat* i f .?

fl a ts la l#t. oomar Sprut# aoS i

ForR elraant roam, rent. p> Inquire S4U S. Tetiih et.

Sd floor; laigA plasaa;■ “ llwlillEKN RT., H4, near Columbia—To 1«t, <•#

rtonn. for iwo familliA, 4 and I nlot 1aft#> light room*, fa* and water, to adaUa.___ ____1URFdKN ST.. 8*-Plat,

mtniai rent |lgfli roofiM. aM Impror#-


Iho oocurrnicA.nnd Joined tli* party.

|IM>nTa 'mmrm ....w****- They at .one* quit ,* * kwhich mcntientarlly

lnerr* ;«rin n u m , i ‘ iU ™ 'o /‘ wllPwa. reaehed.^and In * <Hee a ^ * ^

flMiriclah. iDting hoiu# ft^tn dlrtlnctUm of m '> »« Flrnl-Houlb A m trlf# . »n#r AWlrtiog IR hoM|i[lal for iloU# on th ^ cm ira llaying. Th# ship called at LiiiwOi I h>*t hi*r thliher and ha#cimrlng at th* moutn o f lb* *'»«'**• I patiVnU fl'.m far an.lw lgh iu g .^oaor^up 'effort. ' ’Koi^Jereev, ImTevenauodor up cam#oabm ou tba Buhta. The L'*pt«n w m about to cut tb* oabl* and run. but ib* •leoirlolan h*gg*d lur (Iva “ 1"“ ^It waa gr*m«d. H« took a bearing o f lue ap«ti iinprovlwd a baUorj^AiHl

(Liiil are all »«nt home

iS''i^*ak''toibe' LAbon Jfflee, Awara o.flu . um t. the oBloa wn* on lu* » l « l .U* recaivtd Ibeir lhaok* upoo b ii luiigu* by to* U il* o f tb* wire wb«n*v*r ‘ he out- » n t naa,eA Tbl* ingenlout l«*t probablyrtnlpaaird. Tbl* Ingenlout aaved lh e company ••veral tboiuand pouoda Hopairmg lo*ily, aomrilm** amuunting to M d i i .n £«,0<B. Tho bor* hole* in a oabl* tbal coat £ 1 6 ,«» »uu

Thry are burg. Nr’# from <'onii*'i'th’'ili

yo^/»e""lm^^*re allfive-rent thing left ne e i noae

Counteea without an ' “ j , [

‘ "Y L -ii » ‘. 'L '-r * " “rm ' then {:<itMeg.

^ . V h a K ^ n to turn th.

- n iim not IrlrkiMoit aa thry wof# In ihalr work t trowel#, plokiuci.

fNMnAddrrM Oroc*r1»«. Hoi K,_fJ*wAj)m«- KRAKKLIH HT., WHAR URnAD-

3'rtory and •AirMlYW hrU*k dwellliiif. 18 rooro#. All rnodem Improvvm^nt* And In fond lYpalr, Ini X£.#AlOU ft.: prlc low and Irrroa faay.ShT li- E. lUiND a CO.r "111 RHOAO HT.

1311 per mniTth; u»t n»rmilAvm# avA..month- IfMrSr# «f 144 IMIlAvtUa av#;*»TO I.ET-S13 Halltvllle *v*-. »-*U>ry b l ^ 11

rooma. all Imwia-: m * “ *1 order; r*nt kiOO. a ronnu. In good order, w*ier. «H Slilh iv«„h b b a k b n h id q e a TiniKNuK, t« » r ^(t.

I60VThe men

RH naru » » i , v«i rnalLT nf

'ami ?ri/a rf^ D ow n with

HAHl>tiOUK llKliU»ENr« AT At»n «»nr i»f lb** flnMt »lrr#li trf the llv lut DHA-Krt: flne d» riling, with all the Itij’ .*.'...m*niM *nd aubk In rrar; terma tPp, lio» TI. K«w* iif!1ir».»lv

tJIhn'jav* afterward Chief Justice of the John Jay* A power of peraua-lul ln**valn and the effort# of »*ov

ernor 0 « ^ g . Clinton llkewlae on-

"‘^ c J ^ b m C ' one. tb . medium for a

TAXKA.■OL'TII OBANtiK VILLAGElA lUpM t that rrlllel*-* the t'**do*t of

Ihe Mnnlolpallty'a A**o.i*1*.A apecml tMCllng of lb* Bnu^t

Village Board of Tru«te»« held laal nightto hZar tb* report of I'hlllp H. Campliell, wbo wa* Mipdnled leveral monthe ago a goomautteof on*to [wepar* » ala'oiiiH.111 of -kt tack taia* aad aaaeee.nenU <lu* tba Til­lage. Tb* report ahowetl tbal from 1871 to 18H, InrlMlv*, tber* waa due oo laita, 117,944,11: «M***me*ta, |e,3a2.ll«;; nMIMMllKra.*-., w-v---- - • . .weqbi tor tmpfo.«nenU ■“ ‘ J .V n .f ’ i 'lo w ’

aMemunt accooott for WMamg ana e m a to M t l n w o o r ^ o u f . a beeu oarolaatly kept aald Mr. L" anti I# a pruTwloii In w#

ladlvidiul ownart, IAS41.7I1, nuiklug a

**Mri'^iuiib»ll itartd that he tbnngtat b» gbould luak* a few ataUmen t* cnm.'orBlnghla work. He had «tdr**or*d to **™r* th* og-optratlou of tb* Village UoUwrtor, iMit aftM- ia»*.Y »">' " “ t f , ■ w u ^ f u l efltorU b* hail been

't.a ii*i™ th*ao(ioann a* well a* god totk* tb* iwuort aa tb*.^ ir a lo b * . lU d * )iU tw ltb a l k i t ^ Mthat while th* report w m to th* book* *rrof* might hav. crept In tta S ^ a S T o d thu. a . ‘ « a » t ;| . t i^ ^lattar might njak. a ohang. of hi* flgtu.*

**“ T h. iaa.*iiiMnt acowmti for

Enitug * v.tloe.^

S iu £ ^ eharUr that aulborl***, aftw a oarlalu period, th* tele of land In th. n * » ig lb* village for failure to pay **M«m.Bte, i d t o ia h S beeneufonsed iubut o o e o a - floee 1877. The ta* record* hav* b*«n k*pt la tba um* manner they were age. Tb* Increa** of puWip b u tln »Dwie tbl# tnvtbiKl douh raUablUty la tb* aocouB^

•' 1 thiok," cooUnued Mr. Lampboll, •thattb*cfHo**ot l.kiU*otor •ltd Treaaurer ahouW ha divided and a CoUeetor appoiuM Tto addlUoatl eipeoee, 1 b*Hev*i would be amplY JiMilBeil by the raeult*- Th* book* b*v* b**n l* n t la * inaniwr tbal reflect* nociwdll on 5 T . i, aud bow the Treaaoiwr ba» be*a able to mak* the uiual monllilj atauiu.nt* te# haan a wotiJir w m#. Tb# acoocst* n*## ■altiMa audli*d tluo* IhTd. I think ^ * t ta*y ahnuld be audited *t th* *arb**t piwiibla moment and a new *el oprntd W oooform to

.Mod*m financial Idea*. I nlao “ d ni.k« It to tb* form of a motion, that lintu*- diaW • .bobid b* l*k»u for the oullorttou at tb*** Sie*. with tlx por o*nt, a Idw If paid wHhln alxtv day*. *"'* t***- **-Sarg* tb* lagal rat* of twelv* per oaoL

Th* Fln*ac* Coinmiltoe w*i loatructed to audit lb* book* and employ no •»I'*rt, H

lover*’ quarrel, which lA * plao* between a lady m New York and a ganUeman U F iw ce. 1 be heroin* wa* no other tbau thaldevln* Ereueh arliat* whoa* w* All admtr*. T h . gemlernau w u a d& uallo author, now no more, Tbl* curlob* quarrel look plac* on* Sunday, tb* oabl* being Joined Ibrougb direci. It brmlled wlln pa**lon»U repruaobo*, biller, •tinging, •an^m*, coueu^ed m ulolure*i|ue Pretich. The *c*ne waa in- teuaeirdranmllc. B Ab the actor* to n*ai*aiid yet no far, trembled with Jealou* paaalon a* their bitter aercMina were fliioed liirougu lb# oolU ol tbiaglganiio Mt lerpeut. Mutual oomplalnta. re- proaonea and tiireai* continued, until a tu l etiiiglng *aroa*.o from Franc* reduced lb* exeliab,* artlat# to a Hat* o f net vw * exoltament which outm ln^ d Tbe oabl* waa then restored to lU normal condition and the arttat* to her loniea.

'" " l ^nanv'a*'ehii«k ot"trc imaahwl her ftnit rtnally uni ita {iwn#r lov## h#t

s K “ o'rmy dolly.'

1 am alinoAt

aald A lUtl#

YouriVhv 8 li"y. whil! 1# ih# *P*^*fr . |_« rY’ hpail of Ifuldt‘n hair

“ Ai«mWwt at the Imer occaalon were iDuane, o f the i'ontl


sriL T % m “ ! i ; n d m ; ; 7 o r h »

amor ___ — - .I^niion of onltrtng mob dlBiH-riwl.


HOVHKS for balk ANlJ FOR WlH'JliHinE, FOJIEHT HILL AND ViLl.K. ___ ____________ __ __

TO L«T-Ai*rimenti of B*e room* each m brick dwetlln*. 7» Walnut at.; hall* fumlthtd

u,d jaollor. DOUGHTY * QGULD. 8to B * ^ ■t

HOM AHD ST- M. n#ar ThlrtMitlb *va,—Flr#i flikor. ikllh fumaca h*at and laundry* le umAJl

larnlly. ______________ *nrHTKRDON HT,. »# -T o W. flv# #!#• roow*

for a imAU famllr- ___ ILKMON HT.. fll-Bli larg# room# to J#L I#* ftd

M flour*: rrnt IJ4. M#LIBERTY BT.-

Llbeiiy At.To i*(, 8 roonva Inqulr* at 49

MAKKirr HT.. M»-Nlra nal,IL ihrw room*. I-).

four larf# rooma.


TO LfTT- Hnu» rimt»|oli*„T__;';^Jj l|Jj^r;f»ci tirilAr: all ImpiA.; 5fI#*V mv»

e room", in fw>d urdti. *\Vlift hrkaV knhidob S TUrtIBHOa T WBrMfl At. _

yUUHAY ST., ftl-Two nail* ila and mvwi thrM froAUng on atrMt; Iraprova*

iQfnU; larg# yard; -*n% IIQ. _________tUHEWTMH at., kl-^Dertrabla flat of fl ruomi:

all Improvimanu: rtaAunabla rant lo #mall family. tHRW HT.. 11-To let, flata.

Inprovrmtnu,T roonu aaoh; all



IHH.WK r.u- wile, new t n ^ . 1 r"™2 *'a,S* 'll!'urovemaniA; lioalAr in o#IUr, pric# I9,mi0. In- «4ulr* rvrnlna, 4*ii Humm*r ava. 04«UrUBOLDT *T , W For i*l* nr to iM.houaa, T

ruonu an,l hath; all Improvemamt. J. A. AP- OAR, J31 Ulh av4________________ lUvjgimUIg AVK -Frame, nv.m*. all Impta.,

“ nk.orlM B.bUU: B“clh 8th »l.. *i*-*tory, 8 ri»mV price tktoUi _V»«.y ij„ 3l*-»">ry, Ijmcma an,}lirn urlce’ |3.l««);- 8*'f"i.d ave., itV-abuy. tl 1-nt.m* price U.TOO; Itorgen at.. Dame. 8 rouma, m b l ' ;"d driveway, prlw U.WaJ; Bruce at., » rocme. price W.7U0. Open evetv toga F. BEYER * 00,, l*n gprlngfleld ave.

u-MH- *iav lit SO and Sa Aator at., -From each; all Im-

ft - or uwn«r, obi Hlah rt _

Wnt only Inqulra on prAmlar*. MO Hig}

NORTH IITH 81 T7-8*oond floor I tanra- light roomi; r«nt |10. Call afttr i P. U. * pu#*

■nMtuTi April or May. 89vnRANQlS ST., llO-Tio Irt, irrond And third

fltMir*, Alght room*, bathroom, fcwt and cold wat^* Apply W. C HBADLKY, #10 Umad AI. fllW

AuHablaTO LF1T- Hnuw, " ’ "'"Llir.i'kr 44 fMoilIl^; «'By wAirr Inguira +•At.

for two wtiMy IfTw

Piy^RFB 8T.. near Bprlngflald av#.—Only 49*>Udiown. 2 >i4-Al«ry fritna S-roomnldt<Ywn aW-Alory fritna 8-rofimad nrw hutt*#

fim lll«; DM wledcwa; eljctrlc bell.Llfd .driveway;,1o.^8S . l B i .^ , . » J k « ; open

t to ir n ir n 7 m r r '’ed’ f i t r u a . " “ hU hrok:i^ K M lih . ■■Lt me a p «k to them. B-r-

of you,


VIrtt Uae* ef Graphite wii.l I’ reieet *y»* tame ef Menufiulur*.

From tbe Cioolnnili Tim**-St*r.Tb* le*d pencil, by th* w*y. ta * modern

ln«lltntloo. None were ever n*od till, In 1M4, * mine o f pure grephit* w*e dlicov- •red In Berrowdele, Cumberland County, Eaglmnd. Th* niinerel w*» 8o P“ r« I ttagt It w»» •Intply ' " ‘ jitrine *nd glued into wood end tbn* need. Bo preolon* w»* it tbet the mine* were guerd«l by « l d l . r . end worked only ilxweek* mlnerel WM ta li In Loudon **.notion »t price* renging •• bl«b ■• £ » »ILIJUwAvH ET* _pound. Tbea* min** flnuUy *»v* out end tor m e n , _ y . «penclta. But dtaooverie* o f grephtU were med* In ollforent nerU o f the vtorld from whteb penclta were mede, but o f nn Jerlor quellly to the Berrowdele ..

In the effort to produce * jo ed pencil e French workmen in 1796 ,^^*b°Y*r®d thel by mixing oley with gr.pblU » pencil ot en/durireydegr^i ‘kncodSeed. Yet even with thta * je ^ t y

could not be obtelned, be

ilolly ha* aiiln'idy." g Smith, en.l sheI. y*horrhl IhlMX. 1 do.Vt like h e a'''••Wry good, bul * h>-»d p ' •'*1,'; o*"''•rufr'?* M''wna'l'vJ,"'‘ Mill' Miw.c o i f « to“ f? ta’'real’ hUTLn h“ Ir^en.l there lM unulhcr .rlHletal, ln.l«rted from (ler-

riiMt e..-> -i« i " ’ v ;-- ' X ' * ;y*tr<.mlhai n.'MA n*iit m** by a Mr#. r.imAiny Atlanta. tSa., whirh ha#(Iall originally u ?ilS‘ } can mil procure a bead ? “ ^*^*’** r .^ n i ahall hftva lo irnil lhvr« for c a t I7.KI, und Including eye*, wh'eh must be Impnptcl from (Icrmuny. wUh 'h® d“ lY in, the work InvolviHl In ri belra, the td ild ieo it lu Mra. Klmaley will he more then 12". Hut ahe le rich and can afford IL The doli’a dreaa. I rememher, for I cured 11 niuf baforw, wa# oniaiHY*nli*il with point Ui'pand |jA#A#mant#riv. And jaiklnK almut rtflirf < yw hrrr I# a Iwa of tham of all iS e iit Q alaea, Juat from Oernmny.Borne are tmall aa bead*. ®‘ |’ " ’ ,f7mburB marble#. AH wrr« mail’ In llaniDurg, vkhlrh ha# th# only doll# pye factory Tn the world Nothing hut eye* are made there, and Ihelr manufacture emptoY hiiTirIrMlA of man, women and children. |l“ 4 S anoih?l-^A full of ilpA. another of arm# and another of p ^d#. . ^

“ The gre.’it gmUiUon of girl# Ju#t now ii to i>o#A«# an K.llAon They are mad# in nrang+‘, N. J.. and when a certain part o f thf*ir anatomy # pn-niied Boeak five or *1* line* without itopplng. I h^l one for repair* l**t week which re- iwated thl* old rhyme:‘ ••There wa* a lltlle girl.And the had a little curlAnd It hung right down on hoc forehead.

When Bhe wa* good.She waa very, very g w l,

And when the wo* bad the wa* horrid."Theac dull* come high, however, being

worth |Mi."______ ____________

eninga ave,

dreaa the moh, and waa In the midtt «tin.elllng peace *nd ocfl't (Yne “T ,m '^t^u^k^lm "i?; the heed aTi hi. immnaealon melted »way. ^rambUng to

”''T™he'"s:"ub*''^ ;nY T i^ u ? !i r d f d ' - . ’ y i“; m‘ e .‘, ! - r

b j l ie v e h n IK h t p k o t is i i .lll•caHlon After a Leelnr* **d the Citing

ef Exaaipl##*From the New York Herald.

That there are many firm ’f ' l f , ' '" * hypnotlam In the ITofeaelonal Monian a I.eague waa conclualvely shown jeaier day at their •literary afternoon."

The paper of the afternoon waa entitled •Trilhv: a Ptychlcal Bludy." It * “ uaent

r. BEYER 19) Bpringntld

THE n*w three-atory brick dwelllngt No*. IM, 184 188 Third ave., convenient to Hellevllle

and J(t Pmtpect ave. care, contain II wrat. bath and laundry; llrei itury hall and balhroM »J1 handeomely tiled; hot water; heat; abmhj;; -rn Imuroveonenle; open plumbing; acreena to all window*, poaecealon at ooce; rent low. Ap- tly to 1*8 Third ave., or to A. GIFFORD PLUME A OG.. 7*0 Broad tb ___________ 181

AeadAiny #L___ ____ ____

IreproTt* 970 i»A

ORANGE AT.—FUt Af fAvr rootna aafl baU, rrtR 111.

fli C. J- b r o w n , m Broad tLORANQE 8T„ 49-F1va room# to l«t. lU; flv#

duorA «Mt of Rroade 14eQ\’ ITMAN AT.. lii8-Two ronmi; adultf;

tiAl paymriii in aatvIo#.

. Jflw-HouAf to IJL uWEl ‘^TBR ST,twu famlll##. ______

WFHT PARK HT., T-To Irt. bfown-ilon# W bdeno*. 18 rooiwa^ll;«»f!,r,>J‘ r;^ „ „„ „„ guoosJSVh rt . SPrram* >*

rMM#nc#t rooiOA. all *511Rtablr; Ibt lOOilUK); fruit awl Ahad# It*##. ♦*<?..**' " c ‘ ^E Ll'll'*L «N A ,Jri8 Broad rt^

THE r**iaenc*. No. Tve High cor. "Wavarty dI It olferei for lale; eleganUy flnUhed la

herdwood Giroughmt, with haidw^

•660 will ^Y " " " “Inpt^.i chAaptft wt y#t olf#r#0.2Sb WIi. Ii- BAlLET. opp^_^g##Tlj1#jWj” i^

h k a l k#t a t * rOB i a l b - o u tTOWN,

A nRATTlFTTL country plac# for *aI#* ,7 Morri. Are, Sta.llM., LriUgh Vall€T_ B.IJ-

Trflbv: a Piycbtcal pared by Ur. B. O*good Ma»on, *Sf the new paychology, a* rapreeenled by the Itondon Society for P»ychlcal Re- aearch, and wa* read by the preaiding of- flt*L Ml.» Wlnne. The P -l-r . Ari^r " - hearrtng the main " ca.

AtatlonhuuM. eleven room*. *H lmpro**m*ntrt bam; S L , hourtl . , fln.l»rtlculan,aP[jm o EDWARD B. hbM, 808

1 FULTON BT.—8-*tory and aaienakjn brick dwelling; 10 roonw; all modem improvemml*:

In good oogdltlon; permit to *t*ml“ •' ®“ r of- ftoe.

E. E. nf>ND A CO.. TSl BROAD ST.

HirHMOND RT.. 4#. cor. 18th •Tr.-ThJftl floor to l#t. 7 room#, aM llirhit; rmt |14. Inquire

oa premlA## or W BlMOkir rt. MwRirHUOND HT., J-Pnur light room#; ihtall

family; part improvAmmCi. ftflyKDOUS-To l#L four room# th a flood ntlfhbor-

hood; rrnt 111 p«r month. Apply at 3fl BumrtAi. IHwROSEVILLE- Fivr nlc# roumi to l#L S4 South

Ulh At., rent |19. Inqulr# 92. Mw

IIOVSBH anted, to rent a heuee jd 8 or 10

ramn, between Gouvemeur and ML Plaaaant ave. and O^ld* rble. Oriental. Boa M. Newt offlrr.

SEVENTEENTH AVE., (W-FIt* light; bath, rang#, laundry, rtc.

SIX rooiriA, M Orchard it.; fl rootna* 99 Walnut At.; H rooDiAi 10 Liberty rt.: 10 room#*

Liberty at.40q H. KfNNARD A Ca, 18 CHntf a #tST RIH’ E HT., near Hlffh'- ’Flat to lrt,MV«n

nlcA roomA, ronvflniently arranged; pleaA4 .it locality. Inquire premlAAi. tfflu8T1RL1NO ST., D0-F1M to let, fl room#, all

light. In gflod ccKiditlun, with Improvviaenu. Inquire at fu Wlckllff# rt. 4Sw

HOUHB-Wanied. A how . A” H :prov»inrtitAi r#nt low W A good t#nant, AO d m J. B. C.. Boa H. Naw# ufllca '

St^llNGR AVE., 31-FlAt for two famlllM* 2d floor. 4 room# «aeh; perfect vrdcr; All im-

provement#; tl2; fl7tHnVBB—Wanted, a hoWAe. with T o# S roomi.

me Ilk Addrort E. K.. aud Washington rt. 1

-TGRHt. UIFT*. BTC., T G L E U ^

TK7HBNOK STe* M-To let* part of Aoum.J. J. h u b b e l u

» r fllO Broad rt.


i^udentlal Hiiliding>SiUlle, N. Jfe

% ‘e l 2 i : r r a «en'Jjgli l-'md'".In"th*. ptac* .i»_ n ^ IJ * Y j«J U

defend* of Ihoae nov- iilati who. with real knowledge •"'I eat In the eubJecL bAve mad* iiae of p »^ chlcal phenomena In Ihelr wafki. II* c lt^

I z . ; . . •,«.».naa story" u being one of

I delphla, P" ___________

FrMident Counatt eluted that be had 8h* hooka »ud U»t they were uv credit to tb* Tlltag*. On tuotiuu of Mr. Campbell the Clerk aud 'i'reiwurtr were lutiructod to place th# bck)k# aud papet'# of Ui# VlllAS# I# tw vuulu lu tho new hall. U*der *u«p*B»lon of the rule* Uharli* W. Siiia.loy and D. W. Burtli* wore*1*01.81 member, o f Ho«* Lo,u- nupy Ho. 9. The Trualet)* adjourned to sMeton Monday nakt to appoint alaotiou oH^rig


oauie’Iw JbO ^J"P W ‘» *■*In IMA. durinfl the gold excltoiuent In

Freooh inerohuat living ut Tuwuathu^ HIberiu, ttortod out to learch Ih* norlheru

' ‘ I l n W l u the IrkuUk Blver h . found a chunk of pnre graphite. U* •P*"';. * whole year u L in g up ih !river to lt» aouro* till at la*t brunch down which Ihli chunk washed, and at iU 80urot found • dopoalt o f the mineral. The dlacovory created u aentailon und the mouBUln—Batongol-- WMohanged to ML AllberU U required

nyimreoIttoDiltoitdigglng to got d o ^to the bed ot pare graphite, but In 1864 It begun to b* ehlpped In TMt quau- tltlealolh* Fubor*, who have Iheexclu- r tn rlubl W Ui* It tor all time. I be new graph wea worked with until 1801, w hen ■ narfect DBiioll from It w »t given

HKRK ALTAltV INTEBPBBT8 WAGKEBWhat the Arllit dare of the Craatloae wf

the Gorman Compoeor.From the ilurtcal Courier.

A rcprcacntatlve o f The Mualcal Courier vielted Herr Max Alvary with reference to certain crltlclema that have been paaied upon hla manner o f alnglng, hit tone of production. Ptc., and aikrtl him would give an explanation of hla method o f tinging In Juatmcatlon o f auch erltl- clam He wua not Invlti’d lo erltlctee hi* crltlea hut to tell why certain lone* wera produced In a certain wuy. HI* explana­tion la ot tho deepest Interest to all aing-firg

“ Pint of allr*' began H^rr Alvary, “ w# are not alnglng In opera of the old style; we are alnglng In muale drama. 1 am quite anre that In hie Nlbelung Ring Wagner meant many of the part* to be lung aa dialogue, or rather let me eay aa recitative, and Wagner gave no oppor­tunity to take unllmlte.1 liberty

Bulwer’a ‘ Strang* Story" ui ** '"*th* nrat in which luoh a “ !L 7 ,” fi!d**^nd ed-alao Lew Wallace* Fair Ood a d Marlon Crawford’* "Mr. Isaac* a 'd "The Witch of Prague." a» among prominent author* who had made SlTcglllmate uae of the aubject, and w h «e the phenomena Inlrodueed did not go ^ - yond probabllltl** which oould be fair y drawn from ooourrencea “ " “ “ Y ob­served and experiment* actually rnade.

After the paper Mlaa Wlnne aakeJ that aome of thoa* In the audlence^expreas

opinion* upon hypnotlam,

BIooiaII«I4*TiTartmm&LDe N. J. •'For ##l#» *f*-OD lATf# loti; 1 #i»d fl room#; e V

SufT 'AlAt# roof#: *=*"*“i*^, n#At WAirtMiM DODD. fll9 nro#3 ml. NiWAfk.giASA##;BO. Pv

ARLINOTON ST., No.Aogn: 4 rtdM Uiht»4:

ftil oonrcDltnacfi #“ ‘***J* '®L^*rt*LBrORT BOk Apply on premJA##, H* O- r o r a h a l l . 4ft WlUlAm^it; 0 ^ 1 ^

(•MpilonA, imok#r#, #te> Jofe# flohult*. WflwAiTMl'nRY *n Irt wUh rt#Am TVMt AWS pOWATI

and half of tmrd40*140 fert! c « i ? l ’Y I f * i “ 3 ; “ r t «

llTJlrld It fetVrtabie ra '" i *“ * **bifl# t tm Api•Mikm LmmadlAtt.F«nry And Mitfll**# 4ftr

MCTOBT HOOM-To Irt. with E TrttluJK—* faelorv footo. 50x80 f*et. fUlta-

KEAL ■MTATM WAWTED. ^rTpMUM'itrtdnl to aell their hoo..*. lot* or

fartoe, will do writ by calllni on *■ *‘ u « have a nutnt»/.ot.curtc"«?.,h«iir» 1 “ '

gAYIlB, 884 Hulbenr «L

FACTORXl. •>'* Wi^ipiTcademy at

caled u^u Mrib Brekln* Lew la. who ro-mud

puon.<lpu-V«B. I have f#w op in io n s»h e Aflid.

and* cited i " ^ r K « l expertanw. Bh« o n « " o l a throat apeclartat •"

knowing him. aid to him one day that Salvinl play that

woMrty luat now. BCHUETZ A WKIER, cor. tLSa eni Market rta Rmlj nol|«U*d. »**

TO L ir r - o u ^ o i^ T O W »hair-acr* *ar-AvnNiJATaE—R#vrti-romn houM, hi,lr*Acr#

■^S'Vru't; ehade; low "n t lo^nnanenl t j^'call PHILIP. ITT Hnleey rt,

wlUi or without powir. PEirii'ER S CO.

roum# to yulL it.. B9w

fac to ry lo Irt, wl^ 'Inqulr# 86 Nlchol. i t Mv

FOR RENT— iW# Afld ®#l*#*!' "**^^**!!jr3H «,;si^ “'.rn «2 X

TO LIDT-^7 HiWArd rt. (oor, Iftih #vc.). «|i room#; 2 1 Boudlnol aL. flvt roocna; 206 Ifliford

arc, rtfllit rijoro#. WM. T. PLUHE, Tftfl BroAdAt ____ TflrTO LRT^HAiidMTtnf flAt, 9 rooma ftnfl batk*

room, all IraprovmaaDtA* oa Broad tt.* #«ar dapot; alao apartmtnt of 4 room#; raat lav to flo^ ttnantA ft. KL^IL IT Muttkenr rt. tflwTO LBT^Aprll 1, I roam#, with laundry, cm

flrrt floor; all m good condition; m u and >lf« pr*r«rt*d; Hi. Apply 2S9 South Tth at.,

n*ar south Oranft car#. 6Tq

TO LET—8Si rootna at 79 SprlpiAold ava,; Itn- provameot#; rtet fllfl. iTkquSr# la rtora. flir.

TO LCT—Thr«« light roonu.tT. Inqulr# 14 Ward ate* or 94 Pnlofl rt. 1

TO LITT—Five room#. Hay## rt.

«4cond floor. Inquire 19 fl2w

TO LBT-M WMt Xlnnty it., 2d floor* 6 rnomi; rent $12.

TO' LlTT—Two flat# Of I and 7 room#. 479 Waihlngton it.


TWO eonnoctlnfl front room# to Irt to an clw dirly or ahifll# woman. Inqolre at 30 Em Im

It. l9w


ah. ehuuld uVe doctor' If heflald


M m '^ H t '-a n d * * taTl h™ur“ '^ftor t h «Mated I aiw him walk down th*

itotoand enter a box. * T 2 h ^ M& ‘ Y ST‘ There la th* doctor, and eh* MU x »- never aiw him " “ I ' “ f i " !But we next da not there amSext day >'» Teft to? houM “

niEKd r o l l utivKUNtiB.■trongly ludereed by Kepublleana la the

Lowtr Guiintie* o f the State.B a ijs , Maroh 80. — Kx Cougiereiuan

George Hire*, of this pl.oe, I* Die l*to*t Guberuatoftal pMUlhlllty, and hU can 1M*C/ u meeting with alruiig ioiloiaeineul by lb* lUlHibllcaM lu L'uoiueilauil, C*iat May aaJ Baletu eountlea. Cungreiauiao Harry Lou- deaalager, ol Paulaburu, baa beea urging M r Hlrea to make a luiuil, uitt that giiitle- max b u done at) only aflei being aaau.etl ol the uuiled H-iuth JerMiy tlrlegaPoa.

Ur. Uirc* la a loading gta*» luauutarttirer of Sals,,., and Uae wi V*l two term* 1» Lu“ - great—from IWIo to IttHU—where bia ability waa racoghiaod by all bla colleague*, ^’ao* hi* retirement from pubUo 11.e Mr. tllrea bet been la k mg things quietly nl hi* hoiu^ bul be has never iiitiM. au opportunity to advance the mtnrraU of the llepubliMn par­ly lis t year he Wat appoiuied by Ooveruor Wert, at oiio ol the co.muw.louer* to euggeat ohtugof. iu th* Jndisiary ayttoui of theriuite.

Lha Aral parfect pencil to the world. Tnu* It took flftoen y*iu* Id make the flret llltier,an graphite penclU The prooeea, however, '• “ '"Pj® ”

.....laiaril ■■ fln# a# (luit. Cl#V 1# A'#Pis ground a* One as dual. - - . .■ . . . . The ivro are mixed andSround that tine. - ........rted and ground again together and wet

and ground again, aud again dried and wet and grouna over and over, till at laat rhe itotf M knaadod Into leave* by band

% " e of thaae loaves ta put Into a cast- Iron cylinder, where a Ir.mendou* and gradual preaaure foroei It lurough a small hole In the bottom, through wulch It ap­pear* In the ahepe of an elaalio string m* rtteo fth * lead In * l ‘ «hria up

^ W S n g t o ,

ua g table aa It oomea out, and while •ViU

The Kevolt In ( ‘nba.MaPSilJ, Uardi ‘.’I j.-A n ofllcial telegram

fromt.ul,* rujS the revolt In luat ulanJ la oontlDeil to tbe I'lovluee of SDitiago, aiul luai uuwl of ltd iueuigBUl* *r* withoutWBapu*!#*

hxvi Yokk, March Utl-Ou the iteatwr George II. Clyde, from llaytl and tmn Doniiugu, was a t Oban named Lorlqu* C ol- lazo, WHO was sxld to b« well pu»t*d on Cuban affairs. lie miliarkeil ot Moule Criito. Wbeu tnurvlehttl at yuarantin* this nioru

motat and elastic H alraigutonod out and ^ t ln to penol! ieiigtux It l id r la d a la low temperature m fra";*’ warping, after which it is baked at a high tomOTrature la bermettoally waled P»uto“ kllna and than cooled aud each lead 1* tested by the maimlaoturar htmMlf lo see that It li exactly o f lb* right degree o f hardnewi. The wood ta Flofldu, oedar being the beiL It ta into block* the length o f * r f "u'li chopped into atlcka hall the ihlcknea* of ou*. Each o f these atlcka a grooved lor the lead ou one side, the lead t* put In, and Ivro are gluetl together with hot glue. Th* pencil la a rough stick, and from there on la tlnlahod lo any degree o f polish de- alred. _____________

witheverything, a* 1* do” *' 1" 'h« “ P " 'Jwliallvea; and *lthou*h every word and note has to tie lung ahsoUitely a* H ta wriltPii down by the .''imiioaer. It re­mains tftef all a hind of recitative, and tofr chanted dialogue of coura* 1* of 'lUile a different kind In .‘’Yen: work of Wagner and with every role of hla works. For Instance. 1 woiihl aay that there I* mohhm at all o f thl* chanted dialogue hi "Trlston," nor In "Tannhauaer." nor In "Lohengrin," nor In Ihi, "Vtalkure. flo tar aa my part* are roiRerned, It occur* to nTs luat now Ihul the most definite e i- imtoea are tmTnd eapeclallrln "Blegfrled,"

portlonitof the dialogue helWMn Sieg­fried abd Mlme.ln the llrst iict;lhedialogue between HlegfrWil and tbe Dragon In the Mi'oml act o f "HIOgtrtiHl;" and a tew iihrasea o f the dialogue Iwtween Bleg- irfrVInd the Rhine daughter* In "Goiter- dammeruni.'' Alto lu "Die Melaterslnger" fhor. are a few plirasea In Walther von Htol*in«’A wUh David anti withHn ,* iachaT wlilch have to he aung In auch a light and easy way that it aounds at natural a* dlalugua aung Inalead ot“'"AnS'what la the i roner name tor I t r

"You may call It decfaniBilon. or recita­tive or whatever you like; I call It the ' ' 111 which those parta. have to

know that It you ar* playing wun ij ne.

| £ s B S f i S Sroom.

STa, Muldener " « * 'h ; ? V m " k ^can*'®"®'?!!; rtoLd on TrUby't

Orange, « •*;.M Heronm anU rtii)l#. Apply 1ft (^Awfqrd al

Butbaht oban g^ to let. ITrSoTttiris'Srk

MU Cinlral ava.fliu

£ a- 8T O R ^ a E -^ o ^ ,| M L ^ ^ ^

VIVE llclit iwnni; WAl*r ift houMi Bjwfl wAll! rent P«? mwuh- Inquir# SO# HaJTlAon ava<»

^ r i o w t o r - E m r ib le ja ^ j* ^for riPt tifim $7 up-<>3urt #t. •71

LAFAYETTE BT.y 90O-To lit. with thru rooiuA___________

com#r Jlort, Mv

lo d g e BfMM-J*? Sjll'’ !rr™ *F BBY^ftn# #PttMCtlO# with AAlOlMI. r . BLI #.K-87u —

UPPER PART r»f houre to Irt frfim April Improv#m#nti; $11 H. BEDBLL CRANE, M.

D., 147 Siunmar Avt. 9flvWAfJtfUT RT„ fta-From llAy 1. flrit floor,

flat, fl lArflA All llflht room# aikI bAth; im- provAmmtr; rent tW. Apply oQ pritalie#. U. O. LBPORT. fl7vM'ALNUT ST.

flrat floor.228—To lit. four Urfe room# on


rtnvTCLAlR—To lit. ApATtiMati, $10: RJa “ ore^ii. to lit. Wtmicolt rt.. 10 t o o n fin-

Ihe™ to auH twVnt. ISD; Wrifhl At., • roo*^ * “ B. JACKSONf no Broqfl #L T9”lihefl

1 1 3 - ______nRANOB—To l#t. In oo# of locmtlon#®h, oranie.niMilA: tint 125- Orunjfie N. J.

Apply 10 owntr, 2fl Hllly#r rt-

lofts w it b pow er an d steam b e a t .New bulWlag; Ugkt'*U *™“tal •ta**'

.ratt; elaraBta61 LAWRENCE IT.

68vWathlngton Wilton.I fvFTS—To let, from April 1. tofia and b***- ''mtnt In bunding 10 and J* " '■ ’'d f ■- "m#iu in DMiiuiin _ ■ m i

to FRED T. KIRK. 2W MirkrtjL

WARWICK fiV.. 8II4—To Irt. upper p*rt, Al# room#; po«A#t#lon ImmedlAtiiy. FRED T.

KIRK. 2M MArkft rt. II#WEBSTKft BT-. 21—fliK room#; frvm April I,

Slfl; from Kay I, $16. 18TH AVE., IM -riM i lo let; all modem Im.

vrovemrntp; rent $17. Inquire THE CO08- WELL ft BOULTER CO.. W ftth AV#.. cor. HlfH rt.


’. T “q ;rtton ‘ ha. b^en ra/arf TriJbyta absolute tone d « 'V ,T .? '.U f iV ah fromthat It la ho'to I " ” ’ ’!**;‘ T J jJ ^ d V rU h y rn“ - ; r t * » ‘* r u J fd n \ T * Y i " y ‘U

the brand new_q^MUonj_^UIghin# Draiiu 8» »* '£*•’------ .t_..- / r . . ^ l l M ^ r m ' a “liy vo.CM.ln


untrained Bohemian,

uPRTH ABBOT-Por rent. tumlabeC ooUaie * uwin th. Bay; Br,« •it.nrtve vl.w; a t ^ U v .wavi tnM- i i u hou## on pilncIpAl #tT#*l of rtty,

■ throw from BlAten lite^

ond .lory to In Apply to 1. J. SPURH A work* Harrl»a. W. J. Tolsphon. lit. 4w

'rT'ataut m . « « of gard.n; • '» « '™ g'Jrent low to food trtWiitAHeal RrtAt# AflonU. P#rth Amboy.flflmTHnEE llAht room#; weirr In hou##; flood ren r« pS mSlh. Inquire 109 7th At., H*r- rlion.__ —



•tyle Loaung. NO other at^le w..uld_tto But don;t

a n c ie n t Ftm sii.g.

forget that everything Wagner ha* wrlt- ieu* I. utterly dirtem.t from anything B'rliten by Other cnmtKisera, and the dif­ference between his works Is again so areal a* to almost nwBSxtlate volumes to MV alt that ehoulil be said, lleally. It Is of no uae even to inl, mi.l to aay anything II,»i would be like an exhnuatlve explana- ‘ I-*aVB that to Wagnor'i work* andtiuti.

v e u Y ______Shell* Soppi>,«,l to «• *0.000.000 Year.

0 1.1 la Itueks.From the Coamupoliian.

A large number of fairly well presetted fossil alien* have recently Iteen found In ruck* ao am'lenl ihal they were supposed until recently to Iw devoid of all remaliia

and perhaiJ* to antclate allIng hs stateil ihrmigti au Interpreter, for he I of organisms, , . 1,1a . . , . V e .tefulo to lie tnwrviow^ lo r#**rd W LubabaSairi.

gklpiiid to i'arl* I'liknowa.Special Dlspateh to the NKW8.

H.kmNIUON, Mari a iiu. -to elu* to the aswner.ab lUt* of Luciu I oorhaai, Jr„ of

While Uiiuse, has yet Iwm tuuud. About two wreka iko Vuorh### i# li#v#forged hi# father's uaui. to uou* a-nounlmg to ibout gl,8iw, sul.l a aumlwr of his csllle and Iheu lell for !* «• unknowu. Among theea who. It t» clainisd, still bttid the forge t pftptrii are K. A. Umivar, ftod leouiiHaiusav, »7UU. Thesupisjaluuu is Ihal Voor- haea la stajintf soiuBWhere lu (.'allforula. Hla deserted wife aud three children are ataying win. friend* near White House.

M>RW Cnt&;-sasoaxtaxsS'.'vA.e'

t u i i im m iw

vtY-' srtOUSgJIBI■ >1 s tooo ■

\,«srhtffrs*1 » i t m

,UDElSALTiRttoHmiiocoAMtllST.. HKhlV

r^OEiiiKtTATIC^HilYITleTwPlHI J *?0pT/agpiga^ijm ^LW ,;

x«t awwMttn, «tSeuAmni;

mapping of the earth's surface, but It has elill a greater Interest In connei.-tlon with the theory of the development and evolu­tion uf life, tor, etmng.-ly enough, the shells In i|ueetlcn are allied In the cloacsl manner lu eiieclee now living In counttosa myriad*, although the rocks In which they are cnlonitjed are probably not lesa than a score of tnllllnns ol years old.

Kven at that remote perlml, long l,efore . the coal nicasures, and relatively near lit* epoch at which the earth became habit­able, there are many spotdoa. many allied genera, descended from still more r.'mgte uommoii ancestors. Their dest;enilanU, on the other ban,I. have a'lher.'d cloaely In the types estatillsliml so long ago; nu d.nibt iM-i'Hnsc they were well mJapted lo an envlriinini'iil which has undergone little* '^hcsi‘ fosHlls are not large, or they might Imve been foiinil boforc; In fact, they can only l.c am'ti clearly with the htglier IKiwiTS nt the microscope. They arc glo- iiilar, elllcloim, and eotert^l with lit., rad - atlng stdne which have given them Ihelr name of millolarla. Tlndr nmderri repri- sentutlves ar,- somewhat lai'ger, for they can auinelltnes he seen with a gno,l lens, and they live on tlie surface ot the ocean, far from land. When the unimala die. their flinty sheila fall alowly 10 the bot- lom, and, aecimiulatlng there, form a chief constituent of the inuterlnl bronghl to the surface by the deeiiesi souiidlnga.

The hetfi Ih whleh the sheila have now heen found by Mr. Harrols and hla pnpll, Mr Oayeua, are among the eurlleat locks ' ■ ‘ ....... .......... and the

time' they will tell by ami hy what they ars and HOW the rotes should be aung, Wagner did not write hla work* to give the singer a chance to atep to the fool- IlKhia and by a gorg.mua aria grasp the emhnstaini o f tin- audience. Hla *ofk* Ire drama* In the greateal Imaginable ■tele and It 1* the lineal and moat elevat­ing taak for the arllal to give life on the ataa* to Wagner s forma, *0 aa to lose hi* own Identity; nn,l that ho alngs, *peah» ami act* ao that Ih.. car* and eye* o f the “ udlenc* have lietore ihenronly the flguiXi as Wagner creatcl It, nnd not the Intnr- nreli‘r in the loeasnro that he le able to sulKjidtnate hla nlc.miy he approaches the

'•And your highest ulni7"The emho.llnii'nt nf Wagners meaning,

and the uttor a .inlhllalton of Ihe artist a iiorsouallty—that la my Aral and highest ,mk If ever 1 sums-iled In making Ihe

Americans tnllev,' In Ihe grandeur an.1 h..auty o f hi* "gleMfrle,!," for Instsnoe.and to them say, I'h. that Ural act la grand' Bo la that torgB acena, that aeene In the womis. that tiawng to the Forest Illrd ete.. and If ll.ey say '1 don t like A vary *0 much, blit 1 Ilka hla Blegfrled imntoiiaely.' that P, nil I w ani-that Ta the iiTJheet pralee tbui 1 aspire to. _________

The real eatat* tianafere reui^*d In th*Hsglater'a ofllc* Monday and r*I®Yted b ^ h * Fidelity Till* and DepogltCoinpany

* " * ' NEWARK.Mary Isi*r to Jatta «*';«•'>• FalrmountEUatl- Ayers to Brtor F. K lialiwn*^

. Adams rt 1« • fr *L 7»eEUcafaetii M. Work to MArr Klofl*##

18th av 74 B fr S llilh st.PIilliD Eultlir it UX !0 iTiUAflflA‘^Jrfe sTrines . 1 MO. fr M‘» ‘ '» “ “ VYMary^A.Tilth to'iieprglnati Aita"i)Lj

ror Elwood av and Aqueduct at, l«ta............... TOWNSHIPB.'

Chariea B. anroey V' *I| ^helm. Clinton, w a Itrunswlek pi W) •

*m f ICT—A #1* liirflf-rrtftin hou##; w a w ,J. WALKBtt Riggs pi., flouth Orange,N. J.


No. BOa High It., near Court rt . brirk_hcm»j

OFFICE or dstk room. OROBL E NtIQWT COMPANI, 188 Broad st. _________ ^

112—FOt'R Utfli votiniiir rt#UonAr7 lubA. ln> quire jAnltor. 490 Ulfb aU, coni#r AcAdiOir.

__rilRRfltH Rn ROOftW TO LET.

A NICELY furnlitiert rrtim, wltfl larif* t'1«>A for or twr> lt.dlM: rent reAAnnabl#; pH-

vat# fATiilly. Inquire 912 Rro#4 it., 2d bAil. oppoiilt# 8d churrh. _________ IBANK 8T.. 91-FurnlAh#d bACk parlor and eon*

ncrtltifl 1»#droom far flriatiimio only- j iv

*a .usl4 f, Oetry, WO.Btofd *to «t1rp” ‘m u ;r 7 r t .^ i :o n V i ^

nuuMv,g V^omTiuia-halhi airimprovtmeBtsi splendid*ond4llon snJ (Ins locstlani posassston May 1.

brick h«u#ipAHuitio rt- near LoTnoAroy rt- one*8 w S . Wit;. *11 ImprMtm^.l *«>d '«»■tion; very oentr*li rsaaonaWs rent.

omee* No, TM Broad rt., ror, Acrttrmr rt.i ■team haal; Janitor aervtcai plenty of light.

Htsbls I* rear of No. 64 Park pi.. * alalli and Pisnty of eairlagt room.

J. H, BACHBLI.tia.7S0 Broad rt.


iii.e7"?:^'r ri;?r<'^,or:!i';r.S?";'n‘o’i!dtl?.“ ?trt.*ir»,y IJO. FLETCHER * eft,, 8M MaflMt I t _______________ ____

Urtnaif MK _______ _ I ■ I I ~

DANK ST, ea-Larg. turnlahrtl light

fitmt room; Mv

fu rn ish e d room, rt.; M.

^ Court rt.. nur Broad

HAUIET AT., 28—Two nloaly funtlihed room#, with All lm i> r o v A in # n t i ._________ 4 ^

HA LAST BT- lit.

41—A will furnlihad roott. i«Iftq

Broad it. —--------- - -

HALflET BT.. 48-Wrtl furnlihad fro#I hall room; #11 lrapi*ov4m«oU; crairel Locatloii.Blw

HfQH BT.g ITO—Furnlihid room# >0 Irt. 9w

RntrenCA 4 AcodiWiy it.UBltOEN fiT., TH7-llourt. barn,

Call IM iiadfler ava. FRANKlei.MARCKflTlNS.

fr Uawthqrui #t, garaU L. TomuklM

Mounlkltt W Ik), f'oflth OrAnge* onIfOpot th# Flra MuuotalD.;........

Oeorg. .t ua to •tanmri F r*»L F.aai Orange, a a Hollywood av 41* * «Hurtii *v, 36x1141. . ...............f t H i i l "

ll.nrr li. Pavaae.l *1 to llanry J. WMk- utr, (illuPinTlot 483 Eawx Park m aj...

Mary A. Irfonard to B-strlc* W. Bauder- Bon, Kart Oraiiga. w « Uawthofa* av d*f s fr Main *1. rtalgi........ ‘.‘ 'lll.'j;.‘« 'wFrank H. VVllb.lio tl . « tot,h*rIi*H.Gurn.r, Clinton, w t Bruntwlck pi *10 ■ fr Hawthorn, sv. WxltW.. • ■ • • ■ I’ v ■ j •,'

John I’ . Wallac to ,M*ri‘ »Hil^vllii. A ■ Wallac# il MO# fr Hftr-Marta'r. t AY'AlI aurt hu#baud to tloraM

R, JohtliOD. II • 4 Ulirtiuut it IW n R ffMarVPearro tiflitibert Van Nem ^al^

L u rJ, Irtg fr I>.t*r H|»« to M. E. church.near Jacob P. Ynii Nosa,

fiuhtirban Hume A .^ of Montol^r 1“ COToella E. Uocki, Montclair. Heilevu* ar 483 e fr Puck at, SlixU)......................

. 1.000


IiRIriK bouM, suitable fnr one or two famlllro all improvemeiits. Inquire 30 Nelion pi. M*

imOAD KT,, 1138-To let, bouw, with 8 room.idr".ll.‘K K ^ f 'T . ‘ " i* L % R " ^ ^Wsst’^ d N. w York CUy. ___________________DUrNHWICK 8T.. 78-Sm»ll tile# ruom#, With balh. Lot and cold



CENTHK BT., l(h-To If I from May 1#L two doom from ^•'lLPbi,»--^>5 bYlcl, aj|Impruvpmenlt. NfWf affi::#.


riVlESTNUT ST., *to-»“l'Jr8*v.n-ro™ all Imi'rovemfTit#. rfnl $16. Kay# n#At duorSQw

m iS relM Tlohanor #t.S'TORB «md dwrilto*, 8» Plan.

Inquire 270 AeadAmfl rt.

chwni rent. 95 #L -----— ,ooraar llarfholl #t.,

TO LET-STI ^ tar*, rtor. and « room.,r 's to W M h y il™ rt.. 4 r » « . . M «ooe. r«.t

IIS ; 4 room. W lao^-On. rta-b,;‘‘nal!‘s.'V‘i*l‘ « •••■ -

TO LBT-Thr«N«wark, I# ii^tid and oUw; BretM#rkrt applyM#rk#t fVi Ail apply

srERi trs.T;ii k S v « ^ •

UDLBERBT iT,. 908-Furolahetl room.. Hgjt houAtkAAplBfll kallpoom 111 flaata (rtly. w f

Pf*..NEL80N Pf*.. AT-llrirant furnlfhtd fr<*t hallroom; conv#ni#noA#; 8dflwr^________

NEW BT.. 42—Larf# furnlihad ro#«i, modtrn ImproreiiAnin; privat# family; refArfn#*. Wv

PARK BT- TO—Furnl#h«d room. ... .two KtntA, In privat# faintly; hnt and

waur, hath._____________a—

•ultnblf forloMIHW

PLANE BT- 909, n#ar Naw—A oornrtr frant room. furelahAd. all lmprov#m##ta.

NEW ST- 98-Fumi#h#d noma for cm* or twn clean reBpretabl# pareoma. $1 P#r i»##k aaohet

BPR1NC7 ST- 41—Furnlih#d r<»m to lit f«r llfhl hPUiAkreplnp; hotroom: c<wklfif rtova; n#ar D#lAWAre, Irtckkr

wanna and Wortwi D w t- _______ JWERT KINNEY BT.

front room t# Irt.29—PlAaaant fumlAhrd



W J f s . S s s &■“» «A. BnNTGF,N, Im

IIITH AVE.. M“ NlMly furnlrted roOT! I»th, Iwat and gaa; batween Howard xnd High ay ^


UnU.KGK rt.. 89-Neat houia. 9 room* and ■ rllRT; Pity walar and rewer; lift. 134 *

fiylvinl# B.V4.

n e r v o u sPR O STR ATIO N ,

(ntonuTgiaiatI N S O M N I A ,

n e r v o u s o Y s r e r e i AM E L A N C H O L I A ,


d f r i k a u l k h k s i d e n c h b 1113 d .lN T O N AVE. AND NO. 89TH H toJA ^

HT.; A L L INf'ROVEM ENTH ; U A N D lOKiS'MH; RENT 449 AND tW PEH MCJNTH. AUl’LY TO JAMKB L HAVg. 74U DRDAD HT. 4"wFIFPH AVE., 847 and 861—New. 8 larg*;^bt,

airy rooma; all lmnrov.iertUA Moi “ * * , May 1st. Inqutts on promises.__________ **m

cer'ulnly dciiomtccl from wnler, _ grnuii Is calle.l the Algnnklnn. Plic rtls covery will give u new fmiiulsc to Ihe uae of the mloroscoim, siul mortl o f tho work nn the organic rciiialna of the very old rock* will prolmidy be done with tlinl In- itrumvnL______________ .. ............. ....

gND TNt TMOUEgffO ILL* THXT robLow a d in a n o idCONDITION o r THE


•nCund b r O £ R E > B i ^ l N CTMC IITAACT OF THE aMAlN #F THfl ftfl*^NBPanco MaaiH the fcrmuu 9f

D r. W I L L I A M A. H A M M O N D ,

kPKUIAL MIT1GK4.Huslnesa Is boomlngwlth ii«. flow cutihl

It ha utiicrwla;-, oonslucrlng tbe elegant lliio of plciures Ind benutlfiiT new designaframe* the best over atown In tills city and Iho prleas right, t'ary A Kenny, 630 nnd *81 Hruadtlnel. Telvvitou* H6.

IN Hie t**0 **T0 *V*TW*iHI»«T*H.e. *.DOOCi • 0 *0 F*.1'W4> DHACHMX, *1.00.

COHTllAUTH a w a r d e d .The (oUowiog ooatraoie it*** been recorded

at thl Oourlhoui* tMary J. Bnillb with Hmlth *

84.488, carnsnitr, nision, plumbing and ;iaioto tne, C'nrnagle nve.. East tirange. N. J.

Reorge itimer with A. E. **to'th. ’W*®,"; north side of I'nrtltnd ul.. Montoiilr, H. J.i J .i'e It. Isjckwond, architect.

Oenrge Homnr with Ueotue T. Bunlto. 11.*^ caTuenter. italuDog. north aid* of I ortland X . JL J.! Jeaaa H. Lockwood.“ £ llM A .>w .r with John VV., ^,1W. mawinry. Hartford road. South Orange, N.J.. Chnrlet P. Italdwlii. archlleol. „

Etil# A. Apgur with Tr veil * Walter*.1T4. rorpanter, tinning. Hartford roail, b"uth Orange N. J.; Uharl.. I*. Baldwin, arohltect.

4goes VYaganblnst with William Hohafet, 8S5S* *1 Hay city: Wllllaui K. Beboanig.*' AgneH Wsgenblaet with Irtuta (<olineld*r, |97t“ uarponter, 90 H«Y at, oity i Wm. K.

Am j-'j^ illnbi'iat with Grttrge walder. paftpliiralilng. 80 Hey at., city; Win-^ '^ ■ l ' « ^ n t t r V l t h Wledet*^^ZIuinifr, 1180, painting, 90 Hay tL, c ity ; V K. Bclmenig, arehltacl. nmIrtsto Bruno with Antohlo Klppoln. 1 1 ^

- .................... „i.i«.i.iiie and uaint'ng.

prHNIHHEP hnURB In Por«! HMl lo r#nt. dri'iR Good LocAiltirv, IL»* J. New# omc«#.

il.MrflKY ST., B50—Til lit, S*#lor¥ brlrk dwell- Ins: Jo rrjomi, modem Jmprov#w#ot#;

rent nnHler#t«. Apply 22 W#rreii #t. ***

wUh power; comrtninfl II ’rtnTt;LXT-;g h o y : . w ' t o m - r r t . ‘- 36V

IT AMT ED.NTGE 1______________^ iT k.o/ftTiiiLrwEntMir # oluhroom for B#t|**'* * dfy’ 'S2SW Y ".tote*.erio .. etc. Club, Ro* N. News oflica.

FURMIgHED R D O ^ .w a n te d—Furnished ronije tor man. wR* and

ohltd; murt be ressonabt*. Rooma Box News otilce.

ROARUING,3ANK BT.. 196—Furnlshad room,

(Int-clasa board.with bath;

l lJ

mrnr.‘“ tiiSTrariroaX, Adde... Horn., *o.O. New* ollUw.



C O L U M B I A C H E M I C A L C O . w a s h i n q t o n , ^ . c .

•m o #00 ooo#-LUs** IlilUUnurr, A|fn#t|.7fl7 tlrwinl it*

a T . ; n i r v . " ’. o llrvV l'lL i-K . &-h«hTg'lirti'jamln 8. Whitehaad with William H»hji,

8449, palniing, 978 Ml. Proapeot »ve., cUr i ( harlea I'. Iktldwlu, arejiliact.

HKIH HT., NO. 878-To let, lhr**-ltory brljk dwelling, ten rooma, with bath; all Improve-

nienlfl, InquireH. IL PARRBTT.

4fit 7 » Broad it.D#ll«-llOrPFefl TO RENT—41 JorskmOQ #t-

vllle. U room#, oily water.22 Mh|iI* it- lIliHimfleld. 9 rorfift#, city wat#r. 27 Kmmat #l- Newark, 8 routn#, all iniptle IIW Penoa. av#., Newark, 0 rotmi#, all intpia-

UOh ofco. r. DODD. 619 Broad #L



nuoMfl a n d f l a t * t o l e t .

very ooi#y. jow tmi^Winiprevemenl#. M*- LUDLo w . Lafarett# 6flw


ite. near CoWt- -to late flSq

b o a H D -T wo rsepwlabi* young3 ? ^ r 9 S ‘^ ^ irn .ra 5 ^ .:'’r i ! S M ! " ' i

BROAD *T.. 019—Furnfrh^ reot»a.wRh improvement*; tirms nmrterata, ___ » *

NoCLINTON A m . l09-App|tcaUon* for be made at ###• to

room# T i^ ^ iia m rt.. EMt Or-HIM M 106 Oll#ton are.,?,rirk"tlh“ Kfrk r ^ 7 ir .| . •.7..r-Aprll «.44i

71 V S e r X t n " ^ n e*" r*nTi'?Su:j«roi

8iA49o«unl, tt.lOiboard. Hi I

ban k BT,. Mfi-Ftat. to lati rent » «>d Itainutore 4l Haotot_^

HOU9E8 TO I.HT-Two detlrtbll new *'"tonf brick houiea on South Brosd st.. between Gil­

lette pi. unit Murray st.: nine rooms, laundry, bath and all modem Improvemmirt road/ April 16; rent rraionable. A. W. McCABh., 846 Broad at.. 8d Soon. ™HOU8E lo let, J«a North 9lh it,. T rooms and

bath, all ImproveniBtiai rent 1*6, .Inqulf*C, B. rRUDBN,90f _________817 North Tth at.HOUBK, In good erdm., location csotral, to

nsimi; permits 1 to 4 P. II. Inuulrs MBS. OBDNBT. HI Hslsey sL _______ Wv

nat, 8 ^ ™ i"^ i'a m (l?r5 S ^ I< f« glve«

GAVEN BPBNCB^_^ ------------ -------------qAyEN_0PH”irK 8T,. 186—Flat* to89 *»d n o ^BnUNBWII

hoU#4 B rrbflek


s g a p j i 7 . J i A , V . ' S . M r J ' ~ ' ' «

PLANE BT..* or wlihaql board *79 rFlan# #iewig

^ iTroWn* *T,. 88^Ho« " *"* taiard, 88.BO. U

“ w a n t e d .

BtJRNBT OT.^^^To leb^mjf^jjvoflfjor; rent IdsW' *■

four room#. sreoKid


OatUarlne Toonty with ritnilng. Drummond &Co„ |1, '» ....„ .JJliO, oarppntar, niaaon, painting and plumhlug, II Ailifanu hVA, oltyi B*mo*l U. Lead beater, arobllact.

LINGril.H AV»„ 49-Houti, 10 rooma; bath and laundry; all improvemema, Inquiro 41

l.lnroln av*.. or W. C. WARNER, T » Broad •t. 1*wLINDEN BT., 18-To 1*1, from May lit. 8 A I^

brick heui*. 10 rooms, all Improvements, in- iiulr* rroUTaNBUROH * CO„ m .»l6 Urwl #L i i i

162—FtAir ptcarent

-To i#it roomsx

^ " S r a a lh^bU rrem -ioW .rnofMii;


CONPIT BTea *fl roomi a upPrt *

Broad it.

t*_T0 let. lower partirir pare « n u wreomiL Appir 7JJ


p ;^ s r i C « H Y ‘Y» ™>ta* » • •iiS

aiLti n Y __________

‘ ^ * ’ '5 . & k f ; si f f r

lily woiild Mk# fttarRnrtd; t«nj»ref#rrrtl.

u,"Som'J7*iK Addfi* Grtiteel. Box J. N*«oMre. —

U o*.rofarsnoas eiohab|«



I i : M.



!0Mt, ; pH- M l,


«r tw^t «*oh,1Ut for

r: bith’ tACtUlj


n:Ifh pti.


« D .

th tath| t ill

M »»n hff• r&mtiy. rdb«U. 1th bd*m;


101 Uhl*


I, «>.iift tp



N E W A T O C E V E N I N G N E W S , T U E S D A Y , M A R C H 2 f i . 1 8 9 0 . 8N O TE S F R O M T H E O R iN G E S . d e a t h s . HVLF W A K T O > -lfA E J n .

S v»bU • ! IsU rM l A b « « l Ch«r«1l, Glttb, flo€l»l u d FbIIh A d U n Oiifcli«r*d

!• tlia FopaU u* SshiU’WA concert w u (Iven kn Union H*U, Or*

Ange, lA4t night by thr B«nd o f Hope, co l­ored. bntm*h o f the W. C. T. U* An *»■ ceMeni m uilcal procram m * w u rendered.

The Orenge VAlley Building end L oin AeeocUUon will hold tti nnnuAl mMtlngUonday night, April A

Health P hyilcU n Dr. F.__________ J. E. Telre-guii, o f Orange, delivered a lecture on ■anltary mattera at the Orange Bureau o f AMoclated Charltlea thle afternoon.

Llewellyn X^lvlalon No. MA Bone o f Tem­perance. o f Orange, will elect offlcera for the eneulng Quarter to-morrow night.

John P. Pratt Bone o f Veteran*, of Orange, met l u t night and muitered In two recruit*.

Orange Lodge, B. P. O. E., will elect ofllcere to-morrow night for the eneulng year.

The left wing o f the Third Battalion. Companlea K and M. will l>« Inetructed In guard duty hy Majior P. D. Jackeon at the Orange Armory to-nlghf.

W. H. Bimpaon, o f Cambridge itreet, Kaat Orange, wa* thrown from hie wagon while driving In Central avenue yeeterday afternoon and rocelved aeveral cut* about the body.

Sergeant George Bnow, o f the Ea«t Or­ange police, 1* condned to hie bed with rheumatlem.

Rev. Dr. Charle* H, W . Stocking lec­tured before the Ladle*' Phllomathlan Claa* yeeterday afternoon at the reeldence o f Mr*. T. N. Bollea, Evergreen place, y^aat Orange. Hi* aubject waa 'T h e Land o f tho V iktnga"

The eighth annlveraary o f Llewellyn Council No. 11, Golden star Fraternity, will be held In Uluaic Hall, Orange, on Tuesday night, April 2.

The Dem ocratic Boelety o f the Orange* will hold a bustneaa meeting to-morrow night at Ita rooma, com er o f Main and Con* atreeta, Orange.

A rouging meeting o f Republtcan* waa held In the First district o f tne Plrat Ward In Orange last night, at which James B i­ker was Indorsed for Alderman. This die- trirt has a number o f huatUng young Republican workers and hai grunra for Itself the name o f being the '"star" Re-fiubllcan dlatiict In Orange. At the meet- ng there w ss a little trouble, however,

A large number o f the oolored voter* threatened to nominate a candidate o f their own. A con ferm ce was finally held and the colored brethren agreed to sup­port Mr. Hiker.

The Orange Maennerchor gave an enter­tainment to its members In Library Hall. Orange, last n igh t

The ooet o f the new Fifth Ward hose- house In Orange w as I4.N1I). and not t&,UOO, as reported._____________________________

AHRENfl—On TuMdsy, March M, 1IM. Will- : lam p. Ahreos, btluved child cf William and Natl* Ahrens, aged 10 laoatha

Balsuvss sod frlsndi a n must rsepsetfully In­vited to Attend the fsaeml rroia the parents* residence. Rov U Pesbine avenue, on Tliurs- day. March 1100. at 1 P. M, Interment In Woodlaad Cemetery.

BAVER-Oa Bundar. March U, ISMk, Caroline Bauer, afur long and painful Ulnees. aged U years 2 atunihe and H days.

Relatlvsa and friend* are respectfully Invited In attend the funeral from her mother's reel* dence, No. 121 Waverly svenue. on Wednes­day. Marsh 37. 1W6, at 2 P. M. Interment In Wckodland Cemetery.

Bt:HCKHAR0T-On Monday, March 2S. Otto Burokhardt. beloved husband ^ Bertha Burckhardt, aged 41 years 10 months IS daya

lUlMitree anil friends, also metni>eni of Oran- Ue Lodge No. 21, K. of P .; Allemanla Coun­cil No. no. Order of Cboeea Prtends. Musi­cal Union, HRydn Mualosl Society, aieo mu­sicians In general, are moet respectfully in­vited to attend his funeral on Wednesday, March 27. at 10 A. M., from hie late resi- dence, No, SOS West Kinney street, to Freeh P<md Urematc^, Long Island. Please omit fin were.

Male help, any caparliy. free to e ^ ploysTS at short aotlrs, such as diivets,

clerks, cnschmen. JanUore. seeful me^ watch- men, engineers, factory hands, eta. 31 OedarSt.AQENTH-Wanted, honeet. eaergeUc men to *o-

llclt orders for nursery stock; permanent ern* ployment, e ipeaw and salary; write at cncf f^ ;enns and terrllofy fur fall delivery. The R. O. rilAHH CO.. 14W South Penn Square. Phila­delphia, i*a. 11*AGENTS warned, to sell the rhamplon Carpel

tllretcher: big money to agente; those thM mean busineee come and see It. BMITH. m New St. IAGENTS wanted for three new household ar­

ticles; lust out: sell at sight; big jMnUits. Phoenix C'omitany, 33 Merhatilo at- 1AN Intelligent man wanted to All a vacancy

with Meuv^mliian Life |ruiurmt>re Compan> at Orange; only «uub as have smhiiion for a«l- I'anccment need apply. 323 Main at., o r ­



CLERK tn grocery store wants sliustkin; four ;years' experience; beet of referencea Addrees l

Clerk, Box K. News nflii'e. 1 ;OOACUMAN, Knglleh, »lngle. strictly temper­

ate, desires i>nshiiin; city or country; Aret- olase rsferemeK 41 Astor st., rliy. ilxDRIVEH—Yciung man wishes situation as

drivsr delivery wagon, reference* end lAO se­curity given. l»rner. 31 tuford st. 1KNOINKKH

desirse a o<ii llaM*. m i R

New Turk City lloaneed engineer eitiun as enffneer; sober and re-

Ri-k 1{>>«, N. Y. 24u

f a r m WohK V young German. 34 year*, wanlewo^k „n fsrui. IfW Magaslue st. l

HIDDLE-AOI-^li nun. with guMl business abtl- Itv, wants reference satlsfaclory.

Address AMIm\. h»i V. News offliw. :iew(.»FFICK AKAISTanT -W anted—Young man de­

sire* position a- f HIre assistant, or Tn generalRiooery. refvit-n Address lCxperlen4-<, M*iX

, News i fflre tthv

ORANGE ADVKRTlAKlfKNTS.a l l members In good standing and those wish­

ing to retain membership of the riemm'ratlc Boelety of the Oranges will meet at the society room* oa Wednesday svenlng, at 8 o'clock, March it. I8BR. Committee. AftwLADIH8 of East Orange and Roseville are cor­

dially Invited to attend opening of our mllll- . --------------------- commencing Mon-nery and dresscuitini school,

day. March 3ft. Open <lay and evening Hsla sL, East Orange. Louisa M. O’ Neil, TUTHE R. T. Taylor Drsaecutllng Ruhool, In the

W’ llllain* Building, 1* the miTv instliulinn In Orange that teachre the genuine TAYLOR'BEsttro. lisesons day and evening. 31* Main st.


or TOtmg |ark*t and rlsh famltr



8, A. FARRAND. Read MasMri WILEON FARRAND. Aaaoolst* Master:

Re-opens Beptember IT. 1M4.Thorough preparatlim for any eolleg* or sel-

entlAo school or for business Ufa Catalogue on sDPllcaUoa

MIBB TOWNSEND'S boarding and day school for girla H PARK PL.. Newark. N. J,

Primary, Academto aM College Prepante^ Departmtata Re*open Wsdoesday. Bept. M.

Cxrculani on appllcailon.______________ ilUcSEND your children to the l^ p lt 's Slfht Bing­

ing Class, of Newark. N. J.. every Baiurday, at 3:30 P. H., and coftie, youmlf. In the eveo'

CLARH -At East Orange, tm March 3ft, lltBft, ileborah Weeks, widow of William R, Clarke aged 76 year* and 6 months, ^

Funeral service* from th* residence of her daughter. Mrs. Alfred Collier. No. AO Steu­ben street, oa Wednesday at 4 P M. Rela­tives and friends srs Invited to attend. In- tsrmsnt at Falrinount rsmster>' at the ww- venlenee of the family,

CLAVTOK-On M«,-h M. 1M». B ll« , wlrtow Of Jw p h cunon. 8r„ M -1 T4 y « r » uid 2 months.

Relatives and friend* are Invited to aiiend the funeral strvlces from her Isle reeldeoca Ni». IW Court street, on Friday at 3:Brt P. M. Interment In Falrmount remelery at the convenience of the family.

FLYNN-On the « lh Insl., Thowa* J.. son of the Ute Michael and Mary Flynn.

Reis live* and friend* of the deci»a*ed ym re- ept<ctru]ly Invited to attend the funeral from Ills late resldsnce. No. 37 Cleveland avenue. Harrleisi. on Wednesday. 3Tth Insl., at 8 A. M.. to the tTiurch of the Htdy Cro**, where a High Ma*s of Requiem will be o f­fered for the repos* Of hie soul imerrneiit In the Cemetery of the Holy Beimlchre.

HALLENHECK-On Monday morning. Maroh 3ft. im . Catharin* Bklnkle, widow of Will­iam 11. Hallenbeck, In her Hlh year.

Funeral services at the resldem'e of her enfidn- law Mr. J B. Uundy. No. ua LlniH>ln Park, on Wednee«lay. March 2t. at 8 P. M. Rela­tive* and friends are Invited W attend. In­terment In Hudeuii Cemetery, New York Btate, on Thursday. March 3*. Friends will kindly omit Aoweri.

Hudson, New Yafk fWate, papers pleas* oopT.HAPWARIV-On Monday. March 3R. 18*6.

D u lsl Hapward. beloved husband of Jennie Main, aged 4B year*.

Relatives and frtenda alau CHf«m Council No. 1,833. Amerloan tjegkin of Honor, and Mt, Proepect Camp No. 63. Fraternal Legion, are respectfully invlied to attend the funer­al from hi* late resldeACS. Bllver I^ake. Old Blc>omfle1d road, on Thutwday. March 36. Haw, at 3 P. U. IntermeBt In liloopsBeld Cemetery.

New York paper* please copy.HYLAND-On Ihc S4th Inst., fnien. wife of the

late Jnhn Hylaml. in hsr 64th year.Relatives and friends of the family are re-

speutfully Invited to attend the fuiveral from her late residence. N>'. ni) Plane street, on Wedneeday, Ma •h 27. 1NW1. at A. M., thence to the I'sthrdrel at P:30 A. M.. where * High Mass of Requiem will be of­fered for the repose of her soul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy ftepulchre.

JACKHON-On Msrrh 24, IMA, Catharine, daughter of Catharine and the late James Lynne, and wife of John Jacksnci

Relative# and friends 4»f the family are spectfuliy Invited to attend the funeral from her ists realdenet, No. 24 Ferdon street, on Wednesday. March 37, at h.flO A. M.. to Ft James's t'hurch, where a High Mass of Ks- qulem will be offered for ibe reptoee nf her soul. Interment In Ihs Cemetery of the Holy Bepulchre,

LEE—On March R. John, beloved husband of Kate l ee.

Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral from Ms late residence. No. lui Hudson street, on Wednesd^, March 37. at 7:4111 A. M., to Bt. Joseph's Cmuroh, where a High Msss of Requiem will be oflenHd for the repu*e of hi* soul. Interment In lbs Cerae tery of the Holy Sepulchre.

PALURK--At Orange, N. J.. on MarTh 25, 1W5, Mary Ellen Pudney. wife of Walter Palmer, formerly of Bprln^eld, N. J,« in her 41at year.

Notice of funeral hereafter.PONBONRT-On Monday, March 36, 18Dft,

Lucy Fonsontiy, aged 84 years.Funeral totdi place to-day at 8 P. M., from

her late resldeime, 18 Bearing street. Inter­ment In the Cemetery of th* Holy Bepul chre.

HAG-MAKBH wanted lout of town) as foreman;capabla of making all grade* of work. A<l-

dreae. staling age and experlsnoe, T. L. C.. Ibix News oflh-e.

HOY wanted, who writs# plainly and also undvr- Blands use of telephone. Apply by letter,

ataclng wage# desired. Plumber, Hoi K, Newsuglee. 1

OVERSEER .\ ..jng married man wants sit­uation as at’ thntuughly undemtands the

plotting ,and riiiinugfmtfnt of all furett and or­namental ln*,>H. rli.MiiHlendrvns and all other kinds of shruliii: iKtig 4-xi»rlenve In Kur'*t*e; *lt*i

good kiu>wl«-.lm- of farming otieratlons. Ad- dras* A. WtH»ii. 71 liixKtai st. Nm*

ROT—Wsnled, strong hoy; must know the rliy; IS per week, KEANE, bar glass. 1«T

Market st. 1

PAt.KEH—A yt-uon man. 22, wants |Mi*ll1on ae packer In »>mr tvholesale house, ur at any­

thing; wage* no . i.jert, Addrea* Willing, lioa ■ News nffle# I

ROY—Warned, actK-e, imelUgent boy for offlee work; must be goixl wriler; none under |8

need apply. Address Hoy. 1k»x H, Nrwaciint'e.l

TOOLHAKKR 1 prover. .\ddrti

"UM like a twialilnn a* tm- > Maker. >kix J, News uiRt'e.l

ROY wanted with snm* experlenoa tn bsrbar •hop. Apply MR Brtisd st 1

BM FLOTMKNT W AN TB p-FBM ALls..A .GOOp_ BhllVA.NT auppUsd at short no-

BOY wanted to work In shoe store; must have good riferencea, H. NORTON. 191 Ferry st.l

tlqa, W* procure work vlthoat charge rirlT and -------

DOT—Wanted, a neat boy to learn engraving. Address fkigraver, Box k . News ofhee. t

genrrally hav* lyiplloatloru for Elite Biiiploynveat Omos, 74U Broi^


iBg; first lesson March 33. T, M, C, A. Wm. S. Twichell, Conductor.


8HORTHAND AND TTPEWRlTING school of tbs Woman's Christian Ass'n, 164 Court st.;

term* moderate. Apply at school. 9 t* 13 a . M.. or after to teacher, I. C, KBNNRDT. 35 Wright sL BgvBRNN PITMAN BHQRTHAND BCHOOL. T55

Broad at. Day or svaoing.


Manlo._ — .............................. .. lod; Ric©

luilan and SMnlsh mandolins, tor a le , and inuelo for reaaqciia and piano. 3ffT Aeademy,l8a

____________ by Frank _guitar, cornet; Italian method; RIcca, th* IbiMimandolin,


Calanths H^l, 661 Broad pL CUsas* Tuesday evenings T to 10:30; a«w term

DOW opao.Privet* laesoDs <two-et*p and waits In 6 la -

eons> at residence, R53 Broad st.. when clrcu- Urs and Information can be obtained. Bq





'ANVAHBEHB-Waated.lTUelllgetn men tu esn- salary and rommlaslim; only exiwri-

enced men need apply. Call bHwsen fl and 8 P. M, ufily. L. Blemberg A Co., 2,10 Market st. HI

NEAT Oermun girl would like situation for housework In smhil family, lift Uagnulla Nt.


c a r p e n t e r s —Wanted, two can^ ters , Cor. Magasinn and Frankfort ate. 1

CKAMRERMAIh und waltrewi. roNirtd, de­sire* sUuail'in in privets family; ftrst-rlasa

reference. Call i>r Hddrrsa 30 Orchard si., o r ­ange. 43v

CLERK- Wanted, young man a* jT^^r and butcher; must Im honest. Inquire 27 Rose at.,

3d flour. Ikw

COOK—Olrl aouM itk* situation as ro*»k. wash­ing and Irontns In small famllv; three year*'

reference; no i-nnls. I'nil 4T William sL, ilr-Mwnnge.

OOT.LECTOR wanted fc»r Instalment bouse;muni furnish bond. Addroaa K., lloi 0, News

office, 36w

COOK wishes sUuaMun: cook, wash und iron; references. 6 y»*Mrs. 3' Clover s i.; no rarda.l

DRIVER -Good young man wanted to drive oil route; must demand some trade, and have

I XK»d r^erence* and security. Cal) B. GOLD- ITEIN, Freeman Building, Arlington. Dow

DAT'B WORK-A ie«|iectahle wumsn aski for day'* Work, wMblng or liuueecirsning. Apply

K. D-. room U, 321 Market at. 1DAT'B WORK wanted ot any kind,

days, 47 Academy st.. 1st flunr.Call jwi»


GOOD Job press feeder wanted: must be able to make ready. HOLllRtXJK PRINTING

CO. , 1'W

DRE8PMAKER, menu dally;

Plane at.eeiKTleneed. wlshsp engage-

mml-'rate. MISS IM'LIK. 76 •llw

INHURANCE AGENTB,sewing machine agents.agents of any kind who *011011 from families,

can mut"rially Increase their ravenu* by id- dressing Insurance, Box D, News nfflee, 6Mw

KOL'SRKEFFEH Warned, sltuallon ns house- kc-ener; no to children. 324 Cross

at., llarriaun. ]

JEWKLLKK-Good ring-maker; elate experi­ence. AddreM i\ W., H. News ofltce. 1

ltr>jipe4'iabJe colored gtrl a ants I) Psittlly, at geneta) houw -

MANAORR-Wanted. a competent man as man­ager and saieeman In hal department; only a

No, I man need apply. Address Msnager, Box I>, New* olhee. 1

HOUHKWOKKB sltuallon in stoh __

work. In city: wag< 415 u d ||fl ('all two day*, 4~ Ar'idmiy si.liOrBEWfiRK - A youitg girl wanU work at

general housework. undersUnOs all kinds nf housework. 134 M iKasIne st. 1

MEN wanted at MARflUALL'B Slablee, 4Uri W’ashlngton st.


PTlRBaEriH and baJiiert wanted oa Ane ooats. ABRAHAM BTElNER, .K) Bedford *t. 1

llOUBBWOKK Vi- man wants sltuxllun at general housework. Inquire 8.1D IMsne si.

no posiala.

(IALRRMEN. calling on any branch of trade, to handle best-paying side lin* out Call any

naming this week, or Wednesday, 6 to 3 P. M.. room 43. nintwi llulldini. 1

HOUREWOHK-Vuung gtrl Wlshe* sKuailnn general hDuiewurh. referenca Call 11 Lllwrty

■I. \

HfUrBEWORK -tVi>man wishes slLuRtliin gensrsl houaeut rk. Call 115 Warren sr.

BALEHMAN—Wanted, young man of good ad- dreas, as salesman In custom department. Ad-

drsn. with references, Clothlar, box K, New# oMce. 1

LAUNDREB8 -W'f*msTi wants Work any kind; good laundress. Call or addres* 141 Hu) .i.'-i

ts t

BHOEMAKERB wante4l; loiters and flnisheri on men’s Bhoen. 176 Grand sb, New York, 1

N1'RBE->A young Diinlsh girl wants alluathin as nuiwe or upstairs girl; good sewer: East

Orange or RosevllIi>. Imjulr* at 23 North Maple ave,, Bast Orange. ]

WAITER \VANTKn-ft3 William at.WANTED—A )oung man who underttands

pants cutting and to assist cutter. AMERI­CAN TAlLoniNO CO., U2 Market at t

NVRBB—Understands children; good references. 373 Aqueduct mi. ]

WANTICD—If you are a Catholic, unemployed, and will work for S18 per week, write Mae-

Ctmnell Bros., 11 Franklin st., Hostoa, Mass.

STENOGRAPHER Wauled, poattlon as aieno- grapher and typfWrlier; underatande l»>Hik-

keeplng: good penman, salary moderate, M -i- erate, Box J. News ulhce, isMj

WANTED—Good man to aallcit advertlsemeDts: big money. WJ) Broad st., room 81- 1

WAITRBBB -Youns girl warns altuatlnn anwaltrtaa and chanil>ermald; good referenre.

Call 34 Monmouth st. ____________ I

ROBINSON—On the 38th tost., Marnret, daughter of Ann and the lata James Robta- HKLP W A N T F D -> F »J k X »l.

WASHING—Young wnman wants washmg. Ironing, hobsecleaning or day's work of any

kind. Call 3B7»a <)fden st. ________ 74*




WANTED*BICYCLB wanted, aeeond-hand, oa th* Itiatal

ment plan. Addre** C. MILLER, 66 J ^ n - aylvanla kva. iCABT-OFF clothing bought; suits o1*an*d and

prisiiil, Tfto.; lapalrlnf. RICH, 116 Mulberry.

COLLBmONB of cotna atatnpa. autogmpha old gold, sllvar and jswelry bought at vBR-

RlSR’ f , 656 Brood sL. Dwr Clay. 66f

UlOKEST prtc* paid for getitlsmen's cast-off cIotMnf; order# by mall promptly attended to.

L MADANBKT, 56 Commeroe et. 7o

ICE BOX—Wuited. small butoher’ i lot box; cheap for cash. 466 Washington st J

DLD.QQ1»D, silver and jewelry bought MAR Tin * 1ST Market st.; entrance on Kaltey


MKDICAUDR. ROLMXB'B Bpeclflo a eui* and M t lv *

care for all fsmale Irrsgvlarltlea Addreaa S46 Cansden a t , MsU's above Hlgb on Cmilral ave,: C. B. Bmitk* B6I Broad at! OoluaMaa Phamaoy, High and Buss eg aT*,, and U1 ' giets: prioe |l.IF you need a spring mtdlctne* net Dr. Dow's

remedies for the bl(M>d, liver and kidneys; a sure our* for dyspepela; female remtdlea a sp«» laity. MRS. F, H, PURDY, Agent, 6TI BroadBt IgAIA< djeease* treated by experienced phyalelan .a t the HBAL/TH PHARMACY, It Markat at. mPP- Coortbousa). CSiarge fur medicine cnly.lOtABA m e d ic a l INSTITUTE. Read our Ave-

Inoh advartiaeirmnt on another page. ______1

POLITICAL,THE dalegatea to Blavanth Ward Oonvenilon

are notified lo meat to-night at tba Llrxmln Glubhoust, No. 66 N. Seventh at, at 8 o'clonk* to nominate one Alderman, one Bchool Com- mlmloDtr, on# Juatloa of J^ca and on* Cem* *tal)|a for aald ward.

DAVID E. BENEDICT, Chairman Ward Exacutlva Committee.

HERBERT H. MATTfl.^B#cmt»ry. %

LOST AMD FOUND.LOBT—Last night at Waldmann'a Theatre* la

orcheaira row E, right-hand side, one patent spring umbrella with black handle; engraved with small horseshoae. Finder will reoeive lib­eral reword by returning to Bl and 68 Bpring- fleld ava. tLOST—Pug dog, with name (ToO on oollnr.

Finder will be rewarded by bringing earn* to W llXlAM KAT2, 14 Grant at. 1


M0TIC9B 1* hereby given that (he Cemmimton- era heretofore appointed by the Mayor of the

olty of Newark, to make an eatlmate and asseii* ment upon all the owners of all the lands and real eatate In the olty of Newark, peculiarly beneflted by any local Impravement in the said oily, In proportion as noariy as may be to the advantage each waa deemed to have acquired, have made an eatiinate and assseamept of ben- aflta upon aM the owner* of all (h* lands and real eaiate In the city of Newark peculiarly ben*At*d by each of tb* following Improvemtuts in sald olty. aamely:

Relatives and friends of the family are r*- apectfully Invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, No, 6 Watt street, Kear* ny, on Thursday. 28th Inn, at 8 A. M., to Bt, Cecelia's Churctr where a High Maae of Requiem will be offered for (he repoee of her soul. Inierment In tbe Cemetery of the Roly Bepulchre.

^ t 'L L —At East Orange, Bunday. March 34, Camlli* Leona, dauntcr of John A. and Al­mira B- Scull, aged 3 year# U months and 36 day*.

Funeral aervice* will be held on Wedneeday, March 37, at 3 P. M.. from the realdence oj her parents, 387 Elmwood avenue, East Or­ange. Relalivea and friends of th* family are kindly invited to attend, Intel menl at Rooedale Cemetery at the convenience of the family.

BHARP-^h Mondxy morning, March 85. 1886, Mary Van Duyn*. widow of Charles H. lUiarp, In Ihs 64th year of her age.

Relative* and friends are InvItH to attend ths funeral servlreB from her late residence, No. 88 Burnet street, cm WedneMay, the 27th Inst., at 8 o'cknk p, M. Interment Roa*dale Cemetery.

BHIBLDB-Crn Tuesday, March 36, Sarah widow of Thomas Bhtelda aged 37 yeara.

Relatives and friends of th* deceased are re­spectfully Invited to attend the funenl from her late resldence.No, 883 Belleville avenue, at 6:80 A. M.. Thuraday, March 38, to At. Mlehasl'a Church, where a Mae* of Requiem will be celebrated for ths repose of her soul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy-Bepulchre.

BKlDMORE--On March 34. 1365, Mary M. Rharpe» wife of Jacob Bkldmotv, in her 46th year.

FuneM *ervlcea at her late reaidenoe. No, 11 Bcott sUeet, Wednenday, 3Tth Inst., at 2:80 P, M. Aelatlvee and friends are invited

TEUFEL—Entered into rest, on Sunday, March 34, 1885, at IS o'clock A. M.. John Peter, beloved husband of Wllhelmlna Teufel, a g ^ 68 years 8 months.

Relatlvs* and frienda also Bchlller Lodge No. 6, O. D, H. B., Ladle*' Aid Hoclety No. 8, of Hermann Bona, Ladlea B|ck Aid Society the Wohlthastlgkells Society No. I, and George A. Halsey's employes, are moat respectfully invited to attend bis funer­al on Wednewlay. March 37. at 2 P. If.. fYom hla tat* r*sld«no*. No. College place. Interment at Falrmount Cemetery,

"WHITAKBR—On tbe Sftth Inet., Agnes, daugh­ter of Jnhn and Fannie WTiltaker, of 77 Buaaex avenue, aged U year* 6 month* 16 day*.

Funeral was private (to-day) Tuewlsy, March . iTJterment at Falrmount Ceme-

J*ry. Friend* will kindly accept thia only Intimation.

WlLTBBROER^At Morristown, N. J., Sun­day, March 24, 1365, Charle* D. Wiltberger, kged 44 year* 8 month* and 6 days.

Funer^ Mrvloea will be held In th* M*tho- olet Eplacopal (Thuroh to-raorrow (Wedne*- day) afternoon at 8:|0 o'clock, omcer* and member* of the Iforriitown Fire Depart­ment, memhere of Morrletown Lodge No. 12], Knights of Pythias; alai Rtiiitlcue l ^ g e No. 88, I. O. 0. F., and friende of th* family ar* reepectfully Invited.

WILSON—On Saturday evening, March 23, 1805, Jane 0. Wlleon, agi^ 65 yaan.

Funeral ■•rrloea on Wednesday, 37 th ln*L at 3 o clock p, H., from the residence of her daughter, Mrs, 8. J. Beans, No. 7 GImiwck^ avenue, East Orange, N. J,

WILTSIBI—On Runday, ths 34th tnit., Charls* B. WllUle, aged 41 yeare U dtye.

F ^ era l servlc## from Calvary Prcebyteiian Chunk, pMuteylvanla avenue, on Wednes­day, the STIh Inst., at 3:80 P. M. Relative* and friends are invited to attend. Inier- naent in Fairmoiint Cemetny,

A,—A.—German, Rued* and other good m rants, any rapacity, for housework; we allow

. week’ i trial end guarantee to suit you with a competent servant. 22 (Tedar et. Established 1878. t

WASHING—Wijman wante few days' work, washing and ironing, at home or out, 66 WIJI-

lam at. \

A p l a c e fret of rharge for giria with refeb- ene*; hlgbaat wages: beat fguaUIas, Elite

pleqrnMnt ofllo*. 740 Broad st 33aA SEWING girl wanted to nin Demareet ma­

chine. Apply 1 6 P. M., fiS South 13th at..Rnsevllle. I Wa s h in g warned ai Imma.

54 Walnut et.APPRENTICE—An apprentice wanted for

dreeamfking: must b* neat sewer. 202 Plane

Please call rear78v

a p p r e n t ic edressmaking.

and Improver 43 Rector >t.

wanted for 12w

YqiTNO GIRL, gr>od rrocheier, wants a pnai- making rfjiura, laces and tidlaa. Call

328 td et., Harrlpnn. 1APPHENTICB

Bleecker et.Wanted at dressmaking. 36


at 617 Broad *1.apprentice

BAATER8, ofwratore and finishers wanted ... fine coats. Rear of 83 WickIKfs at. ITw

BABTERB ranted on fine pants, DISFEN- THALER. factory rear 44 Green at. 85u

CARHIER-Wanted. young lady to qualify as e. Inquire 31cashier and book-keeper, at once.

Market et.

^ATLANTIC BHADES-Quaranteed Bunfaet, in All

Bites and In All Colors, for Pub­lic BuNdlnss, Private Kesl- dencea, Btorei, Baluvne and Fae-lories,



104 asd 106 POLK RT.. near FERRY ST.COOK-Wanted, capable girl who underaUnds

plain cooking, washing and ironing. Call tn morning, at 6 Bouth KRb st. 78wCOOK—Tompetent girl wanted as oook and

laundresi; must be flrvt-olaas In every raspecL 1061 Broad si. 1COOK—Warned, good gtrl to do eommoo cook­

ing. 6 William et ;_______________________ ”COOK-Want a good vegeUble cook; referenoe

required. W Park pi. ____ . 1DREB0MAKER8-Wanl#d, flral-claa dre«e-i

nakere and errand gtrl at 68 Bouth Clinton at.. Bait Orange, N. J. _______ 25t

CHEAP family ahne store—Ladles' line kid but ton, II; ladies' ftnv hid builnn, tl.15; taill''a'

fine kill latced. tl 1 . ladles' double-aoled kid button, 11.60; Tnisaea' kid button, 6O0. ; Men's sewed laced, |1; nipn's Ane laced and galtera, tl.15; men's fine eatln calf laced. t1-50; boys' sewed laced, t l; youths' sewed laced, VO.\ Wkl. J, McKINNBY'R. 378 Plane et,, near W’ llllam.

ERRAND girl wanted. Call 51 Fulton st. BtwQIRLg wanted for houaeworkt

Call 4 William at., olTlce.good wagea

GOOD cooks wanted; also colored oook and wait­ress fur boarding house: references requited.

MRS. GBIG. BARKER'B Inlelllgenoe Ofllc*. 434 Main st.. Orange._________________________

GRANITE HUNUMENTB-W* manufaciure and carry in ebxk granite monumenia, head-

stone* and general cemetery work; steam power and pneumatic enahlee us to produce ihe best fInlihH work at lowest prices. POWERH 4 M^OWAN. H<juth Orang* ave., opposite Falrmount Cemetery, Newark, N. J. 64q

HAN DR wanted for beading nets and laces: work glvrn out; weekly deliveries: good prioea

Call peraoDsily. H. L. OFFER 4 BRO., 143-144 Greene st.. New York. ^KDT'nEWQRKRR-Wsntad, « flrst-class house-

worker: tnuet be a good cook; reference Inves­tigated; two in family. 313 Bummer, near Sd ave.; or 740 Broad st.. poom 1-


Raiori ground, concaved set ready for use.

Ren work tn the city, makere' ecisw^rs ground.

21 Bprlnsfleld ave., opp. Court House.


HOUBKWORK—Wanted, girl for general house- work: good wages. 60 North Arlington av*..

Eaet Orange. 66vHOUSEWORK—Wanted, n girl lo aaslst with

general hotuewurk, at 10 Burnett e t , East Or­ange. ___________________________________5w

y. H. DOUGLAB, maker of the Douglas Banjo, Aero* Guitar

and fine mandolins. Musical In- ^(rumeats of all kind*; cash or In-

^ _ _ utalments. Repairing a specialty, U New stT, formerly of «I7 Bruad and 6 CedarBt.

HOUflEWORK-German g^l wanted for gen­eral housework. MRS. PAPPKE, 502 Bank


GRANITE M«»NI MBNTB—We make a apeclaliy of fine granite work at

low price*. We have a large aeeoriment of «n- tlrelr new end handeom* designs for large or small monumenta -‘ pJ .40* E. J KIBLINQ, 184-186 Elm i t

HOUBEWORK-Wanted, a gtrl fur geaersl huueework; g Kkl wages. If competent. Apply

16 Sherman ave. ___ 6xCARPETS nmil« au4l laid, upholntering and re­

pairing. maifrpum** mad* and made over, cur- . orst-elaaa work at lgwe«t

HOUHEWDRK-Oirl wanted, general house­work, email family; good homi’ . 840 Sixth

ave., near North flth st., RosevUle.

tslns. shades, prices. BERNHARDT.

ii22 Broad sL

. - „ REBOLUTIONAdopted at a meeting of ths Bt, Peter's C. T,

M ;L . A., held Saturday evening, March 28.Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty God

lo remove from our midst our late brother. Jam** Flanamn. a Member of Bt. Peter’ s C, Y. U. L. A „ of Belleville, N, J., it Is hereby

Renolred, That by his death we hav* loet _ valuable member, who** courteous manners ant amlabt* dlapotltlon had won our esteem and admiration: and

Resolved. That (he sympathy of this body b* conveyed to th* mother and family of our ^ oaased fellow-member. commKtlng them tn thta hour Qf their bereavement to th* oonrillatlon <#' H im ....... ...........

HOLlREW'ORK-Waoted. flrl <18) to hein with housework. Call Wednesday morning 86

Fourth ave.MOUBEWORK-Wanted, girl for general

housework and good cook, 358 N. B*v*nth at. like

Mi>:'CORHACK—Bateheli, pocket- books, ma«oiui’ tool bag* and

trunks of our own manufactur*; repairing promptly atUnded to. 523 nroad f t , oppoalt* Waahlng- ton Park.

HOTTBEWORK—Wanted. young Oerman-Amerlcan girl for feneral houeework; anmll

family. 124 N. BIxlh at., upstairs.HOUBEWORK-^sntfd. a neat German girl to

aaatat with general houstwork. 745 High st.



Best work. L>wre| prlQw. S3t

Who ^ t h all things well:" andRaoolved, That a copy of these reeoluttons be

tmasmmed to ths mother of our lata member; and be It further

Reaolved, That a record of these reaoIntkNw be apraad on the mlnutM of tbe above named aoeUty.

BIgned,P. H. BKITK.

* EDWARD DEVINE,. JOHN COMEBKT,1 _______ Commltteci,

HOUAEWORK work In small family.

Wanted, girt for general houae- ‘ S Atlantic sb

CARPENTER jobbing done;aMltltxis, aiieratlun*, roofs

Ihingled. HENRY KNIGHT, 176 Central ave. T6q

HOUBEWORK-Wanted, nork; to Bleep home. II

Mrl to aaalat In housa- l Wakeman ava. 88w

A.-A.-MONET TO LGAN-^ ,If you are In a**d of ernmey, you can obCsIn

th* same at th* oSloe of tb*NEWARK m o r t g a g e LOAN COMPANY.

W* ntaks k>ane of any aaeoval, fitim t>u us 11,000, and In tha qukkast pt-aalble tim* and at re**on«bl« rate*, without publicity.

You can burrow om beuoehold furnllure. pianoa, hurise, wagona, earrisg^a warebouae reetlpta and other twrecaal property, the m - curlty to remain tn your ar.dtsiurbM pooae*- eloD. You ran pay back any part of tba loan at any time, and *ach payment nuid* on (he principal will r*dur« th* eeai of carrying (h* loan In proportion to the' amoant of the pay­ment Our ofAcee are oonvenlently looated, and parties c«ii be waited on quickly, onur- ttouely and confidenilally, Ren\emb^ that yiMi have the use of bi>iH th* prot>erty and th* money, and pay for It only a* long ** you keep II. Before borrowtikg e1*ewhere call and

MUAINKSII OPPORTUNtTllld,A.—Partie* wlehlng to dlepoee of their iiuainiw*

inirreai or siiirea of any kind, by favurlng u« with a mil and getting uur terme. will rind It doesn't cost any mttre to d*i bueln*^ wlUi rvll- ahlr. olil-eatabifehtH) firm, with thoueand* refer- eacM. than b,>th*r with irlflere end faken and W'>uld-be agebte whn exiet on money irfl at their oflliLwa fur advertlaing ■•urpu***.


Hranrh nf 8S rbamlwr* *r.. New York <nty. 46J

FOR BALE,a l l kinds of fniit, shade and onta*

(iienial ir*e*. vine*, amall fruit. shruid»f>ry and roee't Why buy nf

J | H H agmU' vrhen you ran get better atooll liHlf llic t»rl«'c I'inier now while th*

' attH k i< cnmpli-ie, new varieties a «lK('laliv, Call or evnil UNital. t'llAM. MuMM. fruit farm and nursery. Wall et. and BprlngAeld BV-. Mi.x iiNi', Irvington, N J, Wli

A. <iNB of the iMHil meal, fish and ve««*tahle market* in the Aisle st a \sr> re«aonali1e

piJi'e. nrat-rlaa* In every reejw't. LI’TTLB * HOYT. MU Hnaid SI. 1

I-'AKGAINA In news and jobber*' iypa; about n,4SNi iM undN; alto hlgheei ]>a>menl for hot-

Hes and Junk. A. FRuKIlLIiTI, IMi Nawarh ■' 4lr

■e* u* and get *«r rate# and mmie of doing* ■ nd “ * “ - *-hualnees. and you will tod It greatly lo your advantage

NEWARK MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, lib Market *t., second Boor.

(Evening N*wa Building.)

AMKttK'AN Induetrlal Fair. I'lwulo*; April d.rei>mei!ti all j(.mh1 firm* wUh iiverirm-inua ar-

Ui'lefl, no two vxhlbiie of a kind. |>aten1 righi* net'dluled; oalcH ;»eritilltei|. exhllilta ere choice and nl1l attract a iarf# audience; the maKnincenI eleclrlcal ilUfiley Includea a (.'• 'k- lug a|i|i«ratua In u «eraiii<n under SVorM'e Fiilr electrician; v e «ani mi>re art: aiSK newlyhatcheil chtekene, ducks and other kUstnr nnv- eltle*. Aprly at Eeeex Lyceum for eihlldilng *i>ai ea. 1

HAK xh..-.iai»re; fine ehells, goblet* and WlneOt J. and fa. JiHLN H. MULHV IH Halsey *U.

MWt*t»W r,>r sale, fresh cow.

rirona**.270 Tremont ave.,

aoiPMi\\ \ fr, <1 t itw atilt r t l f for nate, M.

U ^ V , Falrvlew . lilc-unfleid.

DHI'M For sale, n giHid lia*a>*»' bir I and cage, price tl 6u.

t'ansr), lot Koydrn *1.prio* ISi Addrasa



A I’O RN K It grocery store, n h ely stnrheil, * great ciiunce fur }i*rty wishing i«t aihl a finer

tine itf xygeisbtee or delicatessen *ixH'iallles; price »L,*7.\ L ITTL K A lli>VT Ns» Hri*«d st. 1

E lGH m il HATriirNO- mack langahanlk i headeil l.j Kirhy Ar Hmilh's st«K-k. |I, luirredl iPlymnulh H.M’ks, Tfk W H. i 'K a UI. i ’ stiiral tave., ne«r llurnei sc. Lsat ttrwnge. 57w


ACTn'F aswH'latr, with |1.!Vtiu, tn a manufac- lunng plsnl. making a sie-clailv eilenslvely

uimmI. l it t l e a lloYT, NNi iiritail et. I

without rsmoval ff 'm |n*»*ehlnn of owner. We can offer you th* LoWEi^T RATK9 and KA81KHT TERMS.

Nn iiutdlaliy; all dealings strictly coftftd*ntlal. No delay: you will receive ihe money within a few hour* sfier making apphralhwt fee It Payments on the princliiai, of any anutunt, will he received at any time. Each |«ymsnt will lemen ths met of eairylng the hum.

Kindly call and Inveetigtta uur plan of making loans; you will be pleased with IL

A IKM ili AAIa HpN, fine nelghlH>rhtMwl.

office.wlih Uiw r*ni. b>ng leHew, Address Lmg ltox li.News


Fult HALE -A physt Ian leaving city Mcrifloog Imnit^lUtHy elegant furnUiire of hla private

ho.imv msgjdflceai ii|>rlght piano; jmrlor, bej, dining r»*Min ■•I*, mlrrofs, plriur**, > urtaln^ hallaiSiul*. ;k>rliervs, <'|c,; s)ih» separate, ala* hiMiae for sate, or furnl*hetl. to let. |S8 £«■« Hlity^dfth ■( , New York. Mw

A UtHrii PATENT. Address Patent. IkiS G. N* we ulfice. 1

HAHOAIN-^'sndy, slallonery end toy slur* for sal*. L'kI Elm il. IWw


U‘ »Ll.AltS. ALL kTYUM, lo a i PKR PAIR, m i

LINENr l ’ FFH. 111’ .


tlt'HlNEHH ■>|>i«ortunltliie nf all kln«hi fi r sal* and earhange. II(M>TI1 ft ruUDI'AN, nKtm

3, t'linion si. open TueiwUy and Friday ev­enings 1

kNJR HALE, cheap, counter. Ire box and shelv­ing. I3a Newark it, |

FKKHH ciiw and calf for sale. Inquire 4U2 Hsr- rlifcUi a\e.. Jlarrison. N. J. 3v

No. 740 BROAD RT., Opposite Poetofllc*.

A .-A .—A .-A .—A .-A ,—A .-A k '-A .-A ,—A.—A,

HtTt'HER HHoP--OId-rst*hllsheil bulrher huslneos for sale cheap, on account <■( sick-

neae; doing xihhJ business. Inquire 403 I'enir*] ave., Orangr p»w


KIG.Ut, .anilv, tiewsiwtper and n<iiu.n store Lir sal*, h'jn Market M i!:iw

k lH N IT IllL * Harulanme halrelidh parlor suit. |akiiitr*l Itednmm suit, child's patent

high chair, iwo larx* |>arliir stoves, haae burn­ers, largw nil stnvo iHiinpleie, blo 'k walnut

Mlih «iirtn,. ,11 V,rr rhMp. an MiUlH»rry sr. |

PHItJP LOWT.United Btate* Credit flywtem Building,

Waahliigton and Market sta.

('ONFEi’Tli >NKRV and cjgsr sti'r^. near ecboHilprU** llMn* nH>ms attach..1. tnw ic m ,

bargain, iio tm i ft t'OtlDl'AN. II'J Clinton st.l

11'R N ITl‘KK F .r nkIc. handsome paflot suit, ' |;ir>, Itive oak l•ellr<ll»Ml suit*, d pieces, |I3; .liiilng-fih,m I hairs, l>cdnH)m chHlri. sUivea. 43 William -i. I

A -A . -A . -A . -A .—A ,-A .—A.—A.—A .- $360,000 to loan on bond and mortgaga at 5 per o*n(., in sunia and for periods to suit ihe borrower. No bonu* or oommiMlon exaatad; all neoaasary papers carefully prepared.

CHARLErl A FEICK,14u CDunaeUor-ai-Law. 753 Broad st.

O'^HNER gnvery; doing nice busineee, Using nvmia sltachetl, price 7450. J1( h>T1I ft s'uR

DUAN. '32 I’ linton il. 1

hi IlNITI ME Fur sale, piano and other huua*- ht*ld ruTnIlure, In |ni* to suit purrhaoer, st 411

ivnnlngtiin st. |

yRT'IT and vegetable store; uM established eland; gothl UH’silon; price t-'Ul; bargiiln.

BOOTH ft L'OKDI’ AN, 83 ninbm *1 1

LOANS negotiated on rral estate, note*, bond*.insurwnM jsstioie* and all klndi uf peranaal

property without removal. F _t‘ Bdwardft

GOOD furnished-nom houae forNale; central kK'atlon; owner going |o Europe, prli Ijftu.

Addraaa Y., Bos N, New* (»fn<'«'. l

general brekar. Coaualaakwiar of Deeda. Notare Public, room t, 161 Market st.. Newark. N. J.

GOOD shoe iture and customer wrtrk r>>r sale. Addr«*a Hhne. Box T, News rifncf. 1

MONET TO LOAN «« hnueehnid furnllure.pianos, organs and personal proMriy without

removal; partlee honorably dealt with; ean make r*(>aym*nts by Instalments, business sirIcMy cimfldcntlsl. IL HAHTINH, room 8. 728 nroad at.

GJKH^ERY IM HINEHR F.r sale, s LVbyeer es- tabllahed gr«iiery huslnesa, trade strictly flr*i-

rlase; net pri>ms uver I'l.uiX'i |ier year; ali<'ul llO.tilg) requlri^l. reoaonahle term* iti reaiMtnel hie iHirties. For perilculare, adilreoe tlriKer. V. o . IftiK Newark, N. J. 54w

TR’ O PER CENT.-Moi»*y to loan In any sum at two tier cent, per month; gcHxl for on*

year. €, Blermu, Pawnbroker. Eatabllshed 1M2. 10 Oadar at., near Broad. 4tw

GIMK^ERY store in *>range of 2ft years' stand­ing. Hox L, Orange News uffitc Iw

Kkx>.O0i) TD LOAN on bond and m'^rlsage In

IRVINGTON For sale, cheap, a ccnfecilonery.siatiunery niul cigar store. In gmitl tirder.

Rliringfleld av*.. opp. Unhm are., Irvington. N. J. PROF, J. ipiVB. 6Hl

sums to null, at ft i*er cent., without iHinus. EDWARD S. BLAUK, rouneellor-at-Ijaw. 814PrudeuUal. Telepht.ifie No, 822.

LAHNt^RY busIncM wuni-d; cheap for cXnh. Laundry, Box H.,tNews office,

MONEY TO LOAN on bond and BDrlfagt in sums to suit, from MOD to M500.

ftu Hi’ IH’ Yl,KH n. JAUKHON. 770 Pmad It.

MEAT and vegetable market, doing gtvut ra*h liiksiness. price Mou. si«H'k, llxiurea, h<irse,

wagon, etc, iMXiTH ft «'<ilU)t AN. 'J3 rilni.>n ■t. 1

1 H.t\L Just r^'elvsil fh»m a foreign rlntk houoe all of theli emlo. Over 125 different

•lyles. jwntaloon gixKis and suitings. ' All spring *Ujff I gni thrm at one ftfih nf their original valUf, t>ei'auec iliey are ends, liig enough, hiiwever, |.i make a suit, and that is eriiujuh (»t one man. K»ime srs two-sull l••rlalhJ J mil make theoe Up in nNer, flt siiil w.irkmanship KUacan|ee<1, for |l^ tlN, t3U and 128 Every yard of this lot I* fins Im- l«*ried g.K»ds. anil <.ui*hlne any Jag of milk enda I have yet c«>ntr«lle*l. I’oms andiN'k Ihern ovrr lrt*fnre iiuying etiiewhere, for

U may t»* ihf means of sa” lng yi»u soms moneVi and at the same lime make a gr>nd cu»- turner for me, fur if a man buss a suit of this bit of iiiods. It alll be e lasting adverUes- meiit for jny eeisblishmem. fur advertising ihrviugh one’ s trade Ivstr advertising <m paper. Itelhf nn a side sireei with low rent*, etc.. I em enabled t«> xlve Wller value than thnea

oame line nf liuslnea* who occupy imlntial tailoring iwrlum. with expensiva in­terior and sp«rioiia i>]air-gloM fMnta, which every hustler nr husinets man knows rnel big money, but don't make ihe clnihea any better, "A word is tfurtlcleni m the wlte." UHAB. t\ WKEKR. ihe Wnahiiigion Ht. Tailor, HW \vtishliig1<m ai., next to I’anal Bridge, open evening* till 1i n'olfM-k. Haiurday U. In the a b.»ve bit are rlay*. Marlins, ftchnabel, tironkl. Taylora and oihrt ceiehraied foreign makes.

Ilo end upward loaned on furnlturs, pr taken on sturage; moke pereonal apidlcajinn at 57

South llith st . Itcwevllle, MICHAEL KANE.

MONEY TO LUAN ba bond and mortgag* Insums tn suit. H. W'. Geery. 700 Hniad et. 6ftr

METAL tJOODB—An etl*erlenr*d young man, liaving a amall rspHsl. ilrsiree to mmrieci him­

self wllh a bouse making novellles, Aildrss* raplial, lk»x O, News ufflcc, |



Un^K ROUTE for sale; from 46 tu ftO quarts. Address Milk, Box lA News office. 4Hw

ICE' It’ Kl H’E: In any quantity, till Hay let.for II .Mi |ier irwi. at the new lce-hi»usa on Of^

sngrt ei., Itetween Neshlu and Bheffleid sts.. Newark M. K DRAKE, TCl

PEHNONAL.KINK girl for adopilon; two months

HriT. KIMBALL. 144 Market *1.old.

ON ACCOUNT of denlh of pr.^prlelor. a gmid ntl'Kin in East Newsrk Is fur sale; old ee-

labllshed buolneos. Inquire fl. IIKLLEH, StiO Plane et . city. 6Hu

ICE IU»X -Hulrher'a ice box end flltUTSi foe sate. Applr h2 Bummer eve, —T9w

Fi»R Southern t'alifomla: private iiarty, pri­vate car; April l l ; room for tve. Addreaa

Drawer F. PialnneW, N J. ^ _______ »7wNt>TirB-l hereby cautlim all persona agalhst

irueting my wife, Bridget Murphy, at she horn Irft my i>ed and board wUhoul Just cause or prov(Katlon. se 1 will not be responalble far deMs of her contracting.

March 2ft. iMMi.flOv ■ THOMAS MURPHY,

l^ARTNER with Kl.’kl in manufarlure a new patent autnmailc nmelry for oabHm* and cigar

Mores, |o be sold or placed on coinmlnebm; large liroflls; everything ready tn manufaciure; have working model on eihlliitlnn, taim ti> Nhmi i>er month profit sure. Address Patentee, linx J, News omce. 1

MAi'HINE^tft liomesti* sewing mochln*; first- cleas iinlcr. wtft Mrosd top fliv>r, 1

i'.UiHrrr Kut sale, rery fine ulklng parrot: uesiran. rtouhie yellow head! can oay any­

thing you tell him: or will exchang* for any­thing hia vPluc. Exchange llolel, oppogRa Hhootlng Park. j

BHDE RTORE - For h*1p. ati old estnbllehed sh>vistore: 7uU BtnrJt. Inquire 40 flamiiurg pl.Uftv

PAHIdiU fU'lT of 3 pieces, nearly all new, In rug*. ih*a|). K.. No. .1 Busoex are. 1

Rnslnsas PsnnnaU., BA MEmrAL INSTITITR. Head nor flve-

Inrh advertisement on another v«ge. 1

T. BRADT'B bnal-house for sal* cheap; I ishI huBlneae. CW.]] 11 .iericivin et, 4Ht

IftMi buys a butter and egg route, with horse fl|-

'A'a s h in g —Woman wnnte washing and Imn- In# Monday, any pan of city. tTtU Tl Union

■t-_________________ __________________ 1

DON'T FORfHrr that our

HMnr ■ ouitri —iim T-jm 4<'Ut*-. T*|Vi| n'T—Tand wagon, averaging |1H to t8r> per «vc^k.

nan be Increaseil. Address D.. Dux K. News oflire, 1

RKGIBTKRBD sfcu'k, fine Jersey hull, fpurteetl months (lUl. by Mlos Kale; full raiilculart

given In buyer: I4ii; mu*t be sold; no place b» keep him; at*«i Ibw-ioh iwmy; tough; no mad loMg; nni afraid (d Mnyihlng; sound and a usii gtHM a lively gait with four In cart; |40, must ba sold, going ii> rliy, lot) Helisvllle av*,. in slors.


WASHING — Woman, flmt-claM Isundreie want* washing and Imnlng; take home or en

nut. 18 Libsrty et. |

nUAND BPRINO MILLINERY ^^PENINGISflO—Paying husinets: good IfV'ailon; will slunil

Investlgailon. Addrrs* Bargain, Box K. New* office. J

BIIOWUAPE—Good outside ahowcae* for sala cheap, w Mnrket s|.

will lake place Wednesday and Thursday, March 27 and 2R, where vnu are Invited ir> ln- stert Ihe most stylish and ri»mp]pte aseortmeat of trimmed and unirltnmed hats In (be city.

^ horns.Call 182 Houth Grange ave.L. QRDBft,

Wi MARKET 8T.FEMALE IrreRulariltee and nefTouaneee cured

hy el'K'lricIly, Addres* Uonridemlal, 212 On- tral ave. _____________________ tewMIDWIFE—German midwife, with diploma; 30

years’ experience; women nursed at her home, everything quiet. 8IB 8th ave. 40kTHE famouB aramiracalous for restoring gray

hair tn it* original color. Bold at U A, JEDAMaKI'S Hairdressing Emporium,_______


ALL kinds of wringers and car­pet swNpers repaired cheap;

solid white rubber roUe. Tft cents up: called for and delivered fre«; sewing machine* and clocks re­paired at reasonable rates; quick work. Send postal or call. Wringer Repairing i*o., 88 New st. 73i

l.N CHANCERY OF NEW' JERRKY-B«tw«eaKlltabeth Morgan, oomplalnani, and Edward

McCann, executor of John Hurgan, dsceaaed, et al., defendant!. On till, etc. Dci ree for sal*.

By virtue of a decree for osl* made in rh« alKivs stated cauM, bearing date the iweifih day of January, A. D- Ikpft, I, Walter J. Knight, one of th* apeclal masten of the Court of Chan-.-ery of the State of New Jersey, shall expose for tale at public vendue at anil uiKtn ih<* premlaes hereinafter deerrlln-d, to wli.. No. Mi Bouth Bixih Nireet, In the ilty of Newark, tiiunty of l‘:«aex snd State of Nrw Jersey, ud Friday, the fifth dsy of April next, at two y'l'locB in Ihe afternoon of ihei day. all thusa Iwg vartaln tracts or parrel* of land and prem- l■l►e elluaie, lying and being In ibe i liy of New­ark. in Ihe (‘ounty of Enet'K and Btate of New JcMCy. and tounded and deecrllip l an follows;

Ktral Trari-Beglnnlng In ibf r.> >ufrly line of Byuth Slxlh street iformerly Nii- i|.i> *ireet) al a point dinUht southerly four liundrM gitd twentV'flve feet from tha corner uf the same and a drlfiwny or str»*t about thirty feet wide;

HOUSEWORK-Wanted, gl rl bouaework. EH RnaevUia av*.

for ftntralt ^ v a t l ^

1HOUSEWORK-Gtrl wanted for gSQsral house-

work; good wagao, 10 Belmont avs.

ABRAHAM OAUCH, odsrlaai elsanlng privies and ossspoola. Offices:

Market s t . Newark; 101 North fid et., Hani* •on: S Kearny ava.. Kearny. B. 0TRONO, Freeman uiUlng. Arlington. ... ................... 78p

HOUBEWORK-Wanted, a young girl to assist with housework, Apply at 21 Naliidti pi. 66w

D M tIi ClftliHa Paid iB Nawark aad V Isfa ltj T o -d a r by MatrapoUtaa U fa ina. C*.

HOUSEWORK-4CHrl wanted to ai housework. CiUl 9ft Haywi at.

alst In f*s*ra1 40W

SPECIAL prices for month of March In clean- llig and relaying caipela, upholsttring and fen-

m tiB f only by rtIKul work-man* WL) uer cent, discount on all carpet lining ordered this month. E. HAN6QN, 376 nroad.681

JkmM n «u i»»* ii. U i w m u * , Btlla vin» ............................................. .0#

iJoMph Hlllor, M Bprtuflold » ■ . . .10 John Bcbmldl, M o t ... ... .06H ki Mortonn, M Co#rt it ......... .10Walter Naylor, 8T1 Plana a t . ; . . " . : .M

JOlNERA wanted on oorset w^tUla MIN BROH., 18 Mulberry at.


ity, .. .Tb* opening and widening of


died insnw Il te. nnrin •xohany^

I S i

from Avea av^u« to GlliUon avenue and hav* ai*d thilr rsport of said aaeaaemeniB for b«h*SU la th* ofllo* of tb* Clark of th* Circuit Court of ths eounty ot Bsmx. and that ths Judn of •aid Court has flxsdBATURDAY, THE DAT OF APRIL,tX tsB o'olook In the fot^oon, In ths Circuit Court room at th* Courtbausq, In tha city of Newark* as the time and n1a<» nf hrarlng sny oblsotUna that may bs mad* to tha mid asnex mmta.

t>at«d March 96. 1866.BHERRSRD DBPUE,

Iw City Attorney,

T H E “ N E W S , '


3 5 , 0 0 0 .

C F. mXUAMiL to p i. Ififi-Uft-llTkailwt

1181 00 109 00 lOB 00 84 00 16 00

THR Trilby and all up to data style* Into which ladles* and children's hat* may b«

tires*ed. J. H- HENEOAN. M8 Washington st., between Karitri and Bank. _______ 061

LADIBtf and tentlemeai lo mount pboU« on glass; no experieno* requlrsd; eticloa*

•tamped anvelopa. Hox 306, YInetand, N. J.6L

n,4 asraw Halsty.LADIBi—To do fancy work at horaa. DEIAAT

NKBDLBWORK CO., Delray, Mich, 45r


apprenticea. Addres 6e«.

a good milliner; also two I G. A., B<»i A, News of-

C. G. MINTON, mason aad builder—Furnacaa, cisterns, chinmeys built and reiuilred; walla

r*{:nired and wh1tan*d. YI Wast Kinney at.TOJgAVE (imr and expense; hav* your carpsta

cleaned, made over and laid by NOE, 66fi Broad at., formerly of Haneon ft Noe. 44k



Tbs eldsst bouss in tbs bnslnssa; «or sbarg** nrs nnifonnly and iavadably moftsratsi prompt attention at all boura 04Dos UlsphoiM, UI* UssIdenQs telspbons* 14L

MILLINERS wooud. 96 Bpringfleld avs. 98vNURBE—Wanted r*ap«oUbI* woman to wait

on elderly lady; beiwssn 2ft aqd 80 years, and to aaslst with light upstair* work. Call 131 Pkospset st., East Orange; bring refarence. 23lwNURBE—Wanted, young girl to mind taby and

aaslst with housework. 14 M*rc*r st.


FIVE CENTB la What I eharg* to paper ar- dlnary *l*ad room; eauiog, eidas with ft-looh border; futnlah handeom* paper; larg* stock ot papers, sold at faotory prlooe; huus* painting and decorating of all kind*; lowest nrloee In the oity: send far sstlmat*. JOHN tL CPNEILL. 82 Academy *t 63w

NURBE^Wantsd, a girl about 14 or 1ft years old, to mind b u y ; refersnoas. 07 <^ld*n at.l

ADAU8 B Brooklyn Wallpaper Store—W* will paper any falr-siu room, infliuding alslng and

repairing, for |1; ws guarantee flrst*class wurk:

B. B. ROLLEi A BOH, praotloal undsrtoksrs and smhalmera; maaauouirera of caakais:

swnlng thtlr own hmiraea and ooaebas •nablsa ih «b to make all ebarno reasonable and to k e ^ n g with tbs Umas; m IIj sollelt^t oOtoa aad warsTooms II BrMg* at.: maanfaotiiry and ■«■««* No. ■ and tn u M S at. i tslsphoas UK

TOP-MAKEKHI also operators and testtrs on pantaloon*. 4 William si.

ws fell paper .tad borders at factory price* palter fnim 3 rente a roll up to 75 cenu; ws al*(» du firat-clom painting. tInOng and kaJaotnlnlng;

TWO sopraaos, In ths oborua at ths First Prss* byterion Church; only rsadars. Apply this

•ventng, from 7ifi0 to fi, at ohuroh. 1

aetlmates gtvM tor'iAp«rlng and Minting _Rend postal cards for ea

JOiHUA BRIBRLET. FUNBRAL DIRBCTOB _ AMD BlfBAUfER.174 Bread st Also firat'Cloga llvarr istoMs, and ft Clar 3L T r i^ M m

TWO firat-clsM. pompetaat girla to saw hodkA Apply Orange Chronlols, 940 Main at.« Oimngsl


WITH C. W. HEILMAN. _____ _ Ttt

WANTED—500 girla of all natlDnsJItlsa; oook*.gsnsral ttfusoworfcsrs, waltrsaoss* nursts;

ladiss In need of nrel>olaas holp. with bast rsf« srsnes. can bs supplied at short notlos. 06 Gram at. Tw

AUCTIUM BAIvBB., WANTED—ppsrator on a tacking machine; also ; a gc^ girl for bushellng and sew on buttons on panto GBO. UlLLEa 610 Broad st I

FURMITURE-Tht oontotits of a RosovtUo rspidonce will bs______ .. __ Bsid at tho oal**rooro. 94 '

Mariist st., on Wsdnosday <tcHmorrow), at 10 o'clock. Parlor Bulls, f^ambsr Bults, Bide*

WANTED-Bxparisnood bonds oa Wlndiwr itosj wurk g !v « out. Newark Embroldory Worka

78 Bhlpman ot. _______ Ifiw

boards. Mirrors, Choirs, Foldltig-b^Ci Uiv right Pianos, OouchM, Lonhfss, H ^ o a s aad a . lar«« lot of Brle^-Brac, Cai^sU. Pteturss, sts. ■als poattlrs, am parito ays loavlng for thsr***" » . a mCKUHl, AaoUumr.

