Rangkaian Orde 2 - · PDF file9/3/2012 · Rangkaian Orde 2 Dr. Ir. Bambang...

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Transcript of Rangkaian Orde 2 - · PDF file9/3/2012 · Rangkaian Orde 2 Dr. Ir. Bambang...

Rangkaian Orde 2Rangkaian Orde 2

Dr. Ir. Bambang Sujanarko, M.M.

Nilai Awal dan Nilai Akhir

Example 8.2

Rangkaian RLC Seri Tanpa Sumber





s1 dan s2 disebut natural frequencies nepers per second (Np/s)

o adalah resonant frequency atau undamped natural frequency (rad/s)

adalah neper frequency atau the damping factor (Np/s)

Rangkaian RLC Paralel Tanpa Sumber

Teredam lebih


Kurang Redam

Rangkaian RLC Seri dengan Sumber DC

Rangkaian RLC Paralel dengan Sumber DC

Rangkaian Orde Dua Secara Umum

1. Find the initial conditions and and the nal value.2. Turn off the sources and nd second-order differential equation,

then identity response overdamped, criticallydamped, or underdamped.

3. Obtain the steady-state response

where is the nal value of x, obtained in step 1.4. Total response found as the sum of the transient response

and steady-state response

We nally determine the constants associated with the transientresponse by imposing the initial conditions and determined in step 1.

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