W ANTBD-a.nmn, Irtrti, Mloi»d hjlp;•mail ftrto Apply Bmployintnt Offioe. 156

High, for all kinds work. _____________ \as GIRIN wsntsd for boussworkjwagss

lift. Agumy. 361 BooUfthd at,* Oranga.

the lowest prloaa. ------ --- ----------- -----uloa or call at Adamt's Brooklyn Wallpapor Btorss. 66'Tl Eprlngfleld ava.. near High sL, and select your paper, oa wa carry a full lin* of cholos papers, sueb as blanks, flats, gllto •mboaeed, toinalM and tile*: largsat assort­ment in ths Btots; wallpaper bought uf uo trimmed by mochlos frss: open avenlngi until 6; fockla delivered to any part of the city free. BIx Brothers, decoralon, papsr^haiucerB andfill^te^s. Don t forgst tha number, 66-71 Dprlng-

eld avs., near High st. Sample book* ftr the trade In th« whol«*als deparimant. iBx

thence weatrrii' at^rlght anilH>( in tfuulh Rlxih Bireel <formerl: Nicojav Btrevij on>* humlrt l feat, rnore ur less, tO the line- nf i)i* Wallace tn.ip«rty (formerly the Lueh prn|M.Mii); thence along (h* same southerly twenty live feet; thence eoeterly and uarallel with (in* lint dp- scribed line one bundrsd feel, mnre nr less, to the line nf South Blxth Street (fnrniHriy Nicolay street); thence northerly along die line of said ■treet iweniy-nve fe*t to tha pTar*' <»f lieginnlnx.

3eC'>n<l Tract-Beglnnihg on lUe aertterly etde of ftoulh Hixth eiraet (formerly NMcoley lireei) at a point lit ths range of soiitherly line of Cab­inet street; from Ihenra running along Hnuth Hixih Bitvat Bouih twenty-seven lipgrt-ea thirty minutes west twenty-five feet; iheiicc mirtn eixty-twii degr*** thirty minutes nn« hun« dren feet, more or less, lo land of WalUca, (Vlence along hla line northerly sIh.ui twenty- five feat, and thenue south sliiy degrrea IMriy minutes eaet one hundred fcpi, m>»re or leas, totiie ploc* of beginning. Itplnx Ih*'’ north­erly half of lot number two humlrcij iiulI nine­teen i21li) un a map of ths Meddcn and llonka property. Held pretziiata art known hy the ilreei ngmber H6 itouth Sixth sirrei, together with all and singular the hereditament and ap-fturienancaa to Lh« oald prsmleea belungltig or n any wise appertaining,I>ated March 5, A. D. 1865.

WALTER J. K.srnriT, Rpeclal Uaatar In Chancery of K<'w .Irreey. Wm. J. Krerna, Bollcltor. IlH Hii 82k

tlftO HUYR a corner grftcery iinre. doing buslneae, good reoaoni for selling. M New

•I, 1

HT(iVB- Fop sale, e No. 3 *liive and strong hahy carriage, chfap, rg|| at 223 Buaoex et..

lUrrIwm. j-

imKMNMAKlMl.HTOVH for aalf; targ* kitchen ator*; will he

wdil cheap. 814 Mulberry at. epw

A.-B . T. TATLo r CO.'B system of dreaa-ctiiiihg taught at tlll-

ftl8 llroad at. We give laaotinN let cutting, numi, boning, finiihtng. irtaiming and draping walats. putting on collar and ravers of same, making irimnvlng and put­ting in eleevea; making and hang­

ing of akin* cutting of outside garment*. Lesson* day or evening. M. K. clIKlBTIR.

WII.I, sell at eacrlftr*. lha equipmento of g«Knl ahoe shop. Irn|ulre 2H Naw at.

A.—A.—Orange and Newark Dress Cutting ftrhoola, m Main si., Iwcker Hulldtng, Or­

ange; Newark hroneh. 14 Bloomfield ave.; our annual spring otwnlng will take pkaca In uur Orange Heacquarters, Kaater week, Cfimmen- cing Monday. April H; all ladle* are cordially Invited; no cards. The Taylor Ryetem win 1h» axhlbitad, and trial taaaoii* given. MAUY E. LYNCH.EUROPKAN tailor rul* and squara for rut ling

lodlaa' and chlldrati'a nrmrni*: full tn*truc- Itona lift. Fuplia moka tnelr own fsrrnanta fre* while learning. lM*uns unllmUed; day and •veiling lesauni.

DrsMmaklng, cutting and basting lining* and paper |«tteni* cut to meaiorc.

Madam* Van Zant. 902 Plane s t , near Naw.M't>*)WKl.Tj DHKHH 4M’T T IS ri Hl’ fHKIL.

t'uillng. lUttng, making, ilrai'lng nml design­ing uf drcimaa itinroughly tauKht. in f»^fluliig; pU]iU* make dresses while leuniiiig; call or •end for circular; l•■Hone day or evening; fash- lonaiile ilrasamaklnx; cuKlux ami flitlng a s|>e clalty. K. u. UKAWLKY, N8,ft lin^ul si. lxYOUNG WOMKN'H rURJBTlA.N

lion-Day *n>1 evening classes in millinery and ilrresniaXing; third term I'CgUis on Mon­day, April 1. Teacher* from I'rHii Institute, Hrooklyp. Apidy at the "Home." ]im Court st. 71 wDHKffHMAKKIt -Expariencad. siynaii. «-xov||pnt

titling, with Hiale dlpluma. ktlds K Jti:C- THtCH, 66 8lh ave. iHvDHKBffMAKENa Bulla. Il.fto to $7. slihs. |Ti lo

||6. 4KU Urosd *1. a><v


UABTEA'B BALE OF LAND-In Ciixncery ufNew J«raey. Baiwaao Mirv P. CharjM'nlier.

cumplaihaht, and William Douglas^, t'horlea Itauflosa aikd Thomas iKiuglaaa, nn inrutu, de­fendants. On bill fur partlilon. l»M'rcf> f(»r lale.

Notice la hereby given that In pursuance uf s (l«cr*o made by the Chancellor of ttic Stale of New Jersey, in the above atat^ rause. hsarlng date on the ftfth day of February, in ilis year eighteen hundred and hln*ty-five. I. Hiulerlck Bylngton. one of the o ^ l a f Moeteih m Chan­cery of Naw Jersey, wifi sxposs to salt' by pub­lic vendue, to the hlgbasi blddar, in Hie luwer main haljway of th* Courthouse of iiie County of Essex, In the oily of Nawark. In llir county of Ees*x and Htala of New Jera*y, on Wsdnaa- day, (he tenth day of AsnII, 1q ih* ypnr eigh­teen hundred and nlna(y-fiv*, at the himr of two o'clock In the aftarnoon of said ta«t men­tioned day. all and singular tha premise* In ■aid decree mentioned and desorlbad, itnd ihere- In deecrlbed aa followi, u> wu.; All (hat tract or parcel of land and premia** hereinafter |«r-

PATBNT and Draughting Offloea of Trecehow ft Co., 22 Ciitilofi at. (oppooll* to Y. M. C. A.i,

Newark, N. J ; oil klnda of draughting rxe- tiuled neativ, auth os machine drawinga, end any kind of designing for calnlogues, etc.; so- lleltcr* of Ainarkan olid foreign r«iartta, cx-Krta in patent caaaa. French. German and

ondlnavlan language* apokanj open Friday evvhihga until 6 o'clock; prompt aiteniluu al­ways.


iuevaosor to Campbell ft Co.

g l o b e tlUILDlNO,664 b r o a d BT. Rooma 66 and 67,

tjcularly described, eltuata* lying and hslng In the clly of Newark, In tha oouniy of Enhpk andBtate of New Jeney; twgirmihg In ths »-aetsrly Hne of Camdan atrret at a point dlsisnt two hundreil and twenty five f*«t aouihsrly from tha corner of the earn* and West Hank street: th«nc* running along the line of Canidim tirsei south twenty-aeven (Jagrsos and thirty minuia* West twenty-five feet; thence oouth aJxty-two degrsea and thirty mlnuiss east one hundred feat; thence north twenty-soven riegr^s and thirty minutes east twenty-fivs fset; and ihencs north aixty-iwu riegree* and ihlriy minute* west one hundred fret (u iha place of hegmninf. Being known and designated os lot No. 246 on a map uf the Thomas V. Johnion |ir iiwriy, made by Dunn ft Thompoott. In 1HB2. and i^lng (he same premlae* that were conveyed id aald Wllliarn D o u g b y deed W i p g data the elevemh day of May. eigbtssn hundred and fifiy-thre^ and recorded in book M-8 of deeds for mild Essex ruun|y, on pogas 213 etc To­gether WUh sll and elngular the hereditaments and ahi>urt*nancAB lo (he said pramlae* beitma- Ing or in any vNae appertaining.

Given under /ny h ^ d this tisvenih day of March, elghieen hundred and hlDatv-flv*

HOItKWCK BTIKOroK.Bpsetsi Master in Chancery

'(■(• •ntlal Building,rhlllp Lowy. HoUoltor. * * t16j£T

BRANCH Of the NSW York Wall Paper tto re - w * will p o ^ your room for' tl with gold

paper and wide border, ood w* will sis* your room. W* guaiwiits* flrat<«laiM work: whole- osl* and r «w l; pointing' kalsominlng, paper hanging and tmtlnt; send poetol ooidf. M. RATHAIJR. Mi BpringfleUi ovs. Rronoh 6 South Oreng* »v«, ift«

0. F. L N.-tBwrt firni lii N*wark>- Tour pointing, pOMr-honglng, u l -

■omlnlngj lowsst prises. Call or sand postal. Oilelotho, wollpopsra, window shodsa, framss; toctory pKtoao. itsin ft Blo«i 166-161 BprtogHeld.

ABBIONEE’H NOTJCE TO CRBDlTOHB~No. “ '• . . ' ' / i f " ' ’ ’ ’ of E » -

in trod* oa K. E. Oliver ft Co., that all elalme ■(kiMt tlHlr m i * uiuit b* Mhtblu.1 lu ih, •ulworlber, lh*lr u a l (n » , u h • omw. No T«l Urad ■tn.t. nHHB I&. k«»»rli, N « J , ! . . , under oath or affirmation on or btforo the thir­tieth day of March nest, that being (he day to which lh« Court has extended the time fur (hat iiurpoto, ur bf forever barred from coming la for a dividend of the Mtale, and said creditors are further notIfUd, toot a list of the claim* against lha sold B. E. Oliver ft Co. be filed with the Burrogate of the cuuhty of Eeeex on •aid (hlrileiK day of March next, when *x- reptiona tbarslo may b* Bt«d by any perfon iniereeted.

Dated PebruarY 19, 1865.JOB. B. BARLOW* 825 Prudential Building,


DR. C* D. MAKDETILLEho* tftovsd Into his


Whore b* ooa now hs oonsultsd tn hts offic* m All dtessjss free of oharg*. OfllL hours—6 to_16 A, M.j t:90 to i J I and 7 to I p. IL•m «V » , W IV* KHV IOSiO gwiBooioi wRk Drug Bumwi,


764-766 BRUAD BT.The large*! patent office In the Btote. lnv*n«

tors hav* fTM aooi*B to out uuinplet* paUni U< brary.rATIsSiTi, U. #. AND rOREIDN.

ObtoliMd for all claeiri of Invention. h e n r y j . MILLKR, M. K.,

<Lat* of Croo* ft MiUarl,100 b r o a d bt . Bourne 160 and 101.PATENTB-Drske ft Co., Follcitura, <H>r. Broad

and Mark*! eta.| SU ytoni' exparleni!«; open Tusoday and Saturday avanings. frum 7 to6. __________ _______


power.A new ft-hofae powervrrtlcel engine and bolter; ready to run; cumpirie In every dviHil, baa* of Iron; delivered on yuur sidewalk fur 1130: a new 60-horac power horiaomal engine for Klfth: exhaust fan* tu euli any regiuremente; drying room*, pressure fane and blowers.

AddressJ. M. BBYMOUn, JR.,

42 I*iwr<pnrs It.

DOILERB-^Two, OxlT^ feet; one 5x18 fe*t, one 511 x16 fast; CorllM englnea, pump*, crusher,

double drum hoisting •nglne; bargain*. TJD'' NEWARK MACHINE TOOL WUKKB. Harri­son. MB

4'osL Woml, Kio.A.--A.*-A.—A.—Bent Lshigh, No. 9 nst essL

13. TR per ton. wall acreansd; other aloeg at eorreapondlngly Inw prices, conataient with quality, kindlltig wood cheap; hickory for gratei. A TRIMMER ft CO.. N. J. R. R a ^ and Lafayette it. Telsphons 3A4.jiF.m I*e)il|h coal, M.fW per ton, delivered, tiui,

■tuve and rag. f?mce and yard, 82 and M Wavrriy pL MARK KETCHAM- 60|

1IIrrel*i,A.—THE RAMniiRIt LEAD8I Ahead Iti etyls.

finlih, and, abt vo all, apeod. All welgbla, Id> eluding 14 i>ound roi;er, llifi). Btrp In and sa« this Aplendhl wheal before buying, Headquor- ters for enimd-hond wheals, from 120 up; sooR payments.«au NKWARK CYCLE CO.. 6 Central tv*.BlCTCLEfi-IHtie Columbia*, |6D; ||0 coab, ||

l«r month- all maffnlflrent whaelt. BLD<KilHlK, :.!4 and 2(S ('(•nirsl av*. 26q

ttU'Yf'l*K- CheumaMc Cnlumhla blcycl*, 117. 753 iinmd ■!.; o|rf<n evening*. , |

nit'VCLK Almoei n^w, |»rieumatlo blovol*. iPiHfh eV4 nhige. 7,'Vi Broad #(. t

Hli’ V<'Ll-; fur siile; pneumatlo tires: EiO coah. In ulre at slnrp, 372 HpPlTigfield five. 1

iiH’ VCI.F l*ni11es' Cnlumhln blrycla, almost new. Very low, 7ftft liTitacI et. 1

CuLl’ MIHAif tKiKl pallern, |3ft, |14) cash, |1 *l*' r month KLJyRlDGE. 24 and 26 Central

av# HmMHIA whrFi for sale; Just Ilk* new;

Hfun-ely used, can he ae«-n at JS Academy at., af:er d 1'. .M., cIi4<h|i lor raah. 1XHW and aM ivnil-lmnd idi yck* at greet aarri-

flee; nianufa«-turvr'* utle, Tf 'i Mmed at,, up*n rvi-ninga-, from I'Jit upu-aid; Inveailgatioo WilkltedKALHIflJ! innr1i‘iii liU-yrIe for mate

CAtVLWtkHJ, ]ia; Muliw-rry *t.cheep.

7thrWHY CAY llOtt-SVo isit.-i high-gred- blcyf-lee,

In 4‘rai»a. laruji and l^il. Call and inveetl- Kutr. (>iH‘n rvenlikHM. To.% Hroad s(. 1|sli4 KAMMU;H, In x'lod I'ondltlon; guarantss

tintll -fuiie; pric- fto 1 5 Knsl Kinney ar., ioerilrige. l^g

tIOHHKs, r.%ltltlADK!4. KTrM ir'liA K l* 8TKCIJKJI. . liy line. Springfield

jivt*. wUI have a rartoail of w**U aelCclsd hors*'H conilnually on hand, c-onslelliia uf nrst-i <Ih*ii hunlness, Oraughl urxl Wi>rk hnraeH at ths luweal market prli-aa; m»\<\ w ith a giiaranlag* (o l>e aa repreiwnletl <jr cash refunded.

IloJlHiK irh'» ruHh huva iiiaxe«4 iiarxaln In the rliy. rtrii* d-year old. *<iuitd, ido* ky-bu1U,

bright t>KV mare, eaira fnai ira^elifr. Hi-iually Worth (|i»uhle. HtptHtde for prix-aryniHM. milk-' man. butcher, iuiker. rsrntliia or any huidnes# purpoeea. warranied aouii-1 and klnti; irljj.l Apply I'rivaiL* .‘ lablo. in J-iifk i;iT !'iiluLi>erry a ti

NOW ia u chance; 2T> horaei aDd, mares; nne mare In fiutl; one irot-

ler can t>iill n road wagon in 2;4n or „ l>elirr. must Iw R<»hl thi* waak|

theee Itoree* (miat t>e as ri't<re*»*nte(i or money returned I'UKrn uow i, HOTKL. llloomflBld and Ib^villp ave*. D6j

T^t'O cheiiM hor*H)t. one jdalform wagon, two sUleU^r iMigglea, oio- llifhl liuainese waguu^

tw o now hunii'sn, must 1 * *fjld liy lo-niDr- r»w nt Mirn** i>rfi'e. or will exchNOKe for hnV' liiln g, also very line imrrot anil rage. Hx- chango |I'H«-I. opiKmlic HtiiKdlng l*«rk, Houih(ijOOgr Hvi iIDritHIC HAI.I-: M'> caah will huy nireat

fHinlly horwr In ihe d year* idd, chcvinut aorrel In c l o r nml na |•rrtlv ns n tdeturs; xulta* hie for iiiiy inislncs* jiur]Nuve. five d a y i' trlJkL Apply >11 prIVHte aiahle. in rear of reaJdence. Thin la n ijHiaain. 1X1 I’Une ai. )

WF. rm-ry In altick. hualneaa wagon* and oar- rlttgea. wagona fur rarpentara, butchar*, gro>

csri, furmcra, luumlry-nien ur general btial* nee*. We alw> build wagon* at ahuri notloew rllARLKS UUUBE, ealearuomf, 2S(I Marketar

KNOINGH and hollera; new and aecond-hotid;■hafilng, hanter*. pullay*. ventilating fariH,

also geiioral and apaviai machinery; paiiern work and repairing pruoiptly ntrendei] to. HKY- MODR ft WHITLOCK, 43 ].AWrenre st. tVitFOT'R-JNCH PlJ>'' <;utllnf and threading mu-

chlnp; three norisoptal boDere, 2ft to 4<i liorai- powar each; fi-hor*n Keynmur ft SVhitlork ell-frkne, nearly new; lot of pulleys, hangers, ahnfi- ng. DENISCH ft SON. t N. J. R. R. ave. Kil

rATlTICS having aecond-hand bollera and on- fine* for oale will find It to their interoat to

•and description and prtc* ot tame (o Hawes ft I'hinips'# Iron Works, Newark, N. J. 8Hu

lANOfi AND UROAM4 FOR MftLK,NEW plonoa. 4173, for a abort tlmai warranted;

full sJxe; granil ocsia; stool and eoarf; don't be accpllcsl, sea them, only at WARD'S, cor. Broad and New« 68mUPRIGHT piano for IIW; full 7 t*8 octave;-

(Iral-claaa order: stool and m(ieU<; family leave city April i#t, Addreaa Ohio. Hux K, Nawa office. 46vPIANO—Bradbury upright piano; slightly used;

special bargain for cash or Inatalmenia; other good, reliable makers, ar New at. IPIAN(>9-Heat inakea; cash or favorable termi;

•quars piano* from |3S upward. DUNCKLKfi ft 80N. 666 Breed *t. INv

NEWARK Carriage Rejiosltnrytiucceaaoni to Tunthull ft Co.), 2SI-2HA Market it. Fin* llns

cf rarriage*. slngls atii) douhie rood, aplndls visgon* nml huggic*. buxincea wagons, from Ifii up. 281-2 1 Market i(.JiOHiiKK- A irfrleol yOUng diwIftF* horie; sav-

4-ra1 rominun drrvugltl horsei. sttveral light bug> .. ... ..---------- - -..rK-cr treAN-vral romiiufn omugiii ■.! iigitt uug«g)e# and phurluna; tine jump-seat lurrey. HTAN- 1»AIID HTAJH-K8. 27 et. HwIIGIIHK—A g'>™l hiprac ff«r sHle chi-ap; a selac-

tii*n from three horBvs, K IK>HMANN» IS4 SprIngfleH #\-e. lOwI'JIAUTO.N wanted: giv** name nf maker, tIm*

UBrtl ami prk’O. Addre** rhaeiun. Carrier ftft.

HDRHIW Five cheap work Imreci for sals;sullable for farming nr nny tither kind of bua-

Inew; atisr one Caruiulan chunk. 3b Lombardy st. _________ UIiaitHF—fiAdy wniUa amall horse, idupd and

cheap. L\)alyard, 2UA New Jertoy TUltrood ave. 7 ^HOR3E—A etylifh horse; a Nirong platform

spring woguii, with cover and harness ohe*m 2Mi HuMSi ave. T4w113 TO 125 for your choice of thra* good horstoj

nlao a hit or new and saubAd-liand hsriiMS fmm |ft up. 8Ufl High ■(, ______________6UWHOR8B—Fur soli, fine road horos. wsitm and

harnexa. 30 Bergsn si, TTwg o o d phaeton for sala cheap. 116 Hi^lywood

uve., Biiat Oraiigf. ffif

10 eSCOND-KAND orgsM. from 190 upwi^Sj .all good; bast makerj t l gionthiy. ivAAD'B.

tor. Brood and Naw. 66m

TRUCK for sale cheap, In good ofdar. fill K iuth si. ______ _______ __________My

GOOD parlor organ for oats ohaap. st.

In odvertlilnc always oay what you bsUsv^ If you wish people to btUsvs what r w tor*— FrtotaFi Ink.

JTE’WABK EVENING n e w s . TUESDAY, M AliCH 26. 1895.

JJeroark (fiocning Ncroa.

O A IL Y .

n iu t a i*I X O I P T A U M D A t t , -


B n i l i t * « * » C # » p u j ,i l 6. a n M A K K S T S T B J IK T .

H tw a rtl, W. J- f * * * A " •* " ^ ' ' 1

I b u

D . iw « d byt*'.''*™ « •C t?*.'! t H Z

tug. ofM ippowd popularUy. To non.■ny .c tt»* or oppo.lHo"f i p r * « « l . 111* f b * *‘ ‘■1Fir. CommlM lon.rulW pot f . . l w .rruil-«d m inaklB i the l n c r w « lo t b . pa*-roll o f th . departm .iiU . But Ih .y w . ^ « • tlroly .rttlln i to h .v* l b . B>»MaT to • public » o l» , and t h . qaw llon « iM for. the peop le w llh not a e n c t o a d T o c a t . t b . incre.M . and w unonly Individual op p cIU o n to It.

It la th , aaroe way with Ih . public U- brary. T b . plan o f I he Commlalton.ri,


A . l » p - r l . . t ............ ............. . “, b . » « p r . « . t . . u r l .1 r u iu d .t p b i .

W alrb AiVeU W .o*PHI1,AI)KI,PH1A, M af' b

ImpftrlJfcM dn-liWm ItmUlnK the -h a rlrr rt*hl^ o f . ir e 't " H w a y .

fcl. Th. Oiang** Hwnion. KaifityB *n .y :l. Bloomfiaid tod alMij|hbofinf tfrwns

ii Mbicripti«nietnti « mo«th,

cop ltt. twoUn cont» a wtok

Ordinary*- ten e .n tt t Im*.

five doll.r. a yair. or Doatagn Iraa Sinfla

0«jiv#r*fi by

u n d « h . . d . o»Far Sala, P.rtanal n'-C.. on* ta o '

a*woid. M » ch»r(a ' * « O '*" i " " • ich mftartion

at pr»a.t>t o.daralood, I. to mouw th . da_alrahly located property now In u»* and that adjotnlne. T h .r .1 . no purpowito lorat. tb l. public Inatilulloo lo bae^ard . uodrr « i c h a plan aa waa propowd and ov.rrolwl by public aantlmant a t . " y ^ Kto. T h . library 1. an inaUtolioB w hich lumlabM and enloym.nt to m w y p « ,p l., and IB which th . Whole n‘ ‘ y l^ .rM t and prid.. T h . l^lalallon o n ^ which It w.ia«Ubllrhwt aaaurw It lo large

mandatory appropriation that U can ill afford to bond l l » l f

rou rt In Ihl.r.n J .r.d by “ ‘r landedcity ye.lenU y. Junto down ihr oiitnlon " l* ir r o f Inter-of the poln lehi'im irhf-upon„ t to the .T i n .T .e tthoee prreon. who he\r It ihe.rrallwaV. and thow from allcoriKiiatlnne hav* a « « o ■ j,pmion I.teehnUallllea, t t" 1.0 ri.Mthat the Bireet ,he troll.yo f eminent domain awl tnat................' " - ^ T t n m n i o . t h . " ^

i_ ihrkljlnnt,n power w j - - - tnolUoTitWhere th. taking Vh, co ce n t ofor nei-ewary lo It wlinuui the iiro|«Tiy-o*ner

n m Mio.'igomery County■■Thi. deet.ion of H. BniTeme '■'-Verne, h ilerreu'

T C hanA Y . SIAHCH » , K«»._

F ltlH T .

th. o fCourt o f 'i 'a ll.y Hall-ih , l^■rll^«yl'fanlu a^h‘‘ Y^bui

■nT il

TH F K P rtB I.H A ?« l■■A»III.V I t l . coDowlMl that th . R a p ab llcn pri­

mary elMlIon* h.ld laat night reaoltedln th . oholc. of d .leg .llon i amply lufflclent to iMura lb . noniliinllon. o f M.wrm. Van Duyn*. Joril.iiion «nd Burkhardt lor placM on thi Board o f W ork, ticket. It la oiedltabl. to the hart Judginont and (oodtcB N of tha rank and flie ot th . party TOtan that th .y ahould hav. ragU- tered auoh a pronounced voW In fkvor o f t b . two prw n t in.nib.ra o f the b<iarii who eocght nomination. Bulb o f them AT. oapabli men, aludent. ol moniolpal admlnlrtralSon, and ilncer. w o r k m In th. Held of reform. Mr. Burfcbardt, the new man, la repreaanUd to b . In eloM aynipathy with tha Idaa* which hhcolleagiiaartand foran d reprt- •Mit.

T b . rerun o f Mr.’a oampalgrt It not daffnlta. Hit fritnda claim that he ha« won a notablt ylolory and will go to the •oavanUon wllh a following unmcrou. and aetlva} that hla nomination ia an auu red b e t , a ^ that hi. Inffuano. on lb . ooavrn- tlon wUl not ba deaplaad by bU opponent.. On tba otb.r band, tha admlnlalratlon brott, which wagtd auoh a peratatant campalfB agalort him, b e a t o f a aucoaa* which If wall-fouBdad may ba aal down a. oa* o f tba r«a n t a;gnmomnt avanU In local pollUca. Mr. la Iba bead and l^ n t o f th . old Una iwrtyolganltatlon. Hlma<tlfaoaropalgnerofag- parianoa and reaootroa, In tbla prvtimluary batUa ba oalled to hla aid a> lleutanantaman aqaally adapt In t li. art o f orgooUltloii sod manoauvre. The adminlitralloii forre. inclndwl mma egecllenl gancralt, headed by UaJorLan'L If Mr. and bi.

Ciimuahy in v .riTiltrAeU th.tnenKcr llaflilay mV tiy the furmur

to tha B*l*nt I the L ,, utter be granted,

propoacdaX tha public parkacham. tb . pa<r the a p i " , w tlU .m .'. cplulon

pIahaTaba.noonaldaflngU foryaaraaod I a r y he f n l l ^ ,o tbaa. uor-bave pratly wall arrived al the m m , p„„,*|un, ,l,TvnluiihU pro-that tba oily and county can afford to go . |„il brtng /VH.emhly IntoInto auoh an eol.rprlrt and that t e | vt« on«_o__ prtwaut la a balUr Uma to lal about It than,h . tu tu r .w .U .T .rb . likely to ahow.

Kvery voter ahimld go to lb* !«>»• n clear opinion on aaoh o f Ihert qurtllon.»nJ .liould Uka e r e to eae that It l» proper,y agpreutod by l it ballot-

nn 01 ■♦‘yrgiaa Vcompn*tieiiPho hfti iUown.. c-Kun HK IhttlI mil' .. .

; Bom** i liKr4t»*P1 lo lir dePtraiM'

th*‘ i 'f ‘^........I Inu

. mailV’ to i-onviTi 1 im o I'lnif

,r„vUlons elte.1 wr think H U Bj.pnrenl Ihot the atleo'l't

I t l . plain cnoughYlialp«rK>i« who de- .Ira lo make any .iplanallon In regard to matter, wllh which they are connected, whlcb may have Imen b r o u g h t , ferred lo In the oourac o f the prooaodluga , o f t b . Btal.hourt iDVrtUgaling torn- m lt t .. .o u g h U o m .k . .ppUcaUon to b .hwrd b*for. th .l tribunal, T b . pre.h dent o f the ftoug . Healing and V.ntH.t- 1IngCumpany lio n .o ttb oM W h o ]» y « l a newapaper ^ l!courwt o f hla oomp.ny In con tract for tha ventilation o f tba H .oa t. ,n d A rt«m bly ohambera Hla .U U m aot g c « M lar aa to •ugga.l icleraatlrg poa. 1blllllc. In regard to wbat inigbl be broughtout It he w er. called to the eUnd and .ub-Jrt,ladtocroaw .nam lnaUon. H »a a y .tb a tJubb T. Duun, who organltcd a com ­pany to .u^ply radiator., » n t In m.ny that w .rc dalectlve and uf the wnmg r ia - and ahapaa " I t wa. found -eceaaary," Mr. U jugt eonllnuet, to * 1 1 upon ma lo raplaoe lb«“ >I did replace about one-lbird of I h ^ Tbli lucreaaed my bill abunl »!,«»■ 1 recalvadlew than j o jcontr«,t. aa I can .bow by toy ^ k * . nude lltl.e money at lhaU A , to tb o f th . HT.OOO .aid t J hav. b « n i?«nt on

now M nf(,.Uy f'nriVt'yani-*'P

w e. nnt anth (Jnure to ronfer

hPoh l'‘ ; ’: u wr!uld. It I.

illi” wididy-wliarnled eUl.■ nillwss'" tru '

" 'm i''^'."rn"t.irtISfv'ihV« nptv lu.lon.•H!rr';|r,Viu^!e l- <bht 'b e . u , ^ « d hr.e.1,o f the "‘• "" 'ry have Oiitk wn ' jtlon, and « « ‘ % " T vunKwe. for.clalit T v e r InH'teleil. aril forWhieh tbri ",^rr, ' |,.K„iaihM. relating to Whieh the 4 f i n e , .lid Ixir-theni w a . n o t p o w e r over oughi p o ..e « . i'll,-111 to authorUetheir .tree li T ow iuhlp.

over thepiitiHe road. 1. Ilmlleil

'•Hut wr know. »* h l.lorv , thal^ .irerl ra ll»a>*

matter o f eurrenl llw ay. have been

*r*- now !n , i , , - »«,,.« Dbutii*“l.

A r r « l . f V .u a g M.w W h . Illeyelwand A n a u .p w t.d . f F .rg .ry .

TrOKERTON, March M,-A.hhrook Cranm.r and ruorge Horae. Cranmer. , ; « yong m .n rwlrtlnl at Mayett. a | email village a few " ‘’ " b , 'b '* 'plaee, wera arre.ied ye.terd.y ihy Oflleer Mow I- Thompaon of Tom. Klver, and taken to th. county JaH atJh*' ; pla.'. on the charge of forging k* , upon the Tuekerten Hank. A week ago , Monday the youihe left their home, to ■ make a cycling trip through Hie upPer Dart of the county. The neat day two young men. whoee deieriptton tallle. with thelm. entered the Flr.t National H«nk , at Tom. River and prewnted two eh^'k* I upon the Tuckerton Hank, whieh tm.liler laiw, after conald.rahla hartUllon, ea.h- ed. They were to tha order of and in- doraed F. K. AnderMm.

When the cheek, reachitd the Tuckerton Hank they were plainly e «n to Iw tor- gerlea. One w a. upon Cheelee (I. ( o«. * leadlngelHien o f Wert Creek,and a heavy Ilepo.lior in the lank. The other wa. upon John W. liniman, a large cratiiH-rry grower o f Htafford Forge, alia A depoaH'"'- on the day theae che< k . wer. caiheil .1 Tom. River the two younk m.n were r,i-- ngnWed In Tom . River by a humber of Bcuii.lnl.nce.. Th, y i*era ift.rward *e.n at 1-akcwood and at 1‘olnt Pleaunt.

lutat Friday . letter eonlalnlm two more cheek, upon the Tuck.rton 1 Mm drawn on Charlr. H, Co* and tt K Co*, tha latter praaomahly Iniemltu fur William i t * , who la con.ldered the rU-hert man In Harncgat. payable In r . r*- Anderion. waa re,'elvetl at th. Toma Ht"*^ Hank, wllh ■ th .l they Im r.ah«t ond tile money pent to Anderton al 1 oint PleaHiit. Inveallgatlnu ahowed that on I'olnl Plra.anl I'oatmaater. Sidney l-or- man. had been aahed lo forward any I,''- ter. coming to ihiit addrea. to Manim- hawklii. within a fi w mil™ of where the iiccuaed young men live. The rei|ueat w«" maile l,y two young men.

Caahler A ii.tln, o f the Tuckerton Hank, u l.o recetviil two cheek, tho aaim- day upon th . T o m . IHvrr Hank, "lgn"d.,"‘ run­nier A ker" and "E m .ry Dunphy, lU e«« are the nam e, o f th. two depoaltor. who live a l a d liianee from T om . H l'er A ni>le aecom panying the check arki-u to have them caahed iihd ih . money rt-nt to .Mideiwoii at t-akewond.

t'aahler A u ilin wrote Anderson that H waa datigeroua to send money im oogii ihe m all., att.l arrangement, had l«en m a.u with the eaihler of the Lak. wmid Truat Com pany to give him the money If he would gtep In there. ■'Anderenii taa* to have Imeti arreated when he ai,m'are,|, l»ut he wae to*> ■mert for thr hank ynlrjflis.lift k&.l m ede “ rt^nRenienw wUh hfl-akewootl Poatmaaler. aa ho did with th Point Pleawint Poatmarter. to Imve all hla mall forw arded lo Mannahawkin,

Meanwhile on Friday, the two y.ningre.ntner« rodle lm<’ k ihrouxFi Tomu------1_ — -

i Q T "

i® .S 3M


A M m iM tH T g .

11 J A » SAlwaye the beat allrwtUon* at populae prloa..

0ns week oOtnmegclni Monday, March JS.WIDNSUDAY- MATIFSKH-• BATlTtltAY,

DtBDU TtiompsoD ud Geo. W. Rjef'sBeautiful. Haallrtlo I’ .ay.

V ’ h o acll.'i y o u BU I* ’ ®® p i a n o fo r h a v e a re c e ip te d b i l l f o r $800 t o a h o w y o u

-I Aieaa •* 1 1*1 lltl 111 . *

$ 15 0 w i l l d o u b t le s s in p r o o f o f

t h e v a lu e o f th e •' i n s ln i m e n t .A s a m a tte r o f f a c t , t h e s e p ia n o s a re m a d e o n D u r -a _ .-11 v.eevwlirb1t O flfl tiriVfttC hOUSC S8 iCS. 1 DCn ose to « U a t a u c t i o n a n d p r iv a te

n ia k e r g e ts r ic h b y s e l l in R th e m a t $75 t o ^^ la _I1____ 1 At AtirVl H tilCTC IS

I f

y o u b u y an " a l l e g e d p i a n o " a t s u c h a s a le th e r e i s n ore a so n w h y y o u s h o u l d p a y m o r e th a n > 8 , 5 ^ 1 “ , . * ^ ; Y o u c a n g e t it i o r t h a t i f y o u t r y , e v e n i f i t d id c o s t

^ ° ° T h e r e a re n o $80 0 p ia iw s f o r $ 15 0 it> b a r g a in r o o m , b u t th e r e a r c b e t t e r in s tr u m e n ts fo r le ss m o u e y .


The Tw o Sisters,A Htcirv hf Ufa in a tir .a l City,

By Ih . Author, of“ T M I o l d H O M U T K A O ."

Ne*t WMk^Monday.Tuewl.y a m ^ v e d n ^ay Palmer I t ,* '. "Brunule.; TlU‘,IT''*,T’

ind Matunlay. PrlniroM A W ea l.dikVi • V-..-.— - -rridftT *nd hatunlAr MlBMr*Ue

Wh*B fou’M (n Mk U> th* fUciu* Mt The? pW numb«r o f loft***


ABKgrarW a naarHrewUT b . Only ThMtre of 1‘miidB.uce lo Newark.

TO-N IQ H T -M A i'i NEE H ATI' HD A Y .

W illiam CollierPrwIiiHt NoUilai But Fug!


One o f the B oy s !PanU'Biliim Poker A*unity Drunttiter

S e e t h e i HrtrtlV>intryDan,v,Other Funny Tldiii

M .nai.m ent n( \V. I(. "MY TH.SdsoIi I. April 1 -T lii (iiiioH

, iMlIilt oompui, In ThiMi|of.Hv(l|in>


H. H. JACOBS'S THtATRE-Ein'RA.r w Ih . Flmt Time In Hi. ltl»HT|rof ThU

T b « n * M anner H. R. J_m _«>" W m A dvajw t b . Beale o f T‘ r l« « . TId. Adva^e_ WIlPAPtil;

. B. Jeffarwiii. Klaw and ^rlaoierhi

th'' IniUtW’

ouiy - - - 'b i b , t , r < r f ‘ a ' i . ” i r r . i "thia caae , " ' ' " / b ' f o ' f n

to their hom e, and w er. again even re n o g n li^ hy varloua acQnalntarnu^a

fr mov#Ti>fntPThc'fi

73 MARKET STREET.N O T H T H E n a m e A N D N U M B E R .

Inlu whk:h U*cUy, hon>ii*fh ur'''!-'\n*Vhra'V.e H: ’In tlda ‘' “ ';.',\ ;;r»;';ii'en-d» through two ■I railway _ ,n il over one" ro u g h 'r [wo U.W « b R i v e r

ouniy ''fblgv ove authorltlea o f

and their deacrlptlon. tallying with that of th* .m y .t .r lou ." An- .lemoiib and hla companion, the offl d a l. o f the Ih r.* Imiika caused their .rreat. At ftr*t ih^y pmipnifd Innocpiup. ejueafiprwardn mailf rompromlpinx,Blont. The forgeil check, range! h' v " '"^ from |W to p 2. and aggregated all told almut taw. John C. Cranmer. father o f on* o f th* .ccuaed, ki a prominent nj er- chant at Mayeita. and the young h a v . borne good reputation*.


M*£aUlo*t!iT™ If‘" '°® .2l

' “ ^“ BROW NIESC O X '5

Monday. Ttirtda* »tnl Wrineailay ty*nlB|.. April lat. and M. WUh a Mallne. W *d n .»


county V’ V,‘, . " o c a r authorltlea ot


f a r t l o B . r .d . f . a t r t J t b . o t l r a v ® * * * " * '* ! " ' . ----------------- — - . a im m odara-m;kbowl«l|r.d t b a t t b . adm lnlrtratlon la | nothlBg. h i /a n u r ^ d InUi a■ot only a t w i n . . . a d n .in i .t « t io n but a « . . . ebarglng hat I ^ political Kimlnlalratlon w b o « p o w .r . and | ennapiracy wHb Mjh ” ^ b .ip flu tB oa lb lba llep u b lloan lim o f Newark

‘/ . n u ’laUbg and h » l l n i , J. ‘ m'hr .« l ‘ hy the charter 1. lm i» . .M e , and

a t . paramount and « p r * in w A* alrsady sagtM tw U b. ram It o f t b . oo n T .n lio n '. work, will daloria lB . wbbyh o f th M . two artfigf o f t b . lU publloan party oooup!#* t b . mvmiDandlnt p la c . In t h . party o r ­gan liitlon .

C w ow n lu g t b . f a t . o f t h . rem aining ■aadldatt* doubt aglala. T h e p r im tr l.t , howavar, b a r . M ttlw l on* point o f In- taraat to tb* public. T h e nom ination o f Van Dgyna, Joralatnon aud Burkbardt M u f almoat aiaorad, th* adrolnlairallon t o aebtav* a com p la la vlotorv in the oon- v.B tlon will .udM V or to n om in a l. Awam- blyman Bmttb and Dr, Dieffunbaob, or IktUng In .Itker o f thaw to naoure IB* an- rollm ent o f t h . nam e o f M r. U lrich on t b . tichat. T h . other aid* lo round out a pirtlaJ vlotory murt w e a r . t b . oom in .- tion of Mr. htalniby , Mr. V o lk .r o r Dr, D IH .B b u h 01 U r. U lrich .

with Mr. W llll.m a, o* Orifflug Company, to Injur, him,

, „ v , r earn, to a trial, aa It wai aban­doned by D unn." 01 oonrm Mr, d a .en d . th . action o t hla oompany. to b . p r .M im «l Ih a t lf b . w aul, to trjf to m lly vm illoat. It b . w ill c o m . o v .r frjam

Ginig*l l i l


S u r e ly , s te a d ily , o n w a r d ,

o n l y l>e an in ju s t ic e t o y o u , b u t to u s a s w e ll .

day. April M.P r«la «ly aa l*rw«*t*d jo r 'IW N t^ta al Ito

PonrUenth B iiw l Th*air»._N.w York. WTth ----------- Ma-A11 the Wonderlu^SMOary. Coatum ^

el^aleal and Ilw trlcal Ell.cta , an ^ O e^ lW I H w p i.lB th . Cast.

U. H jw b . '* j r h ia ^ r . , N.wMk.WIII BMh.*O B l£ T ^ U eJ n _N «w _J er»r In tVIdcbjrhl.M «t fluocmaf ul of All th.> ProdunHona

B* Playwl. Th. Peal, of ITIct. forW ill


New Y ork and go upon th o ita n d . The ca m m lU .. will hardly b . d lap ow d tod .n y IhatprlviH ige to him o t to o iC ongreafr m tP Duna. ___

A S .rle . o f Mandaome M ap. o f *ho •‘ •toNow l•ra*tl,•ally C oin p 1 .l« l.

A curlou i lUurtrallon o f the *a*e with whlcb the Aurtrallan ballot .y .te m may

„o n with J t l c ^ l l y complete

be lient to the aeltlah purpoi*. o f parti .aiiahlplaln th . Michigan Antl-Fuaton act tha con .tltutlonam y o f which h a . recent­ly been afflrmwl hy lb« ® u r l o f hlghe.t r e « r t in th . Slate, Under the prov l.lon . o t th l. act, a candidal* nom inaud for office by two or more partlei must elect

upon which llck€t

r n ' e : " r e r w n hy a « r l e , o f twen- . Ihe tEn*iii ipK ’imen* of tn*p I k e r 'a art ever P rodu c^ . Seventeen o^

mutiD oovtjr th* entirfi oiaii* uy overin* tntp* thm Fiiiier thr*iIttuplnn »w? New Jemey * "^™'^lJ5,ini/™he*urtpr plat* being co lorr f

V h e " v im e v ': .ectloual aheol.

whWf thr otherwhole, from geo-

*ml hypnometrto

lllg T am im t at tb* TowDtbip CuiuniDtD* MMtlnK-Caniplatiil**

EEptcE'Yl lo th« tlVENlSO NEWS.ttUMMit, M in b att.—Th*r* w m » Urgo

.ttandanco at. tb . meatUg of the Town.blp QommltUe held l « t night, owing to lb . fact thatappolDtment. would h . mad.. A llo t tb . c r o m llt* . raambw* w w . pruseat, and rbairm an U .y preiltW. Commltteamaa P ag. auggeatad that a cwrUIn proportion ol l b . moD.y to b* r»i*«l for roadi b* uiad to Improve tidew.lki. Chelruan Day referrad lb . matter to Counml Corta N. W illiam .. John Cullen prme.tod a petlUon rwiuetting tb . oom m ltt« to i.eream tb . petldlor. l lc n a . from 110 to *26. P at* Kearoa op-

th* inermie, u y la g it wouid-0. » grm t in ju .t ic to m* worklM m io.

1 Coropl.lnt wm toad, ol lb . Impairtble 'condition ot Waldron avanue. J. " .

Hugbea Uid Florida artnua wa. In a tloiilar conditiou. .iKl M. C. Hal*.v oomplai.wl ot Union avenue. Tbacomm ltU. prou ii»d to glv* the cumplalDta attention. Dondauiwi m r . aceeutod for C ou u b lm 8« i io r and McHralh. F. W . I’ lge 't roaolutio. requeit-- ing the cbairmtn and Traiium r to algii all check, for the *i|a*ditur. of » w * r money

[ now on ,lepout with the Union Tru*t Com­pany waa adoptoJ unanlraouily,

John H. Pbeuant w «. rwppointM Oblof

Tblrty-ffv* Dol- lnri-*An O v.f-

_ - - - .lu ffed T .p .* lfythat will e*clU rouradmlearioB. 0« dParlor Suits-

t wiuj p r«u y«. MiuleitriMid H> law M tn *WNket» yottf Mlonlihinelil,

iim a p^TiiS^n_a T W c i l l t Inclndm :. JTE-A-TETE,AB.M CHAIR..CORNER ( HAIR, t w o SIDE CHAIRIF.

Yon wonder why w . g lv . »litt le—have yon rMkonwl on your good win r

Portland R ange--*rntwh

^ .ru iou k rtiiib i^ .T b ^ ril

Tw*aly-8v . I D o lla r .- M ad. from

Hrvloeabla, taandwitp..

Tb* Browniw " W ill Bel lT s O , t l . 6b . 7 8 c . , 3 S c „ 3 s c .

B ^ t . Now on Hal*. Secure >V.ll.lH

Chamber Suits A dTioc* lo Avoid All DUapppIntuient*;

you'd tuM . lieubl^ and *tgbl plK*a t<»- Think ol It!TABI.E. WASHSTAHU.

r o c k e r , t w o c h a j w ,t o W E l r a c k . BEIXITEAD.

T h. bnrmu b u a apltodhi ebaval gl*.A^ Vnuiual, l.n 't it fISiM.

- , W efam lah t to paper llB-

CarpetS“ (K„*5sLtta.m f r u o f oliarga Don tml,oodemtand. yon P .y nothing f t r ^lag, thl laying a id in . Hnlag, T hat. rru .


’ 7ir?SSSfV.'S!K'.SSl5w“ ‘'RoselHsElKlIsliFollTCoiiipaiyW u k CoiBm.noln* A"ril l - K p I ’ KlNS*


C H A N D C O N C E R T .

ThatA Storage Housebring our mnvl a* van. to your door. Our t.rm* you tnftke un a vIbII Y

__O f’phon*turpittiro. W*iit

RUTGERS COILEGEGLEE ClUBlA l Aggocffil/o«> ffgWr C lln to a S t . ,

Iedn*Bdij Eiunlng, liwli Si W9B._a .a El TlrillfT ick eu ,i0 c . F o m U * « HoliU^uer’i Druj

Btor*. oor. Bro*d iind M*rk<t tji>.



O A i l OF T H « DIAM ON D CUTTER*.T b * aovarnm ent o fflo lila whoa* aapa-

etal doty It la to a w that no lurelga labor- « * gat Into Ihla cou ntry w ith oontraot* for mnploymaot In tbalr p ook .ta , ar* having • tongta tlm * with th e d lam ood oulter. who ara w m in g o w a l thl* lim a tom tab- Uto tb ilr Induitry In tb l* ooBnlry. T h e ., men la io n ttb * Im putation o f being oon ­traot laborora, and aoott at the .gpreaw d d n a d o f th# anthoritie . that they may bo- oema pahllo ohargaa One o f t b o i . Indua- trlal invader*, upon w h om a lolam n In- qntaiUoD ba* been be d at ib eam lrra n l aUtioo to dalarm lne w hatber he ahall b .aant back to K o r o p , a . a pauper laborer,1. worth over BOO,000, .n d haa not l b . aitgbtaat notion o l baoom lng a puhllo ch art* or o f 'w n rk ln g under contract for •ny amployar. i

A* a m atlar o f co ld , Irogon fact, Ihcw I d U n on d nutw r. have maraly obeyed « | nnlvaraal law o f trade In follow ing the market damand fo r their labor alo.-rg lb* line , o f l.a rt rm laU nc*. W hen the tariff I on oat d iam ond , wa* ch a ,ig « l l*»t ve*r fto m ta n to twenty-Hve par oenf., leaving nnout rtonwi free, . « before, Il b ec .ioe a trad . Btotwalty to buve the work o : out- Ung d on . In tb l . country, ainco the d Her- one* In w age, and .gp en «e* would b . m ore than countorbalnnead In th* account by th* IncrsM . In l b . rate o f duty. It w a . feared at the outaai that whole auiug- gllng m ight be reaortod to In order to de- b a t th* purpoM o f t h . Iticreaatd ta i , but m od.rn oom m errtal m elboda have long alnoe diaoarded t h . .m u ggier » » * faelor fn th . w o r ld ', traffic, and the only re- c o u m o f l b . A iu .ta rd .m diam ond cutter dMlroua o f relatning tiie A narioan market for g .m i woB Ui bring uncut etonoi lu tb l. country and prepare Ihoin for th .lr de- algned UM>a here.

Tbl* ilm p l. and e i .lly under.tood ob ject lewou In the influenee o f > tariff la* on ladnatry ahould not bo loal upon the p eop le T ill, la a civil^aml counirfc which th r iv « by p rod u cliou , barter aud .* change. There la no product o f bklU. no creation o f goniua the rouiul world over, for which a buyer cannot be found aomo- w h ar. withlu the llin iu ot the,e U n iu d Blataa The oondiliona o l industrial effort conatraln ua to inlernatlonal eaohango; and If by obatice barrier* be art up igainat the fte# and untrainmBlIeJ introduction o f an arlicio uem aiide,! by the American public, ll 1* not long before an army o f akilltd w orkm en com e acm a. the M U to iupp y the requiraroanl. Fro- htbltory tariff d u lte . may keep out manu­factured com raodlliea, but no euccewlul ■obem . b .e yet boen tlov lu d for keeping ou t the w orkm en w h o make them. There i l no m l* o f International econom y under the operation o l w hich a nation m ay cer­tainly .g clu d a both the workm en ami Ibe produeti o f Indoatry ot other ootinlrlBa. l l l i a g a ln . l the ln «*orab le prce.ure o f a ohangalem law o f trade, m ore potent than all deyicM o f teglalatWe rejlrlotlou, that the Weyarnment blRcial. w h o are ..e k in g to exoln d . lb# tourlal diam ond e u t i.r . from A n w U rd .m are tn reabty oontondiiig.

Iwfore a given date he will run. Falling In thl., h i. name will he placed on the blanket ballot on the nr*l ticket Hied end certlOed to; and

no ca w can the name o f a candidate appear more than once upon the ortlclal t,allot. The obvloua p u n « » o f auch an act ll to make (uaton of parti*, more difficult. I t . effect will unque.ttonably be to contolldate Ihe element, o f oppoal- tlon more flrmly. I’ arty dealgnatlons count for nothing In the American .cheiu .

free governraenl. and ahould not he

“ No“ f ' K & n y Valley and Mountain.,

' x . Y X , m r . f e r . ™ ...................................................................

or Morrl. county « " • ' ' 1 " • ^ f >“ *1* 6101, Dr. U w r w c , Tbwuahip®’I J ^ '^ T o r t lfJ lit ‘* n H igh land .; Inctod- I Trwuurer, .ubm itt«I hU book, tor . » m i o a - I nnuntrv WiTig lF#*lWPeli l>eoker* | ijon. ^J in u o ^ r -atei iiun and fluffcrn. | T h . Board o f Health m .t for organ^tJomN o 's Vicinity o f Flemlnglon. IfomS®.™; end C li.i Im S. Day www-rieetto ebairnma,

.rv S ie 'a n d ITlnceton w etw a rd to j jqj, „ H icka HcraUry, and W illiam Mc-■■■ lai

{ Jotan A.yiaoe, luaueotor. Tha latter', .a lary w u

“ s ^ r T h e Valley of the *'*H I 5’,7 d 'a t '* * a ™ n th . ' The biwrJ will m ..ti ^ . h ^ d ’^ | ? ; ‘ C u a n . River.

M Watches Flee at Hiil s!NEW YOKE’ * gENBATlON,

THE CRtSni MAZEl ^UnlUd State. l'rt«> ‘ *,Hth, IMS. Cofiwt Fair and Bmail a tw ta

' AdoklulOD ifinu/ilp0opH photift conbfncil now on ___

THE ESSEX LYCEUM1ft now opna U> outofomoot tor hnaquot^ oon-

No 7 T h r co u n t le . ot lu-rgun. Hodaon with p a rt, of !'a.aalu and

from New

recognlied offlclally tn legl.latlon to pfe- M!ril>e the manner o f exerclalng the elec­tive franohlis. But wh,-re auch recogni­tion I . attempted, any effort to .ecure for one parly, by legal enactment, even a temporary advantage over otliora, la fore- donroe<l to failure. To hamper (he abao- Hite freedom o f euffrage I. to Invlle po-

i m ica] dlaaater.

’ n o ."'«. V icinity o f Tremon.

“ R'o"’ ? ' l U m o % a f ; . wl-b

hoto and Bridgeton wcaiwa.d to th* Oela-

ihe Brat Tumday ot Mob month.

j k b s e y c i t y w a t h r b i d s .


A Gold Watch Free

NEWARK SHOOTING PARI-ThiA dftltKbtlQl w d coiivenJt'iii*' PWk. fftvoiwl V DftMv e ^ tr lc o*r ftcfomniodfttlonG, oflir*' ’ X n . t o » o l . t l . s . cluh^ .W t ln «by u .y -

great attrantlont

e t A B - « : , a - . s K t e : n f z ! a * 2 S »

Sro' 11 Vicinity o f Cam.len. to Burling- . „ ? 'u\nilow Elmer a ,„l Swelealraro,‘ N o " 11 vicin ity o f Mount Holly, froin No. ll. v tc im ij^ _ w-in«low andof Mount Holly,Bordentown“ » n t h ’ »“ '-'J lo W ln.low VVoodinanrte.^^t^ o f Harncgnl Bay, withIhe BTfatGr P®Tt o f Oi'<‘an I'ountyw aM_‘ V,? vicdnlty o f Hndgi'lon, from A ll^ w?y“.tow ^ M d ‘(lnclHn,l wathward to th .

the country

The failure lo launch the new American Btcam.hip Bt. F»u' '• •»' nincant o f the fu lm c i-our*e and career o f the v.aael and her alaler craft, the 8t. laiu l.. Theae two floating imlacea for tra n .a ll.n llo travel mark In reality the Introduction of the iirlni-lple o f m ariiu auh.ldy Into the melhoiU Ot naval coii- .iru ctlon In this country. Nearly giajo.tM) a year 1. paid b* 'b e company owning theae ve..,da tn order that the American tlag m ay float over aom* ot the huge craft that ply B,-rnaa the Atlantic terry. The nece.alty for th i. form o f public eipendl- turt- im-rcaaea from y,'ar lo year Inatead o f leaa,-nlng. a . c-oniiwtlllon hetww n na- tlona-bfi-omca mure eager and the appe- lU* for commercial empire more exacting.

l l ^ j S ^ i l r T i c f i r '& t o end E g ,

No W^^Kgg Harl-or "nd vicinity, tnclud- Iti^ th e A lfin U c .here from Darnegal lo

‘ ’ no .St the country w * .l-

^Ttm 'aerie.'* ™ "> and nookm the Btat*. with eU-vallon. ami charac- « r of ioR, rt®-- P '“ " ' 'y delineated.

DAI'DIITERB o k l-IISf llTY o k o a n i / k .

K .pr.aentatlve. from All the C ouncil, la the gtato Meet at Trenton.

t i i f n TON, March M .-T ho twenly-alx couTWl'l. oJ ‘ h " New Jerac-y * «of u iw rty aent n-t,reB(>ntHtlve. to thlt" city ye.terday an,l lln-y »at In aca.lon until t o 'clock effWftlng urj|.tnlaatlon, cecdlng. wore

Only Offtra frnm T w . Cnmp.ntM lo Knr- Blah th . New Hopple.

JE R SE Y CITY, March M.—The Streal and W altr Board ye.t.rday received blda under the amended apwllfcatlona o f Janu­ary for a new water .upply. There wer* but two bidder*. The Ea.t Jer.t-y W ater Company offered to .upply water up to 20 000,000 galiona dally at HO a m illion ga l­lon*. T h l. minimum 1. arbitrary, »nd m u .t Ire paid for whether the water I . coii- auni.d or not. For an Increaaed .u pply t h . coat la reduced, a . fo llo w .; 30,000,iK<t. u i)‘ 26,000,000. |39;30,000.000. W-Wl HI- W,000,000, Hi; 16,000.000. 126 : 60,W,0W, 1-1 ■

Th* second bid wan from the Jersey City W ater Company, which p r o p ^ e to

ir t-sM.-; W I* ^ h e ‘ la .t JenH-y propoM . to furn l.h , water cither by gravity or pum ping, the | J^fftGV City *>y boanl?e t^ tod the ttart J er .ey '. f r u i t y bid and referre,! It . hid for pumping a long wHhthe Jersey C ity ', gravity bM to mlUee ot the who

,o r fi.t : .?o u n V o f yaor' p u m ^I r a ^ l ^ D ^ M Y ' . S : L ^ « v? u: . V w .r r « .t . ll tor

^ Tr?uYo‘i ' « I « i t i t e M I : : "and then have your c<m U l lh»m. l a . vou their ticket* lor P ,|,* U ) anaount rrtiulrri

to p R jg , iB .itb*rft‘ ;*iS 'foIndleft' OTgeuiB,th« WMobc* in 0 0 ' wlndowt.

. . „ .n potU k every '-on g ,Youoau « . m « P l » «*

ic# g o l d

^ lS .‘>ure-£fSi."S‘-|S S fw S tfH k S a i»ft TOloft, In tinnMillonably the UHWtKarft for Dlo-nl«, conrertft. ^ oo iin s fTftlviili

Bgf ftH aS!ot •odil emortAlninetiU »Dd ftm ei

S L 'n r /.n rw "E L ''’f S W . W » ^the moet liberal torma are re■pfl<stfuLiT '"llifEx!* VOCHEYE. Proprietor.

OUR LADIES’ SHOES. . . a . , . — ■•VJ • • r.r

TU ey *re neat, dreaey ab<I give 80“ '

Men'* Bho«» redueed to.S rE C IA L -K effu Ia r *6 Banleter'e 1

83lytioea, (|l-

KefCiJlsr W ,.hfEClALr-IieKUinr -------------------■ ■ w in c e d t o l l . B oy* ’ Sehool

and #1 lAdle*’ D on go la P la in Opera T « B ation reduced to f t i . y


rtithiiAlaMlk',Th€ pro-


the com-


A H .ir.*oiife*»d I>.r.ult*r S o iT .n d «r* niid Then g l .b i HIb m U.

TatSTOtt, March fli .-T h o rn .. N «> , w'lo claim , to reald. in Philadelphia, D lying

cecuo.g. - - -- - following officer.: I dangerouilywottodnl In Bt. FrancU'.HMpf

Harah A* R e « l" N® -- >■>*- ®' >>*™ *“ ‘f*’H.lmann. No. f. Jr l.x A. h .

HOTZ SHOE23B Marlrt Sliert, Conw M enf

T E L E P H O N B 2<W*T.

BUTTER.I t is th e Q U A L I T Y , n o t t h e

p r i c e , o f B u t te r t h a t c o u n t s .W e a re s e l l in g a t h ir d m o r e

B u t te r th a n e v e r b e fo r e a t t h is

s e a s o n o f th e y e a r .

Kciroann. No, W ilcox, No. 1, S fluKle fllBiinlnger, No,


A law null which ha. boen begun In an Indiana court .uggeata a new danger to w h lcb clergym an, at leant tboae o f the Baptlal denom lii.tlon, may be aubject. Hey. Hr. Clark, o f Muncm, In that Rlale, recently Imincrwd the .Ixleen-year-old (laughter o f Dr. Ka.lMB- Tha water wa. euld end lt;e girl haa *lne« been crilitally 111, lu ooiisctiuehce, a* bar father aawtrls, o l the .b o ck .uUalued In baptl»in. Ho brin g , the suit on the g n b n d that the pastor bad no right to baptHe a girl o f that age w lthont the co n ie o t o f bar parent*, and tb it earalfam eai about the tem perature o f t b . water put bar life in pen l. ____________

Ifl A a' C-; Am^Sla Mirifnl. No. L H. V. C j

H Nv*rkoir, No. IB. A B -e.-retarv. AlbertA. 8. eecrelary; Albert ,t.,r,’,i''nVNo. *.8'aU- treasurer; B. A. Vara. No treaeurer; M r.. W. K.SMrmLn No. Z7. Slate guide; OeorgU Hl.i'udH ^ No. It. Inalrle guard; Oeitrge F.

to Natlmmt foun cll, Mra. 0 . 8-'K V o f f , No. a . F H. Haf*". No, i . »■ I -

A f^ .r 'lhS 'w e*l"a I" 'h o evening a union, , ,t t in «

made with a pookeFknif. w h ll. in a e l l lu the police htodtiuartara H . co m . to the P o U c Bergmnt aad mid that he « a » a de- fanitetl'and wanted to b« lock rf up. He addwl that ha had charge ol a barha*. bu.i- nee. at 48W banciiwr, Pbiladelplua, aud had aold large (luantltlm d f hi* ployer’ l good, a .d bad k«pt th . m W 3f.WM not uuwuo»ed further, but

! !r t h e newly Vi.-.-u'-l uffleera ami by Na-

^ ‘ [ " ‘ ’'Th* crti'ndtt'ee in diarge o f Ui.^meet- ti.i w a . John r,.viiigion, o f NO.(Jwrga W. ila.-l-'rirlaiul, of No. t.

S, and

tm- Hft

lockedi7|7attd'iuri’hiirti*lphl» aUtnorlHiw war* lit-furmftd. __ ha,v„w.

WUilf U]0 house SeigMUti » nouril*l*r, waa viiliing one ot t to p r ^ iw r i he ft.uBd Nwil lyiag in .p o o ! ®‘ rapidly blmdlng to death. N « l hml .tabbed hiuiHlf ono. behind hla right *Umo. to t h . region of hl» heart.


ufttuuiion trnma n d BUBE., W b ."

cured you nr* in ilie year 18*H,

DRriftFRANKUAM * i ^ »t*hflrid of your nf*- ’ ^ .fd "i||i rr{nrtttirsi;’etiie« a ..a \ i ne Bi*a<jl

Aod tiy6

je iH V People at W aihlK iton H otel..finnuisl In lllft BVlbSlNU NV.WBi »i .

^ • aHUIkuTOn, Murt-h " t t oN ew jarm y peop'" 6a * . rw H '^ rw * ." .“ ** locarhetolt; Fr.rl ijck : R. T . Hug-a.

N otwilhelanding the dem onilratlon by t b . legal e i p .r u o f New York** Comm li- ta . o f B ev.nty that the propueed meaaure to reorganite the p o lio , departuiant 1. un- ooiiaiRutlonal, ll i» to be pul through tlie U eglflatur. at Albany none tb . lew. T h . Conatltntloo I. a new Ibing. w llh which neither polltbdans nor people a r e a .y e t acquainted | and, anyway, In the language o f a ilaleaman o f the m etropolU , " what’* a b llle thing like the Conalllution between IrlendaT" ____

Fr«rl f . Waahburn. Harken- t I'aterwn; Mist b . W.

ilM blrt Pawnmii; ll. H. Ktawl, Horriatown, M?* and ilr*. A. W. Brigham, Plorcnc.B r ig h .^ U » e l l Irving Bnghaui. t . r t 0 r.VgVj Hainiltou IValUa K.rt IJfatige; at Ih. A r 'in gto . Il'tol. U r. and M re. h ■Frtniian anil *D » I i wman, and Mr. H. Hliuon, llohohen; I*r. »ud Mra. Maad/rVlto, Newark; at the Rhureh.m.


The Medicine Man N ot the B e*l HealerAwmig llftii.

VVe are not apt to give the red mancTYiUr

T i l l daUUPAED M OTS*Th* DM lroyor o f Nhhds Tr»*ft €■*>• froiu

KurupfteThe borer o f fthftdft tr^ea know n by the

nasne of leopard moih tmt been Introduce-! from Europe ami io dolntr g r « * l da-niantt

M . n . , , . .5and to topee w to recollect

for very K lenttflc Idea, regarding imdlclne-ln tact, we E®” * ™ ''/ him a . totally Ignorant ot art and I . relying w holly on la due to the tact that the P * -^ " l,y UB a "medicine man 1. Jh* ahaman or conjuror. T h a i. n >»“ '™*; though they pretend lo drive away ea«c by th.-lr m agic w e not the tru . Indian doctor*. .0 a ay . Dr. W ^Thornton


* . . l n t o m . ^ ^ _with

toi aS!T

Always Ahead!




15c. i nCREAMERY

... J3C. II)L*'*" * r m !u ^ t w 'k ^ w iii w** b - M .i 1" the crowd to oom . «•. T b f poBc*

ul'tin i. to rMctt* kim front b b peril-

Ur aad Ur«. H, Cemi>bty, Red B*» 8. Ceuipb*)!. Fi-eehtdil; Williara T.

Hed B*»k; J- W- liw dley,

Morrrttowui at ih . Rlggi Uimi^ “ r ‘ nd Mra W *rre Dliuu, Jarwy City; J -H lfl*

E !l .l^ g r « r ir a o Juhn T. Duun. lA N o r m . n . b . . _______ ___

.............. . their apprttru ice InMay or June, continuing through July and Into Auguat. and are readily light. U haa become the m o»t comm<^n •liecle* Been around Ihe electric light* In the eltlea n*n(ed, and each m oth repre- eent* a larva that haa fed fur two year. In the wood o f u neighboring ...... while every female repreaent. the

atiorlHlne., ann lo „•that our .fo re fa th ermany valuable .peclflc* k|J'”contention, will appear reartinabi*. H .

% 7"lbnR rorhundrd 'B o ^ oVhor larvae to j>oB«eit.ed

i m p o r t a n t q d k h t io n k f o r VOIKKN A l th* *l*ction next month Iho voter,

o f Newark and Bm e* County will have a good .b a n e , to teat lf*e Raferendum prinolpl* In p r a c l l c . The questloui o f the Inoraato in the salarlM o f policem en , and Bramen, o f the approorlatlon o f j |17S,000 for the p u rch * .o o f property for | the Free P ublic lAbrory and o f the w ltb -

'liahm ent o t A public park .jw .m will bo prawntod to them , Eaoh oonlem piatea n o r * llberAl .g p e n d lto te ; t h . M cond look# to the • .outing Sf » perm anent h e m . for • popular InitltoHon, and I h . third to AD Im provem ent that will entail

axp en * . upon t h . couuty, but add « . « t l y to l l . b .a u ly and nttraollv.nea*.

O n e a c h o f t b M .q u t r t lo O . every voterahould b* o u . f b l to aoouratoly record hi* opinion.

Telling abou U h* leer o f uegroe* to go to work on the levee now that the New Qrl.ana n oU have quieted dow n , a dl>- patch " iroiu t o . C re ic .n t City naively u y t : " I t l * not believed her. In any quarter that there I* ground for H i. *p- pr.heiielon o f the nogroea T h .y - •Imply timid w ithout ca m .

Ilubblili llmt U tti-r. the Street*.To the Editor ul ihi, Nkvth;

; j r _ l p e rce v , ibet ™ r . , « : r r : n , I1. T r W to K '« welbpaVto r t r -tA •"■> w a X t o d l » enxiou. to help them to k « p .k ..» c l* e o . I uolioe 00 toe.rtrvrton whlohi^*Hl< i mw bmm-kwpir lirleg out a t o i , "o* too fuil oxhor light ru ^,Rh well coverW with M h «. enolhw

* ttfo ' With a rawpLuula overflow*Considfr- I “ "*^aud 'ben plans * HA of P > ^

ing a o m .o tth e lr recent c ip o r le n c i th . paper, eto., i m ^ tim idity o f toe colored w ork er. I. not „ „ ^ ^ .* 0,1 la brought lovary . i r .n g . , however oauM iem ll may be. j p, ffuish cornea ibc wagon

---------------------- — ssncral «-allerlog. But an looae M -o r lg b t rubbiah oil the airael^ Burn it.

Gum It. Yourairuly, K. » d .

"'‘■rilanv o f the real d o c to r ., forty or nfty veare am and In rare Instance, aom . of Hu-m can iie found a m o «

o T n r m e .n " v a lS r 'T h ." « * l n ■"••T he 'eg^ r«V !ato ‘r a fe™ ‘ >‘ m oth J"ew mile of mineral rem rflto, t o t to*-

! F i r - K l M : i l T A K S ! - - !' - - ...... *•' jiiri

Jti w ood. They argor brtaichea.

S to * wo^'h^lg "dowriVard ITa 1

I'e'Sf 'rtoel'?- c - ir S in r fV o m %"e* t o f W;though they '» „V J S d l'n “, i ' ' l h T dSii)to?i

a™'dn-aft'an'd to be .“ ’ ‘ ''^V 'w orda'an j l ie orator learned the value ot w ord , and lAeart ot elocution a l j fShunter gave year, to the clanger, o f the chaoe, »o the medicine

• D l » o e A TO A TB 'g WQTIOE*,

f i n e d a i r y b u t t e r ........ . ..........

19e.'IlL; 3 llL SScb e s t i m p o r t e d b w u b c h e e s e25c. lb

- A T -

w. ptlc.tlon of th* 'Jl'tor- [niB " w " ofM id decnaed. tollo* “ .irato toematoherabr give* to undrt oath «r rt-to exhlMt to the '>•

Htat. Iff aaid fc,r,.d from

»ubicr1b*r. Kebnunr Hi lIMa



mam or doctor. «tonfS‘ ,a b b ^ e rb T ln m oum aln and valleylearned from the w l.e the art o f combtn

W h.lbet AJni .truck the light- j nlnE or thellghtiiiug.truck .V)*i,wm only b* known .I te r lh . convention adjourm to-iuurrow nlihl.

a i s c » . “ d W S a I p - i g i i v ™ » < • " " ■

ihaiYianlvei through IhithAmunlve. through the bark In duo w a- im i and «>on after the

A ..^rdSng to 'I'he American N a lu ra in i the larvae may be d e troyed by pouring a

ait,,i7ic of carbor In l b . burrowa

"The tire liv

s p rriln 'i and aw M ttog rem toll.. o f dlan. a r , very reliable.

There »re*at.o re r ii^ ie . foi^tb . cure j ) f

Sarrotota of th* ^ yh- underaw.—■ claim. « d toroand*of mid d a e . .^ * " ’ to •!'>• from

gooiawd -r. J.ekmsn,

m i. day' rralgiwd


T8I Broli 8t., Cor, Commerco Bt.,N F W J I B K , N . J . .

b r a n c h BTORES-A* PerryuSoB I tOI Harrtaon avenn*, U»rritoo. N. J.

ogainat th.

of carbor...... ......... plugging tlthe latter with petty.“ ‘ l i^ l^ r l^ g K i t u r ^ o iu i r - S J e n l id f i o f

H ig lie s l o f all in L ea ven in g P o w e r .— L atest U . S . G o v ’ t R e p o r t

T b* Emperor o f Germany evidently due*I Bot b*Uuve th «l alter h lm itlf *nybody ,

else should be permitted mnrek.

to ttiub Bii-1

E m peror, and RflohHlagi com e end go, |but Btlll conllnue. to be the blgge«t man In Germany,

T he whiakey truat neeiit* to hay* been I *A11 o f t1>* prop o iltlon e h .v * the advan ' i , . r y antriulworlbv.

^0^gSS3iABSOLUTcnr p u b e

vi-Blcul and urethralti-ratlve remedlea, I'o^J^Sa-ainillcatlon. for -•rul.e. , ; " ‘> \ ' “ '{ " “ T'potaone, to t* u»od tor .‘ ‘••'fiffecte, and alw) rernedle. to countoractthe isolaonoui b ite , o f a erp .n l.. etc.

"(Jounter-lrriUtlon, the tual cautery, are t l . o pr*o ‘ i apiiltancei, appim atu. ™r the oonduot of child-birth, m ethod, fo r the comtorDtol* traneportaUon Of the S fiiisr'thT’e ^ & T o r h ^

■ab«rib.r.lUroh 1, ! • » f r a n k C -YYILLCOX.

rtte to tE. er ; Ii««


Hartdegen’s Stock


ot BtIMkUm UB^tr'

■BTATE „-Porwiant to

Jacluon, i i » r « g . « - - ^ a*, tumr-

5f;ihG dat., watort to .


([*) rem ark that contained tn the Bth tor the gov.ernment of th* ancient larneUte.. The manhood, aelf-c jn trolgence.of our N orth A m ertoa ^ J l^ ^ l.n .ahouldteem.'

not fall to our cordial

Hood'. Binaparlll* g 'v « *r«at bodtly^*»n». mental and dlewtlvo B'renijih- it puriilea. vluillaea and anricbM tba Mow.


proHO.tlag oraubicribtr. ___

February * * T H “ tpnQR» W. OORWW.Han o t ic k o * . ! M " « J * S " t h r ! ^ r ! S S i r ^ ^

of iftmual B. P ^ ft . ' - y — Add rt*

Dattd rah. at. doughty.

N I « J I M K V ’ t J I W I L L M t ,

683 b r o a d ,B .tw n n W . Park and O toarSlfM l*

Rmeaibar WMMadort and "gpaelal Rml Katot. D*rV’ 1* tool paU rtnulatioa, ovar •*.(** »•» • »» '


N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . T I T E S D A V . M A R C H 2G. 1 8 0 5 .




Trr»tintI lt« ADil rnrd nag- U<>( wpUIvaU km«i :Nf®- »d at » ro­tor.


irel i s


1 1I MBY

3c. lblif 55c 15c. lb

rc( St,etmU* MrN. J.

^ D E




W. P»rt ir B tr M li

fS OF Tili HORSING.Eturtlin.; Hispovirifu Midn bj Ex-

p#rts in Whiskey 'frost Affmrt.

T H e S P A N I b H N I N I b T ;: R T O R E T I R E .

^ fp is r M n ru A (K ‘E K p «lg m »tl«fi A p « « p i «<1 by

H I e liiMvarnuiPitt an>l tho P im*! In iM o d l--

d U t,v r«satnitiQl4'iilP(l to M p «r«tarjr G r # i -

} ip t it»> ln n 1rol>:t f^r«tPRtanlM E i r l t 4Hl l> v «r

th v fiitr«M o ii nf K E lpb lU lilipg g p p « r » U

H clin u li fu r Ihp l a t l iu l lo »• O n la rP d b y

Hkv imnitiiiuik 4ilnT«Tniuput**fe«or«tar/ 4 Utili* u( the ^uarNR-tiJtr U u U « .

A r*ftrlUl rppurt of tljf f'xprrts aiipoHiieil I'V tilt* lu rx'iniliio Rilu IhP afTaln«>r thn whlHkpy truit wa*'* miuir puMU* *l i hIritKO yrjuiTjajr' Aj rmortwl In yM- t'-n]4y'fi it tliuws a Ubiorop-rncy of anU an ofTort (b bMi* StI .. L'lHHurfN uii the- buoka of the company. Vtilr S?i only one of many Uema whloU the i'< • Iver, IsMieral McNuUn, aaya he will 4 .'leavor to collect by law from the old E ftlt'ers and dlrecrora of the HtaiUUng and I 'otllf Kerillng (\iRipa.iy.

rile pxperta’ rci>ort covere a period end- 1 'EC Mfirs'b II, INitS, mill thniwa no light on auUneqm nl irnueartlona. U Ih In llBl and ] ' ’H ihiii the greateRt irri-Kularltlcn are ea- I I'ctcd to be tllBcovcret: The report, m given out, !• m foltowe:

' ‘Halaner ^Iicct, March SI, Hi91 Original conitruiMlon Mccount. l3ii.7rAM0. treaaury ^ |>4•k, iki.tiHt.kM. Haiancp aheet March 11. .1 u; Urigihai ■'niistnu'ilijn iiocouni.7'-.1 10: (ri*aiiur> atork. aate of U:.^ ih a r « i<. 143 p**r RhHre, |l.&34,3f0; dilTerence on :>l.dS4 Rharrfl uf ei.H-k Ntated on the iKXska to have been aold at $t& per ehare, being lAI i>cr ahare, ?l,[i2Uai,

•‘iNutc The iwo itctna on the 1102 b*| n.icr idii'Pt. vlt.. original conatructlon ai'- ( ' tr.t and treaeur)* ttOik, agree with the i’>>m) nhy’B bnokH iia tbeV were on May 1. ] m. ArM-r ihc a«b' « f tne troaaury etock 111 H. in June. Ifeil, the aaid two ItemaV ore 4'h.iiipei) on t)ie l>ouke In th<* follow-

mmihor, vix,; Flmt, the figurca |S.- 4:'’i,4Wi otqioalie tienaury Block were »■ ratched out and thi: words ‘entry void' vrltlen oni»oRlte. Bccohd, the figures PO,- 7 i.&h' op|>oKi(e original rorstruction ac- I »uiit were also BcraU'lied out and P4.-

written In their plas'e, the new f;?ures l.i‘ li\g the sum of both Items,"

Tberels a law In llltfioiii which prohibits t':p directors of h oorporatloii from as- Hgnliig to thi-mBvIves sto-^k of their irom- p my at than par value. It would ap- I cur that the directors of the trust were m t efinvi-r«ont with this taw at ths time Ciey asMlgmil io themselves the treasury e ock ftt per share. According to Mr. }Uc». of Nrw Vork, one of the ileorganUn- tlon Committee, this was the rise. He I'Xplalns the "doctoring" of the liooks by eaying that the directors suhaeouently harnrfl of thrlr error, which laid them liable for thf difference between the ijrlcs ]<aid iH'd and ihe i>ar value of )100. and, in order to avoir) such llabltliy. the books T«r4* altered to sliow Ihe stock at its par value, as required. It Is alio stated that.V hllr the stock i>ook was made to show iho value of U.W.pgi, the caid* iHXrks were vtiiourhed and show only the actual cash paid, ll••|l'g |l,374.i. <

^fr. Hire, in S|>caking of the report* WHld: ’You will understand that this re­port covers the doings o f the old managers oiilv to rm'ly 111 H:t2. In liter reports we look for even mure glurli^g errors. This is one of the M(*mn ujk>:i which our suit iigulnst Grrcnhui St Morris Is to he baaed, but It In 4U,ly one of insrty.”

The experts arc si 111 at work In Peoria, and It will hr some lime l^ fore a final ra- pori la rebderctl.

We Cannot ForceNature, but can aK.fist tlie Hair to grow. The best as­sistant is Woodbury’s Hair aud S c a lp Treatment It strengthens the follicles, pro­vides food for the hair roots.

Prepared by a Dsmutolrgli!.

ftsld Id Newark by T Stiy,

sooner got across ths upbound track, than hs darted back again. Hall says that It was all done so quickly that he hardly had Hms to s»'i the braks before the car roU4Hl the lad under. The little fellow was moan- Ing and writhing between the two motors Under the car when a crowd iiiihcreil.

The tioor of ths centra o f the car waa on hinges, and the lad was soon llficd out ana put luto an ambulance, which took him to ths Hrooklyn liospliHl. He died before T o'clock fruin a fractur« d collar- bone and ribs, a dislocated hip iiud inter­nal hijurifi. tialb the motorman, went to Hrooklyn from Jersey City during ths strike, lls hid been a motorman in ths employ of ths ConsoiUlatsd Traction Com­pany,


RycHsf yimmennaii iu Aceepl Hoabrn'* Chaltsugs 111 Haro for 9ft*004l

Fraar»—lta»s Hall an4l Basing.1'ht many frt«n<ls o f A. A. Zimmernian

will bs pleatcJ to hear that he has ds- oidi-i to SL'ct pt the- challenge Issued by Hul»ert, the Helgian wonder, to a scrlos of three races for 2&,000 francs a side. The details arc not ccm|Hete. but *Zlm" sold yesistday that he'd race him.

and that hi* wot only awaiting a oabls- gram from Earls l>efure making arrange- ments for the trip. IlouboTr stands as the undlsputi'd champion of all Europe to­day. Ha has met and defeated all Ihe crsi'ks, and has even led ZImmennan across the tape. In this latter case, how­ever, It is only fair t j Say that the Yankee W4in not on eilgs at liie time. During the past month the young Uelglan has had several races in ra rb , and his success has been flattering. HecenHy he threw down the gauntlet to ths raring erai'ka directing him challenge pointedly at the world's L'hampion and naming 2C,0i<i francs as about tho proper ligure for a series of three races.

Ztmmsrmun |in#» not been very secretive on (he suh)cct, but to a few Imlmuls friends he has conhded his Intcntluns of going to Kurupc lo sr^uir the dispute of


rumllticin of Ike Fswrr KInst at tht.(ire s t K a lli.

Oeorgi* P oriH s In tho l«oiidon Tlmca)

"Nearly three years ago you pub1ishe«l

ll'r. f**

a lettev fmtn thU plsoi* In which 1

ATTACltBO » T AN BUCP11ANT-A b A tts n d a a ta t H a ra b m A B a lls y 's S h o w

Narrowly E m H « Halag Kme4l.But for ths prssencs o f mind of su ani­

mal trainer there would have bisn u sick­ening fatality at Msdisou Square Garden. New York, yesterday: As It was. Hobert A>rrs, an elephant groom, who lives at 9D<i East Twenty-eighth itred . was remnvsd to Iisllevtie Hospital with a broken leg and sundry serious bruises. He was Injured by the elephant Tip,one o f the largest animals In BarnumABalley's show. In the morning the last of the show arrlvetl at Ihe Garden, and preparations were at once bsgun for IhE annual parads to-morrow evorJag. The show opsns Thuraday.

Ayers, whll4 cloaking out Tip's stall ac- cldcntany stfuck the huge beast wHh his bnx)m Turning iffith a vlcH)gs Tip seised Avers wuh his trunk end ttlsd to stamp on him, but failed lu*cause of his chsin. Tip then tried to Imioile Ayers upon hla tusks, but pnly MMcaedad hi yam- mlng him bttwssn thsni. Ayer* warn al­most unconftioup. but h« rmitUrn a llnal yell, to whlMi Newman. Tip's trainer, who was In another room nearby. responJetl. The latter called four keepers, ana Aysrs was rescued. Hs was covered wlih dust and bloo<l. A doctor who was hastily sum- inmie4l discovered that Ayers's 1«« had b<n>n broken and that b« was probably In­jured internally*

who can ridt- the fast4^st. He guys he onsidars Houlicn to be the best rider

In all Europe, but he mi>destly adds that ho thinks he can ilofcat him. After think­ing over ths MiHtler fur a long lime "Joe" McDermott, the champion's hrother-ln- law, advised the a4-c<‘ptance of the chal­lenge, and a cahl4> dlspairh was sent to - - • * .f V An

kZNuit liincrA G A t o g o .Ih e kpanUU MtnHier'i Kstigastlon Final­

ly Accepted by tli» Governnirnt.Advices from iladrld ray that the Span-

J.fh Oovernment has accepted the resigns- tl-ms of the MltiliUi's In la?ii<lon and Washington. Count Casa Valencia and Ibipuy da Lorms will probably be their Kucti-Hsori. General Gsmlr will replace l iiptaln-Geiieral Calleja In Cuba.

Scuur Murua 'tt, the Bpanish Minister in Washington, was advised by hts Govern- ii;ein last evening o f the acceptance o f hts r4‘slAinntlon, which was retendered by Ki-nor MuniaiuL uftrr the esiabilshmsDi oftho new Buanish Quvurnment,

deiior ^lui'uagH lost no time after re-crlvlng bis advices from ths home gov- enitncnt In coinimunlcatlng thrir purport to the Hecretary of Htate, and as the hour wus late (b«> Minister sought ths BMte- tuiy at his private apartment.

\ery noon afterward Mr. Gresham Vis- lied tbe HNiecuitvc Mansion and communi­cated tho facts to the President. Other Cabinet officers were present at the time,

* ii»d there waa a eou/tTefiCe o f consider­able dumiioit It Is regarded as a fair pro* sumption (hut the subject under dlsctis- slnh embraced the latest phase o f the rs- iHtlons o f this Government with the Span* Ish Government.

one result of the deliberations waa ths transmlftslon of a message to Honor Muru- aga. who presumably continues yet In full charge of Spanish affairs at the Capital. The conteiUH of the tnespage are hot known.

Becreiari* Gresham last evening was found altogether reserved and particu­larly averse to entering Into any explana­tion of the latest phase of tho Qovern- incnl's views on the Spanish question.

MANITOBA'S SCHOOL WAB.Deflance o f the Governueat'e Order to

KatsbllRb krparstf' Catholic Hchcrols*The order of the Dominion Government

commanding the Manitoba Legislature to pass laws granting Manitoba Catholics separate schools has reached Winnipeg from OtUwat hut will not lie taken* up in the Legislature until to-morrow. In all the city MetbcKiist churches violent ser­mons were delivered Sunday protesting against Dominion Interference with Mani­toba In the matter of schoola

The flght between HrotcstfintB and Catb olios is becoming more' bitter. The prov- Inoe iB overwhelmingly In favor o f Na­tional schools, and tne order by the E>o- minlon Government has created much In illgnatlcm. The Ijcglslature will undoubt v<lty reject the Dominion Government'! order. The following from a provincial paper evidences the feeling against any tiiterferoncc:

"The Dominion Govemmentr after weary weeks of squirming and twisting, has at length passtKl an order commanding the Li'flslature to restore separate s p o o ls to the Homan Catholic minority Iti Mani­toba. This act It a de11l>t>raie surrender to the demands of the Roman Cathollo miuorlty In Manltoba--a deliberate sur render to ihe demands of the Roman Catholic priesthood o f Uuehecr

"It Is another proof, were any such needed, that Canada lies proatrats under the feet of a foreign, a Homan eocleslas- tle. U Is unoiber proof that ouf rulers are recreant to the duties they pwe the people and traitors to their Queen, and are ever ready, as ths price o f place and power, to srll themselves and the llhertlas of the free-born cltlwns o f Canada to the Pope of Rome and his unscrupulous devo­tees In Canada.

"The gauntlet thus thrown down Is promptly taken up, and let the contest be­tween Homish slavery and freedom and equal rights go on until every vestige of special privilege and the grinding slavery to a State Church be driven out of every province In the E>omlnion and the time­serving caitiffs now ruling In Ottawa, who sell their souls for prelatlcal patronage, driven back to the obscurity from which they ought never to have emerged."

T O O K A B L Y F O B B R R A K K A I T .

Five O'rliMk Wss W ell Niiuugk for s Countrymao. but Not 1ori’hiea|o.

At the hour of 6 o'clock A. M. a Chicago hotel offlee ti wrapped In slwoiule quiet, says Ths Record of that city. This is es­pecially true of a March morning, for at that hour the outside darkness remain! unbroken. The semb women have gone away, after giving the ofllce Its nightly cleaning up. The last o f the nlghthawks has wandered off to his room, and the flrst of the early comers Is not yet due. There may be signs o f life In the kitchen at that hour, but the kitchen Is always so far out of the way that It does not figure In the dally Hfe of a hotel.

In one hotel when S o'clock struck the whole establishment was under the super­vision oif a hsndy young man, who was a sort of combination bell boy and porter. Only a few o f the lamps ta the office h ere lighted, but under one o f them sat the young man. An hour before the night clerk had seised the opportunity to get anap, and the figh t Watchman was killing time on 6nn of tne upper floors.

The boy. intent upon his book, did not look up when he heard some one com ing down stairs. He supposed it was the watchman. Then he heard a voice:

"You ain't one o ' the sleepy heads, eh?"He looked up and saw a farm erish,gray-

beard ^ man standing before him. Anything the m atterT ' he asked. Matter? No. f guess you 're the only

one around here that gits up as early as 1 do."

I'm up because 1 haven 't got to bed yet."

"G o on, Is that so? ^ ’ hy, It's past 5 o'clock, ain't It?"

Yes, It struck a few minutes ago.*'How soon will the others be glttin '

up"W ell, some o f ’em ought to be around

In two hours.'*"W hen kin I get breakfast?""About T o 'clock. Did you want to catch

a train?"**No, but I d on t want lo wait till the

middle o f the forenoon for my break­fast."

"W hat n w e you get up two hours be­fore breakfast? Couldn't you Bleep?"

"You don't call S o 'c lock very early, doSou? I want to git an early start and go

ome to-night.""W ell, you can 't get in anywhere before

B o 'c lock ."**And r i l bavs to watt two hours for

breakfast?""I don't see any w ay out o f It."The old man went over and seated him ­

self In an easy chair and there he waited with an expreision o f dejected Bubmtssion on hiB face until 7 o'clock cam e. Then he was the first man in the dining-room.

Paris to a friend o f 'Zlinmcrman'e. siiiw er to this Is cxtKH'ted to-day,

lls»e llxilA l»ase hall team has been uraatilted by

the (,'eniral A ihletlc ASRi>rltttl4>n o f Kcar- ny,an<l the ftiUowIng players w«>re sign4M): H. Krki'hson, I'ltrhcr; \V. Jeff, cah her; first bssr. T. McG4)Wan; srcOixl liaKc. G. Greentleld. third baae, G. Swiss; llehlfra. N. Giauts, A. Hilton and L. Westlake. The club would like (o hear fnim any flrst-clais teams for a few open ilatcB. The secretary la John Hone. Johnson avenue, Kearny.

Uoitun defealtsj Washlngt4m at Savan­nah ycBlerdny. IB to 7; iMtisliurg beat ltro4>klyn liy making stx runs la the last Inning at Augusta, Gs.. 11 to &, and the Nea York regulari defeated the N«w York colts at Danville, Va., 14 to 13,

Itsky's Fast Ysujig«t4r«At Bt. Asiiph yesterflay the sonsatlnn of

the day was the remarkable perf.>rnmnpe o f W, C. iM ly's two-year-old Hi*' Hart­ford, This yuungitor won the fifth race against a fast held with surprising eaw AiitulhT o f Daly's two-ycar-ahls, IHiu- yarah. captured ths first event. Buiii- msrles; ^

First R ice—Ifimyarah won, Gimme siw*- ond, F'ull Hea tnini, time, 0.61V< H elllng- Elght to 6 against H imyarah, 1 to 1 Gim­me. H to S Full Sea.

Becohd Race—W arlike won, Kilkenny sei^unil, l^ady Adams third; time, 1.32. Het- llng -Eight to 1 against W arlike, BCl to 1 Kilkenny, 3Q to 1 l.A>ly Adams.

Third Rare—Equity won. Ed Kearney second,» IjOgan third; lime, 1.41^. Uettliig —ThiE e lo 1 against P^qulty, 6 to 2 on Ed Kearney, 13 to 1 against l^jgan.

Fourth R are—Tinge won, Tuscan iec ond, Irish Lass third, time, I.IBH. Betting —Five to 2 on Tinge, 6 to 1 against Tuscan. 10 to 1 Irish i,ass.

Fifth llnce—The Hartford won, C adli second. TRrentum third: time, 0.5V Bet ting—Seven to 5 against The Hartford. 7 to I ('adix. even money Turenium.

sixth Race—Dutch J*ady won. Hlleni Friend secy)nd, Foundling third; time, l.m Hcttlng *-en to^A calnst Dutch l^acly, JU to 1 Bllem Friend, 40 to 1 Foundling.

Only one favurlte managetl to pass under the wire first at New Urlctns yesterday Bummsrl*^s:

First Race—Mile. Lay On, 20 toV won. Void. even, serond; Florence P.. 7 to A third: time,

Second Race—H alf a mile. Donnie Jean, B to 1, won; Inspector Hunt, 3 to 1. second B y^ ee, 4 to 1, in lrd . time, 0.50.

Third Race—Six furlongs. Daphne. 9 to L Won; Beauregard, h to 1, second; Kuna, 3 t o l , third, lime, 1.16^.

Fourth Race—Five and a half furlongs. Mark 8.. 4 to 1, won; Miniver. 4 to 1, sec­ond; Johnny McHaJe, 3 lo 1. third; (ime,

"n^th R acf—Six furlongs. Prince Im ­perial. I to 5. won; Readina, 90 to I, second; Revenue, 15 to 1, third; time, \.U\,

('ontposUors Uefpslei].The second o f the series of three gsmes

of thuflleboard lM*iween nompoiitors of the EVENING NEW S and Times-Stanrtard was played last night and resulted in g defeat for the NEW S team, their oppon ents winning by the score o f IDS to 71. The highest Individual scores w-ere made by Landrigan. o f The Time*-8iandard, sod Volmer, o f the NEW S team. The scores follow:

ITTMES-BTANDARP13 Landiigan .......... 32liii ( ’ arm y ................ 2712 SJIngerland ........ 2H27|\VelTi ................... IN

.^umo acvouiu of ho* the dreams o f th cniLlneer w. h- In Ihe act of bring rcxllieii. and without Injury to the nauiral l*< anties uf the spni. Three years h ive passeii, my I'ork is midcd, and It seemt natural to

continue The narrative and tell whut these three y e a n have brought forth. I am perched on top o f a small Ellfel tuwer, lately erecU'il. and, casting my eyes up the river, over ihi* house tops and bi'yond.lhc tow n, 1 see 4 new world create*.!.

"T here is a wide canal leading water into that Kigantlc puwer-housc, where three turbines are set up to UrHe three dyimmoa of AOW horse-power eaon. There lb uu 1.ridge lo carry cables across to the transfunner house. Inside the pow ­er-house tiu* water Is carried Utiwn by pipes seven jtid a half feet in lUamcter into the turbin4>s.whence U t^aases through a T.OhO-fivt tmmel under the town, em erg­ing helow the falls, and eatable o f devel­oping borss-power. Far as the eyecan reach extend the com pany's lands, wtlh here .uni there a huge [ac'iory ^diher now ualn^' ihi water-power or waiting fur the riw tric supply.

One o f these ubss S,3on horte-uower, an­other 30u, A tlilnl one l.VXi, and that unttn- ished mill riKiulres l.OiJu. You can see far aw ay the inud4>l village fur workingmen aiul impvm-i'd sewage wuikt with Urain- ags. pumps for water iuiiply. elciUrlc light and wi'U-i>a\i'd stre^ds. There, again, is tho doi'k, u Uitp sliiiis from all jiarts o f th4* great luk>: I'uh uriioHd, and there « huge expanse of I'l rialincd land, while tho whole is swept by ilu- comiHiny's railway, w ven miles long, crmnecting **\fry factory with the gr^^t irtmk lines. 'I'he iKjwer io trans- m iltpd by rlci-irlciiy, ami the ihst work Is to iirod u .f ulunitniiim wlUi l .> " horse- |H>wer. Nt'W t>pi-s o f TUschlnoB havi been devised fi r ihls work, as also for eVi'ry other put " M

'Alt crlHi It'in as to cort of electric vurka has been auay hy tho ri mltaachlovt'fi, and iln< efllclcm'y uf eiu h typ4' o f m achine la KCKutcr than hoa I'con atialuial Ijefore, All tlu- maohlnery for the llrst w ork ing has |>n<n made and losted in tho shops and the last imrta are now being set up. The plHiiB fur carryluK the power to Buffalo, td^hli HI mllsB disiuut, are l um-fdele. In .1 imitith or two fa it'iilcs will be n full opurnTlnti. ill a year KiilTalo will ba

supplied. In two >ears (he ..unie vumpaiiy will be workitvK the I'anaibi side o f (he falls. Slid in p u yrars (shall * r asy) the w hole o f the iiK>.nitl aorse-puwer which can be supplied hy the existing hydraulic w orks will be giving power to smokeleoa manuractuiing mwiiB.

*T h« p4‘rlod 4if planning the tranamlsslon schem e, o f ■!<■ l»{ltltlg the gn*ulcst dynam os In the world, and uf construriton o f Ihe first plant now closei. The flnancial {lerlixl oom m enres with the new year. Tin* 4*srn- ing o f <livld<‘hi]a and (he ordering o f dupll- cate machliK-ry is the future work o f Ihe com pany. In conrluslcn, It is dlfllcuU for me to say who were the !K>ldcse-ihe cspl- tah sis who Hioharked on the scheme be­fo re any plntin were maturetl.or the manu- facturo»“B wlin moved their rac(4irl4*s to this field iH'forc 11 s ln fls result had liecii achieved. Tin* at tion of bolh was lypb'ally Am erican, bni their confidence wua not m isplacod. Their success is flow assured."


T 0 W A K D 8 m n D A U C 1 U T E B 8 .

AN UKTUNANf.'t:. relsilBf to wclfhts and rneuurcs, anJ prwcrihinii eddttt.u:".- d u u u

nf the Oljf Kesler of and

8 a«n c M U o n s m i c b B r t r l U p M t l a f , u T l i c l r I m p o t U i e o U I m m c w o n U e .

[ i r t u . i , »o M l i .o » l u n u u . )

O n T j > fpw y f a n t g o p v p i i th e m e d ica l p rn ft'M io n M'oiUcil liie Idea t U i l y o u n g g ir li could tu lTc rtro m the luLsury o f u te n u triM lllIrl.

't'tiiu frinn o f d i M u e , It w e t c U la te d , ceiuc u u ly lo loerrlcd w oiuen.

E A l L R O A l i e .

When J.ydie E. I’ Inkliim tint sent out the uev»» of her |tre*t dlwovcrj', there

no Uck uf lier^li upecrh from tikosa n lio ^ practlcu end o|imiont eho u t et di'dinncc.

Hut ffheo young plrli hy tho hnndredt were absolutely cun'll by /.jofiu K. J’ lnt- JlaiH's Veg'UeuIn I'uiulmiiml, <hcn the toiiuucs of tho lieducem vcrc stillod, end faith was allowed tu live In the hcaru of Un' ]>iu>ple.

Young glrh ere nibjccl (o this trouble. It rohs Ihcia of the buoyancy of youth. It makes uU effort dlilesteful.

U causes retention unil suppression o f itienscs, leucorrbuL's, eevem lieadst'hn, xeaxy complexion, depri'wlon, weakness, loss of apitetlle snd Interest.

Certainly m otbon ouKlil lo know Ihst these are nil symptoms o f the one causa of nearly all tbo suffcrlni; that comes to women; and lo lare their daughters ou,;ht lo begin treatment ul once.

l.ydla E. Plnkhim's Vegetable Com­pound Is the surest end most natural remedy for women erer eomimundcd. It will accomplish lu work with ccrulnty.

■I T V A I I V K U T I A K S IK N T K .


NEWS. Hudson ..........t^obbins .........M^gonaglv ... Volmer ...........

io Halts MonoT-Tiiroa o f tho Lsadlug Hbtdosslo Maiturariitrors of N«w I'nrk i'lly Fornsd a hjpndlcato W ith B500,(K>0 VTortb o f Clothing an a UMolaNewark will hnvs a big benefit. Thr4'e r-f

the largest New York manufacturiiig clo- thlera formed a syndicate to raise cash at once on their Immeuie over-production, and 1300,000' wurlh .of flue tailor-made clotkeawaslhrbasis of the deal. R4>allaing that such A mountain of merchandise was too much to Buei'essfuUy dispose of in any one city on sliort time it was decided by ths syndicate to 8cl4iCl four large markcln in which lo op4‘rale. Boston, Phlladi Iphla and Chicago were chosen, and then New­ark was broached and seteoled, It ladtig wall known that this town consumes an enormouB amount of ready-to-wear cloth­ing. Instrurtlons are to raise immediate cash during the next flfteen days and not lo refuse any reasonable offer. This stock is on tbo prcmlBcs of King the Clothier. 130 and 132 .Mark« t slrH't, corner Halsey. Each and i-sery tiarineMt is marked with the sale price; nu one can resist buying. Any garmt'til Imughf ihat. when taken home, proves unsatisfactory, can be re


S T A T E N E W S P I C K I N G S *

A heavy electrical atorm, accompanied by high wind and hail, struck Cape May yesterday afternoon.

Two substantial donations have been re­ceived by the Mercer Hospital at Trenton. One is BOO from Mrs. 8. Weir Mitchell, of Philadelphia, who formerly lived In Tren­ton, and the other ia 1260 from Mra. Nixon.

Patrick Mulvoy, fifty-three years old, of Fulton avenue. Jersey City, wss mor­

tally injured yesterday by a Central New Jersey Railway train backing down on him while he was walking on the tracks on his way to (Fork.

The Induitrial bpom at Phlillpsburg rort-ttnues. It was announced yesterday that the West End Silk Mill of New Yorkthe West End Silk Mill of New York City and the Allentown Furniture Company of Allentown. Pa., had decided to remove their plants to Ph111lpsburg>

Rev. Allen Thompson, a retired mtnfster of Bordentown. conducted serkdees In the f>Hrst U. B. Church, in that city. Nunday, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. William Walton, who li attending the conference. Hev. Mr. Thompson la In his ninety-ninth year, and will celebrate the annWeraary of hiB birth In May.

While ths body o f John Hannon was being cohslgnMl to the grave at Bridgc- toa Sunday the straps which held the caskst broke, and the con^ae fell to the bottom. The undertaker Jumped in the grave to atralghten the oaeket and the earth fetl la on him, covering him to thf waist ,



l i Lawlsd Witkeat B tlag la - S lated at Qnaraatlas*

Secretary o f the Treasury Carlisle ar­rived at Quarantttie early last Saturday morning and boarded the Amertoan Line steamship Paris, on which Wllltam K. Carlisle, son of the Secretary, was a paa- aenger. Before tha visit o f the deputy Health Offioer the revenue dtttCer Hudson. With the Stcroiary and bta son, left ths iteamer's side and proceeded up ths bay to New York City. The deputy Health Officer reported this violation o f ths Quar- antiiio law to Health Offlesr Doty,

Dr. Doty when asked about ths matterlast night, said:

"My deputy reported tho fact to me thatthe revenue cutler had reniQv«^ a pas­senger o f the Paris without waiting for hts InsMctiou. 1 called the attention of the Conector of the Fort to ths matter In a oonunubicatlon addressed to hRn on Baturdsy lait and am now sxptetiiig a re­ply. 1 think the whole fault Res with ths i;ustofn-houss Inspector In charge o f the party on the cutter, who certainly should, and I believe does, know ihe law for such cases. The person removed was ■uffsring from no contagious diaeaae whatovsr, but that la not the question Involvsd. Hs should have waited for the proper offioer to. grant pei mUsloa to land, and our itate law saya that the Haalth OiStosr pr his deputy la ths proper^rton/*


turdapi NBWB Aa-

A LIttU Bey, Who Hakes ths «04th Pst^ son Killed In firoohlya*

Ths Brooklyn trolluy system killed Iti lUth victim yaatsrdayr -when Freddie, the nine-ysar-oid eou o f Frederick Conright, g truckman, living at IM Jay strest, wag run down In Fulton atrsst. near TlHary, by a Halsey atroetoar of ths Brooklyn Itslghta •yslem.

According to the motortnan, Mark Hall, whg waa at onot arrested apd lodged In the Adnma Street Btation, the lad ran from the «kBt aide o f Fulton atrs^ acroaa tho tracks to the curb In front dr Ander­son's hakcry. nt Hi F uUod street.

Hail days that as Conright had time te get clear acrosi ths iraoJis before be got very close to him be did not slacken tMs p m of hie ear. whieh was'runnlng'at''a nedAmn fr~ ' .

niihop John Bearborongh, who had beep prevailed on to take a trip 8uutb.for the uensfit of this health, nas been compelled to return to hti home In Trenton. He had intended to spend some time at Asheville, N. but before reaching that place his condition had grown worse, and he re­turned North, ratching home on Satur­day.

The sanitary potter pressprs of Trenton have agreed upon a new scale of wages equivalent to a reduction of thirty-three

...... 7l| T o t a l ................ 106A s the NEW S team won Ihe first game

of the aeries the deciding game will Ije played at the Dougherty Ataoclailon head quarters next Friday night.

Climax Gunoers XTI*.The Aral o f a series o f pigeon matches

between the Keystone Shooting League of Philadelphia and the Climax Gun Club of Plainfield, was flhot at the latter place yesterday, the Clim ax Club winning hy seven hlrds, The original conditions were that each club ahould present a team of fifteen men. each to aboot at fifteen birds. Ths threatening weather kept several o f the shooters away, and iiut twelve men shot on each team. The match was Start­ed in a downpour o f rain, and occasional rain Hurries 4'ontlnued throughout the en­tire day, making the blnls an Irregular tot of flyers. The Individual scores were;

Climax Club—E. M. Cooper. 12; C. Zwer- lein, 12; A. W oodruff, 14; Charles Bmlth, 14: T. H. Keller, 12: W illiam Sigler, II; D. Terry, li; 8. Terry, It; F. \’an Dyke, U; Captain Money, 14; N. Apgar, 14; "P . Jay." 13. Total, 162.

Keystone League—W . H. W olslenorofl, IS; 1. W. Rudd, LB: 1. K. W olstencrofl, 11: H. Thurman. 12; B. Landla, 14; John Roth- acker, 12; W. W ilson, IS; W. M. F&ck. H; J. WolBUncrofl, IS; W*. H. Pack, 12; J. Learning, 12; A. James, 13. Total. 1S3.

It was agreed lo shoot the second series o f matches on Ihe grounds o f the K ey­stone Club at H olm shurg Junction, near Phiiadelphia, on April K.

To Turo ProfeMinnal.Five prominent Boston amateur ath-

letel have announced their Inletillon o f becoming profeseionala, and their break­ing away is likely to cause a general up­heaval. They are T. F. Keane, the American champion runner at the quar­ter mile and the holder o f dosens o f trophies; Btlngcl. the Jumper, second only to M. F. Bweeney in the running hign Jump and having a record o f over six feet; Frank Rowe, the doughty half-mlie runner: L. A. Carpenter, tne Suffolkcrack Jumper, and G. H. Hodgkins, who waa, a few years ago, the champion five- mils runner o f New England and has been In every distance race o f any note for ycarp past with the exception o f Last sum­mer.

turned within the tlftren days. A few prices, so as to alve you S4ime idea o f the m agnitude of this sale, will not be amiss, and we ask everybody in need o f duthlng lo peruse these few sampie pricH^ care­fu lly and call personally. Bale starts to­day at 2 o'clock. Men's llrsi-class sack suits in twenty-five (llffererit paUems, all sixes, from 34 to 42 breast incasuremeni, for 14.40. These suits are sold all over the town fo r 112; ail we ask Is $4.40. If you And that these suits are not cheap and you are not satisfied, bring them back and we will cheerfully refuncl the money.

Tw enty-six lots, comprising ftri men‘« suits, In cheviots and worsteds, worth $14; syndlcats sale I'rire, $7.25. Men's suits. In all the new shades and plain black or blur, a t tii.V). You'll find these suits foct fUlIng and •■qual to custom tailors' make, worth $2*i; syndicate sale price, th.fiO. Bring hack anything you don 't like w ithin the llfti-en (Irvb' limit. Men's cU y diagonal cutaway and sack buita, in biuck or Diue,' for dress wear, such as sell alw^sys for go next fifteen days at 15.40. Men’s «-a«blmere pants, neat pat­terns, at Wk-. .Men's fine doublo-hreantrl b lack cheviot suits, all sixes, worth 114. at I9.G0. Men's dress pants, In a big variety, a t ll.SW. »nd S2.7B, worth three times these prices. Men's fine Prince Alberts, elegantly made up from ('lay diagonals and corkscrewB. al $11.60. Men's cassimere and cheviot suits at |4.Go, Men’s Melton spring overcoats, tan, gray, brown, O x­ford. value $1''. at *S.N>, and so on. Boys' and Chlldrcn’K suits from ILflo up. Knee pants 3^ . worth ll.fli. Rear In mind, we are slmidy the agents for the syndicate, and shall sell all goods during the next fifteen days for cash only, so that no raasonablc offer will he rafused. Any one can l»r suited and pleasecf and it will pa.vSou to come fifty miles to attend this sale,

ta iis (o-morrow at 9 A. M., at K IN G ’S CLOTH IN G 8TGKR, 130 and 132 Market street, corner Halsey street, Newark, N J. Open evoiilngi until B:30. Car fare al low ed to out'Of-iowii buyers. ________ _

uFFR'K of li e fit'anl of fllreei and Wai«T miMluni ni of (Hp vlKy uf Nsaark. Nrwark. N

J .. March W. _Aeslp'l pru[M«Hl« will ht rece(ve4t at till* iifflc# imtil 4 u'cliick J'. M, of Thursday, ths fnutlh day of April. IWA at s public insetlns of (hs Hoard, bi bs held at asid lims and idatw.

For Ills dreilglng of ihe J'sddls tiirwsi ('anal frt,m ths I'ctmiylvsnla |Utln*ad to Wh4wlsfs Ciesk or Dlich. or fn m the rennsflvanJa Hall- road to thf> Newark and IClIsabcih Jtraru-h of ihc Ohiral Hallroad Now Jersey.

The fulluwlni Is slstm the amount of the W4jrk to be (iune, and the malerlsis to i*e furniihe i In the wtistrucllim and rnmpJi*il«m frf said w.irk:

Hertiun—Four thousand G.tSXU cubic yanls of excasatlon. fnini the 1>nnsylvanla Railroad io Whoeler'i Creek -ir hitch; . . _

FtReen tlioiissnti fiiur hundred (ln .400) cubic yanls, from t^cnnsylvahla lU llm ad tn the New ­ark and Kliialielh Hraiuh irf ihs Central Hall-n ad of New J'-nwy.

Hidden will five a sei'araie price for the sec- (Inn and (he whole, Ss it is the intemlon of IhA tPtsrd 4»f Bireet and Wa rr t'ommlsslonera lo award ■ contract for either one or (he other.

Hidden will siRle their prices In writing si well as In flgur4si.Hidden must Specify In their prn|»oaals that, ahould Ihe sbote work Ik> swarded to them, they will bihd Ihemsrlves to finish and com­plete the same within forty crmaei’utlve working days fi>r the sectlun, and one hundred days for the whole.The plans and speclflcstlons or the work 4wn be examined at llw <ifllce of (he Hoard of Htn and Wster I’ommlerli’mer". No. 12« Haliey street. Hsid iiroposala lu lie ac4*nmt»anie<J by the ounsenl. In writing, of two sureiif^. who shall, at the time 4if putting lit such pri>i«»aalB, t^usltfr

:o their rrepoasIbTlUr In the smount of such .....jMiiial, and hind themselves that. If the c umet be awanied to the perw.n or i>ersnns mak­ing (he prooosal they will. u[Hm lu 1>«ing so awarded, bccume his or (heir auretles for the faithful i>erfiirTnan4 of M)d witrk: and that If the i>ers(*n or |»enK»ns omit or refuse to execute such contrart. (hey will t»ay lo ihr city of New ark any dlflerehce l>etween the sums lo which hr or they wuuld have teen emUie<I upon com plethm of the i-ontrxi.-t, and (hat which the city of Newark may ite I'bllge'l l«» t-ay Ihe persem nr (icrwine by whum such I'lnttrmct ahall be exS' cuted.Thn Itfiard nf Htrrel and (Valer r*nmmisatoners of (he clly of Newark reserve to ihemselvea the right to accept ur reject any or ail prui>osals for the alKive work, as they may d«em best for ths Interest of Ihe city.Hidden and sureties are hereby nnimed that under the provlsiisis of (he acxenth aei'tion of the law crestihg the Hnanl of Rlreel and Wiler ('omnilMioours, Bi’priived Uarch 'JSih. IkPl, (hat the iKfOd or iHinds to be given for the faithful eaecutlnn and t^rinrmshce i-f said public W4irk shall flnt lie approved as lu sufficiency by (h |i<tard. and as lo form, liy (he I'liunsel <if (he iPard, and no ciinract shall tw tiinding (»n the clly, or become rffeettve or Mperative until such Ihmd la S4> aptifotred. and liie F'nwident of (h* Hoard ibsH hive (mwer to examine the propueed h(/ndsmen uniler oath, If he shall so desire, ur shall he BO lnilrurle4l by the Koaril, but the Board wil) n*rt be la»und by ntiy statement that may be mads by such pfu wi -d lemdsmen. hut shsll have full fiower and Himolutc dlsi'mion In (ho w hule matter, anil this jiroviahm shall be referred to in any advertlRcment Inviting bids for any such public work

Hy direction of the Ikiaril i-f Htreei and Water (.'ummissloners of the city <>f Ne wark.

J. rKGwni.i. MrNi)T.Hdv KHI General Buperintendent nf Works.

y L___ ... .........H i It umaln*d, by ths tummon Council of the

( Ity uf Newark. M follows: fleciiiMt 1. That so iteram. either as (irlnclpal

(V agent, shall. In measuring any dry fruii or (•getible fur sal# wllhln the city of Newark, use any liqmd measure, but in the sale of such fruit, vegetsbls .tr other guods, shall use <<Aly a •iry msasure sealed by Hie Aealer uf Weights and Measures nf (he city of Newark, under a iwnalty nf five dollars ft*r the flrst offence and twenty dvdiars for tha second offeMe.

Kr-'tlon I. That it shall be ths duty of svtry oriHMraihin, Arm or pers rn selling dry or liquid

nir.ieiiriHi within the c lly of Newgik, tu bring ■ > causa tu he brought to the office uf the (,’lly Scaler the measures ulTervd by II ur them fur sale, and liav# them (4Mt4HJ and seated by ths City ftcalsr l^fore such mrasiirea shall be auld for use as such measures fur the sals of dry of llquhl goihJs within the cHv uf Newark, under a penally of tw «iiiy-flv« dollars for evsry of­fend'.

Hecllon 3 Thaf nn corpixwtirm, Arm or person rl alli use ur siluw to be used far the sale of any

Is or liierLhondleo any dry measure teilh a e Udlutii. BJid no such measure shall he kept

In any place of busineea where fruits, vegeta- hlee, or other articlae are s«dd by measure, un­der a iwnaity o( flve dullars for Ihe flrei uf- fenoe and twentv-flvs d'dlaie fnr tive eeioml of­fence. and It shall be the duty uf the City fleaisr lu seise and destr oy all such measures.

Hectlun 4. Thai It shall l»e the duly of all pereons, whether p rm d ia l or agent, selling It*, milk, fish, meat nr oti«er merchsndlse uj"in ths tireels uf ti.r i l ly nf Newsrk. and U*1t»S a sles or measurrs iherefiir. i.i u; .■ unly eesleil Males and measure*, and It shaU tM> the duty of alt such p*rh.ins tu bring or ia o b * Iu Uc oruugnt to the ulfics of the I'lty Healer such scale* oT meastiree its the month of May, In each yrar, and such »'ale* nr mewaur-3 ehsli thete be teeted jni.l sealed by the t’Hy Healer. Any t>er- l^it vliiiallng eny tirnMaUei uf thli secMun snail forfeli and |wy a iwnalty of five ihdiari for (he flr«( oflence and twenty didlars for ths seiMndoffence

Hecilon 5 . That no mereham, retailer, trade'' r d c a lf ahall sell any fiults ui \egetithle« [

trrvni cutw, cans i»r other recejuarlee «ih «i than aeslrd njessurea eesleil tiy (he <'My Benltr, except where (he arilcie an|d |a |n Its l•rlflnal ' reci)dscie. under a |>ens]iy >t flve .iidUfe fu- ihe flrst oflenoe and twemy dollars fi>r thu ond I ffeiM e,

Hei’tbin fl. Thai It shall he th« duly nf ih ' '.'Hy Clerk nf the cily i-f N ra ark in tiellver Id each vender, when applying tnr a vvndii' llc4>hee. a c u ^ of (hts ••rdlnaiMi

Becdon T That ciial shall vn all cs>sa tte i»dij by retaikre by walghi when ►dd in titles rrem nne-elgnlh uf a top and upward If

Id in quaniides Issa than ^aie-elghth I'f a t >11 1( shall lie eidd tlthsr hy weight measure. If C4tal Is gMdd by weight i( snail be weighed only uixm scales sealed by (he City Healer, and If by measure. In dry measures eeaieit by the C lly flesler Any per»m violating any pro vision of this se«-tinn shall forfeit snd t « y penally of flve dollars f»i ihe flrsr orfetir* anJ twenty del lari fur the seciuid .iffrii-e.

Brctlon k. Tliat all pisiform si-aire wrtghtng over one thousand iHiunde ehall Iw leeiM and •eabd In May and Nt vembei i f each y.av by th • City Healer, and nu scales not » » sealed alkali be used under a ponaltv twenty flve ilotlare

Rei'llon b. Th si (ha fee for teeiliig plalf»i(c •cslss w**lghlng two Ions and upward shall be tvm flollare.

flection IIK That i l l fees shall he pshl to (hr C ity Healer at tha time the seal Is attacUeil to Uif scale. The ('Ity Healer shall, om-e m sack week, iiay tn ins ('unndrofier nf the rlty or Nswsrk, fur ihe use of the city, all nooieys C'lieoietl hy him as feea. The City fleoipr Shall give (□ esch person psying to him any fee or fees a receipt prvdwrly (Isted and ehnwlnc for whal the earns Is given, and a duplicate thereof shall be entered upon the im h frt.m Which such receipt Is taken.

RectliH) I I . That It shall b* th* duty of th** City flealtr in exanilne atul test all wslghi* ified In Ihe city uf Newark In (he weighing of gcHMlS or merchandise sold tn such clly If any welghi shall he f>iund nut in conform in tbs Vnlted flisies standard of weights ft shall be the duty of the owner to correct such weights. If such weights can not he correctial. H ahall be tkt duly of the O ily Hraler to take the same Into his i>osa«sakin and to desiruy the same.

Hecilon IX, That all liquid and sM dry meas­ures uasd within the <-lty of Newark for Ihe sate of any goods nr meri'banillse, an<l not seakd within three years prior to ths pasange <d this ordinance, shSlI, within ninety days fpi’in thr passage hseeuf, be brought hy (he (terson nr |ier' tune owning the sarns, or (he twrwon or i«ersone using the oanie, to (h* olfice of (he I ’lfy Healer, to he tested and sealwl by him. Kvt?ry |>nrsun or perauns using in th* sale of any g>M>ds ur merchandise a mesNure nut sealnl as required by this ssrtlnn. sli^tl forfeit and |uty a penalty of flve dollars foi ilio first uffenew and ten dol­lars for tbs set'und offenes fur each meaiurs so Used.

flection i l . If any arals t»e found by the Pity Bealer within Ih* <’lty of Newark In such eon- ditioii (hat he can nut adjust the same, h* shsll atiooh to ths sari scale a nutlet which ihsl) read subsiantUlly as follows:

( ' I T T OK N K W A R K .Olfico of the Ctly Healer of Weights and Mens-

ures Department. O n ire htarkst. Newark. 1M» —Th is la to certify that this — — - has

been tasted and found to be Incorrect, and Its use Is hershy forbidden until It has been mud« lo conform to the authmixed standafib

rLNNITLVANlA AAILHOAD THK HTAND- sard rallrgod uf Ajusrtco. Froteitsd tbrotiA*

Mit by tbs Isteriucking Switch and Hlock ^ g ' Ml System. T ' stops only oa hutlca to sgsni. (>n and after January Jii, isuA, trains will leave Uarkei fltreei Htatloo. Newark, m fol* lews.

f H U A U. Fm ( Lins, dally, with ruljmss ^esiihuU l^rlor and Keeping ( arA for HttF hurt, <?->lbmhus. IndlanapoUa, Chicago sad flu

f 10.27 A- M l*er,nsy|vanla LirnUed, 4sny>. romi>used excluaiveiy uf Fullman VesUbttls < ompariment, llleepTnc, nining. Hmcking anf Observatkon Cars, presenilng nnanclnl rspori*. steuugrspbsrs and lytwwfiterm, bath rooms fur (Kdb evits, ladles’ autiif, barber shop, Ubmry and aif the cunvenlemwa nf htinis or ones Lightej by stallunary aud tw*vabls elscirlo

Arrives ''hlrugM p.uu A. U-. '"evslunj SflB A. M . Clarlnnatrg4u A. M., Indianapolis • 4$ A H . I'uinli, IMSk A. M-

f • Ifl P- M. t‘hU?ag< and K . Louis Eiprsaw, sslly, Pullman VestlTiule bleeping and iUnlafl tars to gt. Liiuis. (.'hlcogu and D»uttvUls, 1 eaMbul* flm4>klag Car and Paa*eng«r Coaches IP 8L Liula. ArrUss Cuiclimatl tu 4b A. M.. Kt, Ixtuls 1 UU F. II. and UiKagu 5.ia>> P. next day.

f s IT p M Western Kxpreas, dolly, Pull- fn«n V*«t<huie flleruing I'ars In Ptttaburg, ('bP rsgu and Clekslanil Dining Cars lo FhllsdM- pMa, ami Pltlsturi to iTilcago. Arrives' at (Jevelaml li lfl A d . I'bluago k.uu P. H. m i Sdsy.

f flift P. M. flituthwratern Exprssa, dally, Pullman Vestibuir flieeptng i*ars lo Cincinnatisnd Hi. Le>uls Dining Car Ali<»na 10 Kich* mnnd. Arrive* t inoinnsil g uu P. M, Indioa* stwlla IP. in H. Id. ami Ht. IajuIs T.OU A. H. eet-oni nioraing

f H HJ P M Partfle Express, daily, P'Jilmaa ruffei Hlerping Car New T«»rh to Pltuburg.

Chlragu. T.itu A- M- (setonJpir

Arrives dally t'hlrsgu................ .Ci'luiohu* 7 . lb F, i l . j and tMivelsnJoii-ming>.

d I'B P V. .......... and Toledo 11.45 F. H . dally, axespfhaiurday.

f 8.47 P M flouihern Hallway Rxpreisw daily, flieepvia u> Au»!usia. HI. AiigUstlM a MT smi>a

f 4 M P M Southern Railway Kiprass. dallv Hlee^iere tu AahrviMe. Hot flprihfs as# New nriestis

f HIM P M hally f .r alt p-»1nis on Chess- ^ x k e and Dhin Rahway Hleeptng and Dinlsg Chrs.

For fiaitimnre, Washington and (he -i..uih* I? 41 flW. « h7, PM <l.lml(*a Fipreas Pull- man Vc*tlhil« Parlor <*ara. Vestibule Pas- renger <‘oai-hes and Dining t'ar. JO IT A. If.J, l i f t A M 2 M. fl.4T. 4M 5 »rt and fl.flfl f t M On Bun.lav PJ 47. % NT. U Sfl A M . X 4? N. Fur (Jaltlnture only,1 rs P M week dsys.

^ For Piillailelr’hla. E fu .. 12 47. 0 4fl. T M. I.tfl. T. S 2fl. 1> hk tin AT LlmUed Exfireas, 1*ullmaj|

\e*lh>c|e Psrlor t'afs, V**stlhu|e |l‘wsssni*r Ciiaihee and n m ln i ( ’an. 11 .SS A. M . 12.M . I S'*. 2 3S. H 2t, B •.*0 . s ? 7 . s fij anfl u gdr M Arrom mulatlen. |) K1 A. kf . A UU and 7 B8 P M Oft lUmrtay. K x p re «. 12.47. 6.41, !*'!• A M . 4 5 *. 4.M, 5.576 27. 8 X2 Sfiil D P. M- AccommiKlatluB, i . i i and T fl.*i P M

l^ 'f Tro n ic" 12 47. fl 4H. TOO. 7 .V»., fl.fl7, f ■ l j f i 37 MmKed Fiprese, Pullman Vesll- I'wla.^rirtt Cars. Venihule Pa**enger Cosrhes and Dinli.g rwri. It SH. and It !t% A M . II 1 5M. IX '.. »Nh. 11,24. MX). i t r . TJIfl. a .rtand Ofl" P. U Sunday. 12 47, 648 . H 67. 8 Si

■ W i'Jd'wir If M*'* **T- »**• *«■ »“ ■>Vir A ll.n M r n iy . » Id F M will,

PuUmnn li'iTer I'sfior t'nr and Iw y Cuoch week days 6 4n a M flundaya.

for i'ar»e Msy. 1 Tfl P M week dsy*l..('ng Mrsnrh. Riharon, AsKury Park<

Ocean tlrove. H K ln t ( «ke. Hea Olrt. Msnas- quan. ro ln l Messant an-l re.lnis nn «h* N*w T 'r k smlj I^nns liraiu h R nhfnsi. fl flfl A. lit., 12 66. 4 'H. P M , ami 12 14 night.Hunday IO 16 a . M and 6 p 14. no tint *t.»p at Ocean Qrove or Asbury Park on iu n - 4-T

par cant, from tiid wage lint estobiishstl hy the employero ^tna the men ghoutthree years ago. This concession has been mode to counUroot th» effect of tndlvld- uai contr&ctfl mods by the employere with men at figurps far below the list fiKUxes, which hoB rwultad Id the pjnployimmt or many unsidUed moD to the exclusion of the old hands.

The Democratic primaries and Republi­can olty (»)iivsntlon ware held In Hoboken last n l^ t Under w rule adopted a short time ago the Democrats voted at the prl- mariea for their candidates, and no oon- vention will be held. Mayor Lawrence Fa«

RjtiordeF FrsnoU_iilcPonoi^l^and.,- ,e r RMleter Henry Lohnmn were r«-

nomlnateirby the Democrats. The Repub­licans hsid tlieir convention behind closeddooys. They announced thst E. V. 8. Bei Son had received the nomination for May-

fo r m tr ........ ......... -Refifter, loaoc Ingle John Podeita for Wi

i^ostmaster Kiel for Water leoon for Recorder and ' ater Commlsoioner.

D o the T ig e r s W a n t s O n n e fA number of Frincetonlans went to

Philadelphia yesterday, and from them It was learned that the members of lost year's Princeton foot hali team had united In petiiloninK thu faculty to consent to a game with Peiinsylvanla next fall. This action was taken at the Instance of Cap­tain Lea, who Is naturally anxious to have an opparlunity o f ofTsetilng the de­feat at Trenton with a victory over ths red and blue, and Is the logical outcome of a growing feeling among Princeton men, both students and alumni, that the faculty’s action ^as placed them In a most unfavorable light in the world o f Inter­collegiate athletics.

A p Odd Fair,Michael Dwyer, of New York, bought byiViM.. wuupiii ujr

ielegraph yesterday of MUton Youngp Mc- irathiana Farm, at Lexington, Ky, ‘. . . four­

teen thoroughbred yearlings, the get of Hanover ana Strathmore, for $18,(100. It is said that Dwyer will send them to Eng­land.

Evsrythlnf was humming at the works of the HerreshOffs In Rrlstol yesterday.t - U l -------------- f j .,----------------------i.<«st night after a hlg gang of Iron work­ers bad been bonding rrameg for tbo hull of the cup defender all day and oetting them up, (ne skeleton o f the Yankee yacht appeared to view. From ail that can be ascertained the defender Is going to be a i |7 lt>fl> deep one. The frames loom up ovbrhead and look strange Indeed, even to the old­est of the workmen at the Bristol yard.

RK ^



fleslvr of Wpigbts and liM surm ,flalfl noilo# ihsll it* In th* form of • tng. upon

ths nppiwits sMf of vtiloh shall b« wrl(l*n <>r prlntsil th* nsm* (if th* owner of th* soa)# an'l hla plsr* of bustriMB. and surh other mutter sa shall be tturngtH itrnper by (he ('K y Bealer.

Section 14. tf any iierson ehall use nr xUow (0 be uited In counscthifi with Ms business any scale to « ‘hich (he r'lty Healer has ntiachrd iucH notlra. he shall forfslt snd ^tay a iwnaliy of iweniy-flva dollara for sseb ogence. smi anv p*rBi(n who shall remove surh hfitlr* sltsi’he.1 to any scale by th« FK y Boaler. pursuant id HecMcn Ifl of this unllruirirr, shall furfslt and pay s penalty uf iwenty-Av# dollsrs for each offence

Th** fnrefMng ordinance was intrtMlut sd Inin Common (.'ouorll oti Friday evenlny. March 16, jaOfl. read oni'e, and duly unlered lo a secAind raadinf- WM. E. OTONNOn.

n t y Clark.Newark. N . T., Mar^h 16, 1R66.

Isr.f o r flessids Park. Island Heifhie and Tom 's ............... .. V wcelt davs.River, ts 66 p

F ,^ !'■•(” »». without rhanfs. 12 46 F. M. week daya 6 6.1 p m d a llr ♦

F w nnm kiyn N T . -A ll through tnalni ewt-nect St Jerw y CKy with boats of * nrooklya Annex, affunlins dtrert transfer to and feiutl Fulton atfeoi. avoMlns double farrlai* and Journey acrnxs (be rlty

, FO R NI^W T O R K -Leave M ark'! H ifw t Illation. S Ifl. 6 .47, fl.'ih,

6 60. flIVA, T IS. T.5B. 7.46 fl.on. 6.10. S (S a.rtn; 6 66^ 6 46. 6 67. |» |7. H 5fl, t . l 4, 6 60. 10 00,0 60. 0 46 irotE. H I T A M , 12 00 n.>nn,

m n I nft, I tw I 6t 2.06 ’ 2 6 ^. 24 6 . 2 66.S OB, S 20. k.Ki. 4 It*. 4 66. 5 14 5 .25, 6 4».fl.Jfl, fl 67, 6 «» . 6 M . T Oft. T 19. t 66, 6^ | M , ft.22. 10.04. II 14 V M and 12.(I7 nlshl B u vday trains, n |fl. 6.47. n.oii, ftM . iftOW

■,i.Al A M .. 12 69, 12.6L 4 00 4 60, 1 56. 6 46. 6.21,

^ ............... K 6 0S S 34. ft.n ia.uu.1(1 60 P M . 12 on ntsht

Leave Cenlre fltrtst Htadon. 0.06, 0 |6. T OI, L i t . 7 4 s. ftAl. 0 67. 10 06. n .(W A i f .; I I . 16,

06. i llj.a W|-* ® D. H 6*. Aflk M l. I .P

{o.flo. (0 46. lino, ti.i.112. 2 nr>. 3 no. I ST, 4 r

no. 7 20. 7 ?r 7-40.

n I I , a .n * . * .................|4 and i,*V0T> >1 :_weeli dsya.

. fltatlon, 7 no. 6.07 "

»'n. 1.12,H*J7. K.4S, 5 no0 u.AT A. M : Ift.tft l .o l

AM. 41A, 4.51 i|o^ 55. a 27. ft. IS. iS.M

,eave ('hestnut fltreet n 26. (I 64. 1 IH». 7.42 T ft W P M. lo ts , 10 6t . it AT 1 26, 204 , 3 .62,»5 . l « , l . t A ....11.46, B.W. f l4fl. 7 06. 7 3 5 . l i l t P U ; I f i i i nijrht. Hunday., K.i 9 61, ft Aft, 10 26. 1 0 ^ . 11.4H A U i l l U .J2 4 i 12 6 . 156 . 1 ««. 5 14, 1 .56, 4.5k i .5i , 5 4.6. 6 IN. HM1. T-tO. 7.23. • 2ft. BUS. U M IU.L’5 and 11.M P H .

Loave (Jnimet fltraet fltatlnn. 6 04, 0.54,L 07,. 7 40, 6 06, 6.55. B.*l. O.lS, B.flO, 9 .58, 'J 1 A5 A M . IS 04, 1.21. S .»0. 6 .U6 , S.SL l. is ; t m . 5 , « . fl.4li_ 76 6 . 524 ,_ e .5M._n.,lft_ ft M..12 01 21, II 46 A. M . I

21. t 54. 4 60. 4.i*j

tundajr. ’ H.0JI.i 1232^

t [S : !; 1:1S;


. A.55, ft.ta ft.5fl,I 13.44. t.Ja, 1.54, 3.44, 5.41. 6 15. 6.51. 7 .15, ft.3 U

ft 66 ami 11 M P M.IT tO M H A I I K K T B T H R E T B T AXIOM ,

Fnr Kllaalteth and Rahway. 6 .5 t. T.OO. T .U , ft 41. 0 Itw. in 44. II.SB A. M ; I 3 .6fl. 13 |.6ft, |is(. 6 .3a, 5.40. 4.M . 4.40, 6UU. ISM . dO l. d o 7. 6 .16. 6 62. A.41, 6 .47, l-lff,.01, 5 46. ft.4l 10 h . 1151 |i. M., 13.14 sni I2.4T mvh(. Sunday, 6.41, B.flO, 1.54, tO.lO, jo.61, II.n A. M., 1S.3A. 1.65. 1.36, X if, 4.14,

5 05. 5.KQ. 7.05, T.ll. 7.65. 7.51 k 54. b.Ul.10.46. I I .6T P. M , and 13.47 night ( t .50 A . AL dally, except MondAyaj.

For RlIxabeUi unir, 1.36 A. H. dallyi M l A. Mm 13.36 snd 5 00 I*. M- w*ek days.For New HrunswUk. 12.47. 0.46, T.OQi, 7.50.

ft 67, 9.26, ftJm and il lU A. U.: J3.W,_ V3H,2 6A 9 4ft. 4 60, 5 .00. 5.5ft, 5.M. 6 52. 7.M, 9.a6snd in 47 P. M Sunday. 12.47, 14ft. a-aTT-ft-Ml 0 64 and 10 81 A. M.; 13 55. 1.55. fl.iO. l.u ! ft.un and 9.62 P. IL

F<t Vr'oodbfldjrr 6 31, 10.44 A - M.. I I M 5 (16. 4 40. 1 0 1 . 7 .0T and 0.43 P. M r 13.14 ftlsbt week dnys. Bunduya. 10. I 5 . U . » A. M.. and UV.OU p. M . (1 60 A. M. dally axoapt Ifa n ia yt).

Pne Perth Ambny. 6 .51, I M and 10.44 A. M..

i2 6lt. s oft. 4 40, 6 06. 8 .01, 7 . ^ . snd U.43 P.r . and 12.14 night. On Hundsys, 10.15, 11.11

A . M.. 5 M Slid 10.00 P. M. t l.M dally Sscepc

I R O N Y V O R l C aEgrABLISlIftb IB45.

For l ^ t Million*. T.OO A. It.j )l.3k 159snd 5-60 p. M . daily, excem flundsy.

Knr KIngairin snd ftneky 14111. T-20 A. M. sod 4 50 P. Jd., dally, eioept Sunday.Fhf Phllltpsburg. Esiton snd Tlelvldarw f.50, n.M A. H.. widYM, ».:t P, M, « »t>ur', 11 . SI A. M .i t . ) 4

I .M »r<l « tT P M. A ST P, U .pnr n «n ln »tn n . T M , n .S i A. M., A X

r. M . .lally ,ic£li| 8ii.i4i<r.For Freehold, Fs'

3liJFor Freehold, rs rm itifd s le snd flea Olrt, vis

lunmouih Junction, T .50 snd 11.55 A. H ., 4.50 '. M. a>rek days. F u r Prashold culy, 5.00 F. 1. wtek days.

NFW T rtR K T O N E W A R K .

O F F IC E O F T U B C IT Y C L IIH K O F T H E city of Newark.

Newark. N. J . March ID. 1605. Sealed pruiviMls will be received by tha Com­

mittee un rutillo Buildings uf the Cummoti ('ouncJl of the city of Newsik st a meellng to be held at the (*lty K sll, In Ihe rlty of Newark, on Friday. March tft, 1605, Th* commliiea will 1»e In seasUin to receive sn>1 Mifen Hhls frr>m 2 to 3:30 u'cti»rk in the af1ern>Hiii. The bids will l»e oi>enrd t^rotnptljr st 2 :6*1 ..'r h>rk.

The following Is the work 1>> Tie done: Holler work, steriliser and apparatus connected thsre- w ilh, for tn* iirtipoasd new *(eani stcrlllaing plant for iHslnreclLng slaiicm f«T thu Newark fto.’ird of Health, to m ere< ie«l uii tJh»v* street, In (h* Township nf rilntim . Finte of Hew Jer­sey, is amiManoe with plnns and iperifleatinns prepared by the Rewes m PhlltUi* Iron Wtirks,

ftlirlers Will State their (irlrei in w riting as well ax In flgurea. tlldders must siweify Ln thslr protHisala that should the alu*vp work t»e sw ard­ed ItE them they will blnil UavineeivcB tu 6 n1sh snd complete the same within ninety consecu­tive working days. The plsne and ajieclflna- Itona of the work oon be examined al the i>flti'« of the rviard of HnsUh, 546 Itruxd street, In ths city uf Newark. New Jersey.

Said pmpoula to be sccurnpntileil by tbs ron- eent, In writing, of two aureilc*. who siifil at the time of putllfig la such pr<'|K>MJi each qual­ify as lo Iheir rcaiKmsIbltily In the amount nf suc-b pcoposal, and birtd themsrlvcH that If the conirart be swarded to the H-renn t»r iwrsons making (he protKHuil (hey will. n|K>n its Iwing so awarded, become his or (betr sureties for the faithful r>erinrmance of ssM wr.rk. und that If the pereon nr (wrantis omli or refnse in execute atich contract they will pay tu th<- uliy of New ­ark any dlfr*rence between the nums to which J v or +hey would have been entlilcd ijjujn com* Heilon of the contract, snd that which (he rtty iff N»*wark may be obliged i“ (>ny ihe per a»n or persuna by whom suon cuntrait shall beexei'Uied, .

The c'VimmIttee on Pu d IIc MulMlng of ih* city fif Newark reserve to therneulwe the right to accept of reject any or all jiru|« eals for ihe stMive work as they may deem U-et f<Er the In­terests of the city.

Hy (llret'llun of the Commlitce on Hubllo Itulldlngi of the city of Newark.

W IL L IA M E . iT't'O N N O R ,38s Flty ('leric.

kiMLfAClURtHSTnt N «w tr1i. Attn. « . » , « «n, T.a>, T l » , T . « .

j . id . t .io . t .in . I..40. 10. i4 . n .ix i i i .«n a .

Im n n iTw l C o r l l j , r.niiinM, Tulin lnr H o fltn , T «n k > « iid H liw i Iron W urk, Alnp h ««v v Iron a u iI itriwt C<v.tlti4i K T E A M P I T T I N U A H P K C IA I/ A 'oo d o rd e ri! mooltluo oii.iboiler ropoln proniittly rxcciuoJ.


WLorf to lot, with hooTj nrono ond itoroco prlrllogot, br dor. wook or imiutb, »t lowoot dtr rolot.




Fur I'lioeiitfor Tlcketnond Drofio opplr Inm a r t i n H , D E . N N H a f O .

T it Hrriod Mtroct. > . - . > Now ork. N. J .

n III. la.nn, 11 « ., i no, «p » .J.jn. » Ml, t.MI. t.lO. 4.30. 4.40. 4.HU. I.(m, (.JO,(in , ( « i ,, « (» , *.10, «.ai * 40. t.oo. 7 soKis. 0 IS. to IS, 1 1 .00, f>, m . «nd i ( i i midnight. Aunday trains, 1.15, 5.M, fl.OO. ft 45 KVOU. Ifl.SO, n.m . 11.60 A. u.-. noon,12.5(1, 1.00, l.BO. 2.O0. 2.45, 6.60, 4.00. 4 50. 5 00. 5 16. 6.46. 5.60, 6 46, ftsi. 7 50. 7.46, B.Oft, g.SO.ftlMi. ftS(t. 10 15, 1100 P. M.. snd 13 l i mtd-tilght (I 00 dally esrent Mondaysi.

For further Infnrmatinn see time tshle#, te be had at the ticket ffllces Tickets for all wHntt rn ths Pennsylvania nallrnsd snd connections, and berths, sections and baggage cheeks st ths Company's offlres. No. TBQ Hr<>sd Bireet, or st ticksi uffioa at Market Mreet pirntlnn.

J. R. WOOD, General Poiaeager Agent

fl, M PRFVOBT.General Manager.

LEHIQH VALLEY RAILROAD.M a r liH Btreet N lntton,

OFFICE THU HiAHH OFs„ sad Keriilonof I'agss, runm 4, ('Ky Hall.

Inaocor ISUC4 Mik an sM at iih l,*rliisinrs ot Ibis - lata, wbldk pruvide* that Ih* .iu.‘ii .ii«at fer tssesnbsll baooiisiderel a« mala nn iba iblrl WedMsday III January la soak year,ta> ofAwww »e iiasd Hsvitlotiof I s is i 'j f lb* cllf of Nswsrk heresy (tlV0 fiHlaa tbai ibtywiii rwstve fkoai ibe third Wsdsiodsy Is J Mimary is tbt Ihtr I WsdiitSdaylu'^pr.i, 144k IseliMlve, it ihl« oflloiilalsm tiiU (undsr uAtkj ef Mh*nnal urtperiy fro u olli tniHvidusli sd I a irparstf'i i« lu v ln ttu a i pmaeriyiubiectbitiix«U4Ula U is d iy t>f fvvv.irx.dednerUos fbr liidsbceduei^ Can n*


P E U 8 0 N \ L .

Mr. A. J, paiwn vH

O nnt Allen fr*nkly AoknowIrdkM that ht, novel, "The Woman Who Did," was written to caat Korn upon the marrla«e i ayelem. He coiMiden marrlaee a relic of medlaevallitn.

Tho BaroneM von Saurma, wife of the German AmbaeMUlor, la one of the moet popular women In Waahlntflon. and I, a , (raclou* a , ,he la amiable, niid aa brlfht und inaprr aa aha la chatt)’ in alinoat every lancuatfo.

The Bhah of Ferala contemplate, payln* anothar vialt lo Kuropo. He will ilart In May and *o by way o f 9t, Peterabura, where he vrill lake the opporipnliy of caii- In* on tho Rmperor Nlcholaa fl., after­ward prooeedlnt to Berlin and Parla,

The Duke of Fife, In leamld* to ride the bicycle, haa a aolemn-faced foottnan walk on one eldn Of the machine and a pay. In Inittona on. the other, and thus la the eauao of much amneement to thoee who aoe him experimenting.

. . . . , . .. - . ... -lio a»I ualfiiib* ns<iis,(lsla ind rsildriis uf lb« c rs H ^ r |i ^fSM sfid U s sni Mimo^iut.

' silos i«b*rs'iy xtvss u ibs m«rn*>«r4 u f u s Ns ilonsmutrd,sti sctlra sod sxsiuifl iKSiUSs ooi msabtrM of ‘■alvacs *k>fp4. sli u m 'irA if dii ChscMd soldtart and usUsrswho Use* sHr/sJ In ta» Is is ^ r , snu lbs wl t-jw* u ' stii'U sold vrs.sstunf m hlisy rstNsii uomsrrinJ i >sl (b«/ srs siftIUsil $0 sti sx*.naU‘n from cviisral sn 1 ipscisl pod US, Bud frs u " m a . raiint/ an-i muoiol JM* (sxsUOii uixinrsU sr parsomhl pruiwriy. or mflk, aca(*ts**tlliuiii iwnrrtf kCs ilv* *• liundCB.l floJlsrs, imivliJmgtksy appstir bs.uf^ ibs irasrd wllhlti lat Urns sbov* spooidsl l p ris r th t cisim lot^rlraxsiTiinioo m provldsJ nf i

Allpro|Tri*t*r( and krtp’ rs oMtwvEiiac-ti'viisv boarduis-bnalSM an 1 inMsrs k*rs>y noil 1*1 ‘tbsy

tbvtsrs rtqmrsi lu iivs lb* aitiii^nt Ok. ofibiirrsipsjtlV] wsnli lb* rjlliirmi It

fsriiuUioB, iilitii smiht by soob si«siiur, i "4 toiislspi>tlp4(loi(: I Iw m 'a b fro f iK'rMni*rail II if tbrr«lii.Tb*li nAflSttsail |ks sitsu i uf tii«l/ |»M- ssdaiosSfSi ra< M kiiuwa. ant s ir amU M'uuri-Ht '

B O D M A N , 890 B ro a d 8 t SJsrThiiOTi'.'ioMi?:,'*.;'..';?, T.iMiMliiairnlitfna will Il.h




alMTSlofttrniidnq will bs^xis lUbls us>tsr lb« i atoiuir. wliloh irnrlla* isr tbs Imprisoncaisl ot Sli ; psrsciisao(rffkD5lii|.I nffleshours, u ‘ . M. lo 4 M .dolly -aCurJk/i I from V A. M, lo M H.

iiy srdsr of lb* boaifle, H. UkHSa BRriNtNAr4L

I3n PrsAldsut.

Impure BloodLorado Tuft, the eoulptor, of Chlcaco, . . . " o f I--------

Oa* i d lail* B ella « i aw fwee waA week.I wM told B take Hood’i SuaaparUla talthfak

haa lust cum ulcted a I ^ t of Pyeetdem A n te ll, of the U n lv e r t it y of U lc h lM n , and a buat of Jud f(* C o o le y, lo r m a n y yeara conneoted w llh the. la w echool of th a t In - atltutlon. T h e ^ u a t o f P re ild e n t A n ie l l la

, to be a Kiri of ih ia y e a r ', K ra du atlm t claae In tne a rta d ep artm e nt, and la to oc­cu p y a Placa In th a u n lv e ra lty lib ra ry . T h e b u ll o f J u d «e C o o le y w ill aJeo ba placed tn the un lva ra lty .

I T h e D ud d ’O^leana haa an e x tra e rd l- ' n a rlly In te rc itln K so llectlon o f eportlna

tro p h lM , coatuiaae, a rm a, fabnea and c ii- I rloalttei im thered d u rin * hla varloua w a n -

darlnaa u o u t tha o a rth . Perhapa tha moat a trlk ln * p art o f th e collection la the lar*o

•ellant health. A. J. D a T «» W « . Milton, V. * ?h“ “ D ;k e ', '"h ? lltm g 7 r i « e l 5 ‘‘ l«"8S S 'rM

NH2:AKFABT-bUPI'J£K."Hy a tlkorougb krtoFlsdgftof tb* uaitirmi

laws which govaro the uparsiiqra of digsiitioD aod notPltloDpSAd by s(^raful spiilJcsHuu of $h«fln»propsrt1ssof (vali-asltoteu Lkteoa, Jtr,Rpps has provlds l forour brsAkfsit sml sni>- _________ _______ „ „ ___psr a daliOHtsly flsvorsd bararage wlilch ia*F* ftslfl ssa*s*m*nt comirissa all ib* lots, trsnu ssvs ut many ussTy doctors* bills. It is by ths snd iwrcsli erf isna ind rrsl sstats lying un JndioioQs lui of stiob srtloiss of (list that a both sidts of

N O TlC K -'N o tiss If hsreby givsn lo all {Ktrilss InisrsstsU that tlW r*rtm<*sts uf as**Mm«nt uf

ths whuls amount uf tho cosu snd sxpsiiMB uf consirupilng sewsr gtEiUHTJCfJaNTH Al 'ENl'R AND LILLIE

HttlKET.Jiso b ««» deliversd ui mo socordlng lo law.

cobfttltutloD nmy ^ grsduaUy tmlUap uoiiistrong fftoiwU to roaitt srery Uudsiioy t<> dis- ssMe HuBdrsdsof sabtls molsAiss

5 o r * f i -

p a r i U af - | o ^ ' s

f C u r e s

____ ______ ____ ____ era Boet-1d( around ui ready to attack wherever there It a weak polDt, Vva our eaeape m au a fatal •haft by keeplntfuuraeivit well forlllled u'lthpiue hlood and a properly nunrtabed fraine."— r. ,-T T .. ,Imply with boll-

ly, and alter uilni hottlee « u tTM from all trapaent. t am per facUy cured attd Ut u -

(. led Serket iMutU. . . . lotf water or milk, Bold only In holf-iK)aDd ltna.bynnK ara,l^lM thaai JABR8EPPS A CO„ Ltd., lIuDioaopalbiu Ohemiiti, London, Enclaad.

U L I . I B B T n R R T . fiom Bsvenlssnth svamir to Elghtssnth svsnlis.

On bolh sidss ufa U lH T E B N T lI A V B N U B ,

frum Lillis itiTsst lo Boyd suwst Th* riwntrs uf land and rssi estst* ssMSSad in

said esrtiflests of ssswwmsnk ars hartby rs- qulrsd tu pay ths ssioutil ia oMcoMd ufton them sntl «seh of ihsm rcipscUvolA Ui tn*, st my oflics, No. 5 City H all, o4 o r bsforo Ifs y 4, IftW.


ift.MX ll.ftO A. liti ib.ftft u.i B.VU, •.W, 4.00, b.OOy fl.OOa W , T.(] ', D.OU, lAftft P. K.5.U0 , A 4MI.3.00, 5.0U, i.OOj 6 flJF O R F 'm L A D fe L p k lA V B A L T IM O A B A N D

^WABKlNQ'T^Na R O T ^ BLUB >JNH.Phllsdslplita and Ifm tsn , 1-65. ft OA 10.0C A. U,l 1.55. 1.55 <i.ft5 sxospt Trs^oti},

|.04. I.BO, i5 5 .l l . i6 P . U, flundsya 9.M A. U j l.U. 6 0S Ia 06, sxesut TrsntoA) P. M,

IV mUlmora nod WssMtift^w, li.Oi. U.flS A. U.- 1.5b. 5.55. A04, 6.50, n.35 P. kf. flUftdsys.

_ i N o o d ' l n t l k are p o rtly T t f a U b la and i iC o n ^ h t , h o w e V w r M M i m i t , pate m irip a . T i p • h ex . M o,

c e n t r a l r a i l r o a d o r n e w j e r s e y -Anibrsuits ousi iissd sxclusfvsly, insuring

slasJBlIsBB* and asnforl. TUus labl* in sff*t;t E>*c. 5. )«M.

Troitis Isavs Brood and Ftrry strast ststiunstFor Pisinflsid, fl-15. 7 15. T 56, 5-flft. ft (A,

10-06, 11.S5 A. M.i 1.16. 1.36 f2 20 8«turdxys onlyi. I.5U. 1.36. A05, 4.40. 6.04. 6 5l, 6 60. 5 2D. T-L5, 7.55. S.4D, lO.dB, U.SA P- kf. Run- days. T.W. 5.46. 9.H, II 56 A. Lift, 2.56, 4.10. 5-4D. 7.20. 9.35. io.flO P. M.Fur Bamsrvlll*. at A15, T.IH. ft.Otl. 10.06, |1,35 A. kl.: 1.16, 1.25, 3.50. fl.55. 4 (M, 4.40, 5.04, 5.84. B.50. 6.90, T.flA 5-40, lOUB. 11.35 P. M. Hutidsys. 7 60. ft.Ofl A. M,; l.tO, 2.S5, 4.1ft. 6.4ft, 5 26. P. II.

Fur FI«mingtoii. T.IB. 5 .(M A. kl.| 1.15, 4.03, 5 64 P kl Hundsys, 4 10 P. U .

For itstiona tn High hridg*. (onnstMlng for •Istlrmi Oh High Itriags ilranch snd lasks l!o-^(4001 (6.15 sxccfti Lak* IluiAtcim gi. O.ok a .

; 4.v6 P. kl. flundsys (txc«p( L A * Uciiist- oongh 1 10 P. kf.

For sutum s on kf*in Lin* Nsw J«rt* r r «n - trxi rivlalnn. Rsjtoti. I4cthl*h*m. Alirntowa and Ifxuch Chunk, r i i , 5 .05, 11.56 A. U lo Bsslan. 1.15. wUh Buffst Psrlnr Car. 4 <i5 iKur- f«t Parlor Car), 6 .5U <7.56 to All«ntuwn| P. M. ^ n d s y s (7.80 A, U.a to Ksston), Lift, 5-40 P.

For Wfiksabaira, Plttaton snd flcrnnlrm. 9 08 . M m 1 to. 4.05 F. kl. (liu fftl Parlor Far».Fo r Sunhury, LtwtshUrg snd WIlMamaixirt

vu PHIIsdalfthla. T.flfl A. M.. 1.55. 7.53 P. 51. flundsy, fl.ftff p. H -

K H W A H K A h V B U E A K D T I I H R A N rH . Tl-sins Icnva Hrood fttrtst BUtion fnr Kllia- bsth snd IloBclle st 6.16, 6 26 FllxsIwthixTl

only, 7. IS, .-7.56, ft 33. E!ts>ib*lhp<jr( only,* M . a.iA, Ui.ufi. i j . w . II.oa. 11 £1 A. M .: IS lo. I IS. i.u , I.SD, ISO. i.ta , 4.0a. 4.40, n iH. a.H,. b.Bd. t M . T.ia. T U , a.40., ii.ya K m . ■undayt. T. n. afp. p.yfi. s.u, lo ia. ii u a .

T.ln A. N - d tllr fur UaUi:h Chunk end InU r- ihcdlB(* slxtlona.

5.47 A M. daily for 0«n*vs. Rnrhsatsr. Bufe fslo, Niagara Fsiln. Bus|y*naion Mridgs anfl tks \V»si, and principal !<yat points, dining car to BuBp*ftsir.ri Brldfs, Pullmsh TSrdbul* ifssMr ts Chlcogu.

11.M A. kf. daily for M aurh Chimah snd In* ttrm rilint* t>‘>lnta Ctmn*r>(iani for Rsodlng and Harrisburg.

I.itfl P. M dally, sirsp t Bundxy. for 1>Tlrn1rs snd all intarmsdists atstlons. cnnnsctli^ns fof

CntiiTtlls snd Rasdlng; chair car lu W ilksi-trr*4 65 P. M. iTstly, sxeshi flundair. fnr L, and

N Jun<^tlofi and prlm'lpal Inirrmadlsts siS' Mnfls; Pullmnn hiiffrl l•n^lnr car (0 Willies- b^rraj ronnmi-Hrrna f .r Fnltavtlt*,

4.46 p. M dMity, rrerpt Hiindny. for flouth Plalndflrt snrt lnt*rm*dint* alatlons.

n.4T P It. dally fnr Easton ami ln(*ntirdist* stations,

A 65 P M rtRlIy rBiandars 6.61 P. M l for Kuffsla, NlagarH Falls and all rvtlnla W i^t. rullm an sir<';>^r. v*sf|lo:lr train. N r » ‘ York 10 r'hlexs", sl**ir*r lo Puffalo and Ti«piin(o. Con* h»('tlona for rtnadlng and Hiirrtsburg.

q.M P M (Ixily, cxcfiJt Huinl.iy (tvr Inisrm** dial* ■(ad'^na.

tt.M r M. dnUv for Ithnos. f'*n*vS, Rocha sairr, Puffaio. Niagara Falls Xb'1 all point* Wrat. Pullman sW ih ts tn ( ‘hlcago s»d Bvif* falo. f’ftalr car In w'lUksuhnrrf.

T lr h " i» Dod ( ' ’iltn’Jtn n«-*'"rimimlatlons ai I ’cnnsylrsnla finllrusd fi*po( snd 759 Broad sirrrt.

Th* N*w Tnrk Tranrfar Company will call for and ch*o|ii bargns* from botal or rsaldsttca through t i dostlnnilon

ERIE RAILWAY.D R P O T K O r U T r i A V K . and P A M A I C flT.

M .: i;io , i.ftft; 3! 8; 4.10; 5.U3,T . ^ . I . l i . 9 .32, 10.90 P. M.

Fqr P*r(h Amboy, 5. 15, 5 .23. 5 .39. 11.56 A. M .; Lft5, l.te , 4 .C6. 4 .40. fl.50- 5 .20, 7.55 p. kf, •unSAyi, f .lX A . li. j 4.10 P. hi._Por f| nWB Btech, a.ia. ll.aa A. M.; I.ia...1*°'or JLiisnilo H lghlsndi vis Malswsti, 5.F*.

d.ift P. II.

( 56, L 4ft^5^ , 5.3U P. U.

11.55' A . H . i L U .ds;ya i.05 \f '4rift V >r*

P ot Froelioldt $ .X t , -------- 4.40,

Csniiscilng irsinx Irav* as (ullows:N i-JW A ltk A N D I ’A 'IT U K S U N .

L «a v « Neuraik tor FtaU-raou, (i.3ft, L U , 8.41, 10.35 A. M ,. 13.ftU. t.ii*. 6-47. 4 .54, 6.05. ft,ftft,

0.6l», 5 .07. lft.54 i'. M .. and 13.31 A , M. Bundsys, ft.U A- U . ; \.M. 5 .4ft, 7 .07, S.S6. tft.Jj V. W.

lu«av« Pstvrson for Newark. 6 .86, 6 . 12, t .51, T .3H, 7.46, H.24, ft.ftd. 10- 16. 1152 A. U . ; l.UK 2.24. S.5T, 4.55, O.IA T .U , 5-51, 10.35 V. IC. floa- days, 5,ra3, 6 .56. 10.55 A. U , j Lftft, B.Jft, T.BII, Ift.U P. fct,

N E W A IU C A N D N E W Y O R K ,Lasvff Newaift. 5 .06. 5 .46, T .28, 7.5^

5,47. 9-(l6. 10-47 A. M .: 12.05, 1,41. Z U .B.2H, 5JV6 . fl.ftH, 9 33. 11 04 p . kf. Rundsys, . . ft lM, 11 1ft A. M ., 2.05. d.lM. 5.54, 11.04 F. M,

U f's, 7 .34.

For R »d Bsnke Long Branch, Oe*on Orovs. *to.,JI.22. I L U A . ^ i L 55, 4.06. 4 .40, 5 .3ft F.

y. uvi. a I ■ w f\i ws, , a..vAw. w .L*xvt Nsw Yurk (Chanibara street}. 5 .45, 7 .15,- ' " - ...........

U . flundsya, *xu*p: lo 4>**sn Orftv*, 9.05 M .I 4.10 P. M.

, F O R L A K B W tX iD .Tom'* River, lisrn v js t Park sn4 Baroegst, A. II. L L U . 4.40 P. U .For Vlnslsnd snd Brldgalon, 1-56 P. M. r i t AHsntlo CUy, I . U F M.

N E W A R K A N D N S W YO R K .From broad and rs rry fltr««( alsiiona A t

5 .90, |.|U, d.flU, 5 .4a 7 UU, L ID , 7 .40, H.ftO, B.RJ, 5 .40, 0.00. 0.20. 0 .40. lO-UO. 10.90, 10.40. 11.00.

A u , *<■ M .l l l . » , LOO. L 8fJ, 3.W.3 .50. i W . l.flO, 4.00, 4 90, 4.5ft, 6 .U , 5.U , 5.U . 5 .U6, C 3U. 5 .40, 7 U0 , 7 .40, 7 .66, t .M , 9 .U . lft.55, Sl.tb r . M ,j 1105, 13.40 Bigni. flundaya, flaftO. 7.0(}. 5 .(X), 9.00, lft,0U, 11(61 A. M ; liO U U ; LOO, L U , 3.00, 8.00, 4.00. ROO. 5.00, I.UO. ft.0ft. 9.00. 10.(W, ILOUk liO O P. U 113-40 A, M. «l< c«fti Mondays).

Lasr* N*w Tsrk from Uot of Ubarty »ir**t- At 5.9ft. 5.M , flflft, fl.46, 7 . 1ft. l.ftO, 7.5S. ft.lft.9.50, i.UO, F i 5. fl.U . Ift.OOt 10. 15. iu.60, ll.()o, ) 1.B0 A . M .; 11.00 M .: I I U l o U, L U . 3 05.

lift. 1 ,00, 1.80, 3.ftg, 4.U . dTu. ^ 10, 6.U , ft.ftS.

h.ft7, 9 52. 11.80 A. M -; h Lift. b.OU, 6.2V. 6 .52. 6 .32. 7.Uu, 10.00, IV-ftU P. M. Sundays. 9.(K> A. M .: Luo. I.lfl, 0.80, d.Uft, Ift.uft 1', 6). h ftuiidsyi uniy,

I'a y express icavet Newark, S.44 A. kf. OH Htinilays. 7.24 A. H . Veatihuli llmitad Usves Newark, 1.41 P. M. aundaya. 2^ p. M. i-aiid trunli f5t|irrar leaves Newark, p.

Bundayw. ft.40 P. kf Chicago Express laav«B 1.U7 P M Hundays. d-.'U P. M.N»wsrk,

y^ r'tk k v U v baggag* checks, slaepjng ear lo-- “ - ‘ *bs (St; ” ■ ‘estPia, (lin* tablss. call

Offlos, 192 Market stre*l. station.

at tbs (Sty Tloh*l 1'vlcphuOf 55, Of a4

L T O N lN O T O N L I N E — Insld* mut* to Roatoa u a the * M l. all f a ™ iw la c ri^8 i ^ a m Iw va K tw r i i r an. Nurth H Iv m , at 0 P. U . dally, a l- r*pt^unda>

_ --P — , ___ _ ViOtl. V, a V,6 50. i.Uft. 5.21 5.4V T'OOf TiU. 7N5. ft-30. loTU. J I ,1 6 i jk .« P , . * ; Itindsys, •* ‘



H EAD AC H E.c v r im



N K W A l l K K V K X I K G n e w s ! T I E S D . V Y . M A U C H a » .


^ a or Romrr®.TDiB the ^*••’ 1°*'*"' ** '* ‘ . . 1 1 1 .fc^ of Rooi-r... '.h - « « * « “

t ^ g i t in out the followlui deUlled B1.UI coDOerulh* lh« «u .tem .l« .-M e* l-

COW KKfTirrT F4RllHi:iM*T,

11** HrN>w

‘ th‘e 'idiiiuleliott o f the preU m lw ry

;S mu rerd tliel • liuuiiderj' line between theS ^ c o o n t r M .Uoutd betoModerv tre ilv t.) be itfn ed *t the I-UJ Sf Me*t^>. ttnd '.'het the boundnty between L'hiauM And fciuconuwu on Ihe **“ • i®;M i x ^ end ot Uueteiuele’e eld* on the

r t i . I S 5 ; i £ r r s . . T r T : “ . . p . ~

w . Jee<>« H ed ' ihe> IheW erlere iiH Kin I« •

(Ciitin.) ni»i>.it'h toVoik llrreM.I

himlet or Hieimi-y. In the town of new hind of

vvho h'01Monroe, he. [;;;;,■ e greet d-el of

[’ erhhural.

trouble b)' einmptlne un "LVihraelhodn of the - Theeerteln ln;prove«nent. of bl* ? * " ™R ,v H. 'V. lonea. lotitor uf the HeplUit r^ur, ". go. It into Id- heed .h .M he p le «

l*iirUhunittiig" out of the hn'dt h«r*i ild«*r And ■moklng M<* rtnnoun<'«*d that h wan

nMrti’l o f drliikma

»nd jen the wicked one..end n e - eetlon w e . e»t«cte.t


U f l t E V f j p‘ ONEPOUNDbole


o x THE UKAMA.(ItASKHe I ll.lllir l Krollc l U j* •»*'

gknuld K eier Triuetph. i ____________' a - ] „ n com edy I thin It a fer better men- •

' ;?;!.r':he :"reSm''pf"Th;' p"LiMph.*a W h at He Says About MedicineTrui Amerlcao. ‘ 'In malting Ibta tUM-

l>uur Joi.e- dmlded limt the liquor ,l, „|,.r« lu rttepuey who 'T 'J o 'i.i, ’ . i d •■1 -arkhureled" were anM ow- Hull. The lael-namrd U relePd In ell the IntluentlHl reeldenu p\ ami any ailafk ni>oii him,

fflat** of th** I 11 WRA I

but Ih«’Urriiori uoiuH»Maa , — -- cl^TKynian utMriMUMWj »wthe time olainInK ' " f ‘ be lark-.t game. «o thatoerlea and treaty, lo aa to be In " f P “ reaction In hla favor rame, aa II M ilan ot that territory when the treaty ^ ) „ ell the etrunger.JJS elgnedilt waa allpulaud In the 'if,,,, rtiigulaed hlmaejf bi old cloihei and

upon. ‘^Buiauaiomala contend, atlpulation meant that a^ h rbadl remolii In poaae«loD territory, which ahe p<*t«wwl_

country revelry were going nn liitide.The appriHirh of the ''lergynii-n w

hido f theterritory, wnicn ane before, aketi h of iluu ebut Which under the treaty had to paa. to htm.rlf with a aton w .l. hthe ^ h ir country, and this oonitruotion 1. moved upon the remp of the ret ^ .■ ?5 V h .«u J J «d p rO Y U lo a o fa r llc l.f l Although _lt we.«-^nattba ©kpr®AA0d prOYltioa t-

boundary traaiy» which aaprwajy .a__ _ ak.e.t ..aik rec nnlTV «h01lld Ctltaf

nuttM-himi a drew »luira ritabllAhm^^i an4 f h Thfn h*

r*Vfll»*ni.UlthiR nUht, lha ml cr^tit

luN, andrh'Wyman tonk off hla fh M-a an up the Ilepa of the hewith one -hoe In each hand w nendcolarc* that each connuy ahoiild .

-----1— of the territory n el^wilhin all monlba trorn theof tht Boundary ' ‘>'"“ “ “1 ,'*,** loIn* took place on tforemlHir 1, 180a. inI S J o X c S with the M txlcau | t'l% momTn whlc^n w-v-meat tmderetandlng o f low atlpulaUoa, . .s>ngregatlon wereM .- i« traniferred to Ouateroala, wng ^ A y X and aaveral other town.,

down"o“n 2'lftou™ and ?mwled* o a window that eoi,imatided_ a view

eral mettilie™ - - , , guiltily drinking cider. ." -o n e o f them w .a ,m ejoiw_to_t_he_^wln_^


(■ or c e n ^ s

tvery pipe sl-OtiripedDu k e s M ix t u r e O'-

2 0 7 P A T M A f * ^ ”

menl I mean lo lurtllme no Inrldloua comparlwn* between the o la « o f play- deal with and Ihoac favored by brother or eUlcr arUita I almply U f H 0“ " " « * general propo»ltlon. and 1 bellera the majority o f thinking men and noinen. eeiieelally If they be liu.bandi and falheri, wiraa and mulheni. will »«c** w^b JD«-

i 1 hold that the itage -houtd be more than a mart vehicle o f amu-amenL It ahould

'd o more than ‘ hold the mirror UP to nature.’ U ahould be a moral force

I t i well, qu iu aa much lo ai toe pulpit or I the prwMi. It ahould be a guide as well M

a medium for the portraiture o f whrt la uoble. 1 and bo-l lu the hiiniao race. Ihe murale o f a play ahould ever be on too ude o f Tlrlue. Vice ehould never be glorl- Bed and rectitude lo mull ot liuled. Much action cannot be productive o f good. The old or the young will out proUi by It. Indeed, upon the Juung, eapeiially upon the lorniallve period o f UlE Ha *filecui oaiiuot but paroiuioua.• * ’ . __ 1 a*... A wmltaaAtlnnA iTf

and Cnros-

He Tells flint H* ConsWefS Best llfljtnPH ‘ of AH ledlclftes. |

There h One Remedy Which He J l f j l l i l i t ] ! Knows W m Do All It Claims,

S b V c h a n ! c 5 n (W N )K

Sl;leN o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t

a n e l e c t i o n w i l l b e h e l d in t h e n.w 1. . . row., s e v e r a l e l e c t i o n d i s t r i c t s o f t h e

p , ? r r „ f T r £ c o u n t y o f E s s e x o n T u e s d a y , d om esticB u rrou n d in g t t h e n i n t h d a y o t A p r i l , A . U *

g iv es fu ll satisfaction, p l a c e s p r o v i d e d , n x c Q a n a b o th a-s lo qu ality and d e s i g n a t e d f o r t h e h o l d i n g o f

' m price.

A doctor', evtd-nc- regarding inMlIolnM aad di>.»»» 1. atwayi nuiuiicrwl tha highaat au- Uniritv, Ev.ry court In th» world acr.pU W. inilgnwnt «• pmlllv® and lodl.put.bla an- drnc. Tharafor. what h . -ay. about a » r . tain raniDdy caiinot l*a

Dr. J, W. Mlnkler, of Bath. N. H.. .nlt.rwl for a Iona llm. from Ibai tarrlbla llmaw.

------------------------ „,hm a. All the doctor, and medicma* h-turn moved to could do nothiiig for him till h.foond

, - t o / ? i ,h t o n C i S ” nd I h . -me rerntd, which b . now know, to be ib .prodsme ™ our leading tbeeter. a claw o f t»,i remedy In the world '' ’5 *prouut® 411 Ami »av^- ihti .. ......... .# *hw w.wv*. &nd hlood. Read ln«

I tba


the merit, are

toUaatcmala undtr tne wroe, and Ghwtamala received them, and U now In„ _ - i o a o f tea aame.

Bta^titr Lbaaa ouuaidarfttlQika, (ha pra*UailMry agreamaot waa only the jjo f tht^agollatlona which the boaodary treaty o f rteplember 37, 1883; S l l T bSn parilie .greed by the p i^ llmlBartee to accept eome th-re

IpM Wlin ini- >■> lu. .II. — .I did not know, howev^rr wh» her .uh a •ti'U would have twen hutlflahle, a« I n-oncv’ir read of Or. I'arkhuret kob 'k ,Zn it'riUi'tis- hu iijuf7n^;«Bh ;s pUemlv laugh placed the empty glaea uponMirmly laugh place,‘ b* •ahh’ ^ awful to aee those

and laughtna Jua.t "•men


ambodled aod oarrlad out In tha On^ inatT Tha prellmluarlea were auper- aadel'bf tha Iraaly and tbay are theretor#SSdlDg oo^ lo •ill' enpolAWoo* “in the treaty, and such olhem mdo not appear In that totrom enl, can haveS ^ in g f o r o e 15!preUmlBarleabekleaa BenaW, and under the canaiitutloB that Wia an Indlapeoiable S S u U o n t o them validity, l ^ i c v e n the Mekicaa Uovernment apRr°rad. them When aubmlltad to lie coweWcraUom

‘ •T hie la axacUy toe oaen abtml ■UDulatloo of ton prelimlnnrlee to the jK et that both connlrie.^ ahould ask for tha arbltrathm of tha President of Ihe UnltodSalwln caie they oonld not w aa uDon a boundary line, noder Ibe baal. of S iS l l tSawSom Ai they did Hiwnopoh a line fietoeBnal treaty of rteptember 3ff, lB£ ih?t£lfUlallontwatK.d to haw any

Baaldca It wai not Icoorporalcd In S S ^ t v a n d ihepreilmlaarteacoutaln-

***'?Baoh oonulry appointed a commltnlon of eDtiBaem to aurvey the ground and narkfht boimdary line. Bach Mmml»- ^ worked hMlependenlly ot the other, gad to tom e o“ ** !**• technloal work, making a parallel of lati­tude or a meriilan of lougllude, differed eomewbat, but lo all such o a ^ thantpectlve oommlealoner.atyu.led the dlt-hWOT by mutual agreemeut, and In ^

■ onw have tha reapwstiva govornmento, Mhw baao itated, agratd to accept a third damarkatloD drawn evenly between ooBlllcttog llnee drawn by their oomml^ ihmera. There wai only a polnlln whioh tha oommlietoneragneodve governmenta eolved the dlffloolty,

' S d toa l was the inoldent refOTrlng to ihe S i ^ l n t o and tha Chtooy rivara, and to this oaae Mealon yialded and aooapted® ^ .S ttr w r tS S ‘^ h iak .U t h e a t e r

s i " w r o « s ^ a r . i a » ' ^ n » jdaky »nd dUBouUia* whWb ?

r aad UiaklnD ***•

ing that, though my ta.k wag not a P ''* " in* one, t i*s» doing my duty aa a m in i.* '- u 't o ’’n o M ru c 'th .t 1 wore a m « k . My o b jr it w a . to obU ln 'vM ence o the gu l

»*. I—— iM>rDonD No ona alia lo ina -ai ?,Ve MOW " wilflnS ‘ 0w 'f k A nd ao 1 had to do U." „ ,

o n account o f Mr. J onet'. pec^^latLfi:;t , i \ T v r m « h .> p n d l y d e n ^ ^ ^ ^

f e - r w i M % ; ^ : n " v i d e r . «

H ' b r j r ; r ‘? t M Vhim to leave town. .

When Hull cam# up for irtol t o ' gk«t fHfllculty waa aiparlancwl In falttnir :* ™ m to w h lT t o the caar. Ju .tlce PiiUlnftn of Itrtflaarort, accoirii>anlpn »yBh rm FeOTlon an'd'Hro.wtuttog AttorneyT w m ey , went “ > Monroe to hear the charge When dinner time came they wAra a j hutiirry aa haari. and farmhouse and applied for something to'* "B e you the chaps fron ? .„8 f ‘ 'lg e ^ r t lhal'a persecuting ‘ Moae’ HuIlT demanded

’ ’'■fhe'huMry B'l<l«'fTr',K.*'l!™'rln*toetoplain, but ahe alammed the toe 'r?■<<*■ Thay rappart on tba winnow anu offered her any price ahe cared to charge

meal, hut •nejtoto?* ‘ *

I'AHIiaU * « B W IM It'W h'

g .l,r lln g and Cl.anlaa to - kaiw. to • jl»w-llleg. '

Prom the Decorator and j , 1It pdbeaaary to econom ise In

rectloD w hen building tha home, let « not b e on the w indow .. There 1. nothing tbet makee the exterior wt "h«-uU tul p lale-glae. w indow .real pleumre and wUlefactlon derived fromany part o f the building than from Ibal o f Ibe well oooilructed and lighted "to**®*' lli,e window 1. the ey . o f lb .- - bright, beautiful eye !■> » mg makes even n homely face eo doe* a beaullfnl window beautify lb enUra honae, howevtr bumble lU c<.m .iructlon. And what ™“ t o / 'y ‘ " f ‘ “J •yet and to the paUence tham " [glaea that are toll o f Imperlecltonat Just now window glass la very cl‘« l ' - ; ™ , , ! lowest.priced booMleast the btot double thick window glanato lU window* all over the hou«.

This la economy. Wo, .rthloknntotnwira. tpore breakage. In the lower or flmt ncM room ., except the kitchen, pl» . might be h ord ed by means. They arew) itronr w d durable,and withal io hr'*"*. m’that no one can regret putting them to. T T ..”^ Of plelc glam ,!•French and dome.! cg lto^ ^ • " be « m .t o 7 t ^ V ‘ U h V w rtJ n V and w b tl. thOT, ia i dlff-renoe In the t*® btod*- „m aU rlal con .euuence, .•” J ” * * 7 1 -can detect It. Y ou oonld not. The Ameri

, pU y. whicb, while they I uigueat llterery and artiallo ' decidedly rli-iue. ludeod th e^ playe are

more than wualour French trienda call :3 ou b l. enundre. In downright plain

Kngli.h, they are aeiiauoufc No A-meri- i lean pUywrfght, would If he could |

write auch playi. He would be analbemaliied by prew M d P“ 'ldJ

' from Mmu. to La lornla, from the Hi U w r e " . to the gulf. Like O lb.llo. hu occupation would soon be gone, for me- alrlcU managers, who waion aa oloaeiy Ibe riulaeol pobiio opinion as ever doe- carelul phy.ioian that ol a fevered patieol, would cease to extend the gladsome hand and beau upon tilm witbtue walcome eye wben be appeared with other productlou. o f bis pen, Mlf-befenoe would compelRich a coarse, lor, Ph5iS ‘ ‘JJIer"oand people arrayed againet him, where would the manager comb InT

'■ No, it Is only the daring gemna o f a Dumas or a Sardou that can evolva pUya o f tuon calibre and not only make tueoi pue niuiler, but actually o^ lu ra and en- vurall the public, 1 mean Hi apeak to all hlrnem. Not being a playwright. 1 can­not be oharged wUu prolcaatonal Jealou.j. N a ith e r a m la jo l jea louiof tellow-actora, men or women, who nave achieved luoceee In the drim M of the great French playwrighla. A* the laya. more powar to Ibam. 1 hoL© ih«y will win gold and glory galOTe. I would like lo inn all o f my compalrioU pro.per,for 1 know how lempeeluou. Is thn great ocean ol trial belore the havan ot auccea I. reached, No. 1 repeat, I am not a pal- tide Jealoui ot any lellow arllit, lot, like the eminent Mr. O'Reilly, wuoiii Poet Dana haa immoruliied, 1 am

diKcve. of the nerva and Wood. Bead dw tor'i convincing w ord .!

" I hail the .athma." he .aid. “ Ih* worit ot .u y mao le v e r heard of that lived. I have paid out morn than flee hundred dolUrt for uirdlcluM without ever rtMlvIng the allghteet

oWlged to leave New York hecan-i I I could not live there, aed ,'5*

tlilukluill might h-lp me.hul ll d l d ^ .• w .«rob-doH I did not eipect lo Uy*- '

would com. opon me.uddenly.ln them d.t i couvereatlon. and tlop me to.Uatly, a. qdcki M Ulough 1 had dropped dead-


and they 'fled. ftoA tlf; lirlbed;m",irho> to « to A '* ! ‘ • 'X ^ "V «^ n ^ toS a big lemon pie, whtoh thef ate to

ijUif and atoaia^t


auatemala’s tovailon o f the dlirupled lattUory w ok plaon after Mexico had eent thar* hat milltory foroea. In point o f fketOaatnmala has invaded twice that territory, once to IIBI, a ^ *** v nnriv to IsM. and M nilco did not lend any S J o p n t ^ r Iron lln r^ m long n '* " ^ * Mcond tovnalon faadtnkan pUoe, ^ d nfWr ODaW m nlnbid refuind to ton anme, and It has not oooaplod yet thn dSTpued tnrtltory. Tbta fact put* ihl* toculeni under a very different HllJ'h

•* llnzloo and Quatemala agree that the boundary treaty ol 1803 la binding on both ooaatriea, and them la, thnrnlori, no need o f any ^ w convention, at baa boen aug- n * ^ to fact, Qualemala bn; not even toUmatad the oonvnnUnoe o f any aoch

p rov id ^ for^ u iu g the monument, to boundary line, and there la no need o f any new convention organising a new oom- mltolon for that purpoec. Both Ho” '” ', m enu have signed a oonveatlon extending tor two vearg, the time in which the ^ o l e work o f marking too Draper monumenU will be aocompllibed.The Mexican Benat* ratlBed that oonyen- tloh, bu ltbe liualemalau Congres* failed to do io. It la expeotod, however, thel R wlU be ratilled to iu next aaielon, which

“ *J JU*a matter o f fact, the survey o f the whole line ha« been tlimhed, and there u not any dliagteemoot about It between Ibe reSDeetlvo englueere, but the Uuele- mUlM’ ^ h .e f Engineer h « refuted to elan aomo o f the minute- and charier, of the gatvey. and the inouumtnta In luch portion, o f the line have to be placed Kr both coiatnlitlonor., after the P«>d. tog oooveutlon haa been ratiAed by (iuato

**^There lg no difference o f opinion be­tween the twu tiovonimeuta about the oonetrucuon ol the buenda.'y treaty lu .o far a* the boundary line i . oouoenied, and toerefure no need o f au arbltrallou lor

V u e^ n d ih * question between Mexico and OuatoWala i> a very plain one, hach country claim, that uiioer the do locto line exMlng before the treaty o f l^ 'i *ho wastn po-aevelun o f the di.uuled tern- torv, and both agree that it Mexico under the Iiot merknd bv the treaty. A . the treaty flno li pui-uniount, Mexico coiiildered the action ol Uuate mala In -ending an arineil loroe to doalroy thelogcam ii* e-tablisii«l there by Mexi­can. WHO were eultiiig wood under gram* ol the Mexican Uovernment, wise Ibo log* and aire.1 the men «* no uiiw'arruniod in- vaslon o f her territory, uud him u.ked Uualeraala to upolofflse for It, und to pny an indomnltjto the victims ol thooulriige.If Uuutcinala wlalie* lu .ettlo the question It ii lor her lo iiinlte uniends lor her con- duoU Mexico will nutasik un unrea«oii*tile

'"senor fiiom ero «.ld he wae iiirc Ihal hh Qovernnieut would nut be willing to sub­mit to arbitration the amount to be paid for rismagea, and that be did not see now Mexico could recede Irom her demand nl

'""Aiftor^the action o f the Mexican Coii- greiw on the que»llou, Henur lloiucro -aid that it would not become him to afll’ t’ l" Dale 111 and bethought neither hi.Uov- ernmeut nor hi. coutury deultc- a war with Uualemala, aa they are lully cou- wMuu. ol He danger-, drawbacks and dis- advaiitages. aud therefore he boped that Ibe uegotialioui wlileb are now cooduoled to the Oily o f Mexico would end in a friendly telllenieiil o f the diffloully, and be added that be bad heard nothing re- oeiitly which would Induce blio to be­lieve that there was now any greater dan­ger of a rupture than there has been frum the beginning o f the coairoverey.

Thle experience made the men • n i'T ; W hen they got Into *h®,been found for a J,2?5lmvdcte5and uncompramlal^. HP'* ccnvkted at Qnca and flnad PO ana coaxa.

Now the village™ are m aking It u r n ^ forU hte for 'he^elfrgym an. 8in™ke.(>e™ ■ay that they don t want hla trade, ana they are lurnlshlng him. It l i .aid. with sour milk and vegetable! far from freeh.

“ - i ^am 'atlll'to the ring A " ' ' '^*}o "bre‘akr iJ^HleVai o n iq io ? ’ :?",!,^. ^ {a 7kVi Upf the demun rum wlUwill 'down* Ihe demon runu ann i nav© J®lack of ctmfldenc# an to lha reault o f the

*"fem «'OT the memhe™ of hla Hon have resignedventure In hla slocking feet. They MY lhat a pastor cannot save aoule by crawl­ing on*^all fou™ and creeping about on porchta. On the hT3n5Vayto work for religton.termtoed to *uppiirt him. the exlatence o f the paator la on.

A -tn iggle for


L ever. Bwaped fr e «Crowd la K -n u . City.

Prom the Kanaai City Times.A marriage In the Inky darkneaa o f

vault la .om elh ing decidedly unique, but that 1* the sort o t a wedding that o c ­curred to the Coorlhouee yesterday morn-tog- . _ I

About 11 o'clock a flne-looklng young nian slid two decidedly good-looking ana ■ivllihly dreaaed young women •>’ 1*5 '! the Itecorder o f Deeds' ofllee and asked for a marriage license, snd one was to William Davy and Viola Koderlck. They said that the marriage waa lo be u iurprlie and requeated that nothing bo a«ld about the granltiig o f the llcenw^ Then they consulted together and nnaiiy asked It they could be married right Iher-. Itecorder Queal ha«tened lo the telephone end called up Justice Kbert. Before the Ju-tlee arrived word had passed aroun-J that a wedding was lo occur and the rw m was mU'd with uninvited *ue»ts. Tho groom did not relish thl«, neither did the “ ride, neither did the ' ‘ ride s slater w ho »&■ of th f Wkrty. The <loor to ilia vault whvre the recurtln are alWRl lu-

d u e to lU being mado wRh while the foreign lagtoentab. betot ">*“ • with coal. Pul side by side, " " le at all noticeable. I mention Ihe*« t ^ n n for the guidance o f that they may not be Uevlng that the foreign glase i» to* and the more expenttve because tbe beet

A bandaome pane o f „detervtof o f care aa a picture, end it l i aa eoilly Injured et the handi o f a careless cleaner. Nowadsyi people who can affofd it employ the regular window-olaaning coneerni which make •. bualneia The ooet vanes aco®'^*"* “ the number and oharacler o f w indow to be cared lor. It rewbee to some «*»• “ high as IIS and 126 a month. But It la .M nom tcal where ® ° * ' . ™ arc concerned, becaora due* the workla apt to break, scratch or ImperfMllyclean the g la -, >»«•><»“ apt to fall from a window and make anunpltaawilaaBaiHloD. i .

To clt*att • windowtlon. It Is, too, but one m ust knovr how to do the work. A doudy day u Ht® tlms to d o th *clear snd dry, so that the tun does not strike tbe glam, tud which Itto dry to atreaks. CleM, »®'* " * * * '{ ? abundance, plenty ol clean ^ragi. and a leatber or cbamula akin, ineie a » nocaMarv. Waah tha windows down quickly, toiliJe and out, w d dfJ i^ a . Begin toelae, Bniah outside. Borne people uie the leather lor weahtog with.A little ammonia in tbe water le helpful where there ia smoke, but be oarefto not to cut loo much to Ibe water, aa It will to- iu 4 the paint A wet day 1. bad for wtodow-oleanlngi a frosty oneli " ® f " -

it If iniportanl to dust windowi well every day after aweepb'f 0 “ room, dust- ing not only the glees, but also all parts o f the window. TnU la eepeoiajly neoeiaary in winter, whan coal dual and gas are ao bad. Qaa covera tba glass over with a deoae nim to a abort time. B <• J}®j • pleawutl taali, cleaning windows In winter

entered .ioie and benoe by exsrd-lng oare and care I ully dusting off tbe clew each (toywashing will not nead to be BO frequenUydone as It olharwlae would.

Aprupoaof this lUbJect, to clean m lr ror». tlrit aponge them tree Iroro dirt, ^ y with a Botl cloth, and wben perleoUy dry rub a llltlo powdered blue over the glass, etterwsrd polishing It with a sott old ailk tiandketoulef. Bolt newspaper, wll an- iw e r ln lle u o fth it ilk . Cloth will leave

quite w ell” royeelf m my new play, " Hi. fv'lfe'i Father," now running at the Fm b Avenue Theatre, New York CRy. ^


not weary my reader, with a deacriplion at it, oa It baa beau Ireely and extensively analysad by people far more ooiiipelentlo onliolsa than your humble lervanu Hul- flee It lo say that It is a clean, wholesome ooraedy, the very best that ulentod lady, Martha Morion, haa ever wrltte.i. It ftboundt Id oouiIc •itualloni and fairly babbles over wlih mirth ‘■O/®®*'},®®'’ there if not a single prurient detail to the

'*^^ lW tog thus, like a goodlawysr, die posed to advance o f an^ onarge ®‘ kional Jealousy which may be brought against ma, 1 sow return to the m»m a ^ m a n L I believe a play ahould ^ heathy to tone aa well as ftrong to dramailo acUon. U a play o f the more aerioui eort, like -Bhenandoah, for In­stance, patilou.m, courage and honesty m man and virtue In woman sbciald be the ■tallar leatursa. Ot coutaa vice, t®®, " preeant, as It almost unavoidably la, ehould be .kiUlnlly depicted, but It anonld never predomiiiat* and ba made Vne featura o f the play. A. play, uh® * ®®®- moo or a good novel, ahould bear a moral. It mould bring out la brightcolors what la be»t and noblert in man, not what la Ignoble and depraved. 1 ^ me exemplify. In the play dramatised from Dumas^ ‘ Three Ouardsmen, Por- tboi, one o f the noveliil'i heroes, ii hu­morously deplcled as living off tne bounty of hla miaireia, the wile o l a petty mer- chanl, and commended by hla oomradea for hla clevorneiB In lorcing ‘ "JoueofHardou-i laleat and moet brilltonl efforts the heroine, who lideeply reUglotii aa well Si arrogant and opulent, deoltoeawedlock with the hero o f the play, lor whom ebe aoknowledgea her love, bacanra hail beneath her to stotlon. but suggeaU an amour as being moet satlifaclory to both parliee to tntersat. . .

“ ft bat sort o f leasona are these to Incnt- oatet ft’ bat tmpremiona will they make upon the hearts of the youthful o f both ■M«S, lads and laaaea, whose mtod* « s not yet developed, but like tender eanUngi easito bent to the right or le ft ! What fbeltoga will they engender to the mind o f giddy man and women who look on life as a perpetual holiday, and who are coaalantly sludytog new molhoda o f an-

I m l t l i i

Boot-CtSESla lf a fetea

etwplsf _ to tus* e.t.Tkla eae.MlMeak.

Sla. bigb, ■ n a t i l l .

p lc i le n a iy net 01 side I worth Tear ckol» at o r el thsee MBrie*

PI. 4. W. UIiaLXB.‘ ‘ SometlmssI would be tik so with .Iran-

gllng In bed, and had a window fixed so that I could touch a spilni and throw It opsn quickly to put rov hewl out to hrsal be. On- day a friend aikwt me to try Dr, iNervura blood and iisrve remedy. I did kj and It helped me. 1 continued oilog It, and after U klog two uotllet was completely cored, an 1 have had ao return ol It sloe*.

"Ten thoosand dolfsrs would not tempt me to ™turn to the condltton I wis In before tak­ing Dr. (Ireeno’s Nervura blood amt o « v , ' remedy. If 1 could get no more of that wonder ful medicine. It --red my life, and 1 dop kuow Uow li t> pOhilblfl for m oriil miio to givea stronger toallmonlalthaq this. I will gladly |answer any quesllon. regarding roy c a » . I am sallsflsdlhatbr. Oreens’i Nervura b l i^■ nd nerve remedy Is the moet remarkable medicine In eilstencs."

Mr. Charles Cbllda, one of the leading CUI- le s o f Bath. N .H ..says:

•• 1 waa aware ot Dr. J. ft'. Mlnkler’* condi­tion from asthma, aud ot hla wonderful ou™ by Dr. Ureene’a Nervura bloed and nerve rem-

Every o ie knows that Dr. Greene's Nervura blood aud nerve remedy gives health and strength to all who u » It. Evsryhody needaa spring tonic a"d restorative, and this Is the best-prlng medicine In the world. Convlno* Tonrw-lf by trying It.

U 1* not a patent medicine, hut the preeorlp- tlon of the moeteucceselnl living speclalUl In curing nervous and ehronic diseases. Dr. Or*ene,ot M West lith et., New York City. He has the iarg*et practice In the world, and this grand medioal discovery Is the reeult of hie vast eip.r.enct. Th* great repatation ot Dr. Greene 1* a guaranies that hla medicine will onre. and the fact that he can becon- ■nltsd by any one at any time, free o f charge, penonally or by letter, gives absolute aeeur- ance of the beoeflctil action o f thta wonder- tnl medicine.______ .

48c.Cash or Credit)

and Ywur m »B*y l» a h , H » o « " • " *W* par *he tielgW aaywkeie la tke 8Ula.

On Wageas deliver feeds Iw te mUes atatad^

O K IN N E B& T E i ^ H Y .

t h e m u n i c i p a l , c h a r t e r o r s p e c i a l e l e c t i o n s o f t h e c i t i e s a n d s e v e r a l t o w n s h i p s a n d b o r o u g h s o f t h e c o u n t y o f E s s e x t o d e t e r m in e u p o n t h e a c c e p t a n c e o r r e j e c t i o n o f a n

fioudOah, t It a c t p f t h e L e g i s l a t u r e o f t h e ::fi*.li?tl:i',wtei s t a t e o f N e w J e r s e y , e n t i t l e d S M T s " i A “ A n A c t t o E s t a b l i s h P u b l i c

d -ltS : p a r k s i n C e r t a i n C o u n t i e s i n T h i s S t a t e a u d t o R e g u l a t e

Woru • 1 6 .0 0 , fH c S a m e . ”T h e q u e s t i o n t o b e s u f r

m i t t e d t o t h e - v o t e r s o f t h i s c o u n t y a t s u c h e l e c t i o n i s b r i e f l y t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t i n t h i s c o u n t y o f a p u b l i c p a r k o r p a r k s a u d a u t h o r i z i n g t b e i s s u e o f t h e b o n d s o f t h e c o u n t y t o d e f r a y t h e e x p e n s e t h e r e o f t o a n a m o u n t n o t e x ­c e e d i n g t w o m i l l i o n f iv e h u n ­d r e d t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s .

T h e b a l l o t s , ” F o r t h e N e w P a r k B i l l , ” o r ” A g a i n s t t h e N e w P a r k B i l l , ” s h a l l b e c a s t s e p a r a t e a n d d i s t i n c t f r o m o t h e r b a l l o t s u s e d a t t h e e l e c ­t i o n , a n d t h e s e b a l l o t s , h o w ­e v e r , s h a l l b e d e p o s i t e d w h e n o f i e r e d w i t h o u t b e i n g e n c l o s e d i n a n e n v e l o p e b y a n y l e g a l v o t e r i n t b e b a l l o t b o x e s u s e d a t s u c h e l e c t i o n o f p u b l i c o f f i c e r s , a n d a l l b a l l o t s s o c a s t f o r t h e a c c e p t a n c e o r r e j e c t i o n o f t h i s a c t s h a l l b e c o u n t e d a n d t h e r e s u l t t h e r e o f r e ­t u r n e d b y t h e e l e c t i o n o f f i c e r s h o l d i n g s u c h e l e c t i o n .

This Dotiee la given In pnrttienoe to an act of the ugislawre ol the State of New Jersey, entitled " Aa Act to Eatahllsh Pnbllo Parka In CerUtn Connllee la Tble Butt and to Reg- Ulaie the Seme," approved March A

Dated Eeeex County Clerk’s Offloe, Newark, I March 18. IM-

UlEST.flRlGHTSOI, County Clwi.


Oak Table, tse i81a. wortk livO©*


aunt up to one brief sentence my It is a danger;



S P E C IA L A S D O E S E R A L M A C H I S K R T .

IL£YAT0HS n n STOS£S AHO FACTOIHEX Steam Englnea, Gearing. Shatttn*.

Uaagera, Pnlleye. ®to. f.tpmnng Fnmpttf Nffsarfti# T$,

E u d 1 B iilro td P lu i , K t f u t H‘

vltlimly openAnd the groom snlJ: ■ V| ■talTb lit hen', ItlUl

Ihe vaultL cl'i itep Ri hen',” an*licl Ihe vault. 1* wan brUllanlljij

l l l ih \ * e d 'n n 'r t 'h i i f r t i iu ' ih‘» '“ ' ot m u .iy lecorde. The hriilo glaiir.'il about' filghtened a bit. then glanced at the g ioom atid im llcd sweetly. The groom, ,\(denlly a hravi- rauii, was not ns ii"r- vuiie S i the Ju«ticc, who f u " 'b ' ' ‘^,,.'“h '*^1 from hla pocket « p a l" '' upon w hich ne hull Wrtlleii the word- o f n -Imnle innr- rtage ceremony. 'ITic dour was -hut soft ly hchlnd the party and the wedding was »-r('cm-d from curious l yi-e.

The Jwatlcc wim getting alimg h i 'ib well, mid hiid Ju«t ri'iudicd Ihm pnrt Ihr i-crcmoiiv where he naked the i-oiiple 10 Join huiid-. when aomcthliig Imri’ cncd. One ot Uo' clerks had hIIIiIH"! D; tht HV lU’hlinm' l atnl lurilf''l off liii‘ 11 1 ** I*J till vaiiU. T»u' lirhlf hi;-I «;onia noiMcf i-aih oih'T. Thi‘ Juntk'*' cauhl iwt h*-*' iln'iti. It Wlin iio llttif to or ifiUiT,

''"d d n irh e r hiiiiil." sal'l 'l l" JusHre. and tiu hrtiuli, canii- together iia though they hull met In the ilsrk U'fore.

■|b Ihe authorU.v vested lu mo hj the liiw 1 nrom'iioee you mmi iiml wire.

H win* over Biid -Mr. and Min. Davy cam# oiii KUO the light o f day bappy n- ihotigh they hiid lieeii married In the iioondny glare ol a ihou-nud -uim.

liiUt.I'o prevent froat from tonnlng on your windovvs to oold weather apply a very thin coating o f gljcermn lo the g l w This la espedally uselul to meroham* for .how windows , . j

To prevent sanllght from entering the windows—deeirable sonietlmes, a . in the oaae ot elqknesa-mix o i« ouno* o f IMjwdered gum IragacaoUi to the well- ueaten whites o f six »je*, and apply, lliiihrooin and other windows may be ob- ,curod to various way. h-ieom salt., dto ■oived with diluted vinegar, and dabbed on wiUi a brush, *1" to«h# a remarkoble iinllnlion o f hoar lro»t, and will last quite u while, Cipeoially II ci ntnd over with daumr varnish. Boil a leaspoonlul o f rice ill a pint ot water lor a hall hour, then dub the solnllon on with u bruah. This le a good temporary method,

The NEWB ctruut.le, mtire liirsrly then *ny ..Iher i«ii>er In the Orsugi-y IlurrliKm, ICcurny, tooumtletd. Montclair, BUriimll, (.■, M-d- in-a and Morristown, Bn,l Uiriiugluvui therountry iwrcaboot*. Real E»l»l# .t*iiili will do well loB». 11, specially on ........... enu 0 .0 “ -Il.yi, eiieclal Bee E-i-i- .laya_____

(iKADV AM t rut: TUAMI-.

A GHASTLY DISEASE.D lffe r e u t D o c to r s IU yo U D i f f e r -

e u l N a m es . *

THB m O I. HHATTkKli;l).InJ e m »lni|>*«n Hearlaeh

Fiirmcr I'oHUciMn.Xhc ffcTniDr polltlilnn fruni with I

a reoutntloii that ciicompaased and pi-r- m » lid his I-Iitlr# coiitity only, niadc a vMll lo Washington In I'Phruary, and aUer t.wo nr three days at th# capUsI re­turned' to hi* nailv# heath

•■Well " Inquired on# of th# crowd which met at'the grocery store every nvcnliig “ ihat kind of a llm# did you have lo''■Tair*to'rnlddUn', considerin’." war the*mj5)td*^you*fee the P in s ld p t?”

"N o; h© WM Diul i couUIn ( nult

*"Tdd**you tee the Postmaeicr-GonerBl?"•'Y<*a- but 1 lUcIn't icli a chance mlk

more'll a mlnuua lo nlm. He lilil he'd iMVi U to Ihe ConKreumnn from lhat

you at the CapUnl to how; r t h i r " ‘ mn.t*ft th# tJrao. It

«vM easier to *U in ibot* than mont iny- whofe'D alM.”Pviaently he wa» * UtlU iore over ■ome-thins.

■'VTbat - r ® I ,■Uiteiinien?* linQuireu _ -------•Thoy are Jlst like cyerythlng eUe In

'ft'aahlngtnn,'' he algh^ heavily, fidl a ■htm and a il#!u*lon and n gentlemen,"on a barrel head, "you know that Jerry“ 'Ttfu " w i; ‘ tn.“ ri?aW that broke th. oain^a back, .aye th* Detroit kYes f’ r# ^ and th# dleappofnud man refused to talk more on tbe labJtoL

did you think o f our National rr'^ Inniilred a lltteiinr.

The Be-ull Always th" k*m»' ■— Speedy Itontli.^Unlll llecently, Comldored llopleeiB. - Now, New MeUiode. (*al- vallOB.

Nothing I* moro alarming than dlseaaei of an ulcerous nut ill'#, A eonltoual gna w lug away ol llle-getierailtig tissue, unlil a vital spot Is ivacheJ, au artery Is severed, or from sheer weakiies.s death ensues.

Especially lu tiailrllls — tihers o f tho stomach — is Urrlblu suflerltig experi- cnreil. The symptoms, though not at llrst alarming (seemingly a ellglll attack of IniligestUin), gradunlly licrom# worse, so that no nimrl-limenl enn be rctaiueii 011 thn stomach, ami mil"** thn trouble- causing ulcer produces deaih by imrlora- tion, Ihn piilleut

Die. « f SlnrVRtlon.In Ooiisunipllon, where th# ulcers attack the lungs, the termination 1# very similar, as It is, lu (act. 111 any ot the wasting dis­eases to which are g i v e n various names, according lo the organ* affBClcil-

By the Tiictlioda of physlcUn* of to-day thO'Jxauds of lives are being saved lu cases that a few year* ago " 'irc cuiisldered hope­less, The llrst step now taken to effL-ct a euro la w make new blood and tissue, give tho patient strength, and keep him ‘ on Ih# gain” by adniUilslcrlng Jlovtnins.

llovlnln# It not a medicine, but a great ly conceatratod extract of the most vital eie- miinU of lean raw beef. Tito Ilfo-miln- talntog qualllles of this wonderhil pf®P®' ration are slmpiy marvellous. Dr. A . M. Cook, of New Castle, P i,, tlates that he umlnlained llfo In his wife, while suffer­ing from gastric ulcers, for three w**®* without giving her anything through the mouth, Injecting Bovlnlno Inalsad.

VYIth well results as this, It Is not to tw wondered at that lloTluIno la Indorsed by phyeWane everywhere, and has become rccognlxed as the greatest factor in saving Ufa, hastening rooovery from slckneis, and wavdUig off dlasase, evs» fflvm to toxn-

Til# kauthern NewipapiT >l*li Itrtweni- li#rrd an A<i|USl*l*n<'e and llrliied Him.Henry W, Orady, whose pen gave the

Huuth hew IhouKhm aiid w lioH# *llv#iy clo- uut-nc# awakened « -idrll of broilici-liood in the North, cnnl-'i ih# -unshlnc o f his lihlloeophy Into hi- ''UTyday life, E*-

daily was he lh> uf the poor and liuinhle: Mr. Onnly ulwu>* K>'mpalhlx#d with a man that wae i.nik#-h# Imd heent

opinion ot beroixing viceoui precedent to eetablUh. and may lead tbe weak to evlU , j »‘ ‘ Let usnow look at the other aide of the picture. What effrat has a good play upon the humau mlndT Upon the adultUjc saiiie ea a spirited addrm by an luipired orator, like ft eudell PnllUpi, in a great orlM., In youth it aranaea the happy, buoyant, chivalroiu emotions, auch e i a perusal o f ft'alter Boott* Ivan- bue’ or ‘ Count Robert oi Paris' la lure to do. Booh plays make men and w ^ e u Hie belter for their preeeataltoB. They develop the beat impulse, o f their nalurea

"T h at such plays can be made lo pay i* evidenoed by tae ovorflowmg huuie* which greated in doy. gone by Forre-l, Miicready afad the elder Booth In tiieir imuenioualions o f VirginuiX, flpartacus Julius CsB'ir und olner nerolo onaractera.In reoont times, too, J can mention nve cl-ac iilaVB ot lighter mould than Ihosa 1 have luat enumeraled which haveallalned greater, more pronounced and more en­during auccea. than any o f tho tainted dnimua trom abroad. Ibcso are 'Blten- andonb,” " HaxclKirkc,” "T h e Banker’ . Dsuguler," "H enrietta'’ and ‘ The UEiiaior." , .

" A l l kinds o f clean playacan b* made tbe median] through which a moral can be adduced, but nn a mental tonic, pure andslmplo. I believe comedy la by far the best. Good comedy is like good wloe. U should effervesce. When It obouiids In ooimc slloallons, sparkles with bright dia­logue und 1. redolent with wit and nuraor, lin es Ino aims tffeel upon the Jaded iu- lellecl a* oliaiiipagoe ba* upon the e i - h.usled athlete. 11 aromiet menial and physical activity and is as good a* tonic to a malarial patient Aamoaiot ourhuatoeas aud professional men are at tha end or y. . -------« -------, j — lory pretty

BTOOK BROKERS, llsy .nil 1.11 iWJ'ti Ueili .nJ dtkla ea IS.w

Terk Kiehaiif*. .n l caiisTt Beirl of Trad* •litiM tor omD or oa nitr fl«

110 BRDAD IT.#AUta BaUllaTk

Tti-pheii* IflJONewwk__________Newark, M.J.SAKE lNV*aTMIlNTI-

ti.m 11,800. eooo. ttwo. n.o(». twiiocan be Ilaowl estorrt-olaa* toad aan mongat* Mcurlly OB property wotU deuW* tha aasuat wd iDiica by oalllng on

CUARLBI A. ratCK, CoaiM«llDr-4t-LRiWs

02i m ffl.

l1.»A.lft3 sa IsUUs&tl 7i


AM/.I D«I>D. - - • - PresWant.A .»t . UDSrkot vatu**) Jan. 11 *».»«,«■*.*«» toLlabllltlra H.Y.and SU*a SUuid'

•rd ............. ............................SurDlua by W- T. StAQii-

c .7 a ,i» wI'uliulflM AUi«inl«ly Non-torl*U»b»<) Alter

Hlitroed citfi» of tepM the policy IM oominiwd forci Icni eH ll* vMlu» will PMy for; or, U

urel*rreil ft wild-up polbiy Cor It* lull velu* l»AfSr'ibVMCoiSVeftP. poHd** inconUftU-

blf. *rnj «U rontrlclIoDR ftft lo rfrWftnoe, |r»Tftl or -sciuputlon «r« r*mov*4, . -aC*»h 1o*n» arc m*de Ui th# «tent of flO p*r eent of tb» rewfv# valtte, wh*rt valid ftiftl^* SnentB ol ib« poUcldft b* ipftdt M oollAtftrftL**£JlI2* paid ImmedlfttoJy oampUtloo mad •DVravft) of prooPi. _________



JMIIES t. COE t CO.IM OBd lOS Mnlberry fit-



NoUc* of revision and ooitkUoo or lemewy and charter cl#«lor: «.-#ralPnbllo notice 1* lw«'nfBoerd. ot RMletry In and for th* eever" 'je ’ S*

bS elMitondietricu or tho JJ,, will meet at tho several plaeea herelnaner" " ' ' “" “ TlV'kDAY, APRIL a. T o'clock lo th# morning, and rarmln In ece-lion until u o'clock in tho e**” l®|!.poo# or revising and eorr«tlBg the r^etra uSTTho laet general sloelloii. By s d ^ J tootetothe name* and iwldencei of a® J * " ^lo th« rlftht of ftuflriMKft In in* ftftla •ftVBrftia .rd e anif olectloo dlitriDts, at th* nest •'“ “ h-JJ tin er el«:tloo, and who .tollthem In person, or itoll *“ shown by * wrttt^afPdft^t of ft l^ftl votftr of ftuch dlfttnct to wlh« MBi« of *ny perwJO who* ftll*r ft w r o^pw tuftlly to bo boftrSr fthftll b« *h o ^ iiJdenoft Uiitd lo vote Uioroln by roftien uf n»»i*rftwaeno***^I^bli^'oticft 1ft ftlionuftl chftTter rlftctlon of ih* city of Nftwftrk willbe told '* APWL 8. 18f*'th* poll* to b . open from * o c ock In the mora- Ing until T o'clock In the cvcBlna.

The -aid Board* of Registry will »r>o toe - ctorter etoctloB will be heh! " , „ ‘toOT®

I. and tha poll* WlU be open for to* « - Mptioo ol voters In th* several e '“ *‘2 !. - irlou, at th* fo>low‘ 'qU|;»™*®J’J?°**' *“

..........« s*v«.th * « .tSS3®‘ V.V#................................ Bruftd ftt*Fourth ’ ' Armory, Oiwn** ftt,....... ....... .........c*Btrftl ftVft,

/ ■..........................,.4M Droftd it#*W^Nftw Cftthollo InftUtuift*

....... 14b Hftlftty ftt.............aM Plftftft ftt.

........ S4II Plftna it.......... 43S ^'ftftblnctMi ftl*

............ 4d Court It...*>6 Wftftblngtoft it.

thtrd w a r d . ” ........50 South Orftnift ftTft*Weft Klnn«y ftt*

***' ......... iTi Howftrd it#W«ftt Kinbfty ft.

, .......... ,,150 Chftflion it.! ! ! c o f iw nafclfty ■!. ftRd Wftv«rly pi.

■ftJd .Sftoond..........Thtrd...........Fourth.........Fifth...........Sixth.#........B«V«Bth.S>>e«FIrrt....................SftCOfkd..^.be.Third..................Fourth.........*.......Fifth...Blithe



^ventb.e.srtr«t........... .Second........Third..........Fourth*.4#e,Fifth...........Sixth.*.eseeeFlrftt..


hrtt wfty hImftFlf m'\i '.tl limpB. Hlftrhar- liv UMinlly k#l't bl- oinpty.

Un# ttfleinuon a t,v(n' u( ijrliili'r common I.nougli In the Kmiili-ni country a few ,# a rs ago, hut nine.' iln (iilv#nl o f type- si'llliig machine* -.'lilnln -#ni nnywhore, went Into tbe t’ on»mullun oil!## on, a

, nsn-handltog'' tour, ttum# o f the report and editor* coiitrUiuieil to his relief

fund hut most of tlnin didn't. Finally Mr Tourist reachwl Mr llindy'a desk.

•Don't let nt# liuvrnipt you, Mr. Urndy. Jii»t dropped In to *## your co-lnborpra null yourself—aud collect n few h lti," he

very hii*\- iii-ilay, and really I linvciv't a sou," r,'i>h. .1 Urndy, hla big. ui,#n face Iwainhin null kindness on thevinltor. ,, ,,

"Sorry, very, raid the tramp. " I will Ki'o you la te r .'

Ho did. ,in half an hour the man cam# back. Till* time he wviu directly to MV. Orady'a desk and laid upon It a full length "ilim e" sheet, upon which the fullowln* waa prin cd In four-ltoc Id' ll character*:

"H enry ft', tlr.i'1],"T o Ksiii Holdnsor. Dr.

"T o #xpre»B l■UlU■|{.'* on paper, ... M.7A" 10 work for you. eiiiri Mr. Uohln-

tton M ivlari'il hlR lojiK. uuwtulu‘U liiihl m dtjrnnitor ou Ihu 'Mu|ie” »nhet hrtti foud- !v dlHlururtl hl» auburn whiskers with his h‘ fl hand, wlucU was Innocent o f water* "itierkuii you dlsrcnu'iiihar Bam Kobinson. eh?"Koblimon had changed a grent deal, says ihu Detroit I’ m# Pres*. Corn whiskey had iilanted nuni#rou» crowsfeet nenr his ..yes and rather demorallaed him general- IV hut hla nanio, manner and peculiar Jraw l had not chanffd, and Grady In- Btantly recog lUxod them when they were a**oolated togeiber. Grady remembered, too that Boblneqii had lent him 12.75 to get his’ paper out o f th* Skpreia office y ea nI lArorft

"Thiiught It was you all the time. Bam I" e id a im ed Grady. Jumping up. ''Bhake.

"S r ieT e ly T c-to^ ’' reKUed Mr. Roblnaon,"•'Let's'^'hav# *a^ethtiig. W e'll get the

12,75 at tho cotmlkbl-room as we go out. And the giwal Southern Journalllt and

Sam HohIneWl. the tramp, went out to-***A*'f#w daKs talor I m V Roblnaon. He looked like another man. He was about Mr. Grady's rise, and the clpthea he wore looked very mtich like Mr. Oradji^a.

their day’s hunt after gold or glory pretty well tuckered out mentally and pbyaioauy,1 hold that bright, handsome oom M y I* ahuut the best medicma they can take. J think It auile their ta ie -k o d they are the bulwark to the theatre—better ih*D the moat Hlerling tragedy or mMt refined molodrnma. Humor exhilarates,.it eie- valea the senses. I’alhoe lend* to depreM, aud as most o f our suoceialul men hare

niBonie lluieur other In their IIVM „.,.er experience with th. ‘ ®“ » » arrows ot outrageous fortune a rence o f sorrow* similar to tbeiri p w - iruyod upon the stage certainly won* cbocr them spirits If it doe* aronfie theirInterest. i,i.«s

" In thus writing freely upon * auDjrei dear to my beart, a* it la to that o f every actor, it must not bo thought that 1 nave atteroutod to set myself up sa an fiutoor tty nor an arbiter eleganllarum regardlnj draniatio meltari. f am simply OOMg what foreign tourists do after a brief *o- Journ In this country—' writing m j ™ " praetlonx’ " ____________________



Banister&Pollard,206-208 WUBKET ST.

NO PAYcSiIlMfOM, UrlnaTy. Ctronlc DlMises,


..................105 Bomenet ftt.■ ' KbURTtt WARD ^'.'.''.‘.'.'.'.■....'.'.'.....-to Mulberra eu...................M MMhanlo St.

15 L»wr*ft«ft ftie ' “ “ "****.. ..................*0 Green «te

......................SlB Mulberrjrunion ri.

S S ir lh ''''. . . . . . ." .. .. . . ................. to! Fvrry el.......... , ................................MT MaekH sb

.........................»** "onto ora's*

......St..................................................5 » Bunk *u

....................... BaVBNTH WAHO. ^,.107 SbefflftM ftti .85 Ruuex ftVftFirel.s'

F .urth-20S Wftrren eu

..........249 Bftnh «U

m r r i i F i

H o w I h I t y o u c a u b u y H o o i T h l i a p H a p a - r l l l a f o r O l e . * H i i m - p l i r e y * H S p e d f l e e f o r I 7 c . , C a r t e r ’ s l e l v e r P i l l s f o r I S o e , W o o d ­b u r y ’ s f i l o a p f o r 8 5 o * a n d s a v e f r o m 3KS t o 5 0 p « r c e n t , o n e v e r y ­t h i n g a t P e t t y ’ s .



About dentistry we know. Every member of the asso­ciation is an expert— a man who has learning and knowl­edge and skill.

K W# knew how lo do bettar work tha* we are dtilog w . woold dn It. It I* t h* heal workany demist oaa do. We ieoto If aav olharanrwlifr* doea sa good at ANY PRIOB. And yet our tirloes are:

Teeth Extracted..............................JJ*tVltli Gnior Dento.Gold Flllingi.............. .• 5 an? upHist Artlficlsl Teeth (rubber pletel.M

“ DENTO," our wide-awake annetbetlc. gas, 110 pain, no danger, no slsep.

Einh*'........^ i h orangs ave,l.'iJS........ . ..........................*T» Bank et,BlXln.e*eaaa*e»#^^^^^„ w*fk«TkSixthrirrt............gftcond Thlrfl ......FuUrtbta.a**Firib.e.afi®*®

FetaHTH WARD. „ ^......6 Vftft Wiifwen tt,*" ..............Mi Bftllftdita ftVft.

....... m Wftfthltitlrtn ftVft*Bleoantld ftVftst

NINTHe.m HI- ProftpMt t#v«M

P int......Brrmid.atThird..#.Fourtbi)Flrftl...*Sreond..Third...'Fourth*.fifth.Blithe



Fftrktatmt tta 43 Shermfttt «vft.i

.............. ..............IBS Clinton ht*............. ..................10 aUftftbftlh ftvft

t e n t h WARD............120 HeWhorttr «W*......... ..............02 Pftclflo fttb

.■•oiVV'Niw Tork a « ..............' / ‘ I...... ............... iSa South «u........... ..............47 Houfttott ftU

E l ^ v ‘ ............ V...... ...............SI Norfolk ftU..............V .V,eVa................. 90 riPrt It.

u ™j;........ ..............................SIS Omnfo «*........... ...................... « 1 OTftlkjrft

Loaa ot TaMtlea. Imt-MarT ^ fejatohca B t ^ ^ ^ P«"»®P” '®'’ ’

are t r e a l^ YMTer-fbUin| seoeooB*bow muinoilik with

fl, .M !T -® ^ ''«> tj„


B O S T O N D E N T A L' - A S S O C I A T I O N .^

itSJ M A R K E T f t T R E E T .

BLOODDiwaaea. AU

mrma affecting Bodr.Naefe ThwwL Hklp and Bon**!

ffennwon*. Aone. EcBcma. OldSorefeT>.^ ?H ^ iira g*trom w haUTercaqM.

— it.**w end forever expellnd from the sys- poaltWely a w time-tested ramedlea.HllffandBirtllehJrinteand Rh»wi^l*m-the

fVimDlaloto, Painful' PtM; ottUi loo Fr*aMnl or

‘ **TW Bi>ra WARD

U ® ? " ............ : ............. 143 Niagara a*............TtoTBfCTJTH WARD. _______

......■'‘ ■'■."•,■.'.•. 1 Ip IK S iiS f v t...............Mfi ■I’ringflsid av*.

I ? " S ............... ...............9M flouto Orann are.......... irOURTMBHTH W A ^ ^

rir®?;.;........... '.MO ytn**nto ava.Tht™,'.........................................aui Court it.

............ .................... x n Belraoat ava.

...... riFTKBNTH TyARD. _______

...................................Ids Woomfleld av^^PhU '»U r« la glvsn in EyTU *™ ?* *-*of tha Lagtalatura of th* State of New entltiad^Tfurttor supnlommt to to aoIftttng ftVftrtlftPftf' tb* ftftVi l ftiOU •><ni" O T -XUroh *. IkM-

approt^ May 2A iMO, ang medatory Ilwraot and aupple-

VlfiORi'MEHEfifilty, (Mfikly. fwmufft'y IftitorR.

W fi«fe»a«at N firv-ttiB*!**p e M IU f, u d idl the t r ^

tn^tm U nrOMBt9oar*_____ ^

iBwiidWI'UMjV ftte loproMiUM^ •MB*

ERIE MEDI0IL00.,Byffalt.|.Y.

K1DHEY„1 Hlnoriy Uflna, Promptlyicurrjli .*>«> ^

■tltctlonal and A^quirrd WgMmeMM.Located ton rear*. Hundred* of r e f e r s ^

ISk SEOICIL INSTITUTE,ISA Onfiiig® Street, N,ew»r—•

Honte-fi to lO A .N U Ito lM d «tn »P 'ft -

Ctftfk'ft oRlftfte KfWftrffs Hi iftWM* B. 0 '<^N O ItCity CTftrtt. .

F O A sN I N K

RUPTURE CURED^ b V l i p r o v r t J r u M ^ the otuytniM In exlfttftnce th»l !■ worntoTuie otofOTitain* the rupture under the naraeei •• S le V r eeveVeit a t r ^ . an® -»L® ".^® V i

flS , f w LaSy to attendanoe lor l*dl«a

IU and W B roa d W , «or. Utb •*.. «• »•

.■UI MMh Oraa«,.waftant*d

B. W *»T K »T K L ^ _S 1 3 W a f t h i n g t o n S t .

1rO R 3 0 DAVft o n l y *

Bnslste* 0 * td * ..i ,., .BillHaadi...... .........' ateMeada.............



j l t a r i i e a d * . . I ® -Jnvelopea. any o * ' ® ® * * ■ Hamples TO a P P l ^ l l ^ ^

h sIh i it ; -





•V«»avf.ava,ar«>I ft* ava, I ft«t ft.:vt»LVI*.

:S :an .anw

t*g9m. an4ippla-r. UR.•fit.

Ir Uttt.aaki5ToaUi



tim}Wi «0m



A C t*A va tiM Haw H blban? ttraH Klaa- tria 1«|M«-Car aail Waga» I>aa«aca4

and Two Han Hart.Tha flrat imtah-up on thi now Multtenr

ttn tt alac(ric line ocovrred at ran nay 1> ao&a avenua and EmnH*! atraet about I

o'clock yesterday afternoon and raaullad In the eruahln* In of tho front o f ear No. |0, the damaalnr of a bijf fumUuro van Iwlonaihv to J. Keatlna, of U4 South Park atra^, KHsalwihport, N. J., and Injury of two of Mr. KeaUnf*! employea, William Pchaffar, tha drivar, and hla halpor, John hlrkey.

Bchaffcr and hti helper were on their !Way to Hllaal»ethport with Ihe empty van,

Pnd when they r«ache<l Kmmet aireet hey heard the car eomlnf behind them.

It was In ebaraa of Molorman John Toy and Ck)nduetnr Thomaf MuMtfan. The driver aiaried to pull out of the track, but at the lame moment another car hovs In alKht and befori he could dei'lde whal to do car No. t(i atnick the van, iTeaklnir the axle and itartlntf the team of hones off.

Iloth men wen thrown to the atreet. and for Several minutes Hickey, who had n*


ce iv ^ the worst Injuries, was unconsetous. IJoth were carried Uiio N. A. UaLr^et]!^rcM-ery siori. at the I'Orner. and Ur- Towls was summoned. HIrkry was M»verelv cut about the forehead and half a dnicn atltches wa* requlrsd, Schaffer was In­jured about the riba, hut not lertomly The huraes were taken to the Miller street aiahles of the tractloh company sud kept tht>rs until this morning when Mr. Keat­ing called for them.

There li a deep rut In th« atreel at the spot where the accident occurred and more than one accident has lieen caused through It. It Is said that ths city author­ities have had their attention called to the riit. hut that no attention haa been paid to iht complaint.

Colored CaagregsIloM lo Mefer a Matlsr to the i'baaesry I'eart f«»r ■stilottiwit- A large msstiug of oidored akttroA mem-

bWf ww beki !■ Onu|« Um nlcbt M dMld. Am IIj opoo ■ w»jr of brlnglnf tb» dhput. o w Ui. Utb to th. ohurcb propNtr «> 0.hw.tod bTHM, OrMf*, >ow orcupiad br th« Union ItopUM t'burcb, to .latW M tory OOKluttOB.

A i>’» y « m ago itia Ebannar aid Kacoad BapllM obun.'lH. I'lnia togtlhar aad formail « bat It now known at tba Uolot Baptlit Cfaurob. Tba Hacooil Baptiat Cburch bail a oontract of tal* ol tba projwrtT aow in illa- pote with Itaa Murtb Onu|a Baptl.t t'burcb upon wblch wat paid ♦l.ikW. When the cburchaa were unItaJ Into on* Ibe Uiilm Church paid all tba unoa.y rtiia on tha con- tracfi axcM plbb, Ou account of aoiua IrragularltM in tba proocallaga at tha tiiua tha cburchaa combluad thara haa baco troubla near tba pruparty aaar liaca.

Iba Union Church wanta ibe land and to do tha fulluwan of tba old ifacoud Haptiat Church, hut tba NorUi Uraega Baptiat Church, which li willing to «lva tho pmic urtr to tha partiaa who aecnrt the lagal right to It, will not g in a daed until all trnuola betwfon tho dUputing facitloaa u adjiialed.

Tha meeting lait night Totod to haea Nalliau C. IIortoB, oouiihI for tho Uuloo C'hurob, dla a bill In Caancarw to anforou tba old contract and bava tha dtad oouTuyad to the Uuton Cburch after it haa paid the bnlaaca dua on tha aala o f eoiilrai’t. which la flihO with iiiwraat-

The Becond Baptiat Cburch clalma to ba iacorporatiHl and will bold no alaotioii of truataao on Thuraday night. Tha Union Baptiat Church u aot inoorporated, oo tho rt'ciiban ol tba Bacoad Baptiat Church aUln.

’’ZIEMlimtilik IT IS impossible to pass through any aisle o f our

store without being impressed by the sacrifice of values in

' every line of goods.

R i g h t on the threshold of spring we present bar­

gains in new and staple ar­ticles. Is there another store in the State that i* doing this?


w outH O E V E R pixts money expects its valu? in return. We have a

way of giving a great deal more for any'sum of money left at our store.

OEANOK CITY ArPAlUK. A SOUTH OHANOH PU llfAflY.T'ba Hleh Street A*M»«m^nt*>S«w«r Halid*

tng A<'rnn»t (tiM»k**-<Hh*r M altrn.City Counii«l Klngxley ■ul>mltt^ ftti

opinion to tho Orartgf Common Council Jaat night In refrn^nce to th« aaaaaament on (ho nukcatlamlilng of High i t r ^ t from Main itre#t to I^ark avenue. Th® prop- «rly*own^ri on th® atr^ct. Im'VudIrvg the t*1ty CounMl hltuMir, hav® obtained a writ o f cafiOoraii on (he aHCiSniem proceed­ing®.

Mr. Klngiloy said that In hla opinion the aaaeaamenti were not collectihl®. Iieraune tha «xpena« of repalrttig tha centra of iKa street had been Incluoed with the mac­adam ooat.

In a personal letter to Chairman Hiker, o f the Fingnee CoumUtee, M r Klngalay offered to obtain at hU own expenae the Opinion of either Joaeph Coult or ex-Jpdge Stevena. Il waa decldeil (hat Mr. Klnga-lev ahould aecura Mr. CouU’a opinion.

On II racommendatlnn of the Fire Commu­te® the Fifth Word hoaehouae wai ae- cppted and a warrant onlereU drawn for the amount ot th® final payment on ihe building. An appropriation of JaPO waa made for furnlanfng the f

The Uapubllcawf Held a Large a ^ Mm * ffam oaloaa Meeting*

Tbo Hopubllcuoi of South Uruog* Town- •hlp lu t uigbt hold tho l«rg«*t *nd ran*t hw- luouloiu primary m*»ting hold iu Ih* town, •hip by that parly iloou it* uxUtoooe. rboro wer* 150 Toto. citft, Th* moutlog coil-*n*d «tih« Btpublicau Club'* bu**rtur» xnil aftorwanl adjouruwl to Kii.plro 1 1*U. Chirle* llorjon • « toltotod u a owmbur of the Couoty Couinilltou from tho FInt d»- trlct ani.1 Robort Ward wai uapiwl from th* Hoenud dlitrlot. .

I'bf* thu following tlokot wai nomtoatadi For rntnibcn of thu Townthip ComiiilM^ Frederic A. DalWo, Hilton; rtilUim H Kemp, Meplewood; oamual B. Tlllou, South Uranga rlllagr. Juaticaof lb* Pea. * for Sra ysaii, 1111*01 O. Merck; thrw Tear*, I)*nlol Tlllou; o»* year, Fhlllpjpatrioh. Sur-

A UlT o r -1*. X." C'OHKKTS. Iu wbllo and drab, inarked ■ecouila Wecnn'I *e* aurtUlui the lualler will. Iheni. You niai. but we doubt It. Regular TCc., toe. and

T o-m orrow 59c.

I^adlcB* G e n u in e F re n c h K.ld B u t­

to n ed an d lA C c d Bhoea, rcflrn-

l a r f 4 .9 S S h o e * , ( h r

$2.59 per pair.We warrant thme

yiMHla thnmlne Frenrh Kni, nut iluugula kkl* l*aria Kid, Kreiich tpaard k1di>r anyntlirr It Id.but (ienuine Frenrh Kl<t,«i)d what Tou have Ih'fii paying HUH for* Wa have ev»ry *lt® and width and plenty of (hern, In alx dlffnreol khaitea and ulylfx of

t\\*. TIilala iheUr*aiH(

liefialn that hai

®rir U'rn offarad !M<a. Juaithinii^a «4»Hbua

For $2.59.

HF.WKD w e l t8H0r*b, laced*|r®H and Hludier, fine calf vaut|c dou* goJa tope, a vamty of popular aliapatowto aefact fTYtm. ThU• lu»® in Mild by regu­lar aline dealrra At You ran buy them

Id our Mrn'aHbne

HepaH- ■ nient

VS'rd uaa-day me


SKIItT I* the iiKItlMl Bovril)' ever .howu by u*. New York *ud Pblledriiihia hove token It witb * rwb. N*w*rk will follow. We h»vo control o( It (or New*rk, having fnrnl.hed the material*. I'hUaddpbl* and N*w Yoik price,

Every Kind of Street and House Shoe at Low Prices.

Our Price $1.69.»eyori of HlghwAira Uwi* P. T*ylor,ttol»rt

Ra lmund. Couitobl*. Henry Cbc*biiw.W

houae, Includingth* (lactrical Are xong.

Alderman Metihcw* brought up thoquretion of the examination of the book* ot the Sewer Depnrlment, for which tMO ha* Wen approprlxted. He nald he had learned thal Carrol I’hlllpa Itoniett. the engineer In charge of the *ewer conitruc- flon, hart wmicn the oommlttee . letter, .n d ao the Idea had Iwen aliandoned. Al- derman Brady ainted that the Inveatiga. tJon would he made at lome time soon.

t'ommiuloner* of Appeal, l iw li 1'. Taylor, Obarlw A. Mental. Ovenaar of IW * If humlnatioD ia to be in»dak Hubert D, BiwWer.

ClIutonE. Hmah rtafaal*! HamuelB* TU-* lou fur tba nomlogtion of Tuwwihip Cofl> mittaeman, but be decUnad tba honor In favor of the defaatO'l mnn.

Tba following auma war.* voted: Towufliiwnvlijpl u r p ^ poor, |5Uh; roada, |3kWllligbta. |i,(lU0.^ fo r o .be maatlng wljournw! a vote of

Th# Improvement 8 o<'My o f Ihe Urangt*® preaenlfHi a protrtl agatnat fh® ibr«jwmg

tbankaanil tbraeebaera were glva.i for -Mr,alof hami bill® on the aireet. and ankM that Il he mad® an offenca punlahable'by line.

The ordinance to prevent ih® erei’tton of *WMden buildings ram® up anti Alderman SBrady preaanteu a numeroualy algned pro­test Bgalnat ita Msaagt*. The prote*t was referred to the Fire rommltfi^.

Joseph N. VVlggln and KdwanI If. Sny­der. owning more than two*thlrda of (he frontage on Snyder atrt-el.' petitioned to Itave croaawalka laid at tna Junction of North Centre and Snyder atreota. Prop- «rty-own»ra on North Centra street be­tween Park avenue and W'aahlngton gtreet petitioned to have that portion of the street macadamtaed and curbed, and g almltar petition waa received from real- fi#nta o f Bradford street.

Brufth (or tha aarvica# rendarwl the towaahip till® be waa a naamhor of the Towuihip

fotuiuittve. Charle# Piarion wa^aUocom- piiineoted aa a ftmuljr ComuilHeemtD, ai wer# abo all tha n)d raembara of ihetOmaty C'onimitlee repiwuentjng Houth Oraogo.

Children’s Hose.eueriA i. k x t r a o r h in a r y - Ribi«d.

full wauilmi. duubl* klin'. two-tbraad. ttu*. Willlmantlc yarn, llil* IIdIi Ii.

Sliiw 6 tn "H,Valuft, Bk-.

« and BH

Special I2'c. 15c.



Slontolalr Ladl«* tV orkfngto Aeeure lU p-T cnlatlodw-Thetr A ppaal.

emocrallc prlmaiisa lo be held In Montclair to-night the chairman of th® rirat and Fourth Ward piimarlea will re­ceive the following raaolutlon® from th® VTomen'a Town Improvement Association:

“ Wherrti, It la believed by the Womrn’a frown Improvement Aaaoclatlon that the aid of women would be beneficial In the running of school maters* and that women tipon the School Board will add to Its uas- fulneaa and eSlclency; therefore be It

“ Resolved. That ine Woman's Aasorla- lion i^tltlon the pKmarlea to place ui>on

Cbargad WOh naving f^btalaeU tiaoda Vwdar FalM rreleiiee.

John F. Slmpaon, of Orange Valley, who received the contract for the Moun­tain avenue aewer In Montclair, which thal town la tiQjf completing, waa arrest­ed at hlB home yesterday by Oonatable Foster and lockad up at the iiloftmiteld Police Station, on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretence from Ogden A Cculinua, dealers In tile pipe.

Simpson, with an Italian nametl Puglia, aecured thi contract for the aewVr In Montclair, and on December 10 SImpaon went lo the Bloomfield Ann. It la said* and aiatisi that I^gllo was hla partner on a contract to construct the Montclair sewer, and told the ftrm to change the good® lo the ftrm of Pugllo A Simpson.

The atatement of fllmpeon waa lourici to be false- According to Ogden & Cad­mus, and they caused hla arrest.

We are recelvlag dally* large ehlpmeoU long dalaye*), fhk, peTcelei* sAtetns, rn*tM>ns, madrta rbevlnp*, hIo.. osaklng a Ifuly be­wildering display ai loweat prioea we liave •ver beard of.


on wtltleth 3 ticket a wtmian. that, m othen mayhave some representation In the work in xvhich they are ao directly Interested.'*

In the l^rst Ward th# name o f Mrs. Marietta Mflmhalt. who was defeated at the Republican prlmurlea (or a iiomlna- lion, will be recommended, while 1q the Fourth Ward Ulsa Elisabeth Hablicrtonfwlll be put up.

The chanc» of Mrs. Marshall are brightd her candidacy meets with the appro-

ny of the Democrats In the ward It waa at flrat Intended to have can-il

and h' 1 ^ 1 of

A Freeholder Cosamltto# Makes Plan* for Praeileal wera-'To Change Quarters. Tba Uoadi and AseeaameQi Commilteo of

the Board o f Chosen Fr®®iioldan mol joMor- day aftamooD aad decided to move in April ■from their praaant quarters ia the C r^it System Building to rooius in the Globe Building. , ^

The members are going to look over all the county roads withru the next two weeks* begiuDing to-morrow with Frellnghuyiion avantte and Hontb Orange areuue.

dales In all of the wards, but on aecond thought th# women earn® tq the conclu­sion that It would be wtaer to concentrate their efforts.

The Woman's Christian Temperance T^nlon of Montclair at a meeting yesterday

'Tbav will exanaiiH FrallugbuTsen avenua ■ 'l a V ” ' •

afternoon had the queatlon *‘Qught 'Wom- 1 Bonrdit** brought upbyen to Be on BchooM . . _ . .

Dr. Mary D. Hoasey, o f Baal Orange. Dr. Hussey declarad that the needed on the Ij^rd.

with nfareaoa to the advisability of taking ten fast from the tldewalki and addisg It to tb® roadway,

Th® application for a franchise for ih® Passaic and Newark Railroad waa laid over

! again. ______ ^

women were


BJoaMlleld, MoateUIr and Nearby,The anU-trolUy people of Montclair are

to prepare a otreutar which will b# ready In a few days, urging upon the piople to

TTork Uoae by the Councllmeu—A iture keeper and Hts Awning.

Councilman Sandford reported at the ^onlclalr Town Council meeting last night that th® Are alarm poles on Watchung avenue were unsightly and that the Gamewell Fire Alarm Company should be made to erect tho poles according to eontract. The company will he requested to stick to the contract requirements.

The Water Committee recommended the extension of the wattr mains on the Val­ley road (rom Little Falla road to Mount Hebron road. Tha Hoard o f Health sent a communication to the Council stating that the ventilating pipes which the Council favored placing upon houaea where aewer connectlona hive been made* were not tiecessary. as the manholes give all tha ventilation necesaary.

The Bank of Montclair naked permlaalon to place wires on the toIds to connect with the police atatlon. The Sewer Commit­tee asked for S90O (o finish the work of John filmpHon on Mountain avenue. It was agreed to.

The request of J. Blorman to erect an

vole against tha giving of a franchise for a trolley road through the town. The anII-trolW cltllens will aupport candi­dates at the coming election who promisea trolley road through the

willto oppose the form o f rapid transit.

The caaeof Dr. Charles H. Shelton agalnat H®rre De Vausney before RKior der Morris yesterday^ In a suit for fbiO for medical aervlcea, resulted In a verdict ofM fur the physician.

Rev. D. W. Aylaworth waa given a far#- [I at the home of Mfa. C, C.well reception at the home

Dawkins, on Broad street. Bloomfletd. laat night. Mr. Aylaworth for the past eleven weeks haa been conducting a revival at tha Dark MethodUt Church, of which his sun, Hev. R. M. Aylaworth, is pastor. Mr. Aylaworth will preach for the laet ttine to-night* and wfll start for hie home m New York State to-morrow.

The Republican Kxecuilve Committee of Bloomflefd at a meeting laal night de

i cJd«l In favor of holding tha primaries on■ ‘ ' ■ lU ■* * ‘ —

awning tn front of hla store came up for consideration. When It waa reported that

Aprll^S^and Ihe convention on the followjha^ea M, I^ k w ood , of Bloom Held, for

twenty-three years the Janlioi’ of Olive Branch Lodge, 1. O* O. F.. retired iMt night, sod at tba conclusion of the meet- Ing tendered the members _a rcoep-

Blerman had already ereoted th® awning tha Council ordered Town Clerk THppett to write to the storekeeper to appear be-tor® the Council at the next meeting and aipialn his action.

lion at Iho American Houat’. The lodge win meet In th® Harris Building on May 1.

David Bralnerd Hunt, au old cttlsen of Montclair, died yesterday afternoon at the home of nls son-in-law, ex-Asaenihlymanjghn H. Paraoua, at UpperMontclalr. Mr,

Montdafr**Falm«r tkix^s Urownle#** »n ihe Atage.

Jefferioa* Klaw «n.d BrUogar's proUuetlQaof *Ki ‘ ............... . 'eobi'a

Joier Cox s Browntei at H. R. Ja* Tbaalre, M'^oday* Ihioiday aad

^adntadgy tvanliui of nest w«ax, Is the RWst aolable attraeiion offaml ak that pUy- housa tbli ataaoQ. Jd order to aeoura tkla at-tractioB Manager Jaceba for tb# flrsi. time in the history of kit tbaalra, has bean obliged, owing to hla oontraot* to ^vaace hi* Kale of prioaa. For tba eoKagemtnt of *<Tha Browalaa'* aoly the priews will raofe from |1.50 for tha beat

Hunt came to Montdafr from Brooklyn nearly thirty years hao. He was a char­ter member of the First Congregational Church* but later Joined the Upper Mont clalr Congregational Church.

A memuers* meeting of (he Montclair Tqung Men's Christian AaecH-iatlon w u held last night, at which Jerc M. Cobb, SlocutloniM, and the Guitar and Mandolin Club of the association, took part, A re­ception followed.

A U ea iit ifiil L e a d e r ,Chocked salines In two-toord* acarcaty dis-

tlBgulahah^e ata<Ilslaaee fron: silk, two rows velvet irlmnduir. |}oibt ynks back* puff front*

“ ■ - tbitrlmiited xousve Jacket effect, ito^ib eiB,

To-oomii $149

NEW { FURNITUREChaip. Mtdum iiS Nl[b-6nd« Q«odi. Th* B «l S i l » iiS /Unp L«m i I PriMt.


Thli <l*t*td -Vpi*!"* I’«flor 8n1t dike cull, ui)liiii«tci'.;d In broc*.ton^. willi «iik plmli trimjnlo^, J J 2 .7 3woul trlnx* aud ,Li inrins edx«,


K.lantil tli Ouuch illk*

JD ]« ln III.AUK AKROR. to IncliM wid*, nvnUrlAc., HPErJAL *0*.

pnlr* NAVY Hld'E B&KnS, to Inch**ID p____ -w(d*. r*(Dt*f Me„ HPECJIAL SOr.

NOTE-Na mar* to b* h*d M Uil* priM.



a patterns of RLRA(^KF.D TABLE DAM ld«*M(ln flnUh, regular Napkins lo matoh % and

path. - ______ -- - ___ -AKa, TQ ineliet wld«* aatln finish, regular ftV^PEt’lAL 7 ® t .............................. *-else.

8 patterns HLKACHED DAMASK, TO tnrhee wtda, r ^ la r The., hPKOlALfiAr. Napkluato match.

AS W E expand our stock,

we contract our prices. That is why we are al­

ways selling goods lower than any one else.



CARPETS,with faurd«r* Ici m*l*b, would b« *h*»p to

ll.ltll p*r Tkrt.OUR I’ lUl K, TO ClAWB OUT,


If ynn na®d a rarpet don't tnlia Ibis ebangi^ Coma early In the week fur best ebote®.

ft nteoea HtLVRH HLKACHSI) DAMAHK. M Inofies wld^._ Never offend befura for Ismthau hM*. bFEUIALAdc*

out), all spring edge* upbof-

|»t®r®d in Lest w'lb

'I lk S U .M .Hprrial lot of Uordaruy Uuucbas*----------------- _ _.A. . { ( -all a^rlBg Mat* worth |I<X for.


CLOAK ROOMAnoltaur NfW Sirlf. raiwl* In Antlqu* 0»k,

jF-oll Box l^.ii fin* r.n*. lArK* Hlic Uiulri* *n i Arm Cbnlr* (like cut>-'

DININf), n*. (Ci.75, foi


LA DIES' BLAL’K AND TAN JACKETH, douhla braaBtfil. reefer effect* extra large ileevee* value ipeclal

8 4 , 0 5LADlEtr RROADCLOTH CAPEH, flne

qufUtiT. black and tan, heiidsomflr braided, extra full sweep, value |* special

8 5 . 0 8.ADIES- FINE SERGE SEPARATE IRTH* lineil iKrouihQUt* full back* full

sweep, Tslue fti-On, epeual8 4 . 9 8

..... $1.90$3.75


ARYLrex. $D.UD, fnr

Dpl*«* SILVER DAMASK, DD Inch** wld*. r*gal*r tic , SPECIAL »»*.

« pi**** IU.EACIIED DAMASK, ID Inch** wldc.SI'ECIALIAc. )f*rd.

Ondown HLKACHED n a p k in s . Minch**, ngutor S1.00, SPElTAl. M*.

MISHF-S’ AU..W00L REEFER JACKETS, 4 to 14 Yc*r*. n*vr btuaaixl r*d, notched eol- lur, Ixrx* tlievia, vxlu* fJ.4D, .iioctol


4 ye«r«, n«vj bin* »iiU red, braid trimmed, pearl button*, larn* ilacT**, value$,apoclal

8 1 . 2 3

P e r fe c t V is ion s o f L o v e l i ­ness In O u r N e w C re ­a tio n s in H e a d w e a r .

ThI* Fine Mnrrli R*dln-i Chfffoenler Fold- Ing (Jhnlr (like cut), aq*!lng lieda (like cut), tiaueoftk aud mahogany anllqiie or manog.- ftnlfh, rrvereabli) cuib-*injr AdIsIi, worth lone, worth |U, for fur

$ 9 .9 8 . I e B -9 9 *wo NEW STYLES IN FANCY TABLES.

GRANDE xhibition *nd Sale

— OF-

4 0 0


BIG BOOMUG BiSEMEITSln**p('nt Weler Until**. Ilacurat, the** are

aaperUI (4.W article, •«.*I4.ChlM Frnlt Heurer*. the regular 10*. and lie.

kind. Be. earb.

Antique Oak ClixmlwT Suitcut I, 3 piece*, rex. ll.VUO. for...........


Antique Chnmiwr HiiU (like rut), three nlenr*. worth 117.141. fo*......


In Rar* and Anllque Penlnn, Roknrn, D*fH- ••ton, TIDI*. t'**bmrr*. Armaulnn, Cirra**lnn and Egyptian Rug*. OtrptU and Porll*r*a

Till*I* on* ot the flnrat •iblbltionaaf OB- • ntol product* ever pr**«pted In till* nounlry, and •iiibrae** good* taken from noted mixquea, temple* and blilorle place*. ONE RUG IS OF PURE SILK, and wa* l*o *aldl made for a Perilan King.

n IS YALOED AT $1900.NOTE -This atiperb display may be seen on

second flour* directly over uur main Broad at. eutraDce

Keua. opal egtaenrert, l*r* each.Tumblers, tills blown, engraved or InltteL

5gf* duxen.Natural Baking 8 helli* Ae. aach.('overed Dlebci, )l9o* •aclu ('wtedora, Terra l^utgL glU daeoratlow* fe«

sich.rblua Flower Holders, for decorating, 4H*

sack,I)«coratefI tMatea, any list* 4a* aoch- PlantN. Palma, Hiibber Treea, Aaoleaik

Feriia* F*aater Llllaa* Koh®. at graatly reduoed prleee.

Infanu* Balb Tuba, 40®. «oob.3i-tnoh Drrorated Trayi, tie* aaoh*Horub Hrualiet* aaoh.Handled .'Mme Rruahea. ta* each*Waeh Hoarda, Itei each.Carpet heaiern, 4c.«acb,Champion Egg Ut>r)ierf. lie* aaob.Ktag Hauille rarTlng Knlvaa and Feikg^

lOo* aet.Muffin l*ana.9on frame* Dairy Paua* a, k, Uk

Itanariat extra d®e$> Puadlsg Paoi, ft quart, lOquart; ItetlnsedWa»ih Ba$Tna,axtrahsam Htaru|>ed Cotnndera, Urga; Hollsaed Preaanre K®u I*-b, tergaatiBii Hiataped ^ u ld ^. rgai -.Cake Mnuld®, fancy \ Ktarap Qiiarli: Pleead Blah Pant. 8 ilsat.

Any of (heat artlolei and lott moe® uati be had Id our Kouaefuralwhlgg Departmeul, old baaeiueat,



See our ( ’rockerjr and Gt***w*r* Depart- mcul* fur big thing* at **. ewh.

Wall'll our advirtlwment for EXTR AORD­INARY i'UKUllASE. StXJN TO AKRIVI.

Antique Oak or lml-0*k tatlnn M a h o g a n j Rwker (like cm), *i)1e leaiunr *rat, worth ID, for as.69.

Till* Lur*lr Antique ^*k au>l Mahnganv Flute h Rw'ker, alloover rnehlon, carved tup dike cut), regular |P).D0, for

• 6 .9 9 .(LIKE CUT) ALL fl'/.EH.


Alt t)ie*e rut* exactly ripro*ent the article* In •tyle, price, eie., that we offer *1 thi* >al



Do it with some of our superb PIC-lupeTURKS, just purchased at the sale o f the effects of the BANKRUPT LIPP* MANN MANUFACTURING COM­PANY OF N EW YORK.

A Picture Witli Fraine and Glass at 10c., 19c., 26c., 95c.A. H 1 O I V £ 0 - P R O O F £ T € H I N « ,

Vttb Glass and Wblt« and Gold Framfl,

NOTE-The*e PICTURES are In thi Ba»*m*nl. near th* Broad Street Entranoe.

* * ’ Tlie Finest Assortmeiit o( Spring Goods in New Jersey at Hatne A Co.’s.ST O R E ,

m m In the orobtftr* to twankT-fiv* Mat* In | thCThtully ctrel*.

leptlon follgwed.Then will be no Sunday work on the

Monlffpmery avenue canal tirldge, The ' contractor permitted hla men lo work laat . Sunday. The Townebip Committee heard I aomplalnta abogt It, and Jagued an or4cr that will act Bf a check.

The naooB fur tbit i* obnoui. Tha eipeaiea of ttal* tbeatrieat organixalloa ar* to great that, **0 11 ware It to Bll eyry Hot In B. R. Jacob*'* Ttantr* at th« M olar *cal* ot prioea, tba manog*- nieot W (W low moaiF. Newark will ba tht oaly olty a tha Biatt of New Jareay playad In by “ TW BrownI**,” and already appUco- tloM (op eeati or* being rnoelv*d in o(-Mwa ntopla Tu m m t evening a antnber o f ioolety p w t* from tb* Uratig** will b* : prM m tit “ Th* Braw “ “ aoct wUl b* known at ' Uroikga night.”

An Allaged NnleaM* la Orang*.

kplngfleld and BHIthur*.The Bpiingfleld Choral Union cloe«d Itl

Bret Beaton laat night with a auccvaaful conoert In the Town Hall. Tho event at­tracted one of the largest audience* ever aeaembled In tha hall and the ’ rjR;Ji^ ranged programme wee well received. Th*

icart wot under the direction pt Mlw )od. ot New York, Ik* leader of th*

union. Bealdea the •eleettona by the union ■everal »olo» wore aung by Ml** Itouija Qlrardand Albert Q, Thle*. of New York.

Elmer C. Bnerman, o f South Omnge, County BuperlniendMt of Puhllo Schotoe, will deliver a lecture in the Mlllburn Free Reading Room* to-night. A apectal mual-

New* Hriflt* from Ra,htng Hldga,The monthly union aervlcea o f the

Methodlet and Pre*l>yteHan ohurohe* of Uaeking Ridge were held Sunday night In the Preibyterten church. Rev. Dr. John C. Rankin preached th* aermon. R«v. William F. Randolph waa preaent and alao took part.

The Bteward* of th* M. E. church. Backing Ridge, will hold an Important mealing tn the baaemant of the cburch Friday evening. It will be decided at thia meeting whether or not Rev. W. F. Ran­dolph, the paator. will atay another year.

The three children of E. J. Thompaon, o f Railroad avenue, Baiklng Ridge, who have been dangerouely 111 with pneu­monia, are *ald to be ilighlly better.

The public ichool at Balking Hldge, which ha*'been cloeed for aeveral days owing to the lllne** of the principal, Willett Neer, wa* opened yeeterday, ilr . Near la conilderafaly bettar, although not entirely well. ____________

Tk« Orang* Board of Haolth and the mem- b*r* of the Water Ooinmlltee of the OrangeConiuon Uotiuoll ytttorday altornooa invee- Mgatod th* aU«gtd nulaano* eglitlngan th* 1* Clare farn, tdjolalng the Orange ratap. Yolr. They found that aaout thirty head ot eattl* war* haioed right on th* b«rd*r of th* rntrvoia aad oam* to tha eonoiualon that Inmiedlate lotlon muit b* taken to abati th* nnlaanc*, which Dr. F. J. E. T*treaulh the Uaaltb Ia*p*cur of Orange, nya la rapidly hreoming t dongeroni menac* to bialtb.

Mrs. AmbroM Reeve, o f ' Main itreet, Bprliigfleld, la dangeroualy 111 with pneu- monla, _ .

The Kina'* Daughter* o f St. Stephen * Eplicopal Chur^, Mlllburn, will bold an Easter sale of houaehold and fancy arti­cle* at the rectory Thuraday afternoon and night, April A The proceed* wUl be used to cancel Ihe balance of the. church, debt.

John H. Bader, of Springfield, will enter­tain hts friend* at a reception on Friday night, Ajirll t.

John McCollum, auperinteiident of the Ulllhurn Reading Room*, and C. Loula

Yaaog Itoeh Wo* FiaeiJ WAD.

ight, Ajirll t.John McCol

llllhurn Reading ______ _ ___Corby, of Sprlngneld, have been appointed* m -- r KtolM_

■■Oullty," prcinpay *«id young IMward Beck, Jr., of IB slU m ^rg plmk wheu he £!j,hini to ' wot chatged U th* Third Prooiiiot Police branches In eichstged Court this Bioralng leetiop 01 of the

with havlag vtolated (auitory o ^ . Tbf*

seoKon forbids tbe itsughtsAag o f eSBnais within th* oily limit* wUhout a Tieena*. Th*oomplslnt ogolast Seek wo* made by Dr. Rung*, of tb* Haallh Board, who charged the man wito killing a number of eolva* la

I butofair abop. Juag* Eggsr*the rear ot h ill__ bsr stop.Infuruwd the priaoaer^t ba ^ d no optionbat to flnaklBi 160. wa* paid.

liil* h* did.

Eggar*I option

Tb* fh »

oorrsapondaat* c t the Young Man'* Chri*. tian AuoelaUon of th* Stat* and will sup-

■ Introduction to young men become member* ot lbs

branches In any o f the suburlmn towns.

Ctoims to ■* a llaob Abased W ir*,

U*t Westfield Way.The Bupreme ofltoere ot the Loyal Addi­

tional o f tho Royal Aroanum were enter­tained last night by the Weitfleld council at their rooms In Etta Hall. After tha routine business auppor was served by Caterer Smith.

At their meeting lost night the greater portion of the time of the Wesineld Town-

I ship Committee was token up with sewer builnoee. Engineer Dunham wot prMont, To-day a party of contraotoni will p over the routes, as a preliminary lo mak­ing estimates on the work.

The regular annual meeting‘ • ................. Cli

Fsrgbsoa stTML she 1* very Her bnsbead. she (aid.

. aiaob tbuiwL freqneiitlT beat her

and a week a g o o ^ bloolwitag te r eye he her out of tb* kouea Slim* thn , she

deoland; be bod persiitwitly refueed to per- “ ••^.(A ijR Intotb* room* iM , ih* hod

lobllgaiorieepat « iwtrtboi'e bouM. Id for Smith’s on

of th*stookhuldere o f the Westfleld Club wa* held at the clubhouse Ihli evening. Four trustee* together with president, vice' president, secretory and treasurer wereCl®Ct#Y]i

Noel R. Parks ia president and J. W. Ferguson dlstriot clerk of the new Crsn- fariT Board of Education.

A warnmt w m Isniid f lorieet.

The Cranford OounoU of Foreetera willhold an rmporunt meeting at th* OperaHouse lodgerooms this evening.

Miirr1*tnwn and Clisthetn.An allcKcd plot to rob the homes of

Wealthy realdent* wh* live in Ih* vicinity o f Morrlitowu wa* revealed yesterday by a coiwloui-strlcken member o f sn or- gsntii'il K*iik of thieve*. Reoently Mr. □odfrey, who resides near Convent Sts- llon, on the road between Morristown snd Msdlsan, hnd occaetoii to dlecharge hli Qermaii hired man. The latter went to New York, and, meeting two o f his tellow-

a plan, ft is c la im ed ,-----countiYnion, _ . — . .arraiiaiHl to rob the Godfrey realdence.also the Hutlerworih houae. situated on th* Walnut Grove road, north of Morristown.Stonhelmer, the member of the gang who revaleil the aliened plot, wa* to do the advanco work and ascertain th* lay of

Two Islsrettlns CQii®#rts*The Rutgers CoUegs Oles Club will give concert et Aaiocletiou Hall to-morrow

night. Th* Uv*ly mt*rtafnm*Dl* o f•tudanta art pejraUr In this city.

At tbe Esaei Lyceum ou Friday night tbe Newerk Sympkoaj Club of tba CoHege otHiwlo will give its third orobastrai ooaoert. Louis Arthur Utussll is tbe conductor, and Miss Maude Young will appear os a *0 - praso tolnist.

4 iJ » Tof reaaonf why you ihotfkl In- slit upon having Dr. Pierce's PItoiaiit FallMi, okt In tb*lr ptooe: —

IM Ills ISM* g « EJu R -M

Accordingly, while hie two com­bining under an ever-

he cslTed at the Godfreyths land.panlon* tuy In green hedge row, eshleiire In the guise

Ing under an ever-of He

teggeii aomelhtiig to eat, and wa* treatsd 10 klnilly by Mrs, Oodfroy that he deter­mined 10 frustrate the plans of hla pals,

Inilly by Mrs, Godfrey......fd to friiatiate the plaand did so t>y making a full confession to the woman. Hla confederates, becoming weary of walling for s prearranged sig­nal that the coast wa* clear, left their hiding places and look lo Ihe woods. Stonhelmer remained at the Godfrey house until the return of Mr. Godfrey, to whom he retold his story. It being desirous to apprehend the other men. Mr. Godfrey, aocumiianled by Stonhelmer. came to Mor­ristown and engaged Ih* aervlcea of De­tective Hay* lo work up th* case,

Bev. J. H. Gunning, pastor o f the Bed- Aveniie Baptlsl Church, In Brook

Treasurer; tliorge W, Genung. secretary, ■ ---------- - Clark.and Howard Young,

Tlic Board of Trusteespubito sehools met lant night ' bnllifing organised.

of I'hathamTownihlp'L , ------ -----------In ths school bnlldlng snd Lots were drawn for tn* length of terms of office. Hobert Btoke. Charles Jolmson and Edward I'. Miller wire chosen for on* year; Edward Blaster, Edgar Hopping anil Charles L. Cbovey, two years; Charles G. Strang, George E. Ponte and A. A. Condll for three years, C G. HIrang was elected Clerk of th* hoard.

FrsnkllB and Mutlay.A birthday party was given tiy .Mr. and

‘ Balch ........................ ...Williams at their reel. Tennis plao*,t*utley, .. _ .

In honor o f Ih* •l«v*uth birthday annlver-Mr*. Jose^idence, on last night.

*ory of their »on P*rcy.The Monday Night HawUng 1

loirnamont at the honw of

fordlyn, ami who wa* until recently a resident ot Miirrlsiown. haa had served upon him by counsel for his wit* paper* notifying him that Mr*. Gunning ha* begun pro­ceedings for a limited divorce.

After having remained Idle for • period................... - ................... "llTof three years, the silk mill* at Stirling.

Morris County, resumed operattoni yeiter-

Baoaias tbeyV* tb* omuMflf, land tb* jifrasanUif to taka

BMOwTlI^'re (be muiMt In their ways No dlsturfiaiiqB, no


dlsturbanoe,naettoa' afterward. Tbalr ti- focts HUti

ThiT oheolutoly and p*rao-Dsntly ours Billomim^ JjsdJ.

mast vnmmon cousd o f nlM n consUpetkm, By.rwntoYing « • eoas* a cure I* effectoa.

Jfonlpofflrrg, Orange Co, JF. Y. FilllO*i DMir Sfr - 1 sufewd ^ to H


f he funeral eervlcee o f the late Charlea D Wlltherger. foremen of Humane En­gine Engine Company No. J, of Morrla- town, will he held In the Methodist Episco­pal church at !;M o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

While plumber* were at work yesterdayIn a new house In coume of conitrucUoii In Sussex avenue, Morristown, a nvo.ycer-old boy, residing In the nelghltor- hood, secured possession of ths gakolene melting-pot belonging to the workmen, and going Into a olosel In the house began experimenting with the Infiammabla con­tents of the pot. Boon a dash of flam* am) clouds of smoke atirkclad the attention ol passers-by and th* plumbers. The In- qulettlve child, who had some matches,

Club held a___ _______ __ _ . _____ of the NUtleyFleirt club last night.

The Franklin Township Committee will meet to-nlghl at the Park Hall. Frahk-

[Lallan rag.plckera have been complain­ed o f for throwing refuse *lonjt Uu' River road. The rtg-pteger* drive up from New­ark to Passaic at night, return at about daylight, and throw tohiteter ihl’y can not uillixe along the aide of the road-*kfts* Dana, of Roslon, Mass.. Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Josqpn.U. .Wt|Uama, of Tennis place, Nutley.

B O ST O N7 S O B H O A D M T U E E T .

NEXT TO t h e n e w POMTOFFR U.

THE REMOVAL SALEIn muottud® tvorr In nldltten la iIib jusnyly, sifaf wittoh will b« (unnd on uil® tu-dny. wb oflsr tb® CpUnwlHf nddlUonnl In*Urows

y®«ter<lsy.l I a Se r e m e m b e r that w* move April Ih* Ut to Iht large stores,

N OH . A N I t 1 «1 M A R K E T 8 T „fonnerir occupied by T. H. WIImu A Co., and tl Is our InteiiBun to nnsn ihtrs with as near a new ttuck at possible. Kveryihlng lu our prosent location lliturea, gotflxmrsSvsic. W® dsi®rnilu®d toopsii Ln our iiftw sior® with fvtpytulng NFW.

SILKS AT REMOVAL PRICES.SvOunrsrdsol Fiu'oniie tfllk Tsfr^tes* imlliliig

lisodiomflf fur wslsU, tr1mmlQic«. dm<d»A.w®r* iTniHirted #xpr®sily f(ir ns*

sivITt Wii f»nr Intention 1# rUti ili®m st«ivyards To-morrovr you esu buy th®m hir®

A t 3^ard

N o , N efv er.84 pl®c®« All'Wool PrflfM Cloth, In evrry

®bad® snd #11 ill® mixtures. Th*s® xootU mis lAliichrswIds, stiiJ srechexp #V thsrrxuUrpries, 88e*

R e m o v a l p rice 34c

had started a tilaae whluh before It qoulii gain much hoaijway wo* extinguished.

Frank L. .Moore, of Chatham, la erect­ing two large new Irou greenhouse,.

A primary meeting wiui held at Chst- ham last night to nomlnste two VIIU ~ Trustees for tbre* year* egoh. George

two Vlllao* I year* each. George T.

I'airott end II. H. Jowitt were nominatedto succeed ihemnelvea

Chathem Township Committee hoe or-

Senlseii tor 1$Dj a* followe: Charles E. enunf, chairman; Hudson Uuobnors,

Pliyaicians have never been able to prescribe any other emulsion of Cod-liver Oil which W Qjild Taring os satiafactory re­sults a» Scott's Emulsion.

The reasons for this are tha absolute purity of ita compo­nents and the superior process of its manufacture. N o b ^ y has ever been able to Imitate i t Imitations afo always inferior to the real thing.

Remember that Scott’s Emul­sion is the great food for wasting in adults and children,

DoA'I top * fw a *4 to ampSemSitlhif*/

testri Bmhi% K. Y> MIDnif|l)til OOwisdtL

ALL-WOOL VIOEROUX BEIGE,In ell the oew coloring* and mlxturs*. lull

gj Ineliet wido, snd ebssp st the regular price, (Uc. yard.

R e m o v a l p rice 34c

BLACK MOHAIR BflIlLIANTINE,Iff indirs wii|>», liiilraui blsrk, osr#r

)«HH limn 8Uc. yard.R em oval p r ic e 05c

QINOHAMS.I Irti uf Aprnn and Dreis Ginghams, war*

4I4<'. folk:, s yard (not oior# ibau 1(1 yxM i to buyer).

R em o val aic« )rarftCOnON BIRD'S-EYE DIAPERINO.

Vary 1>**1 giHid*, Iklnnlii'twl ls, ID-yd. plee*,.R em o va l p rice 30c. p ie c e

DOTTED SWISS.Tn-iniirrow we tab* D pieties of our regular

IV. Dolled HwIm, large and >msl1 sffselt, andour enitrs ttock uf Isrge curu *iwtt, squares,

30 to us tnolM«.w*iE ito. to B>o. yard—butetc., . . . - - -•lightly soiled all to go St ipenlsl

R em o val p iicee 7 lc . y o » 44

BOSTON STORE, 729 BROAD S TR EET.■■rtons Chart* Against *a llilton.

A wgrrtht w*f lasued ynUrday ifterDoon by Justice of tb* IVaoe Ttaonia* I‘. Day, ot Avimdalt, for the *rr«*( o f Frttlerick Corb, who wt* ebarged wItb byesklsf downs door lu the " Bsrraokt ” o> Avoodals rosA Avon- ilol*, and sttemplliig to oommlt an assault on Mrs. Cbristina Spuettevsoa, on Bumlu n ltb l The worranl wo* ploosd In th* bond* oA-'onitobl* ThoipseL. Brindslh, bul Corb't fHsnds bito warned him end beetoaped. Tha compSlhant It nol qnltestfsatesn ysori old, end bti b**n married about a jraer. Her tautbind M ( bom* teveiwl months to look for work. He b « not bass beard ot slnoe.

Bellsvllls lt*ni*. Diegan, of Billsville,rettr Diegan, of Billsville, who ran

down Bicyclist Charles A. Roblneon. o t least oranga, on Wsahlngton avenue Sun­day, was held tn IlOO half for a hearing Thuraday night before Justlos L* F*u-

Abotit two-score friend* o f Chari** Hongler were preaent at his hearing be­fore Justlos L* F'auchert* last night, an the charge nf gsttuBlng Baloon-keOMr William Crompton last Sunday lUgnL The svldeiica showed that Boniler and Edward Kelly entsred Crampton's saloon and loth drank hser. Mangier, It waa charged, was Intoxicated, and plqkM a quarrel with Cramptou. H* denied this. He was beld under RW band for th* O r»n$ Jury.

6n k w a r k



to N>w

in ih« town of


n « . H. w. .1 . . . . n -a * "**.I* Nil) !• •


K’ ^ u• w 'K M ‘ « ' l*.rkhur.. Who h i . K-ot himwif ‘ troubl* l,>- .tum plli.* “ V uhmKh.ia. hf Ih- '" ‘■‘ " ' “ “ '•h,. own TU.

Ui.l CI1I.PM »nd 8 0 0 0 . « , „ ,0 1 0 hi- h«<l lh»f ‘ hrV •■I'orlthunilln*" oul of ihc

lU'ATVMAt.At Htwt.iwnl TMI' K .U II"* h»

Hooor Itomer*.rroni lh» Woohinilon 8ur. , , , , ,% «n or Rom»ro. lb ■W f i v .n out th* following d«Ul « l (MI.1 cOMorulng Iho Uu»loDi.l»

B y‘iho rtlpulillon of ln.i y rwt-m-nl .Ign.'i 1« J**”*

, j l 12, H il, . n o n ' " 'MmoU wo<niMn.gWMTb^wrl):.'! ^ J w ^ “ oAfTMdtbfti A UouuUiry lln« Mlwe«ttiBo f l^ o n n tr < .i *hould 1» •>“ * ? “ **K S od . . 7 trJatv to h .-Ign -^ -d th oC U y

i-h i.p u »nd Sooonunco on Iho ®*liex iM nnd ol (iu»lem .l»’ . idd. on th . olh.r. .bould h« lh« Uno do facto eiUtlng Uicu luiU rroognlt'd lj» th . In h .b lu n t^ f both ooulitrn:-, ih .t l*i th . actual p o w .-ri^n of fllh.r. With a .I.W to 0D« Cimnlry uccupying iwrtloiu <> to* tarritori h.longlng to tb . olh.r during Ik. llm . eUi«mg b*iw..n th. p r .lli^ narln andlroaty, w> u P> b« In .ftnal po^ tMalon ol that Urrllory when th. treaty ^ algned. It wu .Upulatad In the pro- liminarlM that «tual po«M.lon thou^ ^ r»DMted until th. Un. wa. .greed

n«»rtid "I'arhhuniling- oui hnl.ltof rtrliiklii. h.r.1 «ld-r woollen I h- H<' unnouncrd ‘ hMjj* w.nKoTnc ,0 A m ... .nd J.ll th. wicked one., ulel n wi,».tlon wa. e*P*cle.l.

Piitt-r Jun«H litti iJwl *III Hlepuey who "e e d ^

'Tmrkhuiulcd'' were uJIO-..- lluli. The l . . t . r. la d to nil the InttueiilUl " [ ' ' 'place, and any atta. k »i»n him, I wa* certain, would he unjwpular, t.ut e clergyman delcrmtned to go out n«nl iia ?lr *.he l.r .e .t .ame, « 'hat w h '" ‘ h ' reaction In hi* favor came, a . It eventual" ' , r . i U ‘utr;i‘ him.e‘ i‘ i r o M t h e . .,|dd‘. r . " . - - ' i r ^ i a r ^ A a ' i : u r . i | i h p


b r i a r p i p eGIVEN AWAY

„,<V M E V E ffy

^ O N E P O U N D

baJeO F

liquorl<» 1h‘

^ . r « u a t i l a S ' : o n r n O T . " r h Ifp '.',^i‘ Se'’t^ew .‘i . r Jlr^fdoablU re. of

which ah. p t - t o - r L ^ - " :

biting night, the

lerrlPiry, which .o . p o w ^ i • rouKh riuP-but which oud.r th. tr».ty had to to hlm.e^ a othiV"country, and ‘ h 'i <»n.troollon t. agalofttht eiprwM d provlalo* o f artlol.* S f t h a boundary treaty, "f® '* , JdaolarM that aach connlry .bould .n U r In

------ - o f U . torrltory n e j ^ wcqu rodwdlhlnrt* month, irom th . Bret r o e e l^of th. Boundary Oomrol«lo^ w^blo^aale Inf look plao. on Novemhar 1, ^ r d a h o . with th* M.aioau Uov.rn- ni«at ond.iwlaiidlag of toia allpulaUon, M uioo tranileirad to !? "*ago. kyuUa and MVaral other towni, twm. uid wUlem.nU which wore within bM territorial lliniti before th acTMd upon In th. treaty, and which na»ad toUu.tem.1. under the m me, and Quatomala reoelrod them, and Is now in noeiearion of me lame,

IhtM OQDiidttrfttlolUf ih# pf 0*Umlnary afreemeot wee only the b^innlng of iheneiotlellooi whloh nolmlnated^

movi^ up<jn iliB rump AUhouKh 11 “

no liSi m. 'he Preml.e., h^ w «.t

r . " “e ^ ^ n i"r .h ^ ;v ^ ;r m r t :d ^ 2


fo r 3 5tveiy pipe sfevmpedDu k e s M i x t u r e o r < ^

2 o T P ftr to A f*«^ ” 5 ^


: H* in-like. Krutle '• '.y . .ad May. VlMj khnuld N .r .r Trln«l>h.

.•Clean comedy 1 think a far belter men- .I tel tonic then erotic drem.,’' eej^ W. I'-

C* ere the oomedl.n, In the Philadelphia j t " American. ‘•In making tbi. .lale- ■ menl I maan to In.lUute no Invldlouit

compari«on. between the ctaa of play, deal with and tbo« f.vored by broth.r or

1 iiiler artUK I rimply Uy It down aa a General propoilllon. and I belUiva th.

majority of thinking m.n and woman. ..petially if they >» huebaod. and father.,

' wlTU and mother*, will agre. with me.' I liold that the etage .hould ba more then ; a mere vehicle of ainu-ement. It ehould 3o more than ‘ hold the m rror u„ p> nature.’ U .hould b . a moral fore.

1 aa well, quite ee much eo e. toe pulpit or the urww. it .hould be e gold. a. W.U M a mwllum for the portraltur* of whrt li 1 noblait and be-t in th* human rm . Ihe mural, of a pl*y . ‘‘“ “ W h* on toe iide of flrlue. Vice .hould never be glori­fied and rwiitode In men or women u«- 1 iLllrd. Much action oaniiot ba pmduolivo of good. The old or the youM will not urullL by it. Inaood, upon the yomig, V -rla lly upon the lormaiite period oi life, lie edecM cannot but b« pernluloua** _J a... a kb uaem ■aMheAllAH* 1 PC

What He Says About Medicine and Cures.

Hfl Tells «li&t E» ConsW«»s tbs Best lljijtti|>ij Dl All ledlclnes. t

There Is One Remedy Which He ])|fj[||iljty Know* W ill Do All It Claims.

N o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n th a t an e le c t io n w ill b e h e ld in th e

1. * se v e ra l e le c t io n d i s t r i c t s o f th e

I p . r ' S " : ^ . E c o u n t y o f E s u c x on T u e u d a y ,>domesticBurroundingi th e n in t h d a y ot A p r i l , A . iJ .

isupply in a w ay that liv e , a t th e s a m e t im e a n d ( gives full satisfaction, p la c e s p ro v id e d , tix e a a n a

both a-s to quality and d e s ig n a te d for th e h o ld in g o f'in price o r

the" "line fiSIf; l"*o“ ™ h.'v.’ grehlwd hi. (''»■*

i l T , " o * ; ,n .v ;^ c nnever read of Ur. t^c .

n W '^t^n S w ^'h oiiviiT w h tdh rr;^^wctul

n^yer re*d \*;7^’’ Vav«^rTni’ lh<*hS ^tauor a“ d j l ih aS tin-

liSmty l.ugh the empty g l»» uponawful to • « '^,“*1',

drinking and laughing Ju.t . . IfTTtfn

thrr*of tui nfioiiniooi wuivu «***.*«.

S l 'T " b S t f S ^ i i - 1"' , t'?e'‘ n"o^hrr..i:“ T;il.% .V 'M ‘ V rrourh'-t llB lB ^M to uoapt eom* prlBClploa to bo oirt watching 'h*T;,,“? ‘*,,ofrJ.•^ThnxM■eSl3'by the iwaly and tb .j hr* tharetor. Wading' only Inaucb rtlpulalloo* h MDb r ^ in to. treatf, w d ">oh oto.n u do sotappaar In that fiwrom.Dl, oan have M blodtSifore. "*“ to»aT.r, ^ u t o ‘ h*praUmlnarlea "™ " J ' / .u ? !Makleao fl.naU, and under toe 14.^“*,“ aoaaiUatloD that was an lodWMneable qonditlon to give them rnll^ily. the Mexleaa Oovarnment approved of than wb«i mbmittod to tta c«*ld.r*llcn.

" T h l. I* .laotly th* oaw about another .Upulatlon o f the pr*llmlnarlB to th . •ftSok that both connlrlea .hould aek for the arbitration o f lb . nnitad 8 tatM to cal. they uould not w re* upon a boundary line, under the bael* o f aKaal Doeeaielou. Ae they did agree ofmna line {nth. Anal treaty of Meplember 27, U t£ ihal^pulMlon oeU d to h .v . any forea Bealdaa It wae not luoorporaUd In IlM treaty, nnd the prcllmlnarteacont^o- U g It were not ratlArf by the W«xlch

**‘ E*oh country appointed a eommlielon of angtheeri to lurvey the ground and nark the boundary line. h “ romlw ■Ion worked Ind.pend.nlly ot th. other, and In » » • <**•• to* ” *ull of their tectanloal work, making * PffAUel tnde or a mertiian ol longitude, differed eomewbat, but In all auoh oa»n the reeoeotlvs ooinmleeloner. adJueled the dlt-

by mutual egreemeut, and In m earn have the reepeouve govornmenle, mhee been stated, egreri to accept a th l^demarkatloh drawn avsniy between the aooSlctlDf line, drawn by their commit Woaen. ThereIba oommiielohere A in .r .a ,^ d tb. re apwtlv. governm.nta wived th . ditlioul^, S d to e i wee th. Incident ref^nog to Ihe Uenmsclnta and the Ohliov rivers, this tie— Mexico ylaldM a»d accepted

‘ “•■^u'lin’ o P ^ T 'ih a t I wore a m « k . My

of thowlage w»mr.t willing to undertak* th*

Ih* reid^nl. * f th . place, who eay 1 ‘arkhuret never wont around

Silulrert 'in "h " ; ‘ ;io^kinf feet «ep m g through window, to of

of the Now York clergymen,the local Imltallon


QuataDala'e oonteniloo.■■Aootber itrlooa mlateka la tha ^ t e -

m enlteat M.xloo MDt troop , to hot fton- ti#F oonMquBDO* o f iabd*t*T Mid dlflkultiw wbkah ooourrtd miorreying end tnaktog to*.h?*‘ri'twuilad Ouatemala’a Invielon of Ine dlerup^ territory took piece after Mexico h ^ sent there her nulltary foroem J" ,{actOnatemela bu mvmlrt i*'®* iavflturyi 0009 in 1891, #f#in ^Bry early In isnt, and Meibto did not .end any troopa to her trontler until Jong attar the aaoond invealon had taken plane, and after Quateinala had rofaeed to apologtre for toe same, and it has not oooupied yet the dlapoted territory. ThU fact pule Ihle t o e i^ t under a very different light.

“ Mexico and Quaiemala agree that tne boundary treaty ol ISifl le binding ou ^ t h Muntriae, and ibero la, thorelore, no need o f any MW convention, ee b e . been eug* aseteL In h ot, Quaiemala bai not aven laUmaUd the oonvonlenoe o f any each a l ^ Ihe treaty o f 18W provided for Placing the monuinonte to mark the boimdary line, and there le no neod o f any naw conventionmimlon for that purpose. Both Oovem manta have elgneo a convention eaienolng for two years, the lime In whloh the whole work o f marking tho line with proper monument, will be eocompU.hed, The**Mexican Senate ratlBod that tlon .bu ilh* Uuaiemaljm Congreee fallad to do iO, It 1* eipooied, however, that It will be ratiAcd In ite next eemlon, whloh

Aa*ametter o f feel, tb* survey o f the whole line he. boon Aanhod, and ihure li not any dUagreemeot about It between t o . rwpeoUv. engineer., bnl the Uuete- m a l a e ^ L f Engineer ha. refureU to sign wme o f the minute* aud chutera o f the lorvey, end the mouumvnU in «uob Dortionii o f th* line have to be placed hv both ooinmleeioneri, after the pend-* ____kmmn n.itflgui by uljHte*

TheT'hive'iiecierrd * hoyeolt aKjitnet Mr. Tonre i r i declare that they will compel“ Wh^n'-lVuil^Tm. up tor trial the great-'

? k i T . o * t i ; x : i . i " e gntriiinSn of HHdE^porle #cromp*n1rf! by gh“ ‘^ “ ^cn^lon

When dinner time came they „ hungry a* hear*, and went to a

" r m h " re eJd »PP"«A '®r eomclhlng to“ 1'n. *ou the chep* from Bridgeport that'^ j^ r w uttng 'M6w ' HullT" demanded‘ "•ThZ'Cngry Bridgeport men tried to e i- nloin but ■h*' itikinnifd th# door In th#ir faces. They rapped on tho w'nrtow and offered her any price she cared to charge for a meal, hut ah* huniod up a mon elkk atSl thiv fled. ETnally, they hrlb«t a ISmIl hov to go to a liaken; and buy themT h t i lemon V . w ^ h } W » '• '® 'h*iiroftotic^ of th# attiusrd vtljA^#n.

This experience made the men eoT2.i w^en they got Into the w m which had ^ 1 1 found "or a court they looked -tern iTd uncomptondalng. Hull w a. convicted‘ V“o " W v m .^ e r e are'^mXlnjr U uncom-

tbov'are furnlihlng him, It 1* eald, with wur milk and vegeiablea far from fre»h."-I'am 'S tH M n th. ring and llghllng for Ih. leord and Ih . taw I mean to break

t AHtSU POM WIMtOWh. ja.lartlng sad Cla.alaa *h. Ps»»e *• «

Uwelllng. IFrom the Decorator and Fornl.h«r. |

It nooeie.ry to eoonomtao In w m . di­rection when building th . h ® ;"* > ‘ ‘ ‘ not b . on th. windows There 1. nothing th.t ni.kre tb . exterior fo »‘ H*®*'” “ beautiful plate-glare wlndowa, nor limorereal pleeauro and reltafaollon dertvad fromany part of tba building than frcim that of tha w.ll eonetruoled and Ught.d window. The window le the eyo of the houee, wd a. a bright, beautiful eye In a human be­ing make, even a homely lo dose a beautiful window beautify the entire hone*, however humble It* non- rtructlon. Add whet more trying to the .yea and to the patience them glare that are (till of Imperloctlone t Jurt DOW window glare tavery ®'“ *1>> loweet priced booreUE«i th# b#tt doabta thiol window eIm » In lU window, all ovar th. .

Thl* 1* economy, too, •>«®*‘^ f or thloknere tneura. more torgeta agalret breakage. In the lower or firrt Aoor routna. .io .p t Ih. httch.n, P * ^ might b . afford«Kl by P<"°®* mean*. Tbay are re atrong w d Aurebl., and withal ao bright and rich-lwking, that no on. can regret putting toe m in. Th. coat of plat, glare la not greaU Th. French and domeallo glaaae* are the aema in price, at this wrtUng, and w ^ * to /^ ta a difference In the two kinds It t* ofno

A (1ortor‘i*Tld*nc* regardlus tncdlolne* and ji.«iwip 1* always cunildered the hlghret au- 1 honiv. Evary court I n I In norlrt a cop u hla Juilgnurit M iweltWe and Indtepuiahl* *rl- rtenc*. T h .r .for . what he reya about a cat- tain remedy canon! beiloubted.

Iff. J. W. Minktar.of Bath, N. K.. f„f a long llm . from that urrlbla I'***"-

V:m‘ m 'o«d-to V h i« r . a « U o n .^ m * ’] „ t X ' ° f n r " 1 “ if h l t u udr . : t io m n i r ‘? i l * n ‘t : ‘ lm;:o?rrnd ' ;;mcnTrlmedywhlcb*h..cwkon«tob.tb. produc.'ln our leading Ibeatara a otare of i„„ i ramedy In th. world fur 'nlJya^blch, while they pogwre the tn, nerve-and blood. Bead theuigiiret literary gnd artiatl. merit, are „nvtaolng word*:decidedly riw)UO. ludwid ‘ bare play, are „ , th. aathma," he uld. “ th. woret ot uiorelb.n <» “» ' ®“ \ my man I aver he.rd ot that llvwl. I hav.^ n g u ;h 'to .;‘‘ are a.‘ l o r “ "lfo A £ ‘:rl- I paid out more than A * .cm utaywright would. If ho could, 1 ,„,dlclnre without av .fr«.lT ln i tha allibteatttKtfl mob pl#TN« H# would b# lyonvflt- v w i

I ?lf-4hdimMti*»d * b¥ Dr#M »nd puipil i ** l v m obllr#d to Imro *irom Main* to Calllorni*, from th . Ht | old not live tlwre. and went Into the c o « y^ m e “ . to th . gulf. U k .O thello , hi. thiuking H might b-lp ™ - , ir ro a t io n would Vmn b . gon ., for th.-I ,o h-d off I did not atrical managera, who walon m oloaely would com . npnum* euddenty.In ik .m d the iiulre ot public opinion aa .v . r doe* ronveraatlon.aud ilopmelnilaatlf.aaqoaretul phjnoianlhai o la f.vreed patient, ^ though I bad dropped dead.would cea*e to fXtend the gtadaomo hand ■

th e m u n ic ip a l , c h a rter s p e c ia l e le c t io n s o f th e c it ie s a n d s e v e r a l to w u s h ip s a n d b o r o u g h s o f th e c o u n ty o f

S i D E B O U D E s s e x to d e te r m in e u p o n th e a c c e p ta n c e o r r e je c tio n o f a n a c t o f tile L e g is la t u r e o f th e S ta te o f N e w J e r s e y , e n t it le d

lUkrcut.)Solid Oak, t f t

bilk, 4* 1>. wide; triltile tap.wktcb ______

. n J 3 , “ A n A c t to E s t a b lis h P u b licdrawm ■ liaed, - - . cI larfi drawer. clHSt.Bmrel Mh- iw .M iu le ^

th e S a m e . "to b e s u b -

o f th is

P a r k s in C e r ta in C o u n tie s in T h i s S ta te a n d to R e g u la t e

Woitk t lB .O O .For Tw-Meirow

material oon«quenc*, •"'* candetawtlL You ooold not. T ha Am.rl can Plata glare la o f a aUvary white wtor, due to Ita being mad. with P *tor»l* '“ . whlla th . foreign ta «to«ntab, witheoal. Put.ldehy aid ., no dlfferenre ta at all noticeable. 1 mention t o o " t^ o » » for tho guidance o f amalreir “that they may not b* d^*!®*** t o t o ^ Itoving that the foreign gtare 1a the bre^ and lb* more eiptoeW * bocama* the beau

A handaom* P*hO o f glare ta aa much deserving o f car. aa * P*®to«. U '»<“injured at lh« hands o f a car^ena

UD th« 1U#E»i liquor In thl#pother the demon rum wm 'down m . or Iwill ‘down' the demon rum, and 1 have no lick of conlVdenoe a . to tha result o f the""som e'of' the memhere ot h i. roltarega- lion have resigned on account ^ hie ad- ’veSture in hta .locking feet They « y that a paator cannot save wjuta hy crawl­ing on all four. anil " « ¥ * " *Imrrhea On the other hand, a few o f Ihe S^ealihy memtSre wiy that thl. I. one way To -wo/k for religion, and they are de- termlned to aiipport him. A struggle for the eatetence o f the pastor ta on.


Bow CiirlDUa

ing oouventiou has been ratiAed

™*Ther* 1* no difference o f opinion be- IwevD th* two OovernmeuU about the oonauuotlon of tho bounda.y treaty lu so far aa the boundary line it uouoetned, aud therefor* no need o f au arbilralloo lor

*^*Vue*^?ending quevUou b.lween Mexico and Ouaterdala II a very plain one. Each country olaiioi that under the de lucto line erlating before m e treaty ol IMd sou was ID poaaeialon o f ihe disputedlem - torv, and both agree that it belolige to U euoo under the Hue marked bv Ih* trealj, Ae the treaty line U paramount, Mexico considered the action ol Uuate mala in -ending an ai iued force to dmlroy th* log cami>* osiabllstied there by Meal- c in l who were culting wood under grant* ul the Mexican Uovernnien', leite the logi and at reel the men a»un uiiwarranlod iii- vaalon o f her territory, and lom aaked Quaiemala lo npolo[<iic lor it, and to payan mdeiiinlly to Ibcviotlinsof Uieoutnigo.If Quateinala M-lshcs to settle the quc-tioii it la lor her to ninke umende for her con­duct. Mexico will not a«k an unrcaaonabieindemnity.” , , ,

tk-nor llomcro -aid lie was eiirc that hii. Oovernment would not be willing to sub­mit to arbitrallon the amount to be paid for damage*, nhd “ ®''Mexico could recede from her demand ol

* As**ibr*ihe action of tho Mexican Con- grew on luc quostiouLHenor Ilomero eald that it Would not beoonio bini to anllei- na leil; and hu tliougbl neither hit Qov- ernmcul nor Ins eoutnry desires a war wito Quateinala, a* they ure lully con­scious of iisdangeia, ilrawbaoks anddis- advautagee. and iherelore he hoped that the ucgotlatlout which are now oonduelcd in the Oily o f Mexico would end in a friendly seiilemenl o f the diflloully, and he added that he had heard nothing re- oeully whloh mould Induce him to be­lieve that there was now any greater dan­ger o f a rupture than there baa beau from the beginning o f the coalroversy.


Lavers Eae.pvd fr.m Crowd In Kbium- City.

From the Kansas City Time*.A marriage tn the Inky darkness of

vault ta eomethlng decidedly unique, but that 1a the sort of a wedding that oc­curred in the Conrlhouae yesterday mom- Ing.

Alwut 11 o’clock a flne-looklng young man and two decidedly good-looking and siyttshly dressed young women entered the Recorder of Deeds’ offlee and asked for a marriage lice use. amt one was Issued lo William Davy and \ lota KoderlcK. They -aid that the marriage was to be a -urprl-e and roQueited that nothing t*e -aid about the granting of the llcen.ic Then they coiiaillted together and fliially auked 1( they could he married right there Recorder Queal hastened to the telephone and callril up Juellce Khert. Before the Justice arrived word had passed aroun Ihsl a weitdlug was to occur and the rwm was niled with uninvited guests- The groom did not relish this, neither did the firide neither did Ihe brhU*'s sister, who was of the party. The lioor to toe targe vault where the record- ure kept stoo<l 1n- vltliigly open and the groom Mid

l.c fa stop -----id

eiuJJj iojiired nt oUaner. Nowadaya paopla It employ th . regular window-cleaning coDc.rna which make a apeotally o f IhW buiinere. T h . ooM Tane* according to the number and character o f windows to be cared lor. It rew bre In acme c a ^ « high I . Hfi and *25 a month. But It ta economical where Bne, ooetly ' ‘ {"to"* are concarnod, becahio the exparl cleaner doe* the work P*if*®Hy> *bUe tb***ri™ t leapt to break, ectatch or ImperfMlly clean the flare, bertde* which ha " toe & aptt* fell from a window end make an

ipltaeanl aenaattoD.'fo clean a window aaema a elm pi*

UoD. lita ,too , butonem nelknovv bow to th* work. A cloudy day u ‘ h* *>“

um . to do the ciaanlog, or aday that ta clear and dry, io that the aun doei not strike the glare, end which would oauaa It to dry In streaks. CltiM. soft wator n abundanoe, plaoly o f clean raxf. and a leather or chamuie ik in , tneae are necereary. Waah tha "tod® "* t®"® qnlokiy, inside and out, and dry with the raga Begin Inriue, Bni.h outwd*. Bome people us* the leather lor waihlng with. A UUl# pmmonU lu tb# w »t«r I# belpfui where there ta emoke, but be oerefnl not lo gut too much lo the water, aa It wlh In­jure the paint A wet day ta bad for window-cleaning} a froetyoneie worw.

UUkQipurUai U> durt wiDdoiit w«u •very d»y •fUr ruom,w w , X___I .a aa kaB-g alagi. mil re

and beam upon him with lua walwme eye when he appaared with other productions o f his pen. nelf-defenoa would compel such a oourre, lor,and people arrayed egainel him, Where would the manager com* In T

■'No, It ta oniyth* daring gemn* o f a Dumsi o r a Bardou that can avolva ptayi of auch calibre and not only make luem pare mualer. but actually capture and en- lurall the public. 1 mean to falrnHa Not being a playwright 1 can­not bu charged with proloailonai Jaalouty. N.lther am 1 a jo l Jealous o f » “ I®* lellow-aotora, men or womsh, who nave ach leved auoctre In the d rama* ot tha great French playwrighta Aa the IH*b™*“ aaye, more power lo them. 1 hope they “ ill win goid and glory galort. I would Uka lo aa* all o f my coropalriota prosper, for X kuow how lempeetuoui ta the grral ocetn ol trial belore the haven ol eueeere la reached. No, 1 repeat, I am DOi a p-J^ j lloii Jealoui ol any lellow arttat, lor, like | the euilnant Mr. O’Hellly, wuoiu Poet i Dana ha* immortal ited, 1 am ’J®!!**quite well ” myself in my new pUy, Hi*Wife’* Father,” now running at the Hflti Avenue T hn ire , Now York City. 1 wlHnot weary my readers with a dwacnplioii o l it, at It haa been ireely and extensively analyxed by people far more competent to cnlitiis#th*D yuuf humbi# MrvaUri. fSui- See It to « y that It ta a claan, whota«m e comedy, the very beet tbal talented lady, Martha Morton, haa ever writlen. It abounda in comic sltualiona aud fairly bubblaa ovar with mirth throughout, yet Ihert ta not a tingle prurient detail In the

” **^HavlnE thus, like a good lawyer.


Boat-CuesIftJf i 4tMI

f^ p lH to CtOBOMt'TUO •M.MlldOOky AD li. kick, tM n 1 i l l i . D iction ary rtct 01 oMo;

IlC-OO- TOftT clwico of «By •( Ultoo

, dia-

UEv J- W, HlVRtfBe*^Bomettmoa I would bo lakoti wlthitran-

glluf In bod, and bad a window fliod oo lhai 1 could touch a opilni throw U opon quickly to put tnv b«ail out lo broatbo. ona d»y a friend aakod me to try Dr. ■Nervura blood and nor re remedy, I did w, and it helped me. I coolinned ualng H. ana af ler taking two uotlle* was coniplotelr cured, un I have bad no relurn ot It alnce.

“ Ten ibouaand dnlfbra wonld not tempt menosed Sn advance o f onargo i ** return to tho i-oDdHlon I wao In before UkK” . J_..t____ vkvr-kT h* hrnuiiht _____


Oak Tabit. too i6 t*. t^aan; wertb li.oo,


duiVIf not only tb# g ia ^ •I*® parta of

tba window, Tnlo w eapocially neooouryin winUfi when ooal dual and g ti aw oo bed. Os* cover* the glaes over with » dene* Aim In * ehort time. It It n o t* uleescnt tub, cleaning wlndowe In winter lime, and hence by axerdslhg car. end careinlly duslinx off the glass each day washing will not need to be eo frequently don* ns It olherwtae would.

Aprupot of thl* eubjeol, to clean mlr- ____ gV>una tpure tpngn niFr. fin

alonal Jealousy which m ij be brought ■gal tret me, I aow return to the msm Jgnmant. 1 believe a play rtould healthy lo tone ae well m drsmalio action. I ta play of the more ■erioue eort, like • Hbenaodoah,' tor In­stance, patriotism, coursgeand hourety m man and virtue In woman should be the stellar tealur-a Ol courae vloa, too, u nrsMOt. a* >t almoat uuavoidably U, ■Aould be skilltully depleted, but It abould never predomluate and be made tne feature of the play. A ptay, U ke a aer- mon or a good novel, abould tww a moral. U suould bring out la bright colon wbat li boat aod nobleat In nol what ta ignoble aad depraved. Lei me exemplify. In the play dramatued from Dumas’* ‘ Three Quardsmen, For- tho*. ona of the uoveltat'a hsroea, is bo- moroualy depleted a. living off toe bounty ol bta mliirere, the wile ot * P«MT ‘“ ®^ ch»nt. and comin«Dd#d by bit comradM for hta elavernare In lorcmg tribute. In oneofltardott's lateat and moat brilliant efforU the heroine, who tadeeply reUgious aa well a* arrogant and opulent, deoUnre wedlock with th* hero of th* ptay, lor whom ahe ackoowledfea her love, beesns* h ell beneath her in station, but auggaat* an amour as being meet aavtafactory to both partiea Ih Interret

” Vt bat sort of taason* are tha** to mcul-oateT What Imptereiona will lhay make upon th . bearta of the youthful of both Mxn. lads and laren, whore mind, are nol yet developed, but like tender sa^mw eaat^ bent to the right or tetlT What taellngi will they engender In the mind ofiriddy men and woniin whQ look on llleas* perpetual holiday, and who are coostanlly studying new method* of *n-

yp ijj QQg brief Mht.noe my

Ing Dr. Qreene's Nervuira blood an'l nerv<- retord)', it 1 ooulii get no more of that wonder ful nmdlclne. It ssvid my Ilf*, sod I don’ kuuw bow it la po»Blbl* tor mortil msn to give a stronger tostioionlsl tbsn ibis. 1 will gladly aoswvrsnv questions regarding mV “ »■ j amtaltafledthatUr.Oreans's Nervura blocM snd nerve renwdy 1* the meet remarkablemedicine In eilstencs." . . . .

.’dr. Charle* Cbllda, oo* ol the leading cllt- » - s o < Bath,N .H „ia)i:

•• 1 wss aware ot Dr. J. W. MInklor’g candl- lion from asthma, and of bli wonderful cure by Dt, Greans's Servur* hlowl and nerve rein-•dVv *

Ev*rjr OM knowf that Dr. Or**ne'a Nertnra blood aud penr« rimedjr gitoi haaltb nad •irenfthtoull whouwSl. Eftrybody noadaa aprlng tnulo a*d rontoratlwo, and IhU la th# belt Bprln* medicine in Ih# world. CJoaTinoe youraclf by trylDg It-

It la not a pauut madlclna. hot tn# pwncnp- UoB of tb# mottaticcetalul living ip#c1*ll*t In curing ftervoua end chronic dti#ee#B, Dr. G rM n e,ot» We»t lith si.. New Verb CUT. U# ba# Ul# largiet practice in ih# world, nnd Ihii graad medical dl#coT#ry li tb# result of hU vMl expafieuc#- Th# irunl reputntlon of Dr, Ore«D# i* # fuarant## tbnlbl# modiclb# will our#,and th# fact that b# enn bacon- #ult#d by any on# at any Unn. f r#« of ch*rg«, p#r#onaUy or by )#tt#r, giv## nbiolut# #«ur- anc# of th# b#n#llclal action of ibia wonder­ful modlcin#;_____ ___________________ _

48c.Cash or Credit,

•isff Yaur moBty tank. » » « * »••"* •*V . gty the ireifkt eiywhere la th. Stal*.

«w Wsgtat drilvsf gredi to t . reilre airea*_

T h e q u e s tio n m itte d to th e - v o te rs c o u n ty a t s u c h e le c t io n i s b r ie fly th e e s ta b lis h m e n t in th is c o u n ty o f a p u b lic p a r k o r p a r k s a u d a u t h o r iz in g th e is s u e o f th e b o n d s o f th e c o u n ty to d e fr a y th e e x p e n s e th e r e o f to a n a m o u n t n o t c x » c e e d in g tw o m il l io n five h u n ­d re d th o u s a n d d o lla r s .

T h e b a llo t s , “ F o r th e N e w P a r k B i l l ,” o r “ A g a i n s t th e N e w P a r k B i l l ,” s h a ll b e c a s t se p a ra te a n d d is t in c t fr o m o th e r b a llo ts u s e d at th e e le c ­t io n , a n d th e s e b a llo ts , h o w ­e v e r , s h a l l b e d e p o r ite d w h e n offered w ith o u t b e in g e n c lo s e d in a n e n v e lo p e b y a n y le g a l v o te r in th e b a llo t b o x e s u s e d a t s u c h e le c t io n o f p u b lic officers, a n d a ll b a llo ts s o c a s t for th e a c c e p ta n c e or r e je c tio n o f th is a c t s h a l l b e c o u n te d a n d th e r e s u lt th e r e o f re ­tu r n e d b y th e e le c t io n o ffice rs h o ld in g s u c h e le c tio n .

Tbl* nolitv I. given ta pnrmsnre to an act of ih* begUtalore of the State ot New Jersey, entitled ” An Act lo Establish Pnblto Parka In Certain Connttae In Thii Stsl* and to Itag- nlglo th* Same.” spproved March A !*«.

Dated Essex County Clark's Offloe. Newark, March lA IMA



■AKPTJkoniBiia ■ “S P E C IA L A N D

g e n e r a l H A C M IN K H T . iL it ’iTOM roH sToxes m o n cT om es,

steam Engine.. Oearing. Shattlnx lUngere. Pnllayw Etc.

ftp m m i Xrtmftif Xttm dti Tt.

6 ind T BillrQid Plate, Retark, 11

e r r r a d t e b t h e m e w t s .

CHARTER KLECTlONj^l^j^^^ Notice of revl-loti snd wirscitoo of Toglstrr


r o « f l^ r .^ n 'S ^ lb iS T rre taom dirt, dry opinion o f herorxing irtcet It ta a ^ n jr e - wTu aso lt^ otti, and when p.rirelty dry .. -n .d .n t to esiabllsb. aad may lead rub a little powdered blue over lb* gliM, gfterward polishing It with a soB old silk bsndke,cultaf,8o,tnew.j.ap.r.^wU^^^^^^

in here, tho vsiill.

nnd the hrldsl IV wa- hrilllaiiil.r

itllmod"ilnT AIM 'with iiio dull'odor of miHiy records, Thv brido ifUneod alxiut. Irlahiened a bit. tin-n glanced at the a,<?oni ind smllt"! -woolly. The groom, "odontly a bravo man, was nut a* iior- vnus as the Justl.-o. who fiinihlcd to got from hta potltot a papor upon w itch he had wrulcii the “ f " -Impto m-J----------- I't,,. door wu« -hul soft-ly liolilnd the I'ariy ami Ihe woddiiig wae a'-roonod from curiuuK oJoh.

The Jnstli-o wae gt-lUng along W,.U. and had Juat ri-a'-ln-il ihai t«iirt of tho L-ori-iniin>- whoro In- u»kod tin- couple to loin hiimla. whoti aomeUilng tiapiHiH'd. im i of th.- clerks had -Ill'Pe' U. I ho pwlu-hlmurd ami uirm-d nlT flio light- 111 till- viiuU. Tin- hrbb- iiyd liriami i-oiihl nol

i-ai-ti uUuT, Thl- Jusih-o oonM not -i-i- (hem- II was no lime lo ato|i ‘ir falu-r,

'*l-'lml her haii'i,” sold ill— Ju-llro. and # 1. hands canii- logethor as ihough Ih-y hail mci III iho dark la-foro.■Hv iho aiiihorlty ii--l'-d lu me bj Uio law 1 Pi-niniome >00 man ami wllo.

li wiia 01 i-r a ml-tl r. and MI s. Davy eannroni into Ihi- llghl of 'lay aa happy a; Ihough Ihov had la-on nianlcl Ih tin hoomlay glan- ol a Ihonsaml -iib-.

Bwer lu Hen of tha eilk

**'to prevent froet from forming on your window* tn cold weather apply a very thin coaling of glycerine lo tn* g im Tblstaeepeolallyareial lo merobanufor show window* „ ^

To prevent ennllght from entering Ibe windows—derirabl* eomellmee, aa In tn* oase ot alokiieea—mi* one ounce of ig>wdered gum tragacanth in the well oealen wbitre of -lx e.-gt. snd apply. Bat broom and other windows may be oU- wurod Rj various way- Kieum •»'(*. dta solved with diluted vinegar, and dabbed un with s brufh, will make a remarkable imitatiiin of hoar lro«i, and will last quite

while, eapeolallv H cf alud over with damar varnish. Boll s teaspoonlul of rlca ill a pint of water lor a ball'hour, then dub tho solution on wilb u brush. Thli ta a good lomporary melliod,

TtiB NKWB cIrcuUiff* nif>rt*ffly tt>#n »njr ihffT iikifr In \h* OraiiiT"*'. U+m-ioon, KcMimir,

iilGomneM. Wnniclulr. sun,mil. Ch«ili<im. U«kI* im>n tiiid Morrirtown. nml ihr''ugh<uJUh*C(iuwrir

rcul«mu. R##l K*UIm Agnus wUI tlu weII to u, ri»p«}i#Uy on s\fiiii’r.tiuyi gnd anur-

ilrtjA. W«l Ksiali' iliiyii.

<iILAUV aiM> TllK rUAMr.

A BHASTLY DISIASED ifferent DoetorH U lre I t D iffei^

oul NaiikOH.

il#rri In nFjsrintr roilUcinns

The farniei' politician from iii'llsna. with a renutatlon that piu-oiii passed ahd pi-r- mBSlPd Ills entire t-uuiuy only, made s vtall to Washltiglun 1® February, and after two or three day* at Iho t-apllal ri- turnod lo hla native heath

•■Well ” inquired one of the crowd which met at'tha grocery eluro every evening "what kind of a time did you have in' •“ alr'lo'mlddlln'. ctuisldorln’ ." was the** 0 )i§'^ou™*ee the President?

"No; he was bu-y, watt

Id you Sea tbs Postmaeter-flciierHl?" es- but I didn’ t alt a chance to talk ,'n a minute to lilm. He said he'd

and 1 couldnweek.

"L)ld "Ves;

taave^ll’ to the Congroi*msn from that

Were you at the CapUol to •*« how Congress rune tilings?"

"Ye* I was there moat of the time, ti was caster to glt In there than moat aiiy-*fevW*nU?h* was a little sore over iomo-**''*\fiitt did you think of our National lUteamenr’ Inquired a llstoiior.

"They are Jlsl Ulie eyerytbtng else In M'ashlngton,” he sighed heavily, all a ihani anil a delusion and ti frsuf Why,T a T a m i Kid C w *thaf J?rp*^l’lS“ V u ” rii<r’*#lr*w that broke the aamel's back, say* Ibe Detroit Free Prere, and the dieappoinWd man refused to talk more on ths subjeuc

gw. Result Alwejs the Nems. — Rpwedy Itealli.-Unlit t lw n lly , Con.ldered llopleeSS. - Now. New Uelliodt. Hal- visUqu-

NotUiiij! Is niope alarming lhandiseaseg of an ulcerous nat tu-e. A conliuual gua w- liig away uf Ule-genaratlng tissue, until a vital spot Is reacbed, au urtety Is severed, or (rom sheer weakiiess deatb ensues.

Eapeolally In Qailrltli — ulcers o( the stomach — Is terrible suffering experi­enced. The sympuimi, lliougli not at lint slsriiilng (.si'cmlngljr a sHglH attack of Indigestion), grailiially bcconn' worse, so that no nmirisbmeiil can be retained on the stomach, and uiilnss the trouble- causing ulcer produces death by perfor*- lion, llto patient

Dies of Starvation.In roiisumiillon, where the ulcer* atlaek the lungs, th* lermlnatioti Is very slinilnr, as It It, 111 fact. In any o( llic wasting ills- eases to ivlilcli are given various tiauies, according lo the orgxRS affect eil.

By tho methods of physicians of to-day Ihu'isands of lives are bolng .saved in cases 1 hat a few year* a go were I'onsldcred hojia- less. The first Hep now lakcii to effect a mito Is to make new blood and tissue, give the patient itrcnglh, and keep him ‘‘ on thn gain” by administering Ib'vlnln*.

Jlovlnllie Is not a modielne. but a gretlly concanirated extract of th- most vital ele- ‘ menu of lean raw beef. TUo llto-maln- Uinlng qualities o( this woflderftd prepa­ration »r* slmiilv raarvelloiti. Dr. A, M- Cook, of Now Castle, Pi., stgtes that h* uialnulned Ilf# In bis wife, while suffer­ing (tom gsilric uleers, for three «o«ks

rii# i«utta#r# M#wi|>N|Htr H#n ftomrmw#■ MUtl llrljMMl lllBle

llrnry W- Orudy. ‘ishoi’p j»rn jjAvtk ih# BffUth ti(‘W UioitKl't'* wIioMf Hllvi-ry f»lo- quyticf u npirh of brotlHThoodIn lilt' North, oiiiTli‘I llu' Hiiimlilrn* of hi.N plilloHophy liuo M ’ rvA ryduy llff-. Kw*

WM hP 11*' ' ft*” *humble. Mr. Om<ly oUvh>k t;yinpathlE+*<1i wiUi tt m«it thft* ''** liix>K»'—he hud ttmi way ' il llmcn. lllNrhar-Uv uMiR»y f " k«'t« ^miuy.

Oiu* aJlfinoon »* of prliili-r I'ommon .'iHniRh In Houiljirn lomilry a fpw vE'iirR K|{0< hut sliU'M llir Hilvi'iit uf Ht'Mlnif mK’hlne# m-I'Iuih H fn arsywiu'ro, SM'iit Into tb(* <'on*Miullmi oftlrik on • ■pan-handling" tour Home of the report- cr# and editor# rciiitrlhuifd lu hi# relloi fimri hul mofi of didn’ t, riaallyMr Touriit Mr. lirady'# d4*ik.

•‘Don’t l#t nit' Interrtiiit you, -Mr. Qrady. lubt dropped in u» si-t* yuur oo-laborero ftjid yourMlf—ftn* ! n)lU*Lt a few bit#," he****■ ■ '1 twn very bunv hi'day, and really I havrn'i a ■<>“ .’ ' I'f'l’U’ d (Irady, M# nl#, uufn fnoo iM anihiK wlih klndneif on the

■ vImI t ol*."Rorry, ’Ver ’ i" ^nld the tramp* " 1 will ptec yuu Later.

He did. a. < A.In imlf an hour tho man camn hack. Thl# tlmo he w«-ui lUri-rtly to Mr. Grady’# di'sk and laid uimn It a full length "dubc" BhtTt. Upon whlrh tlu» foilowlnf wa# prlnt- rd ih’fimr-lline ])!'■« characterar

“ Honry W* flrudy,‘•Tn Kkfn Rnlilnaaii. Dr.12.7a.’'

oca preoedent lo *»i*bhah, and may lb® w*»k to evil. L .

'* Let us now look at the other tide o f the oiolure. What effeot b u * good play uuoDtb* human mlndt Upon th* adult the same u * •ulriled *ddrrei by an insyired orator, like tVeudell Pnthipa, lU a great ortata- lu youth It aroore* the haupy* buoyant, ctijvalroiii einotloai» such a* * perusal o f Welter Soolt’e * Ivan- h oe ’ or ‘ Count Robert oi Pari*’ laaore lo do. 8 uoh play* make meu and women lue better for Ibeir presentation. They develop Ibe best Impulses of th*lr natures.

"T b a l such plavs oan be mad* to pay it evidenced by t ie overdowing houses which greeted hi days gone by Forre-A llncresdy ahd ibo elder Booth in ttieir liuperaouations o f VirglnluA Bpurtacua, Julius Cmtar and oHier lieroto onoractera 111 reooul timau, loo. I can mention live cltai' iitay- oi lighter mould than thos* 1 have jual oonoieraled wlilch have attained greater, more pronounced and more en­during success than any o f th* lainloa drama* irom abrnsd. Ihes* are ‘ ‘ 8 h*n- . andonh." ■• H u e! Kirkc,” “ The BankoFs Dnugaler,’ * '* HeiirUilU’* #nd The | brn#tor.” ' . ,

“ All kind# o f cleun plky»ctn □# m#«e iheinedLum Ibrough which # mor#l b» udiluced, bul ua # meoUiL tooto, pur# aurtslmplo, I bell#Te comedy li by far llieboBl. Uood oumedy IH Uke icood UBboutd ertVrvesce. When il abound# in oomic Bliuatiorw, sparkles with brjgut ala- loffue and 1# rt-dolenl wUb wit and oumor* It uHi t»e siin# eltccl upon tb# Jad#d la* Ullecl as ctmiupagae ban upon tb# ex­hausted athlete. It arouses mentals wjd yhyslcal actlvily and h a# good a# looio to' . I _ _s_1^*. A . v.a..B< nt mils Kualn##9

stock BR0KH5IW.U#T i #:»•* Ofkla *■

Y#r# Kx#b#nii# ■#€ ’#1ib#r tor o#>n #r u# fi#

Ita BRQjLD ST.fN#U#B#i^^* kAak BaUiiir.

Tii#pb#d# »oi

■irl #r Teas#

Newark. If. 1.

gAFB INVMTHWfT*-»i,ooa tiitoo, IS.OOO, itSvioo. i-soin

can bo pUPOd ooflrttHSla## boiid aM mort«*g# oKwrltj on property worU «##W# tb# a»>u#t ■ fcci mort ky oailinf #a

ClLLRLn A. rXKnCe CoHa##Llor*at'Law,

TH Bre*d ta.

a n d PRICE8 LOWER THAN e v e r f o r h a r d w a r e , ^ C - t o r t , m il l a n d o ln ^ ^ l ^P P L 1£9 o f t h e &E5 I q u a l i t y f r o m ntuiT h a n d s a t


JAMES A. COE 1 CO.10« **d lOS K u lbarry t t .

gg«X*E, *■ '•

sftd chsTicr slrcden: * .w-Public. llDtic* la hereby alven that lbs Boerds of Reglsiry In and for lbs -eversl ’ ' “ S* end elMitaodHirfcts ol die cljy J., win meet St Ibe severs! ptsces herelnsfter

St T o'clock In Iho diornlng, snd remsm in wc»- •lon unui B o'clock in the e'enlV ; t ttuoo oC r#Yliln# and eonwetio# Ih#srth . l2 t i!™™i .l«Ouo,“ r Iddln* thereto the names snd r«*ldni»t of ml p er™ to Iho rlcht of luffral# In iho #aia iivorai Urdo an/olectlott bSoScharior olectloo. and who ahall appear wrorothem In pors<n " .• ' ’S" diitficr to toofydevLt of a l*ia1 voter of oueh atotrwi w d# ta ttaAl voief thorolU' and of eraeln# l##r#fn>m too S n ^ i f sny P*™* Who. sfwr s tslr oppor­tunity to be heard, shall be .bown not to Uilod to you therein by reason of non-resldsno*“ iblbh^nlluce Is also hei'by given that ta* re- nual charttr election ot the city of Newark willto •'rill ‘q.yegjj^^v APRIL ». 1»*.Ul# poll# lo h# op#n rrain 6 o'clock In tb# m#n>- in# until 7 o'clock in the evenlM.The Board# of R^litry will meet and th#J d ch irtJ rS S ill< m ^ m ^■taied and the poJIe will be op«n for tn# S!pUon of voter# in the leveral elecUon dl»- tricle. at lb# followlq# named pl#c#f, to wit.*FIRST WARD. .*.**,fs^ Seventh #t#w

V’ ................ .......Mi Broad iL. .................. 4ta Broad it-" ........ CUy Artnery. Oranp #1*...........Central ave.

.....................484 Broad #iaSECOND WARD. ^..Tfl New ete, CalhoUc IniUlui#.

JS'rth..........eV...V.e.........................; ................... ,.4 » wariilnfton »t.ftlilh'*« ^aiv.nth * ee ..............4M Waebln#icn it*

THIRD WARD........,W) Souih Orana# #▼•*.......... Wcit Kinney it-........ .................n i Howard et.

. ..........218 Weet Ktnney tt,■” ..............180 Charlton at,

Barclays.: red W e ^ y p L

.......!!'.'^?'»luib.rrr ta.

...... * ..............,.30 Mulberry #t*Mechanic

DiatUct.Firtt...s*s.Second......Third.......Fourth......Fifth. .....Blitli........IFinl,.,

Flrtt.........Second..#.. Fourth. >>.4Fifth.........Sixth.........^venth..**



AM7.I DODD. - - • - Pratldeaf.2 » ,te ttuarliel valu*s)Jsn.l 18W.»3S,***.H» m LlablllUea N. T. and Ha-a Stare- ^ ^

...............Burplue by former N. T. Slanil-

® .™ s h tjro lli’le* Al>#«1«l#ly Non'forieltablo After

Kerned V#ar.In caw of lap## Ihe policy li oontinued In

for?# JTltm# value will pay for; or, f^referred, a paid-up policy lor It# full \alu* I#

AlTrr^lw # «^ d year, poUclt# are Inconteita- ble, and #11 re#irict1on# a# to re#1d#no€, travel «r ’M’Cut>ailon ere removtd. . . # aa<Je*h lexTii #ro made to the exU^ of W etni. of Iba re#efVi valtte. where valid ment# of the pollclei c#tt D# made #• collat#tal

1 paid hirniedltwly upon completloa a*dapproval of proof#. __

STEELB A R B , B E A M S , A N G L E S ,


rint.... Second., Third-.. Fourtb. Fifth.. • SUlhv.a

„ innlartal patient Aa nuigi ol our biislnrea and proterelonal man are at tti**na of tbelr (lay's hunt after gold or glory pretty well tuckered out memally and pbyeioaiiy,I hold that bright, handsome oomeoy 1» about Ul* best luedlcino they o*a tak*. l Uilnk It Bull* llieir esse -and they or# in* bulwark to Ibe theatre—better than toe iiiost sterling tragedy or mret renned melotlram*- Humor exhilarate*,, It el«- valt-s the senses. Talhoa tend*tooepr***, aud aa most of our rueoes*ful men h * « hud at some lime or other in their uvre bitter experience with th-, '* ltn *»»n “ arrow* oi oolfsgcous forlnn*’ * rooure retice of sorrows similar J ? ' ,trayed upon th* stage c*rtalnly wont cheer their spirit* It it do** eroure their Interest,

'• In Um* writing freely upon * auhJKX deer to my heart, as It It to that of *t*2^•clor, 1; mutt not he thought that 1 nitaa atleropledtoaatmj-aelr ups* an author lly nor au *rblt*r elegsnUtrum regordl^ drainatifl matter*, f am simply doing what foreign tourists do »fler * brl*r »<>■ Journ In this country—' writing my un- preasion*.' '* _________________

BRIDOr Ik im ir

I R O N P I P E ,b r a b b p i p e ,

C O P P E R P I P E ,S H E E T B R A S S .

Baflisterfi Pollard,206-208 market ST.

NO PAY Am m , UriBiry, Clironic DIsmsm


A b o u t d e n t is tr y w e k n o w . 5 v e r y m e m b e r o f th e a s s o ­

c ia tio n is an e x p e r t— a m a n w h o h a s le a r n in g a n d k n o w l ­

e d g e an d s k il l .It wr kntw how to do batter work thaa w*

#r« di)Snjt w» would do It. It 1# th# b«#4 vrork »ny deotltt oikh do. V# JL rWf ®V?JShywbFre d<»# •• go«>d tA ANY PRICTfi- And

‘To •xpi'wr' 4 hur*E‘'» on |>a f ‘T iM lo work tor you,” #ilrt Mr. llolilii;

IIP h# ) hiM LoniTs imwuHhFd rlpht #h«ci #11(1 fond-«on, M H- .

IndE'X^nspr on the uup« iv dlhturTipil 111# aulnirii whlikor# with hi#.'a.* vt/ltkysls txrnta nf WJitnr.

wKhout giving lisranytliliig tlirongh th* mouth, Injecting Hovlnlno Instead.

Vrith inch riaiilts as thlt, It Is not lo bn wondered at that llovlnlne li Indorsed by physlclani everywhere, and has become rocogiilxed «s the greatest faetor In saving life, Uxitentng roobvery (rom ilcknua, and wtidtu^ off disease, evac glvan ta ktaD.

I.'ft hand, wl'ieli was Innoeeiit of water. •'i|p,>kon you dlsrtmt-mber 8sin Itoblnson.**’l!obtn»oii bed ctiangeJ * great deal, say* Ihe Detroit I’ ree Preas- (torn whiskey hail nlanted miiiieroiiH erowsfect near hta "ves and rather demorallswl him genersl- iv bnt hta name, manner and peculiar drawl had not chan^d, and Orady In­stantly reedgivliWl ihcm when they were osaaelttled loKelher. Grady remembered, loo that Roblnaou had lent him to get his’ paper out of ths eipres* office yean'’ ’• bou gh t tt wae you all the time, 8 »nn!" exclalmSd Grady. Juinplng up. ''Shake."SSc% ?y ’'so-JS"''re^lted Mr. Roblnwm.

* ’ l'!e?‘ *'^'bave***^®'b'u*- W b‘ 11 get the e .75 at tho conntlnp-r(wm as we go out. *^And the great Southern Journallat and Sam llobln*fm, tho tramp, went out lo-'*'A*'fe'w d«J'» I* ter > Roblneon. He luokeU like another man. He was about Mr, Grady'* alae. and the clothes he wor* ioohed v«y mueli like Mr. Orady-*.

I l l n D P I

H o w U It. y o u c a a

b u y H o o d ’ » M a n t a p a -

r l l l u f o r < l 4 c . e H i i m -

p h r e y * « S p e c i f i c s f o r

1 7 c . , C a r i e p ’ s 1 * 1 v e P

P i l l s f o r l ! S o . , W o o d ­

b u r y ’ s S o a p f o r S t S c e

a n d s a v e f r o m S 5 t o

5 0 p e r c e n t , o n e v e r y '

t h i n g a t P e t t y ’ s .



DEBILITY from Indtseretlou, *X-U ioaure, produotng soms of ths.ful: ----------- "liiarToMneas. DeblHty, THm-

M llKhanIc............ Lawrenoe st.

.................... go Green sU....................Stb Malberry si.

union « -;............ ..........TI Ferry ta.......................... M Ferry sL

..........................IBt Ferry sL....... ..........517 Market « .

,......................6*7 Markta ta.gntTH 'WARD.123 nouta Orange ave,

luse, Wallace pt. ,,..33* Bank it.

South Orange are......... ......... .,600 Wenen et,

...............................620 Bank at,sb vb jtth w a r d . ^........................ 107 Bheflteld at.

........................ » Mu m s art,. ..................... 20(1 Warren lU

' 24* Bank ta.■...............g Bouta Orange are,

" , . ....................... «# Bank ta.e io h t h w a r d . _.....................6 Van Wagetten tl,

............ M Belleville ave,..............266 Washington nvt.

........ ....22* Bloomfleld av*.'■■ ■............6*4 lit. Proepeat ave.

P^khurst ta,...............42 Bherman avs.

........ ................166 ninton ave..........................IQ Xlltabita ava,■ TENTH WARD. ^.................... 119 McWhoItM ta,

.....................*2 Fsclllo SO.?;;irt"'.V.V6iV."N.w r.wk are. re^-Wmn. JUFourth....-.............................SFtfih.. ___ _ilsth ...-...-—vi_. ........................ 1*» Hudtoii ta.El'J':!.......... ,.61 Norfolk st.

.................... t w e l f t h w a r d . _........ ................................ 10 Bowery ta.Rccona.seee.•••■•*•» BowvnT

Fourtk..'s FIfUi.

Fir#t......gcconde.*Third. 4.4 Fourth...Firth.....gixth.iv

gilSJiid’’.'."'.".’.No.' i Ea*ri»-hou.», Third....»...........F<Uirtb?eeel..........Fifth......................F1r»t...... .Bccond..e.TitiTd.».4.<F-urth.4*4

■ Fifth...... Third ..Fourtk.seFirth......Flrtt. flsrr>n<l-»«Thlnl.....Fourths*.Flril......Second..4.

....128 South #U ,.4T UottvtOD #t«

Hieht. Self W .trt»!5j J e f « « » » _ “ ?™: Hinnlsl -r ta. Ftaie, Ave^on to Socta_^

YTs nf AmWIIon, Im ^n re^ , Me^choli^D,v41opme|lkJire»_Sl

j 8 i nur uric## #r«:Tcciu KxlrkcWd., With (iMur D#hIOh s4.ftOoGold Filllngi.,............■ '■ tv r t a£Hsst ArtlBcUi Teeth (rubber Pl*tf>;,M*

‘ DK.'tTO,'' onr wUle-twake anisethetlo. No gas, no psin, no danger, no tlrep.


f l» M A R K E T B T U B E T .

P a M ,.P .lns in ih . B rekjto.. s « irrettal byiaw m e t a l S r ^safely, prlvatalr. Dlreares. All

Fnrme affecting Body, Moe^ Throat. Bkir and Boneji

. Anne, Keselua. Old Sore*.BLOOD


... 6M Ftny..........................143 NLM#f» »*k

“ ’ ’TOnirEISNTH WARD. __.00,, F1ft.ta.ta .nd U tU ^ i^ a r e J......................... 679 Eighteenth ave,..................601 itiTlngflUil ave.

.......... .............m gprlngfleM ava.

.......... 6M Soulh Orange ave.■jrOfiiWsENTM WAR^

.................r : ^

V I80R »M E HIiUly, Mohly, S m u iR ly Rwtan#.

wggkRggg, HarwwwiW****IkeMlltl, and all Q— *y *n* 3 iiita f»m eoriy e n w ^


if I nH k YI V l l / L l U 1 rnlt, ! . » rrequent reHinodTirrire.Proniptly_eufed; atao all Cqn: ^toilonal and Atjqthtr i W t t j t o ^

LooaUdtonitaW*. Hundrad. of referent^ Orinvetalgat* onr mreern treatment for

onUUTh and i3t lung affeotlon*.

ASA MEDIMlJSIilSP-1 S 4 U rauffs S tre e t, N ew arK .Bwn* - 6 ta » A .M - .l t a l« n d * ta iP .M .

','4# Jon## #U m##nth kv«*

-* L1U1# it............. Omirt it..4*..DM Bclmoat #«*•

..................238 Wkvcrly pL....... ....................w Clinton #T#*"F im tin m t w a r d .............................. SB# Orting# ^....... ......................... 10 fUon#

.....................H Clirton kv*..........................i a fllooitiftold

f th# L#fl#l#l«r# ftf th# lu i# of N«w JMjiT

Itaory Ibtteof and supple-Newark, N. >taO'CONNOR.

City Clerk.

latlng eltartlona" appi Ihe several note amtni"Sll'Sr {HfT'Si.rk'. omee, Mnrch 8. !*»■ __ _ ,WM. >4

i iT Impreventaiit M * .


r u p t u r e c u r e d^ h V t l p r e v J ^ W u Trure^;'}®^“ Ul J n a ‘ "rem forrSlfbt and d * y ^ « talne the ruptura under the bafde*L ^ or Hverret strain, and vri ll * R « ‘ » permanant and speedy ilna-s S d to th* as* o f th* pnltaf^ lion free. Idfiy I" altendanc* lor ladlsR

in and Oi BrosidSiiy. cor. Itth It,. "• *■

f o a m i n e

andAtoUi Oreata. warraatad ta. ,««>* fg ?^ *K

6L WMTMBTBLYV^2 1 3 W a s h i n g t o n S t .

fo b 30 DAYS ONLY.ItuttaM* Card*..!.... U ™BUIUtauta.................MotaHred^...... .. i slnnl(ip*s.aay <»>«•.„ * ■Hamplet on appltaattan.

pRiNTtMB 0 0 - W -W Halsey *1





THE FIRST SMASH-UP.■A Cnah ua tlw Ifai, Mulb«rr]r ■!»•< KIm -

trl« LlM«>€»r ni.4 W ,fo »*n4 T v> JItrl.

Th» flr»t iinuh-uti on tha niw Multwiry

tirw l (iK trlc lln* ocourrod 4t I’enniyl- •nU nTonuo anil Kmiwt atrMt about t

o'clock ycticrday afternoon and naulted In tha eniablng In o f the front of oar No. Itl, the damaging of a big furniture van Iwlonglng to J. Keating, of lU Boiith Park gtreet, EllaalielhiKirt, N. J., and Injury of two of Jdr. Keating*! employea. William Brhalfer, the driver, and hli helper, John klU-key.

Schaffer and hie helper were on their Way to Kllaaliethport with the empty van,

rnd when they reachnl Kmmet atreet hey heard the car coming behind them, lit waa III charge of Motorman John <^n-

roy and Conductor Thomaa Mulligan. The driver atartod to pull out of the track, but at the aame moment another rar hove In Bight and before he could deride what to do car No. 10 atruck Iho van, t.reahtng the axle and atartlng the team of horaea off.

noth men were thrown to the alreet, and for aeveral mtnuiea Hickey, who had re. celveil the worat Injurlee, waa untonacloue. Sloth were carrloii Into N. A. Uarnei a grocery ilore, at the rorner, and Dr. Towle waa aummonwl. Hickey waa aeverely cut about Iho forehead and halt a doien •tltchee waa required. Schaffer waa In- lured about the rtba. but not lerloualy. The horaea were taken to the Miller atreet atahlea of the traction company and kept there until thia morning when Mr. Keat­ing calleil for them.

There la a deep rut In the atreet at Ihe apot where the accident oci-urrrd and more than on* accident haa been cauaed through It. It la eald that tha city author- tile , have had their attention called to the rut, but that no attention haa been paid to the oomplalnt.

D iiP i’TC A B ni'T C H rat'H rg u r K m r r .

OUANOK CITY APrAlMfl.fe'he High Street Aaeaumeot-Sewer Hulld-

Ing Acotinal ltwoka--Olher Maltera,City Counnel KIngatey auhmitted an

Opinion to the Orange <;omraon Council )aat night In reference to the aaaeeemenl on the niacadamlilng of High alreet from liain atreet to Park avenue. The prop- erly-ownere on the etreet. Including the t ity Counael hlmeelf, have obtained a writ o f ceatlorarl on the aoBealmetit proceed­ing!.

.Mr. Klngelay laid that In hie opinion the aeaeanmenta were not collectible, liecauae the Dxpenee of repairing the cent™ of the alreet had been Included with the miic- lUlemcoal.

In a peraonal letter to Chairman Hiker, Of the Finance CommUlee, Mr. Klngaley offered to obtain at h i, own eapenae tha opinion o f either Joseph C'oull or eic-Judgi Blcveiia. II waa derided that Mr. Klnga­ley ahould lecure Mr. t’oult'e opinion.

On reoommendallon of the Fire Commit­tee Ihe Fifth Ward hoaehouae waa ac­cepted and a warrant ordered drawn for the amount of the Bnal paYmciil on the building. An auuroprlatlon of 1500 waa made for furnlafitng the houae. Including the electrical (Ir* gong. . .

Alderman Matlhewe brought up the quratlon o f the etamlnallon of the l»ok « o f the Sewer DeparlmeiU, for which toOO

Jiaa been appruprlaled. He aald he had earned that Carrol Phlllpa Baneetl. the engineer In charge o f the aewer conairuc-

tlon. had written the oommlllee a letter, and ao the Idea had been aliandoned. Al­derman Itrady atated that the Inveatlga- tlon would be made at aome lime Boon.

Tha Improvement Society of the Orangea preaenled a proteat agalnat the throwing o f hand bllla on the atreet, and asked that It he made an offence punlahable-by Hue.

The ordinance to prevent the erection of W o^en bulldinga came up and Alderman Srady preaented a numeroualy algned pro­teat agalnat Ita paaMge. The proteat waa referred to the Fire Committee.

Joeeph N. Wlggln and Kilward II. Sny­der. owning more than two-thlrda o f the frontage on Snyder atreet.* petitioned to nave croaawaika laid at the Junction of north Centre and Snyder etm te. Prop- ariy-ownera on-North Centre atreet be­tween Park avenue and Waahington atreet petitioned to have that portion of the street macadam lard and curbed, and a almllar petition waa m-elved from real- nan ta of Bradford alreet.

Colaiwd Coagregalloaa to Hefav a Mailer la the Chaaeary Caart fur galtlaiaanl,A iarga maatlng of alored ehoroh mem-

btra waa held la Orauga laat ntgbt ta daolda flailljr upon a way of bringing tha ovar lha ml* to tha oburch p it^ rty on Oakwdod avaano, Oraaga, auw orcu|nail bjr tha Unlnn Bapbat Cburcb, to a aatlifaaMrf oonelualoa.

A ivw yean ago tha Ebenaaer and Sacond Baptlat oburehea came togatliar aad formal what la now known aa Ihe Unloa Baptiat Cburoh. Tha HaL-oml Baptiat Church liad ■ oontraot of ail, of tha proiwrty now in dta pate with the -forth Orange Baptiat Church upon which waa paid II.UUO, When tha cburoliaa were united Into one the Uul-m Church paid all th* o io a .j due on the con- tracF axcapt giUU. Ou aocount of eom, Irregnlarltlet in the proeeeiiag, at th, time the churebt! oombiuad than baa barn Irwibla ovar iba propartjr avar alaoa

l ha Union Cburcb wanla the laud aad to do tha fuUowari o f tlie old Hocond Baptiat Church, but the Nortli Urauga Baptiat Church, which la wilhtig to give the prou- ertv to th* partite who aernr* th, legal right to It, will Bot give a deed until all trouela briwnn th* illiputlng faotioga ■ adjiuted.

The meeting laat night voted to have Natbau C. Hurtoa, oouiimI for the Unloa Cburoh, aia a bill In UBaucorw to anfopoa the old contract and hava tba datd oouvefftd to the Unlan Church after It hu paid tba balaaea dua on the eal* o f eoiitract, which la

with iiitarettTbe Second Baptiat Church olalma to ba

iarorporatwl and will hold an alaetlon ol truataaa on Thuraday ulgbL Tha Unloa Baptiat Church It not inourporated, to tha menibara Of tha Socowd Baptiat Church • l a i t a , ______________ _


Hftr < f f

IT IS impossible to pass throitjjli any aisle of our

store without being impressed by tbe sacrifice o f values in

■ every line of goods.

R i g h t on the threshold of spring we present bar­

gains in new and staple ar­ticles. Is there another store in the State that is doing this?

- .................^

im srm iLsm iHiij.

H O E V E R puts out money ex|iects its value in return. We have a

way o f giving a great deal more, for any sum of money left at our store.

Yh* lUpublluaat Hold a Larg* aad Matt HaraaDaloaa M**tlag.

The llcpubllcaua of Boutb Orango Town- ihlp laat night bald th* largaat and ronat har- munli'Ui primary matting liald In th* town, thip by that party alno* ita ailtlBoce, Thom wort 150 voUm caat. The moating convened at the Kopubilean Club'* hBaHi)nart*r* and aftarwarJ adjourntd to Eiupir* Hall. Cbarlea Uieraon wgi Mlaolwl at A oirroW of th. County CnoMnllt#* front lb* Firat dia- trlct and Kobtrt Ward waa nspiad from th, Hacond dtatrlcL

Then tba fullcwlng ticket waa nmnlnaUdi For manibvra of tba Towntblp (roinmltt^ Fredaric A. Dalton, Hiltna; A'llUam H. KMnp, Maplewood; Samuel B. Tlllou, South Urang* vlliag*, Juatlcaof th* P »re for llvi yaara, Vtlllluoi O. Merck; tb r « T**ra, Danud Tlllou; oa* year, PbUlp Datrich. «ur- vayort of HlghwayA Iwwi, P. Taylor,Robert VI, lUJmtind. Conitnbl*, Henry Cheablm Commteslnnert of Appaal, Lawla P. Taylor, ObarlM A. Meaatl. Overteer of Poor, if iiomiDatioD it lo ba mgiihi Kubert D. Brewer.

CilnUm E. Bruih defaatad Hatou*! B-TU- lou for tUa nomlnaHon of Towiwblp Com- mittaemnn, but be dacHned tha honor In favor of Ihe defeated man,

Th* following toms w*r^ voted; 'I'ownthip purpotea. A\bC0 | pour, tSUO; roadtr t3,5U0; llghta, lAOUd.

Mfure b* matting mljoarned a vht* of tbanka and three cbeere wer* Elva.i for .Ur, Brutb for the aarvlcat rendered the towntblp wblleba waa a mambar of tbe Towntblp Commitl**. Chirlet Pvareon wasnleocom- pllinaotad u a County Committeeman, at wera alio all tha old membar* of thdOmaty Committee reprwwnting South Uraoge.

V -'S

Ljidtes* O e iiu f i ic F re n ch K id B u t­

to n e d n n d LAiced flhocs, rev n -

fa r II4.9S Staocst fhr

$2.59 per pair.

A LOT or - Hr N." ('ORSE'D*, lu uiddr»bi nisrited wcoade, Wdran^t ife ADyiUlofIbd iBBiMir wiiU tliBin. Yuu but wb doubt it. Heguiftr Tte.* BHc. rdU

T o -m orrow 59c.THAT -COl'KTESS CASTEI.LASE"

SKlKTIa the I'rellleel nov.liy evvr ahown by ua. New York and I’blUdelphla have taken it with a taah. Newark will follow. Wa have mnlrol of It (or Naaark, having fiirnlehed tbe nuirriala Philadelphia and New Yoik price lU*.

O ur P rice $1.69.

Children’s Hose.SPECIAIi EXTRAOIUHNARY — ttlbljed,

fall eeatuloe,, double knee, two-thread, ttua, Wfllimaiulc yarn. Hale flnlah.

SlT.ei#to U4,Value, Ihr.



Special I2'c. 15c.

WOMEN UN A NCIIOOI. BOARn.Mluntelair Ladlea Working to kteur* it«p-

rHantatloB'-Thelr Appeal,At tSe Pemocmtlc prlmariea to be held

In Montclair to-night the chairmen of lha Flral and Fourth Ward prlmariea will re­ceive the following ratolutlona from the Woihen'a Town Improvement Aaaociatlon;

"Whereat, It la believed by the Women*, (Town Improvemert Aaaociatlon that the aid of women would be benellclal In the running nf tchool matera, and that women Upon the School Hoard will add to Ita uaa- iulneae and efficiency', therefore be It

■'Heaolved, That the Woman', A ,« c la - tlon petition the primarle, to place upon the ticket a woman, that molheri may have aome repreienUllon In the work In Iwhtch they ar, directly Interealed,"

In the Firat Ward th* name o f Mr,. Murlett, Marahall, who wa, defentetl at the Republican prlmariea tor a nomina­tion. will tie rei-ommended, while lo the Fourth Ward Ulaa Elixabath Habhcrlon brill he put up.

The chancea of Mr*. Marshall are bright and her candidacy me*U) with the appro- kal of many of the Democrat* In the ward.

It waa at flrat Intended to have can-ll- datea In all of th* ward*, but on aecond thought the woman came to the rondu- alon that It would be wlaer to concentrate Ihelr effort*.

The Woman'* Chrlatlan Temperance T'nion of Montclair at a meeting yealerOay aUernoon had the queatlon “Ought Wom­en to He on School R oardaf brought up by D p. Mary D. HusBey, of East Orange. Dr, Huaaey declargd tnal the wonten were needed on the lioard.

MpNTCl.AIH APFAIHA.W ork Dob* by tbe t'DUiiellmtu—A Store­

keeper and Ilia Awidog.Councilman Bundford reported at the

^lontclalr Town Council meeting laat night that tha fire alarm poles on Watnhung avenue wort unsightly and that the Gamewell Fire Alarm Company should be made to erect the pole, according to nontract. The company will he requeated to atick to th# contract requirements.

Th, Water Committee recommended the eitenelon of the water main, on the Val­ley road from Little Falla road to Mount Mepron road. Tha Board o f Health aent a communication to the Council stating that the ventilating pipes which the Council favored placing upon hounes where sewer connections hsv* been made, wer* not noceSsary. aa the manholee give all the ventilation necesaary.

The Bank o f Montclair asked permission to place wire* on the pole* to connect with the police atatlnn. The Sewer Commit­tee aakrd for tJM to llnlih the work of John SlmpHon on Mountain avenue. It vraa agr*M to.

The requeat of J. Blerman to erect an awning In front of hi, store came up for consideration. When It was reported that Blerman had already ereolad th* awnini tha Council ordered Town Clerk Trippet to wrlla to the storekeeper to apuear be­fore the Council at the negl mealing and explain hla action.-'Felm ar Cna'a Drown l* t" an the Atng*.

JeffarioB, Klaw and ErUngar'a prodvaHon o f " Palmer Coi'a Browntei'' at H. R. Ja- coht'a Theativ, Kuoday, INleaday ,ad Yfedlltadny (veniqn of next wee*, la the Voet notable attraeUon olTared at that play- hwiia thia aeatoD, In order to teoura tkla at­traction Manager Jaoobt, for tba lira, time in the history o f hla thwtra, has bean obligtd, owing to his oontraot, to odvaaoe his loaia of prlnsa. For the engagemsns of "Tha Brawalta" anly Um prloe* will ranga from 11.90 for U » best a a ^ in lha oroh«*tra to twsnty-Bvi oaala In thnkm lly otrela. Th* rsaaoa for this Is obnoui. Tha txpeasas of this tbeatrioal organisation era to great thak aven ware It to Bll a w y Mat In H, R. Jaooba'i Theatre at tha f c n l u k s Is of prloM, tha manage- meat w o B lota moaay, Newark will ba tha only o itj » the Biate of New Janay ptarad In by " T ie BrowaMA" and alrtadv appllea- tlottt for aagta ar, b ,i,| reoelvad tram oat- of-UHTB' people. Tnsaday evening a number

lie from tba Urai;gaa will ba he Brew nit*.'' The perform.

I known aa “ Orange n igh t'

A CONTUACTUIl ARREflTEIbCharged With ftavlng tibtalaed Geodt

VlHler Fait* Pretrnca.John F, Slmpaon, of Orange Valley,

who received the contract for the Moun­tain avenue sewer In Montclair, which that town I* now completing, waa arreat- td at hiB home yesterday by Constable Foster and locked up at the Ulnomlleld Police Station, on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretence from Ogden A Codmua, dealer* In tile pipe.

Simpson, with an Italian named Pugllo, secured th* coniract for the lewVr In Montclair, and on Dfcember 10 Slmpaon went to the Uloomfleld Arm. It Is aald, and stated that Pugllo waa hie partner on a coniraet lo oonatruct the Montclair sewer, and told the Arm to change the goods to the Arm of Pugllo A Simpson.

Tha staletBsnt o f Simpson wa* found to he false, according to Ogden A Cad­mus, and they caused hls arrest.


A Freeholder Commltl** Makes Flast furPrastleal work—To Change Uuartera.Tba Roada and AttaatmeDl Committee of

th* Board o f Cboa*n Fraeholdart met yeater day aftarnoon aad derided to move In April from their praaant quarter* in the Credit ByiUm BulldiDg to rooini in the Ulol« Building.

Tbe membera ar* going to look over all the county roada withra tha next two week^ begloolng to-morrow with Frelliighuywin avenue and South Orange avanue.

Th*y will examiu* Prallngbuyieu avenu* with reftrean to th* advia^ility of taklug tan fa*t from tbe aldawalkt aad adding It to tbe roadway.

The application for a franchiae for th* Paaaalc and Nawark Railroad was laid over a g a l B , ___________ ____________

BleonAetS, Moatclair *sd NearbyThe anti-trolley people of Montclair are

to prepare a circular which will Ire ready In a few day*, urging upon the people to vote agalnat the giving of a franchise for

trolley road through the town. Th* anti-trolley clttirna will support candi­dates at the coming election who promise to oppose the form of rapid transit.

The caaeof Dr. (.'harles H. Shelton agalnat Iderre De Vauaney before Recor­der Morris yeattrday. In a suit for Iluo for medical servlcee, resulted In a verdict of H_for the |hyBlclan

Dawliliie.'on Broad alreet, Hloomlleld, last night. Mr, Ayliworth for the past eleven weeks haa bwn conducting a revival at tha Park Methodist Church, of which hls aon, Hev. R. M. Aylaworth, I, pastor. Mr, Ayliworth will preach for the laat time to-night, and will stert for hie home in New York State to-morrow

Ladies’ Waists.IVe art receiving dally, large ahipnieota

longdalaye'i, ellk, percalee, eateena, crepon". madri* clievlot,. elo.. making a truly be- wilderltvg display at lowest prioea we liave ever beard of.

A Iteautlfiil Lpatler.Cherked ,aMnes In Iwo-ioned. toorcaly dfa-

tlnguialiablp at a distance from , 11k. two rows velvet trimnihig, twint yoke biek, puff front, trimmed auuave Jaek*! eITvet. See them.

To-morrov IU9

We Wftimint lUi*ne eoiMli FrenchKiih noi ittjufulft klU, I'krii Kill, French

E>ajirdktd4»r knyntli«>r ld«bul <ientilD« Fri,*Qrh Khl.KDil w lut/ou hnvr

W n |19H for,We hATt every ilie end width nad plfiity of thffiis la all dlftHreot »hAt«k end etyl«H of

Him. Tlitaie the (irtAtMt

lUrikln U>At hue

»Tir Iwn nffertd you. .tumtblDkjh K

For $2.59.

MKN’S II A N D - etKWKU W K L T 6 HC)£d. Uceil, c»u*

Si^H end Hluoliore ne oelf TAmpi dQU> rola Uipm* ■ veHety of

poouUr khaiw toe* lo Mieci from. Thl* ehiM le e<fld by rec'i* ler iho* iHolrrt » l You con bur tbeiu

In niir Men'eKhoe

Deiiaii- Rioni

Wi«dne»- dwy

For $1.90.Ever Kind of Street and House

Shoe at Low Prices.



A .S W E expand our stock, we contract our prices. That is why we are al­

ways selling goods lower thaa any one else.

NEW i FURNITURECh«ip. Midiuffi utf Hlgh-Gndi Goodt. TIn B«tt Mitis ind Alwari Lowitt Prion.

H. 4 »:4,

of loelaty pawle prsaeut at " Th« i •uca will ba know

Aa Alleged Naliaaet la Orange,Th* Oranj* Board of Health aod tbe mem-

bar* of the WatarOommlttee of the Orauga Common CoudoII yesterday aftw-noaa Invea- tigatad th* allsgsd nulsanea existing qn the La Clare farm, adjoining tha Orange rasaT' voir. They found that about thirty band of cattle were beuiad right oa tha Dordar of th* Pttarvoia and oame lo tba eoMlualon that Imniediato notion loutl ba taken to abate lb* autaanca wbioh Dr. F. J. E. Tatreanlt, tbe Uaallh laipactor of Orabge, aayt la rapidly becomlug a daugaroua mtnaca to bsalth.

— . . I ■ i». . ............. ^Y*urnm Wh iftMil »aOq

proiDplS u ld joung fidwoird hmiky Jr,, of IQS ndtnba^ w*i




doubla breaela'l. rtefer effect, extra Urge sleeve*, value 99.00, apeclal

J t f 4 , 0 5LADIIES’ b r o a d c l o t h CAPES, One

qTiftiity. bUak ind tan, hHiidtom»lr braidfld, •xtra full Bwaap, value Bpadal

8 5 . 9 8

Hev, D. W.' Aylaworth wa* given a far*, well reception at the home of Mfa. C.

The Republican Executive Committee of nioomfleftl at a meeting last night de- elded In favor of holding the i.rlmarle April 6, and the convenlton on the follow­ing nlghl-

Charlea M. Igwkwood, of Hloomlleld. for wenty-three year* the Janitor of Olive

Branch Lodge, I. O. O. F.. retired l**t jilghl, and at the conolualen of the meet.tlmi Iwnt meet

tendered th* memlier, a recep- *1 the American lloune. The lodge

Hi meet in the Harris Building on May 1.David Bralnard Hunt, an old cltlien of

Montclair, died yeiterday afternoon at the home of hla aon-in-law, ex-Aasemhlyman John U. Fariont, at UpperMontclalr. Mr, Hunt oame to Montclair from Hrooklyii nearly thirty yaara u o . He waa a char­ter member o f the Flrat Congr.'gatlonal Church, but later Joined the Upper Mont Clair Conaiagatlonal Church.

A membera’ meeting of the Montclair Young Han't Chrlatlan AaeOilaimn was held Tatt night, at which Jere H. Cobh. elocutlonlaJ. and the Hultar and Mandolin Club o f the aiBocletlon, took pert, A r ceuLlon followed.

There will be no Sunday work on tl Montgomery avenue canal briilge. Tl contractor Mrmltted hie men to work laaiSunday. t K* ’Township Qommlttee heart oomplalnt, aboqt It, and liau«l an brr— that will not ag a cbotk.

ApKn^«1d Aod Mlllbuvift*The Springfield Choral Ifnlon elowd Its

Brit aeaaon last night with a successful conoert In th. Town Hall. The event at­tracted on, of the laiweet audiences ever atisembled In the hall and the wellMir- ranged programme was well recelvad. 'f ba concert was under the direction of Mlsa Wood, of New York, the leader of th* union. Besides Ihe aelectton, by the union

Mill Louisenie*. of New York, o f South Onuigi- - ■ ■■ “ ill

airard and AJbsrrt O. 'Elmer C. Sherman, -------- ------- , .

County Superintendent of Public Sohools, will deliver • lecturo In the Mlllburn Free Reading Rooma to-n lfht A apeclal must cal programme will also be rendered.

Mrs. Amtaroee Reavg, of* Main street, Springfield, is dangerously 111 with pneu monla.

The King's Daughters of Bl. Stephen Dplicopal Churen, Hlllburn, will hold an Easter tale o f household and fancy art! clek at the rectory Thursday afternoon and nIgbL April A Th* proceed, will be iiHd to oanusl the balance of the church debt

John H. Bader, o f Springfield, will enter.‘ In hi, friend* at a reception on Fridaytalr

nlglJt;ht, April t. ohn McCollum,

Mlllburn ---------

ubaigad ti Court this nioruing •lOtioB 09 of

pithe Tklrd Prooloot FoUce

with harirte rlolatad (bo sanitary oode. This

NMoa forbids tba tlaugbtsrltf of hhtmals ntnln tbs oity Umlu without a license. Th*

oomplalnt at^nst Beck waa mad* by Dr. oftUf ■Bunts, I Ueallb Board, wtja chargwd

(baihinw ltb killioga number of aalvaala tlieraaTaf hla batober ataou Judge Eggora taformad the priaoaar that be bad no oplloit but to flue b ln HO. 'Thb ba did. ' waa paid,

Claiwu •* B* a Muck Abated 'Wif*.Aooording (o th* atfiry told to Jodgs

Bxgartlath*Third Praolaot Polio* Court morning by tCra WHUm smith, o f Tt

lyg tifoa siraaa the is vsrv much abutad. Her htttbaad, aba talA IrsqataUv tm t bar and a w**k ago aftor bliokaatng her aya be put bar out of tba bousa Blnoa Um , i 1m dsolarsd, ba bad psraisttiitly rtfoNd Id Par- mitbm* toaH taH lb* room |H -kba W b**n obllgM to *1 ^ 1 at a noinbar’t bouse. A warrant was loniad for Biyitta'a arraak

This Elegsnt 5-pitct Parlor Suit (llko cuij, upiioislci'd in broct-pA A ITA teTl*. with silk plush trlmmlogs. A A / lA wool fringe end nil aprlng edge.for ”


FINE SERDE SEPARATE s k ir t s , lined llirouahont, full bock, full


IRTS, Iswetp, valne |«.m, aperisl


a to U years, aavy bhi»aad » d , uutchad ©oi- lar« larvD Blsevef* value |3.49* a}>«dal


4 ytera.iiav) blue anil red* braid trlromeds pearl buttuus, large Rleeves, value tpedal


Another lot of


(like cull, r«g. 910. for

CLOSINO OUT BKAHS HEIW AT As p e c ia l r e d u ctio n .

EieganI Span­ish l^ueh ilik* out), all apriDX fd g * , uphnl- iitered In Irst lurduroy, w*tb Ilk.

special lot o f Corduro] *11 tjrlug aaat, worth ^ro.VsS": $4-1

Another New Sivle, made In Antlqo* Oak. Full Box Fine Cane. Large Site Dining and Arm Chain dike cuti

DININO,rag. 99.I&. fo i................

ARM,rug. lA.iD. for....... ........100 NEW STYLES IN DININU CHAIRS.

$ 1 .9 0$ 3 . 7 6

Special Web Book Sprlox dtk* cat), w'tn liifqr

10 I«lr* HLACK SERilE, W Inches wlds, rsgularMe., SPECIAL sOr,

10 pair* NAVY RLI'E 8EK0E, W Inehet adds, rtgular No. SPECIAL aoe.

NOTE-. No n»ro to b* htd ol this prloe.



9 palterna of BLEACHED TAHLE DAM iuUrKV..,

Napkins to match, M and Hpattc.... . . ______ ________ ____

ASK, n Inches wlds, salln finish, Kfular Rir.,I-P tC U L 1»r. ■ .....................tis*.



CARPETS,With border* la match, would b* shtapak

9I.W per yard.O l’ R PRU:K, to CliOSE OUT,


It yon ntsd a earpsl don't mis* this cba im Com* early In th* week for beat oholo*.

8 palterna BLEACHF.D DAMASK. TDIncbet wld*. regular 74c,, SPECIA L 60c. Napkin* to match.

OpIeoM SILVER BLEACHED DAMASK. 00 Inolie, wide. Nertr offend bafura for let* Ihao Slio., SPECIAL .4*.

4 piece* SILVER DAMASK,« Inches wlda, regular 44c , SPECIAL JDc.

4 rises* BLEACHED pAMAIK. « Inch** wide, SPF.C1AL SSc. yard.

Wdoten BLEACH KD NAPKINS, II Inchaa regular $1.00, SPECIAL ao«.

Have your Bedolug K*n- ovaied.

KItelrIc WIr* Cut (like OUI), worth 98.J4.for •L4e.Ifnnaw alyl**

In Kateualou Tabita

GRANDE xhibition and Sale

-or-4 0 0



P e r fe c t V is io n s o f L o v e li ­n ess in O u r N e w C re ­a t io n s in H e a d w e a r .

Antique Oa* Chaniher Suit (like JJIUHcull. Spleces. re*. $15,110, for.......... VH'WU



Tills Fin* Morria Recllu-' Chlffonnler Fold­ing Chair (llko cut), *n-!lng Rads (like cut), llquc ouk and mahogany antiquo ut raahoi- Ilnlih, r.veraabhi cuto-any llnlih, worth lous, wurih $14, for I914. fur#9 .98. I *8.99.


P ;

Autlqu* ClmmWr Siili (tike cut)* i thrte wofiti lIT.dOv for > •.. *


Antique or JmU tatlnu M nhogA ny Korkerdlk* cniT, *qU

Thia lj<»v«i/ Aiit]qu« Oak aukl 3liihn«iiny Finish itni'ker. nil oov«*r rubhlon, r*rv«d

icflUierwat, i5i[ugjJljko rut), regularfor h.OO. for


Rag. 910-special

All th.Hf enta eiaotly reproi«nl the artlclax in style, prict, *(o.Any quantll) of the tame good, b« d*liv*™l at the xhorl^In tildn rtifur*** iktuI at nuu urlceonly. GCMiUj* UfaLiO r-KKhtathjn in nkw jeh hky rHKl: o r ciI a k d r . n o k \ t r a o h a Hc

that W6 oITtr al Ihli aatr. All iiHjd* markod

. a n y UAlliKiKAD OB Foil I'A('KIN(L


600HH(G BiSEMEITSlI>w»p ('ut Watrr ftnttlra. Baoc»r*t, th«Mi art

ft apec lal |4.Wftrtlclft, tl.BR.China Fruit Haucerf. tht rtfulftr Ida. upd lie*

kind* Ac. fiaoli.Ifftut, upftl »fg aerven, Itr. f«eh.Ttimblara, thin h!own, angravid or InKlftli

Aftc. dnifD.Nftturftl lUkIncSheila, n«- iftch.C'ovrrad DlalBea, SVo* tftrh,(lft»pi<loras Trrra Uotift, |l]t dfteorfttiPBt, #•«

■■cb.Chiuft Ftuwttr llaldnrt* for drcoriktlaf,

aftchrDecoratod Platra, any iIm , fte* ftftob.IMftTiU. Hftliuis Hiibbrr Tr«M, AultftiL

Frrua* RiuWr laillaa, Hoata, at giaatly rftduvat prieoB.

iDfanla' lUth Tuba, 4ft«. aftch,Si-ltkch Dreoraiud Trayi, llua aaoh.Hcmb RruaUea, 4«* aaoh.HftudIM shoe Bruahea. ta* MOh*Waah Hoardi, Ite* aaoh.Carpet Bratura, Ac* aaori*('liatopkou Ritie U}irtier«* ilu* uacb.Stag llaudlu ('arvlng Kulvaa and Forhl

19a. m l

Muffin 1‘Hna.UAn frame, Dairy [*aiu,&a6,Uk IS qunria: uxtra dreti l^Udlug Fan*, I quart* lUquart; liitlnuid Wanh Basina,egirahaavyi-

(.kilamUri, largu: KultuDod Fr Kf 11 irH* lu rut alsaa \ Staid pad Cake MouUfa. faiioT ; Stamped quarta; F!«e«d Dlah Fant, aalsaa.

.. rvaiouidi

Any of lUfM arttclai and lot* mor« oan ba KouMfuruUhIpg i)epartmaats oldhad io our

buMruanLlouMfuruUhlpg ilepartmaats


TABLES.)4«« our Crockery and fllaaawar* Dapart-

menta tor hig things at $*• aaoh.Watch our adverllsament for BXTRAORJJ-


In Kan and Antiqu* I'ertiBD, Hnkara, Dagn- ttUn.Tlfflt, Ctthmrre, Ariatnian. ClrcaaaUii and Egyptian Ruga. Carptttand Pnrilerta.

This la out of the ffnrel aihlbltlontof Ori­ental pruduota ever preaent«‘l lo thia country, and ambraoea gooda takan from nol,d mioquea, lemplea and blatorlc placea. ONE KUO IS OF J'URB SILK, and waa (ao aald) mad* fur a I'eralan King,

n IS YiLDED IT GISOO.NOTE—Thl* tiiparb dlfiday may be Men on

woond door, dlrtclly over otir mein Broad *i. eotraacu


Do il with some of our superb PIC­TURES, just purchased at the sale of the effects of the BANKRUPT LIPP- MANN MANUFACTURING COM- PANY OF N EW YORK.

A Picture With Frame and Glass at 10c., 19c., 25c., 3Sc. np to $16A M l G H r i i D - P R O O F K T C H IB T G ,

W ltb Class tDd Wliite tn d Gold Frume,$ 1 . 4 0 .NOTE-Thea* PICTURES an In lha BoiamaBl, near th* Hnmd Street Eiitr*n».

The Finest Assoftient of Spripg Goods in New Jersojf at Hahno dl Co.’s,S T O R E ,

New, Brlefi front Haaklng Uiilge-The monthly union aarvlcei of Hie

MethodiBt and PreBbyterlan olmrohe* o f Baaklng Ridge wer* lield Sunday night In Ihe Pre*byt*rUin ohirrch. Rev. Dr. John C. Rankin preached th* aermon, R ,v. William F. Randolph waa preaent and alBO took part,

Th, steward, o f th* M. K. church, Boeklng Ridge, will hold an Important meeting In the ba,em*nt of th* church Friday evening. It will ba decided at this meeting whether or not Rev, W. F. Ran­dolph, the paator, will ,tay another year.

■The three children of 13. J. Thompton, o f Railroad avenue, Baaklng Ridge, who have been dangeroualy 111 with pneu­monia, are aald to be Bllghtty better,

The public school at Basking Rldg*, which haa-been doted for Kveral days owing to the IRnea* o f the principal, Willett Neer. waa opened yesterday, Mr, Near I* conalderably better, although not eottrely well.

Two IntcretUog Coaearte.The Rutgir, Colleg* OI*e Club will ( iv t

a coDoart at Aaaociatlon Hall to-morrow nlgbt. The liveiT entarMInmenta o f (hate ttudanta era popular In this city.

At the Essex Ljeeum on Friday nli Newark Bymphoay Club of tba Coll _ Huirio will give Ita third orobeatral ooacert. Loul* Arthur Kuaa*ll it the conductor, and lilts Maude Young will appear aa a io- praao aolclat.

gbk (be iTffs of

ISorrlHtown and r iia lh iin .An sIleK'") plot to roh Ihe horoce of

wealthy resident, wha Rve In the vicinity o f MorrHiown wa* revealed yesterday by a conatlouB-slricken member of an or- ganlU'rt gang of Ihlevea. Recently Mr, Qoilfrey. wlio realdea near Convent flta- tlon, on the mad between Morristown and Madison, had occaelon to discharge hls Oerman hired man. Th* latter went lo New York, and, myetliijf two of M ^ellow -countrymiin. I, claim* waa......................... plan,arranged to rob th* Godfrey realdence.alto the jluUerworth house, altuatcd on Ihe Walnut drove road, north o f Morristown.atonhdmcr, Ihc member o f the gang who revuled the alleged plot, wo* to do advanrn work and aacertaln

lleged plot, wo* to do the (ertain the lay nf

the land. Accordingly, whll* hls two com

.. superintendent of the Heading Rooma, and C, Lou a

Corby, o f Bpringneld. have been appointed correipoiidenia o f th* Young Men a Chris­tian Aaaoelatlon o f the ttale and will sup­ply letter, of Introduction to young men wishing to become member* of th* branehea In any o f the inburtian town,.

Wat WaattlnM 1Vay>Th* eupreme offleera of the Loyal Addi­

tional of the Royal Arcanum were ent,r- talneil laat night by the Weatffeld council at their room. In Etta Hall. After the routine hualnee, supper wa* served by Caterer Smith.

Al tbelc meeting last night the greater 'Pfci portion of the time o f tha WeatAald Town- la a n n j ,j,|p (jommltte* wa# taken up with aewer

hualnras. Engineer Dunham woe preaant. To-day a party of contractors will go over In* roulet. a* a preliminary to mak­ing **tlmatet on tbe work. . ,

The regular annual meeting Of the Btockhuldera of th* Weatffeld Club was held at the clubhoua* this evening. Four truatecB together with prealdenl. vlce- prerident, aecretary *tid ir«a*ur*r war* elected.

Noel H. Uarka la president and J. W. Ferguioii district clerk of th, n*w Cran­ford Board of Education.

Th* Cranford Oounri) of Foraatva will hold an Important muting at tht Opera Houa, lodgtraomi this arenlng.

A LISTOt naion* why yea thooM in- aiit upon having Dr. Plaroo'a Plaotant PsUata, and a a l l i^ aha Is (M r plioa: —

BacouB* tbay'r* tba m aU fd, •nd the BtHiaaHlatt (0 taka

Bacguie tbar'n lha aoMsit In Ibeir ways No illaturbanca, no noctipo attarsnrd. Tbalr at- tacta lost.

Tbay abaolutely and parma- nently cur, BUlmituam, Uid|- gs*^>, CkniiftlpaHon, aclw, and Sour Stomash. Th* HUM tommon oilMl pf FHaa Ig consUpatloa. By ramorfag 4b* cauM a curt I, effected.

Jfriitpcaurg, Orowpe Co.- If- T '.. Db. Pliaoat Star flir - I luffaiyd untold

, .i¥liTc_______•ailoti?' ^

hafa pot been 4nmbl^ wUhfhlMUmon, I baf« not l»<m irouoiw wub

pBiiionx lay In hiding under an ever­green Inilgc row, he called at the Godfrey realdcnce In Ihe gul,* o f a tramp. He begged Bomclhlng lo rat, and wa, treated , 0 kindly liy Mrs, Oodfrey that he deter­mined to friialrfit, the plan* o f hi, pals, and did bo t;y making a full confeaalou to the wuman. HI, cuiifederateB, becoming Weary of waiting for B prearranged alg- nal tlmi Ih, coast was clear, left Ihelr hiding place, and took lo the wood,. Btonhclmer remained at the Godfrey house until thcTeturn of Mr. Oodfrey, to whom he reiuld hi, story. It being desirous lo apprehend the other man, Mr. Godfrey, accompsnlod by Btonhelmer, came to Mor­ristown nnd engaged th, urvlca , ot De­tective Hay, to work up the case.

Rev. J. II. Gunning, paator o f the Bed­ford Avenue llapllst Church, In Brook­lyn, and who wo* until recently a resident of Morrlaiown, ha, had aerved upon him by counael for 111, wife paper* notifying him that Mrs.'Gunning ha, Iwgun pro- eevtUng, for a limited ilivorce.

After having remained Idle for a period of (hree years, the ,11k milt, ut Stirling. Morria County, reeumed operation, yeeler- day.

‘The funeral aervlce, o f the late Cbarlea D. Wlltbergeri foreman o f Humane En­gine Engin* Company No. 2, of Morrla- lown, will ho held In the Meihodlat repluco- pul church al (;»0 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

While plumber, were at work yesterday in a new house In courro of construction In Sussex avenue, Morristown, a llve- yeer-uld boy, residing In the nelghlmr- houd, eecured poasessTon of the gaiioleno melting-pot belonging to the workmen, and going Into a cloaet In the houee began experlmrnling with th , Innammahl, con­tent, of the pot. Moon a flash of flam* and clouna of smoke attraoted the attention of pa»*era-by end lha plumliert. The in- quiBitIve child, who .had tome match**, liad started a blase which before It could gain much headway waa extingulihed,

Frank L. Moore, o f Chetnam, le erect­ing two targe hew Iron gr,ei)houKi.

A primary meeting wa* held at Chat­ham laat night lo nominate two Vlliag, 'Tnisiees for three yoara eaoh. Gaorge T. I’arrott and H. H. Jowitt were nominated to succeed Ihemaelvsa.

Chatham townahlp Committee has or- anlsed for aa followa; Charles B. leiiuiqj, chairman; Hudson Muebmorw

TreuBurcr; George W. Oeniing. aecretary, uiid Howard Young, Clerk.

The Hoard of Trualcc, of Chalham Township'* publlo achools nut laid lUgtit In th# school bunding ,nd oryanlaed. L ot, were drawn (or the lengtli of icrma o f office. Robert Blake, Charle, Juhnaon and Edward 1’ . Miller were chosen for one year; Edward lllaaler, Kldgar r. Mopping and cim rle* L. Cbovey, two year,; ctrarles a. fltrang. George H. Boole and A. A. Condit for three years. ('. 0 . Hlraiig w a, elected Clerk ot the board.

P'rasklla and Mutl*y.A birthday jiarty waa given by Mr. and

Mrs. JoMph Ualch WUllam, at (heir resi­dence, on Tennis place,Nutley, laet night. In honor ot the elsveqih birthday amitver- eory of Ihelr rtin P*rcy.

The Monday Night BO' loa n — . - .Field Cluh laat night.

OWUng home or

Club held a the Nutley

Tbe Franklin Townahlp CommlUeo will meet tu-nlght at the Bark Hull, I'rank-

llallan rag-pickers have been complain



THE Re m o v a l s a l eGrowa In magnitude t yctierday, all of which

rery day. Ih addltlun to Ihe many excellent bargaina advertleed vill lie (onnd on tale to-day, we oSar the tollowlag additloual In-

‘*'"'l™|;AgK REMEMBER that w* move April th* lat to I he large atorea,NOR. I«» AND lOJ M A R K E T HT„

formerly ocouniwl by T, H. Wllenn A Co., and 11 l» our Intention to on*n (her* wl newatoekoapneelbl*. Everyildng la oiir preoent location 1. forflxturat, etc. W* aru dBietmlowl to open ui oor new

(h*re with at near a ■vKiti i« ii.i ••in- , ounlera, fliturea, gal •tore with every thing NEW.

ed o f for throwing relategloug Ihp ltlv#r road. Th* rag-picker* orlve up from New­ark to Pasaalc at nighi, return al ahuiit

,d. Th* r*g-pl„ 1 to Pasaalc ■o.u..daylight, and throw WnAlcVcr ility can not uitllxe along the side of the road-

Dana, of Doaton, Mats., la a gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Joaqph.U, .Williams, o f Tennis place. Nutley.


No, Never,Pliysidsjis have never been

able to prescribe any otheremulsion of Cod-liver Oil which

aW Q jild bring as satisfactory re­sults a » Scott’s Emulsion.

T he reasons for this are tha absolute purity of ita compo­nents and the superior process o f its manufacture. N o b ^ y has ever been able to imitate it. Imitations are always inferior to the real thing.

Remember that Scott's Emul­sion is the great food for wasting in adults and children.

Do»’4 4* jmiwioM toacUfttnAiUtulB/

Idtl'A Sown*, N, Yi Ml Dru||kUl SOri tsd $l>

SILKS AT REMOVAL PRICES,.SJkjnyardtof Foronn* Silk Taffeta*, notblng

liand*om*r for walau, trlniraliig*. dr#t«t. Th*t* go^ t w»r» lmi»rt*d •apretaly f o r ’,'*- and It was our Intanllon lo run lli*iu at 6#c. yard* To'Enorrow riftD buf t)ifm

A t J9C. yard

» piMvw All’ wool nren Clptli, in e w y »h ^ « nnd ftU the mlitureu. Th'Me vood^ nut ■B liichrt wide, and are cheap at, tli* regular price, m'.

R e m o v a l p rlo e 94c

ALL-WOOL VIOEROUX BEIGE,Id bH Ih* new colorings and tnlitnr**, full

87 hiArt wldu, and cheap at tbe regular price,

R e m o v a l p r ic e560. yaid.

BLACK MOHAIR BRILLIANTINE,87 Ini'licH wide, rich, luitruua black, never

then 88c, yard.R e m o v a l p r ic e a$o

GINGHAMS.I lot of Aprnn and Drcat Ulnghauu, ware

4H<'. to 4c, a yard (not mure lhau IS yard* tobayur).

R e m o v a l p rice a]c. yard COnON SIRD'S-EYE OIAPERIMG.

V*rv IjaatgiHid*, ISlBOhrt wi le, 10-yd, pit#**.R e m o v a l p rice joc> p lc c o

DOTTED SWISS.To-murruw wu lake 8 pieces of our regular

ISc. Dntivd BwUa. large and email tfferta, andimrentlr* alack of large enrn apota, aouaret. eto., at) lo IHIueti*t.weie Ik. to »>e, yatd—but aligblly tnil*d-all logo at eprclol

R e m o v a l p r ic e 7le> yaMl

BOSTON STORE, 729 BROAD STR EET.Serloaa Charga Axalsit ** Italian.

A warrail waa latuad T olw daj aftarnaan by Jiutic* of tba IVace Xbonia* P. Day, ot Avoadsl*, for tbe *rr**( of Fralorlck Carts who wo* ebargad wllti btwaklag downs door IB tba " Barraoka" ua Avmtdal* road, Avon- dola, and attamptlng to oomnilt aa aaaanit ba Ura Chrletina Hpnottavena, on Munilar algbk Tba warrgat wa* placod In th* banil* o f Conatabh TbaeasL. Brandedb, but Corb's triand* bad warned bun sad baaausiwl, Tha comnlatnanl U not qult#i«rBOt**n jmiu old, and baa baan mairlod about a y«ar. Her husband M l bom* ttveral ntoalbs ago to look tor work. U* has act bate beard ot ■IBM,

noli** III* U*mi,Peter Diegan, o f Bellavllle, who ran

down [llcycllit Charles A. Hobliiion, ot East Orange, un Waahington avenu* Sun­day, wa* held In 41OC tislf for a hearing Thursday night before Justice La Fku- cticrlp

About lwo-»core friend* of Chart** Bongler were pr*»*nt at hi* hearing ba- fore Jtullce I « 4'aucheri* ljf*l night, OB th* charge o f asaauUIng 8«loon-ke*p*r William Cnunpton liUit ffunday night. ‘Th* *vld*D(<* ahowad that llnugler and Kdward Kelly entered Crampton'i aaloon and Tmth drank beer. Bongler, It wa* ohargedrwa* Intoxicated, and p lcM .a i quarrel with Crampton. He dented th it He wa* held under bond for th* Uranfl Jury.


l U m ctR A m u s - m n -u o m w wul m em V a B rm m ccim.

THE WISE AND ECONOMICALponeysaving, means the choice o f complete lines. These arc

ADVAMGES YOB CAN'T FAIL TO SEE!HaK-pncHl islins, lii^W ash fimxls.

iiu*aIiai4 TsMa DiLTniiJilr.pillow Oue Muslin,

O-lDch wM*.6 ! c .

tt-lssh wldi,

71c.Blaobad, n n Sm . fl»« fln*UlTi

■old »t tOc. U> Uo.


T.lght CsUooes,

s i c .

n*oalM “ I t o r r i n u e i I n imnil fl*nr*d u d ilrlpnd j»U#ra» and n»w *ood».

Bleached Table Damask,iu n u lu ir *oM nt M«.. ■(

81c.HtnchHln wtdUi, pno*™tba »ban pri«, wnlU It liati.


' fof

« IhehMbut qwlItT PK"* In bloi luid brow* rh«k.

leather Tleking,ItagnUrlT wUl at Uo.. for

lOlc.BlM «h*lt boat ' ‘ flPti- ™ ld fwith«rt* Mt Ibc *bov* pri*i wblw

lU^Urlro m ta ‘

Unbleached Sheeting,nUrllline to width, for

j± ^1 8 1 c . l » c . 1 7 c .

E»Mll»nt qtialltTi Sno clou cotton.

Cotton Hnek Toweli,Hogalnrlp cold nt lOu.. for


sue l « i » Inehro, "Hit rod OT blue border*. nl tbr nUoTo price, whll* it Uitn

Linen Towelling, ^Refclnrlr wld ntUM»..for

Eilrn Honor twilled blenehrd. IS toohu wide, rerr flrni end Bne qonUtr.

Part Wool GhalUee,RiSnlnrlr eold nl ISc.. for

5 1 c ,Dtrlt Mnd light gfovndt, with imall flctrgl flgnrcftn lb Maori lOBith*.


March 27th and 28th,At which time we shall have on exhlbh

tlon a large collection of

IIISIISThe Popular Store.

S o m e Ite m sW hich reflect our best endeavors—T o insure trade and gratify buyers.

Print*.! P ong«« nod SstlMS, dwk work, short lonftths........................* J c . ^ y ^Finest Quality Outing FUnnels, short lengths .................................... « * ,* « , , werdWhH« Nsinsook Checks, 7c. quality....................................................................Udles’ Black Jlose, full regular made................................................................ ^Udies' Blnck Hose, full rcguUr msde • ■ • • • • y ........................ .. * 1 "

The host dye, wnrmnted not to crack.Crepe Cloth, sU ehndes. the goods.......................................................B«st Quality Printed .............................................................................."in c . vsrdPrinted Dimity, new........................................................................................................... ...

FIKST FIMR-DBR CDRTAIH DEPARTMENT.Dslnty Photos From the Artist's Brain—They’re Beauties.

Nottingham U ce Curtslns, « Inches wlde,dn largo vsrtety of patterns rt

N^Ungham U ce Curtalna, large asaortmeut, In wide and narrow borders,(0 Inches wide, C i,s> 9 I’*'"'' _ ^ u . >■

Nottingham iJioe Curtains, In Brasaels net effect, #3 Inches wide, at # l .7 Sa prir.


K ImIa- __ _ ___

Introductory Displ iy of Spring Millinery I, . Paris, the millinery centre oJ

W e’ve tvansformed our par­lors into a conservatory— flowers, flowering plants, ex­otics on every hand. Crowds came yesterday to look and then to admire the beauty of dur new spring headwear. It’s the best showing we ever made, which means that it’s far in advance of anything

ever done in Newark. «rrjh.

Paris, the millinery centre oJ

the world, has sent us some of its

finest and moat artistic examples.

Our own workrooms have almost

equalled (in many instances sur

passed) the work of the Parisians.

See our display if you wish to

know what fashion approves of and

what the lashioimbles will wear.

Look at our central show window

as you come in. It’s a fancy scene.


Brauali Ket Curtain*, a large yariety. In Point d'Giprit efftet, at Ms.19 a

BOYS’ CLO THIN G DEPT.WlU offhr ti^morrow SPECIAL value* In ALI IVOOL SUTTS for boy 4 ta

16 yean, »t lower price* th»n ever before quoted.SUITS at •x .aS , formerly W.OO. SUITS at •*,48, fonueriy W.M.gLTTS at Mm S, formerly Ib.M. SUITS at 8 3 .4 s * RonffriyAl»o a *peclal aasortment of All-wool Jeraey SUITS, 3 to 8 year*, at 8 <.49 *

” '* lU»7 anyFauntleroy SUITS, about half of what they ehould be, from 78c. to 84.98 the suit. _________ ___________

SPECIiL U C E PHHCHISE.BpwUl pnrehiM of BotUr ttlor Pol«*„4*

ireEudt LaoM, * to t* l*eh«* «Wo, worth Oo, tor

l ie . yard.

Many of our Carpets are exclusive designs, and are sold by no other house In this city.

All are cordially Invited to attend, whether they wish to purchase or not.

W H ITE GOODS.FiM laeo atrlpod h»wo* *t •«. yard, iw**-

tu prW8 Ift?.a Jatio **w*rtin*nl of ®trip*d and PlaidUwnlal yard, rofolarprlMlSo.ruw Enaltab Um* Clotb. anltabla fw ladl*a

■ndorynar. at 1»W «.. rreoUr prio* Wo.M i a S t r i ^ Apron bioho* wida, 1 q j || T O " M O R R O W

•^I'rort.d Dotted 8 -W . for d r a - - . « « . . . | a"fyard, recnlar prtoe » o . “ “ __________

It . S . W IL S O N ^ CO.,1 6 3 A N D 1 6 5 M A B K B T S T R E E T .


flolored Striped Sorint,Eofularly told at lOo., for

5ic.Twd wide. #ne food*. In new deeirnt.

GlilaA Drapery SUk,Regularly eold f»c. to Ttc.. for

8 9 6Fine fanoT fl*nr*d do*1*ni, handeom* oolor-

tsf*. In lomiukat lenatht.

Nottingham Laoe Onrtaina,ItegtUarly Mold at tor

Wlnobeewldeto tH* pair, flue thread,all. over daelan* of roiea and fern*, at the aboee greatly rodnoed ptloe while Ibe lot lain.

IBSUN WEAR. 'Jdidiea’ Ohem ,

Regulsrly told at Mo., for89e.

Wall rnadt, fall •!», P>o<l diiuUd, with potdad babdt.

Ohildren’i Lawn AproM,iUgnUrly aokd at Me., for

49c.Trimmed with deep rufflee of Toll do Nord

doabam. and edged with Val, lac* and fancy

INFANTS’ WEAR.Infants’ Long Skirts,

Hogularly eold at l»c., for85c.

Of rood qaallty of white llannel, well mtd*. with o««p wm aod yoke baaa of cambne.

Oarriage Robee.Begolarly eold at Wc.. for

49c.Made of felt. In eeenrted color*. *'tb ricked

8dg88 *od handKiDie umbroWerttl ocnirwrt.

Opaque Window Shades,Refularly eold at »e., for

15c.fh»d eo!on« with good spriag roller, rradr

to bang.

Window Shadoi,fUgnUrlr told al B9o.. for

S9c.Fine qualUr. bail iprlag rolliri, with 5>taob

detp fancy frinia*

KEN’S WEAR.aisbt Shirt*

R#galarly aold at Ado., for89c.

tolnohee Idas, fancy trimmad, wUh faUad 888108 and fttujr giiiieiad.Colored Boeom Shirts,

Keynlarly eold at 76c.. tor49o.

With white bodlet, well mede, neat etrlped affeot bosoDU*

oioi^ j

D EV ID S T R I S .635-ISl ifllO, COR if Wm.

d rc H upon upplloallon.

WIUtall buJk ooly.’ inU)l?r5 wX,rlS ! 2 5 e T R r d

Oned qaallty Cotton Cballla*, naw deeline and oolorlnge, re* price 60., at. • J

t h e s e E O R J k -L L E -A .T .

prald. ______ ____________ _________- -

BIA Shoe B a ri for "Utile Hen and Women.”B o is ’ and GUIs' S loes at Decidedly Reduced Prices, bnt only oa sale alter school h ow s, bm 3 o ’ clock till closing time.PUJB auu tmm »n ^ C H II.D H E N '8 SHOBfi

8 a.oo BOVS* SH O KB

At 81.25 pair,

fSjMfhend-nmde* to 6 Inobee wide, re*, ealne Uo.. al Sa. a yard.

W K i r o n - . ^ w l t h fancy borders rrg. prioeYnc,. at Sc. eaoh.|7Tim row-------NiglllM Shirt a v | ^

Made of fine eitln calf, with Djajlnn andi.™

81.25.8 X.OOO m S B E E ’ S H O E S

At 81.49 Pair,Hade of flne donyol* kid, bnUon, tprlng

lieele, hendiewed welu, petenl leelher tip*, beet sbapee. at

mrnt-i : 11$2,50 BOYS’ SHOES at $1.98 pair,Usdeof nnwl rrsneU rnlfikln. 1'*“^” "*;*

welti. tltlitr heeled or wltU iprlug heeli, w»r- rsQied to wenr well, nt


8 1 . 0 0 C H I L D R E N 'S S H O E S

At 75c. pair.Mede of dengole kid, with eprln* heeli end

pilent lenther llpe, bolton etyle, *11 rile*, from t o’olook notn closing lime, at

75c.8 1 4 0 B U S S E S * S H O E S

At 81.98 pair.Made of Sneet kid end clotb-top bnttonln*,

wllh eprta* baalc and patent lentber tip*. Inell slue MU width*, et

81.98.$ $ , 4 0 , ! 8 1 . 9 0 . __________ o i . w o .

M i i i lu K iH Housefornishiiigs!'k TuroAMHAfl ITaa PanlHlsB

I DBMsueei

b S “ «a l“ rin e^-. *»»»•• a « L ChIMnii't H s i Bifjiliii,

Children’, feet " ” ’

S S a ia i ’arjnisWd!:':pnl a

■Im 18 to «h real ealue tun., atL m Clrtlil B ifp is , with6t-Iach Point de Rpril hanaOwtU^ with hwdSim floral deelgne. apeclal at • pair.

* S 5 S r w l K ' all colore., » « <|S!2f‘/ heeniooda, P value, epeelela» « » " • » y » «stripid Sortli,

Ml laches wWi* ipioiel 4t s , .FWl line of Window Bhndu at npe«l»l low


' K S i l S . ' S S S i . .“ ^n% l*n/feS‘p.Vcelln»,» Lehro wide.*S5r iA : ic * ; 'B . !^ k SeUataA I* nawpU-

**r?liD^leal<i qua'by uennlly eoldalUo., onr price 7H»« 57»r4*

Baoner Laandry Soap Bam berger's Laandry S o a p . S lleso Scoaring S o a p . . .Band Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T o r n Talk Soap F o l d e r . .

Japanned Tea Caddies Decorated Jard in ieres. . .V h isk B r o o m s . . . . . . . . . . . . .Japanese V a il P a n e ls . . . Large Square Glass D Isb es .

SpMlil Omi fiogdi Bviilit,M-lnch All-wool Cheviot*. Spring weight

end cototingi, »o . Talue, et a yard.Yerd wide Wool niegonel Serget. In all

Icjhllng ibeadea Knd blsck, Sto* n luA it k ie .» )'»rd.Sptniil SHk Btrgiln,

White Broceded Silks, m ull flgnrsd elteots. fine quellty, 6#c. »»lne, et 8T)4e. e yerd.

Full Una of Plain Colored Chine SUka, In ell the Qsvr evsniog shwlts iDd buck, 90c. wilue, it 19e* i > Ard,Tabid OiloloDii,

Very beet qnellty, ell teney colon, ipeolel et 1*1^ e yeiu.Shelf Qiloigtht,

Choice coloringe, special et Be. e yerA ^Tuiklih BiA ShNti,

l yards long, worth $1.76, et SliSP each.UnbleachS ShHttiig,

t yerd* wide, worth Uo., et l ie . e yard.Brnsn LliHn Cntli,

in inches wide, epeelel et BIt|e. e yard.TnrhtFRtdTibl* Dmnb,

Fmv oolcrt, worth 87Ho<q i t i5i* i gird.ReadFinadt IIshM Plllew Gmi,

Kest Fruit of the Looea MoiUa, iAiSS ihibei« it 11H«* esob.Speolil CounlirptM Bir|iliit, .

Will open Wednsidey morning, two eseae of sil r» large end e*tr» dee white Conntrrpenei, vrrr hendsomt petterne reg. price PBo. end }UV, as long 1 1 they laet, et dte. end 7Bo. eaeb.Special SiNm tviiliia,

itMnch Figured Satinet, In new deelgni end coloringe reg, price Uttc., et 7e. a yard.

U1 plicei nne French Setlnee, lerge cheek pstterne, IPo. quality, et 1*14*. a yard.

iW .V.SDyder&Co.a n n o in c e a




Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,MARCH 2 6 ,1] AND 28.

a l l a r e c o r d ia l l y in v it e d to atte n d ,

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G O O D YEAR ’S RUBBER STO R E.liugiit iud limit com* if-.


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RYDER & CO.’SSteam Carpet Gleaning l o r l a ,





3 5 . 0 0 0 .

G o o d D a ir y .............. . . . . .a o c . ll»C o o k lf ig : B u t t e r .............. i5 C ' *•*

Nothing Special In tbiM prioee ea merkit le tower.

BEATTIE,7*4 end 7*S Broad Street a ^ Sd Bellerllle Avenue.

O B B / IlV M E D U 0 T 1 O S 8 .Tomalnes, lea n i......... ................... .........Corn, Fanny Maltte.*cana............... .....MoI’eaa. choice, a oana.............................Callfpmla Heaohea beat, per can............ »»•Cellfurnla Vlueaa, beet. pa» «*"• .............J "California Pean. beet, per caiv.............

OUR OHOIGE TEAS liee. and ■*•- per Rs.


d b t e o o B f tE X X B A . R F E C I A I d S .

Sl.M>hed Ctottc Boiler Towelling, U lache. wide, at j, yrt.

Merrimaek Fait-rotor Light Cambrio. MW .iflng pattern^ yd.


Plain Cntot Ohlna SUka, la aU oolore, «e .

«>»•• *• 17 i-ao- yil.Tard-wlda Percalre. l!V4o. grade. In rtrlpee

andflfunA 8 l - 2 c. yd.

H 0HB6 F n rn is h in g D ep artm en t.

Holland tihadea, fringed, •lightly neoende, at1 9 l - 9 o .

W TaWa Ollntoth only1 0 c, yd.

Banner Soap (Heymro’a),1 1-EC.

Otaln* Cup* nnfl901otheaWrin*»re^

Ko, 7 H « tf Solld-onPPor BoUer, but quality,8L40.

Note CarelulyOUR PRICES.

tiaio Mari. All-wrol New 8prl*f *nlte, eingle end double brroeljd,

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,p r i . i . t y l « , «

M .rii6*P*nte.*reri»JI»‘89.OT.oblldren’e Suita all wooU atoee 4 to lA «nl» •

f . * « o « ) . f t . a t

l i .60 Boye* Suite, 1 to U yrore, a « gotol t .

88 .17.Boye’ Kaea Fanta worth HOn, *•

97c.f f i ftyFlauuel Shawl* eubroWored oog-

S 5 0 .

He. Bnih Bag* at 150.Ta-nlght only, *!f*l*i,1 1-sO.

n*r.latauM’ Lout Whll* Cambrio Stipe. • « '

b^lderril Tokaat

Intani*’ ISo- Hand Oroobet Boottei, « r y pretty, at

Inhinti’ WhH* Bilk Oaparery pretty, am- hntdared, at

Om lot #(» difhteal paMriu <*,W*iJ* widtl* from * <0 H l“ k*a l« value* from Ua

s 0 1-9 ^ yd.

ogw nit • o'*ia*h ■ n*i*aa.B « H * n l* h PaH ein* (■> IWto.

m t n i


Third Edition.



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B i L l O T A M F M T STbe Rspubliou PrimtriH Sarktd b j

a Knmbsr o f fiittw fiattlUi


Dot. # i J ora l.von mill Burkli.rdl L'lnlnwl t . H . l u « for Mom iutlon. far th* N.w B . .n l of lT .r k ."> t .l . .b r Do- clan* thM H * I* All BKkl, Whll* HI* Opkooa.t* F lgu n 0IIT*r*aUp—Wllllain wigclaa, BuimiBk for th* Cooatr Co b - nlH **i Ha* a Illb Orokoe I . a Bow Oror a Ballot-box — BoiotIII*'* Faolloaal Fight Broak. Oht Agalii—ttajur lo o t . ikOOCHlaU

Stubborn oontaoti cnllvrnrd by argu- RirnU o f (ho moot h*atp4 onlrr. with oc- cailonal hand-torhand oncountcr* bciwoon the ophoolng force*, made the Republican primary election* iaat night more than utually Intereatlng. Th* batllea were waged mainly on the Board of Work* queatlon with the minor nomlnatlona a* Bide laaue* o f the moat ordinary kind. Throughout ih* city tha vote waa very haavy, tJ\e people turning out In forca Each polling place waa crowded, th* voter* lingering In tha vtctnlty to wit- neaa th* excitement. Among the leader, th. prograa. o f th* battle waa carefully watcbad.

Street and Water Commlaaloneri Van Duyne and Joralemon are conceded more than enough delegate, to give them the nomination., arid John Burhhardt la ad­mitted on all aldea aa a aura candidala.

When the leadera left the County Com­mittee headquartera tong after midnight th.r* * a « a hig doubt aa to how Alderman WUllam Btalnaby atood. Hta tally-man mad* the claim that he had elected from UO to in delegate* out of the total of tlL Cbandlar W. Hiker could not a*e w hen Btalnaby had aecured more that elghly- dve delegate*, and ■am* of theae. Mr. Hiker held, were very doubtful. Major lA nli waa Inclined to place hit eatimat* at about th* aame figure* a* given by the City Couniel.

The other fighta are atlll open, the neeir- •at to auccaBB, according to the eatlmatea of the taperte. being Oeorge L. Smith, Dr, Cl, 1*. F, DlclTenbach and Ouaiave J, Volker. IVter I'lrich and Henry E, Ballay each corralled a good aharo of tha ' ‘UUI*’ delegate* and ivlll both be placed In nom­ination at the convention.

When nearly all th* retuma were In the loader* made ihla forccaal o i the most I likely reeult of the convention' Harrieon Van Duyne, Abraham Joralemon, John Burkhmrdi, Oearge L. Smith, Ur. Dletfen- bach 4r Peter I'lrleh,

Th* Btalnaby men eubilttute their cham- plon'» name for that of George L. Smith, and they alao place Volker on the card In- ■lead of one o f ibi amaller candidal**.

Matter* In Hi* Finn Ward went on very quietly, the admlnlatradon people carrying everything their own way.

Th* Second Ward waa lively In many laatoncea, a pitched battle taking place In tbe Fourth dlatrlcl, where Euward H. Cilterl wo* out for re-election to the County Commlltoe and went through with flying colora Uuatave J. Volker ewept everything before him In the Second dle- trlct. after a lively fight, for county com­mitteeman. John A. Kodrlgo waa a candi­date on tbe Fifth dlatiiet llckel, with Dr. Hoden o i aponaor. Mr. Kodrlgo pulled through by two volea

Down In the Seventh dlatrlct of the Sec­ond Ward Major Lenta had an Intereatlng battle on hli handa taaac H. Terrill waa on hand aa th . Major'* opponent for Coun­ty Commlttee.maii, and waa auatatnad by a big crowd o f ahoutera. Before the pri­mary waa organlaed Major Leiiti had a wrangle with Harry RuaaeU. Th* latter WRB giving out Terrill ticket*, and Major Lenta ordered him from the room, on th*

Sround that he waa a non-realdent of th* litrict and hod no right there.“ I have oa much light her* aa you hav«

until tha meetlno la oroonipri " on*»i«e«rt Huxaell aharplyl "W hy dont you put your HoaevlUe people away?"

Buaaeil remained In the riKMn until the board organlaed. The Lenta people aua- tainrd a defeat in the election of a chair­man, Oeorge Collard being choaen ogalnat the Major a candidate. When the board organlaed a motion wae made that tha voting go on without reference to the poll- book. flomeliody called for the queatlon, and the chairman woe about lo pul tbe motion when I'xal McCarter cIMmed the right to be heard. He made a »hort but emphatic apeech, and the motion waa loat.

The Lenta people uaed a ballot acroaa the face o f wnlcn wax printed In ataring red letter* the word*;

"Thia ticket will aupport the preaent ad- mlidatration."

Objection waa made to the ticket on the ground that It waa a marked ballot, but the tlcketi went In the box. Two of the worker* became managed In a wrangle which ended In a aentne. In an Inataiit fleta were Hying In all dtrectlone, and It looked for a moment aa though an all-around row waa Imminent.

Policeman Weleh, who waa guarding th* ballot-box, mad* a rush througli tbe crowd and, lelalng th* combatant*, liurriad thorn outilde to th* accompaniment o f breaking gla«* In the door. After that the primary went on without further trouble, the count ■bowing that Major Lenta had received forty-four vote* more than hi* rival.

The Third Ward prliiiarlee were well at- attended, and In aome o f the dlatrlct* the battle* were of a aplrlted order. Eic Im Commlaaloner Aibere Guenther had a bit of a tuB«le, but waa returned to the Coun­ty Committee. Mr. Guenther** henchman, Guatav 6chro*der, who ran In the Third dlatrlct, and who wa* aaeleted by the Guenther faction, waa beatei) by George M. Vetter after the llvelleat primary ever held In the rectlon.

Abram Stiveretun, tbe labor agitator, waa elected to the County Committeo from the Fourth dlitrict, defeating a llck- «t which waa prepared by Joaeph Balxer. BUveraton became quite popular ax a Ke- publlcan yexterday, and lilx name ap-

. pexrad upon both ticketa.School Coinmlialoner Baupe and e i-

Bchool Commlaaloner Jolthe renewed their old fight* In the Sixth dlatrlct, but Mr. Baupe wax vlctorloua. HU lupporterx were nearly twice ax numeroux ox were hla opponenti. The con teat* In the other dlatrlct* were of a tame character.

Five out of the *lx dlatrlct* o f the Fourth Ward bad two ticket* In the field, and in all there wa* much rivalry ahown by the candidate* and their trirnd*. In th* rirat district there waa no oppoattlon to William R. WUllam* and th* prHnary wa* tarn*. Aoroe* the way, at n Mul­berry atreet, wa* altuated the polling

Slao* o f the Second dlitii.t. Here John race And William Wlgglnx locked borne tor a leat In the County Committee.The voting w u dont In a little, low-cell-

Inged itore, and It waa a verltabl* battle royal from the time th* primary wae opened, at 7 o'clock, until It wa* brought to an abrupt end with a general fight and a vanlablng ballot-box act twenty minute* before the time Intended for the oloie, which wa* to havb been X o'clock.

During the one hour and forty minute* that the poll* were open there were geenea luoh ax ar* not uiually wltneaied near a ballot-box. Both candldatea bad their men at It, and a long line o f thrm were wedged from the atarch box uxed u a receptacle for ballole to a point on the ■Idewalk thirty feet from the door of the place.

Policemen Tully and BtlUmon hhd their hande full trying to maintain order and by emulating the example of college foot ball playere they managed to clear the room once In a while. Bruce end Wig-

tins Btood on either aide of the tebie, ■aping an *ya on the proffered ticket*. Each n on had an ally whoxe builnee*

•earned to be to "epot" Uemoorati.After S o'clock very few ballota were de-

poxlted, eo frequent and heated were the wrangle*. Finally, after a worm argu­ment. an Italian who box been Identified with Democratic prlmarlex, managed to gat a vote in the box. Another mgn alio •eld to be a Democrat followed. He of fared a ballot,hut FuhrmOnn refund to ac­cept It ou the around that lhe,man woe a Democrat. Hot words paned between the two, other* Joined In the wrangle, and then iomebady whisked the lamp off the table on which the ballot-box atood.

In an Instant the air wae full o f waving arm*, end fiet* found landing place* on the naereit head*. Fubrmann held the kallot- Mx, but xome one wrenched It from him fXii It landed in a corner of th* room. A trtendy kick eent It along a little further, when U wax picked up and carried out of th* itore. Delegate Wlgglni recovered the box and again placed It In the Judgo'i honte. During all thle time the punching wo* continuau, tbe uppercut*, j*b* and iwlngtng blow* were dflitributed prumle- cuouily. After a hard tuulo, during which a window wa* emoBhed, Fuhrmann got out o f th* Itore with the aid o f three policemen and carried the box to the Re- publican headquarter*. Ha wa* guarded all the way by the policemen, who could ■oorcely keep the orowd bock. The balloti were not oounled, but Inter It wo* agreed that the delegatee o f tha Bruce Uoket Bhould go to th* Mopeotlre convention* and claim their leaU, depending on th* d^idottx o f the Committee on CredenUaU.

Ihla morning WiBgIna, who wa* auffBr­ing from the effeote o f nig tuaile for the recovery o f the ballot-box, called on Dr, Harold for msdicnl advic*. The phyxlolan ^ n d that one o f WJi^nB’e rlhe had been ^ ctu red . He ordered the Injured man to

complaint ogatnit John Bruce for "xteal- Ing th* beliol-boa."

"There wa* no trouble until the wran­gle that ended In the (lealliig of the box." Bald. WIggIn*. "Bruce grabbed the box and another man took It from him. Then It fell on the floor »nd I threw my**1f on It lo keep them from Ukinx It away. Whll* 1 wa* down I waa kicked and punched. That'* when my rib wa* broken. It wa* *11 * gam* to beet me, becauae Bruce *aw I had the beet of It. Now I ■unioae the wbole thing I* thrown out."

In th* Fifth dtMtrtct the admlntatratlon and Stain Bijy tael Iona had a lively yet or­derly fight. A heavy vote waa polle l, and th* admlnlatratlon delegate* won. Several o f the delegate* on th* oppoMtIon tickat aigned a circular declaring that their namea had been u»ed without permlnlon. ■nd coplc* of the elrcular were dtatrlbuted throughout the dUtricl. A atmllar fight w** waged In th* Sixth dlatrlct, where th* largeat vote ever jxilled at a primary In that dlatrlct wa* depoaited in th* box. The Btalnaby pcOplt won there, but th* tally waa III to » , . . .Everything wax one way In the Fifth Ward, and that way, according to the f»- porta o f the ward leader*, wa* for Blalnt- by. Dr, Herold'i faction wa* In the har- neea for Mr, Btalnaby'a Intereet* and kept a aharp lookout for th* veteran a chance*.

The Sixth and Seventh Ward prlmarle* went off without much excitement, Henry E. Balloy'a friend* claiming the full del*- gatlon In th* Sixth and a goodly ahare of tha Seventh. The Eighth W'ard I* ooncedrf by all hand* lo Van Duj-n* and the bal­ance o f th* admin latrallon candldBtei

Brlak voting wae the rule In th# Ninth Ward. In Ihe Firat dlatrlct the voter* got out Mirly lutd wsr^ cauitonHl ftimlnit ioo" Ing their vote by putting it In the wrong iMjx. No ono In thi* dlatricl aeemed to think It worth whll* to aak a voter either hi* name or addreie. Soon a f f r N o cloek A younir mftTi prewnlM ft tk'fcPt ftno it wft» promptly dropp 'd In th« iwx.

"1 rlMLllftigc*" ftftng out ft ihftji In toftcrowd. _ xew * r' ’Sorry,” uild th« ftlfctloa ofllcer, but I drooLH*d the itckel In.”

' Wher* do you llrer' ftfked th« chftl- l«nfer- addroMlnf the vot«r.

‘T live ftt lt2l Broftd repUed thftman* with tom* ihow of iplnt. ___

*'I don't think you do, camo bftrk from tho chftllnngfr; ''und I domftnd ihftt your vote be iworn In.''' - m

The voter got red In tho fftco ftnd smiI ha hftd lived at Ihe addreie he gave for e ll monihi. but the chftlkTiger that he muit iwe^r In the vote. Thla the young man did not do. hoWever* and he left hurriedly when told that he wai It- ftbta to ftrreet. He had dropped hli vote In the box, however, and there It waa ftl- Iowoa! to remain. «* * *.In the flerotid dletrtct Alderman SUlnlh by wa* getting about In lively fuhlon.and when aaVed how thing* w m going he de­clared that they were all hi* way. In M r Joralemon’i home dleltioU the Kounh, there waa an eager, huatUng crowd. Mr. Joralemon wa* there In per*on and *o waa Mayor Ijebkiiei*her. After the i*on* had t>eeifopfn a *hort lime a voter dtecovered that at the top of ono of the ticketa wore the word*; . ,,, .

“ Theae Uelegat**, If elected, will aupport tbe prcicnt admlnUtratlon." - .

Thle pa**ed the Inepecilon of the dla-

dlapoM of him for goo«l, If he ihould not be choaen on the drat ballot he would bo dropiwd entirely, according to th* prodlc* Ilona o f th* adminlatratlon men.

A formal proteat agalnat the election or John A. R od rl^ a* County Commltlee- man from the Fifth dlatrlct of the Second Ward waa flled with Major Car! Lanti thla morning by Oeorge Miller, who ran agaluat Rodrigo at the prlmarle*. The prot*at la baatHt on the allegation that Hod< rlgo aerved a* Judge of th* election and that* being a candidat* hlniaclt, he had no legal right to aoi In auch capacity. The tnaltar will have to com* before tha new County Committee at Ita meeting for or- ganlaallon. Major Ixentx'a aupportara claim that aixty*four of the rlghty-Mven County Committeemen elecivd last night will vote for him for chairman o f that body.

William R. WMllUma the Fourth W'ard leader, lent a written re<iueat to Major Lenta for Inatnictlona In r^ard lo the In- terrupiH primary in the Second rllaiHct of hla ward, on the claim that the polla were cloaed twenty minute* Iwfore th* appointed hour It 1* held that there waa no election. Major Ixenta called for am* davlia aeltlng forth the** allogatlun* and will baa* hi* decision on the sworn atate- menta

The Al^ermanlc and School Cornml*- ■lonar, nomlnatlona did nU Hgurr to any great extent In the prtmariea, but It Ik cx> pccted that some o f tho ward convettllon* to-night may prove Intereatlng. W'hlle many o f the candidate* have wire* al­ready laid and regard the nomltKitlona In their respective want* aa their iwraonal probarty It Is more likely that a troop of darx horae* will f>e trotted out, lto\n In the AWermanIc and School Board rare*.

The only man who waa arreeied for carrying hla partliianahlp to the point of puglliam at the primaries was Oeorge Stephens, a railroad brakrman, who waa Iniereitsd In the conteat at the poll* nl tho Fourth district o f the First W'ard, 5R3 Broad atreet. There waa more or Icaa puahlng and crowding and had blood waa sngendered. William Wagner said that ■tephena atruck him, and Staphsna waa locksd up at Ihe Second Frecmct Police Station- The prisoner elected to he tried by Judge Mott, and the Utler paroled him till to-night.


B I S H i f i C m iM N i T E mPfSMnUd With A Sword by Emporor

William at Frisdrlohimha



lohpreaalve rrr«menlaa Taken Fatt Inky th* KnlMT m% » m et ef the Cslebratlsa la H »n»r uf | he Hirthday »f the Aged e i- €h ^ reller . Who Appears Oreatly Over- same by Ike .Vtleetieaa ftbowered Up*n Hiss—Heniben of Mis FaaiLly Presented te tba Einiirror*

Oowtmor Tferla Hears frem rrcsldaiil A Urydea, W bo Ixeaves tbe (jueillon o f a

Hearing to the Chief Kxroullve* gpeclsl l>Up«tch to the NCWA

THKNTON, March M '^lovernor W'erts Informed the NKW8 correRpomlrnt thla morning that U waa douhtful whether a hearing would be given to-da.v on House bill No. tS, ths Elaels liKltiatrlul Insurance measure.

agreed to give a hearing yesterday or to-day,” aald tho Oov<*inur, “ hut I n*- celved a msaaage from Mr. Dryden/of Ihe Hrudenllal to-day* asying he would hardly be abb- to get down here,”

In hla measage to thetlovernor I’ rcsldeiit Drj'den also aald that hn did nut <ara tu pursue the application for a h*wr1hg any further. The company would leave

Ths Ballet In IHa Pars to Re Bvlraeted. Chinese to Blockade Fsl-

Ho River.HHIMOXOBKKI, March M .-LI Hung

Chang passed a good night. The surgsons attending him have decided to extract the bullet. The aasault upon tha envoy la likely lo delay the bualneaa of the peace commlaslon only a few day*. lYofound Indignation prevail* throughout Japan at the outrage upon LI Hung Chang, and the vernacular press are unanimous In their expression of the deepest regrets.

LiONDUN. March M.—The Toklo cor­respondent of the Central News telegraphs that the parleying In regard to an armls-

Jme iwvsnu ii.n‘^manda Hhan-coverep all right and so dltVlhe name* of j nMkwan aAd other unoccupied points, andall ihc delegates, but on the lower n^rgtn of the ticket were these words;

” l»r1marles will be held on Monday even­ing. March 25, m&, at JO Elliabeth avs-

man saw at a glance that the tick­ets were either fifty year* old or else there waa a typograpm- «-el error. There waa a llveljr time for a (ew minute*. Some people m- alated that the mtaiake In the ilaie m ^ e the halloi* Illegal and olhera Inalaied tHkt It did not Invalidate them. The Mayor and Mr. Joralemon axreed that the ticket*were all rijht. and ao did Harry (.'ompton, a lawyer. The later'* arrumeni* eettled the matter, and the halfotlnK went on.

* 0 to hi* igd and itay there.'To a NBW ...........

4ay that beTo a NWWB reporter Wlsflnx oalil to- oom*)iij)lat*d stefeiTiBF a

It waa claimed In ihia dlatrlct that Jorale­mon had a clear field. Btalnaby carried the Second and Third dletricl* of the*^Two boxe*. one tor th* ward mod th# other (or the city convention delentes, were ueed In the Ninth Ward, and aep- arate ticket* were voted for each aet of delexate*. Under th* rule* city conven­tion ticketa placed In the ward l»x were not counted, and vice veraa. comuila- aloner Joralemon waa oppoae.1 In hla home dlatrlct of the ward by Theodor* Gray. U le claimed that about forty of the Gray liallota found their way Into th* ward box and were conaequenlly thrown out. The Gray people ln*lat that had these ballot* been counted accordlns to the Intention of the voter* who caat them Mr. Jorale­mon would have been beaten. A eimllar atate o f affair* exlated In the Second dlat- rtet. where fifteen vole* for SUlnaby were detmalted In the wronx box. ^

'The oppoalng faction* clxxbed furioualy In the 'Tenth Ward, partlcolarty in the Sec­ond dfairict. where Wtlllam 1-ear waa looking after tbe admlnlitratlon ticket. A wrangle came up over the rtghl of a Btalnaby man to remain In th* room. Lear'* friend* inalated that the Btalnaby man ahould go. while the Utterie aun- portera urged him to remain. Preiently half « doaen of the wrangler* had locked horn* and the police otficera on duty were unable to do anything. A telephone call ira* »ent to the Third ITecInet Police Sta­tion and In a few mlnutaa a awarm of blue- coat* ware on hand. The room waa apeed- Hy cleared and Ihe offlcera took care that no further trouble enaued.

The factional bltternea* that began In Hoceville laat fall and reauUed In the trial of Joaeph W. Boot! for criminal libel, broke out again In the Fourth and Fifth dtxtrlcta of .the Eleventh Ward In the form of a Btalnaby and antl-Blalnahy fight. The Bcott faction, who were for Btalnaby, were badly beaten In both prl- maHea, .

There were no exciting Incldenta in ths Fifth dlatricl, where ^>e peoule recorded their choice quietly ami good-humoredly. The lAlncoln Club la situated In this dis­trict, and It was conceded beforehand that It would be difflcult, If not Impossible, for ths fcottlie* to win there. The auoceasful tkket was headed by P. H- Harrison, and acrosa the lop of It waa printed: “ This ticket oppoaei corporation Influence or d ic ta t io n .T h is waa a diPK't stap at the intlusnoe that friends and aiipporlera of David Young,general manager of the Con­solidated Traction Company, were eaert- Ing throughout Roseville In the Interest of Mr, Btalnaby, It waa commonly remark­ed around the po!> that Mr. Young could have done Mr. Btalnsby more good by keeping out o f the fight altogether. The Stalnat^ ticket In the Fourth district was led by ( ^ r g e W. Taylor^ and waa beaten, SD to IW.

There waa far more excllement down In ths Fifth dlatrlct, the primary o f which waa held- In the Eleventh Ward Republi­can Club's rooms, at m Hoeevllle avenue. Aassmbl/roan David Benedict was Judge, and ths men who became temporarily prominent during the heat of the flglit last November were nearly all on band. Dr.D. M. Dill, ex-Frssho1der Rolu^rt K. Couisen and k’lavel W. Sullivan, tbres o f the men who were called traitors laat fall, were challenged by Joeeph W. Scott on ths ground that thsy ware not Rf^ruhllcan voters. When thsy protested they were asked to sign ths Republican pledge* and Mr. Sullivan did so, but the other two re- fuasd* All three voted.

The Stalnsby ticket wai headed by Jamea E. Bathgate, and ths antl-Btalnaby tlckelr by Jamea A. Banister, tbs latter winning by a vote of Ififto 114.

Before ths rsault o f the Voting was an- nouncsd Frank A, Lewis, one of ths de­feated faction, protested against the whole proceeding on the ground thst Democrats had forked and voted In ths primary. He said an appeal to the city convention would be taken.

Freeholder Madison Csndit't name wss at the top o f the ticket voted In the Third dlatrlct o f the Eleventh Ward, where there was virtually no opposition to

Btalnsby. An unpledged ticket, which was understood to be friendly to Btalnaby, was voted In ths Sixth district. It la expected that Van Duyns and Joralsmun will bs supported in all the districts of the ward and Btalnaby In all except the two where pitched battles were carried against him.

Quiet ruled In ths Twelfth nard. where the Burkhsrdi people met with llitla or no opposition.

in the Thirteenth Ward there were a few lively comesta. but no disorder.

Two tickets furnished plenty of excite- ment In the Seventh dlatrlct o f the Four­teenth Ward, where the young men wereSltted against the vsterans. Challenges,

eflancss and thrsatt flew thick and fail, the young people carrying the conteat by a big majority. After the result had been announced the victors paraded about the streets, singing and shouting. It waa stated openly that James Cummings, who waa a candidate for the nomination for School Commissioner, and had the sup­port o f the younger element, had, to make assurance doubly sure, ooqm>tted with the veteratiB, even going ao far ss to work In favor of their ticket. Now the victors say that they will have none of him, but will cast about for another candidate.

In the Fourth district sx-Alderman Rob­ert Bonnet defeati>d Amlrew Wolf for County Committeeman. There were sav­ers] hundred votes polled In the primary.

The Fifteenth Ward slsctlons were very quiet, Kdward L. Conklin being returned from the First dlitrict. receiving 306 votes In a total o f SOI.

When ths votes were counted In each dlstiiot a messenger was hurried off lo the County Committee headquartera, where Major Morris-was keeping tally of the returns. Chandler W. Hiker waa huay figuring out results, and Elisha B. Qaddla watched the proceedlmni with Intaroat, now and then asauring Hr. Hiker that all hla figuring would not change ths ckanoss o f Mr. Btalnaby. The latter had taken

‘ possession o f tho little rardroom at the north end o f the building and was kept posted' on ths progress o f affairs by run- nsra from the various dlstiioti. wIiIIs ' a number o f hie friends Jotted down the re­ports. At midnight they had reached what thsy clalmtd to be a coUMrvatlve satlmate. which gave Hr. Stalnsby UO to US delsagtsi.

Mr. Qaddls entered ths little room at this point, and, hearing the figures, hur­ried away and bolted Into ths room where the other leaden wars figuring.

“ How do you make i t f ' he Inquired. “ Weil, I estimats Btalns^'s vote at

about elghty-flvs,” anawsred Mr, FUksr.The administration people dsolafe that

Btalnaby will get only one chance in thooonvsQtlom aod tbal ths Ant ballot will

FRIEDRICHb u u HE, March H -T h s Kmperor, at Dip head o f the troops, sr- rlved hrrp to •luy. The Kmj«pror slighted from hla train at Anmiirhlp. Ac-companlctl by hia alaft hp rode from An* murhls to iliV gchwsrspiibNH'k croas- roads, whprf hp mpt a sipiadron of the Halberatailr. the llUtnari'k ('ulraaalers and the otlipr troops. I’laolng himself at the heed of tlir troops, thp ICtnpsror Ird the way m Krlcilrlcharuhp. vhpre ha was met by ITIiu p RlKmarrk. The ex-Clutnosl-

matter to the JutlK'niput of iU whrlhpr n hranng should I

thesp drmamia have T>oen yielded.The Japanpsp forces succeeded In tak­

ing the PpBcadore Islands on March 34. The troops were landed and attackp4l the forts In the rear, where they were unde­fended, end carried them by assault.

A diapatch from Tlen-Taln to The Pall Mall Qsxptte says that China has notified tha foreign Consuls of her Intention to blockade the Hel-Ho River when th* Jspaneae warships shall appear at Its mouth.

WABHINHTON. March M.^flflrtal con­firmation of the Shooting of LI Hung Chang at Rhlmonosekl was received at a late hour at the Japaupse l^egatlun last night. The dispatch was writleii by Mr. Mutau, the Japanese Minister o f Foreign Affalra. It Is datnd on Sunday last and reads; “ To-day about 4 o’clm;k. after ths m e c it» of the Plenipotentiaries o f Ja]i>an aud Cnina had been closed, LI Hung Chang proceeded lo the residence pro­vided for him by the Japanese Govern­ment. On the way a fanatic named Ko- yama. aged about twenty-one, tlreNl a shot at him from a pistol, striking him near ths cheek iHsnc. LI Hung Chang was Im­mediately taken Into hla residence and placed under treatment by ihS surgeona o f his suite, Tbe would-be aissaaln wan arrested on the spot. Oh learning o f the untoward event Count Ito and myself called at ths viceroy's residence to In­quire aa to hla condition. At the same time a Japanese surgeon waa also sent to hi* rcBldence. Dr. u t o . the Ktnperor'a phyilcloile will come on from Hlroahlma to attend him. The opinion of the Bur­geons at preasnt la that no danger to the viceroy's life may bo apprehended.”

The diapatch cloeee with a request to ths Jspaneae Minister here to Inform the American Ooverpment how deeply the Emperor dep4ofs»tKls uahs ppy svsnt.

------------- - ’ ^-7------ ;------WUIkKElY TB U rr AFFAIM*

Big iaoiB Allsgsd to Have Bean Spsat for l.obbylBg.

CHICAGO, March 36.—The full report of the experts who have 1}sen Invsatlggting the flananclal affairs of the whiskey trust, an abstract o f which was tent out yester­day, showing a large aum alleged to be due to Btockholdera on account o f a dif­ference In the par value and the price of stock as purchased by ths directors, will be Issued at 3 o'clock to-day from the printers. It will afford little additional light on the affairs of Ihe company, cov­ering as It does the period up to March SI, 1K»2, only.

Jt Is said that the detailed report will show that over 960iKOOQ was paid out for so- called “ statistics." It was charged hy the anll-Greenhut crowd that this money was expended In lobbying at Washington. Mr. GreenhuL who Is stopping at the Grand Pacific Hotel, would not make any state­ment as to what this money was used for. He had nothing to say to the public further than he had already said,

Extensive changes are bring plannM by the whiskey trust In the ownership of Its distilleries. It 1i understood the Re- orcmnlsatlon Committee will purchase out- r l^ t s numiter o f distilleries under dhe privileges to purchase clause which Is contained In the lease of most of the prop­erty. On the other hand. Receiver Mc- Nulta has decided to drop a number Of leases of dismantled properties on April 1. What particular dlstllK-rles will be bought or dropped has not been deter­m ine. but the Income o f the trust Is ex­pected to be largely Increased by the Judi­cious pninlng and Infusion of new blood. On account o f the failure to get out no­tices in time for the filing of claims liefore the Master In Chancery, fixed for April 5, the attorney* for the receivers have ap­plied to the court and will obtain leave to extend the time for filing of all claims, Including rebate claims to and Including April 26. ___________Arrested for PaMlng Opnnterfelt Money*

Eluabeth, March 36.—Tbe polioe of ibis city to-day arrested MIcbael Vsrdeal, a Pols, twenty-seven years of age, ou a c b o m of passing coonterfeit money. He had lo ^ poucesJoo ssversl •purioui half doUart* For Mveral days many storekeepers and trodoe- mtn of Elfxabstb were vtctimlxed by having cuUQterfslt money posstd on thsm. The prisoner was caught psNlng some of tbe bad money on Valentine Mara, a saloon-keeper at 134 FIRk street. Verdeal coofsased toat bs wo* oae of a gang of counterfeiters who had their hsadquarters In Brooklyn, £. D. The prisoner was taken before Uoited States Cojomlwipner Whltebeod i t Newark and beJd for trtek_______ ____________

t o Fertn a iteck Cempaav*Special Dispatch to the NEWS.

Fliiiinoton. March 36.—Tbs Flemlogton Athletic AteoolatlQO wilt bold a sueclal tnestjag In tbe Courtbous* here trhnigut to form a stock company to manege tbs Flem- ington Bose Ball (Jlub next season. A grand itaud will be erected and the grounds will be enclosed. Games will be played with Iatt* bsrtviUCx Doylestowp, F a ; Phlllipitmi^. Bomerville and teams of other towns.

B iS \ a a r clor drove in an open carriage to the ground wh**n* the troops w'crc Matloned. He wore the hriinct and uniform of the llaibcrstadt

The rain fnll heavily, but the Kaiser oat upon his hutsr and Prince iiismarck stood hy thn rMp o f hli cBrrIag<> within the curve of th«- military crrsccnt. The Kmpei-or saluted Prince Bismarckknd ad­dressed him as follows:

“ YourSerenc Highness—Our entire fath­erland le preparing to celebrate your birthday, in wliit-li celebration 1 have the honor to taki> I'art to-day at the head of the army to which your Grace belongs. The troops here nssembled arc a aymltol o f the entire army. Each field sign Is rep- reaented. and 1 recognise that behind these troops Is the mllttla, compris­ing all the German people united. This Is the field sign of the Elector of Branden­burg'* field of nuccrasea. 1 could not find a better present for you than a sword with A symbol of the Instrument which


arranged foror not.

There was a reunlim of New Jersey statesmen and tblnl house memliers at the Biutrhoust. Governor Wert* waa there early, prepared to sign leKlslatlv* Idlla, hear the argumi'Ots or those for or against various measures and iransaat auch other business as might euine up.

Among the % isltoni were Fresldent aiokes. o f (he 8<<iiate. Benslora Hogers. Ross, Parry. Hoffman and Daly, each of whom was Inlerealeil In some tilll. The Governor gave each caller on audience.

Ths J.uwcr House was reMrcsenie<l hy Ansemblymen Elsole. Hklnner and Olcott, of F'soex. Others who had work to do were Assemblymen Austin, HlcNs and l>e- nise. Bpeaker Cross was here, too, as was also Benator Voorhees, The latter de­voted his attention to the work of the In­vestigation t'ommlttee.

Dick Reading, James Allen, tho Erie representative; WIlHsm J. Thompson. Thomas Flynn and others skirmished about, but no ono could exactly tell what their special objects were.

you helped my grandfather to forge, sharpen and wudd. It Is the symbol of the historic time of blood and Iron. It Is the means which never falls in the hands of kings and princes, also agalnat home foes, and. as has been tested, against for­eign enemies. In memory o f that mem­orable time, you will recognise the arms of Alsace-Ijorrslne, which form the end of a chapter o f history of twenty-five years. With that remembrance I call upon thq soldiers to present arms. Hrince Bis- tnsrek—hurrah.'

As the troops presented arms the hands played, tha soldiers shouted and I’rince Hlsmarrk crtqdL Recovering hla compos­ure the ex-Cbanoallor said;

'T am unahle to thank your Majoaty for thts unparalteled honor.*'

H« then ft Haris hands, andbis Majesty unfofl fihin to mount his car­riage, which Prince Bismarck only did when the Grown Prince had first entered the vehicle and taken a seat to the right. Then the ex-Chancellor, eW'ortsd by the Emperor, drove In front o f ths troops, and. after the rounds had been made, ths

SENOR MURUAQA'S SUCCESSOR.An Ofndsl Istlm stloa that Rsuor Dnpay

»• Ixirma Will Re the Ttrit Hpaa- Uh MlnUler at Wsihlhxloa.

W*Jinig(iTn!i» March M.—Ths Htate Dt- partmeDt has recelrsd an oSW'ial tnlinuiUon of ttenor Dupuy I)s Lorms's salsctloB os Minister lluruoga's succsisor, In ths form of an inquiry from the Spanish Gursraoient through tbe ouitoiuary diplotuaUt; rbasiwte as to wbsthsr tbe appolntmsut of Beiior Ito Ltmie would be agi'eeeble lo lbs United Htates*

After B ronsultatton with Presldsat Cleve- laniJ. Hec«l*ry Gnsbnm promptly replied tbal tbs selection wo* eoilrriy RsUifactory to this GovernmaoL presumed Inofllelal drolea here that tbe new Minister's crectentlaLs will be issued at ooce and that followlog as authoritative sDuouacement of bis appmntinsDt be will come at ones to WMhiogton. It Is not thought that poiKllag bis arrival much progress will be mads toward a ssttlsiDeat o f existing quastlons between thle oouotrv and Npam.

Mapeid, March Tbs nomlnatloa of Hsdot Dupuy De Lor roe to lucceed Hcoor Murusgaaa Minuter at Washington U not yet assured. Tbe Goveriuuent Is disposed to exerclM great care aud dficretion lu tbe •fiectiDp of a reprefentailve at Washiogtofi, regarding the situatiun at tba prsMnt time as exceedlDgW difficult.

IxONDOM, March ikl.—A dupateb from Madrid to The Timee says that tbe appoint* ment of Henor Dupuy Dv Lorme as Minister to tbe Ignited Btates will Lw goaetied as soon as It shall reofive the approval of tbe United Htetes Uovernmept

NKWABKBKk iRCBKTLY M.4RRIKD*A Jlockelor awl Widow <■» to Rahway to

U« Mod* Msn and Wife*BpcrUl to lbs EVE.NINO NKWH.

UAHWAY, March 36.—A rather mysteri­ous marriage look plai c at 6:3U o'clock yesterday afternoon at the offics of Jus­tice Frasee. In this city, the contracting parties l»elng residents of Newark. They placed an Injunction on the magistrate that for the present he should not divulge their names to any one. The couple gave their resIdeticR as Warren street, New­ark.

The groom Is a jow lte* bp teoda, forty yean Slo, afld k hatehelor. ’Ths bride was a young widow. Jamts Buchanan Mc- Certney. a clerk in the railway mall st r- vlce. and W'alter Jackson, of Hahway, were the witnesses to the wedding.

The groom. It learned, Is a cousin of M r McCartney, who called l»efopehand on Justice Frosee and made the srrsnge- ments for a prlvati* cerem<my. Why the

troops filed past Prince Bismarck, the Em- couple wsnieKl the affair kept aerrei the peror personally leading Hlsmarck s culr- justice was unable to say. H«* was lll>er asslers. Court Mauler Count Rulenburg ally compensated for his aervl.- brought Princess Hlsmarck* daughter.Countess Von Itantsau. and her sons, and led them across tho field to stand at the side of the Prince, After the review the cuirassiers, with Ihe Emperor in com­mand, mounted guard at the castle. The pxmperor ordenri <louhle sentinels at each door and preeenled all the members of hla suite to the ex-< 'hancellor.

Smiles ro» ' to i (Juberbilurlal poialbllUy, aittl hi* candidacywhen Dr. on J..ucanus, ine chief o f ifie i .***,* *uEmperor's perwmal stwf* was presenled. ** mfteUug with strong Indurseuieet by ths


fltrnngly Indoeaed by Kepuhllraa* is tke txower Counties of (he Htale.

Saucu, March IMl. — Kx CongreMmoD George Hires, of tbls plflc Is the latest

Afterward Vrlnv’e Bismarck begged piT- tnlsslon to |ir*‘)<ctit the membera of his household, rounts Herbert and William Bismarck and Count and Countess Von Rantoau, to ihe Emperor The Kaiser, who had dismounted, selxed Herbert f)ls- marck'B hand and aoked; “ Wle gehts dki?”

Luncheon waa served shortly afterward, and when the Kmperor pro^sed Prince Blamarck'i health the artillery fired a salute of twvnty-one guns. During the luncheon two bands played at the dining­room wdnduwa. The Kmperor left for Berlin by nperial train at 8 o'clock. Tho weather Imiirovcd before his departure.

Besides sword, the ?*mperor pre­sented Prlnc-c Hlsmarck with a seal which waa used by his grandfather. Emperor William I-


A PIsgas Breaks Out ts China*LONDON. Slareh SI.-A Central New*

ditpatch from Hong Kong >*)'* * bubonlo plague ha* appearan among the natlva* at Kowloon, near Hong Kong. A Central New* dlipatoh from Shanghai oonflrm* thI* report and *ay* that tour Incurable cane* ol the dlnenae have been reported.

Anierlean K x e a n lo n l.u at Tunla.TONIS. M*rch M.—Tho French line ataamer La Touralne, with a large Ilxt o(

American excuralonUt*, arrived here yew- terday. on* day behind achedule time, and expeel* to depart lor Algterx to-mor. row.

gt*am*r Velfoat » Tntal Wreak.SBLFABT. Morqh M .-Th* ateamer

Beltaat, from Darien, Ga„ (or thi* port, which went *«hor* on Jona laland, 1* a total wreck. The remainder of the crew have Iwen landed at Coloniay,

Another K*w 'g*r«ey P**tm**ter Nawvg,WASHINGTON, March M.-T. J. ChaiB-

berlln wo* to-oay appointed foarth.ouux Foitmaiter at Cr**mrldge, Monmouth County, N. J.______ ____

■AITTEB •UITI.Wataow A Oe. Ax* How Tlnlahlng Dally

th* fflu**t Salt* K**r Shown All B*ady to ra t Oa.Cuitomar* thinking of buylni * dr*** fuit (or

Euter would do wall to m*k* nlacllon* now and avoid Ihe ruab of E**t*r w*ok.

Wauoa A Co. *r* now Hllltd aa all tbt new ipiing aiyle*, and enn xive ymi the latrat cut*, or you con xlaet any garment yon want In u>* third b**lo and h*v* It oorraotly flltnl to your (arm and llnl*li*d Is your liking wtUiuui *xtm cborg*.

L m at the *ty1«* now ahown In *11 lh*lr Broad and MarkM *tir«el window* at UlK M and HT.KI, or th* huidaom* clay wonted (ult* coqiplet* (or Its «nd (IX, n*d* up with *11 ou*- ton .xiraa—Adv,

An Acridenl on tho Northorn Bnlleoad of New Jrr.ry llrported—Ambnlaoeei

Henl lo the goone.JERSEY I'ITT. March 8H.-A amiahup

occurred on Uie Northern HoJIroad of New Jereoy iit Tyler Park thi. morning.

Word wa. .oni here for ajnhulance*, and ■everal went to the seen* of the acci­dent.

Tha Norlhern Railroad of New Joriey la a hrani'h of the Brie road. None of the partlouiur. uf the accident are known here y e i.______________________

steamer City n( Par* DUabled.FORT MONROE. Va.. March Th*

Pacific Mall .teamer City of Para, which lalled from New York on Wedneaday ln*t for Colon, arrived here yeaterday after­noon In tow of the ateamer Prince Willem IV. About « o'clock on Thuriiday morning a -IranIon uf ono o f the propeller blade* broke off, hut Xhe ve**el proceeded on her Journey. At in o'clock Friday morning, when uliDut five hundred mile* out. all the blade, broke Off clone to the hub, Fortunately the ateomer Prince Willem w * . elglitod about the lime the accident occurred, and on coming along«lde wa* en- gageii to low the Para tutu Hampton R oad. The eea wa* amooth and the forty odd p.ia.enger* auffered no Inconvenience from the accident.

To I’ rint the Itato law*, yBpeel.l P1.t>atch lo th. NEWS. __

TRKNTDN, March 18.—Oovervior Wert* and Comptroller Hancock, comprlilng the coitiml..lon to deilgnate th* newspaper* to print the law*, made the appolhtment* to-day Among those neleoted for Ba*#* County la Ihe F-VENINO NEWS. Oth.r paper, named for E.aex County are:

Republic*"—Newark, Dally Advertlaer and Freic Zeltung.

Orange. Journal.Bait orange, Gaxetle,Montclair. Time*,Democratic— Newark, Sunday Call,

Deutsche Zellung.Orange.^^rald^__ ___ ___

Camden’. Lexow Commlttaa AypaIntwI. SnrlM I)l«B*(ch to th* HBWB,

CAMDEN. March K.—Upon the *0011. ration made for the purpoiu lome tfme aeo. Ju.tice OarrIlon to-day appointed ox-Judge D. Q. Pancooil, Howard M. Cooper and E. Q. C, Blankly 0* a commit­tee lo Irveatlgat* municipal affair*. Th* committee will go to work at once. The tnveatigallun wax liiatlgaled by the Citl- xen.' Commute* In th* hope that It will aid them In *l*ctlng th*tr candidate, C, B. Hatch, for Mayor,

A Llttl* G ln ’i Long ■l*ep.GLOUCESTER, Moxx., Marah M,—Vir­

ginia, a alx-yaar-old daughter of Hr*. Ward M. Pierce, of Pigeon Cove, went to •leap Friday and ha* been aleeplng ever ■Ince, except when violently irouied. at which tlm*e «he remiln* awake only a few mlnut**. The child I* apparently In her u*ual health and her puls* and t*m- peratur* are normal.

A Parent for Haylfou R*b«l*.KINGSTON, Jamaica.MarchM.—ft It r*-

ported that a light hxa occurred b«twa«n Ilyppollta'a army and a xtrong hand of rebelx In the north of Haytl. The rabali ara xatd to have been beaten.

H«W and oobby oaokwtai at Bixiy W. ■altb'Bi

KetiabUran. In L'uinbtrlaiid. C*|ic May and Ealem countle*. Congrt9.ui%u llarry Ixiu- tl*D.l*E*r, of P x n b ^ o , ha. I>**b urging Mr. lltr** to mak* a stand, but that gentle­man h u dona *o only after being aeiured of th* uult*d Routh Jerwy d.legaiiun-

Mr, Hire* le a leading gla.. ni.iiufacturtr of Salem, and boa aervair two term, hi Cou- grxn—from 188.1 to 1860—where hi. ability wo* tWcognlaud by all bl> ccllmguea Slue* hi* ntlremant from public Ihe Hr. Hire* b*i been taking thing* quietly at hi* houia, but he ha* never mlsMO an optviriunity to •dvanoe the iaterest* of tbe lltpiibhcan par- tv. LA.t year he wa* appoiolol by Governor iFert* a* one of lh* coaimiulmier. to turaaet diange* In tbs Judiciary aysteiu uf llieHtal*-


K. E CONFERENCE ENDED.I.lfti «r tbs Ai^polMmsiiU Aftftsnnvsd ttsfors tbs Final AiUautavtsal-^Cftn-

ilidftlfi Admlllrd oft TrUL

LK*iamii tiarniony vircuu, j . a . .lonss; llyvilla riPi'ulL J. 1*. roimrllv; Hftrri- ivlllo. \V. K. yifti'kIatDi) i lg4‘i*Niiurc ami rrhssisr, G. 'T llsn ls , MaUxft (Trcult,

Disik ifh lo thf NRWfl. l i l ’ ItLNuTON. Mar»’ h H -T b ? N>w Jsr-

!»*•)’ M. K. ronfsroin’**. whli' h has lM«sn iR sratilon In this rity durlnir |>sst work. ft'l>ourns»i ftt It o'clock to-Ufty. Thf' fol- lowlnir ftiitKrfntmfnii wvrv amiount »Hl bs- fors ftiijournmvnl:

ItrMirf (on Dlst rlri -ProiMlnft KMer, <lfv»rK’‘ H. Wright; Allowsy, V. A, IxOnl r; Ashury, Thofnsi ILias; Auburn, <1. A. \V|ni]fr; Aum snU tlkhwood. J. \V. RoikI: AvHon to l>r suppll«Hl.

Hi bll(ston--(Viural Churi'h. J. R<Rirv^t. rt. W. i*Ak : Fourth

I'hurch, (luorjis liaiLock-k: Trinity, J. F. Ht'llrimiftn; Wsslry Msmorlftl, K* t', Bun-

rallton, W. A. Hair.t'Hj>s Mtty-rity. Kll Glfiorii; Taps May

t'ounhouir, J, Cortnnn; lVntr«'tuii, J. O.K. Turllfts; O n irv Urovf. J. K. Uuck.risyton. J. L Itos: t'liM H. F.I'arkrr; ltorrfi«>M ami Aiding. John Govrly; L)*'i*nlavHl«» afid Buuih H«‘ftvllb', Wllltant DlNliruw; Ulvltllnq t'rork, J, B. Moors; Klrtii'P ctroulL J. H> Adsins; Kimcr, J. M. Hruwn. Falrtoii, Dsiitol Johnson. Frlsn't- shill t'lrctilL A Jajt«(«<rs; (Haashuro, G. K. NfHil. 8r.; (loshsn a.nd Rfias t'r^vk, H. B. Uoaroirns: Ursrn Cri'«>k and Uto tiramlr*L. V. I'ftnooftst; Ham'oek Hrldxs. N. Pg UoiK*lftm1| Harmony Circuit, J. A. Jonrs; Hollyvills riri'ujl ‘ “ ■ aonvlllo.IhorrhssiI). H. Acklsy; Mauricstown, Alonso rhsm lM*rs.

Mlllvllls, First Church. W. V. Itovla; Fourth church. G. t.\ Pooltmi: Kwgnd t'huri'h, li. H. Btephinson; Triully, K- C. L>owns. MorrlaviUs, T, C. Psi'kiT; N«vr- porte John W ars. Oc<«an City. L. t>. Man- ohasirr; Vt^nnsvllk. J. H. nuU'hlnatm; Port K1lsal>stli, Wllltam I*aiHlon; [H>rt Morris, J, Clark, Quinton. 0 U. fii'n- ser; Roadston. Dr. Sharp; Sakm. Hnmd- way Chufrh, J. 11. Pa/ran; First t'hurrh, J, K. Thompson; Bsa fils City, tn ba sup- nlls^l; Sharjdown, John Allvn* Jr., fi iuth Vtnfland and Tuckahoe, S. H. Hann; VlnHand, H. C. Llpplncolt* Wowlruff and Uownhayn, J. W. PooUon; Woodatown. Jrsso KtlDi.

Camdrn Dlslrict-^Prsildlnff rld«r, D. K. Harris; Altst com* J. B. Turpin; Atro and Wilton to supplied. Atlantic City. Can- iral Church, \V. M. Whits; Klril Churrh. Harry Hvltlnic 8t. Paul's t'hurch, G. U IHibblns; Hsrlln. G. W. Phw, Hlackwood, J'lilllp Kilns; Brklgrport ami Ashury, W. A. Lrlllry.

t'amdi*n-Ur>thanre S. M. NMrhols; Broad­way, Kv C, Hanoo4'k; Ci‘ntrnspy, J. W. M irshal; Klffhlh J. K. Bwan; FirstChurch, J. H. draw; Kalahn Avpiius IHs- alon, J. L. BuUsra, Stair Blrert, W. <1. Moyrr: Talwruaolr, Kdmund llswitt; Trin­ity. Z. T. Dugan; union, J. 8. Hrlslrr.

t'hrw'ft Landing Cln'ull, J. Kdward Bhaw; Clarkshoro.W. 11. .Huriry; CoUings- waod, 8. M. Vansam. Cramrr Hill. Hrthid Churchy J. It. Whltton; Dudlry Church, J. H. W rstcott: 81. tlrorgf, 1>. K. Lyon; Wrsiry, G. W. Hldoul; Croas Kryi and Tann«rsv111«, W. L. IVt^raon; Itofalr. tx>

suppllft^ Rlmsr and Winslow, R. B. Biiivena; Blwoodl and Plsasani Mills, HU'hard South; English C rs^ , N. Wick- word; Avon and JclTrrson, Igponard Prarre.

Gloucsatar City. J. W. Morris; lladdon- flrld, a. fl. Wvatnerby; Haminonton* Ab frsd W agg: liurfoil, J. F. Oates; LInwood, H. M. Sir.lth: Magnolia, H. M. Hlake; Mantua and llarm'sboro. A. K, Ballard; Marlton to be siipplb'd; Mays Landing, J. II. Boyd; Merrlnintvllls. W. F* Herr; Mll- Hca iriU, F. L raulshorD. J, B.Ijftke; Pedrlcktown and Centre Square, K. C. Hulse.

l ^ t night Ihe anniversary o f thn Preftchers' Aid Bw lsty took place, when addresses were made by Hev. Dr. Thom^ as Hanlon, Rev. Dr. B. C. Llpplncott, Br., and llev, Edmund Hewitt.

At the executIvH session yesterday after­noon the following candidates were •ad­mitted on trial: Messrs. John Gocrley, Alpheus M. Uorgoit, John W. Lee. John W, Tower. Kdnuind B. Kulp and George C. Poulton. At (he executive session of the Preachers'Aid Booieiy yesterday after­noon Rev. G. L. I><rf>blns aote<J as chair­man and Rev. G. t\ Btangf^r secretary. The constitution presented by conference was adopted. Thfgfollowlnjr were chosen olficers: President, Rev. G. L. l>ol)blns; secretary and treasurer, Rev. J. II. Tur­pin; hoard o f managers, He^s. O. L. Dob- bins, B. B. Weatherhy, J, B. Turpin. O. H, White, J. B. <lraw, W'. H. Herr; lay­men. A. K. Rtrest, J. !I. Klrkbrlde, C. W. Shoema ker_________ __________


Two Sisten Alnoit Buten Into It- s R D ilb lllty b j Haskid Man.


The Wemen, Who Uvsd A loss s « sFaviw« Just Preparing to Reties far ths Right When ft Rsoek Is Heard •« itis Dftsvb Whirh* When Opwned, Atimits TwoMsftb Who Heal ths lie eneelses glsten Ovsg ths Hesds With Esvsivers sad Lssv* Them Nsrs Dsftil Thsa Alive W^sii Theg Dspart, After lUasftckIng llie Hw Poese In Pursuit o f the llarglara.

SlscUl DiMTtatrh to(h« NKWB.imilHJK'PGM. March f«.-Betws«tt •

and ID o'clfM'k last night two masked IMW entered the residence o f Misses Kllia aad Martha Hrnwn, who live In Ixower Hope* wi*lt Township, near here, and aflar chftk* Ing and heating them almost Into Inssn- ■llilHty riFhlMMl them of all the monsy thsR had In the house.

The sisters, who are wealthy maldan ladles, live alonr on a farm. Their nephew. Kdwarit Brown, lives but ft stone's throw from their residence, to they art not Isolated.

When the two women were preparing ta retire laat night they heard some ons ra^ idiig at the noor, which they had alrsady locked and iHilied. Bupiioalng aome nelgb- liors had imlled, Miss k llia unlocked T|M door, and before fthe had hardly opened it two masketl men rushed In.

Both o f the wromen were seised and lott (0 make no outcry, liui to hand over thsir money. The women attempted to frsa themselves from the grasp of ihs men, and were then iFcaten over the hoad with revolvers. Miss Martha* the youngsr woman, was terribly cut about ths faoa and head. Miss Kllxa was also badly brulse<l and cut.

When the sisters were beaten Into al­most unconw'lousness the villains sst'urad their pocketltooki, containing consIderabU money, and Iwgan a search o f the houas. They overturnefl the drawers and boxsft In ths search for mors monsy* but found none. When they de|>artsd thsy warned ths frlghtrned women not to Isa vs ths house, and they spent a fearful night alons. not daring to call for aid.

When found this morning they wsrs more desd than alive, and were covers! with hloofl. Miss KHsa Is sixty-five years old and Miss Martha fifty-five. They ars highly eiteemeil In their own locality and this city, where (hey ars widely known, Tliey said ths men wore whits maskftt and their hands were htacKened, hut they are IjellevefI to bs Whits men dls- gulasf].

Prosecutor txigue has started out % poftfte In search of the vlllalna

— - ■ a


Ths Prss Library Rand PrspssUton Ratlo Be Votsd Ppou at ths Steo-

Hob Rest Meath*Tbs votsrs of ths o ltj will la all proba­

bility not bs flvsn au opportunity to vote at nsxt month's alsctlon for or sgaiiut tbs

'issuatica of |17A»UD0 boacts to laersats tbs Fras Library faclUtlsi,

The Cominoa UounoU on Friday night •doptod a Fesolutlon dtrecilog Cliw Clark O'CotiDor to nrspars tba balloti so taat Cbs Totsn should deetds, but ths law is ■oraswbat ambiguous ami ite stlpuJatloni ars not all looksd upon with favor by City Connssl Riksr, toa t bis roqusst t'omnton Couaoil'i Floanoe Commlttes m«t this morning and adopted a rssotuUoQ rsque»tlag Mayor Ijsb- kiieobsr to vote tbs resolution soopted on Friday night and tbs Mayor will comply.

Ths qusstiOD of law In dispute is lu rsinrd to ths luftnotr of ths Jssuanosof tbs bonds.


To lesavs for H onslu la liiiaiedintely, bat Kaows Nothing About Hi* IUchH.

WAtmiNOTON* March :‘»;.-M!nletop Thurston, of Hawaii, said icj-day:

“ 1 have received no Inforni-jilon from my Government or from Mr. (irrHtium that my recall haa been rsqueeted. aud up to the present time there has }h<hh no chiiriKO in my oltlclal relations with tiu- dtntc De­partment. Whether tny recall han be^n

(quested or not, 1 do not know.“ In any event. J shall not rcirmln In

Washington. There Is nothing of Hpcclttl Importance to ketp ms here at present, while there are several matiers roiulrlng my attention at home. 1 shsll. ihvreforn, return to Honolulu ImmedlatH.v, It'aving BAn Francisco April 1*'*

Anyth ng you htvs For Isle or Burtiengs. anything ytu Want, in feet for any matter you wish to advertise, you should ue« ili« NUWB, for the plalnaiit of rsosoas—you reach raurs people-oonsequ^ntly U is worth mors.

Ths Naval Ksssrvss' Kualf*T.Lieutenant'Uommander Pctci'H visited

the Second DIvisloti, Naval Rcsjtvhh. last night and had a lengthy confcrf'ii' c with the division ofTloert. One of tli * latter said after the conferetire thsi rlx long looksd for muster o f the battHlIon mlxbl take place next week. It would surely com^ U was stated. If each tiifnibcr of ths Bfw.‘ond Division should brltig uri ell-

fibis recruit to next Monday nlKhi s mect- nge The cause o f the delay Is Unit It Is Impossible to know whether or not Jersey

Cl6^ will pe able to show a division on the master day. sund so Newark has to ipe re­lied upon to furnish a division i>lg p-nough to split up Into two small divisions If nc- ceiSfttV'

Pollretusn Rsslorvd la Duty.NEW YORK, March M.-Thc Police

Commissioners to-day restored Uuptaln Cross and Patrolman Smith to diiTy. Uftp- Uln ('rois and Smith were found guilty on August 31 by the board of receiving bribes from keepers of dlsordprly houses and were dismissed from the force. I'ross ana Smith appealed to the Qen 'TKl Term of the Supreme Court, which some three weeks ago reversed the decltlou of the police Board and ordered the nieii re- stored to duty.

An Aeenuntlng Ordered.On the application of Frank Bwayze In

ths Urphans' Court to-day Judge Kirkpat­rick ordered an at'oountltig o f the eslntn of Thomas L. Raymond. The latter died on September Sfi, llBS, and hla will was filed for probate ths following month* No ac­count o f the standing o f the case has been filed In over a year hy C!haries P. Ross, the executor, Mr. Bwayae said.

Thrsa Years for Kmbssslsr MIssi.KVSW YORK, March M.-Hanry Iflnm, (he

fonner confldsfitlBi olsrk of ihr bsnklTis house of J. Plerpont Morgan A Co., who wai s.rm(i*d on Wtdnesdar last for sllered embssslcmcnt of tlO.OOO from that hout*. pleaded lullty Ut an ladlelmrnt of grand Isro^ny before Juetlcs Fits-; ■ersid this mortilng, and wae sentenced to three three yeara’ Impria nmsnt,

•lOQteBburtti A Co*'s Ipselil JaCksster- Asld Bprlag Ovsruoats*

The graoeful Hum, eholoe (exiurei and ex- oe^lngly (-*BrHtil workmanship In fltouien- burgfa's celebrated “Chcsterlteld'* spring over­coats at tU), m Ml and tlA proolsfm tnein as •aar iMdan ever aU cvinpetitofs.-Adv.

Counest Says ihs Hanging Will lie Prs- veoted Vatll IBIiMI at ]*aae(.

Another step haa been taken lo the Kohl case whiah will bring It before the Court of Errors and Appeals. Judge Hsnry and F. M. McDerrolt, counsel for Kohl, have received from Chancellor McGill a signed order refusing thn application for a writ of error. Tbe formal refusal has been filiKl and an appeal made to court of last resort for a decision os to the consti­tutionality o f the law of 1178, under which the writ was asked for.

Judge Henry says this step will not act os a stay to the execution, but that other steps wfll follow, built upon this move, that will prevent tbe hanging until Jan­uary, aj_teaat^ ____

THE HALLANTINK DIVORCE.Both Hnshand ftnd Wife Hrought 8nll sad

ICafh Granted a Itevlproml Uearev,I’AIUK, Mareh M -Tlie Uallsiuine divorcs de-

errt, M TKiradni Mr. and Mrs. Okjtkb A. Jisl- tantlne, uf Newark. N. J., has been publicly filM her*-.

It si>p«virs (hat (ht hutbsnd and wifa each hrought suit for ■ divurv*. and that a raclpru- rtl decres wns granted In favur of both. Kaoh IM entitled to olalm the advantage* the de- rrce, The grounda of the divorce are recorded as "Injuros fravea." The quesllnn of adultery was not alleged nn either side.

Vles-ChanneUArKmary to Dselds Wkstkar a NheriirahauM BsPnnlsIml*

Another chapter was added to tbft story oC the casft for ountsmpt of court agalmt Kbertfl Rickard Hsrrlea, of Mlddleiwx County, la Vleft-C'DanrtUor Rinary's ceort to-day. Tba cias« baa basn hefora four Vloe-CbaaoMlDn bi dilfsreDt plaosa* l i was first broufbt Iflto Chancery by an ttmlUatlOb for dlvoroft, Ig- itituted by Mrs. A doI* N. Jarast against bar busliand, Wllliare R. Jarass* TtMplalntlK obtained a darres of divoroa with allraooj* Tbs doerse was rccomoMudsd bv Viea<3bui- oellor Bird.

HubsriuoTitlj an applloatloa was mads to havs ths dsfendaut tmprtsobsd for ooQteoipl of oourt, as hs had not paid tba aUviony. RberKT Bervlss was ordarad to look Jaroaa up but be took ball for tba mau^i appaaranos.

Coimilalot was than mada agaiast Uaa Hhsrllf and tha late Vloa-Choieallor Van Float was patltlonad to adjudge him guilty of conteuapt. Vlee-C'baBoaUor Van Flaat'a dagth cauiad the case to ba rafairad to Vk»* Chanoillor Uraan, bat os tba latter was busy y^Chanoallor Kiaary board tba oaaa. Tm vroole story woo retold and tba oourt flxad April b aa tba day for turtbar areuinanti wUn teftimotiY wUl ba board In Chnneary Obambara In Jarsay City.

SIORV W d K rO B TSK MATOI*A TAW WUbh VIII i i ^ a M M Write Hte

Nama About 6,000 Tlmaa a Woatk.Undar tbe law which baa Just boon

aaacted by tba LagislaturO) dlrsetlng tbal all bills for city dapartmanla i b ^ ba presented to tba Mayor forbis approval, tbe Mayor wlU be raqnlrad te affix fait signature to erary warrant iauad by tbe dty. Tba avaraga la abaal fi OOO mofltbly.

Tha bin originated la tbla city, but tba Itayoris secretary said It waa quietly aroandad to suit tba Hudson County mambert, Uriglnally It was in» tendad to give tbe Mavof powar to took Dvar billft* Auditor Runyon saya tba Mayor ^III new hava to s in hii name about 75,000 timaa a yaar. Thn Mayor began bis new duty this mornings wben be tackled a l>atcb of about 1 0(10 pay warranta, m. ,m. . -------— - i


Tha Wholesalers Bay the Hupply filttg Hhart.

Wlthlo the next few days tba price of Imt may bs axpaotad to advance saw al oaats a poniut Adtlesa reosivsd from ths Wsst by the wholssals dsaJars indicate that ths supply of cattle is 40 per cant* lass than it was IftHt year at this tims, atfd dresiad bssf has advanced three cents a pound within two weuki.

Tbe wholssals price of beef to-day Is nlna ind ooa-half to ten ceote a pound, and theaa flgurtH will probably km Increased very soon. The inavlteDle result will be a raising of tba retell price. »

Tba dealers In Centre Market say that they ezpsot the chaii]{B to cutne within a week* A« yet they have not baan obliged to increase their ckargea* The soaroity of beef Is altnbutwl to large shlpaiente of cattle and drt‘Hwx| meatabro^.

Mews of a Day at Rahway*The Democrats last night nominated

Kdward BherwouO, cashier of the Dnlon t?ounty Rank, for Alderman In the Third Ward, and »n «s Daly, In the new Fifth Ward. These’ aro the only two wards that elect any Aldermen Lhls spring. TO'-nIght a candidate for Aldermsn-at-Largc. Mayor. Water Coimnlssloner and Brhool Commlssioiier-at-Large will he nominated at (he city convention.

It Is rumored In Hahway to-day In pulUI- caI circles that neUhsr Dr. Hough, Dr. Belover nor James A. l>uramJ, the men moat prominently spoken of for the l)em- CMTAtU' Mayoralty nomination, will accept. Bhoutd this be tne case the contest would narrow down to Dr. R. li. Bllvers and Bchool Commissioner Alford D. Cook, un- InSB a dark horse Is brought out* The Democratic i^arty leadsrs to-day seem alt at sea as to who will be named for Mayor.

The Heimhllcan primaries to nominate candidates for Aldermen in the Tiiiro and Fifth war<ls and also to elect delegates lo the city convention will he held to-moirow night. Strong pressure Is being brought tu 1>ear to Induce Mayor Daly to take a, renomlnatlon. with Dr. Holmes the nomi­nee for Alderman-ftl-ljargB.

Fred Ross, a well-known and popiilnr young man, difd suddenly late Iasi night at the residence of Mrs. Brower on Grand street, where he boarded.

James Clark, a imioher. aged forty* died last night at the residence of hie molhiT on I ’nlon atreet in Upper fishway* He was well khown among the sporting fru- ternlty.

The obsequies o f Mra Margaret Maun, who died yesterday, Will take place at 3:^ P* M. to-morrow at her home ou Railroad avenue. 8he was eighty*two years old.

William P. Esterbrook, a venerable Hahway resident. Is lying dangerously iU at his residence*

County Dstectlve Keren was clcmeted for two hourato-day at tho Union County Jail with the murderer of Health Inspec­tor Jewell, of Rahway, The prisoner Is sullen, and It Is difficult to aqueesc any Information out of him. while it Is thought by the polios now that hli right name' la Frank Freebelt, Warden lUore, of ihe Jail, from certain words the pris­oner let drop, bellevsa his real name Is Snowden. -— .— ----------- —

Th* W*ath*r In.lleatloai.Fair and illKhOi enolsr Wiatb*r, with high

wa*l*rl)r wind*. I* pr*dlct*d fnr New J*ney to-morrow bjr the Weather Bureau.

Following 1* lilt rtage of i«m|i*ratnr* for lh* tn*L twalta hour*, orrordlug to th* rtoord k*pt hr Chxrl** 11*rtd*i*x A Uo., taSBnwiI •tre*ti >A, Mi, II d*g.; I A. H.. XOrtag.;• *• *» •»«fJ » P- **'■ S® ■*“ «'

Bnoli* H*C*1U € • B B * II F*«t, th* MW Nm IK Bl g»*h**.-A<T. , ,


Mlcli*el V*r1.**l Arr**l*d and Oth*,* He Ing I.onli»d for.

Michael .Verlirnt, * I’nlleh reeldeiit o f Kllealieih, v.'iia committed to Jail In default of ll.OrtI hall liV fTilted Biate* Coniml*- iloner tVhlleli.iid thi* morning on th* charge of [meelng counterfeit dollars and half dollar* In ElliutH-lh. The chargB wo* Ureferred hy I'hlef of I'ollee John F. Long and Officer Ijecker, of that city. Verl«.ai admitted hi* Itullc, Othern are hnid to b* Implleltiil, Riiil they are being looked up.

The ftiithorllleH ara convinced that *n (irgiuilred gang o f coiimerfelter* arc lo- eated lit or near Klixubelh nnd that they make the money. »|teelmen* of whlcb Verheul wa* trying lo dlepoee of when arreeted. 11 I* *.nd that Verbe»l gav* Ihe name* nl iwo of hi* comiianloni In crime tu th* iwllee.

Velrolnien Fined.Itefore Ihe I'ollee ('omml*«loner* tout

night I'elrolman Jeremiah Maloney, o f th* Heeond I'rcclnc.t, admitted that he failed In eend In an on-duty call on the morning of M*reh H, and he wa# fined a riay'» pay. I'atrolmaii Henkeri, of the Fourth Fra- etnet. admitted that he entered * etore and came out cailiiK a roll a* Huundeman Noll came up, He wa* llncl two day*' pay. Klctrlelau King wait illrecled to mark wl of the police pot.'# throughout the city, In comjilUuice with an onlliianoe of the Doord of Workij___ _

CITV NKWH NOTES.A concert will be given hy the famoui

Rutger* College Glee Cluh *t Aeaoclatton Hall to-morrow night. The programm* will Includo many new and pleoxlnff tealure*.

The Colored Jubilee (Juartett* gave n cuiicert la*l night under tli* au*pk** o { Ihe Franklin Street M. B. Church choir to a large audience. Tho prugramma WM well carried out.

Rev. Dr, J. C. Harlpenee, a*#ocl*te pa*. tor of I'eddie Memorial (Ihurch. will ad- dreae th* Klghth Ward Reform Club and the Woman'* OlirUtlan Temperano* Union *t it llellevlUe avenue to-morrow night on “ LIceniiliig the Saloon*." Bv«rr- body 1* welcome.

Theresa BIngac, o f TS Beacon *treet, fell from an electric ear at the corner or Broad and Market atreet* tat* yMtenl^y afternoon and r«r*lved a severe cut uptm her face. She requonted the poUxe at hcHdquarleri tht* morning to aaBOTtsln the number of the ear from which lh* fell.

A »erlc* o f upeclal meeting* began loxt night In the Sixth Freahyterlan Church. The attendanoe w*« very Urge. Rev. Dr. L'HoRunedleu of the Sherman Avenu* Bapttil Church preached. Ura. Ruosell and • choru* choir o f ocveniy vojet*. M hy T. J, UlHell. tang. To-night Rev. Dr. Froxer of tha First Church will preach,

Daagla*^# BS Shoe N i«- •S.tS. at U«t*'*, 2IS Uorktt xt.. Mf. U«lbX%r.-AdW


m P A C E S W E R E


A LohbTUt'i P l« for the IlU ing ol O u iToodiJo Q rtdi OroftiBg Bill.


BrU B.lir*-lUfuri*. U A*™* With WBUII** AH»« B*"*"** *W u Wh»r« r m * * tfhouH »»*ViM VnM . (• A w m b lr w n m u . It dhuolil »• “ IM unt-M r. Hr. IM *-» r ‘* A«*w»r*»<l t'onrlm lon-T» U» ttlCMil T»-i«®rr«w.

niU* in* m*"**"™Arl»llr»il®® Afl--Th®

LInfdi M®»*urr.

Mdri h a.. -Th® Oovernor <l.nrd • l*«-h o« hill* '•'I* monilnB, . I n , th «n t -1 n , bin. the Rrp.ihIK'.tiEI«<1on bill. »nd Ihr m ra .u t . ^new m.tP Bo*rd of Arbltrnlloii. Th. Ben.t* bill. »l«Deil »rr»

No. HA m«K®» Ihrbo4rf1i flnitl. i.'iM'tinnNo. a*. »m®nrtin«nt to lbs r-lor"1 .w -th * Roliublltnn K im Ion l»«r.

No. III. IJoyd* In itirm M No. *H. »meii()» th . »i ‘

tlY® to j.riv»l. Ut.d« in I'rqu.niiocli Town- * % . ! ir M r .‘ ''S'iuo?r. Amrnd. tt» - bool '*N 0 . tUp. « ' '/olirtf-klr. Amrndt th»

.r,,. Atf>»’»ili t rM|Mi ilriK onJltUii*' •

lU ih« Ror- 4 fur Uot-n*-

Confiir* In tJif*i « ‘ - i by.

, s t u, I . .r il a dmft

i-llon ol whool

to Ibo g u t* Com m lttw

Mr. Zablii'bli'.

oUKh o' l rr«lM liiK iicbllor*. « l ‘ . . ,

Nu. til. .Mr. C ixMIivk...<1 by the P .nni•■■■

I 1.C7, whlrh Klvei aiitii... .y -- - • - , ,

1 lln lu f«n .l.h luimlhi abyium>.

No. SVi.ouprhi to fi** ■

Mhviir Iiiid t’ oinmon I “ " . '{ ''l l i io i i « firr-ra...ed.

‘■'ft That to mi .ny

nei.i®THK PAHTITIrtN A Brim ®mA T h»» « ihaw .r ot th* »*>

Itr.ALA NKW h<iu

I AM du« n.

BAT ATM P t*«un, A r*u»* aad atoor*. oItT ® a t« ;

III munthly; »-ruom hoa», tl'vArtl»l®« •ornrl.—l John M*baii. j,,r |iu> down. |lv twiothly. Apply «• pr""'

John M*han. wKH* »t work handllnK ___ ^ « . « b m wn., ®f «

HtirlKA T«» I.KT

“ LpmvJSi it.T i>.5-hSfdy p' / *»•|tY)j.r.e—RMOta; Jam*® W-. l .U T].ruUniA lmp™»« Inqulr. W11.1.IAM Tl

IM-fltA T «i room.r:

AMD n .A T *. -nee room, to lal


«n tr fr*l,tlt in th. r*...t lon a. -f-f

•WMfi 1«ruofOK. - . .

I T l’ fk M LomAATdr M-nbbuitt w-T d .irl;

Mr. Vh?.1^r*andrUa'I All of in* 1 oor »nu

fpMlAl t>ln»*teb M R** NBWA.TRKNTtlaV. liAiTh a*h, “ A tran*p»tlton

of pA«««. <lu« unJoubt«dly____________ w • clrrl'-nl«T or.*irno 't“n*<’ *a*arny fa u l to th li bin. ' " * ®hl fhOov*rni i r W rrli

m'oi^IllnT d la m llr i th . iMt altrmpi

A .i* ’; b ! ; " b i , r s n j .whicti I* dwIltntYl to oomp*l Ih* Krl. Itall- road fompaniF V *rMl AalM * '" 1 tain a*,inen at aurh rro .. n,a *■ ‘ n* Waahln,ion av .n u . cfooaln. In Avondal*.

wn wm Iniroducwl In th. Hou** by AMombtynan Bklnnrr In aurh lorm tM i It would Imvo with th* ftoymnl^ bwrta

townahip* And town commlil*m th*

, , _. I 1‘oni'i'riiln, t i la*B*aan>*nt* 1" villa,** i f ' ptpAl oorpor»"“ n» ,overn*d by a Iwaru oi

Bkirm'*hibtw M huii^r * 11'* rial colortn, to r***mbl« butl.r

No. zm. eawnd* tim* of completln, c|4ln riUrotJNv .

No. til. amniflt ih f Borough . . . .No. 7*. Slat* Vriion Knlar,emvnt WU.

No ♦*., Mr. nih<'k*hBW

Autlmrli** rltlr* tr ‘ i*»l rRGe<**liiVl{

Auihu^^* c ill^ nf

r T .r .s i s r j p ^ r '. 'S f i vir«4t nnd lurn<^ .round Juit In

on* of Ih* | *rim on» Ihalbulldlntt ro t la i* . i,®and m ortar iwur down on th* track*

*°Th* tr*l,h»hmia* wa* *rl,1naUr ‘ wobulbil n , . . Th* P*” * " r h o u wiiuiirter of A ctniunr n»5 A* a cmriioun* anil *tahl* for Ih. «r**t railway that ran to t>ian,e. and Ih* ■tructur* In lh * ^ “ fU lon**-l to th* ivn tnylvanla R * ‘ ro»d_

• - * - rumiMiny tibunht the

kit lro>A HAH.UIN at Kort*l Hn*j iirnvpni.nm; b**t a*l*hbnrhood. Ip Mi^twjM. HUhtaad a ... _

A Jf T H ’ +ThW«.'m*A

suiublft for ibrr-** IkinHiM. •i*

nialoo pi. Inauir* WH It

onnoRMB tburact;, ‘ V b’5 ' ' ' i n i hou*» of II roumi. l-th »nd laundrT. will Irt . T room* townall (amtiy. iBiiuIr* K. I- He ath .TM«r

I lIHtUTI I'll i»r —f.w ^ aNwrih Fmirth_*t-. llnfrltm, r i^ ._.•HMTRAI. AVM,.^»*:i^ *> «• “ ,

No. H i Mr. Uoljortaoi t.i 1- 01* Iwnd* i-ni’h >' tfiiF.irii to . r f t f-. hool bulbllb*". *t' 4 * Ml* AuihfjriE' — — - _N„, A- Hr. r ; 'm o . o . mon*y» for

ion o f laav*.e®. Me l.*w®r. I'* th . tl*. 0_

«miu. ib**«®t<*yand (Mir prt« ^ow. « W m yro«ii tiw ,10. pr* A

rrfum. y « ' i n J l d ’ »L 5-■HbEmN'lKlt. ™ and tM BmMVliwU^ lUl.UJd W rnijh.^m X'''?-'_,^5SS

two iai«ili**

loqulr* Broad It. !•*

AHAbl. boui®. T room*, <)«lr* Ur! M.wtoo it.

In Hunindoa it.

HOHK to, *,°:.* l i r , i - S S ;ltnprov«f!MinUim i VNlrtUi mL

\N h**n th« Inttrr .r.rhou.* th* '*■“ J . r b r l k,e r t - l into a fr*l,ht dHtoi, w th b r . k

itandln, about thirty '>•'l«rlltlona

ymtitaT h il i , - __ .tnthtn ») mlnuiM of B i«d ^on r !T » l Hill 'irrirlo “ H T ’ .fT ■ " o r aatrwu, laa, .IH-lrlc lllhl. wal*r "o— ■

■ ' ilo. bix « . i n . » i ; . i « . ~ - " i i im - l \ l l > AauuilHtlmi.

BOfTH AT.. **-T o lot. a htiu frf liMiwltV mi ■ linProv«n*»i. I «*•*-«. Jtroad and

OrrhkM. Tonaiw of WIlkldlAM - - ' HulhM-ry »i*.

ItCMiMi FKrtRT trty *i wt AT vtni Rki «*un»r WikhUw‘ ‘>n ****1^tn\t!:‘riimHc *•tmpn»YMM»u. IfHiulre J. H. ■ »Court it. ___FLAT* TO LKT-Twb an* I

balb; all Imr ■■“ ' ' ' “ • " 't ',r ? ,t V ,t d .Id } Arr-ulkM IwkU, ; mklij wHnlihad; m darli . ' ' '■ " S v M A apar monlh. Inqulra of TBBAH nKMaJH-bona, MT Broml H.

Orant at.. l*l door.

.ni.i Janitor palnlad **d i»fw »d ; rant, oa. pramtiaa of J*nltor. g

FIAT, to l*t, wllb all imjawwnianunrrlMi ntwly

modaralt. Appjy

FIAT of (I or * room*, w itb ln torm ^ fota . fM a family of thr*a. B**r OniiAl ['*t«n. rani. . . %.M .---1_'kmisr - - .itUMlfrale. AJilrc** ll.»4trkt^,


•flMlt. .i, K«wi of-

Walnut k4d JB&lwK. rm T*v pwv

VLAT8 -Tn Irt, flrrt *n4 thlrtl flail all W- inquifk 414 Plan* at, •iOtt

BOI'TK lOTH it .. i » -T n Irt brick Mtm Inquire at iBl uth at. ------


kotMi, 10 roDitik)

sfaeV"; « r a h t U h ^ r i f j i i g o i j ; ; ~aro Iv;*! with in* (round

ij*’;;* ;;.™ ? ., “r*‘’?o'"*c'iSi^ ” wa. rom^

,h , brat rlM* to appropruii. n l urrrnt oxii. naoa In ahtb IpaMor

No. itr. IxiwH-., ‘inba*.

anproprlalln, MJS,(iC0.-- — Ih* bill turnin, ov*r the Wor^d

I iinb't* th* owner ' al.iii.

No. A’-f.flrat-Mr, Hmk*. AiHhorlam

No. in . Ih* bill turnin, ov*r tn* . . o . - - , e iy * .Itl.'* »" **l*od *tr*el*. ,h .Fair oahthlt *a a nud*u* for a mu»*um. No, tm, Mr. Hotnera.

l ir a ...?

A ^ i J l^ d -c * . .* r l l ' f ■ ^ 0 V ''w lh o r t iS i '7 iv * ™ < n l b od l« ,'h«i!L“n d t l . « c l ? S r i o “ .etU » d a m a ,. . fur

iStR ,A IJ t-A a atlrmsIlT*. priTal*111 ML PUaakut 4va.; hM modam lift

proymnml* aad hard-wood ftnlth thiouifbo^ For parorulam

krUMBR AVF.. li(>—ta Irl. t- _ kU ifnprartmMila; ownar

two rooTO If dMlrabl*.IMI of th. owaar. C ..A MrNAbaHTOn.

^ 0 ^ 0 ? C l . r . t " “n l lo V L ^ -r T r

rL A R Ii M l ftoiroh atFoRAAI.i^ w.n-lnc.tiA


w v r o in i W ch»rsh« ."d _ «m o ^ . th* M l

t*a « H

Qf towtiahlp* Ainl to— ____ _______,K,w,r to “ km“ him.'V-rovldmi that all

warmnti for th* toflral daa* rlU*a mii.l l.w

■•',J'"‘ i J ’"M r '“ Hk"rnm'"lt.bval* act, of 1iA1 ," r.iIatl. • to rurbln, and paving aldc-No. K*. Mr.

Impioym«nl o f llAgm.n. or both. It wa*tatrpdo.**] rATly in th* m »lun and h.ld by m*A». of fr*<iu*nlly appll*d for haar- tnaa" until within tw.nty-four h ou « of Anal adjournmrnl. Kv*n »t that laU hour Cortlamlt Parh*r. ooun»*l for ib* ten* OnuBAny, aaked for and waa ,rant*a a haarin, b.tor* th* B»n*t* CommlttM on

■Town* and Townahip*. whrr* th* hill wa* bald up. and th*r* h» advaned lb . »r ,u - Bi*iii that no n*c*»*lty *ai*i*d for ib* •rtcOon of th* |tal*A bacaut* l(i* »v*r*«* fata* o f lir. fo m ch ero»*lng In th* lam - tory alT*«t*d wa* only on* *nd * half. The M l tiaaaed lb* •mat* a f.w hmir* l*ft>ro MlwurnnlFlit, rrtday, and wa* m .ib Inro

cuilody o f th* CommlttM on Piooodiram hlyroan iklnn*, cam* to Trohto"

ta S a y to watch hit rotu.ur. and found, varv much to hi* *urprl**. that Ih* bill, whfl* properly •n,ro**®d,wa* luit proprrly

walk* tn town*hlii»- No. m . Mr, Id)w*r.

oyaler act. . .No 2M. Mr, Voorher*.

gjpplementPnivMM for th*

ft W4i hoi k* firm k* u Tkun«w*« provwl thU that inent4of John Mehan. who j » v*rr thankful inai


qnliVKiInt 10fkklldtotu twit* or boU»f

flats to let, eonwr Fpnico and Somtraet Ma

Ff>t:R elinant rnom*. M flt»ir; larto p tem ; r«iL V'. Inquire MO R T enth*. ______ Hw

HT., *4. n*ar ColumbU -To fliHini, ftw two fkmillet, 4 and II nio*

lllht rouent. ga» and water, to ariuiu.

toL twk )• lari*.

ORKKN IT.. U -F la i. »U iwoBia, mrntki rent |lfl« _____

all Improt*® Sx

HOWARD ST, floor, with fumar* h*at aiu ramllf. ,

U, near Thtrtwentti avi.—FlrM id lauin rsTa to amall

h , 11V*. to t r 'l ;h ; /a l* . ^and only a f*w * " '

ruomlii alKX w»l' llthlwl h * « '* n ‘ ' Faundry. h*at»r, blwvand tverylblnl In prim, iw d u l* . "IH

A d d c . M lEU.Bn. m Hrtfd .1 . f .

Ih* mm* la iw" houma p»T imnih, ^ n * y stFii.7ui*” art.,' “ - i ; ; ; ! » •month, fnniilr* of Own®r, 1*4 BHHtiii. av*

Th*r* waa a IA ,ond buipv

.rty, iHualed In th. lshwaii lUmblM down, and omy a tablUw » y*ari; will wM ®""HL”omh went by h*for* m .r* w ^ pi*" r irwemilW.

nn*th?.r ;'c'S: a",(d JS f * roP " f *_ddra.aro^l.a ,B o. B^ft*w,_o«.a r f ^ h i ojtr. whbdi wM all «hA‘

tup i Mvr<l


Son*, hua^iaa v»*o'' rard: buolnjk * 5 111 wll chmp ot g l « * S f -n*r prop#«y.

oflie*. Sk*®. FRANKUN iT ,. KRAR BBOAD-

th. ro. 1 b f 'lh * , A.t.wr .*i*™'"" htl-k d w * " '"^ " " T * :»To%™m!^w th* ma»- .n mudeni lmpn.v.m*n« and la good r*palr,

1?? m^hLnlc, Ororg* W. Moroh"'’ ; K,';;!;; « •*'«> '»•; P fl« a"** **™‘ “ f . '

wall and threaten lug I® plunge uowu

i“ohH:rown fK>d\*‘‘ l?P*fend.d^>':;^

HrHTBRiXW IT.. I2k-T0 l*t. flv* niot r o m tm a «mai1 fantlly. i

TO f.RT-,1* H.1I.VIII* “mom*, all ImptA; In good oyd.r, rrot

« rooma m good ordw. wai.r, 4#H aulh av... ARKAKXNKllrOE A TlCHJtNott. 71* Bni*d.L _______

LRHON W., SI- 91* larg. rooBi* to lot, lit » d Id Aoort: rent tlA


#fU» to br a*a***«'Ho. M. MV r'v 't i'^ h *-.. *bF r,'r* iL 'i'U b ;.sill fo r ih * Improvrmrnt of Morrla i lal»* m"!'.' ‘ .a,... . h. ii «dvrfnrm all tho •lutl***

S i i T i h S u T d > T i n f V i ^ 7 ‘ r « '^aa* X anauio *>*. ann tmwfI5f, or rather leaving Ih* bill d'VoW of

Mf found, too, that I.obbyl*t OB hand iolHIn, •er«n*ty *|'*a 1’^7 ^ 1 aw" which Mr. Allen believed wad’tgr«a" which Mr.*Nlr. *U ?n wa* rHnforcrt by tl. Wajjn* ipailirr. Who »ald he djoph*/ m Ju.l ^ ■ cTSl* h* w** raaueatnd to do *o by Mr, Atim Ihey r.M Ifrd lo th* Oovemor *

eondJIlonof th* bill to tb* Oovernor and aaM It* bad cotn. for advice itefor. th* bill wa* aubmlllM for flnal *i*cutlve"fMnrimor W erli **smln*d Ih* n'ra*''7^ clwely and taHl; “ II t» P“ ro 'r ,* ,'hTh\fi

■ 0 *1 0 *, and nol n*c***arlly fat*' I® **’ •A Murl would hoW Ih. bill fOTrref a ^oonalder that th. .rror wa* tnao* Juit o If It had occurred In my o*IJ‘’ JJ'

£JiJb(,'‘ 'ili!5r''!l5jouVJd' ? id * ih .r* I* no• ^ W l 'J K W n 't h a t light," - I d Ooy- ■rncr W erla "Th* lARlilatUf* '• •••I'J" a—aion; haa ■Imply uk*n * long *dtouro- 2 S i i ijpa nuay iwotlfy »ny error* mad* on* ^ h * n , ” *»k*d Mr. gklnner, "'h*J>''1 Biay be con»td*r*d to “

; SKH ,5J\‘g5'Sr«S!.uv^.’ ^ .p b ^ 'ib a ^ o o v -

’ * ^ h * B I WBdjratand tb» v e rp o r to jd - • —A— »■ luMt) lir. A}!*n. whrii hr WM fltw

* "^ 4 eTie*." Thu* ended th . dual * i ‘ ™P\ p f ’i * to defeat a m»a*ur* lliel • “ '1 ' “ ,” ,'? , tala* th* d a n » r o f a repetition Of the

firhTrron1 “X X r r . * " v o l V “h " i r - h e or- ‘ ’X i « A “ l!rr‘ ViUTy. rrotldea for the at-

? h r * .u t . of d*bt®» "

L*L * hv tb* b'l*h fom m l*.lon -Kuw’ lHrfor'med b y 'tb * b'l*hMake* It a ml«ile-' * No. Wl. Mr- Eaton,

m. anor to •*» adulterated

" no. M f',«*% f;i':ii.h “ ;nd-'.nainlaln

akefl and bli- AuihorlEM Tewn

1IANI«0IIR B«*n»BNt B,*T A lA ^ ir i t It HItualwl on on. of Ih. Sniwl ■fr.HA ^ tM

city; lot Bmsoo; fin* dw.lllng. with all U» b« prov^mrnu, *Brl .labl* In '^ ''■ „ ‘ "!"olB c» Bli purcha«w. Addreo* D, fto« H. N*w. ojhwjllvHKNHT HI MRbb. 41*

lltrt'BM FOB ■Ayt ANf; pe^jjE.

TO Lirr-Al»rtm4nt. of frr* “ !brick dwtlllng. 7S Walmut h^W luniWhed

w d janitoc. UOUOHTT A OObLD. lie Br— d H.

T rooma,

ConimitiMfl'’ ' 5 r « l . l lr 'F r a n c lA Am end, th . act re-

over th* Vall*y o f 'b e i io i BKB ru n T i ' , . 'h* m anaged th . * * » » " ,“ " ‘ b . irack. at roKE*T M llX AMDF ll« ,b * lh *o well that not a train wa. ______________

■ 'ju J ln i uJUkJS'it the at the depot thi. m o ^ \ « t 't e le g r y h jd tor a rtf mrn to help him ahd flaW that *n<*n riiHv ■rrlvrd ha would UP

Menhon will ac

UnrsR For Mir. nrw hour*, I™.pr<tvrmrni*, hcalrr In erllafi prlca HoOO. In

quire rv»nin«. 4 1 Summer avr. a**

TICKBNOR. Til fllvI jr '^ R R ^ V R V m S iiR Y 'i

BraM _______ —TO LWr-FTom Mar ^ 'I'atorr brlc^d’ I jM . U all IM'

Cilatoa 11

Ht'MDOtXT iT ..» - r i> r 4.1* or to llroom* and h*lhi all lmpn>v«nem«. J. A. eje

UAH. ySl *tb avi.

men'arCund th*.Market “ “ 'im fc* I

alanra fo f thr Itwnrill o f

.hipe may b® divided Into three e l«llv e V r ttmllh, <1. W. Authortte*

nnl lor*e«M H 10 i« t No. KO. Mr. 1 laker

very conlldent that Mr, compIUih It.

Con.olPlgtes the

w . K n " o ? .t ;; ‘ Id“. Iwamp ™ m ,-nle. for ■"So M i P X o o u l d . Am en.l. the elective

M r . r c ' J c r c W : ;whtre! u?dcr"h7voorhee. bill, on. acta In

* nV ’ i* " mV'.' Hoffman, Repeal, tb . Atl.n- llc.ritj;,ebfrte_r act „ -gardiailon o f an* ambulance corp* for th.

town, to pur?ha« land, lor boepllal pur- l«eea. _________ ----------- ---------

SA TfR A t-l*E ll,TAN'TA New tVhlrl. Will I’ re.ent the M.k-

^ C “ t t i ‘ M“ ''i'mik.r. Validate. * lown- *h*^eSicilon held In O'®'*'’" * " - • . ' ‘tl! *5 Wnnl. “ afUrlal b*l o l" war* printed on tho T n v llV iMtead of "olllelal .nvefop*.

n S. Jn, Mr. Kuhl. Am*hd» act reepectln,‘ ’X ? ! * , Mr. Voorh***. Amend, eorpora-"?(o.*Sgi, Mr. Voorhee* (for the •‘ro"ldeptb Allown olUe* who** charter* do nol *l|t’W !h .lr olreel* and ettei method

USiM' «7v*T^S” * ^ !d :n o ‘ »^^ lb* *n-g ^ l l i ? eW k a ^ hay. thr !>•■« iP™f:

• Krtfnra thr Oovarnoif wWi jo h S M cM oi^ra. h*(pw Oovarrwr . . . L.. a,.. Bitinnar.

wbH> Mr. Allan »nt*red and proi**ta<l *uw1 oi

It lo widen their itreeu and cite.° N o 'f tT ! '^ . Skirm (by fequeit). Amend*'“ No“ *jll,“ Mr. Thomimon Fecimate* tb* itoamtlon of borouirha from low nrhipt*

|£ 166, Mr. Voorhaf*. Rtlatw Ip ainri*- mtSta for hm enu for i in » t Improve-" ’ v « » . w t » t . '"■■Voorlieei. R ei-*l» Jointact* ^ v ln , (kivernor full * “ *b“ ' ‘ 'JSrov* andl»*ultfy th* itatehou.**round»and bulldlnga. and to tnak* K 'b 'fimtii^vementi as he chooaet kd Holtum, anS provid** that her— fter all Improve- menti b« mad* br, a t ^ yUb th* coneenl“ Vo.*I»rM*r.*Voorhet* (for lb*

**No*'»M. Mr. Voorhee*. Approprlat« money for all neeei^ry e»pen*e» ot the

pu^Tlllw »"l^dc“ nld*lZn^U%r P^bllb pnr- ^Qiet.

J4«Vf imw 1* *•*' •• ’ ■«. ai «liifl nf Anr Hew 'oletw Hefore .Thirtv or forty ni'.n, each buoyed up with

til* 111*® that be would *oon be * oltlam in lb , laud of th* lrc^•vl.^ted tU. Touaty CUrk'.offle. to-day. Th.y and a m . out gruwUng. while and Lloyd HcKea, dark* In ^ offlOA p » r « l qnll* intaerabla The i ^ b b^ all du. to tb* fLrtttstth* would b . voler. couldn’t « t "•‘ “ 7 “ '^ “ ° ? - ^ per.. In refutfug to a Uwwere carrying law w.*paued on HalunUy « t . TbI* 1 ^ w*.tutroduoiHl by A*“ 'bbly>»»n aadamnu, other thinge It *av* tlat no c l t l » r


A B*P®rt that CrIlleU** th* C*aduel of th® MunlclpaUty’*

A.peWal imetln, of th*Vill»g* Board of Trn«l*** w.* h e ld ^ t n * hi to b*ar th* report of Philip H, Campbell, « b o wa. appointed lereral month, a p *oonunltU. of one U. r™ pa« a the back taka, and am*i*iii*ni» du. the ^11- lage, Tb* report .bowed tb t tTOiu I #7.7 W tS S lnd;«lv^. 'b .r . ™ ^kiT MAlI I i - a*«««*4***iiiLianti foe kofc y*t liviad“ i?!;.,.?.! IS.MA7& maklog * toUl

— ......... a rniiini. all Impte,,uric* 11,1100; Poulh nth et., *Vi-4tory. S mom*.

prtcB tasutl; V*«»y et., Itfetory “ "v™ . and barn, lirlra IS.OOO; BfounS fv r ,MTlHl- naMAH iV, fl

9 rooms, i»rU’* W.IiAsi; pn-vnn p»*-> IIr»>ma, price O.7I10; Batgen *1. alabi* and dHva«y, jirle. aUWl Bruo.

, ^ ' 7 : D*R?srA ? 7 t PiU^HCB ST-a iwar SprlngiWId av*.—Only MW #ai*> ttaik familivs bar wtruSuwa; clacirlc t»riu^^"n,^lr"*'•8eV^i^*"■c5^‘"ATr1VgVK3av«‘ - ______________ __

BL Si ana 1

r s t ; i 5 r . w * b r ? ^ " :

■"». iS?«‘tBSlr. on pr«nta«, ITS Hlj^

L19KRTY ST.-To lat, ft roonu. LIlMrir •!<

Inquira at Si

HARKFT 8T-. Mi-Nloa (lai* foir tarvithrM room*, |ft.


lirKRAT it . . 61-Two flaw, *IK and MV4k roonu, thrat frvatiha ^ Mraati Iraprort*

intnu; Ur»* y»rd *T>nt tl5. ^ T4|NKWTiiN rr.. $1 --DM!rabl« flat of ft roMWRl

all improvtmrnli; rvaaunaU* raat tq amall family. ■KBW 8T.. Tl^To tot. flata 7 cwoika aaek: all

improfHwnW. UkNORTH UTK rr.. .

Ilfhi rodaiii r nr |10. ■•Bilan April or May.

rf—Jocoftd n«vorj ft larfw Caiiafur4 P. U.-----• M®

__roomsr«nt only MO. li

two""in "'.V f':4 % n f,yit. -- ITw

flRANOC ST., flnnra, rlflit room^

Wkttr. Apply W. Cit.

llO-To lot,bathroom, hotHEADIaI T.

••cond and tbIH \ and foW ftlO Brnu

ftlwOAANoa ST.-fiat of M«r rooms and baiki

m l Uft.It C / . BIIOWMe 7ST B m i ft

TWO-FTORT b^k , 'S’'i;.',|,S,ir'lniTrr’J»mints: slfhl Ptwm*. r* nHP»» •*. ***■« ^mints: slfl A ^tm y sLwKRrriiR iT». S§-Hou*s to tot. 15 i?T

’ ^Tm b o r n . .•*! ftfth

Nns. m . ■•itovnii

Cenipbell itated that be **iooghl h* ilM ld inak. a f.w itaumeuu conternln, inoun end«vor»d to iwure the

THB new tbr*»-eH>ry brick dwtlllnn IM, IM Third AV... cony.nimt lo

Atifi Ui r^iitwrl nvo. r*ri. contain H rnotoA Krh « d iL m JV i flrm .tor, hntl and M tbe™ All hendwrorly ui*d; hot wAtrr. h—t, All med *m improv*inwtt^op4ti All window*. iK***AAbin At onM,ply to IM Third AV... or to A QlFFOmi Fi'im n a CO., 7*0 uroAd h. __________

two fAlwBlM. w pb t^PaRK »T.. 7-T® brown-Awne r*«-

-«m ., IMUftootk i i - ftk-fTSBis«i &A Bait Orange—Itoilrabli

*Ti ffnnMi. ill inwir<*v»men»*l tort* ^ *" w IMiiftOO; fruit and ahad* tr«a.* rlc-*

Apply toT ' k lS£'1*a» e h * , tt. ftm*dm.M m .TO N * T - A B d .»tm*lon brick

dW4lllng; 10 ro.*u: aII modem ImprowmentA; In good condllloai permit to elAtnlno kt our of- Ac*e. •STt B. R. bond a ct>.. 7U1 B R O A D ^

OBANaR RT.. 4!t-PtTo roomA to let. lU; duofi MJPt ot Broad.___________________

QtriTUAN 8T-, lOfl-Two rooms; aduNn; p•^ Hal payment In ttervtoi. 1

RlOHHUND ST.* 4S, cor. Iftth ava—Third floor to tot. 7 rmnii. all llahti: rmt |14. Inqulro

on promlisi or M filooclior it. ftftwRIOHMONO ST., J—Pour H|1it roomt;

family; part Improwmenta "3J!lTo Itl, fonr romnn la a fOod ntlahb«r-

Ajrpiy at 8ft Rurntkhood: r«m til psr month it.RoHFaVILLR—Flv* nice roonii to tot, l4 flouth

I4tb SI., rent 111. Inquire ftt. S4wiKVKNTEESTH AVB.. fl«-F|v*

light; bath, mitc** toundry, ric.ilX rooms. 36 Orchard st i <1 roomi, M Walnut

it.rfl rodens. lu Uborty st,; 10 roomA IStirl1i«r1y it.

4ftq H. KINNAHD * CO., l i Clinton it

^ o ^ r t i l o n of th. V m .,e T n».urcr ?Sllwt®r, but iftK B u u o r a tu i efI.irU u* to Mialywi th . Atvouut. M ?

THE n®ld*ncA No. 7M H'lb e * ' W*v»rly pp. H.ogerrJjW.MH; e l^ U ^ e n '^ ^ ^ '»



hardwood ihrouftiout with ITBJ

Mwtr andIflM win boy a tot ht RtyviilsiimptA; ebrapoot lot y*t ofwr^ ■*.„««Mh W'H. M. bJU1*KT. opp. Rosrvlll* Station^

tffair. " b e . II. AlK) he thoughtthat while lb* report wa* corrwd ai^rdiM *L_AitNiM mtobt kava crept Id that“ i * bootA error, might bar* crop! In IM gecouaU »nu thui *n ***mln»llou of th*

BEAI. KkTATK FOIt BALR-OtlTt o w n .


a "uvem.u'r AnTorUef.l iU., Mt Fltasant av*. and OamJd« a t ; rsiu reasonrbl'e. w S o b Do* M. We**_o"'ro-tiAT-HH^WaDied, a houie, 3 room*, all 1m*"?™ ?m *S" “ lit *»_«i <™“ '

■PRUCR ST.. Its, near Hlrh-Flat to tot,»evM) nice rooms, oonventenlly arranfM; plsasant

locality. Inquire premlsci. IlftuftTlRLlVG ST., BO—Flat to let. fl rooms, all

light, In good condition, wtth ImpfoVfmcnUt. Inquire ai 114 WlcktllT* st. 4iw

Ad-d m s T «. C:. Box H. News oBlre.

arililER AVE., 21~riat for two lamlUss, M flour. 4 ~Qoma each; perfect order; all

provemenU: lift.

of hii tlgurei |

4blp i-pero «ll»ll I - « ™ » 7 * d a y . lw ^ a n *l*atlon. A. 7 '<1. , . ™ --------- __ I, to b* beta*J*'Aprll*'S**h* Clark* j«iUtely but firmlyr*tu»ed tn front any r*rtiflcaie4.

Thl* aromed th. ire ot *^*7^?“ ;cent*. Some of tb«ii "wmHt tb. clerk* would not !«*u* tb. paper. ^ U M of iwiwonal r***on'- I " ''® "" i t oaaldn't b« alAw" »oJ although tb* rtork* exDlalD*fl It ovrr and over aicnin 1® dilTerant w * p *om* of the iiiandidu I aud*r-

'^*ennr*tn.W*m*u whoywilerday were turiwl *w»J without thwn,io thalr great dlugmt.

LmTinic-.Wsnted a house, wtth 7 or 8 rooms.1C K.. flud Wasmortutt *t. I

ronrt; Iro minutea Imm Market it. mynm. ____-TOBK*. lA tnw , i r r t - TO i.F .i..pgp-VVUMW — L L

“ * S x t a i ^ i w n t a o o o o o w f o r 1 *«ra ° 7 ? S «

bAV* ilDc* b«*o o*rel*^ j kapi,Cnupbell," »nd tbare l* aprovliion j* tb*

bart*r that euw orlta , *fl*r * S*t.1l*. H. *1. AUnoH* H A I ^ «T rrrV f'iS S liV '’^ ' rakATA - ^

of the VillHS* fot ' ‘ ‘ ‘F * l * ? K 7 r ! r ; t a rr.-E? V v : ! - f i^ k j t a r .n.With steaRi beat and pow«t

FAfTTORt V th lld noo^4

he de-

J r . w W »*l«V T ooked »t th* Krt*liv aitaw m .nt. On v !r ’ 'Al^enu ton l* to*n l h* *ipl*lned ^ A ^ SkT such errort were Invariably a d ju e j^

i^ a Brin ktrnt at one* aseumed a *S^dlet*tortal Air. J ''® 'S ''} " S ? r® * -" “ fi2n»H r h* declArcd, And lie we t ^ c thA( th* pagw* l l . wouldn't permit aueh A ihin,* Thto' m ed th . u.u«ny courtrou* •JM';.- tkrr, who itr as manytou n d .rau n d th jt **

j a ? i h U «iimuitaflt of. thli njlilaka to plheri. ^ Aftar Inavlnk thi Ooyrfbor e roo^ 1 ®®*

wrnaaman Tni^er, Asietnblytnefl BWtinrr K T lS ^ r o lo lh e r t is^heretf alwut BMre-••M UrtUutar’ e desk and dlecuMid Iha

No Slk. Mr. Voorhfeg- froM ifSat polnlh noteiiiM oT eteam or vleciric mllrouds.

No 17ft Mr. Ualy. Allows i»ersonn lo fiv e ' trektmrnt by

| ,r 3 nA—eMW* of Morrletown ah*ll r*pr*a*iit u ld (Jty in lb* County Board ot A»*e«- Aor*.NO Kl. Mr, Herl«>rt. Empowem the

of BlAt. Reform Bchool to dmU- truAIoca OI I,no helnnu 11* to

tary McMaat.r’ * de*k and

Kihihll o f A N*wArk Artl.l'* Work,A collection o f picture* '<o*' tlon At Kwr'e 1* deiervlng of Alleiitinm

Til* twlntlng* are the work of 1 Hurd, formerly of th'* city.

! S S , £ S r ' w ^ “ « %t a ^ lain* nianu*. th*y ware

r ie ^ tS t. S i dofbMu. - N, y,reliability p . - „ b e 1L “ th.t ™ lir*J '< «Ithlnk.' oon tl.uedM r.C im pW l,


oeiMoted e.H*r»; «Me near WAtraIn* BtAtlnn; t l trAln*; .1*»*AP, ■!.. wewmrk, fkb

hr* avw wiAtunuid * room, i tiiy Fwnr AouHAm*™•W . « y


til* office, of Collacior and Tr—»urer tbould p u ,,. , , b*dl»tdeda*d a t'mllictor app-No'eL Tb* 5 eo. F. HOUn, *i»

power and ‘ ' tnlta'

k a t a t e w a n t k d .

the v i l l«a and bow therM t o m a e th . bibU mmflbly •UUmanU PM bsur a wondtr to ms. Tba noooukto aotlieeu audited Hooe IkTft. (taiak that

jstibto.tie r a trip abroad, ha. located hi* Aludlo iK-ib'e

the Coast," a finr study of wau*r me y t , i . iMuipr rnlars

N? « “har}'V'^u,oi-Vcd tieousrtv lust nuw. BCHI'BTE A ^.M lAarkALAt.. fHAU collwly»;____ i l l

SAYRE. 884 Mulberry st.FArtOKY. thre« fHv>rn.

%\th ot without power, PKIFFRR *

nr In rooms to suit. fl0*-ft06 Aesdemy sL, U «

ticrrn or i t ., ftT—T« lit. pan of bouns. i . y h uu bslLa

slu Broad sTO LET—47 Kownnl st. («»f. 18th sve.>, six — . - - - Mufortrooms; 28 Boudlbot i t . five rooms; 80ft

WM. “ “ ------ ■■, sight roonuk T. PLUMB, 781 Broad TtrTO LBT-Handanms flat 8 rooms and baui-

roocn. all UnprovsniMU. on Broad st, M ? depot; also agianainat of 4 roowis; rent low t6 good tenants^ k* KlXJTZ^T MiUberry_et. ^wTu LBT—April t. ft roomn, with laundry, oa

Amt floor; all in kood ooudltlon; maa amt wife prafemd; tl8. Apply South 7th s ..near Souih Orange cars.

TO LET»8 lx rooms at 79 flpringttold avn.; Im­provements; rent lift. Inquire tn stora. flSq

TO LBT—Three light rooms,IT. Inquire 84 Ward ei. or 94 i'nlr>n et. 1

TO LET—Five rooms, Hayes st.

second floor. Inquire 11 fttw

TU LBT—36 West KUmty ft., ftd floor, ft rooms: rrnt |18,

all«•AM4J^uv trt i«t with bollat and sngine■naulre.W Nlebcl. ■'. wy.

the liay ofV u iidy : O'f HI" water color* uroliably lb* it "A

. r bK?min^

TO L K T -o r r o r TVJWN^

anlovonlnif Rain—rarls." if*

i^l^cSuluoV iundV cM ^fthkra^^ lu an.i niT«ettvely treatf'd- No, I®* Alter

1* a character-wllh fine

X , S , ”^ n d T y .r .A in MaurVe Elver Cove®'No’^*U0:*Mr* Ward. Makea the op*n eeu- „ „ for tidch ln , .turgeon January July 1.


t to

S 3 K .T .S s a I>r remarked that he doul.Ird very ' th* "P « b e r of the llouaeJioti d Change

the form o f th* blit a* It If ft 'he H®'***' without runiiln, I'le risk of

"Hut. o f coura*. U l» a .h V * '-* -ahouni l>* oorrected,” h* Add»jl." l l I* the euitutn of thl* offle* to adp'**

Buch trivial m*lt*re," i«it '■ ',^ '1 ;, *F' k lutrr* "Thla Mr. Allan mad* hla eli- jJJflnta In a «cld*dlT iingenllAinanlr

• »*n "v i:..»"d i ‘“‘A A °--

S l S f A W t . ' M a d o n - . n d li.eir .uo-

waf*r*And°*1iy ift"ct* .V r"‘ Hurd la happy JJ. hi* tri-Atnipnl o f water and ahow* a nio* feeling for "pace and air. He iH.tray* 2 love for T he more quiet e ( f « t . In marine work! and to portray amooth

« l m r t l « andhonm W n g at an-rhor"in «>?®e uule. b ,y n■atla. H I»>rim hwork ;^"_^uBUAnyjffert

erssors. ^No. 1«, Mr. l ’ aj_ry^n r " ? id l^ "h a i rerialoii of Iha .hip'.lcaW

K..1I t»ke olacr ifH*ouil Ttirptlay

Amends Tax act by • nlloa*". Dlaec SfHKm.l Tursuay i»lir . Kuhl. Confirms tbr i‘lrcil«mI xrUale 'S ol UuH Spring in If Umt-

rrohlbltx tb«

!tVi h is ?ffeoU arr KHln.‘d by a simplicity M vl5w i K e t h o .1 wlilch mark, the po.- « » . oS o f true arllatiP feeling. There la nn theatrical ktrlvliig for fftect in any of

H^ntfitiis Tho color is often In a key . Her aiSV ray, and. » oecaalonally a

Irlfl* thin la charming In harmony. HI" B*u™‘ oleee, No. I". "Hwih.|heart" and

?vK.r?^'1howlng a group .)f Hutch wumen iw'aHlug ^he retJrl; of Ihc tl.IiHrmen, 1" Stmlt fnd forclt.1... TH* plclure* will re­main on eihiblllon for "onie time longer.

I al*u tbiuk, andITiaiio'lt in the form of a " " ‘ ‘'N*'-dlata ttep" rilould b* tah*a for the c o i le c ^

Midwltbiu *1«T dyra ^ afiwthat w ^ r g e the le«al rat* IWelre per ™ t."

The Flnanee C'ommltte* wm ioitriict^ I® audit the book" and *mploy an eip*rt, It

"*?rSdPut Conn*W rtated that be had tanthe book" aud that they w«w no cwd t wth* vUlAgi' On mollou ®* U r. t.ainpB*U tb*c TnS aud Trtaurertb* book* tod paper" ® f ,t ^vault* Ui t h* new h»lL U id er i u . j * ^ o o otthe nilee Charlo* W. Suiniley and U. " .Burti** were elected membare^ uT N o. a. Tb* Tru*We* .d jou ri^ toS l« lo n Moiday u « t t® appoint *l»ot‘ouofflosrx, _____ _

AVON DALB— 'yenroom blouse, hsil-srrs g*r-den, fruit.

—eiwvrH'iifvn*ph».le; Jo? ww

?ri '<-ill PHIUP' 177 HaHey "1.

r r ^ S S '* i*"TSIim* .n f.t .b lA iMl « « C.otr. 1 *«■

wnn r* nT—Largs storo sn4 osUar, wits olflcs etovior. for commission b u s i^ , or xJ-

.^7 i.Ti#- r'rtcntnsreo ft., hear Centro llsr-

TO LKT—Two flats of ft anil 7 rooaui. 47V WsshlRgton st.


to "Ult: C om r-V * !^“^T^-ta'^rrononslbto psrtyj also apartntostsT X i f S ^ r r i r f r i& inbhe{mbr. mCourt sU _____ _ _j;XJ^irpTB~Fr., » o- T d

tth three rooma_______ _

Aji'fty 18 Crawford s!.small hoUM and V7tBAST OBAMOB-For roit,

gspitoTuftU- TftFlV« iKrHrmom"; WA'rt ,‘n ” i'irem |U) ps' month. Inqtilro 9uv namson *v ilarrlron.

of v illa ,* fb jfon 'tW. Mr. Tbomimon.— M 88ft, air. 1 iiufnj'lhi."'*. - . ^_ «

Hr"ilkrnnVr wii* drel.iediy w y u i over u m w "r (wnTlty e f’ ^rem > »} *®Ih* affair, and be wa* emphatic In nl" In- iilJ fmm thirty day* to »'* mouth*Matment I h* t h* propoerd to have the *iTor righlwl. but he would go atiout ll in* .Yj” m^Bot^tiie couneel for 'h e •'‘ ■‘J - road CompAny," euptalnnl t Bkin-|>J'r'teV,°*aidr**"lng liimimir to Mr,"'^Then yon had no bu"1n*"* to go ln*lda and repreecnt Mr. Allen." retorted Mr.*^ite l^onRrnaKmen an.l the A»a*mblyiTl»ncarried on th* re*t of their hoiivereatlmi lu tow tone*. _______

(NiO, or front thirty day*voorhee*. I’ rovide.

whJre Hie riwlor" of two or more coun- are re.inln..i to ,eU t.onj^li> 'r«;', ‘ ®


Tks Hotoll In rubs.M abiub, Mart'fa 2ft,--An official taisfram

from l'ub* »«T4 the niyolUii thet l»l»H't I* confinwl to the Vrorinco of Hiilflago, and Uiat mual ot llio insurgeot* ure wliaout

’ 'Ni£w''YiiRg, March sSl-On the tijamer (toorge tv , l lyde, ftoni Hnvll khd f*®Jlotnlog.v w isa t uhan name:! KiiriqiwLol. lam, Wli" wa. Hold to be well P'’;'«d® »5 affair". He eiiilwrked at Monte ( ri»to. Wlien inlerriewed at yuartnlliw thl" morn- In , he vtati"l ihriBigh a* Uterprewr, (®r he nwA*"no l''ii|:U*h, that he would ahtolutely refu"* (o b* inurviewa! In reganl to l ubau afrauw. __________ _

oSce'"for' " il'i counlle*. vertltled return* Shall Ik- made to the Becrelarv of Stale, who ahall declare lo wild oountle" the l-er- Ion harinS the Inrgeai number ot vote." U o '' ’ lK"Vr'.''?b;l<cr". Provide" that a

“ '{IS‘ ^ 'i;M r.''!’ : r t ? . ' V to k ^ f -m o f of- flee of ( Ity M*nih*l In thtrd-ola** cltle"**'no* ^Hi.''Mr. Voorheea Amende Cor-‘ " no" h '. M r Keteham. >T®vlde» method5 [-ho';.r';ire''!'.;ari'ro'*r™n"irrof \rop: 1Hinopi, I B memlier", and eight

KulurnlOk* as n Healing At«nfy«Harr Oechelhauscr, who ha" made »n

liiveellgatlon Into the natural gal eupply of the rutted State", pulme out, aecordlng tyi^V u,trte. and Irm. "that 'he Ht.lKD- horae power whleh li le prtFpu.ed to eonvey from Niagara to Huffido arc thrown Into Iho Mhtort« hv IhP To.fNj-liurrtt* power which m \ 5 w a X u lly l.elng conveyed fromndlatil to Chicago by the nolural ga"

Hum . The ga" N ubl at per l,«W cubic feet

r e a l kSTATR T R AN arK R A

. Ilfty cent* Tlif I'Dm’luslon Herr

}»VflU'lhkUfte*‘ arrlvt-H ut, u flcr sii cx - hifusttvs itudy ul ihE* quMilon In the state* la Ihal. even el live rent, per l.rSfl cuhlo f*®t. iiaiuial gai e.en not oo[n-

Th* real *"tat* tranafar* raoorded in |* Rogliter'a offic* Monday arid reported l i ^ h * ridrtlty TKl* and D*po*ltCompanyv -f-S w icw aR It

Mary I*e«T J®. ;»>}• “ ‘ .‘.S ’ *

m o n ttUAIH-To '•». apartnwnU, <10; Raft o r l a t , WMlcoU lit., 10 romna. Ho-

t .? r e T w u lenaiil. • " " f i iA H JACK90N. 770 Broad rt. 7»m

Isu conisr storo.94T


LOFTB w m i FOWRR AND RTRAM HBAT. Nrt IwlldlB,! m ix an ataiadi real tad-

#rxts l tlsroktoi^WLAWRBMCB 8T

tiltyinAfumC—To Isl, In on9 ot ihs bmi locxUoiw

in oraeg., a n>od^_b"u*^„wb Vm^ts', rroi la**(►rotigSr N- J,

Apviy lo ownsr, ftO KUlytr st-

PERTH AM BUY—For rwt, fufnishsfl rotisg* * Bay flns sxtoasive vlsw; alUkOtirov X t a ^ g S l*lh1ng. flshjng snflK f i fb S w '™ SaESTlillSSd’ R M I n W ;

Wsahingion Wllsoft. ttSv

frem *Srtl 1 . lo«a,w .d,ba»

T1\’ 0 ronnrcttng front rontns to tot ta an •!• flprly or tlngto womsA. inqvlro at fto Baclro

st. iltwVPPRR PART of bouBS tn let from Aorll U

Impruromsnts; |lfl. K. BEDELL CRANB, m . D.. 14T flummar avt. MvWALNUT ST., fift-Frum May 1. flrat floor*

flat, 6 largs, all light ronms and bath; Im- provrmsnti; rant MO. Apply on prsmltro. H, a. I.BFORT, ftTrWAIaNtTT AT.. 82ft-To tot, four torgs rooms on

nrst floor. 4XWARWICK ST.. Sl^c-To Itf, Uppsr^pa^ sto

rooms: poaMsslon Ittumftlataly. KIRK* 230 Markst st,WBBSTFR ST., 21—#li rooms; from April I.

tIS; from Mar 1. Hft> ■BTH AVE.. ing^Flats to 1st: all mod«rn Im-

provmtonu; ront lit. Inquira THE ('OOM- WELL * BOULTER CO., 9ft ftth aro., cor. HljJJ

‘^aVSuirdlniT^anyillW^^^^^^withoyt ltow• ! l i t ^ew raK^ 'hiAlldfny ths best location In the as* Martel .1.

lift—FOUR larg* roDma* itatlonarr tuba tn- qulra janitor. 480 High s*., corner Acattotny*

48q ....... . .........-City* FRED T.u d w w rr IT »ft-8torr . baasmsni and sro- “ *^ *lfT * w ^sualao lofU 71 and T8 Clinton•i- . j " Tfliphoe, HI*. 4wWork", Hairta*.OFFICH or dee" rnom. anOEt, A NifORNT91W

*' r r o x * t t ^ r ^ ^ " * g « u ? F7rth ambey.Mm j ggrO N D F I^ R , WN^VikrBtad:iW

liaawin «• *" SfVilxiiHih sv T& a fr S l&tb at* ftftilw. lIMilIlp Eptitot t l III to Ftsrtajtok

j r , e sPrlDca stAflOs frMon>fom*rrMary*AVAlVBn'to 0 *otg'n»_C- rarKInood AT and Aqueduct"1. ilB*

........ ■■“ ''t o w n s h i p s -t’harie" B. Guriiey to .Wanua M. Wil-

belm. Ollnlon, w » tlrunawlok pi Ml »

nem wiih coal bh a lieailiifi agent. He 1 r * " d i r e * AMnMH.-im I'xptTtoncp nhowa

anil Mayor, i»X'offlclo olliff ;n‘raonx, lo 1* ehoieii and appointedby the (lovcrnor from the lo whleh "aid achoola are lo.-aied

g|tL>owrJt'aiuy 111

PiirU fMknowa*Khippril In Bpeclitl Dl.peb h b> the NNW#’ ,

Fi.cillMnug. Marr-li Jd —No clue t® tliu wherealmiU" of Luciui Voi rliere, Jr., ®f 'WblteHou>^ ha« yet lieeii found. About lwo wa#kw ago \o<'*rhans It ^Aw to nava lorgptl bis ffitUff's uam* to outw a*noantlng toaboul ILHOli. soW a numltor of his oattla knillh^n tort for iifttu uhknowk. Ammifl thoso who. U l rtoimfHi, ktill lu»1 l thft forgo 1paparsarrE. A. Hnom. tl.flOO, go<t IjouisRainrov, I'Oli. Tto'SupjKkltion is that ' oor*

. hats is NtAying kKitowbsia In l.alirornlna HU ih‘** tow srlfft thr« cbiidran ara fttayikg with frtoniU naar Wklta Houso.


fa?M"nueluVi*ou" In the demand tor heat- In?' gai particularly among the larger con.Smer*. o " rvery oe. aelon of fluotu- a? on to the ealernal l.-mpcrelure; an that ?herVcan be no .pii'Hibto of equallatog brcouL m palon by [.uehlng tho uae ol

gsa a* aheatlng aiii-nl.

fr Hawthorn* *v, DflxKJIK... ■ .4/.■ -• Jarah 1.. ToUipklni to the Tompktoi

Moinulu Ld 1 )0. South U ra o» on Wp

th r e e light mom" rent IT per month, rliMjtv. ______ __

A sU 1srg**j:»«

watsr Ift hoass; good wsHl Inquire lu9 Tth it-, Haf-

’ 7 n’.''^'wA'irREBT illggi piVfkwth orange.watsr; rtnt

purposaa. 4. Ttti

nOOMfl W 1st,

N. J.

Will 11^1^flamusi W. 04 ihs prsmtssa.

wsr; ! J improvsn^ta: Boadtnot st luqalro sf

_ - ■ it , or •eglMMTttophiHM Nu. 964. _


HOirgRg TO >.*T.At HOUflRS-

No 41 Mr. Kuhl." Amend" act .(o ahaetindlng debtor". Favor* defend* t'‘^ * r ^ 'M “ " K l " v l d * . that hou"*.

hold gutida shall nol hr .***.1 ^ y'l*on account of debt on .aid household**?to*' ITB, Mr. Voorhee*. I’ rovide. that the annual appropriation of th.l'to for coru- pletton or thi tl«loglca l Survey of the Mats iM* 001111110**'! for flva ti nne,No 884 Mr, Bmllh. AppropHalc^x * *200 to drfruy thoora nf Pllotaga In oiifnriMnf In® tows.

No 238 Mr- Koteham. |Vrn»lts Ursl-clM" etll*" to con*trucl » ' ".'I* ,}|}V!rtflrtrf" RMWors nr a sysiom uf sawors nxvor moro sewers nr a system ' i l l , on* outlet, under one ord'hljn'ig one nuuet. unm'i uur u y - " " ' ' -

No. .'“ Wrfelte.l

Eaat Orange ami Wlr* tiniting.Tba reeolutlun regarding the cuUlug of

the wire* of the Cns"(,|idalu.l Tnotlon Lorn- caiiiT 1* Mato •irtwl ciniw up »t the iiiwtlnf of tu* B**' Drang" Tuwnihlp l.'ommltte* lu t niahk when M r, llruen moved that It b* laid OD the tabl* I'o thl" ComitiUteenian Covn* oblrotod. Hm ""Id that thecornmltt"* h*d *»li*0led to lake final actlou oa th* ,_ o to tlta *n<l Ihi-re wni iio lu* to lay tog It over. lth*d ben Iwlorutb* comniltt*^ h* u ld for month", *nd th* eomiwny ihollld flthec pay the uwr.,*lp »T,0W or ftK.000 It owes <«r tlio rwolutlon shoulu he rftMod. it was dwi'toil to lay ths resolutiua over until Thui'iidav night,Fort will b* pruHent

Otorr?tf’lVmer e“ “iia to thwt OrnnuB. e « Hollywood *v * » • "

“ fmJfitotonXttklEta^^^w“ ” to w rh o ,»a v

Frtuk'id.'Vllhrim“ 't‘ 'nt ‘ to




wj* pum Mish st near Coart st** brick I'Mis*. s^SmM*ind*re!ti: »” lmpror«m»nU: "ptadli? o f f lS l and “ * foeallooi po.*Malon May 1 .

briek beu**.

JoVii To’ MarU^Ikslleiill".« • Wallac* it «0 » fr u*r

M"riAV*;S«ir*ud>ii«^^^^It. Johneoo, n * • CUejlnut *t HO n w fr

MurVpmfree t o * i« lW

_____ Wrt TM Broad tl., col** Aoademy it.I,if"^T!**i; Janitor "«rTtc*: plinty of Htht.

rntbl* m rear of No. M Park Pb. * snd pitnty of oarrtag* room.

3, It* SACHELLER"T89 Broad at


FITIlIVtHHKD ROONfl TO LRTiA NICELY fumlshsd mom. with larrt ctoast*

for ofts or two isdiro: rwni rrosonsbto; prl- vats family. laquirs 91ft Broad st*, ftd bslljopposite U churob.BANK BT.. 2l-FuTnlihM hark parlor and <»tt-

nsctlng brdroom for gsntlsmsw only. 71TBANK BT. fifl—iATfg funilihsd ffimt room,

light htmsskssping.__________ My


96 Court st., Asar Broa^

re^ S *rn ?S d & b ‘*. 0*ly WCO., we Market a t . ___________________

HAIaBBY ft .. M -T wo niosly furolabad roomsi srlth all improYrmstits. _____ *6w

UALBET BT., tot.

4L -A wall MroUhtd n » o tollkf

aWo ft rooms, i t }80■’ ? ? fh ? L f fV ’ ; T o r p « 5 r - » 7 Chrelnu. tnquln m Tteftsftor s t ---------------------

Fnlratiro * Acad*mT

' • « S f t ) “ S y * . r “ “ * ’ ‘ ■«k

HALBET STv, *8—WsU Mimlshsd front hall rooRit all JmpFOVsmentsi cwntrxl lQeatlon"lflw

BT., I7l>-^iirnishsd rooms to 1st- TuiMULBERRY iT*.

hotatkrtt*“ g ‘ haUroem H; gsaU aaly> Mr

S5^«iT^T.ti " * ‘" * " * 1Cheap rsTit. 89 F^rry m. -------- —

NEIjBON pi*. «T—Eloijpl fumUhed f ^ thallfoom; eonruatoitoss; M fiooT.^____«iw

NEW BT,. 48—LAMTO furttlihtfl TO^. wodstk ItoprurontoBti: prirat* family; rsfsisnqs. jflftt

... let. Cl_ HAHI’KBTINS.

whan Couuiei

An In*"«.tl*ry rlr* nl Ha* tlrua«wl«k. gp*clal Dlipatch to lilt NBWB.

N*w IlHi'KSWK'k, Slarchat.—An toenm diary fir* "arly thl* tnorning guttod the M«bM* "od <tor»hoU"e" to the r*»r ®i Adam Or**D't pigiery, on Sornel itreet, and »a- jotolng the larg* lumber ynrd" ol 11 I . Butt uir & Ca The liable" and cnnlenW wore de- *tR>v*d, toll the Were kept from■pitaduig. Three v.luabl* draught horta were burned. The loi* Islalxiut l.k.lMfi. fully covrrad by iii»ur»ntw. The fir* 1* "iippoecd im^bave^een^Merted^t^^

K S n . r e n t . ' ’ ‘w K ‘ . t : f p e K .0 Iniund validate, certoln

No Wift. appropriates M,T38.ft& to oprfHy Ih* belaiic* of the v*p*n.* o< 'hj. Bon-l.lupliicoU InvwiUJiallun. ^1!!“ .^' *'■ Thompson reoH v« 11^', nml !5e11.000, C’aplaln .lark Oranam stpiiograiihrrs and atlrU'lants Hip With ihi JLfiftft rijwnOrU lA"t yt'wr this makes Hip vost of the Inv^sllKaUon. of which no rrptjrt has hPen made, more than**''n!e H ou ." bill" "Igncd were;

No SW*. Ihe npw Arhllratlon Roard htU.No 489. provlilns for elwpilon of L ommla-

Hloiiors of Appeals In boroughs.No. MT, flxrs Ihp pricp for printing the

taws In newspapers at ten and Hvp orntx per line

» 0I immcbMC/Jft«KM0iCflMlIlKHdT

Ni> requlroB Oomfnlsslorfors Of pub-_1,1 aojwrtgijl.i'l tkRM rtltleS SO®lie coiialruelton In aecond-cliie* cHlee ap nulnte.l by the Mayor to be confirmed Iqr

■ummlwr WfUore.niy, and Saturday" aie -Wnctal il**l IinyV* In th# NEWS. * 0-

j paid olrculBllon. pver 86,WU pst day.

u rl rWilTS IV VTIlMtal li ' »a* -well rd, Idg ft fitor ^ t t o M . K. chuiTb. near iaooh P.

Bttlnirbaii ilunM* Assn of Monicuiir vo

nm I itHicK hmne, "Ultabl. hF ®"« "1 all iTPproTSWSBts. Ingulfs <9 Ntlsoft P>- w> _

TO LBT-Btoro,J “ ' ' '* V R 'S - K * w l« j5 f e•Do

Maritall sLtI ^atDB el.

^ ,.BT-din 1 ^ . u r* . - O " “ «• “ **;


o irn r il . E. Cuck". Bellevu* UT 4!«l * fr Park rt,ffl8»W......... . . . . . . . . .

im oan ht„ xi» - tu 1. 1. ho»«, with »

K»flr^K HARRY New York CTly

nONTRACTfi A W A B O S a _________ .Th* following coniracU liav* b**n raoorded | ST,

at the Oourthoiii* 1Mary J. BtuUk with SmBh * f 4 KB, carpenl.r, ma«un, plumblny w d .mint-

urirNRWTCK BT., Tft—Email hoiisi lo r^i, a me. ™ ma Wlth' hot and cold waur.Mt

N«w«y Conslriirllim ItMi lu rialflffsl*}'ArtRrtUI HlSPSU’h 1t> Ihr NBWfl"

P L A lirw Marpu 2ft.-Thft blffh for •ew4r conktTMClii'ti w ro suhmltiad to tb*' Common Ooun*!il at lh» swiloa hsW m»t nlffht. Honau A; Sotia, of Cbwtor, Ta., y o found to be tlis lowest hlfftlers, the'ir niter for tb# asvaiUrr'is milro losing lew than 142,000. This will nmks iho nnllr# construe^thill of twanly-two imliM cost oiilv 100,000,AgnlDtt the original Fi*l1mate of W,000.

li.fcto, cariirurori mn.n«4ait |A""a"«"F. - -luff L'arnsgto arq., Rust Oraags* Nr J-

ftaofiie lfiiln*'r with A® 1 ■ bmUb* porihsUtoof Forttrfpdjn.. MonieWr, N. 4.,

n e r v o u sPROSTRATION,

,1 . " e H. l")«kwoo.i,#rch1l»qi. ,, l(eOrteB®u«rwttbll»or*eT.BuBtta^l.»ftr*tb*irUr.b*totlti*. ii»rlbpi., Miinullalr, N. J.| Je»* H. laiokwood," ‘ Ell'l* A.'Apgarwltli .Inhn IV. Shaw, ^.1**; maaonry. Haritord road. rt<iulb Oraug*. « . J., C’liarle* 1’ . Baldwin, archlttct.

ImiTtivpintoUs- N«ws ofllc#.CHK8TNUT BT.. ^ ^ m V v V v 'i ’SS"^1?»WMil UnpTovsflistui, rant lie- Keys n«t_oooraw

e"1,„r: 5 , r « ' i T r n d - - t a T r i l i T » T p “ ^ R) iksxila avi. -"

17A carpentar, llmilng. Harlfurd tita , e ^ " ‘ urange. N. J.; Charle.l;. Baldwin, archl^ ^ ^

' Ju?nt* reiolullnn Nn. I provide" for .■oinml«"lun ot ■aymni and lawyer* to *a .mine Inl® Ihc penal law" •"<’ " 'v '”,®'’* ol uroballon to vogue In Ma*"aohu"*tl».

No (32 Mr. Zabrliklc. Amen.l" Hi* act relative to Ihe rogtolerlng of deed*.

No. IM, Mr. Skinner.' A water bill for town.hip* to nrat clue" countle*. Make" water rent" a ll.*n on the property. AP' nllc" lo Kellpvllle. „ , , ,No. 4*. Mr l>eroU"»e. Kxtend* for two yeare tint* tor iertaHi "treet railway* lo

No’ ^if.^Mf. VflUiur. Nxempt" all prop­erty of volunteer fir* coinpanie* In actlv* ssrvlc** from ql! taxation,

No, 41S, Mr. neiimtlel. Provide* that I-o- lloe Juetleei In Newark aml^Jeniey City "hall receive "ularle" of B,IXM each ;1 lie clerk to the JUHtlee". I1,SI"1 and all fee* recelv^ for trying aaeaull and batlery ami elmtlar caaee "hall 1m turned Into the


INSOMNIA,n e r v o u s d y s p e p s i a



city treaaury. No, 172, Mr.




tXA Ml liey eL** Ahum WmronWoii with lionttfttf* qnrpoplur. flO lioy 4Ll city I WtH. K.

walder, r3 ». pluiiiWng,» U«y "U ort> I W“ ' K. Sctomulg, arabltect.

ItoamA m.E RERI obkosb / ob bbn^ no .BT “ ™ r a A tO V E « f® * T S ; T \ hP° 10 niHiMS; BENTapply to JAMKJ L. HATB, 749 B R O ^BT.

rP5^a’r A m T ,T 'h « « twater, wth.PVANN iT., » » , near Kiw^A coraer IroAt

K o», fuenWmdp an ImproreiaentaNHW ST.. gg-Furehihed romn* f « cbf ■*' f *

.lean r4*p®ctabl. pereoMi <1 per **"* «a4h.t

baalneee« * '^ ‘*‘aii“;iat llgbtTr’ n4^^«^^st

•1» .*• ■SSSw'i T S ibjlT wi Market "t.fivMarket st.TO iffissssisriins:

.Igb *L. lOo

■IPRINQ ST., 41-Funil"h"4 toem * light hmieekeeping; h«lroom I cooking itov*i*rer D*l***rt, L**k*- miniw and Wrttoru D*pot. ___________ •WEST KINNIT 8T„

frottt boom to liLlA-PlMMht fnrnl*^


~ ___"gjl.,, flflxflOs Iio psr tn^tbl powor'YfVS;::?!1aro w5to-tn I with power ; containing I#

<7ti 'gartlr.gton et »T

FIFTH AVB.. «4T and M1-N.W, > ^ '• * 1 '’,*;"Irv room"; all Improvemeut*. M®, fr** _t* Mar l«t. Inquire on tuemtaa 4*m c u t broom.


m^ . WAWTMD.olubrocfn for Salur-

wANTMtV-FarnlMied toeowto^lBM. wife **d he raawmabi*. ttooifl", Bo* IhCMM; mUit

K*W« hflto*.b o a r u k k i .

with ■SANK ST.. H#-rurol"h*d r»*ni,flr*t-ol*«*JW^-_ _ ______

>BB WANTWy-A "tafi

G, N4Wi offic*.

F^^t 'lffHED hoUSA m Forrot Arpps Ch»od li^xilon, no* 4, N #^ offlQ*.Ad-

«Ski Mkto 'v™*' ^f, VMsra rtBO*. ,,,

w iaRD—Two rsspwlAbls yrmtig Mfl!®* ’^coStadkted Jith board In .pr'vato t fij 'kj Ivss 'CklPtMtilh sini.; ring third bwl. 1

Agir“ffi:Tui«t with w Kliiimer. (jlfiu, palulliig, W Hey *t., oily . Wm. K. hchusnlg, xrobUsoti ^

itrl"to Bruno wlHi Antonio Zlppoio.

IIAIJIKT BT., «kl-To let, *-"tory brick dwtll;In"; 1(1 room®, balh, modern Improvcmeijt^

rent m.Hlertle. APPlT b Warrtn It.

"If!?"- K.

HIOH ST., NO. «7»-T o I»L thre*-»tory hrlik a*«mng. tea room", wllb bath: all Iraprove-

H. M. HARRMT,bouili Urang* av*.

cblMOt.HeuJauilB a WhUoluMd with Wllllain I l^ n , Wd. painting, Jm .Ml. l ’ ro»p*ol aV"., city i'"\” ltal’d:rtu, arobltw^OuViwrlne’tlmney with Flaming. DrafnllKind

* Co., ilpdiO. oarpoiiter, raawui, paint Ing^ndnluiublugtLtiMibfiiU

;.18 Aeldaud avA, city 4 Samuel U.lullmater, arctaltedt. mL

VN* i«T**eT orVHt aaaia •" vat Ok.wagw"*"* uN.t* THi ro*suiA «r

D r. W I L L I A M A. H A M M O N D ,

Baker. A private »cl r*lii-

BPECtAt NOTUJRt.Hualnaaa 1* bnomtogwlth u«. How con'd

I ll be utb*rwl*«, oua«1A"riug lUe elegant nn« of plciur** and beauttfui ?**[?“ ’frama*. the he*t averlha prlof" right. Cary * K*uny,MI»*tid Da Breeriitnet. Talophoa* TU.



• tl* r*A •••AVIUM. Ualabcu.r, AgeBtgiTtT Be**d *k>'®* *'**'•WABMtWlTON, March SB,-Argument I* tot

n*l« case WM r*"umed In the United Bialw toi.rem* Court to-day. AHon)*,-(le«"r*t n,y argued agalnu the granting ot the writ of liabcae tmrpU". Th" Altorn*y-O*n*r*l w*i tol- Uiw*d by C. S, IWrrew, of Chloigo, In behalf it ih« uetltlun«r". _

d e a t h s .W ILBON-Al T:li, March M. Eleanor Wll-

*on, bclnved (taughler and only child


(HH TW Broad "I.HOUSRB TO RENT-41 Jotnl"mon "t-. B"ll*-

ll''!iA*1t^,"'BlreV*rid.^k^^M F,mm*i *1., M4wkrk.J»i.*nna av",, N*w«rt, • room* *11 nniwfc I *nna. av j.j^ ^ Broad "1.


i v o o w * - « » r tA T k TO I.RT^i " c i — J^CmTuMer part, briek hnuie, T room",


rooflEft.jol, BMtr o»urt-T* ML four

S j i ia r g a y a . ''''"'

lirluk hoURTO R™* bPtwmi uiiimitE ill MmtllfijrTty si.; nins rnoins, Isunflrv,hath «ld Ml i" "* " " J . ’;>’T ''! f " 'i ie O A B ^ April th; rent .rwumnablf, A. R . movadm:*411 Hrood "1.. »d floor.KOI'SB 10 l*t, m * North Mb A . “ *hath, an imprctrineatii reM » W l'd "

0. B, PRUOPNi ^ |i7 North Tth *t,

itirnn, in s t " " * , u rikoms; 1'RrmlW I 1® * * ’GRliNET. 1IT rliuWykt^_______

h o u se , in gned. b to l . J « a ''" ? u , 'S ’r l " » 4 ^

of (jharlo* E. and Elmira Wltooti, aC«d 2 year* I month" B day*

Funeral on Thuraday, LP, M.. front Ih* late reatdence, No. f li Orange *tlN^ iBtorment at Falrmount Cemetery. Kelatlv** and friend" are very r»- atmettuUy lnvlt«4 to attwd.

room*; batb Induir* «LINCOLN AV®.. 4d-ltoU"», 10

and laundrri »{• ‘5!*’'San1rHV 'Mi Bn»d Lincol* av*.. or W- C. WARNER, tw


jBuuti* at «* TbIrtawHh *v*. n w n ^ wT . *i»--Fwrnl*b*J loorol.wlth bo»e*i "rm re?v .^ u .r tenni modw-at*. N *

AV«.. Ho. lOB-ApPlIoattoa"

NrtrtrMth" KIrt re«ldet>o«l, * w Awll lAdhlAgrll

OSTi^SASlaTeS riVSouTS riW e n fflft

m ijlrbrrtbo#rrt" 0 ; fumlshrd rtoms-

UrLRRRHT J ^ j A ^ . ifnoms, sfUb bwxro, tAl»i


“ 5hui?» ™ ta"reM It and l l » . _let!

BURNET ffl'-t.'H, floor! rent IB.S0. st.

t l -T o let. four ri»niA.""re«da ib.auervlVM' mlA, IWfmiEH.

; r r ^ ^ l»t, « or t pl«»i#t mnnw,‘^ S r ita f touitV orniventont PFailon._____

Ifll—Four pl""i*nl

wtiTOlt'nS ST.. W-Roonw »"d j

ih ia b m w a n tm u .

^ k c irotmf

i X MM

3 ^ li. B„ Bo* D. Neemorte*. .2BL^-,imfsfi'tifl" __ ____ ______BOA

rTtrr'''vvtrr «T.. Ifli-^Four ph"JtobS ^ i c-®' >°r--


W . Tfl-To tot" IW4T

Rrba4 *L

rrf ho«M rtfflr#.

RI>-fllTf»m at rsaswwt)i »d. AdditaO*ntaf*S»T"Niiifwrt"

1 (W I

wiARn and two oiinnectlnit futolto^ 'J*""!»<7Ann.(,Bnj(^ ^ u iu tam April » . '««t*

i m 7 5 i r i r r i t 5 . v , t a ™ « « l

quire BTOUTENaUSOJ* 4« htfik,*L ’* ■ ’ I

wantedot RankA. B. O.

■a I'Y thro# aauiis irom

' j KonARD WftiUsff tW0 » pEtfftt* $$ Olftblflii ftW

N E W A H K E V E N I N © N K W 8 , T U E S D A Y . M A R U I l I S 9 5 . 8


D to


.“ t t ifrrt t«lfr


♦I fpt ' bitn- Lute '

j bitK



Bt h K * f laterwt A b « » Chonk. Cl«b, •m UI M d ra llH ABU n Oatterad

tuailrmpntv*-it. Box

r«n bftA bell. 1k ho»nl(

sin hr oHU l«

nut Or-

IB tk* PoralB u Rakark*.A oimoan w u f i ™ In Union Hall, Or*

aoRt, laat nliht b f ttaa Band of Hop«, col- orad. branch o f tb* W. C, T. U. An »*- callant muileal proRratnina w u randerad.

The Oranta \^ley Kutldln« and Loan Anaaolatlon will hold Ita annual mratlnfH r o d ^ nUht. April I.

PhyalclanIlaallh Phyalctan Dr. P, J. E. Talra- ault. of Oranaa, delivered a lecture on m U a ry mattere at the Oranie Bureau of ARKClated Charltlec thU afternoon.

Llewellyn DIvlelon No, M , ^ n i o f Tem­perance, o f OranRe, will elect odlcera for the enaulni Quarter to-morrow nlf ht.

John F. Pratt Bone o f Vetcrane. of Oranae, met lu t niaht and multered Intwo recrulte.

Oranae Lodae, B. P. O. E.. will elect offlcert to-morrow niaht for the enaulna year.

The left wtna of the Tlilrd Battalion. Companlu K end U. will be Inatructed In lu u d duly by Uafor F. D. Jaclteon at the

dl! i tt ldtnen, .can mnnlent enfedllv»] table


auard duly by Uafor F. D. Jaclteon at the Oranae Armory to-nlahl.

W. H. Bimpaon, o f Cambrldie itreet, E u t Oratwe, w u thrown from Ela waauii----------- atwe, w u thrown from bla w an ..while diivlna In Central avenue yeeteraay afternoon and received aeveral cute about the body.

Seraeant Oeorae Bnow, o f the Batt Or­anae police, le conOned to hie bed with rheumatlem.

Ilev. Dr. Charlee M. W. Bloch Ilia lec­tured before the Ladlea' Phllomatblan Cleea yeeterdav afternoon at the realdenoe o f Ura. T. N. Bollea. Bvargreen place.E u t Oranae. Hie eubjeot w u "The Land o f tho Vlhmae."

The alahth anniverury o f Llewellyn Council No. U, ^ td ea .B tar JTatemlty,will be held In Muelo Hall, OraiiaA onTueeday niaht. April 1

The Democratic Boclety o f the Oranae*will hold a bUBlneee meetlna to-morrow niaht at Its rooma eorner of Main and Con* Btreete, Ornnae.

A rouBlna meeting o f Republlcane w u bald In the FIret dleirlct o f the Flrat Ward In Orange lu t night, at which Jame* Hi­ker w u Indoned for Alderman. Thie dis­trict h u a number o f huetllna young Rapubllcan worker* and haa gained for Itaelf the name of being the "aiar" Re- puhlloan district In Orange. At the meoi- Ing there we* a little trouble, however. A large number of the colored votera thrutened to nominate a candidate of their own. A conference waa finally held and the colored brethren aa tw l to eup- poTt Ur. Riker.

The Orango Maennerchor gave an enter­tainment to It* member* In Library Hall,

D E A TH S.AKRINR-Oq Tueeday. Haivb M, ISH, WUI-

lAin T, Ahrtiu, bMlovad chM of WlllUun AiMl Kfttl* Ahr«ii& «v«4 10 Moatha.

RolfitiTw a adm an da^ moit napectfijllr to- Tliadl io iitt«iid Um fuMTAl rrom p»rMtf’

No. 19 PMbUio Mvtnut, oq TbMr*< dar. March St. IM . at « R M. InUrmant in Woodland Camtttrr-

BAirBR-Oa Bundax. March 34. lOH, Carollfia

Ortnga, night.The cott o f the new Fifth Ward hoee-

bouM In Ortnte wta KBOO, and not |£,U00, at reported.

OKANGK AVTSRTttBHiENTI.a l l laembtre In good atendlaf and iboea wUha

Ing to retain memberehlp of the Democratic Society od the Orangee will meet at the eorietyroo«a on W'edneeday eviolng, at S o'clnrk, Mareh tJ, 1(W. Committee. BSwlaADlES of East Orange and Roeeviiie are cor>

dially Invited to attend Dpenlng of our mini.■ ' ' ............ ‘ w. commefi'nery and draaecuttlng echool, commencing Mon

day, March 2a. open day and evening. Md Mata at.. Eaet Orange. Loulea M. O'Neil. TUTHE i . T. Tarlor Dreaecuttlng Bchooi. in the

Wllltams Building, le the only initltutlon In Orange that tearhee the genuine TAYLOR'S■yntem. Lmmdb day and evening. 21d Halo et. U m. PONN. M. B. cL irron ii. mp



■v A* FARRAND, Head Mattert WILSON FARAAKD. AeeoeUte Kaeter:

lU-opaee September IT* UM. nkorough preparation for any college or ecl>

etMlAo eohooi or for buelDoei IUa Catalogue oa aDolloatton.

MISS TOWMSBND*8 hoarding and day Mbeol for glrl% S4 PARK PL., Newark. N. ).

Primary. Acadesnlo and College Proparato^ Denartaeota. Herpes Wedneeday, S ^ t 3$.

Clrculara on application. 4AkSBNDjrour children to the People'e Sight Bing*

ing Claea. of Newark. N. J.» every Saturday, at 3:90 P. M., and come, youmlf. In the evcn-___ yIng: nrat leieofi MaAh ^ Wtn. S. Twichfll, Cmductor.T. M. C. A. Hall.

dltSHORTHAND AMD TTPlW lunNO tcbool of

the Worau'M Chrietlaa Aa'n. 104 Court el.; tenaa moderate. Apply at aclioot, fi lo )3 A. M.. or after to teacher, I. C. KBNNEDT* 86 Wright et SgrBENN PITMAN SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 7M Broad it. Day or evening.

INSTRUCTION by Frank Magflo, majiA-Jibi ^guitar, oonM; Italian method; Rtccae the flne^JtnJlnn and Spanieh mandolin for eale. end

adoHi ‘ ' ------muMq tor maadoHn and pfauw. Vtt Academy J9a


^ Calanthe Hall. Ml Broad at ClaMe# Tueeday evening! Tto 10:90; new tem

W9W open.Private leaeone CtBimep en« wslU In ■ !•*-

eona) at r**ldtn». 8h Bnail tt„ wbera ctnm- lare anR tetcrmatlon can be obtained._______te


H. C. antOBBLL A BRO.,



AmRAM om



WANTED.BICTCLB wanted Hsond-hand, on the tnstel-

mtnt plan. Addreai C. MILLER, m Pena, ■ylvania ave. ICAST-OFF clothing bought; eulta cleaned and ^reeaed, TBo.; npaliing. RICH,.119 Mulberry

COLLBCTlONg of cotna, etampie antographe, old gold, ellver and Jewelry bougi t at VBR-

lUBR^A SU B n ^ it , near CUy* MfKIOHBBT mice paid for gentlemen'e oaetHKi

clothing: ordere by mall promptly attended to, L MADANSKT, W Coremtroe et* ToXCB BOX—Wanted, email bulcher*e lea bmci

cheap for each. 4M Waiblngtoo et jOLD QOTaD, ellver and Jewelry bought MAR­

TEN, 1ST Market gt.; entrance on Haleey M. 92w

MEDICAI.DR. BOUOM'i SpecLdo a gore and poaltite -----A--------- --- -------- ----- Addre»one for alt female IrregolaiiUee. ___ _149 Camden et.« Mell'e above High on Central aye.j c. R. Smith, 6M Broad iLi CotumMaa Fharmacy, High and Sueees ava.. and all dmg- glete: price |1.IF you need a epring medicine, tiee Dr. Dow*e

iwmedlee for (he blood, liver and kL^ye; a cure cure for dyipepeia; female remedlee a epeo- laity. MRS. F* B. PURDT, Agents t79 Broad •t 8g

I ALL dieat the HEALTH

“ thfI (OPP. Courthouce)treated by experfenoed phyeiolan ~K PHARMACY. 19 U^ket »t I. Charge for medlolne only.eOt


FOLITiCAlteTHE delegatee to Eleventh Ward CoaveeUen

are notified Id meet to-night at the Lincoln j dubhouee* No. M N. Seventh et. at 8 o'clock,I lo Domlnale one Alderman, one flehool Com- I imlkeloflier, one Juetloo of Peaoe and one Coa- ntabla for eald ward.

DAVID B. BENEDICT. Chairman Ward Executive CoromUtoo.

KiCRDBRT H. MATT8, BecreUry. 1

lo st AND FflUNIl.I LOFT—Laat night, at Waldmann’a Theatre In I orehcetra row S, light-hand elde. one patent Igpring umbrella, with black handle; engraved I with email horceehoee. Finder will receive 11b- leral reward by returning to 91 and 18 Spring- ISeld ave. 1I E/WT—Pug dog, with name <Tbt> on collar. I Finder will be rewarded by biingthg eame to IWILUAM KATZ, 14 Orant at. 1

CITT ADVEBTUKHKirTtRNOnCB Ic hereby given that the Ocmmlialon-

ere heretofore appointed by the Mayor of the oily of Newark, to make an eetlmate and aeeeee- ment upon all the owneri of all the lendi and

al eatate In the oUy of Newark, peculiarly neflted by any local improvement In the eald

bltyi In proportion ae nearly ae may be to the dvanta^ each waa deemed to have acquired, ave made an eetlmate and aeeeoemint of ben- nu upon all the ownera of all the land* and

' ecute In the city of Newark peculiarlyiflted by each of the following impfovemeati

ifty. namely:•aidTbe openfiw and ^deniag of

SBUIONT AVENUE,Ki-wiRi Avon avenue to Clinton avenue, and have Bled iboir report of eald aceeaemenu for ttenefita ~ the oSIm erf the rierk of the Ciroult Court ' the m n ty of Baeex. and that the Judge erf

aid Court haaflied _lA T t^ A T , ‘THE «X TH DAT OF APRHU


efia, etl^ 8k

1M6,o*oloo1i In the forencon, ta the Clreult

jvttn at tbe CourthouMi. tn (he city ofp aw a^ aa the time and place of hearing any hbfeotraQB that may be made to the aald acMea*

J i R i t[Dated March M. 1896.‘ SHBRRERD DBPUB,

City Attorney.

r young fcrket M lih famifr

t -like board : eptnrerta • J, Newj

T H E “ N E W S . ”

M<t rWHn* M. ncrrlH


G lR O IT L A T tO K

3 5 , 0 0 a

Bauer, after King and Minful iUhiaa, aged 96 yeare I rauatha and IS daya

RelatlVM and frlende are reepeotfully Invited lo attend tbe funeral from her moth^a reel* denee. No. t il Waverty avenue, uo wednee­day, March IT. IMi. at 9 P. M iDterment la Woodland (.'emetery.

BURCXHARnT-On Monday. March 38, Otto Burckhardt, beloved htieband of Bertha Burokhardt, aged 41 yean 10 monthi 18 daya

Relatiree and triendc, aleo membeni of Oren- lie Lodge No. 9|, K. of P.: Alltmaala Coun* cll No. 9(1. Order of (Tiueen Friend*; Muel- eal Union, Haydn Mueioal ficwlHy. aleo mu- ■Iclane in gvneral, are meet reepecilutly In­vited to attend hie funeral on Wedneeday. March 37, at 10 A. M.. from hla late reel- dMoe, No. 309 Weet Kinney ■trrvt to Freeh Pond Crematory, Loeg laland. Pleaee emit flowm,

CLARK—At Bagt Orange, on March 28, 19M. Deborah Weeka. widow of WlDlam S. aark, aged Id itare and 6 month*.

Funvrai etrvlcee from the reeldanre of her daughter. Mre. Alfred Collier, No. 80 rtteu* ben etreri, Wedneeday at 4 P. M. Rela- (Ivea and frleMa are Invited to aliend. in­terment at Falrmount Cemetery at tbe con* venl^we of the family.

CLAtTON~On Marrh 86. 1196, KMta, widow of Jueeph C'laytufie Sr., aged 74 yeare and 8 raonthe.Reiativee and frlenda are Invited to attendthe funeral eervlcee from her lateNo. 183 c<iurt itieet, am Friday, et 3:80 M. Interment In Falrmount Cemetery at the c mvenlenoe of the family.

|*LYNN-4 m the 38th tnet.. Thowa* L, con of the late Michael and Mary Flynn-

Reiatlvea and frlenda of the deceaied are re- ipectfully invited lo attend the funeral from hi* late reiildence. No. 87 Cleveland avenue, Hain*oa, on Wedneeday. 27lh mit., at 9A. M., to tbe Church «>f the Holy croei,... . . . *wher« a High Mam of Requiem wl! fered for the repoee Of hla aouk Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Bepul< hre.

HAI.LENHECK-On Jdooday morning, March 36. 1M96, Catharine Sklhkle, widow of Will­iam II. Hallenbeok. In her 77th vMr.

Funeral aervlrea at th* reeldetipa <rf her aon-ln- law, Mr. J. S. Mundy. No. 98 Llnwln Park, on Wednemlay. March 37. at 9 P. M. Reia­tivee and frlende ere Invited to attend. In- trrment In Mudaon Cametery, New Tnfk Kute, on Thuraday. March 36. Frienda will


kindly omit AowelA “ k SuHudacei. New York iute, papera pleam copy*

HAPWARl>~On Monday. Mairh ^ 1896,Daniel Hapwanl, beloved buabahd of Jetinla Main, aged Ifi year*.

Reiativee and frlenda, alao Clifton Council No. 1,988. American of Hofior, and Mt.Froepect Camp No. 69, Fraternal Legion, are reepectfully Invited to attmd (he funer­al frnm hla late reel denee. Sliver Istke, Old Blootnfleld road, oti Thureday. March 86. 1H96. at 3 F. M. Interment in Blootnfleld Cenietary.

New York papera pleeM copy.HTLAN D-^ the 34th Inat., Kilen. wife of tbe

late John Hyland. In her 941h year.Reiativee and frlenda of the ramlty are re-

apectfully Invited to attend the funeral from her late realdeuce. No. 60 Plane *tre«t. on Wedneaday, March 37. 189B. at 8:90 A. M., thence to the Cathedral et 9:80 A. M., where a High Maaa of Requiem will be of­fered for the repoee of her aoul. Interment In the Cemetery of tbe Holy Sepulchre.

JACKSQN-On March 94. 1896, Catharlua.daughter of Catluuine and the late Jame* Lyona, and wife of John Jackaon.

RelatlVM and frlenda of the family are re- ■prrtfuSy Invited to attend tbe funeral from her late realdcnce. No. 34 Ferdon atreel, onWedneedy , March 37. at 8:80 A. M., to St. Jamega Church, where a High Maaa of Re­quiem will be offered for the repoee of her aoul. Intarmrnt in the Cemetery at the Holy Sepulchre.

LEE—On Maroh IS, John, beloved buaband of Kate 1.100.

Reletlve* and fH«nda ar* Invited to attend th* funeral from hi* late rraldence. No. JOllludaon atreel, on Wednead», Maroh 2T, at T:9o A. M., to Rt JoMph'a Cbureh, where aHigh Maaa of Requleua will be offered for the repoee of hla aoul. Intermebt In the Ceme­tery of the Holy Sepulchre.

p a l m e r - A t Orange, N. J., on March 28. 1896, Mary Ellen Pudney, wife of Walter Palmer, formerly of Springfield, N. J.« Id her 4l*t yMu*.

Notice of funeral hereafter.PONSONBY-On Monday. Mandi 3S, 1396,

Lucy Pooeemby, aged 64 year*.Funeral took mace to-day at 8 F. M., from

rtdenher late reelaenoe, 18 Searing atreet. Inter­ment In the Cecnetery of the Holy Sepul­chre.

ROBINSON-On tbe 38th Inat. Mamr*tRobhl-daughter o€ Ann and tba leAa Jimae ;

Reiativee and frienda of the family are re-epeciful^ Invited to attend th* funeral from her latenveldence, No. 9 Watt etreet Kear­ny. on Thuraday, 3Sth Inat at 8 A. M„ to St. Ceoeita’a Church, where a High Maae of Requiem will b# offered for th« repo** of her eoul. Interment In Ui« CeTiaeCery of the Holy Sepulchre.

aCVLLr-At Seat OraAge, Sunday. March 34* CamlU* Leona daughter of John A and Al­mira B. Scull, aged 3 year* II month* and Mdaya.

Funeral eervioe* will be held on Wedneeday, March 27, at 8 P, H., fr w tbe reeldrnce of her parent*. 367 Elmwood avenue, Baat Or­ange. Reiativee and friend* of the familyare kindly invited to attend. Intel mcni at

‘ ‘ CJei ■Roeadai* Cemetery at the oonvenienoe of th* family.SHARP—On Monday miming, March $S. 1896i

Mary Van Di»ne, widow of Chartei H. in the fifth year of her age.

Relative* and trlende are invited to attend the funeral aervtce* from her late reeldence. No. SB Burnet ttreet, on Wedneeday, the 3Tth Inat., at 3 o'clock P. M. Interment RMedale Cemetery.

SHIELDS—On TuMday, March 26, Sarah Jh -------------------- Shi”widow of Thomaa Bhlelda aged 67 year*.

Ralatlvee and friend* of th* d^eaaed ar* r■pectfully Invited to attend the funeral from bar late realdence.No. BSS Belleville avenue, at 9:90 A. M.. Ttaunday, Marcli 3S. to St. Mlehaey* Church, where a Mum of Requiem will be celebrated for the repoee of her ■oul. Interment la the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre,

SKIDMORB-Od March 34. ISOS, Mary M. Sharpe, wife of Jacob Skidmore, In her 49tb year.

Funeral aervleaa et her late reeldefioe. No. 11 Scott etreet. Wedneeday, 31th Inat.. at 3:80

. P. M, Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited,' TEUFEL—Entered laio ra*t, on Sunday, March

34. 1698. at 12 o'clock A. M., John Peter, gloved kuaband of Wllhelmlna Teufel, a ^ 68 yeara 8 monthe.

Reiativee and friend*, alao Schiller Lodga No, 9. O. D. H. B.. Aid Society No. 9, ofHermann Bom. Ladlea Sick Aid Boclety ^a Wohkhaetlji^eltJ Society No. I. and ulniNve A. Halaey'i employee, ar* moit reapectfully Invited to attend hi* funer­al Wedneeday, March 37, at 3 P. H.. from hla late realdenoe. No. 804 College pinue. Interment at Falrmount Cemetery.

WHTTAKKR—On tbe tfth Init, Agree, daugh­ter of John and Fannie Whitaker, of i l Suietx avenua* aged IS year* 6 monthe t8 daya.

(lo-il»7 ) Tg.Kl.if. March 86. 1696. Interment at Falrmount Cem*-wnf. rrlend* will Wndly ilil. <mlp iiliaetlan.tnilnutlon.

WILTHBROKR—Al Karhetown, N. 0un- dar, March 3t, UW). CharlM D. tviltbanw. u*d ** raan. > month* and * d.y>-

J^gg-fal atcvloM will b* held In th. Mathe-dl.t EmHfopal Church to-morrow' (Wednii-

Rtmimn at o-olcKk. Officer, enddar) al ....... .............. .......mrnnbar. ot th* Iforrlatown Fir* D.paK- m.nt, m.mbari of Morrletown Lodu No.* of Prthlu: alM Ruxltlcua __ _______________ _I^xif* No. 96. L O. 0. F., and friend* of the fa r* ...... ........ are reepectfully Invited.

WILSON—On Saturday evening, March 28. ]S9tt,Jane R, wjieoti, aged 65 yMra

n wedFuneral eerricaa wedneeday, 37th Inat at 3 0 clock P. Me, fimm the realdenoe of her daugbur, Mr*, a J. Beane, No. T Olenwood avenue, Bart Orang*, N. J.

WILTBIE—On Sunday, the 34th Inrt.. Chart** E. Wlltala, aged 4| yeare 13 day*.

Funeral aipvloei fr^m calvary ft^byterlan---- a. ----------- . Wl ‘Church, Penneylvanla avmue, « i W^ne*> day, the 3Tth Inrt.. at 2:80 P. M. Relative* and fr ln ^ are invited to attend. Inter­ment In Falrmount Cemetery,

RESOLUTIONAdopted at a meeting of the St Peteri* C. T.

M. L. A„ held Saturday evening. Maroh 88.Whereaa, It haa plaaaed (he Alntlghty Ood

to remove from our raldat our late brother. Jam** Fl--------- ■ —

A.—A.-Male help, any capacity, free to em­ployer* at abort notice, auoh ai drivera,

clerka, ooarhmen. MkUur*. uaeful men. waioh- mtn, engUiaer*, factory hand*. eU, 32 Cedar M. 1AOEKT8 WaatadL howeat, eneriellc men lo ao-

Hell order* for nuraery rtock; permanent em- pkiymeoi, eapenaea and aalary: write at onoe f^ terma and lerrilnry for fall d*ltvery< The H. O. CHASE CO.. 14i8 South Penn Square, Phila­delphia. Pa. 11*AOBNTS waa(*d. to **11 tbe Champion Carprt

Stretcher; big money to ageota; thoee that mean buaiDaae cum* and aee It. SMITH, 18 Nevrt, 1

Jam** Flanmn. a member of St Peter'i C. T. Ma L. A., of J^lltvnie. N. J., U I* hereby

Reeoivcd, That by hi* death we have toet a valuable member, wiiwa nouiiaou* nianneri and amiable dlapoeiUoa had won our M(eem and a^iratlon; and

Rtoolved. Tnat the lyrapatby of thl* body be •onveyM to th* inother and family of our dJK oeaaed fellow-cnember. committing them In Ihto hour <rfUi*1r bereavement lo the oonclllatloa of Him 'Who ^ t h all thlnge well;" and

lived. That a copy of tbeea raeolutlena be uwnamltted to the mother of and be it further ' our late member i

Reaolve , That a record of thee* reeolctlone be apread on the mlnutea <rf the above lULDed •oclely.

Signed,F. H. SMITH,BDWARO p iv m * ,

, ' JOHN COMBIIKT.* Commlttea,Dantta OIniBw Paid la Mawnavk and Vlainltr

To-daj b f Hatropwlltea U fa l u . O*.

Jan** Fl*nna**o, ]M WllUam, B*«T**' * * * 'villa ..............................................Ae i i n w

Joaaph Mlllir, M biinnaeald naa., M IH 00John Bchmldt, ei Qaltnian it ........... DO 100 00Max Martani, M Court'it............... 10 te 00Walla, Navlor, STI Plan* .. ........... .00 10 00

e P. WILLIAHI, ■upt.,m -u e - l f t l t a ^ 'a fc . aatnar Hal**,.


ruMBHAL PDiuniH m o WABMROOMA n o nnairaw n ,

in w jJ tK , N. J.Tb* atdaat baoa* la lb* bualaaa*; an, cbarita

an anltorailF and lararlBblF audantai pnapl atUBtica at aU boara. OMa* laltpbote. lU. lUaldano* talapban*, lU.

A A BOLLBb A MN, praetlaai undaNakan- - - • ---- - - mftfcrttnpgad embelmer*; auailmotume of caaketoj awning their own hearee* and coach** enabte* ihrtB to make all ohart** reaaonable and ta hew ing with the Um**; eall* ■olioltedt office Siai wareroetn* IS Bridge *l ; mirndhetory m ■ ergwe Ha 19 and flTewn* *l ; te lep l^ ~~

JOSHUA BftlERLET. rUNERAL DIIUBCTOII174 Breed it. aed • Otay

AND EilBAUCBR,It. jy«o rti«t-e(*g* uvrtY• 1 ^tephon* IfiS.

etahlA 6



AUCTION SALBSbFURNITURB-The eoaunte of a Romrill*

rertIUno* will be acid at Ui*,*eleigooma 347 Kariirt rt.a on Wedneeday (to-morrow), at 10 ^ o o k . Startor Bvit*. Chambw Srtta SMe-

IX Q. B 9 0 M Awt^siw.

AOBNTS wanted for three new taMitohold ar­ticle*; Juat oui: **11 at eight; big proAia.

Phcwulx Company, 33 Mechanic* at. 1AN Intelligent man wanted to AM a vacancy^with Metrr^lttan Life InauranM Com^i^y^lOreoga; only auch a* have ambUlon vancement need apply, 222 Main at.. Or­ange. 90wBAG-MAKER wanted (out of (own) aa foreman;

capable at making all grade* of work. Ad- dmaa. atatlng age and experience. T. L- C.. Tkix O, Newe office. 14WBOY wanted, who wrllea plainly and aleo undtr-

•land* uaa of tclenbiTne. Apply by Vtlea ■tating wage* dgelred. Plumber, Box K, New* ofRce. 1BOT—Wanted, etrnag boy; muat know (he

city: la per week. KEANE, bar glaea. inr Market rt. 1BOY—Wanted, active, intelligent boy for omce

work; rauat be good writer; none under 16 seed apply. Addreaa Boy, Box M, New* ur,l> «-.lBt'lT wanted with aome expejieaoe ta barUr

ahop. Apply fiQBL Bitiad: et. 1BOT wanted tn worii in ahrw atore; muat have

gc*od referancea. H NORTON, 1D1 n rry n,lDOT—Wanted, a naat toy to learn engraving.

Addree* Engraver, Hox E, New* office. fCAN VASSERS—Wanted.Intelligent men to can-

vaaa; aeJary and contmlaelun; only expert- enceil men need apply- e'en between 6 and 8 I*. M. only. L. Sternberg A Co.. 8U MarketIt. 69WCARPENTERS- Wanted, two carpenter*. Cor.

Magailne and Frankfort eta. 1CLERK—Wanted, young man aa gftK'cr and

muat nonest. Inquire 87 Roe* it,Imlrhcr 2d flo*ir.COlaLECTon wanted for laatalment bouM;

muat fumlah bond. Addreaa K., Box O, New* office. MwDRIVER—Good young man wanted to drive oil

route; muat demand aome trade, and have good rafereneee and security. Call S. GOLD- STEIN, Freeman Building. Arllopon. (WwGOOD Job preee feeder wanted; muat be able

to make ready. HOLBROOK PRINTING a i . 1

INSURANCE AqRNTS,*ewltig mat hin# agent*,I I ................................agrnta of any find who *011011 from famlllca,

can materially Increase their revonu* by ad- dreaalnK Insurance, Bax D. News office. 68wJKWHLIaER-Onod ring-maker; atat* experi­

ence. AddreM C. W.. Box H. Newe office. 1MANAGER—Wattled, a competent man ae man­

ager and ealeeman In hat department; only a No, 1 man need apply. Addree* Manager, Box D, News o1TI(‘e. 1MEN wanted at MARSHALL'S Boarding

Stables, 4M Washington *t. 1PRKSSKRB and liaalera wanted 06 fin* ooata.

ABRAHAM STElNKR. 90 Bedford at. 1SALESMEN, railing on any branch of trade, to

handle beat-paying aide line out. Call any ■ week,morning tbii

ruom 48, Clinton Building.or WeOneedey, 8 to 9 P. M.

SALESMAN—Wanted, young man of good ad-dreia, a* aaleeman in ruetom detriment. Ad-

dram, with referenoet, Clothier, Box K, Ne«vi

6 HOBHAKEKS wanted; laatere and finiahere on men's aho a. 176 Grand at,. New York. 1

WAITER WANTKt>-a2 W'llllam at.WANTED—A young man who underitanda

paQU cutting and to aaslet rutler. AMERI­CAN TAlUmlNG CO., 93 Market at* 1WANTED—If you are a Catholic, unemployed,

and will work for |1S per week, write Mao-CobMll Broe., 11 Franklin at. Boatoo, Haas.WANTED—Good man to solicit advertlseineRtat

big money, 900 Broad rt., room M._______ 1

HELP WANTHD-FKMALBII.A.—A.—German. Rwede and other good *er-

vant*. any raparlty, for houiework; w* allow _ week'* trial and guarantee to suit yoaVrlth a mmpetfnt servant. S2 Cedar at catabllihed167S.A PLACE free of charg* for girl* with refer*

eiM*; hlghect wage*; beet faxaUle*. Bllu Em-- Biployt**nt oOoe, 746 Broad M

A SBWTNG glr^ wantrf to run Demareat Toa-»iychina. Apply 7 to 0 P, M.. 58 South 18th it.,

Rcwevllle. 1APPRENTlCE^An apprentice wanted for

dremmaklng; must be nett aewer. 303 Plane it. 97wAPPRENTICE and Improver Wanted for

dreaamaklng. 48 Rector *1. 12wArPRKKTICB wanted at drNnnaldng, 89

Bleecker at. 1APPRENTICE—Wanted, mUllnery apprecMloe

at 917 Broad rt. 1BABTBRB. operator* and flniahera wanted on

fine coat*. Rear of K7 Wickllfte at. ITwBASTERR wanted on fine pant*. DIEFBN-

THALER, factory rear 44 Green et 8SnCASHIKR-Wanted. young lady to qualify aa

' • ' ■ - - -----cashier and book-keeper, at once. Inquire 81 Market at 68waioK W'anted, capable girl who underefhada

plain cooking, washing and Ironing, Call In morning, at 9 South 10th ft. TBwCOOK—Compe(ent ftri wanted as cook and

laundfeaa; muat t>* flnt-claaa In every respect 1091 Broad at. JCOOK—Wanted, good girl to do common cook-

ing. 6 William at. IOOOX—Want a good vegetable ooofc; reference

required. 86 Park pi._____________________1DRESSMAKERS—Wanted, firat^lasa drese-

inakera and errand girl at 63 South Clinton ■t.. Eaet Orange. N. J, _________ » tERRAND girl wanted. Call 51 Fulton at 6lwOTRL8 wanted for housework; good wagea.

Call 4 William rt„ office. 1GOOD Cooke wanted: also colored cook and wait-*

reea fen* boc^ing houae; referenoea required, MRS. OEO. BARKER'S iDtelilgeaca Office. 4S4 Main it.. Orange.___________________ _______ 1HANDS wanted for beading neU and laeee;

work given out: weekly dellvertee: good prices, - ---------- ' OPPER A BBO., 142-144

'teUlK PJTtell LIUl, 'WniCall pereonally, H. L. Greene at.. New York.HOUSEWORKER'-Wantad. a nrrt-claae houae-

worker; muat be a good cook; refarenoe Invee- tlgatH: two In family. 818 Bummer, near 3dave.; or 740 Broad at., room 1.HOUSEWORK—Warned, girl for general houae-

"; good wage*. 60 North Arllngtoo ave. East Orange. 66vHOUaEWORK—Wanted, a girl to aaalet with

general houaework, at 10 Burnett *1., Bast Or- ■nge.___________ 6wHOUSEWORK—Gertnan girl wanted for gen­

eral housework. MRS. PAPPKE, 503 Bank ■t______ _____________________________ IHOUSEWORK—Wanted, a girl for genenl

housework; good wage*, If competent. Apply 19 Bherman av* ___________________ _ **HOUSEWORK-Oiri wanted, general house­

work. small family; good home. 240 Sixth ave., near North 8(h at., Roeeviiie. i

rMPLOYMRNT WANTED-MALK. m d k t u a h r s , luana , e tc . BUSINKM OPPORTUNITIES,

CLERK In grocery atne* want* situation, four years' experknre. Wet of referencee. AddrcM

Clerk, Box K. Nrire nfficr. ICOAdlMAK, EiigHsh. single, atrictly (ettiper-

ate, dealree iHjalilon; okt) or country, 6 r»t- elaas r*r*r*twe«. 4t Aator at., oily. ux

i A.-A.-MONET TO LOAN-If you are In need of inoaey, you can obula

the eaiue at th* office of theNEWARK MORTGAGE I*OAN COMPANY.

We make loane of any amovm. fium to H.UOO, and in th* quickest ptMtaibl* lima and at

DRIVER-Young man wlahee rtiuailon ae driver delivery aagiMi; reference* and $60 ae-

curtly given. Driver, 3l Oxford at. 1

teaaoneble rales, wlth«>ut pubiluity.You can borrow on hOMeludd furniture,

ENQINEEH New Ynrk C*1(y Licensed engineer dealras a i .*iM.,n aa engineer; sober and re­

liable. ITS Park R.m, N. T- 24u

piano*, huiwea. wagooa. vNarrUigea wamhuuaa receipts and other personal l'n>i>erty, (h* m- cuiity to remain In your undiaiurfaed ponee- alon. You can jiay hack any pert of ih* loan nt any time, and each payment made on thetuinrtpal will reduce the oael of carrying the loan In propariion to (he amount of the pay*

FARM WORK A young German. 24 year*, wants work ivi farm. 194 Magaalne at. 1

, meni. Our officea ar* conveniently located, ind parties can be waited on quickly, cour-

HOUSEWORK-Wanted, girl (181 to help with H Wadutoday momfog b6houae work.

Fourth ave,HDUSEWORK-Wanled, girl for aeoeral

houaework and good oook. 250 N. Beventh

HOUSEWORK—Wanted. young German- Amorlcan girl for general houeeworh; imall

famlty. 124 N. Sixth iL, upaulra. 1HOUfiBWORK^Wanted, a neat German girt to

* --------h rt, T■lit with general houaewortt, 745 HighHOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for general houae-

work In email family. 38 Atlantlo at. 'HOUaSWORK-Wanted.

Work; lo sleep home. IIrlrl to aealit In houee- ■ Waketnan av*. Mw

HOUBBWORK-Wanted. girl rvfllq Ihouaework. 294 Roeavltla av*.for general

1HOUSEWORK—Girl wanted for genera) hou**-

work; good wages, 10 Belmont ave. 1HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a young girl to an

with housework. Apply at 21 Nelsoft pi. 96wHDUBEWORK-Olrt wanted to aaelrt In general

housework. Call 36 Hay*i it. 40wJOINERS wanted on coraet walrt*. BENJA­

MIN BROS., 11 Mulberry it. TtwLADIES and gentlemen to mount photo* on

glam; no experience requited: encloae•tamped envelope. Box 600. Vineland, N. J.61wLADIES—To do faaoy work at home. DELRAY

NEEDLEWORK CO.. Delray, Mich, 48rIflLlANKR—Wanted, a good inUllner: aleo two

apprenGoea. Addr*** Q. A., Box A* Newaof*ftoe.MILLINERS wanted, as springfiald ave, 96vNURSE—Wanted, reepeotable woman to wait

OD tlderly lady; between 38 and 80 yearn, anduu ipuf I um w jvteAn, cmikto iMilat with Ui^t uiwtmlr* work. Call l8t Froepeet rt., Eaat Oange; bring reference. ENrNUR8 E»Wanted, yotmg girl to mind baby and

aartrt with bouoowork. 14 Mercer oL 1

evening, from 7:80 to 8 , at i^urolia

OFFICE ARSISTant-W anied-Toung man Av- alre* poaltl<*n .iltcc aealilanl. or in grnerrtl

gfocery; r»r»r.-i- ,t,. Addreaa Kxiwrlvticr, llnx b, New* om. tuw

MIDDLC’AOKl) man, wlih giHid builneea abll-

P»> . . . .teouily and mondentlanv. Rrmrmher that ' tlw pmiieriy and theyou harp th* ua* of bath l

Lty, wants rarerence Milifactnry.Addree* Ahllio. ll.ix V. News office. :Ww

money, and pay tor it onlv a* l<mg at you I keep K. Refor* boeyowing elsawhcr* call and

OVERHKKIl \ > uny married man wants sit­uation as xi n.- thoroughly unilrrplanils th#

plantltig apd mtinHKrni<ml of all foreat and nr- natnciual tr -n. rh>Hi.Klcndruns end all other kinds of ahruiiH ] .hk «>xp4>rlance In Eunqie; also a good knuirlr : ;. uf farming otterailnna .\d- draae A. WtsMi ;i Kowtim at. MwPACKER—A y>'\mg man, S3, wants |>ii*l(loti at

packer In eonik- u-hitimiie house, or at any­thing; wagM hi, i.iijMt. Address Willing, Kux , New* office i

TOOLMAKER n>'uld like a position as Im- pfovtf. Addrc •- .Maker, ilox J, New* office,I

t»PLO YM F> r W A N T R D -riM A Lh.A GOOD 8FHVANT supplied at rtioft rvo-

tlee, W* 1110001-* work without charge to girl* and gejo rally have i^plkiatloiia for plactoi EJits LnipJuymeot Office, 140 Broad

2lnA NEAT GerniHh girl would like situation fur

houaework In Kn all family. 116 Magnolia st.90w

CKAMBERHAtU and waltreea, oclored. d*- elrea altuailon tn I'rivate famitr, flrrt-clasa

reference. t'eJl <>r addrsa* 20 Drchard at., Gr­ange. 4AvCOOK—Girl wotilil like situation aa onnh, wash­

ing and Ironlns in small family; three years' refarence: no rarda Call 47 William at., Or­ange. MwCOOK wishes Bliustlon; nook, wash and Imn;

raferancSB, 6 yeare. 6 4 Clover i(.; no rards.lDAY'S \F0RK-A ftepectabla woman asks fnr

dajr'a work, washing or housedeaaIng. Apply K. D., room 14, 921 Market st. ]DAY'S WORK wanted of any kind. Call (wo

days, 47 Academy st., la| floor. 1nnESSMAKRR.

mentj dally. Plane rt.

experienced, wUhex engage- niMlerni*. IfISH Vt'lalH, Tq

HnUSBKRRPFK Warned. tUuaUun as house- ktvper; no ohjecunn to children !124 Ctcms

st.. Harrlaon. 1HOVSEtVORK Kespeoiable colored girl wants

a altuatloti In amaU family, at genera) hnuse- work, in city; wages $15 and 116 per month.Call two days, 47 ArRdemy rt.HOUSEWORK -A young girl wants w<irk at

general housework: undenttanda all kinds uf houaework. 184 Magailne it. ihousew ork Woman want* altuailon at genera] housework. Inquire 830 I'iane st -

no poatalaHOUSEWORK- Toung girl Wiahfw altuaMun

geoeral bouatwork, refemnea. Call 19 Liberty rt. iHOUSEWORK- -Wiimsh wlahea altuatlon at

general housework. Call 116 Warrvn st, lLAUNDRRRI Woman want* work any kind;

good lauDdreaa. Celt or addreaa 141 Buydr-t it. iNURSE—A young I>ottlsh girl wants situation

aa nurse or upstairs girl, gcod sewer; Kant Orange or Rne»v]tl<>. Inquire at 26 North ave., Gart Orange. \NURSE—Understands chlldran; good referenrea

273 Aqueduct at. jSTENOGRAPHEK—Wanted, position aa atano-

grapher and typewriter; understands book­keeping; good penman, aalary moderate. Mod­erate, Box J, News iifflee.WArTREBS—Toung girl wanta sttuatlon si

waltresa and chambermaid; good reference Call 84 Monmouth st. ___ ________jWASHING—Young wutnan want* washing

Ironing, bouaedeanlng gr day's work of a»y k ln f i_ ^ l »7t| OR^n at.WASHING—W'oman warn* faw day*' work

washing and! ironing, at home or out, w Win! lam rt. ]WASHING—Woman wanta washing and Iron­

ing Monday, any part of city. Call II Union■t. In ASKING — Woman, first-claa* laundreaa

wants washing and Ironing; taka hum* or */i out. 19 Liberty rt. iWASHING wanted at home. Please <«)l rear

54 Walnut iU______ __ yflv

Call 192 South Grange ave.YOUNG OIBL food crocheter, wanta a poal- Uon at making ootlar*, lacea and tlrtle*. ^ 1 1 626 3d rt„ Harrison. j


Guaranteed Sunfaat. In Ail Bixea and in Ail Color*, for Pub­lic Bulldtnga, Private Retl- dencea, Store*. fiaJoona and Pao- torieaNEW STYLES


ALL kind* of wringera and car­pel sweepers repaired cheap;

golid white rubber rolls, T5 cents up; called ftm and delivered free; ■•wing machine* and clocks re.- palred at reasonable raUs; quick

• work. Send portal or call. Wringer, ____ , .............ngerRefslrlng Co., 88 New at. 75t

(^BAP family ahoe atore-rLadla*' fin* kid but- tOfL 41; ladles’ fine kid button, 41.15; ladles'

fine kid laced. H ladle*' double-aolad kid button, 11.60; misses' kid button, 60c.; Men's •ewed laced, II, men * fine laced and galisrs.11.15; men's fine satin calf iacad, 11.60; boys' Mwed laced. 4 1 ; yiiuths’ sewed laced, 90r, WMJ. McKlNNEY'S. 3T6 Plane rt.# near Willlani. GRANGE MONUUKN'TS-W* manufacturaand carry In stock granite monumanta, head

■tones and general c-emetery work; steam power and pneumatlo tuula enable* ua to produce (he beat flnlahed work «t lowest prices. POWKItS & MeOOWAN. Bouth Orang* av*.. cpposlia Falrmonnt Cemetery, Newark, N. J, 641^


I Raaora ground, cemoavafi and •et ready for uae.

Rert work )h the city. Dr***- makera' •cl**oni ground.

21 Springfield av«., opp. Court Mous*.F. H. DOUGLAS, maker of ihe

Pougla* Banjo, Aetna Guitar vsnd fin* mandollna. Musical In- Istriimenta of all kinds; cash or In* ’ •taimanta. J^palring a apeelalty.

" Broafi and 9 Cadar i4d

tt formerly of 827 ]

GRANITE MUNI'MENT^W* make a specialty of flna granti* work at

low pricea. We have a la i« assoriment of en- tlr*ly new and handsome daaigna for large or

ill monumenta and headstore*.40* K. J. KISLING, 1M-1« Btm *t.CARFETH niado »ml laid, upholstering and re­

pairing maitresaes made and made uver, cur­tains. ahadrs, vie.; flral-claa* work at lowHt

A. BBRNHARDT,922 Broad at

Ms.-'CORMACK—Satchela, pocket- tKK>ka, mason*' tool bag* aiu|

trunks of our own manuraoture;, rcpclrlng promptly attended to.' I 925 Broad *t., opportl* WaahlAg- ton Park,


65 New Jersffy Railroad ava.Boat work. prte**.______________ H

THE Trilby and all up to daU style* Inlo which ladles' 4bd children's hats may be

pressed- J. H. HENBIGAN, 228 Washington SfThitweeii Market and Bank._____ 191C, O MINTON, mason and balld*r—Fumaoe*«

cistern*, chimney* built and r«palr«d: walli y*palr*d and whitensd. 31 W'e*t Kinney atTUJSAVE time and expense; hnve your carpets

cleaned, made over and laid by NOB, 668 BTMd at., fnrmarly of Hanemi 4 Noe. 44k

WAI.I. I’ArRR AMU rAPKil-HAMIlINd 2!:^Af::^lu5B l » i 2 AiS~AMD OBviNTr:

nV B CENT# li wint I duLTM t« Oninl' or- dlniry iImi]. rom^Millno, ■!»> with 0-|Mlin t m . Mil) fuuwT praM: lunw oalntini End ffKorititif et ,1 1 kindi: JoirHt ortM, tn thi ally i >-114 tor •■UiHt*. JOHN R. O'NIDn.l,

Otwthi oily: otnO II AMdour oL

MUnsB—Wuitoff. ■ fflri obout 14 nr IS ytoro old, b> mind bebrt rotoranso*. ST Coldn tt.l

TOP-HAKERSl Aloo opontoon u d boiton on ponulooni. 4 WItUuQ it. 1

TWO ooinwM, In Um ehoni* st th# Ftm l>nn- bytortu Churohi w ly rondin. Ao*ly thio

oniiTWtn (Ivon tor p s»rln ( nnd unmunn th« lowMt j^toos tend pootni onro* for m plM or I»n kt AdstHto Brodilyn WnllKiH itaroo. dO-Tl BprlortUld nrs. n w Hl,b H.

TWO Ont-oluo, conHtont nlrU to lOir booko. Apply O rufo Cbromolo, 140 rI Unln ot. Onofol

WAHTXD-SOO (Irlo of nil nntloanlltloni oodks nnornl houHworten, wnUrow . nvnoo;

tedlon la nnad ot arot-«lnno holp, with bont ro|. onnon, ona bn oitppUnd nt ntiort notloo, 0, Onnn ot. Tw

All Brolbrrs dooornloro. pnpor-hniunn uid patnlors Don't forpot the nonbor. dO-Ti Sprtni' lleld nro„ nonr Hlab ot. Bnmplo boote ar thiitsde In tlM wholeenlo depnrtmnnt.

WANTBD-Opornlor on n taokliw ninehln*! tls>■IH (or btnbalinc nnd nw nn button*

on pnnts OBQ. MIU-EK >10 Brand ot 1WAHTIID—BxjMrlenood liasd* on Wlndoor tlwt

work (tvon out Newnyk Disbroldntr WoikO, TO Shtpiaon ot. Ifw

Ulrron, Cbsin, roldtw-bod% Up-( lot WTBrlo-n-Brnn. CnrjMto. Ploturns oto. poaltltnk no pnrtlon a n tenrtnf lor ttao

WANTBD-Oennnn, Iiitfc, oolorod htjpi nletL imsll itrls Applr Buptoymont Ofloo, IM

for at) klnda work. 1

BJIANCH of iho Now Tork Wall Pnptr Rors- w* will p a ^ your rooM for tl with paid

paper and wide bordar, and w# will sIm ynur room. We guarante* firct-cUiBa work; waota sale and retail: painting, kaiaomlntng, paper hanalng and tutlng: send portgl oarde. It. RAt R A US, 88 ipragflold ava JEtraach • South Orange ar*.

II GIRLS wintod for boanw m tjjw iM I 83lh Airi^> SMUMd 8t , Mtahk

•omining, B. F, L N.'>HB«rt ftna In Knrario-

Tc«r palBttag, paMr-haaflng, kat- ; lowest prtoi*. Cmii or sand postal.

us and n t owr imlea and mods of doingA Jbusiness, and you wtU find U greatly to your


315 Market at., aecond floor* (Evening Hew* Building)



withnut removal from i«<wseaatan of owtter. We ran offer you the UiWKHT KATEfi and EAgIKKT TBKUS,

No publicity; all dsallngs virtrlly rfutfidsutiaU No delay; you will twcelve Ihe muney within afew hours after making atipllcatlon for U. Faymenta ofi th* prlacliiaT,_________ __ __________ - any amount, willbe received at any dm*. Rach payment will leaaen th* cost of carrying (he loan.

kindly call and InveaMgale our plan *f making loana; you will be pleased with IL

NEW JERSEY LOAN CO.,Ho. T40 broad BT.«

k Cppoatte Foatofflee.A .-A .-A .-A .-A .—A ,-A ,-JW -A .-A .-A —A1290,01X1 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORT-


Uhlltd State* Credit System Rulidlng, Washington and Market a(a

A .-A .-A .-A - -a . - a .—a . - a . - a . - a - poo ,000 to lean on bond and mortgage at 6 per cent.. In aura* and for prrlMi lo suit the borrower. No tonm or oommlealen exacted; *11 psnaaasry paper* caiwfulty prei ared.

CHARLEb A FEICKo 14u Gourtsellor-at-Law, 788 Broad f t

A. -rarde* wiehlng tr> dispose of their husinesa lni«rest i-vr sUrsM of any kind, by favoring ua

a nil e call sod gctdng our leriiis, will find It dfMwn't c.'tt any nujr* to dn buahie>w with rail* alilr. vld-e«ubllshed Arm. with ihuuMPda rrfer- ctKM. Ihan bother wllh triflera and fakers and nould (ie ngrnta whu salat >ui mfiney left at their ufficr j for adverltaing purt-


Dnuirh of 29 rhambera at.. Nsw Ytarit rUy. 48)

FOK SALF.,ALL kinds of fruit, ahade and orna«

msiitai trees, vinaa. small fruit, ■hruhlwry and n.«i»ea. Why b*y or

Jj^aHi agstila wlieii yuu can gel better atork half the prk*- Order now while th*

* ' iu« k Is r. TUplelt-, new variedMI m•K-'laltv. ('all or send lonatal. I'lfAH. MtiMU. fruir farm and nur.*. ry. Wall *(. and Sprlnifiata avi Hux UM). Irvinitun. N J. MMi

A. 4>NK of the beet mral. fish an«l vegetable intrkets In (he (Rate at a very reasonable

frli'e. flrai-claae In every reaue«'t. LITTLE A imT. mxi Hroad at. 1

IIAHCIAINF In newi and Jobbers' type; sbotit3 nx) Etounda; ■!•*» highest payment for bot« (lea and Junk. A. UtOEHLk'H. -------189 NewarR


AMKKK'AN inriualtial Fair, iMenlng April 6, represents all ximmI firms wUh ntrrlUirluus ar-

tlcICR; no 1 * 0 exhilills a kind, t>=t(ent rights negotlaird, sales permlite'1 , the rxhnitta are chidi-e and will atiract a large audlem-e: the magnilli’rnt rlei'trloal display Inrtudrs a rwA- Ing iipi^ratua in ovienitirm under World's Kiilr eiri’trlrlan, we want rmwe art; alen. newly haifhetJ chlrliens, ducks and t.ihrr Easter nov- rlticH. Ap|>ly at }'.aars Lyceum for exhibitingSl>ni'es \

It.tit giaesware. fine shells, gohlcti and w1b«*« 8r. and &.•. jniiN 8 . I'lllLIJ*. ITT Halaey rt.

row - h'-ar aale, Deah cow. 270 treroont ave,, Orange. jow

CtnV -A fresh ««w and . *lf fur Hie. H. MA- Fairvlew pi, IUi.i>mAeld. 6l

DRl M l.»r :.•)«. a g,i,Hi baaa-'lrum; prttrt tai al«i bird and case, tirliw 41.6U. Addrata

Catiar)'. I'ff Ht>vden jt. 1A (htUNEH gMccry atnre, nbrly etrvked; *

grcHt chance r>r ivirty wiehlng to add a Anrr llm' of v^Hablea nr delb'air-^ stieclatUea; price s:N5. MTrLK A HOYT hHO Untad et 1

EiHlH Fiill HATi'III.VG- lllai'k langihaaa............ .. |i Jl‘l)iiluulh }li 111, T.-». W I!. fHAIO, Cantiml

headed I i Kirby A Hmlih's eutek, Jb ks. Vn. \V li. (’RAf

nrar liurnet ei.. Kam Orange.ACTIVE assiM'lati', with 41 5<rt. In a manufac-

turlni; plant, mahlng a a|Mw1alt> rXtroalvrly uwl l.lTTLi: ft HOtT. MV lln«.l s(. I


67W.\ physl< Ian leaving city aacrlBoto

immisllatelv elegant furniture of hla prlvatft

A iliaRi >(AJAM»N. with low rent, long lease;Ann nelghbfirhuud. Addfcaa Li-ng.Ui x il. News

Offii't* I

iho.ts.*; magtilficwm upright piano; trtrior, bed. ditjlpg rwaiv a*tt. mlrfurs. pictures, curuina, Uallsiande. portieres, etc.; alao aeparate, ala* house for sale, ur, fuinlshMl. to leL UB Eaat Mlxty-fiDh at., New York. |9vf

A (KMiO FATCCNT. Address ra(«*nt, fVix G, NfWBoffii-e. 1UAltOAiN- t'andy, stationery and tuy store f<tr

sale. ira3 Klin rt. fiiiw


LINKN iXlLLAllH. a l l hTYLHB, llKLl cvFFH. n r . FKH p a ir . ^

RVBINK.^ (d>i>rirtunlllea nf all kinds for aaie and exchange. lUHrni ft niHDl^AN. room

8, 32 ('Union at. Open Turwlay and Friday av* anlngs. 1

Foil HAt.K, cheap, eoumer, Ira bdk and ahalv- Ing. l.lh Newark al. |FKfCHH cuw and calf fnr aale. Inqulra 402 Har-

rienn ave., liarrltan. N. J. 2rlU'TfHEU BHOF-Oldectahllehed butch«*f

biislneaa for nale Cheap, on account nf nick- neaa; doing good bualneaa. Imtulre 4«t3 I'entral ave.. Orange. 4Nw

FVHMTUltK llandanme halrrlnth partoft suit. (Htlnteif betlruimt suit, rhlld'i patent

high chair, two large luirlnr atovea. base bun-

CIOAH, vandr. newspaper and notion store f»r Mitlbyrry at sal*. 53b Market at. 28w

era. iarcr oil stove cNimidele, black waJnhl with spring, all very cbeftp.

OONFErriONKHy and rl ar atore. near arhnnlprice 1135, living mruna attached, low rent,

bargain. HOfmi ft t'ORDUAN, » ! t'tlntoin rt. t

FlrtNlTUIlB Fnr axle, handanm* parlor aulL fine oak bednium "Uita. fl plaoca, U f!

0lBln*-r.«.m chUr^ IwIriHmi riulra, tlovoo. al William Ml. ICORNER gT<»rery; doing nio* business: living

moms attarhHl; price 1460. IMtOTH ft COH- DDAN, 33 Oilnton at. l

Fl HNITI HE -Yctr sale, piano and other houae* hnid rurnitur*. In luia to suit |iurcha*cr. at 40 I'ennlngtinn rt, |

FRUIT and vegetaMe atore; old-ealahtlahed atand; gry>d location; price |A5, bargain.

iiOOTH ft t'ORDUAN, 23 ritntim si. II HA% H Just received from a foreign elnUl

house all uf iheir ends, over 125 dJSfliiwtt styles, iianlalrMtn gfXKla and sullinge. All ■King imff, I pmt them at —

LOANS negotlatad m real rtrtate, notes, bnnda. Insurance poUclaa and all kinds of psraonal— - -A4.

-------- ... ---------- BKlng stuff. I got them at one fifth of their- GOOD fumlsheil-ro<r*m br>uae for sale; central value. iMK-ause they are ends. Bta—•I location; owner going lo Europe; price li'd). however, to make a suit, and that I*ila, Addr*** Y., Box N, News office, j vnow^ for one man. Bom* are two-gult^ lengths. 1 Will make these up to order, fit

property without removal. F. C, EdwardaKneral broker, CVrtinilHdsMr nf Deeda, Notanf

ibllc. room ft, 191 Market rt., Newark, N- J.MuNEY TO LOAN on bouathnld funilturt.

piano*, orfxrta and paraonal properly without partla* hanorably dealt with; —canremoval; , ......... . . .

make repaymenta by tartklmenla; busli•trlrtly cnnfldentliK H. MAHT1N8, room 8, 736 Broad rt.TWO PER CENT.-Moaty to Mae In any aum

at Itto ifcr cent, per month; good for on* rear. C. Blerman. Pawnbroker. Established 1882. 10 OJar rt., »*ar Broad. 42w1300.000 TO LOAN on bond and mortiage In

sums to ault, at 6 pet* rebl., without b<inus. EDWARD 0. RLACK. Counsellur-at-Lftw. 814 Pnidenllal. Telephone No, TO LOAN on bond and raortgafi* in

■um* Id Skit, fron 9800 to 18,600.2flu Ht’HiryLRR R. JAI'KBON. HO Rmad rt.tlO and upward loaned on fumllura, or taken

on etorage; make personal application at 57 .............. ' - ............ nlABr --------Bouth Ifith st, Roarvlll*. HirKAEL KANE.MONET TO LOAN on bond and mortgage in aum* to suit. fi. W. Owery, 780 Krrjad it. ftfir

rrRBONAL,FINK girl for adoption; twn momh*

BirpT. KIMBALL. 144 Market at.old.

FOR Bnulhem ('allfomla; private party, pri­vate car: April 11; rtK>m for five. Aadreaa

DfRWer F. rialnfield, N J. i»7wNr>TirE—l hereby caodnn ail perwnoa against

(mating my wife, Rridgrt Murphy, ai ahe has left my bed and board without Just cause or provoirttlon, aa I will hot b* rrtponalbla for debla of her contraotlnf.

March 26, 1HV6.Ddv THOMAS MURPirr.

ftailveN P*veonals.ASA MF.Plf^AL INffTlTirrE Read cur five-

Inch advertlaemeht on anoilier page. 1DON'T rORilET


will take place Weftoeaday and Thureday,March 27 and 38, where vcu are invU^ to lu-

idS(iecl the moat atyllah and complete xsaurlmant of trimmed and untrtmmed huts In the city.


FEMALE lrregulnrlU*s and nervnusaeea cured by electricity. Addreaa Cimhdentlal, 212 Oeu*

tru.1 ave. SSwMIDWIFE—German midwife, wHh diploma: 2t>

years' experience; women nursed at bar home; everything quiet. 218 8th ave. _____ 49kTHE famous aramlracsjuua for reainrlng gfay

hair (o Ua original color. Bold at L A. JEDAMSKl'S Hairdreaaing Emporium.______


Kllaaheth Murgatt, oomplalnam, and Edward McCann, executor ^ John Miyfg.m. decaaaad, et ai., defemlaata. On bill, etc- Ue> r«a fur ■*!*.

By virtue of a decree for axle jnada Iq th* above slated cause, bearing date the twelfth day of January, A. D. I. Waller J,Knlglit, on* of th* apectal matiiirs nf (he Court of ('hancary of ih* State of New Jersey, shallexpose for sale at public vendue at and upon the premises hereinafter described, to wit., No. Kb Boutb Sixth slreat. In the city of Newark,county of Essex and HUle of New Jersey, on Friday, Ui* fifth day of Ak I ncxi, at two o'clo^ In the aftemoott of that Jay. all ihoaa two certain tract* or parcels uf land and prem­ise* aituate, lying and being In the city of New­ark. In the countv of Eaaex atMl Ktxl* of New Jersey, and hounded and dewTlticd ns follows;

Flrat Tract-Ueglnnlttg In thv uisinrly line of South Sixth street (formerly Nicuixy strcetl at a point distant aoutherly four hundred and iwcBiy-llve feet from th* corner if ih* aam* and a driftway or street about thirty (i‘vt wide; ihenoe westerly at right angles to Kuutb hlxth atreel (formerly Nlcolav Street) one hundred feet, more at lc*«, to the line of the Wallace property (formerly the Lush proveriy); thence altaig the same southerly twenty fire feet; Iheno* eaetcrly and parallel with ilu' flrat de­scribed line one hundred feet, more or less, to the line of fb uth Sixth atreet (formerly Ntcolayslreetl; thence northerly along th« lln« uf said atrw t twenly-flve feet to the plai-r of licglnnlng

rtwond Tract—Beginning on th** w Bterly siJtnf huulH*B1xth strtMl (formerly Nic-olay streeil at a point In Ihe rajige uf aoutlierly line of <-ab- litri street; truro thence running along HtJUth BiKth atrert south twenty-seven desri' 'S thirty minutes west twenty-five feet, iIihk'm northslitV'two degre*a thirty minutes w>Ht on«* hutt< dreu feet, jnor* or leM, to land i>( Wallacethence along his Ilit* northerly alMiui iweniy— flve feet, and thence south slxty-twu ilHgreea thirty mlnutea east one hundred feel. m<ire urtees, to the place of beginning. Uelng ihr norih-

• ■ ' o f ..................................................erly half o f lot number two hundrtHi smt nine teen on a map of the Heddm xii-1 Ranh*proiterty. ffatd premlaea are known by the street numl cr Kb Houth Blxth street, h>geth«r with all and singular the haredltanienti and ap- imrtenanoe* to the Mid prsmlsea btiiunKhitf or In any wls* appertaining.

Dated March 5, A. D. 1896.WALTER J. KNUIHT.

flpeclal Master In Chancery of New Jersey. Wm. J. Kewns, Bollcltor. |IHM0 82k

MAhTBIi-fi BALE OF LAND-In Cliuu-ery uf New Jersey. Between Marv P. t'hxr[>«ntler,

complainant, and WIIHam DouglaxM, Charleelh>ugiaaa and Thomas Ixniglaa*, an inrMnL. de­fendant*. un bill fur jMirtltlnn. Decree i»r iftle.

CARPENTER Jobbing done; I addUloaa, altcrktlons, roof* P thlngled, HENRY KNIGHT,

179 Cmtral flve. 7bq

ABRAHAM GAUCH, oderless •x(Uivat1ng- ^ S koIoo prlvl« (WMVoolo. omcM; iSf

It Nowork; 101 Nonh M ot., Hklrl- «n ■ SB iU m y ov.,, ItMnij'. K. SITRONO, Frteman Hullding, Arlington.______________75pBPECIAL price* tor month of March In rl*an-

Ing and relaying carpetA upholstering and ren* svail&g mattres*ce« dofte only by ridlfnl work-

»■ n) twr cent, discount on all carpet liningII, (MJ __ ^ tir X wanu aJl1 [wr cent, discount on an carpet lining irtifed thii mont^ E. MANBON, 876 Hroad.flSl

Notice la hereby given that in puniuatfH of (lucre* made by the (?hanotllor of (he Htste of New Jersey, In the above alatad catlSi irearing date on the fifth day of February, In ihw year eighteen hundred and nlnrty-flve, 1, Kuderlck Ilyington. one of tbe epeelaf Masters In Chan- eery of New Jersey, will expose to aale by pub­lic vandue, to th* nlghcrt bidder. In the lower main hallway nf the CourtIuHiM of the bounty of Eaaex, In the city of Newark, In the cuuniy of fhMiei and State of N*w Jtraey, on t\>dnss- day, the tenth day of April, ta the year eigh­teen hundred and nlnety^flv*. at the )i« ur of two o'clock In the aftemooh ot lali) \ah men­tioned day. all and slngUlaT the prentises in •aid decree mentioned and daserlbed, and there­in (leecriberl aa followa, to wJt; All that tract or parcel of land and premises heremafter par­ticularly deejTlbecl. situate, lying ami hcinK In the city of Newark, In the county of Kssei siiU mate of New Jersey; bcglmuQg In ihc ttanierly tine of Camden atreet at a point dlsisni two hundred and twenty-five f*«t wuihorly from tba corner of ths aame and West Rank sireet; Iheac* running along th* line of Camcifn strsei Bouin twenty-seven degreea and thirty mlnul---- 4WAM I M- - n ■' A . 0 k - _

border; fuiitlah tiaadiMa* paper; large etook of

ADAMB'B Htwoklvh Wallpaper Btore—W* will paper any (alr-alie room. Including alalag and

repalrlfig. for 11; we gutrame* first-clasa work: we sell paper and border* at factory piieex** paper from Boanta a rult up to 76 cent*; we slao do firrt-clM* painting, ttnung and kalamslnlng;

and ealeot yoor paper, aa w* carry a full Ila* I ftf otaoic* papery nica aa blanka, flat*, gllta,

anboaaed. tagnu* aad UMs; largott aasort-m«nt In the Btate; wallpaper bought ct ua trimmed by machine free; open evening* until 9; goods deliver^ to any part of tb* city free._ ------ J----------- ------- -----------




kaa w a d into bl*m n r d ru g troR M 410 iiiTLvnuiT sr.«

MRWARK,oaa tww ta ,oau«tUd la Uf effle*

GOOD shoe ilore and eustomer wnrit for sale, Addreaa Hhiw, Ibix T, New* (iff1<,4>. i

GROCTERY lirKlNKIW-Knr sale, a 3l>-y*ar es­tablished grirrry businewi; trade strirtly first-

class; net profits over td.iHKt ]wf yrar; alMiut IIO.UUO require)!; resaonabls tsrnis to reefMvnal- Ms jiartirs. h'nr mirilculani. addreas (Jivcsr, P. O. Box 865. Newark. N. J. Mw

and Workmanship guaranteed, fnr lift 418, flO and Kvsry varq of this lot la flna Im-imrted goods, and outi*n(ne any Jag of nJil ends that I have >#t rnntroltad. (Vme anft

ORiX'ERY more In Orangs nf 36 yexm* stand- ing. Box L (>mng» News uffira. )w

IRVlNOTuN—For salt, rheum a confectionary, stationery and cigar ainre, in good unlrr.

ftprlnffiald avv,. opp, Union *V*.. Inlngtoii. N’ J. i'Ro f . j . love . -l a u n d r y husineas wanted; cheap for oasti.

IjNutidry, Ilox fl, News office rilvm eat and veiwuht* marliet, dning good ca*)i

busineaa; prto* tmu. stuck, fixtures, horsa.wagon, etc. BOOTH ft UOKDUAN, 23 Clinton rt. 1

lix>k them over before uuylng elsewhere, for It may be the meahs nf Mi 'tng you soma monty, and at the aartie llnie make a good oua- tomsr for me, fur if * man buva a suit of this lot of goods, it will he a lasting adverilea- msnt for my eetabllahment. for aftverUatng through one's trade beats xdvertlrtng on r»rer Being on a aide atreet. with low rwita, *|o., t am enahled to give better value lliaii thcaa In my Mm# line nf buslnee* who ooauny palaiial taHorlmt iwrlnra, with expeiwlv* In* lerlnr and apacl'm* plate-glaaa rranta, wbtefl *' fty hustler or buelnnw man knows btg money, hill don't make the olothee any better,

wiiM la aufflclenr lo th* wlae," (THAfl, C. U the Washington Ht. Taller, IMWashington at., next to Canal Bridge, open evenings dll p o'chtek, Baturday 1|. In Ik* above lot are (lays, Martins, ttohnabel, Rroolpl, Taytora and other relebrat^l foreign maktii.

Mh'TAI* QOOIX9—An extiertenced young man, having a imall rapllal, desire* tu connstd him­

self with a house making noveitiae. Addrrta ''apital. But G, New* ofilce. {



MILK .ROUTE tor sale, fnim 40 to 80 quart*. Address MUk, Ikjx (4, Nrwi office. 44w

irKl Itfor icKf ICKI-In any quantity, tilt May 1st.

|l 5d per ton, at the new loa-ftoue* ea Or*|i u> per ton, at the new loa-ftoue* ea Or* «fg» rt., tat ween NeebUt aad fiheffield rt*..

ON A(X!?OUNT of deilh of pr.iprietor, a good saloon In East Newark ta tor aala; old re-

tabllshad bualneaa. Inquire K. HELLER, 900 Plane at., city. gjy

Newark M H. DRAKE. 768tCB Ht »X—fluirher'a Ice box and flgtun

sale. Apply H’i Hummer ave. far

FARTNKH with t2l>0 to manufacture a new t4il«nt automatic novelty tor aatoona and cigar

sinree, to be wdd or placed on commlatlon; targe pnifiti; everything rsady to manufacture; have working mcMlel on cihlbldon, to 4600 per

MAr'ITI.VK—418 iMmeatla sewing machiMl first- olaes order. BHft Broad at., top fioof, |

mnnlh ptwfll sure. Addrea* Patentee, tex J, Newa office.

PAHROT - For tale, very fine talking parroti Msilcan; dnuhla yellow head; can say aay-

(hlng you (ell him: nr will eaohang* fw any­thing hli value. Eachanga Hotrt, oftfiaalta Hhoirtlng Park. \

BHGE BTORB—For m Ic, an old-eatahllahed ahne ■tor*; full rtirsik. Inquire 40 Hamburg pl.UOv

PARLOR ftriT of fl plte*a nearly all new* lii ruga, cheap. K-, No. 6 Baaeex ave. 1

T. DRADT'fl hoat-hi>i>sr for sale cheap; good builneas. rail II Ja'kpn>n at. Mv

$850 buys a butler and egg route, with h>>rse and w^un, averaging f18 to |20 per week;

can ba Increased. Addreaa D., Box E, News offlcf. ]

RKGlATERED at4K*k, Bn* J^may ball, foorteeil moiuha old, by Mia* Kale; full piarttoulan

givnn to buyer: 140; muat he Bold; nn iHatw ta keep him; alao Hcrrtrh pony; tough; no road tow ]i>ng: not afraid nf anything; sound ami a petl goes a IJvrly gall with tour In cart; MO: must b# •old; going to city, JOU BellevHla av*„ ta store.

11*tS50~Paying business, good location; will stand

Investigation. Address Bargain, Box E, Ntwe office. IHlfnWrARB—Good outside showcaa* for aala cheap, flu Mark'it at. $jy

4150 BUYS a oortier grocery store, doing good buiinass; good reasons for aelilng. M

8TOVK- For sals, a Nn. 8 stove and rtrong hahy carriftg*. cheap. Call at 22fl fluaaeX rt.,Harrlaon. f

UUflWHMAIilNG.KTf)VB for aalf. ___________

sold cheap. 814 Muilterry «Urn kitchen rtore; will fe*illte— —WII4U iMdl at aarriflee, the aqulpment* cC good aboe shop. Jnquir* 28 New K.T. TAYLOR OO.'fl ayatm

of dresi'CUttina taught ai flll- 618 Broad rt. we give leaeona In cutting, fitting, boning, flnlahlng. trlnimlng and drapmg walata. putting of collar and revere of same, making trimming iu)d ptit-ting in aleevta; making and hang' quality; kindling w t^ ctaap; ~hrc£ary «

Ing of aklrta cutting of outside xarmenta. gratSa fl TRIMMER ft CO N J R. XL *lL o u doy or -ronlno tl. K. CHrI s t ih . :„ a O foyrtt. o" T il.F tan .‘ lS4

C'*al( ITood, Rta.A ^ A .-a .-A .—neat Lehigh, No. 1 nut oouL

ix Tn i>er ton. well acreenad; Dth«r aliag al correapAtidingly low prices, conalstent with

A —A.—Orange and Newark Dree* Cutting Hchoola, 222 Main ai.. Decker Hulliling, Or>

ange; Newark hranob, 14 BhNimfletd av*.; our aiintMil ■I'ring uiwning will take place In our ('•range Tl«adquartera, Eaairr week, oomman- clog Monday. April 8: all ladirs are cordially Invited; no card*. The Taylor System will be exhibited, and trial lesaona given. MARY E. LYNCH.

liEfiT Lehigh cuaU 14.60 per ton. delivered, ant, •love anil egg. uffice and yard, 89 aad M

Waverly pL HARK KETUHAM. Mlllcvrl*!.

A.-THE RAMBLF.R LEADfll Ahead to rtyta, finish, and, above all, r— ' eludlng 14-;>ound racer.

EUROPEAN tailor rule and square for cutting

finish, and, above all, apeed, All welgbU, Its- luding 14-;>ound racer. tIOO. fitep In and aee

this splenclld wheel before buying. Headquar*ladles' and chltdreo'a garruenta; full Inatruu- - - ■ thitkma $16. Pupils make their oan garments free

while learning, ieeaooj unlimlteil; day and •veiling leeauna

Dresamaklng, cutting and baallng linings and paper pattarna cut to mMuure.

Madam* Van 2Ant. 302 Plane st., near N*w.

ters tor Becond-haDd wbeela, from 196 up; paytnema.63n NEWARK CTCT E CO., 9 CtantraJ gva.BlrTCLEfl-lfllH roKimhlaa. |fl0; $10 eaih, |8

per month; all magnlflccnt whtala. ELD* REIKIE. 24 and 2fl Centra] ave. 19q

ITDOWELL DR>3BI! CUTTING HCHOOLf'uttlng, fitting, making, draping and deelgn-

..ig of drease* Ihnrnughly taught, nn refitting; pupils make dreanea while learning; call or

mrYclJ!-Pneumatic Columbia bicyo)*, |17, 755 llruod at.; o(»rn evenings. |

send for circular; IfNMona day or rvenlng; fsah-BlCVlToE-Atmoat new. imeutnatlo bloyol*. 425, oiien avciiltige, 755 Hrikad at. 1

ionable dreaamaklng; culting and flttlng a aiw dally. K. r. eRAWLEY, iftfi »i lx

BICYCLE for aale; pncTimatlc (Ires; 820 Inquire at store. :tT3 Springfield ave,

young WOMRN'B CHRIBTfAN ABflOClA- liott'I>ay and evening claasea In millinery

and drcMmaking; third term l>egtos r>n Mon day, April 1. 'Teacheri from Fratt fnitltuta,

BlcYCloB'-loacUcs' C'olumbla bicycle, alogutt new, very low. TM Bnuid et. 1

Brooklyn. Apply at tU* "Home." li>4 (!»urt at. 7lw

COLl UlllAfl-lHtn pattern, I35; ttO cash, |6 per monlb. SLUHIDGB, 24 and 28 Centra] ava. I8ra

DREBBMAKER—Experienced, atyllah, aioallent fitling, with fltate diploma. MIflS F. HFU-

THER. 90 Nth ave. tMvCOLUMHIA wheel for sale, lust liks new;

aran-ely u ^ ; ran be seen at 92 Acajlemy at^■ rter fl iV U.; chrnp fi*r cash.

DKKSflMAKlNG--fluUa, 41.50 to 47: silks. 15 t'> 110. 480 Uruad at. kmv

NEW anti secunii'hxnd bicycles at great aacri* fie*; man facturev's aale, 755 Broad at., open

evenings; frum 42U upward; 1nv**tlgatlo« SdMclied.

p a t e n t and Draughting Offlcaa of Trecabow ft Co., 22 ainion It. loppoelta to Y. M. C. A.}.

Newark, N. J ; all kln^ of draughting exe*

RALEIGH tandem lilrjfi'le for aale CAWLSV(K»ri, UW MulU-rry *l. cheap.


euted neatl/i such aa macfain* drawings, and any kind or daalgnlng tor catalogues, etc,; au-

WHV PAY lino--New 1N»5 high-grade bicyolai, in crates, 155; intrip utut bell, ('ail and Inveatl-,

gaie. Ojwn evenings, TrJl 1ir<tad pt. 11X94 RAUBLER. In good cfindltlMit, guarantee

imtil June; prtc* 4T5. 186 Esat Kinney st..evenings. 12x


gucfeaaor to Canapbeil ft Co.


globe b u ildin g .804 BROAD 8T. Rooms 88 and 87.

MICl^AKIj BTICClIElt, citr line, flprlngfitld xve., will havn a rarUtad of well selected

horvi s rontlnually on hand, cnnsletlng of first-' cIsPH liuilness, draught and work horse* at tha lowest market prl>es; sold with a guaraotofl' to be as re|ireM*nied nr cash refunded.

a . - o a r t n e r ft c a .UNITED 8TATKR AND FOREIGN FATENTfl

7ft4-T«8 UHGAD BT.The largtet patent office to the tut*. lnv*a-

tore ha>* fra* aoo*** to our oomplet* patesi li­brary.PATENTB, U, 8. AND FOREIGN.

Obialued for all olaasee of Invention. HENRY J. MILLER, M. B..

(Late of Crao* ft Ml|i*r>,805 BROAD flT. Bourn* 100 and 101,

KOHHI': 155 cash buys blggeai targxln In Ui*'‘ rliy; fine fi-yeai-old, wiund. bb»<‘ky-bullt,:

bright bay mare, extra faai (laveller; actualJf worth doubln'; Kiilteble for gr> M-tirymxa, milk­man, Imlcher. baker, (arming or any bualneaa ptirpiWvH, wsrrantv'l sound and kind; trlal,I Apply iTtsare , tul>|p, In liack JHT klulberry atni

NCiW la a chance: 20 horse* and; rnarea: one mare In foal; one troi*

ter esn pull a road wagon In 3:40 ordd •

FATENTB—Drake ft Co., Bolleltoni, eor. Rroad attd Market »at*.; 50 y«ara* experleace; open

Tuesftxy Slid Saturday eveolnia, trem T u8- __________________ ^

better; must be sold this weaki thsae hnrscH must be as renreaunted or money returned. FUNCII IIOWL IK.ITEL, Uloomfleld and HiiHitvIllc aven.


WMt twonlr-nvo fMti ttMIVM OOUtll rtlty-IWO te,r«H ind thlrir mlnutoo out on, liunOrod frot: ttionoa north twrnty<outn 0«,rr#o noOthirty mlnutw out twnty-flv* (ntt ,n0 iurnoo north ility-two dairrm nnd thirty minutao WMt ono huhdrnd font to tho ptic, of twitnnln*, Uolnc hnown nnd dnlfnntid u int No. S4tl, on n mnp of tht Thomu V. dohnnon tprutjeny, inndn by Donn 4 Thompion, in i(*2, nnd imlo,

‘ hnl -* i» oonvtytd to m l Wlllinro I^uclmu by dn«d bnrliu dnto thn nInvMth dny of Rny. olplttun htmdr.-l nnd

nnd rtcordnd In book ll-« of dmlt„ttior with nil nnd oUiaoIm tho hnrndiinmroti nnd nppurtfiuncno to thn nnld pmalinn boloni- ing or In any wis* appertaining, *

Given under my hand tht* «lev«nth day of M ai^ eighteen hundred and ninety-five

RODERICK BTINcn^N Biwclal Hxaler in Chancery

PhlMp Lowy, itoUcItor. 116,60 fcn

BOILERB AND ENGINES, 8 tn IM-hnrse power. A new 5-hotse power vertical engine and

boiler: rrtdy to run; complete In every drtatl: baa* of Iron; delivered on your sidewalk fn? IlKSi a new BO-horac. power hnrixonlal engine for IfinOi «ihaurt fans to ault any requirements, drying rooma pressure fan* and blowers.

Addrea*J. U. 8SYMOUR, JR.,

<9 Lawrence et.

T VO rh«>ap hi-nies, mie pJaltorm Wagon, tw*.slJeUnr |iugg]«-e, one light business wagon,

twii seta new iiameiM : must he told by to-mor- row at aiuie |■ri■'e; or will exchange for any- thing, alno very fine parrot and rage. Ex*' rhniige Hotel, nppoilte Hhouting f^rk. South Orange avr. tHciltHU Full HAJfK Itfi exxli will buy nicest

rnmily horse In the rity. li years old, cheetAUt sorrel In color and as prHtiy ns a plolure; aulta.- b|e fnr shy hualnesa pur|"**e. five days' trial. Apply at private siabto. In rear of rsaldmo*. This 1> a bergaln. 1.1.5 rlane st. 1WF carry In stock, builnesa wagmii and oar»

riagea, wag««na fur rarpeniers. butohere, gn^ eers, farmem, laundry-men or genera] basJ-•>.». U'a htiilH b JurioTiB ahopt baxIa*.

BOILERB-Two. 6x17 feet; on* 6x19 feet; one 6^x10 feet: Corlli* engine*, pumps, cruaher,

double drum bolating engine; l>argalna. THE NEWARK MACHINE TUUL WORKS, Harri- §t».___________ ____________ Wg

eers, isrm«m> iteunuiy-nivti uinew. We also build wag<ma at short aotlo*.CHARLES GRUBB, salesroom*, 280 UaHi«CIt.NEWARK Carriage RepositoryCttoCMSOt* t*

Turnbull ft Co.l, 2*(1-2H9 Market it. Hue Ita*

BNQINEB and bolltra; ohw *mi aeremd-band;shafting, hangers, pulleys, ventilating fane;

al*o general and apecial machinery; pattern

of carriages, single and double road, apItuU* wagons and buggies, tmatnea* wagon*, from 188

f\s| st.up. 281-289 MarkjIOflPFiB--A perfect young doclor'a hot**; aat-

rral common draught horsea; aflveraJllg **■—-aleo general and special machlnarv; pattern rral common draught horses; aoverallightbUf* work and repairing promptly attended to. 8EY- .lea and uboetons. une (ump-aeat surrey. BTAN« MOUR ft W IIITIA>CK, 49 Lawrence it. (18t pAltf) BTj T.RH, Ti Esaex at. 8Yfou r-inch pipe cutting and threading ma-


HceJ* hereby given lo the oradltors of Eea- mah B. Oyver and Henry Relwcb, late partner* in trad* aaB .lL Oliver ft Co., that aUolalms agalnat their imUim muat be tafSitod to th! autarrtbta, their taelgoee. at his oiBta No. m Brtad street, room 838, Nswark. New Jersey, under oath or afflmatlon <m or before the thir­tieth day of Maroh next, that being the day to which tha Court haa axtended the iline for that ourpow, or ta forever barrad t m coming la for a dlvldeftd of the efllate, and wld eredltore are further iwtlfled, (bat a Hat oTtbe^alraa aMlnat the aald B, K. Oliver ft ciTb# filed wlUi •*— ----- ‘ —

chine; three horliontal boilers, 35 to 40 honH*- power tach; 6-hora« Seymour ft Whitlock en­gine, nearly new; lot of puReyi, hangers, ahafi tag. BBNIBCII ft BON. J N. J. R. R, av*. M8L

HoRBB—A good horae for sals, cheap; a as 1*0- tlon from thre* horse*. F. BORMANN, X39

Hprlngfisld ave. ____ ^ ____H>W

PABTIEB having (Moond-band boiler* and en- gtnee tor sale will And It to their Intereet to

•end deacrIpUon and price of same to Uevee ft PhilUpa'e iron Worka Newark, N. J. 2Sa

PHaFoTON wanted; give name nf maker, Um* used and price. Addreai Phaeton, Carrtor 66.

HORBEii—Five aheap work horee* forsuitable for farming or any othar kind of Vmh

also one Canadian chunk. 99 LombaiwFIrteselANOB AND OROANB FOR fiALK#

... “ “ "ty of Essex S..0•aid thlrtletli day of March next, ^hen ex­ception* thereto may be filed by any person tiitere*tsd. —

Dated FebmarTlI, 1986.J08, B. BARLOW. 889 Prodcntlal BiUdtag-

NEW planoa. 4176, for * ebort time; warranted;full rtae; grand scale; atool and ficarf; don't

b* eoepdoat. ■•« them, oaly at WARU'B, ror. Broad and New. flSm

want* small hor**, KnmftHDllBB—Lrtdy wan., ---- ------- - _cheap. Coalyard, SM New Jertay BiHl

UPRIGHT piano for flOD; full 7 1-9 octave;flrst-olas* order; rtool and music; family

leave city April 1st, Addrosi Ohio. Box B, New* office.

HOHBB-A Styllah horae; a rtmng plattom spring wxf(m, with cover and harBM* nhitap.

2flu Sussex avs. T4w

4flvPIANO—Hradbury upright ptano; slightly uard;

apeelal bargain for cash or taataltneau; other good, reliabli maker*. 37 New m. 1

tl5 TO 136 for your aboloe of (broe goofi hffita*t ulao a Int nt nen and aawnd-liand h»rmta

from tfl up. 8 » High rt. fiOwHORfl£-Fnr sale, fins ro*d horWr wsgoa anfi

hamma BO B*rg«n at. TTwPJANOB—Bert make*: cash oft favorable tenna;

square pianos from 125 u pw i^ d UNCKLKE ft ^ N , 8H Broad at. 27v

GOOD phaeton for sals ^e*p- 118 Boltywood ve., jDaat Orango. lAv

10 bBCOND-HAND organs, from 138 upwarrla: all good: bast makeri 18 ntonthly- WAR^fl. r woad and New.

TRUCK for sale cheap. In good order, filljk’ «>■ ‘ t'lo odmtlotno nlwofo •M' wMI Jte MUoteiV

U fee wlte H«Pi* M Mlitte *te> m t rnaiit‘1 talk , .


S E W A B K F . V F . i m J g O T W a T U E S D A Y . M A B C H 2 6 ^1 8 9 5 .

N n o a r h ( f io t n ln g N e r o s .U f* ofMppOiWi pOpOl*«^t7- T (.n o ..h « | A BLOW AT TROLLEYa

«ny or »y»Um»Uo

d a i l y , ■ X O f M A U M D A Y 8.

I r e i l i t ! « * * P iW liliiB j t fc fflp u ju i n t n m a k m t ttTRKBr,

Aowmrti, W, J- * * * * * * * * '


»ye»rn«ft m u>yp«rt «• *’ •*' Mk, TtM Or»ng»* Summit,

Monlcliif Bloomtio'd **

HK!**wbKtlptl»fll tiv*WN c m . . moirth, sm jl.

t«o c u t . * « # r « d bf t iro .r . MsMik. tan tant. . waak

Ordinary adyarticmant*' tan cant, i Hn*-

**£kartiiementi undar la id . »»TaTat F<k S***. '* ? !a arord. but no charga la .i thin aach iniartlon

TL'ESDAT. m a r c h « , ____ _■rtOHT

c.*pr.«ad. It L i r e that tha Pollca and Kira Commlaalonara did nol faal warrao • ad in inaklui the Incraaaaa In tba par-roll o f lb . daparlmanla. Bui thay w a c tn_ llralr wllllog to have lha nialtar rafarrao to a public rota, and lha qaaalloB baforatb.paopla arllh nol a arcia to adrooaU lha Incraaaa, and aillhonly In d lv id d oppoalllon to ll. I

It ta lha aama way with lha public li­brary. Tha plan o f lha Commlaalonari, aa at prcaant andaralood, I. to aacora tha da- drably located proparly now In uiaand that adjolnlna. Tharala no pnrpow to liuate Ihl. public ln.tllulloii tn backyarda nnd-r auch a plan aa waa propoaad and ovarrulad by puhllo aanUmant a faw aco. Tha library It an Inalltullon whichlurntahea bana«t and enjoy tuanl to matypanpla, « id in whtoh the whole ally U k c intaraat and pride. Tha l«rlal.tlon under whtoh It was aaUbIlfhad aaauraa H ao large

mandatory appropriation that It can

An limporuat UreUloa lla ..d «l *• Court a‘ rhlladelph'*

Whieh A P .fU W .or Roadi-


moatlm|.or..nt dr.-talon 11mUlna and d*nn^n.Ih. .’ h.rtrr ri«ht. of 7^1Ilia .-lIB.awa aa«>re- - • la.,..-* Ill tnIDrendered by th. handed..i*u vjifltAPiliiv V llUnnii ___Uown the opinion tn ih* • and manyof the polnta hr ','P‘ ’l * " r l / aa'l^of#l to .the gDYH T*.! puhll< in KlTDirttho#* p*r«on» who Iktne" ' ' ' " ’ ’' r u e h .v 'T ft « t r " r A .b L fron? all; x ; “ dui« <b- .1.1that tlir Htrwt i “ ,n7“ rouJiof pmliirnt domain and that a*..............hftVf no |K>W4r to

or iiri-maary to HIhr flm.rrmp Court re-Thl« d « lalon of the Hm'rrmv « ^ .H d r r r c o f ,b r ,M -d j . . .m r r y < ^ ^

rourt of '■’■“ '" ’ " " ‘ /'"Tk.ii Valley «al'-nnayWaiili, Bihuylhlll

*11 afford to bond ttwilf to tha ailabt

THT' RgPVlItiirAN KAMlI.V It li ooflcsdvd th*l tb* tttipubllo*ii prl' |

■ary aleotlon. held laat night raaulUd In tha aboloe of delegation, amply .ufllolant to Inaora the nomination, of M*»ra, Van Dayna. Joralemon end Burkhardt forplaoaa on tha Board o f W ork, lickal. Itla oradltabU to tba beat Judginanland faod Mnw af tba rank and ffla of tha party yotara that they ahould haea raflv tarad wmli a prononnoed eola In fkyor of tha two preaant roambara o f the board Wb« longbt nomlullon. Both of them are capable man. Inlamg.m atudenU ol mnnlclpal idmlnlatrallon, and ilnoara Workart In tba Said of raforin. Hr. Bnrkbardt, tha new man, la raprtaantad lo b a lo eloaa aympatby with tha Idea, which kki ooUaariaa aland for and rapra aaai

Tba ranll of Ur. Slalnahy’i oampalgn I. not daSnIta. Hia frienda olalro that ha ha. won a notable ylotory and will go to lha aaafaatloB wlthafollowlng numarotu andaattvai tkat bit nomination la an cu redBwt, and that hL Influanoe on tbe oonren-

. UoBW illaotbadaaplaadbyhlaoi poneniaOn Ik# otbtr hand, tba admlnialrtllon farcaa, wklofa wa«td auob a peralRaul

p . ip naloat him, boaat of a Himaa. whiab If wall-lbuoded may ba eat down ai e«a of tba ra «m afulBoant avanU In local poll Urn. Hr. 6 la theBead and front o f the old li.ia party orpnnlaitloa. mmaelfacampalgnarofa*- porionca and raiooroa. In tbia preliminary bnttta ha cnllad to hla aid aiUauunant. mau cqsally adapt In the art o f orftniullonand napanyra. Tha adminlrtrailon fon-aaInrlndad aoma anoaUaut genyrnla, beaded byKaJorLan a If Mr. B» and bia IhciloB aradafaatad than It may a* wall b* •oknowladtad that Uia ndmiaulratlon U not only n boiinaM admlniairatloii but a

„ I'ennayWanU. m n u r -j —,id Comiiany y.*- 1**",,; . ..fdtrerta ihut ■hgi-r Hallway < '™ l'f " /y t,y the former tiruy.'d for ly

*pi>eul l**ld for by; tlo-m o.t in t e r ^propoMd.A j for the public parkaebama tba p a»

nl* bay* bean oonaWatlng U for year, andhave prtlty wall arrtyed at tiia uorallon. waa paa*.^ . viiluahie pro-Uiatlha city and county can afford lo g o i |(p,|rd to bring tngether ^aaembly mto l i r . u c h l col.rpr.aa and ‘ hat tb . j;.

thr Mft'the^lTiJuiu'iinn

are ihe following; , , („ thaaa cor-"The gcnyrel . '“ * ^ ' '[* ,1 li « a i In­in

praa. ul la a batter Uroa lo c a l about II than i rhai caper'.n.e baa abo

fh . lutura W.U ayar b . lo rtow. ‘ "-.’i?rmr:K.cry V o u r ahould g o to tba poIU with abpa';'i‘ i tliai Vonvyyan.ea

nrlaar'oplnlon on aach o f t » - j ml ” (and ahould Uka oara to aa. that 11 ‘ * ! In* wblriy-aeparai^^ proper.y a ip r c w d by bla ballot. i “ %rllblrH'‘ io e°u' ni

It l. plain wiough that paraona who da- ,ir. lo make any aaplanalloo In ragaru to ma-.UrtwIlh which Ih.y art oonuactad, which may hay. bead broaght out or r^ f.rrtd 10 to U>a court, o f the uf tba atalehouu InyuBgallng tom mltua, ought to make application to ha heard bafora that IrlbunaU The pr»b dent of tha Oouge Heating and V*ntllrt- Ing Company 1. on . of thou who h .y . » aayed a nawapapar eiplauaMoncoon* of hia oompany In regard to the big conlrtct for tha yantllatlon of the HenaU *nd Aeaambly chambara. Hla .uument n e* w lar M lo eugga.1 InUraallng poert- billtlu Id regard to What might ba brought put It h . war. callml lo the lUnd aud .ub- lacted lo oroaartwmlnaltoa Ha aay* that John T. Dunn, who organlied a com­pany to aa.,ply radUtort, «u t In many that ware dalactlya and of th. prong ilM. and ah.paa "U wa. found nacaaaary,” Mr, donga cootlnuaa, to call upon me to rapiaca ‘ *‘*’” ' *“ “*1 did teplao. about ona-tbird of tb ^ - Thla iBcreaaed my bill about ll.COO.I recalyad lew than 123,000 lur ®7 contract, aa 1 can 'how by mj b<»U “ dn,.d. till a motioy “ that A. to lb . rwlof tha Mf|0** *'*’ • “ “lha yenlllaltng and beating, ' nolhina. Dunn auad ma for 1100,000 dam- *1*1, charging that I Jj^ha

byI,e,l.l.ture. 0 7 .1 7

rrdSm "n“ 3 3 ! ‘ lf U e^ o d /. '® ''"iumVlV-ntTolnerify thi. ™i«clu«^^

■ The (rouble la ‘ but the »u pi, ”of the "7o ™W ,.g wade tolion, and an effort li now iwii.a

Jtr. et railway. I'‘; X m i1 for whll'h «h.y.w'rr..^^'L7,J,: : r tla J r , tois :% .v .7 u r L K | .i..b -n /« i® ;7them war iHjwer overouKh >'®*1!'!„‘ 1S-I,r7rh.“m to aulhori.o their itreete to *0*1111 imm .........their liBi by a atreet rail*“ > do

TowiiihlpB pow^r».

'■yobtftlned. Itl to Buch

where no legal coneent liuiil to

the ln»tiwico roiit^.

o f landowrieni along their

■fh. only remaining g®*V‘®",/r;I.*'?al"

IK. 16 roFniil^ti K. ,*«

! 5 : . « r f . i11n« e»t**ndi lo

Ifie Itl _ lit jInto which

line of *0-

A rm i # f V «u it He« VMi* KoJe H le jc l« mma Ar# Cortery-

TilCKERTON. March M.-Afhhrook Cranmer and Oaorge Horao. Cranmer. two yohf tnen reiUUng at »* y * v * ' email village a tew J " ''* * ’ , plare, were arrutcd yerterday afwije.yn by Officer Moee I,. Thompaon o f Torne River, and taken to th* county 1*11 at that pl«c* on the charge of forging chec*. upon the Tuckerton Bank. A wetk ago Monday the youihe left their home* to make a cycling trip through the upper pirt of the county. The nait day two young men, who*e deecrtpUon talll.e wltn th*1r*. entered the n m National Bank at Tom* River and preaented two checK. upon the Tuckerton Bank, which Ca*hler low . after conaiderable haaltatton, ca*b- ed. They ware to lha ordar o f and In- dorud F. K. Andirton.

When thr chechi reached th« Tuckerton Hank they were plainly aaen lo 1* for- gerle*. One waa upon Chariaa O. t'o». » leading cHlaen of We*l Creak.and a heavy depoiltor In the bank. Th* other wuB upon John W. Holman, a large cranherry grower o f Btafford Korge, * 1*0 a or.On the day theae checka were oa.hwl at Tome Hlver the two young men were rei-- ognlaed In Tom* River by a number of acquaintance.. They were afterward .can at lAkewcod and at I'otnl Fleaaant.

I,aat Friday a letter fontaliilng two more check* upon the Tuckerton I ank drawn on Chari** K, Co* and " " " f j K. Co*, the l■ll*^ ureaumabty Inteiidet for Wllltam Co*, who I* conelderei ibe rlche.t man In H*rne*at, payahle to I;. 1 - Andereun. wa* received at the Tom . H lyr Hank, with a requeal that they b* raabed and the money aent to Anderwjn at lolni Pleaaant. Inve*tl*allon ehowad that the I’olnt I’ leaaant t’oitmaeter. Slduey lor- man, had Iwen aiked to forward any let­ter* coming to that adilr< s* to Muniiu- hawktn, within a few mile* Of w h e f the aceiieed young men live. The requeal wa. miule l>y two young men,

Caehl.r Auelln, of the ruckerton Hank, alio received two chet-k* the **me day upon the Tom* River Bank, atgited fun- mer Aker” and "Kmary Dunphy. The.* are the name* o f the two dei^altor* wlio live at a dlaunee from Toma River. A note accompanying the check *»k< d to have them cached und tha money acnl to Aiideraun at takowood. „

Caahler Auetln wrote Anderaon that It veaa dangeroua to aerid money through Ih* matte, and arrangemaitl* had been mad* with the caahler of the Lakewood Tru*t Company to give him the money It he would *tep In there, "Anderion wa* to have been arreated when h* appeared, but he waa too .mart for the bank offl t'ala. He had mad* arrangement* with the I-akewood Poaimealer, a* he did witn ine Point Pleaeanl Puatmaaler. to have all ni* mall forwarded to .Mannahawkin.

Meanwhile on Friday, the two young CmiDi^rt rort hack through Toirii River to their home* and were again aeen and recognlied by variou* acqualnmncee. Thrtr nujvfmcnl* t.nd Ih^lr dricrlpiion* tallytna^tth that of th# myaterlou. An- Jonion" and hla companion, the offlclala o f the three banka cauaed their arreet. At flrtt they proteated their Innocence hut afterward* made compromlelng admle- ■lona. The forkwl check* ranged In value from « » to »1I. and aggregated ad told about Mno. John C. Cranmer, father of one of th* accuaed, ta a prominent mer­chant at Mayetia, and the young have borne good reputation*


THE FESTIVE FAKIRW h o se lls y o u an $ 8 0 0 p ia n o fo r $ 1 5 0 w ill d ou btleaa h a v e f r e ce ip te d b ill fo r $ 8 0 0 to sh ow y o u in p ro o f o f the v a lu e of th e “ in s tru m en t.”

A s a matter o f fact, these pianoa arc m a d e o n p u r - n o s c t o s e l la t auction and P^vate house « l e » . / l h a m aker sets rich b y selling them at $75 to ^ each. If vou bu5 an ' “ a lleged p ia n o " at such a sale th e r e 's no Jeason w hy y ou shou ld pay more than * 8 .5

Y ou can get it for that if you try, even if it did coat

^ ^ T h e r e are no $ 8 0 0 pianos for $150 in our bargain room , but there are better instruments for less m oney,

•a* th* Regina Unale Boia.-

AggosBU Bina.

E R JJAlwaya tba beat attraclloiu at popular Pr'” *'

On* waak cemmanolB* Monday. March SS. aiwliHRUnAY- MATINBKs 8,U't’ Rl>*V.WBIlNESPAY-DttBin Thompson loil Gto, If. itjfir«

Banntlfiil. KealUlhi Play.

The T w o S isters,A Story of Ufa 1* a Brant City.

By Ih* Aultior* ol‘ T H I OLD HONilSTKAD.'

Nail W**» -Monday, Tu**d*j ood W'adn**- *|.Mlm*r ( o*L "Brownlv*; Ttiuraiay,

Hatnrdal. ITImroa* * WealiPtHay aud Saturday. ITImroii*HN Ptiday *uii2(j I Mlii>ir*l>.

Wb«n you're In *ak to a Th»v play any number of tnuee-



lE V lB K 'ABKitarlJ

The Only Tbvatr^f Promlneac# In Kawark.TO-NIQIIT-MATINEE BATl'RtlAY.

W illiam C ollierPrMiiOMlfoliiliif BalFun!


One o f the B oy s !S e e t h e i i i

ptipiomtiue Pok*rt*»niD. UrunittK r t*coM.

W jOnr Dm

rm -SoHltl, April 1-T bs

Hirrl|iM Us hli awijiMf, li Tbs Rilw.

mm (LDtlTED)

K.llJAC0 8 SSJH»TREr:Ein^^!|Agot Ih* yirat Time In the HI«turxof_Tj^

T h ^ ~ Maneger H. R Jacob. Will Adv a ^ th. Beale of ThI. Advance Will App|l

73 MARKET STREET.N O T B t h e B *A H E AM1> JH JW B E R a


° e a* __^a1___an* li <i «W KlIlU IITI RUCll

Paly to C. B. Jeffanon. Klaw and ErlaanejLMagnllliieot Prodnotlou ofPALriBRCOX’ S BROW N IESMonday, Tu.iday *°J Era?.‘ “E :ayvll lat, Id and Id, lyitK a Mat loce Wadneaday, April Al.

KraeUaly a* Preaented for HB NlthU at tharoufuanth Street Tbeatra, New Yorlt._Wlth all th. Wond^ful Scaaery. Oo*tnmea, Maehealcal and Electrical Effect*, nnd Over 110

SSt?n?r.^-.uVy7 £ m e 8 chuy.k.n

this backedpacK eu Ijy J , t V a y b e p rou d o f . Y o u r c o n fid e n c e n w norE l S J . . h a U a b o u . , h . . « . 1 1 . . l U d = 0 ,

o n ly tie an in ju s t ic e t o y o u , bu t to us as wett^________

a store as



fh7 & ^ o ? c 7 n {h oh «k ,. w »71 fcu r7 .n 3 ;^ ^ h :’ ‘^ :u K g of the

^uSUadmlnUtralionwhoaepowenend ' oomplrtcy with U r

_____ and ninrem*. At already * * „ „*v*ro*ln* loatH al, a ill ^

Th* HlllVKY t ir NKW JERBK*.

era paramouot and .upreih*. AHggMtadtha rwMil o f tha oonvanlloa’ . work, will dalaimlna whWh o f thaaa two w iafaofU ta RtpobHcan party oocupia* tha eogmuMtlni place In th# party or-gukatioB.

Conaarnlot M>* F*** *** ramamlng

doueJ by Doniv.'’ Qt oonrrt Mr. Gouge d* end. tha acUon o f bU oompaBy. It t* to b . prammad that If ha want, to try W fully vindloila It ha wlU com . over from New York and go upon tba iUnd. The

,ramlU« W.U hardly be dlapo«d «> deny

iir'pTbK Ml, »p „ „lu a i puM . j , c o n fid e n c e h a s n ot

p*ople In th* Caat.""a, it. Jaoobi’ . Theatre; N»wark.Wlll Ha the

r Thantre In NeW Jerwy In Whic,h_Tlijay - . . ao«..M ful of All th* Year '. P r o d u e ^ niriii We Plarad. Tba Beal* of Price* for

the company i

wBlktaU. d'oubt #*lau. T o . priffurlaA 1 that privilege to him or to eaGongra* howavar, have ■Itied ooa point of in- man Dunn.taraattotka publja. Tha nomlnaUon of Vatt DByna, ^ornlamott and Borkhardt balBf almoit aMBrart, tha gdmlnialrBlIon to gohwTa aoooptal# Tiotorr In lha con- vaaUon will andaavor to nominate Auem- blyingn Bmith and Dr. Dlaffanbaoh, or rtUing In allhar of tba.e tn ueoor# the an- roUmast of tha name of Hr. U rich on the tieket. Tha other aide to round out a partial victory nmat eecura lha nomlna- UoBof Hr. Bttioiby, Hr. Volkeror Dr, DlaSanbaob or Ur. Ulrlob.

CASK OF FMF DIAMONU CUTTEIl*.Tka aovarnmaol olBoUla who*. aM>»-

elri doty It ia to aea that no foreign labor- art fa t into tbia eon ntyy with oontraota for amplojmant la thalr pockata, are baring a tottffa time with tbo diamond oultara who a n coming over at thl. tlnia lote-tab- llik their ladnairy in thla country. Thaaa man rartnV tha imputation of being con ] traot laborer^, and aooff at tha ekpiaaead dread o f tha authonUe* that they may ba- eoma publio oharg*.. One of thane Induw trial invadan, upon whom a eolamo In- qnlalUoo haa been he'd ut lha emigrant

to datarmlna whether he .ball be aant back to E om po *a a pauper laborer,I* worth over 1100,000, and h»l not the gUgStaat DoUon o l becoming a public eluw|a or o f working under contract for any amployar.

j i t a matlar o f oold, froian i«ct. thaw diamond oulura have merely' obeyed a ■nlvanal law o f trade In following the market dfiuand for their labor along I he Uort o f laaal raaiitanoa. When the uriff on out diamonde waa changed l»*l ve«rfrom Ian to twanly-Uva percent., leavingnnact atone* free, a* before, it became a tradt ntoeaaity to Imre the work o. cut­ting done in thl* country, *ince the d-ffur apo* In wagrt and axpenve. would ba more than oounterbalanpad In the account by tha tneraaie tn lb# rata o f duly. It wa* feared at tha outlet that whole luiug- gllng might ba raaortod to In order to da- feat th* purpoea o f tbo Increaaed Ux, but modern commarclal nielhod. h»ve long alno* diaoirded the eniuggler *• a factor in the world’ * irafllo, and Urn only ro- conrM o f the Anie'.*rd»m dlamoml cotter dealroiM o f retaining the A nerican market for gam. wa. to bring uncut atone, to thl. oooolry and prepare them ior tbalr de- algned naaa hare.

Thli iimpla and a iilly undcnlood object tamon tn tha Itifluenco o f a tariff ta* ou ladurtry ibonld not ba lo»t upon the people. Thla i . * olvllitad country, which thrivra by prodoolion, huriar and a* changa. There 1* no pn.duol o f eklll, no orcattoD o f genlni thu round world over, for whloh a buyer cannot be found «ome- wbara wttbln tha limit, of llieio United fitilct. The condition* ol Indu.lflal effort oontlraln o . to tnlarnallonil exchange i and If by chance barrier* be .e l up •gilii»l th* fra* and untramnielled Inlruducllon o f an article damaiided by the Ameclcaii public, it i* not long before an army o f aklllad workman come aero** the **** tc auppy tbe requiremeut, Kro- hlbltory tariff duliea ni.y keep out manu- factured commodltiee, but no .ucoemiul aohame haa yet been devi«d for keeping out the workmen who make them. Thera ti no rule o f intariiutlonal economy undor tba oparalion ot which a nation may ear- talnly exclude both tlie worKiuen and th* preduala ol Indontry ot other eounlrlea. Ill* againrt lha Inaxornbl* presmre o f a ohangtltn law o f trade, more uolriil tiian all dlvlca* o f lagiilative rorirlclion, ihat Ibi9 oltlcloU who Arc A*<kingto •xoludo ttifi lourlwl dlHiuond suitor* from Amalardarn are in reahly uonlendlug.

X curtoua Uiuatratton o f the eaae with which the Aualrallaii ballot ayelem may be b*nt to the lelflih p u rp o .« of partl- *an*hlpl*ln th* Michigan Antt-Fuaiun act. th* conimultonallly of which ha. recent­ly been alhrmed by the court ot hl*h<*t reaort In the Btate. Under th* provlaloii* of thl* act, a candidate nominated (or office by two or more partle* mu*t elted before a given date upon which ticket b* wUJ run. Felling In thta, hi. name will he placed on the blanket ballot on the flrtt ticket Hied and certiried to; and III no caa* can Ih* name of a candidate appear more than once upon the official ballot. Th* ohvlou* purpoae of euch an act I* to mak* fuelon of partle* more dimeuH. It* effect will unqueatlonaWy b« lo conaolidat* the elementi of oppo.l- tlon more firmly. Hatty de*lgnatlona count for nothing In the American achema of free government, and ahould nol be rechgnlied.amclally In leglBlatlon to pre- ecrib* the manner of exerctelng the elec­tive franchle*. But where euch rei-ognl- tlon la attempted, any effort to eecur* for one parly, by legal enactment, even a temporary advantage over other*. 1. fore­doomed to failure. To hamper the «h»o- lute freedom o f euffrage la to Invite po­litical dteaater.

* Mrlaa of HaocUom. Map. of the »<»*• Now |■r»ctlraHy fom plel'd -

c t,:r “ “-V,"ty of the flneat etirclmen. ^ ™ JfHrt ever produred. Bevenieen oirn’e ^ a p . cover th". Z l *

In relief. The eeventeen .ectlonal eheet*

“ No“ l,'K l“ r.tinny Valley and Mountain.,

' T . fB orn h w e ',” m^'lghiand*.^ the

■ T o "T ce m J ll“ lHgblm,d; inchidm^I iK I4agb..'awi .of Morrla County wr*t “ L l a . p « « t o r . Dr. Lawraaot, Towu^ip ® ^ T ^ . 'N o n h e « t « 7 HlgMand..-includ- Tr-aurw, .ubmlttad kl* book, for .xmnlaa.

APFUlNTaMXXTtBIxTurBOHt Ml ttM TowPthkp Coi9n]lit«*

SpDCl*\l td tb* EV’ENINd NKWft.bTiMMiT, Marcti 3 6 ,—Th#r* wm & lafit®

ittodaDcfl «t tbe me«l4 bg oi tb« Towniht]) C'onuulttea held tut ptght, owlat ^ tb* th*likppoiiitiu©nU would b« mad*. All of thfl o#nmUlto« inembari w#ft prtMatt and L’bairinaD Day pro*ldad. Coniniiu**ftiaii Png nuggwlad that a certain proportion of tb« moo*y to b* raUwd for road* b# u*wi to iraproTe •Idewalk*. C'bairttan Day referred tk« matter U» Counwl Coir* N. Willlftma John Cullen prewatad » pnUtloo pmiuattint tba eomniltta* to 1acre«n tba pe.ldW llcnDM* from |10 to 135* PtUr Kearo* op- poned th* mcr*a**p it would h* a f[r*at iDluntic* lo lha worklofc mao.

Couiplalut waa mada of tba lmpa«i*bla oonduiou of Wakdron nTajma. J. W. Huihm Mid Fiorina *v«Bua wa. in a .imllar conUilioM, and M. C, Hal**y eomplaiatJ ot UaioaiT.aua Tbaoommittaa prouiM to gtv* tbe complaint, attantiun. Boadainen were ecoepted Ptr CoB.labl*a Htnior end McGrath, H. W. Pag*'. raaoluGou re<|uwit-- Ing the chairman and Tras.uror to ilgn *11 cfavck. for the axpeuditur* ot aewer money now on depoeit with the Ualon Truat Uom- pgiiy Wfti adopted unaafniouily.

John H. PheaMUl w ». rMppoloted Chief of the Fir* Department, Robert Morrell wa*

niHJlutaO electrician and W. B. fcogge-eball, ewer latpeetor. Dr. Lawraaoe, lownrtip

Tklrty-ilv* tot- «twiar.-Aii Over-

.tnffed T»p«lrr " id enoughParlor Suits Chamber Suits-

xntiqe* o<k.


Yon wonder why *•voB reekoned oh your good wiu ilittle-hev* you reekoned

Portland R an ge--L rrange.rrther too mtl.- Hot

Twaatr-Sv*I DeHart— Had* from

jon'd fuee* doobla, and eight ptecee, wo.

Yw e i Tback . bedht* ad . b u r r a c * .

Th* bnraan h*. a .plendld eheval giau, Uauaitab l.a t it '

Th* Brownlee" Will Bes i .SO, $ 1 .0 0 , 7 8 c.i BOc.i 3 Sc., J jc .

Secure Them W*H InHooM Now on Bale_______gdvakoe to Avoid All IlbeppoInttAnta



Carpets- W t rur&Uh ib« pnpnr Un* nlbff ikivd luke

tb«m fr** of chnrgOvDcitt a twy aothlny for IM m »i-

, I That we’y* balll for ^ r cmA Storage Housebring our moving v*ni to your door, yon jDiikn a* X viltt T ________

eonvenUne* I Plenty of BO erowdlug, crajapln*

A poatal or 'phonyvin unr fornltal*- Wokt


RoseHill’sEQipMyCoinpyg r a n d c o n c e r t .

RUTGERS C O U EG E GLEE CLUB IAiAM toclaU oa H allfC lla toa S t ,

le d H u U r EieolDg, l i r t b 2 7 ,1S9&.Ticket*, Sfle-Btor*. oor. Broad and Market 8t>- eiv


United Btatea Patent* Mar JOth *“d Mth, UBS, '■Corner Fair and firoail "tn.t}-

between Decker- yonIng the country lying - i a„fr»rn

from New "with the Inler-

The failure to launch the new American ateamehlp Bt. Paul la hy no mean, elff- nincant o f the future courae and career ot the veaael and her .liter craft, the at, Louie. The** two floating palacci for tranoatlanUc travel mark In reality tho introduction ot the principle of marine aiibeldy Into t1,e metliod* of naval epn- atnictlon in I hie ™untry. Nearly ISno.ftO a year 1. paid to the company owning theae veaeel* In order that the American Itng may float over eome of the huge craft titat ply acroaa the AllanllO ferry. The necet.lty for iht* form of public expendi­ture Increaeea from year to year Instead o f !e»iii-ning. ae competition between na­tion. hecome* more eaaer and the appe­tite for commercial empire more exacting.

P I , i s ' " e » ” •' ' n S." S. VWnlty ol Trooton.

' ' s , " ' t ' ' j o S ' ~ f e ' K ;v 'oS n U y * V fV a t.! :r^ l8 w r f| ^

bOTo'and itrtdgetoii westward to tbo Dala-*Sm ' 11 Vicinity of Camden, to Hurling-

B^Vdenrowi Southward to Wlnalow and ^N S'^ 'll'vioinlty of Harnexat Ray. with

w?yitown and Vineland eoulhward lo the% T T l^ u t h ^ n p n t e r lo r lylne betwMH Alro, .Mnuiue ani*

Hxrhor and vtcinliy. knrjud- inif the'Atfantlc ahoro from HarnflgU LO* at*_.. UMBiKiir

The Board of Haallti mrt for organiiatloa and Charlea 8. Day wa. re-elocUd oh a irow John A. HIcke, ticratary, and William Mo- Man*, ininacuir. Th* laltir’ . .alarf w*» died at gJO a month. Th* board will meat tba flm TuMday of each month.

Golil Watclies Fine at Holfs!I! Tou Buy ESQ Y (^ ol Shoes


A Cold Watch Free

AdmlMlon 10*. Own from U A. M. to 1) P- Kdlwn't wonderful Wnoto-.Hopephope oomblned now on eilitblUun._



Daly frani Twa Companlai to Fnr- tha Maw ItuppiT.

JBRSP'Y CITY. March M.—The Street and Water Board yeeterday received bid* und<ir the am ende ipeclflc^lonp of Jxnu- ary for a new water augply. There were but two bidder*. The Eaet Jereey Water Company offered to aupply water up to »,noo,(xw gallon* daily at tt> » million gal­lon* Thl* minimum la arbitrary, and mu*t be paid for whether th* water l» con- »umed or not. For an Inereaaed aupply the coat la reduced, a* follow*; 20,000,000,*40; a,

PLAN -W ith .vary pnrcha« n ? rp‘ 'Sitftfor the «mo“ ** ,l‘’ “S4®brit,^ne them la ton*tt will **111111*


NEWARK SHOOTING PARK.Thl*delightful and ooovenloni p «k , lavai^

Kt MBveiMtrlP c*P PirmaoiBOdAtlonB, oiicn ■nat altraoUoni to aoclatlaa clula, *h*‘l*P* flOw. Pto. ThP pnrk* with litSumerelSi^ade tra^

•ry Incfudlng bean, deer, w olv« and bird, ofw r y d eaerip llon .^n ll«tn p l o w

for pie-Bloa, oonrert., ahootlng fwtlral.S d all o tW « « l» in b U nan now be mad* *jd the I

___will be cloMd at(kimmltleea are re-

' gin to i their tlck.l. for JSSunUiqilrtda ttwiftnottakivery l o n i m ^ I r t u y u ^ ^ ^ J ,* rtth«BMka,aa4

ledlet' ar gent*’, boyi’ or gfrl*' th* Watabe* in oor window*.

U. IW SU.OUU.IW, mr.ww.w-.Im ; 40,000.000. Wi; «.ot».ooo.__»»j_»,ooo,ow,^i^^^

C^api*Muy. with me country wait” ^7?e‘ je r i i “ ''.h™';7,Vry road and nook In the Btxt®, with tU’Vailoni *nd chxrxomrSfaQU .a u - plainly delineated.

IliKItTV OBOANIZE.UAUOHTKBg OFHepreaautatlva. Iron. All lb . Ceunrtl. ia

tb« Irtri'i Ht TrptiloneTIUONTON, Marrii 'J6.-Th* twenty-al*

council* of the N''"' Jereey Dauglitero of Lll'orly aenl rctuuecnlatlvoB to thl* city yoatertay and tin y luil In eeaalon until city ......... . The pro-

I "•f'h ({Kiojiil” bid wa* froiii the City Water Company, which prepow'ato|o“ SlS*Xall'oi;‘ SlVTtt“ T &

IJft, - , .The Eaet Jereey p rop o«i to J^Tnlsh

water either hy inwylty or Jereey CUy by gravity wlone. ,7^® r«ected th* Eaet'Jeracy'* p av lty hid and referred He bid tor pumping along «!ih the Jereey City'* gravity bid to the com­mittee of the whole. _____ _


They are neat, <ir*i»y ami gtv« g<ut“ wear.

v .„ moBllibartl tarm*.,p**tfollT VOLHEYE. Proprietor.

*3 and 84 U idle.' Dongola UUUi Opera Toe Button roduced to f i .

Stioet, # 1 .

SV lilD K IN A CkLl~

4 o'eloitk affecllnK urg.tnl.atlon, ceedlng* wore cinlmelu.tlc. and rrtUHrf In the election of tin following offleare. I5tr‘.h Nu.Kelmann No. 1 . ^ SurlJ'stannlnger.’ No!

A law suit whtoh h»* been begun In an Indiana court attggeala a now danger to wbloh olargyman, at Icael Ihoec o f tbo Baptlet denomination, may he aubject. Rev, Mr. Clark, ofMnncIa, In that Ktal*. recently immenwd the ililean-yenr-old daughter o f Dr. E»*t**». The water wo* ooid and the girl baa eince been crlllvally

111, In ooneequenoe, a* bar father a«erla, o f’ the abock lu.tatnad In baptl.m, 1 1 * bring* the inlt on th* gr'Duud that the paetur had no right to btptlie a girl of that age without the coniaul ul bar (Arema, and that oaralaeaneae about the temperature o f the water put her ill* m punt.

Hctnlng" No. SSluiv ("■a-uran E. A. Yard, «L RRElatant tnuGurer; Mn. "•

a ir m a n n “ 2!, rtute guide; Georgia moidlttw’d, No. H. liielde guard. Ucurge P.t arwft No k. outw.l,. guart'. WJ''**"'®-t ?ca to National I'oiincll, Vre, O. H.UV7 « o" l '^® “ ■ ■' "• *'

Afu.r'th* «>"'on I" the evening a milon

and byf-Gbbh

A TTgH fTK D A a* lf.e*e fm »ru *f*u lt*r knrraod.r. and

Then Itaba HImaelf.Treicwn, March IM.—Thoma* Neal, who

claluit to reald* Ih I'hiladelphla, I* lying wounded In Bt. Krakol*’. Hoapl- tal htrt from an attempt at lulotda, which h* made with a pooket-knit# wWI* in » c*U in lha poUoe headquartara Ha came to the Police Rergeant and uid that he wa. a de­faulter and wanted to be locked up. 11* ad Jed thet he had eharg# of a haraaw bu.l- ntu* at AIM Unoaiwr avenur, Philadelphia, and bad oold large quantllloa of hi. *m- ptuyaria gnode aad had kept th* money. He wai not quaetloeed further, but «*• locked up and the Phlladalplil* outuorlile* were In-fofinad. k™...While th* houee Hei geant, k f*w houro later, waa TlelUng one of the prlwk.rt he found Ntal lying in a potrf ®'. rapidly blaadlug to death, Neal had attbbM biUMlf oDCt benlnd hit rijbt a*r md Ovt UiuM ih th* region of bli htarL

H OTZ SHOE2 3 6 Marliflt S traet, CornBr HBlbBiry.

I t is th e Q U A L I T Y , not the

p r ice , o f B u tte r th a t coun ts. W e are s e llin g a th ird m ore

B u tter th a n e v e r b e fo re at this sea son o f th e y ea r .

hu.Ini;.. by tbi FRANKU METHOD, *hlot i* tr«t« . N.wWCkeurct you i .ill Uie year

INDIANS AND m e d i c a l ART.

t h e l e o p a b d m o th .

Notwltbatabdlug tbe demnnatration by lb* legal eiparU of New York’* Commit- tao of Seventy that the propoaed meaeure to reorgiuixe the police Ueparlineol la un- oonatitutlonal, it la to be put through the Lcgielatura at Albany none tha leu. Th* L'onilltulloii le a now thing, with which neither poHlhUne nor people urouayet acquainted; and, anyway,lb lha languog* Ufa elateaman of tho iiielropoll*, ” what'e a little thing like tbe Uouetllullou between ItiendeT’ _ ____

Jer**y Paop'e •» tva.hlngloa Hetal*.Bpaclal tn lb. »''EN!NU NEWE

iVahHIHUTIiN, Mari-h JJ.—The toimwingNew Jeriay p»"ple be'* rtgW.ertd at thefocTl ho7I2; ” rld I ■R T I’atereon; Mln K. U,llSibwc' Faterem?. It. 11. Kleul, •*®»;"iki Mi's A W Ilrlcliftn*! Flortnc*BHicbim, Liowpll Irving llrlgjiWl,fb.Vg.?H ainllto.i iv.uta J‘tb* Arlingtoa Hutvl, hr. and lart. JMI • Kr**ma^nd Miw, r;rrrt..H.Bl;.u,n,Hoboken,^Mr,.^^^^^^^

Th* 0**tr#y*r *t Shad* Tree* CkH* from Knrope.

Th* borw of itiade trpoi Known by the

Th* Medleia* Not tb# Beal »••••Among Bed Men.

We are not apt to glv# the red man credit for very iclenllflc Idea* regam i^ nii-dSclne-ln fact, w# him a i totally ignorant ot an and a i relying wholly on m ^ . Thtt 1, due to the tact that the peroon^^lUd by a “ tnedlclne man ehaman or conjuror.

li tba IndianThoM wliardt,trPOi Known oy me enaman or dlM-

hue been Introduced ; thougli they P "tend to d m e away

,s ™ “'^r"aSr'w -pi»

iu'fcrwkTaeoorted to tb# osr*

Always Ahead I


^ d * * J L l S S k « i r i l S ^ W- P*T*«a«fc

uJ'aad’ Mro HT'^unibav! Bed Hank; J. *»

kiorrliVuwn; alilia Klggi Ho'i"- Mr*. Vtarro Dixon,Dunlap. Penuiniiton; at '™ * r .^ e ^ ^ ^ Ki-tongrtavmun John 1. uunu,<i La Noruien lie, ^

HabbUb that Utt. re the SWaeta.

name of leopard moth nu* ueen uiou*i. u .c, v - - - - - - -- , (rue?rom Europe and I. doing great dam**. .,1*. ' 'V /e f r magic arts,In the park# of New York. Brooklyn and mdlan itbetora, *0 w y* D Parkeraijaeenl elite.. According to Inaecl hi e ] Parker lb The •the molhe make their appearance In i givea ue a much more fa v w a ^

May or Juoe, continuing through July and i m* *mte of t h « w h o ^ w o U e o t Into Auguit. and are readily atUacled to nborlglnoa. s ” ? * learned the uae oflight. It hai be™®''*/*'*, many“ 'lalu ^ ^ ' ‘“om them hll■pecloB eeeii around the elMlrlo light* In . J ^ ,pp*ar r*a*onabIe. H*the oltle* named, and each moth repte- von i, miui. _■ent* a larva that ha* ted for at leael -ji'any of the real doctort, *“ ^ 7 °L5*1? two years In the wood of a neighboring .ig o^ n d l^ 'r*d(*ni to-day,

while every female repreeome the ,hfm can be toym l-*"® 'y ™White even . tnedlc^_ and even wrgi^^^

^ ILj ntw V eiiffa *a* t*W*

£ S JaLl to aoroeok. Th* pofirt£ M ^ f C a to raaen* him from kU parij.


15c. dozenCREAMERY

.... ^ 11

MwmOfrA W i MOTICES.____

w. J «h * " .* '5 ?Yh* * » p ji « t i^ f U **i*IamiStratrt*^a ? dec.aaad.rJtdimr* of * ld

Ike uadar■ nolle* It dnaaatd

nN K DAIRY BUTTER....... .. ...........


3SC.11-A T -


T.. the Kditor t>l tho NkwaiH | ?ll> rce iv . that our city gov*r«ment

- well-paved ilrrtto, and

IMPOBTANT Ul'FNTIONk FDR VOTKIIS At the aleatton next inonlli the voter.

ofNawerk and E>ee* County will have a good abiiioe to tail t: o neferendum p r ia ^ l* In praotic*. 'I'he queallont ol , th* iBoraaie in the lalarle* o f policemen | and flramen, o f the appropriation o f j |V]S,000 for th* purohaae o f .property for | th* Frae Public Library and of the eelab- liehmentof apubllopark ijxiem will be

, praMUtad to them. Each ooniamplala* more llb*y*l axpenditBr* i »ao<md

to tb* aeouring of a parmanent feom* for • popular inetitutlon, and the third to an Imppovamaflt that will entail hM vyaxpanaaupon the oonuty, but add grexUy to it* beauty and attraotivanae*.

Onaaoboftheaaquaitlon* every voter *buald b* cartful to accurately record hi* Ol

Telling »bGul the fear of negroe* in go to work toi tbe ievee nnw ihat the NewOrleaua noU have quieted down, a ale- j le to help them to *eeppeteh irom the Creacent City naively “i ' 1 nolloe o . the airvet o" whichu y , ; “ It li not believeu here ih »“ y | i realtfr on* lioueekroper bnug i « t * he*,q ey ta r that Ihare 1. ground for the ,ap- | J-^r®;l;,^“ V o r . r T wTh “e Xpraheiuion o f tho negroea They aio j “ Kith a racepiaole overflow

ru7 a'S J therplero a lot pl.Crt <«Ing acme o f Ibelr recent eiperienoM the i pojjeir, ate., on mp Iw acteii.oh by iatmply timid without caum." Coneider

o ftbe ir recent exjtimidity o f the colored worker* la nut

noValbiiity'of huiidrde of other larvae to nosH-Beed m ® "™ „.“ "vam i'''riie« "men female moth

? 5 .X r ^ r anT th 'i^y^S 'h^hf TlJS« T f o r f r o l S* i‘ee^\"o', 4 ._w «,d , UB I^ the^rotch al;prm.tlc«mp^^ w m a U bronch, 6r at u hod*, and work i„,i*B, but from ‘ he nwrma ...o

WttodofK iom They

ow apace and got Into '►''K®''Ill working downward aa u whole, butVan and to 1» ekiifu! in battle the

Orator learned the value of w orfi and the art of elocution at th* council Hr*, ther«'at' r X * ‘ *S :S lcr.

clelma and. <!limaoC*„*«atai«^thsif oIrIbw *i»o d«m*iwflriMtlDCL Bini««UU of mid f _______Qumthf frocik

kMiTod tnwproMculiaff oriub*dr1b«r rtbnurr Ui IlM. ALICE A HOOHES-

Iltorney^ ;^ -Aentlal Boltam*

very *1 range, however oauiilcuit may be,

at once. HotJii a man " 'th r*«a aud hag ................. fovere.1 I* brought to

Whether AJax Slainiby etruck the light- ning or the llElitiiing itruck AJ*i,wlll only be known alter the convention adjourai to-niorrow night.

. t u 'm " U^h ™ m « me ww^naua *g«n rr.l*a llerl»g . I’Ut no l o ^ 1»- r ir orllght rubtu.h ,.u the eDwit-. burn It. llurnlt. Yuurairuly, B. ri. D.

gi'i-------..jVlenTaryhfg “ n”oouriif": Jinretimea mak ing 11 t'lrculnfr ISO to glnlle the etlcKrhrtv fioFrii In For Al le»*t iwo years they nangere oi r - - a[hmigrihiy d n ^ ia T o n X come o u /o r XiJ' hwbTto^^untaln ai vaUeyj a ^ ^

K t /l r a V t '* a " h “d“ thV e° writ gl 1 remedte. offhomMlvee IhrovKh the bark in due i ihn imltoni are vary cure of

\ vr»Tck7Vnd

iLlcatlen of

lnd^h*’eTplSgltln*‘ 'he outir'open’ lngli ot the latter with putty.

illuaUan* lor brul»e* and', wounda;

r i J U t e T - M ^ a a S H K i '^ T S - alaleu Md nln* ronelbi from thla

th e lead in g orooers.

73t BrotA St., Coi. Commem St,N r S A H K , St. J .

BRANCH BTORE8 - 4S Yerrr Btraa^aor UmoBI ISSHarriaonavanna, UarriaoB.N. J.


Hartdegen's Stockjimtai' ftr thay win p*■ubaortbar.

Mareh L !• » Ok FRAJotc. i r m g o x .

Highest of all in Leavening Power,-

Tbe Emperor of Germany evidently doe* not believe that after hinieelf anybody elaa iliould be permitted to anub Ble- marok.

Latest U.S. Gov't Report

Emperort and Bplohttag* come and go, but BSemarck etlll continue* to be the blggoat man in Qarmany.

I The whtakey trait warn* to bkT* bean Uw propoiltiuni htvs th* udrao-1 vary unlnwtsfcrtbv..

7 « r th . .01uiBl cautary, are alao praotUed; aurffcaj amitlaScM ap^ratua for th . condMt of efi d!b rth, m fthodi tor tbe comfortable DanailiVlitloO of ‘ b® ', 1Ubut not Icaat. oonelderaile e u ^ M i

‘ V *''V''h*.‘ ’'h“^iien.‘’pr£c iSong “ S -Vha"t contt n rd jn _th . J l f iW c r rt«®

PowderABSOIAITEEV p u b e

oath or at

M MAINTAINED BY CONSTANT ADDI TIOIIS AND KHEPING IN TOUCH WITH THE MOST ENTEBPRISIND MANUFAO-t u b e r s , t h is is a f e a t u r e w h ichIBNOT OVERLOOKED BY A PURCKMKR e s p e c ia l l y a s t h e p r ic e s a r e THI LOWEST.

S b S " E t o t o 5riliirun^^ aj;

' p ^ l l l . S ' . t t ^ V ^ r t '^ a g r i a w tk.■ubteribtr.

^bfiMtry ••

* o u ' r ' « ‘ *jr.s.*rt'c".rv&ahould not fall to teem." ■ .

win our oordtkl **-

IlDod'* torroparijla *t.vq k y L ^ . l j y ; , ; ^Sanil I and dlfeallr* alrrojlh, atapi* **»iwt

purUtia, vllallai* and aanvb®* tb*

tra THEODORE vr. cxiRwnc.

noticb etS . f b ." . ;s ; in « 3 A . *«b«ribjjatort ot SaiDuel 8. I^ugtity. d*«**»«. . _i-Sauaof th* count; •evtnlk

Datedcount; M aACgt-


NEW J I R t I T 'R j e w e l l e r s ,

6 8 3 b r o a d ,W. ParkRetwaaa —


mananber W*aa**dW *«* Seturtay* "SkiMlil Wvftt Eatal* D ^ ' ta tb* HEWS-

liM gal* altartama, avar SASH * » *••









litirtlin; Dlscoviric* Made by Ei* n«rts in Wliiakty Trait Affairt.


0*rnf .Mnruiigia'tlli«iU ttruiuaiii Btiil lh « F ^ ilr a a e d l- ut« lj> ( vmtiinalri»t«cl iu HMMtvfjr GrM>

P r«lf»t«n ti K«cU«d Otar th« Ilf KatHbUBlilas Baparmt*SehnaU for Ilia I'atliollcn a* OriJarNl b j H«« l»»inlnluit G««'rrMm«fU-*N««r«lAr7

IIhIk Arcii«»t.| o f VlnliitlKff tins llulitk

A ;>«rtlAl report of axp^rti appointed liv' till* rouru to eXAmlnr Into th« AffAln I'f lha wliUkey truct wno niudo public At Chb-igo >'«*ntcril»y. Ai n'portAd In yei- f"rJiiy’ii •llHp.'itcIn-a U iliow i JX dlior«p- • nr" o f M.jJl.liij vml an AfTort to hlila It V:. crujuri'ft on the booka o f th* company, T'lU la only ono o f many llama which tht it-Oflvar. U^neral McNulta, aaya ha will iMiJravor to collool by law from tiia old E’llleorn ami iJ|r> Mora o f the Uiatllllnf and CattU Kei 'ilng Compa ny.

Till.' ^xpci'ta* report covera a period and* \i-ti 31, and throwa no llffhl onatihfi*‘qiiriit tratntatMlona. It la In ISM and ] M that tha Kreuioat Irre^ularltlea are aa- 1 -Med to be dlacovered. The report, m b :vcm) out. la oa foDuwn;

•'Rulioce ah«i:l. March 3T. IMl: Original ronairucil';n ac*.'tnml, t»>,7 6,610. treaaury k. 13.4!'-. I littUiiK-f! aheet March SI.

1 Oriffinnl I'nnatrurilon account, $30,< « ‘.AlO; trcuaiM - alock, aale o f S4.B84 ah area Hi per .'hare. ll.5Tl.2SO: difference on 11,1184 aharcH of atovk atated on tha booka to have been i>nM at S45 per ahara, being

pE*r ahare, $1,U24.l2v.'Nou^-Tlic two itema on the 1892 bal*

BMce ^hc«t. via,, original conatructlon ac- i Muiit ami treaMuo' atoik, agree with the t -«mpai].y'n IxHika aa they were on May 1, 1 After ihu talr of the treaaury atock L.t 143 In June, IftH. the nald two Itema V ere ('hanged on the hooka In the follow- t"i; mttnnE'r, via.: Flrat. the flgurea

oppoeUc treaaury itock were e« ratcheO out and the worda 'entry void' viitten oppoelle. Second, the flgurea HU,- T U 1l> oppoalte original conatructlon aC' 4 <uQt were alao aoratched out and $34,' £'4.9lu wrliten In their place, the new 1 ^urea being the aum of both Heme."

Therela a law In [lllnola which prohlbtta t'le dlrectore of a corporation from aa> ei.TnIng to themaelven atock o f their com*

ny at leaa tban par value.

L i n a .

D,W. p«kttlrMti

artMTi " •

We Cannot ForceNature, but can assist the Hair to pDW. The best as­sistant is Woodbury’a Hair aud S c a l p Treatment It strengthens the follicles, pro­vides food for the hair roots.

Piepared by a Derraatoloflit.

data In Kavark by Petty.

_____ It would appo'ur that the dlrectora o f the tmat were ti ll convurauat with thle law at tha time they aaalgmd to themaelvea the treaaury auKk at M3 per ahare. According to Mr. Rice, o f New' York, one o f thn Hoorganlta- tlon UommlUfc, ihla waa the cage. He e<plalne the 'Moctorlng" o f the liooka by raying that the illroiMora auhaequantly learned of their error, which laid them liable for the difference l>etw9«n the price P-Lld (S4f>) anti the par value of 1100, and. In order to avoid auch liability, the booka were altered to aliotv the mock at tta par %aluc. aa required. It la aloo atated that. T'hllo the aiock book waa made to ahow the value of $3,4flAVi0. the caah book* were xmtourhed ar:;! ?«how only the actual caah lajd . bnlng 11,&74,JS0.

Mr. Hire, hi n|ivnklng o f the report, arid: "You will understand thnt this re­port cover* the duluge o f the old managei** <»nlv to early In ISffd. In later reporta we look tor ^veti mom gliirim errora Thti \» 4’no of tlie llcma vunni w'htch our eull ngnlnet (irccnhnl & Slonia la to be baaed, t 't i It la piily one of many."

The exherta arc at III ut work In Peoria, and It will hr Home time licfore a final re* port is rendered,

0RNOR M ntUAOA TO GO.Th# kpanlih Bllntiitar'a tte>lBnatton Final­

ly Aeaept#d by TTU GiiTarmiUAnt. Advlcea from Madrid ety that the Span-

Ij'h Oovei'iiment baa ouL'cpttHl the reaigna- ibitia of the Mlulat4 ra In l^ndon and Waahitigton. Count Caaa Valencia and ]nipuy fie Lormo will probably be their eiiccfisora. General Gamir will replace t'lipUin-General ('alleja In Cuba.

^ n o r Muruaga. the Bpaniah Mlnlater In Waahlngton, waa advla^ by hie Govern­ment laat evening o f the acceptance of hta rralKiwulon, w'hlch waa retendered by br nor Muniugtt after tjie eatabllahment of the new SpajiUh Government.

benor Muruaga loat no lime after re- felvliig hli advlcea from the home gov­ernment III communicating their purport to the flccretary of State, and aa the hour Waa lato the Minister aougbt the Becre- t«ity at hla private apartment,

\ ery ooon afterward Mr. Oreahaxn vta- ited the KxevMiilve ^lanaion and communi­cated the facta to the PrenJdent. Other Cabinet ofliocra were iireaent at the Uma. and there wo* a conference o f conalder- nUo duration. It la regarded aa a fair pro- gumption that the aubject under dlncua- alnn embracrtl the lateat phMe o f the re* lutlona of thi* Government with the Span­ish Government.

One result of the deliheratlona waa the trunem lesion of a meaaage to Senor Muru­aga. who presumably coiiUnuea yet in full charge of Spanish affalra at the Capital. The COM tents of the meaoage are not known.

Becretary Gresham last evening nrat found altogether reserved and particu­larly averse to entering Into any explana­tion o f tho latest phase o f the Govern- m cn i'i vlewi on tho Bpanl*h queattoos

sooner got acroaa tha upbound track, than he darted back a ^ n . Hall aaya that It waa all done so qulakly that he hardly had time to set the brake before the car rolled the lad under. The little fellow was moan­ing and writhing between the two motors under the car when a crowd gathi«red.

The ttoor o f the centre o f the cur was on hinges, and the U<1 waa soon lifted out and put into an ambulaner, whirh took him ta the Brooklyn Hoiplinl. He dleil before T o'clock from a fra«-turid koliar- hone and Hba, a dislocated hip and UUer- nal Injuries, Hall, the motomian, went to Brooklyn irom Jeraey City during the strike He had been a motorman in tha employ o f the Consolidated Traction Com- pany. ^

ATTACKED BT AK KLKFUANT^Ah Attendant ml Baraum a Halley** thaw

Narrowly Ksenpes Helng Killed.But for the paenence of mind of an ani­

mal ti alner there would have bten a sick­ening fatality at NfadWon Squara Oa^en, Kew York, yesterday. A a lt waa, Bobeirt Ayers, an elephant groom, who llvaa al 9») East Twertly-elghth street, was removed to Bellevue Hoapilal wUh a broken leg and sundry aertoua brulaaa. He waa Injured by theelephanl' o f the laiveat anlniala In Barnum ABalley'a show. In the morning the last of the ahow arrived at the Garden, and preparations were at once begun for the annual parade to-morrow aviUJng. The ahow onena Thuraday,

Ayers, whue cleaning out Tip's stall, ^ oldfntaily struck the nuga ^ a st w l^ hla broom. Turfllnlt with a vtciodb squeal. Tip aelsed A M n wKh tfla ttlmlCa&4.tlleC. to stamp on him. but filled because df nls chain. Tip then tried to Impale Ayere upon hla t u ^ , but only aueeeeded In Jam­ming him between IhenE. Ayer* waa al­most unconacloua, but he emitted a final yell, to which Newman. Tip's trainer, who waa In another room nearby, reapondea. The latter called four keepers, and Avers waa rescued. He was covered with dust and blood. A doctor who waa hastily sum­moned discovered that Ayers a leg had been broken and that he was probably in* Jured Inierually.____ ____ .


MANITOBA'S SCHOOL WAR.Defiance o f lUs OovsranieHl's Order to

Eitsbllih Separate Calbollc lehoola*The order of the Dominion Government

commanding the Manitoba Leglalaturt to past lawa granting Manitoba Cathotlca separate schools has reached Winnipeg from Ottawa, but will not be taken up In the Legtalature until to-morrow. In all the city Metliodlat churches violent aer- mona were delivered Sunday protesting agatnat Dominion Interference with Mani­toba in the matter o f schoolf.

The fight between Froteatants and Caik- ollca it becoming more bitter. The prov­ince la overwhelmingly In favor of Na­tional schools, and iiie order by the Do­minion Government has created much In­dignation. Tho Legislature will undoubt­edly reject the Dominion Qovernroent'i order. The following from a provincial

ftaper evidences the feeling against any ntorference'"The Dominion Qovernm«nt» after weary

weeke of squirming and twjatlng, has at length passiul an order commanding the Leglalature to restore separate schools to the Roman Catholic minority in Mani­toba, This act La a deUborate surrender to the demands o f the lioman Catholic minority In Manitoba—a deliberate sur­render to the demaiujf o f the Roman Catholic priesthood o f Quebee,

"It la another proof, were any auch needed, that Canada lies prostrate under the feet of a foreign, a Roman ecclealma- tlc. it la auother proof that our rulers are recreant to the duties they owe tho people and traitors to their Gueen, and are ever ready, aa tho price o f place and power, to sell theineelvse and the llbertlas o f the free-born oltlsena o f Canada to the Pope of Rome and his unaorupulous devo­tees in Canada.

"The gauntlet thus thrown down la promptly taken up, and leAthe contest be­tween Romish slavery ana freedom and equal rights go on until every veatige of special privilege aud the grinding slavery to a State Church be driven out of every province In the Dominion and the time* serving caitiffs now ruling In Otlasrgr who sell their euulB for preUtlcal patronage, be driven back to the obscurity from which they ought never to have emerged,"

riT* O'rlosk Wee WaU F^oagk lor • Countryosaa, bnl Not for Chleafo*

At the hour of B o'clock A. M. a Chicago hotel ofllre la wrapped In abaolute quiet, aaya Tha Record o f that ally. This Is es­pecially true of a March morning, for at that hour the outside darkness remains unbroken. The scrub women have gone sway, sfter giving the office Ita nightly cleaning up. The last of the nlghthswka has wandered off to hta room, and the first of the early comers la not yet due. There may be signs of life tn the kitchen at that hour, but the kitchen la always ao far out of the way that It does not figure In the dally life o f a hotel.

In one bot^l when & o'clock etruck the whole eetahllshment woe uhder the super- vlelon of a handy young man. who wan a sort of combination bell boy ami porter. Only a few o f the lamps Iti the office were lighted, but under one of them net th** young man. An hour before the night clerk had seised the opportunity to get a nap. and the night watchman was killing time on ono of the upper ffooi s.

The boy. Intent upon hla book, did not look up when he heard some one coming down Stairs. Ha supposed It was the watchman. Then he heard a voire:

"You ain't one o’ the sleepy heads, eh?"He looked up and saw a farmeHah,gray-

bearded man standing before him."Anything the matter?" he aaked."MaMef? No. I guess you're the only

one around here that gits up aa early aa I do.'*

"I ’m up because I haven’t got to bed yet."

'*Go on. Is that aoT Why. It's past I o'clock, ain't It?"

"Yea, It struck a few minutes ago." ,"How soon will the others be glttlm

up?""Well, soma o f 'em ought to be around

In two hours.""W’hen kin I get breakfast r*"About 7 o'clock. Did you want to catch

a train r*"No, hut I don't want to wait till the

middle o f the forenoon for my break-j"What m u e you get up Cwh hours be­

fore breakfast? Couldn't you sleep?""You don't call B o'clock very early, do

you? 1 Want to git an early start and go home to-night"

"Well, you can't get In anywhere before 8 o'clock.^'

"And r il have to wait two hours for breakfast?"

"I don't see any way out of It,"The old man went over and seated him­

self In an easy chair and there he waited with an expression o f dejected lubmisalon on hla face until 7 o’clock came. Then he waa the first man In the dining-room.

IN SPORTING CIRCLES.Cyellat Xmiaiernisn te Aeeept Boiiben**

Challenge to Race for kd.OOiJ k'ranrR-'ltaee Ball end Raring,

I'he many fritmls o f A. A. Zimmerman will he pleased to hear that he has de­cided to accept the challenge laaued by Hubert Ilouticn, the Belgian wonder, to a a<‘ries o f three races for 2S.0I0 franca a aide. The details are net complete, but "Zlm * said yeaierday that he'd race him,

and that hr was only awaiting a cable* gram from Paris before making arrange­ments for the* trip. Kouben atanda aa the undisputed champion o f all Europe to­day. He has met and defeated all the cracke, and has even led Zimmerman serosa the tape. In this latter case, how­ever, It la only fair to aay that the Yankee was not on edge at the tlma During the past month the young Belgian baa had several races In I’nrla, and hla success haa been flattering. Recently he threw down the gauntlet to the racing cracke, directing hln challenge pointedly at the world's champion and naming 2&.000 franca as al>out tho |irupi>r figure for a series of three racoa.

Zimmerman hai, not been very aecrrtlve on the subject, hut to a few Intimate friendf he has conflded hla Intentlona of going to Europe to settle the dispute uf tsho can ride the fastest. He aaya he

4'onaldera llouhen to be the beet rldor In all Europe, but he Tno4]eaUy adds that he thinks hti ua i defeat him. After think­ing over th.' u,atter for a long time "Joe” MoDermott. the champlon't broiher-tn- law, advised the acceptance o f the chal- ifiigc, and a cable dinpaloh was sent to Parts to a friend of illmmirjnan’a. An anawer lo this la expected to-day,

]la*e iiAii New».A base ball team haa been^rganlaed by

the Uentral Athletic .uukV'iatlon of Kear­ny,and the following players were ilsiied; H. Erlchoon. idtrher; W'. Jeff, I'uicher: flrst baan, T. McGowan; secoiui luiae, C. Ureenfleid; third base, (1. Bwlaa; fleldera, N, Clausa, A. Hilton and L, Westlake. The club would HHh to lif'sr from any flrat-claaa teams for a few open daltw. The secretary la John Bone, Johnson avenue, Kearny.

Boston defeated Washington at Htvan- nah yeaterday, II to T; Pittsburg beat Brooklyn by making alx runs In the laat Inning at Augusta, Ga.. 11 to B, and the Nsw York regulars defeated the New York colts at Danvilla, Va., 14 to 13,

Daly's Fa*l Taungsii r«At Bt. Asaph yeiterday the sensation of

the day was the remarkable performance of W. C. Daly’ s iwo-year-old The Hart ford. Thli youngster won the fifth race against a fast fleld with aurpritlng eaae. Another o f Daly's two-year-olds, Him- yarsh* captured tha first event. Bum* merles;

First Race—Kimyarah won, Olmme sec­ond. Full Sea third* time, 0.51%. B elling- Eight to B against HImyarah, 7 to I Glm- tiie, 8 to B Fulrffea.

Second Hace->Warllke won, Kilkenny second. Lady Adams third* time. 1.32. Bet­ting—Eight to 1 against Warlike, fiO to 1 Kilkenny, SO to 1 Lady Adams.

Third Race—Equity won. Ed Kearney second, Logan third: time. 1.434. Betting ->Thrc*e to 1 against Equity, B to 2 on Ed Kearney, U to 1 against Logan.

Fourth Race—Tinge won, Tuscan sec­ond. Irish Lass third; time, URVfc. Betting —Five to 8 on Tinge, 6 lo 1 against Tuscan, 80 to 1 Irish I.ASS.

Fifth Unce-The Hartford won, Cadla second, Tarenlum third; time, 0.61. Bet ting—Beven to 6 against The Hartford, 7 to1 Cadis, even money Tarentum.

Sixth Race—Dutch Lady won. Silent Friend lecoml, Foundling third; llm**, Uetting-P* ven to 5 against Dutch Lady, 2U to i silent Friend, 40 to 1 Foundling.

Only one favorite mariage^l to pass under the wire first at New Orleans yesterday. 8ummurl**s:

First UttC4— Mile. Lay On, 20 lol. won; Void, even, sw'ond; Florence P., t to 2, third; time. 1.42b,.

Second Ituce—llalf a mile. Bonnie Jean, 8 to 1, W4>n: Inspector Hunt. 3 to I, oeconrl Ilyrdee, 4 to 1. third, time, O.BO.

Third B sce-a ix furlongs. Daphne, 6 to ], won; Beauregard, 6 to 1, second; Euna,2 to 1. third, lime,

Fourth Race-y'lve and a half furlongs Mark 8 .. 4 to 1. won: Miniver, 4 to 1, se*’- ond; Johnny McHale, S to 1, third; time,

^Kl th Race—Six furlongs. Prince Im­perial. B to 5, won; Reading, SQ to 1, second Revenue, ID to 1, thiro; time, 1.14%.

N «u ," L'oni|iu,Llnr,The iFcond of the eerlee o f three (im ee

o f ehufflrhoeriJ lietween compoflltor, of the EViSNINO NEWS anrt Tlmee-Stemlard w e, pleyrd last nlaht and reeulted In a defeat for tho NEWS team, thetr oppon­ents wlnntnit by the wore of lOH to TI. The hlaheat Individual ,eore, were made by Landrlran, of The Tlmei-Standard, and Volmer, of the NEWS team. The leore, follow :

NEWS. ITIMES-STANDARDHudton ............... 13 Lamlrlfan .......... 32DoliWne .............. IKi’ aniey ............... 27Meaonesle ......... U Sllngerland 29

,...r Jt Welle ............ m

K T A T E N B W a P I C K I X G S .

OABLIMLB IGNOHRD THE LAW.Uls Bsb Is Laadsd W ltbsot Bslag X*p

•psetsil at Qttarsntino,Beerstaty of tho Treasury Carlisle ar

rived at Quarantine early last Saturday morning and boarded the Amerloan Lins steamship Paris, on which William K. Carlisle, son of tJip Becrejtary. wgs a pgff- setiger. Before the visit o f the deputy Health Ofllcer the revenue cutler Hudson, with the Secretary and hit son. left the steamer's side and proceeded up the bay to New York City, The deputy Health Officer reported this violation o f tbs Quar­antine law to Health Omcer Doty.

Dr. Doty, when asked about the matter laat night, said:

"My deputy reported the fact to me that the revenue cutter had removed a pas­senger of the I*arls without waiting far h Is Insertion, 1 called the attention of the Collector o f the Port to the matter In a oommunicatton addressed to h ln on Saturday last and am now expecting s re­ply, 1 think the w'hole fault lies with the Custom-house Jnspeotor In charge of the party on the cutter, who oertalnly should, and 1 believe does, know the law for such rases. The person removed was suffering from no contagious disease w hat^sr, but that la not the question Involved, He should have waited for the proper officer to grant permleslnn to land, and our fltate law says that the Health Officer or bis doi>uty Is the proper person."


A tdttle Bey, Who Makes the IMkli Fit- sen Klllsd in Brooklyn.

The Brooklyn trolley system killed Its lOttJi vLotIm yesterdayt when Freddie, the nlne^year-old son o f Frederick Conrigh^ a truckman, living at IM Jay street, wns run down In FuUoit street, hear TlBary, by a Halsey streetoar o f the Brooklyn Hslghts system.

According to tha motavman, Mark W. Hall, who waa at onca arrestad and lodged in the Adams Street Btatlan, the hid ran from the east side of Fulton street across the tracks to the curb In front o f Ander­son's bakery, at 884 Fulton street.


t'uBdllloii of iht P«M-rr Plaet at tk<« | (irset FslU. |

iDrofessor George Forbes In the London Times.)

"Nearly three years ago you publlsh(*d a leltei from this plan- In 'sBli'h I sa\r •omt ac' ituiii of how thi* dreams of thi* ima'^nser were In the act o f K'lng re.Ulsetl, and without Injury to the nslural beauties of the sf'oi. Three years have passed, my work Is ^ndfd, and It seems to continue tht narrative and tell what these three years have brousht forth, t am parcheil on top of a small Eiffel tower, lately erectwl, and. casting my eyes up the river, over the house tops and Iwyond the town, t see a new world creattKl.

"Thers Is a wide canal leading water tnta that xigantlc power-house, where thras turbines are set up to drhe three dynamos of 8.000 horse-po«*er i-ach. There is thr bridge to carry cable?- across to the tranufurmer house. Inside the pow­er-house tl.> water Is carried d<»wn by pipes seven ,iiid a half feet In diameter into the tui bines,whence It passes through a 7,000-feel tunnel under the town, emerg­ing 1>elow iho falls, and oapu.hle of duvri- oping i'-'/ ' j hnrie-powur. Far as ilie eye can reach i xtend the company's lands, with hero and there a huge factory U(hi*r now using ihi- water-power or waiting for tho electric supply.

One of tht.-!' uses 3.80? horso-power, an­other 8UU, a third one 1 ,6 /', and that unfln- Ishfd mill i'c<]uh'es l.OOU. You can see far away the itnclel village for workingmen and Iniprovid sewage works with drain­age, pumps for water supply, electric light snd wotl-pavi il strecta There, again, Is the dock, when* ships from all parts of the great bikes k.m unload, and tin re a huge expanse uf n rlalmed laud, while the whole Is sw'ciii b> Hie company's railway, seven miles four connertlng every factory with the great trunk llnca Thi* power is trans- mltliHl by Hi. trlclly. and the tlrsi work la to produce ulundnlum with l.BtV horse­power. New types of machines have Imtui devised for this work, aa also fur every other purtK ..

"All criticu'.m as to cost of electric works has been swept away by the results acbtsvecl. ami ine ethclency of each typn of machine is greater than has been attained before. All the inaohinery for the llrst working has b^en mads and tested In the shops and the lost parts arc now being set up. The plans fur carrying tho power to Buffalo, eighteen mllss distant, sre com- piste. In a numlh or two favtorlet will Ite In full operatiuh, In a year Ruffalo will be supplied. In two yearn the sumu oumnany will be Working the Canada side of the falls, and In ira years (shall we say) the whols of the I'lU.OOO horss-pow* r which can be suppllcNl by the existing hydraulic works trill be giving power to smokvlsss manufacturing towns.

"The period of planning the transmission schsms. of di'slgiilng the gr«'atest dynamos In the World, and of construction of the first pisnt now closes. The flnsnrlal period commences with the new year. The earn­ing o f dlvbleiirli and the ordering of duplt- eale machinery Is the fuiuro work o f the company. In conclusion. It la difficult for me CO say who were the 1>oldesi--lhe capi­talists who i'mUirked on the s<'heme l>«- fors any plans were maiurtHl.or the manu­facturers who moved their factories to this field before H single result ha<l lM*en

The action of both was typically


SngitMlloiu Whlrh B f t r B«pMUiiff, uTheir Im portuieo U Im m ou iin h le .

[triew. TO .0 . UBT UUIIH.]Onir k few T9*r* *go even tha maiUrat

profession «;outail tho Idoa that young girt, could lufferfrom tho m lury o f utorus trotililo.

'i'hitl form of illiauo, It w u cUiinad, Miue only lo married women.

»r-v A.


but thi'lr confldem-e was not Their success is now assured.


VolmerTotal 71

WelTi Total 109

A hMvy olMtneal .lorm , mooorapanlgd by high wind and hail, .truck Cape May yMterday afternoon.

Two nbatantlai donation, hare been re- oelv«l by the Itercer Hospital at Trenton. One li M from U n . S. Weir Mitchell, of Philadelphia, who formerly lived tn Tren­ton, and the other 1. IXO from Mn. Nixon.

Patrick Mulvoy, fifty-three year, old, of 91 Fulton avenue, Jersey City, was mor­tally Injurwl yeiterday by a Central M.w Jersey Railway train backinx down on him while he waa walking on the track, on hie way to work.

The tnduftrlfd hoopi at PbilUrsbyrg pon- tlnuee, It waa announced yesterday that the West End Silk Mill of New York City and the Allentown Furniture Company of Allentown, Pa,, had decided to remove their plants to Phllllpsburg.

Rev. Allen Thompson, a retired mlnlater of Bordentown, conducted services In the First M. E. Church. In that clly, Hunday, In the absence o f the pastor. Rev. William Walton, who la attending the conference. Rev. Hr. Tbompaan Is in hie ninety-ninth year, and will celabrate the anniversary of hli birth In May.

'While tha body of John Harmon waa being consigned to the grave at Brldsu- ton Sunday tha atrwpa which held two oaaket broke, wnd tM corpse, fell to the bottom. Tbe undertaker Jumped In tha grave to atialMten tto oasket M<t the earth rairiR. oC him. OOVwnK hliWto the waist . . 4 '

DIahop John Boarbaroug)i. who had b e ^ prevailed on to take a trip South tor the benefit o f hip health, ba i been oompellea to return to hie home In Trenton. He had Intended to spend soma time at Asheville, N. C„ but before reaching that place hla condition had grown worse, and be re­turned North, reaching borne on Batur- day.

The aanltary potter preeeers of Trenton have agreed upon a new ecale of wagea equivalent to a' reduction of thirly-threa per cent, from tbe wage Hit cstabllihed by the employers and the men about three yean ago. Thle eancesalon hea been made to oounteraol the ellect o f Individ­ual oontraota « a d a by theomployeeaerlth memat flguaea tar below the list flgutwe, whkih hae rMuUgd In tha employment of many unakllled men to tbe ixcluilop of the old hands.

The Democratic primaries and Republi­can city convention were held In Hoboken last night, Under a rule adopted a short time ago the Dtmocratt voted at the pri- m arlu for their candidates, and no con­vention will be held. Mayor Lawrence Fa- gen, Recorder Franele McDonough and water Riwiiter Henry Lohman were re- nomtnatiu by the Democrats. The Repub­licans'WtMtoMr eoDvsmtlon behind closeddoom They anniDunced that E- V, fl, BeS non had feealved the' nomination tor May­or, tormar Postmaster Kiel fdr Water Regtsler, Isaac Ingleeon for Recorder and John Pndeita for w ater Commlsaloner.


WwOf o f his gar, whitdt.sras RatBsttg at a ^m B m limL

Impure BloodOsoasd Itrft VaUs say fnee and iH«lb1 was told to taka aaod's Sarsaparilla talthfut

”0 *res

S a r t a ^

parUfatr, and aflar using botuu « u free from all ernptlans. I im par- iHt^r ssrsd and in f X-

Hall says that as Conrigbt had time ur MiumthaBltli. A. J D avuvonv a.get clear aerose tha traofca balore be got "u™ fi*»Rfi- *.d.DaY«gFonT,M llwn,ll.*v e i y . c l ^ lo him he did n o t j h ^ n jh e ,MtKHli'» W ild * » purely ngslable aud dl

X # a b «K . « « . '

As the NEWS teaitf won the flrat game of the aeries tho d#ldlng game will I)* played at tbe Daugherty Aaaoclatlon head­quarters next Friday night.

Climax (iunnen Win.The flrat o f a series of pigeon matphes

between the Keyitone Shooting LCMue of Philadelphia and the Climax Qun Club of Plalnfleld. Wes shot at the latter place yeaterdayj the Climax Club winning by seven birds. The original conditions were that each club ehould preeent a team of fifteen men. each to ihoot at flfteen birds. The threatening weather kept aeveral of the shootera away, and but twelva men shot on each team. The match was start­ed In a downpour o f rain, and occasional ruin flurries continued throughout the en- rire day. making the birds an Irregular lot of flyers. The individual scores were:

Climax Club—E. M, Coopor. U: C. iSwer- leln, U: A. WoodruB. H; Charlei Smith, 14: T. H. Keller, 12; wmiam Sigler, 12; D. Terry, 15; S. Terry, U; F. Van Dyke, II; Captain Money, 14; N. Apgar 14; "P. Jay." 13. Total, U».

Keyetone League—W. H. Wolitencroft. B; I. W. Rudd, 13; 1. H. Wolstencroft, II; H. Thurman, 12; R. Landla, 14; John Roth- acker, U; W. Wilson, 13; W. M. Pack, 14; J. Wolstencroft, 13; W. H. Pack, 12; J. Learning, 12: A. James. 12. Total, 152.

It was agreed to shoot the second series o f matches on the grounds o f the Key­stone Club at Holmshurg Junction, near Philadelphia, on April U.

To Turn yrolusslonal.Five prominent Boston amateur alh

ictes have announced their Intention of becoming professionals, and their break Ing away is likely to cause a general up­heaval. They are T. P. Keanr, the American champion runner at thn quar- Ihr mile and the holder o f doaens of trophies: Stlngel, the Jumper, second only to M. F. Sweeney In the running high Jump and having a record of over six feet; Frank Rowe, the doughty half-mile runner; L. A. Csrpenter, the Suffolk omek Jumper, and G. II. Hodgkins, who was, a few years ago, the champion flvo- mlte runner o f New England and haa been In every distance race o f any note for years past with the txcepUon of taat sum­med

Do tbe Tigers Want a OametA numbor o f Frtncetonlans went to

Phlladslphla yesterday, and from them It waa learned that the raembera of laatf eErit Princeton foot ball team had u n lt^ n petitioning tbe faculty to consent to game with Poimsylvanla next fall. This

action waa taken at the Instance of Cap tain Lea, who la naturally anxious to have an opportunity of offasttlng the de­feat at Trenton with a victory over the red and blue, and Is the logical outcome of a growing feeling among Princeton men, both students atid alumnt. that the faculty's action has placed them In a most unfavomhle light In the world o f Inter- collegiate athletlps.

An 4lild Pair.Michael Dwyer, o f New York, bought by

telegraph yesterday of Milton Young, klo- OrathuinH Farm, at Lexington, Ky., four­teen thoroughbred yearlinga, tha get of Hanover and Strathmore, for tU,9Qor It la said that Dwyer will aend them to Eng­land.

Everything was humming at the works Of the tlerreahons In Bristol yesterday, laa t night after a big gang o f Iron work­ers had been bending frames for the hull of the cup defender all day and astting them Up, the akeleton of tha Yankee yacht appeared to view. From all that can be ateertsJned the defender la going to be a deep one. The framee loom up overhead and look atrange Indeed, even to the old­est o f the workmen at the Brlatol yard.

PEUHON\L-Hrant Alien frankly acknowledgea that

hla novel, "The Woman Who Did," waa written to cast acorn upon the marriage ayitem. He conilders marriage a relic of madlaevallam.

The Baronest von Baurma, wife o f the German Ambasaador, la one of tha most papular women In Washington, and Li aa graoloua aa she la amiable, and as bright and anappy aa aba Is chatty In alaost avary language.

Tho Bhoh of Persia contemplates paying another vlalt lo Europe. He will start in Hoy and go by way o f Bt. Petersburg, where ha will taka tha opportunity of catl­ing on tha Emperor Nlcholaa II., after­ward proceeding lo Herlln and Pans,

The Duke o f Fife, In learning to ride the bicycle, haa a lolemn-faced footman walk on one sldo of the machine and a page In buttons on the otlior, and thus Is the cause o f much amusement to thoee who see him experlmcnUitg.

Lorado T aft,'tbe sculptor, o f Chtoago, has Just completed a bust of President Angeu, o f the unlverelty of Michigan, and a bust o f Judge Cooley, for many yeeri connected with ibo lew acbcol o f that tn- •tttuUon. Tha bust of rraaldcnt ^ g e l l la to be a gift o f this year's grsiduatlnn class in tliB arts depsrtment, and Is to oc- Qupjr aplace In the university library. The bust o f Judge Cooler will also bo pUeod In tho univaralty.

Tho Due d'Orlsans hae an axtraordl- narily Tntereatlng oollsetlqn o f sporttne trophies, costumes, arms, fabrics and ou- rkisltles gathered during tils various wan­derings about the earih- Perhaps the meet strihuig p ^ t uf the oDllectlon Is tbs large numUr ofneada and horns that raoreasnt the Duke's hunting prowaas In Central and i o u ^ A f r i^ Jutogethar there are naarfr MW WrdsT beasts and rspuiss te- c lu d A ia the gfUsctlon.

Permed to ItsiH Monev—Three of the Lesdlug Wbuleesle Maborarlnrerx « f New York City Formed a Sjiullrele With BSOO.OOO Wurth o f Clothlns at a HatlaNewark will Imve a big benefit. Three r-f

the largest .Sew York manufacturing clo­thiers formeil 0 ayiidicale to ralee rush at once on their Immense over-production, and tdOO.IklC Horth of flne tallor-niado clolheawasthfljtials o f the deal. Healiilng that such u moutttaln of merchandise wua too much to sueressfully dlapose of In any one city on short time it was decided by the synrtIvBl" to wleet four large m.irki U tn which to u|>erale. Boston. Phlla-Jeliihla and Chicago were chosen, and then New­ark was broached and^seleeted. It twing well known that this town consumes nn enormous amount of ready-to-wear cloth­ing. Inatruetlons are to raise Immediate cash during the next flfteen days and not to refuse afiy reasonable offer. This stock Is on tbe premises o f King the Clothier, 130 and 132 Market rtreet, corner Halsey. Each and every giu-ment la marked with the sale prlco; no one can resist buying. Any garment bonglit that, when taken home, proves unsatisraelory, ten be re­turned within the Hfteen days. A few prices* so-as to give you some Idea of the magnitude of ihm sale, will nut lie amiss, and we ask everyboily In need of dothltig to peruse ihesa few sample prices care­fully and cjtll iK-rsonally. Bale gtarts to­day at 9 o'clock. Men's llrst-clasn sack sfiltB In twenty-ttve dlfTercnt palterns, all sixes, from 34 to 42 breast measurement, for 34.40. These suits are sold all over the town for 312: all we ask Is 14.40. If you find that these suits are not cheep and jou are not aetlalled. bring them beck end we will cheerfully refund the money,

Twenty-alx lots, eoniprlalng #0 men's suits. In cheviots and worsteds, worth 114; syndicete sale price. 37.25. Men's suits. In ell tho new shades and plain black or blue, et 39.S0. 'lou'll And these suits per­fect fitting end equal to custom tailors' make, worth 320; syndicete sale price, 3950 Bring back anything you don't like within the flileen days' Bmll. Men's rlav diagonal cutaway end seek suits. In black or blue, for dress wear, such as sell olwayi for go next fifteen days at 38 40 Men's kssslmere pants, neat pat­terns, at 5iie. .Men's line double-hreaste-l black cheviot suits, all ilsea, wofth 314, at M50. Men’s dress pants. In a big variety, et 31-90, 12.25 and 32,73, worth three times these prices. Men's flna Prince Alberts, elegantly made up from Clay diagonals and corkscrew a, at 311.60. Men s caislmcre end cheviot suits e l 34.60. Men'e Melton •prlng overcoats, ten, grey, brown. Ox­ford value tl". at 16.90, end so on. Boys' end Children's suits from 31.95 up. Knee pants 26e.. worth 11.00. Hear In mind, we ere simply the agents for the syndicete, end shall sell all goods during thn next fifteen days for cash only, so that no reasonable flITer will he refused. Any one can he suited and pleased, and It will pay you to come fifty miles to attend this sale. Bterls to-tnnrrow at 9 A. M,, at KING',-4 CLUTMIN'I fl'rtiHE, 130 and 132 Market street, enrni-r llelsey ilreet, Newaik, N. J Open evenings until 5:3H. Car fere al­lowed lo out-of-town buyers._____________

When I.yilta F„ Plnkham lint sent oat tho news of her (treal discorcry, tharo was no lack of harsh s ^ c h frum those whose practice and upluluns abe aet at defleace.

Hut when j-otin(t Rlrli by tho hiindredi were absolutely cured by Lyitid IT. 1‘ lnt- ham't V'esotiWo ('uin|inuDd, then the tongues of the traditoers were stilled, aod faith was allowed to lire lu tbe buarti of the people.

Young girls are •iibjert to tills trouble. It robs thorn of the buoyancy of youth. It nutkoa all effort distasteful.

It causei retenlloii and tuppreealmt of mciiaea, leucorrhcna, tcvero hcaclacbe, waxy complexion, depiestlon, WMknesa, loat of apMltte and Intercit.

L'ortainly mothers ought to know that thoio are all tymptoiui of the one cause of nearly all the •uflorlog that cornea to womon; and to lave their deughten ought to begin treatment at once.

Lydia K. Plnkbam'a ’Vegetable Com­pound Is tho inrest and moat natural remedy for women ever compounded. It TflU accomplith Its work with certainly.

CITY AlIVKHTiaKMENTfl.OFFICE of B<i«rd of #nd 'NVsIer Com-

mluiotifn (jf th* clly of N«w«rl(. N*w#rk, N.. Mstrh 8a, 1N(».

isriipuMl* will b* r»c#lv*d «t this offlo# until 4 o^clock P. M. of ThurarUys tiu* fourth dMy u( April, iSbS at a public m*#rtni vf th* MimM. to t>* nr!|i1 at said tlm* nri4 plac*.

Por th* <1r*<iK(nc of th* Paddia 8tr*#t Canal rh>m th# J'cuniylvAnJa Kaliroad to Wh**l*r's C'r«**k or Dttuh, or from th# Pennaylvanl# lUIl' ruad 10 th* Newark aod Kiisab«>ih Uranrh of th>* C#ntral Railroad nf Ntw J*n*y-

Tha fuiluwini Is about th# amount of th* work lu b# don*, anil Ih* inat«rlali to b* furnlaheti in lh« cociairuotlon and cumpiFlIon of said wi>rk:

K^otlon-^Four ihousand (4,<ssn ruble yard# of *k*avat)ans fmm th# I'k'nniylvaitla RAllrt«d to Wh##l*r'a Cr*#k or nitch;

PIftcvn thouaand four hundri*d (15,400) cubic rarUSs fwnt Pcnitaylvarl* Ttallruad to Ih# New­ark and }Cllaali#th Branch uf th# Cantral Hall- n aJ of New J*ra#y.

Illddcra will live a separate price for the aec* dun and the whole, aa it la the intenthm nf ih4 imard uf Ptreet and Wa'er Cummlaaicineri to award a contract for either «m# cm- the other

iliitder* will slAta Iheir prU-<*a in writlnf as well a» In nxur##.

BJildera must specify In Ibeir propoaal* that, ahuulil thr a1x>ve wtirk li# awarded to (hern, they will hind tliemaelvea tn flnlih and com- pleta the aam# within forty njitaecutive working days for the Mctlon. and on# hundred days fur th* wh<d*. ’ ,The plana and apectnrailfina of the work can be examined' at tli* r>ffl<'e of lh# fkMinI of 1kre*l and Water CommUiItKierH. No. 12M Ha!a#y atre#t. Bald prt>poaala to W acrnmpanled by lha u>nB*ni, In wrKlnc, of two auretle*. who shall, al t l* time of putting In anrh pro|F9Mla, qualify M <0 ih#tr rvaponalbitUy In th# amount of auch pr'>|Hjaal. and hind themeBive# that. If th# con-

be awarded to the iserwm or p«raona mak* )TiK the profMMuil they will, upon Us beint ao awarded, becume hla nr iheir auretle# for th# rnlthful p*rfi»rmanc# of m M work; and that If (h* jieraiiB or iwtauna omit or refuse to *x«cut* •Mudi (vinfrart. they will |>ay lo the city of New­ark any dJfference between Ihe aiima to Which hi* or they Wuuld have •ntilled upon cofU- pletlnn Ilf the riHittei'i. ami that which (h# city of Newark may If# t»bll|ed tn pay Ihe Mraoet uf lHT*«9ni by whom auch cuniract shall he aie- futed,

The Itoard of Ittreet and Water rommlaalnnere of th# city of Newark rcaerve to themaelve# the rixbt to accept or reject any or all prutMieai# for th# above work, ae they may d##m beat for (h« Interest uf the Olty.

Itlfiilere and aureil## are hereby notinied (hat under lli* pruvlelona of the aeventh section of lh* law crpBtini the Board of i tpeet and Wal*r Commliwinnent, approved Ifarrh 2Hth, 1M)1, that th* bond or hondt to be xWen fur (he faithful execution and isarformance of said public workx ahall flrat be approved ai (r> auftirienoy by the B< ard, and aa tu form, by (he 4’nunaet of th* lhard. and no coairuct shall )>e blndinx on the clly, or hecoiti# effecilva or i>|>eratlve tintll «urh bnhd li to approved, and tin- President of the IhMird shall ha^e power tu examine the propoaed iHindemen under oath, if h* shall eo deelrs, or siiall b* ao instructed by tr4> JioarU. but th* Board wilt nut be bound hy any statemeni that may he made by such pniiHiBcd iFinJamen, but ahall have full power and abaitute dlscrellon lh (he whrilt matter, and (hla provision shall be referred lo In any adveniseniFnt inviUnx bids fur any such puhlle work.

Ky directinn of the Doanl 'if 8treet and Water Oommlssloneri of th* city of Newark.

J. rnnw K l.l, MUNDT.3Cv Mt Qanaral Su|>cr1ntendent of Works.

CTTY ADVRHTIItKNKNtll,AaS ORt>lNAN(’iiN ralatinx to weifhts and

measures, and yrescrlblnx additional duties of lh* I'llv Healer of Welfhts and livtuiures.

lie U ordained, by th* Commuo CvUiu'll uf lha city Jt Newark, as fullowi;

Hectiun 1. That no perenri, alihar a* principal or a<*bt, shall, lh measuring any dry fruit or tereisbis fur sale wiihln the city of Newark, use.any liquid measur*. but In the aal* of such fruft, vefiiable or other pood*, ohall us* owly a dry messure sealed by tin icaler ut Weighis and Measure* C3f tha city of Nenark, under a lenally of 0v* dollar* fur th* first ofleao* aod inentr djllar* for th* eecond offene*.

Hectlinn 1 That It shall b« th* duty of tvsry rort>oratiMi. firm or person **Uiat dry or liquid measure* within th* city of Neaark, lo hrlittf or raus* 10 h* bruUfht to th* uffic* oif th* City Healer th* measure* <vrr*r*d ty it or theen fur •ale, and have them tested and asaied by th* City Sealer before such mf*LSur«* shall be told tor ua* as auch measure* fur the sale »f dry or hguld e<>Hla within lh* city of Newark, under a penally of twenty-five dollars toe every of­fer l-V.

kecilun I, That no corporation, firm or person ahall uee ur allow io be used for the sale of any B(3oaa or men handle* any dry measure with a liMise bottom, and no mch meesur* ahall be kepi In any place of buetCMce where fnills, vrveta- Imsb, ur other article* are Caild by measure, un« •Iff a penalty of five dollar* for the first 4if- fence and tw*nty-nve dollar* for the eecceid of­fence, and it shell b* the duty uf th* City Haalef to sell# and destroy all such measures.

Becilon 4 That It ehalt he the July of ati iwrstma. whether principal or aftent, selling Ice, milk, fish, mrat or other merrhandise upi,m th# srreels uf (he city of Newark, and uelns eale* cr mtHutiree therefor, t«3 usu ueil} sealed ecale* and tneaiure*. and it ihail be the duty of all such peiwun* to trlnt •►r t^nse to be broiiyh! to th* on?-.v of the iMiy such seat** ormeasures in th* month of M.iy, in each year, and such r.iilsB or measure* shall thrr< be trited a,id sealed by the City Beaicr. Any iwr- win vloJatlnf any i-r\3Ueltm of this *#r|ioTi shsll f'lrfiit and pay a penalty of five d»uart for the first ulfeaoe and twenty dollars for th# ceoued offence.

Section B. That no merchnm, retailer, trader or dealer shall eetl any fruiti m wfcUhlee fmm cups, can* or oiher recepiaclrs nthcr than sealrd measures ssaleit by the City fienler. sxcept where the article eold la In l(a orlflnai rmernsclr. under a penally of nve .loiiars for the nrsi offence and (erenty dollar* f'ur the etc* <md Qireniw.

•ecUiMt a. That It ahsll he th» duly of the rtly Clerk of the clly >if Newark to deliver tn each vender, when applylnp fur a vsnder'e licenee, a cu^ nf this 'irdlnaiM '

flection 7 That coal shall in ell raiwa he sold by retallera by vrelfht when wdd In quen- iltles from iinf-eltnlh ur a ton and upward, if sold In qusntlllei lese (Han one-elfhth of s ton It shall M sold either by welfhl or measure. If coal Is sold by welfht It ihall be welahe.1 only upon scale# sealed by the City flealer, and If by measure. In dry meaeuree sealed by the Clly Healer. Any pecsvn vlulatinf any pro* vision of this Mi'tlon shaU forfeit and pay a penalty of five dtdtsre foi tbe first offence atid twenty dollars for th* second offen >*.

fteeticn fi. That all platform ecalee welahlnx over one thousand pounds rhsll be teelen snd Halsd. In May and Noeetnbei of aaoh yi*ar by th# City flealsr. and no scalts not so sealwl shall b* used under a psnaiy uf twenty-five dollar*.

flection V. That the for lestloi plelfitrni

fvt voT" ^eWARK ^

1 K W A R K .N .1

•calf* wrlfhlnx two tons and upward shall br two dollars

fleotlon ID. That all fee* shah h* paid to the City flsaler M the time the seal le attached In lh* ecalr. The City Healer ahall. once In each week, pay to the Cnmutroller of the city of Newark, for the us* of thr city, ati moneye eollroud by him as fee*. The t lty flealer ihall five to each person paying to him any ft* nr fees a receipt properly daird and ahuwtng for what the same la given, and t dupileat* thereof shall be entered upon the stub from which such receipt I* taken.

flection II- That it shell be tbs duty of (he City fleeter to examine and test all wslghu used in the city of Newark in the welghlni of goods or merchandise sold In such city. If any weight shall bs fiiund not t<i cimform tn the Unltsd flute* standard of welghta it ahall be the duty of thr owner to correct such wslfhU. If surh welghta ran not be ourrsetrd. It shall b* tht duty of th* City flealer to take the same Into his poeaessinn and to deoiroy th* same. *

BectloB IL That all liquid and all dry msa*- urse used within the city of Newark for the sale of any goods or merohandlee, and put sealed within tnre* yoart prior to ih* paMaye ot this ordinance, thall. within ninsty daye frum the passage hereof, be brought by th* iwraun or per­sons owning the iamr, ur the iwrson ur persona using (he aam*. Ui the ofhrr of the ( ’Ity flealer to be tested and araliHl hy him Every person or pereona using In the sale of iiny goode or merchsntUee a measure n<x seeled as required by this sertton, shsll fiirfeti and psy a tienslly gf fiVB dollars ftH" thi* first oflefire and ten *lol- lars for (he seC'Orid olTencs for each measure so uswl.

flrrtl3xn Ifl. If any scale be found by the City BiNiier Wllhin the city of Newark In surli ntii dllion thal he can nut adjust the same, he shall attach tu the said scale a notice which shall read substantially as fiillnwi;

•'ITT OK NEWARK.Office of the C'tly Sealer of Weights and Meas­

ure* Dtpartmrnt. Centr* Market. Newark, IN) —This Is to certify that this -------------------- has

be*n tested and found to be 1nrorr*c(, and Us ue* is hereby f' Thld.iFt) until It has hM-n made to ronferm to the authorised standard.

toscale . . ..... ......... .such notice, he shall forfeit an<l psy s t>ehslty of tweniy-fiv# dollars for egrh offence, and any perwin who shall remove iu,-h notice attachwl to any scale by the City Healer, pursuant to flection 13 of this ordinance, shell forfeit and pey a jwnalty of twenty-five dnilars for each offence

The ffiregoing ordinance was inlrcNluced Into Common (’ouncil on Friday evening, Mnrch IB. IMHt, read once, and duly ordered to a second reading.

W lf. K. 0'CONNf>R.City Clerk.

Newark. N- T., March lA, Iflflft.


dard railroad of Amtrnuu Fratected threugfl* eat by the Inlerlooklng flwiuh and Bloofc #g* Ml flyeiem. 'T* suip* anlf on notlca to agent- Ob and sfier January fo; iniA, trains will leave Market flireet maitow, Newark, as fei- lows;

r tt-U A U. Fast Line, dally, «rlth ruMman VMtIbule Parlor and flleeplng CkuiWi for Plcte- bt^^ 4?'UkHtbu*. Indlanapoilii, Chicago agd flts

( iO.VT A. M- Penaaylvanla Utnlted. dally, ronipoeed eielualveU' of Pullman Veftibul* ^mpartmeni. Bleeping, Dining. Bmoklng and Oiiservalton Care, prewentlng iTnaitclsl reports, ^enogfmpher* snj typewriter*, bath rootna tyf boih sexes, ladlse' maid, barber shgp, library and all the ctmvenlem-e* of home or oAca lighted by stathkoary and ttovabls cleeirlo ll^ts. Ariive* ('hicag.r uuu A- M.. Cleveland flB A. K , CtncInnaiT A40 A. M-, ladlshapoll T.«B A M , Tolsdu fl.uo A. M,. *!,*■*•,** W- (-’hicagu and lit. Loula Expredw dally, Pullnua Veeiihule ileeplng and JllAlnf (wrs to Bt. LouUl Ohluego and tdoulsvlilea VeeMhuie flmoktng Car and Knsseuger Oonche* to I t Louie. Arrive* OhcUmatl liK4* A. M., fll- Lnuls l.uU H. and Chicago fi.uu F. Nk hrxt 4ay-

f a JT P. M- W'eetern Cxprees. dnlly. Puli' man \*stit>ui« Bl«eujng t'Kre u; Pituburg, Chi*nc*F» and neveiand. Pining Car* to Phliadel* la. and ritisburg to Chtoaga. Amvee ai

■veland II. 16 A. H., Chloag^-UO P- M. Msl «»/.f MB P. M. Bouihwestsra Rxpr***, dally.

Pullman Vesilbule Hleeping i-hirs to ClnMnnau and Bt. L>uls Dining c'ar Aii»nna lo Kick* mimd. Arrive* t'lnvlnnan • uu V. U.. Indlaw- a toiks UU6 V. M , aad it. Louis i.UU A. M, second morning

I’ M Pacific Express, dally, Puilmaa Ruffet Htctplng (’af New Yiirk lo ntuiburg, ArHvse d»iiv l*hlrago. T-fiO A. M- iseioS

Odurpbus f |B p. y and Clevelani d ti p. M. and TuieJu n.tfl P. k . dally, aaoepd flslurday.

f 1.47 P. It. flouihem Railway Bxpf**4k dally, Bleepers u> Augusta. Hi. Augusila* aiii Tsmpaf 4.M P. M Southern fUtlway Kxi waic

dally, Hleepere to Asheville, Hot Springs a«# hew Orleansf P M Pally fur all pctnla nei (Theta*

^ake and Ohio Railway, flleeplng and Cinlnfl /SraP»lllmcr*. Washington end the South. 1*4T. h2h. SR,. B.M ttJmlied P.apreea. Pull* man %e*iih7il« Parlor rare, Veaflbule ihfci-

eenger Cos. he* and Pining <>r, 1U.IT A. MJ, U ” * 4M. and B.M KJlundav 12 47 R.6T, U A . M., A4T i ^ ?* ** llsiilmore «^y,1 Sfi P M week dava

For Willadelnhla, Exp.. I? 4T. fi 4R. T..VI, fl.Ma 0 0 ^ Limited BtpreM, Pullmsa veatlbuit I'nriof Oars, Vestlhuls Pai

IW. I3R. R.24. 4flfl, 6 yd, fl JT. J< M and t-J T M Arcommodatlon. 11 M A. M.. A (n and ! K flunday, Rxpreaa. 12 47. 6.4|«

® P. M. Aocpromitdallufi, AMand 1 AA P MI ir ‘Trentr'a 12.47. fl.4fl, t-flO. 7 Ml. fl 36. MT*

AM Ufi.1T Limited Rxpresa, PullmsnvssthParlor — .......... ~ -


i* .? - Vfculbul, P*uMK,r Oaua •n4 D‘ rii,i far). ,aa n *. 1 1^ 2 2-, I 9"' * 2 i" . » 2.- 5 on. «.M. 0 27. 7 .* . X li•"5 9 » i> ‘ M 9un0«r. 12 47. « .9, 957, t.Mn? IV, •«' »*■

Fitr Allanllp 0,jr. • ,a P. V. wlttl IliralXll Puilmaa Huff-, Parlor , ‘a . ana Xmy CuaaS *t»k aari. 9 4'i X H Sundajm.

fur Pan* Mnr. I . » p M v m X dan._For llranra, Rlbortm. Aiburr ParH.

'3n"»-3>7ln* tJH,. a,a flirt. Kanao- «UM, Puint Plraianl and nnlnta oh Ihi N ,* York anil !.ima llranrh RallrnaX 9.99 4. M., U9n. 4 04. 9.98 P M.. ana 1214 nl|5t. Oa lundap 10.19 A. ju. ,nd 9 98 > B, Do not •lop at Ooaan Orov, or Aaburp Par. «a 9on-o . ’ '"B a Nalchu ooa Toa,'»fi 'j !" . 19 79 p M Wool, iApra

F « IlnathB. •■Ithrait nhanf*. t l4 t P. M. » MX a jrx 9.99 P M aallp.Fw Rrmhlrii N T —All ihmuar, trmlna » 9 -

Boft at J tm y :-it, ahh hnaia , ( "t1nKi1,lT« Annri. affordlnx Alrvct Iran.far to and from >fiil,on at ran. avoid In, aoubl, forrioff, anJ Joumap acrooa tor r|,r

, . FfiB Nl(w YORK.. *<«Hoh. " t* . * 47. C 'l".9 90. i M. T 12. 1.99, 7 4n. 0.00. o.ifl. a ia i bb. { 9 0 9 49, ".97. 11.17, ONI. 9 94, 9.90, 19.90, 19 99. 10 49, 11 00. jl.lT A M. ------IVl*'- J "9 * -'4. * "* 2 >I d*. *99. .4.93. 4.19. 4 9n. 6.1,. „ „ „5 JJ L"L .L«*.

M.; 1199 a.n^ 9 99. * 49. 2 911. 5.14. 9 29, 9 4*.

, , , H i ........ ... 7.99. 9 9*. 9 99i(2 2 19 94. II 4 P M ana 12 97 oti^t iu i. day (rtinl, 9.19, 9,47, B.OU, POO. 3«9. lOel JOJW 10,i. 11.90, 11 91 A M . 11.99: ll.o t I 95. 2(«V 2 911 i.j l, 4 00. 4 *0. 4.99, 9 ^ IYL1-190 J"” ' '®-'*___ - 40. I_ _ _ _ _

.... I3 0fi night ^•vt ram™ mrMt atati™. 9,0*. 9.99. . 14. 74H 994. 047. lOlS, ,1.04 A. M ;

l.j^ 3.11, 9.92,_4.n *17. )I9I. 0 .A 7 .4Lt 24 an.l Leave

And. n on A- H i H e.iT. a.IT. h ni. ' “n 07 P week daya ('hestiMjt Bfrewl fliailnn, fl.|l,— . . ...... ,9>n, 99. I A,

■it?' iril' II ST AI.Rl. dfid.

B.M. fi.Ha M a 13 nfi, 1.03,

l i . 4 6AM.37. Bl». 16.0$fl K A lO.Tfl. TO RT LW. a.W. 2 R'J. 3.UO. % fl 4A, (t A4. fl 46, T.OB,11.13 F M , isnfl night flund.Vy. flnfl. ......»AL k.M, I0.2R. IO iTr. Win A M ; li.IA, I3.4i I2d. IM. l4fl. IM . 6.hfl. I lk 4.61.6 4.1. fi IK t.itt, T.r:. arfl, u mI m.iJ and ll.M F. M Leave Kmmat Street Button, 6M. O.K fl-fiL T.07, 1.40. fl.oa, fl.3A, Alt D 13. fl.BO. fl-Afi. M.tSi il M A H-. 13 04. 1.31. S.fin. Il.ofl. 4.13

flfifl. I.4A. fi.42, 7 63, B34. A Rfl, 11.10 F. M.. 13 01 night. Bunday, R.fiS, d.U, fl.tHr B.flfl, 10 21. 11 4A A. M : 1162. 13.44, I.IU. 1.61, iM , 8 SI. fl.M. 4 fin. 4 4K 6.41. t.16. fl.64, f.ll, 0.31. U M end 1LR4 I*. M,


Newark, N. J . March IB. 1696. Healed propoeaii will be rereh ed by the Cum-

mlttee on Pubila Buildings of the Common Council of the «Hy nf Newark si a meeting (e bi> held at the City Hall, In the city of Newark, un Friday! March 2U. INU.'I. I'lie I'-ommltlee will be In seeslnn to receive and i>i>en bids from 2 tn 2:80 getouk in the aflernix<n Th* bids will be r>}»«fled iirnmptly at SiBU u'diH-k.

The following Is the work i" he done; Boiler wnrk, steriliser ind apnsralus r4>mireted there­with, for Ihe prapused new eieam steiiilalng plant for illslnfectlag statlun for (he Nswark iloard of IJealtli, to M #re<'t*d un Urt>ve street, in the ToWTishl|» of Clinton, of New Jer*sey, In eccordanc# 4rUh plnne Hn>! sperlfiratluns prepared by the Kewes A l'hlltli-s (n n Works.

hl-blera wtl] sUts their pelves In writing a* well as tn figure*, BlUdarn niupt niie4:iry in thalr pro|)OHals thni should the abDvr K-,,rk be award­ed to them they will bind (b 'mnelvi's to finish and complete tn* aam* within ninety inmaecU' tive working daya. The pluns and eiierinca- tlons of Ihc work can be examinrtl at ihs office of the Hoard of Health, 64fi liriiad street, la tbe cl^ of Newark, New Jersey

NM pro|Kisals to be aerompanled by (he oon- sent, in writing, of two sureiUs, who shj||| it the lime of putting In such prupniMls each <|ual~ Ify aa to their rceponslbUlty in ih* amount of such pmpoaal, and bind (heme'-h p* that If the contract be awarded to the imtiv d or persirns msklng the prupoeal they will, upMO Us Iwlng *11 awarded, beonm* hla or their sureties for die faithful perf(»rmano* of said wi rh. un<l that tf the perivin or iHirenna omit or n'fUHe to execute such contrsi't they will pay to the rlty of New­ark any difference between the sums to which

or they would have been eniltird uinm com- p'etinn of the contract, and that which the city uf Ntiwark may b* obliged bi psy (he per­son or persons by whom *uch contract shall be executed.The r ommltls* cm Ftthhc Hulldlng nf the eUy of (Newark reecrve to thcmiiclvci the right trt accept fir reject any or all f>rfifr. lels for Th* above work as they may deem bent for th* In- icreetf >'f ih* elty.

Ily dlrccllon of th* rommlttee on Publio

IPiON AVORTCaE«IA*U>lt9I> 19*5.


Improvwl rorlloa Rnrinvo, Tubular Bollcn, Tauka anO aliwi Iron IVork, alonhtanlroii aaO llroiia Oaatiaui STEAM rirriN O a HPECIIALTY, audordtn fovKuaral moo Ulna ami Dollar rapolva protnptlr axecuLod,

A LARGE STOrit OF NE'V AND HE<'ONn. HAND e n g in e s a n d BOILERS rou- itaallr on hoiuL TUl'l’Ell FATENT OHATE-DARR

Wharf io Ut| rrlth hasYf rrxna and atoroiaprirllBgaa, br oSYt wash or jooutli, al ioastl rilr r«t«*.

tllr. airaB, ilunOaxa,.For Rlltahi.,h rmlv. S *9 A. M. dalln MIt A.

Um 1* 29 and 9 <u P. M. woak dtr*For N.W Brunawli-k, 12 47, 9 49. T.OO. I.6(h 9 97, * 29. n.»« and 1191 a M ; 12'.iH, 1,K 1 99, 9.49. 4.90, BIjn. t.JK). 9.9*. 9.12. I .A |!m

and 10 4T P M SUBdar, 12 47, *.4tl, (.BY (.M, D94 and 1091 A H.; U.91. l.*5. i*l>. t.tA D.U4 and B.*2 P. M.

Por V/oMIhrldBA A5I. 19.44 A. M.. lA** *1)9, 4.40. AOI. 7.07 and *.** P Mr, Itl* alfSl »-«k dara Suodaya, 10.197 11.M A. M , AM in.oo p. M. <1 21) A. W. daily txoaot Mnndarii.

For Partti Amboy. 9.31. 9.M and 10.44 A, M, 12 99. 9 09, 4.40, 9 94, 9,1], 7.07, and 0 42 P, M.. and 12.14 nlxht. On *bl<Aayi. 1011, II.U A. If.. 9.t« aod looo P. M. Il.tU dally teefot Mnndaya).

For ViMt Hitlatnna, 7,90 A. M. 1 H.2A *.3* •nd 9.90 p. V.. daily, axcapt aundoy.For Klniaion and Rcriiy Hill, 7.20 A. 31. aa* 4.80 p. If., datly, aanapl llunday.For Phllllonriurt. Kaal'in and Hrlrldaro; 7.10.

M.29 A. H.. and Y 21. 0 27 P. M. Sunday, l .l f.For Ujnh»rl»llla, TOO. 11.H A. M,i 2.3A 3 |4 and 9 27 P. II. Hundny, 3.27 P. M.

Fnr Plemlnglon, T-fiO. 11-38 P. M.. fialty exc^it flumlay.For Fre*hotd. Fartningilal# and flee Girt, via

Monmuurh Junction, ?.(W and 11.61 A. K- 4.U f . U. week daya For Freehold ofily. p. M week days.

_ NRW rORK TO NEWARK.' ^For Newsrk. fl.00. I.koi, fl.en, T.Sfi, t.M, T.46. MB, g.8fl, 6.10, fl.40. HUfi. lt.fKLll.4qT Mil l|l«- 13 M. Lbfl. l .» , lrA. g.lorl.M. I # , 8 |0. 6 AO, 4 no. 4.m, 4 no. 4.40. 4.R4I, 6.M. 6.306.W) B 40. 6.60. fl«>. 6.10, fl.Wl, fl 40, 7.00, T.M.8 6, D.I5. 10,16. 11.00, ll.fln V. U.. and midnight. Bunday trains. •.16. fl.00, I.0U. 1 .46. lU.W. IL(V>. ll flfl A. H ; 13.00 (won12.80. UW. Lao. 2 00, 3.46, ffM. 4,00. 4.80. 6-00.B IB. 6.4R. fl.M. fl,46, t.flO. 7.46, fl.OO, |.80,k fl.RO, 10 IH, 1 1 0 0 r. M.. and 13,!I mid*night tl.nn dsllp except Mnndayel.

For further Infnrtnatlon see time isMc*. m be had at the ticket f>fl1cei. Tickets for all polnli on the Pennsylvania ftsllmnd and connectlniis, and bertha sectlime and baggage checks at the Company's nffires. No TflII Rmnd Afreet. *•

, at llQket ofllli:* al Market fltreet ktntlnnJ. R. woor».

Oeneral Paseenger AgestI « PREVOflT.

Genenil Mane aer.

A. H.. and t.9L

10 TO |l6 FROl



UN ALL BTKAMEHM.For FssauDKar Tickets and Drafta Apply lo

MAHTIN K. DENNlri A CO.•T4 Rroad Utreat, . Nawark, K. J.

Bulidlns* of the of Newark, WILLIAM E

SO*O'f'ONNOR, CUy Glevk.





"Hy a tlioroufh knowledge of the tiainral law* wbkh goffifn th* op*ra(Joaa of tllgNstioa am! nutrltlom aai by a uarefui a|»vllcatl(m of tlieOoflpropflftikiof waii-»eleoi«U iJociut, tir. Rpp* baa provided for our bmUtfait and aup* per adalloiitelj flavored bevanige which tany aav* 0* many fieavr doetort' btiU. It it by th* jadluiout aee of such anlclia of diet that a ooiiaiintloa tnay be mduaHy haiti np untU strokfeboiuh torealit every teudetior in die* esae. Handiwdaof aubtla maledifli are AnaL fog around ut ready toaiuuk wherever there Is e week point. We may eaoqiw many a fatal •haft by keeplag oarMivea wall fortIM with pun bItKid and a properly nuuriabed frame."— IHvh Strptce (hikti, MwAb elRiply with bollInt wale? or mnk. F ........................tiDR. by (IrocerfltlebenfkOOa.SAdB, ■■England.

Int water or milk. Bold only in balfapound ' ‘ ^ >er6tliibened6hn*i JAMI^KPFII

Homoflopaihlo Chemlaia« London,

OVPICJE OF THK B >Alir> OF AVtli.'tBMJfiaNr aad Havliion ef raiea, roeea I, Oily Hall, lnaoeoriaao*wlik an aei of mv iAGi'aMra of

this leta wbloh prof ider that tbe (Mm>i»efik for (eiOTitaall baoonsldsrsl a« on the thirdWedaesdsylnJsnuaryinaath y*4r, ta’) Board of A4A**aineitand KevletiHiof leievof ih« city ef Newark hereby'4lvs notlec that Hi*r "<il nmeivs fr*cn lh* third Wrd&aadwla j4oe«ry i* thethirJ WediieeJayLu 4prii« lUMfiOludvc, A ihit olfle*. Statements (uefleroMhief Mra-tnal property fre a all Individtials and * (rporeiin i ( Uavla i s’lC'i pm’i erly •uhjsclto isistled la tkecity Ilf fisducUos ffir lfid4h;edasMuaq tto Hllosel ualenIlk* ns ns, dal* ttid r*tldta]« of ibi eraJiMr tiflVMfi and the ain'fuat o«iny.

oUoeli hereby given w the mem^rs of to* is-ilonai woird,all acHv* ao4l eumpi hro usj ani mambers ef "slvses *k>rp«. aii omcjirAjif die

; absege.1 aoidiert and sullen wb« have seeve 1 In tin [ ist* war, ana tbi wl>l>rwi o ' sunn aild'tf i' and atu

•rs.M tone at tnsy rcinsla umaarr xl, -‘tiist tbs/ jar* sniUled to an sxsjjpu m fKin genaralefil I spifliai poll tax, ami fro uM«ia, connii* an i moelcl- nC taxation ufinq rail *r p*rsotia( property, or bfith, hM*x«eeill(\|J‘i ai;qregx{a five o hunlred dollars, iwovldinqf they anpeer bePK« lbs beard wiibln lbs tlin* abor* spaoifiel vn i priV*tk»

dslmtotbalresAiuiitlog 3S provide-] u/Uw."AllprapristsM and k*ep'r* olUwelllnMi'iMsi.

baordMiv-bouMt sn I Inn* ar* hereby noillel tUit tl^y are reqiiril lo give the a iUtmt a>- seisori5rtlaslrrs«p*/tLv» wardi tbt riiiovint l i ’ fer uailuQ. wh*o l HiThl ny suflu ai4*t«or, npM ->**

I bopal ap •liostlnii - l be nti mher of prnnn* nil lln {' Iherelu. their name* and (he *g(eiit nf ihsl'' e»>

a*afioni,Sii far J* huawcit ani anr mJ-;h p'.>sri*t>.‘' or keeper ordiveillar, hastdlnrhoat* fi' Ina whishall tefiiie to «le* lo th* aeddtnt aiA>ii>* ib*

atoveidforfrittlofl will (wto-q* lUhle uoier tk« Maiui*. which providsA tor itif iniprisoutiirai ot th perteiii to oflkedtnf.

4ffncelwun,t . M. to4F, 3Ldall/ >ataMt/i fremu a. M.ln 13 U.

I Ily order oi (he hoard.I R. IlkfiKIt BRKJNTN'At.LRe KresldsfiLNOTtCid Nutio* is hereby given to all pArtles

Interesttil that th* c«rtinr*le vf aseeNsment uf (he whnle amount nf the cuets and expenses of ooniiructlng Maer inBIOJITKRNTK AVRNirK AND LHaUB

MTRKCT.has been dettvered to me aoeordlng to law. Bald ssMSjsmeni oumprUea all the lots, tracta and parcela of -land and r*al eetat* lying un bollf tldas of

ULLIE flTRBST,from fl*v*flte*nth evmue to Slghtaenth avenue.

! On lioth sides ofBiaHTBBNTH AVENUE,

from Lillis etrest to Royd fltreet.Th* itwners of land and reel eatat* aaseeaed In

sflid certlfloat* uf aseeiiment are hersby re­quired to lUkv the amount eo nweesed upon them and each of them reapectlvelya to m*. at ray vflics. No. 6 City Han, on or before May 4.Newark, N. J,. March 211, IBflA.

Wv r. C. kUHYON. Aollng CtomptroUer.

cen tra l r a ilr o a d o f n e w jmrbby-AftlbraoU* cowl need eieluafrsly, insuririg

fleaBUnsa* aad comfort. Tim* labl* In effect Dec. I, iblH.

Traiba leave Bri»ad and Ferry street etatlnni;For Fiainneld, fl.l6, 7.18, T.66. 8.8P. ii.fifl,

Id-06. 11.66 A. U.; 1.16. 1 Sd iLw aaturdaya enlv), 160, 1.66. 4.06, 4.40, 6.04. 6,64, 6.50, i t t , T.J6, 7-66, 8.40, jo.UA, ll.SR P. M. flun- ian . 7.IU, 9 45. 9.93, 11.39 A. 11.; UU, 2.35. 4.10. 3.4U. 7 DO. 9.25, 10.30 F. H.

Far Bomarvlllo, at 3.15, 7.11. 9.05, 11.35 A. M.; U9. 1.39, 1.00. 1.89. 4.iKl. 4.40. 3.04. i >4. 550. 9,20, T.K, 9.40, 10.09. 11.23 P. M. llunday, T..70, 2.03 A. M.; 1.10, 2.33, 4.10. 8.40, * 39. 19 20 F. H.

For FKBilnitoB. 7.15 9.09 A. H.i 1.15 4.05. 534 P. H. lunOlin. 4.10 P. "For etalloiis fo High l^ldge, ronn#ol1ng for

atatlotij on High ftrldgs Branch and Ijake Hn- ipatcotiy (A 16 eioept Lake Hcpiatcc>r >, a ,M.; 4.W P- M- Biindays (eacepl •ofig). 1.10 P. M.

HoEiai-Fnr stallons on Main Line New Jersey (*en-

tra) Division . E iet^ , Bethlehem, AllentownH 4 9'I T H4VI94 9PFP Will, D lllilflinii,Snd Hiuali Cliunk. 7.15 t.M, 11.13 A. V. tg -■tor, 1.18, wllh Buffat Parlor Car, 4.09 (Iiuf-

(•( Parlor Car), 9.30 (T.19 to Allrntown) P. U. luiiAapl 5 M.. to EAiiaii). 1.10. 6.40 P.. For Wlllualiarrt. Ptttiton and •crauton. * 03 A. M.. 1.19. 4.06 P. H. inufTot Parlor Car).For lunburTr, LawUiburf arul WilMamiportM ' W V " *■ “■

JfBWAHK AND ELJZAUETH BRANCH. Trslni lenv* Hroad flireet fllatlon for Ellia- beth and Hosell* at fl.l6. i.SA. BIliabethiMirt enir, 7.1$. 7.66, $.2|. Kltiabethjx^ only, 6.ta. fl.Ofl. |.|6. W.M, 13.86. 11.06, JLM A. M.;

8.II, 4.06. 4.40. 6.(M, 6.84. ' “ ■' |L» P, M-10.16, 11-16 A.

1.02. 6.40a 0.00.•.W.

M ; 1£arth Amkor, *19,. 513. 4.95 4.40. 9.0o, .

■uMaw, i.QI A M.; 4.10 P. k

SCSI S i n n Au* ABORT oHAi*snra, MKIt r m m tta*Fa*tur*i*a<n«Hrf-'J

iar*uor « f wt«dMnr* v*9W li>^

If you have Rwd M h u foe aaie* u rant. mo#. •he that your ad. U Ib th* NEWS. pMtIettthrly Mi Wednsedan h«d flaturdaina Astuat phM hfftn«« HRatrtaiB ovh lfl,04O » » day.

fl li, fl.83, •.$». II.U A.60, fl.ak i u p. u.

•undays. fl.Qfl A. If.: 4-10 P. k.^Ijor^^ntoB tuaeba i«U, ILU A. MLi 1.86,

For 'JLtlantlo Highlands vm Hatawaa, gU,

~ li.U' Aa Mot 1.66. 4.404da^^’ djM A,JkT>,. . Freebfild, AEt, 6.40 P. M.Fer Red Bank, Long Branch, Ooeati Orov*,

etc.. 6.S. 1ll5 A. 6U l .» . 4.U, 4.40, fl.20 P. ji. flimd^y^ excep; fo Ocean Oruve, V.06 A.

FOR LAKEWOOD.Ton''* Rleer, Uarnejsi Park and Bamegat.•.n A. M.i LU. 4.40 p. u.

Fur Vioeiand and ^dgsion, LU P. M*For Atlantia City, 1.66 P M.NEWARK AND NSW FORK.

From Broad and rerry dtreet fluiIom-At 6ID. F u , 4.1), 4.4U, 1.0U, T-Wt T.4U, H.Ofi, 6.2U.i-40. fl.ilo, 8.JU. fl.4fl, lo.uQ., 10.40. ii.uo, M-IO A. M.L ItOO H. a 1S.6U. 1.00, 1.80, 8.UU,

IM. f.UO, AlOd .00, 4-8< 4.BU4 6.U. S-81 6.R6.1.8 lU 6-81 6.R<

II-)2,miM I 'W.' T T »V g»7k :»rio .uJt.Rl p. K-i IS.Oi, 1140 night. Fundaya «,0U. T IM. 8.U0. fl.OU. tu.oo, ll.OU A. hf.; l l w M.; LOU, l.iU, a-VO. I.UO, 4.00, iaOU, fl.OO. fladO.h.uo, id.uo, 11.00, M.0U p. M- a . m.

S " ® lrtyfT|5............6 *>4 10.00. 10. 16, ii-oo.toT. ----- t . ------

LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.kfarkM fltvret fllntlon,

T.^1 A M- dally for Hsath chunk and IfiMr* mediate sfatlcns.

6.47 A- M. datlv for Oeneva, Rnchestsr. Buf­falo. Niagara Falls. Busi enshin ItHilge and tha West, and principal lix'al points, dining ear to Sus[>enstui) bnd|e. Pullman vestibule sleeper t* Chirsatj.

ILS A. M. dally for Maurh Cbunoh aad tn* termedixte (mints. Cijnnecdons fvr Rsadlng and Harrttiiurg.

LM P. Ml oBlly. except flunday, for Rlmlra end ell Inisrmediat* statlnn*. (Vinnecllnns fey Pottivlll* afid Reading; chair car to WUk**> bHrie

4-SB V- kf. dally, except flundav, for L. and R Judntlnti and rrlncipnl Intermedtats s(a> 'Ions; PutlmSh buffet imrlfir car to \V|]kcs< hart*: conn cihina f rr Pntlsvlllr

4 46 P. V dally, cxrrpt HUfirtsy. for floutk Plslnfleld and IntrrmedWil* stations.

6.47 P M. dally fnr Easloit and Intermsdialt Stallone.

58fl P M. dally Cflundayt fl-fil P If I fniJluffaln. Niagara Falle and all nolnte West,

ullman elcrt'cr, veedhnle train, New Turk ta Chlcggn. aleei irir |n Pnffnln snd Toninto, Con* hectlnne for needing end Harrisburg.

fl.RR 1* M dally. *n-enl rtunday fnr Iniermt* diale itiirl-'ne.k.2fl I* M. dally fnr Hhnca. Oeneva. Roch­ester, Puffnio. Nifigiira Kalis and el! points

watt, rullman elFcjifra to Thlcugo and Buf­falo. riialr I'Sf (n WIlKcaharre,TIchHs enJ T'nltnian NLCommnda(|*in* at

Pennsylvania Railroad 1>*pat and TU Broad etr el.

7^* New Vnrk Tranefee Cnmnany will cell fnr and check barrage fivtiK boiel or reaidenee thmugh {j desllnatlon


Ceimecting iralua leuve fuiiowst NEWARK AND i'ATTEKflONa

Leavs Newark for i'alerauu. o.;n>, 7.63. 6.4A 10.M A. U.; PAMi, 2.m. 8.47. 4.64t 6.00. U-OO. I.Sk, 8.07, lu.64 P. M., and 12.61 A. M. Ilundays, 6.88 A. M.; kSU, 8.40. 7-U7, fl.aa. lO.flfl P. M.Leave Pateraen f«w Newark. R.U. 618. fl-61. 7U. 7.46. fi.J44 0.06. lO.lfl. 11.82 A. U.. Llfl, 6 >4, I.IT, 4.U4 6 12, T.U. 8.61, 10.88 P. U. ««a- daya, fl.AS, b-U. lO.U A. M-; 1.80. 6-30, 7468, lO.U P. M.

NEWARK AND NEW YORK.Leave Newark. 6.06. 9.46, 7.26. T.fll 8,80.

I.4T, fl.aa. I0.4T A. M-; Ig-US, t.ll, a.Sfi. 4 01, 6.36, 0.66. 8.06, 0.32, 11.04 P. M. flundays, 7.24, li.Ub. 11.10 A. H., 2.06. 0.06. AM. 1L04 P. M.

Ijsavs New York (Chambera atreeth 6-4&a LlA (l.oT. 6.S2. n.HO A. M.; h Llo, 2.U0. 8.16, 4.22; 6-Ou, 623, 6.03. fl.33. T.fifi. lO.UU, 13.00 P, U. Ilundiye. O.Oo A. U.l 1-00. I.lf, fl.6U. 6.00, U.oil P. M. h ilundaya only.Day ext raae uavpi Newark, 1.44 A. M. OqBundays, 7.24 A. M. Vestlhnle limited Mkvei Nea-ark, 1.41 P. M. iunrtaya 2.08 F. m, I'j'tnil Trunk Exi>re*e Icavea Newark, fl-V P. M Bundaya, A40 P. M. Chicngti Expr*** leavs* Newark, AOT V. M. Hundays. 6.36 P. H.For llckets, baggage checks, sleetilng car le* oallun, time tables, call at tbs City Ticket Offies, Market Mr«*t Ttleohune 66. ef ai elation.

LTONINDTON LINE-Iaald# rout# to Boetoa and the Kaet, aU faree reduoefl. tUMMnerp leave New Pier 68, North River, atfl P. AL daily, ex* espt Punday

B.kU. O.UD,I LID A. iCi MaL lltao, LW. LU. 3.00. 1.30. 3.00, 3;%, 4.W. i.5i. VlU. 5.W, 599.550, 505 i.O : 545 7.0a 7.20, 7.49. 3.30, 9.H0,


too l-.' S f '11.00 A.

7-00.l.UU,B.od, i.oo, ioTiS. li.W A. f e l 5 ,o o M.; loo. 503. O.OOTB'OQi 500, MO, T.OO. 500. O.IV. lp.00, 11,00, liuo P. M.FOR piiiL i d b u >h ia . baltim org and

WAIUlNaTON, RotAL SU1B LIN*, „ F<» Mlla^iphta ^anA Trentoh, .7._j6,



H E A O A C H L« vk A2«ikt4fj>3t« ikkku TTaaniuaiwM.; LeT 3.U. 6.04. 6.U, L . l.ti. li.iA Aa M.; i u , ^«L d-W . .For Chattanooga, ifsw Orleans and all polnraiouth with ihrougb vesll^lcd eleeusr* via

htnandoal| VjUl*y Lina, at l-6i P. fluti-^fotigh U^eta to all principal points at Mr*

•ft rale* ar* oa aal« at Broad flirw BUMoa.a, p4 BALDWIN, 0*0. PasoMucer AgeeL

i, M. OUIAUBBS7kQflOk VHOUtalflBUBflk



T U S n ioT T ii iiAR»olVi"?^ara net', Mio.i.t writri: "1 JiavubflflB troubled wtth a terrlhie heaciaflaa for about two yrart ami coald uobErl anyihlDg to heli,» me* bat at

•t a frlond a<IT1 ed iub to fok« y(»ur BPitDOCK Blood Brmiifl,

which 1 did, and after Ufrlnjt two w t w l M ^ M t


NKWAllK E V E N I N G N E W S . T U E S D A Y . M A R C H1896.


Nh. **T»

COSMBCTlfl'T I’ ABKHl'**'*'.

(tlrtd(epor(■ la ■*. itf**W m IU»U« ««*

14I» Wm ThrMt»i»*l-. w^or* Vlf.-Ch«nr.nor O w n In the | Moiirw, !«• ^ « .

liuvnl. WM l>f*''n- F“ ''_

H ... H. W. J » « « ' “ *• **“uii Nln ]• • H»"*

(Ponn.) I)l»P»tch to N«w York Htrnlrt.)

Th. humiMirC lkL (iMik of

b r i a r p i p eG I V E N A W A Y


tb* K*rlr ji

r .m ln Iraprov.iiiPiit. ot

1 « ’h . Ivin., nvoditd ■ .™ok1n«dmM . .nd ihf dfl.nil.iii WM iby „ .k .n .to r T»rhun.. Ch.rlM S^drlnkln* h.r«l cU.r *"•{

r^i. rllT. w .« .l« . nlpM. I I ' .nnounf.d that h« w mon«i,County, .nd Frcl^rh- 'MW** » " " > » ‘ l*»Monotont^^ b . I N -

ty. «nd th. d.tond.Dl 1. * N I d w l.r . In 8>»Pn'J'Ti^ltrtl Ib .t thebrok.r.

Th. pUlntlir. hill . roupl. w .r . m .rrlrf on K.hru.ry by Smith Kly, Jr„ Ih.n Tort City. Soon »rt.r marrla*.. th. Blalniiir Mwrted, iht hu.t«*nd d .v .t o i^ r diMiMiakir »nd virloui t^ini^r »nd bruiAl

m January, ifeo, It w " . ' ” '';

■.rthurtud" w .r . "T o t" 'Th* l..t-n»ro*d 1. r . l .t .o r«ild«nta of

•truok h*r In i«r biAJk wUh

“ """Uu " b ” ‘ inftu'n'tUi ‘ ” «V dint. of ^ h .

? :‘rr;in‘ " t o T d r ^ ^ u " l . r : hut the rl.r«yin .n d.tarmln.d to •“

roar I Ion In U1. favor iitne, *• 't

I .V tV \ V / E f f y


bokleO P

A Da.lln. In l ‘ r l « » linrlaiTradlnc. and »• <rk"t ,

aA .dy at »l Id-day.NFW YOIIK. Manh W -8 toek i durlnn

th^^rat hoor- of - . I n v . . to-day w *.- I .om .what Im-Kolar, and ther. wa. pr«_

W h at He Says About M edicine and Cures.


. . . f . II. aril Ih.' litt'rrnullunBl aharai and A,uhrarlT. t 'oa ln a A dl.poaitljn wa.

i mamf«,ed i.y « ; ‘- ‘",rt?or~)^-iv‘ :I b «n playlntt for a turnI aialn ta.t the market

r«*ntlyThey » W rath'T

fM lv 'tha ii’ of l » l ' »"'* •ndMvori-<l | wort a mtl* heart.h Mntlm*nt on 1

th . cooiln*ued atreiifth of iterlln* .*•tT .y ^ ’ r . - ' T r V . r

rana^l from k, to t l»r cent. Datawareit,rt 7 lud«m Ml S

H« T«lls Wilt He Considers lie Best ot Ml Medicines.

n umhr.lla, k would t>a aU the - - j^ k l i K ’ihi'umloTdl* by th . fore, o f th. ^h . ill.p lM d h lm .eh „uiblow iifiio“ that ha *ol a tun and thrwal- di,«m bred. On. dark nl».hj._he_ .pnt nuc

u ‘ ;M'hrt*ht'y.,iJ|j^ht»lt'haf UrMtluantli

S ■ w f c - J A r w . r s ,M !; "S S ’St'aS " . " w T euVU' K lff....” “ S I “ “ “ .f" ff ,,r suC d io 'c h o ^ hla wife at tha H ot.l Nor- 1 , ( „ „ ! hlmaelf with a atop watch

■ 'f i lh i ISt-wM nl^d^■he defendant denied ■ U ' w m ' * l-‘ “ " ^ , \‘* 5 ‘ 'e,‘ n S i t ” hi. ‘w "^ T h ’o* ..'.“ “tl 'd W e p i ““o¥ t?.*! i f h

chaffM ie« further atleaed that ■ with on. ahM In aarjt hallofiT ir'iW rm m . Ha (arth.r a llet 'd rtat ■ with on. .n o . in ™ ‘ ^ convinced SlJl rmval WM auhject to d.ltiilon. which . bad H.t.ned for a th»™TreTii-Jv that aha waa W in * ; hima.lf that all w m wall a,"'' tn p in.™

ihr rav.llcri,, tno cr^pt

uio« whrn

D U K E S M I X T U R Efor cen(-s

I tvety pipe sl-^mpedD U K E S m i x t u r e o r

go.p P ack A f*"'"

T here le One Rem edy W h ich He

K n ow s W ill Do A ll It C lsim e.

T h w o a re w h at peo-

Notice is hereby given that au election will lie held in the several election districts of the

i p l e demand in t ^ r c o u n ty p f E s s e x o u T u e s d a y , ( I domestic surroundings th e n in t h d a y o f A p r i l , A . U ,

T h is d em a n d„ eighteen hundred and ninety-

thc same time and

^ MV ' ind“rwov.riHi io 8*ti bid. SugarK'eDt._

' ’ " " ‘llQ olSSM ri^eht about k ..ncral

A doctor*, .vid.nca ran.rdla* medlelne. and diMaaa la alway* c in.ld.rad tha au-ihorltt. Evarr coo rt In tUa world hta

Worrawnp ](gupplyin a Way that five, at the same time an JdCltdEuC j I gives full satisfaction, places provided, nxea anu ■n p,vji:^(»bothasto quality and tlesignated for the holding of DHluDllllj fin price. municipal, charter or

— — special elections of the citiesand several townships andr,

o in « a / 'K lw t r t ‘to W ^ 'h l^ ^ 0 « 'o dance. TharalOfi « h u »>• “ 1*

J vV.Minklar.of Hath, N. H-. . » « « « !vlllc to MT.. At mid-day maraa. ^‘ ’Y v ?rt yTcKlid » “ i 'lc more till, aft.r- ' ;tii doctor, .nil mtallcinM h.n i r . V ‘ . . la . <0 r « 8 « (or him till h.Nand

.■:',ri''''^vr:-'''’T j ;r r d "= : ’y 't. . ..

I odkI1 cnItfl. Ka

to bellav. .h it .h . w a. W in * , h ^ . lM h a l . » w m „ „ tJ "n"o"n '.lirfoTI"ouval aMiTled that I*, waa not In r^

ealpt of a larga lncom.,a» hi. wlf* rlalm.d^to th . .nt ha w m iuhjeclad I® *f Ka wita'a hand. hi. hwillh_WM ItnpMr'd;h i. wlta‘ . hand, hiM ,i"A m .fida Llmln*. a form .r Mrvanl

f th* nuVftiB. tMUflK*

lull of heatliig. rnwiv* ' at h.r hu_«.rTiVfhYpM l-?.y hrul I «rtBuid '. handa.■, nanoa. Or on . S^rYlMkDuvBl. th* w U n « *^d. K*rt a *yc. *Ad WM oomi»*U*d U» r^m*in In »>«•'^rnm’'Vun.MWMkdau^•allod at tha Ivutral IIW.

hoard th. d .f.n d .n t c .l l hi. wif_a■O in . uaicii-...-' -T-- -V“ TllDStl— K n"*C ounM llv l«iS lY h . broke down and under hi.

h i. wire naimrii, 1 up to a window that h vssrtSVanVJYfiM «Lf"i;5.ii'o:,-‘'L« ?L'.•''jrn’;!?; Yr•sr.'tr.r’ .rtS'r*“.r.

r o l l w ih iio w ii .tARIhU ______aad t'laaota* the Fanaa

llloh * ...A.t nlaa*iir« ^

oral member, ot hi. ruimiy drinking rider. ,

"One of them W.J *0 r'oM f® in._w>odow D*n*

VvVii" 1 w** wav^rln* th*X X eV: .y*lf'l'il5"uJo"n

the t.hle."It WM

drtnklnt were nothere In the cold

l.lH tln tUw.lllnr.

From the DooonUor and . ..IfnMjruuTto 0001101111*0 In

rtcllon wh.B bulldlnf U® ‘‘ omo, lot It not ho on th* wlndoww Ther* 1» nothin*

roniiideraido .trenglh, oiid IhH ibe .eUlti* I® tha oonoral U*t.

£.1. r L . l i to l l 't whfl* tha bond.W r o v r f^ a ^ h ? r e from %lo 1% por cent. I^ cM ^ n lfa recovered to iMSi and J.rMy clntrn" m 97, In the r .ll’ v«/jl»tM anha l- V.r? rlniivl to 101U, New England to yforthwe.1 to »ll»,^lur'ln*t®n to W t, Rm-k itiattrl In 04V ^wiuehaun. and W ..tern ' V ii-iS m and MLaouri Paclflc to K ! ' T^haS feH J per cent., to Mlk- Bu.l-

WM N^n” mean. a . ai tlv . a j yaeter-SryVr f c e h.vln| amorefrom

'.*ny ptr^oTth^to* f » ‘ t o fZ r . n I V e l o l an*dW*ll-OOP»v™Ck^ •••,,------ ■■■ 1 bo window i. th . *yo o f _ f ;


M a bright, boauttfBl *y* In * “ “ i " ^ m - In* mako* oven a howolx

a. awful in M* inoaa men 1 " ^ boaUlKlil wlnoow boautlfj lb*and laughing Ju.l M If fber? anllre bouaa, how*T*r hambl* it* oon-

.•rrlatlarrHIglon. I lay creuc^ed " « " u „ “ "Y|,3“; 'b , i a o r . irr ‘nS ^ 'b *th* cold waichinf i !!..*« .^ a tn th* n*tl*Dce %htm ll*bt* o f

Sr* of q— lion*.,Ura M._ J .reella Iiowta.• in , Duvall, IMtlflad that Mr»_ Duvai *;t MIB* to h«r huBtiintl

. RITrt* would b a r . to V '. Y oY th ion'^aooount oThlTcruel troatm.m. .nd rt" SaJSdrtlh th* w ltnej. ( O ' 3' M r Duval Mot a not*, th* wttna**^ .am-y*d With tha wltne*. tor _ ' Duval Mot a nou

i , ordetlns her not to hi M th* M'

Duval,arbor Mr*. I 'n '- - . M“ thiTatl*r WM inaan*. She& l S l i S ^ V ^ f V 1 S S ! ! . « " a “ •wit*, and that up In h*t room.

1 ^ 0 wltn*** al»o


ant on*,' I WM doing my duty ter ot the Oo»pel, maak My

?.v.’’75 trw r;n C “" -d.'ji'^-

9K Utherein th* cold watenma v n r ^ t h * patience tnom 'k * * '" '"L"*. t.'LV' i‘ wM doing my duty M a mini.- that are fn l^ fS : ,T X d o w , l « 1. v*?y chaap. a -S th*

low «.t priced hoOM oo*ht to h*T* at

thework, and wi I had f®,**® !V,_ .unullar d^ On account ot .Mr. Jon*. . l««ul ar <!►t.^vrmThUYh.'u^undly'd.nouncedlly the re.ld*nu of tha place, who lay that Dr, farkhurat never

utd »h* aaw »tn *aev*rtng Oh the mirror* and ! g i i In thTOuval rooma which reflect- I en Ml*. Duval’* character.

p R S i2 ® . r a SV mtd rokhlnF at

Aoro** Ih* ■boulder* with the b?I!klng IL N**t h . got a revolver and

It Wiri broken In two pleoe*.

ho eay went around

S ; ? * " 5 a f t - ”.Jone*. and declare that they ” Wh*?. Huu‘ ?rm . up for trial ‘ h . *r«t^

Cu*mn*lU o f^ m d g e i^ t .Sheriff I^enelon end Proeecutlng& ■ wEin^InrYfmcVrijSj Tamhoui"!!!? aVvin'f'or'rtmcthlng to

U M U h. h ii? doobl. thick window flM . la iu window* eU oter U *

Thl. M economy, too, beoauM*r tbloknotw liirti^ T “ '*.'YPlfrJ5*Boor hrfi&kMe. Id ih* lower or fl™« n w room*, except the kUchen, miebtb* atforded P®'*®"* ® ( '“ ‘ ‘ j f mrana Tk®y « • ®o “ **andwltb»l 10 bright and r io b -lo ^ o f, that no on® can r*fr®t •rhe coat of* glM® I® not * 1 * ^ Th® Fretwh and domoitic glam®. • " (* ’ * *t“ * In prill®, at tbi. writing, and while ihort i. adlffereno* In lb® two hlnda *( *■ maUrial oon.eqaeno®, and only an e i— l #imn delect It. I ou could not. The Amen-

l iS V lU i. o fa iU v .ry whlU tmlor,

li*were''ia,HJ*ll»l^l »nd M.Ml udllaled.a'SIrt a ?w k ?if 7 * .^ r iT T ort m .r-

C jn /S iv .n below. The nuotatlon. ahow nnfnin* and clo.log and th* hlghMl

iVd iM re.‘ p?rc*. rV.'hcd by IbjMCurl- ♦ul lilted. The quotation* ure wmw Yurh Exchaiipt* and er* report^ to Jf v y w E through William Unit Allan

TiSck brSkar*. «I0 itraatfltate Bwik BulldlQC. tble cltTa

upan* iUsh Lnw® CJo^Inf.

n. J. Caotral............. *

b«tr .m cd y ln th. world for Mlhui.and .ll dlMawaol tha n.rvm and blood. Boa.1 Ih. doctor’e cooeieolftf wurdti

- I had lb . ..ih iM ,” h . Mid. “ th. worttof any man I .v .r beard of that Hrwl. I bar. paid out mot* than S '* hundred dollar, fur medicine, without »v.r rMeivlng th . .IlghtMt

***“ [ Y*» obllgwl to 1«T . N.w York heoaoM ! could not UVB there, and ■ ' “ * ihlnkiBlU might help m.. but U did — . I w M iobrton I did not Mpm t to llvj- 1 would com. upon to. loddeuly. 1. m . “ '®*’ ' couTarMllne, end alop me In'taiilly. M quick I u though I lutd dropped dial.

r « To-Sercew



Mr. •Th* Two

— 1) , you th. bhap.,from llridg'port 1ha“ »t»r.ucutlng ’MOM’ HulIT’ demanded

Colllat la a Naw Flay. gl.t*t* *’ aw* « l le .

William Collier, a comedian whoa* method* ar* quaint and queer. oopportM by a oompany of “ PeP*®, P'*>'*''i,„ piared In "On* of the B®>.®- *K. B Kidder, al Miner* Theatre la.t night. Th* author ha. evidently **t about to wrll* a work within the line, of i r ^ m l y . and while he hM p r ^ u ^ a pWy Kunewhal meagre In *f® and familiar In It. plot, ha* d * ^ l® ^ Mveral character® that ar* lnte««tlng. Th* action 1* confined to a country vll-SSi, rtd much of the "e l^ r 'M ?" c K STtil* *0."*. ar.- »mu.lng,. Mr. Collier

m.V.'"wifh naturalpudue toih t l* th* foreign i» “ " t “ “ *•with co*l. Put lid* by "Id*, no dlffi

:S,lll‘ t 7"y to'Ho .0 ® "'>,,‘ :V \ T e- |)if kmon ple. whU h ,ihey

‘ereaoell 'it X n k lM rt 'lia Ym ention IS*m l ^ n p for lb* guidanc® o f »mal*nr •"> “ that they in»y “ ®( ^ i°*£ ^llerlug that th® foreign gl®»* I® the and the more eipenvlv* bMau.®

A e o f glM* U m muchdeaervlng o f oar* a* a plolure, and It U M eMlIyiuJnred at the band, o f a carel*.* clcanm, Nowmlay® pw ple who can

Dak. hhor.Mlrlilg.n Cenlral.

V. C•Bt^a .....■A1eH..Tn.*H• Fi. C ..a A ......Chicago A N. W.: C.,111. * Pac ., llliuol. Cenlral... HlHouri Pecltlc.. DouiavlID ANaah... Union PeclSe. Pacific Mall." We'iern Unlofc, Mauhattan...,,M. V .* S 'h u g ., jjo.. Kan. A le»a«N. Y . D E .* t '

iiJth........... . %

... : S S 3OnUrlo* WMiern. .. m U I'*c. .. Web., BV h. * Pae- Pr }*»

1 l)i|K Hfnion p**'* ,.e ' ^nrw nce of the imueed vUlxffer*T^li experience mede tfie whrkAwi skmv vnt Into th* 1*0 0 IT\ whlcn he<l

TSL (urnl.hlng him. It 1. aald, with 15S? mUk .n i vegftablM far from fr«h .

it employ th* rem Ur oODoerai which make ®.

■■ •tv' pnJMW*.a»' --- Im im m AM tn keeDlns hi* eudlence in jfOw humor, and at time* allrred j i fa mi.ulned pitch by approy_M ^m.thodaThera I. a' Mrtou*".lory' behind ajl fuMiaklng, In tha dev^pment ^ *dlch the aervlee* of *010* *®®4 ,Sri®'?

SiamYrwVSSafw*r« the oeuee of much leusmer. wr.llKkerD M the V l l^ e smith, M a d'ummei^ M M P-arl. " ach.mlng wife ot Fanning, the

Mr. th*

artlel-echemlns wue oi rwnHSMsi. ,,villain Uneereometed by Mr, Cenflt'ln, ■il oiavei r t e lr ^ r t * with Intelligence and ^ ' * ’ ' ' “ - - ' - - 1 o ^ e B oy." will b* given all

It U to be followed neat week

“ " iV m 'l t r n t the ring.aud flfihtlngjor

Iflther the demon rum will down me or 1 _iii .yienBiin* thfi* AsifTion ruKii. eiiid I h*ve howill 'On*"’ the d'mon ™>Jh

builnma The oo*t varie. mmordlng to the number and oharaoter o f window* tobe oired tor. It rw h ® . in eom* “ high H »1 6 ind » » a month. But It 1. eMnomlctl where fine, coetly are oonoemed, beoaUM tb®,®»l"rt “ doe* tb* work perfeoUy, while the " jv r t tia .p t to breakTclean the g1a«, beeldea whloh he o® ®S® « apt to fall Dom a window and make an unpleawnt lantatlou.

■fo clean a wrtndow team. ■ ilmple opetarHon. It la, too, but on* mu.t know how ^do th* work, A cloudy day ulhe^^beet

leek of oonndetice*"aoTo‘ oV ’lhe member, o f h i. 'e m f" ;® - tlon have rMlgned ®" • f ’®” "* YhSy .ay ;hYYY'l»l.''t®? M?e » u i . b jY ra » (-S;*o*uW oS?JY nd

nnVhea On th. other a few or tne S?ej\h7 member* My that thla la one way i‘iL ._T ~ ii.ton and they ar* d»-

T . iM Pacific.Sorthern I'nclflc....... 'Sorihern Pacific pr- - • Amer.C*l- D ll ..- "Amor. Uoiloo Oil pc-■ • North . .. .O lilca .oO a................ 'U. B,Cordage Amer. Bug. H*f- *®--Natl. Iwad................. "Baeq. A Weliern ...... jSniq. * Wellernpr... 1Cbuap. A Ohio...........D.C. F....................... 'Bay Sut* Oae...........11*0. Biectrtc..............B. .............................«. R. p r .,..................T .C .I . .........................A .M .T ..............................................


B ook-C u e slaif a*M n

famylH t*ei«M «t.n i* eh.,Hlld*ik, *0 11. high, M 1 1 gilIn . D it tU a .ty nM M aid*; weith lii.e*. Tour ch*l» n gay M tkM* •aivM

pa. J. W. HlggLES.


MM Mr.

ch le .ge Oral* and ProTl.lon Markat. Th* following UbI* give* th* rang* of

price* on the Chicago ProvDlon M d Qr^n

tlm U to "do "til® oliiuilng, or »d a y that 1. clear and dry, ®o that th* lun doe® not

Eiehangn to-day, m reported by. _ .ew* a.w,..v.lem*e« mAYTlIfi Q24‘d26

10 work for religion.

{y*ll7*HaiTig®n and hi* company- »an ThoDtnman

Ryar'i playloW* •The ¥ Soi t JacoW i Theatre lael ."NJ’ *- mut Hlrxni PwP^T'i B»rk*r **mSflMfren. J. B. R k^ln In a number of cbaraoier*. MIm Henrietta vtta B«rv*r a* Ihc *l*tar*, and Ml** Kmiiy ■tow* dlJ much

???s. *.3?e ‘5 ;u r T p &muiloal event* thatand were more than well r«c«lvM- « e i « week Palmer Oog'a "Brownie* wilt b*^Waldhnanri'* Opera Houa* ®ffrr?,,f,® J * ' traction thl. week In the Hom HUI Rn- viirt Folly Company. The fun i . atarted S S th . ^Art?£t of the F rtlr .," Intro-

i*nrlned to inoport him th. ealatano* oi the paator la on

A *truggle for


S*w a CarioQBLevar* Ewaped Ir®”Crowd In K en.*. City.

From the Kanm . City Time..A marriage In the Inky derknee* o f a

vault 11 Mimethlng dKldedly unique, but that 1. the Kirt o f a w Hiding that oc­curred In the Courthouae yesterday mom-

iirik* th . g u S : *nd whloh would o . ^ it to dry in itreakv Clean, Kift water In abunibnee, plenty » f PMtTM. *nd X laalbor or ohamoi* tkiD am necemary. WMh ‘ h* window, down quickly, Iwldo and out, and d w with the raga Begin Iniloe. Oni.h outald*. Bom* people B.e tb* iMther (or wMh ng with, A lliU* emmoola lu the water 1. helpful wber* there I* .m oke, but b« careful not

Holland * Co., brok*!®. room, vrudentlal DuUdlng:

0|»i. High- '•“F"

iM if.Wheat - July..........

■ » h ...............

IWMeat. aat. lag.

Cm I tM.y

„ Corn..YJuly.......Some I Cart.......

SKg laW t


“ SometlmasI would be take* with .lr.n- gUnglnbed.aud had a window fiiad m that I conid touch a spring »nd throw It o^ n quickly to put mr head out to bnalbe. On. day a friend a«ked me to try Dr. 0 “ ®** Nervura blood and o.rve remedy. I dW*^ and It helped me. I continued oelng ID an® after taking two noltle* wa. completely cure®, an I have had no return of it elnce.

“ Ten tbouMiid dollar, would not tempt m. to rot urn bo th. nondlilon I wm In bofor* tak­ing Dr. flmen.'. Nervuiw blood and n.rve rtmedy. If 1 could got no more of that wonder fnl medicina it .avid my IH^ and I don know bow 11 U poaeible for mortal im o to give a .tmnger uilimonUt than Ibla i wUl gUdli auBwer iny qOMtlon. re g »r fl« “ f iMnMll*nedlh*tI)r.Or*oo.'i Norvnra b l(^ and » r v o reraady 1. tb. m et reB*tk»blo mwlloltw In eilaleno.."

Mr. Charle. ChtliU, one ot th . loading ollt- w r .o t Bath,N.M.,My.; „ „

“ I WM aware of Dr. J. W. MInkler'i eandt- Uon from lothma. and of hi* wonderful cur* by Dr. Qreena’e Nervur. blood and nerr* r.m-

Every on. know, tbit Dr. tireen*'. Nervura blood .ml narv" lemrty give* health *nd .irength to .11 who u » It Everybody nert. a spring tnnlo a-d reetoratlre, and th . U t ^ bnt .ptlng medicine In the world. Convince

b orou g h s o f the cou n ty o f SiDEBOUD E ssex to determ ine upon the

(Xjb.niL) acceptance o r re jection o f an Soli* dak, • ft act o f the L eg islature o f the

3}f,L?tS;-,:M?i Slate o f N ew Jersey, entitled ; ‘t J?* ."imiS “ A n A c t to E stablish P ublic r , :^ r park s in ce r ta in C ounties m

T h is State and to R egu la teMortk 41S.00. the Same.

The question to be su^mitted to the voters of this county at such election is briefly the establishment in this county of a public park or parks and authorizing the issue of the bonds of the county to defray the expense thereof to an amount not ex­ceeding two million five hun­dred thousand dollars.

The ballots, “ For the New Park Bill," or “ Against the New Park Bill,” shall be cast separate and distinct from other ballots used at the elec­tion, and these ballots, how­ever, shall be dejwfited when offered without being enclosed in an envelope by any legal voter in the ballot boxes used at such election of public officers, and all ballots so cast for the acceptance or rejection of this act shall be counted and the result thereof re­turned by the election officers holding such election.

C e s t e sT u l e s

«Mrt'.M , tee II ; wwtkSs-i


48c.C a s h o r C r e d i t ,

■nS Yen* m oney baok, If y « « w «n t M T* k T tk* fmlfkt uywtora 11 th. State.

Ou WU»M S®“ 7 « l«*««fM«® ■ » « « « ■ » *

Thl. nolle* le given In pareuano* to ®n »ei of th* DefliUlore ot tb* State of New Jej**y, entitled " An Act tn KaUhlleh Pnbllo Puk. In Certein Coqnile* In TkU StM* uid t® Reg- nlite th* Herne," .pproved Much A MM.

Dated Erne* County Clerk’. Ofllo*, Newuk, March IS, MM


O K I N N E R& T m R Y v

IM Jl 1

ton iv lf by trying It.It !• uot * hnl th«


to g*t loo inuob in tbk wat®r» m It will In- ]uM thx paint A wet day 1* bad for

biw.nnrt. » o orttte t; Crawford and iiMjinlnK blackface coTnodlan*. lb* tiffi""iraltalor. J. H*rb4»ri Mack; the WMflhbum 8l*l*r»i Morton and Et'koff, with muxical •election*, and I* rank hmer-

Tn’-ckkina’* Trariiocemlo Speelaliy Company -will be Men- __________

Kellctt t’emmlMed Without B.IDOeorge Kellett. who pleaded guilty yeiter

. .— Vrermet Polio* Coort,itey at tk* Second Precinct N eW k , tn robbing hi* mnther cl clolbing and who wa* Idtnlllletl by UlBcer Feeler, o( Harheon, a. the niaa wko abut him a ihiirt time tgo wheu he tried to arreit the maa for ID attunpt to oommit burglary, w .i haoiW ovtr to tb. Harnwin p o li» hurt night. Whan arrM iud before J u .t i« Ia " le». In ‘ ®« Har- rltou oourk tb* priumer (lemandol an « i •muatlon ami requeeted that Wi mother and aa old woman who lived lu tb* imne ^ute b* tent for. Tb* eanoilnauon wm Ht down for to-day, but nelthor of the women *p- «arad. David Riordau alw Identifled K.l Ctt aa th® Harrteoo burglar, K.llett wa« oommltted without bail to awMt tke actio* of th* Orend Jury. __________

IngeAbout 11 o ’clock a flue-looking young

man and two decidedly good-looking an® .ivllahly dreced young women enterwl the R«>corder of Deede' office and *«k«I (or a marriage llcenie. n'>’| o " ' lo WlUlnm I>avy and Viola Roderick. They *ald thiil Ihe marriage w«* to be a iurpflw and requeelcMl that nolhlfi)? he ratfl ai*out the granUtig of Thert Ihey coneuHed together and flnHlly uked If ihey could be married right ther*. Recorder yueal haitened lo th© telephone and called up JuitU-e Kbert. Hefora th© Juatico arrived word had paxaed around that a wedding wae lo occur and th* rmm waa filled with uninvited gue.te. The groom did not rell.h thl., neither did the brWe, neither did the It'lde ® •‘•‘ ''-.• h ® wae of the party, Th* door to the large vault where the record. «re kept »tood In­vitingly open and the groom »nk •

"Det’e atep in here, and the

wlndowcleanlDg; a frosty on. I. worM.It li Important to dual window, well

every day alter eweeping the room, dull­ing not only th* gUte, but alao all p .rt. of the window. Toie U eapecially neoeeMry IB winter, when coal duet and gM are m bad. Qm cover, tb* g la « over wHb » denM B lm lna »bort lime. It U not a nleaiuist tuk, cleaning windowt in winter lima and b*i»a by e**rcialng cart and careiully duiliug olT Ibe glan each (Uy WMbIng will not n»«d to be mi frequently done aa it otherwl®® would.

AoroDO. of thla aubjeot, te olean mirrorv, flrat.pong® them Iree from^d^t, dry with a K>tl olotb, and

cmh... May... Ciuta.. Ml' Cm^

T 01M as u » T W etc

HarrlMD »ad Kearay.To-day I* a bu«y dyr among tho ean-dM among t

dldatea'for charter oflfoer. of both Har_ r t » o and Kearny. To-nlghl prlma.rleaI both towna.wili be held liy both partlo*Among the Democr.ti te Harrteon there

Hon of tb* moet .ueceeirul living apeclalUl In curing n.n-ou. and ehionlo diM*»w. Ur. Oreene, of aS We»t JUh it.. New York a ty . He hM th* large.l practice In the world, amt tU* grand medical dlecovary I* the reeull orhi. tu t eiperlenoe. ’The great reputation ofDr. Own* I. a guarantee thet bla medicine will cure, and th. fact that be lulled by any on* at any lime, free of char**, nereooallr or by letter, give* aheoluH a i« r - anc* of th* beneficial action of thia wonder- fal m©dirln©e


tLlt'ATOBS FOU STOA£S tKD FiCTOKISX Eteam Ingte**, Qoarte*. ShaflUte

UeflgeT*i PaHayik Kto. itpvrii>§ FiteAtpWy AtlftiM Pa

c m a d v e r t m e h e k t "-

rllART£B KLlSCTlON. IflW- LHAKTXan NKWARK.NotIn of revtelon an® TOrrectloo of regwirT

and charttT ©l©ctlc«ii ■■••rilPablle notice le 'wr'fi®.*'™ ,**'I,'VuSB w d . of Baglllnr lo M® f « th* WVtnU w aad dUirtPU o( th* ’City of

IT w m wt ih* •*t*ral pla«a hmlnatur“ " “ ' “ ’•n-EgDAT. APRIL A ,at 7 o'clock tn the raornlnf. and reoiun ra iHob intn V o’clock in the • « “ l ^«r Mvikiii knd eorr*cUn« iMirfiawT

fi tni T Rillmd Piiti, Itfirt ^ i-

£r^h:^ur•i!.^s^KVTddl«the namea an® reildwicu of all per»oM

tb*m In p*Tw>n» or *nsm «• wiv*;** .air-lavll of a Wgal, v « « of e ^ d t e r t . ^the name of any peteoe who. after a Wrtunlty to be hJ[rS!’^ teir^ ita :M nrt Jo t e jo - titled to vote therein by reaeon of non-r*#ia*no*

win be very little ollr at any o f the mill ter Dlacee In regard to cholco* tor A id « ing p _c _ . , T fu ,(e „ eioept In tb

dl-man or Brhool Truateee, eiM pt .

--• ■ where there are two eandld-Aider’man’'and three for Trueiee®.

For Overseer ®f *b ' Poor there ®,r® jw® candtealci, John Millet, the preient Ove^ ‘4e"rtend John Mellon,


hrlixlparty entered the vauit. It wa* hrllllanilytig ■tehfed and flllHi with the dull odor of

** ............«*»••• • lanceil abuul,

wiiii a so*i oiwvii* »i*M wh«o phrfwtly dfy rub tt Util© powdwBd blue over tb« i(laM, afterward iwliahlng U With • >ofl old aiik handketcutef. Son. newB|>apcri wil an •wer in lion of tbi Mlk. Dtolb will leave

" "to prevent Iroet ft-om forming on your window, la cold w e.lber apply % very thin coating of glycerine lo tne g lm . Thlil«e.peoiaIl> nsetel to merohani. for rtow window®. . . . . . .v .

To prevent rtoUgbt from enteripg thewindowt-deilraWe »oiii*tlraea, M te the. . .u o f .icknete—mia one ounce cl

the' pcalllon.- The only ward where there will ^ a ripple ot excitement among the

the Third.. Where there Me

STOCK BROKERS.DnyuaiMt Iknii, B*®®* »®J DrM® eo New


B t e ,e ? « y .“ he '. " . lU r r r ih V rihe-forD®>*er report* notwlth-S .^ ^ 1 u '¥ je .» e ; f r t .^ ® r ^aiMnniriB. »ii ivrMinj -w- — -aanlrant. for committee honor® are work- in® like beaver., .nd the Republican prl- eperted to be lively and well

Y*rk XisbanfM aad CbloAj Ud-sed •lUsar iMCiiiXdroa taarfla.

1 110 BROAD 8T.,

•r ttaiIi

C(ttt©naif*tat) Baax Ball 11a t>TtlOpboM IWO N*Wk Nawark !*-•?>

mart©* ar«'” vvhUe ’th* CpnMlldaled T ^U on ^ C om

iiowdeted gum tragacanlh te th® w®U beaten white® o f «ig ejg®, ®nd apply.

Mliwr Vnttra N^w*.Albert Morrla. o f M Harclay •t™**-, » * »

arreited thli morning by Olllcer Martin, of ftaTrourth Precinct, on a warrant .worn out by bl« ei.ter, Julia .Morrte. who m - aerl® that on Sunday her hrolher c*me hime and threw hi. mother nut of the houie uied threatening language to the real of the family and vrua very abuj^t'*' to all handa Morrli will have a licring

Jame* lloegrnve, of J41 * i-ntralhrt been ouTof Ja'H only a few day. when hte brother John had him arreeted again

mufty record*. The bride glanced abcul, friahtened •erwm and .mlled ewectly. The groom, evidently a brave man, w a. n®' “ u " - " 0 0 . . . t h e JuMU-e. who fumbled to get from hte pocket a paiier upon which he had written the wonla of a aimn 0 mar- riejio c*r©nioi)y. Tli© door waa ©yUl aoft- ly uehlnd the p.rty an® the wedding wae w-reeneid from curlou* eye..

Th* Ju.tlce wa* gctllng along fairly well, and had Jn.t rcaclmd that part of tho ceremony whore he aeked the couple to Join hand*, when .mnethlng hupuenod. One o f the clerk, hail slipped Ui the ewltchho.rd »nd turned oft the light* In the vault. Tho bride and groom could not

each other. The Juitlee couhl [lol fee them. Il waa no time lo stop or falter,'"™'lnd*'her hand." Mid the J“ »ll'a- ai'’' the hand* came totfether aa though tlo-y had met In the dark la-fore. , _ ,

"Hy the authority veeled In me by Ihe law I pronounce you man and wife.

It was over an® Mr. and Mr*. Davy came mil Into the light of day «" ,l‘ "thougli they ha® le-en mnri led In the noonday glare ot a iliou»and sun*.

Bathroom and other wludon-s may b® ob- .cured in varlou® ways. L|«t>m » t®| solved with diluted vinegar, and dabbed on with a brush, will mako a rtroatkab e imliatiou o f hoar (ro.t, and will lait quite a while, e*p®oiAlly i f m'ftted 0V®r With

.«nv has nearly completed th® .ffLMl*"* c? t L wires ter the jKw York trolte^tee mer the old Harrison tornclk. the Hud­son County hoard of Freeholder® te finteh-

OB the centre of the roa^NM “ 'Ih ® ' turnoik© wUh A mxcartamtxed gnv* way. Rrt«mer* frujn Ih© 8n»ke HUI Penlten- liary are buny putting x top drexilni on

■— i1*©d worKi

daniar varnf.h.'* ^®li » ieMpoontel o f rlo® In a pint of water for a halfhour, thehdab tbe soluttoo on with x bruxb. * good lomponiify mxthod.

Thl* h

Ihfl mxcxdxmii


ixit nlglil for annoying hU*lBt©r* and refuaad

atiUilsiers and retu.e® lo aupl«rt hi Cosgrove faced the slliiatlon complacently and received a lem enc. of ninety day. from Judge Mott with nonchalance.

Fey for Ibe Uecelver,Vice-Chancellor Emery to-day allowed

William It. Howe »lte for eervU-ee a« re­ceiver lor Crowley « Co., a laundry firm of Orange. Sometime ago Thoma* 1-. Crow-Orange. Bomellme ago Thoma* l©y xupHad for a receiver, clalinlug inxl hi* parUivr, George K, I’ower©, w»iii hurt­ing huelnei* tM*''XU*Ei nf hi© rumlnt ©* for (Urong lUiuor. Th« • nm wua rprarrofl to flpecixl Mx!«t©r 0 *c«,r took



MB be pte«® caflrst-ote*. bead art mortgage «umy oa pmperty wotM *»«• ““ ®™™»‘ uol BOtt Mr eaUUig cn


au 7tt* Bn»d It*

O U A L fT V FROMflj---- •"BESTnRST

"pSbll^iwtio* te aleo t» 'ebr,® l'n 'i^ A g*;fm nual cherter electlwi of the city of Newark wtnbe h*M ^ bbdaT, APRIL », tste.. lb* poll* to be open iiom « o’clock In th* morn-. leg StlL 7 o'clock 1r th* evening.The u ld Boer®, of Regt.lry will meet “ d ‘ h® .J® chertw elecitoa wlU be beW,Mate®, an® the poll* will be opeo .terji^*,MEKIOD tM VWIMIW fa® wa*’® ^ e — ---- -trlcta at th© following nam«d plxc©*, to wit DlSrtct FIRST WARD.r imBccond..Third....Fourth.-Fifth.*..Uxtbe...





itMES A COE I CO.1«« ii»d 108 lfalb«rrf 8«-

Firit......eueoiid... Third...' Fourth->•Fifth.....SUth...8©vtath->

D lffennt Doctors (Dto I t DiCb>ent NHines.

tc lm o n y . When the ma.Uer wimto Ihr ttUi*nlioii of ihv VIce-Ghuric^Hor lroorhlrvg K. K. GuiJd. nounBt*! for inadft tt moiloti that th#* coats li© sad diedon th© dpffndsnt. hut thiii was loby oouubhI for Towers. Thu fiufsthm of oo«lB was not seltliHl, hul an order fur the receiver’, pay wa* atgiie>l.

Th* llolmke* Men K lur.l Mn. Lepplein.I'eler W. Bchor, o f Holiokon, vlelti^

Harrison yeHtorday aiul c*lh-d at th- saloon of .Mrs. Sophlu l,opplam, 37 Harrl- eon avenue. He l»ct‘aini' emitpm with airsiTevplam'a ruhy lips ami sKih- a kiss from her. Her barkwper, John Connor, thr.-al-ened lo wipe up

■ ‘ ■ ■ I It, Hie tloor of the saloon

with fh-hni-,' liul It eeems that he reckoned without hlH host, and w-hnii the two men were through with each other < onpor was eeen to have got thr wor.t of U. H" had the klaaer arrcilc®, hut aa Mrs, l.epnlamSrote.tefi that no gnat harm had been

one Connor did not preas the charge, and Justice Lawless di»mlsa«l the caao.

A Weman’s Hltalonary Norlely .Meeting, The annual meeting of the Woman’.

MlMtonary Hocteiy of thr claeal* of New­ark will be held to-morrow tn the chapel of the North Refornied Church, riicre will be two .toteloni. one In the morning at llha® o’clock and one In Ihe afternoon at 1 o'clock. AddroMei will bo made by ,Mles Ida Bcudder, of tho Arcot Mlselon, India, Mlw Lillie Cobb, ot thl* city, who cxp.s-ia to go a . a mla.lonary te India; Mias Lawrence, lecreiary ter Japan of the W oro.n’i Board, and Mr«. lius.lng and Mr*. Maynard, .o f th* Woman’s Exccu- tlv® Committee. The meeting will lie pub- Ite.

Another MOV. in Hie I’ lrel* C*«e.On behalf o f the crrdltei* aeorgr ■ --liter of

- . A. Ihrola,o f thr Second Dlitrlqt

Clymtr, who w a. appointed auditor of tha estate of the mlaalng banker.■ ' ■ ■■ nry, ■ ■tar JudR. Henry, o f thr Second in.triqi Ctuift, look poa.ei.loii of the furnllui'r ute autnf* to the l ’»nn*ylvanla Hotel on MkrtM aln el this morning and will re- 5fcln r t ch .rg . until the court .hall lake ActtDHte tb . matter.

Ill* BMidt Alway. the HeniA - Sp«.lyD ra th .-tn lll Uecrnlly, Oon.ldrn'd lloplceu . - Now. Now Mrihutte. Hal­va lion.

Nothing la mon- alarming ilian d'.MSsei of an ulceromt iiaiuro. A rouliuual gnaw liiK aw.y of lllf-geiirrating tissue, luilii » vital .pot te reaclini, nn itrU-ry is aovricd, or from sberr weakness death cnsui'l.

EspcrlaHy ‘n (iaatritis — ulcers u( Hie itomaflU-l*.--UTf"*lc suffering nxpcrl- encwl. The'syiiiptenia, though not at first alarming (seemingly a slight alterk of Indigestion', gradually hreomo worse, so that no nourishment c.ti hr rclaliicd on the il-omacli, and unless 1 m trouble- causing ulrer proiiuees dealh by pertorA Hon, the patient

Pica ofHtnrvBtlon.In ronsnmpllon, where the nlcrt® attack tlm Iniigs, Ihc tiTinlnalltin is very similar,as il is. ill <“ ""y **’“ ”*'eases to wlilcli are given various iwraei,according to the organs affected.

lly tlie nielliods of physicians of lo-day lliousanda of lives an- Wring saved In cases llmt a few years ago were consldm-d ho[.e- less. The ftral step now taken to effect a cure is to make new bloial and tissue, glv® tlm patient slrcngtli, aud keep him ‘ on the gain" by administering Bovinlne.

Hovliilne li not a inislicliic, liUt a gfcally concentrated extract of the most vital ele­ments of lean raw herf. 'I'lm life-in»lii- t.lnliig qualities of tills womtertiil iircpa- ratlon are,simply marvellous. Dr, A, M. Cook erf New C.stlc, i‘a , states lhal he maintained life in ids' wife, whU" MiiT'l'- Ing from gastric ulcers, for three weeks wHhout giving her anything through the mouth, Injecting Uovinliie Instead.

Wltli such result* ns this, Il It not to he wondered at that Rovlnlne Is Indorsed hy

■ physician, everywhere, and has become recognlsfid tB tlw grftiit^sl fa'^lor to w yIuf .life, VutetenlM recovery from ilcknoii, and

i warding oft Alleaae, ever given to man.

The Soutliera N*wi»*P*r Mau Bemeni brred an .Atqualnlau** and Helped Him.Henry W. Orady, who.* pen gave the

Huuih licw thoughu and who.* ®llvcry elo- ,pi,..ICC awakened a »plrlt o f brotherhood III Up North, carried tho ■imabtne of his philosophy Into h i. everyday life, Ls- „v-i„iiy waa he the Ideal o f the poor and

himildc. Mr. Orady always aympathtecd ivhh a man that was hroke-he had been lhal way htmuelf Kiveral time*. Ill* char­ily oaiially kept h i. pocket, empty.

on I- afternoon a type o f primer common c-iioiiBli In the Sonlhern country a tew y.’nrs aao, hut lince Ihc advent o f lype- s.-IUi>a inachlurt eeldom leen anywhere, n lit Into the ConsUtutlon office on a ■ pan handling" tour. Rome o f Hi* report- i-rs and editor* .•ontrlliiitcd to h i. ret ;'f rood hut moat ot ih.-m didn’ t, Fluully Mr ’I’onrlat reachc.1 Mr. Orady a deak.

iHin'l lei me Interrupt you. Mr. Hi-ady. Just dropped In I® ' Y®®r Co-lahorcra and )O ur«U -*iid collect a few bits." he

1 0 -day, and reall^^I

Dldn’tKnww HeVlolalcd <Junrmntl«*Law.WASHISOTON, March 36,-W. K. Car-

11*1*. *on o( Secretary t'arllel*. WM at the Trea.ury Department thl. morning- M* WM a.ked by a representaUv* of United Frca* about ht. allegrt vlotaUon of the local >Pi»rantln« law te New York, In coming off th# Parte, ll* ■aid he knew nothing about th® ® *t ‘ *‘' until he *aw tho aulijf'-t printed In the FiAWKnuDer*. Hr had not rec©lv*<il until ?h©ri ©v©n xn IrUlmatlon that h© wa* vlj^ latln* any lornl or nallonal law, ajid a d mol know even lhal he had- H© *a[d he certainly liad no auth intention in view The v<*B*<'l remalnrd at quarantine i*or FOink* tinip. nnd whortly after he left thl* PBiia •h© left Quarantln© and foUowj^d nftcr the rcvRuiip i-utt*:T upon which ne, the Bci-rutary, ami utlu'ri wure proceeding to New York City.




XMTI nODDe ■ * •tUrkeP v*la«) J*« 1 , «.

UablllHi*. K. I.M d Raw- Sten®. - j j gjg „ *rd ,,►.*.***«•• II

E S 'i " ' i i r f™ « " N : ‘ ir '”au»®^

F«lte>e* Abeolntely Koa-iori*ltabi. After B«-on® Veae.

S T E E Lb a r s , b e a m b , a n g l e s ,


in eMe.of '5r ™ rTloM m Tu valu. will pay for; w. te JSSrJiA iTWS-uP l«h®k for lu W vela, te

Mri* ClevelAotl'i Iloiiation lo a Fair.Lg NDON. Man'h W.-Tlio UucheM of

Fife foromlly oiienctl ii ha«Jir thl* morn* liiir the proceeds of wKk'li are to be de- voipd to tho bcnellt of thf* ftrltlsh and Forehrn BatlorB* flocl-ty. I’ntted Blatce AmlmwHulor Hayanl. lln* Uird Mayor o f laondon, and a IxrnE' pumUer o f olher per- Bon» of promlneiK o were pri'sent, Am onf the donittlon« to the Imsar w*re a collec­tion of phntoKrauhn from Mre* Ororer (*lpvelanil. a r«K mini the gufeii of Bwe- den and nevernl atilrlHR from ihe Koefl- ive ’ Mre. TUyurd pr#*i0'1»'il over the UnUed fliftiPB itall. Among the i expO«*«for ©ale wh» a copy of Unyaid Taylor • "8 0 118 of Camii."

Br*f*rr«t, a paid-up l

b lf rt® .11 •» to r*.14*ncA Irtve*e'sr ssrs-

Sfi'u’ Jt‘ tte'^wl.''5lS‘ U’'mrt. « eolteUrM • f j i i pal® ImnudteWly upon eoamtetloB M* epprovel of proofa



..XT SEventh BTe......................... MX Broad «t®*"■ ..... Aia Bro*d Et.

'*V.V.*...CUy Armory. Oraaa© rt......... ........ 14 CeniraT are*............. 4B« Broad It.

i«™®5SK5 ........... .................Third..................... ^ inEft© rt.................... !r!!i426 WMhlmloo rt............ 4* Court Mw.......‘WMhiniiwi ©t.' “ t h ib d w a r d .,4 .80 Souih Oran*© av*, '** '*■ . 1*7 W«Mt Kinney »t*.............. .....ITI Howard rt-

Wait Kinney ©t*.......... ...SW Charlton et.

Mulberry aj.

Third...............see®*. jg Lawreno* rt*......... 20 Oiwea rt-

..... ..e,»u iiuib©rry m.FIFTH W AM . ^ ^

.............. ti fwif « ............. ................H Ferry *t............................Itl Fn-ry it.

............... MT Martlet *t................ MT Mark.! et

' . " ^ t S ^ ^ ^ i b Orm.M..vAK a.V .V .r.r .iiA T

............ V.V.'.V.'.V.M* fiiulb Orange av*.Fourtb....,............... • * ..... ^ warren M.Fifth............... . ...........520 Bulk M.“ * ............ gbefilel® r t....... Sttwwx av*.

........... ,.3i4 Warren *t®................ 346 Bank it.

Third,. Fottrtb.e’ Flflh...e BtxU.....Flnie...Scoond.eThird...Fourth,.Fifth...’BlXtbse.i


B anister& Pollard,20S-108 MIRKET ST.

Plrit..” .. Second... Third ... Iiourlh..* F ifth '...

hli-■hI'I. .

*’i iim very buey liuvi-n’t a aou.” n’plinl Orudy, l!p i fl.M U*amlnkT with klndne*H on the' "surry, ver f," »Hil Hie tramp, "I wilt©et' you la lor.'

in iliilf nn hour the man came hack, T1US llm. h . went illrc-.-Uy tp Mr tJw ly’ . desk an® laW upon It a full length ilupe Blicci upon which Hic following waa prfnt- c® In four-line iitca i-hurnclcr®;

"Hcorv \V. (Ivinly. „' -To Ssni lijblnson. Dr.■■To csprrtii cliiicHcs 1.11 poper^ .^ . 76.

■'I’ -'crl to work for you, sal® .Mr, Koliln- ioji ns he placc'l bis loog. unwaMicrt rightS * muter on Hu ...... rteet am tenfi-IV .lUiuriMHi his iiuUo™ whteker. with hte 1,-fi hail®, which vvii* Innocent of wat*f.• Iti-i kiin you ®l»n nn-mber Bam RohliifOn,'''itotiliwn lia® cliuiigc® a *r?“ ' th.. Detroit I rcc I’rt-M. t orn whlsKey h«® iil.ntvKl niinicroiis crow .tc^ near nl. ovc. ami rallmr dcmorall.c® hint geiicrjil- "1^* ut hi* “ aim. manner an® l>'C«l » f ilrawl h*d not * ii«nK**d, and Qritdy In- itiuiHy rccokntec® Hicm when they wera Jssoclalml logHhcr. f'rn^y ,>;f™''“ h"r^, too. Hist md lent himJg.^ to gel hi* imliiir out of the expre*. office year*''"■n'mluKhl It was you all the tlte®|,|,®;"; cxcliilmml (Iraily. Jutej'lng ®P- Bhake."■■Mcn®y''ao-sT’’ "i‘ pilca Mr. Roblnwte,'-Li-iV have^'enmcihlng. We’ll g'*

17 7ti at th" counling-rooin a* we go out.\n® Hie great fJouthern Journalist and Ram Itolilnson. the tramp, went out to-“ a"Vcw day. inter I met «®htesom H . loiikt il 1lki» xnather man. ” f - 21 V war© Mr. Clniily'© «•*<*!looked vary nme^ Ilk© Mr. Qr^y > . ____

Roundlinttii© and l-orumollvet DurMdi S|-I*c»xl DliDXtoJi to the NK A'S.

CawiHJ*. Wxrnb twi—Tli© roiindho^ xt tl© tirmUiUi of Ihe Tiickerwm xnd Uiven ViivA wx* dwtruyrd by Hr* Ixrt otsaU Th* rmiDtlhouse and two locmnotlv©* which wer* il* thl* Imitilliig were Uijslroyed. Th* cause of the Are U unknown.



A New Oer«*n AnTli»M*<lop CnminF*WA8H1N0T0N, Mxrdi K .-U 1* now of-

flclxlly kno*n ni tlw* Harman Einbapxy that UQ#on Von Baurma JaUei'h. who ha* rBiirkTernlivl the Oprman Government here 'Sr Ih© pxat two years, will h« •uecaeded wv Haron Vo/i Thielraann, the pravnt tiirmxn Mlnlxler at .Munich, In a f©w wceka. ________________________ -

About dentistry we know. Every member o f the asso­ciation is an expert—a man who has learning and knowl­edge and skill.

N O P A Y £ i

rirat.....Pecond... Third-... Fourth.. I

rt............... BtUivIll* XV©*, ' 38n Waihinrion •©•-■'’ ***' " ,..,228 Dloomlkld XV©."'■ ("'..V ,...... *M Mt Proepwit av*.

PMkhumi rt................ . ,....,43 Hherroxn av©*............'1 ,, .......18* Clinton xv©.............. ... ...... 10 FltulMtti XV*-........■*‘^ ' ^ « ’ ^*,5P KcWborter r t

.63 Partfl© it.

llen oa s , B riDwy, Chwnlc D lw ises.NERVOUS'"" -DEBILITY

nfM-FatllOK Memory; Dick of Energy-Bhy*- iml Dtr.y, _»Hilni fmni lndlicr*tlOti.«x-

_____ r " “l “ clnit wm* of Ih* foLi:;;;ibr. sgeot.: N.rvousMrt p®hiuti-„pi™:— “ ~ g’rtJ*.,..® Dffxfltlv© Mem-

or:IjCM of

If we knew bow to do boltar dolus Wm would do It. It I© ih© beat *[^rk

« y rtPufleUxp d ^ W © otb©r



xnywhem do©x **food xt -AN y©t our iiric©i ar©:

TvPih Kgtrxct©d............Wli1i(HMor D«hio.......Gold .........■ vv * • £SBrst .Yrtlfiotel Trtih (rubber ^*1*), W

" 1)E STO,** our w1d©-©wxk« xni©xlb©ue. Kxa. uo iMln* do dXDiE©r. oo ilexp.



SECOn WIRD REFmUCUS.*l rounly {liuiimlitee HrxdnilirierH, m IHIU l«y ©t.aTuwulxy, MAmi » .x t H I. M*,tonomluHie o x n U l r i x W H o m « riuBO.T.'aOUElUS.'S^txry.

W x^ KwouUvi CoromlltM*

H o w Ik It y o n can| b u y H o o d ’d K a ra a p a - p i l la f o r 6 4 c . , H u m ­p h rey ** l ip e c lf le a f o r IT c ., C a r t e r ’d I i l v e r P i l l s f o r l * e . . W o o d ­b u r y ’ s ( io a p f o r S ftc . a n d s a v e f r o m 2 6 t o 5 0 p e r c e n t , o n e v e r y - I liiu K l*© tty ’ s*

asa M A U K E T S T U K E T .


e— nfffiabt.g«lf l>1»tL“ >7------EteSte’l®' ■“> h*c". Ar*r.jpn.tetkM!l»a::

'AoiWHou, IroiioteBcy. Meteocho^, ! , « . of


Tmrte.isl». Btaalrf DevMoeinsm. l-« » 2t^ w .r S ‘ . te*tethrB irk ."tc.. ar. inteWd by□©w method*, with Bxrtly. prlvxUly®- — Afid J kiii




........ ........K?i!13i * N©w Tort xvt. xxd Adxm© ^^ ird .....cor- wsw ^ rhiiuittt rt*fourth........................... ............. liu Bomb *1.

.............. V.V.V.V. ” .^ .......« Hourtox rt,® ELItvAfTH WABP^

Tb'te;-...................................... 513 Or.*** rtJS’afth.................. ............ . , 1 Oran®* *1.Fifth...........-.......... . ......,])) north fitetb r tT , .............. •i^TjLFTH WARD, ^

.....S;FItH .,....... ■S 'rlV te.u te *2® L.Hte.«

litFop.r;"................... ...........53® Rprinin'l® »v*.Fifth.................... floulh Oran®* »v..

AUForou Rff.otinK Rqfiy.J*?**'.

Rkln an® HpRM;ThroabBlotcho*. ErupHODL Acne. ^ .*m fcUi(^ii,P*lnfalBwclllni(*ir™*h.t*W!^^

FOt-'RTFKNTHFlral.........B«ona.......Third........Fourth.......Fifth.........Bllth....... ,

.......OteOM rtFlr©^........ * ..... ............. fltoB© rt.Third.............. . Tllonindcld xv©.

WARD,. . .4 6 Jon©* *t

......... 8W Tourt rt.,,..903 Ibilcnont xv*. ,m Wxvtrly pL

..4*1 ClIntOA XT©.

MlHvriy au* forever «xp*U«l ‘J llS ;:tflmbymcxna of ©xl > ill*

icault of blood • " ' ^ l . ^ ^ m r l h i r ,

unU. loo yr*qn©nt orBloody unite, l*ip roptl_y_uar.dl Mao tlituilonaranu Acquired Waaknwrt

Located tea r<»r*. Hundred, of r ® " " ™ ’

reiult of btooa pciion


’ ’^Thi 'octir* i* iriv*" i" wrmai** of a® aet iiS Kiriatetute of th* Slat* of Na«_J«wajrof th* ,h /JJ{‘ r‘-,-Bppterocni to_an M rert;n>v*d M©y 3ft. 116b. xndentitled

l;V-vl' ll‘ rt^V«X?^\ta«orabd^ "f> *53 o ^ 'c ie ik ’a ofito*. Nawork, N. f . , March ft. I*®- O'CONNOR.

City CtertL

EuHr. oeoUy, rmwusrtiy Bw*«w.



prihw atlgiti our modern treaHi«nl toroxUrrh xad lul U08 xll#ollotii.

a t MEDICtl INSTITUTE,1 8 4 U rRiigfi S treet, H ew arli,

Uonrw-» te 10AM ..Iteland»teBP.M .


For ‘ l» ‘ 'gCjS5 r(io cIdM?'’ *'**'**i P A K L A N l S c i O X


£8IE MEDIORL 00.. Birff»lo. NiV. | k

RUPTURECUREDaolut® comforte night and L t ! !

r/rfto"X. m BjSglJ.*' fre*. Itelojr ln atwndaoo* for tedw*.


._Qr»am, warranted to onr*fft dkooLaixtlou of th© ftklx oxoib E ^ Ho*a»***rlar. Man®t-

Wa d ASK IL WMTSRTtL’r.2 1 3 W a a h iiu y to n Bi*

(tend (or -MPB’ BTIOTM


rO S 3 0 DAYS ONLY.iMiraa^Oord*.....,, U g ,

-JllHeid;............... ! 2 -Not* Head*.,Utter Head*....... .■ J g ■Kavtiop®!, *»r «S*‘» v • * r’tiinMt* 00




’ 1ft•I.

I t .


THE FiatT SHASH-DP.A C#Mli tJi« N«w Mulb«rrr S tM t K lw

trk« 40d W «coa Uoiuaftvclonft T »ft HtB Hirt*

Tilt first iinftsb-up on ttas nsw Mulberry ftlfMl slsctiic Jins socurret] at Psnnsyl- TsnU avenue atid Emmet street about I o'olock yesierday afternoon and ratulted In the crushing in o f the front of car No.

the (lamsgtng o f a big furniture van bslohgltig to J. Keating, o f 114 fioutli Park gtrert, EUtaJ>ethporl, N. J.. and injury of two of Mr. Keating*! tmployea, WilUatn Bchaifer, the dMvsr, and his hslpor, John Mlrlcey,

Schaffer aud his helper were on their Joray to Kllsal>elhpurt with the empty van, and when they reache<l Emmet stieet they heard the car 4H>m1ng behind thsin.3l wils In charge ot Motortilan John <^n Toy &nd Conductor Thomas Mulllgau. Th< driver lUrted to pull out o f the track, butat the S4i^e moment another ear hove In alKht and before he could decide what to do car No. 10 struck the van. breaking the axle and starting ihe team of horses off.

Doth mefe Were thrown to the street, and for several minutes Hickey, who had re­ceived the wont lnJurk*a, was unconscious. Moth went caiTira Into n. A. liarnet's grorery store, at the corner, and Df. Towle was summoned. Hickey was severely cut about the forehead and half ■ doaen atitchei was required. Schaffer was In­ured about the ribs, hut not seriously. Ths horses were taksn to the Miller street

pany and kept hen Mr. Keat-

na called for them.There Is a deep rut In ttie street at the

spot where the accident occurred and more than ohe accident has i>ren caused through It. It Is said that the city author­ities havs had their attention calleil to the rut. but that no atteuiion haa beeu palA to the Oomplalnt.

•tables of the traction company and^kepi therr until this morning whei ina called for them.

OHAMQB CITY A rrA tB A .^bs High hlreet Assess me at—lie war Band­

ing Aceoust Hooks—t>ther Vlattsn.City Counsel Kingsley submitted an

ppittlon tn ths Orange Common Council last night In reftTcnce lo the asaesament on the macadamising of High street from Main street lo Park avenue. The prop- eriy-owncra on the street, Including the efty Counsel blhiself. have obtained A writ o f certiorari on the aas<*someiit proceed­ings.

Mr. Kingsley said that In hla opinion the ftssessmeniS were not collecilbte. l>ecause the ekpenae o f repairing the centre of the vtreet had been Included with the mac­adam coet. ^

In a personal leuer to Chairman Klker, o f the F'inance Committee, Mr. Kingsley offered to obtain at his own caprnse the opinion of either Josenh€’'oull or ex-Judge Gtevene. Ii was decided that Mr. Klnga* ley should secure Mr. Coult's opinion.

On recommendallnn of the Tire Commit­tee the Fifth Ward hosehouse was ac­cepted and a wa/rnnl ordered drawn for ths amount of the final payment on the bulldlM. An appropriation of tSPO wss made for furnishing the house, including the electrical fire gnitg.

Alderman Matthews brought up the iiuestton of the examination of the l»ooks ©f the Bower Department, for which If-oo

{ms l>e«n appropriated. He said he had earned that Carrol I’hlllpa Baasett. the

•nglneer In charge o f the sewer constru<‘- tlon, had written the commltlre a h lter. «nd ed the Idea ttk(UI>een abandoned. Al­derman Brady stated that the Investiga­tion would he made at some time imon.

The Improvemerit Boclety o f the Oranges presented a protest against the throwing of band bills on the street. And askei] that It be made an offence panlshable by fine.

Tho ordinance to prevent the em'tion of Wooden hulldlngs came up and Alderman Mrsdy presented a numerously stgnc<l pro­test against Us M sewe. The protest was referred to Ihe Flrn rommlttee.

Joseph N. Wlggln gml Edward H. Bny- Ger. owning more than Iwo-thlrds of the

rontage on Snyder street, petitioned to lave crosswalk! laid at the Junction of orth Centre and Snyder atreets. iTop-

grty-owners on North Centre atr#^t be­tween Park avenue and Washington Street petitioned lo have that portion of the strict macadamlied and curbed, and ft similar petition was received from resi-

" Bradford

B U rtT B ABOiTf GBtlBt'll FEOrKBTT.Cniovvd CoagT*gttll«ft« to lUfbr ft KatSir

ts the Ckftftssry C ^ r l for fteltlewieftf,A lah|s uiftHug of Colored okunk ntmi-

U n « u b«U U Or*nf* U .t nl«bt to daeUI* flotllf upon t w*r o f britiKiiif to* it^ n to oTtr tfa* tale ti) tb* ohurcb p ra ^ itr on Ookwinl airM*,, Omag*. now oconpM b? tha T'llnn Eipiiit C'harcfa, to nutlM otorjr ooneltolcn.

A. Ivw ]TM» t fa ilM £b«u*ur nnd Baroad BapUat cbun'hw cam* togatliar and fom wl «h «t la paw kttowB a* tha Ualun Baptlat ebureb. Tb* Bacond BaptUt L’kureb bad a •ontrwt of » )• of tbo proportT bow in dl*- pnte with Uui ^fortb O racle Bantltt Cburota npuD wbich wai paid $t,oud. Wbeo tta« oburcbM w.ra ao iM Into one tbe Unlm I'hurch paid all tbe moa.y due on tb* eoa- traet exent HBO. Oo aocount of wlu* irre|uiiriitH ia tbe praeeellng* at tb* tiim tba rburahii comUDed then hat bwn trouble OTtr Ihe property erer .tnoe.

Tb* I'ltloa C'burcta wenia tbe Uml end to d« tb* lollowtn of tb* old H*coih1 BaptUt Cburrb, N t th* North Orange Uaptiat Oburrli, which U Willi » c to al** lb* pi^>ir art* to tb* partlM who iKur* th* lagal rlgal hilt, will But (If* a deed antll *11 trnuclt butwceQ ibadUputlag fnctioo* i. adjuiUiL

Tb* lUMling but night voted lo hate Natban C . Hurlaw, OOHII**! for tbe tutoa I'hureb, file a l>lU in Cbanoarr to enforce tb* old cuatr*el aad bar* lb* J«*d enuTojrad tu tb* UdIuu Cburi-b after it b u paid tb* balcer* doe OD th* lal* Of oontrai't, wbich i* |dau with mteltot.

Tbe tIecoBd BaptUt Church rlalm* to be incorporated *ml will bold an election of truit«a* Ob Tburwbtf Dlght, Tbe Unloa Uaptiit Church t* not laoorporateid, «e the r'li'iilw i el tot H itoyl BapUil C ton b elaim. -----------------■ . 11


d*nt« of I Btfcrt.

tTOHRN ON A PCHUOL BOABD.too*t*l*t. I mOI*. Wwrktnalo tom r* Bep-

rountallna—Tb*lr Appeil.A( the Democmlio prlmarle* to be held

(n Mcntclnlr tooilatat tbe chnlrnian nf the I'lrit and Fourth ward prilnarle* will re. cetve th* tnlkiwlna rMolutlone from the SPomen'. Town Irnpravemeiit Atooclatlon:

"tCTicrea*, It 1* believed by the Women'* {Town Improvement Atooclatlon that the aid of women would be beneRclal lii the yunnina of (chool mater*, and that women Upon the School Board will tli ue'- (ulnese and elticlency: therefore be It

"ReeolveO, That the W oman* Aaaocla- tlon potltlon the prlmarle* to place ution th j ticket t woman, that jnoth*r“ " ’ ■

Th* IUpublie*B* Uald a lau*,* aad M*«t llariaoBlaut Meatlaf.

Th* Kepubllcan* of Mouth Oraogo Town, ■hip Jut night bald tbe l«rg«*t and moat bar- primary lUMtlag held In tb* town- ibip by that party *10** lU axiitanoe. Th*r* war* ISO rota* ppft. Th* niaotlbg coavaped at tbe hesuldiM Ciub'i hearhpiartan and afterward bojWraad to Koipira Bdll. Uhartoe Herwi* waa aetactad a* k menihar of tbe ('ouotT Oomailttew from tbe Firit din- Mel aud Hobgrt Ward waa Darned (roui tb* fSaound dUtrlct.

Thea the fol lowing ticket w u noinlDaUdt For maniber* of tb* Tow whip (.’ .niinilltw, Frederic A. Dalton, Uiltonj iVillUm H. Kemic Maplewood 1 Mutual U. Tillou, ttoilth Orauga Tiilaoe. Jnilica of tbe Feaoe for dva tark Vtilliaoi U. Merokj H im Toara,

' tanirlTliluu; oae year, Fblllp Detrlcb. Bur. veyoraof (ll(bwava Lawla K Taylor, Hobart W. nalmoiMti CoDttabl*, Henry ClHwblre. (.'onimioilouara Appeal, fAwU F .T ajiorr Cbarle. A. Meadfl. O»oraoer of 'PoPt. if ueinlnatlno It toito miM*, Xobert 1). Srtirer.

t 'llDlon G. Bruili dafettad Hainuat B. Til- loufcrthe nomination of Townabip Com­mitteeman, but be (lacItneJ th* honor In favor Ilf the defeated man.

Th* followinn lunit war. voted: iowntblp lurpiaoa. |A,0Wt pool*, MWO; KAda,IghU. fd,lkM.

Beliire dw aieating adjonroad a rot* of thanbi and tbrae efaaara were uivtii for Mr. Bruah for th* aarvlcai rendarad Ur towuihlp while he wet a nHiiilwr of tba Towuiblp Conunlttoe. Charlaa Fraraon wav alto coui- illmantad at a County Conimitteauian, aa rere olio all tho old imnibara of IbaiCoiiiity

Comuiltlaa rapraaentinK Biaitfa Orang*.•-----------* ~ i — -'i; ■ i ^A CUNTltACTlIH ABBK hTKB,

Charged WUh navlng Ubtalne.1 (iaoda Cnder Fwla# Frelenre.

John F. Bimpeon, of Oranae Valley, who received the contract for the Moun­tain avenue arw-er In Montclair, which that town la now cotnpletlnp. wua arreat- ed at hit home yeaterday by Conetable Foiter and locked up at the Uloomtield Follce Station, on a charge o f obtaining oode under false pretence from Ogden t Cadmui. dealers In tile pipe.'Bimpeon, with an liAilan named Puglia,

pecured Ihe contract for the aewer In Montglair, and on December ID SImpaon went to the iiloomfleld firm. It la laid, and ■tated that Puglia was hla partner on a contract to construct the Montclair sewer, and loM Ihe drm to change the goods to tlw firm of Ppgllo A Bimpeon.

The alatcniant o f Bimpeon wss found to be fsLee. according to Ogden & Cad- mua, and they caused his arrest.

pinira Inhave some npresentatlon In the «orl

which they ar* so dlrOotly Inteaested."In th* First Ward tbe Ummo of Mrs.

Marietta Marshall, who was defeated at the Repulillcan primaries for a nomina­tion, will be recommended, while In Ihe Fourth Ward U lu K llubetb Habberton iwlll be put up.

The chances o f Mrs, Marshall are bright and her caadldacy meetb With the appro- Ival o f many of tbe UimDcrati In the wafd.

It was at first Intended to have candl- ■Jates in all of ths Wards, but on second thought the women came to Ihe conclu­sion that It would be wiser to coucentrate their efforts.

The Woman's Christian TemperanceICnlon of Mootclalr at a meeting yesterday

uuestion "Ouffht Wom- BoardsT" brought upby

■ - ■ ^ - e. Dr.afternoon had tbe tiuestlon "Ouffhen to Be on Setool BoardsT" hroug __l)r. Mary D, Hlissey, o f Rast'Orange. Hussey declared that the Women heeded en ^ e board.


MON'H'I.AIH ArFAinN.Work Done by the t’onsellinab—A gtoro-

kaepar amt HlS Awnlng-Councllman Bandford reported at the

Montclair Town Council meeting last night that the Are alarm poles on Watchung avenue were unsightly and that the Camewell Fire Alarm Company ehould t o mad* to erect Ihe-polea according to Contract. The company wUI bs requeated to stick to the contract reqtilrenents.

Th* Water Committee recommended the ixtenslon of the water mains on the Val- ey road from Little Falls road to Mount

Jtebron road. Thh Board o f Health sent a rcmmunicallon to the Council aiatlng that the ventilating pipes which the Council favored placing upon houses where sswei connecllons hsve been made, were no necessary, aa Ihe manholes give all the ventilation necessary.

The Bank of Montclair aaked permission ko place wtrei on the poles to connect with th e . polloa elation. The Bawer Comtnlt- tae asked for |SH> to Rntih tha work of John Bimpeon on Mounlairt avenue. It W li agrem to.

The request of J. Blerman to esect an nwnlng In front o f his ttor* c«me up tor consideration. When It wss reported that Blerman had already erected the kwhing the Council ordered Town Clerk Trtppett

io write to the storekeeper to apiiear be- ore the Council at the nest meeting and ■xplain hIS action...Pulm .r Cos's llrow nles" an tha gtaga.

Jetfattoa, KlaW ami Grlanier's prodoetlon of ■'Paldiar Osx’i proWnloi" J it U. R. Jfa- oobafs Thaatoe, HoBday, Ttiesdky atd Wednstdsy sesaiitos - toOet notable btlradllc

I of neit wsax, is the ilotl ulT*fs<l at that play-

I bouM this saasoD. Ia order to aecur* thia at­traction Manager Jasabe. for toa Irs. Um* In tba btatory o f kli thekirei hia baeb obHgad, owing to bis oootraott to adeaaoe hU soM o( prtoee. For tto engigeineot of “ Tbs Browniis'’ only UiS prices trill rdnfS' from ft.tO for tba best ■tots in tbe orchestra to twenty-five oslits In the family circle. Tb* roaton for this Is obtiDus. Ths sxpesses of this theatrical organlxstiim are so groat that, sven were It to 111 eeery seel la H, B. Jsooba’s Theatre et the rogolar eeele ol prices, tbe manege- medt WenM loto moeey, Newuk will be hm only elty In the Dikbs of New Jersey plafed in 6t “ T U Brewnlis,” awl already •nplMe. thms for taett ere to ln r feeeifed from out- of-town people. Tuasdiy sesnlog n eumbsr o f Sodsty ptople front tbe Or|nges will bt


I for taett ere to ln r fneelredTuasdiy <

ily p t^ le front tbe Urenge present i t “ Ths Brewntfs.'' Tbenoce will be known as “ Urania nigh

Aa Alleged Jtaluna* la Oraagjk• Tb* Orang* Boerd at Haalth and the mom-

ben of tbe Water OammIUW of tbs Orang* Common Connell yestarday attamoo* Invat-tifstad to* alltglil nnlMtaoa existing on tb* LaClsro farm, adjoining tb< ' yolr. They found that itieutcattle wife heviad

tba Urang* rseer- Iblrty bead o f

D tha border ofright pitbs rtaarvolr and casnS to tbs rdbeluiloti that Immediate action imiet be token to abet* th* |uhiHC« Wtahib Dr, F. J. B. Totreault, tb* Haalih lupector o f Orangb, says 1* rapidly becoming a dangeyoua manic* so boalth.

TOtlut MSek waa Flnml gso .“ Guilty,” promptly Mid young Gdwsnl

Back, Jr., of 103 Hamburg ‘ ' 'was ohaigsd I* th* Third Cunit this morning witb bavlng i soctioa fig »t the saaitarT osda,< Tbl ssendn forbids tn* iieughtsf log of antstal* within tb* edty limit* without a Ilcoesb, Tn* complaint against Beck waa mad* by Dr, BPhgS| cf tto Mealtb Bcar^ wuo obargid. til* man with kilUng a nuntailW of oalees in tb* nay of bis bntciar sbop. Judge Bggsw iaforuMd to* pekosar tbat b* bad no omion btttto IlMbtm Iso. Tbls b* did. T b e b s wss paid.

t e wbsn hs ot Polio*ylolatad


K r t < f


IT IS impossible to pass throiiifh any aisle o f our

store witliout being impressed by the sacrifice of values in every line of goods.

ffimiffrMmtmiM. RIGHT on the threshold of spring we present bar­

gains in new and staple ar­ticles. Is there another store in the State that is doing this?


H O E V E R puts out money expects its value in return. We have

way of giving a great deal for any sum of money

left at our store.

L .a d lc 8 * C i c n u l o e F r e n c h K i d B u t ­

t o n e d a n d L a c e d B h o c a , r e v n *

l a r f 4 .9 t B t i o c a , f o r

$2.59 per pair.wurrftnt thfM

fofxin GdciiinM French j Kid, nut itunpiU kUl, IHirU Kid, Krench

6'a im klfi or 4&t otlior id.lmt (^nuln« Fr<pnrb Kiilaftnd whxt i-nn hxre

bMo r*riotf H w for.« bftV! Awry ftlitb ami

width fiiid plfntjr of ihrm. In nil dlfrf>r»nl tukpci unit of

Him. Thitix thitlrvAUtt

Hjirgftla tliftt Hax

»vtf hern olTdrof) yiTB. iluni tlllbkaft K WKfad>!


SrvdA dnd Kluoh«r, rtd oftif v!iQ|i, dun- folx top!,! vfcriAty of

pouiilxr Ah!|ittw<«lu foidct from. Thl« Ihm li Mild by rofu- Ur thiM dtdlm Al |5YuU CAAbuy thfiu

ta our Mrn'iiSbcie

(UOUt IW(WT1BV. 'day



I 8 W E expand our stock, \ we contract our prices.

That is why we are al­ways selling goods lower than any one else.

A \xn OF ;• P. N." C fmHKTB, lu whit* and drftb. mftrkctl Mcunda. Wdcuu*l*c! tnyihing Ihn mftller with tlarm- You nidy* but wo doubt lb. Hegulftr tlV3. xnd |1.^

T o -m orrow S9c.■

THAT “ rOUKTGHH rAWTKi.UANK ” SKtHTIi th«i prditiMl borHtjr ctrr aliown by U4. Nbw York mad rMI«dDlu1ii» Iiavb U ken It with ft ruxb. Sftwxrk will fullow. Wd bftT! control of It for NowArk* bftvliif ,fnrnl»h*d th« mfttrHftli* PnllftdtlpnU fttid New Yo»k price fl.W,

Our P rice $1.69.

CMrdren’sHose.fiPEUIAls EXTflAOlUlINAHY-Klbfcwl,

full double knee, two-tbrcftd, flne»WtlllDjAUtlc SHm, llelf fiuiili.

HIem ft t<) Tlia

For $2.59. For $1.90.Every Kind of Street and House

Shoe at Low Prices.

l ^ W { FURNITUREClitap. Mulliiin mJ Hi|ti-Grid* Goods. Tho Boil Mikit sod Altiji Uml PrMt.

10 pair, BLi regular kV:., Bl’

to Inchaa wtda.

10 pain NM'Y BLfK By.HaK. to Inchai wtda, r.gnlar No., MFKCIAL kUo.

NOTE— No mor* to b* bed at prloe.



A . ft «. «*

VaIup, Iflr, li-.


Special I2ic. 15c.

Ladies’ Waists.tYfi XT# rervlviug dftilr, tftrg« thfpm^AU

long dliftyodv *>lik. p^i'ftln* nfttfwns. rrttpona, mftdvxfi fbevtibtx. »to.. nmkfb! ft truly bft* wllderlnf dWpUy ftt lowest prices we bftV! evtir heiird of.

A U o a u t if i i l l e a d e r *rbefked RftilArs tn tivo-toard, Bcftrcely dls-

(IngulHuftlile at ftdlstauMi froii? stlK, two row* velvet trimming, poftit yukv beek, pulT fruDt, trlmmid zuu&ve Jackit cITidCt. ttaem.

To-morrof $149---—- ’



ThIa KIrgnni r-i.iac* Parlor Bolt (Ilka cut), ui'liol.lFivd In bmc, - a a a nn tell*, with -ilk pluil. Irlmtningr. X X / IA wool frliig* and all itirlng odge.Ior W «“ <' v

Rrg. tWWo »bo« «0 SKW BTYLE3 PARLOIl SirlTS.


(Bka out), rag. tto. for

cU is ix n o i'T bkahb f e d s a t a BFGCTAL HEDUl'TION.

EIrgant Hpen- lah (Viuoh dike cutl, all apriug edge. uvliciL atrrrd In tautiTii'in-.;:"*



CARPETS,With burdrn lo mutch, would bt obcftp ft!

|I.W p*r jfftfd.OUR P R k % TO ULOHE OUT*


t( ft ti iim4 ft dmrpftt don't mlit thtft ebftSdftb CuRift cftrlr Iks ib* week fnr bfit BbftlcB,

of HLEAUHRD TAUtR DAM AKK* to IhiftiM wld«, «ftt)SFRL'Uh TftCa■IM,

- , ___ finUh. rcgtttftr sir,,Kftpklni (o mftich, fi iiad M

t pfttUrni HLGArilRD Da MARK. TO Inebn widv. ngulftr T4o., bPKUlAL 6Ae. NupklDi ia niftten.

S picdwi HTLVEH HTaRAfllED DAMARK, tft lncue« wide, N«v*r cfT*rtd bffbrft fnf |m* thftb aite., HPECr.Lftftfe

ftplvct! BiLVRIi DAMAl^KgS) lnch«i wld*. rcruiar 4Ac.. HPF.UlAh •#«.

4 plfttfti BLKAniKO d a m a s k , M InahM wide, MDEClAL Bftc, yard,

Bpcclal lot of rordnror < all Mfti, worth |lfl.

eodoHn BLEACHKI) rvffuUr ilrOD. KPKriAt*

F.DNArKfKHa IS InchM,‘ IIOc,

Rpedftl Web Book SpMDf dikteut), w'tS H f o f


lUV! Rftdiitnc avftled.

Falftf trie Wlr« ('ot illke cull, wnrtb |4Jb,for Slftfta luintw •ijrloi

In Rxteu»lun Tftbl«ft

Abolhsr New Slyir. mftde lb Antique Oak. Full Ekix Sett. Fine ('unr. Largo Hlxt* IhnlDg and Arm Chain iliki cut)—

A Freeholder C'omoftlttee Make* Flan* for Praeticwl wArk»TQ Change 4}narUr«t Tb! tlftftdt and Aswatient ConnnliiM of

thft Board of Cbaftra FraalKiidftrt met yeitor- f l ! j afternomi aftd da<?kl«(l to move Id April from their preaeat quarton la tha CVedit Sjitam BuDdlug to room* In tbe (41oba BulldlUf.

Tba Dtdmben ar* goitiir to look over alt tbacouatj roadt withlti tba next two weak*, baflDoliii t< ftiorrair with KraliugbujiieD avaiiuo ani HoaUi Orang! avanu!.

Thty will OEftMiiift FYvllDEhu.vuii avenua with raf#ra«ca to tbt ftdvU^lUty of taking top faat from tSa eld«wftlki an j adding It to tba roftdwftT'.

Tba for a fraDchlae for tbaPaisaiQ aad Nawark Kailroad waa iaidovar

‘ ______ ^DlBntafiAl^r MoaUliidr ftadl N»arbr>

The ajiti-trxdlay people of Montclair are to prepare a etroolar which will Ue ready In a few ^ y e . urging upon the people to vote agatnei tha giving o f a franohlae for a trolTey road ■ through the town. The ,nti-troll«y Ottlien* will support candl- latea at the coming election who promlae

to oppose the form o f rapid tranalt The caaeof l>r. Charles H. Shelton

agalnit Herre pe Vauaney before Reoor* der Morris ysftlerday. In a suit for |10U for

led leal aarvlcea. resulted In a verdict of I for the physician.Rev. n, w.- AyJaMirtb w as given ft Is4to-

wtll rrceptlon at the home of Mrs. C. C.'Ykkad fttrart, Hlftomiiftld. last

.. .................... Isworth for the past elevenweeki hae beep conducting a revival at tha Park Methodist Church, of which hla ■on. Rev. R. M- Aylaworth. is pastor. Mr. AyUworth will preach for the last time to-night, and will start for his home In New York Slftte to-morrow.

The HepubUcan Executive Committee of Bloomfield at a meeting last night de­cided In favor of holding (he primaries on April A and ths convantloji on the follow­ing night,

Charles M. I^ockwood. of Bloomfieldj for twenty-three yaara the Janitor of Olive Brftpdii IxxJge, t O, O. h'.. retired last night, aiid at tha ooddluaipn Ing tendered the tnemioers tlon at tha American House................. f f ia r -


l.ADIKt*' BLACK AND TAN Ja CKETH. donble bneat**, ntt** aOeot. extra large

eevea, value fftw, «p«o1al


blank and Isui. handiomrly brkldad,■ ----- ■ ,f

DlMNfLr«s. E2.TA for..........

ahm,r©|, l-Ldl, fo r .,,,, ...

. $ 1 . 9 0 $ 3 . 7 5


!xtf* fnlieweep. value (, ■padal

$ 5 . 0 8L.yilBS' FINE 8KR0E SEPA,llATE KIRTS. Ilnrd lliroughout, full W k , full *r*«t value $0-0). npaoial


4 to 14 years, dHTf blqeaud red, notched col- Ur, large sltares, value |A4I}. apaoial

CHIUIREN'R REEFER JACKETS, 1 to tjranrs, navy blu* and red, liraI'l Irimmad, liearl ljuUoni, large alaavn, val ua II.IM, ipaolai

Antlnne Onk Clmmtwr Suit (Ilk* OUlJ, a ploui'H. rw. tlku). fur..........


eji^ a n d

t t i l .2 8

,li4lTurit«Y J

GRANDExhibition »«i Sale


4 0 0


Thl»Fln*MorrliR*dln-l ChllTonntar Fold­ing Cliair Oik* out), »n-fng Itod* (Ilk* .ull. tioueoakaud oial.ugaar|aniii]Ua or matioi anl»li. rrvarnable cu,li-|§nr flnlih, worth Iona, worlli III. tor III!, for

$ 9 .9 8 . I # $ .9 9 *MO NEW BTl'LES IN FANCY TABLES,

la Hare ami Antiqua I’eralan, Bokara, lUgh- titon, Tifil*, Uiehtnere, Armenian, OirraMlan and Kgyptlatk Rugs, ('arpeta aad I'oftlerai,

Thiileona of tba flnret tihlhltioneof Ori­ental products ever presaDted In Ihle cnunlry, aad ambrjioae gooila taken from noted motqaei, templet and bUtorlo plaoM* ONE HUU IH OP DURE SILK,and waitto •a:d) m ^o fur ft I'eralan King.

IT IS YiLUED IT $1,800.NOTE—This fluperb dlaplftf may be neen on

■aoond door, dlraoUy over oar mnln Broad at. antraacft


BIG BOOMIIG BASEMETSllAeap Cut Water nnitlt>«. Hacoarat, tbaaeare

aipeelftl |4.«8ftnlcle, Eft.M.('hlDft fruit 8ftuearf,tharagnLarlOo. ftttd Uo,

kind, fte. each.liana, opal aagaerverik Ifte* eaeli.Tumhlir*, thia t own, au|ravad or InItIftL

A9r* dcical.Natural Rftkinc Nbellii, fie. aaoh*( ’ovefed DUhcii 49e, eai'ha ('uapldurst Terra Catla, glii dftooratlottft gftt tftcb.Ofaloft Flower Holders, for decorating, it**

each.Dfcoratvd PlAta*, any ilia, Ea* aacb,Plante. raUnft EUibber Treaa, Ajiftlafta

Ferns, KaiUir Llilat, Hotat, at grastly raauoM prices.

InfftDli' Bftf h Tubft, 4fta. ttfih,Si-lnoh Drrnrated Trays, Sia* aaeh.Scrub Rrttiheft, Sa. each.Handled 8bue HrusluM, 9e* each,Wa»h Hoard*. 1M* aaeb.Carpet llffttani. ic* aaob,Cbampluo Ktg Openers, file, ftaeb.8taa Handle f^arvlua Knives and ForlUftIfiCa MtMufflit Pans, 9un frame. Dairy PaoSaAMOi

Jtquariisi extrad^eu Pudding Paaa, fi usart, 10quart; lUtlnned Wash Hftdiia,ftXM haavyf fiUriiped Colanders, iargai ReUftoed Ppesarva K eiil^ Isrfisisaai Blaiapa^ J^ald^Ira, Is ratt'ake aMualuft. fftnevi Kiaiaped quartet Pleoed Dish Past, 5 sli

Any nfihrss artlnlmi and loto mors oati be badinaur Houfofufilehmg Dspartmaat. old bsaetsent,

9c. eachOTIIEK BAROAltfe


Ho. our Crookaff anil Olaaawaf* Dapart- manta for big thlngi at to, *Hh.

Watrhour afivartlMmant tor EXTRACRB- INAHY I'llHt'HABE. SOON TO ARRIVE.

Antl<ia, Oak or Imi­tation M atioga n f Rocktr (Ilk* ciilT. tola iMUiar irat. worthJ(, for •9.6 9 .

Till, I/utoIt AutlquaIt Autlqua

?ak anil nahogenjr Inluli Uorkar, * 0 oovrr oii,hlon, oarrad

too lllko ml), rofUler ilti.DU. (nr

S6.99.(LIKE cunALL BI7.E3.

Rag. im. SPECIAL

night, slid at the ooil<!1uatpn ot the tneM-•)

Dnvld Dratnerd H unt7in o lf dllian' o(« a i meat In (h* Hnrrle Build Ini

n rec«p- The lodge on May 1.

P e r fe c t V is io n s o f L o v e li ­n ess in O u r N ew C re ­a t io n s in H e a d w e a r .

Anting* Clinml-r Suit (like rut),tbrao pH.... Wurth $17.00, for .....



Do it with some of our su prb p fe - TURES, just purchased at the Fale o f the effects of the BANKRUPT LIPP- MANN MANUFACTURING COM­PANY OF NEW YORK.

A Pictnre With Frame and Glass at iOc., 18c., 25c., 85c. up to $ i5A f t l O H E D - P K O O F K T C H I N O ,

With Glas$ uiil Whitt and Gold Ffime,

A U t hr-*' cut* exactly rapmaanl the art Ida* la style, price, el o.. that wa offer s( th la stir. Any ijumvHiv of tbe same gand* wlU be dallvered at the sboriMlId idsln ll iitfiM and btfJiI at one price only- U1>0DH DELW JlV AN\ HjVILRPAJ) sta tio n in n e w JERbKY TREK OF Clf AHOK. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR PACftlNU.

^ 1 . 4 0 .NOTH—T he« PtCTiiltKBar* In Hit flaimnini, near IH* Brood 8tf«ot Eiilr,no«.

Montclair, died yeaterday afternoon « t the home of hla eon-tn-lnw, ex-Aaaemblyman'ohn H. P * r * o n * i............................. ”tunt came

nearly thirty y u r i o f ll

oona, at UpperHonlclalr. Mr. to Monjclafr from Brooklyn

fura. He waa a char-___ __ _ iRrat Congregationalbut later Joined tho Upiier Mont-

ter member Churqti,

InlDi^i9' Dioetlng o f tho Montclair 'oung Man'* dhrlatun Aaeodation w»a eld Ten tilghL at which Jort M. CobB.

elocutlotilet, and the O ulur nnd Mandolin Club ot th* aeaoclatlon, took part. A re- cmjtfon followed. ,

Thart Will ba no Bundey work on the HontgOMery avahue canal bridg*. Th* edntraotor popnltteU Jil* nwa to work teat lundaF. T h ?j»W n lS lp ‘ Commllt(<i& ‘

kplngllald aad Mlllbura.The Bpringfleld Choral Union cloaed it.

ttrat oeoaon laet night with a tucceoifui ooncert In the Town Holt. The event at- traofed ant o f tb* largeet auileneei taaemhled In tb* hafl and the w« „ ranged programme Wo* well rerelveo. The ooncart wee under tha dlrootlon or.Ule* W oot of New York, tho leader of th* union. Bealdee the eafeettons by the union

Elmer c . Bhennan, o f goulh Oiwngo; County Suparlntetidant of pulilic Bchooln, will deliver a lecture In the Ulllburn Free Reading Roomi to-night, A aperlal r cal programme will ^ oo be rendered.

Ike Finest Assortment o f Spring Goods In Mew J e m ; at Hahne A Co.’s.B O ST O N S T O R E ,

Mrt, AmbroiO Springfield, la dl tnonla.

Reeve, of Main itroet, angemualy 111 with pneu-

Tha King;* Daughter! o f SI. Btephen'e Bpiaeopal Church, Mlllburii, will hold alt Baatar aala o f houiehold and fancy art!- dee at tha rociory Thureday > aflornopn and night, A p r i l T h a precoode WiR be uoed to cancel the balance of the churoh debt. .,

John H. Bader, o f Springfield, will enter­tain nil frtondi at a rMeptlon on Friday night, April A

John MuCollum, euperlntendent of the Mlllnurn j^adlng Room*, and C. Loula Corby, of Springfield, hnv* liaen appointed corrMpondente of th . Young Hen e Chrlt- tlan Aaeocletlon o f the State and will lup-

letter* of introduotlon tn young men

New, Briafa from Baalilng llldge.The ' tnomthly union ■ service* of the

Methodlet and Preabyterlnn churchea^of Uaeklng Ridge were held Sunday night In the Preebyterlan church. Rev. Dr. John C. Rankin preached thi aermon. Rov, Wflltam F. Randolph waa proaont anil nloo took part.

The steward! o f tho M. K. ehunh, Basking lilcUe, 'will hold nn Important meeting In the basement ot thb church Friday sronlnllt. It artIL ba decided at thli meeting whether or not Rev, W. F. Ran­dolph, the paator. will atay another year.

The three children o f B. J. Thompooti, ol Ralirtwd avenue, Baaklng Ridge, who have been dangerously III with pneu* monlo, ar* oaid to be tllghlly better.

The publlo School at Balking Rldgn, which hai booL olooed for eeveral dayg oWlng. to th* Ytlnea* o f the prinolMl, Wlllott Ktor. waa ppanel yesterday. Mr. Noer Is consldetnUy batter, although not ontlraly wall. .. ' “

Two Interaatlng Conearta,Tke RutKmrs Oollag* Ola* Club will glv* concert at Assoctatioo Hkll to-morrow

night Th* lively ratartalnnieDt* ot uwae ftadanta ar* popular In thia oitv.

At tb* Iteax tyrouin on Friday n M t the N*w*rk Symphony Clob of tba OotTlt* of Music will five lu third orehmtral cowert, Lpult Arthur Knsatll Is the condootot', lilas llauil* 'Youag will appear os * $S- praiD lolnist <

Morristown and Chatham- An alleRCil plot to rob the home* o f

wealthy rraldents who live In ihe vicinity of Morristown was revealed yeaterday by a eonadoiis-itrlcken member of an or- ganltcd gong ot thieves. Recently Ur, GtMlfrey. who realdea near Convent Sta­tion, on (he road between Uorrlatown and Madison, had occasion to discharge hi* Oernian hired man. The latter went to New York, and, meeting two o f hi* fellow- counlrymen, a plan, It la clalmod, w ai arranged to rob the (iodtrvy reatdence.aloo the liutterworth houie, ittuated on th*

Treaauror; Georg# TY. OenuiiK, secretary, and Howard Young, Clerk.

The Board of Truiteea of Chatham Towsthip's publlo ophools met mat night In the school building and urganlsod. Lota were drawn lor the length of terms of Dffles. Robart vihks, ChiirleB Johnson and Edward P. Miller Ware cbosrn for one yoar; Bdward Ulailw, Edgar C. Hopping ahd Charlea L. Chovey, two yearai Charles Q. Strang, Claorge B. J ’ oolo and A,

so yaara. r .A. Condlt for three yak was elected Clerk o f the board.

U. Strang

Franklin and Mntlay-

tlonol of th* Royal Arcanum wer* antor- talned last night by at their robmi In routine buslneoa aupper Caterer Smith.

OtntiM I* Be h U W h Ahnoed Write.Aooordlng to thf atory (old In Judgo

E f ^ Is tb* Third Praclnet Folios Court Utls tnordttag by Mrt. WIiIIi m timilb, » f Tl Jlfflisoh ttrot^ iho tt very m u^ abuaed. Herhusbaed, shsRlld. tflM]P*flU,y beat bar •nd * wtelt ago after blhtooiilag barpot bsr out of theda^rsd, he had pmirtintly retsasd to

eye be

ply letter* or introduction tn y ou n g___ ,wishing to become members of tn* | bronchos In any ot the suburban towns.

Gut WastfisM Way,The supreme ofticera o f the Loyal AddL

. . . J Arcanum wer* anWr- by the Weatfield council

Etta Hall. After the Was Mrved by

At their meetliig last ittoht ths grealer portion of the lime bf tb* weotfield Town-

Ehlp Committee wgB Itlten up with lewer ' ualnesa. Engineer Dunham waa pm ent- I To-day a iwriy of contractor* will go

over the routes, oa * preliminary to mail­ing catlmates on the work.

Tlic regular annual meatlng pf the atockholden o f the Westfletu club Was held at th* clubhouse this evening. Four trustee* together with prealdent, vice- president, secretary and treasurer wer* electad,

Noel ll. Parka la prealdent and J, W, Ferguson district cterK b f tha new Cmn-

FbtosiJr. wm IhoU on ImptaVtofTtttattpg. at th*

A LOT why you sbould In-

— place! ~IbeyVo th* Mm UmIi) wlawmlasl to Uhs-

u* tb^'re the etutttf In (hitr wgya . Bp disturbtaita, no reaettep oftarwird, Thatt sf- taoi* (iwt,

" ^ S S ' T K A ' W•ml 8our Stoinneb. Th*

most common ooni* at FUtatt aoBitiiigUoD. By nanovins tb* ettlsi • cure I* elfectod.


S atik

deg, unUlToofiawna^UMngusing...... twouhled with



Btonhi'lmcr, the member ot the gang who revitlrd ths alleged plot, was to do tho Bdvarii s work and eecertatn tho lay of the laud. AccotiUntly, while hla two oom- panluus lay In hiding under an ever- grei'ii hedge row, he called at th* Qodtrm residence In the guise o f a tramp, beufcd something to eat, and waa treated *0 kindly hy Mr*. OadfrtA that he deter­mined tn frustrate the tuans Of hta poll, and did so by making a full oenfewion to the .wiunan. Ills confeduratea, becoming weary uf watting fur a prearranged sig­nal that the ccast wa* clear, left thtJr hiding (daces and look to the Woods. Btonlielmer remained at the Godfrey hpuae until Ihe return of Mr. Oodfrey, to whom he retold his story. It being desirous to apprehend the other men, Mr. Oodfrey, aecuni'panikd by Btonheimer, came to Mor­ristown and engaged thd oervlcoi o f De­tective Hays to work up tha oaas.

Itcv. J. H, Ounntng, pootor ot the Bed­ford Avenue Baptist Church. In Brook­lyn, and «'ho wo* until recently a resident of Morristown, liai had lerved upon him by counsel for hie wifs papers notifying him that Mrs. Gunning has begun pro- oeedlngs for e limited divorce.

After having remained lilte for • period of three years, the silk inllia at Stirling, Morris County, Assumed operations yester-Y ljs funeral service* of tho late L^iarlos

D. wlltborger, foreman o f Humane En­gine Bntint rnmpany No. I, o f Morris­town, will Ira held In the Methodist fCptoco- pal church at (:H o'clock to-morrow afiernoon.

While plumbor* were at w w k yesterday In a new house In course o f cohstruotlon tn Sussai avenue, Murriatown, a five- year-old boy, residing In tbe neighbor­hood, isouretl poaseseTon o f the gasolene melting-pnt belonging to the workmen, and going Into a closet tn the house began experimentfng with tha Inflammable con­tent* of the pot. Boon a flash o f flame end clouds of smoke attreoted the attaullon o f pKseers-by and th* plu miter*. The !n- qulsltive child, who had some matches, had started a bless which before U could gain much headway wo* extinguished.

Frank L. Moors, o f ilhatham. Is ereot- Ing two large new Irnn greenhouses.

A primary meeting Was held at Chat- liam last night tn nomlnats tWo Village Trustees for three years saoh. ueorgs T. Parrott and H. H. Jowltt were nominated to succeed themselves,

Chatham Township Committee has or-

Ssntxcd for isto as follows: Charles B, lonuDg, chairman; Hudson Uuobmoro,

A birthday party we* given liy Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Dslon WllUams at their re*l- dence. on TonnI* pUu)*,|Jtitl*y, Inst n glil, tn honor or ths slaventh birthday anniver­sary o f thair son Fai

The Monday nf owlln^ j uli heldNutleftournament at His horn* o

Field Club last night.The Franklin Townahlp Committee will

meet to-night at tht,Faj-k Jiall, Frank-lliii

Italian rag-pickers bav* been complain­ed of for throwing rrtoss along tht- Itlver road. Th* r»*-ploller* drive ui> from New­ark to Fasssjo at night, return at shout daylight, and throw whatever they can not utilise along ths, sld* of the road-’*SfiJ iss Dana, of Boston, Moss.. Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joispn-U. ’Williams, oi TeniiUi place, Nutley.

No, Never*FhyfiidanB have never been

able to prescrib* any other emulgioti o f Cod-liver Oil which would bring as gatiaftotor}' re­sults a» Scott's Emulsion.

H ie reasons &jr this are the Absolute purity of its compo­nents and the superior procena o f ita manufacture. N o b ^ y has ever been able to imitate it. ImitatiuDB are always inferior to the real thing.

Remember that Scott's Emul­sion ia tl\p ferwt food fw wasting in adults and children.

Bos'I tapsWiiglMl f e OCMpt a svMtiluG/

lcstF4$*OTw'ftY. MDrtgilsU. »0«.ato$t.


THE REMOVAL SALEOrowft In mftffolliirte #v!tr flftf. In ftdditiun lo tli« roftny •xoftlleoi bar^ftlnt ^V!rU$!d rfptftrfiftr, fell o f which will ht found on m I« to dav, w! offtr tb* folloftrluft ftddilloiMU lu-" " ' ’f ’TIlABk REMEMBER that w* itiov* April lb* Is*, to Ih* large stufM,

KOH. lAD AMD 101 MAItKHT Ml'.,formerly ocoopted by T. B. Wilson * Co., and It Is our Intantlon lu oiisn there wit newatock as pnssibl*. F.mythlng In otir present locstlcn 1» for “•‘•T^ountarji I fliinrat.aK. Wear* determined to open in our new lUirnwtth everyuiing HKW.


ith a* near *—ouun.tarsi. nxlare*. ga

XAUfl yards of Foconn* bilk TaffeUi*. nothing hsndaiiintr fut waist*, trliaraiugs, dret-al. 'Thaae goods war* Imported eSpreSSly fur iit,

' It wss our Intoution to rue thein at fbc. roe

lidyard. Tu-raorAw you ban buy tliem her*

A t 3 9 c .> a rd

H pltdH All-wool Dr*** Cloth, in every shade snd all the mlstures. Th**s goods roii H Inches wide, and are ebsap at th* regular price. Mu.

R e m o v a l p r ic e 94c

ALL-WOn. WSEROUX REME,(b fell the nflw coloriiif* fend tofxtar!fti full

ar h)oh«i wldft, Aud obtftp R4 Ibe refulftr prlo!, Odo. jrftrd.

R c n o T a l prlt% 34c

BLACK MOHAIR BRlLLfARTIRl,iff iscbpfi wklp, rlRti, lunrout hlftek, never

ie«» tUtLO 9LH)s J'ftFiLR e m o v a l p r ic e as<>

QiNGHAMS.1 Jut of Apron and Dress Ulnghami, war*

(*<('. to Sc. a ySrd (nut imira llitti 10 yard* tobuyorl.

R e m o v a l p rice a|Cs y a r d GOnON liRD'S-EYE DIAPERING.

V'erjF )jMti(ncKlBs Ifilnehre wide, KLyd. pleoftftg R e m o v a l p r ic e j i k ). p la o *

DOHED SWISS.Toninrruw we tiihe fi plftcee of oo f regulftr

IV. Dntte l 8wt»w, lftrg» xnd ■mftll effeciM, fend rmrebllreM(ook(if lerite cofQ «poti. equum.

iXMq W iiiche . weie lie- to Be. jrftra—bai Rhfbtlr eoElAd fell to ROftt etwrlftl

R e m o v a l p r ic e y|c . y a r d

BOSTON STORE, 729 BROAD S T R EET .gaatms Ckaeg* Agalaat oa Italloa.

A warra.t waa issustl yestarday aftarnexm by Justie* of lg* Fou* 'rbonio* F. Day, of Avofidol*, tor th* srivst o f Fraitorlok Corti, who woi charged with bvoaki^ down a door to Um “ Batraoha” oa Avondal* road, Avou- d*l«, * .d attampllng to oommlt m assault OB Hrst Chytstin* Spurttovtus, on Rundu ntgbt. Tb* wtara.t wo* pisbod la tbe haadt of eViMtabt* ThoiMa L. Irsndstb, but Corb'l fritod* had wanwd him ami bbssespod. Tb* oompUintul la not quitessvsiitssti yMrs old, sod ho* been marrttd about a year.btobsod Mb h*n» MVorallook tor work. U* sinos.

Her iDontta* ago

•ot btaBhiaril

Baltavilto Itaua.Poter Diegan, o f Belleville, who » n

down Bloycllst Charles A. Roldnaon, o l Boat Orange, on Washington avenu* Sun­day, was held In 1100 ball for a hearing Thursday night before Juatlc* La Fau- ehcrir.

About two-senre frisnda of Chorloa

» sr were present at his haaring bto ustlce L« Fauuhcrla lu t night, ett the charge o f asoaultlng fialoon-heilip« \

WlltUm Crampton last Sunday nIgnC v ' 'The evidence *how*4 that Hongler and-:, Edward Kelly sniorad Crampton * oaloon'^i and both drank b e* . Hongler. It w «4 charged, waa lntoxluated,_and gtokad o. [uarrel with t)iIs Woi held under ROg pond tor tb* (


rvNE’WABK ~ kWS. TPEBDAY. MAKCH 26. 1898^


THE W K T a NH eco n o m ical- r r - ;“ r fe » » n >, “ “ “money-saving, means the choice of complete lines. Thesei i e y - s a v in g , m e a n s u i c r — * r t - n n i

ADYASTAGES YOD CAN'T FAIL TO SEE!Hili-wM MusliiiS) linoiis and Wash (M s.

‘ T n - n « « 1 Bleached Table Damaelt,1Uii<i1«1t toW » l **•• **

» lc .Pillow Oaae MoaUa,

4S-lBch wid*.

6!o.laiiich wU*.


Light Oaliooei,roEnUrl]r iold »t <«■.

S ic .

BkMlwil. W T e ^ *“• qn»Utf.wld »t 10c. to llo.


OaniilM “ MtirlniBci." In cmBU Mid BtrlpBd p *u»n » ind o»w iood».

MlBcliMlB wldlh, dMlr*!!!* “ikb « wbilt il ImW.Linen Towelling,

Gingham, onbleaohed Sheeting,ItwoUrljrioldat lOn.,

I torlUBiiUrlT »>« ** **®" "■«rd lD f M width, lor

M 104

II iBOhM wldo Mdb«ttqn»lit/foo<UIn Wmnnd brown

I S l e . l * c - •Excellent q u H t r * Om e U w cotinfto


peather Ticking,ftofolorlr cold »t tor

lO ic.

Cotton Hnok Towela,Beguliirly wld ftt 10c., for


Rnguinrir rold at Ut4«., for

E*tr» n«»?blnoebtd. W IncliM wldo, n r r firm u d dno Qtulltr.


T h e P o p u l a r S t o r e .

S o m e Ite m sWhich reflect our best endeavors— To insure trade and gratify buyers.

Printed Poogeei »nd Satlneo. d «k work, ihort Unglhi.Flneit Quality Outing Flannel*, abort lengtha..................White Nalniook Check*, To. quality.....................................Ladlea* Black Ho*e, full regular made.._ . 11 _ . __. 1 _ H WWT A r. ALadle.- Black Hn*e, ( “ V e C d y ; , ‘' :a V r ; ;V ;i »oV .o-<^^^^

• A J c . per yard , 6 1 c . per yard . . -S C . per yard......... l l i c . pair.......... l y c . pair

G npe Cloth, all ahadea. (he l i l c . good*.B eit Quality Printed Challle*........ ...........Printed Dimity, new ............ .......................

. l i e . per yard.........*|C. yard. . . , l o c . yard

FIRST FLOOR—ODR CDRTAIR DEPARTMENT.Dainty Photo* From the Artlit’ * B ia ln -T h e y ’ re Beautle*.MAiubjr * ■»-»«- -------------

Nottlngliam Uoe CurUlni, 40 Inch*, wide, In large variety of pattern*

I N^tlM haro Lace Curtain*, large aawrtmeut, to wide and narrow border*,

NotulghiSi*’^ e ^rtalna, in BraiseU net effect, 61 Inche* wide, at » I .7 S

* BniiaeU S et Curtain*, a large Tariety, In Point d'Eaprlt effect, et # 9.19 • pair.

March 27th and 28th, boys clothing dept.At which time we shall have on exhibi­

tion a large collection of

aiM whal. bone tlrlp d.Sold at the abov* price whileftleeta ------

HIM liua* lnch«, w l* w h'-i. border*, at the aboTo price, while It l«i*.

Part Wool Ohallles,Eeialarlr wild at Wc., for5ieDwk *Tid lliht irounji. with imAU floi»l

91, la iQurl iGDftnt.Agareitit loitAo " * A

Introductory Display of Spring Millinery I, Paris, the millinery centre of

WIU offer to-morrow SPECIAL valu** In AI.l^IVOOL SUITS for boye, 4 to16 Tear*, it lower price* than ever before quoted. , «n

^ - I T S at 9 1 .9 8 , fonneriy •4.00. SUITS at # 9 ^ 8 , former y l l .M . l u m at 9 9 .J 8 , formerly *8-00. SUITS at # 3 ,4 8 , fomierly *6.0^Ai*« a * ^ l a l r*ortm*m Alhwool Jersey SUITS, 8 to 8 year*, at $ 1 .4 9 ,

t!ld Faontleroy SUITS, about hall of what they *hould be, from j S c . to 9 4 .9 8 the H it. ____ ______________

Hit Spies, Li WHITE GOODS.

We’ve transformed our par­lors into a conservatory- flowers, flowering plants, ex­otics on every hand. Crowds came yesterday to look and then to admire the beauty of our new spring headwear. It’s the best showing we ever- made, which means that it’s tar in advance of anything

ever done in Newark.

IIMs, [ I

t h e w o r l d , h a s sen t u s s o m e o f its

fin e s t a n d m o s t a r tis tic e x a m p l e s .

O u r o w n w o r k r o o m s h a v e a lm o s t

e q u a lle d ( i n m a n y in s ta n c e s s u r ]

p a s s e d ) th e w o r k o f th e P a r i s i a n s .

S e e o u r d is p la y i f y o u w i s h t o

k n o w w h a t fa s h io n a p p r o v e s o f a n d

w h a t t h e fa s h io n a b le s w i l l w e a r .ft.'#

L o o k a t o u r c e n tr a l s h o w w i n d o w

a s y o u c o m e i n . I t ' s a f a n c y s c e n e

Many of our Carpets are exclusive designs, and are sold by no other house In this city.

All are cordially Invited to attend, whether they wish to purchase or not.

rin* Lae* Strlpwl L a»"» •* Tarf,r*au-

tAvni mx 10®* jrarfL, r«giilar prtc* Ipc. P w lB flto h U ds

.ndBrwB*f. al U H * .. latclaf Prt» ««•Batin Btrip^ Apron Lbwo*. » Incbm wtda,

**imt^rUd Dotted 8*l*». for d tw i* . at !•«- p w d ,t*« B la rp rio * **"•

SPECIAL LACE PURCHASE.sped*] pnroh»*B of Butter jW lor Pdn‘ *•

ItBUmdB LaoH, * to If iBoht* wlda, worth 13b.,

l ie . yard.ON SALE TO-M ORROWn_ wKIaH wm kawaBomo MW Drew Opodi, whloh wb harw mnracd at W T low price*.

T . S . W n ^ O N 6 * C O1 6 3 A N D 1 9 5 K A R K B T S T R E E T .

W.V.SuydeF&Co,a n n o l n c e a


Colored Striped Swim,Biinlarir Bold b* Uto., for

5ie.Tard wldt, to* looda. In m w datlina.

China Drapery Silk.nMttUrlr told al Wt* t®

a 9 cn*B fanoT lli"r .d daBliaa. handeom* oolor- u*. In tMBBUt hmgth*.

Nottingham Laoe Ourtains,Rfgnlafly Bold at

Opthiae Window Shades,tUfoUrlr aold at 1*0., for

ISe. ,(hood color*, with food *prlna roUar, ready 1


------ OF------

relocb,*wld*to Ih* pair, lln* thread, all. ov*rde*l|[Mofro***aiul fero»,at the above(really reduced price while thelet laala

Window Shades,Be»nl»rly>()ldal«C..for

8 O0rine quillty, beet *prlBf roller*, with 5-lneh

deep fancy trlnf*.

MDSUNJa A os’ Ohemlse,

^egnlorly sold at Slo.* for

Well taade. fnU *1H *ood mnilln.foidod baodsiChildren's Lawn Aprons,

Hegelsrir^old at fl ,e fot49c.

INFANTS’ WEAR.Infante’ Long Skirts,

H9galarlj told al Wc».95c.

Of »ood onallty of while it f 'ij? '- '’ *’with deep hero and yoke l«ed of BambrlB.

Oarriage Eobes,Rcialarly *old at (*c., for

____ 49o.Trimmed with deep rnffle* of Toll dn Nord o( (jit, in cpworied oolore, with pinked

O^haui. and Wged with \ al. l*oe end fancy | Bendanme ombrolder*d eentrei.

HEN'S WEAR.Niitiit sum,

Jtcgulart j lold at Bfto.* for89o. ,

K Inch,* Inn*, fancy triroroid, with felled •eaint *iul fully ynaieted.

Colored Bosom Shirts,Htgulaflj iotd at TSo. for


635-631 BBOiD, COB. HI 8TB1T.„ . .1 . « ridtenlous. but they are true every Ome. Spring' - ‘S .lw .'.T cfl.rilT m , au... L . w.u» e™ » . « -i-

dress upon ap p llo atfo n .WUl i*u lo-MlTow morning. 9 5 9 . y R l ^ d

0 « d qualltr cotton Cham... « w deilH* *0* »lortn**. re., price Jc.. i t . » * #

T B C E S I H j IE O H . A T iI j X I A - T .* SpulilDrNiGeodtBargitn,

■ ■ t__L all ft,e..1 /-IkavHnSJ

with white bodlw, well roida, neat *tTlp*defiect bo«OBk»*

hand-madet to B Inche* wide, reg. value 1*0™ at Be. a yard.

^^Ingham Apron*, with fancy border*, r*g. prio* 16c., »t »«. each.

pHM wieee wemi.M-tnoh AlUwwI qhertoia, Sprint wilght

and oolorint*. t»c. vaInN at »9e. a yard.Yard wide Wool p lw » a l Bergee.

leading *badei and black, 2*o. vadne, at 18*. a yard.

braid. ________ ; ________________________________________ —

B il Shoo Bargains lor “ Little Men and Y/omen.''u d C M .' 3 1 « 1 I t n m , m a i c r i p h « s, m t « » n o . s i i i m s t w

99.00 »OY»* 8HOK9At 8 1 .25 pair,

M.’Sii* siro''“ pr*d“ -frBrongh, fro'm• o oluok nnill clo»tn* time at

81.25.9 9 .0 0 0 M I S S U S ’ S H O E S

At 81.49 Pair,_jd

beeli.---------H*«t ibaiw, at

jlMle of flne dongola kid, iwS^andaewed well*, patent leather llp^


$2.50 BOYS* SHOES at $1.98 pair.

At 75c. pair..nodt Of dongom UQ* WHO spriu*

PAteal l9*|h«r tlPi. bolloa rtyi^ Oil §»•»* from 3 o'olxli tialu closlau tlna*, at

75c,9 9 . 5 0 M I S S E S - S H O E S

Made of flneit Prench ealfekle, handnewed walla. *lther heeled or with *prtng heel*, war­ranted to wear well, al


At 81.98 pair.Made of flneet kid and

with flprl&f bMifl tui\ pxtcul Uatii«r ttp», la sit «IAM oad widths, 9t

Ohlldren’* fait black Derby Rlbhedlloie. ■Ifw6 totl^, real »#. apoir.

^'MtawV^'lmtton Kid Olov**. w ig larf* hntto?.!ril abade*. real vain. at » » c a ptlr.

®*t0*doiMPan“ n»r CorMla, ’ ",***‘^ 1“ *'^’ iliM 18 to 80. real value 6Uc., at *5 .. a pair.Lm Cwhln laigilM, „ _ , .

M-lech Point de Kprit P»rtatM, with hudwroe floral deelgne, epeclal at 9*.** a pfjr>Kinlii|tfln Fshi,

tvarde wldo, all colore, flne da»U*T and he*V7 gooda l i value, epeclal at «»e . a yard.SbiH S#rtM, . . j

lu iBChee wide, epeclal at »e. a yard.Full line of Window Shade, atipefllal low

Spsnilt SUt tirplm>White Brocaded Bllke. arosll flgnied eflMte,

fine QiiaUtir* *88* TilMi al STH®*» yard.Full line of Plain

th« new evenint ibodet o»d black, Bto. toIw * xt I9e. a yard*



Tnesdaj.Wedniisilaj, Thntsdaj,MARCH 26, 27 AND 28.

a l l a r e c o r d ia l l y in v it e d to a tt e n d .


Mamotli Values in Housaliiniishgs!% 1,awi.a«HHAlt 1*0. TaddiAC

pricee-SpHlil UiUni Birg^n,

ii -a ..eeAlikw f)*mbrlPMill bininii 1M15W111Bill quality Cambric MbIbc*. bU colon, tt

t t * % y»rd*K ?t« bHvy Oram Cloth, in bUrok. white M,d*»e.ayara

TtUl OUdfltlil,Very beat onrilty. .11 fancy oolori, ipecW at

l*)*e. .yard.Shill OHdolht.

choice coloricg*. epeclal * yrord-TurRItliBithShwti, . „ „ .S yitrda long, worth ILT&, rt 91.** Moh.IliblniiiNd Shidiii,• jy .rda wldfc worthlSo..*l t * * *T“ d.

Broifl Umi Cnrii,18 inche. wide, apMihl •* W *- • T»rih

Turk»jlWT9li taMik,Feet »lor«i Worth ITHo., Ot a roro«

llest Frail of th. Uom MoaU*. « * » iBOhro. at tkMe. each.Spintil CouflbrsM Bvp>s>

Wlllopan Wednariweii ra large and e*tra flae *h t l. oonnterpaBe*. 1,.eaUron«HH nAltArU. FMe DTlM *B0, aDu

701, 703, 705 BROAD ST.,NEWARK, N. j.

S. H e y m a n ’s ,ae<Hw*<r«rni3rni>T1k A inZ208-216 SPMNCinEU) AVE.


BuDDer LaundT} Soap . .

Baraborilor’ E Lamidry S o a p .

S llo io Scoprln i S o a p . . .

Sand Soap .................................T o m Talk Soap P o i d o i . .

JapaoDEd Tea Caddies

Decorated J a rd in ie res . . ,

Whisk Brooms.............Japanese W all P a n e ls . . .

Lar^e Square Glass D ish es.

9 ‘ • *

■"HMtl'Vwri.^id*PeVrallne, M iBChmi wide. ’ ’ S ’p ' i . c M c T B ^ k in new pat-**SldnliJlrofii*q«.'1‘ V ne'iallT aoldrtlte,. onr price TH'- • yard.

_______ _ i eatra fla. WWl* ummierpanea,verr hand*«M MtUiTU. n i miM11.11), M long!, they laat, ad dwo* «td TV*, each.

Spenlil Si Hm

colorin|», f8f. priofc at 4 - no piece. flMI paUurnt. 19®. qaalfty* at * yaro.

DAVID STRAUS685 ikH4 687 B r«w l, - €»r. Bfew »tar—*.

D B T G 001I8 laX T B A 8PK C IA I41.

HeMi'hiliiOBilM Iloll.r'lt.^blUBg.» Inch**a 1.20, yd.

Merrlroisk Fa»l-ooior Light CM»brio,s*w

•*’^"g'"*^‘ a 1.2c. yd.

Kola CanlaniiOUR PRICES.





You will find at toy alore * full Una i. TH’1

nEALKRS IN TBUSK8, TRAVELLING b a g s i)Ni> t o u r is t goods , h a v e REMOVED THEIR BUSINESS TOREMOVED THEIR BUBlDrieo lu

128 Maikel StMEXT d o o r t o o l d STAND.

Best Paper20 CUNTQN ST., Hewark. N. J.

FOR FIVE CENTS' w * will Sell for * Week a


COODYEAR’8 RUBBER STORE.__ MM LutfOii and mutt Mdl* -

plel« MiiortD'eat InVI9V9 9***yriu'vui lu ucity. MACKINTOSHS ('OATS, BOO rs,SHOB FOUNTAIN and HUl ByiUNGE8,eto.

A Lady Alwayi In At- ^ , ^ ^ 9

. S EC ELK e T 854 B R 0 a 6 8 T .O P P O S I T E C I T Y M A L W __________ —

OF good h o n e s t o a n d t .w* have the aama on oar counter*

nv lu onr wlndowi at1 5 7 m a r k e t , * 7 3 B R O A D ,

m(PH0K£ 404. m A B im eom s.

RYDER & CO.’SSteam Carpet Cleaning W orks,


Best Elgin Creamery Butter,2 3 c . 'p « r lb.

Good Dairy................... *<»«• **»CookltiK Butter.......... x5c.ll>.

Canned Goods Igreat?’

»T B 9 RXVn.”


3 5 . 0 0 0 .

Nothing 6p«el»l in tbfie pHcgi*99 loarkvt la lower.

BEATTIE,SfRA rond 911 RhiuI RtM91*4 and 1*0 Broad Stre*tmid 94 BallavUle Aveiuia.

„ i s M a « ' i i r i ' a s * T■ptolUpclMl*______ _

gRtlO Men’* All-wool New Spring BiUK aingis *nd double hr^W j-


3 3-4o. yd.n s l i OMnr ohln* Bilk*, I . *11 oelor*. «*•

” *“*■ “ 17 1-Sc. yd.

110 M*a'l ClW-Dlagorod Ooito « 4 y«*ti* .prill, a y l - , . * * 6 .9 7 .

Y «d-w H e Peronl", l*14c. grndA l» ttripe* andfltnra*.

I t i k l R Fiuita. a p e o b ^ tea.sT.

g l - 2 o. yd.

H o Y u e F u r n i r f l i i i g D e p ^ m e n tHoUand Bhada^ fringed, illghUy aaoond*- **

1 8 1 -2 0 .

ObUdran'* Soli A bU wool, alae* 1 to 1*. 0*lT •fewrooralaft-at ^

IMB Boy*’ Sulla, * » » yean, ar* going t*

9 2 . 1 T .Boy*’ Knee Pant*, worth iOa.. *k

270.#-tTabl#OIWo‘h^flOc. yd.BannBT Soap (Hw’™ '* !.11-20.

Infant*' Flannal Shawli, *«teo*d»r*d i

" « • * * 8 5 0 .

OhlnaGUpaanA Saueart. **oh^ 3 1 - 8 0 . , „

laeaBla’ Long WhlU Cainhric SUja, *•• twoldarad yoka, at

lOeTom*tno*,*o*liA. ......................................Corn, Fancy Main*. D oan*......Peaa, ...........................................................California Praohe*. h**»- par o*n..California Plum*, 1»**> '* “* ...............Calltorni* Pear*. ......OUR CROICK TKA8

1 8 «* and 1690. per lb.

W . B . T l i 8 r , 4 5 3 B l l i S l ,dFPoens oostinsnxal hotel.


N o* I HeaTT SoUd-oopper Boiler, bort ittoaty*

t g o - R u iU B a g ..* l a e .

To-nlgkt only, S R ** , * *1 1-20.

Infaola’ Uo. Hand Orochat BooO**) Var?

" " ‘ ‘ T’ * * T o . p r .I -Wni. ’ Whit* Bilk cap*, vary p**lt^•1B■

broldarid, *t _ ' ,a«|C.wi5rh*'7ii?.^«ISU«ui*^

mhA tA-fKlght Md tO'UOri'^

09*9 m t Oialaalt Bvanlng*.

to S S ’^ ?y i*4 . to-digM■ e leSc. yd.

BaManlak'patMru fWr Safe.
